BteX^>mxagXEBX^XIiX|gX^XiD(iEXXBiXagX^X^XIgy|gXiiXfiEXi^^ i ■'. Aast-^a;;^. ^ S\>^irin For riittiii" " St - o e in Q •^ • - 5 w -»- Vj,. o X) § if - E tn c c — a u -a c d J! 2 S. E -o (4 T3 CO o o o o a u c u c o ^ u - E 1 -o (4 C c = o 'r u a V a. n X! CiO o XI c <— •x: o op '5 •-2 2 z: Q .^ •X o to c U £ Q u £ G > ■a o x> u ao '5 i* = =. a, X s V .a. c u o "o E o o c .2 u c o CI XI o o ,£3 tn o u s tr M c a K o O o en 'J O o ■'^ "i 2 U a. CO X3 u c ►^ *^ t; *- fc- 3 O V ^ Q X re to c o h- t^ — ' J= •o o c c o c c «*fl «*■ k. 4) X u c X « tn 15 .c X k. 3 3 o _>< ^ (A o >N ,— o CO OJ ■^ip , c X 1— ( (U « c o u c (A «" E o X O E c (A 1- o Q (A N o X E o a. u a o (A 15 CO < o < Q Ll o O I- < < _J X LU c o lii N _c c o c .2 M in v2 .S2 O 4-» T3 4-1 T5 -a c Qu 4-( O o 4-1 c 'o a, c o .2 O -a c 4-> -1- XI c C o bo CJ O ^ o 4-1 X 2 4-1 rt -T3 C tfl HH* o OQ — 03 E XJ in 4-1 4>> (0 Q 3 o Q 4-1 I o bo 13 ID -o C 3 O o bo 3 .2 bo c E 4-» I E o a; c c '5 CU OJ a; c <>- o E 2 bo 4-* 01 O u c c V 4-1 c o E nj 1> E c 4-1 o u o c -a c a- c o c 3 Q c o ol 4-( 3 o c o 4-( 3 1) 1) -Q O 4-» 1/1 c V c u 3 4-* o o 4-> c o O o 4-f »-^ E o (/5 o OJ u u *•» C (J 4.1 c O 4-1 4-( 01 4-( V O 4.> 4-1 .2 t^ 4-1 in 12 "(0 >i: Nn c o 03 4-( 4.* o L. ^ 01 O ol oo" E 2 U4 1m 3 4-1 O 4^ 00 OJ a, CD < M T3 T3 < >- C E 3 o 4-* 3 u bo c 4-* ex rt Ol u O o . u bo ■v V 4-r I/! C in aj o JS 4-* Ic >^^ 1 CJ 4.1 H -* "rt _c u- CQ (/) tC a; j3 u u o _C ** a; ^ E o o rt bx) jn L. 4-* c o 4-» bo c 'I li- < X X c o c [o o 4-* o 4^ c -C . (fl 3 O O t- O 13 c W o < X" 3 01 lU E o 4-* bo u c On 4-* in O £ C n J E i -a c T3 C 0) > o c/l o ol V u E o V "5 bo tn 4-» CO 2 E o U c 1_ u CQ E JZ o 4.* - c V c ol "O u c/l 3 V Ol w o 4-t o O U .52 !- UJ 1- O 1- o UJ Q 3 o 4-1 c ca o u tj TJ c W o O o U o 2 o c c tn a, 3 O 4-> .2 o < (J CJ o 4-* E o o 4-t O 3 e U4 o u 2 Q X u-> 4-1 Q C 13 C ci HOW TO DRAFT A SKIRT. Draw a straight line from P to O. P is half way between M and K. Make width of skirt from K to Q ^ inch wider than forepart, and side body is from K to 1. From 7 to S is one-half the length of natural waist. Shape skirt as shown in Diagram, raising it 3/$ inch at U. HOW TO REGULATE THE SPRING A proportionate or normal figure will measure one inch more around the seat than breast, as follows : 36 B, 32 W, 37 S. Now if the seat measure is 38, add to spring of skirt at S ^ inch, and if the seat is 36 reduce the spring at S '^ inch. Increase the spring 33 inch for every inch it is over normal and decrease it ^ inch for every inch it is less than normal. This will regulate the spring in both frock and sack coats, and it will never fail it the measure is taken correctly. EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 4. ANOTHER METHOD OF CUTTING A SKIRT. Draw straight line A, then place side body and forepart as shown in Diagram. Drop from G to H ,'., of the upper hip measure and shape top of skirt as shown in the Diagram, dropping down '4 '"ch at O, then draw line B, by placing the straight edge parallel with the side body from O to C is J^^ of the length of the waist of Coat, from C to D is ,',; of the hip measure, this will give the correct spring to skirt, as if a man takes a large hip measure he requires a large spring, if a small hip measure he takes a small spring, etc. - for proportion the hip measure should be i inch more than the breast measure. No. i shows the style of a P. A. skirt. No. 2 shows the cut-away skirt, and No. 3 shows how to cut a dress coat skirt ; the dress coat skirt must be cut down Y-i inch more at E, making it ,'., and ^ inch from straight line A, to top of skirt at E, from E to F is \ the distance from E to O. Make the width of the skirt at bottom \ or the same as from E to F ; shape as shown in Diagram. Make skirt J^ inch wider than the forepart or fullness over hip. HOW TO CUT A SLEEVE. Square lines A and B, go down from o to i is ,'.v, and from o to 2 is '4, from 2 to 3 is Y^ inch. Square lines i. 2 and 3. To find the proper width of sleeve, add your armscye measure \.o' Yi of breast measure, say 36 coat and 16 armscye, 16 and 18 are 34; take '4 of 34 for the width of arm, making it 8J^ inches from i to 4 on slanting line 5. Line 6 is half way between i and 4, Square line 6 up and down by line 5; 8 is half way between line 5 and the star. From i to 7 is ,'„. Draw a line from from 7 through 8, sweep by star from 4 to i. Dotted line showing the sweep. Shape over and under sleeve as shown in Diagram. Square down from 4 and apply your sleeve measure and get the length ; place corner of square on inside seam at hand, and let long arm of square rest on corner where lines 5 and 6 meet, and square for bottom of sleeve at hand ; reverse square and draw line up to elbow. Shape as shown in diagram, adding about i inch over the elbow for shape on a small size sleeve, and in an extra large sleeve it will have to be reduced all the way from i down. 21 SLEEVES— Continued. HOW TO DRAFT A SLEEVE FOR A 36 COAT. First draw a line from A to K. A to B is ,'0 and to C is %. C to D is 34 inch, in all sizes. Square out lines B, C and D. B to E is ^ ; draw line from B to E. F is half way between B and E. Square line up and down from F. Sweep from B to E by star (2). Shape top of sleeve as shown in Diagram. Square down from E to H and measure down length of sleeve. Place corner of square at H, letting the long arm rest on F. Square across from H to I. Turn corner of square around to I and square up to K elbow, and shape sleeve as shown in Diagram, adding about one inch over elbow at K. Hollow the inside seam about ^ inch or whatever shape is desired. B to G is ,',;, shape undersleeve as shown in Diagram, crossing line C at 3. HOW TO CUT A SLEEVE FOR 46 COAT. This sleeve is cut on the same principle as the 36, only the upper sleeve must be cut as shown in Diagram, coming inside construction line at C D and adding nothing at K. In cutting a fat man's sleeve, the following rule will be found to be correct : Take the armscye measure, say 21, to a 46 coat, 21 armscye and 23, half of breast measure added together, will give a scale of 44; now cut the sleeve on the division of 44, and it will come out the correct size. Of course you will have to use your judgment as to what kind of goods you are cutting, as soft goods will press in more fullness than broadcloth. Therefore a sleeve cut from cloth must be cut smaller than the cheviots. In cutting overcoat sleeves add at I and K on the outside, the extra width, the inside seam to remain where it is. » I CO < QC < On O 00 B o C O E o o c o ON e o vi: V c c (J c o c o ■>-• >. - c H c o 3 O c o E nj V £ tn V C j£ % c tj •™ c 4-* a D > m O J! u V a c ^ rt re 0) Q -2 o 4-. = -r > u (U Ul us o o E c o en 4-1 O U ex TO U o c o o -Q 13 C u t ~ c ^ ^ .£ a. o 4-» ID T3 4-1 4-* O - E S ViH 5 V ri a. c on ?3 U C O o c O D be c 13 c 03 -a c V bo u O be u u c ^ o t- 1- X> > V V 4-t 3 c TO J= o V re 4-> 13 c TO TO o c J2 o c ID c o c v. 4-1 '-I o o « J. ^ (U ^^ <— f« o I- < Q- (A TO 'to "5, > TO O U u OJ be 3 TO 13 V C t/1 TO 0) > o TO 03 13 c TO - < c Uh 3 7) TO £ TO t/1 fc be c o 13 13 C TO TO O U <■>. ° ^ ■f o be ,. c c V a; J5 C o 13 O 4-1 QJ U C 13 TO D C 3 H ^- c/) 'to o c X E o (D C (/) "to c o o o a. o ^- X o c TO 13 C nJ c o 13 U c V TO 3 cr TO -:«< u TO J3 Q4 TO J= (/) 2 13 c TO in TO - o c o o 00 tu 1/1 *^ X c c/i 4-* Q, 3 TO Q o V >> o (/) E u rt <>. O 4-1 c o E o V c 13 c TO (J TO XI be < i (LI C c o c TO Uh Q o Q E o c TO Q -^ u TO J3 I— O J= 4-1 13 .2 NO U o re <— o c o TO J3 TO c o CI o 3 O 13 C TO O 13 E o c TO o o ^ _2 w fc U^ H c (U u o E o V c/2 be c (U O ■4-* NO ? J= (U f be JJ u .u (U u 4-» c (LI CJ 11 >^ u l/> JZ •_ > " TO u 4-t c ■5 o- 4.* '0 £ TO tn >% -O a, V V (/) c v H c O TO a. 9i EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 7. This Diagram is of a loose fitting Sack Overcoat. It is draughted the same as Sack Coat in Diagram 6, only there is no V taken out under arm. Make width of back from X to 2, \, making the back a little wider than in the close fitting Sack ; go out from 2 to 3 .,\- of Br., and from 4 to 5, ,'„, from 8 to 9 is 2 '^^ inches , from 9 to 1 1 is 2^ for a Single, and 31^ for a Double-breasted Coat ; go out the same amount at 5, sweep from i to 4 by C, and from 6 to 7 by D. This will cut a loose-fitting Sack Coat ; regulate the spring as explained in Diagram 6. For a fat man's Sack add to the front all that your measure calls for, but do not disturb your side seam, as a corpulent man has it all in front. If the customer is extra large over the stomach make changes the same as shown in Frock Coat Draught, Diagram 8. You will now ask why must there be more spring on a loose-fitting coat ? Because if it lays too tight on the hip it will hunch up, and you will have a coat with a balloon back in it. A loose-fitting Sack must hang off the hips a trifle to produce a nice hanging coat. A close-fitting coat is different ; it can be cut close all the way down. A close-fitting Sack is suitable for cheaper trade, whereas the loose and straight back fitting Sack is only for bon ton trade. ST EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 8. HOW TO CUT A COAT FOR A CORPULENT MAN. Diagram 8 represents a fat man's coat, 44 breast and 46 waist, by adding two inches to breast and sweep up from A, then go out % of waist measure and add tw o inches, then draw Hne down from A, this will make the chest hollow, and a coat front cannot be cut in this shape. So add all that is needed from A to B making a straight front line, then cut out under arm from D to C, the amount added to front less '4 of an inch. Clear out front of armscye the same amount taken out under arm ; also cut off lower shoulder point the same amount. This is the only way to cut a fat man's coat, and get it in proper shape. A sack coat is cut the same way, also the vest. There are very few cutters that can cut a fat man's coat, the reason being that they have an idea that the fat man is built like the lean man, only larger ; but this is not the case, as the fat man will in most cases take a 40 back, both in length and breadth. And will require a 44 front, and measure 42 breast and waist. If you will follow my instructions in Diagrams 9 and 10 you will see my way of cutting the Corpulent Coat, by the aid of the self-varying shoulder measure. 