The A: -noan News Co., 89 (fc41 Chamberg St. N .T. STANDARD BOO KS OF GAMES AND PASTIMES BEADLE AND ADAMS, PUBLISHERS, NEW YOEK. DIME BASE-BALL PLAYER. FOR 1880, Containing the League and National Club Averages for 1879, together with the Model Games of the season. The prize winners m the National Championship, and new chapters on Batting, Fielding, and Base Running. Also, a New Scoi ing System, with record of the MetropoUtan Championship Games and Pacific League Averages. Edited by Henry Chadwick. HAND-BOOK OF CROQUET. A Complete Guide to the l^rinciplesand Practice of the Game. This ])opular pastime has, during the few years of its existence, rapidly outtirown the first vague and imperfect rules and regulntions of its inventor; and, ae almost every house at which it is played adopts a different code of laws, it hecome&a difficult matter for a stranger to assimilate his play to that of other people. It is, therefore, highly desirable that one uniform system should be generally adopted, and hence the ob- ject of this work is to establish a recognized method of playing the game. DIME BOOK OF 100 GAMES. Out-door and in-door SUMMER GAMES for Tourists and Families in the Coun- try, Picnics, etc., comprising 100 Games, Forfeits and Conundrums for Childhood and Youth, Single and Married, Grave and Gay. A Pocket Hand-book for the Summer Season. CRICKET AND FOOT-BALL. A desirable Cricketer's Companion, containing complete instructions in the ele- ments of Bowling, Batting and Fielding ; also the Revised Laws of the Game ; Re- marks on the Duties of Umpires ; the Mary-le Bone Cricket Club Rules and Regu- lation? ; Bets, etc. By Henry Chadwick. V HAND-BOOK OF PEDESTRIANISM. Giving the Rules for Training and Practice in Walking, Running, Leaping, Taulting, etc. Edited by Henry Chadwick. YACHTING AND ROWING. This volume will be found very complete as a guide to the conduct of watercraft, and full of interesting information alike to the amateur and the novice. The chap- ter referring to the great rowing-match of the Oxford and Cambridge clubs on the Thames, will be found particularly interesting. RIDING AND DRIVING-. A sure guide to correct Horsemanship, with complete directions for the road and field; and a specific section of directions and information for female equestrians. Drawn largely from.'' Stonehenge's" fine manual, this volume will be found all that can be desired by those seeking to know all about the horse, and his manage- ment in harness and under the saddle. GUIDE TO SWIMMING. Comprising Advisory Instructions; Rules upon Entering the Water ; General Directions for Swimming ; Diving: How to Come to the Surface; Swimmmg on the Back ; How to Swim in times of Danger ; Surf-bathing— How to Manage the Waves, the Tides, etc. ; a Chapter for the Ladies ; a Specimen Female b\yirammg School ; How to Manage Cases of Drowning; Dr. Franklin's Code for Swimmers ; etc. Illustrated. By Capt. Philip Peterson. ^' For sale by all newsdealers; or sent, post-paid, to any address, on receipt of price— TEN cents each.' BEADLE AND ADAMS, PUBLISHERS, 98 WILLIAM ST., N. Y. HANDBOOK OP Summer Athletic Sports, comprising: Jumping, Hare and Hounds, BICYCLING, ARCHERY, ETC. WrTH COMPLETE AMERICAN AND ENGLISH ATHLETIC RULES. / • EDITED BY CAPT. FRED. WHITTAKER. N-EW^ YORK: BEADLE AND ADAMS, PUBLISHERS, 98 WILLIAM STREET. GtVTO A/V57 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1880, by BEADLE AND ADAMS, In the ofiQce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. ^ to LU cn CO i O til cn CO < CO CO g: i a CO z o -J b li_ O o ^e^HS^ •200 FEET BROAD.r-- CONTENTS. PAGB. PiSDESTBIANISM, - - - - . 9 "Walkers vs. Runners, -------- 11 Scientific Walking, - - - - - - -- -14 Scientific Running, .-.---.- 19 Dress for Pedestrians, --------23 Training for a Match, --.-•.. 25 Laying out a Track, -. . - - - - .30 Conducting a Match, - - - - ^ - - - 85 Records op Pedestrla.nism, 38 Jumping and Pole-Leaping, 43 Bicycling, - 45 American Athletic Rules, 49 English Athletic Rules, .,-----56 Hare and Hounds, ----.--. 57 Archery, .--.--60 HANDBOOK OF 3UMMEE ATHLETIC SPORTS. PEDESTRIANISM. A wonderful increase of popularity lias lately attended the art of walking. The steady improvement made in speed and endurance by professional and amateur walkers and the intro- duction of international contests have brought this about within a few years. When the firm of Beadle and Adams published their first Dime book of Pedestrianism, the only American walker of reputation was Edward Pay son Weston. The record of pro- fessionals and amateurs had then developed nothing greater than the performances of Captain Barclay of England, who first did a thousand miles in a thousand hours. Weston's famous walk from Portland to Chicago caused the only ripple of excitement in the sporting world on the subject of walking from tlie time of Barclay up to 1870. Since that period, things have changed greatly. Weston's aclncvements have inspired otliers, and those others have not only equaled but excelled Wtston on many occasions. The names of O'Leary, Kowell, Corkey, and *' Blower" Brown, all men born in the British Islands, liave been record<-d above those of Weston at different times; but it remains to the glory of the American pedestrian that in 1879 he beat ihem all. , All these changes and ups and downs in pedestrianism for the last ten years have made the old books obsolete, and the publishers of the former Dime Book of Pedestrianism have determined to issue a new edition, fully up to the times in all respects. Besides practical instructions in walking, founded on the different styles of noted professionals, we shall annex much matter never before jmt in a handbook, concerning the pre- paration of tracks, measurements, timing and scoring, for the information of that Inrge class of people living in country towns and villages, who have plenty of walliers, but no ex- perience in the conduct of matches, and no opportunity to see how things are done in first class matches. 10 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. Every one can walk, but not every one can become a great walker. Any young man of good health and strength onn learn to walk five miles in an hour, but the number of men who can walk twenty-five miles in five. Jiours is very small, and will always remain so. If we take the population of any town or villaae wc shall find that out of every hundred young meu from eighteen to twenty-five years of age, there are about sixty more or less given to athletic sports, tweni)^ who are very enthusiastic about them, and six or eight who would make good walkers, runners and general athletes. Of this six or tight, there is generally one who is better than his fellows, and he becomes the village ciiampicm, in one sport or another. This is about the. true proportion— one per cent — of the young male communit3\ that is capable of being taken at random and converted into good professional walkers. A general system of early physical training would soon increase this proporlitm, but as we are never liktly to see any sucli system li.doptt d we must be content with what we can get. Out of those capable of becoming great walkers and striving to become so, the proportion of second rate men is quite large. There have been great long-distance walkers before, and probably will be again ; but a man of the peculiar constitu- tion of Edward Payson Weston is very seldom met with. Other men have, at times, beaten him ; but he has outstaid them all at last in endurance. No other athlete on record has' remained among contestants of the first-class for so many years, for be it remembered that Weston's career as a walker began on Thanksgiving Day, 1867, the day on which he arrived at Chicago from Portland, and that so late as 1879, twelve 3'ears after, he was able to do 550 miles in a week against the best men of England, at a time when his latest rival, O'Leary, had utterly broken down. Ten years after his first appearance on the track, he was able to give O'Leary, in his prime, a tough battle, making 510 miles in six days, and none of his an- tagonists can say as much for themselves. The average duration of a great long-distance man, whether walker or runner, seems to be about two years. It was in 1876 that O'Leary came to the top of the wave, and in 1879 he went untler. AVeston alone keeps on, apparently as fresh at forty as he was at twenty -six. All this argues in Weston very great physical power and strictly temiserate habits, and he possesses both in a remark- able degree. There, however, the praise ends. As a scientific walker, Weston is inferior, not only to O'Leary, but even pitted against such amateurs as Harry Armstrong, of Harlem, C. Bruce Gillie, of the ScottisUrAmerican Club, or a dozen others' nJLNDBOOK OP SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. 11 we could name. Wben be was in his best form, about 1874-5, it was the remark of an Enalisb trainer, that Weston was ''a mystery to him; that he didn't see how he could walk at all on the bad system he used, and that an}' oth( r man would have broken down utterly in the attempt." Weston used to get through his tasks, and does still, but only at the cost of terrible fatigue, which he might have savtd himself on a better system. O'Leary, on the other hand, is an example of how the best trainiog, constitution and system may be neutralized and over- thrown by over-confidence and dissipation. As a scientific walker, O'Leary has no equal, and were he of the same tem- peratejiabits as Weston, he migiii still head the list as worUi's champion. As it is, the rows of empty champagne bo'tles that were taken from his tent at Gilmort's, when he broke down in the Rowell match, were the evidence and symbol of his ruin. It was not in his case, as be said in the Spirit of tlie Times, that " runners can beat walkers." O'Leary, himself, in four or five matches, had beaten all the time ever made by runners, save that of "Blower" Brown; but the O'Leary of tlioi^e days had succumbed to high living, and a poor excuse was belter than none. Yet, the man's system w^as, and is, magnifi(^ent, and enabled him to do respectable work against Hughes and Campana, when he really was not fit to go at all. Had he possessed Weston's temperate habits, or had Weston possessed O'Leary's science as a walker, the result would have been a pedestrian wonder that would have lasted many years longer than O'Leary. WALKERS vs. RUNNERS. The success of Weston and O'Leary in their long-distance walks in England surprised the Britons greatly. Up to the time of Weston's appearance in that country, Englishmen had been accustomed to consider themselves the best walkers in the world; but the two Americans — the native and the natur- alized — soon took the conceit out of them. The bef^t English long-distance walkers were Peter Crossland and Henry Vaughan, who had both done excellent work in marches of the kind then practiced in England. But the introduction of six-day contests, first started by Weston, put these profession- als on unfamiliar ground, and they found that a man who could walk a hundred miles in one da}'' was not able to cope with the. however, .w'as not by iuiy. means proven at that time. The real truth was Tliat'^ champagne, not Rowell, beat O^Leary; and Rowel I's record in the race was twenty miles short of the champion's best walking record. The other competitors in the match were simply not first-class men. The cause of the runners has, however, received a fresh impetus since Row^ell's victory by the still more remarkable feat of " Blower "Brown (always a.