0\3\DE BOOf^
0an Jratiri^c0.
Mutual i^ccident i|??ociatioii
Provides Indemnity against Accidents Causing Death
or Temporary Incapacity for Business.
Hon. W. A. H. LOVELAND, President.
Pro^idrnt Denver Circle 11. R.
President Nevs Printinq Co.
J 'resident Loveland R. R. Tunnel Co.
Hon. C
Surgeon Denver 2fational Guards.
T. L. WISWALL, Secretary, P. O. Box, 1939.
The Policies of this Association are not forfeited
while changing occupation.
Only $3. for Life Membership Certificate for all
ages and occupations.
Weekly Indemnity
Division A. Preferred, Not exceeding, |5,000 d''2o (K)
" B. Ordinary, " " 4,000 20 00
•' C. Medium, " •' 3,000 15 00
" D. Hazardous, '^ " 2,000 10 00
" E. Kx. Hazardous " 1,000 5 00
Cheapest and most Liberal Accident Association in
For full particulars, address
(Temporary Office,) 314 SIXTH STREET.
^ ' ^^
Hon. W. a. H. LOVELAND, Pres't. Hon. H. A. W. TABOR, Trustee.
T. L. WISWALL, Secretary. Hon. CASIMIRO BARELA, Trustee.
FREDERICK STEINHAUER, Vice-President and Treasurer.
W. H. WILCOX, Trustee. O. E. LeFEVRE, Counsel.
JOHN ELSNER, Medical Director.
Mutual Aid Association,
Cheapest Life Endowment Association in the World.
15 to 30 years.
30 to 42 "
42 to 54 "
54 to 65 "
At death, or expiration of 25 years.
20" "
" 15 "
12 "
1st. — Life Assurance at First Cost. 2d. — Endowment Assu-
rance to Provide for Old Age. 3d. — Claims Promptly
Paid. 4th. --Certificates of Membership Good as
Security. 5th.— $200 Paid Immediately on
Death, to Insure Burial Expenses and Imme-
diate Want of Family.
Costs Only $15 for Life Membership Certi-
For further particulars, address
F. W. WA R N E R
Gen'l Agent Pacific Coast,
(Temporary Office.) 314 Sixth Street,
Napa Soda Springs,
A Delightful Resort ! Open all the Year round.
Located on llie !floHiitniii sido, five miles iiortli-
east of \ai>a, is now open to liie piiblie.
Ne>v C'liilHlfoiise, Kle^^aiitly Fiiruislied ISooiiis, Bar
and Billiard Rooms, and Bowlinjs; Alley.
A new and elei-ant Four-IIorse Oarria<*-e will convey guests to and from
the cars. Fare each waj' for transient customers, $1.
Parties can leave San Francisco at 4 o'clock any afternoon, arrive at the
Springs and take dinner while it is yet daylight, and return to this city in
the morning, reaching here at 10 o'clock. '
tf^Not on the Pacific Coast is there a public resort combining health-
ful climate, commanding views, and medicinal waters as fully as these
noted Springs. Address :
Napa Soda Spring!* P. O.
R alifornia Fruh Salt
A Pleasant and Efficacious Remedy.
By over-indulgance in eating or drinking ; have Sick or
Nervous Headache ; Dryness of the Skin, with Feverish ten-
dency ; Night-sweats and Sleeplessness, by all means use
California Fruit Salt
and feel young once more. It is the woman's friend. Try
it. §1 per bottle, 6 for .^5.
Ferry Building, Foot of Market Street, S. F.
(sonxn side)
A. H. FRACKER, CenI Supt R. M. GARRATT, GenI Frt & Pass. Agt,
AciFic Ocean House
Having leased the above-named Hotel for a terra
of years and refitted it tlirougliout, I take pleasure
in announcing to the citizens of Santa Cruz and adja-
cent counties, as well as the Traveling Public, that
the House is
First-Class in all its Appointments,
with rates as low as those of any other house in the
Commodious Reading and Billiard Rooms
are attached to the House for the accommodation
of guests.
Passengers conveyed from the Railroad Trains and
Steamers to the Hotel
iLKiNs House,
The Best and Principle Family Hotel in the City.
Pleasantly located on Pacific Avenue, one
block from Express, Telegraph
and Post Offices.
Street Cars pass the door every ten minutes
for the beach.
Large and pleasant grounds connected with
the hotel, containing swings and
croquet grounds.
A large and convenient Music Hall has been
recently added to the Hotel, also a
Billiard Hall for ladies and
All rooms bright and sunny, in both single
and suite.
The furnishings and buildings are perfectly
Free bus in attendance at all in-coming trains
and steamers.
P. V. V/ILKINS, - Proprietor.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Adjoining Pacific Ocean House, Pacific Ave.,
San Lorenzo LiveryStable
Adjoining Pacific Ocean ffousE,
Fine Teams and Turnouts with careful drivers
at reasonable rates.
LINCOLN BROS., - Proprietors.
CASH CAPITAL, . . - - $250,000
(with large surplus accunmlations. )
Bonds issued guarardeeing the fidelity of persons
holding positions of pecuniary trust and responsibility,
thus securing a Corporate Guarantee in Lieu of a Per-
sonal Bond Avhere security is required for the faithful
performance of duties of employees in all positio7is of
Policies issued against Accide7its, Causing Death or
Totally Disabling Injury. Insuring from $500 to
$10,000 in case af Death, and from $3.00 to $50.00
Weekly Indemnity in case of Disabling Injuries.
Wm. M. Richards, Pres't. John M. Crane, Sec'y.
W. H. Lee, Inspector.
J. R. GARNISS, Gen. Ag't,
406 California St. (basement), San Francisco.
(9 (?)
i^— I
lo im ^
H. S. Crocker & Co., PRni*ERs,-
Montgomery St. , corner Market St.
No. 8 Montgomery Street, S. F.
Views of Pacific Coast Scenery
220 to 226 BUSH STREET,
Offer their Immense Stoch of
Bedroom Furniture,
Library Furniture, Dining-room Furniture, and
Office Furniture,
Furniture Manufacturing Company,
The compiler of tliis hand book has aimed at the answering
of such questions, as also the giving of such information de-
sired by those who are not thoroughly acquainted with our
city, and will also be found most useful as a book of reference
by all.
This volume will be found for sale on all incoming trains,
as also at the leading bookstores, and will be revised and
enlarged with each year of its publication.
It can hardly he expected but some errors may have crept
in (these will be obviated on each re-issue), and feel sure
by its production it is filling a void most acceptable as well
as long needful.
The compiler can but feel grateful for the generous aid in
its production, and feels sure, on each reproduction, its im-
portance will be noted by those for whom it is intended.
Sole Agents for the
Celel)rated Albion Ale and Porter,
In Pts. and Qts., (Glass or Stone Jugs.)
Also in Bulk, Hogsheads, Halves and Quarters.
-General Depot,
BREWERY, South S. F., near Hunter's Point Dry Dock.
701 Market Street,
Between Third and Fourth, San Francisco. Cal.
Branch, Portland, 214 First Street.
Frenoh, German and Englii Gloig
Always ou Hand, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
Improving and Enlarging .
With assortments of goods suitable for sale by
Special Agents of
All Travelers visit
The most comprehensive and attrac-
tive collection of
in the World.
— OF —
San Francisco (in no boasting manner), can surely feel
proud of her many places and opportunities for the amuse-
ment-loving public, and, without recounting the hundreds of
excursions by either rail or steamer, she still contains no less
than twenty-nine difiFerent places of evening amusement, to
suit the varied tastes of so cosmopolitan a population as our
own, three of which will compare with any in the land, and
one which none can excel. At some time almost all troupes
visit our shores, thus giving a permanent resident the oppor-
tunity (if he desires), of seeing almost all known combina-
tions or companies. The various places of amusement are as
follows :
Adelphi Theater, 607 California street.
Baldwin Theater, 932-936 Market street.
Bella Union Theater, 803 Kearny street.
Bush Street Theater, 325 Bush street.
California Theater, N. side Bush, bet. Kearny and Dupont.
Chinese Theater, 626 Jackson street.
Chinese Theater, 814 Washington street (Grand).
Chinese Theater, 623 Jackson street (New).
Chinese Theater, 836 Washington street (Royal).
Fountain, The, corner Sutter and Kearny.
German Theater, N. side Bush, bet. Kearny and Dupont.
Germania Gardens, S. side Erie, near Mission.
Grand Opera House, N. side Mission, bet. Third and Fourth.
Haverly's California Theater, N. side Bush, bet. Kearny and
Mechanics Pavilion, Larkin and Grove streets.
Niblos Gardens, Grove and Laguna streets.
Pacific Anatomical Museum, 751 Market street.
Palace Variety Theater, S. E. cor. Post and Kearny streets.
Piatt's Hall, 216 Montgomery street.
San Francisco Recreation Grounds, Folsom and 25th streets.
Seaside Gardens, end Presidio Railroad.
Standard Theater, 320 Bush street.
Theater Comique, N. W. corner Pine and Kearny streets.
Tivoh, The, 28-32 Eddy street.
Union Grounds, N. E. corner Seventh and Townsend streets.
Weiner Gardens, N. W. cor. Sutter and Stockton streets.
Winter Gardens, 305-307 Stockton street.
Woodward's Gardens, Mission, 13th and 14th streets.
%, *i •:^
TivoLi OperaHouse,
Eddy Street, near Baldwin Hotel.
National Bank of Australasia, 525 Front sti'eet.
National Gold Bank and Trust Co., 512 California street.
National (xold Bank (of D. 0. Mills & Co.), 42() California
Nevada Bank of Sau Francisco, Montgomery and Pine streets.
Pacific Bank, Sansome and Pine streets.
Plume, Jno. V. & Co., 282 California street.
Sather & Co., Montgomery and Commercial streets.
kSutro & Co., 408 Montgomery street.
Tallant & Co., California and Battery streets.
Union Trust Co., 421 California street.
Wells, Fargo & Go's Bank, California and Sansome streets.
California Savings and Loaii Society, Eddy and Powell
Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Savings, 640 Maiket street.
Franklin Spar and Bau ^''erein, 5.39 California street.
French Savings and Loan Society, 534 California street.
German Savings and Loan Society, 526 California street.
Hibernia Savings and Loan Society, Montgomery and Market
Humboldt Savings and Loan Society, 18 Geary street.
Masonic Savings and Loan Society, 6 Post street.
Metropolitan Loan Association, 320 Sansome street.
Odd Fellows Savings Bank, 20 Montgomery street.
San Francisco Savings Union, 532 California street.
Savings and Loan Society, 619 Clay street.
Security Savings Bank, 215 Sansome street.
Armory, New Montgomery and Howard streets.
Astor, 625 Sacramento street.
Belden, Bush and Montgomery streets.
Broadway, Broadway and Kearny streets.
California, cor. California and Battery streets.
Center, 16th bet. Folsom and Shot well streets.
Commercial, California and Front streets.
Court, 636 Clay and 641 Merchant streets.
Cunningham's, Market and Second streets,
Franks,' Front, bet. Clay and Washington streets.
Hansford, 110 Market street.
Harpending, bet. Market, First and Second streets.
Holbrook, Market and Beale streets.
Howard's, 627 Third street.
Lick House, Montgomery, Post to Sutter street,
Martin's, ^Market, bet. Seventh and Eighth streets.
Metropolitan, 8-14 Montgomery avenue.
Montgomery, Montgomery, Merchant to Washington street.
Nevada, Montgomery and Pine streets,
O'Donnell's, Vallejo and Dupont streets.
Oriental, Bush and Battery streets.
Park, Valencia and 16th streets.
Phelan's Market and Powell sti-eets.
New Styles. Low Prices.
120 Kearny Street,
San Francisco, Cal.
Largest and Ghoioest Aggortment
Of Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Circulars and Dolmans,
120 Kearny Street,
San Francisco, Cal.
Pioneer Power, 8-12 Stevenson street.
Reese's, Battery, Pine and California streets.
Russ House, Montgumery, Busli and Pine streets.
Safe Deposit, California and Montgomery streets.
Shiels,' Market and Post streets.
Thnrlow, Kearny antl Sutter streets.
Union, Market and Pine streets.
Virginia, Stockton and Pacific streets.
Washington, 1-17 Montgomery avenue.
Yankee, Pine and Front streets.
The Board of Trade.
The Board of Trade of San Francisco was organized in
April, 1877. The office is in the Union Block, 202 Market
street. Number of members, two hundred and twenty. The
ol^jects of this society are clearly set forth in the following :
"To protect the interests of its members, preventing settle-
ments without full investigations, resisting inequitable and
fraudulent settlements, and the bringing about of joint action
in the collection of debts," etc. etc.
The present officers are : President, J. S. Taber ; First
Vice-President, Jules Cerf ; Second Vice-President, W. L.
Merry ; Treasurer, Moses Heller ; Attorney, J. H. Shank-
land ; Secretary, H. L. Smith.
There are 113 distinct places of public worship in San Fran-
cisco, classified as follows :
Baptists, having 8 ; Congregationalists, 8 ; Episcopalians,
11 ; Evangelical, 8 ; Hebrew, 7 ; Methodists, 16 ; Presbyter-
ian, 10; Catholic, 27; Swedenborgiau, 1; Unitarian, 1;
Miscellaneous, 10, Total, 113. They are located as follows :
BAPTISTS.— First Baptist : Eddy, bet. Jones and Leaven-
worth ; Rev. W. M. Kincaid, Pastor.
Fifth Baptist : 22nd, bet. Howard and Capp ; Rev.
DeWitt T. Van Doren, Pastor.
Metropolitan Baptist : Fifth and Jessie ; Rev. I. S.
Kalloch Pastor.
• Third Baptist, (Colored) : Powell, bet. Bush and Sutter ;
Rev. Geo. Duncan, Pastor.
Union Square Baptist : Post, bet. Powell and Mason ;
Rev. L. N. Rowell, Pastor.
Baptist Mission Chapel: 11th avenue, bet. F and G.
(not yet fully organized.)
Zion Baptist : Laguna, bet. Golden Gate avenue and
McAllister ; Rev. J. S. Bromley, Pastor.
Baptist Chinese Mission : 740 Washington; Rev. J. B.
Hartwell and Miss Lowry, Missionaries. Religious
services are here held in the Chinese language.
CONGREGATIONAL.— First: Cor. Post and Mason; Rev.
Chas. D. Barrows, Pastor, and Rev. A. L. Stone,
Pastor emeritus.
Plymouth : Taylor, bet. Geary and O'Farrell ; Rev. T.
K. Noble, Pastor.
Third : Fifteenth, near Mission ; Rev. E. G. Beckwith,
Green Street : Green, bet. Stockton and Powell; W. E.
Ijanis, Pastor.
Bethany : Bartlett street, near 25th ; Rev. W. C. Pond,
California Chinese Missions: Rev. W, C. Pond, Superin-
tendent Mission House and Central School, No. 5
Brenham Place.
Barnes' Mission House, No. 8 Ridley street.
Bethany School, at Bethany Chapel, Bartlett, near 25th.
EPISCOPAL. -Trinity : Cor. Post and Powell ; Rev. Hiram
W. Reei-s, Rector.
Grace : Cor. California and Stockton ; Rev. W. H. Piatt,
St. John's: Cor. 15th and Valencia; Rev. E. B. Spauld-
ing, Rector.
Church of the Advent : On Howard, opposite New Mont-
gomery ; Right Rev. Wm. Ingrahani Kip, D. D.,
and Bishop of the Diocese of California.
St. Albans: At Cambrian Hall, 1133 Mission (Rector-
ate vacant.)
St. Luke's : Pacific, bet. Polk and Van Ness avenue ;
Rev. S. Gregory Lines, Rector.
St. Paul's Protestant : California, bet. Fillmore and
St. Peter's : Cor. Stockton and Filbert ; Rev. Adam
McAllister, Rector.
St. Stephen's : Fulton, bet. Webster and Fillmore; Rev.
Edgar J. Lyon, Rector.
All Saints : Cor. Eddy and Polk ; Rev. W. Fred Morris-
son, Rector.
Mission Services at the Chapel, 118 Jackson; R. B.
Sanchez, Supt.
EVANGELICAL.— The United German Lutheran Congrega-
tion of St. Mark's Church : Geary, bet. Stockton
and Powell ; Rev. G. Muehlsteph, Pastor.
St. Paul's German Lutheran Mission, bet. Fifth and
Sixth ; Rev. J. M. Buehler, Pastor.
Our Savior's (Scandinavian Lutheran) : 18 Sherman ;
Rev. I. L. P. Dieti-iehson, Pastor.
First Reformed (German) : Eleventh, between Market
and Mission ; Rev. J. Fuendeling, Pastor.
Emanuel Church of the Association : Jessie, bet. Sixth
and Seventh ; Rev. W. F. Voeglin, Pastor.
French Reformed : Powell, bet. Bush and Sutter ; Rev.
Edmund Verrue, Pastor.
St. John's, German : Northeast cor. of Stockton and
Filbert ; Rev. C. F. Waldecker, Pastor.
St. Matthew's, German : Alabama, near 24th; Rev. J.
Fuendeling, Pastor.
HEBREW. — Congregation Emanu-El : Sutter, bet. Stockton
and Powell; Rev. Elkan Cohn, Rabbi.
Congregation Ahabia Shalome : Mason, bet. Geary and
Post ; Rev. A. S. Bettelheim, liabbi.
Congregation Beth-Israel: Turk, near Taylor; Eev. A.
J. Messing, Rabbi.
Congregation 8 herith -Israel: Cor. Post and Taylor ; Rev.
Dr. H. Vidaver, Rabbi.
Congregation Sliaarey-Zedek: Stockton, bet. Broadway
and Vallejo.
Congregation Beth-Menahim Streisand : Minna, bet.
Fifth and Sixth. (Rabbi vacant.)
Congregation Nrah-Tzedek : 14 Golden Gate avenue ;
Kev. Syskind Caro, Rabbi.
^[ETHODIST.— First: Powell, bet. Washington and Jack-
son; Rev.W. M. Gober, Pastor.
Howard-Street: Howard, bet. Second and Third; Rev.
F. F. Jewell, Pastor.
Central Mission : bet. Sixth and Seventh ; Rev. Elbert
R. Dille, Pastor.
Grace Mission: bet. 18th and lOfch ; Rev. A. T. Need-
ham, Pastor.
Kentucky-Street: Tennessee, south of Solano. (Potrero).
St. Paul's (German) : Broadway, bet. Stockton and Pow-
ell; Rev, C. H. Afferbach, Pastor.
German : Folsoui, bet. Fourth and Fifth ; Rev. Herman
Bruck, Pastor.
Hayes Valley : Laguna and Grove ; B. F. Crary, Pastor.
St. Paul's (South) : Russ, bet. Howard and Folsom ; Rev.
J. C. Simmons, Pastor.
Bush-Street : Bush, bet. Scott and Devisadero ; Rev. R.
L. Harford, Pastor.
South San Francisco : 15th avenue. South San Francisco ;
Rev. Geo. H. McCracken, Pastor.
Scandinavian : Harrison, bet. Fifth and Sixth ; Rev. C.
J. Wigren, Pastor. ;
Twenty-seventh : 27th, bet. Church and Sanchez Rev.
G. W. Beatty, Pastor.
African (Zion) : Stockton, bet. Clay and Sacramento ;
Rev. Jas. H, Davis, Pastor.
Chinese Mission House of the Methodist Episcopal
Church : Washington, bet. Stockton and Powell ;
Rev. Otis Gibson, Superintendent.
PRESBYTERIAN.— First : Stockton, bet. Washington and
Clay ; Rev. Eben Muse, Pastor.
Calvary : cor. Geary and Powell ; Rev. John Hemphill,
Howard : Mission, bet. Third and Fourth ; Rev. Robert
Mackenzie, Pastor.
Lai'kin-Street : cor. Larkin and Pacific ; Rev. T. Beaiz-
ley, Pastor.
Central : Golden Gate avenue, bet. Taylor and Jones ;
Rev. W. J. Smith, Pastor.
Emanuel Mission : 928 Harrison, bet. Fifth and Sixth ;
Rev. Jas. Wood worth, Pastor.
^^-"^ ^..v.^^
United : Mason, bet. Eddy and Ellis ; Rev. M. M. Gib-
son, Pastor.
Wesbminster : Fell, bet. Octavia and Laguna ; Rev. F.
L. Nash, Pastor.
Howard-Street: Howard, bet. 21st and 22d ; Rev. A. S.
Fiske, Pastor.
St. John's : Post, bet. Mason and Tajdor ; Rev. W. A.
Scott, Pastor.
Olivet : Tennessee, bet. Sierra and Napa ; Rev. J. T.
Wills, Pastor.
Memorial : 18th avenue, near Railroad avenue (South
San Francisco) ; Rev. J. T. Wills, Pastor.
Hamilton Square : in Hamilton Hall, cor. Geary and
Steiner; Rev. Jos. Hemphill, Pastor.
Woodbridge : cor. 20th and Capp ; Rev. Sylvester Wood-
bridge, Pastor.
Welsh : Cambrian Hall, 1133 Mission ; Rev. Moses Wil-
liams, Pastor.
Chinese Mission House : cor. Stockton and Sacramento ;
Rev. A. W. Loomis, Missionary.
CATHOLIC— St. Mary's Cathedral : cor. California and Du-
pont ; Most Rev. J. S. Alemany, Archbishop.
St. Dominic's Church and Monastery : cor. Bush and
Steiner; served by Dominican Fathers.
St. Francis : Vallejo, bet. Dupont and Stockton ; Rev.
J. F. Harrington, Pastor.
St. Ignatius : Hayes, west of Van Ness avenue ; served
by Fathers of Society of Jesus.
St. Patrick's : Mission, bet. Tiiird and Fourth ; Rev.
Peter J. Grey, Pastor.
Notre Dame des Victoires : Bush, bet. Dupont and Stock-
ton ; Rev. Pierre Robert, Pastor.
Mission Dolores : IGth and Dolores ; Rev. Richard P.
Brennan, Pastor.
St. Joseph's : Tenth, bet. Folsom and Howard. (Pastor
vacant. )
St. Rose's : Brennan, near Fourth ; Rev. D. F. Nugent,
St. Bridget's : Broadway and Van Ness ; Rev. T. Cal-
laghan, Pastor.
St. Peter's : Columbia, bet. 24th and 25th ; Rev. P. S.
Casey, Pastor.
St. Paul's : 29th and Church ; Rev. Lawrence Breslin,
St, Boniface's : Golden Gate avenue, bet. Jones and
Church of the Holy Cross : at Calvary Cemetery ; Rev.
Andrew Cullen, Pastor.
St. John the Baptist : Eddy, bet. Octavia and Laguna ;
Rev. A. Cullen, Pastor.
Yglesia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe : Broadway,
bet. Mason and Taylor ; Rev. Andres Garriga,
H. LlEBES & Co.
Nos. Ill &113 Montgomery St.,
has gained a national reputation. Tlieir
are known everywhere.
Visitors to the Pacitic Coast will find it to their advan-
tage to visit the
and select one of their fine
SU.L illl §4BBllf S»
The members of the firm are PRACTICAL FUR-
RIERS, and know how to fit to best advantage.
All the furs manufactured by H. Liebes k Co.
are brought to San Francisco by their own vessels
from Alaska and Siberia, where they are traded for,
at their own trading posts, with the Indians, and con-
sequently are able to offer always
Chapels. — Presentation Convent : Powell street.
St. Rose's Convent : Steiner and Tyler.
New Presentation Convent : Taylor and Ellis,
St. Mary's Hospital : First and Bryant.
Magdalen Asylnm : Potrero avenue and 21st street.
St. Mary's College : San Jose Road.
St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum : South San Francisco.
Sacred Heart College : Lark in and Eddy.
St. Brendan : Spear and Market.
Italian Hospital : 28th, near Noe.
SWEDENBORGIAN.— First New Jerusalem Church : O'Far-
rell, bet. Mason and Taylor ; Rev. Juo. Doughty,
UNITARIAN.— First Unitarian Church : Geary, bet. Du-
pont and Stockton ; Rev. Horatio Stebbins, Pastor.
THE MARINERS CHURCH.— Cor. Sacramento and
Dm mm ; Rev. Joseph Powell, Pastor.
The San Francisco Port Society works in connection
with and at the same place of worship.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH : Grand Central Hall, cor. Sixth
and Market ; Rev. J . H. McCollough, Pastor.
Taylor and Jones ; Thomas Howell, Elder.
and McAllister ; M. C. Israel, Pastor.
San Francisco ; Fred Schuenemann-Pott, Siieaker,
310 O'Farrell.
Re-organized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints :
Lincoln Hall, 71 Ncav Montgomery ; Geo. S. Lincoln,
Presiding Elder.
RUSSIAN CHURCH: 1713 Powell; Rev. W. N. West-
homofF, Arch-priest.
SWEDISH CHURCH : In the Church of the Advent,
Howard street, opposite New Montgomery ; Rev.
Adolph Moren, Pastor.
FRIENDS MEETING : In Superior Court rooms No. 10,
third floor, New City Hall, every First Day.
Hall, 737 Mission. All services are usually held
at 11 A. M., and 7.30 p. m.
City and County Offlcer§.
Mayor M. C. Blake : In New City Hall, Clei-k, Juo. A.
First Ward : W. H. Bodfish.
Second " John McKew.
Third " John Shirley.
Fourth " John H. Carmany.
Fifth " Henry Molineux.
Sixth " George Torrens.
Seventh " George B. Bradford.
Eighth " Chas. A. Fisher.
Ninth *' Oliver Merrill.
Tenth " Henry B. Russ.
Eleventh " N. C. Parrish
Twelfth " John F. Kennedy.
Assessor, County : Alexander Badlam, New City Hall.
Attorney and Counselor : J. F. Cowdery, New City
Attorney, District : L. E. Pratt, 8 Montgomery avenue.
Attorney, Police : Old City Hall.
Auditor, County : Henry Brickwedel, New City Hall.
Board City Hall Commissioners, office New City Hall.
Board of Education, New City Hall : J. C. Stubbs, J. S.
Bacon, J. Bandman, E J. Bowen, J. H. Culver, T.
B. De Witt, M. D., H. D. Dunn, W. B. Ewer, H.
M. Fiske, M. D., B. F. Sterett, David Stern, B.
F. Webster.
Board of Election Commissioners : New City Hall.
Board of Equalization : New City Hall.
Board of Fifteenth Avenue Extension Commissioners:
59-60 Merchants Exchange.
Board of Health : 14 O'Farrell street.
Board of Revenue Fund C .mmissioners : In Mayor's
office, New City Hall.
Clerk of County : David Wilder, New City Hall.
Coroner, County : F. L. Weeks, 641 Sacramento.
court — superior.
No. 1— Thos. K. Wilson Judge, Old City Hall.
*' 2— J. F. Sullivan
" 3— Jas. M. Allen
*' 4_J. A. Way mire
" 5 — John Hunt, Jr. " "
" 6— M. A. Edmonds " New City Hall.
«« 7— Oliver P. Evans
" 8— F. W. Lawler
" 9— (Probate) Jno. F. Finn, Judge, New City Hall.
" 10~(Special) Chas. Halsey, Judge, New City Hall.
" II— (Criminal) Thos. W. Freelon, Judge, 8 Mont-
gomery avenue.
'• 12- (Criminal) Robt. Ferral, Judge, 729 Montgomery.
No. 1— Hale Rix. Judge, Old City Hall.
" 2 — Simon liosenbaum, Judge, Old City Hall.
Courts, Justices : S. E. cor. Kearny and Washington, J.
C. Pennie, presiding ; J. H. Ryan, E. Gillson, J. D.
Connolly, and F. McClough are Associates.
Fire Alarm Boxes.
2 Mason and Lombard
3 Stockton and Greenwich
4 Sansome and Greenwich
5 Battery and Union
6 Montgomery and Green
7 Kearny and Union
8 Powell and Union
9 Dupont and Vallejo
12 California and Kearny
13 Front and Broadway
14 Stockton and Broadway
ir> Clay and East
16 ]SIason and Pacific
17 Pacific and Kearny
18 Lansome and Jackson
19 Davis and Washington
21 Kearny and Merchant
23 Clay and Taylor
24 Clay and Powell
25 Washington and Dupont
26 Clay and Battery
27 Montgomexy and Commercial
28 Pine and Dupont
29 Stockton and California
31 Sansome and Halleck
32 California and Drumm
34 Mission and Steuart
35 Montgomery and Pine
36 Folsom and Steuart
37 Battery and Bush
38 Mai-ket and Second
39 Howard and Spear
41 Sutter and Jones
42 Geary and Mason
43 O'Farrell near Dupont
45 O'Farrell and Jones
46 Sutter and Kearny
47 Market and Powell
48 Market and Kearny
49 Stockton and Sutter
51 Folsom and Beale
52 Mission and Fremont
53 King east of Third
54 Eng. No. 4, 2d, near Howard
56 Bryant west of First
57 Brannan and Second
58 Folsom and First
59 P. M. S.S. Co's wharf
61 Howard and Third
62 Mission and Fourth
63 Harrison and Fourth
64 Howard and Fifth
65 Mission and Sixth
67 Harrison and Hawthorne
()8 Brannan and Fourth
69 Bryant and Tliird
71 Mission and Eleventh
72 Mission and Thirteenth
73 Howard and Eighth
74 Eng. No. 7, Sixteenth street
75 Jones and McAllister
76 Market and Hayes
78 Folsom and Ninth
79 Folsom and Twelfth
81 Franklin and Hayes
82 Fulton and Gough
83 Octavia and Oak
84 Valencia and Market
85 Laguna and Hayes
86 Broadway and Montgomery
87 Haight and Webster
91 Hyde and Turk
92 Franklin and Turk
93 Jones and Turk
94 Polk and Ellis
95 Market and Taylor
96 Ellis and Taylor
123 Hyde and Union
124 Pioneer Woolen Mills
125 Filbert and Jones
126 Hyde and Washington
127 Broadway and Polk
128 Clay and Leavenworth
129 Pacific and Leavenworth
132 Pine and Mason
134 Bush and Hyde
135 Bush and Polk
136 Post and Van Ness Ave
137 Post and Larkin
138 California and Larkin
139 O'Farrell and Hyde
142 Valencia and 20th
143 Mission and 22nd
145 Folsom and 22d
146 Folsom and 16th
147 Howard and 20th
148 Mission and 16th
149 Folsom and 18th
152 Brannan and Eighth
153 Harrison and Seventh
154 Bryant and Sixth
156 Fourth and Berry
157 Folsom and Fourth
158 Folsom and Fifth
159 Folsom and Sixth
162 Pacific and Franklin
163 Sacramento and Franklin
164 Clay and Polk
172 McAllister and Buchanan
173 Ellis and Buchanan
Prescott House.
The Best Family and Business Hotel in San Francisco.
A Coach will always be found waiting at
all Trains and Boats FREE OF CHARGE.
Guests will always find themselves ''AT HOME."
174 Turk and Fillmore
175 Webster and Grove
176 Post and Octavia
178 Buchanan and Gear^'
182 Sixth and Tovvnsend
183 Mission and Eighth.
192 California and Front
193 Hyde and Chestuut
194 Stockton and Francisco
213 Bush and Buchanan
214 Bush and Steincr
215 Washington and Webster
216 Sacramento and Fillmore
217 Bush and Devisadero
218 Post and Fillmore
219 Filbert and Fillmore
231 Howard and 24th
234 Harrison and 24th
235 City and County Hospital
236 Mission and 26th
237 Dolores and 22nd
238 Santa Clara and Potrero Ave
241 Gough and Bush
243 Clay and Scott
245 Geary and Steiner
246 Gearv and Devisadero
247 Turk and Scott
248 Devisadero and Fulton
251 Broadway and Octavia
253 Union and Laguna
254 Union and Pierce
261 Stevenson and Ecker
271 -Seventeenth and Church
273 Eighteenth and Castro
274 Twenty-fourth and Guerrero
275 Twenty-fcmrth and Church
281 San Bruno Road and 2Sth
283 Twenty-eighth and Church
284 Twenty-ninth and Mission
291 Jones and Vallejo
312 Jackson and Laguna
314 California and Laguna
321 Pierce and California
324 Sacramento and Broderick
325 California and Central Ave
326 Sutter and Baker
341 Ellis and Pierce
351 Montgomery and Broadway
361 Ridley and Guerrero
First Avenue and Kentucky | 5 Kentucky bet Sierra and Nevada
4 Fifteenth Avenue and P
6 Butte and Kentucky
Fire Department Commissioners : In Old City Hall: E. B.
Cotter, President.; Ed. Flaherty, Frank G. Edwards, F.
C. Siebe, and John Mason.
Fire Department Corporation Yard : Sacramento, bet.
East and Drunim.
Fire Marshall: Jehn L. Durkee, Old City Hall.
Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph: In Brenham Place ;
John Curran, Superintendent.
Keys of signal boxes are deposited in the vicinity of each
box, and at such places as are indicated on the boxes, where
will also be found full instructions for turning on an alarm.
The alarm is then sounded from the head office in Brenham
Place, and then communicated to each engine house, Avhere it
is sounded three times. The city being divided into separate
fire districts, with a separate proportion of the department
allotted to each, in all ordinary cases, the men and engines
in the district where a fire is taking place is deemed suffi-
cient ; still, at all alarms, all engines, etc., repair to the
extent of their several districts, and then await a sufficient
length of time to enable the Chief Engineer, or his Assistants,
to note if more help is required ; if so needed, the alarm is
turned in again from the same box as before. This consti-
tutes a general alarm, and signifies that the help allotted to
that district is not sufficient to handle the fire ; this brings
forward the balance of the force then in waiting for such
word at the boundaries of their districts. If no general
alarm is so turned in, the men so waiting return to theii-
respective houses.
A Feature of San Fraiioiseo. Every Visitor
Should Examine it.
The Most Beautiful Jewelry Estal>lislinient
in tbe VTorhl.
