H 379 U5 G8 opy 1 FINAL REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL OF MUSSEL RE- SOURCES IN SELECTED AREAS OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER BY N. M. GRIER, PH. D. Reprinted From The American Midland Naturalist Vol. VIII. No. 1. Jan. 1922. MINNESOTA HI55I55IPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES FHOi"\ PREJCOTT, WIS. TO LAMOILLE MINN. ■ A\AP SHOWING AREAS SURVEYED in FRESHWATER PfflRL AIM5EL APPRAISAL INVEi- TIGATJON- JULY, AUGUST, 1910 under 0r. /Yer-tntm j*f. Grief. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Justus rr /wl4£/i - FINAL REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL OF MUSSEL RE- SOURCES IN SELECTED AREAS OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER BY N. M. GRIER, PH. D. Reprinted From The American Midland Naturalist Vol. VIII. No. 1. Jan. 1922. MAR K 1922 Final Report on the Study and Appraisal of Mussel Resources in Selected Areas of the Upper Mississippi River.* BY N. M. GRIER, PH. D. f Washington and Jefferson College. Washington, Pa. I. INTRODUCTION. During the months of July and August, 1920, the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries made a study and appraisal of the mussel resources of the Mississippi River in and between the areas commencing at a point about five miles above Red Wing, Min- nesota, extending thence through Lake Pepin, and ending nearly 80 miles down stream at La Moille, Minn. More exact boundaries for the areas will be indicated hereafter. The work carried on was with reference to recent administrative action on the part of the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota, which provided for the closure of certain of these areas for the protection of the fresh water mussels, as well as for areas to remain subject to fishery. From the data acquired in this investigation, it is expected to establish a basis for compari- son of conditions in the present and after a period of pro- tection. II. GENERAL CONDITIONS IN THE AREAS. While usually attaining a depth of from 5-20 ft. within the limits of the state of Minnesota, the river at the time of this investigation was in a flood stage of from 2-9 ft. One ap- parent effect of the latter condition was to cause a migration of the mussels shoreward, as in general the outer limits of the shell beds are often determined by the deeper waters of the channel. The fall of the river is greater below L. Pepin than * Published with the authorization of the U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries. Contri- bution from the Fairport Biological Station. t During this inestigation, Messrs. J. F. Mueller and W. Teachout served as assistants. 2 . THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST above it, resulting in a more rapid current in the former region, which is accelerated by the pressure of the impounded waters of the Lake. Where snags are abundant on the bot- tom, this current is strong enough to make mussel fishing with crowfoot bars somewhat dangerous. The bottom of the river within the areas is for the most part composed of fairly coarse gravel mixed with varying proportions of mud and sand. The latter increase perceptibly in the vicinity of the tributary streams of the region, the principal entering streams being the Cannon River at Red Wing, the Chippewa at Read's Landing, the Zumbro near Wa- basha, Minn., and the Trempealeau below Winona, Minn. The Chippewa is principally responsible for the enormous quantities of sand brought into these areas discussed below Lake Pepin. Only through the construction of wing dams have the Government engineers been able to preserve a navi- gable channel. These dams are designed to catch the sand near mid-stream, deflecting it toward the shore where it ultimately forms sand bars or islands, but unfortunately smothering at the same time -the valuable clam beds which formerly existed in the Mississippi below Lake Pepin, with the consequent discouragement of the clamming industry. In the opinion of some engineers, it appears practicable to ter- race the banks of the Chippewa near Lake Pepin in such a way as to divert the sand to fill up the low lying country near- by, but a better preventative would be the reforestation of the Chippewa drainage basin. The conservation of the national mussel resources in thus seen to be closely related to other problems of national economy. III. STATUS OF THE MUSSEL FISHERIES IN RELATION TO THE PRECEDING. That stretch of the river about five miles northwest of Red Wing in the vicinity of Diamond Island, and which is known to old-time clammers as the Trenton Bed, is apparently but little worked, although our observations indicate that such might be profitably undertaken as it is in an area subject to fishery. At Red Wing itself the summer, of the survey, three clammers were observed. They reported that their returns seemed to be diminishing, although in past years this im- mediate section was considered one of the best on the river. REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL, ETC. 3 As will be observed in the accompanying tables, certain species, commercial as well as non-commercial, have been clammed out of this as well as other localities, some trace of them always being found in the piles of shells observed along the bank, or old clammers remembered collecting them in the vicinity. Within the area studied, the clamming center of the river is in that part of Lake Pepin between Lake City and Pepin, as in late years the profitable downstream limit of the mussel fishery in these areas has been found to be the outlet of Lake Pepin about V/-2, miles northwest of Read's Landing in an area which' has since been closed to clamming. Lake Pepin furnishes most of the shells from the areas considered, but its clam resources appear to be attracting but few fishermen. Where in 1914, 100 rigs were observed in operation oh the lake, hardly more than 15 were working in the summer of. 1920. However, it is stated on good authority, (a), that about 200 tons of mussel shells, with an average valuation of from $50 to $55 per ton had their source in this region. The best pearl found sold for $750, a half dozen others brought from $100 to $175. South of Lake Pepin during August, 1920, but two other