*U ' ' ' %<♦* ^Mk V*'.\«\ **-♦♦'.•* • a v *V ° vv v Key w v *,& w ^ -J THE BAPTIST COOK TX / , y Compiled by a Committee from the Building Fund* Association of the First Baptist Church of Albany, Georgia ** «s* *& «J* When in want of Clothing Tailor made or Ready-to- Wear COME TO US. Ours is as good as the best. Fit, style and quality guaranteed. S. B. BROWN COMPANY, 12 & 14 Washington St., ALBANY, GEORGIA. FOR UP-TO-DATE JEWELRY AND NOVELTIES. CALL ON F»HIJUIv HARRIS, - - ALBANY, QA. OWL DRUG AND SEED CO. THE Popular Drug Store, 226 Broad Street, Albany, Ga. Phones 250 and 514. WE FURNISH YOUR HOME COMPLETE. Every department crowded with up-to-date durable goods, the kind that wear and look well. Agents for "Vudor Porch Shades." S. A. & W. T. FREEMAN, Rawlins Opera House Building, ALBANY, - - GEORGIA. fi arriijtftorfs . . . AST 5gg MEN. No. 113 Washington St., ALBANY, GA. R. L. Jones & Co. Successors to HOFMOXER, JONES & CO., Albany, Ga. Fashion Leaders For All Southwest Georgia. Dry Goods, Millinery, Ready-to- Wear, Home Furnishings. Samples upon request. Agents Butterick Patterns. J. M. Mcintosh, President. B. B. Ivey, Sec'y & Treas . 218-220 BROAD STREET. High Grade & Medium Furniture & Housefurnishings. Wholesale and Retail. Terms to Suit Customer. ALBANY, - - - GEORGIA. THE Baptist Gook Book ^s^^ Compiled by a Committee from the Building Fund Association of the First Baptist Church of Albany, Ga., May, 1907. ii Gilbert Printing Co., Columbus, Ga. 1907. : UBWVHY Of CONGRESS Two Conies Received Copyright Errtry CLASS "<5L XXc, No. /77SV3 COPY Copyright 1907 THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Albany, Ga. D EDIGATION. By way of expressing a most loving appreciation we dedicate THE BAPTIST COOK BOOK to those faithful and much encumbered k 'Marthas," who have, with kind hearts and diligent hands, spread upon the white cloth of its pages, the daintiest and the best of their kitchen knowledge, to furnish a feast for a cause of their Lord, which we happen to represent. (Signed) Mrs. A. D. Yankey, Mrs. C. R. Newsom, Mrs. W. L. Davis, Mrs. J. W. Walters. Committee. Albany, Ga., May, 1907. "Cooking means the knowledge of Medea and Circe and of Helen and of the Queen of Sheba. It means the knowledge of all herbs and fruits and balms and spices and all that is healing and sweet in the field and groves and savory in meats. It means carefulness and inventiveness and willingness and readiness of appliances. It means the economy of your grandmothers and the science of the modern chemist; it means much testing and no wasting; it means English thoroughness and French wit and Arabian hospitality; and in fine, it means that you are to be perfectly and always ladies — loaf-givers." — Buskin. TABLE OF CONTENTS. The tnrn-pike road to people's hearts, I find Lies through their mouths, or I mistake mankiud. PAGE Soups • 1 to 6 Fish and Oysters, Uto 16 Meats and Game 21 to 31 Vegetables 36 to 39 Cheese and Egg Fancies 39 to 43 Breads 48 to 55 Salads 55 to 62 Sandwiches 67 to 68 Desserts 68 to 74 Puddings and Sauces 79 to 85 Pies 90 to 93 Small Cakes 93 to 97 Cakes and Fillings 102 to 115 Frozen Desserts 120 to 125 Preserves and Jellies . . . 130 to 132 Pickles, Catsups and Sauces 137 to 144 Beverages 148 to 149 Candies 150 to 151 Invalid Diet 152 to 153 Miscellaneous 153 to 157 General Suggestions 157 to 158 "T 7T rRIGLEY'S Juicy Fruit is v V the chewing gum of quality. It is Georgia's favorite gum." -— ^r (FACTORED B> Wm. WRIGLEY, Jr., CO. Chicago, III. Good cooks must have good materials to produce good results. POOR FLOUR MAKES POOR BREAD. Cheap red pepper will not take the place of expensive Jamaica Ginger. Is made from the finest, selected, Jamacia Ginger; hence its distinguishing excellence. When drinking Ginger Ale, be sure to call for ^CADIAfl RECIPES. ABBREVIATIONS. t teaspoonful. pt pint. tb tablespoonful. oz ounce. c cupful. lb pound. ssp saltspoon. min minute. qt quart. hr bour. doz dozen. gal gallon. dsp dessertspoon. SOUPS. "Double, double, toil and trouble, Fire burn and cauldron bubble." Delicious Mock Turtle Soup. Boil a mutton haslet with the neck and shanks until it drops to pieces. Lift out the meat, (from which a delightful breakfast hash can be made), to the stock add 12 pepper corns, 6 cloves, 2 bay leaves, a sprig each majoriam thyme, 1 stalk celery, 12 allspice, 1 lemon, 2 tb. flour, rubbed into 1 tb. butter and 1 cup sherry. Boil these in stock, except wine and lemon, until well seasoned; color with caramel, slice the lemon in dice in soup, and add wine just as you are ready to serve. Should make enough for 12 persons. Mks. J. W. Walters. RECIPES. Creole Chicken and Oyster Fillet Gumbo. One-half of chicken cut as for stew, 2 doz. oysters, 1 tb. of lard to fry, add 1 tb. of flour, 1 onion chopped fine, fry brown; add chicken, fry 15 min., add oyster juice, let boil slowly | hr. , lastly add oysters with 4 cups of water, let boil 10 min. Before serving dissolve 1 t. of fillet while in the pot. Note. Crab or shrimp may be used instead of chicken. Mrs. W. G. Lagerquist. Tomato Soup. Cook for 20 min. 1 can of tomatoes, 1 pt. water, 1 slice of onion, 1 level tb. sugar, 4 cloves, ssp. of white pepper; rub through a strainer, add 3 level tb. of flour, rubbed smooth into tb. of butter, cook 5 min., serve at once. Gumbo Fillet Powder. Take very young, tender leaves of sassafras, spread on white paper and dry in a cool, airy place. When dry pound in a morter, press through a seive and keep in a well corked bottle. C. B. Bouillon. Six lbs. of beef soup bone, 1 chicken, slice of ham, an onion, 2 sprigs of parsley, 1 carrot, 1 stick of celery, 3 cloves, pepper and salt, a gallon of cold water. Let beef, chicken and ham boil slowly about 5 hr. Add vegetables and cloves to cook the last hr. Remove from fire and strain into an earthen bowl, let remain over night. Next day remove the fat from the top and take the jelly, without the settlings; put into a kettle, adding the shells and beaten whites of 2 or 3 eggs, let come to a boil 2 or 3 min. , skim carefully the eggs and skum from top without stirring the soup. Strain through a thick jelly bag. This soup will keep for days. Reheat before serving. To improve the color add a tb. of caramel which gives a rich amber color. Mrs. A. H. Hilsman. PI ANTFNF ^ s a P er f ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnli I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. Caramel Coloring. Put into a small pan J lb. granulated sugar, 1 t. full 01 water, stir constantly over the fire until it is bright dark brown, being careful not to let it burn, then add c. of water and pinch of salt; let it boil a few min., strain, and put away in bottle, cork tight. It will keep for some time. Mrs. A. H. Hilsman. Shrimp Gumbo. Two onions, 1 tb. of lard, 3 cans of shrimp, 1 canofokra, 1 qt. boiling water; fry onions in lard, add shrimp, fry till brown, put in boiler with okra, and 1 qt. boiling water; let boil | hr. Mrs. T. M. Carter. Peanut Soup. One qt. peanuts, shell and place in oven to dry, roll fine, add 1 tb. flour, 1 tb. melted butter, stir until smooth, add ^ pt. hot water, -J pt. cold milk, and boil until it begins to thicken, add peanuts, and let come to boil once; salt to taste. Serve quickly. For 4 people. A. N. Cream or Pea Soup. One pt. of canned peas, 1 qt. of milk, 1 tb. of butter, salt and pepper to taste, 2 even tb. of flour; press the peas through a colander, put the milk on to boil and add peas as soon as it boils; rub the butter and the flour together and add to it. Stir till it thickens; add salt and pepper, serve at once. J. S. Barley Soup. Two tb. of pearl barley, 1 qt. stock, salt and pepper to taste; wash the barley in cold water, then cover with boiling water and let it boil up once, and drain it, cover again with boiling water and simmer for 2 hr. ; drain, add to the stock when boiling, let stand on the back part of the stove 10 min. Add salt and pepper and serve. J. S. PI ANTFNF * 8 a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or I Lnll I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. Cream of Celery Soup. Cut 10 large stalks of celery, using leaves as well, into small pieces, cover with 1 pt. of boiling water and boil 30 min. , then press through a colander. Put in double boiler with 1 qt. of rich milk. Thicken to soup consistency with 1 tb. flour and 1 tb. butter rubbed to smooth paste. Salt and pepper to taste. When served, add 2 tbs. of whipped cream to each plate. Mrs. Ewing. Tomato Soup. To one can of tomatoes add a small pinch of soda and one pt. of water, cook until tender, rub through a fine sieve, return to stove add another pt. boiling water, tb. rice, small quantity spaghetti or vermicelli and salt to taste. Rub together 1 heaping t. of butter, 1 t. of flour. Add this with 1 tb. of Worcestershire sauce 10 min. before using. Mrs. S. J. Jones. Court Bouillon — Any Fish Can be Used. Cut in thick slices, salt well until salt drops off, also pepper. Take 1 tb. of lard, 1 large onion cut thin as paper; also parsley and young onion heads to fill a teacup. Three large tomatoes sliced thin; the shells of 4 bell peppers cut fine; put in different piles; put sliced onions in boiling grease, stir until light brown, add 1 t. of flour; stir until dark brown, add 1 cup water, stir until boiling, then add 3 large cups of water, continue stirring, and when boiling add tomatoes, parsley and onion heads (still stirring); salt and pepper to taste. Drop raw fish, piece by piece, in boiling pot, cook 12 mins., then add 1 tb. olive oil and 1 tb. butter. Very important to stir all the time. Mrs. James Osborn. Chicken Gumbo. Cut chicken in pieces as for stew; salt and pepper well. Put in pot 1 large tb. heaped of lard. When grease is smoking put chicken in; (very important to have grease hot). Stir well. Cook about 5 min. ; take chicken out, leave grease in pot and Pi ANTFNF * s a P er f ect substitute for either hog lard or rLnli I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene ' as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 5 take 1 large onion that has been cut thin as paper, put in pot of grease and keep stirring. When light brown, put^ tb. flour; stir until dark brown. Take 1 cup of water put in pot, still stirring until well mixed. For 6 persons, put the above in a 1 gal. pot, and add water until \ full. Stir until boiling, then add chicken and 5 cents worth of ham (already boiled), 2 doz. oysters, salt and pepper; 1 blade of thyme to flavor. Boil 2 hr. ; flesh must fall from bones, then add 2 or 3 pods of okra, cut fine. (If gumbo fillet is preferred put 1 t. heaped.) To each plate of gumbo put 1 heaping t. of boiled rice. Mrs. James Osborn. Consomme of Tomatoes. One qt. sweet milk seasoned with 1 tb. butter, salt and pepper, 2 tb. flour. Heat milk and stir in butter and the flour which has previously been made smooth, with a little water; stir until thick and smooth. In a separate vessel put 1 pt. of canned or fresh tomatoes, 1 pt. of water. Boil this for lOmin., then strain. Pour the two mixtures together; then add 1 t. of soda (dry), and stir very thoroughly till well mixed, and all bubbles are dissolved. Serve immediately. This will serve 6 persons. Mrs. Jordan. Soup. Always use cold water in making all soups; skim well, especially during the first hr., there is great necessity for thorough skimming and to help the skum to rise pour in a little cold water now and then and as the soup reaches boiling point skim. A little caramel added to the soup stock will give a rich brown color. For seasoning use bay leaves, taragon, mint, parsley, cloves, mace, celery seed and onions. Soup stock may be made and kept for many days in the winter and from it can be made various soups; stock made from meat without bone or gristle will not jelly; never boil vegetables with stock that is to be kept, as they will cause it to sour; 1 qt. of soup will serve 4 persons. PI ANTFNF * s a P ei 'f ec t substitute for either hog lard or iLnll I LI'L butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 6 RECIPES. Mock Bisque Soup. One pt. canned tomatoes, 1 pt. milk, 1 pt. hot water, 1 tb flour, 1 tb. butter, 1 t. salt, |- 1. black pepper; cook tomatoes, while hot, strain through sieve, add £ t. soda and the pt. of hot water; melt butter, add flour, be careful not to brown, mix smooth, add milk, salt and pepper; mix all together, let reach boiling point; serve with croutons. A tb. whipped cream added to each plate improves it. R. Okra Gumbo. Put in a pot on the fire 1 tb. lard, 1 chopped onion, fry a light brown. Fry in this 1 chicken, cut for frying, or a steak, cut in small pieces. Chop 3 doz. pods okra, 3 ears corn, 1 can tomatoes; add salt and pepper, stir this into lard and onions and fill pot over half full of hot water and cook until thick. May be served with spoonful of rice in each plate. Mrs. B. H. Collier. "Notchoway Clam Chowder." For one 3-lb. can of the best clam chowder, boil with a small sliced onion for 15 min., 1 pt. of fresh water; then strain. Add the contents of the can to the onion water and bring to a boil, removing from fire at this point. Add 1 tb. of Lea & Perrin's Sauce and 3 oz. of best butter. Now, beat 3 eggs for several min., and when the chowder i.s sufficiently cool not to curdle the eggs, pour the eggs in slowly, stirring rapidly. Then add salt and red and black pepper to taste, as the chowder requires an abundance of each. C. W. Rawson, Mayor. MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 10 MEMORANDA. RECIPES. 11 FISH AND OYSTERS. "Not all on books their' criticism waste The genius of a dish justly taste." Fish. The flesh of all fish out of season is unwholesome; to be eatable they should be perfectly fresh, the eyes clear, the gills red, the scales bright, the flesh firm and free from any unpleas- ant odor; and to secure the best flavor, should be cooked as soon as possible after leaving the water. They should be scaled and cleaned as soon as they come from market, washed quickly without soaking, removing the smallest atom of blood. Sprinkle salt on the inside and put them in a cool place until wanted. Planked Fish. Planks of seasoned oak or other hard wood an inch thick are fashioned for this purpose. They are of various sizes. Some have wire supports at the back that admits of standing before an open fire. To these the fish are fastened with two or three tacks and the whole set in a dripping-pan. Anew board should be used each time. Oil or butter the heated board, put the fish in place, skin side down; brush fish with oil or butter, and season with salt. Bake about 25 min., basting frequently with melted butter. Serve the fish on the plank laid on a serving- dish. Fill the spaces between the fish and edge of the board with parsley or mashed potato. To put the latter in place, use a pastry-bag and tube. Brush over the potato with beaten yolk of egg; dilute with milk and return to the oven to brown the potato. Saratoga potatoes, radishes and slices of lemon are the garnishes. Spread the fish with butter just before sending to the table. B. M. PIANTFNF * Sa P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnll I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 12 RECIPES. Baked Fish. Take a large fish, nicely cleaned, put in baking pan, and pour over it 2h c. of water, then put pepper, salt, spice to suit taste; 1 onion and § c. butter, bake 30 or 40 rain. Fish au Gratin. Sheepshead, Bed Flounder or Bed Snapper, may be used. Scald, wash, have whole and salt good all over until it falls off, then lay in baking pan. Put on fish in dabs, \ lb. butter y 3 medium size tomatoes, (sliced) also in pan 1 or 2 lemons same way, then juice of 1 lemon; 1 qt. of French canned mushrooms chopped fine, (leave liquid out) put all over fish;, also 2 doz. oysters chopped fine. Pour over all \ pt. white wine. Put in oven not too hot. Cook f of an hr. To be sure it is ready to serve pass fork into flesh at backbone, and if easily raised it is ready, and if stuoborn, cook longer. Mrs. James Osborn. Broiled Pom pa no. Salt well, butter thick, both sides like you would bread, dust with black pepper, baste while broiling with juice of 1 large lemon. When ready to serve put sliced lemon and parsley over and around the fish. Mrs. James Osborn. Deviled Crabs. Saute' \ of a c. of chopped mushroom in 3 tb. of butter 5 rain. ; sprinkle in 2 tb. of flour, and when blended add § of a c. of stock. When the mixture boils add a c. of chopped crab meat, a t. of chopped parsley, the beaten yolks of 2 eggs, and season quite high with salt and pepper. Turn the mixture into crab shells trimmed and cleaned, and sprinkle with fine bread crumbs mixed with melted butter. Bake until the crumbs are browned. Boston Cooking School. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or I Lnll I L-liL. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 13 Salmon Croquettes. Take the contents of 1 can of salmon and mince very fine, taking out all the bones, add 1 large size Irish potato, cooked soft, 1 egg, salt and pepper to taste. Shape into croquettes and roll in meal or cracker crumbs, then fry in plantene or lard to a light brown. Mrs. W. M. Brooks. Codfish Croquettes. 1 pt. mashed Irish potatoes, 2 tb. codfish, boiled and mashed, stir in 2 eggs, salt and pepper to taste, fry brown. Mrs. W. E. Wooten. Creamed Oysters. Strain oysters and liquor free from shell, and set on the fire in a saucepan for 5 min. until oysters plump up; then take them out and keep hot over steam to prevent getting hard. Stir in liquor, butter and flour together, 1 heaping tb. of flour and 1 scant tb. of butter to 1 qt. of oysters. Season with cayenne and a little lime juice, stir well and boil 10 min., then add oysters and serve. Scolloped Salmon. Shred 1 can of salmon, place in a baking dish in layers, first a layer of rolled cracker crumbs, then 1 of salmon, butter, salt and pepper, repeat until dish is nearly filled, then take 1 tb. each of butter and flour, rub to smooth paste and stir it into 1 c. boiling milk. When thoroughly cooked stir in 1 beaten egg and pour this over the dish and bake. When brown it's done. Mrs. W. E. Gannaway. Shrimp Patties. One can shrimp, 1 tb. flour, 1 tb. butter (heaping), 1 c. sweet milk, 1 tb. chopped parsley. Season with salt and Cayenne pepper. Put milk and butter together; when it boils stir in the flour dissolved in a little milk. Let cook (stirring PI ANTFNF is a P erfect substitute for either hog lard or I l_ni! I L.ML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. constantly) to a thick cream; while hot pour it over the shrimp and mix well. Put in baking-dish or ramekins. Cover with cracker-dust, brown and serve with sliced lemon. Mrs. P. L. Hilsman. Cod Fish Souffle. Soak over night \ lb. codfish, next morning drain, add it to 1 pt. mashed potatoes, 4 tbs. of hot milk and yolks of 2 eggs, mix and fold in the well beaten whites of the eggs ; put into the individual cups or a baking dish. Bake in a quick oven from 5 to 15 min. Mock Fish. Grind 1 pt. of mixed nuts, mix with them 1 pt. cold boiled hominy, \ c. of stale bread crumbs, 3 hard boiled eggs chopped fine, 1 tb. chopped parsley, 1 tb. grated onion, 1 raw egg; make this into the form of a fish, place on a greased paper, bake and bast in a quick oven for 30 min. ; while it is baking, cut into strips and slightly brown 12 almonds; when the fish is done garnish dish with parsley and quarters of lemon, stick in the brown almonds to represent fins and make an eye, useing a trifle of something at hand. Serve with hollandise sauce. Salmon Mould. 1 can of salmon, 4 eggs beaten light, 4 tb. of melted butter, (not hot) \ c. of fine bread crumbs. Season with salt^ pepper and minced parsley; chop the fish fine, rub the butter until smooth, beat the crumbs with the eggs, and season before working together. Put in a buttered bowl and steam 1 hr. This should be served with a sauce of melted butter and lemon juice. Garnish with parsley. Sauce for fleat or Fish. Place over the fire in frying pan 1 tb. lard, 1 onion cut up fine, fry until light brown, then add 1 can tomatoes, 2 tb. of browned flour, 1 t. mustard, 1 t. butter, \ cup water or stock, salt and pepper to taste. Mrs. B. H. Collier. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or rLnli I LIlL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. EECIPES. 15 Oyster Stew. To 1 qt. of oysters use \ lb. of butter. Look over the oysters and pick out any bits of shell; place in a stew-pan with the butter. In another stew-pan put 1 pt. of fresh milk. Make paste of 1 tb. of flour, the yolk of an egg, a pinch of red pepper, grated nutmeg as much as you can lay on the point of a pen- knife; thin this with a little cold milk and when the milk in the stew-pan boils up, put in ^ t. salt and gradually pour in the paste, stirring thoroughly. Have the tureen ready with J lb. of crackers or less in it. Take up the oysters as soon as they begin to curl on the edges and place in the tureen ; then pour the oyster liquor into the milk, and salt to taste. When it boils up once more, pour over oysters and serve. Mrs. W. L. Davis. To Fry Oysters. Pick over and drain the oysters, season with salt and pepper. Do not lift them with a fork, but carefully with the fingers. Beat up an egg in a saucer, add 1 tb. boiling water and \ t. salt. Dip the oysters 1 by 1, first in the bread crumbs, then in egg, then again in the crumbs, covering every part carefully, press lightly with the hands. Put a deep frying pan over the fire with enough plantene to immerse them. When hot enough put in 6 or 8 oysters at a time. When a golden brown, lay them on soft, brown paper to drain, and so continue till all are fried. Be sure to put plantene in cold pan and heat up gradually. Mrs. C. R. Newsom. Deviled Oysters. Chop 1 qt. oysters, add 1 pt. of soft bread crumbs, (more if mixture seems too soft,) 1 tb. grated onion, 1 tb. of lemon juice, \q. butter, salt and pepper to taste, also little mustard if desired. Heat over fire, then add 4 raw eggs slightly beaten, and when thoroughly mixed, turn into buttered shells or paper cases, PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or T Lnll I [.III. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 16 RECIPES. -cover with 1 c. of cracker crumbs stirred into \ c. of melted butter. Set in oven long enough to brown the crumbs well. This can be put into a baking disk if preferred, covered with the buttered crumbs and baked. , Mrs. Wm. Lockett. Oyster Cocktail. Four tb. tomato catsup, 1 tb. peppervinegar, 1 tb. Worces- tershire sauce, juice 2 lemons, 4 or 5 drops tabasco sauce; salt to taste; 1 c. oyster liquor well strained, 1 t. evaporated horse- radish. Mix the cocktail fully \ hour before serving. This is sufficient for 100 small oysters. Mrs. C. R. Newsom. Macaroni and Oysters. Cook 1 c. macaroni in boiling salt water. Put in a baking dish a layer of the macaroni, then a layer of oysters, sprinkled with a little salt, pepper and bits of butter, then layer of macaroni, then oysters until the dish is full. Make a cream sauce of 1 tb. flour, 2 tb. of butter, 1 c. milk and a pinch of salt. Cook until it thickens, then pour over the oysters and macaroni. Put in stove and bake about 20 min. A. D. Yankey. MEMORANDA. 