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PAGB Naval heroes — Penn family — Admiral Penn — Birth of William — Naval com- mand — Family troubles — Penn at Oxford — Sent on his travels — Penn in the army — Turns Quaker 13 CHAPTER 11. In the World. 1667-1670. Philosophy of his conversion — George Fox — Enthusiasm of early Friends — Penn's influence — Reconciled to his father — Controversy — Sent to the Tower — Conspiracy to ruin the Admiral — Monk and Rupert — Penn in Ireland — Return to London 45 CHAPTER III. Trial by Jury. 1670. Conventicle Act — Treaty of Dover — Penn arrested — An extraordinary trial — Rights of juries — Decision of the judges — Death of the Admiral 74 CHAPTER IV. GuLi Springett. 1670-1673. Milton at Chalfont — Story of the Springett family — Penn in love — Thomas Ellwood — More controversy — Penn again in Newgate — Travels into Ger- many and Holland — Marries Guli Springett — Hicks' disputation — Penn at court 102 CHAPTER V. The Beginning of the End. 1673-1678. Religious emigrants — Penn's romantic notion — Affairs of New Jersey — Foreign travel — The new Gospel abroad — Vicinity of Worms — Adven- tures at Duysburg — Storm at Sea — Return to Worminghurst — Colonial affairs 134 CHAPTER VI. Algernon Sidney. 1678-1680. The Sidney family — Algernon's career — Commonwealth party — Penn before Parliament — Titus Gates — The Popish Plot — Penn and Sidney prepare for the future — General election — Sidney stands for Guildford — His friend at work — Affairs of the nation — Another dissolution — Bramber election — Penn's disgust — The Holy Experiment 152 Vni CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. A New Democracy. 1680-1682. ■ PAGE Petition for a grant of land — Penn's intentions — Description of Pennsylvania — The Duke of York — East New Jersey — Negotiation — The Petition granted — The province named — Colonial legislation — Sidney's Sugges- tions — General laws — Locke's constitution for Carolina.; 173 CHAPTER VIII. The Holy Experiment. 1682-1683. A tide of emigrants — Philip Ford — Markham in America — Penn's views as to the treatment of native tribes — Voyage to America — Parting counsels — Penn at Newcastle — The first assembly at Chester — Site of Philadel- phia — The new city founded — Indian affairs — The Great Treaty — The constitution amended — Penn returns to England 189 CHAPTER IX. Day of Court Influence. 1684-1688. Ellwood in trouble — Accession of James — Murder in Maryland — Penn at court — John Locke — Literature of Toleration — Argyle — Monmouth De- feated — Penn's Mediation — Aaron Smith — Tolerance of James — A ludi- crous mistake — Tillotson goes to Holland — Declaration of Indulgence — Magdalen College — Tries to bring in the Whigs — Landing of William III 221 CHAPTER X. Night and MoRxNing. 1688-1694. Penn arrested and discharged — Prepares to sail for America — Act of Tolera- tion — Again arrested — In retirement — War in Europe and America — The King's design — Fuller the informer — Home-Exile — Robbed of his colony — Death of Guli — Consolations of Philosophy — Peace-Congress proposed — Penn restored to his honors 260 CHAPTER XL The Land of Promise. 1694-1701. Feudalism and democracy — Death of Springett Penn — Character of William — Penn marries again — The Czar of Russia— Penn in Ireland — Sails for America — Piracy put down — The Manor-house — How the Penns lived in America — A new constitution — The Slave question — Indian affairs — Colonial regulations — Return to England 284 CHAPTER XIL The Closing Scenes. 1702-1718. Accession of Ann — Young Penn in America — His father's troubles — The faithless steward — Penn in the Fleet prison — Treaty for sale of his colony to the crown — Story of George Penn — Penn struck with paralysis — His gradual decline — Death — Funeral 310 EXTRA CHAPTER. "The Macaulay Charges." 338 PREFACE William Penn has been called a mythical rather than an historical personage. The accounts given of him by his professed biographers — Besse, Clarkson, Weems, and Lewis — are sufficiently vague, lifeless, and transcendental to merit such a censure. By far the best and most com- plete of these works is that by Clarkson ; but it has serious defects. Beyond a reverential sympathy with Penn's religious ideas, the modern philanthropist had no advantages for the task he undertook. He was profoundly unacquainted with the history of the period ; he copied the ignorance of Besse and others without misgiving and without acknowl- edgment. Of the families of Penn and Springett he knew absolutely nothing ; of their fortunes and misfortunes, though daily affecting his hero's life and character, no trace appears in his pages. He had read only a few books, and those were of the commonest kind. Of the vast collections of MS. papers in the British Museum, in the Bodleian Library, in the State Paper Office, in the Privy Council and other government offices, and in the library of the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, — throwing ample and authentic light on his career, — he had no knowl- edge, and of course made no use. I believe I may safely assert that two-thirds of the facts now known about Penn were not known to Clark- son. His want of information, however, was not altogether his fault. Since he wrote his memoir, now forty years ago, the sources of our history, and more particularly of the seventeenth century, have been much more critically investigated. Hundreds of volumes, letters, des- patches, family memoirs, private accounts and other original documents, X PREFACE. have been published. The chief of the contemporary papers, from which I have derived valuable assistance, brought to light since my pre- decessor wrote, are the following : The Professional Life and Services of Admiral Sir "William Penn (from family and state papers), by Granville Penn, in two volumes, 8vo. 1833 ; The Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, in five volumes, 8vo. 1848 ; Life and Correspondence of the same, in two volumes, 8vo. 1841 ; The Memoirs of the Pennsylvania Historical Society, in eight (half) volumes, 8vo. 1825-1850 ; Henry Sidney's Diary and Correspondence of the Times of Charles II., in two volumes, 8vo. 1843 ; The Annals of Philadelphia, by John F. Watson, in one huge volume, 8vo. 1830 ; The Philadelphia Friend, a periodical in which the Logan Correspondence and many of the Founder's letters have been published, in eighteen volumes folio ; Original Letters, illustrative of English History (first, second, and third series), edited by Sir Henry Ellis, in ten volumes, 8vo. 1824 ; Hazard's Pennsylvania Register, in eight volumes, 8vo. ; Histori- cal Collections of the State of Pennsylvania, by Sherman Day, in one thick volume, 8vo. 1843 ; Isaac Pennington's Letters, in one volume, 12mo. 1828 ; Kiffin's Memoirs, in one volume, 12mo. 1823 ; Original Letters of Locke, Sidney, and Shaftesbury (Furly Correspondence), in one volume, 8vo. 1830 ; Blencowe's Sidney Papers, in one volmme, 8vo' 1837 ; and the Ellis Correspondence, in two volumes, 8vo. 1829. The information contained in these volumes was, of course, inaccessible to Clarkson. But besides being inaccurate, his work is heavy in style. The narrative lacks life, movement, and variety. It is laid out on a dead level. The reader feels no throbbing heart beneath the flowing drapery of words. I write these lines with regret ; my admiration of Clarkson as a man made me for a long time unwilling to admit his faults as a writer ; and even now I console myself with the reflection that his fame does not depend on the verdicts of literary criticism ; it being not as an author, but as a Christian philanthropist that he has taken his place with the Howards and the Wilberforces of our recent history. What I have said of Clarkson applies with still greater force to the other three biographers. So far, however, as the personal history of his 4. XtJUX' XlVXi* hero is concerned, Besse is truthful and authentic; and as he wrote on his own immediate knowledge, and within a year or two of Penn's death, he must be regarded as an original authority. The life by Weems is fanciful and inaccurate, without being interesting ; it is an American publication, never reprinted in this country, Lewis's is in the same posi- tion ; it appeared a few years ago in successive numbers of the Friend, in Philadelphia : and I am not aware that it has ever been reprinted even in America. All these are Quaker-lives : no writer has yet treated of Penn as a great English historical character — the champion of the Jury Laws — the joint leader with Algernon Sidney of the Commonwealth men — the royal councillor of 1684-8 — the courageous defender of Free Thought — the Founder of Pennsylvania ! This omission I have now endeavored to supply ; with what success the reader must decide. I can say for myself that I have spared no trouble in the search for materials. Some years ago, a fortunate incident threw some of Penn's unpublished letters in my way; and the perusal of these first suggested the idea of attempting a new life. The sneers of Burnet, the falsehoods of Echard, the bold misinterpretations of Macintosh, remained on record unanswered ; and as I compared Clarkson with the sources of the history — and particularly with the MS. documents preserved in the State Paper Office and in the British Museum — I saw that, had his work been as excellent in a literary point as it is otherwise, still another attempt would have been justifiable. Then came out, a little more than two years ago, the first part of Mr. Macaulay's History of England, in which these errors, assumptions and mistakes were again brought forward, and with more than their former emphasis. This decided me. I hastened my collection of materials and began to write. The original and unpublished documents to which I am chiefly indebted for information are comprised in the following list : I. Unpublished Letters from Penn to various persons. II. Letters of Hannah Penn — his widow. III. MS. Autobiography of Lady Springett — his mother-in-law. IV. The Sunderland Letter-Book (Domestic; "Various, 629), in State Paper Office. Xll PREFACE. V. Warrant-Books of the Secretaries of State. Ditto. VI. Pennsylvania State Papers. Ditto. VII. Maryland State Papers. Ditto. VIII. New Jersey State Papers. Ditto. IX. Papers of tlie Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. Ditto. X. America and West Indies State Papers. XI. New York State Papers. Ditto. XII. American Proprietary State Papers. Ditto. XIII. Copies of Penn's Speeches, in Ayscough, MSS. 44. XIV. The Sunderland Correspondence, in Birch MSS. 4297. XV. MS. Records of the Royal Society. XVI. The Correspondence of Arnout Van Citters — from the Government Archives at the Hague. XVII. Van Citters' Letters from the Family Papers. XVIII. Various Papers in the Egerton MSS. XIX. Papers and Family Information from William Penn Gaskill, Esq. XX. A Collection of unpublished Letters written by and to Thomas Story. XXI. An Account of Seizures made on Quakers, in Harleian MSS. 7506. XXII. A Testimony from the Quakers of Reading. XXIII. Lithograph of an Address by Penn to the Indians, recently discovered. XXIV. Minutes of Quarterly Meetings preserved in Devonshire House. XXV. The Register of the Society of Friends. XXVI. A Statement by Penn of his difference wiih the Fords. XXVII. Fenwick's Correspondence with Penn, in Harl. MSS. 7001. xxviii. The original Mortgage Deeds of Pennsylvania. XXIX. Thomas Lowe to Margaret Fox concerning Penn. XXX. Extracts from the Pinney Family Papers. XXXI. The Axe Papers in Harl. MSS. 6845. XXXII. An Account of the Seizure of King James at Faversham, in Harl. MSS. 6852. XXXIII. George Hunt's Account of the Oxford Affair, in the possession of the President of Magdalen College. XXXIV. Letter of Thomas Creech to Arthur Charlett, September 6, 1687, pre- served in the Bodleian. (Ballard's Coll. MSS. xx.) XXXV. Letters of Thomas Sykes to the same, September 7th, 9th, and 16fch. (Ball. Coll. MSS. xxi.) XXXVI. Privy Council Registers, 1644-1718, preserved in the Privy Council Office, Whitehall. PREFACE. Xlll So numerous, so varied, and so important are the additions made to the biography of Penn from these documents and papers, that I have not hesitated to describe my vfork on the title-page as "from new sources." The reader will find for himself what is new in my volume : — but I may be perhaps excused for saying, that my researches have not only served to bring together many of the scattered points of information respecting Penn, — but, in the persons of Sir William and Lady Springett, have contributed two noble portraits to our historical gallery — have added im- portant facts to the biography of Algernon Sidney — and opened new sources for the history of our American colonies. As for my chief subject, the Founder of Pennsylvania, I have endea- vored to make him live again : his throes and his struggles, his ideas and his actions, his gait and his person, his business and his amusements, the habits of his domestic life, the furniture of his house, the setting out of his table, every thing that makes the individuality of character, even down to the contents of his cellar, the inventory of his coach-house, and the completeness of his stable, I have tried to bring before the reader with the same vividness with which they present themselves to my own mind. In this endeavor I can, even at best, have but partially succeeded : — ■ yet I hope sufficiently to have changed William Penn from a Myth into a Man. Having devoted an Extra Chapter, by way of Appendix, to the errors and accusations of Mr. Macaulay, I shall do no more in this place than solicit the reader's attention to it, — and leave him to pronounce a final j udgment on the case. I have, in conclusion, to express my grateful thanks to the many excellent friends who have assisted my inquiries or furnished me with original documents for my work. For papers and family information I am particularly indebted to Granville Penn, Esq., of Pennsylvania Castle, Portland Island, great grandson and lineal representative of Penn, and to William Penn Gaskill, Esq., of Rolfe's Hould, near West Wycombe. To Peter Penn Gaskill, Esq., of Philadelphia ; to J. C. B. Davis, Esq., Secretary of Legation to the United States Embassy in London ; and to Horatio Gates Jones, Esq., Foreign Corresponding Secretary to the XIV PREFACE. Pennsylvania Historical Society, I am beholden for valuable aid in obtain- ing information, papers, and scarce books from America ; and I cannot refrain from expressing, in a particular manner, my sense of the cour- tesy of the Council of the Historical Society in sending me copies of their minutes and other works and papers with so much kindness and prompti- tude. To the kindness of Jacob Post, Esq., of Islington — the author of an excellent little tract on Penn — I owe an original letter and the interesting autobiography of Lady Springett. Thomas Thomson, Esq., of Liverpool, is a creditor on my gratitude for several original documents of interest, of which I have made ample use. Thomas Lister Jackson, Esq., F. R. S., has been good enough to place in my hands Penn's MS. statement of his connection with the Fords, from which I have gleaned important infor- mation. To Thomas Thomson, Esq., of York, I am indebted for an exami- nation of his unique collection of Story MSS. ; and to Charles Gilpin, Esq., and to James Bowden, Esq., the excellent Secretary of the Society of Friends, for the perusal of the rare books, the original minutes, and other valuable papers preserved at Devonshire House ; as also for much information from the admirably executed Register of the Society. To Professor Walker, of Wadham College, Oxford, and to the Librarians of the Bodleian, and to Dr. Bloxam of Magdalen College, I am obliged for various communications and facilities of research. Nor can I forget my obligations for much valuable suggestion to James Bruce, Esq., the learned editor of the Gentleman's Magazine ; and to Peter Cunningham, Esq., the accomplished historian of London. To Sir George Grey, Se- cretary for the Home Department, I owe the privilege of inspecting the various State Papers in his keeping ; and to the Earl Grey, Secretary for the Colonies, the same obligation with respect to the national treasures under his charge. To the officers of the State Paper Office I must express my most grateful thanks for their kindness in facilitating my inquiries. My learned friend, T. Duffus Hardly, Esq., of the Record Office, and Colonel Cathcart, Deputy-Lieutenant of the Tower, deserve my best acknowledgments for the trouble they were good enough to put them- selves to in aid of my unvailing search for materials among the docu- ments under their charge. To Bevan Braithwaite, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, PREFACE, XV I am indebted for sundry letters and papers. Through the kindness of Miss Pinney, of Somerton Erlegh House, sister to William Pinney, Esq., M.P. for Somerset, I am in possession of extracts from family papers relating to the Taunton affair. To Charles Weld, Esq., I am indebted for a sight of the MS. records of the Royal Society. My thanks are also due to Sir Charles Trevelyan for his kindness in allowing me to examine the records of the Treasury ; and to John B. Lennard, Esq., for the same favor at the Privy Council Office. In conclusion, I must express my particular obligation to the Government of Holland for their permission to take copies of the Van Citters' Correspondence. W. H. D. 84 St. John's Wood Terrace, March 1, 1851. WILLIAM PENK CHAPTER L 1620-1667. THE FATHER'S HOUSE. Sir William Penn is one of the supprest characters in English history. By the general historian he is rarely men- tioned, and there are some otherwise good collections of naval biography in which his name does not occur. Yet in an age of great sea-captains he stood in the foremost rank. By the side of Blake and Batten, Ascue and Lawson, his courage and capacity were equally conspicuous ; while in his profound nautical science — his fertility of resource — his coolness in the hour of peril, he was no unworthy rival of De Ruyter and Van Tromp. If he stood second to any man in England it was to Blake alone, — and the death of that great commander, while Penn was still only six-and-thirty, left him without a competitor in his own line of service. This fact was fully acknowledged by Cromwell.^ There is a fortune in the distribution of historical justice. The sea-captains of the Commonwealth are all neglected, — even Blake, the second name in our naval annals, has never yet found a separate biographer ! From the day on which his ashes were cast out of the grave where the piety and gratitude of the nation had laid them, venal writers began to ignore his merits and traduce his fame. The neglects that fell upon him, fell also on his comrades in glory. The splendid services 1 The discovery of Pepys led, in a great measure, to the discovery of Sir William. His descendant, Granville Penn, has still more recently collected the particulars of his piihlic services in 2 vols, 8vo. 183o. o 14 WILLIAM PENN. of the navy were forgotten by leading men of all parties — and Royalists and Roundheads agreed at least in doing a common and continuous act of injustice to the sea-kings of the Com- monwealth. The reasons for this neglect lie on the face of the records of that time. The navy was neuti-al and patriotic when every other power in the state sided with one or other of the factions. How could the cavaliers of the Restoration, bankrupt in genius and in reputation, bear to admit the merits of men like Blake and Penn ! They had been the captains of Cromwell. Their genius had strengthened his hands, — given effect to his will, — made England under his rule the arbitress of Europe. This was not to be forgiven. Round- head writers had no love for the navy because it was not their partisan. Whatever happened on shore, the old spirit of loy- alty to the law survived on board. The seaman knew but one duty — to stand by his country. If king and parliament quar- relled, he could not help it ; but he shrunk with horror from the thought of imbruing his hands in the blood of his country- men. Holland and Spain were his fields of action : " It is not for us to mind state-affairs, but to keep foreigners from fooling us," was the maxim of Blake; and in the worst day of his country's troubles, the British tar would have scorned to stand by while a strange regiment or frigate had dared to interfere. This neutral attitude was his crime in the eyes of faction. — There is another reason in the overwhelming interest that attaches to the purely domestic history of the period. There the marine played but an inferior part. The army occupies the centre of the stage. We are conscious of the fact even down to this day. The defeat of Van Tromp — the fall of Dunkirk — the conquest of Jamaica, excite in us little more than a glow of national pride and prowess ; but Naseby and Marston Moor, Dunbar and Worcester ; — these are names which make the blood bound and the pulse throb in most Englishmen's frames though two centuries have elapsed since the day of conquest and humiliation. The deeds of the mili- tary power were done at oui' own doors, — in our country houses, — in our churches, castles and cathedrals. Halls and hearths still exist on and around which the blood of Englishmen was shed by Englishmen. In every county of the land the mate- rial trophies of defeat and victory remain ; and in our arts, polity and commerce still more lasting consequences of the march and counter-march of armies. It is not so with the WILLIAM PENN. 15 triumphs of the fleet. The waves of the German Ocean roll over the scene of De Ruyter's skill and Penn's good fortune : — not a single vestige remains of the deadly struggle for the lordship of the seas. If we would see the mighty results achieved by the conquerors of Van Tromp, we must quit our island home ; we must visit the archipelagoes of east and west ; we must note the bated breath with which the once haughty race of Spain now hold the last fragment of their great em- pire in the new world, — we must hear the whispering humble- ness with which the Dutchman still claims a settlement in that Orient from which his fathers threatened to exclude the mer- chants of England. To be able to appreciate the merits of these heroes, we must travel far and reason calmly : — but such men can afford to wait the judgments of a distant age. The Penns were an old family in the early part of the six- teenth century. For many generations they had been settled in a district of Buckinghamshire, from which they received, or to which they have bequeathed, their name. A branch of the house removed to the north-eastern corner of Wiltshire, w^here they settled on the skirts of Bradon forest, not far from the town of Mintye, in the church of which one of the family, William Penn, who died in 1591, lies buried in front of the altar. ^ This man was grandfather to the admiral. Giles Penn, the son of William of Mintye, married Miss Gilbert, of a Yorkshire family, then recently settled in the county of Somerset ; and the offspring of this alliance were, George — who was brought up as a merchant — and, after an interval of twenty years, William. George Penn, when he grew up to manhood, resided much abroad, attending in person to the management of his commercial ventures ; and having fallen in love with a Flemish lady of Antwerp — a catholic in religion — -married her and removed his house of business to Seville, in the vicinity of which city he passed many years of his life.^ His younger brother was intended for another service Giles Penn, the father, was himself the captain of a merchant man trading with the countries of the Levant and with the ma- ritime cities of Spain and Portugal. In this vessel the future admiral w^orked his way from the lowest station to the highest, under the immediate vigilance of his father's eye ; the duty • Gentleman's Mag. Ixxi. 1121. 2 Memoirs of Sir.William Penn by Granville Penn, i. 2. " 16 WILLIAM PENN. of every grade was familiar to him, and he had thoroughly learned how to obey before he aspired to command. The merchant service of the period afforded more opportunities for acquiring habits of coolness, courage and dexterity on board than it does in these smoother sailing times. The Euro- pean seas were then more invested with pirates than the Chi- nese waters are now ; and the sea-robbers of Borneo and La- buan are infants at their work compared with the Greek, the Biscayan, and the Algerine who two centuries ago swept the shores of the Mediterranean, prowled about the river-mouths of Portugal and France, and even ventured to land on our own coasts. These marauders possessed the fleetest ships that ever sailed; and they were manned by the most reckless and daring brigands, armed, equipped and disciplined to the very highest state of efficiency. The warfare which they waged against the commerce of the west was peculiarly atro- cious : — they not only captured property, whenever it fell in their way, but took owner and cargo with equal goodwill, and sold them together in the bazaars of Tunis, Tripoli and Al- giers. It was usual for the trader to sail with his argosy : hence his life was a series of romantic incidents, more espe- cially if his traffic lay on the shores of the Mediterranean. He carried his cutlass in his hand and his pistols in his belt ; and what was still more necessary to his safety, he trained himself in a cautious, watchful and determined habit of mind and body — prepared to sail in peace in the calmer waters or to meet in an instant the most terrible emergencies. In this school the young sailor matriculated. When he entered the royal navy he was at once selected for a post of command.-^ In an age when merit was the only passport to eminence, he was a captain before he was twenty.^ He married early in life. While yet in the merchant service he had become acquainted with a young, handsome and intel- ligent lady in Rotterdam — Margaret, the daughter of John Jasper, an opulent Dutch merchant.^ On receiving his pro- motion the lovers were united, January 6th, 1643, and came to settle in London as most convenient for the care of their ' Granville Penn, i. 3. 2 "Truth Rescued from Imposture," by William Penn. Works (folio edi- tion), i. 497. ^ "Hath been heretofore pretty handsome, and is now very discreet." Pepys, Aug. 19th, 16G4. WILLIAM PENN. IT worldly interests.^ They took a handsome lodging near the Tower, then the fashionable quarter for naval men, even for those of high rank : and when his professional duties left him leisure, Penn received and paid numerous visits and kept up as gay an appearance as his scanty fortunes would allow. At the age of twenty-one he was a fine specimen of an English sailor ; he was fond of good living — enjoyed lively conversa- tion^ — had a taste for cool clarets, but indulged in no unseemly prejudice against the warmer juices of the south.^ His frame was strongly built — his face bold and noble in expression — his manners had an air of courtliness, and his whole bearing was that of a man born to rise in the world.* With his edu- cation, and the personal qualities which procure powerful friends, the way of life was open to him on his own terms. In his ambitious fancy he saw himself high in power and station, — and to crown his hopes, he soon found that he was about to become a father. His resolution was to make him- self a name, — to lay the foundations of a noble and powerful house. His family had once been rich; it was his cherished purpose, not merely to retrieve its fortunes, but to raise it to a pitch of greatness beyond the day-dreams of his less ener- getic fathers. Nor were these visions idle ; what he conceived he felt he could execute — and he did.^ In his profession merit secured promotion. He had seen others rise from the lowest stations to the highest — the cabin-boy become an admiral.^ Why should not he rise too? The times were propitious. Holland assumed the airs of a mistress at sea, and began to treat with scorn the old claim of supremacy advanced by the islanders. This cause of war was ripening fast. Span, too, w^as growing more and more insolent. The ^ This date was not known to Granville Penn. It is one of the thousand facts which we owe to the discovery of Pepys. January 6th, 1661, 2. 2 " Pepys, Sept. 8, 1660. The edition cited is that of 1848, 9. ^ " Sir — If my wits can procure me a horse, I shall not fail to wait upon you to-morrow. In the meantime I drink your health in good claret and wish you were well stored with it, I should then be a Turk at it indeed." Letter to Gen. Langhorne. " Dear Sir, — 'Tis now grown cold, and 'tis thought a cup of sack would he reasonable. Now the Malaga orangemen are coming home, any of your men, by your order, might bring me a quarter cask. I should be very thankful, and as thankfully repay." Letter to Capt. Batten. '* His portrait, painted by Lely, is in Greenwich Hospital. s William Penn Gaskell MSS. Granville Penn, ii. 565. ^ Heath's Chronicle, p. 198. Deane had been a hoyman's servant at Ips- wich ; Lawson, a common sailor. 2* 18 WILLIAM PENN. turn whicli events were likely to take at home was a point that occupied much of his attention. That the quarrel of king and people would proceed to extremities he now, in 1643-4, felt certain ; the men of moderate views on both sides had either fallen in the field or had abandoned that moderation which was necessary to a friendly solution of the difficulty. Falkland was dead — Hampden was dead. These few words sum up the state of affairs. The partisans of a republic openly declared them- selves ; the adherents of King Charles became more absolutist than ever. Confusion on all sides, Penn saw that the strong arm and ready brain would find an ample market. Come what might he was determined to rise in his profession ; professional rank would lead to civil rank and honors : — not to the highest, perhaps, there being always a prejudice against new men in England ; but the work he had begun his son would finish. He would be well-born. He would live at home and at college with the future officers and servants of the Crown ; he would slide naturally and gracefully into aristocratic life. Should he have a genius for military command — a faculty for con- ducting civil government, there would be no place to which he might not aspire. Meanwhile, as a father he would do his duty ; he would gain a name- — a fortune— and powerful friends ; would deserve rewards of his country and leave the rest to the future.^ One smiles to think that the child for which this career of earthly greatness was marked out was William Penn ! The first business of the young seaman was to obtain active employment. The dispute of the King and Commons as to which should have command of the marine had just been settled (1643) by the appointment of Lord Warwick, in opposition to the will of Charles, to the office of Lord High Admiral.^ A part of the fleet, stationed in the Irish seas, adhered to the royal cause under the command of Sir John Pennington, whom the king had vainly tried to make high admiral ; but the number of vessels was not formidable even at first, and cap- ture and desertion soon reduced them to such a state of weak- ness as to prevent their being troublesome to the chiefs of parliament. If Captain Penn had wavered before, his doubts ^ Pepys accuses him of rising by means of bribery, May 4th, 16G7. The charge is absurd, — but it is amusing to see Pepys and the old woman sitting up all night talking scandal of their neighbors, - Ilushworth'g Collection, v. 312. WILLIAM PENN. 19 were now at an end. In losing his control of the fleet, he saw that the monarch had lost his mainstay, for while this power was in the hands of his enemies it would be impossible for his fellow-sovereigns on the continent of Europe to send him succors, however much they might sympathise with him in secret : — and in an open fight on English ground between the friends of liberty and the supporters of royal prerogative, he knew the latter would be worsted in the end. He cast in his lot with the popular party ; and Warwick, who divined his nautical genius, gave him at once the command of a twenty- eight gun ship, which had recently been captured from Pen- nington, and was then lying in the dockyard at Deptford undergoing repairs. Her destination was the Irish seas, to aid in the blockade of that island, and to prevent succors arriving from France or Spain from entering the ports. ^ On the 12th of October, 1644, he was ordered to sail, and though Margaret was then in the most critical state of health, every hour expecting to be confined, he would run no risk of appearing to neglect his duty ; before day-break he went on board, and at six o'clock, all being ready, slipped anchor and began to drop down the river. This was on Saturday morn- ing ; on the following Monday, William Penn was born. On receiving this intelligence, his father appears to have hastily left the vessel and returned to town. It is certain, from the log-book, that the Fellowship was detained in the Thames more than a fortnight : — there is little doubt as to the cause.^ The child of hope did not disappoint its proud parent. It was a boy. It seemed robust and healthy. Its form was beautiful, — its eyes blue and full of light, — its head well- shaped, — its face mild and intelligent. So far all had pros- pered. Assured that his wife and infant were out of danger, he rejoined his crew, and by slow stages made his way to the station assigned to him in St. George's Channel. In this service he continued for six years, where he acquired the re- putation of being one of the boldest and most successful cruisers in the fleet, — and the prizes taken from the enemy improved both his fortune and his pofessional standing.^ At twenty-three he was made rear-admiral ; at twenty-five vice- 1 Granville Penn, i. 90. 2 i^id. i. 99. ^ Whitelocke contains numerous entries like the following : 237. " Captain Penn took four vessels from the Rebels." — 294. " Three French ships taken My Penn." — 528. " Penn come in with fi^e ships." 20 WILLIAM PENN. admiral in the Irish sea ; and at twenty-nine vice-admiral of the Straits. In the latter service, he was much engaged against Prince Rupert, whom he chased along the coasts of Portugal, — and was the first captain who carried the renown of English arms into the Italian waters. In the meantime his son had grown up into a promising and graceful child at Wanstead in Essex, where his wife re- sided in his absence^ — and great public events, without paral- lel at that age in the history of Europe, had taken place in England. Charles Stuart had lost his crown and his life ; the hero of Dunbar and Worcester had leapt into his seat. The change from the parliamentary to the protectoral govern- ment provoked no change in the admiral. He attended to his own duties and avoided politics. When Cromwell an- nounced to the fleet, that he had taken the reins of power into his own hands, he was one of the first to send in his ad- hesion, with those of all the officers under his command.^ For the next few years the hand of genius was felt in every department of the administration. While the great powers of the State had been in conflict, Spain had treated us with haughty disdain, — France had insulted us at every turn, — even Holland fancied we were no longer worthy of her rivalry. Cromwell soon taught them better. Ireland punished and Scotland pacified, he turned his resolute face towards the continent of Europe. The Dutchman lay the nearest and had most provoked his wrath ; but Holland was pre-eminently a naval power, and in dealing wuth her his invincible infantry was of little use. Genius finds its own resources. Resolved to infuse into the navy, as he had already done into the army, something of his own prompt and vigorous action, he sent from the camp two of his renowned captains, Blake and Monk ; but these men, though filled with an energy of spirit akin to their master's, were nevertheless ignorant of seaman- ship. All that courage, activity and dauntless resolution could efi'ect he expected them to accomplish ; but he saw the necessity of placing by the side of these soldiers a captain of consummate nautical ability, and for this important post he se- lected the young admiral of the Straits.^ The Lord Protector was aware that his admiral was not attached to him person- ally, or to his ideas of government, but he needed his services, ' Granville Penn. 2 Whitelocke, p. 555. ^ Ibid. 570. WILLIAM PENN. 21 and convinced that he was a thoroughly worldly man, sup- posed he would in time be able to buy him over entirely. Clarendon asserts that the commander owed his rise to Crom- well : but this is an obvious mistake, as he was an admiral already when the Protector was himself but a major in the army. He gave him employment because he thought hii"" the ablest seaman in his dominions — and the result justified his selection. The power of Holland was completely broken in a series of brilliant engagements, most of them fought under his advice and in his order and plan of battle. Crom- well rewarded him with new employments and an independent sphere of action.^ The power of Holland humbled to the dust, the Protector next addressed himself to the affairs of Spain, and with his characteristic vigor resolved to strike a double blow — one in the West Indies, the other in the Mediterranean. Two expe- ditions were fitted out in the early part of 1655 ; Blake had command of the one destined to act in Europe ; the other, placed under the orders of Admiral Penn and General Vena- bles, was ordered to sweep the Archipelago, disperse and capture the Spanish fleets in those waters, and attack Hispa- niola and Jamaica.^ But before the Admiral went on board, he made his own terms with the Protector. Some property that he had acquired in Ireland having suffered injury by the course of the civil war, he demanded compensation. As Cromwell gave his officers no chance of growing rich out of the secret spoils of the service — as had been the custom in the previous and was again in the succeeding reign^ — his ear was open to all such complaints ; and in the present case he admitted the claim with readiness and in the most cordial and flattering manner. With his own hand he wrote to his agents in the sister island commanding that, in consideration of the ^ "Truth Rescued,"!. 497. Though ambitious of wealth and honors, the admiral was certainly not a corrupt public servant. In 1650-1, he cap- tured in the Mediterranean several prizes, on board one of which were five chests of gold and silver, amounting to several thousand pounds. His cap- tains pressed him to divide this money — offering to make it good if the transaction were ever discovered. Of course he refused. He would not even allow his wife to exchange a Spanish coin for its equivalent in English. His son adds with mvich simplicity — "In if/io«6 times there was too great a watch over men in employment, to enrich themselves at the cost of the pub- lic." Ibid. i. 499. 2 Thurloe's State Papers, iii. 504 et seq. ^ Pepys' Life and Corresp. i. 401 et seq. 22 WILLIAM PENN. good and faithful services rendered by the admiral to the Commonwealth, lands of the full value of three hundred pounds a year, as they were let in 1640, be surveyed and set apart for him in a convenient place, near to a castle or forti- fied place for their better security, and with a good house upon them for his residence. He made it a special — indeed a personal — request that this order should be so obeyed as to leave no cause of trouble to the admiral and his family in the matter ; but so that they might enjoy the full benefit of the estate while he was fighting his country's battles in foreign lands. ^ It is clear that the Lord Protector strove to attach the young sailor to his interests, as well from this case, as from the general reports to that efi'ect which long obtained more or less belief.^ But he failed in the attempt ; even when the admiral was asking and obtaining these rewards of faith- ful services to the Commonwealth, he had already betrayed it in his heart. Ever watchful over his own interests, he had observed, even when the power of Cromwell was at its height, that the ma- jority of the nation was royalist in opinion, and that the .,/' reigning Prince held his seat only by force of his own daring and supreme genius. The Protector could not live forever ; ^ at his death mediocrity would succeed to his honors and perils ; and this mediocrity must fall before the will of the nation. Nor was this all : — with the Commonwealth would fall the men who had been identified wdth it, whatever their merits or their services. But for his part he had resolved to rise. He cared neither for Cromwell nor for Stuart, except so far as they could minister to his personal ambition. Cromwell was getting old, — and he fancied it now time to pay his court and make his peace in the royal quarter. With this view he opened a secret correspondence with Charles Stuart, then at Cologne with his dogs and his mistresses, and a few of the loyal cavaliers who had ruined their estates in his father's de- fence, and now amused his exile by their wit and their quarrels.^ But his secret was ill kept ; not only did the man most con- cerned soon become aware of this correspondence, but even 1 Granville Penn, ii. 19, 20. 2 Pepys' Diary, Nov 9, 1663. 3 Clarendon, vi. 1 — Ellis Orig. Letters, iii. 376, second series. The reader "will be amused on comparing Charles's own account of his life at Cologne with that given by his Chancellor. WILLIAM PENN. 23 some of his political friends, and his old acquaintance Sir Harry Vane began to suspect him of inconstancy.* He either remained unaware that these suspicions had been excited, or was resolved to go through his work with a high hand. On the 25th of December, a few days after leaving Spithead, he sent an offer to Charles to place the whole of the fleet under his command at his disposal, and to run it into any port that might be designated for that purpose.^ It is impos- sible to relate this offer without indignation. Had the Admiral been personally attached to Charles Stuart, he ought not to have taken service under a soldier of fortune whom he must then have regarded as an usurper. The cavalier who stood by his prince through all changes of fortune may be admired even by a republican : — Clarendon is as reputable a character as Blake — and Falkland stands in history not un- worthily by the side of Hampden. But for the man who seeks a trust merely to betray it, who uses his sword to strike the hand he voluntarily swears to defend, no term of reprehension is too strong. Admiral Penn's case was one of peculiar baseness, — for he added ingratitude to treason. Nothing came of the offer for the moment. Charles had no ports, — no money to pay seamen, — nothing for them to do, unless he had turned privateer like his cousin Rupert: so with many thanks for the offer, he told the sailor to go on the usurper's errand, and reserve his loyalty for a more propi- tious season.^ The Exiles were not sorry to see Cromwell attack the Spaniards; as they expressed it, every new enemy to the English Commonwealth would be a gain to them. But the offer in itself gave them the greatest hopes ; it was the most considerable defection that had yet taken place ; and counting on his ability to surrender the fleet at the earliest op- portunity, they at once applied to Spain for the loan of a port."* Cromwell who had better means of knowing what passed in the Exile's court than the Prince himself, was soon made aware of this offer and the result ; but he kept an in- scrutable silence, and the armament was allowed to leave the European waters without interruption.* 1 Pepys. Nov. 9, 1663. 2 Granville Penn, ii. 14. ^ Clarendon, vi. 6. The Clarendon used in this work is the Oxford edition, 7 vols. 1849 ; the only one complete. ■* Mem. of Marquis of Ormonde. Carte's Coll. ii. 3. Clarendon, vi. 6. ^ Confident in his own genius, Cromwell seldom hesitated to employ a 24 WILLIAxM PENN. It is not necessary to relate the details of this famous ex- pedition. Through the incapactity of General Venables the attack on Hispaniola failed. That the admiral was guiltless of any share in the failure is quite clear, for he never went on shore near the scene of the great disaster,^ — which would have ended in the complete defeat and perhaps dispersion of the troops under the walls of St. Domingo, had he not sent a body of his seamen with Admiral Goodson to the rescue. The whole army and navy were chagrined by the failure ; and to atone in some measure for this unexpected reverse of for- tune, the naval commander attacked the magnificent island of Jamaica, and at a small sacrifice of life added it to the British dominions.^ The tropical splendors of the island enchanted the young admiral : he examined the soil and natural productions with interest, and after his return to England often made those far outlying provinces of the empire a subject of his fire-side discourse. But another cause contributed still more to make this voyage and the American colonies generally a theme of constant conversa- tion in the presence of the boy who was to be the founder of Pennsylvania — the real or afi"ected anger of Cromwell at the failure on the larger island, visited equally on admiral and general. They were both summoned before the council at Whitehall. Venables threw the blame on Penn ; Penn threw the blame on Venables. For reasons which were not stated to the council, but which are evident enough now, the Lord Protector chose to consider them as equally culpable ; and at his instance the pliant council stript them of their ofiices and dignities, — and consigned them to separate dungeons in the Tower.^ This was a terrible blow to the admiral's family. While her husband was absent on his professional duties, Margaret Penn chiefly resided at the country-house in Essex, and Ijer known intriguer if he needed him. When ^Nlonk began his secret communi- cations with the Stuarts, he contented himself with writing in a bantering postscript — "There is a cunning fellow in Scotland, called George Monk, who lies in wait there to serve Charles Stuart — praj^ use your dilligence to take him, and send him to me." Price 712 (quoted by Lingard, xi. 409). 1 Truth Rescued, i. 497. 2 Whitelocke, Sept. 1656. 3 Granville Penn, ii. 140, 1. The substance of the examination is pre- served in Thurloe, iv. 28, 55 ; a glance at which will prove that the ostensi- ble ground of his imprisonment was not the real one. That Penn was not concerned in the failure on Hispaniola, is evident from Whitelocke, 629, and rom the letters of Winslow and Butler (the fleet commissioners) in State Papers WILLIAM PENN. 25 son was sent to learn the first rudiments of scholarship at a grammar-school at Chigwell, then recently founded by the Archbishop of York. The family, now consisting of three children, — William, Margaret and Richard, — were living at Wanstead when the admiral returned, was arrested and sent to prison. The eldest son, eleven years old, a quick-witted and affectionate child, was overwhelmed with melancholy at these events. While in this state of mind he was one day surprised in his room, where he was alone, with an inward and sudden sense of happiness, akin to a strong religious emotion ; the chamber at the same instant appearing as if filled with a soft and holy light. ^ This incident has been regarded by some as a miracle, — by others as a delusion. But is it out of the course of nature for a lively and sensitive child, on the morrow of a grief so crushing, to fall into one of th(yse morbid conditions of the mind in which the thoughts and the reveries appear to stand out as apart from the in- dividual ? The date of the miraculous manifestation is not clearly fixed : the boy is only described as eleven years old, but as his father was set at liberty by Cromwell within a few days of his eleventh birthday, it is probable that the glory which filled the room and the feeling which suffused his frame were simply the effects of a sensitive temperament over-ex- cited by the glad tidings of this release.^ Not liking the still life of his dungeon, the admiral had sent a humble petition to the Council, in which he acknowledged his faults, and threw himself on the Protector's mercy f and Cromwell, who ad- mired his genius, though he no longer hoped to win him over to his own interests, generously and at once restored him to his family and freedom.'' But no sooner was he again at liberty than he commenced a new series of intrigues. His own profession closed to him, he pretended to give up politics and public business, and taking his family with him he re- moved into Ireland, lived for several years in the unmolested enjoyment of the estates which had been given to him for faithful services to the Commonwealth, — and at the very time was using his whole influence to prepare in secret a way for the return of the exiled princes.^ ' Travels into Germany and Holland, i. 92. 2 In the MS. autobiography of Lady Springet, I read of several dreams of this nature. They were the common incidents of the time, 3 Burchett, 395. ^ Granville Penn, ii. 142. ^ n^ij, ii. 143^ i67. i> 26 WILLIAM PENN. During these years his son William rapidly improved, under the direction of a private tutor from England, in useful and elegant scholarship. He exhibited already a rare aptitude for business, and his father saw no reason to apprehend that he would not inherit to the full his own bold and worldly ambition. In person he was tall and slender, but his limbs were well knit, and he had a passionate fondness for field sports, boating and other manly exercises. Altogether he had made so much progress that the admiral thought him ready to begin his more serious studies at the University. After due consideration it was resolved that he should go to Oxford.^ This was in 1659 : an eventful year for the admiral's family and for the whole of England. In the evening of the second day of the September previous, a feeling of unusual depth and awe had fallen on the citizens of London : — ^tt was currently whispered that the Lord Protector was on his death- bed ! They who had hoped for as well as they who dreaded this event, moved about that night with hushed breath and anxious faces. Every man felt that come what would order and public tranquillity depended on the life then passing away. The royalist dreamed of a return to monarchy, — the Puritan thought of his classic republic, — the soldier hoped for a military government under the control of a council of officers, — the traders, always in favor of established authority, and always in the hour of change an unconsulted and a use- less class, wished to see Richard Cromwell quietly succeed. More than one secret conclave was held that night in Lon- don, and various projects were announced by the more daring spirits ; but the great majority of the people was held in a state of low and anxious melancholy by the solemn scene then enacting at Whitehall. Nature too was in harmony with men's minds. As the night set in it grew unusually dark. The wind then rose. At first it came in sullen puff's and blasts ; but as the hours wore on it became a steady gale. At midnight it grew a perfect hurricane. Trees were torn up by the roots in the parks around the Protector's palace. In the city, houses were un-roofed and walls and chim- neys blown doAvn. Vessels were snapped from their moorings in the river, and dashed against each other and on the strand. ' Besse, i. 1. WILLIAM PENN. 27 The uncommon darkness brooding over all increased the con- fusion and the fear. And through the whole length of that terrible night the dying Cromwell prayed that his enemies might be enlightened and. forgiven : — " Teach them Lord !" cried the departing hero, " who look too much upon Thy in- struments to depend more upon Thyself, — and pardon such as desire to trample on the dust of a poor worm, for they are Thy people too." Next day he died : it was the anniversary of the battles of Dunbar and Worcester."^ The news of this great event soon reached the partizans of the Exile in Ireland, and for a time William Penn's removal to Oxford was deferred. The admiral at once put himself into communication with his Munster friends ;^ but on com- paring ideas it was thought unwise to take any formal steps in favor of Charles. The genius of the dead prince had in- fused an energy into the march of government which served for the moment to deceive mankind as to the strength of his son and successor ; until that energy was spent, the courtiers only dared to look on from a distance and watch the current of events in the camp, — for the army was now thoroughly master. During the year next after the Lord Protector's death the Penns remained at their Irish estates : William pursuing his studies with his tutor, his father in secret but active cor- respondence with his friend Lord Broghill and other power- ful malcontents in the neighborhood;^ but as soon as the intelligence of Richard's deposition came to hand, he saw that now the time had arrived for decisive measures, and he threw off the mask, openly declared for Charles Stuart, and immediately set out for the Low Countries to pay his court and offer his sword to his sovereign. Charles was so glad to see him that he conferred on him the honors of knighthood and employed him in a special service.'' He employed his time to good purpose. While the army was vacillating between its duties and its wishes he was engaged in bringing over the fleet to the cause of the Restoration ;^ and this point "was so far gained that in a critical moment Admiral Lawson » Clarendon, vi. 102-3. Heath, 408. Ludlow, ii. 153. The reader should also consult Underwood, 12, and Thurloe, vii. 373. 2 Granville Penn, ii. 208. » Ibid. "^ Parliamentary History, xxii. 295. There is an entry of £100 paid to him for this special service. ^ Granville Penn, ii. 21G. 28 WILLIAM PEKK. brought his ships up to the Tower and there declared in favor of a free parliament — which parliament it was well known would recall the Exiles. When the new writs were issued, the borough of Weymouth, without solicitation on his part, elected Sir William to serve as their representative in com- pany with General Montague.-^ After the resolution to bring the Stuarts back had been carried in both Houses, Montague being appointed to command the fleet sent to the Dutch coast, his colleague went with him on board, in order to be among the first to welcome the king into his own navy. The monarch never forgot these services.^ The road to royal favor thus laid open, the admiral was anxious that his son, — whose natural abilities appeared to him of the finest order, and whose love of business and open- air exercises promised a man of active habits and worldly ambition, — should noAV proceed to the University. To Oxford he went, where he matriculated as a gentleman commoner at Christ Church in the month of October.^ During his brief residence at college, Oxford was considered to be the seat of wit as well as of scholarship : — and it deserved the reputation. In the chair of the Dean sat the famous controversialist, Doctor John Owen, an old friend of the Lord Protector, and soon to become an object of royalist persecution.'' The young and brilliant genius of South, long repressed by untoward circumstances, had obtained a hearing, and he had now reached the distinguished position of Orator to the Univer- sity, thus preparing a way for the delivery of the noble ser- mons which are still regarded by lovers of our old literature as models of grace and masculine beauty.^ John Wilmot, too, was there, scattering about him those gleams of wit and devilry which in after life so much endeared the Earl of Rochester to his graceless sovereign.^ But the noblest and most notable of all the ornaments of Oxford at that day was John Locke — an unknown student in a sequestered cloister of Christ Church, devoting his serene and noble intellect to the study of medicine. Being twelve years older than Penn, it is not probable that these celebrated men contracted more than a casual acquaintance at college : in later life they met again 1 Ibid. ii. 209. 2 i^id. ii. 221. 3 University of Records. 4 Life of Owen, prefixed to Works in 28 vols. 1826. ^ Sei-mons on Several Occasions, 6 vols. 8vo. 1704. 6 Wadham College, MSS. WILLIAM PENN. 29 — rivals in legislation, but grateful friends in the hour of need.^ As he entered on his academical career under the auspices of the royal brothers, he soon obtained a position in the bril- liant circle of his college. A hard student, he gave great satisfaction to his superiors ; a skillful boater and adventurous sportsman, he soon became a favorite with his equals.^ His reading at this time was solid and extensive, and his acquisi- tion of knowledge was assisted by an excellent memory. For a boy, he left Oxford with a profound acquaintance with history and theology. Of languages he had also more than the ordinary share. Then and afterwards, while at Saumur, he read the chief writers of Greece and Italy in their native idioms ; and acquired a thorough knowledge of French, German, Dutch and Italian. Later in life he added to this stock two or three dialects of the Red men. But his great pleasure and Recreation while at Christ Church was in read- ing the doctrinal discussions to which the Puritan idea had given rise. The profligate court of Charles had infected the higher classes of society, even before the Restoration actually took place ; and that splendid mixture of vice and wit, polite- ness and irreligion, soon to characterise the youth of England generally, had slowly begun to display itself at the Univer- sity. But there were not wanting protests. Many of the young men there collected, had, in their early youth, imbibed better notions of religion and morality, — and they firmly resisted every attempt to introduce a more lax and courtly ceremonial into the services of the Church. Other incidents contributed to fan the fire of discontent. Dr. Owen, made Dean of Christ Church by order of Parliament in 1653, was ejected from his ofiice by the Stuarts to make room for their own partizan, Dr. Reynolds : a change intended, among other things, to prepare for the introduction of a more picturesque ritual than had latterly been in use.^ This measure was very unpopular with the students of Puritan principles : and the displaced Dean kept up a constant correspondence with the members of his college, in which he incited them to remain firm in their rejection of papistical rites and mummeries.'' Under this sanction, many of them, — and William Penn 1 Christ Chiirch, MSS. ^ Wood, art. Penn. 3 Life of Owen, prefixed to works, 182G. '» Ibid. i. 220 et seq. 3* 30 WILLIAM PENN. among the foremost, — boldly opposed the innovations of the court. ^ Yet it was not without pain that he found his con- science at war with the powers whom his father delighted to honor. From the frequent references to these times made in after life, it is evident that his sufferings were acute and long continued.^ As the lights of truth dawned on his own mind, he was surprised and terrified to find how dark all was out- side. Every where, to use his own expression, he saw that a reign of darkness and debauchery was commencing f and his only hope for the future lay in a vague but most romantic dream that a virtuous and holy empire — equally free from bigotry and the dead formalism of State Religions — might one day be founded in those magnificent wildernesses of the New World which had so often formed a topic of the family conversation. But in this fancy his mind discovered a real opening of joy.'* While the quarrel of Cavalier and Puritan was raging at Oxford, an obscure person named Thomas Loe — a layman of the city — began to preach the new doctrines taught by George Fox. The neglect of forms and ceremonies in the new ritual, attracted the attention of Penn and of others who, like him, were in a state of revolt at the threatened restoration of popish usages, and going to hear the preaching of this strange word, they were excited and interested, and returned again and again. Their absence from their own services was noticed ; the superiors were alarmed ; and the young non-conformers were all brought up and fined for the irregularity.