To visit San Francisco without seeing the Diamond Palace would be
like visiting- Europe withovit seing Paris. It is a leading "feature" of
San Francisco ; indeed we might say of the Pacific Coast. It is a mar-
vel of beauty and elegance. It is, unquestionably, one of the most magni-
ficent jewelry emporiums in the world— the splendid conception of a
master mind, a controlling genius. Artistic taste and skill challenge com-
petition here. To be appreciated it must be seen. '
visiting San Francisco should, without fail, visit Col. Andrews' Diamond
Pakice. It is indisputably the most beautiful, best arranged and highly
gorgeous in display of any jewelry store in the world. Even as no one
could neglect to see St. Peter's at Rome, or St. Paul's in London, so
would it be an irremediable over-sight for the visitor to our coast to
depart without at least one look in the most famous jewelry establish-
ment of either modern or ancient times.
And now we have but a single word more in "concluding a mere outline
of the career of one of the most enterprising and remarkable men of this
country and this age, and of the triumph of his genius,
which no tourist can afford to lose sight of in his explorations among the
marvels of this Western Coast. It is at the very door of all the leading
hotels of the city,
Xo. 221 Montgomery Street,
and it should be visited both by day and by night, as the gas-light kindles
t intr. a flashing scintillation of splendors. One only needs to see and
talk with C'>1. Andrews to learn the knack of popularity and the secret of
Slice OSS.
In case of any large gatherings of disorderly persons or
riots, the Mayor, or Chief of Police, may turn in an alarm,
which will strike ten times, and be repeated tiv^e times ; this
will call the Police De|tartment to the City Hall. -•
There are 163 Fire Alarm Boxes. The telegraph lines con-
sist of about 140 miles of wire. All bells and gongs are
struck at the same time, by electricity.
Fire Department.
The Paid Fire Department of San Francisco was oganized
Dec. 3, 18fi(>, and contains 320 men.
It consists of 12 Steamers; to each is attached a Hose Reel;
there are also 8 Hose Carriages, and 4 Hook and Ladder
Trucks, which are in active use ; in addition to these there
are 5 Steamers, 7 Hose Renls, aud 3 Hook and Ladder Trucks,
forming a reserve ; these are located at the Corporation
Yards, being ahvays ready for active use, should they be called
There are five miles of carbolized hose in use; 1 ,371 hydrants
and 55 cisterns, holding 2,011,856 gallons. The total cost
for running this department, per year, is 1285,000.
Chief Engineer: David Scannell.
Assistant Chief Engineer: Jas. Paley,
Assistant Engineers are : A. C. Imbrie, Jno.
E. Ross, Geo. W. Kennard.
Superintendent of Steamers : Samuel Rainey.
Steamer No. 1 is located at 419 Pacific street.
2 " 412 Bush street.
" 3 " Cal., bet. Leaven w'h & Hyde.
" 4 " 144 Second street.
" 5 •' 1219 Stockton street.
6 " 311 Sixth street.
" 7 " 16th,bet. Valencia & Guerrero
" 8 " Pacific ave., bet. Polk and
Van Ness.
9 " 320 Main street.
" 10 " Bryant, bet. 3d and 4th.
" 11 " 14th ave., bet. Railroad ave)
and N (South San Fran.
" 12 " Drumm and Commercial.
Hose No. 1 — 112 Jackson street.
" 2 — Post, near Fillmore.
" 3 — Folsom, near Twenty-second.
4—1802 Stockton street.
" 5 — Market, bet. Tenth and Eleventh.
" 6— McAllister, bet. Webster and Buchaiinan.
" 7 — Tennessee, bet. Sierra and Napa.
" 8 — Filbert, bet. Fillmore and Webster.
" 9---(Fire Boat Goo. frvnn), foot of Broadway.
Hook aud Ladder, No. 1 — 22 O'Farrell street.
*' 2—627 Broadway.
" 3— Market, bet. 10th and 11th.
** 4— Pacific, bet, Jones and Leav-
Fire Patrol.
Ill addition to the regular Paid Fire Department of the
city is what is known as the Under winters' Fire Patrol,
established in May, 1875, and is conducted by the Board of
Fire Underwriters. Their Fire Marshal is John L. Durkee;
office, Old City Hall.
Station No. 1 is located corner of Stevenson and Ecker
streets, of Avliich Russell White is Captain, Chas. H. O'Kell,
Lieutenant, and seven privates.
Siation No. 2 is loctited on Grove, bet. Larkin and Polk.
Jno. F. O'Comstock, Lieutenant, and four privates. The
apparatus consists of wagons carrying ru1>ber covers, fire ex-
tinguishers, ladders, and other appliances for the extinguish-
ment of fires, saving life and the protection of property from
damage by water.
The People's Free Library.
This most worthy institution is located at No. 428 Bush
street, bet. Kearny and Dupont. It will be found open from
9 a. m. to 9 p. m.. and is supported by a tax of one mill on
the dollar. At the present time it contains about 40,000
volumes, and is increasing at the rate of 1,000 per month.
All are cordially invited, and under certain restrictions gov-
erning the institution, some are entitled to withdraw books.
Albert Hart is the Librarian.
Gas Inspector : Robert C. Ames, Old City Hall.
Grand Jury Rooms are located in the New City Hall.
Board of Health: office, 14 O'Farrell street; consists of
the Mayor aud four physicians, who receive no com-
The Health Department : consists of one Health
Officer, one Quarantine Officer, one Secretary, one As-
sistant Secretary and six Health Inspectors, one
Market Inspector, one Sup't. of Disinterments, and one
Messenger, all of which are salaried offices. The office
of the Health Officer is at 14- O'Farrell street, while the
Quarantine Officer's Barge is located at the corner of
Green and Front, and the Quarantine Steamer ((rov. Per-
kins) is located at the foot of Green street.
City and County Hospital : is located on Potrero avenue,
bet. 22d and 23d, having one Superintending Physician,
one Resident Physician, four House Physicians, two
Visiting Physicians, two Visiting Surgeons, one Apoth-
ecary, and one Steward, etc., etc.
The Twenty-sixth street Hospital is located cor. Colusa and
De Haro atreets.
Free Labor Exchange : 35 O'Farrell street.
House of Correction: Located on the old San Jose road,
five miles from the city; Morris W. Davis, Supt. ; Robt.
Dorland, Asst. Supt. ; Mrs. E. A. O'Connor, Matron ;
and 21 guards.
Industrial School : Located on the old San Jose road, five
miles from city ; J. F. McLaughlin, Supt. ; E. Barthrop,
Asst. Supt'.; Avith 2 teachers, 1 music teacher, 1 foreman
shoe shop, I foreman tailor shop, gardner, teamsters, car-
penter, steward, matron, seamstress, and physicians.
City and County Jail : Is located north side Broadway,
between Kearny and Dupont streets.
License Collector : D. R. McNeill, Collector ; office New
City Hall.
Market Inspector : Jacob Wray, Inspector ; office No. 14
O'Farrell street.
Park Commissioners : Office 336 California.
City Physician : Chas. Blach, Physician, and S. S. Stam-
bough, Police Surgeon ; office 514 Kearny.
Police Department : Office in the Old City Hall'.
The Police force of the city now numbers four hundred
members. A "Police Life and Health Insurance Fund " is
attached thereto, it being supported by a monthly tax of $2
from each member.
Chief of Police: Patrick Crowley.
Commissioners OF Police : Geo. W. Beaver, Colin M. Boyd,
Asa R. Wells, and the Chief of Police.
Captains : Isaiah W. Lees, William Y. Douglas, John Short,
A. W. Stone, and Leonard Guion.
Clerk : Alfred Clark.
Property Clerk : William Cullen.
Police Stations: There are seven district police stations, as
follows : Old City Hall, New City Hall, 829 Folsom,
522 Davis, 247 Steuart, 207 Seventeenth, and cor. Polk
and Jackson streets.
City Pound-Keeper : Rudolph Lossius ; office, California,
bet. Walnut and Laurel.
Public Administrator : Walter M. Leman, with Frank J.
French as Attorney ; office 528 California.
Quarantine Officer : William M. Lawlor ; office cor.
Green and Front.
County Recorder: John W. Cherry; office New City Hall.
Registrar of Voters : Joseph L. Tharp; office New City
Sheriff of County : John Sedgwick ; office, Old City Hall.
wm. h. porter,
No. 16 OTarrell Street, San Francisco.
A Large ELECiAXT FAltLOR. rapablv of seafiiii; UU persons,
for FLNKUAL l>l ISIM»Si:.S.
sS^-r TELEPHONE NO. 3076. -y^rd
Undertaking Department, i6 O'Farrell Street. Manu-
factory, Nos. 27 and 29 Bluxome Street.
Manufacturer of Wooden Cases and Caskets,
Metallic Caskets and Undertakers' Goods.
w. H. Mccormick,
niaiiiifnrfiirei' ol"
Of American and Foreign Marble
827 Market Street, between Fourth and Fifth,
Superintendent of Common Schools : John W. Taylor,
Siiperiutendsnt ; Dudley C. Stone, Deputy ; office New-
City Hall.
Superintendent of Streets : Robert J. Graham ; office
New City Hall.
County Surveyor : William P. Humphries ; office New
City Hall.
County Tax Collector : John H. Grady ; office New City
County Treasurer : James H. Widber, office New City
District Attorney : L. E Pratt, office Montgomery Block.
County Auditor : Henry Brickwedel, office New City
County Assessor : Alexander Badlam, office New City
Board of City Hall Commessioners : Consists of the
Mayor, Auditor, and City and County Attorney ; office
in New City Hall.
Commissioners of Insanity : Consists of Isaac S. Titus,
President, and the following physicians : Geo. A.
Eeich, L. J. H^iry, A. P. Hayne.
Alms House and Hospital : vSan Miguel, Ocean House
road, four miles from Old City Hall ; M. J. Keating,
Siipt., Mrs. M. J. Keating, Matron, and S. R. Gerry,
Resident Physician.
Superintendent of City Cemetry : Albert P. Stanyan,
office, termination California street, near Point Lobos
United States Circuit Court ; U. S. Appraisers build-
ing, cor. Sansome and Washington. Regular terms
first Monday of February, second Monday of July, and
fourth Monday of November. Special terms at the
discretion of the Court. Stephen J. Field, Presiding
Justice ; Lorenzo Sawyer, Circuit Judge.
United States District Court : U. S. Appraisers build-
ing, cor. Sansome and Washington. Regular terms first
Monday of April, second Monday of August, and first
Monday of December. Special terms at discretion of
Court ; Ogden Hoffman, Judge.
Supreme Court of California : No. 105 Stockton street.
Regular terms are held in San Francisco on the second
Monday of January, and third Monday of July. Robert
F. Morrison, Chief Justice ; D. W. McKinstry, Jas.
D. Thornton, E. M. Ross, J. R. Sharpstein, S. B.
Mclvee, and Milton H. Myrick, Associates.
Court Block : Is located at 636 Clay and 641 Merchant
City Hall (Old): Is located on Kearny, bet. Merchant and
City Hall (New): Is located bet. McAllister, Larkin and
Park avenue ; this building, although one wing is par-
tially occupied, is far from being completed, and re-
sembles, in its present state, the ruins of some ancient
castle ; at the rate of present operations it will take years
for its final dedication, but when that time shall arri^-e,
it will be probably the finest building of its nature in
the United States.
City Hall of Records : Is located in a wing of the New
City Hall.
City Pound : Is located on California, bet. Walnut and
Laurel streets.
San Francisco can boast of one of the finest Public School
Systems of the United States, but in addition to this there
are to-day at least one hundred colleges and schools of a
private nature, to which there are over 6,000 scholars in con-
stant attendance; many of course have rooms in various local-
ities, still some have edifices grand and imposing. The
most noticeable being :
City University College : Located on Haight, bet. La-
guna and Octavia ; Rev. Jas. Matthews, Principal ;
founded in 1859.
Medical College of the Pacific : Located on Haight,
bet. Laguna and Octavia. It is the Medical Department
of the University; Henry Gibbons, Jr., M. D., Dean,
office 101 Dupont.
San Francisco Theological Seminary : Located at 121
Haight street. The Faculty consists of the Rev. Drs.
Scott, Burro wes, Hemphill, and Alexander. Term opens
Sept. 1st, and closes May 1st.
California College of Pharmacy : Located at the Hall
of Academy of Science, cor. California and Dupont.
Lectures are given for a term of six months, each year.
It is connected with the State University.
The Hastings College of Law : Located at the Pioneers
Building, 808 Montgomery, and is under the direction of
the State University. Office of the Dean and Registrar,
636 Clay.
Adelphi Society : Meets Fridays at the College of Acad-
emy of Sciences.
Pacific Dispensary for women and children, 221-223 Thir-
teenth street.
Pacific Homeopathic Dispensary Association, 843 How-
Medical Department of the University of California,
located on Stockton, bet. Chestnut and Francisco streets.
The course of lectures begin on the first Monday of June,
lasting until October 31, of each year; R. Beverly Cole,
M. D., Dean, office 518 Sutter.
Dental Department of the University of California, foun-
ded by the Board of Requests. Term begins April 1,
and last until Oct. 30; S. W. Dennis, Dean, office 33
Sacred Heart College : Located cor. Eddy and Larkin ;
conducted by the " Christian Brothers," under the di-
rection of Brother Genebern.
Sacred Heart Presentation Convent : Located cor.
Taylor and Ellis ; being under the charge of Mother
Mary De Sales.
St. Ignatius College : Located on Van Ness avenue, bet.
Haj'es and Grove. This college is under the charge of
twenty-seven Professors, and can accommodate 1200
St. Mary's College : Located on Mission street (or County
Road), four miles from City Hall ; is under the manage-
ment of the " Christian Brothers."
University School : Located cor. Taylor and Post ;
Evelyn Nixon, Principal.
Urban Academy : Located cor. Geary and Mason ; Nathan
W. Moore, Principal.
Zeitska Institute : 922 Post ; Mme. Bertha Zeitska, Prin-
Clark Institute : 239 O'Farrell ; Catherine V. Darling,
Mefret's French and English Institute : 714 Broadway ;
Xavier Mefret, Principal.
Academy of Languages : 640 Clay ; H. C. Roeth, Prest.
Academy of Notre Dame : Dolores, bet. 16th and 17th.
St. Rose Academy : Golden Gate Avenue, bet. Steiner and
Pierce, is under the direction of the Sisters of St.
St. Vincent School : Mission, bet. New Montgomery and
Filippe Academy of Languages : Cor. Bush and Kearny ;
T. B. Filippe, Proprietor.
In fact the list could be continued almost without number.
In addition to these, San Francisco contains a number of the
very finest Business Colleges to be found in any city.
Pacific Business College : Located 320 Post.
Heald's Business College : Located 24 Post.
Barnard's Business College : Located 417 Kearny.
Leszynsky's Business College : Cor. K^rny and Geary.
The cemeteries of San Francisco should be visited l)y all
strangers, when it will be found that two, or even three days,
can be spent with pleasure ; and, without calling attention to
any one in particular, will say that spots will be found m liere
from .$30,000 to even S70,000 have been spent in one plot of
— AND —
5*i4 Sacramento St., San Franoiseo.
Careful Analyses made of Ores, Metals, Soils, Waters,
Industrial Products, Food«, Medicines
and Poisons.
Consultations on Chemical, Mining and Metallurgical
Gold and Silver *3 00
Gold, Silver and Lead 5 00
Gold, Silver and Copper 5 00
Copper 3 00
Iron 3 00
Tin 5 00
Quicksilver 5 00
Manganese y 00
Chromium 5 00
Qualitative Analysis of Ores -iiJlO 00 to -^25 00
Quantitative " " 15 00 to 50 00
Qualitative Analysis of Water 2.t 00
Quantitative " " 75 00
Guano :... 25 00
Proximate Analysis of Coal 10 00
Quantitative " " 50 00
Complete Analyses, qualitative and quantitative, of complex substances,
at special rates.
l>i'l>osits of Bnllion MclteU an00 $1 00
" »• on all amounts from $500 to $1,600 '^ «tO
" *' on all amounts above $1,000 i of 1"^^
Silver Bars, on all amounts below $400 3 00
*' ♦♦ on all amounts above .$400 i of 1%
Do re Bars for the Gold 2 00
" " for the Silver ^ of 1%
Determination of ftold and Silver in any Alloy 'i 00
City : Is located at the tenuination of California street near
Point Lobos avenue.
Laurel Hill (Late Lone Mountain) : Is located between
Post and California streets, fronting Central avenue.
Masonic : Is located west of Masonic avenue, bet. Fulton
and Turk ; entrance fi-oni Point Lobos avenue ; office
Masonic Temple.
Odd Fellows : Is located on Point Lobos avenue, near Lone
Mountain ; office 410 Kearny street.
Beth Olam (Hebrew) : Located on Point Lobos avenue near
Thirty-third avenue.
Calvary (Roman Catholic) : Located at termination of Geary
street, fronting Point Lobos arenue.
Home of Peace (Hebrew) : Located bet. 18th and IDth,
Dolores and Church streets.
Sherith Israel (Hebrew) : Located bet. 19th and 20th,
Dolores and Church streets.
Ai;gentine Republic : Chas. Baum ; office 510 Battery.
AusTRO - Hungarian Empire : Rudolph Hockkofler, 203
Front street.
Belgium: Emile Grisar, cor. Fifth and Townsend.
Bolivia : Francisco Herrera; 213 California.
Brazil : F. W. Ludovici (Vice-Consul), 202 Bush.
Chili : Jaun de la Cruz Cerda (Consul-General) ; 827 Geary.
China : Huang Tsun Hsien (Consul-General) ; Frederick A.
Bee (Consul); Cheng Ping (Vice-Consul and Interpreter);
917 Clay.
Costa Rica : T. Lemmen Meyer ; R. H. Pond (Vice-Consul);
320 8ansome.
Denmark ; Charles Wilson, 307 California.
Equador : Francisco Herrera, 218 California.
France: Augusta Vauvert de Mean, 707 Washington.
German Empire: Adolph Rosenthal, 318 Sacramento.
Great Britain: W. Lane Booker, 319 California.
Greece : Geo. T. Mai-ye, Jr., 234 Montgomery.
Gautemala : Louis B. Parrott, 30G California.
Hawaiian Islands : H. W. Severance, 316 California.
Honduras : Francisco Herrera, 218 California.
Italy : Francesco Lambertenghi, 508 Montgomer3^
Japan : Kentaro Yanagiya, 703 Market.
Mexico : J. Carlos Mexia, 506 liattery.
Netherlands: Jas. de Fremery, 410 Battery.
Nicar.\gua; Francisco Herrera, 218 California.
Paraguay : P. J. Van Lobeii Sels, 530 California.
Peru : Eugene De Sabla, 40 California.
Portugal: Francis Berton, Henry Laidley (Vice-Consul),
527 Clay.
Russia : A. E. Olarovsky (Consul-General), 717 Post ; and
Gustave Niebaum (Vice-Consul), 810 Sansome.
Salvador : Jose M. Tinoco, 506 Battery.
Spain : Camilo Martin, 411 1 California.
Sweden and Norway: August Berggreu, 406 Mont-
Switzerland : Francis Berton, 527 Clay.
Turkey: (now vacant.)
United States of Columbia : Ramon Ulloa, 415 Mont-
United States of Venezuela : Francisco Herrera, 218 Cal-
Uraguay : Geo. L. Duval, 40 California.
Ciistoiii Hoiime
Is located at the corner of Washington and Battery streets.
Open from 9 A. m. to 3 p. m. Eugene L, Sullivan, Collector;
J. Frank Miller, Deputy Collector and Auditor ; L. M. Kel-
logg, Deputy Collector ; W. Ford Thomas, Deputy Collector
and Store-keeper ; Geo. W. Dent and Jacob G. Moore, Ap-
praisers ; John M. Morton, Surveyor ; Halsey F. Cooper,
Deputy Surveyor ; Bradley J. Watson, Naval Officer ; John
Pattison, Deputy, etc., etc.
Clearing House of San Francisco: is located at 211 San-
some street ; Charles Sleeper, Manager.
Dry Docks.
California Dry Dock Co. : Hunter's Point ; office, 318
Merchants' Dry Dock Co. : office, 318 California.
North's Ways: foot of Louisiana and Potrero Point.
Old Saucilito Land and Dry Dock Co.: office, 330 Pine.
Potrero Marine Railways : Sierra, near Pacific Rolling
South San Francisco Dock Co. : office, 320 Sansome.
Watts Marine Railway : foot of J, South San Francisco.
Express Companies.
Anderson, G, W. & Co. (Oakland), 331 East.
Armstrong, Thos. C, (Hay wards and Alameda), 1 Com-
mercial and 28 Market.
Boyd, John E. (Berkeley), 717 Montgomery.
California Transfer Co. , 524 Davis and 222 Montgomery.
City Transfer Co., 3 Post and 604 Market.
City Transit Co., 9 Post.
Cunningham, T. A. (Haywards), 106 Davis.
Foreign Parcels Express, J. J. Wallace & Co., 108 Leides-
Gallagher, C. E. (Oakland), 309 East.
Good & Eouey (Vallejo), 418 Sacramento.
Howard, C. L. (San Rafael), 1 Commercial.
Jenness & Co. (Mission), 22 California and 3 Commercial.
Kirkman, J. L. (SanLeandro, Brooklyn and Mills Seminary),
117 Market.
Lind, A. W. (Alameda), 331 East.
Merchants' Dispatch Ti-ausportation Co., 411 California.
Merchants' Overland Transfer Ex. Co., 436 Montgomery.
Mission and City Transfer Co., 524 Valencia.
Oakland Ferry Parcel Delivery Co., Foster & Co., Oakland
Oakland Transfer Co., 28 Market and 9 Post.
Ov^erland Freight Transfer Co., King, bet. 4th and oth.
Pacific Transfer Co., 110 Sutter.
River Express (Stockton), 418 Sacramento.
Standard Express Co. (Oakland, Brooklyn and Fruit Vale),
1 Commercial.
Steere & Colby (Oakland), 313 East.
Telephone Transfer Co., 644 Market and 304 16Uh.
Ten Cent Parcel Delivery Co., 9 Post.
Tucker, Samuel S. (Oakland), 36^ Market.
Union Pacific Transfer Co. , 4(>9 East.
Wells, Fargo & Co., Sansome and Halleck.
Whitnev's (Alameda and Contra Costa), 5 Commercial and
9 Post.
Wingate, J. C. (Oakland and Alameda), 6 Sacramento.
Hacks and €ab§
are allowed to make the following charges, and any claim for
an excess of these rates can be severely dealt with :
Hacks : one person, not more than one mile, - - $1 50
Two or more persons, not more than one mile, - 2 50
Four or less, by the hour, first hour, - - - . 3 00
And each subsequent hour, 2 00
Cabs : one person, not more than one mile, - - - .^1 00
Two or more persons, by the hour, first hour, - 1 50
And each subsequent houi', 1 00
Halli and their Liocations.
Alldack's, Bush and Devisadero.
Arcade, Clara and Sixth.
Archery, 1155 Mission.
Armory, New Montgomery, near Howard.
American Protestant Association, 713 Mission.
Apollo, 808 Pacific.
B'uai B'rith, 121 Eddy.
Bersagliari, Broadway and Dupont.
Barra, 118 First.
Bonanza, Ellis, bet. Buchanan and Laguna.
Camron's, 17tli and Howard.
soum Piciric com RiiiRoio
— IS THE —
Out of San Francisco.
Its Ferry Boats are'the Best,
Its Offices, Waiting Rooms and Cars
are Clean and Commodious,
Its Equipment is First-Ciass,
With all Modern Improvements',
The Road-bed is Perfect,
The Bridges are Extra Strong,
The Rail is Exceptionally Heavy,
The Time is Fast,
The Line is Short,
The Fares are Low,
The Road is Safe,
There is no Dust,
No Transfers, No Delays.
For Variety, Novelty, Grandeur | Loveliness
The Scenery Cannot be Surpassed.
The Mountain Division has been aptl}' st3'led
(No Mosquitoes.)
Pure Air and Water, Hunting, Fishing, Ferns, Flowers,
Mosses, Shade, and Even Temperature, with easy access to
Railroad, Telegraph, Churches, Hotels, Stores, and assist-
ance in case of emergency (no small matter Avhere children
are of the party), make it the Ultima Thule of the Health-
and-Pleasure Seeker.
Cambrian, 1133 Mission.
Carll's, 1328 Bush.
Campaign, Montgomery and ^^allejo.
Centennial, 421 Hayes.
California, Creen street.
Charter Oak, 771 Market.
(Joncordia, Mission, near Fifth.
Champion, Butte, bet. Tennessee and Kentucky.
Central, Bush and Polk.
Columbus, Stevenson, bet. Third and Fourth.
Comorfoi'd, Church, near 27th.
Crusaders', 1159 Mission.
Canavan's, Howard, bet. Seventh and Fiighth.
Currey, Bryant and Third.
Covenant, 325 Montgomery.
Caledonia, 32 0' Far r ell.
Docking's, 409 Montgomery avenue.
Druids', 413 Sutter.
Dashaway, 139 Post.
Eintracht, 312 Post.
Eastern, 32 O'FarrelL
Edward, Jersej- and Sanchez.
Prencli Zouave, Pacific, near Dupont.
Fraternal, 1938 Sixteenth.
Flinn's, Howard and Eighth.
Golden Gate, 1622 Pacific.
Graham's, 284 Harrison.
(jlrand Army Republic, 71 New Montgomery.
Grand Central, Sixth and Market.
Grand Western, 1328 Bush.
Golden Gate (Masonic), 131 Post.
Garibaldi, 423 Broadwa}'.
Humboldt, Erie and Mission.
Hibernia, 246 Third.
Hoag's, Sutter and Powell.
Huddy's, 909 Market.
Hamilton, Steiner and Geary.
Hopkins, Brannan, bet. Sixth and Seventh.
Ixora, 737 Mission.
I. O. R. M., 320 Post.
Independent Order R. M., 510 Bush.
Independence, 39 Fourth.
Irish -American, 818 Howard.
Irish Confederation, 751 Market.
Knights of Pythias, 915 Market.
Knights of Red Branch, 861 Market.
Kessing's, Howard and 21st.
King's, 2131 Mission.
Kingshoremen's, Jackson and Montgomery.
Lincoln, 71 New Montgomery.
Longhead's, 1605 Polk.
Layafette, 730 Montgomery.
Liberty, 861 Market.
Metzler's, 715 Green wicli.
Mowry's, cor. Grove and Laguna.
Masonic Temple, Montg. and Post.
Metropolitan Temple, Fifth near Market.
Mechanics Institute, 27 Post.
Myrtle, Sonth S. F., on R. R. Ave., bet. Seventh and Eighth
Mercantile Library, 216 Bush, near Sansome.
McGinnes, 24th and Alabama.
Mayberry, Mission, bet. 20th and 21st.
Mechanics, First and Stevenson,
McCarthys, Pacific, bet. Powell and Mason.
Mannerl)und, Potrei-o ave., bet, 24th and 25tli.
McCreighs, Harrison bet. Fifth and Sixth.
National Armory, 824 Post.
Ninth Ward Hall, 409 Third.
Odd Fellows, 325 Montgomery.
Ono, 1885 Mission.
Post Keller, cor. Post and Kearny.
Pioneer, 808 Montgtmery.
Platts or Music, 216 Montgomery.
Philharmonic, Jackson and Stockton,
Pixley's, Pacific and Polk.
Piggers & Stevedores, Montgomery, bet. Jackson and Pacific.
Roach & Learys, Sixth and Howard.
Rooney's, Potrero ave, and 16th.
Social, 39 Fourth.
Saratoga Music, Geary, bet. Hyde and Larkin.
Sanders, 71 New Montgomery.
St. Joseph, Tenth, bet. Howard and Folsom.
Scolly's, Stockton and Green.
Shiel's, 32 O'Farrell street.
St. Cyprian, -Virginia and Jackson.
St. Peters, (Temperance), Alabama, l)et. 23d and 24tli.
Spring Valley, Grreen street.
Turn Verein, Powell, bet. Pine and California.
Turn Verein, Turk, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde.
Turn Verein, Bush, bet. Stockton and Powell.
Turn Verein Vorwartiz, 310 O'Farrell.
Tannnany, Eighth and Folsom.
Tittles, 417 Bush.
Teutonia, 1322 Howard. •
Terpsichorean, Pacific near Stockton.
Temperance, 18^ Eddy.
Union, Howard, bet. Third and Fourth.
Veterans' Home, 10 California.
Washington, 35 Eddy.
Western Addition, California, near Fillmore.
Workingmen's Hall, Mission, bet. 28th and 29th streets.
Y. M. C. Association, 232 Sutter.
Young Men's Pacific Hall, Pacific, bet. Powell and Mason.
To Alameda, (C. P. E. E. & S. P. C. E. E.), from the foot
of Market street.
To Berkeley, from foot of Market street.
To Oakland, (C. P. E. E., & S. P. C. E. II.), from the foot
of Market street.
To San Quentin, from the foot of Clay street.
To Saucelito, from the foot of Clay street.
Oardeiis and Parks.
Alta Plaza, cor. Clay and Steiner.
Alamo Square, Steiner and Hayes.
Blue Forest, Bernard station.
Buena Vista Park, 20th and Vermont.
Columbia Square, Folsom, bet. Sixth and Seventh,
Exotic, Mission near 13th.
Franklin Park, l(3th and Jersey.
Germania, Erie, bet. Howard and Mission.
Hamilton Square, Scott and Post.
Holly's Park, Mission, near St. Mary's College.
Jackson Park, Cai-olina and Santa Clara.
Jefferson Square, Eddy and Gough.
Lafayette Park, Washington and Gough.
Lobos Square, Chestnut and Laguna.
South Park, Second and Brannan.
South San Francisco Park, Eailroad avenue, ])et. Ninth and
Tenth avenues.
Telegraj)h Hill, North end of Montgomery street.
Tivoli, Eddy, bet. Powell and Mason.
The Plaza, Kearny, bet. Washington and Clay.
Union Square, Stockton, bet. Geary and Post.
Washington Square, Union, bet. Powell and Stockton.
Wiener, Sutter and Stockton.
Winter, .305 Stockton.
Woodward's, Mission, bet. 13th and 14th.
Eureka Turn Verein, 706 Powell.
Maynard's, Harry, cor. Bush and Kearny.
Olympic, ] 19 Post.
San Francisco Turn Verein, 323 Turk.'
Scott, Thos. G., 2.32 Sutter.
(a few of the most important.)
Aldborn House, 321 Diipont.
American Exchange, 319 Sansome.
Ancon, Pacific and Drumm.
Baldwin, Market and Powell.
Beresford, Bush and Stockton.
Bootz's, 435 Pine.
Broadway, 212 Broadway.
Brooklyn, 210 Bush.
California, 210 Montgomery avenue.
Central, 217 Broadway.
Central Pacific, 346 Fourth.
Chicago, 220 Pacific.
Commercial, Montgomery avenue and Pacific.
Concordia, 907 Polsom.
Excelsior, 008 Sixtli.
Fourth Street, 512 Fourtli.
Franklin, 321 Pacific.
Gailhard, 507 Pine.
Golden Eagle, Broadway and Montgomery.
Golden Gate, 134 Fourth.
Grand Central, 957 Market.
Grand, cor. Market and New Montgomery.
Hotel Rhein, 909 Kearny.
HumV)oldt, l.%9 8tockt(ni.
International, 824 Kearny.
Lick House, Montgomery and Sutter.
Montgomery's, 227 Second,
New Atlantic, 207 Montgomery avenue.
New Continental, 547 Mission.
North Pacific, Jackson and Drumm.
Nucleus, Market and Third.
Occidental, Montgomery and Bush.
Overland House, 531 Sacramento.
Palace, Market and New Montgomery.
Park, 26 Turk.
Philadelphia, 423 Bush.
Portland, 54 Sacramento.
Prescott House, 933 Kearny.
Rasette House, 11 Kearny.
Russ House, Montgomery and Bush.
Siegfried's, 228 Bush.
South Park House, 530 Third.
St. Nicholas, 214 First.
Stanford, 618 Fourth.
Terminal, 606 Fourth.
Turk Street, 22 Turk.
What Cheer House, 527 Sacramento.
Hospitals aiul A^ylnins.
California State Woman's, cor. Howard and 12th.
Chinese, Montgomery avenue, l)et. Pacific and Broadway
also Pine, bet. Kearny and Dup )nt.
City and County, Potrero avenue, bet. 22d and 23d.
French, Bryant, bet. Fifth and Sixth.
German, Noe, bet. 14th and Ridley, office 535 California.
Home for the Inebriates, cor. Stockton and Chestnut.
Italian, 28th, near Noe.
Pacific Dispensary, 221 13th.
C :^
l^acific Homeopathic Dispensary, 843 Howard.
Sail Francisco Female, 806 .Stockton.
San Francisco Lying-in Asylum, i)I3 (il olden Gate avenue.
8an Francisco Surgical Home for Women, lOOG Clay.
St. Luke's, tSan Jose avenue, near 27th.
Women and Children's Dispensary, 13th.
St Mary's, cor. First and Bryant.
Twenty-Sixth Street, (Small-pox), De Haro, bet. 25th and
United States Marines, Presidio.
Alms House, San Miguel road, near Lake Honda.
City Receiving, Old City Hall.
Good Templai's Orphan Asylum, located at Vallejo.
Home for Aged and Infirm Females, First and Bryant.
Hebrew Orphan and Aged Asylum, Devisadero and Hayes.
Ladies Protection and Relief Society, Post and Van Ness
Magdalen Asjdum, cor. Sierra and Nebraska.
Old Peoples Home, Francisco and Powell.
Roman Catholic Orpan Asylum, Bay View, South San
Protestant Orphan Asylum, Laguna and Haight.
St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, South San Francisco.
Sailors Home, Spear and Harrison.
Women's Homeopathic Hospital, 730 Sutter.
To strangers wishing to secure lodgings, Avould refer to the
article on Boarding.
Free, in Pacihc Hall, Bush, bet. Kearny and Dn]H.nt.
French, 120 Sutter.
Libraria Italiana, 32 Montgomery avenue.
Mariners, cor. Sacramento and Drumm.
Mechanics' Institute, 27 Post.
Mercantile, 216 Bush.
Military, 328 Montgomery.
Odd Fellows, 325 Montgomery.
San Francisco Law, 27 Montgomery Block.
Workingmen's Free, 1235 Market.
Young Men's Christian Association, 232 Sutter.
Pioneer, 808 Montgomery.
S. F. Verein, (German), cor. Sutter and Du])ont.
Market «.
California, California, bet. Kearny and Montgomery.
Center, Dupont and Suttc
Clay, (Meat and Fish), Clay, bet. Montgomery and Sansome.
Fishing Fleet Wharf, foot of Vallejo.
Grand Arcade, Sixth, bet. Shipley and Clara,
Grand Central, Market and Sixth.
Grand Western, Polk, bet. Bush and Austin.
Hayes Valley, Grove and Laguna.
Mission, Mission and 1 6th.
Metropolitan, Mission and New Montgomery.
Union, Howard, het. Third and Fourth.
Washington, Washington, bet. Montgomery and Sansome.
Military, (x. g. c.)
Second Brigade, headquarters 7 Nucleus building.
First Infantry Regiment, headquarters 402 Montgomery,
and is composed of the following companies :
Company A, 420 Post.
Company B, New Montgomery and Howard.
Company C, 822 Post.
Company D, New ^Montgomery and Howard.
Company E, New Montgomery and Howard.
Company F, 322 Post.
Company G, 322 Post.
Company H, New Montgomery and Howard.
Savenier's First Regiment Band.
Second Artillery Regiment, 316 California, and is composed
of the following companies :
Company A, (Gatling Battery), New Montgomery and Minna.
Company B, (Light), 519 Mission.
Company C, 620 Bush.
Company D, 620 Bush.
Company E, New Montgomery and Howard.
Company F, Sutter and Powell.
Company G, 119 Post.
Company H, 620 Bush.
Cadet Company, Sutter, bet. Gough and Octavia.
Fifth Infantry Batallion, 218 California, and is composed of
the following companies :
Company A, Oakland.
Company B, San Jose.
Company C, Petaluma.
Company D, Vallejo.
Unattached Companies : San Francisco Hussai's, Minna
and New Montgomery.
Independent Companies : California Jaegers, 620 Bush.
Eintracht Rifle Section, 312 Post.
Emmet Life Guard. New Montgomery and Howard.
French Zouaves, 808 Pacific.
Garibaldi Guard, 423 Broadway.
German Fiisileer Guard, Old Turn Verein Halle.
Independent Mc^Mahon Grenadier Guard, 818 Howard.
Independent Rifles, 620 Bush.
Italian Sharpshooters, 625 Broadway,
.luai'ez Guai'd, 1524 Stockton.
Lafayette Guard, 730 Montgomery.
Sarsfield Guard, Mission and 13th,
Schuetzen Verein, 323 Turk.
Swiss Sharpshooters, 630 Bush.
^mi We^tEfii 8]utiual ijccidei]l! i^^^ociatioi],
Sriat Western litiil 4id igiadatioi,
Si'ikJ for f'ii'oiilav lo
in. 'VsT. ■w.A.:RisrjEii,
CSeiicral Agent Faciii** €o;{s(,
ELK€TKO.Mi:i>I< AL BSELT, for the
cure of Sill I'liroiiii' Oiseases >vitli-
out I?Eey the representative men and leading ladies of this and other countries.
Send for circulars and testimonials. Sent C. O. D. to any address, or by
mail or express for cash or P. 0. Order, or Registered Letter. Sent to all
parts of U. S., Mexico, or South America, Address—
C. Bf. WEST, 653 Market St.,
{mum Kmihij'.) ka\ rKA\4'iH('4>.
]Vew!>ipaper»i and Perio l»ROMI»r .iTTEXTI«\
to preserve it, and I recommend all persons not to delay, but to
of charge and Spectacles properly adjusted if necessary.
N. MANASSE, Optician,
211 Kearny Street.
Field, Opera and Marine Glasses, IVIicroscopes, Telescopes, &c.
Reading Rooiun.
B'nai B'rith— 121 Eddy.
Bohemian Club — 430 Pine.
California Pioneers — 808 Montgomery.
Free Public Libraries — Bush, bet. Kearny and Dupont.
Mariners' Free-^56 Sacramento.
Mechanics' Institute — 27 Post.
Mercantile Library — 216 Bush.
Merchants' Exchange — California and Montgomery.
Odd Fellows' — 325 Montgomery.
Territorial Pioneers' — 838 Market.
AVoRKiNGMENs' Free^1235 Market.
Young Men's Christian Association — 232 Sutter.
Young Women's Christian Association — 314 Sutter.
Railroad and Ferry Time Tables.
In a work of this nature it is inqjossible to give entire time
tables of all routes of travel, as the trains of arrive and depart
and so constantly changing; any time mentioned (in most
cases) would scarcly hold good a month.
The following table gives the departure of trains from this
city on the Central and Southern Pacific Railroads and Ferry.
Should any others be desired, the only reliable time can Ijc
obtained at the respective offices of the routes desired; their
location can readily be found beneath their proper headings.
Oakland Fourth &
Ferry. Townsend.
I 9:30 a. M
Antioch and Martinez *4:00 P. m
( *4:30 P.
Aptos, Castroville, Gilroy, Monterey j 10:40 a.m.
Pajaro, Santa Cruz | 3:30 p. m.
Salinas, Soquel, Watsonville, Beni-
8:30 A.
3:30 p. m.
'4:30 P. M.
Calistoga and Napa ! *?"aa '^* ^^"
== ^ I "4:00 P. M.
Eastern C. P. & U. P. Express 3:30 P. m.
Emigrant. . . 5:30 p. m.
Fresno and Madera ! ^?n!! ^'^^ ^^*
/ *4:00 P. M.
Gait and Stockton
8:00 A. M.
'4:00 P. M.
Hollister and Tres Pinos
lone 8:00 A. M.
Knight's Landing, except Sunday. . 4:30 p. m.
" " Sunday only. ... 8:00 a. m.
Livermore and Pleasanton ) r"!;2 ^' ^^'
( o:00 P. M.
Los Angeles and soutli 9:30 a. m.
\ 10:30 A. M.
\ *3:30 p. M.
Oakland Fourth &
Feny. Towuseud.
Marysville and Chico 8:00 a. m.'
Merced and Yosemite *4:00 r. m
i 8:00 A. ^i
Niles and Hay wards. . .
Redding and Red Bluft'.
10:00 a. m
3:00 p. M.
5 :00 P. M.
8.00 a. m.
Redwood, San Mateo & Menlo Park
Sacramento, Colfax and Alta.
8:00 A.
3:30 P.
8:30 A.
+9:30 A.
10:40 a.
*2:30 P.
4:05 P.
■'^5:15 P.
6:30 P. M.
Sacramento via Benicia.. . ?. 4:30 P.
^ 8:00 A.
San Jose { 3.00 p.
Santa Clara, San Jose and principal
way Stations
8:30 A.
10:40 A.
3:30 P.
4:25 P. M.
S. P. Express 9:30 a. m.
" Emigrant 4:30 P. m.
Suisun 8.00 A. M.
f 8:00 A. M.
I 9:30 A. M.
Vallejo -I 3:30 p. m.
I *4:00 P. M.
1*4:30 P. M.
Virginia City, Carson 3:30 p. m.
8:00 a. m.
4:30 P. M.
'8:00 a. m.
at San Pablo;
at Antioch.
should meet Pa-
also, Pacific Ex-
Willows and Williams. . .
* Sundays excepted, t Sundays only.
Train leaving San Francisco at 9:30 A.
cific Express from "Ogden'
press from "El Paso''
The first boat of the Oakland ferry leaves San Francisco
at *6 A. M., the next at *6:30, and every half -hour until 7 p.m.
the remaining boats running at 8, 9:30, 11, *12.
Returning, trains leave Broadway, Oakland, at *5:32, *6:02
6:32 A. M., and every half -hour thereafter to 7:02 p. m., then
8:02, 9:32, 11:02.
To East Oakland— *6, 6:30 and then hourly to 6:30, 7, 8,
9:30 11,*12.
From East Oakland— *5:21, 5:51, 6:21, 6:51, then hourly
to 7:51, 9:21, 10:51.
To Alameda— *6, t6,30, 7, *t7:30, 8, *t8:30, 9, *t9:30, 10,
11, 12 A. M. 1, 2, 3, *+3:30, 4, *t4:30, 5, *+5:30, 6, ^^+6:30,
7, *8, 9:30, 11, *12.
From Alameda— *5: 15, *5:45, 6:15, 7:10, *t7:35, 8:10,
*+8:35, 9:10, *t9:35, 10:10, *+10:35, 11:10, then hourly until
4:10, then *t4:35, 5:10, *t5:35, (>:10, *+6:35, 7:15, *t7:35,
9:15, 10:45.
From Broadway, Oakland — *5:32, *G:02, G:32, and every
half-hour to 7:02, then 8:02, 9:32, 11:02.
For Berkeley— *6, *6:30, 7, *7:30, 8, *8:30, 9, +9:30,10,
+10:30, 11, +11:30, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4:30, 5, 5:30, G, 6:30, 7, 8,
9 "30 *12.
From Berkeley— *5:45, *6:15, 6:45, *7:15, 7:i5, ^8:15,
8:45, :9:15, 9:45, ^10:15, 10:45, +11:15, 11:45, 12:45, 1:45,
2:45, 3:45, 4:15, 4:45, 5:15, 5:45, 6:15, 6:45, 7:45, 9:15,
For West Berkeley— *6, *6:30, 7, *7:30, +8, 8:30, 9, 10,
11, 2, 3, 4, *4:30, 5, *5,30, 6, 6:30, 7.
From West Berkeley— *5:45, *6.15, 6:45, *7:15, 7:45, 8:45
9:45, 10:45, 1:45,2:45, 3:45, 4:45, *5:]5, 5:45, *6:15, 6:45,
Creek Route — From San Francisco — "7:15, 9:15, 11:15,
1:15, 3:15,5:15.
Creek Route— From Oakland— *6:15, 8:15, 10:15, 12:15,
2:15, 4:15.
* Except Sunday, f Via East Oakland. *+ Via East
Oakland, except Sunday. X Sundays only.
I^tage Line§.
Arizona, No. 2 New Montgomery street.
California and Oregon, No. 2 New Montgomery street.
Coast Line, No. 2 New Montgomery street.
Geyser Line, No. 2 New Montgomery street.
Gilroy Hot Springs, No. 2 New Montgomery street.
Lake Tahoe, No. 2 New Montgomery street.
San Mateo and Pescadero, No._^ 2 New Montgomery street.
U. S. Stage Co., No. 2 New Montgomery street.
Yosemite, No. 2 New Montgomery street.
§teani§]iip L.iiie§.
Offices of the following Foreign and Domestic Steamship lines
are located at C. P. R. R. Ticket Office, foot of Market
Street, where all information can be obtained.
Inman, National, White Star, Allen, Anchor, State, Guion,
Hamljurg, North German Lloyd, American, Generalq
Transatlantique and Red Star.
General Transatlantic Steamship Office, 5 Montgomery ave
Dispatch Steamship Line, 302 California.
Cunard Steamship Line, 208 Market.
Panama Steamship Line, 202 Market.
Calif ornian and Mexican Steamship Line, 10 Market.
N. GRAY & CO.,
641 Sacramento Street,
Barstow's Metallic Burial Cases and Caskets.
And all kinds of Banking and Commercial Stamps.
Office and Factory, 702 Market Street,
Pacific Mail Steamship Office, First and Brannan and 208
Portland and Astoria U. S. Mail Line, 214 Montgomery.
Sail every 4 days.
Pacific Coast Steamship Co., 214 Montgomery.
Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co., 208 Market.
Humboldt Bay Steamship Co., 405 Front and 22 California.
Honolulu Steamship Co,, 204 California.
Victoria Steamship Co., 118 Pacific Street.
Compagnie General Transatlantique, 5 Montgomery avenue.
Cunard Line, 202 Market.
North German Lloyd, 314 Sacramento.
Eoyal Mail Steam Packet Co., 319 California.
Colorado Steam Navigation Co., Fourth and Townsend.
Empire and Marshfield, 213 Jackson.
Farmers' S. S. Co. 525 Front.
Oregon S. S. Co., 210 Battery.
California Steam Navigation Co., Fourth and Townsend.
Eel River Steam Navigation Co., 330 Pine.
Oregon Kailway and Navigation Co., No. 10 Market and
214 Montgomery.
Bay and River Steamers.
Alviso, daily, 9 a. m.
Mendocino, bi-weekly, 4 P. M.
Eureka, 2d, 12th and 22d of each month, 9 a. M.
Napa, Monday^ Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 2 and 5 p. m.
Petaluma, daily. Sacramento daily.
Stockton daily. Sonoma daily.
All near the foot of Market Street.
^toek Yards.
These are situated in South San Francisco; to reach tliem
take either the Fouth or Fifth Street Car Line; they will give
you transfers to the Potrero and Bay View line of cars.
i^tate Appointees.
Assay er State, 328 Montgomery.
Bank Commissoners, 202 Sansome.
Fish Commissioners, 401 California Street.
Harbor Commissioners, 10 California.
Mineralogist State, 313 Pine.
Immigration Commissioner, 508 Battery.
Inspector Gas Meters, 531 Mission.
Insurance Commissioner, 401 California.
Pilot Examiners, 62 Merchants' Exchange.
Pilots, 506 Battery.
Port Wardens, 525 Front.
Prison Directors, 410 Kearny.
Railroad Commissioners, 320 Sansome.
State University, Land Department, 310 Pine,
Supreme Court, 105 Stockton; Judges' Chambers, 105 Stockton
Viticultural Commissioners, 111 Leidesdorff.
Yosemite VaUey Commissioners, 9 Hubbard.
Federal Appointee»i.
Army, Military Division of the Pacific, and dept. of Califor-
nia, headquarters Presidio Reservation.
Army, Engineers, Engineer Officer Military Division of the
Pacific, Presidio Keservation; Fortifications Harbor S, F.,
533 Kearny; Light House 120 Sutter.
Army, Depots and Warehouses, 3G New Montgomery, and
Yerba Buena Island.
Bankruptcy, Registers District California, ()3() Chxy and 506
Board of Examining Surgeons for Pensioners, 715 Clay.
Census Supervisor, (First District of Cal;) 14 Montgomery ave.
Coast and Geodetic Survey, U. S. Appraiser's Building.
Courts, Circuit Judge, Clerk; District Judge, Clerk; District
Attorney, Marshal, Commmissioners, U. S. Appraiser's
Customs Port San Francisco, Collector, Naval Officer, and
Surveyor, N. W. cor., Washington and Battery; Ap-
praiser's Store, E s Sansome bet. Washington and Jackson.
Geological Survey, 155 New Montgomery.
Inspector Boilers, U. S. Appraiser's Building.
Inspector Hulls, U. S. Appraiser's Building.
Inspector Revenue, Agents, Collector, Gangers, U. S. Ap-
praiser's Building.
Land Office, Register and Receiver, 610 Commercial.
Life Boat Station, Ocean Beach, near Golden Gate Park.
Light House Department, (Twelfth District) Inspector and
Engineer, 120 Sutter.
Marine Hospital, Presidio Reservation, near Mountain Lake;
Superintending Surgeon, U. S. Appraiser's Building.
Mint, Superintendent, Assayer, Coiner, Melter, and Refiner,
N. W. cor. Fifth and Mission.
Navy Pay Office, U. S. Appraiser's Building.
Pension Agent, Army and Navy, 620 Washington.
Post Office, Post Master, N. W. cor. Washington and Bat-
tery; Assistant Superintendent Railway Mail Service,
S. W. cor. Jackson and Battery; Post-office Inspectors,
320 Sansome.
Secret Service U. S. Appraiser's Building.
Shipping Comrnissisner, 118 Jackson.
Signal Service, 42 Merchants' Exchange.
Special Agent Treasury Dept., U. S. Appraiser's Building.
Supervising Inspector Steam Vessels, U. S. Appraisei's
Purveyor-General California, 610 Commercial.
Treasurer Assistant, 608 Commercial.
l^eliooU. (Public.)
San Francisco School Census for 1882.
70 school-houses ; 634 rooms; 3 halls ; 739 teachers ; 80,123
children under 17 years ; 55,729 of school age, 5 to 17 years ;
40,95G attending schools. City schools cost, for 1882, §775,000.
John W. Taylor, Sup't Schools. Geo. Beans ton. See.
State Normal School, San Jose, 730 students. 47 counties
out of 52 in California represented. State University, Berke-
ley, 575 students. First school in California opened April 3,
Seven Kindergarten Schools, with 2,200 children in the city.
Miss Hattie V. Crocker, President : S. B. Wiggin, Secretary ;
These Schools are Free, and deserve the aid of ail.
The School Houses are located as follows :
Broadway Grammar and Primary, Broadv/ay and Mason.
Bernal Heights Primary, Courtland avenue and Moultrie.
Buena Vista Primary, York, near Butte.
Boys' High School, Sutter and Gough.
Clement Granunar, Geary and Jones.
Columbia Grammar, Columbia and 25th.
Denman Grammar, Bush and Taylor.
Emmerson Primary, Pine and Scott.
Evening Schools are located at Lincoln, Mission and Wash-
ington Street School Houses,
Ewing Primary, Harrison, near Fourth.
Eighth Street Primary, Eighth and Harrison.
Franklin Grammar, Eighth atid Harrison.
Fairmount, Chenery, near Randall.
Golden Gate Primary, Golden Gate avenue, bet. Pierce and
Girls' High School, Bush, near Hyde.
Grant Primary, Golden Gate avenue, near Hyde.
Greenwich Street Primary, Greenwich, near Jones.
Garfield Primary, Union, near Kearny.
Hayes Valley Grammar, McAllister and Franklin.
Hayes Valley Primary, Grove, near Larkin.
Hamilton Grammar, Geary, near Pierce.
Haight Grammar, Mission, near 25th.
Irving Primary, Broadway, near Sansome.
Jackson Street Primary, Jackson, near Webster.
Jackson Street Expei'imental, 116 Jackson street.
Lincoln Grammar, Primary and Evening, Fifth, near Market.
Laguna Honda, Eighth avenue, near R street.
Lobos, Point Lobos avenue, near Parker avenue.
Lombard Street Primary, Lombard near Baker.
Mission Grammar and Primary, Mission, near loth.
North Cosmopolitan Grammar, Filbert, near Jones.
Noe and Temi^le Street Primary, Noe and Temple.
Ocean House, San Miguel, near Ocean House road.
Pine and Larkin Primary, Pine, near Larkin.
Pine and Scott Primary, Pine, near Scott.
Point Lobos Primary, Point Lobos and 19th avenues.
E. J. COLEMAN, President. J. HENLEY SMITH, Vice-President.
Main Office, 110 Sutter Street,
Branch Office, (with Telephone to Main Office,) Oakland
Ferry Baggage Room.
Baggage Weighed and Checked at Hotels and Eesidenoes.
Trunks, Merchandise and Parcels transferred to and from all
Trains, Boats and Steamers ; also, from one
part of the City to another.
when Bills of Lading or Orders are left with, or Consign-
ments made to, this Company.
wwmwwmmw m ©©^i
San Prancisco, £l A JT Xl lU O d and Brooklyn.
Forwards Packages, Orders, Notes, Etc.,
Prompt Delivery of Baggage and Freight
To all Steamers anrt Depot!^ iii San Francisco and Oakland.
PIANOS and FURNITURE MOVED by careful and
Experienced Men.
Express calls from Telegraph & Telephone Go's answered promptly.
855 Broadway, Oakland. 3 and 5 Commercial St., S. F.
Cor. Park St., and R. R. Ave., Alameda. Branch Office, 431 Kearney.
Powell street Primary, Powell, near Washington.
Potrero Primary, Minnesota, near Sierra.
Rincon Grammar, Silver, near Second.
South Cosmopolitan Grammar, Eddy, near Polk.
South Cosmopolitan Primary. Bush, near Dupont.
South San Francisco, 14th avenue, near L street.
Starr King Primary, Bryant, near Sixth.
Silver Street Primary, Silver, near Second.
Shotwell Street Primary, Shotwell, near 22d.
Spring Valley, Union, near Franklin.
Spring Valley, Grammar, Broadway, near Polk.
South End, William, near Henry.
Sanches Street Primary, Sanches, near loth.
Tyler Street Primary, Golden Gate avenue, near Pierce.
Tehama Primary, Tehama, near Second,
Turk Street Primary, Turk, near Webster.
Union Primary, Filbert and Kearny.
Union Street Ex., 512 Union.
Ungraded School, Harrison, bet. 10th and 11th.
Valencia Primary, Valencia, near 22d.
Washington Grammar and Evening School, cor. \N ashmgton
and Mason. n t>ji
West Mission Primary, Mission, bet, Herman and Kidiey.
West End, San Jose road, near Six-mile House.
American Tract Society, 757 Market.
California Bible Society, 757 INlarket.
Church Society of St. Francis Parish, meets in bt.
Francis Church.
Methodist Book Depository, 1041 Market.
Ladies Pastoral Aid Society of Trinity Church : (Trinity
Church.) ^^. .
Occidental Branch of the Women's Foreign Missionary
Society of the Presbyterian Church: 933 Sacramento.
Pacific Presbyterian Union : 56 First Street.
San Frncisco Port Society: Sacramento and Drumm.
Sodality of the B. V, M. : In St. Ignatius Church.
Young Men's Christian Associatian : Sutter, bet. Kearny
and Dupont,
Young Men's Christian Association, (Chinese): Sacra-
mento and Stockton.
Young Men's Hebrew Association: 211 Sutter.
Young Women's Christian Association: 314 Sutter.
American Legion of Honor :
Golden Council, No. 118, second and fourth Wednesdays ;
32 O'Farrell.
Alta Council, No. 147, Fridays : .32 O'Farrell.
Myrtle Council, No. 187, Wednesday ; Druids' Hall.
California Council, No. 250, first and Third Mondays ;
32 O'Farrell.
Bohemian Council, No. 261, Wednesday; 32 O'Farrell.
Columbia Council, No. 335, Saturdays ; 32 O'Farrrell.
San Francisco Council, No. 442, Tuesday ; 913 Market.
Coleman Council, No. 451, Wednesday; 71 New Mont-
Washington Council, No. 480, second and fourth Fridays ;
32 O'Farrell.
Occident Council, No. 502, first and third Wednesdays ;
32 O'Farrell.
Golden West Council, No. 547, second and fourth Fridays ;
Geary and Steiner.
Golden Star Council, No. 548, Thursday ; 413 Sutter.
Excelsior Council, No. 559, first and third Wednesdays ;
32 O'Farrell.
Protection Council, No. 596, Friday ; 121 Eddy.
Metropolis Council, No. 640, Saturday ; 320 Post.
Mystic Council, No. 674, second and fourth Wednesdays ;
32 O'Farrell.
Golden Shore Council, No. 695, Saturday; 32 O'Farrell.
American Protestant Association :
Worthy Grand Lodge, first Monday in December ; 213
California Lodge, No. 1, Thursday ; 18^ Eddy.
Yerba Buena, No. 2, Friday ; 18>^2Fddy.
Pacific, No. 5, Friday ; Champion Hall.
Harmony, No. 6, Tuesday ; 18)4 Eddy.
Ancient Order of Forresters :
Court Robin Hood, No. 5931, second and fourth Tuesdays ;
413 Sutter.
Court Eureka, No. 6146, first and third Thursdays ; 510
Court Aurora, No. 6450, first and third Wednesdays ; 510
Court America, No. 6454, second and fourth Thursdays ; at
Champion Hall.
Court California, No. 6671, first and third Tuesdays; 997
Court Occidental, No. 6676, second and fourth Fridays ; 32
Court Golden Gate, No. 6681, second and fourth Tuesdays ;
1-1 Eddy.
Coui^t San Francisco, No. 6744, first and third Fridays ;
Court Pride of California, second and fourth Mondays ;
997 Market.
Court Young America, first and third Saturdays ; Cham-
pion Hall.
Court Aurora, No. 6450, first and third Wednesdays ;
320 Pos .
Ancient Order of Hibernians :
Division No. 1, second Fritlay ; 818 Howard.
Division No. 2, first Friday ; 818 Howard.
Division No. 3, third Tuesday ; 771 Market.
Division No. 4, second Wednesday ; 818 Howard.
Division No. 5, first Wednesday ; at llumboUU Hall.
Division No. 6, second Friday ; 818 Howard.
Division No. 7, second Tuesday ; 429 Pacific.
Division No. 8, first Tuesday ; in St. Joseph's Hail.
Division No. 9, first Thursday ; 818 Howard.
Division No. 10, first Friday ; 771 Market.
Ancient Order of United Workmen:
San Francisco Lodge, No. 4, Wednesday ; 121 Ed.ly.
Golden Gate, No. 8, Thursday ; 32 O'Farrell.
Harmony, No. 9, Saturday ; 913 Market,
Yerba Buena, No. 14, Friday; 32 O'Farrell.
Bernal Lodge, No. 19, Tnesday ; lOth and V^alencia.
Unity Lodge, No. 27, Tuesday; 121 Eddy.
Valley Lodge, No. 30, Wednesday ; 32 O'Farrell.
Spartan Lodge, No. 3G, Thursday ; 32 OTarrell.
Myrtle Lodge, No. 42, Saturday ; 913 Market.
Washington Lodge, No. (50, Thursday ; 121 Eddy.
Burns Lodge, No. ()8, Thursday ; 913 Market.
St. John's Lodge, No. 73, Saturday ; 32 O'Farrell.
Magnolia Lodge, No. 41, Mondays ; 32 O'Farrell.
Franklin Lodge, No. 44, Friday ; 32 O'Farrell.
Hercules Lodge, No. 53, Friday ; Geary and Steiner.
Excelsior Lodge, No. 126, Thursday ; 2417 Mission.
Olympic Lodge, No. 127, Tuesday ; 32 O'Farrell.
Fidelity Lodge, No. 136, Wednesday ; 320 Post.
Bay view Lodge, No. 159, Friday ; Railroad and Seven-
teenth avenues. South S. F.
Triumph Lodge, No. 180, Tuesday; 320 Post.
Noe Valley, No. 185, Tuesday; Edward's Hall.
Worlvman's Guarantee Fund Ass'n. ; St. Ann's Building,
Austrian Benevolent Society : First and Third Fridays ;
71 New Montgomery.
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks :
San Francisco Lodge, No. 3, Sunday afternoon ; 510 Bush.
California Lodge, No. 12, Sunday ; 32 O'Farrell.
B'nai B'rith :
District Grand Lodge, No. 4, fourth Sunday in January ;
121 Eddy.
Ophir Lodge, No. 21, Wednesday.
Unity Lodge, No. 273, Monday.
Modin Lodge, No. 42, Tuesday.
Pacific Lodge, No. 48, Wednesday.
Montefiore Lodge, No. 51, Sunday.
Columbia Lodge, No. 127, Monday.
Golden Gate Lodge, No. 129, Wednesday.
California Lodge, No. 163, Thursday.
Cremieux Lodge, No. 323, Monday.
General Business Office, No. 2 New Montgomery St.
Visitors to San Francisco will find our Carnages and Coupes superior to
all others, and the.v will be furnished at moderate and uniform rates.
They can be found in front of the General Office, No. 2 New Montgomerj'
Street, and the following carriage stands :
Palace Hotel, Grand Hotel, Lick House, Occidental Hotel, The Baldwin,
Oakland Ferry.
Fashion Stables, 221 Ellis Street, our Depot, 615 Howard Street, and at
the following Telegraph Offices :
Nos. 22 Sansonie, 833 Sutter, 205 Sutter, 2016 Fillmore, 901 Mission,
N. W. Cor. Powell and Dnion Streets, and Cor. Mission and 20th Streets,
where Foremen are stationed to receive orders.
By special arrangements with the transportation companies, and for the
protection of passengers, tickets for our carriages are sold on all the in-
coming railway trains and passenger steamers by the agents of the Pacific
Transfer Co. Upon arrival at the landing, ticket-holders are met by our
agents and conducted to their carriages, and are protected against imposi-
tion and violence. Our agents, drivers and coachmen, when at the pass-
enger landings wear the badge— United Carriage Co.— on their hats or
caps. Trust no one who does not wear this Itadge.
1st.— By the monogram " U. C." on the door.
2d. — By the numbers on the lamps. Thej' are numbered from 400 up to
499 ; none below 400 or above 499. No other carriages or coupes are
numbered in the four hundreds.
M.— By the drivers' gold badge bearing our name and the carriage num-
ber, which the driver must exhibit on demand.
By the arrangement witli the Pacific Bell Telephone Co. our Carriages
and Coupes can be instantly signaled for from any of their signal boxes
or telephones in the City, at any hour. Day or iSlight.
RATES, MAY 1st, 1882.
Between any points within the District bounded by Twelfth Street,
Franklin Street, Broadwav and the Citv Front, or for One Mile.
One or two passengers .$1 00
Each additional mile 50
Calling and shopping— first hour 1 50
•' '• each subsequent ' 1 00
Theatres, both ways, coupe reserved 3 00
Through the Park 4 00
" " and to end of Beach road 5 00
*« " and Clif?— return ria Point Lobos T'npike, 6 00
" " and Cliff— return via the Park 7 00
One or two passengers §1 50
More than two passengers 2 00
Each additional mile for each passenger 25
Calling and shopping- first hour 2 00
" " each subsequent 150
Theatre loads, both ways— carriage reserved 4 00
Around the Park 5 00
" " and to end of Beach road 7 00
" " and out on the Beach 8 00
Cliff House, via Park, and return via Point Lobos T'npike. . . 8 00
' ' and around the Park and return 10 00
' ' via Park and return via Ocean House 12 00
Alms House, via Park 7 00
Hand Baggage free. Detentions after the time for which carriages are
ordered will be charged by the hour.
JAMES McCORD, Superintendent.
every variety. Saddle Horses a specialty. Careful and experienced
Drivers furnished for the use of
orders can be left with IJiilted Carriage Co's Agent or foll<)wing
places: No. 2 New Moutgomery Street, and at Palace Grand,
Lick, Occidental or Baldwin Hotels, or sent by telephone to btable.
San Fpaneiseo.
B'nai B'rith Hall Association : Eddy, bet. Mason and
Taylor. ^,
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society: 68 Clementina st
British Benevolent Society of California : o31 Cala.
CALIFORNIA Prison Commission.
California Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Children: 614 Merchant. , , ,
California State Woman's Hospital: Sacramento, bet.
Baker and Lyon. r, t- noo
Cambrian Mutual Aid Society of San Francisco : 1133
Mission, second Mondays. -, r ^i
Canadian Association: 121 Eddy, second and fourth
T^n p^rl 1VS
Celtic Protective and Benevolent Society: 818 Howard,
third Wednesday. ^,^ -d u * 4-1
Chebra Achim Rachmonim Association : 510 Bush, fourth
Chebr A B^'Ai Yisrael Society : Third Sunday, 121 Eddy.
Chebra Bikur Cholim Ukedisha Society : Second Sun-
day, 121 Eddy. -^. . o a -m-R i
Chebra B'rith Shalom Society : First Sunday, olOBush.
Chebra Ohavai Shalom Society : Second Sunday, 121 Eddy.
Chebra Ohobath Zion Society : Third Sunday, 121 Eddy.
Eureka Benevolent Society : 414 Clay.
Exempt Fire Company: Third Monday, at their Hall,
21 Brenham Place. -o i pi
Firemen's Mutual Benevolent Association : Brenham Fl.
First Hebrew Benevolent Society: Post and Taylor.
First Hebrew Ladies' Mutual Benefit Ass n : 121 Eddy.
French Mutual Benovolent Society : 510 Jackson.
Gambrinus Benevolent Association : 510 Bush.
German General Benevolent Society of San Francisco :
Block of 14th, Ridley, Noe and Castro.
German Ladies' General Benevolent Society : Ihurs-
day ; Dashaway Hall.
Grand Army of the Republic :
Lincoln Post, No. 1, Thursday ; 71 New Montp;omery.
Geo. H. Thomas Post, No. 2, first and third Tuesdays ;
413 Sutter.
Garfield Post, No. 34, Monday ; 861 Market.
G. A. R. Cemetery Association : Office, 71 New Montg'y.
Home for Aged and Infirm Females : on Rincon place. .
Improved Order of Red Men; 320 Post :
Hiawatha Lodge, No. 3, Monday.
Manzanita Lodge, No. 4, Wednesday.
Iritoba Lodge, No. G, 'J'hursday.
Miautonomah Lodge, No. 9, Tuesday.
Pohonachee Lodge, No. 10, Monday,
Pochahoiitas Lodge, No. 11, Friday.
Sotoyome Lodge, No. 12, alternate Thursdays.
Tuscarora Lodge, No. 36, Wednesday.
Tahoe Degree Council, No. 1, first and third Sunda3^s.
Independent Order of Red Men's Library Association :
320 Post.
Independent Free Sons of Israel :
Pioneer Lodge, No. 87, first and third Tuesdays; 121 Edd3^
Concordia Lodge, No. 101, second and fourth Tuesda.ys ;
121 Eddy.
Independent Order of Red Men (German): Hall, 510 Bush.
California Stamni, No. 70, Friday.
Golden Gate Stamni, No. 74, Sunday.
Pacific Stamm, No. 78, Monday.
Germania Stamm, No. 83, Tuesday.
Harmonic Stamm, No. 160, Thursday.
Yerba Buena Lager, No. 8, second and fourth Fridays.
Herman, No. 224, Monday.
Italian Bersaglieri Mutual Benevolent Society : Sec-
ond Thursday ; 625 Broadway.
Irish-American Benevolent Society : First and third
Mondays ; 818 Howard.
Italian Benevolent Society : First Monday of each month;
423 Washington.
Knights of Honor :
Ivy Lodge, No. 1716, Friday ; 413 Sutter.
Germania Lodge, No. 1718, Tuesday; 121 Eddy.
Friendship Lodge, No. 1731, Tuesday; 32 O'Farrell.
Charter Oak Lodue, No. 1755, Thursday ; 121 Eddy.
Eureka Lodge, No. 1756, Wednesday ; 121 Eddy.
Yerba Buena Lodge, No. 1788, Monday ; 32 O'Farrell.
Norman Lodge, No. 1841, Tuesday ; 121 Eddy.
Saxon Lodge, No. 1848, Tuesday; 32 O'Farrell.
