Class _: : Book__l Copyright}!". COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr. $ o s ' '" ■ 3 'S iS 'S a-E s ^ Z i'" i- 3 -g SI c '^ = clow the splint, and just large enough to admit the knife, which is then introduced and pushed upwards with its flat side towards the skin, till it reaches the tumor, when the convex edge is turned towards this, and several extensive scarifications are made in the periosteum covering it, after which the knife is withdrawn and a fine seton^needle is introduced in its place, and passed upwards until it reaches above the splint, when it is pushed through, and the tape drawn out, and properly secured with a bandage. Of course the horse must be cast and properly secured before resorting to the knife. In the course of ten days or a fortnight, the tape may be withdrawn, and the splint will almost invariably disappear. Sometimes the seton is tried without the scarification, but it is not nearly so successful, and is nearly as troublesome an operation. In most cases both of these operations are unnecessary, and the application of the following blister (which has a tendency to produce absorption, independently of its counter irritative powers) will have the desired effect. Take of Biniodide of Mercury .... 1 drachm Lard 1 ounce. Mix, and after cutting the hair short, rub a little into the skin covering the splint, every night, until a free watery discharge is produced from the surface. To facilitate this the leg should be fomented with very hot water every morning and afternoon, and this should be continued for several days after the ointment has been dis- continued. The horse will not gnaw the skin after this applica- tion, and it is a very useful one for general purposes, when counter-irritation is required to produce absorption. If, afU r a week's interval, the splint does not appear much reduced in sizA the ointment should be re-applied, and repeated at similar inter- vals till the swelling is removed. When the bony growth is verj extensive, neither scarification nor counter-irritation will be of much service, and the leg must be fired, and afterwards repeatedlj/ blistered, but even with the best and most energetic treatment, the part will seldom become sufficiently sound to stand anything but slow W(jrk. RINGBONE AND SIDEBONE. lliNGBONE AND SIDEBONE both consist in the throwing out of b but on being trotted he limps a good deal. Sometimes, however, there is a swelling of the feet without lameness, but in this case. the enlargement is generally due to an effusion of serum into the cellular Lovering jf the liganvnt, and n^t to an aclual strai^.^. of its fibres. — The treatment will depend greatly upon the extent of the mischief; if there is no great injury done, and the enlargement is chiefly from eff"usion of serum, rest and cold applications by means of bandages or otherwise will in th'e course of two or three months efi"ect'a cure. Generally, however, the case will last six or eight months before the ligament recovers its tone ; and in a valuable horse no attempt should be made to work him before that time. Where the swelling is small, as it generally is, bandages have no power over it, as the projection of the flexor tendons keeps the pressure off the injured part. Here, dipping the leg in a bucket of water every hour will be of far more service than a bandage, and the sudden shock of the cold water will be doubly efficacious. After all heat has disappeared the biniodide of mercury may be used as a blister two or three times, and then the horse may either be turned out, or put into a loose box for three or four months, after which walking exercise will complete the cure. STRAIN OF THE BACK SINEWS. In tuts accident the position of the leg is the same as in strain of the suspensory ligament, and there is no giving way of the joints. The flexor tendons are enlarged, hot, and tender, and there is great lameness, the horse having the power to flex tlie joints below the knee, but resolutely objecting to extend them, by bearing what little weight is unavoidable upon his toe. The case is often confounded with a " breakdown," but it may readily bo di-'tin- guished by the fact that in the latter the joints give way on putting the weight upon them, whilst in mere strains they do not, and the tendency is to the opposite extreme. Frequently after a bad strain of the flexor tendons, the fetlock is "over shot," or beyond the upright, in con.sequence of the continued flexion of the joint, to prevent pressure upon the injured fibres, and in the manage- aient this result should be carefully guarded against. The injury 36 THE is generally confined to the sheath of the tendons, which in mont cases j^radually puts on an inflammatory condition fur some time before actual lameness is observed. In bad cases, however, the ligamentous fibres which are given off by the posterior carpal ligament to the flexor tendons are ruptured, greatly increasing the amount of inflammation and subsequent loss of strength. In any iiasc the tendon feels spongy, and slightly enlarged, and there is more or less soreness on pressure and on being trotted, but in the latter case exercise removes the tenderness, and very often tempo- rarily causes an absorption of the effused fluid, which is again deposited during rest. This state of things goes on for a time, the groom doing all in his power to alleviate it by wet bandages, &c., but at last a severe race or gallop brings on an extra amount of inflammation, with or without actual strain of the fibres of the tendon, and then there can be no doubt about the propriety of rest and severe treatment. It often happens that both legs are slightly affected, but one being more tender than the other, the horse attempts to save it by changing legs, the consequence of which is that the comparatively sound tendons are strained, and he returns to his stable with both legs in a bad state, but with one of them requiring immediate attention. — The treatment should be by lucal bleeding (from the arm, thigh, or toe), followed at first by warm fomentations, and in a few days by cold lotions. A high- heeled shoe (called a patten) should be put on the foot, so as to allow the horse to rest part of the weight upon the heel without distressing the tendon, and this will have a tendency to prevent him from over shooting at the fetlock joint, which he will other- wise be very apt to do from constantly balancing his leg on the toe. After three or four days the hot fomentations will have done what is wanted, and a cold lotion may be applied by means of a loose linen bandage. The best is composed as follows: — Take of Muriate of Ammonia 2 oz. Vinegar \ pint. Methylated Spirit of Wine . . . . \ pint. Water 2 quarts. Mix. With this the bandage should be kept constantly wet, the applica- tion being continued for a fortnight at least, during which time the patient must be kept cool, by lowering his food, and giving him a dose of physic. At the end of three weeks or a month from the accident, the leg must be either blistered or fired, tbe choice depending upon the extent of injury, and the desire to avoid a blemish if such a feeling exists. The former is the more effica. eious plan no doubt, but blistering will frequently suffice in mild cases. If, however, the tendons at the end of a month continue greatly enlarged, a cure can hardly be expected without the use of the " irons." BREAKING DOWN. 37 BREAKING DOWN. Great confusion exists anions^ trainers as to the exact nature t)f* this accident, which is considered by the veterinary surgeon to consist in an actual rupture of the suspensory ligament either tJove or below the sesamoid bones, which, in fact, merely sepai'ato this apparatus of suspension into two portions, just as the patella intervenes between the rectus femoris and the tibia. Whichever part of the suspensory apparatus is gone (whether the superior or infeii.or F.esamoidal ligament is immaterial), the fetlock and pastern joints lose their whole inelastic support ; and the flexor tendons, together with their ligamentous fibres which they receive from the cat pus, giving way, as they must do, to allow of the accident taking place, the toe is turned up, and the fetlock joint bears upon the ground. This is a complete " break down ;" but there are many cases in which the destruction of the ligamentous fibres is not complete, and the joint, though much lowered, does not actually touch ihe ground. These are still called breaks down, and must be regarded as such, and as quite distinct from strains of tlie flexor tendons. The accident generally occurs in a tired horse, when the flexor muscles do not continue to support the liga- ments, from which circumstance it so often happens in the last few strides of a race. The st/mptoms are a partial or entire giving way of the fetlock joint downwards, so that the back of it either touches the ground, or nearly so, when the weight is thrown upon it. Usually, however, after the horse is pulled up, he hops on three legs, and refuses altogether to put that which is broken down to the ground. In a very few minutes the leg " fills" at the seat of the accident, and becomes hot and very tender to the touch. There can, therefore, be no doubt as to the nature of the mischief, and the confusion to which allusion has been made is one of name« rather than of facts. Treatment can only be directed to a partial recovery from this accident, for a horse broken down in the sense in which the term is here used can only bt used for stud purposes or at slow farm work. A patten shoe should at once be put ou after bleeding at the toe to a copious extent, and then fomenta- tions followed by cold lotions should be applied, as directed in the last section. As there must necessarily bo a deformity of the leg, (here can be no objection on that score to firing, and when the severe inflammation following the accident has subsided this opera- tion should be thoroughly performed, so as to afford relief not only by the counter irritation which is set up, and which lasts only for a time, but by (he rigid and unyielding ease which it leaves behind for a series )f yearis. 21 38 THE HORSE STRAINS OF THE HIP JOINT, STIFLE, AND HOCK. Tbe hip joint, or round bone, is liable to be strained by the hind feet slipping and being stretched apart, or by blows against the side of the stall, when cast, which are not sufficient to dislocate the femur, but strain its ligaments severely. The conse- quence is an inflammation of the joint, which is evidenced by a .iropping of one hip in going, the weight being thrown more upon the sound side than upon the other. This is especi;i]ly remarkable on first starting, the lameness soon going oiF in work, but return- ing after rest. The case, however, is a rare one, and its descrip- tion need not, therefore, occupy much of our space. When it does happen, it is very apt to lead to a w.isting of the deep muscles of the haunch, which nothing but compulsory work will restore to a healthy condition. The only treatment necessary in the early stage of strain of the hip joint is rest and cooling diet, &c. ; but, after six weeks or two months, a gradual return to work is indis- pensable to effect a cure. Strains op the stifle, independently of blows, are rare; but the latter often are inflicted upon this joint in hunting, leaving little evidence externally, so that it is almost always doubtful whether the injury is the result of a blow or strain. The iti/mj)toms are a swelling and tenderness of the joint, which can be ascer- tained by a careful examination ; and on trotting the horse, there is manifested a difficulty or stiffness in drawing forward the hind log under the belly. The treatment must be by bleeding and physicking in the early stage, together with hot fomentations to the part, continued every hour until the heat subsides. After a- few days, if the joint is still painful, a large blister should be applied, or, what is still better, a seton should be inserted in the skin adjacent. The hock itself is liable to strain, independently of the pecu- liar accident known as "curb." When it occurs, there is some heat ol the part, with more or less lameness, and neither spavin, thoroughpin, nor curb to account for them. The injury is seldom severe, and may be relieved by fomentations for a day or two, followed by cold lotions, as presented at page 320, foi strain of the haek sinews. CURB. The lower tart of the posterior surface of the os cnlciH is firmly united to the cuboid and external metatarsal bone by two strong ligamentous bands, called the calcaneo-cuboid and caleaneo- metatarsal ligaments. The centre of these ligaments is about Beven or eight inches below the point of the hock, and when a solit but elastic swelling suddenly makes its appearance there, it ma^ CURB. 39 with certainly be asserted that a " curb" has been thrown out. The accident occurs somewhat suddenly ; but the swelling and inflam- mation do not always show themselves until after a night's rest when the part is generally enlarged, hot, and tender. The precise extent of the strain is of little consequence ; for whatever its nature, the treatment should be sufficiently active to reduce llie ligaments to their healthy condition. Some horses have naturally the head of the external small metatarsal bone unusually large, and (he hock so formed that there is an angle between the large meia- tarsal bone and the tarsus, leaving a prominence, which, howeveij is hard and bony, and not soft and elastic, as is the case with carb. Such hocks are generally inclined to throw out curbs; but there are many exceptions, and some of the most suspicious-looking joints have been known to stand sound for years. Curbs are seldom thrown out by very old horses, and usually occur between the com- mencement of breaking-in and the seventh or eighth year, though they are not unfrequently met with in the younger colt, being occa- sioned by his gambols over hilly ground. The treatment sliould at first be studiously confined to a reduction of the inflammation ; any attempt to procure absorption till this is efiected being inju- rious in the extreme. If there is much heat in the part, blood may be taken from the thigh vein, the corn should be removed, and a dose of physic given as soon as practicable. The curb should then be kept wet (by means of a bandage lightly applied) with the lotion recommended at page 316 for capped hocks, and this should be continued until the inflammation is entirely gone. During this treatment, in bad cases, a patten shoe should be kept on, so as to keep the hock as straight as possible, and thus take the strain off" the ligaments which are aflfected. After the pari has become cool, it may be reduced in size, by causing absorption to be set up ; which is best effected by the application of mercury and iodine (both of which possess that power), in such a shape as to cause a blister of the skin. The biniodide of mercurj' ha-s this double advantage, and there is no application known to surgery which will act equally well in effecting the absorption of a curb. It should be appliod in the mode recommended at page 300, anut it i.s not by any means an invariable attendant on influenza. It is, however, INFLUENZA— BRONCHITIS. 45 riomewhat diflScult to ascertain its existence, as in any case there is no appetite for food. The treatment should be conducted oh the principle uf iiusbanding the strength, and, unless urgent symptoms of inflarniuition show themselves, the less that is dorc the better. If the trachea or larynx is involved only slightly, o winter irrita- tion, by means of a liquid blister, must be tried, without resorting CO strong internal medicines ; but if serious mischief ensues, the case must, to a certain extent, be treated as it would be when 3oming on without the complication of influenza, always taking care to avoid bleeding, and merely acting on the bowels by gentle aperients, and on the skin and kidnej^s by the mildest diaphoretic and diuretic. The following is the ordinary plan of treatment adopted : Take of Spirit of Nitric Ether .1 ounce, liaiulanum 4 drachms. Nitrate of Potass 3 drachms. Water 1 pint. Mix, and give as a drench night and morning. By constantly oflPering to the horse thin gruel (taking care thut it does not become sour), and no plain water, sufficient nourish- ment may be given, as his thirst will induce him to drink. During the stage of convalescence the greatest care must be taken. At first, as soon as the cough has somewhat subsided, a mild stomachic ball will be desirable, such as Take of Extract of Gentian 6 drachms. I'owdered Ginger 2 drachms. Mix. Afterwards, if the case goes on ilivorably, and the appetite returns, the restoration may be left to nature, giving the horse by degrees his usual allowance of corn, and adding to his morning and evening feed one drachm of sulphate of iron in fine powder. It must not be attempted to give this until the appetite is pretty keen, or the horse will be disgusted, and will probably refuse his corn altogether. Should typhoid symptoms be clearly established, the case must be treated accordins; to the directions hereafter laid down for typhus fever. BRONCHITIS. BaONCniTis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining (he bronchi, and almost invariably extending to these parts through the trachea, from the larynx and nasal passages, which are pri- mal ily affected as in ordinary cold. The membrane in the early stage becomes filled with blood, and as a consequence the diameter of the tubes is diminished, attended by some difficulty and in- creased rapidity of breathing. After a time a frothy mucus is poured out from it, and this still further interferes with respira- ti(m,. and necessitates a constant cough to get rid of it. Thes^t iymptoms are always present, but they will vary greatly in iuten- 46 THE noRSE. Bity, and in the rapidity viitli which the} progress, from which cir- cumstances bronchitis is said to be acute or chronic^ as the case may be. hi the acute form there are also several variations, and veterinary writers are in the habit of again subdividing it into acute and sub acute, but the two leading divisions are sufficient for aM practical purposes. It begins with the usual premonitory appearances of a severe cold, accompanied by a staring coat, and entire loss of appetite. The breathing is somewhat quicker than natural, and the pulse is raised to sixty or seventy. The legs re- main of the usual temperature, and there is a hard dry cough, the lining membrane of the nostrils being intensely red, and in severe cases dry and swollen. On auscultation there is a dry rattling sound, very different from the crepitation of pneumonia, and a? soon as mucus is secreted, succeeded by gurgling, and soap-bubble sounds, easily distinguished when once heard. If the attack goes on favorably, the cough becomes loose, and there is a free dis- charge of mucus, both from the lungs, as evidenced from the nature of the cough, and from the nostrils, as shown by the run- ning from them. On the other hand, the prognosis is unfavorable when the breathing is very laborious, with the legs extended, and the cough constant and ineffectual in affording relief. Should no relief be afforded, death takes place a week or ten days after the onset of the disease, from suffocation. Tlie treatment should de- pend greatly upon the urgency of the inflammation, which only ar» experienced eye can judge of. If slight, nitre and tartar emetic internally, and a blister (to one or both sides, according to the extent of bronchi involved), will suffice, but in very severe cases blood must be taken at the onset, or it will be impossible to control the inflammation. Bleeding should be avoided if it is judged prudent to do so, for of late years the type of diseases has changed BO much in the horse, that he is found to bear loss of blood badly. Nevertheless, it is not wise to lay down the rule that it is never desirable. The bowels must be acted on by the ordinary physic ball, resorting to raking and clysters, if the time cannot be affoidcd for the usual laxative preparation. For the special control of the morbid state of the membrane the following ball will be found advantageous : — Take cf Dijxitalis \ drachm. Calomel 5 drachm. Tartar Emetic 60 to 80 grains. Nitre 2 drachms. Mix ;\-iih treacle, and give twice a day. Should the disease continue after the blister is healed, a large seton may be put in one or both sides with advantage. Chronic bronchitis seldom exists except as a sequel to the acute form, and after adopting the balls recommended for thai CHROXrO COUGH. 