17 18 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 19 20 MEMORANDA. RECIPES. 21 MEATS. " Some hae meat and cannae eat, And some would eat that want it; But we hae meat and we can eat So let the Lord be thanket." To Boil Ham. Wash and put to soak over night. In morning put in boiler, skin side down, and cover well with cold water. From the time it begins to boil allow 15 min. to the pound. For instance, if the ham weighs 10 lbs. , let it boil 2J hrs. When half done turn it over in the boiler. Be sure to keep well covered with boiling water. When done set the boiler off and let ham stay in the water until it gets cold. This recipe is tried and true. Sallie Steele Mcintosh. Meats and Game. In cooking meats our object is to retain the nourishment and flavor, consequently we must follow directions exactly the opposite from those of making soup. The flavor and juices of meat depend as much upon the method of cooking as upon the quality of the meat. If cold water and a moderate heat will soften the fiber and draw out the juices, boiling water or a strong, dry heat will retain them, by coagulating the albumen on the surface and to a certain depth within, thus enclosing the meat within a waterproof case or crust which neither permits the juices to flow out nor the water to penetrate within; in this way only is meat juicy and well flavored. Pot Roast. Five lb. beef roast, 1 qt. boiling water, 1 pod red pepper, 1 tb. salt. Place meat in kettle over a good fire, brown on one side, turn and brown on the other. Now, add the boiling PI ANTFNF * s a P ei "f ec t substitute for either hog lard or iLnM I L.ML. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 22 RECIPES. water, salt and pepper; cover and cook slowly 15 rnin. to every lb. After the water evaporates add no more, as there should be fat enough to finish cooking the meat. Serve with brown sauce. Mrs. L. Rawlings. Meat Croquettes. To about 1 pt. cold beef or pork, add .1 large onion, 2 cold boiled potatoes, a few crackers, small sprigs of celery. Put all through chopper, add salt, pepper, 1 egg, 1 tb. of Worcestershire Sauce, a little flour and gravy to moisten; mix all, roll in cakes and fry in hot lard. Mrs. Posey. Brunswick Stew. Four lb. lean pork, boil until tender, cut fine, put back into same water, add 1 can of tomatoes, 1 can corn, 1 slice lemon, 3 Irish potatoes, 1 pod red pepper, 1 large onion, 1 tb. tomato catsup, salt and pepper to taste, stew until thick. Mrs. James T. Grimes. A la Creole Steak. Two ozs. butter, 1 large onion chopped fine, 1 can tomatoes or 4 fresh ones, small bit of red pepper, \ t. black pepper, salt to taste ; 2 tbs. chopped parsley, a bit of garlic if the flavor is liked ; fry onions in the butter till they are a golden brown, then add the tomatoes, pepper, salt and parsley and cook slowly about 20 mins. If garlic is used, do not put in till onions are nearly done ; broil a good sirloin steak as usual and pour this sauce over it ; will serve 4 persons. Mrs. C. R. Newsom. Steak and Tomatoes. Place in frying pan 1 tb. of lard, 1 onion, let fry alight brown, place steak, after being floured, in this and fry to light brown on both sides. Then stir \ c. parched flour in a can of tomatoes (or chopped up fresh ones), and pour over steak and cover with hot water; let cook until a thick gravy is formed, season with salt and pepper. Mrs. B. H. Collier. PI ANTFNF" * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or lLr\ll I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. FOR PROMPT CAREFUL SERVICE . . CALL OIW . . W.W.RAWLINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fish and Oysters. Western and Georgia Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Head Cheese and Sausage. Office and Factory: 107 and 109 Broad St. Markets: 107 and 109 Broad St. Markets: Broad and Johnson Sts. ALBANY, - - - GEORGIA. \oii carj't deijy That your success in cooking depends very largely upon the materials you use. A good cook and inferior ingredients made a bad combination and the result of this combination is inevitable a failure. Failures are expensive. They waste alike your labor and your money, to say nothing of the aggravation they cause. Then why have failures at all when it's so easy to avoid them? Follow the receipts in this cook-book and use only the best materials and ninety-nine times out of a hundred you will succeed. To furnish these materials is our part of the programme. Our long experience in the fancy grocery business has taught us three very good lessons: What goods to buy; When to buy them, and, most important of all, what goods to let alone. We have passed the experimental stage in our business, and feel that you can rely on our judgment. Purchase your materials from us, and no matter what article you buy, you can depend upon getting the finest quality and absolute freshness. MOCK & RAWSON, South Georgia's Leading Grocers, Confectioners and Bakers, ALBANY, GEORGIA. 24 RECIPES. Mince Turnovers. Two c. flour sifted twice with 1 rounded t. baking powder and ^ as much salt, chop into it 2 tb. butter and wet with cup of sweet milk quickly and lightly. Roll into a sheet less than a J of an inch thick, and cut into squares about 6 inches across, put into middle of each square a large tb. of minced poultry, veal, ham or lamb, or a mixture of these, well seasoned, with gravy; double the paste into a triangle and enfolding the meat, pinch edges firmly to hold together and bake. They are good hot or cold. Mrs. E. H. Muse. Mint Sauce. Juice of 2 lemons, 5 scant t. of sugar, 1 tb. of salt, desired quantity of mint, cut fine. Serve with lamb roast. Mrs. Lee Dees. Beef or Mutton Souffle. Two c. cold ground meat, 6 eggs beaten separately, 1 c. milk, 2 tb. butter; put in baking-dish, cook. Serve hot. Mrs. D. F. Crossland. Heat Roll. One uncooked chicken, cut from the bone, 1 lb. round steak, 1 lb. fresh pork; grind together; 2 eggs, \ c. bread crumbs; season to taste with red and black pepper, a bit of sage and salt. Make in a roll the size of a loaf of bread; put in pan; pour over it 1 c. of boiling water; sprinkle with bread crumbs; lay strips of breakfast bacon on top when nearly done; bake 1 hr. , basting often. Mrs. George W. Brown. Baked Hash. One qt. cold cooked meat, chopped fine; 1 pt. chopped, un- cooked potatoes; 2 eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Put chopped potatoes in a stew-pan with 1 pt. of water; let them stew 5 min. ; then add the meat and enough water to make the mixture moist; stew 10 min. longer. Take from the fire; add eggs, beaten; the salt and pepper; turn in baking-dish and bake in quick oven. Mrs. L. F. Allen. PI ANTFNF * s a P er f e °t substitute for either hog lard or rLnll I L-liL. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 25- Broiled Steak. Wipe and trim a good sirloin steak; place it on a wire broiler or very hot grid-iron, turning it first on one side and then on the other, to cement juice in; then pull back on the stove, turn over once or twice; dish on a hot platter spread with butter; salt and pepper to taste and serve at once. Breakfast bacon can be broiled with steak. This gives a fine flavor, and no butter will be needed. Mrs. C. R. Newsom, Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding. Three eggs beaten separately, 1J pts. sweet milk, 8 tb. of flour, 3 t t table salt. Mix eggs and flour and milk, and beat thoroughly. Bake the beef one hour; then remove and pour the pudding in same pan. Bake, cut in squares. Serve with the beef. Mrs. Lee Dees. Jumbelli. Take the scraps left on a ham bone, mince fine, season well with black pepper and thyme. Boil a c. of rice until nearly done, add the ham and seasoning. Cook until done. W. H. B. To Fry Ham. Sprinkle a little sugar over slices the night before, and fry in very little hot lard or plantene. R. N. Delicious Steak. Select a sirloin steak an inch thick; trim wash and wipe dry; beat lightly on both sides. Have ready your pan, in which have 3 or 4 tb. of melted butter and lard. When hot put the steak in a piece at a time, rather than crowd it; brown, but do notcrisp- turn on a hot dish and sprinkle with salt, and cover. Make a gravy by stirring in a pinch of salt 1 tb. of flour and sweet milk or water, and cook to the consistency of cream, stirring con- stantly. This steak, if properly cooked, is sweet and juicy. Mrs. H. A. Floyed. PI AIMTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or ri_f\M I Lllu butter; use "about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 2b RECIPES. Hot Tamales. Three lb. choice beef, 1 lb. pork, boiled tender; 6 large pods Chili pepper, (remove seed and boil until soft) 2 pods garlic, ^ t. cammenie seed, £ t. Mexican sage, 1 t. black pepper, 2 tb. salt, 1 c. lard. Grind all together. ^ gal. country meal, 1 tb. salt, 1 c. of lard; mix with cold water to thickness of paste, spread a heaping t. of this on shuck, then put in ground meat, roll. Put in dinner pot and cover with cold water; cook 45 min. over slow fire. To prepare shucks cut ends off and scald. Maggie. To Roast a Turkey. Make a dough of 1 qt. of flour, a pinch of salt; mix with water. Kill turkey the day before, and salt. Place turkey in baking-pan half full of water; roll out the dough and cover the turkey with the dough, being careful to tuck under all around, and bake 3 hrs. Mrs. J. T. Cooper. Brain Patties. For 12 patties put 2 sets of brains and 1 can of mushrooms; boil the brains done. Take off and put in clear water and lemon juice. Chop fine mushrooms and brains together, add 1 tb. of butter, \ c. of cream, add pepper, white and red to taste, 1 t. finely chopped parsley, a grating of nutmeg, put in a ramekin. Grate bread crumbs on top and brown in oven. Serve hot. Mrs. Anna Taylor. Turkey Croquettes. To 1 pt. of minced turkey add \ c. of bread crumbs, 2 eggs and sufficient gravy to moisten all. Season to taste and mix well. Flour the hands and make into croquettes. Dip in beaten egg; then into bread crumbs, and fry a delicate brown. Mrs. W. I. Cherry. PI ANTFNF ^ s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or iLnli I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of x 'Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 27 Creamed Chicken. Four and half c. chicken boiled and chopped, f pt. stock, \ pt. cream, 1^ tb. butter, \\ tb. flour, \ c. milk. Season lightly the stock and when boiling add flour dissolved in milk, add butter, stir and cook until thick; add cream and cook just a few minutes, then put in chicken. When taken from fire add lemon juice to taste. Mrs. C. R. Davis. Chicken Loaf. One large chicken put on to boil. When about half done season with salt, pepper and tb. celery seed. When cold grind separately white and dark meat. Dissolve 1 tb. knox gelatine in 1 c. of stock; when well dissolved add another c. of stock. Make dressing of 1 bottle Durkee's salad dressing, \ c. vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard and juice of \ lemon. Season well to taste, then mix part of gelatine with chicken, using the remaining gelatine to pour over each layer of white and dark meat. Set on ice. Serve with mayonaise dressing. Mrs. C. R. Davis. Chicken Souffle. One pt. cold chopped chicken, 2 rounding tb. flour, \ pt. milk, 1 tb. butter, 4 eggs (yolks), 1 ssp. salt, pepper and celery seed. Put milk in sauce-pan, stir in flour, cook slowly until it forms a smooth paste; add butter and team over yolks well beaten; add chicken and seasoning. Serve hot. Mrs. D. F. Crossland. Cream Chicken. Four lbs. chicken, 1 can mushrooms, 4 sweetbreads, 1 pt. cream, 4 tb. butter (large), 5 tb. flour (even), 1 small onion. Cook chicken and sweetbreads, then cut up in dice; in a sauce pan put flour and butter stirring smooth, then pour in the PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLfMl I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 28 RECIPES. beaten cream, cook and stir until it thickens; grate onion and add to this mixture a little pepper, pour all into baking dish; add mushrooms cut in small pieces, cover with grated bread crumbs; on top add small bits of butter; bake 20 min. Mrs. Y. C. Rust. Chicken Croquettes. Take 1 4-lb. chicken, dress it, and boil till tender. While this is cooking prepare a set of sweetbreads by trimming off all fat and pipes. Wash well in cold water, soak 15 min., drain, cover with boiling water, add t. of salt, stand over a very- moderate fire for 20 min. When done throw them into cold water and remove fibrous skin from outside. Chop fine with silver knife. When chicken is done remove skin and bone; chop the meat very fine, then mix it with the sweetbreads, and to every pt. of this meat allow ^ pt. milk or cream, 1 large tb. butter, 2 large tb. Queen of Pantry flour, 1 large tb. parsley, 1 1. onion juice, 1 t. salt, Jt. nutmeg, cayenne pepper to taste. Now, put milk on to boil; rub butter and flour to a smooth paste and stir into boiling milk; stir continually until very thick; take from fire and add meat, and beat until thoroughly mixed; add seasoning; taste to see if enough salt and pepper; then turn on large plate to cool. When cold and hard, form into cone-shaped croquettes; dip first in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs. Now, put sufficient plantene in cold pan and heat up gradually. When hot enough, lay in croquettes and fry light brown; serve with a sprig of parsley on top of each. To warm over, place them on soft paper and stand them in the stove for a few moments. Cold roast chicken or turkey may be made into croquettes; you may use calf brains instead of sweet- breads, prepared in the same way. When the family is small, the white meat of the chicken may be used for salad, the dark for croquettes. With a pair of sweetbreads, a 4-lb. chicken will make a qt. of nice soup, 9 croquettes and 1J pts. of chicken PI ANTFNF * 8 a P er ^" ect substitute for either hog lard or rLMIl I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of ' 'Plantene' ' as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 29 salad ; using all the meat, you make 12 croquettes. Left-over fish may be made into croquettes by this receipt, leaving out sweetbreads. Mrs. C. R. N. Chicken Cutlets. These can be made from cold roast chicken, but better from boiled chicken. Use mostly white meat, chop fine and season with salt, pepper and a little celery salt. Break an egg into the chicken and stir it throughly; make a white sauce with some of the liquor the chicken was boiled in and add a little cream or butter and stir in flour enough to make it consistency of cream; put a little butter in the pan and fry these cutlets only just enough to have them a very light brown; serve on a hot platter and pour sauce over them. Mrs. J. W. Joiner, Sr. Roast Duck. Parboil, then fill the body with a dressing made of bread crumbs and \ c. of chopped walnut meats, season with salt, pepper and a small onion. Like all baked fowls it should be often basted. Mrs. S. Weldon. Roasted Partridges. Dress and draw to be stuffed; salt them; make stuffing of \ bread crumbs and \ English walnuts; put 1 c. of water in roaster; place in birds with lump of butter on each; season highly, and when half done, add 1 tb. of sherry wine to each bird; pour gravy over when served. Mrs. Billups Phinizy. Birds. Put in covered steam roaster with 1 c. of water and a little lump of butter to each bird. When half done, salt them; then pour over 1 c. port wine, 1 tb. Worcester sauce and juice of 1 lemon; drain the water from 1 can of mushrooms, chop and put over birds when serving. Pour over gravy. Mrs. Billups Phinizy. PI ANTFNF is a P erfect substitute for either hog lard or I LnM I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 30 RECIPES. Broiled Partridges. Grease a spider thoroughly, salt birds and season with pepper, place them in cold spider, cover and weight, cook until brown, add water gradually until they are tender, season with Worces- tershire sauce. Mrs. H. T. McIntosh. Cranberry Sauce. One qt. cranberries, 1 qt. sugar, 1 pt. cold water; mash berries and put in a sauce-pan with sugar, pour over \ pt. of the water, and when this cooks down add another ^ until the pt. of water is used. Do not stir. These will look like conserve fruit. Mrs. J. B. S. Holmes. Cranberry Molds. To 1 qt. of cranberries that have been picked over and washed, add 2 c. of sugar and 1 c. of water, cover and stew until tender, then strain through a sieve, return the pulp to the saucepan and boil for 10 mins. Fill the molds with cold water and when they have become thoroughly chilled throw out the water, fill with the cranberries and set in a cool place until firm. Mrs. W. I. Cherry. List of Vegetables to serve with Meat. Not more than 1 or 2 varieties of vegetables should accompany a course. With roast beef, the favorite methods of serving potatoes are Franconico or baked with the beef, escalloped, mashed — or mashed and browned. Other vegetables that may accompany the roast are cauliflower, brussels sprouts, new beets, beet greens, spinach, salsify, tomatoes, onions, squash, white turnips, green corn, peas, beans and rice, hominy, javina or macaroni. Beefsteak, mutton or lamb chops, are accompanied by sweet or white potatoes in any form, freshly cooked or warmed over, or any of the vegetables served with the roast beef. Asparagus is often served with meat, but it is more appropriately served as a course by itself. PI ANTFNF ^ sa P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or rLnlN I LllL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 31 With stewed or braised beef, potatoes, turnips, parsnips, carrots, tomatoes, peas, beans or vegetables a-la-jardiniere are served. With corn beef serve boiled potatoes (sweet or white); turnips, cabbage, beets, carrots, beet tops, spinach, dandelions, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and parsnips. Boiled mutton or lamb may be accompanied by boiled pota- toes, turnips, salsify, onions, carrots, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, spinach or green beans. Roast mutton nails for same vegetables as roast beef and also red current jelly. With roast lamb serve potatoes, green peas, beans, spinach, summer squash, white turnips and asparagus, if this be not desired as a separate course. With veal, roast or braised, choose white turnips, spinach, beet tops, young beets, peas, beans, dandelions' or escalloped cabbage. Roast pork calls for potatoes (white or sweet), squash, onions, turnips, parsnips, spinach, salsify or cauliflower and apple sauce. With poultry, roasted or boiled, serve potatoes (white or sweet), turnips, celery (cooked or uncooked), onions, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, squash, mushrooms, green corn, peas, bean^, rice and cranberry sauce. Asparagus accompanies broiled spring chicken. With game, the vegetables are usually prepared in a some- what elaborate manner. The vegetable considered the vegetable par excellence is celery, Avhich may be served plain, stewed in- cream sauce or as a salad, cauliflower au gratin, spinach a-la- cream or peas. Olives or black currant jelly are passed with the duck; currant jelly with venison, and fried hominy with goose and duck. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or I Lnll I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 32 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 33 34 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 35 36 RECIPES. VEGETABLES. "Fruits, vegetables and doctors do not thrive together. " Vegetables. All vegetables should be used when as fresh as possible. Wash and let them lie in cold water till ready to use. Young green vegetables should be cooked in boiling salted water. Onions, if boiled in pure, soft water, are almost tasteless, and all the after salting cannot restore to them the sweet, saline taste, and the strong aroma which they possess when boiled in salted water. Strong flavored vegetables, like turnips, cabbage, and greens, should be put on in a large quantity of water. More delicate ones, such as green peas, asparagus, etc. , require less water. The cooking of potatoes is indeed an art ! They are dressed in some way in almost every family every day. The nutritious part of the potato lies near the skin; if pared at all, should be veiy thin. They are best cooked in the jacket, either boiled or baked. When boiled, they should be put on in just boiling water enough to cover them, without salt, and boil slowly, till nearly done, then throw in a c. of cold water; it will chill the surface, and the potatoes will be mealy throughout. When done drain off every drop of water and sprinkle with salt; leave off top and shake occasionally, and expose every side to the air. Remove skins and serve immediately in uncovered dish with butter, pepper and salt. Potatoes are more wholesome baked than boiled. If the shell of a baked potato is broken open, but not pulled apart, and put in a warm place, they will be as nice as when served right from the oven. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnM I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 37 Stuffed Cabbage. Use a head of white cabbage; remove carefully ^ doz. of the outer leaves, cut a good sized circle in the top with a sharp knife; reserve a few pieces cut off the top, and then remove the inside of the cabbage, leaving only a frame; be very careful not to cut into it, or the dressing will escape. Now, put the frame in salted water and boil 10 min. ; chop the inside of the cabbage into small bits; put in cold water and boil until tender; soak -§■ of a loaf of bread in cold water; squeeze out all the water; add £lb. of pork; put on a fryer with 2 tb. butter; when hot, put in the soaked bread and cooked cabbage; fry until it leaves the side of the fryer; remove to a bowl; season with salt, pepper and ginger. Add 2 eggs, mix well, fill in the cabbage; put on the top, tie the outside leaves around and bake. Mbs. B. S. Stuffed Tomatoes. Cut a slice from the stem ends of the tomatoes, scoop out the seeds and a portion of the hard centers; to each 6 good sized tomatoes allow a pt. bread crumbs, a tb. chopped parsley, a tb. of grated onion, a level t. of salt, a ssp. of pepper and 2 tb. of melted butter; mix, stuff this in the tomatoes, heaping it slightly, stand them in baking pan, add ^ cup water and bake in slow oven f hr., basting once or twice with little melted butter. R. N. Dried Peas. One pt. peas, picked over and soaked in water from 1 to 2 hrs. ; drain and cover with cold water and boil until tender. In another vessel boil a small piece of salt pork ; when the peas are thoroughly done, drain off all water and pour them into the vessel with the meat, adding more hot water, if necessary; boil about 30 min. longer and they are ready to serve. R. N. PI ANTFNF ^ sa P er ^ ectr substitute for either hog lard or iLnli I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity ol "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 38 RECIPES. To Boil Green Corn. Take young, tender ears of corn, have ready a kettle of boil- ing salted water; drop in the corn, and boil 8 to 10 min. — no longer; drain off all water and with a sharp knife score each row of grains down the center; spread with salt, pepper and butter, and serve hot. R. N. Boston Baked Beans. One pt. navy beans, soak over night and parboil until skins break. Put beans in an earthen bean pot and add f t. mustard, 1 t. salt and 2 tb. syrup; lay a piece of fat bacon on the top and cover with water. Place in the oven and cook from 8 to 10 hr., adding a little water every hr. except the last. Do not stir. Mrs. S. J. Jones. Vegetable Pudding. Boil a firm white cabbage 15 mins. , changing water; when tender remove, drain, let cool, chop fine, add 2 beaten eggs, 1 tb. butter, 3 tb. rich milk or cream, pepper and salt; stir all well together; bake in a buttered pudding dish until brown; serve hot. This dish is easily digested, palatable and tasts much like cauliflower. Mary Patteson. Corn Pudding. Take 1 pt. green corn grated, h c. butter, 4 eggs, 1 c. sweet milk, 1 heaping tb. flour, salt and pepper to taste; mix corn, beaten eggs, melted butter, salt and pepper, then add milk and flour; this should be right thin; bake in moderate oven. Mrs. Mollie Whitaker, Oswichee, Ala. Green Peas. Melt a large piece of butter, add peas and stir in the hot butter several min. until they are thoroughly heated through; then add sufficient boiling water to finish the cooking. When tender, add milk, and season with salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar. F. A. T. PI AIMTFiMF * 8 a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or iLrMl I LiiL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 39 Stuffed Belle Peppers. Take equal parts of cold chicken and bread crumbs, mix well with tomato catsup; core the peppers and stuff with same; place in pan with a little water and bake. Mrs. Lee Dees. Potato Croquettes. Two c. cold potatoes mashed free from lumps, 2 eggs beaten light, 1 tb. melted butter, salt and pepper; mix well and form into croquettes, dip in beaten egg then in cracker crumbs and fry in hot lard or plantene. Mrs. Y. C. Rust. Sweet Potato Pancakes. One pt. mashed sweet potatoes, 1 pt. graham flour, 1 pt. sour milk, 2 eggs, 1 t. soda, 1 t. salt; beat all together 10 min. and bake on hot griddle. Mrs. Charles R. Johnson. Green Corn Griddle Cakes. Corn from 4 ears of green corn, one beaten egg, 2 tb. flour, 2 tb. of cream ; season with salt and pepper. Fry as griddle cakes. Mks - j - Ewing. Fried Egg Plant. Slice thin and soak in salt water 1 hr. Press and wipe dry, meal and fry in plantene or lard until crisp and brown. Mrs. J. M. Morton. South Carolina Rice. One pt. of rice, 1 pt. cold water, 1 t. salt; wash well, usually in 3 waters, place in pot and cover with the water, salt; set on warm part of the stove and let swell for 1 hr. or until dried out. Stir with a coarse fork. El- Cheese Fondue. Put into a small sauce pan 1 tb. of butter, 1 tb. of Queen of Pantry flour, stir over the fire till they bubble; then add a gill of milk or cream ; this now makes a very thick white sauce, which you must stir well to prevent burning. When Dl AIMTPNF is a perfect substitute for either hog lard or I LAIN I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 40 RECIPES. smooth stir into it 3 oz. of finely grated cheese, a scant ssp. of salt, a dash of cayenne, turn it into a bowl and stir into it the beaten yolks of 2 eggs thoroughly. Whisk the whites of 3 eggs solid, stir them in gently the last thing. Butter the dish or paper case, in which you intend to bake it, which the fondue must just half fill. Bake in a quick oven a golden brown and serve at once. Mrs. L. E. Cartledge, Midway, Ala. Cheese Straws. This is an excellent recipe. Three tb. of flour, 3 tb. of grated cheese, 1 tb. of butter, 1 tb. milk, h ssp. of salt, £ ssp. of pepper, 1 egg (yolk only). Mix the dry ingredients and add the milk, the egg and the butter. Mix all well with a spoon, and when the dough is smooth, divide into 2 parts; roll these very thin, cut in strips, bake in slow oven 15 min. May be served cold or hot, piled on a plate, log-cabin style. Mrs. W. M. Brooks. Cheese Croquettes. One and ^ c. grated cheese, 1 tb. sifted flour, the whites of 3 eggs beaten dry, salt and cayenne pepper to taste. Shape the mixture into small balls, roll in sifted cracker crumbs and fry in deep fat to a delicate straw color. Drain on soft paper and serve at once. Mrs. P. L. Hilsman. Cheese Patties. Bake shells of rich pastry; \ lb. grated cheese, 1 egg, 1 t. flour, \ t. mustard, dash of cayenne pepper, 1 t. salt. Put this in a pan on the stove and add 1 pt. of boiling milk, stir until smooth and thick. Take from the stove and stir in 1 tb. butter; fill pastry shells and brown in oven and serve imme- diately. A. L. D PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or lLr\M I LliL. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 41 Cheese Balls. One lb. of fresh grated cream cheese, £ c. of chopped pecans, \ t. of salt, pinch of red pepper. Soften the ingredients with olive oil or mayonnaise; then mold and roll in parsley, chipped fine. Serve on lettuce leaf. Mrs. N. L. Ragan. Macaroni. Wash \ lb. of macaroni, boil it in plenty of water until tender; lay in a shallow earthern dish a layer of the macaroni, (the pieces should be broken the same size) one of grated cheese and salt to taste. Lay over slices of butter, cover with sweet milk or cream. Bake in a moderate oven 10 or 15 min. Serve hot. Miss Sallie E. Billingslea. Cheese Souffle. Grate 6 oz. of cheese, put into a sauce-pan, add 1 t. salt, \ t. dry mustard, \ t. cayenne pepper; rub 2 oz. butter into 2 tb. of flour; add to the mixture, then pour slowly into this a gill of sweet milk. Put the sauce-pan on the fire, stir contents slowly to a thick, rich cream, being careful not to boil. Re- move from fire and add well-beaten yolks of 6 eggs; last of all, the 6 whites whipped stiff; stir in lightly. Pour the mixture into a pudding-dish and bake in a moderate oven 20 min. Serve quickly. Catherine Robert. Italian Spaghetti. Boil 1 pt. of macaroni in salt water 1 hr. , at the same time put 1 qt. of chicken or beef stock with \ small can of tomatoes, 3 slices of small onion, salt and red pepper, 1 tb. of butter; let cook down to 1 pt. ; put the macaroni in a baking dish, and pour the stock over it, not quite covering it. Grate cheese over the top and bake. Serve quickly. Mrs. J. W. Walters. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or rLnli I L. \\ L. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 42 RECIPES. Johanese Eggs. Put 6 eggs in warm water, bring to a boiling point and boil slowly 15 min. Boil 1 cup of rice, drain and dry in tbe oven. Cut eggs in J crosswise, take out yolk and mash in with them 2 sardines, add pepper, salt and 1 tb. of melted butter, roll into balls and put back into whites; turn rice into center of platter, smooth it over, stand the eggs into the rice and pour over ^ pt. of carefully made white sauce. Garnish dish and send at once to the table. "Deviled Eggs." Cut in too, crosswise, 1 doz. hard boiled eggs. Remo.ve the yolks carefully, mash them very fine and season sparely with mustard, vinegar, salt, pepper and a tb. melted butter. Chicken, minced very fine, may be added, if desired. Be sure that the mixture is sufficiently moist, and that it is not "lumpy." Fill the spaces in the whites of the eggs with the spiced yolks; smooth it even on top. Sprinkle with chopped celery and serve cold. Mrs. J. W. Joiner, Sr. Egg Vermicelli. Three hard-cooked eggs, \ t. salt, a few grains of pepper, 4 or 5 slices of toast, 1 c. white sauce. Cook eggs and make white sauce. Separate yolks from whites; chop whites fine and add them to white sauce. Arrange toast on a hot platter, and cover with the sauce. Press the yolks through a coarse strainer over the white sauce. Cover and place in a moderate oven 5 min., and serve hot. The dish may be garnished with "toast points," made by cutting slices of toast into pieces about \\ inches square, and dividing each square diagonally. Miss Nannie E. Fields. PI ANTFNF * 8 a P e rf e °t substitute for either hog lard or iLnM I LitL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 43 White Sauce for Egg Vermicelli. Two c. milk, 2 tb. butter, 2 tb. flour, |- t. salt; melt butter, cook until it bubbles; add flour and allow this to cool. Add milk cold, to this mixture, and heat to boiling point, stirring rapidly all the time. Boil until it thickens. Add salt and pepper if desired. Miss Nannie E. Fields. Egg Omelet. Eight eggs, beat whites until quite stiff; beat yolks very light, adding 1 tb. of sweet milk for each egg. Mix yolks and whites by lightly stirring, seeking rather to suspend the yolks in the whites than to mix. Have the utensil hot enough to make the butter, with which it is greased, just bubble. Turn in the omelet, allow it to simmer on the range till it rises, then put in the oven and bake a delicate brown. This is an extremely dainty dish. Mrs. C. R. Newsom. Spanish Omelet. Mix 6 peeled and sliced tomatoes or 1 can, with 3 chopped green bell peppers from which the seeds have been taken, ^ onion, some parsley and cook to a paste. Fold into a plain omelette, with 1 can of mushrooms. Garnish with parsley and serve. Mrs. J. W. Walters. 44 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 45 46 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 47 48 RECIPES. BREAD. "Truly, bread is the staff of life." Hints on Bread Making. Good bread should have first place on our table every day in the year. Three things are essential to good bread, viz: Good flour, good yeast and judicious baking, of course, might be added, experience, without which none of the domestic arts can be carried on successfully. One pint of liquid should be used with every loaf of bread. The excellency of bread depends much upon the thoroughness of its kneading. Kneading renders the gluten so elastic that it is capable of expanding to twice its bulk without breaking or cracking. Always give bread plenty of time to expand, but be careful that it does not fall, as it is then sour and nothing can be added to restore its original sweetness. As soon as bread is done remove it from the oven, tip it on the bread board so that the air can circulate around it. Do not cover if you like a sweet, crisp crust. When perfectly cold put it in a clean tin bread box without any wrapping, as cloth absorbs the moisture and soon sours and mould, destroying the flavor of the bread. To test oven, if one can hold the hand in the oven to count 20 it is right, or throw a little flour on the floor of the oven, if it browns quickly, it is right. Hot bread, or hot cake, .should always be cut with a hot knife. If so cut it will not become clammy. Quick Yeast. One c. fresh milk, boiled, 2 tb. meal, 1 pinch salt, set in a warm place until morning, then add 1 pt. of warm water. Make a batter by adding flour, set in a warm place to rise. When risen make bread in the usual way. J. B. S. PI AIMTFNF * 8 a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or rLnll I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 49 Carolina Biscuit. Two c. of flour, 2 t. baking powder, 1 tb. lard, 1 egg, 2 tb. cream, pinch of salt, and milk to soften. Mix well and roll out, then cut and bake. Mrs. Joe Sparks. Tested Light Bread. One yeast cake, 2 c. water, 1 c. buttermilk, 1 tb. sugar, § c. of lard, flour to make a stiff dough; mix and let stand over night. Next morning knead and let rise again; then knead again. When risen double its size, bake. Mrs. G. A. Mangham. Yeast Cake. Take 1 qt. of good, fresh clabber; put it in a pan and let it scald until it begins to crack. Stir in good, fresh corn meal to the consistency of mush; set off and let cool; dissolve in a little water 2 yeast cakes, stir in meal sufficient to make stiff dough. Do this early in the morning, and in the evening stir in more meal. Make out in cakes, and dry in the shade. Mrs. G. A. Mangham. Milk Yeast Light Bread. At night take § c. of fresh sweet milk, bring to a boil and pour over 3 tb. of corn meal; mix well and set in warm place to rise. Next morning take 2 c. fresh sweet milk, bring to a boil, add water to reduce temperature to blood heat, add 1 tb. ■each salt and sugar; then the c. of yeast and enough flour to make a stiff batter. Beat well and set in a warm place for 2 hrs. until it rises, then add 1 c. warm water, 1 heaping tb. lard and enough flour to make a stiff dough. Set in a warm place to rise again. Bake in slow oven 1 hr. Mrs. Lee Dees. Graham Biscuit. One-half pt. white flour, ^ pt. graham flour, 1 t. sugar, ^ t. soda, |- t. yeast powders, a little lard and salt. Make up with milk and bake as biscuit. J. B. S. PI A NT FN F * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or rLnll I LI'L butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. ^S*^***'''**** WAGGONER GATES MILLING C QUCEN Or THC PANTRY WITHOUT A RIVAL For Sale by W. C. BRADLEY CO., COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. EUFAULA GROCERY CO., EUFAULA, ALA. RECIPES. 51 Beaten Biscuit. To 1 qt. of Queen of Pantry flour add 1 tb. of lard or plantene and h t. of salt. Mix well, using sweet milk or cold water, to form a dough as stiff as can be handled; then pound until dough pops and blisters, and becomes soft and pliable. Mrs. C. R. Newsom. Baking Powders. One lb. of best quality of cream of tartar, ^ lb. of soda, J lb. of flour; mix together and sift 8 times. Use 2 t. to a qt. of flour. Mrs. Jordan. Beaten Biscuit. One qt. of flour, £ lb. lard, ^ t. baking powder, scant | c. sweet milk. Add ice water to make a stiff dough ; bake in a quick oven. Mrs. J. R. deGraffenried. Good Biscuit. To make these biscuit use mixed flour, 25 lb. sack, to a large size package of Horseford's powder; 1 c. fresh buttermilk, a pinch soda and salt, lard the size of an egg; mix lard in flour, gradually add the milk, handle very little. Mould biscuit as soft as you can handle the dough. Mrs. E. H. Warren. Yeast Bread. One pt. sweet milk, 1J pts. boiling water, 4 tb. sugar, 1 tb. salt, 1 compressed yeast cake, 1 generous spoon lard or plantene. Put milk, water and sugar in mixing bowl, take out J cup of it, in which dissolve yeast, being careful to have the mixture just luke warm. Now sift in the bowl enough Queen of Pantry flour to make a batter to drop from the spoon, give this a vigorous beating, then add the yeast dissolved in the | cup of liquid, beat again and set to rise in warm place until light, from 1 to 1 J hours, then add lard and salt and flour enough to make a nice, soft dough. When sufficiently kneaded, put back PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnli I L.ML. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 52 RECIPES. in the bowl and set to rise for 2 hrs., by that time it will have doubled its bulk. Form in loaves, let rise 1 hr. and bake 45 min. This will make 3 large loaves of bread. Mrs. C. R. Newsom. Sally Lunn. One pt. Queen of Pantry flour. 2 t. baking powder, i t. salt, \ c. milk, \ c. butter, beat eggs separately, add to yolks the milk, stir in slowly the flour, add the 'butter melted, then the baking powder dissolved in a little milk, lastly fold in the whites of eggs, bake in loaf, in moderate oven. Mrs. L. F. Allen. Muffins. Take \ t. soda, 2 tb. warm water, \ pt. sour milk, 2 eggs, 1 tb. melted butter, \\ c. flour; dissolve soda in warm water; add this to milk, then to beaten yolks. Stir in melted butter, and flour in which a level t. of R. B. P. has been sifted. Add whites last, and bake. Mrs. N. R. D. Cream Muffins. Three eggs, \ pt. sweet cream, \ pt. flour. Beat eggs sepa- rately; to well-beaten yolks add the cream, then sifted flour in which has been sifted 1 t. of cream tartar, then well- beaten whites in which \ t. of soda has been put. Bake in patties. Buttermilk Muffins. One egg, \ pt. buttermilk, \ t. soda, lard or butter the size of an egg, salt to taste, and flour to make a soft batter. Bake quickly. Mrs. P. E. Tucker. Corn Muffins. One pt. meal, 2 c. buttermilk, 1 egg, lard the size of pigeon egg. Stir into the milk soda until it froths; then gradually add the meal, egg and melted lard. Pour into very hot, well- greased pans and bake quickly. Mrs. W. N. Ticknor. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or T Lnll I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. EECIPES. 53 Egg Bread. One pt. sifted meal, scant pt. buttermilk, 1 egg, lard the size of a walnut, 1 t. salt. Beat together well; just before baking add a t. of soda dissolved in 2 tb. warm water. If sweet milk is used, add 2 t. of cream tartar. Mrs. L. A. Billingslea. Plain Wafers. One pt. flour, lard size of walnut rubbed into flour, 4 tb. milk, water enough to make thin batter, salt to taste. Mrs. D. H. Pope. Corn Meal Wafers. Two tb. corn meal, 2 tb. flour, 2 tb. milk, butter size of a hickory nut, water enough to make thin batter, pinch of salt. Mrs. D. H. Pope. flush Bread. One pt. sweet milk, 1 c. corn meal, 1 tb. butter, 4 eggs beaten separately. Mix milk and meal thoroughly. Cook to a thick mush, stirring all the time. Take from fire and add butter and let cool slightly; stir in yolks 1 at time, and lastly fold in the whites. Pour in baking dish and bake 30 min. Use no salt until served. Mrs. C. R. Newsom. Indian Delight. Two eggs, 1 pt. milk, J c. molasses; sift together 1 c. corn meal, 1 c. corn starch, 3 t. baking powder; add well beaten eggs, then milk, and a c. of rice freshly boiled and cool. Mix a thin batter; bake in quick oven and serve while hot. Gems. One c. milk, 2 c. flour, 1 egg, 1 tb. sugar, 1 1. lard, pinch of salt. Mix well and add 2 t. cream tartar and 1 of soda. Put in muffin pan and set on back of stove to rise before baking. R. PI ANTI-IMF * s a P er f ec t substitute for either hog lard or rLnli I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 54 RECIPES. Scones. Mix together 2 c. of Queen of Pantry flour, sifted, 1 t. baking powder, \ t. salt, rub in flour with tips of fingers, 4 level tb. of butter, add 2 well beaten eggs, \ c. cream. Toss on bread board, roll f of an inch thick, cut in squares, brush over with white of egg, sprinkle with sugar, bake in quick oven. Mrs. Allen, Ft. Mitchell, Ala. Wafers. One pt. flour, 1 pi. sweet milk, § c. melted butter and lard, 1 t. baking powder, \ t. salt. Mrs. DeGraffuireid. Waffles. Two c. flour, 2 eggs, f c. sour milk, 1 heaping tb. of butter and lard, mixed and melted; 1 scant t. Royal Baking Powder, \ t. soda, 1 scant t. salt. Sift baking powder, soda and salt in flour; beat eggs well, and milk, then flour. Last of all beat in melted butter and lard, then bake until a delicate brown in hot waffle irons; not putting in too much batter. ' Mrs. Sallie T. Mcintosh. Sponge Cornbread. One c. flour, \ c, corn meal, \ c. sugar, 1 c. sour milk, 1 tb. melted butter, \ t. soda, \ t. salt, 2 eggs beaten separately. Bake in muffin moulds. Beaten Biscuit. One pt. flour, 2 rounding tb. lard, \ t. salt, mix with ice water, make stiff dough, beat 30 min. Sarah Pattison. Waffles. One pt. butter milk, 1 pt. Queen of Pantry flour, 1 egg. 1 t. salt, 1 t. soda, 5 tb. lard or butter; sift flour in bowl, make well in center. Break in the egg, pour in milk and salt; beat all until smooth and well mixed, then add lard. Just before cooking stir in soda very gently. Mrs. C. R. Newsom. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or i Lnli I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 55 Egg Biscuit. Two c. of Queen of Pantry flour, 2 t. baking powder, 1 t. salt, 3 tb. of melted butter, 2 eggs well beaten, 1 c. sweet milk; beat eggs light, then add milk and beat again; add salt, then the melted butter. Sift powder in flour, and make soft dough. Cut in any shape and bake quickly. Mrs. Allen. Souffle — A Nice Breakfast Dish. One c. sweet milk, 2 c. butter milk, 3 or 4 eggs, 4 tb. sifted corn meal, -| t. soda, J t. salt. Beat eggs together until very light; then add meal, milk, salt and lastly soda. Bake imme- diately. Corn Muffins. One tb. of lard, 1 tb. of sugar, 2 or 3 eggs, 2 c. milk, 2 c. corn meal, 2 tb. yeast powder, | t. salt. Beat the lard and sugar together; add eggs, well-beaten; milk and salt; then stir in meal and powder well mixed. Bake in gem pans 20 min. Mary Hyman Mallett. Southern Beaten Biscuit. One-half lb. flour, J lb. lard, 1 oz. sweet milk, 1 1. salt, and just as much soda as you can take up between thumb and forefinger; rub lard in flour lightly with tips of fingeis; add milk that is very cold, salt and soda in flour. Run through biscuit machine until dough blisters freely and pops loudly; roll out evenly and cut; stick and bake in moderate oven until perfectly done. J. W. W. Salad. To make a perfect salad, there should be a spendthrift for oil, a miser for vinegar, a wise man for salt and a madcap to stir the ingredients up and mix them well together. Mayonnaise dressing should be used for fish, meats, and some vegetables, such as cauliflower, tomatoes and celery; but the simple French PI ANTFNF* * s a perfect substitute for either hog lard or iLn!i I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 56 EECIPES. dressing for lettuce, served as a salad, after a hearty meal, is best. In preparing these dressings, use a silver or wooden fork and a large soup plate, very cold. Never beat, but stir one way continually. Chicken Salad. Take a very fat hen and after dressing it let it stand for 24 hrs. Then unjoint it and break the bones. Season the mass well with salt, black pepper and a little red pepper and put to cook in a vessel that has a tight fitting cover. Let it cook slowly for 6 or 8 hrs. Put no water to it, it will make its own essence, and from time to time during the process of cooking pour the essence into a bowl and keep to return to chicken when salad is made. All the meat can be used in the salad. Strip the meat from bones and cut in squares J in. thick; have 8 hard boiled eggs mashed and mix with meat; also, \ t. of English mustard. Then take celery that has been on ice and cut up in blocks like the meat, half as much celery as you have eggs and meat; lastly add juice of 3 lemons and mayonnaise to taste. Place on ice until ready to serve. Mrs. L. C. Johnson, Macon, Ga. Russian Salad. (Better known as Herring Salad.) Soak 3 Milchner herring 24 hr. , then, remove the skin and all the bones, laying aside the roe. Cut the herring into small squares, to them add 2 apples, 2 Dill pickles, 1 small bunch of celery, \ lb. of Switzer cheese, 1 lb. of cold roast beef, that has been well seasoned in cooking, 1 lb. of cold roast pork, (this is all to be cut into small pieces, the same as the herring) \ c. of capers, 1 heaping tb. of sugar, 1 t. of black pepper, 3 tb. of mixed mustard, 1 onion, good size, chopped very fine, and the yellow peel of 1 lemon, cut into very small pieces. Pour over the salad the following dressing: Put the roe, from the herring, into a small bowl and mash with a fork PI AIMTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnll I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. EECIPES. 