Union Lodge, No. 1895, Tuesday; 32 O'Farrell.
San Francisco Lodge, No. 1922, INTonduy ; 121 Eddy.
Tancred Lodge, No. 1927, Monday; 32 O'Farrell.
Yosemite Lodge, No. 1930, Wednesday; 32 O'Farrell.
Occidental Lodge, No. 1990, Wednesday; 121 Eddy.
Confidence Lodge, No. 2282, Saturday ; 32 O'Farrell.
Oriental Lodge, No. 2163, Friday ; 121 Eddy.
Knights and Ladies of Honor : 121 Eddy.
Aurora Lodge, Monday.
Martha Lodge, second and fourth Fridays.
Mission Lodge, No. 210(5, Friday; IGth and Mission.
Keystone Lo'dge, No. 2107, Thursday ; 32 O'Farrell.
Fidelity Lodge, No. 2108, Friday ; 320 Post.
Eagle Lodge, No. 2204, Wednesday ; 32 O'Farrell.
Anierica Lodge, No. 2229, Wednesday ; 320 Post.
Far West Lodge, No. 2324, Thursday ; 1901 Geary.
Anchor Lodge, No. 2366, Friday ; 121 Eddy.
Knights of Labor :
Bay Citv L. A., No. 1390, Thursday ; 9094 Market.
Hayes Valley L. A., No. 1573, Monday ; 909^ Market.
Pacific L. A., No. 1580, Tuesday ; Leavenworth & Pacific.
Knights of Pythias :
Pythian Castle, 913 Market.
California Lodge, No. 1, Thursday.
Damon Lodge, No. 2, Tuesday.
Golden Gate Lodge, No. 3, Friday.
Laurel Lodge, No. 4, Monday.
Ivanhoe Lodge, No. 5, Wednesday.
Alemania Lodge, No. 8, Wednesday.
Eureka Lodge, No. 9, Friday.
Excelsior Lodge, No. 12, Tuesday.
Harmony Lodge, No. 15, Thursday. •
Myrtle Lodge, No. 16, Tuesday.
Metropolitan Lodge, No. 24, Monday.
South San Francisco Lodge, No. 45, Tuesday ; Myrtle Hall.
Bayard, Lodge, No. 53, Thursday.
Syracuse Lodge, No. 58, Wednesday.
Utility Lodge, No. 61, Thursday ; 2933 16th.
Golden City Lodge, No. 63, Friday.
Ivy Lodge, No. 65, Tuesday ; Geary and Steiner.
Section Lodge, No. 70, of the Endowment Rank ; 013
Bureau of Relief, 913 Market.
Uniformed Division, No. 2, last Saturday ; 913 Market.
Knights of St. Patrick : Second and fourth Tuesdays ;
861 Market.
Knights of the Eed Branch :
K. R. B., No. 1, Thursday ; 997 Market.
K. R. B., No. 2, Wednesday ; 997 Market.
K, R. B., No. 3, W^ednesday ; Charter Oak Hall.
K. R. B., No. 4, Tuesday ; 997 Market.
Kong Chow Beneficial Society, (Chinese) : Pine, bet.
Kearny and Dupont.
Ladies French Benevolent Society : 120 Sutter.
Ladies Protective and Relief Society : Franklin, bet.
Post and Kearny.
Ladies Seaman's Friend Society.
Ladies Society of Israealites : 414 Clay.
GurPE BOOK or sAy francisco. 83
Ladies UmoN Beneficial Society, (Colored) : In the
A. M. E. Church.
Loyal Orange Institution of the U. S. :
California True Blues, No. 118, Sunday; 909 >^ Market.
Harmony, No. 127 ; Potrero.
Ladies' United Hebrew Benevolent Society : 121 Eddy
Little Sister's Infant Shelter : 512 Minna.
Longshoremen's Benevolent Association : 737 Mission.
Magdalen Asylum : Potrero avenue, near Twenty-first.
Master Mariner's Benevolent Association : 413 Sutter.
Mater Misericordiae : 23>^ Rincon Place.
Military Order Loyal Legion U. S. : First Wednesday of
February, May, August and November.
Recorder, 316 California.
Netherlands Benevolent Association : Market and
Nord-Deutcher Verein : 909 j^ Market.
Order Hermann's Sons, 510 Bush :
San Francisco, No. 1, Wednesday.
Ernst Von Bandel, No. 3, Tuesday.
Order Kesher Shel Barzel, 32 O'Farrell :
Har Hamoriah, No. 3, Sunday.
Zion, No. 4, Wednesday.
Rehoboth, No. 6, Monday.
Washington, No. 7, Thursday, •
Jeshurun, No. 9, first and third Tuesdays.
Odd People's Home : Francisco, bet. Stockton and Powell.
Order of the American Star :
Star I.odge, No. 1 ; 226 Sutter.
Washington, No. 2 ; 7 Stockton.
Order of Chosen Friends : .
Concord Council, No. 2 ; 121 Eddy.
Union Council, No. 4 ; 121 Eddy. *
Empire Council, No. 7 ; 320 Post.
Golden Shore, No. 5 ; 32 O'Farrell.
Pacific, No. 8 ; 32 O'Farrell. . J
L'Union Franco- American, No. 10 ; 413 Sutter. I
Columbia, No. 11 ; 32 O'Farrell. ^
Samaritan, No. 13 ; 32 O'Farrell.
Home, No. 14 ; 320 Post.
Washington, No. 16; Champion Hall. (
Phoenix, No. 18; 121 Eddy.
Bohemian, No. 23 ; 413 Sutter.
Garfield, No. 6; 121 Eddy.
Ivanhoe, No. 30 ; 320 Post.
California, No. 56 ; Myrtle Hall. '
Orphan Asylum Society (Protestant) : cor. Laguna and '(
Haight. \
Orphan Asylum (Roman Catholic): Near Bay Yie^^■, South
San Francisco.
Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum and Home Society: De-
visadero, bet. Hayes and Grove.
Polish Society of California: 1235 Market.
Portuguese Protective and Benevolent Society: 510
Protestant Episcopal Old Ladies Home Association : San
Jose Avenue, 27th and 28th.
Public Kindergarten Society of San Francisco : 68 Silver.
Rebekah Lodges :
Era Lodge, No. 1, first and third Sundays.
Deborah Lodge, No. 3, second and fourth Sundays.
Russian Republican Benevolent Society (Decemberist) :
address, Haywards.
San Francisco Baecker Verein : 413 Sutter.
San Francisco Benevolent Association : 20 Webb.
San Francisco Female Hospital : 806 Stockton.
San Francisco "Lying-in Hospital and Foundling Asylum:
913 Golden Gate avenue.
San Francisco Medical Benevolent Society: F. B. Kane,
M. D., Librarian.
San Francisco Musical Protective Association; 539
San Francisco Produce Exchange Mutual Benefit Asso-
ciation :
San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals : 614 Merchant.
Scandinavian Ladies Aid Society: 71 Ne^v Montgomery
and 739 Howard.
Scandinavian Ladies Relief Society : Francisco, between
Powell and Stockton.
Scandinavian Society : 71 New Montgomery.
Scandinavian Hall Association :
Servian-Montenegrin_Benevolent Society (meets at call)
Slaa^onic-Illyric Mutual Benevolent Association: 10
Society for Christian Work : Meets at the First Unitarian
Society of St. Vincent De Paul: Li basement of vSt.
Patrick's Church.
Sons of the Emerald Isle: 818 Howard.
Sons of Jacob: 121 Eddy.
Spanish Mutual Benevolent Society : 510 Bush.
St. Andrew's Society (Scotch) : Li Y. M. C. A. Building.
vSt. Boniface Orphan Asylum: Grove, bet. Polk and Van
St. Joseph's Benevolent Socif;ty: Basement of 8t. Mary's
St. Joseph's Benevolent Society of St. Francis Parish :
In St. Francis Church.
St. Luke's Hospital Association: San Jose Avenue, bet.
27th and 28th.
St. Mary's Ladies Society : In St. Mary's Hospital.
St. Patrick's Mutual Alliance of California:
861 Market.
Alliance No . 1 , first and third Mondays.
Alliance No. 2, first and third Thursdays.
St. Paul's German Roman Catholic Benevolent Society:
In basement of St. Boniface Church.
St. Peter's German Roman Catholic Benevolent Society:
In basement of St. Boniface Church.
SwedenborCt Library and Tract Society: 318 O'Farrell.
Swedish Society: 71 New Montgomery.
Swiss Mutual Benevolent Society : 627 Commercial.
Swiss Relief Society : 527 Clay.
TivoLi Mutual Aid Society : Tivoli Gardens.
Teachers' Mutual Aid Society of San Francisco:
United Ancient Order of Druids : 413 Sutter.
Hartnagle Supreme Afch Chapter, No. 3; first and third
San Francisco Grove (German), No. 3; Thursday.
Eureka, No. 4, (German) ; Thursday.
Norma, No. 5, (English); Tuesday.
Sigel, No. 7, (German); Monday'.
Perseverance, No. 10, (French); Tuesday.
Schiller, No. 11, (German); Wednesday.
•Hesperian, No. 15, (English); Tuesday.
Elvin, No. 16, (English); Monday.
Laurel, No. 17, (English); Friday.
Templar, No. 19, (English); Monday.
Live Oak, No. 22, (P]nglish); Wednesday.
General Relief Committee meets second Sunday.
Gallielo-Galilei Grove, No. 37, (Italian) ; Friday.
Druids' Hall Society: 413 Sutter.
Druids' Library : 413 Sutter.
BoADiciA Druidic Circle, No. 3 ; Saturday.
United Californians : 417 Kearny.
West Indian Benevolent Society : 927 Pacific.
Widows' and Orphans' Aid Association of tiik Police
Department of San Francisco.
Youths' Directory, The: 1417 Howard.
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California Chapter, No, 5, first and third Tuesdays ; in
The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the
State of California, second Thursday in April.
California Council, No, 2, first Saturday; in Temple.
The Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State
of California, second Friday in April; in Temple.
California Commandery, No, 1, Friday ; in Temple.
Golden Gate (M. D.,) Thursday ; in Temple.
Grand Consistory of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Eite : Meets in Temple, second Wednesday in January,
21 of March, 25th of June, 21st of September, and 27th
of Decembei'.
Godfrey De St. Omar Council, Knights Kadosh, No. 1,
second Friday ; in Temple.
Yerba Buena Chapter of Rose Croix, No. 4, last Friday ;
in Temple.
Yerba Buena Lodge of Perfection, No. 6, Fridays ; in
Masonic Veteran Association : 232 Sutter,
Masonic Board of Relief : Saturday,
Masonic Cemetery Association : room 42, in Temple.
Masonic Hall Association,
Brotherliood of St. John : 507 Montgomery,
Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star meets the
Monday following the second Tuesday of each year.
Golden Gate Chapter, No. 1, Monday; 32 O'Farrell.
California Chapter, No. 4, Thursday; 121 Eddy.
Ivy Chapter, No. 27, Tuesday ; 32 O'Farrell.
I. 0. 0. F.
All the Subordinate Lodges and Encampments meet in the
hall at 325 Montgomery street, excepting those otherwise
Golden Gate Encampment, No. 1, second and fourth
Walhalla Encampment, No. 7, first and third Fridays.
Wildey Encampment, No. 23, second and fourth Saturdays.
Unity Encampment No. 26, second and fourth Mondays.
Oriental Encampment, No. 57, first and third Saturdays.
Golden Gate Balalion, No. 1, first and third Wednesdays;
737 Mission.
California Lodge, No. 1 , Monday.
San Francisco Lodge, No. 3, Frida5\
Harmony Lodge, No. 13, Tuesday.
Yerba Buena Lodge, No. 15, Thursday.
Templar Lodge, No. 17, Wednesday.
Magnolia Lodge, No. 29, Tuesday.
Bay City Lodge, No. 71, Monday.
Abou Ben Adhem Lodge, No. li2, Thursday.
Germania Lodge, No. 116, Wednesday.
Concordia Lodge, No. 122, Monday.
Apollo Lodge, No. 123, Friday.
Parker Lodge, No. 1-4, Tuesday.
Unity Lodge, No. 131, Tuesday ; Valencia and Sixteenth.
Herman Lodge, No. 145, Wednesday.
Pacific Lodge, No. 155, Thursday.
Ophir Lodge, No. 171, Wednesday ; 32 O'Farrell.
Occidental Lodge, No. 179, Thursday ; 32 O'Farrell. "
Cosmopolitan Lodge, No. 19-4, Wednesday.
Golden Gate Lodge, No. 204, Tuesday.
Alta Lodge, No. 205, Monday; 915 Market.
Franco-American Lodge, No. 207, Friday,
Fidelity Lodge. No. 222 ; 915 Market
Morse Lodge, No. 257, Friday.
Myrtle Lodge, No. 275, Wednesday; Myrtle Hall.
Western Addition Lodge, No. 285, Wednesday ; Hamilton
Excelsior Degree, No, 2, second and fourth Saturdays.
Teutonia Degree, No. 4, second and fourth Fridays.
California Rebekah Degree, No. ], Saturday.
Templar Degree, No. 19, Saturday.
General Relief Committee, Sunday.
I. 0. 0. F. Cemetery Association, 410 Kearny.
I. 0. 0. F. Hall Association, 325 Montgomery.
I. 0. 0. F. Library Association, 325 Montgomery.
I. 0. 0. F. Mutual Aid Association, 325 Montgomery.
I. 0. 0. F. Vetran Association, 325 Montgomery.
Temperance :
Catholic Total Abstinence Union of the Arch Diocese of
San Francisco.
St. Bridget's C. T. A. B. Society, Sunday.
St. Joseph's C. T. A. B. Society.
St. Mary's C. T. A. B. Society.
St. Patrick's C. T. A. B. Society.
St. Peter's C. T. A. B. Society.
St. John's C. T. A. B. Society.
Champions of the Pved Cross:
Grand Encampment of California, third Tuesday in Oct.
Supreme Council, third Tuesday in April.
Golden Gate Encampment, No. 26, Wednesday; 1133^
Potrero Encampment, No. 47, Tuesday ; at Potrero.
Templar Encampment, No. 50, Monday, 18^ Eddy.
Mount Hober Encampment, No, 69, Wednesday; 2131
Father Mathew Total Abstinence and Benevolent Society,
No. 1, Sunday and Friday ; Irish- American Hall.
Home for the care of Inebriates, cor. Stockton and Chestnut.
I. 0. G. T.
California Lodge, No. 7, Thursday ; ^lission and Fifteenth.
Evening Star Lodge, No. 1J4, Thursday; 997 Market.
Headlight Lodge, No. 120, Wednesday; 1133 Mission.
Constitution Lodge, No. 130, Friday; 32 O'Farrell.
Mission Star Lodge, No. J60, Tuesday; 2131 Mission.
Life Boat Lodge, No. 185, Monday; 118 Jackson.
Golden Gate Lodge, No. 186, Tuesday; Hamilton Hall.
International Lodge, No. 291, Monday; 997 Market.
Kentucky Lodge, No, 292, Wednesday; 1121 Greenwich.
Valley Lodge, No. 293, Thursday; in Fell street Presby-
terian Church.
Pleasant Valley Lodge, No. 307, Monday; Comerford's Hall.
Presidio Lodge, No. 308, Monday; Presidio Barracks.
Spring Valley Lodge, No. 314, Tuesday; Union Hall.
Sparta Lodge, No. 332, Saturday; Gvand Western Hall.
Crystal Lodge, No, 417, Monday; Myrtle Hall.
Marine Temperence Society, 2d Tuesday; Mariners' Church.
Parent Dashaway Association, Post, bt Dupont and Kearny,
Sons of Temperence :
Grand Division, fourth Tuesday in April.
Centennial Division, No. 18, Monday; Champion Hall.
Golden Gate Division No. 12, Friday; \Sh Eddy.
Lincoln Division, No. 70, Tuesdays; 909^ Market.
New Era Division, No. 2, Saturday; 32 O'Farrell.
Sumner Division, No. 313, Thursday; I8h Eddy.
Temperence Legion : Sunday; 121 Eddy.
Temple of Honor and Temperence :
Subordinate Temple — California Temple, No. 1, Monday ;
18i Eddy.
Social Temple — California Temple, No. 1, Monday; 18^ Eddy
This Hotel is in the very center of the Business portion of the City,
and has been renovated and newly furnished throughout. But one block
from the Oregon SteaDiahi^) Co's Office. The traveling public will find
this to be the most convenient as well as the most comfortable and
respectable Hotel in the City. TABLE, FIKST-(XA8S.
.IS^rJ \^^ -^i^ S^
Board and Room $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Per Day.
Nice Single Koonis Per Niglit .'lO €t8. Hot aiilock. The territory west of Laurel Hill and Odd Fel-
lows' Cemetery is known as Outside Land ; those running
north and south are called respectively from First to Forty-
ninth avenues ; while those running east and west from First
avenue to the ocean are knoM^i as A to W streets.
Hoadley's Addition is situated A\cst of Pierce, and between
Geary and W^ashington. Horner's Addition is south and near
Mission Dolores. Western Addition is west of Larkin street,
San Miguel ^ Ranch, southwest and near Mission Dolores.
Bernal Heights (B. H. ) south of Twenty-sixth, betvi^een San
Bruno and San Jose roads ; and University Mound Tract
(U. M. T.) west of San Bruno Road, five miles from the City
Hall ; and S. S. F. designates South San Francisco.
With this explanation we feel sure any desired location may
be found ; but should a doubt exist, the stranger will find at
almost his every elbow a policeman, to whom any question
may be asked, and the information desired will be most will-
ingly given by these gentlemen.
A, bet. Point Lobos ave. and B, fi'om First ave. W,
A, South S. F., bet. Ship and B, from Fifth ave. S. ^^^ to
county line.
Ada Court, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from O'Farrell.
Ada Court, see Wells Court.
Adair, bet. 15th and I6th, from Howard W. to Capp.
Adam, N. and S. S. Eve, bet. San Bruno Road and California
ave., B. H.
Adams, see Seymour ave.
Adelaide Place, bet. Geary and Post, from Tayltjr W.
Adele, bet. Chance and Stringham, from Islais Creek S. to
Adele Alley, bet. Stockton and Powell, from Jackson N.
Adler, from Dupont E. to Montgomery ave.,
Adona Prace, bet. Mason and Taylor, from Washington N.
Agnes Lane, bet. Stockton and Dupont, from Vallejo N.
Alabama, bet. Columbia and Harrison, from 21st to Serpen-
tine ave.
Alameda, bet. Channel and El Dorado, fm bay W. to Harrison.
Alamo Square, bet. Scott and Steiner, Hayes and Fulton
Alaska, bet. Water Front and Mexico, from Water Front S.
to India.
Alaska Place, bet. Bay and North Point, from Mason W.
Alcatraz Square, bet. Jefferson and North Point, Franklin
and Gough.
Alemaney Avenue, bet. Dolores and Church, from 17th to
Church Lone.
Alger Place, bet. Harrison and Bryant, from East E.
Alice Alley, bet. Taylor and Jones, N. from Post to Lewis.
Allen, bet. Union and Fillmore, from Hyde W.
Allen, from Courtland ave. S. to Cresent ave. , S. s. B. H.
Alleys Court, bet. Sansome and Montgomery, from Green-
wich N.
Almera, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from Clay N.
Alta, bet. Union and Filbert, from Sansome W.
Alta Plaza, bet Scott, Steiner, Jackson and Clay.
Amador, bet. Islais and Calaveras, from the bay to First ave.
Amazon, E. s. County Road, 5^ miles from City Hall.
Amherst, bet. Princeton and Yale, fm Silver ave. S., U. M. T.
Anderson, from California ave. S. to Courtland ave., B. H.
Andrew, bet. Fifth and Sixth, from Folsom N.
(Bet. Kearnj' and Dupont)
San Francisco, Cal.
Ankeny Place, bet. Sutter and Bush, from Powell E.
Anna, bet. Powell and Mason, from Eddy N.
Annie, bet New Montgomery and 3rd, from Market to Mission.
Anthony, bet. First and Second, from Mission N.
Antonio, bet. Ellis and O'Farrell, from Jones W.
Arizona, bet. Colorado and Idaho, from Water Front S. to
Arkansas, bet. Connecticut and Wisconsin, from Center S.
to Tulare.
Arlington, from San Jose Road, near Charles, S. W. to Mateo.
Army, bet. 2r)th and '27th, fm San Bruno Road W. to Bellevue.
Asii Avenue, bet. Fulton and McAllister, from Larkin to
AsHBURTON Place, bet. Post and Sutter, from Dupont E.
AsHBURY, bet. Masonic ave. and Clayton, from Fulton S.
Athens, Excelsior Homestead Association.
Auburn, bet. Mason and Taylor, from Jackson to Pacific.
August Alley, bet. Powell and Mason, from Green N.
Augusta, South S. F., S. of Helena, fm Silver ave. ^V. to York.
Austin, bet. Pine and Bush, from Larkin to Octavia.
Aztec, bet. Cherubusco and Buena Yista, fromCoso ave. N. E.,
B. H.
B, bet. A and C, from First ave. W.
B, South S. F., from Third ave. S. W. to County Line.
Bache, bet. Porter and Laurel ave., fm Crescentave. S., B. H.
Bacon, bet. Burrow and Way land, from San Bruno Koad W.,
Bag ley Place, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from O'Farrell N.
Baker, bet. Broderick and Lyon, from Haight to Lewis.
Baker Avenue, from Railroad ave. E. to Islais Creek.
Balance, bet. Sansome and Montgomery, from Jackson to
Baldwin Court, bet. Fremont and First, from Folsom N. E.
Baltimore Park, bet. Ridley and Fourteenth, from Guerrero
W. to Dolores.
Banks, from California ave. S. to Cortland ave., B. H.
Bannam Place, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from Green to
Bartlett, bet. Valencia and Mission, from 21st S. to Ser-
pentine ave.
BARTLETTjbet. Warren and Merced, from 13th S. to Laidley.
Bartlett Alley, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Jackson to
Bartol, bet. Sansome and Montgomery, from Vallejo S.
Battery, bet. Front and Sansome, from Market to the bay.
Bay, bet. Francisco and N. Point, from Kearny to Presidio
Bay View Place, bet. Tones and Leavenworth, from Union N.
Bay Avenue, bet. First and Second, from Bryant S.
Beach, bet. N. Point and Jefferson, from Dupont to Presidio
Beacon, from Castro S. E. to Bemis ; thence W. to Castro.
Beale, bet. Main and Fremont, from Market S. E. to the bay.
Bealk Placr, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from Main W.
Beaver, bet. loth and IGth, from Noe W. to Castro.
Becker Place, bet. Post and Sutter, from Tajdor E.
Beuford Place, bet. Stockton and Powell, from Jackson N.
Beideman, bet. Devisadero and Scott, from Ellis to O'Farrell.
Belcher, bet. 14th and 15th, from Market N.
Belden, bet. Montgomery and Kearny, from Bush to Pine.
Bell AIR Place, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from Chestnut to
Bellevue, W. of Ellen, from Elizabeth to 30th.
Bellevue Avenue, W. End H. Assn.
Bemis, fm Beacon S. E. to Fairmount ; thence S. W. to Castro,
Benton Avenue, from Lanrel ave., near Crescent avenue.
Berlin, bet. Girard and Goettingen, from Silver ave. S.
Bernadott, bet. Islais and Schneider, from Islais Creek
channel N. E. to Sixth avenue.
Bernal, E. of San Bruno Road, from Vermont to Marengo.
Bernal, from Serpentine avenue, south to Precita avenne.
Bernard, bet. Pacific and Broadway, from Taylor to Leaven-
Bernice, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from 12th to 13th.
Berry, bet. King and Channel, S. W. from Second to Eighth.
Berry, bet. Sutter and Bush, from Dupont E.
Bertha, bet. Mission and Howard, from Beale W.
Billings Place, bet. Montgomery and Sansome fm Filbert N.
Birch Avenue, bet. Grove and Fulton, from Larkin W.
Blackstone Place, from Lombard near Larkin N.
Blossom, bet. Quinn and 14th, from Valencia to Guerrero.
Bluxome, bet. Brannan and Townsend, from First S. W., and
bet. Brannan and Townsend, from Fourth S. W. to Sixth.
BoARDMAN Place, bet. Sixth and Seventh, from Brannan to
Bond, Ijet. 12th and 13th, from Mission to Glen Park ave.
Bond, bet. Church and Sanchez, from 16th to 18th.
Bone Alley, bet. Montgomery and Kearny, from Green N.
Bontta, bet. Vallejo and Green, from Polk to V^an Ness ave.
Boston Place, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from First E.
BouBiN Place, bet. Steiner and Pierce, from Eddy to Ellis.
Bourbon, bet. Precita Creek and Norman, fm Orleans N. E.
Bourn, bet. Chase and Freelon, from Kossuth S. to Hecker.
BowDoiN, bet. Hamilton and Dartmouth, from Silver ave. S.,
U. M. T.
Bower Place, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from Green S.
Bow^ie Avenue, bet. Howard and Folsom, from 11th E.
BoAVLEs Place, bet. 12th and 13th, from Howard N.
Bowman Place, S. s. Bryant near First.
BoYCE, bet. Cook and Williamson, from Point Lobos ave. N.
Boyd, bet. Harrison and Bryant, Seventh and Eighth, and
E. and W. sides Chesley.
Bradford, from Cortland ave. N. to California ave., B. H.
Brady, bet. Potter and Hermann, fm Market S. E. to Mission.
Brady Place, bet. Green and Union, from Larkin E.
Bra-N-nax, bet. Bryant and Townsend, S. W. from Beale to
Potrero are.
BRAXX.4N Place, bet. .Sixth and Seventh, fm Brannan S. E.
Brenham Place, bet. Kearny and JJupont, from Clay to
Brewster, trom Hope S. W. to California ave., B. H.
Bridge, bet. T.eavenworth and Hyde, from Broadway S.
Bright, near San Miguel Stati )n.
Broad, \V. s. Old San Jo.se PLoad near San Miguel Station.
Broad's Place, bet. Hyde and Larkin, from Bush N.
Broadway, Vjet. Pacific and Vallejo, from Davis W.
Broderick, bet. Devisadero and Baker, fm Wallace to Lewis.
Broderick Avenue, bet. II th and Potter, from Market S.
Brook, fi-om Dolores near 13th, E. to San Jose Road.
Brooklyn Place, bet. Dupont and Stockton, fm Sacram'to .S.
Brooks, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Market to Gear\\
Brosman, bet. Riley and 14th, from Valencia to Guerrero.
Brown's Alley, bet. Hyde and Larkin, from McAllister N.
Bryan's Place, bet. Sansome and Montgomery, fiom Bush X.
Bryant, bet. Harrison and Brannan, S. W. fm Spear to Uth.
Bryant Avenue, bet. York and Columbia, from ■21st S. to
Serpentine ave.
Bryant Avenue, bet. Eighth and Xinth, from Bryant X. W.
Buchanan, bet. Lagunaand Webster, X. fm Market to Lewis.
Buchanan Alley, bet. First and Second, from Howard to
BuENA Vista, from Cortland ave. X. E. to Coso ave.
BuENA Vista Park, bet. Utah and Vermont, Xapa and
BuRCHAN Place, bet. Taylor and Turk, fm Leavenworth W.
BcRGOYNE Place, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, fm Pacific S.
BuRRiTT, bet. Stockton and Powell, from Bush S.
.Burrows, bet. Henry and Bacon, from San Bruno Road W.,
U. M. T.
Burton, E. of San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
Bush, bet. Sutter and Pine W., from Market to Central ave.
Bush St. Place, bet. Powell and Mason, from Bush X.
Bctler, from California ave. S. to Cortland ave., B. H.
Butte, bet. Solano and Xapa, from the bay W. to Harrison.
Byington, bet. Ellis and O'Farrell, from Webster to Steiner.
Byrne, from Islais Creek, S, E. to Baker ave.
Byron, from Montcalm S. to Hope, B. H.
Byron, San Miguel W. , End Map Xo. 2.
C, South S. F., Front ave. S. W. to County Line.
C, bet. B. and D. , from First ave. W.
Cabot, bet. Samoset and Starr S. E., from California ave. to
Franconia ave., B. H.
Cadell Alley, Vjet. Dupont and Stockton, from Union X.
Cadwallader, E. of San Bnino Road, 4 miles fm City Hall.
Calaveras, bet. Amador and Mendocino, from the bay W.
to First Av.
Calhoun, bet. Sansome and Montgomery, fm Green to Alta,
California, bet. Pine and Sacramento, W. from Market.
p p
Employment Agency
624 Clay St.
1 1 Geary St,
Scandinavian, German and French Spoken
Telephone in both Offices:
C. R. Hansen's Residence, 110 Geary St., over Office.
California Avenue, E. of San Jose Road and W. of San
Bruno Road, B. H.
Cambridge, bet Yale and Oxford, from Silver avenue, S., U.
M. T.
Camille Place, bet. Taylor and Jones, from Washington N.
Camp, bet. 16th and 17th, from Guerrero E.
Campbell, bet. 16th and 17th, from Dolores E.
Capitol, W. of Old San Jose Road, near San Miguel Station.
Capp, bet. Mission and Howard, from 15th S. to Serpentine
Card Alley, bet. Vallejo and Grreen, from Stockton W.
Carl, bet. Frederick and Sullivan, from Clayton W.
Carlos Place, bet. Powell and Mason, from O'Farrell S.
Carolina, bet. Wisconsin and De Haro, from Eighth S. to
Caroline, bet Sixth and Seventh, from Folsom S. E.
Caroline, bet. Ninth and Tenth, from Howard S.
Caroline Place, bet. Jackson and Pacific, from Powell E.
Carr Place, bet. Mason and Taylor, from Chestnut S.
Carver, from California ave. S., to Powhattan, B. H.
Case, W. s. San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
Castro, bet. Noe and Diamond, from Ridley S.
Cedar, bet Daisy and Front, from Clay to Washington.
Cedar Alley, bet. 16th and 17th, from Dolores W.
Cedar Avenue, bet. Geary and Post, from Larkin to Laguna.
Cedar Lane, bet. 17th and 18th, from Mission to Valencia.
Cemetery Avenue. See Centi-al ave.
Center, bet. El Dorado and Santa Clara, from the bay W. to
Central, near San Miguel Station.
Central Avenue, bet. Lyon and Walnut, from Geary N. to
Presidio Reservation.
Central Place, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Pine S.
Central Place, bet. Second and Third, from Bryant to
Central Road, fm McAllister S. W. to Ocean View House.
Centre, bet. Second and Third, from Biyant S. E. to South
Chace, from Islais Creek S. to Hecker.
Chambers, bet. Pacific and Broadway, fm Davis to Battery.
Chambers Alley, bet. Powell and Mason, from Greenwich to
Channel, bet. Berry and Hooker, S. W. from bay to Eighth.
Channel, W. s. San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
Chapultepec, from Cortland ave. N. E. to Coso ave.
Charity, from Cadwallader N. W. to Islais Creek.
Charles, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from Tyler N.
Charles, S. of Fairmount, from San Jose Road N. W. to
Charles Place, bet. First and Second, from Harrison to
Essex Place.
Chase, bet. Williamson and Merrifield, fm Point Lobos Av. N.
Chatham Place, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from Bush N.
E H'
Chattanoo(4A, bet. Dolores and Church, fni 21.st S. to 24th.
Chelsea Place, bet. Stockton and Powell, from Bush 8.
Chenery, S. s. 30th S. to Randall, thence S. W. to Castro.
Cherry, bet. Maple and First ave. from California N.
Cherubusco, from Cortland ave. N. E. to Coso ave.
Chesley, bet. Seventli and Eigth, from Harrison S E.
Chestnut, bet. Lombard and Francisco, W. from Sansome to
Presidio Reservation.
Chestnut Alley, bet. Stockton and Powell, fm Chestnut N.
China, N. W. s. Dry Dock Basin to Water Front.
Church, bet. Dolores and Sanchez, fm Ridley S. to 30th.
Church Lane, bet 16th and 17th, fm Dolores W. to Church.
Church Place, bet. Greenwich and Lombard, fniDupontW.
City Hall Avenue, from Market opp. Eighth, to Park ave.
Clairville Place. See (Jiraham Place.
Clara, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from Ritch to Sixth.
Clara Avenue, W. of Douglass from 18th N.
Clara Lane, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Sutter to Bush.
Clarence Place, bet. Second and Third, fm Townsend N. W.
Clark, bet. Jackson and Pacific, from Drumm to Front.
Clay, bet. Sacramento and Washington, W. from East.
Clay Avenue, bet. Stockton and Powell, from Clay N.
Clayton, bet. Ashbury and Cole, from Fulton S.
Cleaveland, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from Seventh to
Columbia Square.
Clement, bet. California and Point Lobos ave., from First
ave. W.
Clement Place, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from Green S.
Clementina, bet. Howard and Folsom, from First S, W.
Clinton, bet Sixth and Seventh, from Bryant to S. E. of
Clinton Park, bet. Ridley and 14th, from Guerrero W.
Clipper, bet. 25th and 26th, from Old San Jose Road W, to
CoDMAN Place, bet. Powell and Mason, from Washington S.
Cohen Place, laet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from Ellis S.
Cohn Place, bet Leavenworth and Hyde, from Jackson S.
Cole, W. of Clayton, S. from Fulton to Carl.
College, bet. Dartmouth and University, from Silver ave.
S., U. M. T.
College Plack, bet. Larkin and Polk, from Hayes N.
Collins, bet. Wood and Ferrie, from Point Lobos ave. N.
Colorado, bet Mexico and Arizona, from Water Front S. to
CoLTON, bet. Market and Mission, from Brady E.
Columbia, bet. 19th and 20th, from Valencia W.
Columbia, bet. Sixth and Seventh, from Folsom to Harrison,
Columbia, bet Florida and Harrison, from Mission Creek S. to
21st, thence E. to Florida, thence S. to Serpentine ave.
Columbia Place, S. s. Precita ave. S. to California ave. , B. H.
Columbia Place, bet. Brannan and Bryant, from Boardman
Place W.
Columbia Square, bet. Folsom and Harrison, Sherman and
Columbia. , , .^r ^ -».t i ^
Colusa, bet. Yolo and Marin, from the bay VV. to Nebraska.