clammers were seen, one rig at Winona, Minn., and a solitary clammer working with a fork in the nearby Straight Slough, obtaining only scanty returns. Piles of dead shells on the banks of the latter indicated the former abundance of the mussel fauna. At one time there existed extensive mussel beds at or near Wabasha, Minn., Teepeeota Point, (about 4 miles downstream from the former) ; near Alma and Foun- tain City, Wis.; Minneiska and Winona, Minn. The party found greater or smaller remnants of these formerly worked beds.. They appear to be composed of old and sometimes gigantic shells, with an absolute dearth of younger ones. This would indicate that the beds are not being maintained, even if bottom conditions generally are favorable for mussel life. If it were found practicable to restock such beds with juvenile shells, such beds might readily regenerate. Reasons com- monly assigned within the last mentioned regions for the de- (a) A well informed manufacturer writes "As near as we' are able to estimate, there have been between 200-250 tons of shells collected on the Mississippi River between St. Paul and Winona during 1920, and inasmuch as Lake Pepin is the center of the clamming industry, we believe that 90% of the total amount would represent the quantity taken from Lake Pepin and close vicinity. 4 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST pletion of the mussels resources, and the consequent decline of the clamming industry may be given : 1. The smothering of the mussel beds by sand deflected by the dams has been previously indicated. Additionally it may be stated that the increased current thereby insured has the probable effect of sweeping juveniles just dropped from fish long distances down stream, or to lodge them upon the sand bars, where later they may be covered up. Within the limitations of the apparatus used in this inves- tigation, it was not found practicable to estimate quantitatively the extent of the mussel beds smothered in this fashion. Under such circumstances, the dead shells were difficult to collect by the prevalent method of clamming. To indicate that such beds were formerly extensive are the statements of fishermen as corroborated by the observation of govern- ment engineers. Mention is made further on of those beds which came under the party's observation. 2. Destructive fishing methods formerly in use, such as taking very young shells, deliberately clamming out beds, or fishing with the shoulder rake, are also responsible. The party found evidence of the latter in most of the beds last mentioned. However, favorable sentiment toward respecting this part of the protective laws is widely prevalent. 3. The growth of formerly extensive mussel beds near communities situated along the river has been inhibited by the pernicious practice of dumping rubbish of somewhat in- destructible nature in the river at those points. While state laws are also clear upon this point, the enforcement- of them seems largely a matter of local .sentiment. The remnants of the clam beds at Alma, Fountain City, and Minneiska, appear to be the ones affected in this *way. The appraisal Work here was unusually difficult due to the fouling of the collecting apparatus on such obstructions as slag, old iron, etc, in the water. From the economic stand- point, the least which may be granted is that such rubbish has the effect of rendering the mussels but difficultly accessible to the fisherman, and he is inclined to let such beds alone. Such mussel resources are therefore not utilized. On the other hand, it is recognized that materials such as sand, coal, REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL, ETC. 5 cinders, ashes, logs, decaying wood, bark, sawdust, as were often encountered, have a distinctly injurious effect upon fish when dumped into the water. This is important, when it be remembered that fish carry the larval young of the mussels about with them. Such a combination may account for the scarcity of young shells in the beds, or tend to render the en- vironment a more difficult one to combat, whatever be the more direct reason. As the situation is today, the sand bars created by the dams may, following certain conditions such as flood or drought, harbor mussels in sufficient abundance as to make their tak- ing by hand fairly profitable. Characteristically abundant and commercial species found on such sand bars are the three-ridge and blue-point, (Quadrula olicata and undulata) , pig-toe, (Quadrula undata) , pocketbook, (Lampsilis ventri- cosa) , with lesser quantities of the pimple back, (Quadrula pustulosa), hickory nut, (Ob ov aria ellipsis), and monkey face, (Quadrula metanevra) . Most of these shells, especially the pocket books, were of an excellent quality for button making. In many cases the mussels, especially the younger ones in- habiting the sand bars, were observed to be dying in large numbers as the result of their inability to move with the water as it fell from the flood stages. The utilization of the mussel resources below Lake Pepin therefore seems to demand that the mussels be taken from the sandbars by hand when desirable for commercial purposes, and that the strand- ed animals be given the conserving care such as fish receive in rescue work. By way of experiment, the party stocked two sections of an area in which mussels were nearly absent, but in which conditions seemed quite favorable, with younger shells of various species, collected from the sand bars, where, by the way, shells are more abundantly taken by hand than from the bottom by crowfoot bars. While the sloughs are dammed off from the river for the ultimate purpose of draining them, they are as rich, if not richer in mussels than the main river. Excellent examples of sloughs with a richer fauna are the Belvedere and Straight Sloughs, and the West Newton Chute. In all these, shells were collected by hand or by crowfoot bars. Work 6 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST , with the latter in deeper portions of Straight Slough and West Newton Chute in their lower stretches, revealed the fact that young beds of shells of commercial quality were flourishing under conditions which might be favorable for restocking, despite the ultimately desired effect of