LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ©lap iop^rigl^t fa. Shelf ..."P-SJ UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. 1 > SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS A Scriptural and Poetical Calendar HOLIDAYS, BIRTHDAYS, AND ALL DAYS \.^ BY REV. S. DRYDEN PHELPS, D.D. Every day will I bless Thee. — Psalm cxlv : 2. Speaking one to another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. — Ephesians V : ig. DEC„ 7 , 1u9! ^ r^ SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY New York BOSTON Chicago 1891 7S »^^^ Copyright, 1891, By silver, BURDETT & CO. Presswork by Berwick & Smith, Boston. PREFACE. This volume is a collection of the author's hymns and short poems, arranged as a poetical calendar for daily reading and reference, and for holidays, bnthdaj^s, memorial and other occasions. There is a poem for every day in the year, with consecutive dates, and preceding each and adapted to it are two passages of Scripture, one from the Old Testament and another from the New, making more than seven hundred choice selections from the Inspired Book — furnishing blessed supplies for devout meditation and texts for rich discourse. Some of these songs have a special significance and relation to the dates indicated — the day, the month, the year— the last shown by the appended figures that note also the time of their composition. The range is more than half a century. The earher ones, culled from the author's three volumes of verse published at intervals, have been more or less revised. A portion of the later songs were printed in the Christian Secretary^ while he was conducting it, the themes being those of the Sunday-school lessons. These the reader will readily recognise by the order in which they appear. Hymns and odes for particular occasions have been inserted at the dates when they were used. Others commemorate events which occurred at the dates given. It will be observed that a considerable number of the songs have been quite recently written, most of which appear now in print for the first time. iv PREFACE, Hymns of the author's for many years past have found places in various church hymnals, Sabbath-school manuals, and collections for evangelistic and social services. Several of these have obtained a wide poj^ularity, and it is gratifying to know that they have been to many persons spiritually upHfting, and comforting. Numerous testimonials in this }'egard are among the writer's sweetest and most precious treasures. In a note on the hymn, "Something for Thee," found at the end of this book, a few incidents are given and more might be added respecting the usefulness of this hymn and of several others also. Keaders ^\^ll observe that a few poems because of then length have been divided into two or more parts and inserted imder fitting titles. A few of still greater length, which it seemed desirable to give a place in the volume, are included in an Appendix. None can be more sensiV)le than the writer of the many imperfections of his work, but if God's blessing shall make these Daily Songs, with the accompanying Morsels of Manna, helpful and stimulating and cheering to any fellow-pilgrims along life's journey, he will rejoice in his labor of love. s. d. p. New Haven, Conn. — ^^^°G>€^^^ — INDEX OF TITLES. PAGE Abel, the First Saved . . 40 Abraham, The Call of . . 46 194 After the Eesurrectiou . 110 Angel Visitants Ministering Spirits . 338 339 Anthem for Independence . 184 As Jesus Prayed on Tabor's Height 142 As the Angels .... . 85 Auroral Lights .... 26 Autographs .... . 167 Bartimffius ..... 89 Battle with the Giant . . 233 Beacon Light, The .... 32 Beautiful Life, A . . . . 266 Beautiful May .... 121 Beginning to Walk . 75 Believing and Obeying 29 Beloved Pastor, The . . 340 Benediction, A . . . 63 Be Kind at Home . 163 Bethlehem Song, The 376 Bethlehem Star, The . . 22 Bereavement .... 52 Best Commendation, The . 95 Betrayal, The .... 97 Blessed Companionship . 239 Blind Restored, The 80 Book of Revelation, The . 305 Born Blind .... 269 Bow on the Cloud, The . 107 Bread of Life, The 261 Brightest Gift, The . . . . . 187 Brotherly Kindness 329 Brought Together , v . 211 INDEX OF TITLES. Bud and Bloom . 226 Building a Temple . 125 Bunyan in Jail .... . 216 Buuyan's Tomb, At 217 Called from the Burning Bush . 220 Celestial Army, A . 19 Celestial IVIinstrelsies . . 235 Centennial Hymn . 185 Century Church, The . . 156 Changeless One, The 172 Child Lesson, The . 74 Children's Day 163 Christ's Ascension e 114 Chi-ist Before Pilate 286 Christ Blessing Little Children . 161 Christ Child, The . 56 Christ's Laborers . 118 Chi-ist— Not Tradition , . 73 Christ on the Cross . 103 Christ on Earth 160 Christ on the Waves . . 76 Christ's Preaching . 77 Christ's Eeign . 326 Christ's Eesurrection 108 Christ's Second Coming . 320 Christian's Home, The 14 Christian Service o 116 Christian Shepherd, The . 139 Church of God, The . . 25 Close of the Year . 385 Coming Century, The . . 361 Congo Mission, The 138 Confidence .... . 214 Contrast, The 176 Corner Stone, The . 351 Creative Days 33 34 INDEX OF TITLES. Cripple at Bethesda, The Cross and Crown Cross Before Crown Cross of Christ, The David Dawn of Manhood . Days of Heaven Deluge, The Dead Christ, The Demoniac, The Saved Devotion to Christ Did Jesus Die for Me Did Jesus Weep for Me Dies Ir£e — Translated (See also pages 400-5) Divine Goodness Divine Habitation, The. Divine Motherly Comfort Divine Remembrance Divine Truth Dream's Eeality, The Dying on the Cross Earth's Fairest Morn Effective Testimony Elijah Endurance Enoch Walked with God . Ephphatha Epileptic Boy, The Equipment Eternity and the Soul Evergreen Cemetery Exalted Faith and Trust Fall and the Promise, The Feeding the Multitude Festival of Pomona and Flora Field and Eeapers vu 260 311 13 13G 232 16 223 193 104 66 41 111 82 380 67 11 17 171 79 204 244 250 259 242 166 192 78 88 59 319 212 208 384 38 72 283 241 INDEX OF TITLES. Fir Tree, The Lord Like a . . 370 First Pcair, The . 188 First Preachers, The .... . 177 Flourishing Like the Palm 132 Following Christ .... . 81 ForeshadoAnngs .... 4 Friend and Flowers .... . 45 Friend of my Heart 336 Friendship's Culmination . 337 Garden, A Wondrous 137 Gethsemane, Li . . . . 83 341 Giving the Law .... 231 God's Gift to Abraham . 197 Golden Wedding, A . . . 313 Gospel Truth .... . 143 God's Promises to Abraham 50 Gracious Deliverance .... 8 Gracious Harvest, The 39 Great Invitation, The . 301 Growing Like a Cedar 134 Guardian Angels . . . 47 Have Faith in God 87 Healing the Sick at Sunset . . 58 Heaven ..... 246 Heavenward Bound .... 23 Heavenly Friend, The . . . . 30 Herod's Conscience .... 70 Her Home of Rest . . . . 205 Her Last Words .... . 159 Hidden Life, The 331 His Country Called .... . 151 Home Above . . . . 43 Home and Lord's Day Worship . 117 Home Missions . . . . . 133 Hope and Memory .... . 358 Hosanna ...... 92 House and Gate .... . 369 INDEX OF TITLES. Hospice, The . . . . 334 House of Prayer, The , 349 How Long, Lord . 28 Hymn of the Nativity 377 Hymn of Trust 122 Invitation .... 179 Invocation . . . , 37 Is It I . 96 Isaac, The Offering of 202 Israel in Egypt 213 Italian Sunset, An 360 It Doth Not Yet Appear 348 Jacob at Bethel 203 Jacob Star, The . 20 Jairus's Daughter 68 Jesus and His Chosen 62 Jesus at the Sea of Galilee . 57 Jesus Betrayed 285 Jesus Crucified 291 Jesus Lives 109 Jesus Loves Me 21 Jesus to His Disciples 278 Jews, Conversion of the 335 John the Baptist 251 John's Vision of Jesus 297 Joseph Sold into Egypt . 207 Judgment, The 247 Kept for Jesus 366 Kingdom Near, The 84 Kingdom Within, The 64 King's Daughters, The . 18 Kinship with Christ . . 65 Knowledge, The Kealm of . 165 Lazarus Dead . . 271 Lazarus Kaised to Life . 272 Leaving the Holy Land . . 99 Leper Cleansed, The . . 120 INDEX OF TITLES. :he Light of the World, Little Things Lord's Day, The Lord's House Rebuilt, The Lord's Name, The Lord our Home, The Lord's Supper, The Lot's Choice Losing Life to Find It Lost and Kept Love for the Church . Love's Commendation Loved to the End Loving Obedience . Made Known Made Truly Free . Manna, The Macedonian Cry, The Marriage at Cana, The Marriage Feast, The Martyr President, The Mary Anointing Her Lord Mary's Song Meek and Lowly . Mediator's Work, The . Melchizedek Memorial Hymn Meeting and the Feast, The Ministerial Eeview Missionaries, Sailing of Missions in our Country Missionary Hymn, A Missionary Jubilee, A „ Moses, The CMld , Morning Star, The Mount Tabor Mother in Heaven 182 352 368 169 379 113 98 48 196 344 298 127 274 276 93 209 264 228 31 243 128 105 94 249 69 183 49 267 294 367 178 9 10 146 218 24 86 345 INDEX OF TITLES, My Father Fatherless 307 308 My Mother . . . . 309 My Morning Bath . 332 Names of Friends, The . 383 National Peace . 106 Nature Songful 330 New England, Song for . 186 New Song, The 302 New Year, The 1 Night Song, A Thought and Song . 173 174 Night Interview, The . . 254 Nobleman's Son, The 257 Noble Virtues .... . 303 None but Christ 181 Ocean Perils .... . 364 Olive Trees of Palestine . 316 317 318 Only Believe .... 7 Only Child, The . 61 On the Border 2 Organ, The New 375 On the Sea— At the Land . . 262 Our Dead Heroes . 150 Our Heritage .... . 149 Our Lord's Prayer 282 Our Triumvirate . 53 Outlook, The Vision, etc . 371 372 373 374 Palestine, Morning in . . 144 Paradise .... 35 Pastorate, A Long Why Long 355 357 Passover, The 222 Past and Future . 300 Past's Bounty, The 124 Pastor and Peo^jle . 195 Pastor's Eeception, A 12 Pastor's Seventieth Birthday, A . 131 Peniel .... 205 INDEX OF TITLES. Peace of God, The . Peter's Denial Philippi . Pilate's Decision Pilate's Wife, Plea of . Pilgrim Sons Pillar and the Passage, The Pioneer Pastors Pleading for Sodom Prayer and Forgiveness . Prayer for the Spirit . Poet's Golden Wedding, A Queen and King, The Bainbow, The Realization Eed Sea, At the . Requiem Restored and Forgiven Resurrection, The Revival Hymn Rich Young Man, The Risen Saviour, The River Jordan, The Rock Foundation, The Roger Williams Rock The Ruth's Choice and Honor . Sabbath, The . Salvation's Prince . Saints in Heaven, The Sanctity of Home . Sanctuary, The . Sanctuary Memorial, A Sea of Galilee, The . Sea no More, The Seaside Hymn, A , Secret Place, The . Seeing Jesus Exile . 365 100 . 148 287 . 102 155 . 225 157 . 199 170 . 363 268 . 238 42 . 321 224 . 248 60 . 145 6 . 180 292 . 230 237 322 323 54 55 . 36 147 . 304 90 . 343 362 . 289 3^9 . 190 353 . 152 INDEX OF TITLE8. Seeing the King in His Beauty Seen and Followed Shepherd and Flock Shepherd, My — Psalm xxiii She Sleeps in Beauty . Shining Throng, The Side by Side . Silver Wedding, The Simeon . Sinai and Calvary . Smitten— Scattered Social Prayer Sodom Destroyed Solomon's Choice Something for Thee Song for the Soul . Song of Moses, The . Song of Praise Song of Bedemption . Song of the Saviour Sorrow and Faith Soul's Feast, The . Sower and Harvest Spuit's Mission, The Steps of Progress Sun of Righteousness, The Sunday-school Anniversary Teacher, To a Tearless Land, The Thanksgiving There's Work for Thee Thomas Convinced Transplanted Trinity, The Triumph, Moral Two Hundred Years Uplifted Christ, The . xm 168 253 270 175 130 119 333 189 306 229 101 59 201 236 135 140 227 3 27 314 44 115 71 281 350 129 154 199 158 347 312 112 310 382 215 299 275 INDEX OF TITLES. Upper Eoom, The 293 Vesper Lay, A . . 123 Veteran, The .... 354 Vice, The Monster .... . 240 VigUance, Call to . . ... 5 Vme and Branches .... . 279 Vision of the Land of Light 141 Voice of Jesus, The .... . 256 Voice, The Saviour's 153 Voices from Heaven .... . 277 Walking in the Light 296 Wanderer, The ..... . 91 Welcome to the Church . 280 We shall be like Him . 324 What shall I do \\dth Jesus 245 Withered Hand, The .... . 61 World Light Soul Light . 327 328 With Jesus at the Sea . . . . 191 Word Incarnate, The 252 Words of Jesus . . . . . 263 Young Men's Institute, A 126 Youthful Piety .... . 162 APPENDIX. To My Wife ..... . 387 Memorial of an Only Daughter . 389 Minnehaha ..... . 391 The New Song of Freedom 395 Is Life Worth Living . 397 Dies Irae, Original and two Translations 400 Note on Something for Thee . 405 Songs for all Seasons* -♦♦>- [Jan. 1.] Set thee up waymarks. Jer. xxxi. 21. For now is salvation nearer to us than when we first believed. RoM. xiii. 11. THE NEW YEAR. Awake and watch, O heart of mine ! While passing o'er this mystic hne : Another wave, like those before. Breaks on a new and unknown shore. Upon its dark and troubled breast Treasures of all the centuiies rest ; The refluent tide a moment rolls. Laden with memories, deeds, and souls ! How changeless all ! I tiu'n from these To kindlier zones and calmer seas ; The land I touch, of variant form. Is faintly viewed through mist and storm. Nearer, 'tis vast and wide outspread. It lures with hope, and chills with dread ; . But oft to faith and courage bold Vistas of beauty will unfold. Brighter than all in years gone by, Life's grand ideals waitiag nigh. Sweet friends and fields and skies benign Greet him who walks in Light divine. 1 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. To live is Christ — O waves, roll on! Ye bring me where my Lord has gone, "WTiere dawns the Year forever new — The Crown of Life and Heaven in view ! [Jan. 2.] Thou crownest the year with thy goodness. Ps. Ixv. 11. Every good gift and every perfect boon is from above. Jas. i. 17. ON THE BORDER. Kindly led and safely kept. Lord, my grateful song accept : Thought and heart to thee I raise, Winged with sweet and joyful praise. Constant as the Cloud and Flame, Day by day thy blessing came — • Morning mercies, fresh and sure, Evening comforts, precious, pure. Folded in thy tender care. Fullness of thy love to share, Thou hast watched my pathway round, Made thy grace and gifts abound. While such goodness I review. Think of what has been thy due, AATiat my poor retm-ns for all. Humbled at thy feet I faU. Lord, if added years be mine, Grant my life accord with thine, Faithful in thy work and way. Thou its daily strength and sta3^ isss SOIfGS FOE ALL JSEASOIfiS. 3 [Jan. 3.] Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. ciii. 2. Singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord : giving thanks always for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God. Eph.v. 19,20. A SONG or PRAISE. Thy name, O Lord, my soul shall bless For mercies great and numberless ; The benefits thy bounty gives, My heart shall prize while memory hves : Let all within me join to raise A grateful song of holy ]Draise. When sin and guilt my spirit bound. Forgiveness full in thee was found, When prostrate with disease and pain. Thy healing power gave strength again : Thou hast redeemed my life from ill, And lovingkindness crowns me still. Thy gracious hand has good supphed Till want and taste are satisfied : In sorrow's hour and joy's decline, How hke a father's pity thine : How tender toward our frame of dust, What loving care for those who trust. With everlasting mercy, Lord, Thou wilt thy faithful ones reward. Oh, bless the Lord, ye angels strong, Ye hosts of heaven, the notes prolong ; All works divine, the anthem roU; Bless, bless the Lord, thou, my soul! is84 4 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Jan. 4.] I siiall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Ps. cxviii. 17. The things which are seen are temporal ; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 CoK. iv. 18. FORESHADOWINGS. The restless mind, in all its searchless powers, The earnest longing of its thoughtful houi'S, Harps in the soul, sweet melodies around, Tell of a spuit realm where we are bound. We seem at times to hear its music chime, And oft the beating of its waves sublime. As in the shadowy vale our friends depart. As God's great truths come sui^ging to the heart. These voices heed, and let their cadence roll Unceasing through the chambers of the soul : Heed them, O youth ! and let thy hope arise ; Heed them, O man! so near the mystic skies! CHng to the Cross, with love divinely bright, To Christ, who brings immortal hfe to light ; And let each new-born daj^, as it recedes, Be rounded well with true and generous deeds. Then, as the conflicts of this world are o'er. And thou dost linger on its farther shore. Thy view serene, hke that of martyi'ed Stephen, Shall be entrancing as the Gate of Heaven. As there thou lay'st thine armor down, thy rest Shall be, like Jacob's sleep at Bethel, blest. From whose lone pillow there did glorious rise The angel staii'way up to Paradise ! igse SOJ^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. 5 [Jan. 5.] Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion. Tsa. lii. 1. Now it is high time for you to awake out of sleep. . . The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Rom. xiii. U, 12. A CALL TO VIGILANCE. Swift the stream of time descending, Priceless souls of glorious birth ! Here 's the conflict and its ending — ■ Heaven is won or lost on earth ! Slumber not ! life's days are waning, Soon will come its latest night ; Up ! improve the time remaining, Ere your sculs shall take their flight. Wrapt in si imber '? Heu's of glory, Saved from sin and endless woe, Bought with blood ! — recall the story ; See from whence that blood did flow I On the brow of Calvary gazing. On the pit from which you came, Wake ! redeeming love be praising ; Let your spirits catch the flame ! Shadowy night is fast departing; Dawn of day is near at hand ; Christian, up ! from slumber starting. Looms in view the brighter land ! Dashes round thy bark the billow. Dangers tin-eaten — seize the helm ! Sleeper, wake ! and leave thy pillow ; Look ! the day ! the glorious realm ! i845 6 SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. [Jan. 6.] "Wilt thou not quicken us again ? Ps. Ixxxv. 6. Repent ye therefore, and turn again, that your sins maybe blotted out, that so there may come seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Acts iii. 10. REVIVAL HYMN. Seakching Spirit! make this hour Witness thy reviving power; Touch our hearts with sacred fire, Faith and prayer and zeal inspire. Some have left theu* early love, Some have grieved thee, Holy Dove, Proved unfaithful, worldly, cold, Straying from the Shepherd's fold. Call them back, for thou canst reach Farthest ones with thy sweet speech ; Broken-hearted they shall come, Find a joyful welcome home. Others near us long have been In the deadly sleep of sin, TiU theu^ hearts refuse to move At the plea of Jesus' love. Show theii' guilt-imperiled state, Hopes delusive dissipate. Flash the truth upon theu- sight, Bid them wake to life and Hght. Oh, we long thy work to see, Precious souls renewed by thee: Let salvation now ajopear Out of Zion, glorious here. 1375 SO^-GS FOE ALL SEASOJS'S. 7 [Jan. 7.] He believed in the Lord ; and he counted it to him for rieht- eousness. Gen. xv. 6. Fear not, only believe. Mark v. 36. ONLY BELIEVE. Come, trembling soul, be not afraid, On Jesus all thy sins were laid, And he thy hopeless debt has i^aid. Only believe. The Sufferer in the garden see, The Lamb of God on Calvary, And all that joain and death for thee. Only believe. The crimson stream, thy Savioui-'s blood, Has power to bring thee nigh to God, Cleansed in its precious, heahng flood. Only beheve. In wondrous love he calls to-day, Cast now thy guilty doubts away, Free pardon take without delay. Only believe. He bids the inward conflict cease, He gives thy bui'dened conscience peace, From all thy fears a sweet release. Only beheve. For thee, O Chiist! all things I leave; To thee, my Saviom-, now I cleave. And I, as thou dost me receive. Only beHeve. u^^ 8 JSOKGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Jan. 8.] He hatli put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God. Ps. xl.3. That ye may shew forth the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Pet. ii. 9. GRACIOUS DELIVERANCE. My gracious Lord divine, Thy works of might we trace, But most thy glories shine In soul-redeeming grace. My gi'ateful. heart shall never cease To celebrate thy love and peace. Thy mercy sought the pit, The deep and mky clay, Its. horrid darkness Ht, And brought me into day. How glad was I the light to see, Ajid bless the Hand that rescued me ! Upon the Rock so strong My feet were firmly set, My mouth received a song My heart shall ne'er forget — A song so new and wondi'ous sweet That I shall evermore repeat. The world aroimd shall learn "S^Tiat gTace has done for me, Saints shall thy power discern. And sinners trust in thee. O Lord, my Life ! how blest the state Of those who trust and serve and wait ! i884 JSOJ^GS FOB ALL JSEASOJSS. 9 [Jan. 9.] Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion...andthou shalt beat in pieecs many peoples : and.. devote their gain unto the Lord. Mic. iv.l3. Let us go elsewhere into the next towns, that Imay preach there also. Mark i. 38. MISSIONS IN OUR COUNTRY. Sons of day ! arise from slumbers, For the sluggish night is gone; Swell the Saviour's marshaled numbers. Marching where he leadeth on. Soldiers of the cross, appointed, Gii^led for the glorious war, In the name of God's Anointed, Spread your victories afar. Bid the trumpet of redemption Greet our country's farthest shore; Boldly claim our Lord's preemption, For the agonies he bore. On the prairie and the mountain, In the valley rich and fair, By the river and the fountain. Plant the sacred standard there. Where the infant city's founded, AVhere the hamlet dots the plain, Let the Gospel-call be sounded. Let the Church a foothold gain. So shall error be supplanted. So shall Truth her vanguard keep, So shall temple-homes be granted To the Shepherd's wandering sheep. iss? 10 SOWGS FOB ALL SEASOI^S. [Jan. 10. ] How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, . . that publisheth salvation. ISA. lii. 7. And lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Mat. xxviii. 20. A MISSIONARY HYMN. Heealds of ttie Cross ! Selected For the highest service known, Spii'it-called and Heaven-protected, Jesus shall youi' labors own, — AVith you always. Every deed of love to crown. On Jehovah's might depending, Ever hopeful, strong in prayer, Ai'med by faith, in love contending. Gracious victories you share: Desert regions Bud and bloom as gardens fair. Ripened under showers of blessing. Sheaves rejoicing reapers bring — Souls redeemed, their Lord confessing. Harvest home the toilers sing, "S^riiile the angels Chant the joy before their King. Sweet your rest and labor leading, "WTien is closed this work of love, Gratefiilly from Chi'ist receiving Glorious crowns of hfe above ! Oh, what kingdoms Wait for those who faithful prove! isve SOIiGS FOB ALL SEASONS ii [Jan. 11.] Strength and beauty are in his sanctuary, Ps. xcvi. 6. A holy temple in the Lord; in whom ye also are builded together for a habitation of God in the Spirit. Eph. ii. 22. THE DIVINE HABITATION. How GLOKious is thy dwelling, O Lord of hosts on high, Where angel anthems, swelHng, Fill all the boundless sky. In more than Eden splendor. The heavenly mansions shine, "Where praise the ransomed render, In worship all divine. On earth, among the lowly, Thou hast a gracious reign — The kingdom of the holy. The Church, the born-again ; And temples, reared by mortals, The homes of truth and love, Are hallowed as the portals Of Paradise above. Make this thy habitation. And here thy name record ; With blessing and salvation Our prayers and toils reward ; Let dews of grace descending. On every heart distill. And humble throngs come bending To know and do thy will. 12 JSOJVGS FOB ALL SEASONS. The Spii-it's living beauty To all thy servants give, And strength for every duty, That each to thee may Hve; Till, in his chariot gleaming. The Saviour comes to bear The souls of his redeeming To heavenly mansions fair. isso ♦♦♦ [Jan. 12.] I will set up shepherds over them who shall feed them. Jer. xxiii. 4. Kemember them that had the rule over you, who spake unto you the word of God. Heb. xiii. 7. A PASTOR'S RECEPTION. Pastor ! joyfully we meet thee — Flock around their shepherd dear — • And with choicest wishes greet thee. At the opening of the year. Words of sacred truth, with gladness. Oft we 've heard dispensed by thee ; They have banished clouds of sadness. Hanging o'er life's troubled sea. Though the season's gifts we proffer Be not large in earthly shares. To the Lord, for thee, w^e '11 offer Faithful hearts and fervent prayers. Long may Heaven, thy Hfe protecting. Make thy labors richly blest, Faith confirming — souls directing To the Lord our hope and rest. 1843 SOJSfGS FOE ALL SEASONS. 13 [Jan. 13.] All that thou hast commanded us we will do. Josh. i. 16. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life.— Rev. ii. 10, CROSS BEFORE CROW^N. Come, friends, and let our hearts awake, To Jesus' call attending ; The cross we '11 take for his dear sake, Our toils and praises blending. Gii'd on the heavenly armor bright, And standing up for Jesus, Watch, pray and fight as sons of Hght, Till from the war he frees us. ' Tis sweet to trust his glorious word. His name and grace confessing ; Who serve the Lord have great reward, And share his richest blessing. Let Jesus' love fill every mind, Oui* faith and hope inspiring ; What worldHngs find, we leave behind, Immortal crowns desiring. The painful cross for us he bore, And bowed in death's cold river — Oh ! for the power to love him more Who did our souls deliver. When he shall come and bring us home, Where rest and joy end never, The cross laid down, we '11 wear the crown, And shout his praise forever. isss 14 SOI^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Jan. H.] I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Ps. xxiii. G. If the earthly house of our tabernacle be dissolved, we have a build- ing of God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens.— 2 Cor. v. 1. THE CHRISTIAN'S HOME. Beyond the utmost verge of time, There is a broad resplendent clime, WTiere glories rapturous and sublime In untold grandeur rise ; And mid those fair celestial lands, In undecaying beauty stands A building never made with hands, Eternal in the skies. The glorious Sun of righteousness Sheds there his radiant beams to bless, "WTiile all the heavenly hosts confess The honors of their King ; The ransomed thi'ong his grace admire. They join the vast angehc choii', With sweetest voice and tuneful lyre. His lofty praise to sing. Bright land of bliss ! where all is peace, "Where cares and fears and sorrows cease, Pleasure divine and love increase, To thiiU the raptured soul. Thrice happy home ! for ever blest ! How sweet the weary pilgrim's rest, "What holy calm fills every breast, As endless ages roll ! SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 15 Look thence ! and like the tireless sun The Christian race with patience run, Nor deem thy work on earth is done Till life's last breath be given : Then thou shalt soar to that blest home, Far from the reach of sin and gloom, Beyond the portals of the tomb — Eternal, and in Heaven. 1833 CLOSE OF SOCIAL SERVICE. [Jan. 15.] Then they that feared the Lord spake one with another.— Mal. iii. 16. .. Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Mark ix. 5. We meet, we part — how blest the scene, 'Where Chiistians sing and pray: Soft on our souls falls light serene From the eternal day. The heavenly frame, the humble plea, The earnest witness-word, The thrill of praise — such bhss have we In waiting on the Lord. "When earthly toils and cares are past. And here no more we come, How sweet the Savioui^'s voice at last, That bids us welcome home. But now, in union, faith and love, We '11 hve, a pilgrim band ; Then strike our tents, and soar above, To our Lnmanuel's land. iss? 16 JSOI^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Jan. 16.] Be thou strong therefore, and show thyself a man.- 1 Kings ii. 2. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. Luke vii. 14. DAWN OF MANHOOD. Well garnered in tlie past, Are happy childhood scenes, That sui'e will always last, "VMiatever intervenes : Heart-treasures they, linked to the skies, By heavenly ties, that ne'er decay. Lo, a new day! the time » AVhen boyhood's bii'd-like songs, With manly music chime, And hfe itself belongs. From this biiih-hour, to eras new That rise to view — the dawn of power! The fount becomes a stream, The fruits succeed the flowers. Life's fancy-gilded di-eam Tui-ns into sober hours. The world of fact, full of its needs For earnest deeds, calls now to act. X So shall the future, blest. Be filled with welcomes bright ; When comes the day of rest, Its evening time be light ! Glad the survey, as o'er long years. This date appears — Life's true birthday. 1855 JSOI^GS FOB ALL JSEASOI^S. 17 [Jan. 17.] As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you. ISA. Ixvi. i:^. The Father of mercies and God of all comfort ; who comforteth us. 2 Cor. i. 3. DIVINE MOTHERLY COMFORT. Lord, how thy royal tenderness Stoops to our human needs ! Borne on thy love, its dear caress Our fondest thought exceeds. Words wonderful it uttereth — Thy voice in kindness true : "As one his mother comforteth, So will I comfort you. " Oh, promise doubly sweet and clear, Ill's quick and blest reHef, As it recalls the mother dear. Who soothed our childish grief. Close to her heart, in fear's alarms, She drew us sobbing sore. And, held in love's enfolding arms, Our sorrows soon were o'er. So, Lord, thy child, to thee I come, "WTien cares or woes abound, And seem as in my early home, With mother's comfort crowned. Peace fills my spirit, calm, composed, And pillowed on thy breast. With "everlasting arms" enclosed, I find a heavenly rest. isss 18 SOI^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Jan. 18.] They shall enter into the king's palace. Ps. xlv. 15. This woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did.- ACTS ix.3Q. THE KING'S DAUGHTERS. There are beautiful labors unseen by the proud, But welcomed by gratefulest hearts, As the silvery light, from their gloomiest cloud, At whose shining, the tempest departs. Your love-gifts in kindness the world may not know. Ye friends of the poor and the sad ; Yet from many a heart they shall banish its woe, And bid it look up and be glad. If not in full splendor on fame's blazing scroll, Your charity-deeds may be found, They sure are recorded — engraved on the soul — To last through eternity's round. Then onward! rejoicing earth's lorn ones to bless, The orphan to teach and to aid. To comfort the widow in want and distress — And ye shall be richly repaid. "When bright in the gathering clouds of the heaven. Your Master descending ye see, Whate'er to his needy ye kindly have given. He '11 say, ' ' Ye have done it to me. " "And ye shall be mine, my own jewels so pure, For mansions celestial arrayed ; Come up to my kingdom all glorious and sure — To honors that never shall fade." isii iSONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 19 Jan. 19.] The Lord opened the eyes of the young man ; and he saw. 2 Kings vi. 17. Then shall he send forth the angels, and shall gather together his elect. Mark. xiii. 27. A CELESTIAL ARMY. Soft on the prophet's servant fell A ray divine, a sacred spell, That touched with holy fire his soul, And held him in a blest control. The earthly veil before his face Was drawn aside, and in its place There came a medium, crystal clear, In which celestial things appear. What splendors rush upon his sight ! What heavenly forms and visions bright ! A glory, crowning Dothan's hills, His raptured spirit strangely thrills ! On every hand afar he sees. Amid the rocks and through the trees, A white-robed host in armor bright — Chariots of fire and steeds of hght ! Ten thousand thousand there they stood. The angel helpers of the good : Before that throng the Syrian band Seemed like a single grain of sand. A great dehverance, timely given — The mountain camp of hosts of heaven. Disclosed to mortal vision fair, The answering aid of holy prayer. i854 20 SOWGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Jan. 20.] There shall come lorth a star out of Jacob. Num. xxiv. 17. A light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. Luke ii. .32. THE JACOB STAR. Seers, looking from afar, Hailed thee, O Jacob Star! Of princely name: Thy praise tuned many a tongue The Gentile race among — Thy love the martyi's sung Amidst the flame. Now to unnumbered ones Of God's enfranchised sons Thou art the Guide, Imparting light and peace, Bidding theu' joys increase, And fearful tempests cease. On life's dark tide. And countless more shall find That thou canst calm the mind, ■ And set it free. When filled with boding fears, When fall the bitter tears, When aid nowhere appears. Except from thee. Ambition's star may set. Friends even may forget, Earth's hopes decay — The star of wealth shall wane, SOI^GS FOE ALL SEASOIiS. 21 Pleasure soon yield to pain, But thou shalt still remain, Beaming for aye. iq^ [J AX. 21.] I have loved thee with an everlasting love. Jer. xxxi. 3. The Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me. Gal. 11. 20. JESUS LOVES ME. Jesus loves me, came to save me. When my soul in sin was lost, For my life his own he gave me — Oh, how much my ransom cost! Jesus loves me, ne'er forsakes me. Gives me peace and joy and grace ; By his loving presence makes me Dwell as in a heavenly place. Jesus loves me, mercy sends me. Cheers me on my pilgrim way; From my foes and fears defends me, Strength imparts for every day. Jesus loves me, always loves me, In my darkness as in hght; By my pains and trials proves me. To reveal his face more bright. Jesus loves me, feasts and guides me, Asks if I my Saviour love ; Dearest Lord, I've none besides thee. Here on eai'th, in heaven above. isss 22 JSONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. fJAN. 22.] The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light. ISA. ix. 2. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.— Matt. 11. lo. THE BETHLEHEM STAR. Dark was the night of time "When first thy rays subHme, Celestial Gem, Descending from on high, Illumed the somber sky, And met the shepherds' eye, In Bethlehem. Ere toward the Light of God, With hasty steps they trod, An angel's voice. In new and rapturous song, Joined by a heavenly throng, The anthem to prolong. Bade them rejoice. Star of celestial ray, Beam thou upon my way, With guiding light; In trial's gloomiest hour. When pain may overpower. When hfe's last clouds shall lower, Dispel their night. Then thee shall I behold, On shining streets of gold — From earth afar — SO^''GS FOE ALL SJSASOIfS. 23 Where shadows never fall, Where death shall ne'er appall, Where thou art All in all, Sweet Bethlehem Star! 1342 ♦♦> [Jan. 23.] My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. Ex. xxxiii. 14. Now they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly. Heb. xi. 16. HEAVENWARD BOUND. My Saviour from his thi'one. Regards his servant here, And in the blessed Comforter, I feel that he is near. Oft with dear saints I meet, And glory seems to dawn: Gladness and strength my soul refresh, And so I journey on. If Marah I must taste. Sweet hope my spu-it calms. And soon I diink at Elim's wells. And rest beneath its palms. So through my pilgrim course, E'en to the darkling tide, I will not fear, but love to think Of scenes the other side. Oh, the transporting bliss. When I am safely o'er. To find my Lord, my home, my heaven. And leave them nevermore! is?.'; 24 JSOI^GS FOR ALL SEASOIfS. [Jan. 24.] The Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light. ISA.lX-lft I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright, the morning star. Rev. xxii. 16, THE MORNING STAR. Though lowly was thy birth, Among the sons of earth, Bright, Morning Star! Yet, with the victor's prize, Triumphant thou didst rise, And highest in the skies Thy glories are. When perisheth the sun. And planets cease to run. Leaving the sky; When God's consuming ire Shall wrap the world in fire. And time itself expu-e, Thou shalt not die. In loftier heavens above. Where all is peace and love. Thy radiance fair, Beaming from pole to pole. Shall feast the ransomed soul, While circling ages roll Eternal there. Let now thy rays divine, On every nation shine. Through earth abroad, TiU aU thy hght shaU see, SOJ^GS FOE ALL SEASOJYS. 25 TiU aU by truth be free, Till all shall bow the knee, And worship God. 1342 [Jan. 25.] Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined forth. Ps.l. 2. The church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.— 1 Tim. iii. 15. THE CHURCH Or GOD. Naught so conserves the truth and right, As God's pui'e Church, the world's best Hght ; Her source on high, divine her bii'th. Heaven's life made manifest on earth. Hers to embody Christ the Lord, Unfold the purpose of his word. The one grand means that God bestows To save our race, and cure its woes. For this, the blest Incarnate One A wanderer was beneath the sun. The Garden sorrow's whelming flood. The Cross — its death and sacred blood. For this he rose, to plead above, Give conquests of almighty Love, Augment the Chm'ch's matchless worth. And make her regnant o'er the earth. O Church ! in puiity and power, Assert and prove thy priceless dower ! To thee thy Head, as he doth live, The kingdoms of the world shall give. i869 26 SOI^GS FOR ALL SEASONS. [Jan. 26.] Behold, he spreadeth his light around him. Job xxxvi.SOl The city hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine upon it ; for the glory of God did lighten it. Kev. xxi. 23. AURORAL LIGHTS. Along the clear and lofty arch, "With shimmering banners lifted high, In brilliant robes they form and march. Auroral armies of the sky. Some, pale and spectral as they shine, Like spirits wandering near us seem, While vaster columns throng the Hne, And crimson splendors o'er them stream. The white and red o'erlap the blue, "Where flash the gems of starry light ; A heavenly host breaks forth to view, And scales the sapphii^e dome of night. Ah ! whence this mingled grand array. That half the concave fills and sweeps, Ghntings of some pure sphere are they, In the far space of upper deeps? Are these reflections from the sea That wraps and warms the distant pole, "Whose gleaming waves, from winter free. Wait the adventurer's daring stroll? Come these celestial bannered hosts. Within otir dim horizon's bound. To lure us to subHmer coasts. Where hope's ideal realm is found ? iSOIfGS FOB ALL SEASOIS'S. 27 Are they but shadows of that world Where sainted spirits dwell and sing? The twilight of those skies unfurled Above the City of the King? Oh, what must be the splendors rare, The hues that zone that high abode, The radiant glories streaming there. Lit by the throne and smile of God ! i^m f** [Jan. 27.] Our redeemer, the Lord of hosts is his name. ISA. xlvii.4 In whom we have our redemption through liis blood. Eph. i. 7. SONG OF REDEMPTION. O Prince of Peace ! extend thy reign. Make earth a Paradise again : Banish the woe and wail of sin, Bring songs of joy and gladness in — The songs whose chorus, angel-given, Augments the growing bliss of Heaven, Lifts up our souls on faith's strong wing, Till charmed by psalms immortals sing. The "new song" there, that never tires — Eedemption — sung by ransomed choirs. Hath echoes lingering here in strains Akin to those o'er Bethlehem's plains, Breathed in the life and matchless love Of Him who sought us from above, Dropt from his deeds and sympathies, Prolonged in hves that image his. 1357 28 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Jan. 28.] Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, that addest thy venom thereto, and makest him drunken also. Hab. ii. 15. Nor covetous, nor drunkards . . . shall inherit the kingdom of God.— ICOR. vi.lO. HOIV LONG, O LORD? How LONG, O Lord! must suffering mortals wait, As held in iron shroud or prison gate, Despairing, sink beneath their crushing fate ? How long these streams of bitter anguish flow. These tides of giief and desolating woe. These fiery, soul-engulfing torrents go ? Shall brilliant stars still fade or fall from heaven ? Shall to this Moloch dread the best be given? Shall brightest hopes in darkest night be riven? My soul shrinks back, with horror all aghast, To think of miseries so deep and vast. Of what such souls defiled must be at last ! And still we let the awful work proceed ; What thousands aid it in their love of greed. Though God forbids, and helpless sufferers plead ! sluggish hearts, and slumbering hosts, awake ! Lethargic bands, inaction's fetters break ! Go forth ! the foe's defiant ramparts take ! It can be done — united souls are strong ; Move thus in force, the fight need not be long. But surely bring the glad victorious song ! 1 hear that song amidst the noise and din Of mighty struggles with the giant sin — The shout of armies that we know must win ! icefi SOJSfGS FOR ALL SEASON'S. 29 [Jan. 29.] Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; lor I am God, and there is none else. ISA. xlv. 22. He went on his way rejoicing. Acts viii. 39. BELIEVING AND OBEYING. Oh, loving Saviour, dying Lamb ! The bearer of my sin and shame. Wilt thou receive me as I am, A wretched, helpless soul? Vain is the world, and all my deeds. As broken cisterns, useless weeds. They ne'er can meet my deepest needs ; Jesus, make me whole ! I do beheve, give all to thee, Nothing to what thou givest me — Thy hfe, thy blood, thy grace so free. On which alone I rest. Lord, I am thine, no more to stray From thee and thy dear cross away, But there to love, adore, and pray, And be supremely blest. How long I sought thy grace to know. Groping in darkness, doubt, and woe ; But thou didst find and love me so, 1 must thy word obey. To tread where I thy footprints see, To take my cross, to follow thee, To do thy will, is sweet to me. And brightens all my way. ise? 30 SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. [Jan. 30.] There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.— Prov. xviii. 24. Greater love hath no irian than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John xv. 13. THE HEAVENLY FRIEND. Christ is a faithful friend, In whom the trembling soul, in hope confiding. May safely trust ; his love is strong, abiding Even to the end. His sympathy, how sweet! Like softest music o'er the spmt stealing. It soothes the troubled heart with balmy healing, And joy complete. His words of glorious truth, Like cadences of love from heaven descending, Allure and guide to scenes of bHss unending. And fadeless youth. He, with almighty power, Can give support when earthly hopes are dying ; Safe is each soul to this dear refuge flying In trial's hour. Celestial, peerless Friend! Around me close thy soft and sheltering pinions ; And take my spirit to thy blest dominions. When hfe shall end. Oh, give this gracious Guest A throne in every heart, earth's sons and daughters! His friendship is a f oimt of h^dng waters. And heavenly rest. 1847 SOIiGS FOB ALL SEASOJ^S. 3] [Jan. 31.] Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations for thine in- heritance. Ps. ii. 8. Come over into Macedonia and help us. Acts xvi. 9. THE MACEDONIAN CRY. Hark ! from o'er the distant waters Myi'iad voices sweep along ; Heathen sons and heathen daughters Vainly round their idols throng. Piteous wails, to heaven ascending, Roll along the leaden sky : Chi'istian, wake ! thine ear be lending, List the Macedonian cry! Quickly send the bread of heaven, Ere they die in pagan gloom. Ere theii' priceless souls are given, Blindly, to despairing doom. Must they downward rush forever. Plunging still in misery's tide? Shall the message reach them never, *'Ho! for you the Savioui' died!" Jesus ! shall thy ransomed number Cease thy bm-ning words to keep ? O'er the dying nations slumber. While they grope in darkness deep? Oh ! in view of death's dread portal, And of Life's all-glorious gift — Real things, unseen, immortal — From our hearts inaction lift ! 1345 32 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 1.] He shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, a morning without clouds. 2 Sam. xxiii. 4. The true light already shineth. 1 John ii. 8. THE BEACON LIGHT. While on life's stormy sea My bark is driven, From a fair coast to me Sweet light is given, Gleaming around my way. Changing dark night to day. Blending its golden ray With hues of heaven. That beacon Hght I have. And lose all fear; The Saviour walks the wave — His voice I hear — My precious, perfect Guide, Bidding the storm subside. Showing, beyond the tide. Skies heavenly clear. I feel thy magnet powers, Bright world to come! Faith sees thy glorious bowers Where angels roam; Where loved ones, gone before, Now beckon from the shore. And make me long the more For them and home. 1862 SOIfGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 33 [Feb. 2.] In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is. Ex. xx. 11. He himself giveth to aU life, and breath, and all things. Acts xvii. 25. CREATIVE DAYS-riRST THREE. Was it once a globe of darkness In its early bii'th? A revolving mass of vapor, All this wondrous earth? Thi^ough it swept the Voice eternal, Thi-iUingly it rung, Piercing all its gloomy chambers Like a fiery tongue; "Let there hght be!" Flashing, dancing. O'er it light upsprung. Was it once a ball of fire — This old wondrous world — Blazoned with electric lightnings, As it onward whii'led? Chaos trembled into order. At the fiat given. And the fii-maments commingled Were asunder riven. And from out the parting waters Eose the air of heaven. Was it once all o'er enshrouded With a shoreless sea, But a swinging sphere of billows. Bounding in their glee? Back Jehovah rolled the waters From their rocky floor; 34 JSONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. Mountains climbed from out the oceans, Hills, plains, flecked tliem o'er; All along tlie mazy distance Lay the sea and shore. ♦♦♦ [Fkb. 3.1 There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.— Gen. 1. 19. Worship him that made the heaven and the earth and sea. Rev. xiv.7. CREATIVE DAYS-LAST THREE. Was the world all srmless, starless? Day and night the same? God furled up the vapory cui'tains — Light from heaven came! There the sun broke out in glory, Crowned the king of day; There the moon, revealed in splendor, Chased night's gloom away; There each star, with smiling glances, Earthward threw its ray. Growing into form and beauty. Lifeless was the earth? Then the good and gi-eat Designer Gave its tribes their bh'th. First the seas held creatui-es moving — Life their waters stirred; But, amid earth's awful silence, Not a voice was heard, Till, a brighter era dawning, Sang the earhest bu'd. O'er the plains, along the mountains. Roamed no flock or herd? S0^''G8 FOR ALL SEASONS. 35 Then they came — the wild, the docile, At the mighty Word! But no form, erect and human, No observant eye, No pure mind to heaven aspiring, Till, with purpose high, Man was made in God's own image; Made to Hve — not die! i856 [Feb. 4.] In Eden .. he put the man whom he had formed. Gen. ii.8. To him that overcometh, to him will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God. Rev. ii. 7. PARADISE. In Eden's blessed bowers The primal man was placed; With bright and fragrant flowers His happy home was graced. The skies smiled sweetly o'er him. And bird-songs echoed near, While every view before him Was beautiful and dear. For him, through all its stages, Each period-day had wrought; To him the hngering ages This lovely scene had brought. For man, is still progressing, Through time's long weary swing, A grander work and blessing — The Eden Christ shall bring. . igsg 36 SOJ^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 5.] God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it : because that in it he rested from all his work. Gen. ii. 3. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day. Rev. i. 10. THE SABBATH. Creative days were ended, Earth's beauty spread afar, The gemmed expanse extended To heaven's remotest star — His perfect work Jehovah blest, And o'er it came his hallowed rest. "With joy this wondrous splendor Man, latest formed, could view. And he alone could render The thoughtful homage due To him who made the sabbath blest For sacred worship, praise, and rest. Bright, on these earliest pages, The sabbath Hght is shed; It gleams along the ages. By Law and Gospel led; And still the world is richly blest By God's thrice-hallowed day of rest. The grandest work was ended The world has ever known, "When Christ arose — ascended — From sepulcher to throne: Oh, resurrection day of rest, Our Lord's memorial, ever blest! SO]SrGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 37 "We hail its sweet returning, , Its Lord we love to see; Our hearts, with worship burning, Would in the Spirit be: Thus shall the day, so honored, blest, Foreshadow our eternal rest. losn [Feb. 6.] Worship before the Lord thy God : and thou shalt rejoice in all the good which the Lord thy God hath given unto thee. Deut. xxvi. 10, 11, They were all together in one place. Acts ii. 2. INVOCATION. God of glory! great, eternal. Robed in majesty and light. Worshiped, on thy throne supernal. By adoring spirits bright, Gladly crowning Thee with honor, praise, and might: Humbly at thy footstool bending. Here we come to pay our vow; Let thy grace, Hke dew descending, Sweetly rest upon us now, While before thee. Lord, with grateful hearts we bow. Grant to us thy richest blessing — Presence of the Holy Dove, Peace and joy our souls possessing, Through the Saviour's dying love; Make our worship Like the praise in heaven above. isii 38 SOI^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 7.] Her seed : it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Gen. iii. 15. Through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin. Rom. v. 12. THE FALL AND THE PROMISE. Oh, why should the beauty of Eden be marred, Its radiant loveHness fade? And why from its splendors immortals be barred. Their innocent souls sin-smitten and scarred. In shame and in sorrow arrayed? Why over the glory of natui-e a blight, And briars with roses be found? Sad curses commingled with scenes of delight. All pleasm-es to poison, all prospects to smite. And leave a death-wail o'er the ground? The Word of the Lord was unheeded, unkept ; The tempter, persuading apace. Deep into the soul how unwarily crept. Its powers to bewilder while consciences slept ; So ruin was wrought for the race. The shock of man's sin, how it jarred all the world. And dashed on eternity's shore ! The lovely and fail' to guilt's doom it has hurled ; And over earth's realms a black banner unfurled Waves dismally sad evermore! No ! not evermore bides the curse that we dread ; A promise rings out o'er the tomb ! The Seed of the woman shall bruise the foe's head : Life, life, shall retiu-n unto souls that are dead, And earth a new Paradise bloom ! iggo SOWGS FOE ALL SEASONS. 39 ^ Mm^'ps^cxxvLG.'"™''^^''''^'''' Joy.brina:inghis sheaves with THE GRACIOUS HARVEST. The kingdom of the holy Springs from the seed divine; The gracious world-wide sowing, O blessed Christ! was thine— Through toilsome, weary journeys, In words and works of might, Lone sorrows of the Garden, Death-woes in Calvary's night! Alas! that seeds of evil, Through Satan's wily snares, Should on the field be scattered— The worthless, blighting tares: But in the march of ages. As his supreme reward. Shall spread o'er earth in splendor The kingdom of the Lord. "When come the angel reapers To sever souls depraved From Christ's obedient followers, The myriads of the saved — These like the sun in glory. Shall near their Father shine. And sing thi'ough endless cycles Redeeming love divine. 1887 40 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 9.] The Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering. Gen. iv. 4. And through it he being dead yet speaketh. Heb. xi. 4. ABEL, THE FIRST SAVED. Righteous Abel! first to tread The dark valley to the dead ; First to pass the mystic gate, By a brother's vengeful hate ; First of martyrs, first of souls Crossing o'er the untried shoals Where life's sea eternal rolls. First of all the sons of eai'th Welcomed to a heavenly birth ; First of mortals to behold Jasper walls and streets of gold ; First of all the mighty throng That to Christ the Lord belong. First to sing redemption's song. Through the gateway as he trod, Safe within the realm of God, O'er him Heaven's all-glorious skies, Hound him angels' eager eyes. Wondering whence this stranger fair, Whence the robe they see him wear. Brighter both than any there. Wondering still they list the strain Abel sings and sings again, Sings so sweet, so strange, so new. Hosts from farthest bounds it drew ; SOJYGS FOB ALL SEA80^^S. 41 Ne'er on all the heavenly shore Strain Hke that heard they before, Thrilled to hear it o'er and o'er. Ah ! redemption's song on high Wakes the wonder of the sky, Still increasing since the hour Abel first disclosed its power. Vast the throngs its music share, Vaster yet as ages wear. Countless when all gathered there. 1579 ^♦f [Feb. 10.] The Lord is my shepherd ; I shall not want. Ps. xxiii. 1. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me : and I give unto them eternal life ; and they shall never perish. John X. 27, 28. DEVOTION TO CHRIST. Jesus, my shepherd and my guide. Oh, keep and shelter me! With thy dear flock I would abide, Thy true disciple be. Dear Jesus, thou hast loved me so. And sought me from above — Oh, never let me cease to know The sweetness of thy love. Blest Jesus, take and rule my heart. Each thought, all hfe be thine; Then may I see thee as thou art, And in thy glory shine. i858 42 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 11.] I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. Gen. ix. 13. There was a rainbow round about the throne, like an emerald to look upon. Rev. iv. 3. THE RAINBOW. As PENDENT from the bending sky, Behold the storm-cloud grandly march ! And as we gaze the wondering eye Discerns the rainbow's lovely arch. What soft clear hues, divinely bright, Along the curving glory shine, Blending in matchless hues of light, Our Father's work and covenant-sign. It seems, on that back-ground of wrath. Sweet Mercy's form with smiling grace, To show a blest and radiant path That leads us to the holy place. For evermore it speaks to man. As time shaU pass and earth endure: See, as the bow the cloud shall span, Jehovah's promise bright and sure! Not e'er again wild deluge-wave Our sin-scarred world with ruin sweeps; From wrath deserved the Lord shall save The race his long forbearance keeps. So man may hve and turn to him. The beast beneath his care repose. And naught his wondrous love shall dim Till time and calls of mercy close. SO^''GS FOB ALL SEASOJVS. 48 Oft shall repeat the cloud and shower, To eyes and hearts that see and know, God's lovingkindness, grace, and power. Blent in the circhng radiant bow. Fair bow of promise! — mercy's sign — Thy lessons sweet I gladly own. And may I in the land divine Behold the rainbow round the throne, isso [Feb. 12] He shall dwell on high. IsA. xxxiii. 16. Willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the Lord. 2 CoR. v. 8. THE HOME ABOVE. There is a home of love and joy, That knows no shade of gloom, Where charming flowers, that never fade. In radiant gardens bloom. Soft angel fingers gather them. As o'er those fields they tread. To weave a glorious coronal For every saintly head. In that fair land of pui-est bliss No sorrow e'er appears, For God w^ill bring his children there. And wipe away their tears. Oh, blessed home! sweet place of rest! Where friend ne'er parts with friend. And all shall sing their Saviour's praise In songs that never end. i84o 44 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 13.] For a small moment have I forsaken thee ; but with great mercies will I gather thee. ISA. liv. 7. Death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor cry- ing, nor pain, any more. Eev. xxi. 4. SORROW AND FAITH. Beeeft again! "WTio shall the grief reveal, When thus are sundered life's endearing ties ; What untold anguish may the heart conceal, When its own self in its beloved dies ! Ah ! none can tell the sorrow of the hour. Save he whose spii'it knew its keenest pang, When voices of the past, with throngful power, Thi'ough memory's halls in saddest cadence rang. But, breaking thro' the thick enswathing gloom, Come the sure promises of truth divine ; They bear the soul aloft, while o'er the tomb Their clustering beams in glorious beauty shine. Faith cleaves the sky, as in an upward flight She wings her way to opening realms of bhss. And views those spirits in the world of light So fondly loved while they sojourned in this. She whispers : Thou, erelong, shalt meet them there. No more to part while endless ages roll ; For Heaven's eternal Hfe excludes all care. And Heaven's eternal love fills all the soul. Now, lost in light the darkest scenes of time, Faith bids the toil-worn pilgrim's heart rejoice. Speaks of the raptures of that holier clime. And restful trust is in her cheering voice. isie SO]!^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. 45 [Feb. 14.] The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come. Cant. ii. 12. Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Mat. vi. 29. FRIEND AND FLOWERS. How LIKE to thee The flowers, so sweetly beaming, While beauty o'er them gleaming. And light around them streaming. They smile in glee. Like thee the birds. So gaily singing o'er thee, All nature bright before thee; Let not thy heart deplore thee, In saddening words. But know that soon Flowers fade as dreams of pleasure, Earth's joys expend theu' measure. Fickle as fancy's treasure. Or clouds at noon. Be thine, dear one, A friend of true affection; Be Christ your first selection, And yours his kind protection, Till Hfe is done. Then shall you rise. All earthly hopes releasing. To scenes of bliss unceasing. Where joys are still increasing. In Paradise. 1844 46 SONGS FOE ALL SEASON'S. [Feb. 15.] Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will shew thee. Gen. xii. 1. And he went out, not knowing whither he went. Heb. xi. 8. THE CALL OF ABRAHAM. With strength of faith sublime, O'er all of olden time, The patriarch weighed The call that stirred his heart, That bade him rise and start. From home and kindred part, And quick obeyed. Forth on the untried path. Taking what each day hath. He journeyed strong: God would his footsteps guide, All needful things provide, And let no ill betide. His way along. O'er plain and stream he went. And nightly pitched his tent, And slept and dreamed, Till Canaan's land of rest, The end of march and quest, The promised country blest, Before him beamed. Oh, thus to walk by faith, In what the dear Lord saith. Led by his hand; To know each day is right. BONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 47 Though oft come clouds and night, The end to be all bright, And Canaan's land! iggQ ♦♦♦ [Feb. 16.] The Lord.. will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way. GEN.xxiv. 40. The Lord hath sent forth his angel and delivered me out of the hand of Herod. Acts xii. 11. GUARDIAN ANGELS. Its beautiful angels kind Heaven oft sends To saints here sojourning, as guardian friends; They linger about us, give hints of alarm, A vigil most helpful to shield us from harm. In visible forms once they wandered earth o'er, By patriarchs seen at their humble tents' door ; The prophets beheld them in peril's dark hour, Eluded dread foes by the aid of theii' power. When once our Kedeemer abode among men, How Heaven's sweet angels attended him then! They came to apostles on land and on sea, Their safety assured, or from prison set free. Not now to our sight do these guardians appear. Still oft they come earthward and tenderly near ; Their soft wings are o'er us as banners of love, Their watch ceases not till they bear us above. God's grace in salvation they long to survey. Its mysteries scan, and its glories portray : Its victory sure, in each soul that 's forgiven, Enhances their joy and they chant it in heaven, issg i8 SOIfGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 17,] Lot dwelled in the cities of the Plain and moved his tent as far as Sodom. Gen. xiii. 12. Remember Lot's wife. Luke xvii. 32. THE CHOICE OF LOT. From the hill above Bethel rose full on Lot's vision A landscape enchantingly fail' ; The deep Jordan valley — an Eden elysian — Eeposed in its lovehness there. The beautiful river oft winding descended Through richest of verdure-clad fields, While fringing its banks to the sea where it ended Were the palms and the balsams it yields. Not the right nor the left of the patriarch's offers Would the venturing nephew accept ; The passion for wealth, for enlarging his coffers. To the depths of his spiiit had crept. So down toward the city of Sodom polluted. He pitched his white tents on the Plain ; And they laughed as he often their eiTors refuted, While into his home came the stain. The riches he gained, while forgetting the altar, Were lost in a moment at last ; And the wife of his bosom in fleeing would falter, O'erwhelmed in the dread judgment-blast. Oh, pitch not thy tent with the wicked, forsaking God's people and service of love! For what are the riches the Godless are making. Compared with the treasures above? isso SOJ^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. 49 [Fkb. 18.] He was priest of God 3Iost High. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram. Gen. xiv. 18, 19. The author of eternal salvation ; named of God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. Heb. v. 9, 10. MELCHIZEDEK. The Most High God, to do his beck, Chose Salem's king, Melchizedek ; A king and priest, though not in line, An earthly prince with ken divine : He goes to Shaveh's lovely vale The gallant Abraham there to hail, Returning now, a victor bright O'er federate foes of plundering might. Who is this wondrous king of peace, This earliest priest of righteousness. Who blessings poured on Abraham's head. And offerings gave of wine and bread? Type of a greater King he stands. Sovereign at length of all the lands. The Priest whose offering was to die, Who hves and pleads for us on high. Oh, precious truth, so early given. To lead the way to hope and heaven ; The light that cheered the saints of old, The story of redemption told : Oh, blessed truth, the Christ divine. Who gives our souls the bread and wine ; Our All in all while here we stay, Our King and crown in endless day. i880 50 JSOI^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 19.] I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward. Gen. XV. 1. To Abraham his faith was reckoned for righteousness. RoM. iv. 9. GOD S PROMISES TO ABRAHAM. Fear not, Abraham, saith the Lord, I'm thy shield and great reward; I will bless thee now and ever, Naught from thee my love shall sever. Promises that I have made. All the words my mouth hath said, I'll fulfill them to the letter — Than thy fears thy God is better. I from Ur, with guiding hand, Brought thee to this chosen land; I have seen thy faith's true merit, Thou this country shalt inherit. Would' st thou have a certain sign That the blessing shall be thine? — Canst thou count the stars of heaven? So shall seed to thee be given. From a land of trials sore. After bondage years are o'er, They shall here repeat the story Of their triumph and my glory. Abraham then his Lord believed. And the great reward received: So may all the souls that love him By then- faith unwavering prove him. jsso SOIfGS FOE ALL SEASOJVS. 51 [Feb. 20.] Lovely and pleasant. 2 Sam. i. 23, Butsleepeth. M'kv.39. THE ONLY CHILD. Playful darling, blooming maiden, Precious gift and only child, Dearly loved and beauty-laden — Heaven upon our home had smiled. Loving eyes were often glancing On her winning ways entrancing, Toward matiuing years advancing. Angel daughter, fondly cherished, How our hearts around thee twined ! Brightest hopes in thee have perished. All the world seems dumb and blind ! Night upon our souls is falling. Deep to solemn deep is calling, Ah ! the shadows are appalling ! Lingering gently at the border, "While no fear her spirit vexed. Sweet she spoke her love's true order : "Jesus first and parents next." Farewells given, forth she ventured, All her hopes in Jesus centered. As within the veil she entered. There, amid celestial splendors. Angel hosts and ransomed throngs, Praises to the Lamb she renders. Joining in their glorious songs : There she waits for us to meet her, Then with rapture we shall greet her ; Oh, what thought or hope is sweeter? i884 52 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 21.] In great affliction. NEH.i..3. Reserved in heaven. IPe. i.4. BEREAVEMENT. AYho parental love can measui'e, Tell its strength, its depths unfold"? "WTio can estimate the treasure "Which the heart's affections hold? AMien the tie by death is broken, AATien fades out love's sweetest token, Can the sorrow e'er be spoken? Savioui', Hft the cloud of sadness, Show us thy dear face di\ine ; Bring oui' hearts a ray of gladness, O'er them let thy pity shine; Sure the soul that deeply grieveth. Comfort sweet and calm receiveth, As thy promise it beheveth. Passing through the heavenly portal, Fading from oui' earthly sight. She has found a home immortal. In the world of Hf e and light : Left forever tears and sighing ; Blessed change, from pam and dying. Endless bliss the soul supplying. Lord, we trust thee ; thou art gracious ; Thou didst give the jewel fail'; Oh, to us how bright and precious ! And to thee what treasui'e rare ! Ours and thine, Lord, thou hast taken ; We 're bereaved, but not forsaken ; Her from sleep thy voice shaU waken, issi JSONGS FOB ALL SEASOJV/S. 53 [Feb. 22.] Men of renown. Gen.vI. 4. Hazarded their lives. Ac.xv.26. OUR TRIUMVIRATE. God gave us Washington, When freedom must be won, As here proclaimed. He, strong through battles dread, Our arms to victory led, Became his country's head. Its father named. As discord shook the state, In fierce rebellion's hate. And sought its grave. Our greatheart Lincoln then. Heaven's chosen of our men, With faith's coui'ageous pen, Freed every slave. A matchless hero leads Our hosts to valorous deeds, Excelled by none — The silent soldier Grant, Whom naught could swerve or daunt, Who met the Nation's want, And kept it one. Heart-shrined, their names shall hve. And inspiration give, While ages roll: — Illustrious dead, and great, Peerless in field and state, Subhme triumvirate. In act and soul. is85 54 SONGS FOR ALL SEASOIfS, [Feb. 23.] Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.- RUTH i. 16. Chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.- Luke x. 42. RUTH'S CHOICE AND HONOR. MoAB daugMer! leave thy mountains, Leave the plains along the sea; Leave the flowers, the sunny fountains, And the graves so dear to thee! Leave the gods where, often kneehng. Thou hast poui-ed the tears of woe: Broken hearts they give no healing, Let those senseless idols go! Heavenly voices, sweetly tender, Through thy spirit-chambers ring; To their call obedience render. To the hand that beckons cling. Thoughtful, tearful, mid derision, Thou hast made the highest choice; Heaven records the gTand decision, God has heard thy earnest voice. Humble gleaner, loved, protected, Trusting under wings divine. Thou, for high renown selected, Kisest to the royal line! God shall bless thee, and thy story To the farthest age shall live; He shall crown thy choice with glory. Thee immortal honors give. jge SOI^GjS foe all SEASOIiS. 55 [Feb. 24.] Orpah kissed her mother in law; but Ruth clave unto her. Ruth i. H. I will lollow thee whithersoever thou goest. Matt. viii. 19. RUTH AND NAOMI. I WILL go where faith shall lead me, Feariiig not the way untried ; Hands unseen shall guide and feed me, Though I pass the Jordan tide. Where thou goest, dear Naomi, I will surely go with thee; Moab's land no more shall know me, From its gods I 'm ever free. Where thou sleepest I will slumber, Sharing all the lot of thine; I will join thy people's number, And thy God shall hence be mine. In Hfe's evening where thou diest. Is the place where I will die; In the tomb wherein thou liest. Buried there, my dust shall he. Heaven records my declaration; Naught but death can us divide; Henceforth be my joyful station. Loved Naomi, at thy side. Gentle spirit, angels cheer thee. In a path untried before. Watching, guarding, camping, near thee, , Till thy pilgrimage is o'er. ises 56 SOIiGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 25.] Bethlehem . . out of thee shall one come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel. Mic. v. 2. And he called his name Jesus. Matt. i. 25. THE CHRIST CHILD. How BEAUTIFUL the morn, That breaks in heavenly song, As Chiist the Lord is born, The Saviour promised long. Earth too may sing, as angels bright On wings of Hght the tidings bring. In Bethlehem's manger low The Christ-child sweetly lies; There favored shepherds go. And feast theu' wondering eyes. The story they to all repeat. As haste their feet along the way. The wise men leave theu- home, And westward jom-neying far. To the Child Jesus come, Led by the guiding star. They bow before the new-born King, And rich gifts bring from out their store. Oh, sweet and blessed truth — Our Lord was once a child! He knows the hearts of youth. He's near the meek and mild. He took our place he loved us so. That we might know his saving grace. Children, how gi'eat his charms! Jesus, of lowly birth; SONGS FOR ALL SEASOJSfS. 57 He calls you to his arms, As once he did on earth. Hear and obey, your young hearts give. And for him live from this glad day. issi [Feb. 26.] He made it glorious, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the nations. ISA. ix. 1. Come ye after me, and I will make you fishers of men. Mat. iv. 19. JESUS AT THE SEA OF GALILEE. From honored Bethlehem's lowly cave. From Nazareth's vale in Galilee, From wondrous scenes at Jordan's wave, Jesus now stands beside the Sea. How sweet in such a favored hour, From lips divine the gospel sounds ; The heavenly kingdom comes in power — Repent, believe, while grace abounds. Toilers along that pebbly shore Hear calls that memory ne'er forgets ; The tones their inmost souls explore. And draw the fishers from their nets. In new-born love to Christ they cling, Feast on his words of hf e and peace ; To earth's far bounds those words they ring, . Fishers of men till time shall cease. Oh, wondrous Voice, divinely sweet. The call of Jesus, Follow me : What countless tongues the call repeat — To-day it comes, dear soul, to thee. i8S2 58 JSOIS^G^S FOB ALL SEASONS. [Feb. 27.] Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. ISA.liii. 4. He laid his hands on every one of them and healed them. Lu. iv. 40. HEALING THE SICK AT SUNSET. O'er Carmel's ridge declining, The sun is sinking low; On Gilead's brow his shining Is but a lingering glow, "While waiting shadows rally, As day-beams gently flee, To fill the Jordan valley, • And veil Gennesaret's sea. But such a day of blessing "Was never known before — Capernaum Christ possessing, AATiile thousands throng the shore To hear the loving Preacher, And see in mercy's houi- The wonder-working Teacher Subdue the demons' power. From homes of grief and sighing, That sabbath evening came The sick, the crazed, the dying, Drawn by the mighty Name. Their woes and sorrows feeling, He rent then* heavy chains; His gracious power of healing Brought joys for all their pains. When shadows o'er us falling. And hearts are troubled sore. SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 59 He hears the burdened calling, His words the soul restore. O Healer, great and tender! O Saviour, throned above! Strong Leader and defender, We trust thy matchless love. 1^82 ♦♦* [Feb. 28.] While they are yet speaking I will hear. IsA. Ixv. 24. Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be fulfilled. John xvi. 24. SOCIAL PRAYER. Deab Saviour ! teach us how to pray. To bring thy blessing from above ; Our faith upon thy promise stay, And fill our souls with peace and love. Oh, grant to us the Spirit's power, Uphft our hearts with thine to blend, That we may share, this sacred hour, A heavenly joy that ne'er shall end. i838 [Feb. 29.] By my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. ZECH.iv. 6. Put on the whole armor of God. Eph. vi. 11. EQUIPMENT. Bkeathe upon us, Holy Spirit, Permeate our souls with light; Let us life from thee inherit. Clothed with resurrection might. In thy pure and ample showers Bathe the hosts that hesitate; Energize their dormant powers Till for God they work and wait. issg 60 SOWGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Mar. 1.] Who lorgiveth all thine iniquities ; who healeth all thy dis- eases. Ps. ciii. 3. Jesus seeing their faith saith unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins are forgiven. Mark ii. 5. RESTORED AND FORGIVEN. At home by the lake, encompassed by throngs, The wonderful Prophet was eagerly sought. The healed had proclaimed him in jubilant songs, And still to his feet were the suffering brought. How sweet were the words that he graciously spoke, Unfolding the heavenly kingdom of love : How dark were the clouds that he lifted and broke, How cheering the rays that he flashed from above. No room in the dwelling, vast crowds at the door, With eagerness pressmg the message to hear : A prone paralytic, borne thither by four. Would fain to the Mii'acle-worker draw near. All helpless they take him, the house-top ascend, And over the head of the Master below, The roof intervening they hasten to rend, And gently let down their sad burden of woe. 'T was marvelous faith ! He beheld it and said. Thy sins are forgiven, rise up and depart : 'T was full restoration ! and grasping his bed He bounded away in what gladness of heart ! Dear pitying Healer, still mighty to save. And waiting for faith the poor helpless to bring : Come, come, ye sin-smitten, recovery crave — Restored and forgiven — then evermore sing ! 1882 SOIfGS FOE ALL SEASOl^S. 61 [Mar. 2.j Another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord.— ISA.xliv. 5. He stretched it forth : and his hand was restored. Mark iii. 5. THE WITHERED HAND. Son of man and Son of God, While oiu' sinful earth he trod, Precious gifts diffused abroad. Words of truth and Hfe he spoke, Bonds of sin and Satan broke, Healed the sick, the dead awoke. See him with a sweet command, Bid the man with shriveled hand, Forth before the crowd to stand. Once a limb of strength and pride, Now of vital force denied, Hangs how helpless at his side. Past all earthly aid or cure, Pain and weakness to endui'e, Seems till death his burden sure. Ah, that voice of sweet command. Like a note from heaven's own land. Thrills his soul: Stretch forth thy hand! Instantly, as he obeyed, Christ the needed strength conveyed, Whole the withered arm was made. Heed the lesson, souls in sin, Would you life eternal wdn? See the gate, and enter in. 1882 62 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [3lAR. 3.] I took twelve men of you, one man for every tribe. Deut. i. 23. He continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, h© called his disciples : and he chose fi'oni them twelve. Luke vi. 2, 13. JESUS AND HIS CHOSEN. From all the regions round, Crowds came to Chiist and found His mighty will Subdued their mortal foes, Availed for all their woes, And gave them glad repose From torturing ill. Ah, thus how much he bore. What bui'dens great and sore, A^Tbat weary grief! For rest, so long denied. He left the water side, And o'er the upland wide Sought sweet rehef. Lone, on the mountain's brow, The still hours saw him now All through the night: A new work on him weighed, "Whose vastness was suiweyed, As peacefully he prayed Till morning light. Joy fills his sacred soul, As here he calls the roll Of chosen friends, AVho to their Lord shall chng, JSOKGS FOB ALL SEASOI^S. 63 Go forth and trophies bring, Till earth before her King In reverence bends. We have our burdens too, Our work assigned to do. Our night of prayer: Oh, chosen of the Lord, For service and reward, Can any task be hard Under his care? icao [Mar. 4.] The Lord bless thee, and keep thee : The Lord make his face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee : The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.— Num. vi. 24-26. Peace I leave with you : my peace I give unto you. John xiv. 27. A BENEDICTION. The Lord his blessing give to thee, For none can richly bless as he; And always thee in safety keej). At home, abroad, awake, asleep. The Lord's dear face upon thee shine, Illume thy way with smiles benign; And through all scenes of joy or ill. Be kindly gracious to thee still. The Lord lift up his countenance On thee, in sweet approving glance; And give to thee till life shall cease Abundance of his blessed peace. i889 64 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Mar. 5.] I will put a new spirit within you. Ezek. xi. 19. The kingdom of God is within j'ou. Luke xvii. 21. THE KINGDOM WITHIN. Wondrous is the new creation, Here in moi'tal lives begun; Dawn of light, an emanation From the glorious central Sun. See it rise, the dai'kness fleeing. As it holds its upward way, Till the Heaven-illumined being Shines serene in perfect day. Like the grain the human sower Casts with faith in mellow earth, Jesus, truth's di^dne bestower. Gives to souls immortal birth. Now the tender blade appearing. Then the ear, the ripened corn. Ay, the harvest, full and cheering, In the coming cloudless morn. Oft how small this Hfe's beginning, Like the seed we scarcely see; Up it springs, a grandeur winning. As a fair and stately tree. Rarest bii'ds, the branches fiUing, Sing all day, nor cease at night; Blessed music, spirit-thrilling. Foretaste of the songs of light. With this hfe forever bless me. Let it all my nature claim, In thy fullness. Lord, possess me. SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. 65 On my soul inscribe thy name ; Let the Ught, the word, the gladness, Grow within me, ne'er depart; Shine away all sin and sadness, Build thy kingdom in my heart. 1882 [Mar. 6.] My beloved is mine, and I am his. Cant. ii. 16. Whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother, Mauk iii. 35. KINSHIP WITH CHRIST. How RICH the tenderness and grace, Shown in the Saviour's loving care ; Deep in his heart he gives us place. And owns the tie that binds us there. What high relationship is mine, If to the Father's will I bow; How wonderful the truth divine. That names me Jesus' brother now ! Christ's love and sympathy so kind Brings gentle, trusting spirits near : Sweet soul, if in that love enshrined, Thou art his precious sister dear. And ye that serve through many cares, Oft suffering much w ith scant reward. Think who your every bui'den shares, And calls you mothers of the Lord ! Oh, what the pride of earthly fame. The rank from royal blood that springs'? We bear a far more glorious name, A kinship with the King of kings ! 1882 66 SOJ^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Mar. 7.] He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives. ISA. Ixi. 1. Tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and how he had mercy on thee. Mark v. 19. THE SAVED DEMONIAC. Where, mid rock bluffs and gaping tombs, The wild demoniac made his laii', In raging madness and despair, The Prince of peace with blessing comes : 'Tis he who bid the sea be calm. Brings to this soul a healing balm. At his command the Legion foe Eeleased his prey, tormented long ; The Stronger now had bound the strong, And made the captive freedom know. To him, so wondrojisly redeemed. At Jesus' feet a heaven seemed. What selfish souls that bade the Lord, Who in great mercy wrought the change, And waited still for wider range. Depart and leave no other word. Oh, fearful, when the boon' s so nigh. To thrust it hence, and hopeless die! The ransomed would to Jesus cHng, Go with him o'er Gennesaret's tide. Linger most grateful at his side. And never cease his praise to sing. How can he see his soul's delight Float from the shore and fade from sight ! SOJSrOS FOR ALL SEASOIfS. 67 With loving look and tender tone : *'Go to thy home, let kindred see The work thy Lord hath done for thee, And they this marvel great shall own ; And so thy Master still will stay With thee and them, though sent away. " Oh, blessed task, this grace to tell, To publish far in mercy's hour The matchless love, the mighty power, That saves from Satan and from hell. Go forth, ye rescued, and proclaim Salvation free in Jesus' name. ^ggo -^♦^ [Mar. 8.] I will be as the dew unto Israel. Hos. xiv. 5. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord, how that the Lord is full of pity, and merciful. J as. v. 11. DIVINE GOODNESS. Father! the nations saw and knew Thou wast to Israel as the dew; Thy tender love and kindly care Were benedictions everywhere. Through all the years thou art the same, Thy people know and trust thy name. Longsuffering still, wrath laid aside, Dear Lord, thou dost not always chide; As heaven o'er earth is high above. So great thy mercy, rich thy love ; Far as the east is from the west, Are our transgressions from us cast. igso 68 J30KGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Mar. 9.] He shall save the cliildren ol the needy. Ps. Ixxii. 4. He, taking her by the hand, callt^d, saying, Maiden, arise. And her spirit returned, and she rose up immediately. Luke viii. 54, 55. JAIRUS S DAUGHTER. How SAD the sound to anxious ears, The child is dead! But Jesus quells the- dreadful fears: By faith be led. They near the home — the wail is wild The mourners make. A\Tiy all this tumult, when the child But sleeps to wake"? They laugh to scorn, as forth he sends The heartless thi'ong. The mourners true, the chosen friends, He leads along. The silent chamber holds them now: How still is death! The pallid seal is on that brow — Hushed the last breath. For breaking hearts is there sui'prise? Her hand he takes: Talitha cumi — Dear one, rise! — She moves, she wakes ! At once she rose in health's full glow. And walked apace: Parental hearts in love's o'erflow Their child embrace. JSOI^GS FOB ALL SEASOJ^S. 69 O Son of God! this \York of thine My faith shall keep: Death is not death — thy voice divine Shall break its sleep! 1882 [Mar. 10.] A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench. IsA. xlii. 3. Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? — Matt. xiii. 65, MEEK AND LOWLY. Jesus! God's dear and only Son Ere earth was formed or time begun : For us he left his home on high, And laid his throne and glory by. Among the lowly see him move, His heart all tenderness and love; The child, the youth, the man of care, He comes their lot and toil to share. Dear Son of Mary, King of kings! Treasures of peace and joy he brings; Salvation's gift for every soul. With power to make the dying whole. His gracious words of truth and light Would banish woe and heavy night; His kindly help, his mighty deeds, Kelieve at once the deepest needs. Each choice he notes and, filled with grief. He marvels at their unbelief Who spurn the grace and gift of God, While ways of sin and death are trod. 1882 70 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Mar. 11.] His \iolence shall come down upon his own pate. Ps.vii. 16. Herod, when he heard thereof, said, John, whom I beheaded, he is risen. M'bk vi. 16. HEROD'S CONSCIENCE. By sea side and mountain, wherever he trod, The works of the Savioui- revealed him as God, And pubhshed his fame to the people abroad. To the palace of Herod these wonders have sped ; They recall what a horror that never has fled, Since he gave to Salome the Forerunner's head ! The birth-feast with nobles revisits his glance, The oath to the damsel, bewitched by her dance. The mother's revenge as she seizes her chance. His conscience awakes — it can never expire ; Of guilt it accuses, and flashes fierce ire. While whelming his soul like a torrent of fire ! It wrings the confession : ' ' These marvels of might Are works of the prophet I murdered that night ; He 's risen again and walks forth in the light. I knew he was right as my vices he named ; I knew I w^as w^ rong as excuses I framed ; I felt all the truth he so boldly proclaimed. This John I beheaded — most royal of men ; His pale, bleeding face — I behold it as then ; He comes from the dead to confront me again! '' Ah, mortal, beware ! for the truth you despise, The good you discarded for folly or lies. Will flash on your soul as in future they rise ! 1882 JSOJSTGS FOE ALL ;SEA80^''S. 71 [Mar. 12.] They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Ps. cxxvi. 6. Those are they that were sown upon the good ground; such as hear the word and accept it. M'rk iv. 20. SOWER AND HARVEST. O Lord, thy blessed word To countless souls is taught, And where its truth is heard, Salvation free is brought. As rain and snow descend from heaven, This gospel grace to men is given. While sowers cast the seed Upon the favored ground, If sinners felt their need. What harvests would be found ! In hearts long dead new life would spring, And peace and joy with pardon bring. The quickening Spirit warns Against each hindering foe — The birds, the rocks, the thorns — Lest fruits should fail to grow. And toil and blood of priceless cost On souls of sordid care be lost. O Sower, blest, divine! My heart the good ground be. Where every word of thine Shall something yield for thee — A hundi'edfold in works of love, A hundredfold in wealth above. I882 72 JSOWOi^ FOB ALL SEASONS. [Mar. 13.] He shall feed his flock like a shepherd. ISA. xl. 11. They that did eat were about five thousand men, beside women and children. Matt. xiv. 21. FEEDING THE MULTITUDE. Ten thousand souls were feeding On truth and love di\ine, Till bread the crowds were needing, As day was toward decline. To meet their urgent wishes, The present scanty fare — Five barley loaves, two fishes — Would count as little there. Christ, pitiful and tender, Said, Give ye them to eat. Let faith true service render, And see its aim complete. Mysterious is the blending Of human and divine — We act, but ki the ending. The work, O Lord, is thine. Along Bethsaida's border. On verdant lawn arrayed. To all the ranks in order. The food is soon conveyed. As Jesus gives his blessing, The loaves are multiphed. His wonder-work confessing, Till all are satisfied. O Shepherd! for us dying, Compassionate as then. SO^''GS FOB ALL SEASONS. 73 What starving souls are sighing To know thy gifts for men! Intrusted with these treasures, While almoners we live, Bless and increase the measures As we thy bounty give. iggo [Mar. 14.1 This people . .with their lips do honor me, but have re- moved their heart far from me. ISA. xxix. 13. But Christ is all, and in all. CoL. iii. 11. CHRIST-NOT TRADITION. Forms are a broken reed, Fails every human rite ; No wayside fount can meet my need, Or wash my spirit white. O Lord of life divine. Thyself my being craves ; No sacrifice avails but thine — Thy blood redeeming saves. This cleanses me from sin. Appeals to God above ; My soul is purified within. And filled with peace and love. No more is self my stay, Thy truth has made me free ; How blessed is salvation's way, O Jesus, taught by thee ! To worship thee, my Lord, E'er follow thy dear feet. Rest wholly on thy precious Word — Ah, this is joy complete. i882 74 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Mar. 15.] A little child shall lead them. ISA xi. 6. He took a little child and set him in the midst of them. Mk. ix. .36. THE CHILD LESSON. Sweet the scene in Galilee, When, at home beside the Sea, To his own the Master tui'ns, And then- inmost thought discerns. They disputed by the way Of the kingdojn's outward sway, "WHio should high in honor stand, Greatest mid the favored band. Ah! not thus, proclaims the Lord, Comes j^osition or reward: Fii'st is he among the blest, "N^Tio shall humbly serve the rest. Jesus then before them brings A sweet child that to him clings, Whom in loving arms he takes, Emblem of his kingdom makes. "Who for me, in spmt mild. Welcomes such a little child. Me receives and God above. Crowned at last through toil and love. " Oh! to rest in Jesus' arms. There to find immortal charms: AVho his humble service bear Shall his throne of glory share. 1882 JSONGS FOB ALL SBASOIiS. 75 [Mar. 16.] Then shalt thou walk in thy way securely. Prov. iii. 23. Greater joy have I none than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. 3 John 4. * BEGINNING TO WALK. Come, my darling, come to me, Laughing, crowing in your glee ; See, your father's beckoning arms "Wait to shield from hurts and harms : Ha! youVe started, trij^ping, running. Hands outstretched, and steps so cunning. Oh, my precious baby boy. Father's pride and mother's joy, Many charms in thee are found, Many hopes in thee are bound, Kindest hands to thee are proffered. Earnest prayers for thee are offered. All alone, my blessed child. Now so winning, sweet, and mild. Though with crowds, along the way Of life's opening, closing day. Thou must walk, thyself immortal. Toward the future's solemn portal. Take no evil path, my boy, Make not bitter all our joy; Oh, may every step of thine Guided be by love divine : Walk alone the path of duty — Path of safety and of beauty. ** 76 ^OI^GS FOR ALL SEASONS. Then thy faithful feet at last, "When this earthly scene is past, ShaU, within the heavenly gate. Walk, with highest joy elate, On the banks of Life's pure river, Bright with glories fading never.. 1355 *^* [Mar. 17.] When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee. ISA. xliii. 2. He Cometh unto them, walking on the sea. Mark vi. 48. CHRIST ON THE WAVES. If on some stormy flood we go. As fades the sunset ray. From yonder mount, 'tis sweet to know. As threatening billows round us flow, That Jesus sees our way. If gloom appalls while sui'ges rave. And struggles vain appear. Ah! then, as needed help we crave. He treads sublime the darkling wave — The mighty Saviour near. Why tremble at the wondrous sight? 'Tis Jesus whom Ave know; He comes to guide us thi'ough the night. To scenes of peace and rapt dehght. Beyond all present woe. In blinding grief and boding fear. As doubts the soul invade. How sweet that Voice, so calm and clear. JSONGS FOB ALL SEASOI^iS. 77 So fraught with hope and joyous cheer^ *"Tis I, be not afraid." Welcome, dear Lord! O Saviour blest, Come to these weary hearts; Thy words the raging winds arrest, Thy presence soothes each troubled breast. And life and strength imparts. How safe the voyage with Christ along! How bright the beckoning shore! — The home of rest, the land of song. The palms, the crowns, the ransomed throng. The Lord whom we adore! 1882 [Mar. 18.] Anointed to preach good tidings unto the meek. ISA. Ixi. 1. The common people heard him gladly. Mark xii. 37. CHRIST'S PREACHING. The people heard the Saviour gladly. His Gospel was so sweet; Their grievous burdens, borne so sadly, Fell off at his dear feet. His gracious message of salvation, As morning to the night. Disclosed a new and blest creation — A world of life and light. O Jesus! mortal man hath never Spoken God's love Hke thee: To humbly trusting souls thou 'It ever Speak peace and pardon free. i889 78 SOUGS FOB ALL SEAJSOJS'S. [Mar. 19.] The tongue of the dumb shall sing. ISA.xxxv. 6. He sighed and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened. Mk vii. 34. EPHPHATHA. This is the very word The mighty Master spoke; The deaf the mandate heard, The dumb his silence broke; The opened ears di'ank in the sound; Praise moved the tongue at once unbound. Ah! sad and lonely state — No voice of friend to hear, While mute the soul must wait Mid scenes of social cheer; The sun of hfe in dim eclipse, No music's tone on ear or lips. "Be opened!" Oh, what bHss The wakened spirit thrills, As raptui'e such as this The ransomed senses fills! It never di-eamed such joy to know, Such sweet release from helpless woe. But duller ears are found To sweeter music sealed; The Gospel's blessed sound In vain for them is pealed; They will not list the voice from heaven. That speaks of Christ and sins forgiven. And palsied tongues there are. By sin enslaved, and weak, /SONGS FOR ALL SEAjSOJSS. 7S That raise to God no prayer, Nor love of Jesus speak; No soul-uplifting song is sung — Ah, what a bondage chains the tongue! "Be opened!" Lord, that word To deadened spirits ring! What wonders will be heard, ^Tiat music it shall bring! And tongues unloosed will speak abroad The grace and glory of our God. Ye whom the Lord has freed, And made each sense rejoice, Bid souls in dying need To hear his sa™g voice. That they may know and gladly tell How Jesus doeth all things well. 1882 [Mar. 20.] There are many devices in a man's heart; but the coun- sel of the Lord, that shall stand. Prov. xix. 21. The word of God, which liveth and abideth. 1 Pet. i. 23. DIVINE TRUTH. Behold, along the track of years gone by, The scattered wrecks of faithless theories lie ; Like Jonah's gourd they flourished for a day, Felt the keen edge of truth and passed away. The ages roll, and grander grows the truth, Its birth divine, its hf e immortal youth ; Its reign is certain as its Lord sublime, Desire of Nations to the end of Time ! 1373 80 SOJ^OS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Mar. 21.J The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind. Ps. cxlvi.8. They bring to him a blind man, and beseech him to touch him.— Mark viii. 22. THE BLIND RESTORED. Dark is the world to sightless eyes ; No sunlit day or star-gemmed skies, No garden, field, or streamlet there, No summer blooms or autumn dyes. No lovely vale or mountain rare, No form of friend or visage fair. The Lord of life, so sweet and kind, Leads gently forth the lonely bhnd; — Oh, to be led by such a Hand, Its touch to feel, its power to find! — He hears the soft yet strong command, And men as trees before him stand. Sight he receives, but naught is plain. The Master touched his eyes again ; He looks abroad and sees how bright The blooming land, the sparkhng main : Broken the long and weary night. With joy he hails the day's full light! O blessed Saviour! thou dost find Our souls by natui-e dark and blind. And straying far from light and thee. To visit us, how gracious, kind ; To touch our eyes and bid us see, - What wondrous love, how rich and free ! Our sight, dear Lord, is often dim, Narrow our low horizon's rim ; SO^'^GS FOE ALL SEASOJYS, 81 We crave a higher, clearer scope, A vision like the seraphim, A view of things for ^Yhich we hope : Touch our dull eyes, and they shall ope ! Hov/ many souls in sin's dread night Know not thou art the world's true Light ; Help us to bring them, Lord, to thee. That thou mayst touch and give them sight : Oh, glorious change! from blindness free. The loving Christ to know and see ! igsa +♦> [Mar. 22.] I wholly followed the Lord my God. Jos. xiv. 8. 11" any man would come alter me, let liim deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Matt. xvi. 24. FOLLOWING CHRIST. Saviour, I would ever hear thee. Trace thy footsteps and be near thee, Bear whatever cross : Make of self complete denial, Firmly stand in every trial, Be it gain or loss. Souls but devotees of pleasure Sacrifice the noblest treasure, Bartering life away. Who for Chi'ist thig^ vain world losing Ai'e celestial riches choosing, Life and endless day. When the mortal vale descending. Where all human scenes are ending, Be the world attained, 82 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. What would all its wealth avail me, Just as Hfe itself should fail me? "What the profit gained? When the soul, repenting never. Finds redemption cease forever. Can exchange be given? O'er the bound of man's probation, Passed the limit of salvation. Lost both earth and heaven! Not ashamed, but thee confessing. Lord, I would thy grace possessing. Live to thee alone; So, when thou shalt come in glory, I may sing thy love's sweet story, Safe among thine own. 1882 f^*^ [Mar. 23.] Mine eye poureth out tears unto God. Job xvi. 20. Jesus wept. John xi. 35. DID JESUS WEEP FOR ME? Did Jesus weep for me? And sigh o'er sinners here? — My soul that weeping Saviour see, And shed thyself a tear. Did Jesus pray for me? For such a wanderer care? — My heart subdued and broken be. And drawn to him in prayer. Did Jesus die for me? Oh, depth of love divine! — I die to sin — I '11 hve to thee ; O Saviour, make me thine! isss SONGS FOE ALL SEASON'S. 83 [Mar. 24.] I have trodden the winepress alone. IsA. Ixiii. 3. Over the brook Kidron, where was a garden, into which he entered. John xviii. 1. IN GETHSEMANE. One day, to memory dear, I knelt In lone Getlisemane, On the same ground where Jesus felt What none could feel but he. While praying there it truly seemed The Lord himself is here; I scarce before had thought or dreamed That he could be so near. Among those great old olive trees A low wind faintly moans; 'Twas Jesus' prayers upon the breeze, With agonizing groans. I note the soft dew still appears On rose-leaves lingering yet ; The pearly di'ops were Jesus' tears That this sad garden wet. The crimson flower and scarlet bud Ai'e blooming sweetly round; Ah! they are those great di-ops of blood Once falling to the ground. I see that dark and awful' houi*, The cup received as given, The deathly strife, the Conqueror's power, The angel help from heaven. AVhile direful hues my sin assumes, My soul condemned and lost, 84 JSOUGS FOE ALL SEASONS. The way of life that scene illumes, And shows the ransom cost. Gethsemane, thy hallowed shade, Thy tender memories dear. That day of days, can never fade. And Jesus still is near. I882 [Mar. 25. J Call ye upon him while he is near. ISA. Iv. 6. Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. Mark xii. 34. THE KINGDOM NEAR. Not far from the kingdom — so near to the gate Where pardon and hope for the penitent wait, AA^ere hfe from the dead and salvatioii from sin Ai'e blessings made certain by entering in. That kingdom all glorious is not of this clime. Its realm is celestial, immortal, sublime ; Its subjects are angels, the sinless and just. And all who make Jesus their Saviour and trust. The truth and the S^^irit bring multitudes near, The call of its King in the gospel they hear, A glimjDse of its beauty is flashed on their sight ^AHiile thinking of loved ones now saints in its hght. What glories are thine, blessed kingdom of heaven! A^Tiat radiant crowns to the saved shall be given, "WTiat rivers of pleasure shall flow thro' theu' souls. What raptui-es of bliss while eternity rolls ! kingdom of Jesus ! shall mortals come nigh, And stop at the threshold, and hnger and die ! Stand close to the Ai"k with its beckoning door. And wait till it closes, and hope comes no more 1882 JSOWGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 85 [Mar. 26.] The angels of God met him. And Jacob said when he saw tliem, This is God's host. Gen. xxxii. 1,2. In the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven. Matt. xxii. 30. AS THE ANGELS. As THE angels — blessed story! Holy, like their loving Lord, Saints shall be when raised to glory, Sharing in their rich reward; Safe within the pearly portal, Free from shadowing cloud or night, Dwellers in the land immortal, Peace and joy theii' full delight. As the angels — life's fruition! Messengers of Love divine. Trusted with a glorious mission. Serving still in deeds benign; To the loved of earth descending, All unseen but sweetly nigh. Guardian helpers, souls befriending, "Waiting for their call on high. As the angels — Jesus praising For his \ictories of grace. Filled with rapture deep, amazing. As they see him face to face! Blessed home of rest supernal. No more sorrow, death, or sin; Oh, the bhss of Life Eternal! Oh, the joy of entering in! i882 86 SOJ^fGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Mar. 27.] Tabor and Hermon rejoice in thy name. Ps. Ixxxix. 12. And he was transfigured belore them. Matt. xvii. 2. MOUNT TABOR. A HIGH mountain aj)art, that adorns Galilee, Speaks sweetly of Jesus and lieaven to me. To climb the steep sides of dear Tabor I love, And think of the glory that hovered above. 'Tis not that the Lake of Gennesareth fair, Enraptured I see from the high summit there, Nor landscapes enchanting on every hand met — Views sacred and lovely I ne'er can forget. Not Jordan's deep vale, nor Megiddo's so green, Nor Hermon, Gilboa, and Carmel, there seen; Not Bashan's dark wall with the light on its crest. Nor the Great Sea of blue in soft beauty at rest. These all, with their memories tender or sad, Rush into my spii'it so buoyant and glad ; But the Transfigui^ation of Jesus sublime Is the glory transcending all visions of time ! His meek face in prayer 'neath the star-dome of night Is changed to a brightness outshining the hght ; His travel-worn garments a splendor assumed, That never the robes of an angel illumed. Lawgiver and Prophet to Jesus di'aw nigh, In glorified forms flashing down from the sky. And deep was their converse of Calvary near, AMiile the favored exclaim, ' 'It is good to be here. " In grandeur celestial the glory-cloud came. Overshadowing all with its marvelous flame. SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 87 And through it tlie voice of the Father broke clear, "This is my Beloved, and him shall ye hear." Ay, beautiful Tabor! thou speakest of heaven, Of the light and the glory to ransomed ones given. The King in his beauty, the land that's afar. When the soul in that heaven shall shine as a star. f^f 1865 [Mar. 28.] Believe in . . God, so shall ye be established. 2 Chr. xx. 20. The fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. Mark xi. 21. HAVE FAITH IN GOD. Have faith in God! The withered tree Forecasts the doom of vain pretense; Thus unbelieving souls shall be. When comes the day of re(;oinpense. Have faith in God! The house of prayer, "WTiere much offends his vision pure. Shall soon his cleansing process share. And truth restored shall long endure. Have faith in God! His promised power Shall bid the fiercest foe be gone; Fear not, but know the darkest hour Precedes the near celestial dawn. Have faith in God! He loves his own: Is aught too hard for sovereign grace? Cling to his word, besiege his throne. Mountains shall shake and flee apace. Have faith in God! Oh, blessed day, When faith shall reap its last rewards. The gospel win its destined way. And all the earth shall be the Lord's ! i882 88 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [3Iar. 29.] Thou hast no healing medicines. Jer. xxx. 13. Jesus answered and said . . bring him hither to me. Matt. xvii. 17. THE EPILEPTIC BOY. Bring him to me. O pitying Lord! How sweet thy kind persuasive word, AMiat symj)athies in thee o'erflow, What love for suffering sons of woe! JIoio long? In childhood's early day This evil spuit found its prey, Baffled all skill of healing sought. And through the years a bhght has wi'ought. See now the raging of the storm — The torn and scarred and wasting form; His life a scene of peril made; O Master! canst thou render aid? Canst thou believe? Find here the test, The rock of trust where souls may rest, "WTiere human weakness grasps the might Of power divine — turns faith to sight. JLord, I helieve. Thy help impart, That confidence inspire my heart: Thou art the Chiist, God's only Son, At thy command the work is done. Come out of him! At Jesus' beck, The demon leaves the shattered wreck; The healing touch, the gracious word — The boy stands forth, erect, restored! O Saviour! when we cry in grief, Dispel all hngering unbelief; SO^^GS FOB ALL SEASOJVS. 89 Let the soul-healiDg work divine Make those we love forever thine! icco [Mar. 30.] In that day. .the eyes of the blind shall see. IsA. xxix. 18. He said, Lord, that I may receive my siglit. Luke xviii. 41. BARTIM^US. "Waiting at the city gate, Bhnd and poor — ah, wretched state! "Who will bring the craved relief? WTio dispel the cloud of grief? Oh, that Christ, the Man of might. Here would come, and give me sight ! Hark ! what throng is on the street ? Passes Jesus thou wouldst meet ! Son of David, Master dear, Mercy show a sufferer here! Hold my peace? I'll louder cry — Mercy, Saviour, or I die! Rise, he calls! — What accents sweet Greet me at the Master's feet! Do for me? Thou Lord of light. Sight restore — oh, give me sight? As thou wilt, for faith like thine Brings the boon, the work divine. Oh, what w^onders, strange but true, Bui'st upon my raptured view! Best of all to see thee. Lord, Hear thy kind assiuing word; Glorious is thy grace to me — Saviour, I must follow thee. isss 90 SOJVGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Mar. 31.] The Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him. Gex. ii. 18. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Matt. xix. G. THE SANCTITY OF HOME. In creation's fail* beginning, In the bloom of Eden's smile, Ere the blight of human sinning, Ere the darkening taint of guile, See the plan of God's designing For the homes of all our race — Two in one through love combining, One in heart, in flesh, in j)lace. Blest the home of God's ordaining, Manly bridegroom, worthy bride. Mutual love supremely reigning, Joyous heljoers side by side ; Full affection sweetly sharing, As the life-years sweep along, Each for each all burdens bearing, Tui'ning sorrow into song. Children dear, the Lord's bestowing. Bringing music, adding love. Trained in truth, and Chiisthke growing. Home suggesting heaven above ; Peace and gladness, fond caressing, Ser^dng well and living right ; Church and state and world all blessing, Bringing on millennial light. SONGS FOE ALL SEASOJS'S. 91 Let no faithless vandal plunder Home's sweet ties and sacred rights ; Let no statute put asunder Whom the Lord for life unites. Truth divine regard and cherish, Shun the sins defying God, Lest our homes and nation perish, "Whelmed in guilt's polluting flood. 1882 [April 1.] Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. MAL.iii. 7. Returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. 1 Pet. ii. 1^5. THE ^WANDERER. Pilgrim! hast thou far departed From the Saviour's loving arms? Dost thou wander, fickle-hearted, Mid the world's alluring charms? Dost thou cherish fleeting pleasures More than joys of Jesus' love, Mindless of the heavenly treasures Which he bade thee place above? Hearken to the Saviour speaking. Turn your steps to him again; Long for you has he been seeking. Shall he call and seek in vain? Vagrant ways are sad and dreary, Fading are earth's hopes at best; Haste to Jesus! there the weary Find secure and blessed rest. i840 92 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [April 2.] Behold, thy King cometh unto thee. Zec. ix. 9. They that went before, and they that followed, cried, Hosanna; Bles sed is he tha4i cometh in the name of the Lord. Makk xi. 9. HOSANNA! Let the shout of triumph, peahiig, Sound o'er Olives' sacred brow; 'Tis the prophet's burst of feehng In a blest fulfillment now. With hosamias, To thy King, O Zion, bow! Garments lay in paths before him, Strew the leaves of victor-palm, Let the throngs, as they adore him. Chant then- old triumphal psalm: Loud hosannas Shall his mighty name embalm. Onward, Prince! With exultation We the Son of David see! Blessed kingdom of salvation. Come, and make thy subjects free! Glad hosannas Ring theu' welcomes now to thee! Childi'en in the temple singing, Catch the strains and swell the tides. Their hosannas grateful bringing, As to Zion's gates he rides — Sweet hosannas To the Lord w^ho saves and guides. Saviour! slain and risen to glory. Still ride on as Zion's King; JSOJ^^GS FOR ALL SEASONS. Wc Aiid fulfill the propiiets' story — To thy feet all nations bring: Then hosannas From a ransomed world shall ring ! 1882 [April 3.J Behold, to obey is better than sacritice. 1 Sam. xv. 22. If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments. John xiv. 15. LOVING OBEDIENCE. Keep my commands, the Saviour said, If me ye love, believing; And loving, loyal hearts obeyed, To his example cleaving. I'll follow, then, my glorious Lord, Whate'er the ties I sever; He saved my soul, and left his Word To guide me now and ever. For me the cross and shame to bear. Dear Saviour, thou wast willing. Nor would I shrink thy yoke to wear, All righteousness fulfilling. Jesus, to thee; I yield my all. In thy kind arms enfold me; My heart is fixed, no fears appall. Thy gracious power shall hold me. How sweet the way divine to take, So clear in Gospel story: On souls that follow Christ shall break The Spiiit's beam of glory. i863 94 SOUGS FOR ALL SEASONS. • [April 4. J Many daughters have done worthily, but thou excellest them all. Prov. xxxi. 29. She hath done what she could : she hath anointed my body afore- hand for the burying. Mk. xiv. 8. MARY ANOINTING HER LORD. The feast went on, tlie last dear entertainment True friends might give tlie precious Son of God ; The hour was nearing for his forced arraignment By hating souls that thirsted for his blood. Impelled by love undying, sweet, spontaneous, Mary with grateful feeling as was meet. Regardless of the crowd or things extraneous, Poui'ed the rich nard on Jesus' head and feet. Fragrant the odor, all the senses calming, A sacrifice that only love would crave : She saw with him alone the sad embalming Of that dear form so soon to reach the grave. The tenderest memories to her soul come thronging, AMien in the way of truth her feet he led. And that di-ead time of dark suspense and longing Till he returned and raised the precious dead. She could not feast, but must by some expression Forecast near scenes of mingled hope and gloom : The choicest, costliest thing of her possession Is love's discernment of the cross and tomb ! The Saviour saw it, gave his commendation, Rebuked the selfish spirit that opposed, Sent down the ages to each land and nation The glorious deed this loving act disclosed. JSO^''GS FOB ALL ^EA^O^''S. 95 She hath done what she could : a grand memorial, An everlasting word for earth and heaven ! Better than fame in bronze or art pictorial — The high approval of her Saviour given. Ye humble ones that long to serve the Master, Obey the impulse of a loving soul ; Give him your cherished nard in alabaster, And find a record on the eternal roll. loco [April 5.] She reacheth forth her hands to the needy. Pkov. xxxi. 20. She hath wrought a good work upon nie. Matt. xxvi. 10. THE BEST COMMENDATION. Lives whose eulogy is written In a blessing on the heart, Wrought through love and self-denial, Ne'er from memory shall depart. Graved upon the soul's bright tablet. Wasting time can ne'er efface. Heaven shall keep the cherished record In its own eternal place. When the light of mortal being Darkens in the shadowy vale. When all scenes of earthly beauty From the fading vision fail. Oh, what peace shall fill the spiiit. Conscious of a life for good; Oh, how rich the Saviour's blessing — jShe hath do)ie whateer she could. isig 96 SONGS FOB ALL SEASON'S. [April 6.] Mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, liath lifted up his heel against me. Ts. xli. 9. They began to be sorrowful, and to say unto him one by one, Is it I? Mk. xiv. ly. IS IT I? While they feasted paschal day, Heard the twelve theh^ Master say, "One of you shall me betray."' Is it If As the startling sentence fell, "WTio the pain it gave could tell? One its import knew full well. Is it If Forth with pm-pose dark and dread, From that tender scene he fled, False and heartless as he said. Is it If Thus the Son of God to scorn. Better had he ne'er been born, Ne'er had seen life's rosy morn. Is it If Ai'e there no betrayers now? None who break theii* solemn vow. Made when bui'dened spiiits bow % Is it If With the chosen here enrolled. Bearing trusts within the fold. Yet in heart unchanged and cold : Is it If Find we not through guises thin. Souls that would, for gain or sin. Sell their Lord such price to win? Is it If Jesus, with omniscient ken. Beads the inmost hearts of men. Knows the traitor now as then. Is it If i8S2 JSO:^GS FOB ALL SEAi^OIiS. 97 [April ?.] If ye think good, give me my hire. . . So ihey weighed lor my hire thirty pieces of silver. Zec. xi. 12. Woe unto that man through vrhom tlie Son of man is betrayed!— Matt. xxvi. 24. THE BETRAYAL. Ah, what a night of woe! The garden sorrow past, Beneath the traitor's blow The Master falls at last; Betrayal dark with friendly kiss — Is any act more foul than this? How e'en could I'uffian bands, On him, so loving, meek. Lay their unholy hands. Or words of insult speak? "While angel legions hovering near Would glad in his defense appear! The Son of God is bound, And rudely borne away; The night is dark around — Can it be ever day? Is judgment coming, slow or swift? Can clouds so dense e'er show a rift ? O Jesus! oft betrayed, My Saviour and my Lord, On thee my faith is stayed, And on thy blessed word: Best here, my soul, and serve and wait. Nor e'er betray a trust so great! 1882 98 ^SOJS^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [April 8.] Ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord. Ex. xii. 14. As often as ye eat tliis bread, and drink tlie cup, ye proclaim the Lord's death till he come. 1 COR. xi. 2G. THE LORD'S SUPPER. How SWEET tlie scene, liow^ blest the hour, With Jesus at this feast divine ; His prayers are here, his words of power — Deep meanings thi'o' these symbols shine. He gave the bread — the grain w^as crushed To make the food that life sustains ; Thro' his dear form the death-throes rushed, He saved our souls by mortal pains. He gave the cup — the grapes were pressed To bring the purpling boon supphed; Our souls nor earth nor heaven give rest Till bathed in Calvary's crimson tide. To us what matchless mercy flows — Redemption's everlasting prize — Through agonies none ever know^s, Save him who made the sacrifice. Remember Me. O Saviour dear. Can we thy W' ork or words forget ? The cross, or thorns, or nails, or spear. Thy boundless love, our boundless debt ? These sacred thoughts and memories deep Forbid that aught our love should dim ; With grateful hearts the feast we keep, And sing the tender parting hymn. 1882 SONGS FOE ALL SEASOj^S. 99 [April 9.] The good land which the Lord giveth you. Deut. xi. 17. There followed him great multitudes from Galilee and Decapolisand Jerusalem and Judea aud from beyond Jordan. Matt. iv. 25. LEAVING THE HOLY LAND. Palestine! sacred, beloved of our God! 1 tread where tlie prophets and patriarchs trod, ^Vhere footsteps of angels have hallowed the sod. I enter thy gates, O Jerusalem dear ! I walk about Zion, her towers I revere ; Look down o'er Moriah, the Temple w^as here. I go where the Saviour, by mountain and shore, With twelve he had chosen, oft journeyed before, Believed the sad-hearted and preached to the poor. I gaze on sweet scenes that his eye had surveyed, I trace his dear steps to Gethsemane's shade, I weep where he wept, and I pray w^here he prayed. I stand by the hall where false judgment was given, I go to the hill where the Cross-nails were diiven, I enter the tomb of the loved One of Heaven. I pass o'er the Kidron to Olivet nigh. Where Bethany nestles so sweet 'neath the eye. Where the risen Eedeemer ascended on high. O Land of the holiest memories, adieu ! My wanderings in thee I shall often renew ; Thy beautiful landscapes are ever in view. O desolate Land! 'neath a bhght to remain, Till thy children, long scattered, are gathered again. And Christ, once rejected, shall over thee reign, isei 100 SOJVGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [April, 10. 1 It was thou, a man mine equal, my companion and my faniUiar friend. Fs. Iv. 13. Wilt thou lay down thy life for me? . . The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice. Jonx xiii. .38. PETER'S DENIAL. Eeady for war, He must not fight for Jesus taken; Yet he, while faith and hope are shaken, Followed afar. He sees his Lord Borne helpless to the high j)riest's palace. The victim of relentless malice, And sheathed his sword. Is all ]iow lostf Ah, whither is the kingdom drifting? Satan the Apostle's soul is sifting At fearful cost. '\Aliile at the fire His chilled and weary body warming. Unknown temptations, fierce, alarming, Repress desii'e. There in the hall Proceeds the mockery of trial; And here a craven thrice denial In Peter's fall. At the shrill sign Sad memories are o'er him sweeping. And oh, what bitterness of weeping 'Neath eyes divine! iSOJYGS FOE ALL SEASOJ^S. 101 With broken heart, Forgiven, and free from self-assertion, Apostle now by new conversion, To do liis part. From censure keep: His lapse ere sun arose was ended; Ai'e your denials less extended? — No cause to weep"? 1882 [April 11.] Awake, O sword .. .smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered. Zec. xiii. 7. Ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and leave me alone. — John xvi. 32. SMITTEN-SCATTERED. O'ekwhelmed at his arrest By foes the traitor led. Apostles, dazed, distressed, Forsook theii' Lord and fled! O sad and scattered flock. Your smitten Shepherd view! Can faith survive the shock? "What now remains for you? Darker than night profound Theu' sinking hopes appear; Not one faint ray is found. No day, nor sun, is near! Ah ! yield not thus your faith ; Hold fast! and soon shall shine, Through all this gloom and death, What light and love divine! isso 102 SO]}^GS FOE ALL SEASON'S. [April 12. J Thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifies! me througli visions. Job vii. 14. Have thou nothing to do with that righteous man ; for I have suffer- ed many things this day in a dream because of him. Mat. xxvii. 19. PLEA or PILATE'S ^WIFE. Pilate, on tiie judgment-seat, With the Prisoner at his feet. Feels the conflict stir his soul, SeK and conscience seek control: "Will he now the Christ release? Or shall right and justice cease? my love! — his wife's appeal — Think with whom you have to deal! Yield not to his cruel foes, Nor this righteous Man oppose; 1 have suffered with affright, Dreaming of him through the night. He appeared as one from heaven, Friend of man divinely given. Teaching, healing, none refused, Blessing still, though oft abused; Then I seemed to hear the cry, Jesus, Jesus, crucify! Oh, that cross! Beyond, I saw Scenes that filled my soul with awe — Jesus on his throne of light, Crowned with glory and with might ; All the world were at his feet: Thou wast there that Judge to meet ! 1882 ^ONGS FOR ALL SEASONIS. 103 [April 13. J He was wounded for our transgressions, he was braised for ouriniquities. ISA. liii. 5. »= was uiui&ea A ^^?^ ^i""]^^<^<^ himself, becoming obedient even unto death: yea the death ot the cross. Phil. ii. 8. ■' ' CHRIST ON THE CROSS. The cross, the cross ! nailed to the cross, My soul, thy Saviour see ! Behold his agony and blood — The price that ransoms thee ! The shame, the shame ! the scorn and shame, The crowd of mockers, see! For me the Sufferer bore it all — He gave himself for me. The wounds, the wounds ! those jDainful wounds, Oh, they were made for me ! His hands and feet, his holy head, All j^ierced and torn I see ! The death, the death ! the awful death, That Jesus died for me ! I hear his cries, his prayer, ' ' Forgive, " His bleeding side I see ! The love, the love ! the matchless love, That bled upon the tree ! It moves my tears, it melts my heart, It brings me, Lord, to thee. The grace, the grace ! such wondrous grace. For sinners lost, so free ! Dear dying Lamb ! how can a soul Refuse to come to thee! i87i 104 JSO^^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. [April 14.] He poured out his soul unto death. IsA. liii. 12. He said, It is finished . and lie bowed his head, and gave up his spirit. John xix. 30. THE DEAD CHRIST. The mighty scene is past, The day unparalleled in time, The utmost reach of human crime ; Christ dying — dead at last ! Earth's ancient mountains quake, All nature feels the di'eadful shock. Forces unseen death's gates unlock, And saints in tombs awake! Hushed is the crowd with fear ; Enters the mother's heart the sword ; Conviction thrills the Koman's w^ord — The Son of God is here ! Tender and losing hands That precious mangled form take down, Remove blood stains, the j)iercing crown, And "WTap in Hnen bands. Laid in the new rock-tomb, The stone they roll against its door : Ah! hearts of sadness, tears that pour, And unexampled gloom ! Sweet is the Sa^dour's rest. Beyond all burdens of the day. From man's relentless scorn away. Serene, alone, and blest. O Jesus! for me slain. Make in my rocky heart a place SO^'^GS FOE ALL SEAtiOXS. 105 Wliere thou slialt come with dying grace, To rest, and rise, and reign. iggg — *♦♦ [April 15.] How is the strong staff broken, the beautiful rod ! Jer xlviii. 17 Of iheni that had been slain for the word of God, and for the testi- mony which tliey held. Ki!:v. vi. y. THE MARTYR PRESIDENT. How IS the strong staff broken, And rent the beauteous rod! How strangely hast thou spoken, O sovereign, righteous God! Like starthng volle3^ed thunder. Dashed from a cloudless sky, All horror-struck, we wonder. And trembling ask, oh, why? Our Father! we adore thee. We know thy reign is just; Smitten, we bow before thee, Our place is in the dust. How is the strong staff broken! — ■ The Nation mourns its Chief, And showering tears betoken Its mighty loss and grief ! The tide of triumph swelling, Confounded, staggers back: From mast and hall and dwelling. The banner di"oops in black! Hark ! Freedom's bells are toUing, Her solemn cannons roar, And Sorrow's billows rolling, Break mournful on the shore ! 106 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. How is the strong staff broken, That held us mid the storm! Oui' safety's cherished token, "We chmg around his form, Till, Moses-Hke, he renders — Near through the exodus — His soul where Nebo-splendors Beamed bright for him and us! Through all the strife remaining, Be thou, O God, our Guide, Freedom and Eight maintaining. For which our Lincoln died! isgs [April 16.] I will give peace in the land. Lev. xxvi. 6. Be comforted; be of the same mind; live in peace. 2 CoR. xiii. 11. NATIONAL PEACE. The day of joy has come! Let bugle blast and drum Sound now for Peace! O'er all the Union free, From lake to Southern sea. Swells the glad jubilee For war's release! The banner of the brave "Who sought the land to save, And gained the jDrize, Now flutters where it fell, Awakes the ancient spell. Triumphs anew to tell To wondering eyes! SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. 107 No more the call to arms, No longer dread alarms Where warriors tramp; The deadly strife is o'er, Stayed the red tide of gore, Hushed the loud cannon's roar, In field and camp! Best o'er the land shall fall, And liberty for all The song shall be! The power of bondage broke, Removed its galling yoke, God hath the fiat spoke — The country free! Great w^as the sacrifice, Great was the offered price — Treasure and blood; But greater is the gain — • Preserved our vast domain. Without its guilty stain, And cm-se of God! ises [April 17.] As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was tlie appearance ol the brightiiess. EzE. i. 28. The rainbow was upon his head. Rev. x. 1. THE BOW^ ON THE CLOUD. See ! on the passing tempest, wild and grand, As wrought and rounded by a seraph's hand, The blending lines in wondrous beauty glow, Span the dark cloud and touch the earth below. 108 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. So to the world o'erswept with sin-brought wrath, Sweet Mercy comes, and bright along its path Hangs her blest bow, as hope to lost ones given. That looms from earth and culminates in heaven. 1846 -^♦* [April 18.] Thou hast led thy captivity captive. Ps. Ixviii. 18. Now when he was risen early on tlie first day of the wef-k, he appear, ed first to Mary Magdalene. Map.k xvi. 9. CHRIST'S RESURRECTION. Through the saddened night of weeping, All the mournful Sabbath day. Ah! what lonely vigils keeping, TVTiat shall chase the gloom away? Comes at last a joyous morning. Beams of glory bathe the earth, Never time knew such adorning Since creation's Eden biiih. Ere the sun in splendor rising Touched the hills with golden breath, Jesus, foe and friend surprisiug, Bui'st the rocky bars of death ! Angels saw the glorious capture. Crowning mii'acle of time. Women caught the news with raj)ture, Told it in theii- joy sublime! How that sweet bewildering gladness. When disciples saw their Lord, Banished all their heavy sadness, Tuned anew faith's drooping chord! SONGS FOB ALL SEASO^^S. 109 Higlier now theii' sweep of vision, Rent the veil that made it dim ; Theirs the broad, the great commision — Bring the whole wide world to him ! 1882 -f#+ fApRlL 19.] Who is the King ot gjory? The Lord strong and mighty. Ps. xxiv. 8. >= o J I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades. Rev. i. 18. JESUS LIVES! Jesus lives! the King of glory, Tastes no more of mortal strife; Hear, O earth! the wondi'ous story — Gift of God, Eternal Life ! Jesus and the ResuiTection! — Sound it to the world's far bound; Oh, the blessed, grand reflection — Dead may hve and lost be found! Risen Savioui'! ours for ever, Thou the hfe, the truth, the way; Grace and strength shall fail us never, Heaven and earth are in thy sway! Thou wilt rend our tombs' dark portal, Coming from thy gracious throne; Thou wilt make our forms immortal, Glorified and hke thine own! Death's Despoiler! thou wilt take us To thy royal realm above; More than conquerors thou wilt make us Through the mightiness of love! 1882 110 SONGS FOB ALL SEASOJS'S. [April 20.] Now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth. Mic, V. 4. Go tell my brethren that they depart into Galilee, and there shall they see me. Matt, xxviii. 10. AFTER THE RESURRECTION. Past sad hours of separation, Many a heart a joyful fount, Gathering now with gratulation On a Gahlaean mount. Glad disciples! as they meet him — See theu' Master — as he said; Deep the wonder as they greet him, Jesus, risen from the dead! Came the quickened recollection Of the words he often spoke: Cross and death and resurrection Like a sunburst o'er them broke. Glorious is the message given In that kingly last command, All of power in earth and heaven Wielded by his mighty hand! Go ye then and teach all nations, True believers be the j)i"ize; Them confessed in new relations. In the triune Name baptize. All things I command, observing, Ever kept in closest \dew, Teach to those their Master serving, So shall they be faithful, true. JSOJYGS FOE ALL ^EASOJSfiS. ill So shall I be with you ever, Whatsoe'er your paths betide: Always with you, leaving never Souls that in my word confide; With you all, my name confessing. Though ye toil in every clime; With you always, cheering, blessing, To the end of earth and time. igso [April 21. J It is the blood that niaketh atonement. Lev. xvii. 11. He ever liveth to make intercession for them. Heb. vii. 25. BID JESUS DIE FOR ME? Did Jesus die for me? Give u]D his life for mine; Thy blood, O Christ! brings me to thee, Cleansed in the fount divine. Does Jesus live for me. An endless life of love? Then I shall live, his glory see, And dwell with him above. Does Jesus plead for me. My Priest before the throne? He will my blessed Surety be, His ransomed he will own. Did Jesus rise for me, Victor of death and tomb? His power shall set m^'- body free. Clothed in immortal bloom. iksq 112 JSOJ^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. [April 22.] The heart also of the rash shall understand. Is. xxxii.4. Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed : blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. Jonx xx. 29. THOMAS CONVINCED. The same bright day the Saviour rose, Apostles meet in evening's cabn — The day that will, till time shall close, The resurrection scenes embalm. A^Tiat strange events the hours have brought. Amazing joys, with hopes and fears : "WTiile thus absorbed in deepest thought, Lo ! in their midst the Lord appears ! He comes in love his own to greet. His jDresence gives them rapt delight, His "Peace to you" is heavenly sweet, His hands, his side, oh, wondi'ous sight ! Desponding Thomas was not there, To have his feeble faith made strong : To miss the hour and place of prayer, How much is lost by such a wrong ! A lonely week of gloom and grief. The doubting one then hither trod : How Jesus helps his unbelief — How Faith exclaims, ' ' My Lord, my God! " Oh, they with untold joys are blest. Who have not seen but yet believe, And, leaning on their Saviour's breast, The fullness of his love receive. JSOWGS FOB ALL SEASOIiS. 113 Their life the feet so torn have sought, The hands so scarred have clasped their own, The heart so pierced their souls has bought — They shall be his before the throne. 1874 f#^ [April 23.] Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all genera, tions. Ps. xc. 1. God is love ; and he that abideth in love abideth in God. 1 Jn. iv. 16. THE liORD OUR HOME. O Lord, in whom are all my springs, Joyful to thee I come; My grateful heart exultant sings To know thou art its home. The shelter of thy glorious arms, How strong and safe and sweet! From sense and sin, from all alarms, I fly to this retreat. There is my sure and tranquil rest, In every troubled houi"; Weary, I lean upon thy breast, And feel its soothing power. In that dear place of purest love, A^Tiat wings encircle me! Naught in the w^orld can ever move My trusting soul from thee. My Lord! if now I find in thee So blest and sweet a home, AVhat shall the heavenly mansion be, "When to its door I comef is75 114 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [April 24.] Lift up your heads, O ye gates; yea, lilt them up, ye ev- erlasting doors : and the King of glory shall come in. Ps. xxiv. 9. While he blessed them, he parted from them, and was carried up into heaven. Luke xxiv. 51. CHRIST'S ASCENSION. Joyous was the angel song At the Sa\ioui-'s lowly bii'th, Glorious is the angel throng Come to see him leave the earth ; O'er the mount on cloudy wing Wait the chariots of the King. Finished all his mission vast, Truth unveiled, redemption wrought, Death and grave triumphant passed. Life and light to mortals brought: Never more shall grief or pain Break his loving heart again. AVith his chosen now he stands, Kichest blessings on them pours. O'er them spreads his gracious hands. Then above them, lo, he soars! Higher, grander, heavenward flight. Till a cloud obscures the sight. Hark! the song of triumph rolls. As he sweeps the gates above; Angel hosts and ransomed souls Welcome home the Lord they love: King of glory! take thy throne. Wield the scepter, wear the crown! SO^''GS FOE ALL SEASONS. 115 Church of God! the gospel spread, Bring the world to Jesus' feet: He shall come, judge quick and dead, Claim his own, all things complete. Send the Spirit, mighty Lord, Give the victory to thy AYord! 1882 «♦> [April 25.] He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. Cant. ii. 4. Behold,! stand at the door and knock : if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Kev. iii. 20. THE SOUL'S FEAST. Once I heard a sound at my heart's dark door. And was roused from the slumber of sin ; It was Jesus knocked, he had knocked before, Now I said, Blessed Master, come in ! Then he spread the feast of redeeming love, And he made me his own happy guest ; In my joy I thought that the saints above Could be hardly more favored or blest. In the holy war with the foes of truth, He 's my shield, he my table prepares, He restores my soul, he renews my youth, And gives triumph in answer to prayers. He will feast me still with his presence dear, And the love he so freely hath given, ^Vhile his promise tells, as I serve him here, Of the banquet of glory in Heaven. isoo 116 SOIiGS FOB ALL SEASON'S. [April 26.] Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. ECCL. ix. 10. Son, go work to-day in the vineyard. Matt. xxi. 28. CHRISTIAN SERVICE. Go woEK to-clay ! Thy gracious Lord commands it, All heaven would leaj) at once to obey his voice : Sublime the call, and he who understands it Makes this high work of love his happy choice. Haste, work! That thou art summoned to it, soul, rejoice ! Go work to-day ! "WTiat waiting fields invite thee ! The Church, the widening vineyard of the Lord, What beauty there, what clusters rich incite thee. And then at last the glorious reward ! Haste, work! Nor ever deem thy Master's service hard. Go work to-day ! Behold the world around thee, "\^rhere mj^iads to the verge of ruin sweep ; Does not the peril of their souls astound thee. And loudly summon thee to wake from sleep ? Haste, work! Thrust in thy sickle and rich harvests reap ! Go work to-day ! Put forth a strong endeavor To do through every hour thy Savioui-'s will ; 'Tis work he wants, true earnest hearts that never, In labors he appoints, grow faint or chill. Haste, work! A cause so blest an angeVs heart might fill. . iSONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. 117 Go work to-day! The Sayioui'^s love impelling, Think how he wrought, and gave himself for thee ! That love, so wonderful, to others telling, Shall fire thy soul, and thou their faith may see. Haste, work ! And thy reward a starry crown shall be. Go work to-day ! This day — wait not another ! Thou knowest not what it may bring to light; Life, hope, are found to-day — wait not, O brother ! Lest o'er the field shall fall a deadening blight. Haste, work! The day is passing, soon will come the night ! 1872 [April 27.] As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Josh. xxiv. 15. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the custom of some is. Heb. x. 25. HOME AND LORD S DAY WORSHIP. Sweet is the cheerful voice of prayer and praise, That love-bound hearts at holy altars raise. As early sunbeams round the dwelling shine. Bright with a glory and a care divine ; As evening twilight with her lingering smiles. To heavenly thoughts the grateful heart beguiles : As comes that day, the holiest of the seven, "WT^en rests o'er earth the sacredness of heaven, And with meek worshipers are gladly trod The hallowed courts of our benignant God, AVhere dews of grace on waiting hearts are shed. And with the Word receptive souls are fed. i846 118 SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. [April 28. J They joy before thee according to the joy in harvest. — ISA. ix. .3. And they Avent forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word by the signs that followed. Makk xvi. 20. CHRIST'S LABORERS. Blest laborers in the kingdom And patience of our Lord, Ye only heard his summons, Nor thought of earth's reward. Ye saw the whitening harvest, Ye longed to reap and save, And, loyal to your Master, Your life and vigor gave. He owned the precious offering. He crowned the earnest toil, And clustering sheaves well garnered Display the heavenly spoil. Blest fields that bear your footprints! Glad souls to Jesus won! They mid the darkness brighten. To glory these march on. Courage ! ye patient toilers. The silver hning grows ; The clouds themselves are drifting, The bow of j)romise glows. Hark! thrilling shouts of triumph! The mighty swell of songs! Ride on, thou conquering Saviour! To thee the world belongs. 1570 JSOJS'GS FOE ALL SEASO^''S. 119 [April 29. J They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of tlie fir- mament; aitd they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. Dan. xii. 3. One star differeth from another star in glory. 1 CoR. xv. 41. THE SHINING THRONG. As THE stars in yonder sky Fill their varied spheres on high, So to ransomed souls are given, "When they pass Hfe's tranquil even. Blest abodes prepared in Heaven. As the stars are fixed in light, Through the ages beaming bright, So when saints their home attain, Ne'er shall they go out again. But with Christ for ever reign. As the stars at morning's blaze, Only seem to lose their rays, So the called w^e mourn and miss, Live and shine in worlds of bliss. Far from clouds that darken this. As the stars w^th constant glow. Charm and guide what throngs below, So the blest, admired above. With us in example move, Helping still through deeds of love. As the stars that small appear Would be wondi'ous great if near, So to feeblest saints in Heaven, Once by doubts and trials diiven, Glories wonderful are given. I875 120 SOjVGS fob all SEASONS. [April 30.] The king was a leper unto the day of his death. 2 Chro . xxvi. 21. Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And he. .touched him, saying, I will ; be thou made clean. Matt. viii. 2, 3. THE LEPER CLEANSED. Outside the crowd that Jesus taught, As wondi'ous words with wisdom fraught Fell from his lips, a heavenly fount. In the glad Sermon from the Mount, A loathsome leper there was found, Attentive to the gospel sound. Enchained, enwrapt, deep through his soul The rising tides of feehng roll, "W-liile the Discourse in grandeur grows, And thoughts so solemn mark its close ; Then, as the Teacher rose, withdrew. He and the wondermg throng pui'sue. "Though all unclean and cast aside, And every sacred boon denied. Oh, will not this Great Prophet give The favor wdshed and bid me live ? May I not fall before his face. Confess his j^ower and trust his grace? " AMiat conflict raged within liis heart ! To Christ would go — then feared to stai't : But more and more his need was felt. Till forth he rushed, and humbly knelt, And prayed to him of heavenly mien, "Lord, if thou wilt, canst make me clean." JSOJS'GS FOB ALL SEASOI^S. . 121 I will — be clean!" tlie Saviour said, And touched tlie lowly leper's head : Quick through his wan and wasting frame A thrill of strangest rapture came; Disease and pain — each vestige gone, He hailed a new creation's dawn! Jesus divine ! what wondrous power Attends thy word in mercy's hour! O trembling sinner, Christ believe. And his recovering grace receive ; Then, cleansed of guilt, and all forgiven, Thou 'It live renewed, an heir of Heaven. 1851 [May 1.] Thou renewest the face of the ground. Ps. civ. 30. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. Matt. vi. 28. BEAUTIFUL MAY. Now WE sing 3^ou a lay For the beautiful May, So charmingly sweet in its floral display. Brightly green is the earth In its vernal re-birth, And the bii'ds in the tree-tops make merriest mirth. God is seen every hour. For he smiles in each flower. And earth's resurrection discloses his power. But, receiving his grace, And the love in his face, In the brighter New Heaven he'll give us a place. i87g 122 SO^^GS FOB ALL SEASO^''S. [May 2.] Then shall mine enemies turn back in the day that I call; this I know, that God is for me. Ps. Ivi. 9. If God is for us, who is against us? Kom. viii. 31. HYMN OF TRUST. God is for me! oh, liow glorious! AATio the weakest saint can harm'? He will make that saint victorious, Held and sheltered by his arm: God is for me — Nothing shall my soul alarm. Wonderful the gift he gave me, Lost, without a hope or claim; Matchless mercy, when to save me Christ the Lord of glory came! God is for me, Thanks eternal to his name! Promises how great and precious Cheer and gladden all my way; Peace and comfort, sweet and gracious, Keep me in their blessed sway. God is for me. Guides and guards me day by day. Every scene his goodness brightens, His enfolding love I share; Present help each burden lightens, Never fails his tender care: God is for me. Nothing shall my trust impair. SO^'^OS FOE ALL SEASONS. 123 All my lieart this truth shall cherish, All my life, dear Lord, be thine; Then were earthly good to j^ei'ish, Thy blest smile would on me shine. God is for me, I am his and he is mine. "WTien shall close this mortal being, When I reach the other side. Oh, the joy, the bliss of seeing Jesus and the white-robed bride! God is for me. Safe he 11 bring me o'er the tide. 1375 [May 3.] At evening time there shall be liglit. Zec xiv. 7. In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. KOM. viii. 37. A VESPER LAY. What though our years touch eventide, Where strength and toil are laid aside, Eternal truth and right remain. Warfares to wage and victories gain. All foes outlived, a coming day Shall hail their blessed world-wide sway: So faith be firm and patience wait. Hands ever strong and hearts elate. O'er conquests grand we now rejoice, With hope inspiiing soul and voice ; Onward we look to clearer light, And Christ triumphant sing to-night. isso 124 SOIiGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [May 4.] Remember the days of old, consider the years of many gen- erations. Deut. xxxii. ?. Others have labored, and ye are entered ii»to their labor. John iv. 38. THE PAST'S BOUNTY. The past, by progress and decay, Has made us what we are to-day ; Whatever w^e prize and hold in store We have from those who hved before. On rugged fields they wrought with care. We enter in, the fruits to share : Scorn not this wealth in trust bestowed, Nor lose the soui'ce from whence it flowed. We are not shadows, vapors dim, Nor dying strains of vesper hymn ; Our work abides when we are gone, Our footprints crystaUize in stone. We have no past, the boon 's not ours, Till pale and di'op the first fair flowers : Our minds take not life's deep intent Till well we scan its history spent. The problem 's solved in care and toil ; These are our teachers, thence our spoil : Time gone, the bliss and pain it brings, Come back in deeper, nobler things. Grand heritage ! and naught can w^rest This glorious past when once possessed; Its lessons true, affections jDUi-e, Will changeless ever more endure. isro SONGS FOE ALL SEASOJ^S. 125 [May 5.] What manner of house will ye build unto me? IsA. Ixvi. 1. Know ye not that ye are a temple of God ? 1 Cor. iii. 16. BUILDING A TEMPLE. Mark the cathedral, grand and vast, Slowly to rise, but long to last ; Builders, that lay foundations deep. Cease from their toil, and sink to sleep. The generations go, and come. Ere walls are crowned with lofty dome ; But worshipers are found the while 'Neath sheltering arch of nave or aisle. They hear the word, the prayer, the hymn, Though walls are rude and windows dim : The workmen plod — toil ceases not, But shows each year some finished spot. At last, far down the track of time, The temple stands complete, sublime ; What fair proportions, lofty height, "What wondrous blending shade and light ! Each gothic arch, of point so true, Windows to let the glory through ! Ai-t, beauty, taste, and grandeui' given. Symbol of worship, type of heaven. The noblest life that charms our own. From youth's true dawn has upward grown; In worthiest deeds, in knowledge meet. The temple rises, stands complete. isrs 126 SOIiGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [May 6. J Run, speak to this young man. Zec. ii. 4. I have written unto 30U, youn;? men, because ye are s trong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the evil one. 1 John ii. 14. A YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE. Here opens Art lier Avealtli refined, To all who hither hie; That wealth shall bless the earnest mind, And charm the eager eye. Thus lovely landscapes spreading nigh Shall lui'e the vagrant houi's To scenes where smiles a favoring sky, And bloom the purest flowers. Here, at the close of toiling day, Let throngs of youth rej)air, In Learning's fruitful gardens stray. And lose their sordid care. So shall the mind grow large and fair, The heart be blithe and pure. And treasured wisdom each shall share. From every loss secure. Here, with the great of ages fled. In grandest scenes of yore. Young willing feet may gladly tread. Among these tomes of lore. Thus wandering oft those regions o'er, Sweet gales shall greet the soul. And pearls be found on many a shore AYhere crystal waters roll. iSO]\''GS FOE ALL /SEAjSO]S''S. 127 Here, too, sweeps by the living world — The thoughts that now bear sway; And on the latest scroll unfurled Is mapped the great To -Day! So, ere the vision fades away, The mind its good may woo. And feel its pulses stronger play. Life's earnest work to do. igeo *♦> [May 7. J II I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. Ps. cxxxvii. 5. Love the brotherhood. 1 Pet. ii. 17. LOVE FOR THE CHURCH. The saints of old their Zion loved. Trials their strong attachment proved, "Would not forget, were harps unstrung, Jerusalem they oft had sung. So ye, renewed by gospel grace, Should find the Church a heavenly place, Love it above all earthly joy. For it youi- noblest powers employ. Deep mother love she gives to you ; To her be loving, loyal, true ; Waste never what to her belongs — Your service best, your sweetest songs. As thrives the Church all good shall thiive ; She 's God's, to make the dead alive. Lift up the fallen, souls prepare In Heaven's eternal bliss to share. ises 128 JSOJVOS FOB ALL SEASONS. [May 8.] In thi^ mountain shall the Lord of hosts make unto all peoples a feast of fat things. IsA. xxv. 6. When the king came in to beliold the guests, he saw there a man which had not tfn a wedding-garment. Matt. xxii. 11. THE MARRIAGE FEAST. The gracious King of heaven, The majestic holy One, Hath invitations given Ta the marriage of his Son. Oh, straiige that mortals bidden, Should reject the loving speech. And let the feast be hidden Evermore beyond theu' reach! The love that makes the wedding, Will not fail its urgent quests; So, through the highways treading. Servants find the needed guests. Oh, blessed grace and glory. Freely offered to the poor — Salvation's festal story, Winning souls forevermore. When comes the King supernal, And is calling for each guest To share the feast eternal In the mansions of the blest, O garment of redemption! Be euTNTapt my soul about. Or there is no exemption From the doom of those without. isso SOJS'GS FOE ALL SEASONS. 129 [May 9.] Unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings. Mal. iv. 2. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John viii. 12. THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. When first upon me broke, Thy beams, O Sun! To a new day I woke, New race to run. Subdued tlie power of sin, Nature has fairer been. Thy light and glory e'en As Heaven begun. Wide the horizon grew, And grows to-day; Things beautiful and new Eise 'neath thy ray. Self loathed and left behind. Life lost a life to find, To thee drawn heart and mind, How blest my way! Should clouds o'erhang my path. Veiling the sky, Tempests break forth in wrath, Billows roll high; Still shines thy matchless light. Outlives the darkest night. Brings morning calm and bright. Is always nigh. 1889 130 SO]!^GS FOB ALL SEASOJSTS. [MAY 10.] The maiden was fair and beautiful. Esther ii. 7. He said, Weep not; for slie is not dead, but sleepeth. Luke viii. 52. SHE SLEEPS IN BEAUTY. She sleeps in beauty — heavenly fair, Her little- form seemed not as dead ; As though an angel slumbered there, I gazed upon that cradle bed. Death's hand had touched the silver strings AMiich bound the spmt to its clay. And as it soared on seraph wings, She slept — how beautiful she lay ! She sleeps in silence — oh, how still And soft her peaceful slumbers are ! Nq thunder sound, nor clarion shiill. Can wake that gentle sleeper there. The voice of friends she heeds no more. Nor Hsts, as near her grave they tread ; Nor will that dreamless sleep be o'er. Till Chi-ist shall call the silent dead. She lives with Jesus — not a tear Shall ever dim her spiiit's eye; For in that bright celestial sphere, No grief is found, nor danger nigh. Safe, in the^ Saviour's gentle arms, Which once the little childi'en pressed, And clothed in pui^est, loveliest charms. She finds a sweet and peaceful rest. SO^'^GS FOE ALL SEASO^^^S. I3i She lives in Heaven — oh, who would call Her radiant spirit from its home, And cause it here, in mortal thrall, This sad and sinful earth to roam. Unfading bliss is hers above, And happier far that blest abode, Where all her endless life is love, Kesplendent with the smile of God. ^5 1846 [May 11.] The days of our years are threescore years and ten.- Ps. xc. 10. Being such a one as Paul the aged. Piiilem. 9. A PASTOR'S SEVENTIETH BIRTHDRY. Threescore and ten ! bright, grand bu'thday ! Heart thanks for him who sees this hour, Still young and strong oui' souls to sway With poet touch and pulpit power. Hail ! faithful servant, who has reached The honored bound that now appears. And best of all who Christ has preached For more than half a hundi-ed years. What souls, from ways of sin and earth, Have thro' his work to Christ been given ! What pilgrims of immortal birth Have thus been led and trained for Heaven ! The lingering years be rich and calm. Till life's long-shining sun goes down. Where victory blooms in glory's palm, And Pastor wears his fadeless crown. 188.3 132 SOUGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [May 12. J The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree. Ps. xcii. 12. I saw, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number, out of every nation, and of all tribes and peoples and tongues, stand- ing before the throne, and before the Lamb, arrayed in white robes, and palms in their hands. Rev. vii. 9. FLOURISHING LIKE THE PALM. Planted in thy house, O Lord, Mid the trees of righteousness, Watered by thy sacred AYord, Beautified with precious grace. Ransomed child of thine I am, Make me flourish Hke the palm. Let me leave the world below, Kise above its sordid strife. Daily like my Saviour grow, Robed in his undying life. Cleanse my soul, O healing EalmJ It will flourish like the palm. Let my wings of faith be spread. Bear me to the mercy-seat. Blend my spirit with its Head, Make me thus in Christ complete; So my heart, pure, firm and calm, Lives to flourish like the palm. Let my leaves be green and fair. Clustering fruits in me abound, All my deeds thy love declare. All my hopes in thee be found; Life shall be a joyous psalm, Graceful, useful, like the palm. SO^''GS FOE ALL SEASONS. 133 ^Vhen full age at last has come, When beyond the Jordan-tide, Garnered to my heavenly home, Let me with the glorified, Sing the triumphs of the Lamb, Bear a conqueror's fadeless palm. igei [May 13.] The Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And nations shall come to thy light. ISA. Ix. 2, 3. They departed, and went throughout the villages, preaching the gos- pel. Luke ix. 0. HOME MISSIONS. Go FORTH, ye heralds, true and wise, Lift up the voice that saves and cheers, Where humble homes and hamlets rise. Along our country's far frontiers : There, at the first, Christ's reign begin ; Bar out dark unbelief and sin. See homes increase and hamlets spread. Great cities rise with wealth and power ; Oh, if by truth their hosts be led, We hail the Gospel's triumph hour ! Bright, glorious day that shall record Our millions won to Christ the Lord ! From frozen climes to sunny j)lains. From stormy coast to calmer sea. Are heard the sweet immortal strains Of God's salvation, pure and free : O'er regions vast toward either pole. The tidal waves of mercy roll ! i889 134 SOWGS FOB ALL SEASON'S. [May 14. J He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Ps. xcii. 12. Speaking truth in love, may grow uji in all tilings into him, which is the head, even Christ. Eph. iv. 15. GROWING LIKE A CEDAR. The rigliteous, regaled at the grace-opened fountain, And, feasting each day on divine Hving bread, Grows strong hke a cedar on Lebanon's mountain, The Rock underneath and the Heaven overhead. His influence widens Hke boughs far extending, To cover broad spaces with hallowing shade ; The tender and weak he gives bulwarks defending. And leads them to strength by his sheltering aid. Cold storms and wild tempests assail him with rigor, He stands, he endui-es, he enlarges with time ; His life hid with Christ — immortality's vigor Pervades it with freshness and glory sublime. Material meet for the wonderful building. Our God is erecting on Zion's glad hill. The Saviour its corner, redemption its gilding. Its vastness and splendor the universe fill. His life has a fragrance of sweetness and beauty, The smell of a field that Jehovah hath blest ; On scenes of his prayers and spheres of his duty The holiest memories shall linger and rest. O God! let me not, to the dark tents of Kedar, Depart from thy Spuit, from Jesus my Guide ; But grow in thy courts like a Lebanon cedar, Rejoice in thy love, in thy ser\ace abide. isei i^Oj\^GS FOR ALL SEASONS. 135 [May 15.] I will declare thy name unto my brethren : in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Ps. xxii. 22. For the love of Christ constraineth us. 2 Cor. v. 14. SOMETHING FOR THEE. Saviour ! thy dying love Thou gavest me, Nor should I aught withhold, Dear Lord, from thee. In love my soul would bow, My heart fulfill its vow. Some offering bring thee now, Something for thee. O'er the blest mercy-seat Pleading for me. Upward in faith I look, Jesus, to thee : Help me the cross to bear, Thy wondi-ous love declare. Some song to raise, or prayer, Something for thee. Give me a faithful heart — Likeness to thee. That each departing day Henceforth may see Some work of love bee-un. Some deed of kindness done, Some wanderer sought and won, Something for thee. 136 SOJ^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. All that I am aiid liave — • Thy gifts so free — Ever, in joy or grief, My Lord, for thee : And when thy face I see, My ransomed soul shall be, Through all eternity. Something for thee. 1862 ♦♦♦ [May 16.] They pierced my hands and my feet. Ps. xxii. 16. Far be it from me to glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gal. vi. li. THE CROSS OF CHRIST. From the cross of Calvary's mountain Flows for sin the cleansing flood; Bathe me, Jesus, in that fountain — Fountain of thy precious blood. There my faith and hope are centered. All my burdens there I lay; There salvation's gate I entered — Entered on the living way. Dying Lamb, and Prince of glory, Oh, what fullness dwells in thee! "Wondi'ous cross! how sweet the story — Story wondi'ous sweet to me. Living Sa\iour! guide me ever, I have placed my hand in thine; Loving Shepherd! let me never — Never leave the fold divine. 1358 SOJS'GS FOE ALL SEASONS. 137 [May 17.] All thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. Ps. xlii. 7. O my Father, if this cannot pass away, except I drink it, thy will be done. Matt. xxvi. 42. A WONDROUS GARDEN. There is a woncli'ous Garden yet, Beyond the Kidi'on's murmuring flow, On the low slope of Olivet, Where ancient trees so grandly grow. Midnight closed o'er that olive shade, Sad moon and stars looked down to see The Saviour's conflict as he prayed The cup might pass, if that could be. How deep the anguish of that hour ! "What waves of sorrow o'er him roll ! 'T was hell's malignant, awful power Assailed his true and holy soul. Christ conquered there ! — for baffled foe An angel came how strong and bright ; But ah, what finite mind may know The death-like struggle of that night? ^A^hat Eden lost, O Garden dear ! In thee thro' him was more than found ; His sorrow and his triumph here Forever consecrate this groujid. O lesson-fraught Gethsemane! Thy Sufferer fills my heart and song; All blood-bought souls oft think of thee With deeper love and faith more strong, isso 138 iSOI^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [May 18.] Ethiopia shall haste to stretch out her hands unto God. Ps. Ixviii. Zl. I am debtor both to Greeks and Barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish. Rom. i. li. THE CONGO MISSION. Where rolls tlie Congo river, In soft, majestic flow. Or where its waters quiver • In foaming falls below ; O'er all its fertile borders, AMiere millions live and die. Oppressed by sin's disorders — "Come, help us!" is the cry. Shall commerce track the region, And lead an eager train? Shall traffic with its legion Brave death itself for gain? And shall the Lord's anointed, Who know the truth and life. To save the world appointed. Be backward in the strife? Awake, ye hosts of Zion! Behold the favored horn-; Youi' Captain's word rely on — His strength shall be youi' powero Forth to the field before you. His harbingers have gone; And now, his baimer o'er you. He calls, ' 'Come on, come on ! " SO^''GS FOB ALL SBASOJVS. 139 Give, saints! as God liatli given, And see as your reward Dense pagan darkness riven, And Chiist received as Lord. While you the work engages, A continent in gloom Shall burst the chains of ages, And rise in light to bloom. igss [May 19.] He is the messenger of the Lord of hosts. Mal. ii. 7. Tend the flock of God which is among you, exercising tlie oversight. 1 Pkt. V. 2. THE CHRISTIAN SHEPHERD. The shepherd true is like his Lord, His life with His in sweet accord ; He walks the path the saints have trod, And those astray leads back to God. By sick and dying bows in prayer, Brings words of peace and comfort there ; The mourning soul of sorrow heals. With weeping w^eeps, their sadness feels. He joys to fight the hosts of sin, New triumphs for the cross to wdn ; To roll from earth the tides of woe, And make celestial fountains flow. In Christ alone he finds the grace To reach and save our sinful race ; The flock he leads in useful w^ays, The world to bless and God to praise. 1853 140 SOJS^GS FOE ALL SEASONS, [May 20. J Art not thou from everlasting, O Lord my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. Hab. i. 12. That they may lay hold on the life which is lile indeed. 1 TlM. vi. 19. SONG FOR THE SOUL. MoETAL, wake! the spell is broken! God hath made thy spirit free; On it he hath stamped the token Of thy being yet to be! In the futm-e, far outstretching, See the pictm-e thou art sketching! Life is not thy earthly staying, Death is not to breathe thy last ; Souls can not be here delaying, Spiiits live not in the past: Destiny is all before thee — Lo, its star is beaming o'er thee! Art thou faithful, upward tending? Glory waiteth for thee there; Art thou faithless? hfe's dark ending Sinks thee downward to despau': Ask thy spiiit where it goeth — Question closely — for it knoweth! Mark the path thy feet are treading — See thy footprints left behind ; WTiat the influence thou art spreading In the commonwealth of Mind? Raiseth it toward Heaven's portal, Longings of thy brother mortal? S02^GS FOR ALL SEASONS. 141 Look upon the boundless acres, AMiere the whitening harvest stands; Hear the mandate — 'tis thy Maker's — • There employ thy heart and hands: Reap! and all-enriching wages Shall be thine through coming ages! Give thy life to earnest duty, Give the energy of youth ; Then shall scenes of glorious beauty Crowm fidelity to truth : Earth shall bless thee for thy living — Heaven shall ring with thy thanksgiving ! igie [May 21.] They shall behold a far stretching land. ISA. xxxiii. 17. And there shall be night no more. Rev. xxii. 5. VISION OF THE LAND OF LIGHT. Some hallowed moment, how the soul serene Peers thi'ough the veil of this terrestrial scene, Ascends the loftiest steeps of heavenly thought, Takes in the outlook to that vision brought. There wondrous realms to sight illumined rise. Bathed in the splendor of celestial skies ; There stretch away in endless lines of light. Vistas of beauty never marred by blight. All charms, all grandeurs, and all glories blend In the broad landscape where no nights descend ; And there what myi'iad beings dwell and shine. In joy as rapturous as in form divine! i857 142 SOWGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [May 22.] Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord. Mic. iv. 2. As he was praying, the fashion of liis countenance was altered, and his raiment became white and dazzling. Luke ix. 29. AS JESUS PRAYED. As Jesus prayed on Tabor's height, His face with glory shone; So, Father, lift on me the hght Of thy dear visage, smiling bright, While j)rostrate at thy thi'one. As Jesus prayed, his way-worn di-ess In heavenly whiteness beamed; So, with thy glorious righteousness, Savioui*, infold, em-obe, and bless My soul, thy blood redeemed. As Jesus prayed, came guests from Heaven, And talked of Calvary: To aid me, oft by trials driven, Let angel messengers be given, And speak thy peace to me. Where Jesus prayed, th' o'ershadowing cloud. The bright Shekinah, came; So, at thy feet in reverence bowed. Let thy sweet presence me enshroud. My love and zeal inflame. Where Jesus prayed, the Father's word In love declared his Son: Oh, ever in my heart be heard The voice of my approving Lord — Claim me in love thine own. /SOJSfGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 143 Where Jesus prayed — like Heaven the scene, A glory hallowed place: I'll pray till on God's mount serene, Christ bids me with his saints convene, Transfigured by his grace. 1863 *^* [May 23.J My word . . shall accomplish that which I please. ISA. Iv. 11. Taught in him, even as truth is in Jesus. Eph. iv. 21. GOSPEL TRUTH. Teuth is glorious, truth will conquer, 'Tis the Spirit's piercing blade, Cleaving sin and soul asunder, "While it heals the wound it made. Truth shall reach the mind in darkness, Even "move the iron heart, Guilt disclose, and bring repentance, Bidding tears of sorrow start. Marvelous the melting story Calvary's blood}^ cross reveals; Wondi'ously the voice of mercy Through the broken spirit peals. Great the triumphs of the Gospel, Grand the victories of love; Oh, the mightiness of weapons From the armory above! Not the force of human valor, Not the warrior's steel and mail. Not all art of man's invention. Siege the soul and thus prevail. 1349 144 JSOJVGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [May 2-1.] Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice. Ps. Ixv. 8. When day was now breaking, Jesus stood on tlie beach. John xxi. iv. MORNING IN PALESTINE. The brightening beams of early day Ai'e melting night's last gloom away; The stars, retreating one by one, Pale in the glory of the sun. The mystic meteors of the sky Cease to attract the watcher's eye ; The specter shadows in the vales Trip off along their morning trails. The dreamy stillness of the hour Is broke by life's awaking power; In leafy bough or on the wing, The merry bii'ds their matins sing. Adown the hillsides slanting creep Soft waves of light to valleys deep; A thousand dew-di'ops, turned to gems, Give floral heads their diadems. The crystal lakelets doubly show All things that on then* margins grow; And light is gleaming, Galilee, Upon thy pure and hallowed sea. Gilboa's top's no longer dim, Nor Ebal dark, nor Gerizim: God's tints of beauty o'er thee shine, O lovely land of Palestine! 1854 SOJ:iGS FOE ALL SEASOJSfS. 145 [May 25.] I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness. Ps. xvii. 15. The hour cometh, in which all that are in the tombs shall hear his voice, and shall come forth. John v. 28. THE RESURRECTION. The Lord descends ! tlie trumpet peals ! The sound the vast creation shakes ; The trembhng earth his presence feels, And every tomb responsive breaks ! The saints come forth then- Lord to greet, And Heaven's bright throng as angels fair ; The parted long ^vith rapture meet. And songs of joy fill all the air. Like Christ's all-glorious form divine, Their own are made in this glad hour ; Henceforth with him to reign and shine. Clothed in immortal Hfe and power. That shining host, as radiant stars. Flood all the sky, God's jewels bright; Blood-washed and crowned, no evil mars Then- heritage of full delight. \\Tiat beauty gleams on every brow Of all that countless ransomed train ! They shout the last grand triumph now O'er death's dread power and dark domain. Inspiring hope ! Oh, welcome sight. When we our Lord's return shall see. And through his resuiTection might Attain oui' promised destiny ! i879 146 SOJ^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [May 26.] It shall be a jubilee unto you. Lev. xxv. 10. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations. MAT.xxviii. 19. A MISSIONARY JUBILEE. Go PKEACH to every creature, said the risen, living Lord ; Inspired Apostles listened to tli' evangelizing word ; Earth, beamed with light and glory as the gracious news Avas heard ; Our King inarched conquering on! We meet where, fifty years ago, the heavenly germ was born ; God's blessing made its promise as the beauty of the morn, And shaketh now like Lebanon that springing grain of corn: All hail the Jubilee ! "With the first few that bore the cross to Bui'ma's darkened land. The fathers, linked in labor here, have met o'er Jordan's strand ; Oh, may then' mantles wi*ap their sons, a great and growing band. As they go marching on! At this high Jubilee we sing, Behold what God hath wrought ! "What conquests for Immanuel in many a battle fought ! SOIfGS FOB ALL SEASOJS'S. 147 And at the next, God give the boon — the world for Jesus sought. Oh, let thy kingdom come ! The groaning earth, a suffering race, for Christ's redemption waits ; O King of glory, come and reign! be lifted up, ye gates! He shall come in, his scepter sway — the scene our souls elates ! Our God is marching on ! 1864 [May 27.] Incline your ear, and come unto me. IsA. Iv. 3. Come; for all things are now ready. Luke xiv. 17. SALVATION'S PRINCE. Salvation's Prince is marching on, by loyal hearts confessed ; He comes to rescue captive souls, to give the bur- dened rest. And amnesty for sin proclaim — oh, hail the pardon blest, Anrd to his banner come I Now rally, all ye soldiers in the army of the Lamb ; Prepare for glorious victories thi'ough his almighty Name, And be the watchword, as ye march, your Captain's glad acclaim : All things are ready, come ! isei 148 SO^^^GS FOB ALL ISEASONS. [May 28.] The opening of thy words giveth light. Ps. cxix. 130. Lydia . . whose heart the Lord opened, to give heed unto the things spoken by Paul. Acts xvi. 14. PHILIPPI. No SYNAGOGUE erccted Philippi's gate within, A few devout collected Where prayer had often been. 'Twas near the Gangas' waters, Low murmuring as they creep. That Judah's sons and daughters Theii' ancient worship keep. Responsive to the vision — The Macedonian cry — Paul's prompt and firm decision Has brought the Gospel nigh. The roofless tent received him. He spoke of Chiist the Lord, And opened hearts believed him, Attending to the Word. Then, by a good confession. The quickened from the dead Are, in theu' faith's expression. Baptized into then* Head. The Chui'ch of Christ is founded, The first on Europe's shore, AMiich Lydia's faith unbounded Embalms for evermore. /SOIiGS FOE ALL SEASOJS'S. 149 From many a distant city, From regions dark and broad, The cry for help and pity Should stir the hosts of God, To preach the great salvation, And build the Church divine. Where souls of every nation In sin and error pine. igg^ [May 29.] Yea, I liave a goodly heritage. Ps. xvi. 6. One soweth, and another reapeth. John iv. 37. OUR HERITAGE. The saintly souls, so noble, true. That from the past rise up to view. Wrought till their day of toil was o'er. Then joined the faithful gone before. Their life, so like a tale that's told, Soon to its measured limit rolled; Tho' words are gone, and sounds have died. The story Hves — 'twill e'er abide. Still ours, because they 're here no more. But left us mantles once they wore; Our highest wealth, soul-pulses felt, Are vu'tues rare that in them dwelt. Whate'er adorns and crowns our hfe. From suffering, toil, unwearied strife, Is wrought — the purest robe of love. Whose warp and woof long years have wove. 1570 150 SO^^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [3lAY 30.] Precious shall their blood be in his sight. Ps. Ixxii. 14. Waxed mighty in war, turned to flight armies. Hkb. xi. M. OUR DEAD HEROES. Flowers for the missed ones, fresh in their bloom, Gifts of the grateful brighten theu' tomb. Sing the glad anthems loved they so well, Speak of then* loj^alty, deeds of theii's tell ; Visit each grave with a floral oblation, Leave where they slumber love's sweet decoration. Tears for the brave ones, fallen in strife, Liberty's martyi's giving their life ; Patriot soldiers, loving theii' land, Hasting to battle, heroes so grand ; Honor theii* memories on history's pages, Build for them monuments lasting through ages! Dii'ges for brothers sleeping in death ; Faced they the cannon's sulphurous breath! Feared not the foeman, never would yield, Bled for theii* country, died on the field ! Precious their offering, let it be cherished! * Gratitude give them, for nobly they perished. Fame for the true hearts, true to the Flag ; Strong for the Union, firm as the crag ; Fii-e-blasts of battle, missiles of lead, Turned them not backward, laying them dead ! Valor like theirs with earth's choicest is blended Long as the Flag waves, so bravely defended! SO^'■GS FOR ALL SEASONS. 151 Garlands unfading give to our braves ; Flowers immortal bloom on their graves ! Veteran warriors, young hearts and bold, Foremost in conflict— silent and cold! Memory keeps and rehearses thek story; Die not their names, star-lighted with glory! Best for the martyred, rest in the grave ; Thunders of battle wake not the brave ; War-drum and shouting, musketry's roar, Eolling loud o'er them, heeded no more ! Peace that they fought for came to us timely, Freedom they died for triumphed subhmely ! ig^fi ♦♦♦ [^AY 31.] Thy glory, O Israel, is slain upon thy high places. 2 Sam, A good soldier of Christ Jesus. 2 Tim. ii. 3. HIS COUNTRY CALLED. His country called! her urgent voice he heard, And patriot ardor deep his spuit stirred ; Forth to the early field of strife he flew, Faithful to God, to Freedom's banner true. In nature gentle, generous, and mild. Tender as woman, guileless as a child ; As cheerful as the light, serenely grave, A Christian soldier, bravest of the brave. His kindly friendship, noble, pure, sincere, Won kindi'ed hearts and made them ever dear .- At home, in camp and field, 'twas e'er the same, Associates joyed to speak or hear his name. 152 SO^''GS FOB ALL SEASONS. That awful charge ! how gallant and how well He met the fearful task, and nobly fell! His comrades mourned a lovmg brother slain, And soldiers' tears fell fast like summer rain, isei [June 1.] I see him, but not now: I behold him, but not nigh.- NUM. xxiv. 17. Sir, we would see Jesus. John xii. 21. SEEING JESUS. We would see the blessed Jesus, Though our sight be j)oor and dim: Sinless, perfect, wondi'ous Being, Oh, what beauty shines in him! "We would see the lowly Saviour, Who in human pathways trod: In the Son we see the Father, Near to us, a gracious God. We would see the precious Jesus, See him as incarnate Love — On the cross the sinner's ransom; Pleading at the throne above. We would see the tender Saviour, Share his sympathy in grief; In our dark overwhelming sorrows His sweet comfort gives rehef. We would see, by faith's clear vision, Jesus all our life and peace — Gaze, we would, till we are like him, Till we see him face to face. ige? JSOWGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 153 [June 2. J Thou rulest the pride of the sea : when the waves thereof arise, tliou stillest them. I's. Ixxxix. 9. He aAvoke, and rebulced the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. Mark iv. 39. THE SAVIOUR'S VOICE. The winds are fierce, the storm is loud, The frightful waves roll swift and high; Above, a dark and threatening cloud Obscures the azure vaulted sky. A bark is on the foaming deep. And terror fills the seamen's breast: Jesus is there, but, wrapped in sleep. Seems not to heed then- wild unrest. Vainly they strive against the storm. To bring the vessel safe to shore; In dread of pending fatal harm. They wake then- Lord and aid implore. He stands amidst the awful scene — The winds, rebuked, obey his will; The boisterous sea is calm, serene. At the blest mandate, "Peace, be still." Like seamen on the ocean's tide, Bound to a far and foreign clime. O'er life's rough sea we swiftly glide, And pass beyond the verge of time. If storms should rage and hearts be sad, And hope give way to grief and fear, Still this one thought should make us glad, The Saviour, though he sleep, is near. 154 SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. Should even the darkest tempest rise, Presaging gloom and threatening ill, How soon 'twill vanish from our skies TVTien Jesus speaketh, "Peace, be still." How sweet the comfort of that voice, "\Mien to the anxious soul 'tis given! It bids the troubled heart rejoice. And o'er it sheds the calm of Heaven. 1839 *♦> [Juxe3.] The Lord giveth the word: the women that publish the tidings are a great host. I's. Ixviii. 11. In due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Gal. vi. 9. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. The Master is present — we meet in his name; The Spirit will guide us, our spuits inflame With heavenly wisdom and Pentecost fire. If we look for his help with strong faith and desire. The past is assui'ing ! the Lord has come down. And given us converts, our joy and oui' crown ; In our work we rejoice, with the angels above. O'er widening triumphs of Christ's mighty love. But vast are the fields that stiU rise to our view, And blessed the promise, so cheering and true, That faithful seed-sowers, in patience and tears, Shall be laden with sheaves in the glad harvest years. Then forward ! go forward ! there 's glory before, A heavenly Leader, a song on the shore ! The Cloud Pillar, beckoning, hangs from the sky, And beyond every Marah an Ehm is nigh. 1374 SOJVGS FOB ALL SEASOJSr^. 155 [June 4.] Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil ; that put darkness for liglit, and light for darkness. IsA. v. 20. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. By their fruits ye shall know them.— Matt. vii. 15. PILGRIM SONS. Pilgrim sons! on ground enchanted Linger not in soft repose; 'Tis by wolves and sirens haunted, Wakeful, wily, scheming foes. Watchful ever! Ai'ch deceivers Would our holiest things displace, While defiant unbelievers Scorn the word of truth and grace. Look! the Man of Sin approaching. Clad in dark and baleful might. On our dearest hopes encroaching. Spreads his desolating blight. Sons of light! awake from sleeping, Give to all the Book divine! Truth and Liberty are weeping — Shall our altar-fires decline? Breathe upon us, mighty Spirit! Aj-m oiu- Israel for the strife; Let the Church from thee inherit Power prevailing through thy life. Generous toil and alms bestowing. She shall make our broad land bloom, AVhose reflected light, far flowing. Shall the wider world illume. 1345 156 SOI^GS FOR ALL SEASON'S. [June 5.] Ask now ol the days that are past. Deut. iv. 32. Christ also loved the church, and gave himsell up for it. Eph. v. 25. THE CENTURY CHURCH. To-day thought's cuiTent backward rolls, Through time's unceasing flow, And finds a band of faithful souls A hundi'ed years ago. They gathered here and formed the Church Mid earnest prayers and tears; Their work sublime outlived then* time — It spans a hundi-ed years! They bore the banner as they might, And clung in faith to God; True to the truth, and strong for right. The Church has safely stood. Faint, yet pursuing, sorely tried, Sometimes dark seemed the day. Then came the light with the Spirit's might. And blessings cheered theu' way. In humble temples here they reared And gave unto the Lord, His grace and glory oft appeared — They feasted on the "Word. So they theu' generations served. Patient mid hopes and fears; They worked and wept, the true faith kept, And live a hundi-ed years! AVhat faithful watchmen on these walls Have sped the gospel sound! SOUGS FOE ALL SEASO^''S. 157 And many a soul, the Christ who calls, Has heard and sought and found. With joy these shepherds of the flock Welcomed each ransomed one; In pa.ths well tried they led the bride The way the Lord had gone. And here when prayers and toils were o'er. These hundred years gone by, How many saints have reached the shore That holds theu* home on high! From sacred scenes, communions sweet. And Zion's songs divine, They soared above to realms of love. And there in- glory shine. I873 <♦> [June 6.] He that is wise winneth souls. Prov. xi. 30. As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you. John xx. 21. PIONEER PASTORS. Christ's chosen ! w^ell their work was done. Who, with the souls they sought and won, Built up, through willing hearts and hands, The Shepherd's few and scattered bands. The flocks they fed, the folds prepared. Toils and privations freely shared, Sowed the good seed in tears and cares, Nor failed their faith, nor ceased their prayers. Foundations wisely laid in hope, Plans well devised for breadth and scope. Brought blest retui-ns, if scant in store, Enriched their souls, and ours the more. 1875 158 SOIiGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [June 7.] The voice of weeping shall no more be heard in her, nor the voice of crying. IsA. Ixv. I'J. And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes. Rev. vii. 17. THE TEARLESS LAND. No TEARS in Heaven ! Oli, blessed thought ! City of God with splendors fraught, Who can its glorious things unfold — Harps, robes, and crowns, and bliss untold, Where shine the saints in endless day, And every tear is wiped away ! How oft is wept by mourners here The humbling penitential tear! Angels rejoice when such are shed By souls that hence are heavenward led ; When hither called, and entering in, They weep no more o'er self and sin. By deep bereavement sorely tried. How every earthly fount seems diied! But all the streams of trouble cease, And souls find sweet, unbroken peace, As to their rest they soar on high, Where tears are wiped from every eye. Life seems a wasting scene of care, To hearts that anxious bui'dens bear : Oh, happy change, whene'er 'tis given To pass the opening gate to Heaven! No boding thought e'er shades the mind Where every tear is left behind. SO^''GS FOB ALL iSBASOIiS. 159 Nor there those crystal drops that here Sometimes as tears of joy appear, For every weeping night is past, And morning joys shall ever last. Blest world of love, sweet realm of bliss, Free from the tears that fall in this ! 1375 [June 8.] Before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. IsA. Ixv. 24. Looked . . into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus. Acts vii. 55. HER LAST WORDS. As BEAUTIFUL and angel-like she waited. With loving parents anxious by her bed; She pleasantly looked up, and then related : "I've tried to pray, and pray again," she said, With earnest wish the words of prayer to keep, "But can not finish, for I fall asleep." ' ' My dearest daughter, " said her tender father, ' ' The Lord will hear and bless you all the same ; 'Tis not so much the words of prayer, but rather Your heart's desire, upborne in his sweet name,- That he beholds with sympathizing love, And sends the gracious answer from above. " This gave her comfort, and on Jesus' bosom She seemed most calmly, sweetly, to recline. As to the sunbeams turns the dew-bent blossom, She upward gazed toward glories all divine, As if a loving view of Christ to keep, Wlien Aveary nature sank in gentle sleep. ise? 160 SOJS^GS FOR ALL SEASOJ^S. [June 9.] Behold, he cometh, saith the Lord of hosts. Mal. iii. 1. Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death. Phil. ii. 8. CHRIST ON EARTH. The King of glory came to earth, The promised child of heavenly birth, That children all may know and love The Savioui- from the world above. In wisdom as in form he grew, Obedient, faithful, ever true ; A blest example thus to give, That youth may seek like him to Hve. The sinless Man of Nazareth Still to the weary toilers saith, That while in labor, pain or grief. To think of him brings sweet rehef. Temptations fierce and strong and sore. And all our bui'dens, Jesus bore; He knows each weakness, failure, sin, And shows us how to strive and win. His works of mercy and of might — For sickness health, for bhndness sight — Foretold Messiah's brighter day Under the Spiiit's gracious sway. Ah, more than all, the Son of God Alone the di'eadf ul wine-press trod : The Garden woe, the Calvary cross Bring life to us — to him its loss. iSOUGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 161 And yet he lives — the risen King! Graves lose thek victory, death its sting, And all the saints in Christ secure Salvation free, for ever sure. isso +♦+ [June 10.] He shall gather the lambs in his arm, and carry them in his bosom. ISA. xl. 11. Suffer the little cliildren, and forbid them not, to come unto me : for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matt. xix. 14. CHRIST BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN. A BEAUTIFUL picture, charmingly grand! I gaze with enraptured delight. And I seem to stand in the far Holy Land, Beyond the swift Jordan's uneven strand, AVith the real scene in sight. The holy and blessed Saviour I see. With love and rebuke in his eye : Let them come to me, little children to me. Of such shall the kingdom of heaven be — Mothers, bring your darlings nigh. They lovingly come before Jesus there. Or nestle close up to his breast. While with tenderest care and holiest prayer His hands softly press o'er their golden hair, Where his benedictions rest. Oh, sweestest of scenes ! how its beauties shine Beyond all attraction of art ! Dearest Shepherd divine, let th' children be thine. Put thy blessed hands on the heads of mine. And thy love within each heart. i862 162 SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. [June 11. J Remember also thy Creator, in the days of thy youth.— EccL. xii. 1. Now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.— 2CoR. vi.2. YOUTHFUL PIETY. How TENDER the message, liow golden the truth, Oh, listen, dear childi'en! attend, precious youth! 'Tis the voice of the Spirit, the heavenly Dove, Your Creator remember, remember and love. In life's early morning, so beauteous and fair. Ere the bui'den of sorrow or pressure of care Shall a dread unbelief to your spiiits impart, Oh, think of the Savioui' and give him your heart ! The world, were it yours, it could never bestow The robe of salvation that' s whiter than snow ; Ah ! the loss that awaits you, the painful regret. If for pleasure you live — your Creator forget. Remember him now ! it is wisdom's sweet voice ; Tlu'u, turn from all sin, make a heavenly choice ; Wait not for the morrow, the call is to-day — The best of all blessings is lost by delay. Oh, think of the sad and the desolate lot Of the man in old age who his God has forgot ; Evil days are upon him, no soul-peace is given. No Saviom-'s support, and no treasui-e in Heaven! If the Lord you remember to love and obey, Youi' pathway shall brighten till life's closing day. And then through the gate of the City of God Your souls shall ascend to that glorious abode. i§76 JSONGS FOB ALL JSEA,S(mjS. 163 [June 12.] Come, ye children, hearken unto me ; I will teach you the fear of ihe Lord. Ps. xxxiv. 11. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. Matt. vi. 28. CHILDREN'S DAY. Glad earth her wealth discloses, And shines in bright array, As June's sweet month of roses Brings round the Childi'en's Day. Each grateful heart now raises Its thanks to God above, And in his temple praises The Savioui''s wondi'ous love. Of lilies once he told us. That we might trust the Lord; His hand will lead and hold us, If we obey his word. Dear children, think about him. And hear his voice to-day; You can not do without him As hfe shall pass away. is?? ♦♦> [June 13. J The merciful man doeth good to his own soul : but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh. Pro v. xi. 17. Be tenderly affectioned one to another. Rom. xii. 10. BE KIND AT HOME. Be kind in thy household, Be cheery and bright; There's a beauty in kindness That beams hke the light. 164 i^02iGS FOR ALL SEASONS. Be patient and lo\ing, Whatever may come; For the sake of tlie dear ones Be kind in tliy home. To the wife of thy bosom, Oft cumbered with care, Be tender and thoughtful Each burden to share; Be generous and noble, With sympathy meet, And hallow with kindness A union so sweet. Be kind to the childi-en, Nor check the fresh love That w^ould make them as angels. Glad gifts from above. • Their young hearts are tender, Sad tears may quick come; Provoke not, by ill tempers, The dear ones at home. To all in the household. To greatest and least, To persons that serve thee, To toil-weary beast. Be forbearing and gentle, Be cheery and bright; There's a beauty in kindness That beams like the Hght. is?? ^0^''GS FOR ALL SEASONS. 165 [June 14.] The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge ; and the ear ol the wise seeketh knowledge. Pitov. xviii. 15. In your faith supply virtue ; and in your virtue knowledge. 2 Pet. i. 5. THE REALM OF KNOWLEDGE. The realm of knowledge widely spreads, All boundless are its vast domains ; Majestic mountains lift their heads, And smile upon the beauteous plains. Deep winding vales, with verdure crowned, Extend through all this blooming land ; Here silvery lakes and streams abound, And breezy forests old and grand. Exhaustless mines of glittering gold Beneath the flowery surface he ; Above is gloriously unrolled The star-bright banner of the sky. How beautiful this widening world, What lovely scenes are here enshrined. What radiant splendors are unfurled. To glad the eye and feast the mind ! Ho ! come, and climb its peerless hills. Range by its pearly-margined tides, While deepening joy thy spirit thrills, And wisdom every footstep guides. Turn from the cares of sordid strife, Let nobler ends thy labor claim ; Here consecrate the powers of life, And reach the goal of heavenly fame. 1352 166 SONGS FOR ALL SEASON'S. [June 15.] Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong, in the days that I shall deal with thee? EzE. xxii. H. He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. Mark xiii. 13. ENDURANCE. The gospel message taught me The gloom of nature's night; From this the Spirit brought me To new-born life and hght. Within this world of beauty I longed to walk seciu'e, Pursue each path of duty, And to the end endui'e. Unfailing grace preserved me In every threatening hour, ^\71iile truth and hope have nerved me With more than mortal power. How blest in every station To feel one's footing sure, Stand strong amidst temptation, And to the end endm*e. But weak is man's endeavor, With human strength alone; His soul is needing ever A guiding from the Throne. An unseen force must hold him From every sinful lure; If Jesus' arms enfold him He'll to the end endure. SONGS FOE ALL SEASO^''S. 167 This humble way j^^u'suing, Each truly faithful soul, All foes and fears subduing, Shall reach the promised goal. There, in exalted station, Now glorified and piu-e. He'll share the great salvation With all who thus endure. 1882 [JUXE 16.] O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Ps. viii. 9. My fellow-workers, whose names are in the book of life. Phil. iv. 3. AUTOGRAPHS. Bright stars along the heaven, Sweet flowers in fields below, Grand mountains in theu' ranges, Clear rivers as they flow. As lessons of their Maker, His love and power declare; In sacred letters written. His autograph is there. A world of kindly friendship In beauty round us lies; How lovety are its landscapes, How pure its beaming skies! The names of those who form it AVill ever cherished be. And pleasant memories waken Their autographs to see. 1874 168 SOJ^GS FOB ALL JSEASONS. [June 17.] Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty. ISA. xxxiii.17. We shall be like him; for we shall see him even as he is. 1 John iii. 2. SEEING THE KING IN HIS BEAUTY. I SHALL see him in his beauty, AMien I reach the heavenly shore, See him, altogether lovely — King and Lord whom I adore: With saints and angels praising, In open vision gazing. See my Saviour evermore. In his glory I shall see him. As he shone on Tabor's height, In celestial vestment splendors, And the Cloud - Shekinah bright, "WTien pro^^hets high in heaven Retui-n to earth were given. To confer with him that night. Not as when among the lowly. Sick he healed, the hungry fed, Bearmg insults from the scornful. By man's hate to Calvary led — My eyes shall then behold him, "Where glorious scenes enfold him. Many crowns upon his head. I shall see him in his beauty. Shall be with him — so he prayed — And transfigured shall be like him. By his grace in me displayed: JSOJSfGS FOE ALL SEASONS. 169 My King! for thy salvation, In grateful adoration, At thy feet my all be laid. igsg [Junk 18.] Tho latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, saith the Lord of hosts. Hag. il. 9. Go ye, and stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life, acts v. 20. THE LORD'S HOUSE REBUILT. We thank thee, Lord, for memories sweet, That cluster round our former home ; And now, as here we joyful meet. Oh, with thy richer mercies come. This latter house, of ampler space And fairer form, we give to thee ; Thy presence ever fill the place. The Spirit's power thy servants see. Thy Word of Life, unfolded here, As food to hungry souls be given ; Prayer earnest reach thy bending ear, And heartfelt praise rise sweet to Heaven. Here throngs of precious souls believe The gracious message from above, The bii-th divine with joy receive. The new life crown with works of love. Here converts oft their Saviour own, And well-tried saints rejoice anew, All join to make his kingdom known, Till they its heavenly glories view. i87i 170 SOIiGS FOB ALL SEASO^''S. [June 19. J Ye shall call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me and I will hearken unto you. Jer. xxix. 12. "Whensoever ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any one. Makk xi. 25. PRAYER AND FORGIVENESS. Strength to j)revail, O Lord, Must come from thee alone — Faith's grasp upon thy word, Its hold upon thy throne. Its strong, persistent, deathless pleading, That brings the blessings we are needing. Anoint us from above, Create the deep desire. Constrain with Christ's own love, Touch all our hearts with fire. And make our wills with thine agreeing, That prayer may go from faith to seeing. Thanks for the pledge so sure, The range so large and free. Full answers to secure, AMien faith bears up the plea. Amid what treasures souls are basking, That know this privilege of asking. "WTiene'er we stand or kneel. To pour oui- hearts to thee, Forgiveness may we feel — Ourselves forgiven be: Let not oui' prayers be unavailing, Through unbelief or sinful failing. 1882 iSOWGS FOR ALL SEA1S0N!<. 171 [J UNE 20. J Thou Shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God hath led thee . . to prove thee. Beut. viii. 2. Call to remembrance the former days. Heb. x. 32. DIVINE REMEMBRANCE. O God of love and grace, Thou art our dwelling place, Amid the years: Thy pillared cloud by day, With night-illuming ray, Hath guided all our way Of hopes and fears. Our fathers knew thy power In every trying hour. And to thy thi-one Then- want and weakness brought, For strength and wisdom sought; So patiently they wrought To make thee known. Their earnest voice w^as heard. As on thy changeless Word The Church they built. How hath it grow^n and stood, Its branches fail- and good, Nui'tured by Calvary's blood. And cleansed from guilt. Still, Lord, with us abide. Our labors bless and guide, Let grace abound; 172 SO^''GS FOB ALL SEASONS. Take now thine own great might, Put all thy foes to flight, And spread thy truth and light The world around. i872 *♦» [June 21.] This is my beloved and this is my friend. Cant. v. 16. Himself hath said, I will in no wise fail thee, neither will I in any wise forsake thee. Heb. xiii. 5. THE CHANGELESS ONE. There is a httle vine, That humbly trails along the forest glade, Whose verdant hues and beauties never fade, Nor cease for once to shine. It hves in spring's glad hour, And is the same 'neath summer's sunny skies ; Sere autumn's frosty fingers it defies. Nor yields to winter's power. Such is the changeless love, The pure affection of that lasting Friend, Whose smile imparts a joy that ne'er shall end — A boon from heaven above. Whatever be our lot. Sickness or health, or trial's darkest hour ; If friends forsake, and tempests o'er us lower, That Friend forsaketh not. Be all our trust in him. As pilgrims through this sinful world we go ; His quenchless love, a balm for every woe. Shall ne'er grow cold or dim. 1342 JSO^^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. 173 [June 22.] In the night his song shall be with me. Ps. xlii. 8. We look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth right- eousness. 2 Pet. iii. 13. A NIGHT SONG. Night, beautiful Night! Oh, for gifts divine ! For the pure intellectual light, For the fire of genius bright, On my soul to shine ! Then would I sing of thy splendor, And praise to thy majesty render, Night, beautiful Night ! Stars, glorious Stars! Gleaming as of old ; Of the heavenly vault are ye crystal spars ? What things are within your silver bars? Let the tale be told ; Let my thoughts, so long to you soaring, Youi* mysteries deep be exploring. Stars, glorious Stars! Earth, wonderful Earth ! Wraj)t in alien gloom ; Beauty and blessing marked thy bu^th ; Error and woe have caused thy dearth ; Truth shall make thee bloom. Wanes thy night, and the coming morning Shall bring thee a new and pure adorning, Earth, wonderful Earth ! 174 SOUGS FOB ALL SEASONS. Heaven, mysterious Heaven! Dream of bliss to be ; Not unto flesh and blood are given — For them thy veil shall ne'er be riven — Hope and home in thee. Beyond these stars, thou land immortal, The pure soul finds thy welcome portal. Heaven, mysterious Heaven! 1357 [June 23.] While I was musing the fire kindled : then spake 1 with with my tongue. Ps. xxxix. 3. They sing as it were a new song. Rev. xiv. .3. THOUGHT AND SONG. Thought, all-boundless Thought! Of the mind thou 'rt born ; Forth into hght, as the brain hath wrought, By toil and j^ain thy jewels are brought. Bright as tints of morn. Thi'oughout the universe thou art sweeping, Its marvelous treasures are in thy keeping, Thought, all-boundless Thought! Song, inspu'ing Song! For thy touch of power Waiteth the singer wistful and long ; Give to him utterance sweet and strong ; Come at this still hour ; Suggest high themes that he should be singing. Kindle the tones of his harp's glad ringing, Song, inspiring Song! I857 SO^''GS FOR ALL SEASONS. 175 [June 24.] Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock. Ps. Ixxx. 1. 1 am the good shepherd; and I know mine own, and mine own know me. John x. H. MY SHEPHERD-PSALM XXIII. My Shepherd is the Lord, My want is o'er; Sheltered in his regard, I stray no more. By waters cahu he leads, Rests me in verdant meads; My soul, with all its needs, He doth restore. Guiding aright my path. His name I love; Such power his presence hath. All ills above. Though in death's vale and shade, I will not be afraid, His rod and staff shall aid And comfort prove. A table he hath spread Amidst my foes; His blessing on my head, My cup o'erflows: Goodness and mercy sure Shall follow and endure. His house my home secm-e. My heaven's repose. i889 176 JSOXGS FOR ALL SEASONS. [June 25.] In thy presence is fullness of joy; in thy right hand are pleasures forevermore. Ps. xvi. 11, The fashion of this world passeth away. 1 Cor. vii. .31. THE CONTRAST. Earth's hopes, so bright, To futui'e good extending, With scenes of beauty blending, Sometimes reveal theii' ending, A cheerless bhght. The friends we love, "Whose presence soothes oui' sadness, And fills oui' heai'ts with gladness — As if impelled with madness, Death bears above. Though not in this. Yet, in the world supernal, Where Ufe is always vernal, And pleasui'es are eternal, Reigns endless bliss. Perennial there, The tearless eye entrancing. Wherever falls its glancing. Celestial flowers are dancing Mid balmiest au*. And there shall meet, To part no more for ever, The friends whom naught can sever, Tor death shall enter never The golden street. 18m SOJ^'^GS FOR ALL SEASONS. 177 [June 26. J Arise, go . . and preach . . the preaching that I bid thee. Jonah iii. 2. They therefore that were scattered abroad went about preaching the word. Acts viii. 4. THE FIRST PREACHERS. Preach the word in every nation, Gospel truth to all our race; Let them know the blest salvation, Bid them take redeming grace! Joyful then to distant regions Flew the heralds of the cross; Met and won what hostile legions, Oft in peril, pain, and loss. Theks the zeal that knew no waning, Christ to preach and souls to gain. Founding chui'ches, converts training, Till in each his Hfe should reign. Earth's vain pleasures left, despising. Gloried they in Jesus' name. Suffered for his kingdom's rising. Glad its triumphs to proclaim. Faithful preachers! blest evangel! Gifts the Lord ascending gave; Work most royal — not an angel Could a sinner reach and save! Crowned at last, a sunlike luster Hallows all their home divine; As the stars, a radiant cluster. They in endless glory shine. i875 178 SOJ^GS FOB ALL SEASOWS. [June 27. J Who will go for us? . . Here am I; send me. IsA. vi. 8. To preach the gospel even unto the parts beyond. 2 COR. x. 16. SAILING OF MISSIONARIES. Where yonder sliip lies waiting by the shore, See gathering groups at early noontide pour. Sweetly the voice of praise and prayer ascends, And faithful hearts to care divine commends. The last adieu to friends and kindred given, Moved by selectest gales from favoring heaven, The freighted vessel from her mooring starts, And bears away those missionary hearts. Oh, clap your hands, ye ocean isles afar. And catch the ghmmering of the Morning Star ! Rejoice, ye pagan lands, awake, and sing. Welcome the heralds of the heavenly King ! Be glad each lowly vale and mountain high. Morn breaks, and your redeeming hour is nigh. Oh, soon, from all your gloomy realms shall rise The soul's pure incense to the upper skies ! Temples of Boodh and Brama shall decay, BHnd, burdening idol-worship pass away. And the broad banner of the cross, unfurled. Shall float triumphant o'er a ransomed world. Meager the prize for which earth's heroes fought. Placed by the service these disciples sought ; And how shall fade mere worldly great renown Before the splendor of their heavenly crown ! is46 JSOJVGS FOE ALL SEASONS. 179 [June 28.] Incline your ear, and come unto me ; hear, and your soul shall live. 3. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me ; for I am meek and lowly in heart : and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matt. xi. 29. INVITATION. Ye, who bask in life's fair morning, Hoiking for long years of bliss. Ne'er forget the soul's adorning, Nor the world awaiting this. Purer joys than earth is giving Flow from Jesus's love and truth; Find the fount of waters living In the sunny days of youth. Ye, the paths of wealth pursuing. Mid the bustling cares of life. Numerous years more golden viewing Past the scenes of present strife; Pause, and let your thoughts be turning To the treasure Christ bestows; Grasp it while life's lamp is burning, It alone gives soul repose. Voyagers, on Hfe's troubled ocean, Would you reach the port of peace 1 Turn away from earth's commotion. From its sins and follies cease: Come ye, now! though long delaying, Heed the invitation blest; Come, the Saviour still is saying. Take my yoke, 't will bring you rest, isio 180 SOJYGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [June 29.] Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By tak- ing heed thereto according to thy word. Ps. cxix. 9. Jesus looking upon him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest. Mark x. 21. THE RICH YOUNG MAN. The Saviour saw and loved him, Urging his eager quest; But when his word had proved him, He would not stand the test. Not for the wealth supernal Would he the earthly leave; Not glorious hfe eternal From Jesus thus receive. He went away in sorrow From near the Saviour's feet; What promise gave the morrow? What joy could it repeat? Dechned celestial treasure That might have been his own- Better than all earth's pleasui'e, Grander than monarch's thi'one. He went away in sadness. For in his soul a voice Hushed every note of gladness As it rebuked his choice. Immortal riches spurning, A bhssful home above — To bitterness was tui-ning The good that held his love. SOJVGS FOR ALL SFAlSONS. 181 O ye! in life's bright morning, Who grasp what earth can give, Find here a sacred warning That bids you turn and hve. The soul from Jesus going. True peace can never know; To flesh for ever sowing, The harvest must be woe. irro -♦♦♦- [June 30.] Whom have 1 in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. Ps. Ixxiii. 25. Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.— John vi.68. NONE BUT CHRIST. LoED Jesus, should I go from thee, To whom for refuge could I flee? In thee, where truth and grace abound, Alone, is hfe eternal found. Unworthy, sinful, though I am, I come to thee, O dying Lamb! No sacrifice, no blood but thine, Avails to cleanse this soul of mine. Aside from thee, the Life, the Way, I should for ever go astray; Oh, keep me, Jesus, near thy heart, Nor let my love from thee depart. I know thy name, I trust in thee; Thou art Hfe's Fountain, full and free; Me in thy love, O Saviour, bind; My hope, my all, in thee I find. issy 182 SOWGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [July 1.] I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth. ISA. xlix. 6. Jesus spake . . sajing, 1 am the light of the world. John viii. 12. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Light of the world! but once of lowly station, Born in the stall at Bethlehem ; Now on the thi'one, supreme in exaltation, Wearing the kingly diadem. Here among mortals, sinless, yet oft sighing, Solving the great redeeming plan ; On the uplifted cross in anguish dying. Mystical power to draw the race supplying. Tasting of death for every man. Light of the world ! its sin-strong fetters breaking. Staying the fateful tide of wrath ; Mercy disclosing and probation making. Opening to all a hopeful path. So to the race reprieved come life and blessing. All the vast benefits of time, Pui'pose and act with freedom coalescing. Every rich gift of mind and heart's possessing. Treasures unbounded and subhme. Light of the world ! and, pitying its condition. Pierced the dread gloom of its despak ; Set it anear to God and heaven's fruition, Souls thus to show the glory there. So, with a world-encompassing affection, Infants of all our smitten race. Reached by an offering of divine selection, SONGS FOE ALL SEASOIiS. 183 Clasped in the saving arms of love's protection, Share the propitiating grace. Light of the world ! — salvation in abundance, Bought at such price, and free to all ! God's gift amazing, life e'en to redundance, Urged by the Spiiit's silent call. O ye guilt-stained! in penitence awaken, Pai'don implead through Jesus' name ; Haste to this Eefuge, and by faith unshaken Walk in the Light ! else be in sin overtaken By its desert of quenchless flame. i885 [July 2.] This is his name whereby he shall be called, The Lord is our righteousness. Jek. xxiii. 6. Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all. 1 Tim. ii. 5, 6. THE MEDIATOR S WORK. Jesus! when thy vast work I see, And think how great its cost Of sorrow, pain, and death to thee, In wonder I am lost. My grateful heart with love o'erflows. Thou precious Son of God, For having borne my sins and woes, And saved me through thy blood. AVhat thou hast done for all om- race Should melt e'en hearts of stone, Rouse a lost world to seek thy grace. And thee with glory crown. i889 184 SOIiGS FOB ALL JSEASOWS. [July 3.] He hath not dealt so with any nation. Ps. cxlvii. 20. With freedom did Christ set us free : stand fast therefore, and be not entangled again in a yoke of bondage. Gal. v. 1. ANTHEM FOR INDEPENDENCE. All hail to the dawn of the glorious morning, Immortal in memories through ages of time ; It looms from the past in a golden adorning, Forecasting the future in promise sublime. O birthday of Freedom ! — new star that has guided To the Bethlehem gift for the Land of the West ; Thy radiance afar through the nations has ghded As myriads have hailed thee and hoped to be blest. We welcome and love thee, bright day of our glory ! We love the grand history linked with thy rise ; For ever thou tellest the struggle and story Of patriots who reared the Republic we prize. Let bells at the sunrise ring clangorous pealing, Let loud booming cannon shake land and the sea ; Let hearts overflow with a deluge of feehng. And throb in the thought and the joy of the free. Let young men and maidens, let children with ban- And reverend age, all in unison, raise [ners, Their deepest thanksgivings and highest hosannas To God oiu' preserver, the Ancient of days. Let the whole Country join in a true celebration, From lakes to the gulf, and from shore unto shore, And gratefully give a renewed coronation To Liberty, Union, and Peace evermore 1 ises SOWGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 185 [July 4.] A land that I had espied for them, flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands. Ezek. xx. 6. I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 2 Cor. vi, 16. CENTENNIAL HYMN. Morn of a hundred years tlie crown! We hail with joy thy gladdening ray, Behold our country's vast renown, And chant Jehovah's praise to-day. He gave us at the century's dawn, The glorious boon that made us free ; Held by his hand, led safely on. His banner o'er us still we see. When clouds arose and thunders broke In fiery storms of dreadful strife. He touched our hearts and they awoke To save the Nation's periled life. O beauteous land ! grown strong and great. What varied wealth thy stores display. From rocky shore to Golden Gate, From icy lake to sunny bay! Great God! who mad'st us truly free. And in our conflicts kept us one. Bind fast in love our hearts to thee Till centuiies no more shall run. And make this land, through gifts divine, Where myiiad souls shall have their bii'th, In faith and truth and vhtue shine. Brightest and best of aU the earth. i876 186 ^SOJ^GS FOB ALL SEASON'S. July 5.] A land of hills and valleys . . which the Lord thy God careth for. Deut. xi. 11,12. Yea, verily, Their sound went out into all the earth. Rom. x. 18. SONG FOR NEW ENGLAND. I LOVE thee, New England, fail- land of my birth, The home of my fathers, the brave of the earth ; I love thy bold mountains, thy rivers and vales. Thy warm summer breezes, thy wild winter gales. My heart is thine ever, blest land of the free. Away from thy borders, my thoughts fly to thee ; The smile of thy daughters sweet pleasure imparts, The voice of thy sons is the voice of true hearts. A halo is round thee — I love to recall The deeds of thy heroes, thy history all ; What memories linger, my bosom to thrill. At old Plymouth Rock, over crowned Bunker Hill ! The best of all blessings and treasures are thine — Thy churches and schools — let them never decline ; Oh, these are thy guerdon of glory so bright, Since the May Flower came, a new star in the night. Blest home of wide culture, souls royal and grand, As long as thy mountains like battlements stand, AATiile freely thy rivers shall flow to the main. May the true Pilgrim spiiit the Nation sustain. God bless thee for ever, my native land dear. His right arm protect the rich heritage here: May Liberty's banner, unstained, ever wave O'er the home of the free and the patriot's grave. i84i iSOjVGS FOB ALL SEA^OIii^. 187 [July 6. J His brightness was as the light; he had rays coming forth from his liand. Hab. iii. 4. I will give him the morning star. Rev. ii. 28. THE BRIGHTEST GIFT. Weapt in the gloom of nature's nigM, Bui'dened and sad I wandered far, Nor found a ray of cheering hght, Till Christ I saw, the Morning Star. W^en forth it beamed upon my soul. Brighter than gold or radiant spar. My spii'it broke from sin's control, And blest the precious Morning Star. As toward the world unseen, unknown, I've passed on time's resistless car. The darkest clouds have quickly flown Before the welcome Morning Star. If fondest hopes should fade away, Or aught Hfe's fairest treasm^es mar, While here on earth I lingering stay, Oh, give to me the Morning Star. As through death's cold and fearful stream I pass from mortal scenes afar. Oh, let upon my pathway beam The brightness of the Morning Star. Then, in the regions of the blest, Called up where sainted spirits are. My eye, undimmed, shall ever rest Upon the glorious Morning Star. i847 188 SOWOS FOB ALL SEASONS. [July 7.] The man said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh : she sliall be called Woman. Gex. ii. 23- So ought husbands also to love their own wives as their own bodies. Eph. v. 28. THE FIRST PAIR. Was man a lonely ranger, In Eden's paths to roam? Live there a silent stranger, "Without a mate or homef He woke — and saw another, One most di\inely fail'! Was this a sister? brother? No, nor an angel there. The being sweet was human, He loved her as his life. For God had made the Woman To be his loving wife. Together now they Avandered The Garden-aisles among, On all its beauties pondered. In floral arbors sung. Their glances far extending, Swej)t o'er what glories bright. Till earth and sky were blending In tints of heavenly light. Daily then- Maker greeting Gave life a blessed charm. Until, the tempter meeting, They yield with fatal harm! SOJS'GS FOR ALL SEASONS. 189 When, in the cahn lake sleeping, A stone is rudely tost, The cii'cHng waves go creeping To all the distant coast. The cui-se that Eden blasted. And changed its weal to woe, Hath through the ages lasted. And we its sorrows know! isse [July 8.] Her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband trusteth in her. Prov. xxxi. 10, 11. For this cause shall a man leave liis father and mother and shall cleave to his wife. Eph. v. 31. THE SILVER WEDDING. The silver wedding, crown of days! It conies amid the flight of years, And memory each event sui-veys Along the track of smiles and tears. Love linked their hearts, young life was fair. Heaven illumed and blest their way ; Now, clustering round the joyful pair, A happy group we see to-day. We see not all — dear ones are gone To Jesus' arms, for ever blest ; But till the meeting hour shall dawn Love counts the absent with the rest. No place like thee, O love-lit home! How dear the treasured past serene! And may the brighter years to come Liclude the golden wedding scene. ises 190 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. f July 9.] In the latter time hath he made if glorious, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the nations. ISA. ix. 1. He began to teach by the sea side. And there is gathered unto him a very great multitude. Mark iv. 1. A SEASIDE HYMN. O Saviouk! who by Galilee Didst call discij)les to thy side, Gome to the margin of this sea, And in our summer home abide. There, sick and sad who knew thy power, Found health and joy by thee conferred; Here, Lord, in many a favored hour, Repeat the wonders of thy word. Once, tossed on wild Gennesareth, Thy mandate stilled the stormy waves ; Here let us feel thy calming breath — The Spirit that subdues and saves. Along that shore were thousands brought To hear the gosj^el preached by thee ; May thousands here thy truth be taught, AVho throng this temple by the sea. O Master! who the world to teach. The pebbly coast and dark wave trod, Walk in thy beauty on our beach, That souls may see the Lamb of God. To magnify thy love and word, Our service here "to thee we bring; Let saints give praise in heart accord. And children glad hosannas sing. SONGS FOE ALL SEASO^-S. 191 The seaside throng were richly fed, As ill thy hands the bounty grew; So break to us the Hving bread, And oft the gracious gift renew. May we at last, our night-toil o'er, See spread at morn the feast divine, Greet thee upon the heavenly shore. And hear thy welcome, ' 'Come and dine. " issi [July 10.] He hatli sent me to bind np the brokenhearted. ISA, Ixi. 1 . And he went forth again by the sea side. IMakk ii. 13. WITH JESUS AT THE SEA. Jesus, I love to walk wdth thee By the dear lake of Galilee, Hear thy sweet voice and see thy might To sick and bhnd give health and sight. At thy behest the demons fled. The bruised and wrecked, as from the dead. Obeyed thy call, so wondi'ous kind, Restored in life and healed in mind. Vast crow^ds were di-awn by thy blest name, The sorrow-laden with them came; Won by thy words, the weary breast, Thi'ough faith in thee, found joy and rest. Thou art the same, O Saviour, still, And all may come to thee who will; The sinful soul may pardoned be. The weary find sw^eet rest in thee. igsg 192 SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. [July 11. J Enoch walked with God : and he was not ; for God took him. Gen. v. 24. Before his translation he hath had witness borne to him that he had been well pleasing unto God. Heb. xL. 5. ENOCH WALKED IVITH GOD. Best of all companionsliips, Highest praise from holiest lips, Brightest path e'er mortals trod, Enoch early walked with God. In a time when sin was rife, Thi'ough far-reaching terms of hfe, As the years di-ew near the Flood, Enoch ever walked with God. In his household, day by day, "With his loved ones, or away; If mid true or vile he stood, Enoch, faithful, walked with God. All the long three hundred years. While they passed in joys and tears, Onward, upward, as he trod, Enoch closely walked with God. 'T was by faith he lived and wrought, Lessons grand the ages taught ; So with truth his feet e'er shod, Enoch surely walked with God. Always pleasing to his Lord, Glorious came his high reward: Spared from death and grave's abode, Enoch walked in heaven with God. issg SOI^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. 193 [July 12.1 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth. . . And the Lord said, I will destroy man. Gen. vi. 5, 7. They were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage . . until the flood came and took them all away. Matt. xxiv. 38, 39. THE DELUGE. At night's deepest hour, mid the dwellings of sin, A portent from heaven stayed the revels within ; Thro' festival halls swift the terror-wings brushed, And songs of the bridal and dancers were hushed. Wild shrieks of dismay strike the palsied air. And di-ead premonitions are felt every where ; Death's angel comes forth, on the dissolute hurled. To tread, in ripe wrath, the wine-press of the world. Oh, never in time, since its bii*th-hour so bright, Shut down upon men such a horrible night ; From black rolling clouds how the fury-winds blow, "VATiile tempest and torrent work ruin and woe. The thunderbolts plunge from the lightning-rent sky. The flash and the roar speak the doom-moment nigh, Ah ! broken earth's deeps and full cisterns of heaven, O'er loftiest mountains great billows are driven. The moon hid her face as if silent she wept, While ocean-like floods o'er a guilty race swept, And stars, in their pathway of beauty serene. Were veiled in their fear to look down on the scene. O world, self -destroyed! lo, thy sepulcher 's made, A watery winding-sheet round thee is laid ; The planets, in weeds and processions of gloom, Now lay thy cold form in a desolate tomb. 194 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. Behold ! o'er the waste of the far-rolling tides, How safe the lone Ark in its majesty rides! God rescues the righteous, unharmed evermore ; A new world awaits them, a heavenly shore, iss? [July 13.] Abram went, as the Lord had spoken unto him. Gen xii. 4. By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed. Heb. xi. 8. ABRAHAM CALLED. A VOICE his slumbers broke. He hears the call of God ; A mighty faith within him woke — Obedient, forth he trod. He knew not where it led, The path his feet must take; He knew the Avords Jehovah said. And naught his trust could shake. Old friends, famihar, dear. Bright landscapes often traced — He saw them fade and disappear, As untried scenes he faced. The land of promise fair The guided pilgrim found; For him a tenting sojourn there — For his the chosen ground. For him a name sublime, A countless people's head; Blessings through all the coming time, O'er all the nations spread. JSOJS'GS FOR ALL JSEASOHS. 195 His faith, to mortals strange, E'en higher pathways trod; It swept the Heavenly City's range, Whose architect is God. How safe to wallc by faith — Our sight is short and dim — To do just what Jehovah saith, And leave the rest to him. jgg? [July 14.] I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel. — EzEK. lii. 17. They watch in behalf of your souls, as they that shall give account.— HEB.xiii. 17. PASTOR AND PEOPLE. Come with thy servant, Lord, as here Immortal souls he takes in charge; Angels a task so great might fear — Be thou his help, his strength enlarge. As bold he speaks thy word of grace, May it a saving message prove; So shall the throngs that fill this place Bow to the truth in faith and love. Blest work! the flock to guide and feed. Sin-burdened souls to Jesus bring, Converts to faithful service lead. And sorrowing spirits teach to sing. Pastor and people — one in heart — How sweet the ties and toils thus given. When each for others bears a part, And all at last shall meet in Heaven. 1375 196 jSOJSTGS foe ALL SEASOI^S, [July 15.] Lot chose him all the Plain of Jordan. Gen. xiii. 11. Righteous Lot, sore distressed by the lascivious life of the wicked. 2 Pet. ii. 7. LOT'S SAD CHOICE. Feom the heights above Bethel, Down the valley below, A bright circle of verdui'e Held the Jordan's swift flow. Lot was charmed with its beauty, Like a paradise fau'; On its border w^as Sodom, Still he pitched his tent there. He removed from the faithful, From the pure and the true. Made his home with the wicked, Having wealth in his view: Ah, the taint of their vileness. How it soiled his abode; And ere long came destruction — The ripe judgment of God! Lot's sad folly in choosing Is repeated to-day, And the riches men covet Oft are seeds of decay; Their grand tent in its splendor Of fair promise so bright, Standeth near to the Sodom That may perish to-night. Oh, beware, ye light-hearted. Of the vain giddy throng. 80JVGS FOE ALL SEASOIiS. 19i Who are lui-ed from ways righteous To low pleasm-es and song. Think ye now of the ending That most surely will come; If your tents are at Sodom, Ye will share in its doom! Choose the kingdom of heaven, As to you it comes near; Far surpassing Lot's garden Will its treasures appear; And your tent will be daily A pure, blessed abode, Till exchanged for a mansion In the City of God. igs? [July 16.] I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee . . all the land of Canaan. Gex. xvii. 8. Being fully assured that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. Rom. iv. 21. GOD S GIFT TO ABRAHAM, From Egypt's bordering river. That runs along its sands, To far and great Euphrates, Beyond the Jordan lands. This choice and fertile country, 'Neath watchful skies benign. With milk and honey flowing, Where corn and vine are growing, I give to seed of thine. 198 SOWOS FOB ALL SEASONS. "WTiat fair and blooming valleys, AATiere living springs abound, Full harvests clothe the hillsides. Bright gems beneath the ground. Clear streams send richest verdure The lovely lowlands o'er, Soft showers supply the fountains. Sweet lakes reflect the mountains. The great sea guards the shore. Thou goest to thy fathers. And thine shall strangers be In a dark land of bondage, Affliction there to see: But them will I remember — Will judge their foes severe — Bring forth mine own with glory. To tell their w^ondrous story, That all the w^orld shall hear. The patriarch's faith unwavering Eeceived the promise true; The darkness o'er him. vanished — Ages of light in view: Jerusalem in splendor. Sits on her sacred hills; The land the tribes possessing Gives all the earth a blessing, As God his word fulfills. 1887 SO^''GS FOB ALL SEASONS. 199 [JuLir 17.] They that be wise among the people shall instruct many. Dan. xi. 33. Teachers of thai which is good; that they may train the young . . Tit. ii. 3,4. TO A TEACHER. Happy children they must be, Claiming as their teacher thee; Daily with thee, see thy face Bright with every charming grace, Guiding wisdom, patient love, They so quickly know or prove. Angel to them, helpful, kind. Waking e'en the dullest mind. Which through all its coming life Fruit shall bear of noble strife, While sweet memories oft will spring From the treasures thou didst bring. Thus thy work I seem to see, Best of teachers, all agree. ► Favored j)upils — surety they All must love thee, and obey. Heaven bless thee at thy task; Highest good for thee I ask. issh [July 18.] Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? Gen. xviii. 25. If the righteous is scarcely saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear ? 1 Fet. iv. 18. PLEADING FOR SODOM. From Mamre's vale to Hebron's height, The patriarch walked by faith and sight. The angel Lord was near : 200 JSO^^GS FOE ALL SEASO]:^S. His word, of Sodom's pending doom, Filled Abraham's tender heart with gloom, And woke a shivering fear ; For, though the city reeked with sin, There might be righteous souls within. He drew still closer to the Lord, And forth his burdened spiiit poured In sujDphcating plea, That e'en the guilty he Avould spare For sake of others Hving there — Far be it, Lord, from thee, That servants who thy bidding wait Should meet, as just, the wicked's fate. The humble pleader's pitying word The loving Heart of Mercy heard, And gracious answers gave. Alas! in all the city's bound No righteous ten conld e'en be found — Not salt enough to save ! Sin's harvest doom awaits the night ; The Judge of all the earth does right. Sweet j)ictui'e to the hoj)eful eye — The rainbow on the frowning sky, The beaming morning star. Ere sun arise its welcome light. Day's promise fair ere ends the night, Blest earnest from afar : To pleading hearts assurance given; The Chiist to earth shall come from heaven, iss? SOWGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 201 [July 19. J Up, get you out of this place; for the Lord will destroy the city. Gen. xix. 14. Sodom . . set forth as an example, suffering the punishment of eter- nal fire. JUDE 7. SODOM DESTROYED. Fly from the city ! oli, liaste from its doom ! Angels entreat thee, its judgment has come; Hold to our hand, and be led from the ire Charged to consume it in terrible fire ! Up to high Heaven its iniquities cry ; Warnings unheeded, its guilty must die : This is the day, its fair morning the hour. When the fierce storm shall its splendors devour ! Flee for thy life ! not a brief moment waste ; Look not behind ! to the mountain make haste ; Peril is here, linger not on the Plain, Else be consumed! Lo, it comes — the red rain! Ere the full sunburst o'er eastern dark hills, Jordan's rich vale with blest radiance fills, Awfully lurid, unearthly their light, Brimstone and fire bury Sodom from sight I Oh, the deep anguish and horror of soul. Over the hopeless the flame-billows roll I Only one look of despau', and the close — Folly and vileness reap harvests of woes ! Sudden and sharp retribution flashed down ; Ruin and ashes for pride and renown ! Beauty and wealth, and the pleasures they give, Ne'er, without God, can long flourish or live. 202 SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. Scarcely the rigMeous are saved from the sin Filhng the world, and the evil within. Keep us, Jehovah, in pureness and love ; Send us thine angels, as guides from above, igs? *♦♦ [July 20.] Now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, from me. Gi:n. xxii. 12. He that had gladly received the promises, was offering up his only begotten son. Heb. xi. 17. THE OrFERING OF ISAAC. Not all the watchful march of time Has witnessed such a soul serene, A faith so wondi'ous, strong, sublime. As in the patriarch's offering seen. No question from his spirit flows, When summoned by his faithful God ; At morning's dawn he calmly rose, In full obedience forth he trod. We may not ken the surges deep That swept the channels of his mind ; Great souls a reverent silence keep — Thoughts that no language e'er can find. 'T is reached and climbed, Moriah's slope ; The lovely son, the wood, the fire; But whither shmes a ray of hope? "What token meets a heart desii^e? Unwavering faith brooks no delay; The altar holds what wealth of love; And naught the father's arm can stay But God's clear mandate from above. ^OlfGS FOE ALL JSEASOIii^, 203 This matchless trust, with Heaven's high seal, Its dearest jewel freely gives: "WTiat glorious truth these acts reveal, While Abraham's faith immortal lives ! Another scene, prefigured, see — God's only Son, in felon guise; He bears the cross to Calvary; He is for us the Sacrifice! jggy [July 21.] He dreamed, and behold a ladder . . and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. Gen. xxviii. 12. Behold, I bring vou good tidings of great joy. Luke ii. 10. JACOB AT BETHEL. Lo! A wanderer, sad and weary, Staff in hand, pursues his way, Till, upon a hill-top di*eary, Ends the long and lonely day. Sunset shadows round him closing, Lies he down to soothing sleep, "While, on stony couch reposing. Silent stars their vigils keep. Not alone — pure spirit pinions O'er the slumbering form expand: Reaching to God's near dominions, See the mystic ladder stand! Softly up, its rounds ascending. Gently down, these angels go; Heaven and earth thus interblending. Balm is brought for human woe. 204 JSO^^'GS FOB ALL JSEASOJS^S. Sweet the vision o'er him stealing, Blest the voice that fills his ear, Wondi'ous promises revealing, Loving guidance far and near. igg? ■ — — — -<♦> [July 22.] Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this phice. Gen. xxviii. 16. I was not disobedient unto tlie heavenly vision. Acts xxvi. 19. THE DREAM'S REALITY. Glorious dream of things so real, Spread on life's unfurling scroll. Waiting here the grand ordeal — Dawning bkthday of the soul! From such heavenly slumber waking, Comes the sense how deep and clear, Brighter morn than earth's is breaking — This is Bethel, God is here! Ah! he knew not One so near him, AATien he sought the needed rest; Now in awe he can but fear him — Mingled fear and joy how blest! House of God and gate of heaven — Light transforms the stony place, When the ladder dream is given. And the soul finds saving grace. Bear we then the grateful altar. Sacred consecration give; Pui'pose true no more shall falter; God with us, for him we Hve. iss? SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 205 July 23-1 Then would I fly away and be at rf st. Fs. Iv. 6. '" I . . will receive you unto myself ; that where I am, there ye may be also. John xiv. 3. HER HOME or REST. She hatli gone to the home of her rest, Where Heaven entrances her sight; She mingles in joy with the blest, Arrayed as an angel of light. She bears a glad harp in her hand, And touches with ra^^ture its strings ; To her voice list the seraphim band. For sweet is the song that she sings. In the garner of glory a sheaf, Afar from this sorrowing sphere, She meets with no sickness or grief, Nor falls from her eyehds a tear. Weep not for the spirit that's fled. Nor heave the embittering sigh; She resteth not now with the dead But dwells with her Saviour on high 1843 [JULY 24.] He said, I will not let thee go, except thou bh^ss me.- Gen. xxxii. 20. ■, . .. 1 • The supplication of a righteous man availeth much in its working. JAS.V.10. PENIEL. When in trial's pressing horn*. Oh, for more than mortal power' God, O God! the spiiit cries. Now for me let help arise! Leave me not, I cling to thee; Lo ! thine arms encircle me. 206 SONGS FOB ALL SEASOIiS. "Worthy not of mercies thine, Thou might'st hide thy face divine, Pass me in my sore distress, Others \yorthier aid and bless ; But thy j)romise, Lord, I plead; Save me in this time of need! Wonderful has been thy care, Lead me still, thy servant sj)are; Clings my hand, my soul, to thee, Now my refuge thou must be; Never will I let thee go, Till the blessing thou bestow! "WTiat my name? Thou knowest well; Bethel's radiant memories tell. \Miat is thine? 'Tis known above, Here and there — Eternal Love ! Sweet assurance comes to me, Blest and rescued, Lord, by thee. Jacob's triumph, Israel's name, From that flaming Presence came; Lord, he saw thee face to face. Strong in thy victorious grace; Praying, wrestling, through the night — Oh, Peniel's morn how bright! Traveler! as the seasons roll. Come what crises for thy soul! Round thee pleads a tempting world. Shafts of Satan at thee hurled: Thou thro' wrestling prayer shalt stand, Held by God's sustaining hand. iss? SO^''GS FOR ALL SEASONS. 207 [July 25.] They said one to another, We are verily guilty concernine our brother. Gen. xlii. 21. * The patriarchs, moved with jealousy against Joseph, sold him into Egypt : and God was with him. Acts vii. 9. JOSEPH SOLD INTO EGYPT. The God who reigns above O'er all the earth presides; His own are kept in love, As each in him abides. From adverse scenes and hateful things, Eich gifts of good and grace he brings, Till the lone heart in gladness sings. The counsels of the vile, The acts of cruel foes, Reveal theu' treacherous guile, Their wickedness disclose, — As wheels of Providence slow turn, And conscience-fires within them burn, The blackness of their deeds they learn. In Dothan's plots, devised At envy's dii'eful beck. See murderous forms disguised Divinely held in check. Their worst designs are made to fail; The guilty doers sure shall quail. As Egypt hence repeats the tale. How safe are those who know And trust the Father's care; They find where'er they go, His strong protection there. 208 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. He watches every step they take, He never will his own forsake, Nor e'er his word or promise break. How sweet to see that ill Thi'ough him becomes our good, "While trusting to his will To lead us as he would. How blest the end, how grand the goal, What crowns await the patient soul, WTiat glories while heaven's ages roll! 1^87 «♦♦- — — [July 26.] His enemies will I clothe with shame : but upon himself shall his crown flourish. Ps. exxxii. 18. He is a chosen vessel unto me. Acts ix. 15. EXALTED. Slaved by guilty brothers' trade, In the lonely journey made, Far from tender parent's love, Kej)t by sweeter care above. Prisoner by satanic words, Joseph, thou art still the Lord's! Sweetly shines in darkest place Loving light from God's dear face. Making e'en the prison bars Like the glory of the stars, Gilding shadeful, gloomy days — Nights with heavenly di-eams ablaze. Scenes of sadness passing thi'ough. Ever faithful, patient, true ; Proved by trial hard and sore, — All these soitows now are o'er; SOJ^GS FOB ALL SEASONIS. 209 Bitter night of grief is gone In the morning's joyful dawn. Faithful yet in every thing, Stands he now before the king; Wisdom of surpassing ken Eanks him o'er the wisest men; Wondrous knowledge, meekly shown, Crowns him prince beside the thi'one. Royal robes and chains of gold Speak the sway his virtues hold; Nobler still, his prudent care Saves an empire from despair! Trusting God through each dark hour, Him He lifts to fame and power. Let us. Lord, where'er we be, Cling in loyalty to thee: In the sunny days of youth Love and keep thy blessed truth; Firm in trial, serving, wait — Thou thine own wilt vindicate. igs? ♦♦> [July 27.] God did send me before you to preserve life. Gen. xlv. 5. Overcome evil with good. ROM.xii. 21. MADE KNOWN. I AM Joseph! Words of wonder, Tingling what astonished ears; Fell they like untimely thunder, Waking deep and guilty fears. Lone, with Pharaoh's lord assembled, Dumb and dazed, his brethren trembled. 210 SOJ^GS FOR ALL SEASONS. I'm your brother! Come ye near me; Is my father yet alive? Come, I pray you, do not fear me, I your envious deed survive. Out of evils, soul-distressing, God has brought a wondi'ous blessing. Be not filled with needless sorrow; Wide the famine woes extend. Many a dark and di'ead to-morrow Ere the scourgeful years shall end. God hath sent me on before you, As his saving banner o'er you. Here in Goshen ye shall flourish. Father, brethren, by my side; I will all the household nourish — For your every want provide. Haste and tell the cheering story; Tell my father of my glory. Oh, my longing heart is breaking! Floods of tears bedim my eyes: 'Tis my lips to you are speaking — Oh, this blessed, glad surprise! Benjamin! — love's kiss hath spoken; Brothers all, receive the token! Type of Christ! The loving Saviour, Sold and slain that we might Hve, Makes us feel our sin's behaviour. Then so freely doth forgive. SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 211 Blessed Lord! our elder Brother, More to us than every other! 1887 <♦> [July 28.] Commit thy way unto the Lord ; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass. Ps. xxxvii. 5. Honor thy lather and mother . . that if may be well with thee. Eph vi. 2, .■?. BROUGHT TOGETHER. God reigns in all the worlds on high, O'er every land beneath the sun; Past, present, future, all as one, In clearest light before him lie. Events upon his wisdom turn, Unfolding as his will decides : Like movements of vast ocean tides. Life's mightier flow and ebb we learn. Kingdoms arise and have theu' day, Their purpose serve in God's great plan — Some higher hope and good for man — Abuse their power and fade away. Always the Lord was Joseph's guide, In joyful scenes or sore distress: He would through him the nations bless — For grander work designed provide. The brother sold but went before. For father, brethren, kindred all. Jacob, revived, attends his call — In Egypt finds abundant store. The shepherd tribes, the chosen race. For Joseph's sake are welcomed there ; 212 /SOI^GS FOB ALL JSEASOJUS. Tiien lo ! a scene as grand as rare — Jacob and Pharaoh face to face. The courteous word, the "bearing true, In friendship king and patriarch meet, Good will and blessing to repeat, '\^^hile God's all-ruhng hand we view. Help me, dear Lord, to trust thy way, Though led in darkness or in light. For thou wilt make its ending bright. If faith, obedient, crown each day. iss? [July 29.] There the weary be at rest. Job iii. 17. The trumpet shal? sound, and the dead shall be raised. 1 COR. xv. 52. EVERGREEN CEMETERY. Natuke and art have furnished here A home where hallowed dust shall lie ; Around it clustering charms appear, And o'er it bends the beaming sky. Here oft shall come the solemn trains, And, gathering by a new-made tomb, Leave with last rites the dear remains, And then return in silent gloom. Oft, o'er each grave, affection's tears Shall, mid the vernal blossoms, fall ; Till, in the flight of wasting years. The cherished spot hath garnered all. Here, on memorial columns reared, Strangers shall honored names behold ; SOIiGS FOB ALL SEASO^-S. 218 And humbler worth, beloved, revered, In saintly fame shall be enrolled. How sweet shall be their slumbers deep. Freed from a world of sin and strife ; Till, waked at last from death's long sleep. They rise to everlasting life ! iggg [July 30.]. He increased his people greatly, and made them stronger than their adversaries. Ps. cv. 24. ^i^iuuger Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; them that are evil entreated, as being yourselves also in the body. Heb. xiii. 3. ISRAEL IN EGYPT. God's thoughts are deep and far, Wisely his purpose planned. As Israel's hope and guiding star To Egypt's wonder-land. Where theii- astonished eyes Saw pyramids sublime. Vast temples, tombs, and columns rise — The marvels of all time! God eer fulfills his word; Nor fails of all a jot. When Pharaoh's jealousy was stirred Who Joseph's work forgot, Vain were his burdens laid; Taskmasters all in vain; The chosen nation widely spread, And grew as fruitful grain. The stalwart people wrought, Amid afflictions sore, 214 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. Till cities, to completion brought, Held Pharaoh's treasured store. And we behold to-day. How fails the critic's lure. When bricks they laid come forth to say God's record standeth sure. Lo! Rameses the Great Comes from his Luxor cave; And other kings of high estate Rise from theii- ancient grave! Th' oppressor's form, well known, Hard visage as of old, Rej^eat the toil, the tear, the groan, The bondage, Moses told. God leads us as he will; Sometimes through sorrows deep, His gracious purpose to fulfill, His own to prove and keep. By hardships sorely tried. Came forth the mighty thi'ong; Led safely o'er the Red -Sea tide, They sang theu' triumph song! iss? [JulySI.] I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands. Is.xlix. 16. To set you before the presence of his glory. Jude 24. CONFIDENCE. Lord, my times are in thy hand. Thou hast graved me on its palm; Sheltered there, I safely stand. Rough the storm or sweet the calm. isoo SO]S''QS FOB ALL iSEASOHS. 215 [Aug. 1.] O clap your hands, all ye peoples; shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Ps. xlvii. I. Thanks be unto God, which always leadeth us in triumph in Christ 2 CoK. ii. 14. MORAL TRIUMPH. Fought is the battle ! victory won ! Clouds are departing, shineth the sun. Day of redemption, hail to thy morning! Glory gleams on thee, brightly adorning ! Gained is the triumph, Eight wins the day ; Freedom ascendant, blessed her sway! Fling out the banner ,^ wave it in splendor ; Praise for the conquest gratefully render ! Toil is rewarded, prayer hath been heard, Faith at last conquers, hope 's not deferred. Shout ! ye long patient, rise in your gladness, Welcome the era ending your sadness ! Comes a strong Angel, earthward again, Binds the old Dragon fast in his chain. Joy to the freed ones! woe to the oppressor! Angel of good, henceforth the aggressor ! Courage ! ye toilers, onward for right ; Breaketh the dayspring, passeth the night : Heaven's light gildeth hilltops and mountains, Drops down the valleys, smiles on the fountains. Up now, ye crushed ones, fetters throw by ; Death -freighted thunders roll from your sky ! Vanquished the foeman, selfish and stoic ; God, in the battle, crowns the heroic! 1854 216 SOUGS FOB ALL SEASOJ^S. [Aug. 2.] A dream, and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote tlie dream and told the sum of the matters. Dan. vii. 1. Behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shined in the cell. Acts xii. 7. BUNYAN IN JAIL. Bunyan! how Satan, helped by men, With jnischievous endeavor, Put thee in jail, to put out then Thy kindled flame forever! Celestial genius would not die, Through years of long confining, Whilst thou, with comfort from the sky, Wert cheerful, um-epining. Methinks within thy dungeon's gloom A light divine had risen, To make it Glory's ante-room, Though still thy Bedford prison. How clearly there the heavenly path Rose on thy spiiit's vision, That, from the City doomed to wi'ath. Leads to the blest Elysian. Then passed before thee in thy dream, A happy band and saintly; Thy pictures make them real seem, Though oft a little quaintly. I love to trace their pathway o'er, And hear their joyful singing. Till, thi'o' the stream, they reach the shore Where angel harps are ringing. 1359 SOWGS FOE ALL SEASONS. 217 [Aug. 3.1 Because he hath set his love upon tne, therefore will I de- liver him : I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. Ps.xci. 14. We speak, not in words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Spirit teacheth ; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 1 Cou. ii. 13. AT BUNYAN'S TOMB. Thou Prince of Dreamers! I have found The place of thy last sleeping, And grateful tread this hallowed ground, With minged joy and weeping. Dear Bunyan! I have loved thy name More than my words can measure; And long shall pilgrims hold thy fame A sweet and precious treasm-e. Thou wast a burning, shining light, Within thy sphere of duty; Though then unknown a star so bright, So rich in heavenly beauty. God raised thee from thy lowly place. Thou plain, untutored thinker, And gave thee, ah! what gifts of grace, O wondrous Elstow tinker! Thy heart and lips his Spirit fired, A^Tien from his foe he gained thee: To preach his truth he called, inspired, Commissioned, and ordained thee. What crowds, beneath thy earnest voice, Thy zeal to save them, bm-ning. Were made to weep, beheve, rejoice, From ways of error turning! 218 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. Keep, Bmibill Fields, his precious dust, Housed in thy rare collection: How fair he'll shine among the just In the great resuiTection ! Immortal Dreamer! slumbering here, How sweet thy Pilgrim's story! On thy blest tomb I di'op a tear, And envy thee in glory. A jewel-studded crown how bright To thy dear head is given: May I be found with thee in light, A pilgrim safe in Heaven. i859 4«> [Aug. 4.] The Lord is thy keeper : the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. Ps. cxxi. 5. What then shall this child be? Luke i. 66. THE CHILD MOSES. The loving Hebrew mother Beheld, with radiant joy, A charm beyond all other Crowning her beauteous boy. Has God this darling angel Sent down from heaven's gate. To be the blest evangel To those who sorrowing wait? Ah! now if aught reveal him, Such loveliness must die; O God! help me conceal him From Pharaoh's murderous eye. JSOJVOS FOE ALL JSEA^OJVjS. 219 In tenderest care abiding, What vigils, day and night, To keep her jewel's hiding As only in her sight. Three months — nor can they linger; The keen maternal eyes See fate's most cruel fingfer Out reaching for the prize. Soft in the ark she'll fold him. And haste at early day; The dense Nile flags shall hold him, He must not float away. Ah! who can tell the feeling That swept her anguished soul, Or know its deep appealing For more than man's control? Sweet Miriam at her station, Awaits, with eager look. The next great revelation For God's most wondi-ous book. Lo! Pharaoh's daughter, turning. Walks by the river tide. And quick the ark discerning. Commands it to her side. Sweet in the care-wrought casket, She sees the cherub lie; Her heart is in the basket. Won by the infant's cry. 220 JSOIiGS FOB ALL SEASONS. What blest relief and pleasm-e, As through love's quenchless flame The mother's matchless treasure Back to her bosom came. Her love who found and named him Shall rear him as her own; The princess justly claimed him As heir to Egypt's thi'one. The Chiist- Child here was hidden From Herod's bloody hand, Till by God's angel bidden To leave dark Egypt's land. isg? i^¥ [Aug. 5.] There hath not arisen a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. Deux, xxxiv. 10. A flame of fire in a bush . . and as he drew near to behold, there came a voice of the Lord. Acts vii. 30, 31. CALLED FROM THE BURNING BUSH. In Midian forty years, The leader of the chosen hosts to be In deep seclusion Hved, a shepherd he, While Israel served in tears. One day the flock he took The desert o'er to Horeb's verdant side. And there a thing most wonderful descried, That riveted his look. From out a bush on fire The Angel of the Lord Almighty came ! — The bush, still bright in the enswathing flame, Kemained unburnt, entire ! SOWGS FOE ALL SEASONS. 221 Pressing for view more clear, Lo! from the glowing tree his own name's sound: Forbear ; thy feet are now on holy ground ; Put off thy sandals here. I am thy father's God ; My people's sorrows are beneath my eye ; Their crushing tasks I know, and hear their cry, 'Neath the oppressors' rod. From heaven am I come down To loose them from the hard Egyptian charge, And bring them to a goodly land and large, That milk and honey crown. Come now, and thee I '11 send. That thou may'st plead with Pharaoh face to face, Bring forth my people, an enfranchised race, Their Egyj)t trials end. That this great thing should be, Ah! who am If the meek man humbly said. The God of Abraham, who Israel led. Will surely be with thee. And this thy mission sign : When thou the people hast from bondage brought, Ye '11 serve the God who all these marvels wrought, Upon this mount of mine. Lord, as we hear thy voice. May we obey, seek sin-slaved souls for thee, Thy mighty grace in their redemption see. With them in heaven rejoice. imi 222 SOIfGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Aug. 6.] When I see the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall no plague be upon you to destroy you. Ex. xil. 13. Our passover also hath been sacrificed, even Christ. 1 CoF„ v. 7. THE PASSOVER. Deaws near th' eventful hour Of Israel's full release, When Pharaoh's cruel power And bondage-tasks shall cease. The day — the lamb unblemished slain — Their great memorial shall remain. On posts and lintel high The fresh red blood is spread For God's inspecting eye, As night shall mark his tread, "WTien every house, all Egypt through, Shall know the wonders he will do. By every Hebrew shared. Each household met comj)lete, The new great feast prepared. With bitter herbs they eat. With girded loins, their feet well shod, And staff in hand, they wait for God! His patience long abused At length must yield to wrath; This call, by none refused, Will open Israel's path. Ah! what a night of woe forlorn, "\Mien Egypt saw its dead firstborn! iSO^''GS FOR ALL SEASOJ^S. 223 The crimson on each door "Was mercy's saving law; God passed his people o'er As there the blood he saw. Deliverance sure they all receive, Because his word theii' hearts behave. Oh, the great sacrifice! The far more precious blood — The Lamb of Calvary dies, To bring the world to God! He sees that blood — my soul there laved Is cleansed from sin, from death is saved, iss? [Aug. 7.] As the days of the heavens above the earth. Deut. xi. 21. First the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear. Mic. iv. 28. DAYS OF HEAVEN. What faith surveys shall meet the sight : At evening time it shall be light ; When culminates the age of gold, Come days of heaven on earth foretold. No dream are they of man's repose, Nor brilliant hues at daylight's close, Nor meteor showers in night's advance, Nor visions of a shadowy trance. They come by growth of laboring years ; At first the springing blade appears ; Long periods watch the ear mature. And the full corn at last is sure. i878 224 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Aug. 8.] Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you to-day. Ex. xiv. 13. Wherefore take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all to stand. Eph. vi. 13. AT THE RED SEA. Why should Israel be dismayed? A\Tiy this sad and mournful cry? God will give his promised aid, He will help when danger's nigh. Fear ye not! but trust in Heaven, Soon dehverance shall be given. He, whose marvelous sovereign power Made the monarch quail with di^ead, When the lonely midnight hour Looked on Egypt's firstborn dead, — He is still the Hebrews' friend. His right arm shall yet defend. See you Pharaoh's hosts to-day? Soon theu' ranks will fade from view; God will make for you a way, Light and guide you safely through. Stand ye still, dismiss your fear, His salvation will appear! Hither by Jehovah brought, Siu-ely he for you will fight; Foes, who have your captui-e sought, He will overwhelm to-night. Onward, then, and trust in Heaven, Great deliverance shall be given! 1339 SOI^GS FOB ALL SEASOJViS. 225 [Aug . 9.1 The Lord looked forth upon the host of the Egyptians thro' the pillar of fire and of cloud, and discomfited the host. Ex. xiv. 24. By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land : which the Egyptians essaying to do were swallowed up. Heb. xi. 29. THE PILLAR AND THE PASSAGE. That mysterious column ! it hung from the sky, The vanguard as Israel the exodus made ; Lo ! a wonderful thing to each upward turned eye, A Presence divine — the Shekinah displayed! As it lifted in grandeur, their course was discerned; Its shadow, refreshing, soft over them lay ; How resplendent its form as to crimson it turned. And night wore a beauty unknown to the day ! They have come to the Sea, by its margin they rest, AVhen lo ! their oppressors, revengeful, appear ; But by Moses assured, at Jehovah's behest. The march is renewed, they advance without fear. In the midst of the sea, its dark waters rolled back. The chosen go forward, walled billows between; For they find in the depths sohd ground for a track, The marvelous cloud brooding over the scene. Still defiant, the foe presses on in then- path: The pillar, receding, the armies divides ; To Egyptian pursuers 'tis darkness and wrath; On Israel, beloved, its bright glory abides. In the watch of the morning the Angel looked out ; The flash from the cloud was defeat to the foe : At the leader's waved staff, the sure signal of rout, The refluent floods Egypt's pride overflow! 226 SOIfGS FOE ALL SEAjSOI^S. Now the host in their freedom, the transit complete, All grateful and safe on the welcoming shore, Eaise their song to Jehovah — its chorus repeat — An anthem of triumph that rings evermore ! To the long journey's end, as the chosen of God, To desert or mountain or river bank, came ; In the places of rest, in the pathways they trod, Then* guide was the pillar of cloud and of flame. If the night-gloom was deepest, it gave them its light; To nations oj)posed, it was darkness severe : So the hght of God shines on the pure in his sight, ^\Tiile the faithless grope ever in shadow and fear. 1878 -^♦♦^ [Aug. 10.] He shall blossom as the lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon. Hos. xiv.5. He which hath begun a good work in you will perfect it. Phil. i. 6. BUD AND BLOOM. The vernal flowers that break the ground, And, smiling sweet, shed fragrance round, Ai'e prophecies of fullest blaze Of summer blooms in sunnier days. The budding growths, though httle things, Ai'e oft the clear foreshadowings Of grand events in glorious years, "Wrhen earth's ripe harvesting appears. The ages toil ; slow lapses time ; But, with then- steady march sublime. Comes the rich fruitage sought so long In prophet's voice and poet's song. 1375 JSOWGS FOR ALL JSEASONS. 227 [Aug. 11.] I will sing unto the Lord, lor he hath triumphed glorious- ly : the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. Ex. xv. 1. This man led them forth, having wrought wonders and signs in Egypt and in the Red sea. Acts vii. 36. THE SONG OF MOSES. Sing, sing to the Lord ! most exultingiy sing ; All praise to Jehovah ! our conquering King ; He's gloriously triumphed, and Israel is free; The army of Pharaoh is whelmed in the sea ! When trembling with fear as environed by foes, The waters he sundered — hke walls they arose ; His hand held us firmly till danger was o'er, And foes that enslaved could pursue us no more. O God ! our salvation, we bow at thy throne ; Thy name is exalted, thy majesty known : Th' oppressor is vanquished, he fell 'neath thy frown As bolts of thy thunder in terror came down ! From Egypt set free, in dread peril sustained, God's right hand has saved us, the victory 's gained ; The horse and the rider repose in death's sleep, They sank with the chariots Hke lead in the deep. Thou 'It guide us, as onward to Canaan we go. By cloud pillar's shade or its radiant glow : The sun scatters gloom from the far-spread expanse, So foes of thy chosen shall melt at thy glance. Thou mighty Jehovah ! earth quails at thy nod. No other is like thee, like Israel's God! Thy reign is for ever, thy glory divine ; How fearful in praises, what wonders are thine ! is:j9 228 SO^-'GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Aug. 12.] I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gaiher a day's portion every day. Ex. xvi. 4. Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of lile : he that cometh to me shall not hunger. John vi. .35. THE MANNA. March the chosen sons and daughters "Where the guiding pillar tells ; On from Marah's sweetened waters, Elim's palms and cooling wells. Marvelous God's way to lead them, Give them victory and song ; Still as wonderful to feed them. Satisfy the hungry thi'ong. O'er the desert breaks the morning, Soft its voice from slumber calls ; Lo ! the landscajDC far adorning. White as snow-flakes manna falls. Precious bread, divinely given. Angels' food for man's supply. Fresh from harvest-stores of heaven — Oh, the bounty of the sky ! Day by day 't was God's good pleasure Thus to rain his riches down : Day by day they had theh' measure. At the morning's golden crown. Evening came with special blessing For the wants they yet disclose. Till, for souls thek good possessing. Blooms the desert as the rose. SOIiGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 229 Strange that murmurs oft are rising. Hearts unsatisfied repine, Mid such miracles surprising, Love so tender and divine. May we, gracious, loving Father, Be more grateful, firm, and true. As thy gifts we daily gather. And thy richer Manna view. igs? <♦* fAUG. 13.] The Lord spake with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire. Deut. v. 4. Ye are come unto mount Zion . . and to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant. Heb. xii. 22, 24. SINAI AND CALVARY. O Sinai! when I come to thee, Jehovah's flaming justice see. His holiness, majestic, clear. Condemned, I shrink away with fear. No word from thee brings conscience peace. For guilty souls no blest release ; Thy trumpet voice sounds forth the cry : Keep all the law, or surely die! With gladness I to Calvary turn. Abundant mercy there discern. Oh, wondrous cross — my tearful eyes Behold the Lamb of sacrifice. Jesus, the law fulfilled in thee, Forgiveness, peace, and hope, I see. O radiant mount ! O precious blood ! Thy death gives life, dear Son of God. iss? 230 SOIiGS FOR ALL SEASONS. [Aug. 14.] When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee ; and through the rivers, they shall not overtiow thee. ISA. xliii. 2. These tilings were done in Bethany beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing. John i. 28. THE RIVER JORDAN. O Jordan! swiftly flowing Thy verdant banks along, Immortal wonders knowing — Great themes of sacred song, Light on the ages throwing, As truth and faith grow strong. Now millions at thy border, From desert ways appear. The chosen hosts in order. The vast encampment here. Trusting theii' mighty Warder, Unawed by foe or fear. Behold! thy swollen waters. That filled their bed profound, AVith roar like battle slaughters. Are parted, piled, and bound, AVhile Israel's sons and daughters March through on solid ground! God sent his prophets o'er thee — The stream divinely cleft — By chariot flame before thee Was earth for Heaven left; But mantling might he bore thee, O lonely one bereft! JSO^''GS FOE ALL SEASOIiS. 23] The skies above thee riA-en, A grander scene occuiTed, When Christ, the Lord from heaven, Thy sacred waters stirred, The dove-hke Spiiit given, The Father's loving word. Symbol of death, river! Glory the other side! My Lord! of life the giver, The shadowy stream divide, AVhen to that blest Forever Thou art my Saviour-guide. igss I Aug. 15.] I have seen an end of all perfection; but thy command- ment is exceeding broad. Ps. cxix. 96. The law hath been our tutor to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Gal. iii. 24. GIVING THE LAW. -MosES, on Sinai's brow with awe. Receives from God his holy Law — • The great 'ten words' that he commands. On stone engraved by his own hands. The scene is grand, the truth sublime. Precepts proclaimed for earth and time, Searching man's life, without, within; A perfect guide to keep from sin. The thunder, lightning, trumpet peal. The great and righteous God reveal. While each command proclaims him just. And humbles sinners in the dust. iss7 232 SOJf^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Aug. 16.] The anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel. 2 Sam. xxiii. 1. David, after he had in his own generation served the counsel of God, fell on sleep. Acts xiii. 36. DAVID. Sparkling as the morning star, Ruddy as the radiant skies, Orb of promise beaming far, See the son of Jesse rise; Beauteous boy of Bethlehem, Waits for him a diadem. Shepherd youth among the hills, Nature holds in sweet control. Heavenly fire his spirit fills, Songs unsung are in his soul. Girt with strength divine he grows. Triumphs over giant foes. Warrior of the grandest gauge Judah's armies ever led, Mighty deeds mark every page "WTiere his battle scenes are spread. Minstrels sing his martial fame. All the nation speak his name. When Saul's cloud-veiled sun went down, David took his waiting thi'one; Ne'er had king a brighter crown, Nor a loftier wisdom shown. Happy land beneath his reign, Peace and splendor came again. JSOI^GS FOE ALL SEASOJS^S. 233 But beyond each, boon divine, Might of arms or kingly dower, David's lyiics glorious shine, Grander than his regal power. Souls devout, through earth and time, Feel their fire and catch their chime, iss? [Aug. 17.] The battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand. 1 Sam. xvii. 47. The weapons of our warfare are . . mighty before God to the casting down of strong holds. 2 CoR. x. i. BATTLE "WITH THE GIANT. From the slopes of Azekah the Philistines surveyed The fair tents of Israel in Elah arrayed. To the summits they gather and, gleaming in light, Each armor-clad host is prepared for the fight. In the valley betweeii, Yine and olive in green Wait the tread and the shock of the terrible scene ! They pause, as reluctant, in still, bated breath, The war-shout to utter, and rush to the death. When scornfully, proudly, and slowly, alone, Stalked the giant of Gath, like a king from his thi'one ; And enveloped in mail, , Strutting down through the vale, He called loud for a champion to meet and assail. His form was gigantic, his spear Kke a beam, Broad shield, and high helmet, and resonant sci-eam, As for forty long days he came forth in his pride, And the armies of Israel contemned and defied! 234 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. None dared answer his call, Neither Abner nor Saul, Lest beneath his vast sword he should merciless fall. From Bethlehem's hills a fair shepherd boy came. And heard the Philistine his brethren defame ; He felt in his soul that the might of the Lord Would give him the conquest, his valor reward : So the beautiful lad In simplicity said, I accept the bold challenge the monster has made. Then Da^dd went forth without armor or shield, Save the sling in his hand and the stone it must wield. All Israel stood breathless — the Phihstines aghast, As Goliath fell low when the swift missile passed ' The youth smote off his head ; The uncu'cumcised fled ; Israel, shouting, pursued mid the wounded and dead! Now silent the boasted defiance and wrath. As prone on the earth lies the giant of Gath ; His sword and his spear and the mail that he wore, Unwielded and useless, are trusted no more. All the valley and hill King with victory still, And the white tents of Elah shake under the thrill ! How glorious is faith in the battle for right ! To conquer is easy when God gives the might ; Subhme the achievements his servants may win, As they meet in his name the mailed giants of sin. iSOJ^GS FOR ALL ISEA^ONiS. 235 Souls ! your heritage guard ! Would you gaiu its reward? Come up to the help— to the help of the Lord! igfig *^^ ^"^xxVl^io. ^""^ ""^ ^^^^''' ^^"^ ^"^^*'' '""^^ "' *''^ '"Sht. Job I lieard a voice of many angels round about the throne and the living creatures. Rkv. v. 11. CELESTIAL MINSTRELSIES. Hark! a strain of music floats Softly through the evening air; SwTeet and soothing are its notes, Like the cadences of j)rayer. These are songs the Lord inspires, \ATiich he giveth in the night, Stealing out from spirit lyres, Changing darkness into light. Lo! a pensive harp I hear; Angel fingers touch its chords. And a chastened heart sincere Utters forth its trusting words. Hopeful is the music's tone, Mid the tears of sorrowing grief, Shed o'er dear ones loved and gone — Dear ones nigh to give relief. Live they still who knew us here — Souls in Christ shall never die — Long they for us, hold us dear, AVaiting, watching from the sky. igsi 236 SO^'^Gti FOE ALL SEASOIfS. [Aug. 19.] Give me now wisdom and knowledge. 2 Chkox. 1. 10. Ask, and it sliall be given unto you ; seek, aitd ye shall find. Mat. SOLOMON'S CHOICE. Faie Gibeon's summit, broadly rounded, Upheld an altar-shrine, Where free burnt offerings abounded, As worship's act divine. Here Solomon the king slept, dreaming. After his vows were given. When came the Lord in glory gleaming. As from the gate of heaven. Ask me, proposed the Voice supernal, What I to thee shall give. Then prayed the king to the Eternal, For wisdom how to live: "Thy mercy to my father showing Was bounteous and great; And kindness still thou art bestowing, As I before thee wait. Called as the king of this vast nation, And but a child am I; I can not fill this mighty station. Only as thou art nigh. Oh, give thy servant understanding — A wise, discerning heart, That he, whate'er the task's demanding, May act the noblest part." A choice that met Jehovah's pleasure, A prayer that blessing brought SOJVGS FOR ALL SEASOJSS. 237 Of wisdom, wealth, gifts without measure, Far more than all he sought. Oh, help me, gracious, blessed Father, E'er thus to pray and live. Choosing the heavenly wisdom, rather Than what this world can give. iggi [Aug. 20. J The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, even mine. 2 Sam. xxii. 2. Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 CoR. iii. U. THE ROCK FOUNDATION. KocK eternal! thou shalt be Building place alone for me ; Blest foundation, sure and strong, Earth's one hope through ages long; All who thee for refuge sought Safe have been to glory brought. Rock of Israel, smitten, cleft. Souls, through sin's despair bereft, See thee rise o'er waves of time. Heavenly beacon, tower sublime: Christ our Rock! they fly to thee, Building place for them and me. When the testing hour we know, Floods of grief the soul o'erflow, Tempests wild our house assail, Builders on the sand shall fail. Rock eternal! thou wilt be Refuge, Home, and Heaven to me. i887 238 SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. [Aug. 21.] The Lord loved Israel for ever, therefore made lie tliee king, to do judgment and justice. 1 Kings x. 9. Behold, a greater than Solomon is here. Luke xi. 31. THE QUEEN AND THE KING. The Queen in regal glory From distant Sheba came, Drawn by the wondi'ous story Of Israel's sacred fame. Awed by the matchless splendor — The wisdom of the king — Her praise what words could render, Or worthy tribute bring? *'0 Solomon! behold me, Faint, at the vast array! The half had ne'er been told me Of what my eyes survey! I could not then believe it, And yet 'twas all so true; Scarce now can I receive it — 'Tis marvelous in my view! Happy are those so near thee, Who see thy royal state. The servants that revere thee. And in thy presence wait: What wisdom ever gaining From golden words of thine; A place so rare obtaining Is sure a boon divine. SO]\^GS FOB ALL JSEASOJSTS. Blest be the Lord, whose favor, To his beloved is shown; Blest be thy God for ever, Who set thee on the throne; Crowned thee with wealth and station, And wisdom's vast increase, That thou might'st rule the nation With justice, truth, and peace." O King of kings! what glory Is thine in worlds above! Who, who can tell the story Of thy redeeming love? How sweet the peace and pleasure Here to thy servants given! How glorious the treasure Keserved for them in Heaven! - — — -f#+ 1884 TAUG. 22.] Come ye, and let us walk in tlie light of fhe Lord. ISA. " ii. 5. Jesus himself drew near, and went with them. Luke xxiv. 15. BLESSED COMPANIONSHIP. Dear Lord, when in my walks alone, How blest are thoughts of thee; I lift heart-breathings to thy throne, And find thou art with me. Thy nearness brightens all my way; Thy works fresh beauties wear; Thy love breaks o'er me, and the day Is bathed in Heaven's own air. i890 ?A0 SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Aug. 23.] Entangled like thorns and drunken as with their drink they are consumed. (Am. Com.) Nah. i. 10. Some save, snatching them out of the fire. JUDE 23. THE MONSTER VICE. Still the monster vice is found; The old dragon, yet unbound, With his fallen spii'its, rages. Writes in woe the awful pages Where his daily deeds abound. Widows' weeds are doubly deep, Pleading orphans more than weep, Kuined spirits chafe their prison ; Mind is lost — what bright stars risen Madness clouds in gloom to keep! What the worm to floweret rare, What miasma to the au'. What the Hfe-blood, chilled and frozen, What false Judas to the chosen. Is the cup to all that's fair. Shall the desolation still Hearts and homes forever fill? Shall the monster Hve, augmenting, Man's indifference consenting. When to slay him is to will? Oh, ye souls of heavenly bu'th, Heritage of God on earth, Save the young from fierce temptation, Save the tainted from damnation; In this conflict prove youi' worth! 1572 SOIiG^S FOR ALL SEASONS. 241 [Aug. 24.] A people which shall be created shall praise the Lord - Ps. cii. 18. He that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eter. nal. JOHX iv. 36. FIELD AND REAPERS. In this world of sin and sorrow, Ah, what scenes of woe abound! Wide-spread regions thronged with people Wrapt in darkness, sad, profound! Ignorance, like night's deep shadows, Kests on countless groveling minds; War, caste, bondage — all the evils. Deathless souls in fetters binds! But a happier age is coming, Lo! its tinted dawn appears; Prophets see its glorious advent — Era of the promised years. Earth shall then, like primal Eden, Filled with truth and virtue, bloom; Sins and sorrows, darkening o'er it. Shall have found a rayless tomb. Field inviting for the earnest, AYarm with impulse high and pure, Where all labors, sweet and holy. Present, future good insure! Look upon the outspread landscape, From its shadows ne'er recoil; Give, to make it bloom in beauty. Hearts of love and hands of toil. 1849 242 SOWGS FOB ALL SEASOIfS. [Aug. 25.] There appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, which partfd them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind intc heaven. 2KiNGSii. 11. Elijah was a man of like passions with us. James v. 17. ELIJAH. TiSHBiTE sage, inspired of Heaven, Burning light to Israel given, Clad with zeal and might of grace, Grandest prophet of his race! True, sublime in earnest Hfe, Strong and brave in fearful strife, Boldly speaks the will of God, Wields the stern reformer's rod. Glorious triumphs sought and won. Deeds immortal nobly done, Bounding out his work-day well. Till is touched its vesper bell. Oh, to him how bright the end! Opening skies a chariot send. Drawn by steeds of flaming light, Wondi'ous to the prophet's sight. Angel hands now place him there, AVhirlwinds lift him high in air, Stars his soaring passage wait. Heaven shouts welcome at its gate. Not for us the car of light, Through the shadow is our flight; Led by faith's illuming ray, Need we fear to launch away? iggg SOWGS FOB ALL JSEAiSOm. 243 [Aug. 26.] God setteth the solitary in families. Ps. Ixviii 6 The mother of Jesus was there : and Jesus also was bidden,' and his disciples, to the marriage. John ii. 1, 2. THE MARRIAGE AT CANA. Sweet Cana! where the Master came With followers new from Jordan's shore, Whose visit made thy humble name Bemembered hence forevermore. Jesus no stern ascetic proved; The common scenes of hfe he blest, Met oft with friends he knew and loved, Was welcomed here a wedding guest. And Mary, careful, quick to lead. Bade helpers serve her Son divine, When lo! to meet the festive need. He changed the water into wine! This first of wonder works he wrought, And made his Godlike glory known ; So were his weak disciples taught, His word to trust, his power to own. Blest Saviour! in our times of cheer, As in our days or moments sad, Grant we may ever find thee near, To soothe our hearts, or make them glad. Ourselves, our offerings, brought to thee. Canst thou, O Lord, accept, approve? We fee] how poor and vain they be, Unless transformed by grace and love, i^ge 244 JSOJS'GS FOR ALL SEASONS. [Aug. 27.] My God, my God, why hasf thou forsaken me? Ps. xxii. I. Jesus . . said. It is finished : and he bowed his head, and gave up his spirit. John xix. 30. DYING ON THE CROSS. Behold the Saviour as he hangs On Calvary's cross in blood and shame, Enduring more than mortal pangs, While heartless crowds revile and blame. Traitor and judge and Sanhedrim See now the work their hands have done ; Ah! what shall be theu' sight of him — The King at last upon his throne ! The thoughtless jest, while painful hours In untold anguish slowly move, — Oh, how can heaven restrain its powers O'er such a scene of dying Love ! It dreads to look, and darkness falls, A chilling shade of deathhke gloom : These mocking souls the scene appalls — A trembhng world awaits its doom ! Such crisis-hour earth never saw ; "My God, my God!" is Jesus' plea. He feels that loving Face withdraw. As o'er him rolls sin's awful sea. He bears the cui'se, he triumphs there, The Lamb divine for us is slain ; "'Tis finished," bui^sts upon the air. The darkness flies, 'tis light again! igso SOJVGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 245 fAUG^ 28.] Choose you this day whom ye will serve. . . as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Josh. xxiv. 15. ^^What then shall I do unto Jesus which is called Christ? Mat. xxvii. WHAT SHALL I DO WITH JESUS? What shall I do with Jesus, The Christ who may be mine? Accept him as my Saviour, Or spurn the gift divine? His only Son God gave me — I must, I do decide; And Christ I take to save me. Or Christ is now denied. What shall I do with Jesus, The precious Lamb of Gcd? I cast my soul upon him — He bathes it in his blood: I'll gratefully confess him Before the vile and just; My ransomed powers shall bless him, My sure and only trust. WTiat shall I do with Jesus? For him the cross I'll take; All earthly losses suffer. Ere I the Lord forsake. In scenes of joy or sighing, His love shall be the eame; While Hving and in dying, I'll glory in his name. 246 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. "\Miat now I do with Jesus, When this brief life is past Will be with me remembered Before his bar at last: Nor will he then disown me. With those who hate and scoff; At his right hand hell crown me — He will not cast me off. 1865 [Aug. 28.] Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward re- ceive me to glory. Ps. Ixxiii. 24. His servants shall do him service : and theyshall see his face. Rev. xxii. 4. HEAVEN. Far, far above this changing world. Beyond its darkest scene, What light and beauty are unfurled O er fields of fadeless green! No parting sad, no sullen blight, Of pain and death no fear. No gathering storm, nor cheerless night. Shall in that realm appear. How joyous they who shall at last Its blessed treasures share ! For sorrow's cloud shall never cast A darksome shadow there. Amid the glories of the place ^ The saints theu' Lord shall meet, In ecstasies behold his face. And worship at his feet. is4o ^0^''GS FOR ALL SEASONS. 247 [Aug. 29.] God shall bring every work into judgment with every hid- den thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. EcoL. xii. H That eaeh one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he hath done. 2 Cor. v. 10. •" fe THE JUDGMENT. The Judgment comes!— the end of years; The Son of Man in clouds appears ! The glory bursts on mortal sight, Enhanced by all the angels bright; Shepherd and King, he sits enthroned, While nations all to him respond. The risen dead, the living changed What myriad hosts before him ranged! He sees all hearts, and so divides The sheep from goats— their chosen sides: That throng so vast upon his right — The blood-redeemed— oh, glorious sight! "Ye blessed of my Father, come! The kingdom take, your heavenly home. You honored me with loyal love, From hearts that knew the birth above ; And oft, in ways ye little thought. Unselfish deeds in kindness wrought. " Ah ! trembling souls upon his left Are now of every hope bereft ; Their sad neglects make his "Depart" Reveal each sin and selfish heart. Saviour ! thy grace to me be given, And call me in that day to Heaven. 1880 248 SOJYGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Aug. 30.] For so he giveth unto his beloved sleep. Ps. cxxvii. 2. As we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 1 Cor. xv. 49. REQUIEM. Lowly in tlie grave reposing, Gentle maiden, sweetly sleep, While its portals o'er thee closing Shall thek sacred treasm-e keep, Till again, thy youth assuming, Thou appear in beauty blooming. Soft and silent are thy slumbers, Dreamless thy long night of rest. Naught of grief thy spirit cumbers. Welcomed now among the blest. Where to thee a home is given. Mid the blissful bowers of Heaven. Tears bedew the dust above thee, Sacred is thy peaceful tomb; Planted here by those that love thee, Fairest flowers shall brightly bloom. Pointing through their beauties vernal Up to life and love eternal. Angel harps and seraph voices Strangely charm thy raptured soul. While in gladness it rejoices, Free from aught of earth's control: Sorrow there shall enter never. Youth and beauty bloom forever. i845 SOI^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. 249 [Aug. 31.] O sing unto the Lord a new song; for he hath done mar- velous things. Ps. xuviii. 1. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Luke i. 46, ■i7. MARY'S SONG. My soul the Lord dotli magnify, It hath rejoiced in God Most High, My Saviour dear. He hath looked on my low estate. And crowned with honor true and great His handmaid here. Henceforth shall generations call Me blessed through the ages aU — A sacred fame — Because the glorious Mighty One Great things for me hath surely done: Holy his name! On those that fear him everywhere, Mercy and grace will he declare, Through time's long flight. The proud in heart have feared his frown. And princes been from thi'ones cast down By his great might. He lifts the humble ev'n o'er kings, The hungry feeds with choicest things, Sends rich away; Kemembers all his words of old, And helps the faithful of his fold. From Abrah'm's day. is89 250 JSOIiGS FOB ALL SEASOIfS. [Sept. 1.] Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation Cometh. IsA. Ixii. 11. The angel said unto them . .Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people. Luke ii. 10. EARTH'S FAIREST MORN. All liail the day the tidings bringing, Earth's faii'est morn! O'er Bethlehem's plains an angel singing, "WTiat glorious words to mortals ringing. The Christ is born! The Christ is born! Shepherds, surprised, behold descending, From heaven's abode, A flaming host, their voices blending In praiseful chorus never ending, Glory to God! Glory to God! Ere to celestial heights returning, Hear theu' refrain; For human hearts what tender yearning. What love di^dne for wanderers burning, Good will to men! Good will to men! O friend! to-day a joyful greeting Let this song be: In love my heart to thine is beating. Of all good gifts, its wish repeating, The best for thee! The best for thee! isso ^OI^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. 251 He was the lamp that burneth and shineth. John v. 35. JOHN THE BAPTIST. Star forecasting brighter ray, Dawn before tlie Sun-lit day, On the ages breaking. List the longed-for voice sublime, Hail the fullness of the time, Bloom in deserts making! Messenger by seers foretold. Prophet of Elijah's mold. Herald of the VaUey, Blazing like celestial flame, Pointing to the mightier Name Crowds that round him rally. Euler, Scribe and Pharisee, Soldier ranks from Galilee, Cities throngs deHver, Hills of Judah lonely left, Bashan slopes of hosts bereft, — All at Jordan's River. Ye, repent! the Kingdom's near! Joy! the Christ will soon appear! Make a way before him; Penitents his grace shall share, Fruits of righteousnes prepare, Loyal hearts adore him. 252 JSOJSTGS FOE ALL SEASONS. Lo, He comes! and Jordan's stream Wears a wondrous sacred gleam — Spirit soft descending, Dove-like, on th' obedient Lord, And the Father's loving word His dear Son commending. Truth he preached with Hghtning power ; Rage and vengeance had their hour — Martyi'dom in prison. Glorious work, most bravely done; Fades the star, for now the Sun On the world is risen! igs? +♦> ■ [Sept. 3.] The Lord Ihy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy bretliren. Deut. xviii. 15. The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. John i. 14. THE WORD INCARNATE. With God in the deep past. And God, the First, the Last, "WTio all things made: Oh, mystery of love! He left the throne above, Among lost men to move. In flesh arrayed. He came, the world's true Light, To pierce its rayless night, Bring hope and day; The Life of men to be. The Lamb of Calvary, — Behold, O world! how he Takes sin away. iSOJUGS FOB ALL SEASONS, 253 Not by his own received, But all who him beheved, The boon Avere given, Of sons through Spirit-birth, The ransomed of the earth, Souls of immortal worth. And heirs of Heaven. thou incarnate One! Of God and man the Son, Blest Saviour, mine! In thee all glories meet. All truth and grace complete. All love and mercy sweet, — My Lord divine! isse -»♦> [Sept. 4.] Thou art fairer than the.children of men : grace is poured into thy lips. Ps. xlv. 2. Behold, the Lamb of God ! And . . they followed Jesus. John i. 36,37. SEEN AND FOLLOWED. Pull of a strange unrest, 1 sought relief in vain; The w^orld had lost its zest. And pleasure seemed but pain. Ah, who would bring release? Give heart and conscience peace? Hast thou not seen the Christ, While others find him near? A look for them sufficed. Why linger sadly here? Come and behold his face. It beams with matchless gTace. 254 SOIiGS FOR ALL SEASONS. They brought me to the Lamb; Oh, blessed eyes were mine! I breathed his saving name, And felt his love divine; His look was wondi-ous fair, Such kingly meekness there. His gracious voice I heard, In accents sweet and clear; His kind assuring word Dispelled my gloomy fear: Thy need I know and see, O burdened soul, trust Me! My heavenly Master thou, My all on earth to be; Accept my sacred vow, I can but follow thee: "Whatever I have and am Are thine, O lovely Lamb! [Sept. 5.] The Lord shall count, when he writeth up the peoples, This one was born there. Ps. Ixxxvii. 6. Verily, verily, 1 say unto thee. Except a man be born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John iii. 3. THE NIGHT INTERVIEW. Dense shadows o'er him crept. As Nicodemus made his way alone. While through his soul in searching undertone A deep impression swept. /SOIiOS FOE ALL SEASONS. 255 This Man from heaven must be, A Teacher sent us from the Throne on high ; His miracles all human work defy, — In him God's power I see. This to the Christ he said, And heard in wonderment the answer given, As if a thunder-stroke from the clear heaven Had broken o'er his head. Truly I say to thee, Unless a man be born again — anew, God's kingdom surely he can never view, Its glory never see. How can it be ? Behold, The Spirit, Hke the searching wind o'er earth, Gives to receptive souls the heavenly birth, And brings them to the fold. The teacher thou of men ! To thee I bring the truth so long forgot. The very gate of life — oh, marvel not. Ye must be born again ! The words of that still hour. Full, for the world, of God's unmeasured love, Came as a new evangel from above. And wrought with saving power. And solemnly as then. These words of Christ ring down the ages still, Men's inmost souls to touch, arouse, and thrill, Ye must be born again ! isse 256 SOWGS FOR ALL SEASOIiS. [Sept. 6.] I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. ISA. Ixiii. 1. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. John iv. 26. THE VOICE OF JESUS. BuBDENED spirit! in tliy sorrow Bowed beneath a sense of sin, Longing for some glad to-morrow That shall bring thee peace within, — Jesus Cometh! thou art near him. Bringing pardon full and free, Blest Messiah! lost one, hear him: *'I that speak to thee am he." Fearest thou, O weak believer! That thy faith or courage fail? That the wiles of man's deceiver Will against thy life prevail? Nay! thy Lord overcomes the schemer, He will strength and refuge be; Mighty is thy soul's Eedeemer — *'I that speak to thee am he." When life's trials are abounding, Loss and trouble press thee sore, Hope and confidence confounding, Even prayer seems heard no more; Still he's near, and not to grieve thee, Every pledge fulfilled shall be; Christ who saved will never leave thee, ^'I that speak to thee am he." Through the shadows o'er thee faUing, Light and beauty from above SO¥GS FOE ALL SEASONS. 257 Drive away all gloom appalling. Bring the radiant beams of love; Faitli grows strong and burdens lighten, Blessed guidance thou shalt see, Jesus' voice thy hope shall brighten, "I that speak to thee am he." Passing years serenely gliding, Heavenly light is on thy way. Comfort knowing, peace abiding, Dawns at last Eternal Day. Jesus kept and led and proved thee. Now his grace triumphant see; Having loved he always loved thee, — '*I that speak to thee am he." igse <♦> [Sept. 7.] O Lord, my strength, and my strong hold, and my refuge in the day of affliction. J er. xvi. 19. Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way, thy son liveth. John iv. 50 THE NOBLEMAN'S SON. Wealth could not now its wish fulfill, Nor patient use of highest skill, Nor tender love and care : The fever, with augmented power. And tightened grasp each passing hour, Changed hope to sad despair. The pallid face, the shortened breath, Foretold the near approach of death ! Ah, who the lad can save? 258 SOIfGiS FOB ALL SEA^SOJYS. The father thought of Jesus then — "Who had to Cana come again — And would his mercy crave. At early morn he hastes away, With anxious heart through all the day, And found at eve the Lord. "Oh, come, my dying son to heal, In his behalf thy power reveal, " Was his beseeching word. His poor weak faith not yet divined The glorious work his Lord designed, And so "Come down, "he plead. He did not deem that then and there The Master's word the child could spare. Or raise him up if dead ! But Christ to faith its victory gives ; "Go homeward thou, thy dear one hves!" He trusts the promise sui'e. From death's dark door the helpless son, At once to health and vigor won, Confii'med the perfect cui'e ! O Great Physician ! how thy power Avails at any point or hour, And heeds nor time nor space ! Oh, happy home ! where all beheve. And health and life and heaven receive Through Christ's recovering gi'ace. 1886 /SOWGS FOB ALL SEAJS0N8. 259 [Sept. 8. J My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord. Ps. cxlv. 21. Many of the Samaritans believed on him because of the word of the woman who testified, He told me all things that ever I did. John iv. 39. EFFECTIVE TESTIMONY. She saw and drank the living water, And went at once to tell The glorious truths the Saviour taught her, And how from sin to faith he brought her, While talking at the Well. She hastes with joyous feet and willing, The city streets around, And tells the story new and thrilling. All ears and hearts with wonder filling. Of Christ whom she had found. Some souls believed, for pardon yearning, And others sought and heard The Man their inmost hearts discerning ; And, truth and life from Jesus learning, Received the gracious word. 'Tis sweet for those the Saviour knowing. To speak his blessed name. To waiting fields with gladness going. Seed of the kingdom broadcast sowing. And erelong reap the same. Oh, whitening harvest ! matchless wages ! Treasures without alloy : All whom this grateful work engages. Win souls to Christ for endless ages, Eternal life and joy! isse 260 SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS, [Sept. 9.] In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for unclean- ness. Zech. xiii. 1. I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool. John v. 7. THE CRIPPLE AT BETHESDA. O Pool of Bethesda ! thy marvelous power Invited the suifering throngs to thy side, To wait in thy porches the favoring hour That promised a cure in the health-laden tide. Ah ! helpless and sad, who for thirty-eight years AYas bowed under poverty, sorrow, and pain, Now friendless, forlorn, left alone in his tears, "While earth rolled along in its pleasure and gain. Dim hope in his soul but just flickered, ne'er flamed, A gleam in the night on a dark frowning sky, If he to that Pool of Bethesda, far-famed, Might only be carried, if there he should die ! The boon was bestowed — on the margin of life, He saw the infirm to the troubled fount led ; But no friendly hand, in the rush and the strife. Led him to the bath from his suffering bed. ' 'Wilt thou be made whole f As if music from heaven The voice, with the look, went dii'ect to his heart : Ah, the pitiful tale ! Then the mandate was given: "Rise up from thy pallet and with it depart!" O Saviour all-powerful ! and Healer benign. How blest are thy visits of mercy and might ! Thy words of sweet comfort are agents divine To waken true faith, and put hindi'ance to flight. SONGS FOE ALL SEASONS. 261 No longer, Bethesda, thy healing springs flow— The Pool is not there, the five porches are gone ; But thou art the same, Blessed Jesus, we know, Thy wells of salvation still freely flow on! igge 1^>- . [Sept. 10.] It is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat — Ex. XVI. 15. o J " I am the living bread which came down out of heaven. John vi. 51. THE BREAD OF LIFE. Father! thy love in Christ we see To sinful mortals given; He came in love our life to be — The Bread of God from heaven. In him we find what rich supply! We feast, and never more Shall thirst or hunger Uft their cry; Our souls have boundless store. And faith brings near, in vision sweet, The banquet -house above. Where saints of all the ages meet, And feast on Jesus' love. O famished one! Christ calls for thee, Homeless and tossed about; Hear what he saith: "Who comes to me I will not cast him out." With such assurance, who can wait In unbeUef and sin? The Bread of Heaven is at the gate. Oh, haste to enter in! isse 262 SOKGS FOB ALL SEASOJ^fS. [Sept. U.] He bringeth them unto the haven where they would be. Ps. cvii. 30. They were willing therefore to receive him into the boat : and straightway the boat was at the land whither they were going. John vi.21. ON THE SEA-AT THE LAND. Dark the night on GaHlee, Wild the wind aiid rough the sea; "While the chosen ply the oar, Vainly stmdng for the shore, Jesus nears them on the wave, Sees their peril, comes to save. Full of dread, he calms their fear, Words of hope they gladly hear; Joyous welcome him they give, To the boat theu' Lord receive; Then at once, oh, work so grand. Boat and they were at the land! Voyagers o'er life's sea we sail. In the breeze, or in the gale; Christ beholds us, comes anear. Speaks sweet words of love and cheer. Him received, out' present aid. Storm or calm, we're not afraid. Souls in unbehef we see. Drifting to eternity! Find they neither hope nor peace, Naught to give their fears release. Know, ye wndering ones unblest, Christ received brings instant rest! JSONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 263 Who tlae Savioui* sought and found, Eesting on faith's soUd ground, Why have ye forsaken him, Till your love and hope are dim? Lo, he comes to break your night; Christ received, at once 'tis light! God's longsuffering grace abused, Time and talents all misused; Eoused, your sin and guilt to see, AVhere can you for refuge flee? Sinking souls, there's heljD at hand, Christ received, you're safe at land! When our fleeting voyage shall end, Sea and shore at last shall blend, Jesus sure will meet us there, To their home our sphits bear. Oh, how blest with him to be In the land beyond the sea! igge -♦♦* [Sept. 12.] I the Lord speak righteousness, I declare things that are right. ISA. xlv. 19. The words that I have spoken unto you are spirit, and are life.— John vi. 63. THE WORDS OF JESUS. Since stars their chorus sang, And morning first awoke, In mortal ears ne'er rang Such words as Jesus spoke: Fresh truths they brought, pure light they shed. Great marvels wrought, ev'n raised the dead. 264 SOIiGS FOR ALL SEASONS. None ever spake as he — To troubled souls ^Yhat peace! Pardon so full and free; Bade tears and sorrows cease. The penitent beheld his face, And homeward went, renewed by grace. Bereaved and burdened hearts Hang on his soothing voice; Sweet comfort he imparts, And they in hope rejoice. Their load he bears of pain and woe; He takes their cares, his love they know. Should darkness intervene, His loving face to hide. Through mists his form is seen — They hear their blessed Guide: I am the Life, the Truth, the Way; — They cease from strife, they walk in day. He brings the distant near, He speaks of rest above; The City shines how clear, — The mansions of his love: Ye who beheve, again I come You to receive to that blest home. [Skpt. 13.] I cleave unto thy testimonies. PsA. cxix. 31. Know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John vlii. 32. MADE TRULY FREE. Jesus! I would abide * In thy sure word. SOI^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. 265 Close clinging to thy side, Thou gracious Lord. 'Tis my sincerest plea — Always thine own to be, My heart and hfe with thee In full accord. So shall I keep the way Thou dost approve; Thy smile cheer every day, Bright with thy love. Thy truth my nature woke, My fear and thralldom broke. Brought me, beneath thy yoke, Best from above. Oh, glorious Son of God! The world's one need; 'Tis thy redeeming blood Makes free indeed! Sin's servant wears its chain, In bondage must remain, And every hope be vain Till he is freed. Made by the Saviour free — Oh, blessed state! Then death we never see, Nor feel its weight: 'Tis victory over sin, 'Tis God's own peace within, 'Tis Christ himself to win, And Heaven's estate! 1886 266 JSOI^OS FOB ALL SEAJSOJS'S. [Sept. H.J Her sun is gone down while it was yet day. Jer. xv. 9. The Master is here, and calleth thee. And she, when she heard it, arose quickly, and went unto him. John xi. 28, 29. A BEAUTIFUL LIFE. Brief seem the years, abrupt the call, That end a life, but not its all: These short decades, so quickly gone. An earthly close, a heavenly dawn. And yet how much in these few years To round a human life appears ; For not in length of days we live. Nor what this passing world can give. From childhood, bright and sweet and good, To fair and lovely womanhood, Earnest and true, the years all tell Of Hving right, maturing well. Early her trusting heart w^as given To Christ, the way to Hfe and heaven. Full of good deeds and graces sweet, So short a life, yet how comj)lete! How much she was comes oft to mind By what a void is left behind! How large a place on earth was filled By this dear life so strangely stilled; Ask parents, all who held her dear, How much she's missed, so lately here: Can sorrow, tears, or mourning show How great the loss theii* spii'its know? 80KGS FOB ALL SEAiSONJS. 267 A life so full and precious here, Transferred to a celestial sphere, How fitted for its crown above. Its range of joy, or work of love. The dear Lord gave, he claimed his own. The time, the way were wisely known; How rich the treasure waiting there. Till friends the blest reiinion share! iggs ■ i^^- [Sept. 15.] Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children. Ps, xlv. 16. God having provided some better thing concerning us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect. Heb. xi. 40. MEMORIAL HYMN. Sweet, holy memories throng to-day The place where we rejoicing stand, Where scenes of beauty stretch away O'er hill and vale on every hand. Not such in olden time the view. When first God's servants gathered here. The field and forest to subdue, The home and church and school to rear. Blest was their early, earnest toil ; Blest is the memory of the just ; Let sculptured columns crown the soil Where sleeps serene thek honored dust. Virtue and faith survive the dead, Their fruits to wide results expand ; Sons of the sires have risen and spread Their leavening power thro' all the land. 268 JSOJS^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. Hither to-day these children come, To greet the scenes of other years ; To taste again the joys of home — At loved ones' graves to drop their tears. O God! from thee our treasures flow, From thee the present and the past ; A parting blessing now bestow, And may we meet in Heaven at last. . i858 [Sept. 16.] Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praisetli her. Pkov. xxxi. 28. The brother whose praise in the gospel is spread through all the churches. 2COR. viii. 18. A POET'S GOLDEN WEDDING. These fifty years of w^edded love, Rej)lete with blessings from above, Through brightening eras by the way, Crown here with joy the Golden Day. No home can sweeter be than this. Center of pure domestic bliss. Where gifts and grace divine abound. And shed theu' fragTance earth around. By joyous voices, old and young, A Chi'istian lyi*ic oft is sung O'er our domain from sea to sea. And sure, "My country, 'tis of thee." In mission lands this home has power. And gives its largess every hour ; The sad night wanes, the dawn is fair, "The morning light is breaking" there. issi JSOWGS FOE ALL SEASOIfS. 269 [Sept. 17.] I will bring the blind by a way that they know not.— ISA. xlii. 16. ^ One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see. John ix. BORN BLIND. By the waysides daily sitting, Asking alms without the gates, Footsteps of the passers, flitting, Hears he, but in darkness waits. Blind from birth — no face, love-beaming, Ever met an answering gaze; Earth and sky, with beauty teeming, Hid from all his doleful days. Jesus, passing where he lingers, Moved with pity for his woe. Touched his eyes with clay-moist fingers, Bade him to Siloam go. Kind the voice, and faith-inspii'ing. To a quick obedience led. Oh, the change! he comes admiring Worlds of glory round him spread! Blessed Saviour! still thouVt healing Souls that will thy word beheve; Wonders of thy grace reveahng, They a heavenly sight receive. Vast the numbers, e'er increasing, Who have found true light in thee; Sweet their song, and never ceasing — *'I was blind, but now I see." isse 270 SO^''GS FOB ALL SEASON'S. [Sept. 18.] They all shall have one shepherd. Ezeic. xxxvli. 24. He goeth before them, and the sheep follow him. John x. 4. SHEPHERD AND FLOCK. O Christ of God! thou art the Door, And those who enter in Find pastures sweet for evermore, Free from the bhght of sin ; Their borders touch the Flysian shore. Where Glory's realms begin. Lord, thou the blessed Shepherd art Of all the flock, well know^n ; Their names are w^ritten on thy heart — Thou dost so love thine own ; No power their souls from thee can part, They share thy royal throne. For these, thy dear and folded sheep, Thou didst thy life-blood give : No wolf can e'er the wall o'erleap. Or enter where they live ; Almighty hands in safety keep Those who thy grace receive. Dear Shepherd! thou dost go before The flock of thine own choice, Their Leader till the journey's o'er. They hear and heed thy voice ; The wandering ones thou dost restore. The faithful e'er rejoice. And countless other sheep are thine. The Father's love has given ; i^OJS'-GS FOB ALL JSEASOIiS. 271 Hast thou not said, They shall be mine, Though far and lone and riven? Oh, bring them to the fold divine. The flock select for Heaven, Ah ! when that solemn scene at last. The testing day, has come. As on thy right the sheep stand fast— The faithlass find their doom — Lord, grant my lot with thine be cast, Thy flock safe gathered home. jggg • -t^^ . [Sept. 19.J T shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Ps. cxviii. 17. Fallen asleep; but I go, that I may awake him. John xi. 11, LAZARUS DEAD. Lazarus sick and lying Helpless on his couch of pain; Yet the Master doth remain. Comes not at the sad refrain — Whom thou lov'st is dying! Ah, the days so weary! For in death the brother sleeps; Sister now with sister weeps. Silent tomb their treasure keeps; All the world is di'eary! Jesus knows their sorrow. All their deep and lonely grief. Was not to their message deaf. Might have given a quick rehef, Waits for a to-morrow. 272 JSOWGS FOE ALL SEASONS. He will show his glory, Wake to life his slumbering friend; Tears and moiu^ning soon shall end; Down the ages shall extend Hope from this sweet story. Is our Lord withholding Good for which we, restless, long? He would make oui' faith grow strong ; By delay our joy and song Grand in their unfolding! Eestful is their sleeping 'Who in Christ theii' Lord have died, Now their souls with him abide. And, till earth's great eventide. He their dust is keeping! igge 4^*- [Sept. 20.] I will ransom them from the power of the grave. Hos. xiii. 14. I am the resurrection and the life. JOHX xi. 25. LAZARUS RAISED TO LIFE. They heard of Jesus' coming. And hastened to his side: Hadst thou been here, O Master! Our brother had not died. With tenderness and pity, He shared the sisters' pain, And said, theii* hearts to comfort. Your brother '11 rise again. We know, O blessed Jesus! W^hat thou shalt ask from heaven. SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 273 Of God the miglity Father, It shall to thee be given. We know our buried brother, When time's last hour is fled, Shall, in the resurrection, Ai'ise with all the dead. I am the Resurrection, And Life is mine to give; He who in me beheveth, Ev'n though he die, shall live; And whosoever liveth — For Life itself am I — And truly me believeth, Shall never, never die! Around the tomb they gathered, • Where the beloved slept, A tearful throng of moui*ners. And with them Jesus wept. He called — the dead forthcoming. The living man they see! So Life and Resurrection The Lord is known to be! Thou hast the power, O Jesus! Our precious dead to raise; Thou mightest now restore them. Were it for God's high praise. But they in thee are sleeping. Their spii'its with the just, And, at thy glorious coming. These graves shall yield their trust, isse 274 SOJ^GjS for all SEAJSOIIS. [Sept. 21. J I am the woman that stood by thee here. 1 Sam. i. 26. The house was filled with the odor of the ointment. John xii. 3. LOVE'S COMMENDATION. The festal scene would soon be past; The awful cloud was gathering fast, To break on Jesus' head; For waving palm, hosanna cry. Would louder sound the "Crucify," As foes, malignant, led. So Mary brings the costly nard, Pours it upon her blessed Lord, And bowing at his feet. She wipes them with her flowing hair, 'V\Tiile through the room the odors rare . Love's precious gift repeat. She looked beyond the passing hour, To hate of men, satanic power, The cross and all its gloom, The Lamb of God for sinners slain. The burial sad, the weeping train. The unction for the tomb. Her work, approved, as Jesus said. Hath gone where gospel truth has spread, And still it tells her love; Angels have caught the fragrant song. And saints memorial notes prolong Through earth and realms above. O Saviour! thou wilt surely see Whate'er is done in love for thee iSONGS FOR ALL JSEAJSONS. 275 Shall never fail its end; The sweet aroma shall not die, But fill the earth and reach the sky, And thy blest reign extend. igge -^^^ . [Sept. 22.] Every one that is bitten, when he seeth it, shall live. — Num. xxi. 8. How sayest thou, The Son of man must be lifted up ? John xii. 34. THE UPLIFTED CHRIST. Uplifted Son of man! Thy word that ne'er is broken Unfolds the heavenly plan, That from the cross is spoken — The matchless mystery of grace To save a lost and guilty race! O loving Son of God! So gentle, true and tender; To shield us from the rod, Must thou such offering render? Upon the painful cross expire, By ingrate man's most strange desire? Ah! think, my soul, of this: Thy life that now is given. The hope of future bhss. With all the wealth of heaven, To thee, most undeserving, flow Through Jesus' death of shame and woe! The love the cross reveals Has drawn me to him dying; That love my pardon seals, 276 SOWGS FOB ALL JSEASOJSTS. To this dear refuge flying: O Jesus! for this love divine, My heart, my Hfe, my all are thine! The cross, of meaning vast, Unparalleled oblation! Oil, may it di'aw at last The world to thy salvation! All ransomed souls to endless days Shall sing their blest Redeemer's praise, igse <♦> [Sept. 23.] I drew them . . with bands of love. Hos. xi. 4. Having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end. John xiii. 1. LOV£I> TO THE END. O Saviour! as the moment neared, When thou must leave on earth thine own, And by the cross regain thy throne, Thy tenderest love to them appeared. 'T was love at first that called them thine, Won from the world theu' hearts to thee. Made them responsive, strong, and free, Behevers in their Lord divine. Thy changeless love upon them wrought. To mould their souls for service true. Their tasks to know, their spheres to view. From truths thou hadst in patience taught. Thy love ne'er lost its radiant flame. In their expanding hearts it rose ; In brightening hopes or darkening woes It was a tower of strength the same. ;SOIfGS FOE ALL SEASOI^JS. 277 Unto the end in thee they found What heights of joy, what depths of peace, Of soul communion what increase, For love and trust what solid ground. Gracious the act with love replete. That lowly work of thy dear hand, As thou didst with thy chosen stand, And kindly wash their weary feet. Oh, precious lesson then — to-day! May we its purpose know and prove, Live in the sweetness of thy love, And let it all our being sway! isse [Sept. 24. J Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord. ISA. ii. 3. They heard a groat voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. REV.xi. 12. VOICES FROM HEAVEN. Lo, FEOM heaven a voice is falling. Wandering souls, attentive be; 'Tis your loving Father calling, Louder yet the voice is sounding, Jesus speaks, how clear and true, By his cross and grace abounding, *' Hither come! there's room for you." In your heart the voice is pleading. Through the Spirit, tender, sweet, "Hither come!" And, upward leading. Friends in heaven the call repeat. isoo 278 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Sept. 25.] With lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Jer. xxxi.3. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful. J ohn xiv. 27. JESUS TO HIS DISCIPLES. Fkom troubled hearts be free, In God believe; Have confidence in me — My word receive. Up in my Father's home Mansions abound; For all his children room Will there be found. Were this not clearly so, A truth divine, I should have let you know, friends of mine! Mourn not I go, for there 1 have in view, And will myself prepare, A place for you. Surely again I come. As you shall see. And bring you to that home In Heaven with me. For where I am above Shall be my own. For ever crowned with love, And near my throne. Though for a while we part, My peace I leave; miiGS FOR ALL SEASOl^S. 279 Be troubled not in heart — My peace receive. iggg f#> [Sept. 26.J The vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel ISA. V. 7. I am the vine, ye are the branches. John xv. 5. VINE AND BRANCHES. Cheist is the true and Hving Vine, Of all the trees the crown; In him what radiant beauties shine — The Plant of great renown. This matchless Vine, how strong and fair, Rooted in earthly ground, And rising through celestial air. Its head in Heaven is found. Immortal branches, numberless, Spring from the parent stem. And clinging there in loveliness. Each sparkles as a gem. The Vine, thus vital evermore, Each pendent branch supplies, Gives life and vigor, boundless store. From fountains in the skies. The branches Hve in union sweet, In oneness, with the Vine; There blending grace and glory meet — The human and divine. Naught can we do, O Saviour dear. Nothing from thee apart; 280 JSO]:^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. A withered brancli would each appear, With neither life nor heart. But clusters rich the branches show That in the Vine abide: Abundant fruit they bear, and so The Father's glorified. And as the Vine to Heaven is gone, And lives eternal there. The branches must with it be one — Its royal glory share. [Sept. 27. J Come in, thou blessed of the Lord; wherefore standest thou without? Gex. xxiv. 31. First they gave their own selves to the Lord, and to us by the will of God. 2 Cor. viii. 5. IVELCOME TO THE CHURCH. Won from the world by Jesus' love, To him yourselves are given; Your hearts are placed on things above. Your faces set toward Heaven. Now to the fold, the church redeemed, A welcome glad we give; In mutual love is each esteemed, For to the Lord we live. This bond and service all unite. If pain or pleasure come. Each in his sphere a shilling light, Till Christ shall call us home. laqn JSOWGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 281 [Sept. 28.] In those days will I pour out my spirit. Joel ii. 29. When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth. John xvi. 13. THE SPIRIT'S MISSION. O Comforter! in Jesus' name, Sent to his own to take his place, Thou didst in Pentecostal flame Come as a messenger of grace, The love and light of his dear face. Thou didst in wondrous power descend, And on the chosen ones abide ; Thou still art here till time shall end. Of all the saved the perfect Guide, To aid and comfort all the tried. The glorious truths the Saviour taught, By thee are more and more revealed ; Sweet hidden things to light are brought. And they who trust and fully yield Know their Kedeemer's work is sealed. Spuit of truth, God's work revive ! Show to the Church thy latent power ; Make all the ransomed hosts alive. Their hearts receptive to thy dower. In this most needful passing hour ! O mighty Spirit! now convict The unbeheving world of sin; To them their fearful guilt depict, The judgment that their souls are in, And how salvation they may win ! isse 282 SOj^-GS fob ALL SEASONS. [Sept. 29.] He bare the sin of many, and made intercession tor the transgressors. ISA. liii. 12. Holy Father, keep them in thy name which thou hast given me.— John xvii. 11. OUR LORD S PRAYER. Jesus! Son of God, in prayer With the souls so long thy care, Soon to feel and mourn thy loss, See thee die upon the cross, Oh, how sweet, in time of need, Thou for them to intercede! Precious are those words of thine. Bound their hearts they strongly twine; Bring them comfort, hope, and peace, Bid their sad foreboding cease: Oh, thy benedictions blest Give their troubled spiiits rest! Thou didst pray: O Father, keep These my true and loving sheep: I have kept them in thy name; Keep thou them from ill and blame; In the world e'er let them be Lights to draw that world to me. Sanctify them through thy word. Make them like their loving Lord, All in heart as one to be. One in us as one are we. That the world may know thy love Sent the Saviour from above. JSONGS FOB ALL iSEASOIfS. 283 Father, grant that all my own, AVhere I am, be near my throne, That my glory, given of old. They may evermore behold: Kighteous Father, this shall prove Depths of thy eternal love! jggg [Sept. 30.] I planted me vineyards ; I made me gardens. EccL. ii. 5. The husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth. J as. v. 7. FESTIVAL OF POMONA AND FLORA. Fkuits and flowers, in beauty blending. Bright arrayed by fingers fair, Fhng theii* fragrance, sweet ascending, On the autumn evening air : Lovely vision — scene elysian — Golden harvest rare ! Goddess, from whose fields overflowing, Tempting treasures freely fall, Priestess of the garden, glowing With thy leafy coronal, Greetings glad we give, Pomona, Flora, Gathered at your Festival. Art and Nature celebrating — Human skill and gifts divine ; God the field and flower creating, Man to make their glories shine : Thus 'tis given. Earth and Heaven Sweet to intertwine. 284 JSO^''GS FOB ALL SEASONS. 'T was in nature's earliest garden, That the sacred tie began, "When the great and gracious Warden Gave the purest gift to man — LoveUest form and bloom, Pomona, Flora, Angel vision there could scan. Age and Wisdom, Youth and Beauty, Honored heads, and skillful hands, From the varied walks of duty. Linked by social, sacred bands. Free from sadness, meet with gladness. At our Hosts' commands — Pleased to every heart's desmng, With the wealth that here is stored ; All these luscious gems admmng, Bending branch and vine afford ; And oui' welcome sing, Pomona, Flora, To the dainties of the board. Oft, amid such charming treasures, Gathered in a j oyous throng. Be renewed this evening's pleasures, Sung again the festal song ; Gladness lightening, Beauty brightening All the years along ; Till, our wintry season closing. Heavenly spring for us shall rise On the Edens, sweet reposing 'Neath the ever-beaming skies. Bearing trees of life, Pomona ; Flora, Fadeless blooms of Paradise. 1853 JSOJSTGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 285 [Oct. 1.] They weighed for my hire thirty pieces of silver. Zec. xi. 12. "Woe unto that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed ! good were it for that man if lie had not been born. Mark xiv. 21. JESUS BETRAYED. Mid the Garden shades delaying, Christ in agony was praying, Where the plot of foes infernal Baffled was by Love Eternal. Cometh he, so long receiving Care divine with the believing, Agent of each priestly hater? — Ay, 'tis Judas, heartless traitor! Basest, meanest, hheling creature, Sordid guilt in every feature; Treacherous friend the Victim kissing, Bather lips with serpent's hissing! As the unresisting Saviour Stands in Godlike, meek behavior. Angel legions hovering o'er him, Foes, astounded, fall before him. O Iscariot! midnight torches Faintly show how conscience scorches : Foul betrayer! what thy wages'? — Infamy through all the ages! Saddest night of earth e'er written, Lo! the Shepherd now is smitten, And the little flock forsake him, As the band with weapons take him. 286 SONOJS FOB ALL SEAJSOHS. Blessed Jesus! this enduring For my periled soul's securing, Master, let me not, I pray thee. E'er in act or word betray thee! jsse ♦♦> [Oct. 2.] The assembly of evil-doers have enclosed me. Ps. xxii. 16. Pilate therefore said unto him, art thou a king then? John xviii. 37. CHRIST BEFORE PILATE. Morn breaks at last o'er Ohvet, The weary stars withdraw, The sun sends forth with sad regret Such mournful day as never yet Oui' burdened planet saw. The farce before the Sanhedrin Ends with the night's deep pall; High priest and all his hateful kin, Their hellish aim at once to win, Lead Christ to Pilate's hall. Alone, the Roman magistrate. With Jesus face to face. Sees in his mien a kingly state, A majesty unearthly great. Though his a culprit's place. A King, but not of mortal cast, A scepter from above. An empii'e, mighty, glorious, vast. That shall all human thrones outlast — The reign of truth and love. 80WGS FOE ALL JSEAiSOJVJS. 287 What is the truth? So Pilate said, As Jesus witness bears: The Roman felt a solemn dread ; No crime in Him, he clearly read, Not ev'n a fault he wears. Shall I release your King? Nay, nay! But let Barabbas go! Alas! how many souls to-day The robber choose, cast Christ away. And take their doom of woe! iccfi [Oct. 3. J The rulers take counsel together against the Lord. Ps. ii. 2. He delivered him unto them to be crucified. John xix, 16. PILATE'S DECISION. I SEE the meek and lowly One, The patient Lord of truth and grace, A kingdom not of earth his own, A sad, sweet glory in his face — As now the cruel scourge is given. Lash after lash so harshly driven. That flesh and soul seem almost riven ! I see the plaited crown of thorns Placed, piercing, on his holy head ; The purple robe, with mocks and scorns, Ai'ound the silent Sufferer spread. Arrayed, insulted, thus he stands. While Hail, thou king ! shout soldier bands. And seal their taunts with smiting hands ! SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. I see the Roman, pale with fears, Reluctant still to crucify. So innocent the Man appears — No crimes or faults against him He. Priests cry the more — a very flood Of clamorous calls demands his blood : He made himself the Son of God ! I see that Pilate fears the more, And trembhng starts with boding dread ; A warning fom a mystic shore Is couched in words that last were said. It may be so : his heart thus stirred. Say, whence art thou? he asks the Lord, But Jesus now gives not a word. I see the Judge, whose testing hour Brings to the coward naught of peace. To crucify I have the power, And power have I to grant release. Then Jesus' answers pierce his soul. Bid thoughts unearthly through it roll, Suggest high Heaven's suj)reme control. I see the Roman yet again Contend with conscience, duty, right ; At last he yields, gives crafty men The spotless Chi-ist, the world's true Light, Delivers to the painful cross The innocent without a cause ; Alas, his guilt, his shame, and loss ! isse SOI^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. 289 [OCT.4.] The cities that are inhabited shall be laid waste. EzE.xii.20. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and to-day, yea and for ever — HEB.xiii.8. THE SEA OF GALILEE. Dear, beautiful sight ! Embosomed by hills, How calmly reposes the Lake ! I gaze, and my soul with rapture thrills, As the glorious scene my vision fiUs, And holiest memories wake. O lovely Sea of Galilee, How oft my Kedeemer hath looked on thee I All other lakes, in all lands, are denied The honors that thou dost know ; Blossoms as radiant may fringe their side, Fountains as sparkling may swell their tide, But thou hast the Jordan's inflow ; More sacred yet, Gennesaret, The sandals of Christ thy waves have wet ! How oft I have come, in wondering thought, A pilgrim along thy shore, Beholding the crowds that Jesus taught. And the deeds his power and mercy wrought, As he walked thy margin o'er. O hallowed Sea of Gahlee, The home of Messiah was once by thee ! And now, with thankfulest heart, I stand Where Jesus so often stood; I see the same stream, and rock, and land ; The same sweet Tabor and Hermon grand ; And look on the same bright flood — 290 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. Tiberian Sea, so dear to me, Because my Saviour saw these and thee. My feet have pressed the old paths he trod, And crossed o'er the same clear rills ; I have sat me down on the grassy sod, Where rested the weary Son of God, "Who bore oui* sorrows and ills. In thee I take, Gennesareth Lake, Unbounded dehght for his dear sake. Nazareth's valley and hills are fair. And lovely is Bethlehem ; Mount Ohvet's scenes theu- glories share, In the Garden shade and Bethany there. With precious Jerusalem ; But, dearest Sea of Gahlee, How the life of my Lord is linked with thee ! No crowds along thy thoroughfares pour ; Lo, silence and ruin to-day ! White sails on thy waves are seen no more ; The cities that flourished upon thy shore Have passed in theu' guilt away ; But thou art yet, Gennesaret, A picture unchanged in thy hill-frame set. And Christ is the same, tho' ascended on high, As when by this water he trod; With the same tender heart, and pitying eye ; As mighty to save, as lovingly nigh — Oh, ever the same Lamb of God. Adieu, sweet Sea of Galilee ! Thy image remains, and thy Lord, with me. isei SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 291 [Oct. 5.] The chastisement of oui* peace was upon him ; and with his stripes we are healed. ISA. liii. 5. His pwn self bare our sins in his body upon the tree, that we, hav. ing died unto sins, might live unto righteousness. 1 Pet. ii. 24. JESUS CRUCIFIED. O Jesus! when I think of thee, The anguish of thy dying day Nailed roughly to the cruel tree, My breaking heart to grief gives way. What patient suffering, Lord, was thine Through all the long and direful scene ; Earth shuddered deep, nor sun could shine. Nor dead in tombs repose serene ! The world's di-ead weight of sin to bear, The woe of such a death besides, Travail and pain that none could share. How dark were sorrow's whelming tides ! Thou didst not shrink, blest Son of God, But bear the burden to the close ; Alone the bloody wine-press trod, Triumphant thou o'er all our foes. 'Tis by the cross the sinner lives, Thy sacrifice for guilt atones, Thy death the Hfe eternal gives, Thy victory lifts to heavenly thrones. Dear Saviour! I can ne'er forget That thou wast crucified for me; How can I pay love's mighty debt? Oh, help me hence to live for thee. isse 292 JSOJ^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Oct. 6.] God is unto us a God of deliverances : and unto Jehovah the Lord belong the issues from death. Ps. Ixviii. 20. With great power gave the apostles their witness of the resurrection Of the Lord Jesus. Acts iv. 33. THE RISEN SAVIOUR. Heaven's messengers alighted At Joseph's new-made tomb; The Koman guards, affrighted, Fled in the twilight gloom. Softly the angel fingers The linen cloths unwind; The Christ no longer lingers, He leaves the tomb behind! The bands of death he sunders. The grave is vanquished now: Most wonderful of wonders, Life's crown is on his brow! His word, so often spoken, Is verified complete ; The gates of hell are broken. They He beneath his feet. Astonished friends behold him, Their heart-grief disappears. They would in love enfold him Who banishes their tears. Their great rebound from sadness, AMio can its thiill record? What voice proclaim theu' gladness As now they see their Lord? iSOIiGS FOR ALL SEASON'S. 293 O Saviour! risen! — living! All power we know is thine; Grace, strength, in richness giving, The weak shall not repine. Our heaviest burdens bearing. The King will bring us through, Till all his own are sharing The glory in their view. The resurrection morning Will show thy might divine. Our bodies readorning, Made beautiful like thine, • In full redemption's meetness For crowns of life above, Where Heaven's sublime completeness Shall magnify thy love. isse -«♦> [Oct, 7.] Thou wilt not leave my soul to Sheol; neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption. Ps. xvi. 10. When therefore it was evening . . Jesus came and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. John xx. 19. THE UPPER ROOM. The resurrection morn is past, With scenes unknown to time before ; That day of marvels waned at last, But left a glory evermore. With dawning hope, but more of gloom. As men bewildered and amazed, Apostles sought the upper room. Where late upon their Lord they gazed. 294 SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. Since that sweet eve of saddened tone, That feast with tender love so fraught, What pressing woes their hearts had known, "What tragic scenes the days had brought f Oh, wondrous news ! the rock-tomb prison No longer holds the form that died ; The Lord they loved had surely risen ; He Hves again^the Crucified ! Shut were the doors that safe enclosed This little band in mazeful mood, When, full in view at once exposed, The Nazarene before them stood ! **Peace be with you!" How sweet the sound That every heart so strangely stuTed : It is the Lord! what joy profound, As him they saw, and knew, and heard ! He breathed upon their souls anew, The spu'it of their Lord they caught, And fuller inspiration drew From all the blessed truth he taught. 1375 *^* [Oct. 8.] Our redeemer, the Lord of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. ISA. xlvii. 4. After these things Jesus manifested himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias. John xxi. 1. THE MEETING AND THE FEAST. Calm the morn in Galilee, Where their Lord disciples see; O'er the waters floats his voice. Bids their weary hearts rejoice. iSOIiG^ FOE ALL iSEASOHi^. 295 So, upon the heavenly shore, When Hfe's anxious night is o'er, We shall see our Saviour stand. Hear his call to Glory-land. Sweet the season after toil, As they bring abundant spoil. See the feast for them to share, By the Lord made ready there. So shall we from labor rest, Be with Jesus doubly blest. When he mingles what we bring With the bounty of the King. Who can tell the joy and cheer. As the Master's word they hear, "Come with me and here recline At this feast of yours and mine." But more glorious will it be When the feast of heaven we see. Where the saved all eat and live At the banquet Christ shall give. Blest the scene around the board; As it closed, the gracious Lord Brought from him who had denied, Love sincere, thrice told and tried. Oh, when round the board above, Naught can mar our perfect love; It will flow a clear full stream, Christ its everlasting theme. iggg 296 SOIiGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Oct. 9.] The Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light. ISA. Ix. 19. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have lellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John i. 7. WALKING IN THE LIGHT. Walk with the God of light, And joyful we The heavenly pathway bright Shall always sse: With saints in brotherhood, Shall Jesus' precious blood, A sin-atoning flood, Our cleansing be. To say we have no sin Is to deceive, To fail of truth within, The Spirit grieve: If we our sins confess, God will forgive and bless, Cleanse from unrighteousness, From fear relieve, If sin abuse his love, And us appall, Our Advocate above For grace shall call. Jesus, his righteous Son, By all that he has done, A ransom full has won For us, and all. SONGS FOR ALL SEASOI^S. 297 Blest they who keep the Word, Their guide each day, Walk closely with their Lord, Know and obey, Works with true faith combine; In them the love divine Shall in perfection shine. And ne'er decay. isse *♦»- [Oct. 10.] Who is this . . that is glorious in his apparel? ISA. Ixiii. 1. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as one dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying, Fear not, I am the tirst and the last, and the Living one. Rev. i. 17. JOHN'S VISION OF JESUS. Christ, ascended, has not vanished. Now he greets th' Apostle's view In the isle of Patmos, banished For the Word and witness true. Ah! the glory of that vision, Mid the candlesticks of gold! 'Tis the King from realms Elysian, Eoyal robes his form enfold. Snowy locks of heavenly whiteness On his head majestic shine, While his eyes with piercing brightness Flash in splendor all divine! Sovereign feet, to earth descended. Burn like molten brass refined; Clasps his strong right hand, extended. Stars that sparkle, seven combined. 298 SOJ^GS FOB ALL SEASONS. From his mouth, in keenness gleaming, Leaps a bm-nished two-edged sword, "While his countenance is beaming Like the sun in fullness poui-ed. How that view and voice of thunder O'er John's soul subhmely broke, Filled him with a fearful wonder, As, the Fii'st and Last, he spoke! O beloved, fear thou never ! I your Lord, who once was dead. Live again — alive for ever! Death no more shall be your dread. Mine the keys of death and Hades; All my own with me shall hve; In the valley where the shade is, I the victory will give! isse [Oct. 11.] I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me. 2 Sam. xii. 23. In heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father. Mat. xviii. 10. LOST AND KEPT. O MOURNING mother ! the sweet child you gave So soon to Heaven, so early to the grave, Is youi's, a blooming child for evermore. Safe with the Saviour on the blessed shore. Your child, through earthly and immortal years, Be comforted, and stay youi' f alHng tears ; A parting pang, a past — these are the cost, By which you keep the precious gem you lost. 1870 iSONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 299 [Oct. 12.] They seemed as men that lifted up axes upon a thicket of trees. Ps. Ixxiv. 5. . . That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Eph. ii. 7. TWO HUNDRED YEARS. Where now a joyous throng we stand, And beauties round us glow, Stood a dense forest, wild and grand. Two hundred years ago. How vast the change, from old to new! 'T would strike the fathers dumb ; But what shall fill the children's view, Two hundred years to come? What struggles, perils, toils, and fears, They had to brave and know, Ere comforts blessed the pioneers. Two hundi'ed years ago. For varied luxuries we possess, They had no thought or room; But what they'll have, oh, who can guess. Two hundred years to come? The church and school, so simple then. Expressed the heart's outflow; Earnest were those strong, thoughtful men, Two hundi-ed years ago. In grander fane and temple found, Eefinement's richer home, Th' old virtues live — will they abound. Two hundred years to come? 300 JSONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. Through all the past, life's growing tide Has met the one grim foe; Old are the graves of those who died Two hundred years ago. "We swell the stream where murmuring rolls The cadence of the tomb: What were our Hves, and where our souls, Two hundred years to come? 1870 ♦♦* [Oct. 13. J The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the rigliteous. Ps. cxviii. 15. Be . . imitators of them who througli faith and patience inherit the promises. 12. PAST AND FUTURE. From the past, with its treasui'es of honor and story. Wrought out by an ancestry noble and true, O favored descendants ! the future's bright glory, In promise and hope, is entrusted to you. E'er may vu'tue and happiness, sisters of beauty. Abide in your homes as their gladness and peace, And the sons of the fathers, unshrinking in duty. Make the fame of then* heritage ever increase. May the blessings of earth in the sunshine of heaven On every one here in their plenitude rest ; And the far richer grace of the gospel be given, As the guide of the soul to the home of the blest. In the long line of centuries down to their ending. May the earliest memories blend with the last : Thro' successions of years, benedictions descending. Till millennial splendors be over them cast. i8:o SOJ^GS FOR ALL SEASONS. 301 [Oct. H.] Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters. IsA. Iv. 1. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that is athirst, let him come : he that will, let him take the water of life freely. Rev. xxii. 17. THE GREAT INVITATION. Oft the Eedeemer said, To sinful souls unblest, Come, ye that hunger, here be fed; Come, weary ones, and rest. And now the Spii'it takes The Saviour's place on earth; Most lovingly the plea he makes, Come, find the heavenly birth. The bride, the church of God, Repeats the gracious call : Come, wanderers, see what precious blood Was shed to save you all! The wakened soul that hears Is guilty now if dumb; Go then with tenderness and tears, And bid the sinner come. O thirsting, restless heart, Come to the Fountain — drink! Christ will the draught of Hfe impart; Why linger at the brink? And whosoever will — • So freely grace is given; Come, dying soul! how canst thou still Refuse the call of Heaven? i886 302 JSO]}faJS FOR ALL SEASONS. [QCT. 15.J O sing unto the Lord a new song. Ps. xcviii. 1. Unto the Lamb, be the hlessing, and the honor, and the glory, and the dominion, for ever and ever. Rev. v. 13. THE NEW SONG. They sing a new song in the city above, The Eden celestial, the bii'th-place of love, The home of the pure, never shaded by night, A temple all glorious, its orchest*i-a light : Oh, beautiful region, unmeasured by time. And evermore filled with this anthem sublime ! The Lord of the universe lists to its tone, 'Tis joy to the Lamb in the midst of the thi'one; The thousands on thousands of fair angel bands. The living ones, elders, redeemed of all lands. The first of the saved, and the latest gone there. All list to this song floating sweet on the air. The strain is unique, ne'er before was it heard Till one, washed in blood, entered striking its chord ; The harmonies grew as the numbers increased, As saints from all points came and sat at the feast : Now myriads of voices the music prolong. But only the ransomed can sing this new song. Ah, what is that music transcending, we know. All beautiful sounds where the song-flowers grow ? Caught upward Paul heard it but never could tell Its sweetness umivaled, its glorified spell. Such exquisite harp-tones elude oui' earth-grasp ; Wait till the book opens, and seals shall unclasp. /SOJSTGJS FOE ALL JSEASOJYS. 303 The theme of the song ever new, and yet old, Whose melodies charm the fair city of gold. Is the loving Ke^eemer, the Lamb that was slain. Exalted by saints in their loftiest strain : To the glorious Saviour, who brings us to heaven, All honor and blessing and praises be given ! isse [Oct. 16.] To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. PRov.xxi.3. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.— Gal. vi. 2. NOBLE VIRTUES. Dear is the friendship that through life delights The kindred minds its sacred bond unites ; More strong the mystic power of human love, Type of the tie that binds the blest above. Sweet is the sympathy that shares a part In sorrow's tear and grief's unsolaced heart ; And high the faith that with unyielding sway Holds fast to truth when error rules the day. Grand is the right, unawed by fear or frown, That stems the tide when wrong usurps the crown; Duty, that moves straight on, and never swerves To low ambition's lead, or party curves. Sublime the patience, that persists and waits For God to turn time's wheels or lift its gates; Philanthropy, that spurns the ermined ban That aims to break the brotherhood of man. 1357 304 SOIiGS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Oct. 17.] They shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in the day that 1 do make, even a peculiar treasure. Mal. iii. 17. Therefore are they before the throne o^ God ; and they serve him day and night in his temple. Rev. vii. 15. THE SAINTS IN HEAVEN. Out of each nation, tongue, and land, Countless, before the throne they stand, With victor palms in every hand. And robes of spotless white. They lift their blending voices high. Salvation to our God they cry. To him who did for sinners die, The Lamb enthroned in hght. Lo, the vast ranks of angels all. Around these hosts a flaming wall, Kow on their faces lowly fall, And worship God their King. His glorious attributes they praise, Thanksgiving anthems loudly raise. Proclaim his might to endless days, Theu' lofty honors bring. And who are these arrayed in white? How came they to this world of hght? Ah, these from sin and sorrow's night. From tribulation came: They all have bathed in Calvary's flood, Washed clean their robes in Jesus' blood. And now before the throne of God They magnify his name. JSOIiGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 306 The Lamb amidst that royal throne Dwells now forever with his own; Hunger or thirst shall ne'er be known, Nor aught of pain or fear ; For he shall meet theu' utmost need, To living fountains ever lead, Them at immortal banquets feed, And wipe away each tear. iggs *♦* [Oct. 18.] I have put my words in thy mouth, and have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand IsA. li. 16. Blessed is he that keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book. — Rev. xxii. 7. THE BOOK OF REVELATION. Mine of marvels — Revelation! Eealm where mystic voices blend; Cadences of Inspiration, Murmuring through ages, end! Paradise its pearly portals. Facing earthward, open swings, And to weary, suffering mortals Visions of its glory brings. Precious Book! its pages please us. Though we grasp not all the lines; Mid its crowning splendors Jesus, Image of the Father, shines. Oh, the bliss to wait before him! "With his ransomed ones to be; Oh, the rapture to adore him! Charmed his radiant face to see. 806 SONGS FOE ALL SEASOIfS. Kecord, full of conflict's rattle, Zion oft in travail sore, Marching on througli dust and battle, Strong at last and conqueror! O'er earth's wastes the Spmt hovered, Making all things sweet and new; Lost humanity recovered. Grandly fills the widening view. Blest Apocalypse! unsealing Heaven, all glorious to our sight; New Jerusalem revealing, Bathed in everlasting light: Home of all the saints forever, City of the Lamb's abode. Through it flows life's crystal river. Bursting from the throne of God. [Oct. 19.] His name shall be called Wonderful. IsA. ix. 6. He received him into his arms, and blessed God, and said. Now let- test thou thy servant depart, O Lord, according to thy word, in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation. Luke ii. 28— .30. SIMEON. The saint breathed forth a joyous song, And clasped the Infant to his heart ; He saw the Saviour promised long, Was satisfied, would e'en depart. Jesus, in thee what matchless charms! Thou art my song, my hope, my stay ; My faith enfolds thee in its arms, And sees salvation's brightening day. isgo iSO^''GS FOE ALL tiEASOJYS. 307 [Oct. 20.] I was a son unto my father. . and he taught me. Prv. iv. 3,4. We dealt with each one of you, as a father Avith liis own children, exhorting you, and encouraging you. MY FATHER. A KURAL and sequestered spot was where Our pleasant, ample farm-house stood, Mid field and mead and mountain wood, A landscape loved, if not surpassing fail*. My father, at the soft sweet eventide. Would often take me on his knee, In lessons there to question me. And mark my progress with a glowing pride. Clinging with gladness to his sturdy hand. Out to the fields with him I went. And joyous took some little stent Of reaping, making hay, or tilling land. It was a deep delight with him to go. On journeys to some town prolonged. See sights that on my vision thronged, And wondi'ous wise in new-found knowledge groWc "When home of friend or relative was reached. He bade me to the group repeat Some tiny speech, or poem sweet. Or tell the text of the last sermon preached. How well he loved his little bashful boy. How glad his opening mind to see : Did thoughts of coming years with me. Fill his large heart with hidden, hopeful j oy ? mi 308 SOJS'GS FOR ALL SEASONS. [Oct. 21.] My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and the horse- men thereof! And he saw him no more. 2 Kings ii. 12. I will receive you, and be to you a Father. 2 Cok. vi. 18. FATHERLESS. ' 'Your father 's dead !'' Ah, how the message chilled My heart and dimmed my tearful eye ! With a cold gloom, and oft-heaved sigh, My little being was to fullness filled. I saw him as he lay in death's stern arms ; His eyes were sealed in dark eclipse, But on his pale and speechless lips A loving smile was wreathed in heavenl}^ charms. Was it the sweet peace of his dying prayer, That lingered with the parting breath? Or visions, o'er the vale of death. That rose upon his ransomed spirit there'? Well I remember the funereal train, As solemnly it moved and slow, Through the deep banks of drifted snow, And the dear dust was given to dust again. I was a boy, when this great grief was borne. And years but half a score had known: I am a man — long years have flown — But ne'er have ceased that crushing loss to mourn. When o'er the young and tender spirit falls Some awful shade, with sudden power, How long the memory of that hour Remains, and all its mingled gloom recalls ! \^\i JSOJYGS FOB ALL SEASONS. 309 [Oct. 22.] A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.— Prov. xxxi. 30. Honor thy father and thy mother. Matt. xix. 19. MY MOTHER. Mother! 'tis evening now, And I am far from childhood's home of glee ; But as my hand supports my aching brow, My thoughts go forth to thee. I joy to view the place Blest by a cherished parent's tenderest care, While memory loves each early scene to trace, And fondly linger there. I think of those glad days, "VAHien I was but an artless, playful child ; Thy love watched all my little sports and ways. And on me sweetly smiled. Oft at the evening hour. Thou kindly bad'st me to thy side repair. To tell me of the Saviour's love and power. And teach me some sweet prayer. Those lessons learned from thee Were not forgotten then, nor are they yet ; Waymarks they 've been in peril hours to me, To shun the evil met. Through all life's gathering cares, My heart with gratitude shall e'er rejoice. That God so blest me with a mother's prayers, A mother's counsel choice. i842 310 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Oct. 23.] Is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well. 2 Kings iv. 26. And He called to him a little child. Matt, xviii. 2. TRANSPLANTED. Beautiful, the precious treasiu'e, Lovely, darling, only child, Source of new and varying pleasure, Making joy where'er she smiled. Budding flower ! thou hast not perished, Though withdrawn from mortal eyes ; Dearly loved and fondly cherished. Thou dost bloom in Paradise. Endless life the Savioiu' gives thee, And unfading beauty there ; To his sheltering arms receives thee. Far from sorrow, sin, and care. Ye w^hose tear-drops flow like water, Let your grief and anguish end; He who took your angel daughter. Is your Father and youi' Friend. Trust him now, amid your sadness. Be his word and grace your stay; He can change your gloom to gladness, He can turn jour night to day. Mourn ye not, though hopes are blighted, Lift above the tear-dimmed eye; By celestial radiance lighted. Faith reveals your home on high. i848 SOUGS FOB ALL SEASOms. 8ii [Oct. 24.J Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom. Job xxxiii. 24. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation : for when he hath been approved, he shall receive the crown of life. Jas. i. 12. CROSS AND CROWN. I LOVE the Lord who died for me, On the cross — cruel cross! Where all my hope of heaven I see, On the cross — shameful cross. O Saviour! but for thy shed blood. My soul had sunk in sin's dark flood; Thou hast redeemed me unto God, On the cross — painful cross. Jesus! I hear thy loving voice, "Follow me — take the cross." Thou art my blessed guide and choice; Follow thee? — take the cross? Dear Lord, I will with joy obey. Serve thee throughout my earthly day, Till thou shalt come and sweetly say, "Follow me — leave the cross." Oh, land of light and bliss above! To the crown — by the cross. Oh, heavenly rest and home of love I Aye the crown — ne'er the cross. All glory to the Saviour - King ! As saints their endless praises bring. My soul shall join, its triumph sing, Welcome, crown ! — farewell, cross ! 1358 312 SOJ^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Oct. 25.] The people that know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Dan. xi. 32. To each one his work. Mark xiii. 34. THERE'S WORK FOR THEE. There 's work for tliee ! Be faithful and aggressive, Seek out the ways and means of doing good ; Stay not, but 'neath the heavenly call impressive, Go forth and toil as Christ's disciple should : Have you for him yet done the best you could ? There 's work for thee ! Lo, varied fields are waiting. Where homes are sad, and hearts lie desolate : How should sin's fearful havoc, unabating, Urge thee to lift from them their burdens great. Lest sink they hopeless 'neath woe's crushing fate. There 's work for thee ! All, souls of royal brightness Sweep toward the verge of ruin's full eclipse ! They court the tempter in unwary lightness, And press destruction to their maddened lips : Save, ere their sun in death's horizon dips! There 's work for thee ! The future oj)es in splendor, God's kingdom triumphs in advancing years ; Unwonted hands and hearts their aid shall render, And woman's help shall win by prayers and tears: Lift high the banner, cast away your fears ! There 's work for thee ! Oh, glorious task for mortals, How to such work the heavenly hosts would bend ! Methinks I see them, thi-ough celestial portals. Their glad approvals to the faithful send : How sweet their welcome when the day shall end ! 1889 SONGS FOE ALL SEASO^''S. 313 [Oct. 26.] Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life . . which he hath giveu thee. EcoL. ix. 9. Both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. Luke i. 6. A GOLDEN WEDBING. With longing look, with welcome sweet, The Golden Wedding day we see, Where scenes of half a century meet, To crown love's joyous jubilee. Though far away, it now seems near. So brightly rising* into view, — The blissful hour for ever dear That sealed the union sweet and true. Again transpires the rite, the scene. We seem within the room to stand; But ah, what epochs lie between. What freighted years of history grand ! Thek blended hfe, like mingled streams. Along time's varying course has flowed. And o'er each change celestial beams A radiant glow and warmth have strowed. Each cloud has had its silvery sheen, Comfort has soothed all trials hard, And on the roughest waves was seen. By day or night, the loving Lord. Blest in their work with large success. They sow and reap in noblest deeds. And still with earnest zeal they press Along the way the Master leads. 314 SO^'^GS FOR ALL SEASONS. Children beloved have grown apace, Parental names and worth to beai'; And, clustering here this scene to grace, Grandchildi'en come its joys to share. "WTiat hallowed ties these hearts unite, As heaven and earth commingle here, A\Tiile faith and hope transcend the sight, And joy springs up from sorrow's tear. O wedded love! O blessed home! Years faded leave youi- Avealth and balm ; Years waiting brighter till shall come The marriage supper of the Lamb! igss [Oct. 27.] I found him whom my soul loveth. Cant. iii. 4. Therefore will I give praise unto thee . . and sing unto thy name. Rom. XV. 9. A SONG OF THE SAVIOUR. I WILL joyfully sing Of the Saviour who sought me, My Redeemer and King — By his blood he hath bought me. Oh, he hung on the tree. For my souFs guilt expiring, And his grace shown to me, I can ne'er cease admiiing. Of his w^onderful love I w^as once all unknowing; Far from mansions above I in darkness w^as going. SO^''GS FOB ALL iSEASOWS. 315 Oh, how happy the day, When, in infinite kindness, He my sins washed away, And removed all my blindness. Then I saw him as mine, To embrace me advancing, And his beauty divine Was my spirit entrancing. Of ten thousands the chief. In my heart I enthroned him; He had borne all my grief, And I gratefully owned him. While I've journeyed along. As a pilgrim and stranger. He, my Shepherd and song, Was my refuge in danger. He will lead me through life. For his pledge he hath given, And, in death's closing strife, Bear me safely to heaven. Oh, then join in the song, — 'Tis salvation's sweet story; Let the blood-ransomed throng In the cross ever glory. Hallelujahs shall ring When we pass o'er the river, And of Jesus well sing- In his presence forever. 1859 316 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Oct. 2S.] Thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy borders.— Deut. xxviii. 40. Some of the branches were broken off, and thou, being a wild olive, wast grafted in among them. Rom. xi 17. OLIVE TREES OF PALESTINE. Among the gray old rounded hills, Through regions fair of Holy Land, A grateful scene the vision fills, Where trees or groves of oHve stand. Where'er we go, o'er ridge or vale. They kindly greet the stranger's eye ; In rest at noon their shade we hail, Our camp at evening finds them nigh. Rich on the f)lains, the slopes they trace, And oft the rocky summits crown: The thrifty saplings grow apace, Beside the trees of gnarled renown. Slowly the grafted stems mature — From olives wild no fruit appears — But long the sturdy plants endure. And measure oft a thousand years. They love the hard and flinty soil, Drive down their roots amid the rocks. Draw out from thence their choicest oil. And stand secure from stormy shocks. Symmetric beauty, humble, calm. Their pleasant features clearly mark; Not hke the tail and tufted palm, Nor tapering cypress, slender, dark, isos tiOJVGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 317 [Oct. 29. J The Lord called thy name, A green olive tree, fair with goodly fruit. Jer. xi. 16. And didst become a partaker with them of the root of the fatness of the olive tree. Rom. xi. 17. EVERGREEN AND FRUITFUL. When vernal airs and skies appear, Star-blooms of purest white are seen, Mid olive leaves that all the year Keep an unchanging dusky green. "While blossoms fade, or falling oft From arching boughs they lately decked, That verdant hue of foliage soft With deeper emerald gems is flecked. Through arid heats of summer time, When fountains fail and fields are brown, That fadeless green retains its prime, And rounding berries fill its crown. As autumn days their exit make, Bing all the groves in merry gale, While stalwart hands the branches shake, And purple fruit descends like hail. Their sacks the gleeful maidens fill, And bear them on their heads away: On topmost boughs are berries still. To cheer the poor who hither stray. The richest wealth the people know. The largest comforts that they see. Each daily meal, the lamp's bright glow, Attest the value of the tree. i865 .^18 SONGS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Oct. 30.] I am like a green olive tree In the house of God.— Ps. Hi. 8. And when they had sung a hymn, they went out unto the mount of Olives. Mark xiv. 26. OLD TREES IN GETHSEMANE. When sacred hills in mantling snow Feel winter storms along them sweep, And torrents cold through valleys flow, - Unwithered leaves the ohves keep. Down to their life's remotest stage, Tho' trunks decay and boughs are grim, The reverend forms are green in age. And berries hang from every hmb. Such are the grand old hallowed trees I saw in sweet Gethsemane, And thought of Him whose holy knees Bowed under burdens there for me. Along the slope of that dear hill, To where he vanished in the sky, Infrequent stands the olive still. To bring the days of Jesus nigh. And o'er the ridge they cluster sweet, AVhere Bethany, beloved for him. So oft received his weary feet, When day declined to twiHght dim. Emblem of peace! I would like thee In living fruitfulness abound: Oh, let me like the olive tree Within the house of God be found. ises JSONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. 319 [Oct. 31.] God . . breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Gkn. ii. 7. The things which are seen are temporal ; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 CoK. iv. 18. ETERNITY AND THE SOUL. Eternity — tremendous word ! — when first Pealed out Jehovah's all-creating voice, Bidding the light o'er gloom and chaos burst, And orbs celestial in their course rejoice, — Thy years were countless as the stars on high, And thou wast then, as now, the same — eternity! When crashing spheres bewail the death of time, As if dissolving 'neath their Maker's ire ; When he shall wrap the earth in flames sublime, And bid the starry lamps of heaven expire — Thou, in thy mystic track, shalt tireless run. Only the childhood of thy endless years begun ! The soul, undying as its glorious Sii'e, Must live like thee in its immortal state ; And joy, that wakes the purest seraph's lyre, Will bid it welcome at thy golden gate. If it hath sought the way of life to know, And do the will of him who bore our sin and woe. Eternal destinies the soul await — The grand decision trembles on an hour. And should its vast concern be left too late. How shall it fly from sin's recoiling power? Scan, mortal, well, the path thy feet have trod ; Love's earnest message is. Prepare to meet thy God ! 184Ji 320 SOJ^GS FOE ALL SEASONS. [Nov. 1.] The day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh, Joel ii. 1. Then shall they see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Mark xiii. 26. CHRIST'S SECOND COMING. See at last the signs portending, Earth's full ripeness for its ending, Christ the Lord himself descending. Sun and moon in gloom appalling, Starry spheres from heaven faUing, Boding fear the world enthraUing. In the clouds with awful splendor. Dooms to seal, rewards to render. Comes the saints' beloved Defender. Scene all other scenes transcending. Power and glory interblending. Far beyond our comprehending. Sight subhme for mortal vision! Angels from the blest Elysian Gather for the great decision. Ah, the shout o'er earth resounding! The Ai'changel's voice astounding, Unbelieving souls confounding. Day of terror, work of wonder! Trump of God, like mighty thunder, Kends all sepulchers asunder! Dead in Christ with rapture rising. Living saints, through change surprising, Now their full hope reahzing. SOIiGS FOR ALL SEASONS. All the saved together meeting, Fii'st and last with joyous greeting, Sweet redemption's song repeating. Come, ye blessed! Christ the giver Calls to kingdoms fading never — Heaven's all-glorious hfe forever! Lo, they rise in clouds supernal. To their homeland, bright and vernal, Ever with the Lord eternal. Blessed hope, that naught can smother, He shall come, our elder Brother, Wherefore comfort one another. While thy triumph. Lord, is nearing, May I, faithful, nothing fearing. Love and look for thy appealing. Oh, this precious great salvation! Grander in the consummation Of the new and last creation! ' xss2 -♦♦> iNov. 2.J Sorrow and sighing shall flee away. IsA. li. IL Beliold, I make all things new. Rev. xxi. 5. REALIZATION. Lo, THE fountains of destruction, With their thousand bitter streams, Flood no more our lovely landscapes ; Gone are they like vanished dreams. Where the dark Lethean waters Felt the plunge of wasted souls, Now in bright and crystal clearness Life's pure river sweetly rolls. igse 32] 322 SOJ^OS FOB ALL SEASONS. [Nov. 3.j There is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon the rock. Ex. xxxiii. 21. He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord. John i. 23. ROGER \(riLLIAMS ROCK. Rock by the Seekonk shore, Where briny billows roar, I sing of thee. Here erst the Indian strayed, Here once his dwelling made. And here his children played. As wild as free. Years rolled their circles round, And here they still were found — That red-browed race. Their hunting grounds were here. Where dwelt the bounding deer, Where oft, with bow and spear, They joined the chase. Moved by a deep desire. Perchance the aged su'e. With woes opprest, Came here at eventide, O'er all his sorrows sighed, To the Great Spirit cried For peace and rest. Perchance, upon this stone. The trusting maid, alone, Hath placed her feet —