2U EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 9. THE SELF-VARYING SHOULDER. The upper shoulder measure is taken from socket bone at O, around under arm up to socket bone. This measure taken snug will be for a 36 coat, 26 inches, or 2 inches more than ^^ of the breast measure. Now this is proportion, and you must cut a proportioned coat from O to B, C and E, but if the upper shoulder measure was 28 and the breast 36, you will have a man with long neck and will hive to raise the back fro.n O to i, or making it the proportion ^ of 39 from C to i. But point B is '4 of 36 from C. Drawing the top line across to front 3. Now understand me right, the distance from C to B is always the same, '^ of breast measure, but the distance from B to A will be increased or decreased as the measure calls for. If you have a 24 upper shoulder and 36 breast, you would have a man with a very short neck, and you would have to reduce the length of top of back to line 2. Making it the proportion of 33 breast from 2 to C, but from C to B is the proportion of 36. On line A, A and X is proportion line ; i and 3 is high neck line, 2 and 4 is a short neck ; the distance from line A to line E, is called the depth of armscye. By looking at Diagram 18 (the Table of Proportions), it will tell you how to apply the upper shoulder measure. Find your upper shoulder measure on the Table of Proportions, then see what breast measure and what depth of armscye you have. It will also give you the length of shoulder strap. This measure taken carefully and applied as explained, will make the coat the right height in neck every time. Be very careful in taking this measure, and remember it is taken snug. This measure will make the coat higher or lower in the neck, but it will not make any more changes, so in order to find the sire of the blade, we will have to look up the lower shoulder measure in Diagram 10. \ EXPLANATIONS OF DIAGRAM 10. THE LOWER SHOULDER MEASURE. The Lower Shoulder Measure is taken from centre of back, between the shoulder, or I (of the Upper Shoulder Measure), down from O, around under arm and back to the same place. This measure will be one inch less than the Upper Shoulder Measure, and one inch more than -j of the breast take a 25 Lower Shoulder Measure, deduct one inch, making it 24 ; half of 24 is 12, or -{ of half of 36, Breast Measure, from 3 to 6 A is 12 inches, or -3 of breast, or yi of lower shoulder, less ]4 inch. Now, if a man measure 27 lower shoulder, it shows that your man has a large blade, you will have to come forward to B 6. moving the armscye forward, also bringing your shoulder point forward and shortening the front shoulder strap. Now, if you get a man that takes a 23 Lower Shoulder Measure, you will have to come back to line C, moving the armscye back and making the blade smaller; this will also move the shoulder points back to line C at 8. Place corner of square at corner of A 8, letting arm of square come down to point A, at 6, square lines both ways, this will give you the back line, then slide up and down on this line at 8, same as you do on breast line at 6, this clearly illustrates the Lower Shoulder Measure. A is proportion, B shows a large blade, a straighter and shorter shoulder; C shows a small blade, a long shoulder strap and a crooked shoulder. See the proportion table for comparison of shoulder and breast measure. HOW TO TAKE A MEASURE. TO MEASURE FOR A COAT. First determine the full length of waist, and full length of coat, and mark with chalk, then start measuring, take upper shoulder measure from top of neck (socket bone) around under arm and up to the neck again ,• then take the lower shoulder measure from centre of back opposite sleeve seam around arm and back to same point ; next measure length of waist and full length of coat, then measure the width of back, then length of sleeve from under arm to hand coming down on hand the length desired for sleeve ; this, the sleeve length, must be taken with the square ; next measure around the armscye and call off the width at hand desired, then measure around the breast, and around the waist, and around top part of hip, where the waist seam of frock coat will come, and around the most prominent part of hip This completes the measure of all kinds of coats. TO MEASURE FOR A VEST. First take the length of roll from the socket bone to where the vest is intended to roll then the full length of the vest, and the length from the socket bone to the hip, for the length of hip, then breast and waist measure. In cutting a single vest, you can take the shoulder measure same as on the coat. All these measures are taken medium close except- ing the upper and lower shoulder measure, which is taken snug. TO MEASURE FOR TROUSERS. First take the length from waist-band to knee and to bottom on the outside, then take the inside length, then the waist, and then the most prominent part of hip, so thigh, knee, and bottom. In fat men's pants take an extra measure for the height of waist in front, also an extra measure around the upper part of hip, between the waist and seat measure. NOTES ON MEASURING. When a customer presents himself to be measured it is well to first take a look at the coat he has on, and also take the length of the waist, and full length of the coat. This will be a guide to the cutter in taking the correct lengths when measuring. After taking these observations, finding out what style of a coat the customer wants, etc., ask him to please remove his coat. See that his vest is buttoned up, and if it sits too loose buckle it up in back close enough to confine the undergarments in their proper place while measuring. The shoulder measure should be taken snug but not tight. The breast measure should be taken medium easy for a slim man, and quite snug for a fleshy man. The waist measures must not be taken too tight, as the coat must fit