\^ X^ ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, UNITED STATES ARMY. F 606 .U28 Copy 2 A.lSr ESS-A.Y COXCERNIXG IMPORTANT PHYSICAL FEATURES EXHIBITED IN THE VALLEY OF THE MINNESOTA RIVER, UPON THEIR SIGNIFICATION, G. K. WARREN, lIAJOr. OF ENGIXEEKS AND BVT. MAJ. GEXEEAL, XI. S. A. [rAET II OF REI'OliT OX THE MIXXESOTA lUVER, SUBMITTED TO BRIG. GEX. A. A. HUJirilREVS, CHIEF OF EXGIXEERS, OCTOBER 31, 1874.1 WASHINGTON: GOVERNIMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1874. WASiimaTON, D. C, December 7, 1874. Gexeral : I liave the honor to request that Part II of mj' recent report ou the Miunesota liiver be printed with the small maps, (each an octavo page,) for special distribution. The title of this part is, "An essay concerning important physical features exhibited in the valley of the Minnesota Eiver, and upon their signification." The conclusion is that these features are a part of extended physical phenomena on this continent, which are of much jiractical importance to engineers, and possessed of special scientific interest. The object of this distribution is to submit the matter to the consideration of scientific men, so that the truth of the conclusions may be tested. V^ry respectfully, G. K. Warren, Major of Engineers^ Bvt. Maj. Genl., U. 8. A. Brig. Gen. A. A. HuMrHREYS, Chief of Engineers. [ludorscments.l Office of the Chief op Engineers, December 8, 1874. Eespectfully submitted to the honorable the Secretary of War, and recommended that the report and maps be jirinted for distribution as requested. A. A. Humphreys, Brig. Genl. and Chief of Engineers. Approved : By order of the Secretary of War. H. T. Crosby, Chief Cleric. December 8, 1874. AN ESSAY CONCERNING IMPORTANT PHYSICAL FEATURES EXHIBITED IN THE VALLEY OF THE MINNESOTA RIYERj AND UPON THEIR SIGNIFICATION. BY G. K. WAEREX. Introductory — Minnesota Valley formerly the course of a great river — General view of the Mississippi Basiu — Valley of Minnesota formerly drained the basin of Lake Winni- peg — Evidence of former great extension of Lake Winnipeg — Professor Hind's descrip- tion of Winnipeg Basin — Hypothesis to account for the former drainage of the Winniiieg Basin along the valley of the Mississip])i, and for the change to the present outlet by Nelson's River — Hypothesis confirmed, by Lake Michigan and Illinois River ; by Lake Winnebago and Fox River; by Saint Joseph's and Saint Mary's Rivers chang- ing from Wabash River to Maumee River ; by subsidence along the North Atlantic shore ; by effects along the Saint Lawrence and Niagara Falls ; by results on the shores of the Great Lakes ; bj'' the canons of the Rio Colorado of the West and Rio Grande ; by the basin of Great Salt Lake ; by the peninsula of Florida ; by the re- cent extension of the Gulf of Mexico northward in the valley of the Mississippi — Reference to a former continental change of level — Local changes of elevation of earth's surface inadmissible — Great permanence of continental structure since recent Tertiary period — Same structure in Glacial period — Shore-lines of continent indicate northern subsidence and southern elevation — Map restoration of ancient basin of the Mississippi. The name first given to the Minnesota River by travelers and explorers was Saint Peter's, believed by Mr. Nicollet to have been derived from a Frenchman by that name, who, before Le iiitroductory. Seuer visited it in 1795, had located himself at its mouth. This name it retained on all the maps and works of subsequent explorers, down to the organization of a territorial government. Mr. Nicollet especially urged the preservation of the name on account of its early adoption and long historical use, and had it been a question simply among scientific men it probably would not have been changed. It has, however, been a common occurrence for our settlers, when the country came to be occupied by them, to change names given by early French travelers. Sometimes they were merely grotesque changes in pronunciation and spelling by which the origin and significance of the original name was nearly or quite lost, and sometimes it was to adopt a name more easily spoken or one whose meaning was more appropriate and pleasing to them. Not unfrequently the name of the river was changed to that of the native tribe found there, and at other times, as in the present case, the name which these aborigines gave to the stream was adopted. These new names given by the settlers afterward became incorporated in the laws, and thus acquired a precedence over those assigned by the first explorers.