* This indignity drove them into open rebellion. They banded themselves together to oppose the orders of the court by force. The youngsters paraded the streets in a threatening manner. They not only refused to wear the gown themselves, but they declared war against all who did ; and in the public promenades, in the gardens of Christ Church, in the quadrangles of the colleges, they set upon and tore away the hated vestments from the more courtly or timid students.^ In these outrages Penn's English spirit was con- 1 G Pepys' Diary, April 28, 1662. 2 Travels, i. 92. 3 i^id. '^ Penn to Turner, Pennsylvania Historical Society's Memoirs, i. 203. ^ Besse, i. 2. ^ Lady Springet's MS. autobiography is full of the repugnance of Puritans to the vestments of tiie clergy. WILLIAM PENN. 31 spicuous : — and the immediate consequence was, that he "was brought up for judgment and expelled the University.^ On hearing of the first and minor offence of nonconfor- mity the admiral was grieved and astounded. The idea of a child of his growing up into a fanatic seemed to his worldly mind preposterous. For himself, though he pursued the course of his ambition with unswerving resolution, he was fond of relaxation, — often went to the play, — loved to dine at a tavern with a set of jovial companions, — and was addicted to all the genial weaknesses of a busy man.^ He little un- derstood the working of his son's mind ; but a vague and undefinable sense of coming evil cast a shadow on his spirits. His friends remarked his clouded brow — the unaccustomed gravity of his speech.^ The first thought was to separate his heir from his present comrades ; and he consulted several persons as to the wisdom of sending him at once to Cam- bridge.'* Then came the expulsion. This disgrace struck the proud and ambitious admiral in the heart. When William came home he was received with cold and silent anger. For a time he would hardly see or speak to him. The whole family was plunged into misery.* But this stern discipline produced no effect. The admiral observed that his son con- tinued in a low and serious mood of mind, altogether unna- tural as he thought at the age of eighteen, — that he avoided the gay and pleasant society to which he had been accustomed all his life, — and he began to fear that he was not taking the wisest course to reclaim him. He still wrote to and received letters from Dr. Owen ; and would not admit that he had done wrong in resisting the king's commands about the surplice.^ The admiral had two other children ; Richard, described by Pepys as "a notable, stout, witty boy,"^ and Margaret; but his greatest hopes were built on his first-born, whose bright and practical intellect had already impressed him with deep respect. To quarrel with this favorite, more than was needful for his own good, was what he had neither the will I Pepys, Nov. 2. 2 ibid. May 3, 1668. ^ i^id. April 28, 1662. 4 Ibid. Jan. 25 ; Feb. 1. ^ Ibid. March 16. 6 "Sir William much troubled on receipt of letters last night. Showed me one of Dr. Owen's to his son, whereby it appears he is much perverted in his opinions by him ; which I now perceive is the cause that hath put Sir William so long off the hooks." Pepys, April 28. "? Pepys, Feb. 12, 1665; he died in 1673. WZ WILLIAM PENN. nor the power to do, and after mucli thought he changed his method. It had occurred to him that the best way to with- draw a young man from sombre thoughts and inferior com- pany would be to send him to the gay capital of Europe. He had not yet seen much of the world : — he proposed to him to set out almost immediately for France. Of course he was de- lighted : what schoolboy does not start with pleasure at the name of Paris ! Some of his college friends were about to commence the grand tour, and it was arranged by all parties that he should join them. They were a gay and graceful set — some of them of the best blood in England. At Paris they stayed some time. Penn was presented to Louis Quatorze, and became a frequent and welcome guest at court.^ There he made the acquaintance of Robert Spencer, son of the first Earl of Sunderland and Lady Dorothy Sidney — sister of the famous Algernon Sidney — and of several other persons of distinction in the fashionable circles of Paris and Versailles.^ In this brilliant society the young Penn soon forgot the aus- tere gravity of his demeanor ; not many details of his life at this period are preserved, — but the little that is known is characteristic. Returning late one night from a party, he was accosted in the dark street by a man who ^houted to him in an angry tone to draw and defend himself. At the same moment a sword gleamed past his eyes. The fellow would not listen to reason. Penn, he said, had treated him with contempt. He had bowed his head and taken off his hat in civil salutation : — his courtesy had been slighted, and he would have satisfaction made to his wounded honor. In vain the young Englishman protested he had not seen him, — that he could have no motive for oiFering such an insult to a stranger. The more he showed the absurdity of the quarrel, the more enraged his assailant grew : — he would say no more — his only answer was a pass with his rapier. The blood of the youth was stirred ; and whipping his sword from its scab- bard, he stood to the attack. There was but little light ; yet several persons were attracted by the clash of steel, and a number of roysterers gathered round to see fair play and decide upon any points of honor which might be raised. A few passes proved that Penn was the more expert swordsman ; * Gerard Croese, History of Quakers, 41. 2 Letter to Sunderland, July 28, 1683. WILLIAM PENN. 33 and a dexterous movement left the Frencli gallant unarmed and at his mercy. ^ The company rather expected him to finish his man, as they said he had a right to do by the laws of honor ; but he took a difi"erent view of the case, and returned the captured sword with a polite bow to its owner.^ It is petty clear from such an incident that Penn was more of a cavalier than a quaker at this period of his life.^ The admiral, now a commissioner of the navy with five hundred a year and a magnificent suite of rooms at the navy- gardens, was so well pleased with his son's conduct in France, that he desired him to remain some time in that country and complete his education : in the meantime he had already settled it in his own mind that when he had done with books and travel he should enter the army, and consulted the Duke of Ormonde and other of his intimate friends as to the need- ful arrangements.'' On learning his father's wishes, Penn went to Saumur and placed himself under the care of the learned Moses Amyrault, professor of divinity, and one of the ablest men in the reformed churches of France. With this eminent scholar he read the principal fathers ; discussed the history and philosophic basis of theology ; and applied him- self to a thorough study of the language and literature of the country. At the conclusion of this course of study he began to travel, being furnished with letters of introduction to the best society in France and Italy. He again joined Lord Robert Spencer, and through his means it is probable that he was at this time made personally acquainted with Algernon Sidney, then living in honorable exile rather than compro- mise his potitical faith.* Certain it is that early in life Penn became known to this illustrious exile, and strongly attached to his person and to his political ideas. As the great repub- lican left England in 1659, and did not return until 1677, when they appear to have been long intimate,^ it is necessary to infer that they were now introduced. Spencer was Sidney's nephew; but blood was the only thing they had in common. Penn accepted his opinions as well as his friendship ; and 1 <'No Cross, no Crown," i. 313. 2 Oerard Croese, 41. ^ gesse, i. 2. ^ Ormonde to Sir William Penn, Granville Penn, i. 429. 5 "If I could write and talk like Col. Hutchinson or Sir Gilbert Pickering, I believe I might be quiet ; contempt might procure me safety ; but I had rather be a vagabond all my life than buy my being in my own country at so poor a rate." Hamburg, August 30th, 1660. ^ Algernon Sidney to Furly, April 3, 1678. M WILLIAM PENN. retained for him through life a noble and disinterested affection.^ In the summer of 1664, when he had been about two years abroad, Penn was suddenly recalled from Italy. England was again at war with Holland. On the day of Charles Stuart's restoration, the Dutch revived their old dreams of naval supremacy, and their aims and pretensions had at length outwearied the patience of Whitehall. War was de- clared. The Duke of York, then Lord High Admiral of England, divided the fleet into three squadrons, one of which he gave to Prince Rupert, a second to Lord Sandwich, and the third was reserved for himself; but, as he had sense enough to know, not one of the three commanders had ever directed a great naval action, nor was qualified by experience and ability to contend against veterans like De Ruyter and De Witt.^ Sandwich was a soldier, Rupert a mere freebooter, and James, though he had distinguished himself under Tu- renne, was a stranger to the ocean. The occasion could not be trifled with, and in spite of the jealousy of Sandwich and the rage of Rupert, the royal brothers consulted the admiral as to the course to be adopted, — and he recommended them to employ in their service the old and dauntless captains of the Commonwealth.^ James had firmness enough to resist the clamor of the royalists when the advice was made known ; and many of those who had served under Blake, Lawson, and Penn, were named to the command of vessels. In the hour of peril his naval genius made itself felt on every hand, and the lord admiral looked up to him as to an infallible guide.^ That the full benefit of his skill and courage might be given to his country, he was named Great Captain Commander, and ordered to take his station on the duke's flag-ship, so as in his name to direct all the really important movements of the fleet.^ While thus employed the admiral thought proper to have his son at home ; partly to look after the family aff'airs, and 1 Sidney Papers, ii. 155. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. second part. 2 Penn was but 42, yet the Duke always called liim in allusion to Ms long services at sea "Old Penn." Pepy's, June 20, 1664. 3 Ibid. Nov. 6, 1665. 4 Ibid. Oct. 3, 1664. 5 Kempthorne Papers in Egerton MSS. " Sir William Penn do grow every day more and more regarded by the duke." Pepys, Oct. 3. " To the office, where strange to see how Sir W. Penn is flocked to by people of all sorts against his going to sea." This is the testimony of an enemy. WILLIAM PENN. 50 partly to ensure his personal safety, as the King of France was believed to be secretly leaning towards an alliance with Holland. As fast as post-horses could carry him he traversed northern Italy, Savoy, and France ; and arrived in London about the middle of August, 1664, being then a little less than twenty years old. The change in his manners and ap- pearance threw the polite world into a state of wonderment. Two years before he had gone away a silent, moody boy, whose whim it was to shun gay society, and to consort with a set of strange men, whose habits were vulgar and whose opinions fanatic. He came back a fine gentleman. Like the fashionable young men he had travelled with, he wore panta- loons and carried his rapier in the French mode.-^ He had the graceful carriage, the easy and self-possessed manners, of the best bred men of the world.^ Both the king and his royal brother noticed him, — and he stepped into his place at court with ease and dignity. With the ladies he was an es- pecial favorite. He had learned in foreign drawing-rooms to lisp the language of polished compliment, and to compose the little chansons d' amour which courtly beauties loved to listen to in that age of elegant frivolity.^ In person he had grown from a slight and unformed youth into a graceful and hand- some man. Tall and well set, his figure promised physical strength and hardihood of constitution. His face was mild and almost womanly in its beauty ; his eye soft and full ; his brow open and ample ; his features well defined and approach- ing to the ideal Greek in contour ; the lines about his mouth were exquisitely sweet and yet resolute in expression. Like Milton, he wore his hair long and parted in the centre of the forehead, from which it fell over his neck and shoulders in aiassive natural ringlets. In mien and manners he seemed formed by nature and stamped by art — a gentleman.'' The admiral, delighted with his own success, took care to avoid all reference to the painful past.^ To prevent the 1 Gibson to Penn, March 1712. 2 Pepys, August 30. 3 " Comes Mr. Penn to visit me. I perceive something of learning he hath got ; but a great deal, if not too much, of the vanity of the French garb, and affected manner of speech and gait." August 30. The reader of the Diary will remember how far the censor of these vanities Avas himself above them. '^ His portrait, painted at 22, is now in possession of the Pennsylvania Hist. Society. ^ Besse, i. 2. 36 WILLIAM PENN. slightest risk of a return to his old companions and his old thoughts, he kept him incessantly occupied. He carried him to the gallery at Whitehall, — presented him to great persons, — made him pay visits. He entered him as a student at Lincoln's Inn that he might acquire some knowledge of his country's laws ; and to allow him no leisure to indulge in idle fancies, he employed him on the King's business and in his own private affairs. There seemed little fear that he would again go wrong: at least so thought his worldly-minded father.^ The crisis of the Dutch war had now arrived. On the 24th of March, 1665, the Duke of York, accompanied by his Great Captain Commander and many other distinguished persons, went on board the Royal Charles. William Penn was on his father's staff and saw, the few days he remained at sea, some smart service between the Dutch and English commanders f but at the end of three weeks he was sent on shore with despatches for the King. On the 23d of April he landed at Harwich about one o'clock; but the day being Sunday there was some difficulty in obtaining horses, and he lost two hours before he succeeded in procuring them, when he posted off, and riding all night arrived at Whitehall before it was yet day-light. Not finding the King up, he sent in a message by Lord Arlington that he had brought news from the duke, — on hearing which Charles leaped out of bed and ran into the ante-room in his night-gown. The courier delivered his let- ters : — " Oh, it's you !" said the King ; '' and how is Sir William?" He read the letters and chatted with the bearer more than half an hour, when seeing that he was fatigued with his night's ride he told him to go home and get to bed.^ Penn returned to his legal studies and continued at them until June, when the decisive battle was fought and won — the battle which struck dow^n once more the naval pride of Holland, and won for the admiral the greatest rewards his sovereign had to bestow, — and the plague broke out in London and compelled him to change his place of residence.'* The plague undid in a few weeks the work of years. It 1 Gran\^lle Penn, ii. 317-8. 2 Tnith Rescued, i. 498. Granville Penn, ii. 342 3 William Penn to the Admiral, May G. '' Penn to Turner, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. i. 201. Pennsylvania Charter, preamble. WILLIAM PENN. m was a visitation to make the boldest pause and the least sus- ceptible to religious emotions look the great question in the face. The living fell down in the streets, stricken dead in a moment. The darkest gloom reigned every where. Ten thousand deaths were reported in a single day. The rich fled away to a distance. The poor shut themselves up in their houses and hardly ventured forth in search of food. The fear of death was in all hearts:^ — and the shock revived the old religious fervor of the young law student, and completely swept away the courtly refinements in which his father de- lighted to see him excel. When the admiral returned from sea he was surprised and mortified to find how great a change an absence of a few weeks had wrought. His son, again grave and taciturn, had left off French, ceased his attendance at court, paid few visits. Most of his time was now spent in his closet with the great masters of controversial theology and politics, and the limited number of friends in whose society he seemed to find a pleasure were men of sober character and devout lives. ^ Again the dazzling dreams, which to the keen eye of the admiral appeared more and more easy to realize in outward fact, were on the point of being dashed and broken. From the gratitude of the royal brothers he had already received ample rewards; besides his official residence and the salary of five hundred a year as commissioner to the navy, he had obtained the command of Kinsale — castle and fort — worth at least four hundred a year, and a grant of land of the full annual value of a thousand pounds, over and above all charges, quit-rents and deductions. Nor did the royal bounty end with gifts of lands and offices. The services were too great to pass without still higher honors :^ — and he w as given to understand that he would be raised to the peerage in due time with the title of Lord Weymouth, the borough which he then represented in parliament.'* But what was he > Defoe, ix. 1-204. 2 Travels, i. 92. ^ All classes looked up to him in the hour of danger. Pepys' meanness is amusing : — " Comes Sir W. Penn to town, which I little expected, having invited my lady and her daughter Pegg to dine with me to-day, which at noon they did, and Sir W. Penn with them; and pretty merry we were. And though I do not love him, yet I find it necessary to keep in with him. His good service at Sheerncss in getting ovit the fleet being much taken notice of, and reported to the king and duke, even from the prince [Rupert] and the Duke of Albemarle themselves. Therefore I think it discretion, great and necessary discretion, to keep in with him." July 1, 1660. -» Granville Penn, ii. 317-18. Besse, i. 2. 4 m WILLIAM PENN. to do witli a shy and moody youth hi that splendid and dissi- pated court ? He could think only of one scheme, — and that" was to send him away until the mood had again passed off: absence from England had formerly cured him of such follies — it was easy to try the experiment again. So reasoned the worldly-minded father with himself; and the idea once in his mind, he lost no time in carrying it into effect. At this period of our history the Duke of Ormonde, with whose family the admiral lived on terms of intimate friend- ship, was vice-king in Ireland ; and his court in Dublin was renowned as one of the most refined and cultivated in Europe. The grey-headed old nobleman was himself possessed of an upright mind, a cheerful temper and polished manners: he knew the value of wit and ease ; but he never sacrificed to them the more solid qualities of intellect and virtue. About his own person he had gathered all the worth and beauty of the country over which he ruled ; and his court was remark- able for its gaiety and correctness — the purity of its morals and the brilliancy of its fashion.^ In such a circle Admiral Penn had good reason to believe his son would soon forget that hateful gloom. Sensible that while his mind was still fresh and his worldly passions dormant, the society of those profligate idlers and bravoes who swarmed about Whitehall could only lead to a deeper and more radical repugnance to a courtier's life, he took his measures not unwisely : only he had overlooked one important fact — the Quakers were already numerous in Ireland.^ Provided with letters of introduction to the Viceroy and to other chief officers of the government, Penn set out for Dublin, where he arrived in the autumn of 1665, and was warmly received by his father's friends. The Duke made him known to his second son, the young Lord Arran, (Ossory being at that time absent in his sovereign's service,) to Lord Dunagle, Secretary Sir George Lane, and the other distinguished persons of his court.^ Pie was charmed with the spirit, the intelligence, the high breeding of his young courtier ; and in a very short time the accounts sent to the admiral assured him that in separating his son from his London associates he had effectually changed the current of his thoughts. The 1 Carte's Life of Ormoude, and the Ormonde Correspondence. ^Tliurloe, iv. 757. ^ Letters in Granville Penn, ii. 429 et seq. WILLIAM PENN. 39 Ormondes were a family of soldiers : — the pomp and circum- stance of war occupied nearly every thought of young Arran and his companions. Penn was still considered a little too grave for one-and-twenty ; but he affected no moroseness, — gave up his time and talents to the occupation of the hour, — and one unexpected event gave to his tastes and wishes a powerful impulse towards a military career. This was an in- surrection of the soldiers stationed at Carrickfergus. The mutineers seized the castle and spread alarm through the whole country. To the Lord Arran was assigned the arduous task of reducing them to obedience; and impelled by the ardor of youth, Penn offered to serve as a volunteer under Ijis friend. His offer was accepted, and in the subsequent actions of th^ siege he so distinguished himself by courage and cool- ness as to extort general applause from his superior officers. Arran was in ecstacies. The Viceroy himself wrote to the admiral to express his great satisfaction with his son's con- duct; and at the same time proposed that he should now join the army and have a company of foot as had been agreed between them before his return from France.^ This taste of military glory made the volunteer anxious to adopt the sword as a profession. The desire did not lie deep in his mind perhaps ; but so long as the career of arms seemed open to him he strongly urged his father to comply with the Duke's proposal, and in more than one letter expressed his chagrin at being kept so long in a state of uncertainty.^ His impatience amused and gratified the family, then residing at Walthamstow f but the admiral had now changed his views, so that while he freely confessed that he felt proud of his con- duct at the attack on Carrickfergus, he refused to allow him to join the regular army. Penn parted from his momentary dream with much regret, — and, that some remembrance of it might be preserved in the family, he had himself painted — the only time in his life — in his military costume. It is a curious fact that the only genuine portrait of the great apostle of peace existing, represents him armed and accoutred as a soldier I'* 1 Ormonde to Sir William, May, 29, 1G66. 2 Granville Penn, ii. 431-2. ^ Pepys, August 30. "* Granville Penn, ii. 431. The original portraits (there were two copies), are — one of them in possession of his descendant, Granville Penn, Esq. The other in the hall of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. 4# WILLIAM PENN. From this time the family affairs in Ireland occupied the whole of Penn's attention for several months. The lands granted by Cromwell to the admiral for his good and faithful service to the Commonwealth included the town, castle and manor of Macroom — then called Macromp^ — an estate in ex- cellent condition, with gardens and nurseries in perfect culture, — several woods of great value, — markets of grain and fruit, — and various other manorial rights and dignities attached. But with the Restoration came in a claimant with an indispu- table title, and Macroom went back to the Earls of Clancarty. The admiral, however, had taken too much care of his fortunes to suffer by any new changes. The king himself wrote to the Duke of Ormonde commanding him to see that his faithful servant received no injury in his estate ;^ — so that in the end he got in exchange for Macroom a still nobler property in the barony of Imokelly, county of Cork, — including Shangarry Castle and all the lands lying in its immediate neighborhood. The new grant was of course not free from other claims ; and vexatious suits were maintained against the new proprie- tor for several years. On of the principal persons who disputed the right of the crown to give away the Shangarry estates was Colonel Wallis ; and Penn was ordered to put himself into communication with this gentleman. He displayed in the management of the business an address and prudence which astonished the admiral, who thereupon gave up the entire charge of the suit into his hands. This Irish property was the chief dependence of the family, and they always enter- tained the idea of settling on it as a permanent residence : — a circumstance which makes the confidence of the admiral and the merits of the young manager appear the more conspi- cuous.^ Nor did his ducal friend overlook his marvellous aptitude for affairs : he thought of some public employment — now that the intention of making him a soldier was abandoned — in which his services might be made available — and in a short time appointed him to be what we should now call the chief commissariat officer to the fleet stationed at Kinsale, which responsible post he filled to the entire satisfaction of his employer.^ But it was in London, not at Kinsale or Shangarry, that the great question of the Irish estates was to be settled. The » Granville Penn, ii. 617. 2 ii^ij. n 374. 3 ibij. ii. 433. WILLIAM PENN. 41 Land Commissioners appointed hj the crown to hear and adjust the multitude of intricate cases wliich had arisen during twenty years of grants, confiscations, forfeitures and restora- tions, were then sitting ; but the admiral had begun to feel a greater degree of confidence in his son's tact and judgment than his own, and he wrote to desire he would get the fiimily affairs into an orderly state and then come over and see the Commissioners, — at the same time giving him some shrewd worldly hints as to the conduct of the victualling department of Kinsale Castle, and begging him to make the passage in calm weather, so as not to run any risk.* Penn joyfully obeyed his father's summons, as he had not seen his mother and sister for more than a year, and arrived in London in the month of November.^ The business was soon arranged. After hearing evidence on both sides the land commissioners con- firmed the grant of Shangarry ; and assured of this large addition to his fixed income the admiral began to live in a style of yet greater magnificence ; he kept several coaches, and in face of his expected peerage proposed to buy Wanstead House, one of the largest mansions in Essex.^ Penn did not remain long in London. His father, anxious to keep him apart from his old Puritan friends — and to sustain the habit of devotion to his temporal interests into which he seemed gradually falling, sent him again into L^eland. He had no suspicion that the enemy of his peace lay in ambush at the very gates of his stronghold. But the youth had not resided more than a few months at Shangarry Castle before one of those incidents occurred which destroy in a day the most elaborate attempts to stifle the instincts of nature. When the admiral in England was pluming himself on the triumphs of his worldly prudence, his son, on occasion of one of his frequent visits to Cork, heard by accident that Thomas Loe, his old Oxford acquaintance, was in the city and intended to preach that night. He thought of his boyish enthusiasm at college, and wondered how the preacher's eloquence would stand the censures of his riper judgment. Curiosity prompted him to stay and listen.'' The fervid orator took for his text the passage — "There is a faith that overcomes the world, and there is a faith that is overcome by the world." The topic 1 Granville Penn, ii. 434. 2 ^^^^ Gaskell MSS. 3 Pepys, April 19.— June 25.— Granville Penn, ii. 433. " Besse, i. 2. 4* 42 WILLIAM PENN. was peculiarly adapted to his own situation. Possessed by strong religious instincts, but at the same time docile and affec- tionate, — he had hitherto oscillated between two duties — duty to God and duty to his father. The case was one in which the strongest minds might waver for a time. On the one side — his filial affection, the example of his brilliant friends, the worldly ambition never quite a stranger to the soul of man, — all pleaded powerfully in favor of his father's views. On the other, there was only the low whisperings of his own heart. But the still voice would not be silenced. Often as he had escaped from thought into business, gay society or the smaller vanities of the parade and mess-room, — the moment of repose again brought back the old emotions. The crisis had come at last. Under Thamas Loe's influence they were restored to a permanent sway. From that night he was a Quaker in his heart. ^ He now began to attend the meetings of this despised and persecuted sect, and soon learned to feel the bitter martyr- dom to which he had given up all his future hopes. In no part of these islands were the Quakers of that time treated as men and as brethren, — and least of anywhere in Ireland. Confounded by ignorant and zealous magistrates with those sterner Puritans who had lately ruled the land with a rod of iron, and had now fallen into the position of a vanquished and prostrate party — they were held up to ridicule in polite society, and pilloried by the vulgar in the market-place. On the 3d of September (1667) a meeting of these harmless people was being held in Cork, when a company of soldiers broke in upon them, made the whole congregation prisoners, and carried them before the mayor on a charge of riot and tumultuous assembling. Seeing William Penn, the lord of Shangarry Castle, and an intimate friend of the Viceroy, among the prisoners, the worthy magistrate wished to set him at liberty on simply giving his word to keep the peace, but not knowing that he had violated any law he refused to enter into terms and was sent to gaol with the rest. From the prison he wrote to his friend the Earl of Ossory — Lord Pre- sident of Munster — giving an account of his arrest and de- tention. An order was of course sent to the mayor for his immediate discharge ; but the incident had made knoAvn to 1 Travels, i. 92 WILLIAM PENN. 43 all the gossips of Dublin the fact that the young courtier and soldier had turned Quaker !^ His friends at the vice-regal court were greatly distressed at this untoward event. The earl wrote off to the admiral to inform him of his son's danger, stating the bare facts just as they had come to his knowledge. The family were thun- derstruck. The father especially was seriously annoyed ; he thought the boy's conduct not only mad, but what was far worse in that libertine age — ridiculous. The world was be- ginning to laugh at him and his family : — he could bear it no longer.^ He wrote in peremptory terms, calling him to Lon- don. William obeyed without a word of expostulation. At the first interview between father and son nothing was said on the subject which both had so much at heart. , The admiral scrutinised the youth with searching eyes, — and as he observed no change in his costume, nor in his manner any of that formal stiffness which he thought the only distinction of the abhorred sect, he felt re-assured. His son was still dressed like a gentleman; he wore lace and ruffles, plume and rapier; the graceful curls of the cavalier still fell in natural clusters about his neck and shoulder : — he began to hope that his noble correspondent had erred in his friendly haste. But a few days served to dissipate this illusion. He was first struck with the circumstance that his son omitted to uncover in the presence of his elders and superiors ; and with somewhat of indignation and impatience in his tone, demanded an interview and an explanation.^ William frankly owned that he was now a Quaker. The admiral laughed at the idea, and treating it as a passing fancy, tried to reason him out of it. But he mistook his strength. The boy was the better theologian and the more thorough master of all the weapons of controversy. He then fell back on his own leading motives. A Quaker ! Why the Quakers abjured worldly titles: — and he expected to be made a peer ! Had the boy turned Independent, Anabaptist, — any thing but Quaker, he might have reconciled it to his con- science. But he had made himself one of a sect remarkable only for absurdities which would close on him every door in courtly circles. Then there w^as that question of the hat. Was he to believe that his own son would refuse to uncover Besse, i. 8. 2 Pepys, Dec. 29, 16G7. ^ Besse, i. 2 44 WILLIAM PENN. ' in his presence ? The thing was quite rebellious and unnatu- ral. And to crown all, — how would he behave himself at court ? Would he wear his hat in the royal presence ? Wil- liam paused. He asked an hour to consider his answer, — and withdrew to his own chamber.^ This enraged the admiral more than ever. What ! a son of his could hesitate at such a question ! Why, this was a question of breeding — not of conscience. Every child un- covered to his father — every subject to his sovereign. Could any man with the feelings and the education of a gentleman doubt ? And this boy — for whom he had worked so hard — had won such interest — had opened such a brilliant prospect —that he, with his practical and cultivated mind, should throw away his golden opportunities for a mere whimsy ! He felt that his patience was sorely tried.^ After a time spent in solitude and prayer, the young man returned to his father with the result of his meditation — a refusal. The indignant admiral turned him out of doors.^ o 1 Besse, i. 4. 2 n^^^^ ^ Travels, i. 92, The admiral's temper was hasty and choleric. "Home- •wards again, and on our way met two country fellows upon one horse, which I did, without much ado, give the way to, but Sir William would not ; but struck them, and they him, and so passed away; but they giving some high words, he went back again and struck them off their horse in a simple fury." Pepys, April 18, 1661. WILLIAM PENN. 45 CHAPTER II. 16G7-1670. IN THE WORLD. It now becomes necessary to inquire into the origin of these facts ; to see whether it were a reasonable conviction or a mere madness which induced William Penn, not only to aban- don forever the hope of attaining to the brilliant position marked out for him by the admiral, but to bear exclusion from the home in which he had been reared, — to brave the anger of a father whom he loved, — and to forfeit in a great mea- sure the society of a mother and sister to whom he was ten- derly attached. The chief part of this explanation is to be found in the history of the time. When the civil troubles commenced in England, the entire intellectual and moral texture of society was ravelled. In looking back to that period, it is too much the habit to confine attention to the extraordinary variety of opinions which prevailed in politics : — the social state was even more anarchial. Between Hampden and Falkland the space was narrower than between Laud and Fox. If in poli- tical ideas, from the school of divine right, through the edu- cated democracy of Milton, down to the wild republicanism of the Fifth-Monarchy Men, all was confusion, — the religion of the numberless sectaries will still less reducible to order. The mere names of the leading sects into which the Church had dissolved itself in a few years are suggestive. Only to name a few of them, there were, — Anabaptists, Antinomians, Antiscripturists, Antitrinitarians, Arians, Arminians, Bap- tists, Brownists, Calvinists, Enthusiasts, Familists, Fifth- Monarchy Men, Independents, Libertines, Muggletonians, Perfectists, Presbyterians, Puritans, Ranters, Sceptics, Seek- ers, and Socinians. Feakes and Powell, worthies of the Ana- baptist faith, openly preached at Blackfriars a war of con- quest and extermination against the continent of Europe. Their eyes lay more especially on the inheritance of the Dutchman : — God, they proclaimed, had given up Holland as 4$ WILLIAM PENN. a dwelling-place for his saints, and a stronghold from which they might wage war against the great harlot. The Eiftli- Monarchy men protested against every kind of law and gov- ernment : Christ alone, in their opinion, ought to reign on earth, and in his behalf they were anxious to put down all lawgivers and magistrates. The Levellers were at least as mad as any sect of Communists or Red Republicans of mo- dern date. The national mind was in a paroxysm of morbid activity ; and the bolder sort of spirits had cast away every restraint which creeds and councils, laws and experience, impose on men in ordinary times. Institutions which are commonly treated with a grave respect, even by the unbe- lieving, were made the subject of coarse jokes and indecent mummeries. In the cant of the time a church was a taber- nacle of the devil, — the Lord's Supper a twopenny ordinary.^ St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey were both used as stables for horses and as shambles for butchers.^ Hogs and horses were taken to fonts filled with foul water, and baptized according to the established ritual, for the amuse- ment of common soldiers and the painted women who attended the camp as their paramours.^ Mares were allowed to foal in cathedrals, and the lowest troopers to convert the most sacred edifices into beer-shops.^ Even our venerable abbey, the resting-place of kings and heroes, was for a time used as a common brothel.^ The sarcasm of the soldiers was — that as the horses had now begun to attend church, the reforma- tion was at length complete.^ Sober and religious men were equally insane. A sect arose which professed to believe that a woman has no soul, no more than a goose.^ Another body of grave men believed there is no difference between good and evil. Atheists became numerous ; and, as usual, atheism was attended with the lowest and most debasing superstitions. In more than one part of the country prostitution was prac- tised as a religious ordinance.^ One fellow was found with no less than seven wives, — another had married his father's * Howell's Letters, 644. 2 Foulis' Hist, of Plots and Conspiracies, 136, Oxford, 1674. — Character of England, 11 et seq. 3 Edward's Gangroena, Part iii. 17. 4 Newes from Powles, (St. Paul's) 1649. 5 INIercurius Rusticus, 237. ^ Character of England, 13. ' Fox's Journal, 6. ^ Mercurius (section Democraticus) Nos. 1-30. WILLIAM PENN. 47 wife, — a third having seduced a wretched woman, gave out that she was about to be delivered of the Messiah. Hundreds of persons set up as prophets ; and several men, a little madder than the rest, were sent to Coventry gaol for declaring them- selves to be God Almighty come down from heaven ; but once locked up, their godships did not enable them to open the pri- son-gates.^ From Newgate downwards, the prisons were full of these fanatics : fools or knaves, whom nevertheless thousands o*f their countrymen regarded as holy martyrs, suffering from the children of this world the injustice which has ever been the portion of prophets and apostles. A fact that is particu- larly curious is, that the fanaticism usually commenced in the higher classes : — among magistrates, colonels in the army, ministers of the gospel, and gentlemen of estate. It was only by degrees that the madness descended to the lower orders of society.^ A person of wealth and standing in Warwickshire, shut himself and his family up in his house to starve from a fanciful sense of religious duty ; and when the neighbors broke into the house, they found one of the child- ren already dead.^ One Sunday a respectable tailor, named Evan Price, got up in one of the city churches in the middle of the sermon, and declared himself to be Jesus Christ in person. The incident of course made some stir, and the tailor was taken before the lord mayor — a judge it is to be supposed in such matters — where he maintained the correct- ness of his assertion, and offered to prove it by showing the marks of the nails in his hands by which he had been fast- tened to the cross sixteen hundred years before !"* When acting under any strong excitement, the folly of mankind is illimitable. To verify the text — " Man shall not live by bread alone," one of the prophets tried to do without eating. The text proved to him a dead letter : for he expired just as he was on the point of establishing the prediction.^ Yet these were not the most revolting incidents of the revolutionary period. A fiend in the guise of woman offered up her child as a sacrifice in imitation of the Hebrew rites, — another cru- cified her mother. Yet with all this folly, blasphemy and madness, a deeply religious spirit possessed the nation ; and a general toleration for the sects which grew up under the 1 Fox's Journal. 2 Lady Springett MS. 3 Torshall"3 Hypocrite Discovered, 1644. 4 News Tract, January 10, 1646. ^ Whitelocke, 624. 48 WILLIAM PENN. excitement was one of the happiest issues of the Common- wealth.^ It was into a worhi thus racked and torn, politically, intel- lectually and morally, that William Penn was born. The very year in which his father had so fondly welcomed his birth, a rude, gaunt, illiterate lad of nineteen, a shoemaker by trade, and affected with the religious fervor of the age, being at a country fair in his native Leicestershire, met with his cousin and another friend there, — and the three youths agreed to have a stoup of ale together. They accordingly adjourned to a tavern in the neighborhood, and called for drink. When this first supply was exhausted, the cousin and his friend called for more, — began to drink healths, and said that he who would not drink should pay the entire ale score. The young shoemaker was alarmed at this proposal — for he was low in purse, and honest in his dealings ; whereupon, as he explained the circumstance afterward, he put his hand into his pocket, took out a groat, laid it down on the table, and said — "If it be so, I will leave you." And so he went home. This simple village alehouse incident was one of the most important events which had yet happened in the history of the Anglo-Saxon race ; for out of it was to come Quakerism, the writings and teachings of Penn and Barclay, the colony and constitution of Pennsylvania, the republics of the west, and in no very remote degree the vast movement of liberal ideas in Great Britain and America in more modern times. The illiterate and upright shoemaker, who would drink no more ale than he could pay for, was George Fox.^ " I went away," he afterwards wrote in his journal, " and when I had done my business, returned home. But I did not go to bed that night ; nor did I sleep : but sometimes walked up and doAvn, and sometimes prayed, and called to the Lord." ' "One clay, I, by accident, going through ye city from a country house, could not pass through ye crowd (it being a day wherein ye Lord Mayor was sworn), but was forced to go into a house till it was over. I, being bur- thened with the vanity of this show, said to a professor that stood by me — * What benefit have we by all this bloodshed, and Charles being kept out of ye nation, seeing all these follies are again allowed?' He answered, 'None, that he knew of, exce})t y enjoyment of Ihcir religion.' To which J replied, 'That is a benefit to you that have a religion, to be protected in the exercise of it, but it is none to me.' " — MS. Autobiography of Lady Springett. 2 Fox, 3. WILLIAM PENN. 49 During tills long night of watching and prayer, the boy- thought he heard a voice from heaven, which said to him — • " Thou seest how young people go together into vanity, and old people into the earth : thou must forsake all, young and old, keep out of all, and be a stranger unto all."^ Now, as George had not yet taken a fancy to the profane arts of reading and writing, he was not aware that other men have a way of explaining such messages in a metaphorical sense ; he stood indeed quite outside the pale of all such verbal sub- tleties, and accepted the intimation in the form in which it made itself known to his understanding. He got out, and, without purse or scrip, began to wander about the country, inclining his course towards London. On the way he was troubled with many doubts as to whether he had done right in leaving his father and mother ; but the Spirit urged him on, and he entered the great city.^ To him it was a place of worse than heathen darkness. He went to the churches and to the learned and titled doctors ; but he found no peace in the gospel which they taught. The strife in his own spirit increased in violence and bitterness. His soul was out far away on a dark and tempestuous sea ; he struggled manfully to get at some gleam of light — at some assurance of safety ; but his efforts were for a long time in vain. When he talked to the educated priests, he found them as ignorant as himself, — and he went away from them disgusted and despairing. Quitting London, he returned to his home at Drayton out of tender regard for his parents, who had become very anxious on his account. His mother took a woman's view of his case and advised him to marry. His male companions thought he had better join the auxiliary band and drum his melancholy away. He only marvelled at their ignorance. Again he was unable to resist the urgings of the spirit ; again he begun to wander about, often without food, seldom resting in a bed at ^ Visions and strange voices wei-e not confined to tlie vulgar in those days of pious exaltation. Education and gentle blood had no power to scare theni away. Lady Springett, in her ecstatic dreams, twice saw and spoke with the Son of God. The first time she saw him, he was a beautiful youth, dressed in grey cloth : — this was before she had ever heard of a Quaker. The second vision was more impressive; "The man with greater mnjesty and sweetness than ever I saw any — brown hair — black, quick and shining eyes — fresh and ruddy complexion — aft'able — dominion in his countenance, and great gentleness and kindness." MS. Autobiography. 2 Fox's Journal, 3. 5 50 WILLIAM PENN. night, but always with the Bible in his hand, and its myste- rious words racking in his brain. " I fasted much," he writes in his journal, " walked abroad in solitary places many days, and often took my Bible and sat in hollow trees and lonesome places until night came on ; and frequently in the night walked mournfully about by myself. For I was a man of sorrows in the first working of the Lord in me."^ These workings of the Spirit continued for several years. While the dark dream lay on him he never ceased his wander- ings — he never ceased to interrogate gentle and simple, learned and unlearned, as to the grounds on which they rested their hopes of salvation. At that time such a course of life excited no surprise. Fox only appeared to be a little more mad than hundreds of others ; while he evidently had somewhat more of method in his madness. Hearing of a learned doctor, named Cradock, who lived at Coventry, Fox girded up his loins and went to talk with him about temptation and despair, and how the thought of sin came to trouble the soul of man. They were walking in the doctor's garden, and one of the alleys being narrow, the truth-seeker, in turning round hap- pened to touch the side of a flower-bed with his foot, at which the parson ''raged as if his house had been set on fire." Poor George went away more melancholy than he had come. As Penn afterwards said, he felt how irreligious were all the religions of this world and the professors thereof l'^ He went to another Priest at Mansetter, in Warwickshire, an old man, and reasoned with him about despair and temptation and the soul's inw^ard struggles. The parson listened to the story of his visitor, and advised him to sing psalms and smoke tobacco. Luther had told a young student of theology who came to him with his troubles about fate, free-will, and pre- ordination, to get well drunk and his difiiculties would speedily disappear. But Fox detested tobacco, and he was too sad to sing. His mischievous adviser told the milkmaids of his errand, and they laughed at him, which he did not like. So once more he went away empty. The doctor, he thought, did not understand the disease of which he suffered. There are some who will think otherwise.^ At length comfort came to him from within. The truths which he had vainly sought, at the hands of those reared in a Fox's Journal, 7. 2 i^id. 4. 3 i^id. 4. WILLIAM PENN. 51 knowledge of the law, began to acquire a certain clearness and coliesion in his own mind.^ Much reading of the Book of books, — deep mental anguish, — and bodily sufferings such as few men have ever endured, each contributed its lesson. The school of pain is hard but productive ; — and out of it George Fox emerged a new man. And not only a new, but to some extent a gifted man. His own earnest nature sup- plied the native springs of eloquence ; familiarity with the pure and nervous diction of the English Bible supplied him with a vehicle ; and when the unlettered shoemaker began to preach the comfort which he had found for his own troubled soul, he astonished even his most sober hearers with the force and dignity of his language.^ Fox himself regarded his flu- ency as a miracle ; and from that time forth he never doubted that he had received an appointment from God to deliver a new Gospel to mankind. From that day he waged war against all creeds and councils, prophets and pretenders, lords, magistrates and private individuals, who refused to accept him as their teacher, — and was ready to inflict or to sufler any amount of pain and privation for opinion's sake. To understand the perils of such a position, one must remember that every third man in England was possessed by just such a spirit as his own ; a spirit too fervent and exalted to take heed of mere physical torture. Toleration was then only the dream of a few students : — the soldiers of the cross took no quarter and they gave none.^ George Fox went into churches and disturbed the service. In the midst of a sermon he would stand up and cry to the minister — " This is not true gospel, come down, thou deceiver." Brought before the magistrate, he refused to take off his Jiat — pleading a direct command from God not to uncover his head or to make obeisance to an equal, — and defended his conduct in the church with a rudeness and vehemence that to men of education and refinement savored of insanity. The disturber was beaten and stoned by the rabble, pilloried and imprisoned again and again by the magistrates."* But indignity and 1 Ibid. 6 et seq. 2 Men of learning and moderation, like Penn and Barclay, were equally impressed by his manner with the vulgar. Penn calls him " an angel and special messenger of God." It must be said, howeyer, that the expression occurs in a letter to the angel's wife. Penn to Margaret Fox, January 8, 1678, MS. 3 Fox's Journal, 17. ■* Journal, 169, and in a hundred other places. 52 WILLIAM PENN. punishment produced no change in his conduct. More of his time was spent in gaol than out of it ; — yet he had no fear of gaols. He entered them without a murmur ; he refused to leave them except with honor. King Charles once offered him a pardon : he would not take it, because a pardon implied a confession of guilt. ^ If the prison-gates were thrown open to him unconditionally he would walk out — not else. It was a part of his public mission to show that the persecuting spirit may be wearied out by a man who is steadfast in suf- fering: — and he achieved it.^ His constancy, his contempt of pain, gained for him the sympathy of multitudes who might never have been reached by hi& doctrines. Here as every- where in the history of opinion, persecution became the chief arm by which his influence was propagated. Whoever is right, said Penn afterwards, the persecutor must be wrong.^ Hun- dreds of the restless and discontented in every county of England embraced his tenets ; Foxite or Quaker meeting- houses sprang into existence ; and when out of gaol the founder of the new sect was fully occupied in visiting these communi- ties or in carrying the war still further into the enemy's camp. The whole earth was his quarry, and he worked it with all his might."* Eox had got an idea in his mind : — and ideas rule the world. It was not his own in the first instance ; nor did he ever perceive its true relation to other systems of thought and religious creeds. It was the ancient mystic idea, — adopted by Origen, and faintly to be traced in the speculations of the Neo-Platonists, — that there lies concealed in the mind of every man a certain portion of Divine light — a real spark of the infallible Godhead. In this mysterious light the Mystics had found the highest guide of human conduct, and Fox had somewhere caught at the doctrine. It suited his restless and imperious instincts : — it made of man a god. When he began to preach the doctrine, he took its boldest forms. The inner light, he said, was above any outward teaching. Law, history, experience, revelation itself was liable to error ; the Divine light was alone infallible^ Of the diagnosis of his case, he had but a confused and imperfect notion ; whether 1 Fox's Journal, 405. 2 Penn to Fox, July 5, 1674, MS. ^ So early as 1055, the Quakers hud increased so far as to attract the serious attention of foreign statesmen. Bordeaux to Cardinal Mazarin, Feb. 4, 1(J55. 4 Lady Springett's MS. WILLIAM PENN. 53 this inner light was the thing some men call conscience — others reason, was a question he never troubled himself to answer ; for he had a huge distrust of human learning and human inventions, but none of the promptings of his own spirit.^ What he calls ^' Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, and the seven arts," he regarded as little better than devilry and pagan- ism. The knowledge of many tongues, he said, began with re- bellion against God ; at the beginning therefore languages were accursed, and so they continued: it was the woman and the beast which had power over tongues.^ God, he contended, stood in no need of human learning ; to which South replied very finely — If God does not stand in need of human learning still less does He stand in need of human ignorance. But Fox went on his Avay rejoicing. The inner light was enough for him and for all men. Even the Scriptures were to some extent superfluous ; and he ventured to reject them when they could not be made to harmonize with the light within.^ Never was there a greater innovator than this George Fox. Philo- sophies, religions, arts, legislations, were as nothing in his system. Every man was complete in himself; he stood in need of no alien help; the light was free of all control — above all authority external to itself. Each human being, man or woman, was supreme. Here was an intellectual basis for democracy ! In an age of anarchy, when men were running to and fro in search of a revelation, a doctrine like this naturally attracted to itself many of the more restless and dissatisfied spirits ; and as each of these added to its dogmas his own peculiar vagaries and oddities, the followers of George Fox, or the Children of Light, as they called themselves, were for several years only known to the general religious world by the extravagance of their behavior : — an extravagance which in many cases amounted to a real insanity. Entering and disturbing churches and dissenting congregations in the manner of their Master, was the most innocent mode of displaying their new- born zeal. This they considered a sacred duty : and they performed it not only in England, where their tenets were understood, but in foreign towns and cities very much at • Fox, 18, and on almost any page. ^ Ibid. 280. 3 Fox, 22. He says the Sci-iptures are to be judged by the Light— without which they are useless. 5* 54 AVILLIAM PENN. their personal peril.^ Divers persons among them were moved of the spirit to do things — some fantastical, some in- decent, some monstrous. One woman went into the house of Parliament with a trenchard on her head, to denounce the Lord Protector, and before the face of his government, dashed the trenchard into pieces, saying aloud — " Thus shall he be broken in pieces." One Sarah Goldsmith went about the city in a coat of sackcloth, her hair disheveled, and her head covered with dust to testify, as she said, against pride. James Naylor gave himself out as the Messiah f and a woman named Dorcas Ebery made oath before the judges that she had been dead two days and was raised again to life by this impostor.^ Gilbert Latye, a man of property and education, going with Lord Oberry into the queen's private chapel, was moved to stand up on one of the side altars and inveigh against Popery to the astonished worshippers.'* One Solo- mon Eccles went through the streets, naked above the waist, with a chafing dish of coals and burning brimstone on his head, — in which state he entered a Popish chapel and de- nounced the Lord's vengeance against idolaters. William Sympson, says Fox, who never did these things himself, was moved to go at several times for three years, naked and bare- footed, in markets, courts, towns and cities — to priests and great men's houses, as a sign that they should be stript naked even as he was stript naked. There seemed to be a general emulation as to who should outstrip the rest, — and many persons went about the streets of London in all the nudity of nature.* Most of the zealots however kept to the decencies of a sackcloth dress ; and with their faces besmeared with grease and dirt they would parade about the parks and public places, calling to the people as they passed that in like man- ner would all their religions be besmeared. One fellow, who seemed to have had more of purpose in his madness than the others, went to Westminster with a drawn sword in his hand, and as the representatives came down to the House he thrust » Thurloe, iii. 422.— vii. 287. Harl. Misc. vi. 435. 2 Burton's Diary, i. 20 et seq. Parliament occupied eleven days in the in- vestigation of this case. ^The wretched man was condemned to be pilloried, branded on the forehead, whipped in public, to have his tongue bored through with a red hot iron, and to be imprisoned in a solitary dungeon and fed with bread and water. Thurloe, v. 708. The House was as mad as the poor fanatic himself. 3 Hurl. Misc. 434. ^ Life of Latye, by himself, p. 54. ^ Fox, 572. WILLIAM PENN. 55 at and woimded several before he could be arrested. On being asked by the Speaker why he had done this, he replied that he had been inspired by the Holy Ghost to kill every man who sat in Parliament.^ No wonder that the prisons were crowded with Quakers, as they were with enthusiasts and innovators of every other kind !^ As it has now been seen, the grotesque follies to which some of the Children of Light gave themselves up in the delirium of their first call, were shared by the rest of the reli- gious world : what was grand and genuine in their enthusiasm belonged to themselves. They succeeded, in spite of small vagaries, because they were in earnest. At a time when all ideas were unfixed, — when historical faith was discarded as a fiction, — when every ancient system of policy and philosophy, morals and religion, had lost its sanction, — and the world seemed drifting down the great gulf-stream of time, rudder- less and anchorless, a prey to storm and wave, the wear of motion and the wrack of the elements, — these men began to preach a new, a positive and a simple doctrine. The thought they aimed to express was grand, — and it was complete. They believed it would be able to kindle a new life in the dying body of society, — to revivify and enlarge the sphere of all known truths, — and to develope germs out of which a fresh civilization might arise. These enthusiasts not only preached the doctrines of social and political equality ; they aimed at the establishment of an universal religion.^ Fox himself appealed to the highest and to the lowest. He wrote to admonish Innocent XI. and tried to convert the Lord Protector Cromwell. He preached to milkmaids and dis- cussed points of theology with ploughmen. He invoked in thousands of the yeomanry of England a fervor of spirit almost equal to that which possessed himself.'* He exhorted the ambassadors of the great powers, then assembled at Nimmeguen, to treat of peace, — and warned the citizens of Oldenburgh that the fire which had recently desolated their 1 Whitelocke, Jan. 3, 1G54. 2 Tburloe, iii. 188, &c. ^ Fox contended for the rights of servants before the magistrates. Journal, 17. His antipathy to the reguUir clergy arose in a great measvire out of his belief that in all ages they have been leagued with governments to oppress the people. Ibid. 252. ^ Lady Springett's MS. Speaking of these inspired ploughmen, the fair autobiographersays — " Their solid and weighty carriage struck a dread over me." This was in her days of scoffing. 56 WILLIAM PENN. city was a judgment from heaven against them on account of their iniquities.^ In the excess of their zeal, delicate women went into the camps of Cromwell, mixed with the rough soldiers, and tried to win them over to the doctrines of peace and goodwill to man.^ Innocent girls and unworldly men went forth in conscious and fearless innocence to bear the seeds of truth to every corner of the earth. Hester Biddle forced her way into the presence of the grand monarch at Versailles, and commanded him in the name of God to sheathe his destroying sword.^ Othens made their way to Jerusalem and to New England, — to Egypt, to China and to Japan.'* One young woman of dauntless resolution carried the words of peace to the successor of Mohammed in his camp at Adrian- ople, who received her with the respect due to one professing to come in the name of God.* Another took a message to the Supreme Pontiff and his Cardinals at Rome.*" Some were moved to go forth and convert the savages of the west and the negroes of the south ; and one party set out in search of the unknown realms of Prester John. Everywhere these messengers bore the glad tidings they had themselves received ; everywhere treating all men as equals and brothers ; thee-ing and thou-ing high and low ; protesting against all authority not springing from the light in the soul — against all powers, privileges and immunities founded on carnal history and tradition ; and often at the peril of their lives refusing to, lift the hat or to bend the knee — except to God.^ The public teaching of a doctrine like this was in itself a revolution. Cromwell clearly understood the nature of the movement ; and tolerant as he was of religious sects, he would willingly have put it down. But even his mighty arm was paralysed. The Children of Light were also children of peace. They did what they believed to be right ; and if their conduct pleased not the rulers of the earth they took the con- 1 Fox, 452. 2 Tliurloe, vi. 708. Colonels of regiments wrote to inform Cromwell tliat many of their officers and men bad "begun to set their own humoi's above all Scriptures, ministers and magisti'acies." Ibid vi. 168. Of course they were expelled the army. vi. 241. 3 Gerard Croese, 4G8. 4 -pox, 248. 5 Thurloe, vii. 32. Sewell's Hist, of Quakers, i. 333, 6 Sewell i. 332. ' They were mobbed in the streets of Lisbon for irreverence. Thurloe, iii. 432. WILLIAM PENN. 57 sequences to themselves in silence. Sects like the Anahap- tists, the Levellers and the Fifth-Monarchy men he knew how to cajole or coerce. Their plots and conspiracies he could meet on equal terms : as it suited his purpose, he could buy them with honors or crush them with the sword. But fear and favor were alike lost on the followers of Fox. They would neither obey his laws nor resist his troops. They opposed their silence to his severity. They were readier to endure than he was to inflict : — and he foresaw that their patience would tire out persecution. Quakerism was a system of polity as well as a religion. It taught the equality of men in their political relations, — their common right to liberty of thought and action — to express opinions — to worship God — to concur in the enact- ment of general laws ; but it found the sanctions of this equality, not in the usages of ancient nations, like the classic republicans — not in a mere convenient arrangement of checks and counter-checks of power, like more modern reformers ; it found these sanctions lying far deeper, in the very nature of man, in that supremacy which it assigned to the divine light in each separate individual. Above all things this sys- tem was logical. It regarded every man's inward light, — reason, conscience or by whatever name it might be called — as his best and safest guide ; the theory therefore of a per- fect enfranchisement of mind and body, of thought and action, was the theological basis of the sect founded by George Fox. To a man who had once mastered and accepted a great idea like this, all minor matters — the refusal to doff the hat, to bend the knee, to receive or bestow titles of honor — followed of course. The Quaker was a perfect democrat, and men were all his peers.^ He admitted no superior — and he could pay no homage. The distinctions of prince and people, laity and clergy were unknown to him : the light of God was the same in all. He felt that the deference paid to worldly rank was something more than a form. It involved the idea of a superiority which he denied ; it was therefore a question of conscience not to comply with it. The people who bent the knee to prince or protector thereby confessed that in their 1 Cromwell is reporteil to have exclaimed — '' Now I see there is a people risen that I cannot win either with gifts, honors, offices, or place : but all other sects and people I can! " Fox, 169. 2 Barclay, 504, 541. 58 WILLIAM PENN. own thoughts they were not his equals. The act was not a ceremony but a sign of subjection. Having adopted views like these — is it wonderful that William Penn, in the fervor of youth and recent conversion, should have renounced his father's worldly dreams ? The young Quaker was not left in the streets to starve. He was gladly welcomed by the friends of his sect, and his mother secretly supplied him with money. But beyond this, his exile from home was extremely painful to him. His temper was open and unreserved; he was fond of home and the en- joyments of the domestic circle. On the other hand his con- solations under this trial of his strength were great. The creed which he had embraced came home as the warm and living blood to his heart. In it his free spirit found room for unfettered action. The men who professed it, though given to an extravagance at times which he could not approve, were remarkable for the purity and simplicity of their lives. "What they professed they practised. It was not so with the worldly men and women he had known in his father's circle. At the play-house, to which his mother and sister were so fond of going, he had seen virtue laughed at as ridiculous and female modesty put to the blush in public; th^ galleries of Whitehall, where the admiral thought it an honor to be seen, he knew were thronged by bravoes and harlots, and the royal palace itself a nest for every sin and abomination under heaven.^ Look where he would upon that grand society from which he suffered this voluntary banishment, — he saw nothing but rottenness. Female chastity was a thing unknown, — justice was openly bought and sold, — the interests of the nation were bartered away to France for a miserable pension, — the peace of private and honorable families was invaded by wretches who boasted in public of the shame and ruin they had made.^ A young man of pure thoughts and good impulses might well turn anchorite in such a world of vice. The poli- tics of Quakerism had also their attractions. For five years he had pored over the classic dreams of Algernon Sidney ; he had read Harington and More ; and studied profoundly the history of the departed Commonwealth. He saw that it had brought with it peculiar evils ; more than all, it had failed He wished to see the experiment of a democracy in action ; but he 1 Pepys' Diary and Grammont's Memoirs, every page. ^ Ibid. WILLIAM PENN. 59 felt that some new principle was wanting. At length he fell upon the principle he had sought. He found a true democracy that rested on a religious idea. Penn loved the great republican with more than a brother's love, — he respected and confided in his masculine judgment, — but he had never yet thoroughly given up his mind to that classical idea of a democracy, gov- erned only by pride of soul and heroic virtue.^ Now he had caught the missing link of the chain. No two men could be more unlike than George Fox and Algernon Sidney ; but their common disciple saw the point of union, — with the one he could admire the republics of Pericles and Scipio, while he could deny with the other that historical precedent is superior to the laws of conscience. After a few months' absence, Penn was allowed to return home. But the admiral's anger was not appeased ; he refused to see or speak with the Quaker ; and father and son continued to live under the same roof as strangers to each other. William now began to preach and to write in favor of his new tenets. His first book had for title — " Truth Exalted ; in a short but sure testimony against all those religious faiths and worships that have been formed and followed in the darkness of apos- tacy, — and for that glorious Light which is now risen and shines forth in the life and doctrine of the despised Quakers, as the alone good way old of life and salvation."^ This work was addressed to princes, priests and people, whom it called upon in the most energetic terms to re-examine the grounds of their belief in the divine economy of the universe, and to compare the ideas in which it rested with those now set forth to engage their attention. AVhat he advised he also practised. Hat on head he went down to Whitehall, bearing the unbridled ridi- cule of the court, to seek an interview with the powerful Duke of Buckingham, upon whom he impressed the necessity of toleration for Dissenters, — pleading their right to better treat- ment than the stocks, stripes, pillories and prisons they were accustomed to meet with at the hands of men in power. He appealed to the old laws of England, — he quoted the Saxon customs and the charters of Norman kings, — he made out a case so convincing that the Duke pledged himself to bring a 1 Penn to Sidney, Oct. 13, 1681, MS. Penn snys in this letter that he has given to Sidney "more true friendship and ateadj- kindugRfs , . . than to any man living," 2 Collected Works, i. 239. 60 WILLIAM PENN. bill into Parllarncnt to do them justice. It is creditable to him that he kept his word, a disgrace to the Commons of Eng- land that they refused to discuss his proposition.^ The same year Penn made his second essay in controversy. John Clapham, in a work called " A Guide to True Religion," had treated the Quakers with harsh and unjustifiable seve- rity : the young convert answered in '' The Guide Mistaken," a tract written with considerable vigor, but in the coarse and personal style common to the greatest polemics of that age.^ He soon had his days and nights occupied mth controversy. At this time there lived in Spitalfields one Thomas Vincent, a Presbyterian minister, who had a congregation meeting at a chapel in Spital Yard. Two of this man's hearers happening to go to the Quakers' meeting-house to hear what the Children of Light had to say for themselves, became converts ; an in- cident which so enraged the pastor that he began to revile the Quakers from his pulpit, and to denounce their doctrines as worthy of damnation. These tirades becoming a subject of general conversation, Penn and George Whitehead, one of the sturdiest defenders of the new opinions, went to Vincent and demanded a public opportunity of hearing and replying to his attacks. At first he refused ; but on being pressed, at length saw the necessity of meeting the challenge. He was allowed to name his own time as well as the place of discussion. He of course chose his own chapel. Such religious debates were very common at that time, and were among its most curious features. When the disputants arrived, they found the room already full of Vincent's friends ; and only the heads of the deputa- tion could force their way in. Whitehead, as the senior, began to expound the views of his sect ; but Vincent got up and observed, that the shortest way would be for him to propose questions, and for them to answer — as out of their own mouths he would condemn them. To this proposal the audience as- sented, and the defendants were obliged to submit. Vincent then asked them, — if they owned one Godhead subsisting in three distinct and separate persons ? Penn and Whitehead » Penn's Fragments of an Apology for Himself. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. ill. second part, 238. 2 Compare Milton's " Defence of the People of England." Works,' i. 30. St. John's edition. Why does not this elegant writer and accomplished scholar write us a new life of Milton ? WILLIAM PENN. 61 both asserted that the dogma as delivered by Vincent was not to be found in Scripture. The latter answered this by a syl- logism. Quoting the words of St. John, he said — " There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit — and these three are one." "These," he proceeded to argue, "are either three manifestations, three operations, three substances, or three somethings else beside subsistences. — But they are not three manifestations, three operations, three substances, nor any thing else beside three subsistences. — Hence there are three separate subsistences yet only one Deity." Whitehead rejected the term "subsistences " as not of Scriptural origin, and desired an explanation of its meaning. Several attempts were made to define the word ; but Penn, who was deeply read in theology and metaphysics, started a plausible objection to each in turn, and caused it to be rejected. The subtlety of thought and dexterity in argu- ment which he exhibited caused one of the audience to call him a Jesuit^ a name which clung to him for the rest of his life. The sum of the answers given, was, that subsistence is either a person or the mode of a substance : whereupon Vincent was asked if in his opinion God was to be understood as separate from his substance ? The pastor appealed to his flock, and they charitably ruled that he was not bound to answer that question. Whitehead pressed other questions, but the uproar increased then until no one could be heard. On this, Vincent fell to prayer, in the course of which he accused the Quakers of blasphemy ; when he had finished he told the people to go home, and he himself left the pulpit. It was now midnight ; the congregation began to leave ; and the defendants felt that many would go away with a false impression. One of them therefore got up to speak, whereupon the friends of Vincent put out the candles. But in the dark, they went on ; and many staying to listen, Vincent returned with a light to ask them to disperse, but they would not stir until he had consented to hold another meeting in the same place to end the discus- sion decently.^ This offer was a mere trick to get rid of the crowd. The second meeting not being called in due course, Penn con- sidered it best to lay the matter before the public, in " The Sandy Foundation Shaken." — In this work, which the fash- 'Sewell, ii. 172-3. 6 62 WILLIAM PENN. ionable friends of his father read with astonishment and admiration, refusing to believe it to be the production of so young a man,^ — he undertook to maintain the doctrine of a unity in the Divine nature from reason and Scripture ; an undertaking which brought him into conflict with more formidable foes than Thomas Vincent, being no less person- ages than the Bishop of London and other high dignitaries of the Church. It was not to be expected that these great men would enter into a public discussion about the unity or plu- rality of the Divine nature. They had a far more powerful argument, as they thought, in their hands ; and they applied to the civil power to have the dangerous polemic placed in confinement.^ At their instigation a warrant was issued against him from the Secretary of State's ofiice, — on hearing of which he gave himself into custody and was carried to the Tower.^ An unscrupulous enemy at the same time made a bold but ineffectual attempt to ruin him forever, if not to bring him to the scaffold. A letter appears to have been picked up near the place where Penn surrendered himself, — no doubt it had been dropt there for the purpose, — which con- tained matter of so perilous a kind, that on the note being presented to Lord Arlington, the Secretary of State, that officer at once rode down to the Tower to examine the pri- soner as to its contents.'' This was not an uncommon trick of the time. Arlington soon satisfied himself that Penn was not a secret conspirator ; and not only behaved towards him with great civility, but promised his interest in obtaining for him a speedy liberation.^ He remained in the Tower eight months and sixteen days.^ Considering that his ofi"ence was not political — that no charge was preferred against him in a court of law — that he had not been put upon his defence — and that he stood unconvicted of any crime, his confinement was monstrously severe. He was kept in a solitary dungeon ; his family was not allowed access to him ; nor was he permitted to see any other friend in his prison save now and then his father.'^ The prelate evidently 1 Pepys, "February 12, 1668-9. Got William Perm's book against the Trinity, and I find it so well writ, as I think it is too good for him to have writ it; it is a serious sort of book, and not fit for everybody to read." ^ Apology, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. second part, 239. 3 Besse, i. 6. "* Letter to Arlington. Penn's Work's, fol. i. p. 151. 5 Ibid. ^ Apology in Penn. Hitt. Soc. Mem. iii. second part, 239. ' Ibid. WILLIAM PENN. 63 wished to break his spirit; but he little knew the mettle of the youth, if he indulged in any such expectation. One day his servant brought him word that the Bishop of London had resolved he should either publicly recant, or die in prison. He only smiled at such a threat. — " They are mistaken in me : I value not their threats. I will weary out their malice. Neither great nor good things were ever attained without loss and hardship. The man that would reap and not labor, must perish in disappointment."-^ In this spirit he prepared to endure whatever amount of suffering his powerful enemies might inflict. He took to the prisoner's usual solace ; he began to write, and added one more glorious book to the literature of the Tower. ^ " No Cross, No Crown," still a favorite with the religious public, revealed in the young prisoner powers for the possession of which the world had not yet given him credit. Considering the shortness of time, and other untoward circumstances under which it was produced, the reader is struck with the grasp of thought — the power of reasoning — the lucid arrange- ment of subject — and the extent of research displayed. Had the style been more condensed, it would have been well en- titled to claim a high place in literature. The book arose naturally out of the writer's position. He was suffering for his opinions : he was suffering at the hands of men who pro- fessed to be the servants of God. He wished to present clearly to his own mind, and to impress upon others, the great Christian doctrine, that every man must bear the cross who hopes to wear the crown.^ To this end he reviewed the character of the age. He showed how corrupt was the laity, — how proud and self-willed were the priests. In a passage, pointed no doubt by personal feeling, he urges that wherever ^ Besse, i. 6. 2 Many of the works written in the Tower are enumerated in the London Prisons, c. ii. ^ Lady Springett gives a fair idea of the struggles of the worklly heart against the asceticism of Quaker doctrines. *' I never had peace or quiet from a sore exercise in my mind, for many months, till I was by y^ stroke of His judgment brought off all those things which I found y^ Light to manifest deceit in — which things cost me many tears, and night watchings, and doleful days : not at all from that time ever disputing against the doc- trine (nay, not so much as in my own mind), but exercised against ye taking up ye Cross; and [abandoning] ye language, fashions, customs, titles, honors, and esteem of y^ world, and the place I stood outwardly in. My relations made it very hard." MS. Autobiography. 64 WILLIAM PENN. the clergy have been most in power and influence, confusion, wrangling, sequestrations, exiles, imprisonments, and blood- shed have most abounded : — in testimony of which he confi- dently appeals to the records of all time.^ He spoke of the chief vices which were then eating out the heart of society ; and proposed remedies. This part of the subject consists of eighteen copious chapters — each chapter a dissertation in itself. In one of them he gave his reasons for rejecting worldly honors and distinctions, — the point which was the sorest trial to his father, as the prospective Lord Weymouth, and in reference to which he said, "No Cross, No Crown," was a serious cross to him. The second part consists of a collection of the sayings of the heroes and sages of all nations in favor of the same doctrine — namely, that to do well and bear ill, is the only way to lasting happiness. This is the most marvellous part of the work. First, he quotes numerous sayings from eighty-seven celebrated pagans, all to his point ; secondly, he cites various opinions from twenty-five of the Apostles and Fathers of the Church ; and thirdly, he calls into court thirty-nine great personages, chiefly of modern times, to testify to the same eff*ect.^ This would have been no mean work for a veteran author to have accomplished in so short a time with the wealth of a great public library at his command. On being given to the world, the book pro- duced an impression highly favorable to its writer ; it went ranidly through several editions, and is still frequently re- printed. The manliness of his conduct in prison won back to him no small share of his father's regard. The admiral could not but admire his constancy under privations which had shaken his own iron obduracy, or help feeling some indignation at his clerical oppressors. However much he might still disapprove of his principles, and detest what he called his delusions about equality and titles of honor, he could not stand aloof and see him perish in his youth. He visited and talked with him in his dungeon, and exerted his influence in the highest re- gions of the court to obtain for him an unconditional pardon ; but the off*ence being one of a purely ecclesiastical nature, Charles, who had good reason to know himself suspected by ' It was passages like this which so endeared the writings of Penn to Voltaire and the Encyclopedists. Diet. Phil, article, Quaker. 2 No Cross, No Crown, fol. i. 374, et seq. WILLIAM PENN. 65 the Church, was anxious not to give a cause of fresh offence by a direct interference. The House of Commons was in a bad humor ; it had recently spited him by rejecting that measure of justice to Dissenters which he had solemnly promised in his manifesto of Breda.^ However, to please the admiral, he sent his chaplain, the courtly and accomplished Stillingfleet, to talk the young man out of his errors, and to persuade him to make submission, and receive a pardon from the offended prelate.^ The messenger performed his task with skill and kindness ; but he failed in- its object. " The Tower," said Penn to his visitor, "■ is to me the worst argument in the world." Stillingfleet avoided the point of conscience, and spoke of the brilliant prospects which he for- feited by his change of creed, — of the king's well-known favor to his family : it was to no purpose. Worldly hopes were as powerless as worldly fears.^ "Tell my father, who I know will ask thee," said he one day to his servant, "that my prison shall be my grave before I will budge a jot : — for I owe my conscience to no mortal man." He was quite im- practicable I"* To Arlington he wrote a manly remonstrance against the treatment w^hich he had met with from those in authority. He protests against the idea that in a proper state of political society, men are to be punished for differences of opinion in matters of religion ; it ought, he says, to satisfy the most rabid sectarian that he can forbid his rival a share of heaven, without also banishing him the earth. The doctrine that be- cause men may not agree as to the things which belong to another life, they are not to have liberty to eat, drink, sleep, walk, trade, think, and speak in this, he considers supremely ridiculous and dangerous. He maintains that the under- standing can be appealed to only by reason — not by force : in his own case, he says, his enemies have discovered their mistake, and therefore dare not bring him to trial. He in- vokes his born rights as an Englishman to be put on his defence, so that if he must remain in prison, the world may know on what grounds. He concludes — " I make no apology for my letter as a trouble (the usual style of supplicants), be- ' Com. Journ. April 28, 1688. Pari. Hist. iv. 413 et seq. 2 Apology, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. second part, 239. ^ Apology, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. second part, 239. " Besse, i. 6. 6* 66 WILLIAM PENN. cause I think the honor that will accrue to thee by being just and releasing the oppressed, exceeds the advantage that can succeed to me."^ While this letter, and the reports of Stil- lingfleet, were operating a change in his favor at Whitehall, he continued to solace himself with writing.^ Several answers to his ''Sandy Foundation Shaken" had appeared, in some of which his views wxre much misrepresented : — to these he now replied in a brief and vigorous pamphlet, which he en- titled, " Innocency with her Open Face."^ This work in- creased the public interest in his fate, and probably helped to procure his liberation from the Tower.'* It is certain that within a few days of its publication, an order was sent down to Sir John Robinson, the lieutenant, to set him at liberty ; but this act of grace was also connected with public events and court intrigues. The period was one of extraordinary trouble to the Penn family. While his son was languishing in the Tower, a pow- erful combination in the House of Commons threatened to bring about the admiral's ruin. Up to the close of July, 1667, when the treaty of Breda put an end to hostilities, the war with Holland had continued to rage with more or less violence, and with varying fortunes, after the great victory of 1665 ; great damage being done to trade, although no peace was conquered, nor any political advantage gained. As soon as Admiral Penn ceased to command at sea, reverses came ; and for nearly two years the war had been disastrous and dishonorable to the arms of England. More than once a Dutch fleet had ventured to appear in the Thames, as if to remind the country that the men of the Commonwealth were out of public employments.* Monk and Rupert, men whose peculiar services, or family connexions, gave them an unfor- tunate influence over the royal councils, had proved them- selves incompetent to contend against the nautical genius of the Dutch admirals ; but in proportion to their want of skill and knowledge was their passion for high naval commands. Towards the old seamen of the Commonwealth the envy and hatred of these oflicers were unappeasable. Ascue and Lawton felt the blighting eff'ects of their jealousy ; but the heaviest weight of it fell on Admiral Penn. Monk, it is true, was ' ColL Works, i. 154. 2 Apolo-ry, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. 2d part. 289. 3 Works, ii. 260. 4 Such is the opiniou of Besse, i. 6. ^ Evelyn, July 27, 1GG7. WILLIAM PENN. 67 past tlie time for very active service ; but Rupert was lioti- brained and ambitious, and anxious at any price to keep his old enemy and present rival at home, attending to the pacific duties of the Navy Board, while he gratified his own avarice and lust of power by an uncontrolled command at sea. But what was the king to do ? Taught by bitter experience — for the Hollanders had burnt Chatham the year before,^ — that the fleet was in a deplorable condition, the royal brothers were anxious to avail themselves of the first moments of tranquillity to make some reforms, with a view to restore that confidence to the service which had been so terribly shaken by the late disasters. This work could only be effected by an admiral of tact and experience, — by one who joined the reputation of a strict disciplinarian with the prestige of victory : and the king at last agreed with the Duke of York that the only sea- man in his dominions equal to such a task was Admiral Penn.^ This choice was peculiarly annoying to his two rivals. The admiral had not sought the honors of command : its duties were forced on him by the stern necessities of the time.^ There had been enough of landsmen blunders and misfor- tunes. A seaman was wanted ; and the humors of a prince, even of the blood-royal, were not to be indulged at the expense of another conflagration of the dock-yards. Bupert, of course, was mortified ; and both he and Albemarle vented their anger and disappointment aloud.'* In his usual boastful and domineering way. Monk had taken an oath that Admiral Penn should never go to sea again ; and he now felt bound to make good his foolish vow. With Bupert he got up a plot to keep him at home. The conspirators began by secretly- trying to undermine his reputation ; they spoke of his abili- ties and services in slighting terms ; insinuated what they dared not boldly assert, and allowed their creatures to de- fame their brother ofiicer without rebuke. One day, when the newly-appointed commander called at Albemarle's house, 1 Albemarle's Report, presented to the House of Commons, Feb. 10, 1668. The Duke was unquestionably to blame ; but his political influence preserved him from censure. The poets of the period were more impartial in their verdicts. See Sir John Dcnham's " Directions to a Painter," and Andrew Marvel's " Last Instructions to a Painter." 2 The Duke of York never doubted the naval genius of Cromwell's cap- tains. Clarendon's Autobioeiin. Hist. Soc. Mem. i. t7. ^ Day's Coll. 551. The State of Pennsylvania has recently voted a sum of 5000 dollars to purchase the plot of around on which the great elin formerly- stood, — and a slip from the old tree was planted on the spot, and is now in a flourishing state. Communication from Horatio G. Jones, Esq., Foreign Se- cretary to the Penn. Hist. Soc. ' Hazard, ix. 112. WILLIAM PENN. 217 proprietor to tliink of altering their charter. Penn was no formalist ; and as they had come up with full parliamentary powers, he told them they were at liberty to amend, alter or add to the existing laws for the public good, as he was not wedded to his own forms, but would consent to any changes which they might wish to make, if he could do so with a strict regard to the powers vested in him by his sovereign.* The council and assembly were then organized, and the latter being left to its legislative labors, appointed Thomas Wynne as its Speaker, and proceeded to consider, amend and pass several bills of pressing importance. Some parts of the Frame of Government had been found to act as a restraint on the freedom of the assembly, especially that clause which reserved to the governor and his council the sole right to pro- pose laws. From the first day of meeting, the assembly set this restriction at nought, and in return they wished to invest the governor with a veto on all the doings of the parliament. This last was indeed absolutely necessary, for as the King's sanction was required to make every act of the colonial legis- lature binding, it was obvious enough that no law would be received in England which came unsupported by the gover- nor's concurrence.^ These and other points in which a change seemed desirable were discussed at great length. Amend- ments were suggested and new outlines drawn up. The House was especially anxious to obtain the privilege of conference with the governor. At length the opinion was expressed that it would be the wisest plan to throw themselves on the liber- ality of their chief, and pray him to allow them to construct a new charter for themselves, on the broad principles laid down in the Frame of Government, but in other respects to be the growth of the New World, and to bear date from the capital of the province.^ This request amounted in fact to a transfer of the legisla- tive power from the council to the assembly ; and Penn saw with no little uneasiness the grasping spirit of his little demo- cratic parliament. He called his council together and laid before them the prayer of the assembly. Had this body been composed of its complete numbers, it would probably have resisted the encroachment, but in its present state it feared to 1 Penn to Crisp. February 28, 1684. MS. Proud, Hist, of Penns. 2 Votes and Proceedings, 10. ^ Votes and Proceedings, 20. 19 218 WILLIAM PENN. enter into a controversy with the larger house of representa- tives, and advised that an open conference should be held to ascertain the general opinion. The assembly was then sum- moned, and the governor asked them distinctly, yea or nay, whether they desired to have a new charter. They replied — yea, unanimously. He then addressed them in a few words : — He expressed his willingness to meet all their wishes, and gave his consent to the revision of the charter ; but at the same time he calmly told them they should consider their own duty as well as his desire to oblige them, and he hoped it would not be made difficult to reconcile the two in the re- arrangement of the constitution.^ A general committee being appointed to draw up a new charter, in ten days it was prepared, and on the 30th of March, 1683, it was read, approved, and signed by the pro- prietor — subject, of course, to the revision of the crown law- yers in England. The provincial council was reduced to eighteen — the assembly to thirty-six. The governor and coun- cil still retained the initiative of bills ; but the assembly ob- tained some privileges and left the way open for the acquisi- tion of more as circumstances might favor their designs. The constitution remained essentially the same. All power was vested in the people. They elected members of council and members of assembly. The judges were also elected to their seats ; and the governor had not even power to suspend them during the term for which they were commissioned. In the neighboring state of Maryland, Lord Baltimore at his own will appointed all the magistrates, the officers of government, the members of council, and indeed every other class of func- tionaries. Penn could not name a street-sweeper or a parish- constable. "I purpose," he explained to an intimate friend, "to leave myself and successors no power of doing mischief, that the will of one man may not hinder the good of a whole country."^ The assembly established courts of justice for each county with the proper officers to each ; they voted an impost on cer- tain goods exported or imported, for the governor's support, which he acknowledged in a most grateful manner, but de- clined; he would hear of no imposts, and the tax-gatherer ^ 1 Penn to Crisp. February 28, 1684, MS. Council Books in Hazard's Re- gister, i. 16 et seq. 2 Penn to Turner, April 12, 1681. M'Mahon, 156. WILLIAM PENN. 219 was for years and years an unknown institution in Pennsyl- vania.' To prevent law-suits, three peace-makers, or arbitra- tors, were chosen by every county-court to hear and settle disputes between man and man according to the right. Law was to be resorted to only as a last resource. Twice a year an orphans' court was to meet in each county to inquire into and regulate the aifairs of all widows and orphans. Is this a page of Harrington or More ? No : simply an extract from the votes and proceedings of the first legislators in the land of Penn.^ The little parliament having finished its labors and ad- journed, the governor made a journey up the river to a spot where Markham was then engaged in building him a house, afterwards called Pennsbury, and famous as his family resi- dence, to inspect the work ; the time, however, was near when he had agreed to meet the Lord Baltimore at Newcastle and renew the discussion of the boundary question. They met in due course, but with no greater success than the year previous. There is little doubt but that, according to the terms of their several grants, both proprietors could legally claim the terri- tory in question ; and neither of them felt inclined to sur- render what he deemed his just right without a struggle.^ As soon as the conference was over, Lord Baltimore, in evident bad faith, wrote off to Secretary Blaythwaite and to the Mar- quis of Halifax, an account of the interview, giving it of course in such a way as to serve his own interests most eff"ectually at the distant court.'* The Catholic nobleman had never been without powerful friends at Whitehall, even in the darkest days of the Popish Plot ; but the interest of the persecuted faith was again in the ascendant, and the regard of the Duke of York for his uncompromising fellow-papist was well known. As soon as Penn learned that his rival had written to London without his privity, he suspected that he had not conveyed an impartial report of what had taken place between them, and instantly sat down and wrote to the Board of Trade. He expressed his surprise that the Lord Baltimore should have proceeded to give a report of their conference without his ' Penn to Society of Traders, August 16, 1683. 2 Votes and Proceedings. Also Letter to Society of Traders. 3 Maryland Papers, B. T. 1. B. C. P. 21. Pennsylvania Papers, B. T. 1 . State Paper Office. 4 Maryland Papers. Baltimore's Letter, July 11, 1683. State Paper Office. 220 WILLIAM PENN. knowledge and consent, protested against its being received as a fair report, and proceeded to give his own version of the meeting at full length.^ Not satisfied with this, he sent his cousin Markham as his agent to the court in London, pro- vided with letters to the King himself, to the Earl of Sunder- land, to Henry Sidney, and to the officers of the colonial department ; that he might be represented on the spot by one in w^hose truth, judgment, and fidelity he had a perfect confi- dence.^ In the early spring Baltimore himself, willing to exercise the whole weight of his personal influence at court, quitted Maryland and repaired to London ; a movement which suggested to his adversary the necessity of being likewise on the spot, even had causes of deeper and more painful interest than the loss of a few hundred miles of territory not began to crowd upon him.^ About the time that Lord Baltimore de- parted from the colony, letters from England arrived, bring- ing with them an extraordinary combination of calamities. His wife Guli was seriously ill ; his noble friend Algernon Sidney had just perished on the block ; Shaftesbury and Es- sex were in prison ; persecution of nonconformers had begun to rage with unexampled fury; Oxford had put forth the doctrine of passive obedience ; and his own enemies and en- viers had spread malicious and unfounded reports against his honor and reputation. He felt that it w^as absolutely neces- sary to be in England "* His arrangements for departure were soon made. He sum- moned the chiefs of all the Indian tribes in the vicinity of Pennsbury, and concluded with each a separate treaty of peace and friendship for his people. He told them he was going beyond the seas for a little while, but would return to them again if the Great Spirit permitted him to live. He begged of them to drink no more fire-water, and forbad his own sub- jects to sell them brandy or rum ; he put them into the ways of honest trade and husbandry, and obtained from them a solemn promise that they would live at peace and amity with each other and with the Christians. The new city engaged his daily thoughts ; and he had some comfort in seeing this har- » Pennsylvania Papers, August 6. State Paper Office. 2 Penn to Bridgeman, August 1. America and West Indies Papers. State Paper Office. ^ Letter to Leoline Jenkins, April 6, 1684. Ibid. 4 Penn to Crisp. February 28, 1685, MS. Ellwood, 325. WILLIAM PENN. 221 bor of refuge steadily rising from the ground as the dark in- telligence from Europe made it more and more needful as a place of shelter to the children of oppression. The brig Endeavor being now ready to leave the Delaware, he named a mixed commission to conduct the affairs of gov- ernment in his absence, — consisting of Thomas Loyd, presi- dent; Colonel Markham, who was to return immediately, secretary ; assisted by Thomas Holme, James Claypole, Ro- bert Turner, and two or three others. He then went on board, whence he addressed to Thomas Loyd and the rest a parting letter, in which he thus apostrophises the city of his heart : — ''And thou, Philadelphia, the virgin settlement of this pro- vince, named before thou wert born, what love, what care, what service, and what travail has there been to bring thee forth and preserve thee from such as would abuse and defile thee ! My soul prays to God for thee, that thou mayest stand in the day of trial, that thy children may be blessed of the Lord, and thy people saved by His power."* CHAPTER IX. 1684-1688. DAY OF COURT INFLUENCE. When Penn arrived in England it was some consolation in the midst of misfortune to find his wife convalescent and the children well.^ When Guli felt herself ill, and her husband at such a distance, she wrote for her old friend Ellwood to come to Worminghurst and take charge of her affairs ; but he had recently written a book, which a zealous friend, William Ayrs, barber and apothecary, had circulated among his customers ; one of whom. Sir Benjamin Tichhorn, a justice of the peace, after reading it carefully, thought it contained matter danger- ous to the public weal, and thereupon summoned him to appear before the Bench. With the summons in his hand, Ayrs ran off to Ellwood, who told him to be of good cheer, as he would 1 Letter to Thomas Loyd, August, 1684. 2 i>enn to Margaret Fox, October 29. 19* 222 WILLIAM PENN. come forward on the day of trial and own himself to be the writer. Shortly after giving this assurance, the letter from Guli arrived. Honor forbad him to fly to Worminghurst and leave the barber to answer for his book ; yet if he stayed, his friend's wife might die before the trial, even should he not be then cast into prison. After a little thought, he resolved to ride over and take council with the justice ; Thomas Fotherly, also a magistrate, happened to be there : they spoke to him very harshly, and were about to commit him, when it occurred to them to ask why he had appeared before the appointed day. Ellwood stated the reason : — "while I thus delivered myself," he writes in his memoirs, "I observed a sensible alteration in the justice, and when I had done speaking, he said he was very sorry for Madam Penn's illness (of whose virtues and worth he spoke very highly, but not more highly than was her due) : then he told me that for her sake he would do what he could to further my visit. But, he added, I can assure you the matter which will be laid to your charge is of greater importance than you seem to think ; for your book has been laid before the King and Council, and the Earl of Bridgewater hath given us command to examine you about it and secure you." On giving his word to appear at a stated time they allowed him to depart.^ When he arrived in Sussex, Guli was much better, and as she steadily improved, when her husband landed on the coast, within seven miles of his own house, she was able to meet him with outstretched arms and overflowing heart.^ After passing a day or two in the bosom of his family, Penn went to Newmarket to pay his court to the royal bro- thers ; there he saw the King and the Duke of York, both of whom received him kindly, and assured him that justice should be done in the great boundary question.^ Baltimore was on the spot to support his claims ; but the King's health was now failing rapidly, and the aff'air was suff'ered to languish, — both parties probably hoping more from the justice or friendship of his royal brother.^ Meanwhile the proprietor of Maryland, feeling that possession was nine parts of the law, and knowing that his neighbor could not with his notions of passive resist- 1 Ellwood, 325-35. 2 penn to Margaret Fox, October 2. 3 Apology in Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 235. 4 From June 30 to February 13, there is no trace of tlie dispute in State Paper Office. WILLIAM PENN. 223 ance oppose force to force, ordered his relative Colonel Talbot to seize the territory in dispute and hold it in his name against all comers. With three musqueteers this agent invaded some farm-houses, proclaimed Lord Baltimore proprietor, and threat- ened to expel any one who refused to admit his claim or to pay their rents to his agents.^ He even threatened to make a descent on Newcastle ; but the Government of Pennsylva- nia having issued a declaration of their proprietor's right over the disputed tract, and announced its intention to prosecute the authors of the recent outrage in the English courts of law, Talbot and his master thought better of their proceedings and remained quiet. The feint of war, however, probably an- swered its chief purpose, that of raising suspicions in England as to Penn's pacific ideas. Absurd as it may appear, the mo- ment this disturbance was heard of, it was rumored that the preacher of peace had excited a civil war in the colonies, had mounted guns and fortified his towns, had issued commissions and raised an army. Some of his own sect even lent an ear to these reports.^ The governor was fortunately on the spot to contradict them : he explained that when he went to Ame- rica a few old guns were lying on the green by the Session- house at Newcastle, some on the ground, others on broken carriages, but that there had been no ball, powder, or soldier there from the day he landed ; and he could no more be charged with warlike propensities on their account, than a man could who happened to buy a house with an old musket in it.^ On the 6th of February King Charles the Second breathed his last ; his brother promising to maintain the Church and State as then existing, to respect the property of his subjects, and to exercise the clemency which became a prince, succeeded quietly to the throne.'' The late reign had been in most re- spects disastrous for England : unblushing vice had reared its head in the highest places, and the first rank of the peerage had been filled with wantons ; the honor of the country had been sold by its sworn defender to the enemy of its freedom and its faith ; persecution had ravened through the land, de- stroying or driving away the most conscientious, orderly, and 1 Penn to Dike of York, June 8, 1C84. 2 Penn to Crisp, February 28, 1G85, MS. ^ ^^id. "^ Penn to Thomas Loyd, February, 1685. 224 WILLIAM PENN. industrious of the population.^ Penn counted up tlie number of families ruined for opinion-sake in the reign to more than fifteen thousand. Of those who were arrested and cast into noisome gaols, to rot with the felon and the murderer, not less than four thousand had actually died in prison !^ By w^hatever motive actuated, James, as Duke of York, had often lifted up his voice against these atrocities f and as soon as he came to the throne, a statement of the wrongs, in mind, body, and estate, endured by his unoffending subjects, was placed in his hands.* Penn waited on him at Whitehall to remind him of the goodwill he had formerly professed towards all con- scientious persons, and to beg his gracious interference in behalf of the many hundred religious men and women then in custody for no civil offence. The King was extremely ajffable. He spoke to him for some time in the midst of his nobles, with the old frankness and cordiality of the guardian to his ward ; and when he ventured to refer to the penal laws then in operation, and to express a hope that the poor Quakers languishing in Marshalsea, Newgate, the Gatehouse, and other prisons, would find some relief from their sufferings, James took him into his private closet, where they remained in conversation some time.^ Penn has preserved the substance of what passed. His Majesty said he should deal openly with his subjects. He was himself a Catholic, and he desired no peaceable person to be disturbed on account of his opinions ; but he would defer making any distinct promise until the day fixed for his coronation, and even then he said he could only exercise his prerogative to pardon such as were already suf- fering unjustly ; with the new parliament would rest the power legally to establish liberty of conscience.^ In a short time James went beyond these promises. He charged the judges to discourage persecutions on the score of religious differences ; * The Book of Secret Service Money — about to be published by the Cam- dem Society — contains some items which serve admirably to illustrate the reigns of the Stuarts. I extract two payments for the sake of the contrast: — "March 28th, Paid to Duchess of Portsmouth (in various sums), 13,341Z. lOs. 4Jc?." — "June 14th, Paid to Richard Yates, son of Francis Yates, who conducted Prince Charles from the field of Worcester to AVhyte Ladies, after the battle, and suffered death under the usurper Cromwell, bounty, 10^. 10.?. Od" 2 Collected Works, ii. 772. 3 Apology, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 4 Harl. MSS. 7506. 6 Penn to Crisp, February 28, MS. 6 Penn to Thomas Loyd, Feb., 1085. WILLIAM PENN. 225 he opened the prison gates to every person who was confined for refusing to take oaths of allegiance and supremacy. Twelve hundred Quakers obtained their freedom by this act of justice.^ Opinions varied at that time^and vary still — as to the King's motives in issuing these orders. Honest and simple men saw in them only the act of a prince who had himself tasted the bitterness of persecution, and was anxious that it should cease in his dominions. Penn at least firmly believed that the liberty of worship granted to all sects by James was neither a delusion nor a snare.^ As friend, patron, and guardian, the new King of England seemed well disposed to the Governor of Pennsylvania. A party arose at this time which advocated the recall of the colonial charters, and the annexation of all the American pro- vinces to the crown ; and every fault of government, every petty grievance of the governed, was caught at and magni- fied to make out a plausible case for proceeding to so extreme a measure. An outrage committed by Lord Baltimore's agents in Maryland, while it tended to strengthen Penn's cause as against his more immediate adversary, very sensibly damaged the general interests of the proprietors in America.^ Like many of the disagreements which arose in that age be- tween the colonies and the crown, this was a revenue case. The King's ofiicers behaving in an extremely arbitrary and dictatorial manner, the colonists, with that instinctive dis- like to the tax collector Avhich belongs to the character of an Englishman, hated the official, evaded his vigilance, and en- couraged the contraband traders, who appealed from the laws of the land to the laws of nature. Virginia, Maryland, Penn- sylvania, New York, and other provinces, were accused, and not unjustly, of favoring smugglers to the manifest injury of the royal revenue."* On the whole, the proprietors had the precaution to maintain at least an appearance of hostility to these illegal proceedings ; but the servants of Lord Baltimore acted with less caution; and had their master not been a Catholic peer, and the moment one in which the Catholic sovereign needed the support of every man of his own faith, the charter would probably have been recalled in consequence. 1 Sewell, ii. 322. 2 gee his Letter to Quakers in Phil. Friend, vi. 257. 3 Penn to Crisp, February 28, MS. * Plant. Gen. Papers, B. T. 32, &c., State Paper Office. The correspond- ence and orders in council on this subject would fill several volumes. 226 WILLIAM PENN. The president of his council, having a quarrel with the King's collector-general, went on board the man-of-war in which he was passing down one of the rivers of Maryland, and under the feint of a reconciliation gained an opportunity to murder him. An alarm was instantly given, and the captain of the vessel seizing the wretched criminal, almost in the act, loaded him with irons, and prepared to carry him to England for trial. On hearing of these events the Maryland council assembled, and deputed two of their body to go on board and demand the person of their president. The captain asked them in whose name they required him to be delivered over ; they replied, in that of the Lord Baltimore. But he refused to surrender the murderer to any but the King's justices ; and as they persisted in saying that their proprietor was their king, he sent them on shore and sailed away.^ How far, in the existing state of parties, this incident affected the interests of the owner of Maryland it is not easy to determine. It is certain that James, who gave his earliest attention to an arrangement of the dispute, was strongly in- clined to support the pretensions of his rival. He directed the Board of Trade to collect all the papers and facts having reference to the controversy, especially the authorized and sworn versions of what had taken place between Markham and Baltimore and Penn and Baltimore in their private con- ferences f and this being done, Penn went through the form of praying that his majesty would command the Board of Trade to decide the question without further delay .^ It is not necessary to enter into the details of this settlement. Igno- rance of the geography of America had led the original grantors of the charters to include the peninsula — or at least a considerable portion of it — in both patents. But as Balti- more's right had priority of date, and had never been can- celled, his supporters argued, with fair show of reason, that the latter grant was invalid, the King not being able to give away lands which were not his own in any subsequent grant.'* On the other hand, the Maryland charter expressly stating that only the lands which were hactenus inculta were assigned to Lord Baltimore, it was urged with equal cogency that the tract on the Delaware, then settled and cultivated by the 1 Penn to Crisp, February 28, MS. 2 Maryland Papers, March 17, State Paper Office. ^ jbi^i. ^^g. ig. ^ Duulop in Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. i. 161 et seq. WILLIAM PENN. 22T Dutch and Swedes, could not have been included in the patent. While the Duke of York remained master of these territories, the Maryland proprietor had been silent about his claims, and it was only when he found the new governor about to plant a democracy in his immediate neighborhood, that he became anxious about the unproductive strip of ground lying between the Chesapeake and the Delaware. When Penn had presented his formal petition, a council was called to take the subject into final consideration. The King himself was present at the board ; Prince George of Denmark was on his right ; the Archbishop of Canterbury and all the ministers of the crown sat round the table. The claims were gone into with great minuteness ;^ and James settled the question — at least for a time — by dividing the territory in dispute into two equal parts, the eastern half of which he transferred to Lord Balti- more, as his by right, and the western half he restored to the crown, so as to place it beyond the reach of future litiga- tion.^ There can be no doubt but that the King's intentions were friendly and honorable towards his ward ; but for some reason or other the reconveyance of the lapsed provinces on the Delaware was delayed. Practically Penn retained the country, but his legal titles were not made out in form, — a source of considerable embarrassment to him in the sequel, as he was never able to prevail on Sunderland to allow the affair to be settled.^ From this date until the retirement of King James, Penn was at court almost daily. That the King, to whom he was bound by every tie of gratitude, was inclined in his heart to pursue a wise, tolerant and legal course with regard to re- ligion and religious liberty he was convinced ; that he had himself some influence over the royal mind he soon became aware from the great favor shown to him in public and the many audiences permitted him in private. But the laws against opinion passed in the previous reign, under which he had himself suffered several terms of imprisonment, still existed; hundreds of poor Quakers were still confined for tithes or gaoler's fees which their consciences would not suffer them to pay ;^ and the Church party, instead of showing a 1 Hazard's Register, ii. 225. 2 Order in Council, Nov. 13. Maryland Papers. State Paper Office. 3 Proprietary Papers, June 18, 1703. State Paper Office. 4 Life of Gilbert Latye, 57. 228 WILLIAM PENN. friendly or tolerant disposition towards Dissenters, proposed that the House of Commons should petition the King to put all the penal laws against them into severe and immediate execution.^ At such a time he felt that Providence had placed him near the throne for a great end ; that upon him had fallen, in that violent time, a work of daily mercy and mediation. He accepted his position with a full sense of its perils and responsibilities ; but he trusted to the sanctity of his assumed office, "the general mediator for charity," for a liberal con- struction of his conduct by every honest mind.^ To him and to his people the ordinary laws of the country afforded no protection ; a fine or a fee was a sentence of perpetual im- prisonment to a man who in his conscience could not pay fines or fees. A humane judge might order a poor wretch to be set at liberty, but then the gaoler stepped forward with his list of charges, and unless the judge were willing to pay them out of his own purse, the poor wretch was sent back again to prison.^ Conscience was at war with this intolerant law, and the only hope of obtaining justice, not to speak of mercy, for the suff'erers, lay in the unremitted exercise of the royal right to pardon and relieve. To secure the constant exercise of this power, and to urge the King to establish, not by proclama- tions or orders in council, but by a general act of Parliament, a perfect freedom of opinion in every part of his dominions — these were the objects which kept Penn away from the city of his affections and carried him every morning to the ante- chambers at Whitehall.'* He removed his residence to Holland House at Kensington, and brought Guli and his family to town.'^ The house was large, and he had many visitors. His influence with the King was well known, and every man with a real grievance found in him a counsellor and a friend. Envoys were sent from the American colonies to solicit his influence in their behalf; members of his own and other religious bodies who had petitions to present crowded to his levees ; and sometimes not less than two hundred persons were in attendance at his hour of rising.^ 1 Com. Jour., May 26, 27. 2 Letter to Quakers in Phil. Friend, vi. 257. 3 Fox's Journal, 217, 258. 4 Letter to Quakers, Phil. Friend, vi. 257. 5 Lawton MS. Memoirs of Penn, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 216. 6 Gerard Croese, Hist. Quakers. Lambeth MSS., Bancroft, ii. 395. WILLIAM PENN. 229 One of the earliest favors which Penn is known to have begged from the King will be remembered to his honor as long as a taste for letters or a love of science endures. In the preceding reign, when the Earl of Shaftesbury fled away to the continent, John Locke, as one of his intimate friends, fell under Court suspicions ; but so serene and blameless was the life he led at Oxford, that it was feared that to arrest and try him would only end in an acquittal and a triumph for the enemies of the royal family. King Charles therefore em- ployed his creatures at Christ Church to entrap him into some unwary expression — some word of sympathy for the al- leged conspirators — any, even the least, remark which malice might construe into an ofi*ence.-^ But he was on his guard, and gave them no assistance in their design. At length, treachery failing, force was used. On the 11th of November, the Earl of Sunderland conveyed to the authorities of the college his majesty's commands, to strip the unmoved phi- losopher of his honors and dignities, and expel him from the University.