57 until well creamed, and all strings are removed. Add to this, very slowly, the juice of 2 lemons., J c. of vinegar, and 1 c. of oil; stir well until thoroughly mixed, pour over salad, place in covered dish and let stand in a cool place for at least 24 hr. before serving. Salad a la Jardin. To 1 pt. of ground boiled chicken, add equal parts of asparagus tips, French peas, chopped celery. Dry the peas and asparagus on a napkin, before mixing pour over the dressing. Mrs. Anna Taylor. Dressing for Salad. Yolks of 4 eggs, 2 tb. of vinegar, 2 tb. oil, 1 tb. of butter. Boil over water until thick like custard. When cool, add pepper, It. mustard, ^ pt. of whipped cream, the juice of 1 lemon, 1 t. of sugar. Mrs. Anna Taylor. Potato Salad. Two cold potatoes, cut into cubes, and dress with the following mixture: 2 tb. best salad oil, ^ tb. sugar, A- tb. pepper, ^ t. prepared mustard, pinch of salt, a little extract of onion, and (if liked) ^ t. celery salt. Rub to a smooth paste, then whip in (1 t. at a time) 5 tb. of vinegar. Pour over the potatoes, arrange for individual service and garnish with cress- Prize Celery and Apple Salad. Take equal parts of crisp celery cut into lengths and tart apples scooped from the skin and chopped rather fine; both should be chilled thoroughly before mixing. At serving time sprinkle lightly with salt and toss them together. For the Dressing. Use French dressing or the following ma} 7 onnaise: Put the yolks of 2 raw eggs into a cold soup plate; add 1 ssp. of salt, and stir for a min . ; then add, drop by drop, 8 tb. of olive oil, a PI AIMTFNF * sa P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnli I LllL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 58 RECIPES. dash of cayenne pepper and 1^ tb. of lemon juice very gradually. At the last moment stir in J pt. of cream whipped to a stiff froth. Mix lightly with the celery and apples and serve in red apple shells. Mrs. W. P. M. Oyster Salad. Half gal. oysters, ^ gal. celery, 5 eggs, 2 tb. butter, 2 t. salt, 2 t. black pepper, 2 t. made mustard, 1 c. vinegar, 2 cucumbers pickled. Wash celery (cut in dice), drain liquor from oysters, put vinegar over fire and when hot put in oysters, and when plump (not cooked) place in cold water, drain and set in cool place. Dressing: Rub salt, pepper and mustard with hard boiled yolks of 4 eggs until smooth, add a few drops of melted butter at a time, add the well beaten yolk of the raw egg, then vinegar by the spoonful. Set aside. Mix oysters, celery and minced pickle, tossing up with a silver fork; salt to taste; pour dressing over. A. N. Jackson. Nut Salad. Two apples cut in small pieces, 1 tb. minced celery, li tb. whipped cream, 2 tb. Durkee's Salad Dressing, h lb. pecan meats. Leave out some halves of the nuts to decorate the top with, whip the cream and dressing together, mix nuts, and apples and pour over them the dressing., Serve on lettuce leaves. This will serve 5 persons. Mrs. Chas. R. Johnson. Salmon Loaf. — (Salad.) One measure of cooked mayonnaise, 1 tb. celery seed, 1 can of salmon, 1 tb. gelatine, dissolved in a little water. Stir all together, turn in mould, set on ice until congealed. It can then be served with any preferred mayonnaise. Cooked Mayonnaise. Yolk of 1 egg, 1 t. each of mustard, salt and sugar, with a dash of red pepper; 1 tb. flour, \ c. vinegar, butter the size of a walnut. Place vinegar to boil. Make a paste of sugar, PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnli 1 LIlL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 59 mustard, salt, pepper, flour. Pour vinegar over these; add butter, and when it comes to a boil, again team over yolk of egg. Return to fire and cook until thick. Cool and add (if desired) \ the quantity of whipped cream. Can be served with salad. Fruit .Salad. Five oranges cut fine, 3 bananas sliced, \ lb. white grapes seeded and sliced, \ lb. English walnuts, \ can pineapple sliced, small bottle of Mareschino cherries. Spread in layers, with powdered sugar to taste. Add 2 tb. rum, 2 tb. sherry. Mrs. David Brown. Ham Salad. One lb. cold ham cut in small pieces, \ doz. small pickles chopped fine, a little chopped celery. Dress with a good salad dressing and serve in lettuce-cups. Mrs. C. H. Gray. ■ Fruit Salad. Three bananas, 2 oranges, \ lb. white grapes, 1 head of lettuce, 4 tb. of oil, 2 tb. lemon juice, salt, pepper, white mayonnaise- Peel bananas, remove coarse threads and cut in slices, peel oranges and cut in slices; skin grapes, cut in two, and remove seed; dress lettuce and each kind of fruit separately with salt, pepper, lemon juice and oil. Use more of the condiments than given if necessary. Arrange fruit on lettuce leaves, letting grapes be last; \ c. mayonnaise with \ its bulk of whipped cream. Place on ice until ready to serve. Mrs. J. W. Walters. Tomato Salad. Pare with sharp knife, slice and lay in salad bowl. Make dressing as follows: Work up ssp. each of salt, pepper and fresh made mustard with 2 tb. of salad oil (adding a few drops at a time) and when thoroughly mixed, whip in an egg (beaten). Add 4 tb. vinegar and toss up with a fork. Mrs. M. A. Jerrard. PI AIMTFNF irta P erfect substitute for either hog lard or rLnli I LnC. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 60 RECIPES. Stuffed Tomato Salad. Peel small tomatoes, cut out the hard pieces around stem ends to make tomato cups, sprinkle lightly inside with salt and pepper and fill with equal portions of celery and walnuts cut in pieces and mixed with mayonnaise dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves and garnish with curled celery. Pass mayonnaise in separate dish. Boston Cooking School. Tomato Jelly. Cook 2 cans of tomatoes until tender, then strain. Dissolve 1 box of gelatine (Knox's) in hot water; when it is cool pour in the juice of the tomatoes, seasoning with red pepper, salt and vinegar to taste. Flavor with onion juice, color with coloring to give the tomato coloring. Pour into moulds to stiffen; turn on lettuce leaf and serve with mayonnaise dressing. Cucumber Jelly. Cook cucumbers with a slice of onion until tender, in boiling water, pass cucumbers through a sieve and season to taste. To each pt. add \ oz. of gelatine softened in \ c. of cold water. Chill in a mould, cut in cubes and serve with mayonnaise or boiled dressing. Tomato Jelly. Cook 1 qt. can of tomatoes with 1 small onion until thick. Strain and add 1 box Knox's gelatine that has been soaked in 1 pt. cold water. Mix and add juice of 1 lemon, 1 heaping t. salt, pinch of cayenne pepper. Strain again and mould in small pan, so the jelly will be 1 inch thick. Slice in small squares and serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing. Salad Dressing (Without Oil.) One c. of vinegar, 2 heaping t. of sugar, 2 scant t. of mustard, 1 scant t. of salt, yolks of 3 eggs. Boil vinegar, salt sugar and mustard, teem over yolks; cook until it thickens; add 2 tb. of butter that has been chopped into small pieces. Mrs. T. H. Thomson. PI ANTFNF * 8 a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or ri_r\M I LI XL. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR "SUCCESS" SODA 1 Pound Package 5 Cents. To make your Bread, Biscuit and Cake light, sweet, nutritious and wholesome use "SUCCESS" Soda with sour milk in the correct proportions, or use one part "SUCCESS" Soda and two parts pure cream tartar. Clean your dishes and cooking utensils with "SUCCESS" Soda. It is better than soap for removing grease and dirt. "SUCCESS" Soda is fine for the bath; try it. "Nothing Succeeds Like SUCCESS." Morehouse Manufacturing Company, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Onqega ! O^ega » Ome&a ! NOT THE CHEAPEST BUT THE BEST FLOUR TO BE HAD. MILLER GROCERY COMPANY, Sole Agents, ALBANY, GEORGIA. YOU WANT TO SEE S. E. BUSH, No. 249 Broad Street. For the best Bread, Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cakes, baked fresh daily. Prompt service. 'Phone 69. Albany, Ga. 62 RECIPES. Dressing for Slaw. Put 1 c. milk in a double boiler, when it has reached the boiling point, add 1 tb. each of salt, sugar and mustard, a pinch of cayenne pepper and 3 eggs, which have been beaten together; then add \ c. vinegar and stir constantly until it is as thick as cream. Strain through a sieve. This is especially nice on salmon. Mary Hyman Mallett. Mayonnaise Dressing. The yolks of 2 eggs, 1 50-cent bottle of olive oil, 1 lemon, a pinch of salt and red pepper. Drop olive oil slowly into beaten yolks, a little lemon juice and then more oil until all is in. Add salt and pepper. Madelynn Gilbert. Cream Dressing. Two eggs (yolks), 1 t. sugar, 1 t. salt, 1 t. mustard, a pinch of cayenne pepper. Beat the yolks; add the other ingredients; mix until smooth; add 4 tb. of olive oil, \ c. of vinegar. Boil all this over water until thick like custard. When cool, add \ pt. cream (beaten stiff). This may be cooked one day and cream added the next, if desired. Mrs. S. B. Lewis. Salad Dressing. Mix together \ t. mustard, \ t. salt, a few grains cayenne pepper, 2 t. flour; stir this into yolks of 2 eggs, 2 t. butter, f- c. sweet milk, 1 t. sugar. Stir in a double boiler or in a pan of water until it begins to thicken, then add \ c. vinegar; when it is the consistency of cream, strain and let cool. May add whipped cream if you like. Salad Dressing. One even t. each of salt and mustard, 1 heaping t. sugar, 3 tb. vinegar, 2 eggs (yolks only), 1 cup cream. Stir mustard, salt and sugar to a paste with vinegar; add well beaten yolks and stir to this gradually the whipped cream. Pepper if liked. Mrs. N. R. D. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or I Lttll I Lilt, butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. MEMORANDA. 63 ■64 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 65 66 MEMORANDA. RECIPES. 67 SANDWICH SUGGESTIONS. Mexican Sandwiches. Three-fourths c. grated cheese, 3 Spanish peppers, pinch of salt, dash of cayenne pepper, 10 tb. mayonnaise dressing. Chop peppers and mix all together; slice stale bread very thin, trim off crust, cut with biscuit-cutter, spread the mixture between layers. Spanish peppers may be bought canned. Mayonnaise dressing for above: f c. vinegar put on to heat, drop into this butter the size of an egg, add |- 1. salt, |- t. black pepper; beat an egg very light; mix \ t. mustard, 1 t. flour (in a little water), pour into egg, also 1 tb. milk, 1 tb. of sugar, 1 tb. of hot vinegar; mix well; return all this to the stove and cook until it thickens, stirring all the while. A. Peanut Sandwiches. One pt. of peanuts, well chopped ; mix this with a cooked mayonnaise dressing, spread between thin slices of bread or snow flake crackers. Mrs. S.J. W. Livingston. Sardines. Split sardines, take out backbone, leave in the oil. Season with chopped pickle, lemon and tobasco. Cheese and Nuts. Chop fine \ c. pecans, melt \ c. good cheese, mix thoroughly with nuts; add \ t. pepper and salt to taste. Egg Sandwich. Boil 6 eggs till hard. When cold chop fine; 1 medium sized onion chopped fine; moisten thoroughly with salad dressing: salt and pepper to taste. Spread thin slices of bread with butter, then with the egg mixture and put together with lettuce leaves. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or rLnli I L.ML. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of ether. Observe directions on can. 68 RECIPES. Salted Almonds. Blanch the almonds by putting the meats in boiling water, let stand a few moments; remove the hulls and dry the nuts. Put about a teaspoonful of butter in a long, flat tin, and when it melts put in the nuts. Sprinkle a little salt over them, and let them brown, stirring often. Be careful not to let them brown too much. Take them off, put on a paper to absorb the fat, and sprinkle well with salt. Mrs. J. W. Joiner, Sr. DESSERTS. "An please your honor, quoth the peasant, This same dessert is ver)' pleasant." Maple Bisque. Yolks of 4 eggs, well beaten, add to this 1 large c. of maple syrup; put over fire, stirring all the while. Let it just come to a boil, then strain through a fine sieve and put to cool. It is well to boil the syrup several hours before wanted, or do it the night before. Whip 1 pt. of thick cream until stiff; beat the whites of the 4 eggs until stiff, then add this to the cream; then with a spoon beat the maple syrup until very light, then mix with the cream and whites. Put into a mould, with buttered paper on top, then the cover. Pack in salt and ice, and let stand 3 or 4 hr. Mrs. R. Hobbs, Sr. Strawberry Bavarios. Soften ^ of a box of gelatine in £of a c. cold water, and dissolve by standing in hot water; strain into a c. of strawberry juice and the juice of ^ lemon. Add about lac. of sugar, stir over ice water until the mixture begins to thicken, then fold in gradually 1 pt. of whipped cream. Turn into a mould and chill thoroughly, then serve with whipped cream. Peach syrup can be used instead of the strawberry juice. B. C. M. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec t substitute for either hog lard or rLnli I Lilt, butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. EECIPES. 69 Caramel Custard with Whipped Cream. Cook J c. of sugar in a saucepan, stirring constantly, until it melts to a caramel; pour in ^ c. boiling water; stir and simmer until it forms a syrup. Beat 3 whole eggs and the yolks of 2 more; add ^ c. sugar and mix thoroughly, then add 1 1. salt, the caramel syrup, and 2 c. of sweet milk; turn into a mould well buttered, and set on several folds of paper in a pan. Surround the mould with boiling water, and bake till the custard is firm. When cold, loosen the custard from the pan, turn out, and serve with whipped cream, sweetened, and flavored with vanilla. Mrs. R. Hobbs, Sr. Prune Whip. One c. strained prune pulp, 1 c. sugar, whites of 6 eggs, beaten stiff. Mix sugar with whites of eggs, then prunes. Put in a buttered, covered mold, boil or steam li hr. Turn out on a platter and serve warm, with flavored, whipped cream. Mrs. A. W. Muse. Gelatine with Cherries. One-half box Cox's gelatine, 1 can white cherries, \ tumbler sherry wine, the juice of 1 lemon. Dissolve the gelatine over fire in wine. Stone cherries and strain juice. Mix all together and sweeten to taste. Let congeal and serve with whipped cream. Mrs. P. L. Hilsman. Orange Gelatine. One pt. orange juice, \ box Cox's gelatine, over which pour \ c. cold water, and let soak \ hr., then add 1 c. boiling water and 1 of sugar, and the juice of 1 lemon. Let congeal. Mrs. P. L. Hilsman. Raspberry Parfait. Place on fire in saucepan the juice from 1 can of raspberries, and 1 lemon with 2 c. sugar. Boil until it spins like thread. Have the whites of 3 eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and pour over PI ANTFNF * S a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or 1 Lnli ILI1L butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 70 RECIPES. them the above hot syrup gradually. Beat well. When cold, stir in gently 1 qt. of cream that has been thoroughly whipped. Mould and pack in ice and salt for about 4 hr. Mrs. J. W. Walters. Apple Charlotte. One pt. apples, steamed and rubbed through a sieve, J box of gelatine, soaked an hr. in ^ c. cold water, 1 c. sugar, the juice of 1 lemon, the whites of 3 eggs. Pour i c. boiling water upon the gelatine; stir until thoroughly dissolved, and pour upon the apples, then add the sugar and lemon juice. Place in a basin of ice water, and beat until it begins to thicken; add the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth; pour into a 2 qt. mould which has been lined with sponge cake. Set on ice to harden. Make a soft custard of the yolks of the eggs, 1 pt. milk, 3 tb. sugar; flavor with vanilla or almond. When the charlotte is turned out, pour the custard around it. Cathrine Robert. White Charlotte. One qt. cream, 3 c. sugar, | box of Cox's gelatine, 1 wine glass of sherry wine, \ t. vanilla, 2 drops of almond extract, whites of 6 large eggs; add ic. of sugar to cream, and whip to a stiff froth; then add the other half of the sugar to the whites of the eggs, when they are well beaten; continue beating until the sugar and eggs are thoroughly blended. Now add this mixture to the cream, then the flavoring, lastly the gelatine, boiling hot, and beat well. Mrs. Dita Sterne. White Charlotte Russe. Two tb. granulated gelatine, whites of 6 eggs, 1 c. water, 1 qt. ripe cream, § lb. sugar; whip cream thoroughly, put gelatine in water over fire until it dissolves, then pour it over sugar and whites, that have been stiffly beaten. When it begins to congeal, flavor and add the cream. Mould and set on ice until ready to serve. Serve with whipped cream and any kind of cake. Mrs. J. W. Walters. PI A NT FN I- * s a P er ^ ec t substitute for either hog lard or iLrMi I LI'L. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 71 Angels Charlotte Russe. One tb. Knox gelatine, J c. cold water, J c. boiling water, 1 c. sugar, 1 pt. sweet cream, 1 doz. marshmallows. Soak gelatine in cold water 10 min., then dissolve in hot water and add sugar. When mixture is cold add cream. Beat until stiff, and add the marshmallows which have been cut in small pieces. Flavor with vanilla or sherry wine, and garnish with candied cherries when served. To the above recipe may be added £ doz. stale maccaroons, J lb. blanched and chopped almonds, and 2 tb. chopped candied cherries (in which case dispense with whole cherries as a garnish). Mrs. C. B. James. White Charlotte Russe with Fruit. One qt. cream, 1 lb. sugar, \ box of Cox's gelatine, 1 wine glass wine, 1 t. vanilla, whites of 6 eggs, \ lb. crystalized cherries, 2 rounds of crystalized pineapple, both cut fine; 1 c. of chopped almonds. Add part of the sugar to cream and whip to a stiff froth. Whip eggs stiff; add remaining sugar to them, then whip them into the cream; beat well and flavor. Lastly, add the gelatine after it has been dissolved into J c. of water. Whip all together, then add the fruit. Mrs. J. D. Armstrong. Fruit=SaIpicon (Sweet). Three bananas, 2 oranges or a pt. of strawberries, \ pine- apple, \ c. Maraschino cherries, juice of 1 lemon, 1 c. sugar, \ lb. white grapes. Peel bananas, remove coarse threads and slice. Peel oranges, seed, and cut in slices. Peel pineapple and with fork pull off fruit from the core. Skin the grapes and take out seed and cut in 2 parts. If the strawberries are used cut in half. Mix the fruit lightly with sugar and lemon juice and chill thoroughly and quickly. Serve in sherbert cups with whipped cream as a sweet dish at the close of dinner, or without cream, as a relish, at the beginning of luncheon party. Mrs. J. W. Walters. PI ANTFNF * a a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or rLnll I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 72 RECIPES. Chocolate Fluff. Two tb. grated chocolate, or cocoa, add an equal amount of sugar and enough butter to moisten; bring to a boil; when cool add slowly the stiff beaten whites of 2 eggs, and flavor. Beat well and serve in glasses with whipped cream. Mrs. J. B. Gilbert. Apple Sauce Souffle. Beat 2 c. of sweet apple sauce to a foamy cream, with a tb. of melted butter, add a c. of fine bread crumbs and the yolks of 2 eggs, the juice of a lemon and a bit of nutmeg. Whip in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs; bake h hr. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. J. B. Gilbert. Sham Tarte. Beat the whites of 3 eggs for 20 min., then add 1 c. sugar, then 1 tb. vinegar, 1 t. vanilla. Put in a deep cake pan and bake in a moderate oven 40 min. Let cool and serve with whipped cream. Flavored with vanilla. Mrs. Leo. Altheimer. Strawberry Fritters. One c. of strawberry pulp, 3 eggs, 1 t. sugar, 1 c. flour, 1 t. baking powder, add to this more flour to make thick drop batter; crush and sieve enough berries to make 1 c. of pulp. Mix. Fry in deep kettle with smoking hot fat and serve with plenty of mashed berries. Alice Mallary. Charlotte Russe. One qt. rich cream, 5 eggs, 1 tumbler sugar, f box gelatine; beat yolks and sugar together and flavor to taste. Pour into this whipped cream. Keep cream on ice before and while being whipped; add gelatine. (First cover with cold water for 1 hr., then add tumbler of boiling water. ) Stir in the whites (beaten stiff) and mix well. Set in the ice box until ready for use. Mrs. Wm. N. Tickxor. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or T Lnli I Lml butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. recipp:s. 73 Peach Short-cake. Make B. P. biscuit dough, sweeten slightly, cut out 2 large rounds ^ in. thick; put one on the other, with soft butter between, and bake. Separate layers and spread the lower one with peaches, sweetened and crushed; lay on top layer and sprinkle with powdered sugar, and arrange a circle of halved peaches all around the edge. Serve with cream. Mrs. Munnerlyn. Trifle. One layer of sliced sponge-cake in a dish, 1 layer of syllabub quite strong with sherry, 1 layer of boiled custard, 1 layer of small pieces of jelly, 1 layer of sliced almonds which have been peeled by dropping them in hot water and rubbing the outside skin off, and broken up in small pieces, 1 layer of raisins, after taking skins off. Repeat these layers until the dish is full, and put syllabub on top. Mrs. Clark Howell. Apple Foam. Pare and quarter ripe, juicy apples to fill a pt. cup; to 1 pt. water and 1 c. sugar add the apples and cook until tender, without breaking. Mix 3 tb. corn starch in little cold water, add to apples, stirring constantly; cook 5 min., turn into a mold, previously dipped in cold water and set away to cool. Serve with whipped cream. Pineapple Ambrosia. One pt. ripe strawberries, 1 pt. chopped pineapple, 1 pt. of cream (whip cream stiff), place a layer of pineapple in a glass dish, sprinkle with sugar, cover with whipped cream, then with a layer of the berries, continue these layers until the dish is full; heap the sugar on top and serve very cold with sponge cake. PI AIMTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or r LftM iL.nL. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 74 RECIPES. Pyramid of Peaches. Take 8 or 10 peaches, peel and halve. Cook till tender in syrup made of 1 c. each of water and sugar, drain. Arrange peaches in pyramid shape with blanched almond in center of each. Add juice of ^ lemon to syrup and boil until thick, pour over peaches. Serve hot or cold. J. S. Apple Custard. Pare, core and split 12 apples. Boil 1 pt. of water, 1 lb. of loaf sugar and 12 cloves, and skim. Put in the apple and stew until the liquid is nearly gone. Lay them in a deep dish and take out the cloves. When they are cool pour in 1 qt. of custard and cook by setting in a dish of boiling water until it has set. J. S. Cream Puffs. One cup boiling water and \ cup butter. Let come to boil; add (stiring constantly) 1 cup sifted flour; take off stove and stir until cool, then add 3 eggs, beating in 1 at a time; bake in muffin rings and when cold fill with the cream filling. Cream Filling. Let 2 cups of milk come to a boil. Whip 2 eggs with 3 tb. of sugar, then stir it into the boiling milk; dissolve 1 tb. of corn starch in a little cold milk and add it to the custard, stirring until it thickens. Flavor with vanilla. Ruth. MEMORANDA. 75 76 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 77 78 MEMORANDA. RECIPES. PUDDINGS AND SAUCES. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating " Plum Pudding. One lb. of seeded raisins, 1 lb. of currants washed and dried; 1 lb. of beef suet, chopped fine; 2 lbs. sugar or 2 qts. ; 12 eggs, beat separately; 2 5-ct. loaves of stale Baker's bread, grated fine or run through a meat-grinder, or if crumbs are bought, get 2 lbs.; J tumbler of brandy or whiskey, 2 ts. of B. powder, % nutmeg, |- t. each of ground fresh allspice, cloves, cinnamon, mace, making 2 t. heaped of spices altogether; grate peel of 1 lemon; use hard sauce of butter and sugar, seasoned with nut- meg (not essences) and brandy. Boil 4^ hrs. in a large vessel, so that water will cover well. Rub raisins and currants well in flour and mix all of the ingredients with milk or water, just thin enough to handle easily. Have ready a large pudding- mould or bag of strong domestic (I prefer the bag); put in the mixture, leaving room enough to have the pudding swell about •^in. Let the water be boiling when it is put in, and boil 4^ hrs., as stated. Mrs. Emma Sutton. English Plum Pudding. Take § lb. each of finely chopped beef suet, stoned raisins, and currants; £ lb. of citron, f lb. of sugar, f lb. of stale bread crumbs, 2 medium-sized apples (cut in small slices), grated peel of 1 lemon; mix the whole with 3 pounded cloves, a pinch of salt, 1 t. of allspices, ^ t. of mace, 1 t. of cinnamon, 1 wine- glass of brandy. Butter a pudding-mould; fill with the mixture within ^ in. of the top; place in a kettle of boiling water and allow it to steam 4 hrs. , turn out on a platter and pour -§- wine- glass of brandy over it and put on fire. Serve with hard sauce. Mrs. A. N. Hilburn. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnll I Llit. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 80 KECIPES. Candy Pudding. Have prepared 1 grated cocoanut, J c. of almonds, ^ c. of pecans, | c. of English walnuts (all cut up fine), |- c. raisins, £ c. currants, ^ c. citron, 3 lbs. granulated sugar dissolved in tumbler of boiling water, butter size of walnut, 2 tb. of vinegar, a pinch of salt and soda. Cover while cooking; when done enough to pull, pour on a buttered marble slab and pull white; then put back on slab and work in the cocoanut first, then the fruit. Knead the mass as you would dough, getting out all lumps; have ready a well-buttered mould and pack the mass in it firmly and set aside in a cooling place until next day. Remove from mould by placing it in a pan of hot water for a few seconds only. When taken out, sprinkle thick with cinnamon, or if you prefer, can use grated chocolate. Mrs. Julia Stevens. Castelian Pudding. Half box gelatine, ^ c. cocoa, 1^ c. sugar, 8 tb. sherry wine, 2 tb. vanilla, 6 eggs (whites). Soak gelatine; mix ^ c. cold water; put cocoa in saucepan with sugar; add ^ c. cold water; mix; add ^ c. boiling water; boil 5 min. Take from fire; add gelatine; stir until dissolved; then strain and set aside; when cool, add sherry and vanilla; when mixture begins to thicken, add whites whipped stiff. Beat steadily until mixture is thick enough for a spoonful to retain its shape for a moment when dropped; put into a mold. Serve with boiled custard and whipped cream. Philo Sturges. Chocolate Bread Pudding. Put into a bowl 2 c. of stale bread crumbs, pour over it 1 qt. scalded milk; while cooling put 2 squares of chocolate into a saucepan and melt over hot water. When the bread and milk are cool mix with them § c. sugar, 2 eggs, the chocolate, ssp. of salt, and 1 t. vanilla. Bake 1 hr. in a moderately hot oven. Serve cold with whipped cream. Miss Lydia E. Richards. Editor's Note — This is nice served hot with drawn butter sauce. PI ANTFNF * 8 a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I Lnll I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 81 Rice Pudding. One-half c. cooked rice, 2 eggs, 1 c. sugar, 1 qt. milk, | cup chopped and seeded raisins, pinch of salt; flavor with nutmeg. Mrs. J. R. Whitehead. Christmas Pudding. Slice a loaf of stale bread and spread with plenty of butter, 1 layer of bread close together in pan, sprinkle liberally with fruit, currants and raisins, then another layer of buttered bread and fruit until the pan is 1 inch of oeing full. Make a custard out of 1 qt. of milk and 4 eggs; sweeten to taste. Pour over contents of pan and let it set over night, next morning make another custard | the quantity and pour over. Set pan in oven immediately after breakfast and bake 4 or 5 hr. When pudding browns set plate over to keep from burning. Serve with butter sauce. Mrs.S. E. Campbell. Chocolate Pudding. Four c. milk, 4 tb. corn starch, 4 tb. grated chocolate, § c. sugar, 1 egg. Boil milk, stir in corn starch after being wet with a little water; add to beaten eggs sugar and chocolate, boil till thick; pour into cups that have been wet with cold water and -serve with whipped cream. Whip 1 c. of cream sweetened to taste and flavor with vanilla . Caramel Pudding. Four eggs, 1 c. sugar, 1 c. butter, 1 c. jelly or preserves, 1 tb. vanilla; eggs beaten separately. Make merangue. Blackberry Sponge. Fill an earthen bowl closely with small cubes of bread, pouring over the bread as it is fitted into place hot blackberry juice; blackberries cooked until soft, with sugar to taste, and pass through a seive; use all the juice the bread will absorb; set the sponge aside in a cool place for some hrs. ; then turn from the bowl and serve with blackberries, sugar and cream. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or rLnll I LIlL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 82 RECIPES. Kiss Pudding. Six eggs, 6 c. sweet milk, 6 t. flour, 6 t. sugar, a pinch of salt; beat yolks of eggs; add sugar; then flour dissolved in a little water; add milk and salt and flavoring; put in a pan and set in boiling water, stirring occasionally, until it thickens; make a meringue of the whites, adding 6 tb. sugar, a pinch of salt, a pinch of B. powder and a few drops of extract of lemon. Put this on pudding or place in a moderate oven until it browns slightly. Serve cold. Lemon Pudding. Beat the yolks of 2 eggs, add 1 c. sugar, dissolve 4 tb. corn starch in a little cold water; stir into it 2 c. of boiling water; add juice of 2 lemons with a little of grated rind; 1 tb. butter; mix well and bake 15 min. Then spread the white of eggs over it with little sugar whipped in. Return to oven and brown. Mrs. T. M. Flournoy, Fort Mitchell, Ala. Boiled Pudding. One c. flour, 2 c. bread crumbs, 1 c. syrup, 1 c. butter, 1 c. raisins, 1 c. currants, 1 c. citron, 1 c. sweet milk, 1 tb. soda dissolved in a little boiling water, 1 t. cinnamon, 1 t. allspice, 1 t. cloves, ij t. salt; steam 3 hrs. Serve with sauce. Sauce. One c. sugar, i c. butter, 1 tb. sifted flour and 1 egg beaten until light; add ^ nutmeg, grated, just before serving add to this 1 c. boiling water, ^ c. brandy and let all come to a boil. Baked Batter Pudding. One qt. sweet milk, 10 eggs, 10 tb. flour; stir until all lumps are mashed. Pour in greased tin and bake. Serve hot with wine sauce. Mrs. James T. Grimes. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ectr substitute for either hog lard or iLnll I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. THE BEST COOK. COOKS BEST ON THE BEST. COOK STOVE, jb jk jt "B ELL &; SON, Albany, Georgia. Largest Dealers in STOVES, RANGES, REFRIGER- ATORS and COOK THINGS in general. WILL FURNISH THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT. THE BEST STOVES, RANGES. COOKING UTENSIL. ALBANY, - - GEORGIA. TXrHEN you have trouble in planing your menu just telephone No. 370 for fancy and family groceries, fresh vegetables and fruits. Florida fruits and vegetables a specialty. T. E. COOK, HO Jackson Street. & J> ALBANY, GEORGIA, Wm. E. SMITH, A TTORNEY-A T-LA W. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. ROOMS I, 2 AND 4, WOOLFOLK BUILDING, ALBANY, GEORGIA. 84 RECIPES. Yorkshire Pudding. One qt. sweet milk, 8 light tb. of flour, 8 eggs; beat separately; mix flour and milk until perfectly smooth; add eggs; bake in quick oven. Sauce. Two tb. of butter, 6 tb. sugar; rub together until they are creamed. Flavor with wine. Mrs. W. N. Ticknor. Indian Pudding. Scald 3 c. of milk and in it J c. corn meal; cook a few min. ; then cool and add 1 c. of milk, § c. of molasses, h a level t. of cinnamon, ^ t. of salt and f c. of raisins. Bake in a slow oven 2 hrs., keeping the baking-dish covered. Mrs. W. W. Rawlins. Tapioca Pudding. Sweet milk, 1 qt. ; tapioca, 1 c. ; 2 eggs, 4 tb. sugar, lump of butter \ the size of an egg, a pinch of salt, a little nutmeg. Note — The tapioca should soak in the milk 1 full hr. ; then beat the eggs and sugar together; mix well and bake. Mrs. Chas. R. Johnson. Hard Sauce. Beat to a fine cream \ lb. of butter, add gradually 1 c. of pulverized sugar, a wineglass full of sherry, a wineglass full of French brandy, enough lemon juice to bleach the mixture. Powder with nutmeg and put in'a cold place until needed. This sauce is better if made the day before used. Mrs. W. I. Cherry. Lemon Pudding. The yolks of 10 eggs, whites of 5 eggs, juice of 2 large lemons, (grated peel), 1 c. of butter, 1^ c. of sugar. A. B. C. PI ANTFNF * 8 a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I Lnll I LIlL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 85 Hasty Pudding. Twelve eggs, 12 tb. sifted flour, 1 qt. milk, a pinch of soda put in when ready to cook. Mix 1 egg and 1 tb. of flour at a time until 12 are used; then use milk, a little at a time until the qt. is used Mrs. H. P. Prune Pudding. Stew 2 doz. prunes until soft enough to mash, add whites of 3 well beaten eggs, 1 c. sugar. Bake in rather cool oven and serve with whipped cream. Mrs. J. M. Jerusalem Pudding. One pt. cream, f c. ground nuts, f c. ground preserved ginger, f c. sugar, J c. ground dried figs, J c. rice well cooked (use Knox's gelatine); whip cream, mix ingredients, stir until it congeals; serve with Maraschino cherries on top. Mrs. Wooten. Strawberry Tapioca Pudding. Heat 1 qt. strawberry juice in a double boiler. Stir in this 4 level tb. of any quick cooking tapioca and let cook until transparent. Add the juice of ^ a lemon and additional sugar if needed. Serve with cream and sugar. B. C. 86 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 87 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 89 RECIPES. PIES. "I -was happy to find my old friend minced pie in the retinues of the feast." Plain Paste. Many housekeepers use lard for pastry, but as it makes a greasy and brittle crust there is no doubt but that it is more indigestible than the light, flaky crust made from "Plantene." Take \ c. plantene, \\ t. baking powder, 1 t. salt, 1 pt. good pastry flour, sift flour, salt and baking powder together; with tips of fingers work in the plantene, and ice water enough to make a dough. Lay on ice till cold, roll and cut out, chill again and bake. Mrs. C. R. N. Mince Meat. Four lb. raisins (before seeded), 2 lb. currants, 1 lb. citron, 2 lb. suet, 2 lb. fresh beef tongue (boiled and chopped), 4 lb. apples, 4 lb. sugar. 1 qt. sherry, 1 qt. brandy, grated rind and juice of 2 lemons, grated rind and juice of 2 oranges, 1 t. salt, 1 nutmeg, \ oz. of cloves, \ oz. cinnamon, \ oz. allspice. This should be kept 3 weeks before using. Mrs. Y. C. Rust. Mock flince Pie. One c. of rolled crackers, 1 c. of raisins, 1 c. of sugar, 1 c. of molasses, 1 c. of vinegar, ] c. of chopped apples, 1 c. butter, 1 pt. boiling water, 1 t. cloves, 1 1. cinnamon and any other spices liked. Mix well together and bake between 2 rich crusts. Mrs. S. Cosby. Cocoanut Custard. One c. grated cocoanut, 2 t. flour, 1 c. milk, 2 eggs, pinch of salt, \ c. sugar. Stir milk into flour, mix smoothly, place on stove and cook until it thickens; team over well beaten yolks, PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I !_nll I LI1L butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 91 add salt and sugar, then cocoanut; fill crust and bake. Make meringue of whites and place over custard and return to oven. Bake light brown. Sufficient for 1 custard. Mrs. D. F. Crossland. Lemon and Apple Pie. Two tart, firm apples, 1 lemon, 1 c. sugar, 1 egg, grated rind of 1 lemon. Chop the lemon and apple together. Beat the egg and sugar well together; add the lemon and apple; bake in 2 crusts. Peel with a knife the lemon to avoid the white rind which would give a bitter taste to the pie. Peel the apples. Mrs. Anna Taylor. Buttermilk Custard. Beat together 3 eggs and 1 c. of sugar, add to this \ c. of flour, \ c. of butter; stir well. Then add lie. of fresh butter- milk with \ t. of soda dissolved in it; flavor with nutmeg; stir all well together. This will make two. Mrs. McMichael. Syrup Custard. One c. of syrup, 1 c. of sugar boiled together until thick, 3 eggs, \ c. of sweet milk, 1 tb. of butter and 1 tb. of flour. E. C. Custard Pie. Beat 3 eggs well, add 1 pt. of milk, a little nutmeg grated, \ c. of sugar and any flavoring to suit, although vanilla is best. There is a perforated pie-plate made which is especially suited to custard pies, as the steam escapes and prevents the pie becoming soggy. The crust may be baked light-brown before adding the custard. Pricking the dough before baking prevents blistering. Mrs. W. E. Gannaway. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I LnlN I LINL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 92 RECIPES. Raisin Pie. One c. of stoned raisins chopped fine, 1 lemon; grate rind, take out seeds and chop it fine with raisins; add 1 c. of sugar and 2 tb. of water. This makes 2 pies; bake between upper and lower crusts. Mrs. W. E. Gannaway. Tyler Pies. Four eggs, 3 c. of sugar (light measure), 1 c. of butter (light measure), 1 c. of sweet cream, 1 t. of grated nutmeg. This makes 2 large or 3 small pies. Beat thoroughly. Line the pie- plates with plain pastry — fill (no top crust) and bake until just firm — no longer These are delicious. Mrs. L. McC. Robert. Transparent Custard. Six eggs, 2 c. sugar, 1 c. butter, eggs beaten separately; add sugar, then melted butter, \ glass wine. Cook in pie-pans lined with rich crust. Mrs. Georgia Cherry. Lemon Custard. Six eggs, less 3 whites for meringue, 1 c. sugar, 1 tb. butter, 1 heaping tb. flour, 1 c. cold water, juice 1^ lemons, grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 tb. sugar for meringue. Mix sugar, yolks of eggs, flour and butter, then add water and juice of lemons last. This makes 2 pies. Whip the 3 whites with 1 tb. sugar and spread over the top and brown in slow oven. Mrs. J. T. Cooper, Columbus, Ga. Lemon Custard. Three eggs, 1 lemon, 1 c. sugar, 1 t. butter and 2 tb. of corn- starch. Squeeze lemon in a c. and fill c. with water, then pour over sugar and butter; dissolve cornstarch with a little of the lemon water, add to sugar and butter, let come to a good boil. Then beat well yolks and whites of 3 eggs, pour the boiling PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or iLnli I Lilt- butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 93 syrup slowly over the eggs, beating all the time to keep from lumping, then place on the stove and cook until it thickens; stir continually to keep from burning. For Icing. Take the 2 remaining whites, beat to a stiff froth, add 2 tb. sugar, and flavor with a little lemon juice; spread over custard and place back in oven until light brown. Mrs. Walter Hill. Buttermilk Custard. Take the yolks of 4 eggs, 1 c. sugar, ^ c. flour, ^ t. soda, 2 tb. butter, 1 pt. buttermilk; flavor with nutmeg, lemon or vanilla. Make a meringue of whites, and brown slightly. This quantity makes 3 custards, and they are delicious. Pour this in pastry- shells made with plantene as shortening instead of butter or lard. Mrs. Dave Jones, Columbus, Ga. Meringue that Will Not Fall. Always use granulated sugar; for 1 large pie beat stiff the whites of 2 eggs; add 2 tb. sugar; beat hard for 5 min. ; spread over pie and set in a moderate oven until brown. Mrs. Charles Frank. SMALL CAKES. Ginger Cake. Three eggs, 1 c. sugar, 1 c. syrup, 3 c. flour, 1 t. soda, 1 c. butter, 1 c. sweet milk. Dissolve soda in milk, cream, sugar and butter, add yolks well beaten, then syrup, then milk and flour. Bake as thick cake and can be eaten with wine sauce. Wine Sauce. One c. sugar, 1 c. milk, ^ cup water. Boil milk and sugar together, then add 1 t. flour made into smooth paste with £ c. water. When done add wine glass of wine. Mrs. N. R. Dehon. Pi ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnll I I-I'l butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 94 RECIPES. Soft Ginger Bread. Two c. syrup, 1 c. butter, 4 c. Queen of Pantry flour, 2 heaping t. baking powder, 6 eggs, 2 t. cinnamon, 1 t. ginger, 1 t. allspice, a dash of cloves (if liked); beat eggs separately; mix syrup, yolks of eggs, spices and melted butter in a bowl, beat well; sift baking powder in flonr and add to mixture in bowl and lastly fold in the whites of eggs. Serve with or without sauce. Mrs. L. F. Allen. Ginger Bread. One c. syrup, \ c. sugar, 3 c. flour, \ c. boiling water, 1 egg, -jC butter, 2 t. soda, ginger to suit taste (good). Mrs. W. E. Gannaway. Ginger Snaps. Two c. syrup, 1 c. lard, 1 large tb. soda, 1 large tb. ginger. Put on fire and boil hard for 1 min.- Take off and when cool, mix enough flour in for a stiff dough ; roll thin and bake. Mrs. John D. Pope. Molasses Cookies. Two c. sugar, 2 c. molasses, 1 c. lard, 4 eggs, 2 tb. soda, 1 tb. ginger, 1 tb. cinnamon. Crullars. One c. sweet milk, level c. sugar, 1 egg, a rounding tb. of butter, enough prepared flour to make dough as stiff as biscuit dough. Then roll to quarter" of an inch thickness and cut with biscuit form, drop in boiling lard and let cook until brown. Mrs. A. R. Campbell. Doughnuts. One c. sugar, 2 tb. shortening, 2 eggs, 1 c. sweet milk, 1 t. salt, 3 t. baking powder, sufficient flour to make as soft a dough as you can roll; cut in fancy shapes, fry in hot lard or plantene. Mrs. J. R. Whichard. PI ANTFNF" * s a P er ^ ec *' substitute for either hog lard or I l_.nl l f LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 95 Filled Tea Cake. One large c. of pecans, 1 large o. of raisins, 1 qt. flour, 1 large c. of currants, 3 eggs, 1 large c. of citron, 1 t. extract, 1 large c. of butter, 2 t. yeast powder, 1 large c. sugar. Beat butter and sugar together; then eggs; then flavoring and flour. Have the fruits well floured; add spice, and lastly the fruit. Roll thin and cut; have an egg beaten up and brush over the uncooked cakes; sprinkle sugar over them and bake slowly. They are better to keep a week or so before using. Mrs. Morris Mayer. Vanilla Tea Cake. Two eggs, 1 c. sugar. 1 c. butter and lard mixed, 2 t. cream of tartar, 1 t. soda, 2 tb. sweet milk, 1 t. vanilla, 1 qt. flour. Mrs. Dehon. Plain Tea Cake. Three c. of dry sugar, 1 c. butter, 1 c. sour milk, 3 pt. flour, 3 eggs well-beaten, Jt. soda; flavor to taste; roll thin and bake in quick oven. Miss Sallie E. Billingslea. Marguerites. The whites of 2 eggs beaten very light, to this add 1 c. of pulverized sugar, 4 t. flour, a pinch of baking powder, a c. of chopped nuts; spread on long snowflake crackers put in oven and bake slowly. Mrs. A. T. Jackson. Hermits. Six eggs, 3 t. sugar, 2 c. butter, 1 c. chopped and seeded raisins, 1 c. currants, 1 t. each of all the spices, sweet milk enough to dissolve 1 t. of soda, just enough flour to roll out r and bake like tea cakes; will keep for weeks in tin box. Mrs. E. Sterne. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or lLr\M ! Li XL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 96 RECIPES. Hickory Nut Macaroons. One pt. granulated sugar, 4 eggs, 1 pt. flour, 1 pt. of kernels, stir together and drop on a buttered flat tin; bake slowly for 20 minutes. Mrs. W. W. Rawlings. Peanut Macaroons. Mix 1 c. of finely chopped peanuts, 1 c. of sifted confectioners sugar, 1 large tb. of flour, and make into a stiff paste with the unbeaten whites of 2 eggs; drop upon buttered pans, allowing room to spread, and bake in a moderate oven. Mrs. H. A. Floyed. Almond Wafers. Cream \ c. butter, add gradually 1 c. powdered sugar, and then drop by drop \ c. milk, and lastly 2 c. pastry flour and \ t. vanilla extract. Spread very thin on the bottom of baking pans, inverted and buttered. Mark in squares, sprinkle with almonds, blanched and chopped fine; bake in a slow oven about 5 min. Cut the wafers apart at the marking and roll at once, while warm, either in tubular or cornucopia shape. Before rolling, turn the wafers to bring the nuts on the outside. Mrs. Wm. Lockett. Cocoanut Drops. Take the beaten whites of 2 eggs and stir in equal parts of dessicated cocoanut and powdered sugar until it forms a thick paste; shape into balls and bake on buttered paper until a pale brown. Mrs. W. W. Rawlings. Peanut Wafers. Take \ c. butter, \ c. pulverized sugar, § c. milk, 1 c. fiour ? \ c. chopped peanuts. Beat sugar and butter together; stir in milk; add flour by degrees; rub flat pans with beeswax; when cold, spread with thin cakes; sprinkle top with peanuts and bake. Mrs. J. B. Gilbert. PI ANTFNF * a a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnll I LliL. butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. Sweet Wafers. Six eggs, 1 pt. flour, 1 c. sweet milk, 2 oz. melted butter, 1 scant t. Royal baking powder, 1 t. nutmeg. Beat whites and yolks separately and very stiff. Cream sugar and butter together and work in first the yolks and then the flour and whites. Bake quickly in well-greased wafer-irons; roll them as soon as they come from the irons. These little cakes are delicious and not hard to make. They only require a little patience. Sallie Steele MgIntosh. Sweet Wafers. Five eggs, \ lb. flour, \ lb. sugar, butter size of an egg; beat eggs and sugar together; rub butter in flour and beat all together. Flavor to taste with any flavoring, and bake in wafer irons, using \ t. of batter for each wafer. Mrs. Munnerlyn. Sweet Wafers. One qt. flour. 1 tb. butter, 1 c. sugar, 3 eggs, milk and water enough to make thin batter. Mrs. D. H. Pope. 98 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 99 LOFC. 100 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 101 / 102 RECIPES. CAKES AND FILLINGS " With weight and measure just and true, Oven of even heat; Well buttered tins and quiet nerves, Success will be complete." Scripture Cake. One c. butter (Judges 5:25); 3| c. flour (I. Kings, 4: 22); 3 c. sugar (Jer. 6:20); 2 c. raisins (I. Sam. 30:12); 2 c. figs (I. Sam. 30:12); 1 c. water (Gen. 24:17); 1 c. almonds (Gen. 43:11); 6 eggs (Isa. 10:14); 1 lb. honey (Ps. 19:10); a pinch salt (Lev. 2:13); spices to taste (I. Kings 10:10). Follow Solomon's advice for making good boys and girls and you will have a good cake (Prov. 23:14 first clause). Fruit Cake. (This recipe is over 100 years old). One lb. flour (brown the flour), 1 lb. butter, 1 lb. sugar, 1 lb. raisins (stoned), 2 lb. currants, 2 lb. citron, 12 eggs, 4 t. cinnamon, 2 t. mace, 2 t. cloves, 2 grated nutmegs, J glass of sherry, \ glass whiskey, \ c. syrup, 1 t. soda stirred well in the syrup. Flour fruit well and shake in a sifter; bake 5 hr. Mrs. Nelson Tift. Spanish Fruit Cake. Four eggs, 1 c. butter, 2 c. sugar, 2 c. flour, 1 c. sweet milk. Divide the batter in 2 parts; bake 2 layers plain. To the other \ add 1 c. raisins, chopped fine, 1 t. cinnamon, 1 t. spices, 1 t. cloves; bake in 2 layers. PI ANTFIMF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I LAAIi I LllL butter; use about one-half the quantity of *'Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 103 Filling. One large cocoanut grated, juice and grated rind of 2 lemons; add to this li c. sugar, 1 c. boiling water. Put on the stove and when it begins to boil add tb. corn starch or flour; cook until done enough to drop from spoon. Mrs. C. D. Dewberry. Fruit and Nut Cake. One lb. sugar, 1 lb. flour, f lb. butter, 2 lb. raisins, 2 lb. English walnuts, whites 15 eggs, 1 t. soda, 2 t. of cream tartar, dissolved in £ c. sweet milk. Mrs. W. H. Newsom. Fruit Cake. One c. butter, 2 c. sugar, 1 c. molasses, 1 c. strong coffee, 4^- c. flour, 4 eggs, 2 tb. soda, 2 tb. each cinnamon, cloves, mace, 1 grated nutmeg, 1 lb. each of raisins, figs, currants and dates, f lb. citron. Mix butter, sugar and eggs thoroughly; heat coffee and stir in soda; when soda is dissolved, pour into molasses; stir well and add to sugar and butter. Sift flour and spices together; seed and chop raisins, clean currants, cut figs and citron and dates into small pieces, sift a little of the flour over fruit, stir rest of flour into batter, and when well-mixed, add fruit, and lastly, beaten white of eggs. Bake in large tin in rather slow oven for 1|- hr. Mrs. J. D. Moseley. Fruit Cake. One c. butter, 2 c. sugar, mixed; 6 eggs, 4 c. flour, 2 t. B. powder, 1 c. syrup, 1 c. sweet milk, 1 nutmeg, 2 t. of cloves, 2t. of cinnamon, 2. t. spice, i c. wine, 1 lb. raisins, 1 lb. currants, ^ lb. citron, 1 lb. almonds, blanched and chopped; i lb. dried figs, 1 lb. dates, ^ t. soda. Roll fruit in extra flour before putting into batter. Mrs. Lee Dees, Sylvester, Ga. PI ANTFNF * 8 a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or T Lnll I LliL b u tter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 104 RECIPES. Dark Fruit Cake. One lb. butter, 1 lb. sugar, 1 lb. flour, 12 eggs, 2 lb. seeded raisins, 1 lb. currants, 1 lb. sliced citron, ^ lb. cherries, i lb. pineapple, h c. wine, ^ c. brandy, \ lb. each pecans, English walnuts, almonds and Brazil nuts, 1 t. baking powder, 2 t. cinnamon, 1 t. salt, ^ t. each cloves and mace, f t. each allspice and nutmeg, 3 tb. strained lemon juice. Mix fruit, nuts, wine and brandy; soak over night; sift flour, salt and powders and spice together. Dredge fruit with flour parched light-brown. Cream batter and sugar; add beaten yolks and lemon juice; then flour and whipped whites; beat 10 min. ; stir in prepared fruit. Line loaf-pan with 4 thicknesses of paper; pour in batter. Bake in slow oven, under pan of boiling water, from 3 to 5 hr. Mrs. J. M. Morton. White Fruit Cake. One lb. almonds, 1 lb. citron, 1 lb. sugar, \ lb. butter, \ lb. cherries, (crystalized), \ lb. pineapple, (crystalized) 1 small cocoanut, 1 glass brandy, 12 eggs, (whites) 1 lb. flour, with 1 t. baking powder, or flour mixed with powders. Mixing — Cream butter and sugar; then add brandy; then add fruits, flour and eggs, alternately. Use no other flavoring. Currant Layer Cake. Make white cake batter by any good receipt. Into ^ batter, stir 1 c. of currants well dredged with flour. Bake in 3 layers, 2 plain, and 1 with the. currants. Put together with white caramel filling. WHITE CARAMEL FILLING. Boil 3 c. granulated sugar with 1^ c. water, until it will thread from spoon. Pour syrup into the well beaten whites of 2 eggs, and beat; when nearly cold stir in 1 t. butter, which has been creamed. Flavor to taste. Mrs. E. H. Muse. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or r Lr\M I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 105 Nut Cake. 2 c. sugar, 3 c. sifted flour, 1 c. butter, 2 c. chopped nuts (mixed) 5 eggs, beaten separately, If t. baking powder. 1 t. vanilla. Bake in moderately hot oven. This makes 3 round or 2 square layers. Mrs. P. L. Hilsmax. Delicate Cake. Three c. sifted flour, 2 c. sugar, f c. sweet milk, ^ t. soda in water or milk, 1 t. cream tartar sifted in flour, 6 eggs, whites only, ^ c. butter; flavor with lemon. J. B. S. Fig Cake. White part. 2 c. sugar, f c. butter, (rub to a cream) § c. sweet milk, whites of 8 eggs, 2 t. baking powder, 2 c. flour, 1 c. cornstarch; add eggs last. Dark part — 1 c. sugar, § c. butter, | c. sweet milk, 2 t. baking power, 2 c. flour, yolks of 8 eggs, 2 t. cinnamon, 2 t. spice. Bake white batter in 3 layers; cut up 1 lb. dried figs in dark batter; bake in 2 layers; put layers together with white icing. Mrs. J. S. Davis. Texas Nut Cake. Whites of 14 eggs, 1 lb. sugar, f lb. flour, | lb. butter, cream butter and sugar; add flour, with 2 t. baking powder sifted in it. Then add f lb. of grated coooanut and § lb. of pecan meats, cut fine. Flavor with rose water. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. J. S. Davis. Marble Cake. Light part — 1J c. white sugar, J c. butter, ^ c. sweet milk, ^ t. soda, 1 t. cream of tartar, whites of 4 eggs, 2^ c. flour. Dark part — 1 c. brown sugar, h c. molasses, ^ c. butter, \ c. sour milk, \ t. soda, 1 t. cream of tartar, 2h c. flour, yolks of 4 eggs, ^ tb. each cloves, allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg (ground). When each part is ready drop a tb. of dark, then light, over the bottom of pan, and continue alternating until all batter is used. Mrs. J. S. Westberry. PI ANTFNF * s a perfect substit\ite for either hog lard or I Lnll I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 106 RECIPES. Black Chocolate Cake. 1 c. grated chocolate, J c. brown sugar, h c. sweet milk. Cook until thick, then take from stove and add yolk of one egg and 1 t. of vanilla. While this is cooling, cream together 1 c. butter and 1 c. white sugar; add 3 well beaten eggs, 1 t. soda dissolved in J c. strong coffee (cold) and 2 full c. sifted flour. Then beat in the chocolate mixture. Bake in 3 layers. Filling — 2 c. sugar, whites of 2 eggs, § c. hot wa£er, J t. cream of tartar and juice of -J lemon. Dissolve sugar and cream of tartar in the hot water. Cook until it strings, then add gradually to beaten whites, then lemon juice. When perfectly cool and thick spread between cakes. Mrs. H. T. McIntosh. Chocolate Cake. Baker's chocolate \ cake, sugar § c. water 1 c. milk, f c. Grate chocolate, add water and sugar. Cook a few minutes, then pour in milk and cook to consistency of thick cream. Set aside to get cold. CAKE. Eggs 6, sugar 2 c. , butter 1 c. , milk or water 1 c. , baking powder 2 t. Cream butter and sugar, add beaten yolk of eggs, then 3 c. flour alternatel}' with milk or water, then mix with the batter the chocolate, when perfectly cold, sift powder with last cup of flour and fold in the whites of eggs well beaten. Bake in 4 layers and put together with icing or caramel. Mrs. L. F. Allen. Jam Cake. Sugar 2 c. , flour 4 c. , milk 1 c, eggs 6, butter 1 c. , blackberry jam 2 c, cloves 2 t. , cinnamon 4 t. , spice 1 t. , baking powder 2 t., cream butter and sugar; add well beaten } 7 olks, then 2 c. flour, alternating with milk, now add spice and jam (^ c. less if jam is seedless), sift powder in rest of flour. Alternate with well beaten whites of eggs. Bake in 4 layers and put together with icing. Mrs. M. Whitaker, Oswichee, Ala. PI AIMTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or 1 Lrtli • LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 107 Snow Cake. Sugar, If c; flour, 3 c. ; butter, J c. ; sweet milk, \ c. ; whites of 8 eggs, \\ t. baking powder: bake in la}''ers. Fruit, to put in icing between layers of cake: Pineapple, Jib., crystalized cherries, § lb.; pecans, 1 lb. Slice cherries and pineapple; cut nuts. Mrs. C. B. Tyler. Railroad Cake Sugar, 2 c. ; flour, 4 c. ; butter, 1 c. ; eggs, 4; sweet milk, 1 c. ; baking powder, 2 t. sifted with flour; 2 t. ground cinnamon, 1 t. ground cloves, a grated nutmeg, 1 lb. seeded raisins, \ lb. citron, 3 tb. molasses. Flavor with vanilla and bake 3 layers; stack with jelly and cover with icing. Mrs. L. W. Tift. Lady Baltimore Cake. Cream 1 c. butter, beat into it 2 c. sugar; sift together 3^ c. sifted flour and 2 level t. baking powder, then add the flour to butter and sugar alternately, with 1 c. milk and 1 1. rose water. Beat the mixture thoroughly, and lastly, gently fold in the beaten whites of 6 eggs. Bake in 3 layer cake pans. Filling — Dissolve 3 c. sugar in 1 c. boiling water, cook until syrup will spin thread, pour in fine stream over the well beaten whites of 3 eggs, beat until stiff. Add to this 1 c. chopped nuts and five figs cut into thin strips. Mrs. J. R. Whitehead. Lady Baltimore Cake. Butter \ lb.-, flour 1 lb., powdered sugar 1 lb., sweet milk 1 c. , eggs 6, baking powder 1 t. Flavor with bitter almonds and bake in layers. Filling — 1 c. raisins, walnuts and almonds put in icing and spread between cake. Icing — 1 pt. pulverized sugar, \ pt. water, 3 eggs (whites only), 1 t. cream of tartar. Flavor with vanilla. Mrs. Dehon. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or rL.fAM I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of ^'Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 108 RECIPES. Cheese Cake. Dough — J c. sugar, 1 t. butter, cream together, 1 egg, drop in whole, f c. flour, scant, 1 t. (level) baking powder, milk enough for stiff dough, 1 t. vanilla. Custard — 1^ c. fresh curd cheese (mash through colander), 5 eggs (yolks beaten very light with Dover egg beater), 3 tb. sugar (full), 2 tb. flour, \ pt. cream, and lastly, whites of 3 eggs beaten very stiff, fold in. Line the sides of pan with dough and add custard without baking dough first. Rosa Brown. Banana Cake. Cream \ c. butter and 1 c. sugar, add 2 well beaten eggs, \ c. milk, If c. flour. Bake in layers. When baked spread between layers a little boiled icing and sliced bananas To be eaten while fresh. Mrs. J. W. Joiner, Sr. Ginger Pound Cake. Butter ilb., sugar \ lb., cream together f lb. flour, 1 c. sour milk, 4 eggs, \ pt. syrup in which dissolve 1 t, soda, 1 t. ginger, \ nutmeg, \ t. cinnamon. Add eggs to beaten butter and sugar, then syrup, spices, milk and flour. Bake in moderate oven. L. C. P. Caramel Cake. One c. butter, 2 c. sugar, 3 c. flour, 4 eggs, 2 t. baking powder, 1 c. milk, 1 t. vanilla flavoring. For filling, 3 c. dark brown sugar, \ c. butter, § c. sweet cream. Boil together till candied, not hard. Beat till cold and add 1 t. vanilla flavoring. Spread between the cake baked in layers, spread on top and sides. Mrs. Chas. Lonsberg. Lemon Cheese Cake. Two c. sugar, \ c. butter, f c. sweet milk, 3 c. flour, 3 t. baking powder, whites of 6 eggs. Filling for Lemon Cheese Cake — Grated rind and juice of 2 lemons, \ c. butter, yolks of 3 eggs, 1 c. sugar. Mix all together and cook until thick, stirring all the time. Spread between layers. Mrs. Tom Oliver. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or T Lnli I LIlL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 109 Caramel Cake. Make a batter for layer cake; bake in 3 layers. Filling — 4 c. light brown sugar, 1 lb. shelled pecans, 1 c. cream or sweet milk. Boil cream, sugar, h c. butter until nearly candied. Stir in nuts, put between layers and on top of cake. Good. Mrs. P. E. Tucker. Almond Cream Cake. Ten eggs beaten separately, H c. pulverized sugar, 1 c- cracker dust, 1 c. cup chopped 'almonds. Beat yolks, then add sugar, mix almonds and cracker dust, add whites, then beat all together. Add juice of 1 lemon, 2 t. vanilla. Bake in 3 layers and spread whipped cream between layers. Delicious Plain Cake or Croton Sponge. Six eggs, 1 lb. sugar, 1 lb. flour, 1 c. butter, 1 c. cold water, 2 even t. of good baking powder. Mrs. J. A. Miller. Cherry Cake. For 3 layers — 3 c. Hour, 1 f c. sugar, \ c. butter, \ c. sweet milk, If level t. baking powder; flavor to taste, whites of 8 eggs. Filling — 3 c. sugar, 1 c. water, 1 pinch of cream of tartar for each cup of sugar, whites of 3 eggs, juice of 1 lemon, any desired flavoring, f lb. crystalized cherries, \ lb. pineapple, 1 lb. pecan nuts, slice cherries and pineapple, chop nuts and put between layers in icing. Mrs. J. R. DeGraffenreid. White Perfection Cake. Whites of 14 eggs, 1 lb. sugar, J lb. flour, \ lb. butter. To Make — Use only fresh eggs. Whip whites to a stiff froth and dry.. Add gradually the sugar, then beat until like icing. Sift flour several times and set in warmer of stove to dry PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I Lnli I LINE, butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 110 EECIPES. do not heat above a little warm. Cream butter until almost like thick cream, then add gradually the flour, until all is in; now add, the beaten sugar and whites. Put in steeple pan and bake slowly. Mrs. J. W. Walters. Marsh Mallow Cake. Whites of 18 eggs, 2^ c. pulverized sugar, 1J c. flour, 2 t. cream of tartar, 1 t. vanilla. Beat eggs very light, sift flour 3 times with cream of tartar, add eggs and sugar, then vanilla, bake in three layers, with paper in bottom of pans. Filling — 2 c. sugar boiled with 1 c. water until syrup ropes, just before taking from fire add -J- lb. marsh mallow broken in bits to melt, pour the mixture over the well beaten whites of 2 eggs. Beat until cold then spread very thick between cakes and over top. Mrs. Georgia Cherry. Delightful Sponge Cake. One pt. of sugar, 1 pt. of flour, -| tumbler of warm water, 7 eggs, 1 t. of vanilla, 1 t. of lemon, mix water and sugar and cook until clear. While hot pour over the well beaten yolks. Then add the stiffly beaten whites. Lastly add the flour. Bake in a quick oven. Mrs. W. H. Newsom. Marsh Mallow Cake. Custard Part — One c. grated chocolate or ^ cake, J c. sweet milk, 1 c. brown sugar, yolk of 1 egg, 1 t. vanilla extract. Stir all this together in a granite saucepan, cook slowly till it thickens and set away to cool. Cake Part — One c. brown sugar, J c. sweet milk, -| c. butter, 2 c. flour, 2 eggs. Cream butter sugar and yolks of eggs together, add milk, sifted flour and the whites of eggs beaten stiff, beat all together and then stir in the custard part. Lastly add 1 t of soda dissolved in a little warm water. This makes 3 nice large layers and a cake that will keep fresh Filling of the Marsh Mallow Cake — One c. ©f brown sugar, 1 c. of white sugar, 1 c. water, 1 tb. vinegar. Boil till thick as PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or rLnli I L.ML- butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. Ill for candy and stir in the whites of 2 eggs and J lb. of marsh mallow. Let boil up once and place on layers letting each one cool before putting the layers together. White sugar may be used. Mrs. C. R. Jordan. Nye Cake. Seven eggs, whites and yolks, 4| c. sifted flour, 3 c. sugar, 1 c. butter, 1 c. sweet milk, 2 t. baking powder. Good for layer cake. Mrs. J. S. Davis. Sponge Cake. Three eggs, f c. sugar, 1 scant c. flour, f t. baking powder. Beat the yolks of eggs and sugar together, then add whites beaten very stiff, add flour, flavor with vanilla. Mrs. L. J. Michael. Virginia Snow Cake — Eggs 9, whites only, 1 c. butter, 4 c. flour, If c. sugar, 1 c. milk, 1^ t. baking powder, 1 t. vanilla. Mrs. A. E. Jackson. White Sponge Cake — Five eggs, whites, 1 c. sugar, 1 c flour r 1 t. baking powder, flavor as liked. Bake in quick oven. Alice Mallory. "One, Two, Three, Four" for Layer Cakes. Butter 1 c. , sugar 2 c. flour 3 c, baking powder 1 t., sweet milk 1 c. , eggs 4. Use any filling desired. Mrs. J. M. Morton. Croton Sponge Cake. Six eggs beaten separately, 1 lb. of flour, 1 lb. sugar, \ lb. butter, 2 even t. of cream tartar in flour, 1 t. of soda in a c. of sour milk. Beat the milk and soda in last and bake. Mrs. W. N. Ticknor. White Cake. Five c. sifted flour 1 c. butter, 1 c. milk, 3 c. sifted pulver- ized sugar. Whites 12 eggs. PI ANTFNF * 8 a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or I Lnli I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 112 RECIPES. Gold Cake. Make as above receipt, using 12 yolks. Use powders or mixed flour. Mrs. Wolfork. White Mountain Cake. Sugar 3 c., butter 1 c, Hour 1 pt., Ht. baking powder, 1 c. milk, whites 6 eggs, 20 drops extract bitter almond; cream butter and sugar, add whites of eggs, well beaten, the flour sifted with powder, then milk and extract mix throughly, but care- fully. Bake in jelly cake tins in quick oven 15 min. put together with white icing and grated cocoanut mixed, in pro- portion of 2 c. icing to 1 c. cocoanut. Mrs. M. A. Jarrard. White Mountain Cake. Butter \ c, pulverized sugar 2 o, beat to a cream, add \ c. sweet milk, 2^ c. flour, 1\ t. baking powder in flour, whites of 8 eggs. Bake in jelly tins, put together with following icing: Sugar 3 c, water \ c, boil until thick, pour slowly over the well beaten whites of 3 eggs, and beat together until cool. Heat before putting on each layer. Sprinkle eacb layer with grated cocoanut. Mrs. A. M. Jacksox. White Cake. Whites 12 eggs, 3 c. sugar, 5 c. of Queen of Pantry flour, 1 c. butter, 1 c. water, 1 t. baking powder, cream butter and sugar well, add flour and water alternately, leave out 1 c. flour to mix with powder to be added last with whites of eggs. Mrs. L. F. Allen, Oswichee, Ala. Peach Blossom Cake. One c. pulverized sugar. \ c. butter, stirred together until thick like cream, 2 t. baking powder, \ c. sweet milk. Beat the whites of 3 eggs, add to it 1 c. flour, mixed with the baking powder, stir and add \ t, cornstarch, flavor strong with extract PI ANT FN F ^ Sa P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I Lnl! I LML. Du tter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. Holds America's Highest Prize BAKER'S Cocoa and Chocolate Absolutely pure, with a most delicious flavor, made by a scientific blending of the best cocoa beans grown in different parts of the world. It is backed by 126 years of successful manu- facture and by 46 highest awards in Europe and America— an unparalleled record of achievement. Registered U. S. Tat. Office Be sure that you get the genuine with the trade-mark on the package. Directions for preparing more than one hundred dainty dishes in our Choice Recipe Book, sent free on request. Walter Baker (§L Co. Ltd. ^ Established 1780. DORCHESTER. MASS. 114 RECIPES. of peach. Bake in 2 square tins in moderately quick oven and when done sandwich with grated cocoanut and pink sugar. Frost with clear icing and sprinkle this with pulverized pink sugar. Alice Mallory. Angel Food Cake. Whites 11 eggs, 18 tb. sugar, (level) 18 tb. flour (level) 1 tb. cream of tartar. Mrs. Spencer Atkinson. White Cake. Whites of 8 eggs, 3 c. flour, 2 c. sugar, \ c. plantene, 1 c. sweet milk, 1| t. baking powder, crearn plantene and begin add- ing to it flour and milk, whip whites of eggs stiff and then whip in the sugar, and now add this to the first mixture, lastly add baking powder, bake in loaf or layers in moderate oven. Mrs. C. R. Newsom. Filling for White Cake. Cover 2 tb. of gelatine with enough water to dissolve it. Boil 2 c. of sugar with 8 tb. of water until it threads. Beat into gelatine and flavor with vanilla, add Jc. of each of these: Nuts, citron, crystallized cherries and pineapple. J. B. S. Chocolate Icing. Three c. sugar well moistened with milk (or water) cook until it drops separately into cold water. In a small pan grate \ block of bakers chocolate, put over the kettle to dissolve; beat the white of 1 egg very stiff. When it is done beat into the egg and add chocolate and a little vanilla, beat until the icing is stiff and spread quickly. Rene Wilson. Chocolate Icing. One-fourth c. chocolate, \ c. sugar, \ c. sweet milk, 1 tb. cornstarch, 1 t. vanilla. Boiled Icing. Two c. sugar, \ c. water, boil until syrup wraps on spoon, pour over the well beaten whites of 3 eggs. Beat all until thick. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnli I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 115 Transparent Icing. Two tb. powdered sugar stirred into the white of 1 egg with- out beating. Lemon Cheese Cake-Filling. Grate rind from 3 lemons and strain juice, add butter size of walnut. Two c. sugar, a little flour, boil in double boiler until thick. Spread between layers. Layers as used for cocoanut cake. Mrs. R. A. Malone. Caramel Filling. One lb sugar, 1 c. butter, boil sugar until nearly candied, then add butter and boil until real thick. Pour over the beaten whites of 2 eggs. Gelatine Icing. One c. powdered sugar, 1 tb. gelatine, 1 tb. cold water, soak gelatine and cold water 1 hr. add 1 tb. hot water. Put in sugar and beat all slowly, add vanilla or any preferred flavoring. J. B. S. Caramel Filling. Butter 1 tb., sugar 2 c. put both in a pan, let brown stirring constantly. Heat 1 c. sugar and 1 c. of sweet milk, add to brown sugar and cook until it bubbles up like candy and is thick. Flavor with 2 t. vanilla. Caramel Filling No. 3. Sugar 3 c. , butter 1 c, sweet milk 1^ c, boil all 10 min. Beat until cold. Mrs. L. F. Allen, Oswichee, Ala. Ice Cream Filling. Sugar 2 c. , yolks 4 eggs. Boil sugar as for icing, pour while- hot into the well beaten yolks. Flavor with vanilla. 