PS 2164 .K28 Copy 1 * 1 Wni K«f W^. I Will Keep W^QQ. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace w;/iosgjiW iM* Tg^f^^^^ on Thee, because he trusteth in Theer'—J^^^y^mOhiT'^S , 'may 23 1887>< »--4^ COPYRIGHTE Or 7/ AS". -^ CHICAGO. \^ % "Ah, but I feel temptation strong, And if my journey shall he long I feel I shall dishonor thee; Wilt thou continue to keep me?" "If thou dost e'er forsake thy God, Then I will visit with the rod; Correct I may to a degree, Nevertheless 'I will keep thee.'" Nevertheless my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithful- ness to fail. Fsalnis Ixxxix, 33. "When I am feeble, weak and old, Wilt thou thy presence then withhold? Wearied and longing to be free, Can I, in age, do aught for thee?" "I am the Lord, thy changeless friend; My years, my power, know no end. Fruit in old age thou shalt bear me, To hoary hairs 'I will keep thee.' " Thou Shalt still bring forth fruit in old age. Psalms xcii^ 14. "But when my days on earth are past This body must return to dust. I tremble at the just decree, In death's dark vale wilt thou keep me? ''Can I forsake my heart's delight? Thy end is precious m my sight. I conquered death on Calvary, And from its sting ^I will keex' thee.' " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Psalms cxvi, 15. "When heart, when flesh, when strength shall fail, When pain, when douhts and fears prevail; When life and privileges flee, My God! my God! wilt thou keep me?" "I will be near thy dying bed, Amid the waves sustain thy head; My rod, my staff, thy help shall be, In perfect peace 'I will keep thee.'" Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they com- fort me." Psalms xxili, 4. d "It is enough., 0, God of love! The hills, the mountains shall remove, But I shall still unshaken be; Thy word is past— thou wilt keep me." "I am the Ark that goes before, To guide the pilgrim safe to shore; At my rebuke shall Jordan flee, In life, in death, 'I will keep thee.'" Because I live ye shall live also. Jno. xiv, 19. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Phil, i, 21.