47 state, it may be treated by attention to the general health, a seton in tho side, and the exhibition of an expcctoraut ball twice a day, souiposcd of the following materials : — ■ Take of Gum Ammoniacnra | ounce. Powdered Squill 1 drachm. Castile Soap ' , . . 2 drachms. Mix and make into a ball. CIIKONTO COUGIT. Bv Tnis TERM is understood a con^h that comes on wilhout any fever or evidences of the horse having taken cold. It differs in this respect from chronic bronchitis, which generally supervenes upon the acute form, and is always attended in the early stage by feverishness. It appears probable that chronic cough is dependcirt upon an unnatural stimulus to the mucous membrane, for it almost always makes its appearance when much 3orn is given without due preparation, and ceases on a return to green food. It is, therefore, very commonly termed a stomach cough. The symptoms are all summed up in the presence of a dry cough, which is seldom mani- fested while in the stable, but comes on whenever the breathing is hastened by any pace bej^ond a walk. Two or three coughs are then given, and the horse perhaps is able to go on with his work, but after resting for a few minutes, and again starting, it comes on again, and annoys the rider or driver by its tantalizing promise of disappearance followed by disappointment. Very often this kind of cough is caused by the irritation of worms, but any kind of dis- order of the digestive organs appears to have the power of pro- ducing it. The usual treatment for chronic bronchitis seems herv? to be quite powerless, and the only plan of proceeding likely to be attended with success, is to look for the cause of the irritation, and remove it. Sometimes this will be found in a hot stable, the horse having previously been accustomed to a cool one. Here the altera- tion of the temperature by ten or fifteen degrees will in a few days effect a cure, and nothing else is required. Again, it may be that (he corn has been overdone, in which case a gentle dose of physic, followed by a diminished allowance of corn, and a bran-mash twice a week, will be successful. If the stomach is much disordered, green food will be the best stimulus to a healthy condition, or in its absence a few warm cordial balls may be tried. The existence 3f worms should be ascertained in doubtful cases, and if they are present, the proper remedies must be given for their removal, j.inseed ">il and spirit of turpentine, which are both excellent worm remedich, are highly recommended in chronic cough, and whether or not their good effect is due to their antagonism to worms, they may be regarded as specially useful. A very successful conribiuation is the following mixture : — 48 THE HORSE. Take of Spirit of Turpentine . . 2 ounce'!. Mucilage of Acacia . . .-6 ounces. Gum Ammoniacum . . . ^ ounce. Laudanum .4 ounces. Water 2 quart?. ]\Iix, and give half-a-pint as a drench every night : the bottle mail be well shaken before pouring out the close. LARYNGITIS, ROARING, WHISTLING, &c. One of the most common diseases among \\ell-bred horses of the present day, is the existence of some mechanical impediment to the passage of the air into the lungs, causing the animal to " make a noise." The exact nature of the sound has little or no practical bearing on the cause that produces it; that is to say, it cannot bo predicated that roaring is produced by laryngitis; nor that whistling is the result of a palsy of some particular muscle, but undoubtedly it may safely be asserted that all lesions of the larynx, by which the shape and area of its opening (rima glottidis) are altered and diminished, are sure to have a prejudicial effect upon the wind, and either to produce roaring, whistling, wheezing, or trumpeting, but which would result it might be difficult to say, although the precise condition of the larynx were known, which it cannot be during life. Until recently veterinary surgeons were puzzled by often finding on examination of a roarer's larynx after death no visible organic rhange in the opening, and many were led to imagine that this part could nut be the seat of the disease. On a careful dissection, however, it is found that a muscle or muscles whose office it is to dilate the larynx is wasted and flabby (crico- arytenoideus lateralis and thyro-arytenoideus). The other muscles are perhaps equally atrophied, but as their office is to close the opening, their defects are not equally injurious, and at all events are not shown by producing an unnatural noise. The cause of this wasting is to be looked for in pressure upon the nerve which sup- pfuis these muscles, and which passes through an opening in the posterior ala of the thyroid cartilage, so that whatever causes a dis- I laccment of that part will mechanically aff'ect the nerve. For these several reasons it will be necessary to examine first of all into the several kinds of inflammation, &c., to which the lary ix is sub- ject, and then to investigate as far as we may, the nature, mode ol detection, and treatment of the several conditions known to horsemen by the names of roaring, whistling, &c., which are onlj symptoms of one or other of the diseases to which allusion will presently be made. I3y acute laryngitis is meant a more than ordinary inflam- mation of the larynx, and not that slightly morbid condition iu which the mucous membrane of that organ is always involved in " the passage of a cold into the chest." In thf» latter state the ear CnRONIC LARTNGITIS. 49 delects no unusual sound, and indeed there is plenty of rooni for the air to pass. But in true laryngitis, on placing the ear near the tlirout, a harsh raspin^g sound is heard, which is sufficient at once to show the nature and urgency of the symptoms. The mucous membrane is swollen, and tinged with blood; the rima glottidis is almost closed, and the air in passing through it produces the sound above described, which, however, is sometimes replaced by a stridu- 1,,'us or hissing one. In conjunction with this well-marked symp- U>m there is always a hoarse cough of a peculiar character, and •some considerable fever, with frequent respiration, and a hard, wiry pulse of seventy to eighty. The treatment must be of the most active kind for not only is life threatened, but even if a fatal result does not take place, there is great danger of permanent organic mischief to the delicate apparatus of the larynx, generally from the effusion of lymph into the submucous cellular membrane. A full bleeding should at once be practised, and repeated at the end of vwelve hours if there is no relief afforded and the pulse still con- tinues hard. 'I'he hair should be cut off the throat, and the tinc- ture of ciintharides brushed on in a pure state until a blister arises, when the part may be constantly well fomented, to encourage the discharge. Large doses of tartar emetic, calomel, and digitalis, must also be given, but their amount and frequency should be left to an exper'.enced veterinarian, the preliminary bleeding and blis- tering being done in his absence to save time. It is a case in which medicine must be pushed as far as can be done with safety, and this cannot well be left to any one who is not well acquainted with its effects, and with the powers of the animal economy. Gruel is the only food allowed during the acute stage, and there is seldom time to have recourse to aperient physic until the urgent symp- toms are abated, when an ordinary dose may be given. During convalescence the greatest care must be taken to prevent a re- lapse, by avoiding all excitement either by stimulating food or fast exercise. Chronic laryngitis may occur as the result of the acute form above described, or it may come on gradually, without any violent inflammation preceding it. in either case the siymptoms are simi- lar in their nature to those met with in the acute form, but less in degiee. The noise made is not nearly so harsh, and can often hardly be heard on the most careful exaniination. The peculiai harsh, grating cough is, however, always present, and by it the nature of the case may generally be easily made out. The disease often accompanies strangles, although in nine cases out of ten ii is overlooked by the careless attendant. Very commonly, how- ever, it makes its ravages in so insidious a manner that no suspi- cion is felt of its presence, until the horse begins to make a noi^-e, though he must in all probability have shown by the cough peculiai 4 50 THE HORSE. io the eoraplaiut, that it has been working its way for some weeks at least. Such cases chiefly occur in the training stable, and are due, according to my belief, to the enormous quantity of oats which it is now the fashion to give to colts from the earliest period of their lives, increased to seven and eight feeds a day during tho second year. Continued spirit-drinking has precisely the same effect upon the human being, and the harsh stridulous cough of the confirmed drunkard marks the existence of ulceration of the larynx, in the only way which he will allow it to be displayed, for he is not, like the horse, made to exert his powers ^f running, whether his wind is good or bad. There is, of course, a consider- able difference between the two diseases, but there is sufficient analogy between them to explain why the stimulus of over-corning should aff"ect the krynx in preference to any other part. It wjuld be difficult to show the connection between the two in any other way, beyond the simple fact that roaring has become general in an exact proportion to the prevalence of the present fashion of feed- ing. The advocates of the plan will say that though the two have come in together, yet it is merely a coincidence, and not a conse- quence the one of the other; but if it can be shown that in man a similar cause produces a similar effect, the argument is strength- ened to such a degree as to be almost unanswerable. But what- ever may be the cause there can be no doubt that the treatment is most troublesome, and often baffles the skill of the most accom- plished veterinarian. Blistering is not so useful as counter-irrita- tion by a seton, which must be inserted in the loose skin beneath the jaw, as close as possible to the larynx. This alone will do much towards the cure, but no pains must be spared to assist its action by a cooling regimen, consisting of bran mashes, and if in the spring or summer, green food, or in the winter, carrots. Corn must be entirely forbidden, and the kidneys should be encouraged to act freely by two or three drachms of nitre given in the mash twice a day. When the case is very intractable, the nhrate of silver may be applied to the part itself by means of a sponge fast- ened to a piece of flexible cane or whalebone. The mouth should then be kept open with the ordinary balling iron, and the sponge rapidly passed to the situation of the top of the larynx, and held there for a second, and then withdrawn. I have succeeded in cur- ing two obstinnte cases of chronic laryngitis by this plan, but some little risk is incurred, as in one of them imminent symptoms of Buff'oeaiion presented themselves, but soon went off". I should not, therefore, recommend the application exceptin^i; in cases where ill other means have failed, and in which there is reason to believe that the patient is likely to become a permanent roarer or whistler. The nitrate of silver has great power in producing resolution of Inflammation in mucous surfaces, and in this disease little of ROARING. 51 Jiothing can be effected by gCDeral measures. The solution should be from ten to fifteen grains in the ounce of distilled water. E OARING is the bugbear of the purchaser at the hammer, and not without good reason. The most experienced veterinarian or dealer will often fail to ascertain its existence, in spite of all the artifices he may call into play. Not the slightest sound is heard during a state of quiescence, or even when the horse is trotted or galloped for the short distance which " the ride" will aiford. The blow on the side given with due artistic effect elicits no grunt, and yet the animal is a confirmed roarer, and not worth a shilling per- haps for the purpose to which he is intended to be devoted. On the other hand, many a sound horse is condemned as a roarer for giving out the obnoxious grunt ; and though there is no doubt that this sign may hj relied on in a great many cases, yet it can- not be accepted as either negatively or positively a certain proof. The only real trial is the noiseless gallop on turf or plough, when the ear can detect the slightest sound, and can distinguish its ex- act nature, and the precise spot from which it proceeds. Many a horse will, when he is excited, make a harsh noise in his breathing, accompanied by a kind of " gluck," proceeding from a spasmodic, flapping of the velum palati; but on galloping him all this goes off, and he may probably exhibit excellent wind Such cases I have many times known, and they would be condemned as unsound by those who have had little experience, or are content with a careless and inefficient trial. Stallions are particularly prone to make this kind of noise, and it is extremely difficult to ascertain their soundness in this respect by any means which can be safely resorted to. The causes of roaring are of three kinds: 1st, In- flammation, which has left a thickening or ulceration of the mucoufc membrane, or a fungous growth from it; 2d, Paralysis of the mus- cles ; and 3d, An alteration of the shape of the cartilages of the larynx, produced by tight reining. In roaring produced hy an ulcerated or thickened condition of the mucous membrane^ or by a fungous growth, the sound elicited is always the same in proportion to the rapidity of respiration. None of the ordinary expedients by which the breath is introduced in a modified stream (such as a full meal, or pressure on the nos- trils or windpipe), will be of much avail, and the horse roars sturdily whenever his pace is sufficiently accelerated. If a horse so afi"ected can be made to grunt by the blow on the side, (he sound will always indicate the disease, for it will be harsh and rough, and not the natural grunt of the animal. It is usually supposed that nc treatment can be of the slightest avail here; but I believe that sometimes the continued application of nitrate of silver, a.s ror^ommended at page 834, would be followed by a cer- tain amoutt of amelioration, the extent of which it is impossible 52 THE HORSE. to jjuoss at without a trial. In any case, when the animal is ren- dered almost worthless by disease, it is fair to try experiments which are neither expensive nor cruel; and from the eflect of the remedy in those cases in which it has been used, I am led to ex- pect th;it it may prove beneficial in those of longer standing. Scions, blisters, and embrocations are all useless, as has been proved in numberless cases; and beyond the palliation which can be ifibrded by employing the hor;« only at such a pace as his state will allow, nothing else can be suggested. In some cases thr roaier will be able to do ordinary harness work, which, however, in hot weather, will try him severely; in others he may be so slightly affected as to be fit to hunt in a country where, from its nature^ the pace is not very severe; but by conlirmed roarers the slow work of the cart is all that can be performed without cruelty. Where jmraljjuiii of the muscles that open the rima glottidis is the seat of the roaring, no plan has yet been suggested which i? of the slightest avail. In the first place, it is extremely difficult, and indeed almost impossible, to diagnose the affection, and T know of no means by which paralysis can be ascertained to exist during life. Hence, although it is barely possible that by the use of strychnine the nerve might be stimulated into a restoration of its functions, yet as the case cannot be ascertained, it is scarcely wise to give this powerful drug in the hope that it may by chance hit the right nail on the head. This paralytic condition seems chiefly to attack carriage horses, and probably arises from the pressure made by the over-curved larynx upon the laryngeal nerve as it passes through the opening in the thyroid cartilage. Many vete- rinary writers have looked to the recurrent branch of the par vagum to explaiti the loss of power, but I believe it is rather to the laryngeal nerve that the mischief is due. It must be remem- bered that carriage-horses are not only reined up for hours while doing their daily work out of doors, but they are also often pkccd in the same position, or even a more constrained one, by the coach- man in the stable, in order to improve their necks. One horse of his pair perhaps has naturally a head better set on than the other, and he wishes to make nature bend to his wishes by compelling the other to do that which the shape of his jaw forbids without a sacrifice. The mouthing tackle is put on in the stable with this view, and the poor horse is " kept on the bit" for three or foui hours early in the morning, during which time his larynx is pressed between his narrow jaws into a most unnatural shape. The con- sequence is either that the nerve is pressed upon, and the muscles to which it is supplied are paralyzed, as in the condition which we are now considering, or tlie cartilages are permanently disfigured, which is the subject of the next paragraph. When the paialysiii ROARING. 53 is eslablislied, I believe no means but the internal use of stryeh nine are at all likely to be beneficial. An alteration in the shape of the cartilages, so as to permanently change their form, is, I believe, the least common of all the causcH of roiring. Pressure for a very^ long time will be required to c-rfcct this, and far more than sufl&ces to paralyze the nerve. Cabe?, however, are recorded, and the parts have been preserved, so that there can be no doubt of their occasional occurrence. No treat- nienf ran be of the slightest service. Although roaring, in all its varieties, may be said to be generally incurable, yet it may be greatly palliated by general attention to the state of the lungs and stomach, by proper food, and by the use, while the horse- is at work, of a special contrivance, of a most ingenious nature, published by Mr. Reeve, of Camberwell, in the Veterinarian for 1858, but said to have been in use for many years among the London omnibus and cab men. At all events, Mr. Reeve deserves the credit of having laid the matter before the profession, and of explaining the true principle upon which it acts. He says, in his paper on the subject: "I thought it possible to so modify the atmospheric supply to the lungs, that, during exercise, the volume of air, when it arrived at the glottis, should not exceed that which passed through its opening when the horse was tranquil, and which (from the fact of the sound being absent) does not at that time produce roaring. A strap was accord- ingly made to pass around the nose of the horse, just over the region of the false nostrils, and buckle beneath the lower jaw. To the inner surface of this strap, and immediately over the false nostril on each side, was fixed a body resemblJng in shape the half of a hen's egg, cut longitudinally. When applied, these bodies pressed upon the triangular spaces formed by the apex of the nasal bones and upper jaw, thus closing the false nostrils, and partly diminishing the channel of the true ones. The result was tiighly gratifying; for the patient, which previously could not travel with- out stopping every minute to take breath, now travelled, to all appearance, without inconvenience or noise. At first, the strap seemed slightly to annoy the horse; and whenever it became dis* placed, the roaring would again commence. A slight modification^ however, overcame every difficulty : the strap, instead of beirjg buckled around and under the jaw, was fastened on each side of the bit; and, to prevent its descent, another was carried from its centre, and fastened to the front of the harness-bridle.'' Mr Uecve asserts that the efi"ect was all he could have wished, and that the horse on which he tried the plan, " which previously had been entirely useless, now performs his work in a heavy brougham, and gives great satisfaction. The roaring is stopped, and, with the usual speed, there appears no impediment to respiration '' 54 IHE HORSE. He concludes : "I have paid particular attention to this case, and urn inclined to think, that when by the compression we have neu- tralized the action of the false nostrils, the object is efiected with- oat the necessity of further narrowing the nasal passage/' Few people would care to drive a roarer, if they could help it, even with the aid of the nasal compress ; but if necessity compels such a proceeding, it is well to know how the poor animal ma\ je used with least annoyance to himself and his master. HiGHBLOWiNG is a perfectly healthy and natural habit, and cannot be confounded with roaring by any experienced horseman. It is solely confined to the nostrils; and the noise is not produced in the slightest degree during inspiration, but solely during the expulsion of the air, which is more forcible and rapid than usual, and accompanied by a vibratory movement of the nostrils^ which is the seat of the noise. Roaring, on the contrary, continues dur- ing inspiration, as well as expiration ; and by this simple test the two may readily be distinguished. Most highblowers have par- ticularly good wind, of which the celebrated Eclipse is an exam- ple ; for there is no doubt that he was addicted to the habit. Weiistling (and piping, which is very similar to it), are pro- duced by the same causes as roaring, in an exaggerated condition. Tiius, a roarer often becomes a whistler as the rima glottidis is more and more closed by disease; on the other hand, the whistler is never converted into a roarer. The noise made is seldom a decidedly shrill whistle, but it has more resemblance to that sound than to roaring, and the name may well be retained as descriptive of it. Whistlers are always in such a state of confirmed disease, that treatment is out of the question — indeed, they can only bo put to the very slowest kind of work. Wheezing is indicative of a contracted condition of the bron- chial tubes, which is sometimes of a spasmodic nature, and at others is only brought on during occasional attacks after exposure to cold. The treatment should be that recommended for chronic bronchitis, which is the nature of the disease producing these symptoms. Trumpeting is not very well defined by veterinary writers, and r confess that I have never heard any horse make a noise which could be compared to the trumpet, or to the note of the elephant so called. The question relating to the hereditary nature of roar- ing is one which demands the most careful examination before a reliable answer can be given to it. It would be necessary to select at random a number of roaring sires and dams, and compare their stock with that of an equal proportion of sound anin als, which would be a Herculean task, beyond the power of any private indi- vidual. Nothing short of this could possibly settle the dit-puto; PNEUMONIA. 