Commerce, bet. Green and Union, from the bay to Battery.
Commercial, bet. Sacramento and Clay, fm East to Dupont.
CovGDON, near junction San Bruno Road and Sdver ave.
Connecticut, bet. Missouri and Arkansas, from Center S. to
Tulare. ^ ^, , ^
Converse, bet. Eighth and Ninth, from Bryant S.
Cook bet. Ferrie and Boyce, from Point Lobos ave. N.
Cooper's Alley, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Jackson S.
CoRTEZ, from California ave. bet. Montcalm and Samoset, IL.
to Franconia ave. t^ - o
Cortland Avenue, from San Jose Road, near 30th E. to San
Bruno Road. -rxr . r^ ir
Coso Avenue, from North ave. N . W. to California ave.
Cottage Place, bet. Geary and Post, from Jones E.
CoTT\GE Place, bet. Clay and Washington, from Taylor \\ .
County Road or San Jose Road, from terminus of Mission
S. W. to county line. w t- i
Creek Lane, bet. 13th and 14th, from Howard to Folsom
Crescent Avenue, from San Jose Road, near St. Mary s Col-
lege, E. to San Bruno Road.
Crocker, S. s. Stevenson ave. bet. Brady and Hermann.
Crook, bet. Third and Fourth, from Townsend N. W.
Cross, San Miguel, W. End Map No. 1.
Cushman, bet. Mason and Taylor, from California to Sacra-
mento. , ., ,
Custom House Place, bet. Battery and Sansome, from
Washington to Jackson.
D, bet. C and Golden Gate Park, from First ave. W .
D, South S. F., from Water Front S. W. to County Line.
Dakotah, from Water Front S. to India. ,p , „
D VLE Place, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from iyler S.
Dame, bet. Chenery and Whitney, S. s. 30th to Randall.
Dartmouth, bet. Bowdoin and College, from Silver ave. S.,
U M. T.
Davis* bet. Drumm and Front, N. from Market to Vallejo.
Dawson Place, bet. Sacramento and Clay, from Mason E.
Day, bet. 29th and 30th, from Old San Jose Road W. to
Day, bet. 17th and 18th, from Dolores E.
De Boo, bet. Bryant and Brannan, from Second N. E.
DeHaro, bet. Carolina and Rhode Island, from Eighth S. to
Pj-ecita Creek.
DeKalb, from Cortland ave. S. to Crescent ave.
Decatur, S. s. Crescent ave. W. of Porter.
Decatur, bet. Seventh and Eighth, from Bryant to Brannan.
Delaware, bet. Massachusetts and Maryland, from Solano
S. to First ave.
Delaware Avenue, E. s. Old San Jose Road and N. s.
Ocean House Road, S. to San Miguel.
Delaware Court, bet. Powell and Mason, from Sutter JN.
751 Market Street,
211 Geary Street, San Francisco,
— ON THE —
Kidneys, Loss of Manhood, Seminal Weakness,
They have Discovered a Great Remedy for
Painful Itchings, Boils and Felons,
Pimples on the Face, etc,
A Book Sent on Receipt of 25 Cents.
Delgado Place, bet. Green and Union, from Hyde E.
Delta Place, E, s. Mason, bet. Sutter and Bush.
Dent Place, 'bet. Stockton and Powell, from Jackson N.
Devisadero, bet. Scott and Broderick, N. fm Ridley to Lewis.
Devrees, E. of San Bruno Road, 4 miles fi*om City Hall.
Dewey, bet. Third and Fourtli, from King to Berry.
Dexter, bet. Spear and Main, from Howard S.
Diamond, bet. Castro and Douglass, from 17th S. to 30th.
Diamond, Visitacion Valley.
DicKERSON, E. s. San Bruno Road. 3j^ miles from City Hall.
Dikeman Place, bet. Ellis and O'Farrel], from Mason W.
Dock, bet. Union and Filbert, from Battery E.
Dock, South S. F., bet. Tevis and Ship, from Fifth ave. S. W.
to county line.
Dodge, bet. Hyde and Larkin, from Turk S.
Dolores, bet. Guerrero and Church, from Market S. to Old
San Jose Road.
Dora (now Langton).
DoRE, bet. Ninth and Tenth, from Harrison to Brannan.
DoRE Alley, bet. Powell and Mason, from Jackson S.
DoRLAND, bet. 17th and 18th, from E. of Dolores W. to
Douglas Place, bet. Harrison and Folsom, from Beale E.
Douglass, bet. Diamond and Ellen, from 17th S. to 30th.
Dow Place, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from Second S. W.
to Hawthorne.
Downey, bet Seventh and Eighth, from Bi-yant S.
Drumm, bet East and Davis, N. from Market to Pacific.
Drury Lane, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from Seventh to
Dry, or Junction, W. s. Old San Jose Road, bet. 29th and
30th, W. to Belle vue.
Duane, bet. Lombard and Chestnut, from Jones W.
Dumcombe Alley, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Jackson N.
Dunbar Alley, bet. Montgomery and Kearny, from Merchant
to Washington.
Duncan, bet. 27th and 28th, from Old San Jose Road W. to
Duncan Court, bet. Dupont and Stockton, fm Broadway N.
Dunn Alley, bet, Broadway and Vallejo, from Kearny E.
Dupont, bet. Kearny and Stockton, N. fm Market to Beach.
Dupont Alley, bet. Pacific and Broadway, from Dupont E.
to Montgomery ave.
Dupont Place. See Mansion House Place.
Dwight, bet. Woolsey and Olmstead, from San Bruno Road
W., U. M. T.
E, South S. F., from First ave. S. W. to county line.
East, from Folsom N. W. to Pacific, fronting the bay.
EcKER, bet. First and Second, from Market S. PI
Eddy, bet. Turk and Ellis, W. from junction Powell and
Eddy Place, bet. Mason and Market, from Eddy.
Edinburgh, Excelsior Homestead Association.
Edward, bet. Hyde and Larkin, from Bush N.
EiGHTEEN-TH, bet. 17th and 19th, fm Harri.son W, to Dongla.ss.
Ek^iiteenth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation, S.
Eighteenth Avenue, South S. F., from Islais Creek to Water
Eighth, bet. Seventh and Ninth, fm Market S. E. to Center.
Eighth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to 0.
Eighth Avenue, South S.F., fm Islais Creek to Water Front.
El Dorado, l)et. Alameda and Center, from the bay to Sixth
and from Eighth to liarrison.
Eleventh, bet. 10th and 12th, from Market S. E. to Bryant.
Eleventh Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to S.
Eleventh Avenue, South S. F., from Islais Creek to Water
Elgin Park Avenue, S. s. Market, bet Valencia and Gu-
Eliza, bet. Taylor and Jones, from Union N.
Eliza Place, bet. Taylor and Jones, from W^ashington N.
Elizabeth, bet. 23d and 24th, from San Jose ave. W.
P^lizabeth, bet. Third and Fourth, fm Folsom S. E. to Louisa.
Elk, from Cadwallader N. to Islais Creek.
Ellen, bet. Douglass and Belle vue, from Elizabeth S. to 30th.
Ellen, bet. Seventh and Eighth, from Harrison S.
Ellick Alley, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from l^acitic N.
Ellick Lane, bet. Stockton and Powell, from California N.
Elliot Park, bet Geary and O'Fai-rell, from Steiner W.
Ellis, bet. Eddy and O'Farrell, W. from junction Stockton
and Market.
Ellsworth, from California ave., S. to Cortland ave., B. H.
Elm Avenue, bet. Tyler and Turk, from Larkin W.
Emma, bet. Bush and Pine, from Stockton E.
EMxMA, E. of San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
Emma Place, bet. Stockton and Powell, from Chestnut S.
Emmet Place, bet. California and Sacramento, from Stock-
ton W.
Erie, bet. 13th and 14th, from Mission to Howard,
Esmeralda Avenue, fm North ave., N. W. to California ave.
Essex, bet. First and Second, from Folsom to Harx-ison.
Essex Place, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from Essex W. to
Charles Place.
Estefana, junction Hecker and Stringham, S. W. to Islais
Eugenia, bet. Josephine and Wood, from Point Lobos ave. N.
Eureka, bet. Diamond and Dougla.":- from 17th S. to 23d.
Eureka, S. of West El Dorado, from Sixth to Center.
Eureka Place, bet. Bush and Pine, from Larkin E.
Eve, W. s. San Bruno Road, W. to California ave., B. H.
Everett, bet. Mission and Howard, from Third to Fourth.
Ewer Place, bet. Sacramento and Clay, from Mason W.
F, South S. F., from Third ave. S. W. to County Line.
Fair Avenue, from California ave. W,, to San Jose Road.
Fair Oaks, bet. Guerrero and Dolores, from 18th and 19th,
and from 21st to 24th.
Fairmount, S. of Randall, from San Jose Road W. to Bemis.
Faith, from Califoi-nia ave., N. W. to Brewster, B. H.
Falcon Place, bet. Broadway and Vallejo, from Taylor E.
Farren Avenue, bet Scott and Pierce, from Kddy N.
Fell, bet. Oak and Hayes, W. from junction Polk and
Fella Place, bet. Bush and Pine, from Powell E.
Fern Avenue, bet. Sutter and Bush, from Larkin to Laguna.
Ferrte, bet. Collins and Cook, from Point Lobos ave. N.
Fifteenth, bet. 14th and 16th, from Harrison W. to Castro.
Fifteenth Avenue, South S. F., from Islais Creek to Water
Fifteenth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to W.
Fifth, bet. Fourth and Sixth, from Market S. E. to the bay.
Fifth Avenue, South S. F., from Islais to Water Front.
Fifth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to K.
Fifth Avenue, bet. Fifth and Sixth, from Harrison S.
Filbert, bet. Union and Greenwich, W. from Front to Pre-
sidio Reservation.
Filbert Place, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Union to
Fillmore, bet. Webster and Steiner, N. from Ridley to Lewis.
First, bet. Fremont and 2d, from Market S. E. to the bay.
First Avenue, bet. Mission and Valencia, from 14th to 16th.
First Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to J.
First Avenue, South S. F., from Islais to China.
Flint Alley, bet. Broadway and Vallejo, from Battery W.
Floral Grove, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Market N. to
Florence, bet. Taylor and Jones, from Broadway to Vallejo.
Florida, bet. York and Columbia, fm Mission Creek S. to 21st.
Folger, bet. Webster and Fillmore, from Ellis S.
Folsom, bet. Howard and Harrison, S. W. from E to 13th ;
thence S.
Folsom Avenue, bet. Seventh and Eighth, fm Folsom S. E.
Ford, bet. 17th and 18th, from Sanchez W. to Castro.
Fortieth Avenue, South S. F., from E S. to county line.
Fortieth Avenue, from City Cemetry S.
Forty-eighth Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Forty-fifth Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Forty-fifth Avenue, South S. F., from W. of E. S. to
county line.
Forty-first Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Forty-first Avenue, South S. F.,from W. of E S. to county
line. *
Furty-fourth Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Forty-fourth Avenue, South S. F., from W. of E S. to
county line.
Forty-ninth Avenue, from B S. to J.
Forty-second Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Forty-second Avenue, South S. F., from W. of E S. to
county line.
Forty-seventh Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
»— (
Conducted on the European Plan.
Nos. 507 and 509 PINE STREET,
Above Kearny, SAN FRANCISCO.
Se habla Espanol.
CH. GAILHARD, - - - - Proprietaire.
Tenido al estilo Europeo.
^mt We^tei^n Mutual i(id and Accident
Full Mcnibersliip in Aid Association co.sts - $15 00.
Full Meniberslilp in Accident Association costs - 3 00.
For full particulai's call on or address
(Temporary Oflace,)
Forty-sixth Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Forty-third Avenue, from City Cemetery 8.
Forty-third Avenue, South S. F., from W. of F S. to
comity line. ^ ^.,i , cr>^\
Fountain; bet. Ellen and Bellevue from 24th to 26th.
Fourteenth, bet. 13th and loth, fm Harriscm W. to Castro.
Fourteenth Avenue, South S. F., from Islais Creek to^\ater
Fourteenth Avenue, from Presidio Eeservaiion S. to V
Fourth, bet. Third and Fifth, from Market S^ K to the bay.
Fourth Place, bet. Hyde and Larkin, from Pacihc S.
Fourth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to K.
Fourth Avenue, South S. F., from Islais to Dry Dock.
Francisco, bet. Chestnut and Bay, W. from Montgomery to
Presidio Reservation. .
Franconia Avenue, from HopeS.W. to Calif ornia aveB. ti.
Frank Place, bet. Pine and California, from Mason W.
Franklin, bet. Van Ness ave. and Gough, N. from Market
Franklin^Square, bet. Santa Clara and Center, York and
Frederic^', bet. Bryant and Brannau, from First S. W.
Frederick, bet. Carl and Waller, from Masonic ave. \V.
Freelon, bet. Bourne and Orsenius, from Byrne S. to Salome.
Freelon, bet. Bryant and Brannan, fromZoeto U . of JHourth.
Fremont, bet. Beale and First, from Market S. E. to thebay.
Fremont Court, bet. Powell and Mason, from Clay S.
Fresno, bet. Plumas and India, from the bay W. to Fn'st a\^.
Friedman Place, bet. Pacific and Broadway, from Larkiu i<..
Front, bet. Davis and Battery, N. from Marketto Greenwich.
Front Avenue, bet. Water Front and First ave., from India
S. E.
Fulton, bet. Grove and McAllister, W. from Larkin.
G. South S. F. from India S. W. to Visitacion Valley.
Gaines, bet. Battery and Sansome, from Green to Union.
Gale, bet. First and Second, from Townsend to and fronting
the bay. ,r,i j. i^+i
Galindo Alley, bet. Guerrero and Dolores, fm 15th to Ibtli.
G4RDEN, bet. Sixth and Seventh, from Harrison to Bryant.
Garden Avenue, bet. Geary and Post, from Devisadero to
Gardner, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Post N.
Gardner Place, bet. Clay and Washington, from Mason \V.
Garen, W. s. San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
Gates, from Cortland ave., S. to Crescent ave., B. H.
Gwen, University Homestead Association.
GWEN bet. Powell and Mason, from Filbert to Greenwicli.
GTeary, bet. O'Farrell and Post, W. from junction Kearny and
Market to Central ave.
Ge\ry Place, bet. Taylor and Jones, from Geary h.
Geneva, bet. Sixth and Seventh, from Brannan S. E.
GEORfiE, bet. Fifth and Sixth, from Hooper to Hubbell.
Georgia, bet. Louisiana and Michigan, from Solano S. to First
Gerke Alley, bet. Filbert and Greenwich, from Dupont E.
Germania, bet, Kate and Waller, from Webster to Fillmore.
Gertrudis, from Hecker S. W. to Islais Creek.
Gibes, bet. Washington and Jackson, fm Montgomery ave. W.
Gibson, bet. Green and Union, from Lark in E.
Gilbert, bet. Sixth and Seventh, from Bryant to Townsend.
GiLMORE, E. s. Kentucky near Shasta,
Girard, bet. San Bruno Road and Berlin, from Silver ave. S.
Glen Park Avenue, bet. Mission and Ploward, fm 12th S. "W.
Glenwood Place, bet. 12th and 13th, from Howards.
Gl(WER, bet, Broadway and Vallejo, from Jones W.
Goat Alley, bet. Battery and Sansome, from Vallejo to
GoDEUS, E, s. Mission, near 13th, E. to California ave.
GoDY, W. s. Mission, near 28th.
GoETTiNGEN, bet. Berlin and Williams, from Silver ave. S.
Gold, bet. Jackson and Pacific, from Sansome to Montgomery.
Golden Court, bet. Jones and Leavenworth, from Sacra-
mento S.
Golden Gate Avenue, bet, McAllister and Turk, W^. from
junction Taylor and Market.
Golden Gate Park, bet. D and H, from the Ocean to
Stanyan, and bet. Fell and Oak to Baker.
Goldman Place, bet. 16th and 17th, from Mission E.
Good-Children, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Greenwich
to Lombard.
Goodsell Place, bet. Harrison and Bryant, from First E.
Gordon, bet. Eighth and Ninth, from Harrison N. W.
GoUGH, bet. Franklin and Octavia, N. from Market to Lewis.
Grace Terrace, S. s. California, bet. Dupont and Stockton.
Graham Place, bet. Stockton and Dupont, from Union to
Grand Avenue, bet. 9th and 10th, from Mission to Howard.
Grand Place, bet. Dupont and Kearny, from Filbert S.
Grant, bet. Guerrero and Dolores, bet. 15th and 16th.
Grant Place, bet. Fremont and First, from Folsom S.
Grattan, S. of Sullivan, from Stanyan W.
Green, bet. Vallejo and Union, W. from Front to Presidio
Green Place, bet. Montgomery and Kearny, from Green N.
Green's Court, bet. Mission and Howard, Spear and Stewart.
Greenwich, bet. Filbert and Lombard, W. from Front to
Presidio Reservation.
Grisar, bet. Union and Filbert, from Octavia to Laguna.
Grove, bet. Hayes and Fulton, from Larkin W.
Guerrero, bet. Valencia and Dolores, from Market S. Old
San Jose Road.
Gunnison Avenue, S. s. Precetta Place, S. to Prospect Place.
GusTAVUS, bet. Powell and Mason, from California to Sacra-
Guttenburg, West End Homestead Association,
Guy Place, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from First S. W.
H, bet. Golden Gate Park and I, from First ave. W.
H, South 8. F., from Fourth ave. S. W. to Visitacion Valley.
Haggin, bet. Third and Fourth, from King to Berry.
Haight, bet. Waller and Page, W. from junction Gough and
Hall, W. s. San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
Hall Alley, bet. Sansome and Montgomery, from Vallejo S.
Hall Court, bet. Washington and Jackson, from Dupont W.
Hall Place, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from Jackson N.
Halleck, bet. California and Sacramento, from Front to
Halleck, E. s. Buchanan, near Lombard.
Hamilton, bet. Holyoke and Bowdoin, from Silver ave. S.,
U. M. T.
Hamilton Square, bet. Scott and Steiner, Post and Geary.
Hamilton, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from Green N.
Hamilton Place, bet. Broadway and Vallejo, from Larkin E.
Hammond Place, bet. Second and Third, from Townsend to
Hampshire, bet. Potrero ave. and York, from Mission Creek
S. to 21st; thence E. to Jersey; thence S. to Serpentine
ave. and from Islais Creek S., South S. F.
Hampton Court, bet. Hawthorne and 3d, fm Harrison N. W.
Hampton Place, bet. Second and Third, from Folsom S. E.
Hancock, bet. 18th and 19th, from Church to Noe.
Hardie Place, bet. Sutter and Bush, from Kearny E.
Harlan Place, bet. Sutter and Bush, from Dupont W.
Harriet, bet. Sixth and Seventh, from Howard to Folsom.
Harrison, bet. Folsom and Bryant, S. W. from Stewart to
14th; thence to Serpentine ave.
Harrison Avenue, bet. Seventh and Eighth, fm Folsom S. E.
Harry, from Laidley S. W to Beacon.
Harry Place, bet. Filbert and Greenwich, from Laguna E.
Hartford, bet. Noe and Castro, from 18th S. to 20th.
Hartmann, bet. Mason and Taylor, from Greenwich to Mont-
gomery ave.
Harvard, S. s. Silver ave., W. of Oxford.
Harwood x'\.lley, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Filbert S.
Havens, bet. Union and Filbert, from Leavenworth W.
Havens Place, bet. Stockton and Powell, fm Washington S.
Ha WES, bet. Tenth and Eleventh, from Folsom S.
Hawthorne, bet. Second and Third, fm Folsom to Harrison.
Hayes, bet. Fell and Grove, W. from junction Market and
Hayward, bet. Seventh and Eighth, from Harrison S. E.
Haywood, bet. Third and Fourth, from Folsom to Louisa.
Heath, from Cortland ave. S. to San Bruno Road,
Hecker, from Islais Creek W.
Helen Place, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, fm California S.
Helena, South S. F., S. of Islais Creek, from Nebraska W.
to York.
International Hotel
Nos. 824 and 826 KEARNY STREET,
(Bet. Washing-ton and Jackson) SAN FRAN€IS€0, CAL.
Board and Room $1, $1.25, and $1.50 Per Day,
Pa§seiisers taken to aii«l from tlie Hotel free.
No Chinese emploj'ed in or about the Hotel.
Henderson Avenue, S. s. Point Lobes ave., bet. Johnson
ave. and First ave.
Henrietta, from San Jose Road, near 30th, S. E. to North
ave., B. H.
Henrietta Square, bet. Howard and Folsoni, from 11th E.
Henry, bet. Hyde and Larkin, from Lombard N.
Henry, bet. Silliman and Burrow, from San Bruno Road W.,
U. M. T.
Henry, bet. Hth and 15th, from Noe W,
Heringer, E. of San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
Hermann, bet. Brady and Ridley, from Market E. to Mission.
Hermann, E. of San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
Heron, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from Eighth N. E.
Heyn Place, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from Clay S.
Hickory Avenue, bet. Oak and Fell, from Van Ness ave. to
High, bet. Bellevue and Mission, Ocean House Road, from
25th S. to 26th.
Highland Terrace, N. s. California, bet. Jones and Leaven-
Hill, bet. 2lst and 22d, from Valencia W. to Guerrero, and
from Sanchez W. to Castro.
Himmelmann Place, bet. Mason and Taylor, from Pacific to
Hinckley, bet. Broadway and Vallejo, fm Kearny to Dupont
Hodges Alley, bet. Sansome and Montgomery, fm Vallejo N.
Hodges Court, bet. Market and Mission, from Spear W.
Hodgson Alley, bet. Mission and First ave., from 16'th N.
HoFF Avenue, bet. Mission and Valencia, from 16th to 17th.
HoLLis, bet. Buchanan and Webster, from Ellis to O'Farrell.
Holly Park, S. W. s. Bernal Heights, near San Jose Road.
Holyoke, bet. Williams and Hamilton, from Silver ave. S.
Homestead, bet. Douglass and Ellen, from 24th to 26th.
Hooper, bet. Channel and Irwin, S. W. fm Kentucky to 8th.
Hope, from California ave. N. W. to Franconia ave., B. H.
HoPETON Terrace, bet. Stockton and Powell, from Wash-
ington S.
HouTTON, bet. Chestnut and Francisco, from Taylor to Jones.
Howard, bet. Mission and Folsom, S. W. from East to 13th,
thence S. to Serpentine ave.
Howard Court, bet. P'ourth and Fifth, from Howard N. W.
Hubbard, bet. Second and Third, from Howard S. E.
Hubbell, bet. Irwin and South, S. W. fm Kentucky to Center.
Hudson, bet. Fourth and Fifth, from Channel to South.
Hudson, junc. Uth ave. and Cadwallader, N. W. to Salome.
Hulbert Alley, bet. Fourth and Fifth, S. E. and N.W. from
Humboldt, bet. Sierra and Nevada, from Water Front to
Hunt, bet. Mission and Howard, from Third N. E.
Hunter, W. s. San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
Hyde, bet. Leavenworth and Larkin, N. from McAllister to
Hyde Place, bet. Turk and Eddy, from Hyde W.
I, bet. H and J, from First ave W.
I, South S. F., from Second ave. S. W. to Visitacion Valley.
Idaho, bet. Arizona and Dakotah, fm Water Front 8. to India.
Illinois, bet, Michigan and Kentucky, from Fourth 8. to
First ave.
India, S. W. and N. s. of India Basin.
Indiana, bet. Minnesota and Iowa, from Center S. to Tulare.
Iowa, bet. Indiana and Pennsylvania, from Center 8. to Tulare.
Irwin, bet. Hooper and Hubbell, 8. W. from Kentucky to
Isaac, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from 12th to 13th.
Isabel, from Wolfe, 8. E. to Shakspeare, B. H.
IsLS, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from 1 2th 8. W.
ISLAis, S. s. Islais Creek channel, from the bay W.
Ivy Avenpe, bet. Hayes and Grove, from Polk W.
J, bet. I and K, from First ave. W.
J, South 8. F., from First ave. 8. W. to Visitacion Valley.
Jackson, bet. Washington and Pacific, W. from East.
Jackson Park, bet. Santa Clara and Mariposa, Carolina and
Jackson Place, bet. Green and Vallejo, from Montgomery E.
Jacoby, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from California N.
Jacoby Place, bet. Hyde and Larkin, from Sutter N.
Jane Place, bet. Mason and Taylor, from Pine N.
Jansen, bet. Mason and Taylor, from Greenwich to Lombard.
Japan, S. s. Bryant, bet. First and Second.
Jasper Alley, bet. Union and Filbert, from Jasper Place E.
Jasper Place, bet. Dui^ont and Stockton, from Union to
Jefferson, bet. Beach and Tonquin, W. from Powell to Pre-
sidio Reservation.
Jefferson Avenue, E. s. Laurel ave., near Cortland ave. E.
to San Bruno Road.
Jefferson Square, bet. Tyler and Eddy, Laguna and Gough.
Jersey, bet. 24th and 25th, from Old San Jose Road W. to
Jersey, bet. Potreroave. and Hampshire, from Mission Creek
S. to 21st.
Jessie, bet. Market and Mission, from First S. W.
Jewett, bet. Townsend and King, from Fourth to Fifth.
John, bet. Jackson and Pacific, from Powell to Mason.
Johns, bet. 1st and 2d, from Rincon Place S. to Townsend.
Johnson Avenue, bet. Parker ave. and Henderson ave., from
Point Lobos ave. S.
Johnston, bet. Spear and Main, from Harrison to Bryaut.
Jones, bet. Taylor and Leavenworth N. from Market to
Jones Alley, bet. Sansome and Montgomery, from Wash-
ington to Jackson.
Jones Place, N. s. Bryant, bet. Sixth and Seventh.
Josephine, bet. Central ave. and Eugenia, from Point Lobos
av^e. N.
Joseph's Terrace, E, s. Stockton, bet. Lombard and Cheat-
Joy, from California ave. N. W. to Brewster, B. H.
Julia, bet. Seventh and Eighth, from Mission S.
Julia Court, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from O'Farrell N.
Julius, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Lombard N.
Junction, or Dry ; bet. 29th and 30th, from San Jose Road
W. to Bellvue.
Juniper, bet. 10th and 11th, from Folsom to Harrison.
K, bet. J and L, from Fourth ave. W.
K, South S. F., from First ave. S. W. to R. R. ave.
Kansas, bet. Rhode Island and Vermont, from Mission Creek
S. .to Precita Creek, and from RsS., South S. F.
Kappeler Court, bet. Geary and Post, from Mason W.
Kate, bet. Ridley and Waller, W. from junction Market and
Laguna to Steiuer and bet. Frederick and Waller, from
Cole W. to Stanyan.
Kate Place, bet. Seventh and Eighth, from Bryant S. E.
Kearny, bet. Montgomery and Dupont, N. from Market to
North Point.
Kensington Place, bet. 19th and 20th, from Howard W.
Kent, bet. Union and Filbert, from ]Mason W.
Kentucky, bet. Illinois and Tennessee, from Channel S. to
Second ave.
Keyes Alley, bet. Powell and Mason, from Pacific N.
Kimball Place, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from S. s.
Sacramento N.
King, bet. Townsend and Berry, S. W. from the bay to Eighth.
KissLiNG Place, bet. Folsom and Harrison, 13th and 14th.
Kohler's Place, bet. Kearny and Montgomery, fm Green S.
Kosciusko, from Cortland ave. S. to Crescent ave. B. H.
Kossuth, E. s. R. R. ave. E. to Chace.
Kramer Place, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from Greenwich S.
L, bet. K. and M., from Seventh ave. W.
L, South S. F., from Fair ave. S. W. to 28th ave.
Lafayette, bet. 11th and 12th, from Mission to Howard.
Lafayette Park, bet. Sacramento and Washington, Gough
and Laguna.
Lafayette Place, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Green to
Laguna, bet. Octavia and Buchanan, N. from Market to
Laidley, from 30th S.E. to Fairmouut, thence S. W. to Castro.
Landers, crosses Market at junction of 14th and Church.
Langton, bet. Seventh and Eighth, from Howard to Bryant.
Larkin, bet. Hyde and Polk, N. from Market to Ton(|uin.
Laskie, bet. Eighth and Ninth, from Mission N. W.
Latham Place, bet. Ellis and O'Farrell, from Mason W.
Laura Place, bet. Sansome and Montgomery, from Pine S.
Laurel, bet. Walnut and Locust, from California N.
Laurel Avenue, from Cortland ave. S. to Benton ave., B. H.
Laurel Avenue, bet. Turk and Eddy, fm Larkin to Webster.
Laurel Place, bet. Folsom and Harrison, fm First to Essex.
Established A. D. 1872.
Authorized Capital, - - - $500,000.
Deposited at Albany, - - $100,000.
(Formerly Finance Minister of Canada.)
(Rankin, Beattie & Co.)
Hon. J. FERRIER, Senator.
Macdougall & Davidson.
President Dom. Board of Trade.
Mackay Brothers,
Director Bank of Montreal.
Merchant, Montreal.
WM. MOORE, Esq., Quebec.
Manager Gulf Ports S. S. Co'y.
General Manager,
HORACE D. IRWIN & CO., State Agents,
216 Sansome St.,
San Francisco, California.
Sacramento, bet. California and Clay, W. from Market.
Sadowa, W. s. Old San Jose Eoad, near San Miguel Station.
Sagamore, Railroad Homestead Association.
Salinas Avexue, bet. 33d and 34th avenues, from Railroad
ave. W. to San Bruno Road.
Salmon, bet. Mason and Taylor, from Pacific to Broadway.
Salmon Place, bet. Broadway and Vallejo, from Larkin E.
Salmon Place, bet. Mason and Taylor, from Green N.
Salome, from Islais Creek N. E. to Baker ave.
Samoset, bet. Cortez and Cabot, from California ave. S. E. to
Franconia ave., B. H.
San Bruno Avenue, South S. F., bet. Potrero ave. and Gi-
rard, from Islais Creek S.
San Bruno Road (old), from Precita Creek near Nebraska S.
San Jose Avenue, fni Castro (Fairmount Tract), S. W. to
county line.
San Jose Avenue, fm 22d, bet. Valencia and Guerrero S. W.
San Jose Road or County Roai>, from termination Mission,
S. W. to county line.
San Luis Alley, S. s. Jackson, bet. Dupont and Stockton.
San Miguel Station, San Jose Road, 6| miles fm City Hall.
Sanchez, bet. Church and Noe, from Ridley S. to 30th.
Sansome, bet. Battery and Montgomery, N. from Market to
Santa Clara, bet. Center and Mariposa, from the bay W. to
Santa Rosa Avenue, W. s. Masonic ave. near Point Lobos
ave., W. to Odd Fellows' Cemetry.
Scheerer Pj^ace, bet. Post and Sutter, from Mason W.
Schiller, San Miguel, West End, Map No. 2.
Schneider, S. of Bernadotte, fm Islais Creek channel N. E.
to Seventh ave.
Schuyler, from Cortland ave., S. to Crescent ave., B. H.
Schwerin, Visitacion Valley.
Scotland, bet. Powell and Mason, from Filbert to Greenwich.
Scott, bet. Pierce and Devisadero, N. from Ridley to Lewis.
Scott, from North ave. S. to Cortland ave., B. H.
Scott Avenue, fm R. R. ave. N. W. to Silver ave. , Potrero.
^COTT Place, bet. Powell and Mason, fm Pacific to Broadway.
SocoND, bet. First and Third, from Market S. E. to the bay.
Second Avenue, bet. Valencia and Guerrero, from 15th to
Second Avenue, South S. F., from Islais to China.
Second Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to J.
Selina Place, bet. I )upont and Stockton, from California N.
Senator, bet. Broadway and Vallejo, from Davis to Front.
Seneca Avenue, bet. Ocean House Road and Niagara ave.,
from Mission W. to San Jose Road.
Serpentine Avenue, from Utah near Yolo, W. to Old San
Jose Road.
Seventeenth, bet. 16th and 18th, from Harrison W. to Clara
Seventekntii Avenue, South S. F., from Islais Creek to
Water Front.
Seventeenth Avenue, from Presidio to Reservation S.
Seventh, bet. Sixth and Eighth, from Market to Penn. ave.
Seventh Avenue, South S. F. , from Islais Creek to Water
Seventh Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to N.
Seymour Avenue, bet. Scott and Devisadero, from Tyler to
Shakespeare, from Isabel S. to Hope, B. H.
Sharon, bet. Church and Market, from 15th S. E.
Sharp Place, bet. Leavenworth and Hyde, from Union S.
Shasta, bet. Napa and Sierra, from the bay W. to Delaware
and from Vermont to Utah.
Sheppard Place, bet. Clay and Washington, from Mason E.
Sheridan, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from 10th N. E.
Sherman, bet. Sixth and Seventh, from Folsom to Harrison.
Sherman, bet. Castro and Diamond, from 17th S. to 22d.
Sherman, bet. Webster and Fillmore, from Ellis S.
Sherwood Place, bet. Mission and Howard, from 3d N. E.
Ship, South S. F., bet. Dock and A, from 5th ave. S. W^. to
county line.
Shipley, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from Fourth S. W.
Skotwell, bet. Howard and Folsom, from 14th S. to Serpen-
tine ave.
Shrader, bet. Cole and Stanyan, S. from Fulton to Waller.
Siegel, from California ave. S. to Cortland ave., B. H.
Sierra, bet. Napa and Nevada, from the bay W. to Potrero
SiLLiMAN, bet. Silver ave. and Henry, from San Bruno Road
W., U. M. T.
Silver, bet. Harrison and Bryant, from Second to Fourth.
Silver Avenue, South S. F., from 15th ave. nr. Q, W. to
County Road.
Simpson Place, bet. Harrison and Bryant, from First W.
Sixteenth, bet. 15th and 17th, from Harrison W. to Castro.
Sixteenth Avenue, South S. F., from Islais Creek to Water
Sixteenth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S.
Sixth, bet. Fifth ami Seventh, fm Market S. E. to Tennessee.
Sixth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation, S. to K.
Sixth Avenue, South S. F. fm Islais Creek to Water Front.
.Solano, bet. Mariposa and Butte, fm the Bay W, to Harrison.
