Class FZ3 \ Book ■lr>^ W Copyright ]\^^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. SEPTEMBER, 1889 BIRiVll Pacts ^ Wcrtli^ REVISED EDITION Compiled by R. W. A. WILDA ;OiVIPLIMENTS OF THE BAHKERS OF BIRMlflGHAffl fi'sTThere are. few if any coiintries where Pi ron can be produced on cheaper terms than i ;!i he mannfactnred at A]ahama.— F.othian Bel ^ I , in"BeWs Principles of MnnufnciuHng Iro ■^ millions, ahaba River Extension, now under construc- tion, to be in operatiou by February or March, 1 1890. Reservoir. 50 millions. One pump engine, '' daily capacity five millions, now being set up. One pump engine of like capacity to be set up ,) when needed, for which buildings and fbunda- i* tions are already constructed. Mains 3^ mile, 20 inch.: 1% mile, 24 inch.; 6 miles, 30 inch. Total, 8 miles. Capacity of Mains, 12 millions daily. SEWERS. e system adopted is the "Whariug system." ength of sanitary sewers, 19% miles, .eugth of storm sewers, 10 miles. iLl.rMlNATIOK. Birmingham Gas {ind Electric I.iKlitiomi has laid 10>^ miles "mains" and lunii 110,000 cubic feet of gas daily ; furnislus city with 7,s Arc liglits and :522 Arc lights commercial i)urposes and has a capacii> l.GOO Incandescent liglits. Edison Electric Illuminating Co. has a ca].iM of 1,5U() Incandescent lights of 16 candle p AND DUMMY* lilXEvS. The Birmingham Union Street Railway Co. has a track IG miles long. Birmingham, Bessemer !S PUBLIC (ji c3 s < Hijjh School Normal Trainiuir-.. (iramniar. white... (irammar, co'ored -PRIVATE Catholic Convent St. Mary's. Highlands girls Prof. Dubose. bovs Bel le vie w A cadein v . . . COLLECES tlloward College, East Lake 4 100 1 15 34 1800 IC 1200 260 100 6 j 200 ■SI I 3760 ^5 15 1500 1000 180 c zr. 7" a2c- :nS5 $ 2.900 1.000 20.000 6.000 f None ■( Spc'l U'k'wu 8,100 ••Those schools are located just outside the city limits, but as they draw their pu}>ils Iroui liir- uiiiit,'ham, they are rcjiorted here. fThis is tlie only Baptist ("ollege in the State, and has beeu located at East Lake on account of its proximity to Birmingham: hence it is re- ported here.' BANKS. Alabama National, capital S 500.000 00 American National, cni)ital 'ioO.OOO 00 Berncv National, capital liOO.OOO 00 Birmingham National, capital 250.000 00 B"ha,m Trust ct Savings, capital 500,000 00 Cjtv National, capital and surplus... 200.000 00 First National, capital '. 250.000 00 Jefierson County Havings, capital 150.000 00 Peoples' Savings, capital ,50,000 00 Steiner Bros., capital 125,000 00 Total . . $2 575,000 00 MOISTHI.Y PAY-ROI.I.. Steel works, 750 tons at $1 per ton $ .3.000 00 Furnaces, 65,-' 299 Abcndroth & Fisher, foundry $ 30,000 40 Alaltama Iron Works 20,000 30 AvondaleStove Works 25,000 16 Baxter Stove Works 200,000 200 Birmingham Bridge & Bolt WorkR 07,500 ;5r, Birmingham Fire Brirk Works 50 000 70 Birmingham Iron Works 50'000 % Birmingliam Machine and Foundry.. l.^UWO ik) Birmingham Railway Snpply (Jo 75,000 75 Birmingham Safe and Lock Co 50,000 50 Birmingham Tack Work.s 40 OOO 75 Brewers' Sash, Door, Blind and Fur- niture Factory ..^ 200,000 75 Fast Birmingham Iron Roof Co •>5 000 18 ^ast Birmingham (4al. Iron Mnfg Co '2r> 000 20 Ji-llen Ross Foundry & Machine Co . . 00,000 10 Linn Iron AVorks 100 000 ''OO Pioneer Glass Works ^O ooo ^W Smith Son's Gin and Machine Co 10o!ooo ko Wharton Flouring Mills 40 ooO 25 W lUiarason Iron Works 150,000 100 Total, 2,75:^ employees, at :?50 pr m $187,650 STKEI. WORK!^. Henderson Steel Works, now beinsr enlarged, daily capaci ty 30 tons per day. Monthly capacity ,1- ,..,, , 'Tons Men Employed Ala. Rolling Mills, daily • capacity finished iron .50 ."^OO Bessemer Mills, daily ca- pacity finished iron' 60 450 Birmingham Mills, daily capacity finished iron...'.. 140 1000 Ely ton Land Co.'s Mills, daily capacity finished iron 40 050 Total daily capacity.. 290 2000 Monthly capacity, 7540; 2000 men employed at $/.T per month, §150,000. ^ •* €OAI. MINKS. Daily OiUpu Ala. Coniiellsvillc (^oal * Coke Co 100 tor H'lunn FuTiiace iSc Maiiuf. Co 200 ton Hlack Diainoiul mines 100 ton Uloctoii mines ' 2,500 tor P>lne Creek mines 1,500 tor Hrookside mines 550 tor Carbon irill mines 100 tor Coalbuvf^ n^ines 2,000 tor ('oal (Mty Coal & c;oke Co 200 toi Coal Creek mines 500 toi Coroiia mines 400 toi Donaldson mines 120 toi Helena mines ;i50 toi Henry Ellen mines SOO toi Horse Creek mines 400 tor May Ella mines 200 toi Mary Lee mines 400 toi Montevallo mines 200 toi New Castle mines 250 toi O'Brien mines 100 toi Pratt mines 4,500 toi Trice mines 50 toi Townly 500 toi Virginia & Alabama Coal Co 800 to: Vulcan mines 50 to \Varrior mines 1,000 to Woodward mines 400 to Total daily outnut 18.170 to Monthly output, 472.120 tons at 80c per ton f all labor, *377, 036.00. RAII.ROAl>S Central Railroad of (?^o?Y;ia— Terminal i)oints, Savannah and Port Royal, per steamer to Balti- more, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Georgia Pacific Railway.— Terminal points, At- lanta and Greenville. Miss. Kansas Citii, Memphis & Birmingham.— Termhml points, Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham and a proposed extension from Birmingham via Atlanta to Atlantic Ocean. Lonisville it Nashville— Terminul points. Cincin- nati, Louisville, St Louis, Memphis, Nashville, Montgomery, Mobile, Pensacola and New Or- leans. Qitern li- Crescent (Cincinnati Southern). —Termi- nal points, Cincinnati, Louisville. Chattanooga, Meridian, New Orleans and Shrcveport. Sheffield it Binaiiighani. —'Vermhnil points, Shef- lield and Birmingham. Belt KailriKid.— Forming part of Highland Ave. & Belt Railroad, touching the important in- dustries in and around Birmingham. 26 miles.' t'OKK OVKKS. Daily Output Ovens Tons Ala. Connellsville C. & C. Co 100 150 Alice Furnace 250 375 Bessemer Furnace 350 525 Cahaba M. A' M. Co 300 450 New Castle C. & C. Co 46 69 Pratt Mines 805 1.207 Sheilield ct B'ham c, I. & R'wy. Co 300 2.50 Sloss I. cfe S. Co 562 843 Thomas Furnace 300 670 Trussville 175 262 Warrior 16 24 Woodward Furnace 285 427 Total daily output 3,489 5 2.52 Monthly output, 157,7C0 tons at 45c for labor at ovens, $70 ;;92.00. OKI-: MBXES. ])aily0uti'iu Tons Kiiri'ka Mines ri:,;) Morris MiniugCo 1.1 !(i Smith Mine-- 1.1 Sloss Iron ct hteoi Co Stevens Mines i' Tiioinas Mines lil Woodward Mines... i:rn Total daily output 4.70-1 Monthly output, 12'2.:!04 tons at 70c por ton for iiU lab.;r at mines, ^So G12.80. I.I3Ii:.STOX£ QLAKlllKS. Daily Output— Tons irhani Minins & Manufacturing Co 1,2C0 Worthingtonct Co 000 Total daily output 2,100 Monthly output, .>l.f>0() tons at ooc for labor at iiuarry. «lfl, 110.00 Birmivqimm Mineral, (L. & N. R. R. Co., owners) tonclies nearly all mines contributory to Bir- mjiigham. 