*' good man ") who in the third Astley belt match, April 22d-27thy. 1829^ jjiade the amaz- ing distance of 542 miles in 140 hours. . - - Finally the veteran Weston beat even Brown's record by the superlative score of 550 miles over the same track, opposed to Brown himself and Hazael. Since that time Brown has made 553. miles over the same track, and a negro lawyer from Boston named Hart has made 565 miles in Madison Square Garden, finishing April 10, 1880. As the record now stands, in contests where almost super- liuman endurance and speed are required, ordinary runners may win, but only at the expense of a waste of .physical energy that a scientific walker does not suffer., Tbey go faster and manage to live through the contest, but that is all. The introduction of '*go-as-y giver^ to him as sooji as he can talk. He is told to^turn hi§ toe^oi^t." 18 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPOflTS. Now it so happens tliMt, if you talte two m^n, equally good walkers, and let one turn his toes out, tlie other in, the " par- rot-loed " man is sure to beat the other in the long run. The reason for this statement will Ue made plain by looking at the following cut and reflecting on a few facts in connec- tion therewith. TWO METHODS OF WALKING. In the upper figure we have the foot tracks of a man walk- ing with his toes turned out ; in the lower one the same foot takes the same stride *' parrot-toed." Note that both start with heels on the same line, and tliat before a step is taken, the man who turns out his toes has lost nearly an inch of forward progress, his toes not touching the same line as that reached by the other, who carries his feet straight. AVith the close of the first step the difference increases, both parties taking the same stride^ measured from toe to toe. The i>ar- rot-toed man sets his heel down in advance of the other's heel, and gains a further advantage by the grejtter reach of his loe at every step. The gain of the parrot-toed man is thus shown to be con- stant when both parties use the same exertion, and must always give him the race, other things being equal. But there is another loss in turning the toes out, which is not less important, and which is shown by the position of the large black spots in the cu*. These spots represent the point on whicli the weight of the body falls in the middle of each stride, and a very important difference will be noted in their position. In the case of the man who turns his toes out, this spot comes under the joint of the great toe, while in the other foot it lies between the second and third toe?. HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. 19 In Other words, when as man turn out his toes he phices aU his weight on a diigU joint; when he walks parrot-toed it is distributed among five joints. This difference in strain is sure to tell in a long race. It is the experience of many a tramp iu moccasins and bare feet tbat makes the Indians and other wild tribes walk parrot-toed, because any other way would soon lame them. Our civilized sliff-soled boots, by distribut- ing the weight of the body over a large surface, permit us to go on walking in a vicious fashion, as long as we do not have to use much exertion, but when we come to serious ptdestri- anism, we must return to savage i.e. natural ways, or the strriin will tell in lameness, inside of twenty-four hours' work. The celebrated Indian-painter, George Catlin, gives in his ** Travels" a striking instance of the difference of the two systems. He was a large, powerful man, and counted him- self a good walker in the old times. Therefore, when, in company with a number of trappers, fur-trnders and Indian employes of the Fur Company, he set out for a hundred-and- Mfty-mile tramp over the prairie in moccasins, he made up his mind to lead the caravan and outwalk every one. For the first day he di>i so, but then found himself lame; and next day, iu spite of all he could do, he fell behind interior men and became a straggler. At the evening camp-fire, the second day, an old trapper noticed his condition and told liim the secret of his non-success. *' You are walking in moccasins,^' said the hunter, *' and you must learn to turn in your toes^ (is the Indians do,"*^ Catlin took the advice, went to the head of the line next day, and had no more trouble in keeping his place. The moral of the siory is obvious. If you wish to last to the end of a match, turn your toes in. SCIENTIFIC RUNNING, If there is anything which the records of modern pedestrian- l^m settles, it is that we h ive yet a uood deal to learn from SiVHges. Here we have been walking matclies and running otiier matches for the last fifty year:^, only to se tie down into the regular Indian lope, or dog-irot, for long distance travel- ing, as faster and less exhausting than the fastest walk. This pace, introduced for the first time into civilized con- tests by ''Blower" Brown, Hazael, Corkey and Rowell, is the very same which the Indian runners of the forest tribes have used from time immemorial. It is the same with which the Hindoo palkee-bearers swing through the jungle for mile after mile under a tropic sun without apparent distres>J, and tiie universal method adopted by savage and semi birbarous people whenever they wish to journey fast on foot. The civil- 20 HOTDBOOK OP SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. ized untrained man when he tries the same pace commonly makes a mess ot it. " Old Sport," alias Gampana, was a good exemplar of the civilized idea of a dog^trot— that of the old volunteer fire-brigade of New York city. It was a fair trot, but it would not last forever. Campana put up both arms, working his shoulders as in a walk, and lifted his feet high lyefore and behind, with a weary-looking, lagging step. It en- tailed about tlie same exertion as a fast walk and got over the ground no faster. Too much work was wasted in perpendicu- lar motion. LONG-DISTANCE RUNNER. A model of truly scientific long-distance running is found in little Charley Rowell, whose style is an exact imitaiion of Brown, Corkey and Hazael. All four are men of about tiie same size and weight, standing five feet six inches, and w^eigh- ing from 130 to 140 lbs. The probable reason for their taking to running was their small size, wl)ic'h debarred them from success as walkers against m<^n with six indies more stri e. As runners they have all glided into the ?iaine system, which is fairly represented in, the cut alK)ve, taken from the attitude of Rowdi. HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC ^POUTS. 21 Tlie first thing that one notices about tliis figure is its cnse, and the absence of all appeanuice of effort. Tiie professional walker, in the cut in preceding chapter, looks as if lie was Avalking hard, but this fellow seems trying to run as slow as he can. The fact is that, wliile not aciually trying to go slo-w^ he is tr3'ing to save himself ^s much exertion as is compalible with getting over the ground a little faster than the fastest walk. Such a pace is from six to eight miles an hour, and such a pace can be maintained by a well-trained man like Kowell after he is unable to walk over three miles an hour. Ttiere are several points to notice about the attitude, es])e- cially the petition of the head and the wa}^ the nose is ele- vated in the air. When Rowell smarted after O'Lear}^ on his dog-trot with his nose in the air, people laughed at him and tiiought he was pla3ang monkey tricks; but when Rowell kept his nose in the air for six days it began to be seen that he had a reason for so doing. If any of our readers will try the experiment of running for a distance with the head down and then change to Rowell's plaii, nose in air and teeth tightly clenched, they will be sur- prised at the difference in ease of respiration. Throwing up the head u.akes the passage from nose to windpipe nearly siraiglit, and the air has no corners to turn before reaching the lungs. In fast running, or any long-continued exertion, it is necessary to keep the mouth closed, to prevent the rapid evaporation that takes place wlien the air comes in through tlie open mouth, parching up the throat. But if we try to breathe throngh the nose alone, with the head bent down, we tind that the air does not come freely enough^ and distress soon compels us to open the mouth, after which we are speed- ily at the end of our tether — and wind. Holding up tlie head in the fashion depicted in the cut renders a two liours^ run a matter of comparative ease to a well-trained man, and enables one like Hazael to run his 137 miles in 26 hours. The next point to notice about our long-distance friend is the posificm of his arms, which are slightly bent and held rigid by ttie sides, to steady the walls of the lungs and thus let the chest be kept fully dilated as long as possible. If the man in the cut were running a "sprint race*' — that is for any distance inside of a furlong — his arms would go up to the same angles as those of the professional walker, because then he would be at top speed. As it is he is going as easily as he can, and does not run fast enough to be able to keep his arms up, without a conscious muscular exertion^ which would tell in a race. The art of long-distance running is one of real value to any one who wishes to increase the size of his legs to shapeliness, Mud to be able to go long steps rapidly with the least fatigue. Tiiis pace, alternated with walking whenever the breath fails, can be adopted by any person with advantage to health. Thu 22 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. Strain conies on the muscles of the front of the thigh and calf of the leg, and a return to walking rests these more com- pletely than actual standing still. The combination of the two forms the "go-as-you-please" contest. We have thus fully noticed long-distance running before treating of "sprint" races and other short dashes, because it is a more important branch of athletics. The correct system Is one that can be readily acquired by all, old and young, and SPRINT RUNNER. will be found of great value whenever one is in a hurry to go to a certain place. The regular long-distance trot will take a person further and faster tlian any other known method of un- aided progression. A few words about sprint running will appropriately close til is chapter. By the term ** sprint " races are meant all those, dashes at full speed which are not over a furlong in length. Seventy- tive and one-hundred-yard dashes are the most common., nnd the question of excellence as a sprint racer, or "sprinter,'^ de- HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. 23 peiuls on single seconds or fractions thereof in time, while the benefits derived from the practice are nothing like those of lliemile or ten-mile runner. The form required, however, merits observation. Sprint running is only an exaggeration of the system dis- played in long-distance work. The arms rise as in fast walk- ing, and for the same reasons, till they are doubled up. The work, being fast, requires that the Inngs be kept expanded, therefore the arms are kept stiff and rigid to aid the chest muscles in holding out the walls of the throax to give room to the lungs. The distribution of weight, on account of the rapid motion, comes to be much the same as in fast walking, but the knees are bent of necessity ; because in running the progression is made by springs from toe to toe, instead of heel to heel. The stime cause admits of the upper part of the body falling forward, though the elevation of nose and hollowing ofbackiseven more important than in long-distance work, inasmuch as the exertion is more severe while it lasts. The cut on preceding page will illustrate the difference between the sprint runner and the long-distance man. Having thus treated of scientific walking and running sim- pl}*^ with regard to their mechanical action, we can next turn to the subject of the proper dress to be adopted to make both easy for the pedestrian. DRESS FOR PEDESTRIANS. The first question of importance both to walkers and run- ners is how they shall be shod, and too much attention can- not be paid to tliis matter. We will begin with the needs of a walker. It is not our intention to advertise any particular firm of shoemakers as unequaled in the manufacture of walking- shoes; for the fact is that the very best of the crack firms will turn out botch jobs if you do not watch them sharply. There are four points to be attended to in the selection of walking-shoes:— First, the sole of the shoe must be under the whole of the foot ; second, the uppers must be soft and flexible; third, the fit must be snug around the ankle and heel, but easy at the toes; fourth, the heels must be low and brojid. To