TN 295 No. 9135 ureau of Mines Information Circular/1987 Surface Mine Blasting Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Chicago, IL, April 15, 1987 Compiled by Staff, Bureau of Mines UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Information Circular 9135 Surface Mine Blasting Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Chicago, IL, April 15, 1987 Compiled by Staff, Bureau of Mines UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Donald Paul Hodel, Secretary BUREAU OF MINES Robert C. Horton, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: %<& f .o- Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar (1987 : Chicago, m.) Surface mine blasting. (Information circular ; 91 35) Includes bibliographies. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27:9135. 1. Blasting— Congresses. 2. Mining engineering— Congresses I. United States. Bureau of Mines. II. Title. III. Series: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines); 9135. TN295.U4 [TN279] 622 s [622'.31] 87-600079 PREFACE This Information Circular (IC) summarizes recent Bureau of Mines re- search to enhance the efficient and safe use of explosives in mining. Many of the papers in this publication were presented at a Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar on Surface Mine Blasting on April 15, 1987, in Chicago, IL. The papers in this IC represent only a small por- tion of the Bureau's overall research effort to improve current raining technology and the health and safety of mine workers. Information about other research programs or technology transfer activities aimed at in- troducing these research results to the minerals industry may be ob- tained by contacting the Bureau of Mines, Branch of Technology Transfer, 2401 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20241. CONTENTS iii Page Preface i Abstract . . 1 Bureau of Mines Surface Mine Blasting Research, by Dennis V. D'Andrea 2 Reducing Accidents Through Improved Blasting Safety, by Larry R. Fletcher and Dennis V. D'Andrea 6 Blaster's Training Manual for Metal and Nonmetal Miners, By Michael A. Peltier, Larry R. Fletcher, and Richard A. Dick 19 Delayed Blasting Tests To Reduce Rockfall Hazards, by Virgil J. Stachura and Larry R. Fletcher 25 Effects of Blast Vibration on Construction Material Cracking in Residential Structures, by Mark S. Stagg and David E. Siskind 32 Blast Vibration Measurements Near Structures, by David E. Siskind and Mark S. Stagg 46 Initiation Timing Influence on Ground Vibration and Airblast, by John W. Kopp.. 51 Vibrations From Blasting Over Abandoned Underground Mines, by David E. Siskind and Virgil J. Stachura 60 Computer Modeling of Rock Motion, by Stephen A. Rholl 73 Influence of Blast Delay Time on Rock Fragmentation: One-Tenth-Scale Tests, by Mark S. Stagg and Michael J. Nutting 79 Blasting Effects on Appalachian Water Wells, by David E. Siskind and John W. Kopp 96 Fiber Optic Probe to Measure Downhole Detonation Velocities of Explosive Columns , by David L. Schulz 103 Stemming Ejection and Burden Movements of Small Borehole Blasts, by John W. Kopp , 106 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THESE PAPERS atm atmosphere (in/s )/in inch per second per inch °C degree Celsius K kelvin dB decibel kHz kilohertz °F degree Fahrenheit lb pound ft foot lbf/in 2 pound (force) ft 2 square foot per square inch ft/lb ,/2 foot per square root pound (scaled distance) m mg/L meter milligram per liter ft/lb 1/3 foot per cube root pound (scaled distance) mi/h mile per hour ft/s foot per second rain minute G gravity (32.2 ft/s 2 ) yin/in microinch per inch g gram mm millimeter gal/d gallon per day ms millisecond gal/min gallon per minute ms/ft millisecond per foot (gal/min)/ft gallon per minute per foot (specific well ys microsecond capacity) mV millivolt g/cm 3 gram per cubic centimeter ns nanosecond h hour pet percent Hz hertz s second in inch W watt in 3 cubic inch yr year in/s inch per second in 3 /s cubic inch per second SURFACE MINE BLASTING Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Chicago, IL, April 15, 1987 Compiled by Staff, Bureau of Mines ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines has sponsored a comprehensive research program to enhance the safe, effective, and efficient use of blasting technology by the raining industry. Recent research results of the surface mine blast- ing program were presented at a seminar on April 15, 1987, in Chicago, IL. Many of the topics discussed at the seminar are presented in this proceedings. The new research described in these papers includes com- puter monitoring of rock motion, the influence of blast delay times on rock fragmentation, blasting effects on Appalachian water wells, blast vibration measurement near structures, and the reduction of accidents through improved blasting safety. BUREAU OF MINES SURFACE MINE BLASTING RESEARCH By Dennis V. D'Andrea 1 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines Twin Cities Re- search Center has a comprehensive re- search program on the efficient and safe application of explosives in mining. Re- searchers combine an understanding of the basic principles of dynamic rock fragmen- tation with new blast design technology and recent developments in both methods and equipment, for potential improvements in blasting practices. This paper out- lines surface mine blasting research com- pleted since the Bureau's last Technology Transfer seminar on blasting in December 1980. Three programmatic areas — produc- tivity technology, blasting vibrations, and blasting safety — are reviewed. HISTORY OF RESEARCH Blasting research has been conducted at the Twin Cities Research Center (TCRC) since the center opened in 1959. Re- search during the 1960's and early 1970's established TCRC as the leading Bureau of Mines center in the area of blasting for improved fragmentation and increased pro- ductivity. During the period from fiscal year 1974 through fiscal year 1979, pro- ductivity research was on blasting to prepare ore bodies for in situ leaching. The major effort at TCRC from fiscal year 1975 through fiscal year 1983 was in the area of environmental effects of blasting (ground vibrations and airblast). Re- search since fiscal year 1983 has been mostly on blasting fundamentals for improvements in productivity. Blasting safety research began at TCRC as one con- tract project in fiscal year 1978 and grew to involve four in-house projects during the years 1984 to 1986. The heavily field-oriented blasting re- search program at TCRC has included 45 in-house and contract project efforts since 1975, resulting in 122 publications and numerous presentations at profes- sional meetings. Report of Investiga- tions (RI) 8507, on structural response and damage from blasting vibrations, won the 1981 Applied Research Award from the U.S. National Committee for Rock Mechan- ics. TCRC personnel have responded to over 650 requests for technical assis- tance and advice on blasting since 1981. CURRENT RESEARCH PROGRAM Mining Technology Major research efforts at TCRC on im- proved productivity and blasting vibra- tions in surface mines are listed in ta- ble 1. Included are projects intended to improve mining productivity and to pro- vide information on good blasting prac- tices. The projects that started in the late 1970's addressed environmental is- sues, with indirect implications for mining costs and productivity. More re- cent long-range, high-risk research is ' Research supervisor, Twin Cities Re- search Center, Bureau of Mines, Minne- apolis, MN. examining the fundamentals of blasting and blast-produced rock fragmentation. The fundamental research includes a study of high-precision delay initiators to im- prove fragmentation. The Bureau is frequently asked to as- sist other Federal agencies, such as the Office of Surface Mining, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Mine Safety and Health Administration, on environmental and safety issues associated with blast- ing practices. These assistance efforts usually do not involve pure research, but rather providing technical Information and, on occasion, measurement, analysis, and advice. TABLE 1. - Blasting research at TCRC on improved productivity and blasting vibrations Research area Fiscal Key researchers Significant years publications 1 Blasting effects on 1978-80 P. R. Berger and D. Robertson (1). Appalachian water wells. Associates. 2 Contour mine blasting noise and vibrations. 1978-81 Stachura, RI 8892 (2). Standards efforts on 1980-81 D. E. Siskind, Acousti- ANSI Standard vibrations, ANSI and cal Society of America. S3. 29-1983 (3). ISO. Other ANSI and ISO Standards. Fatigue from repeated 1979-83 M. S. Stagg, National Stagg, RI 8896 (4). blasting. Bureau of Standards. 2 Siskind (5). Woodward (6). Vibration measurement 1983 Siskind, RI 8969 CO. near buildings. Blast designs to control 1979-83 Kopp, RI 9026 (8). vibrations. Blasting fragmentation 1984- M. S. Stagg, Sandia Nutting (9). fundamentals. (ongoing) Laboratories, Univer- sity of Maryland. 2 Low-frequency vibrations. 1985- D. E. Siskind, In preparation. (ongoing) V. J. Stachura. ANSI American National Standards Institute. ISO International Standards Organization. Only the senior author is listed here. Underlined numbers in parentheses refer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. Work conducted for the Bureau under contract. Projects listed in table 1 range from minor efforts (such as providing an im- proved technology basis for the American National Standards Institute and the International Standards Organization to use in establishing standards) to major multiphase projects involving up to five supporting industry and Government service contracts (such as the fatigue study). The research on low-frequency vibrations is a TCRC technical assistance effort for the Office of Surface Mining on blasting vibrations above abandoned underground mine workings. Blasting Safety Research on blasting safety at TCRC is concerned with safer blasting practices and blast designs primarily for surface mines and underground raetal-nonmetal mines. The Bureau also conducts explo- sives research at the Pittsburgh Research Center, which focuses on the safe use and evaluation of permissible explosives and permissible blasting methods for under- ground coal mines, and research on the properties and explosives chemistry re- lated to safe explosive performance, storage, and transportation. Table 2 summarizes the major blasting projects at TCRC in the Bureau's Health and Safety Program. Initially, all work was contracted out. More recently, the TCRC has conducted in-house research on a wide range of significant problems re- lated to safer blasting procedures. Examples of this in-house research are blast designs for safer and more stable highwalls and the development of materi- als for blasters training. Research on blasting safety is guided by the analysis of blasting accident statistics. This analysis now covers 8 yr, and has determined the most fre- quent causes of blasting accidents and TABLE 2. - Research at TCRC since 1980 on blasting safety Research area Fiscal years Key researchers Significant publications 1 Certification of blasters Blasting manual Misfires Blast area security Highwall stability Blasters training Flyrock control Blasting accident analysis. 'Only the senior author items in the list of refe 9 Work conducted for the 1978 1980-81 1982 1981-84 1983-84 1984-86 1986 1981- (ongoing) E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. 2 R. A. Dick , L. R. Fletcher , Mining & Marketing Associates. 2 V. J. Stachura, L. R. Fletcher. L. R. Fletcher and M. A. Peltier. L. R. Fletcher , D. V. D'Andrea , Coulson and Southall (10). Dick, IC 8925 (1_1). Fletcher (12). Bennett (13-14). Stachura, RI 8916 0_5), RI 9008 (16). In preparation. Fletcher (17). D'Andrea (_18). Peltier (19). is listed here. Underlined numbers rences at the end of this paper. Bureau under contract. in parentheses refer to identified where the most hazardous situ- ations exist. Through this analysis, re- searchers have been able to determine the most critical industry needs and address these needs through research efforts in areas such as blast area security, mis- fires, and flyrock control. SUMMARY The blasting research effort at TCRC is concerned with improved productivity, blasting vibrations, and blasting safety. The following papers summarize research projects on surface mine blasting that have been carried out and reported on since the Bureau last held a Technology Transfer seminar on blasting in December 1980. Highlights of the TCRC research include evaluations and recommendations for vi- bration measurement methods near build- ings and a comprehensive study of a test house showing that low-level vibrations from repeated blasting did not damage structures. Blast design studies found that the best fragmentation was achieved when delays between blastholes were at least 1 ms/ft of burden. Highwall sta- bility was improved using longer periods in the row of blastholes that formed the highwall. Accident analysis indicated that failure of the blast area security system is the major cause of blasting accidents. REFERENCES 1. Robertson, D. A., J. A. Gould, J. A. Straw, and M. A. Dayton. Survey of Blasting Effects on Ground Water Sup- plies in Appalachia. Volume I (contract J0285029, Philip R. Berger and Associ- ates, Inc.). BuMines 0FR8(l)-82, 1980, 159 pp. 2. Stachura, V. J. , D. E. Siskind, and J. W. Kopp. Airblast and Ground Vibra- tion Generation and Propagation From Contour Mine Blasting. BuMines RI 8892, 1984, 31 pp. 3. Acoustical Society of America (New York). Guide to the Evaluation of Human Exposure to Vibrations in Buildings. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) S3. 29. 1983, 9 pp. 4. Stagg, M. S., D. E. Siskind, M. G. Stevens, and C. H. Dowding. Effects of Repeated Blasting on a Wood-Frame House. BuMines RI 8896, 1984, 82 pp. 5. Siskind, D. E. , and M. S. Stagg. Blast Vibration Damage to Structures. Paper in Proceedings 16th Annual Insti- tute on Coal Mining Health, Safety, and Research. VA Polytech. Inst. , Dep. Min. and Miner. Eng. , Blacksburg, VA, 1985, pp. 199-213. 6. Woodward, K. A. , and F. Rankin. Behavior of Concrete Block Masonary Walls Subjected to Repeated Cyclic Displace- ments. NBS (Tech. Rep.) NBSIR 83-2780, 1983, 178 pp. 7. Siskind, D. E., and M. S. Stagg. Blast Vibration Measurements Near and On Structure Foundations. BuMines RI 8969, 1985, 20 pp. 8. Kopp, J. W. , and D. E. Siskind. Effects of Millisecond-Delay Intervals on Vibration and Airblast From Surface Coal Mine Blasting. BuMines RI 9026, 1986, 44 pp. 9. Nutting, M. J., M. S. Stagg, and D. R. Barlet. Effects of Delay Time on Fragmentation. Paper in Rock Mechanics: Key to Energy Production, (Proc. 27th U.S. Symp. on Rock Mechanics, ed. by H. C. Hartman Univ. AL, Tuscaloosa, AL, June 23-25, 1986). Soc. Min. Eng., 1986, pp. 449-454. 10. Coulson, J. R. , and L. T. South- all, II. Considerations for the Certifi- cation of Blasters (contract J0285012, E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.). Bu- Mines OFR 59-81, 1980, 77 pp.; NTIS PB 81-214116. 11. Dick, R. A., L. R. Fletcher, and D. V. D'Andrea. Explosives and Blasting Procedures Manual. BuMines IC 8925, 1983, 105 pp. 12. Fletcher, L. R. , and D. V. D'Andrea. A Study of Misfires in Min- ing. Paper in Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, ed. by C. J. Konya. (Dallas, TX, Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 1983). Soc. Explos. Eng., Montville, OH, 1983, pp. 123-132. 13. Bennett, J. Survey of Safety Pro- cedures for Guarding Blast Affected Areas (contract J0205019, Mining & Marketing Associates, Inc.). BuMines OFR 88-82, 1981, 74 pp.; NTIS PB 82-246042. 14. D'Andrea, D. V., and J. Bennett. Safeguarding of Blast-Affected Areas. Paper in Proceedings of the 10th Confer- ence on Explosives and Blasting Tech- nique, ed. by C. J. Konya (Lake Buena Vista, FL, Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 1984). Soc. Explos. Eng., Montville, OH, 1984, pp. 110-119. 15. Stachura, V. J., and L. R. Flet- cher. Delayed Blasting Tests To Improve Highwall Stability — A Progress Report. BuMines RI 8916, 1984, 24 pp. 16. Stachura, V. J. , L. R. Fletcher, and M. A. Peltier. Delayed Blasting Tests To Improve Highwall Stability — A Final Report. BuMines RI 9008, 1986, 12 pp. 17. Fletcher, L. R. , and D. V. D'Andrea. Control of Flyrock in Blast- ing. Paper in Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, ed. by C. J. Konya (Atlanta, GA, Feb. 9-14, 1986). Soc. Explos. Eng., Montville, OH, 1986, pp. 167-177. 18. D'Andrea, D. V., and L. R. Flet- cher. Analysis of Recent Mine Blasting Accidents. Paper in Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, ed. by C. J. Konya (Dallas, TX, Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 1983). Soc. Expl. Eng., Montville, OH, 1983, pp. 105-122. 19. Peltier, M. A., L. R. Fletcher, and D. V. D'Andrea. Coal Mine Blasting Accidents. Paper in Symposium on Engi- neering Health and Safety in Coal Mining, ed. by A. Wahab Khair (New Orleans, LA, Mar. 2, 1986). Soc. Min. Eng. AIME, 1986, pp. 174-181. REDUCING ACCIDENTS THROUGH IMPROVED BLASTING SAFETY By Larry R. Fletcher 1 and Dennis V. D'Andrea 2 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines investigated three of the major causes of mine blasting ac- cidents: inadequate blast area security, excessive flyrock, and misfires. Accidents resulting from inadequate blast area security occur during sched- uled blasting because of failure to clear the blast zone, inadequate guarding, and failure of personnel to follow instruc- tions, retreat to a safe location, and/or take adequate cover. Excessive flyrock is produced when there is too much explosive energy for the amount of burden, stemming is inade- quate, or the explosive energy is too rapidly vented through a zone of weakness in the rock. Geology, improper blast de- sign, or carelessness can cause unwanted flyrock. The operator must change blast- ing methods when shooting in geology that favors the production of flyrock. Most misfire accidents are caused by drilling into bootlegs in underground metal and nonmetal mines. Improper dis- posing of misfires is the second most frequent cause of misfire accidents, and some accidents are due to impact initia- tion of explosives in the muckpile. Mis- fires are usually caused by misunder- standing, improper use, or some failure of the initiation system. Other causes are cutoffs, insufficient firing current, inadequate priming, improper explosive storage, and damage to the initiation system. INTRODUCTION Analysis of mine blasting accidents shows that the five most frequent causes of accidents are premature blasts, in- adequate blast area security, excessive Elyrock, misfires, and fumes. Over 70 pet of all blasting accident injuries from 1978 through 1985 have been caused by three of these: inadequate blast area security, flyrock, and misfires, all of which are discussed in this paper, based on earlier Bureau of Mines research a-2). 3 Each mining operation has a normal fly- rock range, the distance from the blast at which flyrock can be expected, based on blasting experience at that operation. The distance of the normal flyrock range will vary from a few feet in an area strip coal mine blast to more than a mile ^Mining engineering technician. ^Research supervisor. Twin C ities Research C enter, Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, MN. ■^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. with poorly controlled shots. A safety factor is added to the normal flyrock range to determine the blast area to be cleared and secured before the blast is detonated. Rock that travels beyond the secured blast area is excessive flyrock (fig. 1). A distinction is made between injuries that occur within the estab- lished blast area and injuries that are the result of excessive flyrock projected beyond the blast area. Anyone who remains in the blast area, such as the shot firer, must have ade- quate protection from flyrock such as that provided inside a blast shelter. The shot firer is frequently guilty of Excessive flyrock < Excessive flyrock > Secured blast area , Normal flyrock range < '- ^— > Blast site < > y>/yvv vy y'vs'vy v A, <. "-' ' ' / > v -L -t-' < Vs' " FIGURE 1.— Blast site, normal flyrock range, secured blast area, and excessive flyrock region for surface mine blast. shooting and observing blasts from within the blast area without adequate protec- tion. When a shot firer pays inadequate attention to the hazards of flyrock, a permissive attitude toward guarding and protecting the blast area is created. A misfire results when explosives fail to detonate as planned during a mine blast. It is difficult, if not impossi- ble, to determine how frequently misfires occur. When operators are asked, they usually reply, "Rarely, if ever, do we have a misfire." The truth is, however, that misfires are fairly common, but because many people feel that misfires reflect the quality of their work, they are reluctant to report them. In addi- tion, the increased use of non-cap-sen- sitive blasting agents with lower shock sensitivity has generated an attitude of indifference about misfires at some oper- ations. Because of these two factors, it is rare that a misfire that does not in- volve an injury is ever reported. This paper discusses the elements of effective blast guarding, the causes and control of flyrock, and the causes, de- tection, and disposal of misfires. BLAST AREA SECURITY The blast area security system is the means by which a mine operator prevents injury to people or damage to equipment when a scheduled blast is detonated. Most blasting accidents in surface and underground mines occur during scheduled blasting and are due to inadequate blast- site security. The result is often un- necessary injury and/or death, caused, in most cases, by flying rock. Mine person- nel, visitors, and even trespassers can inadvertently wander into a blasting zone unless proper procedures exist to ensure that all personnel are cleared from the blast zone and kept safely away until af- ter blasting is completed. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BLAST GUARDING The basic requirements of a blast-site security system at either a surface or underground mine are (1) to move person- nel and equipment out of range of flyrock from the blast and (2) to prevent move- ment of personnel back into the blast zone. This includes visitors and tres- passers, along with mine personnel. The most effective procedures for ac- complishing blast-site security objec- tives are to — Have blasting personnel physically clear the blast-affected zone; Account for personnel, to establish that no one is present in the blast zone at blast time; and Place guards beyond the blast zone, at entries leading into the blast site, to keep personnel from moving into the blast zone. Elements contributing to the accom- plishment of the blast-site security sys- tem requirements are as follows: Management commitment to safety. Training. Definition of blasting authority. Planning. Blast zone boundaries. Selection and placement of guards. Clearing procedure. Location of blast initiation sice. Blasting time. Blast signals. Personnel accounting. Communication of blast location and time. Blasting crew communications. Each of these elements is discussed below. MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT TO SAFETY The mines that have developed the best blast-guarding systems appear to be those in which management has made a definite commitment to safety. It has been recog- nized at those mines that it is manage- ment's responsibility to provide raining personnel with a systematic, safe blast- guarding method and to provide sufficient training to allow mining personnel to operate intelligently within the estab- lished system. Blast-site security objectives are gen- erally accomplished through the develop- ment of a blast-guarding standard operat- ing procedure specifically designed to fit the requirements of a given mine. TRAINING Having developed a standard blast- guarding procedure, mine management is obligated to inform its employees of their responsibilities. Operations with good blasting security systems utilize information regarding proper blast guard- ing as training material for new hires and for retraining experienced miners. It is important that blast guarding be treated specifically and in detail as a real safety problem. DEFINITION OF BLASTING AUTHORITY One experienced individual must be re- sponsible for the blast. Whether this person is a blasting superintendent, foreman, or crew leader, it is extremely important that one key individual direct the blast-guarding process for any given blast. PLANNING Preblast planning is an important as- pect of blast guarding. Mines that have standardized their blast-guarding methods reduce the requirement for daily planning by making certain blast-associated deci- sions routine. This is particularly true at mines that have adopted central blast- ing systems and consistent methods for identifying crew member locations before a blast. BLAST ZONE BOUNDARIES The boundary around the blast beyond which personnel and equipment will be safe from flyrock must be determined. Guard posts must be located outside that boundary at all entries into the blast zone. Flyrock range, of course, is de- pendent on a number of factors including blast configuration, rock hardness, stem- ming, geology, etc., and is determined for each particular location and blast. SELECTION AND PLACEMENT OF GUARDS It is the general consensus throughout the industry that human guards should be used to guard blast-site entries whenever possible. Entrances to blast areas are sometimes left unguarded because it is either impractical or unsafe to place a person on post. When an entry is un- guarded, a barricade or sign is used to warn people, but these methods are gener- ally considered inadequate. Persons selected as guards should be sufficiently trained to understand the serious responsibility they have to pre- vent any movement of personnel back into the blast zone. The absolute authority of the guard to prevent movement beyond the post must be established. The guards themselves must be placed in a location safe from flyrock and fumes. CLEARING PROCEDURE Mine management should establish a def- inite clearing procedure as part of the blast-guarding standard operating proce- dure. The clearing path will depend on mine layout, and considerable variance can exist within a given mine. Clearing personnel in surface mines are assigned to drive or walk through the blast zone prior to the blast. In mines where low- mobility equipment such as drills and shovels are left in the blast zone, this equipment should be inspected to be sure all personnel have left. Clearing procedures in underground mines vary considerably. Since blasters frequently finish loading underground rounds well before the scheduled shift- change blast time, last-minute clearing must be done. If effective clearing pri- or to blasting is impractical, it is es- sential to use personnel accounting and keep miners informed of the time and lo- cation of the blast. Blast-guarding sys- tems generally benefit from the inherent redundancies associated with requiring both clearing and personnel accounting in the blast zone. LOCATION OF BLAST INITIATION SITE A definite initiation site (blasting location) should be designated for all blasting areas in the mine or pit. Loca- tion of the blast initiation site should be based on a conscious management deci- sion as part of the preblast planning process. The purpose of designating location is twofold. First, it provides management with a means of fulfilling its respon- sibility to ensure that the blaster re- treats to a safe location before blast- ing. The recent Bureau analysis of blasting accidents revealed that many surface and underground accidents were caused by unsafe location of the shot firer. Second, the location of a desig- nated blast initiation station can easily be communicated to all mine personnel as the required checkpoint for personnel ac- counting when persons are entering or leaving that area of the mine or pit. Minimum recommended requirements for a blasting site are as follows: The site should be located outside the blast zone, protected from flyrock and upwind of blast fumes. Blast initiation from inside the blast zone should be per- mitted only if a secure blast shelter is used. The site should be equipped with a highly visible sign giving the blast time. The sign should also notify visi- tors that they are required to check in and out at that station. BLASTING TIME done concurrently blast. with the production Predictability is an in a process with the tial of blasting. The ommended that efforts lish consistent blast blast is initiated at end of a shift, blast be strictly controlle Timing for secondary cording to the needs mine. Many mines, bo derground, have deve which secondary bias essential element destructive poten- refore, it is rec- be made to estab- times. Whether the lunch time or the scheduling should d where possible. blasting varies ac- of the particular th surface and un- loped systems in ting is regularly BLASTING SIGNALS Audible signs are used at most surface mines to warn of the impending blast. In some cases, an air horn or electric siren is mounted at a fixed power source. In others, particularly when the pit is large, sirens or horns are mounted on vehicles used for clearing the blast zone. In either case, the devices used should be loud enough to be heard by per- sonnel approaching the blast zone from any direction. In addition, considera- tion should be given to prevailing wind directions and velocities. Many surface mines use flashing lights on blast-asso- ciated vehicles as a supplement to sirens and horns. The duration and pattern of audible signals used at the mines vary consid- erably. Some start 10 min prior to the blast, while others start 2 min before the blast. Some signals continue throughout the blast, while others are interrupted during the blast. A second signal after the blast signifies that all is clear. The signal must fulfill three require- ments, as follows: It must be loud enough to warn person- nel inside and near the zone of the im- pending blast. In the event that the clearing process has failed and persons remain exposed to the impending blast, the signal should allow sufficient time for them to take cover or leave the area. It must clearly indicate when it is safe to reenter the blast zone. The air-powered whistle used at the Union Carbide Creek Pine Creek Mine (fig. 2) is a simple and effective means of warning that a blast is about to be ini- tiated, particularly in areas where en- tries are left unguarded. A whistle im- proves blasting-site security when used as a backup to human guards and is a very cost-effective device. Easy to use, the whistle is simply screwed onto a drop on the air line and turned on as the blaster 10 °/ 8 in NPT \ ^ 46" in schedule 40 pipe \ Notch and weld Weld plug _\ reed in place in end FIGURE 2.— Air whistle used at Pine Creek Mine (NPT— National Pipe Taper). retreats from the face to begin the clearing process. It remains on through- out the blasting procedure and is turned off by the first person entering the area after the blast. PERSONNEL ACCOUNTING Personnel accounting refers to deter- mination of the locations of personnel throughout the mine site. In essence, it is a tracking system and should be de- signed, at the very least, to account for the presence of personnel within the zone of a blast. Whenever reasonably possi- ble, accounting stations should be estab- lised near all blast zones, preferably at the locations from which the blasts are regularly initiated. At a minimum, an effective personnel accounting system must establish that no personnel are oc- cupying the blast zone at blast time. The personnel accounting system is an im- portant backup to the clearing process. However, some large open pit operations that blast several times each day rely on clearing as the only practical method of ensuring that there are no people in the blast area. When clearing is the only method used, the clearing personnel must conscientiously cover the entire blast- affected area prior to every blast. Many mines account for personnel by means of a head count at some safe loca- tion prior to the blast. While a head count is better than not accounting for personnel at all, it allows considerable potential for error. The system of using a blasting board is applicable at many underground and sur- face mines. Blasting boards are placed at safe locations where miners congregate during the blast. The board contains a tag for every person assigned to a par- ticular station plus tags for visitors. When blast time arrives, supervisors at each safe location merely need to look at the board to ensure that all personnel have returned from the immediate blast zone. Surface mines seem to place less empha- sis on personnel accounting than do the underground mines. This is somewhat jus- tified by the fact that clearing proce- dures are more effectively supervised and performed within surface blast areas be- cause of better visibility. It is also impractical for some large surface mines that blast several times each day to ac- count for all mine personnel before each blast. Fortunately, most of these mines have a limited flyrock range and can re- liably use the clearing process. How- ever, where practical, personnel account- ing should act as a backup system to the clearing process. Blasting safety at many surface mines would benefit from an improvement in personnel accounting. COMMUNICATION OF BLAST LOCATION AND TIME It is important that all personnel en- tering a mine be aware of the exact loca- tion of blasting sites and the schedule for blast initiation. Surface and under- ground mines that blast on a daily basis can list the blasting times on signs at appropriate entrances into the mining areas. Since blast location changes fre- quently at most mines, mine personnel should be informed on a daily basis of the exact locations of all scheduled blasts. Notices regarding blast-site locations in underground mines should be placed at the personnel accounting station for the blasting area. As personnel check in at the blasting station, they are informed of the blast time and location. This particularly benefits personnel who are not regularly assigned to a section for which blasting is scheduled but who are required to move throughout the mine. 11 BLASTING CREW COMMUNICATIONS Some surface mines utilize hand signals to communicate between the shot firer and blast guards. However, hand signals do not provide the positive, instantaneous communication so necessary to blasting- site security. A hand signal will not always immediately attract the blaster's attention. Poor visibility, a blaster's not wearing corrective eyeglasses, or sun shining in the blaster's eyes are all cases in which a hand signal might not be easily seen. Guards should use warning devices capable of quickly and positively gaining the blaster's attention. The two-way radio does this best. Safe separation distances between transmitters and elec- tric blasting circuits can be determined by reference to the Institute of Makers of Explosive (IME) Publication 20, "Safe- ty Guide for the Prevention of Radio Fre- quency Radiation Hazards in the Use of Electric Blasting Caps" (4_) . Another source is the Du Pont "Blaster's Hand- book" (_5 ) . Radio communication for blast guarding is safe if the IME guidelines are followed. Transmitters should be limited to 5 W or less, and a boundary should be defined around the blast pat- tern within which the use of radios is forbidden. An alternative is the use of nonelec- tric blast initiation systems, which are widely used in the mining industry. These systems cannot be initiated by radio frequency energy and are com- pletely compatible with close radio communication. FLYROCK Excessive flyrock is rock that is pro- jected beyond the normal blast-affected area. It is generated when there is too much explosive energy for the amount of burden, when stemming in insufficient, or when the explosive energy is rapidly vented through a plane of weakness. Ex- cessive flyrock is responsible for 24 pet of the blasting accident injuries that occur in surface mining (1978-85). Ex- cessive flyrock can be the result of blast site geology and/or rock condi- tions, improper blast design, or care- lessness. Flyrock control is achieved by careful attention to blast design, blast- site inspection, blasthole layout, blast- hole drilling, and blasthole loading practices. FLYROCK CAUSES Geology and rock conditions can cause the generation of flyrock. Geologic fea- tures such as mud seams, natural joint or bedding planes, fractures, or cavities in the rock can result in excessive flyrock. Mud seams and fractures are planes of weakness through which explosive gases can rapidly vent and accelerate rock fragments. Cavities can accidentally become filled with too much explosive for the amount of rock burden, resulting in large flyrock distances. Blastholes can penetrate openings from abandoned under- ground mines to create a dangerous con- dition similar to that resulting from natural cavities. Fracturing due to backbreak or overbreak from previous blasting can also cause dangerous planes of weakness. A ragged highwall face or an overhang can result in diminished bur- den along the front row of holes. Excessive flyrock can be generated if blasts are not properly designed. Any blast design feature that results in in- sufficient explosive confinement or the rapid venting of the explosive gases can create a problem. Blast design errors such as too high a powder factor, an in- adequate burden, too short a stemming re- gion, failure to use stemming, improper delays between rows, or the wrong blast- hole delay sequence can result in un- wanted flyrock. The wrong delay sequence can cause diminished burden if the delay is too long. Cratering and blowouts can occur when back holes fire before front holes. A very short delay can result in too much confinement and, again, crater- ing and blowouts. 12 Unfortunately, carelessness is a lead- ing cause of excessive flyrock. Care- lessness during any part of the blast de- sign, the blasthole pattern layout, the drilling of the blastholes, the loading of the blastholes, or the hookup of the initiation system can create a dangerous situation. The loading of explosives too near the collar of the blasthole is a common cause of flyrock. CONTROL OF FLYROCK The control of flyrock starts with proper blast design. The correct burden must be used. A small burden will not contain the explosive energy, while using a large burden may result in cratering and/or blowouts. The bench height, bur- den, and stemming region must be such that the blasted rock movement is primar- ily horizontal and outward, and not up- ward. In multiple-row shots, the delay between rows must be long enough to allow rock from an earlier row to move out so that the next row will have adequate re- lief. Insufficient relief can cause fly- rock. However, the delay must not be so long that cutoffs occur and cause mis- fires that increase the burden on later firing holes, again resulting in blowouts and flyrock. In designing a blast, relationships be- tween charge diameter, burden, spacing, subdrilling, stemming region, and bench height are available for initial esti- mates (6). The type of explosive, the priming, and the initiation system must be selected. Toe priming reduces fly- rock, compared with collar priming. Decisions must be made on the type of blasthole pattern, square or staggered, and on the delay sequence. The powder factor is calculated to ensure that the quantity of explosive being used is with- in the range of that normally used in surface mine blasting. These initial ap- proximations must be modified for the particular blasting situation and may be further modified after experience with a number of blasts. Before the blasthole pattern is laid out in preparation for drilling, a care- ful inspection of the blast site should be made. The face should be examined for ruggedness, overhangs, fractures, zones of varying competence, and amount of toe burden. The blast site should also be inspected for backbreak, jointing, mud seams, voids, and other zones of weak- ness. Any of these blast-site features could cause excessive flyrock. The layout of the blasthole pattern starts with the front row. If the ver- tical face has overhangs, is concave, or is irregular, the burden at some point may be reduced and violent cratering could occur. Faces with backbreak, open joints, weak zones, and mud seams will allow rapid venting of explosion gases with flyrock. In addition, the burden will not pull (be removed) as planned, causing an increase in the burden for later holes, which results in cratering at the top of the bench. If the face is sloped, the toe burden will be larger than the crest burden unless angled holes are used. If the normal column load is used when there is a sloped face, there will be flyrock because of the short crest burden. Also, the toe may not pull, producing a buildup in front of later holes, again resulting in flyrock. Adjustments in hole locations and powder columns in the front row should be made when conditions exist near the face that favor the generation of flyrock. Once the front row is established, the bal- ance of the shot can be laid out. A tape should be used to ensure accurate spacing and burden distances. Locating a blasthole close to an open fracture will provide a weak zone. The shot will break into the fracture, vent with flyrock, and produce poor fragmenta- tion. The same kind of venting can occur when a hole is abandoned and a second hole is drilled a few feet away. To pre- vent this, the first hole should be back- filled. Where open fractures are pres- ent, they can be backfilled, but this is difficult and time consuming. The best way to handle fractures from previous blasting is to eliminate the cause of overbreak. Accurate drilling is essential. The holes must be located in accordance with the blast design and drilled at the cor- rect angle and to the proper depth. With a high face and smaller diameter holes, 13 extra care should be taken to ensure that holes are drilled at the proper angle. Deviated blastholes can result in burdens much smaller or larger than planned. The driller should provide a log of each hole that includes depth drilled, problem drilling zones, and any changes in pene- tration rate. This information could in- dicate voids or zones of weakness. All holes must be checked before explo- sives are loaded, to ensure that their location and depth are in accordance with the blast design and the driller's log. If blocked holes are undetected, the ex- plosive column can be loaded too near the collar, leaving an insufficient stemming region. Partially blocked holes can also be a problem and may not be detected with a weighted tape. On sunny days, a mirror may be used to check for obstructions. Before an attempt is made to load a short hole or a partially blocked hole, correc- tive action such as redrilling, changing the planned explosive load, or abandoning and backfilling of the hole should be considered. Open joints and cracks can extend into a blasthole. The presence of cracks can often be detected by a lack of drill cut- tings at the top of the hole. However, unless corrective action is taken during the loading of bulk products, these open fractures can be loaded with explosives, resulting in excessive energy for the hole. There will be less confinement of the explosive charge. This may affect the performance of some explosive prod- ucts as well as provide a weak zone that may blow out. Frequent checks of the powder-column rise during loading are important. A slower than normal rise may indicate a void, while a sudden rise indicates a blockage. When a blockage occurs during explosive loading, care must be taken to ensure that the explosive load above the blockage will detonate. This will re- quire the placing of another primer and detonator in the column above the block- age. When a void is indicated, loading must be stopped. If the void is not un- duly large, backfilling with stemming material will correct the problem. Another primer must be added and loading continued. If the void is too large for this to be practical, the hole may have to be abandoned and another hole drilled nearby. Redrilling should not be done if there is a possibility of drilling into explosives. In some cases, the hole can be plugged just above the void. Once a plug is formed, the explosive loading can resume. In operations where voids are common, a special system for borehole plugging should be developed. Checking the column rise will prevent accidental overloading of the blasthole. Maintaining sufficient stemming is an important factor in flyrock control. Stemming lengths of 0.7 to 1.0 times the burden are commonly used. When collar priming is used, the stemming length may need to be increased because of the greater potential for violence with top priming. Crushed and sized rock is the best material to use for stemming, but drill cuttings are commonly used because of availability and economy. Large pieces of rock or other material should never be mixed with the stemming as they can become missiles if there is a blow- out. Large rocks can also cut off or damage the initiation system and cause a misfire. Care must be taken to ensure that the initiation system is properly hooked up and that the delays are correct. A final check of the hookup is imperative. The secondary blasting of boulders too large for the loading equipment or crush- er is required at some operations. Sec- ondary blasting can produce dangerous flyrock even though the charge? are small. Determining the blast area for this kind of shooting is very difficult, and careful clearing and guarding are re- quired. Although secondary blasting is frequently done on-shift and as needed, it is best to shoot at a standard time such as during shift change. Second blasting can be done at the same time as primary blasting if the same immediate area is involved. However, if the blasts are widely separated, there will be two sources of flyrock to guard against. The reshooting of misfired blastholes can generate dangerous flyrock when there is reduced burden and reduced confinement 14 of the explosive charge. When reduced burden, distance can exceed the normal flyrock range, from production blasts, and a larger-than-normal blast area is required, which must be cleared and guarded. It is best to shoot misfired blastholes during shift change or at the same time as primary blasts. MISFIRES A misfire results when explosives fail to detonate as planned during a blast. A misfire has two basic effects on an operation: the safety hazard it presents and the increase in mining costs. EFFECTS OF MISFIRES To most people, a misfire primarily represents a safety hazard. With the in- creasing use of non-cap-sensitive blast- ing agents, the possibility of accidental initiation is reduced. However, based on U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administra- tion (MSHA) data, there are still many injuries sustained because of misfire ac- cidents. In an 8-yr period (1978-85), 56 misfire accidents resulted in 63 injuries and 6 fatalities. The majority of mis- fire accidents (75 pet) occur in under- ground mines, with 54 pet in underground metal-nonmetal mines. These numbers are not surprising because it is not the total amount of explosives used, but the number of shots or holes fired that provides the opportunity for misfires. Also, underground mines use smaller diam- eter charges, fired on smaller spacings, which are prone to misfire. In addition, visibility in underground mines is gener- ally poor, so detection of misfires is hampered. The remaining 25 pet of misfire acci- dents occurred in surface mines, with 11 pet in surface coal mines and 14 pet in surface metal-nonmetal mines. Misfires that result in an accident with injuries, fatalities, and/or equip- ment damage involve obvious costs; how- ever, there are other costs due to mis- fires that are not obvious. Because the effects of misfires will vary greatly, operators should conduct probable cost analyses of misfires at their mines. Those who do will place greater emphasis on avoiding misfires. In addition to the cost of disposal of the misfire, there are the direct costs in additional drilling, explosives, prim- ers, detonators, and labor. In some un- derground mines, the failure of a "cut" hole could result in the loss of the en- tire round. The handling of boulders that require secondary breakage is another cost fac- tor. Increased digging time and greater wear and damage to equipment (especially bucket teeth) result in lower productiv- ity and higher maintenance costs. Mis- fires frequently are the cause of high bottom, which results in reduced produc- tion and higher maintenance costs on mucking equipment. In addition, haulage vehicles traveling over rough terrain will increase the haulage cost and vehi- cle maintenance. Often, these humps must be drilled and blasted, which constitutes another cost. The misfiring of one hole will increase the burden on a later hole, causing cra- tering with excessive flyrock and over- break. Flyrock is a leading cause of personal injury and equipment damage. Overbreak may extend beyond the burden for the first row of holes for the next shot, which can cause problems in drill setup for the next shot. Overbreak at the final pit wall could produce ground control problems with very high cost and even loss of ore. CAUSES AND AVOIDANCE OF MISFIRES During the preparation and initiation of blasts, there are many aspects that may result in misfires. The most fre- quently stated cause of misfires is the incorrect use of the initiation system, a problem common to all initiation systems. A major contributing factor is the lack of understanding by blasting personnel of how the system works. Unless the blast- ing personnel have a full understanding of the initiation system, even minimal changes in a shot can result in poor blast performance and misfires. 15 Damage to the initiation system or ex- plosives column is another common source of misfires. Causes include poor work practices on the blast site and rock movement that produces cutoffs. Damage can often occur while stemming is shoveled in and when wires, cords, or tubes are stepped on. Even driving over the initiation systems is not uncommon at some mines. The wiring-in or hookup of a shot, regardless of the initiation system used, is a very important part of blast- ing. It is important that each initia- tion system be checked after the hookup. The method of system checkout depends on the system used. All electrical hookups should be checked with a blaster' s meter. All shots should be checked visually. Good housekeeping and neat and consistent hookup practices are helpful in accom- plishing the system checkout. Rock movement may cut off the explo- sives columns and result in misfired ex- plosives. Uplift, as well as horizontal displacement, is a factor in cutoffs. An area surface coal mine may have 100 or more holes drilled and loaded, which are then divided into 4 or 5 shots. Where rock movement is generally up, with lit- tle or no horizontal movement, the uplift can damage loaded holes waiting to be wired in for the next shot. The proper use of delays is very impor- tant in preventing cutoffs. The longer the delay between holes, the greater the probability of cutoffs. Shorter delay times are needed when surface delays are used. If longer delay times are required for fragmentation and rock displacement, in-the-hole delays should be consid- ered. Many systems or combinations of systems are available to meet delaying requirements. Geology is another factor that plays a major role in causing cutoffs. Frac- tures, faults, joints, and bedding planes are all zones of weakness that may cause burden movement to occur in much shorter times than considered normal. The use of decking and multiple primers is some- times advantageous to avoid cutoffs. Rock falling from the walls of the bore- holes can cause bridging and explosive column separation. Hole blockage can also be the result of careless work habits, such as knocking material into the hole. Rapidly loaded cartridged products will often bridge, particularly in holes that are partially filled with water. Careless work prac- tices are often due to the rush placed on the blasting crew to get the shot off by a given time. Poor priming practices frequently cause detonation failure. Each product has minimum priming requirements. Even when proper priming is used, if the primer sinks into the mud at the bottom of the hole or water enters a hole loaded with non-water-resistant products, a misfire can occur. Many operators of surface mines using larger diameter blastholes place the primer at the floor level and not at the bottom of the hole in the sub- drilled region. In the event of a mis- fire, the more sensitive primer and deto- nator are more easily retrieved. Storage is also an important factor in avoiding misfires, since improper storage can alter the performance of many prod- ucts. The sensitivity of some products is dramatically reduced by low-temper- ature storage, which can result in mal- functioning. Malfunctioning of explo- sives products is usually due to improper storage rather than quality control prob- lems in manufacturing, which are rare. Hydrostatic pressure as well as compres- sion from the firing of adjacent holes has caused some products to lose sensi- tivity and misfire. If misfires are to be avoided, the blaster must have a com- plete understanding of the products and conditions under which they can be used. This information is available from the supplier. DETECTION OF MISFIRES Sometimes misfires are obvious, some- times they are not. Each shot must be checked for misfires before mucking is begun. When the explosive is lying on the muck, detection of a misfire is no problem. However, when the explosive is buried in broken rock, visual detection is unreliable. 16 There are a number of clues that may indicate a misfire. Most operations have standardized blasting practices that have fairly uniform results from each shot. A change from the norm could indicate mis- fires. In surface mines where the shot can be observed from a safe location, watching and listening to the shot is worthwhile. A change in the sound — louder or quieter — may indicate misfires. Ejection of stemming, cratering, and fly- rock may result from too much burden, due to misfiring of earlier holes. In surface and underground operations, the muckpile profile can reveal areas of possible misfires. Muck lying mostly to one side of the shot, less displacement than expected, abnormal backbreak, and humps and valleys in the muckpile can all be due to misfires. Change in fragmenta- tion is a very good indicator of possible misfires. Boulders across the top of the muckpile are easy to see and could indicate misfires. Operators of loading equipment should be aware that boulders uncovered in lower sections of the pile also may be the result of misfires. This is common where multiple decks are used. Multiple priming can minimize misfires, although this method is sometimes not used because of additional costs. Con- sidering the cost of misfires, perhaps multiple priming should be used more fre- quently. A double-trunkline or loop sys- tem must be used with detonating cord systems. Even with the two paths of det- onation, all of the cord should be con- sumed in the blast. Finding detonating cord in the muck is a strong indication of a misfire. In underground mines, detection is ham- pered by poor lighting. It is difficult for the loader operator to spot explo- sives in the muck. Checks for explosives should be made before and during the mucking operation. Every bootleg must be examined carefully for misfires. A mis- fire may have occurred even though there is no cap legwire or tubing protruding from the hole. Lifter holes are of par- ticular concern because they slope down- ward and are often water filled, and it is easy for loose material to fall into them. These conditions promote misfires. In addition, lifter holes are the most difficult to relocate and check for mis- fires. Because of potential misfires, blastholes must never be collared in bootlegs. DISPOSAL OF MISFIRES There are two basic methods used to dispose of undetonated explosives: to recover and destroy the explosives or to detonate the misfire in place. Any ex- plosive product removed from a misfire is considered damaged and must be destroyed in a safe manner. The manufacturer is the best source of information on de- stroying an explosive product. Many water-based products do not burn readily and are difficult to destroy. The most common method is in-place detonation. This is good practice in underground mines where flyrock is less of a problem. However, in many operations, the disposal of misfires is the only blasting that is done on-shift, and this creates blast area security problems. When the original initiation system is still intact, it can be used to refire the charge, except with cap and fuse blasting. When a misfire results with cap and fuse blasting, the blaster should never relight the fuse because it may have been shortened, causing unex- pected premature initiation, or it may be damaged and could produce a hangfire. With cap and fuse blasting, repriming is essential. Misfires are occasionally refired in surface mines, in which case flyrock is a major consideration. Because of reduced burden on the missed hole, violent fly- rock may result. Normally, removal of the explosive load is recommended in sur- face mines. Mucking out a misfire must be done with caution, with the minimum number of personnel in the area, and under the supervision of a competent person. Removal of stemming and explosives from blastholes is more difficult in vertical holes than in horizontal holes. Two com- mon techniques used are washing material out with water or blowing it out with air. When the main charge is ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (AN-FO), washing with water has an advantage because water 17 will desensitize the AN-FO. But when re- priming of the hole is planned, the use of water is a disadvantage and it is bet- ter to blow out the stemming with air. Also, air has an advantage in that it is readily available in many mines. The disadvantage of air is that it blows dirt and dust into the atmosphere, creating poor working conditions around the hole. When the explosive is to be removed, both air and water may deposit the charge in fractures around the borehole, which may create more of a problem than if the charge is left and dug out during the mucking operation. The removal of an explosive charge by firing a nearby charge is another technique that has been used. This meth- od is not recommended and should be used only as a last resort, because the danger of drilling into the misfire is always present. In blasts with angled holes, such as vee cuts, or where hole length- to-burden ratios are high, this technique should not be used. When it is used, re- covery and disposal of the explosive must still be perfornmed in a safe manner. If explosives from a misfire must be stored, all detonators should be removed and stored separately. Explosives and detonators removed from a misfire should not be stored with other explosives or detonators. CONCLUSIONS Blasting accidents are very costly in terms of human suffering, lost produc- tion, and damage to equipment. Blasting accident can be avoided if all persons involved in the blast have a thorough un- derstanding of the conditions that can result in an accident and an appreciation of the hazards involved, and take the appropriate precautions. The requirements of blast site security are common to both surface and under- ground mines. The two basic requirements of blast guarding are (1) to move mining personnel out of range of the blast and (2) to prevent the movement of personnel back into the blast zone. Elements that contribute to the devel- opment of safe blast guarding are manage- ment commitment to safety, training, def- inition of blasting authority, preblast planning, definition of blast zone bound- aries, selection and placement of guards, clearing plans, location of the blast initiation site, blasting time, blast warning signals, personnel accounting, communication of blast location and time, and blasting crew communications. Many factors can affect the amount of flyrock produced by a blast. The blast design must be appropriate for the site. Blasthole pattern layout and drilling must be accurate and must take Into ac- count blast-site conditions. All holes must be checked before loading of explo- sives, and loading must be monitored closely so that any problems encountered can be corrected. Most misfires are due to some problem with the initiation system such as fail- ure to make a connection, a broken lead, or simply not understanding the Initi- ation system. Other causes of misfires are cutoffs, inadequate priming, and mal- functioning of the explosives due to im- proper storage. Detection of a misfire is no problem if none of the holes detonate. However, if only a few holes or portions of a single hole fail to detonate, detection of the misfire can be very difficult. In these cases, visual inspection of the muckpile for undetonated explosives and boulders or other muckpile irregularities that suggest possible misfires is the most re- liable detection method. Disposal of detected misfires is accom- plished by removing the explosives with water washing or air flushing, repriming, and reshooting, or by detonating a nearby charge. However, detonating a nearby charge can be very dangerous and is not recommended. The best way to avoid misfire accidents and costs is to eliminate their causes. This can be done by knowing the charac- teristics of the explosives, delays, and 18 initiation system, by proper blasting de- sign, by taking care in loading the shot and hooking up the initiation system, and by good housekeeping practices at the blasting site. REFERENCES 1. D'Andrea, D. V., and J. Bennett. Safeguarding of Blast-Affected Areas. Paper in Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, ed. by C. J. Konya (Lake Buena Vista, FL, Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 1984). Soc. Explos. Eng. , Montville, OH, 1984, pp. 110-119. 2. Fletcher, L. R. , and D. V. D'Anrea. Control of Flyrock in Blasting. Paper in Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Ex- plosives and Blasting Techniques, ed. by C. J. Konya (Atlanta, GA, Feb. 9-14, 1986). Soc. Explos. Eng., Montville, OH, pp. 167-177. . A Study of Misfires in Min- of the 9th 1986, 3. ing. Paper in Proceedings Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, ed. by C. J. Konya (Dallas, TX, Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 1983). Soc. Explos. Eng., Montville, OH, 1983, pp. 123-132. 4. Institute of Makers of Explosives Safety Library (Washington, DC). Safety Guide for the Prevention of Radio Fre- quency Radiation Hazards in the Use of Electric Blasting Caps. Pub. 20, Oct. 1978, 20 pp. 5. E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co. , Inc. (Wilmington, DE). Blaster's Handbook. 