55 but, as far as opinion goes, it may be assumed that there are strong authorities against the hereditary nature of the diseases which pro- duce roaring. That it is often the result of ordinary infiamjna- fcion, whicli in itself can scarcely be considered hereditary, is plain enough ; and that it is also produced by mismanagement in tight reining is also admitted, which latter kind can scarcely be supposed to be handed down from sire to son; but that it is safer, when practicable, to avoid parents with any disease whatever, is patent U} all PNEUMONIA AND CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. The theoretical definition op pneumonia is that it con- sists of inflammation of the parenchyma of the lungs, independently both of the mucous lining to the air passages, and of the serous covering of the whole mass. The mucous membrane ceases ab- ruptly at the terminations of the bronchial subdivisions, and consequently the air-cells are not lined with a continuation from it. Hence there is an extensive cellulo fibrous area, which may be the subject of inflammation, without implicating the mucous surftice. Until within the last fifteen or twenty years, it was com- monly supposed that the air-cells were all lined by mucous mem- brane, and that the parenchyma was confined to an almost infini- tcsimally thin structure, tilling up its interstices; but the microscope has revealed the true structure of the lungs, and has shown that there is a well-founded distinction between bronchitis and pneu- monia, upon the ground of anatomy, as well as observation. Still, it cannot be denied that the one seldom exists to any great extent, or for any long period, without involving the adjacent tissue; and oroncho-pneumonia, as well as pleuro-pneumonia, are as common as the pure disease. Pneumonia, or peripneumony, must be examined, with a jicw, first, to its intensity, whether acufe or mh-acute ; and 4€Condly, as to its eff'ects, which may be of little consequence, or they may be so serious as to completely destroy the subsequent isefulness of the patient. It is not, therefore, alone necessary to pro^ide against death by the treatment adopted, but due care must also be taken that the tissue of the lungs is not disorganized by a deposition of lymph, or of matter, so as to lead, in the one case, to a consolidation of the air-cells, and, in the other, to the formation 56 THE HORSE. of a large abscess, and consequent destruction of substance. The former is a very common sequel of pneumonia ; and probably there are few attacks of it without being followed by a greater or lesn degree of hepatization, by which term the deposit of lyn^yli if» known, from its causing the lungs to assume the texture of liver (iJTTap). In very severe cases, gangrene of the lungs is induced ; but as death almost always speedily follows this condition, it is not necessary to consider it, excepting as bearing upon the fatal result. The cause of pneumonia may be over-exertion, as in the hunting- field, especially in an unprepared horse ; or it may come on as a primary disease after exposure to cold ; or it may follow upon l)ronchitis when neglected and allowed to run on without clieck. In the two first cases it appears to be produced by the great con- gestion of blood which takes place in the fine network of vessels of which the lungs are in great part composed The blood in tho one case is collected by the increased necessity for its aeration with a failing circulation, as in over-exhaustion, or in the other it is forced inwards upon the vital organs by the chill which the skin has received. The capillaries are then roused to act beyond their strength, and an inflammatory condition is established as a repara- tory effort of nature, which may possibly stop short as soon as the object is accomplished, but more frequently goes on beyond this, and an attack of pneumonia sets in with more or less intensity, according to circumstances. For these reasons, when the lungs are evidently congested, no pains should be spared to relieve them by causing the skin to act, before the aid of nature is invoked, since it can never be certain that she will stop short at the proper point. CoNCjESTiON OF THE LUNGS is too oftcn neglected and /illowed to go on to inflammation. Veterinary surgeons, indeed, are sel- dom called in before this stage has run its course and inflammation is established. It is true that every hunting man endeavors to ascertain all the particulars relating to it, because he is constantly in fear of having to treat it, and he would gladly benefit by the advice and experience of those more competent to treat it than himself But the great mass of horsemastcrs are wholly ignorant of its action, and I shall therefore endeavor to lay down instruc lions which may be beneficial to those who are so unlucky as to have a horse with congested lung.s, either caused by over-exert i<»D or by a chill, or by a combination of the two, as most frequently happens. When a fat " dealer^s horse,'* that is, one made up for sale and not for use, is ridden in a sharp burst across country, his lungs are most unfortunately tried, for he is not only loaded with blood con- taining an excess of stimulating materials (or in a state of plethora, ad it is called), but his heart and blood ves'^icls arc not prepared h} PNEUMONIA. 57 picvious exercise to carry on the circulation when unusual demands upon them are made. The consequence is that, as soon as ho han ^one half a dozen miles, he not only tires, but, if pressed, his gal- lant spirit carries him on until the blood collects and stagnates iu his lungs, from a defect in the circulating apparatus, and he be- comes absolutely choked from a want of that decarbonization which is necessary to his very existence. Air is taken freel}'^ into his lungs, but the circulation almost ceases in them, and in spite of hie hurried breathing, as shown by his panting sides, he is almost as completely suffocated as if a cord was tied round his neck. On examining his eyes and nostrils they are seen to be turgid and purj)le^ the vessels being filled with carbonized blood, while the heart beats rapidly but feebly, and the countenance is expressive of anxiety and distress. In this state many a horseman finds his steed every winter, and a pretty dilemma he is in. The question of frcdfmeni is a serious one, even to the most experienced in such matters, but one thing is quite clear, that the more urgent the case the more danger there is in having recourse to the lancet. Bleeding to the extent of a few pounds will sometimes relieve a trifling case of exhaustion, but in a really severe one it will take away the only chance which remains. The best plan is to give the animal plenty of air, turn his head to the wind, and if any kind of fermented liquor can be obtained, give him a little at once. Neat spirits are apt to cause increased distress from spasm of the larynx, but it is even better to risk this than to let the exhaustion continue If, therefore, the horse is incapable of walking to the nearest farm-house or inn, the better plan is to leave him with a light covering on him of some kind, and at once proceed to pro- cure a (juart of ale or wine, or spirits and water, whichever can be obtained the most easily. One or other of these, slightly warmed and spiced, if possible, should be poured down his throat, which can readily be done, as he has no power to resist, and then in a few minutes he may generally be induced to move quietly on to- wards the nearest stable. Here he must remain all night if the attack is a bad one, or if he recovers soon he may be walked quietly home. When he reaches his stable he may be treated according to the directions given at page 188, and in the evening or the next morning early, if the pulse rises and is hard and jerk- ing, he may be bled with advantage, but rarely should this be done fnr some hours after the first attack. Congestion is essentially produced by debility, and although an abstraction of blood relievea the vessels of a part of their load, it increases their weakness in a still greater degree, and they are less able to do their work, diminished though it may be, than they were before. Hundreds id' over-worked horses have been killed by the abuse of the lanc(t 58 THE HORSE. in the huntiug-field, but the principle on which thcii treatment Bhould be conducted is better understood now than formerly. When congestion shows itself as the result of a chill, (ho following aijmptoms are displayed : — First and foremost there is rapid and laborious breathing, the horse standing with his legs wide apart, his head thrust straight forward, and his flanks heav- ing. The skin is generally dry, but if there is any sweat it is a cold one. The legs are icy cold, and also the ears. The whites of the eyes and lining of the nostrils are of a purplish hue, but not v^ery deep in colour The pulse is slightly accelerated (from forty to fifty), but not hard and incompressible; and lastly, the attack is of recent duration. These signs, however, are not to be fully relied on as marking congestion rather than inflammation, without having recourse to an examination of the lungs by means of the ear. Placing it against the side of the chest, in inflammation there would be certain marked sounds, presently to be described, whilst in the state we are now considering they are wholly absent, and all that is heard is the usual respiratory murmur slightly increased in intensity. It is of the utmost importance to make out exactly the nature of the case, for the treatment should be very different in congestion and inflammation. If in the former condition the blood can only be drawn into the skin, relief is at once afi"orded and all danger is at an end ; but in the latter, though some slight advantage would be gained, the progress of the disease would not be materially checked. To produce this determination of blood to the skin without loss of time, is some- times very diSicult; but by the application of hot water and blankets it may generally be accomplished. Two men, supplied with a tub of very hot water and plenty of clothing, should be rapid in their movements, and proceed as follows : — Have an assistant ready to strip the patient when ordered, then, dipping a blanket in the water, it is taken out and partially wrung, leaving as much water in its meshes as it can hold without dropping; as soon as it is cool enough for the human hand to bear its pressure it should be gently, but quickly, laid upon the horse's back, and the rug, which has just come off", while still warm, placed over it, with two or three inore over all, the number depending upon the temperature of the air. Another smaller rug may in the same way be wetted and applied to the neck, covering it with two or three hoods, but taking care to avoid pressure upon the windpipe. The legs also should be wrapped in flannel bandages, made as hot as possible before the fire, but dry. In the course of half an hour, if the skin of the parts uncovered does not become warm, and bIiow evidences of sweating coming on, another rug mu?t be dipped in the same way, and substituted quickly for the first PNEUMONIA. 59 (ifeually, however, the desired effect is produced within twenty minutes, and then great care and some httle tact arc required to manage the operation. If the sweating is allowed to go on beyond a certain point exhaustion is produced, attended by almost as much danger as inflammation ; while on the ether hand, iu attempting to moderate the action of the skin, risk is incurred of a chill, and thus upsetting all the benefit which might otherwise h.'ive beer, derived. But by throwing open the doors to the external air, which may freely be admitted as soon as the skiu acts, and by reducing the number of additional rugs, the amounl of swea^ given oif may be kept within due bounds, and in the course of two or three hours the previously wetted rug or blanket may be removed, and a dry, warm one substituted for it, but the assistants must be quick and handy in effecting the change. Many a case of inflammation of the lungs, kidneys, or bowels might be stopped in limine by the adoption of this plan ; but the misfor- tune is that it requires all the skill and tact of the veterinary surgeon, first of all to diagnose the case, and afterwards to manage its treat- ment. Still, if a master will undertake the superintendence ot the operation himself, and is accustomed to disease, there is little risk of failure. The symptoms of acute pneumonia are a quick and dis- tressed respiration, averaging about sixty inspirations in the minute. Pulse quick (from seventy to eighty -five) ; hard, often small, but always compressible. Nostrils distended, and the lining membrane red (except in the last stage, when suffocation is imminent). Cough short, and evidently giving pain, which occa- sions it to be checked as much as possible Legs and ears gene- rally cold, often icy. Feet wide apart; evidently with an instinc- tive desire to dilate the chest as much as possible. On putting the ear to the chest, if the attack is very recent, there will he merely a greatly increased respiratory murmur; but when fully developed there may be heard a crepitant rattling, which is com- pared to the crackling of a dried bladder; but 1 confess thac I could never make out the similarity between the two sounds. Iu the later stages, this is succeeded by an absence of all sound, owing to the consolidation of the lungs, or by mucous r^ltlea dependin upon the secretion of mucus. On tapping the exterior of the cl 'jst with the ends of the tinkers (percussion), the sound giv3n out is dull in proportion to the extent of mischief, the effect of jmeumouia being to convert the spongy texture of the lung8 into a solid substance like liver. The tieatvunt will greatly depend upon the stage of the disease, the age and constitution of the horse, and the nature of the prevailing epidemic, if there iid one In modern days bleeding is very badly bornC; either by 60 " THE HOUSE. man or horse, nevertheless few cases of genuine pneumonia will b< saved without it. Sufficient blood must be taken to make a decid- ed impression on the circulation, without which the inflammation will not be mastered. The quantity necessary for this cannot be fixed, because the effect will vary so materially, that the abstraction of three or four quarts of blood in one case will do more than double or treble that quantity in another. A large orifice must be made \l the vein, and it must not be closed until the lining membrane of the nose or the white of the eye is seen to have become con- •siderablv paler. It may possibly even then be necessary to repeat the operation six hours afterwards, or next day, according to the symptoms. The rule should be followed of taking enough but not a drop too much, for blood removed from the circulation takes a long time to replace. With regard to medicine, tartar emetic is the only drug which seems to have much influence over pneu- monia, and it must be given every six hours in drachm doses, with from half a drachm to a drachm of powdered digitalis, or white hellebore, to keep down the pulse, and two or three drachms of nitre, to increase the action of the kidneys. Unless the bowels are confined no aperient should be given, and if neces- sary only the mildest dose should be used. The diet should con- sist of bran mashes, gruel, and a little hay, or green food if the season of the year allows. A cool airy stable and warm clothing are indispensable in this disease. When the first violence of the attack has subsided, a large blister on the side of the chest will aftbrd great relief, and when it ceases to act, if the disease is not entirely cured a second may be put on the other side. Sub-acute pneumonia difiers in no respect from the acute form, excepting in degree, and the symptoms and treatment will vary only in proportion. The terminations of pneumonia may be death, or resolution (by which is to be understood a disappearance of the symptoms without leaving any mischief behind), or hopatizatoon, or abscess. The last-named sequel may be very serious in extent, but if an opening is made by nature for the discharge of its contents into the bronchial tubes the horse may recover, and his wind may be Bufliciently good for any purposes but the racecour.^ie or the hunt- iLg field. Hepatization is always attended with thick wind, but in other respects the health may be good, and the horse may be suited to ordinary work. In process of time sora^ of the lymph is absorbed, and a considerable improvement takes pUce. but it nevei entirely disappears, and a horse which has once suffered fVoro pneumonia attended by hepatization remains permanentiv na>«mud PLEURISY-PLEURODYNTA. 61 PLEURISY. This iisea^e is characterized by a very peculiar rc?])irat;()n, thB expirations being much longer than the inspirations, owing to tha pain which is given by the action of the muscles necessary Tot Ihe latter, while the former, if the chest is allowed quietly to fall, is almost painless. Nevertheless, the breathing is quicker on the whole than natural, being from forty to fifty per minute. The pulse is quick, small, and incompressible. Nostrils and eyes of a natural color, and the former are not dilated. The countenance is anxious, and the legs are rather drawn together than extended, as in bronchitis and pneumonia, and they are not colder than usual. There is a short hurried cough, with great restlessness, and the sides are always paini'ul on pressure ; but this symptom by itself is not to be relied on, as it is present in pleurodynia, which will be presently described. The treatment should consist of copious bleeding, followed by a mild purgative, and the same ball as recommended for pneumonia, with the addition of half a drachm of calomel. Blisters are not desirable to be applied to the sides of the thorax, as there is so little space between the two surfaces of the pleura and the skin that they are apt to do harm by immediately irritating the former, rather than to act beneficially by counter-irritation of the skin. A large rowel, may, however, be placed in the breast with advantage. IIydrothorax, or water in the cavity of the chest, is one of the sequels of chronic pleurisy, the serum thrown out being the means by which a serous membrane relieves itself. It can be detected by the entire absence of respiratory murmur, and by the dullness on percussion. No treatment is of any avail but tapping, which may be readily and safely performed (if the diagnosis id correct) by passing a trocar between the eighth and ninth ribs, near their cartilages. If, however, an error has been committed, the lung is wounded, and death will probably ensue. PLEURODYNIA. Between this disease and the last there is some simi- larity in the symptoms; but in their nature, and in the treatment required, they are widely separated. It is, therefore, necessary that they should not be confounded, for in the one case blood- letting and other active measures may be unnecessarily adopted. and in the other a fatal lasult will most probably occur for want 62 THE HOUSE. oi' thorn. In plcuritis there is a quick pulse, with general consti- tutional disturbance, which will serve to distinguish it from pleuro- dynia, besides which, it is rarely that we meet with the Ibrmer without some other affection of the lunirs co-eiistiiiiz;. When, therefore, a horse is evidently suifering- from acute pain in the walls of the thorax, unaccompanied by cough, Imrried breathing, quick pulse, or fever, it may safely be diagnosed that the nature of the attack is a rheumatism of the intercostal muscles (pleuro- dynia), and not pleurisy. In treating it, bleeding and tartar emelio must be carefully avoided, and hot mustard and vinegar rubbed into the sides will be the most likely remedy to afford relief. PHTHISIS. When a horse has long been subject to a chronic cough, and, without losing appetite, wastes away rapidly, it may be assumed that he is a victim to phthisis, and especially if he is narrow- chested and has long shown signs of short wind. On examining the chest by the ear, it will be found to give out sounds of various kinds, depending upon the exact state of the lungs; but in most cases there will be great dulness on percussion, owing to the deposit of tubercles, in which the disease consists. In a confirmed case no treatment will avail, and the poor animal had better be destroyed. When the attack is slight, the progress of the disease may be stayed by counteracting inflammation in the ordinary way, avoiding loss of blood when possible. Haemorrhage, from the breaking down of the substance of the lung, by which a large blood-vessel is opened, is a common result of phthisis, and will be alluded to under the head of diseases of the vessels of the lungs, at the end of this chapter. BROKEN WIND. A broken-winded horse can be detected at once by any horseman possessed of experience, from the peculiar and forcible double expiration. Inspiration is performed as usual, then come^i a rapid but not violent act of expiration, followed by a forciblu repetition of the same, in which all the muscles of respiration, auxiliary and ordinary, are called into play. This is, of co\irse, most marked when the horse has been gallopped, but even when he is at rest the double expiration is manifest at almost any ordi- nary distance from the-observer. The disease almost (if not ((uite) invariably consists in emphysema, or entrance of the aii- into unnatural cells, which is retained there, as the urine is in the bladder, from the valvular nature of the openings, and cannot be entirely expelled, nor in the slightest degree, without calling into play all the muscles of the chest. The presence of unchanged air w * constant source of irritation to the lungs, and although suffi- BROKEN WIND— THICK WIND. 03 cient mny be expired easily enough to carry on their funstiong •while the body is at rest, yet instinctively th(re is a desire to get rid of the surplus, and hence the two acts of resj)iration. Imme- diately after this second act the muscles relax, and the flank falia in, and this it is which catches the eyo in so remarkable a manner. On examination after death, the luLgs are found to remain en- larged, and do not collapse as in the healthy condition. They are distended with air; and this is especially the case wdien the em^ physema is of the kind called interlobular, in which the air has escaped into the cellular membrane. In the most common kind, however, the cells are broken down, several being united together, while the enlargement pressing upon the tube which has opened into them diminishes its capacity, and prevents the ready escape of air. This is the vesicular emphysema of pathologists. The former is generally suddenly produced by a severe gallop after a full meal, while the latter is a slow growth and often occurs at grass, as a consequence of neglected chronic cough, the constant muscular efforts appearing gradually to dilate the cells. Tlte treatment can only be palliative, as there is no recognised cure for the disease, though M. Hew, of Chaumont, has lately pub- lished a report of ten cases in which treatment by arsenic given with green food or straw^, and in some cases bleeding, was perfectly successful. The arsenic was given to the extent of fifteen grains daily, and at the end of a fortnight the symptoms of broken wind were completely removed; but as the horses were not subsequently watched, it is impossible to say whether the cure was permanent. It is known, however, that one of them relapsed after three months, but speedily yielded to a repetition of the treatment. It may cer- tainly be worth while to try the experiment of the effect of arsenic where a broken-winded horse is valuable in other respects. The medicine is not expensive, and the length of time necessary for the treatment is not very great. Broken -winded horses should be care- fully dieted, and even then confined to slow wcrk. The food should "be in small compass, consisting chiefly of wheat-straw chaff, with a proper* quantity of oats, and beans may be added if the animal is not very young. The water should never be given within an hour of going out of the stable, but it is better to leave a constant sup- ply, when too much will never be taken. Carrots are peculiarly suited to tills disease, and a diet of bran mixed with carrots, sliced, has sometimes been known to relieve a broken-winded horse most, materially. THICK WIND. Thick wind is the horseman's term for any defective respira- tion, unaccompanied by a noise, or by the signs of emphysema just ttUudcd to. It a'^ually follows pneumonia, but it may arise from 64: THE HORSE. chronic bronchitis, occasioning a thickening of the nnicous mem hrane lining the bronchial tubes, and thus lessening their diameter^ or it may accompany phthisis when the deposit of tubercles is ex- ^.en^ive. No treatment will be of any service except such as wih aid the play of the lungs mechanically, by avoiding overloading the stomach, as mentioned in the last section. SPASM OF THE DIArHRAGM Some horses, when at all distressed by the severity of their galbps, communicate to the rider a most unpleasant sensation, as if some internal part was giving a sudden blow or flap. This is not only a sensation, but a reality, for the diaphragm being na- turally weak, or overstrained at some previous period, acts spas- modically in drawing in the air. If the horse thus affected is rid- den onwards afterwards, he will be placed in danger of suffocation and death, either from rupture of the diaphragm, or from its cessa- tion to act, or from its permanently contracting and refusing to give way during expiration. There is no cure for the weakness which tends to produce the spasm, and all that can be done is to avoid using the horse affected with it at any very fast pace, and over a distance of ground. Urgent symptoms may be relieved by a cordial-drench, such as the following : — Take of Laudanum 6 drachms. Ether . . . Ih ounce. Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia . . 3 drachms. 'J'incture ol" Ginger 3 drachms. Ale 1 pint. Mix. Or if there is any difficulty in giving a drench, a ball may be made up and given — Take of Carbonate of Ammonia .... 1 drachm. Camphor 5 dracliin. Powilercd Ginger 1 drachm. Linseed meal and boiling water sufficien to make into a ball. Either of the above may be repeated at the end of three hours, If relief is not afforded. Increased strength may be given to the diaphragm by regular slow work, and the daily mixture v.i a drachiL of powdered sulphate of iron with the feed of corn DISEASES OF THE HEART. The horse is subject to inflammation of the substance of the hriart (carditis) of a rheumatic nature, and of the fibro-serous C07er- iu£- (pericarditis), but the symptoms are so obscure that no one but the professional veterinarian will be likely to make them out. Dropsy of the heart is a common disease in worn-out horses, and hypei trophy, as well as fatty degeneration, are often met witb aJi^oug well-couditioi'cd animals. DISEASES OF BLOOD-VESSELS. 65 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHEST AND NOSE. The horse is very subject to hemorrhage from the noso, coming' on during violent exertion, and mimy a race has been lost froni this cause. Fat over-fed horses are the most likelj to sufier from hemorrhage ; but most people are aware of the risk in- curred in over-riding or driving them, and for this reason they are not so often subject to this accident (for such it is rather than a disease) as they otherwise would be. It is unnecessary to de- scribe its aj/mptoms, as the gush of blood renders it but too appa- rent, and the only point necessary to inquire into is, whether the lungs or the nasal cavities are the seat of the rupture of the vossel. In the former case the blood comes from both nostrils, and ii» frothy; while in the latter it generally proceeds from one only, and is perfectly fluid. The treatment should consist in cooling the horse down by a dose of physic and a somewhat lower diet; but if the bleeding is very persistent, and returns again and again, a saturated solution of alum in water may be syringed up the nostril daily, or, if this fails, an infusion of matico may be tried, which is far more likely to succeed. It is made by pouring half a pint of boiling water on a drachm of matico-leaves, and letting it stand till cool, when it should be strained, and is fit for use. Hemorrhage from the lungs is a far more serious affair, and its control requires active remedies if they are to be of any service. It may arise from the existence of an abscess in the lung of a phthisical nature, which implicates some considerable vessel; or it may be caused by the bursting of an aneurism, m 4ich is a dilatation of a large artery, and generally occurs near the hfart. The treatment can seldom do more than prolong the life of the patient for a short time, and it is scarcely worth while to enter upon it. Bleeding from the jugular vein will arrest the internal haemorrhage, and must often be resorted to in the first instance, and there are internal medicines which will assist it, such as digi- talis and matico; but, as before remarked, this only postpones the fti^i^ termina ion. 66 THE HORSE. CHAPTER IV. DISEASES OP THE ABDOMINAL VISCERA AND IHEIR APPENDAGC8 General remarks — Diseases of the Mouth and Throat — Gastritis — Stomach Staggers — Dyspepsia — Bots — Injlamviation of the Bowels — Colic — Diarrhoea and Dysentery — Strangulation ana Ruptuje — Calculi in the Bowels — JVorms — Disease of tht Liver — of the Kidneys — oj the Bladder — of the Organs of Generation, GENERAL REMARKS. Though not often producing what in horse-dealing. is con- aidered unsoundness, yet diseases of the abdominal viscera con- stantly lead to death, and frequently to such a debilitated state of the body, that the sufferer is rendered useless. Fortunately for the purchaser, they almost always give external evidence of their presence, for there is not only emaciation, but also a staring coat and a flabby state of the muscles, which is quite the reverse of the wiry feel communicated to the hand in those instances where the horse is " poor" from over-work in proportion to his food. In the latter case, time and good living only are required to restore the natural plumpness ; but in the former, the wasting will either go on until death puts an end to the poor diseased animal, or he will remain in a debilitated and wasted condition, utterly unfit for hard work. DISEASES OF THE MOUTH AND THROAT. Several parts about the mouth are liable to inflammation, which would be of little consequence in itself, but that it inter- feres with the feeding, and this for the time starves the horse, and renders him unfit for his work, causing him to "quid" or roturn his food into the manger without swallowing it. Such are lampas. vivos or enlarged glands, barbs or paps, gigs, bladders, and flaps, — all which are names given to the enlargements of the salivary ducts, — and carious teeth, or inflammation of their fangs, besides these, the horse is also subject to sore throat, and stran- gles, which are accompanied by constitutional disturbance, and not only occasion " quidding," if there is any slight appetite, but they are also generally accompanied by a loss of that function. Sore throat. — When the throat inflames, as is evidenced by fulness and hardness of this part, and there is difficulty of swal- lowing, the skin covering it should immediately be severely sweated, or the larynx will be involved and irreparable injury done. The tincture of ca nth ?i rides diluted with an equal part of spirit of tur- STKANGLES— LAMTAS. G7 pontine and a Iktle oil. may be rubbed in with a piet-e of spunge. until it produce* irritation of the skin, which in a few hours will DC followed by a discharue from the part. Six 3r eight drachma of nitre may also be dissolved in the water which the horse drinks, with some difficulty, but still, as he is thirsty, he will take it. Hometimes eating gives less pain than drinking, and then the nitre may be given with a bran mash instead of the water. Strangles. — Between the third and fifth year of the colt's life he is generally seized with an acute swelling of the soft parts l)e( ween the branches of the lower jaw, accompanied by more or less sore throat, cough and feverishness. These go on increasing for some days, and then an abscess shows itself, and finally bursts. The salivary glands are often involved, but the matter forms in the cellular membrane external to them. The treatment should be addressed to the control of constitutional symptoms by the mildest measures, such as bran mashes with nitre in them, abstrac- tion of corn, hay tea, &c. At the same time the swelling should be poulticed for one night, or thoroughly fomented two or three times, and then blistered with the tincture of cantharides. As soon as the matter can plainly be felt, it may be let out with a lancet; but it is very doubtful whether it is not the best plan to permit the abscess to^break. The bowels should be gently moved, by giving a pint, or somewhat less, according to age, of castor oil ; and afterwards two or three drachms of nitre, with half a drachm of tartar emetic, may be mixed with the mash twice a day, on which food alone the colt should be fed, in addition to gruel, and a little grass or clover if these are to be had, or if not, a few steamed carrots. The disease has a tendency to get well naturally, but if it is not kept within moderate bounds it is very apt to lay the foundation of roaring or whistling. Any chronic swelling which is left behind, may be removed by rubbing in a weak ointment of biniodide of mercury (one scruple or half drachm to the ounce j see page 300). Lampas Is an active inflammation of the ridges, or "bars," in fl.o. hoof of the mouth, generally occurring in the young liorse while he is shedding his teeth, or putting up the tushes. Some- times, however, it comes on, independently of this cause from over- feeding with corn after a run at grass. The mucous mem- brane of the roof of the mouth swells so mu(;h that it projecta beL.w the level of the nippers, and is so tender that all hard and dry food is refused. The trentment is extremely simple, consifjt ing in the scarification of the part with a sharp knife or lancet, after which the swelling; generally subsides, and is gone in a day or two; but should it obstinately continue, as will sometimes happen, a stick of lunar caustic must be gently rubbed over the part every day until a cure is completed. This is fur better than 68 THE HORSE. the red-hot iron, which was formerly so constantly used, with good effect it is true, and not accompanied by any cruelty, as the raucous membrane is nearly insensible, but the caustic is more rapid and effectual in stimulating the vessels to a healthy action, and on that score should be preferred. If the lampas is owing to the cutting of a grinder, relief will be afforded by a crucial inci- lion across the protruding gum. Barbs, paps, &c. — The swelling at the mouth of the ducts nay generally be relieved by a dose of physic and green food, but •jhould it continue, a piece of lunar caustic may be held for a moment against the opening of tne duct every second day, aLd after two or three applications the thickening will certainly disappear. Where VIVES, or chronically enlarged submaxillary glands, are met with, the application of the ointment of biniodide of mercury, according to the directions given at page 300, will almost certainly cause their reduction to a natural state. GASTRITIS. Gastritis (acute inflammation of the stomach) is extremely rare in the horse as an idiopathic disease ; but it sometimes occurs from eating vegetable poisons as food, or from the wilful introduc- tion of arsenic into this organ, or, lastly, from licking off corrosive external applications, which have been used for mange. The i^i/mp- toms from poisoning will a good deal depend upon the article which has been taken, but in almost all cases in which vegetable poisons have been swallowed, there is a strange sort of drowsiness. 80 that the horse does not lie down and go to sleep, but props him- self against a wall or tree with his head hanging almost to the ground. As the drowsiness increases he often falls down in his attempt to rest himself more completely, and when on the ground his breathing is loud and hard, and his sleep is so unnaturally sound that he can scarcely be roused from it. At length con- vulsions occur and death soon takes place. This is the ordinary course of poisoning with yew, which is sometimes picked up with the grass after the clippings have dried, for in its fresh state the taste is too bitter for the palate, and the horse rejects the mouthful of grass in which it is involved. May-weed and water parsley will also produce nearly similar symptoms. The treatment in each ease should be by rousing the horse mechanically, and at the same time giving him six or eight drachms of aromatic spirit of ammonia, in a pint or two of good ale, with a little ginger in it. This may be repeated every two hours, and the horse should be perpetually walked about until the narcotic symptoms are completely gone off, when a sound sleep will restore him to his natural state. Arsenic, when given in large doses, with an intention to destroy STOMACH STAGGERS. 