* * In some noted instances scientific explorers have inexcusably changed the names given by previous explorers and writers of the highest standing. Frdmont changed " James's Peak "to " Pike's Peak," " Lake Bonneville" to " Great Salt Lake," " Ogden'a River " to "Humboldt River," and thus men who had fairly won the houQr of so naming such important places were unfairly deprived of it. It would be fortunate if the new uaine was always as appropriate as to this ease. The river flowing- through the laud of the Dakotas, whose language abounds iu pleasant sounds, and whose names of natural ob- jects are often expressive of characteristic features, pleasing or other- wise to the senses or to the imagination, was named by them Minnesota. Sota in their language means nearly clear or clouded. The whitish water of the Minnesota makes it appear very distinct from that of the Mississippi where the rivers join, the latter having an amber-tint and appearing quite dark where it is several feet deep. The line where the two waters join and mingle is marked by little whirls and eddies, and by ascending and descending currents, imitative of gentle ebullition. Here the whitish water rising through the amber-colored has the pleas- ing effect of thin, e^■er-varying clouds or curling smoke. It is altogether probable that this optical effect gave origin to the name Minnesota, Cloudy-water. This pleasing effect is only seen during the low-water stages of both rivers, the amber-tint of the Mississippi being derived from the drain- age of forests and lakes coutaining decaying vegetation, and the whitish tinge of the Minnesota probably i'rom minute particles of clay obtained from the Cretaceous or Tertiary deposits along its southern branches. The Minnesota Kiver valley is most elevated at Lake Traverse, lying in the valley, latitude 45° 40', longitude 90° 55', about ie^former\y\1ie 3,000 feet above the occan-lcvel. Its general course is course of a great southeast to Maukato, latitude 44° 09', longitude 94° 05', ^^^®'^' where the elevation is above 705 feet above the ocean. From Mankatf> downward, the general course is northeast to the junction with the Mississippi, where the elevation is 095 feet above the ocean; latitude 44° 42', longitude 93° 35'. The valley at the upper end is as wide as at its lower end. Intervening parts are sometimes much wider, and rarely narrower. The whole is sunk from 130 feet to 250 feet be- low the general level of the country. The distance from Lake Traverse to Mankato, by the valley of the river, is one hundred and seventy-seven miles ; thence to the mouth, seventy-nine miles; total, two hundred and fifty-six miles. The valley of the Mississippi below the junction, and of the Minue- sotaabove it, is wide and beautiful, and is continuous in direction and of nearly the same breadth, varying from about one mile to two miles. [See map.] In marked contrast is the valley of the Mississippi above their junction, it beingonly about one-quarter mile wide and nearly at right an- gles with the other, it is a mere gorge, whose bottom is almost completely tilled by the river, and evidently has its origin iu the waterfall now at Saint Anthony. This fall in quite recent times must have been where the river now joins the main valley, and since receded to its present posi- tion, seven miles above the junction. The valley of the Minnesota above, and of the Mississippi below, is much wider than the existing streams require. It could not have been formed by the action of existing forces, as the Mississij^pi above has been. It must have been excavated by some force that is no longer in operation, and if this was a river it must have been of much larger size than the Mississippi below the juuctiou with the Minnesota. It will be the object of this essay to show that this force was a river ; that it drained, in times subsequent to the last glacial drift formations, all the Winnipeg I>asin. I shall entleavor to explain the cause of its dis- appearance, and show that this cause has produced the same effects •elsewhere ; and I shall brietly trace certain other effects, which an 207^. 90 ft JJhch —JMUe- TerticaZ Scale ^^p f7ton'l7i^ t/it' ^-fi^e/' ycnY^&y wy>^^'^ 7^7^^ J/l7^7^^.^ofa fr7u7 777ejzi-?zc7io7i, t/7i^ a7i^er/c7i. <*Zf^ve ^/7^j7/7ie77o7/. PETERS. PHOTO-LITHOQR*PHEfl, WASHINGTON, D C, Jin -U r^tiZe^ //•o7// ^nt/'y^v ^}^€ 7.:SSnys. * PETERS. PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHER. WASHINGTON. D C. operatiou of nature so extended most probably would produce and has Ijrodnced. It is a general truth that the valleys of nearly all our rivers show indications of volumes of water in former times greatly exceeding those now tloAving. I say nearly all, because some of our rivers in southern latitudes and rainy regions are an exception. But generally it may be said that our rivers might have their volumes restored to what they were by a change of meteorological conditions, so as to increase the rain-fall to the required extent without changing the areas of their drainage basin. If this were practicable without invoking other changes on the earth's surface of the greatest magnitude, it is evident that it would affect rivers like the Minnesota and Mississippi above their junc- tion (lying contiguous, and having basins of limited areas) proportion- ately', and the valleys would always be proportionate to the areas of the drainage basins and volumes of discharge. This in reality is so generally the case, that a marked exception like that presented here, (where the much larger stream occupies the much smaller valley,) requires us to admit that if the great valley is a valley formed by a river, it must have been by a river draining a basin of vastly greater area than now drained by the Minnesota. The disproportionate size of the Minnesota Valley at the mouth of the river increases as we ascend. For whereas the valley nearly maintains its width on the average all the way to the source, the stream gradually dwindles away to nothing, so that at the upper end of the valley where it is a mile wide, the only water there is, is received from small streams coming through the ravines on each side, which have formed dams by their torrent-like deposits, and the intermediate spaces are occupied by lakes of considerable depth. That these small affluents could not have formed the great valley is ob- vious enough. Their own small ravines show their power to erode, and this is proportioned to their volumes; but, on their waters reach- ing the great valley, their power is lost, and instead of eroding there, they are making deposits and filliug up. This feature of the affluents of the Minnesota Valley I believe I was the first to note and attribute proper importance to. I have in my report of January, 18G7, shown how this effect Avas taking place in the Mississippi, and hy it explained the formation of Lake Pepin and Lake Saint Croix. The Qn'Appelle branch of the Assinniboine River in British America, closely resembles the Minnesota Eiver. There are similar lakes along its upper course, described by Prof. H. Youle Hind, in his report of explorations of Assinniboine and Saskatchawan rivers, &c., concerning which I make the following extract in relation to the Qn'Appelle Eiver: The narrowest breadth of the bottom of the Qn'Appelle Valley is half a mile; its greatest breadth about one mile and a half. Its shallowest part is 120 feet below the level of the prairie, and its greatest depth is between 350 and 400 feet. * * The high- est part of the bottom of the Qn'Appelle Valley is only 85 feet above the south branch (of the Saskatchawan,) at its summer-level, and from 75 to 78 feet above it during the spring elevation of its waters. This occurs at a point distant IH miles from the junc- tion, (of the two valleys,) where a lake is found which discharges itself both into the Sas- katchawan and Assinniboine. Before connecting with the Assinniboine it falls about "280 feet in 25(i miles, or 1 foot 1 inch per mile. The difference of level between the South Branch on one end and the Assiuniboiue at the other, does not exceed, according to our estimate, 200 feet. In its long, deep, and narrow course there are eight lakes, having an aggregate length of tifty-three miles. * * * Numerous soundings of the Qn'Appelle Lakes showed them to hold from 40 to GO feet of water, which depths are maintained with great reg- ularity. The construction of a dam 85 feet high and 800 yards long would send the waters of the South Branch down the Qn'Appelle. In another place Professor Hind says : How Avere the deep lakes hollowed ont? Lakes fillinasin of Lake Winnipeg is abour 1'2U, 000 square miles : it possesses a mean elevation of 1,100 feet above the sea. * * * * * * If * *f HEACIIES AND TERRACES. In the valley of Lake Winnipeg the first prominent ancient beach is the Big Ridge. Commencing east of Red River, a few miles from Lake Winnipeg, this ridge pursues a southwesterly course until it ai^proaches Red River, within four miles of the Middle Settlement ; here it was ascertained by leveling to be 67^ feet above the prairie. On the opposite side of the river, a beach on Stony Mountain corresponds with the Big Ridge, and three or four miles farther west it is observed marking the limit of a former extension of the valley of Lake Winnipeg. On the east side of Red River the Big Ridge is traced nearly due south from the Middle Settlement, to where it crosses the Roseau, forty-six miles from the mouth of that stream, and on or next the 49th parallel. It is next met with at Pine or Tamarac Creek, in the State of Minnesota, and from this point it may be said to form a continuous and horizontal gravel-road beautifully arched, and about 100 feet broad the whole distance to the shores of Lake Winnipeg, or more than 120 mijes. On the west side of Red River, and north of the Assiuniboine, I traced the Big Ridge from a i)oint about three miles west of Stony Mountain to near Prairie Portage. Here it appears to have been removed by the agency of the Prairie Portage River and the waters of the Assinniboiue, which are said to pass from the valley of that river into Lake Manitoba during very high floods. Another and higher ridge was observed on White Mud River, about twenty miles west of Lake Manitoba. It resembled in every particular the ridge on the east side of Red River, being about 100 to 120 feet broad, and about 25 feet above the level prairie. It was again noticed in the rear of Manitoba House, where the same char- acteristics were preserved. It probably crosses the Assinniboiue three or four miles west of Prairie Portage, and is perhaps identical with the lowest ridge or step of the Pembina Mountain. Ill the rear of Dauphin Lake, the next ridge in the ascending series occurs; it forms an excellent pitching track for Indians on the east bank of Riding Mountain. Proba- blj' these ridges are found close together at the foot of Pembina Mountain, where no less than four distinct steps occur close together, near the sources of Scratching River. The summit of these steps may be the plateau, whose altitude was ascertained by Dr. Owen to be 210 feet above the i^rairie-level, and the first steps may be continuous with the Big Ridge, limiting the level prairies of Red River and the Assinniboiue. The pi'airics inclosed by the Big Ridge are everywhere intersected by small subor- dinate ridges, which often die out, and are evidently the remains of shoals formed in the shallow bed of Lake Winnipeg when its waters were limited by the Big Ridge. Many opportunities for observing the present formation of similar shoals occurred iu Lake Manitoba, St. Martin's Lake, Lake Winnipeg, and Dauphin Lake. These, when the lakes become drained, will have the form of ridges in the level country then ex- posed. Indeed, it may be said that the region between Dauphin Mountain and Lake Manitoba, in the direction of Ebb-aud-flow Lake, and south of that body of water, is 14 but recently drained, or still in process of draining^, being removed from tbe snrface of Ebb-and-liow Lake by a very few feet, and covered with water to a larCC0llIlt lOV til6 ' I i- / former drainage ouce infer that the existing outlet by iS^elson's Kiver to Vaifey^S^fof *'*<^ Hudson's Bay did not then exist. We have no exain- thechangetothe pie in nature of any great lake having two outlets at the NeYson*s Kiver.^ same time in operation. It is not readily conceivable how two such could ever have formed. Our general idea is that a lake is a depression of the earth's surface, whicii becomes partly or entirely tilled with water, and in the latter case it flows out at the lowest point in the margin or rim of the basin. Thereafter this out- let prevents further rise of the water, by draining it off from the lake as fast as it enters, and thus it cannot overflow at some other point. Now, inasmuch as the closing of the Nelson's River outlet at the present time would cause Lake Winnipeg to rise till it would run out at the Minnesota Valley, it at first seemed plausible to suppose that if the Glacial period tempered off gradually into the present geological epoch, there might have been a long time when tlie glaciers had still sufficient extension southward to close this outlet to Hudson's Bay. Then, on the further recession of the glaciers northward, the present outlet would be Ijresented and the lake drained off. Although something like this may have occurred, it is, so far as 1 now know, an unsupported hypothesis, and barren of any fruit. It will not aid us in explaining any phenomena presented by other lake-basins and water-courses of North America, nor enable us to predict what probable results we shall find in other regions, and thus intelligently direct further investigations. The hypothesis which I have fouud to account satisfactorily for this change of outlet from what it formerly was down the Minnesota and Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico, to what it now is by way of Nelson's or Sea lliver to Hudson's Bay, is to regard it as a result of a gradual 15 change of inclination of the surfiice of the low interior portion of the continent, caused by a slow elevation of the southern part and subsi- dence of the northern part, extending through a vast period of time, and probably still going on. The elevating force appears to come from the part of the earth-surface occupied by the Pacific Ocean, and the line of greatest depression is somewhere near Greenland, or between it andthe continent. At some intermediate region there would be no change in the elevation, but the change of slope would be going on in the same direction throughout. With these assumed conditions we can mentally go back in time to a period when all of the Winnipeg Lake Basin — the lake being shallow — was at a higher level than the lowest axial line of the continental basin south of it of which it would form a part. In that case no lake would exist in the basin, it being completely drained south- ward. At such a time the surface of Hudson's Bay and of the Arctic Ocean woiild be much less than now, and there would be a much greater extension northward of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. With such conditions the cold at the north would be intensified and extend farther south than now, while the northern extension of the Gulf would carry the warm, moist winds of the south farther north than now. This effect may have gone to considerable extent, and would greatly favor the for- mation of glaciers. The former existence of glaciers is therefore favor- able to this hypothesis. Let us now consider what would happen along the course of the then great southerly-tiowing river when the northern snbsidence set in. First, there must have been a decreasing river-slope in the northern portions, and a diminishing power to erode. Wherever some formation of hard rock was met, if the erosion failed to keep pace with the decreasing slope, a lake would begin to form above it. This lake would thereafter catch and hold all the hard abrading material formerly washed along by the stream, and thus farther decrease its eroding power. The lake must gradually expand above the barrier, and its limit would be reached when a new outlet formed. In the present case the outlet was on its northern rim. 8uch I take to be the history of Lake Winnipeg. Its southern outlet, the Minnesota, met, in the ledges of granitic formation which extend from Big Stone Lake southward along its valley for 110 miles, a material which its eroding power was too small to remove fast enough to prevent the formation and expansion of a lake above it. This growing lake finally found a new outlet by overflowing near Nelson's Elver. The first material of the bed of the new outlet was probably loose drift, so that it was easily removed, and the outlet widened and deepened rapidly. When the hard rocks in the bed of Nelson's Eiver were reached abrasion proceeded slowly, causing, along with the gradu- ally changing slope, a slow farther recession of the southern shores, to be hastened occasionally by more rapid lowering of the level, as some long-resisting barrier was finally removed. The records of this action in producing ancient shores and beaches are shown in the quotations I have made from the writings of others. The Nelson's Eiver has every indication of being of recent origin. Professor Hind says of it: "It is characterized by having falls and rapids which effectually oppose communication even by canoes." The direction of the tributaries of the Winnipeg Bawin all indicate that they belonged to the same system of rivers as those of the Mississippi Basin. The course of the Eed Eiver as it comes from Otter-Tail Lake, of the Wild Eice Eiver, Shayen Oju Eiver, and other smaller tributa- ries, all point to a southerly outlet, until in their course they reat^h the ancient lake-bed, and then they turn in regular curves through an arc 16 of more than 9(P and take an opposite direction. This change of coarse is just what we shonhl expect from a change in the outlet of Lake Win - uipeg, and its gradually draining off. Professor Hind's examinations show that the South Branch of the Saskatchewan formerly continued its southerly course through the valley of the Assinniboine Kiver. I think the changed direction resulted from the formation of a lake on its upper course, which opened a new outlet, and drained off under the action of the same cause which changed the course of the drainage of the Winni- peg Basin. The Little Souris is said to have formerly had a southern course through the valley of the Pembina Eiver, and there is evi- dence of the former great lake through whose agency the change was effected. It seems to me probable that the Upper Little Souris formerly connected with the James or Dakota River of Dakota. I will note here that, so far as I know, I was the first to point out the effect of lakes originating along a water-course undergoing a diminution of its slope, which, by expanding, overflow and form new outlets, thus reversing the courses of rivers and changing their channels. A reference to the map (at the end of this essay) of the ancient valley when Lake Winnipeg had its greatest expansion, and still had its out- let by way of the Mississippi, will show the harmony there is in the directions of all the rivers as members of the Mississippi Basin. There is no doubt an immense alluvial deposit in the ancient bed of Lake Winnipeg. Where this is cut through by the Hed River it is 40 to 80 feet deep. All the tributaries from the west flowed through the soft cretaceous and tertiary strata, and carried to the lake silt, which, spread out over the bottom, gives it such a wonderfully level appear- ance. These tributaries still carry a great deal of clayey material to the lake, so that it is now, and always has been, as its name signifies in the Ojibbeway tongue, Wi-ni2n — muddy water. The following facts and reasons confirm tlie truth of the hypothesis of northern subsidence : An exactly similar case to that of the Minnesota Valley and ancient Lake Winnipeg is presented by the valley of the Illinois gan and ilii- River and Lake Michigan. The Illinois Valley is through- nois River. q^^ broad and deep, far beyond that of rivers generally of the same volume. At its upper end its width is great, even where there is no stream, and it widens out suddenly into what was, undoubtedly, the ancient shore of Lake Michigan, whose waters must then have flowed down the valley of the Illinois. So little have the waters receded from this ancient outlet that the city of Chicago has cut down the barrier sufficiently to serve as a canal for navigation, and a drain for its sewer- age, by a direct flow of the water. The hopothesis given to explain the shrinking of Lake Winnipeg answers equally well for this case. The much less change in the sur- face-elevation of Lake Michigan, since the southern outlet closed, may be readily accounted for in the greater length of Lake Michigan's uew^ uorthern'^outlet than that of Lake ^Vinnipeg. The hard, resisting gran- ite, which, in the Minnesota Valley, prevented erosion, had its counter- part at the head of the Illinois Valley in the continuous, nearly hori- zoutly, stratified, compact, magnesian limestone. Another similar case is presented by Lake Winnebago and the Upper Fox River, in Wisconsin. All the drainage of the present bago aM Up- Winnebago Basin was formerly southward through the per Fox River, valley of the Wisconsin River to the Mississippi. The Wolf River, whose course is southwesterly, formerly flowed direct to 17 the Wisconsin, bnt near its Junction it traversed i;ranitic ridges, (tLie same as those met by the ancient Minnesota ;) its erosions coukl not keep pace with the changing continental slope, and a large lake was formed, much larger than the existing Lake AVinnebago. This over- tiowed, finally, into the depression forming Green Bay, and the lake was thereafter greatly reduced. The Little Upper Fox and the Wolf rivers, and others, turned back in their course on reaching this former lake-bed, ]>resenting the anonnilous appearance which it has on the maps, so like those of the Red River of the North. The features of this line between Green Bay and the Mississippi Val- ley early facilitated communication, and excited wonder, as those at the source of the Minnesota did. There are the same kind of lakes on the Upper Fox as on the Minnesota, and the outlet of Lake WinnebngOj like that of Lake Winnipeg, is full of rapids. These four streams are all nearly united at Fort Wayne, Ind. By the course of the rivers Saint Joseph and Saint Mary's, (on the map,) we should expect them to How southward st. iiiai^v'^s. Mau'i to the Wabash. An examination which I have made gf^g^^,"^ Wabash shows that they once did so. The Wabash Valley is con- tinued up, so as to unite with the valleys of these streams, and there are deposits in the W^abash Valley which could only have come from these streams. A little way down the Wabash Valley, below where these streams join it, is found horizontally stratified hard magnesian limestone, resisting erosion, the same as that at the ancient Illinois outlet to Lake Michigan. The anomalous present course of the Saint Joseph and Saint Mary's rivers also indicates that they formerly flowed down the Wabash Valley, and the great width of this valley throughout its length, compared with its present volume of water, contrasts strongly with the relation between neighboring streams and valleys. We cannot believe that Lake Erie ever had an outlet down this valley. Its present level is 190 feet beloAv the summit of the valley, and even if Niagara did not exist, an elevation of 50 feet would have flowed it back into Lake Michigan, and thence down the Illinois River. What seems most reasonable, is to consider this change in the direction of the flow of the Saint Joseph's and Saint Mary's rivers to be due to the formation of a lake at a higher level than Lake Erie, (in the same way as we have already noted having taken place on the Fox River of Wisconsin,) which lake formed a new outlet along the present course of the Mauraee, the same as Lake Winnebago has along the lower Fox River, but, unlike that lake, this one has been entirely drained off. I have never had time to examine the course of the Maumee to verify this hypothesis. There should exist an ancient lake shore, and a gorge somewhere along theMaumee, if rock is encoun- tered in its course. It, therefore, furnishes a test by which further ex- amination may verify or reject this partial hypothesis. So far the confirmation to my hypothesis has been mainly tested by its explanation of similar phenomena in not very distant ^^ ^^^^.^ regions, and largely dependent upon my own observa- tainid by-effects tions, but the hyj)othesis itself is in no way startling. ^0"°^*^^'^°^^ '^®- Professor Dana, in his Manual of Geolog}', says : Altlioujrli the eartli, iu its last stage, has readied a state of comparative stability, eh luges of level iu the laud still take place. The movemeuts are of two kiuds : 1. Secular, or movemeuts pro^ressiug slowly by the ceutury. 2. Paroxysuial, tak- ing;' placL^ suddeuly, iu couuectiou usually with earthfjuakes. 18 It is to the Oist of tliose, of course, that my liypolliesis belongs. Professor Dana says : The secular movemeuts which huve been observed are coufined to the middle aud hif^her temperate latitudes, and are evidently a continuation of the series which char- acterized the post-Tertiary period. In this and other dynamical changes the post-Ter- tiary aud the age of man have intimate relations. As I have stated that the cliauge we are considering is one of the present time, I liave some difficulty iu making quotations from author- ities to sustain that view, for such similar effects belong to an antece- dent time. I therefore take that evidence which appefirs unquestiona- bly to belong to the existing period. Professor Dana's manual says : In Greenland a slow subsidence is taking place. For 600 miles from Drisco Bay, near 69^ N., to the Firth of Igalika, 60^ 43', the coast has been sinking Subsidence f^y. fo,^^ centuries past. Old buildings and islands have been sub- f^ntic shore. merged, aud the Moravian settlers have had to put down new poles ^ for their bolts, and the old ones stand, as Lyell observes, " as silent witnesses of the change." On the North American coast south of Greenland, along the coasts of Labrador to New Jersey, it is supposed thatsimilar changes are going on ; though more investigation is required to establish the fact. G. H. Cook concludes, from his observations, that a ■slow subsidence is iu progress along the coast of New Jersey, Long Island, and Martha's 'Vineyard. I have, myself, examined a considerable portion of the coast betweeu IS'ew Jersey and Maine, and I think that no hypothesis other than a o-radual submergence going on at the present time will account for the .effects observed. If there is a subsidence along the Northern Atlantic shores, and along the interior axial valley, it is not unreasonable to infer -th^^^aSt Law? that all the intermediate northern region partakes in it, rence River. and thus it may be that the Saint Lawrence liiver is a northern outlet, aud of recent existence as such. This river is a vast arm of the sea, from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, for a long way, such as might result from a partially sunken river-basin. The great depth in the Saguenay Eiver, over that in the Saint Law- rence at their junction, indicates that a corresponding depth which must once have existed in the latter, has been filled up by detritus brought down by the upper Saint Lawrence aud deposited in the lower part, after .the course of the stream became reversed. The cataract of Niagara, a northern outlet, is of recent formation, and it should be noticed as a significant fact that all the NiagaraFaiis. jjQj,^|jgj,u outlets abound in cataracts and rapids, while the streams flowing south are comparatively free from them, indicating the more recent origin of the former. A few rapids in the course of the main Mississippi A' alley can be shown to have a much more recent origin than the rest of the valley. Ao-ain, if we consider the lakes by themselves, we see that if the con- tinental slopes are gradually inclining more and more Shores of the toward the northeast, these bodies of Avater must have a great lakes. tendency to move iu that direction, which they would obey until stopped by some rocky barrier ; these southwestern shores would have smooth rounded outlines like land rising from the water, and the opposite ones would be sharp aud ragged iu outline from abrasion of the waves and from the submergencies of land long furrowed by atmospheric iufluences. Lakes Winnipeg, Winnebago, Superior, Huron, Ontario, and Champlaiu, all are bounded on the east aud north by rocky shores where the water is deep, and the reverse condition exists 19 on tlie opposite shores, which are more or less shoal. It cannot be that this difference is due to the character of the rock in place, for this could not determine the direction of the action to be the same in places so distant and differing" so much from each other. Were the tendency of the chang- ing continental slope to be in the opposite direction from what it is now, there can be little doubt the lakes would be found at the base of the Eocky Mountains as they formerly w^ere in the Tertiary period of geology. The evidence of recent elevation of southern areas pari passu with the northern depression comes from parts of the continent far removed from the valleyof the Minnesota where this sou'tiFen^^^con-^ investigation was begun, and as this is not the place to tinentai eieva- * tion treat of the subject fully, I intend to present only certain general considerations concerning this feature of the subject. The region. of vast canons embraced in the drainage-basin of this river exhibits effects which would result from its gradual elevation above the sea by a force which acted witli maxi- o/\\°e West**^^ mum intensity at the part of the basin nearest the sea. The sources of this river originating in the high mountains of the most elevated central region could not have the slopes at these places mate- rially diminished by the changing level of the continent, while there would be an appreciable increase of the slopes in the parts near the ocean, where steep shores became more elevated. The surface strata in the basin of the Colorado were mainly made up of soft creta- ceous and more recent geological formations, into which the streams readily cut their way. Abundance of hard rocks, such as bowlders, con- cretions, &c., fell into these streams, and, by their abrading action in moving along, cut the channel deep, as a saw supplied with sand and water works its way through a block of marble. The clashing sound of these rocks in the bed of these streams has been heard by persons stand- ing on the banks. Thus the abrading action in the Colorado Basin has ke])t pace with the elevating action, and the great depth of these caiions in a manner measures the extent of the elevation. Had such soft rocks existed along the Minnesota, under like conditions, so that the drainage could have always remained southward, we should have had escarp- ments there 500 or GOO feet deep. Ko serious water-fall exists along the canons of the Colorado, which is a proof of the powerful and long-continued eroding action, which in some places has sawed into granite rocks. A result similar to this is displayed along the Rio Grande del Norte. The peculiarities of the Great Salt Lake Basin admit of an explana- tion on the hypothesis of a recent elevation of the south- e^eat Salt Lake western part of the continent. The ancient beaches or shore-marks of a former extension of this lake by an elevation of the waters above the present level as much as 1,000 feet are seen on the west slope of the Wasatch and east slope of the Eumboldt Mountains. This depth of waters spread the lake over an immense area and far into the present basin of the Columbia River. Before this elevation began we can suppose the ocean to have extended far inland to the south of the Salt Lake Basin, and that the drainageof the latter was toward the Gulf of California. As the elevation proceeded this lake would expand north- ward until the new outlet was formed through the Cascade Range, by way of the valley of the Columbia. A rapid lowering of the surface and contraction of the area would soon follow, to be continued indefi- nitely as the new outlet deepened and extended. At some period, as 20 this elevation went on, the Sierra Nevada and Coast ranges would reach a height snfficient to arrest the moisture coming from the Pacific Ocean so that the evaporation in the interior basin would exceed the precipi- tation when the lake would begin to dry up, and finally become as it now is. A similar result in the basin of the Humboldt Eiver and Mud Lakes can be similarly accounted for. I could bring many observations in support of this view, and may do so on some other occasion. There seems to be every evidence of this being very recently elevated, but, as it is not in the drift region, I do not know whether ^Peninsula of t|je evidences there can be distinguished from those which an elevation preceding that time would show. In my report on the Mississippi River I think I shall establish the fact that since the Drift period the Crulf of Mexico has extended sionXtiie^Giaf