ttwmtmn AND COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGES ILLUSTRATED AND DESCEIBED EDITED BY CHARLES R. SKINNER, Times and Reformer Print, Watertown, N. Y. jaaaaseaseeseaasaeeaaBeee^jS LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. § Chap. Shelf UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. JSZ ! < K MIV JEM WAI.1,8 AND SUSPENSION BMIBxG WATERTOWN, N. V. WATERTOWN, N. Y. A HISTORY OF ITS SETTLEMENT AND PROGRESS, WITH A DESCRIPTION OF ITS COMMERCIAL ADVANTA< ! ES, AS A MANUFACTURING POINT. ITS LOCATION, ITS UNSURPASSED WATER POWER, ITS INDUSTRIES AND GENERAL FEATURES OF ATTRACTION TO CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTURERS. C&U. .ulJL WATERTOWN, N. Y. : PUBLISHED BY THE AVATERTOWN -MANUFACTURERS AID ASSOCIATION. 1876. 3 t)fc TO ©ne of tl)e Samst of Cities, WHOSE PEOPLE, BY EARNEST INDUSTRY AND ENTERPRISE HAVE IMPROVED SO LARGELY THE ADVANTAGES WHICH NATURE HAS SO LAVISHLY BESTOWED AND TO WHOSE PUBLIC SPIRIT SHE OWES HER GOOD NAME AND HER PROSPERITY, THIS LITTLE BOOK IS MOST CORDIALLY DEDICATED. JEFFERSON COUNTY COURT HOUSE. AM.PHCn-LITHOVUfHiC C- V f OSS VUttS 'KOCCSS, TO THE READER. We urge you most earnestly to examine with care the con- tents of the following pages, which are intended to set forth — perhaps hastily, but we trust fairly — some of the attractions which our city possesses as a desirable location for all classes of persons. The officers of this Association will take great pleasure in furnish- ing additional information to all who may desire, not only by prompt attention to correspondence, which is urgently invited, but by per- sonal effort and attention to all who may visit our city with a view of locating with us, giving the additional assurance that all will be heartily welcomed and hospitably entertained. If what is said shall produce a favorable impression upon any person, in any quarter ; inspire any intention to consider our claims, or arouse a spirit of favorable inquiry, to all such we give the assur- ance that we most cordially invite candid correspondence and inquiry, and that we have more to say. Of all Things Water is the Best." — Pinda INTRODUCTION The primary object of this publication is to present in an impar- tial, although incomplete manner, some of the many advantages possessed by our city as a manufacturing point. While thus seeking to carry out the fundamental object of the Association, as expressed on a preceding page, a mutual benefit may result to our own city and its people by adding to its industries, and to those seeking new fields of labor by calling their attention to Watertown as a healthy, lively and energetic city. To this end the following description ot it location, its resources, its inducements, and its industries, is intend- ed to invite the attention of live and energetic capitalists, manufac- turers and others seeking opportunity for investment, or desiring a home in a growing and healthy community, to its manifest attractions, as a favorable location, and as an excellent field for the development of industrial talent, and the profitable production of skilled labor. First among the claims of our city, stands pre-eminently its unsur- passed water power. In this connection it may be said, if comment is necessary, that modern science has demonstrated that water is the cheapest, safest, surest and best power known, and any facts bearing upon it are be- coming to be earnestly and candidly considered. The value of a falling stream to the manufacturing interests of the world is entirely beyond calculation. Its flow is ceaseless, nature exacts no royalty and it seems the perfection of power, inasmuch as the advance of civilization and enlightenment interferes not with its strength, less- ens not its force, and suggests no possible improvement. Black River which has its source in the midst of the myriad lakes which abound in the great forests of the North, and which flows with steady and rapid course through the very heart of our city. WATER TOWN, N. Y. falling one hundred and twelve feet in its flow through our borders, presents alluring charms to the progressive manufacturer, and invites him to seize a share of the wealth which she so freely distributes to such as are willing to curb her power and make good use of her strength. This power, the finest and most available in the country, froms the foundation of our desire to attract the attention of intelli- gent and industrious strangers to us. It furnishes almost a natural water-power, with a full and rapid flow, requiring little outlay in any artificial direction, and we believe it no exaggeration to claim that no other river in the State or nation furnishes as much and as available power in the same distance, as Black River supplies in its passage through our corporate limits. In addition to this important natural advantage we claim for our city a most favorable location in a thickly settled, prosperous, fertile and healthy portion ot the State, surrounded by a wealthy and industrious population, who have grown up with the country and contributed to its prosperity and good name by an active and ear nest industry in the various pursuits which engage the attention of an honest, careful and prudent people. We believe a careful perusal of what may follow, with inquiry as to what may have been omitted, will convince strangers now unde- cided where to locate in manufacturing or other enterprises, that we have some honest claims upon their consideration. We have here a surplus of power sufficient to turn the wheels of scores of manufactories yet unbuilt, which only awaits more skilled hands of practical workmen to develope industries which shall yield abundant profit and rich reward. We believe that nothing is want- ed but more organizing minds, more willing hands, more practical direction to make our city one of the leading manufacturing cities of the country. ' Her manufacturing interest is to-day one of her brightest possessions, but it may be doubled with tenfold profit, and our noble river is already here, ready to do its part in the work. In this work we have also sought to present in an unprejudiced manner, the general attractions of our city from many standpoints — our aim being not to attract manufacturers only, but good citizens of all classes. To this end we have devoted many pages to the consid- eration of various topics of local interest, with a view of giving all inquirers all the information possible in reference to every attractive feature of our city, its growth and present condition. LODA Tl N 'cultural Mh "OP regions WK *\ O XkLJ u ll i f Ei \ SOME OF THE GENERAL ADVANTAGES AND ATTRACTIONS OF WATEETOWN i st. Its unsurpassed and almost unlimited water power, furnished by Black River, which falls nearly 112 feet within the city limits. 2d. It is located in the most fertile and productive portion of Northern New York, and in one of the most thriving and prosperous agricultural counties in the State. 3rd. It is the virtual centre of a railway system which has its out- lets at favorable points in the interior of the State, and at the best ports on the " Great Lakes of the North." 4th. It therefore possesses the advantages of railway competition, all competing lines expressing and showing a liberal spirit toward all manufacturing enterprises. 5th. It is situated in the midst of vast and valuable mineral deposits, chief among which are inexhaustible beds of the finest iron ore to be found in the United States, many of which are in full and successful operation. 6th. Within the limits of the city lie portions of a ridge of lime- stone miles in extent, which, it has been demonstrated, has no super- ior as a flux for use in the reduction of iron ore. 7th. It has direct railroad communication with the vast coal regions of Northern Pennsylvania, by two competing railroad lines. 8th. It has direct railroad communication with the lumbering interest of adjoining counties, with lake and river ports, receiving lumber from the West, and with the great pine forests of Canada. 10 WATER TOWN, N. V. 9th. It is within ten miles of one of the best harbors on the great lakes, with which it is connected by rail, thus affording direct com- munication by water, with the grain, lumber and mineral industries of the North West. 10th. It is situated in the midst of the most productive tanning interest of the State — Jefferson and adjoining counties being large producers of live stock, and the material for reducing hides to leather. nth. The government of the city is based on the strictest ideas of economy, consistent with safe and sure progress, and the spirit of the people is decidedly in favor of every measure intended to make the rate of taxation low. The officers of the city are pledged to carry out this idea. t 1 2th. Statistics show that it is one of the healthiest cities in the Union, subject to no contagious diseases, and free from prevailing sickness. The rate of mortality in 1875 was only one in seventy. 13th. Its public school system has been placed upon a satisfactory foundation, and affords excellent educational facilities. 14th. The cost of living is much less than in larger cities. 15th. Its social advantages are numerous, the tone of society healthy, and the morals of the community beyond dispute. 1 6th. Its great wealth, which is just now seeking investment in desirable and well conducted manufacturing pursuits. WATERTOWN, N. V. 11 GEOGRAPHY. Watertown is the capital of Jefferson county, one of the most thriving counties in the State of New York. It is situated upon both banks of Black River, seven miles from its mouth, where the river mingles with the waters of Lake Ontario. The river divides the city into two unequal portions, which are connected with each other by three bridges, two of wood and one an iron suspension. It is 250 miles N. W. of New York City, 147 miles W. N. W. of Albany, 72 miles N. of Rome, 90 miles N. W. of Utica, 69 miles N. of Syracuse, 60 miles N. E. of Oswego, 76 miles S. of Ogdens- burg, with all of which cities it has direct and unbroken railroad connection. It is also 10 miles East of Sackets Harbor, one of the finest harbors on Lake Ontario, and 25 miles South of Cape Vin- cent, a fine port on the St. Lawrence river, opposite Kingston, Ont, and one of the prominent outlets of a flourishing Canadian trade. With both the last named points Watertown has direct railroad con- nection. It is also connected by rail with Clayton, a thriving village on the St. Lawrence river, opposite Gananoque, which is also an outlet of Canadian trade — and with Morristown a prosperous village a few miles farther down the river, opposite Brockville, Ontario. Kingston, Brockville and Gananoque, with Prescott, opposite Ogdens- burg, are important points on the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Kingston is the terminus of the Kingston and Pembroke railroad penetrating a productive lumber country. Brockville is the terminus of the Brockville and Ottawa railroad, and also of the Rideau canal, both passing through important lumber districts. Prescott is the terminus of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa railroad. It will be seen that nothing can be more favorable than the geo- graphical location of Watertown, commercially considered. It is an element of strength which cannot be well overlooked by those who look at the question of location with commercial eyes. The city is situated in the very heart of one of the richest agricul- tural regions in the State, to which fact is largely due the substantial growth, thrift, enterprise and prosperity which have become its recog- nized features with those who know its history best. Its prosperity is second to no city of its size in the United States. It is in fact the leading commercial city of Northern New York. 12 WATERTOWN, N. Y. HISTORY. It is hard to resist the temptation offered by a study of local his- tory, to enlarge more fully, and entirely beyond the scope of this small book, and beyond the main object in view, upon the interest- ing and attractive history which surrounds our city and county. We sacrifice local desire which would eagerly grasp it to the necessity of a plain statement of facts connected with the " first days of Water- town," and confine ourselves to the consideration of a few truths and statements which bear more directly upon present issues. THE FIRST SURVEY. The town of Watertown was first surveyed in the year 1796 by Benjamin Wright, a native of Connecticut, who was employed by the State to survey the northern and central portions of New York State, and who later in life was the originator of the first legislative steps toward the construction of the Erie canal, of which subsequently he was one of the chief engineers. His work in Jefferson county was performed through fatigue and hardships. Trackless forests contested every step of progress, and savages by day and wolves and panthers by night disputed his rights and were unwelcome visitors at his camp fires. THE FIRST SETTLERS. Settlements commenced in this vicinity in March, 1800, at which time Henry Coffeen, a native of Vermont, and Zachariah Butterfield, having during the previous fall visited the town and purchased farms, removed here with their families, and began improvements upon the site now occupied by the city. Mr. Coffeen was first to arrive, hav- ing penetrated from Lowville, Lewis c.ounty, forty miles east, through the woods with his family and household goods drawn on an ox-sled. He erected his hut at a point near where Court street now enters Public Square. Mr. Butterfield settled and built where Washington Hall now stands. Oliver Bartholemew, a native of Connecticut and a revolutionary soldier, arrived in town in March, 1800, and settled a few miles to the northward. In the ensuing winter, 1 800-1, but three families wintered here, those of Coffeen, Butterfield and Bar- tholemew. They were soon followed by many others, among whom were Hart Massey, Asaph Mather, Jonathan Cowan and Thomas Butterfield. WATERTOWN, N. Y. 13 THE EARLIEST OPINION. Mr. Benjamin Wright who made the survey of the town in 1796, made the following report concerning one of the lots upon which the city is built : " [Watertown.] Along the river there is some good land and some that is broken and rocky. The river is amazing rapid and rocky; some falls along the river which may be made good mill seats, and some excellent pine timber along the river. On the east line is a fine country. The west line is of good quality. There are some fine mill seats in this town which on the map are marked ' falls ' and ' rapids.' To speak generally I think this to be an excellent town- ship, and scarcely any poor land upon it. Will settle very fast, if laid in lots and sold to settlers." ITS NAME. The river then, in its primitive strength and beauty, was first to at- tract the attention of the settlers, and from the extraordinary amount and convenience of its water power, so early discernible to the keen minds of the pioneers, the city derived its name, a name which she has borne with honor for more than three-quarters of a century. To this cause, coupled with the foresight and energy of its founders, may be mainly attributed the early and rapid growth of the city, and the superiority in wealth and business which the city so rapidly* devel- oped, and which is still one of its distinguishing characteristics. The confident expectation of the good men who came through the forests to build their humble huts upon the banks of Black River, that the fine water power here found would develope industries which would make the spot the centre of a large and prosperous business city in the years to come, have been well realized. EARLY GROWTH. The years 180 1-2 witnessed quite a lively immigration into the county, many of the settlers coming from Oneida county, and locat- ing in Watertown, attracted hither by the same causes which first led to its settlement, and which gave the spot its name. ' In addition to this the fertility of the soil was an element which impressed favorably those who were disposed to " pitch their tents " and cast their fortunes 14 WATER TOWN, N. Y. here. The land books of the county during the years i 799-1800- 180 1 and 1802 showed an increasing demand for lots in this region, and hundreds of sales were recorded. The earliest records in the County Clerks office were made in 1805. In September, 1802, over eighty families had arrived from the east- ern States and counties and settled in the little hamlet or its vicinity. In the next succeeding two or three years, scores of other families, whose names are identified with the early history of the region, and with its growth and progress, many of whom were mechanics, came into the then new " Black River Country," bought their little farms, erected their humble dwellings, and began anew their labors to reduce the wilderness into a fertile valley, and enjoy the delights of their new homes. During the year 1802 a hotel was opened by Dr. Isaiah Massey, and Jonathan Cowan built the first dam across Black River at a point now known as Beebee's Island. PRIMITIVE MANUFACTORIES. During the first summer of the settlement of Watertown, it being entirely impossible to procure grinding at any mills nearer than Can- ada, from twenty-five to fifty miles distant through the wilderness, a stump standing upon what is now known as Public Square, a few rods east of the American Hotel as it exists to-day, had been formed into a mortar, with a spring pole and pestle attached. This served the purpose of a grain mill for the settlement, and was no doubt the era of " low tolls." This primitive implement suggestive of rustic life and the privations of a new colony, relieved the pioneers in some de- gree from long and perilous journeys "to mill" through a pathless forest abounding in more game in the shape of wolves and panthers and their kind, than was especially pleasant to honest and frugal and happy toilers who had a future to look to and provide for. The settlers of the region were mostly poor. There were no bloated bondholders in those times, "banks discounts" were an unknown luxury, the bulls and bears had not been let loose in Wall Street — the honest Continental currency had scarcely passed out of circulation, and speculators were mostly confined to speculations as to how they could best earn an honest living. But although they possessed few of the comforts of life and none of its luxuries save industry, the pio- neers had but few wants. The needful articles of the household were WATER TOWN, N. Y. 15 mostly made with their own hands, the bread they ate was wrought from the productive soil they found, and artificial grades of society existed only in books. The little " stump grist mill " should have been preserved in its simplicity as an evidence of the birth of that spirit of enterprise which now displays a round half dozen flourishing flour mills, kept ever busy to meet the growing demands of the times. GROWTH. The subject of manufacturing, using Black River as the motive power, received the early and careful attention of the pioneers. They were quick to see the powerful agent which nature had placed within their reach flowing so noisily past their humble dwellings, and they were prompt in making diligent use of the advantage offered. In 1802 Jonathan Cowan, a millwright, came herefrom Saratoga county, and began the erection of a grist mill at the bridge which crosses to Beebee's Island. This island (which is shown on the map 1 ! formed a part of Cowan's original purchase, and is said to have been offered by him at an early period for ten dollars. The customer offered five dollars, but the contracting parties being unable to agree, the bargain failed. They little dreamed that the same island commanding as it does the finest power the river, would within a few years be worth more than their united fortunes. In 1803 a bridge was built below the village (the lower bridge shown in map and illustrations) by Henry Coffeen and Andrew Ed- munds, and in 1805 a dam was built below the bridge, which is still standing. In the same year a saw-mill was built on the north side, and in 1806 a grist mill by Seth Bailey and Gershom Tuttle. A saw-mill was erected on the south side soon after, and a saw and grist mill by H. H. Coffeen. THE FIRST STORE. In 1805 John Paddock and William Smith who were among the more recent arrivals, opened to a wondering and well pleased public, the first " store " in the place, bringing their goods from Utica, ninety miles in wagons. An idea of the hardships attending the mercantile interest of that day may be drawn from the fact that in March, 1807, seventeen sleighs laden with goods for these pioneer merchants were 16 WATER TOWN, N. Y. twenty three days in coming from Utica to Watertown — a distance now traversed in less than four hours, many times each day by two flourishing railroad lines. The pioneers of Watertown turned everything to account for trade, and as in other sections, the manufacture of potash formed the first means of realizing cash. Many paid in whole or in part for their lands by this means. In 1806, $3,500; in 1807, $6,000; and in 1808, $9,000 worth of this staple was exchanged, the market being at that time in Montreal. In 1810, the firm of Paddock & Smith, the first merchants, purchased 2,800 barrels, averaging $40 per barrel, making for that period the enormous aggregate of $112,000. The declaration of war in 181 2, entirely prostrated this industry, and in fact many others for many years. THE WAR OF 181 2. The close proximity of Watertown to Sackets Harbor during the "unpleasantness" with Great Britain in 1812-15, the latter point being at that period an important naval station of the U. S. Govern- ment, and the scene of one or two spirited battles, was sufficient rea- son for a very general interest on the part of her people in the pro- gress and result of the contest. Within hearing of the cannon which finally drove the enemy from the scene, there were many outbursts of excitement and patriotism, and the people contributed of their number and their means to carry on the conflict to a successful issue. By an act of March 27, 1809, an arsenal was erected in Watertown in that year, and five hundred stand of arms deposited therein. The arsenal was built by Hart Massey, then collector of the district of Sackets Harbor, at an expense of $1,940.99. This was before the day of " contracting, corruption and investigation." The street upon which it stood was patriotically called Columbia Street, now Arsenal Street, and the building was maintained as an arsenal until it was sold by act of April 9, 1850, and used for more peaceful purposes. Bodies of troops were stationed at Watertown for short periods, and the sick were often sent hither for the attendance which could not be secured at Sackets Harbor. The Academy which was built in 181 1 was used as a hospital for a considerable time during the continuance of the war. WATER TOWN, N. Y. 17 EARLY MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES. It was early apparent that Watertown possessed extraordinary inducements to manufacturers, and after the erection of Cowan's grist mill — the first manufacturing enterprise of which record is made, other institutions sprang into existence within a few years, many of which have been in active operation ever since. From the only records attainable, the following brief account of the earlier manufacturing industries is made : PAPER MILLS. In 1808 a paper mill was built above Cowan's gristmill by Gurdon Caswell from Oneida County. Other paper mills were built soon after, and in 1824 Knowlton & Rice commenced the business which is still continued by Knowlton Brothers, whose flourishing estab- lishment is illustrated and mentioned elsewhere. In 1832 this mill introduced into the county the first machinery for making paper. COTTON AND WOOLEN MILLS. The extraordinary prices to which cotton fabrics had arisen, led to the formation of the Black River Cotton ana 7 Woolen Manufacturing Company which was formed December 28, 1818, with a capital of $100,000. The promoters of this scheme were Hart Massey, William Smith, M. W. Gilbert, John Paddock, Egbert Ten Eyck, Amos Bene- dict, William Tanner, Jason Fairbanks and Perley Keyes. The build- ing (of stone) was erected in 1814 at a cost of $72,000. Local his- tory relates that there was at this time considerable prejudice against the use of machinery, in place of hand labor ; and SpafTord in the Gazetteer of New York wrote as follows on this subject : "The automaton habits, and the moral tendencies of these establishments will be better understood fifty years hence." It may be said that the fifty years has elapsed and that the more the world sees of " automa- ton habits " in manufacturing enterprises the better it likes them. This mill was carried on by the company for three years — was a few years subsequently sold for $7,000, passed into other hands and was destroyed by fire in 1869. 3 18 'WATERTOWN, N. Y. In 1827 the Jefferson Cotton Mills were erected on Beebee's Island by Levi Beebee, a native of Connecticut, who came here from Coop- erstown, N. Y. Thev were constructed of stone, 250 by 65 feet, and three stories high with basement and wings. It was intended for ten thousand spindles, and its value was estimated at $200,000. On Sunday, July 7, 1833, the building was entirely destroyed by fire. Hough in his History well says : " Perhaps no private enterprise ever gave a stronger impulse to the growth of Watertown than the erec- tion of these mills, and no single calamity was ever felt more severely than their loss." The site of this factory is one of the most eligible in the State for hydraulic purposes. The Watertown Cotton Mills Company with $100,000 capital was formed January 10th, 1834, Isaac H. Bronson, Jason Fairbanks, Samuel F. Bates, John Sigourney and Joseph Kimball as trustees. This association continued several years, and was replaced by the Watertown Cotton Company with a capital of $12,000, formed Janu- ary 7th, 1846, with E. P. Throop Martin, Daniel Lee, S. Newton Dexter, H. Holcomb and John Collins, trustees. The company occu- pied the building already mentioned constructed in 18 14, and run fifty looms with proportionate machinery. The Hamilton Woolen Mills Company was formed February 10th, 1835, with a capital of $50,000, by Henry D. Sewall, George Collid- ing, John C. Lashar, Simeon Boynton and John Goulding. On the 10th of March following, the capital of the company was increased to $100,000 under the name of the Hamilton Manufacturing Com- pany. Mr. Sewall built a dam and factory, and the latter went into operation in the spring of 1836. It was designed for five sets of cards, with the necessary machinery. In May, 1842, this mill was bought by the Black River Woolen Company which had been formed November 7th, 1836. with a capital of $50,000. the trustees being I. H. Bronson, S. N. Dexter, O. Hungerford, John Williams, Hiram Holcomb and Daniel Lee. This company also erected a factory, which after several years successful operation was destroyed in 1841. The mill was afterward repaired and put in operation by Loomis & Co., employing seventy hands. The Watertown Woolen Company was formed February 4th, 1834, with $100,000 capital, with I. H. Bronson, John A. Rodgers, John Williams, S. Newton Dexter and H. Holcomb as trustees. The Watertown Woolen Manufacturing Company was formed Dec. 24th, 1835, with J. Williams, I. H. Bronson, H. Holcomb, D. Lee WATERTOWW N. Y. 19 an 22 WATER TOWN, N. Y. from mountain lakes, and springs and meadows, gives abundant assurance of a never ending power, which gathers its force from a thousand sources, and in its fullness hurls it past our city, over rocks and ledges, and which temptingly invites the water wheel and the varied industries of the nation to come and avail themselves of its strength and majesty. For several miles above the city, the river flows rapidly over a solid rocky bed of Trenton and Birdseye limestone making the water pure and healthy, and well aerated for supplying the city, but com- ing as it does from a granite region, the water is almost as soft as the purest rain water, which renders it especially well adapted for use in the manufacture of cotton and woolen fabrics. The rocky nature of the bed and banks of the river in the vicinity of Watertown is the fullest guarantee against all disasters arising from the washing away of banks or the undermining of dams. THE WATER POWER OF BLACK RIVER. Upon the organization of the Manufacturers' Aid Association, it was decided that a careful and scientific survey be made of the river upon whose power we base in so large a measure the distinctive attractions of our city, with a view of ascertaining in a definite an unmistakable manner, the exact measure of the power derived from the river in its passage through the corporate limits of Watertown. To this end a systematic survey was made by Mr. Frank A. Hinds, civil engineer, assisted by Mr. Fred. W. Eames, two gentlemen well calculated, and abundantly qualified to do the work assigned them. We quote the following from Mr. Hinds' report : " I have made a survey of Black River throughout the extent of the city of Watertown, and in accordance with your wishes herewith submit a report of that survey together with a map and profile. (See map.) "A level was carefully taken of the water from the point where the river enters the city at its eastern limit, to the point where it leaves it at its westerly boundary, a distance of less than two miles, includ- ing in detail all the numerous falls and rapids both improved and unimproved. The whole amount of fall within this distance I have found to be 1 11.75 feet. Eighty three feet of -this noticable fall is included between the upper and lower railroad bridges, as seen by the accompanying map. "There are five distinct falls between the points named. The river was guaged at a point about two miles above the city, where its course is straight and level for a considerable distance, and it was found to deliver 596,728 cubic feet of water per minute. This meas- urement was taken on the 2 2d of March, and although the water was very little if any higher than the ordinary winter flow, and the ice still unbroken, a deduction equal to one-third was made, to insure a safe estimate of the fair working average of the year. This allowance gives an average delivery of 397,819 cubic feet per minute. This, multiplied by 62.3 and 11 1.75, and divided by 33.000, gives 83,928 as the average actual horse power for the whole river in its 24 WATERTOWN, N. Y. passage through the entire city. If a still farther allowance is made of two-thirds of this amount for leakage, clearance, friction and una- voidable waste, we still have 27,976 horse power, which may be regarded as effectual, and available to turn machinery. UNUTILIZED POWER. " Aside from the unused power which now flows over the dams already built, there is an opportunity for raising a dam eight or nine feet at a point below all the present improvements, near the mouth of Cowan's Creek (shown on the map near the western boundary of the city), which would furnish between two thousand and three three thousand additional and effectual horse power, and is immedi- ately adjoining the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg railroad track. " There is also on the north side of Beebee's Island, and below the falls, an excellent point for a dam, now unused, and especially desirable on account of its central location, being in the very heart of the city. Three thousand effectual horse power could easily be gained here at a comparative slight expense. " Again, at a point near the eastern limit of the city, the whole river falls abruptly fourteen feet over a ledge of rocks, offering natu- ral advantages rarely met with for the purpose of large mechanical operations. At this point may readily be added over thirty-five hundred actual horse power that may be realized to turn machinery. This point is convenient to both lines of railways entering the city. " Still other points along the river are susceptible of improvement in this respect, though of less extent, and all accessible to excellent railroad facilities." Considering this most favorable showing, Watertown may well challenge any other point to show similar advantages, or a like instru- ment of power and usefulness. It may be here stated that those now interested in the ownership of available water rights now unoccupied, show a liberal spirit in offer- ing their rights to such as desire to locate here. It some cases, the owners offer to donate some of the finest water rights to manufactur- ers who will come here and use them. Further information upon this point will be cheerfully given upon application, and inducements offered which men of enterprise cannot afford to overlook. The feel- ing manifested now is, to encourage any movement to utilize all our WATERTOWN, N. Y. 25 vast power, that nothing that can be used shall be allowed to go to waste. This is regarded as one of the most important of the many advantages offered. Mention may also be made of the unlimited number of points along the river between this city and Brownville, four miles distant, capable of being improved, and which would yield an almost incal- culable amount of water power. The river is rapid, in many places narrow, and excellent points for the erection of powerful dams pre- sent themselves in each mile of the distance. MAPS:-L0CATI0N AND WATER POWER. Two important maps are shown in connection with the illustra- tions given in this pamphlet, to which the attention of inquiring readers is invited. Both are the work of Mr. F. A. Hinds of this city, who was especially engaged to present in this attractive man- ner some of the many, advantages possessed by our city. They are as follows : LOCATION. No. i. " Map showing the location and railroad connections of Watertown, with its tributary