► »> "oV* »°\^ *o ■4 o V WHY ARE WE HERE? Are We Here For a Definite Duty? Free Rosicrucian Book Explains ANY A TIME have you not often wondered, "Why?" Why you are as you are, and others are doctors, lawyers, bankers, clerks, housewives, and so forth? Why some are prosperous and healthy, others in dire need? Why we are called equal, when such inequalities exist? Why are we permitted to make the ; i stakes for which we must suffer penalties? Why God, Divinity, or our Creator, which ever term you are familiar with, permits us to make such errors? Why must we learn through first suffering from a mistake? Why are we not shown how to prevent the mistake? Why does God and nature mathematically and sys' natically decree the existence and manifestation of everything here on this plane, and still we do not ourselves, apparently know why we are here, on this earth plane? Why, if we aie here for a definite purpose or act, ! o we not return again to be able to complete our duty d purpose on this plane? Perhaps we do. These questions the churches, universities, and science in general attempt to answer; but still there is much about these questions that causes the average person to ponder and he is left apparently without adequate information. Certainly someone must know the answer d reason why. AMORC, the International Rosicrucian Order, is composed of men and women interested in questions of this nature, in self'evolution, and in securing the logical answers to these questions. Therefore, they can show you how, to your satisfaction, you may secure the knowledge that lies behind the veil. They practiced alchemy, mental alchemy, and transmuted elementary principles into golden manifestations, they found the key to life and death, health and disease, failure and success, power and mastery. HELP US SPREAD THE GREAT LIGHT Rosicrucians are pledged to spread the Great Light in every possible way. It is truly a joy to help bring happiness, health, and prosperity into the lives of others. You may not know just how the Rosicrucians can aid you in your daily problems, but the way will be pointed out to you, and you will become one of the countless thousands in the world who shares the knowledge of this very old and honored fraternity. And now a new book — not for sale — but LOANED to sincere students who seek self'evolution, has been written by Sri. Ramatherio. It is called "The Secret Heritage." It contains the strange story of the Rosicrucians and their secret doctrines and shows HOW the absolutely sincere and worthy seeker of today MAY BECOME a true student and adept of the knowl' edge and attain such mastership as constitutes Rosicru' cian Power. Only the sincere, however, promising to give the matter careful thought and due consideration, should apply for the book. Send a letter stating your desire, and the book will be sent, postpaid, Address: Chief Librarian The Rosicrucians (AMORC) Rosicrucian Park ' San Jose, California (Remember, The Rosicrucians are NOT a religious organization.) PRINTED IN U. S. A. ®0 4Bg iiottjer 0H? frtttor law mb tnaptrittg romjramottatjtp fjaue btm twv prmni prncfa 30obttfaa Quatrains Of Christ George Creel Kanaaa @ttg, fHtaaourt COPYRIGHTED 1907 BY GEORGE ORBBL [)EC T i*Of oussA . J ' O^ T^o* Q WHY ARE WE HERE? Are We Here For a Definite Duty? Free Rosicrucian Book Explains ANY A TIME have you not often wondered, "Why?" Why you are as you are, and others are doctors, lawyers, bankers, clerks, housewives, and so forth? Why some are prosperous and healthy, others in dire need? Why we are called equal, when such inequalities exist? Why are we permitted to make the akes for which we must suffer penalties? Why God, Divinity, or our Creator, which ever term you are iliar with, permits us to make such errors? Why t we learn through first suffering from a mistake? y are we not shown how to prevent the mistake? Why does God and nature mathematically and sys' tematically decree the existence and manifestation of everything here on this plane, and still we do not ourselves, apparently know why we are here, on this earth plane? Vhy, if we aie here for a definite purpose or act, do we not return again to be able to complete our duty purpose on this plane? Perhaps we do. These questions the churches, universities, and science i general attempt to answer; but still there is much bout these questions that causes the average person to der and he is left apparently without adequate information. Certainly someone must know the answer and reason why. AMORC, the International Rosicrucian Order, is composed of men and women interested in questions of this nature, in self-evolution, and in securing the logical answers to these questions. Therefore, they can show you how, to your satisfaction, you may secure the knowledge that lies behind the veil. They practiced alchemy, mental alchemy, and transmuted elementary principles into golden manifestations, they found the key to life and death, health and disease, failure and success, power and mastery. HELP US SPREAD THE GREAT LIGHT Rosicrucians are pledged to spread the Great Light in every possible way. It is truly a joy to help bring happiness, health, and prosperity into the lives of others. You may not know just how the Rosicrucians can aid you in your daily problems, but the way will be pointed out to