easy (not loose and baggy) around the waist. The seat measure is taken medium close for a coat, and snug for trousers. The vest measures are taken over the vest, the same as for a coat, only reduce the measure J^ inch less than the coat, as follows : Coat 36 B, 32 W. Vest35>^ B, 31 14 W. 35 PRACTICAL REMARKS ON COAT CUTTING. REMARKS ON THE FROCK COAT DRAUGHT. Diagram 2 represents a proportionate draught, 36 breast and 32 waist. In cutting a coat by measure the only change that is necessary is to add to front all that the waist measure calls for, as shown in Diagrams 3 and 8. The rest of the draught remains proportionate. By studying the upper and lower shoulder measure as shown in Diagrams 9 ami 10 you can change the location of neck and shoulders according to the shape of the customer you have measured. Always take out Jf between side body and back, and ^\ between side body and forepart at waist ; if you get a man with a very small waist, never go back of front line M, but take it out at N, between side body and forepart. REMARKS ON FULL DRESS COAT. As a Dress Coat is worn open and not intended to button, it requires less front at waist than the P. A. Frock. One inch added to the waist measure is all that is needed, and to the breast measure 2 ^/^ inches or the same as the Albert Coat. To make this coat fit closer, we take out at N i^ of an inch extra. The width of lappel can only be guarded by the prevailing style ; however it should be only wide enough at the waist seam to allow the button hole to go in, say about i^ inches at waist seam and about 2 inches at the top. The step of the skirt should be about J^ ot an inch wide. In cutting a fat man's coat, or a coat for a man that stands very erect, I have found the following measures very correct, ist. Measure the length of shoulder strap from the socket bone to bottom of armscye in front, then go down j! of the upper shoulder measure on the back between the shoulders, or, if this is too complicated, go down 5^ inches in all sizes, and measure from this point over shoulder to bottom of armscye, this will give a prove measure ; if these two measures come out too long for the front strap, lower the armscye and move down the side body at P, in Diagram 2, say yi inch, in the most extreme case, then make forepart J^ inch longer waist, or enough to correspond with the length oi the side body. If your measure should call for more than % inch it is taken too loose, and in such a case the best thing to do is to stay by the system. PRACTICAL REMARKS ON VEST CUTTING. Now in my practice I cut all vests, collar or no collar, the same as shown in the diagram. When I want a collar on the vest, I cut the cilicia collar the shape that I want the collar to be. and sew it on to the edge of the vest, and not press the seam open. This will cut a better collar than the old style. As there is no seam to show through the collar when pressing the vest, however this has nothing to do with the fit of the vest, I merely mention it as I find it an improvement on the old style. vs Diag. n. • M c ^— o; ~ c "a. E Q be o E >, > u. O £ b/i c 15 4-1 o u JS 4-1 c o CA c U (A rt CQ 4-1 c 'rt bo en 4-1 rt 4-1 c rt 4.4 c rt r- 4-1 J* bo 4^ o 3 c 4-1 z 4-1 (A "rt JZ .S2 'ri 4-1 (A rt rO 1) C c — & o C ?: c H & V lA V c o 4-1 o V a (U \N c < 4-1 in rt (U e en 1) r- 4.^ 4-* 10 "rt a; *-^ o 0= % u > o u s 'G 3 be c 15 rt E j= u c 4-1 a j= 4-1 >- > 44 (A 'rt 4-1 4-1 U £^ _rt 3 o jn ^ 4-1 u 4-1 4-1 £ 4-1 3 o u a u ■i?l 1) (A 4.1 >> iH 4iJ O *i >° bt -C o TJ ^ c ,0 'rt 4J c H .S2 U 'ci rt (J -o ? > ^ o 4J s: 4-4 c 3 O 4.1 lA o c 4-1 c rt rt J3 u a, o 4-J c 4-1 c 4 c si 3 bo "rt C JZ 4-1 c < (/3 4^ cn > 15 H c o o Z E o £ T3 V 4.1 4-1 4-1 3 T3 rt *— 1 4.J 1—4 4J (A 4.4 u rt 3 cr V 4-1 C sPO 4J Q Ll_ > < a; i5 3 O in 4-1 rt 'ci rt rt u V > CQ rt J! o H O <-> (A 2 o 1- c ro Tf _c c E .£ o o M rt 4-1 (A :s^ V 1— X rO JG l4 o c _(fl V c 4-1 c < C c E rt (A -a < ♦J (A bo 4-1 (U c rt 4-1 rt V 4-1 lA rt ". 4-( 3 O E 2 tuO (A > < D (J O O X < > o 4-» C 00 • u 3 M E rt CQ 0) ex 3 6 o u 1—4 c a O U o 4.1 X E o 4-1 c o ^-1 4.4 rt O. E k4 o c 0! to. O 4-» c o w. V -C 4-1 > "So 4-1 D u V V '5) 4-1 o c rt I-. o 4-r en CO 4-1 cn rt ^ +4 rt 4J V u c rt 4.1 (A 4-1 rt bo '•B c 'O V 4-1 c V (A V It a. (A rt 1; a, CO J O 4-* H o < u e u 3 cr to to o X ■4-) 'i (A H rt -a c CT] 4.1 in 4-1 i: Diag. 12 ' ir.i/.-/ A- 1 Inch < QC O < O Ll. O o I- < z < -I Q. X LU V ■tml fcjO c '5. 1) 4-1 1) E 4-» 4-t 0! -^ C in (U o s .4-*" u 4-t 4-* > 4-1 c o V) v 4-* 4-1 3 O 5 be c '>» 01 CJ V js 4-* c tn 01 'J (U 4-1 c 0! 4-t ej 1) c 4..I 0: r-« c 01 -Q U 4-t o nJ 3 a; 3 3 OJ c ■^^ 4-1 c E 01 (U (A 4-* 4-f r3 (n -a -2 4J 0! V be nJ E (L) .£ "5 a, > oJ 4-« 4.^ c ed u ol u 01 o 4-1 a. Q 2 3 4.J cn "o (-• c ^ o *-' J= > ^ 4-t 7) 01 c o in 13 ~ V _o ol ■5 be n3 E 01 a; < 3 4-» c c c 4-t 3 4-t en > E en en lU rt '-n C/) T3 4J 03 CJ a; jr 4-1 4-> (fl 01 '% cd 4-) W c Ci 1) >.M ra o (J 4-1 c 5 01 u Q. 01 u -a 4-( c3 u 3 en 0) 4^ en > 1- -a c (/: o a. £ en oJ c v > c 3 3 1) c t/5 (L) 1; ID > OJ be 0) 4J' u *-t be < 4-* 01 D 4-( 3 4-( 4.J 3 CJ efl c ■5, u 4-* OJ E 4-1 3 u ol -1 o 3 O 4-* 03 !A en 01 4-t 01 4-t X V4-1 E 0) o bX 3 (J ■o ^J e _c u C ^^ C/} o X 05 6 V X. 4^ 4-t 71 on in tn sn V c ol u, 01 E 01 CQ 0) 4J c J: _>> c 4J 3 V 4-( 4-t _c 4-* jz 4-> c o o O 4_1 be 3 T5 C 01 a; E en en c 03 r"' c 4-1 3 u 4-r OJ 1- 3 4J <«. O o V rt E be .22 IS u 03 1) u 4-1 en 3 (0 01 V en 4-t en "r5 4-t en 01 1; 4-t ej 4.t Ol X. .S 4-1 ID 1) c rt 4-*" 03 O o E J2 c c 4-1 (A Ol OJ 4-t 4-1 CQ 4-1 ol 4-t c V ■4-t c T3 13 s 4-* 4-* c (L) 0- 4^ 0! c (A ID 4-> 3 en E a! 7) 5 o 13 tn d .2 Q4 4.J C ol 4-1 c ■«-> 13 01 13 en be 4-t 13 c 13 13 03 4-> en .2 ul a, -a > C 01 efl 03 U c oJ 4-r en oJ ii J3 > 3, 4-1 cn (L) 3 a* V) 13 C cd (n V u 4-r en ol 1) 4-t 00 >^ O V) E u rt > 4-> 4-i 3 u 5 2 -a c 01 . 4-* Oj .52 4-* 01 c ol 4-1 CQ 4-t Ol CJ c 1- 4.J 4-t 01 4-t -C ej C en 3 en Diag. 13 THE INVERNESS EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 13. THE INVERNESS OR KING WILLIAM OVERCOAT. This is an over-garment that very few cutters know how to cut; it is an over-garment mostly used as a Dress Overcoat, or in other words it is worn over the Dress Coat, as it slips off and on very easy without "mussing" the under coat. It is cut almost the same as any other sack coat; first, square lines A and B, from o to I is ^; from o to 2 is J/^ ; from 2 to 3 is ^ ; from o to 4 is the natural length of waist; and to 5 is the full length. Square lines i, 2. 3, 4 and 5; from o to X is J^ of breast measure; square down this line, from 7 breast line to 8 is ^ ; from 8 to 9 is % ; square lines 8 and 9; from o to K is i^. Draw line from 8 to K, from 5 to E is J^ of breast. Draw line from E to F and shape back as shown in Diagram. Rounding the back at F, this completes the back. From C to D is ,'g of the hip measure. Draw line from P through D to L; this will give the spring; shape from G to D as shown in diagram; from X to J is ,', ; sweep from 4 to Y by J ; from Y to 6 is ,', of breast measure, making it looser around the hip than the ordinary sack coat; from 7 to 10 is 2 inches. Draw front centre line from X through 10 and 6, then add from 10 to 11 i3/( inches, or whatever lap is desired, and shape front as shown in diagram. Cut back out and place point K on J and finish shoulder the same as any other coat, only making the shoulder seam straight. Make width of shoulder one and one-half inch smaller than the ordinary coat shoulder is; shape arm-hole from R to line 3 at G, as shown in Diagram, and notch the back at G, make same distance from G to L as from G to E; sweep from L to N by X, for length of forepart in front; this will finish the Inverness. Next is the half cape, which is very plain. Drawing line from shoulder to H ; His ^ from i , or half way between i and 2 ; sweep by J for length and finish as shown in Diagram. In some cases the cape is made to button same as the coat in front, in such a case add to cape in front making it i inch wider than centre line, 10 and 6. The collar is cut on this coat the same as any other coat. 48 EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 14. THE CAPE. The shoulder cape, is at the present time worn quite extensive, over shoulders on the ordinary ulster coat, and made with a ^ of an inch band around the neck, with button holes, and buttous on the under collar of coat, so that it can be buttoned on and off at will. It can be cut from the overcoat pattern or from the ordinary coat draft, it being cut one size larger than the coat in order to make it large enough to go on the top of the coat. It must measure around, opposite the breast line, .' more than the breast measure. Take for example a TjJ coat, the cape wants to be 38, half of 38 is 19, being the half of breast; .' of 19 is 6.'j inches, add 6.^ to 19 making it 25^. This the cape must measure to go over the arms, the heavy lines showing the cape. To draft the cape draw first the coat draft, then draw a line from' C to D, then shape back part as shown in Diagram, coming through point at E, down to 8, then get length of cape from o to 7 from o to star at 2, is '4 of breast; sweep from 7 to 8, by star at 2 ; from A to 3 is J/^ of breast less ]/2 inch, and from 5 to 4 is ^ of breast less yi inch. Cutting out from 3 to 4 as shown in Diagram, from o to B is % and .,\ same as coat draft. Shape shoulder same as on the coat coming down to 9, crossing line B, measure off same length on forepart to 9 as back is to 8, sweep from 9 to 10, by 6 and finish as represented and the cape is cut. REMARK.S ON THE CAPE. In cutting a shoulder cape without the cut in shoulder, the back and forepart must be cut on halves, so if the entire width of the cape, opposite the breast line, is 26^ inches the back must be % or 13 '4 inches, and the front ^ or \2,\i inches. Be very careful in getting the seam to run on the centre of the arm and shoulder, and have the seam sewed short over the rounding of the shoulder, by taking an easy measure over the arms, around the circum- ference of the body, just below the shoulder, and adding 2 inches to the measure for making up, and you will find it to come out right. > lO < q: < Q Ll. o J= •5 _^ e o s- NO u, k- o 3 ^ V u D tfl 4-* 3 T3 e crt E ■5 n cm s cd <*- C ^ c (A c • ^ ? 00 C/3 (A r* E ij a. D es V3 t« c a. H < '•J < 09 c s V 2 c rt OJ o c 5 E o •c E o o u B > o j: u c u c V a B n Q. 3 V E ■" 2 u u B O t>0 B O o B V o s rj (/) u B o o Q U o c 3 B u O 1) ^ be _B IS « E K o E o W i O -o " B o. n 3 caj •" 3 ,. o >— ■5 E & rt ;:- Q B u 01 a. ^- j= n E u « tJT tfl B a rt B. V) ^ rt to E n k. 60 r! B O .B CI. rt -B ■= o -o B CI .a B j< « E « « « so 3 3 U O B o < < _j Q. X LU a a. o Z no e bO u «> •u _B 12 t/l 11 k4 ^ r^ 3 X 3 1 u (A tfl B VI 1 00 £ s V M 1 bO tfl 1 c 0! 41 57 1- 1 Of J3 H )-• "w 1 a ^ N u PI (J < tfl k. 1 Of tfl p E a c tfl k. 1 ^0 :<• fO > k- 3 1 ao JZ tfl 1 « c< M S Q E -I- 1 ■0 B B V 60 B ^ „ ^ N fi M V B '5 ^tfl B '^ "V ^ N a •2 ^k« k. ■0 T3 E IP ««^ >< J3 H tfl 6 rt T3 fc. bo B V bO E B rt el O" B O n B O > •5 B O tfl o o u k. k. t. 3 « k. ■c B rt U o E o c c/: c« tfl •"■ kM s E 10 rt n tf: E 5 tfl u -t ^— "rt E ^ JS E B rt ka tfl — -ii /.-v U '^ k« «J E 11 U „ o I § C |> J3 B ■n o so B IS W o B B :^ 3 o bo E O 00 0* B ■B ^ f- rt E o rt u rt rt 3 c- tfi 1> f E O bO B IS rt E o u u B 00 e o ■" C^ < rt "■ B k« 3 .0 ^ rt 57 k. o II 1> > '5b o B E o o o XI o XI 00 o B S -5 B c o < E o u B B e P. "" bo V O K n bo i ^ P rt p u B — •■^ 1> E rt k. •V ^ E rt 1> 11 bo 11 - <£ .9 •a - S EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 16. THE FAT MAN S TROUSERS. The fat man's trousers are cut the same as any others below the seat, and addinef more to the front at waist. Make same distance from B to P as it is from P to C, then go out from B to D J-^ of waist measure, then take off ', the distance from C to D, and add this to B, making the extra width : in front and J in the side, then add from C to E, J/^ the distance from C to D. Drop the fork % inch at S, add to back part from H to I, same as from C to I), then apply waist measure same as in ordinary pants. From P to H is ,',. or sweep from F to H by L, for height of waist behind. Diagram B shows the Broad Fail pants the dotted line being the forepart, and the solid line showing the fall bearer and where the pocket should be, if a side pocket is wanted place it in the side seam, same as any other pants. The amount of buttons in the broad fall, being all the way from 4 to 7, as the customer may want it. The fall bearer must be cut high enough to make up for the waist band. Diagram C, showing the back part. The dotted line representing the stitching for the waist band, the opening of the broad fall in the side must be : of the rise or from S to E on Diagram A. Diagram D. This shows the old style of the Small Fall pants, the width of the fall is J of the waist measure, and the opening is ^ of the rise, furnished with a band /g of an inch wide and a triangle sewed out with silk in the end. In other respects they are made like the broad fall pants. This style of pants is not made very often; I have only cut a few riding pants of this style. K < cr O < Q Li. O o < < Q. X UJ CO H Z < o z 9 IT Q Z) (J 5 o I CO 2 o I- o LlI 60 C J3 60 u. 60 M ^- 60 C 1'^ tl CI r, X u F 4J J3 60 « a js "a. X V V JC 60 a IS ts E < i2 a. u 60 TS V o u o c ^^ r-* > 0) c a. pa J u o ^_, e •o t. J3 u 3 O o "O u «M c ^ c c o ^ I) CA u Q. 1> o e o ^ u C3 (A 3) c 11 (A 11 a. J= n <*■ ■■ k. k^ O o o A C jT o -c «fc* & "* u c4 a V :^ e O o N 11 o ^ ™ 11 •a f „ c U •5 c *^ c> 6 11 S 11 c ta 11 u cj rt o J3 (A u c CI o n! u c U3 U c o .£ j:' S «^ c 5 ■~ ST 3 ka >< VM ««-■ «*-• o X j: 3 s c tl o en 1> O "« X u o u u c u c 60 3 o u 60 o 'en 3 ^ ii c o CA Q ■5 3 O 00 EA c o o i c o 5 O 60 (A ii c o c 5 c o o CA «»-• u £ o c o o u ^ ^ 3 U rt o r^ c k. (A <4 (A oo l-H V*. u x> ^ (A < <^' E E O s o. 11 a E E rt c o o so" o o u a J3 O c £ u: o u u c 60 o ' V « ^^ JC CA u fO 1> _e o u c ^-t N "O w^ ^— ^ c ^— ' 4_l w *-• rt n a. V 11 a u v c 60 U O 60 c u ■^ C c rt n j= u c: ryi o u c c o > •5 e o C so E k. 60 .2 '■B a e o i> u c T3 C C4 rt o X! I; 3 c- kL, 73 E ^ o c ■c o c (A ^_, e iC — X u r; O a o c 3 cr C/5 so o c o - _ s.^ c a. il 2 E ^ 2 o ^ 60 w- - P ^ a o E 60 c o o T3 5S .S2 "5 E ~ 3 1> CQ i> V O o a. E 1m 60 s Q IS u o ^ (A C 3 u o c ■o ^ c tl E -v c o « •" x> C O .:< (A J3 •" c j= li " ^ u c n ca C OJ r- 11 ■>-• X u 60 1> ■3 T3 ■£ lA ^ "■ tS 3 C ta ^ 1) k- t: k. 60 3 O nl j3 ^ ~ c :5 ^ o u e o S 3 o o T3 V (A _^ B = T3 « 11 ^ tA « E t« u tA II § a. ^ I ^ ° J2 _2 •a o o U c 60 c '5 u u J3 II 3 a u o - I o ° o r S •5 2 i> 3 ^ C 2 «^ M C (A V u o II ■° 3 E^ ? 2 i> u II -= is X 60 S ^ .5 o j: " 4» ■= .5 S tc ^ -^ c «= - .S TS c k. P E Q. 1) "^ II .5 o *C k* u k. X! ti k. 3 O k- "* <_ f .5 2£ 1^ D h. O s ° T3 ^ c4 .a u « C TABLE OF PROPORTIONS Breast Measure Upper Shoulder Lower Shoulder Depth of Arm Seye Length of Shoulder Strap 121 IS 17 0'-' 8 0) 25 186« 176/i 08* 838 1 § 20 193a 188ji 7 8»^ 3 §. 27 20 19 TH 9 '*' IH P^ 28 20-8 195^ 7'* 9*8 (M |g "^ a ^ § 2i) 21«^ 20 88 1% 9»i, 2 -d a ^-5 « 30 22 21 8>8 10 31 22^8 215« S}i 1088 0) 32 23 »8 2288 88-1 103l ■3 33 24 23 9 11 o p. o 34 245^ 23'N 9«4 1138 fi 35 2518 12 1 • .s 9!a 1138 ^ 30 20 25 9^ 12 o 37 2038 25^4 10 Js 1238 o u 38 3i) 27»s 20 88 108s 128i 28 27 lOS 13 40 28^8 27°8 10*^ 133s 41 2J>88 28 8» 11? 8 13 '8 7 O J3 42 30 29 ll»i 14 fe o 43 30=8 29=8 ll'ij 1'488 ^ f-c O 44 31»8 30 3^ . ll!^ii 148^ m 41 to r Measi an Prop 45 32 31 12»i, 15 46 32'-'s 31=^8 128« 15 »8 2^5 47 33 ?