the dams, as the sloughs are to some extent fed with local drainage. Piles of shells at these points indicated the extent of former clamming operations. Certain species, such as the bull head, (Pleurobema aesopsus) , as we collected it, apparently find their most congenial environment here. Shells collected from the sloughs appear to have brighter colors and a finer grain than those secured from the river proper. When the preceding data on general conditions in the areas and the status of the mussel fisheries are considered in en- tirety, it becomes evident that before the mussel resources of these areas can be improved, some practicable basis must be determined, from which measures looking forward to the protection and the improvement of the mussel resources can be inaugurated. This is all the more important when it is remembered that the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota are pioners in the legislation for the protection of mussel re- sources, it is quite likely that other states will enact similar measures. The reason for this study and appraisal of mussel resources in certain areas of Wisconsin and Minnesota thus becomes clear. IV. METHODS. (a.) Description of outfit for collection of shells. The work was approached from the standpoint of the mussel fisherman, a bar and crowfoot outfit being used to collect the shells. • The outfit was towed from place to place by a Government Launch. In the areas above Lake Pepin, (I- VI. inc.,) 100 hooks were attached to each of the 16-ft. bars. Below Lake Pepin, starting at Read's Landing, (areas VII.-X. inclus.), the river bottom is heavily infested with snags, so the bars were shortened to 10 ft., with a consequent reduction in the number of hooks on each to 75. In the first named areas, the data presented represents the results of three trials of the same length of drag with the bars, (300 ft.) ar oach. of the localities, (those to be checked five years hefrce), in- REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL, ETC. 7 dicated. In the remaining areas, the number of drags was in- creased from 3 to 4, to compensate for the reduction in the number of hooks, but otherwise the procedure was the same. Additionally, the john-boat had at its bow, a hand windlass bearing 300 ft. of stout, (% in.) line, to the free end of which an anchor was attached. In proceeding from locality to lo- cality, the windlass was locked, and the boat towed by a separate piece of line. Two separate dredgings were also made of the bottom of the river in each locality, proceeding from the same initial point. The dredge used consisted of a heavy rectangular frame work of iron about 18 in. in length, 6 in. in breadth, at the mouth, and 6 in. in height. To it was fastened a large and very closely woven net with the capacity of about a bushel,- and with meshes varying from 1-16 to y$ in. The net was protected by a canvas cover attached at one end to the iron framework, and open at the o^ther. Ropes, V2 in. were attached to iron rings on the shorter side of the frame work, and these lead forward to a single rope 50 ft. in length, secured in the stern of the john-boat. The longer and outer edges of the iron framework were provided with coarse, triangularly shaped teeth, 4 in. in length, while the mouth was guarded by 4-5 stout iron wires, running ver- tically to the longer axis of the iron framework and spaced about 3 in. apart. The teeth provided for the dislodgement of shells and other materials from the bottom of the river, while the guards around the mouth prevented the ingress of very large gravel or other objects. Additionally, the length of rope with which it was attached, provided for reaching the greatest depth of bottom, while after the dredge was lifted, and the attached rope drawn in about 4-5 of its length, the launch could speed up, and thus most of the mud and sand obscuring the contents of the dredge washed away. By means of the dredge, a fair idea of conditions on the bottom of the particular locality could be determined. Such data would later be useful in connection with propagation experiments. (b) . Collecting Mussels for study and appraisal. When it was determined to appraise a particular locality, a starting point was determined by methods shortly to be described, the windlass and the tow-line were released, and 8 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST the launch going ahead unreeled the 300 ft. of line into the water until it was very nearly taut, when the operator of the launch dropped the anchor at the free end. For the purpose of temporarily anchoring the john-boat while the line was being payed out, one of the bars, usually that one to be placed to the rear, was at favorable opportunity, dropped into the water in such a way that it laid at right angles with the shore, and dragged parallel to it. When it had touched bottom, it was secured into position by means of props and by knotting its rope around one of the uprights. As shortly thereafter as the boat had swung into a favorable position as to render less liable the entangling of the hooks of the bars, the re- maining bar was dropped and secured likewise. After the anchor was dropped and the bars properly played, one of the two operators in the john-boat, windlassed the latter by slow and steady turns up to the point where the anchor had been dropped, observing from time to time the relative apparent motion of the shore line to make certain that snagging or fouling of the bars was not causing the john-boat to pull the anchor towards it in the meantime. When such was found to be the case, the bars were pulled up, the catch discarded, and a new trial made. When the john- boat had been properly windlassed up to the anchor, the latter and the bars were pulled up, the mussels taken off the hooks and thrown into a tub. The launch then towed the john-boat back to the original starting place, when this pro- cedure was repeated twice again for each locality, the mussels obtained from the 3 trials being counted together. Dead shells obtained were not recorded. The use of the dredge has already been indicated to some extent. Mature mussels caught in it were included among those obtained as previously described. The residue of the net was then examined. After