16th ed., 1978, 494 pp. 6. Dick, R. A., L. R. Fletcher, and D. V. D'Andrea. Explosives and Blast- ing Procedures Manual. BuMines IC 8925, 1983, 105 pp. 19 BLASTER'S TRAINING MANUAL FOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINERS By Michael A. Peltier, 1 Larry R. Fletcher, 2 and Richard A. Dick. 3 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines has developed a blaster's training manual for the metal and nonmetal mining industry. The mate- rial is divided into 6 chapters and 47 modules, with each module covering a single topic. (For example, the second chapter, which deals with initiation and priming, is subdivided into nine modules. One module covers initiations systems in general, another covers delay series, and one discusses priming. The remaining six modules deal with each of the six initia- tion systems. ) The modules were structured to enable mine training personnel to easily develop a site-specific blasters' training pro- gram. Each module contains text material that comprehensively covers the topic, as well as a paraphrased section highlight- ing the major ideas of the text. Also included with each module are line draw- ings and test questions with answers. The objective of this material is to increase hazard awareness and foster the use of safe blasting practices, with the anticipated end result being accident- free and productive blasting. INTRODUCTION Based on accident data obtained from the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Adminis- tration (MSHA), most blasting accidents are caused by human error, lack of hazard awareness, or lack of general blasting knowledge. A lack of understanding as to how explosives function can contribute to higher mining costs because of inadequate fragmentation or lost production. Federal regulations require that every person who uses or handles explosive ma- terials be experienced and understand the hazards involved. Trainees should do such work only under the supervision of and in the immediate presence of experi- enced miners. Federal regulations also require hazard and task training for min- ers. Most training given on mining property is based on experience at that mine and is done without the aid of ade- quate training materials. An improved and more meaningful blasters' training program is essential in assisting opera- tors to properly train blasters and meet MSHA training regulations. The blasters' training material was de- veloped to aid industry in the prepara- tion of a site-specific training course and is based on a previous Bureau of Mines Information Circular titled "Explo- sives and Blasting Procedures Manual". 4 The intent is to help individuals using explosives and blasting agents to develop a better understanding of the various as- pects of blasting that contribute to a safe and efficient blast. PREPARING A TRAINING COURSE The blaster's training manual has been constructed to be easily used in develop- ing a site-specific and comprehensive Mining engineer. ''Mining engineer technician. 3 Staff engineer. Twin Cities Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Twin Cities, MN. blasters course. The material consists of discrete modules that contain text ma- terial, a paraphrased section, line draw- ings, and test questions with answers. 4 Dick, R. A. , L. R. Fletcher, and D. V. D' Andrea. Explosives and Blasting Procedures Manual. BuMines IC 8925, 1983, 105 pp. 20 Individual pages have been divided lengthwise with the comprehensive text material on the left-hand side of the page. Each paragraph of the text mate- rial is numbered for quick reference. The right-hand side of the page consists of paraphrased text material with a main heading and a paragraph number. The person preparing the training course can read the paraphrased material quickly in order to grasp the main ideas of the text material. If an explanation is needed, the individual, by noting the paragraph number, can go directly to the paragraph discussing a particular point. Line drawings are included with the ma- terial to illustrate specific concepts. The line drawings can be easily converted to overhead transparencies for use in the training course. The first step in preparing a blasters training course is to determine what ma- terial must be covered. This can be ac- complished by talking with the blasting supervisor and blasters, and by observing the blasting operation. To help deter- mine what topics need to be covered in the course, a checklist is included with the material. It is arranged to parallel the chapters. By completing the check- list, the trainer will be able to lo- cate the modules to be included in the course. For example, under the "Chapter 1 — Explosives Products" section of the checklist, ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (AN-FO) and emulsion maybe noted next to the subsection "Blasting Agents." By reading the list of modules in the table of contents under the "Chapter 1 — Explo- sives Products" section, the trainer will notice that module 4 discusses AN-FO and module 5 discusses emulsions. The second step is to gather the train- ing material needed. The Information gathered from blasting personnel through the use of the checklist will indicate which modules should be included in the course. In addition to the modular mate- rial, slides and other visual aids from the actual operation should be used. Ad- ditional technical information concerning specific blasting products can be ob- tained from either the explosives sup- plier or manufacturer. The third step is to write lesson plans for the course and arrange the training material into a cohesive unit. The writ- ing of the lesson plans can be simplified by making extensive use of the para- phrased sections in the modules. Since the experience, knowledge, and ability of individual blasters vary widely, both the length and amount of ma- terial to be included in the course will have to be determined by mine management. CHAPTER CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE—EXPLOSIVES PRODUCTS Purpose and Description The purpose of this chapter is to help the blaster develop an understanding of various types of explosives. Chemical and physical properties of seven types of explosive products are discussed. Addi- tional information explains nine proper- ties of explosives that are used to de- termine how an explosive product will function under field conditions. Mate- rial explaining how to select an explo- sive product is included in this chapter. Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, the blaster should be able to 1. Give a concise explanation of the nature of various explosive products; 2. List the basic reactive ingredi- ents of an explosive product; 3. Explain how the detonation pres- sure and explosive pressure cause the rock to be broken; 4. Explain the importance of oxygen balance as it relates to both the energy released and the formation of toxic gases; 21 5. Describe the individual character- istics of the explosive products the blaster may be using; 6. Briefly explain why a particular product is being used at the blaster's operation; 7. State and explain nine basic prop- erties of explosive products; and 8. Relate the basic properties of ex- plosives to the types of explosive products being used on the job. Chapter Modules Module Title 1 Chemistry and Physics of Explosives. 2 Types of Explosives and Blasting Agents. 3 Nitroglycerin-Based High Explosives. 4 Ammonium Nitrate-Fuel Oil (AN-FO). 5 Slurries, Water Gels, Emulsions. 6 Heavy AN-FO. 7 Primers and Boosters. 8.. Liquid Oxygen Explosives. 9 Black Powder. 10 Properties of Explosives. 11 Explosives Selection Criteria. CHAPTER TWO— INITIATION AND PRIMING Purpose and Description The purpose of this chapter is to help the blaster develop an understanding of six initiation systems. The blaster will learn the various components of each initiation system, how each individual system functions, and the advantages and disadvantages of the six systems. Infor- mation about the two basic delay series and material concerning priming are also included in this chapter. Objectives Upon completion of this blaster should be able to 1. Name the three basic parts of an initiation system; 2. Explain the difference in sensi- tivity to initiation between high explosives and blasting agents. 3. State the difference between an instantaneous and a delay detonator; 4. List the various components of the initiation system the blaster will be using; 5. Explain how the initiation system functions ; 6. Explain how to check the final hookup of the system; 7. Discuss the potential hazards to the initiation system; 8. Give the definition of a primer; 9. Name some types of explosives used as primers; 10. Explain the proper procedure for making primers; and 11. Explain why the proper location of the primer in the borehole is important. Chapter Modules Module Title 12 Initiation Systems. 13 Delay Series. 14. Electric Initiation. 15 Detonating Cord Initiation. 16 Detaline Initiation System. 17 Cap-and-Fuse Initiation. 18 Hercudet Initiation. 19 Nonel Initiation. 20 Priming. CHAPTER THREE— BLASTHOLE LOADING Purpose and Description The purpose of this chapter is to exam- ine proper blasthole loading techniques. The chapter discusses loading procedures for both small- and large-diameter blastholes. Also included in the chapter is material that discusses how to check blastholes for proper depth, water, voids, and obstructions, and how to miti- gate these problems. chapter, the 22 Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, the blaster should be able to Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, the blaster should be able to 1. Explain why blastholes should not be loaded and workers should retreat from the blast area during the approach or progress of an electrical storm; 2. Describe how to check the borehole for proper depth, obsructions, water, and voids ; 3. Explain how to remedy problems, such as improper borehole depth, obstruc- tions, water, and voids; 4. State why stemming is important and how to estimate the amount of stemming needed; 5. Explain when plastic borehole liners or water-resistant cartridges should be used; 6. Explain the proper technique for loading the explosive or blasting agent the blaster will be using. 7. Describe the characteristics of the type of pneumatic loading the blaster will use; 8. Explain the potential problem of static electricity if the blaster is go- ing to use a pneumatic loader; and 9. List the advantages and disadvan- tages of using bulk-loaded products in large-diameter blastholes. Chapter Modules Module Title 21 Introduction. 22 Checking the Blasthole. 23 General Loading Procedures. 24 Small-Diameter Blastholes. 25 Large-Diameter Blastholes. CHAPTER FOUR—BLAST DESIGN Purpose and Description The purpose of this chapter is to exam- ine the factors that influence safe and effective blast design. In addition to the discussion of design factors for sur- face and underground blasting, four con- trolled blasting techniques are also covered. I. Discuss how geology affects fragmentation; 2. Name the most significant geologic features to consider when designing a blast; 3. Discuss the importance of a well- detailed drilling log; 4. Explain how to determine the burden; 5. Explain why geologic structure is the major factor in determining blasthole diameter; 6. Explain how collar distance affects fragmentation size; 7. Explain the relationship of collar distance to airblast and flyrock; 8. Explain the relationship between burden flexing and rock fragmentation; 9 Discuss the problems of either ex- cessive or insufficient subdrilling; 10. Explain how spacing is determined; II. Explain the advantages of milli- second delays; 12. Discuss the two classifications of opening cuts; 13. Explain how to design an angled cut; 14. Explain how to design a parallel- hole cut; 15. Discuss the two types of delays for underground blasting; 16. Name the two main advantages of us- ing controlled blasting; 17. List the four primary methods of controlled blasting; and 18. Discuss the advantages and disad- vantages of the various methods of con- trolled blasting. Module Chapter Modules Title 26 Introduction to Blast Design. 27 Properties and Geology of the Rock Mass. 28 Surface Blasting. 29. Underground Blasting. 30 Controlled Blasting Techniques. 23 CHAPTER FIVE — ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF BLASTING Purpose and Description The purpose of this chapter is to examine the environmental effects of blasting. The material will discuss fly- rock, ground vibrations, airblast-, and dust and gases. Methods to reduce the potential health and safety hazards they may present will be discussed. CHAPTER SIX—BLASTING SAFETY Purpose and Description The purpose of this chapter is to help the blaster develop a better understand- ing of blasting safety, by examining a number of auxiliary blasting functions. A. number of precautions related to previous modules are mentioned. Four ac- cident types that occur frequently are also discussed. Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, the blaster should be able to 1. Explain the importance of conduct- ing a preblast survey, maintaining comprehensive records, and good public relations; 2. Discuss the causes of flyrock; 3. Discuss methods to alleviate flyrock; 4. Discuss the causes of ground vibration; 5. Discuss design techniques to mini- mize vibrations; 6. State some methods to monitor ground vibrations; 7. Discuss the causes of airblast; 8. Discuss methods to monitor airblast; 9. List techniques to reduce airblast; 10. Explain why an adequate amount of time must be given for dust and gases to be diluted before returning to the blast site; and 11. List the two common toxic gases produced by blasting and list techniques to reduce them. Chapter Modules Module Title 31 Introduction to Environmen- tal Effects of Blasting. 32 Flyrock. 33 Ground Vibrations. 34 Airblast. 35 Dust and Gases. Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, the blaster should be able to 1. Explain why a knowledge of all cur- rent blasting safety regulations is im- portant ; 2. Name the agencies that regulate and enforce the use and storage of explosives and blasting agents; 3. Describe the requirements for ve- hicles used to transport explosives and blasting agents from the magazine to the job site; 4. Explain the importance of marking the blast area and keeping nonessential personnel away; 5. Explain when to check for extrane- ous electricity; 6. Discuss why electrical storms are a hazard regardless of the type of initia- tion system; 7. Explain the importance of proper primer makeup; 8. List a number of checks to be made before borehole loading begins; 9. Describe various methods to check column rise during borehole loading; 10. Describe some precautions to con- sider before and during the hookup of the shot; 11. Explain some good methods for blast area security; 12. Describe the potential hazards to check for when reentering the blast site after the shot has been fired; 13. Discuss methods for disposing of misfires; and 14. Discuss the principal causes of blasting accidents. 24 Chapter Modules Module Title 36 Introduction to Blasting Safety. 37 Explosives Storage. 38 Transportation From Maga- zine to Job Site. 39 Precautions Before Loading. 40 Primer Safety. Module Title 41 Borehole Loading. 42 Hooking Up the Shot. 43 Shot Firing. 44 Postshot Safety. 45 Disposing of Misfires. 46 Disposal of Explosive Materials. 47 Principal Causes of Blast- ing Accidents. SUMMARY A training manual for metal and nonmetal raining has been developed by the Bureau. This program consists of 47 modules or topics under 6 major headings (chapters). The modules consist of a text and outline on a single blasting topic, plus questions and answers. Supplementing the modules are a 73-itera bibliography, a list of regulatory au- thorities and their responsibilities, additional information on MSHA and OSM (U.S. Office of Surface Mining), a glos- sary, and 65 illustrations suitable for duplication. 25 DELAYED BLASTING TESTS TO REDUCE ROCKFALL HAZARDS By Virgil J. Stachura 1 and Larry R. Fletcher 2 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines conducted delayed blasting experiments at a contour coal mine, which were designed to reduce over- break without special drilling or signif- icant additional costs. In the standard layout of the blast pattern at this mine, the ends of the rows formed the highwall. Overbreak was reduced by increasing the delays on the last row of holes at the highwall, which changed the effective de- lay pattern geometry and the direction of burden movement. These experiments re- sulted in smoother highwalls, which were also inherently safer because of the re- duced likelihood of rockfall. Three delay combinations were tested: 50 ms longer than the nominal design, 100 ms longer than nominal, and 50 and 100 ms longer in the two rows of holes nearest to the highwall. The mine's nom- inal blast design was a flat V-pattern with 17-ms surface delays between holes, 42-ms surface delays between rows, and 200-ms in-the-hole delays in each hole. All three test designs produced highwall improvements, compared with results using the nominal design, with occasional ex- ceptions because of geologic variations. Observations and terrestrial photogram- metry showed that the delay changes pro- duced generally smoother vertical pro- files with less loose material. INTRODUCTION One of the major hazards found in sur- face mining is rockfall from highwalls. This hazard occurs in all forms of exca- vation in rock, especially where explo- sives are used. The explosive energy not only fractures the rock to be excavated but also damages the rock that borders the excavation. This reduces the stabil- ity of the highwall and increases the po- tential of rockfall. The rockfall hazard is normally attributed to blasting prac- tices, geologic conditions, and adverse weather in 65 pet of accidents resulting from fall of rock (1_) . 3 Of these three factors, only blasting is controllable, and therefore, blasting was the subject of this investigation. In earlier research sponsored by the Bureau of Mines, Engineers International ' Geophysicist . 2 Mining engineering technician. Twin Cities Research C enter , Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, MN. •^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. Inc. evaluated blasting practices at nine contour mines (2) • Almost all the mines visited had highwall instability prob- lems that were aggravated by poor blast- ing practices. Engineers International conducted eight test blasts that demon- strated that good blasting practices did improve highwall stability. However, af- ter the tests were complete and the con- tractor was off the site, the mine per- sonnel reverted to their old blasting practices. To avoid a similar result, the tests in this report emphasize simple, easily un- derstood changes that minimize economic and procedural impact and maximize opera- tor acceptance. The experiments are di- rected at reducing overbreak without spe- cial drilling or significant additional cost. They use simple changes In blast- hole initiation timing, which improve relief by changing the direction and time of burden movement. In this report, overbreak is defined as excessive break- age of rock beyond the desired excavation limit (3). 26 BLAST DESIGNS The approach selected for devising the experimental blast designs was to take the design in use at the mine site and make minor delay-period changes. No oth- er parameters were changed intentionally, but in the mine's normal blasting proce- dures the accuracy of spacings and bur- dens varied, more than one hole diameter was occasionally used, and powder column heights also varied. The mine where the tests were conducted used a Nonel 4 (also called shock tube) initiating system, so the original delay times reflected those available using that system. The blast design used by the mine, de- sign 1, was a flat V with surface delays of 17 ms between holes, 42 ms between rows, and 200-ms in-the-hole delays (fig. 1). Designs 2 and 3, experimental de- signs used by the Bureau, were the same as design 1 except that in-the-hole de- lays of 250 and 300 ms , respectively, were used in the highwall holes (figs. 2-3). Design 4, another Bureau design, was the same as design 1 except that 300- ms in-the-hole delays were used in the highwall holes and 250-ms in-the-hole de- lays were used in the second row of holes from the highwall (fig. 4). Figures 1 through 4 show the cumulative delay times for each blast hole and include arrows to indicate the observed direction of burden movement. In figures 2 through 4, this direction is perpendicular to the plane of the highwall, a sign of improved re- lief over that illustrated in figure 1. Design 4 was tried because of reports of overbreak extending far beyond a distance equal to one burden ( 4_-5 ) . It was antic- ipated that the individual delay in the second row of holes from the highwall would provide additional relief, reducing the damage to the highwall. HIGHWALL EVALUATION To determine a criterion for evaluating the test blasts, discussions were held with U.S. Mine Safety and Health Admini- stration (MSHA) inspectors, mine super- intendents, safety officers, and blast- ers. The general theme found in these discussions was that a smooth highwall of competent appearance is a safer one. A competent appearance is achieved by re- ducing overbreak. In addition to visual inspection criteria, stereo photography techniques were used to analyze the blasting effects in this study. The use of highwall profiles generated from ste- reo photographs provided for more analyt- ical and consistent comparison of high- walls than was possible with visual inspection alone. The details of the procedure used to take and analyze stereo photographs may be found in RI 8916 and RI 9008 (.6-2). ^Reference to specific products does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines . Typical examples of individual profiles from two different highwalls are shown in figures 5 and 6. Figure. 5 shows a large ledge at the top of the test area, a re- sult of shot design 1. Figure 6 shows an adjacent highwall, which resulted from shot design 2 and has a much smoother profile. Figures 7 and 8 show a test highwall and an array of profiles that are the result of shot design 1. Fig- ures 9 and 10 show a test highwall and an array of profiles that are the result of design 2. The photographs (figs. 7, 9) were used to evaluate amounts of loose material and the appearance of compe- tence. The arrays of profiles (figs. 8, 10) illustrate the degree of overhanging material and the size of ledges. A total of 59 test blasts and their re- sulting highwalls were evaluated by vari- ous combinations of stereo photographs, on-site observation, photographs taken by the blaster, and notes made by the blaster. 27 . ^*-Next section \r of highwoll 343 326 343 360 377 394 41 Note Numbers by holes ore cumulotive delay times Arrow indicates burden movement FIGURE 1 .—Design 1 : break line prior to 285 ms with 200-ms in-the-hole delays throughout. 343 360 377 394 rNext section of highwoll 335 352 4I9 Note: Numbers by holes ore cumulative delay times. Arrow ind'cates burden movement FIGURE 2.— Design 2: break line prior to 335 ms with 250-ms in-the-hole delays in highwall holes and 200-ms in-the-hole delays in remaining holes. 385 /368 385 402 4I9 436 343 326 343 360 377\ 284 30I 3I8 335 352 r Next section of highwoll Note: Numbers by holes are cumulative delay times. Arrow indicates burden movement FIGURE 3.— Design 3: break line prior to 385 ms with 300-ms in-the-hole delays in highwall holes and 200-ms in-the-hole delays in remaining holes. 427 4I0 427 444 46! 528 595 Next section of highwoll Note: Numbers by holes are cumulotive delay times. Arrow indicates burden movement FIGURE 4.— Design 4: break line prior to 385 ms with 250- and 300-ms in-the-hole delays in two rows of holes nearest to highwall and 200-ms in-the-hole delays in remaining holes. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results demonstrated that greater highwall stability can be achieved by changing the burden movement to a direc- tion closer to perpendicular to the plane of the highwall and by allowing more time for movement of the burden in front of the highwall blastholes. The changes in blast design described in this report can be implemented without increased costs or technical complication. The burden movement was redirected by using delays in all highwall holes that were either 50 or 100 ms longer than those previously used in the delay pat- tern. Another variation was to increase the delay time by 50 ms in the second row of holes from the highwall and by 100 ms in the highwall row of holes. The lengthened delays allowed more time for the burden to move, thereby reducing overbreak, which causes irregular and unstable highwalls. At the test sites used, the 50-ms-longer delays or a combi- nation of 50- and 100-ms longer delays 28 FIGURE 5.— Profile from stereo analysis, no additional delays. (Numbers indicate distance in feet.) FIGURE 6. — Profile from stereo analysis, 50-ms-longer delays in highwall holes. (Numbers indicate distance in feet.) worked better than when the delay time was increased by 100 ms only. This was because of the better shearing action obtained with the 50-ms incremental in- crease. Since the test mine had one par- ticular geology and used the Nonel ini- tiating system for blasting, other mine sites and initiating systems may require a different adjustment of the delay time to obtain optimum results. The reader should also note that, for these tests, the highwall was located at the ends of the rows rather than the back row of holes. The test results showed a general im- provement in the highwalls even though drill-hole alignment and powder column heights varied, the geology changed con- tinually (because the test site was a contour mine), and scaling practices var- ied. During the course of study, the safety officer and the mine operator both observed that the highwalls were notice- ably improved and required less cleanup time by the dozers used to scale the highwalls at the test site. Precise evaluation of the blast effects on the highwalls proved to be difficult because of the variables mentioned above. How- ever, after observing the results of 59 test blasts, the authors recommend an in- creased delay of 50 to 100 ms in the highwall holes, as described in the "Blast Designs" section. 29 ?-*''*% FIGURE 7.— Test highwall, no increase in delay time (blast design 1). >Test highwall O 5 IO I5 20 SCALE, ft FIGURE 8.— Test highwall profiles, no increase in delay time. 30 !&»& *tw*ss» m •i^^m FIGURE 9.— Test highwall, 50-ms-longer delays in highwall holes (blast design 2). >Test highwall . 20 15 10 \"b ^ Z 5 ^ i \0 I I »x 5 10 15 20 SCALE, ft FIGURE 10.— Test highwall profiles, 50-ms-longer delays in highwall holes. 31 REFERENCES 1. Theodore Barry and Associates. Industrial Engineering Study of Hazards Associated With Surface Coal Mines (con- tract H0230004). BuMines OFR 48-74, 1974, 265 pp.; NTIS PB 235 927. 2. Kendorski, F. S., and M. F. Dunn. Safety and Cost Benefits From Improved Highwall Blasting Practice (contract H0282011, Eng. Inst. Inc.). BuMines OFR 54-82, 1981, 169 pp.; PB 82-205691. 3. Dick, R. A., L. R. Fletcher, and D. V. D'Andrea. Explosives and Blast- ing Procedures Manual. BuMines IC 8925, 1983, 105 pp. 4. Hoek, E. Impact of Blasting Damage on the Stability of Rock Structures. Pres. at 2d Annu. Workshop, Generic Miner. Technol. Centr. , Mine Systems Design and Ground Control, Reno, NV, Nov. 12-13, 1984, 10 pp.; available upon re- quest from V. J. Stachura, BuMines, Minneapolis, MN. 5. Holmberg, R. , and K. Maki. Case Examples of Blasting Damage and Its In- fluence on Slope Stability. SveDeFo, Stockholm, Sweden, Rep. DS 1981:9, 1981, 20 pp. 6. Stachura, V. J., and L. R. Flet- cher. Delayed Tests To Improve Highwall Stability — A Progress Report. BuMines RI 8916, 1984, 24 pp. 7. Stachura, V. J. , L. R. Fletcher, and M. A. Peltier. Delayed Blasting Stages To Improve Highwall Stability — A Final Report. BuMines RI 9008, 1986, 12 pp. 32 EFFECTS OF BLAST VIBRATION ON CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CRACKING IN RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES By Mark S. Stagg 1 and David E. Siskind 2 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines studied the prob- lems of blasting-vibration-induced struc- tural response and cracking of low-rise residential structures in a series of re- search projects between 1976 and 1983. This paper summarizes the published Bureau findings and presents them from the point of view of the cracking and failure of the construction materials used for homes. The damage data suggest that, for plaster and wallboard attached to the superstructure, an increase in the rate of cracking is not likely to result from blasts generating vibrations of less than 0.5 in/s. Data on cracks in masonry walls suggest that blast-induced vibra- tion levels of up to 3.0 in/s may be a threshold for local block-length cracks. However, additional data are needed to quantify vibration level effects neces- sary to generate stair-stepped cracks in masonry walls, which indicate loss of shear load capacity. INTRODUCTION Ground vibrations from blasting have been a continual problem for the raining industry, the public living near the rain- ing operations, and the regulatory agen- cies responsible for setting environmen- tal standards. Since 1974, when the Bureau of Mines began to reanalyze the blast damage problem, several field and laboratory studies have been conducted; the results of the most recent were pub- lished in RI 8969, in 1985 (1_). 3 The studies examined blast vibrations with respect to generation, propagation, structural response, cracking potantial, instrumentation, and fatigue (.2~i0* A. similar series of studies was conducted for airblast (5-6). This paper summarizes the material on cracking of construction materials used in low-rise residential structures; the data are excerpted from two comprehensive Bureau vibration studies, RI 8507 on dy- namic response and damage and RI 8896 on fatigue and long-terra influences (_3~4)« Specifically, the paper discusses the cracking of plaster, wallboard, and mas- onry from blasting and other influences, giving an overall perspective to the blast vibration impacts as part of the total lifetime dynamic load for such materials. CRACKING AND BUILDING PRACTICES Current residential construction prac- tices address basic human safety and not specifically the occurrence of ' Civil engineer. ^Supervisory geophysicist. Twin Cities Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, MN. ■^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. nonstructural minor or cosmetic cracks. Many of these practices were derived from allowable deflection criteria, in which material cracking potential is considered (_7-j?). However, cosmetic cracks do de- velop, and in 1948, Whittemore (10) dis- cussed the lack of guidelines for vibra- tions of floors and pointed out that "deflection and vibration can be de- creased, but only at an increase in price." 33 LONG-TERM CRACK RATES IN RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES PREVIOUS STUDIES Structures crack naturally over time. Holmberg (11) analyzed blasting inspec- tion reports to estimate a crack rate for apartment buildings in Sweden. Two apartment buildings were inspected for cracks three times between 1968 and 1980. The number of observed cracks is plotted as a function of time in figure 1. An average of 12 to 13 new cracks per year occurred for these particular structures. Holmberg did not report any specifics on the building construction, although con- crete is a reasonable assumption. The crack rate depends upon the type of structure. Rates for 11 wood frame houses that were subjected to 26 weeks of sonic booms and 13 weeks when there were no booms, as reported by Andrews (12) , are listed in table 1. Crack rates at homes 1 through 4, which were studied during both periods, were generally lower during the 13-week nonboom period, which is similar to Bureau findings discussed later. The investigators also found evi- dence of the possibility that relative humidity and the number of sonic booms may together have had an effect on the occurrence of cracks. The rates of 1.4 to 23 cracks per week during the nonboom period are quite high compared with the rate observed by Wall CKJ\J 1 1 KEY 8 □ Apartment house 1 Apartment house 2 en yc o < or o a o 100 _ or UJ CD Z n o o D 1 1 1965 1970 1975 1980 FIGURE 1.