Sonoma, bet. Nevada and Yolo, from the Bay W. to Min-
Sonoma Place, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Vallejo N.
SoNORA, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Green to Union.
Sophie Terrace, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from Pine N.
South, S. of Hubbell, S. VV. from Kentucky to Center.
South Avenue, from Crescentave., N. E. to Holly Park, B. H.
South Park, bet. Bi-yant andBrannan, Second and Third.
South Park Alley, bet. South Park and Brannan, from
Third E.
South Park Avenue, bet. Second and Third, from Brannan S.
South Park Lane, bet. Bryant and Brannan, from Central
Place to Third.
Spear, bet. Steuart and Main, from Market S. E. to the Bay.
Spofford, bet Dupont and Stockton, fm Clay to Washington.
Spring, bet. Montgomery and Kearny, from California to
Spruce, bet. Locust and Maple, from California N.
St. Charles, bet. Pacific and Broadway, from Kearny E.
St. Charles Place, bet. Vallejo and Green, from Kearny W.
St. James' Alley, bet. Post and Sutter, from Mason E.
St. Joseph's Avenue, bet. Broderick and Baker, from Turk
N. to Geary.
St. Louis Alley, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from Jackson S.
St. Mark's Place. See Morton.
St. Mary's, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Pine to California.
St. Vincent. See Vincent.
Standish, from California ave., S. to Powhattan, B. H.
Stanford, bet. Second and Third, fm Brannan to Townsend.
Stanly Court, E. s. Stanley pi., bet. Harrison and Bryant.
Stanly Place, bet. First and Second, from Harrison to S. of
Stanyan, bet. Shrader and Golden Gate Park, fm Fulton S.
Star, from California ave., S. E. to Franconia ave., B. H.
State, City Land Association.
Steineb, bet, Fillmore and Pierce, N. from Ridley to Lewis.
Steuart, bet. East and Spear, from Market S. E. to the bay.
Steveloe Place, bet. Ellis and O'Farrell, from Jones E.
Stevfnson, bet. Market and Mission, from First S. W.
Stevenson Avenue,' S. s. Valencia, bet. Hermann and Brady.
Stockton, bet. Dupont and Powell, N. fm Market to Beach.
Stockton Place, bet. Post and Sutter, from Dupont to Stock-
Stone, bet. Stockton and Powell, fm Washington to Jackson.
Stout's Alley, bet. Dupont and Stockton, from Washington
to Jackson.
Stringham, from Islais Creek W. of Adele, S. to Hecker.
Sullivan, bet. Carl and Grattan, from Cole W.
Sullivan, from Cortland ave. S. to Crescent ave., B. H.
Sullivan, Visitacion Alley.
Sullivan Alley, bet, Dupont and Stockton, from Pacific to
Sullivan Alley, bet. First and Second, from Mission to
Sullivan Alley, bet. Jaokson and Pacific, from Dupont W.
Summer, bet. Pine and Calfornia, fm Montgomery to Kearny,
Sumner, bEt. Rosecrans and Prentiss, from California ave. S.
to Powhattan.
SUMXFK, bet. Seventh and Eighth, from Howard S. E.
Sutter, bet. Post and Bush, \V. from Market to Central ave.
Swan, from Bernal S. W. to junction Marengo and Bernal.
Sweeny, W. s. San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
Sweet, bet. Taylor and Jones, from Broadway to Vallejo.
T, South S. F., from vSeventh ave. S. W. to Tenth ave.
T, bet. S and U, from 12th ave. W.
Tara, San Miguel, W. End, Map No. 1.
Tay, bet. Powell and Mason, from Sacramento to Clay.
Taylor, bet. Mason and Jones, N. from Market to Jefferson.
Taylor Place, bet. Post and Geary, from Taylor E.
Taylor Place, bet. Union and Filbert, fm Taylor E. and W.
Tehama, bet. Howard and Folsom, from First S. W.
Tehama, S. s. Monte/.uma, S. to Prospect place, B. H.
Tehama Place, bet. Howard and Folsom, from First N. E.
Telegraph Place, bet. Greenwich and Lombard, from Good-
Children E.
Tennessee, bet. Kentucky and Minnesota, from South S. to
Tenth, bet. 9th and 11th, fm Market S. E. to Mission Creek.
Tenth Avenue, South S. F., fm Islais Creek to Water Front.
Tenth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to Q.
Terrace View, bet. Kearny and Dupont, from Francisco S.
Tevis, South S. F., bet. Von Schmidt and Dock, from Water
Front S. W. to county line.
Tevis, bet. Third and Fourth, from King to Berry.
Texas, bet. Mississippi and Missouri, fm Center S. to Tulare.
Theresa, Academy Tract.
Third, bet. Second and Fourth, fm Market S. E. to Channel.
Third Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to J.
Third Avenue, South S. F. , from Islais to Dry Dock.
Thirteenth, bet. 12th and 14th, from Mission to Harrison.
Thirteenth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to U.
Thirteenth Avenue, South S. F., from Islais Creek to
Water Front.
Thirtieth, S, of Day, from Mission W. to Bellevue.
Thirtieth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S.
Thirtieth Avenue, South S. F. , f rom Potrero ave. S, to
County Line.
Thirty- EIGHTH Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Thirty-eighth Avenue, South S. F., from R. R. ave. S. to
County Line.
Thirty-fifth Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Thirty-fifth Avenue, South S. F., from R. R. ave. S. to
County Line,
Thirty-first Avenue, from Presidio Rerervation S.
Thirty-first Avenue, South S, F., from R. R, ave. S. to
County Line,
Thirty-fourth Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Thirty-fourth Avenue, South S. F,, from R, R, ave. S. to
County Line,
Thirty-ninth Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Thirty-ninth Avenue, South S, F., from R. R, ave. S. to
County Line.
Thirty-second Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S.
Thirty-second Avenue, South S. F,, from R. R. ave. S. to
County Line.
Thirty-seventh Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Thirty-seventh Avenue, South S. F. , from R, R. ave. S. to
County Line.
Thirty-sixth Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Thirty-sixth Avenue, South S. F.,from R. R. ave. S. to
County Line.
Thirty-third Avenue, from City Cemetery S.
Thirty-third Avenue, South S. F., from R. R. ave. S. to
County Line.
Thompson Avenue, bet. 2d and 3d, from Brannan S.
Tilden, W. s. Noe, bet. 15th and 16th.
Tilford, bet. Bryant and Brannan, from Sixth N. E.
ToBiN, Visitacion Valley.
ToMASA, from California ave. S. E. to California ave., B. H.
ToNQUiN, bet. Jeiferson and Lewis, W. from Larkin to Pre-
sidio Reservation.
ToRRENS Court, bet. Hyde and Larkin, from Clay N.
Touch ard, bet. Jones and Leavenworth, from Fine S.
TowNSEND, bet. Brannan and King, S. W. fm First to Eighth.
Treat Avenue, bet. Folsom and Harrison, from 13th S. to
Serpentine ave.
Trinity', bet. Montgomery and Kearny, from Sutter to Bush.
Trinity Court, W. s. Trinity, bet. Sutter and Bush.
Truett, bet. Clay and Washington, from Mason W.
Tulare, bet. Marin and Islais Creek, Channel from the bay
W. to Orleans.
Turk, bet. Tyler and Eddy, W. from junction Mason and
Twelfth, bet. 11th and 13th, from Mission S. E.to Harrison.
Twelfth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S. to T.
Twelfth Avenue, South S. F., from Islais Creek to Water
Twentieth, bet. 19th and 21st, fm Harrison W. to Douglass.
Twentieth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S.
Twentieth Avenue, South S. F. , from A N. to Utah.
Twenty-eighth, bet. Duncan and Valley, from Old San Jose
Road W. to Bellevue.
Twenty-eighth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S.
Twenty-eighth Avenue, South S. F., from Potrero ave. S. to
County Line.
Twenty- fifth, bet. 24th and 26th, from Potrero ave. W. to
Twenty-fifth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S.
Twenty-Fifth Avenue, South S. F., from Water Front N.
to R. R. ave.
Twenty-first, bet. 20th and 22nd, from Potrero avenue W.
to Douglass.
Twenty-first Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S.
Twenty-first Avenue, South S. F., from A N. to Silver ave.
Twenty-fourth, bet. 23d and 25th, from Potrero W. to
Twenty-fourth Avenue, from Presidio Reservation S.
Twenty-fouth Avenue, South S. F., from Water Front N.
to R. R. avenue.
WIN4NS Alley, bet. Howard and Tehama, from Eighth b..
Winkle, S. of San Bruno Road, 4 miles from City Hall.
WiNSLOW, from California ave. S. to Powhattan, B. H.
Winter Lane, bet. Green and Union, from Mason E.
Wisconsin, bet. Arkansas and Carolina, from Eighth S. to
Wolfe, from California ave. E. to Isabel, B. H.
Wood, bet. Engenia and Collins, from Point Lobos ave. JN.
Wool,' from North ave. S. to Cortland ave. , B. H.
Woolsey, bet. Wayland and Dwight, from San Bruno Road
W., U. M. T.
Worden, bet. Stockton and Powell, from Francisco N.
Wyoming, bet. Dakotah and Ohio, from Islais S. to First ave.
Yale, bet. Amherst and Cambridge, from Silver ave. S.,
Yerba Buena, bet. Mason and Taylor, from Sacramento to
Yolo, bet. Nevada and Colusa, from the bay W. to Potrero ave.
York, bet. Hampshire and Florida, from Mission Creek S. to
21st; thence E. to Hampshire; thence S. to Serpen-
tine ave.
Yuba, bet. Colusa and Yolo, from the bay W. to Iowa.
ZiM, from Napoleon S. to Schneider.
ZoK, bet. Third and Fourtii, from Bryant to Brannan.
ZoE Place, bet. Beale and Fremont, from Folsom S. E.
Street Car I^iiie§.
Fares on all the street car lines throughout the city are five
cents fur its entire length, which includes transfers. At the
Ferry, foot of Market street, is the main starting point for
all lines, except the Clay and Geary street lines (both /are
Sutter Street Line: Starts at the ferries, foot of Market
street, with horses ; thence up Market to junction of
Sutter, Sansome and Market streets, when it is connected
with the cable road; thence out Sutter to Lone Mountain
and other cemeteries, where connection may also be had
for the Cliff House. Transfers are given at Larkin street
for Mission, and also at Polk street for Union street line
and Presidio.
Geary Street Line : Starts from the junction of Kearny and
Geary streets (at Lotta's Fountain); thence direct through
Geary to Lone Mountain and other cemeteries, where con-
nection is made for the Cliff House and Golden Gate
Clay Street Line : Starts from the corner of Kearny and
Clay ; straight out Clay to Van Ness avenue, the termi-
Omnibus Line : Starts at Fourth and Townsend; out Fourth
to Market, crossing same into Stockton street ; thence to
Geary to Kearny, to Montgomery avenue, to Powell ;
thence to North Beach. Transfers are given at Folsom
and Fourth for the ferries, or for Folsom and 2Gth street ;
also, at California and Kearny, for ferries.
North Beach and Mission Line : From Fourth and Town"
send to Third, to Market; down same to Montgomery J
thence to Pacific, to Stockton ; thence to North Beach
and to the Post Office. Folsom street division runs from
the ferries up Market to California, to Kearny, to Market,
to Eighth, to Folsom; and thence out to Twenty-sixth.
Transfers are given at Howard and Third for 26th; also,
at Montgomery and California for the ferries.
California Street Line : Starts from corner of California
and Kearny ; up California to Lone Mountain and other
cemeteries, and Golden Gate Park.
Union Street Line : Starts with horses from the ferries to
intersection of Montgomery avenue and Montgomery
street, where it joins the cable ; thence out the avenue
to the Presidio and Harbor View.
Fifth Street Line : Starts from the Ferries, up Market to
Fifth ; thence to Bhixome, to Fourth, C. P. R. R.
offices and S. P. R. R. Depots, where transfers are
given to the Potrero and South San Francisco.
Market Street Line : Starts at the Ferries, out Market
to Valencia, thence to 31st ; at Junction of Market and
Valencia transfers are given for the Cemetries and
Golden Gate Park.
Hayes Valley Line : Starts from the Ferries, up Market
to junction of Market and Larkin, from thence out to
Hayes Valley.
Central R. R. Line : Starts at the Ferries, up Market to
Bush, to Kearny, to Post, to Dupont, to Market, to
Turk, to Hayes Valley and Lone Mountain and other
Cemetries; transfers at Taylor for Sixth Street Line. The
Branch, or one horse line, starts at the Ferries, down
East to Pacific, to Sansome, to Bush, to Kearny, to Post,
to Stockton, to Geary, to Taylor, to Market, crossing the
same into Sixth ; thence out Sixth, giving transfers on
Taylor for Lone Mountain.
Mission Street Line : The Blue Line starts from 20th and
Mission, down Mission to Fifth, to Market into Dupont,
to Sutter ; thence to Sansome, where it ends. The Red
Line starts from 81st and Mission, going direct to the
Places of Interest.
Alcatraz Island : (A Government Fortification), is loca-
ted two miles in the bay N. W. from Telegraph Hill,
and can be visited by permission, granted on certain days,
from the offices of the U. S. Army Headquarters.
Angel Island : (A Government Fortification), is located
in the bay immediately beyond Alcatraz Island, five
miles from the City Hall ; this can l>e visited at the
same time of going to Alcatraz, and by the same manner.
Bay District Fair Racing Grounds : Is located cor. Seventh
ave, and Fulton.
Bay View : Near Hunters' Point, five miles S. of City Hall.
Bernal Heights : S. of Serpentine ave. , bet. San Jose and
vSan Bruno Roads.
Black Point : (A Government Fortification), is located
at the junction of Van Ness ave. and Bay Shore ; reached
by street cars.
Buena Vista Park : S. of Haiglit, bet. Broderick and
Clark's Point : Foot of Broadway.
Cliff House : Is located six miles from City Hall, on the
Beach, and can be reached by eitlier private conveyance
going straight out Geary, or by the street cars connecting
at their terminus with busses.
Dry Dock (California) : Is located at Hunter's Point,
South San Francisco, reached by the Potrero cars.
Fairmount : W. s. San Jose Road, near 30th.
Farallone Islands, 29 miles from the City Hall ; these can
be seen on any clear day from the Clifi' House.
Fort Point: (A Government Fortification), is located at the
neck of the "Golden Gate" or entrance from the Pacific
Ocean to tlie Bay of San Francisco ; at this point the
entrance is but 2 miles wide, and a beautiful view is ob-
tained there from watching the vessels from all quarters
of the globe entering and departing. Officers will be
found on duty at all times, to escort visitors through the
Fortification and Light House. It is 6 miles west of the
City Hall, and can only be reached by private convey-
Garratt's Point, one-half mile S. W. from Hunter's Point.
Goat Island : (A Government Island), is situated about mid-
way and in direct travel between San Francisco and Oak-
land. The Ferry Steamers between these jjoints pass
w^ithin a few hundred yards of its eastern shore.
Golden Gate Driving Park : Is located three miles from
the City Hall, on Point Lobos avenue, entered from the
extension of Geary street ; can be reached by street cars,
or private conveyance. To visit this jjoint will well repay
the time, as surely a more beautiful drive through its
miles of avenues, surrounded on each side by beautiful
foliage, cannot be excelled iu any clime. A passageway
on the left will convey you to the Alms House Road
(a beautiful country drive interlocked by hills and vales),
while to follow its windings to the right will bring you
to the Ocean Beach. But keeping on through the Park,
your exit will also be upon the Beach with the Pacific
Ocean before and around you, with steamers and sailing
vessels in view, consigned to almost every port ; follow-
ing this exit to the right, will also bring one to the Cliff
House, and enabling him to return by Fort Point if de-
Golden Gate Driving Park : Is located on Point Lobos
avenue, five miles from City Hall.
Hayes Valley : N. of Market and W. of Larkin.
Holladay Heights : Between Clay, Washington, Gough
and Octavia.
Holly Park : S. W. S. Bernal Heights, near San Jose Road.
Hunter's Point ; Five miles S. E. of the City Hall ;
reached by street cars.
Islais Creek Bridge : From the termination of Kentucky
to Railroad avenue.
Kensington : Howard, near 21st.
Lagoon: (TOugh, bet. Lombard and Francisco.
Lacuna de la Merced : Seven and a half miles S. W. of
City Hall, near Ocean View House ; reached by private
conveyance only.
Lake Honda : Four miles S. W. of City Hall.
Lakeville : Near Laguna de la Merced.
Lime Point : (A Government Fortification), is located imme-
diately opposite to and across the Golden Gate from Fort
Lone Mountain : S. of Point Lobos Avenue, near Toll Gate;
reached by street cars.
Long Bridge : From foot of Fourth street to Potrero Nuevo.
Mission Creek: From Harrison and 19th S. E. to the bay.
Mission Dolores : 2^ miles S. W. from City Hall.
Mountain Lake: 4 miles west from City Hall, bet. Point
Lobos ave. and Presidio Road.
Mountain Lake Park : 4 miles W. of City Hall, bet. Point
Lobos ave. and Presidio Road.
North Beach : Is located at the foot of Powell, and W. to
Black Point ; reached by street cars.
North Point : Foot of Francisco.
Ocean View House : On Ocean Beach Road, 7^ miles S.
W. of City Hall.
Mission, The Old: Reached by street cars to 16th.
Ocean Side House : On the Ocean Beach Road, 8 miles S.
W. of City Hall.
OcEN View Riding and Driving Park : On Ocean House
Road, 7 miles from City Hall.
Pacific Heights : California to Broadway, bet. Van Ness
ave. and Fillmore.
Point Lobos : 6^ miles W. of City Hall.
Point San Quentin : Potrero Nuevo.
Potrero Heights : Potrero Nuevo near Bay Shore.
Potrero Nuevo : 2i miles S. of City Hall. , ^ .,
Presidio, (A Government Headquarters) : Is located 3 miles
W. of City Hall; is reached, to the gates, by the street
Rincon Point : Foot of Harrison.
Russian Hill : Taylor bet. Broadway and Green. A fine
view of the bay is here to be found.
San Jose, (or Black Point) : Van Ness ave. and the Bay
Se\l Rocks : 6i miles W. of City Hall in the Pacific Ocean
immediately ofi" from the Cliff House, this being the main
attraction from that point. r ^ r
Safe Deposit'Company : Located in the basement of bafe
Deposit Building, corner Montgomery and California.
Visitors will be shown through on application to the Sec-
retary, which will be found well worthy of the time em-
San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board : Located on
Pine, bet. Sansome and California. By applying to any
of its members, tickets of admission will be furnished
free, which will admit the visitor to the balcony, where
the " Bulls and the Bears " may be seen in coml)at twice
a day. To the stranger this will be found most interest-
Society of California Pioneers: Organized August, 1850.
The rooms are located at 808 Montgomery. Its member-
ship consist of all who were in California prior to January
1, 1850 ; others who have rendered distinguished services
to the State or Society may be made honorary members.
The roll consists of over 2,300 names. The Society has a
fine reading and library rooms, a fine cabinet of rare
minerals and relics of early times, where a few hours may
be spent with great interest. There is connected with this
a Society of the " Sons of California Pioneers."
Telegraph Hill : Montgomery, from Broadway N. to the
bay. A fine view of all fortifications, the bay, and busi-
ness portion of the city, as also the city front and ship-
ping, is to be had from this point, and is well worth the
laborious walk to its summit.
Tuckerville: From Buchanan to Webster and Washington
to Pacific.
VisiTACiON Valley : Near the bay and San Mateo county line.
Telegraph Offices.
American District Telegraph : 222 Sansome. Branches,
205 Sutter, 833 Sutter, 961 Mission, cor. California and
Fillmore, N. W. cor. Hayes and Laguna, N. W. cor.
Union and Powell, cor. Fourth and Townsend, N. E. cor.
Mission and 20th, and cor. Kentucky and First ave..
South S. F.
Bay and Coast : 208 Montgomery.
California District Telegraph Co.: 222 Montgomery.
Fire and Police : Brenham place.
Gold and S pock Telegraph Co. : 222 Sansome.
Western Union : N. E. cor. Montgomery and Pine.
Branches, Palace Hotel, The Baldwin, Occidental Hotel,
205 Sutter, cor. California and Fillmore, cor. Hayes and
Laguna, cor. Union and Powell, Market Street Wharf,
Southern Pacific R. R. Depot, Central Pacific R. R.
Freight Depot, 232 Front, 620 Fourth, 833 Sutter, 222
Sansome, 10 Market, 001 Mission, cor. Mission and 20th,
cor. Brannan and 16th, Pacific Mail Dock, Butchertown
and Presidio.
Law Telegraph and Messenger Bureau : 444 California
and 202^ McAllister.
Hoover Telephone Co.: 328 Montgomery.
National eBll Telephone Co., Samuel Hubbard, agent :
411^ California.
Pacific Bell Telephone Co. : 222 Sansome.
Time at 1*^ o'Cloek, Xooii.
(Difference in)
In San Francisco, Cal., the time of day at various places on
the Globe, is as follows :
A. M. H. M.
Astoria, Oregon 11 54
Calcutta, India 1 35
Canton, China 3 43
Honolulu, S. 1 9 39
Melbourne, Aust .... 5 48
Pekin, China 3 56
Sydney, Australia. . . G 14
Singapore, E. I. . . . 3 8
Shanghai, China .... 4 12
Tobolsk, Siberia 12 43
Yeddo, Japan 5 30
Yreka, California .... 1 1 59
p. M.
Acapulco, Mexico ... 1 26
Archangel, Russia.. 10 50
Aspinwall, Isthmus . . 2 50
Berlin, Prussia 9 3
Boston, Mass 3 25
Cape Good Hope .... 9 32
Charleston, S. C . . . . 2 50
Chicago, 111 2 19
Cincinnati, 2 32
Constantinople 10 9
Detroit, Mich 2 38
Eastport, Maine 3 42
Fort Yuma, A. T.... 12 31
Frankfort, Ger 8 43
Galveston, Texas .... 1 50
Geneva, Switz 8 34
Gibraltar, Spain .... 7 48
s. . p. M. H. M. s.
12 Halifax, N. S 3 55 3G
50 Havana, Cuba 2 41 00
00 Jerusalem, Pal 10 41 24
8 Lima, Peru 3 1 30
00 London, England 8 9 31
00 1 Los Angeles, Cal 12 Id 30
00 [Louisville, Ky 2 27 4
00 Mexico, Mex 1 33 44
40 Mecca, Arabia 11 50 00
00 Montreal, Canada. . . 3 15 44
00 New Orleans, La 2 9 40
301 New York City 3 14 00
Nevada City, Cal 12 5 15
28 Oregon City, Or 12 40
00|Panama, Isthmus 2 52 40
40;Paris, France 8 19 24
35 'Philadelphia, Pa.... 3 9 22
48 Placerville, Cal ^2 6 18
50 Portland, Maine 3 29 8
40 Rio Janeii'o, Brazil.. 5 17 8
44 Rome, Italy 9 00 3
16 Sacramento, Cal .... 12 3 58
44lSanta Fe, N. Mex. . . 12 55 44
12 Salt Lake City 12 41 40
40. St. Louis, Mo 2 9 4
18 St. Petersburg 10 11 20
24;Stockholm, Sweden. 9 22 20
32 1 Toronto, Canada 2 52 00
42 j Vienna, Austria 9 15 35
44 1 Washington, D. C. . . 3 2 00
Travel, Routes* of, iWlodesi of Coiiveyaiiee,
Distaiieesi and Rate§ of Fare from
^aii Fraiieiseo.
A. B., Amador Branch Railroad.
C. & C., Carson and Colorado Railroad.
C. N. , California Northern Railroad.
C. P., Central Pacific Railroad, Main Line.
C. P. and N., Central Pacific Railroad and Northern R;iilway,
connecting at Oakland.
C. P. and 0. D., Central Pacific R. R., Main Line, and Oregon
Division, connecting at Roseville Junction.
C. p. and S. P., Central Pacific and Southern Paciric Eail-
roads, connecting at Goshen (via Lathrop).
C. P. and V. D., Central Pacific R. P., Main Line, and Visalia
Division, connecting at Lathrop.
Cal. P., California Pacific Railway.
Cal. P. and N., California Pacific and Northern Railways,
connecting at Woodland.
E. & P. , Eureka & Palisade Railroad.
L. A. & I. , Los Angeles and Independence Railroad.
N., Northern Railway.
Nev. Cent., Nevada Central Railway.
N. C, Nevada County Narrow-Gauge Railroad.
N. P. C, Nortli Pacific Coast Railroad.
0. C, Oregon Central Railroad.
O. & C, Oregon and California Railroad.
P. M., Pacific Mail Steamship Co.
P. C, Pacific Coast Steamship Co.
S. C. , Santa Cruz Raili-oad.
S. & C, vStockton and Copperopolis Railroad.
S. F. & N. P., San Francisco and North Pacific R. R.
S, P., Southern Pacific Railroad, Northern Division.
S. P. C, Southern Pacific Coast Railroad.
S. & P., Sacramento and Placervdlle Railroad.
V. & T. , Virginia and Truckee Railroad.
V. V. & C. L., Vaca Valley and Clear Lake Railroad,
m., Miles, f.. Fare.
At the End of 1 iiion St. 11. IE.,
K. HERMAN, Proprietor.
OrniKl Concert Every Snnrtay, H>y a Full Orciiestra.
Families nill alMays jiiid i>i*oiaii»l attendance and
agreealde company.
R. B. Hall & Co'S
Pacific Detective Bureau,
632 MARKET STREET, opp. Palace Hotel.
Residence--m SEV^ Strket. ; g^j^ FRANCISCO.
Hon. T. G. Phelps. A. P. Hotaling & Co., 431 Jackson St. Fox & Kellogg,
Att'ys, .'328 California St., San Francisco. Hon. R. C. Gaskill,
Agent Wells, Faryo & Co., Oakland.
All Communications, Oral or Written, are strictly confidential.
Alameda, Alameda Co. — C. P., 11 in; fai-e, 15 cts. or 8. P. C,
11m; fare, 15 cts.
Alma, Santa Clara Co. — S. P. C. 58 m; fare, .$2.50; or S. P.
to Santa Clara, 47 m; stage, 13 m; fare, §2.65.
Alta, Placer Co.— C. P., 208 m; fare, .$9.15.
Alvarado, Alameda Co. — S. P. C. 24 m; fare, 75 cts.; or C. P.
to Hayward, 21 m; stage, 5 m; fare, §1.25.
Modoc Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Redding, 309 m; stage, 165 m ;
fare, $29.25.
Amador City, Amador Co. — C. P. to Gait and A. B. to lone,
140 m; stage, 14 m; fare, .$8.25.
Anaheim, Los Angeles Co. — C. P. & S. P. , 498 m; fare, §24.50;
or by P. C. Steamer to Anaheim Landing, 396 m; stage,
13 m; fare, §20.
Shasta Co.— C. P. 298 m; fare, §12.50.
Calaveras Co. — C. P. to Stockton, 91 m; 8. & C. to Milton,
30 m; stage, 24 m; fare, .§8.00.
Autioch, Contra Costa Co. — C. P. and N., 55 m; fare, §1.50.
Aptos, Santa Cruz Co. — S. P. to Pajaro, 99 m; S. C. 13 m;
fare, .§3.50; or P. C. Steamers.
Arbuckles, Colusa Co. — Cal. P. & N., 114 m; fare, .§6.25.
Areata, Humboldt Co. — P. C. Stmr., or Stmr. Humboldt to
Eureka, 222 m; steamer or stage, 12 m; fare, §10.75.
Auburn, Placer Co. — C. P. 176 m; fare, .§6.50.
Bakersfield, Kern Co. — C. P. & S. P. to Sumner, 305 m; stage,
1 mile; R. R. fare, §17.
Santa Barbara Co. — P. C. Steamers to Santa Barbara, 288 m;
stage, 43 m; fare, §15.
San Diego Co. — Steamer to San Diego, 480 m ; stage, 43 m ;
fare, §19.
Banner, San Diego Co. — Steamer to San Diego, 480 m ; stage,
50 m ; fare, §20.50.
Banta, San Joaquin Co. — C. P., 74 m; fare, §3.25.
Bartlett Springs, Lake Co. — Cal. P. to Calistoga, 73 m ;
stage, 46 m; or S. F. & N. P. to Cloverdale, 83 m; stage,
67 m.; fare, §10.
Belmont, San Mateo Co. — S. P., 25 m ; fare, 90 cts,
Benicia, Solano Co. — C. P. & X., 33 m; fare, §1.
Benton, Mono Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m; V. & T. to Mound
House, 41 m ; C. & C. to Belleville, 150 m ; stage, 40 m ;
fare, .§40.
Berkeley, Alameda Co. — C. P. & N., 11 m ; fare, 20 cts.
Big Trees, Calaveras Co.— C. P. to Stockton, 91 m ; S. & C.
to ]Milton, 30 m ; stage, 47 m ; fare, §11.50.
Biggs Station, Butte Co.— C. P. & 0. D. 213 m ; fare, §7.
Black Diamond, Contra Costa Co. — C. P. & N. to Cornwall,
50 m; Black Diamond R. R., 1 m; fare, §1.60.
Bloomfield, Sonoma Co.— N. P. C. to Valley Ford, 62 m ;
stage, 4 m ; fare, §2.75.
Blue Canon, Placer Co.— C. P. 218 m ; fare, §10.05.
Boca, Xevada Co.— C. P. 267 m ; fare, §14.50.
Bodie, Mono Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T. to Mound
House, 41 m ; C. & C. R. R. to Hawthorne, 100 m ;
stage, 40 m ; fare, $34. 75.
Boone ville, Mendocino Co. — S. F. & X. P. to Cloverdale, 83
m ; stage, 32 m ; fare, $8. 50.
Borden, Fresno Co. — C. P. & V. D., 176 m ; fare, $10.
Brighton, Sacramento Co. — C. P. 134 m ; fare, .$4.
Brooklyn, Alameda Co. — C. P. 9 m ; fare, 15 cts.
Brownsville, Yuba Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Marysville 192 m ;
stage, 33 m ; fare, $9.50,
Buena Vista, Nevada Co.— C. P. to Colfax, 194 m ; N. C. 10
m ; fare, $8.85.
Cahto, Mendocino Co. — S. F. & N. P. to Cloverdale, 90 m;
stage, 76 m ; fare, $13.25.
Caliente, Kern Co.— C. P. & S. P., 324 m ; fare, $18.
Calistoga, Napa Co. — Cal. P. 83 m ; fare, $3.00.
Calahans, Siskiyou Co. — C. P. & O. D. to Redding, 309 m;
stage, 83 m ; fare, .$25. 70.
Camp Bidwell, Modoc Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; stage, 245
m ; fare, $48. 75.
Carapo, San Diego Co. — P. C. Steamer to San Diego, 480 m ;
stage, 60 m ; fare, $25.
Camptonville, Nevada Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Marysville, 192
m ; stage, 43 m ; or C. P. to Colfax, 194 m ; N. C. to
Nevada, 40 m ; stage, 22 m ; fare, $17.00.
Carpenteria, Santa Barbara Co. — P. C. Steamer to Santa Bar-
bara, 288 m; stage, 12 m; fare, $13.
Castle Rock, Shasta Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Redding, 309 m ;
stage, 65 m ; fare, $12.
Castroville, Monterey Co. — S. P. 110 m; fare, $4.75.
Cedai'ville, Modoc Co. — C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; stage, 225 m ;
fare, $40.75.
Centerville, Alameda Co. — C. P. to Niles, 33 m; stage, 3 m ;
fare, $2.
Cerro Gordo, Inyo Co.— C. P. & S. P. to Mojave, 370 m ;
stage, 135 m ; fare, $48.
Cherokee Flat,',Butte Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Marysville, 192
m ; C. N. to Oroville, 28 m ; stage, 12 m ; fare, $9.50.
Chico, Butte Co.— C. P. & 0. D., 235 m ; fare, $8.50.
Clipper Mills, C. P. & 0. D. to Marysville, 192 m; C. N. to
Oroville, 28 m; stage, 30 m; fare $12.5 3.
Cloverdale, Sonoma Co.— 8. F. & N. P., 90 m; fare $4.25.
Colfax, Placer Co.— C. P., 193m; fare $7. 75.
Collinsville, Solano Co. — River Steamer, 40 m; fare $1.50.
Coloma, El Dorado Co.— C. P. to Auburn, 175 m; stage 22
m ; fare $9.
Colton, San Bernardino Co. — C. P. and S. P., 540 m; fare
$26 ; or by P. C. Steamer.
Columbia, Tuolumne Co. — C. P. to Stockton, 91 m ; S. & C.
to Milton, 30 m ; stage 49 m ; fare $9.
Colusa, Colusa Co. — Cal. P. & N. to Williams, 122 m; stage
10 m; fare $7.75.
Copperopolis, Calaveras Co.— C. P. to Stockton, 91 m; S. &
C. to Miltou, 30 m. stage 13 m; fare .^7.50.
Coulterville, Mariposa Co.— C. P. & V.D. to Merced, 230 m ;
stage 46 m; fare $21.
Courtland, Sacramento Co. — River Steamer, 95 m; fare $1.50.
Crescent City, Del Norte Co. — Steamer "Mary D. Hume"
or "Crescent City," 274 m; fare $12.50.
Crystal Springs, San Mateo Co.— S. P. to San Mateo, 21 m;
stage 4 m; fare $1.40.
Cucamongo, San Bernardino Co. — C. P. & S. P., 513 m; fare
Darwin, Inyo Co. — C. P. & S. P. to Caliente, 324 m; stage
100 m; fare $41.
Davisville, Yolo Co.— Cal. P., 76 m; fare $3.75.
Dayton, Butte Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Cliico, 235 m; stage 6
m; fare $9.50.
Decoto, Alameda Co.— C. P., 27 m; fare 90 cts.
Delano, Kern Co.— C. P. & S. P., 271 m; fare $10.60.
Diamond Springs, El Dorado Co.— C. P., 140 m; Cal. P., 80
m to Sacramento ; S. & P. to Shingle Springs, 49 m ;
stage 7 m ; fare $9.
Dixon, Solano Co.— Cal. P., 68 m; fare 3.25.
Donahue, Sonoma Co.— S. F. & N. P., 34 m; fare $0.75.
Donner Lake, Nevada Co. — C. P. to Summit, 245 m; stage 2
m; fare $13.70.
Downey, Los Angeles Co.— C. P. & S. P.,_484m ;>re$23.50;
or by P. C. Steamer.
Drytown, Amador Co.— C. P. to Gait and A. B. to lone, 140
m; stage 10 m; fare $8. 25.
Duncans Mills, Sonoma Co.— N. P. C, 80 m; fare $3.75.
Durham, Butte Co.— C. P. & 0. D., 229 m; fare $8.
Dutch Flat, Placer Co.— C. P., 206 m; fare $8.95.
Elk Grove, Sacramento Co.— C. P., 123 m; fare $4.
Ellis, San Joaquin Co.— C. P., 70 m; fare $3.
Elmira, Solano Co. — Cal. P., 60 m; fare $2.75.
Emigrant Gap, Placer Co.— C. P., 223 m; fare $10.55.
Eureka, Humboldt Co.— S. F. & N. P. to Cloverdale, 90 m;
stage to Eureka, 210 m; fare $25; or P. C. Steamers, or
Steamer Humboldt, fare $10.
Fairfax, Marin Co. — N. P. C, ISi m; fare, 75 cts.
Fairfield, Solano Co. — Cal. P. to Suisun, 49 m ; fare $2.25.
Farmiugton, San Joaquin Co. — C. P. to Stockton, 92 m; S.
& C, 19 m; fare $4.75.
Felton, Santa Cruz Co.— S. P. C, 74 m; fare, $3.25; or S.
P. to Pajaro, 99 m; S. C. to Santa Cruz, 22 m, S. C. &
F., 8 m; fare, $5.50; or by C. P. Steamer.
Fiddletown, Amador Co.— C. P. to Gait and A. B. to lone,
140m; stage 22 m; fare $9.
Firebaughs, Fresno Co. — C. P. & V. D. to Fresno, 195 m;
stage, 15 m; fare $12.50.
Folsom, Sacramento Co.— C. P., 140 m, or Cal. P., 86 m to
Sacramento ; S. & P. , 22^ m ; fare, $6.
Forest City, Sierra Co.— C. P. to Colfax, 194 m ; N. C. to
Nevada, 22^ m; stage 40 m; fare, §!15; or C. P. and 0.
D. to Marysville, 192 m; stage, 60 m; fare, $13.50.
■ Forest Hill, Placer Co. —C. P. to Auburn, 176 m ; stage, 22
m; fare, §10.50.
Fort Yuma, San Diego Co. — C. P. and S. P., 718 m; fare,
FreejDort, Sacramento Co. — C. P., 140m; or Cal. P., 86 m;
to Sacramento; S. & P., 7 m; fare, $4.70.
French Corral, Nevada Co. — C. P. and 0. D. to Marysville,
192 m; stage 33 m; fare, $9.50.
Fresno, Fresno Co.— C. P. and V. D., 195 m; fare, $11.35.
Gait, Sacramento Co.— C. P., 113 m; fare, $4.
Gaviota, Santa Barbara Co. — P. C. steamers 230 m ; $10.
Georgetown, P!ll Dorado Co. — C. P. to Au])urn, 176 m ; stage
18 m; fare, $9.50.
Geyser Springs, Sonoma Co. — Cal. P. to Calistoga, 68 m;
stage, 27 m; fare, $7.50; or S. F. & N. P. to Cloverdale,
90 m; stage, 15 m; fare, $7.50.
Geyserville, Sonoma Co. — S. F. & N. P., 82 m; fare, $3.50.
Gibsonville, Sierra Co. — C. P. and 0. D. to Marysville, 192
m; C. N. to Oroville, 28 m; stage, 28 m ; fare, $17.
Gilroy, Santa Clara Co.— S. P., 80 m; fare, $3.25.
Gilroy Hot Springs, Santa Clara Co.— S. P. to Gilroy, 80 m ;
stage, 14 m; fare, $5.00.
Gold Run, Placer Co.— C. P., 204 m ; fare, $8.75.
Goshen, Tulare Co.— C. P. and V. D., 229 m; fare, $13.70.
Grand Island, Colusa Co. — Cal. P. to Knight's Landing, 91 f
m; steamer, 36 m; fare, $6.75.
Grass Valley, Nevada Co.— C. P. to Colfax, 194 m; N. C,
16f m; fare, $9.50.
Gridley, Butte Co.— C. P. and 0. D., 209 m; fare, $6.75.
Guadalupe, Santa Barbara Co. — P. C. steamer to Port Har-
ford, 199 m; S. M. V, and stage, 24 m; fare, $14; or S.
P. to Soledad. 143 m ; stage, 139 m; fare, $17.
Hanford, Tulare Co.— C. P. and S. P., 252 m; fare, $14.60.
Harbin Springs, Lake Co.— Cal. P. to Calistoga, 68 m; stage,
24 m; fare, $5.70.
Haywards, Alameda Co. — C. P., 21 m; fare, 65 cts.
Healdsburg, Sonoma Co.— S. F. & N. P., 72 m; fare, $3.
Highland Springs, Lake Co. — S. F. & N. P. to Cloverdale,
90 m; stage, 22 m; fare, $6.50.
Hollister, San Benito Co.— S. P., 94 m; fare, $4.
Hooktou, Humboldt Co. — P. C. steamers or Steamer Hum-
boldt, 222 m ; fare, $10. 75.
Hornitos, Mariposa Co. — C. P. andV. D. to Merced, 140 m;
stage, 22 m; fare, $11.
Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo Co. — S. P. to Soledad, 143 m;
stage, 84 m ; fare, $14 ; or P. C. steamers.
Hueneme, Ventura Co. — P. C. steamer, 321 m; fare, $12.
Humboldt Bay. Humboldt Co. — P. C. steamers or Steamer
Humboldt,'216 m; fare, $10.
Independence, Inyo Co. — C. P. «fe S. P. to Caliente, 324 m;
stage, 164m; fare, $45; or 0. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. &
T. to Mound House, 41 m ; C. & C. to Belleville, 150 m;
stage, 1 20 m ; fare, .'^40.
lone, Amador Co. — C. P. to Gait, 113 m; A. B. 27 m; fare,
Iowa Hill, Placer Co.— C. P. to Colfax, 194 m; stage, 8 m;
fare, 89.25.
Jacinto, Colusa Co. — C. P. and 0. D. to Chico, 236 m ; stage,
15 m; fare, .«10.
Jackson, Amador Co. — C. P. to Gait and A. B. to lone, 140
m; stage, 12 m; fare, §8.25.
Jacksonville, Tuolumne Co, — C. P. to Stockton, 92 m; S. &
C. to Milton, 30 m ; stage, 29 m; fare, $9.50.
Jamestown, Tuolumne Co. — C. P. to Stockton, 92 m; S. &
C. to Milton, 30 m ; stage, 31 m ; fare, $9.
Janesville, Lassen Co. — C. P. to Reno, 294 m; stage 80 m ;
fare, .^26. 75.
Junction (Roseville), Placer Co.— C. P., 158 m ; fare, $5.
Kernville, Kern Co.— C. P. and S. P. to Caliente, 325 m ;
stage, 40 m ; fare, $24.
Kingsburg, Fresno Co.— C. P. and V. D., 215 m; fare, ?512.75.
Klamath Ferry, Siskiyou Co. — C. P. and 0. D. to Redding,
309 m; stage, 128 m; fare, $".00.
Knight's Ferry, Stanislaus Co. — C. P. to Stockton, 92 m; S.
& C. to Oakdale, 34 m; stage, 12 m; fare, $7.00.
Knight's Landing, Yolo Co. — Cal. P., 91 m; fare, $4.75.
La Porte, Plumas Co.— C. P. and 0. D. to Marysville, 192
m; C. N. to Oroville, 28 m; stage, 45 m : fare, $15.50.
Lake City (Surprise Valley), Modoc Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294
m ; stage, 220 m ; fare, $38 ; or C. P. and 0. D. to Red-
ding, 309 m; stage, 220 m; fare, $43.25.
Lake City, Nevada Co. —C. P. to Colfax, 194 m; N. C. to
Nevada, 22 m ; stage, 12 m ; fare, $11.
Lakeport, Lake Co. — ^Cal. P. to Calistoga, 68 m; stage, 116
m; fare, $G.50; or S. F. & N. P. to Cloverdale, 90 m;
stage, 32 m ; fare, $6.50.
Lathrop, San Joaquin Co. — C. P., 83 m; fare, $3.50.
Latrobe, El Dorado Co.— C. P., 140 m; or Cal. P., 86 m to
Sacramento; S. & P., 38 m; fare, $7.50.
Lincoln, Placer Co.— C. P. and 0. D., 1684 m; fare, $5.50.
Litton Springs, Sonoma Co. — S. F. & N. P., 76 m ; fare,
Livermore, Alameda Co. — C. P., 48 m; fare, $1.75.
Lockford, San Joaquin Co. — C. P. to Lodi, 104 m; stage, 8^
m; fare, $4.75.
Lodi, San Joaquin Co.— C. P., 104 m; fare, $3.75.
Lompoc, Santa Barbara Co. — P. C. steamer to La Gaviota,
230 m; stage, 14 m; fare, $12.
Lone Pine, Inyo Co.— C. P. and S. P. to Caliente, 324 m;
stage, 145 m; fare, $45.
Lorenzo, Alameda Co. —C. P., 18 m; fare, 50 cts.
Universal Art School
St. Ignatius Building, SAN FRANCISCO
«s ■^-^•' ►.. '• . ^t-s ®.
NSTRUCTION GIVEN IN Oil and \Yater-Color Painting, and
all varieties of Household Decorations and Fancy Needle-
<«« >-•• ^ ^^^—
In Chenille, Silk, Filoselle, and Crewells ; Applique and
Cretonne Work ; Fancy Work, including Point
Lace and Macreme Lace, Crochet, etc.
Painting in Class. — Saturdays, from 9 to 12 a. m., or
from I to 4 P. M., $5.00.
Painting in Class other days, from 3.30 to 5.30 P. M. $3.50.
Private Lessons per Hour, $1.00.
Embroidery and Fancy Work in Class, .six hours in-
struction weekly, $2.00. Private Lessons, per hour. Fifty
Daily Classes from 9 to 12 A. M., I to 4 and 3 to 6 P. M.
(Mondays and Fridays excepted.)
Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co. — C. P. and S. P., 482 m; fare,
$23; or P. C. steamer to Wilmington, 389 m ; S. P., 22
m; fare, §15.
Los Gatos, Santa Clara Co.— S. P. C, 55 m; fare, $2.25 ; or
S. P. to San Jose, 50 m; stage, 10 m ; fare, $2.75.
Lower Lake, Lake Co. — Cal. P. to Calistoga, 68 m; stage, 35
m; fare, $0.50.
Maxwell, Colusa Co.— Cal. P. & N., 134 m; fare, $7.40.
Madera, Fresno Co.— C. P. and V. D., 173 m ; fare, $9.80.
Mariposa, Mariposa Co. — C. P. and V. D. to Merced, 140 m;
stage, 41m; fare, $13.
Markleeville, Alpine Co.— C. P. to Pveno, 294 m ; V. & T. to
Carson, 31 ni; stage, 39 m; fare, $25.25.
Marshall's, Marin Co.— N. P. C, 48 m; fare, $2.
Martinez, Contra Costa Co. — C. P. & N., 36 m; fare, $1.
Marysville, Yuba Co.— C. P. & 0. D., 192 m; fare, $5.50.
Maytield, Santa Clara Co.— S. P., 35 m ; fare, $1.25.
Meaeham's, Sonoma Co. — S. F. & N. P., 63 m ; fare, $2.45.
Meadow Valley, Plumas Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Marysville,
192 m; C. N. to Oroville, 28 m; stage, 53 m; fare,
Melrose, Alameda Co. — C. P., 11^ m ; fare, 25 cts.
Mendocino, Mendocino Co. — N. P. C. to Duncan Mills, 80 m ;
stage, 95 m ; fare, $10.00 ; or S. F. & N. P. to Cloverdale,
90 m; stage, 75 m; fare, $9.50; or P. C. S. S. Co's
Steamer, 122 m; fare, $9.00.
Menlo Park, San Mateo Co.— S. P., 32 m ; fare, $1.15.
Merced, Merced Co. —C. P. & V. D., 140 m; fare, $7.50.
Michigan Bar, Sacramento Co. — C. P. to Sacramento, 140 m ;
S. & P. to Latrol>e, 38 m; stage, 6 m ; fare, $9.00.
Michigan Bluffs, Placer Co. — C. P. to Auburn, 178 m ; stage,
30 m; fare, $12.50.
Middletown, Lake Co. — Cal. P. to Calistoga, 68 m; stage,
18 m ; fare, i\i
Montezuma, Tuolumne Co. — C. P. to Stockton, 92 m ; S. &
C. to Milton, 30 m ; stage, 28 m ; fare, §9.00.
Moore's Flat, Nevada Co.— 0. P. to Colfax, 104 m ; N. C. to
Nevada, 22 m ; stage, 20 m ; fare, $13.50.
Mound City, San Bernardino Co. -C. P. and S. P., 532 m ;
fare, .$20.30.
Mount Eden, Alameda Co. — C. P. to Haywards, 21 m ;
stages, 8 m ; fare, !$2.
Mountain View, Santa Clara Co. — S. P., 39 m; fare, $1.40.
Mud Springs (El Dorado), El Dorado Co. — C. P. to Sacra-
mento, 140 m ; S. & P. to Shingle Springs, 49 m ; stage,
5 m ; fare, §9.
Murphy's, Calaveras Co. — C. P. to Stockton, 92 m ; S. & C.
to Milton, 30 m ; stage, 33 m; fare, $9.
Napa, Napa Co.— Cal. P., 41 m ; fare, $2.
Napa Junction, Napa Co. — Cal. P., 33 m ; fare, $1.50.
Nevada, Nevada Co.— C. P. to Colfax, 194 m ; N. C, 22 m ;
fare, .^9.
New Almaden, Santa Clara Co. — S. P. to San Jose, 50 m ;
stage, 15 m ; fare, $3.50.
New Idria, Fresno Co. — S. P. to Tres Pinos, 101 m ; stage,
40 m ; fare, $9.
Newark, Alameda Co. — S. P. C, 30 m ; fare, 90 cts. ; or C.
P. to Niles. 30 m ; stage, 4 m ; fare, $2.
Newcastle, Placer Co.— C. P., 171 m ; fare, $6.
Newhall, Los Angeles Co.— C. P. & S. P., 441 m ; fare, $23.
Niles, Alameda Co.— C. P., 30 m ; fare, $1.
Nord, Butte Co.— C. P. & 0. D., 242 m ; fare, $9.
Nordhoff, Ventura Co. — P. C. steamer to San Buenaventura,
311 m; stage, 12 m ; fare, $13.25; or C. P. and S. P.
to Newhall, 438 m ; stage, 60 m ; fare, $28.50.
North San Juan, Nevada Co.— C. P. to Colfax, 194 m ; N. C.
to Nevada, 22i m ; stage, 12 m; fare, $11.50 ; or C. P.
and O. D. to Marysville, 192 m ; stage, 45 m ; fare,
Noyo, Mendocino Co.— S. F. & N. P. to Cloverdale, 90 m ;
stage, 85 m ; fare, $12 ; or P. C. steamer.
Oakdale, Stanislaus Co.— C. P. to Stockton, 92 m ; S. & C.
34 m; fare, $5.50.
Oakland, Alameda Co. — C. P. 7 m; fare, 15 cts.
Ophir, Placer Co, — C. P. to Newcastle, 171 m; stage, 2 m ;
fare, $6.50.
Orange, Los Angeles Co.— C. P. and S. P., 503 m ; fare, $25;
or P. C. steamers.
Oi'oville, Butte Co. — C. P. to Sacramento, 140 m ; 0. D. to
Marysville, 52 m; C. N. 28 m; fare, $7.50.
Pacheco, Contra Costa Co. — C. P. & N. to Martinez, 36 m ;
stage, 5 m ; fare, $1.50.
Pacific Congress Sjn-ings, Santa Clara Co. — S. P. to Santa
Clara, 47 m; stage, 11 m ; fare, $2.65.
Page's, Sonoma Co.— S. F. & N. P., 49 m ; fare, $1.50.
Pajara, Santa Clara Co.— S. P. 99 m ; fare, $3.50.
Paso Robles Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo Co. — S. P. to Sole-
dad, 143 m ; stage, 84 m; fare, $14 ; or P. C. steamers;
fare, 314.80.
Pearson's Springs, Lake Co. — S. F. & N. P. to Cloverdale,
90 m ; stage. 46 m; fare, $9.75.
Pescadero, San Mateo Co. — S. P. to San Mateo, 21 m ; stage,
32 m ; fare, $3.50.
Petaliima, Sonoma Co.— S. F. & N. P., 42 m ; fare, $1.00.
Placerville, El Dorado Co, — C. P. to Sacramento, 140 m;
S. P. to Folsom, 22 m; stage, 26 m; fare, $10.50 ; C. P.
to Auburn, 176 m ; stage, 30 m ; fare, $10.50.
Plainsburg, Merced Co.— C. P. & V. D., 150 m; fare, $8.20.
Pleasauton, Alameda Co.— C. P., 42 m; fare, $1.50.
Pleasant Valley, El Dorado Co. — C. P. to Sacramento, ]40m ;
vS. & P. to Shingle Springs, 49 m ; stage, 21 m ; fare, -Sll.
Point Arena, Mendocino Co. — N. P. C. to Duncan Mills, 80 m;
stage, 60 m ; fare, $8 ; or P. C. steamers ; fare, $7.
Port Harford, San Luis Obispo Co., P. C. Steamers, 199 m;
fare, $10.
Princeton, Colusa Co. — Cal. P. & N. to Norman, 143 m;
stage, 10 m; fare, $9.10.
Quincy, Plumas Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Marys ville, 192 m ; C.
N. to Oroville, 28 m ; stage, 65 m; fare, $17.50.
Redding, Shasta Co.— C. P. & 0. D., 309 m ; fare, $13.25.
Red Blutr, Tehama Co.— C. P. & 0. D., 275 m ; fare, $10.75.
Redwood, San Mateo Co.— S. P., 29 m; fare, $1.00.
Rio Vista, Solano Co. — River steamer, 89 m ; fare, $1.50.
Riverside, San Bernardino Co. — C. P. & S. P. to Col ton, 528
m ; stage, 8 m ; fare, $26.75.
Rocklin, Placer Co.— C. P., 162 m ; fare, $5.25.
Rough and Ready, Nevada Co. — C. P. to Colfax, 194 m ; N.
C. to Grass Valley, 18 m; stage, 4 m ; fare, $10.
Rutherford, Napa Co.— Cal. P., 55i m ; fare, $2.75.
Sacramento, Sacramento Co. — C. P. 140 m; fare, $3; Cal P.,
86im; fare, $3; steamer, 120 m; fare, $1.50.
Salida, Stanislaus Co.— C. P. & V. D., 96 m; fare, $4.40.
Salinas, Monterey Co. — vS. P., 118 m; fare, $5.50; or by P.
C. Steamer.
Salsbury, Sacramento Co. — C. P. to Sacramento, 140 m; S.
& P., 16 m., fare, $5.50.
San Antonio, Monterey Co. — S. P. to Soledad, 143 m; stage
39 m; fare, $13.
San Benito, San Benito Co. — S. P., 95 m; fare, $3.
San Bernardino, San Bernardino Co. — C. P. & S. P. to Col-
ton, 540 m; stage 3 m; fare, $26.50; or P. C. Steamer
to Wilmington, 362 m; S. P. to Colton, 84 m; stage 3
m ; fare, $18.
San Buenaventura, Ventura Co. — C. P. and S. P. to Newhall,
438 m; stage 50 m; fare, $28; or P. C. Steamer, 311
m; fare, $12.
San Diego, San Diego Co. — P. C. Steamer, 480 m ; fare, $15;
or C. P. and S. P. to Santa Ana, 504 m ; stage 104 m ;
fare, $33.
San Felipe, Santa Clara Co.— S. P. to Gilioy, 80 m; stage 10
m; fare, $4.50.
San Fernando, Loa Angeles Co. — C. P. and S. P., 450 m;
fare, $23 ; or P. C. Steamer to Los Angeles.
San Gabriel, Los Angeles Co, — C. P. and S. P., 480m; fare,
$23.50; or P. C. Steamer.
San Gorgonio, San Bernardino Co. — C. P. and S. P., 551 m;
fare, $28.25; or P. C. Steamer.
San Jose, Santa Clara Co.— S. P. C, 47 m; fare, $1.75; or
S. P., 50 m; fare, $1.75; C. P., 48 m; fare, $1.75.
San Juan Capistrano, Los Angeles Co. — C. P. and S. P. to
- Los Angeles, 471 m; S. P. to Santa Ana, 33 m; stage 28
m ; fare, $28 ; or P. C. Steamer.
San Leandro, Alameda Co. — C. P., 16 m ; fare, 40 cts. ; or S.
P. C. K, 15 m; fare, 40 cts.
San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo Co. — S. P. to Soledad, 143
m; stage 114 m; fare, $14; or P. C. S. S. Go's steamer
to Port Harford, 199 m; S. L. 0. & S. M. V., 11
m; fare, $10.80.
San Luis Rey, San Diego Co. — C. P. and S. P. to Los An-
geles, 471 m; S. P. to Santa Ana, 33 m ; stage 59 m ;
fare, $29 ; or steamer to San Diego, 480 m ; stage 45 m ;
fare, $19.
San Mateo, San Mateo Co. — S. P., 21 m; fare, 75 cts.
San Miguel, San Luis Obispo Co. — See San Marcos.
San Pablo, Contra Costa Co. — C. P. and N., 15 m; fare,
60 cts.
San Pasqual, San Diego Co. — See San Luis Pey.
SanQuentin, Marin Co. — N. P. C. steamer, 12 m; fare, 40 cts.
San Pafael, Marin Co. — N. P. C, 15 m; fare, 50 cts.
San Simeon, San Luis Obispo Co. — P. C. steamers, 160 m;
fare, $10.
Santa Ana, Los Angeles Co. — C. P. and S. P., 505 m; fare,
$25 ; or P. C. steamers .
Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Co. — P. C S. S. Go's steamer,
288 ni ; fare, $10 ; or C. P. & S. P. to Newhall, 438 m ;
stage 78 m; fare, $30; or S. P. to Soledad, 143 m; stage
260 m ; fare, $22.
Santa Clara, Santa Clara Co. — S. P., 47 m ; fare, $1.65 ; or S.
P. G. R., 44 m ; fare, $1.65.
Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co. — South Pacific Coast R. R., 80
m; fare, $3.50; or S. P. to Santa Clara, 47 m; stage 31
m; fare, $4; or S. P. to Pajaro, 99 m; S. C, 22 m; fare,
$3.50; or P. G. steamers, 70 m: fare, $2.50.
Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo Co. — S. JP. to Soledad, 143
m; stage 104 m; fare, $14; or P. C. steamer.
Santa Monica, Los Angeles Go. — G. P. & S. P. to Los An-
geles, 471 m; L. A. & L, 15 m; fare, $24.
Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co.— S. F. & N. P., 57 m; fare, $2.
Saratoga, Santa Clara Co. — S. P. to Santa Clara, 47 m; stage
10 m; fare, $2.75.
Saucelito, Marin Go. — N. P. C., 6 m; fare, 25 cts.
Shasta, Shasta Co.— C. P. and O. D. to Redding, 310 m ;
stage 6 m; fare, $14.80.
Shaw's Flat, Tuolumne Co.— C. P. to Stockton, 92 m ; S. &
C. to Milton, 30 m ; stage, 33^ m ; fare, §9.50.
Sheridan, Placer Co.— C. P. and 0. D., 175 m; fare, $5.50.
Shingle Springs, El Dorado Co.— C. P., 140 m; or Cal. P., 86
m ; S. & P. 49 m ; fare, $8.
Sierra \alle, Sierra Co. — C. P. to Truckee, 259 m ; stage, 30 m ;
fare, $18.25.
Silver Mountain, Alpine Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m; V. & T.
to Carson, 31 m; stage, 54 m; fare, $27.75.
Skaggs' Springs, Sonoma Co. — S. F. & N. P. to Geyserville,
80 m; stage, 8 ni; fare, $4.50.
Snelling, Merced Co.— C. P. and V. D. to Merced, 140 m;
stage, 16 m ; fare, $9.50.
Soda Springs, Napa Co. — Cal. P. to Napa, 41 m; stage, 7 m ;
fare, $2.
Soledad, Monterey Co.— S. P., 143 m; fare, $7.50.
Sonoma, Sonoma Co. — Cal. P. to Napa, 41 m; stage, 15 m;
fare, $2; or Sonoma V. R. R. ; Steamer direct from
Washington street wharf ; fare, $1.
Soda Springs, Siskiyou Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Redding, 309
m; stage, 69 m; fare, $23.60.
Sonora, Tuohimne Co. — C. P. to Stockton, 92 m; S. & C. to
Milton, 30 m ; stage, 35 m ; fare, $9.
Soquel, Santa Cruz Co. — S. P. to Pajaro, 99 m; S. C, 16 m;
fare, $3.50: or P. C. steamers.
Spadra, Los Angeles Co. — C. P. and S. P., 500 m; fare,
$24.50; or P. C. steamers.
St. Helena, Napa Co.— Cal. P., 60 m; fare, $3.
Stockton, San Joaquin Co. — C. P., 92 m; fare, $3.50.
Suisun, Solano Co. — Cal. P., 46 m; fare, $2.25.
Summit, Nevada Co.— C. P., 245 m ; fare, $12.70.
Sumner, Kern Co.— C. P. and S. P., 302 m; fare, $17.
Susan ville, Lassen Co. — C. P. to Reno, 294 m; stage, 96 m;
fare, $28.75; or C. P. and 0. D. to Chico, 236 m; stage,
85 m; fare, $17.50.
Sutter Creek, Amador Co. — C. P. to Gait and A. B. to lone,
140 m; stage, 12 m; fare, $8.25.
Tahoe City (Lake Bigler), PJacer Co.— C. P. to Truckee, 259
m; stage, 14 m; fare, $16.50.
Tamalpais, Marin Co. — N. P. C, 15 m; fare, 40 cts.
Taylorville, Marin Co.— N. P. C, 31 m; fare, $1.50.
Tehachapi, Kern Co.— C. P. and S. P., 350 m; fare, $19.75.
Tehama, Tehama Co.— C. P. and 0. D., 263 m; fare, $10.
Temecula, San Diego Co. — P. C. steamer to San Diego, 480
m; stage, 60 m; fare, $18.
Temescal, Alameda Co. — C. P. to Oakland, 8 m; street rail-
road, 2 miles; fare, 25 cts.
Timbuctoo, Yuba Co.— C. P. and 0. D. to Marysville, 192 m ;
stage, 18 m; fare, $7.50.
Tomales, Marin Co.— N. P. C, 56 m; fare, $2.
Tracy.— C. P., 72 m; fare, $3.15.
Tres Pinos, San Benito Co.— S. P., 101 m; fare, $i.oO.
Trinidad, Humboldt Co. — Steamer "Mary D. Hume" or
"Crescent City," 235 m ; fare, $10.
Truckee, Nevada Co.— C. P., 259 m; fare, $14.
Tulare, Tulare Co.— C. P. and S. P., 240 m; fare, .$14.45.
Turlock, Stanislaus Co. — C. P. and V. D., ] 16 m ; fare, ^5.80.
Ukiah, Mendocino Co.— S. F. and N. P. to Cloverdale, 90
m; stage, 31 m; fare, .$7.25.
Uniontown, El Dorado Co. — C. P. to Auburn, 176 m; stage,
9 m ; fare, $9.
Upper Lake, Lake Co. — Cal. P. to Calistoga, 68 m; stage to
Lower Lake, 35 m ; steamer, 20 m ; fare, S7.50 ; or S. F.
& N. P. to Cloverdale, 90 m ; stage, 42 m; fare, .f6.50.
Vacaville, Solano Co.— Cal. P. to Elmira, 57 m; V. V. & C.
L., 4 m; fare, $3.25.
Vallejo, .Solano Co. — Cal. P. steamer, 27 m; fare, $1.
Valley Ford, Sonoma Co.— N. P. C, 62 m; fare, $2.25,
Visalia, Tulare Co.— C. P. and V. D. to Goshen, 229 m; V.,
8 m; fare, $14.45.
Volcano, Amador Co. — C. P. to Gait and A. B. to lone, 140
m ; stage, 25 m ; fare, $10.
Warm Springs, Alameda Co.-C. P., 37 m ; fare, $1.40.
Washington, Yolo Co.— Cal. P., 96 m; fare, $4.
Watsonville, Santa Cruz Co. — S. P. to Pajaro, 99 m; S. C,
2 m; fare, $3.50.
Weaverville, Trinity Co.-C. P. and 0. D. to Redding, 309
m; stage, 46^ m; fare, ,$20.75.
Webber Lake, Sierra Co. — C. P. to Truckee, 259 m ; stage,
24 m; fare, $17.
West Oakland, Alameda Co. — C. P., 6| m; fare, 15 cts.
Wheatland, Yuba Co.-C. P. and 0. D., 179 m; fare, $5.50.
Wilbur's Hot Springs, Colusa Co. — See Sulphur Creek.
Wilmington, Los Angeles Co. — P. C. steamer, 392 ni; fare,
$14 ; or C. P. and S. P., 493 m; fare, $23.50.
Woodbridge, San Joaquin Co.— C. P. to Lodi, 104 m ; stage,
3 m; fare, .$4.25.
Woodland, Yolo Co.— Cal. P., 82 m; fare, $4.25.
Wyandotte, Butte Co.-C. P. and 0. D. to Marysville, 192
m; C. N. to Oroville, 28 m; stage, 6 m; fare, $9.
Yankee Hill, Butte Co.-C. P. and O. D. to Marysville, 192
m; C. N. to Oroville, 28 m; stage, 18 m ; fare, $12.50.
Yankee Jim's, Placer Co. — C. P. to Auburn, 176 m; stage,
18 m; fare, $10.
Yosemite, Mariposa Co. — C. P. and V. D. to Merced, 140
m ; stage, via Coulterville (northern side), 88 m ; or via
Mariposa (southern side), 100 m; or C. P. and V. D. to
to Madera, 173 m; stage, via Mariposa Grove, 100 m; or
C. P. to Stockton, 92 m ; S. & C. to Milton, 30 m ; stage,
via Calaveras Big Trees, 147 m.
You Bet, Nevada Co.— C. P. to Dutch Flat, 206 m; stage, 7
m ; fare, $10.
Yountville, Napa Co.— Cal. P., 50 m; fare $2.50.
Yreka, Siskiyou Co.— C. P. and 0. D. to Redding, 309 m;
stage, 115 m; fare, $30.50.
Yuba City, Sutter Co.— C. P. and 0. D. to Marysville, 192
m; stage, 1 m ; fare, !$5.50.
Argenta, Lander Co.— C. P., 5:i6 m; fare, ,|34.75.
Aurora, Esmeralda Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m; V. & T. to
Mound House, 41 m. C. & C. R. R. to Hawthorne, 100
m ; stage, 30 m ; fare, $33. 75.
Austin, Lander Co. — C. P. to Battle Mountain, 524 in ; Nev.
Cent., 92 m; fare, $43.
Battle Mountain, Lander Co.— C. P., 534 m ; fare, $34.
Belleville, Esmeralda Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T. to
Mound House, 41 m; C. & C, 150 m; fare, $33.25.
Belmont, Nye Co. — C. P. to Battle Mountain, 524 m ; stage,
170 m ; fare, $64 ; or C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & 'J\ to
Mound House, 41 m ; C. & C. to Luning, 125 m ; stage,
100 m ;''fare,
Bullionville, Lincoln Co. — C. P. to Palisade, 575 m ; E. & P.
to p]ureka, 90 m ; stage, 204 m ; fare, $84.75.
Candaleria, Esmeralda Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T.
to Mound House, 41 m ; C. & C, 158 m ; fare, $34.
Camp McDermitt, Humboldt Co. — C. P. to Winnemucca,
464 m ; stage, 75 m ; fare, $44.50.
Carliu, Elko Co.— C. P., 584 m ; fare, 38.50.
Carson, Ormsby Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T., 31 m ;
fare, $18.75.
Cherry Creek, White Pine Co.— C. P. to Wells, 664 m ;
stage, 95 m ; fare, $59.25.
Columbus, Esmeralda Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T.
to Mound House, 41 m ; C. & C. to Candelaria, 158 m ;
stage, 8 m ; fare, $35.
Cornucopia, Elko Co.— C. P. to Elko, 608 m ; stage, 80 m ;
fare '^48. 50.
Elko, Elko Co.— C. P. 608 m; fare, $40.25.
Egan Canyon, White Pine Co.— C. P. to Wells, 664 m ; stage,
90 m ; fare, $60.
Empire City, Ormsby Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T.,
SU m ; fare, $19.
Eureka, Eureka Co.— C. P. to Palisade, 575 m; E. & P., 90
m ; fare, $45.75.
Genoa, Douglas Co. — C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T. to Car-
son, 31 m; stage, 12 m; fare, $21.75.
Glenbrook, Douglas Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T. to
Carson, 31 m ; stage, 14 m ; fare, $22.25 ; or C. P. to
Truckee, 259 m ; stage to Tahoe City, 14 m ; steamer,
14 m ; fare, $18.
Golconda, Humboldt Co.— C. P., 480 m ; fare, $30.75.
Gold Hill, Storey Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T., 50
m ; fare, $19.75.
Halleck, Elko Co.— C. P., 631 m ; fare, $42.
Hamilton, White Pine Co. — C. P. to Palisade, 575 m ; E. &
P. to Eui'eka, 90 m; stage, 40 m ; fare, $52.25.
Humboldt, Humboldt Co.— C. P., 424 m ; fare, $26.50.
Mill City, Humboldt Co.— C. P., 436 m ; fare, 27.25.
Mineral Hill, Elko Co. — C. P. to Palisade, 575 m ; E. & P. to
Mineral, 37A m ; stage, 5 m ; fare, $42.