the gravel and larger biological specimens which could be easily seen were removed by hand, the remainder was then screened in the water through sieves of varying fineness, until the juvenile mussels which were especially sought could be picked out by hand. Juveniles were also obtained from masses of water weed pulled up by the crowfoot bars and the dredge. The larger number of them Report on the study and appraisal, etc. 9 were obtained from the water weed, to which they were at- tached by their byssus thread. The dredge had the disadvan- tage of being apt to foul on some obstruction, and was be- sides very unwieldy, being apt to hinder the progress of the work. Juveniles taken were at once preserved in a mixture of 4 per cent formalin, 70 per cent alcohol and shell dust, the latter substance preventing erosion of the shell by the other chemicals. They were labelled, counted, and shipped to the Fairport Biological Station. The number obtained at each locality is expressed in parenthesis after the number of ma- ture mussels obtained there ; upon the sum of the two at any locality all calculations are made. Other biological specimens were at early opportunity shipped to the various specialists for identification, and the results of their work, which is here- by gratefully acknowledged, is comprised in the notes on the various areas. (c). Determination of localities. The course of the river was followed by means of a set of maps of the river published by the Mississippi River Com- mission, and by a copy of the current edition of the light list for the 13th Lighthouse District as in use by navigators on the river. The position of each locality surveyed is indicated on the maps used, which are now in possession of the U. S. Biological Station, Fairport, Iowa. On these maps, the lo- calities are numbered according to area, and to the order in which they were examined. Thus 1-3 on the map indicates Area 1 and the third locality in it. Reference to the data to follow are to be similarly understood. As previously indi- cated, only the three best localities in each Area are reported upon. It was not found practicable to draw into the maps these localities on an exact scale. The markings largely indicate the relative position of the locality with regard to the shore line at the time, the more absolute one being obtained by reference to the descriptive material given in connection with the markings on the maps. The more absolute data con- cerning the position of the locality was obtained by reference to some object or formation along the shore which seemed of a fairly permanent nature, such as the Government Lights or 10 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Day Marks or other improvements along the river, ravines, elevation of adjacent hills, clumps of bushes, trestles, etc. The first 2 types of reference points were not used when any- thing better could be observed. The light list referred to gives the distances of these markers and lights from more accurately defined points such as bridges, etc. As data furnish- ed by local clammers was sometimes found to be misleading, positions of productive shell beds were frequently determined by a trial drag with a single bar at varying distances from the shore, when, after encouraging results, the three con- secutive drags with both bars were attempted. All beds of shells of fair extent which the party encountered are also indicated upon the maps mentioned. Once the reference point was established, the distance across the water of the starting point of the drag from this was estimated independently by the three members of the party. The average taken of these distances is that one given in the descriptive material of the localities, and in case of great varieties in estimate, the more probable distance was verified by measurement of other points on the map within sight, and by the making of comparisons. A map case of the type used in the U. S. Army, provided with compass and transparent waterproof cover was found to be a convenient carrier for the maps in the field, where the localities could be promptly indicated. A leather-bound notebook of the type used by engineers was found to be serviceably adaptable for the recording of data. It should be borne in mind, however, that as the larger portion of the work was accomplished under conditions of high water, it was difficult to accurately estimate the position of the normal shore line, and the distances given are those of the position of the outfit from the nearest land above water at the time. V. LIST OF SPECIES COLLECTED. The following list embraces those species of mussels col- lected within the areas surveyed. Besides indicating the common name by which the mussels are known to clammers, the older scientific names of Simpson's Descriptive Catalogue of the Naiades are given, and their equivalent in the forth- REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL, ETC. 11 coming Pilsbry-Ortman-Walker nomenclature, which follows more closely the rules of modern zoological nomenclature. COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME Commercial Species Niggerhead Niggerhead Hickory Nut Pimple Back Maple Leaf Monkey Face Purple Pimple Back Three Horn Warty Back, Pig Toe Blue-Point , Three-Ridge Wash Board Buck Horn Mucket Higgin's Eye Lake Pepin Mucbet Butterfly Deer Toe Pocket Book Yellow Sand Shell Slough Sand Shell Black Sand Shell Bull Head (No Common Name) ... White Hell Splitter Fluted Shell Pink Heel Splitter Rock Pocket Book Elephant Ear Spike Ohio River Pig Toe ( ?) . . Elk Toe . . • Sugar Spoon After Simpson Quadrula ebenus Quadrula solida Obovaria ellipsis Quadrula pustulosa Quadrula lachrymosa . . . Quadrula metanevra. . . . Quadrula tuberculata . . Obliquaria reflexa Quadrula undata Quadrula plicata Quadrula undulata Quadrula heros Tritogonia tuberculata . Lampsilis ligamentina . Lampsilis higginsii Lampsilis luteola Plagiola securis Plagiola elegans Lampsilis ventricosa . . Lampsilis anodontoides Lampsilis fallaciosa . . . Lampsilis recta Pleurobema aesopus . . . Lampsilis subrostrata . . Symphynota complanata Symphynota costata . . . Lampsilis alata Arcidens confragosus . . Unio crassidens Unio gibbosus Pleurobema pyramidatus Alasmidonta marginata Plagiola «i donacif ormis . After Ortmann Fusconaja ebena (Lea.) Pleurobema catillus ( Con. ) Obovaria olivaria (Raf.) Quadrulu pustulosa ( Lea. ) Quadrula quadrula (Raf.) Quadrula metanevra (Raf.) Rotundaria granifera (Lea.) Obliquaria reflexa (Raf.) Fusconaja undata (Barnes.) Amblema peruviana (Lam.) Amblema costata ( Raf. ) Megalonais heros (Say.) Quadrula verrucosa (Raf.) Actinonais carinata (Barnes.) Lampsilis higginsii (Lea.) Lampsilis siliquoidea (Barnes.) Plagiola lineolata (Raf.) Amygdalonais truncata (Raf.) Lampsilis ventricosa (Barnes.) Lampsilis anodontoides (Lea.) Lampsilis fallaciosa (Smith.) Eurynia recta (Lam.) Plethobasus cyphyus (Raf.) Eurynia subrostrata (Say.) Lasmigona complanata (Barnes.) Lasmigona costata (Raf.) Prostera alata (Say.) Arcidens confragosus (Say.) Elliptio niger (Raf.) Elliptio dilatatus (Raf.) Pleurobema pyramidatum (Lam.) Alasmidonta marginata (Say.) Amygdalonaias donacif ormis (Lea.) NON-COMMERCIAL SPECIES * Slop Bucket Anodonta imbecillis . . . Strophitus edentulus . . . Lampsilis gracilis .... Lampsilis laevissima . . . Truncilla triquetra .... Anodonta gnandis (Say.) Snuff Box ... Floater Leptodea fragilis (Raf.) Proptera laevissima (Lea.) Carunculina parva (Barnes.) Truncilla triquetra (Raf.) VI. RESULTS. These include data compiled upon the absolute and relative abundance of each species of mussel found in the areas ap- praised, together with such geographical or other information likely to be of use in expediting the rechecking of these results after a period of protection, or which might have a bearing upon propagation experiments. The number of shells of each species collected in each locality is given under the head- ing of the latter, and the percentage of this in the total catch in the locality is indicated. The average of the three percen- tages thus obtained for each species in each area is taken to 12 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST represent the relative abundance of that species in the area. An asterisk, (*), indicates that the species was found to be less than 1 per cent in the area and locality involved. A blank space opposite the name of a species indicates that living shells were not collected in either the area or the lo- calities of it. AREA I. Boundaries ; lower half of Diamond Island, Miss. R. to Red Wing, Minn., at High Bridge. Status, subject to fishery. Length in Linear Miles, 4.2. Physical Conditions, estimated 7-8 ft. high water. Current about 5 miles per hour. Bottom mostly gravel and sand. Middle sections of area infested with snags. LOCALITIES REPORTED UPON. (ref. maps.) I — 1. Starting point of drags Govt. Day Mark 958-n near center of Diamond Island, 25 ft. from shore on Minnesota side of channel. July 7, 1920. I — 2. Starting point of drags Govt. Day Mark 958-k, (above island 23), Wisconsin side of channel, 30 ft. from shore, about y% mile down stream from preceding locality. I — 6. Starting point of drags, 300 ft. upstream from Govt. Day Mark 958-g across the mouth of slough about 1 mile above Red Wing on Minnesota side, 50 f«t. from mouth of slough. July 9, 1920. REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL, ETC. 13 NOTES ON AREA. Certain species, as E. dilatatUs, B. granifera, are at present AREA I. COMMERCIAL SPECIES t> S Fusconaja ebena Pleurobema catillus Obovaria olivaria Quadrula postulosa Quadrula quadrula Quadrula metanevra Rotundaria granifera Obliquaria reflexa , Fusconaja undata Amblema peruviana Amblema costata - Megalonais heros Quadrula verrucosa - Actinonais carinata Lampsilis higgirtsii Lampsilis siliquoidea Plagiola Iineolata Amygdalonais truncanta. . . . Lampsilis ventrieosa Lampsilis anodontoides Lampsilis fallaciosa Eurynia recta Eurynia subrostrata Plethobasus cypbyus Lasmigona complanata Lasmigona costata Proptera alata Arcidens confragosus .... Elliptio niger Elliptio dilatatus Pleurobema pyramidatum Alasmidonta marginata . . . Amygdalonais donaciformis 7 3 133 23 10 7 11 IS 17 51 1.5% 30% 5% 1.5%| 1 3 141 7 6 7 2.2% 1.5% 2.4% 2.2% 2% 5.9% 4% 3.8% 11.9% 3 46 1 6 1 5 44 34% | * I 1.4% 1-7%) 3.4% 11.2% * 1.4% 1.2% 10.9% 29 3 4 1.9% 1.5% 4.7% 12!5% 11.2% 2.1% 21.9% 2.5% 1.66% 2%; i'7< 5.2% * 1.5% 3.9% 3.4% 1.4% 1.5% 1% 1.6% 7.3% 5.9% * 1.6% 11% • * 1.9% 1.4% 1% TOTALS :-:> 5 o o .c u "3 fe Us 3 >> "3 % Total Catch in Locality 00 >> B 8 % Total Catch in Locality Average % Catch in 3 Localities 3 3.5% 5 2 6.5% 2.6% 3.3% * 2 5 2.4% 5.9% i 8 3(1) 8(1) 4 1.3% 10.4% 5.2% 11.7% 5.2% 5 14 11 3 5.3% 14.9% 11.7% 3.2% 3% 10.4% 5.9% 8.1% 1.7%' 8 9.5% 2 1 5 2.6% 1.3% 6.5% * a 32(1) 39.2% 33(4) 39.5% 28.4% 3 3.5% 4 5.2% 1 1% 3.2% 1 1.2% 1 1.3% 1% 2 2.6% 1 1% 1.2% 1 5 1.2% 5.9% * 13 16.9% 10 10.7% 11.2% 1 5 1.3% 6.5% * 8 9.5% 1 1% 7.3% TOTALS > 70 83% 1 67 86.8% 83 83.3% 84.7% NO* I-COMM 9 2 2 ERCIA L SPEC IES* ~276% 7.8% 10.5% 2.4% 2.4% 2 6 4.4% Anodonta corpulenta 5 (1) 5.3% 1% 5.2% 1.2% 2 2.6% 2 2.1% 1.6% 1 i 1.2% 1 TOTALS 14 16.5% 1 10 13% 1 io 10.5% 13.5% TOTALS ALL SHELLS 89 16.5% 77 100% | 93 98.8% 98.2% 18 - THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST AREA IV. Boundaries, Maiden Rock, Wis., and Frontenac, Minn, to Lake City, Minn, and Stockholm, Wis. Status, closed to fish- ery. Length in Linear Miles, 6.7. Physical Conditions, 5 ft. high water ; bottom varying from pebbles, to sand and mud ; current Wfa to 2 miles per hour. Patches of water weed abundant. LOCALITIES REPORTED UPON. (ref. maps.) IV- — 9. Opposite Mrs. Coles estate, starting at point be- tween brown barn and white house at 700 ft. elevation, 65 ft. from shore, proceeding toward bend. July 19, 1920. IV — 11. Along Lake City Park front, starting at a poplar tree in front of fishermen's shanty, proceeding downstream toward bend in stone wall. 250 ft. off shore. July 20, 1920. IV — 12. At Lake City, between Lake City Point Light and breakwater, starting 40 ft. off shore, from center of space between small house and ice-house. July 20, 1920. NOTES ON AREA. Clammers believe this area to be pretty well clammed out, although it contained more juvenile shells than previously en- countered in other areas. This fact seems reasonably due to the propagation experiments which the Bureau of Fisheries has been conducting in the region for several years. This area really produces the larger number of juveniles than any, other considered, but as adult shells from these localities are in the great minority, the juveniles are not represented in the check localities given. All data submitted for juveniles is from the standpoint of their frequency in clam beds, where- as below Lake Pepin they were found to be most abundant on the sand bars. The juveniles were mostly L. siliquoidea. The water weeds encountered were Vallisneria spiralis, Cerato- phyllum demersum, and various species of Potamogeton. The party gained the impression that the abundance of juveniles in an area, was related to the abundance of the water weed. Species of fresh water snails, and a crayfish collected were determined by Dr. A. E. Ortmann to be Campeloma subsoil- REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL, ETC. 19 dum (Anthony) species of Goniobasis and Pleurocera, while the crayfish was Cambarus (Faxonus) virilis, Hagen. AREA IV. COMMERCIAL *SPECIES o o2 Uj£ - 6=. o US to oJ s~ . a > c £~ <'~ 1 88(1) Fusconaja ebena Pleurobema eatillus . . Obovaria olivaria Quadrula pustulosa Quadrula quadrula Quadrula metanevra , Rotundaria granifera Obliquaria reflexa Fusconaja undata Amblema peruviana Amblema costata , Megalonais heros Quadrula verrucosa Actinonais carinata Larnpsilis higginsii Lampsilis silin,uoidea Plagiola lineolata Amygdalonais truncata Lampsilis ventricosa Lampsilis anodontoides Lampsilis fallaciosa Eurynia recta Eurynia subrostrata Plethobasus cyphyus Lasmigona complanata Lasmigona castata Proptera alata Arcidens conf ragosus I Elliptio niger Elliptio dilatatus | 3 Pleurobema pyramidatum I Alasmidonta marginata Amygdalonais donaciformis 1(3) 11 1.39! 14.4% 16.2% 40% 1.3% 2.2% 1.8% (1) 3 1 1 1 (1) 12 1-8% | 1.2% 24.5% 7.3% 37% 1% 7.3% 1% 5.1% 1 19 27 102(5) 2.6% 16 1.9% 8% 11.6% 1% 46.4% '8.'i%j 'i!7% 1.2% "*3% 6.9% ~L2% 15.6% 11.7% 41.1% * 5.8% * 1.5% '"'i% * 4.3% "s.h% "i% TOTALS 1 195 | 85.2%| 216 87% | 211 90% | 86.6% NON-COMMERCIAL SPECIES * Anodonta grandis. . . . Anodonta corpulenta . Anodonta imbecillis. . Strophitus edentulus. . I.eptodea fragilis Proptera laevissima. . Carunculina parua . . TrunciUa triouetra. . . 3.6% 5.8%. 1.8% 5 (1) 6 1 2 1 1 2.1% * 2.6% 1% 9 (6) 3(1) 1 3.8% 2.6% 1.7% 3.2% 2.8% 2% TOTALS. 26 | 11.2%| 17 | 5.9%H 22 j 8% I S^r TOTALS ALL SHELLS J 221 | 96.4%| 233 | 92.7% I 233 | 98%_ 94.6% AREA V. Boundaries, Lake City, Minn, and Stockholm, Wis. to Pepin, Wis. Status, subject to fishery. Length in Linear Mile, 5.3. Physical Conditions, 5 ft. hi"h water during survey; current two miles per hour ; bottom mud and sand with a few pebbles ; occasional patches of water weed. 20 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST LOCALITIES REPORTED UPON. (ref. maps.) V — 5. Off Lake City shore near hospital, starting opposite first tree on bank north of hospital, 120 ft. from shore. July 23, 1920. V — 6. Below Camp Grounds, (southeast of, Lake City), starting at point adjacent to 900 elevation, (Asplund's farm) , at distance 15 ft. from shore. July 24, 1920. Minnesota shore. V — 10. About 1V4 miles from Deer Lake, (Wisconsin shore), and 14 m ^ e from pier at Pepin, starting point at nearest house on Wisconsin shore with 2 outbuildings in the rear. 600 ft. off shore. NOTES ON AREA. Compared with adults, juveniles were more abundant here than in any other area. This area was the one most worked in Lake Pepin during the summer of 1920, and some valuable pearls had their origin here. While fresh water sponges had been encountered from the beginning of the trip, such were more abundant in Lake Pepin than elsewhere. Specimens collected and forwarded to Professor Frank Smith, University of Illinois, were identified as Spongilla fragilis, Loidy. REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL, ETC. 21 AREA V. COMMERCIAL SPECIES * 1 4 40(0) 30(4) Fusconaja ebena Pleurobema catillus Obovaria olivaria Quadrula postulosa Quadrula quadrula Quadrula inetanevra Rotundaria gran if era Obliquaria reflexa Fusconaja undata Amblema peruviana Amblema costata Megalonais heros Quadrula verrucosa. Actinonais carinata , Lampsilis higginsii Lampsilis siliquoidea Plagiola lineolata Amygdalonais truncata Lampsilis ventricosa \ 20 (3) Lampsilis anodontoides I Lampsilis fallaciosa \ 3 Eurynia recta j 1 Eurynia subrostrata I Plethobasus cyphyus I Lasmigona complanata ( 5 Lasmigona costata i Proptera alata 5 Arcidens confragosus Elliptio niger Elliptio dilatatus \ 18 Pleurobema pyramidatum J Alasmidonta marginata | Amygdalorais donaciformis \ 3 1->X a! "3 8 "J E-i 1.4% 17% 11.9% 3.7% 7 73(2) 2(4) 59 1.7% 18.7% 1.5% 14.7% u£ ^.- 1 55(3) 21 2.4% 23.2% 8.4% 104(20)| 43.4%|108(13)| 30.2% 69(4) 8% 1% 1.7% 6 44(6) 1.5% 10.7% 2% 2 45(5) 1 1 2 2.7%| 29% 18% 4% | 6.3%| 20 | 5%| 10(1) | 4.4%| 1% NON-COMMERCIAL SPECIES * a Si, J 1% 19.6% 7.3% 4.9% 34.2% 1% 12.3% 1.5% * 1% "t. '.8% '5.'2% TOTA L S \ 272 | 93.4%| 38 6 j92.4%| ,241 |89.4%| 89.8% 1 1 5 1 1 4 1.7% 1.4% 4 1 6 1% * 1.5% 2 * * 1.2% * 1% 3 1.2% TOTALS. ;o 3.1% 2.5%| 1.2%| 2.2% TOTALS ALL SHELLS. 282 | 96. 5% | 94 . 9%| 247 | 90.6% | 92% AREA VI. Boundaries, Pepin and King's Coulee to Read's Landing, Minn. Status, closed to fisheries. Length in linear Miles, 4. Physical conditions, 4 ft. high water; current about 2 miles. Bottom, mud and sand, with a great deal of water weed on the Wisconsin side. Cobbles, gravel, and riff-raff on the Minnesota shore. 22 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST LOCALITIES REPORTED UPON. (ref. maps.) VI — 3. Starting point, 700 ft. north of point marked 682.09 and 673.42 on map, at foot of Lake Pepin, 500 ft. off shore. July 27, 1920. VI— 5. Starting point 1,000 ft. southwest C. M. & St. P. R. R. trestle at culvert opposite Knud Johnston's Coulee, (1760 elevation), 150 ft. from shore. July 28, 1920. VI — 6. One mile upstream from bridge at Read's Landing, 300 ft. s. w. of C. M. & St. P. R. R. at base of stone quarry, 700 ft. from Minnesota shore. July 28, 1920. NOTES ON AREA. Next to Area V, the juveniles found were most abundant here. Locality 6 in this area represents a re-juvenating bed at the base of Lake Pepin, clammed out years ago, and at that time producing many niggerheads. The only living specimen of R. granifera taken in the lake was secured at this place, although previously large numbers of dead shells were seen. At this point there was collected for the* first time, Pleuroberfia Poyramidatum. Both localities 5 and 6 had comparatively few old shells in them. Locality 3 is shunned by clammers on account of the rocky bottom at this place, yet certain clammers who know the region are able to make good hauls here. Juveniles were fairly abundant. Specimens of Plagiola lineolata were particularly large. Fresh water sponges, and Bryozoa of species to be later given were also obtained here. REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL, ETC. 23 AREA VI. COMMERCIAL SPECIES Fusconaja ebena Pleurobema catillus Obovaria olivaria Quadrula postulosa Quadrula quadrula , Quadrula metanevra Rotundaria granifera Obliquaria reflexa Fusconaja undata Amblema peruviana Amblema costata Megalonais heros Quadrula verrucosa Actinonais carinata Lampsilis higginsii Lampsilis siliquoidea Plagiola lineolata Amygdalonais truncata Lampsilis ventricosa Lampsilis anodontoides Lampsilis fallaciosa Eurynia recta Eurynia subrostrata Plethobasus cyphyus Lasmigona complanata Lasmigona costata Proptera alata Arcidens confragosus Elliptio niger Elliptio dilatatus Pleurobema pyramidatum . . . Alasmidonta marginata Amygdalonais donaciformis. ■5 J 3° Eh 2% 6(1) 5(2) 33(4) 53(5) 4% I 4.8% 25.5% 92(9) 3 5(3) 26(5) 40% 5.5% 2.9% 2.7% 2 138 51(1) 21 28. 9% | 10.9% 16 7(1) 13 5 M.2% 1.6% 6.5% 1.8% 4.4% 15.5% 22 66 3.6% 1.8%| 2.9% 1.1% 53(3) 16(3) 31(6) 5.2% 1.8% 5% | 15% 12.8% 2% 4.3% 8.5% 4.8% 17.2% > £ 1.2% 1% 2% * 1% 12.6% 10.3% 19.8% 1% 1.9% 18.3% 3.2% * "l2% TOTALS 1 132 | 90.6%) 449 | 90.8%| 391 86% | 88.6% NON-COMMERCIAL SPECIES * 6 (1) 1 1(1) 4.1% * * * 1.3% 7 5.6% 3 . 2%. 10 2.1% 1% * 5 21(1) i.i% 5% 5(2) 1.4% 2.6% 1 TOTALS ...| 10 1 5.4%| 17 | 3.5%| ?4 1 n.7%| 6.7% TOTALS ALL SHELLS .. | 142 1 96% | 466 | 94. 3% | 425 I 97.7%| 95.3% AREA VII. Boundaries, Read's Landing, Minn., to Minneiska, Minn. Status, open to fishery. Length in Linear Miles, 20.9. Physi- cal conditions, 5 ft. high water; current 4-6 miles per hour. Bottom, sandy, with many imbedded snags, especially in upper portion. 24 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST LOCALITIES REPORTED UPON. (ref. maps.) VII — 4. 320 ft. upstream from Government Light 946, along water front at Wabasha, 49 ft. from shore. July 31, 1920. VII — 6. Teepeeota Point, 350 ft. west of willows at the point, 150 ft. from shore line. July 31, 1920. VII— 14. (5ff Alma, Wis., starting 50 ft. north of R. E. Jones' Mill, 40 ft. from shore. August 3, 1920. NOTES ON AREA. Few juveniles were to be seen in this area. On the site of an old shipyard at Wabasha, remnants of a clam bed with some young shells were found. The bed is hindered in re- generation by the amount of rubbish, iron wire, etc., dumped in the locality. The same conditions hold for locality VII-4. Further down at Teepeeota point was a remnant, composed of gigantic shells of an old clam bed, in which juveniles were totally absent. The bottom in this locality seemed well suited to mussel growth, there being no rubbish, few if any snags. The current has probably carried away the juveniles. Much effort was expended in this and other areas to locate clam beds by the method already described, but most of the pro- ductive ones have been covered up. There are few if any water weeds in this area except in the sloughs. In the vicinity of Alma, (Govt. Light 926 and the R. E. Jones Mill), other remnants of beds exist, composed of giant "niggerheads" and "warty backs." Only a slight idea could be gained of these latter, as the bottom was so snaggy that it was unprofitable to attempt work with the crowfoot bars. Formerly this bed was worked with a pitch fork. At the lower limits of this area shells were more abundant, and were more easily secured from sand bars than any place elst The upper portion of West Newton Chute was very prolific in this respect. Species of snails and crayfish as recorded previously were common here. REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL, ETC. 25 AREA VII. COMMERCIAL SPECIES ^5 .a > nj gS o o a HhJ a o ►J £5 tf£ Fusconaja ebena Pleurobema catillus Obovaria olivaria Quadrula postulosa Quadrula quadrula Quadrula metaiievra , Rotundaria granifera Obliquaria reflexa Fusconaja undata Amblema peruviana Amblema costata Megalonais heros , Quadrula verrucosa Actinonais carinata Lampsilis higginsii Lampsilis silinuoidea Plagiola lineolata Amygdalonais truncata Lampsilis ventricosa Lampsilis anodontoides Lampsilis fallaciosa Eurynia recta Eurynia subrostrata Plethobasus cyphyus Lasmigona complanata Lasmigona costata Proptera alata Arcidens confragosus Elliptio niger Elliptio dilatatus Pleurobema pyramidatum . . . Alasmidonta marginata Amygdalonais donaciformis . 10 7 1 20 17 5 33 6.3% 4.4% * 12.6% 6.9% 10.7% 3.1% 20%, 2 | 1.2% 8.8% 1.2% 5% 1.2%. 3 1 1 46 1 2.1% 5.6% 4.9% 2%, 4.9%, 10.6%, 2%, 4.2% 2.1% 32.6% 5.6% 2.8%, ' >> "5 a o h3 o °£ 1 "*"§ i o j HJ 1 sf-£ Locality VIII-10 | 1 o "8 . °£ HI o o 1 #£ > >> o o 31 o c Average % Catch in 3 Localities • 21.4% 14.3% 7.1% 4.7% 1.4% 2.8% 3(1) 1 4.2% 1% 1 8.3% 1 7.1% 2.3% 1 8 1 8.3% 50% 8.3% 2.8% 2.1% 11% 4.7% 12 10 12.6% 10.5% 2 •7 14.2% 14.2% 7.17c 2.3% 1(10) 11 5% 3.8% 1 8.3% 30(15) 4.7% 18.4% 1 7.1% 1 8.3% 5.1% * 1 1% ' 1 8.3% 2.7% 100%| 84 | 87.8% I 90.1% 2 14.2% 1 1% 5% 1 5(3) 1 1% 8.4% lfe * 3% '• TOTALS ALL SHELLS. ! 14.2%| 12 100% | 11 1 n.4%| 8% i 99.6%| 12 100% | 95 I 99. 2% | 98.1% 28 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST AREA IX. Boundaries, Fountain City, Wis. to Winona, Minn. (High Bridge) . Status, open to fishery. Length Linear Miles, 8.6. Physical Conditions, 2 ft. high water; current 4 miles. Bot- tom, gravel and mud, with less amount of riff-raff than in preceding areas. LOCALITIES REPORTED UPON. (ref. maps.) IX — 2. South end of Island 62, across the mouth of a slough, starting 20 ft. from nearest shore. Aug. 18, 1920. IX — 22. Straight Slough, about 3 miles from mouth, across the mouth of the first slough above island with 655 elevation. 25 ft. from north shore. Aug. 21, 1920. IX— 31. 800 ft. northwest of the N. W. R. R. bridge at Winona, 35 ft. from sheer boom. Aug. 23, 1920. NOTES ON AREA. *An old bed of "niggerheads" existing at Wild's Landing was found to be absolutely covered with sand deflected by the dams. No trace of a bed said -to exist in the vicinity of Island 55 was found. The best collecting in this area was from the sandbars, and in the lower portion of the area we frequently encountered very large specimen of Anodonta grandis. Many stranded pocketbooks, (Lampsilis ventricosa) were found cut open for pearls, presumably by the foreign element of the population of Winona. Locality IX-22 is in the upper portion of Straight Slough near Winona. At the present time it is a flourishing bed, indicating that conditions are favorable here for mussel growth. Fresh water snails, (Pleurocera acuta, Raf.) and a form of Sphaerium stamineum Conrad, as determined by Dr. Bryant Walker, were abundant here. REPORT ON THE STUDY AND APPRAISAL, ETC. 29 AREA IX. COMMERCIAL SPECIES * x u (M > Si o 5 CI. oi hJ 3 #►5 > c Fusconaja ebena Pleurobema catillus Obovaria olivaria Quadrula postulosa Quadrula quadrula Quadrula metanevra Rotundaria granifera Obliquaria reflexa Fusconaja undata Amblema peruviana Amblema costata Mesalonaio heros Quadrula verrucosa Actinonais carinata Lampsilis higginsii Lampsilis siliquoidea Plagiola lineolata Amygdalonais truncata Lampsilis ventricosa Lampsilis anodontoides Lampsilis fallaciosa Eurynia recta. Eurynia subrostrata Plethobasus cyphyus Lasmigona complanata Lasmigona costata Proptera alata Arcidens confragosus Elliptio niger. Elliptio dilatatus Pleurobema pyramidatum . . , Alasmidonta marginata Amvtrdflonais donaciformis. 3(5) 3.5"J ?*J > c Fusconaja ebena Pleurobema catillus Obovaria olivaria Quadrula postulosa Quadrula (luadrula Quadrula metanevra R>tundaria granifera Obliquaria reflexa Fusconaja undata Amblema peruviana A mblema costata Megalonais heros Quadrula verrucosa Actinonais carinata Lampsilis higginsii Lampsilis siliquoidea Plagiola lineolata , Amygdalonais truneata Lampsilis ventricosa Lampsilis anodontoides Lampsilis fallaciosa Eurynia recta Eurynia subrostrata Plethobasus cyphyus Lasmigona complanata Lasmigona costata Proptera alata Arcidens confiagosus Elliptio niger Elliptic dilatatus Pleurobema pyramidatum. . . Alasmidonta marginata Amygdalonais donacifonnis. 9% 4.5% 2.2% 13.5% 3.4% 2.2% 4.5% 1.1% 5.6% 4% 1.1% 4.9% 1.4% 6.3% 2% 25 17.5% 4 9(1) 4(1) 2 2.8% 7.4% 3.7% 1.4% 5.9% 2.2% 2.2% 1 6(2) 15(1) 1 15(2) 6(1) 6 1 5.9% 11.8% 5(1) 3 4.4% 2.1% 2.8% 1(1) 1.4% 5.4% 1.5% 31% 5% 13.2% 5.4% 4.6% 1.5% 3.9% 1.5% 12.4% 3 ! 9% 1.1% * 1.5% 6.1% 1% 21.8% 5.3% ""12% "3.'<5% 8.5% 2.8% 3.2% 3% 1% 1.9% 7% 2.7% * 'i. - 9% 2.6% 1.8% 1% TOTALS. 79 I 87 .2% I 128 90%| 121 I 91.8%| 88.3% NON-COMMERCIAL SPECIES * 2 i.4% 1 * 1.2% 6 4 (1) 4.2% 2.8% 2 2 * 1.5% 1.7% 9 10.1% 4.6% * (1) * 1 TOTALS ..! 9 ! 10% | 14 1 8.4%| 5 I 1.5%| 7.5% TOTALS ALL SHELLS . | 88 I 97.2%| 142 | 98.4%| 126 I 93.3%| 95 . 5% 32 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST From the data presented under the title of each area, the following tabulation is made, dealing with the absolute abundance of shells in the areas appraised: No. Shells No. Shells Area and Commercial Species Non-Commercial Average All Status as to Shells per Fishery per Linear Mile Species per Linear Mile Linear Mile I. Open 197.1 66 263.1 II. Closed 84.1 47.9 131.5 III. Open 39 5.61 44.61 IV. Closed 92 10.3 102.3 V. Open 166.8 7 173.8 VI. Closed 243.25 15.5 258.75 VII. Open 14.5 (16.13) 1 (6.55) 15.5 (22.68) VIII. Closed 10. (43) 1.2 (2.8) 11.2 (45.8) IX. Open 28.24 (54) 4.76 (7.6) 33. (61.6) X. Closed 45.3 (62.91) 4 (8.3) 49.3 (71.24) In the preliminary report of this survey, (p. 2) the data given on the absolute abundance of shells in Areas VII-X inclusive, was based in large part on collections of shells by hand from sand bars, as the latter embraced the larger number of best localities in the areas indicated. As it would be difficult to use such data in the future as a basis of com- parison and rechecking, there has been substituted in this final report data obtained from other localities in these areas by the use of the bar and crowfoot outfit. Since it is felt that, due to the conditions described, that the latter represents the true absolute abundance of shells in the areas, there are added in parentheses to the above the results obtained from collecting by hand on the 3 best sandbars of these areas. For each of the 3 localities taken in account for each area, the data thus presented embodies the efforts of 3 men collecting by hand 30 minutes, a total consumption of 90 minutes time, and about that required to make 3 drags with the bars in any given locality. The results from, the sandbars may be inter- preted to represent the maximum of shells in the particular area. VII. REMARKS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. The tables given indicate that commercial species of mus- sels in the areas appraised are most abundant in the vicinity 33 oi. Red Wing, Minn., and in Lake Pepin. There is a decline in the number of the mussels in succeeding stretches of the river until the lower half of Lape Pepin is reached. Upon leaving the lake, a most marked diminution in their numbers occurs but on the other hand the absolute number of shells increases going down stream, showing that the necessary conditions for mussel life are present, and, on the whole steadily improving. When it appears practicable to attempt the rehabilitation of the mussel beds below Lape Pepin, the following recommendation based upon the preceding infor- mation may receive consideration, viz: 1. Restoring old, but favorably situated beds in closed areas with advanced juveniles of commercial species. Such beds are those existing at the foot of Lake Pepin, Wabasha, Teepeeota Point, and those at Winona and Homer, Minn. If judged by the abundance of juveniles collected, the areas to be stocked in order are VI, VIII, IV. 2. Restocking and propagation of desirable species in cer- tain sloughs, both in open an dclosed areas, as the young shells in the former case would be protected by the prevailing sen- timent among mussel fishermen toward them. Sloughs offer- ing some promise in this respect are the Belvedere below Minneiska, West Newton Chute near Alma, and the Straight Slough near Winona. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 903 645 7 <