— Building age versus crack occurrences, after Holmberg (7 7). (13) in a study of 43 single-story con- crete block houses over a 26-week period; he reported a crack rate of 2.5 cracks per day for the 43 houses (<1 crack per week per house). The large variation in the crack rates reported in the separate studies by Holm- berg, Andrews, and Wall is indicative of the wide variation of susceptibility of houses to cracking. The rates ranged from near zero to 23 cracks per week. (The yearly rate reported by Holmberg in- dicates a cracks-per-week rate of less than one.) None of the investigators re- ported rates of zero. The large differ- ences in the rates reported are partially a result of the difficulty of defining "cracks". For example, in Wall's report, shrinkage cracks were ignored, and only new cracks in the moderate (easily dis- tinguishable) range were reported. These data point out that when months pass between preblast and postblast in- spections, any postblast inspection is likely to find some new cracks that are the result of natural aging. BUREAU LONG-TERM FATIGUE STUDY Blast effects on long-terra crack rates were monitored over a 2-yr period at a Bureau of Mines test house (4). Bureau researchers developed two types of data in terms of the expected damage mecha- nisms: (1_) fatigue damage from accumu- lated exposure, assessed by periodic in- spections, and (2_) triggering effects of discrete blast events assessed by inspec- tions immediately before and after blasts, where the strains from blasting are added to already existing environ- mental strains. Researchers found that long-term repetition of the low-level blasts (peak particle velocity <0.5 in/s) produced no significant effect; however, blasts with velocities greater than about 1.0 in/s were associated with higher cracking rates, as shown in table 2. The crack rate, or number of new cracks per inspection, along with the number of blasts that produced ground vibrations greater than 0.50 in/s and greater than 1.0 in/s, is shown in figure 2. Sixty 34 TABLE 1. - Crack rates for houses subjected to sonic booms, after Andrews (12). Number Number o f cracks House of stories Area, ft 2 Foundation Age, yr Finish Occu- pied per week Interior Exterior Boom Nonboom period period 1. .. 1 1,560 Concrete slab. 5 Wallboard. . Brick. . . Yes.. 3.7 1.9 2... 2 1,750 • • • Q O •••••• New • • •GO* • • • • • ... do. . . No... 8.2 3.3 3. .. 1 1,470 i * *dOi ♦ • # ♦ # 8 • » •QO« • • • • ♦ ... do* . . No. .. 8.8 1.5 4... 1 1,160 Concrete stem wall. 18 • • •QO» » • • • • . . .do. • • No... 6.1 1.8 5... 2 2,870 Masonry stem wall. >50 Plaster and lath. Asbestos siding. No... NM 23 6... 1 1,100 Concrete stem wall. 25 i • tGO* • i « • t Stone. . . Yes.. NM 2.6 7... 1 1,090 • • • GO »••••• 30 Lath and wallboard. Wood lap Yes.. NM 1.4 8... 1 1,280 » * * QO» * « » » » 30 Plaster and lath. Brick... Yes.. NM 3.3 9... 2 2,000 Masonry stem wall. 40 Paper on plaster and lath. Wood lap Yes.. NM 3.0 10... 2 2,370 Concrete stem wall. 35 Plaster and lath. ... do. . . Yes.. NM 14 11... 1 1,330 Concrete slab. 8 Wallboard. . Brick... Yes.. NM 2.2 NM Not measured. TABLE 2. - Crack versus vibration (4) Blast level, in/s Cracks per week Without corner Total <0.5 0.28 .33 1.0 0.84 >0.5, <1.0 .89 1.8 shots had levels between 0.5 and 1.0 in/s, while 48 shots had levels above 1 in/s. Some of the crack rates shown in figure 2 include small hairline corner cracks, and some do not. The majority of corner cracks occurred in the first 8 months. Cracks were found in nearly every corner in the house, but were ig- nored until inspection period 15. Then it was decided to observe them rigorously despite their minuscule size. Corner cracks are an inevitable consequence of the curing of the tape compound and are enhanced by dynamic strains induced by human activity. The data that exclude corner cracks are more realistic indica- tions of blasting influences for homes other than new construction, i.e. , within 6 months. Differences were found in the number of cracks observed by the two teams of in- spectors, Vibration Measurement Engineers (VME) and Bureau personnel, during peri- ods 1, 15, and 36. The most pronounced difference was for period 15. The deci- sion to include small corner cracks was made after VME had completed its inspec- tion for that period but before the Bu- reau had completed it inspection for pe- riod 15. Other than for that period, differences in the number of cracks ob- served were an inevitable consequence of the difficulty of observing hairline (0.01- to 0. 1-mm) cracks. Periods 1, 15, and 36 were omitted in calculations of crack rates. However, periods in which there were unusual external influences, 35 CD z o X °o 0.50 in/s and >1.0 in/s versus inspection period. including an earthquake and soil removal by a scraper 40 ft from the test house, were included. The self-triggering seis- mograph recorded a 0.06-in/s vibration for the scraper activity but did not trigger during the earthquake. The increase in crack rate with ground vibration level indicates that the blast- ing produced a triggering strain, at about 1.0 in/s. The low crack formation rates reported are reasonable since the test house was new, showed no differen- tial settlement, and was not regularly occupied. These conditions resulted in low rates of natural crack formation, which allowed a few blast-related cracks to significantly affect crack formation rates. CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS AND CRACKING Cosmetic cracks result when a dynamic- induced strain (blast vibration or other transient vibration) added to a preexist- ing strain (static load) exceeds the strain level necessary to initiate a crack. Differential foundation settle- ment, excessive structural loads, and ma- terial shrinkage all induce strains that can produce random and/or patterned cracking. For analyzing blasting ef- fects, these strain-inducing forces are considered static and the resulting strains are called "prestrains. " Stress-strain curves are used to de- scribe response of materials under load up to failure (cracking). Most mate- rials, including masonry, plaster, and wallboard, respond linearly up to the initial yield point. A linear response means that deformation (strain) is di- rectly proportional to load (stress). Beyond initial yeild, plastic deformation or creep occurs until ultimate failure (fig. 3). The yield point damage is of- ten not visually noticeable because of limited naked-eye resolution of 0.01 to 0. 1 mm, particularly in textured surfaces such as masonry. 36 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,2 00 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 STRAIN, /xin/in FIGURE 3.— Tensile stress-strain curve for 1/2-in-thick wallboard. PLASTER Plaster was not studied extensively be- cause of its widespread replacement by wallboard for modern construction. How- ever, many of the older homes analyzed for RI 8507 (_3) were plastered and pro- vided some insight into cracking poten- tial. Also, wallboard is a gypsum plas- ter faced with paper on both sides. Tests run on stripped wallboard are sug- gestive of plaster failure (3). Of all construction materials, plaster is con- sidered most susceptible to damage and exhibits fatigue at stress levels less than 50 pet of the static failure level (14). WALLBOARD The Bureau studied wallboard cracking both in the laboratory and as part of the fatigue study of the test house (^0» For wallboard in the test house, researchers found threshold cracks occurring primar- ily in the wall corners and around nail heads. They found for wallboard — 1. The gypsum core failed at strains of about 350 yin/in in tension and at about 1,000 yin/in in bending, based on the nonlinear response points. 2. For visible cracking, paper failure was the controlling factor. Its nonlin- ear response point occurred at strains of 1,000 to 1,200 yin/in (fig. 3). However, visual observation of buckling or crack- ing was not possible until a slightly higher strain level was reached. 3. Strain rate seemed to affect ulti- mate or total failure, but the paper yield point was relatively constant. This allows comparison of various loading factors (e.g. , blasting versus other ac- tivities and environmental factors). 4. Once the wallboard cracked, cyclic opening and closing of the crack of up to 0. 1 mm was observed. These movements were unaffected by blasting activities. 5. Data on cyclic loading behavior of wallboard are limited, but results of tests on wood products indicated that fa- tigue effects can occur at stress (or strain) levels equivalent to 50 pet of static failure conditions, but over 100,000 cycles are required. MASONRY Bureau researchers also studied the cracking of concrete block walls, both at the test structure with its full-size basement and through a series of tests in cooperation with the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in Gaithersburg, MD (4_, 15). Generally, two types of cracks, local and steplike, were identified. Lo- cal block-length cracks less than 0.2 mm wide were difficult to discern from ex- isting mortar joint separations and are usually not observed by homeowners. Steplike masonry cracks transverse the 37 wall along the mortar joint interface and, over time, open beyond 0.2 mm in width. Previous work by Cranston (16) , Green (17), and Wroth (1_8) noted that all brick walls have small, 0.1-mm cracks upon com- pletion. Green stated that 0.1-mm cracks are difficult to see and "therefore, do not cause concern." As reported by Wood- ward (15) , local cracks opened and closed throughout the cyclic and monotonic in- plane shear tests of a 5- by 5-ft con- crete block wall. It was not until a steplike crack propagated the length of the wall specimen that shear load failure occurred. Although findings by Bureau researchers on masonry failure provide some insight, further work at NBS on torsion and out- of-plane loading is recommended. Key findings for tests with masonry are given below. 1. Observations of tensile cracks at strain-monitored sites showed that such cracks were first detected visually at strain levels well above the first non- linear response point because of naked- eye limitations (~0.01 to 0.1 mm). 2. Strains read at the threshold of visual cracking using different gauge lengths gave different overall strain readings as illustrated below. but 0.01 mm 150 mm = 67.0 yin/in, Based on the equation e = -= — » 0.01 mm 1 3 mm Ai. = 770 yin/in, where 13 and 150 mm are gauge lengths, and the visible crack width is 0.01 mm. Because strain gauge readings can be mis- leading, crack growth is best described in terms of displacement. 3. Local-site strains across the wall vary considerably from global strains. For in-plane shear failure, global strain is measured or calculated across the wall diagonally. 4. Local cracks can occur at low glo- bal strains, and global assessment of these cracks is not recommended. But, for the assessment of steplike cracks that propagate across the entire wall, the global strain approach appears reasonable. 5. Global failure strain levels for steplike cracks are not available. Lim- ited testing to date has shown that in- plane shear failure may not occur in homes because of the relatively light vertical load available to prevent rota- tion from the shear couple and at least a partial conversion of the shear to tension. 6. For cosmetic cracks that do not af- fect load-carrying capacity, a crack- width criterion has been proposed (17). However, the acceptability of crack widths varies with material. For con- crete, 0.25 mm is the limit of accept- ability (19), while 1 mm is the limit of acceptability for brickwork (18). FACTORS CAUSING STRUCTURE RESPONSE, STRAIN, AND CRACKING Bureau researchers studied structure responses and cracking associated with blasting vibrations in an investigation involving a relatively few measurements at each of a wide variety of residential- type structures (_3). Following this, fa- tigue from repeated loading of one house over a long period of time was studied (4^). For both efforts, measurements were made of wall, floor, and racking re- sponses, and observations of damage were made that could be correlated to specific vibration events. A significant part of the work was done near large surface coal mines with thick soil overburdens and large-diameter blastholes, cases which had not been studied previously. In all, about 900 shots produced useful data on structural responses and damage potential from blast vibrations. ENVIRONMENTAL STRAINS Houses are subject to a variety of dy- namic loads, in addition to static or slightly variable loads from settlement, soil changes, and aging. Among the dy- namic forces considered significant are 38 daily and annual temperature and humidity cycles, wind, and human household activ- ity. Bureau researchers monitored the weather and inside environment during the 2-yr test period and, in more detail, for short periods. For one test, they took readings at 3-h increments for a 2-day period, simultaneously measuring strain at site K.2 , over a major doorway (fig. 4). Because there were at least four factors influencing the strain, re- searchers used multiple linear regression analyses. Maximum strains from daily en- vironmental changes were found to be a significant fraction of those needed for wallboard core failure or paper cracking. The maximum strain observed at K2 was +385 uin/in or 39 pet of failure. The total maximum strains calculated from the correlation equation, assuming the worst case for each of the factors, are +675 to -817 uin/in, or up to 82 pet of failure. "Failure" is defined as the strain level of 1,000 uin/in, found to produce wall- board cracking as previously discussed (fig. 3). HUMAN-ACTIVITY-INDUCED STRAINS Activities within the home can produce significant vibration and strain in local structural members (2.~^)' ^ n severe cases, such as a hard door slam, the en- tire superstructure resonates producing strains in every wall, corner, and floor. By contrast, nail pounding produces a strong response only on the wall af- fected. Strains range up to about 100 uin/in, with typical values being 50 uin/in in critical areas over windows and doorways. UJ "■ > v- •- H uj 2 cr z> x 90 80 70 60 50 40 -— N "-.Outside ^*~ > \ s X • • _ — — -" s — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 90 80 70 60 50 40 Inside ' "^^ 4.., ■ Outside ■• *-c- J L J L J L 10 5 -5 -10 -15 -20 3(8/10) => uj : v ° o o o o«© 2 A OB O Q - O i i 1 A 1 o °o o* AO °o t A OO 1 1 IIII o ' 1 GROUND VIBRATION FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 6.— Corner and midwall amplification factors (3). 41 ~i — i — I — I I I u mH d do KEY Ploster cracks and fall of plaster: o Dvorak (20) • Morrislgl) a Thoenen (22) o Langefors (23) V Jensen (unpublished Bureau contract report) Wallboord and joint crocks: ▼ Jensen (unpublished Bureau contract report) ■Wiss (24) J ''''I i | | i i_u 100 1,000 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 7.— Velocity and frequency levels for threshold plaster and wallboard cracking, pre-1975 studies. — i — ' ' 1 1| 1 — i — i — i — i i 1 1| 1 KEY o Plaster cracks ■ Wallboard cracks, all types A Wallboard fatigue cracks over nailheads V Wallboard fatigue cracks at tape Joints * Wallboard panel fatigue _j I I I L I I 1 1 i L-L-UJ i i I i i i i 10 1 00 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 8. — Velocity and frequency levels for threshold plaster and wallboard cracking, recent studies (3-4). WALLBOARD CRACKS The state of cracking of wallboard is hard to identify because the interior plaster core will crack long before any surface effect is visible. Visible cracking of paper covering occurs at strains about three times those required for core failure. Wallboard cracks are also influenced by how well panels are attached to the superstructure frame. Not being structural elements, they are not always put under in-plane stress when the frame flexes. The core around the nailhead is, at best, partially crushed upon attachment to the studs, and when the studs are uneven major core cracking can occur. The response from superstruc- ture vibration is additional wallboard core crushing around the nailheads, re- sulting in a "loose" attachment. At the test house, it was observed that cracks developed primarily at the plas- tered joints at wall corners and in plas- ter covering coating over nailheads (table 4). The high rate of naturally occurring cracks was caused primarily from curing of the tape compound. As the tests on the structure continued, a de- crease of natural frequency of about 20 pet, e.g., 7.5 to 6 Hz at one loca- tion indicated a loss of rigidity and general flexure-induced loosening (4_). The lowest levels of observed blast- vibration-induced cracking occurred at a wall corner as crack extensions and when a new crack was observed beneath a win- dow, at amplitudes of 0.79-1.1 in/s (fig. 8). Fatigue-induced cracks were observed at 0.3 to 1.0 in/s. However, this cracking required a large number of vibration cycles, such as over 50,000 at a 0.5-in/s equivalent ground vibration. This equates to decades of typical blasting with one blast per day producing 10 cy- cles per blast. MASONRY CRACKS Cracks produced in block masonry walls by blasting are given in figure 9 for past work and figure 10 for recent Bu- reau studies (_3~_4)« Most cracks observed were local, typically shorter than one block length, and about 0.2 mm in width. Cracks of this magnitude were observed from blast vibrations up to 6.2 in/s and were not of concern, being indistinguish- able from normal construction and shrink- age effects. Their observation is dif- ficult, which accounts for the high 42 100.0 10.0 1.0 - I I I I I I I 1 1 A • A -I — I — I I 11 III i • n i i i i 1 1 u \ff. y KEY Crack classification: A Major damage A Minor damage • Threshold damage J I » i i i I H J I i i i i J I ' 10.0 10 100 FREQUENCY, Hz 1,000 ; i i i 1 1 1 M | JIM - - . _ - - ; A* o - ■ ■ / ': • / KEY / Local masonry wall cracks: • Full scale fatigue, Stagg (4) a Minor damage-blasting ■ Model scale fatigue, Kocrncr (27) " o Threshold damage -blasting / \./ • i i i 1 i i i i i i i il r 10 100 FREQUENCY, Hi FIGURE 9.— Velocity and frequency levels for local masonry wall cracks, pre-1975 studies. FIGURE 10.— Velocity and frequency levels for local masonry wall cracks, recent studies (3-4). TABLE 4. - Wallboard cracks observed in fatigue test house (4). Initial cracks, before testing Cracks de veloped Blasting level, in/s Mechanica 1 shaker tests 1 Material during testing Cracks developed Number of cycles Naturally occurring^ From blasting at cracking Taped corners... Taped joints. . . . 39 5 2 3 35 4 6 6 5 3 ND ND 0.88-3.5 1.8 -2.2 NAp NAp ND 2 >3 1 1 NAp 56,000, 339,500 56,000 361,500 NAp Not applicable. ND None detected. Shakers run at resonant frequency at equivalent vibration levels of 0.3 to 1.0 in/s. 2 Corners almost completely cracked before shaker study. TABLE 5. - Masonry wall mortar joint cracks observed in fatigue test house (4) Initial cracks, before testing Cracks developed during testing Blasting level, in/s Mechanica 1 shaker tests 1 Material Number of cracks Number of cycles Naturally occurring From blasting at cracking 20 21 NA ND ND 28 11 NA ND ND 7 1 + 5+ 1 2 3.4 -6.2 -6.9 6.2 -6.9 .96-1.5 6.9 2 2 3+ ND 2 1 229,000, >293,500 Block 56,000, >108,500 >339,500 Steplike crack. NAp >339,500 NA Not available — see text. NAp Not applicable. ND None detected. 'Shakers run at resonant frequency at equivalent vibration levels of 0.3 to 1.0 in/s. 2 Existing steplike crack functioned as an area of stress relief. 43 number of naturally occurring cracks (table 5). Also, these local cracks be- came more apparent during the cyclic test. Differential motion along the block interfaces was easily observed dur- ing continued cyclic motion, which ac- counts for the low vibration levels, 0.3 to 1.0 in/s. However, in the test house, a blast vibration of 6.9 in/s produced a crack of significant magnitude, widening a crack beyond the width that was ob- served in the absence of a blast. SHEAR LOAD FAILURE Shear load failure of the basement wall of the test house was observed after four shots in one day. A diagonal steplike crack propagated in the southwest base- ment wall, starting at ground level and proceeding upward. When these four shots were detonated, their vibration levels (ranging from 1.0 to 1.5 in/s) were the highest recorded in the study up to that time. But because observation of cracks in masonry is difficult, it remains un- known whether blasting or other events caused this steplike crack. It is note- worthy that no additional steplike crack propagations were observed across brick or block walls. The existing steplike crack functioned as an area of strain re- lief during shaker runs. Energy trans- mitted by the shakers into the super- structure and foundation was primarily dissipated in areas of previous cracking. Observations were also made of chimney and brick veneer responses during cyclic shaker tests. The masonry walls were relatively stationary, with the super- structure cyclically bumping the chimney and a brick veneer wall near the roof line. Mortar joint cracks developed at the chimney-roof interface and horizon- tally across the brick veneer just above door height. Crack data from Edwards and Northwood (26) do not specify crack widths. If these crack data correspond to observa- tions exceeding 0.2 mm (excessive crack widths), it would suggest that cracks can occur at particle velocity levels of 3 to 7 in/s with no effect of frequency. Additional data are needed to qualify frequency effects and the generation of stairstep crack patterns across the wall signifying shear load failure. CONCLUSIONS Bureau studies of the response and cracking of low-rise residential struc- tures from blasting indicated that crack- ing of plaster and wallboard is not likely below about 0.5 in/s peak particle velocity for the worst case of structure condition and typical vibration fre- quency. This safe-level criterion also appears independent of the number of blasting events and their durations. Researchers also noticed that high strains are pro- duced in structure walls by normal weather conditions, such as wind, temper- ature, and humidity cycling. Dynamic events such as door slams or blasting produce additional strain, which can trigger a crack in a structure already under strain. Human activities, such as door slams, can be equivalent to blast vibrations of up to 0.5 in/s. The vibra- tion level of 0.5 in/s thus provides a minimum value of concern for the impact of external transient vibrations on wood- frame, low-rise residential structures typical of those studied by the Bureau. Data on the response and cracking of masonry walls from blasting indicated that local cracking (block-length) may not be noticeable until particle velocity levels are up to 3.0 in/s. However, ad- ditional research is needed to quantify vibration levels that promote the genera- tion of stair-stepped cracks that propa- gate across the wall and reduce its shear load capacity. The authors encourage, where possible, direct measurements or assessment of strains or loads on members likely to fail. Alternatively, estimates of re- sponses should be based on realistic transfer functions relating measured vi- brations and reasonably expected re- sponses. In particular, applications be- yond the scope of the original Bureau studies are to be done only with caution. 44 REFERENCES 1. Siskind, D. E., and M. S. Stagg. Blast Vibration Measurements Near and On Structure Foundations. BuMines RI 8969, 1985, 20 pp. 2. Stagg, M. S., and A. J. Engler. Measurement of Blast-Induced Ground Vi- brations and Seismograph Calibration. BuMines RI 8506, 1980, 62 pp. 3. Siskind, D. E., M. S. Stagg, J. W.Kopp, and C. H. Dowding. Structure Response and Damage Produced by Ground Vibration From Surface Mining Blasting. BuMines RI 8507, 1980, 74 pp. 4. Stagg, M. S., D. E. Siskind, M. G. Stevens, and C. H. Dowding. Ef- fects of Repeated Blasting on a Wood- Frame House. BuMines RI 8896, 1984, 82 pp. 5. Siskind, D. E., V. J. Stachura, M. S. Stagg, and J. W. Kopp. Structure Response amd Damage Produced by Airblast From Surface Mining. BuMines RI 8485, 1980, 111 pp. 6. Stachura, V. J. , D. E. Siskind, and A. J. Engler. Airblast Instrumenta- tion and Measurement Techniques for Surface Mine Blasting. BuMines RI 8508, 1981, 53 pp. 7. Sabnis, G. M. Vibrations of Con- crete Structures. Sec. : Introduction and Background. Am. Concr. Inst. , SP 60-1, 1979, pp. 1-12. 8. Tuomi, R. I., and W. J* McCutchen. Testing of a Full-Scale House Under Simu- lated Snowloads and Windloads. U.S. For. Serv. , Res. Paper FPL 234, 1974, 32 pp. 9. Warwaruk, J. Vibrations of Con- crete Structures. Sec. : Deflection Requireeraents — History and Background Related to Vibrations. Am. Concr. Inst., Sp 60-2, 1979, pp. 13-41. 10. Whitteraore, H. L. , J. B. Cotter, A. H. Stang, and V. B. Phelan. Strength of Houses — Application of Engineering Principles to Structural Design. NBS Build. Mater, and Struct. Rep. BMS 109, Apr. 1948, 131 pp. 11. Holmberg, R. , N. Lundberg, and G. Rundqvist. Ground Vibration and Dam- age Criteria. Constr. Res. Counc , Stockholm, Sweden, Rep. R 85:81, 1981, 30 pp. 12. Andrews, D. K. , G. W. Zurawalt, R. L. Lowery, J. W. Gillespie, and D. R. Low. Structure Response to Sonic Booms. (U.S. FAA contract FA-64-AC-6-526, An- drews Associates Inc. and Hudgins, Thomp- son, Ball and Associates Inc. , Oklahoma City, OK). Rep. AD618022, Feb. 5, 1965, 228 pp. ; available from Defense Documen- tation Cent. , Alexandria, VA. 13. Wall, J. R. , Jr. Seismic-Induced Architectural Damage to Masonry Struc- tures at Mercury, Nevada. Bull. Seisraol. Soc. Am., v. 57, No. 5, Oct. 1967, pp. 991-1007. 14. Leigh, B. R. Lifetime Concept of Plaster Panels Subjected to Sonic Boom. Univ. Tononto, Ontario, Canada, UTIAS-IN- 191, July 1947, 78 pp. 15. Woodward, K. A., and F. Rankin. Behavior of Concrete Block Masonry Walls Subjected to Repeated Cyclic Displace- ment. NBSIR 83-2780, 1983, 178 pp.; NTIS PB 84-122092. 16. Cranston, W. B. Masonry Research and Codes in the United Kingdom. Paper in Earthquake Resistant Masonry Con- struction: National Workshop (NBS, Boul- der, CO, Sept. 13-16, 1976), ed. by R. A. Crist and L. E. Cattaneo. NBS Build. Sci. Series 106, Sept. 1977, pp 166-176. 17. Green, D. G. , I. A. Macleod, and W. G. Stark. Observation and Analysis of Brick Structures on Soft Clay. Paper in Performance of Building Structures (Proc. Int. Conf., Glasgow Univ., Mar. 31-Apr. 1, 1976). Pentech Press, 1976, pp. 321-336. 18. Wroth, C. P. General Report Ses- sion IIIA: Response of the Structure to Foundation Movements. Paper in Per- formance of Building Structures (Proc. Int. Conf., Glasgow Univ., Mar. 31- Apr. 1, 1976). Pentech Press, 1976, pp. 489-508. 19. Haldane, D. The Importance of Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Members. Paper in Performance of Building Struc- tures (Proc. Int. Conf., Glasgow Univ., Mar. 31-Apr. 1, 1976). Pentech Press, 1976, pp. 99-109. 20. Dvorak, A. Seismic Effects of Blasting on Brick Houses. Pr. Geofys. 45 Ustance Cesk. Akad. Ved. No. 169. Geofys. Sb., 1962, pp. 189-202. 21. Morris G. , and R. Westwater. Damage to Structures by Ground Vibrations Due to Blasting. Mine and Quarry Eng. , v. 24, Apr. 1958, pp. 116-118. 22. Thoenen, J. R. , and S. L. Windes. Seismic Effects of Quarry Blasting. BuMines B 442, 1942, 83 pp. 23. Langefors, U. , B. Kihlstrom, and H. Westerberg. Ground Vibrations in Blasting, Water Power, v. 10, 1958, Sept., pp. 335-338; Oct., 390-395; Nov., 421-424. 24. Wiss, J. F., and H. R. Nicholls. A Study of Damage to a Residential Structure From Blast Vibrations. Res. Counc. for Performance of Struct., ASCE, New York, 1974, 73 pp. 25. Stagg, M. S., and D. E. Siskind. Repeated Blasting: Fatigue Damaging or Not? Paper in Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, ed. by C. J. Konya (San Diego, CA, Jan. 27-Feb. 1, 1985). Soc. Explos. Eng. Montville, OH, 1985, pp. 96-110. 26. Edwards, A. T., and T. D. North- wood. Experimental Studies of the Effects of Blasting on Structures. Engineer, v. 210, Sept 30, 1960, pp. 538-546. 27. Koerner, R. M. , and J. L. Rosen- farb. Feasibility of Fatigue Assessment of Block Walls From Laboratory Scale Methods (contract J0285013, Drexel Univ.). BuMines OFR 144-80, 1980, 96 pp.: NTIS PB 81-140139. 46 BLAST VIBRATION MEASUREMENTS NEAR STRUCTURES By David E. Siskind 1 and Mark S. Stagg 2 ABSTRACT Blasting near structures often involves vibration measurement to assess damage potential. Several methods of measure- ment are used worldwide; however, there is no consensus as to which methods are technically sufficient and yet practical for all situations. The Bureau of Mines studied five place- ment locations for vibration transducers to determine the best method for monitor- ing blasting vibrations. The locations were — burial in soil next to the struc- ture, attachment to the foundation at ground level, to the basement floor, or to a surface slab, and burial at a dis- tance from the structure in undisturbed soil. Typical surface mine production blasts were used as vibration sources. With the exception of the basement floor measurements and some of the dis- tant measurements, waveforms were similar and amplitudes were generally within 10 to 30 pet of each other. The low- frequency part of the wave (5 to 10 Hz) was particularly uniform in measurements obtained at all five locations. Differ- ences in peak values were mostly from minor shifts in phase of the high- frequency components, which are less sig- nificant to structural response and potential damage than the low-frequency waves. Shallow surface burial resulted in good signal detection and the least chance of mechanically induced error. INTRODUCTION The Bureau of Mines studied vibration measurement methods applicable to produc- tion blasting in surface mines (J_).^ Blast vibrations are routinely monitored for one of two purposes: (1) to assess damage risk for nearby structures and (2) to derive predictive equations for vibration generation and propagation. Despite years of practice and several published studies on measurement, the in- dustry has not adopted a uniform and con- sistent methodology. Occasionally, those monitoring blasts fail to obtain repro- ducible and accurate vibration records. Three measurement methods are in common use: (1) direct attachment of the trans- ducer to the foundation of the structure to be monitored, at or near ground level, Supervisory geophysicist. o •'Civil engineer. Twin Cities Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, MN. -^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. (2) shallow burial of the transducer in the soil next to the foundation, and (3) measurement on a nearby concrete slab such as a driveway or walkway. The specific practices followed are often based on convenience. However, at suf- ficiently low vibration amplitudes, all three methods will give similar results. The many factors involved, such as trans- ducer shape and size, soil or ground strength, and density, make for varied measurement requirements. Past Bureau studies did identify the need to anchor, attach, or bury vibration transducers for blasts exceeding 0. 2 G acceleration amplitude (2_). Because of problems of practicality, cost, and site access, it is not likely that a single measurement method will be universally adopted, or needs to be. The Bureau, therefore, evaluated the most common methods to determine which give accurate indications of vibration energy transferred into structures while also being representative of the blast as a vibration source (1). 47 Previous research on blast vibration monitoring has been concerned with sta- bility and slippage (_2~.4)> spiking in soil (5-_6)j partial resonances (_7~_8)> im- pedance matching (9 ) , Rayleigh wave depth effects (6-10), burial in soil, (9, 11- 12) , and measurement for response spectra (13-16). The overall conclusions from all these studies are that burial of transducers is desirable and that cau- tion is required for other methods, particularly at high accelerations (com- binations of high velocity and high frequency). The research described in this report involves side-by-side comparisons of vi- bration time histories from a series of surface coal mine production blasts. A more complete description of the study and related background was published in 1985 in RI 8969 (1). EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Four structures were studied at three operating mines, two near St. Clairs- ville, OH, and one near Evans vi lie, IN. All had concrete block or stone basements with 5- to 7 -ft depths. Researchers mon- itored a total of 23 blasts, containing 22 to 2,200 lb per delay, at distances from 425 to 4,900 ft. Monitoring methods varied among the sites because of differences of accessi- bility and suitability. Concrete slabs were near the structures at two sites; however, at the other two, the slabs were 22 and 60 ft away from the main struc- ture. Direct comparisons were made as closely as possible, by simultaneous mon- itoring, with transducers at the follow- ing locations: 1. Buried in the soil with 2 ft of the foundation, 2. Mounted on the foundation wall at or near ground level, usually inside. 3. On the basement floor, On a nearby surface slab, a walk- driveway, or garage floor, and Buried near the structure but re- from the influence of disturbed around the foundation, 72 to 4. way, 5. moved ground 100 ft distant. Special measurements were made of vi- bration propagation velocity to examine the implications of depth-dependent vi- bration amplitudes. Clark had described the decrease of Rayleigh wave amplitudes with increasing depth (10). For situa- tions when the blast vibration is domi- nated by the Rayleigh surface waves, this could be significant. The decrease depends not simply on depth, but on depth compared to wavelength (fig. 1). There- fore, measurements were made of propaga- tion velocity, allowing the calculation of wavelengths from X = c/f , where X = wavelength, ft, c = propagation velocity, ft/s, and f = frequency, Hz. According to Clark, a deeper foundation "sees" a decreased amplitude vibration. This is also consistent with observed low-amplitude vibrations on basement floors (10, 16-17). -0.5 RELATIVE VELOCITY AMPLITUDE 0.5 1 .0 Horizontal component Vertical component 1.51- DEPTH/WAVELENGTH FIGURE 1.— Rayleigh wave amplitude profile versus depth, after Clark, Larson and Lande (10). 48 RESULTS Waveforms were found to be very similar for measurements made near and on the structure, and also on a nearby surface slab. A set of vibration wave compar- isons is shown in figure 2. Seven addi- tional record sets are shown in RI 8968 CO. For structure response, the vibra- tion's low frequencies (less than 20 Hz) are most critical. The low-frequency characteristics of the measured records were nearly identical, peak for peak and wiggle for wiggle. However, high fre- quencies present in the outside buried gauge records were absent inside, as the structure filtered the vibrations by its frequency-dependent response. These high frequencies provided minor changes in the waveform details and peak values. Records collected at distances from the house differ, mainly from phase changes between arriving vibration modes and travel-time shifts of energy from various parts of the blast. Amplitudes varied more than waveform frequency characteristics. These ampli- tude differences of about 25 pet resulted from phase changes and minor amplitude differences from the more strongly af- fected higher frequencies. In terms of structure response, they are not signifi- cant. However, they do complicate mon- itoring by increasing the scatter in peak velocity values. Table 1 summarizes the peak vibration amplitudes. As expected, basement floors are consistently low, by about 25 pet. Most of the peak vibration amplitude differences in table 1 are from minor phase changes and variations in the relatively insignificant high frequen- cies. However, they do suggest the ad- vantages of using some method of vibra- tion analysis to compensate for these waveform differences, such as signal smoothing, weighting, velocity exposure, response spectra, or another frequency- dependent method. -A/vx/v- Location of transducer: Buried near foundation Basement wal Basement floor Midspan of wall Time, s FIGURE 2.— Vibration records obtained at Fador house, shot 6, longitudinal component of motion, at different locations (1). 49 TABLE 1. - Vibration levels measured near and on test structures, peak particle velocities, inch per second. Shot Component Measurement location Structure Ground Ground Ground Basement Away from level, surface, level, on floor structure, buried on slab foundation buried Schnegg house. . . 1 V 0.32 NM NM 0.21 NM L .26 0.35 NM .13 NM T .28 .41 NM .15 NM 2 V .12 NM 0.060 NM NM L .19 .14 .13 NM 1 0. 11 T .18 .12 .15 NM 1 .13 4 V NM NM .060 .054 NM L NM NM .051 .040 NM T NM NM .079 .072 NM Do 5 V L .11 .13 NM NM .090 .14 .080 .12 2 .090 2 .160 T .11 NM .11 .080 2 .160 Do 6 V L .13 .18 NM NM .12 .17 .11 .15 NM NM T .13 NM .12 NM NM Schnegg house... 6 V .034 NM .035 NM NM L .074 NM .075 NM NM T .070 NM .060 NM NM Training house. . 13 V .017 .015 .016 NM 3 .020 L .058 .060 .035 NM 3 .067 T .057 .059 .047 NM 3 .063 NM Not measured. V Vertical. L Longitudinal, T Transverse. '74 ft f 2 72 ft f 3 98 ft f rom struc rom struc rom struc ture. ture. ture. CONCLUSIONS At the four sites examined in this study, the specific measurement methods used around structures appear not to be critical at low vibration levels. Five gauge locations were examined: on a surface slab, buried in the ground at the structure, mounted on the foundation wall, on the basement floor, and buried at a distance of 72 to 98 ft from the structures. The waveforms for all three components, vertical, longitudinal, and transverse, were found to be similar for the five measurement locations. This was particularly true for the low-frequency part of the waves, which is of most con- cern for vibrational response of struc- tures. Low frequency for this study was 5 to 10 Hz. Considerable differences were noted for the high-frequency part of the waves, mostly in the beginnings, which corre- spond to the multiple arrivals from the various delayed holes. It is likely that these differences were primarily a result of the varied wave paths to the different monitoring positions, leading to uneven and irregular wave interference. The high frequencies are of less concern for structural response, as discussed in a previous Bureau report on structure re- sponse from blasting (16). Because peak values are influenced by the way specific vibration or wave modes interact, they were found to vary ir- regularly between the different methods. However, they were generally within 50 20 to 30 pet of each other and not con- sistent with the systematic 0.40 factor for foundation depths of 6 to 9 ft pre- dicted by Clark (10). This demonstrates one of the weaknesses of a simple peak- particle-velocity criterion and over- reliance on interpretation of precise values. Vibration levels below grade, such as on the basement floor, were consis- tently lower, suggesting differential displacement for the wall top and bottom. Apparently, vibrational energy does de- crease with depth. Rather than recommending a specific measuring method, the researchers recom- mend that consistency be used at any one site. Where the option is available, shallow soil burial is still the desired method and was found least likely to in- troduce additional mechanical error. REFERENCES 1. Siskind, D. E. , and M. S. Stagg. Blast Vibration Measurements Near and On Structure Foundations. BuMines RI 8969, 1985, 20 pp. 2. Stagg, M. S., and A. J. Engler. Measurement of Blast-Induced Ground Vi- brations and Seismograph Calibration. BuMines RI 8506, 1980, 62 pp. 3. Duvall, W. I. Design Criteria for Portable Seismographs. BuMines RI 5708, 1961, 6 pp. 4. Fogelson, D. E., and C. F. Johnson. Calibration Studies of Three Portable Seismographs. BuMines RI 6009, 1962, 21 pp. 5. Johnson, C. F. Coupling Small Vi- bration Gages to Soil. Earthquake Notes, v. 33, Sept. 1962, pp. 40-47. 6. Gutowski, T. G. , L. E. Witting, and C. L. Dym. Some Aspects of the Ground Vibration Problem. Noise Control Eng. , v. 10, No. 3, 1978, pp. 94-100. 7. Bycroft, G. N. The Magnification Caused by Partial Resonance of the Foun- dation of a Ground Vibration Detector. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, v. 38, No. 6, 1957, pp. 928-931. 8. Washburn, H. , and H. Wiley. The Effect of the Placement of a Seismometer on Its Response Characteristics. Geo- physics, v. 6, 1941, pp. 116-131. 9. Duvall, W. I. Design Requirements for Instrumentation To Record Vibrations Produced by Blasting. BuMines RI 6487, 1964, 7 pp. 10. Clark, D. , B. Larson, and G. Lande. Vibration: Its Effect and Mea- surement Techniques at or Near Buildings. Paper in Proceedings of the 9th Confer- ence on Explosives and Blasting Technique (Dallas, TX, Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 1983). Soc. Explos. Eng., Montville, OH, 1983, pp. 27-62. 11. Skipp, B. 0. Ground Vibration In- strumentation — A General View. Paper 2 in Instrumentation for Ground Vibration and Earthquakes (Proc. Conf. for Earth- quake and Civ. Eng. Dyn. , Keele Univ. , Staffordshire, England, July 4, 1977). Inst. Civ. Eng., London, 1978, pp. 11-34. 12. Nicholls, H. R. , C. F. Johnson, and W. I. Duvall. Blasting Vibrations and Their Effects on Structures. BuMines B 656, 1971, 105 pp. 13. Dowding, C. H. , and P. G. Corser. Cracking and Construction Blasting. Im- portance of Frequency and Free Response. J. Constr. Div. , ASCE, v. 107, No. Co. 1, 1981, pp. 89-106. 14. Dowding, C. H. , P. D. Murray, and D. K. Atmatzidis. Dynamic Properties of Residential Structures Subjected to Blasting Vibrations. J. Struct. Div., ASCE, v. 107, No. St. 7, 1981, pp. 1233-1249. 15. Langan, R. T. The Use of Single- Degree-of -Freedom System as a Dynamic Model for Low-Rise Residential Structures Subjected to Blast Vibrations. M.S. Thesis, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, 1980, 79 pp. 16. Siskind, D. E., M. S. Stagg, J. W. Kopp, and C. H. Dowding. Structure Re- sponse and Damage Produced by Ground Vibration From Surface Mine Blasting. BuMines RI 8507, 1980, 74 pp. 17. Siskind, D. E., V. J. Stachura, and K. S. Radcliffe. Noise and Vibra- tions in Residential Structures From Quarry Production Blasting. BuMines RI 8168, 1976, 17 pp. 51 INITIATION TIMING INFLUENCE ON GROUND VIBRATION AND AIRBLAST By John W. Kopp 1 ABSTRACT A major concern with blasting at sur- face mines is generation of ground vibra- tions and airblast and their effects on nearby residences. This Bureau of Mines report looks at the use of millisecond delays in blast design and their effect on the resulting ground vibrations and airblast. A total of 52 production blasts were instrumented and monitored at a surface coal mine in southern Indiana. Arrays of seismographs were used to gath- er time histories of vibrations and air- blast. The data were analyzed for peak values of vibration and airblast and for frequency content. Various delay inter- vals were used within and between rows of blastholes. Delay intervals within rows were 17 and 42 ms , and those between rows ranged from 30 to 100 ms ; these intervals are equivalent to burden reliefs of 0.5 and 1.3 ms/ft within rows and 1.2 to 4.3 ms/ft between rows. Subsonic delay in- tervals within rows reduced airblast by 6 dB. Large delay intervals between rows reduced the amplitude of ground vibra- tions; vibration frequency depended pri- marily upon the geology of the mine site. INTRODUCTION Millisecond-delay blasting caps were introduced to the mining industry in the 1940's and gained wide acceptance as a tool for improving rock fragmentation. The use of these delays also reduced ground vibration levels. The Bureau of Mines reported on this technique, which allowed the explosive in each delay peri- od to be treated separately in its con- tribution to the ground vibrations, in 1963 (_1). 2 The Bureau undertook a major research effort during the 1970 ? s to quantify these ground vibrations and their effects on structures (2). Out of this study came the fact that not only amplitude is important in preventing damage, but also the frequency content of the vibrations, because resonances were occurring at the natural frequencies of oscillation of structures. A study was then undertaken at a surface coal mine to determine if the predominant frequency of ground vi- brations could be controlled by an appro- priate choice of blast delay intervals. This paper summarizes that study, pub- lished as RI 9026 in 1986 (_3). During the analysis of the Bureau's coal mine data, another study of delay control of blasting was undertaken by Reil (4^) through a Bureau contract. Reil's study in two stone quarries in- volved precise timing control. Results were mixed with respect to both ampli- tudes and frequencies; results also ap- peared to be both distance and measuring- site specific. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES Airblast and ground vibrations from 52 production blasts were measured with self -triggered seismographs. These seis- mographs recorded three components of ' Mining engineer Twin Cities Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, MN. ground motion and the airblast overpres- sure on standard cassette audiotapes. The tape recorder for each machine was automatically activated when the ground vibration reached a predetermined level. ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. 52 The frequency range of the transducers used to monitor ground vibration was 1 to 200 Hz. The maximum amplitude that could be recorded was 4 in/s. For low-level signals, an alternative range could be selected with a maximum amplitude of 1 in/s. The airblast channel used a 1-1/8-in ceramic microphone. The frequency re- sponse of the system was 0.2 to 200 Hz, with a maximum peak overpressure of 137 dB. The blasts were also monitored using a 16-mm high-speed cinecamera. The rotat- ing-prism camera was capable of speeds in excess of 8,000 frames per second, but a rate of 1,000 frames per second was suf- ficient for this study. The initiation system used was Nonel-* with surface de- lays. Nonel tubing was also tied into the delay detonators in order to provide a flash signal for the camera to record. This allowed computation of the firing time for each delay to the nearest millisecond. TEST SITE The project test site was a surface coal mine in southern Indiana. The mine utilized two large draglines to remove 50 to 100 ft of overburden from a 4- to 5-ft coal seam. The overburden was primarily shale with some sandstone intermixed, and required blasting to facilitate digging by the draglines. Blasting was accom- plished using 12-1/4-in holes normally drilled on a 30-ft-square pattern and shot en echelon into a buffer. The ter- rain is flat to gently rolling hills. The layout of the pit is not influenced by topography; it is about 3 miles long in a north-south direction. The movement of mining is toward the west. TEST PROCEDURE This series of tests had two objec- tives. First, to determine if orienta- tion of the shot affected vibration lev- els, seismograph arrays were established ■^Reference to specific products does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. in four directions from the shot. Each array used three instruments, located at distances of 300 to 5,000 ft from the blast. The complete ground vibration and airblast waveforms were recorded at each station. From these, the frequency spec- tra and peak particle velocities and air- blast could be determined. Peak particle velocities were plotted versus scaled distance for each array direction. A least squares fit of the regression line was determined for each set of data. A one-way analysis of variance test was then performed on the data sets to deter- mine if the blast parameter under study was significant. The second objective was to determine the effects of varying the delay inter- vals between holes and rows. Airblast and ground vibration measurements were made as before with seismographs deployed in arrays in the four directions. Delay intervals used were 17 and 42 ms between holes in an echelon and 30, 42, 60, 75, and 100 ms between echelons. Normal mine production shots used 17 ms between holes in an echelon and 42 ms between echelons. The Nonel Primadet system was used for these delays for shots 1 through 36. De- lay intervals between rows for shots 37 to 52 were obtained by using electric caps, all of one period, with a sequen- tial blasting machine. The high-speed camera described previously was used to determine actual firing times for each hole. Propagation plots were made of the airblast and vibration data. DIRECTIONAL EFFECTS The blast design examined for direc- tional effects was the one normally used by the mine. A delay of 17 ms was used between holes in the echelon, and a delay time of 42 ms was used between echelons. Ten shots were examined for this experi- ment. 4 The ground vibration data are shown as a propagation plot in figure 1. The airblast data are presented in figure 2. A least squares regression analysis 4 Shots 14 through 23. (Shots 1 through 4 are discussed in the following section; shots 5 through 1 3 are not discussed in this paper. ) 53 10.00 o o > UJ _l o I- ce < Q_ .00 10 .01 10 ± standard deviation East i i i i hi 10.00 100 500 SQUARE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb'2 FIGURE 1 .—Propagation plot of peak particle velocity show- ing directional differences. LOO o o UJ > cc < o_ .10 .01 i 1 r South a West t standard deviation West Sout'h|\^North East 5 10 100 500 SQUARE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb 2 FIGURE 3. — Directional effects on propagation of ground vibra- tions. All regression lines have a common slope. 140 ui 130 a: z> CO UJ cc o_ cc uj |20 > o i- co < _l GO cc I 10 100 KEY o North V South A East DDO ° West * V t standard \. deviation J I I I III J I I I 'I 10 100 CUBE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb 7 3 1,000 FIGURE 2.— Propagation plot of peak airblast showing direc- tional differences. was used to determine the regression line of each set of data. Analysis of vari- ance tests performed on the vibration data determined that the data can be rep- resented by four regression lines with a common slope (fig. 3). This indicates that the vibration level is dependent on direction from the blast, but attenuation of the vibrations is independent of di- rection, with the possible exception of the western direction. This may be due to a geologic anomaly west of the mine. The westen part of the mine is overlain by lacustrine and sand and gravel depos- its associated with a large creekbed drainage area. These deposits tended to produce lower predominant frequencies of ground vibrations (fig. 4) in che crans- verse axis than those produced for the other arrays on undisturbed ground (north and south directions). Frequencies of vertical and radial vibrations did not appear to be affected. The frequency of 54 vibrations in the reclaimed spoil or eastern direction was also predominantly 1 owe r . Eabr station West station n 1 I I i i I I I 1 i 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 4.— Predominant frequencies of transverse ground vibrations. The highest vibration levels were found in the western direction, with levels in the north array direction the next high- est. The results in figure 3 suggest that vibration levels in the direction or initiation can be twice those in the op- posite direction. DELAY INTERVALS WITHIN ROWS Two different delay intervals were used between adjacent holes in each echelon: 17-ms from shots 1 and 2 and 42-ms delays from shots 3 and 4. A 100-ms delay in- terval was used between rows. The blasts were all shot at the same location in the mine using the same blast pattern. For these shots, the mine used a square pattern drilled on 25-ft centers. The pattern was fired en echelon, giving an effective burden of 18 ft and spacing of 35 ft. The actual firing times averaged 23 and 44 ms for the nominal 17- and 42- ms delays, respectively. This gave a relief of 0.5 ms/ft of spacing for the 17-ms-delay shots and 1.3 ms/ft for the 42-ms-delay shots. The burden delays averaged 96 ms , giving a burden relief of 5.3 ms/ft. The direction of the measurement arrays from the shot did not appear to signifi- cantly affect the airblast data. Analy- sis showed the design using 42-ms delays produced 6 dB less airblast than the 17- ms design (fig. 5). An analysis of variance was also per- formed for each array direction comparing che two delay intervals. The data were sufficiently different to require sepa- rate regression lines with a common slope for the west and north arrays, but showed no difference in the east array (figs. 6- 8). The south array had insufficient data for analysis. The direction of ini- tiation of the holes in each row was to- ward the northwest. The airblast trace velocity for the 17-ms delay design was supersonic in the north and west direc- tions but subsonic in the east direc- tion. The airblast trace velocity for the 42-ms design was subsonic in all di- rections. The airblast from the 17-ms design was 7 dB higher in the north array and 6 dB higher in the west array, but no 55 160 CE Z) CO to LlI q: 0. cr > o V- co < ii cr 140 120 O I 7ms A 42ms ± standard de 100 i i i i i ii j i i i ii 10 100 1,000 CUBE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb ^ FIGURE 5.— Propagation plot showing differences in airblast levels for the two different blast designs. 10 100 1,000 CUBE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb'^ FIGURE 6.— Propagation plot of peak airblast for the west arrays. different in the other directions. This would indicate that the reduction in airblast is attributable to the fact that the trace velocity along the free face was subsonic for the longer delay interval. The two blast designs also show some difference in the predominant frequencies of the airblast. The design using 17-ms delays had more airblast energy in the 10-Hz range than the 42-ms delay design, as shown in figure 9. Statistical analysis showed no signifi- cant differences in the ground vibration levels from the two blast designs. How- ever, spectral analysis did show a dif- ference in the predominant frequencies of the two designs (fig. 10). The 17-ms design has its predominant frequencies around 10 Hz, while the 42-ms design has more scatter in its predominant frequencies. The delay interval between holes should be selected such that the trace velocity along the free face is subsonic. This resulted in a reduction of airblast of up to 6 dB in these tests. The delay inter- val between holes did not affect ground vibration amplitudes in these tests. DELAY INTERVALS BETWEEN ROWS Shots 24 through 52 used the same 17-ms delay between holes in a row (the average value of the actual delay interval be- tween holes was 23 ms), but the delays between the rows were varied, in five steps from 30 to 100 ms. The shot pat- tern was 33 ft square, shot en echelon, giving an effective burden of 23 ft and effective spacing of 47 ft. Five dif- ferent delay intervals between rows were used to study the effect of burden delay timing on vibration levels. The 56 160 160 Id cr id CO CO UJ cr Q. rr UJ > o co < CD cr 140 - 120 1 1 1 1 1 1 II \o 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 - OS. - \A \^ A \ \ A\ A N KEY o I 7 ms o\ 17 A 42 ms - standard deviation 42 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ml i i 1 1 i i ii 100 10 100 1,000 CUBE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb 7 3 FIGURE 7.— Propagation plot of peak airblast for the north arrays. intervals used were 42 ms , which was the delay used by the mine, and 30, 60, 75, and 100 ms. The 42 ms was a pyrotechnic delay, while the others were selected us- ing a sequential blasting machine. Table 1 gives values of burden relief for the different burden delays used. Vibration data for each design were compared to determine if direction of orientation of the seismograph array was important. The eastern array (in the TABLE 1. - Effective values of burden delay intervals 1 Shot Delay interval, ms Burden relief, Nominal Actual ms/ft (actual) 42-44 30 27.5 1.2 24-36 42 48.5 2.1 37-41 60 58.5 2.5 45-49 75 76.0 3.3 50-52 100 99.5 4.3 'Effective burden was 23 ft for all shots. UJ rr co CO UJ rr a rr UJ > o t- co < _1 CD rr 140 120 100 ~\ — I I III KEY O 17 ms A 42 ms i standard dev _i i i i ill 100 CUBE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb'^ 1,000 FIGURE 8. — Propagation plot of peak airblast for the east airways. spoils) had the lowest vibration levels. The highest levels were toward the west, where the ground was undisturbed. The vibration levels of the other arrays were intermediate between these levels. The western and northern vibration arrays were chosen for further analysis. Vibration levels of the different de- signs were compared for the north and west arrays using regression analysis (figs. 11-12). Table 2 gives values of intercepts for regression lines with com- mon slopes and shows that the two longest delay intervals resulted in the lowest vibration levels. Analysis of the regression lines shows that only the two longest delay inter- vals resulted in significant reductions of ground vibration. This is probably the result of reduced confinement be- cause sufficient time was allowed by the longer delays to move the burden before the next echelon of holes was initiated. This study found an average vibration 57 Q. UJ CJ 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 UJ rr rr => 60 o o ° 50 40 30 a 1 7-ms delay in i QO 20 I Oh f .1 42-ms delay 10 15 20 25 FREQUENCY, Hz 30 35 FIGURE 9. — Histograms showing the spectra differences of airblast for the two designs. o Q. UJ O UJ rr rr (J o o 1 7-ms delays 5 10 15 20 25 30 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 10.— Histograms showing the spectra differences of ground vibrations for the two designs. TABLE 2. - Comparison of regression lines for various burden delay intervals Burden delay interval, ms Array direction Regression line Regression line Shot Slope Intercept with common slope Slope Intercept 42-44 30 42 60 75 100 30 42 60 75 100 -1.69 -1.29 -1.44 -1.74 -1.41 -1.11 -1.27 -1.47 -1.06 -1.03 214 53 102 212 51 42 77 171 30 19 -1.50 -1.50 -1.50 -1.50 -1.50 -1.25 -1.25 -1.25 -1.25 -1.25 116 24-36 104 37-41 122 45-49 87 50-52 71 42-44 West 71 24-36 73 37-41 80 45-49 63 50 58 10.00 c u o UJ > UJ O < Q. SQUARE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb' FIGURE 1 1 .—Propagation plot of peak particle velocity show- ing differences caused by burden timing, for the north array. >- O o .\J\J ; 1 > i 1 1 1 i hi i i i _ o KEY - a 30 ms - □ 42 ms D 60 ms v 75 ms Sv^j □ o 100 ms v^ D ± standa rd .00 — ' deviation _ = - \\E D _ - \^o - " D\Wv - - w 9 ^60 -42 - .10 ^~ -30 -^ ns 1 ml 1 i i i i J i -75 -100 i i - 10 100 500 SQUARE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb ^ FIGURE 12.— Propagation plot of peak particle velocity show- ing differences caused by burden timing, for the west array. reduction of 30 pet using the 100-ms de- sign compared with the 42-ms design nor- mally used by the mine. The frequency content of the ground vi- brations was also studied. No reduction in low-frequency vibrations was observed, which suggests that geology was the predominant influence on the frequency of vibrations. Airblast was also analyzed, but no sig- nificant differences were found in fre- quency or amplitude as delays between rows were varied. CONCLUSIONS Careful attention to blast design prac- tices can help reduce airblast and ground vibrations generated by mine blasting. This study examined blasthole delay in- tervals and their effects on airblast and ground vibrations. Airblast was influenced by the trace velocity along the free face. To reduce airblast, the trace velocity, which is a function of delay interval and spacing between holes in an echelon, should be less than the speed of sound in air. Airblast was reduced by about 6 dB by choosing delays giving a trace velocity of 80 pet of the speed of sound rather than a supersonic velocity. Delays between holes in each row or echelon should be greater than 1 ms/ft of spacing, in order to prevent reinforcing of the airblast wave fronts from the in- dividual holes. Care must also be taken to avoid selection of delay intervals that can cause airblast frequencies equal to the natural frequencies of midwalls of nearby structures (about 11 to 25 Hz). Delay intervals of less than 40 ms will usually not present a problem. Orientation of the blast and direction of initiation had a noticeable effect on the magnitude of vibrations. Vibration levels in the direction of initiation were about twice the level of those away from the direction of initiation. Vibra- tion levels across the pit from the blast were also lower. Vibration levels were also dependent on the delay interval between rows. Ade- quate time must be provided for burden 59 relief for each row. This investigation found that the delay interval between rows should be as long as practical for the burden involved. The longest burden relief value, 4.3 ms/ft, gave the lowest vibration levels. The timing of delay intervals between rows had no influence on the frequency content of the ground vibrations. Geol- ogy was the controlling factor for pre- dominant frequencies of ground vibrations in this investigation. REFERENCES 1. Duvall, W. I., C. F. Johnson, A. V. C. Meyer, and J . F. Devine. Vibra- tions From Instantaneous and Millisecond- Delayed Quarry Blasts. BuMines RI 6151, 1963, 34 pp. 2.. Siskind, D. E., M. S. Stagg, J. W. Kopp, and C. H. Dowding. Structure Re- sponse and Damage Produced by Ground Vi- bration From Surface Mine Blasting. Bu- Mines RI 8507, 1980, 74 pp. 3. Kopp, J. W. , and D. E. Siskind. Effects of Millisecond-Delay Intervals on Vibration and Airblast From Surface Coal Mine Blasting. BuMines RI 9026, 1986, 44 pp. 4. Reil, J. W. , D. A. Anderson, A. P. Ritter, D. A. Clark, S. R. Winzer, and A. J. Petro. Geologic Factors Affect- ing Vibration From Surface Mine Blast- ing (contract H0222009, Vibra-Tech Eng. , Inc.). BuMines OFR 33-86, 1985, 204 pp.; NTIS PB 86-175858. 60 VIBRATIONS FROM BLASTING OVER ABANDONED UNDERGROUND MINES By David E. Siskind 1 and Vigil J. Stachura 1 ABSTRACT Vibration wave frequency from surface mine blasting is an important influence on the response and potential cracking of nearby structures. The Bureau of Mines studied blasting vibrations in a midwest- ern coal mine that occasionally produces 4-Hz surface waves in its production blasting and has received numerous com- plaints from neighbors. The mine and nearby town are underlain by abandoned underground coal mines 85 to 325 ft below the surface. Blast vibration measurements at the site and analysis of mine and regulatory agency records indicated that the propa- gating medium was primarily responsible for the vibration wave characteris- tics, including low frequencies, long durations, and lower-than-normal attenua- tions of amplitude with distance. The observed low-frequency waves were consis- tent with predictive theoretical models of surface wave generation using the depths to the old mines. Blast designs also contributed to the vibrations problem. The complex multide- layed blasts generated vibration ampli- tudes up to three times those of same- weight-per-delay single charges, particu- larly for the echelon designs. By con- trast, the heavy casting blasts generated more of the unusual low frequencies. Be- cause of these low-frequency, long-period waves, the widely adopted 8-ms minimum charge separation criterion may not apply at this site. INTRODUCTION The Bureau of Mines studied a site at the western Indiana town of Blanford, where surface coal mine blasting was pro- ducing unusual low-frequency, long- duration vibrations. At the request of two regulatory agencies, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the U.S. Office of Surface Mining (OSM), the Bureau investigated the influence of the ground structure, which includes ex- tensive abandoned underground workings under both the active mining and the town of Blanford. These abandoned workings are at several depths, the most signifi- cant being the extensively mined coalbed No. 5 at 225 ft and the partially mined No. 4 at 325 ft (fig. 1). The local sed- imentary rocks and the coal seams are es- sentially horizontal. The initial objective of the study was to determine if blasting vibrations at this site were unusual, as local home- owners claimed. Researchers noticed that Geophysicist. Twin Cities Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, MN. some vibration records showed data unlike any from previous Bureau studies, with very low frequencies down to 4 Hz and long durations of over 4 s. Causes for the unusual data were then sought, including the ground and struc- ture conditions and factors in the sur- face blast designs. By identifying rela- tive influences, design guidance could be provided to minimize the low frequencies generated at this and similar sites. Seismologists have recognized that low- frequency vibrations are produced in soft, weak materials with low propagation velocity (J_). 