aassjfJiiil.^ Spencer's Boston Theatre. Price, 12 1-2 Cents, each. Ten for One Dollar. BOUND VOLUMES, SI. VOL. I. i : 1 Moll Piteher, 11 2 The Forest Rose, I 3 Swiss Swains, , ! i Bachelor's Bedrnom, I 5 Sophia's Supper, i I A Roland for an 01i>cr, i I 7 Black -eved Siisan, I 8 John Bull, I I VOL. II. j I 9 Satan in Bai-is, I iO More Blunders than one, ] 1 Bosina Meadows, 12 The Dumb Belle, 13 My Aunt, 14 Spring an! Autumn, 15 Six Degrees of Crime, 16 Linieiiek Boy, VOL. III. 17 Presiuiipti\e Endence, 18 Man and Wife, 19 The Sergeant's "Wife, 20 Masks ,1.1.1 F:uvs. 21 Al.'irv \Vi',,s..r Windsor, 2-J XiUmv niid niilnsophv, 2:! Agnrs ,]<■ Wiv, 2-t Shandy Maguire, VOL. IV. 25 Wild Oats, 26 Michael Erie, 27 Teddy the Tiler, 23 Spectre Bridegroom, 29 Idiot Witness, 30 AViUow Coijse, 31 Matteo Falcone, 32 People's Lawyer, VOL. V. 33 Jenny Lind, 34- Comedy of Errore, 35 Lucretia Borgia, 36 Surgeon of Paris. .37 Patrician's Daughter, 38 The Two Buzzards, 39 Shoemaker of Toulouse, 40 Momentous Questian, VOL. VI. 41 Love and Loyalty. 42 Bobber's Wife. I 43 Happy Man, 44 Dumb Giil of Genoa. ! 45 Wreck Ashore, i 46 Clari. 47 Miller and his Men. 48 Wallace. VOL. VII. I 49 Madelaine. j 50 Betsev Baker. 51 TheFii-eman, 52 No. 1, Eoimd the Comer, ! 53 Teddy Eoc. 54 Grist to the ]\Iill. I 55 Object of Interest. 1 56 Two Loves and a Life. VOL. VIII. 57 Anne Blake. 58 My Fellow Clerk. 59 Bengal Tiger. 61) The Steward. 01 ('apt. Kvd. (12 Ni.k ,t the Woods. O:^ The ^larble Heart. 64 Laughing Hyena. VOL. IX. 65 Second Love. 66 The Victor Vanquished. 67 Om- Wife 68 Dream at Sea. 69 My Husband's MuTor. 70 Yankee Land. 71 Korah Criina, 72 Good for Nothing. VOL. X. 73 The First Night. 74 The Eake's Progi-ess. 75 Pet of the Petticoats. 76 The Eaton Boy. 77 Wandering Minstrel. 78 Wanted 1000 Milliners. ; 79 Poor PUlicoddy. 80 Breach of Promise. VOL. XI. "81 The Mumniv. 82 The Eeview. 83 Ladv of the Lake. 84 Still Water Eims Deep. 85 Man of Many Friends. 86 Love in Livery. 87 Antony and Cleopatra. 88 The Scholar. VOL. XII. 89 Helping Hands. 90 Aladdin. 91 Trying it on. 92 Stage Sti-uck Yankee, 93 Young Wife & Old 94 Last Man, (Umb'la 95 Belles' Stratagem. 96 Crinoline. VOL. XIll. 97 Old and Young. 98 A Family Failing. 99 The Young Scamp, 100 The Adopted Child. 101 The Turned Head. 102 A Match in the Dark, 103 Advice to Husbands. 104 Eaffaelle, VOL. XIV. 105 Euth Oakley 106 The British Slave. 107 Siamese Twins, 108 A Life's Eansom, 109 Sent to the Tower. 110 Gu-alda, 111 Time Tries all, 112 Ella Eosenburg. VOL. XV. 113 Somebody Else. 114 Warlock of the Glen 115 Zerlina, 116 Ladies' Battle, 117 Art of Acting, 118 The brigand, 119 The Lady of the Lions, 120 Neighbor Jackwood, WILLIAM Y. SPENCER, PUBLISHER, No. 9 9 T RE MO NT STREET, (Nearly opposite the Tremont House,) BOSTON. SPENCER'S BOSTON THEATRE No. IV. THE BACHELOR'S BEDROOM: OB, TWO IN THE MORNING. WRITTEN BY CHARLES MATHEWS, ESQ., AUTHOR OP "The Dowager" ^^ Truth," '■^The Ringdoves," ^^ A match for a King," ''My Wife's Mother," ''Little Toddlekins," "Humpbacked Lover," Etc. V WITH ORIGINAL OASTS, COSTUMES, AND THE WHOLE OF THE STAGE BUSINESS, CORRECTLY MARKED AND ARRANGED, BY MR. J. B. WRIGHT, ASSISTANT MANAGER OF THE BOSTON THEATRE. BOSTON: WILLIAM V. SPENCER, 92 Tremont Street. DRAMA.TIS