secure the first of these points tliere is only one certain way, which is to stand in stocking feet on a piece of paper, and have the outline of 3^our sole traced on the paper, the actual sole of the shoe being cut to this pattern, and never coming inside of the line. The second and third points depend on your own vigilance and determination not to let the maker put off a stiff, ill -fit- 24 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPOKTS. ting pair of slices on j^ou. As for the last point, low broad - heels, no heels at all would be better. Very low heels of India rubber would, however, diminish the jar of fast walk' ing, and are worth more trial than they have yet had. The only reason for having a heel on a walking-shoe is to enable it to resist the unequal wear that comes on that spot, and not to elevate the heel of the natural foot. With regard to the first point, that of the sole being under the whole of the foot, this cannot be too much insisted on, for shoemakers will make them narrower, with the idea of giving an appearance of smallness to the feet. Your only remedy is to refuse to take all shoes where the maker, does not follow exactly the paper pattern of sole. The sofiness and flexibility of the uppers are more easily secured, as also the fit round the ankle, where walking-shoes should be laced. Buttoned boots or *' Congress gaiters '^ with ; elastic sides are not fit to walk in, as neither can be ac- connnodated to the size of a foot that is swelling during a severe match. Laces can be relaxed or tightened; buttons are in- flexible; while elastic webbing always keeps the same pres- sure. A professional walker, or one who is ambitious of excelling on the track will need six pairs of shoes in a Ion. ir race, be- ginning with tjiose that fit close and changing to those that are old, worn, and eas}^ to the loot, as it becomes sore and in- flamed. The man who rests his hopes of fame on mile-walks, needs a different foot-gear, analogous to that of the sprint run- ner, whom he resembles. Strong shoes are thrown away on him. He needs the very lightest kind of slipper that can be made, consistent with enough leather to preserve the foot from bruises, and the running slippers that are sold in all sporting warehouses are just the thing for this kind of work. Those that are furnished with spikes are well enough for running on . turf, but to be avoided on hard tracks Next after the shoes, and equally great in importance, come the socks. There is only one point necessary to be ob- !r«erved about these: they should be of soft woolen and as thick as possible. Hand-knit are preferable to woven socks, but- the thickness and softness are the great points, as these secure the absorption of the perspiration. Cotton socks would be sure to work into hard wrinkles in a match-walk and cause severe blisters, though it must be owned that these will sometimesoccur in spite of all imaginable precautions. About the rest of a pedestrian's dress there is but little to sa}^ ; as it depends almost entirely on individual fancy. Tliere is no doubt that the best dress for active work of all kinds is a suit of common white cotton tights, which cost less than two dollars, while trunk-bre<.»ches can be made at home at an almost nominal cost. HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPOlftTS. 25 But whether the walker rejoice in silk tights and velvet trunks, or remain satisfied with ihe homely flannel drawers and cardigan jackets of Row ell, is a matter of indifference to his speed. The only things he CANJ50T wear if he hopes to do good walking, are ulster overcoats and trowsers. In a word, his dress may be anything he likes, so long as it leaves his joints free; and this is why knee-bieeches have never given way to trowsers on a walking-track. Trowsers are in fact the worst dress possible for all active exercise. They cramp the knee and prevent its free action in a manner which, while it does not interfere materially with walking at ordinary rates of speed, affects a runner seri- ously by the lime he has passed over a few yards at lop speed. TRAINING FOR A MATCH. The word" training'^ in modern times has come to com prise two separate branches of athletic science. The first is a system of prac ice on a special feat till the trained man ac- complishes it with ease and certainty; the other and more important branch aims to bring the trained man to the high- est pitch of health and strength. When he has attained ihis point he is said to be in "condi- tion." It is plain therefore that a perfect system oftraining cannot afford to leave out either of these branches. A man may be trained to walk or run in the best possible style and fall in a race on account of poor condition ; or again he may be in the finest physical condition and fail on account of defective system of walking or running. The many races of the late champion Daniel O'Leary illustiate both these facts very sensibly. When he went to England to meet Weston and the great pedestrians, he kejit himself in good condition, and used the best system of walking known. The consequence was that he was prepared at all points and beat all comers. When he came back to the United States he was pitted successively ag.iinst Hughes and Campana, men whom he despised as opponints. Hughes was in excel- lent condition, but did not understand the science of eiiher walking or running; and so tired himself out early in the race, which was easily won by O'Leary on a small record. Next the champicm met Campana, a man who began to run too late in life, and who then understood nothing but the jog Irot lor a day or two. As a walker he was nowhere, his sys- 28 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPOKTS. tern being so bad that lie tired himself out when going at only^ four miles an hour. Here also O'Leary had an easy victory; but it is worthy of remark that he was more distressed to do four hundred miles in the Campana match, than he had been to accomplish five hundred and tweniy in the tirst Astley belt match. The whole reason was that he hnd allowed himself to get out of condition, and so found his system Jeverish when it should have been vigorous; while blisters that should have \ ielded to care rapidly increased in. size and made the greater part of the walk a positive torture to him. It became evident that if he were to be pitted agaiiiSt a man in good condition with a good system, he would go under, and the next vnca realized the expectation. Coming agai-nst Rowell, Harriman and Ennis, all in fair condition, he broke down utterly and left the track for good. Rowell, the winner of the match, is an example of the success which is sure to meet a man who combines perfect system and perfect condition. His opponents, Harriman and Ennis, while not in bad condition, were not models in thnt way. Harriman was too much of a vegetarian^ and Ennis was always cursed with a rebellious stomach. The little Eng- lishman on the other hand was in perfect condition and used a system of progression that exactly suited him. Flis sliort legs made a long walking stride impossible; therefore he- toidt to trotting; but by dint of long practice acquired a trot which he could keep up for hours at a time, with no more fatigue than that involved in fast walking, while it covered more ground. Later matches have but emphasized these points. The records of distance made in six-day contests have gradually risen, as man after man has acquired a better system of travel- ing, while all have kept themselves in better condition ; and thus we see men who began like Merritt, Krohme, Hart, Panchot, Fitzgerald and a dozen others, gradually bettering their performances, till the American track has fairly beaten the English in the number of** five hundred mile men'Mt has turned out. One thing has been demonstrated in all tliese races beyond a doubt; which is, that no man can safely train himsdf fr)r a great feat. He may do it during preliminary practice and at small matches where hi?i opponents are not dangerous; but when it comes to a supreme effort, he must put himself into the hands of others, if he hope to make a good record. The men who do tlie training for matches in lar«ge cities are generally retired pugilists or ])rofessional athletes of other kinds and there's not much choice between them. The spe- cial work of the old puitilisiic ir^uner is to bring his man up to the highest point of health and strength,, besides sustain- i HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. 27 iiig him during tlie match. He is generally a careful and ex- perienced nurse, wiio iinderstJinds tiie efficacy of rubbings and baths lo take the pain out of tired joints ; and will often perform wonders in the way of restoring a jaded man to com- parative freshness. His weakness as a special trainer for pedestrians, lies in the fact that he is not an expert in systems of walking, and so cannot give his man much valuable instruction during his training. The weakness of a professional pedestrian, on the other hand, lies in the direction where the pugilist is strongest, that of general physical training. His best point will probably be his ability to criticise and improve the style of his pupil before the match. If sucli a trainer can make his man go more miles in an hour with less fatigue than he has ever done before, he will be worth a good deal of money; but as a sustainer and imparter of s rengrh he is not always as successful. He is apt to let his man eat things that are not only not beneficial, but often positively injurious; a mistake which the pugilistic trainer never ocnnmits. These facts render the selection of trainers a matter requir- ing a good deal of judgment, and indicates different men for different kinds of races. If the object of ambition is to beat the world in a mile, five- mile or twenty-five mile walk, square heel and toe, a profes- sional pedestrian is the man to employ as a trainer; as style and swiftness are his special points, and the efforts required in short contests are not so severe as to cause an exhausting drain on the physical powers. When tlie trial is changed to a sprint race, where great speed is required and a severe temporary strain comes on heart and lungs, the pugilist w^mld answer the purpose belter, as condition is the great point in such a match, style being secondary. For longer running contests up to twenty miles, where economy of strength is everything, style becomes a valuable adjunct; and here the professiohtil runner is indicated as ilie proper trainer. For twenty-four-hour walks and runs the professional ]>e- destrian is also the man to employ, as such efforts are not above the capacity of men in fair condition. Even as far as three-day contests, a moderate amount of physical condition will take a man through without breaking down under the strain, and a pugilistic trainer may be unne- cessary. When it comes, however, to the supreme efforts required to accomplish five hundred miles in six days, two trainers are almost imperatively required; one a pedestrian, to train for speed and style ; the other an old pugilist, who understands 2^ HANDBOOK OF SUMMEI^ ATHLETIC SPOBTS. every point involved in putting a man into first-class condi- tion and nursing him under the tremendous strain involved in a match. These men must be in constant attendance on their pupil before the match.5 and will be obliged to lose as much sleep as the competitor during the trial itself, unless they can be relieved by others as good as themselves. We liave said this much on the subject of training, although experience shows that trainers are not made by books. We recommend every reader, ambitious to become a crack pedes- ,trian, to put himself into the hands of an old trainer when- ever he can, paying his price if he can afford it. If, however, this be iippossible, and it be absolutely necessary for the as- pirant to train himself, a few safe general rules may be laid down, which can be followed without danger, and the obser- vance of which is sure to give an easy victory over untrained men, such as attend country matches. We will take them in order, beginning with sprint-racing. HOW TO TEAIN FOR A SPRINT RACE. • If it be for a seventy-five-yard dash, find some place where you can lay out a straight track, just that length. In the country this is easy, in the city more difficult, the public parks being the only places where it is practicable. Having laid out tlie track, take a friend to time you, and run the course regu- larly three or four times a day, one or two trials each time, keei)ing a record of the average for a week. Do this in your ordinary clothes and shoes. You will probably find your first week's average about eleven seconds, if not more. During this first week there is no special diet to recommend, save to eat as few vegetables, and as little sweet stuff as may be. If the bowels become free, as they are apt to do under the running exercise, no medicine need be taken, but if the system is much clogged, a succession of three doses of epsom salts or citrate of magnesia, taken every other morning, will remove waste matter and restore a healthy tone. The second week begin to run for time, and to improve the wind. Increase the number of dashes to five or six a day, and run the course at least twice each trial. You are pretty sure now to get your record below ten seconds, if you throw off your upper clothes and run in shirt and trowsers. During this week eat lean meat, mnttcm or beef, with stale bread, and drink as little as possible. Remember that to keep the bowels regular, there is n9.thinglike regular habits; and that the sys- tem should be cleared out twice a day. On the tliird week try the track at. top speed, once every hour, and begin to practice in running costume. You will find that your record has now come down below nine seconds. Your appetite will become furious during this week, and you HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. '^9 will find it hard to stick to your temperate fare of broad and meat, but this is essential to success, as a sprint runner cwi bardly be too tliin and bard for his work. If the aspirant be at all fat, be should run in heavy clothes to sweat himself down, or else try a Turkisb bath, which takes oif the fat quicker than an^'thing else. The fourth week should be that of the race, and the previ- ous exercise should be increased by running the track once every half hour in the morning, and returning to the previous week's practice in the afternoon. If any young man out in the country will try this method of training faithfully, beginning four weeks before the match comes off, he will be able to beat all his untrained competi- tors by one and perhaps two seconds; for sprint running de- pends on the capacity to take the greatest possible number of steps inside of twenty seconds, and so does not require the elaborate training necessary to accomplish more exhausting feats. Hundred-yard dashes require the same training as seventy- five-yard spurts; and so do hundred-and-twenty-yard races. The longest sprint race, and the most severe of all, is the lur- long dash — two hundred and twenty yards. This kind of racing is a tremendous strain on the lungs and heart, as the same pace which carries the runner over the hundred yard track has to be kept up and even increased. It requires a broad deep chest in the runner, with little flesh, and that hard and firm. To train for such a race requires at least a year's practice, and amateurs would do well to leave it alone alto£:erther. TO TRAIN FOR MILE OR TWO-MlLE WALKS. Here the first requisite is a track for practice, and the direc- tions for sprinter's training will serve in all respects as to diet and medicine. The period of training however needs to be longer, the mile walker needing more time to perfect his style and speed. The margin of difference between a green sprinter and a trained one is only a few seconds, but the green walker has to overcome a difference of several minutes before he can hope for success in a mile match. His exercise has one great advantage about it, that it aids him to train himself into first class condition. If he will study to acquire the walk of the professional, described in previous chapters, he will be able in six weeks to cut down his mile record from twelve minutes to less than nine, and will have a fair chance in any ainateur race. When he can do a mile in eight min- utes, he can enter with a fair degree of confidence almost any- where, and can travel round to country races carrying all be- fore him. 30 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. ' TRAINING FOR MILE RUNS. Here the training should be loni>' and severe, and no ama- teur can liope to do veiy niuch in mile runs in the way of time. It is true that there are some young men, < allino' them- selves amateurs, that have made fine records ai mile runs, but they were in reality professioiuils ; that is, tliey made a busi- ness of runnino:, even if ihey did not take nioney prizes. Begin with sprint racing if yon hope to become eminent as a mile runner, and l^eep on extending the lengtli of your trials gradually. It takes a good year's hard work to make a re- spectable mile-runner. TRAINING FOR LONG RUNS. Here it is difllcult, if not impossible, to give any fixed rules bej^ond those indicated at the earlier part of this chapter. The best way is to get a good traiper, put yourself in his hands and follow his instructions faithfully. LAYING OUT A TRACK* Nothing is so common a cause of spoiling a walking or running record as " a short track.'' This is peculiarly the case in the country, where pedestrian contests are apt to be con- ducted in a rough manner, unaccompanied by the guards found to be essential in the first-class matches held in large cities. Too much care cannot be exercised in measuring a track ; and it is always best to secure the services of the offi- cial engineer of the county or town as a measurer to make sure of the proper length. The reason for securing an engi- neer rather than trusting to ycmr own measurement is tliat engineers can always be depended on to use standard measures, 7nade of metal, wMch do not stretch. Common measuring tapes, being made of woven materials or leather, are liable to many errors from stretching or shrinking ; and though these may rot, amount to more than a few inches in a fifly-foot tape, they make a serious hole in a record of five hundred miles. Sometimes these mistakes will occur in the best regulated contests, as became evident after the Astley belt match of 1879 in Gilmore's Garden. There was a great deal of litiga- tion aner discipline, but are al- lowed to run over tbe management, violate rnles, interfere^ argue, protest and grumble^ till the maiiagei*s lose their heads in tlie confusion. Tbe fii*st thing for tbe Efianagers of an athletic meeting to do is to make a set of rules lliat will cover all conctiivable cases, and then to slick to them,, and no better example of such mles can be given than those of the IMew York Athletic Club, which will be fouiid in a f at er chapter. The troobles gTcnerally arise in Questions of time and pre- cedence among a large number of walkers, for it is in square walking contests that tbe dispute genen^lly occui's. There may be fifty or more men at the serateh and all or most liave walked fairly enough till near the finish, when they have tried on th&ir most knowing tricks to cover up a run and get in first. It is here thut the experience and temper of ihe judges are most severely tried. They may have to rule out as many as three or four men and, give the first prize to a man who crosses tlie score third or fourth, and this is a difficult thing to do without appearing unjust. The eon>petitors in such matches mi^^st always wear num- bers to save confusion, and the scorers and timers have less work than in a six- day race. ** Timing " a man corr eeM^ rt^qmres two men ; one to bold the watch with his thumb 2*eady on the stop looldng at noth- ing else; the other to watch the man and call out " stop'^ as he crosses the Ime. No man can do timing single-handed. He is sure to make mistakes froin disturbance of mind on ac- count of divided alien lion. For the convenience of those without practical experience in conducting athletic meetings we print an additional chap- ter containing the most approved rules^ to which we refer the reader. RECORDS OF FKBESl^aAlOTSM. The first reliable record that we have of modern pedestrian- ism bears the name of Captain Robert Barclay. Of course there had been walkers before his time; but he was the first to bring w^alking, as a means of locomoiion, into general no- tice. The first pnblic maich of this remarkable man took place in 1806, when he is said to have walked from Ury to Craithynaird, Scotland, and return, a distance of 100 miles, in 19 hours. Three years later, we find his most notable re- cord. During the interval he liad taken tbe name of Allar- dice in addition to his own. and is described on the records, HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. 89 as Captain Robert Barclay Allardice, who made a match of two thousarid i^uineas at ISTewmarket, England, that he could T\^alk 1,000 miles in 1,000 consecutive hours, and did it, too. This was the first of these endurance matches publicly at- tempted, and was walked in the open air on the hii»h road, where two inns were found, just a mile apart, near the town of Newcastle. Captain Barclay favored himself in this match by walkin*^ a mile at the end of one hour and going on with the next mile at the beginning of the succeeding hour, thus giving himself an hour and a half clear sleep or rest between each two miles. He won his bet, beginning June 1st, and end- infr July 12th, 1809. This feat remained unexcelled till 1877, when William Gale beat it all to pieces. Starting on August 26th of that year, and ending October 6th, he succeeded in walking 1,500 miles in 1,000 hours, a mile and a lialf each hour, commencing on the stroke of the hour. This feat was done at Lillie Bridge, England, and was followed in November of the same year by 4,000 quarter miles done in 4,000 consecutive periods of ten nnnutes each. This Gale was the same person who trained IMa^lam Anderson to bring the quarter-mile match to the United States; and that lady made a great monetary success out of it, though her feais were not remarkable, save as being executed by a woman. The first flutter of interest in pedestrianism excited in the United States, was when E. P. Weston started, Oct. 29, 1867 to walk from Portland, Maine, to Chicago, Illinois, which he reached November 28th, (Thanksgiving JDajO having success- fully accomplished the task he set himself. Up to that time, while there had been some races, where good runners had contested, walking was at a discount in the United States; but from the date of Weston's feat, pedestrian- ism became a fashion d)le amusement, and rich club-nien were found who would walk matches on foot, 'instead of lolling in carriages, or trotting their horses. The professionals during that time had been chiefly con- fined to England, where the best records liad been made. The best lOO-yard sprinter of his day was George Seward, of Hammersmith, England, wlio made the amazing time of 9 1-4 seconds, Sept. 30, 1844, and did 120 yards in 11 1-4 sec- onds. May 3, 1847. Tliese records have not yet been beaten. The oliier earl}^ records that are still unexcelled are those of W. G. Scarlet, Newcastle, England, Sept.7, 184t, who ran 140 yards in 14 seconds; Charles Westhall, Manchester, England, Feb. 4, 1851, who did 150 yards in 15 seconds, and Seward's unapproachable record of 200 yards in 19 1-2 seconds, made March 22, 1«47. Seward was one of the very few men who could keep np the rate of ten yardo a second for a distance over a hundred yards. 40 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. Since his day, records of all other distances have im- proved great! 