116 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 117 118 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 119 ]20 RECIPES. FROZEN DESSERTS. "That is hot ice and wondrous strange snow." Angel Parfait. One c. sugar, 1 c. water, 3 eggs (whites), 1 t. each vanilla and lemon, 1 pt. cream, 1 tb. sherry wine. Boil sugar and water till it spins a thread, then pour this syrup over the whites of eggs, well beaten. Beat until cold; then add lemon, vanilla and sherry. Fold this into the cream that has been well beaten. Turn mixture into moulds; close securely, pack in equal parts of crushed ice and salt and allow to remain 3 or 4 hours. Serve in glasses with star of whipped cream sprinkled with either pistachio nuts or candied violets crushed fine, or make a lemon ice, color a light green, fill mould with lemon ice and parfait in center. Nesselrode Pudding. One c. French chestnuts, 1 c. sugar, yolks of 3 eggs, \ pt. cream, \ lb. mixed candied fruits, 1 c. almonds, \ c. pineapple (drained), 1^ tb. of maraschino and 1 tb. of sherry, or all of sherry, \ t. vanilla. First. Remove the shell from chestnuts; put in boiling water for 3 min., then into cold water and take off the skins. Boil the blanched chestnuts until tender. Press them through a seive — they will go through more easily while hot. Second. Blanch the almonds, pound and chop fine. Third. Cut candied fruits into dice; pour over them the maraschino and let stand until ready to use. Fourth. Put into saucepan on the fire 1 c. of sugar and £ c. boiling water; stir until the sugar is dissolved, then let it cook slowly for 5 min. making a sugar syrup. PI ANTFNF * 8 a P er f ec t substitute for either hog lard or I Lnll I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 12 1 Fifth. Beat the yolks of 3 eggs until light; pour into them slowly, stirring all the time, the sugar syrup. Place them on the fire and stir constantly until the mixture is enough thickened to coat the spoon and has the consistency of thick cream. Remove it from the fire, turn it into a bowl, and beat it until it is cold. When it is cold add ^ pt. of cream, the mashed chest- nuts, the powdered almonds and vanilla flavoring, and freeze it. When it is frozen remove the lid of the freezer and add the fruits, replace the lid and turn the freezer for 5 minutes. Pack the cream or put it into a fancy mould and pack in ice until ready for use. Serve with whipped cream if in fancy mould, or if in the freezer fill champage glasses with the pudding, and put whipped sweetened cream on top with one marron glace on top of each glass. This makes one quart and will serve eight or ten persons. Mrs. Clark Howell, Atlanta, Ga. Ice Pudding. Make a rich boiled custard of 1 pt. of milk, 1 pt. cream, yolks of 8 eggs; sweeten to taste. Beat smooth, add a little rose water, J lb. sweet and bitter almonds. Mix J lb. seeded raisins, the same of currants, § as much citron and preserved orange peel, flour these well; pour the custard hot over the fruit, mix well. When cool add a pint of whipped and drained sylabub. Put into any kind of pretty mould and freeze. Serve with custard or sylabub sauce. Flavor and sweeten to taste. Katharine Robert. Caramel Cream. One c. sugar, 1 qt. thin cream, i c. sugar, 1 pt. whipped cream. Cook 1 c. sugar to caramel stage, stirring steadily to prevent burning. Add this to 1 qt. thin cream that has been scalded and in which the J c. sugar was dissolved. Cool. Add 1 tb. vanilla and chill in freezer, then add 1 pt. whipped cream, then freeze thoroughly. PIAIMTFNF * 8 a P ei "f e °t substitute for either hog lard or rLnl™ I Lml butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 122 RECIPES. Chocolate Ice Cream. Grate £ lb. chocolate very fine and mix as thoroughly as possible with 1 c. sweet milk. Add this to 1 qt. sweet cream, rich as possible, and mix thoroughly. The only flavoring need be used is vanilla. Add 1 c. sugar to sweeten and freeze after stirring the sugar in thoroughly. Mrs. J. W. Joiner, Sr. Crushed Strawberry Ice Cream. Three pts. best cream, 12 oz. pulverized white sugar, 2 eggs. Mix all in porcelain vessel. Place on fire, stir continuously to boiling point. Remove and strain through hair sieve. Freeze. Take 1 qt. ripe strawberries, select and put in china bowl, add 6 oz. pulverized white sugar, crush all down to pulp, add this pulp to frozen cream with 2 tb. vanilla. Mix in well. Give freezer a few addition turns to harden. Mrs. M. A. Jarrard. Mousse. One pt. cream, 3 tb. sherry wine. J c. sugar, | t. vanilla, 2 eggs (whites only). Whip cream until stiff; whip whites of eggs well and add to cream. Stir in sugar and vanilla. Turn into mould. Pack in ice and salt 3 or 4 hours. Mrs. D. F. Crossland. Marsh Mallow Cream. One-half box gelatine dissolved in £ pt. water, 2 qt. milk, 1 pt. cream, 2 c. sugar, 2 tb. vanilla, whites of 3 eggs (beaten light) added after cream is nearly frozen. Mrs. A. W. Tucker. Apricot Ice Cream. One can apricots, 1 slice crystalized pineapple, dime's worth crystalized cherries, 1 qt. cream, 2 qts. milk, 2 well beaten eggs, 2 t. cornstarch. Mix eggs, sugar and cornstarch, pour boiling milk over it. Set back on fire and stir until thickens. Whip cream before adding it. Freeze and pack; let stand for several hours. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or ILMm I L.ML. butter; use about one-half the quantity of ^'Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES 123 Raspberry Bumm. Make ^ gal. pure cream by any receipt one likes and freeze. Then make and freeze a raspberry ice by following receipt. Rub a can of red raspberries through a sieve. Boil 1 qt. sugar and 1 qt. water to a thick syrup. Put this syrup when cool in freezer with raspberry juice as well as juice of 3 lemons and 1^ qts. of water and freeze. Have ice cream mould ready to pack in alter- nate layers (1^ inches thick) the raspberry ice, then pure cream, and soon until mould is full. Close securely the mould und pack in ice and salt about 3 hours. Slice across to serve. Mrs. J. W. Walters. Cocoa Frappe. Mix |- lb. of cocoa, 3 c. sugar, cook with 2 c. boiling water until smooth, add 3^ qts. milk, scalded; with cinnamon bark; cook for 10 min. Beat in the whites of 2 eggs, mixed with 1 c. sugar and 1 pt. whipped cream. Cool. Flavor with vanilla and freeze. Serve in cups garnished with whipped cream. Vanilla Ice Cream. One gal. sweet milk, 2 lbs. sugar, 16 eggs; boil sugar and milk together, beat eggs lightly and add to milk while boiling. When cool add 1 tb. vanilla and freeze. Mrs. J. W. Joiner, Sr. Bisque Ice Creem. Boil 2 pts. sweet milk, thicken with 2 eggs and 1 c. sugar, 1 large tb. flour. Whip eggs, sugar and flour together, then stir in boiling milk. Strain and add 1 pt. thick cream and 6 macaroons, a few drops of bitter almond. Mrs. Jno. D. Pope. Bisque Ice Cream. Dry 6 ozs. macaroons in the oven. When cool roll fine and beat in 1 qt. cream. Whip until it begins to froth, then add little at a time, the strained juice of 2 lemons and 2 wine glasses full of sherry wine; sugar to taste and freeze. Mrs. L. W. B. PI ANTFNF * 8 a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or T l_r\M I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of il Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 124 RECIPES. Orange Sherbert. One tb. gelatine dissolved in ^ c. water, 1 c. sugar, 1^ c. of boiling water, juice of 4 lemons, the grated rind of 1 lemon, the whites of 2 eggs. Freeze. Mrs. A. T. Ginger Sherbert. Make a lemon water ice and freeze. Cut 4 ozs. of preserved ginger into very small pieces, adding to it 2 tbs. of the ginger syrup. Stir into the frozen ice and pack for several hours. Mrs. Anna Taylor. Pineapple Sherbert. One can pineapple, 1 pt. boiling water and 4 lemons. Pour boiling water over pineapple (grated), add juice of lemons, strain and make real sweet. When nearly frozen add milk and cream (which has been made real sweet). Enoiigh to make 1 gallon. Freeze and pack to ripen. Lemon Sherbert. Six lemons, 3 c. sugar, 1 qt. boiling water. Reserve 1 c. water and soak 1 tb. gelatine in it. Freeze. Orange Souffle. Cover |- a box of gelatine with h c. of cold water and soak \ hr. , add 1 c. of boiling water and the yolks of 4 eggs beaten very light. Mix 1 pt. orange juice with 1 lb. sugar, freeze. When ready to remove the beater stir in 1 qt. of cream, whipped. Pack in plenty of salt and ice and let stand for 2 hours. Mrs. A. Taylor. Iced Cocoa. To every pint cocoa made in the usual way add ^ c. of whipped cream, beat it into the cocoa; sweeten to taste, and pack in ice and salt. Served in glasses partly filled with chipped ice. Mrs. Anna Taylor. Orange Ice. One doz. oranges, 3 lemons, 2 c. sugar; strain, then freeze. Mrs. N. L. Ragan. P! ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I l_r\li I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 125 Five Three's. Three bananas mashed fine, 3 oranges, 3 lemons, 3 c. sugar, 3 pts. water. Mix well and freeze. Orange Ice. One qt. of orange juice or juice from 1 doz. large oranges, 1 qt. of water, 1 qt. of sugar, juice of 2 lemons. Mix sugar and water together, let boil until thick, then cool. Mix with orange and lemon juice, then freeze. Mrs. J. D. Armstrong. Orange Ice. One qt. cream, 1 pt. milk, 1 tumbler sherry wine, 1 doz. oranges, 2 c. sugar. Put sugar and juice in freezer, chill thoroughly, then add cream beaten light, and add lastly, the wine, then freeze and pack to ripen. Delicious. Maple Bisque. The yolks of 4 eggs well beaten, add to this 1 large cup of maple syrup, cook for a few minutes, barely letting it come to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from fire and strain. Set aside to cool. When perfectly cool beat until light. Whip whites of the 4 eggs to a stiff froth. Beat 1 pt. of thick cream until stiff; add whites to cream, then pour in the cooked syrup. Mix thoroughly and put in a mould. Pack with salt and ice and let stand 3 or 4 hours. When ready to remove dip in cold water and then in hot water for a few seconds so it will turn but easily. Chocolate Sauce for Ice Cream. Two squares grated chocolate, 2 c. sugar, 2 tb. sugar (level), ^ c. water, cinnamon bark ^ in. long. Stir on fire until dis- solved. Cook thick and pour over each saucer of ice cream. 126 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 127 128 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 129 130 RECIPES. PRESERVES, JELLIES, ETC. "Give no more to every guest Than he's able to digest; Give him always of the prime, And but little at a time." — Sivift. The richest juices of any fruit lie immediately under the skin and around the core. Here, also is the gelatinous principle without which the fruit cannot jelly. Therefore do not make the mistake of peeling and coring any fruit for jelly. Cantaloupe Preserves. Take a melon half ripe, cut in pieces of equal size, peel off the rind and take out the seed. Soak in lime water for 6 or 8 hrs. (dissolving 2 handfuls of lime in 3 gals, of water). Change the pieces from top to bottom while soaking. Then soak in clear water, changing twice. Then scald in weak alum water, let them remain in until cold put again in cold water. Make a rich syrup, using \\ lbs. sugar to 1 lb. fruit. Strain the boiling syrup over the fruit and let stand until the next morning, turning a large dinner plate over to hold the fruit in the syrup. Next day boil slowly until tender and clear. Flavor as you like with lemon, vanilla or ginger. Mrs. Anna Taylor. Watermelon Rind Preserves. Boil 5 lbs. melon (cut in pretty shape) for 30 or 40 minutes in water to which has been added a piece of alum about walnut size (crushed). Cover with grape leaves while cooking them. Then drain and soak in fresh water all night. In the morning PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I Lnli I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 131 make a syrup of 6 lbs. sugar and water sufficient to cook the fruit well done and transparent. If the flavor of ginger is liked make a strong tea and add to syrup. Cinnamon and cloves are good also for flavoring. Mrs. James W. Armstrong. Pineapple Preserves. Pare the fruit, and with sharp pointed knife extract the eyes. With a silver fork tear fruit off the core in pieces of moderate size. Weigh fruit and to every pound of fruit add 1 lb. of sugar. Place in saucepan in alternate layers of fruit and sugar till all is used; allow a small cup of water to each pound of sugar. Heat slowly to boiling point. When the fruit has been scalded 3 minutes skim, then dip out the fruit putting it into platters, returning to kettle all syrup that drains from fruit. Boil syrup h hr., skimming frequently. Then add the pine- apple and boil 25 min., when it should be done. If the syrup is not as thick as desired skim out fruit once more, placing it on platters. Then boil syrup to desired thickness, cooling a little in saucer to test its thickness. Return fruit for final scalding and seal in jars. Mrs. Jordan. Fig Preserves. Peel the figs as thin as possible. Have a cup of lime dis- solved in a dish pan of water and drop the figs in as you peel them. Let them stand in the lime water about 2 hours, then wash them off, using a quantity of fresh water. One pound of fruit to f of a pound of sugar, add enough water to dissolve the sugar, let the sugar come to a boil before putting in the fruit. Let them boil slowly till they become transparent. About 10 minutes before taking them up drop a few drops of lemon in the preserves, it gives a flavor: don't use a whole lemon, as it does not require so much. Mrs. W. C. Hutchins. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or T Lnl 1 I LllL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 132 RECIPES. Strawberry Preserves. One lb. berries, f lb. sugar, 1 tb. water. Mix berries with sugar, pour in the water. Let stand just a little while, so that some juice will collect in the bottom. Place over a slow fire. You might stir from the bottom once or twice. Boil hard 15 minutes. Do not make more than 2 quarts at a time, else they will lose their color. Scald jars and rubbers thoroughly and have ready before cooking berries. Put up air tight. Edna Whittlesey. Tutti Fruiti. In a gallon stone jar pour 1 pt. alcohol, 1 c. sugar, 1 c. chopped fruits, always adding equal quantities of fruit and sugar; any kind of fruit is good except bananas, which mash too badly. Keep jar covered and stir from bottom whenever fruit is added. Do not add more alcohol. When jar is full put brandied paper over top and tie tightly. Mrs. J. S. Davis. Spiced Pears or Apples. Quarter fruit, then put in vessel, cover with white wine vinegar, add sugar and spice to taste. Boil until tender. Mrs, R. A. Malone. May Haw Jelly. Fill your kettle f full of haws, then add water to the top. Cook and mash until well done (always keeping hot water to to add as it boils away). Then strain 3 times through cheese cloth bags. To 6 tumblers of juice add 4 tumblers of sugar and boil until it falls in drops of jelly from the spoon. Mrs. James W. Armstrong. Blackberry Jelly. To a peck of ripe blackberries add 2 quarts of half ripe berries; cover with water and boil briskly until juice is extracted. Strain. To 1 c. sugar add 2 c. juice. Cook over a quick fire, skimming frequently. When pouring up jelly set glasses in a shallow pan of hot water. Mrs. S. J. Jones. PI ANTFNF * s a P er f ec t substitute for either hog lard or iLnli I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. MEMORANDA. 133 134 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 136 136 MEMORANDA. RECIPES. 137 PICKLES, CATSUPS AND SAUCES. "I'll warrant there's vinegar and pepper in it." Bell Pepper Pickles. One peck pepper (with stems), 3 medium size hard cabbage, h peck onions. Cut a slit in the side of peppers and remove the seed, then place them in brine over night (4 c. salt to |- gal. water). Chop onions and cabbage fine and sprinkle a little salt between each layer of vegetables. Let stand overnight. In the early morning pour off brine from peppers and replace with clear water. Squeeze the brine from cabbage and onions and add 1 pt. green and red chopped peppers, 5 cents worth of tumeric, 5 cents worth of celery seed, 10 cents worth of white mustard seed, 1 box Thurber's cinnamon, 2 tb. black pepper, 3 tb. mustard, 4 large tumblers of sugar, 1 qt. vinegar, salt to taste (if needed). Mix this thoroughly and let it stand awhile. In the meantime wipe the peppers dry and then fill with the mixture. Sew the opening together. Place in jar and pour over them ^ gal. vinegar to which has been added 3 tumblers of sugar and brought to a boil. For 4 mornings pour off and reheat the vinegar, scalding the peppers. (Ready for use) . Be sure and have them covered with the vinegar. We use stone snuff jars. Adelaide Hall. Pickled Mangoes. Cut a round piece from the stem end of each of the green muskmelons to be pickled. If preferred, a slice may be cut from the side. Remove the seeds and fasten the piece taken out back in place. Let the prepared melons stand over night in a strong brine — a cup of salt to a gallon of water. Chop fine green tomatoes, cabbage, small white onions, small cucumbers and green peppers. Use such number and proportion of these PI ANTFNF ^ sa P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or ILnli I LnL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 138 RECIPES. as is desired. Let these as also nasturtium seeds stand over night in salted water. Drain and cover with weak vinegar and let stand over night. Heat the tomatoes in the vinegar to the boiling point, then drain and press each of the vegetables until they are quite dry. Put into each melon 2 or 3 cloves, 3 or 4 pieces of cinnamon and i a t. of grated horseradish, then fill with the prepared vegetables and nasturtium seed. Sew into each melon the piece that was cut out and when all are ready, let stand again over night covered with cider vinegar. In the morning cook the mangoes -| hr. in the vinegar in which they have been standing, then remove to a jar and cover with strong cider vinegar. In the morning drain off the vinegar. To each gallon add 1 pint of sugar and a little cayenne pepper and pour this scalding hot over the mangoes. Let stand over night, then drain off the vinegar and pour scalding hot a second time over the mangoes. Repeat this process 3 mornings, when pickles will be ready for use. Boston Cooking School. Corn Salad Pickle. (five quarts). Eighteen ears corn (just as you like for table use), % lb. Coleman's mustard, 2 lbs. brown sugar, 4 large onions, 2 green peppers, 2 red peppers, \ c. salt, 1 large cabbage, 2 qts. best vinegar, 2 bunches celery. Cut off corn, scrape; chop all vege- tables and mix together. Cook until peppers turn brown. Color with 1 tb. tumeric. Put in jars hot and seal. Mrs. J. W. Walters. Universal Pickle. One gal. vinegar, 1 pt. salt, 3 lbs. brown sugar, 1 small box mustard, 1 pt. horseradish chopped fine, 1 qt. onions chopped fine, \ lb. of allspice, \ lb. of ground pepper, \ lb. whole pepper, 2 oz. of mace, 2 oz. of cloves, 2 oz. of celery seed, 2 oz. tumeric. Let this mixture stand 3 days. Then drop into it any fresh fruits or vegetables. Mrs. W. H. Newsom. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or iLnli I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of ■"Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. S. J. Jones, S. W. Smith, W. E. Smith, President. V. Pres. & G. Mgr. Mgr. Real Estate Dept. The Jones & Smith Title Guaranty and Loan Co* Office: Woolfolk Building, ALBANY, GEORGIA. Examines and Guarantees Titles to Real Estate Anywhere in Southwest Georgia. Negotiates Loans on Farm Lands in Dougherty, Calhoun, Terrell, Lee, Baker, Worth and Mitchell Counties, and on Land in the City of Albany. Buys and Sells Real Estate and Purchase Money Notes. REFERENCES: The British and American Mortgage Co., New York. Scottish American Mortgage Co., Edinburgh, Scotland- Georgia Loan and Trust Co., Macon, Ga.. Bradstreet's and Dun's Agency. The Most Complete Home -Furnishing Establishment in Southwest Georgia. Tour every want Supplied from Kitchen to Parlor, from Cellar to Garret. Favor us with your business. We promise VALUE for your Money. The Steele Furniture and Hardware Store, 140 RECIPES. Picklette. Four large, crisp cabbage chopped fine, 1 qt. onions chopped fine, 2 qts. vinegar— or to cover cabbage, 2 lbs. brown sugar, 2 tbs. ground mustard, 2 tbs. black pepper, 2 tbs. cinnamon, 2 tbs. tumeric, 2 lbs. celery seed, 1 tb. allspice, 1 tb. mace, 1 tb. pulverized alum, 10 cents worth of mustard seed. Pack the cabbage and onions in alternate layers with a little salt between. Let them stand until next day. Then scald the vinegar, sugar and spices together and pour over cabbage and onions three mornings. The fourth morning, boil all together 10 minutes. Miss Annie Parker. Cabbage Pickle. One gal. chopped cabbage, 1 pt. chopped onions, 1J pts. vinegar, 2 tbs. mustard, 2 oz. mustard seed, 2 oz. celery seed, 2 ts. allspice (powdered), 1 oz. black pepper, 1 oz. mace, 1 oz. cloves, 1^ lbs. brown sugar, 1 tb. salt. Boil all together until the cabbage is soft and tender. Mary Hyman Mallett. Mustard Chow Chow Pickles. One qt. small cucumbers, 1 qt. largest sliced cucumbers, 1 qt. sliced green tomatoes, 1 qt. small button onions, 1 large cauli- flower and 4 green peppers cut fine. Make a brine of 4 qts. of water and 1 pt. salt; pour it over the mixture and let stand for 24 hours. Heat it enough to scald it and turn into a colander to drain. Mix 1 c. of flour, 6 tbs. of ground mustard and 1 tb. tumeric with enough cold vinegar to make a smooth paste. Add 1 c. sugar and more vinegar, enough to make 2 qts in all. Boil this mixture until it thickens and is smooth, stirring all the time. Add the vegetables and cook until well cooked through, but not soft. Mrs. R. M. C. Cucumber Oil Pickles. Fifty cucumbers 4 in. long, 2 red or 2 green peppers, 1 oz. celery seed, ^ c. Colman's mustard, ^ of 35 cent bottle olive oil. Wash cucumbers, have a gallon crock, cut up cucumbers cross- Pi ANTFNF" * s a P er ^ ec ^ substitute for either hog lard or r Lnli I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 141 wise about 2 in. deep in crock, then onions cut same way 2 in. deep, then cucumbers and so on till all are in. Salt as if for table, then add | c. Colman's mustard mixed to smooth, thin paste, add tumeric enough to color, add vinegar enough to cover, then \ bottle (35) olive oil. Seal crock and will be ready for use in about three weeks. Mrs. J. W. Walters. Stuffed Cucumbers. Make a brine strong enough to float an egg and pour boiling on the cucumbers. Let them stand 5 days. Then cut cucum- bers open on one side, scrape out the seed and wash cucumbers well. For filling, cut up 1 large cabbage, six onions, 2 large green peppers, \ lb. brown sugar, 1 tb. each ground allspice, celery seed and salt. Mix well and fill 1 dozen large cucumbers, tying them securely. Have vinegar enough to cover well. Put on stove and add 1 lb. brown sugar, 1 oz. stick cinnamon, 2 t. each of whole cloves and allspice. Lay cucumbers in the kettle, cover well with grape leaves and scald for 1 hour, but do not boil. Put them in stone jars and they will be ready for use in three weeks. Helen Clare Davis. Tomato Catsup. Take 1 bushel of firm, ripe tomatoes, wipe them nicely with a damp cloth, cut out the cores, put them in a porcelain lined kettle, place them over the fire, pour over them 3 pts. water, throw in 2 handfuls of peach leaves with 10 or 12 onions cut fine. Boil until tomatoes are done, which will take about 2 hours. Then strain through a coarse sieve. Pour the liquid back into the kettle and add \ gal. good vinegar, have ready 2 oz. ground spice, 2 oz. ground black pepper, 2 oz. mustard (either ground or in seed, as preferred), 1 oz. ground cloves, 2 nut- megs, grated, 2 lbs. light brown sugar, 1 pt. salt. Mix these ingredients well together before putting into boiler; boil 2 hours, stirring constantly, to keep from burning. If you like the PI AISITFNF * s a P er ^ ect SUDS frt ute for either hog lard or rLnH I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 142 RECIPES. catsup hot add cayenne pepper to taste. When cool fill bottles, cork and seal with wax to exclude all air. Keep in a cool, dry place. This receipt is preferred to all others. Mrs. A. M. Jackson, Albany, Ga. Mr. John Mock's Tomato Catsup. Wash and mash tomatoes, put them in a preserving kettle and boil 1 hour. Strain the mass through a sieve, then to 4 qts. of the liquid add 1 qt. vinegar, 2 tbs. of black pepper, 1 tb. of whole allspice, 1 t. of cloves,. 