69 lifL', produces intense pain and thirst ; — the former, evidenced by an eager gaze at the flanks, pawing of the ground, or rolling; and sometimes by each of these in succession. The saliva is secreted in increased quantities, and flows from the mouth, as the throat is generally too sore to allow of its being swallowed. The breath soon becomes hot and fetid, and purging then comes on of a bloody mucus, which soon carries ofi" the patient by exhaustion, if death does not take place from the immediate effects of the poison on the stomach and brain. Treatment is seldom of any avail, the most likely remedies being large bleedings, blisters to the sides of the chest, and plenty of thin gruel to sheathe the inflamed surface of the mucous membrane, which is deprived of its epithelial scales. Corrosive sublimate is sometimes employed as a wash in mange, or to destroy lice, when it may be licked off, and will occa- sion nearly the same symptoms as arsenic. The treatment consistt? in a similar use of thin starch or gruel; or, if the poison hasi recently been given wilfully, of large quantities of white of egg. STOMACH STAGGERS. The exact nature of this disease has never been clearly made out, and it is now so rare, that there is little chance of its being satisfactorily explained. The symptoms would chiefly lead one to suppose the brain to be implicated ; but there is so close a sympathy between that organ and the stomach, that we can easily account in that way for the cerebral manifestations. A theory has been propounded, that it is seated in the p;ir vagum, or pneumo- gastric nerve; and as all the parts with which that nerve is con- nected are affected, there is some ground for the hypothesis ; but It is not supported by the demonstration of anatomy, simply, per- haps, because of the difficulty in the way of prosecuting the pathology of the nerves. The first onset of the disease is marked by great heaviness of the eyes, soon going on to drowsiness ; the head dropping into the manger, even while feeding is in progress. It generally makes its appearance after a long fast ; and it is sup- fjosed by some writers to be owing to the demands made by t)»e stomach on the brain, when in an exhausted condition for want of its usual supplies. This theory is supported by the fact that, in the present day, when every horsemaster knows the danger of working his horses without feeding them at intervals of five, or at most six hours, the stomach staggers are almost unknown. Even wlien the disease shows itself at grass, it is almost always mani- 70 THE HORSE. fc?ted directly after the horse ia first turned out, when he gorges himself with the much-coveied food, which has long been withheld, and his brain is affected i'l a manner similar to that which follows a long fast from every kind of food. In a short time, if the affection of the brain is not relieved, that organ becomes still more severely implicated, and convulsions or paralysis put an end to the attack. r>'iring the course of the disease, the breathing is affected, and there is generally an almost total cessation of the secretions of bile aiid ur'ne, which may either be the cause or the effect of tlie con- dition of the brain. With this state of uncertainty as to tho essence of the disease, it is somewhat empirical to lay down any rules for its treatment ; tind, as 1 before remarked, it is now so rare, that they are scarcely necessary. If care be taken to feed the horse properly, he will never suffer from stomach staggers in the stable ; and at grass, the attack is seldom observed until he is beyond the reach of any remedies. Still, it may be as well to observe, that the usual plan of proceeding has been to take away blood, so as to relieve the brain, and to stimulate the stomach to get rid of its load, by the use of warm aperients, such as the following : — Take of B.irhadoes Aloes 4 to 6 drachms. TiiK'ture of Gino^er 3 drachms. Dissolve the aloes in a pint of hot water, then add the tincture, and when nearly cool give as a drench. DYSPEPSIA. Every domesi^o animal suffers in health if he is constantly fed on the same articles, and man himself, perhaps, more than they do. Partridges are relished by him early in September, but toujours i}erdi-ix would disgust the most inveterate lover of that article of food. Dogs are too often mad with a cold clammy sweat — he is in a tremor from head to foot and about the legs and ears has even a dead-like feel. The mouth feels deadly chill — the lips drop pendulous, and the eye seems mconscious of ol)jects. In fine, death, not recovery, is at hand. Mortification has seized the inflamed bowel — pain can no loTiger be felt in that which a few minutes ago was the seat of most exquisite suff"ering. He again becomes convulsed, and in a few more struggles less violent than the former he expires." Analogy would lead any careful pathologist to suppose that such symptoms as these are due to some lesion of a serous and not a muscular tissue, and, as I before remarked, I have satisfied myself that such is really the case. I have seen lymph, pus, and serum effused in some cases of enteritis, and mortification extending to a large surface of the peritoneal coat in others, but I have never examined a single case without one or the other of these morbid results. It may be said that so long as the symptoms are correctly described their exact seat is of no consequence ; but in this instance it is probable that the ordinary definition of enteritis as an inflammation of the muscular coat may lead to a timid practice in its treatment, which would be attended with the worst results. 1 have no fault to find with the usual descripticns of the twc diseases, or with their ordinary treatment, but I protest against the definition which is given of them. An examination of thk cause of inflammation of the boR'cls >% the only means by whi^h the one form can be distin^iuishcd INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. 75 from the other. If it lias beeu brought about from exposure to cold, or from ovGr-stiiimlating medicines given for colic, the proba- bility is that the serous covering of the intestines themseh es 13 chiefly involved ; while if it has followed castration it may gener- ally be concluded that the peritoneal lining of the abdominal mascles has taken on inflammatory action by an immediate exten sion from the serous lining of the inguinal canal, which is con fcinuous with it. In each case, however, the symptoms are as nearly as may be the same, and without knowing the previous history I believe no one could distinguish the one disease from the other — nor should the treatment vary in any respect. The symptoms of peritoneal inflammation vary in intensity, and in the rapidity of their development, but they usually show themselves in the following order: — At first there is simple loss of appetite, duluess of eye, and a general uneasiness, which are soon followed by a slight rigor or shivering. The pulse becomes rapid, but small and wiry, and the horse becomes very restless, pawing liis litter, and looking back at his sides in a wistful and anxivms n)anner. In the next stage all these signs are aggravated ; the hind legs are used to strike at but not touch the belly; and the horse lies down, rolls on his back and struggles violently. The pulse becomes quicker and harder, but is still small. The belly is acutely tender and hard to the touch, the bowels are costive, and the horse is constantly turning round, moaning, and regarding his flanks with the most anxious expression of countenance. Next comes on the stage so graphically described by Mr. Percivall in the passage which I have quoted, the whole duration of the attack being from twelve to forty eight hours in acute cases, and extend- ing to three or four days in those which are denominated sub- acute. In the treatment of this disease, as in all those implicating serous m.mibrane, blood must be taken largely, and in a full stream, the quantity usually required to make a suitable impression being from six to nine quarts. The belly should be fomented with very hot water, by two men holding against it a doubled blanket, dipped in that fluid, which should be constantly changed, to keep up the temperature. The bowels should be back-raked, and the follow- ing drench should be given every six hours till it operates, which should be hastened by injections of warm water. Take of Linseed oil 1 pint. Laudanum 2 ounces. If the iirst bleeding does not give relief in six or eight hours, it must be repeated to the extent of thr(^.e or four quarts, and at the Bame time some liquid blister may be rubbed into the skin of the abdomen, continuing the fomentations, at short intervals, uudei 76 THE HORSE. tliat part, which will hasten its operation. The diet should be cod* fined to thin gruel or bran mashes, and no hay should be allowed until the severity of the attack has abated. To DISTINGUISH this disease from colic is of the highest import- ance, and for this purpose it will be necessary to describe the symptoms of the latter disease, so as to compare the two together COLIC. Tn this disease there is spasm of the muscular coat of the intestines, generally confined to the C99cum and colon. Various names have been given to its difierent forms, such as the fret, the gripes, spasmodic colic, flatulent colic, &c , but they all display fhe above feature, and are only modifications of it, depending upon tho cause which has produced it. In spasmodic colic, the bowels are not unnaturally distended, but in flatulent colic their distension by gas brings on the spasm, the muscular fibres being stretched to so great an extent as to cause them to contract irregularly and with a morbid action. Sometimes, when the bowels are very cos- tive, irritation is established as an efl'ort of nature to procure the dislodguient of the impacted faecpl matters, and thus a third cause of the disease is discovered. The exact nature and cause are always to be ascertained from the history of the case, and its symptoms, and as the treatment will especially be conducted with a view to a removal of the cause, they are of the highest import- ance. The si/mptoms in all cases of colic, by which it may be distinguished from the last-described disease, are as follows : In both acute pain is manifested by stamping, looking at the flanks, and rolling; but in enteritis the pain is constant, while in colic, there are intervals of rest, when the horse seems quite easy, and often begins to feed. In both the poor animal strikes at his belly; but in the former he takes great care not to touch the skin, while in the latter (colic) he w'll often bring the blood by his desperate efforts to get rid of his annoyance. In enteritis the belly is hot and exquisitely tender to the touch, but in colic it is not unnatur- ally warm, and gradual pressure with a broad surface, such as the whole hand, always is readily borne, and generally affords relief. The pulse also is little affected in colic; and, lastly, the attack is very much more sudden than in peritoneal inflammation. Such are the general signs by which a case of colic may be distinguished from inflanmiation of the bowels, but beyond this it is necessary to investigate whether it is pure spasmodic colio^ or produced by flatulence, or by an obstruction in the bowels. COLIC. ^7 In spasmodic colic all the above symptoms are displayed, with- out any great distension of the abdomen ; and if the history of the eai5e is gone into, it will be found that after coming in heated the horse has been allowed to drink cold water, or has been exposed in an exhausted state to a draught of air. In flatulent colic the abdomen is enormously distended; the attack is not so sudden, and the pain ie noi so intense, being rather to be considered, in the average of cases, as a high degree of un- easiness, occasionally amounting to a sharp pang, than giving the idea of agony. In aggravated attacks, the distension is so enor- Dious as to leave no doubt of the nature of the exciting cause. Here also the spasms as-e often brought on by drinking cold water while the horse is in a heated and exhausted state. Where there is a stoppage in the bowels to cause the spasm, on questioning the groom, it will be found that the dung for some days has been hard and in small lumps, with occasional patches of mucus upon it. In other respects there is little lo dis- tinguish this variety from the last. The treatment must in all cases be conducted on a totally differ- ent plan to that necessary when inflammation is present. Bleeding will be of no avail, at all events in the early stages, and before the disease has gone on, as it sometimes will, into an inflammatory condition. On the other hand, stimulating drugs, which would be fatal in enteritis, will here generally succeed in causing a return of healthy r.ius-^ular action. The disease is indeed similar in its essential features to cramp in the muscles of the human leg or arm, the only difference being that it does not as speedily dis- appear, because it is impossible to get at the muscular coat of the intestines, and apply the stimulus of friction. As soon as a case is clearly made out to be of a spas- modic nature, one or other of the following drenches should be j?iven. the choice being made in proportion to the intensity of the symptoms: — 1. Sulphuric Ether 1 ounce. Laudanum 2 ounces Compound decoction of Aloes 5 ounces Mix and give every half hour until relief is afforded. 2. Spirit of Turpentine 4 ounces. Linseed Oil 12 ounces. Laudanum U ounce. Mix and give every hour till .he pain ceases. 8. Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia U ounce. Laudanum 2 ounces. Tincture of Ginger 1.^ ounce. Hot Ale . 1 quart. Mix and give every hour. 78 THE HORSE. floi water should also be applied to the abdomen, as described under the head of Enteritis, and if an enema pump is at hand, large quantities of water, at a temperature of 100° Fahrenheit, should be injected jyer aniim, until in fact the bowel will hold no laore without a dangerous amount of force. In flatulent colic the same remedies may be employed, but the turpentine mixture is here especially beneficial. The use of warm water injections will often bring away large volumes of wind, which at once affords relief, and the attack is cured. Sometimes, however, the distension goes on increasing, and the only chance of recovery consists in a puncture of the caecum, as it lies high in the right flank, where, according to French veterinary writers it may often be opened when greatly distended, without dividing the serous covering. The operation, however, should only be per- formed by an experienced hand, as it is one of great danger, and a knowledge of the anatomy of the parts concerned is required to select the most available situation. The treatment op impaction must be completely n pos- teriori, for all anterior proceedings with aperient medicines will only aggravate the spasms. Injection of gallons of warm water or of gruel containing a quart of castor oil and half a pint of spirit of turpentine, will sometimes succeed in producing a passage, and at the same time the spasm may be relieved by the exhibition at the mouth of one ounce of laudanum and the same quantity of sulphuric ether. If there is any tenderness of the abdomen, or the pulse has a tendency to quicken, it will be better to resort to bleeding, which alone will sometimes cause the peristaltic action to be restored in a healthy manner. The case, however, requires great patience and judgment, and as no great good can often be effected, it is highly necessary to avoid doing harm, which can hardly be avoided if the remedies employed are not at once suc- cessful. When the urgent symptoms of colic in any of its forms are reliuved, great care must be exercised that a relapse does not take place from the use if improper ibod. The water should be care- i'ully chilbd, and a warm bran mash should be given, containing in it half a feed of bruised oats. Nothing but these at moderate inter- vals, in the shape ol' food or drink, should be allowed for a day or two, and then the horse may gradually return to his customary treatment, avoiding, of course, everything which may appear to have contributed to the development of colic. J)1AHKIICEA AND DVSENTEKY. A distinction is attem])ted to be made between these two dis- eases, — the former name being confined to an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small intestines, while the latter is said DIARRIiCEA AND DYSE^^TERY. 79 to re&lde in (.lie large. It is very difficult, however, if not impoA- Bible, to distinguish the one from the other by the symptoms dur- ing life, and in ordinary practice they may be considered ivS one disease, the treatment depending in great measure on the exciting cause. This in most cases is to be found in the use of too violenl " physic," or in not resting the horse after it has begun to act until some hours after it has completely " set." Sometimes il depends on the cells of the colon having long been loaded with faeces, which causes, at length, their mucous lining to inflame, tha consequent secretion having a tendency to loosen them and pro- cure their dismissal, either by solution or by the forcible contrac- tion of the muscular coat. This last disease is known by the name of "molten grease" to old-fashioned farriers, the clear mucus which envelopes the lumps of faeces being supposed to be derived from the internal fat that is generally plentifully developed in the highly fed horses that are especially subject to the attack. For practical purposes, therefore, we may consider the different forms under the head of superpurgation, diarrhoea, and dysentery, meaning by the last name that condition which is brought about by and attended with a discharge of lumps of hard faecal matter enveloped iL mucus. Superpurgation is sometimes so severe as to place a delicate horse in great danger. AVhen the action of the bowels has gone on for three or four days consecutively, and there is no disposition to "set," the eyes become staring and glassy, the pulse is feeble, and the heart flutters in the most distressing manner; the mouth has a peculiarly offensive smell, the tongue being pale and covered with a white fur having a brown centre. The abdomen is gene- rally tucked tightly up, but in the later stages large volumes of gas are evolved, and it becomes tumid. The treatment should consist in the exhibition of rice, boiled till quite soft, and if not taken voluntarily, it should be given as a drench, mixed into a thin liquid form with warm water. If the case is severe, one or two ounces of laudanum may be added to a quart of rice milk, and given every time the bowels act with vio- lence. Or a thin gruel may be made with wheat meal, and the laudanum be mixed with that instead of the rice. A perseverance in these remedies will almost invariably produce the desired effect, it' they have not been deferred until the horse is very much ex- hausted, when a pint of port wine may be substituted for the );iudanum with advantage. In j^tarrikea resulting from cold, or ovor-exertion, the treat- ment ^'hould be exactly like that prescribed for superpurgation, but it Till sometimes be necessary to givi chalk in addition to the remed s there alluded to. The rice or flour-milk may be admin* 80 THE HORSE. ifitereJ as food, and the following drench given by itself every time there is a discharge of liquid faeces : — Take of Powdered Opium 1 drachm. Tincture of Catechu . ... 5 ouuce. Chalk Mixture 1 pint. Mix and give as a drench. During the action of these remedies the body must be kept warm by proper clothing, and the legs should be encased in flaii- Del bandages, previously made hot at the fire, and renewed as they become cold. In dysentery (or molten grease) it is often necessary to take a little blood away, if there is evidence of great inflammation in the amount of mucus surrounding the faeces, and when apeiient medicine does not at once put a stop to the cause of irritation by bringing the lumps away from the cells of the colon. Back-raking, and injections of two ounces of laudanum and a pint of castor oil with gruel, should be adopted in the first instance, but they will seldom be fully efiicient without the aid of linseed oil given by the mouth. A pint of this, with half a pint of good castor oil, will generally produce a copious discharge of lumps, and then the irri- tation ceases without requiring any further interference. Whenever there is diarrhoea or dysentery present to any extent, rico-water should be the sole drink. STRANGULATION AND RUPTURE. Mechanical violence is done to the stomach and bowels in various ways, but in every case the symptoms will be those of severe inflammation of the serous coat, speedily followed by death, if not relieved when relief is possible. Sometimes the stomach is ruptured from over-distension — at others the small intestines have been known to share the same fate, but the majority of cases are due to strangulation of a particular portion of the bowels, by being tied or pressed upon by some surrounding band. This may hap- pen either from a loop of bowel being forced through an opening in the mesentery or mesocolon, or from a band of organized lymph, the result of previous inflammation — or from one portion of the bowels forcing itself into another, like the inverted finger of a glove, and the included portion being firmly contracted upon by the exterior bowel, so as to produce dangerous pressure (intussus- ception), or, lastly, from a portion or knuckle of intestine forcing its way through an opening in the walls of the abdomen, and then called hernia or rupture, which being pressed upon by the edges of the opening becomes strangulated, and if not relieved inflamSI, and then mortifies. None of these cases are amenable to treat- ment (and indeed they cannot often be discovered with certainty during life, the symptoms resembling those of enteritis), excupt CALCULI IN THE JOWELS. 81 Strargulated liernia, whicli should be reduced eithoi by the pres- Burf- of the hands, or by the aid of an operation with the knife — which will be described under the chapter which treats of the seve- ral operations. Whenever inflammation of the bowels is attended with obstinate constipation, the walls of the abdomen should be carefully examined, and especially the inguinal canal, scrotum, and navel, at which points in most cases the hernia makes its appear- ance. A swelling at any other part may, however, contain a knuckle of intestine, which has found its way through the abdo- minal parietes in consequence of a natural opening existing there. or of one having been made by some accidental puncture with a spike of wood or iron. The swelling is generally round, or nearly 80, and gives a drum-like sound on being tapped with the fingers. It feels hard to the touch in consequence of the contents being constricted; but it gives no sensation of solidity, and may be gene- rally detected by these signs. None but an educated hand can, however, be relied on to distinguish a ventral hernia from any other tumor. When it occurs at the scrotum or navel the case is clear enough. CALCULI IN THE BOWELS. A STOPPAGE IN THE BOWELS sometimes obstinately persists, in spite of all kinds of remedies, and, death taking place, it is found on examination that a large calculus has blocked up the area of the canal. Sometimes one of these calculi is found in the stomach, but this is extremely rare. On making a section they are found to consist of concentric layers of bran, chaff, and other hard par- ticles of the food, mixed generally with some small proportion of earthy matter, and arranged around some foreign body, such as a piece of ston^ from the corn, or the head of a naiL Treatment is out of the question, as it is impossible to discover the calculus during life, and even if it could be ascertained to exist, no remedy is known for it. Those who are curious about the composition of these calculi, will be pleased with the following letter by Mr. Buck- land, surgeon to the 1st Life Guards, in reply to an inquiry made in The Field as to the composition of a calculus found in a horse belonging to a correspondent : — " Mr. C. Pemberton Carter having, in his interesting letter, re- quested me to throw some light upon this subject, I have great pleasure in giving what little information I am able to afford, with apologies for delay, as Aldershot camp is by no means a favorable spot for scientific investigations or literary pursuits. As regards the actual composition of calculi such as he has sent, we learn from the catalogue of the museum of the Royal College of Sur- geons that they are composed for the most part of the phosphaw of mague« loridft of Zinc 2 drarhnis. Water 1 pint. Mix. If the morbid growths are very extensive, nothing but amputa- tion of the penis or the use of corrosive sublimate will remove them. Severe haemorrhage sometimes follows both of these mea- sures, but it seldom goes on to a dangerous extent. Still it is scarcely advisable for any one but a professional man to undertake the operation. In the mare the vagina is sometimes inflamed, attended Avith a copious yellow discharge. An injection of the wash mentioned ill the last paragraph will generally soon set the matter right. At first it should be used only of half the strength, gradually increa.s- ing it, until the full quantity of chloride of zinc is employed. Inversion of the uterus sometimes follows parturition, but it is very rare in the mare. The uterus should be at once replaced, using as little force as possible, and taking care before the hand is withdrawn, that it really is turned back again from its inverted position. Nymphomania occurs sometimes in mares at the time of being "in use," and goes on to such an extent as to render them abso- lutely regardless of pain, for the time being, though not to make theu lose their consciousness. They will kick and squeal till they be- come white with sweat, and no restraint will prevent them from trying to continue their violent attempts to destroy everything behind them. These symptoms are especially developed in the presence of other animals of the" same species, whether mares or geldings; but the near proximity of an entire horse will be still worse. If placed in a loose box, without any restraint whatever, they generally become more calm, and when the state is developed, Buch a plan sliould always be adopted. It is chiefly am )ng highly- fed and liglilly-worked mares that tlie disease is manifested ; and a dose of physic with starvation in a loose box, away from any other horse, will very soon put an end to it in almost every instance. MAD STAGGERS— EPILEPSY. 91 CHAPTER V. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. PhrerMis, or Mad Staggers — Epilepsy and Convulsions — Meg rim i — Rabies, Hydrophobia, or Madness — Tetanus, or Lock-jaw-^ Apoplexy and Paralysis — String Halt — Coup de Soieil, cr Sun stroke. PIIRENITIS, OR MAD STAGGERS. Phrenitis seldom occurs, except in over-fed and liglitly-workcd horses, nor among them is it by any means a common dis- ease. The early symptoms are generally those of an ordinary cold ; there is heaviness of the eyes, with a redness of the con- junctiva, and want of appetite. After a day or two occupied by these premonitory signs, which will seldom serve to put even the most experienced observer on his guard, the horse become-s sud- denly delirious, attempting to bite and strike every one who comes near him, regardless of the ordinary influences of love and fear. He plunges in his stall, attempts to get free from his halter rein, and very often succeeds in doing so, when he will stop at nothing to gain still further liberty. If unchecked he soon dashes himself to pieces, and death puts an end to his struggles. The only treat- ment which is of the slightest use is bleeding till the horse abso- lutely falls, or till he becomes quite quiet and tractable, if the case is only a mild one. Immediately afterwards a large dose of tartar emetic (two or three drachms) should be given, followed in an hour or two by a strong physic br.ll ; or, if the case is a very bad one, by a drench, containing half a pint of castor oil and six or eight drops of croton oil. Clysters and back-raking will of course be required, to obviate the risk of hard accumulations in the bowels, but where there is great violence, they cannot always be employed and the case must take its chance in these respects. The diet should be confined to a few mouthfuls of hay or grass, with a plentiful supply of water. EPILEPSY AND CONVULSIONS. TnESE diseases, or symptoms of disease, are not often met with in the adult, but in the foal they sometimes occur, and are not unattended with danger. The young thing will perhaps gallop after its dam round and round its paddock, and then all at once stop, 92 THE HORSE. Stagger, and fall to the ground, where it lies, struggling with morvf or less violence, for a few minutes or longer, and then raises its head, stares about it, gets up, and is apparently as well as ever. It is generally in the hot days of summer that the^e attacks occur, and it appears highly probable that the direct rays of the sun pla}ing on the head have something to do with it. Death seldom takes place during the first attack, but sometimes after two or tarce repetitions the convulsions go on increasing, and the foal liecomes comatose and dies. A mild dose of linseed oil is the only remed(/ which can safely be resorted to, and as it is supposed that worms will sometimes produce these convulsive attacks, it is on that account to be selected. Epilepsy is so very rarely met with ia the adult and of its causes and treatment so little is known, that I shall not trouble my readers with any account of them. MEGRIMS. This term is used to conceal our ignorance of the exact nature of several disordered conditions of the brain and heart. In fact, any kind of fit, not attended with convulsions, and only lasting a short time, is called by this name. The cause may be a fatty condition of the heart, by which sudden faintness and sometimes death are pro- duced, or it may consist in congestion of the vessels of the brain, arising from over work on a hot day, or from the pressure of tlie collar, or from disease of the valves of the heart. Attacks reputed to be megrims have been traced to each of these causes, and as in every case, the horse, while apparently in good health, staggers and falls, and after lying still for a minutes (during which there is seldom an opportunity of examining the state of the circulation) rises as well as before, there is no chance of distinguishing the one from the other. The most usual symptoms are the following : — The horse is perhaps trotting along, when all at once he begins shaking his head as if the bridle chafed his ears, which are drawn back close to the poll. The driver gets down to examine these facts, and observes the eyelids quivering, and the nostrils afi"ected with a trembling kind of spasm. Sometimes the rest will allow of the attack going off", but most fre-quently, the head is drawn to one side, the legs of that half of the body seem to be paralyzed, and the horse making a segment of a circle goes down, lies a few minutes on the ground, and then rises as if nothing had happened beyond a light sweating, and disturbance of the respiration. Treat- ment can be of little avail, however, unless a correct diagnosis is made, for remedies which would be suited to congestion would be prejudicial to a diseased heart. If the attack has happened while IIYDROPnOBTA. 93 n harness, the collar should always be carefully inspected, and if At all tight it should be replaced by a deeper one. A diseased slate of the valves of the heart ought to be discoverable by auscultation, but it requires a practised car to do this, and the directions for ascertaining its presence are beyond the scope ol this book. ^J'he only plan which can safely be adopted, is to take the subject of megrims quietly home to his stable, and carefully ex- amine into the condition of all his functions with a view to im- prove the action of any orimn which appears to be out of order, whatever it may be. If alt seems to be going on well— if the appe- tite is good, and the heart acts with regularity and with due lorce, while the brain seems clear, and the; eye is not either dull or sut- fuse.l with blood— nothing should be attempted, but the horse being subject to a second attack, as proved by manifold experience, should be put to work in which no great danger can be appre- hended from them. He is not safe in any kind of carriage, fur it can never be known where the fall will take place; and as a saddle- horse he is still more objectionable, and should therefore be put to some commercial purpose, in executing which, if he falls, the only injury lie can effect is to property, and not to human life. RABIES, HYDROPHOBIA OR MADNESS. One reason only can be given for describing this disease, which is wholly beyond the reach of art ; but as the horse attacked bv it is most dangerous, the sooner he is destroyed the better ; and for this reason, every person who is likely to have any control ovei him, should be aware of the symptonis. As far as is known at present, Rabies is not idiopathically developed in the horse, but must follow the bite of a rabid individual belonging to one or other of the genera cank and fclis. The dog, being constantly about our stables, is the usual cause of the development of the disease, and it may supervene upon the absorption of the salivary virus without any malicious bite, as has happened according to more than one carefully recorded case. The lips of the horse arc liable to be ulcerated from the action of the bit, and there is reason to believe that in the early stages of rabies these parts have been licked by a dog, the saliva has been absorbed, and the inoculation has taken place just as it would do from any other wound. It is difficult to prove that this is the true explanation of those cases where no bite has been known to have occurred, but as the mouth has m each instance been shown to have been abraded, there is some reason for accepting it as such. To proceed, however, to the ^i/mpfom.s, Mr. Youatt,"who has had great opportunities for examining rabies, both in the dog and horse, describes the earliest as consisting lu "a spasmodic movement of the upper lip, particularly of the angles of the lip. Close following on this, or contemporaneous with lU 94 THE HORSE. are tlie dej^ressed nnJ anxious countcnnocc, nnd inqninng gaze, suddenly, however, lighted up, and becoming fierce and menacing from some unknown cause, or at the approach of a stranger. From time to time different parts of the frame, the eyes, tlie jaws, par- ticular limbs, will be convulsed. The eye will occasionally wander after some imaginary object, and the horse will snap \gain and again at that which has no real existence. Then will come the irrepiessible det:ire to bite tiie attendants or the animals within its reach. To this will succeed the demolition of the rack, the manger, and the wliole furniture of the stable, accompanied by the peculiar dread of water, which has already been described. Towards the close of the disease there is generally paralysis, usually confined to the loins and the hinder extremities, or involving those organs which derive their nervous influence from this portion of the spinal cord; hence the distressing tenesmus which is occasionally seen." How paralysis can produce tenesmus is not very clear, but of the very general existence of this symptom there can be no doubt. The dread of water, as well as of draughts of cold air, is also clearly made out to exist in this disease (as in human rabies), and the ♦.erm hydrophobia will serve to distinguish it better than in tlie dog, where it is as clearly absent. Whenever, therefore, these symptoms follow upon the bite of a dog, unless the latter is un- questionably in good health, rabies may l^e suspected, and the bare- suspicion ought always to lead to the use of the bullet, which iS the safest way of killing a violent horse. 'J'here is only one disease (phreiiifis) with which it can be confounded, and in that the absence of all consciousness and, in milder cases, of fear, so that no moral control whatever can be exercised, marks its nature, and clearly distinguishes it from rabies, the victim to which is con- scious to the last, and though savage and violent in the extreme, is aware of the power of man, and to some extent und^r his influence. TETANUS— LOCK-JAW. Tetanus, one form of which is known as lock-jaw, has its seat apparently in the nervous system, but, like many other diseases of the same class, the traces it leaves behind are extremely uncertain, and are displayed more on the secondary organs, through which it is manifested, than on those which we believe to be at the root of the mischief Thus the muscles, which have been long kept in a state of spasm, show the marks of this condition in their softened and apparently rotten condition. They in fact have had no interval of rest, during which nutrition could go on, and have lost much of the peculiarity of structure which enables them to contract. The stomach often shows marks of inflammation, but as all sorts of violent remedies are employed, this may be due to them rather than to idiopathic disease. The lungs also are generally congest ed« LOCK-JAW. 95 nut here, like ihe state of the muscles, it may be a secondary effect of the long-continued exertions of the latter, which nothing bm the absence of all important lesions of the brain and spinal cord would induce the pathologist to pay the slightest attention to. Tetanus may be either idiopathic or symptomatic, but the former condition is somewhat rare. It almost always follows some operation, or a severe injury in which a nerve has been implicated, the most frequent causes being the piercing of the sok by a nail, or a prick in shoeing, or the operations of docking, nicking, castra- tion, &c. The symptoms are a permanent rigidity of certain voluntary muscles, and especially of the lower jaw (whence the popular name, lock-jaw). The mouth is kept rigidly shut, the masseter muscles feeling as hard as a deal board. One or both sides of the neck are rigid, in the former case the head being turned to one side, and in the latter stretched out as if carved in marble. The nostrils are dilated ; the eyes retracted, with the haws thrust for- ward over them; the ears erect and stiff, and the countenance an if horror-struck. At first the extremities are seldom involved, but as the disease progresses their control is first lost, and then they become rigid, like the neck and head. The patient is scarcely able to stand, and plants his feet widely apart to prop himself up, wtiile at last the tail also becomes a fixture. The pulse varies a good deal, in some cases being quick, small, and hard, and in others slow and labored. The bowels are generally costive, and the urine scanty; but this last symptom is not so well marked aa the state of the bowels alluded to. The treatment should be of a two-fold nature, partly palliative and partly curative. Since the introduction into use of chloroform we have possessed a drug which invariably enables us to remove the spasm for a time, and if it does nothing more, it gives room for other remedies to act and relieve the patient from the horrible tortures which are occasioned by the spasm, while it also allows the muscular and nervous powers to be recruited. When, therefore, a case of tetanus occurs in a horse of any value, an apparatus for applying chloroform (described under the chapter on Operations) should be procured, and the animal at once placed under its influence. This done, the whole length of the spine should be blistered with tincture of cantharides, and an active aperient should be given, consisting, if practicable, of a pint of castor oil, and six or eight drops of croton oil. Thia may be pumped down the throat by the usual syriiige and tube, if the front teeth can be separated; but if this cannot be done, some solid catliartic must be selected, though there is often aa Biuch difficulty in forcing a ball down as in passing an elastic tube. Failing in either of these, two drachms of calomel, and the same quantity of tartar emetic fahould be slightly damped, and placed in 96 THE HORSE. the mouth as far back as possible, in the hope that they maybe p^radually swallowed ; the bowels should be raked, and copious injections of castor oil and turpentine, mixed with several quarts of gruel, should be thrown up. If these remedies fail, nature must be left to her own resources, and they will sometimes be found equal to the task, for many cases have recovered after having been given up ls beyond the reach of our art. Opium, henbane^ digitalis, hellebore, and a host of other drugs have been tried, sometimes with, and sometimes without success, and perhaps it is worth while, after the bowels have been well relieved, to give a full dose of one or other of these powerful remedies, such as two drachms of solid opium ; but I confess that I think little reliance is to be placed on them, and I prefer the adoption of chloroform every six hours, continued for about two or three hours and o;ra- dually withdrawn, leaving the cure to the action ot the blistei and purgatives APOPLEXY AND PARALYSIS. Usually these are only different degrees of the same disease, but there are exceptions in which the latter is produced by somo chronic affection of the spinal cord or brain. As a rule both de- pend upon pressure made on the brain by an overloaded state of the vessels^ commonly known as congestion, or by extravasation of blood, in which it escapes from them. Apoplexy, known among writers of the old school as sleepy staggers, is not often met with in the present day, owing to the improvement in the management of our stables, and specially to their better ventilation. It is marked by great sleepiness, from which the horse can be with difficulty roused, soon going on to absolute unconsciousness, attended by a slow snoring respiration, and speedily followed by death. The only trpatmcnt likely to be successful is copious bleeding, purgation, and blisters to the head and neck. Paralysis is marked by a loss of power over the muscles of a part, and may be confined to one limb or organ or extend to more. It is a ajymptom of pressure on, or disorganization of, some pait oP the nervous system, and must be considered as such, and n«it as a disease of the affected muscles. Thus it requires a knowledge of anatomy to trace it to its seat, without which its treatment woild be conducted on false principles. Ky far the most common forn. of paralysis is hemiplegia, or paralysis of the nnscles of the liindci extremities and loins, generally arising from an injury to the spine. Sometimes the body of a vertebra is broken, and the parts being separated, their edges nress upon the spinal cord and produce the disease. At others the vessels within the canal have received a PARALYSIS— STRING HALT. 97 shock, an 1 the serous membrane secretes (or allows to ooze out) \ bloody fluid which pre.fses upon the cord, and produce? the same effect but in a more <:radual manner. In India, a disease known there as Kuniree causes paralysis of the hinder extremities, and is due to inflammation of the membranes, which secrete a bloody eerum. In this country, however, paraplegia is very rare except- ius; as the result of accident. When a horse falls in hunting, and never moves his hind legs afterwards, but lies with his fore legs in the position to get up, groaning and expressing great pain and distress, it may be concluded that he has fractured or dislocated his spine and that the case is hopeless. Sometimes, however, after lying for a few seconds, he slowly and with difficulty rises anu i« .ed to a stable, but after two or three hours lies down and cannot be got up again. Here there will be some difficulty in ascertaining whether the mis- chief is confined to a strain of the muscles or is situated within the vertebral canal. If the former is the case the pain is extreme, and generally there will be some quivering or slight spasm of one or more of the muscles of the hinder extremity, which feel natu- rally firm, while in paralysis they feel soft and are as quiet as they would be after death. By attention to these signs the two cases may be distinguished, but when the case is made out to be true paralysis the treatment is not likely (even if successful in preserv- ing life) to bring about a useful restoration to healthy action. In valuable horses an attempt may be made by bleeding, physicking and blistering, to produce an absorption of the effused serum oi blood, but the recovered animal is se-ldom worth the outlay, and too often as soon as he is put to any kind of work is subject to a relapse. The most humane and certainly the most economical plan is to put him out of his misery at once by a pistol ball or knife, but if it is determined to try what can be done towards effecting a cure, no better means can be adopted than those I have alluded to. STRING HALT. This is a peculiar snatching up of the hind leg, and la 8up])0sed to depend upon some obscure disease of the sciatic nerve. It however is very doubtful whether this explanation is well founded, and there is evidence that in some cases the hock itself Las been affected. The extensor pedis seems to be the muscle most i5everely implicated, though not the only one which is thrown into spasmodic action. No treatment is of the slightest avail. Horses with string halt are able to do any kind of work, but it ia considered to be a form of unsoundness. 7 98 THE HORSE. [SUNSTROKE— COUP DE SOLETL. Tins DISEASE of late years has become of so frequent rence, that although not mentioned by previous veterinary writers. i\ demands a notice from us. The chief symptoms are exhaustion and stupidity, the animal usually falling to the ground and being unable to go further. To PREVENT IT, allow the horse at short intervals a few raoutli fuls of water, and fasten a wet sponge over the forehead. The sun-shades now used by extensive owners of horses, will go very far in lessening the occurrence of this affection. The following treatment^ when attended to at once, in the majo'-ity of cases will prove effectual. First. Remove the horse from the harness to a cool shady place. Second. Give two ounces of sulphuric ether ; 20 drops of the cincture of aconite root and a bottle of ale or porter as a drench to sustain the vital powers, and to act as a powerful stimulant in equalizing the circulation throughout the body; wiiilst, Thirdlij. Chopped ice is to be placed in a coarse towel, cloth or bag, and laid between the ears and over the forehead, secured in any way the ingenuity of the person in charge may suggest. If the legs be cold, bandages will be of advantage. Do not put the horse to work again until he is completely restored. Dumbness is the usual result of sun-stroke — a species of coma — for which there if no t'uro. Horses so affected are of little use in warm weather but are useful in winter. INFLAMMATION OF THE EYE 99 CHAPTER VI. DISEASES AND INJ^JRIES OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ORGANS. Diseases of the Ear — Inflammation of the Eye — Cataract — Amau- rosis — Buck-eye — Sufat — Hidebound — Mange — Lice — Mai- lenders and Sallenders— Warbles, Sitfasts and Harness-Galls — Grubs — Bites and Stings of Insects — Swelled Legs — Chapped Heels — Grease and Scratches — Warts — Corns — Sander ack — False Quarter — Ouittor — Thrush — Canker — Lam^mtis — Seedy Toe— Contraction oj the Foot — Navicular Disease — Accidents to the Legs and Feet. DISEASES OF THE EAR. Deafness is sometimes met with in the horse, but I know of no S3anptoms by which its precise nature can be made out; and with- out ascertaining the seat of the disease, it is useless to attempt to treat it. Sometimes from a blow on the external ear inflammation is set up, and an abscess forms ; but all that is necessary is to open it, so that the matter can readily flow out as fast as it forms, without which precaution it will not readily heal. INFLAMMATION OF THE EYE. This important organ is subject to three forms of inflamma- tion, to opacity of the lens, and to paralysis of the nerve, called amaurosis. Simple inflammation is the most common of all the diseases to which the horse's eye is sabjcct, and it precedes most of the others. It is always the result of any injury of this part, or of cold ; and it shows itself if there is a tendency to inflammation of this organ, whenever the horse is in a state of plethora. The st/mptoma arc an intolerance of light, so that the eye is kept half closed, by which it looks smaller than the other; a gummy secre- tion glues the lids together at the angles; the eyelids are slightly swollen, showing a distended state of their veins; and there is more or less watering or overflowing of tears. When the lids are separated, their internal surface looks more red than natural, and the white of the eye is covered with a net-work of fine red ves- sels. After the second day the transparent cornea loses its clear- ness, and becomes muddy, sometimes over the whole mirface, and at others iu specks. If the disease is allowed to go on unchecked, the cornea is involved, and the lining membrane of the aqueous humor follows ; a secretion of pus takes place into the chamber, or the cornea ulcerates, and the con 'cuts of the eye escape. Thf 100 THE HORSE. treatment should \ie a copious bleeding frem the jugular vein, fol- lowed by a ball, such as — Take of CommoTi Physic Ball 2 drachms. Tartar Emetic ] drachm. Mix and giv^ every six hours. rhia not only acts on the intestines, but it keeps up a constant naipoa, and so tends to lower the action of the heart. The eye should be bathed with warm water frequently; and, if the mischief be sev ro, a seton should at once be put into the skin covering the upper jaw, about two inches below the eye. On the next day, if " the white" still looks red, the bleeding must be repeated ; and, if the bowels are much moved, the tartar emetic may be continued without the aloes, while if they are obstinate, the dose of the lat- ter may be increased. When the acute symptoms have somewhat diminished, a cnmel's-hair brush may be dipped in wine of opium, and the eye gently touched with it daily, which will generally co.m- plete the cure. The diet must be low, corn being forbidden en- tirely, and the stable should be kept very cool and airy. Purulent ophthalmia is confined to the conjunctiva, and it may be recognised by the profuse discharge of purulent fluid which takes place. The eyelids are much swollen, and the white of the eye is covered with a puffy red membrane, which rises up ijbove the level of the cornea, sometimes in fungoid excrescences. This form of inflammation is generally epidemic, and sometimes runs through a stable without a single exception. The treatment should be, at first, similar to that recommended for simple inflam- mation ; but when it reaches the chronic stai^^e, a more powerful stimulus is required to restore the vessels to a healthy condition. A wash composed as follows, must therefore be applied : — Take of Nitrate of Silver 6 grs. Distilled Water 1 oz. Mix, and drop a little into the eye from a quill dailj. Iritis, or inflammation of the iris, generally known as aprcijic ophthalmia, is the most formidable of all the diseases to which the eye is subject, and, if not checked, rapidly disorp-anizes it; while it also, even when riinning an unusually favorable course, is very apt to produce opacity of the lens or its"^ capsule (cataract). This pest of ^the stable is, undoubtedly, often brought on by over stimu- lation, first of the whole body, through the fo'od, and secondly, of the eyes themselves, through the foul emanations from the aecn- DISEASES OF THE EYE. 101 mulatcd urine and dung. But these would produce no such eflfect in a horse, unless he were predisposed to ophthalmia; and we fina that cattle and sheep are often fed to an enormous degree of obe- sity, in far closer and worse ventilated stalls, without any prejudu cial effect upon their eyes. It may, then, be assumed, that these orcrans in a horse have a tendency to put on intlammation ; but thourrh these words are true they explain nothing of the real cause, and only serve to conceal our ignorance of it. There is another aucs^ion bearing upon this subject, which is of the highest import- ance. Is the stock of blind horses more liable to blindness than that of sound ones? This has been discussed so often, that it is Bcarcely possible to throw any fresh light upon it, chiefly because it is so difficult to rely upon the facts adduced pro and co7i. Bliud- ness is often the result of accident, and such cases are believed to be exceptional, and not at all likely to hand down the disease ; but, on the contrary, I am inclined to believe that many of them show a. marked tendency to its development; for an accident never destroys both eyes, and when one follows the other, it is a pretty sure sign that there is a tendency to ophthalmia. On the whole, it may, I think, be issumed, that the tendency to specific ophthalmia is handed down from generation to generation, and, consequently, that the offspring of a horse who has gone blind from that cause is peculiarly prone to it. Its symptoms appear very rapidly, the eye haying been quite rio-ht over night, looks contracted and almost closed next morning, and on inspecting it closely "the white" looks of a c/.'^;> red the cornea looks muddy, and the colored part of the eye (the iris) has lost its bright color, and often shows one or two white specks upon it (these must not be confounded with specks on the cornea). As the disease advances, the intolerance of light is very great, the cornea and iris become gradually more muddy, and either lymph IS thrown out on the latter in the shape of white patches, or pus is secreted and fills the chamber of the aqueous humor, in part or whollv If the treatment is sufficiently energetic, these signs abate; the pus or lymph is absorbed, and the eye recovers its trans- parencv ; but there are generally some traces left behind iSleed- incr (either from the jugular or the angular veins of the ta^ce), moderate purging, and a seton, are the remedies best calculated to effect this object, conjoined with an airy stable and a light diet. Unfortunately, however, iritis is almost sure to return on tht- restoration of the ur,ual food, and exposure to the elements ; and hence it is of the utmost consequence in purchasing a norse to examine his eyes for the mark^ left behind by it. If the case is hopeless, it becomes a question whether or not it will be wise to put an end to the inflammation by destroying the affected eye lor it is well known that if it goes on for any length of time the other, sound eye, becomes aflcctcJ. The only difficulty consists m ieci- 102 THE HORSE. ing assuied that +liere is really no chance of recovery; for when once the eye is finally condemned, the sooner it is opened and ita contents evacuated, the sooner will the horse return to his work, and the more chance has the other eye of escaping. The operation is very simple, and merely requires a sharp-pointed knife to be passed into the anterior chamber from one edge of the cornea, and driven back till it cuts into the lens, when it is to be brought out on tha other side of the cornea, and the whole of the humors will escape on making pressure upon the upper eyelid. Tn injuries of the eye, fomentation with warm water should be crrried on for half an hour, and then omitted for three or foui hours ; after which it may be repeated again and again, at similar intervals. Great care should be taken to remove any extraneous bodies, such as particles of dust, &e. Cataract, or opacity of the lens, is very commonly the result of iritis, its capsule having been coated with a layer of white lymph, deposited by the inflamed vessels ; but it also sometimes makes its appearance without being preceded by any of the signs of inflam- mation. In the former case, the early symptoms are those of iritis ; but in the latter, the opacity often goes on increasing, without the owner of the horse, or his groom, having his attention drawn to the eyes, until he finds that he is nearly blind. This progress is generally marked by the development of an unusual timidity; the previously-bold animal is alarmed at objects advancing on the road, and covered carts and wagons, of which he formerly took no notice, occasion him to shy in the most timid manner. On examining bin eyes carefully, instead of the beautifully clear pupil, with the re- flection of tapetum lucidum shining through it, there is seen eitlier a mass of dull white, generally more opaque in the centre, or an appearance of mottled, semi-transparent soap, or, lastly, one or two distinct white spots, not quite circular, but with irregular edges. In confirmed cataract, the white pupil can been seen at any dis- tance; but in the very early stage, only a practised eye can detect the opacity, which, however, is so manifest to him that he wonders it is not visible to every one else. The reason of this diflSculty of detecting the alteration of structure seems to be, that inexperienced examiners look at the eye in such a manner that they are confused by the reflection on it of their own faces, hiding all beneath. If, however, they will turn their heads a little more on one side, th?8 will disappear, and they cannot fail to perceive the disease. When cataract is clearly proved to exist, all idea of ti-eatment may be abandoned, as nothing but an operation can procure a removal of tlie opacity ; and that would leave the horse in a more useless con- dition than before, since he could see nothing clearly, and would only be subject to continual alarms. In the liuman being, the operation i& performed with great success, because the lens whijli AMAUROSIS— BUCK EYE. . 103 w r>aci ificcd can ba replaced externally by means of convex glasses , but in the horse, nothing of the kind can be done. Hence, it 'u useliiss to dream of eifecting any improvement in this disease ; and if both eyes are the subject of cataract, the horse is incurably blind. But supposing there is a cataract in one eye only, is the other sure to go blind, or may a reasonable hope be entertained of its remaining sound? Here the history of the disease must be examined before any opinion can be formed If the opacity fol lowed an accident, there is no reason for concluding that, the othci eye will become diseased ; but if it came on idiupathically, either preceded by inflammation or otherwise, there is great risk of a repetition in the sound eye. Nevertheless, instances are common enough of one eye going blind from cataract, while the other re- mains sound to the end of life ; and those are still more fretjuent in which the one sound eye continues so for six or seven years. AMAUROSIS. TriTS TS A PALSY of the nervous expansion called the retina, produced by some disease, either functional or organic, of the optic nerve, which is generally beyond the reach of our senses, in ex- amining it after death. The sijmptoms are a full dilatation of the pupil, so that the iris is shrunk to a thin band around it, and is so insensible to the stimulus of light, in confirmed cases, that, even when the eye is exposed to the direct rays of the sun, it does not contract. In the early stages, this insensibility is only partial ; and though there is such complete blindness that the horse cannot dis- tinguish the nature of surrounding objects, yet the pupil contracts slightly, and the inexperienced examiner might pass the eye as a sound one. The unnaturally large pupil, however, should always create suspicion ; and when, on closing the lids and re-opening them in a strong light, there is little or no variation in its size, the nature of the disease is at once made apparent. The treatment of amaurosis must depend upon the extent to which it has gone, and its duration. If recent, bleeding and a seton in close proximity to the diseased organ will be the most likely to restore it. Some- times the disease depends upon a disordered condition of the sto- mach, and then a run at grass will be the most likely moans to restore both the affected organs to a sound state. Generally, how- ever, an amaurotic eye in the horse may be considered as a hope- less case. BUCK EYE. A BOCK EYE is, strictly, rather a congenital malformation than a disease; but practically, in reference to the utility of the animal, it matters little. It depends upon an excess of convexity in the cornea, by which the focus of the eye is shortened too much, the imago being thus rendered indistinct as it falls on the retiua. Nu trciitmcnt can be of the sli<2htesL use. 104 THE HORSE. SURFEIT. An ERurrioN of tlie skin, which shows itself in the form of Dumerous small scabs, matting the hair, and chiefly met with on the loins and quarters, is known by this name. Doubtless, it has been supposed to arise from an excess of food, causing indigestion; bu. it often comes on in horses which, apparently, are quite free from that disorder. The most common cause appears to be, sweat- ing the horse when he is in a gross or plethoric condition, and then exposing him to a chill. Colts are very subject to surfeit whilo being broken, as are horses fresh from grass during the summer, when they are usually over-fat, and require great care in reducing this plethoric condition. The usual course of the eruption is for the scabs to dry and gradually loosen, when the hair of the part is slightly thinned by being pulled out in dressing, a fresh crop of pustules forming, and, to the casual observer, keeping up the ap- pearance of a permanent state of the original scabs. Surfeit is not confined to gross horses, as it sometimes makes its appearance in those which are low in condition, exhibiting the same appear- ance to the eye; but, on examination, the secretion from the skin will be found to be thinner, and of a more purulent nature. The treatment must greatly depend upon the state of the general health. Jf the horse is very gross, it may be desirable to take a little blood away; but this will seldom be necessary, and never is desirable. }*hysic seems to do little immediate good ; and, indeed, it is very doubtful whether any treatment is of much service, excepting such as will gradually bring the horse into working condition. The disease, in most cases, has its origin in obstruction of the seba- ceous and perspiratory pores; and until these are restored to their proper functions, by gradually exercising them, little good can be done. Unfortunately, the very means which will accomplish this object are apt to increase the disease for a time; but still this must be put up with, as a matter in which no choice can be made. Kegular exercise and grooming must be fully attended to, using the whisp only in dressing the skin, when the eruption shows itself, and carefully avoiding the brush and currycomb. By acting on the kidneys, more good will be done than by purging physic, which soems to be of little or no service in any case but when the Btomach is greatly out of order. An ounce of nitre uiny be given with a mash twice a week, or the following balls may be ad- mi].ist( red : — Take of Nitre, Su'plmr, of each 3 (Irachms. Sulphurot of Antimony 2 drjuhms. Liusced Meal and Water cnouared state in which this part is allowed to remain is sure to produce inflamma- tion, if the work is carried far enough. Thus in esch case the weak part sufiPers, but occasionally, though very rarely, the foot with an arched sole contracts laminitis, and the flat one is attacked by navicular disease; the exceptions, however, are so few that they may be thrown out of the calculation, and from the shape of the foot alone it may almost invariably be pronounced, when a horse is known to be subject to chronic lameness, whether its scat is in the laminae or in the navicular joint. When a foot is exAxMINed after death which is known to have been the subject of navicular disease, the parts implicated are invariably either the navicular bone, or the soft parts in con- tact with it, or often all together. Most frequently on dividing the tendon of the flexor perforans and turning it down so as to expose the back of the joint between the navicular and coronal bones, that part will be greatly thickened and inflamed, the tendon being often adherent to it. In the healthy condition there ought to be no adhesion of the fibres of the tendon to any part of the navicular bone but its postero-inferior edge, to which the tendon is fixed by some few fibres, the bulk passing on to be inserted in the OS pedis. The posterior face of the navicular bone should be beautifully smooth, and lined by synovial membrane which forms a lubricating sac for it to play upon, and thus take off" the friction between the tendon and the bone. Such is nature's provision againat mischief in this delicate part of the machinery of the foot, which she keeps in order by the constant supply of synovia or joint oil. But when the sac is not stimulated to a healthy action by the pressure of the frog below it in doors and out, synovia is no longer secreted in proper quantity, and as soon as the horse is put to hard work inflammation takes place for want of it. The result is some one of the consequences of inflamed joints. Either ulceration takes place in the postero-inferior surface, where the tendon glides over it, sometimes ending in caries of the bone itself; or adhesion takes place without ulceration of the tendon with the surface of the bone, or there are small exostoses thrown out, or lastly there is simple inflammation without either adhesion or ulceration, and in this stage the disease is amenable to treatment without leaving any trace behind. The symptums of navicular disease are the same, whether the mischief has extended to ulceration or not; but the history will guide us in ascertaining how far it has gone. Of course they vary in degree, for there may be only a slight extent of ulceration, or a high degree of sinrple inflammation ; but in the former case the lameness will not be so marked as in the latter, though the prospect of recovery will be much less There is always more or lesF lame NAVICULAR DISEASE. 