F .04VENIR OP ^ FORT « = RILET / Directory of Junction City's Leading Merchai Compliments of. NEWMAN, The Tailor. Book_:J]^5lSl FORT RILEY. 'T^ORT RILEY— founded and built in' the early flftles'.by Major E, A. Ogden, in whose memory was 1^ erected a handsome monument, which stands on the highest eminence in the vicinity, just ^ west of the post— lies 135 miles west of Kansas Oity and ^A miles from Junction City. The magnificent fort of today, which is without counterpart, was built on the site of the old fort in 1889 and the succeeding years, as late as 1897. The buildings are all of fine white magnesian limestone, an abundance of which is to be found on the 19,899 acres comprising the military reservation. Lack of space forbids a lengthy description of Fort Riley and its beautiful surroundings on the banks of the Ivansas river, which is formed by the junction of tlio Smoky Hill and Republican at this point, so the mere mention of a few of the most interesting features will suffice. The steam plant, with its miles of underground mains is said to be the largest, with a more ex- tensive heating radius than any similar ph.nt in the United States and probably in the world. In the coldest weather all the buildings in the post are comfortably warm. The water works system, with a capacity of a million gallons daily, is one of the most completv in the west. The water, which is very pure, is supplied from twenty wells, bored for the purpose. The sewerage system and natural drainage is perfect, making this one of the healthiest of forts. The riding hall is worthy of especial not(! being one of the largest and most macrnificentof Itskind. The mess hall with a seating capacity of about '^,000, is equipped with all the latest steam cooking appliances, and a first-class bakery. The ceiling is the largest self-supporting ceiling in the U. S. To the soldiers of P'ort Riley, and to the merchants of Junction Oity, whose advertisements appear herein, this booklet isrespectfully dedicated. VIEW OF FORT RILEY. H. ROClCWeLL. President. (J. A. nOCKWELL, Vicc-Pres<. E. A. CORMANT, Sec. and Treds The .. . B. Rockwell Merchandise & Grain Company t Stocks in every Department the larg- est : : Qualities the Best : : Prices the lowest Studying the wants of our customers — recognizing always that their inter- ests are ours, we are able to increrse our trade a little each rear 1899 will show larger sales than ever, for which we extend warmest thanks to our patrons Extahlished 1805. Incorporated 1892. The B, Rockwell Merchandise & Grain Co. ■nyr A Tr\T> irv/ ' T^ ti^ XT ATr»"\rTTTVT t.-.V fWirwrni INTERIOR RIDING HALL. BEST GOODS = = at the = = BEST PLACE A EXCLUSIVE SALE ON Garland Stoves and Ranges Racine Buggies and Carriages Eagle Farm Implements McCormick Binders and Mowers OUR SPECIALTIES Sewing Machines Refrigerators Guns Cutlery Gasoline Stoves Hardware Ammunition Bicycles Paints and Oils Rope WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Jo JIo (^ Wo Fo Manem^eiiniiiniaveif JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS. MESS HALL. [jfcali — ^WH i^lMT" INTERIOR MESS HALL. MRS. RICHARD BROWN.., Manufacturer of and Dealer in Saddlery Hardware and Leather. Keeps the best quality of stock All kinds of repairing done The Latest Offerings Every imaginable cloth for Gentlemen's Wear Constructed in the Latest Style, Fit and Character Ifou never find careless workmanship about our Clothing. Every Garment is as superior in Tailoring as in style and material. Newman i^i^ UixliiyL VJfe'f^gg^^. ^-.. -i-x " 1 0^^ ^^^^K UMi i •^li^A^s*^! ^^^ ■ hte^... Jii llgl GUARD HOUSE. Bicycles We handle all the leading makes. Our $20 Wheel Can't be beat for the price. Sundries We carry all kinds of sundries. Our Repair Shop is as complete as any in the state. Call and see us. E. L. WETZIQ Washington, bet. 9i,h and 10th Streets. JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS. HOSPITAL. DISPENSARY. Fresqriftisns are our main feature ; our specialty. i If it comes from Holzschuher's its good. PC//?£- ^/f acj Bartell House Block. 'Phone No. 10. CAVALRY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. V^UAUU MOUNT. t^f PHOT 05 "DULL FINISH," ~ Ft. Riley Views always on hand. ^ CARBONS ' All High Class Work. ^ ^ ^ ^ FENNELL. ^^^- 7^^ and Washington Sts., Junction City, Kan. OLD rOST CHAPEL. (Oldest Stone Church la State of Kansas.) AURORA niLLS TYLER & CO., Proprietors. ^ 03 g ■•*N. j^H^,, ' mJ^^M 1 1 III i^^H^HHHBIIHHISBI ^ 8° O 5» Highest Grades of Kansas Hard Wheat Flour. JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS.