Class /~ -~*f ^ Book. ^PSP i iff ACCURATE AND CONCISE SKETCH OF PORTSMOUTH, OHIO, * 3 K -FROM THE BOA-TFTD^OF T^RATfe OF SAID CITY. 9 / Pwpar^a by Col. J. E. Wharton, ■Jf +* AND ADOPTED BY THE ffO^jJD ^^ o .•• • FEBBTJABY 2 6, ^876 PORTSMOUTH 1876, o O <$ O .2 02 «« fi I « 3 o £ GO w M w CO ft eg CD H © CO CD °°» o o n 1X1: mm Inn in Sm in im| M . OTf ■n lliiw sub IWHOLESALEll gw| !*»§ w«g m; ipiii!i 'nisi WHOLESALE." *H J. CO rr P CD M 00 00 (Consolidated Jan. 1, 1676.) Ii. HIBBS & Co. wholesale dealers in * I B i re w " s 2 Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, Straw Goods, etc, ALSO, EVERY VARIETY OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE, A gricultural Implement s, etc?. 115 and 117, Front St. PORTSMOUTH, Ohio. J±. B. ALGER, 131 WEST SECOND ST. PORTSMOUTH, 0. Plans, Specifications and Detail Drawings furnished lor Piblic or Private Euildings, of all kinds, on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Accurate Estimates given in all cases. No Extra Bills to be collected at the com- pletion of a contract by reason of inaccurate or impracticable Drawings and Specifications. N.W.EVANS. D.LIVINGSTONE. evans & livingstone, Attorneys at Law, 112 WEST SECOND STREET, PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. REED