A>' ■/',. ^C^ V \'^ ,\ .0 o ^ < A .^^ ::■ > " .0 c A BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF AMERICAN PUBLIC MEN OF THIS BOOK FOUR HUNDRED COPIES HAVE BEEN PRINTED,JDF WHICH THIS IS NO. -^^ The Signers op the Declaration of Independence. A BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF AMERICAN PUBLIC MEN CLASSIFIED AND ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED A USEFUL HAND-BOOK AND CHECK LIST FOR AUTOGRAPH COLLECT- ORS, LIBRARIANS, Etc. BY THOMAS F. MADIGAN NEW YORK 1916 ETltG Copyright, 1916 By Thomas F. Madigan ' ^ w SEP 23 1916 ©GI.A437801 ^■^.^ 1 \* j:; States are not great except as men may make them. — Eugene F. Ware. FOREWORD The various lists which comprise the present volume include no new compilation; Presidents, Signers, Conti- nental Congress, Generals of the Revolution and Civil War, all have been compiled and published before. Not before, however, have these and the many others in the pages that follow been included in one compact volume. The lists are complete, have been corrected and revised to date, from Government and other reliable sources, and include addi- tional data acquired through careful research. The "Biographies in Brief" of the Presidents and Sign- ers are a feature of this work. Public offices held, principal events and dates are set down without minor details or comment. I have endeavoured to prepare, primarily, a work which should be a valuable aid to autograph collectors; it should also be useful to librarians, historians, etc. The volume is now presented in the hope that it may satisfy these expecta- tions and possibly stimulate interest in collecting the auto- graphs of those men who laid the foundation, who reared the structure and who helped to perpetuate this nation. T. F. M. CONTENTS Page The Presidents of the United States — their Biographies in Brief 1 Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Cabinets . . 29 Members of the Committee Appointed to Draw up the Declaration of Independ- ence 66 The Signers of the Declaration of Independ- ence 67 Presidents of the Continental Congress ... 75 Members of the Continental Congress .... 76 Signers of the Articles of Confederation . . 91 Signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence 93 Delegates to the Stamp Act Congress .... 94 Members of the Federal Convention 96 Generals of the Revolutionary War 99 Gen. George Washington's Aids-de-camp and Secretaries 104 Colonial Governors of America 106 Justices, Chief and Associate, of the U. S. Supreme Court 119 General Officers of the Armies of the U. S. During the Civil War 125 President, Vice-President and Cabinet of the Confederate States of America 170 General Officers of the Armies of the Confed- erate States Appointed by the President, 1861-1865 171 A Biographical Index of American Public Men THE presidents OF THE UNITED STATES— THEIR BIOGRAPHIES IN BRIEF GEORGE WASHINGTON, First President of the United States, born at Pope's Creek, near Bridge's Creek, Westmoreland county, Va., February 22, 1732; son of Augustine Washington and his second wife Mary Ball; received early education in primitive country schools, and became proficient in geometry and surveying; in 1746 de- clined appointment as midshipman in the Royal navy; at age of 16 surveyed lands for Sir William Fairfax; later was appointed surveyor of Culpeper county ; appointed adjutant-general of a military district in Virginia with the rank of major in 1751 ; resigned to accompany his half- brother, Lawrence, to Barbados, where George contracted small pox. Lawrence died July 12, 1752, and by his death George became heir to his estate of Mt. Vernon ; in No- vember, 1753, was sent by Lieutenant-Governor DiNWiDDlE, of Virginia, to visit the French army in the Ohio valley on important business; war followed, and in 1754 was pro- moted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel and engaged in the war; aide-de-camp to General Braddock in 1755; after the death of the latter, Washington directed the retreat of the vanquished troops with great skill ; appointed by the legislature commander-in-chief of Colonial forces, and from 1755-1758 engaged in recruiting and organizing troops for colonial defense; commanded a successful expedition to Fort Du Quesne in 1758. On January 6, 1759, Washington married Martha CusTis, daughter of John Dandridge and widow of Daniel Parke Custis; resigned his commission, retired to priv- [1] ate life at Mt. Vernon and pursued agriculture and civic employments, and was a magistrate and member of the Co- lonial House of Burgesses 1758-1774; delegate to the Wil- liamsburg convention of August, 1773 ; delegate to the first and second Continental Congresses 1774-1775. He was unanimously chosen commander-in-chief of all the forces raised or to be raised, June 15, 1775, and formally took command at Cambridge, Mass., July 3, 1775; fought battles of Long Island, White Plains, Trenton and Prince- ton, 1776 ; Brandywine and Germantown, 1777 ; Monmonth, 1778; began seige of Yorktown on Sept. 28, 1782, and on Oct. 19, Lord Cornwallis surrendered with his army of 7,000; treaty of peace signed in Paris, Sept. 3, 1783, by which the British Government recognized the independence of the United States; Washington received the special thanks and recognition of Congress upon eight separate oc- casions and by as many acts; resigned his commission, December 23, 1783, and returned to private life at Mount Vernon ; delegate to and president of the national conven- tion that framed the Federal constitution in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1787 ; unanimously elected first President of the United States, and inaugurated April 3, 1789, in New York City; unanimously re-elected; retired March 3, 1797, after declining a re-election ; issued his farewell address to the people of the United States in September, 1796 ; again ap- pointed lieutenant-general and commander of the United States army July 3, 1798, and served until his death at Mount Vernon, Va., after a short illness, December 14, 1799; interment at Mount Vernon on December 18, 1799. JOHN ADAMS, Second President of the United States, was born in Braintree (now Quincy), Mass., October 30, 1735; was a son of John Adams, a farmer, and Susanna BOYLSTON ; graduated from Harvard college in 1755 ; studied law and was admitted to the Suffolk county bar in 1758; he married Abigail Smith in 1764; joined the Sons of Liberty and appeared before Governor Hutchinson, [2] with Otis and Gridley, to argue against the stamp act ; was elected to represent Boston, to which city he had removed, in the general court in 1768 ; elected to the first Continental Congress; member of committee which drew up Declara- tion of Independence; signed the Declaration and proposed George Washington, of Virginia, for general of the American army; became head of the war department, but resigned and was appointed commissioner, superseding Deane, with Franklin and Arthur Lee, to the Court of France. He was later made minister plenipotentiary to Holland, to negotiate a loan in 1782 ; obtained the loan and negotiated a treaty of amity and commerce; was the first accredited minister to England in 1785, where he remained three years; returned to the United States in April, 1788. He v/as Vice-President of the United States 1789-1797, with Washington as President; elected President of the United States as a member of the Federalist party and served 1797-18*01 ; his last act in office was to appoint John Marshall chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. At the age of eighty-five he acted as a delegate in the constitutional convention of Massachusetts; died in Quincy, Mass., July 4, 1826, and is buried there. THOMAS JEFFERSON, Third President of the United States, born in Shadwell, Va., April 2, 1743 ; was a son of Peter Jefferson and Jane Randolph ; attended a preparatory school conducted by Rev. Mr. Maury; was graduated from William and Mary college in 1762 ; studied law for five years under Judge Wythe; was admitted to the bar, and commenced practice in 1767; member of the Colonial House of Burgesses 1769-1774; married in 1772, Mrs. Martha (Wayles) Skelton; prominent in pre-Re- volutionary movements; Delegate to the Continental Con- gress 1775-1776; chairman of the committee that drew up the Declaration of Independence; made and presented the first draft of the Declaration that was submitted to the Congress, July 2, 1776; signed the Declaration of Inde- [3] pendence, August 2, 1776 ; resigned soon after and returned to Monticello; drafted the Constitution of Virginia, 1777; he was governor of Virginia 1779-1781 ; member of the State House of Representatives in 1782 ; again delegate to the Continental Congress 1782-1785 ; appointed a minister plenipotentiary to France May 7, 1784, and then sole min- ister to the King of France for three years from March 10, 1785; appointed Secretary of State of the United States September 26, 1789, and served until December 3, 1793; elected Vice-President of the United States, and served from March 4, 1797, to March 3, 1801; elected President of the United States in 1801 by the House of Representa- tives on the thirty-sixth ballot; re-elected in 1805, and served from March 4, 1801, to March 3, 1809; retired to his estate, Monticello; active in founding the University of Virginia ; died at Monticello, Albemarle county, Va., July 4, 1826, where he is buried. JAMES MADISON, Fourth President of the United States, born in Port Conway, King George county, Va., March 16, 1751 ; was a son of James Madison and Nelly Conway ; pursued preparatory studies under private tutors, and was graduated from Princeton college in 1771 ; studied law in Princeton one year; returned to Virginia, continued law studies, and was admitted to the bar; member of the committee of safety from Orange county in 1774; delegate in Williamsburg, Va., convention of May, 1776; member of first general assembly of Virginia in 1776, and was unanimously elected a member of the executive council in 1778; delegate to the Continental Congress 1780-1783, and 1786-1788 ; prominent delegate to the Federal constitutional convention in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1787 ; elected as a Demo- crat to the First, Second, Third and Fourth Congresses (March 4, 1789-March 3, 1797). In 1794, he married the celebrated Dolly (Payne) Todd; declined the mission to France, tendered by President Washington in 1794, as he did the portfolio of State, tendered the same year; again a [4] member of the Virginia assembly from Orange county in 1799; Jefferson elector in 1800; appointed by President Jefferson Secretary of State, March 5, 1801 ; entered upon duties of the office May 2, 1801, and served until March 4, 1809; elected, as a Republican, President of the United States ; re-elected, and served from March 4, 1809, to March 3, 1817; retired to his estate, Montpelier, Orange county, Va. ; delegate in the Virginia constitutional convention of 1829 ; rector of the Univer-sity of Virginia ; visitor to the college of William and Mary; died in the Montpelier man- sion, Orange county, Va., June 28, 1836. JAMES MONROE, Fifth President of the United States, born in Westmoreland county, Va., April 28, 1758; was a son of Sfence Monroe, a planter, and Eliza Jones ; pursued classical studies; attended William and Mary col- lege in 1776, and left to enter the Continental army in the Revolutionary war; appointed a lieutenant in the third Virginia regiment, and participated in numerous engage- ments ; severely wounded in the battle of Harlem Heights ; for his conduct at the battle of Trenton, December, 1776, he was promoted to the rank of captain ; as volunteer aide, with the rank of major, to Lord Stirling, he served with distinction at the battle of Brandy wine, September, 1777, and at that of Monmouth, June, 1778; retired from the service in 1778, and studied law under Thomas Jefferson ; military commissioner for Virginia in 1780, with rank of lieutenant colonel, and visited the southern army under General DeKalb ; member of the state assembly in 1782 ; Delegate to the Continental Congress 1783-1786 ; married Eliza Kortwright in 1786 ; resumed the study of law, was admitted to the bar, and engaged in practice in Fredericks- burg, Va. ; again member of the State assembly in 1786 ; delegate to the state convention to consider the Federal constitution, which he opposed, in 1788; elected to the United States Senate, to fill vacancy caused by the death [5] of William Grayson ; re-elected, and served from Novem- ber 9, 1790, until his resignation in 1794. He was appointed by President Washington minister plenipotentiary to France May 27, 1794, and served from May 28, 1794, to December 30, 1796 ; governor of Virginia 1799-1802; appointed by President Jefferson minister ex- traordinary and plenipotentiary to France January 11, 1803, to unite with Edward Livingston, then the resident min- ister at Paris, in a negotiation for the purchase of Louis- iana, — i.e., the whole valley of the Mississippi ; they pur- chased that vast territory from Bonaparte for $15,000,000 ; minister plenipotentiary to England November 11, 1803, and to Spain November 9, 1804; returned home in 1808; again elected member of State assembly ; governor of Virginia in 1811; Secretary of State of the United States, November 25, 1811, to March 3, 1817; elected and re-elected President of the United States, and served from March 4, 1817, to March 3, 1825; in his message of December, 1823, he as- serted the important principle of foreign policy which forms the celebrated "Monroe Doctrine;" retired to his farm in Loudoun county, Va. ; member and president of the Virginia constitutional convention of 1829 ; moved to New York City in 1831, and died there July 4, 1831 ; final interment in Rich- mond, Va., in 1858. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, Sixth President of the United States, born in Braintree (now Quincy), Mass., July 11, 1767; was the eldest son of President John Adams and Abigail Smith ; enjoyed peculiar and rare advantages for education; in 1778 accompanied his father to France, attended school in Paris, and returned home in August, 1779; in 1780, having been again taken to Europe by his father, attended the University of Leyden; in 1871 w^as appointed private secretarj^ to Francis Dana, minister to Russia; studied at the Hague; was present at the signing of the definite treaty of peace in Paris, Sept. 3, 1783 ; hav- ing passed some months with his father in London re- [6] turned home and was graduated from Harvard college in 1788; studied law in Newburyport, was admitted to the ^ai', and began practice in Boston, Mass. Under the signature of Marcellus he wrote, in 1793, several articles, in which he argued that the United States should observe strict neutrality in the war between the French and the British. "To him," says Mr. Seward, "it is believed, belongs the honor of first publicly advocating this line of policy, which afterwards became a settled prin- ciple of the American government." These writings hav- ing commended him to the favor of General Washington, he was appointed minister to Holland in May, 1794. He married, in July, 1797, Louisa Catherine Johnson, a daughter of Joshua Johnson, of Maryland, who was then American consul at London. In 1797 J. Q. A. was appointed minister to Berlin; he negotiated a treaty of amity and commerce with the Prussian government, and was recalled about February, 1801. He was elected to the State Senate, 1802; defeated candidate for Congress, 1802; elected as a Federalist to the United States Senate, and served from March 4, 1803, until June 8, 1808, when he resigned ; United States minis- ter to Russia 1809-1814; member of commission which negotiated the treaty of Ghent in 1815 ; United States min- ister to England 1815-1817, and assisted in concluding the convention of commerce with Great Britain ; Secretary of . State under President Monroe 1817-1825 ; in 1825 the elec-: tion of a President fell, according to the Constitution of the United States, to the House of Representatives, as neither of the candidates had secured an absolute majority of the electors chosen by the states, and Adams, who stood second to Jackson in the electoral vote, was chosen; de- feated candidate for governor of Massachusetts in 1834; elected as a Whig to the Twenty-second, and to the eight succeeding Congresses, and served from March 4, 1831, until he was struck with paralysis while in his seat in the Capitol in Washington, D. C, on February 21, 1848. He died two days later, February 23, 1848, and is buried in Quincy, Mass. [7] # ANDREW JACKSON, Seventh President of the United States, born at the George McKenney homestead in Mecklenberg county, N. C, March 15, 1767; was the son of Andrew Jackson, an Irishman, and Elizabeth Hut- chinson ; moved with his mother to the Waxhaw settlement in South Carolina in 1767; attended the "old field" school, the academy of Dr. Humphries, and Queens college, Char- lotte, N. C, for a short period ; during the Revolution was captured by the British and confined in the stockade in Camden, S. C. ; left an orphan at fourteen years of age; worked for a time in a saddler's shop and afterwards taught school; studied law in Salisbury, N. C, 1785-1788, and was admitted to the bar in 1787 ; appointed solicitor of the western district of North Carolina, comprising what is now the state of Tennessee, in 1788, and located in Nash- ville, Tenn., in October, 1788. About 1792 he married Rachel Robards, originally Rachel Donelson, whose first husband was living and who had taken preliminary measures to obtain a divorce, which was legally completed in 1793; delegate to the convention to frame a constitution for the new state in Knoxville, Tenn., in January, 1796; elected as a Democrat to the Fourth Congress, and served from December 5, 1796, to March 3, 1797; elected to the United States Senate, and served from September 26, 1797, until his resignation in April, 1798; elected judge of the State Supreme Court of Tennessee, and served from 1798 to July 24, 1804; moved to the "Hermitage," near Nashville, and engaged in plant- ing and in mercantile pursuits. In 1806 he challenged and killed Charles Dickinson in a duel with pistols, receiving himself a severe wound; served in the Creek war of 1813; major general of volun- teers 1812 to 1814; commissioned brigadier general in the United States army April 19, 1814 ; major general May 1, 1814; led his army to New Orleans, where, on January 8, 1815, he defeated the British with great loss, gaining one of the most brilliant and decisive victories in American [8] history ; received the thanks of Congress and a gold medal by resolution of February 27, 1815 ; commanded an expedi- tion which captured Florida in 1817; governor of Florida from March 10 to July 18, 1821 ; declined the position of minister to Mexico; again elected to the United States Senate, and served from March 4, 1823 to October 14, 1825, when he resigned. He was defeated as the Democratic candidate for Presi- dent in 1825; elected President, and re-elected, and served from March 4, 1829, to March 3, 1837; retired to the "Hermitage," his estate near Nashville, Tenn., where he died, without issue, June 8, 1845. MARTIN VAN BUREN, Eighth President of the United States, born in Kinderhook, N. Y., December 5,. 1722 ; was a son of Abraham Van Buren and Marie Hoes ; attended the district schools and Kinderhook academy; studied law; was admitted to the bar in New York City in 1803; began practice in Kinderhook, N. Y. ; married Han- nah Hoes in 1807 ; moved to Hudson, N. Y., in 1809 ; surro- gate of Columbia county; member of the State Senate 1813- 1820 ; attorney-general of New York 1815-1819 ; delegate to the state constitutional convention in 1821 ; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate; re-elected in 1827 and served from March 4, 1821 to 1828, when he resigned to become governor of New York ; resigned March 12, 1829, to become Secretary of State of the United States, and resigned August 1, 1831, having been appointed minister to Great Britain, but the Senate rejected the nomination; elected Vice-President in 1832; elected President of the United States in 1836 ; defeated as the Democratic candidate for re-election by Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison in 1840 ; the anti-slavery candidate for President in 1848; died in Kin- derhook, N. Y., July 24, 1862, where he is buried. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, Ninth President of the United States, bom in Berkeley, Charles City county, [9] Va., February 9, 1773 ; was the son of Benjamin Harrison, signer of the Declaration of Independence, and Elizabeth Bassett; pursued classical studies; attended Hampden- Sydney college; studied medicine; commissioned by Presi- dent Washington ensign in the first infantry, August 16, 1791, and served in Indian wars; in May, 1797, was made captain and given command of Fort Washington; resigned June 1, 1798, with the rank of captain; appointed secretary of the Northwest territory, elected its Delegate to the Sixth Congress, and served from March 4, 1799, until March, 1800, when he resigned; territorial governor of Indiana 1801-1813, and Indian agent. He defeated the British and Indians at Tippecanoe, November 7, 1811 ; major general of volunteers in the war of 1812; resigned in 1814; head commissioner to treat with the Indians ; elected as a Whig to the Fourteenth Congress, to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of John McLean; re-elected to the Fifteenth Congress, and served from De- cember 2, 1816, to March 3, 1819; member of the State Senate 1819-1821 ; elected to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1825, until May 20, 1828, when he resigned; minister to Colombia, May 24, 1828, to Septem- ber 26, 1829 ; elected President of the United States, and served from March 4, 1841, until his death, in Washington, D. C, April 4, 1841 ; his remains rest in a tomb at North Bend, Ohio. JOHN TYLER. Tenth President of the United States, was born in Green way, Charles City county, Va., March 29, 1790 ; was a son of John Tyler, Governor of Virginia, and Mary Armistead; was graduated from William and Mary college in 1807; studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1809, and practiced; member of the House of Delegates 1811-1816; elected as a State Rights Democrat to the Four- teenth Congress, to fill vacancy caused by the death of John Clopton; re-elected to the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Congresses and served from December 16, 1817, to March 3, [10] 1821 ; again a member of the House of Delegates 1823-1825 ; governor of Virginia 1825-1827; elected to the United States Senate in 1827; re-elected in 1833 and served from March 4, 1827, until February 29, 1836, when he resigned ; member of the House of Delegates in 1839; elected as a Whig Vice-President of the United States on the Wm. Henry Harrison ticket in 1840; became President of the United States after the death of President Harrison, April 4, 1841, and served until March 3, 1845. He was twice married, in 1813 to Letitia Christian, who died in 1842, and in 1844 to Julia Gardiner, who sur- vived him many years. He was president of the Peace Conference which met in Washington in February, 1861; delegate to the Con- federate Provisional Congress in 1861 ; elected to the Con- federate Congress, but died before the assembling of the congress in Richmond, Va., January 18, 1862; is buried in Hollywood cemetery, Richmond, Va. JAMES KNOX POLK, Eleventh President of the United States, born near Little Sugar Creek, Mecklenburg county, N. C, November 2, 1795; was a son of Samuel Polk, a farmer, and Jane Knox; moved with his parents to Tennessee in 1806; was graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1818; studied law, and in 1820 was admitted to practice; in 1824 he married Sarah Childress; served in the state legislature 1823-1825 ; elected as a Demo- crat to the Nineteenth, and to the six succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1825-March 3, 1839) ; served as Speaker from December 7, 1835; governor of Tennessee in 1839; elected as a Democrat President of the United States in 1844 and served from March 4, 1845, to March 3, 1849; the formal annexation of Texas to the Union involved the country in an aggressive war with Mexico during his administration; declined a renomination ; died in Nashville, Tenn., June 15, 1849 ; interment within the grounds of the state capitol. [11] ZACHARY TAYLOR, Twelfth President of the United States, was born in Orange county, Virginia, in 1784 ; was a son of Colonel Richard Taylor, a planter, and Sarah Strother; was educated in Kentucky, his father having removed to Louisville, in that State, about 1785; entered the army in 1808, and married Margaret Smith in 1810 ; in the war which began in 1812 he served as captain against the Indians ; obtained the rank of colonel in 1832, and was employed in the war against Black Hawk the same year; defeated the Seminoles at Okechobee in December, 1837, and was appointed commander-in-chief of the army in Florida in April, 1838; about 1840 he purchased an estate near Baton Rouge, on which he settled. He commanded an army which was sent in the summer of 1845 to Corpus Christi, near the mouth of the Nueces River. He was attacked at Palo Alto, on May 8, 1846, by the Mexican army, which he signally defeated; gained another victory at Resaca de la Palma on May 9, soon after which he was promoted to the rank of major-general; on February 22, 1847, he defeated Santa Anna in a hardf ought battle at Buena Vista. In 1848, he was nominated as candidate for the Presi- dency by the Whig National Convention and elected. After a short administration, he died on July 9, 1850. He is buried at Springfield, near Louisville, Ky. MILLARD FILLMORE, Thirteenth President of the United States, born in Locke, now Summerhill, Cayuga county, N. Y., February 7, 1800; was the second son of Nathaniel Fillmore and Phebe Millard; worked on his father's farm and received a primitive country school train- ing; apprenticed in the wool carding business about 1814, he worked at his trade until 1819; then studied law and acted as assistant postmaster while teaching school ; ad- mitted to practice in Erie County Court in 1823, and re- moved to Aurora ; in 1826 he married Abigail Powers, who died in 1856; he became an attorney in 1827 and in 1829 [12] was admitted to the State bar; in 1830 removed to Buffalo and practiced with Nathan K. Hall and Solomon G. Hav- en ; was elected to the state legislature and served from 1828 to 1831; elected as a Whig and served in the Twenty-third Congress (1833-1835) ; re-elected to the Twenty-fifth, Twen- ty-sixth and Twenty-seventh Congresses (1835-1843) ; un- successful candidate for nomination as Vice-President, 1844 ; defeated as Whig candidate for Governor 1844 ; was elected State comptroller in 1847 and resigned in February, 1849, having been elected Vice-President; served from March 4, 1849 until the death of President Taylor July 9, 1850; took oath as President July 10, and served until March 4, 1853; unsuccessful candidate for nomination as President in Whig convention 1852; defeated as National American candidate for President in 1856; visited Europe in 1855 and again in 1866; in 1858 he married Caroline (Car- MICHAEL) MclNTOSH ; Organized and was first president of the Buffalo Historical Society, 1862-67; died in Buffalo, March 8, 1874, and was buried in Forest Hill cemetery. FRANKLIN PIERCE, Fourteenth President of the United States, born in Hillsboro, N. H., Nov. 23, 1804 ; was a son of Gen. Benjamin Pierce, Governor of New Hamp- shire, and Anna Kendrick ; was graduated from Bowdoin college in 1824; studied law, was admitted to the bar, and in 1827 began practice in Hillsboro; member of the State House of Representatives, 1820-1833; served as Speaker 1832-1833; he married Jane Means Appleton in 1834; elected as a Democrat to the Twenty-third and Twenty- fourth Congresses (March 4, 1833-March 3, 1837) ; elected to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1837 to February 28, 1842, when he resigned; resumed the practice of law in Concord, served in the Mexican war as colonel ; commissioned brigadier general in March, 1847, and remained in Mexico until the close of the war; mem- ber of the New Hampshire State constitutional conven- tion of 1850, and its president; elected President of the [13] United States, receiving 254 electoral votes against 42 votes for WiNFiELD Scott, and served from March 4, 1853, to March 3, 1857; died in Concord, N. H., October 8, 1869, and is buried there, JAMES BUCHANAN, Fifteenth President of the United States, born in Cove Gap, near Mercersburg, Frank- lin county, Pa., April 23, 1791 ; was a son of James Buchanan and Elizabeth Speer; was graduated from Dickinson college in 1809 ; moved to Lancaster, Pa., the same year; studied law; admitted to the bar in 1812; prac- ticed in Lancaster ; one of the first volunteers in the War of 1812 ; served under Judge Shippen in the defense of Balti- more ; elected a member of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania in 1814-1815; elected as a Federalist to the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-first Congresses (March 4, 1821-March 3, 1831) ; minister to Russia, June, 1832 to August, 1834; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of William Wilkins; twice re- elected, and served from December 6, 1834, until he re- signed on March 5, 1845 ; Secretary of State in the Cabinet of President Polk, March 6, 1845-March 7, 1849 ; minister to Great Britain 1853-1856 ; elected as the candidate of the Democratic party President of the United States in 1856, and served from March 4, 1857, to March 3, 1861 ; retired to his home in Wheatland, near Lancaster, Pa., where he died June 1, 1868; interment in Woodward Hill cemetery, near Lancaster, Pa. He never married. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Sixteenth President of the United States, born in Hardin county, Ky., February 12, 1809; was a son of Thomas Lincoln, a farmer, and Nancy Hanks; moved with parents to a heavily-timbered tract of land on Little Pigeon creek, Indiana, in 1816 ; attended a log-cabin school at short intervals, and was self-instructed in elementary branches; at the age of nineteen was in- [14] trusted with a cargo of farm products, which he took to New Orleans and sold; moved with his father to a forest location in Macon county, 111., in 1830, and a little later to an unbroken prarie farm in Coles county, 111. ; hired himself to a Sangamon county trader named Denton Offut, and assisted in the construction of a flatboat, in trading upon the rivers, and in maintaining a general store in New Salem, Menard county, 111. ; read the principles of law and works on surveying; Indian hostilities began and he volunteered in a company of Sangamon county rifles, organized in Richland, 111., April 21, 1832; was elected its captain, and served until May 27, following, when the company was mustered out of service ; re-enlisted as a private, and served until mustered out June 16, 1832. He returned to New Salem, and was defeated as a candidate for the Illinois legislature ; entered business as a general merchant in New Salem, but met reverses that were generally attributed to his partner. Lincoln then applied himself to the study of law ; postmaster of New Salem 1833- 1836; deputy county surveyor 1834-1836; elected to the State legislature in 1834, 1836, 1838, and 1840 ; declined a renomination ; was admitted to the bar in 1836 ; moved to Springfield, 111., in 1837, and engaged in practice; in 1842 he married Mary Todd ; elected as a Whig to the Thirtieth Congress (March 4, 1847-March 3, 1849) ; did not seek a renomination; an unsuccessful applicant for commissioner of the general land office under President Taylor ; tendered the governorship of Oregon Territory, but declined ; un- successful Whig candidate for United States Senator be- fore the legislature of 1855. He became a leader in the Republican party immedi- ately upon its organization; chosen by his party to oppose Stephen A. Douglas for the United States Senate in 1858, and the debate between the candidates made memorable the campaign in which Douglas was final victor ; elected as a Republican President of the United States, and was in- augurated March 4, 1861; the great Civil War occupied [15] his entire administration; Emancepation Proclamation is- sued January 1, 1863; unanimously renominated in the convention of June 8, 1864, and was elected and inaug- urated for a second term, March 4, 1865; was shot by J. Wilkes Booth while attending Ford's theatre in the city of Washington, D. C, on the night of April 14, 1865, and died the following day; interment in Oak Ridge cemetery, Springfield, 111., May 4, 1865. ANDREW JOHNSON, Seventeenth President of the United States, born in Raleigh, N. C, December 29, 1808; was a son of Jacob Johnson and Mary McDonough ; re- ceived a limited schooling; at the age of ten apprenticed to a tailor; ran away and worked as a tailor in Laurens Court House, S. C, until 1825 ; returned and endeavored to make settlement with his former employer; moved ta Greeneville, Tenn., September, 1825, where he received in- struction in elementary English branches from Eliza McCardle, whom he married May 27, 1826; organized, in 1828, a workingman's party; elected alderman for three years; mayor of Greeneville 1830-1833 ; member of the State House of Representatives 1835-1839; defeated as a presi- dential elector on the Van Buren ticket in 1840 ; State sena- tor in 1841; elected as a Democrat to the Twenty-eighth and to the four succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1843- March 3, 1853) ; governor of Tennessee 1853-1857; elected to the United States Senate, and served from October 8, 1857, to March 4, 1862, when he resigned; appointed by President Lincoln military governor of Tennessee, with the rank of brigadier general of volunteers, March 4, 1862; elected Vice-President of the United States on the Republican ticket in 1864 ; became President of the United States, April 15, 1865, on the death of Abraham Lincoln. He precipitated a wide breach between himself and the Republican Congress by numerous vetoes, and rapid changes in the cabinet followed; a resolution for his im- peachment passed the House of Representatives February [16] 24, 1868, and eleven articles were set out; the trial lasted three months, and at its conclusion he was acquitted (May 16, 1868) by a vote of thirty-five for conviction to nine- teen for acquittal, only one vote lacking to make the neces- sary two-thirds for conviction ; retired to his home in Ten- nessee upon the expiration of the presidential term, March 3, 1869; defeated as a candidate for the United States Senate before the legislature in 1870 ; defeated as an inde- pendent candidate for the Forty-third Congress ; re-elected to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1875, | until his death at the home of his daughter in Carters Sta- I tion. Carter county, Tenn., July 31, 1875. He is buried i in Greeneville, Tenn. ^ ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT, Eighteenth President of the United States, born at Point Pleasant, Clermont county, Ohio, April 27, 1822; was the eldest son of Jesse R. Grant and Hannah Simpson ; acquired a common school education and was appointed to United States Military Academy, July 1, 1839; was first named Hiram Ulysses, but through an error, which he never corrected, was appointed to West Point as Ulysses Simpson Grant; graduated and was commissioned brevet second lieutenant. Fourth Infan- try, July 1, 1843; second lieutenant. Seventh Infantry, Sep- tember 30, 1845; transferred to Fourth Infantry, November 15, 1845 ; ordered to Mexico under the command of General Zachary Taylor, and received several promotions for bravery ; made brevet first lieutenant September 8, and first lieutenant, September 16, 1847; commissioned brevet cap- tain, September 13, 1847, for meritorious service; was regimental quartermaster from April 1, 1847 to July 23, 1848, and from November 17, 1848 to August 5, 1853. In 1848 Grant married Julia T. Dent, of St. Louis ; appointed captain August 5, 1853 and resigned his commission July 31, 1854; engaged in farming and real estate business; in 1860 engaged with his father in hardware and leather busi- ness at Galena, 111.; at the outbreak of the Civil War in [17] 1861, he raised a company of volunteers and marched to Springfield; appointed colonel of the Twenty-first Illinois volunteers June 17, 1861 ; on August 7 was made brigadier general of volunteers with rank from May 17 ; took Fort Henry, February 6, 1862, and Fort Donelson, February 15; was commissioned major general of volunteers Feb- ruary 16, 1862; defeated the Southern forces at Shiloh, April 6-7 ; his army gained a victory at Cornith, October 4-5; during the vinter of 1862-63 he conducted a campaign against Vicksburg; the Confederate stronghold surrendered on July 4, 1863, and Grant was rewarded with the appoint- ment of major general in the regular army with rank from July 4; in October, 1863, he commanded the military di- vision of the Mississippi and directed successful attacks against Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain, Novem- ber 24 and 25. After various failures of the Union army in the east. Congress revived the grade of lieutenant general and raised Grant to that rank from March 2, 1864; he was made com- mander in chief of all the armies of the United States, which post he held from March 9, 1864 to March 4, 1869. Direct- ing General Sherman to operate against the Confederate forces in northern Georgia, Grant himself led the army of the Potomac against General Robert E. Lee in Virginia ; he moved toward Richmond on May 4 ; fought the battle of the Wilderness May 5 and 6 ; while endeavoring to outflank the enemy he was checked by Lee at Spottsylvania Court House May 10-12; on May 11 Grant sent his famous dispatch to Washington : "I propose to fight it out along this line, if it takes all summer." After extensive maneuvering and several battles, which continued throughout the month, on June 3, he attacked the Confederate forces at Cold Harbour but was repulsed ; this frontal attack was the great military error of his career, and he acknowledged in his "Memoirs" that he never ceased to regret it. In July the army of the Potomac began the siege of Petersburg continuing through the winter, while General Sherman gained signal successes [18] in Georgia and the Carolinas and moved toward Virginia ; on April 2, 1865, Grant made a general assault upon Peters- burg, causing Lee to retreat ; being closely pursued Lee was again attacked on the 6th near Sailor's Creek; on the 7th Grant demanded Lee's surrender; on the 9th of April, 1865, the terms of surrender were drawn up by Grant and ac- cepted by Lee in the McLean house at Appomattox Court House, Va. Grant was commissioned General of the Army of the United States, July 25, 1865. He was appointed Sec- retary of War ad interim August 12, 1867 to January 14, 1868; elected President and served two terms from March 4, 1869 to March 4, 1877 ; made a tour around the world May-September, 1877 ; in 1881 engaged in banking business in New York and was defrauded by partners ; necessity in- duced him to write his "Memoirs"; on March 3, 1885, Con- gress made him a general on the retired list ; he died at Mt. McGregor, N. Y., July 23, 1885 ; on April 27, 1897 the magnificent mausoleum in Riverside Park, New York City, was dedicated and there his remains rest. RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HAYES, Nineteenth President of the United States, born in Delaware, Ohio, October 4, 1822 ; was a son of RUTHERFORD Hayes and So- phia BiRCHARD; attended the common schools, the academy in Norwalk, Ohio, and Webb preparatory school in Middle- town, Conn. ; was graduated from Kenyon college, Ohio, in August, 1842 ; and from Cambridge law school in January, 1845 ; admitted to the bar May 10, 1845, and began practice in Lower Sandusky (now Fremont) and then in Cincinnati in 1849 ; in 1852 he married LucY Ware Webb ; city solicitor in 1858-1859 ; entered the Union army ; commissioned major of twenty-third Ohio infantry June 27, 1861 ; lieutenant colonel October 24, 1861 ; colonel October 24, 1862 ; briga- dier general of volunteers October 19, 1864; commissioned brevet major general of volunteers March 15, 1865, "for gallant and distinguished service during the campaign of 1864 in West Virginia, and particularly at the battles of Fishers Hill and Cedar Creek, Va." ; resigned June 8, 1865 ; [19] elected as a Republican to the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Congresses and served from March 4, 1865, until Decem- ber, 1867, when he resigned, having been elected governor of Ohio; re-elected in 1869 and again in 1876; elected President of the United States in 1876 ; the campaign pre- ceding his election was very bitter; Samuel J. Tilden, Hayes' Democratic opponent, received a plurality of 205,- 935 of the popular vote; in the electoral college, however, Hayes won and was declared elected in spite of Democratic charges of fraud; he was inaugurated March 4, 1877, and served until March 3, 1881 ; died January 17, 1893, in Fremont, Ohio, where he is buried. JAMES ABRAM GARFIELD, Twentieth President of the United States, born in Orange, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, November 19, 1831 ; was a son of Abram Garfield and Eliza Ballou ; boyhood spent working on a farm, aid- ing in the support of his widowed mother ; attended district school about three months each winter; when seventeen was driver and helmsman on the Ohio canal ; entered Geauga seminary in Chester, Ohio, March, 1849 ; at the close of the fall term taught a district school; attended the Eclectic institute in Hiram, Ohio, 1851-1854; was grad- uated from Williams college in 1858 ; married LUCRETIA Rudolph in 1858; professor of ancient languages and lit- erature in Hiram college ; v,iien twenty-six years of age made president of Hiram college, which position he held until 1861, when he entered the Union Army; lieutenant colonel of the forty-second Ohio infantry, August 21, 1861; colonel November 27, 1861 ; brigadier general of volunteers January 11, 1862; major general September 19, 1863; re- signed December 5. 1863. He was elected to the Ohio State Senate in 1859 ; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1860; admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the United States in 1866 ; elected as a Republican to the Thirty-eighth, and to the eight succeeding Congresses, and served from March 4, [20] 1863, until November 8, 1880, when he resigned; in Jan- uary, 1880, elected by the Ohio legislature a United States Senator for the term beginning March 4, 1881, to succeed Allen G. Thurman, but resigned December 23, 1880; on June 8, 1880, in the Chicago Republican national con- vention was nominated, and on November 4, following, was elected President of the United States ; on the morning of July 2, 1881, while passing through the Pennsylvania depot, Washington, D. C, was shot by an assassin; died from the effects of the wound in Elberon, N. J., September 19, 1881 ; interment in Lake View cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio. CHESTER ALAN ARTHUR, Twenty-first President of the United States, born in Fairfield, Franklin County, Vt., October 4, 1830 ; was the son of Rev. William Arthur and Malvina Stone; graduated from Union College in 1848; studied law; was principal of an academy at North Pownal, Vt., in 1851 ; in 1854 was admitted to the bar and soon after became a member of the firm of Culver, Parker & Arthur, New York City ; was a strong anti-slavery advo- cate and defended negroes on various occasions; became a Henry Clay Whig and voted for Winfield Scott in 1852 ; was active in state politics ; assisted in organizing the state militia and at one time was judge advocate of the Second Brigade; married October 29, 1859, to Ellen Lewis Herndon, of Fredericksburg, Va. ; she was the daughter of Commander William Lewis Herndon, U. S. N. ; ap- pointed by Governor Edwin D. Morgan quartermaster gen- eral in 1861 ; on February 10, 1862 was commissioned in- spector general, resigned, and was appointed quartermaster general July 10, 1862 ; in four months he accomplished the task of equipping the New York troops for the field ; went out of office with Governor Morgan's administration, De- cember 31, 1862 ; continued the practice of law, in partner- ship with Henry G. Gardner and later with the firm of Arthur, Phelps & Knevals ; allied himself with the Grant Club of New York and was associated with the Republican [21] party ; appointed collector of the port of New York, Decem- ber 1, 1871 ; suspended from oflfice by President Hayes, July 11, 1878, because of political activities and the President's civil service reform policies; delegate at large to Chicago Convention, 1880 and supported Grant; was then nomin- ated for Vice-President and later elected on the ticket with Garfield; took office March 4, 1881 ; on the death of Presi- dent Garfield, (September 19, 1881), Arthur took oath as President, on September 20, in his New York City resid- ence ; the oath was formally administered in Washington, September 22, and he served to March 4, 1885. He died suddenly in New York, November 18, 1886, and his remains were interred in the family burial plot. Rural cemetery, Albany, N. Y. GROVER CLEVELAND, Twenty-second and Twenty- fourth President of the United States, born in Caldwell, N. J., March 18, 1837 ; was the son of Rev. Richard Fally Cleveland, a Presbyterian minister, and Anne Neal; he was named Stephen Grover Cleveland, but the first name was discarded early in life; his father having been called to Fayetteville, N. Y., Grover became clerk in a coun- try store there in 1851 ; in 1853 and 1854 he taught in the New York Institution for the Blind, New York City; went to Black Rock, now part of Buffalo, in 1854 and assisted his uncle in the preparation of the "American Shorthorn Herd Book" until 1861 ; at the same time he was employed in the law office of Rogers, Bowen and Rogers; admitted to the bar in 1859; because his brothers were in the army and his mother and sisters left dependent, he could not enlist, but borrowed money to send a substitute ; elected assistant District Attorney January 1, 1863, and served until 1866; in 1865 was Democratic candidate for District Attorney but was defeated; formed the law firm of Laning, Cleve- land and FoLSOM, in 1869; elected Sheriff of Erie county and served from 1870 to 1873; later was elected Dem- ocratic mayor of Buffalo with the largest majority ever [22] given in that city; took office January 1, 1882; elected Governor of New York for the term beginning January 1, 1883; resigned the governership January 6, 1885, having been elected President of the United States in the previous November; served first term as President from March 4, 1885 to March 3, 1889; married, on June 2, 1886, in the White House at Washington, Francis Folsom, daughter of his late partner, OsCAR FoLSOM. He was defeated for re-election by Benjamin Harri- son; resumed the practice of law; nominated a third time for president and was elected over President Harrison in November, 1892; served second term from March 4, 1893, to March 4, 1897 ; first lectured in Princeton University in 1900 ; in 1902 was elected a member of its Board of Trustees ; elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Equitable Life Assurance Society June 10, 1905 ; president of Association of Life Insurance Presidents January 31, 1907 ; died at his home in Princeton, N. J., June 24, 1908, and was buried in the Princeton cemetery. BENJAMIN HARRISON, Twenty-third President of the United States, born in North Bend, Hamilton county, Ohio, August 20, 1833 ; was a son of John Scott Harrison and Elizabeth Irwin and grandson of President Wil- liam Henry Harrison; was graduated from Miami uni- versity, Oxford, Ohio, 1852; studied law in Cincinnati; in 1853 he married Caroline Lavinia Scott, who died in 1892, and in 1896, Mary Scott (Lord) Dimmick; moved March, 1854, to Indianapolis; engaged in the practice of law; reporter of the decisions of the supreme court of the state ; commissioned second lieutenant of Indiana volun- teers in July, 1862; raised Company A, Seventieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, commissioned captain and on organiza- tion of the regiment commissioned colonel ; went with regi- ment to Kentucky in August, and served until mustered out, June, 1865 ; brevetted brigadier general January 23, 1865 ; while in the field, October, 1864, re-elected reporter of [23] the supreme court, and served four years ; appointed mem- ber of the Mississippi river commission in 1879 ; elected to the United States Senate as a Republican to succeed Joseph E, McDonald; took his seat March 4, 1881, and served until March 3, 1887; elected President of the United States in 1888 and served March 4, 1889 to March 4, 1893; renom- inated, 1892, for second term and defeated by Grover Cleveland ; attorney for Venezuela in the boundary dispute between Venezuela and Great Britain, arbitrated in Paris in 1900; died in Indianapolis, Ind., March 13, 1901, where he is buried. WILLIAM McKINLEY, Twenty-sixth President of the United States, born in Niles, Ohio, January 29, 1843; was a son of William McKinley and Nancy C. Allison; enlisted in the United States army June 23, 1861, as a pri- vate soldier in the Twenty-third Ohio Volunteer infantry; was mustered out as captain and brevet major of the same regiment ; prosecuting attorney of Stark county, Ohio, 1869- 1871; married Ida Saxton, 1871; elected as a Republican to the Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth, and Forty-seventh Con- gresses (March 4, 1877-March 3, 1883) ; presented creden- tials as a Member-elect to the Forty-eighth Congress, and served from March 4, 1883, until May 27, 1884, when he was succeeded by Jonathan H. Wallace, who contested his election; re-elected to the Forty-ninth, Fiftieth, and Fifty-first Congresses (March 4, 1885-March 3, 1891) ; elected governor of Ohio in 1891 and inaugurated January 11, 1892; re-elected in 1893, and served until 1896; elected President of the United States in 1896 and served March 4, 1897 to March 4, 1901 ; re-elected in 1900 ; second inaug- uration, March 4, 1901 ; shot by an anarchist while attend- ing the Pan-American exposition in Buffalo, N. Y., Sep- tember 6, 1901, and died in that city, September 14, 1901; interment in Canton, Ohio. [24] THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Twenty-sixth President of the United States, born in New York, October 27, 1858 ; son of Theodore Roosevelt and Martha Bulloch ; graduated from Harvard University, 1880 ; married Alice Hathaway Lee, daughter of George Cabot Lee, October 27, 1880 ; she died, 1884; member of legislature of New York 1882-1884; married at London, England, December 2, 1886, Edith Ker- MIT Carow, daughter of Charles Carow; lived on ranch in North Dakota from 1884 to 1886 ; was an unsuccessful candi- date for Mayor of New York, 1886 ; appointed commissioner of United States Civil Service 1889-1895; appointed presi- dent. New York Police Board, 1895-1897 ; assistant secretary of Navy April 19, 1897-May 6, 1898 ; commissioned lieutenant colonel, First U. S. Volunteer Cavalry ("Rough Riders"), May 6, 1898 and was made colonel for gallantry, July 11, 1898; mustered out of service September 15, 1898; elected governor of New York and served January 1, 1899-Decem- ber 31, 1900 ; elected vice-president of United States and took oath of office March 4, 1901 ; upon the death of President William McKinley, September 14, 1901, Roosevelt be- came president and served until March 3, 1905 ; having been elected by the largest majority ever received by a president- ial candidate in 1904, for a second term, he served until March 3, 1909; in 1906 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, with which he endowed the Foundation for the Pro- motion of Industrial Peace ; was a member of editorial staff of The Outlook 1909-1914; went to Africa in search of big game 1909-1910; special ambassador of the United States at funeral of King Edward VH, 1910; unsuccessful candidate for President of U. S., 1912; on Oct. 14, 1912, during the campaign preceeding the election while in Mil- waukee, Wis., he was shot, but not dangerously wounded, by J. Schrank, a fanatic; made tour through principal countries of South America, 1913-1914. "No American public man," says the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, "in the history of the country has achieved such extraordinary popularity as Mr Roosevelt has attained at fifty years of age both at home and abroad." [25] Mr. Roosevelt is the author of several important works. His history of the War of 1812, "Naval Operations of the War between Great Britain and the United States, 1812-1813," written when he was 24 years old is the stand- ard history of that conflict. His "Winning of the West," 1889-96, is probably the best work which has been written on American frontier life of the 19th century. He has also written "Big Game Hunting in the Rockies and on the Plains," 1889; "African Game Trails," 1910; "Fear God and Take Your Own Part," 1915; etc. WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, Twenty-seventh Presi- dent of the United States, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Septem- ber 15th, 1857 ; was the son of Alphonso Taft, Attorney General of the U. S., 1776-77. and Louisa M. Torrey; graduated Woodward High School, Cincinnati, 1874; B. A. Yale, 1878, second in class of 121 ; L. L. B. Cincinnati Law School, 1880 and was admitted to the Ohio bar the same year; assistant prosecuting attorney of Hamilton Co., Ohio, 1881-3; practised law at Cincinnati, 1883-7; on June 19, 1886, he married Helen Hereon ; assistant county solicitor Hamilton Co. 1885-7; judge Superior Court, Cincinnati, 1887-90; solicitor general of U. S., 1890-92; U. S. circuit judge, 6th Circuit, 1892-1900; professor and dean law dept. University of Cincinnati, 1896-1900; president U. S. Philip- pine Commission, March 12, 1900-July 4, 1901; first civil governor of Philippine Islands, July 4, 1901-Feb. 1, 1904; sent to Rome by President Roosevelt, 1902, to confer with Pope Leo XIII concerning purchase of agricultural lands of religious order in the Philippine Islands; twice declined appointment from President Roosevelt as associate justice Supreme Court of U. S., 1903 ; Secretary of War in cabinet of President Roosevelt, Feb. 1, 1904-June 30, 1908; sent to Cuba by President Roosevelt to adjust insurrection there, 1906, and acted short time as provisional governor; in March and April, 1907, visited Panama, Cuba and Porto [26] Rico, by direction of the President, to take up various matters and familiarize himself with conditions; later he visited Japan and Philippine Islands, returning to America via Russia. . He was nominated for President by Republican Na- tional Convention, Chicago, June, 1908, and elected Nov. 3, 1908, for term, March 4, 1909-March 4, 1913 ; received 321 electoral votes against 162 for William Jennings Bryan, the Democratic candidate; renominated for the Presidency June, 1912, by Republican National Convention, Chicago; defeated in November election following by WooDROW Wil- son, Democratic candidate. Kent professor of law, Yale, April 1, 1913, delivering four lectures a week on federal constitutional law, two in Academic Dept. and two in Law School. President American National Red Cross, 1906- March 4, 1913 ; president American Bar Assn., 1913 ; first president American Academy of Jurisprudence, 1914. Au- thor of volume, Nov. 1913, containing eight Yale lectures and two addresses before American Bar Assn., on "Popular Government." WOODROW WILSON. Twenty-eighth President of the United States, born at Stannton, Va., Dec. 28, 1856; was a son of Rev. Joseph R. Wilson and Jessie Woodrow ; in 1874 he entered Davidson College, North Carolina, re- mained one year, and in the fall of 1875 went to Princeton College, from which he was graduated in the class of 1879 ; following his graduation he entered the University of Vir- ginia, Charlottesville, Va., as a law student, and was graduated in 1881 ; for two years he practiced law at At- lanta, Ga. ; in 1883 to 1885 did graduate work at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., in political economy and history ; 1885 to 1888, professor of history and political economy at Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania; 1888 to 1890, professor in the same branches of science at Wesleyan University; in June, 1890, he was elected professor of [27] jurisprudence and political economy at Princeton Univers- ity; in 1895 the department was divided and he was as- signed to the chair of jurisprudence. In 1897 he was pro- moted to the McCormick professorship of jurisprudence and politics ; in 1902 he was elected president of the univer- sity, resigning both that office and his professorship in Octo- ber, 1910, immediately after his nomination for governor of New Jersey, to which office he was elected November 8, 1910, by a plurality of 49,056 votes. He was nominated for President in the Democratic Na- tional Convention, Baltimore, 1912, and elected November, 1912 for term March 4, 1913 to March 4, 1917; received 435 electoral votes against 88 for Theodore Roosevelt, the Progressive candidate and 8 for Wm. Howard Taft, the Republican candidate ; resigned as governor of New Jersey, March 1, 1913. He was married June 24, 1885, to Ellen Louise Axson; Mrs. Wilson died at the White House on August 6, 1914; on December 18, 1915, President Wilson married Edith (Bolling) Galt. President Wilson is the author of various works, among which are the following: Congressional Govern- ment, in 1885 ; The State-Elements of Historical and Prac- tical Politics, in 1889; Division and Reunion, in 1893; an Old Master, and Other Political Essays, in 1893; Mere Literature and Other Essays, in 1896; Life of George Washington, in 1896; History of the American People, in 1902 ; and Constitutional Government in the United States, in 1908. [28] Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Cabinets FIRST administration April 30, 1789 to March 4, 1793 President ^ GEORGE WASHINGTON, Virginia Vice-President John Adams, Massachusetts Secretary of State John Jay, New York, April 30, 1789 ^- Thomas Jefferson, Virginia, Sept. 26, 1789 Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, New York, Sept. 11, 1789 Secretary of War Henry Knox, Massachusetts, Sept. 12, 1789 Postmaster-General Samuel Osgood, Massachusetts, Sept. 26, 1789 Timothy Pickering, Pennsylvania, Aug. 12, 1791 Attorney-General Edmund Randolph, Virginia, Sept. 26, 1789 [29] \M^ SECOND ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1793 to March 4, 1797 President GEORGE WASHINGTON, Virginia Vice-President John Adams, Massachusetts Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Virginia, reappointed ^^ Edmund Randolph, Virginia, Jan. 2, 1794 Timothy Pickering, Pennsylvania, Dec. 10, 1795 Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, New York, reappointed Oliver Wolcott, Jr., Connecticut, Feb. 2, 1795 Secretary of War Henry Knox, Massachusetts, reappointed Timothy Pickering, Pennsylvania, Jan. 2, 1795 James McHenry, Maryland, Jan. 27, 1796 Secretary of Navy OL,'.'^ ..George Cabot, Massachusetts, May 3, 1798 ; declined T^'f'-'^r^r^ENJAMlN Stoddert, Maryland, May 21, 1798 ,.J\f ^^ ,j^ "^ ' Postmaster-General (yO Timothy Pickering, Pennsylvania, continued June 2, 1794 Joseph Habersham, Georgia, Feb. 25, 1795 Attorney-General Edmund Randolph, Virginia, reappointed William Bradford, Pennsylvania, Jan. 27, 1794 Charles Lee, Virginia, Dec. 10, 1795 [30] y THIRD ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1797 to March 4, 1801 President JOHN ADAMS, Massachusetts Vice-President Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Secretary of State Timothy Pickering, Pennsylvania, reappointed John Marshall, Virginia, May 13, 1800 Secretary of Treasury Oliver Wolcott, Jr., Connecticut, reappointed Samuel Dexter, Massachusetts, Jan. 1, 1801 Secretary of War James McHenry, Maryland, reappointed Samuel Dexter, Massachusetts, May 13, 1800 Roger Griswold, Connecticut, Feb. 13, 1801 Secretary of Navy Benjamin Stoddart, Maryland, reappointed Postmaster-General Joseph Habersham, Georgia, reappointed A ttorney-General Charles Lee, Virginia, reappointed [31] FOURTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1801 to March 4, 1805 President y THOMAS JEFFERSON, Virginia Yice-P resident Aaron Burr, New York Secretary of State y James Madison, Virginia, March 5, 1801 Secretary of Treasury Samuel Dexter, Massachusetts, reappointed Albert Gallatin, Pennsylvania, March 14, 1801 Secretary of War Henry Dearborn, Massachusetts, March 5, 1801 Secretary of Navy Benjamin Stoddart, Maryland, reappointed Robert Smith, Maryland, July 15, 1801 Postynaster-General Joseph Habersham, Georgia, reappointed Gideon Granger, Connecticut, Nov. 28, 1801 A ttorney-General Levi Lincoln, Massachusetts, March 5, 1801 Robert Smith, Maryland, March 3, 1805 [32] FIFTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1805 to March 4, 1809 President THOMAS JEFFERSON, Virginia Vice-President George Clinton, New York Secretary of State James Madison, Virginia, reappointed Secretary of Treasury Albert Gallatin, Pennsylvania, reappointed Secretary of War Henry Dearborn, Massachusetts, reappointed Secretary of Navy Jacob Crowinshield, Massachusetts, May 3, 1805 Postmaster-General Gideon Granger, Connecticut, reappointed Attorney-General John Breckenridge, Kentucky, Aug. 7, 1805 Caesar A. Rodney, Pennsylvania, Jan. 20, 1807 [33] SIXTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1809 to March 4, 1813 President ^ JAMES MADISON, Virginia Vice-President George Clinton, New York, died April 20, 1812 William H. Crawford, Georgia Secretary of State Robert Smith, Maryland, March 6, 1809 u- James Monroe, Virginia, April 2, 1811 Secretary of Treasury Albert Gallatin, Pennsylvania, reappointed Secretary of War William Eustis, Massachusetts, March 7, 1809 John Armstrong, New York, Jan. 13, 1813 Secretary of Navy Paul Hamilton, South Carolina, March 7, 1809 William Jones, Pennsylvania, Jan. 12, 1813 Postmaster-Gen era I Gideon Granger, Connecticut, reappointed Attorney-General Caesar A. Rodney, Pennsylvania, reappointed William Pinkney, Maryland, Dec. 11, 1811 [34] SEVENTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1813 to March 4, 1817 President JAMES MADISON, Virginia Vice-President Elbridge Gerry, Massachusetts, died Nov. 23, 1814 John Gaylord, South Carolina (Pres. of the Senate) Secretary of State James Monroe, Virginia, reappointed, Feb. 23, 1815 Secretary of Treasury George W. Campbell, Tennessee, Feb. 9, 1814 Alexander J. Dallas, Pennsylvania, Oct. 6, 1814 William H. Crawford, Georgia, Oct. 22, 1816 Secretary of War James Monroe, Virginia, Sept. 27, 1814 Alexander J. Dallas, acting, Pennsylvania, March 14, to Aug. 8, 1815 William H. Crawford, Georgia, Aug. 1, 1815 Secretary of Navy Benjamin W. Crowninshield, Massachusetts, Dec. 19, 1814 Postmaster-General Gideon Granger, Connecticut, reappointed Return J. Meigs, Jr., Ohio, March 17, 1814 Attorney-General William Pinkney, Maryland, reappointed Richard Rush, Pennsylvania, Feb. 10, 1814 [35] EIGHTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1817 to March 4, 1821 President JAMES MONROE, Virginia Vice-President Daniel D. Tompkins, New York Secretary of State John Q. Adams, Massachusetts, March 5, 1817 Secretary of Treasury William H. Crawford, Georgia, reappointed Secretary of War George Graham, Virginia, April 7, 1817 John C. Calhoun, South Carolina, Oct. 8, 1817 Secretary of Navy Benjamin W. Crowninshield, Massachusetts, reappointed Smith Thompson, New York, Nov. 9, 1818 Postmaster-General Return J. Meigs, Jr., Ohio, reappointed Atto7mey-General William Wirt, Virginia, Nov. 13, 1817 [36] NINTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1821 to March 4, 1825 President JAMES MONROE, Virginia Vice-President Daniel D. Tompkins, New York Secretary of State John Q. Adams, Massachusetts, reappointed Secretary of Treasury William H. Crawford, Georgia, reappointed Secretary of War John C. Calhoun, South Carolina, reappointed Secretary of Navy John Rodgers, Maryland, Sept. 1, 1823, acting Samuel L. Southard, New Jersey, Sept. 16, 1823 Postmaster-General John McLean, Ohio, June 26, 1823 Attorney-General William Wirt, Virginia, reappointed [37] TENTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1825 to March 4, 1829 President JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, Massachusetts Vice-President John C. Calhoun, South Carolina Secretary of State v^ Henry Clay, Kentucky, March 7, 1825 Secretary of Treasury Richard Rush, Pennsylvania, March 7, 1825 Secretary of War James Barbour, Virginia, March 7, 1825 Peter B. Porter, New York, May 26, 1826 Secretary of Navy Samuel L. Southard, New Jersey, reappointed Postmaster-General John McLean, Ohio, reappointed A ttorney-General William Wirt, Virginia, reappointed 88 ELEVENTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1829 to March 4, 1833 President y ANDREW JACKSON, Tennessee ^ \. Vice-President ' John C. Calhoun, South Carolina Secretary of State Martin Van Buren, New York, March 6, 182S i^ Edward Livingston, Louisiana, May 24, 1831 Secretary of Treasury Samuel D. Ingham, Pennsylvania, March 6, 1829 Louis McLane, Delaware, Aug. 8, 1831 Secretary of War John H. Eaton, Tennessee, March 9, 1829 Lewis Cass, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1831 Secretary of Navy John Branch, North Carolina, March 9, 1829 Levi Woodberry, New Hampshire, May 23, 1831 Postmaster-General William T. Barry, Kentucky, March 9, 1829 Attorney-General John M. Berrien, Georgia, March 9, 1829 Roger B. Taney, Maryland, July 20, 1831 [39] TWELFTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1833 to March 4, 1837 President .iNDREW JACKSON, Tennessee Vice-President Martin Van Buren, New York Secretary of State Lewis McLane, Delaware, May 29, 1833 j^ John Forsyth, Georgia, June 27, 1834 Secretary of Treasury William J. Duane, Pennsylvania, May 29, 1833 Roger B. Taney, Maryland, Sept. 23, 1833 Levi Woodberry, New Hampshire, June 27, 1834 Secretary of War Lewis Cass, Ohio, reappointed Benjamin F. Butler, New York, March 3, 1837, acting Secretary of Navy Mahlon Dickerson, New Jersey, June 30, 1834 Postmaster-General Amos Kendall, Kentucky, May 1, 1835 Attorney-General Benjamin F. Butler, New York, Nov. 15, 1833 [40] THIRTEENTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1837 to March 4, 1841 President MARTIN VAN BUREN, New York Vice-President RiCHAKD M. Johnson, Kentucky Secretary of State John Forsyth, Georgia, reappointed Secretary of Treasury Levi Woodberry, New Hampshire, reappointed Secretary of War Joel R. Poinesett, South Carolina, March 7, 1837 Secretary of Navy Mahlon Dickerson, New Jersey, reappointed James K. Paulding, New York, June 25, 1838 Postmaster-General Amos Kendall, Kentucky, reappointed John M. Niles, Connecticut, May 19, 1840 Attorney-General Benjamin F. Butler, New York, March 4, 1837 Felix Grundy, Tennessee, July 5, 1838 Henry D. Gilpin, Pennsylvania, Jan. 11, 1840 [41] FOURTEENTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841 President WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, Ohio Vice-Pi'esident John Tyler, Virginia Secretary of State Daniel Webster, Massachusetts, March 5, 1841 Secretary of Treasury Thomas Ewing, Ohio, March 5, 1841 Secretary of War John Bell, Tennessee, March 5, 1841 Secretary of Navy George P. Badger, North Carolina, March 5, 1841 Postmaster-General Francis Granger, New York, March 6, 1841 A ttorney-General John J. Crittenden, Kentucky, March 5, 1841 [42] FIFTEENTH ADMINISTRATION April 4, 1841 to March 4, 1845 President y^ JOHN TYLER, Virginia Vice-President Samuel L. Southard, New Jersey (Pres. of Senate) Willie P. Mangum, North Carolina Secretary of State y Hugh S. Legare, South Carolina, May 9, 1843 A Abel P. Upshur, Virginia, July 24, 1843 John Nelson, Maryland, acting, Feb. 29, 1844 (Pres. Senate) >< John C. Calhoun, South Carolina, March 6, 1844 Secretary of Treasury Walter Fordward, Pennsylvania, Sept. 13, 1841 John C. Spencer, New York, March 3, 1843 George M. Bibb, Kentucky, June 15, 1844 Secretary of War John McLean, Ohio, Sept. 13, 1841 John C. Spencer, New York, Oct. 12, 1841 James M. Porter, Pennsylvania, March 8, 1843 William Wilkins, Pennsylvania, Feb. 15, 1844 Secretary of Navy Abel P. Upsher, Virginia, Sept. 13, 1841 David Henshaw, Massachusetts, July 24, 1843 Thomas W. Gilmer, Virginia, Feb. 15, 1844 John Y. Mason, Virginia, March 14, 1844 Postmaster-General Charles A. Wickliffe, Kentucky, Sept. 13, 1841 Attorney-General Hugh S. Legare, South Carolina, Sept. 13, 1841 John Nelson, Maryland, July 1, 1843 < [43] SIXTEENTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1845 to March 4, 1849 President V^ JAMES K. POLK, Tennessee \' ice-President George M. Dallas, Pennsylvania Secretary of State James Buchanan, Pennsylvania, March 6, 1845 Secretary of Treasury Robert J. Walker, Mississippi, March 6, 1845 Secretary of War William L. Marcy, New York, March 6, 1845 Secretary of Navy George Bancroft, March 10, 1845 John Y. Mason, Virginia, Sept. 9, 1846 Postmaster-General Ca\'E Johnson, Tennessee, March 6, 1845 Attorney-General John Y. Mason, Virginia, March 6, 1845 Nathan Clifford, Maine, Oct. 17, 1846 Isaac Toucey, Connecticut, June 21, 1848 44J SEVENTEENTH ADMINISTRATION March 5, 1849 to July 9, 1850 Preside7it y ZACHARY TAYLOR, Louisiana Vice-President Millard Fillmore, New York Secretary of State John M. Clayton, Delaware, March 7, 1849 Secretary of Treasury William M. Meredith, Pennsylvania, March 8, 1849 Secretary of War Reverdy Johnson, Maryland, acting, March 8, 1849 George W. Crawford, Georgia, March 8, 1849 Secretary of Navy William B. Preston, Virginia, March 8, 1849 Secretary of Interior Thomas Ewing, Ohio, March 8, 1849 Postmaster-Genei'al Jacob Collamer, Vermont, March 8, 1849 Attorney-Ge7ieral Reverdy Johnson, Maryland, March 8, 1849 [451 i:iGHTEENTH ADMINISTRATION July 9, 1850 to March 4, 1853 President MILLARD FILLMORE, New York Vice-President William R. King, Alabama Secretary of State Daniel Webster, Massachusetts, July 22, 1850 Edward Everett, Massachusetts, Nov. 6, 1852 Secreta7"y of Treasury Thomas Corwin, Ohio, July 28, 1850 Secretary of War WiNFiELD Scott, Virginia, ad interim, July 23, 1850 Charles M. Conrad, Louisiana, Aug. 15, 1850 Secretary of Navy William A. Graham, North Carolina, July 22, 1850 John P. Kennedy, Maryland, July 22, 1852 Secretary of Interior Alexander H. H. Stuart, Virginia, Sept. 12, 1850 Postmaster-General Nathan K. Hall, New York, July 23, 1850 Samuel D. Hubbard, Connecticut, Aug. 31, 1852 Attorney-Geyieral John J. Crittenden, Kentucky, July 22, 1850 [46] NINETEENTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1853 to March 4, 1857 President FRANKLIN PIERCE, New Hampshire Vice-President William R. King, Alabama, died April 18, 1853 D. R. Atchison, Kentucky (Pres. Senate) Jesse D. Bright, Indiana (Pres. Senate) Secretary of State William L. Marcy, New York, March 7, 1853 Secretary of Treasury James Guthrie, March 7, 1853 Secretary of War Jefferson Davis, Mississippi, March 7, 1853 Secretary of Navy James C. Dobbin, North Carolina, March 7, 1853 Secretary of Interior Robert McClelland, Michigan, March 7, 1853 Postmaster-General James Campbell, Pennsylvania, March 7, 1853 Attorney-General Caleb Cushing, Massachusetts, March 7. 1853 [47] TWENTIETH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1857 to March 4, 1861 President JAMES BUCHANAN, Pennsylvania Vice-President John C. Breckinridge, Kentuclcy Secretary of State Lewis Cass, Michigan, March 6, 1857 Jeremiah S. Black, Pennsylvania, Dec. 17, 1860 Secretary of Treasury Howell Cobb, Georgia, March 6, 1857 Philip F. Thomas, Maryland, Dec. 12, 1861 John A. Dix, New York, Jan. 11, 1861 Secretary of War John B. Floyd, Virginia, March 6, 1857 Joseph Holt, Kentucky, Jan. 18, 1861 Secretary of Navy Isaac Toucey, Connecticut, March 6, 1857 Secretary of Interior Jacob Thompson, Mississippi, March 6, 1857 Postmaster-General Aaron V. Brown, Tennessee, March 6, 1857 Joseph Holt, Kentucky, March 14, 1859 Horatio King, Maine, Feb. 12, 1861 Attorney-General Jeremiah S. Black, Pennsylvania, March 6, 1857 Edwin M. Stanton, Pennsylvania, Dec. 20, 1860 [48] TWENTY-FIRST ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1861 to March 4, 1865 President ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Illinois Vice-President Hannibal Hamlin, Maine Secretary of State William H. Seward, New York, March 5, 1861 Secretary of Treasury Salmon P. Chase, Ohio, March 5, 1861 William P. Fessenden, Maine, July 1, 1864 Secretary of War Simon Cameron, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1861 Edwin M. Stanton, Pennsylvania, Jan. 15, 1862 Secretary of Navy Gideon Welles, Connecticut, March 5, 1861 Secretary of Interior Cabel B. Smith, Indiana, March 5, 1861 John P. Usher, Indiana, Jan. 8, 1863 Postmaster-General Montgomery Blair, District of Columbia, March 5, 1861 William Dennison, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1864 Attorney-General Edward Bates, Missouri, March 5, 1861 Titian J. Coffey, Pennsylvania, ad intirim, June 22, 1863 James Speed, Kentucky, Dec. 2, 1864 [49] TWENTY-SECOND ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1865 to April 15, 1865 President ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Illinois Vice-President Andrew Johnson, Tennessee Secretary of State William H. Seward, New York, reappointed Secretary of Treasury Hugh McCulloch, Indiana, March 7, 1865 Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, Pennsylvania, reappointed Secretary of Navy Gideon Welles, Connecticut, reappointed Secretary of Interior John P. Usher, Indiana, reappointed Postmaster-General William Dennison, Ohio, reappointed Attorney-General James Speed, Kentucky, reappointed 50 TWENTY-THIRD ADMINISTRATION April 15, 1865 to March 4, 1869 President ANDREW JOHNSON, Tennessee Vice-President Lafayette S. Foster, Connecticut (Pres. Senate) Benjamin F. Wade, Ohio (Pres. Senate) Secretary of State William H. Seward, New York, continued Secretary of Treasury Hugh McCulloch, Indiana, continued Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, Pennsylvania, suspended Aug. 12, 1867 Ulysses S. Grant, Ohio, ad interim, Aug. 12, 1867 Edwin M. Stanton, Pennsylvania, reinstated, Jan. 14, 1868 Lorenzo Thomas, Delaware, ad interim, Feb. 21, 1868 John M. Schofield, New York, May 28, 1868 Secretary of Navy Gideon Welles, Connecticut, continued Secretary of Interior John P. Usher, Indiana, continued James Harlan, Iowa, May 15, 1865 Orville H. Browning, Illinois, July 27, 1866 Postmaster-General William Dennison, Ohio, continued Alexander W. Randall, Wisconsin, July 25, 1866 A ttorney-General James Speed, Kentucky, continued Henry Stanberry, Ohio, July 23, 1866 William M. Evarts, New York, July 15, 1868 [51] TWENTY-FOURTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1869 to March 4, 1873 President ULYSSES S. GRANT, Illinois Vice-President Schuyler Colfax, Indiana Secretary of State Elihu B. Washburne, Illinois, March 5, 1869 Hamilton Fish, New York, March 11, 1869 Secretary of Treasury George S. Boutwell, Massachusetts, March 11, 1869 Secretary of War John A. Rawlins, Illinois, March 11, 1869 William T. Sherman, Ohio, ad interim, Sept. 9, 1869 William W. Belknap, Iowa, Oct. 25, 1869 Secreta7^y of Navy Adolph E. Rorie, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1869 George M. Robinson, New Jersey, June 25, 1869 Secretary of Interior Jacob B. Cox, Ohio, March 5, 1869 Columbus Delano, Ohio, Nov. 1, 1870 Postmaster-General John A. J. Creswell, Maryland, March 5, 1869 Attorney-General Ebenezer R. Hoar, Massachusetts, March 5, 1869 Amos T. Ackerman, Georgia, June 23, 1870 George H. Williams, Oregon, Dec. 14, 1871 [52] TWENTY-FIFTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1873 to March 4, 1877 President ULYSSES S. GRANT, Illinois Vice-President Henry Wilson, Massachusetts, died Nov. 22, 1875 Thomas W. Ferry, Michigan (Pres. Senate) Secretary of State Hamilton Fish, New York, reappointed, March 17, 1873 Secretary of Treasury William A. Richardson, Massachusetts, March 17, 1873 Benj. H. Bristow, Kentucky, June 2, 1874 Lot M. Morrill, Maine, June 21, 1876 Secretary of War William Belknap, Iowa, reappointed March 17, 1873 George M. Robinson, New Jersey, acting, March 2, 1876 Alphonso Taft, Ohio, March 8, 1876 James D. Cameron, Pennsylvania, May 22, 1876 Secretary of Navy George M. Robinson, New Jersey, reappointed March 17, 1873 Secretary of Interior Columbus Deland, Ohio, continued March 17, 1873 Zachariah Chandler, Michigan, Oct. 19, 1875 Postmaster-General John A. J. Creswell, Md., reappointed March 17, 1873 James W. Marshall, Virginia, July 3, 1874 Marshall Jewell, Connecticut, Aug. 24, 1874 James N. Tyner, Indiana, July 12, 1876 Attorney-General George H. Williams, Oregon, reappointed March 17, 1873 Edward Pierrepont, New York, April 26, 1875 Alphonso Taft, Ohio, May 22, 1876 [53] TWENTY-SIXTH ADMINISTRATION March 5, 1877 to March 4, 1881 President RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, Ohio Vice-Preside7it William A. Wheeler, New York Secretary of State William M. Evarts, New York, March 12, 1877 Secretary of Treasury John Sherman, Ohio, March 8, 1877 Secretary of War George W. McCrary, Iowa, March 12, 1877 Alexander W. Ramsey, Minnesota, Dec. 10, 1879 Secretary of Navy Richard W. Thompson, Indiana, March 12, 1877 Nathan Goff, Jr., West Virginia, Jan. 6, 1881 Secretary of Interior Carl Schurz, Missouri, March 12, 1877 Postmaster-General David M. Key, Tennessee, March 12, 1877 Horace Maynard, Tennessee, June 2, 1880 Attorney-General Charles Devens, Massachusetts, March 12, 187 [54] TWENTY-SEVENTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1881 to September 19, 1881 President JAMES A. GARFIELD, Ohio Vice-President Chester A. Arthur, New York Secretary of State James G. Blaine, Maine, March 5, 1881 Secretary of Treasury William Windom, Minnesota, March 5, 1881 Secretary of War Robert T. Lincoln, Illinois, March 5, 1881 Secretary of Navy William H. Hunt, Louisiana, March 5, 1881 Secretary of Interior Samuel J. Kirkwell, Iowa, March 5, 1881 Postmaster-General Thomas L. James, New York, March 5, 1881 A ttorney-General Wayne MacVeagh, Pennsylvania, March 5, ISJ. [55] TWENTY-EIGHTH ADMINISTRATION Sept. 21, 1881 to March 4, 1885 President CHESTER A. ARTHUR, New York Vice-President Thomas F. Bayard, Delaware (Pres. Senate) David Davis, Illinois (Pres. Senate) George F. Edmunds, Vermont (Pres. Senate) Secretary of State Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, New Jersey, Dec. 12, 1881 Secretary of Treasury Charles J. Folger, New York, Oct. 27, 1881 Walter Q. Gresham, Indiana, Sept. 24, 1884 Hugh McCulloch, Indiana, Oct. 28, 1884 Secretary of War Robert T. Lincoln, Illinois, continued Secretary of Navy William E. Chandler, New Hampshire, April 12, 1882 Secretary of Interior Henry M. Teller, Colorado, April 6, 1882 Postmaster-General Thomas L. James, New York, reappointed Oct. 27, 1881 Timothy 0. Howe, Wisconsin, Dec. 20, 1881 Walter Q. Gresham, Indiana, April 3, 1883 Frank Hatton, Iowa, Oct. 14, 1884 Attorney-General Benjamin H. Brewster, Pennsylvania, Dec. 19, 1881 [56] TWENTY-NINTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1885 to March 4» 1889 President GROVER CLEVELAND, New York Vice-President Thomas A. Hendricks, Indiana, died Nov. 24, 1885 John Sherman, Ohio (Pres. Senate) John J. Ingalls, Kansas (Pres. Senate) Secretary of State Thomas F. Bayard, Delaware, March 6, 1885 Secretary of Treasury Daniel Manning, New York, March 6, 1885, died Charles S. Fairchild, New York, Apr. 1, 1887 Secretary of War William C. Endicott, Massachusetts, March 6, 1885 Secretary of Navy William C. Whitney, New York, March 6, 1885 Secretary of Interior Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Mississippi, Mar. 6, 1885 William F. Vilas, Wisconsin, Jan. 16, 1888 Secretary of Agriculture Norman J. Colman, Missouri, Feb. 13, 1889 Postmaster-General William F. Vilas, Wisconsin, Mar. 6, 1885 Don M. Dickinson, Michigan, Jan. 16, 1888 Attorney-General Augustus H. Garland, Arkansas, Mar. 6, 188( [571 THIRTIETH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1889 to March 4, 1893 President BENJAMIN HARRISON, Indiana Vice-President Levi P. Morton, New York Secretary of State James G. Blaine, Maine, Mar. 5, 1889 John W. Foster, Indiana, June 29, 1892; resigned Feb. 23, 1893 William F. Wharton, acting, Feb. 24, 1893 Secretary of Treasury William Windom, Minnesota, Mar. 5, 1889 to Jan. 20, 1891 Charles Foster, Ohio, Feb. 24, 1891 Secretary of War Redfield Proctor, Vermont, Mar. 5, 1889 Stephen B. Elkins, West Virginia, Dec. 22, 1891 Secretary of Navy Benjamin F. Tracy, New York, Mar. 5, 1889 Secretary of Interior John W. Noble, Missouri, Mar. 5, 1889 Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah M. Rusk, Wisconsin, Mar. 5, 1889 Postmaster-General John Wanamaker, Pennsylvania, Mar. 5, 1889 Attorney-General William H. H. Miller, Indiana, Mar. 5, 1889 [58] THIRTY-FIRST ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1893 to March 4, 1897 President GROVER CLEVELAND, New York Vice-President Adlai E. Stevenson, Illinois Secretary of State Walter Q. Gresham, Illinois, Mar. 6, 1893 Richard Olney, Massachusetts, June 8, 1895 Secretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle, Kentucky, Mar. 6, 1893 Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamont, New York ,Mar. 6, 1893 Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert, Alabama, Mar. 6, 1893 Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith, Georgia, Mar. 6, 1893 David R. Francis, Missouri, Sept. 1, 1896 Secretary of Agriculture Julius S. Morton, Iowa, Mar. 6, 1893 Postmaster-General Wilson S. Bissell, New York, Mar. 6, 1893 William L. Wilson, West Virginia, Feb. 28, 1895 Attorney-General Richard Olney, Massachusetts, Mar. 6, 1893 JUDSON Harmon, Ohio, June 8, 1895 [59] THIRTY-SECOND ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1897 to March 4, 1901 President WILLIAM Mckinley, Ohio Vice-President Garret A. Hobart, New Jersey Secretary of State John Sherman, Ohio, Mar. 5, 1897 William R. Day, Ohio, Apr. 26, 1898 John Hay, District of Columbia, Sept. 30, 1898 Secretai'y of Treasury Lyman J. Gage, Illinois, Mar. 5, 1897 Secretary of War Russell A. Alger, Michigan, Mar. 5, 1897 Elihu Root, New York, Aug. 1, 1899 Secretary of Navy John D. Long, Massachusetts, Mar. 5, 1897 Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss, New York, Mar. 5, 1897 Ethan A. Hitchcock, Missouri, Dec. 21, 1898 Secretary of Agricidture James Wilson, Iowa, Mar. 5, 1897 Postynaster-General James A. Gary, Maryland, Mar. 5, 1897 Attorney-General Joseph McKenna, California, Mar. 5, 1897 John W. Griggs, New Jersey, Jan. 25, 1898 [60] THIRTY-THIRD ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1901 to September 14, 1901 President WILLIAM MCKINLEY, Ohio Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt, New York Secretary of State John Hay, District of Columbia, reappointed Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage, Illinois, reappointed Secretary of War Elihu Root, New York, reappointed Secretary of Navy John D. Long, Massachusetts, reappointed Secretary of Interior Ethan A. Hitchcock, Missouri, reappointed Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson, Iowa, reappointed Postmaster-General Charles E. Smith, Virginia, Mar. 5, 1901 Attorney-General John W. Griggs, New Jersey, reappointed Philander C. Knox, Pennsjivania, April 5, 1901 [61] THIRTY-FOURTH ADMINISTRATION September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1905 President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, New York Vice-President Secretary of State John Hay, District of Columbia, continued Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage, Illinois, continued Leslie M. Shaw, Iowa, Jan. 8, 1902 Secretary of War Elihu Root, New York, continued William H. Taft, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1904 Secretary of Navy John D. Long, Massachusetts, continued William H. Moody, Massachusetts, April 29, 1902 Paul Morton, Illinois, July 1, 1904 Secretary of Interior Ethan A. Hitchcock, Missouri, continued Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson, Iowa, continued Postmaster-General Charles E. Smith, Virginia, continued Henry C. Payne, Wisconsin, Jan. 8, 1902 Robert J. Wynne, Pennsylvania, Oct. 10, 1904 A ttorney-General Philander C. Knox, continued William H. Moody, Massachusetts, July 1, 1904 Secretary of Commerce and Labor George B. Cortelyou, New York, Feb. 18, 1903 Victor H. Metcalf, California, July 1, 1904 [62] THIRTY-FIFTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1905 to March 4, 1909 President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, New York Vice-President Charles W. Fairbanks, Indiana Secretary of State John Hay, District of Columbia, reappointed March 6, 1905; died July 1, 1905 Francis B. Loomis, Ohio, ad interim, July 1, 1905 Elihu Root, New York, July 7, 1905 Robert Bacon, New York, January 27, 1909 Secretary of Treasury Leslie M. Shaw, Iowa, reappointed March 6, 1905 George B. Cortelyou, New York, January 15, 1907 Secretary of War William H. Taft, Ohio, reappointed March 6, 1905 Luke E. Wright, Tennessee, June 29, 1908 A ttorney-General William H. Moody, reappointed March 6, 1905 Charles J. Bonaparte, Maryland, December 12, 1906 Postmaster-General George B. Cortelyou, New York, March 6, 1905 George von L. Meyer, Massachusetts, January 15, 1907 Secretary of Navy Paul Morton, Illinois, reappointed March 6, 1905 Charles Bonaparte, Maryland, July 1, 1905 Victor H. Metcalf, California, December 12, 1906 Truman H. Newberry, Michigan, December 1, 1908 Secretary of Interior Ethan A. Hitchcock, Missouri, reappointed March 6, 1905 James A. Garfield, Ohio, January 15, 1907 Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson, Iowa, reappointed March 6, 1905 Secretary of Commerce and Labor Victor H. Metcalf, California, reappointed March 6, 1905 Oscar S. Straus, New York, December 12, 1906 [63] THIRTY-SIXTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1909 to March 4, 1913 President WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, Ohio Vice-President James S. Sherman, New York, died October 30, 1912 W^ILLIAM P. Frye, Maine (Pres. Senate) Jacob H. Gallinger, New Hampshire (Pres. Senate) Augustus 0. Bacon, Georgia (Pres. Senate) Secretary of State Philander C. Knox, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1909 Secretary of Treasury Franklin MacVeagh, Illinois, March 5, 1909 Secretary of War Jacob McG. Dickinson, Tennessee, March 5, 1909 Henry L. Stimson, New York, May 16, 1911 Attorney-General George W. Wickersham, New York, March 5, 1909 Postmaster-General Frank H. Hitchcock, Massachusetts, March 5, 1909 Secretary of Navy George von L. Meyer, March 5, 1909 Secretary of Interior Richard A. Ballinger, Washington, March 5, 1909 Walter Lowrie Fisher, Illinois, March 7, 1911 Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson, Iowa, reappointed March 5, 1909 Secretary of Commerce and Labor Charles Nagel, Missouri, March 5, 1909 [64] THIRTY-SEVENTH ADMINISTRATION March 4, 1913 to March 4, 1917 President WOODROW WILSON, New Jersey Vice-President Thomas R. Marshall, Indiana Secretary of State William J. Bryan, Nebraska, March 5, 1913 Robert Lansing, District of Columbia, June 23, 1915 Secretary of Treasury William G. McAdoo, New York, March 5, 1913 Secretary of War LiNDLEY M. Garrison, New Jersey, March 5, 1913 Newton Diehl Baker, Ohio, March 8, 1916 A ttorney-General James C. McReynolds, Tennessee, March 5, 1913 Thomas Watt Gregory, Texas, August 29, 1914 Postmaster-General Albert. S. Burleson, Texas, March 4, 1913 Secretary of Navy Josephus Daniels, North Carolina, March 5, 1913 Secretary of Interior Franklin K. Lane, California, March 5, 1913 Secretary of Agriculture David F. Houston, Missouri, March 5, 1913 Secretary of Commerce William C. Redfield, New York, March 4, 1913 Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1913 [65] Members of the Committee Appointed TO Draw up the Declaration of Independence John Adams of Massachusetts Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania Thomas Jefferson of Virginia Philip Livingston of New York Roger Sherman of Connecticut 66 The Signers OF THE Declaration of Independence ^.DAMS, JOHN. Mass. Born, Braintree (now Quincy), ^^ Mass., Oct. 30, 1735. Harvard College, 1755. Provin- ^ cial Congress Mass., 1773-74. Old Congress, 1774-78. Member of Committee which drew up Declaration of Independence. Commissioner to France, Nov. 28, 1777. Minister to negotiate treaty with England, Sept., 1779. Ambassador to Netherlands, 1780. Min- ister to Great Britain, 1785. Returned to U. S., 1788, and again member Old Congress but did not serve. Vice-President U. S., 1789-1797. President, 1797-1801. Defeated for President, 1801. Died, Quincy, Mass., July 4, 1826. ADAMS, SAMUEL. Mass. Born, Boston, Mass., Sept. / _27, 1722. Harvard, 1740. Studied theology; tax col- lector, Boston. Clerk General Court. Old Congress, 1774-82. Signer Articles of Confederation. Presi- dent Senate of Mass., 1782-86. Lieut.-Gov., 1789-94. Governor, 1794-97. Died, Boston, Oct. 2, 1803. BARTLETT, JOSIAH. N. H. Born, Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 21, 1729 (0. S.). Physician, 1748. Old Con- gress, 1775-78. Signer Articles of Confederation. Chief Justice N. H., 1788. President of N. H., 1790. Governor, 1792-94. Died, Kingston, N. H., May 19, 1795. BRAXTON, CARTER. Va. Born, Newington, Va., Sept. 10, 1736. William and Mary College, 1755. In England three years. Member House of Burgesses. Sheriff. [67] King and Queen County. Old Congress, 1775-76, 1777-83, 1785-86. Died, Richmond, Va., Oct. 10, 1797. CARROLL, CHARLES, of Carrollton. Md. Born, An- napolis, Md.,^pt. 20, 1737. St. Omer College, France; studied law. Temple, London; returned to Baltimore, 1764. Continental Commissioner to Canada, 1776. Old Congress, July 18, 1776-Nov., 1776 ; 1777-78. Fed- eral Convention. U. S., Senator, 1789-92. Died, Balti- more, Md., Nov. 14, 1832, the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence. CHASE, SAMUEL. Md. Born, Somerset Co., Md., April 17, 1741. Admitted to bar, 1763. Old Congress, 1774- 78, 1784-85. Special Commissioner to Canada, 1774. Agent for Maryland in England, 1782. Member Fed- eral Convention. Justice Supreme Court U. S., 1796. Died, June 19, 1811. CLARK, ABRAHAM. N. J. Born near Elizabethtown, N. J., Feb. 15, 1726. Lawyer, Rahway, 1767. Sheriff, Essex Co. Clerk, Colonial Assembly. Old Congress, 1776-78, 1780-82, 1786-88. Annapolis Convention. Federal Convention. U. S. Congress, 1791-94. Died, Rahway, N. J., Sept. 15, 1794. CLYMER, GEORGE. Pa. Born, Philadelphia, March 16, 1739. Merchant. Old Congress, 1776-78, 1780-83. Annapolis Convention. Federal Convention. Died, Morrisville, Pa., Jan. 23, 1813. ELLERY, WILLIAM. R. I. Born, Newport, R. I., Dec^, 1727. Harvard, 1747. Lawyer, 1770. Old Congress, 1776-81, 1783-85. Chief Justice R. I. Collector of Newport, 1790. Died, Newport, Feb. 15, 1820. FLOYD WILLIAM. N. Y. Born, Brookhaven, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1734. Old Congress, 1774-77, 1778-84. U. S. Con- gress, 1789-91. Removed to Oneida County, 1804. Died, Western N. Y., Aug. 1, 1821. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Pa. Born, Boston, Mass., Jan. 17, 1706. In England, 1726-26. Printer in Phila., [68] (/ 1729. Deputy Postmaster-General, 1753. Member Albany Congress, 1754. Agent in England, 1764-1775. Old Congress, 1775-76. Member of Committee which drew up Declaration of Independence. Ambassador in France, 1778-1785. Gov. of Pa., 1785-88. Federal Convention. Died, Phila., April 17, 1790. GERRY, ELBRIDGE. Mass. Born, Marblehead, Mass., July 17, 1744. Harvard, 1762. Old Congress, 1776- 81, 1782-85. Annapolis Convention, 1786. Federal Convention, 1787, did not sign. Signer Articles of Confederation. Member of Congress, 1789-93. Com- missioner to France, 1797. Gov. of Mass., 1810-12. Vice-President U. S., 1813-14. Died, Washington, Nov. 23, 1814. GWINNETT, BUTTON. Ga. Born in England, about 1732. Emigrated in 1770 to Charleston, S. C. Old Congress, 1776-77. President of Provincial Congress, 1777. Wounded in a duel by Gen. Lachlan Mcintosh, May 15, 1777. Died, May 27, 1777. HALL, LYMAN. Ga. Born in Connecticut, April 12, 1724. Yale, 1747. Physician, Sunbury, Ga. Old Congress, 1775-80. Governor of Ga., 1783. Died, Burke Co., Ga., Oct. 19, 1790. HANCOCK, JOHN. Mass. Born, Quincy, Mass., Jan. 12, 1737. Harvard, 1754. President Provincial Congress. Old Congress, 1775-1780, 1786. Was first to sign the Declaration of Independence. President of 0. C, 1775- 1777. Signer Articles of Confederation. Gov. of Mass., 1780-85, 1787-93. Died, Quincy, Oct. 8, 1793. HARRISON, BENJAMIN. Va. Born, Berkeley, Va., about 1740. Studied, William and Mary. Old Congress, 1774-78. Speaker, House of Burgesses. Gov. of Va., 1782-86. Federal Convention, 1787, did not sign. Died, City Point, April, 1791. HART, JOHN, N. J. Born, Hopwell, N. J., 1708. Farmer. Colonial Legislature of N. J. Old Congress, 1774- 77. Died, 1780. [69] HEWES, JOSEPH. N. C. Born, Kingston, N. J., 1730. Student, Princeton. Merchant in Phila. Moved to Edenton, N. C, 1760. Old Congress, 1774-77, 1779. Died, Phila., Nov. 10, 1779. HEYWARD, THOMAS, Jr. S. C. Born, St. Luke's Par- ish, S. C, 1746. Studied law. Temple, London. Old Congress, 1775-78. Signer Articles of Confederation. Died, March 6, 1809. HOOPER, WILLIAM. N. C. Born, Boston, Mass., June 17, 1742. Harvard, 1760. Lawyer, 1766. Moved to N. C, 1764. Old Congress, 1774-77. Died, Hills- boro, N. C, Oct., 1790. HOPKINS, STEPHEN. R. I. Born, Scituate, R. I., March 7, 1707. Member Albany Congress, 1754. Gov. of R. I., 1755-68 (excepting four years). Old Congress, 1774-80. Died, Providence, R. L, June 13, 1785. HOPKINSON, FRANCIS. N. J. Born, Philadelphia, Sept. 21, 1737. Lawyer, 1765. Old Congress, 1776-77. Judge. Died, Phila., May 9, 1791. HUNTINGTON, SAMUEL. Conn. Born, Windham, Conn., July 3, 1731. Lawyer, Norwich, 1758. Old Congress, 1776-83. Signer Articles of Confederation. President of 0. C, 1779-81. Gov. of Conn., 1786-96. Died, Norwich, Jan. 5, 1796. JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Va. Born, Shadwell, Va., April 2, 1743. William and Mary, 1762. Lawyer, 1767. Old Congress, 1775-76, 1783-84. Drew up the Declaration of Independence. Gov. of Va., 1779-81. Minister to France, 1784-1789. Sec'ty of State, 1790-93. Vice- President of U. S., 1797-1801. President, 1801-09. Died, Monticello, July 4, 1820. LEE, FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT. Va. Born, Stratford, Va., Oct. 14, 1734. Old Congress, 1775-80. Signer Articles of Confederation. Died, Richmond, April 3, 1797. LEE, RICHARD HENRY. Va. Born, Stratford, Va., Jan. 20, 1732. Old Congress, 1775-77, 1778-80, 1784- [70] 85, 1786-87. Si^er Articles of Confederation, Presi- dent, O. C, 1784-85. Introduced the resolutions of In- dependence. Federal Convention. U. S. Senate, 1789- 92. Died, Chantilly, Va., June 19, 1794. LEWIS, FRANCIS. N. Y. Born, Llandaff, Wales, March, 1713. Moved to N. Y., 1734. Old Congress, 1775-79. Signer Articles of Confederation. Died, New York, Dec. 19, 1803. LIVINGSTON, PHILIP. N. Y. Born, Albany, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1716. Merchant, N. Y. City. Old Congress, 1774- 78. President of O. C, 1775. I^Iember of Committee which drew up Declaration of Independence. Died, York, Pa., June 12, 1778. LYNCH, THOMAS, Jr. S. C. Born, Prince George Parish, S. C, Aug. 5, 1749. Educated at Eton and Cambridge. Studied law in Temple. Returned to America, 1772. Old Congress, 1776-1777. Lost at sea, 1779. McKEAN, THOMAS. Del. Born, New London, Pa., March 19, 1734. Lawyer, 1757. Stamp Act Congress, 1765. Old Congress, 1774-76, 1778-83. President of 0. C, 1781. Signer Articles of Confederation. Presi- dent of Delaware, 1777. Chief Justice, Pa., 1777-99. Gov. of Pa., 1799-1808. Died, Phila., June 24, 1817. MIDDLETON, ARTHUR. S. C. Bom on Ashley River, S. C, June 26, 1742. Cambridge, 1764. Returned to America, 1763. Old Congress, 1776-78, 1781-83. Died, Goose Creek, S. C, Jan. 1, 1787. MORRIS, LEWIS. N. Y. Born, Morrisania, N. Y., 1726. Yale, 1746. Old Congress, 1775-77. Died at Morris- ania, Jan. 22, 1798. MORRIS, ROBERT. Pa. Born, Liverpool, England, Jan. 20, 1733. Moved to Phila., 1746. Old Congress, 1776- 78. Signer Articles of Confederation. Annapolis Convention. Federal Convention. U. S. Senate, 1789- 95. Died, Phila., May 8, 1806. [71] MORTON, JOHN. Pa. Born, Ridley, Pa., 1724. Stamp Act Congress, 1765. Judge Supreme Ct., Penn. Old Congress, 1774-77. Died, April, 1777. NELSON, THOMAS, Jr. Va. Born, York, Va., Dec. 26, 1738. Educated Cambridge, England. Returned, 1759. Old Congress, 1775-77, 1780. Gov. of Va., 1781. Federal Convention. Died in Hanover Co., Jan. 4, 1789. PACA, WILLIAM. Md. Born, Wye Hall, Md., Oct. 31, 1740. Philadelphia College, 1758. Studied law Temple, London. Old Congress, 1774-79. Gov. of Md., 1782- 89. U. S. Dist. Judge, Md., 1789-99. Died, Wye Hall, 1799. PAINE, ROBERT TREAT. Mass. Born, Boston, Mass., March 11, 1731. Harvard, 1749. Lawyer, 1759. Old Congress, 1774-78. Judge. Died, Boston, May 11, 1814. PENN, JOHN. N. C. Born, Caroline Co., Va., May 17, 1741. Lawyer, 1762. Moved to N. C. in 1774. Old Congress, 1775-76, 1777-80. Signer Articles of Con- federation. Died, Sept. 1788. READ, GEORGE. Del. Born, Cecil Co., Md., Sept. 17, 1733. Lawyer, 1752. Old Congress, 1774-77. Presi- dent of Del., 1777. Annapolis Convention. Fed. Con- vention. Judge. U. S. Senator, 1789-93. Chief Jus- tice of Del. Died, Newcastle, Del., Sept. 21, 1788. RODNEY, C^SAR. Del. Born, Dover, Del., Oct. 7, 1728. Sheriff. Stamp Act Congress, 1765. Old Congress. 1774-77, 1778, 1784. Judge. President of the State of Delaware. Died, June 29, 1784. ROSS, GEORGE. Pa. Born, Newcastle, Del., May 10, 1730. Lawyer, 1751. Old Congress, 1774-75 and 1776-77. Judge. Died, Philadelphia, Pa., July, 1779. RUSH, BENJAMIN. Pa. Born near Phila., Dec. 24, 1745. (0. S.) Studied at Princeton. Physician, Phila., [72] 1769. Old Congress, 1776-77. Federal Convention. Treasurer of U. S. 1799-1813. Died, Phila., April 19, 1813. RUTLEDGE, EDWARD. S. C. Born, Charleston, S. C, Nov. 23, 1749. Studied law at Temple, London. Re- turned in 1773. Old Congress, 1774-77, 1779. Gov. S. C, 1798. Died, Charleston, Jan. 23, 1800. SHERMAN, ROGER. Conn. Born, Newton, Mass., April 19th, 1721. Shoemaker. Lawyer, 1754. Judge. Old Congress, 1774-1784. Signer Articles of Confedera- tion. Federal Convention. Member of Committee which drew up Declaration of Independence. U. S. Congress, 1789-1791. U. S. Senator, 1791. Died, New Haven, July 23, 1793. SMITH, JAMES. Pa. Born, Ireland, Sept. 17, 1719. Emi- grated to America, 1729. College of Phila. Lawyer, York, Pa. Old Congress, 1776-79, and 1785. Died, York, Pa., July 11, 1806. STOCKTON, RICHARD. N. J. Born, Princeton, N. J., Oct. 1, 1730. Princeton, 1748. Lawyer, 1754. Judge. Old Congress, 1775-77. Died, Princeton, Feb. 28, 1781. STONE, THOMAS. Md. Born. Pointon, Manor, Charles Co., Md., 1743. Lawyer, 1764. Old Congress, 1775- 79, 1784-85. Federal Convention. Died, Alexandria, Md., Oct. 5, 1787. TAYLOR, GEORGE. Pa. Born, Ireland, 1716. Emigrated to America, 1736. Judge. Provincial Assembly of Pa. Old Congress, 1776-77. Died, Easton, Pa., Feb. 23, 1781. THORNTON, MATTHEW. N. H. Born, Ireland, 1714. Emigrated to America, 1717. Physician, Londonderry, N. H. President Provincial Convention of N. H. Old Congress, 1776-78. Judge. Died, Newburyport, Mass., June 1803. WALTON, GEORGE. Ga. Born, Frederick Co., Va., 1749. Lawyer, 1774. Old Congress, 1776-79, 1781. Gov. of [73] Ga., 1779, 1789. SigTier Articles of Confederation. Federal Convention. Judge. U. S. Senator, 1795-96. Died, Augusta, Ga., Feb. 2, 1804. WHIPPLE, WILLIAM. N. H. Born, Kittery, Maine, Jan. 14, 1730. Merchant. Old Congress, 1775-77, 1778-79. Brig.-Gen. Judge. Died, Portsmouth, Nov. 28, 1785. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM. Conn. Born, Lebanon, Conn., April 18, 1731. Harvard, 1747. Old Congress, 1776- 77, 1783-84. Died, Lebanon, Aug. 2, 1811. WILSON, JAMES. Pa. Born near St. Andrews, Scotland, Sept. 14, 1742. Emigrated to Phila., 1776. Lawyer, 1768. Old Congress, 1775-78, 1782-83, 1785-87. Fed- eral Convention. Justice Supreme Ct. of U. S., 1789. Died, Edenton, N. C, Aug. 28, 1798. WITHERSPOON, JOHN. N. J. Born, Yester, Scotland, Feb. 5, 1722. Univ. of Edinburg. Clergyman. Emi- grated to America, 1767, when he became President of Princeton. Old Congress, 1776-82. Signer Articles of Federation. Died, Princeton, Nov. 15, 1794. WOLCOTT, OLIVER. Conn. Born, Windsor, Conn., Nov. 26, 1726. Yale, 1747. Sheriff, 1751. Judge. Old Congress, 1776-78, 1781-83. Signer Articles of Con- federation. Lieut.-Gov. Conn., 1786-96. Governor of Conn., 1796-97. Died, Litchfield, Conn., Dec. 1, 1797. WYTHE, GEORGE. Va. Born, Elizabeth City, Va., 1726. Lawyer, 1757. Member House of Burgesses. Old Congress, 1775-77. Judge. Federal Convention; did not sign. Died, Richmond, Va., June 8, 1806. [74] Presidents of the Continental Congress Peyton Randolph, Virginia, Sept. 5, 1774 Henry Middleton, South Carolina, Oct. 22, 1774 John Hancock, Massachusetts, May 24, 1775 Henry Laurens, South Carolina, Nov. 1, 1777 John Jay, New York, December 10, 1778 Samuel Huntington, Connecticut, Sept. 28, 1779 Thomas McKean, Delaware, July 10, 1781 John Hanson, Maryland, Nov. 5, 1781 Elias Boudinot, New Jersey, Nov. 4, 1782 Thomas Mifflin, Pennsylvania, Nov. 3, 1783 Richard Henry Lee, Virginia, Nov. 30, 1784 Nathaniel Gorham, Massachusetts, June 6, 1786 Arthur St. Clair, Pennsylvania, February 2, 1787 Cyrus Griffin, Virginia, Jan. 22, 1788 [75] Members of the Continental Congress Adams, Andrew, Connecticut, 1777-1780, 1780-1782 tf Adams, John, Massachusetts., 1774-1777, 1788 t Adams, Samuel, Massachusetts, 1774-1782 Adams, Thomas, Virginia, 1778-1780 Alexander, Robert, Maryland, 1775-1779 Allen, Andrew, Pennsylvania, 1775-1776 Alsop, John, New York, 1774-1775 Andrew, Benjamin, Georgia, 1780, did not attend Armstrong, Gen. John, Sr., Pennsylvania, 1778-1780 Armstrong, Gen. John, Jr., Pennsylvania, 1787-1788 Arnold, Jonathan, Rhode Island, 1782-1784 Arnold, Peleg, Rhode Island, 1787-1789 Ashe, Col. John, B., North Carolina, 1787-1788 Atkinson, George, New Hampshire, 1780-1785 Atlee, Col. Samuel John, Pennsylvania, 1778-1782 * Baldwin, Abraham, Georgia, 1785-1788 Banister, John, Virginia, 1778 Barnwell, Robert, South Carolina, attended Jan. 1, 1789 t Bartlett, Josiah, New Hampshire, 1775-1778 * Bassett, Richard, Delaware Bayard, John, Pennsylvania, 1785-1787 Beatty, Col. John, New Jersey, 1784-1785 Bedford, Gunning, Sr., Delaware, 1783-1785, 1787 * Bedford, Gunning, Jr., Delaware, 1783-1786 Bee, Thomas, South Carolina, 1780-1782 Bellows, Benjamin, appointed 1781. Declined Benson, Egbert, New York, 1781-1782, 1784-1785, 1787-1788 t President of the United States. t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. * Member of the Federal Convention. [76] Beresford, Richard, South Carolina, 1783-1785 BiDDLE, Clement, Pennsylvania BiDDLE, Edward, Pennsylvania, 1774-1776, 1778-1779 Bingham, William, Pennsylvania, 1787-1788 }* Blair, John, Virginia, 1781 Blanchard, Jonathan, New Hampshire, 1783-1784 Bland, Richard, Virginia, 1774-1776 Bland, Col. Theodoric, Virginia, 1780-1783 Bloodworth, Timothy, North Carolina, 1786-1787 * Blount, William, North Carolina, 1782-1783, 1786- 1787 Boerum, Simon, New York, 1774-1777 BOUDINOT, Elias, New Jersey, 1777-1778, 1781-1784 Bowdoin, James, Massachusetts, 1774. Did not attend Bradford, William, Rhode Island, 1776. Did not attend t Braxton, Carter, Virginia, 1775-1776, 1777-1783, 1785-1786 Brevard, Ephraim, North Carolina, 1781 Brown, John, Rhode Island, 1784. Did not attend Brown, John, Virginia, 1788 Brown, Col. John, Massachusetts, elected 1775. Did not attend Brownson, Nathan, Georgia, 1776-1778 Bull, John, South Carolina, 1784-1787 Bulloch, Archibald, Georgia, 1775-1776 Burke, Thomas, North Carolina, 1776-1781 Burnet, William, New Jersey, 1780-1781 Burton, Col. Robert, North Carolina, 1787-1788 * Butler, Pierce, South Carolina, 1782, 1788 Cadwallader, Col. Lambert, New Jersey, 1784-1787 Canfield, John, Connecticut- Did not attend. Elected 1786 Carmichael, William, Maryland, 1778-1780 § Justice of the United States Supreme Court. * Member of the Federal Convention. t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. [77] Carrington, Col. Edward, Virginia, 1776, 1778, 1786 Carroll, Charles, Maryland, 1776-1777 t Carroll, C, of Carrollton, Maryland, 1776, 1777-1778 * Carroll, Daniel, Maryland, 1780-1784 * Caswell, Gen. Richard, North Carolina, 1774-1776 Champlin, George, Rhode Island, 1785-1786. Did not attend Chandler, C. C, Connecticut. Elected 1785. Did not attend Chase, Jeremiah T., Maryland, 1783-1784 §t Chase, Samuel, Maryland, 1774-1778, 1784-1785 Chester, Col. John, Connecticut. Elected 1783. Did not attend t Clark, Abraham, New Jersey, 1776-1778, 1780-1782, 1786-1788 Clarkson, Mathew, Pennsylvania, 1785 Clay, Joseph, Georgia, 1778-1780 Clingan, William, Pennsylvania, 1777-1779 Clinton, Gen. George, New York, 1775-1777 *tCLYMER, George, Pennsylvania, 1776-1778, 1780-1783 Cocke, William, State of Franklin, 1785 Collins, John, Rhode Island, 1778-1783 CONDICT, Silas, New Jersey, 1781-1784 CoNTEE, Benjamin, Maryland, 1787-1788 Cooke, Joseph P., Connecticut, 1785, 1787, 1788 Cooper, John, New Jersey, 1776 Cornell, Gen. Ezekiel, Rhode Island, 1780-1783 CoxE, Tench, Pennsylvania, 1788 Crane, Stephen, New Jersey, 1774-1776 Gumming, William, North Carolina, 1784 Gushing, Nathan, Massachusetts, 1784 Gushing, Thomas, Massachusetts, 1774-1776 D ALTON, Tristram, Massachusetts, 1784 * Dana, Francis, Massachusetts 1776-1778, 1784 t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. • Member of the Federal Convention. S Justice of the United States Supreme Court. [78] Dane, Nathan, Massachusetts, 1785-1788 Danielson, Timothy, Massachusetts, 1780-1782 Dawson, John, Virginia, 1789 Dayton, Gen. Elias, New Jersey, 1787-1788 * Dayton, Jonathan, New Jersey, 1788 Deane, Silas, Connecticut, 1774-1776 De Hart, John, New Jersey, 1774-1776 De Witt, Charles, New York, 1784-1785 Dick, Samuel, New Jersey, 1783-1785 * Dickinson, John, Pennsylvania, 1774-1776. Delaware, 1776-1777, 1779-1780 Dickinson, Gen. Philemon, Delaware, 1782-1783 Dow, Moses, New Hampshire, 1784 Drayton, William Henry, South Carolina, 1778-1773 DUANE, Col. James, New York, 1774-1784 DUER, William, New York, 1777-1778 DuFFiELD, Samuel, Pennsylvania, 1778 Dyer, Eliphalet, Connecticut, 1774-1779, 1780-1783 Edwards, Pierpont, Connecticut, 1787-1788 Edwards, Timothy, Massachusetts, 1778 Elbert, Gen. Samuel, Georgia t Ellery, William, Rhode Island, 1776-1781, 1783-1785 §* Ellsworth, Oliver, Connecticut, 1779, 1780, 1782, 1783 Elmer, Jonathan, New Jersey, 1776-1778, 1781-1784, 1787 Evans, John, Delaware, 1776-1777 EVELEIGH, Nicholas, South Carolina, 1781-1782 Fell, John, New Jersey, 1778-1780 * Few, Col. William, Georgia, 1780-1782, 1785-1788 FiTZHUGH, Col. William, Virginia, 1779-1780 * Fitzsimons, Thomas, Pennsylvania, 1772-1783 Fleming, William, Virginia, 1779-1781 t Floyd, William, New York, 1774-1777, 1778-1784 • Member of the Federal Convention. t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. § Justice of the United States Supreme Court. [79] FoLSOM, Nathaniel, New Hampshire, 1774-1775, 1777- 1780 Forbes, James, Maryland, 1778-1780 Forrest, Uriah, Maryland, 1786-1787 Foster, Abiel, New Hampshire, 1783-1785 *t Franklin, Benjamin, Pennsylvania, 1775-1776 Frelinghuysen, Frederick, New Jersey, 1775, 1778- 1779, 1782-1783 Frost, George, New Hampshire, 1777-1779 Gadsden, Gen. Chris., South Carolina, 1774-1776 Galloway, Joseph, Pennsylvania, 1775 Gansevoort, Leonard, New York, 1788 Gardner, John, Rhode Island, 1789 Gardner, Joseph, Pennsylvania, 1785 Gardner, Sylvester, Rhode Island. Did not attend t Gerry, Elbridge, Massachusetts, 1776-1781, 1782-1785 Gelston, David, New York. Did not attend Gervais, John L., South Carolina, 1783 Gibbons, William, Georgia, 1784-1786 Giles, Edv^ard, Maryland Gillon, Alex., South Carolina, 1784 Gilman, John T., New Hampshire, 1783 * Gilman, Nicholas, New Hampshire, 1786-1788 GOLDSBOROUGH, ROBERT, Maryland, 1775 * Gorham, Nathaniel, Massachusetts, 1783, 1785-1787 Grantham, Isaac, Delaware, 1787 Grayson, Col. William, Virginia, 1784-1787 Griffin, Cyrus, Virginia, 1778-1781, 1788 Gunn, James, Georgia, 1787. Did not attend t Gwinnett, Button, Georgia, 1776-1777 Habersham, John, Georgia, 1786 Habersham, Joseph, Georgia, 1786 Hall, John, Maryland, 1776, 1784 t Hall, Lyman, Georgia, 1775-1780 • Member of the Federal Convention. t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. [80] * Hamilton, Alexander, New York, 1783, 1788 t Hancock, John, Massachusetts, 1775-1780, 1786 Hand, Gen. Edward, Pennsylvania, 1785 Hanson, John, Maryland, 1781, 1783 Hardy, Samuel, Virginia, 1783-1785 Hartley, Thomas, Pennsylvania Haring, John, New York, 1775, 1785-1788 Harnett, Cornelius, North Carolina, 1777-1780 t Harrison, Benjamin, Virginia, 1774-1778 Harrison, William, Maryland, 1785, 1787 t Hart, John, New Jersey, 1774-1777 Harvie, John, Virginia, 1779 Hathorn, Col. John, New York. Did not attend Hav^kins, Benjamin, North Carolina, 1781-1784 Hazard, Jona J., Rhode Island, 1787-1789 Hemsley, William, Maryland, 1782-1784 Henderson, Thomas, New Jersey, 1779 Henry, James, Virginia, 1781 Henry, John, Maryland, 1778-1781, 1784-1787 * Henry, Patrick, Virginia, 1774-1776 Henry, William, Pennsylvania, 1784-1786 t Hev^es, Joseph, North Carolina, 1774-1777, 1779 t Heyv^ard, Thos., Jr., South Carolina, 1775-1778 Higginson, Stephen, Massachusetts, 1783 Hill, Whitmill, North Carolina, 1778-1781 Hillhouse, James, Connecticut. Did not attend. Elected 1787 Hillhouse, William, Connecticut. Did not attend. Appointed 1783 HiNDMAN, William, Maryland, 1784-1787 HoLDEN, Thomas, Rhode Island. Did not attend HOLDEN, Samuel, Massachusetts, 1778-1780, 1783, 1785, 1787 t Hooper William, North Carolina, 1774-1777 * Member of the Federal Convention. t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. [81} t Hopkins, Stephen, Rhode Island, 1774-1780 t HOKINSON, Francis, New Jersey, 1776-1777 HoRNBLOWER, JosiAH, New Jersey, 1786 HosMER, Titus, Connecticut. Attended 1778, 1779 * Houston, William C, New Jersey, 1779-1781, 1785 HousTOUN, John, Georgia, 1775-1777 * HousTOUN, William, Georgia, 1784-1787 Howard, Gen. John E., Maryland, 1788 Howell, David, Rhode Island, 1782-1785 HowLEY, Richard, Georgia, 1781 HUGER, Daniel, South Carolina, 1786-1788 Humphreys, Chas., Pennsylvania, 1774-1776 Huntington, Ben., Connecticut, 1780, 1782, 1783 t Huntington, Samuel, Connecticut, 1776-1783 Hutson, Richard, South Carolina, 1779 * Ingersoll, Jared, Pennsylvania, 1781 Irvine, Gen. William, Pennsylvania, 1786-1788 Izard, Ralph, South Carolina, 1783 Jackson, David, Pennsylvania, 1786 Jackson, Jonathan, Massachusetts, 1782 § Jay, John, New York, 1774-1777, 1779 Jt Jefferson, Thomas, Virginia, 1775-1776, 1783-1784 * Jenifer, D., of St. Thomas, Maryland, 1778-1782 § Johnson, Thomas, Maryland, 1775-1787 * Johnson, William S., Connecticut, 1786, 1787 Johnston, Chas., North Carolina, 1784. Did not attend Johnston, Samuel, North Carolina, 1780-1782 Jones, Col. Allen, North Carolina, 1780 Jones, Gabriel, Virginia, 1779. Did not attend Jones, Joseph, Virginia, 1778, 1780-1783 Jones, Noble W., Georgia, 1776, 1781-1783 Jones, Samuel, New York. Did not attend t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. • Member of the Federal Convention. g Justice of the United States Supreme Court. $ President of the United States. [82] * Jones, Willie, North Carolina, 1781 Kean, John, South Carolina, 1785-1787 Kearney, Dyre, Delaware, 1786-1788 * King, Rufus, Massachusetts, 1784-1787 KiNLOCH, Francis, South Carolina, 1781 KiNSEY, James, New Jersey, 1775 * Langdon, John, New Hampshire, 1775-1777, 1786-1787 Langdon, Woodbury, New Hampshire, 1780 Langworthy, Edward, Georgia, 1777-1779 * Lansing, John, New York, 1784-1788 Latimer, Henry, Delaware. Appointed 1784. Did not attend * Laurens, Henry, South Carolina. 1777-1780 Law, Richard, Connecticut, 1782 Laurance, John, New York, 1785-1787 Lee, Arthur, Virginia, 1781-1784 t Lee, Francis L., Virginia, 1775-1780 Lee, Col. Henry, Virginia, 1785-1788 Lee, Richard Bland, Virginia. t Lee, Richard Henry, Virginia, 1775-1777, 1778-1780, 1784-1785, 1786-1787 * Lee, Thomas Sim., Maryland, 1784 t Lewis, Francis, New York, 1775-1779 L'Hommedieu, Ezra, New York, 1779-1783, 1788 Lincoln, Levi, Massachusetts, elected 1781. Did not attend. Livermore, Samuel, New Hampshire, 1780-1783, 1786 t Livingston, Philip, New York, 1774-1778 Livingston, R. R., New York, 1775-1777, 1779-1781 Livingston, Walter, New York, 1785 * Livingston, William, New Jersey, 1774-1776 Lloyd, Edward, Mar>iand, 1784 Lloyd, James, Maryland • Member of the Federal Convention. t Signer of the Declaration of Independenr-e. [83] Long, Pierce, New Hampshire, 1784-1786 LovELL, James, Massachusetts, 1776-1782 Low, Isaac, New York, 1775 Lowell, John, Massachusetts, 1783 Lowndes, Rawlins, South Carolina, 1779 Lynch, Thomas, South Carolina, 1774-1776 t Lynch, Thomas, Jr., South Carolina, 1776-1777 * McClurg, James, Virginia McCoMB, Eleazer, Delaware, 1782-1784 McDougall, Gen. Alexander, New York, 1782, 1785 McDowell, Joseph, North Carolina. Did not attend * McHenry, Col. James, Maryland, 1783-1786 MclNTOSH, Gen. Lachlan, Georgia, 1784 t McKean, Thos., Pennsylvania, 1774-1776, 1778-1783 McKiNLY, John, Delaware. Appointed 1784. Did not attend McLene, James, Pennsylvania, 1778-1780 Macon, Nathaniel, North Carolina, 1787. Did not attend t* Madison, James, Jr., Virginia, 1780-1783, 1786-1788 Manning, Rev. James, Rhode Island, 1786 Manton, DA.NIEL, Rhode Island, 1787. Did not attend Marchant, Henry, Rhode Island, 1777-1780, 1784 * Martin, Alexander, North Carolina, 1787. Did not attend * Martin, Luther, Maryland, 1785 * Mason, George, Virginia. Declined Mathews, John, South Carolina, 1778-1782 Matlack, Timothy, Pennsylvania, 1781 Mercer, James, Virginia, 1780 * Mercer, John F., Virginia, 1782-1785 Meredith, Samuel, Pennsylvania, 1788 t Middleton, Arthur, South Carolina, 1776-1778, 1781- 1783 t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. * Member of the Federal Convention. t President of the United States. [84] MiDDLETON, Henry, South Carolina, 1774-1776 * Mifflin, Gen. Thomas, Pennsylvania, 1774-1776, 1782- 1784 Miller, Nathan, Rhode Island, 1786 Mitchell, Nathaniel, Delaware, 1786-1788 Mitchell, Stephen Mix, Connecticut, 1786, 1788 t Monroe, James, Virginia, 1783-1786 Montgomery, John, Pennsylvania, 1780-1784 Montgomery, Joseph, Pennsylvania, 1780-1784 Montgomery, Wm., Pennsylvania, 1785 Moore, William, Pennsylvania. Declined Morris, Cadwalader, Pennsylvania, 1784 * Morris, Gouverneur, New York, 1777-1780 t Morris, Lewis, New York, 1775-1777 *t Morris, Robert, Pennsylvania, 1776-1778 t Morton, John, Pennsylvania, 1774-1777 Motte, Isaac, South Carolina, 1780-1782 MowRY, Daniel, Rhode Island, 1780-1782 Mulhlenbbrg, Frederick A. C, Pennsylvania, 1778- 1780. MuMFORD, Paul, Rhode Island, 1785. Did not attend Nash, Abner, North Carolina, 1782-1784, 1786 * Neilson, John, New Jersey, 1778 t Nelson, Thomas, Jr., Virginia, 1775-1777, 1780 Osborn, Adlai, North Carolina, 1785. Did not attend Osgood, Samuel, Massachusetts, 1780-1784 Otis, Samuel A., Massachusetts, 1788 t Paca, William, Maryland, 1774-1779 Page, Mann, Jr., Virginia, 1777 Paine, Elisha, New Hampshire, 1784. Did not attend Paine, Ephraim, New York, 1785 t Paine, Robert Treat, Massachusetts, 1774-1778 Parker, John, South Carolina, 1786-1788 t President of the United States. • Member of the Federal Convention. t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. [85] Partridge, George, Massachusetts, 1779-1782, 1783- 1785 §* Paterson, Wm., New Jersey, 1781, 1787 Patterson, Samuel, Delaware, 1784 Patton, Col. John, Delaware, 1786 Peabody, Nathaniel, New Hampshire, 1780 Peery, William, Delaware, 1786 Pell, Philip, New York Pendleton, Edmund, Virginia, 1775 t Penn, John, North Carolina, 1775-1776, 1777-1780 Person, Thomas, North Carolina, 1784 Peters, Richard, Pennsylvania, 1783 Pettit, Col. Chas., Pennsylvania, 1785-1787 Phillips, Peter, Rhode Island. Did not attend * Pickering, John, New Hampshire, 1788. Did not attend * Pierce, Wm., Georgia, 1787 * Pinckney, Chas., South Carolina, 1778, 1784-1787 Pinckney, Thomas, South Carolina, 1788 Pitkin, Wm., Connecticut. Did not attend. Elected 1785 Plater, George, Maryland, 1778-1781 Platt, Zephaniah, New York, 1784-1786 Polk, Thomas, North Carolina, 1788. Did not attend Potts, Richard, Maryland, 1782 Ramsay, David, South Carolina, 1782-1784, 1786 Ramsey, Nathaniel, Maryland, 1785-1787 * Randolph, Col. Edmund, Virginia, 1779-1782 Randolph, Peyton, Virginia, 1775 *t Read, George, Delaware, 1774-1777 Read, Jacob, South Carolina, 1783-1785 Reed, Gen. Joseph, Pennsylvania, 1778 Reid, Col. James R., Pennsylvania, 1788 Rhoads, Samuel, Pennsylvania, 1774-1775 § Justice of the United States Supreme Court. t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. * Member of the Federal Convention. [86] RiDGELEY, Richard, Maryland, 1786 ROBERDEAU, Gen. Daniel, Pennsylvania, 1777-1779 t Rodney, C^sar, Delaware, 1774-1777, 1778, 1784 Rodney, Thomas, Delaware, 1781-1783, 1785-1787 Rogers, John, Maryland, 1776 Root, Jesse, Connecticut, 1779, 1781, 1782 ; Ross, David, Maryland, 1787 ? t Ross, George, Pennsylvania, 1774-1777 RuMSEY, Benjamin, Maryland, 1776-1778 ■y Rush, Benjamin, Pennsylvania, 1776-1777 t RUTLEDGE, Edward, South Carolina, 1774-1777, 1779 §* RUTLEDGE, John, South Carolina, 1774-1777, 1783 SCHUREMAN, James, New Jersey, 1787 Schuyler, Gen. Philip, New York, 1775-1777, 1779- 1781 Scott, Gustavus, Maryland, 1785 Scott, Gen. John Morin, New York, 1781-1783 ScuDDER, Nathaniel, New Jersey, 1777-1779 Searle, James, Pennsylvania, 1778-1780 Sedgwick, Theodore, Massachusetts, 1785-1788 Seney, Joshua, Maryland, 1788 Sergeant, Jonathan D., New Jersey, 1776, 1777 Sharpe, William, North Carolina, 1779-1782 *t Sherman, Roger, Connecticut, 1774-1784 Shippen, William, Pennsylvania, 1778-1780 Sitgreaves, John, North Carolina, 1785 Smallwood, William, Maryland, 1785. Did not attend Smith, Benjamin, 1784. Did not attend t Smith, James, Pennsylvania, 1776-1779, 1785 Smith, Jonathan B., Pennsylvania, 1778 Smith, Melancton, New York, 1785-1788 Smith, Meriwether, Virginia, 1778-1782 Smith, Richard, New Jersey, 1774-1776 Smith, Thomas, Pennsylvania, 1780-1782 t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 5 Justine of the United States Supreme Court. • Member of the Federal Convention. [87] Smith, William, Maryland, 1778 * Spaight, Richard D., North Carolina, 1783-1785 Sparhawk, John, New Hampshire. Declined 1786 Spencer, Gen. Joseph, Connecticut, 1779 St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, Pennsylvania, 1785-1787 Stevens, John, Sr., New Jersey, 1784 Stewart, Archibald, New Jersey, 1775. Did not at tend Stewart, Col. Charles, New Jersey, 1785 Stirk, Samuel, Georgia. Did not attend t Stockton, Richard, New Jersey, 1775-1777 Stokes, John, North Carolina. Did not attend t Stone, Thomas, Maryland, 1775-1779, 1784-1785 * Strong, Caleb, Massachusetts Strong, Jedediah, Connecticut, 1779 Sturges, Jonathan, Connecticut, 1786 Sullivan, James, Massachusetts, 1782 Sullivan, Gen. John, New Hampshire, 1775, 1781 Sumner, Increase, Massachusetts SWANN, John, North Carolina, 1788 Sykes, James, Delaware, 1778 Symmes, John C, New Jersey, 1786 t Taylor, George, Pennsylvania, 1776-1777 Thacher, George, Massachusetts, 1788 Thompson, Ebenezer, New Hampshire, 1783 Thomson, Charles, Secretary t Thornton, Mathew, New Hampshire, 1776-1778 Telfair, Edward, Georgia, 1777-1779, 1780-1783 Tilghman, Mathew, Maryland, 1774-1777 TiLTON, James, Delaware, 1783-1785 Trapier, Paul, Jr., South Carolina, 1778 Tread well, John, Connecticut, 1785 Trumbull, Jonathan, Sr., Connecticut Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr., Connecticut. Did not atteu ' t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. * Member of the Federal Convention. [88] Trumbull, Joseph, Cunnecticut. Did not attend; ap- pointed 1774 Tucker, Thomas T., South Carolina, 1788 Van Dyke, Nicholas, Delaware, 1777-1782 Varnum, Gen. James M., Rhode Island, 1780-1782, 1787 ViNiNG, John, Delaware, 1784-1786 Wadsworth, James, Connecticut, 1784 Wadsworth, Jeremiah, Connecticut, 1788 Wadsworth, Peleg, Massachusetts. Did not attend Walker, John, Virginia, 1780 Walker, Timothy, New Hampshire, 1777-1778, 1782- 1784-1785. Did not attend t Walton, George, Georgia, 1776-1779, 1781 Walton, John, Georgia, 1778 Ward, Gen. Artemas, Massachusetts, 1781 Ward, Samuel, Rhode Island, 1774-1776 Warren, James, Massachusetts. Declined I* Washington, Gen. George, Virginia, 1775 Wentworth, John, Sr., New Hampshire, 1778, 1781. Did not attend Wentworth, John, Jr., New Hampshire, 1779 Wentworth, Joshua, New Hampshire. Did not at- tend * West, Benjamin, New Hampshire. Did not attend Wharton, Samuel, Delaware, 1783 t Whipple, William, New Hampshire, 1775-1777, 1778- 1779 White, Alexander, North Carolina, 1786-1788 White, James, North Carolina, 1788 White, Phillips, New Hampshire, 1783 Williams, Col. John, North Carolina, 1779 Williams, William, Connecticut, 1777 t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. J President of the United States. • Member of the Federal Convention. [89] * Williamson, Hugh, North Carolina, 1782-1785, 1788 Willing, Thomas, Pennsylvania, 1776 WiNGATE, Paine, New Hampshire, 1788 §*t Wilson, James, Pennsylvania, 1775-1778, 1782-1783, 1785-1787 WiSNER, Henry, New York, 1774-1776 t Witherspoon, John, New Jersey, 1776-1782 I WOLCOTT, Erastus, Connecticut. Did not attend; ap- pointed 1774 tWoLCOTT, Oliver, Connecticut, 1776-1778, 1781-1783 WoLCOTT, Roger, Jr. Attended 1777 j Wood, Joseph, Georgia, 1777-1779 Wright, Turbett, Maryland, 1782 Wynkoop, Henry, Pennsylvania, 1779-1783 t Wythe, George, Virginia, 1775-1777 Yates, Abraham, Jr., New York, 1788 Yates, Peter W., New York, 1785-1787 Zubly, John J., Georgia, 1776 ' ~- I Justice of the United States Supreme Court. • Member of the Federal Convention. t Signer of the Declaration of Independence. [90] Signers of the Articles of Confederation July 9, 1778 New Hampshire JOSIAH BARTLETT John Wentworth, Jr., Aug. 8, 1778 Massachusetts John Hancock Samuel Adams Elbridge Gerry Francis Dana James Lovell Samuel Holten Rhode Island William Ellery Henry Marchant John Collins '* Connecticut i ' ': Roger Sherman Samuel Huntington Oliver Wolcott Titus Hosmer Andrew Adams New York James Duane Francis Lewis William Duer t gouverneur morris New Jersey John Witherspoon NATHANIEL SCUDDER, Nov. 26, 1778 [91] Pennsylvania Robert Morris Daniel Roberdeau Jonathan Bayard Smith William Clingan Joseph Reed, July 22, 1778 Delaivare Thomas McKean, Feb. 12, 1779 John Dickinson, May 5, 1779 Nicholas Van Dyke May^yland John Hanson, March 1, 1781 Daniel Carroll, March 1, 1781 Virginia Richard Henry Lee John Banister Thomas Adams John Harvie Francis Lightfoot Lee North Carolina John Penn, July 21, 1778 Cornelius Harnett John Williams South Carolina Henry Laurens William Henry Drayton Thomas Heyward, Jr. John Mathews Richard Hutson Georgia John Walton, July 24, 1778 Edward Telfair Edward Langworthy [92] Signers of the Mecklenburg Declarat •. OF Independence, May, 1775 Abraham Alexander Thomas Polk David Reese Hezekiah Alexander Robert Irwin Will Kennon Benjamin Patton John Davidson John Flennikin Henry Downs Ezra Alexander Ephriam Brevard Adam Alexander John McKnitt Alexander John Pfifer Richard Barry John Foard William Graham Waightstile Avery Charles Alexander Robert Harris Neill Morrison James Harris '"93'! Delegates to the Stamp Act Congress, October 7, 1775, in the Order in Which They Answered the Request Massachusetts James Otis Oliver Partridge Timothy Ruggles South Carolina Thomas Lynch Christopher Gadsden John Rutledge Pennsylvania John Dickinson John Morton George Bryan Rhode Island Metcalf Bowler Henry Ward Connecticut Eliphalet Dyer David Rowland William S. Johnson Delaware Thomas McKean C^SAR Rodney [94] Maryland William Murdock Edward Tilghman Thomas Ringgold New Jersey Robert Ogden Hendrick Fisher Joseph Borden New York Robert R. Livingston Philip Livingston John Cruger William Bayard Leonard Lispenard Note. — New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia were not represented in this Cong:ress. [95] Members of the Federal Convention 1787 New Hampshire John Langdon Nicholas Gilman Massachusetts Nathaniel Gorham RuFUS King * Elbridge Gerry * Caleb Strong Connecticut William S. Johnson Roger Sherman * Oliver Ellsworth New York Alexander Hamilton * John Lansing * Robert Yates Netv Jersey William Livingston David Brearley William Paterson Jonathan Dayton * William C. Houston Pennsylvania Benjamin Franklin Thomas Mifflin Robert Morris George Clymer [96] Thomas Fitzsimons Jared Ingersoll James Wilson gouverneur morris Delaware George Read Gunning Bedford, Jr. John Dickinson Richard Bassett Jacob Broom Maryland James McHenry Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer Daniel Carroll * Charles Carroll of Carrollton * Gabriel Duval * Robert H. Harrison * Thomas Sim Lee * Luther Martin * John F. Mercer * Thomas Stone Virginia George Washington, President * George Mason * Peyton Randolph * James McClurg * Thomas Nelson, Jr. * Edmund Randolph * George Wythe North Carolina William Blount Richard Dobbs Spaight [97] Hugh Williamson William R. Davie ' Alexander Martin South Carolina John Rutledge Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Charles Pinckney Pierce Butler * Henry Laurens Georgia William Few Abraham Baldwin * William Houstoun * William Pierce Secretary, William Jackson Note. Delaware, Pennsylvania and South Carolina were th* only States whose representatives all signed. There were no delegates from Rhode Island. The following were appointed as delegates to the Federal Con- vention, but did not attend: Virginia: Patrick Henry, declined North Carolina : Richard Caswell, resigned ; Willie Jones, declined Georgia: George Walton; Nathaniel Pendleton New Hampshire: John Pickering; Benjamin West Massachusetts: Francis Dana New Jersey: John Neilson; Abraham Clark The delegates whose names are preceded by a * did not sign the Constitution. 98 Generals of the Revolutionary War General and Commander-in-Chief Term of Service George Washington June 15, 1775 to Dec. 23, 1783 Major-Generals Artemas Ward June 17, 1775 to April 23, 1776 Charles Lee June 17, 1775 to Jan. 10, 1780 Philip Schuyler June 19, 1775 to April 19, 1779 Israel Putnam June 19, 1775 to June 3, 1783 Richard Montgomery Dec. 9, 1775 to Dec. 31, 1775 John Thomas March 6, 1776 to June 2, 1776 Horatio Gates May 16, 1776 to Nov. 3, 1783 William Heath Aug. 9, 1776 to Nov. 3, 1783 Joseph Spencer Aug. 9, 1776 to Jan. 13, 1778 John Sullivan Aug. 9, 1779 to Nov. 30, 1779 Nathanael Greene Aug. 9, 1776 to Nov. 3, 1783 Benedict Arnold Feb. 17, 1777 to Sept. 25, 1780 William Alexander, Lord Stirling Feb. 19, 1777 to Jan. 15, 1783 Thomas Mifflin Feb. 19, 1777 to Feb. 25, 1779 Arthur St. Clair Feb. 19, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 Adam Stephen Feb. 19, 1777 to Nov. 20, 1777 Benjamin Lincoln Feb. 19, 1777 to Oct. 29, 1783 Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette July 31, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 yPHiLiPPE DU COUDRAY Aug. 11, 1777 to Sept. 15, 1777 y^ifOHN, Baron de Kalb Sept. 15, 1777 to Aug. 19, 1780 ■ Robert Howe Oct. 20, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 Alexander McDougall Oct. 20, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 Thomas Conway Dec. 13, 1777 to April 28, 1778 J. Friedrich Wilhelm August Heinrich Ferdinand, Baron 1^ von Steuben May 5, 1778 to April 15, 1784 William Smallwood Sept. 15, 1780 to Nov. 3, 1783 Samuel Holden Parsons Oct. 23, 1780 to July 22, 1782 Henry Knox Nov. 15, 1781 to June 20, 1784 The Chevalier Louis Lebegue Duportail Nov. 16, 1781 to Oct. 10, 1783 William Moultrie Oct. 15, 1782 to Nov. 3, 1783 r Major-Generals by Brevet Resohitiori of September 30, 1783 James Clinton Lachlan McIntosh John Glover John Paterson Anthony Wayne John Philip DeHaas Peter Muhlenberg George Weedon George Clinton Edward Hand Charles Scott Jedediah Huntington John Stark Brigadier-Generals Horatio Gates June 17, 1775 to May 16, 1776 John Thomas June 22, 1775 to March 6, 1776 [100] Richard Montgomery June 22, 1775 to Dec. 9, 1775 David Wooster June 22, 1775 to May 2, 1777 William Heath June 22, 1775 to Aug. 9, 1776 Joseph Spencer June 22, 1775 to Aug. 9, 1776 John Sullivan June 22, 1775 to Aug. 9, 1776 Nathanael Greene June 22, 1775 to Aug. 9, 1776 Seth Pomeroy June 22, 1775. Declined the appoint- ment, and was superseded on July 19, 1775 Joseph Frye Jan. 10, 1776 to April 23, 1776 Benedict Arnold Jan. 10, 1776 to Feb. 17, 1777 John Armstrong, Sr. March 1, 1776 to April 4, 1777 William Thompson March 1, 1776 to Sept. 3, 1781 Andrev^ Lewis March 1, 1776 to April 15, 1777 James Moore March 1, 1776 to April 9, 1777 William Alexander, Lord Stirling March 1, 1776 to Feb. 19, 1777 Robert Howe March 1, 1776 to Oct. 20, 1777 Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron de Woedtke March 16, 1776 to July 28, 1776 Thomas Mifflin May 16, 1776 to Feb. 19, 1777 John Whetcomb June 5, 1776. Declined the appoint- ment Hugh Mercer June 5, 1776 to Jan. 11, 1777 James Reed Aug. 9, 1776 to Sept., 1776 John Nixon Aug. 9, 1776 to Sept. 12, 1780 Arthur St. Clair Aug. 9, 1776 to Feb. 19, 1777 Alexander McDouall Aug. 9, 1776 to Oct. 20, 1777 Samuel Holden Parsons Aug. 9, 1776 to Oct. 23, 1780 James Clinton Aug. 9, 1776 to Nov. 3, 1783 Adam Stephen Sept. 4, 1776 to Feb. 19, 1777 Christopher Gadsden Sept. 16, 1776 to Oct. 2, 1777 William Moultrie Sept. 16, 1776 to Oct. 15, 1782 Lachlan Mcintosh Sept. 16, 1776 to Nov. 3, 1783 William Maxwell Oct. 23, 1776 to July 25, 1780 William Smallwood Oct. 23, 1776 to Sept. 15, 1780 [101] The Chevalier Mathieu Alexis de Rochefermoy Nov. 5, 1776 to Jan. 31, 1778 The Chevalier de Preudhomme Borre Dec. 1, 1776 to Sept. 14, 1777 Henry Knox Dec. 27, 1776 to Nov. 15, 1781 Francis Nash Feb. 5, 1777 to Oct. 17, 1777 John Cadwalader Feb. 21, 1777. Declined the op- pointment Enoch Poor Feb. 21, 1777 to Sept. 8, 1780 John Glover Feb. 21, 1777 to July 22, 1782 John Patterson Feb. 21, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 Anthony Wayne Feb. 21, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 James M. Vaknum Feb. 21, 1777 to March 5, 1779 John Philip DeHaas Feb. 21, 1777 to — — , 1783 William Woodford Feb. 21, 1777 to Nov. 13, 1780 Peter Muhlenberg Feb. 21, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 George Weedon Feb. 21, 1777 to June, 1783 George Clinton March 25, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 Edward Hand April 1, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 Charles Scott April 1, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 Ebenezer Learned April 2, 1777 to March 24, 1778 Jedediah Huntington May 12, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 Joseph Reed May 12, 1777 to June 9, 1777 Thomas Conway May 13, 1777 to Dec. 13, 1777 Casimir Count Pulaski Sept. 15, 1777 to Oct. 11, 1779 John Stark Oct." 4, 1777 to Nov. 3, 1783 The Chevalier Louis Lebegue Duportail Nov. 17, 1777 to Nov. 16, 1781 Jethro Sumner Jan. 9, 1779 to Nov. 3, 1783 James Hogun Jan. 9, 1779 to Jan. 4, 1781 Isaac Huger Jan. 9, 1779 to Nov. 3, 1783 Mordecai Gist Jan. 9, 1779 to Nov. 3, 1783 William Irvine May 12, 1779 to Nov. 3, 1783 Daniel Morgan Oct. 13, 1780 to Nov. 3, 1783 Otho Holland Williams May 9, 1782 to Jan. 16, 1783 John Greaton Jan. 7, 1783 to Nov. 3, 1783 [102] RUFUS Putnam Jan. 7, 1783 to Nov. 3, 1783 Elias Dayton Jan. 7, 1783 to Nov. 3, 1783 Charles Armand-Tuffin, Marquis de la Rouerie March 26, 1783 to Nov. 3, 1783 Brigadier-Generals by Brevet Under Various Resolutions of Congress t- James Wilkinson Nov. 6, 1777 to Mar. 6, 1778 The Chevalier de la Neuville Aug. 14, 1778 to Dec. 4, 1778 Moses Hazen June 29, 1781 to Jan. 1, 1783 i^^HADDEUS KosciuszKO Oct. 13, 1783 to Nov. 3, 1783 Stephen Moylan "^ Nov. 3, 1783 Samuel Elbert Nov. 3, 1783 Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Nov. 3, 1783 William Russell Nov. 3, 1783 Resolution of September 30, 1783 George Baylor Daniel Brodhead Richard Butler Thomas Clark John Crane Christian Febiger John Gibson John Gunby Richard Humpton Henry Jackson Michael Jackson John Lamb Monsieur de Laumoy George Mathews John Nevil (or Neville) Lewis Nicola Math IAS Ogden Elisha Sheldon William Shepard Walter Stewart Herman Swift Benjamin Tupper Philip Van Cortlandt Goose Van Schaick Joseph Vose Samuel B. Webb [103] Gen. George Washington's Aids-de-camp AND Secretaries, 1775-1782 Thomas Mifflin, July 4, 1775 Joseph Read, Secretary, July 4, 1775 John Trumbull, July 27, 1775 George Baylor, Aug. 15, 1775 Edmund Randolph, Aug. 15, 1775 Robert Hanson Harrison, Aid, Nov. 5, 1775; Secretary, May 16, 1776 Stephen Moylan, March 5, 1776 William Palfrey, March 6, 1776 Caleb Gibbs, Special appointment. May 16, 1776 George Lewis, Special appointment, May 16, 1776 Richard Gary, June 21, 1776 Samuel Blatchley Webb, June 21, 1776 Alexander Contee Hanson, Assistant Secretary, June 21, 1776 Pierre Penet, Brevet, Oct. 14, 1776 John Fitzgerald, Nov., 1776 George Johnston, Jan. 20, 1777 John Walker, Extra Aid, Feb. 19, 1777 Alexander Hamilton, March 1, 1777 Richard Kidder Meade, March 12, 1777 Peter Presley Thornton, Extra Aid, Sept. 6, 1777 John Laurens, Extra Aid, Sept. 6, 1777; Aid, Oct. 6, 1777 James McHenry, Assistant Secretary, May 15, 1778 Tench Tilghman, June 21, 1780. (Tilghman served as a volunteer aid without rank from Aug., 1776). David Humphreys, June 23, 1780 Richard Varick, Recording Secretary, May 25, 1781 Jonathan Trumbull, Jr., Secretary, June 8, 1781 [104] David Cobb, June 15, 1781 Peregrine Fitzhugh, Extra Aid, July 2, 1781 William Stephen Smith, July 6, 1781 Benjamin Walker, July 25, 1782 HODIJAH Baylies, Extra Aid, May 14, 1782 Note. — This list comprises all of Gen. Washington's regularly appointed Aids and Secretaries. It does not include, however, the many individuals who were transiently at Headquarters and oc- casionally pressed into service as amanuenses, a fact which accounts for the several Washington "war letters" in handwritings which have not been identified. Martha Washington served in the capacity of aid on one or two occasions and wrote military letters at the dicta- tion of the Commander-in-Chief. 105 Colonial Governors of America new hampshire Richard Cutis 1680 Richard Waldron 1681 Edward Cranfield 1682 Walter Barefoot 1685 Joseph Dudley 1686 Edmond Andros 1687 Simon Bradstreet 1689 John Usher 1692 William Partridge 1697 Samuel Allen 1699 Earl of Bellomont 1702 Joseph Dudley 1716 Samuel Shute 1728 William Burnet 1730 Jonathan Belcher 1741 Benning Wentworth 1767 John Wentworth 1775 British power terminated Meshech Weare 1775 John Langdon 1785 John Sullivan 1786 John Langdon 1788-89 MASSACHUSSETTS John Carver, of Plymouth, Massachusetts 1620 William Bradford 1621 Edwaid Winslow 1633 Thomas Prince 1634 [106] William Bradford 1635 Edward Winslow 1636 William Bradford 1637 Thomas Prince 1638 William Bradford 1639 Edward Winslow 1644 William Bradford 1645 Thomas Prince 1657 Josiah Winslow 1673 Thomas Hinckley 1680 John Winthrop, of Mass., under first charter 1630 Thomas Dudley 1634 John Haynes 1635 Henry Bane 1636 John Winthrop 1637 Thomas Dudley 1640 Richard Bellingham 1641 John Winthrop 1642 John Winthrop 1646 John Endicott 1649 Thomas Dudley 1650 John Endicott 1651 Richard Bellingham 1654 John Endicott 1655 Richard Bellingham 1665 John Leverett 1673 Simon Bradstreet 1679 Joseph Dudley, after dissolution 1686 Sir Edmond Andros 1687 Simon Bradstreet 1691 Sir William Phips, under second charter 1692 Earl of Bellomont 1699 Joseph Dudley l'^^^ Samuel Shute l'^16 William Burnet l'^28 Jonathan Belcher 1730 [107] William Shirley Thomas Pownal ^'^^^ Francis Bernard ^'^^'^ Thomas Hutchison 3Zf^ Thomas Gage ^^^^ British power terminated '^'^^ The Council John Hancock ■^'^'^^ James Bowdoin "^'^^^ John Hancock ^^/^785 RHODE ISLAND (Presidents) John Cogg:eshall Jeremiah Clarke ^^^"^ John Smith ^^^^ Nicholas Easton ^^^^ Roger Williams ^^^^ Benedict Arnold ^^^^ William Brenton J?^"^ Benedict Arnold ^^^^ Benedict Arnold J?^^ William Brenton ,?^^ Benedict Arnold , ^^ Nicholas Easton ?^^^ William Coddington .^It Walter Clarke ]^^'^ Benedict Arnold , fZ^ John Cranston ,?ZT Peleg Sanford tf^l William Coddington jgg3 108 Henry Bull 1685 Walter Clarke 1686 Sir Edmond Andros 1686 Henry Bull 1689 John Easton 1690 Caleb Carr 1695 Walter Clarke 1696 Samuel Cranston 1698 Joseph Jenckes 1727 William Wanton 1732 John Wanton 1734 Richard Ward 1741 William Greene 1743 Gideon Wanton 1745 William Greene 1746 Gideon Wanton 1747 William Greene 1748 Stephen Hopkins 1755 William Greene 1757 Stephen Hopkins 1758 Samuel Ward 1762 Stephen Hopkins 1763 Samuel Ward 1765 Stephen Hopkins 1767 Josias Lynden 1768 Joseph Wanton 1769-75 British power terminated Nicholas Cooke 1775 William Greene 1778 John Collins 1786-90 CONNECTICUT John Winthrop 1665 William Leet 1676 Robert Treat 1683 [109] John Winthrop 1698 Gurdon Salstonstall 1708 Joseph Talcott 1725 Jonathan Law 1742 Roger Wolcott 1751 Thomas Fitch 1754 William Pitkin 1766 British power terminated, 1776 Jonathan Trumbull 1769 Matthew Griswold 1784 Samuel Huntington 1786-96 NEW YORK Under the Dutch Adrian Joris 1623 Cornelius Jacobzen May 1624 William Verhulst 1625 Peter Minuet 1626 Wouter Van Twiller 1629 William Kieft 1638 Peter Stuyvesant 1647 Anthony Colve 1673 Under the British Richard Nicholls 1664 Francis Lovelace 1667 Sir Edmond Andros 1674 Thomas Dongan 1683 Francis Nicholson 1687 Jacob Leisler 1690 Henry Sloughter 1691 Joseph Dudley 1692 Richard Ingoldsby 1692 Benjamin Fletcher 1692 Earl of Bellomont 1697 John Nanfan 1701 [110] Lord Cornbury 1702 Lord Lovelace 1708 Richard Ingoldsby 1709 Gerardus Beekman 1710 Andrew Hunter 1710 Peter Schuyler 1719 William Burnet 1720 John Montgomerie 1728 Lewis Morris 1731 Rip Van Dam 1731 William Cosby 1732 John Hamilton 1736 George Clark 1736 George Clinton 1743 Danvers Osborne 1753 James De Lancey 1753 Sir Charles Hardy 1755 James De Lancey 1757 Cadwallader Colden 1760 Robert Monkton 1762 Cadwallader Colden 1763 Henry Moore 1765 Cadwallader Colden 1769 Earl of Dunmore 1770 William Tryon 1771 Cadwallader Colden 1775 James Robertson 1780 British poiver terminated George Clinton 1777-95 NEW JERSEY Lord Cornbury 1730 Lewis Morris 1738 Jonathan Belcher 1747 John Hamilton 1746 [111] Jonathan Belcher 1747 John Reading 1757 Francis Barnard 1758 Thomas Boone 1760 Thomas Hardy 1761 William Franklin 1763-76 British power terminated William Livingston 1776-90 PENNSYLVANIA William Penn 1682 Thomas Lloyd 1684 John Blackwell 1688 Benjamin Fletcher 1693 William Penn 1699 Andrew Hamilton 1701 John Evans 1704 Charles Gookins 1709 Sir William Keith 1717 Patrick Gordon 1726 James Logan 1736 George Thomas 1738 Anthony Palmer 1747 James Hamilton 1748 Robert Hunter Morris 1754 William Denny 1756 James Hamilton 1759 John Penn 1763 James Hamilton 1771 Richard Penn 1771 John Penn 1773-77 British power terminated Thomas Wharton 1777 George Bryan, acting 1778 Joseph Reed 1778 [112] William Moore 1781 John Dickinson 1782 Benjamin Franklin 1785 Thomas Mifflin 1778-99 DELAWARE William Penn 1700 Sir William Keith 1721 Patrick Gordon 1726 George Thomas 1738 James Hamilton 1745 Robert Hunter Morris 1754 James Hamilton 1760 John Penn 1765 Richard Penn 1768 John Penn 1773-77 British power terminated John McKinley 1777 Csesar Rodney- 1778 John Dickinson 1782 John Cook 1783 Nicholas Van Dyke 1783 Thomas Collins 1786-89 MARYLAND Lionel Copley 1692 Francis Nicholson 1694 Nathaniel Blakiston 1699 John Seymour 1704 John Hart 1714 Charles Calvert 1720 Benedict Leonard Calvert 1727 Charles Lord Baltimore 1731 Samuel Ogle 1732 [113] Thomas Bladen 1742 Charles Lord Baltimore 1746 Samuel Ogle 1747 Frederick Lord Baltimore 1752 Horatio Sharpe 1753 Robert Eden • -1769-77 British power terminated Thomas Johnson 1777 Thomas Sim Lee 1780 William Paca 1783 William Smallwood 1785-89 VIRGINIA Sir Thomas Smith 1606 Edwin Maria Wingfield 1607 John Radcliffe 1607 John Smith 1608 George Percy • •; - 1610 Lord De La Warr 1610 Sir Thomas Dale 1611 Sir Thomas Gates 1611 Sir Thomas Dale 1614 Sir George Yeardly 1616 Sir Samuel Argall 1617 Sir George Yeardly 1618 Sir Thomas Wyatt ' 1621 Sir George Yeardly 1626 Sir George Yeardly 1626 Francis West 1627 Doctor John Pott 1628 Sir John Harvey 1629 John West 1635 Sir John Harvey 1636 Sir Francis Wyatt 1639 Sir William Berckley 1641 Frederick Kempe 1644 [114] Sir William Berckley 1645 Richard Burnett 1652 Edward Diggs 1655 Samuel Matthews 1656 Sir William Berckley 1659 Francis Morryson 1661 Sir William Berckley 1662 Herbert Jeffries 1677 Sir Henry Checkley 1678 Lord Culpepper, Governor 1680 Nicholas Spencer 1683 Lord Howard, Governor 1684 Matthew Bacon 1688 Francis Nicholson 1690 Sir Edmond Andros 1692 Francis Nicholson 1698 Edward Nott 1705 Edmond Jennings 1706 Alexander Spottswood 1710 Hugh Drysdale 1722 Robert Carter 1726 William Gooch 1727 Thomas Lee 1749 Lewis Burwell 1749 Robert Dinwiddie 1752 Francis Fauquier 1758 John Blair 1767 Lord Botetourt 1768 William Nelson 1770 Lord Dunmore 1772-75 British poiver terminated Provincial Canvention 1775 Patrick Henry 1776 Thomas Jefferson 1779 Thomas Nelson 1781 Benjamin Harrison 1781 Patrick Henry 1784 [115] Edmund Randolph 1786 Beverly Randolph 1788-91 NORTH CAROLINA Charles Eden 1715 William Reed 1722 Sir Richard Everard 1727 Gabriel Johnson 1734 Matthew Rowan 1753 Arthur Dobbs 1754 William Tryon 1766 Josiah Martin 1771-76 British power terminated Richard Caswell 1776 Abner Nash 1779 Thomas Burke 1781 Alexander Martin 1782 Richard Caswell 1784 Samuel Johnson 1787-89 SOUTH CAROLINA William Sayle 1670 Joseph West 1671 John Yeamans 1671 Joseph West 1674 Joseph Morton 1682 Joseph West 1684 Richard Kirk 1684 Robert Quarry 1684 Joseph Morton 1685 James Colleton 1686 Seth Sothell 1690 Philip Ludwell 1692 Thomas Smith 1693 Joseph Blake 1694 John Archdale 1695 [116] Joseph Blake 1696 James Moore 1700 Nathaniel Johnson 1703 Edward Tyne 1709 Robert Gibbs 1710 Charles Craven 1712 Robert Daniel 1716 Robert Johnson 1719 James Moore 1719 Arthur Middleton 1719 Francis Nicholson 1721 Arthur Middleton 1725 Robert Johnson 1730 Thomas Broughton 1735 William Bull 1737 James Glenn 1743 William H. Littleton 1756 William Bull 1760 Thomas Boone 1762 William Bull 1763 Charles Montague 1766 William Bull 1769 William Campbell 1775 British power terminated John Rutledge 1775 Rawlins Lownds 1778 John Rutledge 1779 John Mathews 1782 Benjamin Guerard 1783 William Moultrie 1785 Thomas Pinckney 1787-92 GEORGIA James Edward Oglethorpe 1732 William Stephens 1743 [117] Henry Parker 1751 John Reynolds 1754 Henry Ellis 1757 James Wright 1760 James Habersham 1771 William Erwin 1775 British power terminated Archibald Bulloch, acting 1776 Button Gwinnett, acting 1777 John A. Trueitlin 1777 John Houstoun 1778 John Wereat 1778 From 1779-1782 Georgia was again binder British control, ivith Sir James Wright as Royal Governor George Walton 1779 Richard Howley 1780 Stephen Heard 1781 Nathan Brownson 1781 John Martin 1782 Lyman Hall 1783 John Houstoun 1784 Samuel Elbert 1785 Edward Telfair 1786 George Mathews 1787 George Handley 1788-89 118 The Chief Justices and Associate Justices OF THE Supreme Court of the United States The judicial power of the United States government is vested by the Constitution in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as Congress may from time to time establish. The number of the judges of the Supreme Court is also fixed by Congress. It consists at this time of a chief-justice and eight associate justices. They are appointed by the President, confirmed by the Senate, hold office dur- ing good behavior, and receive a compensation w^hich cannot be diminished during their term of office. On attaining the age of seventy years, a justice of the court is entitled (if he has served ten years) to retire upon the same com- pensation during his life which he has received while on the bench. The court sits at Washington, from October till May, with short intermediate recesses. Hon. E. J. Phelps ON THE Constitution of the United States. JUSTICES OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT Term of service John Jay, New York Chief Justice, Born 1745, died 1829 6 years, 1789 to 1795 John Rutledge, South Carolina Associate Justice, Born 1739, died 1800 2 years, 1789 to 1791 Chief Justice, 1795 William Cushing, Massachusetts 21 years, 1789 to 1810 Born 1733, died 1810 James Wilson, Pennsylvania 9 years, 1789 to 1798 Born 1742, died 1798 [119] John Blair, Virginia 7 years, 1789 to 1796 Born 1732, died 1800 Robert H. Harrison, Maryland 1 year, 1789 to 1790 Born 1745, died 1790 James Iredell, North Carolina 9 years, 1790 to 1799 Born 1751, died 1799 Thomas Johnson, Maryland 2 years, 1791 to 1793 Born 1732, died 1819 William Patterson, New Jersey 13 years, 1793 to 1806 Born 1745, died 1806 Samuel Crase, Maryland 15 years, 1796 to 1811 Born 1741, died 1811 Oliver Ellsworth, Connecticut Chief Justice, Born 1745, died 1807 4 years, 1796 to 1800 BusHROD Washington, Virginia 31 years, 1798 to 1829 Born 1762, died 1829 Alfred Moore, North Carolina 5 years, 1799 to 1804 Born 1755, died 1810 John Marshall, Virginia Chief Justice, Born 1755, died 1835 34 years, 1801 to 1835 William Johnson, South Carolina 30 years, 1804 to 1834 Born 1771, died 1834 Henry Brockholst Livingston, 17 years, 1806 to 1823 Born 1757, died 1823 Thomas Todd, Kentucky 19 years, 1807 to 1826 Born 1765, died 1826 Joseph Story, Massachusetts 34 years, 1811 to 1845 Born 1779, died 1845 [120] Gabriel Duval, Maryland Born 1752, died 1844 Smith Thompson, New York Born 1767, died 1843 Robert Trimble, Kentucky- Born 1777, died 1828 John McLean, Ohio Born 1785, died 1861 Henry Baldwin, Pennsylvania Born 1779, died 1844 James M. Wayne, Georgia Born 1790, died 1867 Roger B. Taney, Maryland Born 1777, died 1864 Philip R. Barbour, Virginia Born 1783, died 1841 John Catron, 'lennessee Born 1786, died 1865 John McKinley, Alabama Born 1780, died 1852 Peter V. Daniel, Virginia Born 1785, died 1860 Samuel Nelson, New York Born 1792, died 1873 Levi Woodbury, New Hampshire Born 1789, died 1851 Robert C. Grier, Pennsylvania Born 1794, died 1870 25 years, 1811 to 1836 20 years, 1823 to 1843 2 years, 1826 to 1828 32 years, 1829 to 1861 16 years, 1830 to 1846 32 years, 1835 to 1867 Chief Justice, 28 years, 1836 to 1864 5 years, 1836 to 1841 28 years, 1837 to 1865 15 years, 1837 to 1852 19 years, 1841 to 1860 27 years, 1845 to 1872 6 years, 1845 to 1851 24 years, 1846 to 1870 [121] Benjamin R. Curtis, Massachusetts 6 Born 1809, died 1874 years, 1851 to 1857 John A. Campbell, Alabama Born 1811, died 1889 Nathan Clifford, Maine Born 1803, died 1881 Noah H. Swayne, Ohio Born 1804, died 1884 Samuel F. Miller, Iowa Born 1816, died 1890 David Davis, Illinois Born 1815, died 1886 Stephen J. Field, California Born 1816, died 1899 Salmon P. Chase, Ohio Born 1808, died 1873 William Strong, Pennsylvania Born 1808, died 1895 Joseph P. Bradley, New Jersey Born 1813, died 1892 Ward Hunt, New York Born 1811, died 1886 Morrison R. Waite, Ohio Born 1816, died 1888 John M. Harlan, Kentucky Born 1833, died 1911 William B. Woods, Georgia Born 1824, died 1887 Stanley Matthews, Ohio Born 1824, died 1889 8 years, 1853 to 18(>1 23 years, 1858 to 1881 20 years, 1861 to 1881 28 years, 1862 to 1890 15 years, 1862 to 1877 34 years, 1863 to 1897 Chief Justice, 9 years, 1864 to 1873 10 years, 1870 to 1880 22 years, 1870 to 1892 10 years, 1872 to 1882 Chief Justice, 14 years. 1874 to 1888 34 years, 1877 to 1911 7 years, 1880 to 1887 8 years, 1881 to 1889 [122] Horace Gray, Massachusetts Born 1828, died 1902 Samuel Blatchford, New York Born 1820, died 1893 Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Mississippi Born 1825, died 1893 Melville W. Fuller, Illinois Born 1833, died 1910 David J. Brewer, Kansas Born 1837, died 1910 Henry B. Brown, Michigan Born 1836, died 1913 George Shiras, Jr., Pennsylvania Born 1832 Howell E. Jackson, Tennessee Born 1832, died 1895 Edward D. White, Louisiana Born 1845 Appointed Chief Justice, 1910 RUFUS W. Peckham, New York 14 years, 1895 to 1909 Born 1838, died 1909 Joseph McKenna, California Born 1843 21 years, 1881 to 1902 11 years, 1882 to 1893 5 years, 1888 to 1893 Chief Justice, 22 years, 1888 to 1910 21 years, 1889 to 1910 16 years, 1890 to 1906 11 years, 1892 to 1903 2 years, 1893 to 1895 Associate Justice, 16 years, 1894 to 1910 Oliver W. Holmes, Massachusetts Born 1841 William R. Day, Ohio Born 1849 Appointed Appointed Appointed 1898 1902 1903 William H. Moody, Massachusetts 4 years, 1906 to 1910 Born 1853 Horace H. Lurton, Tennessee Born 1844, died 1914 5 years, 1909 to 1914 [123] Charles E. Hughes, New York 6 years, 1910 to 1916 Born 1862 Willis Van Devanter, Wyoming Appointed 1910 Born 1859 Joseph R. Lamar, Georgia " 1910 Born 1857, died 1916 Mahlon Pitney, New Jersey " 1912 Born 1858 James C. McReynolds, Tennessee " 1914 Born 1862 Louis D. Brandeis, Massachusetts " 1916 Born 1856 LI 24 J General Officers of the Armies of the United States During the War OF THE Rebellion General United States Army Ulysses S. Grant, Lieut.-Gen. U. S. Army, appointed July 25, 1866 LIEUTENANT-GENERALS UNITED STATES ARMY Ulysses S. Grant, Maj.-Gen. U. S. Army, from March 2, 1864 ; promoted Gen. July 25, 1866 William T. Sherman, Maj.-Gen. U. S. Army, from July 25, 1866 Major-Generals United States Army Winfield Scott, Brig.-Gen. U. S. Army, from June 25, 1841 ; retired Nov. 1, 1861 George B. McClellan, U. S. Army, from May 14, 1861 ; re- signed Nov. 8, 1864 John C. Fremont, late U. S. Army, from May 14, 1861 ; re- signed June 4, 1864 Henry W. Halleck, late U. S. Army, from Aug. 19, 1861 John E. Wool, Brig.-Gen., U. S. Army, from May 16, 1862 ; retired Aug. 1, 1863 Ulysses S. Grant, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from July 4, 1863; promoted to Lieut.-Gen. March 2, 1864 William T. Sherman, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Aug. 12, 1864; promoted to Lieut.-Gen. July 25, 1866 George G. Meade, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Aug. 18, 1864 Philip H. Sheridan, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Nov. 8, 1864 George H. Thomas, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Dec. 15, 1864 Winfield S. Hancock, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from July 26, 1866 [125] Major-Generals U. S. Volunteers John A. Dix, of N. Y., from May 16, 1861 ; resigned Nov. 30, 1865 Nathaniel P. Banks, of Mass., from May 16, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Benjamin F. Butler, of Mass., from May 16, 1861; re- signed Nov. 30, 1865 Brig.-Gen. David Hunter, U. S. Vols., from Aug. 13, 1861 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Edwin D. Morgan, of N. Y., from Sept. 28, 1861 ; resigned Jan. 1, 1863 Ethan A. Hitchcock, of Mo., from Feb. 10, 1862 ; mustered out Oct. 1, 1867 Brig.-Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. Vols., from Feb. 16, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. U. S. A., July 4, 1863 Brig.-Gen. Irvin McDowell, U. S. A., from March 14, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside, U. S. Vols., from March 18, 1862; resigned April 15, 1865 Brig.-Gen. William S. Rosecrans, U. S. A., from March 21, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Don Carlos Buell, U. S. Vols., from March 21, 1862 ; mustered out May 23, 1864 Brig.-Gen. John Pope, U. S. Vols., from March 21, 1862; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Samuel R. Curtis, U. S. Vols., from March 21, 1862 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Franz Sigel, U. S. Vols., from March 21, 1862 ; resigned May 4, 1865 Brig.-Gen. John A. McClernand, U. S. Vols., from March 21, 1862; resigned Nov. 30, 1864 Brig.-Gen. Charles F. Smith, U. S. Vols., from March 21, 1862; died April 25, 1862 Brig.-Gen. Lewis Wallace, U. S. Vols., from March 21, 1862 ; resigned Nov 30, 1865 [126] Brig.-Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchell, U. S. Vols., from April 11, 1862; died Oct. 30, 1862 Cassius M. Clay, of Ky., from April 11, 1862; resigned March 11, 1863 Brig.-Gen. George H. Thomas, U. S. Vols., from April 25, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. U. S. A., Dec. 15, 1864 George C. Cadwalader, of Pa., from April 25, 1862 ; re- signed July 5, 1865; Maj.-Gen. of State Vols, or Militia Brig.-Gen. Wm. T. Sherman, U. S. Vols., from May 1, 1862 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. Aug. 12, 1864 Brig.-Gen. Edward 0. C. Ord, U. S. Vols., from May 2, 1862; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Edwin Vose Sumner, U. S. A., from July 4, 1862 ; died March 21, 1863 Brig.-Gen. Samuel P. Heintzelman, U. S. Vols., from May 5, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Erasmus D. Keyes, U. S. Vols., from May 5, 1862 ; resigned May 6, 1864 Brig.-Gen. Joseph Hooker, U. S. Vols., from May 5, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Silas Casey, U. S. Vols., from May 31, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Philip Kearney, U. S. Vols., from July 4, 1862; killed Sept. 1, 1862 Brig.-Gen. Fitz John Porter, U. S. Vols., from July 4, 1862 ; out of service Jan. 21, 1863 Brig.-Gen. Wm. B. Franklin, U. S. Vols., from July 4, 1862 ; resigned Nov. 10, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Darius N. Couch, U. S. Vols., from July 4, 1862 ; resigned May 26, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Israel B. Richardson, U. S. Vols., from July 4, 1862 ; died of wounds Nov. 3, 1862 Brig.-Gen. Henry W. Slocum, U. S. Vols., from July 4, 1862 ; resigned Sept. 28, 1865 Brig.-Gen. John J. Peck, U. S. Vols., from July 4, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 [127] Brig.-Gen. John Sedgwick, U. S. Vols., from July 4, 1862 ; killed May 9, 1864 Brig.-Gen. George W. Morell, U. S. Vols., from July 4, 1862; expired by constitutional limitation March 4, 1863 Brig.-Gen. William F. Smith, U. S. Vols., from July 4, 1862; expired by constitutional limitation March 4, 1863 ; reappointed from March 9, 1864 ; resigned Nov. 4, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Alexander McD. McCook, U. S. Vols., from July 17, 1862; resigned Oct. 21, 1865 Brig.-Gen. William Nelson, U. S. Vols., from July 17, 1862 died Sept. 29, 1862 Brig.-Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden, U. S. Vols., from July 17 1862 ; resigned December 13, 1864 Brig.-Gen. Joseph K. F. Mansfield, U. S. A., from July 18 1862 ; died of wounds Sept. 18, 1862 Brig.-Gen. Isaac I. Stevens, U. S. Vols., from July 18, 1862 killed Sept. 1, 1862 Brig.-Gen. Horatio G. Wright, U. S. Vols., from July 18 1862; expired by constitutional limitation March 4 1863; reappointed from May 12, 1864; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. John G. Foster, U. S. Vols., from July 18, 1862 mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Jesse L. Reno, U. S. Vols., from July 18, 1862 died of wounds Sept. 14, 1862 Brig.-Gen. John G. Parke, U. S. Vols., from July 18, 1862 mustered out Jan. 15, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Christopher C. Augur, U. S. Vols., from Aug 9, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Robert C. Schenck, U. S. Vols., from Aug. 30 1862; resigned Dec. 5, 1863 Brig.-Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut, U. S. Vols., from Sept. 17 1862 ; mustered out June 20, 1865 [128] Brig.-Gen. Schuyler Hamilton, U. S. Vols., from Sept. 17, 1862 ; resigned Feb. 27, 1863 Brig.-Gen. Gordon Granger, U. S. Vols., from Sept. 17, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Charles S. Hamilton, U. S. Vols., from Sept. 18, 1862 ; resigned April 13, 1863 Brig.-Gen. Jacob Dolson Cox, U. S. Vols., from Oct. 6, 1862; expired by constitutional limitation March 4, 1863 ; reappointed from Dec. 7, 1864 ; resigned Jan. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Lovell H. Rosecrans, U. S. Vols., from Oct. 8, 1862; resigned Nov. 30, 1865 Brig.-Gen. James B. McPherson, U. S. Vols., from Oct. 8, 1862 ; killed July 22, 1864 Brig.-Gen. Thomas A. Morris, U. S. Vols., from Oct. 25, 1862 ; declined Brig.-Gen. Benjamin M. Prentiss, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned Oct. 8, 1863 Brig.-Gen. George Stoneman, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. John F. Reynolds, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; killed July 1, 1863 Brig.-Gen. George G. Meade, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. U. S. A., Aug. 18, 1864 Brig.-Gen. Oliver 0. Howard, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 1, 1869 Brig.-Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 1, 1868 Brig.-Gen. Robert H. Milroy, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned July 26, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Daniel Butterfield, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29. 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Winfteld S. Hancock, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. U. S. A., June 26, 1866 Brig.-Gen. George Sykes, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [129] Brig.-Gen. William H. French, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29,. 1862; mustered out May 6, 1864 Brig.-Gen. David S. Stanley, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Feb. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. James S. Negley, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned Jan. 19, 1865 Brig.-Gen. John M. Palmer, U. S. Vols., Nov. 29, 1862; resigned Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Fredrick Steele, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out March 1, 1867 Brig.-Gen. Abner Doubleday, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Napoleon J. T. Dana, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned May 27, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Hiram G. Berry, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; killed May 2, 1863 Brig.-Gen. Richard J. Oglesby, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned May 26, 1864 Brig-Gen. John A. Logan, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned Aug. 17, 1865 Brig.-Gen. James G. Blunt, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out July 29, 1865 Brig.-Gen. George L. Hartsuff, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Brig.-Gen, Cadwalader C. Washburn, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned May 25, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Francis J. Herron, TJ. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned June 7, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Frank P. Blair, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned Nov. 1, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Joseph J. Reynolds, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, U. S. Vols., from Dec. 31, 1862 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. Nov. 8, 1864 Brig.-Gen. John M. Schofield, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; expired by constitutional limitation March 4, [130] 1863; reappointed from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. N. B. Buford, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 Brig.-Gen. Julius H. Stahel, U. S. Vols., from March 14, 1863 ; resigned Feb. 8, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Carl Schurz, U. S. Vols., from March 14, 1863 ; resigned May 6, 1865 Brig.-Gen. John Newton, U. S. Vols., from March 30, 1863 ; commission expired April 18, 1864 Brig.-Gen. Amiel W. Whipple, U. S. Vols., from May 3. 1863 ; died of wounds May 7, 1863 Brig.-Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren, U. S. Vols., from May 3, 1863 ; resigned May 27, 1865 Brig.-Gen. David D. Birney, U. S. Vols., from May 23, 1863 ; died Oct. 18, 1864 Brig.-Gen. Wm. T. H. Brooks, U. S. Vols., from June 10, 1863 ; commission expired April 18, 1864 Brig.-Gen. Alfred Pleasonton, U. S. Vols., from June 22, 1863 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Brig.-Gen. John Buford, U. S. Vols., from July 1, 1863; died Dec. 16, 1863 Brig.-Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys, U. S. Vols., from July 8, 1863 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore, U. S. Vols., from July 10, 1863 ; resigned Dec. 5, 1865 Brig.-Gen. George C. Strong, U. S. Vols., from July 18, 1863 ; died of wounds July 30, 1863 Brig.-Gen. James A. Garfield, U. S. Vols., from Sept. 19, 1863; resigned Dec. 5, 1863 Brig.-Gen. James B. Steedman, U. S. Vols., from April 20, 1864 ; resigned Aug. 18, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Edward R. S. Canby, U. S. Vols., from May 7, 1864 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Andrew J. Smith, U. S. Vols., from May 12, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [131] Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br g.-Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, U, S. Vols., from June 7, 1864 ; resigned May 30, 1866 g.-Gen. John Gibbon, U. S. Vols., from June 7, 1864 mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 g.-Gen. Peter J. Osterhaus, U. S. Vols., from July 23 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 g.-Gen. Joseph A. Mower, U. S. Vols., from Aug. 12 1864; mustered out Feb. 1, 1866 g.-Gen. George Crook, U. S. Vols., from October 21 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 g.-Gen. Godfrey Weitzel, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 17, 1864 mustered out March 1, 1866 g.-Gen. William B. Hazen, U. S. Vols., from Dec. 13 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 g.-Gen. Alfred H. Terry, U. S. Vols., from Jan. 15, 1865 mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 g.-Gen. Thomas J. Wood, U. S. Vols., from Jan. 27 1865; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 g.-Gen. Wesley Merritt, U. S. Vols., from April 1, 1865 mustei:ed out Feb. 1, 1866 g.-Gen. Charles Griffin, U. S. Vols., from April 2, 1865 mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 g.-Gen. George A. Custer, U. S. Vols., from April 15 1865; mustered out Feb. 1, 1866 g.-Gen. Henry E. Davies, U. S. Vols., from May 4, 1865 resigned Jan. 1, 1866 g.-Gen. James H. Wilson, U. S. Vols., from May 6, 1865 mustered out Jan. 8, 1866 g.-Gen. Francis C. Barlow, U. S. Vols., from May 25 1865; resigned Nov. 16, 1865 g.-Gen. Gersham Mott, U. S. Vols., from May 26, 1865 resigned Feb. 20, 1866 g.-Gen. Benjamin H. Grierson, U. S. Vols., from May 27, 1865 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 g.-Gen. Judson Kilpatrick, U. S. Vols., from June 18, 1865; resigned Jan. 1, 1866 [132] Brig.-Gen, Wager Swayne, U. S. Vols., from June 20, 1865 mustered out Aug. 22, 1867 Brig.-Gen. M. D. Leggett, U. S. Vols., from Aug. 21, 1865 resigned Sept. 28, 1865 Brig.-Gen. Wm. H. Emory, U. S. Vols., from Sept. 25, 1865 mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Robert B. Potter, U. S. Vols., from Sept. 29 1865 ;mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Nelson A. Miles, U. S. Vols., from Oct. 21, 1865 mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Alvan C. Gillem, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 9, 1865 mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Brig.-Gen. Francis Fessenden, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 9 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Brig.- Gen. Giles A. Smith, U. S. Vols., from Nov. 24, 1865 mustered out Feb. 1, 1866 Brigadier-Generals U. S. Army John E. Wool, from June 25, 1841; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 16, 1862 William S. Harney, from June 14, 1858; retired Aug. 1, 1863 Edwin V. Sumner, Col. 1st U. S. Cavalry, from March 16, 1861 ; died March 21, 1863 Jloseph K. F. Mansfield, Col. and Brevet Brig.-Gen., In- spector-Gen., from May 14, 1861 ; died of wounds Sept. 18, 1862 Irvin McDowell, Brevet Maj. and Asst. Adj. -Gen., from May 14, 1861 Robert Anderson, Maj. 1st U. S. Artillery, from May 15, 1861; retired Oct. 27, 1863 Montgomery C. Meigs, Col: 11th U. S. Inf., as Quarter- master-Gen., from May 15, 1861 William S. Rosecrans, from May 16, 1861 ; resigned March 28, 1867 [133] Lorenzo Thomas, Gol. and Adj.-Gen., as Adj.-Gen., from Aug. 3, 1861 James W. Ripley, Lieut.-Col. of Ordnance, as Chief of Ord- nance Department, from Aug. 3, 1861; retired Sept. 15, 1863 Philip St. G. Cook, Col. 2d U. S. Cav., from Nov. 12, 1861 William A, Hammond, Asst. Surgeon U. S. A., as Surgeon- Gen., from April 25, 1862 ; out of service Aug. 18, 1864 , and retired Aug. 27, 1879 J!ohn Pope, Capt. Corps Top Engs., Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from July 14, 1862 Joseph Hooker, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Sept. 20, 1862 Joseph P. Taylor, Col. and Commissary-Gen., as Commis- sary-Gen. of Subsistence, from Feb. 9, 1863 ; died June 29, 1864 Joseph G. Totten, Col. Corps of Engineers, as Chief !of Corps of Engineers, from March 3, 1863; died April 22, 1864 George G. Meade, Maj. Corps of Engineers, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from July 3, 1863; promoted Maj.-Gen. Aug. 18, 1864 William T. Sherman, Col. 13th U. S. Inf., Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from July 4, 1863; promoted Maj.-Gen. Aug. 14, 1864 James B. McPherson, Capt. Corps of Engineers, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Aug. 1, 1863 ; killed July 22, 1864 George D. Ramsey, Col. Ordnance Department, as Chief of Ordnance Department, from Sept. 15, 1863 ; retired Sept. 12, 1864 George H. Thomas, Col. 5th U. S. Cav., Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Oct. 27, 1863 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. Dec. 15, 1864 James B. Fry, Maj. and Asst. Adj.-Gen. U. S. A., as Provost Marshal-Gen., from April 21, 1864; commission ex- pired Aug. 27, 1866 Richard Delafield. Col. Corps of Engineers, as Chief of Corps of Engineers, from April 22, 1864 [134] Joseph Holt, Col. and Judge Advocate-Gen., as Judge Ad- vocate-Gen., from June 22, 1864 Amos B. Eaton, Col. and Asst. Commissary-Gen., as Com- missary-Gen. of Subsistence, from June 29, 1864 Winfield S. Hancock, Maj. and Quartermaster U. S. A., Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Aug. 12, 1864; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 26, 1866 Joseph K. Barnes, Col. and Medical Inspector, as Surgeon- Gen., from Aug. 22, 1864 Alexander B. Dyer, Maj. Ordnance Department, as Chief of Ordnance, from Sept. 12, 1864 Philip H. Sheridan, Capt. 13th U. S. Inf., Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Sept. 20, 1864; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 8, 1864 John M. Schofield, Capt. 1st U. S. Artillery, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Nov. 30, 1864 Oliver 0. Howard, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Dec. 21, 1864 Alfred H. Terry, Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from Jan. 15, 1865 John A. Rawlins, Brig.-Gen. of Vols., as Chief of Staff, from March 3, 1865 Edward 0. C. Ord, Lieut.-Col. 1st U. S. Art., Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from July 26, 1866 Edward R. S. Canby, Col. 19th U. S. Inf., Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from July 28, 1866 Lovell H. Rousseau, late Maj.-Gen. of Vols., from March 28, 1867 Brigadier-Generals U. S. Volunteers Col. David Hunter, 3d U. S. Cav., from May 17, 1861 ; pro- moted to Maj.-Gen. Aug. 13, 1861 Col. Samuel P. Heintzelman, 17th U. S. Inf., from May 17, 1861 ; promoted to Maj.-Gen. July 4, 1862 Col. Erasmus D. Keyes, 11th U. S. Inf., from May 17, 1861; promoted to Maj.-Gen. July 4th, 1862 Col. Andrew Porter, 16th U. S. Inf., from May 17, 1861; mustered out April 4, 1864 [135] Col. Fitz John Porter, 15th U. S. Inf., from May 17, 1861 ; promoted to Maj.-Gen. July 4, 1862 Col. William B. Franklin, 12th U. S. Inf., from May 17, 1861; promoted to Maj.-Gen. July 4, 1862 Col. William T. Sherman, 13th U. S. Inf., from May 17, 1861; promoted to Maj.-Gen. May 1, 1862 €ol. Charles P. Stone, 14th U. S. Inf., from May 17, 1861 ; mustered out April 4, 1864 Lieut.-Col. Don Carlos Buell, Assist. Adj. -Gen., from May 17, 1861; promoted to Maj.-Gen. March 21, 1862 Lieut.-Col. Thomas W. Sherman, 5th U. S. Art., from May 17, 1861 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Maj. James Oakes, 2d U. S. Cav., from May 17, 1861 ; de- clined Capt. Nathaniel Lyon, 2d U. S. Inf., from May 17, 1861; killed in action Aug. 10, 1861 Capt. John Pope, Topographical Engineers U. S. A., from May 17, 1861 ; promoted to Maj.-Gen. March 21, 1862 George A. McCall, of Pa., from May 17, 1861; resigned March 31, 1863 William R. Montgomery, of N. J., Col. 1st N. J. Vols, from May 17, 1861; resigned April 4, 1864 Philip Kearney, of N. J., from May 17, 1861 ; promoted to Maj.-Gen. July 4, 1862 Joseph Hooker, of Cal., from May 17, 1861; promoted to Maj.-Gen. July 4, 1862 John W. Phelps, of Vt., Col. 1st Conn. Vols., from May 17, 1861 ; resigned Aug. 21, 1862 Ulysses S. Grant, of 111., Col. 21st 111. Vols., from May 17, 1861 ; promoted to Maj.-Gen. Feb. 16, 1862 Joseph J. Reynolds, of Ind., Col. 10th Ind. Vols., from May 17, 1861 ; resigned Jan. 23, 1862 ; reappointed ; pro- moted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Samuel R. Curtis, of Iowa, Col. 2d Iowa Inf., from May 17, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. March 21, 1862 [136] Charles S. Hamilton, of Wis., Col. 3d Wis. Vols., from May 17, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. Sept. 19, 1862 Darius N. Couch, of Mass., Col. 7th Mass. Vols., from May 17, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 4, 1862 Rufus King, of Wis., Brig.-Gen, Wis. State Vols, or Militia, from May 17, 1861 ; resigned Oct. 20, 1863 Jacob Dolson Cox, of Ohio, Brig.-Gen. Ohio State Vols, or Militia, from May 17, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Oct. 6, 1862 ; not confirmed ; promoted Maj.-Gen. Dec. 7, 1864 Stephen A. Hurlbut, of 111., from May 17, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Sept. 17, 1862 Franz Sigel, of Mo., Col. Mo. Vols., from May 17, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. March 21, 1862 Robert C. Schenck, of Ohio, from May 17, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. Aug. 30, 1862 Benjamin M. Prentiss, of 111., Col. 10th 111. Vols., from May 17, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Frederick W. Lander, of Mass., from May 17, 1861; died March 2, 1862 Edward D. Baker, of Ore., from May 17, 1861 ; declined Benjamin F. Kelly, of Va., Col. W. Va. Vols., from May 17, 1861 ; resigned June 1, 1865 John A. McClernand, of 111., from May 17, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. March 21, 1862 Alpheus S. Williams, of Mich., from May 17, 1861 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Israel B. Richardson, of Mich., Col. 2d Mich. Vols., from May 17, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 4, 1862 William Sprague, of R. I., from May 17, 1861 ; declined James Cooper, of Md., from May 17, 1861 ; died March 28, 1863 Capt. James B. Ricketts, 1st U. S. Art., from July 21, 1861 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 [137] Orlando B. Wilcox, of Mich., Col. 1st Mich. Vols., from July 21, 1861 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Michael Corcoran, of N. Y., Col. 69th N. Y. State Militia, from July 21, 1861 ; died Dec. 22, 1863 Ambrose E. Burnside, of R. I., Col. R. I. Vols., from Aug. 6, 1861 ; promoted to Maj.-Gen. March 18, 1862 Henry H. Lockwood, of Del., Col. 1st Del. Vols., from Aug. 8, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Louis Blenker, of N. Y., Col. 8th N. Y. Vols., from Aug. 9, 1861; discharged March 31, 1863 Henry W. Slocum, of N. Y., Col. 27th N. Y. Vols., from Aug. 9, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 4, 1862 James S. Wadsworth, of N. Y., from Aug. 9, 1861 ; killed May 6, 1864 John J. Peck, of N. Y., from Aug. 9, 1861 ; promoted Maj.- Gen., July 4, 1862 Ormsby M. Mitchell, of N. Y., from Aug. 9, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. April 11, 1862 George Morell, of N. Y., from Aug. 9, 1861; mustered out Dec. 15, 1864 John H. Martindale, of N. Y., from Aug. 9, 1861 ; resigned Sept. 13, 1864 Maj. Samuel D. Sturgis, 4th U. S. Cav., from Aug. 10, 1861; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Maj. George Stoneman, 1st U. S. Cav., from Aug. 13, 1861 ; promoted Maj. Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Maj. Henry W. Benham, Corps of Engs., from Aug. 13, 1861 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. W. F. Smith, Topographical Engs., U. S. A., and Col. 3d Vt. Vol. Inf., from Aug. 13, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 4, 1862 James W. Denver, of Cal., from Aug. 14, 1861; resigned March 5, 1863 Col. George H. Thomas, 2d U. S. Cav., from Aug. 17, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. April 25, 1862 [138] Egbert L. Viele, of N. Y., from Aug. 17, 1861 ; resigned Oct. 20, 1863 •James Shields, of Cal., from Aug. 19, 1861 ; resigned March 28, 1863 Lieut.-Col. John F. Reynolds, 14th U. S. Inf., from Aug. 20, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Maj. William F. Barry, 5th U. S. Inf., from Aug. 20, 1861 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Col. John J. Abercrombie, 6th U. S. Inf., from Aug. 31, 1861 ; mustered out June 24, 1864 Col. John Sedgwick, 4th U. S. Cav., from Aug. 31, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 4, 1862 Lieut.-Col. Charles F. Smith, 10th U. S. Inf., from Aug. 31, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. March 21, 1862 Lieut.-Col. Silas Casey, 9th U. S. Inf., from Aug. 31, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 31, 1862 Maj. Lawrence P. Graham, 2d U. S. Cav., from Aug. 31, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Capt. George G. Meade, Topographical Engs., from Aug. 31, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Charles J. Biddle, of Pa., Col. 13th Pa. Reserves, from Aug. 31, 1861 ; declined Abram Duryee, of N. Y., Col. 5th N. Y. Vols., from Aug. 31, 1861 ; resigned Jan. 5, 1863 Maj. Justus McKinstry, Quartermaster U. S. Army, from Sept. 2, 1861 ; commission expired July 17, 1862 Capt. Alexander McD. McCook, 3d U. S. Inf., and Col. 1st Ohio Vol. Inf., from Sept. 3, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 17, 1862 Oliver 0. Howard, of Me., Col. 3d Me. Vols.,from Sept. 3., 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Eleazer Paine, of 111., Col. 9th 111. Vols., from Sept. 3, 1861 ; resigned April 5, 1865 Daniel E. Sickles, of N. Y., Col. 70th N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 3, 1861 ; negatived by the Senate March 20, 1862 ; reap- pointed from Sept. 3, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 [139] Charles D. Jamison, of Me., Col. 2d Me. Vols., from Sept. 3, 1861 ; died Nov. 6, 1862 Ebenezer Dumont, of Ind., Col. 7th Ind. Vols., from Sept. 3, 1861 ; resigned Feb. 28, 1863 Robert H. Milroy, of Ind., Col. 9th Ind. Vols., from Sept. 3, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Lewis Wallace, of Ind., Col. 11th Ind. Vols., from Sept. 3, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. March 21, 1862 William A. Richardson, of 111., from Sept. 3, 1861 ; declined Charles M. Thurston, of Md., from Sept. 7, 1861 ; resigned April 17, 1862 Willis A. Gorman, of Minn., Col. 1st Minn. Vols., from Sept. 7, 1861 ; mustered out May 4, 1864 Daniel Butterfield, of N. Y., Col. 12th N. Y. State Militia, and Lieut.-Col. 12th U. S. Inf., from Sept. 7, 1861 ; pro- moted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Maj. Horatio G. Wright, Corps of Engs., from Sept. 14, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 18, 1862 Capt. Edward O. C. Ord, 3d U. S. Art., from Sept. 14, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 2, 1862 Lieut. William Nelson, U. S. Navy, from Sept. 16, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 17, 1862 W. T. Ward, of Ken., from Sept. 18, 1861; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 John B. S. Todd, of Dak. Ter., from Sept. 19, 1861 ; commis- sion expired July 17, 1862 Col. Randolph B. Marcy, Inspector-Gen., from Sept. 23, 1861 ; commission expired July 17, 1862 ; reappointed from Sept. 23, 1861 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 Maj. John G. Barnard, Corps of Engs., from Sept. 23, 1861 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Maj. Innis N. Palmer, 5th U. S. Cav., from Sept. 23, 1861 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Maj. Seth Williams, Asst. Adj.-Gen., from Sept. 23, 1861; died March 23, 1866 [140] Maj. Stewart Van Vliet, Quartermaster, from Sept. 23, 1861 ; commission expired July 17, 1862 ; reappointed March 13, 1865; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Maj. John Newton, Corps of Engs., from Sept. 23, 1861; promoted Maj. -Gen. March 30, 1863 Capt. Winfield S. Hancock, Asst. Quartermaster, from Sept. 28, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Thomas L. Crittenden, of Ken., from Sept. 27, 1861 ; pro- moted to Maj.-Gen. July 17, 1862 Col. George Wright, 9th U. S. Inf., from Sept. 28, 1861; died July 30, 1865 Maj. Thomas Williams, 5th U. S. Art., from Sept. 28, 1861; killed Aug. 5, 1862 Maj. George Sykes, 14th U. S. Inf., from Sept. 28, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Maj. William W. Burns, Com. of Subsistence, from Sept. 28, 1861; resigned March 20, 1863 Capt. William H. French, 1st U. S. Art., from Sept. 28, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Capt. William T. H. Brooks, 3d U. S. Inf., from Sept. 28, 1861; resigned July 14, 1864 Captain John M. Brannan, 1st U. S. Art., from Sept. 28, 1861 ; mustered out May 31, 1866 Capt. John P. Hatch, 3d U. S. Cav., from Sept. 28, 1861; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. David S. Stanley, 4th U. S. Cav., from Sept. 28, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Isaac I. Stevens, of Wash. Ter., Col. 79th N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 28, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 18, 1862 William K. Strong, of N. Y., from Sept. 28, 1861 ; resigned Oct. 20, 1863 Alban Schoepf , of Md., from Sept. 30, 1861 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Lovell H. Rousseau, of Ken., Col. 5th Ken. Vols., from Oct. 1, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. Oct. 8, 1862 Melancthon S. Wade, of Ohio, from Oct. 1, 1861 ; resigned March 18, 1862 [141] James S. Negley, of Pa., Col. 48th Pa. Vols., from Oct. 1, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Lieut.-Col. Thomas J. Wood, 4th U. S. Cav., from Oct. 11, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Jan. 27, 1865 Capt. Richard W. Johnson, 5th U. S. Cav., from Oct. 11, 1861; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Adolph von Steinwehr, of N. Y., Col. 29th N. Y. Vols., from Oct. 12, 1861 ; resigned July 3, 1865 Capt. Joseph B. Plummer, 1st U. S. Inf., and Col. 11th Mo. Vols., from Oct. 22, 1861 ; died Aug. 9, 1862 Capt. John G. Foster, Corps of Engs., from Oct. 23, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 18, 1862 Maj. George W. Cullom, Corps of Engs., Col. and Ad- ditional Aide-de-Camp, from Nov. 12, 1861 ; commis- sion expired July 17, 1862 ; reappointed from Nov. 1, 1861; mustered out Sept. 1, 1876 Jeremiah T. Boyle, of Ken., from Nov. 4, 1861 ; resigned Jan. 26, 1864 Maj. Christopher C. Augur, 13th U. S. Inf., from Nov. 12, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Aug. 9, 1862 Capt. Jesse L. Reno, Ordnance Dept., from Nov. 12, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 18, 1862 Schuyler Hamilton, of N. Y., Col. and Aide-de-Camp, from Nov. 12, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Sept. 17, 1862 Julius H. Stahel, of N. Y., Col. 8th N. Y. Vol. Inf., from Nov. 12, 1861 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. March 14, 1863 George W. Morgan, of Ohio, from Nov. 12, 1861 ; resigned June 8, 1863 Capt. John M. Schofield, 1st U. S. Art., and Maj. 1st Mo. Vols.; Brig.-Gen. Mo. Militia, from Nov. 21, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 12, 1863 Thomas J. McKean, Additional Paymaster, from Nov. 21, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Maj. Zealous B. Power, Corps of Engs., from Nov. 23, 1861 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [142] Capt. John G. Parke, Corps of Topographical Engs., from Nov. 23, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 18, 1862 Capt. Jefferson C. Davis, 1st U. S. Art., and Col. 22d Indian Vols., from Dec. 18, 1861 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 John M. Palmer, of 111., Col. 14th 111. Vols., from Dec. 20, 1861; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 William H. Keim, of Pa., from Dec. 20, 1861 ; died May 18.. 1862 James A. Garfield, of Ohio, Col. 42d Ohio Vols., from Jan. 11, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Sept. 19, 1863 Maj. Lewis G. Arnold, 1st U. S. Art., from Jan. 24, 1862; commission expired Feb. 8, 1864 Maj. Frederick Steele, 11th U. S. Inf., and Col. 8th Iowa Vols., from Jan. 29, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Lieut.-Col W. S. Ketchum, 10th U. S. Inf., from Feb. 3, 1862 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Maj. Abner Doubleday, 17th U. S. Inf., from Feb. 3, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Maj. John W. Davidson, 2d U. S. Cav., from Feb. 3, 1862; mustered out Jan, 15, 1866 Napoleon J. T. Dana, of Minn., Col. 1st Minn. Vols., from Feb. 3, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 David D. Birney, of Pa., Col. 23d Pa. Vols., from Feb. 3, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 23, 1863 Thomas Francis Meagher, of N. Y., from Feb. 3, 1862; resigned May 15, 1865 Henry M. Naglee, of Cal., from Feb. 4, 1862 ; mustered out April 4, 1864 Andrew Johnson, of Tenn., from March 4, 1862; resigned March 3, 1865 James G. Spears, of Tenn., Lieut.-Col. 1st Tenn. Vols., from March 5, 1862 ; out of service Aug. 30, 1864 Capt. Eugene A. Carr, 4th U. S. Cav. and Col. 3d 111. Cav. Vols., from March 7, 1862; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [143] Thomas A, Davies, of N. Y., Col. 16th N. Y. Vols., from March 7, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Daniel Tyler, of Conn., Col. 1st Conn. Vols, and Brig.-Gen. State Vols, or Militia, from March 13, 1862; resigned April 6, 1864 Lieut.-Col. William H. Emory, 6th U. S. Cav., from March 17, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Sept. 25, 1865 Maj. Andrew J. Smith, 1st U. S. Cav. and Col. 2d Cal. Cav. Vols., from March 17, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 12, 1864 Marsena R. Patrick, of N. Y., Inspector-Gen. N. Y. State Militia, from March 17, 1862 ; resigned June 12, 1865 Isaac F. Quinby, of N. Y., late Col. 13th N. Y. Vols., from March 17, 1862; resigned Dec. 31, 1863 Hiram G. Berry, of Me., Col. 4th Me. Vols., from March 17, 1862; promoted Maj. Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Orris S. Ferry, of Conn., Col. 5th Conn. Vols., from March 17, 1862; resigned June 15, 1865 Maj. Daniel P. Woodbury, Corps of Engs., Lieut.-Col., and Additional Aide-de-Camp, from March 19, 1862; died Aug. 15, 1864 Capt. Henry M. Judah, 4th U. S. Inf. and Col. 4th Cal. Vols., from March 21, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Richard J. Oglesby, of 111., Col. 8th 111. Vols., from March 21, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 John Cooke, of 111., Col. 7th 111. Vols., from March 21, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 William H. L. Wallace, of 111., Col. 11th 111. Vols., from March 21, 1862 ; died of wounds April 10, 1862 John McArthur, of 111., Col. 12th 111. Vols., from March 21, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Robert L. McCook, of Ohio, Col. 9th Ohio Vols., from March 21, 1862; killed Aug. 6, 1862 Jacob G. Lauman, of Iowa, Col. 7th Iowa Vols., from March 21, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 [144] Horatio P. Van Cleve, of Minn., Col. 2d Minn. Vols., from March 21, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 John A. Logan, of 111., Col. 31st 111. Vols., from March 21, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Speed S. Fry, of Ken., Col. 4th Ken. Vols., from March 21, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Alexander Asboth, of Mo., Col. 2d Mo. Vols., from March 21, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 James Craig, of Mo., from March 21, 1862 ; resigned May 14, 1863 Mahlon D. Manson, of Ind., Col. 10th Ind. Vols., from March 24, 1862; resigned Dec. 21, 1864 Capt. Gordon Granger, 3d U. S. Cav. and Col. 2d Mich. Cav. Vols., from March 26, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Sept. 17, 1862 Colonel Edward R. S. Canby, 19th U. S. Inf., from March 31, 1862 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 7, 1864 Grenville M. Dodge, of Iowa, Col. 4th Iowa Vols., from March 31, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. June 7, 1864 Robert B. Mitchell, of Kan., Col. 2d Kan. Vols., from April 8, 1862; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 James G. Blunt, of Kan., from April 8, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 1^'rancis E. Patterson, of Pa., Col. 115th Pa. Vols., from April 11, 1862; died Nov. 6, 1862 Maj. Amiel W. Whipple, Topographical Engs., from April 14, 1862 ; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 3, 1863 Capt. Cuvier Grover, 10th U. S. Inf., from April 14, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Capt. George L. Hartsuff, Asst. Adj.-Gen., from April 15, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Capt. Rufus Saxton, Asst. Quartermaster, from April 15, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Benjamin Alvord, Paymaster U. S. A., from April 15, 1862 ; resigned Aug. 8, 1865 Napoleon B. Buford, of 111., Col. 27th 111. Vols., from April [145] 15, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen., commission as such expired by Constitutional limitation ; mustered out as Brig.-Gen., Aug. 24, 1865 William S. Smith, of Ohio, Col. 13th Ohio Vols., from April 15, 1862 ; resigned July 15, 1864 Nathan Kimball, of Ind., Col. 14th Ind. Vols., from April 15, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Charles Devens, of Mass., Col. 15th Mass. Vols., from April 15, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 James H. Van Allen, of N. Y., Col. 3d N. Y. Cav. Vols., from April 15, 1862 ; resigned July 14, 1863 Carl Schurz, of Mo., from April 15, 1862; promoted Maj.- Gen. March 14, 1863 Maj. Samuel W. Crawford, 13th U. S. Inf., from April 25, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Maj. Henry W. Wessells, 6th U. S. Inf. and Col. 8th Kan. Vols., from April 25, 1862; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Milo S. Hascall, of Ind., Col. 17th Ind. Vols., from April 25, 1862; resigned Oct. 27, 1864 Leonard F. Ross, of 111., Col. 17th 111. Vols., from April 25, 1862; resigned July 22, 1863 John W. Geary, of Pa., Col. 28th Pa. Vols., from April 25, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Alfred H. Terry, of Conn., Col. 7th Conn. Vols., from April 25 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Jan. 15, 1865 Maj. Andrew A. Humphreys, Topographical Engs., Col. and Additional Aide-de-Camp, from April 28, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 8, 1863 Maj. James H. Carleton, 6th U. S. Cav. and Col. 1st Cal. Vols., from April 28, 1862; mustered out April 30, 1866 Maj. Absalom Baird, Asst. Inspector-Gen. from April 28, 1862; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Capt. John C. Robinson, 5th U. S. Inf. and Col. 1st Mich, Vols., from April 28, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 [146] Capt. Truman Seymour, 5th U. S. Art-., from April 28, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Capt. Quincy A. Gillmore, Corps of Engs., from April 28, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 10, 1863 Capt. Georg-e D, Bayard, 4th U. S. Cav. and Col. 1st Pa. Cav. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; died of wounds Dec. 14, 1862 Paymaster Henry Prince, U. S. A., from April 28, 1862; mustered out April 30, 1866 Abraham Piatt, of Ohio, Col. 13th Ohio Vols., from April 28, 1862; resigned Feb. 17, 1863 Thomas T. Crittenden, of Ind., Col. 6th Ind. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; resigned May 5, 1863 Max Weber, of N. Y., Col. 20th N. Y. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; resigned May 13, 1865 Pleasant A. Hackleman, of Ind., Col. 16th Ind. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; killed Oct. 3, 1862 Jeremiah C. Sullivan, of Ind., Col. 13th Ind. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; resigned May 11, 1865 Alvin P. Hovey, of Ind., Col. 24th Ind. Vols., from April 28, 1862; resigned Oct. 7, 1865 James C. Veatch, of Ind., Col. 25th Ind. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 William P. Benton, of Ind., Col. 8th Ind. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; resigned July 24, 1865 Henry Bohlen, of Pa., Col. 75th Pa. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; killed Aug. 22, 1862 John C. Caldwell, of Me., Col. 11th Me. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 16, 1866 Isaac P. Rodman, of R. I., Col. 4th R. I. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; died of wounds Sept. 30, 1862 Neal Dow, of Me., Col. 13th Me. Vols., from April 28, 1862; resigned Nov. 30, 1864 George S. Green, of N. Y., Col. 60th N. Y. Vols., from April 28, 1862 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 [147] Samuel P. Carter, of Tenn., Col. 2d Tenn. Vols., from May I, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. John Gibbon, 4th U. S. Art., from May 2, 1862 ; pro- moted Maj.-Gen. June 7, 1864 George W. Taylor, of N. J., Col. 3d N. J. Vols., from May 9, 1862; died of wounds Aug. 31, 1862 Erastus B. Tyler, of Ohio, Col. 7th Ohio Vols., from May 14, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Capt. James B. McPherson, Corps of Engs., Col. and Ad- ditional Aide-de-Camp, from May 15, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Oct. 8, 1862 Capt. Charles Griffin, 5th U. S. Art., from June 9, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. April 2, 1865 George H. Gordon, of Mass., Col. 2d Mass. Vols., from June 9, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 James M. Tuttle, of Iowa, Col. 2d Iowa Vols., from June 9, 1862 ; resigned June 14, 1864 Julius White, of 111., Col. 37th 111. Vols., from June 9, 1862 ; resigned Nov. 19, 1864 Peter J. Osterhaus, of Mo., Col. 12th Mo. Vols., from June 9, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 23, 1864 Stephen G. Burbridge, of Ky., Col. 26th Ky. Vols., from June 9, 1862; resigned Dec. 1, 1865 Maj. Washington L. Elliott, 1st U. S. Cav., and Col. 2d Iowa Cav., from June 11, 1862; mustered out March 1, 1866 Capt. Albion P. Howe, 4th U. S. Art., from June 11, 1862; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Green Clay Smith, of Ky., Col. 4th Ky. Cav., from June II, 1862 ; resigned Dec. 1, 1863 William B. Campbell, of Tenn., from June 30, 1862; re- signed Jan. 26, 1863 Capt. Philip H. Sheridan, 13th U. S. Inf. and Col. 2d Mich. Cav. Vols., from July 1, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Dec. 31, 1862 [148] Maj. Benjamin S. Roberts, 3d U. S. Cav., from July 16, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Maj. Alfred Pleasanton, 2d U. S. Cav., from July 16, 1862 ; promoted Maj. -Gen. June 22, 1863 Jacob Ammen, of Ohio, Col. 24th Ohio Vols., from July 16, 1862; resigned Jan. 4, 1865 Joshua W. Sill, of Ohio, Col. 33d Ohio Vols., from July 16, 1862; killed Dec. 31, 1862 Catharinus P. Buckingham, of Ohio, from July 16, 1862; resigned Feb. 11, 1863 Fitz Henry Warren, of Iowa, Col. 1st Iowa Cav., from July 16, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Morgan L. Smith, of Mo., Col. 8th Mo. Vols., from July 16, 1862 ; resigned July 12, 1865 Charles Cruft, of Ind., Col. 31st Ind. Vols., from July 16, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Frederick Salomon ,of Wis., Col. 9th Wis. Vols., from July 16, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 James S. Jackson, of Ken., Col. 3d Ken. Cav., from July 16. 1862; killed Oct. 8, 1862 Cadwalader C. Washburn, of Wis., Col. 2d Wis. Cav., from July 16, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Francis J. Herron, of Iowa, Lieut.-Col. 9th Iowa Cav., from July 16, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 John Cochran, of N. Y., Col. 65th N. Y. Vols., from July 17, 1862; resigned Feb. 25, 1863 John B. Turchin, of 111., Col. 19th 111. Vols., from July 17, 1862; resigned Oct. 4th, 1864 Henry S. Briggs, of Mass., Col. 10th Mass. Vols., from July 17, 1862; mustered out Dec. 4, 1865 Conrad Feger Jackson, of Pa., Col. 9th Pa. Vols., from July 17, 1862; killed Dec. 13, 1862 James D. Morgan, of 111., Col. 10th 111. Vols., from July 17, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 August Willich, of Ind., Col. 32d Ind. Vols., from July 17, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [149] Henry D. Terry, of Mich., Col. 5th Mich. Vols., from July 17, 1862; resigned Feb. 7, 1865 James B. Steedman, of Ohio, Col. 14th Ohio Vols., from July 17, 1862; promoted to Maj.-Gen. April 20, 1864 George F. Shepley, of Me., from July 18, 1862; resigned July 1, 1865 Thomas H. Hicks, of Md., from July 22, 1862 ; declined Maj. John Buford, Asst. Inspector-Gen., from July 27, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. July 1, 1863 Frank P. Blair, of Mo., Col. 1st Mo. Art., from Aug. 7, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 29, 1862 Richard Busteed, of N. Y., from Aug. 7, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 John R. Kenly, of Md., Col. 1st Md. Vols., from Aug. 22, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 John B. Slough, of Col., Col. 1st Col. Vols., from Aug. 25, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 First Lieut. Godfrey Weitzel, Corps of Engs., from Aug. 29, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 17, 1864 Lieut-Col. Gabriel R. Paul, 8th U. S. Inf. and Col. 4th N. Mex. Vols., from Sept. 5, 1862; commission expired March 4, 1863 ; reappointed from April 18, 1863 ; mus- tered out Sept. 1, 1866 Charles E. Hovey, of 111., Col. 33d 111. Vols., from Sept. 5, 1862; commission expired March 4, 1863 Col. Herman Haupt, Additional Aide-de-Camp, from Sept. 5, 1862 ; declined Capt. George Crook, 4th U. S. Inf. and Col. 36th Ohio Vols., from Sept. 7, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Oct. 21, 1864 Joseph B. Carr, of N. Y., Col. 2d N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 7, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 ; reappointed from March 30, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Thomas L. Kane, of Pa., Col. 1st Pa. Rifles, from Sept. 7, 1863; resigned Nov. 7, 1863 Nelson Taylor, of N. Y., Col. 72d N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 7, 1862 ; resigned Jan. 19, 1863 [150] Gersham Mott, of N. J., Col. 6th N. J. Vols., from Sept. 7, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 26, 1865 Capt Charles C. Gilbert, 1st U. S. Inf., from Sept. 9, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 ; not confirmed Capt. William R. Terrill, 5th U. S. Art., from Sept, 9, 1862; killed Oct. 8, 1862 Calvin E. Pratt, of New York, Col. 31st N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 10, 1862 ; resigned April 25, 1863 James Nagle, of Pa., Col. 48th Pa. Vols., from Sept. 10, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 ; reappointed March 13, 1863 ; resigned May 9, 1863 Edward Ferrero, of N. Y., Col. 51st N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 10, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 ; reap- pointed from May 6, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Maj. Henry J. Hunt, 5th U. S. Art., Col. and Additional Aide-de-Camp, from Sept. 15, 1862 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Capt. Francis L. Vinton, 13th U. S. Inf. and Col. 43d N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 19, 1862; commission expired March 4, 1863 ; reappointed from March 13, 1863 ; resigned May 5, 1863 Gustavus A. Smith, of 111., Col. 35th 111. Vols., from Sept. 19, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 Francis C. Barlow, of N. Y., Col. 61st N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 19, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 25, 1865 Thomas A. Morris, of Ind., Brig.-Gen. Ind. State Vols, or Militia, from Sept. 20, 1862 ; declined Mason Brayman, of 111., Col. 29th 111. Vols., from Sept. 24, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 25, 1865 N. J. Jackson, of Me., Col. 5th Me. Vols., from Sept. 24, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Capt. George W. Getty, 5th U. S. Art., Lieut.-Col. and Ad- ditional Aide-de-Camp, from Sept. 25, 1862 ; mustered out Oct. 9, 1866 [151] Maj. Alfred Sully, 8th U. S. Inf. and Col. 1st Minn. Vols., from Sept. 26, 1862 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Capt. Gouverneur K. Warren, Topographical Eng-s., and Col. 5th N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 26, 1862; promoted Maj. -Gen. May 3, 1863 Capt. Wm. W. Averell, 3d U. S. Cav., and Col. 3d Pa. Cav., from Sept. 26, 1862 ; resigned May 18, 1865 Robert Cowden, of Mass., Col. 1st Mass. Vols., from Sept. 26, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 Alexander Hays, of Pa., Col. 63d Pa. Vols., from Sept. 29, 1862 ; killed May 5, 1864 Henry H. Sibley, of Minn., from Sept. 29, 1862 ; commis- sion expired March 4, 1863 ; reappointed from March 20, 1863 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Francis B. Spinola, of N. Y., from Oct. 1, 1862; resigned June 8, 1865 John H. H. Ward, of N. Y., Col. 38th N. Y. Vols., from Oct. 4, 1862; mustered out July 18, 1864 Joseph J. Bartlett, of N. Y., Col. 27th N. Y. Vols., from Oct. 4, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 ; re- appointed from March 30, 1863 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Solomon Meredith, of Ind., Col. 19th Ind. Vols., from Oct. 6, 1862 ; mustered out May 22, 1865 James Bowen, of N. Y., from Oct. 11, 1862; resigned July 27, 1864 Col. Gustave P. Cluseret, Additional Aide-de-Camp, from Oct. 14, 1862; resigned March 2, 1863 Eliakim P. Scammon, of Ohio, Col. 23d Ohio Vols., from Oct. 15, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Maj. Robert S. Granger, 5th U. S. Inf., from Oct. 20, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Joseph R. West, of Cal., Col. 1st Cal. Vols., from Oct. 25, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 4, 1866 Joseph W. Revere, of N. J., Col. 7th N. J. Vols., from Oct. 25, 1862 ; resigned Aug. 10, 1863 [152] Lieut.-Col. Alfred W. Ellett, Additional Aide-de-Camp, from Nov. 1, 1862; resigned Dec. 21, 1864 Edwin H. Stoughton, of Vt., Col. 4th Vt. Vols., from No.v, 5, 1862; commission expired March 4, 1863 George L. Andrews, of Mass., Col. 2d Mass. Vols., from Nov. 10, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Clinton B. Fisk, of Mo., Col. 33d Mo. Vols., from Nov. 24, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Col. Henry B. Carrington, 18th U. S. Inf., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Lieut.-Col. Robert C. Buchanan, 4th U. S. Inf., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 Capt. James A. Hardie, 5th U. S. Art., Lieut.-Col. and Ad- ditional Aide-de-Camp, from Nov. 29, 1862 ; commis- sion expired Jan. 22, 1863 Capt. William Hays, 2d U. S. Art, Lieut.-Col. and Addi- tional Aide-de-Camp, from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Maj. John H. King, 15th U. S. Inf., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Maj. Israel Vogdes, 1st U. S. Art., from Nov. 29, 1862 Maj. Adam J. Slemmer, 16th U. S. Inf., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Maj. David A. Russell, 8th U. S. Inf. and Col. 4th Mass. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; killed Sept. 19, 1864 Capt. Lewis C. Hunt, 4th U. S. Inf. and Col. 92d N. Y. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. Thomas H. Neill, 5th U. S. Inf. and Col. 23d Pa. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Capt. Thomas G. Pitcher, 8th U. S. Inf., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out April 30, 1866 Capt. Thomas W. Sweeny, 2d U. S. Inf. and Col. 52d 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Capt. Frank Wheaton, 4th U. S. Cav. and Col. 2d R. I. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out April 30, 1866 [153] Capt. Wm. P. Carlin, 6th U. S. Inf. and Col. 38th 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Capt. John S. Mason,, 11th U. S. Inf. and Col. 4th Ohio Vols,, from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out April 30, 1866 Capt. Romeyn B. Ayres, 5th U. S. Art., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Capt. Richard Arnold, 5th U. S. Art., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Capt. David McM. Gregg, 6th U. S. Cav. and Col. 8th Pa. Cav., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned Feb. 3, 1865 Capt. Wm. B. Hazen, 8th U. S. Inf. and Col. 41st Ohio Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Jan. 15, 1865 Capt. Robert 0. Tyler, Asst. Quartermaster U. S. A. and Col. 1st Conn. Heavy Art, from Nov. 29, 1862; mus- tered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. James St. Clair Morton, Corps of Engs., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Nov. 7, 1863 Capt. Joseph A. Mower, 1st U. S. Inf. and Col. 11th Mo. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Aug. 12, 1864 Capt. Alfred T. A. Torbert, 5th U. S. Inf. and Col. 1st N. J. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 First Lieut. Orlando M. Poe, Topographical Engs., U. S. A. and Col. 2d Mich. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; commis- sion expired March 4, 1863 First Lieut. George C. Strong, Ordance Dept., Maj. and Asst. Adj.-Gen., U. S. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; pro- moted Maj.-Gen. July 18, 1863 Isham N. Haynie, of 111., Col. 48th 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 D. Stuart, of 111., Col. 55th 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; commission expired March 11, 1863 John F. Farnsworth, of 111., Col. 8th 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned March 4, 1863 [154] F. S. Stumbaugh, of Pa., Col. 77th Pa. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; commission expired, Jan. 23, 1863 Charles T. Campbell, of Pa., Col. 57th Pa. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; commission expired, March 4, 1863; reap- pointed from March 13, 1863; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 William H. Lytle, of Ohio, Col. 10th Ohio Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; died of wounds, Sept. 20, 1863 Gilman Marston, of N. H., Col. 2d N. H. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned April 20, 1865 Michael K. Lawler, of 111., Col. 18th 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 George D. Wagner, of Ind., Col. 15th Ind. Vols., from Nov. • 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 William Dwight, of N. Y., Col. 70th N. Y. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Lysander Cutler, of Wis., Col. 6th Wis. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned June 30, 1865 James W. McMillen, of Ind., Col. 21st Ind. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned May 15, 1865 Sullivan A. Meredith, of Pa., Col. 56th Pa. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Joseph F. Knipe, of Pa., Col. 46th Pa. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 .E. W. Hinks, of Mass., Col. 19th Mass. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned June 30, 1865 Joshua T. Owens, of Pa., Col. 69th Pa. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 ; reappointed from March 30, 1863 ; mustered out July 18, 1864 John D. Stevenson, of Mo., Col. 7th Mo. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; commission expired March 4, 1863; reap- pointed from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned April 22, 1864; reappointed to rank as before, mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 James Barnes, of Mass., Col. 18th Mass. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [155] E. N. Kirk, of 111., Col. 34th 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; died July 29, 1863 N. C. McLean, of Ohio, Col. 75th Ohio Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned April 20, 1865 Theophilus T. Garrard, of Ken., Col. 3d Ken. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out April 4, 1864 William Vandever, of Iowa, Col. 9th Iowa Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Alexander Schemmelfinnig, of Pa., Col. 74th Pa. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; died Sept. 7, 1865 Edward Harland, of Conn., Col. 8th Conn. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned June 22, 1865 Charles K. Graham, of N. Y., Col. 74th N. Y. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 S. K. Zook, of N. Y., Col. 57th N. Y. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; killed July 2, 1863 Samuel Beatty, of Ohio, Col. 19th Ohio Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Isaac Wistar, of Pa., Col. 71st Pa. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned Sept. 15, 1864 John E. Smith, of 111., Col. 45th 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Frank S. Nickerson, of Me., Col, 14th Me. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned May 13, 1865 Edward H. Hobson, of Ken., Col. 13th Ken. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 R. B. Buckland, of Ohio, Col. 72d Ohio Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned Jan. 6, 1865 Joseph D. Webster, of 111., Col. 1st 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned Nov. 5, 1865 William W. Orme, of 111., Col. 94th 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned April 26, 1864 William Harrowe, of Ind., Col. 14th Ind. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned April 20, 1865 Joseph T. Copeland, of Mich., Col. 5th Mich. Cav., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned Nov. 8, 1865 [156] William H. Morris, of N. Y., Col. 6th N. Y. Vol. Art., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 John Beatty, of Ohio, Col. 3d Ohio Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned Jan. 28, 1864 Thomas H. Ruger, of Wis., Col. 3d Wis. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 T. E. G. Ransom, of 111., Col. 11th 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; died Oct. 29, 1864 Elias S. Dennis, of 111., Lieut.-Col. 30th 111. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Thomas C. H. Smith, of Ohio, Lieut.-Col. 1st Ohio Cav., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Charles A. Heckman, of N. J., Lieut.-Col. 9th N. J. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned May 25, 1865 Mortimer D. Leggett, of Ohio, Lieut.-Col. 78th Ohio Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; promoted Maj.-Gen. Aug. 21, 1865 David Tillson, of Me., Lieut.-Col. 1st Me. Light Art., from Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out Jan. 17, 1867 Stephen G. Champlin, of Mich., Maj. 3d Mich. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; died Jan. 26, 1864 Hector Tyndale, of Pa., Maj. 28th Pa. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned Aug. 26, 1864 Charles C. Dodge, of N. Y., Col. 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifles, from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned June 12, 1863 Edward E. Potter, of N. Y., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned July 24, 1865 Thomas A. Rowley, of Pa., Col. 102d Pa. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned Dec. 29, 1864 Albert L. Lee, of Pa., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned May 4, 1865 Charles L. Matthies, of Iowa, Col. 5th Iowa Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned May 16, 1864 Marcellus M. Crocker, of Iowa, Col. 13th Iowa Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; died Aug. 26, 1865 Egbert B. Brown, of Mo., late Lieut.-Col. 7th Mi. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned Nov. 10, 1865 [157] John McNeil, of Mo., Col. 2d Mo. State Militia Cav., from Nov. 29, 1862; resigned April 12, 1865 George P. McGinnis, of Ind., Col. 11th Ind. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 George W. Deitzler, of Kan., Col. 1st Kan. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; resigned Aug. 27, 1863 Hugh Ewing, of Ohio, Col. 13th Ohio Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 James H. Ledlie, of N. Y., Col. 3d N. Y. Vol. Art., from Dec. 24, 1862; commission expired March 4, 1863; re- appointed from Oct. 27, 1863; resigned Jan. 23, 1865 James M. Shackelford, of Ken., Col. 8th Ken. Cav., from Jan. 2, 1863; resigned Jan. 18, 1864 Daniel Ullman, of N. Y., Col. 78th N. Y. Vols., from Jan. 13, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 John S. Phelps, of Mo., from July 19, 1862; commission expired March 4, 1863 Waldemir Kryzanowski, of N. Y., Col. 58th N. Y. Vols., from Nov. 29, 1862 ; commission expired March 4, 1863 D. H. Williams, of Pa., from Nov. 29, 1862; commission expired March 4, 1863 George J. Stannard, of Ve., Col. 9th Vt. Vols., from March 11, 1863; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Henry Baxter, of Mich., Lieut.-Col. 2d Mich. Vols., from March 12, 1863; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 John M. Thayer, of Neb., Col. 1st Neb. Vols., from March 13, 1863; resigned July 19, 1865 Halbert E. Paine, of Wis., Col. 4th Wis. Vols., from March 13, 1863 ; resigned May 15, 1865 Thomas Welsh, of Pa., Col. 45th Pa. Vols., from March 13, 1863; died Aug. 14, 1863 Hugh T. Reid, of Iowa, Col. 15th Iowa Vols., from March 13, 1863 ; resigned April 4, 1864 Abner C. Harding, of 111., Col. 83d 111. Vols., from March 13, 1863 ; resigned June 3, 1863 [158] Robert B. Potter, of N. Y., Col. 51st N. Y. Vols., from March 13, 1863; promoted Maj.-Gen. Sept. 29, 1865 Thomas Ewing, Jr., of Kan., Col. 11th Kan. Cav., from March 13, 1863 ; resigned Feb. 23, 1865 J. A. J. Lightburn, of Va., Col. 4th Va. Vols., from March 14, 1863 ; resigned June 22, 1865 Thomas G. Stevenson, of Mass., Col. 24th Mass. Vols., from March 14, 1862 ; killed May 10, 1864 Patrick E. Connor, of Col., Col. 3d Col. Vols., from March 30, 1863 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Capt. John P. Hawkins, Com. of Subsistence and Lieut.- Col. of Com. Subsistence Dept., from April 13, 1863; mustered out Feb. 1, 1866 Edward A. Wild, of Mass., Col. 35th Mass. Vols., from April 24, 1863 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Thomas E. Bramlette, of Ken., late Col. 3d Ken. Vols., from April 24, 1863; declined First Lieut. Adalbert Ames, 5th U. S. Art., and Col. 20th Me. Vols., from May 20, 1862 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 William Birney, of N. J., Col. 2d U. S. Colored Troops, from May 22, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Maj. Daniel H. Rucker, Quartermaster, Col. and Additional Aide-de-Camp, from May 23, 1863 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Maj. Robert Allen, Quartermaster, Col. and Additional Aide-de-Camp, from May 23, 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Maj. Rufus Ingalls, Quartermaster, Lieut.-Col. and Addi- tional Aide-de-Camp, from May 23, 1862; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Capt. Gustavus A. De Russey, 4th U. S. Art. and Col. 4th N. Y. Vol. Art., from May 23, 1862 ; commission ex- pired July 4, 1864; reappointed from May 23, 1863; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [159] Alexander Shaler, of N. Y., Col. 65th N. Y. Vols., from May 26, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 First Lieut. Edmund Kirby, 1st U. S. Art. and Col. 43d Ohio Vols., from May 23, 1863; died of wounds May 29, 1863 Benjamin H. Grierson, of 111., Col. 6th 111. Cav., from June 3, 1863; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 27, 1865 Capt. Stephen H. Weed, 5th U. S. Art., from June 6, 1863; killed July 2, 1863 Robert S. Foster, of Ind., Col. 13th Ind. Vols., from June 12, 1863; resigned Sept. 25, 1865 First Lieut. Judson Kilpatrick, 1st U. S. Art. and Col. 2d N. Y. Vol. Cav., from June 13, 1863; promoted Maj.- Gen. June 18, 1865 Capt. Alexander S. Webb, 11th U. S. Inf., Lieut.-Col. and Asst. Inspector-Gen. U. S. Vols., from June 23, 1863; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Alfred N. Duffie, of R. I., Col. 1st R. I. Cav., from June 23, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Walter C. Whittaker, of Ken., Col. 6th Ken. Vols., from June 25, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Capt. Wesley Merritt, 2d U. S. Cav., from June 29, 1863; promoted Maj.-Gen. April 1, 1865 First Lieut. George A. Custer, 5th U. S. Cav., Capt. and Additional Aide-de-Camp, from June 29, 1863; pro- moted Maj.-Gen. April 15, 1865 E. J. Farnsworth, of 111., Capt. 8th 111. Cav., from June 29. 1863 ; killed July 3, 1863 Edward P. Chapin, of N. Y., Col. 116th N. Y. Vols., from June 27, 1863 ; killed June 27, 1863 Strong Vincent, of Pa., Col. 83d Pa. Vols., from July 3. 1863 ; died of wounds July 7, 1863 Maj. Wm. D. Whipple, Asst. Adj.-Gen. Lieut.-Col. and Ad- ditional Aide-de-Camp, from July 17, 1863 ; commission expired July 4, 1864; reappointed from same date; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [160] John C. Starkweather, of Wis., Col. 1st Wis. Vols., from July 17, 1863; resigned May 11, 1865 Capt. Kenner Garrard, 5th U. S. Cav. and Col. 146th N. Y. Vols., from July 23, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 James L. Kiernan, of N. Y., Col. U. S. Colored Troops, from Aug. 1, 1863 ; resigned Feb. 3, 1864 Capt. Charles R. Woods, 9th U. S. Inf. and Col. 76th Ohio Vols., from Aug. 4, 1863; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 John B. Sanborn, of Minn., Col. 4th Minn. Vols., from Aug. 4, 1863 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Giles A. Smith, of Minn., Col. 8th Mo. Vols., from Aug. 4, 1863; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 24, 1865 Samuel A. Rice, of Iowa, Col. 33d Iowa Vols., from Aug. 4, 1863 ; died of wounds July 6, 1865 Jasper A. Maltby, of 111., Col. 55th 111. Vols., from Aug. 4. 1863; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. Frederick E. Prime, Corps of Engs., from Aug. 4, 1863; declined Capt. Alexander Chambers, 18th U. S. Inf. and Col. 16th Iowa Vols., from Aug. 11, 1863; commission expired April 6, 1864 Thomas K. Smith, of Ohio, Col. 54th Ohio Vols., from Aug. 11, 1863; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Walter Q. Gresham, of Ind., Col. 53d Ind. Vols., from Aug. 11, 1863; mustered out April 30, 1866 Manning F. Force, of Ohio, Col. 20th Ohio Vols., from Aug. 11, 1863; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Robert A. Cameron, of Ind., Col. 34th Ind. Vols., from Aug. 11, 1863; resigned June 22, 1865 John M. Corse, of Iowa, Col. 6th Ohio Vols., from Aug. 11, 1863 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 John A. Rawlins, of 111., Maj. and Asst. Adj.-Gen. of Vols., from Aug. 11, 1863; promoted Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. March 31, 1865 Capt. Alvan C. Gillem, Asst. Quartermaster and Col. 10th Tenn. Vols., from Aug. 17, 1863; commission expiree? [161] July 4, 1864; reappointed from Aug. 17, 1863; pro- moted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 3, 1865 James C. Rice, of N. Y., Col. 44th N. Y. Vols., from Aug. 17, 1863; killed May 10, 1864 Capt. John W. Turner, Com. of Subsistence, Col. and Addi- tional Aide-de-Camp, from Sept. 7, 1863 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 Henry L. Eustis, of Mass. ,Col. 10th Mass. Vols., from Sept. 12, 1863 ; resigned June 27, 1864 Henry E. Davies, of N. Y., Col. 2d N. Y. Vol. Cav., from Sept. 16, 1863; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 4, 1865 Andrew J. Hamilton of Tex., from Nov. 14, 1862 ; commis- sion expired March 4, 1863; reappointed Sept. 18, 1863; resigned June 19, 1865 Henry W. Birge, of Conn., Col. 13th Conn. Vols., from Sept. 19, 1863; resigned Oct. 18, 1865 Capt. Charles G. Harker, 15th U. S. Inf., and Col. 65th Ohio Vols., from Sept. 20, 1863 ; died of wounds June 27, 1864 Capt. Wm. B. Sanders, 6th U. S. Cav., and Col. 5th Ken. Cav., from Oct. 18, 1863; died of wounds Nov. 19, 1863 Capt. Lucius Fairchild, 16th U. S. Inf., and Col. 2d Wis. Vols., from Oct. 19, 1863 ; resigned Nov. 2, 1863 Stephen Miller, of Minn., Col. 7th Minn. Vols., from Oct. 26. 1863 ; resigned Jan. 18, 1864 Isaac F. Shephard, of Mo., Col. 3d Mo. Vols., from Oct. 27, 1863 ; commission expired July 4, 1864 Capt. James H. Wilson, Corps of Engs., Lieut.-Col. and Asst. Inspector-Gen. U. S. Vols., from Oct. 30, 1863; commission expired July 4, 1864; reappointed from Oct. 30, 1863; promoted Maj.-Gen. May 6, 1865 Adin B. Underwood, of Mass., Col. 33d Mass. Vols., from Nov. 6, 1863 ; mustered out Sept. 1, 1865 Augustus L. Cheslain, of 111., Col. 12th 111. Vols., from Dec. 18, 1863 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [162] William A. Pile, of Missouri, Col. 33d Mo. Vols., from Dec. 26, 1863; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Guitar Kaemerling, of Ohio, from Jan. 5, 1864 ; declined John W. Fuller, of Ohio, Col. 27th Ohio Vols., from Jan. 5, 1864; resigned Aug. 15, 1865 John F. Miller, of Ind., Col. 29th Ind. Vols., from Jan. 5, 1864; resigned Sept. 25, 1865 Philip Regis De Trobriand, of N. Y., Col. 55th N. Y. Vols., from Jan. 5, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Cyrus Bussey, of Iowa, Col. 3d Iowa Cav., from Jan. 5, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Christopher C. Andrews, of Minn., Col. 3d Minn. Vols., from Jan. 5, 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Hiram Burnham, of Me., Col. 6th Me. Vols., from April 27, 1864 ; killed Sept. 30, 1864 Edward M. McCook, First Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. and Col. 2d Ind. Cav., from April 27, 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Lewis A. Grant, of Vt., Col. 5th Vt. Vols., from April 27, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Edward Hatch, of Iowa, Col. 2d Iowa Cav., from April 27, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. August V. Kautz, 6th U. S. Cav. and Col. 2d Ohio Cav., from May 7, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. Francis Fessenden, 19th U. S. Inf. and Col. 25th Me. Vols., from May 10, 1864; promoted Maj.-Gen. Nov. 9, 1865 John R. Brooke, of Pa., Col. 53d Pa. Vols., from May 12, 1864; resigned Feb. 1, 1866 John F. Hartranft, of Pa., Col. 51st Pa. Vols., from May 12, 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. Samuel S. Carroll, 10th U. S. Inf. and Col. 18th Ohio Vols., from May 12, 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Simon G. Griffin, of N. H., Col. 6th N. H. Vols., from May 12, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 First Lieut. Emory Upton, 5th U. S. Art. and Col. 121st [163] N. Y. Vols., frorxi May 12, 1864; mustered out April 30, 1866 Nelson A. Miles, of N. Y., Col. 61st N. Y. Vols., from May 12, 1864; promoted Maj.-Gen. Oct. 21, 1865 Joseph Hayes, of Mass., Col. 18th Mass. Vols., from May 12, 1864; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Byron R. Pierce, of Mich., Col. 3d Mich. Vols., from June 7, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Seldon Conner, of Me., Col. 19th Me. Vols., from June 11, 1864 ; mustered out April 7, 1866 Joshua L. Chamberlain, of Me., Col. 20th Me. Vols., from June 18, 1864; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Elliott W. Rice, of Iowa, Col. 7th Iowa Vols., from June 20, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 William F. Bartlett, of Mass., Col. 57th Mass. Vols., from June 20, 1864 ; mustered out July 18, 1866 Edward S. Bragg, of Wis., Col. 6th Wis. Vols., from June 25, 1864 ; mustered out Oct. 9, 1865 Friend S. Rutherford, of 111., Col. 97th 111. Vols., from June 27, 1864; died June 20, 1864 First Lieut. Martin D. Hardin, 3d U. S. Art. and Col. 12th Pa. Reserve, from July 2, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Charles J. Paine, of Mass., Col. 2d La., Vols., from July 4, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Daniel McCook, of Ohio, Col. 52d Ohio Vols., from July 16, 1864 ; died of wounds July 17, 1864 John B. Mcintosh, of Pa., Col. 3d Pa. Cav. and Capt. 5th U. S. Cav., from July 21, 1864; mustered out April 30, 1866. Wm. McCandless, of Pa., Col. 2d Pa. Reserves, from July 21, 1864; declined George H. Chapman, of Ind., Col. 3d Ind. Cav., from July 21, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 7, 1866 William Grose, of Ind., Col. 36th Ind. Vols., from July 21, 1864; resigned Dec. 31, 1865 [164] Joseph A. Cooper, of Tenn., Col. 6th Tenn. Vols., from July 21, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 John T. Croxton, of Ken., Col. 4th Ken. Vols., from July 21, 1864; resigned Dec. 26, 1865 John W. Sprague, of Ohio, Col. of 63d Ohio Vols., from July 21, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 James W. Reilly, of Ohio, Col. 104th Ohio Vols., from July 30, 1864; resigned April 20, 1865 Luther P. Bradley, of 111., Col. 51st 111. Vols., from July 30, 1864; resigned June 30, 1865 Charles C. Walcutt, of Ohio, Col. 46th Ohio Vols., from July 30, 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 William W. Belnap, of Iowa, Col. 15th Iowa Vols., from July 30, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Powell Clayton, of Kan., Col. 4th Kan. Vols., from Aug. 1, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Maj. Joseph A. Haskin, 3d U. S. Art., Lieut.-Col. and Ad- ditional Aide-de-Camp, from Aug. 5, 1864; mustered out April 30, 1866 James D. Fessenden, of Me., Col. and Additional Aide-de- Camp, from Aug. 8, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Daniel D. Bidwell, of N. Y., Col. 49th N. Y. Vols., from Aug. 11, 1864; killed Oct. 19, 1864 Capt. Ely Long, 4th U. S. Cav. and Col. 4th Ohio Cav., from Aug. 18, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Thomas W. Egan, of N. Y., Col. 40th N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 3, 1864; mustered out July 15, 1866 Joshua B. Howell, of Pa., Col. 85th Pa. Vols., from Sept. 12, 1864; died Sept. 14, 1865 Joseph R. Hawley, of Conn., Col. 7th Conn. Vols., from Sept. 13, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 William H. Seward, Jr., of N. Y., Col. 9th N. Y. Vol. Art., from Sept. 13, 1864 ; resigned June 1, 1865 Isaac H. Duval, of W. Va., Col. 9th W. Va. Vols., from Sept. 24, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [165] John Edwards, of Iowa, Col. 18th Iowa Vols., from Sept. 26, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Thomas A. Smyth, of Del., Col. 1st Del. Vols., from Oct. 1, 1864 ; died of wounds April 9, 1865 Ferdinand Van Derveer, of Ohio, Col. 35th Ohio Vols., from Oct. 4, 1864 ; resigned June 15, 1865 Capt. Charles R. Lowell, 6th U. S. Cav. and Col. 2d Mass. Cav., from Oct. 19, 1864 ; died of wounds Oct. 20, 1864 William H. Powell, of Ohio, Col. 2d Va. Cav., from Oct. 19, 1864 ; resigned Jan. 5, 1865 Thomas C. Devin, of N. Y., Col. 6th N. Y. Vol. Cav., from Oct. 19, 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. Alfred Gibbs, 3d U. S. Cav., and Col. 1st N. Y. Dra- goons, from Oct. 19, 1864; mustered out Feb. 1, 1866 Capt. Ranald S. Mackenzie, Corps of Engs. and Col. 2d Conn. Heavy Art., from Oct. 19, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Rutherford B. Hayes, of Ohio, Col. 23d Ohio Vols., from Oct. 19, 1864; resigned June 8, 1865 James R. Slack, of Ind., Col. 47th Ind. Vols., from Nov. 10, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Thomas J. Lucas, of Ind., Col. 16th Ind. Mounted Inf.j from Nov. 10, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 E. J. Davis, of Tex., Col. 1st Tex. Cav., from Nov. 10, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Joseph Bailey, of Wis., Col. 4th Wis. Cav., from Nov. 10, 1864 ; commission expired March 4, 1865 ; reappointed from Nov. 10, 1864 ; resigned July 7, 1865 George L. Beal, of Me., Col. 29th Me. Vols., from Nov. 30, 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. Henry G. Thomas, 11th U. S. Inf. and Col. 19th U. S. Colored Troops, from Nov. 30, 1864; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Cyrus Hamlin, of Me., Col. 80th U. S. Colored Troops and Additional Aide-de-Camp, from Dec. 3, 1864 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 [166] Patrick H. Jones, of N. Y., Col. 154th N. Y. Vols., from Dec. 6, 1864 ; resigned June 17, 1865 John M. Oliver, of Mich., Col. 15th Mich. Vols., from Jan. 12, 1865 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 R. K. Scott, of Ohio, Col. 68th Ohio Vols., from Jan. 12, 1865 ; resigned July 6, 1868 James S. Robinson, of Ohio, Col. 82d Ohio Vols., from Jan. 12, 1865; mustered out Aug. 31, 1865 B. F. Potts, of Ohio, Col. 32d Ohio Vols., from Jan. 12, 1865; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 John G. Mitchell, of Ohio, Col. 113th Ohio Vols., from Jan. 12, 1865; resigned July 3, 1865 James A. Williamson, of Iowa, Col. 4th Iowa Vols., from Jan. 13, 1865 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 N. Martin Curtis, of N. Y., Col. 142d N. Y. Vols., from Jan. 15, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Charles C. Doolittle, of Mich., Col. 18th Mich. Vols., from Jan. 27, 1865 ; mustered out Nov. 30, 1865 Stephen Thomas, of Vt., Col. 8th Vt. Vols., from Feb. 1, 1865; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 James J. Gilbert, of Iowa, Col. 27th Iowa Vols., from Feb. 9, 1865 ; mustered out Aug. 3, 1865 Green B. Raum, of 111., Col. 56th 111. Vols., from Feb. 15, 1865 ; resigned May 6, 1865 Galusha Pennypacker, of Pa., Col. 97th Pa. Vols., from Feb. 18, 1865 ; resigned April 30, 1866 Carlos J. Stolbrand, of 111., Maj. 2d 111. Art., from Feb. 18, 1865; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Wager Swayne, of Ohio, Col. 43d Ohio Vols., from March 8, 1865; promoted Maj.-Gen. June 20, 1865 Capt. Charles Ewing, 13th U. S. Inf., Lieut.-Col. and Asst. Inspector Vols., from March 8, 1865; mustered out Dec. 1, 1865 Thomas M. Harris, from W. Va., Col. 10th W. Va. Vols., from March 29, 1865 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 [167] John H. Ketcham, of N. Y., Col. 150th N. Y. Vols., from April 1, 1865; resigned Dec. 2, 1865 Maj. Frederick T. Dent, 4th U. S. Inf., Lieut.-Col. and Aide-de-Camp, from April 5, 1865 ; mustered out April 30, 1866 Lafayette C. Baker, of D. C, Col. 1st Cav. D. C, from April 26, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. James S. Brisbin, 6th U. S. Cav., and Col. 5th U. S. Colored Cav., from May 1, 1865; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Thomas 0. Osborn, of 111., Col. 39th 111. Vols., from May 1, 1865 ; resigned Sept. 28, 1865 J. H. Potter, Maj. 19th U. S. Inf. and Col. 12th N. H. Vols., from May 1, 1865; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. James M. Warner, 8th U. S. Inf., and Col. 1st Vt. Art., from May 8, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Lewis B. Parsons, of Mo., Col. and Additional Aide-de- Camp, from May 11, 1865; mustered out April 30, 1866 Oliver Edwards, of Mass., Col. 37th Mass. Vols., from May 19, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Joseph E. Hamlin, of N. Y., Col. 65th N. Y. Vols., from May 19, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. James W. Forsyth, 18th U. S. Inf., Col. and Asst. Inspector-Gen. Vols., from May 19, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. Richard H. Jackson, 1st U. S. Art., Col. and Asst. Inspector-Gen. Vols., from May 19, 1865 ; mustered out Feb. 1, 1866 William Wells, of Vt., Col. 1st Vt. Cav., from May 12, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Capt. Charles H. Morgan, 4th U. S. Art, Col. and Asst. In- spector-Gen. Vols., from May 19, 1865; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 William T. Clark, of Iowa, Col. and Asst. Adj. -Gen. U. S. Vols., from May 31, 1865; mustered out Feb. 1, 1866 [168] Henry A. Barnum, of N. Y., Col. 149th N. Y. Vols., from May 31, 1865; resigned Jan. 9, 1866 William B. Woods, of Ohio, Col. 76th Ohio Vols., from May 31, 1865; mustered out Feb. 17, 1866 Robert F. Catterson, of Ind., Col. 97th Ind. Vols., from May 31, 1865; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Americus V. Rice, of Ohio, Col. 57th Ohio Vols., from May 31, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 George P. Este, of Ohio, Col. 14th Ohio Vols., from May 31, 1865; resigned Dec. 4, 1865 Capt. Wm. H. Penrose, 33d U. S. Inf., and Col. 15th N. J. Vols., from May 31, 1865; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 James H. Stokes, of N. J., Capt. and Asst. Adj.-Gen., from July 20, 1865 ; mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Francis T. Sherman, of 111., Col. 88th 111. Vols., from July 21, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Emerson Opdycke, of Ohio, Col. 125th Ohio Vols., from July 26, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 1, 1866 Capt. Louis D. Watkins, 5th U. S. Cav., and Col. 6th Ken. Cav., from Sept. 25, 1865; mustered out Sept. 1, 1866 William Gamble, of 111., Col. 8th 111. Cav., from Sept. 25, 1865; mustered out March 1, 1866 C. H. Van Wyck, of N. Y., Col. 56th N. Y. Vols., from Sept. 27, 1865 ; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 William B. Tibbitts, of N. Y., Col. 21st N. Y. Vol. Cav., from Oct. 18, 1865; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 Morgan H. Chrysler, of N. Y., Col. 2d N. Y. Veteran Vol. Cav., from Nov. 11, 1865; mustered out Jan. 15, 1866 J. A. Dewey, Col. 11th U. S. Colored Troops, from Nov. 20 1865; mustered out Jan. 31, 1866 [169] President, Vice-President and Cabinet of THE Confederate States of America February 21, 1861 to 1865 President Jefferson Davis, Mississippi Vice-President Alexander H. Stephens, Georgia Secretary of State Robert Toombs, Georgia, Feb. 21, 1861 Robert M. T. Hunter, Virginia, July 30, 1861 JUDAH P. Benjamin, Louisiana, Nov. 10, 1862 Secretary of Treasury Charles G. Memminger, South Carolina, Feb. 21, 1861 George A. Trenholm, South Carolina, June 13, 1864 Secretary of War Le Roy P. Walker, Mississippi, Feb. 21, 1861 Judah p. Benjamin, Louisiana, Nov. 10, 1861 George W. Randolph, Virginia, Mar. 23, 1862 James A. Seddon, Virginia, Nov. 17, 1862 John C. Breckinridge, Kentucky, Feb. 18, 1865 Secretary of Navy Stephen R. Mallory, Florida, Mar. 4, 1861 A ttorney-General Judah P. Benjamin, Louisiana, Feb. 21, 1861 Thomas H. Watts, Alabama, Sept. 10, 1861 George Davis, North Carolina, Nov. 10, 1863 Postmaster-General Henry T. Ellet, Mississippi, Feb. 21, 1861 John H. Reagan, Texas, Mar. 6, 1861 [170] General Officers of the Armies of the Confederate States Appointed by THE President, 1861-1865 Generals, Confederate States Army (Regular) Authorized by act of Congress, approved May 15, 1861. Samuel Cooper, Va., appointed Aug. 31, 1861 ; from May 16, 1861 ; confirmed Aug. 31, 1863 and Apr. 23, 1861. Ad- jutant and inspector general. Paroled at Charlotte, N. C, May 3, 1865. Albert S. Johnston, Tex., appointed Aug. 31, '61 ; from May 30, '61; confirmed Aug. 31, '61. Killed in action at Shiloh, Tenn., Apr. 6, '62. Robert E. Lee, Va., appointed Aug. 31, '61; from June 14, '61 ; confirmed Aug. 31, '63 and Apr. 23, '63. Confirmed as "general in chief of the armies of the Confederate States," Jan. 31, '65, under act of Congress of Jan. 23, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House., Va., Apr. 9, '65. Joseph E. Johnston, Va., appointed Aug. 31, '61, from July 4, '61 ; confirmed Aug. 31, '61 and Apr. 23, '63. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 2, '65. G. T. Beauregard, La., appointed Aug. 31, '61 ; from July 21, '61 ; confirmed Aug. 31, '61 and Apr. 23, '63. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Braxton Bragg, La., appointed Apr. 12, '62; from Aug. 6, '62; confirmed Apr. 12, '62. From Feb. 24, '64, to Jan. 31, '65, was charged, under the direction of the President, "with the conduct of the military opera- tions in the armies of the Confedracy." Paroled near Concord, Ga., May 10, '65. [171] General, Provisional Army Authorized by act of Congress, approved February 17, 1864. E. Kirby Smith, Fla., app. Feb. 19, '64 ; from Feb. 19, '64 ; conf. May 11, '64. On June 2, '65, at Galveston Harbor, Gen. Smith approved the terms of the convention of May 26, '65, for the surrender of his troops in the Trans-Mississippi Department. Nothing has been found of record to show that he gave an individual parole at that time. On June 15, '66, Gen. Smith ad- vised Gen. U. S. Grant that he (Smith) had always regarded his signature ratifying the articles of con- vention surrendering his troops as a parole. General, Provisional Army (With Temporary Rank) Authorized by act of Congress, approved May 31, 186 A. John B. Hood, Tex., app. July 18, '64; from July 18, '64. Reverted to rank of lieut.-Gen., provisional army, Jan. 23, '65. Lieutenant-Generals, Provisional Army Authorized by acts of Congress, approved September 18, 1862, and February 17, 186Jf. James Longstreet, Ala., app. Oct. 11, '62; from Oct. 9, '62; conf. Oct. 11, '62. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. E. Kirby Smith, Fla., app. Oct. 11, 62; from Oct. 9, '62; conf. Oct. 11, '62. Promoted to be gen., provisional army, Feb. 19, '64. Leonidas Polk, La., app. Oct. 11, '62; from Oct. 10, '62; conf. Oct. 11, '62. Killed in action on Pine Mountain, near Marietta, Ga., June 14, '64. [172] William J. Hardee, Ga., app. Oct. 11, '62; from Oct. 10, '62; conf. Oct. 11, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C., May 1, '65. Thomas J. Jackson, Va., app. Oct. 11, '62; from Oct. 10, '62; conf. Oct. 11, '62. Died May 10, '63. Theophilus H. Holmes, N. C., app. Oct. 13, '62 ; from Oct. 10, '62; conf. Oct. 13, '62. No record of final capture or parole has been found. John C. Pemberton, Va., app. Oct. 13, '62; from Oct. 10, '62 ; conf. Oct. 13, '62. Resigned May 18, '64. Richard S. Ewell, Va., app. May 23, '63; from May 23, '63 ; conf. Feb. 2, '64. Captured at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, '65; released on parole from Fort Warren, Mass, July 19, '65. Ambrose P. Hill, Va., app. May 23, '63 ; from May 24, '63 ; conf. Jan. 15, '64. Killed in action at Petersburg, Va., Apr. 2, '65. Daniel H. Hill, N. C, app. July 11, '63; from July 11, '63. President declined to nominate. John B. Hood, Tex., app. Feb. 11, '64 ; from Sept. 20, '63 ; conf., Feb. 4, '64. Held temporary rank of gen. from July 18, '64, to Jan. 23, '65, on which date he reverted to the rank of lieut.-gen. Paroled at Natchez, Miss., May 31, '65. Richard Taylor, La., app. May 16, '64; from Apr. 8, '64; conf. May 16, '64. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 11, '65. Stephen D. Lee, S. C, app. June 23, '64 ; from June 23, '64 ; conf. Feb. 14, '65. Confirmation reconsidered Feb. 16, '65; appointed lieut.-gen., with temporary rank. Mar. 16, '65, to date from June 23, '64. For final record see below. Simon B. Buckner, Ky., app. Sept. 20, '64; from Sept. 20, '64; conf. Jan. 17, '65. Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 9, '65. Wade Hampton, S. C, app. Feb. 15, '65 ; from Feb. 14, '65 ; [173] conf. Feb. 15, '65. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Nathan B. Forrest, Tenn., app. Mar. 2, '65 ; from Feb. 28, '65; conf. Mar. 2, '65, Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, '65. LIEUTENANT-GENERALS, PROVISIONAL ArMY (WITH Temporary Rank) Authorized by act of Congress, approved May 31, 186 J^. Jubal A. Early, Va., app. May 31, '64; from May 31, '64; conf. May 31, '64. No record has been found of his final capture or parole. Unofficial sources of informa- tion show that he escaped from the United States through Mexico. Richard H. Anderson, S. C., app. June 1, '64; from May 31, '64; conf. June 1, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Alexander P. Stewart, Tenn., app. June 23, '64; from June 23, '64; conf. Feb. 20, '65. Paroled at Greens- borough, N. C., May, 1, '65. Stephen D. Lee, S. C., app. Mar. 16, '65; from June 23, '64; conf. Mar. 16, '65. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C., May 1, '65. Major-Generals, Provisional Army Authorized hy act of Congress, approved February 28, 1861. David E. Twigs, Ga., app. May 22, '61 ; from May 22, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Died at Augusta, Ga., July 15, '62. Leonidas Polk, La., app. June 25, '61 ; from June 25, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., pro- visional army, Oct. 11, '62, to rank from Oct. 10, '62. [174] Braxton Bragg, La., app. Sept. 12, '61 ; from Sept. 12, '61 ; conf. Dec, 13, '61. Promoted to be gen. Confederate States Army (regular), Apr. 12, '62, to rank from Apr. 6, '62. Earl Van Dorn, Miss., app. Sept. 19, '61 ; from Sept. 19, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Killed May 8, '63. Gustavus W. Smith, Ky., app. Sept. 19, '61 ; from Sept. 19, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Resigned Feb. 17, '63. Theophilus H. Holmes, N. C, app. Oct. 7, '61 ; from Oct. 7, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., provisional army, Oct. 13, '62, to rank from Oct. 10, '62. William J. Hardee, Ga., app. Oct. 7, '61 ; from Oct. 7, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., pro- visional army, Oct. 11, '62, to rank from Oct. 10, '62. Benjamin Huger, S. C., app. Oct. 7, '61; from Oct. 7, '61; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 12, '65. James Longstreet, Ala., app. Oct. 7, '61 ; from Oct. 7, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., provi- sional army, Oct. 11, '62, to rank from Oct. 9, '62. John B. Magruder, Va., app. Oct. 7, '61 ; from Oct. 7, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '64 and June 10, '61. Included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, '65, but went to Mexico without waiting for his personal parole. Mansfield Lovel, Md., app. Oct. 7, '61; from Oct. 7, '61; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Thomas J. Jackson, Vt., app. Oct. 7, '61 ; from Oct. 7, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., pro- visional army, Oct. 11, '62, to rank from Oct. 10, '62. E. Kirby Smith, Fla., app. Oct. 11, '61; from Oct. 11, '61; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., provi- sional army, Oct. 11, '62, to rank from Oct. 9, '62. [175] George B. Crittenden, Ky., app. Nov. 9, '61 ; from Nov. 9, '61 ; conf. Feb. 17, '62. Resigned Oct. 23, '62. Richard S. Ewell, Va., app. Jan. 24, '62; from Jan. 24, '62; conf. Jan. 24, '62. Promoted to be lieiit.-gen., provi- sional army. May 23, '63. John C. Pemberton, Va., app. Feb. 13, '62 ; from Jan. 14, '62 ; conf. Jan, 14, '62. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., provi- sional army, Oct. 13, '62, to rank from Oct. 10, '62. William W. Loring, Fla., app. Feb. 15, '62 ; from Feb. 17, '62; conf. Feb. 17, '62 and Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Sterling Price, Mo., app. Mar. 6, '62; from Mar. 6, '62; conf. Mar. 6, '62. Included in the Canby-Smith con- vention of May 26, '65, but v^ent to Mexico without waiting for his personal parole. Benjamin F. Cheatham, Tenn., app. Mar. 14, '62 ; from Mar. 10, '62; conf. Mar. 13, and Mar. 18, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Samuel Jones, Va., app. Mar. 14, '62; from Mar. 10, '62; conf. Mar. 13 and Mar. 18, '62. Paroled at Tallahassee, Fla., May 12, '65. John P. McCown, Tenn., app. Mar. 14, '62 ; from Mar. 10, '62 ; conf. Mar. 13 and Mar. 18, '62. Paroled at Salis- bury, N. C, May 12, '65. Daniel H. Hill, N. C, app. Mar. 26, '62 ; from Mar. 26, '62 ; conf. Mar. 26, '62. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., provi- sional army, July 11, '63. (See explanatory footnote, p. 5.) Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Thomas C. Hindman, Ark., app. Apr. 18, '62 ; from Apr. 14, '62; conf. Apr. 18, '62. No record of final capture or parole has been found. The records indicate that he went to Mexico at the close of the war. John C. Breckinridge, Ky., app. Apr. 18, '62 ; from Apr. 14, '62; conf. Apr. 18, '62. Held the office of Secretary of War from Feb. 6, '65. No record of final capture [176] or parole has been found. The records indicate that he left the country at the close of the war. Lafayette McLaws, Ga., app. May 23, '62 ; from May 23, '62 ; conf. Sept. 27, '62. Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his per- sonal parole has been found. Ambrose P. Hill, Va., app. May 26, '62 ; from May 26, '62 ; conf. Sept. 27, '62. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., pro- visional army, May 23, '63, to rank from May 24, '63. Richard H. Anderson, S. C, app. July 14, '62 ; from July 14, '62; conf. Sept. 27, '62. Appointed lieut.-gen., provi- sional army, with temporary rank, June 1, '64, to rank from May 31, '64. James E. B. Stuart, Va., app. July 25, '62 ; from July 25, '62 ; conf. Sept. 27, '62. Died at Pvichmond, Va., May 12, '64, of wounds received in action at Yellow Tavern, Va. Richard Taylor, La., app. July 28, '62 ; from July 28, '62 ; conf. Sept. 27, '62. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., provi- sional army, May 16, '64, to rank from April 8, '64. Simon B. Buckner, Ky., app. Aug. 16, '62; from Aug. 16, '62; conf. Sept. 27, '62. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., provisional army, Sept. 20, '64. Jones M. Withers, Ala., app. Aug. 16, '62 ; from Apr. 6, '62 ; conf. Sept. 27, '62. Resigned July 16, 1863; restored July 21, '63; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 11, '65. Samuel G. French, Miss., app. Oct. 22, '62 ; from Aug. 31, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. No record of final capture or parole has been found. John H. Forney, Ala., app. Oct. 27, '62 ; from Oct. 27, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Galveston, Tex., June 20, '65. Carter L. Stevenson, Va., app. Oct. 13, '62 ; from Oct. 10, '62 ; conf. Oct. 13, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C., May 1, '65. George E. Pickett, Va., app. Oct. 11, '62; from Oct. 10, '62; [177] conf. Oct. 11, '62. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, *65. John B. Hood, Tex., app. Oct. 11, '62; from Oct. 10, '62 conf. Oct. 11, '62. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., provi sional army, Feb. 11, '64, to rank from Sept. 20, '63. David R. Jones, Ga., app. Oct. 11, '62; from Oct. 11, '62 died at Richmond, Va., Jan. 17, '63. Dabney H. Maury, Va., app. Nov. 4, '62 ; from Nov. 4, '62 conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 11 '65. Martin L: Smith, Fla., app. Nov. 4. '62; from Nov. 4, '62 conf. Apr. 30, '63. Paroled at Athens, Ga., on or about May 8, '65. John G. Walker, Mo., app. Nov. 8, '62; from Nov. 8, '62 conf. Apr. 22, '63. Included in the Canby-Smith con- vention of Maj^ 26, '65, but went to Mexico without waiting for his personal parole. Arnold Elzey, Md., app. Dec. 4, '62; from Dec. 4, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, '65. Franklin Gardner, La., app. Dec. 20, '62; from Dec. 13, '62; conf. June 10, '64. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 11, '65. Patrick R. Cleburne, Ark., app. Dec. 20, '62 ; from Dec. 13, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, '64. Isaac R. Trimble, Md., app. Apr. 23, '63 ; from Jan. 17, '63 ; conf. Apr. 23, 63. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va., Apr. 16, '65. Daniel S. Donelson, Tenn., app. Apr. 22, '63 ; from Jan. 17, '63 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Died at Knoxville, Tenn., Apr. 17, '63. Jubal A. Early Va., app. Apr. 23, '63 ; from Jan. 17, '63 ; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Appointed lieut.-gen. provisional army, with temporary rank, May 31, '64. William H. C. Whiting, Miss., app. Apr. 22, '63 ; from Feb. [178] 28, '63; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Died at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, Mar. 10, '65. Edward Johnson, Va., app. Apr. 22, '63 ; from Feb. 28, '63 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Captured at Nashville, Tenn, Dec. 15, '64 ; released from Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C, July 22, '65. Robert E . Rodes, Ala., app. May 7, '63 ; from May 2, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Killed in action at Winchester, Va./ Sept. 19, '64. Heniy Heth, Va., app. Oct. 10, '62 and May 23, '63 ; from Oct. 10, '62 and May 24, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Senate refused to confirm Oct. 11, '62. Reappointed. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Robert Ransom, Jr., N. C, app. May 27, '63 ; from May 26, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Warrenton, N. C, May 2, '65. William D. Pender, N. C, app. May 27, '63 ; from May 27, '63. Died at Staunton, Va., July 18, '63, of wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63. John S. Bowen, Mo., app. May 29, '63; from May 25, '63. Died at Raymond, Miss., July 15, '63. Alexander P. Stewart, Tenn., app. June 5, '63 ; from June 2, '63; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Appointed lieut.-gen., provi- sional army, with temporary rank, June 23, '64. William H. T. Walker, Ga., app. June 27, '63 ; from May 23, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Killed in action near Atlanta, Ga., July 22, '64. Stephen D. Lee, S. C, app. Aug. 3, '63 ; from Aug. 3, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Appointed lieut.-gen., provisional army, June 23, 1864. William Smith, Va., app. Aug. 13, '63 ; from Aug. 12, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Resigned Dec. 31, '63. Cadmus M. Wilcox, Tenn., app. Aug. 13, '63 ; from Aug. 3, '63; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. [179] Wade Hampton, S. C, app. Sept. 3, '63 ; from Aug. 3, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Promoted to be lieut.-gen., provi- sional army, Feb. 15, '65, to rank from Feb, 14, '65. Fitzhugh Lee, Va., app. Sept. 3, '63; from Aug. 3, '63; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Howell Cobb, Ga., app. Sept. 19, '63; from Sept. 9, '63; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Captured at Macon, Ga., Apr. 20, '65 ; paroled at Macon, Ga., May 18, '65. John A. Wharton, Tex., app. Nov. 12, '63; from Nov. 10, '63; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Killed in a personal encounter at Houston, Tex., Apr. 6, '65. Will T. Martin, Miss., app. Nov. 12, '63 ; from Nov. 10, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 11, '65. Nathan B. Forrest, Tenn., app. Dec. 4, '63; from Dec. 4, '63; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Promoted to be lieut.-gen. pro- visional army. Mar. 2, '65, to rank from Feb, 28, '65. Joseph Wheeler, Ga., app. Feb. 4, '64; from Jan. 20, '63; conf. Feb. 4, '64. Captured at Conyers' Station, Ga., May 9, '65 ; released from Fort Delaware, Del., June 8, '65. Charles W. Field, Ky., app. Feb, 12, '64 ; from Feb. 12, '64 ; conf. Feb, 12, '64, Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va,, Apr, 9, '65. J. Patton Anderson, Fla., app. Feb. 17, '64; from Feb. 17, '64; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. William B. Bate, Tenn., app. Mar. 5, '64 ; from Feb. 23, '64 ; conf. May 11, '64, Paroled at Greensborough, N, C, May 1, '65. Robert F. Hoke, N. C, app, Apr. 23, '64 ; from Apr. 20, '64 ; conf. May 11, '64. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. William H. F. Lee, Va., app. Apr. 23, '64; from Apr. 23, [180] '64; conf. June 9, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. John B. Gordon, Ala., app. May 14, '64 ; from May 14, '64 ; conf. May 14, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Bushrod R. Johnson, Tenn., app. May 26, '64; from May 21, '64 ; conf. May 26, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Joseph B. Kershaw, S. C, app. June 2, '64; from May 18, '64 ; conf. June 2, '64. Captured at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, '65; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. Camillus J. Polignac, France, app. June 13, '64 ; from Apr. 8, '64 ; conf. June 13, '64. Was in Europe on leave of absence when hostilities ceased. James F. Fagan, Ark., app. June 13, '64 ; from Apr. 25, '64 ; conf. June 13, '64. Paroled in Arkansas on or about June 20, '65. William Mahone, Va., app. Aug. 3, '64 ; from July 30, '64 ; conf. Jan. 17, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. James L. Kemper, Va., app. Sept. 19, '64 ; from Sept. 19, '64 ; conf. Jan. 17, '65. Paroled at Danville, Va., May 2, '65. Matthew C. Butler, S. C, app. Dec. 7, '64; from Sept. 19, '64 ; conf. Dec. 7, '64. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C. May 1, '65. G. W. Custis Lee, Va., app. Feb. 7, '65 ; from Oct. 20, '64 ; conf. Feb. 3, '65. Captured at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, '65 ; paroled for 10 days at City Point, Va., Apr. 12, '65 ; parole extended until further orders Apr. 23, '65. No later record found regarding parole. Bryan Grimes, N. C, app. Feb. 23, '65 ; from Feb. 15, '65 ; conf. Feb. 23, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. [181] Thomas J. Churchill, Ark., app. Mar. 18, '65 ; from Mar. 17, '65; conf. Mar. 18, '65. Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 7, '65. John S. Marmaduke, Mo., app. Mar. 18, '65 ; from Mar. 17, '65; conf. Mar. 18, '65. Captured in action on Little Osage River, Kans., Oct. 25, '64; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. Major-Generals For Service With Volunteer Troops (With Temporary Rank) Authorized by act of Congress, approved May 21, 1861. Joseph Wheeler, app. Jan. 20, '63. Appointed major-gen., provisional army, Feb. 4, '64, to rank from Jan. 20, '63. Jeremy F. Gilmer, app. Aug. 25, '63. Paroled at Washing- ton, Ga., May 9, '65. Major-Generals, Provisional Army (With Temporary Rank) Authorized by act of Congress, approved May 31, 186^. Stephen D. Ramseur, N. C, app. June 1, '64 ; from June 1, '64 ; conf. June 1, '64. Died Oct. 20, '64, of wounds re- ceived in action at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, '64. William Mahone, Va., app. June 1, '64; from June 1, '64; conf. June 1, '64. Declined appointment June 7, '64. Appointed maj.-gen., provisionel army, Aug. 3, '64, to rank from July 30, '64. Edward C. Walthall, Miss., app. June 10, '64 ; from June 6, '64; conf. June 10, '64. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May. 1, '65. Henry D. Clayton, Ala., app. July 8, '64 ; from July 7, '64 ; conf. Feb. 20, '65. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. John C. Brown, Tenn., app. Aug. 4, '64; from Aug. 4, '64; conf. Feb. 20, '65. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. [182] Lunsford L, Lomax, Va., app. Aug. 10, '64; from Aug. 10, '64; conf. Feb. 20, '65. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. G. W. Custis Lee, Va., app. Oct. 20, '64 ; from Oct. 20, '64. Appointed maj.-gen., provisional army, Feb. 7, '65, to rank from Oct. 20, '64. Thomas L. Rosser, Tex., app. Nov. 4, '64 ; from Nov. 1, '64 ; conf. Feb. 20, '65. The War Department has in its possession a parole appearing to have been signed by General Rosser at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65, whereas from other records on file it appears that this officer escaped from Lee's army on the day of its surrender, and that on May 4, '65, he surrendered himself to the United States authorities at Richmond, Va., where he evidently subscribed to the parole above referred to, Ambrose R. Wright, Ga., app. Nov. 30, '64; from Nov. 26, '64; conf. Nov. 30, '64. Included in the Sherman- Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Pierce M. B. Young, Ga., app. Jan. 28, '65; from Dec. 30, '64 ; conf. Jan. 28, '65. Included in the Sherman-John- ston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. William W. Allen, Ala., from Mar. 4, '65. Paroled as a brig.-gen. at Charlotte, N. C, May 3, '65. He probably had not received notice of his promotion. Brigadier-Generals, Confederate States Army (Regular) Authorized by acts of Congress, approved March 6, 1861, and March lU, 1861. Samuel Cooper, Va., app. Mar. 16, '61 ; from Mar. 16, '61 ; conf. Mar. 16, '61. Promoted to be gen.. Confederate [183] states Army (regular), Aug. 31, '61, to rank from May 16, '61. Joseph E. Johnston, Va., app. May 14, '61; from May 14, '61 ; conf. May 14, '61. Promoted to be gen.. Confed- erate States Army (regular), Aug. 31, '61, to rank from July 4, '61. Robert E. Lee, Va., app. May 14, '61; from May 14, '61; conf. May 14, '61. Promoted to be gen.. Confederate States Army (regular), Aug. 31, '61, to rank from June 14, '61. Brigadier-Generals, Provisional Army Authorized by act of Congress, approved February 28, 1861. G. T. Beauregard, La., app. Mar. 1, '61 ; from Mar. 1, '61 ; conf. Mar. 1, '61. Promoted to be gen.. Confederate States Army (regular), Aug. 31, '61, to rank from July 21, '61. Braxton Bragg, La., app. Mar. 7, '61 ; from Mar. 7, '61 ; conf. Mar. 7, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Sept. 12, '61. Alexander R. Lawton, Ga., app. Apr. 13, '61 ; from Apr. 13, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Appointed quartermaster-gen., provisional army, Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Washing- ton, Ga., May 9, '65. Milledge L. Bonham, S. C, app. Apr. 23 and Oct. 21, '61 ; from Apr. 23 and July 14, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Re- signed Jan. 29, '62. Reappointed. Milledge L. Bonham, S. C, app. Feb. 20, '65 ; from Feb. 9, '65; conf. Feb. 20, '65. Included in the Sherman- Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Benjamin McCulloch, Tex., app. May 11, '61 ; from May 11, '61; conf. May 11, '61. Killed in action at Pea Ridge, Ark., Mar. 7, '62. [184] William W. Loring, Fla., app. May 20, '61 ; from May 20, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be ma j. -gen., pro- visional army, Feb. 15, '62, to rank from Feb. 17, '62. Charles Clark, Miss., app. May 22, '61 ; from May 22, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Resigned Oct. 31, '63. John B. Floyd, Va., app. May 23, '61 ; from May 23, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Relieved from command by the President Mar. 11, '62. Appointed maj.-gen., Vir- ginia State Line, May 17, '62. Died at Abingdon, Va., Aug. 26, '63. William H. T. Walker, Ga., app. May 25, '61 and Mar. 2, '63 ; from May 25, '61 and Feb. 9, '63 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61 and Mar. 2, '63. Resigned Oct. 29, '61. Reappoint- ed. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army, June 27, '63, to rank from May 23, '63. Henry R. Jackson, Ga., app, June 4, '61 and Sept. 21, '63; from June 4, '61 and Sept. 21, '63; conf. Aug. 28, '61 and Feb. 17, '64. Resigned Dec. 2, '61. Reappointed. Captured in action at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, '64; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 8, '65. Theophilus H. Holmes, N. C, app. June 5, '61 ; from June 5, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Oct. 7, '61. Henry A. Wise, Va., app. June 5, '61 ; from June 5, '61 ; conf. Auff. 28, '61 and Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Appo- mattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Earl Van Dorn, Miss., app. June 5, '61 ; from June 5, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Sept. 19, '61. Robert S. Gamett, Va., app. June 6, '61 ; from June 6, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Killed in action at Carrick's Ford, Va., July 13, '61. William J. Hardee, Ga., app. June 17, '61; from June 17, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Oct. 7, '61. [185] Richard S. Ewell, Va., app. June 17, '61 ; from June 17, '61 ; conf, Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Jan. 24, '62. David R. Jones, Ga., app. June 17, '61 ; from June 17, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Oct. 11, '62. Barnard E. Bee, S. C, app. June 17, '61 ; from June 17, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Killed in action at Bull Run, Va., July 21, '61. Benjamin Huger, S. C, app. June 17, '61 ; from June 17, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Oct. 7, '61. John B. Magruder, Va., app. June 17, '61; from June 17, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Oct. 7, '61. James Longstreet, Ala., app. June 17, '61 ; from June 17, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Oct. 7, '61. E. Kirby Smith, Fla., app. June 17, '61 ; from June 17, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen. provi- sional army, Oct. 11, '61. John C. Pemberton, Va., app. June 17, '61 ; from June 17, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Feb. 13, '62, to rank from Jan. 14, '62. Thomas J. Jackson, Va., app. June 17, '61 ; from June 17, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Oct. 7, '61. Henry H. Sibley, La., app. June 17, '61 ; from June 17, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61 and June 10, '64. Paroled at Shreve- port, La., June 8, '65. John H. Winder, Md., app. June 21, '61; from June 21, '61; conf. Aug. 28, '61 and June 10, '64. Died at Florence, S. C, Feb. 7, '65 Daniel S. Donelson, Tenn., app. July 9, '61 ; from July 9, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen, provi- sional army, Apr. 22, '63, to rank from Jan. 17, '63. [186] Samuel R. Anderson, Tenn., app. July 9, '61 ; from July 9, '61 and Nov. 19, '64 ; from July 9, '61 and Nov. 7, '64 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61 and Nov. 19, '64. Resigned May 10, '62. Reappointed. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Gideon J. Pillow, Tenn., app. July 9, '61 ; from July 9, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61 and Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Mont- gomery, Ala., May 5, '65. Benjamin F. Cheatman, Tenn., app. July 9, '61 ; from July 9, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army. Mar. 14, '62, to rank from Mar. 10, '62. Felix K. Zollicoffer, Tenn., app. July 9, '61; from July 9, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Killed in action at Logan's Cross-Roads, Ky., Jan. 19, '62. Daniel H. Hill, N. C, app. July 10, '61 ; from July 10, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional armj^ Mar. 26, '62. Jones M. Withers, Ala., app. July 10, '61 ; from July 10, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Aug. 16, '62, to rank from Apr. 6, '62. Richard H. Anderson, S. C, app. July 19, '61; from July 19, '61; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army, July 14, '62. Robert Toombs, Ga., app. July 19, '61; from July 19, '61; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Resigned Mar. 4, '63. Isaac R. Trimble, Md., app. Aug. 9, '61 ; from Aug. 9, '61 ; conf. Aug. 9, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Apr. 23, '63, to rank from Jan. 17, '63. Daniel Ruggles, Va., app. Aug. 9, '61; from Aug. 9, '61; conf. Aug. 9, '61 and Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Augusta, Ga., on or about May 9, '65. George B. Crittenden, Ky., app. Aug. 15, '61 ; from Aug. 15, '61 ; conf. Aug. 16, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Nov. 9, '61. John B. Grayson, La., app. Aug. 15, '61 ; from Aug. 15, '61 ; conf. Aug. 16, '61. Died Oct. 21, '61. [187] Roswell S. Ripley, S. C, app. Aug. 15, '61 ; from Aug. 15, '61; conf. Aug. 15, '61 and June 10, '64. Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Albert Pike, Ark., app. Aug. 15, '61; from Aug. 15, '61 conf. Aug. 16, '61. Resigned Nov. 11, '62. Richard C. Gatlin, N. C, app. Aug. 15, '61 ; from July 8, '61 conf. Aug. 16, '61. Resigned Sept. 8, '62. Paul O'Hebert, La., app. Aug. 17, '61; from Aug. 17, '61 conf. Aug. 17, '61. Paroled at Houston, Tex., June 23 '65. Arnold Elzey, Md., app. Aug. 28, '61; from July 21, '61 conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Dec. 4, '62. Samuel Jones, Va., app. Aug. 28, '61 ; from July 21, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Mar. 14, '62, to rank from Mar. 10, '62. William H. C. Whiting, Miss., app. Aug. 28, '61 ; from July 21, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army, Apr. 22, '63, to rank from Feb. 28, '63. Jubal A. Early, Va., app. Aug. 28, '61 ; from July 21, '61 ; conf. Aug. 28, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Apr. 23, '63, to rank from Jan. 17, '63. Joseph R. Anderson, Va., app. Sept. 3, '61 ; from Sept. 3, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Resigned July 19, '62. Simon B. Buckner, Ky., app. Sept. 14, '61 ; from Sept. 14, '61; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen. pro- visional army, Aug. 16, '62. Leroy P. Walker, Ala., app. Sept. 17, '61 ; from Sept. 17, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Resigned Mar. 31, '62. Albert G. Blanchard, La., app. Sept. 21, '61 ; from Sept. 21, '61; conf. Dec. 13, '61. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Gabriel J. Rains, N. C., app. Sept. 23, '61 ; from Sept. 23, 61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. No record of final capture or parole has been found. [188] James E. B. Stuart, Va., app. Sept. 24, '61 ; from Sept. 24, '61; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, July 25, '62. Lafayette McLaws, Ga., app. Sept. 25, '61 ; from Sept. 5, '61; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army. May 23, '62. Thomas F. Drayton, S. C, app. Sept. 25, '61; from Sept. 25, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Thomas C. Hindman, Ark., app. Sept. 28, '61 ; from Sept. 28, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army, Apr. 18, '62, to rank from Apr. 14, '62. Adley H. Gladden, La., app. Sept. 30, '61; from Sept. 30, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Mortally wounded in action at Shiloh, Tenn, Apr. 6, '62. John P. McCown, Tenn., app. Oct. 12, '61; from Oct. 12, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Mar. 14, '62, to rank from Mar. 10, '62. Lloyd Tilghman, Ky., app. Oct. 18, '61 ; from Oct. 18, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Killed in action at Baker's Creek, Miss., May 16, '63. Nathan G. Evans, S. C., app. Oct. 21, '61 ; from Oct. 21, '61 ; conf. Dec. 19, '61 and June 10, '64. Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Cadmus M. Wilcox, Tenn., app. Oct. 21, '61 ; from Oct. 21 '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Aug. 13, '63, to rank from Aug. 3, '63 Philip St. George Cocke, Va., app. Oct. 21, '61 ; from Oct. 21 '61 ; conf. Dec, 13, '61, Died in Powhatan County, Va. Dec. 26, '61. Robert E. Rodes, Ala., app. Oct. 21, '61 ; from Oct. 21, '61 conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provr sional army, May 7, '63, to rank from May 2, '63. Richard Taylor, La., app. Oct. 21, '61 ; from Oct. 21, '61 [189] conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, July 28, '62. Louis T. Wigfall, Tex., app. Oct. 21, '61; from Oct. 21, '61; conf. Dec. 20, '61. Resigned Feb. 20, '62. James H. Trapier, S. C, app. Oct. 21, '61 ; from Oct. 21, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Samuel G. French, Miss., app. Oct. 23, '61; from Oct. 23, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Oct. 22, '62, to rank from Aug. 31, '62. William H. Carroll, Tenn., app. Oct. 26, '61 ; from Oct. 26, '61 ; conf. Dec. 20, '61. Resigned Feb. 1, '63. Hugh W. Mercer, Ga., app. Oct. 29, '61 ; from Oct. 29, '61 ; conf. Dec. 20, '61 and June 10, '64. Captured at Macon, Ga., Apr. 20, '65; paroled at Macon, Ga., May 13, '65. Humphrey Marshall, Ky., app. Oct. 30, '61 and June 20, '62 ; from Oct. 30, 61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Resigned June 16, '62. Reappointed. Resigned June 17, '63. John C. Breckinridge, Ky., app. Nov. 2, '61 ; from Nov. 2, '61; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Apr. 18, '62, to rank from Apr. 14, '62. Richard Griffith, Miss., app. Nov. 2, '61 ; from Nov. 2, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Died June 30, '62, of wounds re- ceived in action at Savage Station, Va., June 29, '62. Alexander P. Stewart, Tenn., Nov. 8, '61 ; from Nov. 8, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, June 5, '63, to rank from June 2, '63. William M. Gardner, Ga., app. Nov. 14, '61 ; from Nov. 14, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61 and June 10, '64. Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Richard B. Garnett, Va., app. Nov. 14, from Nov. 14, 61; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Killed in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63. William Mahone, Va., app. Nov. 16, '61 ; from Nov. 16, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61 and Feb. 17, '64. Promoted to be [190] maj.-gen,, provisional army, Aug. 3, '64, to rank from July 30, '64. Lawrence O'B. Branch, N. C, app. Nov. 16, '61 ; from Nov. 16, '61 ; conf. Dec. 13, '61. Killed in action at Sharps- burg, Md., Sept. 17, '62. Edward Johnson, Ky., app. Dec. 13, '61 ; from Dec. 13, '61 ; conf. Dec. 24, '61. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Apr. 22, '63, to rank from Feb. 28, '63. Maxcy Gregg, S. C, app. Dec. 14, '61 ; from Dec. 14, '61 ; conf. Dec. 24, '61. Killed in action at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. Henry C. Wayne, Ga., app. Dec. 16, '61 ; from Dec. 16, '61 ; conf. Dec. 24, '61. Declined appointment Jan. 11, '62. Raleigh E. Colston, Va., app. Dec. 24, '61 ; from Dec. 24, '61; conf. Dec. 24, '61 and Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va., May 22, '65. Henry Heth, Va., app. Jan. 6, '62 ; from Jan. 6, '62 ; conf. Jan. 14, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army. May 23, '63, to rank from May 24, '63. Sterling A. M . Wood, Ala., app. Jan. 7, '62 ; from Jan. 7, '62 ; conf. Jan. 14, '62. Resigned Oct. 17, '63. Johnson K. Duncan, La., app. Jan. 7, '62 ; from Jan. 7, '62 ; conf. Jan. 14, '62. Died at Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 18, '62. John G. Walker, Mo., app. Jan. 9, '62; from Jan. 9, '62; conf. Jan. 9, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Nov. 8, '62. Bushrod R. Johnson, Tenn., app. Jan. 24, '62 ; from Jan. 24, '62 ; conf. Jan. 24, '62 and Feb. 17, '64. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army, May 26, '64, to rank from May 21, '64. James Mcintosh, Fla., app. Jan, 24, '62 ; from Jan. 24, '62 ; conf. Jan. 24, '62. Killed in action at Pea Ridge, Ark., Mar. 7, '62. J. Patton Anderson, Fla., app. Feb. 10, '62; from Feb. 10, [191] '62 ; conf. Feb. 10, 62 and Feb. 17, '64. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army, Feb. 17, '64. John K. Jackson, Ga., app. Feb. 13, '62 ; from Jan. 14, '62 ; conf. Jan. 14, '62 and Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Augusta, Ga., May 17, '65. George E. Pickett, Va., app. Feb. 13, '62 ; from Jan. 14, '62 ; conf. Jan, 14, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen. provi- sional army, Oct. 11, '62, to rank from Oct. 10, '62. James R. Chalmers, Miss., app. Feb. 13, '62; from Feb. 13, '62; conf. Feb. 17, '62 and Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, '65. Howell Cobb, Ga., app. Feb. 13, '62; from Feb. 12, '62; conf. Feb. 12, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Sept. 19, '63, to rank from Sept. 9, '63. George W. Randolph, Va., app. Feb. 13, '62 ; from Feb. 12. '62; conf. Feb. 12, '62. Secretary of War from Mar. 18, '62, to Nov. 17, '62. Resigned Dec. 18, '62. Joseph L. Hogg, Tex., app. Feb. 14, '62 ; from Feb. 14, '62 ; conf. Feb. 14, '62. Died May 16, '62. Joseph B. Kershaw, S. C, app. Feb. 15, '62; from Feb. 13, '62 ; conf. Feb. 13, '62 and Feb. 17, '64. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army, June 2, '64, to rank from May 18, '64. Ambrose P. Hill., Va., app. Feb. 26, '62; from Feb. 26, '62; conf. Feb. 26, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army. May 26, '62. James J. Pettigrew, N. C, app. Feb. 26, '62 ; from Feb. 26, '62 ; conf. Feb. 26, '62. Died at Bunker Hill, W. Va., July 17, '63, of wounds received in action at Falling Waters, Md., July 14, '63. Winfield S. Featherston, Miss., app. Mar. 6, '62 ; from Mar. 4, '62; conf. Mar. 6, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Thomas J. Churchill, Ark., app. Mar. 6, '62; from Mar. 4, '62; conf. Mar. 6, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army. Mar. 18, '65, to rank from Mar. 17, '65. [192] William B. Taliaferro, Va., app. Mar. 6, '62 ; from Mar. 4, '62 ; conf. Mar. 6, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 2, '65, as a maj.-gen., but no record of his appoint- ment or confirmation as such has been found. Albert Rust, Ark., app. Mar. 6, '62 ; from Mar. 4, '62 ; conf. Mar. 6, '62. Paroled at Austin, Tex., July 27, '65. Patrick R. Cleburne, Ark., app. Mar. 6, '62; from Mar. 4, '62; conf. Mar. 6, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Dec. 20, '62, to rank from Dec. 13, '62. Hamilton P. Bee, Tex., app. Mar. 6, '62 ; from Mar. 4, '62 ; conf. Mar. 6, '62. Paroled at Columbus, Tex., June 26, '65, as a maj.-gen., but no record of his appoint- ment or confirmation as such has been found. Carter L. Stevenson, Va., app. Mar. 6, '62; from Feb. 27, '62; conf. Mar. 6. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Oct. 13, '62, to rank from Oct. 10, '62. Danville Leadbetter, Ala., app. Mar. 6, '62; from Feb. 27, '62; conf. Mar. 6, '62. No record of final capture or parole has been found. William W. Mackall, Md., app. Mar. 6, '62 ; from Feb. 27, '62; conf. Mar. 6, '62. Captured at Macon, Ga., Apr. 20, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Robert Ransom, Jr., N. C, app. Mar. 6, '62; from Mar. 1, '62; conf. Mar. 6, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army. May 27, '63, to rank from May 26, '63. John B. Hood, Tex., app. Mar. 6, '62; from Mar. 3, '62; conf. Mar. 6, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Oct. 11, '62, to rank from Oct. 10, '62. Samuel B. Maxey, Tex., app. Mar. 7, '62; from Mar. 4, '62; conf. Mar. 6, '62. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Charles S. Winder, Md., app. Mar. 7, '62 ; from Mar. 1, '62 ; conf. Mar. 7, '62. Killed in action at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, '62. James M. Hawes, Ky., app. Mar. 14, '62 ; from Mar. 5, '62 ; [193] conf. Mar. 13 and March 18, '62. Paroled at San An- tonio, Tex., Aug. 24, '65. William D. Smith, Ga., app. Mar. 14, '62 ; from Mar. 7, '62 ; conf. Mar. 13 and Mar. 18, '62. Died at Charleston, S. C, Oct. 4, '62. Charles W. Field, Ky., app. Mar. 14, '62 ; from Mar. 9, '62 ; conf. Mar. 13 and Mar. 18, '62. Promoted to be maj.- gen., provisional army, Feb. 12, '64. John H. Forney, Ala., app. Mar. 14, '62 ; from Mar. 10, '62 ; conf. Mar. 13 and Mar. 18, '62. Promoted to be maj.- gen., provisional army, Oct. 27, '62. Seth M. Barton, Va., app. Mar. 18, '62; from Mar. 11, '62; conf. Mar. 18, '62. Captured at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, '65, released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. Dabney H. Maury, Va., app. Mar. 18, '62; from Mar. 12, '62; conf. Mar. 18, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army, Nov. 4, '62. John B. Villepigue, S. C, app. Mar. 18, '62 ; from Mar. 13, * '62 ; conf. Mar. 18, '62. Died at Port Hudson, La., Nov. 9, '62. John S. Bowen, Mo., app. Mar. 18, '62 ; from Mar. 14, '62 ; conf. Mar. 18, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, May 29, '63, to rank from May 25, '63. Benjamin H. Helm, Ky., app. Mar. 18, '62; from Mar. 14, '62 ; conf. Mar. 18, '62. Mortally wounded in action at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, '63. Henry E. McCulloch, Tex., app. Mar. 18, '62 ; from Mar. 14, '62 ; conf. Mar. 18, '62. Paroled at San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 19, '65. George H. Steuart, Md., app. Mar. 18, '62 ; from Mar. 6, '62 ; conf. Mar. 18, '62. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. James E. Slaughter, Va., app. Mar. 18, '62; from Mar. 8, '62; conf. Mar. 18, '62. Included in the Canby-Smith [194] convention of May 26, '65, but went to Mexico with out waiting for his personal parole. Paul J. Semmes, Ga., app. Mar. 18, '62; from Mar. 11, '62 conf. Mar. 18, '62. Mortally wounded in action at Get- tysburg, Pa., July 2, '63. John S. Roane, Ark., app. Mar. 20, '62 ; from Mar. 20, '62 conf. Mar. 20, '62. Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 11, '65. States R. Gist, S. C., app. Mar. 20, '62 ; from Mar. 20, '62 conf. Mar. 20, '62. Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn. Nov. 30, '64. William N. Pendleton, Va., app. Mar. 26, '62; from Mar. 26 '62 ; conf. Mar. 26, '62. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Lewis A. Armistead, Va., app. Apr. 1, '62 ; from Apr. 1, '62 conf. Apr. 1, '62. Mortally wounded in action at Get- tysburg, Pa., July 3, '63. Joseph Finegan, Fla., app. Apr. 5, '62; from Apr. 5, '62 conf. Apr. 5, '62. Paroled at Madison, Fla., May 20 '65. Martin L. Smith, Fla., app. Apr. 11, '62; from Apr. 11, '62 conf. Apr. 11, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Nov. 4, '62. Lucius M. Walker, Tenn., app. Apr. 11, '62; from Mar. 11 '62; conf. Apr. 11, '62. Died Sept. 19, '63, of wounds received in a duel with Gen. J. S. Marmaduke, Sept. 6 '63. Roger A. Pryor, Va., app. Apr. 16, '62 ; from Apr. 16, '62 conf. Apr. 16, '62. Resigned Aug. 18, '63. Henry Little, Mo., app. Apr. 16, '62; from Apr. 16, '62 conf. Apr, 16, '62. Killed in action at luka, Miss., Sept 19, '62. William N. R. Beall, Ark., app. Apr. 17, '62 ; from Apr. 11 '62 ; conf. Apr. 17, '62. Captured at Port Hudson, La July 8, '63 ; released at New York City Aug. 2, '65. [195] William Y. Slack, Mo., app. Apr. 17, '62 ; from Apr. 12, '62 ; conf. Apr. 17, '62. Mortally wounded in action at Pea Ridge, Ark., Mar. 7, '62. William Preston, Ky., app. Apr. 18, '62 ; from Apr. 14, '62 ; conf. Apr. 18, '62. Included in the Canby-Smith con- vention of May 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Julius A. De Lagnel, Va., app. Apr. 18, '62; from Apr. 15, '62 ; conf. Apr. 18, '62. Declined appointment July 31, '62. John Echols, Va., app. Apr. 18, '62; from Apr. 16, '62; conf. Apr. 18, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. George Maney, Tenn., app. Apr. 18, '62 ; from Apr. 16, '62 ; conf. Apr. 18, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C., May 1, '65. Alfred Mouton, La., app. Apr. 18, '62 ; from Apr. 16, '62 ; conf. Apr. 18, '62. Killed in action at Mansfield, La., April 8, '64. John S. Williams, Ky., app. Apr. 18, '62 ; from Apr. 16, '62 ; conf. Apr. 18, '62. Paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, '65. Franklin Gardner, La., app. Apr. 19, '62; from Apr. 11, '62; conf. Apr. 19, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Dec. 20, '62, to rank from Dec. 13, '62. James G. Martin, N. C., app. May 17 and Aug. 11, '62; from May 15, '62; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Resigned July 25, '62. Reappointed. Surrendered at Asheville, N. C., May 3, '65. Thomas L. Clingman, N. C., app. May 17, '62 ; from May 17, '62. conf. Sept. 30, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C., May 1, '65. Samuel Garland, Jr., Va., app. May 23, '62 ; from May 23, '62; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Killed in action at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, '62. Wade Hampton, S. C., app. May 23, '62 ; from May 23, '62 ; [196] conf. Sept. 30, '62. Promoted to be ma j. -gen., provi- sional army, Sept. 3, '63, to rank from Aug. 3, '63. Robert Hatton, Tenn., app. May 23, '62 ; from May 23, '62 ; Killed in action at Seven Pines, Va., May 31, '62. Daniel W. Adams, La., app. May 23, '62 ; from May 23, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 9, '65. Turner Ashby, Va., app. May 23, '62; from May 23, '62. Killed in action near Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, '62. Louis Hebert, La., app. May 26, '62; from May 26, '62; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. John C. Moore, Tex., app. May 26, '62 ; from May 26, '62 ; conf. Apr. 11, '63. Resigned Feb. 3, '64. Ambrose R. Wright, Ga., app. June 3, '62 ; from June 3, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Appointed maj.-gen., provisional army, with temporary rank, Nov. 30, '64, to rank from Nov. 26, '64. James L. Kemper, Va., app. June 3, '62 ; from June 3, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Sept. 19, '64. James J. Archer, Md., app. June 3, '62; from June 3, '62; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Died Oct. 24, '64. George B. Anderson, N. C., app. June 9, '62 ; from June 9, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Died Oct. 16, '62, of wounds received in action at Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17, '62. Beverly H. Robertson, Va., app. June 9, '62; from June 9, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Paroled at Augusta, Ga., May 19, '65. John R. Jones, Va., app. June 25, '62; from June 23, '62. Appointment "not acted on by the Senate for two ses- sions." He was captured at Smithburg, Tenn., July 4, '63, and released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. St. John R. Liddell, La., app. July 17, '62 ; from July 12, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Captured at Fort Blakely, Ala., Apr. 9, '65; was held as a prisoner of war at Fort [197] Gaines, Ala., as late as May 13, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Nathan B. Forrest, Tenn., app. July 21, '62; from July 21, '62; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Dec. 4, '63, Johnson Hagood, S. C, app. July 21, '62; from July 21, '62; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. William D. Pender, N. C, app. July 22, '62; from June 3, '62 ; conf. Sept. 20, '62. Promoted to be maj-gen., pro- visional army. May 27, '63. Micah Jenkins, S. C, app. July 22, '62 ; from July 22, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Killed in action at the Wilderness, Va., May 6, '64. Martin E. Green, Mo., app. July 23, '62; from July 21, '62; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Killed in action at Vicksburg, Miss., June 27, '63. Fitzhugh Lee, Va., app. July 25, '62; from July 24, '62; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Sept. 3, *63, to rank from Aug. 3, '63. Harry T. Hays, La., app. July 25, '62 ; from July 25, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 8, '65, as a maj.-gen., but no record of his oppointment or confirmation as such has been found. Under date of May 10, '65, he was, however, announced in orders from Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department as promoted to be maj.-gen., to take eflfect from that date. Albert G. Jenkins, Va., app. Aug. 5, '62 ; from Aug. 5, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Mortally wounded in action at Cloyd's Farm, Va., May 9, '64. William E. Starke, La., app. Aug. 6, '62 ; from Aug. 6, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Killed in action at Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17, '62. William Barksdale, Miss., app. Aug. 12, '62 ; from Aug. 12, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Killed in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63. [198] Edward D. Tracy, Ala., app. Aug. 16, '62; from Aug. 16, '62 ; conf . Sept. 30, '62. Killed in action at Port Gibson, Miss., May 1, '63. Thomas Jordan, Va., app. Sept. 26, '62 ; from Apr. 14, '62 ; conf. Sept. 26, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C., May 1, '65. William R. Scurry, Tex., app. Sept. 26, '62 ; from Sept. 12, '62 ; conf. Sept. 26, '62. Mortally wounded at Jenkins' Ferry, Ark., Apr. 30, '64. Allison Nelson, Tex., app. Sept 26, '62 ; from Sept. 12, '62 ; conf. Sept. 26, '62. Died near Austin, Tex., Oct. 7, '62. Matthew D. Ector, Tex., app. Sept. 27, '62 ; from Aug. 23, '62; conf. Sept. 27, '62. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, '65. John Gregg, Tex., app. Sept. 27, '62; from Aug. 29, '62; conf. Sept. 27, '62. Killed in action in front of Rich- mond, Va., Oct. 7, '64. Edward A. Perry, Fla., app. Sept. 30, '62; from Aug. 28, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Paroled at Montgomery, Ala., June 6, '65. John C. Brown, Tenn., app. Sept. 30, '62; from Aug. 30, '62; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Appointed maj.-gen., provi- sional army, with temporary rank, Aug. 4, '64. Alfred H. Colquitt, Ga., app. Sept. 30, '62 ; from Sept. 1, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C., May 1, '65. Junius Daniel, N. C., app. Sept. 30, '62 ; from Sept. 1, '62 ; conf. Sept. 30, '62. Died May 13, '64, of wounds re- ceived in action at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 12, '64. Evander M. Law, Ala., app. Oct. 3, '62; from Oct. 3, '62; conf. Oct. 3, '62. Paroled at Charlotte, N. C, May 25, '65. William B. Bate, Tenn., app. Oct. 3, '62; from Oct. 3, '62; conf. Oct. 3, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army, Mar. 5, '64, to rank from Feb. 23, '64. [199] William H. F. Lee, Va., app. Oct. 3, '62 ; from Sept. 15, '62 ; conf. Oct. 3, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Apr. 23, '64. William E. Jones, Va., app. Oct. 3, '62 ; from Sept. 19, '62 ; conf. Oct. 3, '62. Killed in action at Piedmont, Va., June 5, '64. William E. Baldwin, Miss., app. Oct. 3, '62 ; from Sept. 19, '62 ; conf. Oct. 3, '62. Died Feb. 19, '64. John C. Vaughn, Tenn., app. Oct. 3, '62 ; from Sept. 22, '62 ; conf. Oct. 3, '62. Paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, '65. William Steele, Tex., app. Oct. 3, '62; from Sept. 12, '62; conf. Oct. 3, '62. Paroled at San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 4, '65. James F. Fagan, Ark., app. Oct. 3, '62 ; from Sept. 12, '62 ; conf. Oct. 3, '62. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, June 13, '64, to rank from Apr. 25, '64. Elkanah Greer, Tex., app. Oct. 8, '62 ; from Oct. 8, '62 ; conf. Oct. 8, '62. Included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Joseph R. Davis, Miss., app. Oct. 8, '62 ; from Sept. 15, '62 conf. Oct. 8, '62. Paroled at Appomattox Court House Va., Apr. 9, '65. Daniel M. Frost, Mo., app. Oct. 10, '62 ; from Mar. 3, '62 conf. Oct. 10, '62. Dropped Dec. 9, '63. Francis T. Nicholls, La., app. Oct. 14, '62; from Oct. 14 '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Shreveport, La. June 18, '65. Preston Smith, Tenn., app. Oct. 27, '62 ; from Oct. 27, '62 conf. Apr. 22, '63. Killed in action at Chickamauga Ga., Sept. 19, '63. Alfred Gumming, Ga., app. Oct. 29, '62 ; from Oct. 29, '62 conf. Apr. 22, '63. No record of final capture or parole has been found. [200] Alfred E. Jackson, Tenn., app. Oct. 29, '62 and Apr. 22, '63; from Oct. 29 and Feb. 9, '63 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Ap- pointment canceled. Reappointed. Paroled at Lynch- burg, Va., June 1, '65. William S. Walker, Fla., app. Oct. 30, '62 ; from Oct. 30, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Joseph Wheeler, Ga., app. Oct. 30, '62 ; from Oct. 30, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Appointed maj.-gen. with tempor- ary rank, for service with volunteer troops, Jan. 20, '63. George Doles, Ga., app. Nov. 1, '62 ; from Nov. 1, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Killed in action at Bethesda Church, Va., June 2, '64. Montgomery D. Corse, Va., app. Nov. 1, '62; from Nov. 1, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Captured at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr., 6, '65; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. George T. Anderson, Ga., app. Nov. 1, '62 ; from Nov. 1, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Thomas R. R. Cobb, Ga., app. Nov. 1, '62 ; from Nov. 1, '62. Killed in action at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. Alfred Iverson, N. C, app. Nov. 1, '62; from Nov. 1, '62; conf. June 10, '64. Captured and paroled near Law- renceville, Ga., May — , '65. James H. Lane, N. C, app. Nov. 1, '62; from Nov. 1, '62; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Edward L. Thomas, Ga., app. Nov. 1, '62; from Nov. 1, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Stephen D. Ramseur, N. C, app. Nov. 1, '62 ; from Nov. 1, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Appointed maj.-gen., provi- sional army, with temporary rank, June 1, '64. [201] John R. Cooke, N. C, app. Nov. 1, '62 ; from Nov. 1, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Appomattox, Va., Apr. 9, '65. John B. Gordon, Ala., app. Nov. 1, '62 and May 11, '63 ; from Nov. 1, '62 and May 7, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Not con- firmed. Reappointed. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, May 14, '64. Jerome B. Robertson, Tex., app. Nov. 1, '62 ; from Nov. 1, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, '65, but no record of his per- sonal parole has been found. Elisha F. Paxton, Va., app. Nov. 1, '62 ; from Nov. 1, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Killed in action at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, '63. James E. Rains, Tenn., app. Nov. 4, '62 ; from Nov. 4, '62. Killed in action Murfreesborough, Tenn., Dec. 31, '62. Evander McNair, Ark., app. Nov. 4, '62 ; from Nov. 4, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Included in the Canby-Smith con- vention of May 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Applied for amnesty at Wash- ington, Ark., Aug. 7, '65. Thomas H. Taylor, Ky., app. Nov. 4, '62 ; from Nov. 4, '62. President declined to nominate. William G. M. Davis, Fla., app. Nov. 4, '62; from Nov. 4, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Resigned May 6, '63. Archibald Gracie, Jr., Ala., app. Nov. 4, '62; from Nov. 4, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Killed in action before Peters- burg, Va., Dec. 2, '64. William R. Boggs, Ga., app. Nov. 4, '62 ; from Nov. 4, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 9, '65. James C. Tappan, Ark., app. Nov. 5, '62 ; from Nov. 5, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, 63. Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 8, '65. [202] Dandridge McRae, Ark., app. Nov. 5, '62; from Nov. 5, '62 ; conf . Apr. 22, '63. Resigned , '64. Mosby M. Parsons, Mo., app. Nov. 5, '62 ; from Nov. 5, '62 ; conf. Apr. 30, '63. Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 8, '65, as a maj.-gen., but no record of his appointment or confirmation as such has been found. Under date of May 13, '64, he was, however, announced in orders from Headquarters. Trans-Mississippi Department as promoted to be maj.-gen., to take effect from April 30, '64. Stephen D. Lee, S. C, app. Nov. 6, '62 ; from Nov. 6, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Aug. 3, '63. John Pegram, Va., app. Nov. 10, '62; from Nov. 7, '62; conf. Apr. 25, '63. Killed in action at Hatcher's Run, Va., Feb. 6, '65. John A. Wharton, Tex., app. Nov. 18, '62; from Nov. 18, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army, Nov. 12, '63, to rank from Nov. 10, '63. Abraham Buford, Ky., app. Nov. 29, '62 ; from Sept. 2, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, '65. Will T. Martin, Miss., app. Dec. 2, '62; from Dec. 2, "^2; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Nov. 12, '63, to rank from Nov. 10, '63. John H. Morgan, Tenn., app. Dec. 11, '62; from Dec. 11, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. . Killed at Breeneville, Tenn., Sept. 4, '64. Marcus J. Wright, Tenn., app. Dec. 20, '62 ; from Dec. 13, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Grenada, Miss., May 19, '65. Zachariah C. Deas, Ala., app. Dec. 20, '62; from Dec. 13, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 12, '65. Roger W. Hanson, Ky., app. Dec. 20, '62 ; from Dec. 13, '62 ; [203] conf . Apr. 22, '63. Mortally wounded in action at Mur- freesborough, Tenn., Jan. 2, '63. Lucius E. Polk, Ark., app. Dec. 20, '62 ; from Dec. 13, '62 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. No record of final capture or parole has been found. James Cantey, Ala., app. Jan. 8, '63. from Jan. 8, '63 ; conf. Apr. 22, '63. No record of final capture or parole has been found. John Adams, Tenn., app. Jan. 9 and May 23, '63 ; from Dec. 29 and Dec. 29, '62 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Not confirmed. Reappointed. Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, '64. William H. Jackson, Tenn., app. Jan. 9, '63 ; from Dec. 29, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Paroled at Columbus, Miss., May 18, '65. Camillus J. Polignac, France, app. Jan. 10, '63; from Jan. 10, '63; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provisional army, June 13, '64, to rank from Apr. 8, '64. Francis A. Shoup, Fla., app. Apr. 11, '63; from Sept. 12, '62; conf. Apr. 11, '63. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Edward C. Walthall, Miss., app. Apr. 23, '63; from Dec. 13, '62; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Appointed maj.-gen., pro- visional army, with temporary rank, June 10, '64, to rank from June 6, '64. Robert F. Hoke, N. C, app. Apr. 23, '63; from Jan. 17, '63; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Apr., 23, '64, to rank from Apr. 20, '64. Henry L. Benning, Ga., app. Apr. 23, '63 ; from Jan. 17, '63 ; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. William T. Wofford, Ga., app. Apr. 23, '63; from Jan. 17, '63 ; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Paroled at Resaca, Ga., May 2, '65. [204] Samuel McGowan, S. C, app. Apr. 23, '63 ; from Jan, 17, '63; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Marcellus A. Stovall, Ga., app. Apr. 23, '63; from Jan. 20, '63 ; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Paroled May 9, '65. George B. Cosby, Ky., app. Apr. 23, '63 ; from Jan. 20, '63 ; conf. Apr. 23, '63. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Frank C. Armstrong, Ark., app. Apr. 23, '63 ; from Jan. 20, '63; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Paroled at Columbus, Miss., May 15, '65. William L. Cabell, Ark., app. Apr. 23, '63 ; from Jan. 20, '63 ; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Captured in action at Little Osage River, Kans., Oct. 25, '64 ; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. William Smith, Va., app. Apr. 23, '63; from Jan. 31, '63; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Aug. 13, '63, to rank from Aug. 12, '63. Robert B. Vance, N. C, app. Apr. 23, '63 ; from Mar. 4, '63 ; conf. Apr. 23, '63. Captured at Cosby Creek, Tenn., Jan. 14, '64 ; released for exchange from Fort Dela- ware, Del., Mar. 10, '65. No further record found. Henry D. Clayton, Ala., app. Apr. 25, '63 ; from Apr. 22, '63 ; conf. Apr. 25, '63. Appointed maj.-gen,, provisional army, with temporary rank, July 8, '64, to rank from July 7, '64. Arthur M. Manigault, S. C, app. Apr. 30, '63 ; from Apr. 26, '63 ; conf. Apr. 30, '63. No record of final capture or parole has been found. John W. Whitfield, Tex., app. May 9, '63 ; from May 9, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Paroled at Columbus, Tex., June 29, '65. James A. Walker, Va., app. May 16, '63 ; from May 15, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. [205] John M. Jones, Va., app. May 16, '63; from May 15, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Killed in action at the Wilderness, Va., May 5, '64. John W. Frazer, Miss., app. May 19, '63 ; from May 19, '63. Nomination rejected by the Senate Feb. 15, '64. Thomas Green, Tex., app. May 23, '63 ; from May 20, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Killed in action at Blair's Landing, La., Apr. 12, '64. John S. Marmaduke, Mo., app. May 25, '63 ; from Nov. 15, '62; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Promoted to be maj.-gen., pro- visional army. Mar. 18, '65, to rank from Mar. 17, '65. Isham W. Garrott, Ala., app. May 29, '63 ; from May 28, '63. Killed in action at Vicksburg, Miss., June 17, '63. Edward A. O'Neal, Ala., app. June 6, '63 ; from June 6, '63. Cancelled by order of the President. John T. Morgan, Ala., app. June 6 and Nov. 7, '63 ; from June 6 and Nov. 16, '63; conf. Feb. 17. Declined ap- pointment July 14, '63. Reappointed. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 12, '65. Matt W. Ransom, N. C, June 15, '63; from June 13, '63; conf. Feb. 16, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Alfred M. Scales, N. C, June 15, '63; from June 13, '63; conf. Feb. 16, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Applied for amnesty at Raleigh, N. C, June 22, '65. Douglas H. Cooper, Miss., app. June 23, '63; from May 2, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Henry H. Walker, Va., app. July 1, '63; from July 1, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Richmond, Va., May 7, '65. Francis M. Cockrell, Mo., app. July 23, '63; from July 18, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Captured at Fort Blakely, Ala., Apr. 9, '65 ; paroled at Fort Gaines, Ala., May 14, '65. [206] James P. Major, La., app. July 23, '63; from July 21, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at New Iberia, La., June 11, '65. Otho F. Strahl, Tenn., app. July 28, '63 ; from July 28, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, '64. James Deshler, Ala., app. July 28, '63 ; from July 28, '63. Killed in action at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, '63. Samuel W. Ferguson, Miss., app. July 28, '63 ; from July 23, '63 ; conf. P eb. 17, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Lunsford L. Lomax, Va., app. July 30, '63; from July 23, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Appointed maj.-gen., provi- sional army, with temporary rank, Aug. 10, '64. Lawrence S. Baker, N. C, app. July 30, '63 ; from July 23, '63; conf. Feb. 16, '64. Paroled at Raleigh, N. C, May 8, '65. Philip D. Roddey, Ala., app. Aug. 3, '63 ; from Aug. 3, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Paroled at Courtland, Ala., on or about May 17, '65. Thomas P. Dockery, Ark., app. Aug. 10, '63 ; from Aug. 10, '63 ; conf. June 10, '64. Paroled in Arkansas June — , '65. Eppa Hunton, Va., app. Aug. 12, '63; from Aug. 9, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Captured in action at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, '65; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. Benjamin G. Humphreys, Miss., app. Aug. 14, '63; from Aug. 12, '63; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Paroled at Jackson, Miss., May 15, '65. Henry B. Davidson, Tenn., app. Aug. 18, '63 ; from Aug. 18 '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Greensborough N. C, May 1, '65. Henry W. Allen, La., app. Aug. 19, '63 ; from Aug. 19, '63 conf. Jan. 25, '64. Resigned Jan. 10, '64. Cullen A. Battle, Ala., app. Aug. 25, '63 ; from Aug. 20, '63 [207] conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Montgomery, Ala., May 16, '65. William W. Kirkland, N. C, app. Aug. 31, '63 ; from Aug. 29, '63 ; conf. Feb. 16, '64. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Goode Bryan, Ga., app. Aug. 31, '63; from Aug. 29, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Resigned Sept. 20, '64. Matthew C. Butler, S. C., app. Sept. 2, '63 ; from Sept. 1, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Dec. 7, '64, to rank from Sept. 19, '64. Williams C. Wickham, Va., app. Sept. 2, '63; from Sept. 1, '63; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Resigned Nov. 9, '64. Robert D. Johnson, N. C., app. Sept. 2, '63; from Sept. 1, '63; conf. Feb. 16, '64. Paroled at Charlotte, N. C., May 13, '65. William A. Quarles, Tenn., app. Sept. 5, '63 ; from Aug. 25, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Wounded in action at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, '64, and subsequently captured. Pa- roled at Nashville, Tenn., on or about May 25, '65. Alexander W. Reynolds, Va., app. Sept. 17, '63 ; from Sept. 14, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Athens, Ga., on or about May 8, '65. Abner Perrin, S. C., app. Sept. 17, '63 ; from Sept. 10, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Killed in action at Spotsylvania, Va., May 12, '64. Thomas N. Waul, Tex., app. Sept. 19, '63; from Sept. 18, '63; conf. June 10, '64. Included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Edmand W. Pettus, Ala., app. Sept. 19, '63 ; from Sept. 18, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Salisbury, N. C., May 2, '65. Gabriel C. Wharton, Va., app. Sept. 25, '63; from July 8, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va. June 21, '65. Wirt Adams, Miss., app. Sept. 28, '63 ; from Sept. 25, '63 ; [208] conf. Jan. 25, '64. Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 12. '65. James B. Gordon, N. C, Sept. 28, '63; from Sept. 28, '63; Feb. 17, '64. Mortally wounded in action at Meadow Bridge, Va., May 12, '64. James A. Smith, Tenn., app. Oct. 1, '63; from Sept. 30, '63 conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C., May 1, '65. Joseph H. Lewis, Ky., app. Oct. 1, '63; from Sept. 30, '63; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, '65. Mark P. Lowrey, Miss., app. Oct. 6, '63 ; from Oct. 4, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Resigned Mar. 14, '65. Leroy A. Stafford, La., app. Oct. 8, '63 ; from Oct. 8, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25. Mortally wounded in action at the Wil- derness, Va., May 5, '64. Thomas L. Rosser, Tex., app. Oct. 10, '63; from Sept. 28, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Appointed maj.-gen., provi- sional army, with temporary rank, Nov. 4, '64, to rank from Nov. 1, '64. Pierce M. B. Young, Ga., app. Oct. 10, '63 ; from Sept. 28, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Appointed maj.-gen., provi- sional army, with temporary rank, Jan. 28, '65, to rank from Dec. 30, '64. Edward Higgins, La., app. Nov. 2, '63; from Oct. 29, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. John H. Kelly, Ala., app. Nov. 17, '63 ; from Nov. 16, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Died Sept. 4, '64, of wounds re- ceived near Franklin, Tenn. William Y. C. Humes, Tenn., app. Nov. 17, '63 ; from Nov. 16, '63 ; conf. Jan. 25, '64. Included in the Sherman- Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Claudius C. Wilson, Ga., app. Nov. 18, '63; from Nov. 16, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Died Nov. 24, '63. [209] Jesse J. Finley, Fla., app. Nov. 18, '63 ; from Nov. 16, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Quincy, Fla., May 23, '65. James H. Clanton, Ala., app. Nov. 18, '63 ; from Nov. 16, '63; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Mobile, Ala., May 25, '65. Alfred J. Vaughan, Jr., Tenn., app. Nov. 21, '63; from Nov. 18, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, '65. George B. Hodge, Ky., app. Nov. 21, '63; from Nov. 20. Senate refused to confirm Feb. 17, '64. Reappointed Aug. 4, '64, under act of Oct. 13, '62. Robert V. Richardson, Tenn., app. Dec. 3, '63 ; from Dec. 1, '63. Nomination returned by the Senate to the Presi- dent Feb. 9, '64. Clement H. Stevens, S. C., app. Feb. 1, '64; from Jan. 20, '64; conf. Feb. 1, '64. Killed in action at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, '64. Lawrence S. Ross, Tex., app. Feb. 5, '64 ; from Dec. 21, '63 ; conf. Feb. 5, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Applied for amnesty at Austin, Tex., Aug. 4, '65. Daniel C. Govan, Ark., app. Feb. 5, '64; from Dec. 9, '63; conf. Feb. 5, '64. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Joseph O. Shelby, Mo., app. Feb. 5, '64; from Dec. 15, '63; conf. Feb. 5, '64. Included in the Canby-Smith conven- tion of May 26, '65, but went to Mexico without wait- ing for his personal parole. Nathaniel H. Harris, Miss., app. Feb. '64; from Jan. 20, '64; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Allen Thomas, La., app. Feb. 17, '64; from Feb. 4, '64; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 8, '65. Alexander T. Hawthorn, Ark,, app. Feb. 23, '64 ; from Feb. 18, '64; conf. May 11, '64. Included in the Canby- [210] Smith convention of May 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Robert C. Tyler, Tenn., app. Mar. 5, '64 ; from Feb. 23, '64 ; conf. June 9, '64. Killed in action at West Point, Ga., Apr. 16, '65. Claudius W. Sears, Miss., app. Mar. 7, '64; from Mar. 1, '64; conf. May 11, '64. Captured near Pulaski, Tenn., Dec. 21, '64 ; paroled at Nashville, Tenn., June 23, '65. William F. Tucker, Miss., app. Mar. 7, '64; from Mar. 1, '64; conf. May 11, '64. Paroled at Jackson, Miss., May 15, '65. Alpheus Baker, Ala., app. Mar. 7, '64; from Mar. 5, '64; conf. May 11, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. John B. Clark, Jr., Mo., app. Mar. 12, '64; from Mar. 8, '64; conf. May 11, '64. Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 7, '65. James Chestnut, Jr., S. C, app. Apr. 23, '64 ; from Apr. 23, '64 ; conf. June 9, '64. Included in the Sherman-John- ston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Stand Watie, Ind. T., app. May 10, '64; from May 6, '64; conf. May 10, '64. Included in the Canby-Smith con- vention of May 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Clement A. Evans, Ga., app. May 20, '64 ; from May 19, '64 ; conf. May 20, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. John McCausland, Va., app. May 24, '64 ; from May 18, '64 ; conf. May 24, '64. Paroled at Charleston, W. Va., May 22, '65. Thomas M. Scott, La., app. May 24, '64 ; from May 10, '64 ; conf. May 24, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Samuel J. Gholson, Miss., app. June 1, '64; from May 6, '64; conf. June 1, '64. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 14, '65. [211] Bryan Grimes, N. C, app. June 1, '64; from May 19, '64; conf. June 1, '64. Promoted to be maj.-gen., provi- sional army, Feb. 23, '65, to rank from Feb. 15, '65. Rufus Barringer, N. C, app. June 1, '64; from June 1, '64; conf. June 1, '64. Captured at Namozine Church, Va., Apr. 3, '65 ; released from Fort Delaware, Del., July 24, '65. John Bratton, S. C, app. June 9, '64; from May 6, '64; conf. June 9, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Martin W. Gary, S. C, app. June 14, '64 ; from May 19, '64 ; conf. June 14, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Hylan B. Lyon, Ky., app. June 14, '64 ; from June 14, '64 ; conf. June 14, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. William L. Brandon, Miss., app. June 18, '64 ; from June 18, '64; conf. Jan. 17, '65. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, '65. Philip Cook, Ga., app. Aug. 8, '64; from Aug. 5, '64; conf. Feb. 3, '65. Wounded in assault on Fort Stedman, Va., Mar. 25, '65; captured in hospital at Petersburg, Va,, Apr. 3, '65; paroled at Petersburg, Va., on or about July 30, '65. Archibald C. Godwin, N. C, app. Aug. 9, '64 ; from Aug. 5 '64. Killed in action at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, '64 Lucius J. Gartrell, Ga., app. Aug. 23, '64 ; from Aug. 22, '64 conf. Jan. 17, '65. Paroled at Atlanta, Ga., May 8, '65 Basil W. Duke, Ky., app. Sept. 19, '64 ; from Sept. 15, '64 conf. Jan. 17, '65. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Patrick T. Moore, Va., app. Sept. 23, '64 ; from Sept. 20, '64 ; conf. Jan. 17, '65. Paroled at Manchester, Va., Apr. 30, '65. Edwin G. Lee, Va., app. Sept. 23, '64 ; from Sept. 20. Nomi- nation rejected by the Senate Feb. 24, '65. [212] David A. Weisiger, Va., app. Nov. 1, '64 ; from July 30, '64 ; conf. Feb. 3, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Peter B. Starke, Miss., app. Dec. 26, '64 ; from Nov. 4, '64 ; conf. Dec. 26, '64. Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 12, '65. James E. Harrison, Tex., app. Jan. 6, '65 ; from Dec. 22, '64 ; conf. Jan. 6, '65. Paroled at Houston, Tex., June 28, '65. William L. Jackson, Va., app. Jan. 12, '65; from Dec. 29, '64; conf. Jan. 12, '65. Paroled at Brownsville, Tex., July 26, '65. Richard L. T. Beale, Va., app. Jan. 13, '65 ; from Jan. 6, '65 ; conf. Jan. 13, '65. Paroled at Ashland, Va., Apr. 27, '65. George G. Dibrell, Tenn., app. Jan. 28, '65; from July 26, '64; conf. Jan. 28, '65. Paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, '65. William McComb, Tenn., app. Feb. 13, '65; from Jan. 20, '65 ; conf. Feb. 13, '65. Paroled at Appomattox, Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Robert Lowry, Miss., app. Feb. 13, '65; from Feb. 4, '65; conf. Feb. 13, '65. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. James P. Simms, Ga., app. Feb. 18, '65 ; from Dec. 8, '64 ; conf. Feb. 18, '65. Captured in action at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, '65; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. William R. Peck, La., app. Feb. 22, '65 ; from Feb. 18, '65 ; conf. Feb. 22, '65. Paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., June 6, '65. William H. Forney, Ala., app. Feb. 23, '65; from Feb. 15, '65 ; conf. Feb. 23, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Thomas M. Logan, S.C, app. Feb. 23, '65 ; from Feb. 15, '65 ; conf. Feb. 23, '65. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. [213] William P. Roberts, N. C, app. Feb. 23, '65 ; from Feb. 21, '65 ; conf . Feb, 23, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Tyree H. Bell, Tenn., app. Mar. 2, '65; from Feb. 28, '65; conf. Mar. 2, '65. Paroled at Gamesville, Ala., May 10, '65. Alexander W. Campbell, Tenn., app. Mar. 2, '65 ; from Mar. 1, '65; conf. Mar. 2, '65. Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 11, '65. Ellison Capers, S. C, app. Mar. 2, '65; from Mar. 1, '65; conf. Mar. 2, '65. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Young M. Moody, Ala., app. Mar. 13, '65; from Mar. 4, '65; conf. Mar. 13, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. William F. Perry, Ala., app. Mar. 16, '65; from Feb. 21, '65; conf. Mar. 16, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Walter P. Lane, Tex., app. Mar. 18, '65; from Mar. 17, '65; conf. Mar. 18, '65. Included in the Canby-Smith con- vention of May 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. William P. Hardeman, Tex., app. Mar. 18, '65; from Mar. 17, '65; conf. Mar. 18, '65. Included in the Canby- Smith convention of May 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Richard Waterhouse, Tex., app. Mar. 18, '65 ; from Mar. 17, '65; conf. Mar. 18, '65. Included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, '65, but no record of his per- sonal parole has been found. Richard M. Gano, Tex., app. Mar. 18, '65; from Mar. 17, '65 ; conf. Mar. 18, '65. Included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Henry Gray, La., app. Mar. 18, '65; from Mar. 17, '65; conf. Mar. 18, '65. Included in the Canby-Smith con- [214] vention of May 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Theodore W. Brevard, Fla., app. Mar. 28, '65; from Mar. 22. Captured at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, '65; re- leased from Johnson's Island, Ohio, July 25, '65. Brigadier-Generals For Service With Volunteer Troops (With Temporary Rank) Authorized by act of Congress, approved May 21, 1861. William D. Pender, app. June 3, '62. Appointed brig.-gen., provisional army, July 22, '62, to rank from June 3, '62. George B. Cosby, app. Jan. 20, '63. Appointed brig.-gen., provisional army, Apr. 23, '63, to rank from Jan. 20, '63. Frank C. Armstrong, app. Jan. 20, '63. Appointed brig.- gen., provisional army, Apr. 23, '63, to rank from Jan. 20, '63. G. W. Custis Lee, app. June 25, '63. Appointed maj.-gen., provisional army, with temporary rank, Oct. 20, '64. Henry H. Walker, app. July 1, '63. Appointed brig.-gen., provisional army, July 1, '63. James Bearing, app. Apr. 29, '64. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va., Apr. 14 or 15, '65. Bryan M. Thomas, app. Aug. 4, '64. Captured in action at Fort Blakely, Ala., Apr. 9, '65. No record of personal parole has been found. Brigadier-Generals of Artillery, Provisional Army Authorized by act of Congress, approved January 22, 1862. Armistead L. Long, Va., app. Sept. 21, '63; from Sept. 21, '63 ; conf. Feb. 17, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. [215] Edward P. Alexander, Ga., app. Mar. 1, '64 ; from Feb. 26, '64 ; conf . May 28, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. R. Lindsay Walker, Va., app. Mar. 1, '65; from Feb. 18, '65 ; conf. Mar. 1, '65. Paroled at Richmond, Va., Mar. 8, '65. Brigadier-General, Provisional Army Authorized by act of Congress, approved February 11, 1865. Isaac M. St. John, Ga., app. Feb. 16, '65 ; from Feb. 16, '65; conf. Feb. 16, '65. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Brigadier-Generals, Provisional Army Authorized by act of Congress, approved October 11, 1862. John D. Imboden, Va., app. Apr. 13, '63 ; from Jan. 28, '63 ; conf. Apr. 13, '63. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Adam R. Johnson, Ky., app. Sept. 6, '64; from June 1, '64. Retired from active service Mar, 23, '65. Applied for amnesty and took oath of allegiance to United States at Henderson, Ky., July 28, '65. Brigadier-Generals (Special), Provisional Army Authorized by act of Congress, approved October 13, 1862. Carnot Posey, Miss., app. Nov. 1, '62; from Nov. 1, '62; conf. Apr. 22, '63. Died at Charlottesville, Va., Nov. 13, '63, of wounds received in action at Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14, '63. [2161 Lucius B. Northrop, S. C, from Nov. 26, '64. Com.-gen. of subsistence. Arrested at Raleigh, N. C, June 30, '65, by order of the United States authorities. Released on conditional parole at Richmond, Va., under War Department order of Oct, 31, '65. James M, Goggin, Va,, from Dec. 4, '64. Appointment can- celed. Robert H. Chilton, Va., app. Oct. 20, '62 and Feb. 16, '64; from Oct. 20, '62 and Dec. 21, '63; conf. Feb. 16, '64. Nomination rejected by the Senate Apr. 11, '63. Reap- pointed. Resigned Apr. 1, '64. John R. Chambliss, Jr., Va., app. Jan. 27, '64 ; from Dec. 19, '63 ; conf. Jan. 27, '64. Killed in action at Deep Creek, Va., Aug. 16, '64. Randall L. Gibson, La., app. Feb. 1, '64; from Jan, 11, '64; conf. Feb. 1, '64. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 14, '65. William W. Allen, Ala., app. Mar. 1, '64; from Feb. 26, '64; conf. June 9, '64. Paroled at Charlotte, N, C, May 3, '65. Hiram B. Granbury, Tex., app. Mar. 5, '64; from Feb. 29, '64; conf. May 11, '64. Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn,, Nov. 30, '64. Richard L. Page, Va., app. Mar. 7, '64; from Mar. 1, '64; conf. June 9, '64. Captured at Fort Morgan, Ala., Aug. 23, '64; released from Fort Delaware, Del., July 24, '65. Daniel H. Reynolds, Ark., app. Mar. 12, '64; from Mar. 5, '64 ; conf. May 16, '64. Paroled at Charlottesville, Va., May 29, '65. William Terry, Va., app. May 20, '64; from May 19, '64; conf. May 20, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Birkett D. Fry, Ala., app. May 24, '64 ; from May 24, '64 ; conf. May 24, '64. Included in the Sherman-Johnston [217] convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his per- sonal parole has been found. Stephen Elliott, Jr., S. C, app. May 28, '64 ; from May 24, '64 ; conf . May 28, '64. Included in the Sherman-John- ston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. James Conner, N. C, app. June 1, '64; from June 1, '64; conf. June 1, '64. Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his per- sonal parole has been found. John S. Preston, S. C, app. June 10, '64 ; from June 10, '64 ; conf. June 10, '64. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Samuel Benton, Miss., app. July 26, '64 ; from June 26, '64. Mortally wounded in action at Atlanta, Ga., July 28, '64. George B. Hodge, Ky., app. Aug. 4, '64; from Aug. 2, '64. Nomination rejected by the Senate Feb. 8, '65. Paroled as a brig.-gen. at Meridian, Miss., May 10, '65. Walter H. Stevens, Tex., app. Sept. 2, '64; from Aug. 28, '64 ; conf. Jan. 17, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. William H. Payne, Va., app. Nov. 4, '64 ; from Nov. 1, '64 ; conf. Jan. 17, '65. Captured at Warrentown Ford, Va., Apr. 15, '65 ; released from Johnson's Island, Ohio, May 29, '65. William MacRae, N. C, app. Nov. 5, '64 ; from Nov. 4, '64 ; conf. Jan. 17, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Josiah Gorgas, Ala., app. Nov. 19, '64; from Nov. 10, '64; conf. Nov. 19, '64. Chief of ordnance. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Collett Leventhorpe, N. C, app. Feb. 18, '65 ; from Feb. 3, '65; conf. Feb. 18, '65. Declined appointment Mar. 6, '65. [218] Brigadier-Generals, Provisional Army (With Tem- porary Rank) Authorized by act of Congress, approved May 31, 186i. James B. Terrill, Va., app. June 1, '64 ; from May 31, '64 conf. May 31, '64. Killed in action near Bethesdi' Church, Va., May 30, '64. William R. Cox, N. C, app. June 2, '64 ; from May 31, '64 conf. June 2, '64. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Thomas F. Toon, N. C, app. June 2, '64; from May 31, '64 conf. June 2, '64. Reverted to rank of colonel, 20th North Carolina Infantry, Aug. — , '64. William G. Lewis, N. C, app. June 2, '62 ; from May 31, '64 conf. June 2, '64. Wounded and captured in action at Farmville, Va., Apr. 7, '65, and paroled at Farmville Va., between Apr. 11 and 21, '65. Zebulon York, La., app. June 2, '64 ; from May 31, '64 ; conf June 2, '64. Paroled May 6, '65. Robert D. Lilley, Va., app. June 2, '64; from May 31, '64 conf. June 2, '64. Paroled at Staunton, Va., May 23 '65. David A. Weisiger, Va., app. June 7, '64; from May 31, '64 conf. June 7, '64. Cancelled. No vacancy. John C. C. Sanders, Ala., app. June 7, '64; from May 31 '64 ; conf. June 7, '64. Killed in action at the Weldon Railroad, Va., Aug. 21, '64. William R. Terry, Va., app. June 10, '64 ; from May 31, '64 conf. June 10, '64. Disabled in action at Dinwiddle Court House, Va., Mar. 31, '65. No record of final capture or parole has been found. William MacRae, N. C, app. June 23, '64; from June 22, '64. Appointed brig.-gen. (special 20), provisional army, Nov. 5, '64, to rank from Nov. 4, '64. Bradley T. Johnson, Md., app. June 28, '64; from June 28, '64; conf. Feb. 20, '65. Paroled at Salisbury, N. C, May 1, '65. [219] John C. Carter, Tenn,, app. July 8, '64; from July 7, '64; conf, Feb. 20, '65. Mortally wounded in action at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, '64. James T. Holtzclaw, Ala., app. July 8, '64; from July 7, '64; conf. Feb. 21, '65. Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, '65. William F. Brantly, Miss., app. July 26, '64 ; from July 26, '64; conf. Feb. 21, '65. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Robert H. Anderson, Ga., app. July 26, '64 ; from July 26, '64 ; conf. Feb. 20, '65. Paroled at Hillsborough, N. C., May 3, '65. Felix H. Robertson, Tex., app. July 26, '64 ; from July 26, '64. Nomination rejected by the Senate Feb. 22, '65. Surrendered as a brig.-gen. at Macon, Ga., Apr. 20, '65. Jacob H. Sharp, Miss., app. July 26, '64 ; from July 26, '64 ; • conf. Feb. 21, '65. Included in the Sherman- Johnston convention of Apr. 26, '65, but no record of his per- sonal parole has been found. George D. Johnston, Miss., app. July 26, '64 ; from July 26, '64; conf. Feb. 21, '65. No record of final capture or parole has been found. Thomas B. Smith, Tenn., app. Aug. 2, '64; from July 29, '64 ; conf. Feb. 20, '65. Captured in action at Nash- ville, Tenn., Dec. 16, '64; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. Victor J. B. Girardey, Ga., app. Aug. 3, '64 ; from July 30, '64. Killed in action at Deep Creek, Va,, Aug. 16, '64. William Miller, Fla., app. Aug. 5, '64; from Aug. 2, '64; conf. Feb. 20, '65. Paroled at Tallahassee, Fla., May 21, '65. John D. Barry, N. C, app. Aug. 8, '64; from Aug. 3, '64. Appointment canceled. William H. Young, Tex., app. Aug. 16, '64; from Aug. 15, '64; conf, Feb. 20, '65. Wounded and captured in [220] action at Allatoona, Ga., Oct. 5, '64; released from Johnson's Island, Ohio, July 24, '65, George W. Gordon, Tenn., app. Aug. 16, '64 ; from Aug. 15, '64 ; conf . Feb. 20, '65. Captured in action at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, '64; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. John Dunovant, S. C., app. Aug. 22, '64 ; from Aug. 22, '64. Killed in action on the Vaughan Road, Va., Oct. 1, '64. William H. Wallace, S. C., app. Sept. 20, '64 ; from Sept. 20, '64; conf. Feb. 21, '65. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, '65. Charles M. Shelley, Ala., app. Sept. 23, '64 ; from Sept. 17, '64; conf. Feb. 21, '65. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. G. Moxley Sorrel, Ga., app. Oct. 31, '64 ; from Oct. 27, '64 ; conf. Feb. 20, '65. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va., May 20, '65. Benjamin J. Hill, Tenn., app. Nov. 30, '64 ; from Nov. 30, '64; conf. Dec. 1, '64. Paroled at Chattanooga, Tenn., May 16, '65. Dudley M. Du Bose, Ga., app. Dec. 5, '64 ; from Nov. 16, '64 ; conf. Dec. 5, '64. Captured in action at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, '65; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, '65. John B. Palmer, Tenn., app. Dec. 7, '64; from Nov. 15, '64; conf. Dec. 7, '64. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Robert Bullock, Fla., app. Jan. 17, '65; from Nov. 29, '64; conf. Jan. 17, '65. No record of final capture or parole has been found. John D. Kennedy, S. C, app. Feb. 8, '65 ; from Dec. 22, '64 ; conf. Feb. 8, '65. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 1, '65. Thomas Harrison, Tex., app. Feb. 18, '65; from Jan. 14, '65 ; conf. Feb. 18, '65. Paroled at Macon, Miss., May 31, '65. [221] William M. Browne, Ga., from Nov. 11, '64. Senate refused to confirm Feb. 18, '65. Paroled as a Brig.-Gen. at Athens, Ga., on or about May 8, '65. ERRATA 1 „„M rpnd Miihlci'bcrg. pSl \y Turhcit shorn r.^d Turhuit. P. 245, L- 32-. ^Ji^>' ^•^'^" '^'""^ [222] INDEX Abercrombie, John J. ...... 139 Ackerman, Amos T 52 Adams, Abgail Smith 2, 6 Adams, Andrew 76, 91 Adams, Daniel W 197 Adams, John, Sr 2 Adams, John, 2-3, 6, 29, 30, 31, 66, 67, 76, 204 Adams, John Quincy, 6-7, 36, 37, 38 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson 7 Adams, Samuel 67, 76, 91 Adams, Susanna Boylston . 2 Adams, Thomas 76, 92 Adams, Wirt 208 Alexander, Abraham 93 Alexander, Adam 93 Alexander, Charles 93 Alexander, Edward P 216 Alexander, Ezra 93 Alexander, Hezekiah 93 Alexander, John McKnitt . . 93 Alexander, Robert 76 Alexander, William, see Sterling', William Alexan- der, Lord. Alger, Russell A 60 Allen, Andrew 76 Allen, Henry W 207 Allen, Robert 159 Allen, Samuel 106 Allen, William W 183, 217 Allison, Nancy C 24 Alsop, John 76 Alvord, Benjamin 145 Ames, Adalbert 159 Ammen, Alfred 149 Anderson, George B 197 Anderson, George T 201 Anderson, J. Patton 180,191 Anderson, Joseph R 188 Anderson, Robert 133 Anderson, Richard H. 174, 177, 187, 220 Anderson, Samuel R 187 Andrew, Benjamin 76 Andrews, Christopher C. . . . 163 Andrews, George L 153 Andros, Sir Edmond, 106, 107, 109, 110, 115 Appleton, Jane Means 13 Archdale, John 116 Archer, James J 197 Argall, Sir Samuel 114 Armand-Tuffin, Charles, Marquis de la Rouerie . . . 103 Armistead, Lewis A 195 Armistead, Mary 10 Armstrong, Frank C. . . .205, 215 Armstrong, John, Sr 76, 101 Armstrong, John, Jr 76 Armstrong, Paul 34 Arnold, Benedict 108 Arnold, Benedict 99, 101 Arnold, Jonathan 76 Arnold, Lewis G 143 Arnold, Peleg 76 Arnold, Richard 154 Arthur, Chester Alan, 21-22, 55, 56 Arthur, Ellen Lewis Herndon 22 Arthur, Malvina Stone 21 Arthur, William, Rev 21 Arthur, Phelps & Knevals . . 22 Asboth, Alexander 145 Ashby, Turner 197 Ashe, John B 76 Atchison, David R 47 Atkinson, George 76 Atlee, Samuel John 76 Augur, Christopher C. . 128, 148 Averell, William W 152 Avery, Waightstile 93 Axon, Ellen Louise 28 Ayres, Romeyn B 154 Bacon, Augustus 64 Bacon, Matthew 115 Bacon, Robert 63 Badger, George P 42 Bailey, Joseph 116 [223] Baird, Absalom 146 Baker, Alpheus 211 Baker, Lafayette C 168 Baker, Lawrence S 207 Baker, Newton Diehl 65 Baldwin, Abraham 76, 98 Baldwin, Henry 121 Baldwin, William E 200 Ball, Mary 1 Balling-er, Richard A 64 Ballou, Eliza 20 Baltimore, Charles, Lord 113, 114 Baltimore, Frederick, Lord . 114 Bancroft, George 44 Bane, Henry 107 Banister, John 76, 92 Banks, Nathaniel P 126 Barbour, James 38 Barbour, Philip R 121 Barefoot, Walter 106 Barksdale, William 198 Barlow, Francis C 132, 151 Barnard, Francis 112 Barnard, John G 140 Barnes, James 155 Barnes, Joseph K 135 Barnum, Henry A 169 Barnwell, Robert 76 Barrington, Rufus 212 Barry, John D 220 Barry, Richard 93 Barry, William F 139 Barry, William T 39 Bartlett, Joseph H 152 Bartlett, Josiah 67, 76, 91 Bartlett, William 164 Barton, Seth M 194 Bassett, Elizabeth 10 Bassett, Richard 76, 97 Bate, William B 180, 199 Bates, Edward 49 Battle, Cullen A 207 Bayard, George D 147 Bayard, John 76 Bayard, Thomas F 56,57 Bayard, William 95 Baylies, Hodijah 105 Baylor, George 103, 104 Baxter, Henry 158 Beal, George L 166 Beale, Richard L. T 213 Beall, William N. R 195 Beatty, John 76, 157 Beatty, Samuel 156 Beauregard, G. T 171, 184 Bedford, Gunning, Sr 76 Bedford, Gunning, Jr. ... 76,97 Bee, Barnard E 186 Bee, Hamilton P 193 Bee, Thomas 76 Beekman, Gerardus Ill Belcher, Jonathan, 107, 111, 112 Belcher, William 106 Belknap, William W. .52, 53, 165 Bell, John 42 Bell, Tyree H 214 Bellingham, Richard 107 Bellomont, Richard Coote, Earl of 106,107,110 Bellows, Benjamin 76 Benham, Henry W 138 Benjamin, Judah P 170 Benning, Henry L 204 Benson, Egbert 76 Benton, Samuel 218 Benton, William P 147 Berckley, Sir William ..114,115 Beresford, Richard 77 Bernard, Francis 108 Berrieu, John M 39 Berry, Hiram G 130, 144 Bibb, George B 43 Biddle, Charles J 139 Biddle, Clement 77 Biddle, Edward 77 Bidwell, Daniel D 165 Bingham, William 77 Birchard, Sophia 19 Birge, Henry W 162 Birney, Daniel D 131, 143 Birnev, William 159 Bissell, Wilson S 59 Black, Jeremiah 48 Blackwell, John 112 Bladen, Thomas 114 Blaine, James G 55, 58 Blair, Francis Preston ..130,150 Blair, John 77, 115, 120 Blair, Montgomery 49 Blake, Joseph 116, 117 Blakiston, Nathaniel 113 Blanchard, Albert G 188 Blanchard, Jonathan 77 [224] Bland, Richard 77 Bland, Theodoric 77 Blatchford, Samuel 123 Blenker, Louis 138 Bliss, Cornelius N 60 Bloodworth, Timothy 77 Blount, William 77, 97 Blunt, James G 130, 149 Boerum. Simon 77 Boggs, William R 202 Bohlen, Henry 147 Boiling, Edith 28 Bonaparte, Charles J 63 Bonham, Milledge L 184 Boone, Thomas 112, 117 Booth, J. Wilkes 16 Borden, Joseph 95 Borre, Preudhomme, Cheva- lier de 102 Botetourt, Norborne Berke- ley, Lord 115 Boudinot, Elias 75, 77 Boutwell, George S 52 Bowdoin, James 77, 108 Bowen, James 152 Bowen, John S 179, 194 Bowler, Metcalf 94 Boyle, Jeremiah T 142 Boylston, Susanna 2 Braddock, Edward 1 Bradford, William 30 Bradford, William 77 Bradford, William 106, 107 Bradley, Joseph P 122 Bradley, Luther P 165 Bradstreet, Simon 106, 107 Bragg, Braxton 170, 175, 184 Bragg, Edward S 164 Bramlette, Thomas E 159 Branch, John 39 Branch, Lawrence O'B 191 Brandeis, Louis D 124 Brandon, William L, 212 Brannan, John M 141 Brantly, William F 220 Bratton, John 212 Braxton, Carter 67, 77 Brayman, Mason 151 Brearley, David 96 Breckenridge, John 33 Breckinridge, John C, 48, 170, 176, 190 Brenton, William 108 Brewer, David J 123 Brewster, Benjamin H 56 Brevard, Ephraim 77, 93 Brevard, Theodore W 215 Briggs, Henry S 149 Bright, Jesse D 47 Brisbin, James S 168 Bristow, Benjamin H 53 Brodhead, Daniel 103 Brooke, John R 163 Brooks, William T. H. ..131,141 Broom, Jacob 97 Broughton, Thomas 17 Brown, Aaron V 48 Brown, Egbert B 157 Brown, John (Mass.) 77 Brown, John (R. L) 77 Brown, John (Va.) 77 Brown, John C 182, 199 Brown, Henry B 123 Browne, William M 222 Browning, Orville H 51 Brownson, Nathan 77,118 Bryan, George 94,112 Bryan, Goode 208 Bryan, William Jennings .27,65 Buchanan, Elizabeth Speer . 14 Buchanan, James, Sr 14 Buchanan, James 14, 44, 48 Buchanan, Robert C 153 Buckingham, Catharinus P. . 149 Buckland, R. B 156 Buckner, Simon B. .173,177,188 Buell, Don Carlos 126, 136 Buford, Abraham 203 Buford, John 131, 150 Buford, Napoleon B 131, 145 Bull, Henry 109 Bull, John 77 Bull, William 117 Bulloch, Archibald 77,118 Bulloch, Martha 25 Bullock, Robert 221 Burbridge, Stephen G 148 Burke, Thomas 77, 116 Burleson, Albert S 65 Burnet, William (N. J.) 77 Burnett, William ...106,107,111 Burnett, Richard 115 Burnham, Hiram 163 Burns, William W 141 Burnside, Ambrose E. . . .126, 138 Burr, Aaron 32 [225] Burton, Robert 77 Burwell, Lewis 115 Bussey, Cyrus 163 Busteed, Richard 150 Butler, Benjamin F. .40,41,126 Butler, Pierce 77, 98 Butler, Matthew C 181, 208 Butler, Richard 103 Butterfield, Daniel 129,140 Cabell, William L 205 Cabot, George 30 Cadwalader, George C 127 Cadwalader, John 102 Cadwallader, Lambert 77 Caldwell, John C 147 Calhoun, John C, 36. 37, 38, 39, 43 Calvert, Benedict Leonard . 113 Calvert, Charles 113 Cameron, James D 53 Cameron, Robert A 161 Cameron, Simon 49 Campbell, Alexander W. . . . 214 Campbell, Charles T 155 Campbell, George W 35 Campbell, James 47 Campbell, John 122 Campbell, William 117 Campbell, William B 148 Canby, Edward R. S. 131, 135, 145 Canfield, John 77 Canty, James 204 Capers, Ellison 214 Carleton, James H 146 Carlin, William P 154 Carlisle, John G 59 Carmichael, Caroline 13 Carmichael, William 77 Carow, Charles 25 Carow, Edith Kermit 25 Carr, Caleb 109 Carr, Eugene A 143 Carr, Joseph B 150 Carrington, Edward 78 Carrington, Henry B 153 Carrol, William H 190 Carroll, Charles 78 ■- Carroll, Charles, of Carroll- ton 68,78,97 Carroll, Daniel 78, 92, 97 Carroll, Samuel S 163 Carter, John C 220 Carter, Robert 115 Carter, Samuel P 148 Carver, John 106 Cary, Richard 104 Casey, Silas 127, 139 Cass, Lewis 39, 40, 48 Caswell, Richard, 78, 98 note, 116 Catron, John 121 Catterson, Robert F 169 Chalmers, James R 192 Chamberlain, Joshua L. ... 164 Chambers, Alexander 161 Chambliss, John R., Jr 217 Champlin, George 78 Champlin, Stephen G 157 Chandler, C. C. 78 Chandler, Zachariah 53 Chandler, William E 56 Chapin, Edward P 160 Chapman, George H 164 Chase, Jeremiah T 78 Chase, Salmon Portland, 49, 122 Chase, Samuel 68, 78, 120 Cheatham, Benjamin F. . 176, 187 Checkley, Sir Henry 115 Cheslain, Augustus L 162 Chester, John 78 Chestnut, James, Jr 211 Childress, Sarah 11 Chilton, Robert H 217 Christian, Letitia 11 Chrysler, Morgan H 169 Churchill, Thomas J. . . . 182, 192 Clanton, James H 210 Clark, Abraham . . .68, 78,98 note Clark, Charles 185 Clark, George Ill Clark, John B., Jr 211 Clark, Thomas 103 Clark, William T 168 Clarke, Jeremiah 108 Clarke, Walter 108, 109 Clarkson, Mathew 78 Clay, Cassius M 127 Clay, Henry 21,38 Clay, Joseph 78 Clayton, Henry D 182, 205 Clayton, John Middleton ... 45 Clayton, Powell 165 Clebwine, Patrick R. . . . 178, 193 Cleveland, Anne Neal 22 Cleveland, Francis Folsom . 23 Cleveland, Grover ..22-23,57,59 [226] Cleveland, Richard Fally ... 22 Clifford, Nathan 44, 122 Clingan, William 78, 92 Clingman, Thomas L 196 Clinton, George, Admiral ... Ill Clinton, George, 33,34,78, 100, 102, 111 Clinton, James 100, 101 Ciuseret, Gustave P 152 Clymer, George 68, 78, 96 Cobb, David 105 Cobb, Howell 48,180,192 Cobb, Thomas R. R 201 Cochran, John 149 Cocke, Philip St. George 189 Cocke, William 78 Cockrell. Francis M 206 Coddington, William 108 Coffey, Titian J 49 Coggeshall, John 108 Colden, Cadwallader Ill Colfax, Schuyler 52 Collamer, Jacob 45 Colleton, James 116 Collins, John 78, 91, 109 Collins, Thomas 113 Colman, Norman J 57 Colquitt, Alfred H 199 Colston, Raleigh E 191 Colve, Anthony 110 Condict, Silas 78 Conner, James 218 Conner, Seldon 164 Connor, Patrick E 159 Conrad, Charles M 46 Contee, Benjamin 78 Conway, Nelly 4 Conway, Thomas 100, 102 Cook, John 113 Cook, Philip 212 Cook, Philip St. G 134 Cooke, John 144 Cooke, John R 202 Cooke, Josenh P 78 Cooke, Nicholas 109 Cooper, Douglas H 206 Cooper, James 137 Cooper, John 78 Cooper, Joseph A 165 Cooper, Samuel 171, 183 Copeland, Joseph T 156 Copley, Lionel 113 Corcoran, Michael 138 Cornbury, Edward Hyde, Lord Ill Cornell, Ezekiel 78 Cornwallis, Charles, Lord . . 2 Corse, John M 161 Corse, Montgomery D 201 Cortelyou. George B 62, 63 Corwin, Thomas 46 Cosby, George B 215, 205 Cosby, William Ill Couch, Darius N 137 Couch, William B 127 Cowden, Robert 152 Cox, Jacob B 52 Cox, Jacob Dolson 129, 137 Cox, William R 219 Coxe, Tench 78 Craig, James 145 Crane, John 103 Crane, Stephen 78 Cranfield, Edward 106 Cranston, John 108 Cranston, Samuel 109 Craven, Charles 117 Crawford, George W 45 Crawford, Samuel W 146 Crawford, William H., 34, 35, 36, 37 Creswell, John A. J., 52, 53 Crittenden, George B. ..176,187 Crittenden, John Jordan ..42,46 Crittenden, Thomas L. ..128,141 Crittenden, Thomas T 147 Crocker, Marcellus M 157 Crook, George 132, 150 Crowninshield, Benjamin W., 35,36 Crowninshield, Jacob 33 Croxton, John T 165 Cruft, Charles 149 Cruger, John 95 Cullom, George W 142 Culpepper. Thomas, Lord . . 115 Culver, Parker & Arthur ... 21 Gumming, Alfred 200 Gumming, William 78 Curtis, Benjamin R 122 Curtis, N. Martin 167 Curtis, Samuel R 126, 136 Gushing, Caleb 47 Gushing, Nathan 78 Gushing, Thomas 78 Gushing, William 119 [227] Custer, George A 132, 160 Custis, Daniel Parke 1 Custis, Martha 1 Cutler, Lysander 155 Cutts, Richard 106 Dale, Sir Thomas 114 Dallas, Alexander J 35 Dallas, George M 44 Dalton, Tristram 78 Dana, Francis . . 6, 78, 91, 98 note Dana, Napoleon J. T. ... 130, 143 Dandridge, John 1 Dane, Nathan 79 Daniel, Junius 199 Daniel, Peter V 121 Daniel, Robert 117 Daniels, Josephus 65 Danielson, Timothy 79 Davidson, John 93 Davidson, John W 143 Davidson, Henry B 207 Davie, William R 98 Davies, Henry E 132, 162 Davies, Thomas A 144 Davis, David 56, 122 Davis, E. J 166 Davis, George 170 Davis, Jefferson 47, 170 Davis, Jefferson C 143 Davis, Joseph R 200 Davis, William G. M 202 Dawson, John 79 Day, William R 60,123 Dayton, Elias 79, 103 Dayton, Jonathan 79, 96 Deane, Silas 3, 79 Dearborn, Henry 32, 33 Dearing, James 215 Deas, Zachariah C 203 De Haas, John Philip . . .100, 102 De Hart, John 79 Deitzler, George W 158 Delafield, Richard 134 De Lagnel, Julius A 196 De Lancev, James Ill Delano, Columbus 52, 53 De La Warr, Thomas West, Lord 114 Dennis, Elias S 157 Dennison. William 49, 50, 51 Denny, William 112 Dent, Frederick T 168 Dent, Julia T 17" Denver, James W 138 DeRussey, Gustavus A 159 Deshler, James 207 De Trobriand, Philip Regis . 163 Deveus, Charles 54, 146 Devin, Thomas C 166 Dewey, J. A 169 De Witt, Charles 79 Dexter, Samuel 31, 32 Dibrell, George G 213 Dick, Samuel 79 Dickerson, Mahlon 40, 41 Dickinson, Charles 8 Dickinson, Don M 57 Dickinson, Jacob McG 64 Dickinson, John, 79, 92, 94, 97, 113 Dickinson, Philemon 79 Diggs, Edward 115 Dimmick, Mary Scott Lord 23 Dinwiddie, Robert 1, 115 Dix, John A 48, 126 Dobbin, James C 47 Dobbs, Arthur 116 Dockery, Thomas P 207 Dodge, Charles C 157 Dodge, Grenville M 132,145 Doles, George 201 Donelson, Daniel S 178, 186 Donelson, Rachel 8 Dongan, Thomas 110 Doolittle, Charles C 167 Doubleday, Abner 130, 143 Douglas, Stephen A 15 Dow, Moses 79 Dow, Neal 147 Downs, Henry 93 Drayton, Thomas F 189 Drayton, William Henry ... 92 Drysdale. Hugh 115 Duane, James 79, 91 Duane, William J 40 Du Bose, Dudley M 221 Du Coudray, Philippe Charles Jean Baptiste Tronson . . . 100 Dudley, Joseph 110, 106, 107 Dudley, Thomas 107 Duer, William 79,91 Duffie, Alfred N 150 Duffield, Samuel 79 Duke, Basil W 212 Dumont, Ebenezer 140 Duncan, Johnson K 191 [228] Dunmore, John Murray, Earl, 111,115 Dunovant, John 221 Duportaii, Louis Le Begue 100, 102 Duryee, Abram 139 Duval, Gabriel 97, 121 Duval, Isaac H 165 Dyer, Alexander B 135 Dyer, Eliphalet 79,94 Early, Jubal A 174, 178, 188 Easton, John 109 Easton, Nicholas 108 Eaton, Amos B 135 Eaton, John H 39 Echols, John 196 Ector, MattheviT D 199 Eden, Charles 116 Eden, Robert 114 Edmunds, George F 56 Edwards, John 166 Edvi^ards, Oliver 168 Edwards, Pierpont 79 Edwards, Timothy 79 Egan, Thomas W 165 Elbert, Samuel 79, 103, 118 Elkins, Stephen B 58 Ellery, William 68, 79, 91 Ellet, Henry T 170 Ellett, Alfred W 153 Elliott, Stephen, Jr 218 Elliott, Washington L 148 Ellis, Henry 118 Ellsworth, Oliver 79, 96, 120 Elmer, Jonathan 79 Elzey, Arnold 178, 188 Emory, William H 133, 144 Endicott, John 107 Endicott. William C 57 Erwin, William 118 Este, George P 169 Eustis, Henry L 162 Eustis, William 34 Evans, Clement A 211 Evans, John 79, 112 Evans, Nathan G 189 Evarts, William M 51, 54 Eveleigh, Nicholas 79 Everard, Sir Richard 116 Everett, Edward 46 Ewell, Richard S. . . . 173, 176, 186 Ewing, Charles 167 Ewing, Hugh 158 Ewing, Thomas 42, 45 Ewing, Thomas, Jr 159 Fagan, James F 181, 200 Fairbanks, Charles W 63 Fairchild, Charles S 57 Fairchild, Lucius 162 Fairfax, Sir William 1 Farnsworth, Elon John .... 160 Farnsworth, John F 154 Fauquier, Francis 115 Featherston, Winfield S. . . . 192 Febiger, Christian 103 Fell, John 79 Ferguson, Samuel W 207 Fermoy, see Rochefermoy. Ferrero, Edward 151 Ferry, Orris S 144 Ferry, Thomas W 53 Fessenden, James D 165 Fessenden, Francis 133, 163 Fessenden, William P. .... . 49 Few, William 79, 98 Field, Charles W 180,194 Field, Stephen J 122 Fillmore, Abigail Powers ... 12 Fillmore, Millard . . . 12-13, 45, 46 Fillmore, Nathaniel 12 Fillmore, Phebe Millard ... 12 Finegan, Joseph 195 Finley, Jesse J 210 Fish, Hamilton 52, 53 Fisher, Hendrick 95 Fisher, Walter Lowrie 64 Fisk, Clinton B 153 Fitch, Thomas 110 Fitzgerald, John 104 Fitzhugh, Peregrine 105 Fitzhugh, William 79 Fitzsimons, Thomas 79, 97 Fleming, William 79 Flennikin, John 93 Fletcher, Benjamin 110, 112 Floyd, John B 48,185 Floyd, William 68, 79 Foard, John 93 Folger, Charles J 56 Folsom, Francis 23 Folsom, Nathaniel 80 Folsom, Oscar 23 Forbes, James 80 Force, Manning F 161 [229] Forney, John H 177, 194 Forney, William H 213 Forrest, Nathan B. . 174, 180, 198 Forrest, Uriah 80 Forsyth, James W 168 Forsyth, John 40, 41 Forward, Walter 43 Foster, Abiel 80 Foster, Charles 58 Foster, John 128 Foster, John G 142 Foster, John W 58 Foster, Lafayette S 51 Foster, Robert S 160 Francis, David R 59 Franklin, Benjamin, 3,66,68,80,96, 113 Franklin, William 112 Franklin, William B. ...127,136 Frazer, John W 206 Frelinghuysen, Frederick . . 80 Fi-elinghuysen, Frederick T. 56 Fremont, John C 125 French, Samuel G 177,190 French, William H 130, 141 Frost, Daniel M 200 Frost, George 80 Fry, Birkett D 217 Fry, James B 134 Fry, Speed S 145 Frye, Joseph 101 Frye, William P 64 Fuller, John W 163 Fuller, Melville W 123 Gadsden, Christopher .80,94,101 Gage, Lvman J 60, 61, 62 Gage, Thomas 108 Gallatin, Albert 32, 33, 34 Gallinger, Jacob H 64 Galloway, Joseph 80 Gait, Edith Boiling 28 Gamble, William 169 Gano, Richard M 214 Gansevoort, Leonard 80 Gardiner, Julia 11 Gardner, Franklin 178, 196 Gardner, Henry G 21 Gardner, John 80 Gardner, Sylvester 80 Gardner, William M 190 Garfield, Abram 20 Garfield, Eliza Ballow 20 Garfield, James Abram, 20-21, 22, 55, 131, 143 Garfield, James A 63 Garfield, Lucretia Rudolph . 21 Garland, Augustus H 57 Garland, Samuel, Jr 196 Garnett, Richard B 190 Garnett, Robert S 185 Garrard, Kenner 161 Garrard, Theophilus T 156 Garrison, Lindley M 65 Gartrell, Lucius J 212 Gary, James A 60 Gary, Martin W 212 Gates, Horatio 99, 100 Gates, Sir Thomas 114 Gatlin, Richard C 188 Gaylord, John 35 Geary, John W 146 Gelston, David 80 Gerry, Elbridge, 35,69,80,91,96 Gervais, John L 80 Getty, George W 151 Gholson, Samuel J 211 Gibbon, John 132, 148 Gibbons, William 80 Gibbs, Alfred 166 Gibbs, Caleb 104 Gibbs, Robert 117 Gibson, John 103 Gibson, Randall L 217 Gilbert, Charles C 151 Gilbert, James J 167 Giles, Edward 80 Gillen, Alvan C 133, 161 Gillmore, Quincy A 131,147 Gillon, Alexander 80 Gilman, John T 80 Gilman, Nicholas 80,96 Gilmer, Jeremy F 182 Gilmer, Thomas W 43 Gilpin, Henry D 41 Girardy, Victor J. B 220 Gist, Mordecai 102 Gist, States R 195 Gladden, Adley H 189 Glenn, James 117 Glover, John 100, 102 Godwin, Archibald C 212 Goff, Nathan, Jr 54 Goggin, James M 217 Goldsborough, Robert 80 [230] Gooch, William 115 Gookins, Charles 112 Gordon, George H 148 Gordon, George W 221 Gordon, James B 209 Gordon, John B 181, 202 Gordon, Patrick 112, 113 Gorgas, Josiah 218 Gorham, Nathaniel 75, 80, 96 Gorman, Willis A 140 Govan, Daniel C 210 Gracie, Archibald, Jr 202 Graham, Charles K 156 Graham, George 36 Graham, Lawrence P 139 Graham, William 93 Graham, William A 46 Granbury, Hiram B 217 Granger, Francis 42 Granger, Gideon 32, 33, 34, 35 Granger, Gordon 129, 145 Granger, Robert S 152 Grant, Hannah Simpson .... 17 Grant, Jesse R 17 Grant, Julia T. Dent 17 Grant, Lewis A 163 Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 17-19, 21, 51, 52, 53, 125, 126, 136 Grantham, Isaac 80 Gray, Henry 214 Gray, Horace 123 Grayson, John B 187 Grayson, William 5, 80 Greaton, John 102 Green, George S 147 Green, Martin E 198 Green, Thomas 206 Greene, Nathanael 99, 101 Greene, William 109 Greer, Elkanah 200 Gregg, David McM 154 Gregg, John 199 Gregg, Maxcy 191 Gregory, Thomas Watt 65 Gresham, Walter Q. ..56,59,161 Grier, Robert C 121 Grierson, Benjamin H. .132,160 Griffin, Charles 132, 148 Griffin, Cyrus 75,80 Griffin, Simon G 163 Griffith, Richard 190 Griggs, John W 60, 61 Grimes, Bryan 181, 212 Griswold, Matthew 110 Griswold, Roger 31 Grose, William 164 Grover, Cuvier 145 Grundy, Felix 41 Guerard, Benjamin 117 Gunby, John 103 Gunn, James 80 Guthrie, James 47 Gwinnett, Button 69,80,118 Habersham, James 118 Habersham, John 80 Habersham, Joseph, 30,31,32,80 Hackleman, Pleasant A. . . . 147 Hagood, Johnson 198 Hall, John 80 Hall, Lyman 69, 80, 118 Hall, Nathan K 13, 46 Halleck, Henry W 125 Hamilton, Alexander, 29, 30, 81, 96, 104 Hamilton, Andrew 112 Hamilton, Andrew J 162 Hamilton, Charles S. . . . 129, 137 Hamilton, James 112, 113 Hamilton, John Ill Hamilton, Paul 34 Hamilton, Schuyler 129, 142 Hamlin, Cyrus 166 Hamlin, Hannibal 49 Hamlin, Joseph E 168 Hammond, William 134 Hampton, Wade . . . 173, 180, 196 Hancock, John, 69,75,81,91,108 Hancock, Winfield S. 125, 129, 135, 141 Hand, Edward 81, 100, 102 Handley, George 118 Hanks, Nancy 15 Hanson, Alexander Contee . 104 Hanson, John 75, 81, 92 Hanson, Roger W 203 Hardee, William J. .173,175,185 Hardeman, William P 214 Hardie, James A 153 Hardin, Martin D 164 Harding, Abner C 158 Hardy, Sir Charles Ill Hardy, Samuel 81 Hardy, Thomas 112 Haring, John 81 [231] Harker, Charles G 162 Harlan, James 51 Harlan, John Marshall 122 Harland, Edward 156 Harmon, Judson 59 Harnett, Cornelius 81, 92 Harney, William S 133 Harris, James 93 Harris, Nathaniel H 210 Harris, Robert 93 Harris, Thomas M 167 Harrison, Benjamin (ofVa.), 10, 69, 81, 115 Harrison, Benjamin (Presi- dent) 23-24,58 Harrison, Caroline Lavinia Scott 23 Plarrison, Elizabeth Bassett 10 Harrison, Elizabeth Irwin . . 23 Harrison, James E 213 Harrison, John Scott 23 Harrison, Robert Hanson, 97, 104, 120 Harrison, Thomas 221 Harrison, William 81 Harrison, William Henry, 9-10, 11, 23, 42 Harrowe, William 156 Hart, John 69, 81, 113 Hartley, Thomas 81 Hartranft, John F 163 Hartsuff, George L 130, 145 Harvey, Sir John 114 Harvie, John 81, 92 Hascoll, Miio S 146 Haskin, Joseph A 165 Hatch, Edward 163 Hatch, John P 141 Hathorn, John 81 Hatton, Frank 56 Hatton, Robert 197 Haupt, Herman 150 Haven, Solomon G 13 Hawes, James M 193 Hawkins, Benjamin 81 Hav/kins, John P 159 Hawley, Joseph R 165 Hawthorn, Alexander T. . . . 210 Hay, John 60, 61, 62, 63 Hayes, Joseph 164 Hayes, Lucy Ware Webb ... 19 Hayes, Rutherford 19 Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 19-20, 22, 54, 166 Hayes, Sophia Birchard .... 19 Hayes, John 107 Haynie, Isham N 154 Hays, Alexander 152 Hays, Harry T 198 Hays, William 153 Hazard, Jonathan J 81 Hazen, Moses 103 Hazen, William B 132,154 Heard, Stephen 118 Heath, William 99, 101 Hebert, Louis 197 Heckman. Charles A 157 Heintzelman, Samuel P. . 127, 135 Helm, Benjamin H 194 Hemsley, William 81 Henderson, Thomas 81 Hendricks. Thomas A 57 Henry, James 81 Henry, John 81 Henry, Patrick . .81, 98 note, 115 Henry, William 81 Henshaw, David 43 Herbert, Hilary A 59 Herndon, Ellen Lewis 21 Herndon, William Lewis ... 21 Herron, Francis J 130, 149 Herron, Helen 26 Heth, Henry 179, 191 Hewes, Joseph 70, 81 Heyward, Thomas, Jr. .70,81,92 Hicks, Thomas H 150 Higgins, Edward 209 Higginson, Stephen 81 Hill, Ambrose P. . . .173, 177, 192 Hill, Benjamin J 221 Hill, David H 173, 176, 187 Hill, Whitmiil 81 Hillhouse, James 81 Hillhouse, William 81 Hinckley, Thomas 107 Hindman, Thomas C 176, 189 Hindman, William 81 Hinks, Edward Ward 155 Hitchcock, Ethan A., 60, 61, 62, 63, 126 Hitchcock, Frank H 64 Hoar, Ebenezer R 52 Hobart, Garret A 60 Hobson, Edward H 156 Hodge, George B 210, 218 [232] Hoes, Hannah 9 Hoes, Mary 9 Hogg, Joseph L 192 Hogun, James 102 Hoke, Robert F 180, 204 Holden, Samuel 81 Holden, Thomas 81 Holmes, Henry R 185 Holmes, Oliver W 123 Holmes, Theophilus H., 1^3,175,185 Holt, Joseph 48, 135 Holden, Samuel 81 Holtzclaw, James T 220 Hood, John B. . . 172, 173, 178, 193 Hooker, Joseph 127, 134, 136 Hooper, William 70, 81 Hopkins, Stephen 70, 82, 109 Hopkinson, Francis 70, 82 Hornblower, Josiah 82 Hosmer, Titus 82, 91 Houston, David F 65 Houston, William C 82, 96 Houstoun, John 82, 118 Houstoun, William 82, 98 Hovey, Alvin P 147 Hovey, Charles E 150 Howard, John E 82 Howard, Oliver O. . .129, 135, 139 Howe, Albion P 148 Howe, Robert 100, 101 Howe, Timothy 56 Howell, David 82 Howell, Joshua B 165 Howley, George 118 Howley, Richard 82 Hubbard, Samuel 46 Huger, Benjamin 175, 186 Huger, Daniel 82 Huger, Isaac 102 Hughes, Charles E 124 Humes, William Y. C 209 Humphreys, Andrew A. 131, 146 Humphreys, Benjamin G. . . 207 Humphreys, Charles 82 Humphreys, David 104 Humpton, Richard 103 Hunt, Lewis C 153 Hunt, Henry J 151 Hunt, Ward 122 Hunt, William H 55 Hunter, Andrew Ill Hunter, David 126, 135 Hunter, Robert M. T 170 Huntington, Benjamin 82 Huntington, Jedediah . . . 100, 102 Huntington, Samuel, 70,75,82,91,110 Hunton, Eppa 207 Hurlbut, Stephen A 128,137 Hutchinson, Elizabeth 8 Hutchinson, Thomas 2, 108 Hutson, Richard 82,92 Ingalls, John J 57 Ingalls, Rufus 159 Ingersoll, Jared 82, 97 Ingham, Samuel D 39 Ingoldsby, Richard 110, 111 Imboden, John D 216 Iredell, James 120 Irvine, Williams 82, 102 Irwin, Elizabeth 24 Irwin, Robert 93 Iverson, Alfred 201 Izard, Ralph 82 Jackson, Alfred E 201 Jackson, Andrew, Sr 8 Jackson, Andrew . . .7, 8-9, 39, 40 Jackson, Conrad Feger 149 Jackson, David 82 Jackson, Elizabeth Hutchin- son 8 Jackson, Henry R 185 Jackson, Howell E 123 Jackson, James S 149 Jackson, John K 192 Jackson, Jonathan 82 Jackson, Michael 103 Jackson, N. J 151 Jackson, Rachel Robards ... 8 Jackson, Richard H 168 Jackson, Thomas J. .173, 175, 186 Jackson, William 98 Jackson, William H 204 Jackson, William L 213 James, Thomas L 55, 56 Jamison, Charles D 140 Jay, John 29,75,82,119 Jeffries, Herbert 115 Jefferson, Jane Randolph ... 3 Jefferson, Peter 3 Jefferson Thomas, 3-4, 5, 6, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 66, 70, 82, 115 Jenckes, Joseph 109 [233] Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, 82,97 Jenkins, Albert G 198 Jenkins, Micah 198 Jennings, Edmond 115 Jewell, Marshall 53 Johnson, Adam R 216 Johnson, Andrew, 16-17, 50, 51, 143 Johnson, Bradley T 219 Johnson, Bushrod R 181, 191 Johnson, Cave 44 Johnson, Edward 179, 191 Johnson, Eliza McCardle ... 16 Johnson, Gabriel 116 Johnson, Jacob 16 Johnson, Joshua 7 Johnson, Louisa Catherine . 7 Johnson, Mary McDonough . 16 Johnson, Nathaniel 117 Johnson, Reverdy 45 Johnson, Richard M 41 Johnson, Richard W 142 Johnson, Robert 117 Johnson, Robert D 208 Johnson, Samuel 116 Johnson, Thomas 82, 120, 114 Johnson, William 120 Johnson, William S. . . .82, 94, 96 Johnston. Albert S 171 Johnston, Charles 82 Johnston, George 104, 220 Johnston, Joseph E 171, 184 Johnston, Samuel 82 Jones, Allen 82 Jones, David R 178, 186 Jones, Eliza 5 Jones, Gabriel 82 Jones, John M 206 Jones, John R 197 Jones, Joseph 82 Jones, Noble W 82 Jones, Patrick H 167 Jones, Samuel (of N. Y.) . . . 82 Jones, Samuel (of Va.) .176,188 Jones, William 34 Jones, William E 200 Jones. Willie 83, 98 note Jordan, Thomas 199 Joris. Adrian 110 Judah, Henry M 144 Kaemerling, Guitar 163 Kalb, John, Baron de 5, 100 Kane, Thomas L 150 Kautz, August V 163 Kean, John 83 Kearney, Dyre 83 Kearney, Philip 127, 136 Keim, William H 143 Keith, Sir William 112, 113 Kelly, Benjamin F 137 Kelly, John H. 209 Kempe, Frederick 114 Kemper, James L 181, 197 Kendall, Amos 40, 41 Kendrick, Anna 13 Kenly, John R 150 Kennedy, John D 221 Kennedy, John P 46 Kennon, Will 93 Kershaw, Joseph B 181, 192 Ketcham, John H 168 Ketchum, W. S 143 Key, David M 54 Keyes, Erasmus D 127, 135 Kieft, William 110 Kiernan, James L 161 Kilpatrick, Judson 132, 160 Kimball, Nathan 146 King, John H 153 King, Horatio 48 King, Rufus 83, 96, 137 King, William R 46, 47 Kinloch, Francis 83 Kinsey, James 83 Kirby, Edmund 160 Kirk, Edward Needles 156 Kirk, Richard 116 Kirkland, William W 208 Kirkwell, Samuel J 55 Knipe, Joseph F 155 Knox, Henry 29, 30, 100, 102 Knox, Jane 11 Knox, Philander C 61, 62, 64 Kortwright, Eliza 5 Kosciuszko, Thaddeus 103 Kryzanowski, Waldemir .... 158 Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de. ... 99 Lamar, Joseph R 124 Lamar, Lucius Q. C 57, 123 Lamb, John 103 Lament, Daniel S 59 [234] Lander, Frederick W 137 J ane, James H 201 Lane, Franklin K 65 Lane, Walter F 214 La Neuville, Chevalier de . . . 103 Langdon, John 83, 96, 106 Langdon, Woodbury 83 Langworthy, Edward . . . .83, 92 Laning, Cleveland & Folson 23 Lansing, John 83, 96 Lansing, Robert 65 Latimer, Henry 83 Lauman, Jacob G 144 de Laumoy, 103 Laurence, John 83 Laurens, Henry ...75,83,92,98 Laurens, John 104 Law, Evander M 199 Law, Jonathan 110 Law, Richard 83 Lawler, Michael K 155 Lawton, Alexander R 184 Leadbetter, Danville 193 Learned, Ebene^er 102 Ledlie, James H 158 Lee, Albert L 157 Lee, Alice Hathaway 25 Lee, Arthur 3, 83 Lee, Charles 30, 31, 99 Lee, Edwin G 212 Lee, Fitzhugh 180, 198 Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 70, 83, 92 Lee, George Cabot 25 Lee, G. W. Custis ..181,183,215 Lee, Henry 83 Lee, Richard Bland 83 Lee, Richard Henry, 70 75 83 92 Lee, Robert E. . . .18, 19, 171, 184 Lee, Stephen D., 173, 174, 179, 203 Lee, Thomas 115 Lee, Thomas Sim 83,97,114 Lee, William H. F 180,200 Leet, William 109 Legare, Hugh S 43 Leggett, Mortimer D. . . 133, 157 Leisler, Jacob 110 Leventhorpe, Collett 218 Leverett, John 107 Lewis, Andrew 101 Lewis, Francis 71, 83, 91 Lewis, George 104 Lewis, Joseph H 209 Lewis, William G 219 L'Hommedieu, Ezra 83 Liddell, St. John R 197 Lightburn, Joseph Andrew Jackson 159 Lilley, Robert D 219 Lincoln, Abraham . . 14-16, 49, 50 Lincoln, Benjamin 99 Lincoln, Levi 32, 83 Lincoln, Mary Todd 15 Lincoln, Nancy Hanks 14 Lincoln, Robert T 55,56 Lincoln, Thomas 14 Lispenard, Leonard 95 Little, Henry 195 Littleton, William H 117 Livermore, Samuel 83 Livingston, Brockholst .... 120 Livingston, Edward 6, 39 Livingston, Philip . .66, 71, 83, 95 Livingston, Robert R 83, 95 Livingston, Walter 83 Livingston, William ..83,96,112 Lloyd, Edward 83 Lloyd, James 83 Lloyd, Thomas 112 Lockwood, Henry H 138 Logan, James 112 Logan, John A 130, 145 Logan, Thomas M 213 Lomax, Lunsford L 183, 207 Long, Armstead L 215 Long, Ely 165 Long, John D 60, 61, 62 Long, Pierce 84 Longstreet, James . . 172, 175, 186 Loomis, Francis B 63 Lord, Mary Scott 24 Loring, William W 176,185 Lovel, Mansfield 175 Lovelace, Francis, Lord .110,111 Lovell, James 84, 91 Low, Isaac 84 Lowell, Charles R 166 Lowell, John 84 Lowndes, Rawlins 84, 117 Lowrey, Mark P 209 Lowry, Robert 213 Lucas, Thomas J 166 Ludwell, Philip 116 Lurton, Horace Harmon . . . 123 Lynch, Thomas, Sr 84,94 [235] Lynch, Thomas, Jr 71, 84 Lynden, Josias 109 Lyon, Hylan B 212 Lyon, Nathaniel 136 Lytle, William H 155 McAdoo, William G 65 McArthur, John 144 McCall, George A 136 McCandless, William 164 McCardle, Eliza 16 McCausland, John 211 McClellan, George B 125 McClelland, Robert 47 McClernand, John A. ...126,137 McClurg, James 84,97 McComb, Eleazer 84 McComb, William 213 McCook, Alexander McD. 128, 139 McCook, Daniel 164 McCook, Edward M 163 McCook, Robert L 144 McCown, John Porter , . . 176, 189 McCrady, George W 54 McCulloch, Benjamin 184 McCulloch, Henry E 194 McCulloch, Hugh 50, 51, 56 McDonald, Joseph E 24 McDonough, Mary 16 McDougall, Alexander, 84, 100, 101 McDowall, Joseph 84 McDowell, Irvin 126, 133 McGinnis, George P 158 McGowan, Samuel 205 McHenry, James 30, 31, 84, 97, 104 Mcintosh. Caroline Carmic- hael 13 Mcintosh, James 191 Mcintosh, John B 164 Mcintosh, Lachlan, 69, 84, 100, 101 Machall, William W 193 McKean, Thomas 71,75,84,92,94 McKean, Thomas J 142 McKenna, Joseph 60, 123 McKenney, George 8 MacKenzie, Ranald S 166 McKinley, Ida Saxton 24 McKinley, John 121 McKinley, Nancy Allison ... 24 McKinley, William, Sr 24 McKinley, William, 24, 25, 60, 61 McKinley, John 84, 113 McKinstry, Justus 139 McLane, Louis 39, 40 McLaws, Lafayette 177, 189 McLean, John . . 10, 37, 38, 43, 121 McLean, Nathaniel Collins . 156 McLene, James 84 McMillan, James W 155 McNair, Evander 202 McNeil, John 158 Macon, Nathaniel 84 McPherson, James Birdseye, 129, 134, 148 McRae, Dandridge 203 MacRae, William 218, 219 McReynolds, James C. . . .65, 124 MacVeagh, Franklin 64 MacVeagh, Wayne 55 Madison, Dolly 4 Madison, James, Sr 4 Madison, James, 4-5, 32, 33, 34, 35, 84 Madison, Nelly Conway .... 4 Magruder, John B 175, 186 Mahone, William ...181,182,190 Major, James P 207 Mallory, Stephen R 170 Maltby, Jasper A 161 Mangum, Willie P 43 Maney, George 196 Manigault, Arthur M 205 Manning, Daniel 57 Manning, James 84 Mansfield, Joseph K. F 133 Manson, Mahlon 145 Mansfield, Jospeh K. F 128 Manton, Daniel 84 Marchant, Henry 84, 91 Marcy, Randolph B 140 Marcv, William L 44,47 Marccllus 7 Marmaduke, John S 182, 206 Marshall, Humphrey 190 Marshall, James W 53 Marshall, John 3,31,120 Marshall, Thomas R 65 Marston, Gilman 155 Martin, Alexander 84, 98, 116 Martin, James G 196 [236] Martin, John 118 Martin, Josiah I . . . 116 Martin, Luther 84, 97 Martin, Will T 180,203 Martingale, John H 138 Mason, George 84, 97 Mason, John S 154 Mason, John Y 43, 44 Massachusetts, Council 108 Mathews, George 103, 118 Mathews, John 84, 92, 117 Matthies, Charles L 157 Matthews, Samuel 115 Matthews, Stanley 122 Matlack, Timothy 84 Maury, Dabney H 178, 194 May, Cornelius Jacobzen . . . 110 Maynard, Horace 54 Maxey, Samuel B 193 Maxwell, William 101 Meade, George G., 125, 129, 134, 139 Meade, Richard Kidder 104 Meagher, Thomas Francis . . 143 Meigs, Montgomery C 133 Meigs, Return Jonathan, Jr., 35,36 Memminger, Charles G 170 Mercer, Hugh 101 Mercer, Hugh W 190 Mercer, James 84 Mercer, John F 84, 97 Meredith, Samuel 84 Meredith, Solomon 152 Meredith, Sullivan A 155 Meredith, William M 45 Merritt, Wesley 132, 160 Metcalf , Victor H 62, 63 Meyer, George von L 63, 64 Middleton, Arthur 71, 84, 117 Middleton, Henry 75, 85 Mifflin, Thomas, 75, 85, 96, 99, 101, 104, 113 Millard, Phebe 12 Miles, Nelson A 133, 164 Miller, John F 163 Miller, Nathan 85 Miller, Samuel F 122 Miller, Stephen 162 Miller, William 220 Miller, William H. H 58 Milroy, Robert H 129, 140 Mitchell, Stephen Mix 85 Minuet, Peter 110 Mitchell, John G 167 Mitchell, Nathaniel 85 Mitchell, Ornisby M 127, 138 Mitchell, Robert B 145 Monkton, Robert Ill Monroe, Eliza Jones 5 Monroe, Eliza Kortwright . . 5 Monroe, James, 5-6, 7, 34, 35, 36, 37, 85 Monroe, Spence 5 Montague, Charles 117 Montgomerie, John Ill Montgomery, John 85 Montgomery, Joseph 85 Montgomery, Richard ... .99, 101 Montgomery, William 85 Montgomery, William R. . . . 136 Moody, William 123 Moody, William H 62, 63 Moody, Young M 214 Moore, Alfred 120 Moore, Henry HI Moore, James 101, 117 Moore, John C 197 Moore, Patrick T 212 Moore, William 85,113 Morell, George 138 Morell, George W 128 Morgan, Charles H 168 Morgan, Daniel 102 Morgan, Edwin D 21,126 Morgan, George W 142 Morgan, James D 149 Morgan, John H 203 Morgan, John T 206 Morrill, Lot Myrick 53 Morris, Cadwalader 85 Morris, Lewis 71, 85, 111 Morris, Gouverneur ... .85, 91, 97 Morris, Robert ....71,85,92,96 Morris, Robert Hunter . .112, 113 Morris, Thomas A 129, 151 Morris, William H 157 Morrison, Neill 93 Morryson, Francis 115 Morton, James St. Clair .... 154 Morton, John 72, 85, 94 Morton, Joseph 116 Morton, Julius S 59 Morton, Levi P 58 Morton, Paul 62, 63 Mott, Gersham 132, 151 [237] Motte, Isaac 85 Moultrie, William . . .100, 101, 117 Mouton, Alfred 196 Mower, Joseph A 132, 154 Mowry, Daniel 85 Moylan, Stephen 103, 104 Muhlenberg, Peter 100, 102 Muhlenberg, Frederick Au- gustus Conrad 85 Mumford, Paul 85 Murdock, William 95 Nagel, Charles 64 Nagle, James 151 Naglee, Henry M 143 Nanfan, John HO Nash, Abner 85, 116 Nash, Francis 102 Naylor, Nelson 150 Neal, Anne . . . .' 22 Negley, James S 130, 142 Neill, Thomas H 153 Neilson, John 85, 98 note Nelson, Allison 199 Nelson, John 43 Nelson, Samuel 121 Nelson, Thomas, Jr. ... 72, 85, 97 Nelson, William (Gov., Va.) 115 Nelson, William 128, 140 Nevil (or Neville) John 103 Newberry, Truman H 63 Newton, John 131, 141 Nicholls, Francis T 200 Nicholls, Richard HO Nicholson, Francis . .113, 115, 117 Nickerson, Frank S 156 Nicola, Lewis 103 Niles, John M 41 Nixon, John 101 Noble, John W 58 Northrop, Lucius B 217 Nott, Edward 115 Oakes, James 136 Offut, Denton 15 Ogden, Mathias 103 Ogden, Robert 95 Ogle, Samuel 113, 114 Oglesby, Richard J 130, 144 Oglethorpe, James Edward . 117 O'Hebert, Paul 188 Oliver, John M 167 Olney, Richard 59 O'Neal, Edward A 206 Opdycke, Emerson 169 Ord, Edward O. C. . . 127, 135, 140 Orme, William W 156 Osborn, Adlai 85 Osborn, Thomas 168 Osborne, Danvers Ill Osgood, Samuel 29, 85 Osterhaus, Peter J 132, 148 Otis. James 3, 94 Otis, Samuel A 85 Owen, Joshua T 155 Paca, William 72, 85, 114 Page, Mann, Jr 85 Page, Richard L 217 Paine, Charles J 164 Paine, Eleazer 139 Paine, Elisha 85 Paine, Ephraim 85 Paine, Halbert E 158 Paine, Robert Treat 72, 85 Palfrey, William 104 Palmer, Anthony 112 Palmer, Innis N 140 Palmer, John B 221 Palmer, John M 130, 143 Parker, Henry 118 Parker, John 85 Parke, John G 128, 143 Parsons, Lewis B 168 Parsons, Mosby M 203 Parsons, Samuel Holden . 100, 101 Partridge, George 86 Partridge, Oliver 94 Partridge, William 106 Paterson, John 100 Paterson, William 86, 96 Patrick, Marsena R 144 Patton, Benjamin 93 Patton, John 86 Patterson, Francis E 145 Patterson, John 102 Patterson, Samuel 86 Patterson, William 120 Paul, Gabriel R 150 Paulding, James K 41 Paxton, Elisha F 202 Payne, Dolly 4 Payne, Henry C 62 Payne, William H 218 Peabody, Nathaniel 86 Peck, John J 127,138 [238] Peck, William R 213 Peckham, Rufus W 123 Peery, William 86 Pegram, John 203 Pel!. Philip 86 Pemberton, John C. . 173, 176, 186 Pender, WiUiam D. . .179, 198,215 Pendleton, Edmund 86 Pendleton, Nathaniel 98 note Pendleton, William N 195 Penet, Pierre 104 Penn, John 72, 86, 92, 112, 113 Penn, Richard 112, 113 Penn, William 112, 113 Pennypacker, Galusha 167 Penrose, William H 169 Percy, George 114 Perrin, Abner 208 Perry, Edward A 199 Perry, William F 214 Person, Thomas 86 Peters, Richard 86 Pettigrew, James J 192 Pettit, Charles 86 Pettus, Edmand 208 Pfifer, John 93 Phelps, John S 158 Phelps, John W 136 Phillips, Peter 86 Phips, Sir William 107 Piatt, Abraham 147 Pickering, John 86, 98 note Pickering, Timothy ...29,30,31 Pickett, George E 177, 192 Pierce, Anna Kendrick .... 13 Pierce, Benjamin 13 Pierce, Byron R 164 Pierce, Franklin 13-14, 47 Pierce, Jane Means Apple- ton 13 Pierce, William 86, 98 Pierrepont, Edward 53 Pike, Albert 188 Pile, William A 163 Pillow, Gideon J 187 Pinckney, Charles 86, 98 Pinckney, Charles Cotes- worth 98,103 Pinckney, Thomas 86,117 Pinkney, William 34,35 Pitcher, Thomas G 153 Pitkin, William 86, 110 Pitney, Mahlon 124 Plater, George 86 Piatt, Zephaniah 86 Pleasonton, Alfred 131, 149 Plummer, Joseph B 142 Poe, Orlando M 154 Poinsett, Joel Roberts 41 Polignac, Camillus J. . . . 181, 204 Polk, James Knox 11, 14, 44 Polk, Jane Knox 11 Polk, Leonidas 172, 174 Polk, Lucius E 204 Polk, Samuel 11 Polk, Sarah Childress 11 Polk, Thomas 86, 93 Pomeroy, Seth 101 Poor, Enoch 102 Pope, John 126, 134, 136 Porter. Andrew 135 Porter, Fitz John 127, 136 Porter, James M 43 Porter, Peter B 38 Posey, Carnot 216 Pott, John 114 Potter, Edward E 157 Potter, J. H 163 Potter, Robert B 133, 158 Potts, B. F 167 Potts, Richard 86 Powell, William H 166 Power, Zealous B 142 Powers, Abigail 12 Pownal, Thomas 108 Pratt, Calvin E 151 Prentiss, Benjamin M. ..129,137 Preston, John S 218 Preston, William 196 Preston, William B 45 Price, Sterling 176 Prime, Frederick E 161 Prince, Henry 147 Prince, Thomas 106, 107 Proctor, Redfield 58 Pryor, Roger A 195 Pulaski, Casimir, Count .... 102 Putnam, Israel 99 Putnam, Rufus 103 Quarles, William A 208 Quarry, Robert 116 Quinby, Isaac F 144 Radcliffe, John 114 Rains, Gabriel J 188 Rains, James E 202 [239] Ramsay, David 86 Ramseur, Stephen D. ...182,201 Ramsey, Alexander 54 Ramsey, George D 134 Ramsey, Nathaniel 8(3 Randall, Alexander W 51 Randolph, Beverly 116 Randolph, Edmund, 29, 30, 86, 97, 104, 116 Randolph, George W. ...170,192 Randolph, Jane 3 Randolph, Peyton 75,86,97 Ransom, Matt W 206 Ransom, Robert, Jr 179,193 Ransom, Thomas Edward Greenfield 157 Raum, Green B 167 Rawlins, John A 52, 135, 161 Read, George 72, 86, 97 Read, Jacob 86 Read, Joseph 104 Reading, Jonathan 112 Reagan, John H 170 Redfield, William 65 Reed, James , 101 Reed, Joseph 86, 92, 102, 112 Reed, William 116 Reese, David 93 Reid, Hus-h T 158 Reid, James R 86 Reilly, James W 165 Reno, Jesse L 128, 142 Revere, Joseph W 152 Reynolds, Alexander W 208 Reynolds, Daniel H 217 Reynolds, John 118 Reynolds, John F 129, 139 Reynolds, Joseph J 130, 136 Rhoads, Samuel 86 Rice, Americus V 169 Rice, Elliott W 164 Rice, James C 162 Rice, Samuel A 161 Richardson, Israel B. ...127,137 Richardson, Robert V 210 Richardson, William 140 Richardson, William A 53 Ricketts, James B 137 Ridgeley, Richard 87 Ringgold, Thomas 95 Ripley, James W 134 Ripley, Roswell S 188 Roane, John S 195 Robards, Rachel 8 Roberdeau, Daniel 87, 92 Roberts, Benjamin S 149 Roberts, William P 214 Robertson, Beverly H 197 Robertson, Felix H 220 Robertson, James Ill Robertson, Jerome B 202 Robinson, George M 52, 53 Robinson, James S 167 Robinson, John C 146 Rochefermoy, Mathieu Alexis de 102 Roddey, Philip D 207 Rodes, Robert E 179, 189 Rodgers, John 37 Rodman, Isaac P 147 Rodney, Caesar 72, 87, 94, 113 Rodney, Caesar Augustus . .33,34 Rodney, Thomas 87 Rogers, John 87 Rogers, Bowen & Rogers ... 23 Roosevelt, Alice Lee 25 Roosevelt, Edith Carow .... 25 Roosevelt, Martha Bulloch . 25 Roosevelt, Theodore 25 Roosevelt, Theodore 25-26, 28, 61, 62, 63 Root, Elihu 60, 61, 62, 63 Root, Jesse 87 Rorie, Adolph E 52 Rosecrans, Lovell H 129 Rosecrans, William S. . . . 126, 133 Ross, David 87 Ross, George 72, 87 Ross, Lawrence S 210 Ross, Leonard F 146 Rosser, Thomas L 183, 209 Rousseau, Lovell H 135,141 Rowan, Matthew 116 Rowland, David 94 Rowley, Thomas A 157 Rucker, Daniel H 159 Rudolph, Lucretia 20 Ruger, Thomas H 157 Ruggles, Daniel 187 Ruggles, Timothy 94 Rumsey, Benjamin 87 Rush, Benjamin 72, 87 Rush, Richard 35, 38 Rush, Jeremiah M 58 Russell, David A 153 Russell, William 103 [240] Rust, Albert 193 Rutherford, Friend S 164 Rutledge, Edward 73, 87 Rutledge, John. 87, 94, 98, 117, 119 St. Clair, Arthur . .75, 88, 99, 101 St. John, Isaac M 216 Saio.-ion, Frederick 149 Saltonstall, Gurdon 110 Sanborn, John B 161 Sanders, John C. C 219 Sanders, William B 162 Sanford, Peieg 108 Saxon, Rufus 145 Saxton, Ida 24 Sayle, William 116 Scales, Alfred M 206 Scammon, Eiiakim Parker . . 152 Schemme. finning, Alexander. 156 Schenck, Robert C 128,137 Schoeff, Alban 141 Schofield, John M. . . .51, 130, 135 Schureman, James 87 Schurz, Carl 54, 131, 146 Schuyler, Peter Ill Schuyler, Philip 87, 99 Scott. Caroline Lavinia 24 Scott, Charles 100, 102 Scott, Gustavus ..." 87 Scott, John Morin 87 Scott, R. K 167 Scott, Thomas M 211 Scott, Winfield 14, 21, 46, 125 Scudder, Nathaniel 87, 91 Scurry, William R 199 Searle, James 87 Sears, Claudius 211 Seddon, James A 170 Sedgwick, John 128, 139 Sedgwick, Theodore 87 Semmes, Paul J 195 Seney, Joshua 87 Sergeant, Jonathan Dickin- son 87 Seward, William H. .7,49,50,51 Seward, William H., Jr. ... 165 Seymour, John 113 Seymour, Truman 147 Shackelford, James M 158 Shaler, Alexander 160 Sharp, Jacob H 220 Sharpe, Horatio 114 Sharpe, William 87 Shaw, Leslie M 62, 63 Shelby, Joseph 210 Sheldon, Elisha 103 Shelley, Charles M 221 Shepard, William 103 Shephard, Isaac F 162 Shepley, George F 150 Sheridan, Philip H., 125, 130, 135, 148 Sherman, Francis T 169 Sherman, James S 64 Sherman, John 54, 57, 60 Sherman, Roger .66,73,87,91,96 Sherman, Thomas W 136 Sherman, William Tecumseh, 18, 19, 52, 125, 127,134, 136 Shields, James 139 Shippen, William 87 Shiras, George, Jr 123 Shirley, William 108 Shofield, John M 142 Shoup, Francis A 204 Shute, Samuel 106, 107 Sibley Henry H 152, 186 Sill, Joshua 149 Sickles, Daniel E 129, 139 Sigel, Franz 126, 137 Simms, James P 213 Simpson, Hannah 17 Sitgreaves, John 87 Skelton, Martha (Wayles) . 3 Slack, James R 166 Slack, William Y 196 Slaughter, James E 194 Slemmer. Adam J 153 Slocum, Henry W 127, 138 Slough, John B 150 Sloughter, Henry 110 Smallwood, William, 87,100,101,114 Smith, Abgail 2, 6 Smith, Andrew J 131, 144 Smith, Benjamin 87 Smith, Caleb B 49 Smith, Charles E 61, 62 Smith, Charles F 126, 139 Smith, E. Kirby ...172,175,186 Smith, Giles A 133, 161 Smith, Green Clay 148 Smith. Gustavus A 151 Smith, Gustavus W 175 Smith. Hoke 59 Smith, James 73, 87 [241] Smith, James A 209 Smith, John 108, 114 Smith, John E 156 Smith, Jonathan Bayard ..87,92 Smith, Margaret 12 Smith, Martha L 178, 195 Smith Melancton 87 Smith, Meriwether 87 Smith, Morgan 149 Smith, Preston 200 Smith, Richard , . 87 Smith, Robert 32,34 Smith, Sir Thomas 114 Smith, Thomas (Pa.) 87 Smith, Thomas (S. C.) 116 Smith, Thomas B 220 Smith, Thomas C. H 157 Smith, Thomas K 161 Smith, William (Md.) 88 Smith, William 179, 205 Smith, William D 194 Smith, William F 128, 138 Smith. William Stephen .105,146 Smyth, Thomas A 166 Sorrel, G. Moxley 221 Sothell, Seth 116 Southard, Samuel L. . . .37, 38, 43 Spaight, Richard Dobbs ...88,97 Sparhawk, John 88 Spears, James G 143 Speed, James 49, 50, 51 Speer, Elizabeth 14 Spencer, John C 43 Spencer, Joseph 88, 99, 101 Spencer, Nicholas 115 Spinola, Francis B 152 Spottswood, Alexander 115 Sprague, John W 165 Sprague, William 137 Stafford, Leroy A 209 Stahel, Julius H 131, 142 Stanberry, Henry 51 Stanley, David S 130, 141 Stannard, George J 158 Stanton, Edwin M. .48,49,50,51 Stark, John 100, 102 Starke, Peter B 213 Starke, William E 198 Starkweather, John C 161 Steedman, James B 131, 150 Steele, Frederick 130, 143 Steele, William 200 Steinwehr, Adolph Wilhelm August Friedrich, Baron von 142 Stephen, Adam 99, 101 Stephens, Alexander H 170 Stephens, William 117 Steuart, George H 194 Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm August Heinrich Ferdi- nand, Baron von 100 Stevens, Clement H 210 Stevens, Isaac 1 128, 141 Stevens, John, Sr 88 Stevens, Walter H 218 Stevenson, Adlai E 59 Stevenson, Carter L. ...177,193 Stevenson, Thomas G 159 Stevenson, John D 155 Stewart, Archibald 88 Stewart, Charles 88 Stewart, Alexander P. 174, 179, 190 Stewart, Walter 103 Stimson, Henry L 64 Stirk, Samuel 88 Stirling, William Alexander, Lord 5,99,101 Stockton, Richard 73, 88 Stoddard, Benjamin . . .30, 31, 32 Stokes, James H 169 Stokes, John 88 Stolbrand, Charles J 167 Stone, Charles P 136 Stone, Malvinia 21 Stone, Thomas 73,88,97 Stoneman, George 129, 138 Story, Joseph 120 Stoughton, Edwin H 153 Stovall, Marcellus A 205 Strahl, Otho F 207 Straus, Oscar S 63 Strong, Caleb 88, 96 Strong, George C 131, 154 Strong, Jedediah 88 Strong, Thomas 88 Strong, William 122 Strong, William K 141 Strother, Sarah 12 S'.uait, A'.axanc'ar 11. 11. . . . 4J Stuart, David 154 Stuart, James E. B 177, 189 Stumbaugh, Frederick Shear- er 155 Sturges, Jonathan 88 [242] Sturgis, Samuel D 138 Stuyvesant, Peter 110 Sullivan, James 88 Sullivan, Jeremiah 147 Sullivan, John . . .88, 99, 101, 106 Sully, Alfred 152 Sumner, Edwin Vose ...127,133 Sumner, Increase 88 Sumner, Jethro 102 Svv^ann, John 88 Swayne, Noah H 122 Swayne, Wager 133, 167 Sweeny, Thomas W 153 Swift, Herman 103 Sykes, George 129, 141 Sykes, James 88 Symmes, John C 88 Taft, Alphonso 26, 53 Taft, Helen Herron 26 Taft, Louisa Torrey 26 Taft, William Howard, 26-27, 28, 62, 63, 64 Talcott, Joseph 110 Taliaferro, William Booth . . 193 Taney, Roger B 39, 40, 121 Tappan, James C 202 Taylor, George 73, 88 Taylor, George W 148 Taylor, Joseph P 134 Taylor, Margaret Smith .... 12 Taylor, Richard 12 Taylor, Richard 172, 177, 189 Taylor, Sarah Strother 12 Taylor, Thomas H 202 Taylor, Zachary .12,13,15,17,45 Telfair, Edward 88, 92, 118 Teller, Henry M 56 Terrill, James B 219 Terrill, William 151 Terry, Alfred H. . . . 132, 135, 146 Terry, Henry D 150 Terry, William R 219 Terry, William 217 Thacher, George 88 Thayer, John M 158 Thomas, Allen 210 Thomas, Bryan M 215 Thomas, George 112, 113 Thomas, George H. . 125, 134, 138 Thomas, George M 127 Thomas, Henry G 166 Thomas, James H 201 Thomas, John 99, 100 Thomas, Lorenzo 51, 134 Thomas, Philip F 48 Thomas, Stephen 167 Thompson, Ebenezer 88 Thompson, Jacob 48 Thompson, Richard W 54 Thompson, Smith 36, 121 Thompson, William 101 Thomson, Charles 88 Thornton, Matthew 73, 88 Thoi'nton, Peter Presley .... 104 Thurman, Allen G 21 Thurston, Charles M 140 Tibbitts, William B 169 Tilden, Samuel J 20 Tilghman, Edward 95 Tilghman, Lloyd 189 Tilghman, Mathew 88 Tilghman, Tench 104 Tillson, David 157 Tilton, James 88 Todd, Dolly Payne 4 Todd, Mary 15 Todd, John B. S 140 Todd, Thomas 120 Tompkins, Daniel D 36, 37 Toombs, Robert 170,187 Toon, Thomas F 219 Torbert, Alfred T. A 154 Torrey, Louisa M 26 Totten, Joseph G 134 Toucey, Isaac 44, 48 Tracy, Benjamin F 58 Tracy, Edward D 199 Trapier, James H 190 Trapier, Paul, Jr 88 Treadwell, John 88 Treat, Robert 109 Trenholm, George A 170 Trimble, Isaac R 178, 187 Trimble, Robert 121 Trueitlin, John A 118 Trumbull, John 104 Trumbull, Jonathan, Sr. . .88, 110 Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr, , .88, 104 Trumbull, Joseph 89 Tryon, William Ill, 116 Tucker, Thomas T 89 Tucker, William F 211 Tupper, Benjamin 103 Turchin, John B 149 Turner, John W 162 [243] Tuttle, James M 148 Twigs, David E 174 Tyler, Daniel 144 Tyler, Erastus B 148 Tyler, John, Sr 10 Tyler, John 10-11, 42, 43 Tyler, Julia Gardiner 11 Tyler, Letitia Christian .... 11 Tyler, Mary Armistead .... 10 Tyler, Robert C 211 Tyler, Ribert 154 Tyndale, Hector 157 Tyne, Edward 117 Tyner, James N. ^ 53 Ullman, Daniel 158 Underwood, Adin B 162 Upshur, Abel P 43 Upton, Emory 163 Usher, John 106 Usher, John P 49, 50, 51 VanAUen, James H 146 VanBuren, Abraham 9 VanBuren, Hannah Hoes ... 9 VanBuren, Marie Hoes 9 VanBuren, Martin, 9, 16, 39, 40, 41 Vance, Robert B 205 VanCleve, Horatio P 145 VanCortlandt, Philip 103 VanDam, Rip Ill Van Devanter, Willis 124 VanDeveer, Ferdinand .... 166 Vandever, William 156 VanDorn, Earl 175,185 VanDyke, Nicholas . . .89, 92, 113 VanSchaick, Goose 103 VanTwiller, Wouter 110 VanVliet, Stewart 141 VanWyck, C. H. Van 169 Varick, Richard 104 Varnum, James Mitchell .89,102 Vaughan, Alfred J., Jr. ... 210 Vaughn, John C 200 Veatch, James C 147 Verhulst, William 110 Viele, Egbert L 139 Vilas, William F 57 Villepigue, John B 194 Vincent, Strong 160 Vining, John 89 Vinton, Francis L 151 Virginia, Provincial Conven- tion 115 Vogdes, Israel 153 Vose, Joseph 103 Wade, Benjamin F 51 Wade, Melancthon S 141 Wadsworth, James 89 Wadsworth, James S 138 Wadsworth, Jeremiah 89 Wadsworth, Peleg 89 Wagner, George D 155 Waite, Morrison R 122 Walcutt, Charles C 165 Waldron, Richard 106 Walker, Benjamin 105 Walker, Henry H 206, 215 Walker, James A 205 Walker, John 89, 104 Walker, John G 178, 191 Walker, LeRoy P 170, 188 Walker, Lucius M 195 Walker, Robert J 44 Walker, R. Lindsay 216 Walker, Timothy 89 Walker, William H. T. . .179, 185 Walker, William S 201 Wallace, Jonathan H 24 Wallace, Lewis 126, 140 Wallace, William H 221 Wallace, William H. L 144 Walthall, Edward C. ...182,204 Walton, George, 73, 89, 98 note, 118 Walton, John 89, 92 Wanamaker, John 58 Wanton, Gideon 109 Wanton, John 109 Wanton, Joseph 109 Ward, Artemas 89, 99 Ward, Henry 94 Ward, John H. H 152 Ward, Richard 109 Ward, Samuel 89, 109 Ward, W. T 140 Warner, James M 168 Warren, Fitz Henry 149 Warren, Gouverneur Kemble, 131, 152 Warren, James 89 Washburn, Cadwalader C, 130, 149 Washburne, Elihu B 52 [244] Washington, Augustine .... 1 Washington, Bushrod 120 Washington, George, 1-2, 3, 6, 7, 29, 30, 89, 97, 99, 104, 105 Washington, Lawrence 1 Washington, Martha 1, 105 Washington, Mary Ball .... 1 Waterhouse, Richard 214 Watie, Stand 211 Watkins, Louis D 169 Watts, Thomas H 170 Waul, Thomas N 208 Wayne, Anthony 100, 102 Wayne, Henry C 191 Wayne, James M 121 Weare, Meshech 106 Webb, Alexander S 160 Webb, Lucy Ware 19 Webb, Samuel Blatchley, 103, 104 Weber, Max 147 Webster, Daniel 42, 46 Webster, Joseph D 156 Weed, Stephen H 160 Weedon, George 100, 102 Weisiger, David A 213, 219 Weitzel, Godfrey 132, 150 Welles, Gideon 49, 50, 51 Wells, William 168 Welsh, Thomas 158 Wentworth, Benning 106 Wentworth, John, Sr 89, 106 Wentworth, John, Jr 89, 91 Wentworth, Joshua 89 Wereat, John 118 Wessells, Henry W 146 West, Benjamin 89, 98 note West, Francis 114 West, Joseph 116 West, Joseph R 152 Wharton, Gabriel C 208 Wharton, John A 180, 203 Wharton, Samuel 89 Wharton, Thomas 112 Wharton, William F 58 Wheaton, Frank 153 Wheeler, Joseph 180, 182, 201 Wheeler, William A 54 Whetcomb, John 101 Whipple, Amiel W 131, 145 Whipple, William 74, 89 Whipple, William D 160 White, Alexander 89 / White, Edward D 123 White, James 89 White, Julius 148 White, Phillips 89 Whitfield, John W 205 Whiting, William H. C, 178, 188 Whitney, William C 57 Whittaker, Walter C 160 V/ickersham, George W 64 Wickham, Williams C 208 Wickliffe, Charles A 43 Wigfall, Louis T 190 Wilcox, Cadmus M 179, 189 Wilcox, Orlando B 138 Wild, Edward A 159 Wilkins, William 14, 43 Wilkinson, James 103 Williams, Alpheus S 137 Williams, David H 158 Williams, George H 52, 53 Williams, John 89, 92 Williams, John S 196 Williams, Otho Holland 102 Williams, Roger ] 08 Williams, Seth 140 Williams, Thomas 141 Williams, William 74, 89 Williamson, Hugh 90, 98 Williamson, James A 167 Willich August 149 Willing, Thomas 90 Wilson, Claudius 209 Wilson, Allen Axon 28 Wilson, Henry 53 Wilson, James, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 74, 90, 97, 119 Wilson, James H 132, 162 Wilson, Jesse Woodrow 27 Wilson, Joseph R 27 Wilson, William B 65 Wilson, William L 59 Wilson, Woodrow 27-28, 65 Winder, Charles S 193 Winder, John H 186 Windom, William 55, 58 Wingate, Paine 90 Wingfield, Edwin Maria . . . 114 Winslow, Edward 107 Winslow, Josiah 107 Winslow, William 106 Winthrop, John 107,109,110 Wirt, William 36, 37, 38 Wise, Henry A 185 Wisner, Henry 90 [245] Wistar, Isaac 156 Withers, Jones M 177, 187 Witherspoon, John 74, 90, 91 Woedtke, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron de 101 WoflFord, William T 204 Wolcott, Erastus 90 Wolcott, Oliver 74, 90, 91 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr 30, 31 Wolcott, Roger 110 Wolcott, Roger, Jr 90 Wood, Joseph 90 Wood, Sterling A. M 191 Wood, Thomas J 132, 142 Woodberry, Levi . . .39, 40, 41, 121 Woodbury, Daniel P 144 Woodford, William 102 Woodrow^, Jesse 27 Woods, Charles R 161 Woods, William B 122, 169 Wool, John E 125, 133 Wooster, David 101 Wright, Ambrose R 183, 197 Wright, George 141 Wright, Horatio G 128, 140 Wright, James 118 Wright, Luke E 63 Wright, Marcus J 203 Wright, Turbett 90 Wyatt, Sir Francis 114 Wyatt, Sir Thomas 114 Wynkoop, Henry 90 Wynne, Robert J 62 Wythe, George 74, 90, 97 Yates, Abraham, Jr 90 Yates, Peter W 90 Yates, Robt 96 Yeamans, John 116 Yeardly, Sir George 114 York, Zabulon 219 Young, Pierce M. B. ...183,209 Young, William H 220 Zollicoffer, Felix K 187 Zook, Samuel Kurtz 156 Zubly, John J 90 [246] ^- v^ .^^ .,r v- :v^' .'\'~ \^ .0 a. ^^ 9 :-^ <>. ci-. ,0^ ^^ . -i A , N c . -I y 9- ^^ V •'Ipo^ >. o v -> -7-^ %■ A as y* /■% ^ "^^ X^^x. V ■ a; ..,% .'^^■ ^^. ' ^\ ,0Nr. ^^ O -'' , ^, ^■Js'' ,-0' •>'_ ~v LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 412 996 3