Mountain City, Elko Co. — C. P. to Elko, 608 m ; stage, 75
m ; fare, $50.25.
Oreana, Humboldt Co.— C. P., 402 m ; fare, $24.75.
Palisade, Eureka Co.— C. P., 575 m; fare, $37.75.
Pioche, liincoln Co. — C. P. to Palisade, 575 m ; E. & P. to
Eureka, 90 m ; stage, 180 m ; fare, $72.
Reno, Washoe Co.— C. P., 294 m ; fare, $16.75.
Rye Patch, Humboldt Co.— C. P,, 413 m ; fare, $25.50.
Silver Peak, Esmeralda Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T.
to Mound House, 41 m ; C. & C. to Candelaria, 158 m ;
stage, m ; fare, $45.75.
Steamboat Springs, Washoe Co. — C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V.
& T., 11 m; fare, $17.50.
Sutro, Lyon Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m ; V. & T. to Virginia,
52 m ; stage, 5 m ; fare, $22.25.
Tecoma, Elko Co.— C. P., 726 m ; fare, $49.
Toano, Elko Co.— C. P., 700 m ; fare, $47.
Treasure City, White Pine Co. — C. P. to Palisade, 575 m ;
E. & P. to Eureka, 90 m ; stage, 42 m ; fare, $58.75.
Tuscarora, Elko Co. — C. P. to Battle Mountain, 524 m ; stage,
68 m; fare, $47.75; or C. P. to Carlin, 584 m; stage,
44 m ; fare, $42.50 ; or C. P. to Elko, 608 m ; stage, 47 m ;
fare, $47.
Tybo, Nye Co.— C. P. to Palisade, 575 m ; E. & P. to Eureka,
90 m ; stage, 100 m ; fare, $67.50.
Virginia City, Storey Co.— C. P. to Reno, 294 m; V. & T.,
52 m ; fare, $19.75.
Ward, White Pine Co.— C. P. to Palisade, 575 m ; E. & P. to
Eureka, 90 m ; stage, 120 m ; fare, $64.25 ; or C. P. to
Wells, 664 m ; stage, 130 m ; fare, $70.
Wells, Elko Co.— C. P., 664 m ; fare, $44.25.
Winnemucca, Humboldt Co.— C. P., 464 m , fare, $29.50.
Steamer fare to Portland and other points on the Columbia
River : Cabin, $20, and Steerage, $10. Only Cabin ]^assage
is reckoned.
Astoria, Clatsop Co. — Steamer, 632 m; fare, $20 Cabin, and
$10 Steerage.
Aurora, Marion Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m; 0. & C,
29 m ; fare, $9.50.
Baker City, Baker Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; River
Steamer to Dalles, 115 m ; stage, 247 m ; fare, $64.50 ; or
C. P. to Winnemucca, 464 m ; stage, 420 m ; fare, $92.50.
Brownsville, Linn Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m; 0. & C.
to Halsey, 98 m ; stage, .5 m; fare, $26.
Canon City, Grant Co, — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; River
Steamer to Dalles, 115 m; stage, 180 m ; fare, .^52.
Cantonville, Douglas Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Redding, 309 m ;
stage, 248 m; fare, §!50.45.
Corvallis, Benton Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. & C.
to Albany, 81 m ; stage, 10 m ; fare, .$25 ; or River
Steamer from Portland, 85 m ; fare, §21.50.
Dallas, Polk Co.— Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. C. to St.
Joseph, 48 m ; stage, 30 m ; fare, .$27.
Dalles, Wasco Co, — Steamer to Portland, 730 m; River
Steamer, IIG ; fare, ^3^25 cabin, and .$15 steerage.
Dayton, Yamhill Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. C. to
St. Joseph, 48 m ; stage, 5 m ; fare, $27.
East Portland, Multnomah Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m;
ferry ; fare, $20. 10 cabin, and $10. 10 steerage.
El Dorado, Baker Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; River
Steamer to Dalles, 115 m; stage, 2Go ; fare, $72.
Empire City, Coos Co. — Steamer, 420 m; fare, $10.
Eugene City, Lane Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. &C.,
or River Steamer, 124 m; fare, $27.
Forest Grove, Washington Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ;
0. C, 25 m; fare, $21.50.
Harrisburg, Linn Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. & C.
lOGm ; fare, $25.25.
Hillsboro, Washington Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m;
0. C. 20 m ; fare, $21.
Independence, Polk Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. &
C. to St. Joseph, 48 m ; stage, 39 m ; fare, $29.
Jacksonville, Jackson Co.— C. P., 0. D. to Redding, 310 m;
stage, 177 m ; fare, $39.80.
Jefferson, Marion Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. & C.
72 m ; fare, $21.50.
Junction City (Lancaster), Lane Co. — Steamer to Portland,
730 m ; 0. & C. 110 m ; fare, ,$25.50.
Kirbyville, Josephine Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Redding, 309 m ;
stage to Jacksonville, 177 m ; saddle train, 50 m ; f . Soo.
Lafayette, Yamhill Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; O. C.
to St. Joseph, 48 m ; stage, 1 m ; fare, $22.50.
Linkville, Lake Co.— C. P. & 0. D. to Redding, 309 m; stage,
250 m ; fare, $55.
Oakland, Douglas Co.— Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. & C.
181 m; fare, $31.25.
Oregon City, Clackamas Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ;
0. & C, or River Steamer, 16 m ; fare, $20.75.
Oswego, Clackamas Co. —Steamer to Portland, 730 *m ; River
Steamer, 7 m ; fare, $25.25.
Pendleton, Umatilla Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; River
Steamer to Umatilla, 225 m; stage, 50 m ; fare, $37.
Portland, Multnomah Co. — Steamer, 730 m ; fare, cabin, $20;
steei-age, $10; or C. P. & O. D. to Redding, 310 m; stage
to Roseburg, 275 m ; 0. & C, 200 m ; fare, $53.25.
Port Orford, Curry Co.— Steamer "Mary D. Hume," 337 m ;
fare, $20.
Roseburg, Douglas Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. &C.
200 m ; fare, .^0 ; or C. P. & 0. D. to Ked.ling, 309 m ;
stage, 275 m ; fare, ^54.50.
Salem, Marion Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m; 0. & C.
53 ni ; fare, $22. 75.
Sheridan, Yamhill Co, — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. C.
to St. Joseph, 48 m ; stage, 18 m; fare, .^2.1.50.
Springfield, Lane Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; 0. & C.
to Eugene City, 124 m ; stage, 3^ m ; fare, -327.25.
Umatilla, Umatilla Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m ; Kiv^er
Steamer, with portages at Cascades and Dalles, 225 m ;
fare, $30.
Apache Pass, Pima Co.— C. P. & S. P. to Benson, 1,024 m;
stage thence.
Benson, Pima Co.— C. P. & S. P., 1,024 m; fare, |58.
Casa Grande, Pinal Co.— C. P. & S. P., 913 m ; fare, $52.
Castle Dome, Yuma Co.— C. P. & S. P. to Yuma, 731 m ;
river steamer, 22 m ; fare, $49.
Contention City, Pima Co.— C. P. & S. P. to Benson, 1,024
m ; stage 22 m ; fare, $62.
Florence, Pinal Co.— Q. P. & S. P. to Casa Grande, 913 m;
stage 40 m ; fare, $57.
Fort Mojave, Mojave Co.— C. P. & S. P. to Yuma, 731 m;
River Steamer, 295 m ; fare, $65.
Globe City, Pinal Co.— C. P. & S. P. to Casa Grande, 913 m ;
stage via Florence ; fare, $72.
Gila Bend, Maricopa Co.— C. P. & S. P., 850 m; fare, $50.
Phcenix, Maricopa Co. — C. P. & S. P. to Maricopa, 887 m;
stage 35 m; fare, $55.
Prescott, Yavapai Co. — C. P. & S. P. to Maricopa, 887 m;
stage 150 m; fare, $75.
Silver City (Silver King Mine), Pinal Co.— C. P. & S. P. to
Casa Grande, 913 m; stage via Florence; fare, $62.
Tombstone, Pima Co.— C. P. & S. P. to Benson, 1,024 m;
stage 31 m; fare, $62.
Tucson, Pima Co.— C. P. & S. P., 978 m; fare, $55.
Willcox, Pima Co.— C. P. & S. P., 1,064 m; fare, $60.
Yuma, Yuma Co. —C. P. &S. P., 731 m; fare, $45.
Boise City, Ada Co. — C. P. to Winnemucca, 464 m; stage 273
m; fare, $64.50.
Centerville, Boise Co. — C. P. to Winnemucca, 464 m; stage
308 m ; fare, $85.
Franklin, Oneida Co.— C. P. to Brigham, 878 m; U. N., 80
m ; fare, $57.
Idaho City, Boise Co. — C. P. to Winnemucca, 464 m; stage
309 m; fare, $85.50.
Lewiston, Nez Perce Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m;
River Steamer, in summer, 450 m ; fare, $52 ; or by
River Steamer to Wallula, 240 m; W. W. & C. R. to
Walla Walla, 30 m ; stage 30 m; fare, $62.
Salmon City, Lemhi Co. — C. P. to Bri^ham, 878 m ; U. N. to
terminus, m ; stage m ; fare, S .
Silver City, Owyhee Co. — C. P. to Winnemucca, 464 m-
stage 208 m; fare, $59.50.
Wood River, Alturas Co.— C. P. to Kelton, U., 80.3 m; sta^o
150 m ; fare, $78. °
Bellingham Bay, Whatcom Co. — Steamer 890 m ; fare, $25.
Cascades, Skamania Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m; River
Steamer, 31 m; fare, .$21.
Coveland, Island Co. — Steamer to Port Townsend, 850 m;
Sound steamer 22 m ; fare, §30.
Kalama, Cowlitz Co. — Steamer 683 m; fare, $!25 cabin and
$13 steerage.
Olympia, Thurston Co.— P. C. S. S. Co. steamer, 940 m ;
fare, $20 cabin, $10 steerage ; or steamer to Kalama, 863
m; N. P. to Tacoma, 100 m; through fare, $32; or N.
P. to Tenino, 66 m; stage 15 m; fore, $30.
Port Gamble, Kitsap Co. — Steamer to Port Townsend, 850m;
Sound steamer .35 m ; fare, $26.
Port Madison, Kitsap Co. — Steamer to Port Townsend, 850
m; Sound steamer 65 m; fare, $26.50.
Port Townsend, .Jefferson Co. — P. C. S. S. Co. steamer 850
m; fare, $20 cabin, $10 steerage; or steamer to Kalama,
683 m; N. P. to Tacoma 105 m; Sound steamer 92 m;
fare, $30.
San Juan, San Juan Co. — Steamer to Port Townsend, 850 m;
Sound steamer 15 m; fare, $25.50.
Seattle, King Co.— P. C. S. S. Co. steamer 914 m; fare, $20
cabin, $10'steerage ; Steamer to Port Townsend, 850 m ;
Sound steamer 64 m ; fare, $26.
Stelicoom, Pierce Co. — Steamer to Kalama, 683 m; N. P. to
Lakeview, 96 m; stage 4 m; fare, $30; or P. C. S, S.
Co. steamer, 967 m ; fare, $20 cabin, $10 steerage.
Tacoma (New Tacoma), Pierce Co. — Steamer to Kalama, 683
m; N. P., 105 m; fare, $31 cabin, $16 steerage; P. C. S.
S. Co. steamer, 942 m; fare, .$20 cabin, $10 steerage.
Vancouver, Clarke Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m; River
steamer 19 m; fare, .$21.50.
Waitsburg, Walla Walla Co.— Steamer to Portland, 730 m;
river steamer to Wallula, 240 m; W. W. & C. P., '60 m ;
stage 18 m; fare, .$38.
Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co.— Steamer to Portland, 730
m; river steamer to Wallula, 240 m; W. W. & C. R.,
30 m; fare, $34 cabin, $24 steerage.
Wallula, Walla Walla Co.— Steamer to Portland, 730 m;
river steamer via Cascades and Dalles portages, 240 m ;
fare, $32 cabin, .$22 steerage, through.
Yakima, Yakima Co. — Steamer to Portland, 730 m; river
steamer to Dalles, 121 m; stage 100 m; fare, ^45.
Alta, Salt Lake Co.— C. P. to Ogden, 833 m; U. C. to Salt
Lake City, 36i m; U. S. to Little Cottonwood, 7 in;
narrow gauge railroad and stage 19 m; fare, >?G0.
Corinne, Box Elder Co.— C. P., 859 m; fare, 853.
Kelton, Box Elder Co.— C. P., 791 m; fare, 853.
Logan, Cache Co. — C. P. to Brigham, 86G m; U. N., 65 m;
fare, $56.
Monument, Box Elder Co. — C. P., 806 m ; fare, §53.
Ogden, Weber Co.— C. P., 883 m; fare, §53.
Promontory, Box Elder Co.— C. P., 820 m; fare, $53.
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co.— C. P. to Ogdeii, 883 m ; U.
C, 361m; fare, .$25.
Terrace, Box Elder Co.— C. P., 759 m; fare, $51.50.
Wahsatch, Summit Co.— C. P. & U. P., 948 m; fare, $56.
York, Jaub Co.— C. P. to Ogden, 843 m; U. C. to Salt Lake
City, 36i m ; U. S. 75 m ; fare, $59.
Fprt Wrangle — P. C. S. S. Co. steamer to Victoria, 870 m ;
steamer, 911 m; fare, $45.
Sitka. — Steamer to Port Townsend, 850 m; steamer, 1,011
m; fare, $55.
St. Paul (Kodiak Island)— Sailing vessel, 1,900 m ; fare, $40.
Denver— C. P. to Ogden, 883 m; U. P. 622 m (via Cheyenne);
fare, $89.50; or C. P. & S. P. to Deming, 1,197 m ; A. T.
& S. F. to Pueblo, 642 m; D. & R. G. 120 m; fare,
Pueblo— C. P. & S. P. to Deming, 1,197 m ; A., T. & S. F.,
641 m; fare, $89.50; or C. P. to Ogden, 883 m; U. P.
to Denver, 622 m; (via Cheyenne) D. & R. G., 120 m;
fare, $
Leadville.— C. P. to Ogden, 883; U. P. to Denver, 622 m;
(via Cheyenne) Denver, South Park & Pacific Ry., 172
m; fare to Denver, $89.50. C. P. & S. P. to Deming,
1197 m; A., T. & S. F. to Pueblo, 642 m; D. & R. G.
Ry., 159 m; fare to Pueblo, $89.50.
Gunnison.— C. & S. P. to Deming, 1,197 m; A., T. & S. F.
to Pueblo. 642 m ; D. & R. G. to Poncho, 103 m ; thence
by stage, fare to Pueblo, $89.50; C. P. to Ogden, 883 m ;
U. P. via Cheyenne to Denver, 622 m; Denver & South
Park Division to Hancock, 165 m; stage (via Parlins) D.
& R. G. Ry. to Gunnison, 38 m.
Albuquerque.— C. P. & S. P. to Deming, 1,197 m; A., T. &
S. F., 231 m; fare, $75
Deming.— C. P. & S. P., 1,197 m; fare, $60.
Lordsburg.— C. P. & S. P., 1,138 m; fare, $60.
Las Vegas.— C, P. & 8. P. to Deming, 1,197 m ; A., T. & 8. F.
363 m; fare, $88.95.
Santa Fe.— C. P. & T. P. to Deming, 1,197 m; A., T. & S. F.
316 m; fare, $91.30.
Barkerville, Cariboo District. — P. C. S. S. Co. steamer to
Victoria, 870 m; steamer to Yale, 180 m; stage, 380 m ;
fare, $97.
Cowichan, Vancouver District. — Steamer to Victoria, 870 m ;
steamer, 40 miles ; fare, $32.
Kootenay, Kootenay District. — Steamer to Victoria, 870 mi
steamer to Hope, 165 m; stage, 766 m; fare, $140.
Lake Town, Cassiar District. — Steamer to Victor, 870 m ;
steamer, 850 m; fare, $60.
Langley, New Westminster District. — Steamer to Victoria,
870 m ; River Steamer, 100 m ; fare, $35.
Nanaimo, Vancouver District. — Steamer to Victoria, 870 ra;
steamer, 80 miles; fare, $25.
New Westminster, New Westminster District. — Steamer to
Victoria, 870 m ; steamer, 75 m ; fare, $22.50 cabin ;
$12.50 steerage.
Quesnelle, Cariboo District. — Ocean Steamer to Victoria, 870
m ; Sound Steamer to Yale, 180 m; stage to Soda Creek,
263 m ; River Steamer, 60 m ; fare, $85.
Soda Creek, Cariboo District. — Ocean Steamer to Victoria,
870 m ; Sound Steamer to Yale, 180 m ; stage, 263 m ;
fare, $80.
Victoria, Vancouver District. — P. C. S. S. Co. steamer, 870
m ; fare, $20 cabin ; $10 steerage.
Bannack, Beaver Head Co. — C. P. to Brigham, 878 m ; U. N.
about 350 m ; fare, $85.
Bozemau, Gallatin Co. — C. P. to Brigham, 878 m; U. N. to
Butte City, 395 m; stage, 100 m; fare, $100.
Butte City, Deep Lodge Co.— C. P. to Brigham, 878 m ; U. N.,
395 m; fare, $83.60.
Deer Lodge, Deer Lodge Co. — C. P. to Brigham, 878 m ; U. N.
to Butte City, 395 m ; stage, 42 m ; fare, $88.
Fort Benton, Choteau Co.— C. P. to Brigham, 866 m ; U. N.
to Butte City, 395 m ; stage via Helena, 243 m ; fare to
Helena, $93.
Gallatin City, Gallatin Co.— C. P. to Brigham, 878 m; U. N.
to Butte City, 395 m; stage, 80 m; fare, $111.
Helena, Lewis and Clark Co.— C. P. to Brigham, 878 m ; U.
N. to Butte City, 395 m ; stage about 50 m ; fare, $93.
Missoula, Missoula Co. — C. P. to Brigham, 878 m; U. N. to
terminus, about 400 m; stage, 200 m ; fai-e, $98.
Radersburg, Jefferson Co. — C. P. to Brigham, 878 m; U. N.
to Butte City, 395 m ; stage about 50 m ; fare to Butte
City, $83.60.
Virginia City, Madison Co. — C. P. to Brigham, 878 m; U. N.
to Butte City, 395 m ; stage about 100 m ; fare, $83.
Di§taiice.« from San Francisco lo
.Milos. Days.
Yokohama 4, 785 17
Shanghae 5,976 25
Hong Kong 6,397 28
Singapore 7,882 29
Calcutta 9.475 48
Honolula 2,095 8
Auckland, N. Z 5,995 25
Wellington, N. Z 6,710 27
Melbourne, A 6,680 28
Sydney, A 7,215 30
Mazatlan 1,215 7
Acapulco 1,860 9
Panama 3,470 15
Callao 7,520 22
Valparaiso 8,800 34
Victoria , . . 753 4^
Port Townsend 773 5
Seattle 810 5
Ft. Wrangle 1,459 9
Sitka 1,596 9
Harrisburg 1.769 10
Ward Bonndaric§.
First. —Washington, Kearny, S. F. Bay (includes Bay
Second. — Vallejo, S. F. Bay, Kearny, Larkin.
Third. — Kearny, Market, California, Washington, S. F.
Fourth. — Washington, Vallejo, Larkin, Kearny.
Fifth. — Kearny, California, Market.
Sixth. — Washington, Kearny, Larkin, Pine.
Seventh. — Second, S. F. Bay, Market, Harrison.
Eighth, — Pine, Kearny, Larkin, Market.
Ninth. — S. F. Bay, Harrison, Seventh, Chanjiel.
Tenth. — Market, Harrison, Second, Seventh.
Eleventh. — Ridley, Market, line from Ridley to Ocean,
Channel, S. F. Bay, Seventh, south county line, Ocean.
Twelfth. — Ocean, Larkin, S. F. Bay, Ridley, Market, line
from Ridley to Ocean.
Wharf Rc^fulatioiis.
The following articles pass without tolls : Ice, milk, butch-
ers', bakers' and laundry wagons, empty packages returned
to vessels lying at the wharf ; stevedores' implements and
engines (used in loading vessels) passing to and from the
wharf. Material stored on docks must be romoved on the
same day as landed ; at the owners' risk, it may remain at a
cost designated by the whartinger. When such cases occur,
and the wharfinger gives notice for removal, it must be taken
away within twenty-four hours ; otherwise it may be sold at
public auction, and the owner or consignee charged with
tolls, attending expenses, such as for removal, sale, storageG
besides a charge of '^25 per diem for each day used in making
such sale, and the goods may be levied on for all costs.
Loads exceeding live tons (excepting single packages) will
not be received on the wharves.
Battery Street, foot Battery.
Beale Street, foot Beale.
Broadway, foot Broadway.
Central Pacific R. E., foot Second.
Channel Street, foot Channel. t,
Channel Street South, extension of Channel Street.
Dewey's, foot Third.
Dry Dock Co's, Hunter's Point.
East Street, from Market to Folsom.
Fillmore Street, foot Fillmore.
Folsom Street, foot Folsom.
Front Street, foot Front.
Green Street, foot Green.
Hathaway's, cor. Spear and Bryant.
Harrison Street, foot Harrison.
Hobbs', E. s. Long Bridge, foot Fourth.
Hodkin's, foot L, South S. F.
Howard Street, foot Howard.
Howard, No. 2, bet. Howard and Folsom.
Humboldt, foot Spear.
Jackson Street, foot Jackson.
Main Street, foot Main.
Market Street, foot Market.
Meiggs', from Francisco, bet. Powell and Mason, North
Mission Street, foot Mission.
Mission, No. 2, bet. Mission and Howard.
Oakland Ferry, East, bet. Market and Clay.
Oriental, foot First.
Pacific Mail S. S. Co's, Brannan and First.
Pacific Polling Mills Co's, Potrero Point.
Pacific Street foot Pacific.
Rincou, foot Steuart.
Rincon Point, Spear, bet. Folsom and Harrison.
San Francisco Gas Co's Wharf, foot Second.
Second and Berry Street, foot Second.
Section 1 Sea Wall, from Kearny to Stockton.
" 2 " " Kearny to Sansome.
" 3 " " Sansome to Front.
"A " " Stockton West.
Spear Street, foot Spear.
Steamboat, Long Bridge.
Third Street, foot Third.
Union Street, foot Union.
Vallejo Street, foot Vallejo. •
Washington Street, foot Washington.
Wliarf Tolls.
Not exceeding two tons, or 80 cubic feet. .§ .10
In excess of two tons, pei" ton 05
Grain, Hour, potatoes, vegetables, per ton. .05
Lumber, per M, board measure 05
Wood, per cord 05
Redwood posts, per 100 10
Bricks, per 1,000 10
Coal, coke, charcoal, asplialtum, per ton.. .05
Ores, per 2,000 lbs 05
Iron, per ton 05
Hky and fire bricks, per ton 10
• Salt, per 2,000 lbs 05
Wool (bags) 02
Wool (strapped bales) 03
Merchandise, per ton 05
Cattle (each) 05
Calves 02^
Sheep and hogs 01^
Hides OOi
Vehicles for shipping 10
Dockag^e Rate§.
Under 50 tons, per day $ 50
50 tons, under 75 1 00
75 " " 100 2 00
100 " " 150 8 00
150 " " 200 4 00
200 " " 250 5 00
250 " " 300 6 00
300 " " 400 7 00
400 " " 500 8 00
500 " " 600 8 50
600 " " 700 9 50
700 " " 800 10 50
800 " " 900 11 00
900 " " 1,000 11 50
1,000 " " 1,100 12 50
1,100 " " 1,200 13 50
1,200 " " 1,300 14 50
1,300 " " 1,400 15 50
1,400 " " 1,500 16 50
1,500 " " 1,600 17 50
1,600 •' " 1,700 18 50
1,700 " " 1,800 19 50
1,800 " " 1,900 21 00
1,900 " " 2,000 22 50
2,000 " " 2,200 23 50
2,200 " " 2,500 25 00
In wharfage, 2,000 pounds, or 40 cubic feet, constitutes
liitere§tinj? Statisticts of the City of San
No. of distinct church organizations, 113.
No. of Clergymen, 178.
No. of Newspapers and publications, 165.
1848— 2,800. 1870—561,242.
1850- - 92,500. 1880—864,765.
1860—379,972. 1882-950,000.
1846— 460. 1860— 82,265.
1847— 815. • 1870—149,475.
1848— 2,000. 1880—234,116.
1850—38,000. 1882—287,500.
1790— 3,929,214. 1840—17,069,453.
1800— 5,308,483. 1850—23,191,876.
1810— 7,239,881. 1860—31,443,321.
1820— 9,633,823. 1870- -38,558,371.
1830—12,866,020. 1880—50,154,001.
California had 8 Spanish (xON-ernors from 1729 to 1822, and
19 Mexican Rulers from 1822 to 1846.
San Francisco was formerly known as Yerba Buena; the
name was changed Jan. 30, 1847.
The lirst white child born in California was at Yerba Buena,
April 15, 1838.
The stage of the rrratid Opera House, on Mission Street, is
the largest in the United States.
San Francisco Bay contains 400 square miles.
The Fountain donated by "Lotta" to the city is located
at the junction of Kearny and Market.
Gas was first used in this city Fel). 1 1, 1853.
There are 500 Chinese laundries in the city.
Headquarters of the Italian Fishing Fleet is at Vallejo-
street Wharf.
Chinatown, so designated as being the most populous
quarters for the Chinamen, is bounded by Kearny, Powell,
Broadway and Sacramento streets.
San Francisco was taken by the Americans and received
its present name in 1847.
The increase in the populatiou of the city is 51 per cent, in
the last 10 years.
Elections are held here each 2 years, from November 2d,
The city was settled as a Mission in 1769.
The reservoirs of the Spring Valley Water Company hold
about 16,000,000 gallons.
The Palace Hotel, San Francisco, contains 755 rooms and
is capal.)le of accommodating 1000 persons.
The first ship supposed to have anchored in San Francisco
Bay was that of Sir Francis Drake, 1578.
"Meiggs' Wharf," a i-elic of early days, is situated at North
Beach, foot of Powell street.
California was first discovered by Juan R. Cabrilla, a Por-
tuguese, serving under Spain, in 1542.
Samuel Brannan published the first paper in California :
"Thc California Star," Jan. 7, 1847.
There are in San Francisco 29 places of Amusement, 12
Art Galleries, 731 Attorneys, 329 Bakeries, 40 Banks and
Bankers, 2(55 Barl^ers, 47 Manufacturies of Bitters, 247 regu-
lar Boarding Houses, 489 Retail Boot and Shoe Dealers, 29
Cigar Box Makers, 37 Breweries, 027 Brokers, (different
kinds), 297 Butchers' Shojss, GS^ Carpenter Shops, 490 Cigar
Dealers, 149 Coffee Saloons, 134 Dentists, 1084 Dressmakers,
145 Druggists, 10 Flour Mills, 1141 Grocers, 99 Hotels, 187
Insurance Agents, 1583 Liquor Stores, 518 Lodging Houses
(exclusively), 387 Commission Merchants, 314 Dealers in
Milk, 087 Mining Co. Offices, 17 Oculists, 447 Physicians,
5-^^3=5^-:=^?;:-^- -I
Annisements 17
Academies 19
Art, Places of 19
Buildings, Public 19-21
do Private 21,22
Boarding 22,23
Banks 23-25
Blocks 25-27
Board of Trade 27
Churches 27-33
" Baptist 27
" Congregational.. 27,28
' ' Episcopal 28
Evangelical 28
Hebrew 28,29
Methodist 29
Presbyterian 29-31
Catholic 31-33
*' Swedenborgian . . 33
" Unitarian 33
" Miscellaneous.... 33
City and County Officers. . . 33. 34
Court, Superier 34
Courts, Police 35
" U. S. Dist. and State. 43
City Hall 43,44
Colleges , 44, 45
Cemeteries 45-47
Consuls 47,48
Custom House 48
Dry Docks 48
Express Companies 48, 49
Fire Alarm Boxes 35-37
Fire Department 37-40
Fire Patrol 40
Federal Appointees 72
Free Library 40
Ferries 53
Gardens and Parks 53
Gymnasiums 53
Halls 49-52
Hotels 53-55
Hospitals and Asylums 55, 56
Hack Ordinance 49
Lodgings 56
Libraries 56
Markets 56,57
Military (N. G. C.) 57
Newspapers and Publica-
tions 59-68
Post-office and Postal Regu-
lations 63-64
Pleasure and Health Resorts 64, 65
Packet Lines 66
Police Department 41
Places of Interest 139-142
Preface 13
Race Courses 66
Reading Rooms .67
Railroad and Ferry Time
Tables 67-69
Stage Lines 69
Steamship Lines 69, 71
Steamers (Bay and River). . 71
Stock Yards 71
State Appointees 71
Schools 73,75
Societies 75-96
Religious 75
" Benevolent 75
" A. P. A 76
" Forresters 76
" Hibernian 77
" A. 0. U. W 77
" Elks 77
" B'nai B'rith 77
Societies, Miss. Benevolunt. .
G. A. R
Red Men
Knights of Honor. .
Knif,'-hts of Labor. ..
Knig'hts of Pythias.
Knights Red Branch
Chosen Friends
Order of Druids ....
I. O. 0. F
Red Cross
I. O. G. T 89
Protective 91, 9i»
Miscellaneous 93
Imniig-ratiou 95
Social 95,96
Streets and Avenues 9C-13S
Street Car Lines 138, 139
Telegraph Offices.
Telephone Offices.
Time Differences in 143
Title Page
Travel, Routes of. Modes of "^^
Conveyance, Di-stan- |
ces and Rates of Fare ;i43-U>4
from San Francisco \
to all points J
As above, for California. . .145-15'j
" Nevada 157-158
" Oregon 158-160
" " -Arizona 160
" Idaho 160
" VV. T 161
" Utah 162
" " Alaska 162
" Colorado.... 162
" " New Mexico. 162
" Br.Columbia 163
" " Montana 163
Wharves 165
Wharf Tolls and Dockage
Rates 166
Interesting Statistics of
San Francisco 167, 165
.0 * — - s)' G ^ — (§>—
15 —-^ «•
Cai.ital i)nid uj. SS.OOO.OOu. Reserve, U. S. Bonds,. . . .!S4.000,000.
Afjeiiry at \<'W York. Hi Wall St.
Akoik'.v al Tir<;iiiia C'ily, Xovada.
Buys and Sells Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers, Issues Coninier-
eial and Travelers' Credits.
!Mouti;oiii4'ry Slreel, Cor. <'<»iiiiii<'r4-ial, Sail rraiicisi-o.
Sell Bills and Make Collections on all Parts of the U. S,
Travelers' Letters of Credit on all Parts of the World.
S^. E. lor. C'alit'oriiia aiKl Saiisoiiic Sis.. Sail Fraiu-isco.
Do a General Banking Business.
t»05 Sausonii' Street, San Fraiieisco*
Draw and Issue Letters of Credit, aAailable throughout
the World.
32T Market Street,
(Cor. Fremont.) Sail Frauciseo.
Steamers Cit}* of Stockton and Mary Garratt leave Washington Street
Wharf daily (Sunday e.Kcepted), at 5 ]>.'ni., for Stockton and intermediate
Special advaiitagcis oflTered Yoseiiiite and
other Tourists.
131 Mearuy St., San Francisco.
11 autl 13 Oupoiit St., San Fraiiclkco.
Dr. A. M. LORYEA, ■ ■ Pi'oprletor.
No<«. 319, 3t>l aud 3*^3 Diipoiil Street,
(Met. Sutter and Bush.) SAX FKA>'<'1S€0.
Ablborn A Boeckinann, - - Proprietors.
Poodle-Dog Rotisserie,
\o. 445 Busli Street.
(Cor. Diipont Street.) SAX FRAXCIS€0.
tlaeob Stork and Leopold Ligoii, FroprN.
Xo. I'il Sutter Street, San Fraueiseo.
35 and 3? Ciearr Streot,
(Bet. Dupont and Keaniv,) SAX FKAXt"IS€0.
A. W. VviLSOX, Proprietor.
The Lari,^est Plating and Polishing House on the Coast.
Xo. «3 Steven>«on Street, ■ ■ - SAX FRAXCIStO,
and 261 and 263 Randolph St. , Chicago.
F. CiEKC'KE, Proprietor.
315 and 317 Bush Street, Bet. Montgomery and Kearny Sts.,
S. A. PERRY & CO.,
MW lV|at;eriaI^, ManufactuPer'^ o! Franie^
Xo. «24 .^lARKET ST., SAX FRAX€IS€0.
p. PRIET, Proprietor,
115 and 117 Dupoiit, Bet. Poi«t and Moi'ton, Suu Fi'anei»eo.
Maison Doree,
TSCHURR& DINGEON. - - Proprietor^!,
217 Kearny, Bet. Bush & Sutter, San Francisco.
Dinners, Balls, Soirees and Lunches supplied in the best stj'le.
h:a.ts a.nx> caps,
15 Kearny and 0.'t5 niitl US' f'oiiiniercial Sts., San Fraiicixco.
220-*2S I'aritir SI., I8<|. Itallrry and Front. San FranriMO.
Hoard and Lodging per Week, §5.00. Single Meals, 25 cts.
Best Accommodations. Passengers Conveyed Free.
MRS. E. W. HEIMBURG & CO.. - - Proprietors.
Wingate's Express,
Freight and Parcel Transfer Bet. Oakland and San Francisco.
Ortioe.'': 6 Sacramento St., S. F. and 852 Broadway, Oakland.
Cloak and Suit Rooms,
.\o. 10 FIffli SI. (near Market), San Fraiicisro.
902 .Monl^oinery SlrtM't. - - - San Fi-anrisro.
HK\R1 EV.iXS. Piopiirlor.
Board and Lodging, j)er day, SL Board and Lodging, per week, $.j to 86.
Single Meals, 25 Cents. Single Rooms, 50 Cents.
Finest Wines and Liqiior.x,
?08 and 3lo Kearny St., San Francisco.
Cor. San^onie and Taeific Sl.s., San Francisoo.
II. CI KK.iV, l>ro|»ri<-loi-.
Terms Keduced to I'y Centn and .•Hl. per day.
Free Coaeli