E PATRIOT'S PLEDGE A POEM BY JOHN RODDY Copyright, 1907, by John Roddy, Tboy, N. Y. THE PATRIOT'S PLEDGE A POEM By JOHN RODDY Copyright, 1907, by John Roddy, Troy, N. Y. -l Cepynght B*v 1 CLASS A m /L ot 3 id The Patriot's Pledge. i. The patriot Schuyler, charged with the faith That mocks at destiny's menace or wraith, Is challenging now the growl of the horde Burgoyne is massing for royalty's guard : The pregnant ravines and thickets profound. Fast by where the waters of Hudson ground, Are bristling with steel's mad curses in hate, And man's malignancy proscribes e'en fate : The desperate bands of the North break loose — The wild marauders of the knife or noose — And blast these haunts like the specters of doom, That tyranny's creed might flourish and bloom: The hound of the pathless wilderness, too, The painted savage, is licensed anew : 'Tis war — the war to the death — and for what ? The heritage God ordained as man's lot, The blessing of freedom, garb of the soul, The grandeur of spir'tual rhythm in role. An air of divinity wreathes the dream That dares to invest ambition's regime — The sacred regime of liberty's blend, Where vested humanity shapes its end. How hallowed the spirit who 'terprets time In terms of hope's development sublime — The sov'reignty of the conscience and heart, Untouched by thraldom's dishonor or smart! How noble the mystery of this life When unprofaned with the challenge of strife ! How sweet the fragrance eternity wafts — Like whispering angel's promise in drafts — The fragrance of soulful visions of love, As sung in the glory patriots prove ! The witchery of the breaths of the blue. All charged with prophecy's mission anew, Inaugurates fresh conceptions of truth, Proclaiming the voice of infinite youth ; Yon eloquent heights, all gaged for the fray, However the orgies of fate hold sway, Rebuke the manhood and the pride of him Who cringes or smiles 'fore tyranny's whim : And yon proud waters, whose annals protest A hundred triumphs, now beggar the jest Of meek submission to shadows of fear, And ev'ry ripple initiates cheer : The murmurs of time's remonstrance endow Defiance to man's distempers in vow. sacred intelligence of the soul — O pulse of righteousness — dream of control The vigils of life's prerogative mask No longer the mockery of hope's task, But blazon adown grim destiny's page The consummation of liberty's gage ! II. Yes — Schuyler is balking the steel-shod bands. Who'd bastardize ev'ry hope of these lands ; His masterly eye determines their game, And his are the warriors who dare death's flame : He greets the thundering legions of doom, And tears asunder the creed they illume; But onward they come, investing each haunt Like blast of the north in desperate want. The oak and the hemlock, the elm and fir Respond to liberty's genius and stir, And mock at the growls of the multitude, A-strangling their wild assurance and mood ; Each wilderness flouts their mastery now. And whispering echoes rebuke each brow ; The shades of the past, all sacred to time, Turn back the epochs of nature sublime, And stalk abroad in their challenge to fate — The fate that sanctions man's bondage in state — And beckon the spirit of this proud land To do or die for humanity grand; The pregnant vitality of the air Is charging these haunts with buoyancy rare, With spirituality's fragrance deep, With freedom's aroma — man's soul to steep. The sacred glow of the eve is abroad, And nature's shading is the rhythm of God ; The delicate touch of autumn appears Like the sigh of hope — the kiss of all fears; The grandeur eternity paints again Blooms into life like the spirit profane — Profane in the witchery of its love, Defying the frowns of the saints above : 'Tis Mother Earth now tendering her dream Of Heavenly trust in myst'ry supreme ; The hand of the Master speaks in each tint Of tree and of shrub like vision in print. III. " O Tyrlow, the fervor of faith and love, The blessing divine from Heaven above, In soulful vigil like fragrance of dream, I> shading to apprehensions in theme." A maiden pleads, and the depths of her eye — And night's darkest tint seems doubly awry When gaged in the witchery of its wealth — Bespeak a sanctity untouched by stealth ; And raven her tresses, and proud and free, And sacred the warmth of beauty in fee. A patriot soldier, of rugged mien, And scarred from battles' distempers and spleen, About mature in his years and his pride, [s drinking in ev'ry whisper aside. " Some vague suspicion, O Tyrlow, I feel, Some blind forebodings my confidence steal : I know these haunts like the hound of the deep. But somehow their silence proscribes faith's keep. O that the menacing evils of war Might take on the glories of peace e'ermore — That the frenzy of steel and torture brand Might be as the dream of time to this land ■ — ■ That strife and its savagery, pulse of hate. Be as the palsy of death in its state ! But, alas, O Tyrlow, 'tis not to be ; The recreant mischief of royalty Is charging anew the passions and spite Of hireling and Mohawk to curse and blight: Each moment seems vibrant with doubt and fear. And hopes' fond prophecy forgets its cheer. The soldiers of the Master, tried and bold, Must round up and drive these wolves from the fold ^Nor reckon with fate till the skulking bands Have ceased to breathe — are unknown to these land- " 'Tis writ adown the vision of the soul Humanity's challenge must make the goal, And heart-racking trials and grim despair Are incidents to that triumph and care : The genius of freedom in all its worth, Despite the desperate evils a-birth, Is stirring these depths like whirlwind from high, And ev'ry fastness responds with a sigh ; It tears asunder the shams of the class, And breathes new life to the heart of the mass ; It fires the spirit of man and of child, And ev'ry sinew starts frantic and wild ; 'Tis eloquent as the voice of the morn, When nature acclaims the glory new born : Each atmosphere thrills like fragrance of hope And whispers assurance in mystic scope : The damnable business of tyranny Is pitted 'gainst righteousness and its plea. So, Tyrlow, let no expectancy gage The breath of this life save liberty's wage ; Let ev'ry drop of your heart-blood avow Resistance to royalty's threat'ning brow ; Let ev'ry nerve and muscle be aflame That servitude may ne'er tarnish your name ; Let ev'ry vigil of your soul rise true, For God's proud heritage looms 'fore the view." " Be doubly assured, O Beula, my lot Is fixed to the cause, however distraught. Of sacred humanity's noblest creed, The grim reality justice dares plead." Now Tyrlow replies: "And trust in the Lord Is guaranty to our wishes' award. Yes, Beula, 'tis as the blessing from High, The halo of reason garbing life's sigh: The hapless conceptions of borrowed pride Forget their illusions these cares beside ; The pulse of sov'reignty fortifies faith, Condemning tradition's function and wraith; The boasted assumption of minds unstrung — Proud independence — in truth shall be sung : We know but the challenge of kingly greed ; We'll shift no issue — we cannot recede: " The spirit of the World seems present here, Invoking the glory man dares revere : "Tis manifest destiny fires our steel, Charging each fiber with frenzy's appeal. But, Beula, your home, your lot, aye, your all Are here exposed to their spite or their call ; Your sire, though fit for the chase or the field, Is much too aged 'gainst the plots they wield : 80 come, be secure 'gainst the hounds of night, Within our lines with your sire wait the right: Remember, your ev'ry voice and your dream Have echoed humanity's new regime ; Such patriotism they damn with the curse That bodes grave danger to mortal averse: So hazard not here the lust of their hate ; The passions of war grow flagrant of late : let me escort you where you shall see The wise beneficence of liberty : Remember the murder of Jane McCrea — 1 beg of you, come, be off, let's away." " O Tyrlow, my heart is craving to go - Not from the fear of the desperate foe — But solely because my love and my trust Are circumscribed in the thoughts you adjust." Now Beula replies, " But father is far, And I 'm his hope like the mariner's star : I must await his coming, and his need, For his are hardships — mine, comforts decreed. O Tyrlow, I feel like angel on High ; My nerves respond to the spir'tual sigh, Indigenous to the glow of this land, When your appearance considers command : The moment your presence graces these haunts My soul grows doubly raptuous — at once. O that this vision of consciousness sweet Might live into being 'gainst time's conceit ! O spirit, of destiny, mock and curse The evils that would my glory reverse ! What Heavenly ordination is mine — Mine as the flavor of the sparkling wine! O that this ecstacy might live for ay — That earthly existence be but love's play ! But Tyrlow, beware : the uniform fit For God's own warriors they scoff at and spit, And menace with torturing blight of doom The ev'ry effort your vigils presume : 8 " The leer of the Mohawk methinks I see In evidence next each bush and each tree : The gathering shadows of night confirm My ev'ry conception of fear in term : The whispering witchery of the deep Is fashioning destiny's reach and sweep: The voice of some spirit invests my soul And dares to defy e'en reason's control : My vision of romance conserves its sigh, But dreams of the morrow lisp love's reply. So come, Tyrlow, now bid me adieu ; My pray'rs I tender — my trust you hold true ; Each syllable masks like mirror of time The heart-racking pangs of duty sublime; The sacrifice of each vow of our plight, If needs be so, must countenance the light That reconciles ev'ry whim of the heart With dawning humanity's pulse and start. But come, be off; the solitudes of night ISTow jeopardize ev'ry function of sight : The patriot caught so close to their camp Is subject for chill eternity's stamp: So, Tyrlow, begone — let your sinews speak Your 'legiance to freedom — the all we seek : And yet, believe me, I 'd have you remain — Remain where my eyes might feast at love's fane: But go — O give me your spirit's adieu; let me now feel your heart's sacred brew." " Beula, my soul is charged with the flame That dares to challenge death's vigil or aim." Now Tyrlow replies: " While life 's in the clay The call to freedom like dawning of day, Together with love's aroma divine, Endows my spirit with faith's ev'ry sign, And goads my very existence to stake The hazards of destiny as they break : The thrills of glory and bruises of war Ar e but the side-lights to love and its score: The all-creative Genius from Above Ordained His masterpiece in sacred love. But, Beula, I know the demands of time, 1 comprehend fate's distempers in rhyme ; I'll fashion my mission and arm my cause, That I may study their strength and their flaws ; I '11 enter their lines and glean their display, And judge the morale of their ranks and sway. " But e'er the morrow's conceptions grow dim I '11 reappear to respond to love's whim, To soothe the bosom of angel of earth, To answer her blessings of trust — and worth. O Beula, your lips speak the spirit dream — The dream that beggars earth's grandeur supreme O let me impress the seal of glory, The touch of Heaven's tried rhythm in story; 'Tis life's true message of honor in vow, The prophecy sung from innocence' ■ brow. O let me treasure the warmth of your soul — Yes, give me the kiss that whispers control : The prefume a-flourish with airs of time, The charms of nature in fragrance sublime, Ay, even the breaths from the realms on High Are as naught to the spell of your sweet sigh. Ye saints above ! ye spirits of the light ! Come, let me not know earth's weakness or blight - But let me transcend the garb of the world, Unstring my senses — be vision unfurled. O Beula, my love, let your lips again Refresh my spirit — and raptures ordain. Ye hounds of the night ! I question your sway ; My blade is the friend no specters dismay ; 'Tis tried and true, and each menace you flaunt Must comprehend witchery's ev'ry haunt. sacred jewel of love and of life, Acknowledge again as my promised wife The depth and fervor of Heavenly bliss, The pledge of eternity in your kiss." : ' Take heed, O Tyrlow," now Beula replies, " The skulking fiends are about in disguise; The mission you hazard like leer of death Is bargaining for the blasting of breath ; And ev'ry purpose, attendant on chance, Adjudicates mischief in terms of trance — The trance that seems to subsidize the mind, Yet wakens misgivings of fear in kind. I'd have you challenge the sleuths of the North, But not single-handed — their bands start forth : And yet 'tis meet that our cause and its creed Should frustrate their strategy, check each deed. Yes, yes, O Tyrlow, your mission, though rash, 1 dare to confirm, however fears clash ; My spirit asserts its dominance now, And confidence grim envelops my brow ; 10 " The ugly terrors of death and its mask, — The phase humanity is wont to ask — The weird illusions of fancy unstrung, And ev'ry distemper of sense or tongue We dare to reckon with, nay, more, defy — The vision of freedom rebukes each sigh ; The call to sov'reignty, patriots' gage, Must brook no trifling — nor dangers allege. take of my soul life's function and trust — Let ev'ry hope of the morrow adjust The villainous whispers of crude despair, That hearts' resolve be in touch with the air. O may the blessings of Master on High Attention your efforts and charge your eye ! And may His vigils accredit your steel And sanction the role your instincts reveal ! O Tyrlow, adieu — farewell, till we meet ; The dream of my soul like Heaven's conceit Is hushed in the flourish of morrow's zest. Wherein our triumph must utter God's test. soldier of Providence, let me feel The sacred allegiance of love's appeal ; Let worldly professions of duty stay — O for an instant — my spirit's at bay: O breath of my hopes, O god of my pride, Establish the destiny dreams confide — Assure my faith with the pledge i f your kiss. I'm feeling the tempest of love's mad bliss : wild is the craving that tears my heart — 1 know not consciousness' curbing or smart ; The pulsing of life's ambitions receipts Not now the glories my longing completes ; The raptures of Heaven debauch my brain, And I'm all-faithless to liberty's fane; I'm wont to challenge the mission you crave — But, no — O Tyrlow, I'll try to be brave ; I'll shackle the tremors that rack my frame, And consecrate ev'ry wish of your aim : O bid me adieu — yes, yes, that my lot May not respond to the evils un thought — That wandering apprehensions of fear May stultify not my vision grown clear. Adieu, my Tyrlow; yes — yes, and again: O merciful God! Thy sov'reignty train. And succor his vigils and bless his path And balk the menace of demons of wrath. 