^ These authorities showed no want of alacrity in putting their own recently promulgated doctrine of absolute obedience into practice f and a week later the secretary thanked the college, in his majesty's name, for their ready compliance with his orders.^ Locke, then on the continent, was ignominiously cast out of the University of which he was the chiefest ornament, and went to reside at the Hague, where he busied himself in finishing his great work on the Human Understanding, and in furnishing the friends of liberty with new arguments in favor of toleration.* Touched with a situation in some respects so like his own in earlier life, Penn put his influence to the test by asking a pardon and permission for his old acquaintance to return to England. That James had been a consenting party to his banishment, there can be no doubt ; possibly he had been an active enemy ; it was therefore regarded as a signal instance of his favor that he promised all the intercessor asked for, without ' Bishop of Oxford to Sunderland, Nov. 8. State Paper Office. 2 Sunderland Letter-Book, November 11. State Paper Office. ^ State Tracts, ii. 153, and Somers Tracts, viii. 420-424. Passive obe- dience was declared to be a "most necessary doctrine of the Chuich" en the 21st of July; the very day on which Lord William Russell died for the right of resisting tyranny. "* Sunderland Letter-Book, November 20. State Paper Office. ^ Furly C jrresp. 1-75. King's Life of Locke, passim. 20 230 WILLIAM PENN. a scruple, and without conditions. Penn at once wrote off with these glad tidings to the Hague ; but the exile, conscious of having committed no crime, while expressing his deep sense of obligation to the mediator, absolutely refused to ac- cept the proffered pardon.^ And in this view of his duty to himself he continued steadfast ; when the Earl of Pembroke, an intimate friend of many years standing, offered his ser* vices to obtain a similar concession from the King, he returned the same answer.^ That he thankfully remembered the unso- licited kindness of his "friend Penn,"^ will be seen in the good offices he is able to render in return after the Revolution changed in a measure their relative positions. His friend Popple, afterwards secretary to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, was less scrupulous in using the Go- vernor's influence at court. Popple was involved in some troublesome affairs in France, and applied to the general me- diator to aid him in recovering his position : he, being con- vinced of his honor and innocence, went to the Ambassador, Barillon, and procured such a representation of the affair at the Court of Versailles as soon put an end to his troubles. The future secretary retained a warm sense of gratitude to his benefactor, and events afterwards placed it in his power, as a government official, in some measure to return these favors."* Nor did Locke himself scruple to ask that for others which his philosophic pride rejected for himself. Ever ready to exercise his interest in behalf of the unfortunate, he found his friend in London equally willing to be made the instru- ment of his charitable interference.^ Popple and Locke were political as well as personal friends. The accidents of the time had driven the Whigs from Court ; some into the retire- ment of the country, others into positive exile. Penn sympa- thized deeply with their political ideas ; and their misfortunes gave them a claim on his regard, which he never trifled with so long as his day of influence lasted. Some of the men whom he saved in their hour of need, repaid him in after times with the foulest ingratitude, but there were noble exceptions.^ • Lord King's Life of Locke, i. 291, 292. 2 Ibid. 3 Furly Corresp. 36. 4 Lawton's Mem. Popple to Penn, October 20, 1688. Plant. Gen. Pa- pers, iv. State Paper Office. ^ Furly Corresp. 36. 6 Lawton's Mem. (Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 227.) WILLIAM PENN. 231 The first six months of James the Second's reign brought back the troubles of the old civil wars. Though he mounted the throne of his ancestors with as little opposition as any monarch had ever done in England, the elements of confusion existed around him in no ordinary force and variety. The old cavaliers, who had fought for his family in many a well- contested field, were either lukewarm or indifferent in his cause on account of his religion. A remnant of the Republi- can party, not great in point of numbers, but still formidable from its energy and character, remained in Holland, watching events, and only too willing to revive the good old times of Naseby and Marston Moor. Nor were powerful leaders wanting to these men, and both Monmouth and Argyle were known to be secretly or openly preparing to invade the king- dom and renew in arms the contest which was thought to have been ended with the execution of Algernon Sidney.^ The severities which the King felt bound to inflict on those who had wronged the Duke of York, also added to the suspicions and discontents which were abroad. When the informer, Titus Gates, was placed in the pillory the first time after his trial, the people were excited to a serious breach of the peace ;^ and the zeal of fanatic churchmen was inflamed into frenzy on beholding the King go to mass in public with the Queen and the royal household. Sermons and speeches against popery were delivered in all churches, chapels, coff'ee- houses, and places of general resort : even in the royal chapel at Whitehall the rites and ceremonies practised by the sove- reign were denounced as contrary to the word of God and to the laws of England.^ But in the midst of these sources of alarm, James held on his resolute course.^ He clung to his own notions of religion with a tenacity worthy of an English- man ; and refused to purchase the support of his ancient friends, the cavaliers, by any sacrifice of his bigotry to their intolerance, even when Argyle had landed in Scotland, and the signal of revolt was daily expected in the west of England. A committee of the House of Commons, under the influence of the Church party, proposed to petition the King for the instant execution of all the penal statutes against Dissent. J Penn to Crisp, February 28. MSS. Memoirs of James, ii. 3 et seq. 2 Sunderland Letter-Book, May 19, 20. State Paper Office. Barillon to Louis, May 21. 3 Penn to Crisp, February 28. MS. ^ Barillon to Louis, May 14. 232 WILLIAM PENN. Though some of the King's personal friends were present when this proposal was made, thej offered no opposition, and it was unanimously resolved to bring forward a motion in the house to that effect on the following day. James, informed of what had taken place, and of w^hat was intended for the morrow, sent for his friends and laid before them so clearly and emphatically his fixed determination to resist the peti- tion, and to err, if at all, on the side of mercy, that they went away convinced of his sincerity, and took their measures with such success that the result w^as more satisfactory to the supporters of toleration than they had dared to hope: — the motion was condemned as an insult to the sovereign, and re- jected without a division.-' Penn began to feel some hope that Parliament would soon find itself in a temper to discuss a general act for the enfranchisement of conscience ; and the King of France urged James to press ths measure at once.^ Literature also came to the aid of freedom, — and from an unexpected quarter. Penn's acquaintance with the brilliant Duke of Buckingham has been referred to more than once; and, as the public professed to believe, it was at his instiga- tion, or through his influence, that his grace now brought out his Essay on Keligion.^ In this work he argues for universal charity towards opinion. He says he had long been con- vinced that nothing can be more anti-christian, nor more con- trary to sense and reason, than to trouble and molest our fellow Christians because they cannot be exactly of our minds in all that relates to the worship of God."* The effusion breathes this spirit throughout ; and it was not a little to the author's credit that during a life of more than ordinary fickle- ness of purpose and change of fortune he had never wavered from this opinion. He concludes his discourse with the para- phrase of a thought often expressed by Penn, to the effect that if Parliament refused to adopt a more liberal policy to- wards opinion, the result would be ^' a general discontent, the dispeopling of our poor country, and the exposing us to the conquest of a foreign nation."^ A pamphlet on such a sub- ' Com. Jour. May 2G, 27. Barillon to Louis, June 7. 2 Louis to Barillon, June 15. 3 ^' A short Discourse on the Reasonableness of having a Religion or Worship of God." The authenticity of this Avork has been doubted (Pen. Cyc. Art. Buck.), but without reason. The title-page bears his name, and he never denied its authorship. Barillon to Louis, May 2L ^ Short Discourse, &c., Preface. s jj^i^j §_ WILLIAM PENN. 233 ject by the author of the " Kehearsal" naturally excited much attention, and numerous answers to it appeared.^ The wit of the court was answered by wits of the coffee-houses. One of these is very smart in its personal raillery.^ The writer pleasantly alludes to the great rake taking up with Whiggism in her old age, when she is a poor cast-off mistress, that even the porters and footmen turn away from wdth scorn ; and wonders how his grace can think of making himself the champion of anything so out of all countenance as religion and toleration. The graver argument adduced by these writers against any concession to the sectaries, was the al- leged peril of the nation. Liberty, they said, was fraught with danger. There had been liberties in the time of Charles the First — and Charles the First lost his head : there was toleration under the Commonwealth, — and the Common- wealth fell. No weapon in the armory of logic like a syllo- gism ! This sort of reasoning of course provoked numerous rejoin- ders. Penn entered the arena and wrote in defence of the Duke's proposal.^ The advocates of toleration had the last word ; and ultimately the wit as well as the argument was on their side. One of their retorts begins thus : — " I remember a time when the Lord Chancellor Hyde was at his height at court, a poor woman who got her living by a piece of ground which her husband used to dig, carrying her garden-stuff to mar- ket, and not selling it, comes home exclaiming that she could not sell her beans and cabbages, and never should have a good market any more so long as that filthy Hyde was Chancellor. There are some in the nation that have been, and that are, for liberty of conscience ; some that have been, and that are, of the wisest of the nation — such as my Lord Bacon and my Lord Chief Justice Hales — who have shown their minds still against the stiffness of these Churchmen, who never would be got, when time was, to condescend in lesser things for the sake of greater : — and here comes this gentleman now and argues that all the plots, all the rebellions, and all the evils that have befallen the kingdom, must be imputed to such men and to such principles. This argument is the reasoning of the market-woman — Soerate amhulante fiilguravit : Socrates going ' Several of these replies are collected into a volume, B. M. 2 A Short Answer to the Duke of Buckingham's Paper. 3 Collected Works, ii. 708. 20* 234 WILLIAM PENN. abroad, it lightened. This lightning did a great deal of dam- age: — therefore Socrates must be sent to Newgate ! There- fore liberty of conscience must be put down ! I deny the argument."^ When Penn came forward to defend in print the Duke's proposition, he thought it requisite to state exactly the part -which he felt it became him to take in the controversy. One of the disputants had charged the versatile nobleman with having been deluded by Penn into these new notions ; and thus dragged into the arena, friendship to the writer, as well as duty to maintain the right, urged him to add his testimony to the principle of enlightened policy advocated by the pam- plileteer. A vein of quiet satire runs through his discourse. He expresses his great pleasure in seeing a work in defence of religion from such a pen, and sincerely hopes that the witty and clever Duke may soon begin to enjoy those felicities of a good life which he has proved himself so well able to describe. When that day arrives, he says in conclusion, he will be happy to press the gentlemen of England to imitate so illustrious an example.^ At first, the King affected to take no notice of this literary combat ; but when he found the Church party in evi- dent alarm, and heard from those about him that nothing else was talked of in the coffee-houses, he began to take some in- terest in it. The astute agent of the French monarch saw its importance from the first ; and as soon as Buckingham's pam- phlet appeared, he had caused it to be translated, and sent over to his master as a key to the new and serious question which was about to be agitated in England.^ Meanwhile the expeditions under Monmouth and Argyle had both failed. These events and the melancholy trials and executions to which they led belong to the domain of general history.'* Penn's connection with them was but slight and incidental ; but so far as is known his influence was exerted entirely in behalf of mercy and of a merciful construction of the law.^ Nor, in our virtuous indignation, should injustice be done even to the most hateful of characters. Jeffreys has been called a judge after James's own heart ; in common fair- ^ Defence of the Duke of Buckingham's Paper, p. 3. 2 Penn's Collected Works, ii. 70 J. 3 Barillon to Louis, May 21. "* Lingard, xiv. 1-78, contains the most calm and careful narrative of these events. ^ See Extra Chapter, The Macaulay Charges, at the end of this volume. WILLIAM PENN. 235 ness it should be remembered that Jeffreys was not a man of James's seeking. He was akeady on the bench when the Catholic prince came to the throne : — he had been raised to the judgment-seat, almost against the wishes of King Charles, by Lord Sunderland, to try his noble uncle Algernon Sidney.^ Considering the King's power, the crimes of which the pri- soners had been guilty, and the general disregard of legal forms at that time prevailing, the calm reader of history is surprised at the perfect order and regular course of law under which the rebels received their sentences. The heat of battle over, James forgot that he was a Stuart, and invoked the ordinary laws of his country. When his generals desired to know what they must do with their prisoners, he wrote to say they must be reserved for regular trial. In no case would he allow the soldier to play the judge. Colonel Kirk sold a few pardons on his own account, and ordered his troops free quar- ters in the rebel towns ; but James gave him a sharp repri- mand, and threatened punishment if these offences were con- tinued.^ No man, by his warrant, suffered arbitrarily. If many were executed, and many more were transported to the Ameri- can colonies, it was because they had been convicted, justly or unjustly, of the highest crime known in the statute-book of England. The royal nature was not humane, — but that so much blood was shed was in a great measure due to the cruel temper of Jeffreys. The King was urged by his creatures to profit by the blunder which his enemies had made, and allow the law to remove from his path men who might otherwise be troublesome,^ — and he was weak and wicked enough to follow their counsel. In these evil moments it was well that he had one honest man occasionally near his person, from whose mouth came words of gentleness and mercy. Between Penn and Jeffreys nature and events had interposed an antipathy which no royal offices could mitigate, much less remove. The Chief Justice was weak, cruel, profligate, avaricious, and he had been the legal doomsman of Algernon Sidney. He was a man thoroughly detestable ; and Penn opposed him to the utmost of his power, and in the day of his bloody triumph loudly ac- cused him of being the cause of a great and needless waste of human life.'' ' Clarendon Corresp. i. 82. 2 Sunderland Letter-Book, 268 etseq. State Paper Office. ^ Burnet, iii. 66. "* Ibid. How far James approved of his servant's conduct is disputed. Lin- gard has collected the conflicting authorities, xiv. 77, 78. 236 . WILLIAM PENN. Beyond this loud and vehement protest, Penn had no power to go. He was himself an object of suspicion to the court and ministry. Not half a dozen years before the invasion of Mon- mouth, he had been intimately -associated with the men who were now in prison : even by the reports of Barillon he was then considered as dividing with Algernon Sidney the leader- ship of all the turbulent reformers in England and the Low Countries.^ Though it is not to be imagined that he gave the invaders any reason to believe he approved of their projects — it is clear enough that they regarded him as a friend to their cause, for in their plan of the campaign they had set him down as one of the half dozen persons who might be relied on to bring over the American colonies to accept the Protestant revolu- tion.^ The ministry were conscious that his political sympa- thies were not with them, and they professed to regard him as a partisan of the Prince of Orange.^ Indeed his position was extremely peculiar. Against these suspicions and misgivings he had no protection beyond the private favor of the King : a favor which had its origin in the Duke of York's affection for the old admiral, and in that constancy to his plighted word which made the better side of his obstinate character, rather than in any community of sentiment or personal attachment. So far as was possible with a man who disapproved of the King's policy, and publicly and privately opposed the King's ministers — Penn strove to mitigate the sufferings of the de- luded men who had been drawn into rebellion. Events had given him the proprietorship of a land which he had opened as a general asylum for the oppressed ; and now when the prisoners were sentenced to transportation beyond sea for ten years, he applied to have a few of them sent to Pennsylvania, where the climate would agree with them, and their offences would not be regarded as very heinous.'' But this humane design was not agreeable to the King's advisers. With a per- versity of folly w^hich nothing can justify, the rebels ha^d set a price on the King's head, and had denounced the Parliament as a treasonable assembly, to be pursued with war and destruc- tion.'^ This madness begot its like in the Court and Parliament. Now that the rebels had fallen into their power, they shut their ^ Barillon to Louis. Dalrymple, i. 282. 2 Wade's statement. Harl. MSS. 6845, p. 288. 3 Penn to Shrewsbury, March 7, 1689, * Penn to Thomas Loyd, October 2, 1685. MS, SHarl. MSS. 7006. WILLIAM PENN. 237 ears to the pleadings of humanity. Thej wished, if it were possible, to make the punishment of the transports more terri- ble than the bitterness of death. Thej gave them up there- fore to the high Tory and Catholic owners of the tropical and unhealthy islands of the West Indies. Sir Philip Howard received two hundred ; Sir Richard White two hundred ; two other knights received a hundred each ; the Queen begged another hundred for some friend or favorite of her own whose name is not preserved.-^ None of them w^ere allowed to go to Pennsylvania, or to any other settlement where they were likely to be treated with humanity.^ When the trials in the country were over and those in Lon- don began, Penn was still more anxiously and incessantly employed in the work of mediation. One of the first victims of royal rigor was an old acquaintance of his own. Five years before this time, when the court was moving heaven and earth to defeat the candidates of the Sidney party in all elec- tions, two liberals, Henry Cornish and Slingsby Bethel, had the courage to stand for the ofl&ce of sheriffs for the city of London ; and in spite of bribery and threats, to the infinite chagrin of the royal brothers, they succeeded in carrying the election.^ Their success made quite a sensation in the politi- cal world ; even moderate men like William Lord Russel were taken by surprise. The mob gave vent to their triumph by party cries ; and James took this defeat to heart as if it had been a personal insult.'* From that day Cornish was a marked man ; and when the Rye-House plot exploded, he was believed to be involved in it past recovery. The evidence, however, was not complete, and he had now been two years at large after the execution of Sidney, and was congratulating himself on his escape from peril, when the court suddenly obtained the evidence required to make out their case. He was arrested, tried, found guilty, and gibbeted in front of his own house in Cheapside.^ That Cornish was accused and sentenced as the accomplice of Sidney and Russell was not without its weight with Penn f but the mediator took a higher view, he declared his belief that the condemned was innocent of the crimes im- puted to him, and begged the King to pause ere the fatal war- J Sunderland to Jeifreys, September 14. State Paper Office, 2 See Extra Chapter. ^ Dorothy Sunderland to Lord Halifax, July 19. -» Ibid. Burnet, ii. 248. ^ gtate Trials, vol. xi. 6 Penn to Harrison, Oct. 25, 1G85. MS. 238 WILLIAM PENN. rants of execution were given out. But his arguments failed to touch the cokl heart of his sovereign.^ Another case pending at the same moment, interested his feelings not less strongly. Elizabeth Gaunt, a lady of religious temperament and of the most spotless life, whose time and fortune had been spent in visiting prisons and relieving the wretched — had in a moment of compassion given the shelter of her house to one of the fugitive rebels ; but as the government declared its deter- mination to punish those who harbored traitors with as much severity as the traitors themselves, the vile scoundrel informed against his humane protectress, and she was therefore arrested, found guilty, and condemned to be burnt alive at Tyburn. For her Penn also interceded — but in vain.^ Both these victims suffered on the same day. Penn stood near Cornish to the last, — and vindicated his memory after death.^ The creatures of the court, annoyed at the indignant bearing of the city merchant on the scaffold, gave out that he was drunk. Penn repelled the accusation with scorn : he said he could see nothing in his conduct but the natural indigna- tion of an Englishman about to be murdered by form of law."* From this melancholy scene he went to Tyburn. The poor lady met her fate with calmness and resignation. She had obeyed the merciful promptings of her heart in sheltering a fellow-creature from the blood-hounds of the law ; and when grave judges pronounced " this a crime worthy of fire and fa- got, she submitted to the King's pleasure in silence. As she arranged the straw about her feet, that the flame might do its work more quickly, the whole concourse of spectators burst into tears. To the last she asserted her innocence, her loy- alty, her respect for the laws. But she did not repent of what she had done. The cause in which she suffered was, she said, the cause of humanity — the cause of God.^ As the fagots were kindling, a storm arose such as had not been witnessed since the eventful night of Cromwell's death; — and in the midst of this war of the elements, and the still more fearful strife of human passions, expired the unfortunate woman, who * "There is daily inquisition for those concerned in the late plots. Some die denying — as Alderman Cornish — others confessing, but justifying, some repenting. Cornish died last sixth day (Saturday) in Cheapside for being at the meeting that Lord Russel died for, but denied it most vehemently to the last." Ibid.; also Burnet, iii, 66, 67. 2 State Trials, vol. xi. ^ Penn to Harrison, Oct. 25, MS. * Burnet, iii. 66. ^ Penn to Harrison, Oct. 25, MS. WILLIAM PENN. 239 in happier times might have left behind her the reputation of an Elizabeth Frj.^ Penn was able, when he afterwards pleaded with his sove- reign for mercy, to quote these instances of persons who had gone down to tlie grave protesting their innocence ; it was for this purpose that he attended the executions, even by the re- port of his enemy. Dr. Burnet. His representations had their effect in softening what James thought the inflexible justice of his own nature. Some slight reparation was made to Cor- nish ; his mutilated and scattered limbs were gathered and restored to his relatives ; and the infamous scoundrel who had sworn away his life was condemned to perpetual imprison- ment.^ But the mediator bought these charities at a consider- able risk. The minister disliked his humane interference with public business ; and to punish his presumption they contrived not only to postpone the form of his legal investiture with the Delaware province, though, as he enjoyed it in fact, there could be no reason for withholding it, but under pretence of a general measure of reform for the colonies, gave orders to the crown lawyers to issue a quo warranto against his pro- vince of Pennsylvania, and proceed with such vigor as to com- pel him to vacate his charter.^ This mischief, however, was soon arrested. James was then staying at Windsor Castle ; but in less than a week, by his special command. Lord Sun- derland wrote to the Attorney-General to suspend the proceed- ing until further orders.^ Those orders were never issued. The King evidently listened to his counsels with interest, even where his own temper forbade him to follow them, — for his manner was soft and winning, and he had not only clearer ideas but far more wit and scholarship than the majority of those who thronged the galleries of Whitehall.^ His opportu- nities were nobly employed. If any fault can be found with his conduct, it is that his charity was a little too universal — a little too indiscriminate. The case of Aaron Smith, — a man to whom he had never spoken in his life, — is an instance in point. A Whig of some standing applied to Penn, rather, as he himself confesses, with a view to ascertain his ideas of po- litical mercy than with any hope of obtaining what he asked, 'Burnet, iii. 62. 2Luttrel's Diary, April 19, 1686. 3 Privy Council Register J., i. 228, Privy Council Office. 4 Sunderland Letter-Book, June 6, 1686. State Paper Office. ^ Gerard Croese, Hist. Quak.er.s. Burnet, iii. 140. 240 WILLIAM PENN. to solicit from the King a pardon. Smith's only claim was that he was unknown to his mediator and in misfortune. Had Penn known him better he might possibly have paused ; but he heard only of his calamities, and promised to intercede. A few days afterwards, when alone with James, he made this request. The King started at the name, — flew into a violent passion, — replied in his angriest tone that he would do no such thing, — that six fellows like Smith would put the three King- doms in a flame, — and threatened in his wrath to turn the im- prudent petitioner out of the royal closet.-^ Still he did not desist. He got with some trouble — for Smith was as obstinate as he was quarrelsome — a civil letter from the delinquent ; and taking an opportunity, when James was in a good humor, and the scene in the closet had faded from his recollection, he again pressed the suit of mercy and obtained a pardon.^ On the other hand, it is not to be supposed that the old gratitude of the ward to his guardian was the only sentiment that at- tached the governor of Pennsylvania to his sovereign. They had, apparently at least, one great political object in common : — they both sought to establish Liberty of Conscience for all Englishmen ! Penn believed the King sincere when he de- clared himself opposed to every kind of religious tests and to every species of penal laws f and, though it became the fash- ion after the Revolution to consider this apparent liberality in matters of conscience to be a mere Jesuitical feint to engage the unwary to support his policy in favor of the Catholics, abundant evidence remains to show that this was not the case. That his protection was often extended to other nonconform- ists, as well as to his own body, is beyond question. The council books teem with examples : but one or two will sufiice. One Francis Godfrey, master of a workhouse in Cambridge, being expelled his office on account of his dissent, James wrote to inquire if he were guilty of any other ofi"ence, and com- manded, if he were not, that he should be reinstated.'* He pardoned Friends almost as fast as they got into trouble.^ He restrained the zeal of his own followers, when their zeal took a shape off"ensive to the nation : the high-sheriff" of Hertford- shire pressed to have permission to celebrate high mass in the J Lawton's Mem. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 219-21. 2 Ibid. 222. 3 i]^i,|. 223. 4 Letter-Book, February 4, 1687. State Paper Office. ^ Penn to Turner, April 4. WILLIAM PENN. 241 townhall of Hertford, but the King objected ; and it was not until he had been again strongly urged and had ample reasons given that he reluctantly gave his consent.^ Even in the dis- putes about ecclesiastical property, the King seems to have dealt out even-handed justice. At Blackburn a Catholic named Walmsly converted a chapel of which he had possession into a mass-house. The vicar of the parish claimed it as Church property. Walmsly could plead both private right and actual possession. Yet James declared in favor of the churchman.^ Penn must have known of numerous acts like these, and taken in connection with the often-repeated assurances of the King, they served to satisfy him that time, and a more charitable frame of the public mind were alone wanting to complete the great work of toleration.^ There was a curious but a powerful bond of friendship be- tween the Quaker and the Catholic, as such, in that age : — They had suffered proscription, pillories, exile and death to- gether in the common name of religion, and hundreds of them had made acquaintance in the prisons where they were equally immured for conscience' sake. Penn had never been betrayed by injustice into wrong. When suffering imprisonment him- self, under laws especially directed against Papists, he had never proposed to escape from this unmerited punishment by joining in the hue and cry after the poor Romanists. On the contrary, while severely condemning their creed he contended for their liberty of thought. All that he asked for himself he gave to them.'* He still contended for that sacred right, even now that it had become for the moment more unpopular than ever. Yet not without drawing suspicion and trouble upon himself. Hearing him express none of the usual cant about Popery, the ignorant and the bigoted began to suspect that he was a Papist in disguise. How easy the inferences of ignorance ! He was often at court and enjoyed favor with the King. The needy courtiers who waited in the ante- chamber while he was closeted with their master, could think 1 Letter-Book, 406-408. State Paper Office. 2 Ibid. April 7, 1688. State Paper Office. 3 Penn to the Quakers, PhiL Friend, vi. 57. From the "Book of Secret Service"! will quote a note illustrating James's tolerance — "To Charles Meai-ne, bookseller, for several Church Bibles, Common Prayer-Books, Books of Homilies, and other books delivered to the Bishop of London, to be sent to the Plantations of Virginia and New England... 139^. 15*. lid" P. 122. ^ Speech to the House of Commons, ante, pp. 157-8. 21 242 WILLIAM PENN. of no other explanation of his influence. A ludicrous incident made the suspicion certainty. Penn was travelling in the country in a stage coach ; and as the vehicle went slowly along the passengers beguiled the time by conversation on the usual topics of the day. One man asked him how he and Barclay and Keith came to have so much learning and such a love of letters, seeing that Quakers professed to despise these things ? I suppose, said Penn, it comes of my having been educated at Samur. Mistaking the name, the questioner re- peated every where that he had been educated at St. Omer's..^ St. Omer's was the great Jesuit seminary. How easy the conclusion then ! He must be, not merely a Papist, but a concealed Jesuit. The mob caught at this story, as they will at any wondrous tale ; and in a short time it had received various additions. It was said in every coffee-house in Lon- don that he had matriculated in the Jesuits' College, — had taken holy orders in Rome, — and now regularly officiated at the service of mass in the private chapel at Whitehall. All this was said in spite of his lay habits, — his house at Charing Cross, — his wife and children, — his public preaching, — his Caveat against Popery !^ Nor did these simple inventions long content the curious ; more mysterious and romantic incidents came out. A tale got current of a monk who had abjured his faith and fled away to America for safety. Attracted by its high repute to Pennsylvania, the poor fellow placed himself unwittingly in the power of his superior, who had him secretly kidnapped by his own familiars and sent to Europe, to be there delivered over to the awful retributions of the Church.^ Some men of calm and sober judgment were weak enough to lend a willing ear to these reports ; the temper of the public 1 Gent. Mag. vii. 495. 2 Popple to Penn, October 20. From one of his private and hitherto un- published letters to his American agent, I extract a few words on the con- duct of the Jesuit Court of France at this time: — "It is a time to be wise. I long to be with you ; but the Eternal God do as he pleases. Oh, be you watchful ! Fear and sanctify the Lord in your hearts ! In France not a meeting of Protestants is left. They force all to conform by not suffering them to sleep. They use drums or fling water on the drowsy, till they sub- mit or run mad. They pray to be killed. But the King has ordered his dragoons, that are his inquisitors and converters, to do any thing but kill and ravish. Such as fly and are caught are executed or sent to the galleys. Thus they use all qualities, from dukes and duchesses to the meanest." MS. Letter to Harrison, October 25. 3 Popple to Penn, October 20. WILLIAM PENN. 243 was unsettled, and it was suspected on fair ground that the religious orders of Rome had received instructions to get among the Quakers and other advanced sectaries in England.^ The famous Dr. Tillotson was in this class. He had been an old friend of Penn's : he admired his parts and respected his integrity. When this accusation first arose, he resolved to seek an explanation, that his own mind might be at rest on the subject. Therefore, when Penn called at his house in the usual way, he told him it was reported that he kept up a secret correspondence with Rome, and particularly with some of the Jesuits there, at which his visitor was both surprised and amused. The conversation, however, became general, and nothing more was said on that point, — nor was it renewed for a long time, as the new governor went out to his province, and on his return he had either forgotten the circumstance or was too busy to attend to such matters.^ When the Doctor heard Penn accused of being a Jesuit, he did not feel assured that he could deny it on certain knowledge ; and as they were well known to have been for a long time on intimate terms, the gossips found a support for the rumor even in his silence. It was soon noised abroad that Tillotson had afiirmed of his own knowledge that Penn was a Jesuit.^ Few men despised clamor and false representation more than he did ; but he thought it time to speak out when those who should have known him better were said to countenance such reports. He sat down and wrote a manly complaint to his old friend ; — he was grieved, he said, to hear the reports in question, whether it was the public which abused Tillotson or Tillotson who had misunderstood him. He would only say, for he could not join in a cry to ruin those he differed with, that he abhorred two principles in religion, and pitied those who held them — obedience on mere authority without conviction, and persecution of man on pretence of serving God. He thought union was best when the truth was clear ; where not, charity. He entirely agreed with Hooker, that a few words spoken with meekness, humility and love are worth whole volumes of controversy — which commonly destroys charity, the best part of religion."* Tillotson replied without reserve. He had, he admitted, 1 Thurloe State Papers, vii. 117. 2 Corresp. with Tillotson. Penn's Works, i. 12G, et seq. 3 Besse, 126. 4 penn to Tillotson, January 22, 1686. 244 WILLIAM PENN. been troubled with doubts and had sometimes spoken of them. He was sorry for it. He admired his old friend's wit and zeal ; and so soon as he distinctly stated he was not a Papist, he would do all in his power to correct the rumors that were about. ^ Penn answered at once that he had no correspond- ence with the Jesuits or with any other body at Rome — that he wrote no letters to any priest of the Popish faith — that he was not even acquainted with any one belonging to that com- munion. Yet he added, though not a Romanist, he was a Catholic ; he could not deny to others what he claimed for himself — thinking faith, piety and providence a better security than force : and that if truth could not succeed with her own weapons, all others would fail her.^ On the receipt of this letter Tillotson called on Penn and their old intimacy was renewed. Tillotson did what he could to put an end to the false reports ; but they whose purposes it served were unwil- ling to be set right, and the rumor not only spread more and more, but the doctor's name was still coupled with it as its voucher. Tillotson, thereupon, placed in his friend's hands a written disavowal, to be shown to such as repeated the slander.^ It was years, however, before he heard the last of this Jesuitism. Meantime he pursued his own course. Every month grow- ing less hopeful of the future, he would gladly have returned to his colony, had he considered merely his own ease ; but the King pressed him to remain in England until an Act of Par- liament had legally and firmly established freedom for thought. His heart yearned for the other world. The repose of the Delaware, the rising greatness of Philadelphia, haunted his dreams and mingled with the scenes of his daily life.'* The 1 Tillotson to Penn, Jan. 26. 2 penn to Tillotson, Jan. 29. 2 " April 29, 1686. — Sir, I am very sorry that the suspicion I had enter- tained concerning you, and of which I gave you the true account in my former letter, hath occasioned so much trouble and inconvenience to you : and I do now declare with great joy that I am fully satisfied that there was no just ground of suspicion, and therefore do heartily beg your pardon. And ever since you were pleased to give me that satisfaction, I have taken all occasion to vindicate you in this matter, and shall be ready to do so to the person who sent you the enclosed whenever he will please to come to me. I am very much in the country, but will seek the first opportunity to visit you at Charing Cross and renew our acquaintance, in which I took great pleasure. I rest your faithful friend, Jo. Tillotson." 4 Penn to Harrison, April 24, MS. — ''For my coming over, cheer up the people. I press the matter all I can, but the great undertakings that crowd on me, hinder me yet. But my heart is with you." WILLIAM PENN. 245 favor of the King liad powerful drawbacks m tlie envy and suspicion with which he was regarded; and he longed to escape from the atmosphere of a court into the forests ot Pennsylvania.^ But a stern sense of duty kept him m l^ng- land.^ By speech and writing, by his influence with the great, and by his power with Dissenters, he worked day and night to accomplish the great task. The chief obstacle was the mutual ignorance and bigotry of court and parliament,— and he strove to enlighten them on the pohcy of toleration, ihe " Persuasive to Moderation" is an able and learned history of opinion and experiment on the subject. He called history to witness— he quoted the wisdom of the wise, and the experi- ences of time, in support of his argument.^ The paper was addressed to the King and council; it created a sensation and contributed to procure that general pardon which set some thousands of prisoners for conscience sake— including twelve or thirteen hundred Quakers— at liberty.^ btili this act of grace was due only to the will of the monarch ; the penal laws remained in force.; the poor sufferers were hable to be seized again for the same offences and again sent to saol.^ Rightly or wrongly the leaders of opinion would not believe in ?he sincerity of James. The bigots murmured at every fresh pardon granted to a sectary; and the mainten- ance of the Test Act became the avowed policy of all parties in opposition. The hopes of churchmen had already urned to the Hague, and the sagacious Prmce of Orange, playing for no less a stake than one of the first crowns in Europe, while professing liberal sentiments, took care to confirm them in their opposition to the King's policy. James already felt the power of his Dutch son-in-law m his kingdom ; and seeing no reason to expect a majority of the House of Commons favorable to his views while they were upheld by William, he sent Penn over to the Hague-not m the formal character of an envoy, but so accredited as to satisfy the prince that he spoke by authority-to ascertain his opinions.^ ^^7^/ ^f. then an^xil^ii^Holl^^ Tliazard's Register, iv. 104. s Works ii 727 2 Penn to Harrison, April 24, 1686, MS. Works ii. /-/• 4 Penn to Harrison, April 24, MS. Besse, 128 ^ ^ Penn was himself three times arrested at meetmgs 7, f . jj^n Pe^ but of course got free again as soon as the King learned his situation. Fenn to Harrison, April 24, MS. 6 Burnet, iii. 139. 21* 246 WILLIAM PENN. English affairs was of great service to the prince ; but he was a weak-headed man, unused to take large views of things, and though liberal enough to desire an Act of Toleration, was entirely opposed to a repeal of the tests. The Prince of Orange, unfortunately for this country, had formed his idea of an ecclesiastical policy for England from this bigoted church- man ; and although he allowed Penn two or three long audi- ences, he adhered to his own plans. The envoy was instructed to make the most liberal proposals, if William would aid him to pass an Act of Toleration for all creeds and opinions — to obtain a repeal of the hated tests. James promised to con- sult him in every thing, and to put his friends in the highest places.-^ The prince remained inflexible. He would consent to an Act of Toleration, but he would not consent to a re- peal of the tests — the bulwarks of the Church !^ While at the court of Holland, Penn mixed freely with the exiles who thronged the streets — the old comrades of Sidney and Argyle ; he studied their views, and made acquaintance with their miseries.^ With Burnet he had long and frequent dis- cussions ; but the Protestant zeal of the doctor was only in- flamed by his firm adherence to his old opinions. They met with suspicion, Burnet accusing Penn of a leaning to Popery — Penn accusing Burnet of bigotry and intolerance ; and they parted with coldness, and on one side with bitter enmity.'* His hopes turned more and more towards Pennsylvania. There he had secured a home for the oppressed. Time, he knew, would make it a great nation. He would help on the good work as fast as he might be able. So, having finished his business at the Hague, he went to Amsterdam, where he engaged the celebrated Wilhelm Sewell — an old friend and correspondent — to translate his account of Pennsylvania into Flemish, and circulate it among the able and industrious farm- 1 Ibid. iii. 140. 2 Van Citters, Nov. 26, Dec. 6, 1836.— " Aengaende het point der Tolle- rantie wert hier nu opently voorgegeven, dat soo syn Hooglieyt als Mevrouw de Princes haer daer voeren souden verclaert hebben, en dat mein in het aenstaende Parlement dat mede soo debiteren zal, en dat hoogstgedaglite syn hooglieyt met den bekenden Pen die Archiquaecker, wie patron is van Pen- silvaniain America, daerover in 't lange soucle gesproken hebben, en denselve hem dien aengaende diermaten, sonde verclaert hebben." This letter is not in the archives of the Hague, but in possession of Van Citters' family. The English State Papers of the period are most of them in private hands ! 3 Buchan's Lives of Fletcher of Saltoun and Thompson. 4 Burnet, iii. 141. WILLIAM PENN. 247 ers of the Low Countries. He travelled through Holland and into the Rhineland, bearing every where the glad tidings that a land of freemen had sprung up in the New World, where every man enjoyed his full share of political power, and every class of opinions was respected.^ To the citizens of the Upper Rhine he could report the success of the German colony. At a short distance from Philadelphia their countrymen had built a town, which, in affectionate remembrance of the fatherland, they had called Germanopolis. It was situate in a beautiful and fertile district ; on the spot were a number of fresh springs ; in the vicinity were oak, walnut, and chestnut trees in abun- dance ; and the surrounding country was not only in places favorable to the culture of the vine, but every where afibrded excellent and plentiful pasturage for cattle.^ On his return to London he appealed to the King and council in behalf of the exiles. There were two classes of English in Holland. The most numerous was that of political offenders. At first Penn tried to obtain a general pardon ; but of this James would not hear. To individual cases he was open, and several pardons were obtained from him in his more gracious moods. ^ But there were many who had merely fled away from religious persecution; and he reminded James that it would be in strict accordance with the gracious inten- tions he had formed, to offer these men an indemnity and recall. Thus pressed, the King issued an order to that effect, and a great number of persons, who had not been engaged in treasonable acts against the government, returned to their homes and families. The indemnity was traced entirely to the influence of Penn ; and the posterity of some of the men whom it restored to their country cherished for many years a grateful remembrance of his services.^ The failure of Penn's mission to the Prince of Orange hur- ried matters to a crisis in England. James was resolved to effect his purpose ; and, as a Catholic, he not unnaturally, though most unwisely, began to lean more and more towards his great Catholic neighbor. Penn saw the danger of such an alliance more clearly than the King, and he counselled him earnestly against even raising the suspicion of a desire to rely 1 Penn to Harrison, September 23, 168G, MS. 2 Pastorius (in Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem, iv. Part ii. 92.) ^ Lawton's Mem. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii, '* Buchan's Lives of Fletcher of Saltoun and Thompson, 248 WILLIAM PENN. on France.^ But James was infatuated. It is not improbable that, irritated by the perverse conduct of the churchmen, he secretly changed his own views ; and instead of simply asking toleration for the faith Avhich he believed to be right, resolved to aim at a complete subversion of the Established Church. There is unquestionably a change of tone in the correspond- ence with Versailles. From the probabilities of gaining a Bill of Toleration, the discussion assumes the King's aim to be the reintroduction of Popery as the state religion.^ His son-in-law ranged with his enemies, and Parliament deter- mined to thwart his plans, James tried his right to suspend the whole body of the penal laws which oppressed his sub- jects. The question was regularly brought to issue in the courts of law ; and, with the exception of Street, the judges were unanimously of opinion that, according to the laws and usages of England, the King had power to suspend the ob- noxious enactments.^ James was not long in making full use of this dangerous prerogative. On the 18th of March (1687) he called the privy council together : — he told them he in- tended to use his royal right. Experience had shown the uselessness of penal laws. They did not prevent new sects from springing up. They were a perpetual cause of soreness and discontent. It was time to put an end to these civil trou- bles. Conscience was a thing not to be forced ; and he was resolved to give to all his people alike the right of opinion, which he claimed for himself. A few days later the royal proclamation appeared. It announced that the King had sus- pended all the laws against religious offences ; it forbade the application of any test, or the offer of any oath, to persons about to take office under the state.^ This announcement was received with different feelings. The oppressed sectaries were loud in the expression of their gratitude. The King's act not only opened to them their prison-doors, but restored them from civil deatli to civil life. Some of them entered the army, the navy, the civil service. From being persecuted wretches, they suddenly acquired the rights and dignities of Englishmen. Some of the more J Van Citters' Letter, July 19-29, 1(187, MS.—" He has advised the King, so long as his affairs at home are so changeable, above all to he cautious in his connection ivith France.^' ^Compare Louis to Barillon, June 15, 1685, with July 13, and the subse- quent correspondence. 3 State Trials, ix. 11G5-1199. " Gazette, 2231. WILLIAM PENN. 249 wealthy and intelligent were made magistrates, sheriffs, and lieutenants of counties. Even the Quakers began to take some share in public business ; and at the next yearly meeting of the body the question was discussed whether they should accept or refuse magistracies.^ All parties in the great body of dissent were elated at the changes which had taken place. The Anabaptists were the first to approach the throne with the expression of their thanks ; the Quakers soon followed ; then came the Independents, the Presbyterians, and the Ca- tholics.^ The Quakers were headed by Penn : and in the excess of their satisfaction they even agreed to waive the un- courtly ceremony of the hat. In Sunderland's apartment the deputation uncoN^ered themselves, and leaving their hats be- hind, went into the presence bare-headed.^ Penn made a short speech to the King, and then delivered the address from the general body.^ James assured the deputation that he had always been of opinion that conscience should be free, and appealed to Penn in confirmation of what he then told them. He said he should remain firm to the Declaration ; and he hoped to establish it before he died in so regular and legal a manner, that future ages should have no reason to change it.^ Penn needed this assurance. He feared the King's violent temper not less than the bigotry of Parliament. He had no confidence in a freedom depending on the will of James ; and he even asserted in the address a hope that means would be taken to get the formal sanction of the legislature.^ In a private audience he went still further. He told the King that the only way to secure the confidence of the nation, and to obtain the sanction of Parliament for the law he had so much at heart, was to act on open and moderate principles — to banish the Jesuits and other ultra-Papists, who now surrounded him daily at Whitehall, from his presence. In this way only could freedom be given to conscience in England. Had James had the moral courage to follow this counsel he might have died on the throne of his ancestors, and left behind him a great reputation amongst our native princes. He hesitated —and fell.^ Two powerful parties received the Declaration with open ' MS. Records in Devonshire House. ^ Konnett, 463-5. 3 Barillon to Loviis, May 12. ^ Ayscoiigh MS. 44. 5 Besse, 130. « Ayscough MSS. 44. ' Van Citters, July 19, 1687, MS. 250 WILLIAM PENN. hostility. The Protestant feeling of the country was alarmed — and not without cause. The King was an ostentatious de- votee. He spent as much as ten hours a day with his pray- ers and his rosaries. It got abroad that- he was urging the Princess Anne to make a new declaration of faith.^ He had introduced and protected various orders of popish monks. A company of Benedictines were settled at St. James'. The Franciscans had built a chapel in Lincoln Fields. The Cis- tercians took up their abode in the city.^ A papal nuncio was received at court ; and the Jesuit Father Petre was sumptu- ously lodged at Whitehall in the apartments occupied by James himself when Duke of York.^ A new royal chapel, adapted to the gorgeous ritual of the Roman Church, had been erected near the Palace ; and, worst of all, the Jesuits had founded a college in the Savoy for the education of youth, which was already crowded with scholars, half of them at least the children of protestant parents."* No zealous church- man could think of these things without alarm and indigna- tion. There were other fears in which Penn could sympathize more freely. Liberal men saw the peril of such a power as the King now claimed. Where was the line to be drawn ? If the King could suspend the penal laws, what could prevent him from suspending the Habeas Corpus Act, or even the Great Charter ? James had formed a camp at Hounslow, and although he there drank healths to the Church of Eng- land as by law established, many moderate men suspected some deep design against the liberties of the subject to be the end of his military organization.^ The friends of toleration, and Penn more than others, were therefore most anxious to obtain the sanction of Parliament for the suspension of the penal laws.^ The Jesuits had obtained a commanding influence at White- hall, and the real friends of the King began to see with alarm that their pernicious counsels would bring some fatal disaster on the country. Against this evil influence Penn strained every nerve, — often using a boldness of expostulation which James would not have brooked from any other man."^ He told » Ellis Orig. Letters, iv. 90, 91, First Series. 2 Mem. of James the Second, 79. » Ellis, Orig. Letters, iv. 100, 1st Series. "* Mem. of James the Second, 79. ^ Ellis, Orig. Letters, iv. 96. First Series. ^ Johnstone, February 6, 1688. Quo. Mackintosh, 219. ' Clarendon Diary, June 23, 1688. WILLIAM PENN. 251 him that neither Churchmen nor Dissenters would bear their pride and ambition. The nation, he hinted broadly, was alarmed, but still more indignant.^ He wished to see the Whigs taken into greater confidence, and kept up an irregular intercourse between their leaders and the court. He carried Secretary Trenchard, Lord Chief Justice Treby, and Mr. Lawton to the royal closet, and urged them to speak openly to the King, disguising nothing of the state of the nation, but placing before him in its true aspect the general opinion as to his course of policy. James was sometimes deeply impressed with these discourses. Trenchard was an accom- plished courtier ; he had been one of the Holland exiles, and owed his restoration to his native land to Penn. Lawton, a young man of parts and spirit, had attracted Penn's notice ; in politics he was a state Whig, and it was at his instance that he had braved the King's frowns by asking a pardon for Aaron Smith. One day over their wine at Popple's, where Penn had carried Lawton to dine, he said to his host : — " I have brought you such a man as you never saw before; for I have just now asked him how I might do something for him- self, and he has desired me to get a pardon for another man ! I will do that if I can ; but," he added, turning to Lawton, "I should be glad if thou wilt think of some kindness for thyself." "Ah," said Lawton, after a moment's thought, "I can tell you how you might indeed prolong my life." "How so?" returned the mediator ; "I am no physician." Lawton answered : " There is Jack Trenchard in exile. If you could get leave for him to come home with safety and honor, the drinking of a bottle noAv and then with Jack would make me so cheerful that it would prolong my life." They laughed at the pleasantry ; and Penn promised to do what he could. He went away to the Lord Chancellor, got him to join in the solicitation, and in a few days the future secretary was par- doned and allowed to return to England.^ As Trenchard knew the exiles and the opinions current in Holland, Penn felt how serviceable he might be if James would only listen to his advice. That together they pro- duced a powerful diversion of sentiment is certain ; and things were so near a change at one moment, that Penn was actually 1 Van Citters, July 19-28, 1687. MS. 2 Lawton's Mem. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part. ii. 220. ^ Ibid. 227. 252 WILLIAM PENN. sent by the King to Lord Somers with an offer of the solici- tor-generalship : this was before it was oifered to Sir William Williams, and consequently before the trial of the seven pre- lates.^ But these favorable signs passed away ; and the next step into which the King was urged by his Jesuit friends was an attempt to obtain a footing for the members of his own Church in the Universities. The right of Catholics, as of all other Englishmen, to share in the advantages offered by our national seats of learning, most liberal men now concede — though the right is not yet legally admitted. To James it seemed intolerable that the very descendants of the men who had founded and endowed the colleges with their worldly es- tates should be excluded from them because they had not changed their religion ; and Penn, who saw no evil in a libe- ral education for all classes, was equally anxious that his own alma mater should be open to his children without any sa- crifice of their conscientious scruples. But considering the violent and suspicious temper of the times, the King showed little tact in his mode of opening these nice discussions ; and unfortunately he embroiled himself at the same moment in quarrels with both Oxford and Cambridge. It had been cus- tomary at the eastern University to grant honorary degrees at the recommendation of the sovereign, without the usual oaths or examinations. The Mohammedan secretary to the Morocco embassy, and several other persons connected with foreign courts, had been thus honored. Native noblemen fre- quently received the distinction without examination, — and Lightfoot had not been subjected to the oaths. The King or- dered the Vice-Chancellor to admit Alban Francis, a Bene- dictine monk and Catholic missionary in the district ; but Dr. Peachey was alarmed at the idea of a papist getting into his little senate, and made conscientious objections. These ob- jections James received as a personal insult. He referred to the customs of the University, and found there was no in- stance of the royal mandate having been refused, — that ex- amination had frequently been dispensed with ; and as to the oaths, it was not to be endured by such a man that a scholas- tic body should dispute a right which the whole bench of judges had declared to pertain to the crown. Peachey was ^ Lawton's Mem. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 227. WILLIAM PENN. 253 prosecuted and dismissed his office, — though not without vio- lent scenes occurring in the University.^ The Oxford affair was much more serious. The presidency of Magdalen College, then one of the richest foundations in Europe, was vacant. James naturally desired that so important an office should be filled by one not unfriendly to the Catholics, and he therefore named Antony Farmer for election. But on inquiry being made it was found that Farmer was not legally qualified, and was besides a man of ill repute. The Fellows of the College thereupon drew up a petition praying the King to name some other person ; but through an error this prayer did not reach his majesty for some days, and in the meantime, not hearing from Whitehall, they elected Dr. Hough, a man of blameless life and moderate abilities, to their president's chair.^ Hough and Farmer both appealed to the King, — and he referred the case to the Ecclesiastical Commission, by which tribunal Hough's election was declared void, and Farmer's case was quietly dropped. The friends of the court then tried to allay the heats which had arisen. Several weeks were allowed to elapse that passion might cool down, but the Fellows were now excited to the pitch of resistance, and when James sent a new mandate, ordering them to proceed to a fresh election, and recommending the bishop of the diocese to their favor, they boldly declared they could not obey, as Hough was alive, and they regarded him as duly chosen. The King heard this report with an angry scowl. When, in his journey to Bath, he received at Oxford the Heads of Colleges, he upbraided them in unkingly terms for their disobedience, and threatened to proceed against them to extremities unless they complied with his wishes. They continued firm, and his anger hurried him into a course which his judgment did not approve, and which he afterwards bitterly regretted.^ There was much need of a wise and sober mediator. Penn, then on a tour in the western counties, had joined the King in his progress ; and deeply grieved at the turn which the College affair had taken, interposed his good offices to procure an amicable settlement of the dispute.'* He went to see the 1 Mem. of James the Second, ii. 125-7. State Trials, xi. 1315-40. 2 Wilmot's Life of Hough, 10 et seq. There are several letters of Hough's in the Brit. Mus., Add. MSS. 9828. ^ Mem. of James the Second, ii. 124. * Creech to Charlett, September 6. MS. in Ballard's Collection of MS. Letters, xx., Bodleian Library. 22 254 WILLIAM PENN. Fellows of Magdalen ; from what lie had heard of the dis- pute, he thought they might be induced to make such conces- sions as would promote peace and save the King's honor. But on hearing from Creech, whom he met at a dinner-party immediately on his arrival at Oxford, a lengthened account of what had occurred, he felt less sanguine.^ Next morning he rode down to Magdalen and met the Fellows : Hough, the President, Hunt, Bailey, and others, were present. Here they had a long and interesting discourse. The collegians cited their charters and appealed to their Protestant charac- ter. Penn was soon convinced that they were in the right and that the King was in the wrong ; and with the ready frankness which distinguished him, he not only let the Fel- lows see that he sympathized with them in their trials, but offered to write to his majesty and tell him what he thought.^ They, of course, gladly availed themselves of this important and impartial testimony ; paper and pens were brought, and in their presence he wrote a short but pregnant letter. Their case, he said, was a very hard one ; they could not yield to his majesty's desire without an evident breach of their oaths. Such mandates, he concluded, were a force on conscience, and therefore contrary to the King's own intentions. This letter the collegians themselves delivered to their sovereign.^ James continued obstinate as ever. On the day of his in- terview with the College, Penn w^as obliged by his private concerns to quit Oxford ; but the Fellows had already learned to regard him as their friend and mediator. Of this there can be no doubt. A prominent member of the College, Dr. Bailey, wrote to him after he quitted Oxford, as one who had been so kind as to appear in their behalf already, and was re- ported by all who knew him to employ much of his time in doing good to mankind, and in using his credit with the King to undeceive him of any wrong impressions he might enter- tain of his conscientious subjects, and to secure them from prejudice and oppression.^ All the cotemporary accounts are conceived in the same spirit. Creech says he appeared in their behalf.^ Sykes is equally emphatic. Indeed the letter » Creech to Charlett, September 6, MS. in Ballard's Collection of MS. Letters, XX., Bodleian Library. 2 Sykes to Chai^lett, Sept. 7. MS. Ballard's MSS. xxi. 3 Ibid, ; also Creech to the same, September 6, MS. 4 Bailey to Penn, October 3. ^ Creech to Charlett, September 6, MS. Ballard's MSS. WILLIAM PENN. 255 to the King would be decisive, were there no other evidence. That letter emboldened the Fellows to draw up a strong peti- tion to the same effect, which they all signed and carried to Lord Sunderland, who promised to present it to his Majesty.^ The King still refused to listen. Remonstrance and en- treaty were equally vain. Though Penn denounced his measures as contrary to his often-avowed sentiments in favor of liberty of conscience, and the Chief Justice Herbert de- clared them against the law of the land, he would not re- treat.^ He professed to believe it impossible for churchmen to oppose the royal will. A sincere bigot himself, and scru- pulously truthful in his words, he could not imagine, after the declaration of unlimited obedience promulgated by the whole University, that the members of a single college would dare to appeal from their own dogma to the free instincts of na- ture. "If you are really Church-of-England men," he said to the deputation, " prove it by your obedience."^ Magdalen had still much need of Penn's services ; and to secure his goodwill and future mediation in their cause. Dr. Hough and several Fellows were deputed to wait on him after he had again joined the court circle at Windsor. The par- ticulars of the interview then and there held are preserved by Hough himself."* The conversation was continued for three hours. Penn expressed his great concern for the welfare of the College, and said he had made many efforts to reconcile the King to what had passed. He regretted that matters had gone so far before he was made aware of the dispute ; in an earlier stage — before the King's self-love had been wounded — it would have been comparatively easy to arrange. Still he would do his best ; and if he failed, it would not be for want of will to serve their cause. He then stated such doubts as had occurred to him ; the Fellows answered them one by one, and after some thought he confirmed his former impression and confessed himself satisfied they were in the right. On their way to Windsor, the deputation had feared lest Penn might make some tempting offer at accommodation. But on further acquaintance with the dispute, he felt that they were right, and though he wished the quarrel ended, he would not insult them by advising submission.^ Once he » Sykes to Charlett, Sept. 9, MS. 2 state Trials, xi. 1063. 3 Creech to Charlett, September 6, MS. Ballard's MSS. •^ Hough to his cousin, October 9. ^ Ibid. 256 WILLIAM PENN. asked the Fellows, smiling, how they would like to see Hough made bishop. Cradock replied, in the same vein of pleasantry — they would be very glad, as the presidency and bishopric would go well enough together. But Hough answered, as he says, seriously; and the allusion dropped.^ The deputation was possessed with the fixed idea that James intended to rob them of their college. The Papists, they said, had already wrested from them Christ Church and University ; the con- test was now for Magdalen. This touched Penn nearly ; he remembered his own writings against Catholic doctrine ; and he replied with vehemence — That they shall never have. The Fellows, he said, might be assured. The Catholics had got two colleges : to them he did not dispute their right ; but he could confide in their prudence. Honest men would defend their just claims ; but should they go beyond their common rights as Englishmen, and ask from royal favor what was not their due, they would peril all they had acquired. He felt sure they would not be so senseless. At the same time he told his visitors that he thought it unfair and unwise in them to attempt to close the national Universities to any class of Englishmen : others besides churchmen wished to give their children a learned education. To this free counsel Hough made some demur ; and finding the chief of his visitors a man of narrow views, Penn ceased to urge this point, though he felt that, as far as liberal men were concerned, it lay at the root of the question. Though he could not agree with their educational politics, he said he was willing to be of use to them with the King. Hough suggested that he could most promote their interests by laying a true statement of the case before their incensed sovereign. They produced several pa- pers, which he read over carefully ; these he promised to read again to the King, unless peremptorily forbidden. And so the deputation withdrew.^ James was not to be stirred from his purpose. A commis- sion was sent down to Oxford, and the uncompromising cham- pions of Church prerogative were all ejected from the college. Yet they lost little by their temporary removal. His self-love gratified, the King soon afterwards restored the Fellows to ^ Hough to his cousin, Oct. 9, 2 Ibid. See Extra Chapter, The Macaulay Charges. WILLIAM PENN. 257 their honors and emoluments ; and after the revolution Hough was rewarded for his resistance with a bishopric.' Affairs were now hastening to a crisis. When Dissenters and Commonwealth men were the onlj parties likely to fall under the frowns of authority, Oxford could issue precepts of unconditional obedience ; but when its own rights and privi- leges were placed in peril, it was the first and most obstinate in resistance. A cynic would have smiled at this conversion ; but Penn remembered how that infamous edict had clouded the last days of Algernon Sidney, and he longed to break away from a scene so full of corruption to the freedom of his own virgin forests.^ In the very height of his courtly great- ness, he wrote to his friends in Philadelphia in terms which no one can mistake : — The Lord only, he said, knew the sor- row, the expense, the hazard of his absence from the colony ; but his prayers were poured out fervently and with a prostrate soul to Him for aid to return to that beloved country where he was anxious to live and die.^ But the King pressed him to remain in England. He declared himself resolved to establish toleration and to abolish the Test Act ; in which good work, he said, he should have to rely much on his help and counsel.'* Though his own affairs were getting daily more and more con- fused by his absence from Pennsylvania, he could not desert the headstrong reformer in his hour of need.* Not satisfied with private mediation, such as he had exerted in the Oxford affair, he took up his pen and wrote the elabor- ate and masterly pamphlet, " Good Advice to the Church of England, the Roman Catholic and Protestant Dissenters "^ — in which he showed the wisdom and policy, as well as Chris- tian duty, of repealing the Test Acts and penal laws against opinion. He admitted frankly, as he had done to the Mag- dalen delegates, that if he had to choose a State Church, he 1 Letters in Add. MSS. 9828. Mem. of James the Second, 119-124. State Trials, xii. 1-112. 2 Penn to Turner, September 18. 3 Hazard's Register, iv. 105. ^ Ibid. iv. 134. 5 " The Lord hath given me g, great interest with the King — though not so much as is said — and I confess I should rejoice to see England fixed, and the penal laws repealed that are now suspended. If it goes well with England it can- not go ill with Pennsylvania. But this I will say, no temporal honor or profit can tempt me to decline from Pennsylvania, as unkindly used as I am ; and no poor slave in Turkey desires more earnestly for deliverance than I do to be with you." Penn to Harrison, MS. (undated.) 6 Penn's Works, ii. 749. 22* 258 WILLIAM PENN. would prefer the one that was by law established to either a Catholic, a Presbyterian or any other. But he rejected the idea of its being necessary to have a supreme and intolerant Church. Opinion ought to be free ; though at the same time he thought a proper respect should be paid by small bodies of sectaries to the national feeling. Therefore he urged the Catholics, seeing how few they were, and how powerful the feeling was against them, to be content with a bare toleration, and not provoke hostility by their ambition and self-seeking.* His greatest fear was that the King, under ill advice, would take some dangerous step against the Church, and ruin all his hopes. To counteract the rashness of his temper he procured anonymous letters from influential persons, which he read to him in private, without telling him from whom they came.^ He took with him several churchmen to the royal closet, to undeceive the King as to that passive obedience which he relied on for impunity in his attacks. But James would not believe : he said he knew the spirit of the English Church. That it would never dare to oppose his edicts he was certain ; for had not Oxford itself pledged the whole body of its followers to observe obedience to the royal will, as though it were the voice of God ! Lawton almost laughed in the King's face at finding him so simple. "What," he said, "does any man live up to the doctrines he professes ? The churchmen may believe that resistance is a sin ; but they believe that swearing and drunk- enness are sins also — yet many of them drink very hard and swear very often." " Ha !" replied James, smiling disdainfully, "you don't know the loyalty of the Church as well as I do," — and the bold expostulator bowed his way out of the royal closet.^ In April of this eventful year James again renewed the De- claration of Indulgence ; in the November following he prom- ised that Parliament should meet ; and Penn fondly hoped that the sanction of the two Houses would then be obtained for this righteous law. But before that day arrived his sovereign was an exile in a foreign land. In his misplaced confidence an Order in Council had been issued at the same time as the royal Declaration commanding it to be read in all churches. Penn » Penn's Works, 771-3. 2 Lawton's Memoirs. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 226. 3 Ibid. 224, 5. WILLIAM PENN. 259 opposed this insane proceeding ; but nothing could now save the infatuated monarch.^ Bancroft and six of the bishops op- posed this order ; they had now found out the folly of their own doctrine of obedience, and the ministry committed them to the Tower. Penn saw that this was the crisis of the ques- tion. In spite of the decision of the judges, he had doubts as to the King's right to suspend the penal laws without consent of Parliament ; and he struggled to bring more liberal coun- cillors into office. For a moment James inclined to adopt his views ; he proposed to make Lawton a magistrate and a mem- ber of the Lower House ; he named Trenchard, Lord Chief Justice at Chester (the post he was raised to after the Revo- lution) ; and sent his adviser to Lord Somers.^ When the Prince of Wales was born, he urged the King to seize that gracious opportunity to set the prelates at liberty, and pro- nounce a general pardon for the exiles. But an evil genius overruled these sagacious councils.^ The bishops were tried and acquitted to the satisfaction of the whole country. That was the first act of the Revolution. Then William came over with his Dutchmen, — the professed friends of James aban- doned him in his hour of peril, — and finding treason in the court, in the camp, and in his own family, he fled before the menaces of his son-in-law into France."* That these events were a source of pain and anxiety to Penn there can be no doubt. James had been throughout a kind and indulgent guardian. He had rescued him from the dun- geons of the Tower, into which he had been thrown by the Bishop of London on a charge of heresy. He had made over to him in the first instance the territories of the Delaware. He had interposed in the dispute with Baltimore, and procured for him a favorable settlement of that troublesome claim. Two years before his downfall, when the minister of the day had issued writs of quo warranto against the proprietors of Con- necticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Rhode Island, the Jerseys, Carolina, and the Bahama Islands, he interposed his good offices and commanded Sunderland to strike the name of Penn- sylvania out of the list of condemned provinces.^ 1 Lawton's Memoirs, 230. Johnstone, May 23. Quo. Macintosh, 241. 2 Ibid. Mem. Penn. Hist, Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 227. 3 Ibid. 230-1. ^ Mem. of James the Second, ii. 275 77. 5 Snnderland Letter-Book, G29, 337. Plant. Gen. Papers, B. T. v. 32. State Paper Office. 260 WILLIAM PENN. As a Quaker and a Democrat, Penn of course had no sym- pathy with the political opinions of the King. When James was put under arrest at Feversham, he was informed among other disasters that Penn had been seized : he said he was sorry for it, but he was sure that no serious charge could be urged against him.^ His part had been open and consistent. He had done his utmost to prevent the necessity for recourse to a revolution ; and it was not without deep anxiety that he saw the change of rulers. He believed James to be sincere in his desire to establish freedom of opinion ; and as things then stood in England, this freedom was of far greater im- portance than any question which could seriously arise as to the limits of the royal prerogative. In William of Orange he saw a man of policy — not of ideas. His object was to be King ; and whatever, in the secret depths of his own mind, he might think of tests — unknown in his own country — there was no hope that he would risk the least unpopularity by help- ing to remove them from the statute-book of England.^ CHAPTER X. 1688-1694. NIGHT AND MORNING. The advance of William and the King's flight were the signals for a general movement. The tools, the favorites, the friends, the ministers of James, all thought it prudent to retire from public notice. Curious were the means of escape and ludicrous the incidents attending it in many instances. The redoubtable Jeffreys tried to escape in the dress of a common sailor ; the subtle and intriguing Sunderland quitted his country in his wife's cap and petticoat.^ Of the men who had stood near the throne for the last three years and a half, Penn was almost the only one who remained in London. Con- scious of no crime, he turned a deaf ear to every entreaty of his friends to provide for his personal safety by flight. ' Earl. MSS. 6852, Art. 26. 2 better to Popple, October 24. 3 Evelyn Mem. i. 660. WILLIAM PENN. 261 They urged — and with reason — that he had been too intimate with the late King to escape suspicion under the new reign ; and if he did not choose to follow James into France, he had still an honorable refuge open to him in America, where he might remain in peace until the first heat of party vengeance had abated. But he would not change his own straight course. He said he had done nothing but what in his belief was for the honor and good of England, — and he was not afraid to answer for it before all the princes in the world. He would not change his lodgings even ; or keep in the shade more than he had done in his day of favor. As in the time of the late King, he appeared daily at Whitehall ;^ which bold and open conduct soon provoked inquiry. The Lords of the Council who had assumed the general management of affairs on James' flight becoming known, resolving to pass him under examina- tion, sent their messenger to him as he was taking his usual walk in Whitehall ; and on being told that the Lords were then sitting, he at once obeyed the summons to attend. The moment was one of great excitement : the mob were already engaged in burning the houses of suspected persons ; and to have been associated in any way with the court was enough to incur in their rude judgment the penalties of suspicion. When Penn appeared before them, the Lords of the Council inquired into his past conduct and present opinions. He cou- rageously replied, that with regard to what was passed, he had always loved his country and the Protestant faith, and had ever done his best to promote their true interests. As to the present — the King, he said, had been his friend and his father's friend, and therefore, though he no longer owed him allegiance as a subject, as a man he retained for him all the respect which in other days he had ever professed. He had done nothing, and should do nothing, but what he was willing to answer for before God and his country.^ The Lords were at a loss what to do. They were them- selves acting under a power which they had usurped; and were afraid to take a step which might lead to failure and un- popularity. The only thing which appeared against the pri- soner was his own confession of attachment to the fugitive King. Yet to discharge so conspicuous a friend of James, they dared not, being unaware how far the Prince of Orange 1 Besse, i. 139. 2 n^ia. 262 WILLIAM PENN. might approve of the step. They got over their difficulty by taking security in 6000Z. for his appearance on the first day of the following term, to answer any charges which by that time might be made against him ; and with the threat of pro- secution hanging above his head, he was permitted to remain at large. ■^ Meantime the desires of the Prince of Orange were crowned with success ; the government was settled, as he designed it should be from the first, entirely in his own interest ; and he and his consort — the legitimate heir to the throne, setting the young Prince of Wales aside — were crowned King and Queen. But Penn was not left in peace. Some fresh cause of suspi- cion arose, — low spies and informers dogged his footsteps, — he was believed to be rich, and there were many about the court who would gladly have shared in the spoils of his for- tune, — and at the end of February the Lords in Council issued a warrant for his arrest.^ But the intended victim had been secretly made aware of the new accusations against him, and of the low witnesses whose evidence was to be taken, and he prudently declined to surrender himself up until Easter term, as already fixed in his bond. However, not to sanction mali- cious reports by an apparent flight, he wrote to the Duke of Shrewsbury, to say that he was living at his own house in the country, attending to his private affairs and the concerns of his colony ; that he did not feel justified in giving himself up an unbailable prisoner, seeing in how heavy a sum he was already bound over to appear on the first day of the ensuing term ; that he could affirm, without reserve or equivocation, his entire ignorance of any plot or conspiracy against the new government.^ The King seems to have acceded to his request to be allowed to remain in the country until his day of trial. By Easter term, however, men's minds were calmer ; and when Penn appeared in court to defend himself, not one of his se- cret accusers dared to confront him. Not a whisper was there uttered of his being a Jesuit. No man accused him of having done any wrong. The judge declared in open court that he stood cleared and free of every charge that had been made against him.'* Though now believing himself to be personally safe, he was ' Ellis Correspondence, ii. 356. 2 Privy Council Register, W. R. i. 24. Privy Council Office. 3 Penn to Shrewsbury, March 7, 1689. ^ Besse, i. 140. WILLIAM PENN. 263 still anxious for his colony and his country. Even before the coronation of William and Mary, he foresaw the probabilities of a general war. The Prince of Orange had desired to be King of England chiefly that he might become a power in Europe. His thought by day and his dream by night was a grand coalition of the Protestant powers of the North and a war with France. A war with France, as the governor of Pennsylvania knew only too well, would materially affect his province ; as the declaration itself would instantly lead to hostilities in North America. He was most anxious, there- fore, to get out to Philadelphia before the troubles commenced in that region ; and began to make preparation for the voy- age.* A few weeks later the unwelcome tidings were officially conveyed to all the plantations. The war with France, which was to upset so many colonial governments, had actually com- menced.^ In the midst of these discouraging prospects, it was some consolation to find the new King of England true to the tole- rant principles which he had expressed in the Hague confer- ences. At the risk of giving mortal offence to the Church party, he pressed for an Act of Toleration for Dissenters, and even declared it necessary to afford protection to the Papists.^ His own temper was not merciful, but he was a politic prince ; and he knew the vast power which the position he aimed to acquire, as protector-general of Protestants, from the "fiords of Norway to the banks of the Theiss and the Danube, would give him in the councils of Europe ; and he naturally asked himself with what effect he could interfere in behalf of the Finn or the Hungarian, if he gave the Catholic at home a just cause of complaint ? Even before his election to the throne he had entered into treaties with the Pope and the Emperor.^ The Act of Toleration was, of course, powerfully opposed by the Church ; but the King was resolved to carry it through the two Houses, and he did so by a large majority. The ex- istence of Dissenters was recognized. Their chapels and meeting-houses were made legal. They were no longer to be liable to fines and imprisonments for not attending the Es- J Penn to Friends in Pennsylvania, January, 1689. 2 Plant. Gen. Papers, April 15. State Paper Office. 3 Burnet, iv. 21, 2. Hist. Pari. v. 184. 4 Dartmouth's Note to Bm-net, iv. 21. 264 WILLIAM PENN. tablished Cliurcli. The only exception to this general rule was made in the case of Unitarians. They were still beyond the pale — outlaws in their own land. But the number of per- sons professing simple Theism was not large in those days. The Quakers were not only included in the general list of Protestant sects, they were relieved from their old grievance of double taxes on making a declaration of fidelity to their Majesties ;^ and a special clause was introduced in their behalf into the bill. Other dissenting bodies were required to take the usual oaths to the government : — the followers of Fox were allowed to make a simple declaration. It was enacted that licenses should be taken out for the houses, chapels, or other buildings to be used for the performance of public wor- ship ; and that magistrates should have no power to refuse the license except on good and reasonable grounds.^ Hence- forth every man could worship God according to his own no- tions, without the fear of stripes, stocks, fines, and imprison- ment being constantly before his eyes. A great instalment of justice was paid down : — but it was only an instalment. The Test Act was still unrepealed. The members of the Es- tablished Church alone enjoyed the full rights of Englishmen. No Presbyterian, no Independent, no Quaker, could hold ofiice — serve in the army or navy — sit on the bench as a ma- gistrate — act as guardian to any ward — enter either of the national Universities — or execute any legal trust. In relation to the state he was still an outlaw. The Catholic and the Socinian were in a still worse position. They were formally excluded from the Act of Toleration.^ Penn was highly gratified with the results obtained, though they fell so short of his own desires. The new Act disarmed the petty tyrant. It opened the prison-doors to crowds of his humble brethren. He hoped it would gradually lead to a still more liberal and enlightened policy, when the dominant parties became aware how great an accession of union and strength it would bring to the nation. But he had little time to indulge in these reflections. In the spring of 1690, before the King set out for Ireland, where the war was raging, a band of military one day beset his house and placed him under arrest. He had no conception of the cause of this » Pari. Hist. V. 473. 2 Statutes, 1689. 3 Burnet, iv. 16. WILLIAM PENN. 265 outrage ; but he was hurried off to the council, where the Lords then sitting informed him that he was arrested on a charge of holding treasonable correspondence with James Stuart. He denied the charge, and appealed to the King in person.* The Lords of the Council, now the rigorous persecutors of the exiled monarch, had some of them been the lowest fawners in his day of power. Nottingham, Danby, Delamere, Henry Sidney — these were some of them ! One can imagine an honest man's indignation at their questioning. They were good enough to admit the appeal ; and Penn was then ex- amined for two hours in the royal presence.^ At the outset he was informed that his clandestine corres- pondence was known to the King's government. What clan- destine correspondence ? He knew of none. An intercepted letter from King James was then shown to him. It bore his address ; and in it the royal writer desired him to go to his assistance, and to express to him the resentments of his favor and benevolence. He was asked why James Stuart wrote to him ? He said he could not prevent it ; if the King chose, he could write letters to any one, himself included. The word "resentments" in the intercepted note puzzled the council. What resentments were those which he desired ? " I cannot tell," said Penn ; " but I suppose he wishes me to assist in bringing about his restoration." The Lords were startled at this frank interpretation. He could not, he con- tinued, very well avoid being suspected of entertaining such a thought ; but he could and would take care not to give just grounds for the suspicion. He confessed that towards the person of the exile he had felt a sincere friendship ; and having loved him in his prosperity he could not now hate him in his adversity. But he must also be allowed to say, that he had never been able to agree with him in his political views. As a private person he was willing to render the exile any service in his power : as a citizen he no longer owed him obedience, and had never so much as thought of aiding to replace the crown which had fallen from his head.^ William was struck with a defence so unusual. He had a great desire to stand well with men capable of strong attach- ments. In England only a few months, he was already tired 1 Besse, i. 140. ^ Gerard Croese's History of Quakers. ^ ii^i^j^ 23 266 WILLIAM PENN. of his revolutionary friends, and had openly begun to look to the Tories for support. Yet he never won the old cavaliers to his cause. When Sunderland came back and regained the King's confidence, he urged him to confide more in the Whigs. "No," said William, "though I believe they love me best, yet they do not love monarchy." " True," replied the cour- tier, " the Tories are the staunchest friends of the King : — but then their King is James Stuart."^ William was early made aware of that grave fact. The churchmen never cordially loved his person or his government. Bancroft set the example, and the inferior clergy were only too ready to obey his signals.^ It therefore behooved the sagacious prince not to throw away any chance of support among the Dissenters. For his own part he would willingly have set Penn at liberty without conditions ; but the council interposed, and in order to gratify their malice he allowed him to be bound over to appear in Trinity Term and answer any charges which might then be preferred against him. At the appointed time he appeared — and was again discharged.^ Meantime King James had landed in Ireland from France. That devoted ^country rose at his call; and General Schomberg was sent over with a small force to hold the insurrection in check until William could himself cross the seas with a larger army. The general made no head against the insur- gent troops, and it was with difficulty that he maintained his own position in the country. The ex-monarch counted much on the factious disputes in London, and strongly urged his friends to be active in his cause. This policy only made William more determined to secure every place of power and trust in the hands of his own adherents. The local organiza- tion of towns was interfered with ; and though a similar in- vasion of ancient municipal rights had been one of the greatest offences of the late ruler, the Dutch prince did not scruple to displace a number of mayors and appoint his own creatures in their stead."* Nor was this the only irregularity. Conti- nental notions in other matters came in with the continental prince. William no doubt had many foes, open and secret ; but it is not likely that any King of English blood and educa- * Onslow's note, Burnet, iv. 5. 2 Buckingham's Works, ii. xiv. et seq. 3 Besse, i, 140, ^ Warrant Books, xxii. 113. State Paper Office. WILLIAM PENN. 267 tion would have dreamt, in tlie seventeenth century, of using the infamous system of private lettres de cachet as a defence against treason and conspiracy.-' William went over to Ireland and soon renewed the days of Cromwell in that unhappy country. Queen Mary was charged with full powers in his absence, and she displayed more vigor and capacity in those critical and perilous times than her subjects had ever dreamt she possessed. The French fleet, fighting in the interests of James, had engaged with and van- quished the Dutch and English ships, and even threatened to land on the coasts of Devonshire or Cornwall to rally the discontents which prevailed against the new rulers.^ The partisans of James began to raise their heads once more in public ; but the Queen frustrated their designs by her promp- titude and vigor. She called out the militia ; sent the de- feated admiral. Lord Torrington, to the Tower ; appeased the rising wrath of the States-General ; and seized the persons of all whom she had reason to think disaffected to the new order of things.^ Still the position of affairs was critical in the extreme. The high churchmen hardly deigned to conceal their dislike of the Dutch prince ; Archbishop Saner oft had withdrawn himself from the council as soon as William's real object in coming over to England was made clear ; the Bishop of Ely and other prelates were equally opposed to his govern- ment ; and the commonalty were incensed at the thought of a new levy of four millions of taxes to support a foreign war, the interests of which they did not give themselves the trouble to understand.'* While things were in this state of fear and confusion, the captain of a vessel then lying in the Thames went to the minister, Lord Carmarthen, to inform him that some suspicious persons had been to his wife and engaged with her to be secretly carried over to France on a certain day in her husband's vessel. He was thanked for this information, and told to carry out the contract as if nothing had occurred. On the day appointed three muffled and unknown persons entered the vessel, secreted themselves in the hold, and having given the signal to depart, the captain began to drop down the river. At Gravesend, however, by the contrivance of ^ Warrant Books, xxii. 263. A warrant to have four seals made for private lettres de cachet. 2 Burnet, iv. 95. 3 Ibid. iv. 96, 7. -» Ibid. iv. 122. 268 WILLIAM PENN. Carmarthen, there happened to be an officer of the press-gang in search of sailors, who, boarding the vessel in execution of his duty, found the three strangers in the hold and secured their papers. The men were Lord Preston, Master Ashton, a confidential agent of the Queen, Maria d'Este, and a young man of the name of Elliott. Some of the papers were un- intelligible ; but enough remained to reveal the fact of a plot, and to implicate several persons of rank and influence in the suspicion of being concerned in it ; and a proclamation was immediately issued for the arrest of Lord Clarendon, the Bishop of Ely, William Penn, and some others.^ Clarendon, though first cousin to the Queen, was seized and committed to a dungeon in the Tower ; Ashton and Lord Preston were tried, found guilty of conspiracy, and condemned to the scaf- fold.^ Elli@t knew nothing and was discharged. Ashton died like a man ; Preston whined and shuffled, pretending to be innocent himself, but trying to implicate others in the guilt of conspiracy, or at least to involve them in the sus- picion of being dangerously disafi'ected.^ Clarendon, through the good offices of powerful friends, aided by the important circumstance of his being the Queen's cousin, was ultimately pardoned and set at liberty on the easy condition of remaining on parole at his country house."* The Bishop of Ely and Penn could not be found, says Burnet ; but this is certainly false so far as the latter is concerned. No search was made for him ; he even offered to surrender himself a prisoner, and wrote to the Secretary of State to ask when and where he should present himself.^ It seems doubtful whether Ely was really involved in the treasonable correspondence ; the proofs 1 Burnet, iv. 127. 2 gtate Trials, xii. 646-822. 3 Dartmouth's Note, Burnet, iv. 154. ^ Rochester's Letters in Life of Burnet, vi. 300. Own Times, iv. 127. 6 Penn to the Earl of Nottington, July 81, 1690, MS. As this letter has not been published, I transcribe it: "My noble Friend,— As soon as I heard my name was in the proclamation, I offered to surrender myself with those regards to a broken health which I owe to myself and my family ; for it is now six weeks that I have labored under the effects of a surfeit and relapse, which was long before I knew of this mark of the government's displeasure. It IS npt three days ago that I was fitter for a bed than a surrender and a prison. I shall not take up time about the hardships I am under . . . but since the government does not think fit to trust me, I shall trust it, and submit my conveniency to the state's security and satisfaction. And there- fore I humbly beg to know when and where I shall wait upon thee. Thy faithful friend.— W. Penn." WILLIAM PENN. 269 of his hand-writing were not very satisfactory; and still less was it made clear that the bishop, if he wrote at all, wrote in the name, and with the sanction, of his prelatical brethren. But the King was glad of any pretext to fill up the vacant bishoprics with his own creatures ; and Ely was probably sacrificed to the exigencies of his home policy, as Penn was to the French war.^ In the face of a war with France, the royal councillors were anxious to bring the powers of the great American pro- prietors into more absolute control of the crown. The Stuart and Tudor kings had given away vast deserts to their credi- tors and favorites ; but these deserts had now grown up into states, and the new ruler desired a greater concentration of authority in them as needful for a due prosecution of the war.^ The colonial charters which had been called in for re- vision towards the close of the late reign, were not restored without mutilations and amendments. The free charter of New England was robbed of many of its most liberal clauses f and because the Quaker colonists of Pennsylvania were not very forward to transfer their allegiance from a prince who professed religious toleration to one who strenuously insisted on a continuance of the Test Act, the pretext was seized by their enemies at court to propose a resumption of the pro- vince.^ Maryland was in a similar state of jeopardy. As a Catholic, Lord Baltimore was equally out of favor at court with his rival, — and on account of the delay which occurred in proclaiming the new sovereign, he too was threatened with the deprivation of his charter. From this quarter at least — though his grant had not been made when the King fled^ — Penn had nothing to fear. The boundary question still con- tinued to excite disputes in the peninsula of the Delaware ; but neither party cared to expose the quarrel to the common enemy at Hampton Court. ^ Penn was anxious to go out to his province ; as he had been now several times arrested on mere suspicion, he felt that his life, to say nothing of his per- sonal freedom, was no longer safe in England. Spies and in- 1 Comp. Ralph, ii. 260 et seq. with Burnet, iv. 127. 2 Plant. Gen. Papers, May 18, 1689. State Paper Office. 3 Mather, p. 9. 4 Pennsylvania Papers, Oct. 4, 1689 ; April 10, 1690. State Paper Office. 5 Proprietary Papers, vii. L. 38. State Paper Office. 6 Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. i. 182. 23* 270 WILLIAM PENN. formers abounded on every hand, and no accusation was too monstrous not to find some who, from hatred or self-interest, were willing to give it credit. Afi"airs were also going griev- ously wrong in the province in consequence of his remaining so long away.^ The war had commenced. New York was exposed to the incursions of the French, and the people of New England were burning with the desire to attack and con- quer New France. Meetings were being held in the chief towns to organize means of defence ; the colonists were calling on each other for mutual aid ; here money was asked — there men. The Puritans of New England buckled to their sides those terrible long swords which their fathers had worn at Naseby and Marston Moor ; and a warlike ardor which glad- dened the stern and martial soul of William had spread from Massachusetts to the Carolinas. The Quakers alone remained calm. In the midst of this martial preparation they declared that they had no quarrel with the French, and would not fight. If the French and Indians came against them, they said they would go out to meet them unarmed, and tell them so.^ Government was deeply troubled on hearing these things reported, and saw plainly enough that some extraordinary measures would need to be adopted for the security of the colonies in case they continued to maintain this attitude. The Pennsylvanians would neither defend their own towns, nor pay any war-contribution to the frontier governments of Albany and New York. The governor in England took a more prac- tical view of the crisis ; his colony contained others besides Quakers, — Germans, Dutchmen, Swedes and English, many of whom were disposed to shoulder a musket and draw the sword in defence of their homes and families. These men had no thought of giving up their scalps to the Iroquois, and their wives to the people of Canada ; and the pacific disposi- tion of the Quaker majority only lent fervor to the instinctive energy of the young and the unconvinced. A war party was rapidly gaining ground in the colony.^ Penn felt how neces- sary it was that he should be on the spot to appease these scruples, and to regulate this growing enthusiasm. England had no further need of his services ; and his residence there 1 Penn to Turner, Oct. 4, 1689. 2 Pennsyl. Papers, Jan. 15, 1690-1. State Paper Office. ^ Correspondence of Col. Fletcher, April and May, New York Papers. Pennsyl. Papers, July 16 — Oct. 28. State Paper Office. WILLIAM PENN. 271 had already cost him six thousand pounds — the greater part of which had been given away in charities, in gaoler's fees, and in other legal expenses attendant on the liberation of prisoners.^ The preparations for his departure were hastily made ; he engaged a vessel to carry him across the Atlantic ; and the Secretary of State had even appointed a convoy to protect him from the French cruisers during the voyage, when he was suddenly called to the death-bed of George Fox, — whose decease took place on the 13th of January, 1691.^ Over his friend's grave, Penn delivered a long and eloquent oration. The ceremony was at an end and the crowd had just dispersed, when a party of officers arrived on the ground with warrants to arrest the speaker on another charge of trea- son and conspiracy. But he was gone.^ William Fuller, an infamous wretch who lived by accusing persons of distinction of monstrous crimes, to get himself out of the King's Bench prison, came forward and made oath that he knew Penn to be engaged in treasonous correspondence with the enemies of the kingdom, whereupon the warrants were issued by government for his arrest.'' To have given himself up to the myrmidons of the law under the circum- stances would have been an act of madness. Fuller was at the time one of the witnesses against the Queen, Maria d'Este, and the legitimacy of the young Prince of Wales,* — and, like Dangerfield in the day of his unblushing perfidy, he stood high in the opinion of those to whom he was useful.^ The governor saw that the only course which he could take con- sistent with his honor and his safety, was to retire awhile from the public view ; but this home-exile was far from being so strict a seclusion as has been supposed by Besse and others. His address was well known to some of the King's council ; as during the whole of his thirty months' retirement he con- tinued his usual correspondence with his friends at court, par- ticularly with Rochester, Halifax, and Romney.'^ As a man bound by his convictions not to take oaths — and universally > Penn to Hugh Roberts, Dec. 6, 1689. 2 Friend's Register. Penn to Lord Rochester. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iv. 197. 3 Besse, i. 140. 4 p^rl. Hist. v. 672. ^ See his wretched pamphlets, "A brief Discovery of the true Mother of the Prince of Wales," &c., 1699, and his "Humble Appeal," 1700. 6 Pari. Hist, v, 672, 3. ' See the Corresp. in Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iv. 192 et seq. 272 WILLIAM PENN. known for liis Immane and forgiving temper, — he was unfor- tunately just the sort of quarry that was desired by the race of scoundrels and informers with which the country then swarmed. The villain who should wrong him most deeply might hope, in his case, to escape the revenges natural to the wronged ; and some of those about the King's person were only too ready to entertain any accusation, however absurd, against a man of his high character. Before the new war- rants for his arrest were issued, a charge had been vamped up against him in Dublin by the same Fuller, a confederate called Fisher, and a third scoundrel, whose name has perished. On hearsay evidence, and contrary to all the usages of law, the grand jury found a bill against the accused, who had not been in Ireland for twenty years, and was at that time walking about the streets of London, where the alleged crime was sup- posed to have been committed !^ Only a few months after this accusation was made on oath, the character of Fuller was brought by another train of cir- cumstances, under notice of the House of Commons ; when, after a careful sifting of the evidence in his behalf, it was resolved that he was a notorious cheat, rogue, and false accuser, that he had scandalized the magistrates and govern- ment, and abused the House.^ Penn had judged rightly: "I know my enemies," he said; " their true character and his- tory, and their intrinsic value to this or other governments. I commit them to time, with my own conduct and afflictions."^ His own afflictions ! They were dark and bitter in these evil days. Domestic misfortunes, heavier than all else, fell on his devoted head. His wife Guli sickened with the hourly sense of her husband's wrongs — and was nigh to death."* The House of Commons demanded of the crown officers that Fuller should be prosecuted in the courts of law ; and, after a fair trial, he was found guilty of imposture and false accusation, and sentenced to the pillory. His whole life was a lie and an abomination. Ten years after this false swearing against Penn, he again found himself in the toils of an enemy less gentle ; he was charged at the Guildhall as a libeller, convicted on clear evidence, and condemned to stand thrice in the pillory, to pay a thousand marks fine, and to rot in the house of correction with felons and murderers.^ 1 Penn's Letter. Ibid. iv. 199. 2 Com. Jour. Feb. 20. 3 Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iv. 200. " CoU. Works, i. 231. ^ State Trials, xiv. 518-35. While in the iHory at Charing Cross, and WILLIAM PENN. 273 Yet, even when the vices of their witness had wholly dis- credited his oath, there were those about King William's person who could persuade him not to recall the warrants of arrest. His own avarice and love of power helped him to see the force of their reasoning ; at least while the war raged with Louis Quatorze, he was anxious to have all the reins of government in his own hands; and he willingly listened to the advice of those who pressed him to annul the colonial charters, and establish one central and imperial seat of government in America. But to give a colorable pretext for this illegal act, it was necessary to keep the governor of Pennsylvania in the shade ; to hold the threat of a prosecu- tion — which, it was well known, could not be maintained ex- cept by perjury — suspended above his head ; so that, when the conspiracy to defraud him of his right was ready to take effect, he would be unable to appear and offer an effectual resistance. To the importunities of Penn's friends, he there- fore answered evasively ; he w^as always engaged ; — a manifest subterfuge, adopted only to gain time.* It was now that Locke offered to interpose his good offices to procure for him a pardon. The offer touched his heart ; for as the common herd of men had followed him into his retirement with cla- mors and vehement abuse, this tribute to his merits was peculiarly flattering, coming as it did, at such a moment and from such a man ; but he rejected the proposal on precisely the same grounds as the philosopher had done his own appeal to the clemency of King James. As he had committed no crime, he would receive no pardon. In his letters to Romney and Rochester, he appealed, not to the King's mercy, but to his justice. He desired it to be understood that he would not receive his liberty on conditions. Though longing most earnestly to sail for America, he would not go out under the suspicion that he went as an exile. As his fortunes fell, his spirit seemed to rise. In the day of his deepest misery, his words were proud and almost exacting.^ Then came the crash. On the 10th of March, 1692, an order in council was issued, which deprived him of his govern- again at Temple Bar, he was much beaten by the mob ; at the Royal Ex- change he was used more leniently. Annals of Queen Anne, i. 53. ^ Penn's Letters to Romney, with the answers endorsed. Penn. Hist. Soo. Mem. iv. 192-5. 2 Penn to Rochester, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iv. 197. 274 WILLIAM PENN. ment, and annexed it to that of New York.^ So far as the King was concerned, the question seems to have been decided on purely military grounds. No case was made out against Penn ; no instance of incapacity or want of faith on his part was cited. In order to present a bold front to the combined corps of French and Iroquois, then hovering on the frontiers, unity of command was judged advisable ; and Colonel Fletcher was commissioned to govern Pennsylvania until the King's pleasure was made further known, and to assume the command of all military forces, militia and regular, in New York, Con- necticut, the Jerseys, Pennsylvania and Delaware.^ Still the blow was crushing. On every side were gathering darkness and despair. His whole fortune had been expended on the colony ; he had main- tained the government out of his private purse, so as not to burden the infant settlement ; a hundred and twenty thousand pounds, an enormous sum in those days, did not cover his losses.^ So long as his English property remained — while his family stood above mere want — he cared little about these sacrifices. But poverty had come down upon him suddenly. His Irish estates had been devastated and ruined by the war ;'* what remained of them was put among the Estates of Out- laws, on the strength of the bill of conspiracy illegally found against him in Dublin ; and the rents were confiscated to the crown, though no conviction or sentence of outlawry had been passed in any competent court of law.* At home, he had been hardly less unfortunate ; and his wily stewards, the Fordes, had contrived, by their legal chicaneries — first, to involve, and then to obtain for themselves a monstrous claim on, his property in Kent and Essex.^ From the distinguished posi- tion of governor of a province, he had fallen to that of a pri- vate individual ; ruined in his estate, deprived of his honors, suspected by the government, the prey of a rapacious lawyer, and deeply involved in debt. The personal inconvenience, however, was the least of the evil. Most of all he was alarmed for his model State. Colonel Fletcher, a mere soldier, coarse, 1 Privy Council Registers, W. R. ii. 340, 7. Privy Council Office. 2 New York Papers, April 2. State Paper Office. 3 Penn to Popple, Oct. 24, 1688. 4 Penn to Turner, Feb. 4, 1693. Letter to Roberts, Dec. G, 1689. ^ Penn's Letter, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iv. 199. ^ Penn's Statement. MS. WILLIAM PENN. 275 abrupt, and unlettered, was an entire stranger to the Foun- der's ideas and intentions ; and there was only too much rea- son to fear he would soon overturn that peaceful and popular constitution which he and Sidney had framed with so much thought and industry. Penn never doubted but that in the end he should be able to regain his colony, and continue, under happier auspices, the great republican experiment ; but he also saw that the mischief done in a day might require years of patient government to retrieve. He therefore wrote a letter to the newly appointed officer, in which he warned him to tread softly and with caution — as the soil and the government be- longed to him as much as the crown to the King : the charter, he said, had neither been attacked nor recalled ; in the face of the law he w^as still master of his province ; and as he was an Englishman, he would maintain his right.^ To his friends and to the officers of his government in Phil- adelphia, he wrote, advising them to insist with wisdom and moderation on the observance of their charters. He told them to hear patiently, and to obey the crown whenever it spoke in the voice of the law ; to meet the assertion that the French and Indians would attack them — not by quoting their own notions of war and the friendly relations of the Iroquois — arguments to which the colonel would turn a deaf ear — but by showing how well their territory was defended by nature, being equally unassailable by land and sea.^ Fletcher began his reign by an attempt to abrogate the whole body of the colonial laws; being himself an ultra-royalist, the laws of Pennsylvania violated all his notions of propriety. When the assembly objected to this sweeping measure, he showed them his commission, under the great seal of England. In reply, they pointed to their charter, also under the great seal of England; and some of those who held commissions from the proprietor at once withdrew from the assembly.^ Before he went in person to Philadelphia, he had written urgently for supplies : the Quakers returned for answer, that they had nothing to send him, except their good wishes. Vexed at their obstinacy, as he thought it, he repaired to the seat of government, and peremptorily applied for a subsidy.^ The assembly answered ' Pennsyl. Papers, Dec. 5, 1692, State Paper Office, 2 Extracts from Penn's Corresp. attested by Col. Fletcher, Pennsyl. Papers, vol. i, State Paper Office, ^ Minutes, i, 360, 4 New York Papers, Feb, 14, April 22, 1693, State Paper Office. 276 WILLIAM PENN. with a long list of grievances. No terms could be made : they would not give up a single law to revision. Fletcher felt him- self committed ; and to save his own honor, he proposed to re-enact the whole code as it then stood; but the assembly would not consent. '' We are but men who represent the peo- ple," said John White, ^'andwe dare not begin to re-enact any one of the laws, lest we seem to admit that all the rest are void." The colonel was in a dilemma. His great object was to obtain a vote of money ; and the colonists would only give it on their own conditions. At last he submitted. On receiving from him a distinct recognition of their legislative powers, the assembly granted a tax of a penny in the pound, — stipulating, as a salve to tender consciences, that not a far- thing of it should be dipt in blood. A permanent advantage remained with the chamber at the close of this dispute: they had bought the right to originate bills ; and this right they ever afterwards maintained. Greatly dissatisfied with his own command, Fletcher wrote a letter to the King, urging, in the strongest terms, the impossibility of gaining a regular war vote in Pennsylvania, and praying him to consider the propriety of forming that colony. New York, the Jerseys, and Connecticut into one state, with a common assembly, as the only means of out-voting the Quakers, and compelling them to lend their aid in the common defence.* The displeasure of William fell on the absent governor ; and the Privy Council even ordered the Attorney-General rigorously to inspect his patent, and see if some legal flaw could not be found in it which would furnish a pretext for its withdrawal altogether.^ This alarming proposition was made just at a time when Penn needed some startling intelligence to rouse him from the apathy caused by domestic afiliction. Guli was dead — the " one of ten thousand, the wise, chaste, humble, modest, con- stant, industrious and undaunted" daughter of Lady Springett.^ Her sorrows had brought her to a premature grave : — yet she lived long enough to see the appearance of a turn of fortune for her husband, and she died in the prospect of his restora- tion to his former rank and influence. In the later part of the year 1692, his courtly friends — ' Ibid. Sept, 15. State Paper Office. 2 Privy Council Register, W. R. iii. 334. Privy Council Office. 3 Penn to Turner, Feb. 27, 1G93. WILLIAM PENN. 277 many of whom he had deeply obliged in his day of power,— but more especially the Earl of Rochester, Lord Somers, Henry Sidney and Sir John Trenchard, made a joint effort to put an end to the shame of seeing a noble character like Penn de- prived of his liberty on pretence of an accusation made by a fellow whom parliament itself had denounced as a rogue and false accuser. Ranelagh, Rochester, and Romney went to the King and laid the whole case before him ; Wilham an- swered freely that Penn was his old acquaintance as well as theirs; that he had nothing to say against him ; and that he was at liberty to go about his affairs just as he pleased, ihe lords pressed his majesty to send this gracious message to Sir John Trenchard, then the principal Secretary of State, and Romney was selected as its bearer on account of his long inti- macy with Penn. Trenchard was glad to convey these tidmgs to his old benefactor ; he spoke with feeling of the unsohcited kindness he had received from him in the dark times of Mon- mouth and Sidney ; and was pleased to have it in his power to show that he was not ungrateful. But Penn was not content that the matter should end in this private way. The act of grace looked like a pardon :— he wanted an acquittal. He asked his powerful friends to procure for him a public^ hear- ing ; and in November a council was called at Westminster, before which he defended his conduct so completely to the Kincr's satisfaction, that he was absolved from every charge, past'^and Dresent.^ The reparation came too late. <^uli was now too far gone for recovery ; but the thought of her husband beina; free once more, with no stain on his name, cheered her descent into the grave. She died on the twenty-third of the followin^T February at Hoddesden, and was buried with the simple r!tes of the Society to which she belonged at Jordans in the vicinity of Beaconsfield.^ During her prolonged illness, Penn had turned his attention to the policy of nations, and given up his leisure to the con- solations of philosophy. Two of his most remarkable works are owin<^ to these studies : one of these contains detached summarie" of his experiences of men and things, and assumes the form of a book of maxims on the conduct of life— alter 1 Penn to Mavkham, Feb, 4, 1G93. . ^ i i ... rl.,.M Toll 2 Friends' Register. Penn wrote a touching account of her hifct cla^s. Loii. Works, i. 140 et seq. 278 WILLIAM PENN. the manner, but not in the spirit, of Rochefoucauld.^ Speak- ing of himself in the preface of this work, he says — he has now had some time he could call his own, a property he has ever before been short of, in which he has taken a view of himself and of the Avorld, observed wherein he has gone wrong or wasted good effort, — and has reached the conclusion, that if he had to live his life over again, he could serve God, his neighbor and himself better than he had done, and have seven precious years of time to spare, though he was not an old man yet, and had certainly not been one of the idlest.^ A few specimens of his maxims will suffice to show the character of the whole collection. — " We are in pain to make our children scholars — not men ; to talk rather than to know. This is true canting." — "They only have a right to censure who have a heart to help : the rest is cruelty, not justice." — " Love labor : if thou dost not want it for food, thou wilt for physic." — " Choose thy clothes with thine own eyes — not with another's ; neither unshapely nor fantastical ; and for use and decency, not for pride." — "There can be no friendship where there is no freedom. — " It can be no honor to maintain what it was dishonorable to do." — " If thou thinkest twice before thou speakest, thou wilt speak twice the better for it." — " Passion is a fever of the mind : it ever leaves us weaker than it found us." — " To delay justice, is injustice." — " The truest end of life is, to find the life that never ends." — "To do evil that good may come of it, is bungling in politics as well as in morals." Many of his maxims were of a political nature : the following suggests the fundamental idea of a modern ministry. " Ministers of State should undertake their posts at their peril ; if princes wish to over-ride them, let them show the laws — and resign : if fear, gain, or flattery prevail, let them answer for it to the law." These doctrines were regarded as curious novelties in that age 1^ His other work was still more original in its form and character. It was entitled, " An Essay towards the present and future Peace of Europe, ""* — and in it he developed views which are now rapidly spreading among educated men, and out of which the Peace Congresses of Brussels, Frankfort and 1 Some fruits of Solitude. ColL Works, i. 818. ^ i^id. 819. 3 Collected Works, i. 836. * This admirable tract is not included in tlie folio edition of his works. It "was t^vice printed in 1G93. WILLIAM PENN. 279 Paris have grown in our own day. In the first place, he in- quired into the polity of nations, — the causes which led to war, — the conditions necessary to peace. He found the great aim of statesmanship was to secure peace and order ; and he demonstrated that these ends were to be obtained more readily and certainly by justice than by war. But the question oc- curred — How can justice be obtained for nations except by force ? He reviewed the history of society, and he found that in the partially organized body-politic of early times individu- als stood in the place of states ; every man assumed the right to be a judge in his own cause — every man claimed to be his own avenger. As society advanced from a ruder to a more civilized form, the separate individuals made laws and bound themselves to submit to certain general restrictions, more especially to give up the old rights of judging and avenging their own quarrels, in exchange for other rights and privileges not incompatible with the public good. Why, then, should not Europeans do for themselves, that which Celts and Teu- tons, Franks and Scandinavians had already done on a smaller scale? As England had its parliament, France its States- General, Germany its Diet — each in its sphere over-ruling private passion and curbing disorder — so he proposed that Europe should have its Congress. Before this sovereign as- sembly he would have had all disputes between nation and nation decided, without the vulgar interference of the sword, by the wisest and justest men, acting as the representatives of every state : its decisions to be final, and its judgments enforced by the united power of Europe.^ After laying out the great fea- tures of his scheme, he considered the details and practical ''action of such a Congress. He referred to the designs of Henri Quatre in favor of a general league ; and proved by the example of the United Provinces that the idea was far from being visionary, if princes and statesmen would only take the question up in earnestness of spirit.^ The proposal attracted much attention at the time, — and it is now interest- ing to the friends of peace and international arbitration, both as a piece of history and as a comfort to those who refuse to entertain any opinion which is only of recent origin.^ These works were already finished when Guli's death put an end for a time to his intellectual labors. He was only » Peace of Europe, Sec. iv. 2 n^i^j, ggc. xi. 3 Besse, i. 141. 280 WILLIAM PENN. roused from his long torpor of soul by the intelligence from America that Colonel Fletcher had proposed to the King to abolish the separate charter of Pennsylvania, and to form one imperial government out of the whole range of northern colo- nies. This was to destroy at one blow the great purpose of his existence. The war pressed ; the French were victorious on the continent ; the governor of New York would not an- swer for his province without a change ; and the King was thought to be only too willing to grasp at any tolerable plea for regaining the military powers which his predecessor had given away so rashly. He believed that if he were only in America, his presence would reconcile parties now at vari- ance ; and so put an end to these dangerous complaints and suggestions.^ But he was too poor to pay for an outfit for his family. Owner of twenty million acres of land, he had no means of raising a few hundreds of pounds for necessary expenses ! The Irish estates had ceased for the moment to yield a shilling of rental ; and his unfaithful stewards, the Fordes, pretended they could hardly make his English pro- perty cover the cost of his simple household.^ In the depth of his difficulty and distress, a thought occurred to him : — he had spent a princely fortune in his colony ; the million or so of acres already sold had a small quit-rent reserved, — but which, for the ease of the colonists, he had allowed to stand over till good harvests came round, so that for ten years he had not received a single shilling from this quarter.^ He would now, he thought, apply to these prosperous settlers in the land he had made for them, — recently blessed with most abundant seasons, — for a loan of ten thousand pounds — a hundred pounds each from a hundred persons. This money would set him right ; and the quit-rents and the lands of the colony would be ample security to the lenders. He wrote a manly and touching letter to Robert Turner, in which he opened his heart to his old friend, and made this proposal, pledging himself, in the event of its success, to set sail imme- diately with a large party of emigrants, who were only wait- ing for the signal of his departure : if the colonists refused him this kindness, he said, he knew not what he must do, so very low were his affairs reduced."* It is an eternal disgrace • Penn to Turner, Feb. 4, 1G93. 2 Penn's Statement, MS. 3 Peuu to lloberts, Feb. 17, 1698. « Penn to Turner, Feb. 4, 1693. WILLIAM PENN. 281 to tlie settlers tliat tliey evcaded and postponed this request- too mean to comply with grace, too cowardly to refuse with- out shuffling and false pretence. The men to whom he had looked for help— to whom in confidence he had laid bare his private misfortunes— sought in the fact of his distress an op- portunity to encroach on his just rights, and gossipped about his fall, to their own shame and the scandal of the country.^ They said they loved him very much— but they had no mind to lend money. Penn was not apt to be angry, but this ingratitude was too much for even his placid nature. These men owed almost every thing that was most dear to them in the world, to his devotion, his care and forethought: their freedom— their rights — in no slight degree their property itself. To his con- fidential friends he complained bitterly of this insulting usage. A man not inspired with a great design, disgusted with their conduct, might have been tempted to revoke their charter, and to sue them in the courts of law for the arrears of quit- rent. But he thought only of the future,— of the handful of settlers who were to become a nation; and he pursued his own forward course, hurt but not daunted by the ungracious inci- dent. Unable to get out to America, he resolved to fight the battle to the end at home. Calling on the friends who had recently done him such service, he prevailed on them to take his case once more in hand, and, if possible, to procure the restoration of his colonial government, with the rank and dig- nities attached. In the meantime he drew up a formal peti- tion to the Queen — William being abroad — praying her majesty to order an inquiry into the whole tram of facts alleged by him to have occurred in reference to the colony, and if her majesty was satisfied, to grant him a full re-instate- ment of his rights and properties.^ ^ ^ Mary received this petition with favor. The wise and vir- tuous Lady Ranelagh had prepared the royal mind— by a just representation of Penn's merits and services— the^ purity of his conduct and the unquestionable nature of his rights— for a candid hearing of his complaint.^ She referred the petition to the council, who consulted th e Board of Trade and the law 1 Fletcher's Correspondence with Government. Pennsylvania Papers, voL i. State Paper Office. 2 Pennsylvania Papers, July 5, 1694. State Paper Office. 3 Penn's Memorandum. Penn Hist. Soc. Mem. iv. I Jo. 24* 282 WILLIAM PENN. officers of the crown, and finding no legal flaw in the charter itself, nor any subsequent act of his which could be tortured into such an offence as would warrant a forfeiture, — they admitted his claim to be made out ;^ and ' he was legally re- invested with his old powers and functions on giving assur- ances on those points which had led to the original suspen- sion.^ The Lords of Trade and Plantation asserted, — as they were bound to do in dealing as statesmen with a case so peculiar and exceptional, — that although the soil and the government belonged to Penn, as lord proprietor under the great seal, the King's government, still retaining its imperial right, was laid under the necessity of defending the province from its enemies, as part and parcel of the common empire ; but that so soon as the war was finished in Europe, and the fear of invasion from Canada had subsided, the government must, of course, devolve upon the owner of the soil.^ The war, however, was raging more fiercely than ever ; Marshal Luxembourg had defeated King William in two great battleSj and had taken the important fortresses of Namur and Mens. In America, the Five Nations, so long in amity with the English, had been won over to the Canadian interest, — numerous farms had been sacked and burnt in Albany, and the settlers massacred or carried off by the enemy, — and it was generally feared that the friendly and peaceable Lenni Lenape would be compelled to join the great confederacy of their brethren. In this event, the forests of Pennsylvania would afford no protection to the unarmed towns and villages scattered over the country ; and devoted as he was to the doctrines of peace, Penn saw the folly of maintaining a pas- sive attitude under the tomahawks of the Iroquois. He pro- mised the council, therefore, that as early as it was convenient he would repair to the colony in person ; and in the meantime undertook to supply money and men for the general defence of the frontiers.'' His own cousin Markham was a soldier ; there were plenty of men in the province who had no scruple against bearing arms ; and he had little fear of raising the con- tingent that might be fixed by the crown as the proper quota 1 rrivy Council Registers, YV. R. iii. 444, 5 ; 453, 4, 2 Pennsylvania Papers, July 5. The reports may be compared, July 12, Au.i^ust y. 3 Ibi.l. August 1-3. 4 Privy Couucil Registers, W. R. iii. 455. Privy Council Office. WILLIAM PENN. 283 of Pennsylvania. But in case he should meet with a success- ful opposition on this point from the Assembly, he stipulated that he would then surrender the direction of military affairs entirely into the King's hands. ^ On the ninth of August (1694) — thirty months after the appointment of Colonel Fletcher — an Order in Council was made, restoring to him his government, revoking the military commission, and appointing eighty men and their complete equipment and charges as the contingent of Pennsylvania, to be maintained on the frontiers or at New York, so long as the war continued.^ This restoration was a great solace to him in his grievous domestic affliction. Not only was Guli dead : dead through grief and sickness of the heart ; but Springett, his eldest and favorite son, a youth of delicate frame, but endowed with rare genius and nobility of mind, was seized with slow and cureless consumption. In his poverty and exile, the world had frowned on him, believing his fortunes to be irretrievable ; and if the settlers in his own colony had behaved most scurvily, they could plead in their defence the almost universal example of mankind. To use his own pathetic words — his enemies had darkened the very air against him. His re-installation was an emphatic answer to every calumny. It is curious to find that the men who stood by him in his darkest hours of trial were, with some staunch exceptions, not the persons who shared his religious opinions — but the more distinguished order of courtiers, statesmen, divines and philosophers — men like Rochester and Ranelagh, Trenchard and Popple, Tiliot- son and Locke. Many of his own sect for a time looked coldly on his sufferings ; and it does not appear that their in- difference was entirely removed until he was fully restored to his worldly rank. They had no complaint to make against his morals or his life : — they only pretended to condemn the too active part he had taken in the affairs of the world.^ ' Pennsylvania Papers, August 3. State Paper Office. 2 Ibid. August 9. — Privy Council Registers, VV. R. ii. 454, 5. Privy Council Office. ^ Thomas Lowe to Margaret Fox. MS. 284 WILLIAM PENN. CHAPTER XI. 1694-1701. THE LAND OF PROMISE. When Algernon Sidney counselled Penn to leave all power under his Charter of Liberties in the hands of the people, — even power to resist the governor and to alter and annul the Constitution, — he had himself but just returned from a forced exile, and was still suffering daily from the spite and jealousy of the court. In the ardor of the moment he overlooked the fact, that if monarchy be sometimes vindictive, republics are not the less proverbially ungrateful. As a point of abstract political science, Sidney was right : democracy must be developed from within to be true and lasting.^ But neither of the lawgivers seems to have remembered that, under the form in which they were about to try the great experiment, two incompatible powers would be brought into presence, — probably into conflict. Republican as it appeared, the Charter had a foreign and irreconcileable element in its own author. Towards the settlers in his province Penn stood exactly in the position of a feudal lord : — the soil and the government were his personal property. Though in his first charter he had given up many of his rights, enough remained to create strife and bitterness in men so jealous of power. It was sufficient that he traced his rights to a source alien to their choice, to rouse discontent : The colonists had acquired too much power not to covet more. The difficulty existed in the very nature of things. A democracy is a state in which every thing begins and ends with the people ; but in Pennsylvania there was a power, — the first and highest, — completely inde- pendent and irresponsible. The ruler had to govern a free people by hereditary and indefeasible right : how wise and noble soever bis aims might be, the Assembly never forgot that he was their master; though he stood between them and the iron rule at home, they could not respect, and would barely 1 Penn to Sidney, Oct. 13, 1681. WILLIAM PENN. 285 tolerate bis autliority.* From the fonnclation of the colony to the last day of liis existence, his life vras one great strug- gle with the intractable spirit of the settlers. His dues were withheld — his orders disobeyed — his rights invaded. An ultra-democratic party arose, which at one time by its impru- dence led him into trouble in the colony — at another, joined his English enemies in their efforts to procure a forfeiture of the charter.=^ To force alone would they submit. Fletcher's government was still more galling to them than their pro- prietor's : yet in his case they passed and paid a war tax. A salary they would not grant : and the crown was compelled to allow its servant to appropriate one-half of the war-revenue for his personal use.^ These facts carry with them no par- ticular stain on any memory : they only prove that feudalism and democracy, even in their best forms, cannot exist together. There was no single governor, from first to last, who ^ could maintain peace in the colony : — nor did the constitution of Pennsylvania ever attain to a state of free and harmonious action until the feudal element was entirely cast away at the llevolution. With Springett in a decline, Penn was unwilling to go m person to Philadelphia and leave him behind ; he therefore sent out a commission to Markham to act as his deputy, with the express sanction of the home government.^ Not until six years after the restitution of his rights, did he again set foot in Pennsylvania. Two of these years he acted as a nurse to his darling boy ; his almost constant companion by day and night. Everything that tender nurture, parental watchful- ness and medical science could do for him was done ; but m spite of all, he grcAV worse and worse :— and finally died m his father's arms on the 2d of April, 1696, in the twenty-first year of his age.^ His other children still living,— Mary and Hannah having died in infancy,— were Letitia and Wilham; the latter, now his heir, and, as it seemed, the future lord proprietor of Pennsylvania, was utterly unlike his deceased brother in character and natural abilities.^ Springett Penn 1 Loa:an Gorresp. Phil Friend, xviii. 345 et seq. 2 QuSrry Gorresp. in Proprietary Papers, Sept. 10, 1G9< et seq. State Paper OSce. ^ . r. -i /^i^ 3 Privy Gouncil Register, W. R. 4o7. Pnvy Gouncil Office. 4 Proprietary Papers, Nov. 24.— Pennsylvania Papers, Dec. 14. btate ''6'Friends''Register. « Genealogy in Penn Gaskell MSS. 286 WILLIAM PENN. had inherited the virtues as well as the names of his joint an- cestry ; to his father's strong sense of political liberty, his fervor and devotion to a great cause, he added the grace and gentleness of his mother and grandmother. Of all the young people about her in her old age, he had been the favorite of Lady Springett ; and it was for his use and instruction that she had committed the memoirs of her early life to writing.^ The younger brother more resembled his grandfather the ad- miral : he was bold and self-willed as a boy ; quick in quar- rel ; full of pride and worldly ambition ; sensuous in his tastes and scornful in his demeanor. Yet he had fine qualities : — he was generous even to a fault, — had a keen sense of honor, — had a turn and a capacity for business, — and that daunt- less courage which seemed to be the birthright of his race.^ From an early period he had shown his distaste to the simple routine of his father's house : and he sought in the world the illicit pleasures which were denied to him at home. It was with the most anxious foreboding that Penn looked forward to the day when he must, in the course of nature, give up the government of his colony to this rash and inconstant youth. Perhaps his anxieties on this head influenced him to a se- cond marriage. Hannah, daughter of Thomas Callowhill of Bristol, a lady whom he had long known and respected, was the object of his second choice ; and they were married in that city in January 1696.^ She was a woman of extraordi- nary spirit, and made an admirable manager and wife. They had issue four sons — Dennis, Richard, Thomas, and John — and two daughters — Margaret and Hannah, the latter of whom died in infancy. It is from the Thomas Penn here mentioned that the present representatives of the male branch of the family are descended.'* With the peace of Ryswich the war ceased in America. As there was now no pressing necessity for his voyage to Pennsylvania, Colonel Markham discharging his function of lieutenant-governor with vigor, wisdom, and success, — Penn continued to live quietly in England, varying the ordinary routine of life by a series of religious tours, and by writing various works of controversy.^ His daughter Letty was now * MS. Autobiography of Lady Springett. 2 Logan Corresp. PhiL Friend, xviii. 354-363. 3 Roger Haydock, 215. * Penn Gaskill MSS. ^ The most notable of these were: — 1. "A Brief Account of the Kise and WILLIAM PENN. 287 growing up to womanhood, and she, as well as his wife, had a disinclination to remove permanently, as he had always in- tended, to their forest-home on the Delaware. The advices which came with every post from the seat of government were not of a nature to overcome these female objections. Colonel Quarry, a revenue officer, sent to America by the crown, and a zealous party to the idea of turning the proprietarial into imperial colonies, found out and courted every person of in- fluence in the colony who fancied he had a grievance ; and of the information procured from these sources he made the most adroit and malicious use in his correspondence with the home ministry.^ He kept up intimate relations with the leaders of the opposition, and by his office and his experience gave co- hesion and importance to the floating masses of discontent. Their attacks were in reality meant for and made on the go- vernor and his rights ; but they did not dare to accuse him directly. His lieutenant was fairer game ; and againsf Mark- ham they revived old charges, and invented new, until the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations were as heartily tired of their complaints as Penn himself was of an- swering them. Quarry's chief reliance lay in his official reports, in which he boldly charged Markham with favoring smugglers and pirates, to the manifest injury of the royal revenue. The lieutenant-governor defended himself against these charges with spirit and success ; at least his explana- tions were for a long time admitted. This war of accusations continued two years. ^ During this interval, Penn became acquainted with the young Czar, Peter of Russia, then working in the dockyard at Deptford as a carpenter and ship-builder. With that pas- sion for converting the great which had led their brethren to Rome, to Adrianople, and to Versailles, in search of royal proselytes, Thomas Story and another friend, hearing that the ruler of Muscovy could be easily approached, went to him Progress of the People called Quakers," 1694; 2. "A Visitation to the Jews," 1694; 3. "A Few Words to the House of Commous," 1695; 4. " The Truth of God Cleared," 1698; 5. " Primitive Christianity Revived," 1696. 1 Proprietary Papers, Sept. 10, et seq. The Quarry Corresp. is of con- siderable interest for tlie early history of the colonies : American writers have little acquaintance with the treasures of our State Paper Office. 2 Proprietary Papers, Sept. 10, 1697— Sept. 12, 1699. State Paper Of- fice. The latter part is particularly voluminous and violent. 288 WILLIAM PENN. for the purpose of delivering what they believed to be the new gopsel. They found to their surprise that the Czar could speak no Latin ; and as they were ignorant of German, it was impossible to converse without the. aid of an interpre- ter. Peter was interested though not much edified by their discourse ; but the Friends were greatly charmed with their reception, and immediately reported to Penn, who spoke Ger- man with great fluency, that a new field was opening in the imperial mind for the spread of truth. On this hint Penn went down to York Buildings, where the Czar resided when not at the docks, with Prince Menzikoff, and there saw the object of his visit. ^ As a man who had lived in courts and seen the world, — as the son also of the renowned admiral, — Penn got on much better with the young and sagacious prince than the simple-hearted Story. With the practical turn of mind which distinguished him through life, Peter had at once gone, to what appeared to him, the heart of the matter. You say you are a new people, — will you fight better than the rest ? Story had told him they could not bear arms against their neighbor. Then tell me, said Peter, of what use you would be to any kingdom, if you will not fight ? The fact of their wearing their hats in his presence rather amused than offended him; but he could not be made to comprehend the reason for it. Eager for knowledge of every kind, he listened with courtesy and interest to the discourses of Penn ; he wished, he said, to learn in a few words what the Quakers taught and practised, that he might be able to distinguish them readily from other men ; whereupon his visitor wrote — " They teach that men must be holy, or they cannot be happy — that they should be few in words, peaceable in life, suffer wrongs, love enemies, deny themselves — without which faith is false, worship formality, and religion hypocrisy."^ Peter was not converted, but he was interested ; as he knew a little English he began to attend occasionally at the meetings of Friends at Deptford, where he behaved very politely and so- cially, standing up or sitting down as it suited the convenience and comfort of others. Some of the Quaker preachers evi- dently regarded their imperial listener as a convert to the faith : they were probably not aware that, as an acute ob- ' Penn to tlie Czar, Pliil. Friend, vii. 45. 2 Ibid. vii. 45. WILLIAM PENN. 289 server of human manners, it was his humor to attend the religious services of all sects and denominations.^ The complaints which were continually arriving from Colo- nel Quarry, and the rising discontents in the colony fomented by his malice, kept Penn in a state of unceasing agitation and alarm. One charge against his cousin and lieutenant was not cleared away before another was started ; so that his enemies in the royal council had almost daily opportunities of poison- ing the King's mind on that sorest of all subjects — the reve- nue.^ The governor felt an unlimited confidence in the faith and purity of Markham, a confidence vfhich is fully justified by the facts of his administration as they are recorded in the state papers ;^ but at the same time he saw that a necessity was arising for his own presence in Philadelphia, and he pru- dently began to make preparations for the voyage. His English lawyer had got his estates into the utmost confusion, — in all probability with a view to making his own fortune out of the general wreck, as in later years his employer had not paid that attention to his private business which the ad- miral had believed would turn out to be a chief feature in his character;'* and the Shangarry Castle property had not yet recovered from the infliction of the wars. Nearly thirty years had now passed since he had held any communication with his Irish tenantry ; a desire to look on the old scenes in which a great portion of his youth had been spent, grew up in his mind, as well as a wish to superintend the re-settlement of his property — Shangarry Castle being now his chief sup- port; and hearing that Thomas Story and John Everett were going into the island on a religious tour, he proposed to join them, and they set out together from Bristol, where he was then residing, that being the usual port from which passen- gers at that time started for Dublin.^ In the Irish capital he attended the half-yearly meeting of Friends ; and called on the Lords Justices of Ireland, to whom he was well known, to encourage in their minds a friendly disposition towards his .1 story's Joumal, 126, 494. 2 Proprietary Papers, September 22 — Oct. 8-15 et seq. State Paper Office. ^ His answer to the accusations of Col. Quarry and Mr. Randolph, pre- sented to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, is masterly and convincing. — ■ America and West Indies Papers, March 1, 1700 (45 folios). State Paper Office. -» Penn's Statement, MS. ^ Bcsse, i. 144. 25 290 WILLIAM PENN. religious brethren. An incident occurred on his journey from Dublin to Shangarry Castle, in County Cork, character- istic of the man and the times. When at Wexford he gave a promise to some friends of Waterford that he would attend a meeting in their town on a certain evening, and address the people ; and on the day appointed he arrived at Ross, on his way to W^aterford, about the time of dinner. Ordering their horses to be ferried across the Nore while they were dining, the travellers returned to the tavern, and refreshed them- selves after their long ride.^ After the thorough subjugation of Ireland by William and his generals, the Parliament of that divided country, anxious to insult and exasperate the conquered Catholics, had passed a bill, by which Papists were forbidden to keep any horse or horses in their possession, except the very sorriest sort of hacks. To make the.- act still more galling, a clause was in- serted, allowing any man to seize a horse belonging to a Ca- tholic, or on which a Catholic at the time might be riding, and to retain it on condition of tendering five guineas for it to the nearest magistrate. The poor Papist was interrupted in his journeys and his business — for all travelling was then done on horseback — insulted in the streets by having the value of his nag questioned, and oftentimes by being made to dis- mount in public, and go before a magistrate. Military men more especially took advantage of this infamous law, to fill their stables with good horses at a small cost. As Penn and his friends rode into the town on their high bloods, two young officers of Colonel Eclin's regiment — Lieutenant Wallis and Cornet Montgomery — thought proper to imagine that the strangers were Papists, and their horses lawful game ; so, while the unsuspecting travellers were dining, these fellows went to the mayor, and on deposing that there were then in Ross certain Papists with valuable horses in their possession, contrary to the clauses of the late act, obtained a warrant for their arrest.^ When Penn went down to the boat, he found some of the horses had been carried over before the seizure ; but the rest were in the hands of a picquet of dragoons. Sup- posing that a few words of explanation would set the matter right, he proposed to cross over and continue his journey to Waterford with the horses already on the other side, » Story's Journal, 132. 2 Ibid. WILLIAM PENN. 291 ing after the meeting to recover his property. But on tlie boat being drawn along the water-edge, half a dozen dragoons leapt into it, and pushed away. Some officers and other per- sons were standing on the quay, watching this unmannerly exhibition ; and to them Penn applied — not being aware of the part they had taken in the transaction — to reprove the men under their command ; but they of course would not in- terfere. "What !" said Penn, with scorn, "are you gentlemen and officers, and will you stand here and see such insolence in your open view?" He hired another boat, and continued his journey, leaving his friends behind to recover the horses by taking out a replevin ; and as soon as he had time, he wrote to the Lords Justices, to complain of the abuse, — and the guilty officers were put under arrest. Their spirit was as mean as their behavior. Fearing, on good grounds, that they would be broke at trial, they made a pitiful appeal to Penn, through his friend, Colonel Pursel, governor of Water- ford ; and he, seeing that their requests were made under a proper sense of the wrong they had done, wrote again to the Lord Justices, to solicit pardons for them on account of their want of age and experience.* While residing at Shangarry Castle — which he had reco- vered from the list of Outlawed Estates — he saw and con- versed frequently with the amiable and learned Bishop of Cork on religious and theological subjects, which afterwards led to a little friendly controversy in print. Some of the more violent sectaries, indulging in the old habit of abuse, continued to repeat calumnies and make false representations as to what the Quakers believed; and to meet and dissipate these re- ports, Penn put forth, with his name, two or three short papers,^ copies of which he communicated to the Bishop, who received them very graciously at the time, but, on further thought, saw reason to doubt some of the gospel truths set forth in them and published his own opinions. The writer of course again defended his former tracts, and there the matter ended very amicably : he was a trenchant opponent to the rude, but with the courteous he could be courtliness itself.^ The outcry against Colonel Markham and the magistrates of Pennsylvania swelled louder and louder. Markham was a ^ Story's Journal, 132. 2 "The Quaker a Christian," "Gospel Truths," and the eighth and ninth chapters of his "Primitive Christianity Revived." Besse, i. 144. ^ Besse, i. 145. 292 WILLIAM PENN. prompt and a proud officer: in his hands the dignity of the government certainly suffered no diminution. But did he encourage contraband traders ? Stript of all their malice, the State Papers still contain evidence which would satisfy most juries that he did ; and it is certain that he behaved harshly and imprudently to those whom he believed to be en- gaged in a malicious conspiracy against his own honor and his employer's interest. He refused to pass the Jamaica Act against pirates or smugglers, although he had received it di- rectly from Whitehall, with a request from the Board of Trade that it should be made law.^ Randolph, one of the commis- sioners appointed for the crown, he cast into prison for inso- lence and outrage ;^ and, finally, he allowed David Loyd, the attorney-general for the colony, to use some expressions in open court, which were considered as an insult to the King's person and government.^ Quarry made the utmost of these imprudent acts. Penn's agents, he said, entered the King's store-houses by force, and carried away the goods which had been lawfully seized from the pirates ; they protected the smugglers who came into the Delaware with merchandise from New York and elsewhere ; they endeavored to ruin the admi- ralty officers ; and even threatened their lives. A pirate ves- sel, he said, had appeared in the river, but Colonel Markham would not lend assistance to capture it ; and such of the pirates as" were taken prisoners were merely confined in a tavern, the Quakers not being willing to send them to the gaol.* To put an end to these disorders, the council made an order, depriving Colonel Markham of the powers which he had wielded for five years very much to his relative's satisfaction, and with no greater violence to the King's interests than every public officer in America held himself free to commit.* Intelligence which he had previously obtained — his friend Popple became secretary to the Lords of Trade — had pre- pared Penn to expect this measure ; and he had prudently signified to the council his own intention of starting for Phi- ladelphia in a few weeks. On the same day, therefore, in which Markham was deposed, another Order in Council was made, approving of certain suggestions from the Board of ' Plant. Gen. Papers, August 25, 1698. State Paper Office. 2 Proprietary Papers, August 8, 9. State Paper Office. 3 Ibid. December 1— March 1, 1699. State Paper Office. * Ibid. Juno 6. ^ Proprietary Papers, August 31. State Paper Office. WILLIAM PENN. 293 Trade, and recommending them to Penn's attention.^ Hoping to remain in America for some years, if not for the remainder of his life, he prepared to take his wife and family — with the exception of his son William, who would not hear of going — and all the domestic and personal conveniences desirable in a new country and a permanent home.^ Embarking at Cowes, in the Isle of Wight, they sailed on the 9th of September, to encounter the tedium of a three months' voyage. About the time they left England, the yel- low fever broke out in Philadelphia, and carried off great numbers of the people ; but, when they arrived, its virulence had considerably abated, and no evil arose to the family from the prevalence of this dreadful contagion.^ Being Sunday morning when the vessel reached Philadelphia, Penn went first of all to visit his cousin — a proper attention under the circumstances in which he was involved by the jealousy of his enemies — and then repaired to the meeting-house to see and address the inhabitants.'* His reception was most enthusiastic. The people in general had long mourned over his absence, says Thomas Loyd, one of the ex-deputies ; and now believ- ing that he would never leave them again to become the dupes of faction and the prey of designing men, they were filled with joy and thanksgiving..^ Special instructions were sent out by the council for his guidance in what related to the vexed questions of piracy and the imperial revenue ; and his first public act on assuming the reins of government was to send forth a severe proclamation against pirates and contraband traders.^ But not content with proclaiming, he informed his ofiicers and council that, as they were anxious to preserve his rights and their own honor, they must use every endeavor to put down this illegal traffic. He placed himself in friendly communication with Colonel Quarry ' Proprietary Papers, August 31 and September 12, State Paper OflBce. 2 Besse, i. 145. ^ Story was in Philadelphia at the time, and has left a vivid description of its effects in his Journal. "Great was the fear that fell upon all flesh. I saw no lofty nor airy countenance, nor heard any vain jesting to move men to laughter, nor witty repartee to raise mirth, nor extravagant feasting to excite the lusts and desires of the flesh ; but every face gathered paleness, and many hearts were humbled, and countenances fallen, as of those who waited every moment to be summoned to the grave." "* Hazard's Register, 4. 92. * Watson's Annals, 24. ^ America and West Indies Papers, Dec. 23, 1699. State Paper Office. 25* 294 WILLIAM PENN. — who had received from the Admiralty an order to pay great respect to the person of the governor^ — and discussed with him the wisest course of proceeding, with a view to re-estab- lish harmony and activity between the two services. The revenue agent was molified by this courtesy and entered readily into the governor's plans. No more complaints were sent to London; and in less than three months from the landing in the Delaware, Quary had become a firm friend to the colony. The change was marvellous. In his letters to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, he reported that Penn's arrival had completely changed the state of affairs, that offending officers had been displaced, that the pirates were being pursued with vigor, and that two acts had been passed which would meet the evils complained of for the future.^ Anxious to put an end to the dispute as early as possible, Penn called the members of his council and the general assembly together some weeks before the usual time of meet- ing. As yet there was no law in Pennsylvania against piracy; and when the Quakers had formerly refused to commit pirates to the common gaol, they could quote their code of laws in justification of their refusal. This evil was the first to be met. The weather was bitterly cold ; it was impossible to transact the ordinary business of the session ; and as soon as they had passed two enactments, one against pirates and one against contraband trade, which they did on the governor's most energetic remonstrance — but as it would seem some- what reluctantly, — he dismissed them for the remainder of the winter.^ Now that he was legally armed against them, the task of putting down the pirates was rendered much more easy of accomplishment. By the end of February, he was able to lay before Secretary Vernon and the Board of Trade a statement of his doings in behalf of the crown interests ;"* and' in due time received from Whitehall an assurance that his conduct was highly satisfactory to the government.* These critical affairs got into a train for amendment, Penn had leisure to settle his family at Pennsbury, his country mansion, near the Falls of Trenton on the Delaware. As this was the chief place of his residence while in the colony, « riant. Gen. Papers, Sept. 12, State Paper Office. 2 Proprietary Papers, March 6, 1700. State Paper Office. 3 America and West Indies Pape s, Feb. 26, 1700. State Paper Office. ■* Proprietary Papers, Feb. 27. State Paper Office, ^ Ibid. Aug. 23. WILLIAM PENN. 295 and had alvrays been designed as his ultimate home, some account of the estate and of his daily ways of life as they can now be recovered from old letters, anecdotes, and tradi- tions, will not be uninteresting to the reader of his memoirs. The estate of Pennsbury was an ancient Indian royalty. It had been chosen as the abode of chieftains for the peculiar character of its situation : affluents from the great river bend- ing no less than three several times round it, so as, in the ruder ages of warfare, to constitute an almost impregnable natural defence. When the estate was first laid out by Mark- ham, it consisted of 8431 acres; but a large portion of the ground was left in its forest state as a park for the governor, and he from time to time reduced its dimensions by a series of grants to different individuals.^ In this noble island his agents had begun to build, even before his first arrival in the country, a mansion worthy of the governor of a great province; and during his absence in England it had been completed. The front of the house, sixty feet long, faced the Delaware, and the upper windows commanded a magnificent view of the river and of the opposite shores of New Jersey. The depth of the manor house was forty feet, and on each of the wings the various outhouses were so disposed as to produce an agree- able and picturesque effect.^ The brew-house, a large wooden building covered with shingles, — Penn was not unused to the good old Saxon drink, — was at the back, some little distance from the mansion, and concealed among the trees. ^ The house itself stood on a gentle eminence ; it was two stories high, and was built of fine brick and covered with tiles.^ The entrance led by a large and handsome porch and stone steps into a spacious hall, extending nearly the whole length of the house, which was used on public occasions for the entertainment of distinguished guests and the reception of the Indian tribes. The rooms were arranged in suites, with ample folding doors, and were all wainscoted with English oak.^ A simple but correct taste was observable throughout ; the interior orna- ments were chaste, and the oaken capital at the porch was appropriately decorated with the carving of a vine and clusters of grapes. The more elaborate of these decorations had been sent from England by the governor.^ The gardens were the ' Sherman Day's Historical Collections, 153. 2 Ibid. 154. ^ Watson, 67. " Penn. Hist. Soc Mem. i. 112; and ditto iii. Pt. ii. 04. 5 Ibid. ^ Watson, 10, and note. 296 WILLIAM PENN. wonder of the colony for their extent and beauty. A country house, with an ample garden, was the governor's passion ; and he spared neither care nor money to make the grounds of Pennsbury a little Eden. He procured in. England and from Scotland the most skillful gardeners he could find. In one of his letters he speaks of his good fortune in having met with "a rare artist" in this line, who is to have three men under him ; and if he cannot agree with Ralph, the old gardener, they are to divide the grounds between them, Ralph taking the upper gardens and the court-yards, the rare artist having charge of all the lower grounds ; and he gives ample instruc- tions as to every detail of their proceedings.^ Lawns, shrub- beries and flower-beds surrounded the manor on every side. A broad walk, lined with majestic poplars, led to the river brink, a flight of stone steps forming the descent from the higher terrace to the lower. The woods in the vicinity were laid out with w^alks and drives ; the old forest trees were care- fully preserved ; the most beautiful wild flowers found in the country were transplanted to his gardens ; trees and shrubs not indigenous to the soil were imported from Maryland ; while walnuts, hawthorns, hazels, and various kinds of fruit- trees, seeds, and roots, were sent for to England.^ The furnishing of Pennsbury was to match. Mahogany was a luxury then unknown ; but his spider tables and high- backed carved chairs were of the finest oak. An inventory of the furniture is still extant;^ there were a set of Turkey worked chairs, arm-chairs for ease, and couches with plush and satin cushions for luxury and beauty. In the parlor stood the great leather chair of the proprietor ; in every room were found cushions and curtains of satin, camlet, damask, and striped linen ; and there is a carpet mentioned as being in one apartment, though at that period such an article was hardly ever seen except in the palaces of Kings."* His side- board furniture was also that of a gentleman ; it included a service of silver, — plain but massive, — blue and white china, a complete set of Tonbridge ware, and a great quantity of damask table-clothes and fine napkins.^ The table was served as became his rank, plainly but plentifully. Ann Nichols was ^ Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 94, An admirable paper on the do- mestic life of Penn, gathered from his cash books and business letters by Francis Fisher. 2 Ibid. 95. 3 Ibid. 85. 4 Ibid. 86. 5 Ibid. 85. WILLIAM PENN. 297 his cook ; and he used to observe in his pleasantry — " Ah, the book of cookery has outgrown the Bible, and I fear is read oftener — to be sure it is of more use." — But he was no favorer of excess, because, as he said, " it destroys hospitality and wrongs the poor." The French cuisine, then in great vogue, was a subject of his frequent ridicule. — " The sauce is now prepared before the meat," says he, in his maxims, ^' twelve penny worth of flesh with five shillings of cookery may happen to make a fashionable dish. Plain beef and mut- ton is become dull food ; but by the time its natural relish is lost in the crowd of cook's ingredients, and the meat suflici- ently disguised from the eaters, it passes under a French name for a rare dish." His cellars werew^ell stocked; Canary, claret, sack, and Madeira being the favorite wines consumed by his family and their guests.^ Besides these nobler drinks there was a plentiful supply, on all occasions of Indian or general festivity, of ale and cider. Penn's own wine seems to have been Madeira f and he certainly had no dislike to the temperate pleasures of the table. In one of his letters to his steward, Sotcher, he writes — ''Pray send us some two or three smoked haunches of venison and pork — get them from the Swedes; also some smoked shads and beefs," adding with delicious unction, — " the old priest at Philadelphia had rare shads. "^ For travelling, the family had a large coach, but in conse- quence of the badness of the roads, even those between Pennsbury and Philadelphia, it was seldom used, — a calesh in which they chiefly drove about, — and a sedan chair in which Hannah and Letty went a shopping in the city, or to pay visits of ceremony to their female acquaintance in the near neighborhood. The governor himself went about the country on horseback, and from one settlement to another in his yacht. He retained the passion for boating, which he had acquired at Oxford,"* to the last ; and that love of fine horses which the Englishman shares with the Arab did not forsake him in the New World. At his first visit to America he car- ried over three blood mares, a fine white horse not of full breed, and other inferior animals, not for breeding but for * Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 84. Hannah Penn to Logan. PhiL Friend, xviii. 353. 2 Penn to Logan, Sept. 14, 1705. ^ Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Pt. ii. 84. ■* Wood's Oxon. art. Pmn. 298 WILLIAM PENN. labor. His inquiries about the mares were as frequent and minute as those about the gardens ; and when he went out for the second time, in 1699, he took with him the magnificent colt Tamerlane, by the celebrated Godolphin Barb, to which the best horses in England trace their pedigree.-^ Yet Tamer- lane himself could not win his master's affections from his yacht, a fine vessel of six oars, with a regular crew, who re- ceived their wages as such — and well deserved them while the governor was in the country. In giving some directions about his house and effects after his return to England, he writes of this yacht — " but above all dead things, I hope nobody uses her on any account, and that she is kept in a dry dock, or at least covered from the weather."^ The dress and habits of the Penns at Pennsbury had as little of the sourness and formality which have been ascribed to the early followers of George Fox as the mansion and its furnish- ings. There was nothing to mark them as different to most well-bred families of high rank in England and America at the present day. Pennsbury was renowned throughout the country for its judicious hospitalities. The ladies dressed like gentle-women, — wore caps and buckles, silk gowns and golden ornaments.^ Penn had no less than four wigs in America, all purchased in the same year, at a cost of nearly twenty pounds."* To innocent dances and country fairs he not only made no objection, but countenanced them by his own and his family's presence.^ His participation in the sports of the aborigines has been referred to already. Those gentler charities which had distinguished him in England continued to distinguish him in Pennsylvania ; he released the poor debtor from prison, — he supported out of his private purse the sick and the des- titute, — many of the aged who were beyond labor and without friends were regular pensioners on his bounty to the extent of six shillings a fortnight, — and there were numereus persons about him whom he had rescued from distress in England, 1 Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part. ii. 78. 2 Ibid. 79. » Ibid. 74, note. ^ This in spite of John Mulliner, a Friend who wrote against pernkes. Watson, 178. Penn set the fashion in America; and it became usual for " genteel " Friends to wear wigs and buckles. Ibid. ^ The cash-books contain such items as these : "By my mistress at the fair 21. Os. 8d. ; by expenses given to Hannah Carpenter as a fairing, 8^. ; by do. to two children for comfits, by order, Is. iJd. ; by the governor going to a cau- tico, 1^. 185. 4d" Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 80. WILLIAM PENN. 290 and whom he supported wholly or in part until their own in- dustry made them independent of his assistance. Some of the best pages of his history were written in his private cash- books.^ In April the Assembly met for the ordinary session. There had been already many changes introduced into the constitu- tion ; and it was well known that a large part, perhaps a ma- jority, of the new parliament, would be favorable to a fresh re- vision. The Holy Experiment was proceeding with more pas- sion and more grasping restlessness on the popular side than its author had expected ; but still he would not admit even to him- self that he felt discouraged. The representatives assumed the right to bring in bills, — they attempted to re-organize the judi- cial system, — they refused to vote any taxes, — they claimed a right to inspect the records of government, — they wished to displace the officers of the courts at their own will, — and they expelled a member of the House for simply reminding them that in making such claims as these they were violating the provisions of their charter.^ Like all new legislators, they betrayed a want of prudence which might have been fatal to their own liberties had any other than a republican enthusiast been their lord proprietor. Penn bore w^th their petulance and ingratitude from motives higher and further reaching than most of the rude colonists could understand : whatever conse- quences might result to himself, he was resolved to realize the dream of his youth, — to lay a foundation for that Holy Empire, the thoughts of wdiich had cheered him in his darkest hours. When the Assembly met in Philadelphia, he addressed them in calm, conciliatory, and encouraging terms : — he began by reminding them that though they were only nineteen years old as a colony, they were already equal in numbers and pros- perity to their neighbors of twice and thrice that standing ; they had a good constitution though it was not perfect ; the growth of the province had been so extraordinary that while some of the laws were already obsolete, others were found to be hurtful ; these must be looked to cautiously. If they wished to have the charter amended, he said he was willing ; he only asked them to lay aside all party feeling, and to do that which was best for all, confident that in the end it w^ould be best for ' Penn, Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 87. 2 Votes and Proceedings, 32 et seq. 300 WILLIAM PENN. each. So far as regarded himself, he would simply throw out one hint ; — for nineteen years he had now maintained the whole charge of government out of his private purse. He placed himself in their hands, and hoped. he should never be compelled to leave them again. ^ With very unceremonious eagerness, the Assembly was urged by one of the ultras to take the governor at his word; and, as they were now about to commence a new career, to start on a good foundation — in other words, with a new con- stitution. The proprietor said it was not his desire that they should abolish their present charter: yet if they thought it best for their own good, he would consent. They at once voted it desirable to have a new constitution, rather than attempt to mend the old one. No progress, however, was made in the work during that session.^ The other business was of a more local nature, relating to land, revenue, trade, property, and so forth. One topic only needs any reference in this place. When Penn landed in America, negro slaves were already on the soil. Hawkins had the merit of first engaging England in the African slave-trade ; but it is fair to his memory to state that his royal mistress, Elizabeth, not only approved of his barba- rous and marauding expeditions, but actually joined him as an adventurer in the traffic.^ No suspicion that this trade in human beings was infamous and damnable ever seems to have crossed the mind of courtier or soldier. In all the maritime and commercial countries of Europe, slavery was an ancient institution. The cities of Portugal, Italy and Spain were dotted with the dusky forms of negro and Moorish slaves ; in every great househould in the south the sable skin was regarded as an essential part of the furniture. The best and most reli- gious men of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries accepted the existing facts of society without a protest. Columbus in- troduced the negro into America ; Cromwell did not hesitate to sell his own countrymen into bondage ; Locke expressly provided a place for slaves in his constitution, and forbade them even to aspire to a free condition. Such was the state of opinion in Europe when Penn's attention was first practically turned to the subject ; nearly a century after that period the idea was The speech is preserved in Hazard's Register, vii. 111. Hazard's liegister, vii. Ill, 112. Curaden, 158. Hackluyt, ii. 351-2 ; iii. 594. WILLIAM PENN. 301 still general in England that the capture and sale of Africans was a legitimate branch of trade, and with the blood of the black man our merchants in a great measure built up the re- nown of our most celebrated commercial cities, Bristol and Liverpool. By a special stipulation in the Treaty of Utrecht, our sovereign lady Queen Ann became for a time the largest slave-merchant in the world.* It is no demerit in Penn that he did not at once see the evil, and resolutely oppose a system which Locke approved, and his countrymen generally practised or applauded. Yet from the first he would seem to have had doubts and misgiv- ings. While acting under the counsels of Sidney, he had pro- vided that, if the Society of Traders should receive negroes as servants, they must at least set them partially free after four- teen years' service — that is, make them adscripts of the soil, the Society giving to each man a piece of land, with the ne- cessary implements for its cultivation, and receiving in return two-thirds of the entire produce : if the negroes themselves refused these terms, they were to continue slaves.^ Many years after this he spoke of slavery as a matter of course;^ and though he refrained from the actual purchase of negroes, so as in strict fact never to become a slave-owner, yet he con- stantly hired them from their masters, and they formed a regular part of the establishment at Pennsbury.'' But his mind was not at rest on their account ; and his less sophisti- cated followers from the Upper Rhine had already started the novel doctrine that it was not Christian-like to buy and keep negroes. Coming from an inland and agricultural country, where the luxury and license of commercial cities were un- known, the fact of good men buying and selling human beings, — owning men with immortal spirits, — men who in a few years, according to their own avowed belief, would become not only their own equals, but the glorious peers of angels, and arch- angels, — struck them as something monstrous and incredible. They appealed in their concern to the Society of Friends, — but the Friends as a body declined to pronounce an opinion on the subject.* Still, having been started, it came up again 1 Bolingbroke (Cooke's ed.), i. 175. ^ Watson, 480. 3 Penn to Harrison, Oct. 4, 1685 4 App. to Fisher, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 103. A note will be found on this subject in the following chapter. 5 Watson, 480. 26 302 WILLIAM PENN. and again at their meetings. When Penn arrived the second time in America, there were many who doubted the lawfulness of retaining slaves ; yet, on looking at the matter calmly, he felt certain that between the two races there existed an intel- lectual inequality which no act of Assembly could remove, and which must of necessity preclude social equality, until by process of education and lapse of time the Negro had been raised in the scale of being, and the Caucasian reconciled to his presence. With this conviction he began to work : — first he tried to get his own religious body practically to recognize the fact that a black man has a soul, by taking some little care for it ; whereupon a separate monthly meeting for negroes was established.* Next he looked at their moral condition, — and found them living in the grossest ignorance, and in their homes very much like brutes. As they were liable to be sold and carried away to distant parts of the country, it was not convenient to their owners that they should form deep conjugal attachments ; yet, as every born negro was an additional chat- tel, worth so many pounds in the slave-market, criminal inter- course between the sexes was encouraged, rather than rebuked. Penn was anxious to check this growing evil by a formal law ; and as the breach of a law necessarily involved some kind of punishment, he resolved to introduce two bills into the Assem- bly, which he did with the complete sanction of the colonial council. The first provided for a better regulation of the morals and marriages of negroes, the second provided for the modes of their trial and punishment in cases of offence. After a stormy debate, the Assembly rejected the first of these bills : — they would not have the morals of their slaves improved !^ The governor cherished his design for a more auspicious season. The session over, Penn returned to Pennsbury. The condition of the original natives of the soil occupied a con- siderable share of his attention. He justly regarded them as very superior in calibre and character to the African race, — and an impression which had seized upon his mind that they were descended from the long-lost tribes of Israel, tended not only to increase his concern for their interests, but to persuade him that they were capable of being reclaimed to Christianity and civilization.^ When he made the Great Treaty with them 1 Watson, 481. 2 i\^i^{^ ' 3 Penn's Letter to Free Society of Traders, August G, 1683. WILLIAM PENN. 803 in 1682, — a treaty which thay had faithfully kept through a long war under many temptations, — he had proposed to himself to call a council of the chiefs and warriors twice a-year, to renew the treaty of friendship, to adjust matters of trade, to hear and rectify wrongs, and to smoke the pipe of peace. While he remained in the colony this intention was strictly carried into effect.^ His mild measures completely won the noble nature of the Red Men. The Delaware and Susquehanna tribes had now enjoyed the mild and equitable rule established at the Great Treaty for nearly twenty years, and were anxious to bring other of their tribes within shelter of the same system of law, but more es- pecially their brethren dwelling on the banks of the Potomac.^ They appealed to the great Onas ; and early in April 1701, he met by appointment to arrange these matters — Connoo- daghtoh, king of the Susquehanna Indians — Wopatha, king of the Shawanese — Weewhinjough, king of the Ganawese — and Ahookassong, brother to the great Emperor of the Five Nations, and about forty of their chief warriors. At this conference they discussed their several interests, and a treaty of peace and trade was established by mutual consent, on the same terms as had formerly been granted to the Lenni Lenap^. The red man and the white man were to be as one head and as one heart. The Indians were to be protected from the rapacity of the traders ; and as they bound themselves not to sell their furs and skins out of Pennsylvania, the governor gave orders that no man should trade with them except the persons who were duly authorized, and therefore known and responsible for any misdeeds. He thought it possible to teach morals by means of commerce, and on these terms the Potomac Indians were allowed to settle in the colony, the Susquehanna and Delaware tribes pledging themselves for their good behavior. A treaty of peace and friendship was also concluded with Ahookassong as the ambassador of his imperial brother, on the part of the Five Nations. This was an important point gained, even in a military sense ; for the war still raged on the frontiers, and this judicious measure added another bulwark to Pennsylvania. The governor lost 1 Fishbourne's MSS. quoted in Watson, 445. 2 Proprietary Papers, April 23. State Paper Office. 304 WILLIAM PENN. no time in transmitting the intelligence of his success in these negotiations to the ministry in England.-' Three months later, a council of ratification was held at Pennsbury, attended by a great number of Indians, and by all the officers of the colonial government.^ After the cere- mony of reciting and accepting the treaty was over, Penn entertained his guests in the great hall. Later in the day they went out of the house into an open space of the garden to perform their cantico — a picturesque and agreeable medley of singing, dancing, and shouting — each expressive of a sense of joy and victory.^ In the intervals of his more pressing labors at home, the governor kept up a series of communications with Lord Balla- mont, the King's governor at New York, and with Colonel Blakiston, Colonel Nicholson, and other governors of pro- vinces. Many questions of general importance needed to be arranged ; and a conference was held at New York for the purpose of settling the heads of a general regulation for all the colonies, royal and private."* Penn seems to have been the leading spirit in this conference of powers. The first point which engaged their attention was a suggestion of his, to reduce the money then current in America to one standard. The irregularity and confusion in regard to the coinage was almost incredible : the same piece of money passed in Mary- land for 4s. 6(i., in Virginia for 5s., in Massachussets for 6s., in New York for 6s. 9d., and in Pennsylvania and the Jerseys for 7s. Sd.^ A second point was a project for encouraging the timber-trade in the colonies ; a third related to the regu- lation of marriages — a crying abuse — the men going from one colony to another, bigamy was almost as common as wed- lock ; a fourth concerned the establishment of a general postal system ; a fifth urged the necessity for a comprehensive act of naturalization, by which the multitudes of French, Dutch, and Swedes, arriving every year, might at once acquire rights of property, and attain to the privileges, as well as to the responsibilities, of English subjects. A calm and obvious wisdom pervaded these various suggestions, but rare in that age of political passion and narrow views. There were 1 Prop. Papers, April 23. State Paper Office. His letter contains a copy of the Treaty. 2 Watson, 445, 6. ^ Richardsou's Journal. ^ Proprietary Papers, Dec. 8-13. State Paper Office, s Ibid. vol. vi. G. 8 (no date). WILLIAM PENN. 305 several other points of local and temporary interest dis- cussed ; and one of them, strongly urged by Penn, exhibits an instance of his fine political sagacity. In the settlement of boundaries with the French, he indicated, as the basis of agreement, the line of the great lakes, — on the double ground, that those inland waters formed a strong natural defence, and were the chief centres of the Indian trade. His advice was afterwards adopted by the government.^ Lord Ballamont having agreed to these several suggestions, Penn returned to Philadelphia, embodied them in a report, and transmitted them to London. The Lords of Trade and Plantations re- ceived them with much satisfaction, and admitted their wisdom and propriety.^ While thus engaged in appeasing the animosities of faction within, and in laying more solidly and extensively the foun- dations of peace and security without, the governor received intelligence from England, which disconcerted all his plans, and in a few weeks forced upon him the alternative of losing his colony or instantly repairing to London. The war with France, and the alliance of the Canadians with the Iroquois, gave the friends of an imperial colonial system an immense advantage with the Dutch sovereign ; and in the absence of most of the great proprietors, they had so far pushed their successes as to have got a bill introduced into the House of Lords for converting the private into crown colonies.^ This was the startling intelligence which he now received. Of course the attack on his property and private rights was veiled under pretences of public good : but he saw through the dis- guise, knew the men who were its authors, and felt certain that after what he had already done, he should be able to convince the King of his faithfulness to his great trust. He had not only renewed and extended his friendly treaties with the natives in his own vicinity, but by his urgent letters and counsels had engaged Lord Ballamont to conclude a treaty of peace for all the settlements of the English in North America with the formidable Emperor of the Five Nations ;'' and within his own province he had organized a regular system of signals and watchers, so that the appearance of any suspicious- sail in 1 Proprietary Papers, Dec. 13, and vol. vi. G. 8. State Paper Office. 2 Ibid. Marginal notes to the report. 3 Besse, i. 145. Lords' Journals, xvi. 660. * Speech to the Assembly, Sep. 15, 1701. 26* 306 WILLIAM PENN. the waters of the Delaware would be instantly reported to the government at Philadelphia. The question of a war con- tribution had not yet properly come before the Assembly, peace having been restored in Europe ; but now the great drama known in history as the war of the Spanish Succession was opening in all its mournful and calamitous grandeur, and the King had written to Penn to have his contingent, or the money equivalent, ready at the first call, — if the eighty men were not furnished, a sum of 350?. was to be raised as a con- tribution, and sent to NewYork. This demand he had already laid before the Assembly ; but that body, as in every other case where money was in question, obstinately determined not to concede a point, talked of their great poverty — doubted whether the other provinces had done their duty — and finally resolved to postpone the further consideration of his majesty's letter, until the war had actually commenced. Afi'airs were in this posture, when Penn received from Lawton, to whom he had left the care of his interests in London,^ the account of what was passing in the House of Lords. No time was to be lost. The owners of Pennsylvania property then in England petitioned the House to postpone the further dis- cussion of the Colonies Bill until Penn could return and be heard at the bar in defence of their rights and his own f and the younger William Penn kept a vigilant eye on the pro- ceedings of the crown-party, some of which were far from being to their credit. The House of Lords was deceived as to the state of the colony, as the Board of Trade, obstinately determined to annex the proprietary provinces to the crown, kept back some of the more important papers, and tried to seduce Parliament into a flagrant wrong by unfair representa- tions.^ Young Penn appeared before a Committee of the House by counsel, — and his pleas tended at least to protract the inquiry.^ In the colony itself, the feeling against an act of annexation to the crown was almost universal. Having called the popular representatives together, the governor laid the alarming intelligence which he had received before them : they urged him to return at once, and defend their common interests.-^ He said he could not think of such a voyage » Proprietary Papers, Dec. 8-13, 1700. State Paper Office. 2 Besse, i. 145. 3 Lords' Journals, xvi. 676. '' His activity may be traced in Lords' Journals xvi. 660, 2, 4, 6, 676, 684, 8> ^^7. 5 Hazard's Register, xii. 363. WILLIAM PENN. 30T without great reluctance — (his wife had recently given birth to a son, and was still in a delicate state of health) — as he had promised himself a quiet home amongst them in his old age ; and even if he should now go away for a season, no unkind- ness or disappointment would be able to change his fixed de- termation to return and settle his family in the country. He advised them to decide quickly as to what ought to be done for the general security in his absence, — what changes were needed in the existing constitution, — and what new laws were required by the new circumstances which had arisen on every side. He recommended the King's letter touching the subsidy to their prompt and serious consideration, that being the key-note of his answer to the misgivings of the court in England.^ The members thanked him in general terms for these gra- cious words, and then appointed committees to draw up various statements and prepare the business of the session.^ One cannot read the record of their proceedings without a feeling of contempt and indignation. Instead of aiding him to meet the emergencies of the hour with such means as lay within their reach, — instead of voting the subsidy and amending the general laws, — they drew up a list of demands which were equally insulting and unjust. One of these was a request that the price of the unsold land should be permanently fixed at the old rent of a bushel of wheat in a hundred ; so that while their own estates were trebled or quintupled in value with cultivation and the increase of inhabitants, his should not share in the natural increase ! Another was a request that he would lay out all the unsold bay-marshes, a rich and highly productive soil, as common land ! There was much more to the same effect. The ungrateful settlers found him on the eve of a journey to England, for the purpose of enter- ing into a dispute in which he might be worsted, the crown itself being both judge and client, and they sought to wring out of his misfortunes the largest share of personal gain for them- selves. His equanimity under such an insult was surprising. His feelings were deeply hurt, but he reasoned calmly and logically. The inconsistency of their demands was pointed out, — concessions, where no principle was involved, were made, — and the Assembly, perhaps ashamed of its own rapacious ' Speech to the Assembly, Sept. 15. 3 Besse, i. 145 308 WILLIAM PENN. conduct, returned to something like a sense of its position and its duties. The new charter of liberties was argued at great length, — and on the 28th of October it was finally set- tled and accepted in the presence of the Council and Assem- bly. It contained several minor encroachments on the powers of the governor and his council :— but the chief innovation of a purely political nature was the right which the assembly now acquired to originate bills. They had done this for some time illegally and on sufferance ; they were henceforth esta- blished in their usurped right by charter.^ Then came the question of money. Penn had plenty of land under cultivation, — the fields gave him corn and meat, — the rivers abounded with fish, — and the air yielded stores of birds for his table. To live in America with little or no money was easy enough in his circumstances. But to remove his family across the Atlantic was an expensive affair : — a vessel must be hired, an outfit provided, wages must be paid. Yet the Assembly would do nothing for him in the way of a grant ; and he was ultimately obliged to sell, on any terms, as much land as would cover the expenses of his voyage home.^ To the last moment the Assembly refused to take upon the country the charges of its own government !^ His preparations for departure were hastily made. The two ladies were in a flutter of delight at the idea of returning to England. After the novelties of the scene were over, they had felt no cordial love for the wilderness ; and had more than once urged the governor to take them back."* They were per- haps the only persons in Pennsylvania who rejoiced at their departure. As soon as the news had got abroad that Onas was about to quit the Delaware, the Indians came in from all parts of the country to take leave of him. A foreboding that he would never more return across the great salt lake haunted their untutored minds, and they clung to his assurances of amity and justice with the greater force, under the fear that his children would not be to them what he had been. To comfort them in their distress, he introduced them to his council, and again repeated his desires with respect to their humane and ' A copy of the charter is in Proprietary Papers, Oct. 28, ,1701. State Paper Office. 2 Penn to Logan, Sept. 8. 3 PhiL Friend, xviii. 345. 4 Pem^ to Logan, Sept. 8. WILLIAM PENN. 309 honorable treatment ; the members of the council pledged themselves to carry out his wishes just as if he were still living at Pennsbury, to punish the guilty and protect the in- nocent. With these promises they were obliged to be satisfied, but they took their parting gifts very sorrowfully, — and after the lapse of a century and a half the memory of that day was still fresh in the hearts of their descendants. The vessel in which the family were to sail being now ready, he appointed James Logan his agent, and Colonel Hamilton, ex-governor of the Jerseys, his deputy, with the full consent of the assembly.^ The latter personage was to be assisted by a council of ten ; and, at the urgent request of the repre- sentatives, who fancied that affairs would necessarily proceed more regularly if one of the proprietarial family were in the colony, the governor promised to send over his son William without delay, that he might learn betimes the nature and wants of the country he would in a few years have to govern.^ Penn saw no more of the Holy Experiment P 1 Proprietary Papers, Oct. 27. State Paper Office. 2 Phil. Friend, xviii. 354. 3 jjesse, i. 147. 310 WILLIAM PENN. CHAPTER XIL 1702-1717. THE CLOSING SCENES. When Penn arrived in England he found the state of parties changed and changing daily. Death was busy in the high places of the earth. Less than three months before his re- turn, his old guardian, the exiled King, had paid the debt of nature. In little more than three months after, his son-in-law was also gathered to the tomb. The game of his ambition had been played out. The native ruler was laid by strangers in a foreign soil : the un-English prince was interred in West- minster Abbey by the side of our ancient kings. William had won ; — but it was a joyless victory. He had served the ends of a great party ; and that party upheld him then, and ap- plaud his memory now. But he never was the King of Eng- lishmen. He lived unloved, — and he died unmourned.-^ The Princess Ann, like her sister Mary, had been a firm friend, so far as her nature could be firm, to the governor of Pennsylvania ; and as soon as she succeeded to the throne, he became once more a frequent and a welcome guest at court.^ But even before William's death, he had been somewhat re- lieved from his anxieties on account of the colony. The pro- tests, the examination of witnesses, the delays caused by the production of papers, — the opposition made by young Penn on his father's behalf, and by the Earl of Bath on his own account, — had caused the session to slip away without the Bill of Annexation arriving at maturity; and the process would, therefore, have to commence anew in the succeeding parliament.^ His fears were much abated. In the Upper House he knew that he had many powerful friends whom his personal influence would rouse to active exertions in his be- half; and of the favorable disposition of the Commons he had 1 Burnet, iv. 539.— Onslow's note, 541, 2. 2 Besse, i. 147. 3 Lord's Journals, xvi. 736. The further progress of the bill (see note 3, p. 306) may be traced, 700, 15, 17, 22, 26, 86. WILLIAM PENN. 311 a strong assurance in the fact, that as soon as the members of that House met together, his adroit and steadfast friend Harley was chosen speaker.^ The bill introduced and dis- cussed in the House of Lords the previous session was not again brought forward.^ Of this bill it is enough to say, that it contemplated a huge national robbery, not proposing to re- purchase the colonial governments from their private owners, but to seize them by pretence of law against every admitted principle of justice.^ The rapacity of the party in favor of crown-colonies was one of the best elements of security for Penn ; as he said in one of his reports to the Queen's govern- ment, they proposed to take from him the rights for which twenty years ago he had cancelled a debt of sixteen thousand pounds. That debt, at the legal rate of six per cent, compound interest, would have been more than trebled in 1702 ; if Eng- land took away his government, it would be only just to pay him the money. But the annexation clique had not thought of doing this ; on the contrary, they pretended that if they left his civil rights untouched, it was sufficient. He replied that the soil was his own by subsequent and legal purchase from the natives ; that his bargain with King Charles and the Duke of York was for the government of the country."* King William admitted this statement of the case to be correct ; and, covetous of power as he was, he declined to adopt the suggestions of his friends, when they advised him to tear in pieces the old charters of the colonies. The Board of Trade, determined, if possible, not to be defeated with their bill in the approaching session, sent to the Earl of Manchester, the King's principal Secretary of State, an unfair and most ex- aggerated statement of the disorders, abuses, and discontents which, they said, reigned in the proprietaries ; of the greater abuses and discontents which prevailed in the royal colonies not a word was said ; and on the papers so placed in his hands he was desired to obtain his majesty's opinion.^ The infor- mation on which the Board acted was obtained for them by one Randolph, — the same fellow whom Markham had sent to gaol for his insolence, — and a m6re paltry basis for a serious 1 Penn to Logan, Jan. 24, 1702. 2 Besse, i. 147. 3 A copy of the bill is in State Paper Office. Proprietary Papers, April 8, 1702. ■* Proprietaries, vol. vii. L. 38. State Paper Office ^ Plant. Gen. Papers, vol. xxxvi. p. 36. State Paper Office. 312 WILLIAM PENN. charge has perhaps never been known. This agent had worked for his masters in the lowest sinks of American society ; and out of prison reports and ale-house gossip he concocted a list of what he called ''high crimes and misdemeanors" against the proprietors of North and South Carolina, Maryland, Dela- ware, Pennsylvania, East and West New Jersey, the Bahama Islands, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.^ On these hints the Board at home acted ; but William set aside such considerations with the contempt they deserved. To the military question he was more alive ; but he would not hear of the proprietors being dispossessed of their governments by an act of parliament. Manchester returned an answer to the Lords of Trade, in which he gave the heads of a bill agreeable to the King's ministry. It pro- vided that the King should command the entire naval and military strength of the colonies, — that justice should be ad- ministered in his name, — and that he should possess a nega- tive on all future laws.^ The laws and charters of the colonies, the civil and political powers, privileges and jurisdiction of the proprietors, were left untouched. The Board opposed this draft of an enactment, as not meeting the abuses, disorders, and discontents, to the existence of which they now thought themselves pledged. They replied that the bill formerly under discussion in the House of Lords was the only measure to which they could give their confidence.^ The accession of Ann put an end for a time to these in- trigues ; but troubles continued to increase on account of the colony ; and family circumstances, within a year or two of that event, induced Penn himself to make proposals of a sur- render to the crown. As soon as he landed in England, the governor had prepared to redeem his promise by sending his son to Philadelphia; but in his father's absence this ill-starred youth had given himself up to the worst excesses, and was now little disposed to leave the brilliant and dissipated life of London for the dull solitudes of a new country and the stiff decorum of a Quaker city. From his school-days he had kept the highest company ; and, thoroughly instructed in the w^ays of vice, he had only waited his father's departure from Eng- ' Proprietary Papers, vol. vi. G. 3. State Paper Office. 2 Ibid. vi. IL 13. State Paper Office. 3 Ibid. xxvi. 383. WILLIAM PENN. 313 land, — as was then thought by all the family on an absence of years, — to enter into them with all the ardor of unchecked youthful passions. He drank — he roystered' about — he kept women. When his father returned so suddenly and unexpect- edly, he found him deep in debt, and almost ruined in consti- tution.^ This was the worst stroke of all for Penn, as the clever but perverted boy was the only remaining son of the lost Guli, and heir to his colonial government. He had the grace, however, to be ashamed of himself; and on his father promising to pay his debts, he consented to go out for a time to America, and study the business of the country under the guidance of the newly named Deputy-Governor Evans and the council. Penn wrote the most urgent letters to his old friends in Philadelphia about him : "he has wit," he said, "has kept top company, and must be handled with much wisdom." Lo- gan undertook to give him good counsel, and to keep such an eye on him as he would on a favorite son. But still the ex- periment turned out most unfortunately.^ For a few months he behaved very well. Logan retained his influence ; and between the occasional visit to Philadel- phia, and his dogs and gun or hunter and fishing-tackle at the Manor House, his time was pleasantly and innocently, if not very usefully spent. But after a while an evil intimacy sprang up between the youth and Governor Evans, — -just such an ill- conditioned person as himself, though with far more hypocrisy, — and between them they soon contrived to bring discredit on themselves and a scandal on the whole community. Young Penn, as presumptive heir to the government, not only set an evil example, but undertook to protect those who imitated his own excesses. The young, the idle, the dissolute crowded about him ; finding that he much more resembled his grand- father the admiral than his pacific father, they made him their chief; and the war-question being then under discussion in the Assembly, he openly joined the war-party, and on his own authority organized a body of troops in the Quaker city.^ Nor was this his worst offence. He and his companions fre- quented low taverns; they got up rows in the streets and beat the watch ; they broke the city regulations. The riot of Lon- ' Logan Correspondence, Phil. Friend, xviii. 362, ^ ibid. 354-368. 3 Penn to Logan, Feb. 16, 1704. — Proprietary Papers, voL v. No. 2. State Paper Office. 27 314 WILLIAM PENN. don and Paris seemed to have rushed at once into the midst of that quiet community. A masquerade was established at the house of one Simes, a publican.^ The roysterers caroused till past midnight at the White Hart. Women went about the streets in male attire ; and two men were brought into court at the same time on a charge of being found at night in women's clothes, contrary to nature and decency.^ As the elders frowned, the young grew worse and worse. At length came the crisis. There was a violent scene in the streets one night ; the constable was beaten in the performance of his duty ; and the city guard was called out to quell the disorder. Some of the disturbers escaped, and others were arrested : — among the former was the deputy governor, among the latter was young Penn.-^ Next morning he was brought before the mayor and rated severely. He replied with taunts and defi- ance ; he was a gentleman, he said, and not responsible to his father's petty officers. Evans took his part and annulled by proclamation the proceedings of the magistrate's court.'* This audacious conduct roused the Quaker spirit: — that body in- dicted young Penn, and in his anger he renounced their doc- trines, discipline, and jurisdiction.^ These disorders were a source of in appeasable grief to the governor in England, already deeply involved in his own concerns ; and they fur- nished his old enemy Colonel Quarry, again active in his em- ployer's work, with solid grounds of complaint against his government.^ The young man soon afterwards returned to England, again deep in debt, though he had sold the fine estate of Williamstadt, 7000 acres, given him by his father,^ and as thoroughly disgusted with America as America was with him. He quitted Pennsylvania with the threat that he would persuade his father to sell the colony to the crown, and leave the settlers to deal with a less merciful ruler.^ Penn had a father's pardonable weakness for this unruly youth. He thought the Quakers of the colony had dealt too harshly with him, — that they had not sufficiently considered his youth and the temptations to which he was exposed. Al- ways lenient in his OAvn constructions, he thought his friends 1 Watson, 257. 2 i^id. 3 Proprietary Papers, September 2, 1704. State Paper Office. * Ibid. Sep. 23. State Paper Office. ^ ibid. Oct. 15. 6 Ibid. voL viii. N. 5, 7, 16. ? Phil. Friend, xix. 17. 8 Ibid. Oct. 15. State Paper Office. WILLIAM PENN. 315 should have seen the misconduct of his son in its least offen- sive aspect ; and it was an additional grief to him to find that in whatever related to his own interests or to the private con- cerns of his family, the men who had most profited by his labors were always inclined to take the most uncharitable course.^ What his son desired from choice, he was impelled towards by necessity. His old steward, Philip Ford, one of the vilest scoundrels that ever ruined a trusting client, had died in Ja- nuary, 1702,^ leaving his affairs to the management of his son and his widow, — the last a woman of masculine vices, and though bedridden with disease, of most unswerving energy. By her the son was ruled despotically; but he would have been himself as great a scoundrel as either of his parents had he possessed their talents.^ The elder Ford had so contrived to jumble Penn's accounts, as to keep him in a state of uncer- tainty as to how they really stood. Being a Quaker, the governor reposed a perfect confidence in his integrity ; and when asked to sign papers and accounts as a matter of course, seldom or never troubled himself to read them over, but in simple faith and uprightness set his name to them and passed them to his steward.'' The lawyer knew how to take advan- tage of this want of worldly prudence in his client ; and in an evil hour, when Penn needed money to go over to America the second time, he induced him to give him — as a mere matter of form — a deed of sale for the colony, on which he advanced him 2,800Z. This deed w^as considered by Penn, and profes- sedly considered by Ford, as a mortgage.^ Ford received money on account of the province, and made such advances as the governor required ; and it was not until the latter re- turned to England that the first suspicion of his steward's villainy crossed his mind. He was loath to entertain it ; and tried for a time to think himself deceived.^ But as soon as the old Quaker died, his knavery came to the full light of day. Penn, from his uncertain remembrance of the various sums advanced and received, believed the mortgage — or deed of sale — to be nearly cancelled ; but the funeral rites were hardly paid to the dead, before the widow suddenly sent in a 1 Logan to Penn. Oct. 27. 2 Friends' Register, Jan. 8, 1701-2. 3 Phil. Friend, xix. 82. "^ Penn's MS. Statement. 6 Penn to Logan, December 28, 1705. ^ MS. Statement. 316 WILLIAM PENN. bill for 14,000/., and threatened to seize and sell the province if it were not immediately paid.^ Penn was thunderstruck. He asked for accounts properly drawn up, with all the items of receipt and expenditure, and the vouchers. Henry Goldney, a legal Friend, and Herbert Springett, a near relation of his first wife, assisted him with their knowledge and experience.^ When the accounts of the faithless steward were re-arranged, it appeared, by his own showing, that he had received on behalf of Penn 17,859?., and that he had paid 16,200Z., so that he had actually received 1,659Z. more than he had advanced. Yet he claimed 14,000Z.P That the matter should be settled on just bases, and, both parties being Friends, that no scandal should be brought on the society, the governor proposed to refer it to the arbitration of wise and impartial persons of their own body or out of it ; but the Fords rejected the proposal. They stood to their bond : •thej wanted law — not equity.'* It was to no end that their old master quoted the words of the elder Ford, calling the living wife and daughter in as witnesses ; they said they would adhere to the written instrument, — the courts would give them the money which they claimed, and they would have it one way or another. It was well for him that he was able to find among his papers a complete set of the accounts as they had been rendered from time to time, and as he had passed them away so unsuspectingly.^ These accounts en- abled him to unravel the whole mystery of fraud and iniquity. (1.) The Fords had charged him4nterest on all their advances; but had allowed none on the receipts. (2.) They had charged him eight per cent, interest, though six was the fixed and legal rate. (3.) They had charged compound interest on the original advance of 2,800/., posting it every six months, and sometimes oftener, so that the illegal overcharge of interest again bore interest, though the fair balance of the account was on Penn's side of the ledger. (4.) They had charged fifty shillings as their commission instead of ten, for every 100/. received or paid — even on the overcharges of interest paid to themselves, adding it to the principal every six months, so as to make him pay the monstrous commission of 21. 10s, ' MS. Statement. 2 Penn's Mortgages. MS. 3 MS. Statement. 4 pei^n to Logan, Dec. 28, 1705. ^ "The accounts, though so voluminous, have been, through Providence rather than by my carefulness, preserved entire." Ibid. WILLIAM PENN. 317 to the liimdred six or seven times over on the same money ! (5.) Penn had given the mortgage^ as a security for the 2,800Z. advanced, reserving, of course, the right to sell more land if he found purchasers ; while in the colony he had sold a lot for 2,000Z., of which he sent 615?. to Ford in liquidation of the debt ; but instead of posting the 615?. to the governor's credit, he assumed that the deed of sale had made the entire colony his own, and therefore charged the account with the remaining 1,385?. of the purchase-money, as if he had actu- ally advanced the money out of his pocket, and from that day reckoned commission and compound interest at eight per cent, on this sum also.^ No wonder that the Fords refused to sub- mit their claims to arbitration ! The excess of charges on the second, third, and fourth items here briefly enumerated was found to amount to 9,697?., reducing the claim of 14,000?. to 4,303?. This sum Penn offered to pay, and more, for the sake of peace ; but his creditors sternly shook their deed of sale in his face, and threatened him with a chancery suit if the whole amount were not paid down by a given day. Friends interfered ; some even came over from America for the pur- pose ; but, conscious of being in the wrong, the younger Ford grew insolent and repelled their advice.^ Rather than submit to be ruined by such scoundrels, Penn allowed the case to go before the Lord Chancellor, though well aware that the uncancelled deed of sale could not be disputed ; of course the court affirmed the special case of debt ; and armed with this verdict. Ford grew more audacious than ever. Disregarding every tie of gratitude, every con- sideration of decency, he went with a constable to the Grace- church Street .meeting, and attempted to arrest his old patron in the gallery, while surrounded by their common friends, and engaged in the act of worship. "* Herbert Springett and Henry Goldney prevented this outrage by promising that he should come out to them in a short time, which he did, and then by Habeas Corpus threw himself, on legal advice, into the Fleet prison, — not because he was unable to meet the demands made upon him, but because he was counselled on all hands not to gratify the knaves by compliance.^ This incident created an ' In his Statement he never uses the words, " deed of sale." 2 MS. Statement. 3 Norris to Joseph Pike, Phil. Friend, xix. 82. •» Ibid. xix. 105. ^ MS. Statement. 27* 318 WILLIAM PENN. extraordinary sensation ; the Society of Friends was especi- ally wrath with the Fords for dogging their victim 4:o the meeting ; and many of those who had been lukewarm in the dispute before, now zealously came forward in Penn's defence. Envy itself was appeased in presence of this shameful in- dignity.^ In his old age the governor of Pennsylvania was again a prisoner. His lodgings, commodious and even comfortable, considering the circumstances under which he entered them, were in the Old Bailey ; and there he not only held meetings of his own sect for religious worship, but was visited by his friends from the other end of the town.^ The Lord Treasurer, Sidney Godolphin, touched with his situation, was an especial friend in this hour of need ; and in his official capacity favorably entertained a proposal to advance him 7000Z. for the service of his colony, on the easy condition of its being repaid in nine years from the date of lending.^ Penn him- self now began to rely chiefly on the sale of his colony to the crown to free him from all his embarrassments; his son was pressingly anxious to be rid of the incubus on the family for- tunes ; and the oldest and best friends of the governor in Pennsylvania urged him strongly to make a bargain with the Queen, though they saw well enough that the transfer would make against their personal interests as settlers.'* It was a dire necessity that reconciled him to the thought of giving up to strange hands the guidance of his Holy Experiment, — nor would he ever have dreamt of such a thing had the settlers not treated him with the basest ingratitude. " I went thither," he says, in a letter to the Judge Mompesson, "to lay the foundations of a free colony for all mankind. .The charter I granted was intended to shelter them against a violent and arbitrary government imposed on us ; but, that they should turn it against we, that intended it for their security, is very unworthy and provoking, especially as I alone have been at all the expense . . . But as a father does not usually knock his children on the head when they do amiss, so I had much rather they were corrected and better instructed than treated to the rigor of their deservings."^ When the colonists heard 1 Norris Corresp. Phil. Friend, xix. 105. 2 Hji^l. March 6, 1708. ^ Penn to Logan, May 3, 1708. This letter is dated from the Lord Chan- cellor's house. 4 Phil. Friend, xix. 50, 73, 81. ^ Penn to Mompesson, Feb. 17, 1705. WILLIAM PENN. 319 of his troubles with Ford, though most of them pretended a decent concern, and some openly expressed their sympathy, there were not a few secretly glad, imagining that out of a doubtful and disputed title they would be able to seize some advantages for themselves. Logan briefly described the feel- ing of the colony : " There are few," he said to Penn in one of his letters, " that think it any sin to haul what they can from thee." Some, he added, were honest enough, but the honest men let the rogues have their own way, saying it was not their business.^ They invaded his rights, — they seized his land, — they withheld his rents. Penn mourned in soul at these evidences of faithlessness and ingratitude ; he attributed them to ignorance of their duties, to the novelty of their position as legislators, and he again and again found excuses for them in his heart. With a readier logic, Logan traced their meanness and avarice to an excess of freedom ; and censured his friend for having given them so much better a charter than they deserved.^ Against this inference the governor steadily protested ; and when he came to treat with the crown for the surrender of his province, he made so many conditions in favor of the colonists, and for the security of their rights, that the Queen's government was obliged to tell him, the remain- der was hardly worth a purchase.^ Under these circumstances, the negotiations went on very slowly ; Penn proposed to sell the government of his colony to the Queen for 20,000?., con- siderably less than he had given for it, reckoning the interest at six per cent, for twenty years, on the old debt, — but stipu- lated that the charter as then existing and the whole body of fundamental laws should be accepted by the crown in good faith and without reserve, and a guarantee given that the province should be kept separate and distinct.'^ On such con- ditions the Queen was not anxious to treat. The crown desired to regain the private colonies, in order, by a general system of defence, to strengthen the frontiers against the French ; but twenty years' experience had now shown that so long as Pennsylvania remained a separate colony, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to obtain from it that military co- operation which was deemed essential to the common safety. ' Logan Corresp. Phil. Friend, xix. 49, 50. ^ l\)i^, ^ Hannah Penn to Logan, Feb. 22, 1715. 4 Prop. Papers, June 18, 1703— Dec. 7, 1710. State Paper Office. 320 WILLIAM PENN. It was only by means of Colonel Fletcher's plan of combining the provinces in which Quaker influence was strong — Penn- sylvania, Rhode Island, Delaware and West New Jersey — with the Puritan and more warlike settlements of New England, that the bold front could be opposed to the French, which Marl- borough and the Queen's advisers thought necessary to the general security. The crown steadily refused to buy the colony except on terms which left it free to adopt its own measures of defence ; and although negotiations were renewed from time to time, no bargain had been finally made when Penn was arrested by the Fords.* Yet even at this moment, though a prisoner in the Fleet, his thoughts were full of that free and pacific democracy which he had founded, the free colony for all mankind — the peace and plenty enjoyed by the settlers — and in spite of their ingratitude, their petty mean- ness, their secret persecution, he would not give up to the imperial government a single item of those rights which he had himself granted to them as their lord proprietor.^ Young Ford went over to Pennsylvania. He there found out Quarry, David Loyd, and other factious persons who were opposed to the Penn family ; and in concert with these men contrived by false reports and under-hand practices still further to spread discontent and embarrass the government. Governor Evans had now retrieved his character, and he de- fended the person and the interests of his employer with a dignity and a success which astonished every one. From that moment he became an object of suspicion and evil report.^ Having gained over several persons to his interests, — espe- cially the infamous David Loyd, — Ford returned to England and held out threats of a disturbance in the colony, if his un- just demands were not met. Penn taking no heed of these menaces, he sent out letters to the effect that the province was his — his father, he said, having bought it from Penn several years ago, and relet it to him on a certain rental ; the rents not having been regularly paid, he said he was now resolved to take the country into his own hands, and therefore cau- tioned the owners of land not to pay any moneys to the agents ^ The progress of these negotiations may be traced in the Proprietary Papers, under dates May 11, 1703; May 18, June 8, 15, 18; Jan. 2, 1705; Jan. 11, March 9, May 1, June 5. 6, 20, Sept. 1, Oct. 12, 23. State Paper Office. 2 Penn's Letter, Feb. 26, 1705. Hazard's Register, xii. 3G3. 3 Phil. Friend, xix. 114. WILLIAM PENN. 321 of Penn, at their proper peril.* He and his mother had im- pudence enough even to petition the Queen to issue a new charter, making the colony over to them.^ Up to this point they had received no' check in their roguery ; but now the Lord Chancellor Cowper, having heard the case argued, not only gave judgment against them, but spoke so severely as to the merits of the case, and the animus of their proceedings, as to cow their spirits most effectually.^ Eearing lest^ he should lose all, the younger Ford began to talk of terms. Penn had offered to pay more than five hun- dred pounds more than appeared to be justly due on the face of the amended account ; but this offer had been rejected.'* And now another instance of the elder Ford's swindling was discovered. In the accounts appeared an item of 1,200?. paid into the Society's stock, which, with compound interest, reck- oned every six months, amounted in the long-run to 5,569?. But on searching into the Society's books, it was found that instead of 1,200?., as stated in the accounts, he had only paid in 500Z. The balance of 700?., with the eight per cent, com- pound interest, amounted to 3,249?. of overcharge on this item alone ; and this being deducted from the former balance of 4,303?., left only 1,054?. owing altogether, according to the rules of business and equity.^ As the Fords now showed a disposition to treat for the liquidation of their claim, Penn began to raise money. Much of his private property was gone to support his family during the twenty years of his profitless rule in America. He sold the Worminghurst estate to a Squire Butler for 6,050?., just 1,550?. more than he gave for it, after having cut down 2,000?. worth of timber. This money satisfied some of his creditors, but not all ; and one of them, a man named Churchill, was so importunate, as to try to stop Butler's payment of the purchase-money.^ Under the advice of Henry Goldney, the lawyer, whose purse was as much at his friend's service as his tongue, Penn and his son William made over to Callowhill, Goldney, Oades, and several others, a deed of sale of Penn- 1 Logan's Corresp. July 13, 1705. 2 PriA'y Council Register, A. R. iii. 508. Privy Council Office. ^ Norris to Logan, March 6, 1708. 4 Field to Story, July 22, 1707. Story MSS. 6 MS. Statement. ^ Penn to Logan, May 18, 1708. 322 WILLIAM PENN. sylvania for one year, in consideration of the receipt of ten shillings, with intent that these parties might be in actual possession of the province during the settlement with the Fords and other creditors.^ This was done as a matter of precaution ; but the next day the same parties took a formal mortgage of the colony, and paid into his hands 6,800Z.^ Henry Goldney and three friends advanced 3,300?. ; Thomas Callowhill, his father-in-law, 1,000?. ; John Field and Thomas Cuppage 1,000Z. ; twenty-three other persons subscribed the remaining 1,500?.^ With this money the Fords were paid. After much negotiation, they had reduced their monstrous claim just one-half; Penn was ill satisfied with this state of the account ; but his legal advisers took the matter into their own hands, and arranged it to the best of their ability, he, for the sake of peace, finally acquiescing. Betw^een seven and eight thousand pounds were paid, and he quitted his dole- ful lodgings in the Old Bailey for a house at Brentford." Disorders continued in Pennsylvania. The vigorous mea- sures adopted by Evans to protect the public rights of his employer arrayed against him the whole tribe of those lawless and selfish men who favored pirates, disliked the quaker re- gime, and sought their own aggrandisement in the ruin of their governor. Men of this stamp abound in every new set- tlement ; and the extreme amenity of the laws in Pennsyl- vania had attracted them to its capital from every part of the continent. Evans behaved in his difficult situation with more zeal than prudence. Instead of rallying round him the more respectable body of the old Quaker settlers, he off'ended their prejudices, and broke with them finally on the war question. Procuring a false report to arrive in the city that the French were coming up the river, he rushed into the street, with his drawn sword in his hand, calling on the people right and left to arm and follow him. The terror was extreme. Some » Original Deeds, Oct. 6, 1708. 2 ibid. Oct. 7, 1708. 3 I am willing to preserve the names of these faithful friends : Geoffrey Pinnell, lOOZ. ; Richard Champion, lOOL ; Ab. Llojd, 100/. ; James Peters, 1001. ; Edward Lloyd, 100/. ; Charles Jones, 100/. ; George Bridges. 100/. ; Thomas Oade, 50/. ; Charles Harford, 50/. ; Peter Rosens, 50/. ; Benj. Cole, 50/. ; John Scandrett, 50/. ; Silvanus Cox, 50/. ; Charles Jones, 50/. ; Brice Webb, 50/. ; Cornelius Sargeant, 50/. ; Benj. Moss, 50/. ; N. Kitt, 50/. ; Enoch Noble, 50/. ; C. Harford, 50/. ; John Andrews, 50/. ; Jos. Vigor, 50/. ; and Edward Lyne, 50/.— Ibid. ^ Penn to Logan, May 3, 1708 WILLIAM PENN. 323 burned their effects, — many fled into the woods, — still more seized their arras and placed themselves under his command. He fixed his standard on Society Hill, and three hundred well-armed men, some of them Quakers, appeared at the rendezvous.^ The deputy's purpose was answered : he had discovered by the cheat how many of the inhabitants of the city he could rely on in case of a real attack ; but the Quakers, to use the words of Logan, were disgusted and piqued to the heart, and they certainly never pardoned the clumsy con- trivance.^ Another enemy to the peace of the colony appeared in the churchmen. Every opinion, political or religious, being free in Pennsylvania, — and every sect having its own right of worship, — several persons belonging to the Church of Eng- land had settled in the province. So early as 1702, the inhabitants of Philadelphia were easily divided into about two equal portions : — one of these were Quakers, real or professing ; the other was a curious medley of English In- dependents, Irish Catholics, Scotch Presbyterians, Welsh Episcopalians, German Amish, Swiss Calvinists, Swedish Lutherans, and so on. Each of these sects supported its own worship and ministry. Though the Quakers were in a large majority over any other individual sect, they carefully abstained, as a body, from giving themselves the airs of a colonial church.^ And for twenty years the various churches had lived in decent harmony, until the intriguing spirit of the clergy at home sent pride, discord, and disunion among them. To conciliate the Bishop of London and the Church party generally. King William had made two grants — one of 50L a year, chargeable on the customs, towa^rds the support of a church and minister at Philadelphia ; the other of 30Z. a year, equally chargeable on the customs, for the support of a school- master.'' Nor was the tax of a penny a pound on all the tobacco exported from Pennsylvania and the Delaware the chief evil of this arrangement.s Under favor of this en- dowment, which in itself was an outrage to every other deno- mination in the colony, the Vestry of St. Paul's assumed the haughty and dictatorial attitude of the Church in England. J Logan to Penn. May 28, 1705. ^ ibid. 5 Phil. Friend, xviii. 386. 4 Privy Council Register, W. R. iv. 240. Privy Council Office. 6 Ibid. A. R. i. 114. 324 WILLIAM PENN. They labored year by year to undermine and destroy the power of the too tolerant proprietor, — now invoking the pro- tection of Lord Cornbury, — now applying for support and counsel to the see of London, — now joining with the pirate party, the ultra-democrats, the anti-rent-payers, or with any other party of disorder.^ Their policy was obvious and logical enough. They wished to be made the national Church, to obtain endowments, charters, and privileges from the state. Their first measure, therefore, was to get the colony annexed to the English crown. They w^ere unjust and ungenerous ; but they were not, like the Quakers, and other Dissenters, illogical. They pleaded the license of a party sufi'ering per- secution : their clergy, they said, had not the same rank and the same rights as in England : this was their grievance. In a land of equals, they would be superior. They claimed im- munities which were denied to all. They wished to be the dominant church.^ Penn was anxious to return to America. Every month he seemed finally determined to go over, as things had always gone on smoothly under his own control. But his want of means continually interfered. At the end of this year he wrote to his agent — " I assure thee, if the people would only settle 600?. a-year upon me as governor, I would hasten over. .... Cultivate this among the best Friends."^ But the best Friends would do nothing. When the Assembly met the quarrel with Evans was at its height : if they proposed a bill, he rejected it : if he proposed a bill, they rejected it in turn. Nothing was done ; and the confusion at head-quarters pa- ralysed or disturbed every branch of industry in the province. Penn was obliged to recall his deputy. "^ Lord Baltimore was again active. After a lapse of twenty- three years, he revived his claim to the second half of the Delaware peninsula; it is possible that he only then dis- covered that his rival's title to the territory in question, had never been formally completed ;^ and although three succes- sive sovereigns had allowed his right of possession to remain 1 Proprietary Papers, vol. vii. M. 22 ; viii. 0. 77. State Paper Office.— Logan Corresp. Phil. Friend, xviii. and xix. 2 Privy Council Registers, A. R. i. 114 et seq. Privy Council Office — Lop:an Corresp. Phil. Friend, xviii. 386. 3 Watson, 552. 4 Proprietary Papers, May 20, 1708. State Paper Office. 5 Ibid. vii. L. 38. State Paper Office. WILLIAM PENN. 325 undisputed, he thought there was a new opening for his claim, and he advanced it.^ He petitioned the Queen to repeal the Order in Council, made by her father, dividing the peninsula, and to restore the whole to him in virtue of his original grant. Somers and Sunderland advised Penn to send in a counter- petition to the Queen.^ The Lords of Trade allowed the question to be re-opened ; but they were unable to settle it on any satisfactory basis ; and finding their geography and law equally at fault, they had recourse to the old plan of asking the litigants to arrange it for themselves, and report the re- sults to that board.^ The dispute remained unsettled for more than another quarter of a century,^ to the great annoy- ance of the proprietor and the injury of his family. But a new source of trouble was opened by the dispute ; and the uncertainty about boundary-lines soon lost itself in the prior question of title. It was to no purpose Penn urged that his deeds were made out, and were all but signed when King James fled from Whitehall; there were many powerful per- sonages about the court whose anxiety to obtain an American province, ministers thought proper to coquet with, — among others, the Earl of Sutherland set up a claim to the Dela- ware,^ — and the government chose to consider its own claim to the territories on that river as something more than a pre- tence. When Deputy-Governor Colonel Gookin was sent out in 1708, and again when Sir William Keith was appointed to the same oflice in 1716, the minister gave his sanction with a special reservation of the supposed right of the crown to the Delaware province.^ Penn was now sixty-five. His health was failing ; his im- prisonment in the close atmosphere of the Old Bailey had given a shock to his constitution, from the effects of which he had never recovered. Country air had now become indispen- i Maryland Papers, Feb. 21, 1708. — Proprietary Papers, Feb. 20, March 3. State Paper Office. ^ Privy Council Registers, A. R. iv. 245, 6, 304. Privy Council Office. — Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. i. 209. 3 Maryland Papers, August 24, 1708. State Paper Office. 4 Penn. Hist Soc. Mem. i. 188. It was settled in the Law Courts in 1750. 5 Proprietary Papers, x. Q. 110. I have traced the progress of the Earl's claim through Proprietary Papers, xxxi. 70. Ibid x. Q. 115, 134. America and West Indies Papers, Oct. 21, 1717. The writer of colonial history should consult these papers. 6 Privy Council Registers, A. R. iv. 139, and G. R. i. 481. Privy Council Office. 28 326 WILLIAM PENN. sable to him ; he tried Brentwood ; but that was too near London, and he subsequently took a handsome country seat at Ruscombe, in Berkshire, where he continued to reside until the day of his death. Some fitful gleams- of light broke in upon his later years ; dreams of an unattainable prosperity, which served at least to rouse his attention and to exhilirate his now sinking spirits. Soon after he had recovered his c( lony, reports arrived that a great silver mine had been dis- covered in the province ;^ a long and powerful remonstrance which he wrote to his American subjects, produced the most happy effects ; and the establishment of a general peace gave him reason to hope for the speedy settlement of a long out- standing account with the government of Spain. The silver mine, — on the report of which he built a pleasant castle in the air, feeling himself already relieved from the load of debt and his family provided with ample means, — proved in the end a bitter delusion ; and it is at least probable that the Spanish affair turned out no better. George Penn, the admiral's elder brother, having married a Catholic lady of Antwerp, settled, as was said in the first chapter of this history, in the south of Spain as a merchant, residing chiefly at Seville, Cadiz, Malaga, and San Lucar. As an English Protestant, his conduct was scrutinized with jealous closeness by the officers of the Holy Inquisition; but he cautiously abstained from giving grounds for offence, par- ticularly in regard to the religious prejudices of the country in which he lived, so that malice itself was foiled in the at- tempt to draw him into a snare. But as he grew rich with years of industry and success, the Church, eagerly covetous of his wealth, became impatient of his blameless life, and seized him on its own secret warrant. When the familiars of the Holy Office broke into his house at San Lucar, they com- menced their proceedings by casting him out, body and soul, from the Christian Church and the fold of God. They seized his money and furniture, his plate and pictures, his wearing apparel and his wife's jewels, his stock of merchandise, his books, papers, and accounts, and every other particle of pro- perty, down to the nail in the wall. Nothing escaped their rapacity.^ His wife was carried off he knew not whither ; he ' PhiL Frien', xix. 113. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. i. 207. 2 Humble Rcmonfc^trauce of George Penn. App. to Granville Penn, i. 150. WILLIAM TENN. 327 himself was dragged to Seville, wliere lie was cast into a loath- some dungeon, only eight feet in diameter, and as dark as the grave. In this living tomb he was left with a loaf of bread and a jug of water. For seven days no one came near him ; and then the gaoler simply brought another loaf, and another jug of water, and disappeared. This course was continued for three years, — during which time he was worn to a skele- ton. No one was allowed to visit him in his cell, no letter or message was suffered to be sent out. He had vanished from the world as completely as if the earth had opened on him in the night, and then closed over him for ever. At the end of the first month of his confinement there was a break in the horrible monotony of his life. The silent and masked familiars of the Ofiice came into his cell, took him by the arms, stript him naked, and tied him fast to the iron bars of his dungeon door ; when one of them, armed with a power- ful whip, made of knotted cords, dealt out fifty merciless lashes. Every month this flogging was repeated, the new stripes cross- ing and tearing up the former wounds until his body was one hus^e festering; sore. And all this time he was unable to learn the name or nature of the crimes laid, truly or falsely, to his charge ! Three years having elapsed without provoking self- accusation, the prisoner was brought into the trial-chamber, and in the presence of the seven judges was accused of various crimes and heresies — particularly with having tried to seduce his wife from the Catholic faith. He pleaded not guilty. But instead of producing witnesses to prove his alleged crimes, the judges ordered him to be tortured in their presence, until he confessed the truth of what was charged against him. For a while his strength and resolution defied the agonies of the rack ; but his tormentors persevered, and at the end of four hours of excruciating and accumulating torments, he gave way and offered to confess anything they wished.^ Not satisfied with a confession which by the usages of Spain gave up his whole property to the Holy Office, the judges put him to the rack again, and by still more refined and delicate torture forced from him a terrible oath that he would live and die a Catholic, and would defend that form of faith at the risk of his life against every enemy, on pain of being burned to death if found * Humble Remonstrance of George Penn. App. to Granville Penn, i. 552. 328 WILLIAM PENN. recalcitrant. He was then cut down from the rack, placed on a hurdle and conveyed to his former dungeon.^ As soon as he was sufficiently recovered from his wounds to walk, he was taken to the great Cathedral of Seville in solemn procession, accompanied by the seven judges, their households, by several hundred priests and friars, and by a vast multitude of people, and in presence of the whole congregation was ex- posed as a signal instance of the great mercy of Holy Inqui- sition. His wife was taken from him and forcibly married to a good Catholic ; the whole of his estate amounting in plate, furniture, jewels, goods, and merchandise, to twelve thousand pounds was confiscated ; the money found in his hands belong- ing to other parties was seized ; and he was finally commanded to quit the country in three months on pain of death. ^ This last injunction only added insult to injury ; for the judges well knew, that having seized his estate, the moment he left the Cathedral he would be arrested for debts which he had no means of discharging : — the very same day he was thrust into a common gaol, with little or no hope of ever obtaining a second release.^ The exhibition in the cathedral being public, several Eng- lish residents in Seville were present, — and the intelligence of his brother's position soon reached the young admiral on his station in the Channel. His measures were prompt and characteristic. Instead of appealing to Cromwell, and setting the dilatory diplomacy of London and Madrid at work to pro- cure his release, he seized in one of his prizes a Spanish noble- man, Juan de Urbino, then on his way to Flanders, where he held the post of secretary to the government, stript him naked like a common prisoner, and treated him to many indignities. This act, indefensible in itself, spoke home to the Spanish sovereign — and George Penn was soon released and sent back to England.'* The death of Cromwell prevented any reparation being made for his losses and sufferings ; but when the restoration was eifected. King Charles appointed him his Envoy at the Court of Spain, with a view to his proper re-instatement in the opinion of his old friends in Seville and San Lucar, and to * Humble Remonstrance of George Penn. App. to Granville Penn, i. 552. 2 Case presented to Queen Anne. Granville Penn, App. i. 555. ^ Humble Remonstrance of George Penn, i. 550. ^ Granville Penn, i. 231-3. WILLIAM PENN. 329 add weight to Ins claim for damages in body and estate. This act of substantial justice, however, came too late. His aged flesh had been torn, his limbs dislocated and ill-set, his body starved for more than three years on bread and water : — and he died in London only a few weeks after receiving the royal appointment, leaving his claims as a legacy to the admiral and his family.^ The wars of Europe had hitherto oifered no eligible oppor- tunity for pressing this claim, but a general peace having been secured by the Treaty of Utrecht, and friendly relations be- tween Spain and England restored, Penn petitioned the Queen to instruct her Envoy at Madrid to prosecute this claim and obtain a restitution of the amount originally seized from his uncle.^ How fjxr this application was successful is uncertain : it is not known that any part of the confiscated property was restored. The Queen was particularly favorable to her father's ancient ward ; and he had staunch friends in the all-powerful Duke of Marlborough, with whom he had long corresponded,^^ — in Sidney Godolphin, who employed him occasionally as a neutral person in his communication with Tory statesmen,'* — and in Harley, Earl of Oxford and Mortimer, now the chief member of the cabinet. But money once swallowed up by the servants of the Holy Inquisition was like wealth cast into the sea ; and the court of Spain was too poor and too immoral to think of redressing a private wrong at its own expense. The earnest remonstrance addressed to the people of Penn- sylvania produced a sudden revolution in his favor. He re- minded them in simple but touching language of the sleepless nights and toilsome days, the expense, the load of care, the personal dangers, the family misfortunes, which he had to en- dure on account of the colony. He contrasted this with their own case. They had found a noble field for their capital and industry ; they had got lands, acquired political rights, enjoyed religious liberties, denied to them in their native land. Yet not satisfied with the enjoyment of these rights and privileges, — with the acquisition and increase of their worldly substance, — they must ungratefully turn the arms which he had supplied as a defence against foreign oppression, upon himself. He mournfully recited their past misdeeds — referred to their pre- ' Case presented to Queen Anne, i, 555. ^ Ibid. i. 556. 3 MS. Letters in my own possession. " Dartmoutli's note, Burnet, vi. 8. 28* 330 WILLIAM PENN. sent unbecoming and uncivil attitude towards his person and government. He made to them a fatherly but a final appeal. The Queen, he told them, was willing to buy the colony and annex it to the crown : the only point still at issue was the one aflfecting their laws and charters. In spite of their ill-returns he had been faithful to all his promises. He put it to them as men and as Christians whether they had used him fairly. While they had grown rich — he had become poor ; while they had ac- quired power — he had lost it ; while they had enjoyed through his toil and fore-thought, wealth, influence, and freedom — he had been reduced through their neglect and avarice to seek even the shelter of a prison. He wished to have an answer to his long-gathering suspicion that on their side they desired to sunder the old connection ; if it were so, he concluded, let it be declared on a fair and full election, and his course would then be clear.* The answer was emphatic. When the Assembly met again after the general election, not a single man of the old and aggressive chamber was returned. The colony had been stung with the mild reproaches of its Founder, now in his okl age enduring poverty brought on by his too great liberality: and the session which ensued, was the most cordial and har- monious, as well as the most useful, in the history of the As- sembly. Penn was highly gratified with this national response f and the historian dwells with an especial complacency on this brief interval of calm and rational legislation, — separating, as it did, the storms which preceded, and the hurricanes which followed, — because it was the last session of the Colonial Par- liament, of the nature and conduct of which the governor was perfectly sensible. Before another gathering of the members took place, his vigorous and active mind was utterly over- thrown.^ His latest action on the colonial legislature, was in behalf of the poor negroes. Ten years before this period, he had tried in vain to get a formal recognition of their claims as human beings ;"* but the question of slavery had made rapid progress in the interval, thanks to the efforts of his simple and earnest disciples from Worms and Kirchheim, — and his own ideas had also undergone a considerable development. He no longer doubted the injustice, the inhumanity of the trade in • Letter to Assembly, April 29, 1710. 2 penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iv. 208. 3 Hannah Penn to Logan, Oct. 13, 1712. " Chap. xi. p. 302. WILLIAM PENN. 331 man. In 1705, only four years after the rejection of his pro- posed act for a better regulation of the morals and marriages of negroes, the Assembly tried to discourage slavery, without violence to existing interests, by imposing a duty on their importation from Africa, or from the neighboring colonies.^ They now, in 1711, passed an act declaring their importation for the future, under any condition, absolutely prohibited. This was a great satisfaction to the humane governor. But as soon as the law reached England, to receive the usual confirmation of the crown, it was peremptorily cancelled.^ Some years before this time, the two Houses of Parliament had put a declaration on the statute book of the realm, to the efiect that the trade in slaves was highly beneficial to the country and the colo- nies f in the session then sitting, 1711, a committee of the Commons had recommended the adoption of means to increase the capture of negroes, that their value might be reduced in the slave-markets of the plantations. The Privy Council was scandalized and indignant at the Provincial Assembly, for daring to propose a measure so hostile to the laws and inter- ests of the parent State !^ The germs, however, of truth, humanity, and justice, were planted in the colony, and in due season came the harvest. Heavier duties were laid on im- portations ; petition after petition was sent over to England ; a disinclination to buy or sell negroes arose ; then a desire not to have them in possession : — but the Home Government continued steadily to oppose and cancel every act of colonial legislation tending to close the abominable system.^ It was only with the revolt against England, that freedom came to any part of the black race in America.® » Watson, 481. 2 Proprietary Papers, vol. ix. Q. 29. State Paper Office. 3 William III. 8 and 10, c. xxvi. * Watson, 481. 5 " The British Senate have this fortnight been prod':cing methods to make more effectual that horrid traffic of selling negroes. "Horace Walpole to Sir H. Mann, ii. 438. This was written Feb. 25, 1750: only a century ago ! 6 Bancroft, on the whole, just to Penn, has fallen into a mistake on the subject of his views on the negro question. He points a moral with the assertion "that he died a slaveholder," ii. 403. The authorities cited are the Mass. Hist. Coll. xviii. 185, and Watson, 480. The evidence, aletter of T. Matlack, is the same in both cases. Matlack says in this letter that P.nn left a body-servant (slave), whose surname was Warder. The assertion can be fully disproved. The bill of ale of this identical negro, Virgil Warder, is fortunately still in existence, in the possession of George M. Justice, Esq., of Philadelphia. From this do- cument it appears that he was sold in 1733, by his master, Joseph Warder, in whose house he had be^n bjrn, and whose name, according to custom, he 332 WILLIAM PENN. Penn was In London in the early part of 1712, when he received the first of those severe shocks of paralysis, which in a few months laid his reason completely prostrate. For a few weeks he lay in a lethargic state, almost unconscious of things around him, the medical attendants constantly at his side, and all business cerefully kept from him, to prevent men- tal action.-^ As he recovered, he began to pay attention to affairs once more ; for his son William was now almost a stranger to the family, and the whole weight of his colonial duties had to be borne by him in person. But the pressure was too great for his now weakened brain, and a second and more violent shock was brought on at Bristol, in October of the same year. From this fresh prostration his recovery was extremely slow ; but in the meantime his active and able wife wrote his letters of business, and conducted the affairs of his government with an energy and wisdom truly masculine.^ At the end of three months, while yet in a state of great debility from the severity of the two attacks, he received another and final shock. His daughter Letitia, married to William Au- brey, was summoned to Euscombe, to his bed-side, his life being thought in danger.^ The five children of his second marriage, were all about him in his sickness ; but the son of Guli was not there. Since his return from Pennsylvania, and his public renunciation of his father's religious opinions, he had been less and less under the paternal roof. Marriage, and a home blessed with three beautiful and promising child- ren, Guli, Springett, and William,^ produced no happy result on his erratic and unstable character. He was the great thorn in his father's side.^ He went into the army, but quitted it again in disgust. He tried to get into Parliament, but his opponent bribed higher, and he was defeated at the poll. He quitted his young wife and her children, leaving them to the care of strangers, to seek the lowest dregs of pleasure and bore — to Thomas Penn. This was fifteen years after William Penn's death ! Matlack's memory had evidently failed him : when he wrote the letter (in 1817) he was nearly ninety, and was ti'ying to relate a conversation which oc- cured in 1745. The eloquent historian of America will, I am certain, re- move this error from his future editions. See Tyson's Colony of Pennsyl- vania, p. 61-3. * Hannah Penn to Logan, Oct. 8, 1712, 2 Logan's Corresp. Phil. Friend, xix. 140-218. 2 Hannah Penn to Logan, Feb. 5, 1713. 4 Genealogy in Penn Gaskell MSS. 5 Penn to Logan, Feb. IG, 1704. WILLIAM PENN. 333 dissipation, in the cities of continental Europe. He returned no more to England. A few years later, his family heard that he was living in an obscure town in France, worn out morally and physically, ruined in purse and in constitution.^ They never saw him again. He died in 1720, of consumption, brought on by his excessess, — but full of penitence, it is said, for his errors. To his father, the most mournful part of this . story was never known.^ Penn's mental weakness and debility grew upon him day by day. From the time of his third attack of paralysis, he was considered in a dying state : — but he lingered on in a gentle and sweet decline, tasting the happiness of a repose which he had sighed for many years without attaining. To the devout it almost seemed like a dispensation of Providence, that after so long a period of toil and perturbation, his troubled spirit should have found an interval of rest. Later on in his long illness, he felt a few more slight shocks of paralysis ; but they soon passed ; and his bodily health on the whole continued good. His temper was profoundly gentle and serene. He took an extraordinary interest in the concerns, the pleasures, and the amusements of his young children ; and the abandoned widow of his son and her little ones were sent for and housed with him at Ruscombe. When the weather was fine, it was his delight to take them out into the fields and meadows to gather flowers, and watch them chase butterflies. He was again a little child. When the weather was unpro- pitious, he gambolled with them about the rooms of the great mansion, taking an infantine pleasure in running from suite to suite, in looking at the fine furniture, and gazing from the great windows on the snow or rain in the gardens below. The large mansion was kept on by his wife, though they could ill afford the expense, solely to gratify this child-like fancy. Never before had he felt so happy. He could not speak very much at one time ; but a constant smile of inward satisfaction lighted up his face. It was only when he saw his wife looking anxious, or when, on going suddenly into a room, he found her writing, that a shade of melancholy thought overcast his countenance ; and to prevent the evident distress which the thoughts so suggested brought to his mind, she was forced to ' rhil. Friend, xviii. 3G3-370. 2 Hannah Fenn to Logan, June 29, 1720. 334 WILLIAM PENN. write the many irocessary letters to his American agents and men of business in London, when he was asleep or out of sight. Though unahle to write or dictate a letter, he appeared to retain a vague and distant sense of trouble as connected with that voluminous correspondence. In this state he lin- gered for five years. His mind never regained for a single moment its old vigor and elasticity ; his memory faded more and more daily ; he forgot the names of his most intimate friends, even when he perfectly remembered their persons ; his power of distinct and fluent utterance forsook him ; he spoke but seldom, and then in broken and abrupt sentences ; but under all these trials the placid benignity of his character came out still more strongly and distinctly. A strange at- tractiveness lingered about the ruins of this noble mind. Palsy had done its work very gently. The intellect was a mere wreck — the temple of reason lay in confused heaps, — there a broken column, here a shattered fragment of the frieze, elsewhere the fallen statue of the god, — but, like the remains of an ancient edifice seen under the mild radiance of an Eastern night, it appeared to those who looked on it beau- tiful and soothing even in its desolation.^ The two friends who were most frequently at his side during this long illness were Thomas Story and Henry Gold- ney. They were neither of them in good health ; but they considered it a sacred duty to be near their dying friend. Towards the end of July, 1718, Story was at Ruscombe, assist- ing the wife in her American afi'airs, as he had been several years in that country, and knew all the parties and passions at work in Pennsylvania. On the 27th he left the neighborhood for a short trip to Bristol ; Hannah had taken him in her coach to Reading, and not suspecting that the catastrophe was so nigh, she had there parted with him, with messages to John, her eldest son, then in Bristol with a merchant, learn- ing business. When she returned to the house, Penn was no worse than he had been for a few days past ; but the next morning about noon a sudden change occurred ; he was seized with fits of shivering, lowness of spirits, and other alarming symptoms. She wrote a hasty letter to recall Story. * MS. Lettei's of Hannah Pcnn. MS. Testimony of Eeading Friends, March 31, 1719. Logan Corresp. Phil. Friend, xix. 156, 60, 62. Story's Joui'nal, Dec. 16, 1714 et seq. Bessc, i. 150. WILLIAM PENN. 335 to Huscombe, but he had gone too far, and her messenger was too slow ; so that she had to face the trials of the day unaided by a single friend out of her own family.^ The cold shivers were quickly followed by unnatural heats. The medical attendants believed that an intermittent fever was setting in ; but on the twenty-ninth the patient had grown so much worse, that they no longer entertained a hope of his recovery. Hannah then sent a messenger with orders to ride post haste to Bristol, to summon her son John, now a youth of three-and-twenty, to his father's bed-side.^ But death rode faster than her messenger. In the first watches of the summer morning, between two and three, he seemed to fall asleep. His poor widow watched his lips in agony and suspense. They never moved again.^ Under the circumstances of his family, it was a fortunate incident that Penn had made his second and final will a few months before the last stroke of palsy deprived him of his native strength of mind, that is while suffering of a slight illness in London in 1712. By a settlement effected by Guli before her death, William, the son now absent from England, was made heir to the Springett estates in Kent, which estates he had involved through his riot and extravagance, and had sold to pay his debts. The power to commit further waste of the family property was therefore denied him; but his children, Guli, Springett, and William, were made co-heirs to the Shan- .garry property, and other estates in England, the whole being at that time worth about fifteen hundred pounds a-year. Be- sides this property, he bequeathed to these children, as well as to his daughter Letitia, being all the descendants of the Springett alliance, 10,000 acres each of the best unappropri- ated land in Pennsylvania. The government of his province he devised to Harlcy, Earl of Oxford, and William Earl Paw- lett, friends of many years standing, in trust, to dispose of to the crown or otherwise on the best conditions they could obtain, leaving the money to be applied as he should after- wards direct.^ The soil, rents, and other profits of Pennsyl- vania he bequeathed to twelve trustees, who after laying out > Hannah Penn to Story, July 28, MS. 2 Ibid. July 29. MS. 3 Ibid. Postscript, July 30. 4 MS. copy of will, May 27, 1712. He forgot to give these after-directions as to the disposal of the money, — an omission which was held to jeopardize the will, and led to a suit in Chancery. Penn, Hist. Soc, Mem. i. 222, 3. 336 WILLIAM PENN. the forty thousand acres for Guli Springett's descendants, were to sell as much land as would pay ofi" the whole of the testator's debts, and then divide the remainder among his five children by Hannah Callowliill, in such proportions as his widow should think proper. A codicil reserved a pension of three hundred pounds a-year — a very considerable portion of the whole — to his widow out of these rents and profits. Fi- nally, Hannah was made his sole executrix.' To understand the nature of Penn's ideas in forming this will, it is necessary to recollect that up to a period within a year or two of its being drawn up, Pennsylvania had not yielded a shilling a-year to the family. When the will was made, it is probable that the return was not five hundred per annum ; so that in leaving Shangarry and the English property to Guli's children, he thought he was settling on them the best and securest part of his estates. He had no conception of the enormous increase of value which twenty years of peace, following on the Treaty of Utrecht, would give to Pennsylvania. Hannah's children became the lord proprietors of the colony, and the younger branch of his family stood before the world as the more con- spicuous representatives of the Great Founder.^ William Penn was buried at the picturesque and secluded village of Jordans, in Buckinghamshire, on the 5th of August, 1718, by the side of Guli, his first and most beloved wife, and Springett, his first-born and favorite son. A great concourse of people followed the bier from Ruscombe to the grave-yard, consisting of the most eminent members of the Society of Friends, come from all parts of the country, and the distin- guished of every Christian denomination in the more immediate neighborhood. When the coffin was lowered into the grave, a solemn pause of religious silence ensued ; after which the old and intimate friends of the dead spoke a few fitting words to the assembly ; and the people dispersed to their several homes subdued and chastened with the thought that a good and a great man had that day disappeared from the face of the earth.^ I MS. copy of will, May 27. 2 Penn Gaskell MSS. ^ MS. Testimony of Reading Friends, March 31, 1719. — Story's Journal, G07. — Besse, i. 150. Nothing could be less imposing than the grave-yard at Jordans: the meeting hovise is like an old barn in appearance, and the field in which the illustrious dead repose is not even decently smoothed. There are no gravel-walks, no monuments, no mournful yews, no cheerful flowers ; WILLIAM PENN. 33T there is not even a stone to mark a spot or to record a name. When I visited it with my friend Granville Penn, Esq., great-grandson of the State-Founder, on the 11th of January this year, we had some difficulty in determining the heap under which the great man's ashes lie. Mistakes have occurred before now : and for many years pious pilgrims were shown the wrong grave ! Sup- posing a to represent the small gate leading into the grave-yard, the follow- ing will give its correct ; opography : Thomas Ellwood John Pennington .. a. Penn's infant chil- dren Mary Ellwood Mary Frame Isaac Pennington .. Springett Penn Lady Springett •• Letty Penn Guli Penn .. .. .. William Penn Granville Penn, Esq., is disposed to mark the spot by some simple but dur- able record, — a plain stone or block of granite; and if this be not done, the neglect will only hasten the day on which his ancestor's remains will be car- ried off to America — their proper and inevitable home ! 29 338 WILLIAM PENN. EXTRA CHAPTER. "THE MACAULAY CHARGES." In this supplementary chapter I propose to review the charges made against William Penn by Whig historians, and adopted, with novelties and exaggerations of his own, by Mr. Macaulay in his recent History. The reader who has traced his career from Tower Hill to the grave-yard at Jordans, may hardly care to read what follows ; the simple record of his life being the most emphatic answer that can be given to party misre- presentation : but I believe there are some who will look for a more formal refutation of these charges at my hands, and for their satisfaction I enter into the several points of contro- versy which have been raised. Every one is conscious of the animus which pervades the last Whig history. To point out the capricious likes and dislikes of the historian would be tedious, and is unnecessary : at the same time I will not deny that his page is alive with pictures, and that the narrative possesses a unity and vehemence which render it one of the most useful additions to our store of historical reading since the appearance of the Scotch novels. Mr. Macaulay has written several volumes of history and criticism. He must be aware that one of the fundamental laws of Critical Inquiry demands, that when a fact or a cha- racter has stood the tests of time, and in the progress of opinion has attained to something like a fixed position in the historical system, the evidence in support of any assault on it must be strong and free from taint in some fair proportion to the length of time and strength of opinion on which it rests. This rule is deeply based in human nature. The fixity of historical ideas is, in other words, the permanence of truth. Once a great historical verdict is passed, the noblest instincts of our being prompt us to guard it as something sacred, — to be set aside only after scrupulous inquiry and conclusive evi- dence against its justice. The wise man will not rashly disturb the repose of ages. Our faith in history is akin to religion : it is a confidence in our power to separate good from evil — WILLIAM PENN. 339 truth from fiilseliood, — to preserve in their native purity the wisdom which serves to guide, and the memories which inspire the best actions of mankind. Mr. Macaulay will not deny the reasonableness of a rule growing out of such a feeling. He would himself exact the strongest facts and the severest logic from the man who should presume to dispute the laws of Kepler ; and the fullest and most unquestionable evidence would be required in support of an assertion that Milton was a debauchee, or Buckingham a man of virtue. I will apply this canon to his own method. That I may not incur the charge of improperly assuming that Penn's reputa- tion was thus historically fixed, I will cite Mr. Macaulay's own reading of the verdict which more than a century and a half has ratified. " Rival nations," he says, "have agreed in canonizing him. England is proud of his name. A great Commonwealth beyond the Atlantic regards him with a rever- ence similar to that which the Athenians felt for Theseus, and the Romans for Quirinus. The respectable Society of which he was a member honors him as an apostle. By pious men of other persuasions he is generally regarded as a bright pattern of Christian virtue. Meanwhile admirers of a very different sort have sounded his praises. The French philoso- phers of the eighteenth century pardoned what they regarded as his superstitious fancies in consideration of his contempt for priests, and of his cosmopolitan benevolence, impartially extended to all races and all creeds. His name has thus be- come, throughout all civilized countries, a synonyme for polity and philanthropy."-^ This general verdict Mr. Macaulay challenges. He admits that his attempt "requires some courage;" I think the reader will agree with him, when the evidence is adduced on which his challenge is supported. This evidence consists of five as- sertions : — (I.) That his connection with the court in 1684, while he lived at Kensington, caused his own sect to look coldly on him and even treat him with obloquy.^ (II.) That he " extorted money " from the girls of Taunton for the maids of honor.^ (HI-) That he allowed himself to be employed in the work of seducing Kifiin into a compliance with court de- signs. "* (IV') That he endeavored to gain William's assent to 1 History of England, vol. i. 507. ^ ibid. i. 506. 3 Ibid. i. 656. 4 Ibid. ii. 230. 840 WILLIAM PENN. the promulgated edict suspending the penal laws.^ (V.) That he "did his best to seduce" the Magdelan collegians "from the path of right," and Avas "a broker in simony of a pecu- liarly discreditable kind."^ These allegations I shall examine in the order in which they occur. I. I quote Mr. Macaulay's own words. " He was soon sur- rounded by flatterers and suppliants. His house at Kensing- ton was sometimes thronged at his hour of rising by more than two hundred suitors. He paid dear, however, for this seeming prosperity. Even his own sect looked coldly on him and requited his services with obloquy."^ His only authority for this statement is Gerard Croese (Hist. Qua. lib. ii. 1695), a Dutchman, who never was in England in his life, and Avhose work the Society of Friends has never recognized. Croese could have no trustworthy knowledge of the opinions of the Quakers, and no right to represent their opinions. The state- ment is not, however, merely unsupported ; but it is positively contradicted by the Devonshire House Records. These prove that at this time Penn was in regular attendance at the monthly meetings, and was elected to the highest offices in the body.^ II. That the reader may understand the Taunton affair, I must point out the features, with more exactness than Mr. Macaulay has done, which relate to his charge against Penn. When Monmouth arrived at Taunton, he found that the town had pledged itself to the rebellion, by the signal act of having had wrought at the public expense, a set of royal standards for him and his army, by the daughters of the principal fami- lies.^ The ceremony of presenting these standards was one of the most important acts of the rebellion ; at the head of her procession the schoolmistress carried the emblems of royal power — the Bible and the sword f — and the royal banner was presented to the duke as to their sovereign.'^ Thereupon he assumed the name of King — set a price on his uncle's head — and proclaimed the Parliament then sitting, a treasonable convention, to be pursued with war and destruction.^ This » Hist, of England, ii. 234. 2 i\^[(X ji. 298. 3 Ibid. vol. i. 506. 4 MS. Records. ^ Oldmixon, i. 702. ^ Mr. Macaulay forgets the sword, because Sir James Macintosh had for- gotten it. Hist. Eng. 32, folio ed. '^ Oldmixon, i. 702. ^ Harl. MS. 7006. Though very fond of strong language, Mr. Macaulay WILLIAM PENN. 341 Insanity cost Monmouth his head, and won a gibbet for hun- dreds of his followers. The case of the maidens was not dif- ferent to that of many others. They had taken with their parents' knowledge, a prominent part in the rebellion ; and when the day of vengeance came, they stood before the law guilty of a crime for which the sentence was — death. The idea of sending them to the scaffold* for faults which were their parents' more than their own, was of course not thought of; but that the parents might not escape punishment, the power to pardon them was given by the King to the maids of honor, — not likely, I must suppose, to be the most exacting of creditors, — as a sort of fee or bounty.^ It is to be re- membered the sale of pardons was in that age a regular pro- fession; from the King — at least in Charles's time — to the link-boy or the porter at his gates, almost every man and woman connected with the court regularly sold his or her influence. The young girls about the Queen, daughters be it remembered of the first families in the land, had no proper conception of the horrid wickedness of this brokerage ; and they requested the Dake of Somerset to get the affair arranged for them on the best terms. Somerset wrote to Sir Francis Warre, the member for Bridgewater, asking him as a personal favor to see the parents, as being a neighbor and likely to be known to them, or to name some proper agent who might arrange the business.^ Warre had evidently no wish to be mixed up with an affair of this kind ; and he replied that it was already in proper hands, those of one Bird, the town clerk.^ For some unknown reason the maids of honor forbade this agent to proceed in their behalf, and Warre was again applied to ; but he refused to name a broker on the spot, excusing him- self on the pleas that the schoolmistress was a woman of mean birth, and the young ladies were acting at the time under her orders."* Weeks elapsed and no settlement was made by the parents ; nor do we know — except by inference — what was done in the matter at court, until the following letter was written : softens these harsh words into simple "illegal assembly!" his evident ohject being to make the after-vengeance appear unprovoked. 1 Sunderland's Letter, Feb. 13, 1686. 2 Somerset to Warre, Dec. 12, 1685. 3 Toulmin's Hist, of Taunton, 531. Ed. Savage. "* Ibid. 532, where the correspondence Is printed. 29* 342 WILLIAM PENX. "Whitehall, Febry. \Wi, 1685-6. u Mr. Pexne — Her Maj''" Maids of Honor having acquain- ted me that they designe to employ you and Mr. Waklen in making a composition with the Relations of the Maids of Taunton for the high Misdemeanor they have been guilty of, I do at their request hereby let you know that His^ Maj'^ has been pleased to give their Fines to the said Maids of Honor, and therefore recommend it to Mr. Walden and you to make the most advantageous composition you can in their behalfe. '-'- 1 am, Sir, your humble servant, ^' Sunderland P."2 To whom was this letter addressed ? Sir James Macintosh, the first man who brought the letter to light, — for Mr. Ma- caulay has not even the merit of originality in his errors, — ■ assumed that it was addressed to William Penn;^ and in this singular assumption he has been followed by his friend and admirer. But Macintosh went still further : he not only as- sumed, without warrant, that a letter addressed to a "Mr. Penne" to engage him in a "scandalous transaction" was addressed to the governor of Pennsylvania ; but he also dared, in defiance of every rule of historical criticism, to assume that William Penn accepted the commission that was so ofi'ered.'* Mr. Macaulay, of course, copied this gross mistake from Sir James, and gave it the additional currency of his own volumes. This point is particularly noticeable, — that Mr. Macaulay did not consult the original authorities, but satisfied himself with merely quoting from the " Macintosh collection."^ Now this letter was certainly not addressed to William Penn. (1.) In the first place, it does not bear his name : he never wrote his name "Penne," nor did others ever so write it. In the Pennsylvania correspondence, in the Minutes of the Privy Council, and in the letters of Van Cit- ters, Locke, Lawton, Bailey, Creech and Hunt, and in the correspondence of his private friends, I have seen it written hundreds of times, but never once, even by accident, with an 1 In transcribing this letter from tlie State Papers, Mr. Forster writes " her" majty, — a mistake which gives an erroneous countenance to Mr. Ma- caulay's "scandal against Queen" Maria. 2 Sunderland Letter-Book, Feb. 13, 1G86. Domestic, various, 629, p. 324. 3 Macintosh, Hist. Eng. 32. 4 ibi^. ^ Macaulay, i. 656. WILLIAM PENN. 343 e final. Least of all men could Sunderland, his intimate ac- quaintance from boyhood, make such a mistake. — (2.) The letter is highly disrespectful, if supposed to be written to a man of his rank — a man who had refused a peerage, and who stood before the court, not only as a personal friend to the King, but as Lord Proprietor of the largest province in America ; the more especially would this be the case when it is considered that the letter was written by the polite and diplomatic Earl of Sunderland. — (3.) The work to be done required a low, trafficking agent, who could go down to Taun- ton and stay there until the business was concluded: it is ob- vious that this could not be done by William Penn. — (4.) The letter is evidently a reply to an ofter of service : the maids of honor ^' designe to employ " Mr. Penne and Mr. Walden, be- cause, as it seems to me, they had applied for the office. Malice itself would shrink from the assumption that the go- vernor of Pennsylvania would voluntarily solicit such an em- ployment. — (5.) It is contrary to every thing else that is known of Penn that he would allow himself, on any pretence, to be drawn into such a business. — (6.) No mention of it occurs in any of his letters : I have read some hundreds of them, and although he was the most communicative of correspondents, not a trace of his action, or of his having been applied to in the aifair, is to be found. Knowing his epistolary habit, this fact alone would have satisfied my own mind. — (7.) No mention has been made of his interference by any news-writer, pam- phleteer, or historian, — though, had he been concerned, the hostofmaligners, who rose against him on the flight of James, could certainly not have failed to point their sarcasms with the "scandalous transaction" and "extortion of money." — (8.) No tradition of his appearance on the scene is preserved in the neighborhood ; when, had he really been the agent em- ployed, it is impossible that so conspicuous a broker could have faded so soon from local recollection. But, if William Penn were not the "Mr. Penne" addressed by Lord Sunderland, and designed by the ladies to be em- ployed in their behalf — who was the man ? A little research enables me to answer this question. Li the Registers of the Privy Council, I find this entry : 344 WILLIAM PENN. *«Nov. 25tli, 1687. "George Penne — Upon reading the petition of George "^enne, gent, setting forth that his family having been great aiferers for their loyalty, He humbly begs that His Majesty AYOuld be graciously pleased to grant him a patent for the sole exercising the royal Oake lottery, and licensing all other games, in his Majesty's plantations in America, for twenty- one years. His Majesty in Council is pleased to refer this matter to the consideration of the K-t. Hon. the Lords Com- missioners of the Treasury, and upon what their lordships report of what is fit to be done therein for the petitioner, His Majesty will declare his further pleasure."^ This man, whose fitting reward, according to his own esti- mate of the value of his services, was the fief of a gaming-- table, was the Mr. Penne. His name is always spelt with the final e. In the first draft of the foregoing minute, the clerk had spelt the name George Penn, both in the miargin and in the text, but has filled the final letter in afterwards, as if prophetically guarding against any confusion of this wretched fellow with the great governor of Pennsylvania. He was a low hanger-on about the back-doors of the court, ready for any dirty work. When pardons were to be bought and sold, he w^as a pardon-broker. He was actively engaged in the Taunton afi'air ; and among other feats, as I am able to state on the authority of a family cash-book still preserved, he obtained Qbl. from Nathaniel Pinney as the ransom of his brother Azariah Pinney, one of the transported rebels.^ Mr. Walden was apparently an agent of the same kind, and equally and deservedly obscure. For some reason, however, the " designe to employ" these men miscarried, and the maids of honor found another agent in the person of Brent,^ the Popish lawyer, who was a regular pardon-broker,^ and was arrested on the flight of King James, as I find by the minutes of Privy Council.^ This fellow employed as great a rascal as himself, one Crane of Bridgewater, as his sub-agent, and be- tween them they settled the business, as Oldmixon relates.^ 1 Council Registers, J. i. 540. Privy Council Office. 2 Cash Book of Natlianial Pinney. 3 Oldmixon, ii. 708. ^ Clarendon's Diary, March 9, 1G88. — Secret Services of Charles II. nnd James II. (about to be published by the Camden Society), 133, 141, 161, 180, 7, 196, 7, 205.— Oldmixon, ii. 708. s Council Registers, W. R. i. 24. c Oldmixon, ii. 708. WILLIAM PENN. 345 Having cleared Penn from this foul and unfounded charge, let me say a word or two in behalf of the maids of honor. Mr. Macaulay says they " were at last forced to be content with less than a third" of 7,000Z. How much less ? Is there any evidence that they received a single guinea ? Dr. Toul- min collected his information from the families of the girls of Taunton, at a time when the children of the little rebels might have been still alive, and he says merely that some of the parents paid as much as fifty or a hundred pounds.* Some of them ? Oldmixon tells us that the number of the scholars was twenty.^ How many of twenty could be called some ? Take it at ten ; if pardons were purchased for ten, five at 50/. and five at 1001. this would but yield 750?. altogether. Besides which Oldmixon, who had peculiar means of learning the real facts, says the agent and his subordinate paid themselves bountifully out of the money.^ I know of no proof that the maids of honor got a shilling. While on this digression, I may add a remark in behalf of another much-abused lady. The historian counts up with virtuous indignation the number of transported insurgents which the Queen, Maria d'Este, selected for her private por- tion of the spoil, and talks of "the thousand pounds" which she made by " her unprincely greediness and her unwomanly cruelty." Now we not only do not know how much, if any thing at all, the Queen put into her pocket ; but we do not know for certain that she received for herself a single trans- port. We have no good reason to believe that she ever dreamt of such a thing. The only ground for this gross charge against the honor of a woman and a foreigner, is a letter of Sunderland to Lord Jeffi-eys — which Mr. Macaulay, as usual, has copied from the Macintosh Collection" — in which that statesman, after giving a list of grants of prisoners to various persons about the court, adds in a postscript — " The Queen has asked for a hundred more of the rebels who are to be transported ; as soon as I know for whom, you shall hear from me again. ""• It is clear enough from Sunderland's words that she did not ask them for herself. It is equally clear that Mr. Macaulay's estimate of " the profits she cleared on the cargo, after making large allowance for those who died of » Hist, of Taunton, 532. 2 Oldmixon, ii. 702. =» Ibid. ii. 708. 4 Sunderland Letter Book, Sept. 14, 1685. State Paper Office. 346 WILLIAM PENN. hunger and fever during the passage," is a mere invention. The misfortunes of this Avoman should have shielded her from injustice. III. Towards the close of his reign, when the churchmen openly repudiated their own doctrine of passive obedience, James became anxious to secure the adhesion of his Dissent- ing subjects ; and among other leading men, he selected Penn's old opponent,^ William Kiffin, the Baptist, for a city magis- tracy. But two of Kiffin's grandsons had been taken and executed in the Western rebellion, and it was doubted whether the old man would comply with the wishes of the court. At this point Mr. Macaulay introduces Penn. " The heartless and venal sycophants of Whitehall, judging by themselves, thought that the old man would be easily propitiated by an alderman's gown, and by some compensation in money, for the property which his grandsons had forfeited. Penn was employed in the work of seduction, but to no purpose." Now, there is not the slightest foundation in history for this state- ment. Mr. Macaulay here asserts that Penn was " employed" by the ''heartless and venal sycophants" of the court, to seduce Kiffin into an acceptance of the alderman's gown, — and that he failed. The passage means this, or it means no- thing. It will be allowed that on such a point Kiffin himself must be the best authority : in his autobiography, lately pub- lished from the original manuscript, he says, — " In a little after, a great temptation attended me, which was a commission from the King, to be one of the aldermen of the city of Lon- don ; which, as soon as I heard of it, I used all the diligence I could, to be excused, both by some lords near the King, and also by Sir Nicholas Butler and Mr. Penn. But it was all in vain."^ This is just the reverse of what Mr. Macaulay states. Penn did not go to Kiffin ; Kiffin went to Penn. Instead of being employed in the work of seduction, he was engaged in the task of intercession. Mr. Macaulay makes Kiffin refuse the magistracy: Kiffin says he accepted it: — ''The next court- day I came to the court, and took upon me the office of alder- man."4 IV. A little attention to dates will soon dispose of the fourth charge against Penn. Mr. Macaulay writes — "All ' See Chap. iv. p. 125. 2 Macaulay, ii. 230. 3 Kiffiu's Mem. 85. Ed. by Orme, 1823. ■» Ibid. 87. WILLIAM PENN. 347 men were anxious to know what he [the Prince of Orange] thought of the Declaration of Indulgence .... Penn sent copious disquisitions to the Hague, and even went thither in the hope that his eloquence, of which he had a high opinion, would prove irresistible." Now, Penn returned from Ger- many in the autumn of 1686,^ and the Declaration was not issued until April, 1687. After 1686, he never went to the Dutch capital. There is no evidence, even, that Penn sent over " copious disquisitions ;" Burnet, Mr. Macaulay's au- thority, says not a word on such a subject.^ When Penn was at the Hague, in the summer of 1686, the subject that was under discussion related to the Tests, not the Indulgence. The Declaration was unthought of at that time ; — Burnet is very clear on this point.^ But there is other proof that Mr. Macaulay's guess-work is wrong. In November, 1686, five months before the Declaration was issued. Van Citters reported to his correspondent, the substance of the conversa- tions between Penn and the Prince, as it was then known in court circles in London ; and in that report, no mention whatever is made of the Declaration.^ V. In the ninth chapter of the preceding memoir, I have given the true history of Penn's connection with the affair of Magdalen College. In this place I shall content myself with a special refutation of Mr. Macaulay's errors ; first quoting his material passages, and numbering them for separate remark. (1) ^' Penn was at Chester, on a pastoral tour. His popularity and authority among his brethren had greatly declined (2) since he had become a tool of the King and the Jesuits." . . . (3) " Perhaps the College might still be terrified, caressed, or bribed into submission. The agency of Penn was employed." . . . (4) " The courtly Quaker, therefore, did his best to seduce the college from the path of right." . (5) " To such a degree had his manners been cor- rupted by evil communications, and his understanding ob- scured by inordinate zeal for a single object, that he did not scruple to become a broker in simony of a peculiarly discredit- able kind", and to use a bishopric as a bait to tempt a divine to perjury." These assertions may be looked at one by one, as 1 One of his MS. Letters to Harrison, now in my possession, is (Isited Lon- don Sept. 23, Ui86. 2 Burnet, iii. 140, 1. =» Ibid. 4 Van Citters' MS. Corresp. Nov. 2G, 1G86. Westminster. 3^8 WILLIAM PENN. they stand here. (1) Had Penn become in 1687 — the date of Mr. MacauLaj's authority^ — unpopular and powerless with his brethren ? There is, fortunately, better evidence than that of an agent of Louis Quatorze :^ the evidejice of the " breth- ren" themselves. The Records at Devonshire House prove that his influence was high as ever in the society of Friends ; he was elected to speak their sentiments ; he served their most important offices ; was in accord with Fox, Crisp, and the other leaders f and at the very moment when Mr. Macau- lay introduces him with this disparaging comment, he was on a religious tour, one of the most popular and brilliant of his public ministry. To this may be added the testimony of Penn himself; in one of his letters he expressly says, that it is at the joint request of the Society of Friends, and of per- sons in authority, that he is engaged in the business of the nation.^ (2) Was he ever " a tool of the King and of the Jesuits ?" No man, I venture to believe, will entertain a doubt on this point, after reading the ninth chapter of these memoirs, and the authorities there cited. Family experiences had given him an early abhorrence of the persecuting spirit of the Roman Church.^ In his youth he had written against the errors of Popery, and in his riper age had pointed many a sentence with honest indignation at Jesuit morals.^ Now that the Jesuits had acquired power at court, he con- tinually hazarded his influence by urging the King to banish them from the royal presence. Citters, Johnstone, and Claren- don, all testify clearly to this effect. The Dutch diplomatist says, "Penn has had a long interview with the King, and has, he thinks, shown to the King that Parliament will not consent to a re ocation of the Test and Penal Laws — and that he never win get a Parliament to his mind — so long as he will not adopt moderate councils, and drive away from his presence the immoderate Jesuits, and other Papists who sur- round him daily, and whose ultra councils he now follows.'"^ Johnstone says expressly, that Penn was against the order commanding the Declaration to be read in the churches. s 1 Bonrepaux to Seignelay, Sep. 12, 22, 1687. ^ i^id, Sept. 12, 1687. 3 MS. Minutes of Quarterly Meetings. ^ MS. letter to Harrison (undated, but placed by Harrison about or little before, Sept. 23.) 5 gee chap. xii. p. 328. ^ Caveat against Popery, Fruits of Solitude. 7 Van Citters' MS. Letters, July 29, 1687. 8 Jolinstcne Corresp May 23, 1688. Macintosh, 241, n. WILLIAM PENN. 349 Clarendon says in his Diary that Penn " labored to thwart the Jesuitical influence that predominated."^ On what au- thority, then, does Mr. Macaulay make his assertion ? Simply on his own ! Was he a tool of the King ? The idea is absurd. He never sacrificed a point to the humor of James ; but he often crossed that humor, and his political action was always against the court. Not to go so far back as the days of Sidney, when, according to Barillon, he divided the leadership of thp most advanced body of Reformers with that great Re- publican,^ — if his private friendship was given to Sunderland, Halifax, and Rochester,^ his political sympathy was always with the more liberal men of the opposition.'* The supporters of Monmouth looked to him and half a dozen others to bring over the American colonies to the cause of liberty and Pro- testantism.^ Though he was trusted by James, he was always an object of suspicion to his government.^ He plainly told the King of his errors ; he advised him to expel the Jesuits from Whitehall ; not to trust to his prerogative, but to meet his Parliament with wise and just proposals ;^ not to insist on having the Declaration read by the clergy f not to commit the seven Prelates to the Tower. And when that impolitic act had been committed, he advised him to take the gracious opportunity afforded by the birth of a Prince of Wales to set them at liberty, and still further to signalize the occasion by a general amnesty to the exiles in Holland.^ He counselled him to submit to the will of the nation, and to be content with a simple toleration of his religion. ^° Can this man be called a " tool" of the King ? Let Mr. Macaulay show another man in that age with equal boldness and integrity. He braved the royal frowns again and again in the cau.»e of mercy. He obtained a pardon for Locke, another for Trenchard, another for Aaron Smith — all of them men who had deeply offended J Clarendon Diary, June 23, 1688. 2 Barillon to Louis, Dalrymple, i. 357. 3 Penn's Letter to Sunderland, June 8, 1684. 4 Fragments of an Apology, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 236. Letter to Popple, Oct. 24, 1688. King's Life of Locke, i. 292. Lawton's Memoir. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 220 5 Wade's Confession, Harl. MSS. 6845. 6 Penn to Shrewsbury, March 7, 1689. 7 Citters' MS. Letter, July 29. ^ Johnstone, May 23. 9 Lawton, Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem. iii. Part ii. 230, 1. '0 Colbctcd Works, ii. 771-3. 30 350 WILLIAM PENN. James. ^ He compelled him to listen to tlie councils of the leading Whigs ; and in the Oxford affair told him he was in the wrong in plainer language than the usages of speech would permit to ordinary men.^ This man a tool ! — (3) Was the agency of Penn employed to terrify, caress, or bribe the collegians into submission ? There is not even a shadow of authority for this most uncharitable assertion. Penn was alarmed at the quarrel, fearing it might lead, through the combined obstinacy of the King and Fellows, to a loss of the College Charter, and a transfer of its immense revenues to the Papists — and he interposed his good offices to heal the wound. Instead of looking on him as a person "employed" to terrify, caress, or bribe them into submission, we have the evidence of Dr. Bailey, one of the inculpated Fellows, and that of Thomas Creech, a student, that the collegians regarded him as a friend and mediator "in their behalf."^ — (4) Did he " do his best to seduce the college from the path of right?" Mr. Macaulay's knowledge of the proceeding appears to be derived from "Wilmot's Life of Hough"^ — though he does not quote it — and from the " State Trials."^ To these sources of information must be added the MS. letters of Dr. Sykes and Mr. Creech, preserved in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and the MS. papers of George Hunt, now in the pos- session of the President of Magdalen College. Hunt was one of the Fellows, and was present at the interview with Penn ; Sykes and Creech were both of them well informed as to all the incidents which occurred ; yet so far is either he, or are they, from saying that he attempted to " seduce them from the path of right," that they agree exactly in the emphatic and conclusive statement, that, after hearing their reasons, he agreed with them that they were justified in their resist- ance. He even went further, he became their champion. In their presence he wrote a manly English letter to his sove- reign, in which he told him in very plain terms — " that their case was hard; that in their circumstances they could not yield without a breach of their oaths ; and that such mandates were a force on conscience, and not agreeable to the King's 1 Life of Locke, i. 292. — Lawton's Memoirs, Penn. Hist. Sec. Mem. iii. Part ii. 2 Lawton's Mem. Hough's Letter, Oct. 9, 1688. 3 Creech to Charlett, MS. Sept. 6.— Bailey's Letter, Oct. 3, 1G88. 4 Quarto, 1812. s Vol. xii. WILLIAM PENN. 851 Other gracious indulgences."^ How singularly unfortunate is Mr. Macaulay in his authorities! " Penn," he says, "ex- horted the Fellows not to rely on the goodness of their cause, but to submit, or at least to temporize." I defy Mr. Macau- lay to give any trustworthy authority for this macchiavellian council. He wisely abstains from quoting his author ; but the curious reader will find it in the twelfth volume of the " State Trials," in the shape of an anonymous letter which was addressed by some unknown person, during the heat of the dispute, to Dr. Bailey, one of the Fellows. Bailey, "from the charitable purpose" of the letter, thought it might have come from Penn f and to ascertain the fact, wrote a reply to Penn without signing his name, saying, that if he were his anonymous correspondent, he would know how to address his answer. Of course no reply came. No man conversant with Penn's habit of writing could for an instant mistake it for his; — it commences, "Sir," — and the second person plural is used throughout.^ Nor is this all the evidence against its being written by Penn. The contemporary account of these proceedings has written, in Hunt's hand, on the margin of this letter, the words — "This letter Mr. Penn disowned."^ Yet it is on the assumption that Penn actually wrote this thrice-proven spurious epistle, that Mr. Macaulay has built his most serious accusation ! What would be said of such evi- dence in a court of justice ? Surely the memories of the illustrious dead are not less precious than the property of the living ! Let me say, to the credit of Macintosh, that he makes no charge against Penn in this Oxford business. Here Mr. Macaulay is perfectly original. (5) Did Penn deal "in simony of a particularly disreputable kind, and use a bishopric as a bait to tempt a divine to perjury?" Mr. Macaulay continues to represent him as employed by the court ; and having, as he says, failed in his attempt to terrify the collegians into obedience, he " then tried a gentler tone. He had an inter- view with Hough, and with some of the Fellows, and after many professions of sympathy and friendship, began to hint at a compromise. ... • How should you like,' said Penn, *to see Dr. Hough Bishop of Oxford?'" Hereupon follows the indignation about simony and perjury. > MS. Letters to Dr. Charlett, Sept. 6, 7, 9, 1688. Life of Hough, 15. 2 Bailey's Letter, Oct. 3. 3 Sec the spurious Letter in State Trials, vol. xii. ^ Hunt MSS. 352 WILLIAM PENN. Now let US see what is really known about this interview. Dr. Hough, its chief subject, wrote on the evening of the day on which it took place a letter to his cousin, in which he re- cited the principal heads of the discourse, — and this account, from one too deeply interested to be impartial, and too much -excited to remember any thing but what especially concerned his own prospects and position, is unfortunately the only ex- isting authority.^ Hunt was not present at this interview, and no account of it is preserved in the Magdalen College MSS. Holden's MS. letters in the same library commence posterior to the affair of Penn; and Baron Jenner's MS. ac- count of the Visitation is not to be found. But let us take the authority we have, imperfect though it be, and see what matter can be drawn from it in support of the accusation. What says Hough ? In the outset, instead of Penn being " employed," as Mr. Macaulay continues to misrepresent him, to solicit the Fellows, it appears that the Fellows had sent a deputation to him, consisting of Hough and the principal members of the college.^ Their conversation lasted three hours ; the substance of it I have given in the text of the ninth chapter of the memoir: Mr. Macaulay's version of it is in- exact in all its essential particulars. "He then tried a gentler tone." The historian does not seem to know that two inter- views took place, one at Oxford, the other at Windsor, with six weeks of an interval ; there is no evidence except the spurious letter, that he ever used other than a gentle tone. He " began to hint at a compromise :" the words of Hough are — " I thank God he did not so much as offer at any proposal by way of accommodation."^ How reconcile such statements ! Now let us hear what Hough says of the simony and perjury. Penn, who, according to Swift, " spoke agreeably and with spirit,"^ was always more or less facetious in conversation. Like his father, he was fond of a joke, and had that delight in drollery which belongs to the highest natures.* In this very conversation we see how he made his rhetoric dance — " Christ Church is a noble structure. University is a plea- sant place, and Magdalen College is a comely building." Hough, though not the most quick-witted of men, saw that he 1 Hough's Letter, Oct. 9, *' at night." 2 Wilmot's Life of Hough, 22. 3 Hough's Letter, Oct. 9. " Swift's note to Burnet, iii. 140. ^ MS. Testimonial of Reading Quakers. WILLIAM PENN. 353 "had a mind to droll upon us."^ Stolid and heavy, Hough no doubt reported the conversation honestly, so far as he could remember and understand it. To quote his words — " Once he said, smiling^ If the Bishop of Oxford die. Dr. Hough may be made Bishop. What think you of that, gentlemen?" Cradock one of the Fellows present, took up the tone of plea- santry, and replied, "• they should be heartily glad of it — for it would do very well with the presidency." Does any one doubt that this was a mere pleasantry ? Observe, Penn had no commission to treat with the Fellows, — that he met them at their own request, to consider how he could serve their inter- ests. That Cradock thought it a joke is evident from his re- tort. Had the suggestion of the bishopric been in earnest, it must have been offered on condition of Hough giving up the presidency of his college — that being the point at issue. In such a case, to talk of the combination of the two offices would have been insulting and absurd. Even Hough himself, the least jocular of men, understood this remark as a mere plea- santry, for he instantly adds, — "But, I told him, seriousli/, I had no ambition."^ And yet this innocent mirth, accepted and understood as such, by all the parties concerned, after a lapse of nearly two centuries, is revived and tortured into a ground for one of the foulest accusations ever brought against an historical reputation ! Is this English History ? 1 Hough's Letter, Oct. 9. 2 i^id. a^^'i* H ^0^ &%/ ^^-^r! ^0* ^*:i .,^* ^&' Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: EPER PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES, LP. i 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 4? »;*«:' ^ . °o ^^°,*. Cv * o , * " O^ 'o , » * .^ c, ^ xV' ^»» ' • ♦ ' A^ ll-M^l . •:* ,0 '^ •i> £V •