2 Thick soil layers, fill areas, and weak sedimentary rocks are ex- amples of such materials. Furthermore, such layering typically has contrasting acoustic properties and produces surface waves of several types. These waves are inherently low in frequency and develop from multiple reflections of conventional body waves as they propagate in the rock ''Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. 61 LEGEND Boundary of coalbed 4 mining Boundary of coalbed 5 mining Roads and streets Residence 1000 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 ' 1 3 \ \ 1 1 Scale, ft FIGURE 1.— Town of Blanford, current surface mining highwall, abandoned underground workings, and some of the homes studied for vibrations and settlement. layers. Ext ings also layer. Recent res of delay int controlling Early resear delay effec (2) . Howeve noticed that ensive horizontal mine work- provide a strong reflecting earch suggests the selection ervals as a useful method for blast vibration frequencies, ch by the Bureau investigated ts on vibration amplitudes r, these researchers also the shorter delays of and 9 ms (as opposed to 17 and 34 ms) pro- duced lower frequencies. Research by Anderson (3-4_) and Reil (_5) investigated the use of single-charge blasts to "calibrate" a site and provide a model record for seisraogram syntheses. Anderson developed a "Fourmap" scheme, which uses superposition of appropriately delayed single-charge time histories that are then converted into Fourier spectra 62 (6). Accurate delay times are assumed. This method graphically shows the relationship between delays and pre- dicted spectral distributions and is used commercially by several blasting consultants. Contrasting with Anderson's and Reil's work in rock quarries, a small amount of work was done by the Bureau in surface coal mines using standard production blasts. Here, the thick soil cover and relatively weak and complex sedimentary rock layers represent a far more influen- tial propagation medium. Absorption, dispersion, and the generation of second- ary waves through multiple reflection quickly complicate the wave character and make it more difficult to control through blast design. These conditions, plus the larger holes and charges, tend to gener- ate lower frequencies, which are less amenable to change. Wiss' extensive 1979 coal study did not specifically examine delays and vibration frequency; however, he did notice the occurrence of constructive wave interfer- ence when using the 9-ms delay separa- tion, but not when using 17-ms delays C7_). Kopp specifically sought the influ- ence of delay times on frequency for coal mine blasts (J3). He concluded that vi- bration frequencies did not generally re- flect the between-row or within-row delay intervals. However, his closest measure- ments at this thick overburden site were at 300 ft, and it is likely that, at that distance and in that material, the pri- mary influence on the waves is the propa- gation medium itself. In the light of current knowledge, Kopp's field program in 1981-82 should have included closer-in monitoring and tests with more precise initiation timing. This paper briefly summarizes an in- vestigation in the Blanford area reported more fully in a recent Bureau Report of Investigations (9) and earlier as an un- published Bureau report to OSM. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Vibration records from 235 production blasts were available for analyses of amplitudes, frequencies, and total dura- tions. These were originally collected by the Indiana DNR and the surface mine (Peabody Coal Co. , operating the Univer- sal Mine) at seven Blanford homes over a period of 11 months. Distances of the homes from the blast source ranged from about 980 to 9,800 ft, and as many as six homes were monitored at one time (fig. 1). For purposes of identifying the genera- tion and propagation influences, Bureau researchers instrumented seven blasts, including two specially fired single- charge shots. For these tests, measure- ments were made as close as 56 ft to de- termine the wave characteristics before they were modified by the propagation medium. The single charges were used to identify the specific vibration- generation influences of the complex multideck, multidelayed blasts, as con- trasted to the simple vibration sources represented by the single-charge blasts. All vibration records were plotted for propagation showing the generation and attenuation of particle velocity ampli- tudes. Researchers did this for each home, for various groups (by neighbor- hoods), and as an overall summary for all homes. Propagation plots were also pre- pared for various blast designs and, in the report to OSM, according to vibration frequency characteristics. In addition to vibration amplitudes, frequency characteristics recorded at various homes and with various shot de- signs were compared. Single charges and close-in monitoring revealed the ground's natural response frequency of 8 Hz. Shot design data were compared for the four blasting methods employed by Peabody dur- ing the period covered by the records. This allowed identification of delay- sequencing influences on vibration fre- quency, as opposed to ground influence. Other site data were collected to iden- tify areas around Blanford and the nearby surface mine that had been previously un- dermined. Depths to these deep coalbeds were available from Peabody, which is conducting an extensive study of one Blanford home. Bureau researchers con- ducted level-loop surveys of eight homes 63 in September 1985 and the following April to identify possible blast-vibration-in- duced subsidence and longtime stability. Finally, a predictive model was used to determine if observed low frequencies were consistent with depths to the old workings (10). RESULTS VIBRATION AMPLITUDES Propagation plots based on the Peabody and DNR reords revealed higher vibration amplitudes than were found in previous Bureau studies at surface coal mines (_1_). Figure 2 is a summary of Peabody- and DNR-collected maximum velocities. The data are clustered, having been collected at seven Blanford homes rather than with widely spaced seismograph arrays. Most notable is that virtually all the mea- surements exceeded the mean of the pre- vious coal mine vibration summary (shown as maximum velocity, RI 8507, coal). Some even exceeded the envelope line of highest measurements, which is approxi- mately two standard deviations (2a) above the mean. Separate propagation plots were also made for the various blast designs (10). Figures 3 and 4 summarize these plots based on square root scaled propagation and all charge weights within 8-ms intervals. Echelon blast amplitudes ex- ceeded the historical coal mine summary 10.00 1.00 .10 - .01 = i 1 1 1 Villi I 1 1 1 1 1 1 l| I 1 1 1 1 1 11 - Max imum velocity, - - ^RI8507, cool - a - a a - - OA ° ° " - AA AA o - " \ ° °f *£ * _ \ .'V,' . \ QCP "O KEY : o 17 by 100 ms - A 17 by 200 ms \_ ° °a b V° A A - Q 17+42 by 200 ms \ ° A - ~ V 17 by 42 ms \ ~ - ' i i i i i i il i i 1 1 1 1 l\ 1 1 1 10 SQUARE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb 2 l/o FIGURE 3.— Propagation plot of Peabody and DNR data for echelon production blasts. 10.00 1.00 .01 Mean _i i i i i i 1 1 _i i i i i i i 10 100 SQUARE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb^Z 1,000 FIGURE 2.— Propagation plot of Peabody and DNR data for all homes compared with surface coal mine blasting data summary from RI 8507 (1). 10.00 1 .00 .10 "I — I — I IV 1 I I ~1 I I I I I I I I -Maximum velocity, RI8507, coal 1 1 — I — I — I II u _i I | i i i 1 1 J I i \i i 1 1 10 100 SCALED ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb' /2 1,000 FIGURE 4.— Propagation plot of Peabody and DNR data for casting production blasts. 64 TABLE 1. - Production blast designs used at the Universal Mine, July 1984 through April 1985 Design type Number of decks Charge weight per delay, lb and delays, ms 1 ' 2 Typical Exception or maximum Echelon: 17 by 42 1 2-4 2-4 1 1,500 325 200- 400 2,000 2, 258 maximum. 17 by 100 Exception: 625 on 4-22-85 Exception: 1,475 on 1-05-85 1,911 on 1-12-85 3, 842 maximum. 17 by 200 Casting: 8, 10, or 12.5 by 140 to 210.. 17 by 42 indicates 17-ms delays between holes in a row and 42-ms de- lay between rows. The 17+42 by 200-ms echelon had too few values to analyze separately. from RI 8507 more so than did the casting blasts. This appears to be related to the blast complexity. Both the casting shots and the 17- by 42-ms echelon (17 ms between holes in a row and 42 ms between rows) were full-column charges. The other echelon blasts had 2 to 4 decks (table 1). The shots using full-column charges produced vibrations close to the historical mean, while the other three echelon designs produced most of the higher amplitude vibrations. Although decking is used to reduce the charge weight per delay, the increased complexity and resulting charge interac- tions prevent a corresponding decrease in vibration amplitude. Hence, the vibra- tion observed from these blasts was strong relative to the charge weights per delay. These charge weights per delay were computed in the traditional manner, based on a minimum time separation of 8 ms. Apparently, this amount of sepa- ration is insufficient to separate ef- fects for such low-f requency , long-period waves. It is logical to question if the ab- normal amplitudes resulted from the domi- nance of low-frequency and inherently low-attenuation surface waves instead of constructive wave interference between delayed charges. Surface waves were judged a minor influence on vibration am- plitudes (if at all) through the follow- ing analysis: 1. Most of the very low frequency cases were from casting blasts. 2. The casting blast vibration ampli- tudes, although high, were closest to the historical data of the various blast de- signs plotted. 3. If the high amplitudes were from low surface wave attenuation, the cast- ing blasts would be the worst case, not the least abnormal. Apparently, the problem with the casting blasts was not their amplitudes but their unusual low frequencies and long durations. Production and single-charge data were obtained on-site from the widely spaced array of seismographs (fig. 5). Vibra- tion propagations from the single charges were close to those of previous Bureau studies. However, the production vibra- tions, for the same charge weight per de- lay, averaged three times higher. Evi- dently, vibrations from the delayed charges in the multihole, multideck pro- duction blasts were interacting. The somewhat shallower line slopes for the propagation means compared with those from previous studies summarized in RI 8507, are indicative of a low-vibra- tion attenuation with distance. This is likely from surface waves being gener- ated at the longer propagation distances. These results are consistent with the previous measurements. Based on con- structive wave interference for various designs used by Peabody, the number of interacting charges were estimated from the delay sequencing shown in figures 6 through 10 (table 2). Sequence times are based on nominal delays as shown on the 65 30.00 10.00 - o 1.00 - .10 .01 I I I I I I i 1 1 i ill III i 1 1 1 1 l 1 l - \^ Production v a\/~ Single charge - ; \ a \ D ; - o \ \ D - - V D \ ° \ \ ° \ \ a \° Dv - ~ c\ a\ □ \ o \ . a co ~z - C \ ° - - KEY \ a \ e\o D - - o Single-charge shot data d Production shot data a \ - : D \ Q \ '- - i i i i t i i 1 1 i iii i i,i cA 1 i i i \ 1 1 1 10 100 SQUARE ROOT SCALED DISTANCE, ft/lb'' 2 1,000 FIGURE 5. — Propagation plots of recent Bureau tests (9) com- pared with surface coal mine summary from Rl 8507 (7). tops of figures 6 through 10 and the oc- currence of constructive interference when delays are within one-half the sinu- sodial vibration period. FREQUENCY OF VIBRATIONS Production Blasts as Vibration Source Functions All vibration measurements available as time history records were analyzed for frequency content. Some blasts had very low frequencies of about 4 Hz on all three components (vertical, longitudinal, and transverse) (fig. 6). Other blasts had from zero to two components with such low frequencies. The source function for the blast shown in figure 6 lasted about 0.7 s, which is also the approximate dur- ation of the high-frequency part of the vibration record. The low-frequency wave began at about 1.7 s and lasted at least 2 s, for a total vibration duration of about 4 s at the measurement distance of 7,520 ft. TABLE 2. - Analysis of charge weights for production blasts (Maximum number of charges per time interval) Design type and delays, ms Echelon: 17 by 42 , 17 by 100 , 17 by 200 , Casting: Short array i Long array , 8 ms 17 ms 60 ms 7 9 7 5 13 Researchers compared vibration rec- ords for various blast designs and moni- toring locations (figs. 7-10). Although the larger casting blasts frequently pro- duced low frequencies, the three tested echelon designs occasionally also did so. Generally, periodicities in the blast design, such as between-row spacing, were identifiable in some of the records (fig. 6) but not in others. At the larger dis- tances of measurement, the vibrations were strongly influenced by the propaga- tion medium. Researchers believe that low-frequency cases can be moderated by minimizing the amount of energy at such frquency that is produced by the blast design as an energy source (9_)» Vibration Wave Types The researchers attempted to identify the types of waves observed, based on ex- pected components and their phases. Rayleigh waves are vertically polarized with retrograde elliptical particle mo- tions. They have significant motion in the longitudinal and vertical directions, and little in the transverse. The gener- ation of these waves requires only a single free surface such as the ground- air interface. Rayleigh waves can also propagate where there is a sharp acoustic contracting layer at depth. Love waves are horizontally polarized shear waves. They are strong only in the transverse direction. Generation of Love waves requires a layer with top and 66 306 292 27B 264 250 236 -o 222 208 510 496 482 46S 454 440 426 4,2 724 710 696 662 o 668 — — o 654 640 r 90S 894 860 866 852 838 824 810 PATTERN LAYOUT, HERLUDET SYSTEM, TIMES IN MILLISECONDS 208 ms I I I I I I I I 412 ms 1 I I I I I I I Second row SEQUENCE OF CHARGES 626 ms l i Third row 0.1 Time, s 509 479 o ^ — —o o o— 694 681 667 654 640 627 613 600 586 573 559 546 532 519. -O o— -o o — — o 779 765 752 738 725 701 688 674 661 641 634 PATTERN LAYOUT, HERCUDET SYSTEM, TIME IN MILLISECONDS 464 ms I I I I I I I I I L_l I I I I I I I I I I First row ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' I l i ii Second row I I I I I I I I I I I I i i Third row L_l — I I I I II I li II ii ll li III mill inn i ^ Transverse = 0.051 in/s Vertical = 0.078 in/s Longitudinal = 0.082 in/s VIBRATION RECORDS, HOLLINGSWORTH HOUSE, 7,520 ft FIGURE 6.— Casting blasts, 200 ms between rows, 10 ms be- tween holes in a row, January 21, 1985. rv. /V ^\_ SEQUENCE OF CHARGES Transverse = 0. 1 I in/s Vertical = 0.072 in/s Longitudinal = 0.I5 in/s I Time, s VIBRATION RECORDS, MASSA HOUSE, 4,960 ft FIGURE 7. — Casting blasts, 200 ms between rows, 10 ms be- tween holes in a row, February 16, 1985. /42 A84 /I26 /I68 *59 /lOI /l43 /l85 /227 'IIS f25 7525 7625~ 7725 150 / 250 / 350 /450 / 550 / 650 / 750 / 850 / 950 175 / 275 / 375 / 475 / 575 / 675 / 775 / 875 / 975 200 J 300 J 400 J 500 J 600 J 700 / 800 J 900 7 1000 DECK 825 ?925 fl,025 DELAY 1,050 1.075 1,100 T242 7342 7442 7542 7642 7742 7842 7942 71042 267 / 367 / 467 / 567 / 667 / 767 / 867 / 967 /ip67 292 / 392 / 492 / 592 / 692 / 792 / 892 / 992 / 1092 317 i 4,17,/ 517 A 617 ,/ 717 j, 817,/ 917,/ 1,017 ± 1,117 259 359 459 559 659 759 859 959 1059 284 384 484 584 684 784 884 984 1,084 309 409 509 609 709 809 909 ip09 I'l 09 334 434 534 634 734 834 934 1,034 ft 34 PATTERN LAYOUT, NONEL SYSTEM, TIME IN MILLISECONDS No 5 No 6 No 7 No 8 125 ms I I I Top detk I Second deck J I L — First row »| i i i i i i 1 1 i i I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I i i i I I I i : i I I I i i i I i i M I I i i i i All 0.1 SEQUENCE OF CHARGES Time, s Transverse = 0.39 in/s -vvVv^AAAAAAArv^^^- — Vertical - 0.22 in/s Longitudinal = 0.35 in/s Time, s VIBRATION RECORDS, JACKSON HOUSE, AT 8,510 ft FIGURE 8.— Echelon blast, 42 ms between rows, 17 ms be- tween holes in a row, January 4, 1985. Time, s VIBRATION RECORDS, JACKSON HOUSE, AT 1,320 ft FIGURE 9.— Echelon blast, 100 ms between rows, 17 ms be- tween holes in a row, March 4, 1985. "275 r483 /687 7"89l A095 / 1,299 303 /Sit /7I5 /9I9 / 1.123 / 1.327 210 331 / 539 / 743 / 947 / I.I SI / 1.355 DECK DELAY /505 /709 /9I3 /I.II7 / 1,321 533 / 737 /94I / 1,145 / 1,349 561 / 765 / 969 / 1,173 / 1,377 527 "731 "935 1,139 "1,343 555 759 963 1,167 1,371 583 787 991 1,195 1,399 4,459 PATTERN LAYOUT, HERCUDET SYSTEM, TIME IN MILLISECONDS K No 6 No 8 1 1 III 1 i i Top deck i i ill III Second deck I , III II i Bottom deck ill III 1 II III II 1 *" First row Second row (one hole) (one hole) Fourth row SEQUENCE OF CHARGES Tronsverse c 0.072 in/s Verticol =0.033 in/s Longitudinal =0.053 in/s 65ft 67 3.0 (in/s)/in 226ft-^ 407ftJj|4j\A 1 .0 (in/s)/in 0.5 (in/s)/in 807 ft^'iHvVVW- 0.4 (in/s)/in VIBRATION RECORDS, JACKSON HOUSE, AT 7,990 ft FIGURE 10.— Echelon blast, 200 ms between rows, 17 ms be- tween holes in a row, January 12, 1985. I,I65 ft — ■ JVV- 0.3 (in/s)/in bottom boundaries having good reflect- ing properties. Extensive underground voids could provide such a reflecting surface, as could any low-velocity layer. The amounts of low frequency appeared to be related to the distance from the blast; however, trends were not consis- tent from site to site. Site Differences for Vibration Waves Six of the seven measurement sites had patterns of low frequencies resem- bling Rayleigh waves or Rayleigh and Love waves together. Two of these sites also occasionally had only high frequen- cies (e.g., 20 Hz) at the same time and for the same shots when low frequencies were being measured elsewhere. One site (Jackson) had every kind of combination at different times. The seventh site (Verhonik) had only transverse low fre- quencies, suggesting Love waves. This seventh site was in a different location from the others, east of the blasting rather than north. There was a 100- ft-thick layer of mine spoils between ■'■A/z/uVn/V 0.1 (in/s)/in 2515 ft - FIGURE 1 1 .—Vibration records from single charge, vertical. Horizontal scale is 500 ms/in. the site and marizes all records. the blasting. Table 3 sum- available time history Single-Charge Blasts The two special single-charge shots were fired to identify the blast initi- ation-sequencing influences on the wave forms as well as the previously discussed vibration amplitudes. They also showed the complexity of the propagating medium. Figure 11 is the vertical vibration rec- ord from a 1-m column of explosive that took about 0.3 ms to fully detonate. Af- ter propagating 65 ft, the vibration duration was over 150 ms. At a distance of 1,165 ft, the vibration duration was dominated by a 6.5-Hz wave lasting about 2 s. This observation suggests that any blast at this site is a potential 68 TABLE 3. - Vibration components showing very low frequencies (~4 Hz), 1 by measurement site and blasting method Date Residence Massa Volk Hollings- worth Zell Polomski Jackson Verhonik ECHELON BLASTS, 17 ms BETWEEN HOLES IN A ROW, 42 ms BETWEEN ROWS 12-18-84. 12-19-84, 12-22-84. 12-28-84. 1- 4-85. 1- 9-85. HF L.V V V 111 HF HF HF HF ECHELON BLASTS, 17 ms BETWEEN HOLES IN A ROW, 100 ms BETWEEN ROWS 3- 2-85. 3- 2-85. 3- 2-85. 3-14-85. 3-16-85. 3-18-85. 3-21-85, 3-25-85, 3-26-85, 9-10-86. 9-10-86. 9-10-86. 9-12-86. 9-13-86. HF HF 8 Hz HF HF HF HF HF -5 Hz HF HF HF HF 8 Hz 8 Hz HF HF HF HF •10 Hz '10 Hz ■14 Hz ~9 Hz ECHELON BLASTS, 17 ms BETWEEN HOLES IN A ROW, 200 ms BETWEEN ROWS 7- 2-84. 7- 3-84. 7- 6-84. 7- 7-84. 7- 7-84. 7-11-84. 7-11-84. 7-11-84. 7-13-84. 7-14-84. 7-28-84. 1- 5-85. 1-12-85. 3- 5-85, 3- 6-85. 3- 7-85, 3- 9-85. HF HF L,V L,V,T T T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T T T T T T L,V,T HF HF HF HF See explanatory notes at end of table. 69 TABLE 3. - Vibration components showing very low frequencies (~4 Hz), 1 by measurement site and blasting method — Continued Residence Date Mass a Volk Hollings- worth Zell Poloraski Jackson Verhonik CASTING BLASTS 8- 9-84. 8-13-84. 20-30-84. 11- 5-84. 11- 7-84. 11-10-84. 11-15-84. 11-17-84. 11-19-84. 11-23-84. 11-24-84. 11-26-84. 12- 1-84. 12- 4-84. 12- 6-84. 12- 8-84. 12-10-84. 12-12-84. 12-15-84. 12-17-84. 1-12-85. 1-14-85. 1-17-85. 1-21-85. 1-25-85. 1-28-85. 1-31-85. 2- 2-85. 2- 6-85. 2- 9-85. 2-14-85. 2-16-85. 2-19-85, 2-21-85, 3- 1-85. L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V L,V,T T L,V,T V L,V,T L,V L,V,T L,V L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V L,V,T L,V L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V L,V,T L,V,T V L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V,T L,V V V L,V L,V,T L,V L,V,T L,V L,V L,V L,V V V L,V L,V HF T T T 2 T 2 T 2 T T T T T T T T T T T 2 T 2 r L Longitudinal (or radial). V Vertical. T Transverse. Rayleigh surface waves would dominate L and V components; Love surface waves would dominate T component. HF Higher frequency vibration with no clear components below 10 Hz. Vertical record may be defective; may have been present, but was not visible. NOTE. — No entry means no records available. 70 TABLE 4. - Summary of two level loop surveys of eight Blanford residence. House Maximum elevation differences, ' ft Maximum angular distortion 2 Sept. 1985 April 1986 Sept. 1985 April 1986 Ahlmeyers. . 0.06 .12 .08 .09 .30 .09 .06 .37 0.07 .11 .07 .11 .26 .09 .05 .39 1/340 1/250 1/300 1/200 1/108 1/560 1/250 1/65 1/340 1/260 1/340 1/164 1/125 1/533 1/300 1/65 Finger, E.. Finger, 0.. Jovanovich. . 1 Accuracy is ±0.01 ft. 2 l/340 = Distortion of 1 part in 340. low-frequency problem as the ground there favors such frequencies. Theoretical Model The O'Brien model computes surface waves generated by multiple reflections of compressive body waves in a low-veloc- ity layer (10). Another version by Gupta is for shear waves. For a strong veloc- ity contrast (strong reflector), the sim- plified relationship is T = 4h where T is the surface wave period, h is the layer thickness, and V] is the propa- gation velocity for the low-velocity lay- er. Assumed for this simple model is that V, << V 2 , with V 2 being the high- velocity layer. At Blanford, researchers measured a V 2 of 10,000 ft/s and, using a 1.6-s arri- val time difference, calculated a Vj of 2,700 ft/s. For a 6.5-Hz surface wave (T = 0.15 s), an h of about 102 ft is in- dicated. Similarly, for a 4-Hz surface wave, h is 167 ft. Depths to the coal- beds as measured by Peabody at one site ranged from 85 to 394 ft. The exten- sively mined No. 5 was at 226 ft. LEVEL-LOOP SURVEYS OF HOMES Researchers surveyed eight Blanford home foundations to identify surface and structural changes from possible subsid- ence over abandoned workings (9). Only one of the eight homes was also monitored for vibration (Zell house). The primary selection criterion was the existence of a clear foundation horizon for surveying. Most of the homes were out of level by significant amounts of up to one part in 65 (table 4). Boscardin cites that angu- lar distortions or deflection ratios of 1 part in 300 can cause cracking in panel and load-bearing walls (11). A resurvey 7 months later showed no appreciable ele- vation changes. With these data alone, it is not possible to tell if the homes are distorted or strained, or if these differences were originally built in. Apparently, no significant long-term changes are occurring. CONCLUSIONS The propagating medium appears pri- marily responsible for the adverse vibra- tion impacts in Blanford, through three mechanisms: (1) It favors generation of low-frequency surface waves of several types, with frequencies between 4 and 10 Hz, (2) it has the appearance of reduced vibration attenuation (higher amplitudes) with distance compared with other coal mine sites, and (3) it produces interac- tions between delayed charges beyond those expected from the blasts as de- signed, because of constructive wave in- terference for these long-period waves. 71 Although further study of the subsur- face conditions is needed in order to completely understand all the factors, the observed surface waves are consistent with a strongly reflecting subsurface in- terface at a depth of about 175 ft, or about the same as the depth of the exten- sively mined No. 5 coalbed. This agrees with theoretical models that predict low- frequency waves from strongly reflecting near-surface horizontal layers. The existing geologic structure between the main part of Blanford and the active pit is another possible or contributing cause of the low-frequency blast vibra- tions. This region has a coal cutout or zone where the coal and other sedimentary rock beds are missing, replaced by fill characterized as sandy, gravelly drift. Vibrations propagating through such mate- rial often have abnormally low frequency. Such a medium could also explain the rapid vibratiion amplitude attenuation observed between 407 and 807 ft (fig. 5). Blast designs are also significant. The widely adopted 8-ms charge-separation criterion appears not to apply for this low-frequency site, as it was also pre- viously found suspect in a 1979 study by Wiss of large-scale surface coal mine blasting (8). Vibration frequency char- acteristics appear to reflect periodici- ties in the blast design timing, partic- ularly close to the shot. The larger casting blasts produced the clearest 4-Hz surface waves. By contrast, the more complex echelon blasts produced the larg- est vibration amplitudes for a given charge weight per delay. Results suggest that longer delays be used between charges to prevent constructive addition of vibration amplitudes for such low- frequency cases. REFERENCES 1. Siskind, D. E., M. S. Stagg, J. W. Kopp, and C. H. Dowding. Structure Re- sponse and Damage Produced by Ground Vi- bration From Surface Mine Blasting. Bu- Mines RI 8507, 1980, 74 pp. 2. Duvall, W. I., C. F. Johnson, A. V. C. Meyer, and J. F. Devine. Vibrations From Instantaneous and Millisecond- Delayed Quarry Blasts. BuMines RI 6151, 1963, 34 pp. 3. Anderson, D. A. , S. R. Winzer, and A. P. Ritter. Blast Design for Optimiz- ing Fragmentation While Controlling Fre- quency of Ground Vibration. Paper in Proceedings of Eighth Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, ed. by C. J. Konya (New Orleans, LA, Jan. 31- Feb. 4, 1982). Soc. Explos. Eng. , Mont- ville, OH, 1982, pp. 69-89. 4. Anderson, D. A., A. P. Ritter, S. R. Winzer, and J. W. Reil. A Method for Site-Specific Prediction and Control of Ground Vibration From Blasting. Paper in Proceedings of First Mini-Symposium on Explosives and Blasting Research, ed. by C. J. Konya (San Diego, CA, Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 1985). Soc. Explos. Eng., Montville, OH, 1985, pp. 28-43. 5. Reil, J. W. , D. A. Anderson, A. P. Ritter, D. A. Clark, S. R. Winzer, and A. J. Petro. Geologic Factors Affecting Vibrations From Surface Mine Blasting (contract HO222009, Vibra-Tech Eng., Inc.). BuMines OFR 33-86, 1985, 204 pp.; NTIS PB 86-175858. 6. Anderson, D. A., S. R. Winzer, and A. P. Ritter. Synthetic Delay Versus Frequency Plots for Predicting Ground Vi- bration From Blasting. Paper in Proceed- ings of the Third International Confer- ence on Compute r-Aided Seismic Analysis and Discrimination (Catholic University, Washington, DC, June 16-17, 1983). IEE Computer Society Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1983, pp. 70-74. 7. Wiss, J. F. , and P. Linehan. Con- trol of Vibration and Blast Noise From Surface Coal Mining (contract JO255022, Wiss, Janney, Elstner and Associates, Inc.). Volume II. BuMines OFR 103(2)- 79, 1978, 280 pp.; NTIS PB 299 888. 8. Kopp, J. W. , and D. E. Siskind. Effects of Millisecond-Delay Intervals on Vibration and Airblast From Surface Coal Mine Blasting. BuMines RI 9026, 1986, 44 pp. 72 9. Siskind, D. E. , V. J. Stachura, Geophy. Prospect., v. 5, 1957, pp. 371- and M. J. Nutting. Low-Frequency Vibra- 380. tions Produced by Surface Mine Blasting 11. Boscardin, M. D. Building Response Over Abandoned Underground Mines. Bu- to Excitation-Induced Ground Movements. Mines RI 9078, 1987. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. IL, Urbana-Cham- 10. O'Brien, P. N. S. Multiply-Re- paign, IL, 1980, 279 pp. fleeted Refractions in a Shallow Layer. 73 COMPUTER MODELING OF ROCK MOTION By Stephen A. Rholl 1 ABSTRACT A computer model of rock motion due to blasting is presented. The code, CAROM, was developed at Sandia National Labora- tories (SNL) to predict rock motion and final rauckpile distribution. Researchers at the Bureau of Mines applied the code to simulate bench blasting during full- scale fragmentation tests at a nearby rock quarry. Results of the code are shown for the first 2 s following explo- sive detonation. INTRODUCTION A contributing factor to the overall efficiency of surface raining is the final muckpile distribution of the blasted rock fragments. This is especially true in mining operations utilizing overburden casting to reduce stripping costs. As the overburden-to-coal ratio increases, it is essential, in many operations, that as much fragmented rock as possible be thrown into the pit or onto the spoil bank. To optimize overburden casting, mine operators most often vary powder factor, explosive type, drill patterns, and/or delay timing. These variations are nor- mally tested by trial and error based on the experience of blasting personnel. Unfortunately, this can often be time consuming and expensive. An alternative approach to the optimization problem, which can quickly analyze technical problems, involves computer-simulated blasting. Much of the early work to develop sim- ple and effective computer models to sim- ulate blasting was done by SNL. In 1983, researchers developed BUMP (_1_), 2 the first code to use very simple interaction laws to reduce computational times. A stabilized and improved code, CAROM (2^), was later introduced. Both codes were written to study rock motion in oil shale crater tests. The Bureau of Mines initiated contract JO245011 with SNL to modify these codes for use in modeling bench blasting. Sub- sequently CAROM was modified and used in blast design research. SNL staff also provided appropriate values for input parameters to execute the code. MODEL DESCRIPTION The CAROM code is a two-dimensional distinct-element code. That is, a group of distinct elements is used to describe the system of rock fragments undergoing motion. The shape of these elements is in theory arbitrary, but circles are most often used to simplify time-of-collision calculations. The size of the elements is unrestricted, and often a single element is used to represent a group of fragments. Studies by Gorhara-Bergeron (2) have shown that the size of the material elements does not have a strong i 'Research physicist, Twin Cities Re- search Center, Bureau of Mines, Minneap- olis, MN. influence on the calculated material mo- tion for modeling oil shale cratering experiments. The initial configuration of the ele- ments used in the CAROM code is specified by the user. In addition, the initial conditions (both the velocity and accel- eration of each element) must likewise be specified. CAROM simply lets the ele- ments move about until the code detects a collision between two elements. The col- lisions are handled by the theories of classical mechanics, namely, conservation ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. 74 of linear momentum and Newton's collision rule. The collisions themselves can be treated elastically or inelastically , al- though the latter is more often assumed. Because CAROM calculates the time the next collision will occur, the code is inherently stable. When a collision is detected, CAROM redistributes the linear momentum of the elements and then repeats the process. Collisions with a fixed boundary (or boundaries) are also permit- ted and treated in a similar way. Although it is possible to include friction in the calculations, CAROM usu- ally assumes that the coefficient of friction between the elements is zero. However, it should be noted that at the boundaries representing the pit floor, the elements are not allowed to slide. Too much sliding was deemed unrealistic, and therefore the code assumes infinite friction between the elements and the pit floor boundaries. MODEL APPLICATION The CAROM code was applied by Bureau researchers to simulate rock, motion dur- ing bench blasting at a local quarry. A two-dimensional discrete rock model de- scribing the 22-ft highwall is shown in figure 1. A series of 33 elements, each with a radius of 1 ft, represent the highwall. The explosive column is also indicated in the figure. After detonation of the explosives, shock waves are generated in the sur- rounding rock, which not only fracture the rock, but also impart momentum caus- ing unconfined rock to begin motion. In addition, large gaseous pressures are created within the boreholes that exert forces on the elements causing them to accelerate. 10 Z 5 -i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r- NOTE. — Circles represent rock elements. I _i_ _i i i_ 5 10 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, ra 15 FIGURE 1 .—Highwall representation by discrete rock elements. Heavy line on left indicates explosive column. Research at SNL has shown that a dynam- ic finite-element code, DYNA2D (3), can be used to describe the explosive detona- tion, rock fragmentation, borehole pres- sures, and initial rock motion. The in- formation calculated by DYNA2D can be used as the input necessary for the CAROM code. Both the momentum imparted to the rock fragments and the blast pressures due to the explosive gases are chosen based on DYNA2D calculations. DYNA2D cannot be used to model the entire blast because the code is a continuous repre- sentation, meaning it cannot describe material that breaks apart. Beside the initial conditions, further assumptions were necessary prior to run- ning the CAROM code. For the quarry tests, the size of each element was fixed and not allowed to change. This meant that elements were not permitted to break up into smaller fragments. Also, to sim- plify calculations, the elements were not allowed to roll and therefore, could not possess any angular momentum. The co- efficient of restitution for collisions between elements was chosen to be a con- stant for all of the elements. A value of 0.01 was assumed based on research at SNL. This implies that all of the col- lisions are treated as nearly perfectly inelastic. One final assumption deals with the collision criterion. Based on work at SNL, a collision is defined to occur when the distance between the cen- ters of two elements equals 1.9 ft. The quarry tests were conducted as sin- gle-row bench blasts to study the effect 75 of delay timing on fragmentation. Four of delay timing between holes in a single blastholes were fired in each of six full-scale shots. Because CAROM is at the moment only a two-dimensional code, it cannot be used to predict the effects row. However, once a three-dimensional code becomes available, these studies can be done. RESULTS All of the test shot with two high-speed came 500 frames per second to al rock motion. Analys ing films yielded data p for confirmation of the primary interest was the velocity of the bench This was observed in a about 15 m/s. s were monitored ras operating at record the actu- is of the result- roviding a basis CAROM code. Of initial outward face material. 11 tests to be The output from the CAROM code is shown in figures 2-11 for the first 2 s of rock motion at 200-ms intervals. The average velocity for any element can easily be calculated from the figures. The element representing the leading edge of the blasted rock face, as shown in figure 2, has an average velocity determined to be 16.5 m/s, which is in excellent agreement with the cinematographic data. 10 5 10 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, m FIGURE 2.— Predicted rock motion at time equals 0.2 s. 15 p; s -J 1 1- NOTE. — Circles represent rock elements. o£o qcQ d : QVP o. o Cr _Q O o 5 10 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, m FIGURE 3.— Predicted rock motion at time equals 0.4 s. 10 -i 1 r- : NOTE. — Circles represent rock elements. o° oo or£b . 9) . on? . o ■ ° o. 10 5 10 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, m FIGURE 4.— Predicted rock motion at time equals 0.6 s. 15 1 1 | IT" — 1 1 NOTE. — Circles represent i i i » — i — rock elements. D - 0°C o o c? ' oooo tt- 8tfb Oo . . 5 10 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, m FIGURE 5.— Predicted rock motion at time equals 0.8 s. 15 76 10 "~i 1 T r~ ~i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~| r~ NOTE. — Circles represent rock elements. n i no oorro o o 5 10 15 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, m FIGURE 6.— Predicted rock motion at time equals 1.0 s. 20 1 i NOTE. — | i i i i | i i i i Circles represent rock elements. E UJ* U < in a 5 - - < u 01 u > Eb° O \6 A o o °: i on , , i , , , , 5 10 15 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, m FIGURE 7.— Predicted rock motion at time equals 1.2 s. 20 10 p; 5 . . , , , i i i i 1 ' ' "i 1 i i i i i 1 i i i i NOTE. — Circles represent rock elements. : °or -\ i i i i O 3r9r>. o . rxx ^ ), on o , ° - i i i i i i i i i i j i 5 10 15 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, m FIGURE 8.— Predicted rock motion at time equals 1.4 s. 20 25 77 10 E 5 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 i i i i , 1 1 | 1 1 1 I ■ 1 ■ T ' "1 1 1 NOTE. — Circles represent rock elements. 2*0 Cl o 3¥&. ooSxr rm? oo i i v si i i i i 1 i i i KJ 5 10 15 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, m FIGURE 9.— Predicted rock motion at time equals 1.6 s. 25 10 -i 1 1 r ~i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r- NOTE. — Circles represent rock elements. 5 5 o_ _Q cxPr&W) i o oo , , o o _l 1 L n. 5 10 15 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, m FIGURE 10.— Predicted rock motion at time equals 1.8 s. 25 10 -i 1 1 r~ -t 1 1 r 1 ' ' ' <~ , NOTE. — Circles represent rock elements. S 5 nrxxr9^ff ooo , ,o _i i i i_ o, o 5 10 15 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, m FIGURE 1 1 .—Predicted rock motion at time equals 2.0 s. 20 25 78 In the fragmentation test shot utiliz- ing 4.0 ms/ft of burden as the delay tim- ing, the maximum rock throw was measured to be 30 m. The CAROM code predicted, as shown in figure 9, at least one element thrown to about 24 m after 1.6 s of time passage in the calculations. CAROM is also capable of predicting vertical mo- tion of the bench top. However, in the series of results presented here no up- ward motion is observed. It is possible that CAROM still did indicate such mo- tion, but that it occurred prior to 200 ms (fig. 2). At this time CAROM shows the surface material falling down- ward under the influence of gravity. The high-speed films confirmed that there was little or no vertical rock motion in the field tests. One of the deficiencies of the code ap- pears to be its inability to predict the profile of the rock motion of the bench face. As shown in figure 2, CAROM pre- dicts almost the entire face to break off as a slab. It is likely that this is due to improper balancing of the input param- eters. That is, there is too much empha- sis on the imparted momentum due to the shock wave impulse, and not enough empha- sis on the accelerations due to the forces created by the pressures of the explosives gases. Research continues to develop a step function approximation for the high-pressure gases. CONCLUSIONS The computer code CAROM, which models rock throw in blasting, has been briefly discussed. The code was used to simulate rock motion at a limestone quarry, and the results of the analysis have been presented. The code accurately predicted the velocity of burden movement and the maximum throw of the rock fragments. CAROM is still being developed, and many improvements are being implemented. The objective continues to be to provide mine operators with accurate predic- tions of rock motion and final muckpile distribution. REFERENCES 1. Scharaaun, J. T. An Engineering Model for Predicting Rubble Motion During Blasting. Paper in Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, ed. by C. J. Konya. (Dallas, TX, Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 1983). Soc. Explos. Eng. , Montville, OH, 1983, pp. 199-222. 2. Gorhara-Bergeron, E. Rock Motion Modeling of Oil Shale Cratering Experi- ments. Paper in Research and Engineering Applications in Rock Masses. Proc. 26th U.S. Symp. on Rock Mechanics, Rapid City, SD, June 1985, Soc. Min. Eng., 1985, pp. 151-159. 3. Hallquist, J. 0. User's Manual for DYNA2D - An Explicit Two-Dimensional Hy- drodynaraic Finite Element Code With Interactive Rezoning. Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab., Livermore, CA, UCRL-52997, 1982, 109 pp. 79 INFLUENCE OF BLAST DELAY TIME ON ROCK FRAGMENTATION: ONE -TENTH-SCALE TESTS By Mark S. Stagg 1 and Michael J. Nutting 2 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines is studying blast delay timing influences on rock frag- mentation in a series of tests that started in 3-ft concrete blocks and in- cludes reduced-scale and full-scale bench blasts. This paper reports on the reduced-scale tests. In a 45-in-high dolomite bench, 18 single-row blasts were fired with 15-in burdens. Spacings were 21 and 30 in. Delay intervals ranged from to 45 ms, equivalent to to 36 ms/ft of burden. Each shot was instru- mented for strain and pressure for both in situ dynamics and interactions between blastholes. All fragmented rock was screened. The finest fragmentation occurred at blasthole delay intervals of 1 to 17 ms/ft of burden. In this range, stress- wave-induced strains interacted with longer lasting gas-pressure strains from earlier holes. Coarse fragmentation re- sulted from short delays (<1 ms/ft), where breakage approached presplit con- ditions with a major fracture between blastholes and large blocks in the burden region. Coarse fragmentation also re- sulted from long delays (>17 ms/ft), with explosive charges acting independently. The broad acceptable range provides blast design tools for a variety of purposes, including optimum muckpile displacement and vibration control. INTRODUCTION The explosives industry is developing and testing delay blasting caps of im- proved accuracy. Precise delays have been cited as factors in controlling blast vibration amplitude and frequency and improving fragmentation (1_~_2)» 3 How- ever, data on complete fragmentation as- sessment of shots initiated with precise days is limited. As part of its blasting research program, the Bureau of Mines is examining the influence of timing inter- vals by completely screening the blast- induced rock. Three- and four-hole shots have been conducted in concrete blocks in the laboratory and at reduced (45-in bench) and full (22-ft bench) scale in the field. Tests thus far have mostly been concerned with the effect of de- lay time on fragmentation and on the Civil engineer. 2 Geophysicist (now with Philip R. Ber- ger & Associates, Inc., Warrendale, PA). Twin Cities Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, MN. ■^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. interaction between shotholes. Initial testing in the laboratory provided an effective means for establishing a meth- odology of controlled experimentation. The tests at reduced scale in the field provided experience in fragmentation assessment techniques and results that could be used to optimize the expensive full-scale field tests. The full-scale field tests are currently in progress. This paper discusses the reduced-scale field tests and results. The reduced-scale field tests were con- ducted at the University of Missouri's Experimental Mine in Rolla. This site was chosen because of its accessibility and geology, and the cooperation avail- able from the University. Furthermore, the results of previous research con- ducted at the mine on blast design and fragmentation were reported in several theses (3-_5)» These studies investigated various design factors affecting fragmen- tation, such as coupling, initiation se- quence, primer location, and airgap, anc 1 provided a comparison with the Bureau test results. 80 SITE The experiment was conducted in a 45-in bench of dolomite, part of the Jefferson City Formation. The rock is of irregular grain size, 10 pet calcite, and thick bedded, with a specific gravity of 2.65 and corapressional and shear velocities of 14,800 and 8,100 ft/s, respectively (_5). Bureau researchers verified these values by in situ seismic measurements behind the blastholes, finding 14,700 ft/s (com- pressional) and 8,100 ft/s (shear). The reduced-scale tests were designed to be geometrically proportional to typical full-scale bench blasts with di- mensions about 10 pet of full scale. However, at reduced scale, rock struc- tures such as bedding and jointing are exaggerated and can have an unrealistic effect. The massive dolomite at the Rol- la site provided a good medium for the reduced-scale testing since only three bedding planes were in the 45-in bench and no jointing was observed within any of the test shots. PROCEDURES In order to prepare the pit and bench for the tests, development work was nec- essary to provide consistent geometry of the working faces. Horizontal holes were drilled 45 in above the pit floor to give the proper bench height, and vertical holes were drilled to obtain a vertical face. For each test shot, an open end at an angle of approximately 135° was formed, as shown in figure 1. To form the single-row pattern, three shotholes were drilled to 50-in depth, including 5 in of subdrill. The burden was held constant at 15 in, and spacings were 21 and 30 in, spacing-to-burden ratios (S/B) of 1.4 and 2.0, respectively. All faces were cleaned with a scaling bar and blown Hole I Hole2 Hole3 4« 21 or 30"-—+ 21 -135° N-. AT --o-- or 30" — »| '"* "' \lk. Lit Ul— -24 ms/ft, although the differences at the longer delays were smaller with the 30-in spacings. The im- proved fragmentation obtained for most of the shots at 21-in spacings, as compared with 30-in spacings, was expected and was due in part to a higher powder factor. However, the coarsest fragmentation re- sulted at the very short delay times for the 21-in spacing tests, even though there was a higher powder factor. To quantify the test results and ulti- mately develop an equation to predict fragmentation, it is necessary to develop a mathematical description of the cumu- lative percent-passing data. Previous researchers have used regression analy- sis to fit observed blast fragmentation data to logarithmic, power (8) , Gaussian (2), and Weibull distributions (9-10). Analysis-of-variance tests can then be used to determine the statistical signif- icance of the effect of delay time on the cumulative size distribution functions. These tests determine whether a single regression line can be used to represent the combined results of several shots. If pooling or combining the results tests positive, then there exists a statistical inference that the delay time has not significantly affected fragmentation. 84 Statistical tests were run on several regression line fits to the data, and the correlation coefficients (R) for the var- ious distributions are given in table 3. The data shown in figure 6 suggest that the finer size material was less affected by delay time. An examination of the weights of the material passing the 3-in sieve found minimal variability, as shown in figure 7, except for shots at delays less than 1.0 ms/ft. Excluding these shots and an extremely high (2,170 lb) outlier value, the weight of material passing the 3-in sieve ranged from 1,716 to 1,994 lb and 1,720 to 1,950 for the 21- and 30-in spacing shots, respective- ly. The nearly constant weight of finer material suggests that a fractured zone extends around the borehole, which, as- suming a cylindrical nature, would have a radius of 10 in. This equates to 40 explosive radii, within the range of the damage zone predicted by Siskind (11- 12) , Olson (13), and others in terms of charge radii (i.e., 20 to 40 radii). As shown in figure 8, the fines best fit a log-normal distribution. Analysis-of- variance tests were run for all finer size data from delays of 1 to 36 ms/ft, and one curve could be used to represent the data at both spacings. For shots at delays of less than 1 ms/ft, the weight of fines was reduced. The correlation coefficients in table 3 show that a Gaussian distribution for the coarser size data usually produced the best fit. The Gaussian, power, and Weibull fits to the coarse size data are shown in figure 9 for shots RS-3 and RS-13. It was observed that the 1-1/2-in sieve material also fit the Gaussian dis- tribution, and this material was included in the regression analysis of table 3. The coarse material is assumed to be gen- erated primarily between the boreholes outside the extended fractured zone that exists around the borehole. An attempt to pool all of the data us- ing a Gaussian distribution indicated (at a 95-pct-conf idence level) that the delay time was indeed significant. Further analysis-of-variance tests were conducted TABLE 3. - Correlation coefficients for Weibull, power, and Gaussian distributions Shot Weibull Power Gaussian A 1 B 2 A 1 B 2 B 2 RS-3 0.9923 .9906 .9833 .9856 .9961 .9859 .9966 .9958 .9893 .9893 .9895 .9872 .9832 .9966 .9978 .9921 .9904 .9956 0.9861 .9858 .9758 .9815 .9936 .9720 .9852 .9845 .9847 .9868 .9848 .9830 .9906 .9875 .9909 .9887 .9862 .9921 0.9963 .9961 .9972 .9874 .9978 .9966 .9876 .9948 .9973 .9972 .9982 .9971 .9970 .9902 .9913 .9981 .9966 .9968 0.9980 .9944 .9941 .9953 .9942 .9980 .9956 .9941 .9946 .9923 .9948 .9940 .9928 .9933 .9932 .9970 .9957 .9980 0.9999 RS-4 .9995 RS-5 .9993 RS-6 .9998 RS-9 RS-10 .9837 .9979 RS-11 .9996 RS-12 .9992 RS-13 .9988 RS-15 .9981 .9993 RS-16 .9992 RS-17 .9945 RS-18 .9998 RS-19 1.0000 RS-21 .9980 RS-22 .9994 .9964 'All data the +12-, 2 0nly dat 100-pct po points were u 24-in data poi a at 1-1/2-, 3 int was also e sed in regression analysis except nt. -, 6-, and 12-in sizes were used; xcluded. 85 6400 4.800 m 3.200 1,600 RS-9 RS-21 RS-19 RS-12 RS-22 RS-11 RS-1B RS-10 RS-24 D. 35 1.4 2.8 7.0 11.2 16.8 24.0 36.0 6.400 4000 3.200 1.600 RS-15 RS-14 RS-17 RS-5 RS-4 RS-3 RS-6 RS-13 RS-16 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 24.0 36.0 SHOT NUMBER AND DELAY TIME, ms/ft KEY Fraction ,3 size, in ■•■12 *6 -12 'Mm^taa ►3/2 -3 •■3/4 -3/2 ► 3/8 -3/4 +3/ 16 -3/8 "6 -12 ►3/2 -3 ►3/4 -3/2 ► 3/8 -3/4 ► 3/16 -3/8 -3/16 FIGURE 7.— Weight retained on each size fraction for shots at 21- and 30-in spacings. 86 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1-36 ms/ft 21- and 30- in spacing '32 FIGURE 8.— Log-normal distribution for material passing 1 Vi-in sieve size. to see if certain shots could be pooled to form one regression line. For exam- ple, the 21-in shots at 11.2 and 16.8 ms/ft could be combined (i.e., there was no effect due to delay time). The 30-in shots at 1,2, 4, and 6 ms/ft could also be combined. Figure 10 is a plot of the 50- and 80-pct-passing value determined from the Gaussian distributions. A hori- zontal line is drawn for delays that could be pooled into one regression line. Although not shown in the figure, the single-hole fragmentation distribution pooled with the 30-in spacing curves at delays of 24 and 36 ms/ft. Apparent- ly, firing holes at delays of >24 ms/ft can be considered as firing single-hole shots. It is noteworthy that the dis- tance from the corner to the first hole was 21 in (fig. 1), but the fragmentation data pooled with the 30-in spacing tests. The single-hole test reflected the 30-in results because at 21 in, the first hole's breakout angle, >135°, reduced the burden distance for subsequent holes, 97 95 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1 1 r a RS-3, 16.0 ms/ft O RS-13, 24.0 ms/ft Gaussian fit FIGURE 9. — Comparison of Gaussian, power, and Wiebull distributions. which improved fragmentation over that resulting from single-hole shot. The 50- and 80-pct curves of figure 6 and 10 are quite similar except for the simultaneous shot at 21-in spacing, RS-9. The Gaussian distribution was not the best fit for this shot, and the regres- sion line predicts a higher value than the data suggest. As mentioned earlier, the University of Missouri's Experimental Mine has been used by several researchers (3-_5) to con- duct investigations of blast design and fragmentation. Where possible, these data have been compared with Bureau re- sults, as shown in figure 11. Since the 87 "I 1 F — I I I -| 1 KEY 1 ' ' ' I 21-in spocinq 50 pet passing a 80 pet passing 30-in spacing • 50 pet passing ■ 80 pet passing rapolotion of doto, see text -i — L DELAY, ms/fl of burden FIGURE 1 0.— Size at 50 and 80 pet passing versus delay period from Gaussian distribution fits to the 21- and 30-in spacing data. i io DELAY, ms/fl of burden FIGURE 11.— Comparison of reduced-scale data with results obtained by other researchers. shot designs for these tests were similar to those used by the Bureau, the fragmen- tation results compare very favorably. Other research, such as Bergmann's multi- hole tests in granite blocks (14) , showed a similar significant improvement in fragmentation as delay times increased from simultaneous to 1 ms/ft of burden. Winzer's tests in limestone blocks and in a small bench (15) resulted in a rela- tionship between delay time and fragmen- tation that correlates well with Bureau results. The character of the data in figure 11 is similar, showing substantial improvement in fragmentation as delays increase to 1 ms/ft, slightly coarser fragmentation between 6 and 7 ms/ft, and continued improvement to 10 ms/ft. Strain and pressure records obtained for the reduced-scale tests tend to con- firm the fracture development mechanisms observed and reported by Holloway in work done under contract to the Bureau (S0245046, 1986). Initially, a fracture zone develops around the borehole because of the development of radial fractures and fracturing caused by reflected stress waves. The radial fractures propagate at speeds down to 12 pet of the P-wave ve- locity (16). The fractured region for these tests appeared to coincide with the finer material zone, which was generated within about 40 charge radii. From pres- sure gauges installed in this zone, the velocity of explosive gases penetrating fractures was found to be approximately 1,800 to 2,700 ft/s, as shown in figure 12. The large impulsive signals on the records were due to the pickup of elec- trical noise from the EBW initiation sys- tem and were used to confirm the delay intervals. The P-wave velocities were determined from the arrival times and the distances from shotholes to gauges. The distance and arrival time measurements used to calculate the velocity of gas movement through the rock were adjusted to correct for the travel time of the bottom initi- ated explosive detonation (8,000 ft/s) to the height of the gauge. The borehole pressure and radial crack pressurization produce stresses in the material beyond the near fracture zone, and this leads to additional failure and extension of the radial cracks to the free face. The velocity of gas penetrat- ing fractures was estimated to be 146 ft/s for shot RS-14, as shown in figure 13. This velocity was determined by sub- tracting from the arrival time the travel time of the explosive to the gauge height and the time of gas penetration (1,800 ft/s) out to 10 in. The remaining dis- tance to the gauge and the remaining time were used to determine the velocity. Strain data from the shots were pro- cessed into resultant principal strains, octahedral shear strain and dilatation 88 400 300 o m 5j 200 en CO UJ cr o_ Firing pulse, hole 3 Firing pulse, Firing hole I pulse, hole 2 t-Gas pressure, 1,760 ft/s (3) (§> //B£i[&^ \ltSA\&. 7'A 2-1 r Gauge hole drilled 20°— j-o — r down from horizontal |fc' ■ i h&s ■(*=**■ FIGURE 12.— Pressure measured for shot RS-19. (_7_). Two of the principal strains are plotted in figures 14 through 17 for test shots with simultaneous and 1.4-, 2.0-, and 16.0-ms/ft delays. Shown on the rec- ords are the calculated P-wave and gas velocities determined from arrival times and shothole-to-gauge distances as dis- cussed earlier. The strain pulses in- creased in amplitude with decreasing dis- tances from shothole to gauge. These pulses correspond to the arrival of stress waves, which often arrived in- creasingly later in time as holes 2 and 3 were fired. The observed decrease in corapressional (P) and shear (S) veloc- ities is probably due to flaws in the rock, such as fractures and cracks pro- duced by stress waves from an earlier shothole. The gas velocities observed on the strain records agreed with pressure gauge gas velocity observations, except for those in shot RS-2, where it is believed a major crack developed in line with holes 2 and 3, causing the observed gas velocity of ~2,000 ft/s. Excessive end- break was noted for this development shot. Optimum fragmentation occurred when a hole fired such that its stress wave in- teracted with the stress induced by the expanding gas pressurization from the previous hole. Shots RS-2 and RS-6 show a long-term strain believed to be induced by the late-arriving gas pressure inter- acting with the stress wave from hole 3. Similar measurements and observations have been made at full scale (2)» The interactions of strains induced by the stress waves and strains induced by gas pressure were not always observed for all shots of optimum delay (1 to 17 ms/ft), because the gauge is stressed only if near a pressurized crack and well-coupled to the rock. These interactions were also not observed for shots with delay 89 80t 60 o .a UJ a: co 40 CO UJ rr a. 20 Gas pressure, 146 ft/s P-wave, 6,880 ft/s ■ An * ~^ * v Firing pulse, hole I ^,r^\ TIME, ms © © © I ///,^/unZtn. !I5' 1 Gauge hole drilled */^~^~» 20° down from -< 20 horizontal _J L_ lli>//H> Firing Firing pulse, pulse, hole 2 hole 3 FIGURE 13.— Pressure measured for shot RS-14. times outside the optimum range. Even though shot RS-19, shown in figure 15, does not show an interaction at the gauge location, pressure effects are still ob- served later in the record. Gas effects are not as apparent for the simultaneous shot, shown in figure 14. Fragmentation results at short delays (less than 1 ms/ft of burden) suggest that fracturing in the zone around the borehole must be completed before the next hole fires. Using 1,800 ft/s as the velocity for crack development in the 10- in zone around the borehole, plus the explosive detonation time (0.42 ms), the next hole should not be fired until after 0.9 ms or 0.7 ms/ft. Enhanced cracking appears to last as long as the gas is re- tained. Gas velocities through the rock suggest the process will last up to 20 ms or 16 ms/ft, based on a 45° breakout an- gle and gas penetration velocities of 1,800 ft/s for the first 10 in and 50 ft/s for the next 11 in. 90 2 000 + /-Firing pulse, all holes ,000 c < DC w ■* -1,000 Shot material -2,000 i&t&tetus FIGURE 14.— Principal strains measured for shot RS-9. Simultaneous shot. 91 10 '£ 10 U," 1 1,600 1,200 800 400 c < -400 -800 -1,200 - 1,600 l — Firing pulse, hole I (D---Q-© .q Shot material I— P-wave, 13,100 ft/s I — Firing pulse, hole 2 P-wave, 11,800 ft/s P-wave, 7,060 ft/s — Gas pressure, 60 ft/s Strain gauge, 25 in deep V/||h'~vA^w-*-*»/v* V \A/V»-**' v '' v ^^ 6.0 '—Firing pulse, hole 3 FIGURE 15.— Principal strains measured for shot RS-19. Delay time, 1.4 ms/ft. 92 2,000 t 1,000 c — c Z < tr y- co -1,000 -2,000 / \ ^ ^-Strain gauge, 25 in deep FIGURE 16.— Principal strains measured for shot RS-2. Delay time, 2.0 ms/ft. 93 2,800 1,400 c 5. < a. (0 -1,400 P-wave 12,400 ft/s jj WAifr*»/yUW/^^ I — P-wave, 10,000 ft/s Gas pressure, 115 ft/s 'rAfAiJffh P-wave, 7, 170 ft/s IV y' Y ^YV J '>'r^"'vy'V'^ l n^ 12 Fire pulse, hole 2 Fire pulse, hole I TIME, ms Fire pulse, hole 3 Mk I 15 N *■ II i e II -2,800 L ®-x © Xi CD rH CD O CD bO CD o 12 CD P CO E$ rH r2 e ES X X) > t-l bO co •H CO CD X) O P-. d TJ CD • X o . cu • •H • a> a X CD (0 O CD CD CO S co a. CD O 4-) . O 4-> CD • 4-> 4-> o CO co co J-J bO « CO 4-> bO CD 3 CD rH >. CD cd CD U-l C O CD CO d CD o CD CO X) r4 4-> P T-l O P •H 4-> rH P d O O d u-n c 4-> a> fi 4-1 CO Z d «* t-l C O CO d X d o C/3 J-) 3 e 4-1 3 03 3 3 CO O CD CO O CD rH o co o co co 13 CO r-l Tj (0 rQ Tj co tj cO . t-{ 3 3 co XI 3 3 3 3 3 3 bO X . CO t-l CD CO CD CO CO d co P CD 4-J CU SH CD > r-l CD P CD •H CD rH Tj 4-) T-l B Tj P O Tj P X) 4-1 d rJ rH t-l C 3 t-J X •H •H •H O CD OO CD -H euro co CO CO CO o -3- ~. CO t-l P CM • • • 00 • c P P tH CO CM m CM CO rH CO CJ " 1 1 1 1 T-l d P O d > o 1— 1 CO cu n a, CD CM 00 J |—j a, cd e r~- P O - n 1 « a ^ 4-J co X O d u O CD 4_) M •H •H i_) P CD o CO •r-l CD rH p-i ■—I 0) co X 4J • •H a CD • o I— 1 rH o < d CO CQ H Pi C/D CD CD 4-J 4-) CD CD 4-) U d o LW 4-) CO CD 4-J rH d co CD u >N r-l S 3 en W rJ CQ H 1 CD • • O CD bO CO bO P a. co d l l CU d