« 32 88 1208 15's CO 48 34 33 13 10 t- TABLE OF PROPORTIONS. The normal or proportionate figure is a man that measures as follows : Height, 5 feet 4 inches; breast, 36; waist, 32; seat, 37; upper shoulder, 26; lower shoulder, 25; inside length of sleeve for this figure would be 17.2, and inside length of leg. 31. Now if every customer that we get to measure would be in the same proportion we would have no need of using any proof or balance measures. A 36 coat would fit any 36 size man, and everybody would measure just the same proportions as laid down in in the opposite side (in Table of Proportions). Understand me right: These measures laid down is not what an average man will measure. It simply tells you in what proportion your customer is that you are cutting a coat for. I will here take a corpulent man that measures 46^ breast, 47 waist and 47 seat, his height (in an average of fat men^ will be 5 feet 8 inches; his shoulder measure will only be 31 upper, and t,i lower; therefore his coat must be rut lower in the neck. F"ind 3 i upper shoulder measure in Table of Proportions and you will find that 31 shoulder is the proportion of 435^ breast only (see Diagram 9). Now take a tall slim man and he will measure in height 6 feet, and not measure any more than 35 breast, his shoulder measure will be 27, being the proportion of 371^ breast, making the coat considerable higher in the neck than what a normal pattern would be. Now the lower shoulder measure locates the front armscye just the same as the upper locates the height of neck. Tht-se measures are fully explained in Diagrams 9 and 10. The following method is used in finding out what proportion the shoulder measures are in: Take a 26 upper shoulder 2 inches less is 24; add yi of 24 to itself, making it 36 breEst; take one inch off Irom the lower shoulder measure and use the same method as the upper to find out in what proportions the blade is in. 53 NOTES ON MAKING GARMENTS. I will first state that I am a practical Journeyman Tailor as well as a Cutter My father being a tailor I was born and raised in a tailor-shop, and I pride myself on having been one of Mr. E. Ely's best coat makers when only a mere boy, and I have the work book yet showing where I have made as high as $45.00 per week making coats; so when I speak of coat-making I take it from real practice and not from guess-work. No matter how good a garment is cut it will not fit unless made up properly. HOW TO MAKE A COAT. According to the present style of cutting there need not be so much stretching done as formerly. Stretch the shoulder across about ^ to ^ of an inch according to shape of customer, the armscye to be stretched in front about 3/^ only, the side body should be stretched a trifle at the hollow of the waist to give the coat a natural curve at the waist. The amount of side body to be stretched cannot be to any given rule, as the cloth has something to do with it. Extra care should be taken in stretching soft goods, as the coat is very apt to get too long in the waist behind. It is always well to give the coat maker warning not to get the coat too long in the back; it is also a good thing to give the length of the waist to the coat maker. The armscye from the back arm seam of the sleeve around the blade to the centre under the arm should be held in a trille by putting in a linen thread or a stay tape. The blade at this portion of the body is rounded and the holding in of the back part of armscye conforms to the natural shape of the body, preventing the coat from drawing or wrinkling at the top of side body when the arm is in motion. The under sleeve should be pnt in a trifle full over the side body, and the seam should not be pressed open over the side body; this will allow the seam to fall gracefully over the side body and give it length enough when the arm is thrown forward. The collar should be put on easy, as a short collar will spoil the fit of the coat The first thing to do when a coat dont fit is to look after your collar, and if short take it off before altering the coat elsewhere. The skirt should be put on front J^ to .)4; of an inch full to the forepart over the hip. In a P. A. Frock 54 or Dress Coat the lappel should be sewed on even below the roll, as a short lappel will make a bad looking front. There should be a great deal of care taken in basting under the canvas. A good many tailors have the idea that the canvas should be tight in the breast of the coat; this is a very bad practice, as it will never make a good front. The canvas must be fully as large as the goods to make a good shaped front; press your canvas in good shape before basting under. In padding your breast do so from the lining side and use fine cotton and take short stitches on the side that goes next to the goods and do not draw the stitches tight as it will draw up the canvas and show through the broadcloth and dress worsteds. The stay tape should be put on fair, never draw it in very much as a short front edge is just as bad as a long one ; if raw edge stitch close up to the stay tape ; if bound there is no need of having any stay in the edges as it only makes them heavy and clumsy looking There should be more care taken in basting on the facing on all coats than the tailors usually do. The facing should not be held on too full as it will not stand press, but come back when exposed to the damp air. In overcoats the facing is very apt to get too short as the front edge has been held in with the stay tape. There should be a plait laid on the forepart lining at the waist seam, also in the centre of back and on the skirt lining over the hips. The neck pad should be put on easy. It would make a book of 300 pages if I was to describe all the points in coat making, so I will only give a few hints in pressing. HOW TO PRESS A COAT. The old style of hard pressing a coat before sponging the gloss off is a mistake, as it will take a good deal more steam to get the gloss ofif after allowing the garment to get cold, therefore, hard press with