1 t. of ground cinnamon, 1 t. of mace, 2 lemons, sliced, 2 large onions, cut fine, 6 pods green pepper, unbroken. Boil down to one-half, strain off the spice. Bottle when cool and use new corks. To the above may be added 1 c. of brown sugar. Tomato Soy Relish. One 3 lb. can of tomatoes, 1 c. sugar, 6 medium sized onions, ■| t. salt, J t. cloves, cinnamon and spice, ground, J t. black pepper and red pepper. Cover and stew, mashing with a potato masher until like a fine jam. If sealed well will keep all winter. Mrs. W. W. Wilson. Green Tomato Pickle. One peck of green tomatoes, sliced, 12 large onions, sliced. Sprinkle the whole with salt and let stand 24 hours. Then strain off water and add 4 large green peppers, ^ lb. mustard seed, ij oz. cloves, 1 oz. celery seed, 1 oz. allspice, 2 lbs. sugar;, cover with vinegar and boil until clear. When cold add a small box of mustard and seal. Mrs. Y. C. Rust. Peach Pickle. One qt. vinegar, 4 lbs. sugar, spice to taste. Let vinegar and sugar boil about 1 min., then put in as many peaches as the vinegar will cover. Let fruit come to a boil and then put in jars. Pour vinegar over them and seal. Mrs. Cliff Clay. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I !_r\M I LI1L butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 143 Sweet Pickled Peaches. To 7 lbs. peaches allow 3f lbs. sugar, 1 qt. vinegar, 2 oz. cloves; 2 oz. stick cinnamon. Pare the peaches and stick 1 or 2 cloves into each. Boil the sugar and vinegar with several sticks of cinnamon for 5 min., then put in the peaches; when cooked till thoroughly done, take them out. Boil the syrup, reducing it nearly h and pour it over the peaches. Mrs. R. Patterson. Green Tomato Sauce. Chop fine 8 lbs. green tomatoes, add 4 lbs. brown sugar. Boil till done. Add 1 qt. vinegar, 1 t. each mace, cinnamon and cloves and boil 15 min. Let cool and seal in jars. Plum Sauce. Five lbs. plums, 4 lbs. sugar, 1^ pts. vinegar, flavor with all kinds of spices, tie spices in white lawn bags and boil in the plums, which flavor them well and prevents dregs. Cook until tender and syrup thickens. Cook rapidly 1 hour for sauce, and moderately slow 2 hours for preserves. Mrs. Chas. Frank. Artichoke Pickles. Do not boil or cook artichokes. Take 1 pk. of artichokes and clean in sand. Put in salt and water for 12 hours, then wash in cold water, put in jar and cover with boiling vinegar. Heat the vinegar to a boil and pour over pickles every day for a week. Miss Hattie Hall. Sweet Pickle Peaches. One qt. vinegar, 4 lbs. sugar, 1 t. each of mace, cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Let sugar and vinegar boil about 1 min., drop in spices, then put in as many peeled peaches as vinegar will cover; let all come to a boil. Put in jars, covering well with vinegar and seal promptly. These peaches will not turn dark and will keep indefinitely if carefully put up. Mrs. C. C. Clay, Americus, Ga. PI A l\l T F" i\J F" * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or T Lnll I LI"L butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 144 RECIPES. Spiced Vinegar for Pickles. One gal. of apple vinegar, 1 lb. brown sugar, 2 tb. salt, 1 oz. tumeric, 1 box dry mustard, 2 oz. celery seed, 1 oz. cinnamon sticks, \ oz. mace, 1 tea cup olive oil. Boil and pour over pickles. This is for cabbage and cucumbers, and can be used several times by adding a little more vinegar when needed. Miss Hattie Hall. MEMORANDA. 145 146 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 147 148 RECIPES. BEVERAGES. "Come gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down all unkindness." Hints. One t. vanilla placed in the chocolate pot before pouring in the chocolate gives a good flavor. Some like cinnamon as flavoring to chocolate tea. Vienna Chocolate. Four squares Baker's chocolate (dissolve chocolate in small quantity of water), \ gal. milk, 3 eggs (yolks), 1 c. sugar. Beat yolks and sugar together, add melted chocolate. Pour to these the milk that has been brought to boiling point. Return .to fire, boiling a few minutes, but stir constantly. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Billups Phinizy. Fruit Nectar. One can grated pineapple, 4 c. sugar, strain 3 c. boiling water, 5 lemons, b' oranges, 1 pt. strawberry or grape juice, 1 qt. tea steeped 5 min. and strained through cloth, 6 qts. water. Cut in slices 1 lemon and 1 orange, 1 pt. strawberries not mashed. When ready to serve put in the bowl 1 square piece of ice, pour over the nectar, stir until perfectly cold. Cherries are also nice. Mrs. Anna Taylor. Roman Punch. One qt. weak tea, 1 pt. sugar or more to taste, 1 pt. claret, 2 tb. rum, 1 lb. glace cherries, grated rind and juice of 3 lemons. Add the rum and cherries when punch is about half frozen. Serve in glasses with whipped cream on top. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I LnIN I LllL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 149 Blackberry Nectar. To 12 lbs. berries add 1 qt. boiling water and let it stand 24 hours. Then strain and to 1 qt. of juice add 1 lb. of sugar, dissolve thoroughly, then strain again. After straining add 2 oz. of tartaric acid. Bottle and seal . Put 2 t. of nectar to a glass of water, adding sugar and ice to taste. Blackberry Acid. Cover 6 qts. fruit in a jar with 2 qts. water in which 5 J oz. of tartaric acid has been dissolved, let stand 48 hours, then strain, but do not squeeze the fruit. To 1 qt. of juice add 1 pt. of sugar, stir until dissolved, then bottle, but do not put the corks in too tight for a few clays. Do not get the fruit too ripe, and be careful not to bruise. J. B. S. Hot Punch. One qt. claret and juice of 2 lemons, 1 c. hot water, sugar to taste, \ t. each of cloves, spice and 1 stick cinnamon. Put this to boil, let begin to thicken and serve hot. Mrs. John D. Pope. UnfermentedL Grape Juice. Wash and pick the grapes from the stems; put them in a porcelain kettle; crush them. Set over the fire and bring to a scald — never allow them to boil. Have ready hanging a cloth sack (a clean flour sack is good), clip the grapes with an earthen cup into the bag; let them drip into a crock or earthen dish all night. In the morning put the juice over the fire and again bring it to a scald. Have ready bottles or fruit cans, rims and glass tops in a pan of hot water. Wring out a good size cloth in cold water, set the can on it, put in a silver knife to prevent breaking. Have the juice scalding and the can hot, fill to the brim. Seal at once. Concord grapes are best. Sparkling Lemonade. Roll and slice \ doz. lemons, put in a large pitcher and pour over 1 gal. ice water, sweeten, pour in glasses and stir in a little soda. Alice Mallary. PI AISiTFNF" * s a P er f e °t substitute for either hog lard or iLnll I LIIL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 150 RECIPES. CANDIES. Sweets to the sweet. Venuchia. Two c. brown sugar, J c. milk, £ c. water, 4 tb. butter, 1 c. chopped English walnuts, 1 t. vanilla. Boil together all the ingredients except vanilla and nuts, until the soft ball stage. Remove from the fire, add nuts and vanilla and beat until creamy. Turn into a buttered pan; when cold cut in squares. N. E. F. Nut Candy. Two c. granulated sugar, 1 c. sweet milk, butter size of small egg. Boil until it balls when dropped in cold water. Butter a plate or dish, pour the mixture in add f c. of nuts, then stir until too stiff to stir. Before it gets cold, wet a knife in cold water and mark in squares. W. Cocoanut Candy. Boil 2 c. white sugar dissolved in 1 c. water for 6 minutes. When ready to take from fire stir in 1 c. of grated cocoanut and pour at once into square, buttered tins. When partly cooled mark off in strips and squares. Mrs. W. W. Rawlings. Peanut Brittle. Put 2 c. sugar in spider over a fire not too hot; stir continually until it melts, then stir in quickly 1 tea cup chopped peanuts. Mix thoroughly and pour on buttered plates. Mrs. J. W. Joiner, Sr. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or rLnli I LINE, butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 151 Pecan Kisses. Five eggs (whites), 10 tb. sugar (heaping), 1 c. pecan nuts cut fine, 2 drops vanilla. Beat the eggs stiff, add sugar, then nuts and vanilla. Drop on waxed paper placed in pan. Cook in very slow oven, leave in oven with door open for 3 minutes when done. Etta Brown. Pecan Candy. Put into a £ gal. stewpan 3 c. of granulated sugar, 1 c. sweet milk and 2 tb. butter. Into a gallon stewpan put 1 c. sugar and melt as for caramel. Let contents of first pan boil well, say 10 or 15 minutes, and when the caramel is well dissolved, pour the first stewpan into it, stirring constantly. When it has boiled up well, remove from the fire and beat until it begins to cool, then stir in 1 qt. pecan meats, and pour upon a buttered tin, and break in pieces when cold. Mrs. W. E. Smith. Chocolate Fudge. One c. milk, J c. cream, ^ cake chocolate, 3 c. sugar. Boil a few minutes, drop in cold water, if hardens a little take off and whip until creamy. Pour on buttered marble and cut in blocks. Miss Ola Grimes. Nut Fudge. Three c. sugar, ^ c. sweet milk, thoroughly dissolved; 3^ tb. grated chocolate well mixed with ^ c. of boiling water, 1 t. of vanilla, all well stirred together, butter size of an egg. Boil until a little of it put on a buttered dish firmly sets. Put 1 c. chopped nuts, beat until quite thick and pour in a buttered dish and cut into squares when nearly cold. Hattie Gould Haralson. Marsh Mallow Fudge. Two c. light brown su?ar, 1 c. granulated sugar, 1 c. sweet milk, J square chocolate, butter size of walnut. Cook 20 min., add scant h lb. marsh mallows, ^ c. chopped walnuts. Etta Brown. PI ANTFNF ^ sa P er ^ ec * substitute for either hog lard or I Lnll I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of ^Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 152 RECIPES. INVALID DIET. Scraped Beef. This is simply beef from which all indigestible substances have been removed. Take a tender piece of beef, cut across the grain, scrape with a spoon until all the pulp is removed; make a fresh surface by cutting off the scraped part with a thin, sharp knife; proceed in this way until all the meat is reduced to a pulp. If necessary, it may be eaten raw, spread very thin on slices of toast, or the pulp may be put in a hot fryingpan with a little butter and allowed to barely cook through, stirring and turning constantly. A weak stomach will often retain scraped beef when it refuses all other solid foods. Mes. H. A. Floyd. Steak on Toast. Toast slices of bread, grind raw meat, spread on bread with butter, pepper and salt. Put in stove and bake till meat is cooked. Mes. Geo. Brown. Egg Lemonade. One egg, beat. Add 3 tb. lemon juice, beat; add 3 tb. sugar, beat; add 1 c. milk, hot or cold. Mrs. G. W. Orange Whey. The juice of 1 orange to 1 pt. sweet milk. Heat slowly until curd forms, strain and cool. Good drink for the sick. Mrs. A. B. S. Beef Essence. Take a nice round steak and pound it thoroughly and broil on a hot griddle with little butter just half done, then cut in convenient pieces and put in lemon squeezer and press out the juice in tea cup, having the cup warm; season with a little salt and pepper. A good and mild stimulant for the sick. PI ANTFNF * S a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I LnM ILnL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 153 Buttermilk. Buttermilk when sweet and fresh from the churn is nutritious and wholesome. There are many forms of dyspepsia in which it "will set on the stomach" when hardly anything else will. In cases of fever it sometimes becomes a question how to nour- ish the patient. In such cases buttermilk is sometimes found to be the best food that can be given. MISCELLANEOUS. Home Made Mustard. Some one wished a recipe for prepared mustard. Here is a French mustard we have used for 15 years: Break 1 egg into an agate dish which may be set on the fire, beat egg light. Pour enough ground mustard into a tea cup to half fill it. Stir into this 2 slightly rounded tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar and pinch of salt. Fill cup up with vinegar, mix until free from lumps; pour on the beaten egg and set on the fire. Stir constantly until it thickens, 3 or 4 minutes will do. When cooked add a lump of butter size of small walnut or teaspoonful of olive oil. Very Busy. * * * If the oven is too hot for bread set a dish of cold water in it. * ■> * A tablespoon of stewed tomatoes or catsup added to the gravy of roast meats is thought by some to improve it. * * * To clean finger marks from paint wipe the spots first with a cloth dipped in warm water, then with a cloth dipped in whiting and wipe again with a clean, damp cloth. * * * Green deposits on marble may be removed by applying a paste of quicksilver and washing soda. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or T LnM I LliL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 154 RECIPES. Mortar and paint may be removed from window glass with hot, sharp vinegar. * * * Many a mother know how the little ones cry with pain after a hard day's play, and the little limbs are so tired; and perhaps the mother is tired too. If she will take a h pt. of gasoline and \ oz. of camphor gum dissolved in it and bathe the parts affected, the results will be magical. Be careful — the gasoline is inflamable, and must not be used near an open fire or lamp. * * * To quickly remove ink stains from any fabric place the stain ■over steam and apply salt and lemon juice. The stain whether old or new will be removed almost immediately. * * * To remove blood from cloth make a paste of starch with cold water, apply and place in the sun and when dry it will rub off. If there is any particle of color left, repeat. >!< * * When paint has become dried on the window panes, remove the sash, and laying flat, dampen. Then rub with the flat surface of a penny. It will be found that all the paint spots will disappear. * * * To bleach handkerchiefs after washing, let them soak over night in water in which a bit of cream of tartar has been dissolved. * . >i< * When the ham is hard and salty try soaking it sliced in milk over night. . % * ^ It is said that a knife moistened with a strong solution of potash will cut india rubber quite easily. * * # Apply flour wet with cold water to a burn. PI AIMTFNF * s a P ei "f ect ' substitute for either hog lard or ILMIN I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of ■"Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 155 By having an orange and a small onion inside the duck while roasting its flavor is much improved. ^ * * What is known as "Kerosene Emulsion" is one of the best insect destroyers. It is made as follows : Dissolve 1 lb. of turpentine soap in 2 gal. water. Heat this solution, and while hot add 2 gal. of kerosene, and churn the mixture with a force pump for 8 or 10 min., or until it forms a cream, which thickens on cooling, and will stick to glass without oiliness. Put this in a close jar and when to be used dilute with 1 part of Emulsion to 9 of cold water. ^ %. %. To relieve the smarting of a burn, cover with vaseline; then sprinkle thickly with flour, so as to form a paste, cover it. This keeps out the air and stops the smarting almost instantly. * * * A No. 1 flat paint brush makes an excellent thing to grease tins, gem pans, etc. %■ ^ >K A little cream of tartar or vinegar improves boiled frosting. It will not grain so readily and will be more creamy and will not harden. %■ % ^ A few drops of kerosene added to cooked starch will make clothes more glossy and will keep irons from sticking. %. 5JS >K Turpentine added to water in which clothes are to be boiled will whiten them. ^ %■ * Salt puts out a fire in the chimney. Salt in the oven under baking tins will prevent scorching on the bottoms. Salt and vinegar will remove stains from discolored tea cups. ^ ^ ^ Salt and soda are excellent for bee stings and spider bites. PI ANTFNF * s a P er ^ ect substitute for either hog lard or I LnIN I LmL butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 156 RECIPES. Salt thrown on soot which has fallen on the carpet will prevent stains. * * * Salt put on ink when freshly spilled on a carpet will remove the spot. * * * Salt thrown on a coal fire which is low will revive it. * * * Salt used in sweeping carpets keeps out moths. >K >K >fc Warm salt water is good for sore throat used as a gargle; it is also a good mouth wash, it hardens the gums. s|c ;j; 5)« If a pinch of soda is added to cranberries when stewing the flavor will be much improved. * * * If you punch a few holes in the bottom of your pie tins the pies will brown nicely on the bottom and the crust will not be soggy. * * * If the steak is tough, pound it; then roll in flour and fry in pan in which you have browned a tb. of butter. The flour keeps the juice in and the steak will be tender and of good flavor. * * # When using cornstarch or flour for pudding, etc., mix with the sugar instead of with water or milk, and it will never be lumpy. ^ % % . To remove rust, paint, fruit or acid stains, 4 tb. of ammonia. 4 tb. of alcohol, 1 tb. of salt. Shake well together. ^r* 'h *K Pour a little turpentine in your stove blacking and the black- ing will stick better and give a nicer polish. PI AIMTFNF is a perfect substitute for either hog lard or rLnll I LINE, butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. RECIPES. 157 If circumstances are such that it is difficult to obtain ice, you may still keep your butter sweet and firm, even though you are without a cellar. If the butter is not too soft, roll in a napkin and immerse it in flour. The result will be all that could be desired. If the butter is melted, put it in a bucket, place on the lid and set in the flour, always being careful to keep it entirely covered with the flour. This is a method practiced by cowboys on the ranches, remote from centers of civilization, where ice cannot be had at any price. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS. Supplies for Entertaining. One medium sized loaf of bread will cut in 20 slices for sand- wiches. One medium sized layer cake will serve 20. One gal. of ice cream will serve 20. One gal. of ice will serve 25. Three qt. of wine jelly will serve 50. A 10 lb. turkey or 12 lbs. of chicken with 15 heads of celery will make salad for 50 people. Two qts. of bulk oysters will make 1 large pan escolloped oysters. One lb. of coffee will serve 25. Cook's Time Table. Roast beef 15 min. to the lb. ; mutton 15 min. to lb. ; veal 25 min. to lb. ; pork 30 min. to lb. ; eggs, soft boiled, 3 min. ; eggs, hard boiled, 5 min. ; very hard, to slice, 15 min. Weight Without Scales. Wheat flour, 1 lb. is 1 qt.; Indian meal, 1 lb. is 1 qt.; butter when soft, 1 lb. is 1 qt. ; loaf sugar broken, 1 lb. is 1 qt.,; white sugar, powdered, 1 lb. is 1 qt.; best brown sugar, 1 lb. is 1 qt. ; eggs, 10 are 1 lb. PI ANTFNF is a P erfect substitute for either hog lard or I l_nil I LML butter; use about one-half the quantity of "Plantene" as of either. Observe directions on can. 158 RECIPES. Liquid Measure. Sixteen large tbs. are \ pt. ; 8 large tbs. are 1 gill; 4 large tbs. are ^ gill; a common sized tumbler holds ^ pt. ; a common sized wine glass is -| gill; a large wine glass is 2 ozs. ; 2 gills are J pt. ; 2 pt. are 1 qt. ; 4 qts. are 1 gal.; a teacup is 1 gill; 1 t. is ^ oz. ; 40 drops equals 1 t. OlSTE PRICE TO ALL. If it's style you want. If it's value returned you want. If it's quality at lowest cost you want. YOU'LL FIND IT AT IF YOU ARE BUYING. Dress Goods and 5ilks, Laces and Embroideries, Ladies' Suits and Waists, Millinery, Gloves and Belts, Dress Trimmings, Wash Goods. IF IT'S STYLISH ROSENBERG BROS. HAVE IT ALBANY, GEORGIA. CHURPH WELL'S A MODERN DEPARTMENT STORE. We make price the attractive feature — that we buy and sell for cash — of every department. SHOES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ' NOTIONS,. CHINA, FURNITURE, LADIES' AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS, HATS AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Now at the time of tremendous advances in all merchandise we — even at a scarifice of a part of usual small profit, keep the quality up, the price down. We have well won our motto — "Sells it for Less." Davis-Exchange ) rin inpiiiiin i «p f Davis-Exchange Bank Building \ (HIlKlnVvtM S \ Bank Building, Albany, Ga. J i Albany, Ga. Some Few Figures on PECANS . Total Cost for 5 Years for 10-Acre Grove, 200 Budded Trees 7 Years Old $3,000.00 Average Yield at 5 Years, 10 Pounds to Tree, 2,0UU Hounds at 25c Pound 9 500.00 Average Yield at 6 T»ars, 3,000 Pounds 750.00 Average Yield at 7 Years, 4,000 Pounds i 1,000.00 Average Yield at 8 Years, 5,000 Pounds 1,250.00 Average Yield at '.» Years. 6,000 Pounds 1,500.00 Average Yield at 10 Years, 7,000 Pounds 1,750.00- &>,8a0.00 In ten years you have made a profit of 82,850.00, and own a 10-acre 12-year old Pecan Grove which, on a most conservative calculation, will bring an annual income of $2,000.00. Compare this with your real estate, bank stock and life insurance investments. Ex-Governor Hogg, of Texas, when consulted on his death-bed as to the kind of monument he wished when he should die, said: '•I want no monument of stone, but let my children plant at the head of my grave a Pecan tree, and at the foot of my grave a Walnut tree, and when these trees shall bear fruit, let the Pecans and Walnute be given out among the plain people of Texas, so they may plant them and make Texas a land of trees." DOUGHERTY PECAN CO., ALBANY, GEORGIA. W, B. McKELLAR, Dealer in HIGH GRADE FLOUR and STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES. .A^B-A^ISTY., GEORGIA. Gilbert Printing Co*, Columbus, Ga. Blank Books kept in stock and made to order. All kinds of Mercantile Stationery. MAY 37 190? ***** ••«- ^* ■*$& *^* •*» *^ •' O ^o^ A- * g^ * , ^ ^ '*' °- y > .-^:.% c°*,g^:* o <**.^% V>~ ^ * ... o " ° ^ * ^fr_ * ° " ° " ^ v V ** & *i Cl ^ A* *V ^'*^T*'^ V ^> •^o" vv / * v V HECKMAN BINDERY INC. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 022 291 9 $