PERSONJE. Lyceum — London. Newpenny, - - Mr. Keeley. u/ , ' Stranger^ Mr. C. Mathews. Gentleman, (to appear at window,) - - - Mr. Kerridge. Female, (to speak without,) - - - . . Miss Lane. Museum — Boston, 1850. Newpenny, - - Mr. W. Warren. Stranger, Mr. L. J. Mestayer. Museum — Boston, 1856. Newpenny, Mr. W. Warren. Stranger, -------- Mr. H. Farren. Chamber Street, N. Y., 1866. Newpenny, ------- Mr. L. Goldsmidt. Stranger, Mr. L. J. Mestayer. TIME OP REPRESENTATION, FORTY MINUTES. BACHELOR'S BEDROOM Scene 1st. — A bachelor's bedroom, The pink of neatness. In the centre of flat, a very wide toindow, suffi- ciently large every way to show plainly, when open, another window of similar dimensions, supposed to he on the other side of the street. The windoiv has a tvhite blind drawn down — curtains drawn over it. On e. H. a bed, the curtains drawn closely around it. At the side of the bed, a chair with a morning goivn laid neatly on it — at the foot, a rushlight burning. On R. H.'l E., near the bed, a ivash-hand-stand as if recently used. Set cujhboard door R. h. 2 e. On the wall l. h. hangs a Greek cap and a latch key. l. h. 2 e. a very neat fire-place— fender , tongs, rug, fireguards, ^r. — fire nearly out — coal scuttle with three lumps of coal in it on L. H. — a pair of bellmvs hangs from a nail near the chimney — a boot-jack on the rtig. On mantlepiece, looking-glass, two vases — in the centre a loatch-case ivith a tvatch in it — two unlighted candles, one with extinguisher — on the rug afoot-pan — a dishivith soap, sponge, etc., and a horse for toivcls, as if recently used — an arm-chair near it with a jacket hanging over the back of it. Near the chimney L. h. a small writing table, with its appropriate furniture, particularly a bundle of nexv pens, a pen- knife, sealing wax and a paper-knife, L. H. 3 e. a door leading to the stair case — an umbrella and hat on pegs — carpet doicn. On l. h. 1 e. a settle ivith things laid very neatly, as if recently taken off— a pair of boots standing side by side in front of it. Stage dark, excepting the rushlight, and the red light thrown from a fire on the objects near it. [Mr. Newpenny is in bed but not visible to the audience.'] The wind is heard and a gentle rain at intervals — silence for a minute or two, then irregular knocking behind fiat, moderate at first , and gradually increasing — supposed to be in the street. Neicpcnny. \In bed — the curtains draivn close — a knock,] Come in! \^A knock — he pops his head through the curtains — a knock — hepidls open the curtains.] What can be the matter? [Aknock.] Oh! it's in the street ; some one locked out of his lodgings. \^A knock.] It never 4 THE BACHELOR S BEDROOM t cnnbe the STme -^prs-n that '.vas knocking Iia'.f an hour ago, and kept up lialliiiiig Out Voice. Kichanlt- ! [K/)m'kuiuBt Published, Price, 12i4 Cents On band a large assortment of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EDITIONS OP ^^All New Plays for sale as soon as issued.,^" TVXLLIAM V. SPENCERj Wholesale i-'d Retail Dealer in ^mh Stag^jines, |tetasp^pr$, flap, ENGRAVINGS AND STATIONERY, No. 9;i TREMONT STREET, (Nearly opposite the Tremont House,) BOSTO IT _ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS III mil p nil III iiiimii 014 526 445 5 ^