Agricultural, Mineral and Lumber producing regions." In many senses this map speaks for itself, and must prove to the observer at a glance, an almost visible demonstration of the truth of the claims we have sought to present in words elsewhere. The admirable location of Watertown for manufacturing purposes is plainly apparent and truthfully represented. The course of Black River, rising in the wilderness and fed by mountain streams is clearly shown with many of the lakes which form its sources, and con- tribute to it that power of which we boast. The various iron mines so plentifully found in Northern New York, are faithfully pointed out, and suggest to those familiar with geological formations the vast wealth which underlies all this region. The lumber producing dis- tricts covering so large a portion of the Northern wilderness, and of the Canadian Provinces are illustrated, and tell of a never ending supply of the finest timber grown on the continent, within easy reach 4 26 WATER TOWN, N. Y. of our city. The map also shows our city as located in the midst of one of the finest and most productive agricultural regions of the State. The great lakes of the North, the lines of railroad extending in every direction, are made prominent, and all is suggestive of advan- tages which should not escape attention. Excellent receiving and shipping facilities are a most noticeable feature of our situation. Direct and speedy connection is shown with the iron mines located so near the city, — with the coal mines of Pennsylvania — the lumber regions of Northern New York and Canada — the grain States and mineral localities of the West. In fact Watertown is the centre of a system of railway facilities second to no other locality for general advantages offered. We let the map itself tell the rest of the story. WATER POWER. No. 2. " Map of the city of Watertown. and profile showing the water power of Black River." While this map shows the general topographical appearance of Watertown, its streets and other points of interest, its principal object is to represent the course of the river, and show the points at which its power is greatest, the location of the dams, the islands which aid in utilizing its power, etc. It will be seen by the shaded profile at the left of the map, that the total fall of the river within the boundaries of the city is m^ feet — the base line being 120 feet above Lake Ontario. The various falls shown are five in number as follows : First ( at lower end of map), 14 feet ; Second, 12 feet; Third, 13 feet ; Fourth ( North Branch ), 35 feet ; Fourth ( South Branch ), 20 teet ; Sixth, 11 feet. The North and South Branches refer to the falls on either side of Beebee's Island, the principal of which ( North Branch ), is shown in the frontispiece of this pamphlet. *6e. ^St3^re^9c^s WATERTOWN, N. Y. 27 THE LEATHER TRADE. THE MANUFACTURE OF BOOTS, SHOES. &c. It may be safely claimed of Watertown, that no other inland city offers more substantial inducements to attract capital and skill for the manufacture of leather into boots and shoes. The trade in this branch of mechanical industry is everywhere large and constant. It involves few risks, and is reasonably sure to give large returns for the amount of capital and labor invested. Experience and industry in this direction nowhere fail to be richly rewarded. The tanning of foreign and domestic hides into sole, harness and upper leather, has, for many years, been a large and important inter- est in northern New York, of which Watertown is the most prominent point. The hemlock forests of the section being easily accessible, furnish many thousands of cords of bark annually for this purpose. The Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg Railroad traverses an extensive bark and tanning section, and the more recent extension of the Utica and Black River Railroad opens to some extent the great bark supply of John Brown's tract, while the interior of that famous region remains still untouched by the woodman's axe — a locality which will secure bark to the tanner for hundreds of years to come, without noticeable diminution in the supply. New York and Boston capitalists have already availed themselves of this advantage, and immense sole leather tanneries are located in his section, the products of which are shipped to their salesrooms in their respective cities. There is also an extensive business in the tanning of domestic hides and calfskins conducted in this city and surrounding country, a great part of which is finished and sold in this section for the home trade, while much of the leather is shipped to Boston in the rough state. If the demand required, this could and would be finished into upper stock and sold in a home market. The kinds of leather now finished are harness, upper, kip and calfskin. The city of Watertown, while there is no manufactory of boots and shoes for the jobbing trade located here, is conceded by all who are conversant with the city and section, as an excellent and profit- 28 WATER TOWN, N. Y. able point for the establishment of such manufactories. As there is no manufactory of this nature between the New York Central Railroad and the St. Lawrence River there would be but little local competition. The stock and material for boot and shoe manufacture, both sole and upper leather, can be obtained directly from first hands. There are sole leather tanneries in the immediate vicinity which tan their own stock, and sell delivered at the railroad what they would find market for at home. The light stock tanneries would prefer a home trade and would market their entire tannage here if there was a suffi- cient demand. By such a principle of dealing the manufacturer would save annually a large amount over those manufacturers who buy in the eastern cities, paying freights, commissions and profits to dealers. Rents are cheap for buildings, suitable rooms for man- ufacturing purposes, and for tenements for families of operatives. The expenses of living are low and reasonable, compared with east- ern cities and towns where this branch of industry is extensively con- ducted. The shipping facilities here are of the best. The Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad leaves the New York Central Railroad at Rome and Syracuse, traversing the frontier counties to Watertown and Potsdam Junction, connecting at the last named place with the Central Vermont Railroad ; and to Ogdensburg, Oswego and Cape Vincent, connecting at each point with lines of steamers and propel- lers for Chicago, Detroit and intermediate points. The Utica & Black River Railroad leaves the New York Central at Utica, extend- ing through Oneida, Lewis, and into Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties, with termini at Sackets Harbor on Lake Ontatio, and Clay- ton and Morristown on the St. Lawrence River, connecting with vessels for the West. These facilities afford reasonable rates of freight over the different lines by rail and water to all points East, West, North and South. Under the present system of the manufacture of boots and shoes, a great part ol the labor can be procured in the city among the industrious working class. These are not all the advantages which suggest themselves to the careful observer of manufacturing interests, but are the most essential and important to our present object. Parties extensively and actively engaged in this branch of manufacture at the East, have repeatedly Geological Section of the Strata of Jefferson County. Gray Sandstone. JLovvawe (Shale. TJiica Slide. 1 ronton -Lintcsloao. Potsdam Saudsume. Primary Period. Trap , PovpUyvy. lalcose, Siemlo, JlonxMcivd*:, Gneiss, K. Kcus.sclcw.viV SccpcuUue, xcin^aKu lAmesii HvjpcvstWnc, GvaviAc, s «s 3 v 9 5k S .v 8 sp i 6 WATER TOWN, N. Y. 29 expressed themselves most favorably upon the location and facilities which Watertown presents for the successful manufacture of boots and shoes. Reference is made in other portions of this book to the extent of the work already carried on in this branch of trade in this city, and also to the extent of the tanning interest in both the city and count}-. ECONOMIC GEOIOGY OF JEFFERSON CO. To the student in Geology but few sections of the State present so many points of interest as Jefferson County. Its catalogue of minerals is exceeded in number by only three or four counties, while the numerous and apparently inexhaustible beds of iron ore on its northern boundaries are among the most valuable of any in the State. Added to this is the interesting fact, that when the Creator uttered his grand fiat : " Let the dry land appear," some portions of Jeffer- son County were among the first to respond. In that far away time, whose chronology must ever remain mere conjecture, the huge masses of rock which help to make up the charms of the Thousand Islands were the first to greet the smiles of their Creator. - These rocks are of a gneissose character, being a mixture of quartz, hornblende and feldspar, the three elementary minerals which make up the largest part of what is known of the earth's surface. This rock forms the surface rock of parts of Clayton and contigu- ous towns, underlies the greater part of Antwerp, touches Natural Bridge, and from thence extends to Carthage, where it forms the islands among the rapids of Long Falls. Near the latter place, as also at Ox Bow and Antwerp, are immense masses of feldspathic granite, equaling in fineness and beauty the far famed Scotch granites, and only awaiting the introduction of proper machinery to place it in direct competition with the latter. In the same districts are also found white and variegated marbles and beautiful specimens of verde antique and serpentine ; but the 30 WATER TOWN, N. V. mineral of far more importance is the red oxide, or specular iron. Immense beds of this valuable ore are found lying between the gneiss and Potsdam sandstone of the towns of Philadelphia and Antwerp, and of a purity ranging from fifty to ninety-six per cent. These beds have been worked for the last fifty years, and may be worked with tenfold force for many years, if not centuries, to come ; the ores, after being mined, finding ready market in different sec- tions of the State. There must come a time, and seemingly in the near future, when these ores will be worked in our own city. Our immense water power, our inexhaustible beds of limestone for purposes of flux, and the nearness of magnetic oxide and hydrous per-oxide iron ores, affording combinations suitable for the manufacture of every grade of iron and steel, are among the many items which must influence the capitalist in his future investments. From the gneiss we ascend to the Potsdam sandstone, which is the prevailing surface rock of Alexandria, Theresa, Clayton, Orleans and Antwerp. This is an extremely hard, close-grained quartzose sandstone, easily quarried, hardening with exposure, and furnishing very valuable building material. This rock is remarkable for its many divisional places, which may be cleaved at any thickness de- sired, varying from a single inch to two feet. Unfortunately the rock is not so evenly stratified as at Potsdam, but it is nevertheless extensively used for building purposes, as well as for lining blast furnaces and in the manufacture of glass. When calcined in kilns, crushed and sifted, the Theresa variety affords a very white and pure sand for the latter purpose, and is exclusively used in the Red- wood Glass Factories. Passing the Calciferous sandstone, which, from its want of regular fracture, and coarse rotten texture is of no use as a building material, and can only be utilized in the manufacture of water-lime, we reach the Birds-eye Limestone. This is quite extensively utilized in all the central portions of this county for lime; as a paving and building stone has been shipped to some extent to adjoining counties. Some of the strata are over two feet thick and remarkably compact. It breaks with a conchoi- dal fracture and weathers to an agreeable dove color. This and the Trenton limestone are the surface rocks in the central portions of the county. It is a remarkably pure carbonate of lime and if v iron WATER TOWN, N. Y. 31 manufactories were established at this point, would be the best pos- sible flux. It has been found by experience to be far more valuable for this than the older granular lime rocks. Separating the Birds-eye from the Trenton we have the Black River limestone. This layer has been designated as Black marble and as the Isle La Motte marble. It is about eight feet thick, but from the quantities of flint contained in it, has been found worthless for all but the coarser purposes. As the presence of this flint may be only local, quarries near by may be ultimately discovered which may be worked into mantles and other ornamental uses. The numerous caves in and near by Watertown are located in this layer. The Trenton limestone surpasses in extent, thickness and economi- cal value those which immediately precede it, underlying the towns of Champion, Rutland, Watertown, Pamelia, Henderson, Ellis- burgh, Adams and parts of Rodman and Hounsfield. Hough places its thickness at not less than five hundred feet. Some of its layers are rich in bitumen, while others, lying both above and below, are entirely destitute of any trace of petroleum. Professor Sterry Hunt attributes the appearance of this inflammable substance in the Trenton limestone to the transformation of vegetable and in some cases animal tissues existing in the rock from the time of their first deposition. Layers which are so charged are of little worth as building material, while some of those free from this bitumen have proved of great value, the Cathedral at Montreal being constructed of the latter. The student in Paleontology will find the Birds-eye, Black River and Trenton limestones particularly rich in fossil remains of the lower Silurian age. Coral, crinoids, brachiopods. orthoceratites, trilobites and other forms of ancient life greet the wondering gaze at almost every step. Here blossomed in shoreless seas, those beauti- ful stone lilies — encrinites — growing flower-like from submarine soil, with uplifted corolla, and delicately fringed petals, an animal yet clad with a beauty which Solomon in all his glory could not trans- cend. As corals never build beyond a isocryme of 68 ° F., the conditions of climate must have been far different from what they are to-day. Then eternal summer bloomed throughout the 44th parallel, to be ultimately succeeded by a great Ice Age, when masses of congealed snow, more than six thousand feet in thickness, with the pressure of 32 WATER TOWN, N. Y. a ton to every square inch, moved in a North-westerly direction, polishing, plowing out immense valleys, grinding and distributing the detritus that man might ultimately find in its bosom the promises of seed time and harvest. From the inexhaustible beds of limestone, the manufacture of calcic oxide (lime) has been quite extensive, and there is no reason why this branch of industry should not be indefinitely extended. But few sections present beds of purer rock than the Birds-eye, and the lime manufactured from it is the very best quality, while some of its layers, particularly those of a drab color, are eminently suitable for the manufacture of water lime. The Trenton terminates in a black shaly mass, running into the Utica slate, which forms the surface rock of parts of Champion, Rutland and Rodman. There are no beds ot roofing slate in this mass, the layers breaking and crumbling in every direction. This rock quickly disintegrates when exposed to the atmosphere. It has never been utilized, though Professor Emmons thinks that, with proper treatment, it might be converted into alum. Its formation may be studied to fine advantage at South Rutland where canyons, from one to two hundred feet, have been cut down through it by run- ning streams, presenting many picturesque and 1 romantic scenes. The Lorraine shales present some features belonging to the Utica slate. It is more compact, however, in its formation, and belongs properly to the Hudson River group. It supports a gray sandstone which only needs contiguity of market to prove very valuable. This rock is tough, close-grained, compact, weathers admirably, and possesses all the virtues of the best building material. We append herewith the localities of some of the different minerals to be found in the county. The persevering young geologist how- ever will find many treasures in old stone walls and in the drift of the fields. Adams. — Fluor, calc tufa, barite. Alexandria. — Fluorite, phlogopite, chalcopyrite, feldspar, tour- maline, hornblende, orthoclase, celestite. Antwerp. — Specular iron, chalcodite, spathic iron, millerite, red hematite, crystallized quartz, yellow aragonite, niccoliferous iron pyrites, calcite, heavy spar, idiocrase, phlogopite, pyroxene, sphene, WATER TOWN, N. Y. 33 fluorite, chalcopyrite, bog iron ore, scapolite, serpentine, yellow tour, maline, steatite, apatite, graphite. Brownville. — Celestite, calcite. Natural Bridge (in Wilna). — Feldspar, gieseckite, steatite, horn- blende, pyroxine, scapolite, sphene, tremolite wollastonite. Omar (in Orleans). — Beryl, feldspar, specular iron. Philadelphia. — Garnets, bog ore, specular iron. Pamelia. — Agaric mineral, calc tufa. Theresa. — Fluor, calcite, specular iron, hornblende, quartz crys- tals, serpentine, celestite, strontianite, steatite, tourmaline, verde antique, apatite. Watertown. — Tremolite, calc tufa, calcite, wad. THE HORTICULTURE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. FRUIT, SPECIALTIES, ETC. SOILS. Nearly every kind of soil is found in Jefferson county, from the coars- est till, without fertility or organic remains, to the finely comminuted alluvium, rich with organic matter and consequent fertility. This condition of things is due to the varied sources from which our soils have been derived, and the conditions under which they have been distributed. By reference to the sketch of economic geology accom- panying this publication, it will be seen that the surface of the northern, central, and southwestern portions of the county have been subjected to the modifying influence of intense glacial erosions. In some sectious the original soil has been carried away and barren rocks left. In others, heavy deposits of drift, composed of coarse and fine materials variously intermingled, have been distributed over the surface. In the northern portions of the county the soils have been mainly derived from the Laurentian rocks and have too little organic matter, but in many places make fine dairying soils, owing to the abundance of potash and lime derived from the decomposed feldspar. Some- 5 34 WATER TOWN, N. Y. times there is sufficient organic matter and depth to make most durable and valuable lands • in other districts, sand prevails mainly destitute of organic matter or fertility. In the central portions the soil is derived more from the underlying limestone in situ, often intermingled with drift and a stratum of clay and sand, doubtless deposited by the waters of the lake during some of its periods of elevation. The hills are mainly covered by soils derived from the natural decay of the underlying limestone intermingled with less drift. The southern and southwestern portions of the county derive their soils principally from the underlying disintegrated slate and shale. Soils thus derived in connection with the Trenton limestone group are durable and fertile. Notwithstanding the abundance of lime rocks in the county, analysis shows that many of our soils are deficient in lime. This is owing to the fact that so many of them came from the north during the ice periods. There is but little inferior land in the county, — this is found mainly on the sand plains of the north, and over the Birds- eye limestone along a portion of the shores of Black River and the lake. They have been denuded by glaciers, and insufficient depth remains to retain a proper degree of moisture, not sufficient time having since intervened to recover the rocks by natural processes of decay. The land as a body is good, durable and fertile, even much of the rocky land being valuable for dairying, and producing rich nutritious grasses not too lush and watery as in so many districts of the west. It will be seen by the foregoing that the horticulturist can select the variety of soil best adapted to the special crop he may desire to grow. This is a great advantage, making possible the production of a variety of useful crops. Climate is one of the factors in horticulture which must be care- fully considered. Surprising as it may seem to people at a distance who have a vague idea that the 44th parallel is too far north to do anything of the kind, — owing to the modifying influences of the lake, we grow here very successfully, a goodly number of what are usually considered tropical or semi-tropical products, such as sweet potatoes, melons, tobacco, figs, grapes, etc. This is due to the fact that we have at least three full months of steady semi-tropical heat. It is an established principle in agriculture that the northern limit of production gives a vigor and health to plants not attainable far- WATER TOWN, N. Y. . 35 ther south, chiefly because of the greater exemption from mildew or sporadic diseases and injurious insects. This fact enables our horti- culturists to produce specialties of superior excellence, such as seeds for seedsmen which have given great and increasing satisfaction to consumers. The business is a growing one and capable of profitable extension into a leading business for large numbers of people. The detritus from the Trenton limestone and Lorraine shales furnish an admirable soil for this interest. There is every reason to believe that a seed store located in this city to work up and manage this business would be a profitable investment. The potato attains great perfection in this county, because our climate in the growing season is somewhat similar to that in which it originated. We should supply the South with its seed for this crop, and the benefits would be interchangable, for better crops would be secured there by using seed grown in this section. FRUITS. We cultivate successfully here a considerable variety of choice fruits such as grapes, apples, pears, plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, etc. Grapes are purposely placed at the head of this list, not that it is now the most important but it undoubtedly will be in the near future, and the day is probably not distant when hun- dreds of acres will be devoted^to this crop, within the belt of land influenced by the warm air of the lake. Certainty in securing an annual crop is of great money value. When grape vines are laid down for winter protection, they never fail to give a plentiful yield. Even European grapes ( vitis vinafera) grow herewith a fair degree of success, — clusters weighing three pounds having been fruited here in the open air. Two hundred miles south they would require to be grown under glass. Our natives are more healthy and rugged. Could our fruit trees receive the same winter protection as grapes, this would be a more successful fruit region. As it is, in sheltered situ- ations with wind breaks, good results are attained and the interest will extend with more care and attention. There are orchards here, sixty years old, still in good bearing condition ; where the bodies of trees are protected by boxing they do much better. Some of the finest apples in the county, and some of the healthiest and thriftiest orchards are found within the city limits of Watertown. Pears are hardly as successful as_ apples, yet do finely. Plums attain great 36 WATER TOWN, N. Y. perfection and should be made a specialty. The country seems suited to them, chiefly on account of our comparative exemption from the depredations of the curculio. Our soil and climate seem especially well adapted to making specialties of grapes and plums. In order to test the comparative excellence of these two fruits, with other sections more celebrated for their production than our own, Mr. D. S. Marvin of this city, a scientific and enthusiastic lover of this branch of industry, and who has done more than any other person to raise the standard of excel- lence in fruit culture in this county, exhibited in 1873 and again in 1875, in competition with other sections at the Cincinnati Exhibi- tion, samples of these fruits grown at Watertown. They received the highest premiums on each occasion, being a high compliment, and indicating what may be done here in this direction. Strawberries and raspberries are likewise cultivated successfully , also currants and gooseberries. They all seem to do well and to be at home in this climate. Figs have also been ripened in the open air at Watertown by Mr. Marvin for the past few years — giving them the same winter protection given to grape vines. The climate is not suited to peaches. There is not sufficient attention paid to the growing of fruits to supply the home demand. Prices are good but the supply is inade- quate. More workers are wanted in this interest. Apples some- times bring one dollar and a half per bushel. The production of butter and cheese absorbs too much attention here to develope prop- erly the fruit interest. The following apples are best adapted to this climate: Golden Russet, Roxbury Russet, Duchess of Oldenburgh, Tallman Sweet, Northern Spy, Ben Davis, Fameuse, 20 Ounce Pip- pin, Red Astrachan, Rawles' Jannet, St. Lawrence, Malinda and Wealthy. The usual garden vegetables find here a congenial climate, and are cultivated at a good profit. The needs of a general seed store for merchandise of this class, has been before alluded to. The interest could be better developed by this means. > M o 1 > 2 o ! c en PI WATER TOWN, N. Y. 37 THE TANNERIES OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. The tanning business of Watertown and vicinity is of an old date, extending far back among the oldest trades in existence here. The first tannery erected in Watertown on an extensive scale, was built by Jason Fairbanks in 1823, and since that date the interest has been an important one to Watertown as well as to this section of the State. Fairbanks' tan yard was upon the site now occupied by S. Pool's residence en State street. The second tannery built by this industrious and enterprising pioneer, was located near Factory Square and continued to do a large business under various managements, until destroyed by fire in 1874. Messrs. Holt and Beecher carried on the tanning business for many years on Beebee's Island near the smaller bridge. This tannery was twice destroyed by fire. In 1844 the extensive tannery now occupied and conducted by Farwell, Hall & Co., located at the lower dam, was built by Messrs. Fisk & Bates. A good business has been carried on here since that year, and much profit has followed the enterprise. In 1837 Messrs. Milton Clark &: George Burr established a tan- nery between Beebee's Island and Factory Square, which was devoted principally to the sheep skin and morocco line. This tan- nery has been in continuous operation and has proved valuable property. It is now conducted by Farwell, Hall & Co. The present tanning business of George Parker & Son was rounded in r854 and was run for nearly twenty years by B. F. Hotchkin &: Son. The tannery is located on Fairbanks street near Factory Square. The last tannery built in Watertown was put up in r868, upon the north side of the river on Sewall's Island, near the upper dam, by Messrs. Millington & Burt, and the tanning of hides and skins was conducted here for many years. It is now operated by Messrs. Gates & Gillett, both practical men, in wool pulling and sheep skin tanning. This tannery is of brick and is considered by the trade as a model of convenience. The tanning interest of this county is extensive, and extends into the neighboring counties of Lewis, Oswego and St. Lawrence. We give below a record showing the tanneries in Jefferson county with 38 WATER TOWN, N. Y. such facts and statistics respecting each one, as may interest inquir- ers in this direction. DOMESTIC HIDES. Farwell, Hall & Co., Watertown, in their two tanneries, tan 3,000 hides and 4,000 skins annually, rough and finished. Sales princi- pally in northern New York, Vermont and Boston. The tanneries run to their full capacity. George Parker & Son, Watertown, tan 500 hides and 6,000 skins annually, rough and finished, and sell principally in northern New York and Boston. The capacity of the tannery is 800 hides and 10,000 skins. The cost of bark in Watertown is $6.50 per cord. G. N. Crosby, Antwerp, tans 800 hides and 3,000 skins annu- ally, sold in the rough in Boston. Capacity, 1,500 hides and 8,000 skins. Cost of bark, $5. Weaver & Son, Adams, tan 200 hides annually, finished as har- ness and upper. Runs to full capacity. Cost of bark, $6. Sold in Boston and home markets. J. S. Lewis, Adams, does a business of like extent. Baldwin & Douglass, Mannsville, tan 800 hides and 4,000 skins, in rough, and sell in Boston. Capacity 1,500 hides and 15,000 skins. Cost of bark, $6. Tuttle & Holcomb, Carthage, tan 2,000 hides and 10,000 skins, finishing in the rough and selling in Boston and home markets. Capacity 2,000 hides, 15,000 skins. Cost of bark $5. V. & J. Cooper, Theresa, tan 1,000 hides and 8,000 skins, finish- ing in the rough and selling in Boston and home markets. Capaci- ty 1,000 hides and 10,000 skins. Cost of bark $5. H. E. Farnham, Philadelphia, tans by the pound for other parties. Capacity 5,000 skins. Cost of bark $5. Hiram Herring, Rodman, tans 500 hides and 10,000 skins, fin- ishing in the rough and selling in Boston. Capacity 500 hides, 15,- 000 skins. Cost of bark $5. Gates & Gillett's tannery, Watertown has a capacity for tanning 1,200 hides and 10,000 skins annually. Cost of bark $6.50. FOREIGN HIDES. C. C. Vebber, Felts Mills, Thos. E. Proctor, Natural Bridge ; E. Brannan and Hoyt and Dickerman, Carthage have sole leather tan- WATER TOWN, N. Y. 39 neries, using foreign hides, and sales are made in New York and Boston. Cost of bark $5. In conclusion it may be said that Watertown being a central point in the localities described offers excellent inducements as a place for the successful carrying on of the industry mentioned. The reciproci- ty treaty with Canada places tanners' stock, hides and skins on the free list, thereby affording the tanner a convenient and well supplied market for purchasing his necessary stock. COTTON AND WOOLEN GOODS. THEIR MANUFACTURE IN WATERTOWN. Reference has already been made in this book ( pages 17 and 18 ) to the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods in Watertown in the early days of its history. It was one of the first and most important of the industries which attracted the attention, and inspired the efforts of capitalists of that period, and was continued with much profit for a long series of years, fire alone at last causing what was hoped to be only a temporary suspension of the business. COTTON. The large cotton factory erected on the river at Factory Square in 1814, by a company formed December 28, 1813 (not 1818, as the types have it on page 17}, stood until April 28, 1869, a period of over half a century, when it was destroyed by fire. During this time it was never idle. Owing to the war with Great Britain which cut off importations of cotton goods, the factory, during the first years of its history enjoyed a high degree of prosperit) . The building was, with the exception of the ship house at Sackets Harbor, the largest in the county. The machinery with which it was stocked was brought from Hudson N. Y. Considering the early period and the disad- vantages under which every branch of trade in this section then labored, from its distance from tide water, the establishment of this 40 WATER TOWN, N. Y. institution was justly considered a great stroke of enterprise. The first company conducted the business five years after which it was under the charge of M." W. Gilbert and John Sigourney. The war had closed and with its close there came a lively importation of cot- ton goods from England which made it more difficult to realize large profits on the goods manufactured here, but the administration of these two gentlemen was remarked for economy and care and the factory was considered one of the sound institutions of Watertown. In 1830, H. D. Sewall succeeded Gilbert and Sigourney, and con- tinued the business for four years, when a new company was organ- ized, as stated, including Thomas Baker as one of its trustees. Mr. Baker is the only living representative of that organization, and his gray hairs may be seen in our Aldermanic Council, still covering a young and clear head. This company conducted the affairs of the manufactory until 1848 in a manner which secured for its mana- gers the good will and the esteem of the community. It was the leading interest then in this section and was regarded as a public benefit in many senses. It was a matter of congratulation among the people, that a business could be conducted so safely so economi- cally and yet so profitably. It was afterwards a matter of sincere regret when it passed into other hands, although the operations of the mill were fairly profitable until its destruction in 1869. During the life of the institution Factory Square was the liveliest point in the city. It may be a matter of interest to state that the bell in the factory was the first one brought into the place. It was one of the trophies captured by General Pike in 1813 at the battle of Toronto, Ont, and was formerly in use on a British man-of-war. WOOLEN. The last woolen factory in the city stood at the upper dam noted on the map, on the south side of the river. The business was estab- lished here and the factory built by a company organized in 1835, Mr. H. D. Sewall being the principal actor. In 1842 the company was changed, and after a few years the building was rented to Elting King & Co., who conducted it in 1859. At this time 150 hands were employed and an extensive and profitable business was carried on. May 6, 1859 the works were entirely destroyed by fire, attended by a great loss of property and some loss of life. WATER TOWN, N. Y. 41 ADVANTAGES. The advantages which may be considered, with a view of the revival of the manufacture of cotton in this city are briefly as follows : i. The value and utility of the water power at this point. Noth- ing superior in this direction can be offered anywhere. We have already given tins subject prominence on preceding pages. 