a fairly hot iron and immediately follow with the sponge cloth and a red hot iron, and you will not only have an elegant pressed coat, but will do the pressing in half the time. The light weight goods and German cloths will stand very little sponging; they must be dry pressed. I must here explain why this mode of pressing is superior to the old style. Take for example the canvas breast, and sponge hard on it. and you will find that it all puckers up, but if you hard press it first, and then sponge it, you will have sufficient heat in the canvas to dry up the steam, and the canvas will not pucker. HOW TO DRY PRESS. Take a piece of broadcloth and a piece of linen Holland and sew the two together, lay the cloth side to the garment you press; wet the linen with a sponge and press dry, and you will have your garment dry pressed without getting it glossed. Farmer satin or other smooth faced goods, will take the place of broadcloth but the cloth is the best. VEST MAKING. On the subject of vest making there is not much to be said. So far as the putting the vest together, it is easy to learn; in joining it up in the sides, be sure and have the back and forepart even at top under arm, also even at the neck, in putting the shoulders together, the back should go on easy to the forepart. A good vest maker is one that is very neat and tasty, with some artistic skill in forming a good shape in the collar, breast and shoulder. The front edge should be held in very little. now TO MAKE TROUSERS. It does not require an extra fine sewer to be a good pantaloon maker, but he should have some artistic skill in shaping the legs, the pantaloons require no stretching before sewing them up; put them together as they are notched and then press them in shape, never glue the buttons with rubber tissue, as it will spoil the button after one week's wear, and you will have trouble with them. In very light weight goods, a strip of canvas cut on the bias should be put under the turn-up at bottom ; in joining the pants up, the seam should be stretched about % inch on the back part in fork, to make the pants easy in stride. ADVICE TO YOUNG CUTTERS. Young cutters should not allow themselves to become involved in the mechanical repe- tition of producing and reproducing the same thing from day to day. The art of cutting is nothing more nor less than to please the customer, and in so doing your employer is also pleased, and you will have the reputation of being a good cutter. The position as a cutter, naturally brings you in contact with all classes of people, and a cutter never should allow himself to argue with a customer on any subject. It requires lots of attention from the cutter to the customer, as most customers have a weakness for attention, and if attended to in a genteel and polite manner (not dudish or foppish) the customer will have less fault to find with the fit of the clothes, as well as the price paid for them. There is nothing to be lost by being civil and polite to everybody, but everything to be gained, even though you do not care for the customer's trade. When a boy, I heard a remark from a tailor to a customer who was abusing him most shamefully about a coat; the customer finally asked the tailor, " Why don't you get mad ? I think I have insulted you enough." The tailor answered, "No, you have not insulted me. " "Well, how is that ?" the customer asked. "Well, you see, Mr. Brown," the tailor replied, "a gentleman would not insult me, and one that is not a gentleman cannot, as I take no notice of him." Now, whenever a customer has acted ugly. I have always remembered this remark, and it has done me lots of good. To be a successful cutter, one must study human nature ; study etiquette and how to be graceful, never allow yourself to get excited; never allow yourself to insult anybody in your business, and don't allow anybody to scare you by telling you that they have got "ah - 1 of a fit; " it may not be half as bad as the customer makes it. A cutter should avoid the use of tobacco in all its forms, never smoke in the store, and avoid intoxicating beverages, hold your breath when in front of a customer, he don't like the smell of whisky, onions, limberger cheese, etc , he may be fond of all these things himself but he don't like the smell of it from anyone else. A cutter is considered an artist, and is a gentleman, and if you don't think anything of yourself, how can you expect anybody else to think anything of you. So a successful cutter must be a gentleman in every respect, as well as being a good cutter. The two combined makes an A i cutter and such a man can always secure a good position and good pay. 7 57 *-»®j)[[^<-<-» Our Cutting School Terms, Etc Full instructions in Garment Cutting, including this Book, . . . 5100.00 Coat System alone, ........ 50.00 Vest System alone, . . . . . , . 25.00 Pants System alone, ........ 25.00 Half Price to Cutters wanting to change their system. The Paramount Cutter alone, ....... 5.00 Private Consultation in Cutting, ..... from 55.00 to I20.00 Instructions given in English, German and the Scandinavian Languages. Cutting School open Daily from 8 to 4. and evenings from 6.30 to 9.30. For further information address, THE CHAS. J. STONE CO. CUTTING SCHOOL, 191 AND 193 S. Clark St., Chicago, III. *->>@M^$^«- ->^^5^ 58 (f'Wa'C,* > ':. -.Vx LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS / ,