':^ ^ ^: :'V- >e, .v-^ ■ - • ' \ > er. Aln'S. limit 1714. Diary of the Rev? Daniel Fuller. Went to fee Mr. Urion Stevens fick of a Feaver. Stoped at John Hafkell's Widow's, two Families in her Chamber one of the Children an Infant very ill. Vifited at Arion Hafkells at David Hafkell's & at the Rev"^ Mr. Jaques's & Sons. Their youngeft Daughter Dangeroufly ill. Continental Congrefs is to meet at Philadelphia. The Provincial Congrefs have agreed to have a Standing army ftationed at Cambridge to confift of 30000 men. Connecticut fends 6000 Rodiland 1500. A day of humbleft fafting and prayer over the Province. Had my garden Plowed and dug by Caleb Lufkin. The General Affembly of Connecticut have Refolved y' an Embargo be placed upon the exportation by Water of Wheat, Rye, Indian Corn, Pork, Beef, Live Cattle, Peas, Beans, Bread, Flower, & every kind of Meal to continue to 20 of May. Senators of the Congrefs of America are appointed by the individual States. Rev Eben Cleaveland at my Houfe. Exchanged with him. Hannah Peters went to School — Rev'' Mr Parfons & wife & Daughter at my houfe. Times very dif- treffmg, more Troops arrived, & more expected. Trees 34 Diary of the Rev^ Daniel Fuller. Afay 1 6, 1775- May 29, 1775' May 30, 1 775' June 3, 1775- Trees full in their BlolTom. Profpect of a Fruitful year. Planting & Sowing my garden. Rode to Middleton in Company with Ifrael Eveleth, met an Alarm upon Cheboffet Caufeway, it was faid a Body of Regular Troops were landed & landing at Wefl Beach Beverley. It proved was Falfe. Dined at the Rev^ Mr Willard's, flept at My Mother's. Rode to Water-Town. Rev"^ Dr Langdon Preached an election Sermon. Rode to Weftown flept at y"" Widow Gibbs with y*^ Rev'' Mr Wadfworth. The Rev"^ Mr Stevens, of Kittery Preached at Watertown to the Convention of Minifters we agreed to preach as Chaplins by Rotation thro' the Province to y^ Provincial Army at Cambridge. Rode to Cam- bridge. Dined at Major Ezra Putnam's. Stroled a litde about Town. The Troops have made Barracks of y" Colleges. Stoughton Southweft Corner Second Story this Chamber converted into a Printing office. The foldiers in High Spirits, fickly among y""- Attended y" Funeral of one of y'"- Rhode down to y*" Stone Houfe, faw fome Indians belonging to y'^ Camp, doleful appearance y made indeed ! Viewed y*" Fortifica- tions. Returned to Middleton. The Latter End of laft week & y*" Beginning of this Colonel Putnam with a Small Detachment brought from Diary of the Rev4 Daniel Fuller. from Hog & Noddles' Iflands Five Hundred Sheep, a Number of Cows & Horfes, & Since that more from Dear Ifland a little below, burnt an armed fchooner, took a fmall boat with three or four men in Her. Set Boat & Men in y^ Boat into a Waggon drove to Cambridge all this without y^ lofs of a Man. Two tranfports lay off in Ipfwich bay. Vifited at Mr Bynton's. Exchanged with Mr Toppan of Manchefter at Marble Head Harbor a few Men retake a veffel loaded with Molaffes & other Weftindia goods from a Man of War in y' Night which the Man of War Men did not difcover until fome Time Next Day. We are credibly informed y' at Noodle's Ifland two Provincials being fort with Cannon from a Man of War, they ventured fo near as to return y^ Fire with thier mufkets, it is faid killed a Man upon y^ Shrouds took up fome of thier Shott and walked off unhurt. Went to Beverly to fetch the News Papers. Met Cap" Collins's Company in the way to Cambridge, And a Number of Harbour Gentle Men at Manchefter at Dea° Aliens Tavern — we Rode up in Marfhall order, Major Rogge led the Van, & Major Whittemore brought up the Rear. Our 36 Diary of the Rev? Daniel Fuller. June i6, Our Troops began an Intrenchment on Bunkers '"5- Hill Charleftown. June 17, 177S- July s, 1775- July 6, 1775- July 7, ^ill- July 9, 1775- July 16, 1775- July 18, 1775- July 19, 1775- The Provincials & Regular Troops from Boflon had a very fmart engagement at Bunkers Hill Charlef- town — Charleftown at y" Same Time fuppofed to contain about 300 dwelling houfes befides 150 or 200 other buildings were almoft all laid in afhes by Gen- eral Gage's Order. My Horfe Kicked one of my Leggs, by which I was very Lame. Rode in my Chaife to Col Coffin's. Invited to dine at Zebulon Hafkell's . . , M' Wil- liam Ellery at Table — Rev'^ Mr Forbes at my Houfe. Sabbath, not able to Preach, by Reafon of my Lame- nefs. Sabbath, my Leg very Lame. Not able to preach. Election of Councillors in This Province. Faft Day — The Continental Congrefs. North American Recommended a General Faft to be on this Day & we learn y' Twelve of our Provinces Profeffed Religioufly to keep the fame — Preached on Said Day. Mr. Diary of the Rev4 Daniel Fuller. Mr. Appleton ' of Ipfwich preached for me. Alarmed in this Parifh. Capt. Linfey lay off Squam river. Sent a barge with fifty men who attempted to Land on Col. Coffin's Beach ; but were Repulfed by a brifk firing of our People. Faft days are on Thurfdays. Sacrament Day. I, my wife and oldefl child Hannah Peters rode to Middleton. Found my mother & kindred well. I & my wife rode to Wobourn Precinct. D"" Win, all well Molley lately recovered from the Small Pox. We rode in company with Molley Win to Roxfbury, flopped at y^ Sine of Y" Punch Bowl. There Saw Father Boardman Chaplin. I rode to y"" top of Roxf- bury Hill, found Brother Jonathan Bowers in y^ Ser- vice. Slep at Jamaica Plains, I was at Rev"^ M"^ Gorden's. Lyndfey, capt of a man of war, fired it is fuppofed near 300 Shot at y^ Harbour Parifh. Damaged y^ meeting Houfe fomewhat, & fome other Buildings. Not a Single Perfon killed or wounded with his Can- non Shott. We Retook two veffels belonging to Salem, his barge & another Boat, alfo we took together with y" ' This was the Rev. Joseph Appleton, father of the late WiUiam Appleton, merchant, of Boston; afterward Minister of Brookfield, Massachusetts. 38 Diary of the Rev4 Daniel Fuller. Alt gust 10, 1775- August 1 1, 1775- August i: 1775- August 13, 1775- August 15, 1775' August 16, 1775- y*" about thirty of thier men, with the lofs of only two of our Men. His Boatfwain Hkewife in attempting to fet the town on fire by Firing the Train of Powder to fome combuftable Matter prepared, providentially the fire was communicated to y^ powder iron in his hand which occafioned an explofion and it is faid he loft his Hand if not his Life. Returned to Col. Spencer's Lodging, took our Leave of Father Boardman & Brother Bowers. Dined at Capt" Eveleth's Tent. Profpect Hill. By Reafon of y* Rain which fell in great plenty, were prevented from viewing y" intrenchments upon y*" Summit of P Hill. Returned to Woobourn, flept at Dr Win's. After dinner fett off for Middleton — drank a Glafs of Wine at y'^ Rev. M' Haven's Reading. Slept at my Mother's. Rev'' Mr. Wadfworths, Danverfe, who engaged to preach by way of exchange for me the next Sabbath. Preached for the Rev. Mr. French, Andover, who preached at Beverley, for the Rev. Mr. Hitchcock at Danverfe. The Rev^ Mr. Smith's Youngefl Child died. Non- exportation takes place. We returned to our Houfe, found all well. Bleffed be Diary of the Rev4 Daniel Fuller. 39 be y*" Name of Our God for His Goodnefs to me & Mine, may it lead us to unfained Repentance & en- gage us to Walk with Him all y*" Days of our Lives ! An Armed Schooner brought into our Harbor, a Ship taken by a Man of War from Portfmouth bound to Weft Indies which it retook. September 7, 1775- Brother and crew came to my Houfe. Left his Family & our Friend. He kept Sabbath with me. We rode to y*" Harbor in y" Morning. In y^ after- noon to Danverfe. Siptember 9, 1775- September 10, I77S- September 1 1 , 1775- Went to Middleton, Brother Archalaus & oldeft Son fick of Fevers. After Noon returned to my family & found y"" thro y'^ goodnefs of God in ufual health, overtook fome Rifle men on y'^ march to retake Quebec & the other Weftern forts now in Poffeffion of y" King's Troops. The Rev^ Mr. Williams of Newcafco came to my houfe, lodged with me. Rode to Captain Norwoods & dined there with y'= Rev'' Mr. Williams & Parfons of Squam. Then Rode to Mr. Clevelands Parifh. Lodged at Dr. Pools. A September i: 1775- September 14, 1775- September 16, 1775- 40 October 3, I77S- October 19, 1775- October 20, 1775- October 30, 1775- October 3 1 , 1775- November 3, 1775- Noveiiil'er 27. 1775- No- •ember 1775- 28, Diary of the Rev " - , - o"^ • ^ '. "^^ <; ^■^ \3p^" '^ *""' ■V '^^'-