127 noss; but, in consequence of its affecting both feet, it is not so marked to the careless observer as in some much more trivial cases where only one is diseased. The distinguishing sign, though not absolutely infallible, is the pointing of the toe, and a peculiar rounding forward of the fetlock joint, so as to relieve the navicular bone of any weight. In laminitis, the object of the sufferer is to relieve all pressure as much as possible, by bringing the hind legs under the body, and by bearing the weight of the fore quarter oa the heels. Here, the reverse of the latter attitude is observed — the heels are not allowed to take any pressure, and the toes alone are placed at all firmly on the ground. This is marked in the stable by the pointing of the toe (in each foot alternately, if both are diseased, but in the one only, if they are not both affected). Out of doors, the toes dig into the ground, the heel never being brought firmly down, and frequent stumbles mark the diffcrenco between this species of lameness and laminitis. The subject of navicular disease generally walks sound; but the moment he is trotted, he goes as if his legs were tied together, his stride being shortened in a remarkable manner, but without exhibiting the pe- culiar fumbling gait of the foundered animal. As in his case, soft ground suits him, and he has no fear of plough, because his sole is hard and unyielding. Many tolerably confirmed cases of navicu- lar disease may, therefore, be hunted, except when the ground is hard, supposing, of course, that they are kept off the road ; but no plan of management will enable them to bear the jars incidental to harness-work or hacking. When one foot only is the subject of na- vicular disease, it often happens that it is smaller altogether than the other; but it is somewhat difficult to say whether this is a cause or a consequence of inflammation. One thing is quite clear, that many horses are met with, still perfectly free frow lameness, in which there is a difference of size in their fore feei; but whether or no these are afterwards invariably the subjects of navicular dis- ease, it is almost impossible to ascertain. It is, however, the gene- ral opinion, founded on experience, that when this variation exists, navicular disease is extremely likely to attack the smaller foot, if it is not already there; and for this reason, horses with such feet are generally avoided by the intending purchaser. The treatment of navicular disease, as before remarked, is only successful in the early stage, before either ulceration or adhesion has taken place. If a horse with strong concave soles suddenly becomcG lame, points his toe, and shows other signs that his navicu- lar bone is inflamed, he should be treated in the usual way suited to inflammation, and at the same time liberty should be given to the vaj2ulHr tissues to expand, by reducing the substance of the horn. Bleeding at the toe has the double good effect of abstract- ing blood, and at the same time weakening the sole, so as to allow 128 THE nORSE. ot the expansion which is desired. The operation should, there- fore, ac once be performed; at the same time, the whole sole may he reduced in thickness, and the heels lowered in proportion. 'J'iie foot should then (after the shoe is tacked on) be placed in a cold bran poultice, which will soften the horn ; and the system should he reduced by the exhibition of the medicines recommended undei Laminitis, at page 406. Next day, if the pulse continues high, more blood may be taken ; but, in ordinary cases, it is better at once to insert a seton in the frog (see Operations, Chap. XX \'.), and trust to this for relieving the chronic inflammation remaining, by its counter-irrit[*cion. But when the disease itself is mastered, there is still a good deal to be done to prevent the injurious effects which are so apt to follow. The horse contracts a habit of step- ping on his toes, to prevent hurting his navicular structures ; and hence the frog is not used, the heels of the crust and the bars are not strained, and there being no stimulus to the soft parts which secrete them, they waste and contract in size. If the human hand is allowed to lie idle, the palm and the insides of the fingers are covered with a delicate cuticle, which aifords so poor a protection to the cutis, that, on using it with any kind of hard work, it actu- ally separates, and leaves an exposed surface, which speedily in- flames. But by gradually exposing the same hand to pressure, a thickened and tougher cuticle is secreted; and this will bear any moderate amount of pressure or friction without injury. Never- theless, even the hand so prepared must be continually stimulated by work, or the skin returns to its original doHcate state, and is then exposed to the same risk of injury as before. So it is with the horse's foot, even in a siate of health ; but this is far more marked after an attack of disease. The tendency then is to pro- duce the natural horny growths of a smaller substance than before; and if the secreting surfaces are not stimulated by pressure, they become doubly idle, and the frog, as well as the adjacent parts be- neath the navicular bone, shows a wasted and shrivelled appearance. To avoid the risk of these ill consequences, the horse should be placed, for two or three hours daily, on a bed of wet clay, which will allow the shoe to sink into it, but will yet be tenacious enough to make firm and steady pressure on the frog, while its low tem- perature will keep down inflammation. No plan is of so much ser- vice in producing what is called expansion of the heels and growth of the frog as this; not, as is commonly supposed, from the clay mechanically pressing the he^ls out, but from the stimulus of iiH pressure causing the soft parts to secrete more horn, and of a sounder quality than before. Should these remedies fail in restoring the foot affected w th navicular disease to a healthy state, recourse can only be had to the operation of neurotomy, which is perfectly efiicacious in re- I ACCIDENTS TO THE LEGS AND FEET. 139 moving the lameness ; and if there is no ulceration, merely an adhesion of the tendon to the bone, it will, by causing the hor^e tc step more on his heels, effect an absolute improvement in the shape of the foct, and hence it has sometimes been considered to have produced a cure. Where, however, there is caries of the bone, or even ulceration of the synovial membrane, the disease progresses even faster than before the operation, and in process of time the joint becomes mechanically unfit to perform its duties. ACCIDENTS TO THE LEGS AND FEET. These parts are subject to a variety of accidents, trifling perhaps in the cause which produces them, but serious in their effects, from the lameness which ensues. The chief of these are ordinary cutting, speedy cutting, and pricks of the foot either from putting the sole down upon a nail or a piece of glass, or driv- ing a nail improperly in shoeing. Bruises and over-reaches also come under this head. Ordinary cutting may occur either before or behind, the lat- ter being the more common. It is often met with in poor horses, where the flesh is so reduced in substance that the legs are brought nearer together than in a proper condition. Here all that is re- quired is patience, till the legs are restored to their proper relative position, taking care in the mean time that there is no permanent injury done.^ Usually the inside of one or both feet strikes the the fetlock joint of the other leg in passing it, but sometimes the blow is given higher up, and it may occur anywhere on the cannon bone except just below the knee, when it is called " speedy cut- ting," which will be separately considered. Sometimes this blow on the side of the cannon bone is either the cause or the effect of a splint, the blow of the foot having a tendency to produce exos- tosis (See Splints, page 298). But if a splint is thrown out on a part of the cannon bone which comes in the way of the natural action, the horse whose foot previously passed clear of that part of the other leg will hit it, and not only give pain, but cause a considerable access of inflammation in the previous enlargement. In the treatment, therefore, of cutting, it is necessary to prevent the habit being continued from the swelling produced either by a splint or by previous blows. A horse perhaps, either from weak- pcsrt or bad shoeing, hits his leg and produces considerable swell- ing and soreness. Here, unless the swelling is reduced or pro- tected, there is no chance of preventing the cutting, because there is a projection of the swollen soft parts right in the way of the other foot. No alteration of the shoeing, and no increase of strength or flesh, will be of service until the inflammation is re- duced, and the sore, if any exists, is healed, and this can only be done either by rest or by protecting the leg with a boot The 9 130 THE HORSE. latter is the better plan, and wherever a horse cuts, U is, in m» opinion, advisable to let him wear a boot for some weeks, until the fikin is quite sound again and reduced to its proper thickness. A piece of an old rug folded round the leg so as 8lij:,]itly to overlap, and then tied with a tape and turned down over the fetlock joint, is quite sufficient to serve this temporary purpose, and being soft it is wef calculated to protect a swollen joint; but if it is worn lor any .ongth of time, the pressure of the tape and the fricti( u of the grit from the road wear away the hair, and cause an un« sightly appearance, which is sometimes permanent. If, therefore, the cutting is not rectified completely in the course of a month or six weeks, a leather or india rubber boot should be nicely a- is t'lere any nail hole required, with the fear of a clench rising, or of the crusi being weakened so as to prevent its being thinned to a proper de- gree. By thus raising the heels (in the hind foot especially), the fetlock is less bent, and as in horses that cut there is almof;t always a tendency in their fetlock joints to bend inwards as well as back- wards, this diminution of the angle will not only straighten the leg in a forward direction, but will also increase the distance between the joints, which is the object to be desired. In the fore foot the obliquity in this direction is not so frequent, and then the high heel will be of no use; indeed, it is only when the toes are much turned out that this plan of shoeing the fore foot is ever successful. When cutting occurs before, unless there is this turn out, it is bet- ter to put the shoes on in a perfectly level manner, and trust to the reduction of the thickness of the quarter, and the absence of the third nail. If, with these precautions, the horse, when in good condition, still strikes his fore legs, it will be better to put up with the constant use of a boot. Generally, however, if the inflammation is first subdued, and the foot is shod in a perfectly true and level manner, taking care to rasp away the particular part which strikes the other leg, it will be found that the cutting is avoided. Speedy cutting is more dangerous than ordinary cutting, be- cause the pain given by the blow is generally more severe, and is often so gi-eat that the horse falls as if he were shot. On exam- ining the leg of a confirmed speedy cutter there is always appa- rent a small scab or bruise on the inside of the cannon bone, im- mediately below the knee ; but in slight cases rest may have been used to allow the skin to heal, and then no mark may possibly be left. A careful examination will, however, generally detect a small bare place, partially concealed by the growth of the adjacent hair. Tn bad cases the periosteum is swollen, and there is a considerable enlargement of the surface of the bone. In the inanagemeMt of slight cases of this kind of cutting, the action should be examined while the hoof is covered with chalk, and the latter should be treated in the same way as already described. If, however, this fails, a« it generally does in this form of cutting, there is no remedy but io put on a regular speedy-cut boot, in which there is a pad buckled on the inside of the leg, and reaching from the knee to the fetlock It must be of this length, because otherwise it cannot be kept in its place, as the leg allows it to slip down until it reaches the larger circumference presented by the joint. Where there is pain and swelling caused hy the contusion, it must be treated in the ordinary way, by the application of cold water and tincture of arnica, a wine-glassful of the latter in two quarts of water. Pricfh in shoeing occur from the want of skill in the KmJlh, 132 THE HORSE. who drives the nail too near the laminae, and sometimes even abso- lutely wounds them. It may be that the nail in its passage upwards is not within an eighth of" an inch of these delicate parts, and the horse may not have flinched during the driving of it. but when he is put to work the nail opposes a hard unyielding lice to th3 soft parts, inflammation is established, and possibly even matter is formed which may end in quittor. When, on the day after ^hoeiuT;, a horse which was previously sound, goes lame, and the foot is hot to the touch, it may generally be assumed that a nail or nails have been driven too near to the quick, unless there is evidence of laminitis from other causes. On tapping the crust with a hammer, the horse will flinch at some particular spot, and there is the nail which is in fault. Sometimes there is little inflamma. tion as yet set up, but the pressure of the nail is suflBcient to cause lameness, and in either case the shoe should be taken off". Then, if there is reason to suppose that matter has formed, the opening from which the nail came out should be enlarged, and the matter allowed to escape. If, however, the foot has been merely " bound," it may be either left to nature, with a shoe lightly tacked on, and a wet " swab" round the coronet, or it may be placed in a bran poultice, which is the safest plan. When a nail is picked up on the road, the prognosis will depend upon the part which it has penetrated If it has entered deeply into the toe of the frog, tne probability is that the navicular joint has been wounded, or probably the tendon of the flexor at its insertion into the pedal bone, either of which are very serious accidents. If the wound is further back, there is less risk of permanent injury, as the bulbous heels or cushion of the frog will bear a considerable amount of injury without permanent mischief In any case the treatment should consist in cutting away the horn round the opening, so as to allow of a free escape of matter if it forms. At the same time inflammation should be kept under by cold " swabs" to the coronet, or by putting the whole foot into a bran poultice. Over-reaches, when slight, may be treated by the application of friar's balsam, or tincture of arnica in full strength, which will have a tendency to dry them up and prevent suppuration. If, however, the heel is very much bruised, a poultice must be applied, bit even then a little tincture of arnica should be sprinkled on it. \^'hen the bruise is so severe that a slough or core comes away, th^ wound may be dressed with a piece of lint, dipped in a solution of nitrate of silver, eight grains to the ounce of distilled water, and o^er this a bran poultice. In most cases, however, it is better to foment the part well and then apply the tincture of arnica neat A bruise on a thin sole will sometimes cause matter to form. m which case the horn must be cut away, and the case treated at FEVERS. 133 fo? quittor. Before matter forms, the horn should be reduced, and the loot should be placed in a cold bran poultice. CHAPTER VII. CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES. Fevers — Anasarca — Glanders — Farcy, FEVERS. The horse is very rarely subject to fever as a disease of itself, independently of inflammation, under which head I have already described catarrhal fever, both of the simple kind and when epi- demic, and known as influenza. Indeed, all the important inflam- mations of the body are attended with fever; but in them the local afi'ections are evidently more serious than the general disturb- ance of the system, which we call by the name of fever. By many veterinarians it is doubted whether fever ever shows itself in the horse without inflammation; but occasionally it may be observed under the form of simple fever, presenting all the symptoms which accompany ordinary inflammation, but without any such complication, and more rarely of the typhoid form, which now sometimes attends influenza and other epidemics. Simple fever shows itself by dulness and reluctance to move, a staring coat, and cold legs and feet, with increased warmth of the body. The pulse is quick, soft, and variable — breathing a little accelerated, but not much — appetite entirely lost — bowels confined, and urine scanty. These symptoms continue for two or three days, and then either go on into the typhoid form, or they arc complicated by inflammation in some organ of the body. The treafment merely consists in giving a mild dose of physic, followed by a febriiuge drink, such as the following : — Takfe of Spirit of Nitrous Ether 1 oz. ^\iYQ 3 to 5 drachms. Tincture ot Ginger 2 drachns. Camphor Mixture 6 oz. Mix, and give twice a day. Typhoid fever sometimes appears as an epidemic, occurring.' either as a sequel to influenza, or in its pure form, without any 134 THE HORSE. complication The latter condition is, however, extremely rare. In its early stage, it can scarcely be recognised or distinguished from simple fever; but in the course of two or three days the strength is so much reduced, the breath is so fetid, and the nioutb is loaded with such a black discharge from the tongue and gums, that the nature of the