2. The facility ot obtaining building materials for the erection of new buildings. Lumber of the finest quality, brick, lime and stone can be obtained readily and cheaply here. No point excels Water- town in this particular, all these materials being readily obtainable in its immediate vicinity. 3. The population of the city is amply sufficient to supply opera- tives. 4. The transportation of raw cotton from Memphis and other cotton shipping points, to Watertown via. Chicago and the great lakes, secures to Watertown a cheaper rate of freight than can be given eastern cities. Cotton can be landed cheaper in Watertown than it can be in New York city, using the route named. This is a most important consideration and one which largely affects profits. The same arguments may be urged in favor of the establishment here of woolen factories with the additional advantage offered by the peculiar nature of the water of the river which makes it unsurpassed for cleansing woolen goods. This is the decision of men who have been engaged in this branch of industry for many years, and who have given the subject careful thought and the chemical character of the water attentive study.- The rocky bed of the river over which it flows for so many miles imbues it with cleansing properties which are unexcelled anywhere in the United States. The same arguments which induced the first establishment of cot- ton and woolen manufactories in Watertown still hold good. Many of the finest points in the city offer special inducements to manufac- turers in this branch, and we feel confident that attention and inquiry, and if practicable, personal observation will convince even the most critical, that the claims of our river and of our city for favor in' the eyes of enterprising capitalists and manufacturers of these specialties are well founded. There is a sentiment already prevailing in Watertown in favor of the re-establishment here of cotton and woolen manufactories. In 6 42 WATER TOWN, N. Y. 1875 a commodious building on the south side of the river near the upper dam, was put in order and stocked with machinery by A. D. Remington, who already conducts one of our largest paper mills, for the manufacture of cotton yarn. It was projected on a small scale, but additions have been made and more will be. The factory now employs 20 hands and turns out 800 pounds of cotton yarn per day, of excellent quality and at a fair profit. The development of an interest in the manufacture of woolen goods is regarded by this Association as one of great importance and a special committee has been appointed to collect all informa- tion on the subject that may interest inquirers in this direction, and to take all possible means of properly presenting it to the public — answer questions and promote the object set forth. The Committee consist of Charles W. Sloat, D. Van Ostrand and John C. Streeter. THE IRON INTERESTS OF JEFFERSON CO. IRON ORE DEPOSITS. Among the rare prizes awarded in the games which closed the funeral obsequies of Patroclus, Homer enumerates sfender-waisted women and hoary iron. No longer rare iron still remains one of man's most precious pos- sessions. So widely distributed through nature it is difficult to con- ceive the time when its use was not, as to-day, universal, yet archaeologists trace the culture of the race through two long ages in which, successively, implements of stone and bronze were used before this wonderful ductile and tenacious metal received due cognizance. According to the estimate of Buckland, iron constitutes two per cent, of the mineral crust of the earth. All soils, all plants contain it, and it is a necessary element of the blood. It forms the coloring: matter of nearly all the rocks and precious stones, the brownish- yellows, the yellow-browns, the green, brownish-green, olive-green, the red all being due to its presence. While it is thus so universally distributed, through the wise manip- ulations of Nature vast and seemingly inexhaustible beds have been gathered together, subject to the industry of man. WATER TO IVN, N. Y. 43 Among the many problems which modern Geologists are attempt- ing to solve, is the process through which these ore beds are thus segregated. Many of these beds are of great depth and cover large areas of territory. The old theory of igneous origin, of the thrust- ing up of immense masses of iron by volcanic action, fails to account for the present condition of rocks in which these ores are imbedded. Prof. Sterry Hunt says : " I can hardly conceive of an accumula- tion of iron, copper, lead or gold in the production of which animal or vegetable life has not been directly necessary." Wherever iron is diffused in the rocks it exists chiefly in combina- tion with oxygen, the two forming two principal compounds ; the first a protoxide soluble in water containing carbonic or other soluble acids, the second a peroxide insoluble in the same liquid. When a ditch is dug in moist soil, covered with a decaying vegetation, the stagnant water which collects at the bottom soon becomes coated with a shining, iridescent scum which is a compound of the peroxide of iron. Exposed to the air it absorbs oxygen and the peroxide is 'formed which separates as a film on the surface of the water and finally sinks to the bottom as a reddish ochre and under different con- ditions becomes aggregated as a massive iron ore. A process iden- tical in kind with this has been at work at the earth's surface ever since there were decaying organic matters, dissolving the iron from the porous rocks, clays and sands and gathering it together in beds of iron-ore or iron-ochre.* AGE OF THE ANTWERP MINES. These facts, indicate that in the Primordial Era a rank vegetation must have had existence, as the iron ore beds of this Era far exceed in thickness those of later ages. It is only within the last ten years that Geologists have been willing to admit of any organic life exist- ing before the Primary or Silurian Era. The discovery by Profes- sor Dawson of a rhizopod in the Laurentian period, together with layers of graphite, which is carbon, one of the constituents of wood or animal matter, have pushed back through immense lapses of time the dawn of life. Of course this length of time can only be guessed at. Professor Helmholtz has calculated from the rate of cooling lavas that the earth in passing from 2,000° to 200 °F., must have taken three hundred and fifty millions of years. Other writers claim *Hunt's Chemical and Geological Essays. 44 WATER TOWN, N. Y. a period four times this. Haeckel states that the Primordial Era alone occupied as much time as it has taken to build all the succes- sive stratas of the earth. In this light the Antwerp ore mines receive an archaeological as well as an economic interest, since they are located in the Lauren- tian period. These mines lie beneath the Potsdam sandstone in beds of metamorphic rock of gneiss, hornblende, hypersthene and syenite. From the presence of rensselaerite, serpentine, the rounded crystals of quartz and apatite, these rocks have probably experi- enced more than one reformation since they were first deposited. When the remoteness of the Primordial era and the chemical powers of water charged with heat and therefore with alkalies and silica are considered, such changes are not a source of wonder.* The specular oxides of iron — hematites — of which these beds are composed, are among the most valuable mineral deposits of the world. Mines of gold and silver have for a short time produced a greater profit, but none of these have afforded such constant amW long-continued prosperity, and no other metal is so enhanced in price by the valuable qualities imparted to it by labor. A writer in Apple- ton's Cyclopaedia tells us that a bar of iron worth $5, when made into horse-shoes is worth $10.50, in the form of needles $55, in pen- knife blades $3,285, in shirt buttons. $29,480, in balance springs of watches $250,000. THE HEMATITES. With the exception of a few beds of limonite and of magnetic oxide, the iron mines of Jefferson county are of the red hematite order. This name is derived from the Greek word Amatitas, blood- stone. The color is sometimes dark steel-gray or iron-black, but even then, in very thin particles by transmitted light showing a light blood red. Besides the compact varieties it is found columnar, gran- ular, botryoidal and stalactitic in shape. It has a metallic lustre, is opaque, fractures uneven, and is some times attractable by the mag- net. The greater portion of all the iron made in the world is from hematite ores. They work easily in blast furnaces, produce a good yield, and make excellent qualities of iron whether for foundry or forge purposes. Being often deficient in the silicious matters requir- *Dana's Manual, p. 156. WATER TOWN, N. Y. 45 ed to make a glassy cinder, the magnetic oxides, which have com- monly more or less quartz intermixed, are advantageously employed with the hematites in the proportion of one third or one fourth of the whole charge of ore. The hematites are extracted in the form of clear coarse lumps, and in fine ore which is mixed with the associat- ed clay and other foreign matters.* When pure the hematites consist of iron 59, oxygen 26.3, water 14.7. An analysis of the Kearney ore bed, which is but a continua- tion of the Sterling in this County, made by Dr. Lewis C. Beck, re- sulted as follows: Peroxide of iron 96.52, silica, alumnia, &c, 3.48. From a communication kindly furnished us by Mr. D. Minthorn, of this city, we copy the following interesting statement : — "The out- cropping of iron ore nearest Watertovvn is the well known Shurtliff mines in the town of Philadelphia, now extensively worked by Mr. Gere of Geddes, and Mr. Mills of Carthage, both running hot blast furnaces. This mine is situated on the Utica and Black River Rail Road. "From the peculiar formation of contiguous ore beds, we evident- ly have three extensive ranges of specular ore, or red oxide deposits. The more northerly range begins at the Shurtliff mines, outcropping on the Wicks farm, continuing in a north easterly direction, is seen at Wegatchie, comes out boldly at Little Bow Corners, and extends to the vicinity of Cooper's Falls. The middle lobe includes the Dixon, Sterling, Keene's, Caledonia, Parish and Kearney, and ex- tends to the north east to the town of Canton ; while the southerly ranges in the same direction from Little York in Fowler to the Grasse River. "A few miles south east of this range commences the vast depos- its of black oxide or magnetic iron ore, taking in both the northern and southern slopes of the wilderness known as John Brown's Tract. From the summit level near Cranberry Lake it appears in high hills and mountains, and about half way down the northern slope. It has the same appearence at Clifton, rising above the valley some one hundred and fifty feet, presenting an out-crop of about eighty by two hundred yards. "An analysis of this ore by Dr. Torrey gave 67 per centum of metallic iron. Another analysis from ten different openings gave an ^Appleton's Cyclopaedia. 46 WATERTOWN, N. Y. average of 53 per cent. The red oxide or specular ore yields an average fully equalling the above analysis. The theories of science and the facts of practical experience have determined that the best iron is made by mixing magnetic with specular ores. Most of the red oxides are now shipped to distant furnaces for the above pur- pose, it having been discovered that at a red heat the one gains what the other loses in magnetism. "While the Lake Champlain and the Lake Superior ores have been interchanged from Cleveland, Ohio, to Boston, Mass., forming a large item in our commercial statistics of iron, here nature has placed, in inexhaustible quantities, and but few miles apart, not alone the different ores whose mixture produces the finest irons, but im- mense beds of the best alkaline fluxes known. A third factor, en- tering into the manufacture of iron, is fuel. The high price of labor precludes the use of charcoal, but in the immediate region of these ore beds are vast fields of peat. Up to the present time this re- source has been entirely overlooked. Successfully and economical- ly used to manufacture iron in France, Belgium and Wales, no no- tice of its value or investigation of its merits for this purpose, seems to have been put to practical test by the capitalists of this country. A charcoal from peat can be produced for nearly one half the cost of wood charcoal, and if made in connection with a blast furnace, all the bituminous matter can be used m roasting . the ore, which would cause a still further reduction in the price of the charcoal." EARLY MINING. As early as 18 12 "specular iron ore had been wrought in Rossie, but it was not until 1836 that the Sterling mine, three miles north of Antwerp village was discovered. This mine is pronounced by Dr. Beck, in the Mineralogy of the State, as being the most valuable of any in New York. It is however but one of a series of mines, deposited in the same Geological era and contiguous to each other. This series commences in St. Lawrence county with the Caledonia which has been worked about sixty years. Passing into Jefferson county we have the Keene, Sterling and Dixon, which have been worked with more or less activity for fifty-five, forty and thirty years, in the respective order they are named. Though all these mines are in the same range, they are not seemingly connected by veins, but lie in immense and inexhaustible pockets. The ores of WATER TO WN, N. Y. 47 these beds are principally of the compact variety, sometimes in crys- talline plates with a high metallic lustre. Dodechahedral crystals of quartz abound in the ore, and in the sandstone which accompanies it. The rare cocoxenite in radiated tufts of yellow and brownish yellow color is frequently found in crevices of the ore, and carbonate of iron, in well denned crystals abounds. Beautiful capillary crystals of the sulphuret of nickel, in connection with spathic iron also occur THE KEENE MINES. Notwithstanding frequent application to parties who were sup- posed to possess the information sought, we have been unable to obtain statistics regarding the annual amount of ores raised from the different mines. Through the courtesy of Col. Hiram B. Keene of Keene's Station, and Mr. Charles R. Westbrook, Superintendent of the Keene ore bed, we present the amount of ore, in tons, sold dur- ing the last five years: — 1872, 42,000 — 1873, 40,000 — 1874, 24,000 — 1875, t8,ooo. In 1875 one hundred and twenty men were employed in the Keene alone. The present year the force is not so heavy. The above figures are in no way an indication of the capa- bilities of this mine, but simply show the condition of the markets. The Keene has all the appliances for exceeding in tons the amount raised in its busiest years, and only waits for better days to dawn upon the iron interests of the country. So far the Keene has been excavated to the depth of about one hundred and twenty feet. Its ores yield from fifty to fifty-five per cent, of metallic iron, and are shipped to Hudson River, Buffalo, Rochester and Cleveland. THE STERLING AND DIXON. Of these mines our information is simply conjectural, though from the number of men employed, the yield during 1875 was very much less than that of the Keene. As these mines are contiguous and, in chemical analysis, identical with the Keene, the same truths apply to them as to the former. The enlarged demand for ore will bring them into increased activity. Of the SHURTLIFF, WICKS AND FULLER MINES, which constitute one series of deposits, the former alone is worked. The bed at present is controlled by the Geddes Iron Company of which A. J. Belden, of Geddes, N. Y., is President. The ores 48 WATER TOWN, N. Y. mined are shipped to this point, and also to supply the furnace at Carthage. This furnace has just closed a successful run of over five months in which about 15,000 tons of iron were made. When in full running order ten tons per day can be turned out at this furnace. BOG ORES OR LIMONITES. The limonites occur in secondary and more recent deposits, and are now in course of modern formation throughout our lo w marshy lands. They are in all cases the result of alteration in other ores through exposure to moisture, air, and carbonic or organic acids, and are borne by streams from hills and elevated places into low damp grounds or swamps. In compact forms the bog ores occur in stal- actites as well as in -tube rose and other concretionary forms, fre- quently making beds in the rocks which contain the minerals that have been altered into them. In moist places where a sluggish streamlet flows into a marsh or pool, a rust-yellow or brownish-yellow deposit often covers the bot- tom, and an iridescent film the surface of the water. The deposit is a growing bed of marsh ore. The iron is transported in solution as a protoxid carbonate in carbonated waters, a sulphate, or as a salt of an organic acid. Lumps of it weighing five hundred pounds have sometimes been found, but it usually occurs in small irregular shaped pieces, or in the form of shot.* In deposits among vegetable refuse the oxide of iron takes the place of wood fibres, retaining in its more solid material the exact form of the branches of trees, of the small twigs, and even of the leaves with their delicate reticulations. Some- times when a mine has been exhausted, by filling the space with loose earth, leaves and bushes, a new bed has been formed in from seven to ten years. As some difference of opinion among Geologists is held regarding the origin of these beds, we extract the following from the eleventh edition of Lyell's Principals of Geology : — " At the bottom of the peat-mosses there is sometimes found a cake, or ' pan,' as it is termed, of # oxide of iron, and the frequency of bog iron ore is familiar to the mineralogist. The oak, which is often dyed black in peat, owes its color to the same metal. From what source the iron is derived has often been a subject of discussion, until the discoveries of Ehrenbergh seem at length to have removed the difficulty. He *Dana's Mineralogy. b WATERTOWN, N. Y. 49 had observed, in the marshes about Berlin, a substance of a deep ochre yellow passing into red, which covered the bottom of ditches, and which, 'where it had become dry after the evaporation of the water, appeared exactly like oxide of iron. But under the micro- scope it was found to consist of slender articulated threads or plates, partly sihcious and partly ferruginous, of a plant of simple structure, GaUionella ferruginea of the family called Diatomaceae. There can be little doubt, therefore that the bog iron ore consists of an aggre- gate of millions of these organic bodies invisible to the naked eye." The beds of bog ore in this county are of secondary importance compared with those of the red oxide. Near OxBow, in the town of Antwerp, as also near Carthage, in the town of Wilna, they are found ; and, mixed with the red hematites, in former years have been somewhat worked. During the year 1873, the R. W. & O. Railroad shipped 81,509 net tons^of iron ore, produced by the various mines on the line of this road. 50 WATER TOWN, N. Y. RAILWAY ENTERPRISES AND ADVANTAGES. The admirable railroad facilities possessed by Watertown, are the outgrowth of a spirit of enterprise which began early to manifest itself, and which permitted no cessation of earnest work and endeavor until the ultimate objects were accomplished. The first railroad in the country, ( from Albany to Schenectady ), was hardly in full operation, before the people of Jefferson county caught the inspira- tion, and the project of securing an easier and more speedy access to tide water markets was most earnestly discussed. THE FIRST RAILROAD. April 17, 1832, the Legislature passed an act incorporating the Watertown and Rome Railroad, authorizing the construction of a railroad from Rome to Watertown 5 and thence to the river St. Law- rence or Lake Ontario, or both, with a capital of $1,000,000. The commissioners named in the first act for Jefferson county were Henry H. CorTeen, Edmund Kirby, Orville Hungerford and Wil- liam Smith. No active work was done under this act, and it was revived May 10, 1836. George C. Sherman was added to the com- mission, but again nothing definite was accomplished. May 6, 1837, the act was revived and amended, and Clarke Rice was added to the list of commissioners. May 17. 1845 tne act was extended — and $25,000 were required to be expended within two years, and the road to be finished in four years. On the 28th of April, 1847, the former time was extended one, and the latter two years. The capi- tal was increased to $1,500,000. During this time meetings were held at many points along the proposed line of the road, and the public generally aroused to the importance of its construction. A sufficient sum having been sub- scribed to save the charter, a meeting of the stockholders was held at the Court House in Watertown March 21, 1848, and the follow- ing resolution, among others, was adopted : " Resolved, That the directors proceed without delay to the speedy construction of the road. * * * from Rome to Cape Vin- cent." April 24, 1848, Isaac W. Crane of Troy was employed to re-sur- vey the route. The summit was found to be only 190 feet above Rome — t e estimated cost ot superstruction was $6,042.40 per mile, WATERTOWN, N. Y. 51 and the total of grading, bridging and fencing, $442,940.62; and the entire cost of the road including engines, cars, depots, land dam- ages etc., was estimated at $1,250,620. More credit is due the original movers in this work than they ever received, for the untir- ing energy displayed against all opposition in carrying the project to a successful issue. In November 1848, actual work was begun upon the road at Rome, and on Sept. 5, 1851, at 11 o'clock p. m., the first engine reached Watertown amid the cheers and exultations of the multi- tude which had assembled to witness the advent in their midst of the mighty agent which was destined to revolutionize, in so great a degree, the future interests of the village and section. On the 24th of the same month, the completion of the road was formally cele- brated at Watertown by appropriate festivities, which evinced the joy and cordiality with which the citizens of the county welcomed the coming of the iron horse, and the full realization of this long de- layed and long desired improvement. EXTENSIONS AND CONSOLIDATIONS. In April, 1852, the railroad was completed from Watertown to Cape Vincent, twenty-five miles distant. The total length of the completed line was 97^ miles, and its total cost $1,957,992. The road was constructed by Phelps, Barnes and Mattoon of Springfield, Mass. On the 8th of January, 1852, a company was organized to con- struct a railroad from Watertown to North Potsdam (Potsdam Junction) a point on the (now) Vermont Central Railroad, extend- ing east from Ogdensburg to Rouses Point. This road, 76 miles in length, was completed in 1854 and until i860 was known as the Potsdam and Watertown railroad. In the latter year it came into the permanent possession of the Watertown and Rome Railroad Co. The latter company laid a track from DeKalb Junction, a point on the P. & W. R. R., to Ogdensburg, 19 miles distant in 1861-2, and the name of the consolidated road was soon afterward changed, by act of Legislature, to the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg Rail- road Co. In 1866, the Oswego and Rome Railroad, extending from Oswe- go eastward 29 miles to Richland, a point on the R. W. & O. R. R., was completed and leased at once to the last named road. 52 WATER TOWN, N. Y. The Syracuse Northern Railroad, extending north from Syracuse 45 miles to Sandy Creek Junction, a point on the R. W. & O. R. R. , was completed in 1870, and in 1875 was consolidated with the main line and is now under its control. The Lake Ontario Shore Railroad extending west from Oswego to Charlotte (Rochester's port of entry) and now (1876) rapidly ap- proaching completion to its western terminus at Lewiston on the Niagara river (150 miles) was merged into the R. W. & O. R. R. in January 1875, and is now controlled and operated by it. THE R. W. & O. R. R. It will thus be seen that the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg Railroad Co. has now under its control and operates 417 miles of railroad, the combination constituting one of the three most import- ant lines of travel and traffic in the State and one of great value to the people of the northern and western counties. It taps the great mining regions of this section, which it has aided very materially in developing ; traverses one of the finest agricultural portions of the State, accommodates extensive lumber districts, draws largely from Canada on the north, and reaches into the coal regions of Pennsyl- vania. The country through which it passes is thickly settled and prosperous. It serves directly the cities of Watertown, Rome, Og- densburg, Syracuse and Oswego, and a score of thriving villages along its whole line. Since its beginning it has paid in dividends $2, 829,304.55, the first being paid in 1852. The capital stock of the company is $3,147,500. The annual report made to the State Engineer for 1875 gives the tonnage during the year as follows : Products of the forest 77>734 tons. " animals 18,780 " Vegetable food 74, 6 4° " Other Agiicultural Products 1 1,796 " Manufacturers. 47-9 2 7 " Mechandise 3°>3 6 4 " Other Articles 1 1 5>39 2 " Total 37W33 " Of this total there were 45,989 tons of lumber, 7,608 tons of cheese, and 4,169 tons of butter. In 1873 there were 81,509 tons of iron ore transported. The number of passengers carried in 1875 was 564,200. 3d c w H M H O $ hj > en en M o W XI WATER TOWN, N. Y. 53 This excellent showing is in the face of a general depression in trade of all kinds which prevailed in that year. Previous and future figures will show a still better condition of its business. The com- pany builds its own cars, and the road is one of the most perfectly equipped in the country, both as to its facility for handling freight, and the superior quality of passenger cars, giving to the travelling public benefits and luxuries not found elsewhere. It maintains a line of sleeping cars to New York at all times, and the finest draw- ing room cars are put on the line during the summer season. The road is of immense advantage to Watertown, and the Com- pany keeps the interests of the city well protected so far as in its power. It is especially zealous in its favor to the manufacturing interests of this section and displays a liberal spirit in its action. PLEASURE TRAVEL. During the summer season the road maintains a line of steamers from Cape Vincent down the River St. Lawrence, among the Thou- sand Islands to Clayton, Fisher's Landing, and Alexandria Bay. The summer travel in this direction is becoming extensive and these points are popular summer resorts. OFFICERS. The First Superintendent was Orville Hungerford who died before the completion of the road. Mr. H. was also the first President. Following him as Superintendents were Robert Doxtater, Job Colla- mer, Carlos Dutton, Addison Day, Charles C. Case and J. W. Moak, the present officer. He is one of the most thorough railroad men in the country, and his administration since 1869 has given per- fect satisfaction to all interested — company, employees and people. His popularity as a railroad Superintendent is well known. Hon. Wm. C. Pierrepont one of the original workers for the project was President of the road after Mr. Hungerford's death until 187 1 when he withdrew and Marcellus Massey of New York, formerly an enterprising citizen of Watertown, was chosen. His ability and efficiency are plainly discernible in his excellent management of the road and its extended combinations. Other officers are as follows : — T. H. Camp, Vice-President; J. A. Lawyer, Treasurer ; H. T. Frary, General Ticket Agent; E. M. Moore, Assistant Superintendent and General Freight Agent, all of Watertown. The directors are Marcellus Massey, Moses Taylor, 54 WATERTOWN, N. Y. Samuel Sloan, C. Zabriskie, Wm. E. Dodge, John T. Denny, all of New York, G. Colby, J. S. Farlow, of Boston, T. H. Camp, Water- town, S. D. Hungerford, Adams, Wm. C. Pierrepont, Pierrepont Manor, Wm. M. White, Canaseraga, Theo. Irwin, Oswego. The general offices are located at Watertown, where the road also has extensive workshops, giving employment to over ioo men. The road gives employment, on its whole line, to about 1,200 men. The excellent management of the road is displayed in the fact that there never has been a fatal accident upon the line through any carelessness of officers or employees. The equipment of the road consists of 55 locomotives, 50 passen- ger coaches, 24 baggage and express, 1,195 freight cars of all kinds. CONNECTIONS. The Rome Watertown and Ogdensburg Railroad, as now operated, with all its combinations, offers advantages and facilities for ship- pers which are unsurpassed. It reaches the New York Central Railroad at two important points, Rome and Syracuse. At the former city extensive docks have been constructed on the Erie Canal. It has two termini on the St. Lawrence river, Cape Vincent and Ogdensburg, at both of which points it owns superior and well arranged docks and has close ferry connections with Kingston and Prescott. The former is the southern terminus of the Kingston and Pembroke railroad, which, when completed, will bring from one of the finest lumber regions of the continent the production of that section. Prescott is the southern terminus of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa R. R. from which vast quantities of freight are received. It touches three important points on Lake Ontario, viz : — The city of Oswego, noted for its flourishing grain trade, Charlotte, near Roch- ester, and Lewiston on the Niagara river. At Oswego the road owns valuable dock privileges. Here is also a bridge across the Oswego river, completed April 6, 1876. The completion of this bridge with the opening of the road to Suspension Bridge, June 12, 1876, and the completion of the few remaining miles of the Portland and Ogdensburg railroad, will open a direct line from Portland to San Francisco, accommodating with immense advantages a large and productive territory in the northern part of the Union heretofore un- supplied and not wholly developed. The future of this section glows with brilliant prospects in view of all these considerations, and Watertown must reap her share of the benefits to be received. WATERTOWN, N. Y. 55 THE UTICA & BLACK RIVER R. R. The opening of this road to Watertown in 1873, gave the city an additional outlet to the east, which added the advantage of compe- tition to our already extensive railroad facilities. The original com- pany was formed in 1853, with a capital of $1,000,000, and the construction of the road began in June, 1853, at Utica. It was completed to Boonville, Oneida county, 35 miles, in 1855. The original plan was to construct a railroad to Clayton, Morristown and Ogdensburg, on the St. Lawrence river, but this was not immediately carried out. In 1868 the line was completed and put in operation from Boonville to Lowville, Lewis county, 24 miles. In 1872 the line was extended to Carthage, 16 miles. While the last division was being constructed, a company was organized at Watertown, under the title of the Carthage, Watertown and Sackets Harbor Railroad, and a road constructed in 1872 from Watertown to Carthage, 18 miles, which was completed about the time the U. & B. R. R. Co. completed its track to the same point. Upon the completion of the road from Watertown to Carthage, it was leased to the U. & B. R. R. Co. In 1873 the latter road ex- tended its track to Clayton (34 miles from Carthage) and in 1874 the C. W. &: S. H. R. R. Co. completed a road from Watertown to Sackets Harbor, 12 miles, which was in the same year leased to the main line. In 1875 a track was laid from Theresa Junction (between Carthage and Clayton) to Morristown, 31 miles, opposite Brockville, Ontario. The total length of the road, including its branches, is 169 miles. It passes near the Shurtliff iron ore bed, and through a thickly settled and prosperous section. In 1875 its tonnage was as follows. Products of Forest 14,802 Tons. Animals . _ - - 9,533 " Vegetable Food - - 1 1,939 " Other agricultural products . 1 1,840 " Manufactures 22,216 " Merchandise _ 1 2,288 " Other articles ._ 22,456 * Total ...105,074 Tons. m WATER TOWN, N. Y. This showing compares very favorably with results of former years, although lessened by the general depression felt in trade every- where. The number of passengers carried in 1875 was 245,847. OFFICERS. The management of the road is economical and safe, and good dividends are regularly paid. The present officers of the road are as follows : — Dewitt C. West, of Lowville, President; John Thorn, Vice- President ; Isaac Maynard, Treasurer; W. E. Hopkins, Secretary; J. F. Maynard, General Superintendent; Theodore Butterfield, General Ticket Agent; Charles Hackett, General Freight Agent. The offices of the company are located at Utica, Mr. West, its Pres- ident, is one of the most stiring and energetic men connected with it, and his administration is satisfactory to all concerned. Mr. Mayn- ard, although the youngest railroad Superintendent in the country, displays qualities which eminently fit him for the position and make him popular wherever known. The directors of the road are as fol- lows : — James Sayre, T. S. Faxton, E. A. Graham, I. Maynard, R . Wheeler, John Thorn, William J. Bacon, L. Lawrence, A. J. Wil- liams, A. G. Brower, all of Utica, D. C. West, Lowville, D. B. Goodwin, Waterville, and R. L. Kennedy, New York. ITS CONNECTIONS. At Utica it connects with the New York Central railroad, the Midland railroad, Utica, Clinton and Binghamton railroad, and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, giving direct communication with the coal fields of Pennsylvania. Its two termini on the St. Lawrence river, Clayton and Morristown, give it facilities for accom- modating a large Canadian trade from Gananoque and Brockville. These points are located on the Grand Trunk railway of Canada, and Brockville is the terminus of the Brockville and Ottawa Rail- road and also of the Rideau Canal, both extending through exten- sive lumber districts. At Sackets Harbor, on Lake Ontario, the road possesses advantages for the transhipment of grain and lumber from the west. At all the northern termini it has excellent shipping advantages. At Carthage the Black River Canal ends, extending thither from Utica. Map of Watertown in 1804. Engraved from the original Map, drawn by Dyer Huntington, and now owned by E, S. Massey, Esq., of Watertown. I. House built by Judge Coffeen. X. House occupied by Judge Coffeen. J * " Isaiah Massev. 4. Aaron Keyes' dwelling-house. |« . 4 , " cooper-shop. 6. Israel Thornton's log-cabin. 7. Jonathan Cowan's log-cabin. 8. A frame, roof covered, designed for a store Amasa Fox. 9- A frame, rough boarded, and occupied Aaron Bacon. r 10. Hart Massey's frame-house. 11. Log-house and hat-shop of P. Wells 12. Barn of H. Massey. IJ. Log-house occupied by Medad Canfield. 14. Log-house occupied by Joel Goodale. 15. Barn. 16. Barn. 17. Frame of the old White Tavern. 18. Jonathan Cowan's saw-mill. 19. Foundations of a house by I. Walt. 20. Isaac Cutter's distillery. 21. H. Masjey's wood-shed, used by N. Ha. ens. 12. Spring. 23. School-house— finished in 1805. A. Road to Adams. B. " " Brownville. C- " H Champion. S.H. " *• Sackefs Harbor. WATERTOWN. N. Y. Its appearance in 1S04 — The Village Government — Fire and Pluck— WATER- TOWN IN 1876; As a City— Its Past and Present City Government— Popula- tion— Its General Appearance and Characteristics— Wiiat Industry has done —Its Public Buildings— Public Schools— Water Works— Fire Department- Banking Institutions— Insurance Companies— Churches— Hotels— Newspapers Civic Societies — Healthfulness — Caves — Cemeteries — MANUFACTORIES, &C.,— What Others Say of Us. THE ILLUSTRATIONS. If the excellent illustrations contained in this pamphlet did not in a great degree speak for themselves, we should call particular atten- tion to them. While they do not represent all, they illustrate most of the finest buildings and manufactories of our city, and give to a stranger an excellent but not a perfect idea of the value and extent of our architectural attractions. The expense attending the produc- tion of the engravings and illustrations has been in a great measure borne by the owners of the buildings represented. The remainder have been furnished by the Association. The larger portion of the illustrative work shown herein, is repre- resented by " Osborne's process " of photo-lithographing, furnished by the American Photo-Lithographic Co., of New York, a company which we cordially commend to the public, not only for the superior character of its work, but because it is fair and reasonable in its charges, courteous in its treatment, and obliging and patient with its patrons. Most of the photographic views from which the illustrations were drawn, have been furnished by Charles S. Hart of Watertown, whose artistic work is unsurpassed for excellence and finish. He and his assistants have aided very materially in rendering this por- tion of the pamphlet presentable and attractive. Most of the maps and illustrations of buildings presented are alluded to and described in other portions of this work, as well as the views of Watertown in 1804 and in 1873. 8 58 WATER TOWN, N. Y. FRONTISPIECE. The illustration on the second page presents Black River Falls and Suspension Bridge, representing one of the liveliest points on our busy river. These falls extend from Beebee's Island to the north shore of the river, over one hundred feet, and are, in their full glory over forty feet in height. For several rods along the north shore extends a powerful flume, furnishing an abundance of water power to the several manufactories situated at that point. The suspension bridge is 120 feet long, 20 feet .wide, and is one of the finest structures of the kind in Northern New York. It is strong and durable in every respect and has sustained without injury every pressure that has been brought to bear upon it. The first bridge erected at this point was erected in 1836 by Philo C. Moulton. It was a wooden structure and was rebuilt in 1853. WATERTOWN IN 1S04. We give elsewhere, an illustration showing Watertown as it was in 1804 with a corresponding chart naming each structure which then comprised the little hamlet. There is probably no person living who remembers the spot as it then existed, and but for the chart which was drawn in 1804, all historic trace would have been removed. The picture can best be appreciated by comparing it with the repre- sentation of Watertown in 1873, given on another page. The lesson which it teaches of change, improvement, and progress is important, if we look to the future, and estimate the progress of the next half century by the past. The mill shown, located near Beebee's Island is put down as " Cowan's saw mill." Mr. Hough in his history alludes to it as a " grist mill." The map was doubtless correct. THE VILLAGE GOVERNMENT. Watertown became an incorporated village April 5, 18 16. The act of incorporation provided for the election of five trustees, one for each ward, in whom was vested the usual powers of similar cor- porations. These extended to the formation of a fire department, the construction of water works, regulation of streets, &c. On the first Monday in May of the same year, the first village election was held, at which Timothy Burr was chosen President. March 22, WATER TOWN, N. Y. 1832, the village trustees were empowered by an act of the Legisla- ture to borrow not to exceed $2,000, to improve the fire department. An act was passed April 16, 1835, authorizing the erection of a market. April 16, 1852, the boundaries of the village were extended and two wards added, making seven in all. The officers consisted of President, three Assessors, Clerk, Treasurer, Collector and two police constables. Elections were held on the first Monday in March. Following is a list of Presidents during the existence of the village : 1 81 6, Timothy Burr; 1S17, Isaac Lee; 181 8, Orren Stone; 18 19, William Smith; 1820, Egbert Ten Eyek; 1821, Olney Pearce; 1822, David W. Bucklin ; 1823-4, Orville Hungerford ; 1825-6, Olney Pearce; 1827-31, Norris M. Woodruff; 1832, Jason Fair- banks; 1833-5, O. Hungerford ; 1836, Jason Fairbanks; 1837-8, Dyer Huntington ; 1839, David D. Otis ; 1840, George C. Sherman , 184 1, William Wood; 1842-3, William H. Robinson; 1844, Ben- jamin Cory; 1845, D. Huntington; 1846, Orville Brain ard ; 1847; Stephen Boon; 1848, Peter S. Howk ; 1849-50, D. D. Otis; 1851, Joshua Moore; 1852, K. Hannahs; 1853-4, Joseph Mullin ; 1855, Randolph Barnes; 1856-58, Henry H. Babcock ; 1859, Ambrose W. Clark; 1860-3, Henry H. Babcock; 1864-5, John M. Carpenter; 1866, George A. Bagley ; 1867, Wilbur F. Porter; 1868, Lysander H. Brown; 1869, Edmund B. Wynn. FIRE AND PLUCK. Like all cities, Watertown has shared her portion of devastation by fire in years past. Since the completion of her powerful water works in 1853, however, and their enlargement in 1873, the fire fiend has slumbered in comparative quiet beyond the ordinary demands of careless people, and she has not been purified by its stern demands. Hardly a fire has been allowed to extend itself beyond the building in which it originated. The most disastrous fire which ever visited the place was May 13, 1849, which swept over a considerable section of the business portion of the village, destroying an immense amount of property. The American hotel, Paddock's Building, Iron Block and all the build- ings on both sides of Court street, for nearly an eighth of a mile were swept away, including three printing offices, thirty extensive stores, three banks, post office, the Episcopal Church, and many dwelling houses. 60 WATER TOWN, N. Y. In less enterprising towns this disaster would have been fatal to progress and prosperity. But with Watertown, her energies sprang forth anew as soon as the blow was struck, and it was a signal for greater effort and further improvement. Some of the finest business blocks in the State now adorn the once devastated district. Mr. Hough's comments in his history of 1854, were as follows : — " This was by far the most disastrous fire that ever occurred in the county, and nothing more fully proves the enterprise of the place, than the quickness with which it recovered from the disaster. While the flames were still raging, preparations for re-building were made, by purchasing materials, and laborers were seen pulling the bricks still hot, from the smouldering ruins, and laying the foundations of new and larger buildings on the site of those destroyed. The sites of the burned buildings were in many instances sold for a greater sum than the same with the buildings on them would have previ- ously brought. During the ensuing summer the village exhibited an industry among masons and carpenters which had never been equalled, and the external appearance of the village has been greatly improved. The place recovered with an elastic energy character- istic of a progressive age and people." AS A CITY. With a population of about 9,000 the village aspired to become a city. Its aspirations were realized May 8, 1869, when a city charter was obtained. On the 15th of June, of the same year, the first city government assumed control of the new made municipality. This government is vested in a Mayor, and two Aldermen from each of the four wards of the city. The Mayor, and one Alderman from each ward, are chosen on the third Tuesday of December of each year. Following is a list of its city officers to the present date : Mayor — 1869-70-71, G. W. Flower; 1872, Gilderoy Lord; 1873-4, W. F. Porter; 1875, Bradley Winslow ; 1876, Levi H. Brown. Recorder — 1869 to 1876, Laban H. Ainsworth. City Clerk — 1869-70, Edward M. Gates; 1871, A. D. Seaver. Treasurer — 1869-70, Louis C. Greenleaf; 187 1, J. A. Quencer. Chamberlain* — 1872, George Smith; 1873-4-5, Byron D. Adsit; 1876, Charles A. Settle. *The office of Chamberlain lias, since 1872, combined the offices of Clerk ana Treasurer. *\ t* ! **" v ' 1 * ! * • ' r '~ .'*%_* *£'\ \ -_ iJVie //afetfat ■/fj/ lat//f// //f// three stories high, and basement. The walls are brick, with a handsome marble front sur- mounted by a figure of" Ceres." It was erected by John W. Griffin. It is occupied by the Agricultural and Watertown Fire Insurance Companies. The Doolittle & Hall Block is situated on Public Square a short distance east of the Woodruff House, and presents a fine 68 WATER TOWN, N. Y. appearance. It was built in 187 1 by L. D. Doolittle and R. H. Hall. It is of brick, three stories high, and presents a front of 90 feet. Gas and waterpipe extend throughout the building. Its first floor contains five stores, its second floor is devoted to offices, and its third floor to offices and a hall. The building is now owned by R. H. Hall. (See illustration.) The Van Namee Block is one of the most prominent of the pri- vate business blocks in the city. It is of brick, four stories high, and was built in 1873 by Richard Van Namee, one of the most practi- cal business men in the community. Its first floor is occupied by Van Namee Brothers pharmacy, the remainder being used for offices etc. (See illustration.) The Streeter Block is located at the corner of Public Square and Mill street and fronts on each about 90 feet. It is three stories 'high besides basement and attic. There are seven stores in the building, built in 1843 by different parties. They are now owned by N. W. Streeter, one of the early citizens of the county. It is a handsome and busy block. (See illustration.) The Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg R. R. Depot, situ- ated in the rear of the Woodruff House is a tasty structure of brick consisting of two divisions. The three story part is 48x54 feet and the two story, 2 7x68 feet. It is heated by steam and handsomely furnished throughout. The offices of the road are located in the building. (See illustration.) The Paddock Buildings on the west side of Public Square, adjoining the American Hotel, were erected in 1849 b Y L - Paddock. They are devoted to stores, law offices, &c. One of the best and most convenient and attractive Arcades in the State extends through this building to Arcade street containing the post office and a score of stores and offices. The building is of brick and four stories high. (See illustration.) Scripture & Clark's Carriage Repository on Arsenal street was erected in 1876. It is one of the tastiest of the smaller blocks in town. It is built of wood, covered with iron, and is three stories high. (See illustration.) The Iron Block on the north side of Public Square, west of the Woodruff House, is a fine brick structure four stories high. It is one of the most sightly blocks in the city. I I 1 WATER TOWN, N. Y. 69 V. S. Hubbard's Block at the corner of Public Square and Franklin street, is one of the best private business blocks in the city. (See illustration.) The Fairbanks Block is a triangular structure situated on Arsenal and Court streets. It is of brick, four stories high, built by- Jason Fairbanks. Adjoining the Paddock Buildings on the south, are four imposing business blocks, including Masonic Hall. Union Bank is located in one of these buildings, and the National Bank and Loan Co., occupies and owns the corner on the south. Adjoining the Iron Block on the west, is the Merchants' Bank building; the SarTord and Hayes blocks extending north on Court street. Several other fine blocks are located on Court street. Mechanics' Hall, erected by Hon. N. Winslow, and Carpen- ter's block are located on Factory street. The Jefferson County Orphan Asylum on Franklin street, is a taste- ful structure of brick, and surrounded by a pleasant grove. About 30 orphans are here cared for and taught. The institution is ably managed and more than maintains itself. The Jefferson County Poor House and Insane Asylum is pleas- antly located on Main street, just outside the city limits, on the bank of Black River. The buildings are large and commodious, built of stone and brick, and stand near a handsome grove. Connected with this institution is a productive farm, managed in the interest of the county. 70 WATER TOWN, N. V. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Comparison will prove that the public school system of Water- town, justly ranks among the best in the State, and is worthy to be classed among our attractions. The system has proved itself adapted to the wants of the people and the demands of the times. The city is liberal in its appropriations for its maintenance and pro- gress, and the citizens are becoming thoroughly interested in their educational rights and privileges. The system now embraces a high school with inferior grades and competent teachers and diligent pupils have contributed to its present high standard of excellence. The history of its development is instructive and interesting. THE FIRST SCHOOL. In the year 1802, Miss Sally Coffeen, a daughter of the pioneer Henry Coffeen, gathered about her the few children there were in the settlement, and founded the first school in an unoccupied barn where now stands the " Despatch " block on Arcade street. Her sister, Heiress Coffeen, shortly afterward obtained more comfortable quarters, in a log house on Washington street where she taught until 1804, when THE FIRST SCHOOL DISTRICT in Jefferson County was organized, then embracing the whole town of Watertown. Immediately thereafter a small frame building was erected on the crest of a steep hill where the Universalist Church now stands. It was a primitive school house indeed, both inside and out, giving the least possible comfort to the greatest number. It was elevated about four feet from the ground, and underpinned by logs set on end. Inside, the pupils enjoyed the luxury of sitting on a pine board extending around the room, while the teacher occupied the spacious " amphitheater." The first teacher was a Mr. Mc Gregor, a native of Scotland, and after him came a " missionary " named Leavenworth. He was succeeded by Roswell Babbitt, and he by a Mr. Laidlow. The next incumbent was an eccentric indi- vidual named Jeremiah Bishop. He became involved in debt, and his creditors placed him on the "jail limits," refusing to imprison him, that the best interests of the community might not suffer. He was a man of science withal, and devised means for exterminating 72 WATER TOWN, N. Y. noxious weeds from Public Square. Noticing the walks overgrown with thistles, and having a strong aversion to the sickle, he sprinkled them with salt to give them a better relish to the cows and sheep which roamed at large on the common. Contrary to his expecta- tion, the result was not a success, but he claimed that time alone would demonstrate the value of his idea. After Bishop came Cowan and Everett, the latter of whom continued until 1816. The first court ever held in the county was .held in this school house in 1807, when justice suffered fewer wrongs than in the present day. IMPROVEMENT. In 1816 the village was incorporated and divided into two school districts separated by Washington street. The following year a plain one story brick building was erected at the corner of Arsenal and Massey streets,. and used for school purposes for the western district. The site is now occupied by the spacious " Arsenal street school " building. At the same time the brick Academy, which was erected as a Seminary in 181 1, on the site now occupied by the First Pres- byterian Church, and which during the war of 181 2 was occupied at times as a hospital, was refitted for the eastern school district. In 181 7, Hon. Avery Skinner, then a young man of twenty years, filled very acceptably the position of teacher in this school. He was afterwards employed in the Arsenal street school, and subsequently for several years taught a private school near the Washington Hall block. Mr. D. G. Griffin, Superintendent of schools for many years, in a a history of the schools of Watertown, from which we have quoted largely above, speaks of Mr. S. as follows: " He was no less dis- tinguished as an efficient teacher, than he was in later years as an upright and worthy legislator." He rode horseback from New Hamp- shire in 18 16 to settle in Watertown, where he remained seven years. He is now living in Oswego county, in his 80th year, cheered and comforted by the consciousness of an honorable life well spent, and by pleasant memories of Watertown friends and associations. In 1S20, further school districts were added, and a building refitted on Factory street for school purposes. A brick school house was erected on the same street soon after, and occupied until 1852, when the present Lamon street school building was erected. The brick Academy was sold to the Presbyterian society, a school being PADDOCK BUILDINGS. AM.PHOTOUTttK'AP'irc CaVY CSSC.fves "RCC€S^ WATER TOWN, N. Y. i continued in the upper story until 1823, when a building was erected where Grace church now stands and which was used until 1868. After the sale of the brick Academy, in 1820, the building was taken down in 1823 and the material used in the erection of the Watertown Female Academy on Clinton Street, which from 1828 to 1837 was held in high repute. In the year 1832 an Academy was built on Academy street for the purpose of giving advantages for the higher education of young men. Its promoters were Micah Sterling, Egbert Ten Eyck, O. Hungerford, J. Fairbanks, L. Paddock, N. M. Woodruff, H. D. Sewall, Thomas Baker, R. Goodale, William Smith, J. Butterfield, Joseph Goodale, Joseph Kimball, G. S. Boardman and John Saf- ford. This Academy was opened September 19, 1832, under the principalship of L. P. Thompson. He was succeeded by Samuel Belding and he by Hon. Joseph Mullin, now one of the honored Judges of the Supreme Court, and still a resident of this city with whose progress and prosperity he has been and is largely identified. In 1836 a movement was inaugurated by the Watertown Presby- tery and the Black River Association, which latter body had charge of the Academy, to establish an educational institution of a higher order than any yet proposed, and in 1838 the " Black River Liter- ary and Religious Institute" was erected at a cost of $6,500. The corner stone was laid June 5, 1838, with appropriate ceremonies, in the presence of a large audience, among whom was Governor Marcy. February 23, 1846, its name was changed to the " Jeffer- son County Institute," under which title it existed until 1865 when it was leased for a High School to the Board of Education which was incorporated in 1864. A handsome illustration of this building, located at the corner of State and Mechanic streets is presented in connection with this article. The present school establishment of the city may be described as follows : 10 74 WATER TOWN, N. Y. Of what No. Size of Name of School. When imilt.— Size or Value of Teachers' school No. of built, 1838 of building. sitt's. property. Salaries. lot. Tea'rs. High School... Brick 2 story. 230 $17. 750 57 $5,500 L32X866 6 Arsenal street... 1S56 " " 610 13,900 00 3,38 i 88x194 9 Lamon street 1853 (1 M 440 21,000 00 3,600 L32X204 10 Academv street. 1831 Stone, " 230 C.snc, no 1,380 132x288 4 Mullin street 1S67 Brick, u 224 6,8T6 00 1,260 105x198 4 Cooper street — 1868 " 1 story 140 3,500 00 980 141x198 3 Boon street... . 1874 u 2 " 200 15,500 00 1,540 COX 107 5 Bradley street... 1884 Stone, l story 75 (525 00 800 00x104 1 Factory street... 1823 U H 05 675 00 300 36x75 1 The following figures will give an idea of the extent of our school population and school expenses so far as obtainable, since 1865: For the fiscal year ending July 1. L866, 1867. L86S. ' " L869. « " 1870. 1871. 1S72. 1873. ' " 1874. 1875. 1870. Estimated, NO. Of School Number Tea'rs. population enrolled. 24 24 2,186 1,001 25 2,893 1,903 32 2.994 2,035 35 2,934 8,096 38 3,004 2,126 39 2,921 2,004 40 3,011 1,995 43 3,031 2,038 43 1 3,050 2,000* Expenditures for schools. $ 9,908 41 14.750 14 20.4 lit 12 16,594 15 19,658 41 25,275 45 30,156 49 28,475 71 32,934 05 36,996 85 28,000 00* LIBRARY. An excellent and well selected library is connected with the pub- lic schools of our city. It numbers 3,200 volumes and additions are being continually made. It is open to the public as well as to the schools free of expense, and is used to excellent advantage. As our people come to understand the salutary workings of the public school system of the city, they feel a just pride in it, and are awaking to the belief that it is not excelled anywhere for efficiency and usefulness. It is presided over by a trusty and capable corps of teachers nowhere excelled for ability and discipline. The High School offers special advantages in thorough educational training and its graduates are at the present time honored members of the following higher institutions : Yale, Trinity, Dartmouth, Hamilton, Tufts and Amherst colleges, and Syracuse, Cornell, Wesleyan, Brown and Michigan universities. A movement is now proposed looking toward the establishment of a thorough course of commercial education, which is designed to WATERTOWN, N. Y. educate young men in business matters and to fit them thoroughly for the duties of a business life. BOARD OF EDUCATION. The general charge of the schools of our city is vested in a Board of Education which consists of eleven members, three of whom are chosen in June of each year, for three years, and two of whom are appointed by the trustees of the " Jefferson County Insti- tute." The following comprises the Board of Education for 1875-6 : B. Brockway, President; John Lansing, Isaac A. Graves, Hannibal Smith, Solon B. Hart, William W. Taggart, William S. Carlisle, Henry H. Smith, C. R. Skinner, E. Q. Sewall, S. C. Knickerbocker. Mr. A. K. Beal is Superintendent of Schools, and Prof. W. K. Wickes, Principal of the High School. WATERTOWN WATER WORKS. As eaily as May 22, 182 1, a plan for supplying the village with water was discussed, and action was taken towards the erection of reservoirs, but the measures were not carried out. June 14, 1828, the sum of $50 was appropriated by the trustees for the purpose of boring for water on Factory Square. At the annual meeting in 1829 the proceeds of licenses in the First Ward were applied towards procuring water for the village. May 21, 1829, the sum of $200 was voted for the purpose of boring for water, and in pursuance of this object, an artesian well was commenced on Public Square. After it had been sunk many feet a steel drill was maliciously dropped into it thereby stopping the work. In 1829, an association was formed for boring for water on Factory Square. A hole 2}4 inches in diameter was drilled to the depth of 127 feet when water was obtained, and having been tubed discharged for many years until about i860, a copious volume of water slightly charged with sulphur and iron. On Sewall's Island a similar well was bored into the rock which at So feet discharged water and an inflammable gas, but being drilled deeper these both were lost. April 10, 1826, the Watertown Water Company was incorporated, but nothing definite resulted and a similar result followed the incor- poration of the Watertown Waterworks. April 11, 1845. But in 1853 (March 22), L. Paddock, G. C. Sherman, I. H. Fisk and H. 76 WATER TOWN, N. Y. Cooper were incorporated as the Water Commissioners of the village of Watertown. These citizens gave a joint bond of $60,000 and were empowered to borrow on the ciedit of the village $50,000 for a term of 30 years. Soon after their appointment, the Commissioners contracted with J. C. Wells for the construction of a pump house and reservoir, the latter to be 150x250 feet at the water line and 12 feet deep, properly made with two center walls for filtering. The reservoir was located about a mile southeast of the village on a lot of six acres, upon the brow of the limestone ridge, 180 feet above the village, and was given a capacity of two million gallons. The site of the reservoir is beautiful and commanding and presents to the eye the finest view obtainable of the city and the surrounding country. On the 23d of November 1853, the water works were completed and water for the first time was pumped into the reservoir, and let into pipes communicating with residences and fire hydrants. An experiment then made showed that water could be thrown 120 feet perpendicularly. No serious fires have devastated the city since the completion of the reservoir, but the growth of the city, and the increasing demands of its people, led the Water Commissioners in 187 1 to construct still another reservoir. This was located by the side of the former and was completed in 1873. Its dimensions are 250x200 feet and its capacity four and a half million gallons. The water is distributed to residences and 100 fire hydrants throughout the city by 16 miles of water mains and pipes. The following constitute the Board of Water Commissioners for 1876: Richard Van Namee, President; Charles A. Sherman, Secre- tary ; John F. Moffett, John C. Knowlton, C. A. Holden. Parson T. Hines is Superintendent and N. P. Wardwell, Clerk. 1 - - -'"A A VAN NAMEE BROTHERS PHARMACY. AM. PMOHhJTMoaMmc earn ouomti '/mass. i WATER TOWN, N. Y. 77 WATERTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENT. ITS HISTORY AND PRESENT CONDITION. Watertown has just reason to feel proud of, and confidence in her lire department, and we feel disposed to enumerate it among her attractions. It is certainly a just claim that no other city of its size can boast a more effective fire organization, while it is equally true that many cities containing five times her population cannot surpass, even if they equal her. The original charter incorporating the village of Watertown, pro- vided for the election of five fire wardens, each of whom was supplied with four ladders. Each owner or occupant of any building was obliged to furnish one or two buckets, according to the size of the structure, and to have them properly marked, and kept in a conven- ient place for use. It was also " ordained " that on an alarm or cry of fire, every male inhabitant of 15 years and upward should repair to the place of the fire " forthwith " and put himself under the direction of the fire wardens. A fine of + 1 was imposed for " disobeying orders." Each warden was furnished with a white staff seven feet long by which to " distinguish " himself. The first fire company was organized May 28, 181 7, and on Sep- tember 27 following, at a meeting of the " freeholders " the sum of $200 was voted toward the purchase of a first class fire engine. The " Cataract " was purchased soon afterward. The same meeting authorized the formation of a Hook and Ladder Company, and William Smith was its first captain. August 6, 1832, the second engine company was formed and attached to the fire engine belong- ing to the Jefferson Cotton Mills. This company was Xo. 1, and the one previously organized, Cataract Co. Xo. 2; Dyer Hunting- ton was chosen Chief Engineer, and Adriel Ely Assistant. In April, 1835, Xeptune Engine Co. No. 3, was formed with the first brake engine used in town. In 1837 this company became Xo. 1. In 1842 a company was organized to take charge of the engine form- erly belonging to Xo. 1. This company disbanded in 1845 and the same year a new engine having been purchased, a new company was formed and called Jefferson Hose X'o. 3. Cataract Co. X'o. 2 was disbanded about this time, its engine having been damaged. In June 1848 a new engine was purchased for X'o. 1, and in July 78 WATER TOWN, N. Y. of the same year Central Hose Co. No. 2, was organized, taking the old " machine " of No. 1, which was called " Rough and Ready," and which was stored in barns or sheds as place could be found. These companies exist under the same names to-day, and are doing excellent service as our fire record proves. On the 10th of April 1850 the fire department was chartered by act of Legislature, and the status of the active branch of the department, January 1, 1876, was as follows : Name of Company. Organized. Membership. Present Foreman. Neptune Engine and Hose Co. No. 1, April, 1835 44 Wm. O. Baker. Central Steamer and Hose Co. No. 2, July 1S4S 53 J. Chase, Jr. Jefferson Hose Co. No. 3 1S45. 52 G. H. Babcock. John Hancock H. and L. Co. Nol... June 10, 1S17 43 ....W. W. Starkweather. There were also four companies of " exempt firemen," with a total membership of 171. Neptune Company occupies a substantial brick building on Factory street, and Central Company a similar building on Goodale street. The last two occupy Firemen's Hall on Stone street built by the village in 1854. The other buildings are owned by the department. The city pays the regular expenses of the organiza- tion including rent, &c. January 11, 185 1, the department was in debt 56 cents. It has now an ample fund on hand, received chiefly from taxes on insurance companies outside the State, doing business here, for the support of disabled firemen. It has also erected two engine houses, and February 8, 1875, by resolution of its directors decided to purchase a first class steam engine for especial use along the river, at important manufacturing points not easily reached by fire hydrants. A Silsby rotary engine, one of the best in the world, was purchased for $4,000. It has already done effective service, and demonstrated its superiority. The city, the same summer placed in the Court House tower, a fire alarm bell weighing 4,000 pounds. No further facts are needed to demon- strate that Watertown is well protected against large or dangerous fires, especially when it is remembered that the reservoirs described elsewhere furnish at all times a plentiful supply of water for fire pur- poses by means of one hundred fire hydrants placed at convenient points about the city. Following is a list of Chief Engineers of the department since its formation: — 1832 to '37, Dyer Huntington; 1838, Asher N. Corss ; 1839, W. H. Robinson; 1839 to '48, (records destroyed); 184810 WATER TOWN, N. Y. 79 to '51, N. M. Woodruff; 1852-3, N. Farnham ; 1854 to '65, Fred Emerson; 1866-7, S. B. Hart; 1868-69, T. C. Chittenden; 1870-71, G. L. Davis; 1872-3, J. M. Carpenter; 1874-5, W. S. Carlisle; 1876, R. L. Utley. Following are the officers of the department for 1876 : — Chiet Engineer, Robert L. Utley ; 1st Assistant, Henry A. Smith; 2nd Assistant, John E. Bergevin ; Secretary, Ross C. Scott ; Treasurer, Charles R. Skinner. The following are directors of the several companies for 1876 : — Neptune No. 1, R. C. Scott, W. O. Baker; Central No. 2, J. Chase Jr., J. C. Donlan ; Jefferson No. 3, C. R. Skinner, G. H. Babcock ; Hook and Ladder No. 1, W. W. Starkweather, A. A. Johnson; Exempt Co. A., C. H. Van Brakle, T. S. Graves ; Exempt Co. B., S. B. Hart, G. Hardy ; Exempt Co. C, James Smith, John Britton. BANKING INSTITUTIONS. The earliest movement toward the establishment of a bank in Jefferson county was made in 1807. A petition was sent to the Legislature praying for a loan to the county of $150,000 on good landed security, in bills of credit to be made a legal tender. This was not granted upon the ground that the Constitution of the United States prohibited state governments from making anything but gold and silver coin a legal tender. The Jefferson County Bank was incorporated April 17, 1 816, and through a strife between Water- town and Brownville, its location was established at Adams, and it went into operation on a capital of $80,000. In June, 18 19, it failed, and by an act of November 16, 1824, it was removed to Watertown, and May 19, 1836, its capital was increased to $200,000. Subscriptions were received in shares of $10 each. In 1828 it became one of the safety fund banks. The bank still exists and flourishes. The history of other banking institutions is as follows : Name. Organized. Capital. *Sackets Harbor Bank, April 28,1834 $200,000. Bank of Watertown, January 26, 1S39 100,000. Watertown Bank and Loan Co.. January 20, 1839 100,000. Black River Bank, May 25, 1844 100,000. Union Bank, August 18,1822.... 100,000. *The charter of this bank was repealed in 1838, restored at a later date, and in 1S52 removed to Buffalo. 80 WATER TOWN, N. Y. Besides these were several individual banks which have either been removed to other points or ceased to exist. Those which remain of the above number, together with those which have since been established, demonstrate the wealth of the city and surround- ing country. Those now in existence are among the soundest in the country. The present status ot our banks is as follows : Jefferson County National Bank, organized in 1816, capital and surplus, $200,000. T. H. Camp, President; S. T. Woolworth, Cashier. Its Directors are R. Lansing, T. H. Camp, I. H. Fisk, W. C. Pierrepont, J. C. Sterling, P. Mundy, Levi H. Brown, R. E. Hungerford, A. M. Farwell, G. B. Massey, L. A.Johnson. National Bank and Loan Co., organized 1838, capital and surplus $85,000. George H. Sherman, President; N. P. Wardwell, Cashier. Its Directors are G. H., C. A., M. A., C. N. and C. M. Sherman. National Union Bank, organized 1852, capital and surplus $200,- 000. Alanson Skinner, President ; S. B. Upham, Cashier. Its Directors are A. Skinner, S. B. Upham, G. Lord, J. F. Starbuck, J. A. Sherman, I. P. Powers, W. W. Taggart, R. C. Scott, J. M. S'g- ourney, A. Davis, J. Prouty, J. E. Kemp and A. C. Middleton. First National Bank, organized 1863, capital and surplus, $275,- 000. E. L. Paddock, President ; George L. Woodruff, Cashier. Its Directors are E. L., O., C. F., and O. A. Paddock and G. L. Woodruff. Merchants Bank, organized 1870, capital and surplus, $300,000. Willard Ives, President ; John F. Moffett, Cashier. Its Directors are W. Ives, J. F. Moffett, H. W. Eddy, J. Ives, S. Pool, J. M. Car- penter, A. Smith, I. A. Graves and I. L. Hunt. Jefferson County Savings Bank, organized 1859. Total capital and surplus, $1,160,000. Deposits in 1875, $314,841.92. It has 3,200 accounts. A. M. Farwell, President ; C. N. Ely, Treasurer. T. H. Camp, R. Lansing, A. M. Farwell, G. Bradford, S. B. Upham, J. L. Baker, W. Hubbard, G. H. Sherman, F. Emerson, J. A. Sherman, D. W. Baldwin, R. E. Hungerford, I. H. Fisk and G. B. Phelps are the Trustees of the institution. AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE Co. BUILDING. 4M. mOWHTHOGXAPHK Ca MY. WATERTOWX, X. V. 81 INSURANCE COMPANIES Watertown capitalists have invested largely in the formation of insurance companies, and have realized handsome profits from the investments made. The companies now existing here have all been successful and prosperous, and enjoy an excellent reputation where- ever known. This is due to prudent, careful management, and a good knowledge of correct business principles. Following is a list of companies, with figures respecting the condition of each, taken from the published statement of January i, 1876. The Agricultural Insurance Company was organized Febru- ary 17, 1853. In is one of the oldest and most successful companies in existence, and is well and favorably known in nearly every farm- ing region in the country. It insures farm property and private residences only. Its capital is $200,000, assets, $1,058,040.16. It has received in premiums since its organization, $3,628,270.48, and has paid in losses. $1,823,205.95. Its total cash income in 1875 was $541,571.29. The company pays large dividends, is admirably managed, and occupies a handsome marble building of its own — one of the finest in the State. Its Directors are : John C. Cooper. Presi- dent; John A. Sherman, Vice-President: Isaac Munson, Secretarv : H. M. Stevens, Assistant Secretary \ Hiram Dewey, General Agent : George B. Phelps, J. M. Canfield, U. S. Gilbert. W. Ives. G. Towne. C. B. Fowler, E. F. Carter. J. R. Stebbins, O. R. Earl. The Watertown Fire Insurance Company was organized December 7, 1867. Its growth and prosperity has been rapid and constant. Its capital is $200,000, assets, April 1, 1876, over $700,- 000. It insures residences only, and has received in premiums $4.294.359.24 : paid in losses, $2,212,354.24. Its total cash income in 1875 was $352,537.79. Large dividends are made, and the com- pany is carefully and energetically managed by the following Direc- tors : W. Ives, President; U. S. Gilbert, Vice-President: J. M. Adams, Secretary ; C. H. Waite, General Agent : J. C. Cooper. ]. M. Canfield, E. F. Carter, H. Dewey, J. R. Stebbins, I. Munson. J. A. Sherman, F. H. Munson, H. M. Stevens. The Water:own Fire occupies the marble building with the Agricultural. The Northern Insurance Company of New Vork. was organ- ized and commenced business March 23,1872. The capital stock of the company is$25o,ooo, assets, $334,151.86. It has received in II m WATERTOWN, N. V. premiums, $567,432.82, and paid in losses, $426,878.67. Its Direc- tors have had the nerve and energy to overcome all obstacles. The company is ably and economically managed, and is doing a safe and profitable business. Its Directors are : Gilderoy Lord, Presi- dent; W. W. Taggart, Vice-President; John L. Baker, H. M. Ball, A. F. Barker, C. A. Holden, Hon. J. Mullin, P. Mundy. R. S. Middleton, I. P. Powers, G. H. Sherman, H. G. P. Spencer. H. Spicer, S. B. Upham, G. L. Woodruff. Mr. A. H. Wray is Sec- retary. The Homestead Fire Insurance Company was organized April 10,. 1873, with a capital of $200,000. Although the youngest company, it is prudently and safely conducted, pays handsome divi- dends and its future promises well. It insures only farm prop- erty and residences. Its assets are $269,477.70. It has received in premiums, $134,559.86, and paid in losses, $40,4.81.22. Its Directors are : Hon. A. C. Beach, President; John C. Sterling, Vice- President; J. Bushnell, R. E. Hungerford. G. Bradford, B. D. Searles, E. K. Burnham, J. D. Ellis, G. M. Brooks, J. E. Kemp, W. V. V. Rosa, D. W. Baldwin and W. W. Butterfield. Henry S. Munson is Secretary and Myers Thompson Treasurer. HOTELS. Watertown enjoys, as she richly deserves, a well earned reputa- tion, both as to the number and excellence of her hotels. No other city surpasses her in this respect, a fact which the traveling public will be found to admit. The Woodruff House, one of the finest hotel buildings in the State, was built soon after the great fire in 1849, by Norris M. Woodruff. It stands on the north side of Public Square, facing one of the parks, and presents an imposing front of 120 feet. It is five stories high, substantially built of brick, surmounted by a tower which rises over one hundred feet from the Square. Its handsome appearance is not excelled anywhere outside of the larger cities. It is handsomely furnished and is the architectural pride of the city. Its first floor is occupied by eight flourishing stores, and an archway extends through the center, constituting the principal walk and drive- way to the R. W. & O. R. R. depot in the rear. Messrs. Buck & Sanger, the proprietors, have conducted the house since 1869 and are extensively known as gentlemanly landlords. The attractive WATER TOWN, N. Y. 83 illustration shown on another page, handsome as it is, hardly does full justice to the fine appearance of the building. The Crowner House, on Court street, was built in 1853 by J. D. Crowner. Its main part is 87x50 feet, wing, 60x30 feet. It is built of brick, three stories high, and is conveniently and pleasantly located and offers excellent accommodations. Messrs. Solon and George H. Wilder are its proprietors, and are deservedly popular with the public. ( See illustration.) The American Hotel was erected soon after the fire of 1849 by T. W. Wheeler, on the corner of Arsenal street and Public Square, fronting about one hundred feet on the former, and fifty feet on the latter, conforming to the Paddock building adjoining. It makes an imposing architectural display. It is of brick, four stories high, and is admirably arranged lor a hotel building. It is at present conducted by Messrs. Buck & Sanger of the Woodruff House, and enjoys a wide reputation as an excellent hotel. ( See illustration.) The Hanchett House, on Court and Arsenal streets, is conducted by William C. Hanchet, and enjoys a large share of public pat- ronage. The Kirbv House, located on Court street, is a three story brick building, conducted by Messrs. A. M. Harris & Son. The City Hotel, on Court street, recently enlarged by its pro- prietor, William M. Roach, and the Harris House, on Public Square, Helmer & Parish, proprietors, constitute the remainder of our hotels worthy of mention. CHURCHES. Meetings for religious worship were held by missionaries from New England, almost as soon as the town began to settle. In 1802 there were three worshipping societies in Watertown and Rutland^ June 3, 1803, a Congregational Church was formed at Burrville in in the southern part of the town, by Rev. Ebenezer Lazelle and meetings were held at the barn of Caleb Burnham. In the same manner stated meetings were held at the house of John Blevin. Missionaries sent out from New Hampshire and Connecticut occa- sionally supplied the church with preaching, among whom were Rev. B. Tyler, and N. Dutton. October 25, 1815, Rev. Daniel Banks was installed as its pastor, remaining until 182 1, when the form of its government was changed to Presbyterian, and its location fixed at 84 WATERTOWN, N. Y. Watertown. This was the formation of the First Presbyterian Church. The first deacons were T. Redfield and Hart Massey. Three churches sprang from this; a Congregational in 1830, since become extinct, the second Presbyterian of Watertown in 1831, and a Congregational church at Burrville. The first religious corpora- tion under the general statute, was formed February 11, 181 1, under the name of the Religious Society of Wa.tertown, which voted to build a church as soon as practicable, but the war prevented. Until 182 1 meetings were held in the brick Academy on Washing- ton street built in 181 1, and in the Court House. We present in a few following pages a brief history of each of the churches in Watertown with a statement of their present condition. THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The history of this church is so nearly identical with that stated above in mentioning the first religious societies of the section, that little remains to be said concerning its early history. During the pastorate of Mr. Banks, (1820), the society purchased the old brick Academy at the corner of Washington and Academy streets — which was taken down to build the Female Seminary, and erected in its place a stone church, the first in the village. This was dedi- cated June 1, 182 1. In 182 1, after the form of government of the old Congregational Church had been changed to Presbyterian, and the church removed to Watertown, Rev. George S. Boardman was employed and July 26, 182 1, was installed as pastor of the church. After an effective ministry of sixteen years, he was suc- ceeded May 20, 1837, by Rev. Isaac Bray ton who was installed August 31, of the same year. He continued the respected and earnest pastor of the church until 1864. During his ministry, in May 1850, the stone building was demolished and a handsome church edifice erected at a cost of $20,000. It was 63x100 feet and could seat 1,000 persons. This church was dedicated April 10, 1851. In 1864 Rev. J. Jermain Porter, D. D., was called to the church and installed as its pastor, and he still remains, respected, honored and loved by a large and influential society. He has been earnest, faithful and effective in his work and bids fair to do many years more of active service. During his pastorate, the church has been greatly improved by the addition of a fine chapel, erected in 1875, and is now one of the finest in Northern New York. The church is 62x104 f eet > the chapel and Sunday school room, 65x44 feet. The WATER TOWN, N. V. 85 former has a seating capacity of 1,000, and the latter 350. The number of communicants is 390. The Sunday school was estab- lished with the church, and numbers 250 scholars. The cost ot the church and chapel was $26,000. The trustees of the church are W. W. Herrick. Xorris Winslow, John Lansing, W. W. Taggart and J. P. Moulton. STONE STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. This society was formed October 10, 1831, as the Second Presby- terian Church, by Revs. Abel L. Crandall and George S. Boardman, under the direction of the Watertown Presbytery, with J. W. Baker, H. Kitts and G. W. Knowlton as trustees. It sprang from the First Presbyterian Society and numbered 35 members. The church was first located at the corner of Factory and Mechanic streets — erected in 1 83 1 at a cost of $5,500, of which Mr. Beebee of the Jefferson Cotton Mills contributed $3,000. Up to 1853 it had received 700 members and its number in that year was T87. Rev. Jedediah Bur- chard, the celebrated revivalist, supplied the church during part of its first year's existence, and Rev. J. D. Peckands supplied during the following year. The pastors who occupied this church were as follows, with dates of installation : — James R. Boyd, September 7, 1832; Marcus Smith, February 10, 1836: William E. Knox, Feb- ruary 14, 1844; Peter Snyder, June 20, 1848. In 1863 the Society sold its church building and erected a very handsome brick church on Stone street, near Arcade, at a cost of $18,000. Its present value with lot and furniture is $20,000. It is a model of church architecture. The size of the church is 50x70 feet; of chapel, 30x48 feet: seating capacity of church, 500; of chapel, 150. The Sunday school began with the church in 1831, and now numbers 230 scholars: the present church membership is 280. Rev. George D. Baker was installed as pastor June 29, 1864 ; Rev. C. Wallace, September 23, 1868 ; Rev. Charles M. Livingston, its present efficient, working pastor, September 26, 1871. The elders of the church are G. W. Knowlton, G. Goulding, L. Bushnell, A. Monroe, M. Thompson, H. A. Bartlett, J. M. Lyon, C. H. Waite; trustees, J. Bushnell, W. Sargent, C. H. Waite. STATE STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The society connected with this church was organized June 29, 1849, and built the same year the present church building on State 86 WATERTOWN, N. Y. street, adjoining the High School. A partial representation of the church may be seen in connection with the illustration given of the school building. The Methodist Episcopal denomination organized a society in this city November 27, 182 1, Jonathan Cowan and H. H. CofTeen being among the first trustees. December 9, 1822, and December 30, 1824, it was reorganized, and a stone church was erected soon afterward on Arsenal street on the site of the present Arsenal street school building. This church was afterward taken down, and from the increase of numbers it was thought best to form two new societies. The State street church is one of these. The present church edifice has been greatly improved during the present year, a handsome chapel having been added. The value of the church, chapel and parsonage is $25,000. The church is 46x90 feet ; chapel, 44x48 feet; seating capacity of church, 600; of chapel, 300. The church has a membership of 305, and the" Sunday school which has grown up with the church, has 170 scholars. The following are the pastors of the church since its organization : — Rev. James Erwin, January 29, 1849; E. Arnold, June 26, 1849; F. H.Stanton, 1851; James Erwin, 1853; L. D. White, 1855; W. S. Titus, 1857; B. S. Wright, 1859; W. A. Nichols, 1861 ; H. F. Spencer, 1862; O. C. Cole, 1863; J. D. Adams, 1865; T. Richey, 1866; W. D. Chase, 1868; M. D. Kinney, 1870 ; T. Cooper, 1873; M. Gaylord Bullock, the present able pastor, November, 20, 1874. The trustees of the church are William Winch, J. W. Weeks, A. J. Peck, N. H. Winslow, George McOmber, John F. Moffett, Ross C. Scott and T. B. Townsend. ARSENAL STREET M. E. CHURCH. A partial history of the early days of the Methodist denomination is given under the head of the State street M. E. Church. The following will give additional facts in reference to its early history from the time of the erection ol the first M. E. Church in 182 1 to 185 1, together with a list of pastors : — 182 1-2, John Dempster ; 1823, B. G. Paddock; 1824, Hezekiah Fields; 1825— in this year Watertown became a part of the Le Ray and Watertown Circuit — J. E. Brown,. J. E. Ercanbrack and N. Salisbury, preachers; 1826, N. Salisbury and G. Baker, ; 1827, G. Baker and L. Edgarton ; 1828, W. W r . Rundell and A. Hall; 1829, I. S. Mitchell — Oneida county Con- ference formed and Watertown district attached ; 1831, N. Salisbury ; WATER TOWN, N. Y. 87 1833; V. M. Coryell; 1834, S. Chase; 1835, Luther Lee; LS36-J, N. Salisbury — Black River conference formed ; G. Baker, P. E. 1838; A. D. Peck; 1839, S. Chase; 1841, L. Bowdish; 1842-3, H. Mattison ; 1844, William Wyatt; 1845-6, I. Stone; 1847-8, James Ervvin. In this year the Society was divided and State street M. E. Church formed; 1849, George Gray; 1850-51, A. J. Phelps. The present church was erected in 1851, at a cost of $8,000. Size of church, 46xii7feet ; chapel, 46x35 feet ; seating capacity of church, 500 ; of chapel, 200. Present number of communicants, 400 ; present value of church, $15,000. Sunday school established in 1821, with a present membership of 300. The following have been the pastors of the present church society : — 1852-3, I. S. Bingham; 1854-5; J. B. Foote; 1856, J. W. Armstrong; 1857-8, B. I. Die- fendorf ; 1859-60, W. W. Hunt ; 1861-2, S. Call ; 1863-4, J. W. Armstrong; 1865-6-7, I. S. Bingham; 1867, Wilbur; 1868-9 -70; S. R. Fuller; 1870, I. S. Bingham; 1871-2-3, F. VVidmer ; 1874, J. C. Stewart; 1875-6, G. M. Mead. The present trustees ot the church are : — W. Ives, President; A. P. Baltz, G. W. Candee, Jeremiah Wait, Charles W. Haven, George H. Tallett, A. L. Glea- son and S. D. Morse. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. The Universalist Society was organized April 26. 1820, at the Court House. A legal society was formed January 3, 1825, of which James Sheldon, R. Goodale, J. M. Howell, Jona. Baker and E. Makepeace were first trustees. A church organization was formed June 21, 1823, of 14 members under Pitt Morse, the first clergyman, who remained until 1825, and after a year's absence, for many years afteiward. This society built a stone church upon the site of the present edifice, in 1824, at a cost of .^7,000, which was dedicated November 10, 1824, and burned September 29, 1850. The present church was erected in 185 1-2 at a cost of $10,000, and dedicated November 4, 1852. Rev. Mr. Morse was succeeded by Rev. Wil- liam H. Waggoner. After four years Rev. John A. Boynton was employed, and he was succeeded by Rev. James H. Stewart. Subse- quent pastors are as follows : — Reverends A. A. Thayer, E. W. Reynolds, I. M. Atwood, D. C. Tomlmson, and Harvey Hersey, the present talented incumbent. The church is situated at the east end of Public Square with a frontage of 66 feet, and is one of the 88 WATER TOWN, N. Y. best appearing churches in the city. Its audience room is 45x82 feet with a seating capacity of about 600. Spacious school rooms are located in the basement. The number of communicants is 149, and of Sunday school scholars 188. The present trustees of the church are :— H. M. Ball, C. W. Sloat, and W. G. Williams. S. T. Woolworth is Secretary and Treasurer. BAPTIST CHURCH. The society connected with this church was organized by Elder Norman Guiteau, May 29, 1823, consisting of 17 members. The church society had been in existence since 1809. A society was formed October 13, 1827, which in 1828 erected a small wooden church on Factory street, which in 1837 was sold to the Catholics. During the same year the society erected a church at the east end of Public Square, which was dedicated January 10, 1838, and burned March 8, 1846. The present church was soon after erected on the same ground, and was in 1872 much enlarged and greatly modernized and improved at a cost of $5,000. " Old Father Ben- nett " was the first pastor, and services were held in a little school house on Factory street. Elder Jacob Knapp, the celebrated revi- valist succeeded him, and was pastor of the society when its first church was erected. The trees are still standing which Elder Knapp planted around the church. After him the pastors have been as fol- lows : Reverends John Miller, Charles Clark, L. T. Ford, W. J. Crane, John A. Nash, J. S. Holmes, (die church was built during Mr. Holmes' pastorate), Chandler, Butterfield, Matteson, John Peddie and L. M. S. Haynes. Rev. J. W. Putnam, the present popular and able pastor came to the church in 1874 and its useful- ness and success increase. The church is 80x45 f eet \ tne chapel, 25x42 feet; seating capacity of church, 500; of chapel, 150. The number of communicants is 250, and the Sunday school formed in 1833 numbers 150 scholars. The present value of the church is $15,000. The trustees of the church are : — D. W. Dickerson, Dex- ter Wilder, H. E. Parsons, Dr. C. M. Johnson and J. G. Harbottle. C. A. Waterman is Treasurer, and J. G. Harbottle Clerk. TRINITY CHURCH. The first Episcopal service ever held in Watertovvn, was performed early in 181 2, at the school house on the site of the present Univer- salist church, by Rev. Daniel Nash of Otsego county. In 1826 it WATER TOWN, N. Y. 89 was again performed by Bishop Hobart in the Presbyterian church, and the same year Rev. William Lynn Keese, stationed at Brown- ville-, preached occasionally here and at Sackets Harbor. A legal organization was effected May 31, 1828, under Rev. Joshua M. Rogers of Turin, who continued every fourth Sunday for several months. In 1829 Rev. Hiram Adams was permanently engaged to supply Watertown and Sackets Harbor. Services were first held in the Court House. The first church edifice was built in 1832-3, and was consecrated September 18, 1833. A Sunday school was established in 1829, commencing with 16 scholars and 2 teachers. The church was destroyed by fire May 13, 1849, an{ ^ May 14, 1850, the corner stone of the present church building was laid. It is gothic in design and of the following dimensions: nave, 100x50 feet; chancel, 25x21 feet. Its cost was $16, 00c, and its seating capacity is from 800 to 1,000. It was consecrated by Bishop De Lancy, Jan. 23, 185 1. The number of communicants (1876) is 375 ; number of Sunday school scholars, 225. Its present esteemed and diligent rector is Rev. L. R. Brewer. The following is a list of the rectors of the church and the years of their ministry : — Revs. Hiram Adams, 1829-30; Rev. Mr. Salmon, 1*831-2; Rev. Mr. Hickox, 1835-6; Rev. Charles Ackley, 1837-9; ^- ev - J onn A. Fish, 1839-44; Rev. Dr. William M. Carmichael, 1845-6; Rev. Levi W. Norton, 1846-53; Rev. Morgan Hills, 1853-7 • Rev - Dr. Theodore Babcock, 1857-72; Rev. L. R. Brewer, 1872. Wardens — F.Emer- son, A. H. Sawyer. Vestrymen — H H. Babcock, F. T. Story, E. Q. Sewall, K. Hannahs, W. H. Moore, H. W. Shead, Joseph Mullin, E. L. Paddock. GRACE CHURCH. The Society comprising this church, was formed July 21, 1867^ and for many months held its sessions at the Court House. Rev. W. H. Millburn, the " blind preacher," supplied the society for some time, and he was followed by Rev. W. A. Ely. In 1868, the school house on Sterling street was purchased, and transformed into Grace Chapel, and has since been occupied by the society. It is a hand- some building situated in a pleasant part of the city and has a seat- ing capacity of 250. There are 152 communicants. A Sunday school was organized with the society and now contains 102 scholars. The present value of the church and rectory is $15,500. Rev. John A. Stanton was the first regular rector, acting from 12 90 WATER TOWN, N. Y. October 4, 1868, to April 14, 1874. He was succeeded by Rev. W. H. Hopkins who served from December 1, 1874, to December 1, 1875. Rev. Wm. L. Parker is the present acceptable rector, com- mencing his rectorship March 1, 1876. The following are the officers of the church : — Wardens — J. Blood, F. W. Hubbard. Ves- trymen— J. F. Starbuck, C. D. Wright, G. A. Bagley, G. H. Sher- man, L. H. Brown, A. H. Hall, A. H. Herrick and L. J. Dorwin. st. Patrick's church. This fine Roman Catholic Church is situated on Massey street, near Arsenal. The edifice was begun about 1856 by Rev. P. McNulty. He was succeeded by Rev. James Hogan who com- pleted the church, and who still remains its devoted, able and highly respected pastor. The church was incorporated under the State laws in 1870. It is built of brick, is 150x80 feet and has a seating capacity of over 1,000. The value of the church and parsonage is about $40,000. The number of communicants is 1,200, and the Sunday school numbeis 200 scholars. Its present trustees are Bishop E. P. Wadhams, J. Mackay, V. G., Rev. James Hogan, pastor, John J. Hartigan and Edward E. Kennedy. Before the erection of this church, services were held in the Catholic Church on Factory street, which was bought of the Baptists by the Roman Catholics in 1838. Rev. Michael Gilbride was the first resident priest. He was succeeded by Rev. P. Gillick, Rev. R. O. Dowd, Revs. McFar- land and Fenniley. st. mary's church. This church is located on Factory street and was built by the Baptists in 1828, and sold in 1838 to the Roman Catholic society. When the latter erected their new church (St. Patrick's), St. Mary's was for many years occupied by the French Catholics. It is at at present unoccupied. NEWSPAPERS. If the intelligence of a community is to be judged by the number and character of its newspapers — " the great levers which move the world," then Watertown and Jefferson county must take a front rank. That distinctive American feature, the establishment of newspapers, exhibited itself early among the intelligent founders of our city, and within ten years after its settlement, a weekly newspaper was estab- lished here by Henry Coffeen the pioneer publisher of this northern WATER TOWN, N. Y. 91 country. Its name was the '* American Eagle," and although the original old bird is just now in the full prime of his centennial glory, and is flapping his wings over a prosperous and united country more proudly and energetically than ever, the newspaper above named, established in 1809, lived but three years, when it changed its name and proprietor. Since that year Watertown has seen over thirty different newspapers, daily, weekly, tri- weekly, and monthly rise and fall in her midst. The longest lived of those now extinct, was the " Freeman," established January 27, 1824, by W. Woodward, which lived nine years. After that came " Reporters," "Spectators," and " Advocates," " Posts," " Republicans " and " Censors; " and " Suns" and " Constellations " rose in energy and sank in unpaid subscrip- tions. The " Independent Republican," established in 181 9, lived six years, and the " North American," ( 1835 ) four years. The " Genius of Philanthropy " flourished in 1828, but there is no sub- sequent record that the " genius " has since risen to haunt the news- papers of the present day. The " Anti-Masonic Record " appeared in 1828, but was short lived and the " Sun " advocated the same creed in 1830 for a brief period. THE FIRST DAILY PAPER The "Journal," was established by Joel Greene in 1846 but did not " come to stay." In the same year Hon. Ambrose W. Clark (afterward a Representative in Congress, i860, and subse- quently U. S. Consul at Valparaiso, Chili ), established the " North- ern New York Journal, " which for many years was the leading newspaper in this section. It was merged into the " Reformer " in 1869. AS THEY ARE TO-DAY. The newspapers of 1876, of which Watertown has just reason to be proud, are as follows : The Watertown " Reformer," weekly, was established August 29, 1850, by L. Ingalls, A. H. Burdick and L. M. Stowell, as the " New York Reformer." The late Solon Massey, a son of Hart Massey one of the first settlers, and the author of the famous articles of local biography and history over the signature of " A Link in the Chain," giving early reminisences of Watertown and its pioneers, was one of the editors of the ' ; Reformer." It was independent in politics when founded, and devoted to temperance and reform. Its politics became Republican in the Freemont campaign of 1856, and 92 WATER TOWN, N. Y. continue so to this day. Mr. John A. Haddock, now one of the first job printers in Philadelphia, and the late Hon. L. J. Bigelow, were connected with this paper. It is now published by B. Brock- way & Sons, and is one of the largest and foremost among the weekly papers of the State. It has a circulation of over 3,000. The paper is published in one of the most complete of newspaper buildings, on Arcade street, four stories high, of brick, and admirably arranged. Hon. B. Brockway, one of the most experienced editors in the State, formerly connected with the New York Tribune, and for many years a resident of Watertown, is editor and proprietor, Mr. J. W. Brockway has general charge of the various departments, and Mr. H. A. Brockway acts as cashier, and presides in the count- ing room. Mr. George C. Bragdon is city, and Mr. L. L. Pratt, news editor. The establishment has a bindery connected with it in charge of Mr. Robert J. Holmes. The handsome press work of this pamphlet and its general mechanical arrangement is largely due to the skill and "patience" of the general superintendent, Mr. J. W. Brockway. Mr. C. Bracy has executed the press work, and Mr. A. S. Moffat has attended to the composition. The " Watertown Daily Times " was established in 1850 by L. Ingalls, B. Brockway and I. Beebee, as the daily " Reformer" which name was changed in 1870. It is now published by B. Brockway & Sons, and has a circulation of 1,200. The establishment does an extensive job printing and binding business — steam is used, and 40 hands employed. The capital is $40,000 and a business of $35,000 is annually done. (See illustration and advertisement.) The Watertown " Re-Union," Democratic, comes down from an old line. The " Freeman," 1824, was changed in 1837 to the " Jeffersonian." The " Democratic Union" was established in 1846. In 1854 these two papers were merged and called the " Jefferson County Union." In 1865 the name "Jefferson Democrat" was assumed, which was changed to its present title June 28, 1866. Alvin Hunt, of good name, and Mr. George Moss, now of the New York Express, were connected with this paper. It is now edited and published by W. C. Haven, Esq., is a large, eight-page weekly paper and has a circulation of 3,000. Wm. C. Plumb is city editor. The Watertown " Morning Despatch " is the daily paper connected with the above establisment. It was established June 24, 1872, by DAILY TIMES and WEEKLY REFORMER BUILDING. JM. PHOT(HJTHOSRlPHK Ci A' Y.l OS&OfME'S 'ACC£ SS/ WATER TOWN, N. Y. 93 George Moss and W. A. Boon. It claims a circulation of 1,200. These papers are published in the large and convenient brick building illustrated elsewhere, situated on Arcade street. A large job print- ing business is done at this office. Capital, $20,000, — 20 hands are employed, and $20,000 worth of work is annually turned out. The presses are also run by steam. (See illustrattion and advertisement.) The " Watertown Post," weekly, was founded in 1870 by Geo. R. Hanford and Jos. H. Wood. Sept. 1, 1873, the establishment passed into the hands of Hon. Lotus Ingalls ( Member of Assembly, 1876) formerly of the " Times" and " Reformer," who has been identified with the newspaper history of the city for over twenty-five years, and who is now its editor and proprietor. It is Republican in politics, and claims a circulation of over 5,000. The " Post'' building is of brick, spacious and well arranged, located on Arsenal street. The capital invested is $20,000, and $20,000 worth of job printing and book binding is turned out yearly. Twenty hands are employed, and steam power is used. It is but just to the above named newspapers to say that they are all zealous and untiring in their efforts to do whatever is in their power to advance the best interests of Watertown. The Association is indebted to them for valuable aid in keeping public opinion aroused to the importance of using every endeavor to add to the prosperity of our city. Messrs. Kenyon & Holbrook publish the " Christian Witness," a monthly periodical, for the Y. M. C. A. They are located in the Agricultural Insurance Co's building, and have a fine and complete job printing establishment. They do a business amounting to $25,000 per annum, on a capital of $12,000. The business was established in 1872. Steam is used, and 23 hands employed. 