you, and you will become one of the countless thousands in the world who shares the knowledge of this very old and honored fraternity. And now a new book — not for sale — but LOANED to sincere students who seek self-evolution, has been written by Sri. Ramatherio. It is called "The Secret Heritage. " It contains the strange story of the Rosicrucians and their secret doctrines and shows HOW the absolutely sincere and worthy seeker of today MAY BECOME a true student and adept of the knowl- edge and attain such mastership as constitutes Rosicru- cian Power. Only the sincere, however, promising to give the matter careful thought and due consideration, should apply for the book. Send a letter stating your desire, and the book will be sent, postpaid, Address: Chief Librarian The Rosicrucians (AMORC) Rosicrucian Park - San Jose, California (Remember, The Rosicrucians are NOT a religious organization.) PRINTED IN U. S. A. QUATRAINS OF CHRIST O come and through the latter years let ring The golden song of faith, that echoing From Heaven's gate, shall flame adown the dark. And thrill crouched souls who have not learned to sing, II. Again a Star dawns in the Eastern sky, Again the startled shepherd lifts his cry, As waking from his midnight sleep, he sees The camels of the Wise Men sweeping by. III. The years have worked their measure of decay. Where is the inn or stable? Who can say, "This is the spot," or "There the very place Where Lord Christ came into the light of day?" (Stoairahtfl ©f Olljrtat IV. No more chants Caiphas his vengeful song, And scattered to the wind is all the throng That clamored for Barabbas, only held In memory by reason of their wrong. The weak souled Pilate long has passed away, And Caesar, too, is now obstructive clay, Their mighty Rome forgotten save as theme To keep the grumbling schoolboy from his play. VI. But still the scent of frankincense and myrrh Steals down the centuries, and as it were But yesterday, so sweet and new it seems, Did blessed Mary bear the Harbinger. —10— <§uulmwB (§f (Mfxxst VII. But yesterday that through the stable gloom An angel shape, with drooping pity's plume, Swept beaded anguish from the Virgin's brow That dewed sin-arid earth to vernal bloom. VIII. Of all Thy gracious gifts, O God Most High, The dearest of them all is this clear eye Of faith, with which we shrine the miracle Of far-off Bethlehem, and Time defy. IX. Aye bless us so, and let it never be Like tapestried romance men peer to see, Or some old song with meaning half-forgot, That drowsy children hear at grandsire's knee. — Jl— QpuatratttaflPfaHyriat x. Always a sense of vividness — the thrill Of things intensely present — let us still Appreciate that human flesh and blood Were chosen to exemplify Thy will. XL Guard us from Habit's poppied charm, and let The lotus-laden flight of Time beget No faraway, faint half-rememberings, No flick'ring shadow or wan silhouette. XII. Shrink not, but draw in wide eyed courage near Each incident in all the Christ career — From birth to cross there were no veils or walls, And nearer makes it dearer and more clear. -12- Qlhtatrattm (§i (tUfvist XIII. O Virgin, were thine eyes all unafraid, Or didst thou shrink, sore startled and dismayed, When first thou felt the mystic thrill, and learned God's precious Burden had on thee been laid? XIV. Loud sang the golden-throated Cherubim, And all the wheeling hosts of Seraphim, Whose flashing pinions ermined humble thatch, And shot with fire the Heaven's sapphire rim. XV. What must have been thy happy, sweet amaze To see the sudden aureate halo blaze, And from the wide-flung gates of Paradise Hear mighty harmonies of joyous praise. —13— ^ttatraina ©f (Sttfvvat XVI. 'Twere sweet if knowledge bridged the gap between Christ's manger cradle and that later scene — Companioned by the elders, gray and grim — Full blossomed youth in favor and in mien. XVII. Did laughter bubble as He leapt and ran? Was He as others ere His work began Of lifting from the World its dole of doubt, And making straight Salvation's tender plan? XVIII. Or was there hint of Pilate's fell decree, The lonely horror of Gethsemane, A prescience of thorny diadem, Or shadow from the hill of Calvary? -14- ^ttatrattw ©f tityriat XIX. Did Mary's arms turn childish griefs to bliss? Or did His holy mission make Him miss The happiness of youth's abandonings, The magic solace of a mother's kiss? XX. For, given then the secret of those years, Long lapse of stripling days undamped with tears, I could come nearer to Him, and athrill, Be quit forever of my awes and fears. XXI. Nay, Lord, let this not give offense to Thee, For if a passion for sheer nearness be Aroused by those of earth, then how much more When Thou art loved in such superb degree. —15— (Jjtoatraitw ©f OUjriat XXII. Mere thought of Thee doth pour into my veins The leaping flame that burned the sullen stains Of sin from out the broidered Cloth of Life, And charred a hopeless world's repressive chains. XXIII. The marvel blaze that blinded raging Saul, And held black Herod's savage soul in thrall — That swept from Mary all her silks and shame And ashed the splendor of her onyxed hall. XXIV. How doth it rapture fancy and enchain Belief and love to marshal once again The huge, kaleidoscopic surge of men Who felt that flame and followed in His train. —16—