126 miles. Praft jytincs Railroad [Coal Road).— Fratt Mines and Birmingham. 26 miles. ROADS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Birmingham, Selma & Xew Orleans. — Terminal points, Birmingham, Selma and New Orleans. Mobile & Birmingham.— Terminal points, Mobile and Birmingham. Birmingham Mineral Railroad. — Extensions to Huntsville and Tnskaloosa, Ala. Georgia Pacific Railroad— Extensions to Five ;Mile Creek (5 miles) and Prudie's Creek (6 miles). Mary Lee Coal & Railway Co. (7 miles). WA«ES 1»AI1>. Plate Rollers (Rolling Mills) av- ■ erage daily earnings § 12.00 to Sheet Rollers 'Rolling Mills), av- erage daily earnings 8 00 to 10.00 Pnddlers (Rolling Mills), average daily earnings 4.00 to 5.00 lleljters (Holling Mills), average daily earnings 3.00 to 4.00 Jloulders (Foundries), daily wages 3.00 to 8.50 Machinists, dailv wages 2.50 to 3.00 Blacksmiths, daily wages 2.50 to 3 00 Masons (Brick or Stone), daily wgs 3.50 to 4.00 (Carpenters, daily wages .| 2.00 to PaiiiltTs. daily wages 2.00 to : ISIiiiors. daily wages 2 r>0 to I ' il]i'IKS. All lots ennmerated below are in good lo oality, adjacent to the city and within easy reach of dnmray lines, sizes 50x140 to 50x190 feet. Cleveland, distance from center of town 8 miles $ 50 and npwards East Lake, distance from center of town 6 miles 85 and n])wards East Birmingham, distance from center of town 4 miles... 150 and upwards Highland Lake, distance from center of town ny^ miles 100 and upwards North Birmingham, distance from center of town ;{ miles... 300 and npwards Phelans (monthly payments), distance from center' of town 1>^ miles 200 and npwards Smithfield, distance from cen- ter of town 2}4 miles 500 and upwards Woodlawn, distance from cen- ter of town Smiles IjOO and upwards RENTS. ('omfortable four-room houses from $15 to !}'2'> per month. KITII.DIXG MATERIA I.. (FOK (;ONSlT>fEIlS DELIVERED.) Brick, per 1,000 ? fi.OO to 6.50 Lime per barrel tiO to 1.00 Lumber, per 1,000 feet .-... 10.00 to 11.50 Flooring, per 1,000 feet 15.00 to 18.00 Weather-boarding, per 1,000 feet 11.00 to 1(5.00 Single Surfaced, per 1.000 feet 14.00 to 18.00 Rough Boards 10 00 to 12.00 Lath, per 1.000 l.GO to 2 50 Shingles, per 1.000 2.50 to 3.50 Bacon, smoked Butter. PROVISIONIS. (FOR CONSUMEKS, DELIVERED.) lOked ^ ._ . 1?'^ P^}'"' Coffee, greeu. 30 to :^o F mir ^ ""■■••• ^-^^ to 6 00 per bW Ilam Meal Potatoes, Irish Potatoes Sweet Sugar Tea •■•••" ("oal, single tons, 2,000 lbs.. IS to 20 5.50 to 6 00 10 to 12- 10 to 12V CO .'iO 7 to 9 per bu. per lb 25 to Birmingham's Wonderful Growth DURING THE FIRST EIGHT MONTHS OF THE YEAR os@i 18 8 9 r©J° List of Public Improvements, Buildings Finished. Altered, Now in Course of Construction and Under Contract NOTE.-The additional Water Works, the Bessemer and Powderly dummy Im ?, and the Stephens Electric Light Company own their machinerv, water pipes, railroad tracks and wires far bevond the boundary ot the city vet thev come properly under the head ol ^ity improvements. Everything else enu- merated is strictly confined to the city limits. For the benefit of those persons not familiar with Birmingham we call special attention to the fact that the '-city limits'' above men- tioned embrace an area of one square mile. F>VJBL-IO 17U^F>ROVE7^BNTS Birmingham's (additional) Water Works •••••• •••••••• $300,000 Birmingham. Bessemer & Powderly Dummv Line • •••••• I2.).uuu Birmingham Union Railroad Com- panv (Street Railroads) oO.OOO Bridge across Railroad tracks, con- necting North and South Birming- ham (Plans still in the hands of Engineer) ]^f^ Carried Forward $688,000 Brought Forward $688,000 MerchiUit> Electric liighl Co 15,000 Stopliens Electric Liglit Co 10,000 Exlciisiou of Snuitary Hewers 'io.OOO Extension of Storm Sowers 65,000 Extension of Street ruvenients S0,0()0 Extension Macadamizing 10,000 BUILDINGS. MORRIS AVENUE. Between lOtli and 17tli Sts., Klaus- man Browing Company, cost 500 Twenty-first Street, P. H. Earle <),000 Between 21st and 22nd Streets, P. L. Maynatt 8,500 Between 25th and 26th Sts, Adams and Snyder 20,000 FIRST AVENUE. Between 16th and 17th Sts, W. E. Dennis 500 Between 17th and 18th Sts, Judge T. S. Howtll 15,000 Corner l'.:th Street, "The Morris" (building) 250,000 Between 19th and 20th Sts, Mark Potter, nipposed cost 75.000 Near 20tli Street, Buyck & Thomas 22,000 Between -Oth and 21st Sts, Birming- ham-En sley Land Company 500 Between .'Oth and 21st Sts, Birming- ham N; :ional Bank 23.000 Between 21st and 22nd Sts, W, J. Milner 20,000 Corner 2hKl Street, Johnston and Hawkins 45,000 Corner 2i ud street, Caldwell Hotel 300,000 SECOND AVENUE. Between 14th and 15th Sts, A. J. Hates S 2,000 Near Kitl. street, D. D. Kane 700 Corner 18ih .street United States Gov- ernment Building 300,000 (-orner T.'th street. Addition to the Florence Hotel 40,000 Between iStn and 19th Sts, J. F. B. .lacksoii 8,000 Between 18th and 19th Sts, Judge Coleman • 7,000 Between 19th and 20th Sts, J. B. Earle 000 Between 19th and 20th Sts, T. C. Thompson 15,000 Corner 20th street, J. B. Webb 2,500 Carried Forward S2,057.800 Brought Forward S2,057,80i. Between 20th and '21st Sts, J. W. O'Neal GOO Between 21st and 22nd Sts, John Mc- Coy 1,000 Between 21st and 2'2nd Sts, Mrs. Pais- ley ,. 7,500 Corner 22nd st, Chambers McAdory 4,000 Corner 24th street, Eagle Hotel ". 50,000 THIRD AVENUE. Corner 14th street, W. H. Graves $ Between Srd and 4th Aves, 19th st, H. Simon Between 2nd and 3rd Aves, 19th St, Tavlor Building Between 19th and 20th Streets. B. M. Allen Between 3rd and 4th Aves, 20th st, Constantine & Steward Between 20th and 21st Sts, Drennen Brothers Between 20th and 21st Sts, Drennen & Gilbreath Between 20th and 21st Sts, B. F. Roden Between 20th and 21st Sts, W. A. Walker, Jr 12,500 Corner 21st Street, Court House 300,000 Corner 22ud Street, Roman Catholic Church 75,000 Corner 22d Street, J. M. Thompson... 40,000 Corner 22d Street, P. H. Earle 2.500 FOURTH AVENUE. Corner 14th Street, R. Schwab 500 Corner 14th Street. J. D. Garrard ... 500 Between 4th and 5th Aves, 14th St, J. D. Garrard 500 Between 4th and 5th Aves, 15th St, A. Monk 900 Between KJth and 17lh Sts. A. Wise 6,600 Between 19th and 20th Sts, N. R. Fielding 1,500 Corner 19th Street. Dr. Pierce 3,600 Between 19th and 20th Sts, W. F. Nabers 500 Corner 21st St, First Presbyterian Church 35,000 Corner 21st Street, Thompson and Woodrow 40,000 Between 4th and 5th Aves, 23rd St, George Eustis 1,000 Carried Forward $2,731,000 Brought forward |'2,7;il,(XiO Between 1th aud 5th Aves, T. F. Robiusou OflO FIFTH AVENUE. Near ir.tli Street, Robert Stevens 10,000 Near 