94 WATER TOWN, N. Y. SOCIETIES, ASSOCIATIONS, &C. Watertown is well organized in the way of societies, as the following list proves. Most of the societies named are flourishing and suc- cessful. MASONIC. Watertown Commandery, No. n, Knights Templar, A. H. Saw- yer, E. C ; T. C. Chittenden, Recorder. Membership 200. Watertown Chapter, No. 59, R. A. M., T. C. Chittenden, M. E. H. P. ; J. A. Quencer, Secretary. Membership 140. Watertown Lodge, No. 49, F. & A. M., Louis C. Greenleaf, W. M.; Lewis F. Phillips, Secretary. Membership 275. I. O. OF O. F. Montezuma Encampment, No. 27, Clark Wetherby, C. P; Robert J. Holmes, Scribe. Membership 70. Jefferson Union Lodge, No. 124, Merrill L.Raymond, N. G ; Wm. H. Maston, Secretary. Membership 140. Watertown City Lodge, No. 291, W. M. Penniman, N. G ; E. S. Allen, Secretary. Membership 85. TEMPERANCE. Watertown Lodge, No. 90, I. O. of G. T; Lysander H. Brown, W. C. T ; Walter Rose, Secretary. Father Mathew Total Abstinence Benevolent Society, James McManus, President; James Ward, Secretary. MILITARY. 35th Battalion, 16th Brigade, N. G., S. N. Y., A. J. Casse, Lieut. Col. Commanding. Company A, 46 men ; Captain, John Ward. Company B, 30 men; Captain, Fred. W. Simpson. Company C, 60 men ; Captain, James R. Miller. SPORTSMEN. Jefferson Sportsmens' Club, Dr. Wm. R. Trowbridge, Pres. ; A. M. Kenyon, Secretary. State Park Club, Chas. S. Hart, President; A. W. Wheelock, Secretary. Field and Forest Club, C. Partello, President ; W. H ? Maston, Secretary, WATERTOWN, N. Y. 95 POLITICAL. Watertown Republican Club, Dr. H. M. Stevens, President ; F. H. Remington, Secretary. Republican County Committee, R. B. Biddlecom, Chairman; W. D. V. Rulison, Secretary. Democratic County Committee, Levi H. Brown, Chairman ; W. S. Carlisle, Secretary. Republican City Committee, C. R. Skinner, Chairman; L. c! Greenleaf, Secretary. Democratic City Committee, W. F. Porter, Chairman; W. S. Carlisle, Secretary. MUSICAL. Amateur Orchestra, John W. Miller, Leader. Watertown Choral Union, Jno. C. Knowlton, President; M. B. Sloat, Secretary. Davis Sewing Machine Band, Henry M. Lewis, Leader; N. S. Snell, Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. Watertown Manufacturers' Aid Association, Gen. B. Winslow, President ; C. R. Skinner, Corresponding Secretary. Brookside Cemetery Association, Hon. Joseph Mullin, President; A. L. Upham, Secretary. Jefferson County (Pomona) Grange; Luke Fulton Master; S. R. Pratt Secretary. Watertown Dairy mens' Board of Trade, C. C. Hardy, President ; W. R. Skeels, Secretary. Watertown Base Ball Association, W. D. V. Rulison, President ; Chas. A. Settle, Secretary. Sovereigns of Industry, Wm. A. Portt, President ; W. A. Lyttle, Secretary. Watertown League of Friendship, Wm. A. Portt, H. M.; W. A. Lyttle, Secretary. Watertown Grange, No. 7. L. D. Olney, Master; William O. Tolman, Secretary. Waverly Association, (Social) A. M. Knickerbocker, President; Robert P. Oakes, Secretary. Young Men's Christian Association, Dr. C. M. Johnson, President, W. M. Penniman, Secretary. 96 WATERTOWN, N. Y. Jefferson County Agricultural Society, Elliot Makepeace, Presi- dent ; W. R. Skeels, Secretary. Jefferson County Bar Association. Catholic Benevolent Society, Henry Boulter, President; James Carlan, Secretary. Knights of St. Patrick, John J. Hartigan, President; James O'Brien, Secretary. Watertown River Park Asssciation, John C. McCartin Presi- dent ; J. Stears, Jr., Secretary. St. John Baptiste Benevolent Society, E. DeMarce, President; John Picket, Secretary. Board of Fire Underwriters, D. M. Bennett, President ; Charles B. Fowler, Secretary. Jefferson County Orphan Asylum, Hon. Willard Ives, President ; Robert Lansing, Secretary. HEALTHFULNESS. Statistics will prove that Watertown is one of the healthiest cities in the country.- Its climate is pure and genial, the temperature being modified and regulated by Lake Ontario bounding the county on the west. The city is 450 feet above tide water and 235 ieet above Lake Ontario, giving the air a life-giving quality unequaled. The rigor ot the winter months with their pure, clear air, is as beneficial to health as the delightful, semi-tropical summer season which prevails. The average summer temperature is 65 ° and the average for winter is 20 . It gives to the productions of the soil the same growth and vigor which the same influences exert upon individuals. The city is subject to no prevailing diseases, is well drained through the assistance of Black River, and its sanitary condition is well regulated by an efficient board of health. The mortality rate in 1875 was only one in seventy, or about 14 to every 1,000, and in the county only' one in 90. THE WATERTOWN CAVERNS. As a matter of local interest we make the merest mention of the Caverns in the Black River limestone. These were undoubtedly formed by the action of water, and like the rock itself, are very old. The largest of these caverns when first discovered, was found to be beautifully draped with curtains of milk-white limestone, the DAILY DESPATCH and WEEKLY RE-UNION BUILDING. jiM.ptioriHj'nc ipt'-t c := i r ossmitsuKcen- WATER TOWN, N. Y. result of acidulated water passing through cracks and fissures of the limestone eating away its sides. When the water, thus charged, reaches the open air, or passes into a draught, it becomes aereated, and gives off as a gas the acid which helped to hold the carbonate of lime in solution and the result presents itself in sheets, stalactites, or stalagmites. The roofs of all our caverns are coated with an encrustation of this carbonate, but fine specimens are no longer attainable. The larger cave is no longer easy of access, its mouth having been par- tially walled up. Several parties have however, recently explored it, but without discovering anything new. Further up the river, just beyond Prospect Hill, are two small caverns, easy of access, one having both openings on the stream, the other running back some ten or twelve rods, with an arch nearly half way, and abruptly terminating. The latter cave is beautifully water-groved, ellipsoidal in shape, with a narrow channel cut down like the stem to a leaf, which the explorer has to walk like the Colossus of Rhodes. On the south side of the bank of the river is the celebrated ice cave, which is housed in and used for an immense lager beer refrig- erator. In the hottest days of summer the thermometer registers 30 at the mouth of the cave. Ice remains in it until late in the Autumn, and explorations have been made in it to the depth of five hundred feet. About two miles down the river at the " Glen," is another similar cave, near the river bank, with the added attractions of picturesque scenery. During the hottest days of summer the place is delight- fully cool, and is much visited. CEMETERIES. The first plan of a public cemetery was accepted Oct. 27, 1823, and in December, 1825, the lots, one rod square each, were balloted for, each taxable inhabitant being entitled to one share. This cem- etery was located on Arsenal street, west of the railroad. The old- est Catholic cemetery is situated adjacent to it. Neither of these is now used. Calvary Cemetery (Catholic) is situated in a pleasant and spacious grove about two miles up the river and near its south bank. It was first used in 1869. 13 WATER TOWN, N. Y. Brookside Cemetery is a quiet and beautiful spot about three miles south of the city. It is located in a valley, and seems an especially appropriate place for the purpose for which it is used. It occupies about seventy acres of land, and abounds in hills and vales and ro- mantic ravines. Much of it remains with its natural growth of trees, and is crossed by a handsome stream. Beautiful in itself by nature, in situation and surroundings, the laying out of walks and drives has added greatly to its natural beauty. Its avenues are tastefully planned, and great care is bestowed upon the proper improvement of the spot. It contains a large number of fine monuments, many of them of more than ordinary beauty and excellence. FINANCIAL. The assessed valuation of real estate in the city of Watertown for 1875, was $5,496,225, of real estate $3,460,300, making a total taxable valuation of $8,956,525. These figures will no doubt be increased by the assessment of the present year. It is safe to assume that the assessment is a just one, and puts Watertown on record as one of the wealthiest cities in the State. Perhaps other cities, many times larger than ours, and no doubt more wealthy, can explain why this occurs. It is perhaps a question for assessors to decide when cities disagree. The expenses of the city government in 1875 were $72,953.62 — less than one per cent, of the taxable property — and it is expected that even this low figure will be reduced for 1876. Every effort is being put torth by city officers to reduce expenses and consequent taxation to the lowest figure consistent with reasonable progress, and every department of the city is now conducted upon the strictest economy to the end that the burden of taxation may be as light as possible. The aggregate of real and personal property in Jefferson county reported in 1875, was $33,942,416. The state tax has been reduced by the recent State Legislature to three mills, a reduction of one- half from the previous year, and there is a general feeling that the era of high taxation has passed away, and that economy in the con- duct of public affairs is to be the basis of the future financial pro- gresss of the city, county and state. WATER TOWN, N. Y. 99 MISCELLANEOUS. PRIVATE RESIDENCES. Watertown is so well supplied with elegant, tasteful and costly private dwellings that any attempt to describe or particularize would appear insidious, and would unnecessarily enlarge this work. It is perhaps enough to state that our dwellings compare favorably with our public buildings, and are too numerous too name in this connec- tion. They are the admiration of visiting strangers, and the city justly deserves the good reputation she bears in this direction, among all who have seen her. They are well distributed throughout the city — Washington street perhaps taking precedence in numbers. After her come Clinton, State, Stone, Sterling, Sherman, Ten Eyck, Massey, and Paddock streets. Hundreds of fine residences adorn these handsome avenues, well supplied with lawn and shade and fountains and flowers. They deserve any good thing that can be said about them. NEW BUILDINGS. Although a general depression in business has prevailed through- out the country for the past year or more, nearly one hundred new buildings have been erected in this city during 1875 and 1876, including many elegant dwellings now in process of erection. PIONEERS AND PUBLIC SPIRITED CITIZENS. The names of most of those good men who founded Watertown and contributed so much to her early growth and success appear in various portions of this book, under the different subjects treated. They need no recapitulation here. They were sturdy, honest hard working men, and their names are written no less plainly on the monuments at Brookside, than they are engraved upon the land- marks which stand everywhere as proofs of their enterprise. May their posterity profit by their example. The names of those of our citizens who are now prominent in keeping up the progress of Watertown,^are also mentioned elsewhere in connection with industries and trades which we have sought to describe fairly if not fully. We need not repeat or classify them here. 100 WATER TOWN, N. Y. 1827— 1876. As showing the progress of half a century the following figures may be interesting : A census of Watertown village taken in 1827 gave a population of 2,039. There were 321 buildings of all kinds, of which 224 were dwellings. There were three churches and seven schools and the total number of stores and trades represented at that time was one hundred. In 1876 there is a population of over 11.000, over 2,000 dwell- ings, 200 buildings of other kinds, 10 churches, 5 banks, 9 flourish- ing schools, and the total number of trades and occupations repre- sented cannot fall much below 600. AMUSEMENTS. Watertown being so readily accessible to the metropolis enjoys the luxury of first class theatrical entertainments, and the advantage of one ot the best halls in the State for this purpose. Many of the very best of metropolitan actors and companies visit this city and good entertainments are always very sure of a generous support. Poor ones are not. Among recent names which have appeared on attractive bills are those of Edwin Adams, John T. Raymond as " Col. Sellers." and the inimitable Sothern, as " Lord Dundreary." The Young Mens' Christian Association give every season a first class course of lectures, embracing the best public speakers on the stage. They are sure of a welcome. The citizens provide each season for open air concerts in the park on Public Square, during the summer season on Saturday evenings by the Davis Sewing Machine Band, one of the finest in the country. The concerts are listened to by admiring audiences numbered by thousands, and form an interesting feature of mid-summer social life. A Normal Music School was established here ^1*1875, continuing one month. It is to be repeated in 1876, and bids fair to become permanent. The best musical talent in the country is connected with it. For the past two seasons a base ball tournament, continuing a week or more has been given under the auspices of an Association and much pleasure if not profit has resulted. WATER TOWN, N. Y. 101 The Watertovvn River Park Associaton usually give one or two " meetings," giving enjoyment to a large class who appreciate the beauties of equine speed. The Association owns a fine track. The Jefferson County Agricultural Society holds its annual fairs on its spacious grounds in this city, which need no explanation or comment. TELEGRAPH. Two telegraph lines enter Watertown — the Montreal Telegraph Co., extending through Canada, and connecting at Oswego with the Western Union, and the Dominion Telegraph Co., also operating largely in Canada, and connecting with the Alantic and Pacific Co. Dexter Van Ostrand is Superintendent of the New York division of the first named line, with headquarters in this city. Mr. William C. Hanchett is the manager of the Watertown office, located in Washington Hall. This company is liberal in its dealings and bears an excellent reputation. Its line extends along the Rome Water- town & Ogdensburgh railroad and its branches. Mr. J. E. Rowe has charge of the affairs of the latter company here and its business is conducted with carefulness and punctuality. ~mm. i^ IIIlBlffiSi If lit) J;/-. '; Tiiijijnr-is & Davis* Paper Mill and Pa$\ r Wiour SacJc Manufactory. 102 WATERTOWN, N. Y. MANUFACTORIES. The Watertown Spring Wagon Company's Manufactory is located in the Winslow Industrial Building on Factory Square. The building, which is one of the largest and best appointed in this section of the State, was erected in 1870, by Hon. N. Winslow, and was for several years occupied by the Davis Sewing Machine Co. The building is 283x55 feet, four stories high, and built of brick. The blacksmith shop is located at the left of the main building. The Spring Wagon Co. was organized in December, 1875, with a capital of $100,000. The establishment now employs 50 men, and expect to turn out during the present year, about 3,000 spring wagons, which find a ready sale in all parts of the country. They are made of the most durable material and their good reputation is based on their lightness and strength. The manufactory is situated near the shore of Black River, commanding a fine water power — over 200 horse. The industry is a credit to the city, and will become one of its most successful institutions. The people of Watertown were called upon to decide in April 1876, whether this company should leave the city, or remain in it. They showed their good sense and appreciation of a real benefit by promptly taking the amount of stock required to retain it, and the company is on a sound basis. Mayor Levi H. Brown is President. A. Palmer Smith, Vice-President; and Jerome Bushnell, Secretary and Treas- urer. The directors are Hon. A. C. Beach, Hon. N. Winslow, W. G. Williams, E. M. Gates, C. A. Clark, R. Marcy, G. L. Davis and the officers first named. (See illustration and advertisement.) The Davis Sewing Machine Company's manufactory is situated on Sewall's Island near the finest water power on the river. The company was organized in 1868, with a capital of $150,000, which has since been increased to $500,000. It formerly occupied the building on Factory Square, now used by the Watertown Spring Wagon Company. In 1875 the company erected a building of its own which it now occupies. The main building is two stories with attic, and is 175x40 feet. The wing is of the same height and is 40x30 feet. The office is one story, 50x30 feet, all the build- ings being of brick. The company manufactured in 1875 $300,000 worth of machines, all of which found ready sale. The number of employees is 175. The works are driven by water wm: i. nr 104 WATER TOWN, N. Y. power, over 50 horse being used. The assets of the company are about $1,000,000. No royalty is now paid on the machines. The company has branch offices at Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, San Francisco, Erie, Pa., Ravenna, Ohio, and other points, and is now thoroughly represented at the Centennial Exhi- bition of 1876 with some of the finest machines in the world. The The machines have an excellent reputation for simplicity and utility. The present officers are as follows : Hon. Willard Ives, President; Hon. George A. Bagley, Vice-President ; Levi A. Johnson, Secre- tary and Treasurer. Directors — C. D. Wright, H. W. Eddy, N. Winslow, R. Van Namee, H. M. Stevens, A. H. Sawyer, J. F. Moffett, J. M. Carpenter, G. B. Massey, and L. P. Hawes of New York. (See illustration and advertisement.) The Watertown Steam Engine Company, occupies the prem- ises formerly used by C. B. Hoard in the manufactory of fire arms (during the rebellion), and as a machine shop, on the north side of the river on Mill and Moulton streets, and near the suspension bridge. The company commenced business in 1866 with a capital of $40,000, which has since been increased to $200,000. It occupies 35,000 square feet of flooring for machinery besides large boiler and blacksmith shops, store houses, etc. It employs 100 men, and manu- factures yearly about 400 steam engines and saw mills, making a specialty at the present time of agricultural engines which have an excellent reputation wherever used. The company uses annually 1,000 tons of cast and wrought iron, a large portion of the cast iron being of that produced in this vicinity. The sales reach nearly every State in the Union, the Canadian Provinces, Cuba, etc. The officers of the company are as follows : Charles A. Sherman, Presi- dent; D. W. Baldwin, Secretary and Treasurer. The Directors are the officers, with I. H. Fisk, T. H. Camp, I. P. Powers, G. Brad- ford and R. E. Hungerford. (See illustration and advertisement. Knowlton Brothers' Paper Mill, located on Mill street, at the first bridge leading to Beebee's Island, occupies the site of the paper mill first erected in 1808. The business was conducted for many years by Knowlton & Rice. The main building is 130x60 feet, three stories, high, besides basement and attic. An artesian well, drilled one hundred feet into the rock, in 1856 is still in use at this building, giving the purest water obtainable. The mill was formerly occupied in manufacturing writing paper exclusively, now con- fa jl^,; lllllfj " "'ill . WATER TOWN, N. Y. 105 fines itself to the production of book and colored papers. The quality oi the paper made is nowhere surpassed. The paper upon which this pamphlet is printed was manufactured at this mill. It is one of the oldest and soundest institutions of the kind in Watertown. A magnificent water power, equal to 200 horse, drives the machin- ery — fifty persons are employed, and three tons of fine paper are turned out daily. Messrs. George W. Jr., and John C. Knowlton are its present owners and efficient managers. (See illustration.) Taggarts «Sc Davis' Paper Mill and Paper Flour Sack Manufac- tory, is located on the north side of the river, about sixty rods below the lower bridge. The main building and wing are of stone, both three stories high, the former 200x75 feet, and the latter 75x40 feet. The pulp mill on the left is 46x30 feet, two stories, and the store house on the right 120x30 feet, \y 2 stories. The building as shown in this work, was erected by W. H. Angel in 1843-4-5, and was first used as a flouring mill and distillery. It was used for a few years as a cotton and woolen mill. Thirteen water wheels are used to drive the machinery, four of 100, and nine of from 30 to 50 horse- power each. The business amounts to $300,000 per year. About 5,000 pounds each of news and manilla paper are manufactured daily, and from the latter about 30,000 paper sacks are made. The mill gives employment to about 75 persons. The firm consists of Messrs. W. \V. Taggart, B. B. Taggart and the estate of O. K. Davis. (See illustration and advertisement.; The Union Mills are located on Mill street, and occupy a por- tion of the site of the first mill erected in the city by Jonathan Cowan. The present building was erected in 1835, by P. C. Moul- ton, and is now conducted by H. W. Shead and I. A. Graves. It is of stone, 65x75 feet, and four stones high. The machinery is run by 7 turbine water wheels, representing about 120 horse power. The capacity of the mill is 200 barrels of flour per day besides cus- tom work. The mill is supplied with the La Croix machinery and makes a specialty of flour. Four men are employed. H. H. Babcock & Sons' Pump Manufactory, occupies extensive buildings on the west side of Factory Square. The business was established in 1847 : capital, $60,000 ; value of manufactured goods in 1875, $50,000. with capacity for twice the amount of business. The works are run by water, 80 horse power, ten men are employed, and 500,000 feet of white pine lumber were used in 1875. The H 106 WATERTOWN, N. Y. sales are mostly in the Eastern and Middle States. It is one of the most flourishing industries of Watertown ; conducted by Messrs. H. H., H. P. and G. H. Babcock. The Watertown Paper Company's building is located on Sew- all's Island at the upper dam. This company was incorporated in 1864, with a capital of $20,000; gives employment to 25 men and use 150 horse power of water. The main building was burned in 1874, re-built of brick in 1875, an( l tne company turns out 900 tons of news paper per annum. The main portion of the mill is of brick, 52x108 feet, two stories and basement. The wing is of wood 25x80 feet, and one story. The Hitchcock Lamp Company was incorporated April 19, 1872, with a capital of $15,000, which has been increased to $35,- 000. The object of the Company is to manufacture lamps for rail- roads, shipping, manufactories, residences etc., burning animal, fish, vegetable and kerosene oils. Nine men are now employed in per- fecting special tools and elaborate machinery for conducting the work. These are now being completed, and the company will soon commence the regular work of manufacturing. The works are located on Factory street, near Mill, and run by water, 20 horse power, and will give employment when in operation, to over 25 men. Much of the machinery already completed is of the finest and most powerful description. John M. Sigourney is President; F.T.Story, Vice President ; T. C. Chittenden, Secretary; J. A. Lawyer, Treasurer; Robert Hitchcock, Superintendent. (See adver- tisement.) " Graves & Van Doren, manufacture sash, blinds and doors, and do a general business. The business was established in 1875 ; capi- tal, $13,000 ; 8 persons employed; 30 horse power used; value of product of 1875, $8,000; 100,000 feet of lumber used. The build- ing is on Mill street, 32x62 feet, of brick and 4 stories high. (See advertisement.) V. P. Kimball's pearl barley mill, near Factory Square, was established in 1847 > capital, $10,000; employs 4 hands; uses 150 horse power of water; produced $40,000 worth in 1875, w ^ tn capacity tor three times that amount. The same gentleman uses $4,000 capital in the manufacture of straw board, established in 1874; employs five men and produced $3,000 worth in 1875. WATER TOWN, N. Y. 107 The Excelsior Mill, on River street, near Mill, was built in 1845, b y Moulton & Symonds. It is now owned and conducted by Allen H. Herrick. Capital, $20,000 ; employs from 4 to 7 men; manufactured $25,000 worth of flour and feed in 1875 and has capacity for $75,000 worth. It is run by six turbine water wheels representing 100 horse power, and is located near one of the safest and best powers on the river. Bagley & Sewall's extensive machine shop and foundry is situ- ated on Beebee's Island at the second dam, and occupies about 30,000 square feet of flooring besides store houses etc. The business was established by George Goulding in 1823. The capital is about $75,000. Thirty persons are employed and 80 horse power used. 600 tons of iron are used annually. The product consists of steam engines, sewing machine castings, mill gearing, Green's rotary pump, etc., and a business of nearly $100,000 is annually done. The Cotton Yarn Mill, operated by the Remington Paper Co., is situated on the south side of the river near the upper dam. It was established in 1875 on a capital of $15,000. Forty persons are employed, 60 horse power used, and the mill is capable of pro- ducing $30,000 worth per annum. The product is shipped to New York. The Remington Paper Co., occupies fine buildings on Sewall's Island, about 100 feet square, built of brick. The business was established in 1865, with a capital of $84,400. Seventy persons are employed, 800 horse power used, and in 1875 the business amounted to $220,000. The company manufactures newspaper wholly, using in 1875 400,000 feet of spruce and poplar lumber. About 5 tons per day is the average product, shipped mostly to New York and San Francisco. The Trustees are, A. D Remington, President ; George P. Folts, Secretary, and F. Emerson. The business is one of the most extensive in Watertown. Waite & Huyck, on Newell street, are re-fitting a large stone building for the manufacture of woolen cloth of all kinds ; will use 50 horse power and employ 10 persons. Cataract Mills, built by P. C. Moulton, in 1839, business now owned by E. Settle & Son, established 187 1, capital $20,000. Fifty horse power is used and the business of 1875 amounted to $75,000. The capacity of the mill is over 15,000 barrels of flour annually besides custom work. It is situated at the north end of supension bridge. 108 WATER TOWN, N. Y. Nill & Jess, confectionery, cigars, and bakery, established 1863, capital, $35,000. Employ 25 persons, use 10 horse power, and did a business of $75,000 in 1875. Works on Factory Square. Hills & Hunn, furniture, business established in 1865, capital, $15,000. Employ 13 men, use 20 horse power, and in 1875 did a business of $35,000. Works on Beebee's Island.. York & Moore, sash, doors, blinds, etc., business established 1870, capital $10,000. Employ 20 hands, use 50 horse power, and did $20,000 worth of business in 1875, using 100,000 feet of lumber. Works at north end of suspension bridge. (See adv.) Sloat, Greenleaf & Go's lumber yard and planing mill on Mill street, (Beebee's Island), was established in 1872 ; employs 12 men, a capital of $15,000, and uses 60 horse power of water. (See adv.) George C. Chambers, Arsenal street, manufactures cigars, employs a capital of $11,000, 13 men, business established April 1875, aR d made $22,000 worth of goods in 1875, mostly for local trade. (See adv.) Gilderoy Lord's foundry is situated on Mill street, on Beebee's Island. Plows, cultivators, horse rakes, etc., are made. The capital employed is $50,000; 12 hands are employed, 25 horse power used and the works produce about $30,000 worth per annum. H. V. Cadwell & Co., Public Square, manufacture confectionery and cigars, employing 11 men. W. Allingham & Co., Public Square, manufacture boots and shoes, business established 1876 ; capital $3,000, employs 14 hands, capacity $23,000 worth per annum. Product sold east and west and in local market. P. Mundy's Malt House, on Court street, is one of the most perfect buildings of its kind. It was built in 1875, is 40x183 feet, three stories, and is capable of turning out 50,000 bushels of malt annually. J. A. Quencer, cigars, employs 4 men and does an annual busi- ness of $8,000. (See adv.) Baker & Chittenden, cigars, employ 4 men and do an annual business of $5,000. The Eames Vacuum Brake Co. began work in July, 1875, capi- tal $500,000. Its works are located on Beebee's Island. It is a power brake, the force employed being the pressure of the atmos- phere, applied by evacuating the air from a cylinder. It is automatic £ WATER TOWN, N. Y. 109 in its character, instantaneous in its work and perfectly under the con- trol of the engineer. It can be operated on any part of the train, and in case of accident instantly applies itself. It is regarded by railroad men as the simplest, most durable and economical brake in existence. It has been thoroughly tested by the R. W. &. O. R. R., and has recently been put in operation in South America. The officers of the company are: F. W. Eames, President; J. L. Baker, Vice-President; F. W. Spicer Secretary; S. T. Woolworth, Treas- urer, with J. F. Moffett, F. W. Hubbard and the officers as Directors. Lewis, Henrich & Rounds, furniture, established 187 1, capital $17,000, employ 19 men, use 50 horse power, and manufactured in 1875, $35,000 worth, using 75,000 feet of lumber. Their works are situated near Factory street. The firm manufactures much of the wood work for the Davis Sewing Machine Company. (See adv.) L. Case & Son, manufacture sash, blinds and doors, grain sepa- rators etc; established 1869, capital $8,000, employ 20 men, use 125 horse power, and do an annual business of $15,000, using 150,- 000 feet of lumber. Other manufacturing industries of greater or less extent, which help to make Watertown thrive and contribute in no small degree to her prosperity are the following : Gates & Spratt, tin, copper, sheet iron, plumbing and roofing, and manufacturers of the Summer King cook stove, etc. Employ 9 men and do an extensive business. (See advertisement.) Holden & Tilden, manufacturers of tinware and peddlers goods, employ 35 men and do a large business. Tin, copper and hardware : — Sargent & Andrews ; Harbottle & Howard. Sterling & Bingham, cheese vats, and dairy supplies. Carriage and wagon makers : — Horton & Dodge ; E. Hamlin ; A. L. Darling; C. W. Acker. Marble works : — H. F. Ferrin; F. M. Ferrin ; G. Van Vleck. Clothing:— J. C. Streeter & Co.; G. W. Wiggins; J. R. Miller. Hanchett & Converse, Jefferson Flour Mills. Wilson &: Isdell, Crescent Mills. Lumber yards : — A. Frost ; Starbuck & Allen. Armstrong & Friese, silver and electro platers. William D. Wilson, ornamental iron works. (See advertisement.) Tyler & Harmon, machinists and iron workers 110 WATERTOWN, N. Y. Baker & Diss, sewing machine attachments and toys. Service, Georges & Dubois, furniture and cabinet ware. Cole & Zimmerman, cabinet ware and furniture. T. Barber, machinist and inventor of the Barber rotary pump. D. S. Robbins, soap and candle maker. L. Quencer, baker and confectioner. S. B. Hart and C. L. Pickett, harness makers. Lawlor & Co., Council's emery grinder. S. B. Bartlett, machinist and model maker. J. J. Bragger, Son & Co., plumbers and gas fitters. J. S. Greene, patent carpet stretcher. Huntington & Denison, waterproof paper bags. WHAT OTHERS SAY OF US. In the Summer of 1872 it was the good fortune of the citizens of Watertown to entertain the editors comprising the New York State Editorial Association, which held its annual session in this city. They with their families confessed themselves hospitably entertained, and upon their return to their homes took occasion to say many excellent things cancerning Watertown — her people, her hospitality and her natural resources and advantages. We quote the following concerning the latter point among the complimentary opinions expressed by our visitors : From the Lc Roy Gazette. " The water-power at Watertown is unsurpassed in extent." From the Sing Sing Republican. " Watertown is beautifully located and its water-power is immense." From Frank Leslie s Illustrated Newspaper. " Watertown is a glorious city, situated on Black River, a beautiful stream well deserving its name." From the Waterloo Observer . " The immense water-power afforded by the Black River is well employed in running extensive manufactories of various kinds." From the Brockport Republican. After a detailed description of a visit to the different manufactories of the city, it says : ' The motive power for doing all this business is water — of which the Black River furnishes an abundant supply." WATERTOWN, N. V. m From the Kingston Argus. " The citizens of Watertown, in opening their elegant homes, where the evidences of wealth, culture, and refinement on every hand bespoke the great resoutces and the enterprising development of their highly favored region." From the Dansville Adve " Watertown with its beauty of location and its exhaustless water power, and other natural advantages — Watertown with its citizens of liberal heart, wealth and refinement, will ever hold a prominent place in the memories of all who visited her." t From the Arcade Times. " The manufacturing interests of Watertown are by no means an insig- nificant item. Nature has contributed much for Watertown. The noble waters of the Black River, whose mighty power is utilized in driving the machinery of numerous mills, factories and machine shops, contribute very materially to the wealth and prosperity of her people." From the Progressive Batazian. " Watertown has the facilities to make a large and wealthy city. It has ample water power for its manufacturing purposes, and important manufac- turing enterprises are already established there. If its advantages are prop- erly pushed it may become the greatest manufacturing, wealth-producing city in the State. We heartily wish it and its liberal hearted citizens unbounded prosperity." From the Roman Citizen. "The members of the convention were given a ride of inspection over the beautiful city of Watertown, and thoroughly was the duty performed. The public and private buildings were inspected, the large and extensive manu- factories were fully examined, and all were impressed not only with the beauty of the city generally, but with the extent and magnitude of its manu- factories, and the unlimited power at command in the waters of Hlack River to extend them." From the Batavia Republican Advocate. " Watertown is elegantly laid out especially for private residences. The lots are very large, and generally are beautifully embellished with lawns, trees, flowers, etc. The city is most admirably adapted by nature for a large manufacturing city, and her citizens seem to possess not only the ability, but a desire to improve upon nature. Her vast water power is used to drive a large amount of machinery-, but still there is " more of the same sort left." Horace Greeley in the Xezv York Tribune. In 1S50 the late Horace Greeley passed several days here and on the Oth of July sent to the Tribune a letter from which the following extract is made : "The Black River through nearly its whole length dashes and foams over a bed of limestone, falling from 20 to 30 feet per mile, its narrow square- sided channel being cut through solid limestone and reaching down but a few feet from its surface, so as to afford more water power at less cost than 112 WATER TOWN, N. Y. I ever saw elsewhere. I am confident this one river and its tributaries afford power adequate to do the spinning and weaving of all the cotton, flax and wool grown in the United States." From Verplanck Colvin Esq., Superintendent of the Adirondac Survey. " Your Association is doing valuable work in directing public attention to the wonderful hydraulic power of your wilderness-fed river, and cannot fail to accomplish good results." Washington Correspondence of Watertown Times, 1876. " Watertown is indeed acquiring a national reputation for its beauty and attractiveness, and as such celebrity is merited, it is not strange that its citizens are generally contented and happy." JEFFERSON COUNTY. Its Early Histoky — The First Map — Its Productions — Its Location — History and Progress of Each of the Towns of the County — Summer Resorts — Sporting, Etc., Etc A history of Watertown, or a description of its resources and advan- tages, would be incomplete without just historic mention of the prosper- ous county of which she is the county seat, and the commercial, financial and business centre. A volume is needed to do full honor to the county, and we confine ourselves here to a few facts and figures touching its for- mation, history and progress which may be of interest and profit. Ex- tended mention is made elsewhere of the geological characteristics, the iron and horticultural interests of the county, which are directly identical with the interests of Watertown herself. We present elsewhere, also, figures from the census of 1875, which will demonstrate to all readers its strength and importance as an agricultural district, Jefferson county occupying a high place in this regard among the counties of the State. In the present article we are obliged to confine ourselves to such facts bear- ing on this subject, and the resources of the county as are at present ac- cessible. ITS SETTLEMENT, &C Actual settlements began in Jefferson county in the latter part ol the eighteenth century. Those who first came to inhabit the wilderness as it then existed, found on every hand unmistakable evidence, that prior to that time, how many years it is impossible to estimate, the region had been the abode of a race of warlike savages. Almost every town in the county presented proofs, many of which are still in existence, that the race % en in 2J O > o 2 2 W P O ►— < z o WATER TOWN, N. Y. 113 was one of great antiquity. Organic remains, rude implements of war- fare, were repeatedly found by the settlers, and earthworks exist to-day in many places, suggestive of savage warfare, which excite the minds of the curious to conjecture and inquiry as to their origin. But very little of pos- itive knowledge in this direction, however, has been obtained. THE NEW COUNTY. The act erecting Jefferson county was passed March 28, 1805. All this section of country was originally a portion of Albany county, erected Nov. 1, 1683. From Albany county came Try on in 1772 — from Try on came Montgomery in 1784 — from Montgomery came Herkimer in 1791, — from Herkimer came 'Oneida in 1798 — and Jefferson was taken from Oneida in 1805. Its name was derived from Thomas Jefferson — a noble name, which the county has ever borne with honor. Among the pioneers most interested in the formation of this new county, were Henry Coffeen ot Watertown, and Gen. Jacob Brown of Brownville. THE FIRST MAP OF THE COUNTY. A map of the State, published Oct. 16, 1802 by Simeon DeWitt, then Surveyor General, shows many interesting facts with reference to the county. The only village in the tract now called Jefferson county, was Brownville. Watertown was divided into three sections : Hesiod, Leg- horn and Milan, the former lying on Lake Ontario, and Leghorn situated where Watertown city now stands. On the south were Henderson, Alep- po, Orpheus, and Handel, the south line being formed by Minos, Atticus, Fenelon and Shakspeare. The region North of Black River was called Castorland. The position of the Thousand Islands was therein put down as "unknown." Chaumont Bay was called Hungry Bay. The territory now comprising Oswego county on the south, was known by various sin- gular names, such as Metz, Strasburg, Arcadia, Campania, Llybla, Rhad- amant, Rurabella, Longinus Alkmaer, Fredericksburg, Bergen and Breda. On the east, no doubt inhabited by a perfect people, lay the divisions of Unanimity, Frugality, Perseverance, Sobriety, Enterprise, Economy, Reg- ularity and Industry. 1805. The first meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held in the school house in Watertown, Oct. 1, 1805, and was constituted as follows : Cham- pion, Noadiah Hubbard ; Rutland, Clift French \ Watertown, Carlos Hinds ; Brownville, John W. Collins ; Adams, Nicholas Salisbury ; Har- rison, (now Rodman), Thomas White ; Ellisburgh. Lyman Ellis ; Malta, (now Lorraine), Asa Brown. The aggregate of real and personal estate then reported in the county, was $805,992. There was about that time, (1807), a voting population in the county of 1983. 1875. As showing the progress of the county in wealth and population, the census of 1875 gives it a population of 65,392, and the aggregate of real 15 114 WATER TOWN, N. Y. and personal property reported in that year to the supervisors was $33,942,416, about five-sixths being real estate. There were 13,724 dwellings, and 14,407 families. PRODUCTIONS. The chief productions in 1870 were 228,772 bushels of wheat, 221,551 of Indian corn, 1,058,227 of oats, 415,7040!" barley, 86,602 of peas and beans, 507,349 ofpotatoes, 104,459 ms - ot wool, 262,738 of hops, 35,850 of flax, 529,109 of maple sugar, 4,883,508 of butter, 2,545,654 of cheese, and 223,343 tons of hay. There were 15,564 horses, 72,980 milch cows, 23,525 other cattle, 26,390 sheep, and 13,930 swine. There were 554,155 acres of improved land — the value of farms was $33,432,152, and the total value of farm productions was $8,276,348, ranking the third county in the State. This showing illustrates, in some degree, the importance of Jef- ferson as an agricultural county. The excellence of its horses is widely recognized, and great attention is paid to the rearing of blooded cattle. It ranks among the first as a dairying county, and its product in this direc- tion is one of its most important industries. In 1870 there were 79 cheese factories, and in 1876 its number will considerably exceed 100. In 1874 a Dairyman's Board of Trade was organized, which has been of great advantage to the cheese making interest. In 1875 its transactions were very extensive, amounting to many hundred thousands of dollars. Meet- ings were held at Watertown each week (Saturday) from April 3 to Nov. 27. Ninety-five cheese factory associations were represented, and fifteen dealers. At the meeting Oct. 2, 1875, tne offerings were 37,938 boxes, valued at $200,000. MANUFACTURES. In 1870 there were reported 6 manufactories of agricultural imple- ments, 9 of cheese boxes, 35 of carriages, 79 of cheese, 21 of clothing, 4 of confectionery, 1 of cotton goods, 21 of lurniture, 10 of iron castings, 1 of brooms, 11 of machinery, 1 of steam engines, 4 of malt, 6 of paper, 3 of pumps, 34 of saddlery and harness, 8 of sash, doors and blinds, 1 of sewing machines, 1 of steel springs, 24 of tin, copper and sheet iron ware, 6 of woolen goods, 36 saw mills, 5 breweries, 19 tanneries, 9 currying establishments, and 40 flour mills. The total number of manufacturing establishments of all kinds reported in 1870, was 737, using 41 steam en- gines and 364 water wheels, and employing 3,455 hands. The capital re- ported was $3,813,092 ; wages paid, $941,944; value of material, $4,753,- 521; value ot product, $7,241,009. DESCRIPTIVE. The area of Jefferson county is 1,868 square miles, or 1,195,520 square acres. The towns of Ellisburgh, Henderson, Hounsfield, Brownville, Lyme and Cape Vincent border on Lake Ontario on the west, and the St. Lawrence river is the northern boundary of the towns of Cape Vincent, WATER TOWN, N. Y. 115 Clayton, Orleans and Alexandria. St. Lawrence county bounds it on the north east, Lewis on the east and Oswego on the south. Black river in- tersects the county, flowing east to west, and it is also watered by Indian and Chaumont rivers and several smaller but important streams. The land rises gradually from the lake to a height of 1,000 feet. The soil is generally fertile, as its agricultural products prove. Iron ore deposits are mostly situated in the north eastern portion of the county, adjoining St. Lawrence. We give below a brief history of the settlement, progress and present condition of each town in Jefferson County : ADAMS. Formed April 1, 1802, and derived its name from President John Ad- ams. Wolf bounties were features of its early life, and in 1822-3 Tne V ()0r upon the town were voted to be sold at auction to the highest bidder. The first town meeting was held March 1, 1803. Settlements were first made April 16, 1800, by Nicholas Salisbury, and he was elected the first Supervisor. The town contains 27,198 acres of land. The assessed valuation in 1875 was: real estate, $2,252,525 ; personal, $765,225. Pop- ulation 1875. 3-33-1- The town contains the villages of Adams, Adams Centre, and Smithville. Adams village was incorporated Nov. 11, 1851. Its population in 1875 was 1,400. It contains 27 stores, 2 hotels, 4 churches, (Baptist, Methodist. Presbyterian, Episcopal;, 1 bank, 1 grist mill, 1 last factory, 1 lumber yard and mill, 1 saw mill, 1 machine shop and foundry, 2 malt houses, 2 tanneries, &c. It derives its water power from the north branch of Sandy Creek. Hungerford Collegiate Institute is located here and is one of the most flourishing institutions of learning in the State. The number of registered students during the year is 435. The village is handsomely laid out, is plentifully shaded, and its people are noted for enterprise, thrift, and intelligence. It contains 2 newspa- pers — the Journal and Herald— the former one of the oldest and most successful in the county. Adams is a station on the R. W. & O. RR. Adams Centre is located 3 miles north of Adams. It is a pleasant, thrif- ty village of 300 inhabitants, a station on the same railroad, contains 8 stores, 3 hotels, 3 churches, (Baptist. Seven-Day Baptist, and Advent). 1 Handy Package Dye Factory, 1 sash and blind factory. Sec. Smithville, located partly in this town and partly in Henderson, contains 2 stores. 1 hotel, 1 church, < Baptist j, 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill, Sec. Population 150. It is situated on Stoney Creek. 116 WATERTOWN, N. Y. ALEXANDRIA. This town was erected April 3, 1821, and derives its name from Alex- ander, a son of J. D. LeRay, who obtained a Colonel's commission in the Texan revolution and fell in a duel in 1836. It is the most northern town in the county. The first improvement in the town was made about 181 1, by LeRay. Wolves and panthers were among the earliest settlers. The town contains 37,963 acres of land. Its assessed valuation in 1875 was : real estate, $371,185 ; personal, $13,960. Its population in 1875 was 3,476. The town contains three villages — Alexandria Bay, Redwood, and Plessis. The former is situated opposite the most picturesque por- tion of the celebrated Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence; contains 2 large hotels, and one smaller one, and for several years has been an at- tractive place of resort, on account of its fine scenery and excellent fish- ing. Its population is 450. It contains 3 stores, 2 churches, (Reform Protestant, and Methodist), 1 school with an attendance of 140, 1 steam saw mill, 2 telegraph office, &c. Redwood is a thriving village on ihe U. & B. R. RR., and contains among other business interests the Red- wood Glass Manufacturing Company, which has been in operation since 1833. The sand used in making glass is procured by calcining and crush- ing the Potsdam sandstone of the vicinity, which is found well adapted to the business. The value of glass manufactured in 1875 was $60,000. The water power is furnished by a stream 25 rods in length, running from Mud into Butterfield Lake, having a fall of 90 feet. The village contains 8 stores, 2 hotels, 4 churches, (Catholic, Baptist, Episcopal, and German Lutheran), 1 school with an attendance of 175, 1 flouring mill, 1 machine shop and shingle mill, 1 saw mill, 1 wool carding and cloth dressing mill, 2 carriage shops, 1 telegraph office, &c. Its population is 700. The population of Plessis is 300. It has 3 stores, 1 hotel, 3 churches, (Presbyterian, Protestant, and Episcopal), 1 school with an attendance of 120, 1 flouring mill, 1 saw mill, 1 shingle mill, 1 carriage shop, 2 cheese factories, telegraph office, &c. ANTWERP. This town was formed April 5, 18 10, and was named from Antwerp in Belgium, the seat of the "Antwerp Company," which formerly owned a large tract of land in this vicinity. Daniel Heald was the first Supervisor. Wolf, fox, hawk and crow bounties were features of early local law. In the war of 181 2 the town built a fort to fortify against an "expected ene- my. 1 ' In 1825 a reward of $10 was offered for a sure device for destroy- ing the Canada thistle. The first settler in the town was Wm. Lee, who settled in 1803. A saw mill was built by Silas Ward, in 1806, and a grist mill in 1807, by John Jenison. For mineral wealth, Antwerp stands unrivalled in the county. It is mostly underlaid by primary rock, and the border being of the lowest sedementary formations, it affords at many points, valuable mines of iron ore, which may be said to be inexhaustible. Strong indicatior.s ot ores which have not yet been explored, exist in vari- ous parts of the town. Specular iron ore had been wrought in the ad- joining town of Rossie, St. Lawrence Co., in 181:. In 1836, a mine was opened about 3 miles north of Antwerp village, now called the Sterling ore bed. The land on which this mine was discovered, was first sold for $200. It has proved a mine of immense value, yielding ore of rich quali- ty, and in unlimited amount. The Keene ore bed was discovered on the farm of Col. Hiram B. Keene, in the same range with the mines of Ros- WATER TOWN, N. Y. 117 sie, in 1837. Heavy mining operations have since been carried on. The ore dips at an angle of 45 degrees, overlaid by huge masses of sand- stone. The mine is wrought under ground by lamps. The Dixon bed is located in this town, a valuable mine, but now lying idle through mis- management. Near the Keene bed, on the border of St .Lawrence Co., are the Caledonia and Kearney beds, the former of which is very valuable and productive. [For further observations upon the iron interests, see article elsewhere on that subject.] .Potsdam sandstone for lining fur- naces, has been wrought extensively on the farm of Col. Keene. Antwerp contains 71,523 acres of land, assessed at $560,725 ; personal, $39,445. Population in 1875, 3,363. Antwerp village was incorporated July yj, 1853. It contains 19 stores, 2 hotels, 4 churches, (Cong., Meth., Epis., Cath.), 1 flouring mill, 1 foundry and machine shop, 1 saw mill, 2 sash and door factories, 1 furniture factory, 1 planing mill, 1 tannery, 1 cheese factory, 3 wagon shops, 1 bank, &c, &c. The Ives Seminary is located here, and is a flourishing educational institution. The population of the village in 1875 was 1,000. It is an important station on the R.W. & O. RR., vast quantities of iron being shipped from this point. Ox Bow contains 300 inhabitants, 4 stores, 2 hotels, 2 churches, (Pres., Meth.), and 1 steam saw mill. Shingle Creek contains 9 stores, 2 hotels, 4 churches, (Meth., Cath., Pres., Epis.), 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill and 2 planing mills. The village is a station on the R. W. & O. RR., (Keenes), and contains a pop- ulation of 1,000, comprising a large number of miners. The place is par- tially in Jefferson and partially in St. Lawrence counties. BROWNVILLE. Brownville was erected April 1, 1802. It was named from Jacob Brown, afterward Major-General in the army, the first settler (1799) g en_ eral land agent, and Supervisor. Bounties for wolves, panthers and foxes were offered until 1807. A saw mill was built in 1800, and a grist mill in 1801. In 1805 the village contained 25 houses, and for some years grew more rapidly than any other in the county, and was for a long time a lively rival of Watertown in thrift and enterprise. The location of the county buildings at the latter place, threw the balance in its favor. Upon the declaration of war in 181 2, Brownville was the scene of much activity from its being the headquarters of Gen. Brown, who had the personal di- rection of military operations on this frontier during the first season. Troops were stationed in the village. The village of Brownville was in- corporated April 5, 1828, Win. S. Ely being its first President. The Brownville Manufacturing Company was formed Feb. 9, 18 14, with a capital of $100,000. A factory was erected and the manufacture of wool and cotton carried on for a short time, when it changed hands. The Brownville Cotton Factory was incorporated April 6. 1831, with a capital of .^100,000. The factory has been in Operation at intervals ever since. Brownville possesses a great amount of water power, and in many re- spects excellent advantages for manufacturing. It is situated on Black River, 4 miles from Watertown and 3 from the foot of Lake Ontario, and is a station on the R. W. & O. RR. Its population in 1875 was 7°°- I* contains 5 churches, (Epis., Pres., Meth., Univ., Cath.), 1 fine school house, 2 hotels, 4 stores, 2 foundries and machine shops, 2 flouring mills, 1 saw mill, 2 furniture and wood-working shops, 4 carriage shops, &c, &c. Its largest manufactory is the Brownville Cotton Mill, containing 3.500 spindles and 76 looms. When in full operation 65 hands are employed. It is now making cotton duck, and will turn out 20,000 yar ds per week, or 118 WATERTOWN, N. Y. 18,000 yards of sheeting - . The facilities for manufacturing at this place are first-class. Dexter is another fine incorporated village in this town, 3 miles below Brownville, containing 700 inhabitants, 4 churches, (Epis., Univ., Pres., Meth.), 2 hotels, 7 stores, 2 flouring mills, 1 ten set woolen mill, 2 sash, blind and door factories, 2 saw mills, 1 wool carding factory, 1 carriag-e shop, 1 plaster mill, 1 shingle factory, &c, &c. There are fair prospects that the woolen mill will be started during the present year. About 3,000,000 feet of lumber are annually sold at this point. Perch River, Pillar Point and Limerick are post-offices in the town. The latter is one mile from Dexter and is a station on the R. W. & O. RR. The town of Brownville contains 34,852 acres of land, assessed at $1,751,800 ; personal, $172,550. Population in 1875, 2,876. CAPE VINCENT. Erected April 10, 1849; F. A. Folger its first Supervisor. The town derives its name from Vincent LeRay, who formerly owned this and other towns in the county. The earliest settlement on the main land in this town was made in 1801, by A. Putnam, who established a ferry to Wolf Island, lying opposite. Carlton Island was settled in the latter part ot the 1 8th century. This island lies opposite the town and contains the ruins of an ancient fort, the origin of which is still disputed. During the war of 1 81 2 there was much excitement and activity here, owing to its close proximity to the British dominions. A custom house was estab- lished at Cape Vincent in i8r8, and the village was formerly the scene of much activity in ship building, following the year 1819. The town con- tains 33,978 acres of land, assessed at $1,758,060 ; personal, $67,535. * ts population in 1875 was 3,188. Fishing, agriculture, and shipping, form the present active industries of the town. Cape Vincent village was in- corporated in 1853. Its population in 1875 was 1,250. It contains 13 stores, 7 hotels — one of which is a summer hotel — 4 churches, (Meth., Pres., Epis., Cath.), 2 extensive shingle mills, 1 large flouring mill, 1 saw mill, &c, &c. The mills are driven by steam. It is the St. Lawrence terminus of the R. W. & O. RR., and has some of the best wharves on the lakes — being over 3,000 feet long- — with extensive freight house, a large elevator, &c, &c. Vast quantities of iron ore are brought here by rail for transhipment to Rochester and the West. All steamers plying the river stop here, and the Messrs. Folger Brothers of Kingston, Ont., (di- rectly opposite), supply a magnificent ferry between the two ports. Pleas- ure steamers ply down the river to Clayton and Alexandria Bay during the summer season, and Cape Vincent itself is popular as a summer resort, on account of its salubrious air and excellent fishing. St. Lawrence post- office is in this town. The Eagle is printed at Cape Vincent. CHAMPION. Formed March 14, 1800, and named from Gen. Henry Champion, of Conn., one of the early proprietors of the town. Noadiah Hubbard was its Supervisor until 18 14. The first actual settlements in the county were made in this town in 1797. A meeting was held Oct. 23, 1800, and a log school house ordered built. The first saw mill in town was built by Wm. Hadsall and A. J. Eggleson, in 1802, on Mill Creek, near the Rutland line. In 1804 David Coffeen moved into the town and built a saw mill on Black River, opposite Carthage, which was the first hydraulic im- provement at that place. In 1806, $100 was raised to eradicate the Can- ada thistle, and wolf, fox and panther bounties were offered up to 1820. WATER TOWN, N. Y. 119 It is related that a magistrate in this town, heard that a leading- citizen of Lowville, Lewis Co., with whom he had had some difficulty, had offered a bounty of $5 for his head. He went to Lowville on foot, determined on "satisfaction.'' His opponent denied the charge, on the ground that he had only offered half that sum. The aggrieved party returned, "satisfied." The town contains 25,991 acres of land, assessed at $941,400; personal, $75,060. Population in 1875, 2,246. The town contains two villages — Champion and Great Bend. Great Bend is situated on Black River, and is also a station on the U. & B. R. RR. Its population is 250. It con- tains 3 stores, 2 hotels, 2 churches, (Bap., Epis.), 1 fine flour mill, 1 man- ufactory of hanging paper, &c. Champion contains a population of 100, 1 store, 1 hotel, and 3 churches, (Epis., Meth., Cong). CLAYTON. This town was formed April 27, 1833, and Hubbel Fox was chosen first Supervisor. Its name was derived from Hon. John M. Clayton, U. S. Senator from Delaware. At an early period there was an Indian fort in this town, but no date or details are known concerning it. The first per- manent settlement was made in 1801 by a man named Bartlet, about a mile from Clayton village. A saw mill was erected in 1804; and in 1825 a stone school house was erected and the first school taught. The town contains 49,244 acres of land, assessed at $636,895, and personal estate at $35,025. In 1875 its population was 4,215 The town is well adapted to agricultural pursuits, and is thriving and prosperous. Its principal village is Clayton, beautifully located on the shores of the St. Lawrence river, in the immediate vicinity of the Thousand Islands. It is one of the three termini of the U. & B. R. RR. It was incorporated April 17, 1872, and in 1875 its population was 1,600. It has 4 churches, (Epis., Bap., Meth., Cath.), two commodious first-class hotels kept by first-class landlords, 12 stores, 1 flour mill, 1 shingle mill, 3 machine shops, 3 wagon shops, 1 newspaper, (the Independent), and other smaller industries. Ship build- ing has always been its chief pride — beginning in 1832 and continuing to this day. Within this period hundreds of all classes of vessels have been built, among which have been some of the finest steamers on the lakes. The ship-yard is still a busy spot. It has one of the finest of harbors, and large quantities of timber from the West are here transhipped from ves- sels and made into rafts, and taken down the St. Lawrence to Quebec, for shipment to Europe. The Thousand Island Park, on the Island of the Camp Meeting Association, is in view of the village and only 4 miles dis- tant. The village is a favorite summer resort, and excellent fishing abounds. Thousands of visitors are entertained here every summer. Grindstone Island is directly opposite the village, and Gananoque, Ont., is on the Canadian shore in the same direction. Other post-offices in this town are Depauville, (2 stores, 2 churches), (Meth. and Bap.), and Clay- ton Centre. ELLISBURGH. This town was erected Feb. 22, 1803, and derives its name from Lyman Ellis, of Troy, who settled in 1797. Edward Boomer was its first Super- visor. The first saw mill was erected in 1797. The first grist mill was a stump with spring and pestle. The first corn and potatoes raised in the county were produced in this town^n 1797. The early settlement of the town is full ot interesting history too long to re-produce here. A small engagement took place in this region in the war of 181 2, the Americans 120 WATERTOWN. N. Y. being victorious. Ellisburgh is one of the largest towns in the county the most populous, and is justly celebrated for its value as a rich agricul- tural section. It contains 48,570 acres of land, assessed at $2,789,360; personal at $201,510. Population in 1875, 4.819. ^ contains more valu- able farms than any other town, and more thrifty, enterprising villages. Belleville village was incorporated in i860. Its population is 485. It contains 8 stores, 1 hotel, 3 churches, (Bap., Meth., Cath.), 2 grist mills, 1 Wni®n Aearle'my. saw mill, 1 cheese factory, 1 cabinet factory, &c, &c. Union Academy, located here, is one of the oldest institutions in the State, as it is one of the best. An effort is being made, with flattering prospects, to endow the institution with $50,000. Mannsville, on the R. W. & O. RR., has a pop- ulation of 600, contains 1 hotel. 5 churches, (Cong., Meth., Bap., Dis., Adv.,), 2 large flour mills, 1 large steam saw mill, 1 large tannery, 1 cheese box factory, &c. Pierrepont Manor, on the R. W. & O. RR., con- tains 2 stores, 1 hotel, 2 churches, (Epis., Union), &c. It is the home of Hon. Wm. C. Pierrepont. Ellisburgh contains a population of 250, 3 stores, 1 hotel, 2 churches, (Univ., Meth.), 1 grist mill, 1 sash and blind factorv, 1 carding mill, 1 manufactory "of agricultural implements, &c. The village is situated on the south branch of Sandy Creek. Other post- offices in the town are Woodville and Rural Hill. HENDERSON. Formed Feb. 17, 1806. The first town meeting was held in the same year, and Jesse Hopkins chosen Supervisor. The town derives its name from Wm. .Henderson, who was once the owner of the tract from which the town was formed. In 1803-4, but ten families wintered in town. In May, 1806, there were seventy families. The first school was taught in 1808-9, by Elias Forbes. The early settlers were troubled with wolves and panthers, and bounties were offered for their extinction ; and in 1811-12 it was voted that thistles should be cut in the old of the moon during the summer months. Evidences of aboriginal occupation exist in various parts of the town, and traces of a French stockade still exist at Six Town Point. This point extends two miles into Lake Ontario, form- ing one of the best harbors on the lakes. This circumstance gave value to the township, and had a beginning been properly made and properly directed, the place at this time might have been an important commer- cial point. Some of the finest scenery on the lake beautifies this town, and Henderson Harbor was in early days called Naples, from the roman- tic beauty of its situation. Excellent fishing abounds in the vicinity, and the Harbor is becoming a favorite place of resort. A hotel was built here WATER TOWN, N. Y. 121 in 1875, but was burned during the winter. The town is fertile and un- der a high state of cultivation — fruit growing in profusion along the lake shore. The town contains 24,115 acres of land, assessed at $1,216,355 '< personal estate, $106,550. Its population in 1875 was 1,815. Henderson is the only village in the town, Smithville lying partially in the town of Adams. The population of the former is 520. It contains 6 stores, 2 hotels, 3 churches, (Bap., Pres. r Univ.), 2 grist mills, 1 saw mill, 1 lumber mill, 1 planing mill, and 1 union school with an attendance of 1 56 pupils. HOUNSFIELD. Formed Feb. 17, 1806. Augustus Sacket was its first Supervisor. The town derived its name from Ezra Hounsfield, of Sheffield, England, one of the owners of the town. Wolf and panther bounties were continued till 1 816, and fox bounties to 1831. From an early period the waters ol Black River Bay were regarded as eligible for commercial purposes. The town is bounded on the West by the Bay and Lake Ontario. Irt 1802 thirty families had settled in the town. Mr. Sacket was the first active settler. In 1808 Samuel F. Hooker established a store at Sackets Har- bor, with a stock of $20,000. In 50 days he sold $17,500 worth. The export of potash to Montreal was at that time a large and paying business, and until its shipment was forbidden. During the war of 1812, Sackets Harbor became the theatre of military and naval operations on an exten- sive scale. The place was twice attacked by the British without success. Madison Barracks were built in 1816, and are still used as quarters for U. S. troops. Here are the remains of many Americans who fell at this point. A prominent relic of the war at this place is the hull of the frigate "New Orleans," which has a keel of 187 feet and a measurement of 3,200 tons. She was never launched, and has been preserved by the government and covered with a house. Considerable ship-building has been done at this point. In 1832 a canal, 20 feet wide and 4 feet deep, was built from a point two miles above Watertown to Sackets Harbor, 12 miles, which gave the village a valuable water power, upon which sev- eral mills were erected. It was abandoned after 10 years. A railroad formerly extended from the village to Pierrepont Manor, (opened June 1, 1853), but which was sold and taken up after a few years. In 1873 the Carthage, Watertown & Sackets Harbor RR. was extended from Water- town, and the village again enjoys the benefit of railroad advantages. Sackets Harbor is one of the finest harbors on the lakes. The village was incorporated April 15, 1 8 14. Population in 1875, 749. It contains 14 stores, 2 hotels, 3 churches, (Meth., Pres., Epis.), one union school house accommodating 200 scholars, 1 iron foundry, &c. ; 630 tons of shipping are owned at this port. Stowells Corners is the remaining post- office in this town. The town contains 27,790 acres of land, assessed at $1,511,780 ; personal at $125,000. Population in 1875, 2,552. The Har- bor is a favorite place of summer resort during the season — fishing and boating and fine air being its chief attractions. LERAY. LeRay was erected Feb. 17, 1806, and derives its name from James D. LeRay de Chaumont, the distinguished land-holder. James Shurtliff was its first Supervisor. Bounties for destruction of wild animals were offered until 1 82 1. The first saw mill in town was erected at LeRaysville in 1802, by Benjamin Brown, and the place was for many years the seat of LeRay's land-office, until its removal in 1835 to Carthage. It is a small 16 122 WATERTOWN, N. Y. hamlet nine miles from Watertown and three from Evans Mills. The latter village is situated on the R. W. & O. RR., and on a lively stream which empties into Indian River. It derives its name from Elihu Evans, one of the first settlers, by whom the first saw and grist mills were erected in 1809. Its population is 450, and it was incorporated in 1873. It contains 9 stores, 3 hotels, 4 churches, (Meth., Pres., Bap., Cath., value $23,000), 1 cheese box factory with facilities for cutting hoops for 200,000 boxes and puts up 50.000 boxes annually, 1 horse rake manufactory turn- ing out yearly 1,000 rakes, 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill, 1 brewery making 1,500 bbls. of ale each season. M. Cooper's cheese factory, the most important in the county, is located here. It takes the yield of 1,000 cows, and last year used 2,621,510 pounds of milk, and its total sales reached $35,000. Slocum's grist and woolen mills are located at Slocumville, near Evans Mills, and are worthy of mention. Sanfords Corners, the. remain- ing post-office in the town is on the R. W. & O. RR., is a hamlet con- taining a hotel, store and cheese factory. The town contains 52,856 acres of land, assessed at $617,390 ; personal at $35,646. The popula-. tion in 1875 was 2,733. LORRAINE. Was erected March 12, 1804. The first town meeting was held March 5, 1805, and Asa Brown chosen supervisor. In those days fence viewers were chosen, wolf bounties were given, and careless husbandmen were fined $2, in 18 12-13, for allowing Canada thistles to grow. The first set- tlement of the town was in November, 1802, by James McKee and Elijah Fox. The town contains 22,359 acres of land, assessed at $682,930, and personal estate at $31,950. Its population in 1875 was 1,377. The south branch of Sandy creek traverses the town from east to west. The town is elevated, very uneven, and underlaid by shales, which occur here so finely developed that the term Lorraine shale has been applied to the formation. In many cases deep gulfs have been worn in the soil by the action of frost and atmosphere, varying in depth from one hundred to two hundred feet, and many rods in width. Lorraine is the only village in the town. Its population is 1 50. It has 1 store, 1 hotel, 2 churches (Meth. and Bap.), 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill and cheese-box factory, and other minor industries. LYME. Was formed March 6, 1818, and derived its name from Lyme, Conn. Its first supervisor was R. M. Esselstyn. In 1822 wolf bounties were offered. The first settlement in the town was made in 180 1. A saw mill was built in 1803. The first school was taught in 1805 by Nancy Smith. In 1805 a store was opened at Chaumont village. The town is very irregular in shape, and presents, with its islands and peninsulas, a large water front. Chaumont Bay is many miles in extent, and is an excellent harbor of safety for vessels. The town contains 33,541 acres of land, assessed at $1,388,265; personal at $80,500. Pop., 1875,2,244. Chau- mont village is located on a bay and at the mouth of a river of the same name, and is a station on the R. W. & O. R. R. It contains 500 inhabi- tants, is incorporated, contains 5 stores, 1 hotel, 2 churches (Meth., Pres.), 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill, &c. The fishing interest at this place is extensive and profitable, and important stone quarries, which have yielded for many years vast quantities of limestone, are located here, and are still extensively worked. They occur in a strata corresponding with the Black River WATER TOWN, N. Y.. 123 Marble, Three Mile Bay is a station on the R. W. & O. R. R M contains 300 inhabitants, 6 stores, 1 hotel, 3 churches (Meth. Bap. and Free Will Bap^, 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill, 1 planing; mill. It has been a station of much importance in ship-building, and this trade is still carried on to some extent. Point Peninsula is the remaining post office in the town. ORLEANS. Was erected April 3, 1821, and derived its name from New Orleans. Its first supervisor was Amos Reed. Improvements began in this town in 1806. A small portion of the town extends to the St. Lawrence river. The settlement of Penet Square, in this town, in early days, formed a subject for agitation, that tract being owned by John Lafarge, a native of Havre, and the agent of Louis Phillippe. the unfortunate prince. Lafarge- ville is 'the principal village in the town, settled in i8i9by Dr. Reuben Andrus, of Vermont. A store was opened in 1820, and the village for- mally named July 4, 1823. The Lafarge mansion, situated one mile south of the village, was occupied for two years as a Catholic seminary. Water lime was manufactured to a small extent in 1850 at this place, and an abundance of material adapted to the purpose exists in the town. The village now contains 360 inhabitants, 6 stores, 1 hotel, 1 wagon shop, 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill, 4 churches (Bap., Meth., Epis., Cath.), &c. &c. It is located on Chaumont river, and is a station on the U. & B. R. R. The other settlements in the town are Orleans Four Corners, Omar, Stone Mills, and Fishers Landing. The latter place contains a summer hotel, and is a favorite resort for health and pleasure seekers. The town con- tains 40,347 acres of land, assessed at §499, 760 ; personal at $24,890. Its population in 1875 was 2,307. Stone Mills contains 1 hotel, 1 store, 2 churches (Union, Meth.), 1 cheese factory, 1 wagon shop, &c. Pop., 100. PAMELIA. Formed April 12, 1819. First supervisor, John Stewart. Permanent settlements were made in 1804 in that part of the town now included in the city of Watertown. The town is a thrifty agricultural section, and contains 23,636 acres of land, assessed at $353,280; personal, $12,900. Population in 1875, 1,055. Pamelia Four Corners is its only village and post office. PHILADELPHIA. This town was formed April 3, 1821, and Alden Bucklin was its first supervisor. It is supposed that the Pennsylvania city was named after this village. Settlements began in 1803 by Joseph Child and Moses Moore, who came from Bucks county, Pa. The town contains 24,135 acres of land, assessed at $992,115 ; personal at $80,980. Population in 1875, 1,799. Philadelphia village is situated on the Indian river, and also at the junction of the R. W. & O. and U. & B. R. s. The river presents at this point considerable water power, much of which is utilized. The falls and ravines below the village present many attractions to the lover of romantic scenery. The population of the village is 550. It contains 9 stores, 2 hotels, 4 churches (Meth. Bap. Free Bap. Cong.), 2 grist mills, 1 plaster mill, 2 saw mills, 1 tannery, 3 wagon shops, 1 brick yard, &c, &c. Sterlingville is located on the U. & B. R. R., contains 3 stores, 1 hotel, 2 churches (Union, Cath.), 1 grist mill, 2 saw mills, 1 blast furnace, and i forge. Pop., 187. The blast furnace and forge were erected by Caleb Essington in 1839. Philadelphia is rich in mineral wealth, and its 124 . WATER TOWN, N.Y. supply of rich iron ore is probably inexhaustible. The Shurtliff ore bed, near Sterlingville, is a continuation of the valuable veins extending through the adjoining town of Antwerp, more particular reference to whiqfc has been made in another portion of this pamphlet. RODMAN. Was erected March 24, 1804. Thomas White was its first supervisor. The early law makers gave wolf bounties and were opposed to Canada thistles. The first settlements were made in 1801, and the first school taught in 1803 by Miss M. Nobles. The town is one of the most produc- tive in the county, and its people are enterprising, industrious and thrifty. There is much wealth in the town. It contains 25,504 acres of land, assessed at $1,001,700 ; personal, $870,892. Population in 1875, 1,468. Rodman village contains 300 inhabitants, 7 stores, 1 hotel, 2 churches (Meth., Cong.), 1 grist mill, 1 pearl barley mill, 1 tannery, 1 butter fac- tory, 2 carriage shops, &c. East Rodman is its remaining post office. Its population is 50, contains 1 hotel, 1 store, 1 church (Meth.), 1 grist mill, and 1 saw mill. RUTLAND. This town was organized April 1, 1802, its name being suggested by settlers from Rutland, Vermont. Its first town meeting was held in 1803, when David Coffeen was chosen supervisor. Wolf and fox bounties were given in early times, and in 1811-12 a law was passed requiring Canada thistles to be cut "at the full moon in June, July and August," under a penalty of one dollar. The first grist mill in the town and in the county was erected by Coffeen in 1800, and a saw mill was built the following season. The first school was taught in 1803, and the town has always manifested great interest in its schools. The inhabitants were noted for industry and intelligence, and these qualities have always been character- istic of her people. Her population in 1875 was 1,849, anc l the town con- tains 27,238 acres of land. Real estate is assessed at $470,220, and personal at $207,830. Rutland is one of the finest agricultural towns in the county, and is largely peopled by thriving farmers. Butter, cheese and grain are among her principal productions. The town contains 7 churches and 4 post offices. Black River is a thrifty village situated upon the river by the same name, six miles from Watertown. It contains 2 stores, 3 churches (Meth., Free Meth. and Dis.), 2 chair factories, 1 bent work, 1 shingle mill, 1 saw mill, 1 machine shop, 1 box factory, &c. Its population is 400. An excellent water power is found here, much of which is utilized. Felts Mills, also situated on Black river, is a point of considerable business, possessing excellent water power. Its population is 250. The village contains 1 hotel, 2 stores, 1 church (Union), 1 grist mill. 1 saw mill, 1 pump factory, 1 box factory, 1 tannery, &c. South Rutland is situated on Sandy Creek, and in early times ( 181 1) was the seat of a small woolen factory. It contains 2 churches (Union and Bap.), 2 stores, 1 hotel, 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill, 1 cheese factory, and is a thrifty village of 1 50 inhabitants. THERESA. This town derived its name from a daughter of James LeRay, and was formed April 15, 1841. Alex. Salisbury was its first supervisor. Settle- ments were actively made in 18 10, and a saw mill was erected which did a large business. During the war an engagement took place at Goose WATER TOWN, N. Y. 125 Creek, in this town, in July, 1813, in which the Americans were victo- rious. Permanent settlements began in 18 19, when a grist mill and hotel were erected. A blast furnace for the reduction of iron ore was built in 1847, and was in operation three years, using ore found in this town and in Philadelphia. The town is underlaid by primary rock and Potsdam sandstone, covered in many places by an accumulation of drift. The soil is fertile, and the town takes a front rank in agricultural resources. The number and romantic beauty of the many lakes situated in this town are among its chief attractions. They are nearly twenty in number, the largest being Butterfield, Mud, Moose. Grass, Hyde, Sixbury, Millsite, and Muscalonge. These lakes are delightful places of resort, and are equally attractive to the sportsman, geologist, or the lover of fine scenery. The- resa, the only incorporated village in the town, is beautifully located on the Indian river at High Falls. There is a fine water power here, and well improved. The village is an important station on the U. & B. R. R. It contains 16 stores, 2 hotels, 3 churches (Pres., Meth., Epis.), 2 sash and door factories, 1 woolen factory, 1 chair factory, 1 tub and box fac- tory, 1 tannery, 2 cabinet factories, 2 grist mills, 3 saw mills, 1 machine shop and foundry, 1 manufactory of fishing tackle, &c, &c. Its popula- tion is over 1,000. The town contains 40,911 acres of land, assessed at $435-555 ; personal, $31,205 Population in 1875, 2,361. WATERTOWN. Formed March 14, 1800. Corlis Hinds, first supervisor. The city of Watertown was taken from it May 8, 1869. The town is principally de- voted to agricultural pursuits, and its people are mostly thrifty and indus- trious farmers. It contains 25,200 acres, assessed at $1,036,400, and per- sonal at $115,800. Its population in 1875 was I > 2 79- Brookside Cem- etery is located in the town, and the ruins of an Indian fort are among the interesting studies of the vicinity. WORTH. Was erected from Lorraine May 2, 1848, and was given its name from Gen. W. J. Worth, of the U. S. Army, by a committee appointed for the purpose. A. S. Gillett was its first supervisor. Settlements were made in 1802. In 1805 a rude saw and grist mill was built, and in 1806 the first school was taught in a log barn. Its population in 1875 was 767. It contains 26,743 acres, much of which is still an unbroken forest. Its assessed valuation is as follows: Real estate, $236,490 ; personal, $3,520. The town comprises the highest land in the county. The surface is undu- lating. The Lorraine shale appears here. The principal industries are grazing and the lumber trade. Worthville and Worth Centre are its re- maining post offices. WILNA Was erected April 2, 181 3, and Thomas Brayton was its first supervisor. Wolf bounties were given until 1828, and in 1831 path masters were allowed to lay out three day's labor in destroying noxious weeds. Settle- ments commenced in this town in 1798 by Henry Bouten. The estab- lishment of a forge at Carthage gave the first impulse to the growth of the place, and the interest in this branch of industry is kept up to this day. Nail works, were erected in 1828 and continued ten years. In 1846 a nail factory and rolling mill were built. This interest, with the several branches of industrv which it fostered, with the advantages of a fine water 126 WATERTOWN, N. Y. power, gave a steady growth to the village of Carthage. This village was incorporated May 26, 1841, and Virgil Brooks elected its first president. It is a busy, thrifty village of 3,000 inhabitants, the largest village in the county. It contains 36 stores of all kinds, 5 hotels, among which is the Levis House (O. S. Levis, proprietor,), one of the best in the county, 7 churches (Bap., Meth., Pres., Epis., Dis., Cath., Cong.), 3 fine school houses, with a school population of 500. Its industries are varied and extensive. Among them are 7 saw mills, 2 flour mills, 2 tub and pail factories, 2 woolen or knitting mills, 2 sash and blind factories, 1 mop-stick and brush-handle factory, 3 large tanneries, 1 blast furnace, 2 iron foun- dries, 2 planing mills, r hay-rake factory, 1 cabinet factory, 1 wool carding mill, 1 spring-bed factory, 1 brewery, 1 carriage shop, &c. The village contains 2 public halls. Black river supplies water power for all this amount of business. The village is one of the most important stations on the U. & B. R. R. R., and is the northern terminus of the Black River Canal. The Republican, a newspaper of extensive circulation, is pub- lished here. The other post offices in Wilna are Natural Bridge, North Wilna, and Wilna, The town contains 37,768 acres of land, assessed at $1,137,420, personal at $67,550. Population in 1875, 4,265. SPORTING. Jefferson county and vicinity offer rare attractions to sportsmen, which are duly appreciated and enjoyed by the disciples of Izaak Walton, and the devotees ot " fur and feather." Good fishing and hunting abound in many sections. We mav summarize somewhat as follows : Speckled trout are found in the stream near Burr* Mills, 6 miles distant and in the streams of the Salmon River District, 20 miles southeast. Many other streams also, yield plentifully of this coveted fish. Salmon trout are taken in Lake Ontario, and at the foot of the Lake above Cape Vincent. Black bass are found in the lake and down the St. Lawrence, in the vicinity of the manv islands. Pike and pickerel abound in all the bays of the lake. Muscalonge are taken plentifully near Cape Vincent, down the St. Lawrence, and in Indian River and Red and Muscalonge lakes in Theresa. Perch are found in all. the bays of the lake and in Perch lake and river. Deer and bears challenge the hunter to the north woods, easily reached from Lowville, on the U. & B. R. R. R. and manv parties annually take tours into this wilderness. Ruffled grouse abound in all parts of the county. Woodcock and snipe are good shooting in their season, in almost all the marshes of the county, and wild duck are abundantly taken on the St. Lawrence, Perch lake and along the bays "of Lake Ontario. A large marsh near Wood- ville is especially attractive for this species of same. Wild geese are taken on Lake Onta- rio. Watertowri has three Sportsmen* 1 Clubs, and Adams one, and the excellent game laws of the State are sought to be enforced in all parts of the county, .every town is supplied with a game constable, to aid in punishing law-breakers. SUMMER RESORTS. A volume could be filled in enumerating and describing the varied sum- mer resorts of Northern New York, but we content ourselves with a sim- ple list of the attractions of the county in this direction : Alexandria Bay. — On the river St. Lawrence, and in the midst of the fine scenery of the Thousand Islands. Hotels: Crossmon House, an excellent hotel under the management of C. Crossmon & Son. (See illustration and advertisement.) Thousand Island House, and St. Lawrence Hotel. Excellent fishing and boating. Cape Vincent.— On the St. Lawrence, Hotels: St. Lawrence, R^:hbun and Railroad House. Fine fishing is found here. Clayton.— Beautifully situated on ths St. Lawrence River. Hotels: .Walton House, S. D. Johnston. Proprietor; (See illustration and advertisement.) Hubbard House, J. T. Hubbard, proprietor. Two fine hotels, excellently managed. Boating ail good fishing are prominent among its attractions. Fishers Landing.— On the St. Lawrence. Hotel : Grand Central House. Henderson Harbor.— Romantic scenery, good fishing and boating. Hotel: Frontier House. Private boarding house : Capt. H. R. Warner. m Sackets Harbor.— On Lake Ontario. Fine fishing and boating. Hotels: Eveleigh House, D. W. Beardsley, proprietor; Earl House, R. M. Earl, proprietor. Theresa.— Fine hunting and fishing, and romantic scenery. Thousand Island Camp Ground.— On Wells Island, river St. Lawrence. WATER TOWN, N. Y. 127 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OF JEFFERSON CO. TAKEN FROM CENSUS OF 1875. Furnished for this Book, through the Courtesy of C. W. Seaton Esq., Superin- tendent of the Census, Albany, N. Y. Acres of unproved land in county 556,616 " unimproved land in county • 200,010 Cash value of farms $32,587,363 " " farm buildings (not dwellings), 3,470,614 " " StOCk, 4,536,626 " " tools and implements *. 1,114,956 " " gross sales from farms in 1874 3 9S1,027 Acres plowed in 1874 118,776 1S75 118,320 " pasture " 258,706 " meadow inlS74 [ ;__ 172,417 " " illl875 176,070 Total tons of hay, 1S74 196,504 Acres spring wheat, 1S74 15,893 Bushels harvested, " 244.S60 Acres winter wheat, 1873 1,918 Bushels harvested 1874 30,577 Acres oats, 1^74 57,499 Bushels harvested, 1874 1,861,206 Acres winter rye, 1873, 2S94 Bushels harvested, 18X41.. i 34,923 Acres barley 1874 12,729 Bushels harvested 1874, 319,011 Acres buckwheat 1S74. 1,633 Bushels harvested 1874, 26,457 Acres Indian corn 1874 9,752 Bushels harvested 1S74 321,000 Acres potatoes 1874, .:. 6,203 Bushels harvested 1874 732,794 Acres peas 1874, 4 oso Bushels harvested 1874, 88,350 Acres beans 1874, 1,433 Bushels harvested 1974, 22,196 Acres hops 1874, 340 Pounds harvested 1S74, .' 165,530 Pounds maple sugar 1875, 529,414 Total number of milch cowslS75 60,S76 Average number 1874,.. 59,126 Milk sent to factory 1874, number of cows 32,813 '• 1875, « " 34,234 Number of pounds of butter made by families 1874 4,253,429 cheese M " " 609,700 Number of horses over two years old owned in 1875, 13, 798 " hogs slaughtered 1874, 11 304 poundsof porkl874 3,188,224 " sheep shorn 1375, - — 18,407 " pounds Of WOOl, 1875, 79,059 Value of poultry owned 1874, 53.953 " eggSSOld 1874, 63,478 128 WATERTOWN, N. Y. Jefferson Co. Board of Supervisors, 1876. Orleans P. Newton Pamelia J. B. Leavitt Philadelphia. . . .George E. Tucker Rodman George A. Gates Rutland George W. Smith Theresa John Parker Watertown (town). .H. S. Barbour city, i st ward. . .Thos. Keenan " 2d " Jno. C. Knowlton " 3d " T. C. Chittenden " 4th " Charles W. Sloat Wilna James Galvin Worth H. V. Jenks Adams O. D. Greene Alexandria A. A. Holmes Antwerp A. Chapin Brownville O. M. Wood Cape Vincent L. O. Woodruff Champion James Sterling Clayton John Johnston Ellisburgh Isaac P. Wodell Henderson John Chapman Hounsfield S. N. Hodges LeRay F. Waddingham Lorraine O. C. Tucker Lyme C. M. Empie Clerk of the Board W. D. V. Rulison. Officers of Jefferson County. County Judge, A. H. Sawyer, Watertown; Special Judge, J. B. Emmes, Carthage ; Sheriff, A. W. Peck, Watertown ; Under Sheriff, J. L. Baker, Watertown ; County Clerk, J. Stears, Jr., Watertown ; Deputy Co. Clerk, Geo. Cole, Watertown ; District Attorney, W. M. Rogers, Watertown ; Surrogate, W. W. Taggart, Watertown ; Special Surrogate, R. C. Scott, Watertown; County Treasurer, L, W. Tyler, Theresa; Deputy County Treasurer, Geo. Smith, Watertown ; Justices of Sessions, E. D. Hilts, Cape Vincent, Lysander H. Brown, Watertown ; Coroners, L. F. Phillips, Watertown, Geo. N. Hubbard, Carthage, P. Caswell, Clayton ; School Commissioners, W. H. H. Sias, Henderson, A. E. Sawyer, Carthage, D. A. Watson, Redwood ; Loan Commissioners, Milton Converse, Water- town, H. Bailey, Lorraine. Miscellaneous. — Member of Congress, 22d District, G. A. Bagley, Watertown; Senator 18th District, J. F. Starbuck, Watertown. CONCLUSION. It has been our aim to produce a book worthy of Watertown, and it must tell its own story. Its omissions and errors must be overlooked, - while we all hope that some of the objects ot its publication may be at- tained. The writer takes this occasion to express personal thanks to Dr. Franklin B. Hough, of Lowville, author of the most complete History of Jefferson County ever published, for his permission to quote at pleasure from that invaluable work, and also to Mr. D. S. Marvin, Mr. R. A. Oakes, Mr. F. A. Hinds, Mr. D. Minthorn, and Mr. J. L. Hotchkin, of Watertown, for many favors cheerfully rendered. If the interest which has been man- ifested by all classes of our citizens in the completion of this publication shall now result in any degree of pleasure or satisfaction to them, it will be a source of gratification to one who has spent time and labor in pre- senting it to the public. INDEX. CONTENTS. Page. Agricultural Statistics 127 Black River. Its source & tributaries 20 " " Its water power 23 Banking Institutions - 79 Business Blocks.. 66 Boots and Shoes 27 Cotton Goods. 39 Churches - S3 Cemeteries 97 Conclusion 128 Dedication, 4 Earl^v manufacturing enterprises 17 Economic Geology of Jefferson Co — 29 Fire Department 77 Fire and Pluck 59 Financial 98 Geography, 11 History 12 Horticulture of Jefferson Co S3 Hotels .- sj Healthfulness 96 Introduction 7 Iron interests of Jefferson Co 42 Illustrations 57 Insurance Companies 81 Jefferson County, description of 112 Jefferson Co. Board of Supervisors... 12S " Officers of... 128 Leather trade 27 Maps— description of 23 Minerals 32 Miscellaneous 99 Manufactories 102 Newspapers .. . 90 Population 62 Public Schools 70 Public Square 64 Public Buildings, H -53 Pi GO ft I— I ft GQ & O C5 cO O GO h— I E-i GO o CO irATERTOlVX. X. V. Ill THE XE AY DAVIS VER1 :d. b MAJTUFACTC RED AT WATEKT0W3T, >. Y. IS PRETEXTED TO THE PUBLIC AS THE Most Simple, Compact & Durable Shuttle Machine in Use, // is simple in Construction. Certain in its Results. Durable in all its Parts, and is —ted to a G v of Work than any other Machine. t many machines have been offered to iLu- public, a few of which p - sufficient merit to give them a widespread reputation, while the others, for various unpopular. Some were so complicated In their mechanical ture that it requir - operate and keep them in order; others run ^ ery hard, and many machines would not do the -whole range of work, from the I - - ly to produce a machine so simple - ■ lily understood, and at the same time meet all the requirements of the public. The Vertical Y 3 thee - - - ' - - invention of Sewing Machines. We ini initiation of it. believing no one can fail a : ict that it is the most perfect Sr-wins: Machine d Visitors to the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia will find the machines on exhi- bition, doine all kinds of work, in Machinery Hall. For further information and terms, add: THE DAVIS SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, AT WATERTOIVX, X. Y. Or anv of its Principal Offices : BOSTON, 16 Mont gome ry Place : PHILADELPHIA, bestnutst.; CHIC. - 3t. ; MILWAUKEE, 336 Spring at ; RAVENNA, in St.; ERIE, Pa., - S SAN FRANCISCO, California. 1 IV WATER TOWN, N. Y. GO fl £ # g r* d C3 o &o o En rt a .> '-3 0> <5 |P If too too s=3 I=1h f-i i © ©> CD c CD K 3 ^ to CD CD <3 Q n H n o •a . S £ Ji O SILSBY MAXUFACTCRIXG CO. SILSBY MANUFACTURING CO.. BUILDERS OP THE SILSBY ROTARY STEAM FIRE ENGINES, ffiif ROTARY PUMPS, HOSE CARTS. HOSE, FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES. Falls. AT. Y. and Chicago, III. NEARLY 600 OF THESE ENGINES NOW IN USE, VI WATER TOWN, N. Y. THE LARGEST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH CHINA, PLAIN AND FANCY, Glassware, Chandeliers, Lamps, &c, To BE found in Northern N. Y. R. ^.. OAKES. Located at the Comer of Meadow and Prospect Streets, WATERTOWN, N. Y. Strong healthy vines for immediate bearing, for ama- teurs and for cold climates are my specialties. Our climate gives me some advantages in propagating healthy stock, not attainable further south. For local trade, I keep a stock of fruit trees, small fruits, evergreens and shrubbery. Send estimates of wants for prices and price list. D. S. MARVIN. WATER TO irx, X. Y. vii Woodruff House, WATERTOWN/N. Y. THE FINEST HOTEL BUILDING IN NORTHERN N, !, Fronts on Public Square, and is in close proximity to OieB. W. &0. R. R. F The proprietors trust that their endeavors for the past seven years have pleased their numerous patrons, and no pains will be spared in the future to merit a continuance of their liberal patronage. G-^g. ^_ BUCK, PROPRIE': THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IX NORTHERN NEW YORK: Ulatcrtoun £)ailn. < CD n O ^ O ~ CT3 O OP HH g ►H P P, 20 St O if t-1 2 b C5 5 8* S 3 CD H g 2 £ 3 r^ CD W 5> B £ ^ bj ^> < <3 * !=* £1 t- 1 2s" S CD crq CD >rj CD § s 23 05 h3 C^ GO GO GO WATERTOWN, N. Y. xiii $ S £ S I X & 8 I< ^ FINE GOODS A SPECIALTY. /f£Z KINDS OF FUR GOODS MANUFACTURED AND REPAIRED. CANES UMBRELLAS &* TRAVELING BAGS. ■Ho. 7 Woodruff House, Watertown, 1ST. Y. J. A. QUENCEE, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Cigars, Jobacco, 'Pipes, 8tc. No. 3 ARCADE STREET, WATERTOWN, N. Y. ife fflMerfarott Jjosf, BOOK AND JOB PRINTING HOUSE. Xo. 35 Arsenal Street, Watertown, X. Y. The Watertown Post is a thirty-six column newspaper, having a larger circula- tion in Northern New York than any other weekly paper, and being largely taken by the farming and dairying class, is for these reasons the best advertising medium in this section of the State. Connected with the printing establishment is also a com- oiete book binding apd straw board box manufactory, where all orders in these branches of business are neatly and promptly executed. L. INGALLS, Proprietor. T. S. GRAVES. C. I. VAN DOREN. QipVas $ Vjvji Doipfi, MANUFACTURER OF & DEALER IN (Doors, Sash ; JBlirttts, Mouldings, Window aud Door Frames, Planing and Scr.dl Sawing. Joiner Work Done to Order. Also Dealers in French Window Glass. PAINTING «fc GLAZING. SHOP NO. 23 MILL ST.. OFFICE No. 2 EAMEs ST WATERTOWN, NEW YORK, xiv WATERTOWN, N. Y. 1827. A. VV88I & ©©ir. HATTERS AND FURRIERS, DEALERS IN CANES, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELING BAGS, &C, &C. FINE PURS A SPECIALTY. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR RAW FURS. JSTo. 9 Woodruff House, Waterto-wn, 1ST. IT. E. M. Gates. J. W Spratt. GATES & SPRATT, DEALERS IN Stoves, Furnaces, Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron Ware, Iron Roofing, Plumbing, House Furnishing Goods Etc. Manufacturers of the " SUMMER KITVQ >« COOK STOVE, Adapted to Burn Kerosene. Also. Manufacturers of the Iron Clad Milk Pan— The Best Fan Made. Send lor Circulars. NO. 68, PUBLIC SQUARE, OPPOSITE WOODRUFF HOUSE, WATERTOWN N. Y. LEWIS, HENRIGH & R0UND8. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN NO 20, PUBLIC SQUARE, WATERTOWN. ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS 29 ARSENAL STREET. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN DOOR YARD & CEMETERY FENCES. Balconies, Window- Guards, Shutters, Gratings, Vases, Fountains, Roof Cres tings Stable Fixtures, Flower Stands. Iron Settees, Etc. WAlTEIRTOWIST, 1ST. "2\ Also Agent for Terwilliger & Co's Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. WATER TOWN, N. Y. xv Pi ^Jsl Inquire for the Establishment doing the LARGEST | 3 CLOTHING BUSINESS in the CITY, and You Can't mistake the Place. More Clothing, More Furnishing Goods, More Salesmen, More Business. No misrepresentation, no deception. No " molasses to catch flies with." No humbug, but square dealing characterizes all transactions. Our Number, 16 Woodruff House. - J. C. STREETER & CO. xvi WATERTOWN, N. Y. CcmrupbeZL, FcLrTvell <$r Co., Story d©©§% CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, No. 8 Court St., Watertown, N.Y. BELKNAP & PHELPS, • DEALERS IN warilnjare ^^giii'kiilteifal |(m$lem*nts t No. 3 IRON BLOCK, W. F. Belknap. J. L. Phelps. |erclumfa IBank- CAPITAL S - $300 5 0O0e An associated Stock Bank of Discount, Deposit and Exchange. Special attention paid to collections. Bonds, Stocks, Mortgages, and other investment Securities Bought and Sold. OFFICERS : WILLARD IVES, Pres't. SYLVANUS POOL, Vice-Pres't. J. F. MOFFETT, Cashier. tmmw m xq>@>eb* Manufacturers of and Dealers in G)00<31S, SvlSJt, <%LJJ\®S, Door and Window Frames, Brackets, &fc. Also Dealers in French Plate, Embossed, Ground and Ctit Door Glass, French and American Windozu Glass. Painting and Glazing Done to Order. Manufactory and Office North End Suspension Bridge kZ&Sk WATERTOWN, K Y. WATER TOWN, N. Y. xvn KENYON&HOLBROOK |l)nol» and $m. No. 6 Winslow Building Watertown, N. Y. W. W. HERRICK, H. H. AYERS, £& Geo, G. Chambers K\--S-~V^--V^— J- MANUFACTURER OF FINE cigars, And Wholesale Dealer in Clewing anil smoking Totao. MANUFACTURING FOR JOBBING MADE OFFICE & RETAIL STORE, No. ii Arsenal St. Wkteftown, X- Y. FINE CONFECTIONERY. W///070 Baskets, Drums, Rocking Horses, Carriages, Etc. at No. 6 Arcade, Watertown, N. Y. WATERTOWN, N. Y. xxi ARCADE PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, ( OVER POST OFFICE, ) WATERTOWN, N. Y. CARD, CABINET & FRAME PHOTOGRAPHS Unequaled for very artistic effects and prices. A SPECIALTY MADE OF ENLARGING FROM PICTURES to life, or any size, plain or finished, in the highest style of coloring, GUARANTEED EQUAL TO the BEST CITY WORK, AT iriUCH LOWER PRICES. Our coloring done by the best painters New York city affords. Our new styles invite the attention of those wanting FIRST CLASS WORK. PRICES LOW.— A call will satisfy. CHARLES S. HART. FRANK A. HINDS" CIVIL ENGINEER AID SURVEYOR. •WATBRTOV^N, 1ST. TT. Formerly with Cliickering & Co., Landscape and Drainage Engineers, 18 Wall Street, New York. Attention given to the engineering and superintendence of construction of rail- roads, water-works, the sewerage and drainage of cities and lands, the laying out of parks and pleasure grounds and general landscape engineering. Also to land surveys, both in city and country, and conveyances made out in accordance with surveys. Facilities and experience in tracing titles and delineating boundries from the county records. Practice among the government surveys and lands of the West, as well as New York State, with the most approved and accurate instruments. Hancliett House, "W. O. Hancliett, Fi-op'r. Nos. 12 Arsenal Street, and 13 Court Street, near Public Square. "w^^ r TEi=L r x i o"v^ r 3sr nxr. ir. Good Accommodations for Commercial Travellers. GOOD STABLES CONNECTED WITH THE HOTEL.. Terms $2.0© per Day. Personal Attention Paid to the Comfort of Guests. XX11 WATERTOWN, N. Y. Homestead Fire Insurance Co., ASSETS, . - - $269,477.70. NOTHING BUT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TAKEN. SEPARATE YOUR HOMES FROM ALL HAZARDS. Hon. AUen C. Beach, Pres. John C. Sterling, Vice-Pres. Henry S. Mnnson, Sec. Myers Thompson, Treas. Jerome Bnshnell, General Agent. THE HOLBROOK PATENT BLIND-HINGE. Outside blinds opened and closed from the inside, fasten- ed open or shut, all Mtliolit having Window. No more slamming- in the wind. Pronounced by ALL builders and house owners who have tested it to be one of the MOST USEfUl and CONVENIENT of mod- ern improvements. AGENTS WANTED to sell tlie Goods in all parts of the United States. Manufactured by Holbrook Patent Blind-Hinge Co., Watertown, N. Y. J. A. Sherman, President. I. Munson, V. Pres't. W. G. Williams, Sec'y & Treas. %SwANf £D i J. M. COMELI/S PATENT EMERY GRINDER. FOR MOWING MACHINE KNIVES. Improved for 1876. Over 20,000 now in use in Ohio and other Western States. Only Practical Machine of the kind before the Public. The officers of the Jefferson County Agricultural Society consider it "the best ma- chine for the purpose ever brought to our notice." John Stanton Gould, ex-President of the N. Y. State Agricultural society, says ; "I cordially commend it to the farmers of New York and elsewhere. It will last a life time." te> nio ne , - $io. Lawlor & Co., Watertown, N. Y., Proprietors and Manufacturers. Agents wanted in every county in the State of New York. WATERTOWN, N. Y. xxiii iffiimf © ¥@w ® w©lifimgs ' IN THE WATERTOWN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of . WATERTOWN, IT. Y. It insures nothing more hazardous than RESIDENCES. It pays losses from lightning, whether fire ensues or not. No company can be on a sounder basis, and few, if any, more prosperous. Its large re-insurance reserve, with its capital set aside for the protection of its policy holders, makes them doubly secure. Cash Capital, $200,000.00. Casll Surplus, (securely invested for the security of its Policy Holders, being more than twice the capital,) over 494,075.63. Total Assets, over $700,000.00. Hon. W. Ives, President. Jesse M. Adams, Secretary. C. H. Waite, General Agent. U. S. Gilbert, Vice-Pres HITCHCOCK LAMP CO., Water t©w% N. ¥« 2Tanzifactnrers of Larrups, FOR RAILROADS, MANUFACTORIES, SHIPPING, ETC, These Lamps give a powerful and. agreeable light — have no chimneys — burn any of the fat (or greasy) oils — will burn 12 hours and upwards— no smoke or odor. This lamp will be adapted to use in residences, street cars, lanterns, etc. The Company will also produce a lamp for burning kerosene without chimneys that will burn i2 hours. John M. Sigourney, Thomas C. Chittenden, President. Secretary. Z