11 '• Away, crude heritage of woman's lot — Ye whimsical tears! my spirit is taught. O Tyrlow, adieu ; your love and your creed Shall buoy up my soul — no grievance I plead ; let me sip the fragrance of your lips : Adieu — O adieu! my courage equips." V. She watches his form fade into the deep, The solitude where grim witcheries sweep ; Xo whisper of sympathy stirs the gloom, The blend of silence seems fresh from the tomb ; She casts about for the voice of the night, The voice that should promise her faith its sight. But all is mystery, untouched of life, And destiny's specter blasphemes the strife; No pulse of spirit communion affirms, Nor breath of the land adjudicates terms: The vested assurance of love, howe'er, Refutes: the beggarly fancies of care; And ev'ry whim suspicion would borrow Seems lost in the vision of the morrow. Her eyes are straining at fate and its aim. Invoking the sov'reignty time dares claim : The stars above and the thickets anigh Reflect the intelligence mind must pry; The speechless imagery nature endows But mirrors eternity's sacred vows. However, yon Hudson tenders its cheer, Responsive to prophecy's atmosphere, And like the confidence new born of love Its lisping vigils voice reason Above; The hallowed waters their triumph of trust Proclaim 'gainst solitude's menace and lust. An impulse startles her heart and her pride — She'll dare all hazards, and be at his side : But, no — her father, protector when life Was but as naught in the world's ugly strife. Must soon return from his journey afar — r/'erchance a victim of the greed of war. She scans the waters, but glory's regime Is sealed in the sighs of the wistful stream : Her rich dark coloring of brow and cheek Reflects the constancy her love dares speak ; 1: A spiritual beauty lights up her eye, Like somber radiance borrowed from High. The menacing tents of royalty loom From out the distance like specters of doom ; And ominous mutt' rings wake from the North, Like destiny's challenge wandering forth. The rhythm of nature yawns sacred and sweet, Suggestive of worldly grandeur in treat, While yonder mirror like the garb of time Attests no function of evil or crime : But Beula's bosom is heaving less free, And her lips now part as spirit in plea; She stares at the desperate tents afar, She questions in vain the echoes of war; An air of anxiety garbs her brow, And confidence seems to flourish not now ; A vague apprehension startles a tear, And sighs attention love's mastery near ; The fixed resolve of her mind is at bay, While heart's deep sovereignty bespeaks its sway ; The incidents brewed from the womb of night Protest in vain their promise to her sight ; Each moment seems charged with dangers anew. And fancies unholy profane her view ; The ugly vicissitudes of the gloom E'en circumstance fate's distempers abloom ; She begs of the fastnesses some return, Indicative of her Tyrlow's sojourn, But all is the heaviness of the grave — No whim of witchery pretends to rave: 'Tis nigh the hour when the vigils of dream Are pregnant with mystery's weird regime; She turns to her cabin of sacred fold, Fast by where the waters of Hudson mould : She shuns the thickening visions of fear Within its sheltering comforts sincere; Upon her couch like an angel from High She whispers love's faith, however her sigh ; The vague misgivings of doubt and of dread Are hovering o'er like phantom outspread ; Her trust responds inviolate and true, But apprehensions grow vivid and new ; Now desperate feelings refute the brain, And haunting shadows her spirit profane — Now fixed resolve repudiates the tear, And love's proud consciousness questions e'en fear 13 The hours grow chill 'gainst the bosom of hope, And over-wrought nerves seem clotted of scope ; She prays to the Master of life on High, And craves indulgence of Heaven's reply, But sleep, creation of the rhythm of life, The breath Divinity vouchsafes 'gainst strife, Is fingering now like gauze of the soul Each mirror of spir'tuality's role ; Her frail young form and her senses are blest With slumber's mirage of glory in test, And vested vitality, sung, of faith, Is garbed in sacred quiescence of breath. Eternity's fragrance is not more sweet Than the hush of her spirit in conceit. VI. Xow thrice the dominant bosom of time Has nursed its conscience in the dawn sublime, And vitalized ev'ry promise of life, Despite the heritage of hate and strife: The eloquence of the muse of the World, Like shading of prophecy new unfurled, Is voicing humanity's creed in plea, And freedom's aroma wakes fresh in fee : The grandeur of nature invests the air With ev'ry blend and delicacy rare Of righteousness and the purpose divine Of man's true harmony — brotherhood's sign : The mad ambitions of royalty sleep, Or else are blasted by destiny's sweep; The grand bewitching canopy of mora Now mirrors cessation of frenzied scorn, Exemplifying the genius of peace, As when Creation first flourished in lease. But, list! yon waters seem questioning fate, As doubting the glory of morn's estate: The cadence of day's soft witchery sighs, And wandering whispers now compromise; The menacing silence seems charged with l|ife, And solitude sulks while tremors grow rife. But see, a stranger, uncouth in his mien, ISTow starts from the depths and crosses the scene And stealthy his tread and shifty his eye, As challenging time's credentials anigh ; 14 Now this way, now that, with anxious concern, He searches each haunt, he questions each turn ; The witching ravine and the waters still Appeal in vain to the quest of his will. " O God !" he bursts, " the vengeance of the brand Has clone its fury like Hell in command; The stalking specter of doom is abroad, And life's own heritage is cursed — outlawed; The sanctuary of Heavenly worth, The shelter of all my glory of earth, The home of my bride, is blasted and gone, And these cold ashes but mock at death's yawn ; The venomous savagery of mad hate Proclaims in this the promise of its state. O eloquent ruins! your plea is writ Where sacred humanity trains its wit: The Master Spirit of the realms on High Is not unmindful of the crimes anigh. Bui Beula — my Beula! O where is she? O merciful Angels answer my plea ! Ye infinite Beings ! O give me hope That yet she lives, let my vision have scope ; O let me not b'lieve that these ashes curse The ev'ry delicacy breath dared nurse, Her Heavenly grace, her saintly reserve, Her charm and tenderness — life and nerve. The waters sing on their anthems of faith, But my soul is racked with fear's ugly wraith : The painted demons in orgies of rage Have dared to beggar iniquity's page : And murder — and worse — they've gloried in here: O God a-mercy ! is my bride anear ? O give me some circumstance that my love Is safe from the villainy they approve, And that she breathes in her 1 consciousness proud The spirit of freedom that flouts fate's cloud. O all-seeing Providence ! grant my pray'r, [nvesl my reason with 'telligenee rare, The 'telligenee that interprets the deep, That I may read this mystery in keep. T must not allow my thoughts to get thick, My vigils must triumph, my blade 's not sick : The voiceless pines in their solitude loom Like fingers of Nemesis flaunting doom : Some whisperless pulse infringes my mind And tenders assurance of trust in kind, 15 " Accrediting soul's conception divine, The promise of vows that challenge death's sign. O see, a print ! "lis of human — and frail ; Yes, yes — another ; alas, 'tis a trail ! O God it leads to the waters fast by ! But is 't my Beula '( dare I b'lieve mine eye ( O mystic clairvoyance of subtle charm, Enlighten my vigils — my fears disarm ! O can it be she is slumbering now, And the hush of the deep smoothes down her brow ? And all her dreams of the morrow are o'er, And all her glory is shattered of score ? Her sacred allegiance to life and love Eternity seals in the blight from 'bove ? O ! torture my senses no more, damned fate ! I'll not believe the evidence in trait. The hours grow heavy ; my spirit 's at bay ; The cravings of love grow wild in their sway ; Each haunt is charged with visions of my bride, But naught accredits her wandering wide ; The vested, conceptions of hope grow cold, And sorrow is menacing mind's own hold ; The fastnesses of grim nature refuse The ev'ry turn of my reason for news, And seem to mock at my helpless despair. Rebuking the consolation of pray'r : The pangs of certainty methinks are less Than tortures of fears' misgivings in guess. The day is waning ; the fragrance of morn Is bastardized in the shadow of scorn ; The veil of mystery like drowsing time Is flourishing down eternity's rhyme, And ev'ry intimation of the day Is sealed in the perfidy of fate's play. But. list — a. voice ! And plaintive in its wail ; But solitude triumphs like doom's detail: From yonder bosom of waters it broke, But night's distempers the challenge revoke: Methinks 'twas Beula's — yes, yes, as I swear! But doubly faint — too faint to charge the air. But stay, behold ! a canoe steals abroad, Like apparition down the realms of fraud ; It grows from the depths of witchery's haunt, And ev'ry wish of my spirit's in want; It fades away o'er the waters of gloom, And toward von shore where royalists loom. 10 " O God ! a feeling — I know not its kind — Is waking my consciousness from the blind, And thrilling my ev'ry sinew and nerve, Confirming the vision I'm loth to serve ; My soul 's aflame with the love and the faith, New born in the whispering of night's wraith ; Vitality challenges fate's regime, And life's true impulse responds 'as in dream. O, dare I think that the stealthy canoe, Coincident with this feeling in brew, Is pertinent to my mission of love, And that its destiny ordains my move? The spell is dominant, and goads my brain Like visitation of frenzy in rein ; It seems to defy the limits of mind Like shadow of medium unrefined. By God ! I'll answer it, even if Hell Is editing ev'ry touch of the spell: I fain would challenge the whispers so weird, But ugly despair my craving has smeared ; I know not if aught of evil is nigh ; However, I'll credit the witching sigh : Ye militant voices of doom ! I come ; The hazards of the night seem out of plumb." VII. So saying, he plunges and breasts the wave, Like one who mocks at a watery grave ; He rides rough-shod the bosom of the deep, And mans the current, his mission to keep ; The lisping waters seem to urge him on, As though half conscious of the vows in pawn : Each menace that speaks in the scowl of fate But flourishes false to nature's estate, And night's extravagance like zeal accurst Is bastardized in the shadows reversed. But onward he rides, .aud his steed proves true, And his are the spurs the current pursue ; The fixed resolve of his will is in range, And ev'ry sinew is keyed to the change; The lamps of limpid immensity burn Like beckoning vigils of sacred turn ; While wand'ring zephyrs soft reveries plead, 17 Indulging the lisp of angels decreed, And soothing psalms of the genius of hope Bequeath their confidence like breath in scope. Indeed, he welcomes the struggle, the chance, And up the flood of the waters' advance ; And now he studies the haunts next the shore, And tries to confirm the vision before; The tangled brush and the woods stultify His ev'ry effort — but his thoughts reply ; The pregnance of destiny flaunts in vain Its cursed mockery of witching strain : He searches each fastness with eye and soul, But gloom's distempers yawn deep in control ; He craves the vigil of the saints above, And begs the blessing of the God of love; He goads his spirit, and he reads the deep, But naught confesses the fate that's asleep. From yonder camp where the royalists gage Anew tlie glory of history's page There wander the smothered echoes of strife, The muffled thunder of the curse of life. The militant specter of sinewed steel Is ciphering ev'ry stir of night's weal, As back and forth in his sov'reignty grim He studies the shore and solitude dim. But Tyrlow observes the sentinel's range, While faith's surveillance grows eerie and strange Unholy vicissitudes mock at breath And whisper the weird forebodings of death: But vested conceptions of love divine Repudiate ev'ry purpose malign. He hazards approach to a hidden cove, And stealthy his daring as shadows move: The rippling waters sing their hymns of cheer, And ev'ry promise assures his career. But what was that ? was it rifle's mad growl ? Or challenge of Hell's extravagance foul ? It rent asunder the garb of th e night, And spit its frenzy like destiny's blight : The stillness becomes all pregnant with crime, And incidents waken the voice of time; 'Tis as the onslaught of doom in its hiss, And death is the specialty of its kiss. ■ But Trylow stops short — and his brow is torn — And life's sacred ooze like shadow of scorn 18 Is clotting his vision, and blasting Hell Is gloating in all its cursedness fell : He grabs at the water, and madly so, But all seems vain as the fancies below ; He twists and turns as in agony wild, And fate and its vengeance seem reconciled ; He struggles and clutches at ev'ry wave, But chance seems foul 'gainst the yawn of the grave ; He's drifting ail-aimlessly with the flow, And life's expression seems fatal in glow : The ev'ry conception of hope grows faint, And eye's proud spirit is charged with the taint : The grip of destiny is tight'ning fast, And consciousness grim seems alone in cast : The sweet, rich fragrance of love and of faith Is gone to its doom like evil's foul wraith. O God ! he sinks — yes, he's gone — all is o'er ; Eternity's veil wafts his breath before; The hush of Heavenly slumber is his, And ev'ry ache of the World is amiss. But stay, O now see! again he appears: Ye Angels of mercy, forget your tears ! Now this way, now that, he turns and he twists, The spark of his soul refusing death's mists : His spirit absorbs from the sacred deep Some inspiration 'gainst evil's dark sweep : But onward he drifts, his sorrows forgot, Existence alone prescribing his lot; The waters half seem to buoy up his soul, Despite the dragnet of doom in control : The desperate flutter of grim despair Espouses again life's creed and its care: The triumph of blasted hope is a-dawn, But doom's vicissitudes forswear the spawn : The heavens on high are lowering fast, And fate's wild shadows are cursing the past. His senses as yet are palsied and blind, But spirit is slowly charging the mind ; He seems to arouse from his mortal ache, And ev'ry pulse is as dream in its wake; His struggles now shade into purpose grim, And he studies each shore, but all is dim ; He stares and he stares, but all is a blank. The waters alone his confidence thank ; The reins of consciousness are tight'ning fast, 19 And eye's proud faith is as prophecy's cast ; His hope asserts its privilege supreme, While heart's prerogative, love's holy dream, Is manifest in the vigils divine, That flourish in spiritual pulse and sign. He hesitates to abandon his course, For soulful promptings are gathering force ; His feelings interpret poor Beula's fate, And dreadful visions her sorrows relate; He knows the fiendishness of Mohawk rage, Likewise the passions and lust of the age; The awful misgivings like torture grim Invest his spirit' and challenge doom's whim. Again he starts for the haunts of yon shore, Obeying the voice of the soul once more; But all his efforts, though sinewed supreme, Seem heavily weighted like life in dream ; And each conceit of the resolute will Now flashes in vain its dominant thrill. But list! the curse of destiny again Spits mystery's growl in hissing profane: 'Tis sentinel's challenge ; and Tyrlow's cheek Is scratched by the missile of lightning streak. O, must he abandon his mission here, Submit as the cowardly wretch of fear — Defeated — humiliated — and curst ? Yes; all this — and more: consider the worst. Consult with the terrible fancies brewed From out the 'nitiative of love's mood, And realize ev'ry craving and start As but hysteria's function in smart: While Beula in all her innocence now. However her fate, seems torn from his brow. The promise of heart's sweet fragrance and breath Is blasted and racked like the mask of death. But Beula abandon \ O God forbid ! The dreams of his soul refuse to be hid : Ee listens to ev'ry voice of the deep, And begs for the hope her spirit would keep. He swears by the sov'reignty of this life, However the challenge of war's grim strife. By ev'ry vow of his faith and his creed, By all the whispers of spiritual plead. By ev'ry blessing of the God on High. By ev'ry flourish of Heavenly sigh, 20 And by the promise of angels above To be triumphant in the game of love. The call to freedom and righteousness grand, In all the sanctity of hope's command, That beckons each patriot's nerve and brain To nullify tyranny's bastard reign, Asserts anew the purpose of life's vow, And challenges ev'ry shade of his brow : 'Tis dominant as the breath of the air, And all-creative of visions most rare, The visions that dare to inflame the soul, To 'stablish humanity's sacred role. His spirit responds, and consciousness sore Obeys the beckoning, howe'er the score. The desperate goading of love yet sways His ev'ry feeling, but will is in phase; He comprehends now the creed 1 of the mind, The heritage of man's wisdom defined, And liberty's vigil in terms of faith Repudiates destiny's haunting wraith. He steadies each effort of life anew, Abiding the menace of time's review: He makes for the shore, resigning the trail, But resolute that his pledge shall not fail : Yet slowly he turns, .as balking at doom, While mystery's license shades deep in gloom : The hell-charged solitudes now mock his pride, And' flout ambition's conceptions aside, Like sloughing distempers' or blighting breath, And nature's promise seems the blend of death : His sinews grow weak, the strain of the role Is 'ginning to rack the grip of his soul ; The sway of his vitals is on the wane, And spirit assurance appears profane ; He struggles .and struggles, but yet afar The shore seems dizzy — and painful his scar; His strength and his glory are failing fast, While nerve's grand stamina is clotting east; The voice of his consciousness rings yet true, But each fresh effort is as dragnet new : 'Tis as the yawning of evil's abyss, Where ev'ry conceit vows 'ternity's kiss. O, must life's vigil be closed in the shroud — The bosom of waters so true and proud ? And must the incidents of mortal ken 21 w4 sealed in the witchery of night's pen ? And this the goal of the genius of youth, Where freedom and love are the dregs, forsooth ? The 'nitiative of destiny grim Is fashioning here its travesty dim : It seems to summon the shadows of doom, That life and its glory might now illume. But Tyrlow refuses to yield the ghost, For vested existence yet flaunts its boast ; He twists and turns in the throes of despair, And flounders madly devoid of hope's care; The call of his spirit appears now stale ; The phantom of the deep unfolds its veil. O all-wise Providence ! endow 7 his sway, Invest his soul with the the breath and the play Of life's recuperative master) 7 , Revitalize consciousness and its plea ! But see — he startles like one from a dream ; And blasted sinews — exhaustion's regime — And shattered spirit and vital decay Shake off the lethargy — the soul 's in sway : The touch of some sweet whisper from Above Has kindled anew 1 the spark of his love, And fired the flame of the fervor divine, Imbuing vitality's rhythm in fine. He mans the merciless challenge of fate, And rides the waters like triumph in state : He shakes the smothering curse of the world From off his spirit — and glory 's unfurled : A flourish of confidence lights his brow, And ev'ry instinct seems dominant now : The crude paralysis exhaustion nursed Is sealed in the ritual doom rehearsed. The shore grows bold, and the flush of his breath Rebukes the beggarly specter of death. But see ! his efforts start wild in extreme, Like spirit's collapse 'gainst destiny's scheme ; He paws at the waters, he grabs at space, He clutches at shadows of fancied grace ; He struggles and craves for air — and for air; The last, worn vigils of nature seem bare ; His sinews no more respond to his gage; Despair is clotting the dream of his rage ; The boasted sov'reignty of soul 's at bay; The mocking vengeance of the night 's in play: 22 The demons of Hell are hissing their cheer A ii< I cursing the unctuous breaths anear. Alas, for the shore ! O God ! can he win I Can racked existence balk death and its grin I O can he accomplish the goal ere doom Sniffs out the spark that's flickering in gloom? The sacred mystery of life in clay, The spirit pulse and its vision of day, The sweet aroma and fragrance of love, The blessing Divinity nursed Above, The function of righteousness and its creed And ev'ry promise the morrow would seed — Are done for — and o'er ; he's sinking — and fast ; Eternity's hush is soothing the past ; The heritage of existence is o'er — God ! lie makes it — the shore, O the shore ! VIII. The rasping of steel in its wildest rage, The flashing of lightning's vengeance in gage, The spitting of Hell's malignancy foul, The cursing and gnashing of fiends a-growl. The frenzy of musketry charged with hate, The death-dealing hiss that stultifies fate, The spit of venom in flourish of doom, The mad distempers of malice abloom, The groans of the struggle of life and death. Of tyranny's challenge 'gainst freedom's breath, The onslaught of squadrons in wild assault Like visions of sleep that mock at world fault, The desperate stealth of the bands of Hell, The steel-shod vigils of savagery fell, The fixed battalions that hurl back the charge And flaunt defiance to hirelings at large, The screech of the rifle, the cannon's roar, The blasted sinews that tension no more, The shattered brows of the torn and the ill, The dreamless sleepers who answer no thrill, The patriots true to the trust from High, The warriors the God of the Eight would try, The grip of despair, the pulse of the soul, The sway of the spirit that flouts control, The gasping sobs and the echoes of life. 23 The fatal hazards of the gag© of strife And ev'ry challenge of steel against steel, However grim destiny shapes its weal, And ev'ry indulgence of frenzied spite, — All, all are hushed in the witch'ry of night. Burgoyne and his nourishing bands .of fate Are shattered and broken like i dJ*alat grief's command ! And then — I swear it ! each breath of this clay Shall consecrate 'gainst the world and its way The vows of his love, the grace of his soul, Till death's weird specter aserts its control : And yon brute Tory shall never profane Nor e'en once question the trust I'll maintain. But till the palsy of doom and its clot I swear my 'legiance to Tyrlow — and lot!" She manifests now no init'rest, no care; Her thoughts seem merged in the myst'ry of air : And now she sobs and she sighs and she grieves, And her heart beats quick and her bosom heaves : She seems to live but. in imagery's gage, For prison existence forgets its page: And now she turns from the window and seeks The miserable couch whose spell bespeaks The reminiscence of sorrows untold, And her lips grow set as a statue's cold: She recks not the garb of destiny grim, But steadies her nerve 'gainst doom and its whim : The soothing beams of the moon now appear, And tender their whispers 'gainst morbid fear, Encouraging with their eloquence true 35 Her ev'ry vigil 'gainst doubt land its brew : Her thoughts are with her affianced, and night But typifies constancy's rhythm aright: And now she prays for his glory, his life, And for his triumph 'gainst tyranny's strife: The mocking incidents of fate are past, And all seems hushed in the air of her cast: She prays, and she prays, and consciousness now Is 'ginning to yield the vigil of brow; And slumber's .aroma steals o'er her breath, And fashions her spirit like film of death, Disintegrating each sorrow and sigh, Yet consecrating each vision a-nigh: She sleeps — and beauty's divinity tints Her ev'ry expression in innocence, Suffusing the grandeur of life's conceit With Heavenly faith, and in dreams complete: Ah, yes — she sleeps ; and the bloom of her soul Reflects the penciling, of love's control. XL 'Tis midnight now, and the shadows of doom Grow doubly desperate, and scowl and fume: A nerve-racking dreariness stalks abroad, And solitude beggars the realms of fraud : Intemperate sighs start Horicon's breast, Like whispers of evil flaunting night's jest: Disheveled specters of witchery grim Peer forth from the depths like ogres in whim : The heavens grow pregnant iand 'gin to groan, And weird distempers now flourish full-blown : The eery mutterings of fate yawn deep, And violate ev'ry fastness asleep: Now desperate hissing rides down each breath, Usurping the whims of the gage of death ; And blinding flashes of lightning accurse The ev'ry promise the moments rehearse: The lanterns eternity fixed on high Are lost in the thickening of the sky, And wand'rer's heritage, the beacon true, Is snuffed and done for, nor flickers anew : The thunderbolts rack the hovel, the sod, And tear the balsams like evil rough-shod, 3G Stampeding the ev'ry creature of night, And goading the adder to sudden fright: The scowling heavens now vomit their slime, And spit their frenzy like cauldrons of crime — The madd'ning torrents of wind and of rain Sweep on like some wild deluge of the main, And lash the staggering wilderness here, And flout existence with its pledge of cheer : The troughs of the infinite depths rage on, And awful disturbances heave and yawn : The storm grows wilder, the fangs of despair Refute the prophecy nature would share ; And ev'ry pregnane© of hope and its lot Is as delirium of mind distraught : The maelstrom of destiny, foul of sway, Flaunts not its savagery of spleen in play More ugly than elements of the air; And awful tremors unbosom doom's fare: The witching ravines and the heights fast by But seem to aggravate the storm's deep cry: The flood-gates of terror, too, froth and steam. And life's conception is as fen's far gleam : Xow mingled jeers of derision and spite Wake out of the depths of the madd'ning night, As though the fiends of the clouds curse this clime, In furtherance of destruction and crime. But, stay — what shadow presumes to wander? What specter of evil dares to ponder? 'Tis as some earthless spirit of the deep, As on it stealthily fashions its sweep: It trespasses down the wilderness wild, Defying the storm like some angel child ; Yes, into the heart of the tempest it strays, Accepting the challenge despite doom's craze: The solitude seems like an open book, For onward it trips, nor balks at a nook : The great unfathomed thickets of despair ISTow ope their mystery, fate's garb is bare: The flash from on high but seems to assure, In its awful grandeur, these depths secure : The clouds are pursing their sulphurous brows, And awful gnashing hell's vigil avows. But on and on the shadow is stealing, Like skulking savage, scarce night revealing; It studies no path, it begs no suspense. 37 But steady and sure like spirit of sense: Now out of some ugly ravine it looms, But only to challenge the wilder glooms : The storm is lashing with, frenzy tenfold, But onward it wends, refuting doom's hold : The mad artillery of night still roars, While ravenous winds accredit death's scores: But yet yon form in its wandering now Betrays no feature of sex or of brow. Perchance, 'tis miscreant bent on some deed, Whose desperate reckoning hell decreed : Or else some innocent, hollow of brain, Who knows not grievance of spirit or pain : Or else some refugee, answering hope, Coercing existence 'gainst doubts that cope. The storm-fury lashes and froths, but nay — The shadow prevails, grim fate is at bay: The torrents spit forth their venom and spleen, But naught debauches the specter's routine: And deeper and deeper its trail is gaged, And faith's proud rhythm is the blessing unpaged. But now the thunders of the depths grow faint, The frenzied torrents no longer acquaint The demons of destiny to their charge, And mocking echoes are merged in night's marge: The desperate solitudes of the land Half seem to placate the terrors at hand. But hush — some voice, some whispering appeal Starts forth from the depths — - and human of weal Not angel expression invests the air More tender of plea, more sacred in pray'r. " O infinite God ! interpret my dream, Secure to my soul the hopes I esteem, And let my consciousness throb with Thy grace. That I may contemplate life and its pace! The awful thunders that palsy the brain, Ay, more, the torrents of wind and of rain Are sweeter to me and the thoughts I feel Than sheltering den of royalty's seal. But Tyrlow, my love! where are you now \ I dare to refute the Tory's wild vow, That death and its awfnlness clots your brow: This very night in my sleep at yon den You whispered my spirit, and swore again Undying constancy, and tuned my heart " To all the ecstasy passion could start ; You charged my sinews and fashioned my mind, You bade me take counsel and be not blind; You signaled the star of the West to me, You voiced the prophecy of love's true plea; You credited ev'ry pulse of my faith, You mocked at despair and destiny's wraith. I followed your bidding e'en as I woke, And from the vigils of the squaw I broke While merciful sleep was gaging her eyes, And here I wander, but as yet unwise : The whispers of solitude mock my zeal, And flout as wanton the sorrows I feel : The harrowing fears of savagery grim, The yawning torments of Tory's mad whim, The crude suspicions that gnaw at the sense- When night and loneliness debauch suspense, The vagrant delusions of spirit charm, And all the witcheries of mortal harm Are gathering o'er my confidence now, And mine 's the consciousness the fates endow. O all-seeing Master of love, of life ! Is Tyrlow dead, is he cold to the strife? Must I abandon my mission and trust, The ev'ry promise 'gainst doom and its lust, And here submit to the whelps of the deep, And thank their curses, if my breath should keep ? bastard despair, how pregnant your leer! How damnably wicked your death-tuned cheer! How hellish the glee your mastery turns! What, devilish mischief your creed concerns ! 1 dare not go back — I dare not remain — I must go on, yes, on — nor once complain : The rough underbrush like talons of spite, Too, tears at my eyes and scoffs at my plight: The glory of the world, the pulse, the breath Of soulful confidence that mocks at death, And all the whispering of spirit bliss When heart's aflame from the glow of love's kiss, Are seemingly torn from my book of life, And now I drift where the curses seem rife: I wander at random a down the storm, Unconscious at times of the earthly form : My tried vitality now wilts and fades, My nerves are palsied, my spirit parades 30 " Iu spectral fancy, and! desperate pride Is slowly and surely drifting atide: The tender emotion that buoyed my soul, The Heavenly blessing of faith in role, Is snapping asunder like strand's of steel When seismic grievance flaunts nature's appeal. can it be that the dream plays me false ? 1 can nut think it; it beckons, it calls. see! now the star of the West appears: Away, distempers — unsavory tears ! The storm abates and the heavens grow deep, And solitude softens the whims of sleep. Yes, Tyrlow, I come. Ye curses of doom. Ye ills of the world, however ye bloom, Are meant for bosoms benighted and frail, Where love refuses to whisper its tale! My Tyrlow still lives — I swear it, O God ! My vision and my faith transcend vile sod : 1 feel the dominant sway of his soul ; My nerves are kindling afresh with control ; The smouldering fibers of spirit wake And slough off the palsy of mortal ache ; My wasted vitality — ■ sinews — all ►Start doubly responsive at vision's call : The soft gray glimmers of the dawn now steal, And mine 's the grandeur of hope and its weal : I dare to challenge, repudiate, spurn The ev'ry menace the solitudes turn. So here farewell, ye memories of fear, Ye wilderness of despair now a-smeiar! Farewell to yon den of sorrow and wrong ! Farewell to royalty's evil in song! O hail to the breath of liberty's dawn ! And hail tenfold to the glory that's on ! O Tyrlow, I come — and Heaven above Attest the triumph of the vows of love!'' XII. She trips now onward with buoyancy true, And ev'ry vigil of her soul starts new; And toward the star of the West she wends, Regardless of menacing shades and ends : The dazzling jewels of the vault on high 40 Are 'ginning to silver and wane and die : The morn looks in from yon heavens afar, And sniffs at the challenge of mortal war : The doom-laden incidents of the night Are blending their witchery with the light: The rhythm of nature in fervor divine Speaks out in the dawn of promise benign, And wakening whispers of the morrow Indulge no unctuous whim or sorrow. But on she steadies like genius supreme, Rebuking the doubts of danger's regime; The hazards of life but tension her trust, And consciousness scoffs at fate and its lust : She credits the pregnant conceits of time. And ev'ry illusion betrays its rhyme: The varying mockeries of the earth No longer protest grim destiny's worth. The star of the West grows false to the trail, But hers is the purpose that knows not fail : The soul-tearing grievance of night is o'er, And hers is the triumph of heart's sweet score: The grandeur of woman's proud nature spurns The dragnet of wisdom's logical turns, Bui like an electric halo on high It thrills to the love that never can die. Xo wayward timidity balks her zeal, Each pulse of her being rings true as steel: She seems as fixed to the voice from within As the bloom to the rose it saves from sin : Xo errant conception of dream o'erdone Darqs question the faith her senses enthrone ; Nor desperate fancies affront her mind ; There's naught but constancy's imagery blind : And love's omnipotence like rhythm of life Transcends the miseries of earthly strife. Now far and wide with the sands of the glass She tenders her presence — and dangers pass : And now she comes to a whispering stream, Whose waters suggest the spirit's regime. The minist'ring eloquence blest of hope, And w r akening breaths chant mystery's scope; She lists, but the murmurs transcend her soul Like sacred symphony in touch and role: However, the echoes voice trust supreme, And confidence smiles as the ripples beam. 41 She follows the strains of the crystal sighs, And each avowal reflects in her eyes ; She traces her path through fields where the sod Half seems to strengthen the pledge of her God ; She gathers new inspirations 'gainst doubt In wandering whispers now hereabout, While soothing notes of the harp of glory Repudiate ev'ry dread and worry : The pulsings of destiny, grim and cold, Seem merged in the fragrance of morn grown bold, And ev'ry shadow of sorrow or fear Is brushed aside as some blemish austere : The mystic divimity love acclaims Has fashioned out prophecy's creed and aims; So maudlin conceptions of blighted troth Forget the sanctity of woman's oath. She trips o'er the green like nymph of the stream, With ev'ry certainty the thoughts esteem ; Accrediting ev'ry charm of the land, As incidents flourish at day's command : She brooks no weakening, nor falters now, But tenders the cognizance of her vow; Through ugly woods where the eyes seem undone, And into the brush where misery's spun, She goads her spirit like angel of faith, Rebuking the menace of hounds 1 mad breath ; The steady affirmance of mind rings true, And now she trespasses, but sinews brew No longer that fervor of zest and air, Begotten of heart's vivacity rare; The vested assurance of love's conceit Begins to flag, but her vigils entreat Obedience to the voice of the dream, However the destiny of its scheme. But note, what witchery presumes to foil Her sacred sov'reignty adown the soil ? What balks the challenge of constancy proud ? What baffles her 'legiance like nerves half cowed ? Alas, 'tis nature ! Vitality's bond Is strained to the full, and shadows respond Where glory's heritage was wont to tint The ecstasies sung in spir'tual print: Anxiety's seriousness yawns deep, And confidence tensions its fervid sweep ; The buoyancy of her soul in its phase, The charge of the spirit, the faith, the praise, Are slowly yielding to the whims of life, 42 Where vital energies forget their strife: Her steps grow feeble, her efforts are sore, And ev'ry goading of the will seems o'er : The promise of hope still beckons her quest, But earthly vitality wilts unblest; The weird mirage of her vision and aim Is merged in destiny's function and game: Her trust is waning, the garb of despair Is clotting her brow in sorrow and care, While desperate pride, the voice of her soul, Is straining, but vainly, to gage the goal : Exhaustion is mocking her ev'ry sway, And misery's trials debauch the day : The augury of grim fate is ahead, And all her vows are as whispers unsaid. A blasted fir now succors her glory, And forms her couch 'gainst the ills that worry; And deep within next a thicket of gloom, Fast by where waters seem lisping to doom, She yields to nature and its stern decree, While wandering fancies usurp hope's plea: Her ev'ry vigil is drowsy and dull, And stealthy incidents her thoughts annul : Her consciousness thickens, her eyes grow faint, And ev'ry pulse of her core shows the taint. Yes, sleep, the infinite drug to the soul, The soothing essence that fashions life's goal, Ts wafting its sacred aroma now, Ljike twilight's imagery, about her brow, And disillusioning the pangs of grief, While reconciling her purpose in chief. An air of divinity, charged with faith. Suffuses her features and charms her breath. Proclaiming the triumph of spirit love, However the earthly conceits thereof. The warmth of Heavenly eloquence speaks From out the innocence that tints her cheeks, And blesses her dark rich beauty and grace In all the glory of an angel's face. Her lips like portals to the world of hope Attention the rhythm, the tenor, the scope Of nature's surveillance, and cares divine Respond in the flourish of dreams benign. The fragrance of sweet eternity glows Afore the sanctity of love's pure rose, And vital pulsations of nerve and heart Are but the Eolian notes that start. 43 XIII. The garb of day's expectancy borrows The pregnant illusion of the morrows. And twilight's mystery like film of fate Is menacing ev'ry haunt and estate : The fitful activities of the mind Seem merged in the lethargy of the blind, And earthly ambitions of human pride Forget the strenuousness of their stride : The stealthy gathering of gloom yawns deep, And serious solitude, gaged to sweep, Is smothering ev'ry phase of the land, "While vast immensity's glow-worms expand. Yes; twilight's shadows are focusing low, And night's weird witchery but mocks time's How The queen of the heavens rides down the east, Revealing the challenge the depths released : The sacred traditions and deeds of love Are bastardized in the stillness above: No vestige of man now functions his spite, Nor flaunts his defiance to mask of night : The hollow misgivings of hope and faith Are cursed in the scowl oi destiny's wraith : And ev'ry prophecy of mortal brain But whispers perdition's unholy strain. But stay, O see, yon thicket is alive ! It throbs responsive to mystery's hive ; It beggars the touch of solitude grim, And flourishes with hell's mischief or whim: Unholy specimens of mortal clay, Two wand'ring shadows of desperate sway, Xow start into view, like whelps of the deep. And challenge the mastery of night's sweep : Their rifle and blade, all gaged for the breath. But whisper the reveille of cold death : They study each turn, they sniff at the air, And scrutinize ev'ry thicket threadbare, As following some queer frenzy of mind, Or answering infamous vow less blind : They question the weird credentials of gloom, The sov'reignty time rhymed off in her womb, And feel for the pulse of fate and its creed, But night's perversity attunes no deed, And naught affirms their vigils or their stealth, But solitude and its pregnance of wealth : 44 The genius of evil applauds their role, Indulging their ev'ry purpose and goal : They 'terpret each echoless sigh about, And read new confidence like dream-nursed scout From ev'ry haunt and the mask of the sod, For hope's conception is the pledge they nod : The lisp of destiny, in terms of doom, Too, seems to beckon the efforts they groom : They scowl and they leer, they crouch and they grope. But mystery's garb prevails in its scope, And time's vicissitudes appease not now The subtlety and the play of their brow: The craft of their mission, though charged with spleen, Runs counter to earth's abortive routine, And clime's proud heritage, the grace of faith, Responds in the witchery of night's wraith. The distant murmurs of life and of death, The challenge of tyranny, mad of breath, 'Gainst freedom and righteousness and their charm, Where rasping steel reverberates alarm. But grate as spurious echoes of chance .Is 'gainst the promise that sways their advance — ■ The call to honor, the plea of the heart, Is fouled in the mockery of their start. But onward they steal, now cursing the night Like demons of hell, or felons of spite; And goading each sinew to flout the trail They tear each fastness, however cares fail : Now into the brush, like adders of slime, They fashion their course of mischief or crime; While night's distempers prorogue, and with zest, The mask of destiny, the gage unblest. The heavens begin to shade off adeep, And darkness seems clutching at time's grim sweep ; The morbid intelligence of the world. As uttered in morrow's conceits unfurled, Usurps no more the seriousness fate Identified iin life's function and state. Yes ; night is 'ginning to fade and to wane, And nature's assurance, like conscious pain, Is tendering readjustment .of tone, And incidents welcome the night o'erthrown. But see, the wand'rers are lost to the eye, And yon dense thicket responds to no sigh; The ugly depths but stultify the aim Of mortal dominance as fancy's claim : 45 The eloquence and the purpose of doom Protest in vain 'gainst the waning of gloom ; But naught accredits or comprehends now The drift of their trail, the mask of their brow : The voice of solitude invests the clime While life seems merged in the annals of time The vested stillness of the night 's yet on, But man's perversity is hushed and gone. XIV. Ye gods of the deep ! what startles the ear ? What blasts the senses like palsy's career ? What racks the solitude and flouts the deep, Like merciless doom in menacing sweep I What violates ev'ry fastness and turn, Discrediting man and all his concern ? What beggars the consciousness of the soul, Usurping the function of terror's role ? What curdles the reason and clots the brain, Like death's grim message in triumph profane? What flash of the storm-charged fury from high Precipitates here such wail and such cry ? Alas ! 'tis the shriek of anguish — and mad, The burst of some soul most wretched and sad : 'Tis harrowing as the torture of hell, And life's last gasping seems rhymed in its spell. could it have been the call of some brave In mortal combat, defying the grave ? Or some lone wand'rer afar from his path, The prey of the wolves' wild hunger and wrath ? Or could it have been the curse of some fiend, In sneering mockery like adder screened ? But all is still — yes, silent as the tomb; No mystery flaunts, nor shadows illume : The morn is sifting, tho faintly as yet, Its sacred aroma o'er t)ime's regret, And heavens' deep grandeur like breath divine Is softening out gloom's evil malign : The etchings of twilight grow bold and free. And day's 1 new promise yawns vital in plea. But whose was that voice in agony wild. Like vow of some spirit unreconciled ? 1 see, yon thicket awakes from its sleep! Tt starts into being like fate's weird sweep ; 4G It seems to stagger like creature of life, As apprehensive of mystery rife: Unholy commotion like phase of doom Disorders the rhythm of the mask of gloom. Behold! two forms, all desperate of mien, — ■ The one of Mohawk activity keen, The other of menacing start and scowl — Now dominate yonder thicket a-foul, And stultify ev'ry grace of the morn, Rebuking the fervor of day with scorn : They brush aside the sanctity of earth, And flaunt their regime of infamous worth. But who, or what their mission or their gage? What grievance of destiny stirs their rage ? But list, now he of the menacing brow Responds to the mystery of morn's vow, And fashions the visitation of fate, And edits the purpose his cares debate, In sneering utterance of measured tone, Addressing an object of seeming stone: k, Aha . ! damned wanton — vile wretch of the night! You Ye come to grief like some culprit affright ; You Ye run the gamut of a conscience cursed. Of a shameless soul with the faith reversed; And ev'ry pulse of your consciousness now, The heritage of the creed of your brow, Is sullied and mocked at as thing unclean. And yours is the guilt the gods discipline. Yes, desperate maid, your glory we've traced Adown the solitudes' unctuous waste, Interpreting ev'ry phase of your path, While stultifying war's menacing wrath ; And ev'ry whim of your being we know, But credit not now your sorrow or Avoe. You spurned the shelter I tendered to you, And spat at the squaw I charged to be true; You dared the wilds of this infamous night. And triumphed 'gainst storm's mad frenzy and might: 'Tis meet, therefore, in the language of fate, That you return to the haunts of my state. What ! you refuse? yon trifle with my word ? Then learn, bold hussy, the will I've deferred: Where yonder wilds of the ISTortli flout the trail, Fntoucned by war's distemper or its wail, I '11 soothe your spirit and temper your zeal. And fashion the purpose your dreams reveal. 47 " Your cry to the heavens is but blind pride. And ev'ry breath of your nature is wide Of serious anguish or true distress, But all is the mask of spuriousness ; Your feelings, your sorrow, your heart's conceit Are but as shadows the senses complete. Come, Mohawk, let us vitalize our sway, The morn is aflush, with our cares at bay; The challenge of doom is apt to rehearse From some wild thicket the row of its curse : ¥ow study the trail, and each stir relate, Lest we repose on the bosom of fate ; I'll tender her wants and I'll bless her grace, But you, go before and credit the pace." XV. They wander all stealthily down the land, The Mohawk gaging the wilds in command ; They scrutinize ev'ry turn of the clime, And strain at the whispers of mystic rhyme; They flout the sov'reignty of worldly fear, While challenging vigils to care austere; They subsidize pride's allegiance and creed. Indulging the confidence sinews need : The grim resolve of the pulse of a brain, Well used to menacing shadows profane, Confirms the vested conceits of their faith, So apprehensions are as fancy's wraith : ISTo instance of waywardness balks their sway, The grim regime of the spirit 's in play. But hold, what startles the rhythm of the morn ? What edits the vow of destiny's scorn? What shatters the eloquence of this clime, The promised assurance 'gainst vice and crime? What flashes like curse of vengeance malign, Or visitation of hell-laden brine ? Alas ! 'tis doom in its maddened excess, The reveille functioning time's caress; 'Tis death's fell specialty venting its spite. The witchery of eternity's blight : A rifle speaks, and its challenge is deep From yon wild thicket like terror a-sweep : The stealthy Mohawk now writhes as in pain. And he clutches the air, but all seems vaiu ; 48 He staggers, he reels, but his nerve is spent, The resolute will i$ yielding consent; He bites the earth in the frenzy of life, But consciousness 'gins to forfeit the strife; The agony of vitality's strain, Like storm's wild fury when lashing the main, Is slowly exhausting its mortal rage, And ev'ry breath seems astray in its gage : He's wrapped in the silence grim doom confers, And freed from the world and its ills and slurs. But stealthily now, with a cat-like steal, While studying ev'ry turn and it weal, The other wand'rer retraces his path, Accursing the menace of hell-nursed wrath ; He plunges deeper where the woods yawn crude, Proscribing the trails and the hazards lewd; Now towards the north he picks out his way, Like skulking wolf when ferreting its prey: Each whisperless haunt attentions his eye, But naught avails save the fancies that lie : While armed for the fray, his sinews and nerve Half hesitate 'gainst the dangers that serve; His dormant defiance assures his will, Rebuking the doubts the senses instil; The challenge of the depths, however weird, He must accept, and with consciousness geared; The apprehensions that mock at his pride He must repudiate as whims astride, And ev'ry hesitancy of his trust Responds to the purpose his thoughts adjust: Yes, onward he trips, but stealthy as snake, And curbing each mental shadow and ache: The fingers of death that reach for his throat He brushes aside as menace remote, And ev'ry grievance the thickets endow Seems neutralized in the scowl of his brow : The hours are trespassing, and now they fade, But his is a confidence undismayed. XVI. " Halt, by God ! or the infamy of hell Shall minister to your vision — and well ! A voice commands at a break in the deep, And a rifle frowns its pregnance of sweep ; While he 's of hunter apparel and role 49 Who startles the wand'rer's eye and control. " "What damnable mystery goads your nerve To challenge the destiny wilds reserve % What charges your spirit to trespass here, Where savagery flourishes palsy's cheer ? So come, your purpose, the mission you crave ? Or doom's grim blasphemy shall wake the grave I Away, with your gun ! Five steps to the rear — - Be quick, or death's intelligence shall queer ! Too, what is that form you bosom so close, As fearing the shadows the depths engross ? But give me no perfidy of the heart, Or instant vengeance of the gods shall start ! The cast of your eye, the stealth of your tread Repudiate innocence — come, what 's said?" " This form is mine by the blessing of Him, Who fashions destiny's triumph and whim." The wand'rer replies. " 'Tis that of my wife, Whom I must guard 'gainst the savagery rife: Our destination is her mother's home, Fast by where the waters of Champlain foam : We know not mischief nor evil's address, Nor aught of purpose but seriousness : Our beggarly pride and desperate hope Presiune to challenge these wilds and their scope. I swear by the Spirit of God on High That naught of witchery of mind or eye, Nor furtive conception of. wrong or fraud Profanes the mission my vigils applaud !" " Your ev'ry assertion rings true to life, And well your spirit responds to the strife." The hunter replies. " But whence came you here ? And what allegiance do your thoughts revere ? These villainous depths, with savagery tried, Methinks yawn free to the drift of your stride : Then, too, that form, tho' bosomed 'gainst the call Of fate's distemper, seems to spurn the shawl. Some mystic intelligence, weird and dim, Begins to whisper its pregnance of whim, That now my spiritual function and trust Affirms suspicion, however unjust, And haunting impressions of doubt assail The verity of your speech and your tale. Then, too, what specialty of motive nursed Your Mohawk comrade who 's sleeping accursed ? Remove these inconsistencies and fate 50 " Acquits your mission, and credits your state. " " I know not the weird misgivings of air, Nor the morbid whispers these depths compare.'' The wand'rer replies. " My course and my zeal Are solely controlled in sorrow's appeal: grievous moments that mock at our lot! Her mother lies bleeding with life distraught ; The spark of her spirit perchance ere this Is hushed in the breath of 'ternity's kiss: The deep affliction convulses her frame, And all her nerves are unsettled of aim ; While ev'ry grace of her privacy now Takes on distemper's undisciplined vow : No man interprets my fervor of faith At love's holy shrine, nor mocks at my breath ; The blessings of heart's divinity speaks A hundred vows in her eyes and her cheeks ; Her sighs and her tears, her sobs and her moans Begin to unman — like agony's groans — My calloused senses and my hardened heart, That now my feelings disorder my start. From nigh Schenectady far to the west We've held our trail, and at sorrow's behest: My 'legiance is to the patriot cause ; 1 know not royalty's claim or its laws: The Mohawk hound was my captive and guide, Whom I enfranchised to fashion my stride. The ugly incidents of fate transcend Our ev'ry assurance of time's amend, And solitude flaunts its menace and spite, While hope's conception is racked as with blight. I'd rather invite the torments of hell, The scourge of doom's own veritable spell, Than verify heart's sore purpose and quest And reason out sorrow's prescriptive test." " But pardon, wand'rer," the hunter replies, 1 'Tis not my challenge to tear at your eyes; INTor is it my wish to mock at your fate, iSTor e'en to question affliction's sore state; The spurious echoes that lisp their creed Are but as dream's histeria, indeed : The pulse of your resolute will strikes deep. Conserving the sanctity of life's keep ; And liberty's heritage dares proclaim The mastery of your mission and aim : The terrors of destiny, cold and grim, 51 " You well confront, as you measure hope's whim: But ever the 'nitiative of worth, Like benediction of spir'tual birth, Affirms the probity of mortal breath, When stultifying- the hazards of death. 'Tis well you honor the vows of her love, The fragrance celestial from Realms above; For God's own eloquence blesses the plight ( )f woman's devotion as life's true light : 'Tis writ on the page of time — as caressed — - That nature with all its grandeur expressed Bows down to the breath of love and its creed As sung from the heart of woman, indeed : No earthly ambition rebukes her faith ; No maudlin intelligence flaunts its wraith: The visions that wake humanity's soul And bloom and flourish 'gainst crime and its role Are but the whispers her bosom conceived, And righteousness triumphs where'er she's b'lieved. But, wand'rer, explain; what heart-racking groan Now startles this haunt like torture's deep tone ? 'Tis not the sobbing of sorrow or grief; But more like the pulsing of life in brief : 'Tis 'gainst some merciless goading of doom; Or else 'tis desperate frenzy abloom : 'Tis like the palsy of terror in spell, It chills my marrow, that my thoughts rebel : 'Tis from heir bosom, and death and its curse Is not more awful in its throe averse. " " I swear by the constancy of this life, By the Spirit on High who stills all strife, That desperate grief in its bitter sway Is racking her heart's assurance astray !" The wand'rer replies. " These moments undo My ev'ry effort, and my fears accrue : I flout the damnable vision in vain, That seems to covet her fenzy of brain : It hovers about like doom in its phase, And ev'ry pulse of her bosom it sways : But these are torturing delays I fear. Whose ev'rv touch is as agony near: The exigency of cold fate ordains, In all the specialty of mortal pains, Unceasing pursuance of purpose now, Ere night's grim vigils distemper time's brow: We must pursue with the stealth of despair 52 " — -And ere the grip of our spirit 's threadbare — - Our onward course 'gainst the fastnesses deep, Lest her tried soul be shattered to its sleep. So, hunter, farewell; and your noble air Shall ever be sacred to mem'ry's care: And may the favors of the God on High. Affirm the aim of your mind and your eye, And steady your spirit in ev'ry strife, And further your ev'ry 'enlevement in life!" " Farewell," the hunter replies, " aye, farewell : And may your journey, like the hopes you spell, Be sacred 'gainst menacing scowls of hate, And ev'ry evil be as shadow late : And may the heaviness that clots your heart, The sorrow and grief that palsies life's start, Be doubly anointed and bl&st with grace, The grace the Master assures as solace. But stay, a moment — let me scan her brow, That I may mock at the whispers that 'vow Unholy allegiance to bastard doubt, Defying the eery conceits about ; Let me observe her lineaments true, ]STot that T covet acquaintance or view, But solely to stultify shadows crude, To beggar suspicion's insistent mood : I crave no comprehension of her mind, Tho' premonitions flaunt their charge in kind : But I would learn her sanctity of grief — So come, unveil, let her features be brief." " The privacy of her sorrows of heart, The inner pulses that utter hope's start, Protest 'gainst ev'ry trespass of your wish, And this instinctively in nature's swish." The wand'rer replies. " So pardon default, For destiny's menace rebukes our halt : We should commune with the depths of the North, Confronting the savagery gloom brings forth : We must respond to the call from afar, Forgetting the echoes of hate and war; And, too, ere torturing vigils of death Sniff out the flickering of life and breath. So, friend of the deep, I bid you farewell : The fresh distempers of her brain compel." " Sir, stay — I command !" The hunter replies. 'Tis exigency of grim fate grown wise That challenges now your will and your grief, 53 " And balks the role of your venture in brief : The gage of destiny, however bold, Must beckon in vain 'gainst the card I hold: The mystic whispers seem to grow profane, For now they silence the voice of your pain ; They seem akin to the touch of a dream, Or some far cloud-like surveillance in scheme: The claim of vested necessity greets Not now the attention my mind entreats : So I must scan her lineaments 1 fair, And read the verity her features wear : I crave no usurpation of your right, Nor do I tender annoyance or slight : I brook no spurious function of pride, For mine's a seriousness doubly tried ; The flourishing gravity of grim time Is not more loyal to 'ternity's rhyme. Come, stand at bay — let me learn of her brow ! No wanton fever goads my spirit now : Unfasten that cloak — tear away that hood ! Remember, these depths ne'er humor man's moi d I'll read her features — and promptly, I say ! Your path I cover, lest you heed my sway." " Sir, God in His infinite wisdom blest My special prerogative, faith's true test, In ev'ry lineament of her life, In sealing our union as man and wife." The wand'rer replies. "And she and her grief Must know not stranger's surveillance in brief: 1 must refuse to acknowledge your claim; I'm bound by the Master's decree in aim: I do not defy the quest of your mind, Nor do I affirm the whispers refined : I simply respond to the creed from 'Bove, The providence present in pledge of love. You will not profane the shrine of my faith By urging the whim of some dream-like wraith : You could not respect my manhood and worth. Should I abandan the oath of love's hearth : So I but bow to the Will from on High, Safe-guarding her spirit from fearsi a-nigh." " I comprehend ev'ry pulse of your pride, The duties your oath and your cares confide." The hunter replies. " But mine is a quest No angel from high dares sneer at in jest: 'Tis free from ev'ry suggestion of lust — 54 " And damn the grievance that credits distrust ! Again, I command — unfasten that hood ! The groan is not of sorrow or its mood. What! you refuse? By the spirits of hell! I'll shatter your ev'ry breath and its spell : Come, let me scan her brow — nor answer make; Or doom shall utter its curse and its ache : The shadow of death in desperate plight Is haunting your path like some scourge of night. Tear away that veil ! O God ! what is this ? And she's your wife ? and her mind is amiss ? She 's doubly faint, and her senses seem cold ; But grief's deep pallor plays false to her mold : Her lines are those of frenzy and of hate — I'll learn the truth as her feelings abate: She's stirring like one awaking from sleep, And consciousness visits like zephyr's sweep The pulsing of vital energy now, Rebuking the lethargy dreams endow: Her eyes are 'ginning to answer life's call ; Her bosom is heaving afresh — yes, all. One move on your part, and the kiss of lead Shall clot your brain with the slime of the dead ! Come, fair lady, awake from your sorrow — Let grief be sacred in hopes of morrow ; Arouse from your stupor and sore distress, And plead your purpose, and your thoughts express The why and the wherefore your presence here. Your destination and your cares sincere." " O merciful stranger," she startles now, " Let me not gaze on the cast of his brow ; His villainous spirit has racked my soul — My life and my mind forget their control: 'Tis true, O I swear! For days he has curst My ev'ry craving for the dreams God nursed — The vows I hold inviolate to death — ■ And now he menaces my hope of breath : He sought to dishonor my oath of love By torturing heart's conception thereof Within a dungeon of squalor and gloom, A hovel where hell's damned orgies might bloom ; He tore me away from my sacred haunts, The home of my father, and mocked with taunts My aged sire, his prisoner, forsooth, Till death and its palsy condoned the truth: He scoffed at. my pray'rs for liberty's cause, bi> " And sneered at humanity's code of laws: Yes- — on my soul ! he refused me the air, The air of this clime, God's heritage fair : O I have known the torments of the mind, When ev'ry moment was a dagger blind, And ev'ry image a specter from hell, And ev'ry wish voiced eternity's knell. () take me afar from his ugly sight; Let me go mad — if I'm doomed to his spite; Let me not know the triumph of his love — 'Tis damned and curst by the angels Above: T beg of you, stranger, give me some hope ; let me but learn humanity's scope, The consciousness of devotion's true worth. The heritage sung to the babe at birth : 1 pray to the manhood that trains your eye, O let me enjoy sweet liberty's sigh — Yes, let me go forth, as refugee wild, That freedom be mine of the forest child : O give me not back to his awful spleen. To die in his den as a slave unseen." "How say you, lady?" the hunter replies: " He claims you as wife — ■ and dare I advise?" " What! I'm his wife? May the tortures of hell X'.w curse and destroy this life with its spell - May ev'ry torment of the damned grow wild And blast my spirit as foul and defiled — May ev'ry pulse of my being be torn, Yes, torn in ihe frenzy of doom's mad scorn. If I but dare to submit to his will, Or acquiesce in the promise he'd fill!" She quickly replies. " The scourge of the night Is sweeter to me than the hopes he'd light: My vows arc plighted, and the seal of death Shall clot my heart ere I yield to his breath ; The shade of eternity yawns for me Ere I consider his wish or his plea — Ah ! sweetly it sings its lullaby true, And sorrow's conception forgets its view: The future and all its fragrance of life Seems but a mockery of mortal strife, Where love with its grandeur of Heav 'nly bliss Is bastardized in fate's unctuous kiss: The sanctity of the voice of the soul Xo longer prevails, for crime flaunts its role. O God of the innocent! hear my pray'r — 50 " Approve of my vows to the love I swear — Ordain Thy heritage of freedom grand — Secure to my breath the air of this land — Destroy the misery that racks my brain — Yes, let me credit life's glory again ! But, stranger, say, can I beg, O implore Relief from the evil he has in store ?" " Yes, Benla, I swear!" the hunter replies. " come, let me see the pledge of your eyes — O let me realize the drift of fate, And you in my arms an angel create — Let me assure my consciousness, my mind Of prophecy's dream in the flesh defined — Yes, let me unbosom my pent up love, The passion hallowed in the realms Above. Stand, villainous cur ! the vengeance of hell Is itching to visit your soul — and well ; One effort to move, and the curse of death Shall minister to your pulse and your breath. O Beula, my bride, my vision divine, The hand of the Master approves our sign : O give me your lips, that my heart might feed On the sacred fragrance our God decreed — Again, and again, let me know the thrill, The ecstasy mad of a love grown still." " O Tyrlow — Tyrlow !" now Beula replies, And the tears and feelings convulse her eyes: Nor more she utters; but her bosom sways Like some frail craft down the ocean's mad ways The pent up passion of her love denudes Her consciousness of its aches and its moods, O'erwhelming the vigilance of her brain In all the mystery of soul's sweet pain. "Yes — yes, 'tis true; 'tis my Tyrlow I see: O God let this moment be 'ternity ! The voice of my dream is dawning complete : O breath of my life, this glory I greet ! O triumph of spirit ! O hope new born ! O blessedness sung in the psalms of morn ! O fervor celestial of TTeav'nly gage, The fragrance of immortality's page ! O Tyrlow, my love, yes, dearer than life, Approve of my oath that I'm not his wife; Entrust to my soul again, O again, The sacred solemnity vows ordain, The promise of constancy and of faith. " That 1 may mock at the shadows of death : Yes, let me comprehend morrow anew In life's grand heritage, in love's review, Where ev'ry issue of doubt or despair Is smothered in sympathy's sigh and care, And where the tenderness your smiles impart Suffuses the crude conceits of my heart. O Tyrlow, you are my Angel, my God ; Your breath to me is as sun to the sod ; You've reconciled hope's torn function and role, And kindled afresh the pulse of my s nl : You've run to earth the villain of my curse ; But scrutinize well the thoughts he'll rehearse : 'Tis royalty's cause he credits, and now : But criminal instincts engross his brow. light of my life, I owe to you all ; I'll do your bidding, be your slave at call." " O Beula, my own, let your spirit greet The sanctity of my promise complete, The mystery sacred with creed of love, However our days or the fate thereof." ]STow Tyrlow replies. " The path of my life Will be most glorious with you as wife. But, dearest, speak on, let me know his course. What efforts he fashioned, what thoughts, what force?" " O Tyrlow, he dared to vouch for your death ; As hushed in the challenge of war's mad breath/' 'Now Beula replies. ''And he seemed to sigh, As pleading your cause 'gainst fate and its cry: But his balm was cold and his feelings stale, While his desperate whims forgot their veil: 1 spurned his sympathy and balked his role, For honor and love enveloped my soul ; I lived in the vows you whispered as blest, Ignoring the tenders his thoughts expressed : And spir'tual garb of trust and of faith Confirmed my constancy, flouting doom's w T raith. He dared to shackle my spirit, my love, Within a hovel, but the God above Accredited there the voice of a dream, Indulging humanity's true regime : I stole from the den where his will was law, Evading the watch of his Mohawk squaw — My special protector by his decree — And followed a vision, O grand in plea ! That beckoned me on to these depths of gloom, 58 " That I might trespass where your form would loom He scented my trail with a Mohawk brave, And run me down like the hound of the grave. O Tyrlow, my dear, interpret my flame — 'My love — my passion, God's blessing and aim ; Come, let me feel the fervor of your kiss — Convey to my heart the warmth of your bliss, The fragrance and glory of lips divine, Whose sanctity knows not mortal decline : Yes, Tyrlow, my hope, my Angel of light, O let me confess my feelings aright — And take me away from his cursed sight: Let us abandon this infamous hound, And start for the lines of patriot ground. How grand is the air of liberty now ! 'Tis sweet as the halo on nature's brow. What fragrance as of Divinity's breath Inspires the spirit to challenge e'en death ! O Tyrlow, come, let us pray to our God, ' That our hearths be free from tyranny's nod — That hope and its heritage of true worth, In all its grandeur of prophecy's birth. The blessing of independence and right, Be realized in the morning of light !" " O faithful patriot," Tyrlow replies, " The standard of freedom now mounts the skies ; And royalty and its emblem and caste Are blasted and done for like shadows past ; The voice of humanity, proud and true. Kings down its sanctity of life anew 7 , Affirming the rights of mind and of soul To reverence righteousness, God's control, In terms of justice and liberty* sweet, When ev'ry throb of the spirit 's complete. Burgoyne and his bands now yield to our cause; Their bristling squadrons bow down to our laws. Conie, infamous wretch, salute to the star Of freedom divine that gleams from afar; Too, beg on your knees for mercy from her, For such forgiveness as her thoughts confer. What ! you refuse ? By the Master on high, You'll crave, and humbly, her pardon — or die! I'll not be trifled with by dog accurst, Nor shall I condone the torture you nursed ; The same cold subtlety of mind and heart Shall witness the breath of your life depart; 59 " I've sealed up the whims of mercy 'gainst you, That retribution should be swift and true: The dragnet of destiny gathers fast, And yours or mine shall be carcass unclassed : This rifle now itches to clot your brain; Your Mohawk guide can attest to its strain. But, no: retributive justice reserves Its purpose and challenge 'gainst heart and nerves : The scowl and the mischief of pregnant spite You've dared to glory in, like whelp of night, Now summon and charge with malice anew, For worldly conceptions yawn cold - — and few. Come, draw your blade! This rifle and its creed, Tho' fit for desperate dogs of your breed, I here discard ; but the challenge of death Is vitalized in the spirit and breath. O Beula, aside — let me gage his worth ; He must atone, or the morrow of earth Shall testify to his senses astray, Where hell and its slime conditions the way." " O Tyrlow, my love, O breath of my life, Creator of dream's true promise as wife," Now Beula breaks forth, " submit to the fate, That tenders mercy to the dregs of state ; O let us forget the torments of time, The wrongs and sorrows of yesterday's crime : Let us live and breathe the fragrance of air, The freedom and righteousness Grod would share : The promptings of vengeance you must not heed — O let me suggest the voice of love's creed. The pledge of forgiveness, for life and breath Are sacred 'gainst ev'ry menace of death : Yes, Tyrlow, my own, let me know the bliss, The sweets of Heaven that bloom in your kiss : Let me realize all the thrills and dreams Of soulful ecstasy where glory beams ; And where the chills and the fears of this earth Are shattered and done for — and all is mirth : The grim, inexorable pulse of doom Has fashioned its shadow like hush of gloom About his ev'ry possession and nod; The shackles of conscience are doubly shod : O Tyrlow, we're free ; his triumph is o'er ; Our spirits must flourish — yes, mount and soar: The pent-up fibers of liberty start, And consecrate now each throb of my heart : 60 " I beg of you, come — his menace is past; Yes, all his sinews are palsied, o'ercast: let us forgive each grievance and wrong, And breathe but love's divinity in song. O Spirit of sweet Eternity, wake And slough off the evil of mortal ache, That we may sip of the Heavenly wine — Xor feel the chill of the morrow s malign!" " O Angel of mercy, your creed of love Is as the fragrance of grace from Above." Now Tyrlow replies. " The breath of your soul Disarms the menace of vengeance's mad role ; And ev'ry conception your bosom greets Bespeaks humanity's sacred conceits, Where visions of infinite hope and trust Rebuke the cravings of hatred and lust : The darkening brow and the bristling steel Forego their challenge — your purpose they feel. Yes, Beula, we'll go, but this wretch must turn Our ev'ry advance to the haunts we yearn ; He must determine our path and our trail To the patriot camp, nor balk, nor fail : And there to answer to the charge I'll frame Afore the court-martial — his drift and aim ; His viciousness and his malice and spite Must plead their justification and right. Come, captive marauder, advance, and lead Our vigilance now to the camp decreed; -Xor stray aside, or the whispers of death Shall bastardize ev'ry sigh of your breath." " I know not the bearings a down these haunts, Xor am I wise to the voice of your taunts." The wand'rer starts. " But I'm done for the fray, For destiny's shadow grows dim and gray; My gamut of earthly existence wanes, And cursed despair is goading fresh pains; The frenzied hope of the morrow seems dead, And prophecy's glimmer is spent and sped; And ev'ry assurance of vital glow Is feeling the palsy of conscience' woe: The pregnant presentiment of cold doom Seems low'ring fast like the blanket of gloom. So, patriot, go ; let the charms of life Be sacred to you and your promised wife; Let ev'ry triumph of the heart proclaim The constancy of your spirit in aim ; 61 '• And let vour 'legianee to the Master Mind Blaspheme no hallowed indulgence or kind: Within this solitude I'll make amends, And beg forgiveness, for twilight offends ; I'll sue to the mercy of Him on High, That evil's curst blemish be cleansed a-dry ; That ev'ry wrong of my consciousness now Be silenced and hushed in righteousness' vow ; That all my days and my actions be true To> God's own teachings — and my life be new." k ' Sir, those are sentiments no heart of man Should question or violate, nor e'en scan." Now Tyrlow replies. " But the instincts read Between the lines of your role and your creed ; The furtive presumption that tunes your mind Bespeaks a motive of mystery blind, While beggarly thought professing remorse Achieves the function of hollow discourse; The unctuous mask of your conscience smears In vain the scruples that visit like fears; The shams of mockery not now avail, The voice of destiny looks through your tale; No prophecy shades the blend of your dream, Save what is whispered in justice supreme; The summons of grim necessity greets Your spurious plea, for reason receipts ; Nor wakens there recognition from Him Who stays the thunder or sanctions life's whim: So come, be about, respond to our nod ; Or learn the vengeance that's stalking rough-shod." " I must refuse, for the dragnet of fate Is fixing its palsy 'bout life's estate." The wand'rer replies. " Each sinew and nerve Now seem to forget the purpose they serve ; They tremor at random, nay, more, they wilt. As though congested with sin and with guilt : The morrow flourishes in vain for me, And hope's fond vision is as curse in fee : The moments to be, however, I'll dare ; I must commune with the shades of despair: The sway of consciousness like yon faint stal- ls yielding its myst'ry, all seems ajar; And ev'ry incident of mortal zest Now seems to license the stupors unblest : My pride and my spirit, too, grow distraught ; T feel the gathering of spells unthought : 62 " I'll challenge doom's ev'ry distemper here, Since I'm predestined to misery near : Eternity's rhythm is whispering wild The vow of the spirit unreconciled, And ev'ry function of vital conceit Is feeling some witeh'ry like curse complete. So, stranger, go ; let your glory be true : Within this fastness death's mischief I'll view." " Your mouthings of hapless despair forget The spirit indicia and heart regret Of soul's sincerity." Tyrlow replies. "And all your sorrows are as vaunted lies: The garb of your 'legiauce, your vows, your plea Suggest the reading of the court's decree; But you and yours with your reason a-dream Must reckon with justice and its regime : The dawn of the morrow shall witness be Of spirit's retributive prophecy And ev'ry profession of heart or mind Must bow to righteousness, the life refined. So, wand'rer, respond to my call, advance : Or learn the issue of destiny's chance." " Tyrlow, come, let us hasten away, And let this craven be as wretch astray." Now Beula bursts forth. " The curse from on High Will paralyze ev'ry dream of his eye: His fate is fixed, and the plague of the deep Is gathering fast like the veil of sleep ; And ev'ry purpose his senses suggest Endows in vain vitality's behest : The empty assumptions of life remain, The mocking conscience and the pride insane. Come, spirit supreme, my Tyrlow, my love, O give me your smile — let mercy approve; Let me accredit your confidence- proud, The creed your vigils have sanctioned — endowed ; Let me now whisper the voice of your soul, That freedom be his, whatever his role: Yes, let him go forth an outcast of crime, A wretch whom the Master on High will time. Come, Tyrlow, I pray that you grant me this — And let me know it in your sacred kiss." " O angel of innocence and of trust," Now Tyrlow replies, " you reck not his lust ; Nor do you conceive the mask of his mind, The bastard subtlety of thought unkind : 03 " He's mocking the seriousness and faith Of ev'ry purpose of jour quick'ning breath ; He scans the varying touches of fear That slip from your creed of mercy sincere; He fashions his courage and clothes his will As vows of the heart grow sacred in thrill, Interpreting ev'ry drift of your plea, But only to trifle till life stalks free : The triumph of justice demands his corse, For righteousness flouts his hollow remorse: The blessing of true humanity greets Not such as he with his cursed conceits ; Nor is he entitled to aught of grace, Save such as hell in its vengeance would trace. No, Beula, my love, the court must acquit, And set him free, if it sanctions his wit: He must respond to the mission I gage, Accepting the fate the morrow might wage : As well might I dare to goad on the hound, If I now forgive this culprit profound." " The slurs of your positive mind stray wide, And your assurance of motive 's denied." The wand'rer starts. " The mischief of my brain Is shackled by conscience where God holds rein : I oare not for life's extravagant zest, However the morrow or curse or jest ; I dare to rebuke the vision of man, As heralded down world's shadowy plan : The wisdom of destiny greets my soul, And earth and its whims are as mock'ry's role. So, stranger, go, let me reconcile time; Repentance is mine while I know hope's rhyme." " Your studied conceptions, addressed to space, Now mask in vain the 'telligence you grace." Now Tyrlow replies. " Your wisdom I gage, But justice determines life's heritage: The •apprehension that edits your mood Must welcome destiny's solicitude; And ev'ry affirmance of heart undone Betrays the cowardice, the fear begun: The grievance of desperate pride endows Not now the low'ring of menacing brows: Your grim resolve is as sham of the breath ; But justice shall triumph like creed of death. Come, wand'rer, advance : nor mock at my nod ; 64 " Xor question, nor spurn the trail or the sod: My order is fixed ; obey it, or draw : The steel shall utter the triumph of law." " O Tyrlow, my love, my spirit, my life, My only promise 'gainst miseries rife," Now Beula bursts, " I beg you to forget This craven, this wretch — my mercy abet : Come, jeopardize not my happiness now With vengeance or hate, in act or in vow; Secure to my soul, untouched by despair, The depth .and the fervor of love's true care, Where ev'ry indulgence of sacred bliss Feeds longingly on the touch of your kiss : Commend the sanctity our oaths affirmed, Yes, let me live on my vision untermed : startle not now the spectre of strife, The challenge of cold destruction of life ; Impoverish not the spirit of trust, But tender forgiveness, howe'er his lust; Revere the charity the Master trains, And list to the voice His mercy ordains." " My Beula, my angel, the creed of love Is goading the course my instincts approve." Now Tyrlow replies. " The flash from on high Is not more true to nature in reply : I'd. fain forgive the savage of the deep, Yes, welcome the wretch full-fledged in his sweep, But this contemptible villain of spite Must answer my charge, however his plight, Must plead at the bar of righteousness true, Whose sacred tribunal tunes life's review ; The springs of mercy that visit my soul Are merged in justice, the law must, control : Our journey shall not be challenged by him — 1 cannot accept his creed or his whim. You'd have me countenance this culprit now, And set him adrift to season his vow- — Encourage his efforts to damn the cause Of liberty and reason, God's own laws — A] (prove the tyranny he represents, And mock man's brotherhood as wild pretense — Make peace with the hound who sneered at your life, And you, my affianced, in vows as wife — Abjure the holy allegiance and creed Of heart's divinity as sham, indeed — 65 " Forswear the heritage of hope and faith — And all at the beck of his pledge and breath ? O Beula, my love, I dare to command ; You must not distemper the course I've planned Restrain your feelings, your spirit subdue, And let your senses reality view : Your tears now violate the vows of love, The call to righteousness from Him above; And ev'ry sob is but tyranny's cheer, Augmenting his perfidy, not his fear. ( 'ome, infamous wretch, by the Gods ! you'll go : Or doom's cold palsy shall utter its woe." " O Tyrlow, my life," now Beula replies, " I see tlie shadows of darkness arise — The torturing apprehensions break forth Like specters of terror from out the north ; My ev'ry conception of mortal hope Is clotted and smeared, my senses e'en grope : An awful distemper invests my brain, And ev'ry pulse of my blood seems insane; A wild, mad throbbing of anguish and fear Debauches the vision I'd dare revere ; Crude, harrowing forebodings rack and storm My vows of constancy — despair takes form ; The blind suggestions of evil and doubt Now triumph, and .all my glory is out : The Heaven-blest promise of love is o'er, And all my happiness is chilled and sore; The menace of yawning misery greets The sacred assurance my love entreats; The pangs of spir'tual sorrow are mine, And all my dreams are as fancies malign. O God ! let me think — enlighten my soul — Remove the darkness that smothers control — Revitalize now my consciousness weak, And let me interpret the life I seek — Accredit my purpose and bless my trust, minister to the thoughts I adjust! Yes, Tyrlow, mine all, I yield to your will ; The voice of my love is silent and still ; The wild, mad craving of my heart is mute; Down destiny's path I follow- your suit: 1 recognize naught but the wish you gage; I feel -anew the spirit of the age, The dominant genius of freedom grand, "Now blest with justice at Heaven's command: My breathing inspires fresh, confidence, too, And ev'ry conception of hope yawns true: I dare to affirm, however the. day, My constancy fixed to you and your sway : The torturing mis'riesi of doubt and fear Are blasted and done for, my faith is clear ; I heed the wnispers that visit my soul, Proclaiming the righteousness of your role ; I b'lieve in your 'legiance to God and man, And comprehend now the creed of your plan : The infinite mind of the Master guards The ev'ry promise to His mortal wards, And edits the grandeur of all we dream, The true nobility of love's regime. Tyrlow, my trust grows prouder, more true, And ev'ry shadow is sweet to my view T : 1 beg the sanctity your lips impart; Again I tender the vows of the heart: O let me enjoy the touch, of your breath ; Your smile debauches the menace of death: The warmth and the glory of love divine, In terms of Heavenly honor, is mine. Ye spirits of destiny ! guard his life, My Tyrlow, from all the dangers of strife — Yes, consecrate ev'ry vow of his cause, And dedicate liberty's sacred laAvs — Affirm in triumph, the terms of his will, And guaranty ev'ry pledge he'd fulfill ! My pray'rs to you, O master of my lot ! My spirit responds to your wish .and thought : Life's sweetest conception invests my soul, The flow'ring of love resigned to its goal." " O sacred vision of constancy pure, O genius of faith — nor angel more sure — My Beula, my all," now Tyrlow' replies, " Our dreams are sealed in the light of God's eyes ; We'll face grim fate with its evil and wrath, We'll triumph, for righteousness, turns our path ; For He in His infinite wisdom blends Each mortal .agency to gauge His ends : Yes, Beula, the creed of justice reveres The grim sincerity of life in tears, But man in all the glory of his worth Reflects the rigid discipline of earth : 67 " The twilight thickens, but yon orb smiles true, Assuring our hopes in confidence now. Come, wand'rer, advance — our purpose attend; We brook no mocking, w 7 e'll hazard the end: This counterfeit sanctity of your heart Is as the conception the fiends impart ; The sneer of your brow and .air of your lot But beggar the perfidy morrows plot; The mad distempers of the world are o'er, And hope's last heritage is damned in score ; The shams of your zeal, your mouthings of pride, Are now at bay — and your life must decide : The whispers of destiny, sung of time, Proclaim retributive justice sublime. Come, villainous Tory, advance, I say ! Or hell's curst heritage shall blaze your way : What ! you refuse ? by the spirits of night ! You'll do my bidding, and do it aright: Unbosom the mockery of your creed — Yes, out with your blade ! your mischief is treed : Confront me, you wretch, or I'll blast your lot, And cast your carcass to the worms to rot." " I'm all unarmed — my rifle and my blade Are false to my spirit, I'm here betrayed." The wand'rer replies. " My sinews would meet The ev'ry challenge your senses repeat : I tender no sickly .apology now, Nor do I shun the menace of your brow." "You lie! you spurious scoundrel of night." Xow Tyrlow replies. " Your blade in its might Is free as mine, but the plea of your brain Is the whining note of cowardly strain : Come, out with your steel ! nor trifle, nor balk. For death's distemper is about to stalk." " Yes, infamous whelp, my blade and my pride Hurl back the challenge your curses confide." The wand'rer replies. "And yon and your game Suggest the mockery of shadows tame : Your ev'ry vigil, your vaunting conceit, Your vow of purpose, the vision you greet, And all your wanton assurance of faith — That faith the mouthing of reason's crude wraith - Are sacred, indeed, to your creed of life, The counterfeit function of dreams of strife. Away, with your weird imaginings now ! 63 " The voice of destiny rebukes your vow: The spirit of my cause defies your steel — The marrow's heritage is sinews' weal: The glory and sov' reign ty of my king Must be inviolate with life's true ring: My answer is sealed, and the breath of doom: Blends sweetly or madly as time dares bloom : If hell's hot vengeance must sizzle and steam, Let loose, you hound, the venom of your dream The grim inexorable turn of fate My senses confront — the shadows I wait." "Aha ! yon scoundrel," now Tyrlow replies, " You show your teeth in the curse of your lies : Your king and your cause, in flourish of fate, Shall witness the triumph of freedom's state ; Inexorable retribution rhymes The perfidy of your role and your orim.es : And ev'ry hope of your senses shall see The crowning of justice — - God's mastery. Forswear allegiance to your kingly creed And be a patriot in heart and deed. And — by the merciful Master on high ! — I'll pardon your ev'ry evil and lie." "A patriot be? a whelp of the slime! Whose ev'ry motive is a badge of crime." The wand'rer replies. " The cause of my king Now brands as cursed the pardon you sing: I crave no blessing from yon or your kind, The Spirit above indorses my mind; The incidents of crude destiny phase Not now the purpose my vigils appraise : I reckon alone with the God on high, I dare to reproach your steel and your eye." " Unholy felon, the shadows of death Are now in session, deciding your breath." Now Tyrlow responds. " Your bastard conceit Is but the revision of fears discreet; Your seeming defiance of fate or man Is but the profession of mind's fresh plan, The hazard of doubt's precipitate play, Where ev'ry impulse is measured in stay: The air of royalty that taints your soul But utters the mischief of spite in foal ; Then, too, the promise I tender to you Is falsely interpreted, doubts accrue. However, our cause is sacred 'fore God — 69 " Tlie patriot's vow rings true to the sod; The heritage of the spirit of life Is freedom and justice 'gainst wrong, 'gainst strife; The glory of righteousness dares affirm, In eloquence grander than speech can term, The noble humanity of the soul, The sweetest craving our visions enroll : The aspirations of brotherhood true, Like blessing from Heaven, the hope anew. We dare to realize 'gainst man or king Or hireling's bayonet, how e'er its ring: The genius of liberty breathes adeep Through ev'ry pulsation of nature's sweep, Transcending the mockeries man would plead, Like dawn's proud halo rebuking earth's creed. But, wand'rer, proceed — this parley is o'er ; The order is fixed : obey it — or score! Yes, you must answer for your crimes, forsooth ; The challenge of justice reveres the truth. Again you refuse ? Then flourish your steel — The sinews alone must edit the deal : Unleash your damnable vigils of hate — The cauldron of doom now sizzles in state: The maudlin phantoms of your scowling spite Must testify 'fore grim destiny's light: Unbosom the whims of your cursed heart, And give sincerity true voice and start. Approach, you villainous wretch of the deep ! I'll bastardize ev'ry function you keep : Confront me, by God ! the vengeance of hell Is low'ring fast o'er your breath and your spell : No mercy I ask — this blade and my life Shall triumph or terminate in the strife." " Unsavory dog ! your mouthings and threats Are but as the wind's unseasoned regrets." The wand'rer replies. "And intellect's blend Foreshadows the mockery fate shall send : 'Tis written adown the pregnance of time That you and your cause are bastard with crime ; That ev'ry ambition you dare suggest Ts but distemper of a mind unblest; That ev'ry craving of your soul or heart Is as the witchery of dream's wild start: But steel and its rhythm of destiny grim Must 'nitiate here death's purpose — now dim : I'll blast your ev'ry assurance and pride — 70 " I'll drag in the dust that brow — and your bride; I'll humble the damned conceptions you flaunt, The curse of liberty — its worth I taunt : I charge my sinews, that God and my king May know my 'legiance 'gainst reptiles that sting: I beg no mercy, save such as my blade Indulges in triumph to flout doom's shade. The curses of cold eternity now Be on your head, dismembering your brow ! The vengeance of hell — O sweet to my thought — Be doubly torturing to your foul lot!" XVII. ib O Tyrlow, my love, my master, my god!" Now Beula breaks forth. " I beg but your nod — O recognition in your breath and smile, The pledge of Heaven 'gainst evil and guile: Tyrlow, you're bleeding — your brow is torn ; Your vitals I fear are wounded and worn : Come, let me assuage the ache and the pain; There are no shadows where love sings its strain : Yes, let me but stanch the desperate flow, The crimson menace — your mis'ry — your woe : 1 crave assurance from your spirit true; I'll do your bidding — yes — to life's adieu : O let me consult the drift of your ills, That I may challenge despair and its chills : Come, take of my breath vitality's zest; 'Tis yours in 'legiance however we're blest: Tyrlow, my soul suspends its conceit; 1 know but the purpose your eyes entreat; My consciousness throbs as your thoughts progress ; 1 pray for the wish your senses address." " O Beula, my love," now Tyrlow replies, " 'Tis but a scratch, which I dare to despise; My spirit 's as true to the rhythm of life As when my sinews first weathered the strife: Our vows and our cause must know not defeat ; We triumph or die — no mock'ry to greet. Yon Tory i s sleeping the summons grim Retributive fate has tendered to him ; The judgment of God's determinate eye Is evidenced there in his corpse awry: But his are slumbers no purpose can blast — 71 " The throes of despair are sealed up and past. And yet, how soothing is nature's caress! Each thrill of his spirit like faith's address Seems now quiescent in vested reserve, As 'terpreting time's expedient curve : Man's flourishing aspirations grow high — But woe to his clay ! 'tis fashioned to die : The ways of Providence, mystic in sweep, Attest the solicitude hope must reap When blended with righteousness and with truth, Affirming the creed of reason, forsooth. O Beula, my love, the warmth of your sigh Together with soul's ecstatic reply, As booked in your eyes, intoxicates now My ev'ry assurance of mortal vow ; And Heaven-nursed mysteries charge my brain, And I am happy in the joy you gain : O let me imprint the seal of my love, The fervor sanctioned by the saints above; Yes, let me tender the passion divine That 's thrilling my heart, with glory benign : Ye vigilant Angels on high ! proclaim My Beula's honor, her faith and her name: So come, sweet partner, my life and my trust Are yours till the shadows of death adjust : At Schuyler's camp with the pledge of the morn Our sacred union shall challenge earth's scorn : And with God's yeomanry, patriots proud, We'll shatter tyranny's desperate cloud : The ultimate triumph of freedom grand, As gauged in the touch of the Master's hand, Is here assured, and the vows of onr creed, The glory of brotherhood, must succeed. My gratitude and my pray'rs to the God Who sways infinity — yet heeds our nod !" " Yes, thanks to the Master of life and hope !" ISTow Beula replies. " jSTo longer we grope. O let me express my visions of love, Unchallenged by fear or the shade thereof; Yes, let me embrace eternity's bliss, The fragrance of Heaven, your sacred kiss: O Tyrlow, again — come, let me enjoy Your lips and the faith their whispers alloy: O that this symphony might know no pause, That earthly existence transcend all laws! These moments are more to my heart than breath, 72 " And mine 's the blessedness that scoffs at death ; My bosom is charged with the fire from High, And life's conception is a dream anigh. Ye Heavenly daughters ! confirm my trust, I know but the feelings my hopes adjust: Again, O Tyrlow, love's promise imprint, The glory the angels assume to hint: I dare to defy the terrors of doom, I feel the confidence your eyes illume ; I know not time's identity or sway, I breathe the ecstasy your thoughts convey. O may the 'legiance of heart to the mind Be not more violate when death is signed ! Once more, my Tyrlow, love's vow let me sip — Yes, yes — I'm ready for life and its trip. May ev'ry torture of hell be my lot If ever your wishes be spurned — forgot!" (End.) MAY 10 1907