N S cO t-l CO tH co •H P 4-1 CD CD 4-> tH CO CO P o • d •H 4-1 V-l CD P CD CD CO O d CD TJ cj co CO O P cO co o tH •H CD d rH > P-. O rH •H O -O rH tH X) d x d p tH U rQ >N •H tH (D CO LM • 3 •H >, S rH . a x rH tH LM cO H CD U O rd CD 0) O P P P 3 p CO CO V-l bO rH rH P tH P CO CO (0 O r4 lm •H XI X LM 3 tH > d TJ P-i * rJ M 1 d • >-. tH 1 CD 1 d Jj P CD CD O o XJ CO tH 3 X • tH CD > TJ p CO CO P •H CD rH P CO e TJ TJ X CO tH CD CD CD d TJ CD P X CD d co >> d P CO O bO d •H CO CO a d CO > P CO rH d CO TJ P CD CD rC o a, o CU rH O rH 4-) o TJ X tH CD CD P P cfl CD P p •H CO P C5 o 53 d to d> CJ LM P tH rJ 3 CD • 1 TJ Tj O d CD tH W CD rH CD rH • o d d r^ d ; O 4-1 rH CO rH rH Tj CD rH rH tH LM Li CD CO CO rH • CD P X CO O A CO 3 CD x: CD NO > o H > • "^ >N >N J-> P CD 3 NO O LM o CD 4J Tj CD 3 bo • p rH d tH 4J CO O O P &o CL, P • CO o •H O 14H CD d rH P O CD a Oh CD •H p CO CO ^~- 4-» CD rH a. lm CD CD M CD CO P rH • CX-^ co x: co TJ CO CJ CO •H r^ CU CO co d 4-) rd P o 3 X CD d O X CD CJ tH CO CO — I P • CD P •H O CD 3 s -, co d P LM LW d co p CD O o 3 CO •H rH • CO CD o rH • CO TJ P > LM CO O CD CO co CO O CD p P •H W) CD CO cO P > P >nT5 CO O X o ^^ >>rd N P 0) ip bO CD rH 4-J P TJ P d P rH d CO P 3 •H CU rH d O • CD O CO CO rH «iH P CD o P X C/l to o d •—\ > co CD CO O > rH Cu t-l S tH >, O MH rH X tH CD & o CD <-^ 4-> rH P rH bO P P a o >N O CO •H rH O d a, >. CD •H •H CO CD CD P X tH d rH 4-1 o a x 3 X d rH P P CD CD p M M M > B u p P o o O X O P W LM rH LP X P LM d LM rH o o CD CD CD p On >, <4_: P a CD CX 3 O P a a, rd O TJ P CD CD CD tH rH 4-1 u 3 CD TJ > bO CJ • d CD d tj o P o d X CD a* > O rH CO CD O CO CD CO CD CD S 4-1 rH rH a a) X CO i— 1 -d CO — i ho X CD P O P CO CJ d CD O P e o t-l — 1 t-l CD X CD tH CJ p CD rH n— ' >, p rH p d LM 4-1 d to P • t-l p CO tH CO •H CO CD d 3 p tH CO 3 4-1 > o •H P >N p 4-1 . CD o tH rH rJ cO P CO CJ lm bO cO o P rH > CO TJ •H d rH CD cO CD * P 4-) — 1 t-l X Pi . tH 3 • i— i P o CD CO cm a. rH P CD rH o cu P • 4-> S 4-1 rH CO 3 bO CD d B CD CD C/l TJ d CD • CO > O P 3 12 rH P CD O, CD ^-N LM y-f CO & 3 % d P rH X a. a rH CX 4-1 O rH •H O CO o CD >> CD o •H O -H rH d CO d X CD CD p d CJ CO u o. o o P -H CO p TJ CD O d LM Q S > M d ^ P i CO • IX! o d p O CD 4-1 a •r-l tH 4J P CD O « «« •H CD rH P-i rH CD C/l X P • o < p Pu CQ •H a d CD H CD • co <3 O P-i Pi CJ) • CO tH > 101 FIGURE 2.— Tenmile test site plan. 50 100 PUMPING TIME, min ,000 FIGURE 5.— Tenmile drawdown test for deep well (D-1). ROSE POINT SITE I.SOO 1 - Well D-2 Q FIGURE 3.— Tenmile test site profile. Well D-l Well Well S-l S-2 200 Well S-3 o o o o o L — | o ft — »U — i o ft — »l« — 7 ft— J* — 8 ft — >T 200 ft 200 ft 160 ft 160 ft 160 ft 10 Scale, ft FIGURE 4. — Tenmile well layout. Deep and shallow pumped wells are D-1 and S-1. Others are observation wells. one possible exception. A blast that went offscale at 2 in/s (distance of 85 ft) could have dislodged and caused a loose rock in the sidewall to shift into the hole, producing a partial bridge and preventing the sounding of the bottom. Turbidity results were also similar to those from the Brotherton tests, with wide variations, difficult measurement conditions, and the suggestion of tem- porary increases from close-in blasts, less than 300 ft away. This site differed from the previous two in that the well was below the blast- ing. Consequently, researchers expected little stress relief effect. Indeed, little change occurred in either static water level or specific capacity until 5 months into the test, when specific capa- city jumped from about 0.33 to nearly 0.60 (gal/min)/ft and later decreased. Researchers attributed the changes to nearby removal and replacement of over- burden, which occurred at that time. As with previous sites, no direct effect of blasting was evident. ST. CLAIRSVILLE SITE This site was characterized by very low capacity wells, which were expected to be susceptible to outside disturbances. The initial drawdown test in the shallow well appeared satisfactory, with the well able to sustain pumping rates of 0.86 gal/min, equivalent to a specific capacity of 0.041 (gal/min)/f t. The deep well was worse, and was only able to maintain 0.21 gal/min for about half the normal test period of 600 min. (For this site, as well as the others, an unperforated liner and packer were used to isolate the deeper well from recharge from the shallower coal measure being mined. ) One month after the initial drawdown test, the shallow well was again pumped, 102 but this time it had a specific capacity of only about one-third as much and at about one-half the pumping rate. Re- searchers suspected that air had been entrapped from initial tests, preventing full recharge. In summary, researchers observed no clear blasting effects at this site. Un- fortunately, work stopped short of dis- tances found to produce effects observed at the three other sites. Some equipment failures were also experienced. DOWN-THE-HOLE VIBRATIONS Vibrations were monitored at the bottom of shallow observation wells as well as on the surface. Downhole vibrations were, as expected, of lower amplitudes, suggesting less risk to subsurface as opposed to surface structures. Table 4 summarizes the average relative resultant velocity amplitudes. TABLE 4. - Reduced vibrations measured at depth Site Brotherton, PA.... Tenmile, WV Rose Point, PA.... St. Clairsville, OH Depth, ft 149 160 168 180 Relative amplitude 1 : 0.34 3 .68 .44 .14 -.25 1 Depth vibration divided by surface vibration. 2 Blasting in poorly confined upper layers. 3 Blasting in well-confined lower layers. CONCLUSIONS Research at four sites in Appalachia found no catastrophic effects on water wells from blasting at vibration levels up to about 2.0 in/s. At three of the sites (and possibly the fourth, had test- ing continued), long-terra changes were observed and were attributed to the removal of confining rock. As blasting and the pit excavation ap- proached within 300 ft of the wells, the mechanism of lateral stress relief al- lowed vertical fractures to open. Be- cause these fracture systems are typi- cally the abode and conduit of shallow Appalachian ground water, the static water levels then dropped over a period of weeks. With sufficient rainfall, the water levels would return. Where suf- ficient submergence exists, such minor changes in static level would not be noticed. Of benefit to the well user is the increased storage and flow as shown by higher observed specific capacities. Shallow wells exhibited this effect more than deep wells, consistent with expecta- tions that more extensive fracture sys- tems exist at shallow depths. At one site, backfilling reversed the improve- ment, either from clogging by fines or reintroduction of crack-closing lateral confinement. Blasting may cause some temporary in- creases in turbidity, of the same order as those occurring in the absence of blasting. Results were uncertain on this because of the difficulty of sampling without causing disturbance and natural sloughing. Plastic well liners were recommended to control turbidity. REFERENCES 1. Robertson, D. A., J. A. Gould, J. A. Straw, and M. A. Dayton. Survey of Blasting Effects on Ground Water Supplies in Appalachia (contract J0285029, Philip R. Berger and Associates, Inc.). Volume I. BuMines 0FR 8(l)-82, 1980, 159 pp.; NTIS PB 82-152125. Volume II. BuMines OFR 8(2)-82, 1980, 266 pp.; NTIS PB 82- 152133. 2. Berger, P. R. , D. T. Froedge, J. A. Gould, and L. F. Kreps. Survey of Blast- ing Effects on Ground Water Supplies in Appalachia. Part II (contract J0285029, Philip R. Berger and Associates, Inc.). BuMines OFR 188-83, 1982, 114 pp.; NTIS PB 84-113182. 103 FIBER OPTIC PROBE TO MEASURE DOWNHOLE DETONATION VELOCITIES OF EXPLOSIVE COLUMNS By David L. Schulz 1 ABSTRACT Following ideas developed by research- ers at the University of Maryland, the Bureau of Mines assembled a versatile, readily available, and very inexpensive fiber optic probe for downhole measure- ment of explosive shock front position and velocity. The accuracy of the probe was determined in field testing. INTRODUCTION Detonation velocities of explosive col- umns are often measured to determine in situ explosive performance. Several methods are in use, ranging from simple resistance probes to very sophisticated and expensive electromagnetic resonance measuring systems. In a recent study on blasting, under Bureau of Mines contract S0245046, University of Maryland researchers used a fiber optic system to measure detona- tion velocity. Discussions with these researchers and further Bureau work led to the development of the fiber optic probe described in this paper. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The fiber optic probe consists of a fiber optic cable to detect and carry the detonation-zone light emission and a sensor to detect and convert the light signal into an electrical signal. Figure 1 shows the Bureau's system. FIBER OPTIC CABLE The fiber cable is a DuPont Crofon 2 lightguide consisting of sixteen 0.010- in-diameter optic strands in a plastic tube with an overall outside diameter of 0.087 in. The lightguide used in the Bureau's tests was obtained from the Edmund Scientific Co. at a cost of about $0.70/ft in September 1986. LIGHT-DETECTING SENSOR The light detector is a fiber optic data link receiver module-100 series with the trade name Optolink. Designed for Electronics technician, Twin Cities Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Minne- apolis, MN . 2 Reference to specific products and sources does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. data transmission applications, the mod- ules cost about $16 each and are re- usable. Bright light through the system FIGURE 1.— Fiber optic detector and cable. Cable outside diameter is 0.087 in. 104 gives an output of about 100 to 300 mV. These particular modules by Interoptics were obtained through the Newark Elec- tronics catalog. The receiver module incorporates a photo diode to detect the signals, and a receiver-integrated circuit chip to am- plify the signals in one package. The overall dimensions are approximately 1/2 by 5/8 by 7/8 in. APPLICATION NOTES The fiber optic cables are length with a sharp tool to get light-conducting surface, and one inserted into the light detector other end of the cable is embedded explosive column from the top down predetermined distance from the tion point, usually the bottom of plosive column. Intense light i off as the detonation front moves explosive column. This light is up by the fiber optic as the det passes the ends of the fiber Carried by the fiber optic cable cut to sensor, the light signals are converted a good to millivolt signals. Typical rise time end is is 0.01 ms. The millivolt signals are The measured by an oscilloscope using a raem- in the ory or hold feature to retain both the to the voltage spikes for each bundle of fibers initia- and an initiation-time spike. From known the ex- insertion distances and measured times, s given velocities are simply calculated. A up the four-channel Nicolet digital oscillo- picked scope, model 4094A, set to a time scale onation of 0.5 us per point, was used for the cables. Bureau's tests. to the FIELD TESTS Bureau researchers used the fiber optic system for two series of field studies of explosively produced rock fragmentation. The first tests used explosive columns of 7/16-in-inside-diameter, 40-in-long plas- tic tubes filled with 60-pct-extra dyna- mite. The measured detonation velocity was 8,680 ft/s at the bottom of the col- umn where the dynamite was densely packed. At the top where the powder was less well packed, the measured velocity was 7,350 ft/s (fig. 2). In 5/8- in-inside-diaraeter columns, measured ve- locities were 9,920 to 11,400 ft/s. A second set of tests was run on larger charge diameters. Explosive columns were 16 ft long and consisted of 2-in sticks of 60-pct-extra dynamite. Holes for the fiber optic bundles were punched in the sticks at desired distances from the ini- tiation point. The optic cables were then inserted and taped in place and the powder cartridges carefully loaded. Ac- curacy was determined by the dimensional stability of the column of powder car- tridges (some compaction can occur). Re- searchers measured a steady-state ve- locity of 15,140 ft/s. 105 Probe B Probe A ,F 20' i I I -M 366 /is TIME, /*s FIGURE 2.— Outputs from fiber optic probe for bottom-initiated blasthole showing measured velocity between probes of 7,353 ft/s. CONCLUSIONS Advances in fiber optic technology have provided an inexpensive and versatile method to measure explosive detonation velocity. An off-the-shelf system can be assembled and accurate mesurements made of detonation velocity for as little as $10 per blast. Only a memory oscillo- scope is needed, in addition to the fiber optic cable and detector module. 106 STEMMING EJECTION AND BURDEN MOVEMENTS OF SMALL BOREHOLE BLASTS by John W. Kopp 1 ABSTRACT Stemming is used in blasting operations to help contain explosive gases as long as possible. Stemming can reduce air- blast, improve fragmentation, and reduce the chances of hot explosive gases ignit- ing methane and dust explosions in under- ground mines. The types and amounts of stemming ma- terial that are desirable in underground metal and nonmetal mine blasting to im- prove fragmentation while containing the hot gases are largely unknown. This Bu- reau of Mines research examined the ef- fectiveness of differing lengths of stem- ming by measuring stemming ejection times as related to burden movement. With properly stemmed blasts, stemming is con- tained until some burden movement has oc- curred. Test blasts at two surface lime- stone quarries were evaluated using high-speed photography. For the condi- tions of these tests, a stemming length of at least 26 charge diameters was found to prevent premature stemming ejection. In tests with stemming lengths of 16 charge diameters, the stemming was ef- fective but there was early venting of hot gases through fractures in the rock. Further testing with other rock types, hole diameters, explosive types, and stemming materials to determine their effect on incendivity is recommended. INTRODUCTION Methane emissions in underground mines can present hazards, especially when ig- nition sources such as hot gases from explosives are present. The problems associated with blasting in underground coal mines have been addressed by use of permissible explosives and permissible procedures for their use. However, meth- ane also occurs in some noncoal under- ground mines, particularly oil shale, trona, salt, potash, copper, limestone, and uranium mines. At present, such mines receive a variance from the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) blasting regulations, depending on the source of methane, associated ore body, and the method of mining. Conven- tional explosives and blasting agents, rather than permissible explosives, are normally used for both practical and economic reasons. A recent Bureau of Mines contract^ examined blasting practices in gassy 'Mining engineer, Twin Cities Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, MN . Contract JO215031; Bauer, Calder & Workman, Inc. noncoal mines. Most of these operations use conventional explosives in standard underground blasting practices. Safety is sometimes ensured by evacuating all personnel to the surface during the blast. However, this is often not prac- tical for large mines utilizing mining methods such as room and pillar. Some mines require 20 or more blasts per day, involving large amounts of explosives. In order to maintain production, blasts must be scheduled while personnel are working in the mine. The contractor made a number of recom- mendations for blasting underground with personnel present in the mine. Important among these was use of stemming to con- tain the hot gases and flame from the ex- plosion in the borehole until expansion of the burden sufficiently cooled the gases to prevent ignition of methane. The contractor made some predictions of stemming behavior, based on a simple mathematical model, and recommended that his calculations be confirmed by field studies. This Bureau study was conducted as a followup to the previous study, to 107 measure the retention time of various lengths of stemming in the borehole dur- ing normal blasting and to relate stem- ming retention time to the burden move- ment caused by the expanding gases of the explosive. Tests were conducted at two surface limestone quarries, which allowed careful control of the test blast design variables and adequate lighting for high- speed photography. While this study is directed at blasting underground, the efficient use of stemming will improve blasting in surface mines also. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND PROCEDURE Early experimentation had shown that high-speed cinematography was the best method for measuring stemming movement. This method also allowed observation of the burden displacement and dust and smoke generated by the blast. Field experiments were filmed with two cameras, a 16-mm rotating-prism camera capable of speeds up to 11,000 frames per second and a 16-mm registering-pin camera with filming speeds up to 500 frames per second. The registering-pin camera has better resolution than the rotating-prism camera and thus provides a much clearer picture. The time of detonation of the explosive was recorded on film with Nonel^ shock tubing. A known length of shock tubing was attached to the explosive charge and passed through the stemming to the sur- face and coiled to allow the flash to be recorded on film. Detonation of the ex- plosive initiated the tubing, which deto- nated at 6,000 ft/s. Thus, the time of detonation was determined by noting the flash of the coiled tubing on the film and calculating the time required for the detonation to reach the surface. Full-scale field tests were performed at a surface limestone quarry in order to eliminate lighting problems when filming with the high-speed cameras. Twelve Reference to specific products does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines . cratering shots were detonated in a fac- torial experiment to test two types of stemming material at three lengths of stemming and with two explosive types. A high-energy explosive and a rela- tively low energy explosive were used for this series of tests. The low-energy ex- plosive was chosen to produce results similar to those from ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO). Both explosives were in 1-1/4-in-diameter cartridges. Enough explosive was used in each test to make a charge 16 in long. The volume of explosive was not varied for this test series. Properties of the explosives used are shown in table 1. The blastholes had a 1-1/2-in diameter and ranged from 36 to 72 in deep. The holes were drilled vertically in a lime- stone quarry floor. This represents the worst case for blasting efficiency, al- lowing relief in only upward. The stemming material crushed limestone in one The material was either screened to less than series mesh size (0.0661 in) or limestone gravel between 3/8- and 3/16-in size. The stemming material was added above the explosive and filled the hole to the col- lar. Table 2 shows stemming length and type, and assignment of shot numbers. The stemming was lightly tamped and had a density of about 1.5 g/cm 5 . one direction, consisted of of two sizes: drill cuttings minus 10 Tyler TABLE 1. - Properties of explosives used in the test series Explosive type Density, g/cm 3 Detonation velocity, ft/s Relative bulk strength Explosive temperature, K Borehole pressure, atm High energy Low energy 'ANFO = 100. 1.16 1.07 15,000 10,500 148 115 3,000 2,870 30,000 19,000 108 TABLE 2. - Experimental design and assignment of test numbers 20 32 50-60 Fine drill cuttings: S-3 S-6 S-4 S-5 S-2 S-12 S-8 S-7 S-ll S-l Coarse crushed stone: S-10 S-9 RESULTS Twelve cratering according to the table 2. All sho the two high-speed viously, one rutin second and the o frames per second, showed that sterami from the shallow lengths of 20 in, was ejected as fol Shot tests factor ts were cameras ing at 5 ther at Analys ng was holes, the st lows : were conducted ial design in monitored with described pre- 00 frames per 1,000 to 3,000 is of the films usually ejected With stemming eraming material Ejection; ms S-3 13 S-6 32 S-4 8.8 S-5 Retained Longer stemming lengths resulted in re- tention of the stemming. When stemming is retained, it has done its job in terms of confining the hot explosive gases- However, when stemming is ejected, fur- ther analysis is required to determine if an adequate length of stemming was used. Further analysis of the films indi- cated the motion of burden. Not only can velocities of various parts of the burden be calculated, but an estimate of the in- creased burden volume caused by the ex- panding gases can be made. Figure 1 shows stemming and burden movement for shot S-3, which was a test with 20 in of fine stemming, using the high-energy ex- plosive, which resulted in a stemming ejection time of 13 ms . Initial movement of the stemming was obscured by dust caused by venting through cracks in the burden. The initial velocity of the stemming was calculated to be 190 ft/s. The burden velocity was calculated to be 27 ft/s. The increase in burden volume was calculated by assuming the burden movement to be in the shape of a cone and measuring this increase on figure 1. It is apparent from the figure that the bur- den movement is closely approximated by a cone. The rate of volume increase was found to be 600,000 in 5 /s. A plot of stemming movement and burden expansion versus time elapse from initiation of detonation is shown in figure 2 for shot S-3. It is apparent from figure 2 that considerable burden movement occurred be- fore the stemming was completely ejected after 13 ms. In this case, some cooling of the hot explosive gases had occurred because of volume expansion as the gases worked their way into the fractured bur- den region. An estimate of the amount of cooling of the explosive gases can be obtained by assuming the thermodynamics of the expan- sion to be adiabatic. The expansion is rapid and allows little time for heat to be exchanged between the gases and the surrounding rock. From the first law of thermodynamics it can be shown that tem- perature and volume of the gas are related as follows: (1) T, T_1 V, = T 2 T_1 V 2 ' which on rearranging becomes = GT' 1 » (2) where T 1f T 2 are the initial and final temperatures, V 1} V 2 are the initial and 109 Burden Dust Stemming 4,6 ; etc. Film frame number FIGURE 1.— Stemming and burden movements of shot S-3. final volumes, and T is the ratio of the heat capacities of the expanding gases. The actual value of T depends on the molecular structure of the gases in- volved. Most of the gas products of the explosives used are diatomic and poly- atomic gases: nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. The average value of T for these gases is approximately 1.3. The equation describing the gas temper- ature line in figure 2 becomes <¥Y- i > (3) where Vj, T\ are the initial volume and temperature of the explosive at detona- tion, V is the increase in volume, and T is the temperature at that volume. It is now assumed that the gas expands into all of the new volume created by the expanding burden. Though the expanding gases may not actually fill all of the new spaces created by fracturing of the burden, this is approximately balanced, as no allowance is made for expansion of the gases into existing voids or for porosity of the rock. The estimated tem- perature is thus an approximation but provides some insight into the phenomena involved. Figure 2 also shows the predicted gas temperature decrease based on the use of equation 3 and the burden volume increase as determined from analysis of high-speed films. The stemming remained in the borehole for 13 ms , at which time the gas temperature is estimated to have cooled from the detonation temperature of 3,000 K (2,727° C) to 550 K (277° C), which would be sufficient to prevent ignition of a methane-air mixture, since the ig- nition temperature of methane is 905 K. However, from figure 1, it is evident that venting, probably through a major fracture, occurred before expulsion of 110 30 111 a: c ^ 2 20 UJ o H 2 en < o o 2 _i 2 < 2 TIC _ UJ H 10 UJ or o UJ X II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 1 X / ■ / * 1 KEY X s X s 1 X ' \ Burden X s X s X s X * '. — — Temperature X s y / X ' X ' — \ / \ X ' X ' X ' X ' \ x * x * X ' \ X ' X ' x * \ y X ' \ / \ y * * * s \ / s s ^ / y ^^x x •^^ • Ventina / *' / ,'' y * yy Stemming ejected yy ^*&\ i i i 1 1 - 1 1 1 12 8 14 16 18 10 12 TIME, ms FIGURE 2.— Relative movements of stemming and burden for shot S-3 and the associated gas temperature. c O 8 uf < Ul tr <_> 2 UJ _l o > 4 2 UJ Q a: 3 CD 20 the stemming, at 3.8 ms after initiation. Figure 2 shows that the explosive gases would have cooled only to 1,300 K after 3.8 ms , not sufficient to prevent methane ignition. A similar analysis was performed for shots S-4 and S-6. Results are presented in figures 3 and 4. Figure 3 presents the analysis of shot S-4 where 20 in of coarse stemming was ejected using the high-energy explosive. At the time of stemming expulsion at 8.8 ms , the explo- sive gases were estimated to have cooled to 650 K, within a safe temperature range. However, venting of dust and smoke was observed at 3.5 ms after initi- ation. From figure 3, the estimated tem- perature of the gases would be 980 K, above the safe limit. Again, the venting probably occurred through existing frac- tures in the rock. This shot and the previously discussed shot used a high- energy explosive, but the previous shot used a different stemming size. The finer material held longer. Shot S-6 had 20 in of fine stemming and the lower volume-energy explosive. Stem- ming was ejected from shot S-6, though at a slower rate than with the higher energy explosive (fig. 4). The time of ejection was 32 ms, and the estimated gas temperature at the time was 625 K. Vent- ing of smoke or dust was also observed, starting at 4.8 ms after initiation. From figure 4, the estimated gas temper- ature at the beginning of venting was about 1,300 K, high enough for a methane ignition. Four shots were fired with 32 in of stemming in each hole. The stemming remained intact for all these shots. The film analysis did not show any stemming movement. Burden movement was slower than in the previous shots using less stemming. With the exception of shot S- 12, no venting of smoke or dust occurred. Also, a rubble zone of broken material was left at the surface of each hole. The zone was about 2 ft in diameter for three of these shots, smaller than the Ill 60 50 - ■_" 40 30 20 *: O „ UJ a: c Z> _ I- 2 — t- < Z tr UJ UJ 2 a. ui 5 > LlI o 1- 5 co < o o z _i 2 < , ? o 1 - Ul i- H Ul CO tr o UJ X 10 - Burden Stemming Temperature 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 TIME, ms FIGURE 3.— Relative movements of stemming and burden for shot S-4 and the associated gas temperature. ui a: => < / . — lis 2 - \ • >^ 2 ^ / / 2 V / x y io \ / / i- CO / x 5 — / / Venting / / / / / Stemming ejected / / >' - I / I I i i 1 \ ' 15 20 TIME, ms 25 30 O uj" 2 co < ui or o ui o > UI o or z> 35 FIGURE 4.— Relative movements of stemming and burden for shot S-6 and the associated gas temperature. 112 2 to 5 ft for 20-in stemmed blasts. The presence of rubble zones at the surface for both the 20- and 32-in stemming cases indicates that with 32 in of stemming, the explosive is still sufficiently close to the surface to allow fragmentation of the burden. The final four shots of this series used stemming lengths of 50 to 60 in. No stemming movement was detected for any of these shots. Burden movements were also smaller than for the previous shots. Figure 5 shows a comparison between bur- den velocities and the length of stemming used in each hole. The type of explosive used made a difference in burden velocity only at the two shortest stemming lengths. Differences caused by stemming type were inconclusive. In this crater test series with 1-1/4- in charges in 1-1/2-in- diameter blast- holes, it was found that stemming was 30 KEY d High-energy explosive O Low-energy explosive 20 30 40 50 STEMMING LENGTH, in 60 retained in all cases with stemming re- gions of 32 in or greater. When 20 in of stemming was used, there was stemming ejection in three of the tests after 8.8 ms or more, but venting of gases through fractures occurred before 8.8 ms. Esti- mates were made of explosive gas cooling associated with volume increases as the explosive gases expanded into the frac- tured burden. In the three tests where stemming ejection occurred, explosive gases were estimated to have cooled suf- ficiently to prevent ignition of methane in the time required for stemming ejec- tion (8.8 ms) but not at the time when venting of gases through fractures occur- red. There was no premature venting of gases with a 32-in stemming region. It is concluded then that for the conditions of these tests, a stemming length- to-charge-diameter ratio of 26 (32 in of stemming) was adequate to prevent igni- tion of methane. However, a stemming length of 16 charge diameters (20 in of stemming) could have resulted in methane ignitions because of early venting of hot gases through fractures in the limestone rock. Bauer, Calder & Workman, Inc. , sug- gested a simple physical model to predict the time required to eject stemming. This model depends only on inertia of the stemming material and not on frictional forces to resist movement, and thus the acceleration, a, of the stemming is given by a=|, (4) where F is the force exerted on the stem- ming by explosive gases and M is the mass of the stemming. The equation of motion is thus S = V t + 1/2 a t (5) where S is distance traveled by the stem- ming, V is initial velocity, and t = time in seconds. Combining equations with V = gives FIGURE 5.— Observed burden velocities versus length of stem- ming for the 1 Vi-in-diameter shot series. -V¥ (6) 113 The force F can be estimated from the borehole pressure, P, times the cross- sectional area of the hole, A, or F = PA, and the mass of stemming equals M = p s M, (7) (8) where Ps is the density of stemming ma- terial, A is the cross-sectional area, and I is the length of stemming. Substituting gives t = 2S p s I . P (9) This prediction method yields ejection times for the shots in this investiga- tion as shown in table 3. Also shown in table 3 is the time of first observed stemming movement and observed time to ejection. All observed times for ejection were much longer than the calculated times. In many cases, no stemming movement was observed before the calculated time was past. This calculation method then should be used only to obtain an estimate of the minimum stemming ejection time. Improved estimates will require the addition of frictional forces in the calculations. A clue to this late stemming movement is provided by the instrumentation used in a 6-in vertical cratering blast by Sandia National Laboratories 4 (shot V-l). The blasthole was instrumented with the SLIFER system to monitor the detonation rate of the explosive. This instrument 4 Shirey, D. L., J. E. Uhl, and R. L. Parrish. Atlas Cratering Tests. Ch. in Oil Shale Program Quarterly Reports, Oct- ober 1984 through March 1985. Sandia Nat. Lab., Rep. SAND 85-2768, 1986, pp. 5-26. FIGURE 6.— SLIFER data from hole 3 of shot V-1 showing detonation of explosive column and crushing rate of stemming. From Sandia National Laboratories. 114 TABLE 3. - Calculated and actual stemming ejection times Hole Stemming Calculated First stemming Observed Shot diameter, in length, in ejection t ime , ms movement , ms ejection time, ras S-3 1-1/2 20 0.5 3.4 13 S-4 1-1/2 20 .5 4.6 9 S-6 1-1/2 20 .6 6.1 32 V-1 1 6 108 2.1 10 Retained 6-in cratering shot from Sandia National Laboratories. also observed the rate of crushing or compaction of the stemming in the bore- hole. The record for shot V-1 is shown in figure 6. The first 6 ft of the rec- ord shows the detonation of the explo- sive. The detonation velocity is approx- imately 19,000 ft/s. Above 6 ft, the record shows the crushing of the stem- ming. This crushing extends to 12-1/2 ft, or 2-1/2 ft from the hole collar, and takes 7.5 ms to complete. The time taken for the crushing to propagate through the stemming is close to but somewhat less than the observed time for the start of stemming movement. The stemming appears to be bridging in the hole and preventing movement until it is crushed by the pres- sure pulse in the stemming column, and only then does it start to move. CONCLUSIONS High-speed films of single-hole crater test blasts in two surface limestone quarries were analyzed to evaluate the ability of stemming to contain explosive gases. Stemming ejection and burden mo- tions were examined. When sufficient stemming was used, ejection of stemming was prevented. A ratio of length of stemming to charge diameter of 26 or more was found to prevent premature ejection of stemming and venting of gases. If release of stemming does occur, the time required for stemming ejection may be sufficient to permit burden movement to start, with expansion of explosive gases into the fractured burden and cool- ing of the explosive gases. An estimate of this cooling was made using thermo- dynamic principles. In three tests with a ratio of stemming length to charge di- ameter of 16, the explosive gases cooled below the ignition temperture of methane in the time required for stemming ejection, but venting of gases through fractures occurred before stemming ejec- tion and the temperature of the vented gas was estimated to be above the methane ignition temperature. For the conditions of these tests, it is thus concluded that a stemming length of 16 charge diameters could have resulted in methane ignition. Stemming ejection takes much longer and is more complex than would be predicted by a simple calculation based on inertia of the stemming material. Ejection times were three times or more longer than those predicted by a simple inertia model. Reasons for this are the addi- tional time required for the stress wave to crush the stemming material and cause it to start to move and the subsequent decrease of borehole pressure through crushing and expansion of the bore- hole. A better understanding of these mechanisms requires further research with more sophisticated instrumentation, such as the SLIFER system. U S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1987 605-01760024 INT.-BU.0F MINES,PGH.,PA. 28478 C 214 — ^— a* .VSSfcy. ^ a> ♦: • o' ^ V % >-^ ■s. O > O* V M V» 3^, ^ < f ^v 1 ^0< \* *' ** m- "♦**^ ^0^ ^°-v « .4S .** "oV ^0* * K 1 - V''^.^-^ "•■• v ..... V" V*^V v^v v^v *° A* ^0* •« tf°- ©♦. ?••* *P V *-vT« <# ©,. *5vV a©' J?**, 0* .M** "*b a^ .«•'■ Ati&X. .*\>$&S /s«^%, ^ 'bV ^- ^o< :-^IS; «b* :SH%£- "*+#' i^M:. 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