17th Street, Addition to Temple Emanuel ' 12,000 Near ISth St, B. F. Roden's residence 40,000 Near 21st Street, J. A. Going 2,300 Near 21st Street, J. A. Going 2,700 Near 2orth and 6th Aves, 23rd St, W..T. Milner 1,800 Between 5th and 6th Aves, J. A. Going 1,950 Between 5th and 6th Aves, 23rd St, Mrs. E. Loyd 500 Between 5th and 6th Aves, Mrs. R. A. Lewis 3,000 SIXTH AVENUE. Between 14th and 15th Sts, J. Schwab 2.000 Near 16th St., C. J. Knighton 2,500 Between 17th and 18th Sts, Charles Roberts 2,500 Between 18th and 19th Streets, W. A. Smith 6,000 Between 6th aud 7th Aves., 22d St. G. A. Blinn 2,000 Between 20th and 21st Street^, 1 ,.it- copal Church 45,000 Near 21st Street, C. F. Enslen 1,400 Between 21st and 22d Streets, W. S. Brown 10,000 Near 24th Street, Mrs. E. E. Bradford 1,300 Near 24th Street, Public School 50,000 SEVENTH AVENUE. Near 10th Street, M. P. Lewis 2,500 Betweeu 7th and 8th Ayes., ISth St. D. W. Malone 2,000 Betweeu 18th and 19th Sts., Brown & Thompson 6,000 West 20th Street, J. W. Kellv.- 9,000 East 20th Street, A. B. Vandegrift 10.000 Near 21st Street, I. Y. Sheldon 700 Near 24th Street, Geo. Lunsford 10,000 Near 25th Street, W. J. Wallis 2,50U Near 25th Street, W. J. Wallis 1.500 Near 27th Street, Roy Brothers 2,000 EIGHTH AVENUE. Between 16th and 17th Sts., Willis Roberts 400 Near 18th Street, D. W. Maloney 5,500 Carried Forward $2,983,010 Brought Forward .l;2,983,010 Between 20th and 21st Streets, Ainzi Goddeu 2,300 Near 21st Street, McClain & Tarrant, 6,100 Near 22d street, A. A. Batehelor 2,000 Near 22d Street, Duncan Stewart 2,000 Near 22d Street. Key Brothers 4,500 Between 22d and 23d Streets. G. J. Thomas 800 Near 23d Street, James O' Conner 3,600 POWELL AVENUE Between 19th and 20th Streets, T. C. Thompson 15,000 Corner 20th Street, George Morris.... 14,000 AVENUE A Near 21st Street, R. C. Freeman 2.000 Between 20th and 21st Sts., Moore, Moore ct Handler 6,000 Near 24th Street, Koy Brothers SOO AVENUE B Corner 20th Street. H. W. Graves 20,000 Between 23d and 24th Streets. D. N. Fike 1,000 AVENUE C Between Avenues C and D, 19th St. CO. Gellers 2,500 Between AveniT^-X; ;ind D, 19th street George liapt)s'.: 3,500 Corner 5oih street and Avenue C, Mrs. Bates 20,000 Between 24th and 25th streets, Ely- ton LandComi>any 1,200 AVENUE D Corner 22ud Street, Brewery 100,000 AVENUE E Between 19th and 20th streets. Nor. W. Smith 2,000 Between 19th and 20th Streets, W. J, Duncan 1,700 Corner 20th Street, Public School (addition) 45,000 Near 26th street, A. A. Coleman 2,000 AVENUE F Corner 15th Street. L.W.Johns 2,000 Between 20th and 21st Street, Rev. R. W. Van Hook 1,500 AVENUE G Between 13th and 14th streets, C T. Rambo 1,600 Total Improvements $3,245,110 'Ali.k^Aii'jtln^^^il' .i^h.:*xi!;^i'l!WLt^if'fe. /.i^:.Slii>^^Mli^^l^ The remarkable combination of CHEAP COAL and IRON with UNLIMITED RAILROAD FACIL- ITIES makes Birmingham the su- perior of all locations for SMALL INDUSTRIES. This is the best opening- for men of SMALL or LARGE MEANS, and upon inves- tigation they will find that in every respect CLIMATE, LOCA- TION, RAW MATERIAL and an UNLIMITED MARKET for prod- uct gives advantages that cannot be found in any other section of the United States. CALDWELL PRINTING COMPANY, BIRMINGHAM. ALA LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 497 597 2 C