3^ The best 125-3^ard record is American ; that of J. W. Cozad, made Nov. 23,' 1868, at Long Island Fashion Course, in 12 1-2 second's. Thej^ear before, VYilJiam Johnson, at Fenham Park, England, did 130 j^ards in 1-4 second less time. Tlie best 180 -yard record is 18 1-5 seconds, made April 27, 1878, by L. Junker, at London. Junker was an amateur, and his performance is below that of Seward before referred to, not quite reaching 10 yards a second, while Seward beat thai ' average. The best furlong records are made by amateurs in the same year; W. Phillips doing the distance in 22 2-5 seconds, in London, England, Sept! 28, 1878 ; and L. E. Myers at Mott Haven, JST. Y., making it in 22 3-4 seconds, Sept. 20, 1879. Beyond a furlong, no man has yet succeeded in keeping up the rate ot ten yards a secoild, the nearest approach being that of R. Buttery, Newcastle, England, Oct. 4, 1873. This runner did a quarter of a mile — 440 yards— in 48 1-4 seconds, beating the best English record b}^ tv»^o seconds and the best American by four seconds. The best half-mile record was made in New Zealand by Frank Hewitt, of Lyttleton, in September, 1871, in 113 1-2 seconds, beating the best English records by four and the best American by ten seconds. The best mile record was made in a dead heat between Richards and Lang, at Manchester, England, August 19, 1865, in 4 minutes 17 1-4 seconds; seven seconds better than had ever been done before. Lang had previously made two miles in 9m. 11 l-2s., in Manchester, England, August 1, 1863. The best records from three to seven miles inclusive were all made by John White, at London, May 11, 1863. They were as follows : 3 miles in 14m„ 36s.; 4 miles in 19m. 36s.; 5 miles in 24m. 40s.; 6 miles in 29m. 50s.; and 7 miles in 34m. 45s. The best records for eight and nine miles w^ere made Junel, 1852, by James Howitt, of London. He ran 8 miles in 40hi. 20s., and 9 in 45m. 21s. This same Howitt, next year, March 20, 1852, ran 13 miles in 70m. 31s.; 14 miles in 76m. 12s.; 15 miles in 82m.; and 16 miles in 88m. 6s. The best times for 10, 11 and 12 miles are 51m. 26s.; 56m. 52s.; and 62m. 2s.; all made by L. Bennett {alias Deerfoot) at London, April 3, 1863. From 17 to 19 miles George Hazael is the champion, having done 17 miles in Ih. 38m. 53s.; 18 miles in Ih. 45m. and 19 miles in Ih. 51m, 14s. Hazael also made the best 20- mile record up to 1879, when his time was beaten by P. Byrnes at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Oct. 4. Byrnes ran 20 miles in Ih. 54m. — three minutes less than Hazael's best time. HANDBOOK OF SUMMEU ATHLETIC SPOKTS. 41 Beyoncl twenty miles llie running records are scanty and not remarkable. The best records of walking are credited to William Perkins, the present English champion, as far as 22 miles. This Perkins is as remarkable in his specialty as was Seward in his splint- ing, easily passing all compctiiors. He made his first great effort ill London, June 1, 1874, when he left the best on re- cord up to eight miles. He did his first mile in 6m. 23s. ; the second in 13m. 30s. ; the third in 20m. 47s.; the iourlh in 28m. 59s.; the fifth in 36m. 32s.; the sixth in 44m. 24s.; the seventh in 51m. 51s. ; ihe eighth in 59m. 5s.; thus making over eight miles an hour. Three years later he beat his own record July 16, 1877, and placed his name at the top of the list all the way up to 22 miles. The records were as follows: Ninth mile, Ih. 8m. 7 2-5s. ; tenth mile, Ih. lorn. 57s.; eleventh mile, Ih. 23m. 49s.; twelfth mile, Ih. 31m. 42 2-5s. ; thirteenth mile, Ih. 39m. 42 l-2s. ; fourteenth mile, Ih. 47m. 53s.; fifteenth mile, Ih. 56m. 13s.; sixteenth mile, 2h. 4m. 35 l-5s. ; seventeenth mile, 2h. 13m. 11 2-5s.; eighteenth mile, 2h. 21m. 55s.; nineteenth mile, 2h. 30m. 45s.; twen- tieth mile, 2h. 39m. 57s.; twenty-first mile, 2h. 49m. 18s.; twenty-second mile, 21i. 58m. 52s. The best records from thencs to twenty-five miles Perkins did not beat. He had done the greatest distance on record in three hours and the miles above twenty-two remained credit- ed to John Smith of London, sixteen years before. This pedestrian Nov. 10, 1851, finished his twenty-third mile in 3h. 20m. 39s.; his twenty-fourth in 3h. 30ra. 58s.; and his twenty- fifth in 3h. 42m. 16s. The difference between him and Perkins is shown in the difference of time between the 22 and 23 miles, whicli is 21m. 47s , whereas the average of each of Perkins's miles was 8m. 6 3-5s. From twenty-five up to fifty miles the best walking time on record is credited to William Howes, who on March 30, 1868, made 26 miles in 3h. 54m. 18 s., 23 minutes ahead of all others •fl^efore or since. He made a record of 50 miles in 7h. 57m. 44 seconds. We omit the intermediate times as unimportant; but the average of each mile was 8m. 26s. From thence to 77 miles Daniel O'Leary takes the palm, his 76th mile having been accomplished in 13h. 37m. 26s. at Chicago, Hlinois, Nov. 10, 1877. Beyond that distance, Howes again takes the lead, with the best records up to 129 miles, made Feb. 22 and 23, 1878, at London. O'Leary made the best American records up to 100 miles in his Chicago walk. Howes's record for 77 miles is 13 hours, 56 minutes and 5 seconds; while his 129th mile was walked in 24 hours 20 minutes and 30 seconds. 42 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. From thence to 173 miles Henry Yaugban takes the lead at square walking, having accomplished that distance in 88 lioiirs, 28 minutes and 13 seconds. Beyond this point Daniel O'Leary comes again to the front, in ijis matches with Weston at Agricultural Hall, London, and with Crossland at Manchester, both in 1877. His time for 174 miles was 39 hours, 5 minutes, 48 seconds, and from thence to 241 nnles he made the best walking tinie on record, the last distance being accomplished in 58 hours, 48 minutes, 87 seconds. Peter Crossland then passed him and led for 46 miles, mak- ing 287 miles in 69 hours, 22 minutes, 22 seconds. From this point upward Daniel O'Leary still remains the king of the square walkers, having accomplished 519 miles in 141 hours, 6 minutes and 10 seconds. The longest distance ever, walked without a rest is 120 miles, done by Crossland Sept. 11, 12, 1876. Our own Harrinian did 160 miles with only 17 minutes rest in New York, May 10, 1878. Howes leads the record for one-day w^alks with 127 miles, and O'Leary tops alt the rest up to six days. Perkins leads the records tor one, two and three hours. Since these records, the ''go-as-you-please " race has been in- troduced, where walking and running are used ad libitum^ and the distances gone in given timts has steadily risen. George Hazael leads the record with 133 miles in 24 liours, not likely ever to be beaten, and Frank Hart has passed them all, by running 565 miles in six days. The general excellence of records in these matches steadil}^ improves, and where there were only two men in the first • match who made 500 miles or over — Yaughan and O'Leary — we have lately seen no less than eight men beat 500 miles out of a field of sixty starters, and nine men beat 450 miles in the same time. The total distance made by O'Lear}^ when he won the first match of this sort was 520 miles and a fraction, most of it walked, but since then the runners have passed him beginning with Corke\% who made a fraciion of a mile more in less time. Then Blower Browui did 542 miles, and people called him a marvel, till a few weeks later Weston ran 550 miles in the same time. Since that, the limit has been passed by Brown, in the last English match, where he made 553 miles, and by Hart as above. Rowell, the luckiest of lucky pedestrians, who has made an independent fortune out of his t^vo muscular legs, bus not had to make any very remarkable records to win the $40,000 that he carried away from Madison Square Garden. He won his first race by 500 miles and his second by a nominal 530, which jDroved to be only 523 on ac- count of a short track. An overrated man; his successes HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC BPORTS. 43 have arisen from the fact that be has always taken better men tlian liimseK at a disadvantage in point of condition, and so lias won an. easy victory. Before be can be rated as tbe fore- most pedestrian, be will bave to beat Hart's best record This brief sketch of tbe records of pedestrianism is given to furnish our readers with a standard of comparison by wbicli to estimate tbe vahie of tbeir own pei-formances, and a short abstract of the shorter distances will be found convenient for use. ABSTRACT. Ten yards per second has been done by sprinters up to 220 yards, A mile has been run in 4m. 17s. Ten miles has been run in 51m. 20s. Twenty miles in Ih. 57m. 27s. A mile has been walked in Gm. 28s., but only once, by the same man who walked 8 1-11 miles in one bonr, 15 12 miles in two liours, 22 1-4 miles in tbree bours. These records should be kept in tbe memory as convenient, so that tbe amateur may gauge his own powers eonec !y by tbe best professional work. JUMPING AND POLE-LEAFING. The sport of Jumping is one of those most beneficial to tbe healtb and muscles of any commonly practiced. It is divided into tbree branches : 1, Standing Jumps; 2, Running Jumps; 3, Pole-Leaping. Standing jumps are either high or broad, the latter being the most common. The secret of making a high standing jump consists in standing s/deimse to the bar or tape, and tbrowing the body over as if vaulting with one hand, arching the back inward as much as possible. The best standing higii juniper on ncord is E. W. Johnson, a Toronto man, now keeper of the Baltimore Athletic Club Gymnasium. He jumped a ])ar 5 feet 3 inches bigh, at tbe Caledonian Games, at Bnltimore, May 27, 1878. This beats the best English records 5 inch* s. In jun"iping, Johnson leaves tbe ground with the right foot first, as in the cut on next page, which shows the direction in which his feet go over the bar. The cut also shows the common leaping-bar and stnndards fur- nished with boles three inches apurt, in which pegs are stuck to support the bar on the side opposite tbe jumper. If he strikes it by accident it falls without hurting him, being merely a light strip of pine scantling. 44 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. The standing broad jump is made straight forward into a piece of soft earth which has been dug up for tlie purpose. It is made with or williout weights in tlie hands, and depends on the strength of the thigh and calf of tlie jumper, and on long practice. The best standing jump on record was made by James Em- erick, Oil City, Pa , Sept. 19, 1878. It was 13 feet 10 inches, STANDING HIGH JUMP. with weiglits ; besides which, 13 feet 7 inches have been done by an English professional, and 12 feet 21-2 inches by a Cali- fornia amateur. There is but little to say about the standing broad jump ex- cept tlmt practice makes perfect. Running jumps are also high and broad. The higli jump is made over the bar figured in last chapter, but in a different HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. 45 manner. We have seen Johnson try to go over it sidewise, as in his standing jump, but not with enougli success to jus- tify his method. The running high jump tlien nuist be made square to the bar, beginning with a slow run, qwickened in the last twentv steps, till both feet spurn the ground with their utmost force and the leaj>er goes over the bar. Here, also, there is very little to be said as to proper or improper methods of leaping. Instinct teaches the right way for a high leap better than anythi-ng else, and nothing but constant prac- tice will strengthen the muscles to enable the leaper to make a good record. The best high jump on record was made by an English amateur, M. J. Brooks, an Oxford student, April 7, 1876. He topped a bar 6 feet 2 1-3 inches, p:issing the best Eng- glish professionals b}^ 3 inches and Johnson by 4 inches. The best American amateur jump was made by a Columbia stu- dent, Conover, in 1878, and is ordy 5 feet 6 3-4 inches — not much compared with the English record. The running broad jump is made with or without a spring board, the only official records beina; those made without the board, and off level ground. The best on record is English, or rather Irish, amateur, John Lane, of tli€ Dublin University Athletic Club, having made 23 feet 1 1-2 iflches, June 10, 1874. The best American records are nearly two feet behind this performance. Pole-leaping is either high or broad, and in either case is a ver}'- valuable accomplishment to acquire. With a pole, a . practiced athlete can make light of a six-foot w^ all, for its bight is w^ell wdtliin his powers. The art takes some lime to acquire, and is one that exercises every muscle of the body. It calls first for a pole from six to nine feet in length, made preferably of ash, as that is both light and tough. To begin learning on this, tlie pupil rests one end on the ground, and grasps the pole with both hands above his head. Then, jumping up, he raises his body with bent arms, and swings as far as he can. With a week's practice almost any 3^oung man can learn to take a jump of eight or ten feet in I breadth from a standing position. To cross a broad ditch a .; short run is taken and the pole is held differently. The right hand grasps it above the head, thumb uppermost^ while the left hand holds it, thumb doicn^ as high as the waist. The pole is grasped higher up in proportion to the distance to be cleared, beginning with stnall ones and slowly increasing the length of pole, till it can be taken by the very end. This becomes still more necessary in the high pole leap, w^here eleven feet and an inch have been cleared in England. To take such a leap requires at least a thirteen -foot pole. In pole-leaping the weight of the body on the pole is sus- tained by the arms, and the whole office of the legs is to en- 46 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. able the body to go high enough to carry the pole to a per- pendicular. The hight leaped is only limited by the possible length of pole carried. Pole-leaping is coming into fashion but slowly in America; the best records being nearl}^ a foot behind those of England, where tliere is more practice of the kind. For a sportsman in the country, pole-leaping is a very valuable accomplish- ment, as it would save him many a ducking in ditches and climb over fences. In the cliapter on athletic meetings will be found all tl e , rules til at govern leaping contests for prizes, to which we rei^ fer the reader BICYCLING. The sport of Bicycling is one that has come into rapid favor in this country since tlie advent of the Euglish riders, who have accomplished a thousand miles a week; and tlie only drawback to iis universal adoption is tlie first cost of the machines. When that is reduced, as it wnll be, to about fifty dollars, payable in in«talli]^ents like sewing machines, the bi- cycle will become a favorite wath the whole American popula- tion as it is in England with the majority of middle class young men. Even now the fever is spreading rapidly thanks chiefly to the efforts of Mr. Wentworth Rollins, the present king of bi- cyclists in America. He sells machines to people he can trust on installments and has a large stock of goods on hand which he sells below the usual prices to beginners. The pioneers of bicycling, in the United States were the Pope Manufacturing Company, who started factories and schools in the cities of Boston and San Francisco, where the fever started almost at the same time, but since that period bicycling has spread to most of the large cities, and has train- ing schools in all. There is but little information that can be given to an in- tending bicycler except to recommend \\\n\ not to buy a ma- cMiie till he has been at the school long enough to know the good and had points of every bicycle in tlie market. The prices of bicycles range from $80 to $100, according to size of wheel ; the smallest being 43 inches in diameter, the largest 60 inches. The best wa}^ to get enjoyment out of the sport is to form a club of congenial spirits who will ride to- gether. A single bicyclist is apt to attract too much attention in country places, and w^ould often be insulted, wvhere two or three together would meet with a hearty w^elcome. More- over, company is elevating to the spirits. HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. 47 For the nse of bicycle clubs wtartmg at the sudden passage of the noiseless macliine, G— If a horse on meeting a bicycle, shows signs of restive- ness, Ibe leader should order a dismount at bis discretion feven if be himself has passed the horse), and sbould invari- ably do so on any signal or request from the driver or horse- man. 11 — In company-riding, tke leader^ on passifiig any one (whe- tber driving, riding or walkinu,,) should announce that other» are following close after, and the rear man should in the same way signify that aM bave passed. 1 — Inattention to these and other rales and courtesies of the r6>ad will cause annoyance to the publiCy and create pre- judice again &t bicycling. SIGNAL fe^ Sec. 8. — The following signals will be used Wxien on a ran in company^ to preserve order and insure agaiu&t accident: Fall m—One long whistle. Ifount— One short whistle. Dismo'u7ii and Halt — Two short whistles. Dism'ount and Walk — Two long whisiles. Form Twos— Two short whistles three times, Fojin Single FUe—Thr^e short well separated whistles. Extend Line — One short and one long whistle three times, Close tip Lime — One long and one short whistle three times. Quicken Speed. — Three short whistles three times. Blacken Speed — One long whistle. Ride di Ease — Two short and one long wdiistle three times. Da.nger- — Look out when signaled from front to rear — six or more siiort whistles; accident when signaled from rear to front— -six or more short whistles. HANDBOOK OP SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. 49 RULES FOR ATHLETIC MEETINGS, To make this work as complete as possible, we have re- solved to insert the best models of rules for athletic njeetings of all kinds, founded on those of the N. Y. Athletic Club. This association is the lar2;est in the country and has always been successful in its meetings, which have passed off with- out a single fiasco on record. Its rules can therefore Iiardl}' be unworthy of imitation and have in fact been the model for those of all successful athletic clubs. These rules we therefore print below. They cover, as will be seen, all sorts of athletic sports which do not need other description. American Athletic Rules. MEETINGS, Officers. — The officers of an athletic meeting shall be: One clerk oTthe course, with assistants, if necessary; one starter; one judge of walking, with assistants, if necessary; one scorer, with assistants, if necessar}^ ; three timekeepers; three judges at the finish ; three measurers; one referee, Gleiic of the Course, — He shall record the name of each com- petitor who shall report to him ; shall give him his number for each game in which he is entered, and notify him, five minutes before the start, of every event in which he is en gaged. The assistants shall do such portions of his work as he may assign to them. Starter, — He shall have entire control of competitors at their marks ; shall strictly enforce Law 3, and shall be the sole judge of fact as to whether or no any man has gone over his mark. His decision in such cases shall be final and with- out appeal. Judge of Walking. — He shall have entire control of competi- tors during the race ; shall strictly enforce Law 8, and his decision as to unfair walking shall be final and without ap- peal. The assistants shall do such portion of his work as he may assign to them. Scorer. — He shall record the laps made by each competitor, a!:d call them aloud when tallied, for the information of the contestants. He shall record the order of finishing and the times of the competitors in walking and running races. The assiseants shall do such portions of his work as he may assign to them. Timekee'pers. — Each of the three timekeepers §hall time every event, and in case of disagreement the average of the three 50 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPOKTS. sbcill be tlie official time. Time to be taken from the flash of the pistol. Judges at the FinisJi. — Two sliall stand at one end of the tape, and the third at the otlier. One shall take the winner, nnotlier.the second man, and the other tl)C third man ; they shall also note the distances between the first three as they iinish. In case of disagreement the majoriry shall decide. Their decisions as to the order in which the men iinish shall be final and without appeal. Measurers. — They shall measure and record each trial of each competitor in all games whose record is one of distance or hight. Their decision as to the performance of each man shall be final and without appeah Referee. — He shall, wlien appealed to, decide all questions w^hose settlement is not provided for in these rules, and his decision shall be final and without appeal. Competitcn's. — ImmediaJ:ely on arriving at the grounds each competitor shall report to the clerk of the course, and receive his number for the game in which he is entered. He shall in- form himself of the times at which he must compete, and will report promptly at the start, without waiting to be notified. Ko conjpetitor allowed to start without his proper number. Inner Grounds. — No person wiiaisoever allowed inside the track except the officials and proper]}^ accredited representa- tives of the press. The authorized persons will wear a badge, and intruders will be promptly ejected. Competitors not en- gaged in the game actually taldng place will not be allowed inside or upon the track. LAWS. 1. Attendants. — No attendants shall accompany a competitor on the scratch or in the race. 2. Starting Signals. — All races (except time luindicaps) sha"!l be started by report of pistol fired behind the competitors. A miss fire shall be no start. There shall be no recall after the pistol is fired. Time handicaps shall be started by the word *'Go." 3. Starting. — When the starter receives a signal from th^ judges at the finish that everything is in readiness he shall direct the competitors to get on their marks. Any competi- tor starting before the signal shall be put back one yard, for the second off'ense two yards, and for the third shall be dis- qualified. He shall be held to have started when any portion of his body touches the ground in front of his mark. Stations count from the inside. 4. Keeping Proper Course. — In all races on a straight track, pacli competitor shall keep his own position on the course from start to finish. ♦ HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPOUTS. 51 5. Change of Course. — In all races on otlier than a straight track, a competitor may change toward the inside whenever he is two steps ahead of the man whose i:)ath he crosses. 6. Fouling. — Any competitor shall be disqualified for will- fully jostling, running across, or in any way impeding an- other. 7. Finish. — A thread shall be stretched across the track at the finish, four feet above the ground. It shall not be held by the judges, but be fastened to the finish posts on either side, so that it may always be at right angles to the course ancl parallel to the ground. The finish line is not this thread, but the line on the ground drawn across the track from post to post and the thread is intended merely to assist the judges in their decision. The men shall he placed in the order in which they cross the finish line. 8. Walking. — The judge shall caution for any unfair w^nlk- ing, and the third caution shall disqualify the ofi'ender. On the last lap an unfair walker shall be disqualified without previous caution. 9. Rtcr dies. —The regular hurdle race shall be 120 yards, over 10 hurdles, each Sft. Gin. high. The first hurdle shall be plnced 15 yards from the scratch, and there shall be 10 yards iDetween each hurdle. There maybe (b}^ special announce- ment) hurdle races of difi'erent distances and with diff'erent number and length of hurdles. 10. Jumping. — No weights or artificial aid will be allowed in any jumping contest except by special agreement or an- nouncement. When weights are allowed there shall be no restriction as to size, shape, or material. 11. Bunning High Jump. — The hight of the bar at starting and at each successive elevation, shall be determined by a majority of the qualified competitors. In case of a tie the referee shall decide. Three tries allowed at each hight. Each competitor shall make one attempt in the order of his name on the programme; then those that have failed, if any, shal have a second trial in regular order, and those failing on thV trial shall then take their final trial. Displacing the bar aiv. nothing else, counts as a "try." A competitor may omit hil trials at any hight, but if he fails at the next hight he shall not be allowed to go back and try the hight which he omitted. 12. Pole-Leaping. — The rules for this game shall be the same as those of the running higli jump. 13. Hitch-and-Kick. — The competitors are allowed unlimited run, but must spring, kick, alighr, and hop twice witli the same foot. The bight of the object at starting and at each successive elevation, shall be determined by a majority of the qualified competitors. In case of a tie the referee shall de- 52 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. cide. Three tries allowed at each hight. Each competitor shall make one attempt in tlie order of his name on the pro- gramme ; then those who have failed, if any, shall have a second trial in regular order, and those failing on this trial shall then take their final trial. Hitting the ohject, and nothing else, counts as a kick, and kicking higher than the object without hitting it is not a kick. Springing from the ground counts as a try. A competitor may omil his trials at any hight, but if he fail at the next hi<4ht he shall not be al- lowed to go back and try the hight which he omitted. 14. Standing High Jump. — The competitors may stand as they please, but must jump from the first spring. The hight of the bar at starting and at each successive elevation, shall be determined b}^ a 'majority of the qualified competitors. In case of a tie the referee shall decide. Three tries allowed at each hight. Each competitor shall make one attempt in the order of his mime on the programme; then those who have failed, if an}^ shall hare a second trial in regular order, and those failing on this trial shall then take their final trial. Displacing tlie bar and nothing else, counts as a 'Ury." A competitor may omit his trials at an}^ hight, but if he fail at the next hight he shall not be allowed to go back and try the hight which he omitted. 15. Bunning Wide Jump. — The competitors shall have un- limited run, but must take off behiiid the scratch. Step))ing any part of the foot over the scraich in an attempt shall be *'no jump," but shall count as a '* try." Each competitor al- lowed three trials, and the best three men have three more trials each. Each competitor sh:ill be credited with the best of all his jumps. The measurement shall be from the scratch line in front of the jumper's feet to the nearest break of the ground made by any part of his person. The same rules govern running hop step and jump, and all similar games. 16. Standing Wide Jump. — Competitors must jump from the first spring. Stepping any part of the foot over the scratch in an attempt shall be " no jump," ])ut shall count as a " try." Each competitor allowed three trials, and the best three men have three more trials each. Each competitor shall be credit- ed with the best of all his jumps. The measurement shall l>e from the scratch line in front of the jumper's feet to the nearest break of the ground made by any part of his person. The same rules govern standing three jumps, standing hop, step and jump, and all similar games. 17. Putting the Shot — The shot shall be a solid iron sphere weighing 16 lbs. It shall be put from the shoulder witli one hand, from between tvvo parallel lines, 7 ft. apart. Touching the ground outside either line with any part of person, before the shot alights, shall make the attempt "no put,'* which HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. 53 counts as a *' try/' Each competitor allowed three trials, and the best three men have three more trials each. Each com- petitor sliall be credited with the best of all his puts. The jueasurement shall be from the nearest break of the ground made by the ball, perpendicularly to the scratch line, extend- ed, if necessary, to meet this perpendicular. 18. Throwing the Hammer, — The liammer-head shall be a solid iron spiiere, weighing 16 lbs., the handle shall be of liickory wood, and the length of hammer and handle, over all, shall be 3 ft. Q in. The competitor shall stand at and behind tiie srcralch, facing as he pleases, and throw with either or both hands. Touching the ground in front of the scratch with any portion of the person, before tlie hammer alights, shall make the attempt *' no throw," which counts as a *' try.'' Letting go of the hammer in an attempt counts as a " try." Each competitor allowed three trials, and the best three men have three more trials each. Each competitor shall be credit- ed with the best of all his throws. If the head strike first the measurement shall be from the nearest break of the ground made by it. If the handle strikes first, one length of tlie ham- mer shall be allowed fi'om the mark made by the end of the handle toward the mark made by the head of the hammer, and the measurement shall be from this point. The measure- ment shall be to the scratch line half-way between the throw- er's feet. 19. Throwing the Hammer with a Run. — The hammer-head shall be a solid iron sphere, weighing 16 lbs., the handle shall be of hickory wood, and the length of hammer and handle over all shall be 3 ft. 6 in. Unlimited run is allowed, and the competitor may deliver the hammer as he pleases. Letting goof the hammer in an atteiupt counts as "a try." Each competitor allowed three trials, and the best three men have three more trials each. Each competitor shall be credited with the best of all his throws. If the head strikes first, the measurement shall be from the nearest break of the ground Diade by it. If the handle strikes first, one length of the hammer shall be allowed from the mark made by the end of the handle, toward the mark made by the head of tlie ham- mer, and the measurement shall be from this point. The measurement shall be to the nearest footprint at the delivery. The footprints of the competitors shall be effaced after each throw. 20. ThroiDing Fifty-six Pound Weight — This shall be of solid iron, and any shape of weight and handle is allowed, pro- vided the whole weighs 56 lbs. The competitor will stand at and behind the scratch, facing as he pleases, grasping the weight by the handle, and shall throw it witli one hand. Touching the ground in front of the scratch with auy y ^a 54 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. of the person, before the weight alights, shall make the at- tempt '' no throw," which counts as '' a try." Letting go of the weight in an attempt shall count as *' a try." Each com- petitor allowed three trials, and the best three men have three more trials each. Each competitor shall be credited with the best of all his throws. The measurement shall be from the scratch line (in front of the thrower's left foot), to the nearest break of the ground made by the weight, exclusive of handle. 21. Tossing the Gaher.—lihQ length of the caber to be 16 it., the diameter at the thick end not more than 8 in., and at the small end not more than 4 in. The caber must be held by the small end, and tossed over so that the small end shall fall and remain beyond the butt. The competitors shall have unlimit- ed run, but must take off behind ilie scratch. Stepping any part of the foot over the scratch in an attemi)t shall be " no toss," but shall count as "a tr3^" Each competitor allowed three trials, and the best three men have three more trials each. Each competitor shall be credited with the best of all his tosses. The measurement shall be from the small end of the caber perpendicularly to the scratch-line, extended, if ne- cessar}^ to meet this perpendicular. 22. Throwing the Ball {Lacrosse^ Cri^keU or Base-ball). — The lacrosse* ball shall be thrown from the lacrosse, the cricket and base-ball from the hand. The competitors shall have un- limited run, but must take off behind the scratch. Touching the ground in front of the scratcli-line with any pnrt of the person before the ball alights, shall make the attempt *' no throw," which shall count as " a try." Each competitor al- lowed three trials, and the best three men have three more trials each. Each competitor shall be credited with the best of all his throws. To facilitate the measurement, a line shall be drawn parallel to and 300 ft. in front of the scratch-line. The measurement .shall be from the nearest break of tbe the ground made b}^ the bail, perpendicularly to the measur- ing line, extended, if necessary, to meet this perpendicular. 23. Tug-of-War. — In tug-of-war the following rules will be observed: (1.) The side creases to be 12 ft. from the center crease. (2.) The mark on the rope to be over the center crease when the word "heave" is given, and the team hauling thnt mark over the crease on its own side to be the winners. (3.) No footing holes to be made before the start. (4.) The con- testants to wear socks, slippers, boots or shoes without spikes. (5.) The rope to be 1 1-2 in. iii diameter. (6.) Immediately before the contest the captains of all the contesting teams shall draw their numbers. (7.) Not less than live minutes shall be allowed each team between heats. (8.) Captainsshall toss for choice of sides before each pull. But if the same two teams pull more than once during the day, they shall change HANDBOOK OF SUMMEK ATHLETIC SPORTS. 55 ends at each successive pull. (9.) With two teams, they shall pull best 2 in 3. With three teams, one and two shall pull, then two and three, and three and one. With four teams, one and two shall pull, then three and four, and the winners pull the final. Willi five teams, first round, one and two, three and four, five has a bye; second round, winner of first heat pulls with five, and llie winner of this heat pulls the final wiMi the winner of second heat of first round. With six teams, first round, one and two, three and four, five and six ; second round, winner of first and second heats. Winner of this heat pulls the final with winner of third heat, first round. Where more than six teams are entered, the arrangement of trials shall be on the same principle as in the above examples. 24. Bicycling. — When ordered into position for a start the men shall mount their machines, and one assistant for each competitor w'ill hold his machine with its front wheel at the mark ; at the starting signal the attendants are allowed to push the machine forward but not to follow it up. Riders must pass each other on the outside, and be a clear length of the bicycle in front before taking the inside ; the inside man must allow room on the outside for other competitors to pass. A.wy competitor infringing this rule will be disqualified. In a race without using the handles, competitors must ride with the arms folded, or the hands and arms otherwise kept quite off the machine. Any competitor touching any part of his machine with his hands or arms will be disqualified. The Laws of Athletes govern all points not above specified. In case there are any of our readers who think the above rules too long and complicated, we recommend for their use the much simpler and almost equally comprehensive English rules w^hich follow. 56 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. English Athletic Rules. 1. No attendant to accompany a competitor on the scratch or in the race. 2. Any competitor starting before the word, to be put back one yard, at tlie discretion of the starter. On a repetition of the offense, to be disqualified. 3. All races to start b}^ report of pistol. 4. In hurdle-races each competitor to keep his own hurdles throughout the race. 5. In sprint racing each runner to keep his own course. 6. Jostling, running across, or willfully' obstructing another, so as to impede his progress, to disqualify the offender from further competitions. 7. All cases of dispute to be referred to the committee of management at tlie time. 8. The decision of the judges in all competitions to be final. 9. In pole leaping and high jumping, three tries allowed at each hight. The hight at eacii successive elevation to be determined by the majority of the competitors. Displacing the bar only to count as a try. 10. In broad jumping and weight putting, three tries al- lowed. In hammer throwing, two tries allowed. The three best competitors of the first trials to be allowed three more tiies each for the final. The furthest throw of the five at- tempts, and put or jump of the six attempts, to win. 11. In hammer throwing and weight putting, the length of the run to be limited to 71t. The weight to be delivered from the shoulder. 12. In broad jumping and weight putting, crossing the scratch line in the attempt to count as '^no try," and in'ham- mer throwing as *' no throw." 13. "No tries " and *' no throws" count as tries. 14. The weight of the hammer and weight to be 161bs. each. 15. The. length from end of the handle of the hammer to the bottom of the sphere to be 3lt 6in. over all. 16. No put or throw to count if the weight or hammer be delivered or followed with any part of the body touching the ground over the mark. All puts and throw^s to be measured from the edge of the pitch nearest the scratch-line to the scratch-line, and at right angles with ihe same. 17. In hurdle races, the hight of the hurdles when fixed to be 3fr. 6in., measured perpendicularly from the ground to the top h^.Y HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. 57 HARE AND HOUNDS. Inasmuch as this ^anie has become a popular pastime in America we have thouolit it best to make our handbook com- plete b}^ Aiving a short account of the sport and its success in this couutiy. Hare and Hounds is an old pastime of English schools, and it is essentially a healtliy game, good for boys and young men. It requires only one thing, plenty of good-runners ; and all young fellows are fond of running. Two of tlje fleetest of the club are chosen for "Hares" and provided with a sack full of scraps of paper for " scent." The rest of the club are *' Hounds." The Hares are allowed ten or fifteen minutes^ start, and set otf across the country, dropping scraps as they g3, throwing a handful behind tliemever}^ hundred feet and scattering graduall3^ It is their object to get out of sight as soon as possible. The Hounds are put on the trail at the sound of a horn, and have to catch the Hares if they can. This is the whole of the game. The first Hare and Hounds Club in America was organized in 1878 in AVestchester county, New York, and held its first meeting on Thanksgiving Da}^ of that year. The idea of the club oi'iginated in a conversation on the Harlem boat, and the members were CJirefully chosen. The officers elected for 1878-9 were: President, J. J. Brady; First Vice-President, W. W. Wiute; Seccmd Vice-President, E. Nelson ; Secretar}^, G. Ileilwig ; Assistant Secretary, G. Dolde ; Treasurer, F. N. Lord; Executive Committee, L. A. Berte, W. S. Vosburgh, W. C. Hamilton, W. I. K. Kendrick, and J. B. Haviland ; Field-Captain, AV. S. Vosburgh ; Lieutenants, F. H. Banham and W. Smythe. The field-captain of the club is also called the '* pace- maker;" and he and the lieutenants— who are denominated '* whippers in" — keep the Hounds together and prevent the pack from straggling. The " Hounds" must follow the "scent" and are not allowed to cut ofl" corners after the *' Hares." Since the organization of this club several others have been started, but the Westchester club continues to be the most successful, holding meetings on all liolidays when the mud is not too heavy for good running. As practiced. Hare and Hounds clubs generally have a uni- form suitable for running. That of the Westchester club is a scarlet jacket, black knee-breeches or Knickerbockers and black cap. This is a good running dress and should be fol- lowed in its general features, though any colors are admissi- ble. Knee-breeches are preferable to trowsers on every ac- count, as they do not cramp the knee in running. 58 HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPOKTS. HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPOBTS. 59 The latest improvement in tlie game is the introduction of two colors in the pnper thrown for scent. The Hares drop white paper when they go out, and red paper on the return Lome. The game is an excellent one for young men and boys, and can be followed anywhere, with or without uniforms. The less frippery they indulge in the more will Americans like the sport. Red jackets can be replaced by red shirts, which cost less and are lioliter to run in. If the members of the club cannot afford to buy knee-breeches^ they cmu probably alter old panta- loons into the necessary shape, and in the case of boys below twelve the common fashion of Knickerbockers saves all trou- ble. In forming Hare and Hounds Clubs, as in Walking Clubs, it is advisable that the members should be equal in physical strength, when selected, to insure good runs and general sat- isfaction. If a hundred boys at some public school should wish to form clubs, it would be better to make at least two — one of large, the other of small boys — than to consolidate them. If both run together, tlie little fellows are sure to drop out in disgust when the others force the pace beyond their abilities, while the large boys will grumble at having to wait for the little ones. Clubs of small boys can be called "Beagles" to distinguish them from the larger " Hounds," and can enjoy a run as much as any one. AVe repeat here — the less frippery indulged in by w^a}'' of uniform, the better, though all should dress alike, so as to be recognized a long way off. A while band round the cap, with the letters of the club name, is enough to show out at a distance; and the captain could have a different colored cap to distinguish him. The Westchester club is composed of young men in good circumstances, and they can afford Velvet collars and gold tassels. The less of these that our school- boys affect, the better for the success of the club. HANDBOOK OF SUMMER ATHLETIC SPORTS. ARCHERY. The pastime of archery, once the national sport of E nor- land, has in late 3^ears experienced a sndden and remarkable revival, both in tliat country and the United States. In Eng- land, as a revived amusement it, became popular about tlie be- ginning of the reign of Queen Victoria; but in that countrj'- it has never been more than the pastime of a few dilettanti, the hidies'forming the greatest portion of every gathering. In the United States it has only become a recognized sport within the Inst few years, the archery fever dating from the month of July, 1877, when Mr, Maurice Thompson issued his first illustrated article on the subject in Seribner's MoiUhly. Since that time this gentleman and his brotherWilliam liave roused a great in- terest in th«e subject, and have superintended or instigated the foundation of a number of archery clubs in the various sec- tions of the Union. The new sport spread so rapidly that in 1879 these clubs sent delegates to a grand archers' congress in Chicago, where they held a successful and w^ell-attended meeting which bids fair to be repeate-\iijg oniie Muses, For nine young ladies. /.^Bg a Live Englishman. For tt>ree boys, -^so's Coronation. For male and female. * rfhion. For two ladies. T* « Rehearsal. For six boys. Which will you Choose? For two boys. The Queen of May. For two little girls, The Tea-Farty. For four ladies. The Genfns of Liberty. Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper. Doing Good and Saying Bad. Several characters. The Golden Rule. Two males and two females. The Gift of the Fairy Queen. Several females. Taken i.i and D:)ne For. For two characters. The Coantry Aunt's Vis t to the City. For sev- eral charartsrs. The Two Romans. For two males, /rytng the Characters. For three males. The Happy Family. For several ' ani nals.* The Rainbow. For several characters. Hobnobbing. For five speakers. The Secret of Success. For three speakerSo Young America. Three m^'^es and two females, Josephine's Destiny. Four females, ©ne?pale. The Folly of the Duel. For thi-ee male speakerj* jDogmatisni. For three male speakers. |The Ignorant Confounded. For two boys- jThe Fast Young Man. Fortwomaleu Three Scenes in Wedded Life. Male and female. The Year's Reckoning. 12 females fc:>,cj. i linal^ Mrs. Sniffles' Cf.nlession. For male and female. The Village with One Gentleman, iTor tight ftfcr The Mission of the Spirits. Five young ladies. I males and one male. DIME DIALOGUES, NO. 2. 5' mal»3 and 1 female. How to Write ' Popular ' Stories, "^w© tnalee* Tlie New .ind the Old. For two malesv ' A Sensation at Last. For two males. The Greenhorn. For two males. The Three Men of Science. For foar males. Th3 Old Lady's Will. For four males. The Little Ph'h sophers. For two little girls, \ How to Find an Heir. For five males* The Virtues. For six young Indies. A Connubial Eclogue. The Public meeting. Fivemales and onefemaSgjfe The English Traveler. For two males. DIME DIALOGUES. NO. 3. rhe May Queen. For an entire school, press Ref inn Convention. For ten females. Kee ^ling Company. A Furc^. For fi ve males. Courting Under Difficulties. 2 males, I female. National Representatives. A Burlesque. 4 males. Escaping the Draft. For numerou? males. DIME DIALOGUES, NO. 4. The Genteel Cook. For two males. Masterpiece. For two males and two females. The Two Romans. For two males. Tiie Same. Second scene. For two males. Showing the White Feather, 4 males, 1 femn^ The Battle Call. A Recitative. For one male. The Frost King. For ten or more persons. Starting in Life. Three males and two females. Faith, Hope and Charity. For three little girls. Darby and Joan. For two males and one female. fhe May. A Flornl Fap^y. For six litt'e girls. The Enchanted P'*. 9 males,several females ^'onorto Whom Honor is D-ie, 7 males, 1 female ^entie Client. Forsev<»r.a! males, one feinale aology, A Discussion. 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Each volume 100 12mo. pages, sent post-paid on receipt of price— ten cents each, STANDARD SCHOOL SERIES. DIME DIALOGUES. Dime Dialoojues Number One. Dime Dialogues Number Two. Dime Dialogues Number Three. Dime Dialogues Number Four. Dime Dialogues Number Five. Dime Dialogues Number Six. Dime Dialogues Number Seven, Dime Dialogues Number Eight. Dime Dialogues Number Nine. Dime Dialogues Number Ten. Dime Dialogues Number Eleven. Dime Dialogues Number Twelve. Dime Dialogues Number Thirteen. Dime Dialogues Number Fourteen. Dime Dialogues Number Fifteen. Dime Dialogues Number Sixteen. Dime Dialogues Number Seventeen. Dime Dialogues Number Eighteer, Dime Dialogues Number Nineteen. Dime Dialogues Number Twenty. Dime Dialogues Number Twenty-one. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. DIME SPEAKERS. 1. Dime American Speaker. 2. Dime National Speaker. 3. Dime Patriotic Spealier. 4. Dime Comic Spetxker. 5. Dime Elocutionist. 6. Dime Humorous Speaker. 7. Dime Standard Speaker. 8. 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The above books are sold by Newsdealers everywhere, or will be sent, po*/.- T^aic?. to any address, on receipt of price, 10 cents each. BEADLE & ADAMS. Publishers, 98 William Street, New Yor^i. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^ PECK & S] III 124 & 126 Nassau Si 029 726 820 A ♦ •♦ We are now manufacturing a complete line of CLUB UNIFORMS, In Flannel or Clotli, also Knit Cotton and Worsted Goods. Estjitiate^i lor Special Styles lur" nislied on ax>p]icatioii. ENGLISH LEATHER FOOT BALLS. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, $2,00. $3.00. $1.00. $5.00. $6.00. $7.00 each. ^AMERICAN RUBBER FOOT BALLS, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, $1.25. $1.50. $1.75. $2.00. $2.25, $2.50 each. PECK & SNYDER'S Patent Palm Boxing Gloves. This line of Gloves are the best Glove on the market. Per Set. A. B. C. D. E. F. 12.50. $3.09. $8.50. $4.00. $4.50. $5.00. Nos G. H. I. P. K. L. Per Set. . , $5.50. $6.00. $6.50. $7.00. $7.50. $8.00. Trade discount 25 per cent. For a full description of these Gloves see page 103, our catalogue. We have issued a complete list of Base Ball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Archery, LAWN TENNIS, CRICKET, And all Sporting Goods, which we mail on application. Address all orders to PECK & SNYDER, 124 & 126 Nassau St., N. Y.