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' '-)='. ,x^^' *^^ '5 : *;; o "^, v-^' 'N^'' •% ■a?^ q. .:-^--,« _,Ax' .0 .V -So. aV -a "''^^- ,s.^^' %^^'" i--^. ■'C. ,<^'' ^^ "<^-.. ■'^^. .v^" MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND 1906-1912 By CHARLES YATES REPRESENTATIVE OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY ON WORK OF MARYLAND OYSTER SURVEY CONTENTS 1. Summary 8. Queen Annes County 2. Anne Arundel County 9. St. Marys County 3. Baltimore County 10. Somerset County 4. Calvert County 11. Talbot County 5. Charles County 12. Wicomico County 6. Dorchester County 13. Worcester County 7. Kent County — > A .»-» . I I DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN. Superbleodcnt SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND 1906-1912 By C. C. YATES Representative ot the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey on the work of the Maryland Oyster Survey WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 D. OF D. IfiAR tS 1914 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, May 23, 1913. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the final report of the officer de- tailed from the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey as representative of that service on the work of the Maryland Oyster Survey. The report, together with its accompanying index chart, is designed to serve both as a summary of and as an index to the 17 technical publications and 43 oyster charts resulting from the cooperation of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, the United States Bureau of Fisheries, and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey m the survey of the oyster resources of Maryland. The work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the Shell Fish Commissioners of the State of Maryland ui making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks m the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years endmg June 30, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, and 1913. Respectfully, O. H. Tittmann, Suferintendent. To Hon. William C. Redfield, Secretary of Commerce. 3 CONTENTS. Fata. Index charts precede 1 Letter of submittal 3 Introductory statements 7 Explanation of plan o£ publication 7 Index chart aa a p:i'aphical summary 7 Relation of tlie work of the Government to the Maryland Oyster Siu-vey 8 Maryland Oyster Survey 9 History 9 Object 9 Organization 10 Methods 11 Results 11 Equipment 13 Cost 13 Chronological statement 14 Personnel 14 Conclusions 16 General statement 16 Requirements of an oyster survey 16 Suggested organization of an oyster survey 17 Cost of an oyster survey .' 18 References 19 Technical index to publications 21 Explanation 21 Natural oyster bars — • Alphabetical index 22 Numerical index 39 Crab bottoms — Alphabetical index 46 Numerical index 48 Clam beds — Alphabetical index 49 Numerical index 49 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Alphabetical index 50 Numerical index 73 5 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTERS BARS OF MARYLAND. 1906-1912. INTRODUCTOEY STATEMENTS. EXPLANATION OF PLAN OF PUBLICATION. It often happens that the rapid progress of modern science, even when special- ized by apphcation to a single class of work, is the incUrect cause of an accumulation of technical publications impossible to assimilate and apply to a special case without an amount of labor all out of proportion to the probable benefits to be derived. And this applies with particular force to the six years' work of the Maryland Oyster Survey, as evidenced by its publications consisting of a series of 17 official documents and 43 large-scale charts aggregating over 2,400 printed pages and 400 square feet of chart area. For reasons similar to those just mentioned, the value of a modern technical pubUcation describing a particular work is for a greater part dependent upon the fidelity with which it is confined to a record of methods and results which can be utiMzed in future operations of like character. And this end has been accompHshed with remarkable success for the work of the Maryland Oyster Sui-vey by Dr. Caswell Grave of Johns Hopkins University and a member of the Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission from 1906 to 1912, in his Fourth Report of the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland. {XLIII.) ' The intent of this "Summary" is to supplement Dr. Grave's report, first, by an index chart which also serves as a graphical summary; second, by a brief explanation of the relation of the work of the Government to the Maryland Oyster Survey; third, by a summary of the essential features of the work of the Maryland Oyster Survey ; fourth, by a statement of conclusions thought to be of value for use in connection with future oyster surveys; fifth, by a list of publications relating to the oyster industry of Maryland; and, sixth, by a technical index to all publications of the Government and the State directly resulting from the work of the Maryland Oyster Survey. INDEX CHART AS A GRA.PHICAL SUMMARY. The best summary and index of the six years' work of the Maryland Oyster Survey, and probably the most useful and interesting feature of this publication, is the "Index Chart" in the folder. The chart is self-explanatory as to details. But other considerations suggest that attention be directed to the magnitude of the sheUiish resources of Maryland and to the magnitude of the actual work of the survey as indicated graphically by ' See " References," p. 19, 8 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND, the green and red tinted areas on the water, the numerous small red triangles on the land, and the limits of the many large-scale charts required to represent these results in a practical form for future use. RELATION OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT TO THE MARYLAND OYSTER SURVEY. The Maryland Oyster Survey possessed the somewhat unusual character of having in its participants three separate Government bureaus and one State commission,' all engaged in a common work leading to the conservation and the increase of the supply of food in the form of oysters. Jn priority of the Government's interest in the subject of oysters, it is so self- evident that the United States Bureau of Fisheries comes first that this phase of the subject requires no explanation. {IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, etc.)^ And the connection of the work of the United States Bureau of Chemistry with the sanitary conditions of the oyster industry is made equally evident by the fact that it is this Bureau which administers the pure-food laws of this country. {XXXV.Y But the relation of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to such work is not so easy to explain. {xxxiv.y The United States Coast and Geodetic Survey includes among its many func- tions not only the supplying of the chart-making needs of navigation, but also the laying of the geodetic foundation for a large part of the geographic work of our country; and it naturally follows that tliis foundation part of an "oyster survey" should be laid by the institution normally performing this class of work. Just as in a similar sense, it is better and more economical to have the foundation of a building laid by those experienced in such work, even though in the end it is the superstructure erected on the foundation which is utilized and appreciated by the public. Or stated in another way, it is only a question of the practical connection between the work of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in surveying and charting the waters of the coasts for the purposes of navigation, and the work of a so-called "oyster survey" in surveA^ng and charting the oyster bottoms of these same waters of these same coasts for the purpose of developing the oyster industry of our country. ' U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, XT. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U. S. Bureau of Chemistry, and Maryland Shell Fish Commission. » See "References," p. 19. c CO J u O •o c c o 3 •a o O u O E +J b« c o X £ C3 MA.RYLA.ND OYSTER SURVEY. A summary view of the history of tlie oyster industry of Maryland is graphically represented by the diagram by Grave, which faces this page. {XXXVI.) * Another summary view of the same subject is presented by the chronological table of publications under the head of "References," ' which were selected and arranged partly for that purpose. The diagram and the table of publications, while being in most respects a suffi- cient historical statement for the purposes of this publication, do not do justice to the many whose unselfish activities for the benefit of the oyster industry of Maryland have not followed the line of public work leading to a corresponding amount of printed records. .\nd although these public-spirited citizens and officials are hundreds in number, there stands out at the head of this line of achievement, as do Brooks (F) ' and Winslow (77) ' along their respective lines, the author ^ of the Haman Oyster C!ulture Law (XLIII, pp. .353-372) ■ who has most splendidly and persistently led the movement which has molded the history of oyster culture in Maryland for more than twenty years down to the present time. {VII.) ^ The immediate object of the Maryland Oyster Survey, as distmguished from the hopes of the ultimate benefits to be derived from that work, having been transformed mto actual results, it is needless to emphasize this phase of the subject beyond refer- ring to the statistical statements imder the head of "Results" and to the graphic representation of these same facts on the "Index Chart." But the ultimate object of the survey is another matter, and deals more nearly with what the pioneers of the oyster-culture movement in Maryland believed, and now have still more reason to believe, will be the form of the great oyster industry they expect to see erected on the fotmdation which has been laid for that purpose. (F77.)' It now seems not only reasonable but probable that within the next generation the citizens of Maryland will be leasing and cultivating a probable 100,000 and a pos- sible 300,000 acres ^ of so-called "barren bottoms" where oysters do not now grow- in commercial quantities; that the more than 200,000 acres of natural oyster bars now- reserved for the use of the oystermen as a residt of the Maryland Oyster Survey will be so conserved and developed that they wiU produce, as they have done before, twice the amount they now yield ; that the oyster industry of Maryland will then be based on an annual production of 20,000,000 bushels of oysters where now it is > See "References," p. 19. • B. Howard Haman, of Baltimore, Md. » At the present date. May 23, 1913, some 36,000 acres have been applied for or leased. 10 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. barely 5,000,000; and that the physical valuation of the State-owned oyster lands will then be $100,000,000, where now it is not more than $20,000,000. (XXIV, p. 208; XLII, pp. 35-46; XLV.y These are the large expectations that measured, and do stiU measure, the ulti- mate object of the Haman Oyster Culture Law, and which led to the building of the Maryland Oyster Survey in such a manner that it wiU serve as a foundation for even a greater development of the oyster industry of Maryland than was forecasted by its founders. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Maryland Oyster Survey has been indicated in the "Introductory statements" and in the "Conclusions." It is also described in detail in the publications of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission (XLIII, pp. 11-25) ' and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey (XLIV, pp. 19-21, 248-250). ' In a general way it is sufficient to state that the greater bulk of the work of this particular oyster survey was divided between the Maryland Shell Fish Commission ' and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in accordance with the laws (XLIV, pp. 243-246) ' authorizing the work and the natural division of the survey- ing operations of the cooperating forces. The work of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission included all the oyster inves- tigations, the special hydrographic operations required to delimitate the various shellfish bottoms, the surveying of the leased oyster lots, and all administrative matters pertaining to Maryland. The work of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey included the establishmg of the surveying foundation of triangulation, hj^drography and topography, the preparation and publication of the technical and legal descriptions of the boundaries of the various shellfish bottoms reserved for the use of the public, and the preparation and publication of all the oyster charts showing the results of the work of the Maryland Oyster Survey. Dr. H. F. Moore, the well-known scientist of the United States Bureau of Fisheries and representative of that bureau on the work of the Maryland Oyster Survey, has stated that "the Bureau of Fisheries has cooperated with the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission principally as an adviser in matters relating to the biological and economic sui'vey of oyster bars and the methods to be employed for that purpose." To which should be added in the way of explanation, that the part of the survey normally coming under the jurisdiction of the United States Bureau of Fisheries was in this case carried on b}' the State under the supervision of Dr. Caswell Grave, the scientific member of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. If it had not been for this fortunate circumstance, to again quote Dr. Moore, ' ' this work would have been conducted by the Bureau of Fisheries acting independently, as has been the case in certain other States than Maryland, the same ends being attained at greater expense to the Government." (XLIV, p. 20.) ' It should be stated also that the sanitary survey of the oyster-producing waters of Maryland by the United States Bureau of Chemistry was not carried on with the advantage of the same degree of cooperation as probably would have been the case if the character of this feature of the work could have been more nearly forecasted at the beginning. (XXXV.)' ' See " References," p. 19. ' See " Personnel," p. 14. MAEYLAND OYSTER SURVEY. H The methods employed on the work of the Maryland Oyster Survey being indi- cated in outline in the "Conclusions" and also explaiiaed in detail in the publica- tions of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission {XLIII, pp. 48-95) ' and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey {XLIV, pp. 248-249, 172-177, 33-36, 20-21),' it is not in harmony with the plan of this publication to repeat that mformation here. But there is one point in the methods not adequately explained elsewhere in the publications of the Marjdand Oyster Survey which it is believed should be empha- sized. And that point relates to the advantages of the use of geographic coordi- nates in technically and legally defining boundaries of natural oyster bars and leased oyster bottoms. This method of defining property lines under water was also used in the survey of the leased oyster bottoms of Delaware, and outlined in the following extract from the report of that work {XLVIII, pp. 69-74) : ' The difficulties of accurately locating and permanently defining the boundaries of a farmer's planta- tion on land, even with the aid of monuments, public roade, streams of water, and other points of refer- ence, are often great, judging from the disputes arising from this source. But be that as it may, there can be no doubt as to the difficulties of accurately locating and permanently defining the boundaries of an oysterman's plantation situated under water at a distance off shore fi-om 1 to 6 miles, as is the case with the leased oyster bottoms of Delaware. (XLVIII, map.)' There is only one point on the earth's surface at the intersection of any one parallel of latitude and any one meridian of longitude, and therefore, there can be no dispute as to the meaning of such a geo- graphic definition of the location of a point, even though all the original triangulation station marks used in its determination, together with the chart on which its position was originally plotted, have been totally destroyed. In the case of the destruction of an original triangulation station mark, or any other point defined by a geographic position, a competent geodetic engineer can reestablish its exact location by means of a new system of triangulation connecting with other dbtant triangulation station marks which have not been destroyed. In the case of the destruction of the chart on which the position of any such point on the earth's svurface was originally plotted, this point can be replotted by its geographic position with any degree of accuracy permitted by the scale of any new chart constructed for that purpose. If there be no question at the time of the original location and legal adoption of a geographic definition of the location of a point by a given latitude and longitude, there can be no technical or legal question afterwards as to its exact meaning, or as to the exact redetermination of the location of this point, be it either on land or water at its newly determined position, or on a new chart in its newly plotted position. For these reasons, the method of defining the location of boundary points by latitudes and longitudes (geographic positions) was adopted La the survey of the leased oyster bottoms of Delaware. This method is more or less an innovation in oyster surveys which was first used in connection with the work of the Mary- land Oyster Survey. It possesses so many undoubted advantages, and at the same time is so simple in principle and application when once understood, that its adoption by other oyster surveys of other States- than Maryland and Delaware seems probable. The results of the Maryland Oyster Survey are presented m many forms and in many places throughout the publications of that survey. Graphically, they are represented on a large scale on the Maryland Oyster Charts, Nos. 1 to 42. {LIV.Y On a medium-sized scale, they are partly shown on » See " References," p. 19. 12 SUMMAKY OF SITBVEY OF OYSTER BAKS OF MARYLAND. the "Progress maps" in the series of the 12 county publications of Survey of Oyster Bars of Maryland.' On a much snaller scale they are represented as a whole on the "Index Chart" in the folder of this publication. Statistically, the results are also described in various tables both in the publi- cations of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission {XLIII, pp. 39-47, 102-103, 114-117, 126-127, 132, 145-149, 182-183, 189, 195-199, 206-210, 225-228, 239-241, 246, 321-322, 336-339)' and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey {XVIII, pp. 18-19; XX, p. 15; XXII, p. 16; XXVI, p. 16; XXVIII, pp. 22-23; XXX, p. 14; XXXIl, p. 14: XXXIX, p. 18; XL, p. 21; XLIV, p. 25; XLVI, pp. 23, 180).' But as these tables are too separated for the purposes of a summary view, their principle features will be given in groups of statistics arranged in accordance with the class of the results it is desired to present. STATISTICS OF RESULTS PERTAINING TO SHELLFISH BOTTOMS RESERVED FOR PUBLIC USE. Acres. Natural oyster bars surveyed, technically defined, and reserved for the use of the public 215,845 Crab bottoms siirveyed, technically defined, and reserved for the use of the public 43, 991 Clam beds surveyed, technically defined, and reserved for the use of the public 506 STATISTICS OF RESULTS PERTAINING TO OYSTER BOTTOMS SUITABLE FOR OYSTER CULTURE. Undeveloped, but known productive oyster culture bottoms owned by the State and subject to Acres. lease under the terms of the Haman Oyster Culture Law 100, 000 Undeveloped, but estimated as being potentially productive oyster culture bottoms owned by the the State and subject to lease under the terms of the Haman Oyster Culture Law 200, 000 "Barren bottoms" of doubtful value for the growth of oysters, although in waters sufficiently salt for the purpose and subject to lease under the terms of the Haman Oyster Culture Law 460, 000 STATISTICS OF RESULTS PERTAINING TO SURVEYING DATA USEFUL FOR SURVEY OPERATIONS OTHER THAN OYSTER SURVEYS. Triangulation stations based on the standard datum of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 1. 112 Miles of shore line covered by triangulation 1, 340 Square miles of water covered by triangulation 1, 600 Square miles of land controlled by triangulation 1,200 Miles of soundings ' 3, 060 Soundings' 159, 530 Square miles of water covered by soundings' 480 Tide stations established ' 30 OTHER STATISTICS OF FIELD WORK INDICATING THE STANDARD OF THE SURVEYING OPERATIONS ON WHICH THE RESULTS ARE BASED. Oyster investigation stations occupied for examination of bottoms and other data 11, 006 Miles of examination of shell bottoms with chain apparatus 3, 060 Triangulation stations occupied 1, 050 Boundary buoys located and anchored 2,964 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 1, 000 Sextant angles observed on sounding lines 62, 600 ' See " References," p. 19. ' This part of the work was done under the immediate direction of Swepaon Earle, Hydrographic Engineer of the Maryland Fh»!l Fish Commission. MARYLAND OYSTEK SURVEY. 13 STATISTICS OF OFFICE WORK INDICATING CHAKACTER OF RESULTS. Hydrograhic positions plotted - 8, 600 Large-scale projections prepared, showing legal boundaries of shellfish bottoms 87 Greographic positions of triangulation stations computed 1, 100 Large-scale leasing charts prepared 63 Triangles computed 2, 500 Description of triangulation stations prepared for publication 1, 112 Back azimuths and distances from comers of boundaries to triangulation stations computed 10, 000 STATISTICS OF PUBLICATIONS INDICATING QUANTITY OF WORK. Reports of Maryland Shell Fish Commission 4 Printed pages in Maryland Shell Fish Commission reports 900 Publications of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 13 Printed pages in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey publications 1, 560 Progress maps in United States Coast and Geodetic Survey publications 12 Oyster charts showing boundaries of shellfish bottoms published by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 48 EQUIPMENT. The equipment for the work of the Maryland Oyster Survey is fully described in the pubhcations of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission (XLIII, pp. 34-36)' and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey {XVI, pp. 102-104).' In a general way it may be stated that the equipment was ample and satisfac- tory, especially in respect to the large living and office quarters on the Maryland Shell Fish Commission houseboat Oyster {XLIII, p. 35)^ and the equipment of instruments furnished by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey for both the work of the Government and State. COST. On account of the divided administration that naturally goes along with coop- erative work of several independent institutions, the problem of fixing the cost of the six years' work of the Maryland Oyster Survey presents many difficulties. But Dr. Grave in the "Fourth Report of the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland" {XLIII, p. 33)' has placed the figure at something more than a total of $200,000 for all the work of both the Government and the State. Accepting $200,000 as the cost of the Maryland Oyster Survey, the following deductions will be of interest : The total area of the tidewaters of Maryland covered by the Maryland Oyster Survey, including natural oyster bars, crab bottoms, clam beds, bottoms suitable for oyster culture, and all other bottoms interspaced between these shellfish areas, is approximately 1,600 square miles, or 1,020,000 acres. This makes the cost of surveying and charting this area approximately $125 a square mile, or 20 cents an acre. The total annual production of oysters in Maryland is now approximately 5,000,000 bushels, and the estimated ultimate production is 20,000,000 bushels. This makes a total cost of 1 cent per bushel for the estimated ultimate annual yield of the oyster industry to be operated on the surveying basis established by the ' See " Kelerences," p. 19. 14 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF Oi'STEE BARS OF MARYLAND. Maryland Oyster Survey, or IJ cents per bushel for the predicted 15,000,000-bushel increase in annual production. The total physical valuation of the oyster industry of Maryland is estimated as being now approximately $20,000,000, and the predicted ultimate valuation has been placed at $100,000,000. This makes the cost of the Maryland Oyster Survey one-fifth of 1 per cent of the predicted ultimate value of the oyster industry to be based on that work, or one-quarter of 1 per cent of the predicted increase in valua- tion. {XLII,XLV.)' CHRONOLOGICAL STATEMENT. The chronological account of the six years' work of the Maryland Oyster Survey occupies many pages of both the publications of the Maryland Shell Fish Commis- sion {XLIII, pp. 9-24, 37-38)' and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey {XVI, pp. 104-105; XVIII, pp. 17-18; XX, pp. 14-15; XXII, p. 15; XXVI, pp. 15-16; XXVIII, pp. 21-22; XXX, pp. 13-14; XXXII, p. 13; XXXIX, pp. 17-18; XL, pp. 19-20; XLIV, pp. 23-25; XLVI, pp. 22-23).' For the pur- poses of this publication it is thought that it will be sufficient to give a table of the dates of the beginning jf the field work and the closing of the office work for each county. The dates of the close of office work also being the dates of the fihng of the certified charts and reports marking the legal opening of each county for the purpose of oyster culture under the provisions of the Haman Oyster Culture Law. County Beginning of field work Close of office worli and date of flltng of certified charts and reports Anne Arundel Somerset Wicomico Worcester Calvert Charles St. Marys Baltimore Kent Queen Annes Talbot Dorchester June 29, 1906 May 2, 1907 Aug. 27, 1907 Nov. 8, 1907 May 2, 1908 • Aug. 18, 1908 May 2, 1908 Apr. 14, 1909 Apr. 14, 1909 Apr. 14, 1909 July 6, 1909 Mar. 14, 1910 June 20, 1907 July 1, 1908 Dec. 1, 1908 Apr. 12, 1909 Dec, 14, 1909 , Jan. 27, 1911 July 6, 1911 Aug. 10, 1911 Oct. 5, 1911 Nov. 29, 1911 July 20, 1912 Aug. 17, 1912 PERSONNEL (1906-1912) The following list of those directly connected vsdth the work of the Marj'land Oyster Survey, either as executives or technical experts, is given for purposes of ref- erence only. So much could be said that is fine and true of the character and spirit of the work of many who were directly and indirectly connected with the six years' operations of the Maryland Oyster Survey, and the desire to say it is so great, that under the circumstances the only practical course in a summary publication of this sortisto omit all such comments. {XLIV, pp. 25-26; XLIII, pp. 1 1-25; XXXIV, p. 13.)' ' See "References," p. 19. MARYLAND OYSTER SURVEY. 15 State of Maryland. Maryland Shell Fish Commission. Commissioners. Assistant Engineers. Walter J. Mitchell (1906-1912). W. Gibson Emory (1906-1908). Caswell Grave (1906-1912). Ernest Reppenhagbn (1907-1909). Benjamin K. Green (1906-1912). T, H. Grave (1907-1911). ^, . , ^ . H. A. Marston (1908-1910). Chuf Engineer. g g ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Swepson Earle (1906-1912). Hugh Mitchell (1909-1912). U. S. Department of Commerce. U. 8. B0REAU of fisheries. Representative of Bureau, H. F. Moore (1906-1912). U. S. coast and GEODETIC SURVEY. Representative of Survey . Draftsmen. C. C. Yates (1906-1912). John D. Torrey (1906-1911). . . „ . G. C. Moore (1906-1911). Assutant Engineers. ^ j^ ^^^^ (1911-1912). Frank W. Seth (1906-1912), T. J. Stockton (1911). E. A. BoRST (1906, 1907, 1909). George W. Myers (1911). N. L. Akbuckle (1906-1910). . , ^ ^, , Paul C. Whitney (1907). "^P*""' -^'""•^''"i' ^'"■*- J. J. Phelan (1907-1910). David M. Hildreth. Templeton Van de Boqert C. R. Thompson. (1911, 1912). Robert F. Storm. T. H. Grave (1911). J. C. Mulpord. CONCLUSIONS. GENERAL STATEMENT. The Maryland Oyster Survey is probably the most extensive and complete work of its kind. And for that reason many of the conclusions resulting from experience gained in that work might be of public uiterest. But in harmony with the plan of this publication only those will be given which are thought to be of special value for use in connection with the consideration of future surveys of similar character. The primary object of an oyster survey from a national point of view is to conserve and increase the national supply of food. And before this can be done intelligently and economically it is evident that an inventory (or a survey as it is more commonly called) of the oyster resources under investigation must be made and recorded on charts and in other forms. (XXIII, LIV.Y As distinguished from a national point of view, the object of an oyster survey of a particular State or locality naturally partakes more of the character of a desire to develop the wealth of that State or locality by increasing its oyster industries or by revenues obtained from the leasing of the land underneath its oyster-producing waters. And like the Government, it is evident that a State can not accomphsh these objects intelligently and economically without first having a sui-vey made of its oyster resources. {XLIII, XLVIII.Y Considered from both these points of view, the cooperation of the General Government with a State goverimient appears to be not only a legitimate and an economical arrangement, but also the best method of conducting an oyster sui-vey. REQUIREMENTS OF AN OYSTER SURVEY. From the G&vernment standpoint, the chief requirements of an oyster survey appear to be: First. The representation on charts of the bottoms of the oyster-producing waters in such a manner as to show not only the limits of the natural growth of oysters as to locality and quantity, but also such other related information about these areas and the contiguous bottoms as will best indicate their value for the purpose of oyster culture. {X XIII, XLIX, LIV.Y Second. A more detail description of the oyster bottoms than can be shown by symbols on the charts, and such other information as to the saltness of the water, the quantity and quality of the oyster food in the water, currents, tides, surrounding sanitary conditions, character of bottom, etc., as affect the growth and value of oysters. {X, XXXV, XLI, XLIX.Y Third. The carrying on of the oyster survey in such a manner that whenever it is economical to do so the results of certain parts of the surveying operations made necessary by the requirements of the oyster survey can be utilized as a geographic 1 See " References," p. 19. CONCLUSIONS. 17 fouudatiou for cliart-rnaking surveys, mapping of the adjacent land regions, river and harbor improvements, etc. {XXXIV; XLIV, pp. 36-171; XLVIII, pp. 59-68.)' From the State or local standpoint the desirable requirements of an oyster survey, in addition to those just stated, appear to be: First. The well-defined representation on published charts, in a more or less arbitrary form, of the so-called "natural oyster bars" which are to be reserved for the use of the public by reason of ancient customs, pubUc sentiment, or the laws of the State in which they are located. {LIV.y And a similar well-defined repre- sentation on published charts of the boundaries of the bottoms leased from the State by private individuals for the purpose of oyster culture. (XLVIII, map.)' Second. A more detail, technical, and legal description of the boundaries of these' public natural oyster bars (XLIV, pp. 172-242)' and private leased oyster bottoms (XLVIII, pp. 69-108)' than can be secured by their representation on the charts, in order that the State can furnish an easily defined and incontestible title to those oyster bottoms it may desire to lease for the purposes of revenue or for the encour- agement of oyster culture. Third. The representation of the information obtained b}^ the oyster survey in such a manner, both on charts and in publications, as will best combat the obstacles due to ignorance, prejudice, and politics, which are always to be found, to a greater or less extent, in every locality where oyster culture is in progress or being contem- plated. (VII, XXIX, XXXIV, XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XLI, XLII, XLV, Liii.y SUGGESTED ORGANIZATION OF AN OYSTER SUHVET. A complete oyster survey includes a part of the normal scientific operations of tlu'ee separate bureaus ^ of the General Government, and for that reason, as has been previously indicated, an ideal survey of the oyster resources of any one State would involve the cooperation of these three Government bureaus with a State commission especially created for that purpose. (XXXIV.)^ Arranged in the order of actual operations, and without reference to priority or magnitude of the interests involved, the distribution of the work of the suggested cooperative oyster survey would be as follows : United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. — The establishment of a surveying foundation of triangulation, topography, and hydrography. United States Bureau of Fisheries. — The delimitation of the boundaries of the various classes of 03'ster bottoms and other scientific operations pertaining par- ticularly to oysters. United States Bureau of Chemistry. — The sanitary survey of the oyster-producing waters. State Oyster Survey Commission. — The marking, defining, and charting of the boundaries of both public and leased oyster bottoms, and the consideration of matters relating to the economic development of the oyster industry to be based on the results of the oyster survey. ' See " References," p. 19. » Bureau of Fisheries, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Bureau of Chemistry. 95112— 13— —2 18 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. COST OF AN OYSTER SURVEY. There is no one thing more important to either the layman or the engineer than to be able to make some sort of an estimate of the final cost of any engineering work being considered. And while the cost of any such work as the survey of the vast oyster resources of Maryland is information which should be recorded, it is of value chiefly for the means it furnishes for estimating the cost of future engineering works of similar character. Adopting the figures of Dr. Caswell Grave/ the cost of a new oyster survey based on results obtained by the IMaryland Oyster Survey would be approxunately 20 cents an acre for the entke area to be covered without reference to the various bottoms as finally classified. The legitmiate share of the State's expenses being estimated at 11 cents and those of the Government at 9 cents an acre. In considering the cost of an oyster survey, it should not be forgotten that the benefit to be derived by the Government from such operations would be not only in the form of an increase in the food supply of the country, but also in the form of a surveying foundation suitable for other chart and map making operations, river and harbor improvements, and so forth. In further explanation it should be stated that all the uncertain elements of weather, season, character of the topograph}', refinement of results demanded, urgency for completion of work, and so forth, which make it so difiicult to estimate the cost of a geographic survey on land, are further magnified in an oyster survey. Not only by waves produced by winds that would not deter work on land, but also by social and political conditions which are usually associated with such work. It is also weU to state in the way of warnmg that the preceding cost data when used as a basis for estimating the cost of oyster surveys in other States than Maryland may give only an approxunately correct estimate under certam conditions. That for large open bodies of water, it might give an overestimate for good weather and an underestimate for bad weather, while for small bodies of water with complicated shore line and numerous small scattered oyster areas, it would probably furnish an underestimate because of the increased detail of the work in proportion to the total area of the survey. > See p. 13. KEFERENCES. Note.— This list of publications was prepared solely for the purpose of furnishing such references as best suit the plan of this publication, and it should not be considered as being complete in any other sense. Reference number. Date. Title. Author or editor. Publisher. • Pages, etc. I 1880 Report of the Commissioners of Fish- eries of Maryland. T. B. Ferguson, Thos. Hughlett, Wm. K. Brooks, Francis Winslow. Commission of Fish- eries of Maryland. 347; illus. II 1881 Report on the oyster beds of the James River, \^a., and of Tangier and I'ocomoke Sounds, Md. and Va. Francis Winslow U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. 87; maps; illus. in 1881 Report of Commissioner of Fisheries of Maryland. T. B. Ferguson, John A. Ryder, Francis Winslow. Commission of Fish- eries of Maryland. 158; illus. IV 1881 Ernest Ingersol Wm. K. Brooks V 1884 The development and protection of the oyster in Maryland. Johns Hokpins Uni- versity. 193; maps; illus. VI 1S91 1893 do do. VII B. Howard Haman... Maryland Road League. vm 1893 Oyster records. Distances and bear- ings of numbered corners of public grounds, etc., of the Slate of Virginia. J. D. Baylor Virginia Fish Com- mission. Pamphlet for each county. IX 18U5 The oyster industry of Maryland Charles H. Stevenson. U. S. Bureau of Fish- eries. 110; iUus. X 1897 Oysters and methods of oyster culture with notes on clam culture. H. F. Moore do 78; illus. XI 1899 1904 Report on the oyster beds of Louisiana Investigations for the promotion of the oyster industry of North Carolina. do do xn do 95; map; illus. XIII 1905 The crab industry of Maryland Wmthrop A. Roberts. do 18. XIV 1907 First report of the Shell Fish Com- mission of Maryland. Caswell Grave Maryland Shell Fish Commission. 231; illus. • XV 1907 Survey of oyster bottoms in Matagorda Bay, Tex. H. F. Moore U. S. Bureau of Fish- eries. 86; map; illus. XVI 1907 Survey of oyster bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. C.C.Yates U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. 106; map. XVII 1908 Fisheries of the United States Bureau of Census Bureau of Census 324. XVIII 1908 Survey of oyster bars, Somerset Coun- ty, Md. C.C. Yates U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. 118; map. XIX 1909 Second report of the Shell Fish Com- mission of Maryland. Maryland Shell Fish Commission. XX 1909 Survey of oyster bars, Wicomico County, Md. C.C.Yates U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. 54; map. XXI 1909 Conservation Commis- sion of Maryland. XXII 1909 Survey of oyster bars, Worcester County, Md. C.C. Yates U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Siu-vey. 67; map. XXIII 1910 Condition and extent of the oyster beds of James River, Va. H. F. Moore U. S. Bureau of Fish- eries. 83; map. XXIV 1910 James L. Kellogg H. F. Moore, T. E. B. Pope. Henry Holt & Co U. S. Bureau of Fish- eries. 361; illus. 54. XXV 1910 Oyster-culture experunents and in- vestigations in Louisiana. XXVI 1910 Survey of oyster bars, Calvert County, C.C.Yates U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. 94; map. XXVII 1911 Condition and extent of the natural oyster beds of Delaware. 11. F. Moore U. S. Bureau of Fish- eries. 29; map. 20 SUMMAKY OF SURVEY OF OY'STEK BARS OF MARYLAND. References — Continued. Reference number. Date. Title. Author or editor. Publisher. Pages, etc. XXVIII XXIX XXX XXXI xxxn xxxni XXXIV XXXV XXXVI 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1906 to 1913 Survey of oyster bars, St. Marys County, Md. Proposed amendments to the Haman Oyster Culture Law. Survey of oj'ster bars, Charles County, Md. Third report of the Shell Fish Com- mission of Maryland. Survey of oyster bars, Baltimore County, Md. Report of proceedings of the third an- nual Convention of the National Association of SheUflsh Commis- sioners. The relation of the work of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey to State Oyster Surveys. Shellfish contamination from sewage- polluted waters and from other sources. History of oyster production in Mary- land, 1810-1912. Analysis of the Campbell Oyster Bill . . What the crab industry is worth to Maryland. Survey of oyster bars, Kent County, Md. Survey of oyster bars, Queen Annes County, Md. A manual of oyster culture of Mary- land. Discussion of the Campbell Oyster Culture Bill as amended by the Price Oyster Plan providing for con- servation of natural oyster bars along with oyster culture on barren bottoms. Fourth report of the Shell Fish Com- mission of Maryland. Survey of oyster bars, Talbot County, Md. Notes on the history of the oyster in Maryland and the physical valua- tion of her oyster properties. Survey of oyster bars, Dorchester County, Md. Fish and oyster law of the State of Maryland. Report of Delaware Oyster Survey Commission 1909-1912. Condition and extent of the natural oyster beds and barren bottoms of Mississippi Sound, Ala. Condition and extent of the natural oyster beds and barren bottoms of Mississippi, east of Biloxi. Oyster industry of Maryland and Vir- ginia, 1912. Fifth report of the Shell Fish Com- mission of Maryland. Oysters; The World's most valuable water crop. (National Geographic Magazine, March, 1913.) Maryland Oyster Charts showing re- sult of survey by Maryland Shell Fish Commission, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, and U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey Charts Nos. 1 to 42 and Index Chart. U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. Maryland Shell Fish Commission. U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. Maryland Shell Fish Commission. U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. National Association of SheUflsh Com- sioners. 203; map. 16. 62; map. 133; illus. 42; map. 98; illus. 13 Maryland SheU Fish Commission. C.C.Yates Caswell Grave C. C. Yates SwepsonEarle C C Yates George Whitfield Stiles, Jr. U.S. Bureau of Chem- istry. 53; illus. C. C. Yates Maryland Shell Fish Commission. 23. 7. XXXIX C. C. Yates U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. do XL do 176; map. C. C.Yates Maryland Shell Fish Commission. do S3. U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. Maryland Shell Fish Commission. U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. State Fishery Force. . . Delaware Oyster Sur- vey Commission. U.S. Bureau of Fish- eries. do XLV 11; map. XLVI C C Yates 180; map. 154. 108; map. 61; map. 41 illus. XLVII XLVIII V. Calvin Trice L do LI U. S. Bureau of Fish- eries. William H. Maltbie... Hugh M. Smith do LII LIII LIV Maryland Shell Fish Commission. National Geographic Society. U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. tistics. 12. 26; illus. 1:20,000, each 30 by 40 inches. TECHNICAL INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS. EXPLANATION. The technical index to the pubhcations of the Maryland Oyster Survey is divided into four sections of two parts each under the heads of "Natural oyster bars," "Crab bottoms," "Clam beds" and "Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey tri- angulation stations)." The first part of each section is an "Alphabetical index," which gives for each natural oyster bar, crab bottom, clam bed, or triangulation station, as the case may be — 1. The serial number of the Maryland oyster chart on which it is shown. 2. The approximate geographic location in latitude and longitude. 3. The county in which it is located. 4. The "County index number" by which it is indicated on the "Index chart." ' 5. The page number of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey county publication of "Survey of oyster bars" on wliich it is technically described as to boundaries and locations. 6. The page number of the Fourth Report of the Shell Fish Commission, on which are described its characteristics pertaining particularly to oysters. The second part of each section is a "Numerical index" arranged in a separate division for each county within which "Natural oyster bars," "Crab bottoms," "Clam beds," or "Triangulation stations" are located, and gives only the names of the bars, bottoms, beds, or stations, as the case may be, corresponding to the "County index number" of these same objects as shown on the "Index chart." The "County index numbers" are arranged in numerical order on the "Index chart," commencing with No. 1 for each county, and in using an index number obtained from the "Index chart" it should be coupled with the name of the county in which it is located. The names of the different counties are given in large red letters on the "Index chart" and their boundaries are shown by red dash and dot lines. * See chart in folder of this publication. NATURAL OYSTER BARS. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Note. — See Numerical Index for names of natural oyster tars corresponding to numters on Index Chart. Approximate geographic | Page of Page of Fourth Re- location County , index U. S. Coast Chart number of nd Geodetic county port of Mary land Shell Name of oyster bar Maryland Jyster Chart County in which located. by which indicated on Index Chart publication of Survey of Fish Com- mission oo on which shown Latitude Longitude Oyster Bars on which which char- ai-teristics boundaries are are defined described Abell 25 38 17 76 43 St. Marys 95 184 148 Aberdeen 3 38 57 76 32 Anne Arundel 56 54 115 Aisquith Creek 2 39 02 76 32 Anne Arundel 30 42 115 Aldridges Discovery 32 38 52 76 15 Talbot 30 182 209 Almshouse 3 38 56 76 32 Anne Arundel 60 53 115 Along Shore 37,38 38 31 76 16 Dorchester 54 131 196 Applegarth 40 38 13 76 06 Dorchester 86 147 198 Arnold Point 2 39 02 76 32 Anne Arundel 31 44 115 Ash Craft 32 38 48 76 13 Talbot 19 187 209 Bachelor Point 34,35 38 40 76 U Talbot 92 220 206 Back of Island 20 38 19 76 28 Calvert 23 78 126 Back Shore 34, 35, 37 38 39 76 10 Talbot 112 220 210 Bailey 30 39 08 76 09 Kent 52 117 240 Bakers Cove 34 38 42 76 07 Talbot 104 226 207 Bald Eagle (Little 36,37 38 33 76 18 Dorchester 34 129 196 Choptank River) Bald Eagle (East- 32 38 54 76 14 Queen Annes 62 156 226 ern Bay) Bamings Cove 34 38 43 76 08 Talbot 101 225 207 Barn Gates 20 38 20 76 29 Calvert 24 77 126 Barn Point 37 38 32 76 13 Dorchester 48 137 197 Barnett 34 38 46 76 11 Talbot 16 234 209 Barren Neck 3 38 51 76 32 Anne Arundel 82 58 116 Batts Neck 31 38 54 76 19 Queen Annes 43 137 227 Baxters Hollow 32 38 53 76 11 Queen Annes 85 161 225 Bay Bush Point 30 39 03 76 12 Kent 37 111 239 Bay Hundred 33 38 44 76 21 Talbot 40 194 210 Bay Shore 4 38 48 76 30 Anne Arundel 88 63 117 Bazzles Hill 34 38 47 76 12 Talbot 17 233 209 Beacons 35 38 38 76 07 Talbot 118 236 210 Bean Shoal 41 38 18 75 56 Dorchester 118 159 195 Beard Point 3 38 57 76 32 Anne Aiundel 58 54 115 Beef Creek 14,15 38 06 75 18 Worcester 13 53 246 Bell Buoy 41,42 38 12 76 01 Dorchester 82 150 198 Belts 30 39 03 76 12 Kent 35 110 239 Benoni 34,37 38 40 76 13 Talbot 90 219 210 Bibby 32 38 56 76 15 Queen Annes 65 151 226 Big Anneniessex 7 38 03 75 .50 Somerset 23 73 182 Big Bay Point 15 38 04 75 17 Worcester 21 56 246 Big Hill 12 38 12 75 57 Wicomico 12 46 189 Big Island 2 39 03 76 34 Anne Arundel 34 44 115 Biscoe 24 38 12 76 27 St. Marys 56 165 146 Black 2 39 04 76 28 Anne Arundel 10 29 114 22 NATUEAL OYSTER BARS. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. 23 Appro-ximate geographic Page of Page of location County index number by which U. S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart number of and Geodetic county port of Mary- land Shell Name of oyster bar Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located publication of Survey of Fish Com- mission on on which shown Latitude Longitude on Index Chart Oyster Bars on which which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described Black Buoy (Ches- 30 39 01 76 11 Kent 33 109 239 ter River) Black Walnut (Bre- 25 38 15 76 40 St. Marys 82 177 147 tons Bay) Black Walnut (Big 33, 36, 37 38 40 76 19 Talbot 45 197 210 Choptank River) Blakistone 26 38 17 76 48 St. Marys 114 191 148 Bloodsworth 40,41 38 13 76 03 Dorchester 84 149 198 Blue Sow 25 38 14 76 42 St. Marys 91 178 147 Bluff Point (Ches- 30 39 04 76 12 Kent 38 111 239 ter River) Bluff Point (Wi- 26 38 16 76 49 St. Marys 113 191 148 comico River) Bluff Woods 25 38 16 7G 43 St. Marys 100 183 148 Blunt 30 38 59 76 12 Queen Amies 22 120 227 Boat House 30 39 06 76 10 Kent 45 114 240 Bob Wise 20 38 20 76 29 St. Marys 15 139 145 Bodkin Island 31,32 38 54 76 17 Queen Annes 55 146 227 Bodkin Point North 1 39 09 76 26 Anne Arundel 1 26 117 Bodkin Point South 1 39 07 76 25 Anne Arundel 2 27 117 Bodkin Shoals 31 38 53 76 18 Queen Annes 35 132 226 Bolingbroke Sand 35 38 35 76 03 Talbot 124 239 206 Bolston Bank 3 38 53 76 32 Anne Arundel 76 61 116 Booker Wharf 30 39 08 76 04 Queen Annes 2 129 227 Boundary 42 38 05 76 04 Dorchester 78 161 199 Bozman Neck 32 38 51 76 15 Talbot 26 183 209 Bramleigh Creek 26 38 18 76 50 St. Marys 117 189 149 Brannock 36,37 38 36 76 17 Dorchester 27 120 199 Bretons Bay 25 38 15 76 42 St. Marys 90 178 147 Brewer (Severn 2 39 02 76 32 Anne Arundel 36 43 115 River) Brewer (South River) Brice Fence 3 38 56 76 32 Anne Arundel 61 52 115 3 38 52 76 31 Anne Arundel 79 60 116 Brick House 31 38 57 76 22 Queen Annes 31 130 228 Brick House Hill 31 38 53 76 19 Queen Annes 36 133 226 Bridge 38 38 28 76 17 Dorchester 57 138 197 British Harbour 35 38 35 76 00 Talbot 128 241 206 Broad Creek 29 39 00 76 20 Queen Annes 30 116 228 Broad Creek Mid- 34 38 44 76 14 Talbot 80 210 207 dle ground Broad Neck (Cal- 19 38 28 76 39 Calvert 37 71 126 vert Co.) Broad Neck (St. 19 38 28 76 39 St. Marys 3 134 145 Marys Co.) Brooks Shallows 19 38 30 76 40 St. Marys 1 133 145 Broome Island 19 38 24 76 34 Calvert 30 74 126 Brown 34 38 43 76 16 Talbot 69 208 207 Bruffs Island 32 38 51 76 12 Talbot 6 190 209 Brumell 37 38 33 76 13 Dorchester 45 135 197 Brushy Point 34 38 45 76 16 Talbot 76 212 208 Bryan (Wye River) 32 38 53 76 10 Queen Annes 87 162 225 Bryan (St. Marya 24 38 12 76 27 St. Marys 54 166 146 River) 24 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. Name of oyster bar Chart number of Maryland Oyster Chart on which shown Buce Buckhoi'u Bugby Bullock Bullock Island Bungay Bunker Hill Buoy Buoy Rock Butler Butterpot Buzzard Island Cabin Creek (Chop- tank River) Cabin Creek (Pros- pect Bay) Cabin Creek En- trance Camden Point Canoe Creek Captain Point Carpenter Island Carpenters Yard Carroll Muds (Cal- vert Co. ) Carroll Muds (St. Marys Co.) Carthagena Creek Carvel Cason Castle Haven Castle Haven Creek Cators Cedar Island Cedar Point (West River) Cedar Point (St. George River) Cedar Point (Broad Creek) Cedar Point Hollow Cedar Shoal Chad wick Chain Shoal Chancellor Point Change Chapel Point Chaptico Lumps Charleston Creek Chase Cherry (Rhode River) Cherry (St. Marys River) 3 32 32 26 26 41 31 5 29,30 22 37 19 35 32 35 34 25 19 30 26 20 20 24 29 37 35,37 35 36, 37, 38 31 3 24 34 20,21 11 24 7 35 33 25 26 26 2 3 24 38 53 38 58 38 53 38 15 38 15 38 17 38 53 38 13 39 00 38 06 38 32 38 29 38 38 38 56 38 38 38 44 38 15 38 23 39 01 38 30 38 19 38 19 38 09 39 00 38 32 38 38 38 37 38 30 38 55 38 51 38 09 38 44 38 16 38 18 38 10 38 07 38 35 38 43 38 16 38 20 38 17 39 01 38 53 38 07 Longitude 76 32 76 15 76 13 76 49 76 48 76 01 76 20 75 53 76 14 76 20 76 14 76 40 75 59 76 13 75 58 76 07 76 44 76 32 76 11 76 40 76 25 76 25 76 28 76 17 76 15 76 12 76 10 76 19 76 17 76 31 76 30 76 14 76 23 75 54 76 31 75 58 76 01 76 18 76 42 76 51 76 50 76 31 76 31 76 28 Anne Arundel Queen Annes Queen Annes St. Marys St. Marys Dorchester Queen Annes Somerset Kent St. Marys Dorchester Calvert Dorchester Queen Annes Dorchester Talbot St. Marys St. Marys Queen Annes Charles Calvert St. Marys St. Marys Queen Annes Dorchester Dorchester Dorchester Dorchester Queen Annes Anne Arimdel St. Marys Talbot St. Marys Wicomico St. Marys Somerset Talbot Talbot St. Marys St. Marys Charles Anne Arundel Anne Arundel St. Marys County index number by which indicated on Index Chart Page of U.S. Coast and Geodetic coxmtj' pubhcation of Survey of Oyster Bars on which boundaries are defined 73 70 77 110 109 110 37 3 30 32 41 39 3 110 101 9 20 3 15 62 147 158 193 193 155 133 62 108 148 133 70 112 229 182 136 121 54 82 142 157 118 132 118 117 124 144 58 25 144 6 44 79 173 11 67 127 240 51 200 94 182 121 187 11 50 28 41 72 60 Page of Fourth Ee- port of Mary- land SheU Fish Com- mission on which char- acteristics described 116 226 . 226 148 148 195 226 183 239 149 196 127 197 226 197 207 148 145 227 132 126-127 145-149 146 227 196 199 199 196 227 116 207 149 189 147 183 206 208 148 149 132 114 115 NATURAL OYSTER BARS. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. 25 Approximate geographic Page of Page of location County index number by which indicated on Index Chart U. S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart number of Maryland Oyster Chart County in wtiich located and Geodetic county publication of Survey of port of Mary- Name of oyster bar land Shell Fish Com- mission on 071 which shown Latitude Longitude Oyster Bars on which which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described Cherry Island 37 38 34 76 13 Dorchester 44 136 197 Cherry Tree (Pa- 20 38 19 76 27 Calvert 21 79 126 tuxent River) Cherry Tree (Nan- 11 38 18 75 55 Wicomico 8 44 189 ticoke River) Chester River Mid- dleground Cheston Point 30 39 05 76 11 Kent 39 112 239 3 38 52 76 31 Anne Arundel 80 59 116 Chicken Cock 24 38 07 76 26 St. Marys 41 153 146 Chinese Muds (Cal- 20 38 21 76 23 Calvert 13 83 127 vert Co.) Chinese Muds (St. 20 38 19 76 22 St. Marys 24 143 149 Marys Co.) Chinks Point 2 38 58 76 28 Anne Arundel 44 35 115 Chlora Point 35 38 38 76 09 Talbot 117 235 210 Choptank Lumps 34,37 38 40 76 14 Talbot 89 218 210 Church Creek 8 37 59 76 05 Somerset 37 74 183 Church Hill 33,34 38 41 76 18 Talbot 48 198 210 Clay Bank 33,36 38 27 76 23 Talbot 43 196 210 Clay Island 41 38 14 75 59 Dorchester 112 153 195 Clem Point 2 39 01 76 32 Anne Arundel 37 42 115 Cliff 30 39 06 76 09 Kent 56 118 239 Coad 24 38 09 76 28 St. Marys 63 156 146 Coal Lump 28 39 15 76 15 Kent 3 96 241 Cobb Point 26 38 15 76 50 Charles 15 52 132 Coffee 32 38 52 76 13 Queen Annes 80 158 226 Cohouck 26 38 21 76 51 St. Marys 122 187 149 Collins Flats 3 38 51 76 31 Anne Arundel 85 57 116 Commander 3,5 38 35 76 07 Dorchester 14 116 199 Commegys Bight 30 39 06 76 08 Kent 57 119 239 Cook Point 36,37 38 39 76 17 Dorchester 22 118 199 Cooper Creek 24 38 10 76 27 St. Marys 59 161 146 Coopers Point 34 38 45 76 16 Talbot 74 211 208 Coppage 24 38 10 76 27 St. Marys 60 161 146 Cormal 7 38 08 75 50 Somerset 17 69 182 Corners Wharf 37 38 37 76 13 Dorchester 19 129 199 Cove Point Bight 20 38 22 76 22 Calvert 9 85 127 Cow Island 36,37 38 33 76 18 Dorchester 33 128 196 Cox 34 38 46 76 09 Talbot 15 235 209 Cox Neck 31 38 54 76 17 Queen Annes 56 145 227 Crab Alley Lumps 31,32 38 55 76 16 Queen Annes 59 144 227 Crab Point 40 38 16 76 08 Dorchester 89 147 198 Creces Cove 2 38 59 76 29 Anne Arundel 23 37 114 Curtis 3 38 52 76 30 Anne Arundel 86 57 117 Daddie Dare 17 38 34 76 30 Calvert 5 66 127 Dark Point 40 38 18 76 10 Dorchester 94 144 198 Davis Creek 30 39 07 76 10 Kent 47 115 240 Dawson 34 38 41 76 17 Talbot 66 206 210 Deep Landing Hole 28,29 39 09 76 16 Kent 11 101 241 Deep Neck 34 38 44 76 15 Talbot 70 209 207 Deep Point 30 39 07 76 07 Kent 59 119 239 Deep Point Mud 20 38 18 76 26 St. Marys 21 142 145 Deep Shoal 28 39 15 76 14 Kent 2 95 241 Deep Water 15 38 04 75 17 Worcester 23 57 246 26 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. Approximate geographic | 1 Page of Page of location U.S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart number of C ounty index md Geodetic county port of Mary- land Shell Name of oyster bar Maryland Oyste'r Chart County in which located by which publication of tkirvey of Fish Com- mission on on which shown Latitude j Longitude | on Index Chart Oyster Bars on wliich which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described Deep Water Point 32 38 48 76 / 13 Talbot 20 186 209 Diamond (Chesa- peake Bay) Diamond (Chinco- 36,37 38 37 76 20 Dorchester 25 120 199 14,15 38 06 75 17 Worcester 12 54 246 teague Bay) Dickinson 35 38 36 76 06 Talbot 121 238 210 Dividing 32 38 53 76 10 Queen Annes 96 166 225 Dixon 35 38 36 75 59 Dorchester 5 112 197 Dominion 32 38 56 76 15 Queen Annes 66 151 226 Double Mills 34 38 44 76 08 Talbot 108 228 207 Dredge Rock 29 39 01 76 15 Kent 26 106 239 Drum 15 38 04 75 16 Worcester 19 56 246 Drum Point (Chop- 35 38 39 75 57 Dorchester 1 111 197 tank River) Drum Point (Lang- 30 39 07 76 10 Kent 46 114 240 ford Creek) Drum Point (Wye River) Drum Point (Mano- kin River) Drum Point (Broad 32 38 53 76 11 Queen Annes 89 163 225 7 38 07 75 53 Somerset 19 71 182 34 38 45 76 13 Talbot 82 214 207 Creek) Duck Island 41 38 16 76 00 Dorchester 111 155 195 Dukehart Channel 25 38 13 76 45 St. Marys 104 179 147 Dunbar 24 38 07 76 24 St. Marys 37 152 145 Dupont 36,37 38 37 76 18 Dorchester 26 120 199 Durdin 30 39 02 76 12 Kent 34 109 239 Dutchman 3 38 52 76 30 Anne Arundel 70 56 117 Dutchman Hollow 3 38 52 76 31 Anne Arundel 71 59 115 Duvall 3 38 57 76 32 Anne Arundel 57 53 115 Eagle Point (Lang- 30 39 08 76 10 Kent 49 116 240 ford Creek) Eagle Point (Harris 33 38 44 76 19 Talbot 52 201 208 Creek) Earle Cove 30 39 05 76 08 Queen Annes 10 126 228 East End 32 38 50 76 13 Talbot 9 189 209 East Neck Bay 29 39 04 76 16 Kent 23 105 241 Easter Cove 15 38 04 75 19 Worcester 16 55 246 Ebb Point 30 39 06 76 09 Kent 55 118 239 Edmund 24 38 08 76 27 St. Marys 64 155 146 Elbow 26 38 31 76 40 Charles 2 53 132 Emanuel 17,18 38 30 76 29 Calvert 7 67 127 Emory Hollow 30 39 06 76 08 Queen Annes 6 128 227 Emory Wharf 30 39 05 76 08 Queen Annes 11 125 228 Ennis 14 38 11 75 14 Worcester 5 50 246 Entrance Lumps 29 39 03 76 15 Kent 24 106 240 Erickson Sands 31 38 55 76 19 Queen Annes 45 138 227 Evans (Fishing Bay) 41 38 15 76 01 Dorchester 102 154 195 Evans (Wicomico 5 38 13 75 54 Somerset 4 62 182 River) 1 Fairhaven 4 38 45 76 33 Anne Arundel 90 64 116 Fenwick 26 38 18 76 50 Charles 9 49 132 Ferry (Kent Co.) 29 39 00 76 15 Kent 29 107 239 Ferry(Queen Annes 29 39 00 76 15 Queen Annes 26 118 227 Co.) ' NATURAL OYSTER BAES. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars— Goiilinued. 27 Approximate geographic Page of Page of location County index number by which U. S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart and Geodetic port of Mary- number of county land Shell Name of oyster bar Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located pubUoation of Survey of Fish Com- mission on on which shown Latiti de Longitude on Index Chart Oyster Bars on which which char- acteristics boundaries are defined described Ferry Point 2 39 00 76 29 Anne Arundel 24 37 114 Pish Hawk 21,22 38 09 76 19 St. Marys 29 146 149 Pishing Creek 37 38 32 76 12 Dorchester 50 138 197 Flag Pond 18 38 26 76 26 Calvert 8 68 127 Flat Island 3 38 53 76 32 Anne Arundel 74 62 116 Flat Rock 41 38 20 76 00 Dorchester 106 157 195 Flatty Floodi Point 34 38 43 76 08 Talbot 106 227 207 29 38 59 76 15 Queen Annas 24 119 226 Fort 24 38 08 76 26 St. Marys 42 155 146 Fox 34 38 46 76 14 Talbot 86 216 207 Fox Island 9 37 55 75 56 Somerset 26 75 183 Fox Hole 34 38 41 76 11 Talbot 93 221 206 Fox Point 3 38 56 76 31 Anne Arundel 54 51 115 France 34 38 41 76 17 Talbot 65 206 210 Frog Point 41 38 14 75 57 Dorchester 114 158 195 Gales Lumps 28 .39 13 76 17 Kent 6 96 241 Gatton 19 38 24 76 34 St. Marys 8 136 145 Georges 5,7 38 08 75 50 Somerset 15 64 182 Gibsons Flats 34 38 47 76 12 Talbot 13 233 209 Goodwin 20 38 19 76 28 St. Marys 18 140 145 Goose Creek 41 38 16 76 01 Dorchester 103 154 195 Goose Neck 34 38 42 76 10 Talbot 97 223 206 Goose Point (St. 24 38 08 76 29 St. Marys 69 168 147 George River) Goose Point (Chop- 35 38 36 76 00 Talbot 129 241 206 tank River) Gough 25 38 15 76 40 St. Marys 83 176 147 Governors Run 17,18 38 31 76 30 Calvert 6 67 127 Granary Point 32 38 53 76 08 Queen Annes 98 167 225 Granger 36,37,38 38 30 76 20 Dorchester 62 124 196 Grapevine 37 38 32 76 11 Dorchester 51 138 197 Gravelly Run 24 38 11 76 26 St. Marys 51 162 146 Graves 24 38 07 76 25 St. Marys 39 151 145 Great Bar 34 38 43 76 15 Talbot 68 208 207 Great Marsh 34 38 42 76 17 Talbot 64 207 208 Great Rock 9 37 56 75 56 Somerset 25 75 183 Great Shoals 12 38 13 75 53 Wicomico 13 47 189 Green Marsh 35 38 35 76 04 Dorchester 9 114 199 Greenwood Creek 32 38 53 76 12 Queen Annes 78 157 226 Greeves Cove 31 38 55 76 20 Queen Annes 41 135 227 Guest Marshes 25 38 18 76 43 St. Marys 97 185 148 Gum 39,40 38 20 76 12 Dorchester 97 142 198 Gum Spring 29 39 07 76 15 Kent 19 103 240 Gum Thicket 31 38 53 76 23 Queen Annes 32 131 228 Gunby 10 37 56 75 46 Somerset 30 77 182 Hackett Point 2 38 59 70 25 Anne Arundel 15 32 116 Hackley Creek 26 38 14 76 47 St. Marys 107 194 148 H add away 30 39 08 76 06 Kent 61 120 239 Hail Creek 30 39 01 76 12 Kent 31 108 239 Hail Point 30 39 00 76 12 Kent 32 109 239 Haines 5 38 11 75 58 Somerset 7 61 • 183 Half Pone 20 38 22 76 31 St. Marys 13 138 145 Half Way Mark 41 38 19 76 01 Dorchester 107 157 195 Halls Point 5 38 12 75 57 Somerset 6 61 182 Hambleton 32 38 50 76 14 Talbot 23 185 209 28 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. Approxlmato geographic Page of Page of location County index number by which indicated on Index Chart U. S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart number at and Geodetic county port of Mary- land Shell Name of oyster bar Maryland Oyster Chart on which shown Latitude Longitude County in which located publication of Survey of Oyster Bars on which Fish Com- mission on which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described Hambleton Hill 32 38 50 76 14 Talbot 25 184 209 Hambrooks 35 38 36 76 05 Dorchester 10 114 199 Handys Hammock 13, 14 38 12 75 14 Worcester 2 49 246 Harris 7 38 03 75 53 Somerset 22 73 183 Harrison 34 38 47 76 16 Talbot 79 214 207 Harry Jacks 25 38 18 76 43 St. Marys 98 186 148 Hawks Nest 20 38 20 76 30 St. Marys 14 138 145 Hellen 20 38 22 76 29 Calvert 26 76 126 Hells Delight 30 39 04 76 11 Queen Annes 17 123 227 llenpeck 36, 37, 38 38 31 76 19 Dorchester 60 125 196 Heron Island Reef 25 38 13 76 43 St. Marys 80 179 147 Heron Island Sound 25 38 14 76 43 St. Marys 81 179 147 Herrinp; Island 32 38 50 76 13 Talbot 8 189 209 Hess 32 38 52 76 11 Queen Annes 91 164 225 Hickory Thicket 29 39 04 76 15 Kent 22 105 240 Hickory Nut 11 38 19 75 54 Wicomico 4 43 189 Hickory 40 38 16 76 10 Dorchester 92 145 198 High Island Hill 3 38 53 76 32 Anne Arundel 75 61 116 41 38 19 76 01 Dorchester 108 156 195 Hill Point (Severn 3 38 55 76 30 Anne Arundel 53 51 115 River) Hill Point East 3 38 55 76 30 Anne Arundel 52 50 115 Hills and Holes 41 38 16 75 56 Dorchester 116 158 195 Hills Point (Chesa- 36,37 38 35 76 19 Dorchester 29 121 199 peake Bay) Hills Point North 36,37 38 35 76 21 Dorchester 30 121 199 Hills Point South 36,37 38 34 76 21 Dorchester 31 122 199 Hobbs 32 38 53 76 12 Queen Annes 84 160 225 Hodges 28 39 11 76 16 Kent 7 98 241 Hog Island (Pros- pect Bay) II og Island (Patux- 32 38 58 76 15 Queen Annes 68 149 226 20 38 19 76 23 St. Marys 23 143 149 ent River) Hog Point 16 38 42 76 30 Calvert 1 64 127 Holland Straits 42 38 07 76 05 Dorchester 79 162 198 Holland 12 38 15 75 51 Wicomico 15 48 189 Holland Point 4 38 44 76 30 Anne Arundel 91 65 117 (Chesapeake Bay) Holland Point 19 38 30 76 40 Calvert 40 69 127 (Patuxcnt River) Holland Point 34 38 46 76 16 Talbot 78 213 207 (Broad Creek) IIollyday(KcntCo.) 30 39 08 76 05 Kent 62 120 239 Ilollyday (Queen 30 39 08 76 05 Queen Annes 3 129 227 Anues Co.) Holton Point 30 39 05 76 09 Queen Annes 8 124 227 Hood 32 38 56 76 14 Queen Annes 73 153 226 Hooper 36, 37, 38 38 31 76 17 Dorchester 55 125 196 Hooper Strait Hopkins 40 38 13 76 07 Dorchester 75 148 198 34,35 38 40 76 09 Talbot 113 230 206 Hopkins Cove 41 38 13 76 03 Dorchester 85 149 198 Horn Point (Severn 2 38 58 76 28 Anne Anindel 43 36 115 River) Horn Point (Chop- 35 38 36 76 09 Dorchester 15 116 199 tank River) NATUBAL OYSTER BARS. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. 29 Approximate geograpliic Page of Page of location County index number by wliich indicated on Index Chart a. S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart and Ceodetic port of Mary- number of county land Shell Name of oyster bar Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located pubUcation of Survey of Fish Com- mission on on which shown Latitude Lonsi udc Oyster 13ars on which which char- acteristics boundarie.s are are defined described Horse 25 38 14 76 44 St. Marys 103 180 147 Horsehead North 15 38 03 75 16 Worcester 27 58 246 Horsehead South 15 38 03 75 16 Worcester 28 59 246 Horse Point Chan- nel Horse Race 39.40 38 18 76 14 Dorchester 72 140 199 30 39 02 76 11 Queen Annea 19 122 227 Horseshoe (St. Ma- 24 38 12 76 27 St. Marj-3 53 165 146 rys River) Horseshoe (Miles River) Howells Point 32 38 52 76 14 Talbot 29 182 209 35 38 37 76 07 Talbot 120 237 210 Hudson (Little 37 38 33 76 15 Dorchester 39 133 19 Choptank River) Hudson (Chester 30 39 06 76 11 Kent 43 113 240 River) Huugerford Hollow 20 38 20 70 29 Calvert 25 76 126 Huntingfield 29 39 07 76 15 Kent 18 103 240 Hunts 33 38 44 76 19 Talbot 55 202 208 Hurdle 24 38 08 76 29 St. Marys 68 167 147 Ingram Shoal 12 38 14 75 52 Wicomico 14 47 189 Inner Round Point 3 38 55 76 31 Anne Arundel 64 50 115 Irish Creek 34 38 41 76 13 Talbot 88 217 210 Inside Greenbury 2 38 59 76 27 Anne Arundel 20 35 114 Island 25 38 16 76 39 St. Marys 86 174 147 Island Cove 31 38 57 76 19 Queen Annes 50 141 227 Island Creek (Pa- 19 38 24 76 33 Calvert 29 74 126 tuxent River) Island Creek (Chop- 34,35 38 40 76 08 Talbot 115 231 206 tank River) Island Point 30 39 08 76 10 Kent 48 115 ■ 240 Island Shore 24 38 08 76 29 St. Marys 70 168 147 Jackass 3 38 53 76 31 Anne Arundel 77 61 116 Jacks Bay 19 38 25 76 35 Calvert 32 73 126 Jacks Marsh 19 38 26 76 37 Calvert 33 72 126 Jamaica Point 35 38 37 75 59 Talbot 131 242 206 James Point 36 38 33 76 22 Dorchester 65 122 199 Jane 41 38 12 76 01 Dorchester 81 151 198 Joe Harri.s Flats 34 38 44 76 13 Talbot 83 215 207 Joes Lumps 26 38 19 76 51 C'harles 7 48 132 Johnson Island 31 38 56 76 17 Queen Annes 58 143 227 Johnston 34 38 44 76 08 Talbot 109 229 207 Jones (Little Chop- tank River) Jones St. Marys 37 38 33 76 12 Dorchester 46 136 197 24 38 10 76 26 St. Marys 46 159 146 River) Jones Hole 31 38 56 76 19 Queen Annes 48 140 227 Judys Point 34 38 45 76 17 Talbot 75 212 208 Juniper 32 38 53 76 09 Talbot 1 193 209 Jutland 24 38 07 76 25 St. Marys 38 151 145 Kedge Straits 6 38 04 76 05 Somerset 35 65 183 Kennedy 24 38 10 76 26 St. Marys 49 159 146 Kennel 15 38 04 75 17 Worcester 20 56 246 Kent Island Nar- 29 38 58 76 15 Queen Annes 25 120 226 rows Kent Point 31 38 51 76 23 Queen Annes 33 131 228 30 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. A^.VPHABETICAL INDEX TO NATURAL OySTER BaRS — CoiltiuUed. Approximate geographic Page of Page of location County index number by which indicated on Index Chart U. S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart number of and Geodetic county port of Mary- land Shell Name of oyster bar Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located pubUcation of Survey of Fish Com- mission on on which shown Latitude Longitude Oyster Bars on which which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described Key 26 38 22 76 51 St. Marya 123 186 149 Kings Creek 30 39 08 76 09 Kent 51 116 240 Kirby 35 38 36 76 05 Talbot 122 238 210 Kitts Creek East 10 37 58 75 42 Somerset 33 79 . 182 Kitts Creek West 10 37 58 75 43 Somerset 32 78 182 Kitts Marsh 19 38 27 76 37 Calvert 35 71 126 La Grande 20 38 18 76 27 St. Marys 19 141 145 La Trappe 35 38 38 76 07 Talbot 119 236 206 Lakes Cove 40 38 17 76 09 Dorchester 93 144 198 Lambertson Land- 14 38 12 75 15 Worcester 4 50 246 ing Lancaster 26 38 17 76 50 Charles 12 50 132 Langley Hollow 24 38 09 76 26 St. Marya 43 156 146 Le Compte 35 38 37 76 09 Dorchester 16 117 199 Levin Tump 15 38 04 75 16 Worcester 25 58 246 Light House 34, 35, 37 38 39 76 11 Talbot 91 219 210 Light House Lump 20 38 19 76 25 Calvert 17 82 126 Limekiln 30 39 05 76 12 Kent 40 112 240 Little Choptank 36,37 38 31 76 19 Dorchester 59 126 196 Little Cove Point 20 38 21 76 23 Calvert 10 85 127 Little Neck (Swan 28,29 39 08 76 16 Kent 10 101 241 Creek) Little Neck (Han-is 33,34 38 46 76 18 Talbot 60 205 208 Creek) Little Pollard 37 38 32 76 16 Dorchester 37 132 196 Little Sandy 2 38 59 76 28 Anne Arundel 22 37 114 Lodges 33 38 45 76 19 Talbot 57 203 208 Logans Hill 37 38 39 76 13 Dorchester 20 129 199 Long (Chesapeake Bay) Long (St. George 4 38 45 76 32 Anne Arundel 89 64 117 24 38 09 76 31 St. Marys 78 173 147 River) Long Point (Ches- 29,30 39 00 76 14 Queen Annes 23 119 227 ter River) Long Point (East- 31 38 52 76 20 Queen Annes 34 132 226 ern Bay) Long Point (Poco- 9 37 57 75 49 Somerset 29 77 182 moke Sound) Long Point (Miles 34 38 46 76 11 Talbot 14 234 209 River) Long Point Woods 34 38 42 76 16 Talbot 67 207 207 Long Shoal 11 38 18 75 55 Wicomico 7 44 189 Louis Cove 34 38 42 76 09 Talbot 100 224 206 Love Point 29 39 03 76 18 Queen Annes 29 117 228 Lovers Point 25 38 16 76 39 St. Marys 84 175 147 Lower Forrest 19 38 25 76 36 St. Marya 7 135 145 Lower Newfound- 41 38 19 75 55 Dorchester 120 160 195 land Ijower Steps 16 38 38 76 31 Calvert 3 65 127 Lower Thorough- tare 40 38 15 76 09 Dorchester 88 146 198 Lows Point 31,33 38 48 76 20 Talbot 37 178 210 Lulu 3 38 53 76 27 Anne Arundel 69 55 117 Lumps East of Craig- hill Channel 1 39 07 76 22 Anne Arundel 3 26 117 NATUKAL OYSTEK BARS. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. 31 Approximate geographic Page ol Page of lOtdllOIl County index numher by which U. S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart and Geodetic port of Mary- number of county land SheU Name of oyster bar Maryland Oyster Chart County in whicli located publication of Survey of Fish Com- mission on on which shown Latitude Longitude on Index Chart Oyster Bars on which which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described McKay 21 38 10 76 20 St. Marys 28 146 149 McKeils Point 37 38 33 76 14 Dorchester 42 134 196 Macks Hollow 19 38 29 76 39 Calvert 38 70 127 Man O'War Shoals 27 39 11 76 22 Baltimore 3 34 103 Manahowic Creek 26 38 19 76 50 St. Marys 118 189 149 Mares Point 34 38 42 76 09 Talbot 99 224 206 Marshall 36, 37, 38 38 29 76 20 Dorchester 64 123 197 Marshy 34 38 43 76 09 Talbot 105 227 207 Marshy Island 7 38 07 75 53 Somerset 18 70 182 Marshy Point 3 38 54 76 29 Anne Arundel 67 48 115 Martin Point 14,15 38 05 75 18 Worcester 15 54 246 Marumsco 10 37 57 75 44 Somerset 31 78 182 Marys Delight 31 38 49 76 19 Talbot 36 178 210 Mattapex 31 38 55 76 20 Queen Annes 42 136 227 Matthews 34,35 38 40 76 08 Talbot 116 232 206 Mears (Calvert Co.) 19,20 38 22 76 30 Calvert 27 75 126 Mears (St. Marys Co.) Melton Point 19,20 38 22 76 30 St. Marys 12 137 145 30 39 08 76 04 Kent 63 121 239 Melvin 32 38 53 76 10 Queen Annea 95 166 225 Middle Block 31 38 54 76 18 Queen Annes 53 134 226 Middlesround Mi ddleground Liunp MUbourne Shore 12 38 14 75 55 Wicomico 11 46 189 24 38 08 76 27 St. Marys 65 155 146 24 38 08 76 29 St. Marys 71 169 147 Mileys Creek 25 38 16 76 43 St. Marys 99 183 148 Mill Dam 35 38 36 75 59 Talbot 130 242 206 Mill Hill 32 38 54 76 13 Queen Annes 76 156 226 Mill Point (Chesa- peake Bay) Mill Point (Harris 36,37 38 36 76 18 Dorchester 28 121 199 33 38 45 76 18 Talbot 54 202 208 Creek) Millers Island 27 39 13 76 21 Baltimore 2 34 103 Mills 32 38 52 76 12 Queen Annes 83 160 225 Mills East 26 38 20 76 51 St. Marys 120 188 149 Mills West 26 38 20 76 51 Charles 6 47 132 Millstone 20 38 18 76 26 St. Marys 20 141 145 Mink Tump 15 38 04 75 19 Worcester 17 55 246 MitchellsBluff Buoy Mouldy Creek 28 39 13 76 16 Kent 5 97 241 25 38 16 76 38 St. Marys 85 174 147 Mouth of Creek 24 38 07 76 28 St. Marys 124 153 146 Mouth of River 26 38 15 76 49 St. Marys 111 192 148 Mount Vernon 5 38 15 75 48 Somerset 1 63 183 Wharf Mountain Point 1,2 39 05 76 25 Anne Arundel 4 27 117 Mud (Dorchester Co.) Mud (Chester River) 41 38 10 76 00 Dorchester 80 151 198 29,30 39 01 76 14 Kent 28 107 239 Mud (Somerset Co.) 5 38 09 76 00 Somerset 9 60 183 Muddy Drain 29 39 08 76 16 Kent 17 102 240 Mulberry Point 34 38 45 76 15 Talbot 71 209 207 Mummys Cove 30 39 07 76 06 Queen Annes 4 129 227 Mussel Hole 7 38 04 75 59 Somerset 12 66 183 Neale 19,20 38 23 76 31 St. Marys 11 137 145 32 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. Approximate geographic | Page of Page of ■ location U. S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart number of County inde.t number by which Indicated on Index Chart and Geodetic county port of Mary- 1 land Shell Name of oyster bar Maryland Oyster Chart on which sho^\Ti Latitude Longitude County in which located pubhcation of Survey of Oyster Bars on which Fish Com- mission on which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described New- 41 38 15 75 56 Dorchester 115 158 195 New Discovery 39 38 18 76 17 Dorchester 71 139 199 Newport 13,14 38 12 75 14 Worcester 3 50 246 Newtown Flats 25 38 14 76 43 St. Marys 93 181 148 Nichols 30 39 05 76 11 Kent 42 113 239 Nine Acres 36,37 38 31 76 18 Dorchester 58 126 196 Norman 40 38 15 76 07 Dorchester 87 147 198 Normans Fine Eyes 31,32 38 55 76 17 Queen Annes 60 145 227 Normans Marsh 32 38 56 76 15 Queen Annes 64 152 226 Northwest (Kent Co) Northwest (Queen 30 39 08 76 05 Kent 64 121 239 30 39 09 76 05 Queen Annes 1 130 227 Annes Co) Northwest Middle- ground Old Field 42 38 07 76 11 Dorchester 76 160 199 30 39 05 76 10 Queen Annes 14 124 227 Old Fort 2 38 59 76 28 Anne Arundel 21 36 114 Old Hare 24 38 06 76 25 St. Marys 35 149 145 Old House 41 38 18 76 02 Dorchester 104 156 195 Old House Point 34 38 43 76 08 Talbot 102 225 207 Old Lump 20 38 19 76 25 Calvert 16 82 126 Old Orchard (Tan- 5 38 10 75 58 Somerset 8 60 183 gier Sound) Old Orchard (Miles River) Old Woman 34 38 47 76 12 Talbot 18 232 209 3 38 54 76 28 Anne Arundel 49 47 117 Old Womans Patch 11 38 18 75 54 Wicomico 5 43 189 Old Wreck 25 38 14 76 44 St. Marys 102 181 148 Orem 34 38 43 76 09 Talbot 107 228 207 Outer Hole 41 38 18 75 55 Dorchester 119 159 195 Outer Magothy 2 39 03 76 24 Anne Arundel 12 30 117 Outer Round Point 3 38 55 76 30 Anne Arundel 65 50 115 Oyster Creek (Lit- 36, 37, 38 38 30 76 20 Dorchester 63 124 197 tle C h p t a n k River) Oyster Creek 6 38 04 76 04 Somerset 34 65 183 (Kedge Straits) Oyster Shell Point 35 38 35 76 00 Dorchester 6 113 197 Paca 32 38 53 76 11 Queen Annes 86 161 225 Pagan 24 38 12 76 27 St. Marys 57 164 146 Park 2 39 05 76 20 Anne Arundel 8 29 114 Parker Mooro 20 38 21 76 24 Calvert 11 84 127 Parkers Wharf 19 38 25 76 34 Calvert 31 73 126 Parsons Island 32 38 54 76 16 Queen Annes 61 146 227 Parsons Island Nar- 32 38 55 76 15 Queen Annes 63 155 226 rows Pattison 37 38 34 76 11 Dorchester 47 137 197 Paul 40 38 16 76 08 Dorchester 90 146 198 Paw Paw Hollow 25 38 16 76 39 St. Marys 87 175 147 Pea Hill 31 38 55 76 10 Queen Annes 46 139 227 Peach Hill 2 39 05 76 27 Anne Arundel 6 28 114 Peach On-hard 2 39 00 76 29 Anne Arundel 25 38 114 Peanut 39,40 38 21 76 12 Dorchester 98 142 198 Peanut Hill 36,37 38 33 76 19 Dorchester 32 127 196 KATXJKAL OYSTEB BARS. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. 33 Appro ximate geographic Page of Page of Chart location County index U. S. Coast and Geodetit Fourth Re- port of Mary- land Shell number of county Name of oyster bar Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located by which publication of Survey of Fish Com- mission on on which shown Latitude Longitude on Index Oyster Dars on which which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described Pecks Point 34 38 42 76 10 Talbot 98 223 206 Persimmon 2 39 03 76 26 Anne Arundel 11 30 114 Persimmon Tree 32 38 51 76 13 Queen Annes 81 159 225 Peterson (Calvert 19,20 38 24 76 31 Calvert 28 75 126 L-OJ Peterson (St. Marys Co.) Philibys 19,20 38 24 76 32 St. Marys 10 137 145 9 37 57 75 55 Somerset 24 74 183 Philips 30 39 08 76 09 Kent 53 117 240 Phoenix Shoal 28 39 17 76 13 Kent 1 95 241 Pin Cushion 34 38 44 76 12 Talbot 84 215 207 Pine Tree 31 38 54 76 20 Queen Annes 39 135 226 Piney Island East 7 38 04 75 54 Somerset 21 72 183 Piney Island Swash 7 38 07 75 55 Somerset 14 68 182 Piney Island West 7 38 05 75 57 Somerset 13 67 183 Piney Point (Kent Co.) Piney Point (Queen 30 39 03 76 12 Kent 36 110 239 30 39 03 76 12 Queen Annes 18 122 227 Annes Co.) Pleasant Hill 33, 34, 36 38 41 76 17 Talbot 47 198 210 Plum Point 16,17 38 37 76 29 Calvert 4 66 127 Point(Sevem River) 2 39 02 76 32 Anne Arundel 29 42 114 Point (Fishing Bay) 41 38 19 76 01 Dcrchester 109 156 195 Point Look-in 22 38 05 76 19 St. Marys 33 148 149 Point Lookout 22,23 38 03 76 19 St. Marys 34 149 149 Pompes 34 38 45 76 16 Talbot 73 211 208 Pond Marsh 31 38 56 76 19 Queen Annes 49 140 227 Pone 33 38 42 76 22 Talbot 41 195 210 Poplar 30 39 00 76 11 Queen Annes 21 121 227 Poplar Island 31,33 38 46 76 23 Talbot 38 177 210 Poplar Island Nar- 33 38 46 76 21 Talbot 39 193 208 rows Poplar Point 32 38 53 76 10 Talbot 2 192 209 Poppin Point 2 39 02 76 33 Anne Arundel 35 43 115 Possum Point 30 39 05 76 07 Queen Annes 13 127 228 Potato Hill 3 38 52 76 31 Anne Arundel 81 57 116 Prickly Point 7 38 05 75 54 Somerset 20 72 183 Priest 24 38 09 76 26 St. Marys 44 157 146 Prison Point 19 38 27 76 37 Calvert 34 72 126 Prospect 32 38 57 76 14 Queen Annes 72 150 226 Prospect Point 32 38 53 76 12 Queen Annes 79 157 226 Punch Island Creek 38 38 25 76 19 Dorchester 67 139 199 Purdy Flats 3 38 56 76 31 Anne Arundel 62 52 115 Pumell Hammock 14 38 06 75 17 Worcester 11 53 246 Rabbit Island 34 38 46 76 17 Talbot 61 205 208 Race Horse f Queen Annes Co.) 32 38 52 76 11 Queen Annes 93 165 225 Race Horse (Talbot Co.) Ragged Point 32 38 52 76 11 Talbot 4 191 209 36,37 38 32 76 18 Dorchester 36 127 196 Ragged Point Flats 36,37 38 33 76 17 Dorchester 35 128 196 Railway 2.5 38 15 76 42 St. Marys 89 177 147 Raleys Shore 24 38 09 76 26 St. Marys 45 158 146 Rattlesnake 14,15 38 06 75 18 Worcester 14 54 246 9512—13- 34 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. Approximate geographic Page of Page of location County index number by which U. S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart number of Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located and Geodetic county publication of Survey of port of Mary- Name of oyster bar land Shell Fish Com- mission on on which shown Latitude Longitude on Index Chart Oyster Uars on which which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described Red Buoy 36,37 38 39 76 18 Dorchester 23 119 199 Red Sector 41 38 13 76 02 Dorchester 83 150 198 Reed Point 25 38 17 76 43 St. Marys 96 184 148 Reeds 30 39 04 76 10 Queen Annes 16 123 227 Richland 40 38 13 76 08 Dorchester 74 148 199 Rich Neck 31 38 52 76 17 Talbot 33 180 209 Ringold Middle- ground Roaring Point, East 31 38 54 76 18 Queen Annes 44 138 227 11,12 38 16 75 56 Wicomico 10 45 189 Roaring Point, West 41 38 16 75 56 Dorchester 117 159 195 Robins Cove 30 39 04 76 10 Queen Annes 15 123 227 Robins Marsh 14 38 09 75 15 Worcester 8 52 246 Rock Creek 5 38 12 75 55 Somerset 5 62 182 Rockhall 28,29 39 09 76 15 Kent 14 100 241 Rock Point (South 3 38 55 76 31 Anne Aiundel 63 51 115 River) Rock Point (Wi- 26 38 16 76 50 Charles 13 51 132 comico River) Rock Point, Lower 2 39 01 76 31 Anne Arundel 27 41 114 Rock Point, Upper 2 39 03 76 33 Anne Arundel 32 45 115 Rocky Beach 21 38 12 76 22 St. Marys 26 144 149 Rollin 24 38 09 76 30 St. Marys 75 171 147 Rooks 31 38 57 76 19 Queen Annes 51 142 227 Rosecroft Hollow 24 38 10 76 26 St. Marys 50 162 146 Ross 37 38 33 76 15 Dorchester 40 134 197 Rough Point 3 38 57 76 33 Anne Arundel 59 54 115 Round Bay 2 39 03 76 33 Anne Arundel 33 44 115 Royston 34 38 41 76 14 Talbot 87 217 210 Ruler Flats 3 38 55 76 29 Anne Arundel 50 49 115 Russell 26 38 20 76 51 St. Marys 119 188 149 St. Catherine 26 38 15 76 47 St. Marys 108 194 148 St. Clement En- 25 38 14 76 44 St. Marys 92 180 147 trance St. George 24 38 08 76 28 St. Marys 67 167 147 St. Inigoes, North 24 38 10 76 25 St. Marys 48 160 146 St. Inigoea, South 24 38 10 76 25 St. Marys 47 160 147 St. Jerome 22 38 07 76 20 St. Marys 30 147 149 St. Margaret 26 38 15 76 49 St. Marys 112 192 148 Saltwork (Little 37 38 32 76 12 Dorchester 49 137 197 Choptank River) Saltworks (Severn River) Sandgates 2 39 01 76 31 Anne Arundel 38 41 115 19 38 25 76 37 St. Mary a 5 134 145 Sand Lump 11 38 19 75 54 Wicomico 3 43 189 Sand Shoal 41 38 14 76 00 Dorchester 101 153 195 Sand Spit Sand Thistle 2 39 00 76 26 Anne Arundel 17 33 114 .30 39 06 76 11 Kent 44 113 240 Sands 33 38 41 76 18 Talbot 46 197 210 Sandy Hill 35 38 36 76 07 Dorchester 13 115 199 Sandy Hill Lumpa 35 38 36 76 06 Dorchester 12 115 199 Sandy Point (Pros- pect Bay) Sandy Point (Man- 32 38 58 76 15 Queen Annes 69 149 226 7 38 08 75 48 Somerset 16 68 182 okin River) NATURAL OYSTEB BAKS. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. 35 Approximate geographic Page of Page of location County index number by which U. S Coast Fourth Re- Chart and Geodetic port of Mary- number of county land Shell Name of oyster bar Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located pubUcation of Survey of Fish Com- mission on on which shown Latitude I.ongi ude on Index Chart Oyster Bars on which which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described Sandy Point (Chin- 14 38 10 75 15 Worcester 7 51 246 coteague Bay) Sandy Point Lumps 20 38 19 76 27 Calvert 22 80 126 Sandy Point, North 2 39 02 76 23 Anne Arundell 13 31 116 Sandy Point, South 2 39 00 76 24 Anne Arundel 14 31 116 Saunders 3 38 53 76 29 Anne Arundel 68 55 117 Saw Mill Creek 32 38 55 76 13 Queen Annes 75 155 226 Scarboro Creek 14 38 09 75 16 Worcester 9 52 246 Scraping Line 35 38 35 76 04 Talbot 123 239 210 Scotland 32 38 49 76 13 Talbot 21 186 209 Sea Turtle 32 38 51 76 15 Talbot 27 183 209 Second Point 32, 34 38 47 76 12 Talbot 12 187 209 Sedge Marsh 31 38 51 76 18 Talbot 34 179 209 Sedge Point 24 38 06 76 26 St. Marys 40 153 146 Seminary 24 38 11 76 26 St. Marvs 52 163 146 Seths Point 33 38 45 76 18 Talbot " 56 203 208 Sharkfin Shoal 41 38 13 76 00 Dorchester 113 152 198 Sharp 33, 36, 37 38 37 76 21 Talbot 44 196 210 Sharp Point 2 39 00 76 31 Anne Arundel 39 40 115 Shaving Pile 22 38 07 76 18 St. Marys 31 147 149 Shaw Bay Hill 32 38 51 76 11 Talbot 5 191 209 Shawns Wharf 32 38 53 76 09 Queen Annes 97 167 225 Sheep (Kent Co.) 30 39 07 76 07 Kent 58 119 239 Sheep (Queen 30 39 06 76 07 Queen Annes 5 128 227 Annes Co) Sheep (Chinco- 16 38 04 75 19 Worcester 18 55 246 teague Bay) Shehan 24 38 09 76 30 St. Marys 77 172 147 Shell Pile 20 38 19 76 27 Calvert 20 78 126 Ship Point 30 39 05 76 07 Queen Annes 12 126 228 Shippen Creek 30 39 07 76 06 Kent 60 120 239 Shippen Ilole 32 38 51 76 12 Queen' Annes 82 159 225 Shipping Creek 31 38 54 76 20 Queen Annes 40 137 227 Shipping Point 26 38 16 76 50 Charles 14 52 132 Shoal Creek 3.5 38 34 76 03 Dorchester 8 113 197 Short Point 24 38 12 76 27 St. Marys 55 166 146 Side Shoal 29,30 39 01 76 14 Kent 27 107 239 Sillery Bay 1 39 05 76 27 Anne Arundel 7 28 114 Silver Spring 26 38 14 76 47 St. Marys 106 195 148 Simmons 20 38 20 76 24 Calvert 14 83 127 Slaughter Creek 36, 37, 38 38 30 76 16 Dorchester 56 125 196 Smith Creek 24 38 07 76 25 St. Marys 36 150 145 Smith Point 33 38 46 76 18 Talbot 59 204 208 Smoke Point 40 38 18 76 12 Dorchester 95 143 198 Sothoron 19 38 30 76 40 St. Marys 2 133 145 South Point 13,14 38 12 75 13 Worcester 1 49 246 Southeast Middle- 20 38 19 76 26 Calvert 18 81 126 ground (Patuxent River) Southeast Middle- 42 38 06 76 10 Dorchester 77 161 199 ground (Chesa- peake Bay) Southwest 14 38 09 75 16 Worcester 10 53 246 Southwest Middle- 6,8 38 00 76 09 Somerset 36 65 183 ground 36 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OP OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAlTD. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. - Approximate geographic Page of Page of location County inde-x number by which indicated on Index Chart r. S. Coast Fourth Re- Chart number of and Geodetic county port of Mary- land SheU Name of oyster liar Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located publication of Survey of Fish Com- mission on on which shown Latitude ■Longitude Oyster Bars on which which char- acteristics boundaries are are defined described Spaniard Point 30 39 06 76 09 Queen Annes 7 127 .227 Spar Buoy 35 38 38 75 59 Talbot 132 242 206 Spedden 36,37 38 38 76 19 Dorchester 24 119 199 Spencers 20 38 19 76 29 St. Marys 16 139 145 Spout 19 38 31 76 40 Calvert 41 69 127 States Bank 35 38 34 76 02 Dorchester 7 113 197 Stevens 31 38 55 76 19 Queen Annes 47 139 227 Stewart Island 34 38 42 76 10 Talbot 96 222 206 Stoddard 26 38 22 76 51 Charles 4 46 132 Stone (Pocomoke 9 37 56 75 48 Somerset 27 76 182 Sound) Stone (Chesapeake 33,36 3S 39 76 22 Talbot 42 195 210 Bay) Stone Church 34.35 38 41 76 11 Talbot 94 221 206 Stone Pile 39 38 20 76 17 Dorchester 68 139 199 Stone Whnri 32 38 52 76 11 Queen Annes 92 164 225 Stony 25 38 16 76 40 St. Marys 88 176 147 Stony Hollow 3 38 53 76 31 Anne Arundel 78 60 116 Straits 24 38 08 76 30 St. Marys 72 170 147 Striking Marsh 15 38 04 75 16 Worcester 24 57 246 Strong Bay 29 39 01 76 17 Queen Annes 28 117 227 Pugar Loaf 35 38 34 76 02 Talbot 126 240 206 Susquehanna 37 38 31 76 16 Dorchester 53 132 196 Swan 24 38 09 76 30 St. Marys 74 171 147 Swan Creek 28 39 09 76 15 Kent 15 100 241 Swan Point 28,29 39 08 76 18 Kent 8 99 241 Swan Reef 3 38 55 76 29 Anne Arundel 51 49 115 Swash 20 38 19 76 27 Calvert 19 80 126 Sycamore 32 38 50 76 12 Talbot 10 188 209 Tanners Patch 35 38 37 75 59 Dorchester 4 112 197 Tar Bav 39 38 20 76 15 Dorchester 69 141 196 Tarkhiil 24 38 09 76 30 St. Marys 73 170 147 Tavern Creek 28,29 39 09 76 16 Kent 9 102 241 Tea Table 27 39 13 76 19 Baltimore 1 33 103 Teague 26 38 32 76 40 Charles 1 53 132 Tenacres 21 38 11 76 21 St. Marys 27 145 149 The Black Buoy 35 38 34 76 02 Talbot 125 239 206 ((; h p t a n k River) The Haven 28,29 39 09 76 15 Kent 13 101 241 Thomas (Calvert 19 38 28 76 39 Calvert 36 71 126 Co.) Thomas (St. Marys Co.) Thomas Point North 19 38 27 76 38 St. Marys 4 134 145 3 38 55 76 26 Anne Arundel 47 46 116 Thomas Point South 3 38 54 76 27 Anne Arundel 48 47 116 Thompson Creek 24 38 09 76 27 St. Marys 61 158 146 Thompsons 31 38 57 76 19 Queen Annes 52 143 227 Thorough 41 38 19 76 02 Dorchester 105 157 195 Three Sisters 3 38 51 76 29 Anne Arundel 87 56 117 Thunder and Light- 3 38 56 76 31 Anne Arundel 55 52 115 nmg Tidemill 32 38 49 76 14 Talbot 22 185 209 Tilghman Wharf 33 38 42 76 19 Talbot 50 200 208 Tilghmans Point 31,32 38 52 76 16 Talbot 32 180 209 NATTJBAL OYSTER BARS. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. 37 Name of oyster bar Chart number of Maryland Oyster Chart on which shown County index number by which indicated on Index Chart Page of U. S. Coast and Geodetic county pubHcation of Survey of Oyster Bars on which boundaries are defined Tobacco Stick Toby Todd Point Tolchester Lump Tolly Point Town Town Creek Town Point (Cor- sica River) Town Point (Tred Avon River) Traces Hollow Travers Trippe Tubbinans Drain Tucker Turkey Neck Turkey Point (South River) Turkey Point (Eastern Bay) Turnrow Turpin Turtle Back (Chop- tank River) Turtle Back (Miles River) Turtle Egg Island Umphasis Under the Bar Under the Cliffs Under the Gums Upper Forrest Upper Harris Creek Upper Hill Upper Newfound- land Upper Stake Upper Steps Wade Wades Point Walnut Walter White Ware (Chesapeake Bay) Ware (Langford Creek) Ware Sands Waterloo Watermelon Point Watkins Weems Lower Weems Upper Welch Well Cove 37 15 37 28 2,3 37 20 30 34 2 36,38 34 39,40 3 33 3 31 33,34 14 35 5,7 2 29 20 3 19 31, 32, 34 32 41 11 16 2 31 33 32 39,40 30 41 26 34 9 2 2 2 32 38 32 38 04 38 39 39 13 38 57 38 38 33 19 39 05 38 42 39 00 38 30 38 43 38 21 38 51 38 44 38 55 38 54 38 43 38 10 38 36 38 51 38 07 30 04 39 06 38 21 38 56 38 25 38 47 38 52 38 19 38 20 38 41 39 00 38 50 38 46 38 57 38 17 39 09 38 13 38 14 38 45 37 56 39 00 39 00 39 05 38 58 76 14 75 18 76 15 76 15 76 27 76 13 76 29 76 08 76 11 76 30 76 22 76 07 76 13 76 32 76 18 76 30 76 18 Dorchester Worcester Dorchester Kent Anne Arundel Dorchester St. Marys Queen Annes Talbot Anne Arundel Dorchester Talbot Dorchester Anne Arundel Talbot Anne Arundel Queen Annes 76 18 Talbot 75 15 Worcester 76 06 Dorchester 76 14 Talbot 76 00 Somerset 76 29 Anne Arundel 76 16 Kent 76 24 Calvert 76 27 Anne Arundel 76 36 St. Marvs 76 16 Talbot 76 15 Talbot 75 54 Dorchester 75 53 Wicomico 76 31 Calvert 76 30 Anne Arundel 76 18 Talbot 76 18 Talbot 76 15 Queen .\nues 76 13 Dorchester 76 09 Kent 76 02 Dorchester 76 47 St. Marvs 76 07 Talbot 75 48 Somerset 76 29 Anne Arundel 76 30 Anne Arundel 76 27 Anne Arundel 76 15 Queen Annes 10 9 20 12 46 6 62 31 121 1 2 40 35 58 67 73 100 105 111 28 42 41 5 71 133 57 130 97 34 135 140 125 40 123 226 142 59 201 134 199 51 114 59 29 104 84 45 135 181 181 160 42 65 39 179 204 150 140 1.52 195 229 76 38 39 28 148 38 SUMMARY OP SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. Name of oyster bar Chart number of Maryland Oysler Chart n which showTi Latitude Longitude County index number by which itidicated on Index Chart Page of . S. Coast and (leodetic county pubUcation of Survey of Oyster Bars on which boundaries are defined Page of Fourth Re- port of Mary- land Shell' Fish Com- mission on which char- acteristics described Well Point West End West St. Marys Wefipquin Whetstone Whitehall ^^'hitehall Creek White Horse White Marsh White Point White Point Hollow White Rock White Wood Wickes Beach Wicomico Lumps Wicomico Middle- Siound Wild Cherry Tree Wild Ground (East- ern Bay) Wild Ground (Miles River) Willeys Island Willeys Island Flats Willis Willow Bottom Wilson Shoals Wilsons Point Winders Bank Windmill (Wico- mico River) Windmill (Honga River) Windmill Flats Wingate Wreck Buoy Wroten Island Wye Island Wye River Middle- ground Wye Town 34 32 24 11 32 2 2 28.29 29 26 26 15 39 29 26 26 33 31 32 34 34 34, 35 30 11 30 32 26 40 29 5 2 39,40 32 32 32 38 45 38 50 38 11 38 20 38 52 38 58 39 00 39 09 39 06 38 17 38 17 38 03 38 19 39 02 38 21 38 18 38 42 38 54 38 49 38 45 38 45 38 40 39 05 38 18 39 09 38 52 38 19 38 16 39 08 38 14 38 58 38 19 38 53 38 53 38 51 76 16 76 13 76 27 75 53 76 10 76 27 76 26 76 15 76 15 76 49 76 49 75 17 76 14 76 16 76 51 76 50 76 18 76 19 76 13 7fi 14 76 14 76 09 76 11 75 55 76 11 76 10 76 51 76 10 76 16 75 52 76 26 76 12 76 11 76 n 76 12 Talbot Talbot St. Marys Wicomico Queen Annes Anne Arundel Anne Arundel Kent Kent St. Marys St. Marys Worcester Dorchester Kent Charles Charles Talbot Queen Annes Talbot Talbot Talbot Talbot Kent Wicomico Kent Talbot Charles Dorchester Kent Somerset Anne Arundel Dorchester Queen Annes Queen Annes Talbot 72 24 58 2 94 19 18 12 21 116 115 26 70 25 5 10 49 38 114 41 210 184 163 42 165 33 32 100 104 190 190 58 141 106 47 49 199 135 216 212 230 112 45 116 192 145 102 63 34 143 162 163 208 209 146 189 225 114 114 241 240 148 149 246 196 239 132 132 208 226 209 207 207 206 239 189 240 209 132 198 240 183 116 198 225 225 NATURAL OYSTER BARS. NUMEEICAL INDEX. Note.— See Alphabetical Index for other references relating to natural oyster bars. ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY. County County County index index index number number number indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyster bar bars on bars on bars on Index Index Index Chart Chart Chart 1 Bodkin Point North 33 Round Bay 63 Rock Point (South 2 Bodkin Point South 34 Big Island River) 3 Lumps East of Craig- hill Channel 35 Poppin Point 64 Inner Round Point 36 Brewer (Severn River) 65 Outer Round Point 4 Mountain Point 37 Clem Point 66 Turkey Point (South 5 Welch 38 Saltworks (SevernRiv- River) 6 Peach Hill er) 67 Marshy Point 7 Sillery Bay 39 Sharp Point 68 Saunders 8 Park 40 Wade 69 Lulu 9 Umphasis 41 Weems Upper 70 Dutchman 10 Black 42 Weems Lower 71 Dutchman Hollow 11 Persimmon 43 Horn Point (Severn 72 Cherry (Rhode River) 12 Outer Magothy River) 73 Buce 13 Sandy Point North 44 Chinks Point 74 Flat Island 14 Sandy Point South 45 Tolly Point 75 High Island 15 Hackett Point 46 Under The Gums 76 Bolston Bank 16 Wreck Buoy 47 Thomas Point North 77 Jackass 17 Sand Spit 48 Thomas Point South 78 Stony Hollow 18 ^Vhitehall Creek 49 Old Woman 79 Brice Fence 19 Whitehall 50 Ruler Flats 80 Cheston Point 20 Inside Greenbury 51 Swan Reef 81 Potato Hill Point 52 Hill Point East 82 Barren Neck 21 Old Fort 53 Hill Point (Severn 83 Tucker 22 Little Sandy River) 84 Cedar Point (West 23 Creces Cove 54 Fox Point River) 24 Ferry Point 55 Thunder and Light- 85 Collins Flats 25 Peach Orchard ning. 86 Curtis 26 Traces Hollow 56 Aberdeen 87 Three Sisters 27 Rock Point Lower 57 Duvall 88 Bay Shore 28 Chase 58 Beard Point 89 Long (Chesapeake 29 Point (Severn River) 59 Rough Point Bay) 30 Aisqiiith Creek 60 Almshouse 90 Fairhaven 31 Arnold Point 61 Brewer (South River) 91 Holland Point (Chesa- 32 Rock Point Upper 62 Purdy Flats peake Bay) BALTIMORE COUNTY. 1 Tea Table 2 Millers Island 3 Man-O'-War Shoals 40 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OP MARYLAND. Numerical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. CALVERT COUNTY. County County County index index index number number number indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyster bar bars on bars on bars on Index Index j Index Chart Chart Chart 1 Hog Point 16 Old Lump 29 Island Creek (Patuxent 2 Upper Steps 17 Light House Lump River) 3 Lower Steps !| 18 Southeast Middle- 30 Broome Island 4 Plum Point ground (Patuxent 31 Parkers \Miarf 5 Daddie Dare River) 32 Jacks Bay 6 Governors Run 19 Swash 33 Jacks Marsh 7 Emanuel 20 Shell Pile 34 Prison Point 8 Flag Pond 21 Cherry Tree (Patuxent 35 Kitts Marsh 9 Cove Point Bight River) 36 Thomas (Calvert 10 Little Cove Point 22 Sandy Point Lumps County) 11 Parker Moore 23 Back of Island 37 Broad Neck (Calvert 12 Under The CUffs 24 Barn Gates County) 13 Chinese Muds (Cal- 25 Hungerford Hollow 38 Macks Hollow vert County) 26 Hellen 39 Buzzard Island 14 Simmons 27 Mears (Calvert County) 40 Holland Point (Patux- 15 Carroll Muds (Calvert 28 Peterson (Calvert ent River) County) County) 41 Spout CHARLES COUNTY. 1 Teague 7 Joes Lumps 11 Charleston Creek 2 Elbow 8 Windmill (Wicomico 12 Lancaster 3 Carpentera Yard River) 13 Rock Point (Wicomico 4 Stoddard 9 Fenwirk River) 5 Wicomico Lumps 10 Wicomico Middle- 14 Shipping Point 6 Mills West ground 15 Cobb Pomt DORCHESTER COUNTY. 1 Drum Point (Choptank 20 Logans Hill 39 Hudson (Little Chop- River) 21 Todd Point tank River) 2 Cabin Creek Entrance 22 Cook Point 40 Ross 3 Cabin Creek (Chop- 23 Red Buoy 41 Butterpot McKeils Point tank River) 24 Spedden 42 4 Tanners Patch 25 Diamond (Chesapeake 43 Town 5 Dixon Bay) 44 Cherry Island 6 Oyster Shell Point 26 Dupont 45 Brumell 7 States Bank 27 Brannock 46 Jones (Little Choptank 8 Shoal Creek 28 Mill Point (Chesapeake River) 9 Green Marsh Bay) 47 Pattison 10 Hambrooks 29 Hills Point (Chesa- 48 Bam Point 11 Turtle Back (Chop- peake Bay) 49 Saltwork (Little Chop- tank River) 30 Hills Point North tank River) 12 Sandy Hill Lumps 31 Hills Point South 50 Fish'ng Creek 13 Sandy Hill 32 Peanut Hill 51 Gra,pevine 14 Commander 33 Cow Island 52 Tobacco Stick 15 Horn Point (Choptank 34 Bald Eagle (Little 1 53 Susquehanna River) Chi:iptank River) 54 Along Shore 16 Le Compte 35 Ragged Point Flats 55 Hooper 17 Castle Haven Creek 36 Ragged Point Little Pollard 56 Slaughter Creek 18 Castle Haven 37 57 Bridge 19 Comers Wharf 38 Cason 58 Nine Acres NATUEAL OYSTEK BARS. 41 Numerical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. DORCHESTER COUNTY— Continued. County County County index index index number number number indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyst«r bar bars on bars on bars on Index Index Index Chart Chart Chart 59 Little Choptank 78 Boundary 100 Ware Sands 60 Henpeck 79 Holland Straits 101 Sand Shoal 61 Gators 80 Mud (Dorchester 102 Evans (Fishing Bay) 62 Granger County) 103 Goose Creek 63 Oyster Creek (Little 81 Jane 104 Old House Choptank River) 82 Bell Buoy 105 Thorough 64 Marshall 83 Red Sector 106 Flat Rock 65 James Point 84 Bloodsworth 107 Half Way Mark 66 Travers 85 Hopkins Cove 108 Hill 67 Punch Island Creek 86 Applegarth 109 Point (Fishing Bay) 68 Stone Pile 87 Norman 110 Bungay 69 Tar Bay 88 Lower Thoroughfare 111 Duck Island 70 White Wood 89 Crab Point 112 Clay Island 71 New Discovery 90 Paul 113 Sharkfin Shoal 72 Horse Point Channel 91 Windmill (Honga 114 Frog Point 73 Ware (Chesapeake River) 115 New Bay) 92 Hickory 116 Hills and Holes 74 Richland 93 Lakes Cove 117 Roaring Point West 75 Hooper Strait 94 Dark Point 118 Bean Shoal 76 Northwest Middle- 95 Smoke Point 119 Outer Hole ground 96 Wroten Island 120 Lower Newfoundland 77 Southeast Middle- 97 Gum 121 Upper Newfoundland ground (Chesapeake 98 Peanut Bay) 99 Tubbmans Drain KENT COUNTY. 1 Phoenix Shoal 25 Wickes Beach 45 Boat House 2 Deep Shoal 26 Dredge Rock 46 Drum Point (Langford 3 Coal Lump 27 Side Shoal Creek) 4 Tolchester Lump 28 Mud (Chester River) 47 Davis Creek 5 Mitchells Bluff Buoy 29 Ferry (Kent County) 48 Island Point 6 Gales Lumps 30 Buoy Rock 49 Eagle Point (Langford 7 Hodges 31 Hail Creek Creek) 8 Swan Point 32 Hail Point 50 Wilsons Point 9 Tavern Creek 33 Black Buoy (Chester 51 Kings Creek 10 Little Neck (Swan River) 52 Bailey Creek) 34 Durdin 53 Philips 11 Deep Landing Hole 35 Belts 54 Ware (Langford Creek) 12 White Horse 36 Piney Point (Kent 55 Ebb Point 13 The Haven County) 56 Cliff 14 Rockhall 37 Bay Bush Point 57 Commegys Bight 15 Swan Creek 38 Bluff Point (Chester 58 Sheep (Kent County) 16 Windmill Flats River) 59 Deep Point 17 Muddy Drain 39 Chester River Middle- 00 Shippen Creek 18 Himtingfield ground 61 Haddaway 19 Gum Spring 40 Limekiln 02 Hollyday (Kent 20 Under The Bar 41 Willow Bottom County) 21 White Marsh 42 Nichols 63 Melton Point 22 Hickory Thicket 43 Hudson (Chester 64 Northwest (Kent 23 East Neck Bay River) County 24 Entrance Lumps 44 Sand Thistle 42 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Numerical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. QUEEN ANNES COUNTY. County County County index index index number number number indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyster bar bars on bars on bars on Index Index Index Chart Cliart Cliart 1 Northwest { Queen 33 Kent Point 67 Walter White Annes County) 34 Long Point (Eastern 68 Hog Island (Prospect 2 Booker Wharf Bay) Bay) 3 H 1 1 y d a y (Queen 35 Bodkin Shoals 69 Sandy Point (Prospect Annes County) 36 Brick House Hill Bay) 4 Mummys Cove 37 Bunker Hill 70 Buckhorn 5 Sheep (Queen Annes 38 Wild Ground (Eastern 71 Well Cove County) Bay) 72 Prospect 6 Emory Hollow 39 Pine Tree 73 Hood 7 Spaniard Point 40 Shipping Creek 74 Cabin Creek (Prospect 8 Hoi ton Point 41 Greeves Cove Bay) 9 Town Point (Corsica 42 Mattapex 75 Saw Mill Creek River) 43 Batts Neck 76 Mill Hill 10 Earle Cove 44 Ringold Middleground 77 Bugby 11 Emory Wharf 45 Erickson Sands 78 Greenwood Creek 12 Ship Point 46 Pea Hill 79 Prospect Point 13 Possum Point 47 Stevens 80 Coffee 14 Old Field 48 Jones Hole 81 Persimmon Tree 15 Robins Cove 49 Pond Marsh 82 Shippen Hole 16 Reeds 50 Island Cove 83 Mills 17 Hells Delight 51 Rooks 84 Hobbs 18 Piney Point (Queen 52 Thompsons 85 Baxters Hollow Annes County) 53 Middle Block 86 Paca 19 Horse Race 54 Turkey Point (Eastern 87 Bryan (Wye River) 20 Carpenter Island Bay) 88 Wye Island 21 Poplar 55 Bodkin Island 89 Drum Point (Wye 22 Blunt 56 Cox Neck River) 23 Long Point (Chester 57 Cedar Island 90 Wye River Middle- River) 58 Johnson Island ground. 24 Flood Point 59 Crab Alley Lumps 91 Hess 25 Kent Island Narrows 60 Normans Fine Eyes 92 Stone Whart 26 Ferry (Queen Annes 61 Parsons Island 93 Race Horse (Queen County) 62 Bald Eagle (Eastern Annes County) 27 Carvel Bay) 94 Whetstone 28 Strong Bay 63 Parsons Island Narrows 95 Melvin 29 Love Point 64 Normans Marsh 96 Dividing 30 Broad Creek 65 Bibby 97 Shawns Wharf 31 Brick House 66 Dominion 98 Granary Point 32 Gum Tliicket ST. MARYS COUNTY. 1 Brooks Shallows 10 Peterson (St. Marys 19 La Grande 2 Sothoron County) 20 Millstone 3 Broad Neck (St. Marys 11 Neale 21 Deep Point Mud County) 12 Mears (St. Marys Coun- 22 Carroll Muds (St. Marys 4 Thomas (St. Marys ty) County) County) 13 Half Pone 23 Hog Island (Patuxent 5 Sandgates 14 Hawks Nest River) 6 Upper Forrest 15 Bob Wise 24 Chinese Muds (St. 7 Lower Forrest 16 Spencers Marys County) 8 Gatton 17 Town Creek 25 Cedar Point Holl«w 9 Captain Point 18 Goodwin 26 Rocky Beach NATUKAL OYSTEK BAES. 43 Numerical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. ST. MARYS COUNTY— Continued. County County County index index index" number number number indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name or oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyster bar bars on bars on bars on Index Index Index Chart Chart Chart 27 Tenacres 61 Thompson Creek 92 St. Clement Entrance 28 McKay 62 Carthagena Creek 93 Newtown Flats 29 Fish Hawk 63 Coad 94 Chapel Point 30 St. Jerome 64 Edmund 95 Abell .31 Shaving Pile 65 Middleground Lump 96 Reed Point 32 Butler 66 Cherry (St. Marys 97 Guest Marshes 33 Point Look-in River) 98 Harry Jacks 34 Point Lookout 67 St. George 99 Mileys Creek 35 Old Hare 68 Hurdle 100 Bluff Woods 36 Smith Creek 69 Goose Point (St. 101 Canoe Creek 37 Dunbar George River) 102 Old Wreck 38 Jutland 70 Island Shore 103 Horse 39 Graves 71 Milbourne Shore 104 Dukehart Channel 40 Sedge Point 72 Straits 105 Waterloo 41 Chicken Cock 73 Tarkill 106 Silver Spring 42 Fort 74 Swan 107 Hackley Creek 43 Langley Hollow 75 RoUin 108 St. Catherine 44 Priest 76 Cedar Point (St. George 109 Bullock Island 45 Raleys Shore River) 110 Bullock 46 Jones (St. Marys River) 77 Shehan 111 Mouth of River 47 St. Inigoes South 78 Long (St. George 112 St. Margaret 48 St. Inigoes North River) 113 Bluff Point (Wicomico 49 Kennedy 79 Chadwick River) 50 Rosecroft Hollow 80 Heron Island Reef 114 Blakistone 51 Gravelly Run 81 Heron Island Sound 115 White Point Hollow 52 Seminary 82 Black Walnut (Bre- 116 White Point 53 Horseshoe (St. Marys tons Bay) 117 Bramleigh Creek River) 83 Gough 118 Manahowic Creek 54 Bryan (St. Marys 84 Lovers Point 119 Russell River) 85 Mouldy Creek 120 Mills East 55 Short Point 86 Island 121 Chaptico Lumps 56 Biscoe 87 Paw Paw Hollow 122 Cohouck 57 Pagan 88 Stony 123 Key 58 West St. Marys 89 Railway 124 Mouth of Creek 59 Cooper Creek 90 Bretons Bay 60 Coppage 91 Blue Sow SOMERSET COUNTY. 1 Mount Vernon Wharf 14 Piney Island Swash 27 Stone (Pocomoke 2 Wingate 15 Georges Sound) 3 Buoy 16 Sandy Point (Manokin 28 Watkins 4 Evans (Wicomico River) 29 Long Point (Pocomoke River) 17 Cormal Sound) 5 Rock Creek 18 Marshy Island 30 Gunby 6 Halls Point 19 Drum Point (Manokin 31 Marumsco 7 Haines River) 32 Kitts Creek West 8 Old Orchard (Tangier 20 Prickly Point 33 Kitts Creek East Sound) 21 Piney Island East 34 Oyster Creek (Kedge 9 Mud (Somerset Co.) 22 Harris Straits) 10 Turtle Egg Island 23 Big Annemessex 35 Kedge Straits Southwest Middle- 11 Chain Shoal 24 Philibys 36 12 Mussel Hole 25 Great Rock ground 13 Piney Island West 26 Fox Island 37 Church Creek 44 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OP MARYLAND. Numerical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Contimied. TALBOT COUNTY. County County County index index index number number number indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyster bar indicating oyster Name of oyster bar bars on bars on bars on Index Index Index Chart Chart Chart 1 Juniper 43 Clay Bank 86 Fox 2 Poplar Point. 44 Sharp 87 Royston 3 Winders Bank 45 Black Walnut (Big 88 Irish Creek 4 Race Horse (Talbot Choptank River) 89 Choptank Lumps County) 46 Sands 90 Benoni 5 Shaw Bay Hill 47 Pleasant Hill 91 Light House 6 Bruffs Island 48 Church Hill 92 Bachelor Point 7 Wye Town 49 Wild Cherry Tree 93 Fox Hole 8 Herring Island 50 Tilghman Wharf 94 Stone Church 9 East End 51 Change 95 Town Point (Tred 10 Sycamore 52 Eagle Point (Harris Avon River) Stewart Island 11 Wild Ground (Miles Creek) 96 River) Second Point 53 Turkey Neck 97 Goose Neck 12 54 Mill " Point (Harris 98 Pecks Point 13 Gibsons Flats Creek) 99 Mares Point 14 Long Point (Miles 55 Hunts 100 Louis Cove River) 56 Seths Point 101 Bamings Cove 15 Cox 57 Lodges 102 Old House Point 16 Barnett 58 Walnut 103 Trippe 17 Bazzles Hill 59 Smith Point 104 Bakers Cove 18 Old Orchard (Miles 60 Little Neck (Harris 105 Marshy River) Creek) 106 Flatty 19 Ash Craft 61 Rabbit Island 107 Orem 20 Deep Water Point 62 Upper Harris Creek 108 Double Mills 21 Scotland 63 Turnrow 109 Johnston 22 Tidemill 64 Great Marsh 110 Camden Point 23 Hamblefon 65 France 111 Watermelon Point 24 West End 66 Dawson 112 Back Shore 25 Hambleton Hill 67 Long Poiiit Woods 113 Hopkins 26 Bozman Neck 68 Great Bar 114 Willis 27 Sea Turtle 69 Brown 115 Island Creek (Chop- 28 Turtle Back (Miles 70 Deep Neck tank River) River) 71 Mulberry Point 116 Matthews 29 Horseshoe (Miles 72 Well Point 117 Chlora Point River) 73 Pompes 118 Beacons 30 Aldridges Discovery 74 Coopers Point 119 La Trappe 31 Upper Hill 75 Judys Point 120 Howells Point 32 Tilghmans Point. 76 Brushy Point 121 Dickinson 33 Rich Neck 77 Willeys Island Flats 122 Kirby 34 Sedge Marsh (Tred 78 Holland Point (Broad 123 Scraping Line Avon River) Creek) 124 Bolingbroke Sand 35 Wades Point 79 Harrison 125 The Black Buoy 36 Marys Delight 80 Broad Creek Middle- (Choptank River) 37 Lows Point ground 126 Sugar Loaf 38 Poplar Island 81 Cedar Point (Broad 127 Chancellor Point 39 Poplar Island Nar- Creek) 128 British Harbour rows 82 Drum Point (Broad 129 Goose Point (Choptank 40 Bay Hundred Creek) River) 41 Pone 83 Joe Harris Flats 130 Mill Dam 42 Stone (Chesapeake 84 Pin Cushion 131 Jamaica Point Bay) 85 Willeys Island 132 Spar Buoy NATURAL OYSTER BARS. 45 Numerical Index to Natural Oyster Bars — Continued. WICOMICO COUNTY. County index number indicating Name of oyster bar County index number indicating Name of oyster bar County index number indicating Name of oyster bar bare on Index Chart bars on Inde.^ Chart bars on Index Chart 1 2 3 4 5 6 Upper Stake Wetipquin Sand Lump Hickory Nut Old Womans Patch Cedar Shoal 7 8 9 10 11 Long Shoal Cherry Tree (Nanti- coke River) Wilson Shoals Roaring Point East Middleground 12 13 14 15 Big Hill Great Shoals Ingram Shoal Holland WORCESTER COUNTY. 1 South Point 11 Purnell Hammock 20 Kennel 2 Handys Hammock 12 Diamond (Chinco- 21 Big Bay Point 3 Newport teague Bay) 22 Toby 4 Lambertaon Landing 13 Beef Creek 23 Deep Water 5 Ennis 14 Rattlesnake 24 Striking Marsh 6 Turpin 15 Martin Point 25 Levin Tump 7 Sandy Point (Chinco- 16 Easter Cove 26 White Rock teague Bay) 17 Mink Tump 27 Horsehead North 8 Robins Marsh 18 Sheep (Chincoteague 28 Horsehead South 9 Scarboro Creek Bay) 10 Southwest 19 Drum CRAB BOTTOMS. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Note.— See Numerical Index tor names of crab bottoms corresponding to numbers on Index Chart. Approximate geographic Page of location U. S. Coast Page of Chart number of Maryland Oyster Chart County index and Geodetic Survey Fourlh Re- port of Mary- Name of crab bottom County in which located number by which indicated county pub- lication of Survey of land Shell Fish Com- mission on on which shown I^atitude Longitude on Index Oyster Bars which char- Chart on which acteristics are boundaries described are defined o / , Adam Island 42 38 09 76 05 Dorchester 3 170 193 Apes Hole 9 37 57 75 48 Somerset 38 110 151 Back Creek 9 37 59 75 52 Somerset 29 104 151 Big Island 9 37 58 75 59 Somerset 39 101 151 Bishop Head 41 38 13 76 02 Dorchester 14 167 193 Bloodsworth Island 41,42 38 11 76 02 Dorchester 7 168 193 Broad Creek 9 37 55 75 51 Somerset 36 108 151 Cancer 9 37 59 75 52 Somerset 28 104 151 Cedar Straits 9 37 55 75 54 Somerset 35 108 151 Colburn 7 38 04 75 47 Somerset 21 98 151 Crane Cove 7 38 04 75 49 Somerset 17 96 151 Daugherty Creek 7 38 02 75 51 Somerset 24 99 151 Deal Island 5,7 38 08 75 58 Somerset 2 83 152 Deep Banks 5,6,7 38 08 76 02 Somerset 46 81 152 Drum 9 38 00 75 58 Somerset 40 102 151 Duck Point Cove 40 38 16 76 06 Dorchester 12 166 193 Fishing Creek 9 37 56 75 54 Somerset 34 107 151 Fishing Point 6,7 38 02 76 00 Somerset 42 88 152 Fords Wharf 7 38 04 75 50 Somerset 16 95 151 Fox Creek 40 38 18 76 07 Dorchester 10 165 193 Geanquakin 5,7 38 09 75 51 Somerset 10 85 152 Goose Creek 7 38 06 75 52 Somerset 12 93 151 Grassy 40,41 38 12 76 03 Dorchester 8 167 193 Great Cove 41,42 38 10 76 01 Dorchester 6 169 193 Great Point 9 37 57 75 54 Somerset 33 107 151 Hazard 7 38 04 75 53 Somerset 14 94 151 Holland Island 42 38 07 76 05 Dorchester 2 171 193 Holland Straits 5,6,7 38 09 76 01 Somerset 45 82 152 Jackson Island 7 38 03 75 50 Somerset 22 98 151 Jenkins Creek 9 37 57 75 52 Somerset 31 105 151 Jenny Island 40,41 38 14 76 04 Dorchester 13 166 193 Jones Creek • 7 38 02 75 50 Somerset 23 99 151 Kings Island 9 37 57 75 53 Somerset 32 106 151 Lavellette 9 37 58 75 52 Somerset 30 105 151 Laws Thoroughfare 5 38 10 75 57 Somerset 1 83 152 North Laws Thoroughfare South Light House 5,7 38 08 75 55 Somerset 7 84 152 9 37 58 75 53 Somerset 27 103 151 Little Deal Island 7 38 07 75 56 Somerset 4 91 151 Lower Thoroughfare 7 38 07 75 56 Somerset 6 91 151 Marsh Island 5,7 38 08 75 53 Somerset 8 84 152 Miles 7 38 04 75 47 Somerset 20 97 151 46 CEAB BOTTOMS. Alphabetical Index to Cbab Bottoms — Continued. 47 Approximate geographic Page of location. U. S. Coast Page of Chart number of Maryland Oyster Chart on which shown County in which located County index number by which indicated on Index Chart and Geodetic Survey county pub- lication of Survey of Oyster 'Bars on which Fourth Re- Name o( crab bottom Latitude Longitude port of Mary- land Shell Fish Com- mission on which char- acteristics are boundaries described are defined o o / Mine Creek 7 38 05 75 53 Somerset 13 94 151 Moon Bay 7 38 04 75 48 Somerset 18 96 151 Northeast Island 42 38 09 76 04 Dorchester 4 169 193 North Kedge Straits 6 38 05 76 03 Somerset 49 87 152 Okahanikan 40, 41, 42 38 12 76 04 Dorchester 9 167 193 Old House 9 37 58 75 53 Somerset 26 102 151 Piney Island Pry Cove 7 38 06 75 55 Somerset 5 92 151 6 38 06 76 03 Somerset 48 86 152 Pry Island 42 38 07 76 04 Dorchester 1 172 193 Pungers Creek 5,6,7 38 07 76 01 Somerset 44 82 152 Red Cap Creek 7 38 05 75 47 Somerset 19 97 151 Shanks Creek 8 37 58 76 02 Somerset 53 100 151 Shark Point 7 38 04 75 52 Somerset 15 95 151 Sheepshead Smith Island Thor- e, 7 38 04 76 02 Somerset 50 87 152 6,8,9 38 00 76 03 Somerset 52 89 151 oughfare South Kedge Straits 6 38 02 76 02 Somerset 51 88 152 South Marsh 7 38 05 76 00 Somerset 43 90 151 Spring Island 42 38 08 76 03 Dorchester 5 170 193 (Dorchester Co.) Spring Island 6 38 07 76 03 Somerset 47 86 152 (Somerset Co.) St. Pierre 5,7 38 08 75 52 Somerset 9 85 152 Teague Creek 7 38 07 75 50 Somerset 11 93 151 Tenth Point 7 38 02 75 51 Somerset 25 100 151 Terrapin Sand 7,9 38 01 75 58 Somerset 41 89 151 Tylers Creek 8,9 37 58 76 01 Somerset 54 101 151 Ware Point 9 37 56 75 49 Somerset 37 109 151 Wenona 7 38 07 75 57 Somerset 3 90 151 Wingate 40 38 17 76 06 Dorchester 11 165 193 CRAB BOTTOMS. NUMERICAL INDEX. Note. — See Alphabetical Index (or other references relating to crab bottoms. DORCHESTER COUNTY. County County County index index number number number indicating Name of crab bottom indicating Name of crab bottom indicating Name of crab bottom bottoms bottoms on Index on Index Chart Chart Chart 1 Pry Island 6 Great Cove 12 Duck Point Cove 2 Holland Island 7 Bloodsworth Island 13 Jenny Island 3 Adam Island 8 Grassy 14 Bishop Head 4 Northeast Island 9 Okahanikan 5 Spring Island (Dor- 10 Fox Creek chester County) 11 Wingate SOMERSET COUNTY. 1 Laws Thoroughfare 19 Red Cap Creek 39 Big Island North 20 Miles 40 Drum 2 Deal Island 21 Colburn 41 Terrapin Sand 3 Wenona 22 Jackson Island \ 42 Fishing Point 4 Little Deal Island 23 Jones Creek 43 South Marsh 5 Piney Island 24 Daugherty Creek 1 44 Pungera Creek 6 Lower Thoroughfare 25 Tenth Point 45 Holland Straits 7 Laws Thoroughfare 26 Old House 46 Deep Banks South 27 Light House 47 Spring Island (Somer- 8 Marsh Island 28 Cancer set County) 9 St. Pierre 29 Back Creek 48 Pry Cove 10 Geanquakin 30 Lavellette 49 North Kedge Straits 11 Teague Creek 31 Jenkins Creek 50 Sheepshead 12 Goose Creek 32 Kings Island 51 South Kedge Straits 13 Mine Creek 33 Great Point 52 Smith Island Thor- 14 Hazard 34 Fishing Creek oughfare 15 Shark Point 35 Cedar Straits 53 Shanks Creek 16 Fords Wharf 36 Broad Creek 54 Tvlers Creek 17 Crane Cove 37 Ware Point 18 Moon Bay 38 Apes Hole 48 CLAM BEDS. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Note. — See Numerical Index for names of clam beds corresponding to number on Index Chart. Chart number of Maryland Oyster Chart on which shown Approximate geographic location C'otmtv in which located County index number by which indicated on Index Chart Pageof U. S. Coast and Geodet ic .Survey county pub- lication of Survey of Oyster Bars on which boundaries are defined Page of Fourth Re- Name of clam bed Latitude Longitude port of Maryland Shell Fish Commission on which character- istics are described Flat Rock Gravel Ruck Ware Rock 9,10 9 9 37 56 37 55 37 35 75 47 75 48 75 48 Somerset Somerset Somerset 3 2 1 112 111 111 152 152 152 NUMERICAL INDEX. Note. — See Alphabetical Index for other references relating to clam beds. SOMERSET COUNTY. County index number indicating clam beds on Index Chart Name of clam bed County index number indicatijlg clam beds on Index Chart Name of clam bed County index number indicating elara beds on Index Chart Name of elam bed 1 Ware Rock 2 Gravel Rock 3 Flat Rock LANDMARKS. U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SUEVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Note.— See Numerical Index for names of triangulation stations corresponding to numbers on Index Chart. Approximate geographic Page of U.S. location Coast and Chart County index number by which indicated on Index Chart Geodectic Survey Name of station number of Maryland Oyster Chart on wliich shown f^atitiidc Lon{;i ude County in whicli located county pub- lication of Survey of Oyster Bars on which loca- tions are described o , o / Aber 32 38 MS 76 11 Talbot 29 66 Adam 37 38 33 76 11 Dorchester 49 71 Adams 24 38 '08 76 29 St. Marys 109 87 Albert 32 38 52 76 10 Queen Annes 116 92 All 34 38 43 76 07 Talbot 211 127 AUer 32 38 54 76 10 Queen Annes 106 88 Alley 32 38 56 76 15 Queen Annes 79 77 Almshouse 3 38 56 76 32 Anne Arundel 82 92 Almshouse (Lighting Rod) 3 38 56 76 32 Anne Arundel 81 92 Alpha 3 38 52 76 32 Anne Arundel 96 96 Amour 29 38 43 76 16 Queen Annes 41 33 Annette 34 38 43 76 16 Talbot 123 93 Ansley 34 38 46 76 14 Talbot 157 105 Apple 3 38 50 76 32 Anne Arundel 101 98 Appkgaith 40 38 14 76 08 Dorchester 93 87 Ar 41 38 19 75 55 Dorchester 128 98 Arl)ucklf 1!4 38 09 76 30 St. Marys 99 91 Arnold 2 39 02 70 32 Anne Arundel 42 80 Arundel 3 38 65 76 28 Anne Arundel 70 88 Asbury Cliurch 9 37 58 75 50 Somerset 45 49 Ash 30 39 08 76 10 Kent 55 66 Ashland 30 39 07 76 06 Queen Annes 12 53 Asquith 40 38 17 76 09 Dorchester 107 90 Assateague Light (■) 37 55 7S 21 Virginia 23 '40 Attila 32 38 52 76 10 Queen Annes 118 93 Austin 37 38 32 76 11 Dorchester 61 76 Avalon 33 38 43 76 20 Talbot 89 80 Aye 34 38 44 76 08 Talbot 202 123 Bach 34,35 38 41 76 11 Talbot 224 132 Back 37 38 33 76 15 Dorchester 36 66 Bailey 26 38 14 76 47 St. Marys 168 126 Bald 34 38 45 76 15 Talbot ■ 136 97 Baldwins 32 38 52 76 10 Talbot 12 58 Ball (Wicomico River) 5 38 14 75 51 Somerset 5 35 Ball (Harris Creek) 33 38 45 76 18 Talbot 119 86 Baltimore Light n 39 04 76 24 Anne Arundel 6 ■■' 32 Bank (Maguthy Rivfr) 39 05 76 31 Anne Arundel 16 71 Bank (Swiui Creek) "28, 29 39 09 70 16 Kent 5 31 Bank (St. (Element Bay) 1 See Worceste 25 r County pub 38 lication. 16 76 43 3 St. Marys Bee CJuecn Annes County pnbli 147 -ation. 110 LANDMARKS. Au'iiAiiKTicAL Index to Triangulation Stations- ('cuiliinic 51 Approximate geographic I'ageofU.S. location Coast and Chart County inde.x number Geodetic Survey aumber of county pub- Name of st:il ion MarylaTid Oyster Chart on which shown Latitude Tyontritude Count}' in which located Ijy which indicated on Inde.K Chart lication of Survey of Oyster Bars on which loca- tions are described Bank (Tred Avon River) 35 38 37 76 00 Talbot 263 1.58 Bar (Tangier Sound) 5,7 38 08 75 58 Somerset 13 38 Bar (Ilarris Creek) 33 38 41 76 19 Talbot 87 79 Bar (Sinepuxent Bay) 13 38 16 75 08 Worcester 15 32 Barber (Wicomico River) 26 38 23 70 51 St. Marys 181 116 Barber (Tred Avon River) 35 38 36 76 01 Talbot 259 157 liareda House ( hipola 20 38 19 76 26 Calvert 18 55 Barn 7 38 08 75 48 Somerset 30 44 Barnett 34 38 46 7G 11 Talbot 62 149 l?ara 19 38 23 76 32 St. Marys 11 47 Bateman 34 38 45 76 07 Talbot 196 121 !?ath 30 39 05 76 07 Queen Annes 22 46 Battle 19 38 27 70 37 Calvert 39 42 Batte 31 38 55 76 19 Queen Annes 53 66 Bay (Magcithy River) 1 39 06 76 27 Anne Arundel 11 68 Bay (Severn River) 2 39 02 76 33 Anne Arundel 49 82 Bay Bush Point 30 39 03 76 13 Kent 23 46 Bay Ridge Stack 3 38 56 76 27 Anne Arundel 66 87 Bay Side 2 39 01 76 24 Anne Arundel 26 75 Bayly 37 38 33 76 15 Dorchester 37 67 Beach (Chesapeake Bay) 16 38 40 70 32 Calvert 2 27 Beach (Sinepuxent Bay) 13 38 17 75 07 Worcester 11 30 Beacon 9 37 55 75 54 Vu-ginia 8 >50 Beacon Clum])s 14 38 08 75 12 Worcester 28 37 Beak 32 38 48 70 11 Talbot 33 68 Beau 25 38 16 76 38 St. Marys 121 98 Beckwith 37 38 34 76 12 Dorchester 44 70 Bee 32 38 54 76 10 Queen Annes 102 86 Beg 34 38 46 76 10 Talbot 39 141 Belle 25 38 16 76 39 St. Marys 130 96 Bellevue 34 38 42 76 11 Talbot 180 115 Bello 24 38 11 7(i 27 St. Marys 88 78 Ben 20 38 18 76 28 St. Marys 19 58 Bend 24 38 12 76 26 St. Marys 75 81 Bengal 34 38 46 76 15 Talbot 139 98 Benn 32 38 51 76 12 Queen Annes 89 81 Benoni 2 34 38 40 76 12 Talbot 177 114 Bentley 40 38 18 76 11 Dorchester 99 88 Berry 34,35 38 40 70 09 Talbot 242 139 Bethel 34 38 47 76 08 Talbot 54 145 Between 24 38 07 76 26 St. Marys 55 70 Beverly 34 38 46 76 14 Talbot 155 104 Bight 2 39 02 76 32 Anne Arundel 41 80 Bill 30 39 09 76 05 Queen Annes 6 58 Billiard 19 38 29 76 40 St. Marys 2 38 Birch 13,14 38 13 75 12 Worcester 22 35 Bird 30 39 04 76 10 Queen Annes 31 41 Bivalve Chun-li 11 38 18 75 53 Wicomico 4 26 Black 33, 36 38 40 76 20 Talbot 84 78 Black Beac(jn 35 38 37 76 07 Talbot 252 153 Blakeford 30 39 00 76 10 Queen Annes 35 37 Blakiatone 26 38 17 76 48 St. Marys 172 123 Blakistone Island light 25 38 12 76 45 St. Marys 163 105 ' See Somerset County publication. 52 SUMMAR^■ OF SURVF-V OV 0\y,TVAl BA KS OF MARYI^ANP. ALrHABRTiuAL INDEX TO TuiANfiUi-ATioN STATIONS — Continued. Approximate geographic \ Page of U.S. location Coast and Chart number of County mdex numt>er Geodetic Survey county pub- Name or station ^ Maryland Jyster Chart on which shown Latitude Longitude County in which located 3V which ridicated on Index Chart lication of Survey of Oyster Bars on which loca- tions are described Blanco 34 38 44 76 16 Talbot 128 95 Blank (') 39 10 76 02 Kent 92 88 Blind 35 38 38 75 59 Talbot 265 159 Bloudy Point Bar Light 31 38 50 76 24 Queeu Annes 46 63 Blossom 34 38 44 70 07 Talbot 200 123 Bluebeard 30 38 59 76 11 Queeu Annes 36 37 Bluff (Severn River) 2 38 59 76 28 Anne Arundel 34 77 Bluff (Magothy River) 2 39 04 70 27 Anne Arundel 8 70 Bodkin Point (01(1 Tower) 1 39 08 76 25 Anne Arundel 3 08 Boling 35 38 35 76 02 Talbot 256 155 Bou 20 38 19 76 27 Calvert 19 54 Bonnet 32 38 56 76 14 Queen Annes 86 79 Booker 30 39 OS 76 04 Queen Annes 9 50 Bo(jue 34, 35 38 40 76 10 Talbot 225 1.32 Bor.iui,* 34 38 42 70 09 Talbot 217 129 Bowman 26 38 20 70 52 Charles 10 27 Bozman 34 38 40 70 10 Talbot 1 12 91 Bozman M. 10. Clinrch 34 38 4(i 76 l(i Talbot 113 91 Sjnre Bramble 28 39 15 76 13 Kent 2 29 Braniiock ■m;. 37 38 35 76 16 Dorchester 29 50 Break 30 39 02 76 10 Qiieen Annes 34 38 Brewer (Severn River) 2 39 02 76 32 Anne Arundel 50 83 Brewer (South River) 3 38 57 70 33 Anne Arundel SO 91 Brian Reference SUition 32 38 5(i 76 13 (Jueen Annes 87 .^VO Briary ■:,?, 3S Hi 7(i IS Talbot 97 83 Briie' 2 39 00 70 29 Anne Arundel 35 78 Bridge (Honga River) ;i(t, 10 38 18 7(i 12 Dorchester 100 87 Bridge (Kent Island Nar- 29, 32 38 58 70 15 Queen Annes 83 36 rows) Brief 24 38 12 76 27 St. Miir\-s S2 S3 Brisroe 20 38 22 70 30 St. Marys 13 49 Broad (Chesapeake Bay) 4 38 47 76 31 Anne Arundel 107 100 Broad (Chester River) o 39 09 76 04 Kent 87 85 Brome 24 38 11 76 26 St. Marys 72 80 Brooks 37 38 32 76 12 Dorchester 63 77 Brown 30 39 06 76 09 Kent 75 75 Bruffs 32 38 52 76 12 Talbot 18 01 Bnena 19 38 32 76 39 Calvert 46 34 Buffing 13 38 19 75 07 Worcester 5 27 Buffington Windmill 13 38 19 75 07 Worcester 6 2S Bungav :',() 39 09 70 11 Kent 4S 63 Bur 2(1 38 20 70 29 Calvert 20 51 Burns 30 39 OS 76 05 Queen Annes 11 54 Burr 21) 38 21 7li 52 (ihnrles 9 26 Bush 32 38 53 76 OS Queen Annes 12S 97 But 32 38 48 76 12 Talbot 28 65 Buzz 19 38 29 76 39 Calvert 43 38 Buzzard 25 38 17 70 38 St. Mar\'s 128 94 Cabin 34 38 45 76 15 Talbot ' 134 97 Cable 20 38 19 76 29 St. Marvs ' 16 52 Cain 20,21 38 17 76 23 St. Marys 24 58 Cake 30 1 39 09 76 04 1 Queen Annes 7 57 I See progress ma p in Kent Cou nty publicati )n. ' See Worcester County )ublication LANDMARKS. Alphabetical Index to Triangulation Stations — Continued. 53 Calf Calvert Monument (!am Oarabridso CambridG:e Stand Pipe Camden Can Canoe Carrie Car -oil 2 Castlo Ciitholic Churrh Cross Catholic Church (Benedirf) Catho'ic Churcli Cross (Newtown Keck) Catholic Church Spiro (Annapolis) Cato Caulk Cecil Cedar (South River) Ci'diir (Severn River) ('cclar (Bretons Bav) C.'dar (Broad Crcelc) Cedar Point Light Cedoak Chodwick Chalk Chan Chancellor Change 1910 ( 'haji (.'hapel Charles (W'ir.Mni.nlVucr) Charles (lloiiL';' KiNci) Charles ([shiiid Creek) Chase (Severn River) Chase (\^Tiitehall Bay) Chef Cherry Cherry Cove Cherry Island Water Tank Ches (/hester (Chester River) Chester (Virginia) Chestnut Chew Chief Child Chin Chlor.i, t^hoptank River Light Chort mimbpr of Maryland )yster ('harl "on which shown 24 34 35 35 34 36, 37, 38 2h 37 20 20 26 25 34 20,39 25 24 24 35 33,34 32 25 26 40 34,35 33,36,37 24 25 37 3 30 (■) 24 32 35 12 32 35 34, 35, 37 38 58 38 52 38 45 38 17 38 56 39 04 3S 16 38 44 38 18 3S r,o 38 10 38 35 38 43 38 48 38 16 38 17 38 19 38 40 39 01 39 00 38 38 38 08 38 16 38 34 38 52 39 06 37 57 38 10 38 53 38 35 38 15 38 54 38 38 38 39 76 07 76 05 76 05 76 07 76 18 76 44 76 15 76 25 76 10 76 28 76 41 76 29 76 31 76 16 76 43 76 32 76 34 76 38 76 14 76 22 76 41 76 31 76 32 76 27 76 02 76 IS 76 50 76 10 76 08 76 31 76 26 76 17 76 28 76 41 76 13 76 31 76 07 75 26 76 25 76 08 75 59 75 .50 76 10 76 09 76 11 Anne Arundel St. Marys Talbot Uorchrster Dorchester Talbot Dorchester St. Marys Dorchester St. Marys Dorchester Calvert ('harles St. Marys Anne Arundel Anne Arundel Talbot St. Marys Anne Arundel Anne Arundel St. Marvs Talbot " St. Marys St. ]\Iarys St. Marys Anne Arundel St. Mnrys Talbot ■ Talbot Talbot St. Marys Charles Dorchester Talbot Anne Arundel Anne Arundel Dorchester St. Marys St. Marys Dorchester Anne Arundel Queen Annea Virginia St. Marys Talbot Dorchester ^\'icomico Queen Annes Talbot Talbot County mdex number by which indicated on Jnde.x Chart 91 73 212 16 15 199 81 161 38 21 24 24 88 130 148 83 45 124 166 23 114 102 99 70 258 121 50 144 14 105 231 39 30 27 93 135 45 95 15 21 63 4 8 13 105 245 244 Page of U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey county pub- lication of Survey of Oyster Bars on which loca- tions are described 95 81 127 50 50 122 59 107 67 56 53 52 37 94 95 112 92 81 95 109 58 104 92 97 78 156 86 70 108 30 89 135 79 76 55 86 100 70 96 51 '41 76 55 47 30 87 150 140 ' See AVorcester Counly put^licritii 54 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTEK BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Teianqulation Stations — Continued. Name of station Chart number of Maryland Oyster Chart on which shown Count V in which located County index number >y which lidicated jn Index Chart Page of U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey county pub- lication of Survey of Oyster Bars on which loca- tions are described Church Church Creek (No. 1 West) City Clark Clay Clem Close Clump (Chesapeake Hay) Clump (Harris Creek) Coal Cobb Point Bar Light Cobrums Coffee Cohouck Colburn Cole Collier Collins Colonel Comb (Miles River) Combs (Honga River) Command Compton Convent Water Tower Cook Cook Point Windmill Cool Coppage Corn (ijhesapeake Bay) Corn (Langford Creek) Com (Bretons Bay) Corner (Wicomico River) Corner (Choptank River) Corner (Wye River) Corpse Corr Corsica Cottage (Chesapeake Bay) Cottage (St. Inigoes Creek) Counallor Cousin Cove Cove Point Light Cow Cox (Crab Alley Bay) Cox (Manokin River) Crab Crack Craddock Craighill Channel Light (Front Range) Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range) (') 24 37 26 34 30 2 32 34 34 26 25 31 26 7 19 19 32 34 24 35 25 (') 34 36,37 2 24 2 30 25 26 37 32 30 28 30 3 24 3 32 3 18, 20, 38 41 31 7 41 34 20 27 27 38 10 38 31 38 31 38 44 39 09 39 01 38 54 39 00 38 47 38 44 38 15 38 17 38 56 38 21 38 03 38 24 38 21 38 28 38 51 38 46 38 08 38 36 38 15 38 21 38 43 38 37 39 01 38 10 39 01 39 07 38 17 38 16 38 37 38 53 39 06 39 10 39 05 38 55 38 10 38 51 38 52 38 51 38 23 38 16 38 55 38 09 38 11 38 42 38 18 39 11 39 14 76 26 76 11 76 40 76 12 76 09 76 32 76 10 76 25 76 16 76 15 76 50 76 43 76 19 76 50 75 48 76 35 75 05 76 40 76 11 70 10 76 29 76 05 70 42 75 05 76 14 76 17 76 31 76 28 76 24 76 10 76 38 76 .50 76 12 76 08 76 07 76 15 76 09 76 28 76 26 76 32 76 10 76 32 76 23 75 57 7G 18 75 47 76 01 76 07 76 27 76 24 76 24 St. Marys Dorchester Charles Talbot Kent Anno Arundel Queen Anues Aunc Arundel Talbot Talbot t'harles St. Mary.s Queen Amies St. Marys Somerset St. Marys Worcester St. Marys Talbot Talbot St. Marys Dorchester St. Marys Worcester Talbot Dorchester Anne Arundel St. Marys Anne Arundel Kent St. Marys ('harles Dorchester Talbot Queen Annes Kent Queen Annes Anne Arundel St. Marys Anne Arundel Talbot Anne Arundel ('alvert Dorchester Queen .\nnes Somerset Dorchester •Talbot St. Marys Baltimore Baltimore 3 163 61 51 103 27 105 125 18 155 56 179 38 9 38 4 16 60 96 18 136 39 168 28 38 89 24 69 125 17 25 2 14 10 18 67 67 .98 13 102 14 126 73 28 96 214 20 73 76 37 108 68 83 87 75 89 93 32 113 67 118 46 45 24 39 60 148 88 51 102 25 110 55 79 77 74 71 95 32 64 55 51 32 47 87 74 97 59 98 32 97 74 43 93 128 56 25 ' See Worcester County progress map. LANDMARKS. Alphabetical Index to Trianoulation Stations — Continued. 55 Approximate geographic Page or U.S. location Coast and Chart County Oeodetic Survey numboi- of index county pub- Nameolslutioii Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located number by which lication of Survey of on which Latitude Lon;:! Ludo indicated Oyster shown on Index Chart Bars on which loca- tions arc described Crane 20 38 19 76 29 St. Marys 18 53 Crauey 31 38 56 76 22 Queen Annes 45 63 Creek (Irish Creek) 34 38 42 76 13 Talbot 176 113 Creek (Wicomico Ri\cr) 12 38 16 75 49 Wicomico 14 31 Cremona 19 38 27 76 39 St. Marys 5 40 Croch 41 38 15 76 02 Dorchester 115 93 Crow 30 39 03 76 10 Queen Annes 30 41 Cult 30 39 OS 76 09 Kent 67 70 Cummings 33, 34 38 40 76 18 Talbot 99 84 Cup 10 37 56 75 38 Virginia 15 '53 Cupola (Rhode River) 3 38 52 76 32 Anne Arundel 93 95 Cupola (Manokin River) 7 38 08 .75 49 Somerset 3V 44 Curtis 3 38 51 76 30 Anne Arundel 103 98 Cut 30 39 00 76 13 Kent 33 52 Cutoff Channel Light 27 39 12 76 27 Baltimore 4 26 (Front Range) Cutoff Channel Light 27 39 13 76 28 Baltimore 6 26 (Rear Range) Dago 24 38 07 76 24 St. Marys 40 64 Dan 33,34 38 46 76 18 Talbot 116 84 Darce 32 38 53 76 11 Queen Annes 109 89 David 37 38 33 76 12 Dorchester 51 72 Davis 30 39 07 76 10 Kent 42 61 Day 24 38 06 76 25 St. Marys 54 69 Deal Island Church 5 38 09 75 57 Somerset 12 38 Deck 32 38 53 76 09 Talbot 7 57 Deep 24 38 11 76 27 St. Marys 85 80 Deep Cove 30 39 06 76 11 Kent 38 59 Deep Point 2 30 39 07 76 07 Kent 78 77 Deewat 32 38 48 76 13 Tall)Ot 68 72 Delahay 34, 30 38 40 76 09 Talbot 228 134 Dell 31 38 55 76 19 Queen Annes 70 73 Delta (Rhode River) 3 38 53 76 31 Anne Arundel 89 'M Delta (Broad Creek) 34 38 46 76 16 Talbot 142 100 Desert 20, 21 38 16 76 24 St. Marys 25 58 Deux • 34 38 42 76 07 Talbot 213 128 Dicks Water Tank 35 38 35 76 05 Dorchester 19 50 Divide 32 38 53 76 09 Queen Annes 123 95 Dixon 32 38 51 76 16 Talbot 73 75 Dobbins 2 39 05 76 28 Anne Arundel 13 71 Doctor (Little Choi)tank 37 38 32 76 12 Dorchester 64 77 River) Doctor (Miles River) 34 38 47 76 09 Talbot 56 146 Dog 34 38 47 70 17 Talbot 100 87 Dorrance 34 38 47 76 09 Talbot 45 144 Dot 37 38 38 76 14 Dorchester 26 64 Double 35 38 36 76 03 Talbot 255 155 Dove 5 38 12 75 52 Somerset 8 36 Down 30 39 09 76 04 Queen Annes 5 59 Draw 32 38 48 76 08 Talbot 49 70 Drum (Langford Creek) 30 39 07 76 10 Kent 41 60 Drum (Smith Creek) 24 38 07 76 24 St. Marys 44 65 Drum Poiut Light 20 38 10 76 25 Calvert 17 55 ' See Somerset County publications. 56 3UMMAEY OF SURVEY OF OYSIEK BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Triangulation Stations — Continued. Approximate geographic Page of U.S. location Coast and ('ounty inde.x number by which Geodetic Name of station Chart number of Maryland County in which located .Survey county pub- lication of .Siu-vey of Oyster narson wliich loca- )yster Chart indicated on which Latitude | Longitude ] on Index shown Chart tions are described Duck (Honga River) 40 38 17 76 06 Dorchester 110 92 Duck (Choptank River) 35 38 36 76 00 Talbot 260 1.57 Dull 32 38 56 76 15 Queen Annes 81 78 Dune 25 38 14 76 41 St. Marys 116 103 Dunk 33 38 45 76 19 Talbot 94 82 Dunnock 38 38 23 76 17 Dorchester 86 83 Dupont 37 38 34 76 13 Dorchester 43 69 Dusky 24 38 10 76 26 St. Marys 66 74 Dutchman 3 38 52 76 31 Anne Arundel 87 93 Dwarf 19 38 30 76 40 ( 'alvert 44 37 Dynard 25 38 18 76 43 St. Marys 153 115 Eagle (Langl'ord Creek) 30 39 08 76 11 Kent 44 61 Eagle (Harris Creek) 33 38 44 76 19 Talbot 93 81 Ear 41 38 17 76 00 Dorchester 122 96 Earle (Corsica River) 30 39 05 76 08 Queen Annes 26 44 Earle (Nanticokfe River) 11 38 21 75 52 Wicomico 1 25 East 9 37 56 75 50 Somerset 48 51 E. Cambridge Spire 35 38 34 76 04 Dorchester 13 50 E. Cambridge Tall Stack 35 38 34 76 04 Dorchester 14 49 Eastman 34 38 46 76 15 Talbot 140 99 Easton 32 38 48 76 08 Talbdt 52 71 EdmonJ 33 38 46 76 18 Talbot 117 85 Edward 32 38 52 76 11 Talbot 15 60 Bed ling 26 38 19 76 51 Charles 11 28 Eleanor 37 38 32 76 13 Dorchester 65 78 Ella 12 38 15 75 52 Wicomico 11 29 EUiason 28 39 09 76 15 Kent 8 34 Elliott 41 38 19 76 01 Dorchester 121 95 Ellpow 13 38 18 75 08 Wcircester 10 30 Elmore 34 38 46 76 14 Tal))ot 154 104 Emanuel Church 9 37 59 75 51 Somerset 43 49 End ( Harris ( 'reek ) 31,32,34 38 48 76 17 107 41 End (Wicomico River) 12 38 15 75 49 Wicomico 15 31 Engineer 30 39 05 76 08 Queen Annes 20 46 Enough 24 38 07 76 24 St. Marys 43 65 Enter 34, 35 38 40 76 10 Talbot 226 133 Episcopal Church Cross 24 38 11 76 26 St. Marys 74 SI (Old St. Marys) Etna 3 38 53 76 31 Anne Arundel 90 94 Etta 37 38 32 76 12 Dorchester 55 74 Evans 30 39 06 76 08 Queen Annes 16 49 Ewell Church Spire 8 37 58 76 01 Somerset 58 47 (Smith Island) Face 32 38 49 76 n Talbot 31 67 Fact 26 38 20 76 51 St. Marys 177 120 Fair 32 38 48 76 12 Talbot 26 65 Fairbanks 34 38 45 76 16 Talbot 131 96 Fairhaven 4 38 45 76 34 Anne Arundel 110 101 Fairmount Church 7 38 06 75 48 Srmiorsot 33 44 Farm 41 38 19 76 03 Dorchester 118 94 Farr 26 38 19 76 50 St. Marys 176 121 Fassett 13 38 17 75 08 Worcester 12 31 Fence 25 38 15 76 41 St. Marys 117* 101 Ferry (Magothy River) 2 39 04 76 30 Anne Arundel 19 72 LANDMAKKS. Alphabetical Index to Triangulation Stations — Continued. 57 Approximate geographic Page of U.S. location Coast and rhart County Geodetic Suivey number of inde.v county pub- Name of station Maryland Ovstei- rhart fuuuty in whii h located number by which lication of Survev of "on wliich shown I.alituilo Lonnitiuie iiiilicated on Index Oyster Bars on Chart which loca- tions are described Ferry (Choptank River) 35 38 34 76 02 Dorchester 11 48 Ferry (Wye River) 32 38 53 76 11 Queen Annes 96 84 Field 2 39 00 76 30 Anne Anmdel 55 84 Fig 34 38 47 76 08 Talbot 55 145 Figlit 19 38 20 76 39 St. Marys 7 42 Finisli 38 38 28 76 17 Dorchester 75 81 Fir 30 39 03 76 11 Queen Annes 33 39 First 34, 35 38 41 76 10 Talbot 223 132 Fish 41 38 16 75 59 Dorchester 123 96 Fishbone 9 37 53 7(i 00 Vu-ginia 6 ' 48 Fishstack Fitz 20 38 19 76 27 Calvert 20 54 (') 38 09 75 47 Somerset 25 43 Flagpole 24 38 08 76 25 St. Marys 48 68 Flag Pond 18 38 27 76 28 Calvert 11 31 Flag Staff (Naval Acad- 2 38 59 76 29 Anne Arundel 57 85 emy Boathonse) Flat (Wye River) 32 38 52 7G 11 Queen Annes 115 92 Flat (Smith Creek) 24 38 08 76 25 St. Marys 50 68 Flat Cap 7 38 02 75 53 Somerset 40 46 Fodder 2(i 38 32 76 41 ( 'harles 1 35 Fog 2 (i 38 02 76 02 Somerset 54 39 Ford (Langtord Creek) 30 39 08 76 11 Kent 45 62 Ford (Chesapeake Bay) 21 38 14 76 24 St. Marys 20 59 Ford (Big Annemessex 7 38 04 75 50 Somerset 36 45 River) " I>'ui'e 30 39 0(i 76 12 Kent 34 53 Fork 28 39 09 76 15 Kent 7 35 Ft)rr VJ 38 25 76 3() St. Marys 8 43 Fort (Severn River) 2 38 59 7(i 28 Anne Arundel 33 77 Fort (Si. Marys River) 24 3S (18 76 26 St. Marys 56 71 Fort Howard Taller Water Tank 27 39 12 76 27 Baltimore 5 26 Fox 34 38 4(i 76 17 Talbot 115 92 F ix Island Poj)lar 9 37 54 75 54 Virginia 9 -50 Foxwell 25 38 17 76 38 St. Marys 127 94 Frank 32 38 51 76 12 Talbot 21 62 Franklin 4 38 49 76 30 Anne .\:iiiidcl 105 99 Frog 41 38 14 75 57 Dorchestei- 125 96 Front 33 38 44 76 21 Talbot 81 77 Gander 35 38 3(i 75 59 Dorchester 7 47 Gantt {') 38 20 75 06 Worcester 40 25 Gasli 34 38 15 76 07 Talbot 198 122 Geog 7 38 03 75 49 Somerset 39 46 Gibbs 34 38 47 76 U Talbot 37 141 Giii'jer 3 38 57 76 33 Anne Arundel 75 90 Gis 35 38 38 76 07 Talbot 250 153 Go 32 38 53 76 10 Queen Annes 122 94 Golds 3! 38 42 76 09 Talbot 218 130 Goose (Grays Inn River) 30 39 0(i 76 13 Kent 28 50 Goose (St. George River) 24 38 OS 76 29 St. Marys 95 88 Ciordon 30 39 03 76 11 Queen Amies 32 40 Govei- 11 38 21 75 54 Dorchester 129 98 Gowan 3 38 53 76 29 Aime Artnide! 86 93 Somerset County publication. - See progress map in Worcester County publication. ' See Somerset County publication. 58 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetu'm, Index to Triangulation Stations — CoiiUniied. Approximate geographic Page of U.S. location Coast and Oiiirt number of Maryland Oyster Cliart on which shown County in whiih located Comity index number by which indicated Oeudctic Name of station Survey county pub- licalionof Sur\'ey of Latitude Lonsi ude on Index Oiart <>ysl'cr Bars on which loca- tions are described o , o , Grace 34 38 46 7(1 17 Talbot 102 88 Grace M. E. Church 15 38 01 75 23 Virginia 17 '41 Gram (Severn Iliver) 3 38 57 76 28 Anne Arundel 64 86 Gram (Broad Creek) 34 38 46 76 15 Talbot 138 98 Granary 32 38 53 70 08 Queen Anties 120 96 Gvason 24 38 10 76 26 St. Marys 61 75 Gralilnde 28,29 39 08 76 16 Kent 16 37 (irave 34 38 46 76 14 Talbot 149 102 Gravel 24 38 10 76 26 St. Marys 71 79 Gray 30 39 06 76 13 Kent 30 51 Great 33 38 45 7(i 21 Talbot 80 77 Great Shoals T,io;ht 12 38 13 75 53 ^Vicomi('o 10 35 Greek 31 38 56 76 18 Queen Annes 68 72 Green (Ei'.stern Bay) 32 38 54 76 12 Queen Annes 88 80 Green (Manokiu Kiver) 7 38 09 75 47 Somerset 29 44 Green Run Inlet Life 14,15 38 05 75 12 Worcester 31 38 Saving Station Flag- staff. Greenbury 2 38 58 76 27 Anne Arundel 31 77 Greenbury Point Li^rht 2 38 58 76 27 Anne Arundel 32 77 Greenweli 37 38 33 76 14 Dorchester 40 68 Grind 24 38 10 76 27 St. Marys 90 76 Grove (Keeds Creek) 30 39 03 76 10 Queen Annes 29 42 Grove (Bretons Bay) 25 38 14 76 41 St. Marys 115 104 Grubin 35 38 38 76 07 Talbot 251 153 Guest 25 38 IS 76 43 St. Marys 150 114 Guilberts Cupola 14 38 09 75 17 Worcester 27 38 Guither 24 38 10 76 31 St. Marys 103 93 Gull 13 38 19 75 06 Worcester 7 28 Gunners 39,40 3S 20 76 13 norchoster 101 86 Gust 2(i 38 19 76 51 Cliarl(!s 12 28 Gusla 32 38 53 76 iO Talbot 10 58 Gut 30 39 09 76 09 Kent 63 (;i) Hackett 2 38 59 76 25 Anne Arutnlel 2S 76 Iladdaway 33 38 47 76 20 Talbot 77 76 Haines 5 38 11 75 57 Somerset 11 37 Hall ^rolumac Bivcr) 22 38 04 76 22 St. Marys 36 62 Hall (Miles River) 34 38 45 76 10 Talbot 61 148 Hall House (Middle 22 38 04 76 22 St. Marys 37 63 Chimney) Hallomng 19 38 31 76 40 Calvert 45 30 Ham (Magothy River) 2 39 05 76 30 Anne Arundel 15 71 Ham (Miles River) 34 38 46 76 10 Talbot 59 147 Hambrooks Bar Beacon 35 38 36 76 06 Dorchester 17 50 Hamilton 13 38 20 75 05 Worcester 1 26 Hamniett 24 38 13 76 28 St. Marys 78 85 Handvs Hammock 13,14 38 13 75 15 Worcester 25 36 Hard ■ 26 38 16 76 50 Charles 15 31 Harmon 13 38 20 75 07 Worcester 3 26 Harp 30 39 09 76 09 Kent 60 68 Harjier 34 38 46 76 14 Talbot 158 106 Harringlcm 38 38 29 76 18 Dorchester 77 82 Harrison 34 38 47 76 17 Talbot 104 89 ' See Worcester (."ounty i)ublication. LANDMARKS. Ali'Habetical Index to Triangulation STATioNS^(.!oii(,iiiueil. 59 Approximate geographic location Pago of U.S. Coast and Chart number ol Maryland Oyster Charl on whieli shown County in which located County index number by which indicated on Inde.\ Chart Geodetic NamoofsUUion Latitude Lonj'itude Survey county pub- lication of Survey of Oyster Bars on which loca- tions are described Harry 34,35 38 40 76 08 Talbot 230 134 lias 7 38 04 75 52 Somerset 35 45 Ilaven 28,29 39 09 76 15 Kent 13 35 Hawk 33 38 45 76 19 Talbot 95 82 llayden 26 38 21 76 52 Charles 8 26 Head 41 38 13 76 02 Dorchester 114 93 Ilpaley (liroloiis liay) 25 38 16 76 39 St. Marys 131 97 Healey (Island Creek) 34,35 38 40 76 08 Talbot 238 137 Hedney 26 38 18 76 51 Charles 13 29 Uellcn 20 38 21 76 29 Calvert 28 49 Hen 33 38 44 76 18 Talbot 120 86 Henderson 32,34 38 47 76 08 Talbot 53 71 Henry 37 38 33 76 15 Dorchester 34 66 Here" 31 38 57 76 20 Queen Annes 57 68 Heron 25 38 13 76 43 St. Marys 164 105 Herr 32 38 50 76 13 Talbot 23 63 Herring 30 39 07 76 13 Kent 31 51 Herring Pond 2 (') 38 10 76 41 Virginia 1 ' 105 Hickory 1 39 05 76 27 Anne Arundel 12 69 High (Severn River) 2 39 04 76 33 Anne Arundel 44 81 High (Honga River) 41 38 r.) 76 01 Dorchester 120 95 Higher 34 38 43 76 07 Talbot 210 127 Hill 3 38 55 76 30 Anne Arundel 71 88 Hog 2 20 38 19 76 24 St. Marys 22 56 Hog Point (Holland 3) 16 38 43 76 32 Calvert 1 26 Holland (Olie s a p e a k e Bay Holland (Wicomico 4 38 44 76 32 Anne Arundel 111 101 12 38 15 75 51 Wicomico 12 30 River) Holland Island Bar Light 6 38 04 76 06 Somerset 53 39 Holland Island Church 42 38 07 76 05 Dorchester 95 104 Spire Hollow 25 38 l(i 76 39 St. Marys 132 98 Holly 34 38 44 76 12 Talbot 164 108 Ilolton Point 30 39 05 76 09 Queen Annes 27 43 Hoo 30 39 OS 76 09 Kent 66 70 Hook 32 38 54 76 11 Queen Annes 98 85 Hooper Island Light 39 38 15 76 15 Dorchester 92 84 Hooper Strait Light 40 38 14 76 05 Dorchester 113 93 Iloopersville Methodist 40 38 16 76 11 Dorchester 98 88 Church Cupola Hope 31 38 58 76 19 Queen Annes 63 70 Hopkins (Herring Bay) 4 38 46 76 33 Anne Arundel 109 100 Hopkins (Broad Creek) 34 38 45 76 13 Talbot 160 106 Hopkins Memorial 40 38 15 76 OS Dorchester 97 88 Church Cupola Horn (Magothy River) 2 39 05 76 31 Anne Arundel 17 72 Horn (Severn River) 2 38 58 76 28 Anne Arundel 62 85 Hornor 30 39 08 76 10 Kent 53 65 Horse 9 37 57 76 00 Virginia 5 M9 Horseshoe (Chesapeake 3 38 50 76 29 Anne Arundel 104 99 Bay) • See St. Marys County publicatioas. 3 See Somerset County publications. 60 SUMMARY OF SUKVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Triangulation Stations — Continued. Appro. imate geographic! Page oft'. S. location CoasI and Chart iii'lc-K Geodetic Survey iiumbor of numtjor cuunt V pnh- Name of si al ion Marvlanvi OvstPr Cliirt (•uunlyinwliii'lilo.'iilc.l hv whir-h iliilirutccl liraii'im of .Survey of on whii'h Latin lie Lonyil Llilc on Index Oysler stiowii Chart i^ars nn whieh loea- tions arc described o , o , Horseshoe (St. Marys 24 38 12 76 27 St. Marys 76 82 River) Hosier Memorial Cliurch 39,40 38 20 76 14 Dorchester 89 87 Spire Hospital Cupola (Naval 2 38 59 76 30 Anne Arundel 56 85 Academy) Hough 32 38 51 76 12 Queen Annes 90 81 House 35 38 38 75 58 Dorchester 3 45 H w a r d (Chniitank 35 38 35 76 07 Dorchester 20 51 River) Howards (St. Cl.'ment 25 38 16 76 42 St. Marys 146 110 15ay) Howells 35 38 37 76 07 Talbot 253 154 Huddle 2 39 04 76 29 Anne .\rundel 20 73 Hudson 37 38 32 76 15 Dorchester 32 65 Hugh 37 38 32 76 12 Dorchester 54 73 Hunter 34 38 43 76 08 Talbot 203 124 Hunting 34 38 46 76 10 Talbot 42 143 Hut 35 38 38 75 58 Dorchester 2 44 Hutchins If) 38 23 76 33 St. Marys 10 46 Hydroyraphic 30 39 05 76 08 Queen Annes 25 44 Ide 30 39 08 76 08 Kent 65 70 Ila 34 38 42 76 13 Talbot 175 113 1112 IG 38 39 76 32 Calvert 3 27 III 24 38 07 76 24 St. Marys 45 66 Indian (Patuxent River) 26 38 30 76 41 Charles" 5 38 Indian (Chester River) 30 39 07 76 06 Queen Annes 13 52 Inez 35 38 38 70 07 Talbot 249 152 Ingraya 13 38 14 75 10 \\'()r< ester 19 34 Inigi>03 24 38 10 76 26 SI. Marvs 68 73 Inkquill 13 38 18 75 07 \\'orci'ster 8 28 Inn 30 39 05 76 12 Kent 37 54 Irisli :!4 38 42 76 14 Talbot 171 111 Iron 2 39 05 76 29 Anne Arundel 14 71 Island (Severn River) 2 39 02 76 34 Anne .Vruudcl 48 82 Island (i'atuxent Uiver) 1!) 38 2) 76 32 ( 'alvert 35 44 Island ((Jrays Inn Creek) 30 39 06 76 12 Kent 35 53 Isle 30 39 08 76 10 Kent 43 61 Iveo ,'■) 38 ir^ 75 .50 Somerset 3 34 Jam 35 38 37 75 59 Talbot 261 158 JaniOJ (Chesapeake Ray) 30, 37 38 32 76 20 Dorchester 84 61 James (Miles River) 32 38 51 76 12 Talbot 20 62 Janes Island Light !) 37 58 75 55 Somerset 41 49 Jarre (t 30 39 08 76 05 Kent 82 81 Jay 34, 35 38 40 76 08 Talbot 241 139 Jean 5, 7 38 09 75 51 Somerset 22 39 Jenifer 37 38 33 76 15 Dorchester 33 65 Jere 33, 36 38 37 76 22 Talbot 86 79 Johnson 32, 31 38 47 76 08 Talbot 47 69 Jones ', 38 15 75 49 Somerset ' 2 34 Joseph 6.K 38 01 76 03 Somerset 55 40 Joshua 7 38 07 75 57 Somerset 14 41 Journey :',o 39 08 76 04 Qupen Anne.i 8 56 Judge 34 38 45 76 14 Talbot 152 103 LANDMARKS. Alphabetical Inhex to Trianqulation Stations — CiMiiimiprl. 61 Approximate geographic location Chart number of (^ounty inde.\ NaniB of station Maryland Oyster Chart on which shOOTl Latitude Longitude County in whic h located number by wliioh indicated on Index Chart o o , Juliet 11 38 20 75 53 Wicomico 2 Juliua 30 39 09 76 03 Queen Amies 4 June 32 38 54 76 10 Queen Annes 104 Jutland 24 38 07 76 25 St. Marys 47 Kaywoiid 25 38 14 76 42 St. Marys 139 Koenes 39,40 38 22 76 13 Dorchester 102 Kelley 7 38 08 75 55 Somerset 19 Kemp 31 38 50 76 18 Talbot 76 Kemj) Tower 31 38 50 76 18 Talbot 75 Konneilv 24 38 10 76 26 St. Marys 69 Kent 34,35 38 40 76 08 Talbot 229 Kerwin 40 38 22 76 U Dorchester 103 Kev 2(i 38 22 76 50 St. Marys ISO Killirk .Sh.ial Li;.;lit ('1 38 57 75 23 Virginia 22 Kins 30 39 08 76 10 Kent 54 Kinsley 30 39 08 76 11 Kent 46 Kirby " 37 38 32 76 11 Dorchester 58 Kirk 34 38 4t> 76 09 Talbot 58 Kirwan 32 38 57 76 15 Queen Aunts 82 Kit (Island ("reek) 34, 3r) 38 41 76 07 Talbot 235 Kitt (Patuxent River) 19 38 28 76 37 (.'alvert 40 Knee 32 38 54 76 10 Queen Annes 99 K. of P. FUiystaff (Solo- 20 38 19 76 27 Calvert 21 mons) Knol. 2 39 00 76 30 Anne Arundel 36 Knock 31 38 57 76 19 Queen Annes 64 Koot 34 38 40 76 17 Talbot 114 Lal)or 24 38 0(i 76 28 St. Marys 111 Lakes 40 38 19 76 09 Dorchester 106 Lan 35 38 38 76 07 Talbot 247 Landeye 34, 35 38 40 76 09 Talbot 243 Landing 31 38 57 76 19 Queen Annes 65 I^andlet 14 38 07 75 18 Worcester 29 Laney 37 38 32 76 13 Dorchester 66 Langford 30 39 06 76 10 Kent 73 Large Water Tank 35 38 38 76 10 Dorchester 23 Larramore 3 38 57 70 34 Anne Arundel 79 Law 32 38 51 76 12 Talbot 19 Lawn 31, 32, 34 38 47 76 16 TallKit 106 I^awyer 30 39 07 76 11 Kent 40 Layor 34 38 43 76 08 Talbot 216 Lay ton 37 38 33 70 12 Dorchester 50 Leary 30 39 08 76 09 Kent 57 Leaven 32 38 53 76 n Queen Annes 112 Le Gompte 35 :'.s :ii; 76 10 Dorchester 22 Lee 37 38 :i3 76 13 Dorchester 46 Leeds 32 38 48 76 12 Tallxit 35 Leiteh 19 38 32 76 40 Calvert 47 Lend 19, 20 38 23 76 30 Calvert 30 Lerch Windmill 3 38 50 76 32 Anne Arundel 100 Le Seur 32 38 52 76 10 Queen Annes 117 Little 5 38 13 75 50 t 7 Little Gum 30 39 05 76 12 Kent 24 Page of U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey county pub- lication of Survey of Oyster Bars on which loca- tions are described 25 59 87 67 104 86 41 40 40 77 134 89 117 40 65 62 75 147 79 136 41 85 53 70 91 69 90 151 139 71 38 78 73 52 91 61 41 60 129 72 60 90 52 70 68 33 48 97 92 35 1 See Worcester County publication. 62 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. ALrnABETUAi, Index m Triangulation Stations -f'oiitirnu.Ml. Approximate geographic Page of U.S. location Coast and Chart number of County inde.x Geodetic Sui'vey county pub- Name of station Maryland Ovstor Chart County m which located by wliich indicated lication of Survey of on which shown fjatitude Longitude on fndex Chart Oyster Bars on wliich loca- tions are described o , o I/iver 31 38 57 76 19 Queen Annes 59 68 JJ.jyd 32 38 52 76 10 Talbot 14 59 Locust (Chesapeake Bay) 1 39 06 76 26 Anne Arundel 4 68 Ixioust ( Langford ( 'reek) 30 39 09 76 11 Kent 49 63 Locust (Manokin Rh-er) 7 38 09 75 48 Somerset 24 42 liong (Severn River) 2 39 03 7(i 33 Anne Arundel 47 82 Ixmg (Miles River) 34 38 46 76 10 Talbot 38 141 Long Point 15 38 00 75 22 Virginia 18 '41 Lonp;wells Wuidmill 13 38 15 75 09 Worcester 16 33 lyouLse 37 38 33 76 15 Dorchester 39 68 Love Point Light 29 39 03 76 17 Queen Amies 42 33 Lovely 30 39 09 76 09 Kent 02 09 1, overs 25 38 1() 76 39 St. Marys 120 99 Lowell 21 38 09 76 30 St. Maiys 100 91 Ivf)wndes 32 38 48 76 08 Talbot 48 69 Luce 2 39 01 76 31 Anne Arundel 53 84 Lucy 30 39 06 76 13 Kent 27 50 Luna 34 38 45 76 16 Talliot 133 96 Lynch Point 3 n 38 03 76 31 Virginia 2 2 70 Lyon 2G 38 18 76 50 St. Marys 175 122 Mc(-'onnell 34 38 47 76 09 Talbot 57 146 McCoy 24 38 13 76 28 St. Mai-ys 79 85 McKay 24 38 11 76 27 St. Marys 86 79 Mac 37 38 32 76 13 Dorchester 67 78 Mackall 19, 20 38 23 76 30 Calvert 32 40 Macum 29 39 00 7(; 17 Queen Annes 39 35 Madison Southern M. E.' 37 38 30 76 13 Dorchester 68 79 Cliurch Spii-e ^^agothy 2 39 02 76 25 Anne Arundel 23 74 Maiden 34 38 40 76 11 Talbot - 63 149 Mais 32 38 48 76 11 Talbot 32 07 Major 30 39 07 76 10 Kent 71 72 Make 30 39 09 76 05 Kent 86 84 Mansion 25 38 16 76 42 St. Marys 145 109 Marge 34 38 47 76 11 Talbot 36 140 Marion 34 38 47 76 16 Talbot 143 100 Mars 34 38 46 76 15 Talbot 147 101 Marsh (Broad Creek) 34 38 44 76 13 Talbot 165 109 Marsh (Manokin River) 7 38 08 75 53 Somerset 20 42 Marshall 34 38 44 76 12 Talbot 162 107 Marshy 32 38 57 76 14 Queen Annes 85 79 Martin (St. Marys River) 24 38 12 76 27 St. Marys 77 84 Martin (Tred Avon River) 34 38 43 76 09 Talbot 180 117 Mary 37 38 32 76 12 Dorchester 56 74 Maryland 3G, 37. 38 38 29 76 17 Dorchester 73 58 Mary land- Virginia (Life- 15 38 02 75 15 Worcester 34 39 Saving Station Beach) Maryland-Virginia (Pope 15 38 02 75 15 Worcest See Somers 3t County pul licatioD » See St. Marys County publi nation. LANDMARKS. Alphabetical Index to Triangdxation Stations — Continued. 69 Approximate geographic Page ot U.S. location Coast and Chart number ot Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located County index number by which indicated Geodetic Name of station Survey county pub- lication of Survey of Oyster which loca- on which shown Latitude Longitude on Index Chart tions are described South (Barren Island) 39 38 20 76 16 Dorchester 90 85 South (Wye River) 32 38 52 76 11 Queen Annes 114 91 Southeast (') 39 10 76 03 Queen Annes 2 61 Southern M. E. Church 33 38 42 76 21 Talbot 83 78 Spaniard Pt. 2 Upper 30 39 06 76 09 Queen Annes 17 48 Spar Spencer Spike Spin Spindle Spit Spree Spring (Severn River) 32 38 49 76 13 Talbot 69 73 34 38 45 76 13 Talbot 161 107 28 39 09 76 15 Kent 11 33 34 38 43 76 09 Talbot 185 117 35 38 37 75 59 Talbot 262 158 2 38 59 76 26 Anne Arundel 29 76 34 38 47 76 10 Talbot 43 143 2 39 01 76 30 Anne Arundel 37 78 Spring (Grays Inn Creek) Stab 30 34 39 38 06 45 76 76 13 07 Kent Talbot 26 193 49 120 Staff 7 38 08 75 50 Somerset 32 44 Star 32 38 53 76 11 Queen Annes 111 90 Starkley Start 30 39 08 76 05 Queen Annes 10 55 2 38 58 76 28 Anne Arundel 63 86 State House Dome 2 38 59 76 29 Anne Arundel 58 85 Steve 31 38 57 76 19 Queen Annes 61 69 Stevens 29 39 07 76 15 Kent 18 38 Sticky Stock 34 38 42 76 14 Talbot 173 112 20 38 22 76 31 St. Marys 12 48 Stoddard 26 38 22 76 51 Charles 7 25 Stones 25 38 18 76 43 St. Marys 151 116 Stony Stop Straight (Eastern Bay) 34 38 47 76 12 Talbot 64 150 32 38 53 76 12 Queen Annes 93 82 31 38 51 76 20 Queen Annes 48 64 Straits (St. George River) 24 38 08 76 30 St. Marys 108 88 75 Stratton 30 39 06 76 08 Kent 76 Straw 34,35 38 40 76 09 Talbot 227 133 Streett 11 38 21 75 53 Dorchester 130 99 Stretch 34 38 44 76 08 Talbot 189 119 Stump Stung 20 38 22 76 29 Calvert 29 48 24 38 07 76 25 St. Marys 51 67 Summer 10 37 56 75 40 Virginia 14 » 53 Swan (Severn River) 2 39 03 76 32 Anne Arundel 43 80 Swan (St. George River) 24 38 08 76 30 St. Marys 107 89 31 Swan Point 3 28 39 09 76 17 Kent 4 Sweep Swep Swepson 19 38 25 76 33 Calvert 36 44 37 38 33 76 13 Dorchester 53 73 30 39 05 76 08 Queen Annes 19 47 Swing Switch 32 38 48 76 12 Talbot 25 64 3 38 56 76 31 Anne Arundel 72 89 Sylvia Tab 32 ■ 38 52 76 10 Talbot 11 58 24 38 07 76 25 St. Marys 53 64 Taft 34 38 45 76 13 Talbot 159 106 Tail 2 39 04 76 31 Anne Arundel 18 72 Tall 34 38 42 76 09 Talbot 183 116 Tang Tar 34 38 47 76 09 Talbot 46 145 34 38 43 76 10 Talbot 181 115 Tarkhill 24 38 09 76 30 St. Marys 98 90 1 See progress map in Queen Annes County publication. * See Somerset County publication. 70 SUMMAEY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Trianqulation Stations — Continued. Approximate geographic Page of U.S. loca ion Coast and Chart Coimty Geodetic Survey Name ol station number of Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located number by which indicated cotmty pub- lication of Survey of on which shown Latitude Longitude on Index Chart Oyster Bars on which loca- tions are described Taste 30 39 09 76 05 Kent 85 84 Tavern 28 39 09 76 16 Kent 6 32 Taylor (South River) 3 38 57 76 34 Anne Arundel 78 91 Taylor (Slaughter Creek) 38 38 28 76 18 Dorchester 76 82 Taylor (St. George River) 24 38 08 76 30 St. Marys 97 89 Teague 26 38 32 76 40 Charles 2 36 Tenk 31 38 50 76 22 Queen Annes 47 64 Tenuate 24 38 12 76 27 St. Marys 81 83 Terrapin 7 38 01 75 58 Somerset 18 40 Thelma 34 38 46 76 14 Talbot 153 104 Then 31 38 55 76 20 Queen Annes 51 65 Thin 29 38 59 76 15 Queen Annes 38 35 Thomas 3 38 54 76 27 Anne Anmdel 68 88 Thomas Point Shoal Light Thompson (Cox Creek) 3 38 54 76 26 Anne Arundel 69 88 31 38 57 76 19 Queen Annes 62 69 Thompson (St. Marys 24 38 09 76 28 St. Marys 91 72 River) Thorn 30 39 07 76 07 Kent 79 78 Thoro 41 38 20 76 01 Dorchester 119 95 Thorofaro (') 38 21 75 06 Worcester 37 24 Thorsten (-) 39 10 76 03 Kent 91 87 Timher 31 38 57 76 18 Queen Annes 66 71 Tizz 15 38 04 75 20 Worcester 32 43 Tobacco Stick 37 38 32 76 14 Dorchester 69 79 Tobe 34 38 45 76 15 Talbot 126 94 Tobine 32 38 53 76 10 Queen Annes 119 93 Toddville M. E. Church 40 38 18 76 04 Dorchester 117 91 Spire Toe 34 38 43 76 08 Talbot 206 125 Tolly 3 38 57 76 27 Anne Arundel 65 86 Tom (Little Choptank River) Tom (Cox Creek) 37 38 32 76 12 Dorchester 62 76 31 38 56 76 19 Queen Aimes 69 72 Tomakokin 25 38 18 76 44 St. Marys 154 114 Ton 20 38 21 76 28 Calvert 27 50 Toot 35 38 36 76 08 Dorchester 21 52 Top 31 38 55 76 19 Queen Annes 54 67 Torrey 36, 37, 38 38 30 76 16 Dorchester 72 57 Town (Little Choptank 37 38 33 76 13 Dorchester 52 72 River) Town (Patuxent River) 20 38 19 76 29 St. Marys 17 52 Town (Tred Avon River) 34 38 42 76 10 Talbot 220 131 Trappe 35 38 38 76 07 Talbot 246 151 Travers 2 38 38 28 76 20 Dorchester 85 83 Tray 30 39 06 76 12 Kent 36 53 Treasure 28,29 39 09 76 15 Kent 14 36 Tred 34 38 42 76 11 Talbot 179 115 Trees 25 38 16 76 39 St. Marys 133 98 Trent 19 38 29 76 40 St. Marys 3 39 Trippe 34 38 43 76 08 Talbot 207 125 Tug TuTl 34 38 47 76 10 Talbot 41 142 31 38 56 76 17 Queen Annes 74 74 ' See progress map in Kent County publication. ' See progress map in Worcester County publication. LANDMARKS. Alphabetical Index to Triangulation Stations — Continued. 71 Approximate geographic Page of U.S. location Coast and Chart County Geodetic Survey number of number county pub- Name of station Maryland Oyster Chart County in which located by which indicated lication of Survey of on which shown Latitude Longitude on Index Chart Oyster Bars on which loca- tions are described o , o , Turf (Rhode River) 3 38 53 76 31 Anne Arundel 92 95 Turf (St. Clement Bay) 25 38 18 76 43 St. Marys 152 115 Turkey 31 38 54 76 18 Qiieen Annes 71 73 Turn 32 38 53 76 10 Queen Annes 121 94 Turnagain 14,15 38 05 75 13 \Vorcester 30 37 Tuxon 31 38 57 76 19 Queen Annes 60 69 Twin 34 38 43 76 08 Talbot 205 125 Twist 32 38 53 76 10 Queen Annes 107 88 Twixt 32 38 53 76 11 Queen Annes 110 90 Two 32 38 49 76 11 Talbot 30 66 Up 35 38 39 75 58 Talbot 266 159 Upper 26 38 22 76 52 Charles 6 24 Urie 28 39 09 76 15 Kent 9 33 Valley 25 38 17 76 38 St. Marys 126 94 Valliant 33 38 46 76 23 Talbot 78 76 Veith 36, 37, 38 38 30 76 17 Dorchester 80 59 Venture 34 38 43 76 07 Talbot 208 126 Venus 34 38 46 76 15 Talbot 146 101 Villa (Miles River) 32 38 48 76 07 Talbot 51 71 Ville (Cox Creek) 31 38 57 76 18 Queen Annes 67 71 Vine 33,34 38 46 76 18 Talbot 98 83 Vue 34 38 42 76 13 Talbot 174 113 Wab (') 38 09 75 47 Somerset 26 43 Waggaman 3 38 57 76 32 Anne Arundel 74 89 Waggaman Windmill 3 38 57 76 32 Anne Arundel 73 89 Wall (St. George River) 24 38 09 76 31 St. Marys 104 92 Wall (Tred Avon River) 34 38 44 76 07 Talbot 201 123 Walnut 5 38 15 75 48 Somerset 1 33 Wann 30 39 08 76 09 Kent 68 71 Wap 33 38 42 76 21 Talbot 82 78 War 35 38 36 75 58 Dorchester 6 46 Ware 31 38 56 76 19 Queen Annes 55 67 Warrior 33 38 45 76 18 Talbot 118 85 Wash 29,31 38 58 76 21 Queen Annes 44 »75 Water 34 38 45 76 07 Talbot 194 120 Water Tower (Porto Bello) 24 38 11 76 27 St. Marys 87 78 Waterloo 26 38 14 76 47 St. Marys 166 127 Watermelon Hummock 9 37 57 75 50 Somerset 47 51 Weather Bureau Staff 34,35 38 41 76 10 Talbot 222 131 Weave 34 38 43 76 09 Talbot 204 124 Weeks 30 39 05 76 12 Kent 25 49 Weems 2 39 00 76 30 Anne Arundel 54 84 Weiss 26 38 17 76 49 St. Marys 173 123 Welch 2 39 04 76 26 Anne Arundel 7 70 West 30 39 08 76 10 Kent 52 64 West Hollow 24 38 12 76 27 St. Marys 83 82 Westcotts Windmill 30 39 07 76 07 Kent 77 76 Whale (Langford Creek) 30 39 09 76 11 Kent 47 63 WTiale (Wye River) 32 38 53 76 08 Talbot 5 56 Wharf (Saxis Pier) 10 37 56 75 44 Virginia 11 '54 What 25 38 15 76 40 St. Marys 119 100 1 See progress map in Somerset County publication, s See Anne Arundel County publication. 3 See Somerset County publication. 72 SUMMARY OF SXJEVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Alphabetical Index to Triangulation Stations — Continued. Approximate geographic Page of U.S. location Coast and Chart number of County index number Geodetic Survey county pub- lication of Survey of Oyster Bars on which loca- Name of station Maryland Coimty in which located by which Oyster Chart indicated on which shown Latitude Longitude on Index Chart tions are described Wheat 19,20 38 23 76 31 Calvert 33 46 Wheel 32 38 53 76 08 Queen Annes 130 98 Whit 34 38 47 76 09 Talbot 44 144 White 12 38 14 75 54 \\'icomico 9 29 White House (N. E. 18,20 38 23 76 24 Calvert 15 32 Chimney) Whitehall 35 38 35 76 00 Dorchester 10 48 Whitewash 36,37,38 38 29 76 17 Dorchester 78 58 Wick 35 38 37 75 58 Dorchester 5 45 Wickes Beach 29 39 02 76 15 Kent 19 40 Wide 32 38 53 76 10 Queen Annes 108 98 Wildcat 15 37 59 75 19 Virginia 19 '40 Will 10 37 57 75 40 Somerset 52 53 Willey 34 38 45 76 14 Talbot 151 103 Willis 34 38 47 76 15 Talbot 144 100 Wilmers (') 39 10 76 03 Queen Annes 3 60 Wilson 2 18 38 26 76 27 Calvert 12 31 Wind 5 38 14 75 52 Somerset 6 35 Windmill 2 40 38 16 76 09 Dorchester 108 91 Windmill Point 29 39 08 76 15 Kent 17 37 Wire 34 38 44 76 16 Talbot 127 94 WoU 30 39 08 76 09 Kent 59 67 Won 32 38 52 76 12 Queen Annes 91 81 Wood (Miles Kiver) 32 38 50 76 12 Talbot 22 63 Woodill 34 38 46 76 15 Talbot 141 99 Woods (St. Clement Bay) 25 38 15 76 43 St. Marys 160 108 Wool 37 38 31 76 15 Dorchester 70 80 Worton Point 2 28 39 19 76 11 Kent 1 28 Wroten 40 38 19 76 11 Dorchester 104 89 Ximo 3 38 57 76 33 Anne Arundel 76 90 Yazoo 3 38 57 76 34 Anne Arundel 77 90 ' See Worcester County publication. > Bee progress map in Queen Annes County publication. I LANDMARKS. U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS. NUMERICAL INDEX. Note. — See Alphabetical Index for other references relating to triangulation stations. ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY. County County County index index index number number number indicating -Name of station indicating Name of station indicating Name of station station .station station on Index on Index on Index Chart Chart Chart 1 Rock Point 39 Chase (Severn River) 74 Waggaman 2 Seven Foot Knoll 40 Point 75 Ginger Light 41 Bight 76 Ximo 3 Bodkin Point (Old 42 Arnold 77 Yazoo Tower) 43 Swan (Severn River) 78 Taylor (South River) 4 Locust (Chesapeake 44 High (Severn River) 1 79 i Larramore Bay) 45 Cedar (Severn River) 80 1 Brewer (South River) 5 Peach Hill. 46 Sharp 81 1 Almshouse (Lightning 6 Baltimore Light 47 Long (Severn River) 1 Rod) 7 Welch. 48 Island (Severn River) 82 1 Almshouse 8 Bluff (Magothy River) 49 Bay (Severn River) 83 ' Cedar (South River) 9 Sillery 50 Brewer (Severn River) 84 Mayo 10 Phil (Magothy River^ ! 51 Clem 85 Selby 11 Bay (Magothy River) 52 Salt (Severn River) 86 Gowan 12 Hickory 53 Luce i 87 Dutchman 13 Dobbins [ 54 Weems 88 ! Cato 14 Iron 55 Field 89 Delta (Rhode River) 15 Ham (Magothy River^ 56 Hospital Cupola (Na- 90 ' Etna 16 Bank (Magothy River) val Academy) 91 i Calf 17 Horn (Magothy River) 57 Flag Staff (Naval 92 ' Turf (Rhode River) 18 Tail Academy Boathouse) 93 ; Cupola (Rhode River) 19 Ferry (Magothy River) 58 State House Dome 94 Rhode 20 Huddle i 59 St. Anne's Church \ 95 Ches 21 Revell Spire 96 Alpha 22 Purse 60 Catholic Church Spire 97 Shell (West River) 23 Magothv Corn (Chesapeake Bay) (Annapolis) ' 98 Counallor 24 61 St. John's College Cu- 99 Chalk 25 Sandy Point Light pola 100 ' Lerch Windmill 26 Bay Side i 62 Horn (Severn River) 101 1 Apple 27 Clump (Chesapeake 63 Start 102 Cove Bay) 64 Gram (Severn River) 103 : Curtis 28 Hackett I 65 Tollv 104 1 Horseshoe (Chesapeake 29 Spit 66 Bay Ridge Stack ! Bay) 30 Chase (Whitehall Bay) 67 Cottage (Chesapeake 105 1 Franklin 31 Greenbury Bay) 106 j Nut 32 Greenbury Point Light 68 Thomas 107 Broad (Chesapeake 33 Fort (Severn River) 69 Thomas Point Shoal ' Bay) 34 Bluff (Severn River) Light 108 i Parker (Herring Bay) 35 Brice 70 Arundel 109 1 Hopkins (Herring Bay) 36 Knob 71 Hill 110 Fairhaven 37 Spring (Severn River) 72 Switch 111 ' Holland (Chesapeake 38 ! Cool 73 Waggaman Windmill Bay) BALTIMORE COUNTY. 1 Craighill Channel 3 North Point (Old Tow- 5 Fort Howard Taller Light (Rear Range) er Foundation) Water Tank 2 Craighill Channel 4 Cutoff Channel Light 6 Cutoff Channel Light Light (Front Range) (Front Range) (Rear Range) 74 SUMMARY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. NuMEHicAL Index to Thiangulation Stations — Continued. CALVERT COUNTY. County County County index index index number number number indicating Name of station indicating Name of station indicating Name of station station station station on Index on Index on Index Chart Cliart Chart 1 Hog Point (Holland 3) 16 Pat 32 Mackall 2 Beach (C h e s apeak e 17 Drum Point Light 33 Wheat Bay) 18 Bareda House Cupola 84 Peak 3 1112 19 Bon 35 Island (Patuxent 4 Plum 3 20 Fishstack River) 5 Pier (Chesapeake Bay^ 21 K. of P. Flagstaff (Solo- 36 Sweep 6 Pen (Chesapeake Bay) mons) 37 Slim 7 Patch 22 Sand 38 Photo 8 Parker (Chesapeake 23 M. E. Church (Solo- 39 Battle Bay) mons) 40 Kitt (Patu.xent River) 9 Run 24 Catholic Church Cross 41 Sheridan 10 Poplar 25 New 42 Morsel 11 Flag Pond 26 Bur 43 Buzz 12 Wilson 2 27 Ton 44 Dwarf 13 Point of Rocks 28 Hellen 45 Hallowing 14 Cove Point Light 29 Stump 46 Buena 15 White House (N. E. 30 Lend 47 Leitch Chimney) 31 Sellers CHARLES COUNTY. 1 Fodder 7 Stoddard 14 Charles (Wicomico 2 Teague 8 Hayden River) 3 City 9 Bun- 15 Hard 4 Catholic Church Cross 10 Bowman 16 Rock Point Catholic (Benedict) 11 Eedling Church Cross 5 Indian (Patuxent 12 Gust 17 Corner (Wicomico River) 13 Hedney River) 6 Upper 18 Cobb Point Bar Light DORCHESTER COUNTY. 1 Myrtle (Choptank 19 Dicks Water Tank 40 Greenwell River) 20 Howard (Choptank 41 Ross (Little Choptank 2 Hut River) River) 3 House 21 Toot 42 Phil (Little Choptank 4 Saw 22 Le Compte River) 5 Wick 23 Large Water Tank 43 Dupont 6 War 24 Castle 44 Beckwith 7 Gander 25 Corner (Choptank 45 Cherry Island Water 8 Chief River) Tank 9 Shell (Choptank 26 Dot 46 Lee River) 27 Chef 47 Solomon 10 Whitehall 28 Cook Point Windmill 48 Seth (Little Choptank 11 Ferry (Choptank 29 Brannock River) River) 30 Robins 49 Adam 12 Shoal 31 Ragged Point 3 50 Layton 13 E. Cambridge Spire 32 Hudson 51 Da\dd 14 E. Cambridge Tall 33 Jenifer 52 Town (Little Choptank Stack 34 Henry River) 15 Cambridge Stand Pipe 35 Mitchell 53 Swep 16 Cambridge 36 Back 54 Hugh 17 Hambrooks Bar Bea- 37 Bayly 55 Etta con 38 Carrie 56 Mary 18 Command 39 LouiBe 57 Neil LANDMARKS. 75 Numerical Index to Triangulation Stations — Continued. DORCHESTER COUNTY— Continued. County County County index index index number number number indicating Name of station indicating Name of station indicating Name of station station station station on Index on Index on Index Chart Chart Chart 58 Kirby 82 Skid 106 Lakes 59 Paul (Little Chop tank 83 Rede 107 Asquith Kiver) 84 James (Chesapeake 108 Windmill 2 60 Church Creek (No 1 Bay) 109 Paul (Honga River) West) 85 Travers 2 110 Duck (Honga River) 61 Austin 86 Dunnock 111 St. Thomas Church 62 Tom (Little Choptank 87 Mint Spire River) 88 North 112 Norman (Honga River) 63 Brooks 89 Hosier Memorial 113 Hooper Strait Light 64 Doctor (Little Chop- Church Spire 114 Head tank River) 90 South (Barren Island) 115 Croch 65 Eleanor 91 Mt. Zion M. E. Church 116 Roast 66 Laney Spire 117 Toddville M. E. 67 Mac 92 Hooper Island Light Church Spire 68 Madison Southern M. 93 Applegarth 118 Farm E. Church Spire 94 Okahanikan 119 Thoro 69 Tobacco Stick 95 Holland Island Church 120 High (Jionga River) 70 Wool Spire 121 Elliott 71 Pov 96 Crab 122 Ear 72 Torrey 97 Hopkins Memorial 123 FLsh 73 Maryland Church Cupola 124 Sharkfin Shoal Light 74 Noblee 98 Hoopersville Methodist 125 Frog 75 Finish Church Cupola 126 Cow 76 Taylor (Slaughter 99 Bentley 127 Okay Creek) 100 Bridge (Honga River) 128 Ar 77 Harrington 101 Gunners 129 Gover 78 Whitewash 102 Keenes 130 Streett 79 Moore 103 Kerwiii 80 Veith 104 Wroten 81 Can 105 Charles (Houga River) HARFORD COUNTY. 1 Pooles Island I^ight 2 Pooles Island 2 KENT COUNTY. 1 Worton Point 2 17 Windmill Point 31 Herring 2 Bramble 18 Stevens 32 No Road 3 Mitchells Bluff 2 19 Wickes Beach 33 Cut 4 Swan Point 3 20 Narrows Point 34 Fore 5 Bank (Swan Creek) 21 Rain 35 Island (Grays Inn 6 Tavern 22 Overton Creek) 7 Fork 23 Bay Bush Point 36 Tray 8 Elliason 24 Little Gum 37 Inn 9 Urie 25 Weeks 38 Deep Cove 10 Corr 26 Spring (Grays Inn 39 Snub 11 Spike Creek) 40 Lawyer 12 Rail (Swan Creek) 27 Lucy 41 Drum (Langford Creek) 13 Haven 28 Goose (Grays Inn 42 Davis 14 Treasure River) 43 Isle 15 Orchard 29 Prussian 44 Ea^le (Langford Creek) 16 Gratitude 30 Gray 45 Ford (Langford Creek) 76 SXTMMABY OF SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Numerical Index to Triangulation Stations— Continued. KENT COUNTY— Continued. County County County index index index number number number indicating Name of station indicating Name of station indicating Name of station station station station on Index on Index on Index Chart Cliart Chart 46 Kinsley 61 Clay 77 Westcotts Windmill 47 Whale (Langford 62 Lovely 78 Deep Point 2. Creek) 63 Gut 79 Thorn. 48 Bungay 64 Philip (Langford 80 Shippen 49 Locust (Langford (!reek) 81 Oyster (Chester River) Greek) 65 Ide 82 Jarrett 50 Nat (Langford Creek) 66 Hoo 83 Melton 51 Mill (Langford Creek) 67 Cult 84 Pomona 52 West 68 Wann 85 Taste 53 Homor 69 Corn (Langford Creek) 86 Make 54 King 70 Neck (Langford Creek) 87 Broad (Chester River) 55 Ash 71 Major 88 Nils 56 Noth 72 Peach 89 Robertson Windmill 57 Leary 73 Langford 90 Robertson (Chester 58 Nest 74 Quaker River) 59 Woll 76 Brown 91 Thorsten 60 Harp 76 Strattou 92 Blank PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY. Prince QUEEN ANNES COUNTY. 1 Rolphs 30 Crow 59 Liver 2 Southeast 31 Bird 60 Tuxon 3 Wilmers 32 Gordon 61 Steve 4 Julius 33 Fir. 62 Thompson (Cox Creek) 5 Down 34 Bre.ak 63 Hope 6 Bill 35 Blakeford 64 Knock 7 Cake 36 Bluebeard 65 Landing 8 Journey 37 Muddy 66 Timber 9 Booker 38 Thin 67 Ville (Cox Creek) 10 Starkley 39 Macum 68 Greek 11 Bums 40 Railway Water Tank 69 Tom (Cox Creek) 12 Ashland 41 Amour 70 Dell 13 Indian (Chester River) 42 Love Point Light 71 Tiirkey 14 Corpse 43 Ring 72 Needle 15 Chester (Chester 44 Wash 73 Cox (Crab Alley Bay) River) 45 Craney 74 Tull 16 Evans 46 Bloody Point Bar 75 Over 17 Spaniard Pt. (2 Upper) Light 76 Norman (Eastern Bay) 18 Corsica 47 Tenk 77 Parsons 19 Swepson 48 Straight (Eastern Bay) 78 Parsons Island Water 20 Engineer 49 Mouth Tank 21 Ship 50 Matta 79 Alley 22 Bath 51 Then 80 New Barn Cujiola 23 Melfield 52 Some 81 Dull 24 Ruth 53 Batts 82 Kirwan 25 Hydrographic 54 Top 83 Bridge (Kent Island 26 Earle (Corsica River) 55 Ware Narrows) 27 Holton Point 56 Coffee 84 Railroad 28 Reeds (Chester River) 57 Here 85 Marshy 29 Grove (Reeds Creek) 58 Samuel (Cox Creek) 86 Bonnet LANDMARKS. 77 NuMEBiCAX Index to Teiangulation Stations — Continued. QUEEN ANNES COUNTY— Continued. County County County index index index number number number indicating Name of station indicating Name of station indicating Name of station station station station on Index on Index on Index Chart Ciiart Chart 87 Brian Reference Sta- 101 Oysters (Wye River) 116 Albert tion 102 Bee 117 Le Seur 88 Green (Eastern Bay) 103 Close 118 Attila 89 Benn 104 June 119 Tobine 90 Hough 105 Chin 120 Sang 91 Won 106 Aller 121 Turn 92 Nose 107 Twist 122 Go 93 Stop 108 Wide 123 Divide 94 Orb 109 Darce 124 Princess 95 Piney 110 Twixt 125 Philip (Wye River) 96 Ferry (Wye River; 111 Star 126 Granary 97 Owe 112 Leaven 127 Morn 98 Hook 113 Snovit 128 Bush 99 Knee 114 South (Wye River) 129 Nub 100 No 115 Flat (Wye River) 130 Wheel ST. MARYS COUNTY. 1 Sothoron 37 Hall House (Middle 72 Brome 2 BUliard Chimney) 73 Calvert Monument 3 Trent 38 Sig 74 Episcopal Church Cross 4 Collins 39 Red Beacon (1908) (Old St. Marys) 5 Cremona 40 Dago 75 Bend 6 Oppkit 41 Pipe 76 Horseshoe (St. Marys 7 Fight 42 Pier (Smith Creek) River) 8 Forr 43 Enough 77 Martin (St. Marvs Riv- 9 Cole 44 Drum (Smith Creek) er) 10 HutcMns 45 In 78 Hammett 11 Bars 46 Out 79 McCoy 12 Stock 47 Jutland 80 Soak 13 Briscoe 48 Flagpole 81 Tenuate 14 Nat (Patuxent River) 49 Ran 2 82 Brief 15 Mill (Patuxent River) 50 Flat (Smith Creek) 83 West Hollow 16 Cable 51 Stung 84 Pagan 17 Town (Patuxent Riv- 52 Oak 85 Deep McKay er) 53 Tab 86 18 Crane 54 Day 87 Water Tower (Porto 19 Ben 55 Between Bello) 20 Craddock 56 Fort (St. Marys River) 88 Bello 21 Carroll 2 57 Rod (Priest's House) 89 Coppage 22 Hog 2 58 Raley 90 Grind 23 Cedar Point Light 59 St. Inigoes Church 91 Thompson (St. Marys 24 Cain Cross River) 25 Desert 60 Church 92 Pond 26 Ford (Chesapeake Bay) 61 Grason 93 Cherry 27 Reed (Chesapeake Bay) 62 Smoke 94 Price 28 Point Agin 63 Chestnut 95 Goose (St. George Riv- 29 Point No Point 64 Sleep Rock er) 30 Point No Point Light 65 96 Combs (Honga River) 31 St. Jerome 66 Dusky 97 Taylor (St. George 32 St. Michael Catholic 67 Cottage (St. Inigoes River) Church Spire Creek) 98 Tarkhill 33 Point Look-in 68 Inigoes 99 Arbuckle 34 Potomac 69 Kennedy 100 Lowell 35 Point Lookout Light 70 Chan 101 Shehan 36 Hall (Potomac River) 71 Gravel 102 Chad wick 78 SUMMARY OP SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Numerical Index to Triangulation Stations — Continued. ST. MARYS COUNTY— Continued. County County County index index index number number number indicating Name of station indicating Name of station indicating Name of station station station station on Index on Index on Index Cliart Chart Chart 103 Guither 131 Healey (Bretons Bay) 157 Profound 104 Wall (St. George Riv- 132 Hollow 158 Mileys er) 133 Trees 159 Shipping 105 Russell 134 Paw 160 Woods (St. Clement 106 Robrecht 135 Cherry Cove Bay) 107 Swan (St. George 136 Compton 161 Canoe River) 137 Sandbar 162 St. Patrick 108 Straits (St. George 138 Newtown 163 Blakistone Island River) 139 Kaywood Light 109 Adams 140 St. Clement 164 Heron 110 Smack 141 Roof 165 River Springs Catholic 111 Labor 142 Rails (St. Clement Chapel Cross 112 St. George 4 Bay) 166 Waterloo 113 Piney Point Light 143 Catholic Church Cross 167 St. Catherine 114 Cedoak (Newtown Neck) 168 Bailey 115 Grove (Bretons Bay) 144 Chapel 169 Sound 116 Dune 145 Mansion 170 St. Margaret 2 117 Fence 146 Howards (St. Clement 171 Prec 118 Protestant Bay) 172 Blakistone 119 What 147 Bank (St. Clement 173 Weiss 120 Lovers Bay) 174 Sacred Heart Church 121 Beau 148 Cecil Spire (Bushwood) 122 Mouldy 149 Place 175 Lyon 123 Pine (Bretons Bay) 150 Guest 176 Farr 124 Cedar (Bretons Bay) 151 Stones 177 Fact 125 Corn (Bretons Bay) 152 Turf (St. Clement Bay) 178 Perry 126 Valley 153 Dynard 179 Cohouck 127 Foxwell 154 Tomakokin 180 Key 128 Buzzard 155 Cobrums 181 Barber (Wicomico 129 Noname 156 Radec River) 130 Belle SOMERSET COUNTY. 1 Walnut 23 Sandy 43 Emanuel Church 2 Jones 24 Locust (M a n k i n 44 Mount Pleasant 3 Ivee River) Church 4 Mount Vernon M. E. 25 Fitz 45 Asbury Church Church 26 Wab 46 Sam 5 Ball (Wicomico River) 27 Pen (Manokin River) 47 Watermelon H u m - 6 Wind 28 Cox (Manokin River) mock 7 Little 29 Green (Manokin 48 East 8 Dove River) 49 Monkey 9 Short 30 Barn 50 Scot 10 Room 31 Cupola (Manokin 51 Old 11 Haines River) 52 Will 12 Deal Island Church 32 Staff 53 Holland Island Bar 13 Bar (Tangier Sound) 38 Fairmount Church Light 14 Joshua 34 Prickly 54 Fog 2 15 Senator 35 Has 55 Joseph 16 Miles 36 Ford (Big Annemes- 56 North Church Spire 17 Solomons Lump Light sex River) (Smith Island) 18 Terrapin 37 Moon 57 Old Church Spire 19 Kelley 38 Colburn (Smith Island) 20 Marsh (M a n o k i n 39 Geog 58 Ewell Church Spire River) 40 Flat Cap (Smith Island) 21 St. Pierre 41 Janes Island Light 22 Jean 42 Somers Cove Light LANDMAEKS. 79 Numerical Index to Tbiangulation Stations — Continued. TALBOT COUNTY. County County County index index index number number number indicatmg Name of station indicating Name of station indicating Name of station station station station on Index on Index on Index Chart Chart Chart 1 Pick 58 Kirk 112 Bozman 2 Corner (Wye River) 59 Ham (Miles River) 113 Bozman M. E. Church 3 Right 60 Comb (Miles River) Spire 4 Chew 61 Hall (Miles River) 114 Koot 5 Whale (Wye River) 62 Bariiett 115 Fox 6 Matter 63 Maiden 116 Dan 7 Deck 64 Stony 117 Edmond 8 Quarter 65 St. Michaels P. E. 118 Warrior 9 Nodim Church Spire 119 Ball (Harris Creek) 10 Gusta 66 St. Michaels Water 120 Hen 11 Sylvia Tank 121 Change 1910 12 Baldwins 67 Millwind 122 Nelson 3 13 Cousin 68 Deewat 123 Annette 14 Lloyd 69 Spar 124 Myrtle (Broad Creek) 15 Edward 70 Sara 125 Coal 16 Colonel 71 Seth (Miles River) 126 Tobe 17 Shaw 72 Pearson 127 Wire 18 Bruffs 73 Dixon 128 Blanco 19 Law 74 Rich Neck AVater Tank 129 Ned 20 James (Miles River) 75 Kemp Tower 130 Caulk 21 Frank 76 Kemp Haddaway 131 Fairbanks 22 Wood (Miles River) 77 132 Pine (Broad Creek) 23 Herr 78 Valliant 133 Luna 24 OUie 79 Poplar South 134 Cabin 25 Swing 80 Great 135 Skinner 26 Fair 81 Front 136 Bald 27 Second 82 Wap 137 Rose 28 But 83 Southern M. E. Church 138 Gram (Broad Creek) 29 Aber 84 Black 139 Bengal 30 Two 85 Sharps Island Light 140 Eastman 31 Face 86 Jere 141 Woodill 32 Mais 87 Bar (Harris Creek) 142 Delta (Broad Creek) 33 Beak 88 M. E. Church (Tilgh- 143 Marion 34 Rieman man Island) 144 Willis 35 Leeds 89 Avalon 145 Neptune 36 Margo 90 SchooUiouse Cupola 146 Venus 37 Gibbs 91 Peoples Chapel 147 Mars 38 Long (Miles River) 92 Narrows 148 Royal 39 Beg 93 Eaele (Harris Creek) 149 Grave 40 Search 94 Dunk 150 Ray 41 Tug 95 Hawk 151 Willey 42 Hunting 96 Smith 152 Judge Thelma 43 Spree 97 Briary 153 44 Whit 98 Vine 154 Elmore 45 Dorrance 99 Cummings 155 Beverly 46 Tang 100 Dog 156 Samuel (Broad Creek) 47 Johnson 101 Rabbit 157 Ansley 48 Lowndes 102 Grace 158 Harper 49 Draw 103 Mink 159 Taft 50 Chap 104 Harrison 160 Hopkins (Broad Creek) 51 Villa (Miles River) 105 Clump (Harris Creek) 161 Spencer 52 Easton 106 Lawn 162 Marshall 53 Henderson 107 End (Harris Creek) 163 Clark 54 Bethel 108 Rod (Harris Creek) 164 Holly 55 Fig 109 Otto 165 Marsh (Broad Creek't 56 Doctor (Miles River) 110 Miller 166 Cedar (Broad Creek) 57 McConnell 111 Pink 167 Ross (Broad Creek^ 80 SUMMARY OF SUEVEY OP OYSTER BARS OF MARYLAND. Numerical Index to Teianoulation Stations — Continued. TALBOT COUNTY— Continued. County County County index index index number number number indicating Name of station indicating Name of station indicating Name of station station station station on Index on Index on Index Chart Cliart Cliart 168 Cook 201 Wall (Tred Avon 234 Show 169 Peary- River) 235 Kit (Island Creek) 170 Roys 202 Aye 236 Moke 171 Irish 203 Hunter 237 Poco 172 Pont 204 Weave 238 Healey (Island Creek) 173 Sticky 205 Twin 239 Maslin 174 Vue 206 Toe 240 Mean 175 Ila 207 Trippe 241 Jay 176 Creek (Irish Creekl 208 Venture 242 Berry 177 Benoni 2 209 Plow 243 LanJeye 178 Mutton 210 Higher 244 Choptank River Light 179 Trad 211 All 245 Chlora 180 Bellevue 212 Cam 246 Trappe 181 Tar 213 Deux 247 Lan 182 Peck 214 Crack 248 Rice 183 Tall 215 Mistle 249 Inez 184 Plain 216 Layer 250 Gis 185 Spin 217 Borough 251 Grubin 186 Martin (Tred Avon 218 Golds 252 Black Beacon River 219 Mud (Tred Avon 253 Howells 1 187 Neva River) 254 Red 188 Robertson (Tred Avon 220 Town (Tred Avon 255 Double River) River) 256 Boling 189 Stretch 221 Riverview 257 Rear 190 May 222 Weather Bureau Staff 258 Chancellor 191 Peebee 223 First 259 Barber (Tred Avon 192 Neck (Tred Avon 224 Bach River) River) 225 Boone 260 Duck (ChoptankRiver) 193 Stab 226 Enter 261 Jam 194 Water 227 Straw 262 Spindle 195 Rad cliff e 228 Delahay 263 Bank (Tred Avon 196 Bateman 229 Kent River) 197 Melon 230 Harry 264 Raccoon 198 Gash 231 Charles (Island Creek) 265 Blind 199 Camden 232 Potato 266 Up 200 Blossom 233 Ritter 1 Herring Pond 2 9 Fox Island Poplar 17 Grace M. E. Church 2 Lynch Point 3 10 Mos 18 Lons; Point 3 Smith Point Light 11 Wharf (Saxis Pier) Saxis Church Spire 19 Wildcat 4 Shanks Hammock 2 12 20 Pope Island Life-Sav- 5 Horse 13 OU ing Station 6 Fishbone 14 Summer 21 Chester (Virginia) 7 Reach Hammock 15 Cup 22 Kilhck Shoal Light 8 Beacon 16 Money 23 Assateague Light LANDMARKS. 81 Numerical Index to Tbianqulation Stations — (.'untinued. WICOMICO COUNTY. County County County index index index number number number indicating Name of station indicating Name uf station indicating Name of station station station station on Index on Index on Index Chart Chart Chart 1 Earle (Nanticoke 7 Roar 13 Child River) 8 Nanti 14 Creek (Wicomico 2 Juliet 9 White River) 3 Pole 10 Great Shoals Light 15 End (Wicomico 4 Bivalve Church 11 Ella River) 5 Rag 12 Holland (AVicomico 6 Nanticoke Church River) WORCESTER COUNTY. 1 Hamilton 17 Saupoi Mud (Sinepuxent Bay) 31 Green Run Inlet Life- 2 Ocean City Water 18- Saving Station Flag- Tower 19 lM;raya Salt (Sinepuxent staff 3 Harmon 20 32 Tizz 4 Ocean River) 33 Mill (Chincoteague 5 Buffing 21 North Beach Life-Sav- Bay) 6 Buftington Windmill ing Station 34 Ma r y 1 a n d-Virginia 7 Gull 22 Birch (Life-Saving Station 8 Inkquill 23 Neck (Chincoteague Beach) 9 Seaside Bay) 35 M a r y 1 a n d-Virginia 10 Ellpow 24 Newport (Pope Island) 11 B e a ch (Sinepuxent 25 Handys Hammock 30 M a ry 1 a n d-Virginia, Bay) 26 Ricks (Railroad) 12 Fassett 27 Guilberta Cupola 37 Thorofare 13 Shore 28 Beacon Clumps 38 Collier 14 Nellys 29 Landlet 39 Convent Water Tower 15 Bar (Sinepuxent Bay) 30 Turnagain 40 Gantt 16 Longwells Windmill 95112—13 6 o DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES ASSISTANT AND CHIEF OF PARTY. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 Department of Commerce and Labor Document No. 77. COA^ AND GEODETIC SURVEY LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, June I , igoy. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Surve}^ to cooperate with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster beds of the State of Maryland, under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and certain results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey. Respectfully, O. H. Tittmann, Supcrintimdcnt. To Hon. Oscar S. Straus, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. 3 CERTIFICATION Annapolis, Md. , A/ay 2g. rgoy. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in Anne Arundel County and contiguous waters b}' the Mar}dand vShell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, .{ssistanl and Chief of Party in titc Coasl and Geodetic Survey. Annapolis, Mm., June 6, igoj. Examined and certified to be correct. Walter J. Mitchell, Benjamin K. Green, Caswell Grave, Maryland Shell Fish Commissioners. SwEPSON Earle, Hydrographic Engitteer. Note. — Copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of "Anne Arundel County and Adjacent Waters " were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Anne Arundel County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners at Annapolis on June 20, 1907. 5 CONTENTS, Letter of submittai, 3 Certification 5 Introduction : Publ ications 13 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey 13 Laws relating to the cooperation 14 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster bars 17 Projections 18 Progress map 18 Boundaries of county waters: Waters within territorial limits of the county 19 Waters contiguous to the county 20 Limits of dredging area adjacent to Craighill Channel 20 List of natural oyster bars within dredging area of county 21 Boundaries of natural oyster bars: Explanation of descriptions of boundaries 21 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries. . . . ; 23 Natural oyster bars — Chart No. i (Fort Carroll to Magothy River)— Lumps East of Craighill Channel (see also Chart No. 2) 26 Bodkin Point North , . 26 Bodkin Point South 27 Mountain Point (see also Chart No. 2) 27 Sillery Bay 28 Chart No. 2 (Magothy River to Annapolis Roads) — Lumps East of Craighill Channel (see also Chart No. i) 26 Mountain Point ( see also Chart No. i) 27 Peach Hill 28 Welch ■ 28 Park 29 Uinphasis . . ' 29 Black 29 Persimmon -. 30 Outer Magothy 30 Sandy Point North 31 Sandy Point South 31 Hackett Point 32 Whitehall Creek 32 Sand Spit 33 Whitehall 33 Wreck Buoy 34 Tolly Point (see also Chart No. 3 ) 34 Chinks Point 35 Inside Greenbury Point 35 7 8 Contcjits. Boundaries of natural oyster bars — Continued. Natural oyster bars — Continued. Oiarl No. 2 (Magothy River to Annapolis Roads) — Continued. fagc. Horn Point 36 Old Fort 36 Little Sandy 37 Creces Cove 37 Ferry Point 37 Peach Orchard 3R Weems Lower 3S Weems Upper 39 Wade 39 Traces Hollow 40 Sharp Point 40 Saltwork \i Rock Point Lower 41 Chase 41 Clem Point 42 Point 42 Aisquith Creek 42 Brewer (Severn River) 43 Poppin Point 43 Arnold Point 44 Big Island 44 Round Bay 44 Rock Point Upper 45 ChaH No. s (Annapolis Roads to Horseshoe Point ) — Tolly Point (see also Chart No. 2) 34 Under The Gums 45 Thomas Point North 46 Thomas Point South 47 Old Woman 47 Marshy Point 4S Turkey Point 48 Ruler Flats 49 Swan Reef 49 Outer Round Point 50 Inner Round Point ■ . 50 Hill Point East 50 Hill Point 51 Rock Point ( South River) 51 Fox Point 51 Purdy Flats 52 Thunder and Lightning 52 Brewer (South River) 52 Almshouse 53 Duvall 53 Aberdeen 54 Beard Point 5_1 Rough Point j .S4 Saunders . .S5 Lulu ."i.i Dutchman .... 56 Three Sisters 56 Curtis 37 Contents. Boundaries of natural oyster bars — Continued. Page. Natural oyster bars — Continued. Chart No. j (Annapolis Roads to Horseshoe Point) — Continued. Collins Flats 57 Potato Hill 57 Cedar Point 58 Barren Neck 58 Tucker 59 Cheston Point 59 Dutchman Hollow 59 Brice Fence 60 Stony Hollow 60 Cherry 60 Jackass 6i Bolston Bank 61 High Island 61 Flat Island 62 Buce 62 Chart No. 4 (Horseshoe Point to Holland Point) — Bay Shore 63 Long 64 Fairhaven 64 Holland Point 65 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations): Explanation of description of landmarks 65 Triangulation stations — Chart No. i (Fort Carroll to Magothy River) — North Point (Old Tower) 67 Craighill Channel Light ( Front Range) 67 Rock Point 67 Seven Foot Knoll Light 68 Bodkin Point (Old Tower) 68 Locust 68 Bay (Magothy River) 68 Phil 69 Hickory 69 Sillery 69 Chart No. 2 (Magothy River to Annapolis Roads) — Peach Hill 70 Welch 70 Bluff (Magothy River) 70 Dobbins 71 Iron 71 Ham 71 Bank 71 Horn (Magothy River) 72 Tail 72 Ferry 72 Huddle 73 Revell 73 Purse 73 Magothy 74 Corn 74 Sandy Point light 74 Ring (see progress map) 74 330—07 lYz lO Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangui^ation stations)— Continued. Triangulation stations — Continued. Chart No. 2 (Magothy River to Annapolis Roads) — Continued. Bay Side Clump Wash ( see progress map ) Hackett Spit Chase (Whitehall Bay) Greenbury Greenbury Point light Fort Bluff ( Severn River) Brice Knob Spring Cool Chase (Severn River) Point Bight Arnold Swan High Cedar (Severn River) Sharp Long Island Bay ( Severn River) 1 Brewer (Severn River) Clem , Salt Luce Weeras Field Hospital Cupola ( Naval Academy) Flag Staff ( Naval Academy ) State House Dome (Annapolis) St. Anne's Church Spire (Annapolis) Catholic Church Spire (Annapolis) St. John's College Cupola (Annapolis) Horn (Severn River) Start Chart No. 3 (Annapolis Roads to Point) — Gram Tolly Bay Ridge Stack Craney Cottage Thomas ^ Thomas Point Light Arundel Hill Switch Waggaman Waggaman Windmill 75 75 75 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 7« 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 83 S3 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 Contents. ii Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulaTion stations)— Continued, page. Triangulation stations — Continued. Chart No. 3 — (Annapolis Roads to Horseshoe Point) — Continued. Ginger 90 Ximo 90 Yazoo 90 Taylor 91 Larramore 91 Brewer (South River) 91 Almshouse 92 Altjishouse ( Lightning Rod ) 92 Cedar (South River) 92 Mayo 92 Selby 93 Gowan 93 Dutchman 93 Cato 94 Delta 94 Etna 94 Calf 95 Turf 95 Cupola 95 Rhode 95 Ches 96 Alpha 96 Shell 96 Counallor 97 Chalk 97 Lerch Windmill 97 Apple 98 Cove 98 Curtis 98 Horseshoe 99 Bloody Point Bar light 99 Chart No. 4 (Horseshoe Point to Holland Point) — PYanklin 99 Nut 99 Broad 100 Parker 100 Hopkins 100 Fairhaven loi Holland loi Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions 102 House boat Oyster 102 Organization and equipment 103 Field work I 104 Office work 105 Summary 105 Progress map following 109 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the survey of the natural oyster bars of Maryland has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws authorizing the work and the natural division of the surveying operations of the cooperating forces. The part prepared under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consists of this publication and a series of large-scale charts. The charts show all legal boundaries of natural oyster bars within the waters opened up for leasing with Anne Arundel County and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in connection with the delineation of these boundaries. This publication gives a technical description of the oyster-bar boundaries and landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the represent- ative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. The part to be published by the Shell Fish Commission will include a report of the work executed by the commission under the provisions of the oyster-culture laws of Maryland, descriptions of oyster investigations and the delimitation of oyster bars, and other important legal and scientific information. COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the service indicates, includes a survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and publi.shed a complete .set of charts of the coasts of the United States, including all waters of Maryland where oysters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental functions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data for all surveying, charting, and other allied purposes within the area of the operations of the .service, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and useful development^of Government work. 13 14 Survey of Oyster Bais, Anne Arundel County^ Md. LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in coop- eration with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, in surveying and publishing charts of natural oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks over triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and' landmarks delineated on the charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the Governor of the State of Marjdand to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland: _ [Act of Congress approved May 26. igo6.] AN ACT to autliorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, throngh the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, 'with the Shell Fish Commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by the Seriate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the .State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Hurean of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the vv'aters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appli- ances, and steam launches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretar\' of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureai; of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said 'Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prose- cuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1907.] AN ACT making approju-iations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Co.\ST AND Geodetic Survey; * * * For anj' special .surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the .Shell Fish Commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. * * * Suiz'cy of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel Coiiniy, Md. 1 5 [Act of the legislature of Maryland approved April 2. 1906.] AN ACT to establish and promote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this act, and * * * Section i. lie it euactcd by the o,encuil assembly of Marylami, That the following sections be, and they are hereb)', added to article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters." * * * Sec. S6. The Board of Shell Fish Coniniissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural 03'ster beds, bars, and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the .shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey, as herein- after required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the I'nited States Coast and Geodetic Survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the .said Cotnmissioners in the city of Annapolis; and the said Commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the ITnited States Coast and Geodetic Survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, all natural beds, bars, and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. ******* Sec. 87. The governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. * * * Sec. 89. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, 1906, the said Commissioners .shall organize and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as mav be detailed by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds, and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks, as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessarj' to enable the said Board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the .said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks as shown b}- a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the Board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survej' of any county. Said Commissioners shall cause the same to be publLshed in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the same to the clerk of the circuit court for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed, as hereinafter provided; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose. And the said survey and report, when filed, subject to the right of appeal hereafter provided for in this act, shall be taken in all of the courts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars, or rocks lying within the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this act, and that all areas of the Che.sapeake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland not shown in the survey to be natural oyster beds, bars, or rocks shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms, and open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private plant- ing or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this act; provided that the said survey and report shall not be so construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appropriated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this act. * * * 1 6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Aid. The law of the State of Marj'land, passed March 9, 1842, authorizing officers of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the Survej-, is as follows: AN ACT concerning the survey of the coast of Maryland. Section i. Be it enacted by the general assembly of 3faryla!id, that it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United States, * * * at any time hereafter to enter upon lands within this State for the purpose of exploring, surveying, triangulating, or leveling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect anj' works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injury to private or other property. Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees , or injury to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being, or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious free- holders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or possessors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days' notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and, if required, upon the evidence of witnes,ses (to be by them sworn or affirmed and examined), shall assess the said damages, and shall afterwards make report thereof and of their proceedings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five da3\s thereafter in the office of the clerk of the count)' in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as aforesaid, and the said report so made as aforesaid, if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid .shall have authority to tax and allow, upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees, and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid ensuing upon and after said appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessarj- to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against whicliever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal, at the option of either party, may and shall be heard before, and the damages assessed by, a jury of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That if any person or persons shall wilfullj' injure or deface or remove any signal, monimient, or building, or any appendage thereto, erected, used, or constructed under and by virtue of the act of Congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, with costs of suit, to be sued for and recovered by an}' person who shall first prosecute the same before any justice of the peace of the county where the person so offending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United States of America, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Aid. 17 CHARTS AND MAPS. CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts" of the natural oyster bars of "Anne Arundel Count}- and Adjacent Waters," publi.slied by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of surveys of the Government in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Commission, con.sist of a series of four sheets, covering the west shore of Chesapeake Bay from Fort Carroll to Holland Point. They are published on the scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3^^ inches to a statute mile), and are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bar arid other boundaries established by the Com- mission, and are certified by them for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Anne Arundel County and in the office of the Commis.sion at Annapolis, as required by the oy.ster-culture laws of Mar3'land. In addition to the boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all land- marks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the sur\'e5', together with the hydrography and topograph}' necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readil}' understandable, both by the people engaged in oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oy.ster culture. The names of the oy.ster bars are those used locally, as nearl}- as could be ascer- tained by the hj'drographic engineer of the Commi.ssion, and are not designated by numbers, as might suggest itself on first thought as being the best method when the great number of oyster bars in the whole State are considered. By the use of local names, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location of oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with charts. The corners of the oj-ster bars are numbered from i to the total number of corners in each bar under consideration. Where bars adjoni, making one point a corner of two or more bars, these points have two or more numbers, each corresponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners correspond with the technical and legal descriptions given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of natural oyster bars. ' ' The natural oyster bars and landmarks have been grouped in the contents of this publication in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a par- ticular oy,ster bar or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents," and the desired chart and general location will be indicated. To find the name of a bar or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the end of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locality on the chart for the name of the bar or landmark in question. The contours for the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington. Four curves «For copies of these charts apply to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C. 330—07 2 i8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. were selected as beiug the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in the oyster industry. The i-fathom contour (6 feet) and the 5-fathom contour (30 feet) practically include all the natural oyster bars sur\'eyed, while the 3-fathom contour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth. The lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the territorial limits of the county and the boundaries of waters not within these limits but opened up for the leasing with the county are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading ' ' Boundaries of county waters. ' ' The areas in acres of the natural oyster bars were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter meas- urements made of the area of the bars as delineated on the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These areas are given in small figures on the face of the chart within the boundaries of the bars. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation .stations, contours of depth of water, etc. , require no other explanation than that given in the notes on the charts. PROJECTIONS. The polyconic projections, like the charts which are described in the preceding section, were all con.structed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These draftsmen also plotted the sextant positions on the smooth projections which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the natural o^'ster bars as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangu- lation stations, shore line, sextant po.sitions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the commission, by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original- records of all natural ov-ster bar and other boundaries established by the connnission. One set of these projections is filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington and the other set is filed in the office of the Shell Fish Commission at Annapolis. PROGRESS MAP. The progress map'' attached to this publication is on a scale of one part in a hundred thousand, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in Anne Arundel County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey of the natural oyster bars, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surveying work, and the "Boundaries of county waters" established " For this map, see folder at end of this publication. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 19 by the commission for the purpose of carrying out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, the progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others, searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may be under consideration. BOUNDARIES OF COUNTY WATERS, WATERS WITHIN TERRITORIAI< LIMITS OF THE COUNTY. The laws relating to oyster culture under which the Maryland Shell Fish Commis- sion is executing its survey, provide that "no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of any of the counties, or one hundred acres in any other place." The boundary line" between the waters "within the territorial limits" of Anne Arundel County and the waters in "anj' other place," as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is technically described and defined as follows : Commencing at a point defined by the intersection of the northern boundary line of Anne Arundel County with the center line of Fort McHenry Channel ; thence along the center line of Fort McHenry Channel past Fort Carroll to a point at the intersection of the center line of Fort McHenry Channel and the center line of Brewerton Channel ; thence along the center line of Brewerton Channel to a point defined by the intersection of the center line of Brewerton Channel and a straight line between North Point (Old Tower ) and a point defined by latitude '■< 39° 09' 59.3" and longitude '' 76° 28' 39.7", situated on Rock Point ; thence in a straight line to a point defined by latitude 39° 09' 59.3" and longitude 76° 28' 39.7" situated on Rock Point ; thence following the mean low-water line along the shore of the bay to a point defined by latitude 39° 08' 10.6" and longitude 76° 26' 21.2", situated on Frankie Point ; thence iu a straight line across the mouth of Bodkin Creek to a point situated at the center of the old light-house tower on Bodkin Point ; thence following the mean low-water line along the shore of the bay to a point defined by latitude 39° 03' 35.2" and longitude 76° 25' 56.4", situated on Mount- ain Point ; thence in a straight line across the mouth of Magoth)- River to a point defined by latitude 39° °3' 11. i" and longitude 76° 26' 1S.7", situated on Persimmon Point; thence following the mean low-water line along the shore of the bay around Sandy Point to a point defined by latitude 38° 59' 10. i" and longitude 76° 25' 33.4", situated on Hackett Point; thence in a straight line across the mouth of Whitehall Bay to a point defined by latitude 38° 58' 25.0" and longitude 76° 27' 19.0", situated on Green- bury Point ; thence in a straight line across the mouth of Severn River to a point defined by latitude 38° 56' 28,0" and longitude 76° 27' 00.0", situated on Tolly Point; thence following the mean low-water line along the shore of the bay to a point defined by latitude 38° 54' 42.0" and longitude 76° 27' 25.2", situated on a point of land on tlie north side of Fishing Creek ; thence in a straight line across the mouth of Fishing Creek to a point defined by latitude 38° 54' 29.1" and longitude 76° 27' 12.9", situ- ated on Thomas Point ; thence in a straight line across the mouth of South River to a point defined by latitude 38° 53' 13.6" and longitude 76° 29' 21.9", situated on Saunders Point ; thence following the mean low-water line along the shore of the bay to a point defined by latitude 38° 52' 10.4" and longi- "See Charts of Natural Oyster Bars, published by the U.- S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at the end of this publication. ''Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. tude 76° 30' 35.6", situated on Dutchman Point; thence in a straight line across the mouth of West River to a point defined by latitude 38° 51' 12.8" and longitude 76° 29' 53.8", situated on Curtis Point ; thence following the mean low-water line along the shore of the bay to a point defined by latitude 38° 48' 02.8" and longitude 76° 30' 36.6", situated on a point about three-quarters of a mile north of Broadwater Creek ; thence in a straight line across the mouth of Broadwater Creek to a point defined by latitude 38° 47' 21.3" and longitude 76° 31' 26.3", situated on a point at the southern entrance to Broadwater Creek; thence following the mean' low- water line along the shore of the bay to a point defined by latitude 38° 46' 22.2", and longitude 76° 32' 23.5'', situateS on Parker Island ; thence in a straight line across the mouth of Herring Bay to a point defined by latitude 38° 43' 40.6" and longi- tude 76° 3i' 37.8", situated on Holland Point; thence following the mean low-water line along the shore of the bay to the southern boundary line of Anne Arundel County in the vicinity of Hog Point. WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO THK COUNTY. The 03'ster-culture laws of Maryland provide that a true and accurate delineation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey, "which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said Commis- sioners in the city of Aimapolis; " and "in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. ' ' For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section of the law, and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-cultnre area to be opened up for the leasing with Anne Arundel County, a boundary line between the waters contiguous to, but not within the territorial limits of Anne Arundel County and the waters contiguous to, but not within the territorial limits of adjacent counties, has been established by the Shell Fish Commission. This boundary line* has been delineated on the charts of the natural oyster bars published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and is technically described and defined as follows: Commencing at a point defined by the intersection of the center line of Brewerton Channel and a straight line between North Point (Old Tower) and a point defined by latitude 39° 09' 59.3" and longitude 76° 28' 39.7", situated on Rock Point; thence along the center line of Brewerton Channel and a continuation of the same line to apoint defined by latitude 39° 09' 10.6" and longitude 76° 2i'oo.o", situated about 3fV miles ^ east '" of Seven Foot Knoll Light and 3 1",; miles southeast of Craighill Channel Light (Front Range); tlience due south in a straight line to apoint defined by latitude 39° 03' 30.0" and longitude 76° 21' 00.0", situated about 2^3 miles from Baltimore Light, nearly on a straight line between Baltimore Light and Love Point Light; thence in a straight line to a point defined by latitude 39° 00' 57.2" and longitude 76° 21' 34 .0" , situated about i,"',; miles east of Sandy Point Light; thence in a straight line to a point defined by latitude 38° 53'56.2" andlongitude 76° 24' 32.0", situ- ated about i^V miles east of Thomas Point Light; thence in a straight line to a point defined by latitude 38° 50' 01. i" and longitude 76° 26' 15.0", situated about 2^2 miles west of Bloody Point Bar Light; thence in a .straight line to a point defined by latitude },Vfi 42' 33.4" and longitude 76° 27' 40.0", situated about 3^5 miles east of Hog Point; thence in a straight line to a point defined by the inter- section of the mean low-water line of the shore of the bay and the southern boundary line of Anne Arundel County, in the vicinity of Hog Point. LIMITS OF DREDGING AREA ADJACENT TO CRAIGHILL CHANNEL. The oyster laws of the State of Maryland define the limits of the area adjacent to Craighill Channel in which dredging for oysters is prohibited, and the boundaries of the natural oyster bars established by the Maryland . Shell Fish Commission in that "See progress map at the end of this publication. '' Statute miles. c True bearings. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. 21 vicinity have been delineated accordingly. The law defining the boundaries of the prohibited area is as follows: [Code of Maryland, article 72. section 50.] Any person dragging, raking, or dredging for oysters within five hundred yards of either edge of the channel at the mouth of the Patapsco River, known as the Craighill Channel, extending from Seven Foot Knoll to the mouth of Magothy River, or within five hundred yards of either edge of the cut-off connecting the Brewerton and Craighill channels, shall forfeit his boat or vessel; and it shall be lawful for any justice of the peace of the county or city in which such person shall be arrested to try such person, and on conviction to condemn said boat or vessel and sell the same on five days' notice, and fine the said offender a sum of not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, for each and every offense; and said justice of the peace shall pay over one-half of said fines and forfeitures to the informer, and the other half to the school board of said county or city. LIST OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS WITHIN DREDGING AREA OF COUNTY. The natural oyster bars open under the existing laws of Maryland for tonging or dredging, as the case may be, are not so classed and shown on the published charts, as it is a matter more or less subject to change by legislation independent of the oyster- culture laws of Maryland. However, the Commission in establishing the legal boundaries of the oyster bars have so fixed the limits of certain bars that in every case their boundaries are within or coincident with the boundary line between the tonging and dredging areas. In estab- lishing these boundaries, the Commission have adopted the tonging-dredging limits furnished to them through the courtesy of the Commander of the State Fishery Force. Most of the natural oyster bars open for dredging are of large area but few in number, and a complete list of the dredging bars in "Anne Arundel County and Adjacent Waters," is given below to facilitate the search of anyone desiring to locate them on the published charts: Chart No. i : Lumps East of Craighill Channel. Bodkin Point North. Bodkin Point South. Mountain Point. Chart No. 2: Outer Magothy. Chart No. 3: (No dredging area on this chart.) Chart No. 4: Bay Shore. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION OF DESCRIPTIONS OF BOUNDARIES. The natural 03'ster bars of Anne Arundel County are 91 in number, and their total area as marked out by buoys placed by the hydrographic engineer of the com- mission is 33,666 acres. As provided by law, the limits of the oj'ster bars are all straight lines, but they areas of all shapes from triangles to complicated nine- sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres in the rivers to 7,548 acres in the ba}-. 22 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Artmdel County, Md. The sides vary in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the corners of the boundaries are practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they are over 10,000 yards from the landmarks most avail- able for the purposes of fixing their positions. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been executed, and the magnitude of the work with the con- sequent need of fixed and uniform methods, has made the problem of describing the boundaries, one of considerable difficulty and importance. The boundaries of the natural oy.ster bars of Anne Arundel County, as estab- lished by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster .surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey, and that they can be continued, with slight modifications to the end of the work. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in the county. At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the natural oyster bar to be described, its general locality, and the number of the chart on which its legal boundaries are shown. The first column under the heading of ' ' Corner of bar ' ' gives the number corre- sponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i , thence proceeding in a clock-wise direction around the bar; but where a corner of one bar is identical with the corner of one or more other bars, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. The second and third columns under the headings of ' ' Latitude ' ' and ' ' Longitude ' ' give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the commission as the primary technical definition of the corners, and should be consid- ered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrepancies caused by other means of loca- tion. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States .standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the Survey, even though all the laud- marks and buoys originally used for their location have been destroyed by natural causes or by the acts of vandals desiring to defeat the purposes of the oyster-culture law. The fourth and fifth columns, under the general heading of "True bearings"" and the specific headings "Forward " and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north and south Hue. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation .stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three " Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The oThe mean magnetic declination in Anne Arundel County in 1907 was 5° 45' west of north and the annual increase 3'. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County , Aid. 23 difference iu minutes of arc between the forward- and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the computations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. The sixth. column under the heading of "Distance" gives the three computed dis- tances iu 5'ards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. The seventh and last column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. Triangulation Station,"" gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the correspond- ing "Latitude, " "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of the bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and mark- ings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication, under the heading of " Descriptions of landmarks." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oy.ster bars. One, to determine whether the buoys marking the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants, and partly on his training and experience. (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic survej'ing, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar with this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrograpliic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessarj' instruments and. assist- ants. It is the one best suited, for the work of the engineers of the Commission in locating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangulation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the off-shore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. "Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Super- intendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington. 24 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Aiiiir Anuidcl Coiiii/y, Md. Ill the case where there is onl)- one engineer having a single sextant, the three- point method can be used, but not until the two angles determining the position of any buoj' have been calculated from the ' ' Forward bearing ' ' given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the 05'ster bars. For example, take " Traces Hollow " bar, described on page — , and assume that "Corner No. 3" is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks ' ' Cool ' ' and ' ' Weems, ' ' as determined from the forward bearings from this corner, is 101° 02' and the angle between " Weems " and "Field" is 68° 52'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree, the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished b}' moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor (" position finder " ) , the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is es.sential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally' used in describing the boundaries. Under circumstances, any three landmarks of suitable relative positions that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edges of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true positions of the corner of the boundary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three .selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are .shown by the sextant to subtend the .same angle obtained from the protractor. The second angle is then placed on the sextant and the .same operation gone through, and so on, first u.sing one angle on the sextant then the other, until a point is reached where both observed .sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true po.sition of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer two sextants and a protractor this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be placed on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by u.sing one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic locations of points are attained; in fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the Commis.sion. Survey of Oyster Bars, Aiinc Arundel County, Md. 25 (3) Magnetic bearings from offsliore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass, and will be of special use to the State Fishery Force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer takes compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the Vjoundar}' corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination," and if the results agree with the published bearings, the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared alto- gether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the corrected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks for which the bearings are published have been destroyed or washed away, any landmark whose position is indicated on the charts can be used by getting their bearings directly from the chart \>y parallel rulers or a pro- tractor and then applying them in the .same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4 ) Magnetic bearings from sliore. — This method will be of special value to engi- neers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point marking a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corre- .sponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination), given in the fourth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question and on line with the name of the ' ' station ' ' being occupied. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation .station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landniartcs. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be u.seful to engineers who have a transit and desire con.siderable accuracy. The instrument is placed over a "triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the ' ' corner ' ' in ques- tion. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the "Description of landmarks" as having a direction of 0° 00' 00" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundarj- "corner," from the landmark being occupied, is taken out. The angle calculated from the "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Description of landmarks" is then laid off on the transit and a range line established, on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. "The mean magnetic declination for Anne Arnndel County (in 1907) is 5° and 45' west of north, and the annual increase is 3'. 26 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. LUMPS EAST OF CRAIGHILL CHANNEL. (Chesapeake Bay east of Craighill and Cutoff dredged clia?mels- Charts Nos. i and 2. Cor- True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station. of bar Forward Back I 39 03 58. 04 / // 76 23 18.98 N 67 29 W S 30 18W S 3 20E S 67 31 E N 30 17 E N 3 20 W Yards. 3683 4132 6109 Peach Hill. Magothy. Sandy Point Light. 2 39 07 41.00 76 23 18. 60 N 30 34 W N 76 32 W S 53 25 W S 30 35 E S 76 34 E N 53 23 E 3855 3507 4957 Seven Foot Knoll Light. Bodkin Point (Old Tower). Locust. 3 39 10 02. 00 76 24 13.95 N 18 3i E N 47 43 W S 26 25 W S 18 31 W sS 47 45 E N 26 24 E 2738 4875 4398 Craighill Channel Light. North Point (Old Tower). Bodkin Point (Old Tower). 4 39 09 "6.91 1 76 21 47.76 N 33 40 W N 84 27 W S 70 16 W S 33 42 E S 84 28 E N 70 14 E 5352 4366 6159 Craighill Channel Light. Seven Foot Knoll Light. Bodkin Point (Old Tower). 5 1 38 08 o5. 00 1 76. 21 00.00 N 32 58 W N 66 08 W S 89 48 w S 32 59 E S 66 10 E N 89 46 E 7758 Craighill Channel Light. 6123 Seven Foot Knoll Light. 7056 ' Bodkin Point (Old Tower). 6 39 05 42.40 76 21 00.00 N 55 39 W N82 II W S 73 22 W sS 55 42 E S 82 14 E N 73 20 E 8540 7695 7364 Bodkin Point (Old Tower). Locust. Peach Hill. 7 ! 39 03 58. 04 76 22 40.60 N 72 16 W S 40 56 w S 6 08 W S 72 18 E N 40 55 E N 6 08E 4631 4721 6136 Peach Hill. Magothy. Sandy Point Light. BODKIN POINT NORTH. (Chesapeake Bay off Bodkin Creek — Chart No. /.) / // / // / / Yards. I 39 08 09. 93 76 24 48. 59 N 9 45E S 81 19 W S 9 45 W N81 19 E 2377 1060 Seven Foot Knoll Light. Bodkin Point (Old Tower). S 22 20 W N 22 20 E 4251 Locust. 2 39 oS 1 2. 00 76 25 34. 63 S 35 13 E N 35 20 f; N 12 02 W N35 12 W S 35 21 W S 12 03 E 281 2786 7144 Bodkin Point (Old Tower). Seven Foot Knoll Light. North Point (Old Tower). 3 39 09 17-05 76 25 55.94 S 16 35 E N 87 54 E N 10 59 W N 16 35 W S 87 54 w S 10 59 E 252S 2173 4884 Bodkin Point (Old Tower). Seven Foot Knoll Light. North Point (Old Tower). 4 39 09 34- 25 76 25 38. 55 S 5 03 E S 16 16E N 18 13 W N 5 u2 W N 16 15 W S iS 13 E 3015 1786 4437 Bodkin Point (Old Tower). Seven Foot Knoll Light. North Point (Old Tower). 5 38 08 49.70 76 25 04. 52 N 39 20 E N 21 44 W S 22 44 W S 39 20 W S 21 45 E N 22 43 E 1296 6155 1627 Seven Foot Knoll Light. North Point (Old Tower). Bodkin Point (Old Tower). Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. BODKIN POINT SOUTH. {Chesapeake Bay — South of Bodkin Point — Chart No. /.) 27 Cor- Latitude Longitude Tnie bearing Distance U. S. e. & G. S. triangulation station. of bar Forward Back I / // 1 / // 39 06 58. 17 76 24 04.20 N 9 06 W N 44 24 W S 61 29 W S 9 06 E S 44 23 E N61 28 E yards. 4824 3164 3166 Seven Foot Knoll Light. Bodkin Point (Old Tower). Locust. 2 39 07 03. 24 76 24 40.66 N 2 26 E N31 00 W S 47 19 W S 2 26 w S 31 01 E N 47 i8 E 4596 2438 2481 Seven Foot Knoll Light. Bodkin Point (Old Tower). Locust. 3 39 07 34.80 76 25 12.85 N 16 25 E N 21 48 W S 19 36 w vS 16 26 W S 21 48 E N 19 36 E 3678 1103 2917 Seven Foot Knoll Light. Bodkin Point (Old Tower). Locust. 4 39 08 02. 58 , 76 24 28. 22 N 2 55W N 86 49 W S 30 14 W S 2 55 E S 86 50 E N 30 13 E 2594 1585 4273 Seven Foot Knoll Light. Bodkin Point (Old Tower). Locust. MOUNTAIN POINT. ( Chesapeake Bay between Magothy River and Bodkin Point — Charts No. i and 2. ) I 39 03 30- 57 76 25 38. 60 N 6 32 E N 34 27 W S 42 34 W S 6 32W S 34 28 E N 42 34 E Yards. 2351 1382 1446 Peach Hill. Welch. Purse. 2 39 03 59- 33 76 25 27. 19 N 1 22 \V N 81 04 W S 32 08 W S I 22 E S 81 04 E N 32 08 E 1367 1096 2403 Peach Hill. Welch. Purse. 3 39 04 28. 57 76 24 55. 63 N 66 13 W S 66 54 W S 34 55 W S 66 13 E N 66 54 E N 34 54 K 943 2079 3683 Peach Hill. Welch. Purse. 4 39 06 01. 40 76 25 25.60 N I 02 W N 57 57 W S I 33 W S I 02 E S 57 58 E N I 33E 4175 759 2751 Bodkin Point Locust. Peach Hill. (Old Tower). 5 39 06 00. 00 76 24 04. 22 N 27 39 W N 80 48 W S 39 18 w S 27 40 E S 80 49 E N 39 18 E 4767 2817 3494 Bodkin Point Locust. Peach Hill. (Old Tower). 6 39 04 07.45 76 24 04. 16 S 56 19 w S 88 12 W N 63 45 W N 56 17 E N88 II E S 63 46 E 4160 3267 2470 Purse. Welch. Peach Hill. 28 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. SILLERY BAY. {Magothy River— Chart No. i.) Cor- ner I,atitude I,ongitude True bearing ot bar Forward Back o / // / // , / Yards. 1 39 05 23. 54 76 26 37. 39 S 87 05 w S 21 21 W N 22 38 W N 87 04 E N 21 21 E S 22 38 E 1261 478 767 Hickory. Sillery. Bay. 2 39 05 26. 75 76 27 06. 72 S 70 36 w S 47 10 E N 38 22 E N 70 36 E N 47 10 W S 38 22 W 519 814 767 Hickory. Sillery. Bay. 3 39 "5 39- 98 76 27 oS. 26 S 74 19 E N 73 27 E S 36 01 w N 74 19 W S 73 27 W N 35 01 E 1397 538 766 Phil. Bay. Hickory. PEACH HILL. {Magothy River— Chart No. 2. ) / // / / Yards. I 39 04 48. 75 76 27 07. 25 N 40 00 E N 23 16 W S 74 26 W S 40 00 w S 23 16 E N 74 26 E 949 1206 677 Sillery. Hickory. Dobbins. 2 39 05 02. 48 76 27 03. 85 N63 ooE N41 13 W S 49 05 w S 63 00 W . S 41 14 E N 49 05 E 585 858 984 Sillery. Hickory. Dobbins. 3 39 04 51-06 76 26 49. 96 N I 09 E N 41 59 W S 76 50 w S I 09 W S 42 ooE N 76 50 E 1803 1392 1 138 Bay. Hickory. Dobbins. WELCH. [Magothy River^Chart No. 2.) / // / // / / Yards. I 39 04 10. 13 76 26 38. 98 N51 16 W S 56 29 w S 14 16 E S 51 16 E N 56 28 E N 14 15 W 1791 1972 2475 Dobbins. Revell. Purse. 2 39 04 13- 90 76 26 45.96 N 48 04 E N 50 41 W S 50 13 W S 48 04 W S 50 42 E N 50 12 E 453 1569 1901 Bluff. Dobbins. Revell. 3 39 04 41. 27 76 27 03. 46 N 22 57 W N 84 38 W S 25 04 W S 22 57 E S 84 38 E N 25 03 E 1479 757 236 r Hickory. Dobbins. Revell. 4 39 04 43- 49 76 26 51. 33 N 34 50 W S 89 47 W S 30 47 w S 34 50 E N 89 47 E N 30 47 E 1567 1073 2578 Hickory. Dobbins. Revell. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. PARK. {Magolhy River— Chart No. 2.) 29 Cor- True beariug Latitude Lougitude Distance U.S.C. &G S. triaugulation station. bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 39 04 24. 25 76 28 47. 64 N 27 06 E S 85 32 w S 9 01 W 27 06 W N 85 31 E N 9 01 E 825 i Iron. 2137 1 Ferry. 796 Huddle. 2 39 04 39- 77 76 29 05. 54 S 67 25 w S 14 47 E S 46 37 E N 67 24 E N 14 43 W N 46 36 W 1798 1 Ferry. 1355 1 Huddle. 3040 Revell. 3 39 04 43-82 76 28 59.65 S 65 31 w S 7 31 E S 42 44 E N 65 30 E N 7 31 W N 42 43 W 1994 Ferry. 1459 ' Huddle. 302S Revell. 4 39 04 27. 92 76 28 39. 59 N 15 02 E S 82 56 W S 20 17 W S 15 02 W N 82 55 E N 20 17 E 632 Iron. 2360 Ferry. 971 Huddle. UMPHASIS. {Magothy River— Chart No. 2. ) / // / // / Yards. I 39 03 53- 86 76 29 16. 45 N 69 22 E N 44 30 W N 54 44 W S 69 23 w S 44 30 E S 54 45 E 676 2223 3428 Huddle. Ham. Horn. 2 39 04 11.64 76 29 02.84 N81 30 W S 37 14 E N 33 46 E S 81 30 E N37 14 W s 33 46 w 1750 454 1394 Ferry. Huddle. Iron. 3 39 04 10. 87 75 28 45.31 N 82 36 W S 29 01 W S 56 25 E S 82 37 E N 29 01 E N 56 25 W 2210 384 2014 Ferry Huddle. Revell. BLACK. {Magothy River— Chart No. 2.) ' / / Yards. I 39 03 47- 41 76 28 17.54 N 66 27 E N II 52 W N 63 34 W S 66 28 W S II 53E S 63 34 E 2993 2020 1024 Bluff. Iron. Huddle. 2 39 03 48. 38 76 28 29.45 N 69 10 E N 3 01 W N 54 58 W S69 II W S 3 01 E S 54 58 E 3271 1947 737 Bluff. Iron. Huddle. 3 39 03 54-30 ■ 76 28 31.69 N 72 49 E N I 26W N 67 42 W S 72 50 w S I 26E S 67 42 E 3262 1744 588 Bluff. Iron. Huddle. 4 39 03 59- 98 76 28 13. 76 N 73 44 E N 18 21 W N 88 13 W S 73 45 W S 18 21 E S 88 13 E 2755 1636 1016 Bluff. Iron. Huddle. 30 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. PERSIMMON. {Magothy River — Chart No. 2.) Cor- of bar True bearing Longitude U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station . Yards. 1 I 39 03 16. 00 76 26 46. 33 S 54 28 E N 31 28 E N 22 14 W N 54 28 W S 31 28 W S 22 14 E 986 1913 3183 Purse. Welch. Dobbins. 2 39 03 28. 52 76 26 24. 15 S 12 II E N 18 57 E N35 18 W N 1 2 1 1 W S 18 57 W S 35 18 E 1018 1278 3093 Purse. Welch. Dobbins. 3 39 "3 22. 07 76 26 06. 65 N I 48 W N 39 20 W S 17 22 W S I 48 E S 39 21 E N 17 22 E 1427 3545 815 Welch. Dobbins. Purse. OUTER MAGOTHY. {Chesapeake Bay between Satidy Point and Magothy River— Chart No. 2.) / // , „ / / Yards. I 39 02 06. 32 76 24 06. 90 N 76 20 W S 13 38 E S 34 43 E S 76 20 E N 13 38 W N 34 43 W 848 1320 2837 Magoth}'. Corn. vSand.v Point LiKht- 2 39 03 14.62 76 26 08. 00 vS 21 17 W S 48 19 E N 19 W N 21 16 E N 48 18 W S 19 E 565 3163 1679 Purse. . Magothv. Welch. ■ 3 39 03 23. 58 76 25 53- 64 S 35 06 W S 39 31 E N 15 42 W N 35 06 E N 39 3' W fa 15 42 E 1014 3118 1433 Purse. Magothv. Welch. " 4 39 03 12.25 76 24 06. 11 •S 82 33 w S 22 39 W S 19 18E N 82 32 E N 22 39 E N 19 17 W 3439 2193 4826 Purse. Magothy. Sandy Point Light. 5 39 02 21.04 76 23 17-27 N 74 44 W S 82 05 w S 6 15 E S 74 46 E N 82 05 E N 6 15W 4867 2149 2844 Purse. Magothy. Sandy Point Light. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Aid. SANDY POINT NORTH. {Chesapeake Bay — North of Sandy Point — Chart No. 2.) 31 Cor- Latitude Lougitude True bearing U. S. C. & G. S. triaiigulation station. of bar Forward Back I 39 01 00.00 76 23 26. 00 S So 01 E N 38 41 W S 39 01 w N So 01 W S 38 4t E N 39 01 E Yards. 547 1222 752 Sandy Point Light. Corn. Bay Side. 2 39 01 33.96 76 23 31.39 N 53 41 W S 72 53 W S 28 47 E S 53 42 E N 72 53 E N 28 47 W 2182 652 1415 Magothy. Corn. Sandy Point Light. 3 : 39 02 06. 32 76 24 06. 90 N 76 20 W S 13 38 E S 34 43 E S 76 20 E N 13 38 W N 34 43 W 848 1320 2837 Magothy. Corn. Sandy Point Light. 4 1 39 02 21.04 76 23 17.27 N 74 44 W S 82 05 W S 6 15 E S 74 46 E N 82 05 E N 6 15 W 4867 2149 2844 Purse. Magothy. Sandy Point Light. 5 39 01 09. 03 76 22 54. 49 N 67 51 W S 55 42 W S 35 56 W S 67 52 E N 55 41 E N 35 56 E 1721 1577 493 Corn. Bay Side. Sandy Point Light. SANDY POINT SOUTH. ( Chesapeake Bay between Sandy Point and Severn River — Chart No. 2. / // / // / / Yards. I 38 59 25.24 76 24 12. 60 N 29 39 E N 54 24 W S 76 41 w ,S 29 40 w S 54 25 E N 76 40 E 3568 1 135 T889 Sandy Point Light. Clump. Hackett. 2 38 59 3'- 59 76 24 22.86 N35 II E N 55 38 W S 67 30 W S 35 12 w S 55 38 E N 67 29 E 3532 792 1697 Sandy Point Light. Chnnp. Hackett. 3 39 00 09. 70 76 24 09. 40 N 46 24 E N31 01 E S 50 14 W S 46 24 W S 31 01 W N 50 14 E 2322 1298 1311 Sandv Point Light. Bay Side. Clump. 4 39 GO 40. U2 76 23 19. 79 N 31 01 E N 81 59 W S 51 12 w S 13 01 W S 81 59 E Nsr II E 690 643 2969 Sandy Point Light. Bay Side. Clump. 5 39 00 39. 6u 76 23 n>. 25 Nil 55 E N 83 20 W S 54 15 W S II 55 W S 83 20 E N 54 14 E 608 893 3161 Sandv Point Light. Bay vSide. Clump. 6 39 00 09. 44 76 23 25.80 N 18 21 E N 23 07 W S 68 57 W S 18 22 W S 23 07 E N 68 56 E 1696 1222 2310 Sandy Point Light. Bay Side. Clump. 7 38 59 30.91 76 24 Ot). 00 N 26 14 E N 69 29 W S 73 54 W S 26 15 W S 69 29 E N 73 53 E 3244 1340 2258 Sandy Point Light. Clump. Hackett. 32 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arimdel County, Md. HACKETT POINT. (^Annapolis Roads^Chart No. 2.) Cor- True bearing Distance bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 57 49. 56 76 25 51.90 N 15 32 E N 76 41 W S 35 05 W S 15 32 w S 76 42 E N 35 04 E 2897 2281 3260 Hackett. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. 2 38 58 13. 82 76 26 05. 14 N 29 40 E S 81 08 W S 23 38 w S 29 41 w N 8r 07 E N 23 37 E 2271 1894 3806 Hackett. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. 3 38 58 49. 60 76 25 50.84 N 44 17 E N 17 06 W S 56 19 w S 44 17 W S 17 06 E N 56 18 E 1073 i960 2702 Hackett. Chase. Greenbury Point Light. 4 38 58 52. 60 75 25 22. 77 N 27 39 E N 46 E S 61 50 W S 27 40 W vS 46 W N 61 48 E 1989 665 3388 Clump. Hackett. Greenbury Point Light. 5 3S 59 31- 59 76 24 22. 86 N 35 1 1 E N 55 38 W S 67 30 W S 35 12 w S 55 38 E N 67 29 E 3532 792 1697 Sandy Point Light. Clump. Hackett. 6 38 59 25.24 76 24 12.60 N 29 39 E N 54 24 W S 76 41 W S 29 40 W S 54 25 E N 76 40 E 3568 1135 1889 Saudy Point Light. Clump. Hackett. 7 38 59 02. 50 76 24 18. 26 N 28 29 W N 78 54 W S 67 35 W S 28 29 E vS 78 54 E N 67 33 E 1625 1721 5068 Clump. Hackett. Greenbur}' Point Light. 8 38 57 54- 38 76 24 54.95 N 15 23 W N 84 25 W S 50 00 W S 15 23 E S 84 26 E N 49 59 E 2726 3737 4404 Hackett. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. WHITEHALL CREEK. {Whitehall Bay— Chart No. 3.) / // / // = / / Yards. I 38 59 30. 41 76 25 55. 80 N 41 54 W S 36 22 W S 60 41 E S 41 55 E N 36 21 E N 60 41 W 667 3571 479 Chase. Greenbury Point Light. Spit. 2 38 59 36. 98 76 26 27. 62 S 22 27 W S 70 02 E N 54 54 E N 22 27 E N 70 02 W S 54 54 W 3351 1335 479 Greenbury Point Liglit. Spit. Chase. 3 38 59 39- 61 76 26 27. 17 S 22 04 W S 66 20 E N 63 51 E N 22 04 E N 66 20 W S 63 51 W 3437 1357 423 Greenbury Point Light. Spit. Chase. 4 38 59 39-62 76 26 06. 79 N 40 04 W S 29 51 w vS 52 22 E S 40 04 E N 29 50 E N 52 21 W 243 3672 892 Chase. Greenbury Point Light. Spit. 5 38 59 48. 92 76 25 53.42 S 75 56 W S 22 27 E S 85 27 E N 75 55 E N 22 27 W N 85 26 W 524 930 1736 Chase. Spit. Clump. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. SAND SPIT. ( Whitehall Bay— Chart No. 2.) 33 Cor- True bearing ner lyatitude IvOUgitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station. ot bar Forward Back I / // 38 59 28. 58 76 25 40. 10 N 56 58 W S I 24E N 68 19 E S 56 59 E N I 24 W S 68 20 W Yards. 1025 173 1484 Chase. Spit. Clump. 2 38 59 32. 55 76 25 43. 61 S 17 29 E N 74 16 E N61 01 W N 17 29 W S 74 17 W S 61 02 E 322 1529 876 Spit. Clump. Chase. 3 38 59 36. 64 76 25 31.06 N 75 21 W S 27 44 W N 76 23 E S 75 22 E N 27 44 E S 76 23 w 1131 502 1175 Chase. Spit. Clump. WHITEHALL. (Annapolis Roads — Chart No. 2.) / // / / Yards. I 38 57 34- 40 76 26 50. 62 N 23 37 W S 63 14 W S 8 38 W S 23 38 E N 63 13 E N 8 38 E 1912 2154 2183 Greenbury. Gram. Tolly. 2 38 57 58. 45 76 27 23. 80 S 10 26 W N 41 27 E N 66 13 W N 10 26 E S 41 27 W S 66 13 E 3018 302 1801 Tolly. Greenbury Point Light. Horn. 3 38 58 31-52 76 26 46. 72 N rg 48 E S 78 35 W S 41 08 W S 19 49 W N 78 35 E N 41 08 E • 2645 886 1 183 Chase. Greenbury. Greenbury Point Light. 4 38 58 57- 50 76 26 47-47 S 23 12 w N 63 46 b; N 29 38 E N 23 12 E S 63 47 w S 29 38 W 1920 1982 1848 Greenbur}' Point Light. Spit. Chase. 5 38 59 20. 75 76 26 27. 40 S 26 45 W N 85 49 E N 25 08 E N 26 45 E S 85 49 W S 25 08 w 2855 1252 911 Greenbury Point Lii^ht. Spit. Chase. 6 38 59 09.60 76 26 21. 62 N 66 55 E Nil 02 E S 66 56 W S II 02 w 1 192 1222 Spit. Chase. S 46 20 W N 46 20 E 2114 Greenbury. 7 38 58 45. 22 76 26 28. 90 N 44 59 E N It 53E S 64 31 W S 44 59 W S II 53 w N 64 31 E 1823 2065 1482 Spit. Chase. Greenbury. 8 38 58 06. 96 76 26 17. 16 N 33 10 E S 87 45 W S 20 22 w S 33 10 W N 87 45 E N 20 22 E 2633 1555 3473 Hackett. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. 34 Sicrvey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. WRECK BUOY. {^Annapolis Roads — Chart No. 2.) Cor- ner I^atitude I^ongitude True bearing U. S. C. S G. S. triangulation station. of bar Forward Back I / // 38 57 45. 00 / // 76 26 08. 80 / N I 28W N 69 03 W S 29 36 W S I 28E S 69 03 E N 29 36 E Yards. 4053 1901 2893 Chase. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. 2 38 57- 45- 74 76 26 24. 60 N 4 26E N 64 17 W S 21 45 W S 4 26 W S 64 17 E N 21 44 E 4039 1508 2735 Chase. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. 3 38 57 56. 16 76 26 26.80 N 5 45E N 76 53 W S 18 17 W S 5 45W S 76 54 E N iS 16 E 3694 1336 3045 Chase. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. 4 38 57 57-21 76 25 57. 41 N 6 20W N 82 38 W S 30 34 W S 6 20E S 82 39 E N 30 34 E 3662 2092 3400 Chase. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. TOLLY POINT. (Annapolis Roads — Charts Nos. 2 and j.) a / // / // / Yards. I 38 55 51.02 76 25 58. 66 N 24 18 W N51 56W S 4 31 w S 24 17 E S 51 56 E N 4 31 E 4963 2154 3883 Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. Thomas Point Light. 2 38 56 45. 52 76 27 13.00 S 27 13E N 30 27 E N 40 oS W N 27 12 W S 30 28 w S 40 09 E 573 5744 2884 Tolly. Hackett. Start. 3 38 57 28. 74 76 27 32.60 N 60 54 W S 46 22 W S 21 35 E S 60 54 E N 46 22 E N 21 35 W 1537 1 130 2115 Start. Gram. Tolly. 4 38 57 42. 02 76 27 10.60 N 10 44 W S 48 42 W S 4 42 E S 10 45 E N 48 42 E N 4 42 W 794 1859 2422 Greenbury Point Light. Gram. Tolly. 5 38 57 13- 35 76 26 51. 19 N 20 40 W S 82 14 w S 12 11 W S 20 40 E N 82 14 E N 12 II E 1867 1926 1481 Greenbury Point Light. Gram. Tolly. 6 38 57 03-78 76 26 25. 24 N 20 52 E N 33 02 W S 41 31 w S 20 53 W S 33 02 E N41 31 E 4640 2463 1503 Hackett. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. ' 38 56 13-81 76 25 32.62 N 2 33E N 36 00 W N 76 46 W S 2 33W S 36 01 E S 76 46 E 6027 4641' 2447 Hackett. Greenbury Point Light. Tolly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. CHINKS POINT. {Annapolis Roads — Chart No. 2.) 35 Cor- I^atitude Longitude True bearing U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station. of bar Forward Back I 38 57 17-56 76 28 00. 09 N 35 45 E N 28 51 W S 13 07 W S 35 44 W S 28 51 E N 13 07 E Yards. 1977 1284 413 Greenbury Point Light. Start. Gram. 2 38 57 53- 74 76 28 09. 53 S 75 31 W S 5 27 E N 74 40 E N 75 31 E N 5 27 W S 74 41 W 383 1629 1456 Start. Gram. Greenbury Point Light. 3 38 57 59. 42 76 27 47. 38 S 73 14 W ? 13 17 w N 76 45 E N 73 14 E N 13 17 E S 76 45 W 996 1863 843 Start. Gram. Greenbury Point Light. 4 38 57 42. 02 76 27 10. 60 N 10 44 W S 48 42 W S 4 42 E S 10 45 E N 48 42 E N 4 42 W 794 1859 2422 Greenbury Point Light. Gram. Tolly. 5 38 57 28. 74 76 27 32. 60 N 60 54 W S 46 22 w S 21 35 E S 60 54 E N 46 22 E N 21 35 W 1537 1130 2115 Start. Gram. Tolly. INSIDE GREENBURY POINT. {Lower Severn River — Chart No. 2.) I 38 58 13-37 / // 76 27 29.65 S 61 56 W S 51 54 E N30 56 E N 61 55 E N51 54 w S 30 56 w Yards. 1610 449 510 Start. Greenbury Point Light. Greenbury. 2 38 58 14.06 76 27 36. 89 S 57 35 W S 61 06 E N47 34 E N 57 .35 E N 61 06 W S 47 34 W 1457 622 612 Start. Greenbury Point Light. Greenbury. 3 38 58 55- 75 76 27 29.30 S 82 28 W S51 15 W S II 25 E N 82 28 E N51 15 E Nil 24 W 3156 1927 1 741 State House Dome. Horn. Greenbury Point Light. 4 38 58 54- 50 76 27 18.35 S 83 48 W S 56 59 w S I 56E N 83 48 E N 56 58 E N I 56W 3438 2137 1666 >State House Dome. Horn. Greenbury Point Light. 36 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. HORN POINT. {Mouth of Severn River — Chart No. 2. ) Cor-' Longitude True bearing U. S. C. & G. .S. triangulation station. bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 57 59-58 76 28 13. 62 N 82 55 E N 26 02 W S 82 55 W S 26 02 E 1523 766 Greenbury Point LiKht. Horn. S 41 57W N 41 56 E 395 Start. 2 38 58 25.61 76 28 14.43 N 72 44 W S 58 57 W S 65 46 E vS 72 45 E N 58 57 E N 65 46 W 202S 367 1681 State House Dome. Horn. Greenbury Point Light. 3 38 58 34- 38 76 28 46. 21 S 67 25 E N 20 20 E N 67 26 W S 20 20 w 2566 1339 Greenbury Point Light. Bluff. N 74 27 W S 74 28 E 1 146 State House Dome. 4 38 58 49- 44 76 28 17.05 N 22 03 W S 83 54 w S 47 00 E S 22 03 E N 83 53 E N 46 59 W 806 1S83 2190 Bluff. State House Dome. Greenbury Point Light. 5 38 58 40.06 76 28 06. 03 N 29 oS W N 86 56 W S 29 08 E S 86 57 E I2I7 2165 Bluff. State House Dome. S 48 05 E N 48 05 W 1763 Greenbury Point Light. 6 I 38 58 07. 42 76 27 49. 50 S 85 00 E N I 08E N 85 00 W S 1 08 W 879 1695 Greenbury Point Light. Fort. S 58 n W N 58 II E 105b Start. OLD FORT. [Lower Severn River — Chart No. .?. ) I / // 38 58 41. 78 / // 76 27 42.38 N 15 57 W S 57 38 W S 48 52 E / S 15 57 E N 57 37 E N 48 51 W Yards. 561 1375 793 Fort. Horn. Greenbury. 2 38 58 49. 56 76 28 09. 64 N 64 08 E N 33 48 W S 23 51 W S 64 09 W S 33 48 E N23 51 E 627 S95 1090 Fort. Bluff. Horn. 3 38 5S 56- 77 76 27 57. 56 S 79 22 W S 31 28 w S 44 08 E N 79 22 E N 31 28 E N 44 08 W . 2427 1453 1430 State House Dome. Horn. Greenbury. 4 38 58 49- 85 76 27 37.41 S 85 48 w S 52 01 w S 30 26 E N 85 47 E N 52 00 E N 30 26 W 2923 1636 921 State House Dome. Horn. Greenbury. Stirvey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. LITTLE SANDY. {Lower Severn River — Chart No. 2.) 37 Cor- Latitude I^ongitiide True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. .S. triangiiUition station. of bar Forward Back I 3S 58 49- S6 76 28 og. 64 N 64 08 E N 33 48 W S 23 51 w S 64 09 W S 33 48 E N 23 51 B Yards. 627 895 1090 Fort. Bluff. Horn . 2 38 58 59- 72 76 28 r6. 91 N 37 24 W S 73 45 W S 40 58 E S 37 24 E N 73 44 E N 40 57 W 504 i954 2438 Bluff. State House Dome. Greenbury Liglit. 3 38 58 56. 77 76 27 57. 56 S 79 22 W S 31 28 W S 44 08 E N 79 22 E N31 28 E N 44 08 W 2427 1453 1430 State House Dome. Horn. Greenbury. CRECES COVE. {Lower Severn' River — Chart No. 2.) I 3859 13-44 76 28 38. 63 N 39 18 W S 52 15 w S 76 47 E S 39 19 E N 52 14 E N 76 47 ^v Yards. "94 1646 272 Brice. State House Dome, Bluff. 2 38 59 23-31 76 28 39. 65 N 50 59 W S 43 34 W S 9 17 E S 51 00 E N 43 33 E N 9 17 W 938 1854 2164 Brice. State House Dome. Horn 3 3859 23-65 76 28 33. 55 S 85 24 W S 46 43 W S 5 01 E N 85 24 E N 46 42 E N 5 01 W 1498 1975 2155 Hospital Cupola. State House Dome. Horn. 4 3859 13-78 76 28 33. 22 N 44 34 W S 54 46 W S 59 03 E S 44 34 E N 54 46 E N 59 03 W 1281 1771 143 Brice. State House Dome. Bluff. FERRY POINT. {Lozvcr Sez'eni Rijier — Chart No. 2.) / ,/ / , Yards. I 38 59 23. 08 76 28 49.50 N 38 05 W S 84 37 W S 37 19 w S 38 05 E N 84 37 E N 37 19 E 760 1078 1679 Brice. Hospital Cupola. State House Dome. 2 38 59 34- 03 76 28 58.13 N 46 39 W S 60 57 W S 24 53 W S 46 39 E N 60 56 E N 24 53 E 334 -969 1879 Brice. Hospital Cupola. State House Dome. 3 38 59 36. 13 76 28 54.03 N 65 41 W S 60 27 W S 26 51 W S 65 41 E N 60 26 E N 26 51 E 385 1098 1989 Brice. Hospital Cupola. State House Dome. 4 38 59 24. 91 76 28 45. 70 N 46 43 W S 82 06 W S 38 40 W S 46 43 E N 82 06 E N 38 40 E 783 1185 1789 Brice. Hospital Cupola. State House Dome. 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. PEACH ORCHARD. {Middle Severn River— Chart No. 2.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station. of bar Forward Back I 38 59 36. 22 76 29 17.07 N 58 41 E N 59 42 W S 32 37 W S 58 41 w vS 59 42 E N 32 36 E Yards. 300 644 646 Brice. Field. Hospital Cupola. 2 38 59 46.01 76 29 13.91 N 31 34 W S 89 33 W S 44 37 E S 31 34 E N 89 33 E N 44 37 W 1318 640 245 Knob. Field. Brice. 3 39 00 06. 98 76 29 25. 53 N 42 43 W S 25 06 W S 28 25 E S 42 43 E N 25 06 E N 28 25 W ^ 566 786 1005 Knob. Field. Brice. 4 39 00 09. 77 : 76 29 35. 76 N51 nW S 4 34 W S 37 27 E vS 51 13 E N 4 34E N 37 27 W 1219 809 1229 Spring. Field. Brice. 5 39 00 15.30 76 29 29.75 N 63 36 W S 12 38 w S 26 54 E S 63 36 E N 12 38 E N 26 53 W 305 1017 1304 Knob. Field. Brice. 6 39 00 12.79 ' 76 29 23.64 N 63 06 W S 22 53 W S 21 41 E S 63 06 E N 22 53 E N 21 41 W 487 985 1 159 Knob. Field. Brice. 7 3S 59 58.56 1 76 29 12.85 N 45 43 W S 57 19W S 13 35 E S 45 43 E N 57 18 E N 13 35 W 1003 793 6i5 Knob. Field. Brice. 8 38 59 39. 41 76 29 10.39 N 59 01 E N 73 27 W S 38 48 W S 59 01 W S 73 28 E N 38 48 E 93 763 837 Brice. Field. Hospital Cupola. WEEMS LOWER. {Middle Severn Riz / // / Yards. 1 59 01 59.21 76 32 43.64 N 70 18 E N 37 47 W N 83 21 W S 70 19 w S 37 48 E S 83 21 E 1117 1845 675 Arnold. Long. Bay. 2 1 39 02 lu. 37 76 33 21. 98 i S 48 34 E N 6 26W N 55 52 W N 48 34 W S 6 26E S 55 52 E 451 1088 838 Bay. Long. Island. 3 39 02 17.67 ! 76 33 07.79 N 78 09 W S 3 44W S 81 42 E S 78 10 E N 3 44E N81 41 W 1089 548 1704 Island. Bay. Arnold. 4 39 02 06. 17 ; 76 32 46.63 1 N82 51 E N 40 41 W S 75 12 w S 82 52 W S 40 42 E N 75 12 E 1 138 1613 612 Arnold. Long. Bay. 44 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne ^liundcl County, Md. ARNOLD POINT. { upper Severn River— Chart No. 2. ) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance Yards. 888 266 1757 U. S. C. & G. .S. t riaiigulation station. of bar Forward Back I 39 02 o6. 40 76 32 12.40 S 22 53 E N 59 45 E N 3 52 W N 22 53 W S 59 45 W 3 3 52 E Brewer. Arnold. Swan.' 2 39 "i 17- 75 76 32 29. 85 S 33 33 E S 70 08 E N 13 57 E N 33 33 W N 70 07 W S 13 57 W 1440 733 '413 Brewer. Arnold. Swan. 3 39 "2 47- 4S 76 32 22. 95 S 3S 06 \V S 15 36 E N 23 20 E N 38 05 E N 15 35 VV S 23 20 W 1970 2288 401 Bay. Brewer. Swan. 4 39 02 42.43 76 32 16, 43 N I 19 W S 45 09 W S 12 18 E S I 19 E N 45 08 E N 12 18 \V 539 1955 20S1 Swan. Bay. Brewer. 5 39 02 22. 39 76 32 19. 14 N 2 47 E S 61 52 w S 20 46 E S 2 47 w N61 51 E N 20 46 W 1216 1492 1452 Swan. Bay. Brewer. BIG ISLAND. ( Upper Severn River — Chart No. 2.) <= / // / // / / Yards. I 39 02 28. 99 76 34 GO. 56 S 55 36 E N 63 04 E N 20 15 E N 55 36 W S 63 04 w S 20 15 w 1639 1002 1613 Bay. Long. Sharp. 2 39 02 33. 62 76 34 04. 88 S 53 34 E N 73 32 E N 26 20 E N 53 34 W S 73 32 W S 26 20 W 1822 1050 1515 Bay. Long. Sharp. 3 39 02 38. 13 76 33 56. 80 S 45 27 E N 79 37 E N 20 52 E N 45 26 W S 79 38 W S 20 52 w 1760 807 1 290 Bay. Long. Sharp. ROUND BAY. {Upper Severn River— Chart No. 2.) , // / ,/ / / Yards. I 39 "2 58. 56 76 33 3'-65 S 13 42 E N 44 38 E N 21 22 W N 13 42 W S 44 38 W S 21 22 E 558 Long. 1676 High, 554 Sharp. 2 39 03 06. 69 76 33 34. 04 S 13 26 E N 53 28 E N 29 53 W N 13 26 W S 53 28 W S 29 53 E 840 1544 279 Long. High. Sharp. 3 39 03 04- 34 76 33 18. 90 N 40 10 E N 59 07 W S 15 22 W S 40 10 W S 59 07 E N 15 22 E 1307 626 766 High. Sharp. Long. Snn'cy oj Oyslcr Bais, Anne Aiiindcl County, Md. ROCK POINT UPPER. ( Upper Severn River — Chart No. 2. ) 45 Cor- "of^ I,atitiide bar IvOngitude True bearing Forward Back r I 39 03 17-9' 76 33 01.49 S 60 44 E N 35 26 E N 56 01 W N60 43 W S 35 26 W S 56 02 E Yards. 1344 664 1746 Swan. High. Cedar. 2 39 "3 36. 56 76 32 59- 5S N 76 58 W s 53 48 w S 75 16 E S 76 58 E N 53 47 E N75 16 W 1538 1296 347 Cedar. Sharp. High. 3 39 "3 37- 36 76 32 54. 13 N 78 58 W S 56 20 w S 59 00 E S 78 59 E N 56 19 E N 59 00 W 1672 1428 223 Cedar. Sharp. High. 4 39 03 20. 36 76 32 4S. 52 S 48 20 E N 5 28E N 63 28 W N 48 20 W S 5 28 W S 63 29 E 1113 460 2005 Swan. High. Cedar. UNDER THE GUMS. (Chesapeake Bay bchcceii Annapolis Roads and Thomas Point — Chart No. j.) / / // / / Yards. I 38 54 43- 58 76 27 13. 97 N ^r 36 W S 88 06 W S 31 35 E N 88 05 E 1262 1441 Cottage. Arundel. S 3 09E N 3 u9 W 488 Thomas. 2 ,V8 55 53- 62 76 27 32. 82 S 7 14 W S 10 25 E N 25 29 E N 7 14E N 10 25 W S 25 29 W 1298 2891 934 Cottage. Thonia.s. Ba3' Ridge Stack. 3 38 56 17- II 76 26 59. 76 N 10 58 W N 83 43 W S 26 30 w S 10 58 E S 83 43 E N 26 29 E 457 471 2324 Tollv. Bay Ridge Stack. Cottage. 4 38 56 09. tj6 76 26 48. 87 N 66 51 W S 36 13 W S 12 48E S 66 51 E N 36 12 E N 12 48 W 821 2242 4594 Bay Ridge Stack. Cottage. Thomas Point Light. 5 38 55 25.41 76 26 56.64 N 17 03 W S 73 17W S 22 07 E S 17 04 E N 73 17 E N 22 07 W 1878 1 169 3248 Bay Ridge Stack. Cottage. Thomas Point I,ight. 6 38 54 50. 14 76 26 49.48 N 56 53 W vS 41 12 W S 56 .53 E N 41 12 E 1563 937 Cottage. Thomas. S 29 38 E N 29 37 W 2091 Thomas Point Light. 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, Annf Arundel Couiilv, Md. THOMAS POINT NORTH. {North of Thomas Point Light — Chart No. j.) Cor- I^atitiide Longitude True bearing U. S. C. & G. S. triaugulation st of Distance atiou. bar Forward Back / // / // c / / i'ards. I 38 53 44. 24 76 25 52. 57 N 42 18 W N 54 26 W S 79 25 W S 42 19 E S 54 27 E N 79 23 E 4167 2604 5612 Cottage. Thomas. Gowan. \ ^ 38 53 55- 73 76 26 23. 01 N 87 08 E N 36 45 W S -73 13 W S 87 08 W S 36 46 E N73 II E 337 3357 4924 Thomas Point Light. Cottage. Gowan. 3 38 54 09. 43 76 26 21.37 N 63 57 W S 68 26 W S 63 57 E N 68 24 E 1512 5116 Thomas. Gowan . S 33 23 E N 33 23 W 533 Thomas Point Light. 4 38 54 41.78 76 26 54. 87 N 45 41 W S 47 34 W S 37 26 E S 45 41 E N 47 34 E N 37 26 W 1628 644 1932 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point I^ight. 5 38 54 50. 14 76 26 49. 48 N 56 53 W S 41 12 w S 29 38 E >S 56 53 E N41 12 E N 29 37 W 1563 937 2091 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point Light. 6 38 55 00. 30 76 26 22.75 N 75 45 W S 51 32 W S 8 40E S 75 46 E N51 31E N 8 40 W 2073 1690 2185 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point Light. 7 38 54 48. 81 76 25 55.02 N 71 53 W S 72 06 W S 12 45 W S 71 54 E N 72 05 E N 12 45 E 2887 2159 1819 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point Light. 8 38 54 23. 04 76 26 02. 85 N55 09W N 83 39 W S.12 10 W S 55 09 E S 83 39 E N 12 10 E 3094 1859 925 Cottage. Thomas. Thomas Point Light. I Siirt'cy of Oyslrr Bars, Anne Anindcl Comity, Aid. 47 THOMAS POINT vSOUTH. ( Off entrance to South River— Chart No. 3.) Cor- I.atitiKlc Longitude 76 27 15. 19 True bearing of bar Forward Back Distance U. S. C! & G. S. triangnlatioii st-ilion. I 38 53 11-92 N 48 49 E N I 18 E N 89 02 W S 48 49 W S I irfW .S 89 03 E Yards. 2275 2604 3340 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan. 2 38 54 15- ou 76 27 24.91 S 72 09 E N 33 29 E N81 10 W N 72 09 W S 33 29 W S 81 12 E 2067 572 3606 Thomas Point I,ight. Thomas. Selby. 3 3S 53 55- 73 76 26 23. 01 N 87 08 E N 36 45 W S 73 13 W S 87 08 w S 36 46 E N 73 II E 337 3357 4924 Thomas Point Light. Cottage. Gowan. 4 3.S 53 44. 24 76 25 52,57 N 42 18 W N 54 26 W vS 79 25 W S 42 19 E S 54 27 E N 79 23 E 4167 2604 5612 Cottage. Thomas. Gowan. 5 38 53 17-66 76 26 06. 79 N 4 02 W N 35 59 W S 88 30 W S 4 02 E S 35 59 E N 88 28 E 1304 2975 5143 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan. <> 38 53 31-79 76 26 16. 39 Nil 06 E N 37 37 W S 82 52 W vS 1 1 06 W S 37 38 E N 82 50 E 840 2442 4928 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan. 7 38 53 30- 53 76 27 07. 21 N 57 10 E N 8 54 W S 81 14 w S 57 10 W S 8 54E N81 13 E 1599 2000 3745 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan. OLD WOMAN. {Chesapeake Bay — Entrance to South River^ Chart No. j.) I 38 53 "-92 / // 76 27 15. 19 / N 48 49 E N I iS E N 89 02 W , S 48 49 w S I 18W S 89 03 E Vartts. 2275 2604 3340 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan . 2 38 53 20. 61 76 28 06.36 N 68 35 E N31 21 E S 83 14 W S 68 36 W S 31 21 W N 83 13 E 3287 2706 2006 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Gowan. 3 38 54 11.00 76 28 25. 29 S 82 oi'e N 22 41 E N 70 44 W N 82 03 W S 22 41 W S 70 45 E 3594 1 138 2089 Thomas Point Light. ArundeL Selby. 4 38 54 15. 00 76 27 24. 91 S 72 09 E N 33 29 E NSi 10 W N 72 09 W S 33 29 W S 81 12 E 2067 572 3606 Thomas Point Light. Thomas. Selby. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. MARSHY POINT. {Mouth of South River— Chart No. j.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. &0. S. Iriaiigulatio u station . of bar Forward Back I 38 53 20.61 / // 76 28 u6. 36 N 68 35 E N 31 21 E S 83 14 W S 68 36 W S 31 21 W N 83 13 E yards. 3287 2706 2006 Thomas Point Li.ii!ie Arundel County .^ Md. TUCKER. ( West River— Chart No 3.) 59 Cor- L,atitiide lyOngitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. &G.S Iriangulation station. bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 50 47. 58 76 31 55.85 N31 26 E N 42 00 W S 31 26 w S 42 00 E 551 666 Cove. Shell. S 60 39 w N 60 39 E 629 Counallor. 2 38 50 48. 71 76 32 05. 10 N 50 52 E N 23 47 W S 41 17 W S 50 52 w S 23 47 E N41 17 E 686 501 461 Cove. Shell. Counallor. 3 38 50 53. 60 76 32 03. 13 N 5o 50 E N 40 59 W S 34 51 W S 60 50 W S 40 59 E N 34 51 E 549 3S7 623 Cove. vShell. Counallor. 4 38 50 54. 70 76 3' 54-07 N 46 16 E N 62 37 W vS 47 2Q W S 46 16 W S 62 37 E N 47 20 E 334 556 809 Cove. Shell. Counallor. CHESTON POINT. {Rhode River — Chart No. 3. ) I / // 38 51 40.62 / 76 31 // 05. 16 N37 52E N 35 47 W S 38 31 W S 37 52 W N 35 47 E N 38 31 E ' Yards. 1271 265 1684 Dutchman. Ches. Cove. 2 38 52 18. 00 76 31 06. 88 N 21 31 E N 77 20 W S 5 59 W S 21 31 W S 77 20 E N 5 59 E 645 . 60 105 1 Delta. Rhode. Ches. 3 38 52 '3- 74 76 31 00.99 S 16 23 W S 74 48 E N 6 15 fe N 16 22 E N 74 47 W S 6 15 W 939 401 748 Ches. Cato. Delta. 4 38 51 46. 58 76 30 57-55 N 35 50 E N 87 43 W S 39 27 w -S 35 50 W S 87 43 E N 39 26 E 990 355 1967 Dutchman. Ches. Cove. DUTCHMAN HOLIvOW. {Rhode River— Chart A'o. j , /, / 0, / Yards. I 38 52 17-54 76 30 48. 48 N 22 25 W S 22 26 E 666 Delta. N 86 59 W ' S 86 59 E 544 Rhode. S 13 46 E N 13 46 W 241 Cato. 2 38 52 21. 98 76 3^^ 54- 43 N II 06 W S II 06E 475 Delta. S 72 37 W N 72 37 E 405 Rhode. S 29 12 E N 29 12 W 439 Cato. 3 38 52 28. 12 76 30 50- 55 N 47 39 W S 47 40 E 1159' Turf. S 56 08 W N 56 08 E 588 Rhode. S 10 42 E N 10 42 W 607 Cato. 6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Artindel County, Md. BRICE FENCE. {Rhode River— Chart No. 3.) Cor- I,atitude I^ongitude True bearing ot bar Forward Back j 01 // c . /, , / Yards. I 38 52 19- 38 76 31 11.05 vS 57 00 E N 57 00 W 61 ! Rhode. N 32 03 E S 32 03 W 653 Delta. N 16 29 W S 16 29 E 1122 Turf. 2 38 52 23.90 76 31 24. S6 S 65 54 E N 65 54 W 455 Rhode. N 60 33 E S 60 33 W 816 Delta, N 2 51 E S 2 51 W 924 Turf. ■^ 38 52 24. 29 76 31 14.78 vS 36 58 E N 36 58 W 249 Rhode. N 48 50 E S 48 50 W 589 Delta. N 13 35 W S 13 35 E 936 Turf. vSTONY HOLLOW. {Rhode River -Chart No. 3.) I 38 52 32.42 76 31 33-04 S 53 09 E s 79 36 w N 22 21 E N 53 08 W N 79 36 E S 22 21 W Yards. 78S 528 688 Rhode, Cupola. Turf. 2 38 52 42.50 76 31 31-75 S 36 18 E S 52 03 W N 37 34 E N36 18 w N ^2 03 E S 37 34 W 1007 702 373 Rhode. Cupola. Turf. 3 38 52 52.04 , 76 31 19.40 S 13 27 E N 35 29 W S 75 10 W N 13 27 W S 35 29 E N 75 10 E 1167 1052 102 Rhode. Calf. Turf. 4 38 52 48.00 • 76 31 17.48 vS 1 2 29 E N 53 26 W N 47 04 E N 12 28 W S 53 26 E vS 47 04 w 1023 185 407 Rhode. Turf. Etua. CHERRY. {Rhode River— Chart No. 3.) / // / // / / Yards. . I 38 52 38.61 76 31 04. 35 S 60 52 E N 60 52 W 195 Delta. N 4 34W S 4 34 E 596 Etna. N 49 13 W S 49 13 E 654 Turf. 2 38 52 43. 34 76 31 04.58 N 5 26 W S 5 26E 437 Etna. N 61 19 W S 61 19 E 557 Turf. S 34 42 E N 34 42 W 309 Delta. 3 38 52 45. 74 76 30 56.00 N 37 04 W S 37 OS E 444 Etna. N 75 23 W S 75 23 E 739 Turf. vS 70 07 W N 70 06 E 1591 Cupola. Survey of Oyster Bars.^ Anne Arundel Counly^ Md. 6i JACKASS. {Rhode River — Chart No. j. Cor- I^atilude IvOngitude True bearing Distance U.S.C.& G.S. triangulation .station. bar Forward j Back I 38 52 53.40 76 31 33.24 S 32 46 w S 74 56 E N 16 54W N 32 45 E N 74 56 W S 16 54 E Yards. 951 277 849 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 2 38 52 57- 82 76 31 32.74 S 48 57 B S 85 39 E N 21 24 W N 48 56 W N 85 39 W S 21 24 E 337 7"3 712 Turf. Etna. Calf. 3 38 53 02. 82 76 31 23.90 N 44 55 W ' S 44 55 E S 3 01 E N 3 01 W S 64 38 E N 64 37 W 69S 390 518 Calf. Turf. Etna. 4 38 52 59. 03 76 31 20.53 N 43 04 W S 43 05 E S 14 37 W , N 14 37 E S 76 04 E i N 76 03 W S52 270 390 Calf. Turf. Etna. BOLSTON BANK. (•Rhode River- Chart No. j.) , // / „ / / Yards. I 38 52 48. 23 76 31 52-57 S 28 W N 82 29 E N 14 55 E N 28E S 82 29 W S 14 55 W 626 783 102 1 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 2 38 52 56. Si 76 31 49-73 S 4 59 W S 75 05 E N 15 05 E N 4 59E N 75 05 W S 15 05 W 919 726 722 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 3 3S 52 54- 68 76 31 43.02 S 16 57 W S 77 38 E N 49E N 16 57 E N 77 38 \V S 49 W 881 537 769 Cupola. Turf. Calf. HIGH ISLAND. [Rhode River — Chart N^o.j.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 53 02. 19 76 31 57- 23 S 6 qS E S 67 44 E N 36 47 E N 6 08 W N 67 4^ W S 36 48 w 1 102 971 644 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 2 38 53 10. 24 76 31 53-18 S 28 E S 51 05 E N 58 48 E N 28 W N 51 05 W S 58 48 W T367 loiS 371 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 3 38 53 07. 64 76 31 49- 00 S 4 26 W S 51 02 E N 26 57 E N 4 26 E N 51 02 W S 26 57 \V 1284 877 372 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 62 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. FLAT ISLAND. ( Rhode River— Charl No. 3. ) Cor- Ivatitude IvOngitude True bearing Distance U.S.C.&G.S triangulation station. of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 53 09. 28 76 32 00. 82 S 9 03 E S 58 31 E N 60 04 E N 9 02 W N 58 30 W S 60 04 W 1352 1162 554 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 2 38 53 15. o3 .76 32 08. 82 S 15 29 E vS 56 22 E N83 u E N 15 29 W N 56 22 W S 83 II W 1587 r447 696 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 3 3S 53 24. iS 76 32 03. 19 S 8 31 E vS 43 35 E vS 67 24 E N S 30 W N 43 35 W N 67 24 W 1858 1532 588 Cupola. Turf. Calf. BT'CE. ( Rhode River — Chart No. j.) , // t II / Yards. I 38 53 27.22 76 31 54- 57 S I 25 E - vS 34 22 E S4^ 51 E N I 25 W N 34 22 W N43 5' W 1940 1469 455 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 2 38 53 30-38 76 32 05.82 S 9 33 E S 40 29 E S 54 36 E N 9 33 W N 40 2S W N 54 35 W 2"75 1733 751 Cupola. Turf. Calf. 3 38 53 35- 18 76 32 03. 90 S 7 34 E S 35 59 E S 43 15 E N 7 34 W N 35 59 W N 43 15 W 2228 1830 819 Cupola. Turf. Calf. Survey of Oys/er Bars, Ainic Arniidcl County, Md. 63 BAY SHORE. ( Chesapeake Bay bchc'een West River and Herring Bay — Chart No. y.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatio of bar Forward Back I 38 46 21. U4 or /r 76 31 55.90 N 21 03 E N 86 52 W S 55 04 W S 21 03 W S 86 52 E N 55 03 E Yards. 2175 728 3819 Broad. Parker. Fairhaven. 2 38 47 45.64 76 30 33. 40 N 25 05 E N 8 22 W S 59 30 W S 25 06 W S 8 22E N 59 29 E 2624 58t 162 1 Franklin. Nut. Broad. 3 38 48 51.50 76 28 52. 6u N 17 25 W N 84 16 W S 59 07 W S 17 25 E S 84 16 E N 59 06 E 2S40 1555 3199 Horseshoe. Franklin. Nut. 4 3S 49 35- 36 76 29 11.96 N 28 33 E N 15 25 W S 38 04 W S 28 35 W S 15 25 E N 38 04 E 10015 1276 1681 Thomas Point I^ight. Horse.shoe. Franklin. 5 38 49 42. 70 76 27 33. 13 N 14 20 E N 71 32W S 66 41 W S 14 21 W S 71 34 E N 66 40 E 8824 3106 3968 Thomas Point Light. Horseshoe. Franklin. 6 38 48 54. 54 76 27 58.99 N 40 58 W N 88 59 W S 67 15 W S 40 59 E S 89 00 E N 67 14 E 3452 2955 4510 Horseshoe, Franklin. Nut. 7 ' 38 48 42.60 76 28 31. 60 N 25 00 W N 77 45 W S 67 52 W S 24 59 E S 77 46 E N 67 51 E 3321 2150 3562 Horseshoe. Franklin. Nut. S 38 46 30.66 76 29 45. 60 N 23 26 W N 57 18 W vS 86 06 W S 23 25 E S 57 19E N 86 04 E 3386 3158 417S Nut. Broad. Parker. 9 3S 46 21.72 i 76 30 20.82 N 6 58 W N 40 43 W N 89 41 W S 6 59E S 40 44 E S 89 43 E 3434 2649 3238 Nut. Broad. Parker. 64 Survey of Oyslcr Bars, Aiii/r Arm/del County, Md. LONG. {Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Herring Bay — Chart No. 4.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing U. S. C. & G. S. rlaugulation station. ba'r Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 44 23.03 76 32 15. 40 S 34 48 E N 12 10 E N 34 48 W S 12 10 w 1740 6148 Holland. Broad. N 55 33 W S 55 34 E 3170 Fairhaven. 2 38 44 22.57 76 32 37. 02 S 48 54 E N 5 04 E N 48 29 W N 47 53 W S 5 04W S 48 30 E 210S 4051 2729 Holland. Parker. Fairhaven. 3 38 46 2r. 04 76 31 55- 90 N 21 OS E N 86 52 W S 21 03 W S 86 52 E 2175 728 Broad. Parker, S 55 04 W N 55 03 E 3819 Fairhaven. 4 38 46 21. 72 76 30 20. 62 N 6 58 W N 40 43 W N 89 41 W vS 6 59 E S 40 44 E S 89 43 E 3434 2649 323S Nut. Broad. Parker. 5 38 45 17.50 76 31 28. 94 N 58 E N 33 24 W S 89 21 W S 58 W S 33 25 E N 89 20 E 4173 2615 3842 Broad. Parker. F'airhaven. 6 38 44 46. 50 76 3t 39.63 N 3 52E N 19 43 W N 74 16 W S 3 52W S 19 44 E S 74 18 E 5231 343t> 3696 Broad. Parker. Fairhaven. FAIRHAVEN. {Herring Bay off Fairhaven — Chart yVo. 4. ) / // / // / / - Yards. I 38 44 33. 63 76 32 47. 46 S 45 51 E N 9 49 E N 50 55 W N 45 50 W S 9 49W S 50 56 E 2566 3716 2277 Holland. Parker. Fairhaven. 2 38 44 39. 19 7^ 33 "-47 S 51 25 E N 20 03 E N 42 16 W N 51 26 W vS 20 03 W S 42 16 E 3165 3699 1686 Holland. Parker. Fairhaven. 3 38 45 04. 65 76 32 56. 40 N 18 23 E N 14 04 W N 75 44 W S 18 24 W S 14 04 E S 75 45 E 2757 2321 1581 Parker. Hopkins. Fairhaven. 4 38 45 47. 06 76 33 27. 00 vS 34 50 W S 34 05 E N 54 45 E N 34 49 E N 34 04 W S 54 45 W 1267 5148 2054 Fairhaven. Holland. Parker. 5 38 45 27. 79 76 32 27. 80 N 3 34 E N41 54 W S 80 19 W .S 3 34 W vS 41 54 E N 80 17 E 1839 1975 2321 Parker. Hopkins. Fairhaven. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. HOLLAND POINT. {Chesapeake Bay, northeast of Holland Point — Chart No. 4.) 65 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station. ot bar Forward Back I 38 43 30. 91 76 29 59.52 N 6 06 W N 33 20 W N 82 47 W / S 6 06E S 33 21 E S 82 48 E Yards. 9221 6914 2617 Nut. Parker. Holland. ' 2 38 43 34- 30 76 30 59. 24 N 3 46E N21 26 W N 53 24 W S 3 47 W S 21 27 E S 53 25 E 9074 6084 5762 Nut. Parker. Fairhaven. 3' 38 44 04. 64 76 32 28. 49 S 58 52 w N I 38E N 43 15 W N 58 52 E S I 38W S 43 16 E 1564 4641 3313 Holland. Parker. Fairhaven . 4 38 45 33- 13 76 30 30.77 N I 45W N 60 54 W S 25 02 W S I 45 E S 60 55 E N 25 01 E 5049 3404 4179 Nut. Parker. Holland. 5 38 45 43. 72 76 29 41. 78 N 17 09 W N 73 04 W S 36 31 w vS 17 10 E S 73 06 E N 36 30 E 4908 4462 5151 Nut. Parker. Holland. 6 38 44 36. 67 76 29 21.57 N 15 54 W N 53 26 W S 62 i8 W S 15 55 E. S 53 28 E N 62 17 E 7228 5977 4064 Nut. Parker. Holland. LANDMARKS (U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGUI,ATION STATIONS). EXPLANATION OF DESCRIPTION OF LANDMARKS. The oyster-culture laws of Marj-land authorizing the survey of natural oyster bars provide for " an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of land- marks as may be necessary to enable the said Board, or their succes.sors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts." The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the erection of ' ' such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland." Under the provisions of the sections of the laws .stated above the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and 'future needs of both the Government and the State. With this end in view considerable effort has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. 330—07 S 66 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Aid. An effort has been made to arrange the description of stations in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assumption that the individual seeking the station has only an indefinite idea of its location. They then graduall)- proceed from general descriptions of the surroundings of a landmark to the specific details of the character of the center and reference markings. An examination of the descrip- tions themselves will indicate the method followed. The heading of each description is the name by which the landmark is known and designated in all work and records executed by the commission. Where the same name is used for two or more stations, as is the case in several instances in Anne Arundel County, the general locality of the station being described is given in paren- theses alongside its name. In the first paragraph, under the heading of "Locality," is given a description of the general locality of the landmark and the serial ninnber of the published chart of the oyster bars of Anne Arundel County which best shows its location. The second paragraph, under this same heading, furni.shes the description of the immediate localit}- of the landmark and refers to the bearing and distance of the cement monument mark- ing the reference station, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached. Under the heading of " Marks ^' a description is given of the markings of the "observed station" and the "reference station." It will be noted that although the "observed station" is the one "occupied" and "observed on" for horizontal angles, it is not marked as well as the reference station, and in many instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case, for the reason that the necessity of inter- visibilit}' of triangulation stations usuall}' made it compulsory to locate stations on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in Chesapeake Bay and tributaries generally means that they will be washed away in a short period of years. The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in this region showed the necessity of reference marks, if the reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation was to be avoided in the near future. The marks designated in the descriptions as " the center point of triangle on stand- ard cement monument" are all exactly alike. They are made out of cement, sand, and gravel and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters " M. S. F. C." arranged around the vertex and the letters " U. S. C. S." underneath the base of the triangle. All of monuments have been planted in the .same manner, with their tops projecting 3 or 4 inches above the surface of the ground. As the above facts in reference to the ' ' standard cement monuments ' ' are a constant element in all the descriptions, their needless repetition is avoided by this one statement. It is the expectation that the "reference stations," the character of which is explained above, will be used in the near future in the place of the original stations. This has been made possible by the careful measurements of direction and distance of these stations from the "observed station" which are recorded under the heading of " References." " "To obtain the geographic positions of anj' of the "observed stations" or of the "reference stations," application should be made to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 6j Under the heading of ' ' References ' ' are given the directions and distances of all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography or location of boundaries of oyster bars, these references will be sufficient in many cases, to relocate the ' ' observed station " or " reference station ' ' when both of them have been destroyed but the reference objects remain. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described. Its direction is taken as being o° oo' oo", and the directions of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right). The true bearing "of the initial object is always given, in parentheses alongside the name. This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the reference objects for the purposes of locating a station bj^ compass bearings, or the relocation of corner buoys of 03'ster-bar boundaries by the method of horizontal angles described under the heading of "Boundaries of natural oyster bars." The distances in the last column under "References" are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The ' ' miles ' ' are statute miles and maj' be considered only as rough estimates. The "yards" are more accurate, but must be looked on as results generally' obtained by pacing or careful estimating. The "meters," however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals and in ever}- case have been measured with a steel tape. NORTH POINT (OLD TOWER). Locality. — South of North Point about 150 yards offshore. (See Chart No. i.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on old stone tower formerly used as a light- house. References. — o / " Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)" S Si 20 E 2/2 miles. CRAIGHILL CHANNEL LIGHT (FRONT RANGE). Locality. — Offshore about 2^ miles east by south of North Point and about 4 miles north-north- east of Bodkin Point. (See Chart No. i.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of black lantern on brown structure known as Craighill Channel Front Range References. — ° ' ■ "North Point (Old Tower)" N Si 19 W lyi miles. ROCK POINT. Locality. — South side of entrance to Rock Creek on Rock Point. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is near the extreme end of point about 70 yards southeast from a small tower and 12 yards from the sea wall. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Seven Foot Knoll Light " (878° 17' E) o 00 00 3 ^^^ miles. Bodkin Point ( Old Tower) 25 43 33;^ miles. Tower on east corner 194 00 70 yards. Outer ' ' White Rocks " 211 07 ^ mile. Water tower (opposite shore) 291 27 2j^ miles. ' «The mean magnetic declination for Anne Arundel County (in 1907) is 5° 45' west of north, and . it is increasing at the rate of 3' yearly. 68 Sm vey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. SEVEN FOOT KNOLL LIGHT. Locality. — Offshore about xYz miles north-northeast of Bodkin Point and 3)4^ miles southeast by south of North Point. (See Chart N6. i.) Marks. — Observed station is center of lantern on brown screw pile structure known as Seven Foot Knoll Light-house. References. — ° ' "Bodkin Point (Old Tower) " S 30 03 W i>^ miles. BODKIN POINT (OLD TOWER). Locality. — South side of entrance to Bodkin Creek, on Bodkin Point, about 15 yards east of old stone house. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is on top and at center of old tower formerly used as a light-house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of a drill hole about 2 inches in diameter and 3 inches deep. References. — ° ' "Seven Foot Knoll Light" N 30 04 E i>< miles. LOCUST. Locality. — On shore of bay, midway between Bodkin Point Tower and the mouth of Magofhy River. Counting down the bay from Bodkin Tower the station is located on the fifth bluff and near the center of it. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is on the top of a bluff 20 feet high. It is 25 feet back from the edge of the bluff and just outside of a large orchard. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.77 meters west of observed station. Matks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub set flush with ground. Reference station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a , ,, "Seven Foot Knoll Light" (N 17° 49' E) ... . o 00 Farm-house (through trees) 165 56 Reference station 242 22 Nail in blaze on tree 249 43 6. 59 meters. Nail in blaze on tree (6 inches diameter) 333 12 15-57 nieters. Bodkin Point (Old Tower) 350 43 1)^ miles. 00 4 miles. }l mile. 20 6. 77 meters. BAY (MAGOTHY RIVER). Locality. — Magothy River, on north shore of Siller}' Bay, about J< mile west of Long Point and lYz miles northeast of Dobbins Island. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is on edge of woods, about 2 feet above and 20 feet back from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.55 meters north of obser\'ed station. Marlis. — Observed station is a nail in a stub surrounded by a pine box projecting 6 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / /i "Dobbins" (S 29° 01' W) o Right tangent Dobbins Island 9 Right tangent small island 19 Nail in blaze on tree ( 12 inches diameter) 112 Reference station 149 Nail in blaze on tree ( 12 inches diameter) 232 Right tangent Gibson Island 326 00 00 1^4" miles. 15 ly^ miles. II \% miles. 15 6.98 meters. 19 10 4.55 meters. 53 9.41 meters. 53 ^Yz miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 69 PHIL. Locality. — North end of Gibson Island on point on south side of entrance to the cove making out from Sillery Bay. This cove nearly separates the island from the mainland. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is on the northwestern side of a low sand spit at about high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 0.95 meters northeast of obser\'ed station. Marks. — Observed station is a broad pole signal with bottom of pole set in a wooden box pro- jecting 6 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of a triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / // " Bay " (N 57° 20' W) o 00 00 % mile. Small white shanty 23 18 % mile. Brown dwelling 129 28 }i mile. Reference station 135 51 00 o. 95 meter. White dwelling (left end) 192 10 3^' mile. HICKORY. Locality. — Northwest shore of Sillery Bay on Hickory Bar Point, about ^ mile north by east of Dobbins Island and 34^ mile west by south of entrance to cove separating Gibson Island from main- land. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is i foot above and 30 feet back from high-water mark and a short distance from the extreme point. Cement monument marking reference station is 2.38 meters northwest of observed station. il/arX'i. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set in a box projecting 6 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of a triangle on standard cement monvnnent. References. — o / // " Dobbins " (S 7° 51' W) o 00 00 3_^' mile. Right tangent Dobbins Island 20 09 ^ mile. Reference st.\tion 131 24 00 2. 38 meters. Nail in blaze on old tree 135 38 7- 36 meters. Left tangent point at entrance to cove 254 29 i mile. Lone tree near "Purse," triangulation station . 332 33 3 miles. SILLERY. Locality. — West shore of Sillery on the northwest point of Gibson Island about i mile northeast of Dobbins Island. (See Chart No. i. ) Observed station is on top of a bluff 6 feet high and 15 feet back from the edge. It is about 50 feet south of the break of the bluff where a low marsh commences. A small stump stands about i foot distant with blaze facing station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.99 meters southeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub set flush with the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hickory " (N 70° 41' W) o 00 00 yi mile. Nail in blaze on hickory tree (6 inches diam- eter) 129 10 9.39 meters. Nail in blaze on locust tree (4 inches diameter) . 174 45 10. 12 meters. REFERENCE STATION 197 49 50 5.99 meters. Unpainted building (seen through trees) 208 44 ^ mile. Left tangent Dobbins Island 303 13 I mile. Chimney on house (opposite shore) 350 47 i mile. JO Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. PEACH HILL. Locality. — Summit of a prominent hill on Gibson Island about % mile back from shore of bay and I V miles north of entrance to Magothy River. (See Chart No. i.) Observed station is on the second hill south of the sand beach connecting Gibson Island with the mainland and }i mile south of a white dwelling house. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.75 nieters southeast of observed station. Marks. — Observ-ed station is the intersection of two cross lines on the top of a granite monument projecting 4 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of a triangle on stand- ard cement monument. References. — o / ,, "Welch" (841° 14' W) o Chimney of house (near Welch ) i Cupola of barn 96 Right tangent of dwelling 134 Nail in stump (5 inches diameter) 177 Reference .station 263 51 % mile. % mile. X mile. 21 % mile. 21 4.13 meters. 48 10 10.75 meters. WELCH. Locality. — Southern end of Gibson Lslahd on top of prominent hill about !>' mile north by west of Mountain Point and i '^ miles southeast of Dobbins Island. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is in the side yard of house belonging to James Ellison and is 29.60 nieters south of the northeast corner of house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Revell" (S69° 56' W) o Nail in blaze on stump (15 inches diameter) . . 71 Northeast corner of porch of house ii5 Nail in blaze on tree (6 inches diameter) 170 Left tangent of Sandy Point 256 00 00 I ^ miles. 13 23. 60 meters. 12 29. 60 meters. 31 30. 83 meters. 00 3 miles. BLUFF (MAGOTHY RIVER). Locality. — West side of Gibson Island and northwest shore of Magothy River, about i mile north- west of Mountain Point. It is near the center of the third prominent bluff from Mountain Point. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on the top of a bluff 20 feet high. It is in a thick woods about 15 feet from the edge of the bluff. Cement monument marking reference station is 5 meters northeast by east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Revell" (S 49° 48' W) o Left tangent Dobbins Island 55 Chimney of white house on Dobbins Island ... 61 Right tangent Dobbins Island 64 Nail in blaze on tree (15 inches diameter) 131 Reference st.\tion 189 Nail in blaze on tree ( 12 inches diameter) 216 Lone tree ( near ' ' Purse ' ' triangulation station ) . 302 00 00 1% miles. 06 I mile. iS I mile. 30 I mile. 59 7. 94 meters. 43 20 5 meters. 58 6. 35 meters. 50 2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County, Aid. 71 DOBBINS. Locality. — North side of Magothy River on extreme east end of Dobbins Island. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on top of a bluff 25 feet high and abouf30 feet back from the edge. Cement monument marking reference station is 3.37 meters west of station. ■ Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub projecting 3 inches above-ground. Reference station is center point of a triangle on standard cement monument. Refevt'iices. — o / // ' ' Bay " ( N 29° o i ' E ) o 00 oo i ',< miles. Yellow house 46 31 i mile. Sandy Point Light 108 22 6 miles. Lone tree near " Purse " triangulation station .123 00 2 '4 miles. Chimney of house on island 201 51 150 yards. Reference station 220 24 50 3.37 meters. Tangent to Hickorj' Bar Point 33S 52 V niile. IRON. Locality. — North shore Magothy River on extreme southeast end of Park Point and between entrances to Park and Broad creeks. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on the top of a bluff about 15 feet higli and is 15 feet back from the edge. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.01 meters northwest by west of station. J/ar/;.s. — Observed .station is a nail in a wooden stub jjrojecting 3 inches above the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Huddle" (S iS° 13' \V) o Nail in blaze on tree ( 12 inches diameter) .... 95 Rekkrence st.\tion 122 Nail in blaze on tree 1 28 Nail in blaze on forked tree 190 House on Dobbins Island 258 Lone tree near ' ' Purse ' ' triangulation .station . 298 47 I mile. 8. 96 meters. 18 20 5.01 meters. 19 10. 46 meters. 57 4-37 meters. II i.^ mile. 13 3 miles. HAM. Locality. — North shore of upper end of Magothy River opposite I'erry Point on first point west of mouth of Blackhole Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on a low flat sandy point making out from a bluff 15 feet high. It is 3 feet above and 10 feet back from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.34 meters north of observed station. .Mar/ts. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub projecting 3 inches above the ground. Ref- erence station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Ferry" (S 14° 17' E) o 00 uo y, mile. Reference station 201 , 20 00 7. 34 meters. Nail in blaze on tree ( 12 inches diameter) 260 55 7-54 meters. House on Dobljins Island 283 58 2% miles. Old Station 317 03 6. 04 meters. BANK. Locality. — North shore of upper end of Magothy River about i^ mile northwest from mouth of Blackliole Creek and nearly of Cypress Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is at the base of a bluff about 20 feet high. It is 2 feet above and 2 feet back from high-water mark. Several large brown bowlders are scattered in front of the station. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 85 meters northeast by north of the observed station on the top of bluff. It can not be seen from the observed station. 72 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel Counfy, Md. Marks. — Observed station is a pole signal with the lower end of the pole sunk in a box projecting I foot above the ground. Reference station is the center point of a triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Horn" {S65 33 W) K mile. Reference station S by W 11. 86 meters. HORN (MAGOTHY RIVER). Locality. — South shore of upper end of Magothy River about % mile southeast from mouth of Cattail Creek and J4 mile north of Cypress Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on a point about 2 feet above and 10 feet back from high-water mark. Slope of bank begins at station and rises to an elevation of 20 feet and is covered with woods. A pile of stone surrounds station. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.51 meters south by east of station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub 3 inches below the surface of the ground. Reference station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a r r/ " Huddle " ( vS 63° 06' E) o 00 00 2){ miles. White house near mouth of Dividing Creek ... 38 oS f/ mile. Reference station 42 02 40 4. 5 1 meters. Nail in blaze on tree (4 inches diameter) 49 13 7. 82 meters. Nail in blaze on forked tree 78 22 5.21 meters. Chimney of white house across river 254 59 j,< mile. TAIL. Locality. — South shore of upper end of Magothy River on Stony Point at eastern side of entrance to Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on the upper edge of a bluff 15 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.94 meters south-southeast of station. Marks. — Observed station is a pole signal with base stuck in a vertical box. Reference station is center point of triangle oh standard cement monument. References. — a / /, " Horn " ( N 24° 24' W) o 00 00 |^ mile. White house « •. 17 24 \% miles. Nail in blaze on tree (8 inches diameter) 129 18 11. 22 meters. Reference station 171 13 00 6. 94 meters. Nail in blaze on tree (6 inches diameter) 192 47 3. 14 meters. Small hill on point on mouth of Dividing Creek , 242 50 '/ nule. Chimney on house on west shore of Dividing Creek 267 oS -'^ mile. FERRY. Locality. — South shore of Magothy River on Ferry Point about )< mile east of mouth of Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is 15 feet from and 3 feet above high-water mark. There are five cedar trees in close proximity to the station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.08 meters southwest by south from observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in cement in a tile pipe buried i foot below the surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Huddle" (S 72° 50' E) o uo 00 1 '4' iniles. Nail in blaze on forked tree (4 inches diameter) 28 34 9. 74 meters. Nail in blaze on tree (6 inches diameter) 57 46 22. 70 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel Comity, Md. 73 REFERENCE STATION 97 05 lo 5. oS meters. Top of white house 114 22 Yz mile. Nail in blaze on tree (8 inches diameter) 6. 43 meters. House on Dobbins Island 332 30 2^ miles. House on hill back of Mountain Point 347 04 3'/^ miles. HUDDLE. Locality. — vSouth shore of Magoth}- River on Huddles Point about :V mile northeast of inner entrance to Forked Creek. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is about 10 feet from the edge of a sandy bank 8 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.99 meters south-southwest from observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail set in cement in a tile pipe projecting i inch above the sand. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Iron" (N 19° 13' E) o 00 00 i mile. House on Dobbins Island 37 52 i,'4f miles. House on hill back of Mountain Point 69 48 2^4' miles. Nail in blaze on tree (3 inches diameter) 176 38 15. 86 meters. Reference station i86 32 50 4. 99 meters. Nail in blaze on tree ( 14 inches dianieter) .... 255 33 5. 86 meters. REVELL. Locality. -South shore of Magothy River, about i '4^ miles west-northwest of Persimmon Point and I % miles south of east end of Dobbins Island. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on a bluff 6 feet high and 22 feet from the edge. It is in a large cleared space about 100 yards west of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.54 meters south southwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub projecting 4 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Huddle " (N 67° 20' W) o 00 00 I'/i miles. House on Dobbins Island 71 18 I'/i miles. House on hill back of Mountain Point 136 35 l}i miles. Right tangent Mountain Point i6i 18 i^ miles. Reference st.\tion 261 20 00 5.54 meters. PURSE. Locality. — South of entrance to Magothy River on a prominent hill about '+ uiile .south .south- east of Persimmon Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on the nearer of two summits, the other one being occupied by a lone cedar tree. The observed station is almost on line between this cedar tree and Mountain Point. Cement nionmnent marking reference station is 8.93 meters south of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub projecting 4 inches above the ground. Reference station is the center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Bluff " (N 9° 10' W) o 00 00 1% miles. Tangent to shore toward Sandy Point 31 26 ^r^ mile. Right tangent to Gibson Island 34 36 2 miles Left chimney of with red roof 133 52 yi mile. Reference st.\tion 185 05 50 8. 93 meter Lone cedar tree SSW 185 paces Left of two prominent trees 288 27 j( mile Right of two prominent trees 295 07 j^ mile. 330—07 9 74 Sm"vey of Oyster Bars, Amie Arundel County .^ Md. Reference 2j4 miles. 3 miles. ]i mile. MAGOTHY. Locality. — West shore of bay, about halfway between Persimmon Point and Sandy Point. It is about 2 miles northwest of Sandy Point Light and about 2 miles south-southeast of Mountain Point. (See Chart No. 2.) . Observed station is about 20 feet back from the edge of a l)luff 20 feet high. It is just outside au orchard about midway between a group of farm buildings and a grove of trees to the westward. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.63 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub projecting 3 inches above ground, station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — c / // "Welch" (N 32° 08' W) o 00 Right tangent Gibson Island 21 02 West peak of farmhouse 184 49 Nail in blaze on tree 15S 52 62. 3 meters. Reference st.\tion 287 44 10 1 1 . 63 meters. Nail in blaze on tree 336 14 32. 92 meters. CORN. Locality. — West shore of bay, about i mile northwest of Sandy Point Light. (vSee Chart No. 2.) Observed station is in a cultivated field about 18 feet back from edge of a bluff 15 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.42 meters west of observed statiou. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a .stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle of standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Peach Hill " (N 20° 48' W) o Baltimore Light 19 Extreme north tangent of Kent Island 98 .Sandy Point Light 149 Lone oak tree ( 2 inches diameter) 229 East peak of red roof of barn or house 243 Reference st.\tion 258 47 47 34 14 08 51 30 4 miles. 1% miles. 5 miles. I mile. % mile. % mile. 9. 42,5 meters. SANDY POINT LIGHT. Locality. — East of Sandy Point about J^ mile offshore. (See Chart No. 2.) Marks.— Q.^vAex point of black lantern on brown caisson structure known as Sandy Point Light- house. References. — ° ' " Bay Side " S 64 14 W %, mile. RING. Locality. — Shore of bay on west side of Kent Island about 2 miles south-southwest of Love Point and 3 miles east of Sandy Point Light. ( See Progress map. ) Observed station is about 20 feet above and 35 feet back from high-water mark. It is in a culti- vated field on top of bank and about 6 feet Back from edge. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.36 meters east of obser\-ed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with its top 3 inches below the surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sandy Point Light" ( N 84° 56' W) o Cupola on barn 117 South chimney on white house 141 Reference station 164 Lone tree (2 inches diameter) 224 South chimney on white house 238 51 3 miles. I mile. 00 % mile. 17 10 ' 9.36 meters. 10 300 yards. 56 300 yards. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 75 BAY SIDE. Locality. — West shore of bay on Sandy Point about ^ mile west-southwest of Sandy Point Light and about ]4. mile southeast of Bay Side Farm dwellings. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on low sandy point about 2 feet above and 75 yards back from high-water mark and 14 paces east of road to Bay Side house. A number of small locust trees stand in the immediate vicinity. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sandy Point Light" (N 64° 13' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Nail in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 128 45 19.69 meters. Nail in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 173 46 17.02 meters. West chimney of Bay Side Farm house 245 56 350 yards. West cupola on Bay Side barn 249 45 400 yards. West peak of small house (red roof) 275 40 300 yards. CLUMP. Locality. — West shore of bay about one-third way from Hackett Point to Sandy Point on the narrow neck of land east of Goose Pond. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is 3 feet above and 15 feet back from high-water mark. A group of pine trees stand west of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.24 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set fiush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sandy Point Light" (N 47° 47' E) o 00 00 2 miles. West chimney of white house on Kent Island abreast of station 62 12 4 miles. Nail in blaze on pine tree (10 inches diameter) . 185 58 S.oo meters. St. Anne's Church spire in Annapolis 202 44 4 miles. Statehouse Dome 206 35 4 miles. Reference station 218 01 40 6.42 meters. Nail in blaze on pine tree (lo inches diameter) . 247 17 S.6S meters. West chimney of white house 313 09 I mile. WASH. Locality. — East shore of bay, on west side of Kent Island, about >< mile south of entrance to Broad Creek. ( See Progress map. ) Observed station is in a cultivated field about 30 feet back from edge of bluff 15 feet high and about 15 feet south of a small gully making in from bay. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.90 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub flush with ground. Reference station is center of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sandy Point Light " (N 36° 19' W) o 00 00 3 >^ miles. West chimney of house 116 24 y^ mile. East chimney of white house 149 38 400 yards. Reference station 156 11 10 1 2. 90 meters. Cupola on barn 164 09 400 yards. Lone tree ( 2>i feet diameter) 195 32 150 yards. Tree ( 15 inches diameter) 208 34 175 yards. East chimney on white house 234 38 y^ mile. Thomas Point Light 260 32 7 miles. !(> Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. HACKETT. Locality. — North side of Annapolis Roads, on the east side of Hackett Point, about 2 miles north- east of Greenbury Light and 3 miles southwest of Sandy Point Light. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is in a cultivated field about 21 feet back from edge of a bluff 15 feet high. It is about 90 feet north of the extreme southeast end of point. A number of large sandstone bowlders are at the foot of the bluff near the station and a group of several stumps stand on edge of bank oppo- site station. Cement monument marking reference station is 8. 68 meters northwest of obser\'ed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / „ "Greenbury Light " (S 52° 55' W) o St. Anne's Church spire 24 Statehouse Dome 28 Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 31 Reference station 57 North chimney of red roof house 1 20 Sandy Point Light 172 00 00 2 miles. 12 2i/i niiles. 34 3X miles. 68 3 miles. 05 00 8. 68 meters. 15 H ™ile. 37 3 miles. 00 00 2 miles. ^17 yi mile. 25 V2 mile. 28 % mile. 37 Vz mile. SPIT. Locality. — East shore of Whitehall Bay on west side Hackett Point about }4 mile south of Whitehall wharf and 2 miles northeast of Greenbury Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on low sand point about 4 feet above and 50 yards back from end of point at high water mark and is on round sand knoll abont 2 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / t> "Greenbury Light" (S 43° 50' W) o North chimney of house on opposite shore 23 North chimney of Whitehall house 131 North chimney of white house 139 Peak of small house on Whitehall wharf 155 Northwest corner of small shanty 186 40 100 yards. Nail in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 231 30 35 yards. Chimney on small house 250 15 150 yards. CHASE (WHITEHALL BAY). Locality. — West shore of Whitehall Bay on point between Mill and Whitehall creeks about % mile northwest of Hackett Point and y^ mile west by south of Whitehall wharf. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is in young peach orchard about 30 feet back from edge of a bank iS feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.87 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o , ,, "Greenbury Light" (S 26° 22' W) o Lone tree (2 feet diameter) 150 Reference station 191 Center of Whitehall wharf house 230 West chimney on red roof house (oppositeshore) 265 West edge of small shanty on beach (opposite shore) 278 18 Yi, mile. 00 00 2 miles. 49 300 yards. 27 00 S. 87 meters. 49 % mile. 50 % mile. oo oo . . . . 250 yards. 37 •• 1 1 .55 meters. 03 ■• . . . . 1% miles. 37 •■ . . . . 1% miles. 32 .. . . . . i}i miles. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County, Md. 77 GREENBURY. Locality. — North side of entrance to Severn River, on Greenbury Point, about )i mile north of Greenbury Light-house. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is 60 feet back from end of point and 15 feet above high-vrater mark. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Greenbury Light " (S 7° 20' E) o Nail in dead cherry tree (12 inches diameter) . . 6 Statehouse Dome 107 Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 1 14 Center of water tower opposite Naval Academy , 144 GREENBURY POINT LIGHT. Locality. — North side of entrance to Annapolis Harbor, about 250 yards off shore south of Green- bury Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Marks. — Center of black lantern on screw pile structure known as Greenbury Point Light-house. References. — ° ' ' ' Greenbury " N 7 20 \V 250 yards. FORT. Locality. — Northeast side of entrance to Severn River, about i mile northwest of Greenbury Point and I mile northeast of Naval Academy sea wall. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is 6 feet back from top of bank protected by a masonry wall that has fallen down in places, 10 feet above high-water mark, and 2 feet north of a brick gutter on top of bank. Cement faonument marking reference station is 9.12 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe, with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Horn " (S 38° 20' W) o 00 00 3^ mUe. Saint Anne's Church spire 30 11 1 1^ miles. Statehouse Dome 41 23 i '4 miles. Chapel Dome (Navel Academy) 4S 06 i mile. South chimney of yellow house (red roof) .... 88 37 80 yards. Reference station 150 00 40 9. 12 meters. Greenbury Light 296 12 \% mile. BLUFF (SEVERN RIVER). Locality. — East side of Severn River, on high bluff, opposite Santee \\'harf of Naval Academy. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is 6 feet back from edge of bank 25 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.S42 meters northeast of observed station. JMarks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe, with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o , ,, " Hospital" (N 80° 00' \V) o 00 00 % mile. West chimney of yellow house 51 13 _^ mile. Nail in blaze on locust tree (18 inches , diameter) 106 09 25. 93 meters. Reference STATION 126 56 20 11. 84 meters. Nail in blaze on locust tree (S inches diameter) . 163 46 26. 27 meters. Statehouse Dome 318 54 ^ mile. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 322 01 ^ mile. Saint John's CoUege 329 25 ^ mile. 78 Survey of Oyster Bars, Aiinc Arimdel County, Md. BRICE. Locality. — Northeast shore of Severn River on Brice Point near northeast end of County Bridge. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is 15.40 meters northeast of end of rail of County Bridge about 9 yards north of center of County road and 25 yards west of small pond. It is 3 feet above and 75 feet back from high- water mark. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— o / // " BluiT " (S 46° 01' E) o 00 00 1^ mile. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 50 23 ^ mile. Statehouse Dome 61 51 ^^ mile. Lowest bolt head in end post of ground rail on County Bridge 65 24 15.40 meters. Chimney on bridge-tender's house loi 18 ^ mile. South chimney of yellow house • 157 50 3^ mile. Chimney on slate-covered house 190 18 y^ mile. North chimney of yellow house 199 26 >2 mile. Nail in blaze on locust tree (4 inches diameter) 208 15 10.S9 meters. West chimne}' of house 267 17 ^ mile. Nail in lilaze on locust stump (4 inches diam- eter') 339 23 4. 29 meters. KNOB. Locality. — North shore of Severn River about 150 yards northwest b}- north of north end Mary- land Electric Railway Bridge. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on round knob-hill about 15 feet above and 30 feet back from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 28 meters northeast of observed station. 3Larks. — Observed .station is a nail in pine stub projecting 4 inches above ground. Reference .station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Keferences.— o / // " Weems " (N 88° 48' W) o 00 00 3^ mile. ■ South peak of 3'ellow house 27 08 2 miles. North chimney of yellow house no 41 250 yards. Reference Station 124 49 40 11.28 meters. Chimney on small shanty on railroad bridge. . 203 44 150 yards. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 254 25 i >| miles. Hospital (covered chimney or cupola) 261 25 i^ miles. Statehouse Dome 263 14 1 5^ miles. SPRING. Locality. — Northeast shore of Severn River about 3-( mile above the Maryland Electric Railway Bridge and on first point southeast of mouth of Cool Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on low sand point about 2 feet above and 45 feet back from high-water mark. It is about 15 yards west of small pond and 100 yards west of a bluff 25 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument, (NoTE. — This monument replaces a 4-inch tile pipe marking old station.) References. — o / // " Field " (S 29° 24' E) o 00 00 i mile. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 4 07 2 miles. North chimney on red house (opposite shore) . . 74 43 % mile. Chimney on white house (opposite shore) 90 06 }( mile. North chimney of yellow house 207 25 200 yards. Oak stump (5 inches diameter) 228 39 2. 35 meters. Nail in blaze on locust tree (8 inches diameter) 291 03 7. 25 meters. Water tower (opposite Naval Academy) 340 07 2 miles. Survey of Oysler Bars, Anne Arundel Connly, Md. 79 COOL. Locality. — Northeast shore of Severn River on point between Chase and Cool Spring creeks and about \\i miles above the Maryland Electric Railway Bridge. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on low point of land about 2 feet above and 20 feet back from high-water mark and is 7 feet south of small drain ditch 2 feet wide. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.25 meters north-northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Weenis " ( S 26° 14' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Chimney on white house (opposite shore) 13 23 ^ mile. Chimney on small white shanty (opposite .shore) 53 39 ,'< mile. Chimney on yellow house (opposite shore) .... 139 15 i mile. West chimney of 180 42 ,"2 mile. Nail in blaze on persinnnon tree (4 inches diameter) 184 21 J 6. 50 meters. REFERENCE .STATION 221 29 ID 7. 25 meters. Nail in blaze on oak tree ( 12 inches diameter) . 311 04 14. 82 meters. Water tower (opposite Naval Academy) 336 13 2'%, miles. CHASE (SEVERN RIVER). Locality. — .shore of Severn River on point on northwest side of entrance to Chase Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on low marshy point about 2 feet above and 18 feet back from high-water mark and 25 yards .southwest of foot of a bluff 50 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.05 meters north of observed station. I\Iarl;s. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile-drain flush with ground center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cool" (S 47° 38' E) o 00 00 Chimney on yellow house (opposite shore) .... 30 44 Chimney on small shantj' (opposite shore) .... 38 01 Middle window of yellow house (abreast of station ) 77 02 North chimney of redroofhouse(opposite shore) 102 04 Chimney on yellow house (opposite shore) .... 146 26 Reference station 241 31 30 North chimney of white house 306 34 ... POINT. /-(7Cfi'//Vi'.— Northeast shore of Severn River about '^ mile east-.southeast of Brewer Point and on second point northwest of mouth of Chase Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is back of a long, low marsh point and about 25 feet up side of slope. Two lone cedar trees stand on prominent hill about 150 yards to. the northeast of station. Several old apple trees stand in the immediate vicinity of station. yI/(7;-^5. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. (Note. — This monument replaces a 4-inch drain tile marking old station. ) References.— o , „ ) "Salt" (S 1° 44' W) o 00 00 i.{ mile. Chimnej' on yellow house (opposite shore) ... 43 24 ',i mile. Southwest comer of house 139 43 Y mile. Nail in apple tree (12 inches diameter) 233 34 12. 55 meters. Windmill 255 15 250 yards. Nail in apple tree ( 15 inches diameter) 280 38 5. 70 meters. Reference station is ^2 mile. yi mile. j4 mile. '4 mile. '4 mile. ^2 mile. 7. 05 meters. I mile. 8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Amie Arundel Coiinly^ Md. BIGHT. mile Locality. — Northeast shore of Severn River about >2 mile northeast of Brewer Point and southeast of Arnold Point. (See Chart No. 2. 1 Observed station is on low, narrow neck of land and about 2 feet above and 15 feet back from high-water mark. It is 15 feet south of foot of slope to a yellow sand bluff 60 feet high. A group of holly trees stand about 10 feet east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.64 meters northeast of observed station. JMarks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set in center of a 4-inch tile pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Clem " (S 7° 45' W) o South chimney of yellow house (opposite shore) 36 Northwest corner of unpainted ( opposite shore) 144 Nail in blaze on leaning pine tree (12 inches diameter) 1 75 Reference st.^tion 201 Nail in blaze on holly tree (4 inches diameter). 251 05 3.79 meters. East cedar tree of two standing close together (first hill .south) , 353 56 17 34' mile. Yz mile. ■/ mile. 09 3.72 meters. 20 11.64 meters. mile. ARNOLD. 00 00 Yz mile. 08 I '4 miles. 57 5.96 meters. Locality. — Northeast shore of vSevern River on Arnold Point on northwest side of entrance to Aisquith Creek and about Yz mile north of Brewer Point. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is at foot of slope meeting a long, narrow, low neck of land extending about 200 vards southeast of station.. It is 3 feet above and 12 feet back from high-water mark. .\ small holly tree stands about 15 feet east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 3.75 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in stub set in a tile pipe with top 3 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monmnent. References. — o / // "Brewer " (S 6° 28' E) o Center of cottage on Long Point 123 Nail in blaze on cedar tree ( 10 inches diameter) . 13S Reference station 167 16 40 3.75 meters. Northwest corner of small house up Aisquith Creek 255 30 ^'4 mile. Nail in blaze on locust tree (4 inches diameter) . 293 33 8.31 meters. Chimney on yellow house (opposite shore) .... 358 09 i mile. SWAN. Locality. — Northeast shore of Round Bay in Severn River on north side of entrance to Ringolil Cove about \}i miles northeast by ea,st of Long Point. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is about 100 yards north of entrance to Ringold Cove; about 2 feet above and 15 feet back from high-water mark and 25 feet west of a bluff 25 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.78 meters east of observed station. ^farks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top 1 foot below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o , ,/ " Long" (S 73° 38' W ) o 00 uo lY miles. Peak of yellow house (opposite shore) 17 04 jY niiles. West chimney of white house 62 54 i^ miles. North tangent of brown wharf house 8 r 53 3^ mile. Nail in pine tree ( 15 inches diameter) 125 42 12.76 meters. Reference station 165 39 30 7. 78 meters. Nail in red oak tree (2 feet diameter) 178 03 12. 50 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 8i HIGH. Locality. — Northeast shore of Round Bay in Severn River on Eaglenest Point and on ground occupied by the Round Bay Resort. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is 15 feet back from the edge of a bank 20 feet high and 25 paces southwest of the southwest corner of the dancing pavilion. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.66 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top i foot below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Swan" (S 33° 19' E) o 00 00 % mile. Chimney on house (opposite shore) 48 35 xyi, miles. Chimney on cottage on I,ong Point 65 31 i mile. Green water tower 154 44 ^ mile. Nail in blaze on pine tree (8 inches diameter) . 193 07 7- 98 meters. Southwest corner dancing pavilion 221 57 25 yards. Reference station 235 07 20 8. 66 meters. Nail in blaze on pine tree (7 inches diameter) . 254 07 7-58 meters. CEDAR (SEVERN RIVER). Locality. - Upper end of Round Bay in Severn River on Cedar Point. It is on the southeast side of entrance to Yantz Creek. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is 2 feet above and 50 feet back from high-water mark at the extreme west end of Cedar Point. Several cedar trees stand just east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.92 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top i foot below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Refere7ices. — o , n "High " (S 76° 39' E) o 00 00 T mile. Chinmey on red roof of cottage 2 29 \% miles. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 39 31 7 miles. Chimney on old house 210 57 i mile. ' Chimney on yellow house 230 58 y^ mile. Nailin blaze on locust tree (3 inches diameter ) , 288 17 10. 56 meter.s. Reference station 302 20 lo 7. 92 meters. Green water tower 339 33 ',' mile. SHARP. Locality. — Southwest shore of Round Bay in Severn River about 'j mile northwest of Long Point and X mile southeast of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on the first low point above Long Point, and is 2 feet above and 25 feet back from high-water mark. A wooded bluff is 100, feet west of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.31 meters southwest of observed .station. Marks. — Observed .station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top 1 foot below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a , ,, "High" (N 63° 51' E) o 00 00 I mile. Cupola on brown wharf (opposite shore) 6 27 i mile. Chimney on red-roof cottage (opposite shore) . 14 32 i mile. Nail in blaze on locust tree (3 inches diameter) , 132 46 8. 03 meters. Reference station 158 10 30 5. 31 meters. Chimney on yellow house 272 31 i|4 miles. Green water tower (opposite shore) 317 24 i mile. 330—07 10 82 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. LONG. Locality. — North side of entrance to Little Round Bay in Severn River on Long Point, about Yz mile northeast of St. Helena Island. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on a low marsh point about 2 feet above and I2 feet back of high-water mark. A small cottage stands about 30 yards north of station. Cement monument riiarking reference station is 5.05 meters northwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top i foot lielow surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle of standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Bay" (S 18° 26' E) o 00 West chimney on house (opposite shore) 14 59 Nail in blaze on white oak tree (4 inches di- ameter) 9 > II Reference station 136 Peak of cottage 153 Nail in blaze on pine tree ( 8 inches diameter ) . 1 70 Cupola on brown wharf (opposite shore) 237 Chimney on red-roof cottage 247 }{ mile. ^ mile. 10. 19 meters. 5.05 meters. 30 yards. 58 20 . 36 .. . 52 lo- 97 meters. 32 I mile. og 1 mile. LSLAND. Locality. — Little Round Bay in Severn River on the southeast point of St. Helena Island. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is on a low marsh point about 2 feet above and 15 feet back from high-water mark and 25 feet south of foot of round hill 15 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.74 meters northwest of station. 3/arA-s. — Observed .station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top i foot below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on .standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Bay " (S 53° 19' E) o 00 00 i{ mile. South chimney on 95 35 i Ji miles. RiCFERENCE STATION 198 47 40 7. 74 meters. Nail in blaze on twin tree (6 inches diameter) . 202 04 9. ui meters. Nail in blaze on twin black haw tree (6 inches diameter) 244 511 5-42 meters. Chimney on red-roof cottage (opposite shore) . 2S0 29 i>2 miles. North peak of white barn (opposite shore) .... 294 3S i|< miles. Chimney on north end small house (opposite shore ) 306 12 2 miles. BAY (SEVERN RIVER). I.oca/ity. — Southwest shore of Severn River on south side of entrance to Round Bay, about H mile southeast of St. Helena Island and }4 uiile south by east of Long Point. ( See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is at high-water mark at foot of a bluff 25 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is on slope 7.31 meters .southwest of observed station. .Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe projecting lu inches above the .surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "^rnold" (N 8u° lu' E) o North chimney of white house (opposite shore) 6 Nail in blaze on white oak tree ( 2 feet diameter) 64 Reference .station 116 Nail in blaze on oak stump (8 inches diameter) 156 Nail in blaze on chestnut oak ( 15 inches diam- eter) 198 Southeast corner of cottage on Long Point .... 260 00 00 I mile. 01 i;,-2 miles. 12 1 6. 50 meters. 57 2u 7.31 meters. 39 3-73 meters. 07 12. 97 metens. 28 i( mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 83 BREWER (SEVERN RIVER). Locality. — Southwest shore of Severn River on Brewer Point and nortli of niouth'of Brewer Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on a low sand point afiout 2 feet above and lo feet back from high-water mark and about 30 yards northwest of extreme end of point. A small lone holl}' tree stands southwest of station and a bluff 30 feet high is 25 feet southwest. Cement monument marking reference station is meters south of obser\'ed station. 3larks. — Observed station is a 4-inch tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Point" (S 68° 37' E) o 00 00 % mile. North chimney of white house (opposite shore) 4 32 i mile. Chimney in center of yellow house 30 41 i)^ miles. Reference station 63 56 20 S. 10 meters. Nail in blaze on holh- tree (5 inches diameter) . 103 10 3.64 meters. Nail in blaze on cedar tree ( 12 inches diameter ) 165 11 35 yards. North chimney of yellow house (opposite .shore) 2S4 24 >2 mile. North chimney of green, windmill in rear (opposite shore) ^ 354 38 '4 mile. CLEM. Locality. — Southwest shore of Severn River on point between Clement Creek and Brewer Creek. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on a low .sand point about 2 feet above and 35 feet back from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference .station is 10.07 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in stub flush with groinid, set in 4-inch tile pipe with top 4 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Chase" (S 75° 18' E) o 00 00 % mile. Water tower (opposite Naval Academy) 22 36 3 miles. Chinmey in center of 3'ellow house 34 30 i mile. North chimney of house (south side of Clement Creek) .• 68 20 "4 mile. Reference station 134 08 30 10. 07 meters. Chimney on yellow house 161 ^tA 3"" yards. Small locust tree (2''2 inches diameter) 222 15 30 j-ards. Windmill (opposite shore) 307 03 yi mile. SALT. Locality. — Southwest shore vSevern River between Clement and Saltwork creeks and abreast of Chase Creek. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is 10 feet back from edge of a bank 10 feet high. A number of small cedar trees stand on edge of bank in front of station. Cement monument marking reference station is S.07 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in stub in a 4-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches lielow surface of ground. Reference .station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cool" (S 84° 23' E) u 00 ou 34' mile. Water tower (opposite Naval Academy) 27 51 2]/^ miles. Chimney in center of yellow house 34 45 3^ mile. Reference station 142 31 30 8. 07 meters. North chimney of red roof house 149 27 80 yards. 84 Sw-vey of Oyster Bars, Ani/c Arimdcl Coitiity, Md. Center of large oak tree (2 f4 feet diameter) . . . 206 22 50 yards. Chimney on j-ellow house 223 27 % mile. Nail in blaze on twin cedar tree (3 inches diameter) 254 40 5. 88 meters. Nail in blaze on cedar tree (8 inches diameter) . 32S 44 7. 20 meters. South chimneystandingalone (oppositeshore) . 332 35 1 mile. LUCE. Locality. — Southwest shore of Severn River about 200 yards northwest of entrance to Luce Creek and \% miles above Railway Bridge. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on low island at mouth of^aminond Fish Pond and about 2 feet above and iS feet back from high-water mark. A number of small trees stand in the immediate vicinity. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.32 meters southwest of observed .station. Marks. -Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o 1 rr "Spring " (S 84° 24' E) o 00 00 J4' mile. Chimney on yellow house first hill south 56 34 % mile. Twin cedar tree (3 inches diameter) 88 27 15. 75 meters. Chimney on small white shanty 93 28 200 yards. Reference .station 125 09 40 7. 32 meters. Chimney on yellow house 218 26 i mile. East chimney on white house (opposite shore) .261 38 3^ mile. Chimney on small white house at mouth of Cool Spring Creek (opposite shore) 342 11 lA mile. Nail in blaze on persimmon tree (5 inches diameter ) 355 22 6. 07 meters. WEEMS. Locality. —Southwest shore of Severn River on first point south of Luce Creek and about % mile above the Railwa)- Bridge. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on low sand point covered with myrtle bushes about 2 Ji feet above and 75 feet back from high-water mark at end of point. The ground rises abruptly about 150 yards west of station. Marks.- — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. (Note. — This monument replaces tile marking old station. ) References. — o , /, "Field" (S 47° 40' E) u ou 00 i mile. South chimney (red house) 99 08 200 yards. Chimnej' in center of white house 142 11 250 yards. North chimney of white house (opposite shore) . 232 47 %, mile. North chimne}- of yellow house (opposite shore) . 255 41 |^ mile. Windmill (opposite shore) 2S0 56 % mile. North chimney of yellow house (opposite shore) . 308 28 H mile. Water tower (opposite Naval Academy) 350 00 2 miles. FIELD. Locality. — Southwest shore of Severn River on first point east of Railway Bridge and % mile north of County Bridge. (See Chart No. 2.) Observed station is on round knob hill about 10 feet above high -water mark and 15 feet west of edge of low sand point extending 50 yards to the west. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 85 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. (NOTE. — This monument replaces tile marking old station.) References. — o / // " Weenis" (N 47° 39' W) o 00 00 i mile. Center chimney of lead-colored house (oppo- site shore) 21 47 34" mile. North chimney of yellow house (opposite shore) 49 3" % mile. Blaze on pine tree (12 inches diameter) 161 26 10. 30 meters. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 206 15 i mile. Hospital cupola 214 10 U mile Blaze on poplar tree (12 inches diameter) .... 326 46 7. 18 meters. HOSPITAL CUPOLA (NAVAL ACADEMY). Locality. — Southwest shore of Severn River on prominent hill. It is a short distance Ijack from shore and just south of County Bridge. (vSee Chart No. 2.) Martis.— Center point of cupola on new Naval Hospital. References. — None necessary. FLAGSTAFF (NAVAL ACADEMY BOATHOUSE). Locality. — Naval Academy grounds near Santee Wharf. (See Chart No. 2.) Ma) lis. — Center of flagstaff on northwest end of boathouse at Naval Academy. References .—tHone necessarj'. vSTATEHOUSE DOME (ANNAPOLIS). Locality. — City of Annapolis. (See Chart No. 2. ) Marks. — Center of Statehouse Dome. Referetices. — None necessary. ST. ANNE'S CHURCH SPIRE (ANNAPOLIS). Locality. — City of Annapolis. ( See Chart No. 2. ) Marks. — Center of spire on St. Anne's Church. References.- None necessary. CATHOLIC CHURCH SPIRE (ANNAPOLIS). Locality. — City of Annapolis. (See Chart No. 2.) Marks. — Center of spire on Catholic Church. References. — None necessary. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE CUPOLA (ANNAPOLIS). Locality. — City of Annapolis. (See Chart No. 2.) Marks. — Center of belfry on St. John's College. References. — None necessary. HORN (SEVERN RIVER). Z.orfl/ziJj'.— Southwest shore of Severn River, on Horn Point, about 34^ mile southeast of wharves in Annapolis Harbor and on south side of entrance to Spa Creek. (See Chart No. 2. ) Observed station is about 30 yards north of wire fence and 200 yards northwest of white house with red tin roof. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.24 meters west of observed station. 86 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Ar/indel Coitii/y., Aid. 3faiks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top llvish with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a , ,/ " Greenbury Light-house" (S 74^ 51' K) . . . ■ o 00 ou i mile. Chimney on yellow house 86 05 '2 mile. Reference; station 134 55 50 n. 24 meters. Statehouse Dome 190 51 i mile. St. John's College 198 58 i mile. Chapel Dome (Naval Academy) 20S 13 ^ mile. START. /.oivr ///)'. — Southwest shore of Annapolis Roads, about )'■> mile south of Horn Point and i mile of Greenbury Light-house. (See Chart No. 2.) • Observed station is on wooded shore 15 feet back from edge of a bank 7 feet high. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 8.45 meters of observed station. J/«;-X'j'. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Greenbur}' Light" (N 74"^ 50' E) o I Tangent to Tolly Point 67 E.Ktremewest point of roof of Bay Ridge Hotel. 72 Nail in blaze on oak tree ( 12 inches diameter) . . 144 Reference station 171 Nail in blaze on oak tree ( 8 inches diameter) . . 236 Water tower (opposite Naval .\cademy ) 2S6 00 00 [ mile. 00 2 miles. 20 2 miles. 41 16. 26 meters. 22 20 8. 45 metres. 32 II. 38 meters. 27 I '4' miles. GRAM. Locality. — Southwest .shore of .Annapolis Roads near northwest entrance to Cat Hole Creek and about 1)2 miles south-.southwest of Greenbury Light. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 55 feet hack from edge of a bluff 30 feet high. A small rounil knoll is 60 feet west and 5 feet higher than station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' '' "Greenbury Light" (N 31° 53' H) o Nail in blaze on small locust tree (3 inches diameter) 97 North tangent of roof of old Bay Ridge Hotel . 103 Nail in blaze on stump (4 inches diam- eter ) 312 Tangent to Horn Point 314 Water tower (opposite Naval Acadeni}') 322 South chimney of house on Greenbury Point . . 35 1 miles. 34 26. 40 meters. 18 I mile. 43 22. 95 meters. 15 \}i, miles. 15 2 miles. 46 2 miles. TOLLY. Locality. — South side of entrance to .\unapolis Roads about 150 yards northwest of Tolly Point. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is on low point of land. It is about 1 foot above and 12 feet back from high - water mark, and 175 yards northeast of old Bay Ridge Hotel. Cement monument marking reference station is lo.Sti meters southwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Snn'cy of Oyster Bars^ Aniir Aniudcl Coitnty., Md. References. — o i /, "Greeiibur)' Light" (N. 6° 12' W) o 00 00 1X4' miles. Peak of Whitehall house 21 15 4 meters. Nail in blaze on holly tree (12 inches diam- eter) 205 14 9. 55 meters. Re:fkrp;nce station 229 35 30 10. 86 meters. Nail in blaze on swamp-oak tree (18 inches diameter ) .... 258 12 lo- 97 meters. Chapel Dome ( Naval Academy) 331 05 3^^ miles. Water towgr (opposite Naval Acadeaiy) 346 13 3J4 miles. BAY RIDGE vSTACK. Locality.— T&ay Ridge Resort on Tolly Point. (See Chart No. 3.) yl/(7;"/'.?. — Center of highest part of brick smokestack. References. — None necessary. CRANEY. 87 Locality. — Eastern shore of bay on west side of Kent Lsland, about 'j mile north of Cranev Creek au^ miles. Peak of white house 1S2 06 3^ mile. Flag pole on wharf house 115 45 iK miles. Reference station 218 43 20 7. 66 meters. Nail in blaze on ash tree ( 15 inches diameter) . 284 59 13. 31 meters. Nail in blaze on locust tree (5 inches diameter). 353 34 9. 64 meters. THOMAS POINT LIGHT. Locality. — Off entrance to South River and about i '4 miles southeast of Thomas Point. (See Chart No. 3. ) Marks. — Center of black lantern on white liexagonal screw pile structure known as Thomas Point Light-House. References. — ° ' "Thomas" (N 56 07 W ) i '4^ miles. arundp;l. Locality. — North side of entrance to South River on narrow neck of land between Fishing Creek and South River. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is about 5 feet above and 75 feet back from high-water mark in Fishing Creek. A sand road is 25 feet west of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.07 meters northeast of observed .station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of a 4-inch tile pipe with top i foot below the surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — 0,1, "Selby" (S8i° 28' W) o 00 00 I, "4: miles. South peak of white house (opposite shore) i 55 2|^ miles. Tangent to Point 34 50 i]/, miles. Reference station 144 u 40 4. 07 meters. Nail in blaze on twin locust tree (6 inches diam- eter ) 145 25 7. 22 meters. South peak of long barn across Fishing Creek. . 154 49 }i mile. Nail in apple tree ( 15 inches diameter) 234 30 8.77 meters. Chimney on red roof cottage 25 1 11 300 yards. HILL. Locality. — Northeast shore of South River on Hills Point anil on .side of entrance to Duvalls Creek. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 50 feet back from the extreme .south end of Hills Point and 35 feet above high- water mark. Cement mommient marking reference station is S.07 meters of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub projecting 3 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel Coimty^ Md. References. — ° "Selby"{S 17° 28' E) o Chimney on house (opposite shore) 63 South chimney on almshouse 136 Nail in blaze on locust tree (4 inches diameter) . 213 Water tower at South River Club 233 Reference station 235 Nail in blaze on locust tree (6 inches diameter) . 257 North peak of barn 249 SWITCH. 00 00 I mile. 01 1Y2, miles. 51 z%, miles. 33 5-42 meters. 28 }i mile. 22 50 8. 07 meters. 59 4. 67 meters. 24 ;< mile. Locality. — Northeast shore of South River on point on southwest side of entrance to Aberdeen Creek. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is on the south side of a low sand point and at high-water mark. A number of cedar trees stand in the immediate vicinity. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.41 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe veith top 2 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hill" (S 56° 19' E) o Chimney on house ( opposite shore ) 42 East chimney of house (opposite shore) 161 South chimney on almshouse 172 Reference station 206 Nail in blaze on cedar tree (7 inthes diameter) 213 Nail in blaze on leaning cedar tree 242 Q I mile. I mile. I mile. \% miles. o 8. 41 meters. 36 3-58 meters. 07 12. 76 meters. WAGGAMAN. Locality. — Northeast shore of South River on first point to south of entrance to Cross Creek and about 90 meters north of Ferry Point and Waggaman wharf house. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on top of a bluff 25 feet high and 15 feet back from the edge. Waggaman's dwelling is about lou yards east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 2.57 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub set flush with ground, center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Almshouse" (S 37° 10' W ) o 00 00 North chimne)' of almshouse 10 21 Cupola on barn (opposite shore) 39 18 North peak of Lee wharf house 59 lo Nail in blaze on pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 198 56 4. 70 meters. Reference station 223 30 50 2. 57 meters. Waggaman's windmill 233 03 100 yards. Nail in blaze on locust tree (8 inches diameter) . 257 50 9. 41 meters. Flag pole on Waggaman's house 302 33 100 yards. WAGGAMAN WINDMILL. Locality. — Northeast shore of South River on Kerry Point. A/ar^i. —Observed station is center of Waggaman's windmill. References. — None necessary. 330—07 II Reference station is Yi mile. Yz mile. Yz mile. ■ r mile. 90 Survey of Oyster Bais, Anne Arundel Coimty^ Md. GINGER. Locality. — Northeast shore of South River, on prominent point on north side of Church Creek, about ''2 mile east of South River Bridge. ( See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 17 feet back from edge of a bhiff 35 feet liigh. A number of trees stand in the immediate vicinity. Cement monument marking reference .station is 7.81 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cemeijt mon\nnent. References. — or/, " Larramore " (N 86° 25' W) o Nail in blaze on oak tree ( 18 inches diameter) . 19 Peak of Edgewater post-office 21 Nail in blaze on mulberry tree (2 inches diam- eter) 45 Reference station 97 Nail in blaze on locust tree (8 inches diam- eter) 187 Waggaman's windmill 197 North chimne}' of almshouse 239 Cupola on barn 272 Peak of wharf house 335 00 00 I mile. 36 9. 05 meters. 28 ]A mile. 12. 27 meters. 7. 81 meters. 5. 92 meters. 34; mile. %■ .mile. Yz mile. Yz mile. XIMO. Locality. — Upper end of South River, near north entrance to South River Bridge crossing river at Edgewater. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 10 feet from high-water mark on sand beach near east edge of South River Road. It is on line with east guard rail of bridge and 18 feet distant from end of rail. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Refereyices. — o / // " Larramore" (S 83° 21' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. East peak of roof of Edgewater post-office 1 19 45 75 yards. North chimney of almshouse 234 48 i mile. North peak of wharf house 294 51 % mile. East chimney of white house (opposite shore) .... 315 59 3^ mile. YAZOO. Locality. — North shore of upper South River abovit % mile aliove South River Bridge. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on low marsh point about 1 foot above and 8 feet back from high-water mark. A lone tree stands west of station on opposite shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.96 meters northwest of obser\'ed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in pine .stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° r " "Larramore" (S 26° 29' W) o Lone cedar tree on opposite shore 5 North peak of wharf house 47 Reference .station 109 Nail in blaze on twin oak tree (5 inches di- ameter) 134 51 5. 27 meters. Nail in blaze on red-oak tree (5 inches di- ameter) 160 44 1 1. 37 meters. North chimney of almshouse 286 16 \yi miles. North peak of Lee's wharf house 303 32 ^ mile. GO Y, mile. Y mile. I mile. 40 9. 96 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne ArundeJ Coun/y, Md. 91 TAYLOR. Locality. — North shore of upper South River about ^X mile above County bridge and opposite the entrance to Beards Creek. ( See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 17 paces back from the extreme south end of a low sand point. It i.s i foot al)ove and 8 feet back from high-water mark. Several small persinmion trees stand near station. Cement monument marking reference .station is 4.22 meters west of observed station. J/arks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. ' /References. — o / // "Larramore" (S 57° 15' E) o 00 00 }( mile. West chimney of white house (opposite .shore) . 11 04 ^ mile. Northchimney of yellow house (opposite shore) 132 09 J^ mile. Reference station 139 56 50 4.22 meters. Nail in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) .... *C42 15 5. 11 meters. Nail in cedar tree (15 inches diameter) 24S 31 45 yards. Red post on porch at Edgewater .... 332 44 i mile. Lone cedar tree shore 352 54 300 yards. LARRAMORE. Localily. — South shore of upper South River near mouth of Beard Creek and about ^4 niile north- east of Count}' Bridge. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 2 feet above and 18 feet back from high -water mark. .\ lone cedar tree .stands near the shore about 75 yards back from station. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.96 meters southwest of station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub set in a 4-inch tile pipe with top 3 inches below ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Taylor " (N 57° 14' W) o 00 00 ),( mile. Nail in blaze on leaning mulberry tree (18 inches diameter) 17.85 meters. Lone cedar tree 52 28 75 yards. West chimney of hon,se at Edgewater post- ofEce 136 02 y^ mile. South peak of Lee's wharf house 175 39 % mile. East chimney of white house (first hill south) . 200 35 % m\\e. Reference st.^tion 271 29 7.96 meters. BREWER (SOUTH RIVER). Localily. -Southwest shore of South River on point on northwest side of mouth of Almshouse Creek about % mile northwest b}- north of County alm.shouse and '2 mile west by south of Ferry Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Ob.served station is i foot above and 10 feet from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.67 meters southwest of observed station. Marks. — Ob.served station is a nail in a pine stub set with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Ginger" (N 22° oc/ W) o 00 00 y'z mile. Peak of yellow house (opposite shore) 63 04 Ij4 miles. Waggaman windmill 100 05 ^ mile. Flag pole on Waggaman Club house 105 15 5/ mile. North chimney on almshouse 165 57 % mile. Nail in blaze on leaning red oak tree (12 inches diameter) 222 55 6.61 meters. Reference st.\Tion 257 01 (jo 7.67 meters. Nail in blaze on white oak tree (3 inches 'diam- eter) 294 44 9. 1 1 meters. 92 Survey of Oyster Bars^ A?inc Arundel County, Md. ALMSHOUSE. Zoca/iVj'.— Southwest shore of South River about halfway between Glebe and Almshouse creeks and about 200 yards east of County Almshouse. ( See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is on a low sod point about 6 inches above high-water mark. A group of locust trees stands just southwest of station and an old white house stands on a hill about 100 yards south- west. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.-87 meters southwest of station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe set flush with surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Re/eretices. — ° " Waggaman" (N 37° 10' E) o Waggaman's windmill 5 Nail in blaze on locust tree (5 inches diameter) 160 REFERENCE STATION 171 Nail in blaze on locust tree (5 inches diameter) 196 North chimney of almshouse 245 Peak of Edgewater post-office 279 00 00 yi mile. 08 % mile. 15 9- 76 meters. 06 00 9. 875 meters. 08 7. 84 meters. 17 200 yards. 57 lyi miles. ALMSHOUSE (LIGHTNING ROD). Locality.— ^outhwe&i shore of South River between Glebe and Almshouse creeks near County almshouse. (See Chart No. 3.) 3farks. — Lightning rod on south chimney of almshouse. References. — None necessary. CEDAR (SOUTH RIVER). Locality. — Southwest shore of South River on point between Glebe and Lonehouse creeks. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on low sand point about i foot above and 6 feet back from high-water mark. A number of small cedar trees stand southwest of station. Cement monument marking reference sta- tion is 5.61 meters south of observed station. Marias. — Observed station is a nail in a stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Switch" (N 89° 57' E) o Reference station 122 Nail in blaze on twin cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 133 Nail in blaze on locust tree (4 inches diameter) . 213 South chimney on almshouse 223 Flagstaff on Waggaman Clubhouse 253 Waggaman windmill 256 14 00 }i mile. 10 5. 61 meters. 24 5. 69 meters. 29 5-11 meters. o5 I mile. 54 I mile. 43 I mile. North chimney on brown house (opposite shore) 314 33 34^ mile. MAYO. Z,0(:a/zVj)'.— Southwest shore of South River on Mayo Point. (vSee Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 5 feet above and 40 feet back from high-water mark. A low holly bush stands 25 feet northeast and a low sand knoll 10 feet north of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.95 meters southwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden .stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monmnent. References. — ° "Selby " (S 45° 44' E) o Reference station 87 Nail in blaze on red oak tree ( 12 inches diameter) loS Nail in blaze on cedar tree (8 inches diameter) . 140 South chimney on almshouse 177 00 00 I mile. 58 10 5. 95 meters. 35 6.07 meters. 33 9- 30 meters. 27 2% miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel Counfv, Md. 93 North chimney on Waggaman liouse 192 South chimney on red roof house(oppositeshore) 223 Green water tower (South River Club) 270 North peak of old barn 281 sp;lby. 54 ... . . 2>4' miles. 53 H mile. 50 I 1-2 miles. 00 1 milt. Locality. — Southwest shore of South River on Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 6 feet above high-water mark and about 250 yards .south of the extreme north end of Turkey Point. A lone locust tree stands about 12 yards south of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 7. Si meters .southwest of ob.served station. Marks. — Ob.served .station is center point of a pine stub set flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monumenl, Refcreitces. — o / // "Arundel" (N Si° 27' K; o stump ( I Yz feet high ) 7 Thomis Point Light 20 Nail in blaze on locust tree ( 1 2 inches diameter ) 11.^ Reference station i;,7 Water tower (South River Clubj 276 Peak of red roof house (opposite shore) 27S Peak of white house (opposite shore) 307 00 00 I J4 miles. 30 1 1. 30 meters. 3S 3 miles. [o. 63 meters. 7. Si meters. 2 miles. I Yz miles. lY miles. GOWAN. Locality. — Western shore of bay on Saunders Point between entrances to South River and West River. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 21 feet back from edge of bluff 25 feet high. Two blazed cedar trees stand about 12 yards south of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.320 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub set flush with ground. Reference station iS; center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Thomas Point Light" (N 74'^ 06' E) o 00 00 3 miles. Nail in blaze on cedar tree ( 10 inches diameter) 102 41 13. 02 meters. Nail in blaze on cedar tree ( 12 inches diameter) 129 43 9. 44 meters. Peak of white house 171 oS Y mile. REFERENCE STATION 180 13 50 II. 32 meters. South chimney of house 240 12 100 yards. DUTCHMAN. Locality. — North side of entrance to West River on Dutchman Point between shore of bay and Rhode River. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on top of a bank 12 feet high and is 10 feet back from the edge. A small lone locust tree stands about 11 yards northwest of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.61 meters north of observed .station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Curtis" (S29°37'E) o Peak of wharf house at Nowell Pier 21 Chimney on small white house 85 Cupola on large building 137 Nail in blaze on locust tree ( 2 inches diameter) . 155 Chimney on red-roof house 1S4 Reference station 189 00 00 lY miles. 34 I mile. 17 J^ mile. 22 I mile. 03 10.25 nieters. 22 Y Hiile. 50 30 11.61 meters. 94 Survey of Oysler Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. CATO. Locality. —'^oxXh shore of West River on point at east side of entrance to Rhode River. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is the extreme end of a low sand point and is awash at high tide. A bank 12 feet high is 75 yards east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 20.01 meters east-southeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is an auger hole in a pine stub projecting 2 inches above the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Curtis" (S 35° 25' E) o 00 Peak of wharf house (Nowell Pier) 20 41 Chimney on white house (opposite shore). .. . 83 00 Cupola on large building 145 34 South peak of packing house . ! 161 31 Peak of Carr's wharf house 189 57 Chimney on red-roof 213 50 Reference station 310 52 DELTA. 00 \]^ miles. I mile. Yi mile. I mile. ........ I mile. iX miles. % mile. 20 20.01 meters. Locatilv. — East .shore of Rhode River on point south of entrance to Cadle Creek, about '2 mile north of mouth of Rhode River. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is in a cultivated field about 300 yards southeast of Stiner's and 15 yards back from edge of a bluff 12 feet high. Cement monument marking reference .station is 4.32 meters northeast of observed station. Rfarks. — Observed .station is an auger hole in a pine stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° " Rhode " (S 26° 42' W) o Cupola on large building (opposite shore) .... 55 South peak of old packing house (opposite shore ) 69 Southeast corner of Carr's wharf house 124 Chimney on yellow . ; 149 Reference station 193 Chimney on red-roof house 280 50 300 yards. Nail in blaze on small locust tree (3 inches diameter) 354 \ y^ mile. % mile. ]{ mile. ^4 mile. % mile. 4. 32 meters. 41 17. 19 meters. ETNA. Locality. — East .shore of Rhode River, about 400 yards north of mouth to Cadle Creek. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed .station is 6 feet back from edge of a bank 12 feet high and is in front of the second house north of Cadle Creek, which stands about 25 yards northeast' of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.40 meters northeast of ob,served station. Marks. — Observed .station is an auger hole in a pine .stub projecting 3 feet above the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o r ir "Turf" (S69° 27'W) , o North peak of Murray's wharf house 14 West chimney of house 40 Southwest corner of Carr's wharf houSe 72 South chimney on red-roof house S3 Northwest corner of picket fence 9S Reference station 152 Southwest corner of picket fence 1 73 mile, mile, miles, mile, mile. 53 •-■ 17-45 meters. 17 20 5- 40 meters. 00 II. 85 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. 95 CALF. Locality. — Northern shore of upper Rhode River between Whitemarsh and Waters creeks about % mile west by north of Carr's wharf. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 25 feet back from edge of a bank 15 feet high. It is abreast oi High Island and about 300 yards northwest of the extreme southeast end of a point of land between Whitemarsh and Waters creeks. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.96 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of a triangle on standard cement nionimient. Reft're7ices. — o / r/ "Turf" (S 30° 10' E) o 00 00 y^ mile. Cupola on large house (opposite shore) 55 07 ^ mile. Chimney on small white house (opposite shore) . 115 05 ^ njile. chimne)' on red-roof (first hill north ) 129 25 I mile. Nail in blaze on pine tree (4 inches diameter) . . 201 48 5.17 meters. Reference st,\tion 242 17 20 4.96 meters. Southwest corner of Carr's wharf 307 46 300 yards. Nail in blaze on small white oak tree (2 inches diameter) 327 30 00 9.15 meters. TURF. Locality. — West shore of Rhode River on point at right-angle bend in river and 'i mile south of Carr's wharf. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is on a low marshy point just above high-water mark. A large frame tobacco barn stands about ]i mile southwest of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.83 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Etna " (N 69° 27' R) o 00 00 , )^ mile. Chimney on white house (opposite .shore) .... 25 47 )A mile. Chimne)' on red-roof house 58 29 i mile. Southeast corner of old barn 149 04 % mile. Cupola on large building 157 36 % mile. Refpcrence .station 179 49 00 4.S3 meters. CUPOLA. Locality. — On west side of Rhode River about % mile above its mouth and % mile back from shore. (See Chart No. 3. ) Marks. — Center of spindle on belfry cupola on dark colored frame barn. Bell in cupola under spindle. References. — None necessary. RHODE. Locality. — West shore of Rhode River on point about ^ mile north of its mouth. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on a low sand point just above high-water mark and about 60 feet west of the extreme east end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.39 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed .station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. g6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Aru7idel County, Md. References. — o / ,/ " Delta " (N 26° 4c/ E) o 00 00 % mile. Chimney on red-roof house 31 14 ^ mile. West chimney on red-roof house 146 oS 1% miles. Nail in blaze on twin locust tree (4 inches di- ameter) 181 59 27. 57 meters. Nail in blaze on locust tree (5 inches diameter) 20S 14 24. 25 meters. Reference station 216 02 20 7. 39 meters. Cupola on large building 261 38 yi mile. CHES. Locality. — North shore of West River on point at west side entrance to Rhode River and aboxit 300 yards east of entrance to Chestons Creek. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is 21 feet back from the edge of a bank 15 feet high. A twin locust stump stands about 2 yards southeast of station. Cement monument marking reference station is S.71 meters northwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / r, " Dutchman " (N 49° 52' E) o 00 00 3^' mile. Chimney on small house (opposite shore) .... loi 19 i mile. West chimney on red-roof house (opposite shore) 115 41 i mile. East chimney on white house (opposite shore) . 157 13 i mile. Chimney on small house 219 35 200 yards. Reference station 253 53 30 8. 71 meters. ALPHA. Locality. — North shore of West River between Scaffold and Chestons creeks and about }4 mile north of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 10 feet above and 5 feet back from high-water mark. It is about loo 3'ards east of .Scaffold Creek and 200 yards west of a small white shanty. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.26 meters north of observed station. Mar/is. — Observed station is an auger hole in a hickory stump. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Cove " (S 1° 21' E) o 00 00 '}{ mile. Tangent to Counallor Point 20 57 i mile. Peak of white house 68 17 % mile. Nail in blaze on hickory tree (7 inches diam- eter) 135 00 1 1- 33 meters. \ Nail in blaze on black oak tree (7 inches diameter) 163 46 9-74 meters. Reference station 167 01 00 8. 26 meters. Nail in blaze on black oak 230 15 7. 58 meters. West chimney on house (opposite shore) .... 354 54 i mile. SHELL. Locality. — West shore of Upper West River about 300 yards north of entrance to Cox Creek and yi mile west of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on an oyster shell bank about 8 feet above and 3 feet back from high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 21 meters northwest of observed station. Sjirvey of Oyster Bars, Attiic Arundel County, Md. 97 07 10.34 meters. 02 10 1 1 . 2 1 meters. 52 10.60 meters. 07 1% miles. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub projecting iS inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on .standard cement monument. References. — '° ' " " Cove" (S S8° 05' E) o 00 00 yi, mile. Chimney on small white house (opposite shore) 11 30 ^ mile. North chimney on red-roof house (opposite shore) 41 30 ^^ mile. West chimney on house belonging to Mr. Lerch ( shore) 68 24 i mile. Nail in blaze on gum tree (2 feet diameter) . . . 120 Reference st.\tion 200 Nail in blaze on cedar tree (5 inches diameter) 213 Southwest corner of white shanty 298 COUNALLOR. Locality. — West shore of upper West River about 250 yards north of steamboat wharf at Galesville and on south side of entrance to Cox Creek. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 22 feet back from edge of a bluff 12 feet high. An old dead stump stands about 6 feet to the south of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.93 meters west of ob.served station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Apple " (S 53° 50' E) o Lerch's windmill 10 East chimney on Mr. Hyde's house 50 Chimne}' on Chalk Point wharf house 72 Chimney on Galesville wharf 80 East peak on Wayson's store 112 28 250 yards. Reference STATION 159 27 55 10.93 meters. Cedar tree 207 40 18.25 meters. }^ mile. yi mile. ^ mile. 21 ^ mile, 20 250 yards. 15 CHALK. mile southeast of Galesville Locality. — Upper West River on west side of Chalk Point about and 200 yards east of Chalk Point steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is aljout 4 feet above and 27 feet back from high-water mark. It is about S yards west of a blazed locust tree standing on edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.15 meters west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a uail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o , // "Apple" (N49° 35' E) o Lerch's windmill 25 Nail in blaze on twin locust tree 49 Chimney on yellow house (opposite shore) .... 67 East chimney on Mr. Hyde's house 124 Reference st.\tion 201 Chimney on small yellow house 216 Chimney on Galesville wharf house 2S4 48 % mile. Yz mile. 7. 32 meters. II % mile. 35 % mile. 59 35 8. 15 meters. 43 loo yards. 27 300 yards. Locality. — Upper West River about near house of Mr. Lerch. Marks. — Center of shaft at highest point of windmill. References. — None necessary. 330—07 12 LERCH WINDMILL. mile east of Chalk Point and 3,4 mile southeast of Galesville Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. oo 45 oo 00 . . . % mile. \i mile. >i mile. 36 Yz mile. 27 K mile. 38 J^ mile. 02 ... 7 22 meters 25 30 ... 7 17 meters 01 . . . II 40 meters APPLE. Locality. — East shore of Upper West River, abreast of Galesville, and about 31" mile south by west of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 3. ) Observed station is 28 feet back from edge of bank, 8 feet high. It is about 45 yards east of the southwest corner of V. Hartge's house. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.17 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Refe7-e}ices. — o / // "Chalk" (S49°35'W) o Chimney on Chalk Point wharf house 16 Chimney on Galesville wharf house 40 East peak of Wayson's store 41 Chimney on store 64 Southwest corner of Hartge wharf house 154 Apple tree ( 6 inches diameter) 203 Reference station 236 Twin apple tree 294 COVE. Locality. — South shore of West River, about ^' mile northeast of Galesville, un Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on a low narrow neck of land, about 125 yards from its extreme south end. It is about 6 inches above high-water mark and 5 yards west of a blazed cedar stump. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 5.41 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Counallor" (S 47° 00' W) o 00 00 }{. mile. Southwest corner of small shanty (opposite shore) 137 40 3^ mile. Chimney on white house (opposite shore). .. . 156 41 i mile. Reference station 171 09 30 5. 41 meters. Nail in blaze on cedar stump (15 inches diameter) 196 03 4. 60 meters. Northwest corner of Hartge wharf house 316 46 350 yards. Lerch's windmill 31S 26 I mile. CURTIS. Locality. — South .side of entrance to West River on west side of Curtis Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is about 10 feet above and 6 feet back from edge of bank. It is north of entrance to Parish Creek and about 250 yards northwest of a house standing back in the woods. A line of sight was cut through woods in order to see Bloody Point Bar Light. Cement monument mark- ing reference station is about 10.82 meters southeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — / / // ' ' Dutchman " ( N 29° 36' W ) o 00 Peak of white house (opposite shore) 25 43 Nail in blaze on gum tree (4 inches diameter). 148 05 Reference station 156 04 Nail in blaze on locust tree (5 inches diameter) 197 56 South pe4k of wharf house 273 32 East chimney of yellow house 281 50 00 i}l miles. 2 miles. '3-63 meters. 20 10. 82 meters. 15-65 meters. }i mile. V mile. oo 00 . . . 1%. miles. 58 yi mile. 53 300 yards. 30 50 ... . . . II. 24 meters. 05 300 yards. 54 350 yards. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 99 HORSESHOE. Locality. — On .shore of bay about % mile south of eastern edge of Horseshoe Point. (See Chart No. 3.) Observed station is on low marshy point nearly awash at high tide. It is about 300 yards east of a yellow house with three lightning rods. This house is surrounded b}' cedar trees. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 11.24 meters northwest of observed station. iMarks. — Observed station is a nail in a .stub set in center of a tile pipe projecting 2 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / /, "Franklin" (S 15° 16' W) o South chimney on white house 35 Chimney on yellow house 56 REFERENCE STATION 91 Chimney on small house 1 24 West chimney of house 131 BLOODY POINT BAR LIGHT. Locality.— O^ eastern shore of bay, about i^ miles due west of the southernmost point of Kent Island and about % mile west-southwest from mouth of Bloody Point Creek. (See Chart No. 3.) y)/(?r^5.— Center point of black lantern on brown caisson structure known as Bloody Point Bar Light. References. — "Horseshoe" (N 87° 45' W) 5^ miles. FRANKLIN. Locality. — Weslem shore of bay on Franklin Point, about halfway between West River and Her- ring Bay. (See Chart No. 4.) Observed station is on low point, covered with tufts of marsh grass, situated between the marsh and shore. It is just above high-water mark and about 80 yards in front of the northeast point of a round grove of small oak trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.36 meters north- west of observed station. 7I/arX-.y. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center of triangle on standard cement monument. References. ~ or// "Horseshoe" (N 15° 15' E) o 00 00 i^ miles. Black oak tree at southeast point of round grove of trees (12 inches diameter) 217 50 100 yards. White oak tree abreast of station (2 feet di- ameter) 248 55 80 yards. Reference station 274 47 40 6. 36 meters. Peak of small white shanty 342 09 H" mile. South peak of yellow house back of Horseshoe Point 353 22 \% miles. NUT. Locality.— ^Wesiern shore of bay, about 1^ miles northeast of mouth of Broadwater Creek. (See Chart No. 4. ) Observed station is on low marshy point, about 50 feet west of its extreme eastern end. A large brick house stands on edge of woods, about % mile northwest of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.40 meters northwest of observed station. loo Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush witb ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.- — o / // "Franklin" (N 33° 37' E) o 00 00 i^ miles. Peak of white barn on south side Broadwater Creek 200 58 i >< miles. Reference station 260 28 10 13. 4° meters. North chimney of brick house 273 46 % mile. East peak of old barn 330 41 ^ mile. East tangent to grove on Franklin Point 359 00 \% miles. BROAD. Locality. — Western shore of bay, on south side of entrance to Broadwater Creek, on the extreme north end of a narrow neck of land between the creek and the bay. (See Chart No. 4.) Observed station is about 25 feet back from edge of bank 4 feet high. A number of cedar trees stand 20 yards northwest of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.29 meters northwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Nut" (N 43° 14' E) o 00 00 I mile. North chimney on house across Broadwater Creek 201 21 ^ mile. Chimney on house (opposite shore) 260 24 300 yards. Nail in blaze on cedar tree 21.10 meters. Reference station 264 42 20 13-29 meters. Nail in blaze on cedar tree on edge of bank (12 inches diameter) 289 07 30- 25 meters. Eastchimneyof brownhouse(oppositeshore). 295 19 >^ mile. PARKER. Locality. — Western shore of bay, on north side of entrance to Herring Bay. (See Chart No. 4.) Observed station is on a small detached sand island south of Parker Island, about 25 yards from the extreme south end and just above high-water mark. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.57 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Fairhaven " (S 47° 11' W) o 00 00 2 miles. Chimney on white house 29 03 i mile. Chimney on small house 63 42 ^ mile. West chimney on small white house 85 21 ^ mile. West chimney on red-roof house 96 43 ^ mile. East chimney on red-roof house 115 04 % mile. Reference station 132 30 10 5. 57 meters. HOPKINS. Locality. — North side of Herring Bay, on east side of entrance to Herring Creek and about i %. miles north by west of Fairhaven Wharf. (See Chart No. 4.) Observed station is 2 feet above and 15 feet back from high-water mark, and is nearly on line with south face of house standing just east of station. Cement moniiment marking reference station is 5. 15 meters northwest of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel County, Md. 25 Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub flush with ground of triangle on standard cement monument. Heferences. — o / " Fairhaveu " (S 27° 28' W) o 00 Chimney on small house (opposite shore) .... 16 South chimney on white house (opposite shore) 93 South chimney on yellow house (opposite shore) 102 Reference station 105 West chimney on small white house 124 Northwest corner of house 172 Southwest corner of house 192 FAIRHAVEN. Reference station is center point 1% miles. % mile. mile. 44 y{ mile. 35 5-15 meters. 37 150 yards. 19 16. 39 meters. II '5-17 meters. Locality. — Western shore of Herring Bay on prominent bold hill about '4 mile back from shore and j{ mile west by north of Fairhaven wharf. ( See Chart No. 4. ) Observed station is about 25 yards south of a lone chestnut tree 3 feet in diameter and about 100 yards north of highway to Friendship. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.08 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is the center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top 8 inches below the surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hopkins" (N 27° 28' E) o 00 Cupola on old Fairhaven Hotel 45 44 East chimney on yellow house 51 06 West peak of Fairhaven wharf house 98 49 Chimney on small house close to shore 113 25 Post of rail fence 241 05 14-53 meters. Nail in blaze on lone chestnut tree (3 feet diameter) 346 Reference station 351 00 \% miles. Yz mile. Yi mile. I mile. Yz mile. 37 25 . 78 meters. 49 50 6. oS meters. HOLLAND. Locality. — Western shore of bay on south side of entrance to Herring Bay about 30 yards west of Holland Point. (See Chart No. 4.) Observed station is 5 feet back from top of a bank 7 feet high, south and west of station at distance 12 and 25 yards respectively, reference station is 12. 88 meters southwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground, point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " Fairhaven " (N 48° 13' W) o 00 Nail in blaze on red oak tree {lYz feet diameter) 238 49 Reference station 262 05 Nail in blaze on red oak tree (2J4 feet diameter) 286 55 22. 63 meters. Two large blazed trees stand Cement monument marking Reference station is center 00 ^Y^ miles. II. 17 meters. 00 12. 88 meters. I02 Survey of Oyster Bars, Autic Arundel County, Md. REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. INSTRUCTIONS. The two following letters, together with the laws " of . the United States relating to the subject, constitute the "instructions" of the representative of the Surve)-. They are short and definite, but furnish ample authority and leeway for all legitimate development of the cooperation of the Government and the State in the survey of natural oj'ster bars. The ' ' free hand ' ' permitted by these orders proved very bene- ficial and was greatly appreciated. Department of Commercf; and L.^bor, Office of the Secretary, Washington , June 2, 1^06. Sir: In replj- to your letter of May 28, requesting me to designate officers of the Coast and Geo- detic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries to cooperate with the State of Maryland in making survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. C. C. Yates will be designated to cooperate on the part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey a.s soon as Congress makes the provisions of the act effective by providing an appropriation for the purpose. Respectfully, L.-^wrence O. Murray, Assistant Secretary. His Excellenc)' Hon. Edwin W.\rfield, Governor of Marytand, Annapolis, Md. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, W'ashitigton, July 3, igo6. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector. * * * As .soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland. You will consult the commissioners, prepare a prograi:ime of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessary. ****** * Very respectfully, O. H. TiTTMANN, Superintendent. Capt. C. C. Y.\TES, U. S. C. and G. S. Steamer "Endeavor," Baltimore, 31 d. HOUSE BOAT " OYSTER." While arranging to turn over the command of the steamer Endeavor, the repre- sentative of the Survey, acting under preliminary instructions from the Superintendent, was engaged in frequent consultation with the Shell Fish Commissioners in reference to the programme of future work. In addition to these duties, he undertook for the commissioners the planning and supervision necessary to convert the old side-wheel steamer Tliomas L. WortJiley \\\\.o a house boat for the surveying parties of both the Commission and the Government. " For copies of these laws see " Introduction " to this publication. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. 103 The Worthley, now called the house boat Oyster, was in excellent condition when purchased by the Commission. The keelsons and timbers were sound and the upper works strong. After the removal of the old engine and boiler, the house boat was docked and her hull thoroughly examined. The outside planking below the water line was found in good condition, and although it was recalked, it was done as an additional precaution, the hull having been absolutely water-tight from the day of purchase. The Oyster is about 135 feet over all and 35 feet in beam. The main deck contains living quarters for 27 men, the officers mess room and the galley. The upper deck has 1 1 staterooms, 5 for the 3 commissioners and their 2 hydrographic engineers, 4 for the Coast Survey officers, i for the representative of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, and I for the local county oyster commissioner. Besides these rooms, there are located on this deck a large drafting room, a laboratory for oyster investigations, and an office room. Coal for the two Government launches and the galley is stored in the hold, which also contains fresh-water tanks having a capacitj^ of about 7,000 gallons. Signal lumber is carried on the main deck aft of the officers' mess room. As a whole, the Oyster is plainly and practically equipped for the work to be done. She has added much to the amount of the surveying accomplished during the season, and the Coast and Geodetic Survey representative greatly appreciates the practical advantages furnished to his party by their quarters on the house boat. When the large party of the combined surveying forces is taken into consideration with the limited accommodations usually obtainable on shore, the attending difficulties of a scattered party, the uncertain location and supply of coal and water for launches and sufficient lumber for signals, it is easily to be seen that the amount of work accomplished would have been reduced greatly, if there had been no such house boat as the Oyster \.qi supply all requirements of the surveying operations. With reasonable care and repairs, the Oyster will be a valuable asset to the Com- mission at the completion of the oyster survey of the State, besides having paid her first cost several times over in both quality and quantity of work accomplished. ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. The command of the Endeavor was turned over to the hydrographic inspector July 9, 1906, and from that date to the commencement of active field work the Survey representative was engaged on organization of partj', collection of .surveying data, general supervision of the construction of the house boat, and preparation of field equipment. Some delay was experienced in completing repairs to the Survey .steam launch Inspector, and bj' the difficulties of obtaining surveying assistants who were qualified to receive an appointment under civil-service rules. In fact, the last field assistant did not take his oath of office until the middle of October. The field organization of the party, when fully completed, remained the same during the season, and was as follows: C. C. Yates, assistant. Coast and Geodetic Survey, and chief of party. E. A. Borst, triangulator. N. L. Arbuckle, topographic draftsman. F. \V. Seth, surve)'uian and computer. One launch coxswain. One launch engineer. Five seamen and hands. I04 Survey of Oyster Bars, Anne Arundel Couitly, Md. Later two additional draftsmen, J. D. Torrey and G. C. Moore, were appointed and assigned to duty in the office in Washington, where they were employed on the preparation for publication of the charts of natural oyster bars, making in all a party of six officers from the Coast and Geodetic Survey engaged on the work. During the last weeks of the field work, Mr. Paul C. Whitney, assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey, was a.ssigned to temporary duty in the party in place of Mr. E. A. Borst, who resigned. The equipment of the party, in addition to the quarters and accommodations on the house boat Oyster, consisted of the large Coast and Geodetic Survey steam launch Inspector, an excellent whaleboat, a large ship's cutter, and a fishing dory. The Survey also furnished a complete outfit of theodolites, levels, sextants, and other instru- ments necessary for the work of the Government and State surveying parties, and the usual outfit of tools, sails and oars, stationery, etc. FIELD WORK. The launch Inspector and outfit were moved to Annapolis on August lo, 1906, on which date the actual field work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey party commenced. Previous to this time a number of signals had been erected over old Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations on the Severn River by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. By using the triangulation so established, considerable oyster bar location was accomplished. After the arrival of the Coast Sur^-ey party, the erection of signals and the observations of horizontal angles necessary to establish a framework of triangulation were kept well ahead of the oyster bar locations and other oyster investigations. The methods of triangulation were those established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and require no explanation other than that given by the publications of the Survey. In all there are 123 triangulation .stations involved in the survey of Anne Arundel County natural oyster bars- These stations are scattered along the western shore line of the bay from Fort Carroll to Holland Point, and are located at intervals frequently less than a half and rarely more than a mile apart. The triangulation was carried on with energy and good judgment, but the scattered condition of the work, composed of a mixture of new and old stations, increased the number of observations without the usual proportionate increase in number of new stations established. After the appointment of a topographic draftsman on September 19, all boat sheets for both the hydrographic and oyster investigation parties were prepared and much other drafting work was done to facilitate the operations of the commissioners. Besides this work, the draftsman checked the computations and kept up the smooth projections as far as the new field work permitted. Considerable difficulty was experienced in bringing up the computations to the immediate requirements of the work, especially in West River and to the south along the shore of the bay, where practically all old triangulation stations had been washed away. This situation was much relieved by the appointment of a surveyman on Octo- ber 15, who had received some training in the computing division of the Survey at Washington. Stirvey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. 105 The operations in the vicinity of Severn and South rivers were completed Sep- tember 13, when the house boat Owfer was moved to West River. Up to this time the party had lived on shore and suiTered many of the resulting inconveniences and delays due to scattered lodgings, uncertain meal hours, etc. The advantages of the house boat were immediately shown in the results, and in spite of much bad weather the work in the vicinity of West River was completed and the Oyster moved to Magothy River on November 9. Here the boat remained until the end of the month, when she was moved to Bodkin Creek. On December 9 the main body of the field work for the season was completed and the Oyster went to Annapolis for the winter. Quarters were taken up on shore, the parties reduced in number, and offices establi.shed in the state house. During the following winter the unfinished ends of triangulation, construction and planting of permanent monuments, and new descriptions of stations, occupied about a third of the time of the triangulator. Besides the training and as.sistance required by an entirely new organization, and the systematizing of a new of work, the repre.sentative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey devoted nuich time and took much interest in the work of the Commission in general as affecting both the surveying and other operations of the oy.ster-culture laws of Maryland. OFFICE WORK. After October 15, a greater part of the original computations were made by the surveymau of the party and were checked by the triangulator and the topographic draftsman. This work included the computations of 166 triangles, 67 geodetic posi- tions, and 1,083 back computations of geodetic positions required for the technical descriptions of the boundaries of natural oyster bars. These computations, together with the making out of the abstract of horizontal angles, the lists of geographic posi- tions, the lists of directions, and the reduction to center for 8 eccentric stations, make up a creditable amount of computation for the short .season's work. The drafting consisted of the preparation of nearly all boat sheets used by the hydrographic and oyster-inve.stigation parties, the construction of 9 projection sheets, and the plotting of 2,596 sextant positions on the projections. Besides this drafting, the progress map was prepared for the lithographer, the boundaries of 91 natural oyster bars were plotted on the projections, the geographic positions of 361 corners of bars were scaled off the .sheets, and 1,083 distances to landmarks from corners of bars taken off the projections for use in checking computations. This work was done neatly and accurately, and represents a larger amount of labor than this statement would indicate. The great amount of necessary work required to prepare for publication the 4 large scale charts of the natural oyster bars and the report containing the description of boundaries and landmarks to accompany charts, can be seen from an inspection of the charts and reports. SUMMARY. The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in cooper- ation with the Marj'land Shell Fish Commission need no other summary than is indicated by the published charts of the natural oyster bars and the scheme of 330—07 13 io6 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Anne Arundel County^ Md. projections and triangulation shown on the progress map at the end of this report. The work completed will stand the test of time, and it will be recognized ulti- mately that both time and money have been saved by having the work done system- atically and accurately. The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual precision of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points nece.ssary to provide ample foundation for the surveying and charting oper- ations permitted great accuracy of definition and location for the natural oyster bar and other boundaries established. At the .same time, the very important element of permanencj' of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the .shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last sixty-five years. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey deems it both desirable and natural to make a statement of appreciation of the ever courteous actions of everyone connected with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission" and of his colleague* from the Department of Commerce and I,abor. This excellent relationship made true cooperation possible and aided greatl3' in the .succes.sful accom- plishment of much work. « Walter J. Mitchell, chairman. Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary, Benjamin K. Green, treasurer, com- missioners; Thomas H. Robinson, counsel; Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer; W. Gibson Emory, assistant engineer; Joseph E. Smith, local oyster commissioner for Anne Arundel County; H. Court- ney Jenifer, chief clerk; Samuel A. Harper, clerk; Ernest Reppenhagen, draftsman. '' Dr. H. F. Moore, .scientific as,sistant in the U. vS. Bureau of Fisheries. o ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN. Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS BALTIMORE COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, August lo, igii. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, together with certain technical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shell fish com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 191 1, and 1912. Respectfully, O. H. TiTTMANN, Superintendent. To Hon. Charles Nagel, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. CERTIFICATION Baltimore, Md., August lo, igii. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in Baltimore County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United vStates Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, Chief of Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Examined and certified to be correct. Baltimore, Md., August lo, igii. Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell Grave, Benjamin K. Green, Maryland Shell Fish Commission. Swepson Earle, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — Certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of Baltimore County were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Balti- more County and in the office of the board of shell fish commissioners on August lo, 1911. S CONTENTS, Progress map follows 42 Letter of submittal 3 Certification 5 Introduction: Publications g Cooperation of the Coast and Goedetic Survey 10 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries 10 General statement of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey 10 Report op the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions 12 Organization and equipment 12 Chronological statement of work 13 Statistics 14 General remarks 14 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster bars 15 Leasing charts 16 Projections 17 Progress maps 17 Boundaries op the county waters: Waters within territorial limits of county 18 Waters contiguous to county 19 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations): Explanation 20 Method of describing triangulation stations 20 Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Chart No. 27 (Chesapeake Bay between Patapsco River and Pooles Island) — Pooles Island Light 23 Pooles Island 2 23 Worton Point 2 {see Progress map) 24 Bramble {see Progress map) 24 Mitchells Bluff 2 {see Progress map) 25 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range) 25 Craighill Channel Light (Front Range) 25 North Point (Old Tower Foundation) 26 Fort Howard Taller Water Tank 26 Cutoff Channel Light (Front Range) 26 Cutoff Channel Light (Rear Range) 26 Rock Point 26 Bodkin Point (Old Tower) {see Progress map) 27 Seven Foot Knoll Light 27 Swan Point 3 {see Progress map) 27 7 8 Contents. Boundaries of oyster bars: Page Explanation 28 Method of describing boundaries 29 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries 30 Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county — Chart No. 27 (Chesapeake Bay)^ Tea Table 33 Millers Island 34 Man O'War Shoals 34 Appendixes: Appendix A. — Laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission 35 Appendix B. — "The Haman Oyster Culture Law" (extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission) 39 Appendix C. — Summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster surve)' " as now being carried on in Maryland 40 Appendix D. — Statistics of results of the combined operations of the Government and State . . 42 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, BALTIMORE COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the survey of the oyster bars of Mary- land has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws ' authorizing the work and the natural division of the surveying operations ^ of the cooperating forces. The publications prepared and issued by the Government under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consists of a series of charts and a technical report for each county surveyed.^ The charts show all legal boundaries of oyster bars within the adopted boundaries of the waters opened up for leasing with each county, and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used as a foundation for the delineation of these various boundaries. The, technical report gives technical and legal description of all oyster bar and other bound- aries, and descriptions of all landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in charge of the work of that service in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission. These charts and technical reports are prepared and certified for file with the courts and the commission, as required by the laws of the State, and contain all infor- mation necessary to make a permanent record of the work of the commission and the Government for all future requirements of the courts, or for any resurveys that may become necessary.^ The publications prepared and issued by the vState under the direction of the Shell Fish Commission consist of annual reports'^ of all the operations of the commission performed under the provisions of the laws of Maryland, ° including results of biological • See Appendix A for laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. 2 See Appendix C for a summary of the particular surveying operations wnicii constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Mar>^land. ^ These charts and technical reports can be obtained by apphcation to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington. D. C. The publications now ready for issue are those for Aime Arundel. Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles. St. Mar>*s. and Baltimore Counties. * The technical records and charts for each county are published separately on account of the requiremt uts of the oyster" culture laws of the State and the practical considerations which make it desirable to have each county ''opened up" for oyster culture as soon as practicable after the completion of its survey. For these reasons and the fact that these reports are each arranged for distribution and use in one county only without reference to other pubhshed records, much of the text of this publication is of necessity identical with similar previous pu' ' .-ations for other counties. ^ These reports can be obtained by application to th .'ell Fish Commission, Marine Bank Building, Baltimore, Md. They are issued annually in October, and the first and secon reports are now available for distribution. ^ See Appendix B for an extract from the "Second Report of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission," giving a concise sum- mary of the "Haman oyster-culture law." 9 lo Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. and economic oyster investigations, methods and results of the hydrographic survey of the boundaries of oyster bars and crab bottoms, the administrative report and financial statement of the commission, information relating to oyster culture, methods of sur- veying and leasing of oyster lots, and much other important matter of legal and scientific value. These two sets of publications are planned and arranged to supplement each other without unnecessary duplication, and when combined they form a complete report of operations, methods, and results of the work of both the Government and State.' COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the service indicates, includes a survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and published a complete set of charts of the coasts of the United States, including all waters of Maryland where oysters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential as a foundation for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental func- tions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and natural development of Government work leading to the conservation and increase of the supply of food. COOPERATION OP THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The Bureau of Fisheries has cooperated with the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Maryland vShell Fish Commission principally as an adviser in matters relating to the biological and economic survey of oyster bars and the methods to be employed for that purpose.- A steam launch, rowing boat, and certain apparatus have also been furnished. The primary function of the Bureau of Fisheries is to increase the productiveness of marine and fresh waters by such measures as may be best suited to the purpose, and the services rendered in connection with the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland are strictly in line with the fundamental law under which it acts. In certain States other than Maryland similar work has been conducted by the bureau acting independently, the same ends being attained at greater expense to the Government. GENERAL STATEMENT OF WORK OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY.^ The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in coopera- tion with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission need very . little other summary than is indicated by the published "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" and the index of hydrographic projections and triangulation stations shown on the county progress maps attached to each report. * See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." 2 Hon, George M. Bowers, Commissioner of Fisheries, has detailed for this service Dr. H. F. Moore. Assistant. Bureau of Fisheries. ^ For a detail statement of the very large amount of excellent oyster-survey work of the Maryland Shell Fish Conunission see the "Annual Reports of the Maryland Shell Fish Conunission." Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. ii The triangulation has been carried on in accordance with the standard methods of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, making this work and that of the "Descriptions of Triangulation Stations" of permanent value, not only to the State of Maryland in the survey of her oyster bars but also to the Government for any future work it may do in the regions covered by the oyster-survey operations. The hydrographic projections and published charts are prepared with all the accu- racy permitted by their large scale, especially as to the boundaries of the various shell-fish bottoms in relation to landmarks, but this accuracy of location on the charts is further added to and permanently fixed by published technical descriptions which should minimize the probability of any future dispute as to either landmarks or boundaries. Stated another way, and quoting from the report of the "Survey of Oyster Bars of Anne Arundel County": The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual precision of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points necessary to provide ample foundation for the surveying and charting operations permitted great accuracy of definition and loca- tion for the natural oyster-bar and other boundaries established. At the same time, the very important element of permanency of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last 65 years. REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN BALTIMORE COUNTY. INSTRUCTIONS. The following letters, together with the laws ' of the United States relating to the subject, constitute the "instructions" received by the chief of the Coast and Geodetic Survey party engaged on work in connection with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. They are short and definite, but furnish ample authority and leeway for all legitimate development of the cooperation of the Government and the State in the survey of oyster bars. The "free hand" permitted by these orders, together with the aid and many valuable suggestions received from the officers of the survey at Washington, have proved very beneficial to the work and are greatly appreciated : Department of Commerce and Labor, Office of the Secretary, Washington, June 2, igo6. Sir: In reply to vour letter of May 28, requesting me to designate officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries to cooperate with the State of Maryland in making survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. C. C. Yates will be designated to cooperate on the part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as soon as Congress makes the provisions of the act effective by providing an appropriation for the purpose. Respectfully, Lawrence O. Murray, Assistant Secretary. His Excellency Hon. Edwin Warfield, Governor of Maryland, Annapolis, Md. Department op Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Sitrvey, Washington, July j, igo6. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector * * *. As soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland. You will consult the Commissioners, prepare a program of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessary. ********* Very respectfully, O. H. TiTTmann, Superintendent. Capt. C. C. Yates, U. S. C. & G. S. Steamer "Endeavor," Baltimore, Md. ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. The personnel and occupation of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey have remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the "oyster survey." Besides 1 For these laws see Appendix A. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 13 the chief of party, it consists of the necessary triangulators, computers, draftsmen, and temporary employees required to carry on both the surveying operations in the field and the preparation for publication of oyster charts and technical records in the office at Washington. The equipment for the work of the party has been ample and satisfactory. The large living and office quarters furnished the Government on the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house boat Oyster have been very convenient for the work, besides facili- tating efficient cooperation with the surveying and oyster investigation parties of the State. In addition to the accommodations on the Oyster, the Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey party has had the constant use of the large steam launch Inspector and several other boats furnished by its own service, and the occasional use of the Bureau of Fisheries launch Canvasback ^ and the steamer Governor McLane ^ of the State fishery force. The greater part of the equipment of instruments for the operations of both the Government and State has been furnished by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and con- sists of all necessary theodolites, levels, sextants, drafting instruments, hydrometers, etc., required for all field and office work. CHRONOLOGICAL vSTATEMENT OF WORK. The field work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Baltimore County ' dates from April 14, 1909, when the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house boat Oyster was moved from her winter quarters in Baltimore to an anchorage off Rock Hall Landing in Kent County. The surveying operations carried on from this harbor covered a period of about six weeks, when practically all the triangulation of the Chesapeake Bay shores of both Baltimore and Kent Counties was completed. On May 26, 1909, the Oyster was moved from Rock Hall Landing to near Cliffs Landing in the upper part of Chester River, and no further work was done in Balti- more County from that date to July 22, 1909, when the anchorage of the Oyster was changed back to Rock Hall to complete some unfinished details of the oyster survey work in that vicinity. On August 5, 1909, the house boat was again moved, this time to Worton Creek, the extreme northern limit of oyster growth in Chesapeake Bay. From this harbor all the remaining oyster survey work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in both Baltimore and Kent Counties was completed, although some weeks later a party of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission returned to finish certain oyster investigations and hydrographic obser^'ations in these waters. The office work connected with the oyster survey of Baltimore County, including compilations and drafting necessary for the preparation for publication of the oyster charts and the technical records, was continued intermittingly with the office work of other counties from the beginning of the field work in Baltimore County to the time of filing of the certified oyster charts and technical reports in the archives of the Com- mission and with the clerk of the circuit court of Baltimore County on August 10, 191 1. ^ By courtesy of Dr. H. F. Moore. United States Bureau of Fisheries. * By courtesy of Capt. James A. Turner, commanding. 3 The field work of Baltimore and Kent Counties was so intermixed in Chesapeake Bay that the chronological statement of work for one of these counties necessarily includes a considerable part of the work of the other county. 14 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. STATISTICS.' Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 6 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 6 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles 3 Old triangulation stations recovered 14 New triangulation stations established i Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described 15 Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) 12 Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate) 50 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster boundaries 4 Triangles computed 8 Geographic positions computed i Comers of oyster boundaries established by computation 13 Back azimuths and distances computed from corners of boundaries to triangulation stations 39 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication 15 Descriptions of oyster boundaries prepared for publication 3 "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" prepared for publication i Progress map prepared for publication i GENERAL REMARKS. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: To his colleague from the Department of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore, of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose well-known scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters has been of great value to the work. To Mr. Walter J- Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative ability in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and bv his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the commission, who, as editor of the com- mission's annual report and commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster investigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Mr. Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Mr. vSwepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the commission, whose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facilitated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. And to the many others connected with the commission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing impor- tant information or willing services. ' These statistics only include field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the oyster survey of Baltimore County, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examina- tions of the character of the bottom made by the engineers of the commission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geodetic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the waters of Maryland. See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Goveniment and the State." CHARTS AND MAPS.' CHARTS OP NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The chart of the natural oyster bars of Baltimore County, published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of surveys of the Government in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, covers that portion of the upper Chesapeake Bay and tributaries in Baltimore County in which the waters are sufficiently salt for the growth of oysters. This chart is published on a scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3 J inches to a statute mile). It is constructed on a polyconic projection and is based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. This chart shows all oyster bars and other boundaries established by the commission, and is certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Baltimore County and in the office of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster bar and other boundaries, the "Maryland Oyster Charts" show the location and name of all landmarks (United States Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily understandable both by the- people engaged in the oyster industry and the general pubHc who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture.^ The names of the oyster bars are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascer- tained by the hydrographic engineer of the commission. When there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars are numbered from i to the total number of corners in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners corre- spond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the heading "Boundaries of natural oyster bars." The landmarks and oyster bars have been grouped in the "Contents" of the Coast and Geodetic Survey oyster survey publication in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particular oyster bar or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents" and the desired chart and general location will be ' These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington. D. C. 2 Much of the detail of the iushore topography was obtained from the excellent map of Baltimore County, prepared and published by the Maryland Geological Survey imder the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey in cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey. IS 1 6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. indicated. To find the name of a bar or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the end of the publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locaHty on the chart for the name of the bar or landmark in question. The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking ofif from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shellfish indus- tries. The I -fathom contour (6 feet) and the 5-fathom curve (30 feet) correspond in a general way to the inner and outer limits of all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom contour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars and the lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the "territorial limits of the county" and the boundaries of the "waters contiguous to the county" opened up for the leasing with each county are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of county waters." The areas in acres of the oyster bars were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of the chart within the boundaries of the different shellfish bottoms. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face of the charts. LEASING CHARTS. The leasing charts of Baltimore County, like those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles, and St. Marys counties, have been prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the commission. These charts are constructed on polyconic projections and are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. They are made on the scales of i part in 5,000, or I part in 10,000, as the needs of oyster culture may require. Anne Arundel County required 13 leasing charts; Somerset County, 12 charts; Wicomico County, 2 charts; Worcester County, 3 charts; Calvert County, 5 charts; Charles County, 2 charts; St. Marys County, 8 charts; and Baltimore County, i chart, to cover their oyster bottoms. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds and other boundaries established by the commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the "old 5-acre law" are frequently of irreg- ular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster laws must be of rectangular shape by the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rectan- Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 17 gles of I acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to the area under consideration, and prospective leaseholders by the rules of the commission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as possible. For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be published for some years, but they can be seen at any time on file at the offices of the commission, in the Marine Bank Building at Baltimore. PROJECTIONS. The polyconic projections ' covering Baltimore County waters are four in number and on the scale of i part in 10,000. They were constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but the sextant positions which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission were plotted by the draftsman of the commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulation stations, shore Hne, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oyster-bar and other boundaries established by the commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, and the other set in the archives of the Shell Fish Commission. PROGRESS MAPS. The progress map to be found at the end of this publication is on a scale of i part in 100,000, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in Baltimore County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surveying work, and the "boundaries of county waters" established by the commission for the purpose of carrying out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may be under consideration. The progress maps ^ accompanying the first and second annual reports of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission were prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the commission. They are on the scale of i part in 400,000, and show the outline of the tide-water counties of Maryland, with shaded areas to indicate the waters already covered by the operations of the oyster survey. ' For the scheme of these projections see the progress map at the end of this publication. 2 These maps and reports can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Commission. Marine Bank Building, Baltimore, Md. BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY WATERS.' WATERS WITHIN TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF COUNTY. The laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture provide that "no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of any of the counties, or one hundred acres in any other place. " The boundary line- between the waters "within the territorial limits" of Baltimore County and the waters in "any other place," as established by the Shell Fish Com- mission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the "oyster" charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is technically described and defined as follows: Following the boundary line in the middle of Gunpowder River between Baltimore and Harford counties to a point at the intersection of this boundary' with a straight line between the northeastern end of Millers Island and the southwestern end of Spr>'s Island defined by latitude 39° 16' 58.8" and longitude 76° 20' 10. o"; thence in a straight line across a part of the waters of the mouth of Gunpowder River to a point on the northeastern end of Millers Island defined by latitude 39° 15' 5 1.6" and longitude 76° 21' og.o"; thence along the mean low-water line of the Chesapeake Bay shore of Millers Island or a line across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, to a point on the southwestern end of Millers Island defined by latitude 39° 15' 19.5" and longitude 76° 22' 51.9"; thence in a straight line across the waters and small marsh islands between Millers Island and Hart Island to a point on the northeastern end of Hart Island defined by latitude 39° 15' 08.5" and longitude 76° 22' 18.0"; thence along the mean low-water line of Chesapeake Bay shore of Hart Island or a line across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, to a point on the southwestern end of Hart Island defined by latitude 39° 13' 47. 5" and longitude 76° 23' 46.0"; thence in a straight line across the waters between Hart Island and the mainland to a point on the mainland of Baltimore County defined by latitude 39° 13' 45.5''' and longitude 76° 23' 56.8": thence along the mean low-water line of the Chesapeake Bay shore of Baltimore County or a line across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be. to a point on the northeastern side of the entrance to Shallow Creek defined by latitude 39° 12' 153" and longitude 76° 25' 57.4"; thence in a straight line across the mouth of Shallow Creek to a point on the southwestern side of the entrance to Shallow Creek defined by latitude 39° i2'ii.i'''and longitude 76° 26' 12.4": thence along the mean low- water line of the Chesapeake Bay shore of Baltimore County or a line across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, to a point located on North Point at the extreme southern end of Baltimore County defined by latitude 39° 11' 43.8" and longitude 76° 26' 34.2": thence in a straight line to a point located in Chesapeake Bay about 150 yards offshore on the foundation of an old stone lighthouse tower defined by latitude 39° n' 39.2'" and longitude 76° 26' 31.4"; thence in a straight line across a part of the waters of the mouth of Patapsco River to a point defined by the intersection of the center line of Brewerton Channel and a straight line between "North Point (Old Tower Foundation)" and a point defined by latitude 39° 09' 59. 3" and longitude 76° 28' 39.7", situated on Rock Point; thence along the center line of Brewerton Channel to a point defined by the intersection of this line with the center line of Fort McHenry Channel; thence along the center line of Fort McHenry Channel to a point defined by the intersection of this line with the southern boundary line of Baltimore County.-' • For a complete historical and legal description of the boundaries of the counties of Maryland, the valuable publication en- titled "The Counties of Marj'land— Their Origin, Boundaries, and Election nistricts. " prepared by Dr. Edward B. Mathews and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark, superintendent, should be consulted, as the boundaries described in this publication have been established and technically defined for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws of the State, and may or may not be correct for other purposes. 2 See "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars, " published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at the end of this publication. ' Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. 18 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 19 WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO COUNTY. The oyster laws of Mar3'land provide that a true and accurate delineation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur\^ey, "which said copies shall be filed in the oifice of the said commissioners," and "in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie." For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section of the law and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-culture area to be opened up for leasing with each county surveyed, it is necessary for the Shell Fish Commission to establish a boundary line between the waters contiguous to but not within the terri- torial limits of each county and the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of adjacent counties. This boundary line has been delineated on the "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and is technically described and defined as follows : Commencing at a point situated in the mouth of the Gunpowder River at the intersection of the boundary between Baltimore and Harford counties and a straight line between the northeastern end of Millers Island and the southwestern end of Sprys Island and defined by latitude 39° 16' 58.8" and longi- tude 76° 20' 10. o"; thence in a straight line across a part of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated about ii'„ miles south of the southern end of Pooles Island and defined by latitude 39° 15' 30.0" and longitude 76° 16' 20.4"; thence in a straight line along the waters of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated about 3/5 miles east of "Seven Foot Knoll Light" and 31^ miles southeast of "Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)" and defined by latitude 39° 09' 10.6" and longitude 76° 21' 00.0"; thence in a straight line along the continuation of the center line of Brewerton Channel to Brewerton Channel, and thence along the center line of Brewerton Channel to a point defined by the intersection of this line and a straight line between "North Point (Old Tower Foundation)" and a point defined by latitude 39° 09' 59.3" and longitude 76° 28' 39.7", situated on Rock Point.' ' tatitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. LANDMARKS (U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS). EXPLANATION. The oyster laws of Maryland authorizing the survey to be made by the shell fish commission provide for "an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a descrip- tion of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts." The law of the United States author- izing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the erection of "such structures as maybe necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland." Under the provisions of the sections of the laws stated above, the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and future needs of both the Government and the State. With this end in view, considerable work has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. An effort has been made to arrange the descriptions of location and character of landmarks in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assump- tion that the individual seeking a landmark has only an indefinite idea of its location. They gradually proceed from description of the general locality of a landmark to the descriptions of its immediate surroundings. This is followed by specific details of the character of the center and reference marks and a "round" of reference angles and distances which in themselves frequently contain enough information to furnish an independent and reliable location of the triangulation station. METHOD OF DESCRIBING TRIANGULATION STATIONS. The separate descriptions of triangulation stations should not be used without reading the following explanation of the method of describing the triangulation stations, as it con- tains certain details that are common to all the landmarks described in this publication and which are omitted in the separate descriptions as being needless repetitions : Name. — The title at the top of each separate description is the name by which the landmark or triangulation station is known and designated in all work and pub- lished oyster records or oyster charts of both the Government and State. The selec- tion of the name is usually left to the triangulator establishing the station, and it may or may not have geographic or other significance in reference to the locality. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 21 General locality. — Under this heading is given the general locaHty of the landmark in reference to well-known and prominent natural or artificial features, such as the nearest body of water, town, river, steamer wharf, well-defined point of land, church, or any other feature that is likely to remain both permanent and prominent. This heading also covers a reference to the published chart or map which shows the location of the station most clearly. -Nearly all the triangulation stations described in this publication are plainly indicated by name and a triangulation symbol on the published charts of oyster bars of Maryland. In this case they are referred to by serial number only, the words "charts of oyster bars of Maryland" being omitted to avoid needless repetition. These published oyster charts are on the large scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3^ inches to a statute mile) and show the locations of the trian- gulation stations so clearly that in many cases the written descriptions will not be required to find them. Immediate locality. — Under this heading is given the description of the "observed station" in reference to its immediate surroundings. This is supposed to include a statement of the station's estimated elevation above high water or some other well- defined level of the locality, such as a road or house; the character of the ground on which it is located, such as marsh land, sand beach, cultivated field, or meadow; esti- mated bearings in points of the compass and estimated distances in yards from {not to) easily recognized features, such as extreme end of point, edge of bluff, bank of creek, line of telephone poles, shore line, barn, house, fence, ditch, trees, or any other definite detail, such as being on range with the tangent of an island and a church; and so forth. When a standard monument has been established near the station as a "reference station," this heading also covers a statement of the true bearing of the monument in degrees and minutes and its measured distance in meters, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached and might be mistaken for the center mark of the "observed station" unless special attention is called to it. The distinction between the "observed station" and "reference station" should be carefully noted by anyone making use of the description of stations for any future surveying operations. The "observed station" is located at the particular triangulation point covered by the description of stations, and is the one whose geographic position is first computed, as it is the point which was "occupied" and "obser\'ed on" for horizontal angles. How- ever, in spite of the primary importance of the location of the "observed station," it will be noted from the description of stations that frequently it is not marked as well as the "reference station," and in some instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case for the reason that the necessity of intervisibility of land- marks usually made it compulsory to locate "observed stations" on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in the tide-water section of Maryland generally means they will be washed away in a short period of years. The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in this region has shown the great need of "reference stations," if the frequent reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation is to be avoided. The chief reason and need for the estabhshment of the "reference station," or secondary station, as it might be well named, is explained in the preceding paragraph, but in several instances other reasons, such as the location of the "observed station" 22 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. on an unstable sand dune, in a cultivated field, in front of a residence, or other places objectionable to the landowner, have led to establishment of "reference stations." The location of the "reference station" in relation to the "observed station" is fixed for plotting on charts or for computation of its geographic position by checked measure- ments of its distances and azimuth from the "observed station." ' • Marks. — Under this heading is given a description of the character of the permanent monuments or other marks of the location of the "observed station," and of the "refer- ence station" where one has been established. All the marks designated in the descriptions as "the center point of triangle on standard cement monument" are exactly alike. These monuments are made of cement, sand, and gravel, and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters "M. is. F. C." arranged around the vertex and the letters "U. S. C. S." underneath the base of the triangle. The center hole is always in the center of the top of the monument by construction, and if this is found to have been broken off without disturbing the bottom, the center of its square section can be used as the location of the station. As the above facts in reference to the "standard cement monuments" are a constant element in all cases, the repetition of these facts in the description of stations is made needless by this one statement. References. — Under this heading are given the "rounds" of directions and distances to all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography, hydrog- raphy, or location of boundaries of oyster bars these references will be sufficient in many cases to relocate the position of an "observed station" or "reference station" when both of them have been destroyed. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described, this, if possible, being a lighthouse, church spire, or other permanent and prominent point. Its direction is taken as being 0° 00' 00", and the directions of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right). The true bearing ^ of the initial object is always given in parentheses alongside its name. This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the other reference objects for the purposes of locating a station by horizontal angles or for the relocation of corner buoys of oyster-bar boundaries by the method of compass directions described in this publication under the heading of "Boundaries of oyster bars." The distances in the last column under "References" are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The "miles" are statute miles, and may be considered only as rough estimates. The "yards" are more accurate, but must be looked on as results generally obtained by pacing or careful estimating. The "meters," however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals and in every case have been measured with a steel tape. In the same manner, the accuracy of the directions are indicated by the refinement of angular measure with which they are recorded. ' Geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude, distance, and azimuth) relating to any of the "observed stations" or of the "reference stations " described in this publication can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. 'The mean magnetic variation for Baltimore County was 6° 15' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 23 DBSCRIPTIONS OF TRIANGUI^ATION STATIONS. POOLES ISLAND LIGHT. General locality. — Upper Chesapeake Bay on northwest side of Pooles Island. (See Chart No. 27.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a detached tower known as Pooles Island Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on tower. References — o / // " Craighill Channel Light (I'Vont Range) ' ' (S 44° 19' W) . o 00 00 10 miles. POOLES ISLAND 2. General locality. — Upper Chesapeake Bay on Pooles Island, about X mile southeast of Pooles Island Light and }i mile north by west of Pooles Island wharf. (See Chart No. 27.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a peach orchard, on highest ground on northern part of Pooles Island, about 500 yards soutlieast of Pooles Island Light and 370 yards north by west of farm- house. The angle at the southwest corner of tlie farmhouse between the windmill at the barn and the observed station is 84°, and the angle at the observed station between the light tower and the fog-bell tower is 2" 47'. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. (Note: These marks replace old ones of 1896.) References. — o / // "Pooles Island Light" (N 47° 16' W) o Break in bluff on east shore of bay showing through peach trees 153 Center of chimney of small house in rear of dwelling 215 Center of middle one of three chimneys on dwelling 218 Center of cupola on small building 220 Near gable of bam 238 Windmill 241 Center one of four nails in apple tree 336 00 00 452 meters. 12 3K miles. 00 ^i mile. °3 J4 mile. 50 X mile. 06 X mile. 56 X mile. 24 10 . . . . . . 33. 72 meters. 24 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. WORTON POINT 2. General locality. — Eastern shure of Chesapeake Bay on Worton Point, about i>' s miles north of mouth of Worton Creek and 4' 2 miles northeast of north end of Pooles Island. (See Progress map.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is on tree and bush fringed bluff about 30 feet above high water, 2 yards east-southeast of edge of bluff and 1 yard south-southwest of a very small ravine. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.05 meters S 61° 17' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile jjipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 4-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° " Pooles Island 2 " (862° 18' W) o Right tree on Pooles Island 3 South peak of small house 42 Left peak of house 74 Nail in blaze in ash tree (2 '2 inches diameter) 88 Chimney outside of right end of old house 94 Chimney near left end of roof of house with gables 116 Nail in blaze in ash tree (3 inches diameter) 1 54 Reference station 236 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 310 07 00 4S-8 miles. 4' < miles. 4>< miles. 4J2 miles. 40 1.06 meters. 3 j 2 miles. 4,' 4 miles. 10 4.24 meters. 00 1405 meters. 20 4.61 meters. BRAMBLE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, about 3 miles southeast of center of Pooles Island, 3 miles north-northeast of Tolchester Beach, and ij^^ miles southwest of entrance to Fairlee Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a tree and bush fringed bluff about 30 feet above high water, 3 yards east of edge of bluff, 3 yards west of edge of cultivated field, 35 yards southwest of trees at edge of gully, and 200 yards west of other trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 47.16 meters N 67° 05' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is 2-inch stub projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is beer bottle buried below base of stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References. — "Craighill Channel Light (Rear ° ' Range)" (S 78° 44' W) o 00 Left tree on Pooles Island 37 53 Windmill on middle of long building on Pooles Island 54 00 North peak of house with several ga- bles on Pooles Island 55 21 "Pooles Island Light" 57 19 REPERENCE sT.^Tion 168 21 Cupola on barn 259 24 "Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)" 344 34 " Fort Howard Taller Water Tank " . 354 30 Left one of two smokestacks at Spar- rows Point 359 35 i4XniiIes. 00 9,3 s miles 3 miles. 2ji miles. 2^ miles. 00 ^}i miles. 00 47-i6 meters. 40 I mile. 10 10' 4 miles. 00 12K miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 25 MITCHELLS BLUFF 2. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesajjeake Bay on Mitchells Bluff, just north of first break in blufif, about S/8 miles north-northeast of Tolchcstcr Beach Wliarf. (See Progress map.) Immediale localily. ^Observed station is in cultivated ground about 30 feet aliovc high water, 13 yards southeast of edge of bluff, 50 yards northeast of point of gully where fishermen haul u]) gear, 70 yards south of small clump of trees, and J4 mile northwest of a large farmhouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is wire in center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. (Note: Subsurface mark is either a part or replaces the original one of 1896.) References. — "Craighill Channel Light (R c a r ° ' " Range)" (N 87° 52' W) o 00 00 8;* s miles. Chimney at left end of house on op- posite shore 57 00 6j 4 miles. Chimney at left end of house on Pooles Island 71 11 4^4 miles. Chimney on middle of roof of build- ing beyond trees 170 10 Jsniile. Spindle of weather vane on middle cupola of bam 200 28 30 J4 mile. Near comer of large west chimney of house 210 54 ,'4' mile. West peak of barn 260 07 ;^smile.- "Seven Foot Knoll Light" 330 18 30 loj^ miles. "Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)" ; . . 341 20 40 8^4 miles. CRAIGHILL CHANNEL LIGHT (REAR RANGE). General locality. — Western side of upper Chesapeake Bay, about 200 yards offshore from the south- western end of Hart Island. (See Chart No. 27.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a tall square pyramidal skeleton steel frame structure known as Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). References. — "Craighill Channel Light (Front ° ' " Range)" (S 0° 01' E) o 00 00 23:j: miles. CRAIGHILL CHANNEL LIGHT (FRONT RANGE). General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay, about 2 miles offshore and about 2}^ miles east of North Point at entrance to Patapsco River. (See Chart No. 27.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is (m dwelling on cylindrical foundation known as Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). References. — "Craighill Channel Light (Rear ° ' " Range) " (N 0° 01' W) o 00 00 2f^ miles. 26 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. NORTH POINT (OLD TOWER FOUNDATION). General loeality. — Northern side of entrance to Patapsco River near North Point. (See Chart No. 27.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on an old stone tower foundation about 150 yards offshore from North Point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of foundation of stone tower formerly used as a light- house. References. — "Craighill Channel Light (Front o ' " Range)" (S 8i° 20' E) o 00 00 2> 2 miles. FORT HOWARD TALLER WATER TANK. General locality. — Nortliem side of entrance to Patapsco River about X n^'lc uorth-northwest of North Point. (See Chart No. 27.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is the taller of two steel water tanks on steel towers at Fort Howard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of pipe attached to center of bottom of tank. References. — None necessary. CUTOFF CHANNEL LIGHT (FRONT RANGE). General locality. — Northern side of entrance to Patapsco River about 125 yards offshore and X mile west-northwest of North Point. (See Chart No. 27.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is an octagonal brick tower known as Cutoff Channel Light (Front Range). Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Cutoff Channel Light (FVont Range). References. — " Cutoff Channel Light (Rear Range) " ° ' " (N 30° 30' W) o 00 00 i>2 ™iles. CUTOFF CHANNEL LIGHT (REAR RANGE). General locality. — Northeastern side of Patapsco River on western side of entrance to Jones Creek, about 1)4 miles' north-northwest of North Point and i mile east of the town of Sparrows Point. (See Chart No. 27.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a square pyramidal skeleton steel frame structure known as Cutoff Cliannel Light (Rear Range). Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Cutoff Channel Light (Rear Range). References. — o / // Bodkin Light (Old Tower) (S2o° 12' E) o 00 00 6 miles. ROCK POINT. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Patapsco River on Rock Point at southeastern side of entrance to Rock Creek and about 2^ miles southwest of North Point. (See Chart No. 27.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near the extreme end of point about 12 yards from sea wall, and 70 yards soutlaeast of a small tower. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "Seven Foot Knoll Light" (S 78° ' ° ' " 17' E) o 00 00 3J^ miles. " Bodkin Point (Old Tower) " 25 43 3J^ miles. Small tower 194 00 70 yards. Outer " White Rocks" 211 07 ^ mile. Water tower on opposite shore 291 27 2 j^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 27 BODKIN POINT (OLD TOWER). General locality. —Southern side of entrance to Bodkin Creek on Bodkin Point. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 15 yards east of an old stone dwelling on top of an old tower formerly used as a lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center of drill hole about 2 inches in diameter and 3 inches deep in stone platform on and near center of top of tower. References. — "Seven Foot Knoll Light" (N 30° o / /, 04' E) o 00 00 I J^ miles. SEVEN-FOOT KNOLL LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Patapsco River about 2\4 miles north-northeast of Bodkin Point and ^yi miles southeast of North Point. (See Chart No. 27.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on an octagonal screw pile structure known as Seven- F^oot Knoll Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Seven-F'oot Iviioll Light. References. — "Bodkin Point (Old Tower)" (830° ° ' " 03' W) o 00 00 lyi miles. SWAN POINT 3. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Swan Point about 5'2 miles south-southwest of Tolchester Beach Wharf and 7 miles north of Love -Point. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is 0:1 sand and marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 5 feet east of shore, 60 yards south-southwest of a fisherman's cabin, and 250 yards from tlic extreme end of Swan Point. Cement monument marking old reference station is in marsh 21.43 meters N 8g° 13' E of observed station. Standard cement monument marking new reference station is on line to old reference station 13.26 meters N 89° 13' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is yi-inch copper rod set in an 8-inch square cement monument with top about 5 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is the neck of a flask set in cement about 4 feet below the surface. New reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monu- ment. Old reference station is eastern one of two ^4-inch copper rods in an 8-ineh cement monument. References. — o / // "Love Point Light" (S 2° 11' W). . . o 00 00 5^^ miles. "Baltimore Light" 46 07 00 Similes. Stack on garbage plant at Bodkin Point 82 21 8X miles. " Seven- Foot Knoll Light".. 95 04 50 7 miles. Left stack at Sparrows Point in 12 12X miles. " Fort Howard Taller Water Tank" . . 112 28 20 gj^ miles. "Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)" 114 59 50 7 miles. "Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range)" 131 Chimney of cabin 203 Gable of Rockliall Wharf house 264 07 Old reference station 267 New REFERENCE STATION (standard cement monument). 267 02 20 13.26 meters. Chimney of house to right of Wind- mill Point 292 Gable of bam 303 Gable of bam near Wickes Beach . . . 340 46 20 . . . ... 8K miles. 54 ... 58 yards. 07 ... I mile. 02 20 . . . . . . 21.43 meters. 12 2 miles. 49 •■ • 2>^ miles. 52 .. . 714 miles. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. The law of the United vStates authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Com- missioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary hues of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delinea- tion on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in coopera- tion with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the corners of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyster-bar boundaries by competent engineers. There- fore the additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the published definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accuracy and very little to the convenience of practical use of the descriptions of the oyster-bar boundaries. As provided by law the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to 28 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 29 complicated 14-sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sides have varied in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the corners of the boundaries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made and the magnitude of the work with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difiiculty and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and the future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding man}- hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, and the one by which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name, in parentheses, is given the general locaHty of the oyster bar and the serial number of the "Maryland Oyster Chart " on which its legal boundaries are shown.' First column. — This column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clock- wise direction around the bar. Where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the corner of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the commission as the primary technical definition of the location of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic ' These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C. 30 Suruey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their loca- tion have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fijth column?. — ^These two columns, under the general heading of ' ' True bearing" ' and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station,"^ gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corre- sponding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of the bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of "Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS JPOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of wa5'S and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars: one, to determine whether the buoys marking the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those ' The mean magnetic variation for Baltimore County was 6° 15' west ot north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of s' yearly. ' Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Washington, D. C. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 31 not familiar with this method are referred to the pubUcations on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrographic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take "Tea Table" oyster bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3," is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Pooles Island 2" and "Craighill Channel lyight (rear range)" as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner is 122° 06' and the angle between " Craighill Channel Light (rear range) " and "Swan Point 3" is 86° 06'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree, the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished bj' moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor (position finder), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three land- marks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the boundary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the protractor. The second angle is then placed 32 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant, then the other, until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practicall}' identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate se.xtants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic location of a point is attained. In fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the commission. (3) Magnetic bearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State fishery force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer can take compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination,' and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared altogether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the corrected bear- ings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks for which the bearings are published have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used. This can be done by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying these new bearings in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic bearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point marking a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic decHnation) given in the fifth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question. The direction thus determined will give one* range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The inter- section of these two range lines will give the desired point ; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. * The mean magnetic variation for Baltimore County is 6* 15' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 33 The instrument is placed over a " triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the "Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of o° oo' oo" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactoril)' fixed. BOUND.'^RIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. TEA TABLE. {Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 27.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey triangulation station of bar Forward Back / /, / // / / Yards. I 39 II 15-97 76 20 55. 05 N 40 59 W N 88 40 W S 55 r, w S 41 00 E S 88 41 E N 55 30 E 6,635 4,353 6,948 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). Seven Foot Knoll Light. 2 39 13 44-98 76 18 37. 80 N 32 17 E S 89 S4 w S 58 15 W S 32 18 W N 89 51 E N 58 12 E 8,413 7,951 9,351 Pooles Island 2 . Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). 3 39 14 27.97 76 17 21.27 N 23 43 E S 81 37 W S 4 29 E S 23 44 W N 81 33 E N 4 29 W 6, 184 10, 065 11,999 Pooles Island 2. . Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). vSwan Point 3 . 4 39 14 19-47 76 17 12.25 N 20 44 E S 83 26 W S 3 26 E S 20 45 w N 83 20 E N 3 26 W 6,360 10, 261 11,697 Pooles Island 2. Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Swan Point 3. 5 39 II 37- 54 76 ig 11.77 N 58 42 W S 61 08 w S 31 43 E S 58 44 E N 61 04 E N 31 41 W 8,263 9, 640 7,304 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Seven Foot Knoll Light. Swan Point 3. 34 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAi, OYSTER BARS — Continued. MILLERS ISLAND. {Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 27.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey triaagulation station ot bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 39 12 42.80 76 20 54. 83 N 64 28 W S 57 02 w S 37 53 E S 64 30 E N 57 00 E N 37 50 W 4.827 5> 194 10, 660 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). Swan Point 3. 2 39 12 57- 17 76 21 00. 00 N 69 16 W S 51 54 W S 36 54 E S 69 18 E N 51 52 E N 36 52 W 4>5I2 5.364 II, 127 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). Swan Point 3. 3 39 13 08. 45 76 20 11.73 N 77 30 W S 56 05 W S 30 16 E S 77 32 E N 56 02 E N 30 14 W 5,620 6,615 10, 742 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). Swan Point 3. 4 39 12 54- 00 76 20 05. 95 N 73 II W S 60 24 W S 30 54 E S 73 13 E N 60 22 E N 30 53 W 5,89° 6,486 10, 246 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). Swan Point 3. MAN O'WAR SHOALS. (Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 27.) I 39 10 45- 95 76 21 00. 00 N 35 01 W S 62 28 W S 56 12 E S 35 03 E N 62 27 E N 56 10 W 7.355 6,313 8, 040 Craighill Channel' Light (Rear Range). Seven Foot Knoll Light. Swan Point 3. 2 39 10 49. 50 76 23 40-30 N 09 W N 61 47 W S 09 E S 61 49 E 5.901 5.673 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Fort Howard Taller Water Tank. S 24 35 W N 24 35 E 3.341 Seven Foot Knoll Light. 3 39 II 16. 18 76 23 40. 00 N 16 W N 70 24 W S 16 E S 70 26 E 5. 000 5.315 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Fort Howard Taller Water Tank. S 19 33 W N 19 32 E 4,179 Seven Foot Knoll Light. 4 39 II 16. 20 76 21 37-65 N 32 53 W N 88 20 W S 49 30 w S 32 54 E S 88 21 E N 49 28 E 5.956 3.234 6, 064 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). Seven Foot Knoll Light. APPENDIXES. Appendix A.— LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, in surveying the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessar>' charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Mar>land to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland: [Act of Congress approved May 26. 1906. 1 AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks iu the waters within the State of Marjdand. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the govenior of the State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Marj-land; and the Secretar>' of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Biu'eaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam launches as may be necessarj- to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. I [Act of Congress approved June 30. 1906.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey; * * * For any special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, approved May 35 36 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six, and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars, together with the unexpended balance under this appropriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby reappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven * * *. [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1907.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of tlie Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Mar>dand, to be immediately available and to continue available imtil expended, twenty-five thousand dollars * * *. [Act of Congress approved May 27, 1908.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * por any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved March 4. 1909.] AN ACT Making appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the Goverament for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten. and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress ■assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for tlie fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved Jime 25, rgio.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special siu^eys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available, fifteen thousand dollars. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 37 [Act of Congress approved March 4. 191 1.) AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal yearending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stales of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed , for tlie fiscal year ending June thirtieth , nineteen hundred and twelve , namely : * * * Co.^ST AND Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available, thirteen thousand dollars * * *. [Act of the IvCgisIature of Maryland approved April 2, 1906.] AN ACT To establish and promote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this Act. and * * *. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following sections be, and they are hereby, added to article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters." * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey, as hereinafter required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapolis, and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all natural beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie * * *. Sec. 87. The Governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States coast and geodetic survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. Sec. 8g. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, 1906, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by the United States coast and geodetic survey and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this Act: said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the board in the city of Annapolis within ninety daj's after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the said to the Clerks of the Circuit court for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed as hereinafter provided, the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose . And the said survey and report, when filed, subject to the right of appeal hereafter provided for in tliis Act, shall be taken in all of the courts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars or rocks lying within the waters of the cotmties wherein such report and survey are filed other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this Act, and that all areas of the Chesa- peake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland, not shown in the survey to be natural oyster beds, bars or rocks shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms and open for disposal by the State for the piu^ose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. under the provisions of this Act, provided, that the said survey and report shall not be construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appropriated or taken up under the laws of this vState prior to the approval of this Act. The law of the State of Marjdand, passed March g, 1842, authorizing officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the survey, is as follows: AN ACT Concerning the Survey of the Coast of Marj-faud. Section i. Be it enacted fcv the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United States, * * * at any time hereafter to enter upon lands within this State for the purpose of exploring, sur- veying, triangulating, or leveling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injury to private or other property. Sec. 2.' And be it enacted, That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injury to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious free- holders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or possessors aforesaid, and the .said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days' notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses (to be by them sworn or affirmed and examined), shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceedings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five days thereafter in the office of the clerk of the county in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as afore- said, and the said report so made as aforesaid if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of congress aforesaid, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either party may and shall be heard before and the damage assessed by a jury of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. Sec. 3. And he it enacted. That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument or building or any appendage thereto, erected, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first prosecute the same before any justice of the jjcace of the county where the person so offending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United States of America, in any court of competent jurisdiction. > Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except through the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 39 Appendix B.— THE HAMAN OYSTER CULTURE LAW. [Extract from Second Report ot Shell Fish Commission.] OBJECT. " The legislature in placing chapter 7 1 1 of the acts of 1906, better known as the Haman oyster culture law, upon the statute books of Maryland, had a twofold object in view: "i. To encourage an industry in oyster culture upon the barren bottoms beneath the tidewaters of the State. "2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars for the purpose of oyster culture." " To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing ot natural bars impossible, provision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accutately locating and marking the same. It was definitely provided that no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, charted, and marked with buoys." Definition op a Naturai, Oyster Bar. natural bar not defined. " The Shell Fish Commission is instructed by section 90 of the Haman oyster culture law to exercise its judgment liberally in favor of the natural bars when surveying, charting, and buoying them, but other than this the commission is uninstructed in this important matter. The responsibility of defining a natural bar is placed upon tlie commission." DIVERSITY OF opinion. " No definition of a natural oyster bar could be formulated by any man or body of men which would meet with the approval of all parties concerned. Oystermen, as a rule, hold that all bottoms where oys- ters grow or have grown naturally, even though now practically barren of oysters, should be considered natural bars. Other citizens of the State, who are not directly interested in the oyster business but interested in the oyster industry from the standpoint of revenue, hold, as a rule, that no bottoms should be excluded from leasing for oyster culture which by methods known to oyster cultvuists may be made to yield a greater number of oysters than they now produce. " It should be evident to everyone that neither of these definitions could be adopted by the com- mission as a working basis for determining which of the grounds surveyed are natural oyster bars." THE GOLDSBOROUGH DEFINITION. The definition of a natural oyster bar which very nearly approaches a reasonable and satisfactory compromise between the views of the subject held by oystermen on one hand and by oyster culturists on the other is that contained in an opinion rendered by Judge Charles F. Goldsborough in the circuit court for Dorchester County in the July term, 1881, in the case of William T. Windsor and George R. Todd V. Job T. Moore. This definition has been adopted by the Shell Fish Commission as the basis for the determination of the status of the various oyster bottoms surveyed, and is as follows: What, then, is a natural bar or bed of oysters? It would be a palpable absurdity for the State to attempt to promote the propagation and growth of oysters and to encourage its citizens, by a grant of land, to engage in their culture, if the lands authorized to be taken up were only those upon which oysters do not and can not be made to grow. That there may be lands covered by water in the State where no oysters can be found, but where, if planted, they could be cultivated successfully, may be possible; but if so, I imagine that their extent must be too limited for them to be of much practical general advantage for the purposes of such a law as the one under discussion; but tliere are thousands of acres of hard and shifting sands where oysters not only are not found, but where it would be folly to plant them, and these latter it can not be supposed that the State intended to offer to give away, for the simple reason that the State could not help knowing that nobody would have them. Upon the other hand there are large and numerous tracts where oysters of natural growth may be found in moderate numbers, but not in quantities sufficient to make it profitable to catch them, and yet where oysters may be successfully planted and propagated. In my opinion these can not be 40 Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. called natural bars or beds of oysters within the meaning of the act of assembly, and it is just such lands as these that the State meant to allow to be taken up under the provisions of the above-mentioned section of the act. But there is still another class of lands where oysters grow naturally and in large quantities and to which the public are now and have been for many years in the habit of resorting with a view to earning a livelihood by catching this natural growth, and here, I think, is the true test of the whole question. Land can not be said to be a natural oyster bar or bed merely because oysters are scattered here and there upon it and because if planted they will readily live and thrive there; but whenever the natural growth is so thick and abundant that the public resort to it for a livelihood, it is a natural oyster bar or bed and comes within the above-quoted restriction in the law, and can not be located or appropriated by any individual. APPLICATION OF DEFINITION. Before this definition may be of use in determining accurately and scientifically the status of an oyster ground, its central idea, "livelihood," must be expanded into accurately determinable factors, and these factors must be combined into a practical scheme of investigating the condition of the ground under consideration. Stated briefly, a livelihood is represented by a sum of money obtained from the sale, at a fixed price, of a certain quantity of oysters gathered in a given time from an allotted area of grovmd. Knowing the value of each of these factors, it becomes possible to calculate the number of oysters an oyster ground must produce per square yard in order that oystermen may secure a livelihood by working upon it. Note. — The factors into which the commission resolved the livelihood problem, the value assigned to each factor, and the scheme devised for practical use in examining and applying the definition to oyster bottoms are given in outline in their second report under tlie heading of the preceding extract, and in detail in their first report on pages 32 to 69. Appendix C— SUMMARY OF THE PARTICULAR SURVEYING OPERATIONS WHICH CON- STITUTE AN "OYSTER SURVEY" AS NOW BEING CARRIED ON IN MARYLAND. Explanation. — -A brief account of the particular sm^eying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland, will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to many who may not understand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its complicated character. To those familiar with methods used in surveying and charting the characteristic features of large bodies of water there is an evident necessity for the various operations performed, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of the private lots leased for purposes of oyster culture must be surveyed and charted with the greatest practical accvuacy. To others it will be sufficient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that in order to avoid endless dissatisfaction and litigation it is necessarj' to accurately locate and per- manently establish oyster boundaries as is now being done in Maryland. Triangulation stirvey. — Such refinement of survey work as that demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey when carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by the use of a system of triangulation as a framework or foundation. Therefore, a triangulation survey, including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments, and a record of the descriptions of their locations for future recovery is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Topographic survey. — The technical records which establish the relation between the offshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engineers in making resurveys, but do not supply the needs of others who are interested in the same boundaries by reason of their occupation as oystermen concerned as to the public oyster bars, or oyster culturists concerned as to the leasable bottoms. For these it is necessary to have the charts of the survey show the relation of the shore line and other topographic features to the boundaries of the public oyster bars and private oyster farms. Therefore a topographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Hydrographic survey. — In the settlement of the important question of what is or what is not a natural oyster bar, and in the consideration of liottoms to be selected for purposes of oyster culture, information as to the depth of water and the character of the bottom is required. Therefore a hydro- graphic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Md. 41 Necessary foundation for an oyster survey. — Consequently, the necessary components of a satis- factory foundation for a complete oyster survey are the three classes of surv-ey operations technically named triangulation, topography, and hydrography, or, stated in another way, the foundation of a practical oyster survey includes the surveying operations usually followed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey leading up to the preparation and publication of nautical charts. Special surveys and investigations pertaining to oysters. — Having obtained this cartographic survey for a foundation, partly by new work and partly from records of previous work of the Government, the combined operations' making up an "oyster survey" arc completed by superimposing on this foundation special surveys and investigations pertaining particularly to oysters or other shell fish. The special surveys pertaining to oysters furnish information as to the location and outline of oyster- shell bottoms, and are carried on by the sounding-boat party in addition to the usual hydrographic work.- This operation consists of the observation and record of the character of vibration of a wire and chain apparatus which is dragged over the bottom, the vibrations or lack of vibrations indicating the presence and quantity of shells or absence of shells. The special oyster investigations' consist of the actual determination of the kind and quantity of oysters on the bottom, and such economic and biological studies of the supply of oyster food, density of water, character of the bottom, and other important matters as affect the growth of oysters. In this work the oyster investigation stations are located and buoyed by the hydrographic party while engaged in the survey of the oyster-shell limits. They are selected with the view of obtaining characteristic data which can be used for the interpretation of the recorded vibrations of the chain apparatus at all other points covered by the survey. Preparation of results. — The actual surveying operations and oyster investigations having been completed for any one county, there still remains technical work of nearly equal magnitude to that described.'' This work consists of the preparation of charts and technical descriptions of boundaries and landmarks for publication by the Government, the preparation of that part of the annual report of the commission covering the special oyster surveys and investigations, the making of the leasing charts and finished projections, and finally the filing of the oyster charts and records with the courts and the commission, thus opening a county for oyster culture. Summary. — From the foregoing account it can be seen that a complete oyster survey properly conducted so as to answer all practical requirements of the present and permanency of results for the future is a very complicated affair, involving many lines of surveying and other scientific work, and requiring the professional services of experts in the various operations of cartographic surveying and shell-fish investigations. ' See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." 2 See pp. 104 to 123 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." ^ See pp. 30 to 67 and 129 to 199 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." ^ No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the commission, which is greatly complicated and increased by the effect of the oyster-survey operations on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved ; or of the large amount of survey work involved in the survey and record of the boundaries of oyster lots leased from the State by private individuals for the purposes of oyster culture. Survey of Oyster Bars, Baltimore County, Aid. II il >t5 o 58~S. o.m^K'S 2 E8S^ "— n S ■3 ^^cS^rt'-g-c'S^— 9* ^-a 5 3 ^ o" rt <« a o o 2 a fii '£ g 3 g !; "3 " u d "? g|||| Bt b o Si " "•^ B 9 M •■ a S"3 •3'S.a>.S ^j^T.Tmoj?;^ Scale 106666 StatLito Mies ^^^ Niuiical Milgfl n mw y f COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PROGRESS MAP BALTIMORE COUNTY MARYLAND To accoinpanv report of work of United States •^oast and Geodetic Survey in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Rsli Commission. O Landmarks (Coaat S\irvi{y "n-iajv^aalion Stations) Waters contijiuous to county "WAters within terrilorial limits of coimty liimiti of projections on file at Washington Ijnuls of charts published byCo&»t ai\i Geodetic Svirvey Krtat Foint 2 CHART No. 27 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS CALVERT COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUR- VEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department ov Commer'ce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, December 21, igog. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, and certain technical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the sur\'ey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shell fish com- missioners of the State of Marj'land in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1910. Respectfully, O. H. Tittmann. Suprrinlendent. To Hon. Nagel, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. 3 CERTIFICATION Baltimore, Md., December lo, igog. The following publication is certiiied to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in Calvert County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur\rey. C. C. Yates, Chief oj Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Surrey. Baltimore, Md., December lo, iqoq. Examined and certiiied to be correct. Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell Grave, Benjamin K. Green, Maryland Shell Fish Commission. Swepson EarlE, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — Certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of Calvert County were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Calvert County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, at Annapolis, on December 14, 1909. 5 CONTENTS Progress MAP --------- follows 94 Letter OF SUBMITTAL - - - - - - -- 3 Certification ----- - - - 5 Introduction: Publications - 11 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey --_- 12 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries 12 General statement of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey - 12 Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions . - - 14 Organization and equipment . . . 15 Chronological statement of work - - 15 Statistics _. - - 16 General remarks 16 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster bars 18 Leasing charts - ig Projections : - 20 Progress maps . 20 Boundaries of the county waters: Waters within territorial limits of county - 21 Waters contiguous to county 21 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations): Explanation ---. 23 Method of describing triangulation stations 23 Descriptions of triangulation stations — Chart No. 16 (Chesapeake Bay) — Holland - 26 Hog Point (Holland 3). 26 Beach ^ 27 111 2 27 Plum 3 28 Pier (see also Chart No. 17) - 28 Sharps Island Light 29 Chart No. // (Chesapeake Bay) — Pier (see also Chart No. 16) _ ^ 28 Pen 29 Patch ' 20 Parker , 30 Run (see also Chart No. 18) . 30 Chart No. iS (Chesapeake Bay) — Run (see also Chart No. 17) ',0 8 Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangui,ation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations — Continued. Chart No. iS (Chesapeake Bay) — Continued. Page. Poplar 30 Flag Pond 31 Wilson 2 31 Point of Rocks 31 Cove Point Light (see also Chart No. 20) _' 32 White House (N. E. chimney) (see also Chart No. 20) _. 32 Travers 2 32 Chart No. 79 (Upper Patuxent River) — Prince.. 33 Leitch 33 Fodder 34 Buena _ 34 Teague 35 City--- 35 Hallowing 36 Indian _ 36 Dwarf- Trent . Collins. Sheridan. Battle - Photo. Island. Peak. Cole- Bars_ Briscoe . Nat. 37 Sothoron 37 Buzz 38 Billiard 38 Morsel 39 40 Cremona 40 Kitt... 41 Oppkit 41 Fight 42 Slim 43 Forr 43 Sweep .. 44 45 Hutchins . 46 Wheat (see also Chart No. 20) 46 Mackall (see also Chart No. 20) 46 Sollers (see also Chart No. 20) 47 47 Lend (see also Chart No. 20) Chart No. 20 (Lower Patuxent River) — Wheat (see also Chart No. 19) 46 Mackall (see also Chart No. ig) 46 Sollers (see also Chart No. 19) 47 Lend (see also Chart No. 19) 48 Stock 48 Stump 48 49 Hellen 49 50 5° C 071 tents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continue Descriptions of triangulation stations — Continued. Chart No. 20 (Lower Patuxent River) — Continued. Ton Mill ... 51 Bur . _ ... 51 New - - ._ J I Catholic Church Cross . _ .... 52 Cable . 52 Town 52 Crane 53 M. E. Church (Solomons) .. 53 K. of P. Flagstaff (Solomons) ... .... _______ 53 Sand - - - . 54 Fishstack 54 Bon 54 Bareda House Cupola . 55 Drum Point Light _.- -- 55 Ben . ... ^5 . Craddock ... _. 56 Carroll 2 . i . ... s6 Hog 2 57 Pat 57 White House (N. E. chimney) (see also Chart No. 18) 32 Cove Point Light (see also Chart No. 18) .. 32 Cedar Point Light _. 57 Cain 58 Desert 58 Boundaries of oyster bars: Explanation 59 Method of describing boundaries 60 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries 61 Boundaries of natural oyster b.irr — Cliarl No. 16 (Chesapeake Bay) — Hog Point 64 Upper Steps 65 Lower Steps 65 Plum Point (see also Chart No. 17) 66 Chart No. 17 (Chesapeake Bay) — Plum Point (see also Chart No. 16) 66 Daddie Dare . 66 Governors Run (see also Chart No. 18) 67 Emanuel (see also Chart No. 18) 67 Chart No. iS (Chesapeake Bay) — Governors Run (see also Chart No. 17) 67 Emanuel (see also Chart No. 17) 67 Flag Pond 68 Chart No. ig (Upper Patuxent River) — Spout 69 Holland Point (Calvert County) 6g Buzzard Island _. 70 Macks Hollow 70 Broad Neck (Calvert County) . 71 Thomas (Calvert County) 71 Kitts Marsh 71 lO Contents. Boundaries of qyster bars— Continued. Boundaries of natural oyster bars — Continued. Chart No. ig (Upper Patuxent River) — Continued. Prison Point Jacks Marsh Jacks Bay Parkers Wharf Broome Island Island Creek Peterson (Calvert County) (see also Chart No. 20) _ Hears (Calvert County) (see also Chart No. 20) — Charl No. 20 (Lower Patuxent River) — Peterson (Calvert County) (see also Chart No. 19). Mears (Calvert County) (see also Chart No. ig) Hellen Hungerford Hollow Barn Gates Back of Island Shell Pile '. Cherry Tree Swash Sandy Point Lumps j Southeast Middle-ground Light House Lump Old Lump Carroll Muds (Calvert County) Simmons Chinese Muds (Calvert County) . Parker Moore Under The Cliffs Little Cove Point Cove Point Bight Appenbixes: Appendix .A. — Laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission Appendix B. — "The Haman Oyster Culture Law" (extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission) Appendix C. — Summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey ' ' as now being carried on in Maryland Appendix D. — Statistics of results of the combined operations of the Government and State. SURA'EY OF OYSTER BARvS, CALVERT COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the survey of the oyster bars of Mary- land has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws " authorizing the work and the natural division of the surveying operations * of the cooperating forces. The publications prepared and issued by the Government under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consist of a series of charts and a technical report for each county surveyed.'' The charts show all legal boundaries of o)ster bars within the adopted boundaries of the waters opened up for leasing with each county, and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used as a foundation for the delineation of these various boundaries. The technical report gives technical and legal descriptions of all oyster-bar and other bound- aries, and descriptions of all landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in charge of the work of that Service in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission. These charts and technical reports are prepared and certified for file with the courts and the Commission, as required by the laws of the State, and contain all informa- tion necessary to make a permanent record of the work of the Commission and the Government for all future requirements of the courts, or for any resurveys that may become necessary.'' The publications prepared and issued by the State under the direction of the vShell Fish Commission consist of annual reports *■ of all the operations of the Commission " See Appendix A for laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. '' See Appendix C for a summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland. I' These charts and technical reports can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. The publications ready for issue are those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, and Calvert counties, those for St. Marys and Charles counties arc now being prepared. d The technical records and charts for each county are published separately on account of the requirements of the oyster-culture laws of the State and the practical considerations which make it desirable to have each county "opened up" for oyster culture as soon as practicable after the comple- tion of its survey. For these reasons and the fact that these reports are each arranged for distribution and use in one county only without reference to other published records, nmch of the text of this jnibli- cation is of necessity identical with similar previous publications for other counties. ' These reports can lie obtained by application to the Shell Fish Commission, .Anna|)olis, Md. Tb.ey are issued annually in October, and the first and second reports are now available for distributi;in. 12 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. performed under the provisions of the laws of Maryland," including results of biological and economic oyster investigations, methods and results of the hydrographic survey of the boundaries of oyster bars and crab bottoms, the administrative report and financial statement of the Commission, information relating to oyster culture, methods of sur- veying and leasing of oyster lots, and much other important matter of legal and scientific value. These two sets of publications are planned and arranged to supplement each other without unnecessary duplication, and when combined Ihey form a complete report of operations, methods, and results of the work of both the Government and State.' COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the Service indicates, includes a survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and published a complete set of charts of the coasts of the United States, including all waters of Maryland where oysters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential as a foundation for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental func- tions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and natural development of Government work leading to the consen.^ation and increase of the supply of food. COOPERATION OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The Bureau of Fisheries has cooperated with the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Marvland Shell Fish Commission principally as an adviser in matters relating to the biological and economic survey of oyster bars and the methods to be employed for that purpose.'^ A steam launch, rowing boat, and certain apparatus ha^•e also been furnished. The primary function of the Bureau of Fisheries is to increase the productiveness of marine and fresh waters by such measures as may be best suited to the purpose, and the services rendered in connection with the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland are strictly in line with the fundamental law under which it acts. In certain States other than Maryland similar work has been conducted by the Bureau acting independently, the same ends being attained at greater expense to the Government. GENERAL STATEMENT OF WORK OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY.'' The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in coopera- tion with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission need very "■ See Appendix B for an extract from the "Second Report of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission," giving a concise summary of the "Haman Oyster Culture Law." & See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined o|)erations of the Gov- ernment and State." t' Hon. George M. Bowers, Commissioner of Fisheries, lias detailed for this service Dr. H. l' Moore, Assistant, Bureau of Fisheries. olis, Md. Department of Commerce and Labor, and Geodetic Si'rvev, ]]'ashivgton, July j, ignfi. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender llie command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector * * * As soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast ,'^.urvey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland. You will consult the commissioners, prepare a programme of work, and submit estimate'. i:i the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may he necessary. Very respectfully, f). H. TiTTmann, Suf^rrititcndcnt. Capt. C. C. Yates, U. S. C. and G. S. Steamer Endeavor, Ballimorc, Md. " For these laws see Appendix A. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 15 ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. The personnel and occupation of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey have remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the "oyster survey " Besides the chief of party, it consists of the necessary triangulators, computers, draftsmen, and temporary employees required to carry on both the surveying operations in the field and the preparation for publication of oyster charts and technical records in the OfSce at Washington. The equipment for the work of the party has been ample and satisfactory. The large living and office quarters furnished the Government on the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house boat Oyster have been very convenient for the work, besides facili- tating efficient cooperation with the surveying and oyster investigation parties of the State. In addition to the accommodations on the Oyster the Coast and Geodetic Survey party has had the constant use of the large steam launch Inspector and several other boats furnished by their own Service, and the occasional use of the Bureau of Fisheries launch Canvasback " and the steamer Governor McLane ^ of the State fisherv force. The greater part of the equipment of instruments for the operations of both the Government and State have been furnished by the Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey and consist of all necessary theodolites, levels, sextants, drafting instruments, hydrometers, etc., required for all field and ofiice work. CHRONOLOGICAI, STATEMENT OF WORK. The field work of the Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey in Calvert County "^ dates from May 2, 1908, when the house boat Oyster left Baltimore for an anchorage in the Patuxent River, inside of Solomons Island. She remained in this harbor for three months, it practically being the only suitable anchorage for the work for the entire Chesapeake Bay shore of Calvert County, as well as for the lower Patuxent River. During this period there was a great amount of windy weather and consequent rough seas, which prevented work in the open bay, and in general the triangulation foundation for the oyster survey made very slow progress. On August 4, 1908, the part of the work necessarily done from the mouth of the Patuxent River was completed, and the Oyster was moved about 7 miles up the river to St. Leonards Creek. On August 18, 1908, the headquarters for the field work was again changed by moving the .house boat Oyster 8 miles still farther up the river to an anchorage in Battle Creek, where she remained until the completion of that part of the field work which naturally included all the Patuxent River work of Charles and St. Marys counties as well as that of Calvert County, although the results are published separately. On September 3, 1908, the house boat finally left the Patuxent River for a new anchorage in a tributary of the Potomac River, and the field work of Calvert County "■ By courtesy of Dr. H. F. Moore, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. b By courtesy of Capt. James A. Turner, commanding. cThe field work of Calvert, Charles, and St. Marys counties was so intermixed in the Patuxent River that the chronological statement of work for any one of these counties necessarily includes a considerable part of the work of the other two counties. i6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. was dropped from that date until July 27, 1909, when it was again taken up for a period of four days to add a few details of the triangulation required for the descriptions of stations. On December 2, 1909, it was again found necessary to obtain further triangulation details for the publication of the technical report for Calvert County, and field work was carried on for that purpose from that date to December 8, 1909. The office work connected with the "oyster survey" of Calvert County, including computations and drafting necessary for the preparation of oyster charts and technical records for publications, was continued intermittingly with the office work of other counties surveyed during same season from the beginning of field work of Calvert County to the time of the filing of the certified oyster charts and reports in the archives of the Commission and with the clerk of the circuit court of Calvert County on December 14, 1909. STATISTICS.'' Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 6g Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 67 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles 52 Old triangulation stations recovered 20 New triangulation stations established 58 Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described _. 78 Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) 95 Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate) 157 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster boundaries 8 Triangles computed 152 Geographic positions computed 59 Corners of oyster boundaries established by computation 205 Back azim.uths and distances computed from corners of boundaries to triangulation stations 6:5 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication 78 Descriptions of oyster boundaries prepared for publication 41 "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" prepared for publication . =; Progress map prepared for publication i GENERAL REMARKS. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: To his colleague from the Department of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose well-known scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters has been of great value to the work. a These statistics only include field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the oyster survey of Calvert County, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examinations of the character of the bottom made by the engineers of the Commission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geodetic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the waters of Maryland. See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and the State." Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. , 17 To Mr. Walter J. Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative ability in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the Commission, who, as editor of the Com- mission's annual report and Commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster investigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Mr. Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the Commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Mr. Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, whose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facilitated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. To Mr. Thomas H. Robinson, counsel to the Commission, for courteously furnishing valuable information relating to county boundaries. And to the many others connected with the Commission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing impor- tant information or willing services. 20908 — I o 2 CHARTS AND MAPS. CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts " of the natural oyster bars of Calvert County, published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of surveys of the Government in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, consist of five sheets covering a portion of the waters of Chesapeake Bay and all of Patuxent River, including all oyster-producing bottoms of Calvert County. They are published on a scale of i part in 20,000 (approxi- mately 3^6 inches to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bars and other boundaries established by the Com- mission, and are certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Calvert County and in the office of the Commission at Annapolis, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster-bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography '' necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily understandable both by the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the oyster bars are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascer- tained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars are numbered from i to the total number of corners in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners correspond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the heading "Boundaries of natural oyster bars. ' The landmarks and oyster bars have been grouped in the "Contents" of this publi- cation in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particular oyster bar or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents" and a These charts can be obtained by appl 'cation to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. b Much of the detail of the inshore topography was obtained from the excellent map of Calvert County prepared and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey in cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey. 18 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 19 the desired chart and general location will be indicated. To find the name of a bar or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the end of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locality on the chart for the 'name of the bar or landmark in question. The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shellfish industries. The i -fathom contour (6 feet) and the 5-fathom curve (30 feet) correspond in a general way to the inner and outer limits of all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom contour (18-feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars and the lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the "territorial limits of the county" and the boundaries of the "waters contiguous to the county" opened up for the leasing with Calvert County are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of county waters." The areas in acres of the oyster bars were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of the chart within the boundaries of the different shellfish bottoms. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face cf the charts. LEASING CHARTS. The leasing charts of Calvert County, like those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties, have been prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. These charts are constructed on polyconic projections and are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Surs^ey. They are made on the scales of i part in 5,000 or i part in 10,000, as the needs of oyster culture may require. Anne Arundel County required 13 leasing charts; Somerset County, 12 charts; Wicomico County, 2 charts; Worcester County, 3 charts; and Calvert County 5 charts, to cover their oyster bottoms. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds and other boundaries established by the Commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the "old 5-aCre law" are frequently of irregular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster laws must be of rectangular shape by the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rectangles of i acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to the area under consideration, 20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. and prospective leaseholders by the rules of the Commission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as practicable. For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be published for some years, but they can be seen at any time on file at the offices of the Commission, in Annapolis. PROJECTIONS. The polyconic projections " covering Calvert County waters are 8 in number and on the scale of i part in 10,000. They were constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but the sextant positions which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission were plotted by the draftsman of the Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulation stations, shore line, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oj'Ster-bar and other boundaries established by the Commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, and the other set in the office of the Shell Fish Commission, at Annapolis. PROGRESS MAPS. The progress map to be found at the end of this publication is on a scale of i part in 100,000, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in Calvert Count)' and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surveying work, and the "boundaries of county waters" established by the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that ma}' be under consideration. The progress maps * accompanying the first and second annual reports of the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission were prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are on the scale of i part in 400,000, and show the outline of the tide-water counties of Maryland, with shaded areas to indicate the waters already covered by the operations of the oyster survey. o For the scheme of these projections see the progress map at the end of this publication, ft These maps and reports can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Commission, Annapolis, Md. BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY WATERS.'^ WATERS WITHIN TERRITORIAL UMITS OF COUNTY. The laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture provide that "no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of any of the counties, or one hundred acres in any other place." ; The boundary line'' between the waters "within the territorial limits" of Calvert County and the waters in "any other place," as established by the Shell Fish Com- mission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is technically described and defined as follows : Commencing at a point defined by the intersection of the mean low-water line of the western shore of Chesapeake Bay in the vicinity of Hog Point and the boundary line between Anne Arundel and Calvert counties; thence along the mean low-water line of the Chesapeake Bay shore of Calvert County across the mouth of all inlets less than loo yards in width, around Plum Point and Cove Point, to a point defined by latitude 38° ig' 09". 8 and longitude 76° 25' 21". o situated on Drum Point on the northern side of the entrance to Patuxent River; thence along a straight line ending at a point defined by latitude 38° 18' 35". 9 and longitude 76° 23' 59". 8 situated on Hog Point on the southern side of the entrance to Patuxent River, to a point defined by the intersection of this straight line and the Patuxent River channel boundary line between Calvert and St. Marys counties as laid down on "Chart No. 20, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland;" thence up the channel of Patuxent River following the channel boundary line between Calvert and St. Marys counties and the channel boundary line between Calvert and Charles counties and the channel boundary line between Calvert and Prince Georges counties as laid down on "Charts Nos. ig and 20, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland;" thence continuing up the channel of Patuxent River following the channel boundary line between Calvert and Prince Georges counties to its end on the boundary line between Anne Arundel and Calvert counties, c WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO COUNTY. The oyster laws of Maryland provide that a true and accurate delineation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, "which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said Commissioners in the city of Annapolis," and "in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie." " For a complete historical and legal description of the boundaries of the counties of Maryland, the valuable publication entitled "The Counties of Maryland — Their Origin, Boundaries, and lilection Districts," prepared by Dr. Edward B. Mathews and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark, vSuperintendent, should be consulted, as the boundaries described in this publication have been established and technically defined for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws of the State, and may or may not be correct for other purposes. fi See "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at the end of this publication. c Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 22 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section of the law and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-culture area to be opened up for leasing with each county surveyed, it is necessary for the Shell Fish Commission to establish a boundary line between the waters contiguous to but not within the. terri- torial limits of each county and the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of adjacent counties. This boundary line ° has been delineated on the "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," published b.v the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and is technically described and defined as follows : Commencing at a point defined by the intersection of the mean low-water line of the western shore of Chesapeake Bay in the vicinity of Hog Point and the boundary line between Anne Arundel and Calvert counties; thence in a straight line along the Chesapeake Bay boundary between Anne Arundel and Calvert counties as laid down on "Charts Nos. 4 and 16, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point defined by latitude 38° 42' 33".4 and longitude 76° 27' 4o".o situated about 3,5 8 miles east of Hog Point; thence in a straight line along the Chesapeake Bay boundary between Calvert and Talbot counties and Calvert and Dorchester coimties as laid down on "Charts Nos. 16, 17, and 18, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point defined by latitude 38° 30' 00". o and longitude 76° 25' 3o".o situated about 43s miles east of Governors Run; thence in a straight line along the Chesapeake Bay boundary between Calvert and Dorchester counties as laid down on "Charts Nos. 17, j8, and 20, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point defined by latitude 38° 23' 10". 3 and longitude 76° 20' 00". o situated about 2' s miles east of Cove Point Light; thence in a straight line along the Chesapeake Bay boundary between Calvert and Dorchester counties as laid down on "Charts Nos. 18 and 20, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point defined by latitude 38° 19' 37". 7 and longitude 76° 19' i9".o situated about 5J4 miles southeast of Cove Point Light and about 5X niiles east by north of Drum Point Light; thence along the Chesapeake Bay boundary between Calvert and St. Marys counties as laid down on "Chart No, 20, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point defined by the intersection of this boundary and a straight line between a point situated on Hog Point on the southern side of the entrance to Patuxent River defined by latitude 38° 18' 35". 9 and longitude 76° 23' 59". 8 and a point situated on Drum Point on the northern side of the entrance to Patuxent River defined by latitude 38° 19' 09". 8 and longitude 76° 25' 2i".o; thence in a straight line to a point at the end defined by latitude 38° 19' 09". 8 and longitude 76° 25' 2i".o situated on Drum Point on the northern side of the entrance to Patuxent River. "See progress map at the end of this publication. LANDMARKS (U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS). EXPLANATION. The oyster laws of Maryland authorizing the survey to be made bv the Shell Fish Commission provide for "an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a descrip- tion of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts." The law of the United States author- izing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the erection of "such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Surv^ey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland." Under the provisions of the sections of the laws stated above, the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and future needs of both the Government and the State. With this end in view, considerable work has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. An effort has been made to arrange the descriptions of location and character of landmarks in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assump- tion that the individual seeking a landmark has only an indefinite idea of its location. They gradually proceed from description of the general locality of a landmark to the descriptions of its immediate surroundings. This is followed by specific details of the character of the center and reference marks and a "round" of reference angles and distances which in themselves frequently contain enough information to furnish an independent and reliable location of the triangulation station. METHOD OF DESCRIBING TRIANGULATION STATIONS. The separate descriptions of Iriangulation stations should not he used without reading the following explanation of the method of describing the triangulation stations, as it con- tains certain details that are common to all the landmarks described in this publication and which are omitted in the separate descriptions as being needless repetitions: Name. — The title at the top of each separate description is the name by which the landmark or triangulation station is known and designated in all work and pub- lished oyster records or oyster charts of both the Government and State. The selec- tion of the name is usually left to the triangulator establishing the station, and it may or may not have geographic or other significance in reference to the locality. General locality. — Under this heading is given the general locality of the landmark in reference to well-known and prominent natural or artificial features, such as the 23 24 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. nearest body of water, town, river, steamer wharf, well-defined point of land, church, or any other featiire that is likely to remain both permanent and prominent. This heading also covers a reference to the published chart or map which shows the location of the station most clearly. Nearly all the triangulation stations described in this publication are plainly indicated by name and a triangulation symbol on the published charts of oyster bars of Maryland. In this case they are referred to by serial number only, the words "charts of oyster bars of Maryland" being omitted to avoid needless repetition. These published oyster charts are on the large scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3'/^ inches to a statute mile) and show the location of the trian- gulation stations so clearly that in many cases the written descriptions will not be required to find them. Immediate locality. — Under this heading is given the description of the "observed station" in reference to its immediate surroundings. This is supposed to include a statement of the station's estimated elevation above high water or some other well- defined level of the locality, such as a road or house; the character of the ground on which it is located, such as marsh land, sand beach, cultivated field, or meadow; esti- mated bearings in points of the compass and estimated distances in yards from (not to) easily recognized features, such as extreme end of point, edge of bluff, bank of creek, line of telephone poles, shore line, barn, house, fence, ditch, trees, or any other definite detail, such as being on range with the tangent of an island and a church; and so forth. When a standard monument has been established near the station as a "reference station," this heading also covers a statement of the true bearing of the monument in degrees and minutes and its measured distance in meters, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached and might be mistaken for the center mark of the "obsers^ed station" unless special attention is called to it. The distinction between the "observed station" and "reference station" should be carefully noted by anyone making use of the description of stations for any future surveying operations. The "observed station" is located at the particular triangulation point covered by the description of stations, and is the one whose geographic position is first computed, as it is the point which was "occupied" and "observed on" for horizontal angles. How- ever, in spite of the primary importance of the location of the "observed station," it will be noted from the description of stations that frequently it is not marked as well as the "reference station," and in many instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case for the reason that the necessity of intervisibility of land- marks usually made it compulsory to locate "observed stations" on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in the tide-water section of Maryland generally means they will be washed away in a short period of years. The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in this region has shown the great need of "reference stations," if the frequent reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation is to be avoided. The chief reason and need for the establishment of the "reference station," or secondary station, as it might be well named, is explained in the preceding paragraph, but in several instances other reasons, such as the location of the "observed station" on an unstable sand dune, in a cultivated field, in front of a residence, or other places Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 25 objectionable to the landowner, have led to establishment of "reference stations," The location of the "reference station" in relation to the "observed station" is fixed for plotting on charts or for computation of its geographic position by checked measure- ments of its distances and azimuth from the "obser\'ed station."" Marks. — Under this heading is given a description of the character of the permanent monuments or other marks of the location of the "observed station," and of the "refer- ence station" where one has been established. All the marks designated in the descriptions as "the center point of triangle on standard cement monument " are exactly alike. These monuments are made of cement, sand, and gravel, and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters "M. S. F. C." arranged around the vertex and the letters "U. S. C. S." underneath the base of the triangle. The center hole is always in the center of the top of the monument by construction, and if this is found to have been broken off without disturbing the bottom the center of its square section can be used as the location of the station. All the "standard cement monuments," whether used for marking the "observed station" or "reference station," have been planted upright in exactly the same manner, with their tops projecting 3 or 4 inches above the surface of the ground, unless otherwise stated. Therefore, as the above facts in reference to the "standard cement monuments" are a constant element in all cases, the repetition of these facts in the description of stations is made needless by this one statement. References. — Under this heading are given the "rounds" of directions and distances to all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography, hydrog- raphy, or location of boundaries of oyster bars these references will be sufficient in many cases to relocate the position of an "observed station" or "reference station" when both of them have been destroyed. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described, this, if possible, being a light-house, church spire, or other permanent and prominent point. Its direction is taken as being 0° 00' 00", and the directions of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right). The true bearing '' of the initial object is always given in parenthesis alongside its name. This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the other reference objects for the purposes of locating a station by horizontal angles or for the relocation of corner buoys of oyster-bar boundaries by the method of compass directions described in this publication under the heading of "Boundaries of oyster bars." The distances in the last column under "References" are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The "miles" are statute miles and may " Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) and the distance and azimuth relating to any of the "observed stations" or of the "reference stations" described in this publication can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. f> The mean magnetic variation for Calvert County was 5° 50' west of north in 1909 and increasing at the rate of 3' yearly. 26 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. be considered only as rough estimates. The "yards" are more accurate, but must be looked on as results generally obtained by pacing or careful estimating. The "meters," however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals and in every case have been measured with a steel tape. In the same manner the accuracy of the directions are indicated by the refinement of angular measure with which they are recorded. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIANGULATION STATIONS. HOLLAND. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay, on south side of entrance to Herring Bay on HoHand Point. (See Chart No. i6.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 30 yards west of point, 5 feet back from the top of a bank 7 feet high, 12 yards north of a large blazed tree and 25 yards east of another large blazed tree. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.88 meters S 3Z° 52' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Fairhaven" (N 48° 13' W) o 00 00 2 H' miles. Nail in blaze on red-oak tree (2% feet diam- eter) 238 49 -- 1 1. 1 7 meters. Reference STATION 262 05 00 12.88 meters. Nail in blaze on red-oak tree (2K feet diam- eter) 286 55 __ 22.63 meters. Note. — This station was established and described in ir)o6 during the survey of the oyster bars of Anne Arundel County. HOG POINT (HOLLAND 3). General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay, about half way between Herring Bay and Chesapeake Beach, on Hog Point, which is near the land end of boundary line between Anne Arundel and Calvert counties. (See Chart No. 16.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water mark on a narrow strip of solid land 25 yards by 10 yards between the edge of a large marsh and the bay shore, about 60 yards north of the point where the shore line changes direction from north and south to northeast and southwest. It is about 4 yards west of the bay shore, 4 yards east of top edge of hummock near marsh, 7 yards east of edge of marsh, g yards north northwest of point of a hummock, and 18 yards south by west of point of another hummock. Cement monument marking reference station of igo8 is 2.13 meters S 80° 38' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of drain tile set in cement, with top flush with ground, the cement being roughly scribed " U. S. C. & G. S., 1907." Suljsurface marks to observed station were reported in 1907 as being two hexagonal drain tiles placed one directly over the other, with top of upper 3 feet below the surface of the ground. Reference station of 1907 is marked the same as the observed station, except that only one drain tile was used as subsurface mark. Reference station of 1908 is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Sharps Island Light" (S 58° 46' E) o 00 00 gs smiles. Left tangent of North Chesapeake Beach wharf 58 16 __ _?4 mile. Flagstaff on center of Carousel roof 64 49 30 iSg miles Large brick chimney 75 34 30 2 miles. Water tank 76 44 50 2 miles. Nail in blaze in white oak (16 inches diam- eter) 138 40 20 6.32 meters. Reference st.\tion 1908 (cement monu- ment) 139 23 40 2.13 meters. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 27 Nail in blaze in pin oak (18 inches diani- ° ' " eter) 190 18 20 7.98 meters. Nail in blaze in pin oak (16 inches diam- eter) 236 14 _. 17.65 meters. Nail in blaze in pin oak (18 inches diam- eter). -- 250 02 20 21.96 meters. Reference st.ation 1907 (tile) 255 18 50 n. 13 meters. Left tangent of woods on eastern shore of bay - 299 4.( 50 9^4 miles. Note. — This station is also known as "Holland 3 of 1907," but the name has been changed to "Hog Point (Holland 3)" in the oyster survey work of Calvert County, in order to avoid confusion with "Holland 1906," which is only i mile to the north. BEACH. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay, about i mile south of Chesapeake Beach and yi mile south of the first marshy slough south of Chesapeake Beach. (See Chart No. 16.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about iio feet above high water and 7 yards back from the edge of the highest bluff in this vicinity. The ground falls off rapidly to the southwest and west of the station, and is covered with brush and small locust trees. A cultivated field extends to within 10 yards of the station on the northwest. Cement monument marking reference station of igoS is 11.40 meters N 85° 05' \V of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in center of drain tile set in cement, with top flush with ground. Subsurface marks to observed station were reported in 1907 as being two hexagonal drain tiles placed one directly over the other, with top of upper 3 feet below the surface of the ground. Reference sta- tion of 1907 is marked the same as the observed station, except that only one drain tile was used as a subsurface mark. Reference station of 1908 is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Reference.'!. — • o / // "Hog Point (Holland 3)" (N 2° 55' E) o 00 00 _ _ _ _ 2'' i miles. Outside end of wharf at North Chesapeake Beach o 45 _. _._ _. 2 miles. Outside end of wharf near Chesapeake Beach 18 17 "Sharps Island Light" '. 102 46 Nail in blazed locust tree 161 08 Reference station (cement monument, 1908) 272 00 Old reference point (tile — 1907) 282 13 Nail in blazed locust tree 289 58 Near gable of house 343 1 6 High View Hotel 344 57 Cupola at Chesapeake Beach- 348 04 Flagpole of "merry-go-round" at Chesa- peake Beach 353 44 Left corner of house at North Chesapeake Beach 358 26 _. 2 miles. - - I mile. 20 8-'.4 miles. 00 16. 85 meters. 20 1 1. 40 meters. 10 10. 25 meters. 20 — , — 8. 47 meters. - - I mile. - . yi mile. -- 3<^ mile. / _- i^ mile. ILL General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about 2 '4 miles south of Chesapeake Beach and 2,3^ miles north of Plum Point. (See Chart No. 16.) , Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 90 feet above high water and 12 feet west of edge of bluff which rises rapidly from the south. It is in a cultivated field about 100 yards south of a fence and trees running east and west and 7 feet west of a wire fence along edge of cliff. No other permanent reference objects near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 23.84 meters S 80° 43' W of station. 28 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cement in center of drain tile with top flush with ground. Subsurface marks to observed station were reported in igoy as being two hexagonal drain tiles placed one directly over the other with top of upper 3 feet below the surface of the ground. Reference station of 1907 is marked the same as the observed station, except that only one drain tile was used as a sub- surface mark. Reference station of 1908 is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. - Rejerences. — o 1 n "Sharps Island Light " (S 82° 30' E) o 00 Tangent of land to south 62 39 New gable of unpainted barn 104 49 Left chimney of four-gabled house.. 116 36 North gable of small barn 127 15 Center chimney of white house 140 33 Reference station of 1908 (cement mon- ument) 163 12 East gable of unpainted barn 164 10 Chimney on outside of old house 169 41 Reference STATION of 1907 (tile) 179 51 South gable of house at North Beach 260 29 Tangent of woods on Holland Point 263 36 Tangent on north end of Poplar Island 305 59 PLUM 3. 00 8 '4 miles. -. I '4 miles. _- i:^ mile. - - I mile. li mile. -- • ^i mile. 40 23.83 meters. - - ^i. mile. -- .. I mile. 20 1 6.80 meters. - - lyi miles. - - - - 43-2 miles. -- lo^i miles. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about \% miles north by west of Plum Point wharf and about yi mile north by west of Plum Point. (See Chart No. 16.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 7 yards west of edge of first bluff north of low land above Plum Point wharf and 1 2 yards south of rail fence and a line of bushes and cedar trees. Cement monument marking reference station of 1908 is 14.03 meters S 81° 43' W of observed station. No other reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center of drain tile with top flush with ground. Subsurface marks to observed station were reported in 1907 as being two hexagonal drain tiles placed one directly above the other with the top of the upper tile 3 feet below the surface of the ground. Reference station of 1907 is marked the same as the observed station except that only one drain tile was used as a subsurface mark. Reference station of 1908 is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences. — o > n "Sharps Island Light" (N 81° 31' E) o Peak of near gable of large house 10 Outer end of Plum Point wharf . _ . . . 78 Chimney outside of north end of house 120 Southwest peak of barn 1 50 Reference station 1908 (cement monu- ment) 1 80 Reference station 1907 (tile) 213 Tangent to Holland Point 273 Right tangent Chesapeake Beach wharf 273 Left tangent Poplar I sland 312 Large lone tree Poplar Island 319 Left chimney of house 326 Left chimney of house 334 Steeple on church or house Tilghman Island. 341 00 7 f^ miles. - - 8X miles. . . . . 1 14 miles. -'- I '4 miles, - - ?<4 mile. 20 1403 meters. 10 _ _ . . 14.23 meters. - - - --- 7K miles. - - - - 4;'^ miles. 10 _ 1 2 ' 2 miles. lo 12 miles. 30 -- 1 2 J^ miles. 55 - - II miles. 02 00 10 miles. PIER. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about south southeast of Plum Point on outer end of wharf at Plum Point Landing. (See Charts Nos. 16 and 17.) Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 29 Immediate locality. — Observed station is on outer part of wharf known as Plum Point Landing about 20 yards from extreme end and nearly on line with northern side of warehouse. Marks. — Observed station is an auger hole bored in plank flooring of wharf surrounded by a triangle marked by nails. References. — Northeast corner of calf pen Southeast 6.68 meters. Northwest corner of calf pen South southeast 4.48 meters. Rail of fence on south edge of wharf South 2. 03 meters. Prolongation of line of north side of ware- house North o.ii meter. South rail of wharf track North 0.92 meter. North rail of wharf track - North 2.36 meters. North side of wharf North 3.39 meters. West side of warehouse East 8.60 meters. SHARPS ISLAND LIGHT. General locality. — Easterly side of Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Choptank River on a shoal about ijs miles north northwest of Sharps Island. (See Chart No. 16.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on light-house known as "Sharps Island Light." Marks. — Observed station is center point of black lantern on top of tower on a cylindrical caisson foundation. Reference. — ° ' " " Parker" (S 44° 36' W) o 00 00 10 miles. PEN. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about half way between Plum Point and Governors Run on the outer end of Dares Wharf. (See Chart No. 17.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on outer part of Dares Wharf about 30 yards from the extreme end, 12 yards west of warehouse, and i yard north of south side of wharf. Marks. — Observed station is auger hole in plank flooring surrounded by a triangle marked by nails. References. — Southwest corner of warehouse East by south i meters. Inside corner on angle in wharf East by south 5.09 meters. South edge of wharf South 0.95 meter. South rail of straight track at point of frog- North .. 2.13 meters. South rail of curved track North 0.90 meter. North edge of wharf North 4.15 meters. Southwest corner of cattle pen Northeast 7.12 meters. Southeast corner of cattle pen Northeast by north , 9.63 meters. Northwest corner of warehouse Northeast by nort h . i 2 . 80 meters. PATCH. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about i mile south of Dares Wharf. (See Chart No. 17.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a high bluff of land about 65 yards back from its edge. Station is in a cultivated field and on a high knoll and the land slopes away from it on all sides. A locust thicket stands northwest of the station and the land slopes steeply from the station to the thicket. Cement monument marking reference station is g.07 meters N 52° 41' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail set in cement in tile pipe buried with top about 15 inches below the surface of the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument References. — ° ' " "Sharps Island Light " (N 50° 39' Hi - o 00 00 10 miles. "Cove Point Light" - - 96 01 20 15 miles. Tangent to Point of Rocks _ 98 30 __ 4 miles. 30 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. East end of Governors Run wharf 112 East end of roof of barn 155 Nail in blazed locust (old reference mark)- . 210 Nail in blazed locust (old reference mark)__ 226 Reference station (cement monument) _ 256 East peak of large barn on hill 257 East end of Plum Point wharf 316 PARKER. 57 -- I '4 miles. 25 - _ I mile. 17 50 II .93 meters. 02 50 12.04 meters. 49 10 9.07 meters. 14 .- '/i' mile. 50 _ _ 3.'.^ miles. Genera/ locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about 2 miles north of Governors Run wharf and 2 '2 miles south of Dares Wharf. (See Chart No. 17.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is about 100 feet above high water, 10 yards west of edge of bluff, 50 yards north of a small stream in a deep gully, and 25 yards east of cultivated field back of a growth of locust trees. The land slopes rapidly to the small stream from a point about 10 yards south of the station. Reference station is 23.29 meters N 83° 45' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of tile pipe filled with cement. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Cove Point Light" (S 36° 39' E) o East end of Governors Run wharf 11 Reference station 132 Nail in blazed locust 159 East end of Dares Wharf 223 "Sharps Island Light" 261 White house on Eastern Shore 327 00 00 II miles. 10 .- \],i miles. 54 10 23.29 meters. 39 25 8.19 meters. 45 .- 3X miles. 10 30 II miles. 32 .. 10 miles. RUN. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on Governors Run wharf. (See Charts Nos. 17 and 18.) Immediate locality. — East peak of wharf house. Marks. — Observed station is braced pole with cage on east peak of wharf house on Governors Run wharf. References. — None necessary. POPLAR. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about 2 miles south of Governors Run wharf (See Chart No. 18.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 60 feet above high water, 50 feet west from edge of bluff, 25 yards south of a ravine which starts at shore, 115 yards north of where high cliff covered with trees commences to rise rapidly, and ^o yards from a large poplar tree on opposite side of a ravine with sycamore, cherry, and locust trees along its edge. Another bluff rises rapidly on opposite side of ravine. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with a sub- surface mark of a nail in a short stub. References. — ° ' " "Sharps Island Light" (N 27° 41' E) ' o 00 Tangent of James Point woods 18 28 White house on Eastern vShore 65 00 Chimney on house 198 25 East peak of barn 203 East end of Governors Run wharf 309 Chimney on white house above " Parker" _ 310 South peak of barn . 311 Peak of unpainted barn 317 12 miles. 8 miles. 00 __ 8 miles. 25 _- I mile. 37 _. i]4 miles. 18 iK miles. 45 - - 2 K miles. 47 - 2 %■ miles. 23 __ 3 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Aid. 31 East end of Dares Wharf 320 East end of Plum Point wharf 324 Tangent of PUjm Point _ 325 FLAG POXD. 4 miles. 8 miles. 9 miles. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay, 3;'4 miles north-northwest of Point of Rocks and 4 miles southeast of Governors Run. (See Chart No. 18.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land between bay shore and swamp about 5 feet above high water, 35 yards south of shore, 20 yards northwest of shore, 9 yards north- west of cedars between shore and station, 10 yards west of cedars and bushes, 25 yards west of shore, and 10 yards northeast of swamp. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.02 meters N 87° 33' W of observed station. .Marks. — Observed station is a spike in cement in a stovepipe 4 inches in diameter and i foot long placed on top of a cement post 6 inches square with a j4-inch galvanized iron rod core. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Cove Point Light" (S4i°57'E) o Spike in blaze 10 Spike in blaze in cedar tree 131 Reference st.^tion 134 Spike in blaze in cedar tree. _ 162 Spike in blaze in cedar tree 269 Right edge of main woods 282 Left peak of house 302 Left peak of house with two dormer windows 318 00 00 6X miles. 48 40 13.56 meters. 36 40 14.88 meters. 23 30 9.02 meters. 27 -. 18.48 meters. 43 50 8.80 meters. 19 50 7^ miles. 07 50 7>4' miles. 18 -. 8J-2 miles. WILSON 2. ' Cove Point General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay, about 3 miles northwest of Light." (See Chart No. 18.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand bluff about 80 feet above high water, 30 yards south from one edge of bank, 15 yards southwest of another edge of bank, 20 yards northwest from point where decline begins toward southeast, 3 yards south of cultivated land, about X "I'ls north- northeast of house with two large chimneys on each end, and about V2 mile northeast of a bam. Cement monument marking reference station is 1.56 meters N 88° 28' E of observed station. .Marks. — Obsen.-ed station is a '4-inch galvanized wire set in center of cement post about 6 inches square with top about 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 6 inches above ground. References. — ° ' " " Sharps Island Light " ,(N 14° 54' E) o Left of main woods 18 Reference st.'^tion 73 Left peak of house 84 Near corner of near chimney of Wilson house igi Peak of barn * 22s 00 14 miles. _- 1534 miles. 20 . _ _ 1.56 meters 40 8 miles. 25 '4' mile. '2 mile. POINT OF ROCKS. General locality. - of Cove Point Light. -Western shore of Chesapeake Bay, on Point of Rocks, about 2 3 (See Chart No. 18.) miles northwest 32 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. humediale locality. — Observed station is in dense woods on a bluff about 90 feet high, 5 yards west of edge at extreme point, 8 yards south of edge of bluff, and 5 yards northwest of edge of blulT. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.42 meters S 66° 44' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of round stake 4 inches in diameter with top flush with ground driven into a 6-inch drain tile with top 6 inches below the surface. Subsurface mark was reported in 1898 as a 6-inch drain tile set just below upper tile. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° ' " "Cove Point Light" (S 43° 26' E) o 00 00 2^ miles. Center nail in blaze of tree (13 inches diam- eter) 19 19 40 5.64 meters. Center nail in blaze of tree (13 inches diam- eter) 90 05 30 5.62 meters. Reference STATION no 09 30 g. 42 meters. Nail in blaze in tree (9 inches diameter) 126 35 40 4.16 meters. Right tangent Governors Run Wharf 186 20 20 7 >^ miles. Tangent of main woods 249 57 __ iyi raWts. Left peak of large house ^ 297 45 20 6 miles. Northerly peak of large house 312 17 30 63j^ miles. COVE POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cove Point, which is about 5 miles to northward of entrance to Patuxent River. (See Charts Nos. 18 and 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on white tower known as "Cove Point Light" which is near white detached dwelling and white detached fog signal house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of black lantern on white tower. References. — ° ' " "Cedar Point Light" (S 7° 16' E) o 00 00 6 miles. WHITE HOUSE (N. E. CHIMNEY). General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about i mile southwest of Cove Point Light and ,'4 mile southwest of Cove Point Landing. (See Charts Nos. 18 and 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is a chimney standing alone about 300 yards southwest of Cove Point Landing which was formerly the more northeasterly of two chimneys on a house that was destroyed by fire. This chimney is near a white house which was built to replace the destroyed house. Marks. — A chimney standing apart from a small white house owned by Mrs. Hagland. References. — ° ' " "Cove Point Light" (N 39° 54' E) o 00 00 i mile. TRAVERS 2. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on western side of Taylors Island about 4 miles south of James Point. (See Chart No. 18.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 4 feet above high water mark in a field which was once under cultivation but is now covered with water bushes, about 40 yards east of shore and 15 feet north of a wire fence which starts at the shore and runs east. A stone used as an old reference mark stands 9.41 meters N 26° 53' E of observed station and the cement monument markingnew reference station is 9.52 meters N 77° 20' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a granite post projecting above the ground with cross lines running approximately north to south and east to west. New reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Old reference station is a cross on a granite post projecting above the ground with one of the cross lines running in the direction of Cove Point Light. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 33 References. — ° ' "Cove Point Light" (S 26° 15' VV) o 00 Governors Run Wharf 77 12 Tangent of woods at waters edge 123 40 Near peak of two-story house 173 23 Old reference stone (granite post) 180 38 Chimney of I ' 2 story house 195 47 New reference station (cement monu- ment) 256 24 Near corner of small cabin 271 32 Near chimney of house among trees 300 54 Near peak of small house 304 54 PRINCE. 00 6 ' ^ miles. - - 9 >2 miles. - - % mile. - - % mile. 20 g.41 meters. - - '4 mile. 50 g.52 meters. - . J'4 mile. - - '2 mile. _. J^ mile. mile north of mouth of Swanson General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River about Creek. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in pasture about 20 feet above high water, 15 yards north- west of edge of bank, 75 yards northeast of a grove of trees and 100 yards southwest of another grove of trees. Locust trees form a fringe along edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument References. — ° ' " "Leitch" (S 83° 01' E) o 00 00 >^ mile. Square chimney on house o 02 .. ^ mile. Chimney on store at Buena Vista ig 15 .. i^ miles. Chimney of Dr. Huggins house at Buena Vista 21 07 __ ij^ miles. Nearest chimney on Gourley house on Hal- lowing Point 55 16 __ 2'-2 miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter) 79 38 30 15.94 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) iio 13 Outside chimney on large house on hill 150 45 Near end of peak of roof ' 226 02 Middle of clump of trees 273 Chimney of house 311 Nail in blaze in crotch of locust tree (6 inches diameter) 350 39 10 19.27 meters. LEITCH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River on prominent point opposite mouth of Swanson Creek given on chart as Gods Grace Point but known locally as Leitchs Point. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land about i foot above high water and 3 yards north of straight line connecting two round points. It is about 13 yards northwest of the lower of these two points and 9 yards east of upper point. A creek 3 feet wide has its mouth about 19 yards east by south of the station. There are no permanent objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Prince" (N 83° 00' W) o 00 00 J^' mile. Near end of corner peak of roof of large house on hill ' 25 02 if^ miles. Near end of peak. of wharf-house roof 77 46 _. X ^nile. Right chimney of house 183 32 __ J^ mile. 20908 — 10 3 30 14.55 meters. -. ^ mile. __ ^^ mile. 00 -_ 100 yards. 04 . - I f 4 miles. 34 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. Right chimney of Gourley house 253 58 __ _ .. 2 miles. Canning-house stack 277 22 00 ._ _ 2 miles. "Catholic Church Cross" 281 35 30 2 miles. Chimney of small house-- 308 52 ._ i mile. Right outside chimney of old house 328 43 -- 1,14 miles. Right outside chimney of old house 343 05 i K miles. FODDER. General loeality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on the southern side of the mouth of Svvanson Creek about i mile west-southwest of Leitch Wharf and ^^ mile west-northwest of Point Judith (locally known as Teague Point). (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the edge of cultivated land about 10 feet above high- water mark, 4 yards west of edge of bank, and 9 yards north of another edge. Cement monument mark- ing reference station is 15.21 meters S 60° 52' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with a top 9 inches square and 8 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with a top about 8 inches square and 5 in hes above surface of ground. References. — ° ' " "Prince" (N 25° 00' E) o 00 00 Near peak of large house on bluff 17 55 Right corner of house 24 08 -_ Near peak of Leitch Wharf house 35 11 Left peak of Leitch house 48 37 Front peak of house at Buena Vista 75 00 Chimney outside left end of house on hill 87 16 . _ Near peak of small house 10 1 33 Large chimney on small house 174 43 Left side of left chimney outside Bowling house 211 47 Reference station 215 52 30 Left corner of house on top of hill 318 27 BUENA. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River about i'^ miles northeast of Benedict at place known as Buena Vista. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field on land adjoining house owned by S. V. Smith and occupied by Doctor Huggins. It is about 10 feet above high water, 8 yards east of edge of bank, and 12 yards south of a rail fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 11 meter* N 5° 42' E of observed station and near fence. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 2 inches above ground. Reference station is cen- ter point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences — '^ " Hallowing" (S 27° 22' W) c Center of red roof on square house near Benedict li Canning-house stack • 21 "Catholic Church Cross" 29 04 10 134 miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) ■ 31 48 Left chimney of old house 66 15 Left chimney.of old house 72 52 ':;' mile. 2 miles. iK miles. 1J4 miles. ^H miles. ■-'-4 miles. 2 miles. ys mile. I mile. K mile. 15.21 meters I mile. i>2 miles. 05 __ 2 miles 30 - . I J:^ miles. 40 8.58 meters. . - 3 miles. _ _ 3 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 35 Nail in blaze on clierry tree (2 inches diani- ° ' eter) 99 05 Peak of roof of large house - - 99 15 Chimney of house near Leitch Wharf 108 52 Nail in blaze on fence post 143 33 Reference STATION 158 20 Near corner of house 159 44 Cherry tree on fence line (15 inches diam- eter): 221 25 Double apple tree (30 inches diameter) 290 54 TEAGUE. -_ 9.70 meters. ._ 4 miles. I mile. 50 II. 18 meters. 20 1 1 . 1 1 meters. - _ _ .._■ 25 yards. 35 yards. 59 yards. General locality. — \\'estern shore of Patuxent River on point on southern side of entrance to Swan- son Creek, locally known as Teague Point, and given on chart as Point Judith. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on gravel and grass land about 3 feet above high water, about II yards from south side, 16 yards from north-northeast side, and 75 yards west by north of extreme end of point. Bushes stand between station and north side of point. There are no perma- nent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Buena " (N 85 ° 24' E) o Tangent of Teague Point 20 Near corner of right chimney of Gourley house near Hallowing Point 65 Canning-house stack 106 Near end of peak of hotel -. 108 Left one of two ivy-covered chimneys 1 10 ' ' Catholic Church Cross " 114 Chimney on Slye House 130 Left chimney of house on hill 144 Tangent of high-water mark 168 Near end of peak of roof 223 Chimney on large house on hill 243 Left chimney on house 301 Near end of peak of roof on store at Buena Vista 355 00 00 I '2 miles. 00 . . 75; yards. J4 miles. ,'4 miles. ■4' miles. I mile. 1 mile. 2 miles. 2 miles. 30 - - 57 . . . _ . 00 ^ - 75 yards. 41 17 I mile. 3 miles. I mile. 59 I y^ miles. CITY. mile north-northeast General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on Town Point about of Benedict steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on gravel and shell point about 4 feet above high water, 12 yards northwest of the shore, 63 yards west-southwest of a shanty, about 100 yards west-southwest of extreme end of point, and 1 1 yards southeast of a slough. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejcrences. — ° ' " " Hallowing" (S 51° 21' E) o 00 Windmill near Sheridan Point - . 21 39 Two middle chimneys at Dowells 21 39 IvCft tangent of peak of wharf-hou?e roof 81 34 Center of rcof of square house 84 36 Canning-house stack 1 95 22 Nearest ivy-covered chimney of old house ^_ 130 14 "Catholic Church Cross" _. 142 58 00 ) 2 mile. 00 3|^ miles. 00 3 J^ miles. -- ],i mile. 20 % mile. 00 ^ mile. -- ^^ mile. 50 ■4'' mile. 36 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. Left square chimney of house __ 245 Near end of peak of roof of Huggins house. _ 280 Near corner of shanty 300 Right chimney of Gourley house 339 Chimney of old building behind wharf 352 HALLOWING. 42 _ . I J^ miles. 54 - - I K miles. 44 - - 63 yards. 20 . _ J-^ mile. 01 -. J4 mile 00 00 5^ mile. 15 -_ 250 yards. 27 __ i3f miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River on point opposite Benedict known locally as Holland Point, but given on charts as Hallowing Point. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality- — Observed station is on a rounded gravel and grass point about 250 yards south of wharf on Holland Point, about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards north of shore, 8 yards east of shore and 15 yards outside of a group of locust trees, sugar-berry trees, and bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "City" (N5i°2i' W) o Left end of peak of roof of wharf house on Holland Point 23 Chimney of store at Buena Vista 77 Nail in blaze in nearest one of group of four sugar-berry trees (each 8 inches diameter) _ 92 24 __ 12.88 meters. Nail in blaze in sugar-berry tree (10 inches diameter) 109 58 50 15.74 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 167 55 40 1 1. go meters. Smokepipe on Trent Hall Wharf building_ _ 227 35 _. 2 X miles. Outside chimney of detached house at Soth- orons 309 54 _. iX miles. Center of roof on square house 314 15 ,. %■ mile. Canning-house stack 333 16 -_ ^ mile. "Catholic Church Cross" 347 44 20 J^ mile. INDIAN. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on north side of entrance to Indian Creek and about one-fourth mile below Benedict steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 7 yards west of shore, 16 yards northeast of a fence and a line of trees, 13 yards southwest of a lone locust tree, about 250 yards to the south-southeast of a large square house, and 1 25 yards east-northeast of aYiother house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejcrcnccs. — • o / // "Sothoron" (S 23° 11' E) o 00 00 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree near fence ( =; inches diameter) ^t, 48 50 15.57 meter;-.. Nail in blaze in middle branch of locust tree (6 inches diameter) 66 Square chimney on old house 137 Right chimney of square house 188 Near end of peak of roof of hotel 206 Canning-house stack 213 Right tangent of Benedict Wharf 228 Chimney of house near "Buena Vista" 245 Chimney of Gourley house 270 Windmill at Dowell's on Sheridan Point 344 Left of right chimney on Dowell house 344 Nail in blaze in left branch of locust tree (5 inches diameter) 225 58 48 19.13 meters. I '4 miles. / 8 mile. % mile. ^■i mile. ■2 mile. 2^4 miles. I mue. \% miles 4, '4 miles. 12.90 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 37 30 '4 mile. 2 miles. I mile." 4.22 meters. 1J4 miles. I, '4 miles. 34 mile. 8.94 meters. 22 20 2.68 meters. 48 - _ 2 miles. 30 -- 2% miles. 35 -- I ,'-2 miles. 12 20 i^ miles. 21 -- I mile. DWARF. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River about 2 miles north-northwest of Sheridan Point and about i '2 miles southeast of Benedict on a point of land opposite the mouth of Indian Creek. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locaiity. — Observed station is on sand and grass land about i foot above high-water mark, 6 yards northeast from extreme end of point, 4 yards east of one edge of shore and 6 yards north of another edge of shore. Point on which station is located has a sugar-berry tree, several small locust trees and water bushes, and a pond behind liushes and trees about 100 yards to the east. Marks. — 01)ser\'ed station is center ])oint of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejercnces. — ° ' " " Sothoron" (S 42° 05' \V) o 00 Nearest corner of top of nearest chimney on tenant house 80 31 Center of roof of square house 83 16 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 93 38 Canning-house stack ^ 95 03 " Catholic Church Cross" gg 03 Left tangent of wharf 124 19 Nail in sugar-berry tree (10 inches diameter) 152 38 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 196 22 Chimney on small house 25.8 48 Left point of peak of roof of Dowell's 287 Left end of peak of roof of Trent Hall Wharf. 315 Middle cupola on stable 321 Right pillar on Sothoron house porch 359 SOTHORON. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on Long Point hetl^■een entrances to Indian and Trent Hall creeks. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass lowland about i foot above high-water mark among cedar trees, about 24 yards west by north of extreme end of point, 12 yards north of one edge of shore and 30 yards southwest of another edge of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Hallowing" (Ni3°5i'E) o Nearest chimney on Gourley house 3 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 30 49 __ 3.35 meters. Left end of peak of roof of Dowell house 1 20 35 Middle cupola on Trent Hall stable 150 25 Point of middle attic window on John Bul- linger house 187 42 Left pillar of porch of Sothoron house 206 23 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diame- ter) 242 51 50 S. 1 2 meters Near corner of nearest chimney on Slye house 2gi 05 20 2 miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter)i 302 29 40 10.83 meters. Right one of two outside chimneys on old house on hill on property of A. B. Slye 307 31 20 2 miles. Center of roof on square house 323 39 10 1 mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diame- ter) : 350 24 10 12.81 meters. 5.5 I ]i miles. I X miles. - - 2 '4 miles. 00 I V4 miles. I mile. ' 2 mile. 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Aid. BUZZ. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on southwest side of Buzzards Island near mouth of Buzzards Island Creek. (See Chart No. 19,) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh, clay, and grass land on wooded island about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards northeast of river shore and 40 yards northwest of extreme point of island. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.97 meters N 42° 23' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Morsel" (S 25° 23' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Smoke pipe on roof of storehouse 39 11 __ 2 miles. Near corner of near chimney 40 36 _. 2 miles. Chimney of Trent Hall 50 48 .. ^_ iX miles. Nearest of three cupolas on stable 54 36 50 ij^mile. Left piazza post at Sothorons 102 41 __ 1% miles. Center of roof of square house 155 15 .. ij<( miles. "Catholic Church Cross" 164 56 .. 2 miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (18 inches diam- eter) 172 14 __ 4.53 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (18 inches diam- eter) 198 36 40 I3.i6meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diam- eter) . 235 Reference station 252 Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diam- eter) 255 43 __ 6.52 meters. Chimney on house across creek 313 23 __ ^4 mile. 08 30 9.62 meters. 45 45 8.97 meters. BILLIARD. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River about ^ mile southeast of entrance to Trent Hall Creek. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high-water mark, 6 yards west of shore, 70 yards north of curve in shore and about 100 to 150 yards north to northwest of a fence which runs to water's edge. No permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Trent " (S 32° 53' E) o 00 00 .._ Middle cupola on Trent Hall stable 16 36 Chimney on Trent Hall 18 41 Two trees 31 47 ._ Tangent of curve in water line 33 00 .. Chimney of. 2 '2-story house 81 59 ._ Right corner of Sothoron house 162 34 Near corner of chimney on Slye house 171 09 ._ Right tangent of wharf -13' n -- Middle of three chimneys on Gourley house- 228 53 __ Chimney on house among trees 293 41 __ Nearest end of peak roof of Dowell house at Dukes Wharf ^33 4- -- Right tangent of Sheridan Point 341 34 ._ Left tangent Trent Hall Wharf 348 49 Smoke pipe on house at land end of Trent Hall Wharf 356 53 _ _ .' « mile. }s mile. K mile. >^ mile. 200 yards. 71 yards. 2 miles. ; 2 mile. 2 miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. I ■'<■ miles. I ff miles. I '2 miles. 3-8 mile. SuriJey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. MORSEL. 39 General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River about i mile north by west of Sheridan Point. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a wheat field on a cliff about 60 feet above high water, about 5 yards northeast of edge of bank, no yards north northwest of rail fence at woods, 103 yards west southwest of woods, and 167 yards west northwest of corner of field at creek and woods. Trees grow out of face of cliff below station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Sheridan" (S 5° 27' E) o 00 00 fi mile. Near corner of near chimney on brick end of Dowell house 37 12 __ 2 miles. Chimney beyond weeping willow at Trent Hall 62 58 ._ I mile. Nearest chimney on Slye house ^ 128 11 __ 3 miles. "Catholic Church Cross" 148 44 00 2?^ miles. Chimney on house with tin roof ell 172 17 .. i mile. Oak tree near creek (4 feet diameter) 297 27 _. 167 yards. Large white-oak tree 330 50 ._ no yards. TRENT. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River on White Point about 50 yards west of Trent Hall Wharf. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is i foot above high-water mark on sand and grass land between river and marsh, about 47 yards west of small house on land end of Trent Hall Wharf, about 64 yards northwest of extreme end of White Point, 5 yards southwest of high-water mark, about 428 yards north of Trent Hall and 105 yards south by east of mouth of creek. Cement monument marking reference station is 17.18 meters S 69° 40' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub flush with ground, triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Sheridan" (S 57° 31' E) o 00 Tangent of point 32 17 Large lone tree 50 15 Right corner of Trent Hall 74 Right cupola of three on Trent Hall stable- 99 Large lone tree 113 Reference station 127 "Catholic Church Cross" 219 Right end of peak of roof of Holland Point Wharf 233 Right chimney of smaller of two houses among trees 284 Right chimney of house 300 Right corner of shanty 300 Reference station is center point of 00 00 lyi miles. 17 - - 14 mile. 15 -- 14 mile. 08 __ 428 yards. 40 __ 300 yards. 51 -- 150 yards. 10 30 17.18 meters. 22 20 2 J^ miles. 05 miles. or - - 2 miles. 35 - - 5^ miles. 36 . . 47 yards. COLLINS. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River about ^4 mile northeast of entrance to Washington Creek on point opposite Sheridan Point. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high-water mark, 16 yards west of shore, 20 yards northwest of shore, 21 yards southwest of shore, 300 yards northeast of a tall lone tree and 300 yards southeast of house known as Trent Hall. 4° Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Sheridan" (S 80° 59' E) -- o 00 00 34 mile. Left end of peak of roof of De La Brooke Pier 5- ■- -- 2>4' miles. Right side of right chimney of large painted brick house 60 23 _. 2>^ miles. Near corner of Thomas house (Cremona).-- 73 22 ., i mile. Smoke pipe in chimney on store 98 2 3 .- X ™i'e- Large lone tree 129 07 300 yards. Small lone tree i75 1° -- 130 yards. Near corner of Trent Hall Wharf house . 244 37 _- '2 mile. Chimney on end of roof of house among trees 287 41 .. . 2,' 4 miles. Left corner of left chimney of Dowell house 354 1 1 - - i mile. SHERIDAN. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on Sheridan Point. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass point near edge of the grass, about 2 feet above high-water mark, 6 yards east of extreme edge of grass on point, 8 yards north of grass edge and 7 yards south of grass edge. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.13 meters N 49° 56' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 6 inches above ground. center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerenccs. — ° ' " "Kitt" (S 66° 05' E) o 00 00 1 Right tangent of brick house 10 41 __ Left end of peak of roof of De La Brooke Pier 56 Left corner of left chimney of Thomas house (Cremona) 102 Smoke pipe on several gable house 124 Right tangent of Trent Hall Wharf 192 Catholic Church at Benedict 216 Reference station 296 Near chimney of Dowell house 325 Reference station is j-^ miles. 6 miles. 13 -- i}i miles. 38 -.--.. i}i miles. 25 __ 1^ miles. 56 - - I mile. - - 3 ',2 miles. 00 14.13 meters. - _ }^ mile. CREMONA. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River about half way between Cremona and Persimmon creeks. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in orchard on farm known as Cremona, about 6 feet above high-water mark, 10 yards south of cage of river bank, 7 yards south of rail fence which runs west and east to door yard fence, 36 yards east of rail fence of cornfield, 75 yards north of rail fence at cornfield and 53 yards west of picket fence. Several mountain dwarf cherry trees stand between fence and river bank edge. Marks. — Observed station is center point uf triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Kitt" (N 84° 13' E) o 00 00 2 miles. Near end of peak of roof of Young Hance house 16 26 .. 3 miles. Nail in blaze in apple tree (24 inches diameter) 37 J8 20 24.55 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Aid. 41 Nail in blaze in apple tree (16 inches ° diameter) 62 Nail in blaze in apple tree (15 inches diameter) 100 Corner of field 181 Corner of field 2-1,-1, KITT 13.12 meters. 1 6. 1 1 meters. 87 yards. 38 yards. about half- Gencral locali/y. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on Kitts Marsh Point, which way between Battle Creek and Sheridan Point. (See Chart No. 19.) Immtdia/e locality. — Observed station is on the point of a long marsh neck, about 15 yards north- east of extreme end of point, 13 yards north of edge of marsh, and 13 5'ards east of edge of marsh. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.84 meters N 10° 23' E of observed station.. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub flush with surface of niarsli. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — " ' " "Battle" (S 39° 02' E) : o Right tangent of Long Marsh ^ 7 Near end of peak of roof of De La Brooke Pier 73 Near corner of near chimney of Thomas house 83 Large house 167 Square chimney of large house 1 85 Reference station 229 Left chimney of house 243 Hance house 299 Right chimney of house among trees on hill : 327 Left chimney of house 336 53 00 I ' ,s miles. -- 2 miles. - ^ I J 2 miles. -- I;' 4 miles. -- I mile. - - li mile. 40 15.84 meters. -- 2>2 miles. - - 2 miles. -_ .._ 4 miles. -- 4 miles. OPPKIT. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River on Marsh Point. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass ridge between sand beach and marsh, about I foot above high water, 3 yards southwest of high water mark, 60 yards west-northwest of one point of the beach, 64 yards south of another point of the beach, and 85 yards north-northwest of an oyster watch house on piles. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement mo"nunient. References. — ° ' " "Kitt" (N 56° 31' E) o 00 00 Near end of peak of roof of Williams Wharf house 36 46 _. Left corner of watch house 87 27 __ Left point of peak of roof of De La Brooke Pier 94 09 Right corner of right chimney of brick house 126 42 miles. 2 ' 2 miles. 85 yards I mile. Chimney on house near trees. 232 43 Highest chimney on Cremona House 254 49 Point of roof of Dukes Wharf 310 Chimney on house with ell_ ^ 330 Large square brick chimney on house with ell 334 Nearest chimney of pair on end of house.. 353 ' -i mile. J^ mile. J4 mile. 09 - i^ miles. 49 -- I ^ miles. miles, miles. 42 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 52 8 36 00 2^4 miles. __ 2 5^ miles. miles. BATTLE. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on west side of entrance to Battle Creek on Prison Point. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land between marsh and river, about i foot above high water, 85 yards south of a field, 6 yards northeast of shore, 20 yards southwest of edge of a pool, 100 yards southwest by west of a lone tree, 200 yards west of a small house among trees, and 100 yards west to northwest of several dwarf trees between house and beach. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References — ° "Forr" (83° 17' E) o Chimney on middle of roof of house i Left corner of left chimney of very large house Right chimney of large 2 '2-story brick" house 82 Tangent to Sheridan Point 129 Right end of peak of roof of 2}4-stoTy house 1 39 Chimney of 2 K -story house on hill 155 Lone tree 254 Outside chimney of house on hill 264 House among trees 282 Tangent of Long Marsh 341 Left chimney of 2 ' i' -story house 348 Chimney of 2j2-story house 352 Right tangent of Forrest Wharf 357 PHOTO. 00 .. i}4 miles. 20 . . 2 ^2 miles. 50 __ 2^ miles. 19 __ 2 miles. 41 __ 80 yards. II _ _ 3 miles. 15 __ 100 yards. 45 I'j' miles. 38 - . 3 miles. 57 _- 2 miles. 59 . . I >^^ miles. General locality. — Northeast side of Patuxent River on east side of entrance to Jacks Bay. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field, about 150 yards north-northeast of a marshy point, 10 feet above high-water mark, 49 yards east of shore, no yards north northwest of shore, and 68 yards northeast of right end of clump of trees at edge of field and beginning of marsh point. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 1 2 inches below surface. References. — ° ' " "SHm" (S 52° 03' E) o Chimney on old house 51 Cedar trees 60 Left corner of house 73 Smoke pipe on house behind trees 78 Left tangent of Forrest Wharf 81 Tree 90 Watchhouse on point 118 Right chimney on 2^2'-story brick house 150 Locust tree (20 inches diameter) 241 Left chimney of house 222 Willow tree 33 1 00 00 1% miles. 21 - 2 miles. 00 _ _ 85 yards. 03 _ _ 2 miles. 08 00 2 miles. 00 20 2/4 miles. 10 __ 70 yards. 52 _ _ '2 mile. 37 __ 5 miles. 23 .. 135 yards. 45 -. K mile. 27 __ 140 yards FIGHT. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River opposite mouth of Battle Creek on a prominent low point. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on land known as Horsehead Marsh, about i foot above ordinary high-water mark, 12 yards south-southwest of extreme end of point, 15 yards west -northwest of shore at small creek, 40 yards northeast of woods, and 1 10 yards east-southeast of a bluff 50 feet high. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 43 Marks. — Obser\'ed sUilion is center puint of triangle on standard cement monument. , References. — ° ' " "Battle" (N 50° 45' E) o 00 00 i^^ miles. Outside chimney in center of group of build- ings 13 30 __ 2/4 miles. Left chimney of house on top of hill 23 44 _ _ 3 f 4 miles. Left tangent of Forrest Wharf 82 06 10 2 miles. Near end of peak of roof of 2 >2 -story build- ing - 83 47 _. I ^< miles. Large square chimney on large building 91 19 __ i mile. Left corner of left chimney of large house- . 262 40 __ i mile. Dowells windmill 300 28 ._ 2 '2 miles. Left chimney on small house adjoining large house 321 41 __ 2 '4 miles. Chimney of small house 325 38 __ 2 miles. SLIM. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River about half way between Battle and Island creeks and ^2' mile west northwest of Parkers Wharf. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field on a sand blufT, about 40 feet above high water, 13 yards northeast of edge of bluff, 90 yards southeast of a point of woods at top of a ravine, about 189 yards southwest of another point of woods, 150 yards west -northwest of a rail fence, and 71 yards northwest by west of a large sycamore tree. Marks. — Observed station is nail in round chestnut stub with top about 6 inches above the surface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 10 inches below the surface of the ground. References. — ° "Island" (S 59° 31' E) o Cedar in field 2 Large sycamore tree 29 Near end of peak of roof of Jones Wharf house 53 Chimney on middle of roof of a long house- . 109 Outside chimney of house near Forrest Wharf 125 Nearest chimney on Thomas large brick house 166 Tangent of Long Point marsh 171 Left tree on point 191 Two high trees close together near right edge of point of woods 284 Large walnut tree 298 Near end of peak of roof of barn 304 00 00 2 ' 2 miles. 38 50 200 yards. 20 _ , 71 yards. 27 ._ 2 ^2 miles. 34 __ ij^ miles. 26 __ 2 miles. 16 _ _ 4 miles. 24 -_ I '2 miles. 06 _ _ 90 yards. 27 -- 189 yards. 20 _ _ J-4 mile. '2 mile. 23 FORR. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River just below Forrest Wharf. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 1 foot above high-water mark on sand and grass land, 7 yards south from extreme high-water mark, 45 yards southeast of land end of Forrest Wharf, 70 yards east by south of an old 2 '2 -story building, and 65 yards northeast of a saloon. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Cole" (S 50° 07' E) o 00 00 I 'smiles. Near corner of house on hillside 9 59 __ iSoyards. Near corner of saloon loi 52 _- 65 yards. 44 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. Outside chimney on house on hill 115 Curve in road up hill 131 West corner of old t' 2-story building 139 Land end of wharf 169 Windmill 182 Left corner of left chimney brick house 183 Right tangent of Dukes Wharf 187 Near end of peak of roof of Forrest Wharf house J57 Chimneyof house 27J Right tangent of roof 304 Tangent of trees _ 347 SWEEP. ' 8 mile. 200 yards. 70 yards. 45 yards. 2f^ miles. 3 miles. 4 >4^ miles. ' s mile. 35 - - - . - 3 or 4 miles. 23 _ - 2 ' 2 miles. 46 _ - 3 miles. 17 General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on northwest side of mouth of Island Creek near inner end of neck of land joining Broome Island to the mainland. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about 4 feet above high water, 4 feet northwest of a wire fence, 24 yards south by west of a stable, 60 yards south-southwest of a house, and 100 yards south-southeast of a pine grove. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.70 meters N 59° 39' E of station and near fence line. Marks. — Observed station is the center of an oblong wooden box 4 inches sc|uare with top 4 inches above the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on a standard cement monument. References. — ' o 1 n "Bars" (S 15° 10' E) o Right chimney of house 14 Peak of roof of Gadden house 25 Tangent of Broome Island Point 43 Chimney on house on hill 51 Gilt ball on lightning rod 62 Chimney on house 96 Cut in woods 133 Chimney of house 186 Tile smoke pipe on house 203 Near corner of house 230 Near corner of barn 237 Reference station 254 Right chimney of four on house 2 79 ^ Top of tower of house 301 2 miles. . 3 miles. ' s miles. ' 2 mile. 3 miles. ■' s mile. ■4 riiile. 34 ^o 37 .- 03 __ 06 _ _ 40 _ _ . _ _ I Js miles. 34 __ 150 yards. 24 ._ 140 yards. 35 -- 60 yards. 32 -_ 24 yards. 49 20 21.70 meters. 25 .. ]4 mile. 34 _ 2' 2 miles. ISLAND. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on the extreme southeast point of land about j/2 mile to the east of the mouth of Island Creek. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marshy point at about extreme high-water mark, 30 yards north of extreme end of point, 25 yards east of one side of point, and 20 yards west of another side of point. Old tile pipe used as a reference station is i6.g8 meters N 12° 39' E and cement monu- ment marking new reference station is 30.93 meters N 2° 40' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is. nail in stub with top flush with marsh. Old reference station is center of 4-inch tile pipe set in cement with top projecting about 10 inches above ground. New refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Wheat" (S 53° 13' E) - o 00 00 Left end of peak of roof of Sotterly Wharf house 46 07 - Pinnacle of large house in trees 60 49 _ _ miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 45 Left chimney of large house back on hill 67 54 Chimney on middle of large 2 ^2-story house- 109 59 Middle of railing on top of roof of 2 '2-story house 120 00 Chimney of Broome house 143 41 Weather vane on Broome house 148 33 Right chimney of house 178 21 Right chimney of house 193 27 Reference station (cement monument) - 235 55 Reference station (tile pipe) 245 54 Smoke pipe of watchhouse 333 29 Tower of Peterson house 356 08 PEAK. 2 miles. 'A miles. 3 miles. J^ mile. ^ mile. 3 miles. 2 miles. .93 meters. .98 meters. 1 mile. 2 miles. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River, about in middle of inner shore of a large bay between St. Leonard and Island creeks. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Parran house, located near shore at extreme end of a road leading to Wallville. ■Marks. — Observed station is ball on tip of tower. References. — None necessary. COLE. General locality. — .Southwest shore of Patuxent River, about J4 mile northwest of Cole Creek. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 35 feet aljove high-water mark on a grass peninsula, 3 yards south-southwest of edge of a bluff which is washing rapidly, 8 yards west of extreme edge of blulT, where it turns inland and is not washing, but slopes gradually to the water, 8 yards north of another edge of the bluff, 10 yards northwest of trees on slope of bank, and 20 yards west of a cherry tree 2 feet in diameter. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.53 meters S 83° 10' W of observed station and nearly on line with large cherry tree. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o • ■• "Hutchins" (S 67° 12' E) o 00 00 2 miles. Left end of peak of roof on Jones Wharf house 6 25 __ I >^ miles. Nail in blaze on limb of oak tree (4 inches diameter) 22 05 -. 10.80 meters. Screw in blaze in crotch of oak tree (15 inches diameter at base) i. 38 iS ,, 12.67 meters. Nail in blaze of cedar tree (6 inches diame- ter) 63 40 40 .: 8.43 meters. . Nail in blaze on cherry tree (24 inches di- ameter) 147 II Reference sT.wioN 150 22 Righi chimney of house 179 11 Right end of peak of roof of Forrest Wharf house 202 21 Right end of house 251 05 Left end of peak of house 280 23 Gilt ball on Broome house 321 30 Right tangent of Broome Island 334 17 - - 18.65 meters 00 13.53 meters -- J'^ mile. - - I H' miles. . - - 3 miles. - - 3 miles. 30 2 miles. - - I .':$■ miles. 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. HUTCHINS. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River opposite Broome Island on Captain Point, about }^ mile northwest of mouth of Cole Creek. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in garden on point of a bluff 50 feet high on Hutchins estate near house occupied by Mr. Gadden, about 6 yards south by east of extreme point of bluff, 2 yards southwest of edge of bluff, 4 yards southeast of edge of bluff, 30 yards north by west from house, 30 yards west of a wire fence running north and south, and 15 yards east of another north-and-south wire fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.57 meters S 59° 39' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in a stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Bars" (S 68° 07' E) o Left corner of extension of Gadden house. _ 58 Right front comer of Gadden house 84 Near corner of well house 102 Near corner of shed iig Reference station 127 Nail in blaze in apple tree (22 inches diame- ter) Right tangent of Parkers Wharf 228 12 Gilt ball on Broome house on Broome Island 249 55 Near end of peak of house 263 17 Tip of tower on Peterson house 332 52 WHEAT. 00 00 J4 mile. 17 -- 30.90 meters. 56 -. 28.57 meters. 15 -- 30.44 meters. 148 06 - - 45 yards. - - 7.57 meters. 20 9.35 meters. - - 2 '-2 miles. -. 1^-2 miles. -_ 4 miles. - - 2 '2 miles. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on westerly side of mouth of St. Leonard Creek. (See Charts Nos. 19 and 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff about 40 feet above high water, about 5 yards west of edge of bank, 7 yards south of another edge, and Js mile west of Peterson house. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.80 meters N 61° 55' E of observed station and on line to Peterson house. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe set in cement with top projecting about 4 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Stump" (S 36° 23' E) -- o Left chimney of Judge Crane house 10 Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house. 15 Left end of roof of St. Cuthbert Wharf 24 Chimney on roof of house 60 Chimney on store at Sotterly 93 Left end of barn roof 193 Reference station 278 Center chimney of Peterson house 281 Chimney of house 298 Chimney on house on Breeden estate 340 00 00 2^4 miles. 07 - . 4^ miles. 05 . - _ 4J4 miles. 09 _. _ 2X miles. 05 . . I ' ^ miles. - - I '2 miles. ^ - 2 miles. 30 12.80 meters. - - Ji" mile. - . J,i mile. -, 2 miles. 41 MACKALL. General locality. — Northwest shore of Patuxent River on west side of entrance to St. Leonard Creek on first point inside of Peterson Point. (See Charts Nos. 19 and 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 50 feet above high water, 9 feet northwest of edge of bluff, 7 yards northeast of bushes, and 3 yards southwest of other bushes. Cement monument marking reference station is 3.80 meters N 35° 08' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is the center of an oblong wooden box 4 inches square with top 3 inches above the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 47 References. — ° "Stock" (S34°38'W) " o Peak of front gable of Bond house o Chimney on negro house 54 31 Chimney on Peterson house 66 25 Reference STATION no 13 Chimney on negro house 135 49 Chimney on ell of house on hill 153 46 Chimney on small house back of SoUers Wharf 229 40 Nearest outside chimney on I J i'-story house. 236 08 Large chimney on Sellers house 237 02 Large chimney on Taylor house 285 27 Front peak of Briscoe house 334 30 SOLLERS. 39 00 if^ miles. 10 1^ mileG. - - }'i mile. - - J^ mile. 50 3.80 meters. -- yi mile. , - 14 mile. 1 mile. 2 miles. .?4 mile. ^-2 mile. J s miles. 14 -- 2% miles. - - '2 mile. - . 14 mile. 30 13.68 meters. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on east side of entrance to St. Leonard Creek. (See Charts Nos. 19 and 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 50 feet above high water, 6 feet east of edge of bank, 20 yards north-northeast of a clump of trees, 14 yards and 8 yards south-southwest of other trees, and 75 yards north-northwest of a rail fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.68 meters S. 44° 00' E of observed station with top buried 12 inches below surface. Marks. — Observed station is the center of an oblong wooden box 5 inches square with top 3 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 12 inches below surface. References. — ° ' " "Stock" (S 44° 24' W) - o 00 00 1 5 8 miles. Middle of front gable of Bond house o 34 __ 1 3,^ miles. Chimney of store at Sotterly W'harf 26 58 __ 2^ miles. Near corner of outside chimney on house. _ 27 18 __ 2)4 J^Hes. Chimney on top of Gadden house 46 Near comer of top chimney on Peterson house 78 27 Right end of peak of roof of Mackall house. 150 16 Reference sT.'vTioN 271 35 Near corner of large chimney on Taylor house 272 35 __ js mile. Top of front gable on Briscoe house 331 36 .. 1^4 miles. BARS. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River on Sotterly Point about J 4' mile northwest of Sotterly Wharf. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff about 30 feet above high water, 5 yards south of edge of bank at rail fence, and 2 yards east of this same fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.53 meters S 9° 54' W of observed station and near fence line. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 3-inch tile pipe set in cement. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Wheat" (N 72° 06' E) o 00 Chimney on middle of 2 ■2-story house 17 29 Windmill 23 23 Chimney of house 41 50 Reference STATION 117 48 Smoke pipe on right end of house 157 37 Tangent of point of land 250 47 Peterson house chimney 359 22 00 I '2' miles. -- 6 miles. -. 3 miles. . . 4 miles. 00 14.53 meters. - - ,'4 mile. - - I '2 miles. . - 1 -'4 miles. 48 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. LEND. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on a narrow strip of land or peninsula in mouth of Mears Creek about ,'2 mile southeast of St. Leonard Creek. (See Charts Nos. 19 and 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in the midst of many cherry, oak, and locust trees about 15 feet above high- water mark, 15 yards east-northeast of high ground, 5 yards west of edge and 17 yards north of extreme point of top of peninsula. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerenccs. — ° ' " "Wheat" (N 50° 51' W) o Nail in blaze in cherry tree (4 inches diameter) 118 Right chimney of house across creek 139 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) _ 229 Outside chimney on left end of Briscoe house 265 Near peak of Bond house 297 Chimney on storehouse at Sotterly 318 Near end of peak of roof of Sotterly Wharf house 319 Chimney on Gadden house 330 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (6 inches diameter) 345 I 00 00 I '4 miles. 28 30 3.58 meters. 51 . . X ™ile- 51 -- 6.68 meters. I J2 miles. i^i miles. 2^-4 miles. 07 .. 2>^ miles. 47 -- 3X miles. 24 .. 3.64 meters. STOCK. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River about i mile southeast of Sotterly Point. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff, about 20 feet above high water, 3 yards south- west of edge of bluff, about 50 yards east by north of front door of the house of Mr. Bond, 30 yards west-northwest of extreme end of point of bluff, 35 yards northeast of detached house, and about 43 yards east by south of yard fence at edge of bluff. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Lend" (N 66° 48' E) » o Right chimney of house on Dickson place— i Right chimney of old i ■ 2-story house 19 Tangent of bluff ■... 58 Chimney on house on point 59 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 99 Nearest corner of outhouse, corner farthest from house 161 Left corner of house 1 80 Nail in blaze in cherry tree i foot above ground (4 feet diameter) 1 83 Right corner of house 205 Locust tree (4 inches diameter) 210 End of yard fence 230 Tree near edge of bank (no nail or blaze)-. 237 00 00 1 5 s miles. 35 - - 1 3.-4 miles. GO _ _ 2 miles. 00 - - I mile. O', ._ I mile. 48 30 __. 2.18 meters. 29 30 34.30 meters. 30 31.13 meters. 30 20.58 meters. 40 45.79 meters. 40 8.83 meters. - . 43 yards. 20 34.27 meters. STUMP. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River about '2' mile northwest of Hellen Creek. (See .Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bank about 20 feet above high water, 10 yards north- northeast of edge of bank at extreme end of point, about 20 yards southeast of edge of bank, and about Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 49 150 yards northwest of a clump of cedar and locust trees at edge of bank. Cement monument marking first reference station is 11. jg meters N 61° 51' E of observed station with top 10 inches below surface of field. Cement monument marking second reference station is 26.22 meters N 60° 42' E of observed station about on line with first reference station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe set in cement with top flush with ground. First reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 10 inches below the surface of ground. Second reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o r rr "Wheat" (N 36° 23' W) o Chimney in center of house 15 Second Reference station 97 First Reference station 98 Apple tree 152 Left chimney of house 180 Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house 209 Left chimney of house 269 Nail in blaze in stump (30 inches daimeter) _ 250 Nail in blaze in tree (8 inches diameter) 352 19 00 2' 8 miles. . - }i mile. 35 26.22 meters. 30 1 1. 29 meters. - . 200 yards. - - 34" mile. 27 . . 2 '^ miles. 2 1 - - I ,' 4 miles. 49 -- 5.01 meters. 30 __ 17.52 meters. BRISCOE. mile northwest of St. Cuthbert General locality. — Southeast shore of Patu.xent River aliout Wharf. (See Chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field, about 20 feet above high water, 80 yards southwest of trees on bank, 50 yards southeast of a creek bed, 46 yards northwest of a clump of trees, 105 yards east of a corner of fence on road, and about 300 yards northeast of another fence with woods back of it. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.52 meters N 79° 35' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub with top flush with ground and a subsurface mark of a standard cement monument with top buried 1 1 inches below the surface. Reference station is center of triangle on standard cement monument with top 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° ' " "Hellen" (S7i°37'E) o Near corner of house 45 Left end of peak of roof of barn 57 Large two-forked tree 129 Corner of rail fence and tree 136 Reference station 172 Large cherry tree other side of creek 195 Left chimney of house on opposite side with three dormer windows 304 Cedar tree 308 00 00 I s 8 miles. II ._ .' i^ mile. 18 ._ 3,4- mile. 17 -- 130 yards. 34 -- 105 yards. oi 40 12.52 meters. 00 . _ 68 yards. 59 I '2 miles. 80 yards. HELLEN. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on east side of mouth of Hellen Creek. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at high-water mark on edge of grass and bushes, about 16 yards west-southwest of a bluff 15 feet high, and about 40 yards north-northwest of bluff at edge of water. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.45 meters N 75° 14' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station was the center of a tile pipe with a subsurface mark of a green yeast- powder bottle but at date of publication these marks are reported to have been washed away. Reference station i'' center point of triangle on standard cement monument. 20908 — I o 4 50 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. References. — . ' ° "Stump" (N 25° 42' W) o Left chimney of Barrett house 8 Nail in blaze in tree 100 Reference station 100 Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house 209 Mouth of Cuckold Creek 261 Chimney of Peterson house 355 NAT. 00 00 J4 mile. 54 - - H mile. 01 40 14.74 meters. 56 20 12.45 meters. ^2 miles. '-2 miles. 3 miles. I General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River about ', mile above mouth of Cuckold Creek. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of a cultivated field on a bluff of sand and gravel about 20 feet above high water, 4 feet east of edge of bluff, and 150 yards north of a rail fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 18.44 meters S 29° 47' W of observed station with top 8 inches below surface of ground. Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch tile pipe embedded in cement. center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Hellen" (N 69° 29' E) o 00 Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house on Point Patience 68 01 Reference st.ation 140 18 Large chimney on house 2S1 58 Right chimney of house with two gable roofs 309 o I TON. Reference station is I ,' 4 miles. ._ ija niiles. 00 18.44 meters. _ _ 3 miles. _ _ 2 miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River about i mile northeast of Point Patience. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff about 15 feet above high water, 10 yards east from edge of bluff, 50 yards south-southwest of edge of a gully and a clump of trees, and about 220 yards west-northwest of a cherry tree 3^2 feet in diameter. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.64 meters S 62° 29' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a spike set in cement. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried below surface 10 inches. References. — ° "Mill" (S 65° 00 W) o 00 Chimney on far end of Wallace house 53 28 Chimney on middle of roof on McCorry store 60 09 Near end of peak of St. Cuthbert Wharf house 52 10 Near end of peak of roof of Parran oyster watch house _- Chimney on Peterson house Cemented chimney on near end of George old house l 94 59 Left chimney, of Costen house 117 59 Nail in blaze in tree 137 35 Reference station.^ ..'. 232 31 Left chimney of Marburger house 329 1 1 00 iX miles. _ _ 1 3.^ miles. 2 miles miles 03 __ 5 '2 miles 39 __ 33^ miles ^ _ I mile. . _ - - ,'2 miles. 20 47.60 meters. 00 13.64 meters. __ }k mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Aid. 51 MILL. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River about 14 mile southeast of mouth of Cuckold Creek and J 2 mile northwest of Point Patience. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand bluff about 20 feet above high water, 7 yards southwest of the edge of the bluff, 40 yards southeast of a fence and a line of cedar trees, and about lOo yards northwest of another fence at bottom of hill. Cement monument marking reference station '>; I J. 76 meters S 28° 14' W of observed station. Marki. — Observed station is center point of 3-inch tile pipe embedded in cement. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rcjerences. — ° ' " "Ton" (N 64° 59' E) o 00 00 1 '4 miles. Nearest chimney of Marburger house on Point Patience 39 "Catholic Church Cross" ^ 43 " Methodist Episcopal Church Spire" 49 Middle of portico of Judge Crane house^, 82 Windmill near Dent house 136 Reference st.xtion 143 Chimney on house among farm buildings ^ - 293 Left chimney on house with piazza 304 End of ])eak of roof of 2,'2-story house 323 Nearest chirfiney of cottage 338 Left chimney of house 340 __ . '4 mile. 40 2 miles. 30 2 miles. . - I mile. - - }4 mile. 40 _. 13.76 meters. 40 4|^ miles. 02 2 ^ miles. 31 .. i^i miles. 17 __ 2 miles. 19 - - 2 miles. BUR. General locality. — East shore of Patuxent River, on northwest side of Point Patience, about '4 mile northeast of its extreme end. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land, about i foot above high water, 1 2 yards southeast of high-water mark on one side of point, 36 yards northwest of high-water mark on other side of point, and about 300 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.15 meters N 85° 20' E of observed station. .Mark.':. — Observed station is a 3-inch tile pipe set in cement with top about i inch above the surface of the ground. Reference stati(m is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / »» "Ton" (N 37° 56' E) o 00 Left chimney of Marburger house 16 08 Reference STATION 47 24 " Methodist Episcopal Church Spire" 75 32 Middle gable of Judge Crane house 139 09 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diam- eter) 162 40 Square chimney on Dent house 228 30 Chimney on house 268 52 Left chimney of house 346 39 Right chimney of house 358 31 NEW. 30 I mile. ■4 mile. 15 meters. ' s miles. ■> mile. 10 25.94 meters. - - 34 mile. - - I ^ 8 miles. -- I '2 miles. -- I'i' miles. General locality. — Northeast side of Patuxent River, about ^i mile east of Pcjint Patience and about I '4 miles northwest of Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 20 feet above high-water mark in the middle of a cultivated field on Strathmore farm, about 230 yards northeast of shore of Patuxent River, about 82 yards southeastof a creek, about 162 yards northwest of a small creek or ditch, 230 yards northeast of a large oak tree, and 250 yards north of another large oak tree. 52 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with ton ii inches below the surface of the ground. • References. — ° ' " "Ben" (S 2° lo' E) o Chimney on flat-roof house 6 Chimney on main part of a house on Town Creek 27 Oak tree about 18 inches diameter on edge of field 43 Right tangent of Spencers wharf 56 Corner of field 67 Exposed chimney on left of house 67 Left chimney on house 88 Corner of field 206 Corner of fi-eld 258 Silver-tipped tower on Philip Vale house __ 307 Oak at edge of field 343 59 04 2 miles. 1^4 miles. I '4 miles. 227 yards. I mile. 00 _. 310 yards. 36 ^. i'2 miles. 57 -- I' 2 miles. 00 _ _ 240 yards. 00 _ _ 300 yards, 08 20 '2 mile. 35 - - 300 yards. CATHOLIC CHURCH CROSS. General locality. — Southeast side of Patuxent River, about halfway to Back Creek and ^4 mile northwest of Solomons wharf. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Catholic Church, known as St. Marys Star of the Sea, located in small village of Johnstown on mainland near Solomons Island, and about 250 yards north of causeway to Solomons Island. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross on bell cupola. References. — None necessary. CABLE. General ioccUity. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River, on east side of entrance to Kings Creek, and about i-i mile west of Town Point. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on pasture land near the end of high land at the beginning of a long, low peninsula which almost closes the mouth of Kings Creek, about 30 feet above high-water mark, about 20 yards south of edge of bank on river side, about 15 yards east northeast of edge of hank on creek side, 38 yards southeast of extreme edge of top of bank, and 30 yards west of a persimmon tree. Mark'i. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried with top 10 inches below the surface of ground. References. — ° ' " ■'Bur" (N 35° 17' E) o Left chimney of Marburger house near Point Patience 3 " Catholic Church Cross" __ 43 " Methodist Episcopal Church Spire" 52 Left chimney of Judge Crane house 55 Nail in blaze of tree (18 inches diameter) _ _ 179 Nail in blaze in red cedar tree (3 inches diameter) 236 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree 283 Right chimney on Fenner Lee house 284 Left chimney of house 302 00 00 ^ mile. 25 __ L_ ^ mile. ,S9 -- I ^ miles. 29 - - 1 3^ miles 44 J 2 mile. 19.24 meters. 1 5.80 meters. 26.22 meters. H mile. ' 2 mile. TOWN. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Patuxent River, ^ miles. Right end of roof of 2 ' C-story building at Pearsons 67 56 __ smiles. Near corner of tower on Hodgdon house 93 01 . _ 2 ' g miles. Chimney on old house 108 18 .. i^s miles. Chimney on house 142 s3 ._ i mile. Left chimney on Lee house 227 04 _- i '2 miles. Marburger house 281 00 .. ;5^ mile. CRANE. General locality . — Southwest side of Patu.xent River, on northeast side of Town Creek, about % mile southwest of Town Point. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field on Judge Crane farm, about 8 feet above high-water mark, 58 yards east northeast of Town Creek, 105 yards west of a fence, 1 15 yards west- northwest of a large cherry tree, 200 yards southeast of several detached buildings, and 20 yards east of top of a ravine. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top lo inches below ground. References. — ° ' " " New" (N 36° 51' E) o 00 00 "Catholic Church Cross" 29 25 __ Stack on ice plant 37 25 -. Methodist Episcopal Church Tower 42 is -- Cherry tree (4 feet diameter) 71 2(1 ._ Canning-house stack 157 27 __ House on point 185 20 __ Chimney on house 244 30 _. Lightning rod on cupola of Judge Crane barn 277 01 30 Right tangent to St. Cuthbert wharf 300 08 ._ Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house 320 49 __ Middle of gateway 355 2}, _ Oak tree on opposite shore of Patuxent River 359 16 50 i mile. M. E. CHURCH (SOLOMONS). General locality. — Northeastern shore of Patuxent River, on up|ier end of Solomons Island, about ,'2 mile northwest of Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Methodist Clmrch at upper end of Solomons Island near tjeginning of causeway to mainland. Marks. — Observed station is tip of pyramidal tower on Methodist Church. References. — None necessary. K. OF P. FLAGSTAFl'- (SOH)MONSk General locality. — Northeastern side of Patuxent River, on Solomons Island, in the town of Solomons. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — C.)bserved station is on flagstalT in front of Knights of Pythias Building. I mile. I '4 miles. \% miles. I '4 miles. 1 1 5 yards. '4' mile. ■4' mile. K mile. ■■4' mile. 2)4 miles. J- 8 mile. ,' 8 mile. 54 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Cahert County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center of flagstaff at about the same height as roof of the K. of P. Hall. References. — None necessary SAND. General locality. — Northeastern side of Patuxent River on Sandy Point on extreme southern point of Solomons Island. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on pasture land about 5 feet above high water, 30 yards north of extreme point of planking protecting the shore from washing, 15 yards northeast of the extreme edge of sand and grass line, and about 13 yards east of top of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.64 meters N 2° 19' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in southwest side of a 6-inch pile driven into ground with top 6 inches above the surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Drum Point Light" (N 83° 57' E) o 00 00 2 miles. Right tangent of woods on Hog Point 14 36 -_ 3 miles. Left end of peak of roof on 2>^-story build- ing at Pearsons 51 03 _. 2 miles. Chimney on storehouse at Millstone 74 18 .. ij^ miles. Near point of gable of Hodgdon large house with square tower 93 54 ._ lyi mWes. Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house 225 22 ._ I J< miles. Warren house opposite Johnson store 261 22 ,. >4 mile. Reference STATION 278 22 10 i3.64meters. "K. of P. Flagstaff 291 58 .. K mile. Right chimney of Dr. Marsh house 320 38 __ yi mWe. " Bareda House Cupola " 347 48 30 i>^ miles. FISHSTACK. General locality. — Northeastern side of Patuxent River on northeastern side of entrance to Mill and Back creeks. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on mainland on fish fertilizer factory located on opposite side of creek from Solomons Island. Marks. — Observed station is center of smokestack on fish factory. References. — None necessary. BON. General locality. — North shore of Patuxent River about i '4 miles west-northwest of Drum Point Light and about ,'-2 mile east-northeast of Solomons Island. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land, aloout 5 feet above high water, about 7 yards north of shore, about 90 yards southeast of a i ' 2-story house on land 10 feet higher than station, and about 75 yards south of a i X"Story brick house. Cement monument marking reference station is 0.67 meters N 45° 29' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is an inverted nail in center of cement in a 6-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — * o / // " Drum Point Light" (S 73° 43' E) o 00 00 i J^" miles. Smoke pipe on oyster watch house ^t, 32 ,. K mile. Left end of peak of roof on 2>^-story build- ing at Pearsons 52 06 _. 2"4 miles. Left end of peak of roof on house with piazza 82 29 _.._:__ 2 K miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 55 Near point of roof of Hodgdon house with ° ' " square tower 8g 14 __ 2^ miles. Chimney on end of house 133 57 J^ mile. Left chimney on Weems house 159 37 _. X mile. Right chimney on wooden house 224 01 .. 90 yards. Left side of chimney on brick house 249 54 __' 75 yards. Reference station 299 12 00 0.67 meters. Near end of peak of house on bluff between trees 336 50 _. ^ mile. "Bareda House Cupola" 347 06 __ f^ mile. BAREDA HOUSE CUPOLA. General locality. — North side of Patuxent River about ^4 mile northwest of Drum Point Light. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality- — Observed station is on Bareda House which is a large ^-story square mansion with square cupola with three windows on each side and a porch all around ground floor, located about 100 yards back from shore on high land. Marks. — Observed station is center of ornamental design of four brackets on center of cupola. References. — None necessary. DRUM POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Northeastern side of entrance of Patuxent River and a short distance off shore from Drum Point. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a screw pile structure known as Drum Point Light- House. Marks. — Observed station is center of black lantern on Drum Point Light-House. Reference. — ° ' " "Cedar Point Light" (S 64° 33' E) o 00 00 3^-4 miles. BEX. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Patuxent River about i mile south-southwest of Sandy Point and 1^4 miles south-southeast of Town Point. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a clay and sand bluff in a cultivated field, about 20 feet above high-water mark, about 10 feet west of edge of bank, 3 feet south of point covered with scrub pines, about 15 yards northeast of one edge of plateau, 10. yards southeast of another edge of plateau, about 65 yards north of point of woods, and 10 yards south of cut in bank which is washing rapidly. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.42 meters S 56° 15' VV of station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cement in 6-inch tile pipe with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Drum Point Light" (N 68° 07' E) o 00 00 2 J^ miles. Left tangent of trees on Hog Point 16 21 __ 3 J^ miles. Near end of peak of roof of large 2'i-story building at Pearsons 39 36 .- 2J-4 miles. Near piazza post of Millstone Hotel 56 11 .. ij^ miles. Chimney of Craddock house 60 28 ._ i!4 miles. Chimney on end of cabin 97 24 __ 200 yards. Tall pine tree 138 35 _. 50 yards. Reference STATION 168 08 00 8.42 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) 176 t,2> 5° 7.79 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) 223 40 40 8.77 meters. 56 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches ° ' " diameter) 236 39 _, 2.07 meters. Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house 272 12 - 2 miles. "Catholic Church Cross" 304 54 40 i^-^ miles. " Bareda House Cupola" 350 34 40 2 >^ miles. CR.A.DDOCK. General localily- — Southern shore of Patuxent River, about 2 ' s miles south-southeast of Drum Point Light and '4 mile west of Millstone Landing. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on lawn about 15 feet above high-water mark, about to yards south from top edge of bank, 15 yards from bottom edge of bank and fence, 30 yards east of extreme edge of point, 30 yards northeast of trees along shore of pond, about no yards northwest of Craddock house and several outbuildings among poplar trees, 50 yards east of fence, and 70 yards west of driveway to house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument, with top flush with lawn. References. — ° ' " "Drum Point Light" (N 37° 15' E) o 00 00 ., Left tangent of woods on Carroll Point 21 52 _ __ Near end of peak of roof of jyi-story build- ing at Pearsons 42 25 -^ __ Chimney on hotel at Millstone 64 56 .... Cottonwood tree (14 inches diameter) 68 54 .... Chimney on roof of Craddock 2 ■ 2-story house 95 27 .... Nail in stump (14 inches diameter) 309 25 50 _. "Fishstack" 317 30 .=50 _. CARROLL 2. 2 ^4 miles. I •' 4 miles. I ■ 4 miles. ■ 2 mile. 80 yards. 1 10 yards. 5.35 meters. 2 miles. General locality. — South side of Patuxent River, about i mile south-southwest of Hog Point and about I mile south of Drum Point Light. (See Chart No. 20.) Im.mediale locality. — Observed station is on a sandy clay bluff in a cultivated field, about 50 feet above high-water mark, 4 feet south of top edge of blulT, 180 yards east of trees and ravine beyond cultivated field, 60 yards west of trees and ravine beyond cultivated field, 300 yards north of large square chimney on old-fashioned farmhouse, and 250 yards north of large tree to right of farmhouse. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.32 meters S 54° 30' \V of observed station. Another reference station is a nail in the east side of cement in a 6-inch tile pipe 14.64 meters S 13° 20' E of observed station and on range with Drum Point Light. Marks. — Observed station is center of 5-inch tile pipe with top 8 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is nail in cement on east side of a 6-inch tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Another reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 9 inches below surface of ground. References. — ° ' " "Drum Point Light" (N 13° 20' W) o Left tree on Hog Point 81 Right of bushes at edge of ravine 142 Tree (12 inches diameter) 164 Reference st-'^tion (tile) 179 Tree (20 inches diameter) 183 Chimney of Susquehanna farmhouse 192 Large tree 199 Reference station (monument) 247 Right chimney of Fenner Lee house 302 59 40 59 I mile. I mile. -- 75 yards -- )i mUe. 45 14.64 meters 25 ._ ,'/s mile. 10 -_ 300 yards. 08 .- 250 yards. 50 00 13.32 meters. 45 . _ 4 V2' miles. \ Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 57 Center of four-sided roof on Doctor Marsh ° ' " house 307 58 __ 2^ miles. "Catholic Church Cross" 315 32 00 2%' miles. Silver tip on tower of Vale house 316 15 30 3 miles. Chimney of Bowen house 327 16 2 miles. "Bareda House Cupola" 348 44 00 iK miles. HOG 2. Generallocality . — Southern shore of entrance to Patuxent River on Hog Point, about ij/i miles west-northwest of Cedar Point Light. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand beach at high-water mark, 30 yards northwest of point of woods, and 200 yards north-northeast of nearest shore of Parsons Creek. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 33.35 meters S 42° 22' E of observed station on a point of high land. Marks. — Observed station is nail set in cement in a 6-inch tile pipe, with top i foot below the surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Drum Point Light" (.N 60° 44' W) o ou 00 iX miles. "Bareda House Cupola" 2 44 50 iK miles. Chimney of cabin on opposite shore 22 20 .. iK miles. Tangent of Little Cove Point _ 71 56 __ 3'^ miles. "Cedar Point Light" 173 31 40 2 miles. Reference STATION 198 21 50 33.35 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree 201 03 .. 29.58 meters. Cabin on opposite side of Parsons Creek 243 05 . _ ^4 niile. Chimney on Susquehanna farmhouse 301 04 __ i mile. "M. E. Church" (Solomons) 346 16 40 3'^ miles. Steeple of Vale house at Avondale 350 55 _- 3 K miles. PAT. Generallocality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on Little Cove Point, about i?< miles south by west of Cove Point Light. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the highest point of a thickly wooded bluff, about 75 feet above high-water mark, 4 yards west of edge of bluff, and 15 yards southwest of extreme point. Cement monument marking reference station is 24.57 meters S 71° 26' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a 3-inch round stake set in cement, with top about 4 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Cedar Point Light" (S 13° 54' E) o 00 00 41-^miles. Near piazza post of house 14 52 __ 4 miles. REp'erENCE STATION 85 20 oo 24.57 meters. Spike in blaze in tree (5 inches diameter).. 94 51 ._ 6.54 meters. Spike in blaze in tree (5 inches diameter) _ . 114 10 .. . 3.42 meters. Spike in blaze in tree (17 inches diameter). 138 54 .. 12.26 meters. Spike in blaze in tree (13 inches diameter). 181 46 __ 5.50 meters. "Cove Point Light" 203 25 30 li^ miles. "Hoopers Island Light" 327 58 10 loX miles. CEDAR POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cedar Point, 3X miles east-southeast of Drum Point Light and 6 miles south by east of Cove Point Light. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a brick dwelling known as Cedar Poir t Light-House. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Cedar Point Light-House Reference. — ° ' " "Cove Point Light" (N 7° 16' W) o 00 00 6 miles. 58 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. CAIN. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay, about i-'s miles southwest of Cedar Point Light. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bank about 5 feet above high-water mark, about 20 yards northwest of ordinary high water, 5 yards northwest of extreme high water, 100 yards south- southwest of old-fashioned house among several large trees, and about 250 yards below small wharf and canning house. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.45 meters N 16° 56' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail set in cement in a 3-inch pipe with top about 2 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Cedar Point Light" (N 46° 45' E) o Steeple on church 28 "Hoopers Island Light" 56 "Point No Point Light" 106 Right chimney on Tarleton house 135 Near end of peak of 2-story house ' 148 Reference station 330 Near corner of house 335 Aspen tree in house yard 339 00 00 1 5 s miles. 26 __ 9'^ miles. 28 40 734 miles. 05 __ i^H miles. 12 __ . 3>4 miles. 41 .- 1^4 miles. 10 40 6.45 meters. 13 -- -■ 100 yards. 35 50 100 yards. DESERT. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay, about 3 miles south-southwest of Cedar Point Light. (See Chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land, about 25 yards west from ordinary high-water mark, about at level of extreme high-water mark, 40 yards south of a fence, 10 yards east of a fence, 45 yards south of a creek, about 50 yards north of point of pine woods, and about 300 yards east of woods across marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.29 meters N 31° 24' W of observed station. .Mark.i. — Observed station is a 4-inch tile pipe projecting aljout 2 inches above surface of sand. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejcrences. — ° ' " "Cedar Point Light' (N 34° 05' E) o Steeple on church _. 34 "Hoopers Island Light" 59 " Point No Point Light" 113 Near end of peak of roof of Tarleton house„ 135 og Point of woods 146 00 Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diam- eter) 294 30 Reference STATioj;.. 294 30 Chimney on near end of house ,_ 336 38 Large square chimney on larger of two houses 344 48 ._ • I mile. 19 ^7 3 miles. 3 ' 2 miles. 8 miles. 1 1 miles. 2 miles. 50 yards. 40 7.62 meters. 40 5.29 meters _- ,'2 mile. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Commissioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said sur^'ey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in coopera- tion with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the cor- ners of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory' and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyster-bar boundaries by competent engineers. Therefore the additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the published definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accuracy and very little to the convenience of practical use of the descriptions of the"ovster-bar boundaries. 6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. As provided by law the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to complicated 14-sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sides have varied in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the comers of the bound- aries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made and the magnitude of the work with the conse- quent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, and the one by which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name, in parenthesis, is given the general locality of the oyster bar and the serial number of the "Maryland Oyster Chart" on which its legal boundaries are shown." First column. — This column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the num- ber corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clockwise direction around the bar; but where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the corner of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the comers. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definition of the location of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- " These charts can be obtained by appHcation to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C. I Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 6i ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the Survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their location have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing"" and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three " Back " bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- tion station,"* gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the cor- responding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of the bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and mark- ings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of "Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particu- lar kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars: One, to determine whether the buoys marking the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments pos- sessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. " The mean magnetic variation for Calvert County was 5° 50' west of north in 1909 and increasing at the rate of .3' yearly. b Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Super- intendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. 62 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Aid. (i) TrianguJalion. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar with this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrographic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the bound- aries of the oyster bars. For example, take "Hog Point" bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. i" is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Hog Point" and "Beach," as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner is 67° 35' and the angle between "Beach" and "111 2" is 17° 16'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the meas- ured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor ("position finder"), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buov of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if tlie Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 63 point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the bound- ary as given on the chart the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the protractor. The second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant, then the other, until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the'true position of the corner of the boundary in question. • If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic locations of points are attained; in fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the Commission. (3) Magnetic bearings from ofjshorc. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass, and will be of special use to the State Fishery Force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer takes compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination,'' and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared altogether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the corrected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In tl\e case where the landmarks for which the bearings are published have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying them in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic hearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point mark- ing a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column a The mean magnetic variation for Calvert County is 5° 50' west of north in 1909 and increasing at the rate of 3' yearly. 64 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination) given in the fifth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question, and the direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range-lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at latidmarks. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. The instrument is placed over a "triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the " Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of 0° 00' 00" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parenthesis alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit, and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. HOG POINT. (Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 16.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station , , » , / Yards. I 38 42 00. 00 76 29 42.57 N S S 65 49 W 46 36 W 29 20 W S 65 50 E N 46 3,S E N 29 19 E 3489 4709 6294 Hog Point (Holland 3). Beach. Ill 2. 2 38 42 00. 00 76 30 38.41 N S S 50 04 w 31 01 \v 16 19 w S 50 04 E N 31 00 E N 16 19 E 2227 3776 5717 Hog Point (Holland 3). Beach. Ill 2. 3 38 42 39. 59 76 30 41.04 N S S 86 42 W 22 ig \Y .2 4-= W S 86 43 E N 22 18 E N 12 41 E 1640 4941 6994 Hog Point (Holland 3). Beach. Ill 2. 4 38 42 30.67 76 29 56. 13 N S s 82 02 \V 3,S 39 W 22 41 W S 82 03 E N 35 38 E N 22 40 E 2852 5255 7068 Hog Point (Holland 3). Beach. Ill 2. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Aid. UPPER STEPS. (Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. i6.) 65 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianEula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 38 40 31.72 76 31 22. 80 N s s 6 56 \V 71 26 w 9 47 W S 6 s6 E N 71 26 E N 9 47 E Yards. 4429 815 2547 Hog Point (Holland 3) Beach. Ill 2. 2 38 41 07.90 76 31 23-4^ N S s 9 14 W 27 03 W 6 22 W S 9 14 E N 27 03 E N 6 22 E 3228 1661 3753 Hog Point (Holland 3). Beach. Ill 2. 3 38 41 07.81 76 30 43. 13 N S S 26 23 W 50 58 w 21 41 w S 26 24 E N 50 58 E N 21 40 E 3561 2344 401 1 Hog Point (Holland 3). Beach. Ill 2. 4 38 40 32. 14 76 30 41. 83 N S S 20 13 w 81 37 W 30 59 W S 20 13 E N 81 36 E N 30 59 E 4681 1876 2945 Hog Point (Holland 3). Beach. Ill 2. LOWER STEPS. [Chesapeake Bay — Chart .Vo. 16.) / / , , Yards. I 38 37 54- 20 76 30 09. 22 N S S 40 20 w 47 33 W 9 30 W S N N 40 21 E 47 33 E 9 30 E 3676 1590 2967 III 2. Plum 3. Pier. 2 38 38 22.74 76 31 01. 84 N N S 17 58 w 28 13 w 6 09 E S S N 17 58 E 28 14 E 6 08 W 4299 2088 2047 Beach. Ill 2. Plum 3. 3 38 39 03 00 76 31 10.50 N N S 21 53 W 57 35 W 7 31 E S S N 21 53 E 57 35 E 7 31 w 2944 898 3422 Beach. Ill 2. Plum 3. 4 38 39 03. 40 76 30 40. 60 N N S 34 46 \\' 73 II W 5 53 W S S N 34 47 E 73 12 E 5 53 E 3310 1619 3346 Beach. Ill 2. Plum 3. 5 38 38 00. 00 76 29 21.95 N S S 54 19 ^V 62 2i W 29 09 W S N N 54 20 E 62 22 E 29 08 E 4467 2735 3574 Ill 2. Plum 3. Pier. 20908 — 10- 66 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. PLUM POINT. (Chesapeake Bay — Charts Nos. i6 and 17.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trie tion station ngula- of bar Forward Back , , , r Yards. I 38 35 08. 99 76 29 30. 18 N i 29 56 w 36 34 W 28 09 W S 29 56 E N 36 33 E N 28 08 E 3052 2896 5177 Pier. Pen. Patch. 2 38 35 23- 36 76 30 13.24 N S S 10 03 W 14 27 w 11 45 W S 10 04 E N 14 27 E N II 45 E 2194 5^14 2871 Pier. Patch. Pen. 3 38 37 54. 20 76 30 09. 2 2 N S S 40 20 W 47 33 W 9 30 W S 40 21 E N 47 33 E N 9 30 E 3676 1590 2967 Ill 2. Plum 3. Pier. 4 38 38 00. 00 76 29 21.95 N S S 54 19 W 62 23 W 29 09 w S 54 ^0 E N 62 22 E N 29 08 E 4467 2735 3574 Ill 2. Plum 3. Pier. 5 38 37 25.92 76 28 39.97 N S S 51 36 w 88 05 W 55 '20 W S 51 38 E N 88 03 E N 55 19 E 6048 3536 3467 Ill 2. Plum 3. Pier. 6 38 35 46.04 76 28 39. 80 N S S 63 57 W 40 33 W 33 00 W S 63 58 E N 40 32 E N 32 59 E 3178 4705 693^ Pier. Pen. Patch. DADDIE DARE. (Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 17.) / rr t / , Yards. I 38 33 16.42 76 30 01.31 N S s 31 30 w 64 35 W 24 08 W S 31 30 E N 64 34 E N 24 08 E 1724 1791 3575 Pen. Patch. Parker. 2 38 34 14.5- 76 30 39- 37 s vS 12 36 W 12 22 E N 12 36 E N 12 22 W 2795 501 Patch. Pen. N 3 56 E S 3 56 w 4493 Pier. 3 38 34 54- 39 76 30 39. 16 s s N 8 36 W 3 10 E 5 38 E N 8 35 E N 3 10 W S 5 38 w 4118 1836 3153 Patch. Pen. Pier. 4 38 34 33- II 76 29 58.02 N S S II 31 W 41 30 W 26 57 W S II 32 E N 41 30 E N 26 56 E 3935 1491 3762 Pier. Pen. Patch. 5 38 33 40. 94 76 29 34.95 N S s 68 05 W 55 26 W 27 SI w S 68 06 E N 55 25 E N 27 50 E 1722 2812 4625 Pen. Patch. Parker. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. GOVERNORS RUN. (Chesapeake Bay — Charts Nos. i~ and iS.) 67 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station 1 38 30 13-36 76 29 52.52 N .S s 30 13 w 35 28 W 18 47 E S 30 13 E N 35 28 E N 18 46 W Yards. 3368 328 3657 Parker. Run. Poplar. 2 38 31 58- 17 76 29 50.96 N S s 45 20 W 70 15 w 3 ^9 W S 45 21 E N 70 14 E N 3 29 E 2660 1845 3808 Patch. Parker. Run. 3 38 31 58.03 76 29 13.54 N s s 56 58 W 77 13 W 17 51 w S 56 59 E N 77 12 E N 17 51 E 3439 2796 3988 Patch. Parker. Run. 4 38 31 16.41 76 29 02.58 N N S 44 04 W 75 -^5 W 32 19 W S 44 05 E S 75 27 E N 32 18 E 4563 31 18 2831 Patch. Parker. Run. 5 38 31 oi. 16 76 29 38.60 N N S 30 20 W 57 49 W 16 34 W S 30 20 E S 57 49 E N 16 34 E 4394 2439 1955 Patch. Parker.. Run. 6 38 30 18.02 76 29 40. 77 N S S 36 04 W 49 47 W 13 27 E S 36 05 E N 49 47 E N 13 29 W 3407 656 3722 Parker. Run. Poplar. EMANUEL. (Chesapeake Bay — Charts Nos. if and 18.) I 38 28 19. 22 76 28 25.90 N 34 45 W N 70 56 \V S 32 20 E S 34 46 E S 70 56 E N 32 20 W Yards. 4360 1 184 -596 Run. Poplar. Flag Pond. 2 38 30 13. 36 76 29 52.52 N 30 13 W S 35 28 W S 18 47 E S 30 13 E N 35 28 E N 18 46 W 3368 328 3657 Parker Run. Poplar. 3 38 30 18.02 76 29 40. 77 N ?6 04 \V S 49 47 W S 13 27 E S 36 05 E N 49 47 E N 13 29 W 3407 656 3722 Parker. Run. Poplar. 4 38 30 35- 16 76 29 01.32 N 54 30 W S S7 04 W S '2 27 W S 54 31 E N 57 04 E N 2 27 E 3748 1843 4202 Parker. Run. Poplar. 5 38 28 53.66 76 28 01. 74 N S2 14 W S 66 IS \V S 12 34 E S 52 15 E N 66 14 E N 12 34 W 3953 '9-'3 3437 Run. Poplar. Flag Pond. 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. FLAG POND. (Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. jS.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distantv V. .S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 38 24 51.50 76 24 49. 59 N 45 57 W N 85 35 W S 41 39 E S 45 59 E S 85 35 E N 41 41 W Yards. 4058 210 4564 Wilson 2. Point of Rocks. Cove Point Light. 2 38 25 18.03 76 25 24.78 S 39 30 E N 56 55 E N 45 50 W N 39 30 ^^' S 56 58 w S 45 51 E 1 138 10684 2766 Point of Rocks. Travers 2. Wilson 2. 3 38 25 33.97 76 25 40. 16 S 38 39 E N 60 30 E N 48 37 W N 38 38 \V S 60 33 w S 48 37 E I8I3 10755 2IOI Point of Rocks. Travers 2. Wilson 2. 4 38 26 04. 98 76 26 19. 20 S 41 22 E N 67 45 E N 57 35 W N 41 22 VV S 67 49 \v S 57 35 E 3280 I I2^0 641 Point of Rocks. Travers 2. Wilson 2. 5 38 26 23.49 76 26 48.62 S 40 29 E N 72 01 E N 34 52 W N 40 29 \V S 72 05 W S 34 53 E 370 1 1 749 2082 Wilson 2. Travers 2. Flag Pond. 6 38 26 53. 57 76 26 51.50 N 58 04 W S 13 41 E S 36 25 E S 58 05 E N 13 41 W N 36 24 W 1312 1333 5095 Flag Pond. Wilson 2. Point of Rocks. 7 38 27 01. 36 76 26 35. 34 N 74 22 W S 4 08 W S 30 45 E S 74 23 E N 4 08 E N 30 44 W 1600 1562 5076 Flag Pond. Wilson 2. Point of Rocks. 8 38 26 32. 14 76 25 46. 03 N 63 34 W S 68 03 W S 20 52 E S 63 35 E N 68 02 E N 20 53 W 3183 1531 3614 Flag Pond. Wilson 2. Point of Rocks. 9 38 26 06. 70 76 25 54.97 N 48 57 W N 76 27 W S 31 II E S 48 58 E S 76 27 E N 31 II W 3465 1217 2945 Flag Pond. Wilson 2. Point of Rocks. lO 38 24 54. 58 76 24 44. 12 N 48 24 W S 76 07 w S 39 25 E S 48 25 E N 76 07 E N 39 24 W 4094 365 4548 Wilson 2. Point of Rocks. Cove Point Light. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 69 I SPOUT. {Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) Cor- Latitude ' Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station • 38 30 42.61 76 39 57- 79 N 69 04 W S 60 58 W S 7 32 E S 69 04 E N 60 57 E N 7 32 W Yards. 79i 1391 348 City. Indian. Hallowing. 2 38 30 45,02 76 40 05. 13 N 69 42 W S 53 28 W S 29 23 E S 69 42 E N 53 28 E N 29 23 W 581 1269 489 City. Indian. Hallowing. 3 38 30 53- 38 76 39 ,S7- 79 N 26 so W S 83 48 w S 3 51 E S 26 51 E N 83 48 E N 3 51 W 1594 744 710 Teague. City. Hallowing. 4 38 30 50. 86 76 39 49. 62 N 31 54 W N 89 43 W S 15 20 w S 31 54 E S 89 44 E N 15 20 E 1 77-' 956 646 Teague. City. Hallowing. HOLLAND POINT (CALVERT COUNTY). (Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. 79.) I 38 30 12. 18 76 40 15.63 S 52 45 E N 37 20 E N 64 34 W N 52 45 W S 37 20 W S 64 34 E Yards. 943 856 820 Dwarf. Hallowing. Indian. - 38 30 29. 62 76 40 20. 02 N 81 S9 E N II 47 W S 69 19 \V S 81 40 \V S 1 1 48 E .N^ 69 19 E 641 736 667 Hallowing. City. Indian. 3 38 30 45. 02 76 40 05. 13 N 6g 42 \V S 53 28 w S 29 23 E S 69 42 E N 53 28 E N 29 23 W - 581 1269 489 City. Indian. Hallowing. 4 38 30 15. 20 76 39 56.94 N 2 17 E N 78 zi W S 20 46 E S 2 17 W S 78 33 E .\ 20 46 W S8o 1262 720 Hallowing. Indian. Dwarf. 70 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md BUZZARD ISLAND. {Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance ■ U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- tion station of bar Forward Back o ' / „ / /; , , Yards. I 38 28 55. 15 Then 76 39 26.67 ce along count N 18 46 E S 81 44 W S 39 30 W f boundary as de S 18 46 w N 81 44 E N 39 30 E lineated on Chai "35 933 888 t No. 19 Buzz. Billiard. Trent. to corner No. 2. 2 38 29 34. 74 76 39 54. 78 N 15 53 E S 76 27 W S 6 50 W S 15 53 W N 76 27 E N 6 50 E 720 561 1479 Dwarf. Sothoron. Billiard. 3 38 29 43. 62 76 39 49.40 N 7 ,s8 E S 57 50 w S 10 13 w S 7 58 w N 57 50 E N ID 13 E 396 809 1792 Dwarf. Sothoron. Billiard. 4 38 29 02. 08 76 39 12.63 S 45 34 W S 58 59 E N 27 W N 45 33 E N 58 58 W S 27 E 1312 643 844 Trent. Morsel. Buzz MACKS HOLLOW. {Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. 19.) I 3" ^8 36.57 76 39 II. 00 N 43 51 E S 86 34 W S 33 48 W S 43 51 W N 86 34 E N 33 47 E Yards. 733 982 1088 Morsel. Trent. Collins. 2 38 28 47.06 76 39 18. 24 S 62 23 W S 18 II W N 75 58 E N 62 23 E N 18 II E S 75 58 w 890 1324 722 Trent. Collins. Morsel. 3 38 28 49. 6q 76 39 12.42 S 62 09 W S 2 2 S4 W N 80 42 E N 62 09 E N 22 54 E S 80 42 W 1066 1459 553 Trent. Collins. Morsel. 4 38 28 39.34 76 39 05- -4 N 39 13 E S 82 21 W S 37 08 W S 39 13 W N 82 21 E N 37 07 E 562 "43 1255 Morsel. Trent. Collins. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 71 BROAD NECK (CALVERT COUNTY). (Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 38 27 41. 18 76 39 00. 00 N 26 03 E N 42 57 W S 54 49 W S 26 03 W S 42 57 E N 54 49 E Yards. 848 1317 952 Sheridan. Collins. Cremona. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 19 to corner No. 2. 2 38 28 00. 34 76 39 09. 64 N 63 40 W S 23 40 W N 79 34 E S 63 41 E N 23 40 E S 79 34 W 715 1304 639 Collins. Cremona. Sheridan. 3 38 28 03. 12 76 38 52.86 N 78 22 W S 36 56 w N 83 10 E S 78 23 E N 36 56 E S 83 10 W 1 109 1611 184 Collins. Cremona. Sheridan. 4 38 27 45.22 76 38 51.22 N 12 36 E N 53 47 W S 55 56 W S 12 36 W S 53 48 E N 55 56 E 640 1400 1222 Sheridan. Collins. Cremona. THOMAS (CALVERT COUNTY). (Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) / // / // , , Yards. I 38 27 12.58 Ther 76 38 14. 84 ce along count N 61 07 E N 25 33 W S 49 29 w y boundary as d S 61 07 W S 25 33 E N 49 29 E elineated on Cha 1561 1914 1018 rt No. 19 Kitt. Sheridan. Oppkit. to corner No. 2. 2 38 27 41. 18 76 39 00. 00 N 26 03 E N 42 57 W S 54 49 W S 26 03 W S 42 57 E N 54 49 E 848 1317 952 Sheridan. Collins. Cremona. 3 38 27 45-22 76 38 51.22 N 12 36 E N 53 47 W S 55 56 W S 12 36 W S 53 48 E N 55 56 E 640 1400 1222 Sheridan. Collins. Cremona. KITTS MARSH. (Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) / / „ , / Yards. I 38 26 48. 30 76 37 38.66 N 88 44 E N 14 31 E S 88 44 W S 14 31 w 1652 1625 Battle. Kitt. N 84 48 W S 84 49 E 1740 Oppkit. 2 38 27 33- 80 -^ 37 50.40 N 55 a w S 45 55 W N 86 56 R S 55 33 E N 45 55 E S 86 57 W 1786 1979 720 Sheridan. Oppkit. Kitt. 3 38 27 28. 2i 76 37 03.40 N 66 47 W S 65 59 W S 28 42 E S 66 48 E N 65 58 E N 28 42 W 574 2921 1493 Kitt. Oppkit. Battle. 4 38 27 06. 60 7''' 37 07. 58 N 23 34 W S 79 49 W S 54 58 E S 23 34 E N 79 48 E N 54 58 W 1042 2598 lOIO Kitt. Oppkit. Battle. 72 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. PRISON POINT. (Upper Patuxcnl River — Chart No. 79.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 38 26 06. 26 76 36 55-93 s N S 89 58 E 19 38 E 77 55 W N 89 57 W S 19 39 W N 77 55 E Yards. 2229 1544 1749 Photo. Battle. Fight. 2 38 26 48. 30 76 37 38. 66 N N N 88 44 E 14 31 E 84 48 w S 88 44 W S 14 31 w S 84 49 E 1652 1625 1740 Battle. Kitt. Oppkit. 3 38 27 06. 60 76 37 07. 58 N S s ^3 34 W 79 49 W 54 58 E S 23 34 E N 79 48 E N 54 58 W 1042 2598 lOIO Kitt. Oppkit. Battle. 4 38 26 25. 18 76 36 32.36 s N s 68 15 E 7 24 W 66 44 W N 68 15 W S 7 24 E N 66 43 E 1727 823 254^ Photo. Battle. Fight. JACKS MARSH. (Middle Patuxent River — Chart No. 79.) I 38 25 46. 60 76 36 35-83 N 68 42 E N 23 W N 82 27 W S 68 43 W S 23 E S 82 26 E Yards. 1820 2116 2263 Photo. Battle. Fight. 2 38 26 06. 26 76 36 55-93 S 89 s8 E N 19 38 E S 77 55 W N 89 57 W S 19 39 W N 77 55 E 2229 1544 1749 Photo. Battle. Fight. 3 38 26 25. 18 76 36 32.36 S 68 15 E N 7 24 W S 66 44 W N 68 15 W S 7 ^i E N 66 43 E 1727 823 2542 Photo. Battle. Fight. 4 38 26 11.08 76 36 20.38 S 82 43 E N 18 10 W S 78 44 W N 82 43 \V S 18 10 E N 78 43 E 1297 1359 2704 Photo. Battle. Fight. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. JACKS BAY. {Middle Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) 73 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 38 24 44. 96 76 34 54. 62 N N N 23 28 E 19 50 W 87 57 w S 23 28 w S 19 51 E S 87 58 E Yards. 1603 2912 2465 Slim. Photo. Forr. 2 38 25 33.46 76 36 05. 82 S S N 20 22 W 86 17 E 39 II E N 20 22 E N 86 16 W S 39 II w 1650 2533 1425 Forr. Slim. Photo. 3 38 25 46.40 76 35 49-42 S S N 26 59 W 73 59 E 34 50 E N 26 s8 E N 73 58 W S 34 51 w 2225 2177 814 Forr. Slim. Photo. 4 38 25 04. 79 76 34 41. 18 N N S 19 22 E 33 00 W 78 23 W S 19 22 W S 33 01 E N 78 22 E 851 2469 2879 Slim. Photo. Forr. PARKERS WHARF. {Middle Patuxent River — Chart No. 19.) , /, / „ / , Yards. I 38 24 21.25 76 34 00. 40 N S S 19 24 w 70 07 w 33 17 E S 19 25 E N 70 06 E N 33 >7 W 2407 2108 256. Slim. Cole. Hutchins. 2 38 24 44.96 76 34 54- 62 N N N 23 28 E 19 50 W 87 57 W S 23 28 W S 19 51 E S 87 58 E 1603 2912 2465 Slim. Photo. Forr. 3 38 25 04. 79 76 34 41. x8 N N S 19 22 E 33 00 W 78 23 W S 19 22 W S 33 01 E N 78 22 E 851 2469 2879 Slim. Photo. Forr. 4 38 24 31.32 76 33 54- 75 N S S 26 II \V 63 35 W 26 51 E S 26 12 E N 63 35 E N 26 51 W 2152 2381 2781 Slim. Cole Hutchins. 74 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. BROOME ISLAND. {Middle Patuxent River — Chart No. 19.) Car- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- ol bar Forward Back tion station , / // , , Yards. I 38 24 06. 73 76 33 44.00 N S S 24 06 w 84 38 w 30 26 E S 24 07 E N 84 37 E N 30 26 W 30^4 2428 1916 Slim. Cole. Hutchins. 2 38 24 21.25 76 34 00.40 N S S 19 24 w 70 07 w 33 17 E S 19 25 E N 70 06 E N 33 17 W 2407 2108 2561 Slim. Cole. Hutchins. 3 38 24 31.32 76 33 54- 75 N S S 26 II W 63 35 W 26 51 E S 26 12 E N 63 35 E N 26 51 W 2152 2381 2781 Slim. Cole. Hutchins. 4 38 24 43. 90 76 33 17-78 N S S 52 01 W 64 34 W 5 -M E S 52 02 E N 64 33 E N 5 24 W 2449 3447 2918 Slim. Cole. Hutchins. 5 38 24 15.43 76 33 22.44 N S s 36 13 W 80 06 \V " i5 E S 36 14 E N 80 05 E N II 34 W 3058 3035 1985 SUm. Cole. Hutchins. ISLAND CREEK. {Middle Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) / II / // 1 , Yards. 1 38 24 00. 18 76 32 37- 18 N 36 43 E N .1 45 W S 29 18 W S 36 43 W S II 46 E N 29 18 E 1048 1407 1640 Island. Sweep. Hutchins. ' 38 24 21. 82 76 32 54-59 S 8 58 W N 84 13 E N 15 07 E N 8 58 E S 84 13 W S 15 07 W 2192 1089 671 Hutchins. Island. Sweep. 3 38 24 24.58 76 32 49. 20 S 12 07 W N 88 57 E N 3 >4 E N 12 07 E S 88 58 W S 3 14 w 2305 946 557 Hutchins. Island. Sweep. 4 38 24 03. 25 76 32 31-28 N 32 32 E N 19 12 W S 32 01 w S 32 32 w S 19 12 E N 32 01 E 874 1349 1810 Island. Sweep. Hutchins. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. PETERSON (CALVERT COUNTY). (Middle Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) 75 \ Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 38 22 56.90 76 30 33. 78 N 88 53 E N 55 05 E N 13 16 E S 88 54 W S 55 05 W S 13 16 W Yards. 1920 1587 1313 Lend. Sollers. Wheat. - 38 23 12.22 The 76 31 1 1. 86 nee along count S 76 36 W S 30 W N 65 25 E y boundary as c N 76 35 E N 30 E S 6s 24 W elineated on Cha 1669 1989 1126 rt No. 19 Bars. Stock. Wheat, to corner No. 3. 3 38 23 44.44 76 31 50.08 N 30 01 E N 24 27 W S 22 47 W S 30 01 W S 24 27 E N 22 47 E 1818 1506 1601 Peak. Inland. Bars. 4 38 24 08.86 76 31 20. 50 S 41 01 E N 9 26 E N 68 46 W N 41 01 W S 9 26 W S 68 46 E 1909 759 1511 Wheat. Peak. Island. 38 24 00. 00 76 31 04.40 N 16 06 W S 42 29 w S 35 5-' E S 16 06 E N 42 29 E N 35 5^ W 1093 2713 1410 Peak. Bars. Wheat. HEARS (CALVERT COUNTY). {Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) / /, , „ , , Yards. I 38 22 10. 64 76 29 40. 84 S 43 10 W S 58 24 E N 10 28 E N 43 10 E N 58 24 W S 10 28 W 149 1 1042 1 25 1 Briscoe. Stump. Lend. " 38 22 13-42 The 76 30 03.46 ice along count N 36 08 E . S 89 S9 W S 19 34 W y boundary as d S 36 09 w N 89 59 E N 19 34 E elineated on Cha 1403 1833 1 25 1 rt No 20 Lend. Stock. Briscoe, to corner No. 3- 3 38 22 48. 14 76 30 44. 62 N 88 53 E N 55 05 E N 13 16 E S 88 54 W S 55 05 W S 13 16 W 1920 1587 1313 Lend. Sollers. Wheat. 4 38 22 56. 90 76 30 33- 78 S 78 29 E N s8 50 E N '0 47 E N 78 29 W S 58 50 W S 47 W 1666 .184 985 Lend. Sollers. Wheat. 5 38 22 24.02 76 29 34. 47 N 4 17 E s 37 42 w S 35 47 E S 4 17 W N 37 4-^ E N 35 47 W 779 1943 1229 Lend. Briscoe. Stump. 6 38 22 1 1. 06 76 29 32.03 N 19 W S 48 42 W S 49 25 E S 19 E N 48 42 E N 49 25 W I2I3 1668 862 Lend. Briscoe. Stump. ' 76 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. HELLEN. ' {Loiter Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula tion station. of bar Forward Back I 38 21 13.82 The 76 29 19. 73 ice along count S 88 22 E N 13 27 E S 50 43 W y boundary as d / N 88 21 W S 13 27 W N 50 43 E elineated on Cha Yards. lOOI 1409 II72 rt No. 20 Hellen. Stump. Nat. to corner No. 2. 2 38 21 28. 78 76 29 27.51 S 29 21 W S 66 10 E N 31 41 E N 29 20 E N 66 10 W S 31 42 W 1430 1320 1017 Nat. Hellen. Stump. 3 38 21 43.02 76 29 17. 82 S 29 02 W S 43 09 E N 35 43 E N 29 01 E N 43 09 W S 35 43 W 1975 1389 475 Nat. Hellen. Stump. 4 38 22 10. 64 76 29 40. 84 S 43 10 W S 58 24 E N 10 28 E N 43 10 E N 58 24 W S 10 28 W 1491 1042 1251 Briscoe. Stump. Lend. 5 38 22 11.06 76 29 32.03 N 19 W S 48 42 W S 49 25 E S 19 E N 48 42 E N 49 25 W 1213 1668 862 Lend. Briscoe. Stump. 6 38 22 12.02 76 29 22. 46 N 12 27 W S 53 04 w S 34 01 E S 12 27 E N 53 03 E N 34 01 W 1208 1886 715 Lend. Briscoe. Stump. 7 38 21 35.98 76 28 55. 14 N 27 35 W S 46 20 W S 24 08 E S 27 35 E N 46 19 E N 24 08 W 702 2.58 850 Stump. Nat. Hellen. 8 38 21 33.41 76 29 04. 07 N 7 05 W S 43 19 W S 40 19 E S 7 05 E N 43 19 E N 40 18 W 714 1929 903 Stump. Nat. Hellen. 9 38 21 16.78 76 28 52.37 N 17 26 W S 62 44 w sS 64 53 E S 17 26 E N 62 43 E N 64 53 W 1331 1838 303 Stump. Nat. Hellen. HUNGERFORD HOLLOW. {Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) , n , , / Yards. I 38 20 03. 38 76 28 46.62 N 38 28 E N 87 57 W S 36 39 W S 38 29 W sS 87 57 E N 36 39 E 1247 1223 514 Ton. Mill. Bur. 2 38 20 05. 82 76 28 58. 74 N 50 51 E S 87 33 W S I 47 E S 50 51 w N 87 i3 E N I 47 W 1415 901 494 Ton. Mill. Bur. 3 38 20 33. 14 76 28 48. 62 S 50 37 W S 10 09 w S 88 05 E N 50 37 E N 10 09 E N 88 06 W 1512 1438 829 Mill. Bur. Ton. 4 38 20 30. 18 76 28 36. 35 S 60 06 w S 23 46 w N 81 50 E N 60 05 E N 23 46 E S 81 50 W 1725 1437 507 Mill. Bur. Ton. ♦ Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 77 BARN GATES. {Lower Paluxent River — Chart No. 20.) 38 19 31- 76 28 19. 14 N 21 38 E N 57 48 W S 37 50 W S 21 38 W S s? 48 E N 37 50 E Yards. 775 : New. 1225 1 Bur. 547 I Town. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 20 to corner No. 2. 19 32.82 76 29 15. 02 S 34 21 W S 67 53 E N 35 55 E N 34 21 E N 67 53 W S 35 55 W 518 1240 763 Cable. Town. Bur. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 20 to corner No. 3. 38 38 38 38 19 -^ 74 19 49 38 19 38 36 19 50 62 19 49 33 19 44 56 19 36 50 76 ^9 15. 14 76 29 08. 36 76 ^9 05-73 76 28 52.41 7^ 28 27. 26 76 28 13.36 76 28 08.41 N 49 06 W S 14 48 w S 83 16 E N 51 20 W S 25 27 w N 78 19 E N 24 59 E N 38 51 W S 41 16 w N 83 12 W S 27 12 E N 85 48 E N 8s 42 W S 6 42 W N 75 31 E N 24 30 E N 79 24 W S 29 34 W S 62 03 W S 88 20 E N o 05 E S 49 06 E N 14 48 E N 83 16 W S 51 21 E N 25 27 E S 78 19 w S 24 59 W S 38 51 E N 41 15 E S 83 12 E N 27 12 W S 85 48 W S 85 42 E N 6 41 E S 75 32 W S 24 30 W S 79 -'5 E N 29 34 E N 62 02 E N 88 20 W S o 05 W 614 "37 454 826 1093 277 476 1140 818 823 1030 516 319 121 1 992 938 743 562 Mill. Cable. Bur. Mill. Cable. Bur. Bur. Mill. Cable. Bur. Town. New. Bur. Town. New. New. Bur. Town. M. E. Church. Catholic Church Cross. New. 78 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. BACK OF ISLAND. (Lower Patiixent River — Chart No. 20.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- al bar Forward Back tion station I 38 18 37.46 76 27 22. 28 N N S 2 47 E 14 20 W 57 21 W S 2 47 W S 14 20 E N 57 -^i E Yards. 733 1 60 1 1309 Sand. M. E. Church. Ben, 2 38 19 14.98 76 27 45.78 S N N 51 03 E 38 36 E II 22 E N 51 03 W S 38 36 w S 11 22 W 849 365 718 Sand. M. E. Church. CathoHc Church Cross. 3 38 19 31.80 76 28 ig. 14 N N vS 21 38 E 57 48 W 37 50 W S 21 38 W S 57 48 E N 37 50 E 775 12^5 547 New. Bur. Town. 4 38 19 36.50 76 28 08. 41 s s N 62 03 W 88 20 E 05 E N 62 02 E N 88 20 W S 05 W 938 743 562 M. E. Church. CathoHc Church Cross. New. 5 38 19 17.36 76 27 40. 64 s N N 40 27 E 23 59 E 87 42 w N 40 27 W S 23 59 W S 87 42 E 807 224 1359 Sand. M. E. Church. Town. 6 38 18 43.78 76 27 17.52 N N S 9 56 W 58 57 W 53 12 W S 9 56 E S 58 58 E N 53 II E 526 2302 1534 Sand. Town. Ben. SHELL PILE. (Lower Patuxent Kiver — Chart No. 20.) I 38 19 14. 10 76 27 16.86 N 44 23 E N 59 44 W S 3 19 w S 44 24 W S 59 44 E N 3 19 E Yards. 479 626 156 Fishstack. M. E. Church. K. of P. Flagstaff. 2 38 19 15. 60 76 27 18.42 N 52 15 E N 62 03 W S 8 56 E S 52 15 w S 62 03 E N 8 56 W 475 564 209 Fishstack. M. E. Church. K. of P. Flagstaff. 3 38 19 21. 22 76 27 09. 38 N 53 II E N 84 II W S 27' 40 W S 53 II W S 84 12 E N 27 40 E 169 743 447 Fishstack. M. E. Church. K. of P. Flagstaff. 4 38 19 19.90 76 27 07.84 N 33 01 E N 81 16 W S 35 12 W S 33 01 w S 81 16 E N 35 12 E 175 789 431 Fishstack. M. E. Church. K. of P. FlagstafT. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 79 I CHERRY TREE. {Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bai Forward Back tion station I 38 19 01. 06 76 27 05.07 N I 34 E N 48 40 W S 81 22 W S I 34 W S 48 40 E N 81 21 E Yards. 782 430 426 Fishstack. K. of p. Flagstaff. Sand. - 38 19 09. 49 76 27 01.33 N 8 54 W N 89 55 W S 56 14 w S 8 54 E. S 89 55 E N 56 13 E 503 422 627 Fishstack. K. of P. Flagstaff. Sand. 3 38 19 16. 62 76 27 07. 84 N 20 18 E N 73 33 W S 45 53 W S 20 18 W S 73 34 E N 45 53 E 273 814 347 Fishstack. M. E. Church. K. of P. Flagstaff. 4 38 19 19.66 76 27 06. 41 N 20 17 E N 81 08 W S 39 50 W S 20 17 W S 81 08 E N 39 50 E 165 828 447 Fishstack. M. E. Church. K. of P. Flagstaff. 5 38 19 07.48 76 26 50. 48 N ^2 56 W N 84 36 W S 70 53 W S 3^ 56 E S 84 36 E N 70 52 E 674 713 856 Fishstack. K. of P. Flagstaff. Sand, 6 38 19 03.43 76 26 59.69 N 9 49 W N 66 21 W S 75 43 W S 9 49 E S 66 21 E N 75 41 E 712 507 583 Fishstack. K. of P. Flagstaff. Sand. 8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. SWASH. {Lower Paluxent River — Chart No. 20.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station / / // , , Yards. I 38 19 14.46 76 26 42. 80 N N S 22 31 E 59 57 W 63 01 \V S 22 31 W S 59 57 E N 63 01 E 492 658 "34 Bon. Fishstack. Sand. 2 38 19 18.38 76 26 46. 80 N N S 42 30 E 66 34 W 54 27 W S 42 30 W S 66 35 E N 54 27 E 435 505 1114 Bon. Fishstack. Sand. 3 38 19 16. 23 76 26 50. 63 N N S 45 14 E 53 55 W 54 27 W S 45 14 W S 53 55 E N 54 26 E 558 458 990 Bon. Fishstack. Sand. 4 38 19 19.66 76 26 53.64 N N S 59 43 E 61 18 W 61 14 W S 59 43 W S 61 18 E N 61 14 E 551 322 714 Bon. Fishstack. K. of P. Flagstaff. 5 38 19 20. 62 76 26 46. 83 N N S 50 13 E 75 14 W 65 01 W S 50 13 w S 75 14 E N 65 01 E 383 479 890 Bon. Fishstack. K. of P. Flagstaff. 6 38 19 24. 62 76 26 40. 42 N S S 48 24 E 88 50 W 62 24 W S 48 24 W N 88 50 E N 62 24 E 166 633 1102 Bon. Fishstack. K. of P. Flagstaff. 7 38 19 15.46 76 26 35.24 N N N 77 13 E I 47 W 69 GO W S 77 13 w S I 47 E S 69 00 E 1500 420 826 Bareda House Cupola. Bon. Fishstack. SANDY POINT LUMPS. {Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) / / , , Yards. I 38 18 32.95 76 26 56.30 N 65 07 E N 6 58 W N 36 32 W S s S 65 08 w 6 58 E 36 32 E 2935 1742 1 100 Drum Point Light. Fishstack. Sand. 2 38 19 01.06 76 27 05.07 N I 34 E N 48 40 W S 81 22 W S s N I 34 W 48 40 E 81 21 E 782 430 426 Fishstack. K. of P. Flagstaff. Sand. 3 38 19 03. 43 76 26 59.69 N 9 49 W N 66 21 W S 75 42 W s s N 9 49 E 66 21 E 75 41 E 712 507 583 Fishstack. K. of P. Flagstaff. Sand. 4 38 18 38.82 76 26 36. 60 N 64 08 E N 25 38 W N 59 48 W s s s 64 09 W 25 38 E 59 48 E 2377 1698 1363 Drum Point Light. Fishstack. Sand. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. SOUTHEAST MIDDLE-GROUND. {Lower Paluxent River — Cliart No. 20.) 81 Cor- Latitude Longitude - True bearing Distance I' .S. C. S: G. S. triangula- "of bar Forward Back tion station , n / n , , Yards. I 38 18 36.88 76 26 17. 61 N N N 56 01 E 15 38 w 65 56 W s s s S6 01 W 15 38 E 65 57 E 1972 1787 1843 Drum Point Light. Bon. Sand. 38 18 54-83 76 26 44. 86 N N N 78 06 E 12 16 E 81 20 W s s s 78 07 W 12 16 W 81 21 E 2410 I141 970 Drum Point Light. Bon. Sand. 3 38 19 03. 18 76 26 40.68 N N S 84 31 E 8 58 E 83 53 \V s s N 84 3-' \V 8 58 \V 83 53 E 2258 845 1076 Drum Point Light. Bon. Sand. 4 38 18 59.63 76 26 25.20 N N S 79 39 E 16 21 W 89 -\^ w s s N 79 39 W 16 21 E 89 23 E 1867 993 1481 Drum Point Light. Bon. Sand. 5 38 19 07. 06 76 26 07. 2- N N N 86 27 E 49 33 E 47 03 W s s s 86 27 \V 49 33 W 47 03 E 1365 948 103 1 Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola. Bon. 6 38 19 15.48 76 26 06. 76 S N N 81 35 E 64 53 E 61 27 W N s s 81 34 W 64 53 W 61 27 E 1362 781 876 Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola. Bon. 7 38 19 14.40 76 26 14. 82 S N N 84 03 E 67 52 E 50 40 W N s s 84 02 W 67 52 W 50 40 E 1569 994 718 Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola. Bon. 8 38 19 14.76 76 26 22. 18 S N N 84 19 E 71 57 E 39 05 W N s s 84 20 W 71 57 W 39 06 E 1765 1175 571 Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola. Bon. 9 38 19 23-38 76 26 16. 02 S N N 73 42 E 86 06 E 73 46 W N s s 73 42 W 86 06 \V 73 46 E 1659 954 546 Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola. Bon. 10 38 19 22,. 77 76 25 52.60 S N N 63 44 E 81 05 E 83 05 W N s s 63 44 W 81 05 W 83 06 E 1083 335 "54 Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola. Bon. 1 1 38 18 40. 96 76 25 49.21 S N N 57 34 E 4-' 23 E 9 08 E N s s 57 Zi W 42 23 w 9 08 w 1547 1306 1516 Carroll 2. Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola. 20908 — 10- 82 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. LIGHT HOUSE LUMP. {Lower Paluxent River — Chart No. 20.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 2 3 4 38 18 50.42 38 19 00.00 38 19 00. 00 38 18 50. 60 76 25 42.82 76 25 36. 78 76 25 21.67 76 25 :5. 98 S 44 41 E N 47 44 E N 3 27 E S 33 3^ E N 59 36 E N 5 59 W S 21 19 E N 24 45 E N 29 54 W S 20 07 E N 13 W N 28 45 W N 44 40 \A' S 47 45 W S 3 ^7 W N 33 3-^ W S 59 36 w S 5 59 E N 21 19 W S 24 45 w S 29 55 E N 20 07 W S 13 E S 28 45 E Yards. 1616 960 1179 1766 638 858 1580 355 984 1230 640 1335 Carroll 2. Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola Carroll 2. Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola. Carroll 2. Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola. Carroll 2. Drum Point Light. Bareda House Cupola. OLD LUMP. {Entrance Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) I 38 18 58.36 76 25 10. 00 S 10 H E S 67 54 E N 23 46 W N to 34 W N 67 53 W S 23 46 E Yards. 1441 2014 411 Carroll 2. Hog 2. Drum Point Light. 2 38 19 09.57 76 25 16.07 S 60 45 E S 13 21 E S 83 58 W N 60 44 W N 13 20 W N 83 57 E 23^4 1844 3335 Hog 2. Carroll 2. Sand. 3 38 19 10.57 76 25 02. 48 S 84 40 W S 2 01 E S 54 56 E N 84 39 E N 2 01 W N 54 56 W 363 1830 2036 Drum Point Light. Carroll 2. Hog 2. CARROLL MUDS (CALVERT COUNTY). {Entrance Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) / > ,r c , , Yards. I 38 18 45.42 76 25 04. 36 S 6 40 E S 79 23 E N 20 54 W N 6 40 W N 79 23 W S 20 55 E 988 1746 874 Carroll 2. Hog 2. Drum Point Light. 2 38 18 52.28 76 25 04. 30 S 5 19 E S 72 08 E N 27 23 W N 5 19 W N 72 08 W S 27 23 E 1220 1802 656 Carroll 2. Hog 2. Drum Point Light. 3 38 19 07.56 76 24 21. 07 N 87 21 W S 30 57 W S 27 56 E S 87 21 E N 30 57 E N 27 56 W 1462 2013 1210 Drum Point Light, Carroll 2. Hog 2. 4 38 19 03. 80 Thenc 76 24 17. 62 e along county N 82 51 W S 35 '10 w S 26 46 E ' boundary as del S 82 52 E N 35 09 E N 26 46 W neated on Chart 1565 1958 1054 No. 20 to Drum Point Light. Carroll 2. Hog 2. corner No. i. Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. SIMMONS. (Enlrancc Paluxcnt River — Chart No. 20.) 83 Cor- ner of bar Latitude Longitude True t Forward earing Back Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- tion station I 38 19 29.40 76 24 22.40 s s s 64 52 w 22 06 W 18 27 E N 64 S2 E N 22 06 E N 18 26 W Yards. 1575 2659 1903 Drum Point Light. Carroll 2. Hog 2. 2 38 19 36.67 76 24 29. 70 s s s 53 26 W 16 35 W 21 13 E N 53 25 E N 16 34 E N 21 13 W 1534 2826 2199 Drum Point Light. Carroll 2. Hog 2. 3 38 19 43.80 76 24 15. 42 s s s 54 19 W 21 54 w 10 18 E N 54 19 E N 21 54 E N 10 18 W 1984 3179 2327 Drum Point Light. Carroll 2. Hog 2. 4 38 19 36.56 76 24 08. 78 s s s 63 01 W 26 44 w 6 41 E N 63 00 E N 26 43 E N 6 40 W 2006 3036 2060 Drum Point Light. Carroll 2. Hog 2. CHINESE MUDS (CALVERT COUNTY). (Entrance Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) , , , , Yards. I 38 19 17. 14 76 23 47.02 S 83 51 w S 13 40 w S 45 -^4 E N 83 50 E N 13 40 E N 45 -^3 W 2380 1432 3820 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. 38 19 47.84 76 23 39. 57 S 63 17 W S 12 28 W S 34 15 E N 63 16 E N 12 27 E N 34 >4 W 2863 -'485 4479 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. 3 38 20 39. 76 76 23 17. 16 N I 58 E S 46 06 W S 19 25 E S I 58 w N 46 04 E N 19 25 W 2035 4384 579-' Pat. Drum Point Light. Cedar Point Light. 4 38 21 01. 14 76 22 41. 20 N 33 59 W S 47 34 W S 8 55 E S 34 00 E N 47 32 E N 8 55 W 1584 5574 6259 Pat. Drum Point Light. Cedar Point Light. 5 38 20 46. 06 76 22 13.08 N 41 SS W S s6 'i'^ W S ' 2 15 E S 41 56 E N 56 II E N 2 15 W 2449 5849 5679 Pat. Drum Point Light. Cedar Point Light. 6 38 19 37-58 Then 76 21 34.27 2e along county N 32 48 W S 80 55 W S 13 30 \V boundary as de S 22 49 E N 80 S2 E N 13 30 E ineated on Char 4915 5968 3461 t No. 20 Pat. Drum Point Light. Cedar Point Light, to corner No. i. 84 Survey of Oyster Bars. Calvert County, Md. PARKER MOORE. (Entrance Pa/uxent River — Cliarl Xo. 30.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude I ongitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back , n , /■ YarJ,. I 38 19 47-84 76 -'3 .19-5 7 sS sS s 63 17 W 12 28 \v M '5 E X 63 16 E X 12 27 E X 34 14 W 2863 3485 4479 Drum Point Lij^lit. Hog 2. Cedar Point Liglu. 2 38 20 51.48 /'■• ^3 5"- ^3 s s s 33 34 W 3 10 W -'5 35 E X 33 33 E N 3 10 E N 25 34 W 41^4 4579 6494 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. 3 38 20 59. 42 76 23 38. 88 X s s -\S >4 E 34 53 W 6 32 W S 25 14 w X 34 S3 E X 6 32 E 1516 4515 4872 Pat. Drum Point Light. Hog 2. 4 38 20 39. 76 76 23 17. 16 N vS s I S8 E 46 06 W 19 25 E S I 58 \V N 46 04 E N 19 2s W ^035 4384 5792 Pat. Drum Point Light. Cedar Point Light. i;XDER THE CLIFFS. (Entrance Patuxent River — Chart Xo. 20.) „ / , Yards. I 38 20 I 1 . 66 76 24 25.40 S .s s 3^ 44 W '3 19 \V 1 1 53 E X X X 3^ 44 E 13 19 E II 55 W 2489 399''' 3300 Drum Point Light. Carroll 2. Hog 2. 2 38 20 13-98 76 24 29.06 s s s -^9 54 \y II 44 W 13 15 E X X N -^9 54 E II 44 E 13 15 w 2505 4061 3399 Drum Point Light. Carroll 2. Hog 2. 3 38 20 53-4fi 7'"' ^3 53-58 X s s 32 02 W 2 01 W 26 02 E s X N 32 02 E 2 01 E 26 01 w 4133 4642 6593 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. 4 38 20 51.48 76 23 50. 23 s s s 33 34 W 3 10 W -\5 35 E X N N 33 33 E 3 10 E 25 34 ^^" 4124 4579 6494 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. Survey of (Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Aid. LITTLE COVE POINT. (Enlrancr Patuxcnl Rivry — Cliart .Vo. 20.) 85 I Cor- Latitude I-ungitude True b earing Back Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangrula- bar Forward tion station / / // / , Yards. 38 20 39. 76 yr, 2,1, 17. 16 N S S I 58 E 46 06 W 19 25 E S I 58 w N 46 04 E N 19 25 W ^035 4384 579^ Pat. Drum Point Light. Cedar Point Light. 38 20 59. 42 76 23 38. 88 N S S 25 14 E 34 53 W 6 32 W S 25 .4 w N 34 53 E N 6 32 E 1516 4515 4872 Pat. Drum Point Light. Hog 2. 3 38 2 1 20.38 76 2^ I(>.9.S N S S 5 34 E 35 39 \V ■I 35 W S 5 34 W N 35 38 E N II 34 E 667 5428 5663 Pat. Drum Point Light. Hog 2. 4 38 21 01.14 76 2 2 4:. 20 N S s 33 59 \V 47 34 W 8 55 E vS 34 00 E N 47 32 E N 8 55 W 1584 5574 6259 Pat. Drum Point Light. Cedar Point Light. COVE POINT BIGHT. (Entrance Patuxenl River — Cliart No. 30.) / „ / , Yards. I 38 21 26. 96 -6 2 2 07. 02 N 20 11 w s 20 12 E 37 '5 Cove Point Light. N 76 09 \v s 76 10 E 1846 Pat. S 30 E N 30 W 7055 Cedar Point Light. 38 :i2 20.98 -6 2 3 "3. ' 9 x 7 03 E s 7 03 W 1682 Cove Point Light. .\ 62 59 W s 62 59 E 934 White House (N. chimnev). E. s .2 26 W N 12 26 E 141 2 Pat. 3 ^S 2_ 30. 2 1 76 2 2 47.<.(, X 8 32 W s 8 3-' E 1369 Cove Point Light. .\ 84 48 w vS 84 49 E 1247 White House (N. chimnev). E. s -2 53 \V N 22 53 E 1835 Pat. 4 38 21 34- 4" 76 2 I 56. 12 N 25 54 W S 25 54 E 3598 Cove Point Light. N 84 44 W S 84 45 E 2091 Pat. S 1 47 w N I 47 E 7309 Cedar Point Light. APPENDIXES Appendix A.— LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, in surveying the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland: [Act of Congress approved May 26, 1906.] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by tlie Senate and House oj Representatives of the United States oj America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam launches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid ; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be neces- sary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereliy furtlier authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigalile waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Sec. 4. That this act shall take efi'ect from tlie date of its passage. [.\ct of Congress approved June 30. 1906.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by tlie Senate and House oj Representatives oj the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and .seven, namely : * * * 88 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Aid. Coast and Geodetic Survey; * * * For any special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, approved May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six, and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars, together with the unexpended balance under this appropriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby reappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven. * * * . [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1907.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House oj Representatives of tlie United States oj America m Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * Por ^ny special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. * * * [Act of Congress approved May 27, 1908.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House oj Representatives of the United States oj America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twentv thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1909.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth. nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twentv thousand dollars. [Act of the legislature of Maryland approved April 2. 1906.] .\N ACT To establish and promote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this Act, and * * * Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following sections be, and they are hereby, added to Article 72 of the Code of Public General I^aws, title "Oysters." * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey, as hereinafter required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and i Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 89 charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapohs, and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all natural beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. * * * Sec. 87. The Governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States coast and geodetic survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. Sec. 89. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, 1906, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by tlie United States coast and geodetic survey, and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable, the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars and rocks, as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survev in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this Act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the same to the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed as hereinafter provided; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose. And the said survey and report, when filed, subject to the right of appeal hereafter provided for in this Act, shall be taken in all of the courts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars or rocks lying within the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this Act, and that all areas of the Chesa- peake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland, not shown in the survey to be natural oyster beds, bars or rocks shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms, and open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this Act; provided, that the said survey and report shall not be construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appro- priated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this Act The law of the State of Maryland, passed March 9, 1842, authorizing officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the Survey, is as follows: AN ACT Concerning the Survey of the Coast of Maryland. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United States, * * * at any time hereafter to enter upon lands within this State for the purpose of exploring, sur- veying, triangulating, or levelling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injury to private or other property. Sec. 2A And be it enacted, That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the <2 Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except through the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. 90 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injury to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious free- holders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or possessors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they wi'.l well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days' notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses, (to be by them sworn or affirmed and examined) shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceedings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five days there- after in the ofiice of the clerk of the county in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as aforesaid, and the said report so made as aforesaid if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and con- clusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of congress aforesaid, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary to be examined upon the hearing afore- said, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either party may and shall be heard before and the damage assessed by a jury of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in' other cases. Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument or building or any appendage thereto, erected, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first prosecute the same before any justice of the peace of the county where the person so offending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United States of America, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Appendix B.— THE HAMAN OYSTER CULTURE LAW. [Extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission.] OBJECT. "The legislature in placing chapter 711 of the acts of 1906, better known as the Haman Oyster Culture Law, upon the statute books of Maryland had a twofold object in view: 1. To encoiimqe an industry in oyster culture upon the barren bottoms beneath the tidewaters of the State. 2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars for the purpose of oyster culture." "To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing of natural bars impossible, pro- vision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accurately locating and marking the same. It was definitely provided that no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, charted, and marked with buoys." Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 91 Definition of a Naturai, Oyster Bar. natural bar not defined. "The Shell Fish Commission is instructed by section go of the Haman Oyster Culture Law to exer- cise its judgment liberally in favor of the natural bars when surveying, charting and buoying them, but other than this the Commission is uninstructed in this important matter. The responsibility of defining a natural bar is placed upon the Commission." DIVERSITY OF OPINION. " No definition of a natural oyster bar could be formulated by any man or body of men which would meet with the approval of all parties concerned. Oystermen, as a rule, hold that all bottoms where oysters grow or have grown naturally even though now practically barren of oysters should be considered natural bars. Other citizens of the State who are not directly interested in the oyster business, but interested in the oyster industry from the standpoint of revenue, hold, as a rule, that no bottoms should be excluded from leasing for oyster culture which, by methods known to oyster culturists, may be made to yield a greater number of oysters than they now produce." "It should be evident to everyone that neither of these definitions could be adopted by the Com- mission as a working basis for determining which of the grounds surveyed are natural oyster bars." THE GOLDSBOROUGH DEFINITION. The definition of a natural oyster bar which very nearly approaches a reasonable and satisfactory compromise between the views of the subject held by oystermen on one hand and by oyster culturists on the other is that contained in an opinion rendered by Judge Charles F. Goldsborough in the circuit court for Dorchester County in the July term, 1 881, in the case of William T. Windsor and George R. Todd v. Job T. Moore. This definition has been adopted by the Shell Fish Commission as the basis for the determination of the status of the various oyster bottoms surveyed and is as follows: What then is a natural bar or bed of oysters? It would be a palpable absurdity for the State to attempt to promote the propagation and growth of oysters and to encourage its citizens, by a grant of land, to engage in their culture, if the lands authorized to be taken up were only those upon which oys- ters do not and can not be made to grow. That there may be lands covered by water in the State where no oysters can be found, but where, if planted, they could be cultivated successfully, may be possible, but, if so, I imagine that their extent must be too limited for them to be of much practical, general advantage for the purposes of such a law as the one under discussion; but there are thousands of acres of hard and shifting sands where oysters not only are not found, but where it would be folly to plant them; and these latter it can not be supposed that the State intended to olTer to give away, for the simple reason that the State could not help knowing that nobody would have them. Upon the other hand there are large and numerous tracts where oysters of natural growth may be found in moderate numbers, but not in quantities sufficient to make it profitable to catch them, and vet where oysters may be successfully planted and propagated. In my opinion these can not be called nat- ural bars or beds of oysters, within the meaning of the Act of Assembly, and it is just such lands as these that the State meant to allow to be taken up under the provisions of the above-mentioned section of the Act. But there is still another class of lands where oysters grow naturally and in large quantities and to which the public are now and have been for many years in the habit of resorting with a view to earn- ing a livelihood Ijy catching this natural growth, and here, I think, is the true test of the whole question. Land can not be said to be a natural oyster bar or bed merely because oysters are scattered here and tliere upon it, and because if planted they will readily li\e and thrive there; but whenever the natural growth is so thick and abundant that the public resort to it for a livelihood, it is a natural oyster bar or bed and comes within the above-quoted restriction in the law, and can not be located or appropriated by any individual. APPLICATION OF DEFINITION. Before this definition may be of use in determining, accurately and scientifically, the status of an oyster ground, its central idea, "livelihood," must be expanded into accurately determinable factors, and these factors must be combined into a practical scheme of investigating the condition of the ground under consideration. Stated briefly, a livelihood is represented by a sum of money obtained from the sale, at a fixed price, of a certain quantity of oysters gathered in a given time from an allotted area of ground. 92 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. Knowing the value of each of these factors it becomes possible to calculate the number of oysters an oyster ground must produce per square yard in order that oystermen may secure a livelihood by working upon it. Note. — The factors into which the Commission resolved the livelihood problem, the value assigned to each factor, and the scheme devised for practical use in examining and applying the definition to oys- ter bottoms are given in outline in their Second Report under the heading of the preceding extract, and in detail in their First Report on pages 32 to 69. Appendix C— SUMMARY OF THE PARTICULAR SURVEYING OPERATIONS WHICH CON- STITUTE AN "OYSTER SURVEY" AS NOW BEING CARRIED ON IN MARYLAND. Explanation. — A brief account of the particular surveying operations which constitute an " oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to many who may not understand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its complicated character. To those familiar with methods used in surveying and charting the characteristic features of large bodies of water there is an evident necessity for the various operations performed, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of the private lots leased for purposes of oyster culture must be surveyed and charted with the greatest practical accuracy. To others it will be sufficient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that in order to avoid endless dissatisfaction and litigation it is necessary to accurately locate and per- manently establish oyster boundaries as is now being done in Maryland. Triangulalion survey. — Such refinement of survey work as that demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey when carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by the use of a system of triangulalion as a frame work or foundation. Therefore, a triangulation survey including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments and a record of the descriptions of their locations for future recovery is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Topographic survey. — The technical records which establish the relation between the offshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engineers in making resurveys, but do not supply the needs of others who are interested in the same boundaries by reason of their occupation as oystermen concerned as to the public oyster bars, or oyster culturists concerned as to the leasable bottoms. For these it is necessary to have the charts of the survey show the relation of the shore line and other topographic features to the boundaries of the public oyster bars and private oyster farms. Therefore, a topographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Hydrographic survey. — In the settlement of the important question of what is, or what is not, a natural oyster bar, and in the consideration of bottoms to be selected for purposes of oyster culture, information as to the depth of water and the character of the bottom is required. Therefore, a hydro- graphic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Necessary foundation jor an oyster survey. — Consequently, the necessary components of a satis- factory foundation for a complete oyster survey are the three classes of survey operations technically named triangulation, topography, and hydrography, or, stated in another way, the foundation of a practical oyster survey includes the surveying operations usually followed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey leading up to the preparation and publication of nautical charts. « Special surveys and investigations pertaining to oysters. — Having obtained this cartographic survey for a foundation, partly by new work and partly from records of previous work of the Government, the combined operations" making up an "oyster survey" are completed by superimposing on this foundation special surveys and investigations pertaining particularly to oysters or other shell fish. The special surveys pertaining to oysters furnish information as to the location and outUne of oyster-shell bottoms, and are carried on by the sounding boat party in addition to the usual hydro- graphic work. 6 This operation consists of the observation and record of the character of vibration of a wire and chain apparatus which is dragged over the bottom, the vibrations or lack of vibrations indicating the presence and quantity of shells or absence of shells. a See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of tiie Government and State." & See pages 104 to J 23 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. 93 The special uysler investigations « consist of the actual determination of the kind and quantity of oysters on the bottom, and such economic and biological studies of the supply of oyster food, density of water, character of the bottom, and other important matters as affect the growth of oysters. In this work the oyster investigation stations are located and buoyed by the hydrographic party while engaged in the survey of the oyster-shell limits. They are selected with the view of obtaining char- acteristic data which can be used for the interpretation of the recorded vibrations of the chain apparatus at all other points covered by the survey. Preparation oj results. — The actual surveying operations and oyster investigations having been completed for any one county, there still remains technical work of nearly equal magnitude to that described.'" This work consists of the preparation of charts and technical descriptions of boundaries and landmarks for publication by the Government, the preparation of that part of the annual report of the Commission covering the special oyster surveys and investigations, the making of the leasing Aarts and finished projections, and finally the filing of the oyster charts and records with the courts and the Commission, thus opening a county for oyster culture. Suinmary. — From the foregoing account it can be seen that a complete oyster survey properly conducted so as to answer all practical requirements of the present and permanency of results for the future is a very complicated affair, involving many lines of surveying and other scientific work, and reciuiring the professional services of experts in the various operations of cartographic surveying and shell-fish investigations. a See pages 30 to 67 and i 29 to 199 of " First .\nnual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." b No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the Commission, which is greatly complicated and increased by the effect of the oyster-survey operations on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved ; or of the large amount of survey work involved in the survey and record of the boundaries of oyster lots leased from the State by private individuals for the purposes of oyster culture. 94 Survey of Oyster Bars, Calvert County, Md. Appendix D.— STATISTICS OF RESULTS OF THE COMBINED OYSTER SURVEY OPERATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT AND STATE." Anne Arundel County. Beginning of fi^ld work Filing of certified charts and reports. . Natural oyster bars surveyed and delin- Acres of natural oyster bars Crab bottoms surveyed and delineated. Acres of crab bottoms Clam beds surveyed and delineated Acres of clam beds Boundary buoys located and planted- _ Triangulation landmarks established Miles of shore line covered by triangu- lation Square miles of water covered by tri- angulation Miles of examination of shell bottom with chain apparatus Oyster investigation stations occupied. Tide stations established Number of soundings over shell bottoms. Square miles covered by soundings and chain apparatus Projections prepared and plotted Leasing charts prepared Oyster charts published Reports published Progress ma ps published 29.1906 20.1907 Aug. 27.1907 296 679 1907 1909 826 334 a These statistics do not include the large amount of triangulation, topography, and hydrography resulting from previous work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, which was utilized in the preparation of the published oyster charts and records. Work in St. Marys and Charles counties has been Bnished, but final statistics of results will not be published until these counties are opened for oyster culture. b Less quantities covered by statistics of more than one county. cTotal area of natural oyster bars of Connecticut is 5,770 acres. o I DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS f CHARLES COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. ♦ Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, January 27, 1911. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land vShell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, together with certain technical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Ivabor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shell fish com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1910. Respectfully, O. H. Tittmann, Superintendent. To Hon. Charles Nagel, Secretary of Comtnerce and Labor. 3 CERTIFICATION, ♦ Baltimore, Md., January 25, iqii. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in Charles County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, Chief of Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Baltimore, Md., January 25, igii. Examined and certified to be correct. ' Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell Grave, Benjamin K. Green, Maryland Shell Fish Commission. SwEPSON Earle, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — Certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of Charles County were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Charles County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners on January 27, 191 1. S CONTENTS, Page. Progress map .' follows 62 Letter op submittal , 3 Certification 5 Introduction: Publications 9 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey 10 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries 10 General statement of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey 10 Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions 12 Organization and equipment 13 Chronological statement of work 13 Statistics 14 General remarks 14 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster bars-. 16 Leasing charts 17 Projections , 18 Progress maps 18 Boundaries of the county waters: Waters within territorial limits of coimty 19 Waters contiguous to cotmty 20 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations): Explanation 21 Method of describing triangulation stations 24 Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Chart No. 26 (Wicomico River) — Barber 24 Upper : 24 Key 24 Stoddard 25 Cohouck ,.. 25 Hayden 26 Perry 26 Burr 26 Fact 27 Bowman 27 Eedling 28 Farr 28 Gust 28 Lyon 29 Sacred Heart Church Spire (Bushwood) 29 Hedney 29 Charles 30 Weiss 30 Blakistone 30 Hard 31 Rock Point Catholic Church Cross 31 Prcc , 31 7 8 Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart No. 26 (Wicomico River) — Continued. Page. Comer 32 St. Margaret 2 , 32 Cobb Point Bar Light 32 River Springs Catholic Chapel Cross 33 Sound 33 Bailey 33 St. Catherine 34 Waterloo 34 Subchart on Chart No. 26 (Patuxent River) " — Prince 35 Leitch 35 Fodder 35 Buena 36 Teague 36 Catholic Church Cross (Benedict) 37 City 37 Hallowing 38 Indian 38 Dwarf 59 Sothoron 39 Buzz 40 Boundaries op oyster bars: Explanation 41 Method of describing boundaries ■ 42 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries 43 Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county 6 46 Chart No. 26 (Wicomico River) — Stoddard 46 Wicomico Lumps 47 Mills West 47 Joes Lumps 48 Windmill 48 Fenwick 49 Wicomico Middleground • 49 Charleston Creek 50 Lancaster 50 Rock Point 51 Shipping Point 52 Cobb Point 52 Subchart on Chart No. 26 (Patuxent River) « — Teague 53 Elbow ..-..■. 53 Carpenters Yard 54 Appendixes: Appendix A. — Laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission 55 Appendix B. — "The Haman Oyster Culture Law" (extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission) 59 Appendix C. — Summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey ' ' as now being carried on in Maryland 60 Appendix D. — Statistics of results of the combined operations of the Government and State . . 62 o See also subchart on Chart No. ig. 6 See separate publications for bouudarics"of natural bars in adjacent counties. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, CHARLES COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the survey of the oyster bars of Mary- land has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws " authorizing the work and the natural division of the surveying operations '' of the cooperating forces. The publications prepared and issued by the Government under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consist of a series of charts and a technical report for each county surveyed.'' The charts show all legal boundaries of oyster bars within the adopted boundaries of the waters opened up for leasing with each county, and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used as a foundation for the delineation of these various boundaries. The technical report gives technical and legal descriptions of all oyster bar and other bound- aries, and descriptions of all landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in charge of the work of that service in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission. These charts and technical reports are prepared and certified for file with the courts and the Commission, as required by the laws of the State, and contain all infor- mation necessary to make a permanent record of the work of the Commission and the Government for all future requirements of the courts, or for any resurveys that may become necessary.'' The publications prepared and issued by the State under the direction of the Shell Fish Commission consist of annual reports'^ of all the operations of the Commission <» See Appendix A for laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. * See Appendix C for a summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Mar\'land. <-' These charts and technical reports can be obtained by application to tlie Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C. The publications now ready for issue are those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, and Charles counties. 'i The technical records and charts for each county are published separately on account of the requirements of the oyster-culture laws of the State and the practical considerations which make it desirable to have each county "opened up" for oyster culture as soon as practicable after tlie comple- tion of its survey. For these reasons and the fact that these reports are each arranged for distribution and use in one county only without reference to other published records, much of the text of this publi- cation is of necessity identical with similar previous publications for other counties. « These reports can be obtained by application to the Shell Fish Commission, Marine Bank Building, Baltimore, Md. They are issued annually in October, and the first and second reports are now available for distribution. 9 lo Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. performed under the provisions of the laws of Maryland," including results of biological and economic oyster investigations, methods and results of the hydrographic survey of the boundaries of oyster bars and crab bottoms, the administrative report and financial statement of the Commission, information relating to oyster culture, methods of sur- veying and leasing of oyster lots, and much other important matter of legal and scientific value. These two sets of publications are planned and arranged to supplement each other without unnecessary duplication, and when combined they form a complete report of operations, methods, and results of the work of both the Government and State. ^ COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the service indicates, includes a survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and published a complete set of charts of the coasts of the United States, including all waters of Maryland where oysters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential as a foundation for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental func- tions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and natural development of Government work leading to the conservation and increase of the supply of food. COOPERATION OP THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The Bureau of Fisheries has cooperated with the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission principally as an adviser in matters relating to the biological and economic survey of oyster bars and the methods to be employed for that purpose. "^ A steam launch, rowing boat, and certain apparatus have also been furnished. The primary function of the Bureau of Fisheries is to increase the productiveness of marine and fresh waters by such measures as may be best suited to the purpose, and the services rendered in connection with the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland are strictly in line with the fundamental law under which it acts. In certain States other than Maryland similar work has been conducted by the Bureau acting independently, the same ends being attained at greater expense to the Government. GENERAL, STATEMENT OF WORK OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. "* The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in coopera- tion with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission need very «■ See Appendix B for an extract from the " Second Report of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, " giving a concise summary of the " Haman Oyster Culture Law." ''See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." <: Hon. George M. Bowers, Commissioner of Fisheries, has detailed for this service Dr. H. F. Moore, Assistant, Bureau of Fisheries. <* For a detail statement of the very large amount of excellent oyster survey work of the Maryland vSliell Fish Conunission sec the "Annual Reports of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission." \ Survey of Oyster Bars, Clmrles County, Md. ii little other summary than is indicated by the published "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" and the index of hydrographic projections and triangulation stations shown on the county progress maps attached to each report. The triangulation has been carried on in accordance with the standard methods of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, making this work and that of the "Descriptions of Triangulation Stations" of permanent value, not only to the State of Maryland in the survey of her oyster bars, but also to the Government for any future work it may do in the regions covered by the oyster-survey operations. The hydrographic projections and published charts are prepared with all the accu- racy permitted by their large scale, especially as to the boundaries of the various shell-fish bottoms in relation to landmarks, but this accuracy of location on the charts is further added to and permanently fixed by published technical descriptions which should minimize the probability of any future dispute as to either landmarks or boundaries. Stated another way, and quoting from the report of the "Survey of Oyster Bars of Anne Arundel County" : The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual preeision of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points necessary to provide ample foundation for the surveying and charting operations permitted great accuracy of definition and loca- tion for the natural oyster bar and other boundaries established. At the same time, the very important element of permanency of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished bj- a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last 65 years. REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC vSURVEY IN CHARLEvS COUNTY. INSTRUCTIONS. The following letters, together with the laws ° of the United States relating to the subject, constitute the "instructions" received by the chief of the Coast and Geodetic ,Survey party engaged on work in connection with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. They are short and definite, but furnish ample authority and leeway for all legitimate development of the cooperation of the Government and the State in the survey of oyster bars. The "free hand" permitted by these orders, together with the aid and many valuable suggestions received from the officers of the survey at Wash- ington, liavc proved very beneficial to the work and are greatly appreciated. Department of Commerce and Labor, Office of the Secretary, Washington, June 2, igo6. Sir: In reply to your letter of May 28, requesting me to designate officers of the Coast and Geo- detic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries to cooperate with the State of Maryland in making survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. C. C. Yates will be designated to cooperate on the part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as soon as Congress makes the provisions of the act effective by providing an appropriation for the purpose. Respectfully, Lawrence O. Murray, Assistant Secretary. His Excellency Hon. Edwin Warfield, Governor of Maryland, Annapolis, Aid. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, July j, igo6. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector. * * * As soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland. You will consult the Commissioners, prepare a programme of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessary. Very respectfully, O. H. TiTTmann, Superintendent. Capt. C. C. Yates, U. S. C. and G. S. .Steamer Endeavor, Baltimore, Md. "■ For these laws see Appendix A. ' J Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 13 ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. The personnel and occupation of the party of the Coast and Oeodetic Survey have remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the "oyster survey." Besides the chief of party, it consists of the necessary triangulators, computers, draftsmen, and temporary employees required to carry on both the surveying operations in the field and the preparation for publication of oyster charts and technical records in the office at Washington. The equipment for the work of the party has been ample and satisfactory. The large Hving and office quarters furnished the Government on the Maryland Sliell Fish Commission house boat Oyster have been very convenient for the work, besides facili- tating efficient cooperation with the surveying and oyster investigation parties of the State. In addition to the accommodations on the Oyster, the Coast and Geodetic Survey party has had the C(mstant use of the large steam launch Inspector and several other boats furnished by its own service, and the occasional use of the Bureau of Fish- eries launch Canvasback " and the steamer Governor McLanc ^ of the State fishery force. The greater part of the equipment of instruments for the operations of both the Government and State has been furnished by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and consists of all necessary theodohtes, levels, sextants, drafting instruments, hydrometers, etc., required for all field and office work. CRONOLOGICAL STATEMENT OF WORK. The field work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Charles County " dates from August 18, 1908, when the house boat Oyster was moved from St. Leonards Creek to an anchorage in Battle Creek which is located about 5 miles to the south of that small portion of Charles County bordering on the Patuxent River. The headquarters of the sur\'eying operations remained at this harbor until the completion of that part of the field work which naturally included all of the Patuxent River waters of Calvert and vSt. Marys counties as well as those of Charles County, although the results are published separately. On September 3, 1908, the house boat finally left the Patuxent River for a nev/ anchorage in one of the tributaries of Potomac River in St. Marys County, and the field work in Charles County was dropped from that date for a period of nearlv two months. On October 28, 1908, the house boat Oyster was towed by the Governor McLane to an anchorage in the lower part of Wicomico River off Rock Point in Charles County. From this anchorage as a headquarters the surveying operations for the Wicomico waters of both Charles and St. Marys counties were carried on until practically completed on November 25, 1909, when the house boat was towed to Bretons Bay off Leonardtown in St. Marys County. On December 2, 1909, it was found necessary to obtain additional triangulation information for the publication of the technical report for Calvert County, which inci- "■ By courtesy of Dr. H. F. Moore, United States Bureau of Fisheries. 6 By courtesy of Capt. James A. Turner, commanding. c The field work of Charles, Calvert, and St. Marys counties was so intermixed in the Patuxent River that the chronological statement of work for any one of these counties necessarily includes a considerable part of the work of the other counties. 14 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles Cotinty, Md. dentally involved new work required for the report for Charles County, and field work was carried on for that purpose from that date to December 8, 1909. Again from July 20 to August u, 1910, while the house boat Oyv/er was anchored in the mouth of the Patuxent River for the purpose of carrying on the oyster survey operations in the bay shore waters of Dorchester County, a number of days when work could not be done in the open bay were employed in checking up deficiencies in the description of stations required for the forthcoming publications of both Charles and St. Marys coimties. The large amoimt of office work connected with the "oyster survey" of Charles County, including computations and drafting necessary for the preparation for publica- tion of the oyster charts and the technical records, was continued intermittingly with the office work of other counties from the beginning of the field work in Charles County to the time of filing of the certified 03'ster charts and technical reports in the archives of the Commission and with the clerk of the circuit court of Charles County on January 27, 1911. STATISTICS. " Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 37 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 37 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles 35 Old triangulation stations recovered 3 New triangulation stations established 39 Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described 42 Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) 32 Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate) 20 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster boundaries 3 Triangles computed 80 Geographic positions computed 40 Corners of oj'ster boundaries established by computation 78 Back azimuths and distances computed from corners of boundaries to triangulation stations 234 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication 42 Descriptions of oyster boundaries prepared for publication 15 "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" prepared for publication i Progress map prepared for publication i GENERAL REMARKS. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in fhe oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: To his colleague from the Department of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore, of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose well-known scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters has been of great value to the work. a These statistics only include field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the oyster survey of Charles County, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examinations of the character of the bottom made by the engineers of the Commission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geodetic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the waters of Mary- land. See Appendix D of this publication for " Statistics of results of combined operations of the Govern- ment and the State." » Survey oj Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 15 To Mr. Walter J. Mitchell, cliairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative abiUty in carrymg out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the Commission, who, as editor of the Com- mission's annual report and Commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster investigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Mr. Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the Commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Mr. Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, whose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facilitated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. To Mr. Thomas H. Robinson, counsel to the Commission, for courteously furnishing valuable information relating to county boundaries. And to the many others connected with the Commission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing impor- tant information or willing services. CHARTS AND MAPS. CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts " of the natural oyster bars of Charles County, published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of surveys of the Government in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, are grouped on one sheet covering a portion of the waters of the upper Patuxent River and all of the waters of the Wicomico River, including all oyster-producing bottoms in Charles County. They are published on a scale of I part in 20,000 (approximately t,}^ inches to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bars and other boundaries established by the Com- mission, and are certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of Charles County and in the office of the Commission at Annapolis, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (U. vS. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography * necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily understandable both by the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the oyster bars are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascer- tained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars are numbered from i to the total number of corners in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners corre- spond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the heading " Boundaries of natural oyster bars." The landmarks and oyster bars have been grouped in the "Contents" of this publi- cation in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particular "■ These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. t> Much of the detail of the inshore topography w;is obtained from the excellent map of Charles County, prepared and published by the Marj'land Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Marj-land Geological Survey in cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey. 16 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 17 oyster bar or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents" and the desired chart and general location will be indicated. To find the name of a bar or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the end of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locality on the chart for the name of the bar or landmark in question. The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shell fish indus- tries. The I -fathom contour (6 feet) and the 5-fathom curve (30 feet) correspond in a general way to the inner and outer limits of all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom contour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars and the lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the "territorial limits of the county" and the boundaries of the "waters contiguous to the county" opened up for the leasing with Charles County are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of county waters." The areas in acres of the oyster bars were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of the chart within the boundaries of the different shell fish bottoms. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face of the charts. LEASING CHARTS. The leasing charts of Charles County, like those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, and Calvert counties, have been prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. These charts are constructed on polyconic projections and are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. They are made on the scales of i part in 5,000 or i part in 10,000, as the needs of oyster culture may require. Anne Arundel County required 1 3 leasing charts ; Somerset County, 12 charts; Wicomico County, 2 charts; Worcester County, 3 charts; Calvert County, 5 charts; and Charles County, 2 charts, to cover their oyster bottoms. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds and other boundaries established by the Commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the "old 5-acre law" are frequently of irreg- ular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster laws must be of rectangular shape by the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts i8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rectan- gles of I acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to the area under consideration, and prospective leaseholders by the rules of the Commission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as possible. For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be published for some years, but they can be seen at any time on file at the offices of the Commission, in the Marine Bank Building at Baltimore. PROJECTIONS. The polyconic projections " covering Charles (^ounty waters are 3 in number and on the scale of i part in 10,000. They were constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but the sextant positions which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars as delineated bv the Shell Fish Commission were plotted by the draftsman of the Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulation stations, shore line, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oyster bar and other boundaries established by the Commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, and the other set in the archives of the Shell Fish Commission. PROGRESS MAPS. The progress map to be found at the end of this publication is on a scale of i part in 100,000, and shows in outline the work accomplished bv the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in Charles County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surveying work, and the "boundaries of county waters" established by the Commission for the purpose of carry- ing out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may be under consideration. The progress maps '' accompanying the first and second annual reports of the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission were prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are on the scale of i part in 460,000, and show the outline of the tide-water counties of Maryland, with shaded areas to indicate the waters already covered by the operations of the oyster survey. " For the scheme of these projections see the progress map at the end of this publication. 6 These maps and reports can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Commission, Marine Bank Building, Baltimore, Md. BOUNDARIEvS OF THE COUNTY WATERS.'' WATERS WITHIN TKRRITORIAI, LIMITS (iF COUNTY. The laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture provide that "no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of any of the counties, or one hundred acres in any other place." The boundary line* between the waters "within the territorial limits" of Charles County and the waters in "any other place," as established by the Shell Fish Com- mission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the "oyster" charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is technically described and defined as follows : Paluxent River xcaiers of Charles County. — Following the Ijoundary liriL- between Charles County and Prince Georges County along the middle of Swanson Creek as laid dowTi on "Chart No. 26, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland, " to a point defined by the intersection of this boundary line with the boundary line of Calvert County in Patuxent River; thence along the boundary line between Calvert and Charles counties in Patu.Kent River as laid down on "Chart No. 26, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point defined by the intersecti.^n of this boundary line with the boundary line between Charles and .St. Marys counties off the entrance to Indian Creek: thence along the boundary line between Charles and St. Marys counties in the middle of Indian Creek as laid down on "Chart No. 26. Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland." Wicomico River leaten- of Charles Comity. — Following the boundary line between Charles County and St. Marys Count)' along the middle of Wicomico River as laid down on "Chart No. 26, Natural Oyster Bars. Maryland," from the upper end of Wicomico River, as shown on said chart, to a point at the mouth of Wicomico River defined by the intersection of this boundary line with the straight line between the center point of Cobb Point Bar Light defined by latitude 38° 14' 33.3" and longitude 76° 49' 36.9" and a point on the northwest end of St. Catherine Island defined by latitude 38° 14' 28.9" and longitude 76° 48' lo.g"; thence along a straight line dividing the "waters within territorial limits of county "and the " waters of Potomac River imder joint jurisdiction of Maryland and Virginia as to fisheries" to the center point of Cobb Point Bar Light defined by latitude 38° 14' 33.3" and longitude 76° 49' 36.9"; thence along a line following Cobb Point Bar, as laid down on "Chart No. 26, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point located on Cobb Point defined by latitude 38° 15' 17.5'" and longi- tude 76° 50' 33.4"; thence along the mean low water line of the Maryland shore of Potomac River or a line across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, and then continuing along the Maryland shore of Potomac River, crossing the mouth of Potomac River entrances of Neals Sound, around Swan Point, and crossing the mouth of Cuckold Creek and all other creeks, bays, and inlets of Potomac River under the sole jurisdiction of Maryland, to the intersection of this line with the boundary line between Charles County and Prince Georges County .c "For a complete historical and legal description of the boundaries of the counties of Maryland, the valuable publication entitled "The Counties of Maryland — Their Origin, Boundaries, and Election Districts," prepared by Dr. Edward B. Mathews and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark, Superintendent, should be consulted, as the boundaries described in this publication have been established and technically defined for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws of the State, and may or may not be correct for other purposes. b See "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at the end of this publication. '■ Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. 19 20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Aid. WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO COUNTY. The oyster laws of Maryland provide that a true and accurate deHneation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, "which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said Commissioners in the city of Baltimore," and "in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respec- tive counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie." For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section of the law and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-culture area to be opened up for leasing with each county surveyed, it is necessary for the Shell Fish .Commission to establish a boundary line between the. waters contiguous to but not within the terri- torial limits of each coimty and the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of adjacent counties. This boundary line has been delineated on the "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and is technically described and defined as follows: Commencing at a point located at the mouth and near the middle of Wicomico River defined by the intersection of the boundary line between Charles County and St. Marys County as laid down on " Chart No. 26, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," and the straight line between the center point of Cobb Point Bar Light defined by latitude 38° 14' 33.3" and longitude 76° 49' 36.9" and a point on the northwest end of St. Catherine Island defined by latitude 38° 14' 28.9" and longitude 76° 48' 10. g"; thence along a straight line dividing the " waters within territorial limits of county " and the " waters of Potomac River under joint jurisdiction of Maryland and Virginia as to fisheries" to the center point of Cobb Point Bar Light defined by latitude 38° 14' 33.3" and longitude 76° 49' 36.9"; thence along a line following Cobb Point Bar as laid down on "Chart No. 26, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point located on Cobb Point defined by latitude 38° 15' 17.5" and longitude 76° 50' 33.4"; thence along the Maryland shore of the Potomac River across the entrances to Neals Sound, Cuck<)ld Creek, and all other sounds, bays, creeks, or inlets under the sole jurisdiction of Maryland as to fisheries, to the intersection of this line with the boundary line between Charles County and Prince Georges County .« " Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. LANDMARKS (U. S. COAvST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS). ♦ EXPLANATION. The oyster laws of Maryland authorizing the survey to be made by the Shell Fish Commission provide for "an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a descrip- tion of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts." The law of the United States author- izing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the erection of "such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland." Under the provisions of the sections of the laws stated above, the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and future needs of both the Government and the State. With this end in view, considerable work has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. An effort has been made to arrange the descriptions of location and character of landmarks in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assump- tion that the individual seeking a landinark has only an indefinite idea of its location. They gradually proceed from description of the general locality of a landmark to the descriptions of its immediate surroundings. This is followed by specific details of the character of the center and reference marks and a "round" of reference angles and distances which in themselves frequently contain enough information to furnish an independent and reliable location of the triangulation station. METHOD OF DESCRIBING TRIANGl'LATK IN STATIONS. The separate, descriptions of triangulation stations should not he used without reading the following explanation of the method of describing the triangulation stations, as it con- tains certain details that are common to all the landmarks described in this publication and which are omitted in the separate descriptions as being needless repetitions: Name. — The title at the top of each separate description is the name by which the landmark or triangulation station is known and designated in all work and pub- lished oyster records or oyster charts of both the Government and State. The selec- tion of the name is usually left to the triangulator establishing the station, and it may or may not have geographic or other significance in reference to the locality. 22 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. General locality. — Under this heading is given the general locaHty of the landmark in reference to well-known and prominent natural or artificial features, such as the nearest body of water, town, river, steamer wharf, well-defined point of land, church, or any other feature that is likely to remain both permanent and prominent. This heading also covers a reference to the published chart or map which shows the location of the station most clearly. Nearly all the triangulation stations described in this publication are plainly indicated by name and a triangulation symbol on the published charts of oyster bars of Maryland. In this case they are referred to by serial number only, the words "charts of oyster bars of Maryland" being omitted to avoid needless repetition. These published oyster charts are on the large scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 31.^ inches to a statute mile) and show the location of the trian- gulation stations so clearly that in many cases the written descriptions will not be required to find them. Immediate locality. — Under this heading is given the description of the "observed station" in reference to its immediate surroundings. This is supposed to include a statement of the station's estimated elevation above high water or some other well- defined level of the locality, such as a road or house; the character of the ground on which it is located, such as marsh land, sand beach, cultivated field, or meadow; esti- mated bearings in points of the compass and estimated distances in yards from {not to) easily recognized features, such as extreme end of point, edge of bluff, bank of creek, line of telephone poles, shore line, barn, house, fence, ditch, trees, or any other definite detail, such as being on range with the tangent of an island and a church; and so forth. When a standard monument has been established near the station as a "reference station," this heading also covers a statement of the true bearing of the monument in degrees and minutes and its measured distance in meters, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached and might be mistaken for the center mark of the "observed station" unless special attention is called to it. The distinction between the "observed station" and "reference station" should be carefully noted by anyone making use of the description of stations for any future surveying operations. The "observed station" is located at the particular triangulation ])oint covered by the description of stations, and is the one whose geographic position is first computed, as it is the point which was "occupied" and "observed on" for horizontal angles. How- ever, in spite of the primary importance of the location of the "observed station," it will be noted from the description of stations that frequently it is not marked as well as the "reference station," and in many instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case for the reason that the necessity of intervisibility of land- marks usually made it compulsory to locate "observed stations" on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in the tide-water section of Maryland generally means they will be washed away in a short period of years. The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in this region has shown the great need of "reference stations," if the frequent reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation is to be avoided. The chief reason and need for the establishment of the "reference station," or secondary station, as it might be well named, is explained in the preceding paragraph, but in several instances other reasons, such as the location of the "observed station" Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 23 on an unstable sand dune, in a cultivated field, in front of a residence, or other places objectionable to the landowner, have led to establishment of "reference stations." The location of the "reference station" in relation to the "observed station" is fixed for plotting on charts or for computation of its geographic position by checked measure- ments of its distances and azimuth from the "observed station."" Marks. — Under this heading is given a description of the character of the permanent monuments or other marks of the location of the "observed station," and of the "refer- ence station" where one has been established. All the marks designated in the descriptions as "the center point of triangle on standard cement monument " are exactly alike. These monuments are made of cement, sand, and gravel, and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters "M. S. F. C." arranged around the vertex and the letters "U. S. C. S." underneath the base of the triangle. The center hole is always in the center of the top of the monument by construction, and if this is found to have been broken off without disturbing the bottom the center of its square section can be used as the location of the station. All the "standard cement monuments," whether used for marking the "observed station" or "reference station," have been planted upright in exactly the same manner, with their tops projecting 3 or 4 inches above the surface of the ground, unless otherwise stated. Therefore, as the above facts in reference to the "standard cement monuments" are a constant element in all cases, the repetition of these facts in the description of stations is made needless by this one statement. References. — Under this heading are given the "rounds" of directions and distances to all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography, hydrog- raphy, or location of boundaries of oyster bars these references will be sufficient in many cases to relocate the position of an "observed station" or "reference station" when both of them have been destroyed. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described, this, if possible, being a light-house, church spire, or other permanent and prominent point. Its direction is taken as being 0° 00' 00", and the directions of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right). The true bearing'' of the initial object is always given .n parentheses alorjgside its name. This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the other reference objects for the purposes of locating a station by horizontal angles or for the relocation of corner buoys of oyster-bar boundaries by the method of compass directions described n this publication under the heading of "Boundaries of oyster bars." 1 Geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude, distance, and azimuth) relating to any of the "ob- served stations" or of the " reference stations" described in this publication can be obtained by applica- tion to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. '' The mean magnetic variation for Charles County was 5° 20' west of north in 1910 and increasing at the rate of 4' yearly. 24 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. The distances in the last column under "References" are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The "miles" are statute miles and may be considered only as rough estimates. The "yards" are more accurate, but must be looked on as results generally obtained by pacing or careful estimating. The "meters," however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals and in every case have been measured with a steel tape. In the same manner the accuracy of the directions are indicated by the refinement of angular measure with which they are recorded. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIANGULATION STATIONS. BARBER. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Wicomico River about '4 mile north-northeast of Stoddard Point. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grass land about 2 feet above high-water mark, 3 yards north of shore, 20 yards west of trees which extend inland along creek, 4 yards southwest by west of a corner of a fence and 15 yards southeast of another comer of a fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / // " Stoddard" (S 9° 46' W) •. o 00 00 i3 smiles. Left chimney of Stoddard house 3 27 i Vg miles. Near peak of roof between two chimneys 45 15 \% miles. Chimney on left end of small house 62 54 i^i miles. Nail in blaze in top fence rail 136 06 10.62 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter). . 155 29 10.75 meters. Nail in blaze in top of chestnut fence post .... 245 24 3.43 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (5 inches diameter) 259 16 i.?.94 meters. Tangent of point 299 13 y^ mile. Near large chimney of negro quarters 302 07 i,'-8 miles. UPPER. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Wicomico River on Stoddard Point (upper point) about 2 V4' miles north-northwest of Mills Point. (See Chart No. 26. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long narrow point about 2 feet above high-water mark, 5 yards south of side of point, 8 yards northwest of side of point. 38 yards west of high-water mark on middle of point and 138 j'ards west by north of high-water mark on extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — " ' " "Stoddard" (S 27° 38' E) o 00 00 '2 mile. Right chimney of Stoddard house 9 12 j.2 mile. Left peak of roof of barn ^^;i 02 yi mile. Left chimney of old house 49 29 ,'2 mile. Tangent of next point 141 07 5 s mile. Right chimney of house on ridge 179 15 3 miles. Chimney outside small house on opposite shore. . . 213 28 iX miles. Near corner post of piazza of large house 247 47 lys miles. Chimney top of Key house 296 04 i,'-2 miles. KEY. General locality.. — Northeastern shore of Wicomico River on a high blufl about i mile north of Cohouck Point. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 30 feet above high-water mark in an orchard, about 24 yards northeast of edge of bank, 49 yards north of edge of bank, 15 yards east of edge of bank, 130 yards south -south west of negro quarters and 130 yards west of fence which incloses an orchard. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 25 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Stoddard" (S 70° 48' W) o 00 00 ilsrniles. Nearcomerof near chimney on Stoddard house o 29 iX miles. Near corner of near chimney of small house . 15 05 i^s miles. Peakof roof between tvvochimneyson house .. . 17 13 2 miles. Peak of roof of very large barn 56 52 3 miles. Chimney on middle of roof on two-storj^ house . . 62 06 3 miles. Nearcomerof near chimney of negro's quarters. 116 54 130 yards. Nail in blaze in apple tree ( 12 inchesdiameter). . 135 58 22.15 meters. Chimney of Key house 164 37 '4 mile. Nail in blaze in apple tree (14 inchesdiameter) . 168 57 13.39 meters. Peak of roof of large barn 259 16 "2 mile. Nail in blaze in apple tree (12 inchesdiameter). 281 25 7.94 meters. Peak of roof of house on piles 347 23 i ' s miles. Between two chimneys of large brick house on hill 357 45 2!2 miles. STODDARD. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River about 'A mile south-southeast of Stoddard Point and I mile west-northwest of Cohouck Point. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station ison gravel, grass, and shell point, near a lone gum tree, about 2 feet above high-water mark, 6 yards south-southwest of side of point. 6 yards north of side of point, lo yards west of extreme end of point and 158 yards east-northeast of Stoddard house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Upper" (N 26° 37' W) o 00 00 ,'2 mile. Outside chimney of small house 23 08 i^^ miles. Peak of front gable of large house on ridge .... 52 54 ij-g miles. Chimney on top of Key house 94 47 I'i miles. Chimney outside of two and a half story house . . 153 58 2'8 miles. Right chimney of large house 172 38 2 miles. Peak of roof of house on Chaptico Wharf 180 19 25 s miles. Chimney top of house on piles 228 37 '2 mile. Near corner of chimney on Stoddard house . . 284 44 158 yards. Nail in blaze in pear tree (24 inches diameter) . . 315 29 4.5Smeters. Nail in blaze in pear tree (4 inches diameter) . . 349 47 9.41 meters. COHOUCK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River on Cohouck Point on the northern side of entrance to Chaptico Bay. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station ison Cohouck Point, about 6 feet above high-water mark, 12 yards east of edge of bank, 35 yards south of edge of bank, 85 yards northeast of extreme point and about 2 5 yards north of marsh . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Key " (N 3° 29' E) o 00 00 "smile. Nearest chimney on negro quarters o 27 i mile. Near peak of roof of barn 2b 38 i mile. Chimney outside near end of two and a half story house 128 58 34 mile. Right chimney of Lyon house near Mills Point. .. . 171 29 I'smiles. Chimney on flat roof house near mouth of Bowmans Creek 226 56 2 miles. Chimney on far end of house 261 43 i-' smiles. Chimney on house on piles 270 53 i ' s miles. Peak of front gable of house on ridge 352 51 2 '4 miles. 26 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. HAYDEN. -Western shore of the Wicomico River about i? s miles west of Cohouck Point. General locality. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is surrounded by water bushes on marshy land, about i foot above high water, 5 yards northwest of shore and 17 yards southeast of line of trees on top of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.50 meters N 54° 34' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 3 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Fact" (S 41° 35' E) o 00 00 134 miles. Between two main chimneys of large house be- low Chaptico Wharf 5 West roof peak of house on Chaptico Wharf. ... 6 Chimney on middle of square house 65 Nail in blaze in cedar tree ( 18 inches diameter) . 1 24 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 155 Reference station 167 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) . ... 213 Chimney on Key house 275 Chimney of Maddox house 344 Right chimney outside of old house 354 II 2^-g miles. 51 2}^ miles. 06 5 J mile. 14 23.45 meters. 23 16.55 meters. 01 20 1 1. 51 meters. 29 18.74 meters. 45 ij^ miles. 28 3X miles. 31 if^ miles. PERRY. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chaptico Bay. about i mile northeast of Mills Point and ii mile southeast of Cohouck Point. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in an open field, about 20 feet above high-water mark, 8 yards northwest of edge of bank, g yards south-southwest from edge of gully in bank, 5 yards south of edge of bank of gully, and about 150 yards north -northeast of creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Fact" (S 51° 10' W) Chimney on right end of house Chimney on flat-roof house Left chimney of Crane house Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter) . 42 Nearest chimney on larger part of double brick house 42 Left chimney of house on piles 55 Near peak of roof on house 62 Near corner of near chimney of vStoddard house . 66 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter) . 81 Peak of front gable of house on ridge 113 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diameter) . 136 Near chimney of large house on ridge i6g Chimney outside of two-and-a-half-story house . 289 31 00 00 I mile. 41 2;' 8 miles. 03 2}{ miles. 37 35-8 miles. 34 10.49 meters. 3S s miles. i^ miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. 40 8.44 meters. 51 3 to 4 miles. 40 5.95 meters. 08 1^4 miles. 15 150 yards. BURR. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River directly opposite mouth of Chaptico Bay and ^ mile north of Bowmans Creek. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard ground between a sloping bank 10 feet high covered with trees and a marshy shore, about 2 feet above high-water mark, 18 yards northwest of extreme point, 23 yards north of shore, 17 yards southwest of shore, and 9 yards southeast of bottom of bank. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 27 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / f " Fact " (S 65° 59' E) o 00 00 i}^ miles. Between two chimneys of large house on ridge. 16 39 43^ miles. West end of peak of roof of house on Chaptico Wharf 17 15 2,',-i miles. Right chimney of two-and-a-half -story house ., . 72 21 1^4 miles. Chimney in middle of large house 88 21 i' smiles. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (li inches di- ameter) g7 25 7.67 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (9 inches di- ameter) 192 56 2.60 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (ro inches di- ameter) 236 32 3.86 meters. Main chimney of Key house 293 03 2^,4 miles. Chimney on Maddox house 358 28 3jx8 miles. FACT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River on Mills Point on south side of mouth of Chaptico Bay. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long point covered on the southern side with gum and cedar trees, about 10 feet above high- water mark. 23 yards from extreme end of top of bank, 6 yards north of edge of bank, and 8 yards southeast of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S 7° 13' E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree ( 7 inches diameter ) . . 5 Nail in blaze in oak tree (28 inches diameter) . . 56 Chimney on ell end of Stoddard house 157 Chimney on Key house 199 Near peak of roof of large house 274 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) . 301 Near chimney of large house near shore 317 West end of peak of house on Chaptico Wharf. . 342 00 00 6' 2 miles. 07 6.20 meters. 16 6.37 meters. 08 iJ4 miles. 54 2>i miles. 25 X mile. 45 16.26 meters. 53 5-s mile. S3 Vs mile. BOWMAN. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River at northeast side of mouth of Bowmans Creek and I'i miles west by south of Mills Point. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is surrounded by water bushes on point of land about 1J/2 feet above high water, 14 yards east of high-water mark, 16 yards north of extreme end of point, 20 yards northeast of side of point. 20 yards south of several cedar trees, and about 150 yards south of a house.. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Sacred Heart Church Spire " (S 62° 50' E) . . . o Chimney on end of long house 10 Chimney of Lyon house 13 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter). 59 Chimney on square house 76 Crane house 168 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) . 216 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter) . 232 Chimney on near end of house 263 Peak of roof between two chimneys 357 00 00 4' 8 miles. 37 3'-4 miles. 56 3'4 miles. 04 40 8.88 meters. ,'4 mile. 2 miles. 00 18.37 meters. 30 17-58 meters. 40 1'2 mile. 27 2X miles. 25 40 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. EEDLING. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River about i\^ miles southwest of Mills Point and about I mile southeast of mouth of Bowmans Creek. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a shell-covered cultivated field, about 10 feet above high-water mark, 37 yards southwest of shell and gravel beach, 88 yards west-northwest of extreme end of point, and 79 yards north of a ditch in marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 23. gg meters N 89° 56' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed and reference stations are marked bj- the center point of the triangles on standard cement monuments. References. — o / // " Fact" (S 39° 15' W) ■ o 00 Nail in blaze in gum tree (20 inches diameter). . 2 07 Near peak of roof of house on Chaptico Wharf. . 42 05 Chimney outside near end of house on hill 44 24 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter). . 49 54 Reference station 50 48 Chimney on right of ell of a house 60 12 Near peak of roof of Eedling house 265 55 Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter).. 331 27 00 I '4 miles. 50 26.06 meters. 1,3 8 miles. 25 s miles. 40 25.75 meters. 55 23 -99 meters. 2 miles. :' 8 mile. 40 33-99 meters. FARR. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River about i'4 miles south-southeast of Mills Point and ?4 mile north of the mouth of Manahowick Creek. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 10 feet above high-water mark, 5 yards east by south of edge of bank, 32 yards north-northwest of several pine trees at fish shanty near edge of bank, 22 yards south by east of other trees, and 300 yards west by north of a large house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried 16 inches below surface of ground with nail in stub at surface. References. — o / /, "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S 2° 35' E) o "Rock Point Catholic Church Cross" 8 Chimney on left side of house 42 Left chimney of Crane house 113 Left peak of house on Chaptico Wharf 153 Left chimney of house on Mills Point farm 168 Right chimney on Maddox house 242 Right corner of large house 292 Near corner of fish shanty 338 00 00 5 '4 miles. 03 40 3 ''4 miles. 41 i3f miles. 40 4' 2 miles. 08 '2 mile. 34 I '-4 miles. 28 2 miles. 33 '4 mile. 27 23. 6g meters. GUST. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River on Windmill Point about >^ mile north of the mouth of Hedneys Creek and opposite mouth of Manahowic Creek. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on shell and gravel point, bordered by persimmon and cedar trees, about 2 feet above high-water mark, 12 yards northwest of shore, 16 yards south of shore, and 28 yards west-southwest of shore on extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Fact" (N 20° 09' E) o Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches di- ameter) 6 Near peak of roof of house on Chaptico Wharf. . 35 Chimney on left side of large house 58 Chimney on middle of Lyon house loi Near peak of roof of house with two chimneys. . 171 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter). . 204 Nail in blaze in cedar tree ( 10 inches diameter) . 301 00 00 1 '2 miles. 22 7.g5 meters. 32 ii4 miles. 18 I;' 8 miles. 24 1,3^ miles. 43 s s mile. 14 00 5.90 meters. o; 10 16.18 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 29 LVON. Genenil locality. — Eastern slinre of Wicomico River on a point about '4 mile north of Bramlcigh Creek and 2 miles north by east of Rock Point. (See Chart No, 26. 1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point of land between the L)'on residence and edge of bank, 100 yards north of small pond which is fringed on river side with cedar trees, about 4 yards north of a bird house on a post, 19 yards east-northeast of most prominent point of bank, 15 yards east- southeast of side of bank , 1 6 yards north-northeast of another side , and 1 2 yards south -south west of a fence . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — °. ' " " Weiss" (S 25° 47' E) o 00 00 i'4miles. Nail in blaze in cedar post of bird house sup- port ..-. 51 15 20 , . 3.67 meters. Nail in blaze in pear tree (6 inches diameter). . 58 00 50 , . . 11.74 meters. Chimney of house i2q 14 i' smiles. Left chimney of Crane house 148 52 5 '4 miles. Between two chimneys of large brick house ... . 1 59 59 3 ' 2 miles. Near peak of roof between tw'o chimneys of large house 171 56 3-'4 miles. West end of peak of roof of house on Chaptico Wharf 186 23 I '4 miles. Corner of fence 198 08 i4- 1 5 meters. Near corner of house 247 11 22.01 meters. Right corner of small house 295 38 24-59 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) , 302 02 10 8.82 meters. Right corner of shed 336 36 ' 14.98 meters. SACRED HEART CHURCH SPIRE (BUSHWOOD). General locality. — Easterly side of Wicomico River on high land about lU miles inland, north by east of Bushwood Wharf. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is steeple of Sacred Heart Church near Bushwood. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross on steeple. References. — None necessary. HEDNEY. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River on first point above mouth of Charleston Creek and about 13-4' miles northwest of White Point. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 25 feet above high-water mark, 16 yards west- southwest of edge of bank, 139 yards north of large tree at edge of bank, 85 yards north of oak tree at edge of bank, 155 yards east-northeast of gum tree 20 inches diameter on bank of a pond, and about ' 8 mile east-southeast of a house among trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top buried 12 inches below the surface of the ground. Surface mark is nail in stub with top 5 inches above sur- face of ground . References. — o / v "Sacred Heart Church Spire" (N 86° 31' E). , o 00 00 4' 2 miles. Near comer of nearest chimney of four on a large house on hill 7 11 4' 2 miles. Right chimney of a large house 13 03 2 miles. Middle of island at end of White Point Bar, . . 38 45 1' s miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (48 inches diameter) 50 28 00 73.16 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (36 inches diam- eter) 84 52 30 I i.^i-S,? meters. Middle of gum tree 147 46 30 138.47 meters. Near peak of roof between two chimneys 239 48 '4 mile. Near chimney on large house 312 19 1^8 miles. Chimney of Lyon house 352 40 lyi miles. 30 Survey o} Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. CHARLES. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River on first point south of entrance to Charleston Creek, and i}4 miles north of Rock Point. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small marshy point about 6 inches above high-water mark and 18 yards east of pine woods on a bank 10 feet above high water. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.56 meters N 57° 10' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 2 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hard" (S 17° 38' E) o Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diameter) . 47 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) . . 84 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter) ... 134 Reference station 138 West chimney on two-story house 265 "Sacred Heart Church Spire (Bushwood)". . . . 268 West chimney on Gamer house 293 West gable of house on Bushwood Wharf 300 00 00 iX.niiles. 51 28.46 meters. 58 16.66 meters. 22 16.87 meters. 07 10 15.56 meters. ij'4 miles. 50 2I4 miles. 1}-^ miles. 2 miles. WEISS. 00 3^8 miles. 20 if^ miles. 10 4229 meters. 54 mile. 6.24 meters. 30 ij^ miles. ^ mile. 50 37.80 meters. 5'8 mile. 2i-8 miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River on White Point, about 3 miles north by east of Cobb Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff near small cedar trees, about 8 feet above high- water mark, 13 yards north of and 27 yards south of edges of bluff and 52 yards east of extreme point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S 11° 43' W) o 00 Flagstaff on schoolhouse 40 41 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diameter). 54 03 Left chimney on two-story house 155 26 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (3 inches diameter) .181 46 " Sacred Heart Church Spire " 216 56 West chimney of Gamer house 260 27 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (4 inches diameter) . 266 27 West gable of house on Bushwood Wharf 284 26 Left chimney on two-story house 342 10 BLAKISTONE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River, about ]/^ mile southeast of Plowdens Wharf at Bushwood, and about 3 miles north-northeast of Cobb Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on second bluff southeast of Bushwood Wliarf , 15 feet above high- water mark, 15 yards southeast of a large dogwood tree, about 6 yards northeast of edge of bluff, 3 yards southwest of rail fence, about 15 yards southwest of an ice house near orchard, and 5 to 10 yards south to east of several small cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Prec" (S 18° 42' W) o "Rock Point Catholic Church Cross" 51 Left peak of roof of wharf house 94 Large tree 117 Chimney of Blakistone store 125 Near peak of roof of Blakistone house 176 Point of cupola on Ranahan house 191 Near left comer of sill of ice house 233 Right lower comer 260 Near peak of roof 312 00 CO 2 miles. 28 30 2 miles. 16 i^s miles. 48 13.36 meters. 48 i4 mile. 32 250 yards. 45 134" miles. 15 14.15 meters. ^2 1576 meters. 54 X mile. Survey of (Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 31 HARD. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River on point of land knowTi as Rock Point about 2 miles north by west of Cobb Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on low point of land near several small cedar trees about i foot above high-water mark, 47 yards west of shore, 16 yards south of shore, 30 yards north of shore, about 80 yards northeast by north of Rock Point Wharf, and 170 yards northeast by east of Lancasters store . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S 10° 17' E) o Northeast gable of wharf house 41 " Rock Point Catholic Church Cross" 70 South chimney on Lancaster store 88 Point of east gable on house 134 " Sacred Heart Church Spire " 239 Gable of house on wharf at Bush wood 256 West gable of house '. 293 West gable on one-story house 315 North chimney of two-story house 330 00 00 2 miles. 07 80 yards. 16 20 ,'4 mile. 53 170 yards. 44 ,',4 mile. 04 20 3 miles. 00 14^4' miles. 06 2 miles. iQ 2% miles. 12 2'2 miles. ROCK POINT CATHOLIC CHURCH CROSS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River at Rock Point. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in settlement called Rock Point. It is on the larger of two similar buildings, the smaller one being the schoolhouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of cross on Rock Point Catholic Church. References. — None necessarj'. PREC. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River on Bluff P(.)int about 2 miles north-northeast of Cobb Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 10 feet above high-water mark, 34 yards southeast of nearest end of neck of Blufif Point, 29 yards south-southeast of shore, 16 yards northeast of shore, and 88 yards west by southwest of house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S 28° 37' W) o 00 00 . . , Tangent of woods on Cobb Point 34 04 "Rock Point Catholic Church Cross" 70 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter) 116 Left chimney of Gamer house 148 Nail in blaze in left one of twin locust trees (12 inches diameter) 153 "Sacred Heart Church Spire " 172 Near chimney of Sherrer house 228 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (6 inches diameter). 243 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (5 inches diameter) . 282 Left chimney of cottage 298 Right chimney of Bailey house on St. Margarets Island ^^b 16 00 2 miles. 2 miles. 30 i5'g miles. 40 20.64 meters. i' 8 miles. 20 3°i(> meters. 10 23.4 miles. 88 yards. 50 3374 rneters. 40 27.71 meters. '/s mile. ij'j miles. 32 Survey of (\vsicr Bars, Charles County, Md. CORNER. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River on the eastern side of an island known as Coblj Point Neck about halfway between Cobb Point and the entrance to Neales Sound. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field on a bluff bordered with pine trees about 15 feet above high-water mark, 3 yards west of a wire fence running along edge of bluff and 21 yards east-northeast of a wire fence which separates cornfield from pine woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S 29° 39' E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter) . . 50 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter). . 11 1 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter). 135 Middle chimney of house 177 ' ' Catholic Church Cross " 217 Left chimney of house on St. Margarets Island . . 318 00 00 I' a miles. 02 16.98 meters. 43 21.41 meters. 20 33-22 meters. 07 ^4 mile. 16 10 yi mile. 56 lYi miles. ST. MARGARET 2. General locality. — Northwestern side of Potomac River on the southwestern side of St. Margarets Island in the mouth of the Wicomico River about i mile northeast of Cobb Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff about 12 feet above high-water mark, 15 inches northeast of edge of bluff, 86 yards northwest of cow shed, 129 yards south-southwest of several houses and 154 yards west-southwest of Bailey (large) house. Cement monument marking reference station is 79.19 meters N 46° 26' E of observed station and at corner of cow shed. Marks. — Observed station is center of a stub in a 2 '2-inch tile pipe set in cement with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle of standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S 53° 22' W) o Tangent of Cobb Point 45 " Rock Point Catholic Church Cross" 83 Chimney on left of Garner new house 129 "Sacred Heart Church Spire" 143 Reference station 173 Left chimney of Bailey house 194 Nearest chimney of small house on Bullock Island 220 Left chimney of small house on St. Catherine Island 42 26 00 . . . I mile. I's miles. 50 . . i>8 miles. 2*8 miles. 5° ■ ■ 4 miles. 15 . . , . . . 79.19 meters 150 yards. I mile. 258 32 COBB POINT BAR LIGHT. miles. General locality. — Northerly side of Potomac River at mouth of Wicomico River on the southeastern extremity of Cobb Point Bar. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the end of Cobb Point Bar at the mouth of the Wicomico River. Marks. — Observed station is center point of black lantern on screw pile structure known as "Cobb Point Bar Light." References. — o / // "Blakiston Island Light " (S 61" 25' E) o 00 00 5 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. RIVER SPRINGS CATHOLIC CHAPEL CROSS. 33 General locality. — Northern side of Potomac River inland about 3^ mile north by west of River Springs. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on building known as River Springs Catholic Chapel. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross on River Springs Catholic Chapel. References. — None necessary. SOUND. General locality. — Northern shore of St. Catherine Sound about 2'4 miles east by north of Cobb Point Bar Light and X ™ile east of Bullock Island. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 15 feet above high-water mark, 35 yards north of edge of bank, 2 yards east of wire fence, 65 yards east of edge of bank, 57 yards south of southeast comer of fence of house yard, and 63 yards south by west of telephone pole line which is on the same side of the road . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S 84° 53' W) o Right chimney of house on Bullock Island 8 Near end of small chimney on large house 27 Left comer post of fence 65 Near comer of chimney of small house 86 Near corner post of fence 100 Right peak of roof of barn 115 "River Springs Catholic Chapel Cross" 148 Chimney of Blakistone store 189 Near chimney of Bailey house 217 Chimney on smaller house on St. Catherine Island. 323 03 3^ mile. 00 00 2}{ miles. 24 }4 mile. 15 I mile. OS 25 58 Near. Near. Near. Near. I mile. K mile. }4 mile. BAILEY. General locality. — Northeastern shore of St. Catherine Soimd, about ^ mile east by north of eastern end of St. Catherine Island and i mile north of the Potomac River. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on shelly ground on Bailey property, about 5 feet above high-water mark, 10 yards northeast of high-water mark, 7 yards northeast of a wire fence, 35 yards south-southeast of comer of wire fence, 30 yards north-northwesc of comer of wire and wooden fences, 25 yards north of Bailey house, and 40 yards west by south of comer of wooden fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Cobb Point Bar Light" (N 88° n' W) o Nail in blaze in one of four cedar trees (3 inches diameter) 13 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter). . 44 Comer of wire fence 46 00 2S-i miles. 29 12.37 meters. 59 27.82 meters. 29 32.06 meters. Chimney on house 90 38 150 yards. "River Springs Catholic Chapel Cross" 113 Comer of wooden fence 175 Chimney of Bailey house 203 Junction of wire and wooden fences 254 Left chimney of house on Waterloo Point 277 Nail in blaze in first of six cedar trees 297 Right chimney of small house on St. Catherine Island 348 06 00 I mile. 52 37-49 meters. 26 25 yards. 35 26.22 meters. 43 1^ mile. 27 10.76 meters. 02 I mile. 34 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. ST. CATHERINE. General locality. — Southern shore of St. Catherine Sound, on the northern side of St. Catherine Island. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 12 feet above high-water mark, 86 yards south of edge of bank, 49 yards west of line of young cedar trees, 198 yards northeast of a lone mulberry tree 3 feet in diameter, and 207 yards southeast of small house among trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 12 inches below the surface. References. — a / n " Cobb Point Bar Light " (N 81° o8'W) o Right side of right chimney on small house '13 Left chimney of large house on St. Margarets Island 34 Right chimney of house on Bullock Island 66 Chimney of Blackistone house 117 "River Springs Catholic Chapel Cross" 129 Left chimney of Bailey house 1 58 Right chimney of Young house on Waterloo Point . 207 00 00 ijs miles. 04 207 yards. 42 i.y% miles. 01 % mile. 39 y% mile. 17 40 i^s miles. 19 yi mile. 48 Yi mile. WATERLOO. General locality. — Southeastern shore of St. Catherine Sound, about ^ mile east-southeast of St. Catherine Island and about % mile north of Potomac River. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at top of rise in field, about 8 feet above high-water mark, 48 yards east by south of shore at a point where several mulberry trees stand, 43 yards south of large sugarberry tree, 19 yards south by east of wire-fence post, and 200 yards north of Young house on Water- loo Farm. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument, with top 12 inches below surface of ground. References. — ° "Sound" (N i8°4i' W) o Near end of peak of Blackistone bam 3 "Sacred Heart Church Spire (Bushwood) " . . . . 10 Peak of gable of Blackistone house at River Springs 21 Near peak of roof of Bailey house 31 Near peak of roof of Yates house 49 Near peak of roof of Quaid house 71 Near peak of house 92 Nail in blaze in apple tree (5 inches diameter) . . 1 1 1 Nail in blaze 8-inch branch on apple tree (14 inches diameter) 1 53 Nail in blaze in apple tree (6 inches diameter) . . 203 Near peak of roof of Young house 206 Left tangent of St. Catherine Island 300 Right chimney of roof of house on Bullock Island 337 Near peak of roof of house 352 00 I mile. I mile. 20 5 miles. J4 mile. X mile. }4 mile. X mile- }4 mile. 30 34-78 meters. 34 20 24.90 meters. 50 00 26.18 meters. 57 200 yards. 21 3,-A mile. 19 i}4 miles. 57 iM miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 35 PRINCE. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River, about }4 ™ile north of mouth of Swanson Creek. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in pasture about 20 feet above high water, 15 yards north- west of edge of bank, 75 yards northeast of a grove of trees, and 100 yards southwest of another grove of trees. Locust trees form a fringe along edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "Leitch" (883° 01' Ej o Square chimney on house o Chimney on store at Buena Vista ig Chimney of Dr. Huggins house at Buena Vista . . 21 Nearest chimney on Gourley house on Hallow- ing Point 55 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter) . . 79 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) . . no Outside chimney on large house on hill 1 50 Near end of peak of roof 226 Middle of clump of trees 273 00 100 yards. Chimney of house 311 04 i^ miles. Nail in blaze in crotch of locust tree (6 inches diameter) 350 39 10 19.27 meters. 00 00 I4 mile. 02 3^ mile. 15 134 miles. 07 i}4 miles. 16 2X miles. 38 30 15-94 meters. 13 30 14.55 meters. 45 K mile. 02 ^ mile. LEITCH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River, on prominent point opposite mouth of Swanson Creek, given on chart as Gods Grace Point, but known locally as Leitchs Point. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land about i foot above high water and 3 yards north of straight line connecting two round points. It is about 13 yards northwest of the lower of these two points and 9 yards east of upper point. A creek 3 feet wide has its mouth about 19 yards east by south of the station. There are no permanent objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — " Prince " (N 83° 00' W) o Near end of comer peak of roof of large house on hill 2S Near end of peak of wharf-house roof 77 Right chimney of house 183 Right chimney of Gourley house 253 Canning-house stack 277 " Catholic Church Cross" 281 Chimney of small house 308 Right outside chimney of old house 328 Right outside chimney of old house 343 FODDER. 00 00 }i mile. 02 iX miles. 46 X mile. 32 }i mile. 58 2 miles. 22 2 miles. 35 30 2 miles. 52 I mile. 43 iJ4 miles. 05 i}-! miles. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on the southern side of the mouth of Swanson Creek about i mile west-southwest of Leitch Wharf and f4 mile west-northwest of Point Judith (locally known as Teague Point). (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the edge of cultivated land about 10 feet above high- water mark, 4 yards west of edge of bank, and 9 yards north of another edge. Cement monument mark- ing reference station is 15.21 meters S 60° 52' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with a top 9 inches square and 8 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with a top about 8 inches square and 5 inches above surface ground. 36 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. References. — ° ' "Prince" (N 25° 00' E) o 00 Near peak of large house on bluff 17 55 Right corner of house 24 08 Near peak of Leitch Wharf house 35 11 Left peak of Leitch house 48 37 Front peak of house at Buena Vista 75 00 Chimney outside left end of house on hill 87 16 Near peak of small house loi ^t, Large chimney on small house 174 43 Left side of left chimney outside Bowling house 211 47 Reference station 215 52 Left comer of house on top of hill 318 27 mile, miles, miles, miles, miles, miles, miles, mile, mile. mile. meters. mile. \ BUENA. Reference station is ' miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River about 1J-4 miles northeast of Benedict at place known as Buena Vista. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field on land adjoining house owned by S. V. Smith and occupied by Dr. Huggins. It is about 10 feet above high water, 8 yards east of edge of bank, and 12 yards south of a rail fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 11 meters N 5° 42' E of observed station and near fence. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 2 inches above ground, center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — . o / // "Hallowing" (S 27° 22' W) o 00 00 Center of red roof on square house near Bene- dict ■ 18 05 Canning-house stack 21 "Catholic Chiu'ch Cross" 29 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) . . 31 Left chimney of old house Left chimney of old house Nail in blaze on cherry tree (2 inches diam- eter) Peak of roof of large house gg 15 Chimney of house near Leitch Wharf 108 52 Nail in blaze on fence post 143 ^;} Reference STATION 158 20 Near corner of house 159 44 Cherry tree on fence line (15 inches diameter). . 221 25 Double apple tree (30 inches diameter) 290 54 66 .... 2 miles. 30 ij^ miles. 04 10 i3^ miles. 48 40 8.58 meters. 15 3 miles. 52 3 miles. 05 9.70 meters. 4 miles. I mile. 50 II. 18 meters. 20 1 1. 1 1 meters. 25 yards. 35 yards. 59 yards. TEAGUE. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on point on southern side of entrance to Swan- son Creek, locally known as Teague Point, and given on chart as Point Judith. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on gravel and grass land about 3 feet above high water, about II yards from south side, 16 yards from north-northeast side, and 75 yards west by north of extreme end of point. Bushes stand between station and north side of point. There are no perma- nent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 37 References. — ° "Buena"(N85° 24' E) o Tangent of Teague Point 20 Near corner of right chimney of Gourley house near Hallowing Point 65 Canning-house stack 106 Near end of peak of hotel 108 Left one of two ivy-covered chimneys no " Catholic Church Cross " 114 Chimney on Slye House 130 Left chimney of house on hill 144 Tanget of high-water mark 168 Near end of peak of roof 223 Chimney on large house on hill 243 Left chimney on house 301 Near end of peak of roof on store at Buena Vista . . 355 00 00 I,' miles. ; yards. miles, miles, miles, mile, mile, miles, miles, yards, mile, miles, mile, miles. CATHOLIC CHURCH CROSS (BENEDICT). General locality. — Western shore of upper Patuxent River in the town of Benedict. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Catholic Church, located on the main street of the town of Benedict about one-fourth mile from the wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of cross on church. References. — None necessarJ^ CITY. 00 00 j.2 mile. 39 3'A miles. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on Town Point about one-fourth mile north- northeast of Benedict steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on gravel and shell point about 4 feet above high water, 12 yards northwest of the shore, 63 yards west-southwest of a shanty, about 100 yards west-southwest of extreme end of point, and 11 yards southeast of a slough. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hallowing" (S5i°2i'E) o Windmill near Sheridan Point 21 Two middle chimneys at Dowells 21 Left tangent of peak of wharf-house roof 81 Center of roof of square house 84 Canning-house stack 95 22 }^ mile. Nearest ivy -covered chimney of old house 130 "Catholic Church Cross" 142 Left square chimney of house 245 42 i}^ miles. Near end of peak of roof of Huggins house 280 54 i|^ miles. Near corner of shanty 300 44 63 yards. Right chimney of Gourley house 339 20 3^ mile. Chimney of old building behind wharf '. 352 01 ^ mile. 3>' miles, mile, mile. 50 '•8 mile. '4 mile. 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. HALLOWING. General locality. — Eastern shore of PattDcent River on point opposite Benedict, known locally as Holland Point, but given on charts as Hallowing Point. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a rounded gravel and grass point about 250 yards south of wharf on Holland Point, about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards north of shore, 8 yards east of shore, and 15 yards outside of a group of locust trees, sugar-berr\' trees, and bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "City" (N 51° 21' W) o 00 00 34^ mile. Left end of peak of roof of wharf house on Holland Point 23 15 250 yards. Chimney of store at Buena Vista 77 27 1^4 miles. Nail in blaze in nearest one of group of four sugar-berry trees (each 8 inches diameter) ... 92 24 12.88 meters. Nail in blaze in sugar-berry tree (10 inches diameter) log 58 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) . . 167 55 Smokepipe on Trent Hall Wharf building 227 35 Outside chimney of detached house at Soth- orons 309 54 I ' 2 miles. Center of roof on square house 314 15 ^ mile. Canning-house stack 333 16 }4 mile. " Catholic Chxu-ch Cross" 347 44 20 ^ mile. 50 15.74 meters. 40 11.90 meters. 2\i miles. INDIAN. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on north side of entrance to Indian Creek and about one-fourth mile below Benedict steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 7 yards west of shore, 16 yards northeast of a fence and a line of trees, 13 yards southwest of a lone locust tree, about 250 yards to the south-southeast of a large square house, and 125 yards east-northeast of another house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sothoron" (S 23° 11' E) o 00 00 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree near fence (5 inches diameter) t,^ 48 50 iS-57 meters. Nail in blaze in middle bnmcli of locust tree (6 inches diameter) 66 Square chimney on old house 137 Right chimney of square house 188 Near end of peak of roof of hotel 206 Canning-house stack 2 13 Nail in blaze in left branch of locust tree (5 inches diameter) 225 Right tangent of Benedict Wharf 228 Chimney of house near " Buena Vista" 245 Chimney of Gourley house 270 Windmill at Dowell 's on Sheridan Point 344 Left of right chimney on Dowell house 344 24 50 19.13 meters. 23 iX miles. 30 yi mile. 26 X mile. 22 10 X mile. 28 12.90 meters. 10 14 mile. 28 2I4 miles. I mile. ^14 miles. 4X miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. DWARF. 39 General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River about 2 miles north-northwest of Sheridan Point and about i '3 miles southeast of Benedict on a point of land opposite the mouth of Indian Creek. (See Chart No. a6.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land about i foot above high-water mark, 6 yards northeast from extreme end of point, 4 yards east of one edge of shore, and 6 yards north of another edge of shore. Point on which station is located has a sugar-berry tree, several small locust trees and water bushes, and a pond behind bushes and trees about 100 yards to the east. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sothoron" (S 42° 05' W) o Nearest comer of top of nearest chimney on tenant house 80 Center of roof of square house 83 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) . . 93 Canning-house stack 95 " Catholic Church Cross " 99 Left tangent of wharf 124 Nail in sugar-berr>- tree (10 inches diameter). . . . 152 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter) . . 196 Chimney on small house 258 Left point of peak of roof of Dowell's 287 Left end of peak of roof of Trent Hall Wharf. . . 315 Middle cupola on stable 321 Right pillar on Sothoron house porch 359 SOTHORON. 00 ^.'i mile. 2 miles. I mile. 30 4.22 meters. 33 ^14 miles. 10 1% miles. 34 mile. 38 30 8.94 meters. 22 20 2.68 meters. 48 2 miles. 30 2l4 miles. 35 iK miles. 12 20 iX miles. 21 I mile. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on Long Point between entrances to Indian and Trent Hall creeks. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass lowland about i foot above high-water mark among cedar trees, about 24 yards west by north of extreme end of point, 12 yards north of one edge of shore and 30 yards southwest of another edge of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hallowing" (N 13° 51' E) o Nearest chimney on Gourley house 3 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) . . 30 Left end of peak of roof of Do well house 120 Middle cupola on Trent Hall stable 150 25 00 1% miles. Point of middle attic window on John Bullinger house 187 Left pillar of porch of Sothoron house 206 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diameter) . 242 Near comer of nearest chimney on Slye house . . 291 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) . . 302 Right one of two outside chimneys on old house on hill on property of A. B. Slye 307 Center of roof on square house 323 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) . . 350 00 00 ij-4 miles. 55 1J4 miles. 49 3-35 meters. 35 2>4 miles. I mile. ^i mile. 50 8.12 meters. 20 ..... . 2 miles. 40 10.83 meters. 2 miles. I mile. 10 12.81 meters. 4P Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. BUZZ. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on southwest side of Buzzards Island /near mouth of Buzzards Island Creek. (See Chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh, clay, and grass land on wooded island about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards northeast of river shore and 40 yards northwest of extreme point of island. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.97 meters N 42° 23' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Morsel" (S 25° 23' E) o Smokepipe on roof of storehouse 39 Near comer of near chimney 40 Chimney of Trent Hall 50 Nearest of three cupolas on stable 54 Left piazzi post at Sothorons 102 Center of roof of square house 155 "Catholic Church Cross " 164 Nail in blaze in oak tree (18 inches diameter) . , 172 Nail in blaze in oak tree (18 inches diameter). . ig8 Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter). . 235 Reference station 252 Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . . 255 Chimney on house across creek 313 A 00 f^ mile. 2 miles. 2 miles. iX miles. 50 1% miles. 41 1% miles. 15 !%■ miles. 56 2 miles. 14 4.5s meters. 36 40 13.16 meters. 08 30 9.62 meters. 45 45 8.97 meters. 43 6.52 meters. 23 X mile. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. " The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the surv'^ey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Com- missioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delinea- tion on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in coopera- tion with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the corners of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyser-bar boundaries by competent engineers. There- fore the additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the pubhshed definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accuracy and very little to the convenience of practical use of the descriptions of the oyser-bar boundaries. 41 42 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. As provided by law the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to complicated 14-sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sides have varied in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the corners of the bound- aries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made and the magnitude of the work with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and the future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, and the one by which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name, in parentheses, is given the general locality of the oyster bar and the serial number of the "Maryland Oyster Chart" on which its legal boundaries are shown. " First column. — This column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buov marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i , thence proceeding in a clock- wise direction around the bar. Where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the corner of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definition of the location of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- <» These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Aid. 43 ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their loca- tion have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing"" and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This colunm, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station," *" gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corre- sponding " I<.atitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of the bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of "Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars: one, to determine whether the buoys marking the comers have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation "The mean magnetic variation for Charles County was 5° 20' west of north in 1910 and increasing at the rate of 4' yearly. & Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Super- intendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. 44 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar with this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrographic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take "Stoddard" oyster bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3," is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Key" and "Upper" as deter- mined from right to left from the forward bearings from this comer is 122° 28' and the angle between "Upper" and "Stoddard" is 88° 43'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the meas- ured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary comer must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor ("position finder"), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the boundary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 45 angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the protractor. The second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant then the other until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic location of a point is attained. In fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the Commission. (3) Magnetic bearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State fishery force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer can take compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination," and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared altogether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the corrected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks, for which the bearings are published, have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used. This can be done by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying these new bearings in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic bearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point mark- ing a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination) given in the fifth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. "■ The mean magnetic variation for Charles County is 5° 20' west of north in 1910 and increasing at the rate of 4' yearly. 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles' County, Md. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. The instrument is placed over a "triangulation station, " the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the "Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of 0° 00' 00" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the fposition of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. STODDARD. {Upper Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) Cor- ner Latitude. Longitude, True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I / // 38 21 30. 76 76 50 51. 20 N 55 14 E N 87 09 W S 52 52 W S 55 15 W S 87 10 E N 52 52 E Yards. 1,199 856 1.354 Key. Stoddard. Hay den. 2 38 21 31. 00 76 51 14-34 N 37 05 W N 81 S4 W S 29 24 w S 37 05 E S 81 54 E N 29 23 E I, 102 244 947 Upper. Stoddard. Hay den. 3 38 21 38.90 76 51 14.82 N 75 46 E N 46 42 W S 44 35 W S 75 46 W S 46 42 E N 44 35 E 1,663 896 326 Key. Upper. Stoddard. 4 38 21 38.74 76 50 51. 60 N 67 24 E N 64 01 W S 74 59 W S 67 24 W S 64 01 E N 74 59 E 1,078 I, 411 87s Key. Upper. Stoddard. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. WICOMICO LUMPS. {Upper Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) 47 Cor- Trae bearing. Latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. trjangula- °oT tion station. bar. Forward. Back. / // / // / / Yards. I 38 20 17. 64 76 51 40.36 S 85 05 E N 85 05 W 1,834 Fact. N 15 14 W S 15 14 E 775 Burr. S 54 28 W N 54 27 E 973 Bowman . 2 38 20 33. 54 76 51 45.42 N 17 57 E S 17 57 W 1,168 Hayden. N 18 07 W S 18 07 E 223 Burr. S 30 so W N 30 50 E 1,284 Bowman. 3 38 21 10. 18 76 50 51. 08 S 84 22 E N 84 22 W 897 Cohouck. N 49 23 W S 49 24 E I. 131 Stoddard. S 83 30 W N 83 29 E I, 090 Hayden. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 26 to comer No. 4. 4 38 20 51.98 76 50 58.86 N 64 26 E S 64 26 W 1,218 Cohouck. N 60 46 W S 60 46 E I, 004 Hayden . S 72 S4 W N 72 S4 E 1,368 Burr. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart Nc . 26 to comer No. 5. 5 38 20 20. 70 76 51 13.00 N 55 17 W J S 55 17 E 1,132 Burr. S 66 14 W i N 66 13 E I, 660 Bowman. S 76 42 E N 76 42 W I, 132 Fact. MILLS WEST. {Upper Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) / // / // , / Yards. I 38 19 50.98 76 51 45- 74 N 2 07 W S 2 07 E 1,648 Burr. N 62 50 W S 62 so E 729 Bowman . S 26 44 E N 26 43 W I, 156 Eedling. 2 38 20 17.64 76 51 40.36 S 8=; 05 E N 85 04 W 1,834 Fact. N IS 14 W S 15 14 E 775 Burr. S 54 28 W N 54 27 E 973 Bowman . 3 38 20 20. 70 76 151 13. 00 N 55 17 W S 55 17 E 1,132 Burr. S 66 14 W N 66 13 E , 1,660 Bowman. S 76 42 E N 76 42 W I, 132 Fact. Thence along county boundar>' as delineat ed on Chart No . 26 to comer No. 4. 4 38 20 00. 00 76 51 11.88 N 88 54 W S 88 55 E .1,548 Bowman. S 15 50 W N 15 50 E 1,392 Eedling. N 67 44 E S 67 44 W 1,157 Fact. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. JOES LUMPS. {Middle Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distaace. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- ot bar. Forward. Back. tion station. / // / // / / Yards. I 38 19 04. 42 76 50 28. 14 N 78 10 E N 2 14 W S 77 22 W S 78 II w S 2 14 E N 77 22 E 961 2-313 1,049 Farr. Fact. Gust. 2 38 19 04. 52 76 51 04. 74 S 12 18 W N 84 14 E N 46 57 W N 12 18 E S 84 15 W S 46 57 E 233 1,923 779 Gust. Farr. Eedling. 3 38 19 II. 00 76 51 12. 82 S 19 58 E S 89 18 E N 48 33 W N 19 58 W N 89 17 W S 48 33 E 480 2, 128 474 Gust. Farr. Eedling. 4 38 19 22. 46 76 51 17. 14 N 47 25 W S 73 02 W S 18 27 E S 47 26 E N 73 02 E N 18 27 W 1,913 250 879 Bowman. Eedling. Gust. 5 38 19 50.98 76 51 45-74 N 2 07 W N 62 50 W S 26 44 E S 2 07 E S 62 50 E N 26 43 W 1,648 729 I, 156 Burr. Bowman. Eedling. 6 38 20 00. 00 Thence alo 76 51 11.88 ng county bour N 88 54 W S 15 5° W N 67 44 E idary as delineat S 88 55 E N 15 50 E S 67 44 W ed on Chart No I, 548 Bowman. 1, 392 Eedling. 1,157 Fact. . 26 to comer No. i. 1 WINDMILL. {Middle Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) / // / // / , Yards. ' I 38 18 13.28 76 50 55.00 S 20 55 E S 87 33 E N II 43 W N 20 55 W N 87 32 W S II 43 E 502 2,227 I, 523 Hedney. Lyon. Gust. 2 38 18 35. 66 76 50 54. 30 S 7 28 E S 68 56 E N 23 54 W N 7 28 W N 68 55 W S 23 5; E 1,237 2,359 809 Hedney. Lyon . Gust. 3 38 18 45. 28 76 51 04. 61 S 15 43 E S 64 37 E N 7 25 W N 15 43 W N 64 36 W S 7 25 E 1,604 2,745 421 Hedney. Lyon. Gust. 4 38 18 53. 20 76 50 57. 30 S 7 32 E N 71 28 E N 59 02 W N 7 32 W S 71 29 W S 59 02 E 1,834 1,809 289 Hedney. Farr. Gust. 5 38 19 04. 52 76 51 04. 74 S 12 18 W N 84 14 E N 46 57 W N 12 18 E S 84 15 W S 46 57 E 233 1,923 779 Gust. Farr. Eedling. 6 7 38 19 04. 42 Thence a 38 18 24. 45 76 50 28. 14 ong the county 76 50 16. 82 N 78 10 E N 2 14 W S 77 22 W boundary as de S 44 40 W S 68 42 E N 22 31 E S 78 II W S 2 14 E N 77 22 E ineated on Cha N 44 39 E N 68 42 W S 22 31 W 961 2.313 1,049 rt No. 26 t 1, 189 1,299 1, 672 Farr. Fact. Gust. comer No. 7. Hedney. Lyon. Farr. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. FENWICK. {Middle Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) 49 Cor- True bearing. Latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of tion station. bar. Forward. Back. / u / // / / Yards. I 38 17 55-86 76 50 36. 14 N 69 46 W S 69 46 E 343 Hedney. S 14 00 E N 14 00 W I, 227 Charles. N 74 04 E S 74 04 W 1,792 Lyon. 2 38 18 13.28 76 50 55. 00 S 20 55 E N 20 55 W 502 Hedney. S 87 33 E N 87 32 W 2, 227 Lyon. N II 43 W S II 43 E 1.523 Gust. 3 38 18 24.45 76 50 16. 82 S 44 40 w N 44 39 E I, 189 Hedney. S 68 42 E N 68 42 W 1,299 Lyon. N 22 31 E S 22 ?i W 1,672 Farr. Thence alo ng the county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 26 to comer No. 4. 4 38 17 55-98 76 50 08. 16 N 63 31 E S 63 32 W i.°95 Lyon. N 83 52 W S 83 52 E I, 072 Hedney. S 20 30 W N 20 30 E 1.275 Charles. WICOMICO MIDDLE GROUND. {Middle Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) / // / // / / Yards. 1 38 17 26. 40 76 49 42. 82 S 68 36 E N II 40 E S 80 01 W N 68 35 W S II 40 W N 80 00 E 1.357 I, 520 1. 137 Weiss. Lyon. Charles. 2 38 17 31-78 76 50 25. 60 S 2 32 E N 47 54 E N 32 54 W N 2 32 W S 47 55 W S 32 54 E 379 1.945 1,108 Charles. Lyon. Hedney. 3 38 17 55.86 76 50 36. 14 N 69 46 W S 14 00 E S 69 46 E N 14 00 W 343 I, 227 Hedney. Charles. N 74 04 E S 74 04 W 1,792 Lyon. 4 38 17 55-98 76 50 08. 16 N 63 31 E N83 52 W S 20 30 W S 63 32 w S 83 52 E N 20 30 E 1.095 1,072 1.275 Lyon . Hedney. Charles. Thence along county boundary as de 1 1 ineated on Cha rt No. 26 t comer No. i. f Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. CHARLESTON CREEK. {Middle Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) Cor- Trae bearing. Latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- el tion station. bar. Forward. Back. , „ / // , / Yards. I ;,8 16 45. g8 76 \ci 04. 48 S 3 SI E N 3 51 W 697 Hard. N 64 45 E S 64 45 W 2.033 Weiss. N 25 02 W S 25 03 E 1,286 Charles. 2 38 17 10. 08 76 so 04. so S I 48 E N I 48 W 1,508 Hard. N 88 17 E S 88 18 W 1,841 Weiss. N 57 01 W S 57 01 E 649 Charles. 3 38 17 26. 40 76 49 42. 82 S 68 36 E N 68 35 W 1.357 Weiss. N II 40 E S II 40 W I. 520 Lyon. S 80 01 W N 80 00 E I. 137 Charles. Then ce along count> boundary as delineated on Chart No. 26 to comer No. 4. 4 38 16 55. 66 76 49 32. 82 N 61 31 E S 61 32 W r. 133 Weiss. N 58 48 W S 58 49 E 1,621 Charles. S 37 53 W N 37 53 E 1,294 Hard. LANCASTER. {Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) / // / // / ■ / Yards. I 38 16 26. 20 76 49 48. 82 S 73 19 E N 73 18 W 2, 146 Prec. N 42 so E S 42 51 w 2.093 Weiss. S 85 37 W N 85 37 E 371 Hard. 2 ^8 16 30. 22 7ft 50 04. 42 S 15 25 E N IS 25 W 170 Hard. N 52 43 E S S2 44 W 2,310 Weiss. N 17 50 W S 17 51 E 1.783 Charles. 3 38 16 4i;. 98 76 so 04. 48 S 5 SI E N 3 SI W 697 Hard. N 64 45 E S 64 is w 2,033 Weiss. N 25 02 W S 25 03 E 1,286 Charles. 4 S8 16 55- 66 76 49 32. 82 N 61 31 E vS 61 32 W I, 133 Weiss. N 58 48 W S s8 49 E I, 621 Charles. S 37 53 W N 37 53 E 1,294 Hard. Thence along the cour ty boundary as ( [elineatcd in CI lart No. 2f ) to comer No 5- 5 38 ]6 34.94 76 49 13. 42 S 50 45 E N 50 45 W 1,442 Prec. N 67 32 E S 67 32 W I. 791 Blakistone. N 21 15 E S 21 15 W 1.330 Weiss. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. ROCK POINT. {Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) 51 Cor- ner Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula tion station. of bar- Forward. Back. I 38 15 53.62 76 49 54. 98 / N 77 43 E N 10 53 W S 47 24 W S 77 43 W S 10 S3 E N 47 24 E Yards. 2,271 1,090 944 Prec. Hard. Corner. 2 38 15 53- 70 76 50 09.30 S 26 08 W N 79 31 E N 9 18 E N 26 08 E S 79 32 w vS 9 18 W 717 2,644 1,082 Corner. Prec. Hard. 3 38 15 56.62 76 50 23. 06 S 3 S3 E N 82 39 E N 29 10 E N 3 53 W S 82 40 W S 29 10 W 744 2,991 I, no Corner. Prec. Hard. 4 38 15 56. 19 76 50 26. 80 S II 40 E N 82 38 E N 33 03 E N II 40 W S 82 39 W S 33 04 w 743 3.091 I. 173 Corner. Prec. Hard. 5 38 IS 58-92 76 50 26. 82 S 10 24 E N 84 20 E N 35 42 E N 10 24 W S 84 22 w S 35 42 W 834 3,081 1,098 Corner. Prec. Hard. 6 38 16 00. 00 76 50 18. 76 S 4 17 w N 84 39 E N 26 30 E N 4 17 E S 84 40 W S 26 30 w 857 2,864 956 Comer. Prec. Hard. 7 38 16 20. 60 76 50 01. 98 S 18 13 W S 79 54 E N 6 59 W N 18 13 E N 79 53 W S 6 59 E 1,632 2,443 162 Corner. Prec. Hard. 8 38 16 26. 20 76 49 48. 82 S 73 19 E N 42 50 E S 85 37 W N 73 18 W S 42 51 w N 85 37 E 2, 146 2,093 371 Prec. Weiss. Hard. 9 38 16 34. 94 76 49 13. 42 S 50 4S E N 67 32 E N 21 15 E N 50 45 W S 67 32 W S 21 15 W 1,442 1,791 1,330 Prec. Blakistone. Weiss. 10 38 16 01. 56 76 49 a- 97 N 82 38 E N 43 36 W S 54 07 W S 82 39 W S 43 36 E N 54 07 E 1,67s I, 108 1,550 Prec. Hard. Corner. 52 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. SHIPPING POINT. (Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. Trae bearing. • Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- el bar. Forward. Back. tion station. / /f / /, / / Yards. I 38 15 26.96 76 49 47. 60 N 73 48 W S 8 55 E S 65 57 E S 73 49 E N 8 55 W N 65 57 W 93° 1,830 1,858 Corner. Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. 2 38 15 28. 40 76 50 12. 00 S 26 40 E S 71 03 E N 49 15 W N 26 40 W N 71 02 W S 49 15 E 2,078 2, 480 322 Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. Corner. 3 38 15 42.76 76 49 57. 94 N 5 03 W S 66 04 W S 13 25 E S 5 03 E N 66 04 E N 13 25 W 1,441 676 2, 406 Hard. Comer. Cobb Point Bar Light. 4 38 15 53- 70 76 50 09. 30 S 26 08 W N 79 31 E N 9 18 E N 26 08 E s 79 32 w S 9 18 W 717 2,644 1,082 Corner. Prec. Hard. 5 38 15 53-62 76 49 54. 98 N 77 43 E N 10 53 W S 47 24 w S 77 43 W S 10 53 E N 47 24 E 2, 271 I, 090 944 Prec. Hard. Corner. 6 38 15 45. 40 76 49 40. 46 N 67 30 E N 23 43 W S 71 27 W S 67 31 W S 23 43 E N 71 27 E 1,985 I. 471 I, 142 Prec. Hard. Corner. COBB POINT. {Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 14 32. 61 76 49 24. 30 N 45 04 E N 35 52 W N 85 52 W S 45 OS W S 35 53 E S 8s 52 E i> 522 2,580 337 St. Margaret 2. Comer. Cobb Point Bar Light. ^ 38 14 U- ii 76 49 36. 93 S 81 09 E N 53 22 E N 29 39 W N 81 08 W S 53 23 W S 29 39 E 3.285 I, 762 2,379 St. Catherine. St. Margaret 2. Comer. 3 38 14 38. 79 76 49 53. 05 S 66 46 E N 64 48 E N 21 39 W N 66 45 W S 64 49 W S 21 40 E 467 2-035 ■2, 030 Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. Comer. 4 38 15 00. 00 76 50 16. 60 S 49 33 E N 86 28 E N 5 53 W N 49 33 W S 86 29 W S 5 53 E 1,386 2,473 1,173 Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. Comer. 5 38 IS 00. 00 76 49 47. 48 S 17 22 E N 84 S3 E N 37 30 W N 17 22 W S 84 54 W S 37 3° E 940 I, 701 1,471 Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret a. Comer. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. TEAGUE. (Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. 26.) 53 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 31 26.32 76 40 15. 01 N 74 28 E N 40 12 W S 13 24 w S 74 29 W S 40 12 E N 13 24 E Yards. 1,750 408 I, 222 Buena. Teague . City. 2 38 31 47- 57 76 40 25. 32 S I 23 E S 82 47 E N 23 49 E N I 23 W N 82 46 W S 23 49 W 405 1,974 1,208 Teague. Buena. Leitch. 3 38 31 41.00 76 40 05. 60 S 88 56 E N I 28 W S 70 21 W N 88 56 W S I 28 E N 70 21 E 1,436 1,328 545 Buena. Leitch. Teague. 4 38 31 31.00 76 40 00. 50 N 76 34 E N 5 48 W N 76 37 W S 76 35 W .S 5 48 E S 76 38 E 1,337 1,673 666 Buena. Leitch. Teague. ELBOW. (Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. 26.) / // / „ / / Yards. I 38 31 II. 40 76 40 07. 18 N 30 01 W S 35 30 W S 12 36 E S 30 02 E N 35 30 E N 12 36 W 942 844 1,346 Teague . City. Hallowing. 2 38 31 21.38 76 40 07. 64 N 66 55 E N 43 48 W S 25 02 W S 66 56 W S 43 48 E N 25 02 E I, 620 663 1,131 Buena. Teague. City. 3 38 31 23.96 76 39 59- 32 N 66 36 E N 60 02 W S 32 10 W S 66 37 W S 60 03 E N 32 10 E 1,383 784 1,312 Buena. Teague. City. 4 3831 15-42 76 39 58. 63 N 56 IS E N 45 45 W S 41 07 w .S 56 16 W S 45 45 E N 41 07 E 1,505 973 I, 090 Buena. Teague. City. 54 Svrvcy "/ Oyxtcr Bars, Chailcs Counly, Md. CARPENTERS YARD. (Upper Patuxcnt River — Chart No. 26., APPENDIXES. Appendix A.— LAWS RELATING TO THK COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND nUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THIv MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, in surveying the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Marj-land to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland: [Act of Congress approved May 26. 1906.I AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State lioard of shcUlish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Marj-land; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam launches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Marj-land, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. [Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906.] AN ACT Making appropriatii>ns for sundry civil expenses of the Goxemment for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, namely: * * * 55 56 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For auy special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, approved May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six, and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars, together with the unexpended balance under this appropriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby reappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven. * * * [Act of Congress approved March 4, igo?.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of tlie Government for tlie fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely : * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Mar>'land, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. * * * [Act of Congress approved May 27, 1908.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * *- * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1909.J AN ACT Making appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten. and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved Jime 25, 1910.I AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Marj-land, to be immediately available fifteen thousand dollars. Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 57 [Act of the Legislature of Maryland approved April 2, 1906.] AN ACT To establish and promote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this Act, and * * *, Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following sections be, and they are hereby, added to article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters. " * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey, as hereinafter required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapolis, and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all natural beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. * * * Sec. 87. The Governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States coast and geodetic survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. Sec. 8q. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, igo6, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by the United States coast and geodetic survey and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this Act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the said to the Clerks of the Circuit court for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed as hereinafter provided: the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose. And the said survey and report, when filed, subject to the rightof appeal hereafter provided for in this Act. shall be taken in all of the courts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars or rocks lying within the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this Act, and that all areas of the Chesa- peake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland, not shown in the survey to be natural oyster beds, bars or rocks shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms and open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this Act; provided, that the said survey and report shall not be construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appro- priated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this Act. \ 58 Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. The law of the State of Maryland, passed March g, 1842, authorizing officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the survey, is as follows: AN ACT Concerning the Survey of the Coast of Maryland. Section i. Be it cnucled by the General Assembly of Mtiryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United States, * * * at any time hereafter tP enter upon lands within this State for the purpose of exploring, sur- veying, triangulating, or leveling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary- to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injur)' to private or other property. Sec. 2.0 And be it enacted, That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injurj' to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious free- holders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or possessors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days' notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses (to be by them sworn or affirmed and examined ), shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceedings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five daj's thereafter in the office of the clerk of the county in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as afore- said, and the said report so made as aforesaid if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of congress aforesaid, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary' to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either party may and shall be heard before and the damage assessed by a jury of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. ,Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument or btiilding or any appendage thereto, erected, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first prosecute the same before any justice of the peace of the county where the person so offending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United States of America, in any court of competent jurisdiction. 1 Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except through the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. 59 Appendix B.— THE HAMAN OYSTER CULTURE LAW. lE>4tract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commissiou.) OBJECT. "The legislature in placing chapter 711 of the acts of igo6, better known as the Human Oyster Culture Law. upon the statute books of Maryland, had a twofold object in view: 1. To encourage an industry' in oyster culture upon the barren bottoms beneath the tidewaters of the State. 2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars for the purpose of oyster culture. " "To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing of natural bars impossible, pro- vision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accurately locating and marking the same. It was definitely provided that no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, charted, and marked with buoys. " Definition of a Natural Oyster Bar. NATURAL bar NOT DEFINED. "The Shell Fish Commission is instructed by section go of the Haman Oyster Culture Law to exercise its judgment liberally in favor of the natural bars when surveying, charting and buoying them, but other than this the Commission is uninstructcd in this important matter. The responsibility of defining a natural bar is placed upon the Commission." DIVERSITY OF OPINION. " No definition of a natural oyster bar could be formulated by any man or body of men which would ■ meet with the approval of all parties concerned. Oystermen, as a rule, hold that all bottoms where oysters grow or have grown naturally even though now practically barren of oysters should be considered natural bars. Other citizens of the State who are not directly interested in the oyster business, but interested in the oyster industry from the standpoint of revenue, hold, as a rule, that no bottoms should be excluded from leasing for oyster culture which, by methods known to oyster culturists, may be made to yield a greater number of oysters than they now produce." " It should be evident to every one that neither of these definitions could be adopted by the Com- mission as a working basis for determining which of the groimds surveyed arc natural oyster bars." THE GOLDSBOROUGH DEFINITION. The definition of a natural oyster bar which very nearly approaches a reasonable and satisfactory compromise between the views of the subject held by oystermen on one hand and by oyster culturists on the other is that contained in an opinion rendered by Judge Charles F. Goldsborough in the circuit court for Dorchester County in the July term, 1881, in the case of William T. Windsor and George R. Todd V. Job T. Moore. This definition has been adopted by the >Shell Fish Commission as the basis for the determination of the status of the various oyster bottoms surveyed and is as follows; What then is a natural bar or bed of oysters? It would be a palpable absurdity for the »State to attempt to promote the propagation and growth of oj'sters and to encourage its citizens, by a grant of land, to engage in their culture, if the lands authorized to be taken up were only those upon which oysters do not and can not be made to grow. That there may be lands covered by water in the State where no oysters can be found, but where, if planted, they could be cultivated successfully, may be possible, but, if so, I imagine that their extent must be too limited for them to be of much practical, general advantage for the purposes of such a law as the one under discussion; but there are thousands of acres of hard and shifting sands where oysters not only are not found, but where it would be folly to plant them, and these latter it can not be supposed that the State intended to offer to give away, for the simple reason that the State could not help knowing that nobody would have them. 6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Charles County, Md. Upon the other hand there are large and numerous tracts where oysters of natural gro\vth may be found in moderate numbers, but not in quantities sufficient to make it profitable to catch them, and yet where oysters may be successfully planted and propagated. In my opinion these can not be called natural bars or beds of oysters, within the meaning of the Act of Assembly, and it is just such lands as these that the State meant to allow to be taken up under the provisions of the above-mentioned section of the Act. But there is still another class of lands where oysters grow naturally and in large quantities and to which the public are now and have been for many years in the habit of resorting with a view to earning a livelihood by catching this natural growth, and here. I think, is the true test of the whole question. Land can not be said to be a natural oyster bar or bed merel)' because oysters are scattered here and there upon it, and because if planted they will readily live and thrive there; but whenever the natural growth is so thick and abundant that the public resort to it for a livelihood, it is a natural oyster bar or bed and comes within the above-quoted restriction in the law, and can not be located or appropriated by any individual. APPLICATION OF DEFINITION. Before this definition may be of use in determining, accurately and scientifically, the status of an oyster ground, its central idea, "livelihood," must be expanded into accurately determinable factors, and these factors must be combined into a practical scheme of investigating the condition of the ground under consideration. vStated briefly, a livelihood is represented by a sum of moHcj' obtained from the sale, at a fixed price, of a certain quantity of oysters gathered in a given time from an allotted area of ground. Knowing the value of each of these factors it becomes possible to calculate the number of oysters an oyster ground must produce per square yard in order that oystcrmen may secure a livelihood by working upon it. Note. — The factors into which the Commission resolved the livelihood problem, the value assigned to each factor, and the scheme devised for practical use in examining and applying the definition to oyster bottoms are given in outline in their second report under the heading of the preceding extract, and in detail in their first report on pages 32 to 69. Appendix C— SUMMARY OF THE PARTICULAR SURVEYING OPERATIONS WHICH CON- STITUTE AN "OYSTER SURVEY" AS NOW BEING CARRIED ON IN MARYLAND. Explanation. — A brief account of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to many who may not understand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its complicated character. To those familiar with methods used in surveying and charting the characteristic features of large bodies of water there is an evident necessity for the various operations performed, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of the private lots leased for purposes of oyster culture must be surveyed and charted with the greatest practical accuracy. To others it will be sufiicient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that in order to avoid endless dissatisfaction and litigation it is necessary to accurately locate and per- manently establish oyster boundaries as is now being done in Maryland. Triangulation survey. — Such refinement of survey work as that demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey when carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by the use of a system of triangulation as a framework or foundation. Therefore, a triangulation survey including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments and a record of the descriptions of their locations for future recovery is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Topographic survey. — The technical records which establish the relation between the ofTshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engineers in making resurveys, but do not supply the needs of others who are interested in the same boundaries by reas M 'O --t r^^O ^oo ro'O •^^ h 5 ui CJ (U IH • = C 3 -T3 o ^ a o 2 ti <50< •a" a t Am 2 .^ ^ 'h •S =» > Sag o -a « S.S 3 oi iJ rt O "rl •— — ' H^o ■e S.2 — ^ .5 a S_g >.2^ II « a; D.-^ O « M Ei-S' — c3 ^ « t; -^ « B 'I g -g ^ a E ^ -S -B M ^ J2 S t- nj r II t;^ S o K is, Is .sg 3M •S " 8 8 S a 2-9 M-o 0-3 c Se 0) ^ C^ li i DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN Superintendent f SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS DORCHESTER COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 I LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, August 17, i<)i2. Sir ; I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, together with certain technical results which are necessarv for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the Shell Fish Com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, and 191 2. Respectfully, O. H. TiTTMANN, Superintendent. To Hon. Charles Nagel, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. 3 i I CERTIFICATION Baltimore, Md., May 4, igi2. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in Dorchester County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, Chirf of Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, A ssistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Baltimore, Md., May 4, igi2. Examined and certified to be correct. Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell G^ave, Benjamin K. Green, Maryland Shell Fish Commission. SwEPSON Earle, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — Certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of Dorchester County were filed in the oflice of the clerk of the circuit court of Dorchester County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners on August 17, 1912. 5 i CONTENTS Page- Progress map follows i8o Letter of submittal 3 Certification '■ 5 Introduction: Publications i7 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey i8 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries i8 General statement of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey i8 Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions 21 Organization and equipment 21 Chronological statement of work 22 Statistics -.3 General remarks 24 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster bars 25 Leasing charts 26 Projections 27 Progress maps 27 Boundaries of the county waters: Waters within territorial limits of county . 28 Waters contiguous to county 3° Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations): Explanation 3' Method of describing triangulation stations 31 Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent watcrs- Chart No. j5 (Upper Choptank River) — Weather Bureau staff 34 First 34 Bach 34 Boone ;, 35 Enter 35 Landeye 35 Choptank River Light (see alw Chart No. 37) 36 Benoni 2 (sec Progress map) 36 Chlora 36 Trappe 37 Grubin • 37 Black Beacon 38 Howells 38 Red 38 Double 39 Boling 39 Rear 4° Chancellor 40 7 8 Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Charl No. J5 (Upper Choptank River) — Continued. Page. Barber 41 Duck (Choptank River) 41 Jam 42 Spindle 42 Bank 42 Raccoon 43 Blind 43 Up ^ 44 Myrtle 44 Hut 44 House 45 Saw 45 Wick 45 War 46 Gander 47 Chief ; 47 Shell 48 Whitehall 48 Ferry 48 Shoal 49 E. Cambridge Tall Stack 49 E. Cambridge Spire ' 50 Cambridge Stand Pipe 50 Cambridge 50 Hambrooks Bar Beacon 50 Dicks Water Tank 50 Command 51 Howard 51 Toot 52 Le Compte 52 Large Water Tank 52 Castle 53 Chart No. 36 (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity of Little Choptank River) — Jere 53 Sharps Island Light 53 Black S3 Bar (see Progress map) * 54 Change 1910 (see Progress map) 54 Chef (see also Chart No. 37) 55 Cook Point Windmill (see also Chart No. 37) 55 Brannock (see also Chart No. 37 ) 56 Robins (.fee aijo Chart No. 37) 56 Ragged Point 3 (see also Chart No. 37) 57 Torrey (see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 57 Maryland (see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 58 Whitewash (see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 58 Moore (see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 59 Veith (see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 59 Can (see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 59 Skid (see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 60 Rede (see also Chart. No. 37) 60 James (see also Chart No. 37) 61 Contents. 9 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Charl No. J/ (Little Clioptank River and tributariesi — Page. Choptank River Light {sec aho Chart No. 35) 36 Nelson 3 {see Progress map) 61 Annette {see Progress map) 62 Peary {sec Progress map) 62 Irish {see Progress map ) 62 Roys {see Progress map) 63 Creek {sec Progress map) 63 Comer (Choptank River) 64 Dot 64 Chef {see also Chart No. 36) 55 Cook Point Windmill {see also Chart No. 36) 55 Brannock {see also Chart No. 36) S^ Robins {see abo Chart No. 36) 56 Ragged Point 3 {see also Chart No. 36) 57 Hudson 65 Jenifer 65 Henry 66 Mitchell 66 Back 66 Bayly 67 Carrie 67 Louise 68 Greenwell 68 Ross 68 Phil 69 Dupont 69 Beckwith 70 Cherry Island Water Tank 70 Lee 70 Solomon . 70 Seth . 71 Adam . . , 71 Layton 72 David 72 Town 72 Swep ; 73 Hugh 73 Etta 74 Mary 74 Neil 74 Kirby 75 Paul (Little Choptank River) {see Progress map) 75 Church Creek (No. i West) 76 Austin 76 Tom 76 Brooks 77 Doctor 77 Eleanor 78 Laney 78 Mac 78 Madison Southern M. E. Church Spire 79 Tobacco Stick 79 Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Charl No. yj (Little Choptank River and tributaries) — Continued. Wool Pov {sec also Chart No. 38) Torrey (see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) Maryland {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) Whitewash (.rte also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) Moore {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) Veith {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) Can {see also Charts Charts Nos. 36 and 38) Skid {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) Rede {see also Chart No. 36) James {see also Chart No. 36) Chart No. j8 (Chesapeake Bay, between James Island and Barren Island )- Pov {see also Chart No. 37) Torrey {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) Maryland {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) Noblee Finish Taylor Harrington Whitewash {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) Moore {sec also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) Veith {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) Can {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) Skid {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) Travers 2 Dunnock Cove Point Light Point of Rocks Chart No. jp (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity of Barren Island) — Cedar Point Light Hooper Island Light South North ' Mint Keenes {see also Chart No. 40) Gunners {see also Chart No. 40) Hosier Memorial Church spire {sec also Chart No. 40) Mount Zion M. E. Church spire {sec also Chart No. 40) Bridge {sec also Chart No. 40) Chart No. 40 (Honga River) — Applegarth ' Hopkins Memorial Church cupola Hoopersville Methodist Church cupola Bentley Bridge {sec also Chart No. 39) Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire {see also Chart No. 39) Hosier Memorial Church Spire {see also Chart No. 39) Gunners {see also Chart No. 39) Keenes {see also Chart No. 39) Kerwin Wroten 89 Contents. 1 1 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey tri angulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. (/hart No. 40 (Honga River) — Continued. Page, Charles 89 Lakes 90 Asquith 90 Windmill 2 91 Paul (Honga River) 91 Toddville M. E. Church Spire ... 91 Duck (Honga River) 92 St. Thomas Church Spire 92 Norman .92 Hooper Strait Light 93 Chart No. 41 (Fishing Bay and Nanticoke Riven — Crab 93 Head 93 Croch 93 Roast 94 Farm 94 Thoro. .■ 95 High 95 Elliott 95 Ear 96 Fish , 96 Frog 96 Cow , 97 ' Okay , 97 Ar '. 98 Gover {see Progress map) . 98 Streett {see Progress map) 99 Earle (see Progress map I ! 99 Juliet {see Progress map ) 99 Pole ' TOO Bivalve Church 100 Rag -. . , , 100 Nanticoke Church loi Roar loi Nanti loi White 102 Great Shoals Light {see Progress map) T02 Room 102 Sharkfin Shoal Light 103 Haines , 103 Deal Island Church , 103 ( hart No. 42 (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity of Holland Island) — Solomons Lump Light {sec Progress map) 103 Holland Island Bar Light 104 Holland Island Church Spire 104 Okahanikan 104 Senator {see Progress map) 104 Miles {see Progress map) 105 Fog 2 (see Progress map) 105 Point No Point Light (see Progress map) 105 Point Lookout Light (see Progress map) 105 1 2 Contents. Boundaries of oyster bars: Page. Explanation io6 Method of describing boundaries 107 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries 108 Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county ' iii Chart No. ;^5 (Upper Choptank River) — Drum Point iii Cabin Creek Entrance in Cabin Creek 112 Tanners Patch 112 Dixon 112 Oyster Shell Point 113 States Bank 113 Shoal Creek 1 13 Green Marsh 114 Hambrooks 114 Turtle Back 114 Sandy Hill Lumps 115 Sandy Hill 115 Commander 116 Horn Point 116 Le Compte 117 Castle Haven Creek 117 Castle Haven {see also Chart No. 37) . , 118 Ckart No. 36 (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity of Little Choptank River) — Cook Point (see also Chart No. 37) 1 18 Red Buoy (see also Chart No. 37) 119 Spedden {see also Chart No. 37) iig Dupont {see also Chart No. 37) 120 Diamond {see also Chart No. 37) 120 Brannock {see also Chart No. 37) 120 Mill Point {see also Chart No. 37) 121 Hills Point {see also Chart No. 37) 121 Hills Point North {see also Chart No. 37) 121 Hills Point South {see also Chart No. 37) 122 James Point 122 Travers {see also Chart No. 38) 123 Marshall {see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 123 Oyster Creek {see also Chairts Nos. 37 and 38) 124 Granger {see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 124 Cators {see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 124 Henpeck {see also Charts Nos 37 and 38) 125 Slaughter Creek {see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 125 Hooper {see also Charts Nos. 37 and 38) 125 Nine Acres {see also Chart No. 37) 126 Little Choptank {see also Chart No. 37) 126 Ragged Point {see also Chart No. 37) 127 Peanut Hill {see also Chart No. 37) 127 Ragged Point Flats {see also Chart No. 37) 128 Cow Island {see also Chart No. 37) 128 Bald Eagle (jee airo Chart No. 37) 129 1 See separate publications for boundaries of natural oyster bars in adjacent counties. Contents. 1 3 Boundaries of oyster bars— Continued. Page. Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county — Continued. Chart No. J7 (Little Choptank River and tributaries) — Castle Haven (see also Chart No. 35) ii8 Comers WTiarf 129 Logans Hill 129 Todd Point 130 Cook Point {see abo Chart No. 36) 1 18 Red Buoy {see also Chart No. 36) iig Spedden {see also Chart No. 36) 119 Dupont {see also Chart No. 36) 120 Diamond {see also Chart No. 36) 120 Brannock (see also Chart No. 36) 120 Mill Point (see also Chart No. 36) 121 Hills Point {see also Chart No. 36) 121 Hills Point North (see also Chart No. 36) 121 Hills Point South (see also Chart No. 36) 122 Bald Eagle (see also Chart No. 36) 129 Cow Island (see also Chart No. 36) ■ 128 Ragged Point Flats (see also Chart No. 36) 128 Peanut Hill (see also Chart No. 36) 127 Ragged Point (see also Chart No. 36) 127 Little Choptank {see also Chart No. 36) 126 Nine acres {see also Chart No. 36) 126 Hooper (see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) 125 Slaughter Creek (see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) 125 Henpeck (see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) 125 Cators (see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) 124 Granger {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) 124 Oyster Creek (see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) 124 Marshall {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 38) 123 Along Shore (see also Chart No. 38) 131 Susquehanna 132 Little Pollard 132 Cason 132 Tobacco Stick 133 Butterpot 133 Hudson 133 Ross 134 McKeils Point 134 Town 135 Brumell 135 Cherry Island 136 Jones 136 Pattison 137 Bam Point 137 Saltwork 137 Fishing Creek 138 Grapevine 138 Chart No . jS (Chesapeake Bay, between James Island and Barren Island) — Along Shore {see also Chart No. 37) 131 Slaughter Creek {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) 125 Bridge '. 138 Hooper {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) 125 14 Contents. Boundaries of oyster bars — Continued. Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county — Continued. Chart No. j8 (Chesapeake Bay, between James Island and Barren Island) — Continued. Page. Henpeck {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) 125 Cators {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) 124 Granger {see aUo Charts Nos. 36 and 37) 124 Oyster Creek {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) 124 Marshall {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) 123 Travers {see also Chart No. 36) 123 Punch Island Creek 139 Chart No. jp (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity of Barren Island) — Stone Pile 139 New Discovery . 139 Horse Point Channel {see also Chart No. 40; 140 Ware {see also Chart No. 40) 140 White Wood 141 Tar Bay 141 Tubbmans Drain {see also Chart No. 40) 142 Peanut {see also Chart No. 40) 142 Gum {see also Chart No. 40) 142 Wroten Island {see also Chart No. 40) 143 Chart No. 40 (Honga River) — Tubbmans Drain {see also Chart No. 39) 142 Peanut {see also Chart No. 39) 142 Gum {see also Chart No. 39) 142 Wroten Island {see also Chart No. 39) 143 Horse Point Channel {see also Chart No. 39) 140 Ware {see also Chart No. 39) 140 Smoke Point 143 Dark Point 144 Lakes Cove 144 Windmill 145 Hickory 145 Lower Thoroughfare 146 Paul 146 Crab Point 147 Norman 147 Applegarth 147 Hooper Strait 148 Richland , 148 Bloodsworth {see also Chart No. 41) 149 Chart No. 41 (Fishing Bay and Nanticoke River) — Bloodsworth {see also Chart No. 40) 149 Hopkins Cove 149 Red Sector 150 Bell Buoy {see also Chart No. 42) 150 Jane 151 Mud (Dorchester County) 151 Sharkfin Shoal 152 Ware Sands 152 Sand Shoal 153 Clay Island 153 Evans 154 Goose Creek 154 Contents. 15 Boundaries of oyster bars — Continued. Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county — Continued. Charl No. 41 (Fishing Bay and Nanticoke River) — Continued. Page. Duck Island 155 Bungay 155 Old House . 156 Point 156 Hill 156 Thorough 157 Half Way Mark 157 Flat Rock IS7 Frog Point 158 New .' 158 Hills and Holes 158 Roaring Point West 159 Bean Shoal . 159 Outer Hole 159 Lower Newfoundland 160 Upper Newfoundland 160 Chart No. 42 (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity of Holland Island) — Northwest Middleground 160 Southeast Middleground 161 Boundary 161 Holland Straits 162 Bell Buoy {see also Chart No. 41) 150 Boundaries of crab bottoms: Explanation 163 Methods of describing boundaries 163 Surveying methods for relocation of lioimdaries 164 Boundaries of crab bottoms in coimty ' 165 Chart No. 40 (Honga River) — Fox Creek 165 Wingate 165 Duck Point Cove 166 lenny Island (see also Chart No. 41) 166 Okahanikan (see also Charts Nos. 41 and 42) 167 Grassy (see also Chart No. 41) ,' 167 Chart No. 41. (Fishing Bay and Nanticoke River) — Jenny Island (see also Chart No. 40) ■ 166 Okahanikan (see also Charts Nos. 40 and 42) 167 Bishop Head 167 Grassy (see also Chart No. 40) 167 Bloodsworth Island (see also Chart No. 42) 168 Great Cove (see also Chart No. 42) 169 Chart No. 42 (Cheasapeake Bay, vicinity of Holland Island) — Okahanikan (sec also Charts Nos. 40 and 41) 167 Bloodsworth Island (see also Chart No. 41) 168 Great Cove (see also Chart No. 41) ". 169 Northeast Island 169 Adam Island 170 Spring Island (Dorchester County) 170 Holland Island 171 Pry Island 172 1 See separate publications for boundaries of crab bottoms in adjacent counties. 1 6 Contents. Appendixes : Page. Appendix A. — Laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission 173 Appendix B. — "The Haman Oyster Culture Law" (extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission) 177 Appendix C. — Summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey " as now being carried on in Maryland 178 Appendix D. — Statisticsof resultsofthecombinedoperationsoftheGovernmentand State 180 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, DORCHESTER COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the survey of the oyster bars of Mary- land has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws ' authorizing the work and the natural division of the surveying operations - of the cooperating forces. The publications prepared and issued by the Government under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consist of a series of charts and a technical report for each county surveyed.^ The charts show all legal boundaries of oyster bars within the adopted boundaries of the waters opened up for leasing with each county, and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used as a foundation for the delineation of these various boundaries. The technical report gives technical and legal descriptions of all oyster bar and other bound- aries, and descriptions of all landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in charge of the work of that service in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Cora- mission. These charts and technical reports are prepared and certified for file with the courts and the Commission, as required by the laws of the State, and contain all infor- mation necessary to make a permanent record of the work of the Commission and the Government for all future requirements of the courts, or for any resurveys that may become necessary.* The publications prepared and issued by the State under the direction of the Shell Fish Commission consist of annual reports ' of all the operations of the Commission performed under the provisions of the laws of Maryland, ° including results of biological and economic oyster investigations, methods and results of the hydrographic survey of ' See Appendix A for laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. - See Appendix C for a summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland. ^ These charts and technical reports can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington. D. C. The publications now ready for issue are those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles, St. Marys. Baltimore, Kent. Queen Annes. Talbot, and Dorchester Counties. ♦ The technical records and charts for each county are published separately on account of the requirements of the oyster- culture laws of the State and the practical considerations which make it desirable to have each county "opened up" for oyster culture as soon as practicable after the completion of its survey. For these reasons and the fact that these reports are each arranged for distribution and use in one county only without reference to other published records, much of the text of this publi- cation is of necessity identical with similar previous publications for other counties. ^ These reports can be obtained by application to the Shell Fish Commission, Marine Bank Building, Baltimore, Md. They are issued annually in October, and the first, second, third, and fourth reports are now available for distribution. 8 See Appendix B for an extract from the " Second Report of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission," giving a concise summary of the "Haman oyster culture law." 58345—13 2 17 1 8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. the boundaries of oyster bars and crab bottoms, the administrative report and financial statement of the Commission, information relating to oyster culture, methods of sur- veying and leasing of oyster lots, and much other important matter of legal and scientific value. These two sets of publications are planned and arranged to supplement each other without unnecessary duplication, and when combined they form a complete report of operations, methods, and results of the work of both the Government and State.' COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the service indicates, includes a survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and published a complete set of charts of the coasts of the United States, including all waters of Maryland where oysters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential as a foundation for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental func- tions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and natural development of Government work leading to the conservation and increase of the supply of food. COOPERATION OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The Bureau of Fisheries has cooperated with the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission principally as an adviser in matters relating to the biological and economic survey of oyster bars and the methods to be employed for that purpose.^ A steam launch, rowing boat, and certain apparatus have also been furnished. The primary function of the Bureau of Fisheries is to increase the productiveness of marine and fresh waters by such measures as may be best suited to the purpose, and the services rendered in connection with the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland are strictly in line with the fundamental law under which it acts. In certain States other than Maryland similar work has been conducted by the bureau acting independently, the same ends being attained at greater expense to the Government. GENERAL STATEMENT OF WORK OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY.^ The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in coopera- tion with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission need very little other summary than is indicated by the published "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" and the index of hydrographic projections and triangulation stations shown on the county progress maps attached to each report. 1 See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." ' Hon. George M. Bowers, Commissioner of Fisheries, has detailed for this service Dr. H. F. Moore, Assistant, Bureau of Fisheries. 3 For a detail statement of the very large amoimt of excellent oyster survey work of the Maryland Shell Fish Comn see the "Annual Reports of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission." Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Aid. 19 The triangulation has been carried on in accordance with the standard methods of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, making this work and that of the "Descriptions of Triangulation Stations" of permanent value, not only to the State of Maryland in the survey of her oyster bars, but also to the Government for any future work it may do in the regions covered by the oyster-survey operations. The hydrographic projections and published charts are prepared with all the accu- racy permitted by their large scale, especially as to the boundaries of the various shell-fish bottoms in relation to landmarks, but this accuracy of location on the charts is further added to and permanently fixed by published technical descriptions, which should minimize the probability of any future dispute as to either landmarks or boundaries. Stated another way, and quoting from the report of the "Survey of Oyster Bars of Anne Arundel County ' ' : The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual precision of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points necessary to provide ample foundation for the surveying and charting operations permitted great accuracy of definition and loca- tion for the natiu-al oyster bar and other boundaries established. At the same time, the very important element of permanency of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established l)y the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last 65 years. REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN DORCHESTER COUNTY. INSTRUCTIONS. The following letters, together with the laws ' of the United States relating to the subject, constitute the "instructions" received by the chief of the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey party engaged on work in connection with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. They are short and definite, but furnish ample authority and leeway for all legitimate development of the cooperation of the Government and the State in the survey of oyster bars. The "free hand" permitted by these orders, together with the aid and many valuable suggestions received from the officers of the survey at Washington, have proved very beneficial to the work and are greatly appreciated. Department of Commerce and Labor, Office of the Secretary, Washington, June 2, igo6. Sir; In reply to your letter of May 28, requesting me to designate officers of the Coast and Geo- detic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries to cooperate with the State of Maryland in making survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. C. C. Yates will be designated to cooperate on the part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as soon as Congress makes the Ijrovisions of the act effective by providing an appropriation for the purpose. Respectfully, Lawrence O. Murray, Assistant Secretary. His Excellency Hon. Edwin Warfield, Governor of Maryland, Annapolis, Md. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, July j, igo6. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of tlie steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector. * * * As soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland. You will consult the Commissioners, prepare a program of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessar\'. ♦ ** :): * * * * Hi Very respectfully, O. H. TiTTMANN, Superintendent. Capt. C. C. Yates, U. S. C. and G. S. Steamer Endeavor, Baltimore, Md. ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. The personnel and occupation of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey have remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the "oyster survey." Besides ' For these laws see Appendix A, 22 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. the chief of party, it consists of the necessary triangulators, computers, draftsmen, and temporary employees required to carry on both the surveying operations in the field and the preparation for publication of oyster charts and technical records in the office at Washington. The equipment for the work of the party has been ample and satisfactory. The large living and office quarters furnished the Government on the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house boat Oyster have been very convenient for the work, besides facili- tating efficient cooperation with the surveying and oyster investigation parties of the State. In addition to the accommodations on the Oyster, the Coast and Geodetic Survey party has had the constant use of the large launch Inspector and several other boats furnished by its own service, and the occasional use of the Bureau of Fish- eries launch Canvasback ' and the steamer Governor McLane' of the State Fishery Force. The greater part of the equipment of instruments for the operations of both the Government and State has been furnished by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and consists of all necessary theodolites, levels, sextants, drafting instruments, hydrometers, etc., required for all field and office work. CHRONOLOGICAL STATEMENT OF WORK. The field work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Dorchester County dates from March 14, 1910, when a subparty was organized and sent out to complete certain unfin- ished details of triangulation in Talbot County and to take up the overlapping triangu- lation between Dorchester and Talbot Counties.' This party first went to St. Michaels, then to Cambridge, and finally to Oxford, where the main party on the house boat was joined at the end of April. On April 30, 1910, the house boat Oyster was towed from Baltimore by the State steamer McLane to an anchorage in Tar Creek near Bellevue. While at this harbor the house boat was cleaned, painted, and generally overhauled for the season's work, and at the same time triangulation was carried on in Choptank River and its tributaries. On May 30, 1910, the house boat shifted her anchorage to Tred Avon River off Oxford, from which point a small amount of field work was done in Dorchester County along with the work in Talbot County. On June 30, 1910, the Oyster was towed to an anchorage off Cambridge, where she remained until the completion of the overlapping field work in Choptank River of both Dorchester and Talbot Counties. On July 20, 1 910, the house boat Oyster was towed from Cambridge to an anchorage off Solomons Island in the mouth of the Patuxent River. A greater part of the field work along the Chesapeake Bay shore of Dorchester County was carried on from this harbor. During weather too rough to work in the open Chesapeake Bay, considerable work was also done from this point in checking up descriptions of triangulation stations required for the preparation of the publications covering Calvert, St. Marys, and Charles Counties. ' By courtesy of Dr. H. F. Moore, United States Bureau of Fisheries. * By courtesy of Capt. James A. Turner, conunanding. ^ The field work of Dorchester County was so intermixed with that of Talbot County that the chronoloiiical statement of the work in one of these counties necessarily includes a considerable part of the work of the other county. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 23 On August 1 1, 1910, the Oyster was moved across the Chesapeake Bay to an anchor- age in Honga River off Hoopers Island Wharf. A greater part of the oyster-survey work along the lower Chesapeake Bay shore of Dorchester County, as well as that of Honga River and Fishing Bay, was carried on from this point as headquarters. On September 30, 1910, the field work in the southern half of Dorchester County being completed, the house boat Oyster was towed by the steamer McLane to the Little Choptank River and anchored off the town of Madison, where she remained for over two months while oyster-survey operations were being carried on in the Little Choptank River and its many tributaries. On December 4, 1910, the house boat Oyster was moved to the northern side of Little Choptank River to an anchorage in the mouth of Hudson Creek, where she remained in spite of bad weather and ice until the practical completion of the oyster-survey work in Dorchester County. On December 15, 1910, the field work of Dorchester County was completed, and as this was the last county to be surveyed, this date also marks the completion of all the field work of the Maryland Oyster Survey, with the exception of the two days, the 20th and 2ist of June, 1912, when a small party, under the charge of Mr. Frank W. Seth, surveyman in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, was put in the field to complete necessary details of triangulation in Talbot and Dorchester Counties. The office work connected with the oyster survey of Dorchester County, including the computations of geographic information and the drafting necessary for the prepara- tion for publication of the oyster charts and the technical records of that county, was carried on intermittingly with the office work of other counties from the beginning of the field work in Dorchester County on March 14, 1 910, to the time of filing of the certified oyster charts and technical records in the archives of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission and with the clerk of the circuit court of Dorchester County on August 17, 1912. STATISTICS. ' Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 1 56 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 156 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles 161 Old triangulation stations recovered 65 New triangulation stations established ' 125 Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described igo Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) 270 Square miles covered by triangulation (appro.ximate ) 330 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster boundaries 21 Triangles computed 380 Geographic positions computed 1 70 Comers of oyster bar and crab bottom boundaries established by computation 671 Back azimuths and distances computed from comers of boundaries to triangulation stations 2, 013 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication igo Descriptions of oyster bar and crab bottom boundaries prepared for publication 135 " Charts of Natural Oyster Bars' ' prepared for publication 8 Progress map prepared for publication i ' These statistics only include field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the oyster survey of this county, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examinations of the character of the bottom made by the engineers of the Commission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geodetic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the -waters of Mary- land. See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and the State." 24 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. GENERAL REMARKS. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: To his colleague from the Department of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore, of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose well-known scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters has been of great value to the work. To Mr. Walter J. Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative abihty in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various ser\'ices engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the Commission, who, as editor of the Commission's annual report and commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster inves- tigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Mr. Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the Commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Mr. Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, whose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facilitated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. And to the many others connected with the Commission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing impor- tant information or willing services. CHARTS AND MAPS. CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS.* The charts of the natural oyster bars of Dorchester County published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of the surveys of the Government in coopera- tion with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission consist of eight sheets covering all the oyster-producing waters of that county. They are published on the large scale of I part in 20,000 (approximately 3^^ inches to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections; and all information shown on them is based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bars and other boundaries established by the Commis- sion, and are certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Dorchester County and in the office of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (United States Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography - necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily under- standable both by the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the oyster bars are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascer- tained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The comers of the oyster bars are numbered from i to the total number of comers in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a comer of two or more oyster bars, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners correspond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the heading "Bound- aries of natural oyster bars." The landmarks and oyster bars have been grouped in the "Contents" of this publi- cation in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particular oyster bar or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents" and the desired chart and general location will be indicated. To find the name of a bar or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the end of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locality on the chart for the name of the bar or landmark in question. , ' These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. 2 Much of the detail of the inshore topography was 'obtained from the excellent map of Dorchester County, prepared and published by the Maryland Geological Survey luider the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. 25 26 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shell fish indus- tries. The I -fathom contour (6 feet) and the 5-fathom curve (30 feet) correspond in a general way to the inner and outer limits of all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom contour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars, and the lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the "territorial limits of the county" and the boundaries of the "waters contiguous to the county" opened up for the leasing with Dorchester County are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of county waters." The areas in acres of the oyster bars were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of the chart within the boundaries of the different shell fish bottoms. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face of the charts. LEASING CHARTS. The leasing charts of Dorchester County, like those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles, St. Marys, Baltimore, Kent, Queen Annes and Talbot counties, have been prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are constructed on polyconic projections on the scales of i part in 5,000 or i part in 10,000 as the needs of oyster culture may require, and the information shown on them is based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds and other boundaries established by the Commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the "old 5-acre law" are frequently of irreg- ular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster law-; must be of rectangular shape by the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rectan- gles of I acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to the area under consideration, and prospective leaseholders by the rules of the Commission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as possible. For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be published for some years, but they can be seen at any time on file at the offices of the Commission, in the Marine Bank Building at Baltimore. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 27 PROJECTIONS. The polyconic projections ' covering Dorchester County waters are 2t in number and on the scale of i part in 10,000. They were constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but the sextant positions which detennine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission were plotted by the draftsman of the Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulation stations, shore line, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oyster bar and other boundaries established by the Commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, and the other set in the archives of the Shell Fish Commission. PROGRESS MAPS. The progress map to be found at the end of this publication is on a scale of i part in 100,000, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the United States Coast and Cieodetic Sun^ey in Dorchester County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surveying work, and the "boundaries of county waters" established by the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may be under consideration. The progress maps - accompanying the first and second annual reports of the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission were prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are on -the scale of i part in 400,000, and show the outline of the tide-water counties of Maryland, with shaded areas to indicate the waters already covered by the operations of the oyster survey. * For the scheme of these projections see the proRress map at the end of this publication. 2 These maps and reports can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Commission. Marine Dank Building, Baltimore, Md. BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY WATERS.* WATERS WITHIN TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF COUNTY. The laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture provide that "no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of any of the counties, or one hundred acres in any other place." The boundary line- between the waters "within the territoriai limits" of Dorches- ter Countv and the waters in "any other place," as established by the Shell Fish Com- mission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the "oyster" charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Sur\^ey, is technically described and defined as follows : ^ Coinnicncing at the head of the oyster-producing waters of Choptank River on the channel boundary line between Dorchester Giunt)' and Talbot County; thence following the channel boundar>- line l>etwecn Talbot County and Dorchester County down the upper Choptank River to a point situated about half way between the town of Choptank and Cabin Creek, thence continuing down the channel Ijoundary line of the upper Choptank River as laid down on "Chart No. 35, Natural Oyster Bars, Mary- land" around Chancellors Point and pass the city of Cambridge to the entrance of upper Choptank River between Castle Haven Point and Island Creek; thence along the boundary' line between Talbot C'mnty and Dorchester County in the lower Choptank River as laid down on "Charts Nos. 36 and 37, Natural Oyster Bars, Mar>'land," to a point in the Chesapeake Bay entrance of the lower Choptank River defined by the intersection of this boundary line with a straight line defined at its northwestern end by a point situated on Blackwalnut Point in latitude 38° 40' 06.6" and longitude 76° 20' 24.7" and defined at its southeastern end by a point situated on Cook Point in latitude 38° 37' 55.7" and longitude 76° 17' 28.7''; thence in a straight line across the southeastern half of the Chesapeake Bay entrance of the lower Choptank River to a point situated on Cook Point defined by latitude 38° 37' 55.7" and longitude 76° 17' 28.7"; thence in a southeasterly direction along the mean low- water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on the northern side of Tripps Bay defined by latitude 38° 36' 10.4" and longitude 76° 16' 21.8"; thence in a straight line across the eastern end of Tripps Bay to a point situated on the smthcrn side of the eastern end of Tripps Bay defined by latitude 38° 35' 52.7" and longitude 76° 16' 05.1"; thence in a southwesterly direction along the mean low-water line or across the mouth of al! inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on the northeastern side of the entrance of Brannock Bay defined by latitude 38° 35' 33.9" and longitude 76° 16' 23.8"; thence in a straight line across the entrance of Brannock Bay to a point situated on Mills Point on the southwestern side of the entrance of Brannock Bay defined by latitude 38° 35' 07.2" and longitude 76° 17' 13.2''; thence in a southwesterly direction along the mean low-water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on Hills Point on the northern side of the entrance of Little Choptank River defined by latitude 38° 33' 48.6" and longitude 76° 18' 41.8"; thence in a straight line across the entrance of Little Choptank River to a point situated on James Island on the southern side of Little Choptank River defined by latitude 38° 31' 44.9" and longitude 76° 20' 01.9"; thence following the northern and western side of James Island along the mean low-water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than * For a complete historical and legal description of the boundaries of the counties of Maryland, the valuable publication entitled "The Counties of Maryland — Their Origin, Boundaries, and Election Districts." prepared by Dr. Edward B. Mathews and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark, superintendent, should be consulted, as the boundaries described in this pubUcation have been established and technically definad for the pur- pose of carrying out the oyster laws of the State, and may or may not be correct for other piuposes. ^See "Charts of Nattu-al Oyster Bars." published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at Ihc end of this publication. ■^ Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard dattun of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. 28 I Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Aid. ^29 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on the southern end of James Island defined b)' latitude 38° :?o' 07.6" and longitude 76° 20' ig s"; thence in a straight line across the entrance of Oyster Creek to a point situated on the southern side of the entrance of Oyster Creek defined by latitude 38° 29' 51.9" and longitude 76° 20' 25.4"; tlicnce in a southeasterly direction along the mean low-water line across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 )-ards in width, as the case may be, along the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay across the entrance of Puncli Island Creek to a point situated on the northern side of the entra^ce between two marsh islands into the extreme northern end of Tar Bay defined by latitude 38° 22' 48.6" and longitude 76° 16' 46.7"; thence in a straight line across the entrance of the northern end of Tar Bay to a point situated on the northern end of a marsh island defined by latitude 38° 22' 33.6" and longitude 76° ib' 45. o"; thence in a southerly direction following the western side of a marsh island along the mean low water line or across the moutli of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on the southern end of a marsh island on the northern side of the main northern entrance of Tar Bay defined by latitude 38° 21' 49.2" and longitude 76° 16' 31.0"; thence in a straight line across the main northern entrance of Tar Bay to a point situated on the northern end of Barren Island defined by latitude 38° 20' 53.4" and longitude 76° 16' 01. 5"; thence following the western and southern side of Barren Island along the mean low-water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case maybe, to a point situated on the southern end of Barren Island defined by latitude 38° 18' 39.8" and longitude 76° 14' 37.5"; thence in a straight line across the southern entrance of Tar Bay to a point situated on Pons Point on the western side of Upper Hooper Island defined by latitude 38° 18' 24.0" and longitude 76° 13' 27.5"; thence in a southeasterly direction following the western side of Upper Hooper Island, Middle Hooper Island, and Lower Hooper Island along the mean low- water line or across the causeways and bridges connecting these islands and the mouths of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on the southern side of Lower Hooper Island on the northwestern side of the entrance of Hooper Strait defined b)- latitude 38° 13' 57.7" and longitude 76° 07' 56.5"; thence in a straight line across the Chesapeake Bay entrance of Hooper Strait to a point situated on the northwestern side Bloodsworth Island on the southern side of the entrance of Hooper Strait defined by latitude 38° 11' 40.6" and longitude 76° 05' 25.2"; thence in a southerly direction following the western side of Bloodswortli Island along the mean low-water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, to a point situated on the southwestern end of a part of Bloodsworth Island known as Billys Island defined by latitude 38° 09' 23.8" and longitude 76° 05' 09.1"; thence in a straight line across the channel between Billys Island and Adam Island to a point situated on the northern end of Adam Island defined by latitude 38° 09' 14.7" and longitude 76'^ 05' 14.0"; thence following the northern and western side of Adam Island along the mean low-w^ater line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on the southern end of Adam Island defined by latitude 38° 08' 16.4" and longitude 76° 05' 09.0"; thence in a straight line across the channel between Adam Island and Holland Island to a point on the northern end of Holland Island defined by latitude 38° 08' 06.6" and longitude 76° 05' 27.8"; thence in a southerly direction following the western side of Holland Island along the mean low- water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, to a point on the southern end of Holland Island defined by latitude 38° 06' 36.4"; and longitude 76° 05' 31.6"; thence in a straight line to a point situated on the boundary line between Dorchester County and Somerset County on the southern side of the Chesapeake Bay entrance of Holland Straits about lyi miles north-northeast of Holland Island Bar Light defined by latitude 38° 04' 40.8" and longitudt 76° 04' 14.8"; thence in a straight line along the Holland Straits boundary line between Dorchester County and Somerset County to a point on the western side of Pry Island on the cast- emsideof Holland Straits defined by latitude38°os'44.i'"andlongitude76°03'44.6"; thence in astraight line along the Holland Straits boundary line between Dorchester County and Somerset County across the mouth of Pry Cove to a point on the'western side of a small marsh island on the eastern side of Holland Straits defined by latitude 38° 06' 39.9" and longitude 76° 03' 17.8"; thence in a straight line diagonally across Holland Straits along the boundary line between Dorchester County and Somerset County to a point on the southeastern side of Bloodsworth Island on the northwestern side of Holland Straits defined by latitude 38° 08' 50.6" and longitude 76° 01' 53.4"; thence in a straight line across the western half of Upper Tangier Sound along the boundary line between Dorchester County and Somerset County to a point situated in Tangier Sound about li/i miles west of upper land end of Deal Island Wharf and 2}i 30 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Aid. miles south by east of Sharkfin Shoal Light defined by latitude 38° 10' 08.1" and longitude 76° 58' 40.6"; thence in a straight line along the Tangier Sound boundary line between Dorchester County and Somerset County to a point in Tangier Sound entrance of Nanticoke and Wicomico Rivers situated about J/g mile east-southeast of Sharkfin Shoal Light defined by latitude 38° 11' 50.3" and longitude 75° 58' 20.8" thence along the boundary line between Dorchester County and Somerset Countj', up the channel of Nanticoke River, pass Roaring Point and Ragged Point to a point on the channel boundary line between Dorchester County and Somerset County situated about 2 miles north of the town of Bivalve, all as laid down on "Chart No. 41. Natural Oyster Bars, Marj'land," thence continuing up the Nanticoke River along the channel boundar>^ line between Dorchester County and Somerset Coimty to the head of the oyster-producing waters. WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO COUNTY. The oyster laws of Maryland provide that a true and accurate delineation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, "which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said Commissioners in the city of Baltimore," and "in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie." For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section of the law and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-culture area to be opened up for leasing with each county surveyed, it is necessary for the Shell Fish Commission to establish a boundary line between the waters contiguous to but not within the terri- torial limits of each county and the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of adjacent counties. This boundary line has been delineated on the "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," published by the Coast and Geodetic Sur\-ey, and is technically described and defined as follows : ' Commencing at a point in the Chesapeake Bay entrance of the lower Choptank River defined by the intersection of the boimdary line between Dorchester County and Talbot County as laid down on "Charts Nos. 36 and 37, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," with a straight line defined at its northwestern end by a point situated on Blackwalnut Point in latitude 38° 40' 06.6" and longitude 76° 20' 24.7" and defined at its southeastern end by a point situated on Cook Point in latitude 38° 37' 55.7" and longitude 76° 17' 28.7"; thence along the boundary line between Dorchester County and Talbot County passing into Chesapeake Bay south of Sharps Island as laid down on "Charts Nos. 36 and 37. Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point in Chesapeake Bay about ^] 2 miles southwest of Sharps Island Light and 5,34^ miles northwest of James Island defined by latitude 38° 34' 29.6" and longitude 76° 26' 17.0'''; thence in a straight line in a southerly direction with Chesapeake Ba)- to a point situated in Chesapeake Bay about 4' 2 miles west of the southern end of James Island defined by latitude 38° 30' 00.0" and longitude 76° 25' 30.0"; thence in a straight line in a southeasterly direction with Chesapeake Bay to a point situated in Chesapeake Bay about 2' s miles east of Cove Point Light defined by latitude 38° 23' 10.3" and longitude 76° 20' 00.0"; thence in a straight line in a southerly direction with Chesapeake Bay to a point situated in Chesapeake Bay about 3'A miles northeast of Cedar Point Light defined by latitude 38° 19' 37.7" and longitude 76° 19' 19.0"; thence in a straight line in a southerly direction with Chesa- peake Bay to a point situated in Chesapeake Bay about 2?^ miles east of Cedar Point Light defined by latitude 38° 17' 58.0" and longitude 76° 18' 59.7"; thence in a straight line in a southeasterly direction with Chesapeake Bay to a point situated in Chesapeake Bay about 5' s miles west of Holland Island Bar Light in latitude 38° 04' 34.8" and longitude 76° 12' 01. o"; thence in a straight line in an easterly direc- tion across the eastern half of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on Holland Island Bar Light defined by latitude 38° 04' 07.3" and longitude 76° 05' 45.9"; thence in a straight line in a northeasterly direction toward the entrance of Holland Straits to a point situated about i.'j miles north -northeast of Holland Island Bar Light on the boundary line between Dorchester County and Somerset County on the southern side of the Chesapeake Bay entrance of Holland Straits defined by latitude 38° 04' 40.8" and longitude 76° 04' 14.8". •Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. LANDMARKS (U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS). EXPLANATION. The oyster laws of Maryland authorizing the survey to be made by the Shell Fish Commission provide for "an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a descrip- tion of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts." The law of the United States author- izing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the erection of "such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland." Under the provisions of the sections of the laws stated above, the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and future needs of both the Government and the State. With this end in view, considerable work has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. An effort has been made to arrange the descriptions of location and character of landmarks in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assump- tion that the individual seeking a landmark has only an indefinite idea of its location. They gradually proceed from description of the general locality of a landmark to the descriptions of its immediate surroundings. This is followed by specific details of the character of the center and reference marks and a "round" of reference angles and distances which in themselves frequently contain enough information to furnish an independent and reliable location of the triangulation station. METHOD OF DESCRIBING TRIANGULATION STATIONS. The separate descriptions of triangulation stations should not be used without reading the following explanation of the method of describing the triangulation stations, as it con- tains certain details that are common to all the landmarks described in this publication and which are omitted in the separate descriptions as being needless repetitions : Name. — The title at the top of each separate description is the name by which the landmark or triangulation station is known and designated in all work and pub- lished oyster records or oyster charts of both the Government and State. The selec- tion of the name is usually left to the triangulator establishing the station, and it may or may not have geographic or other significance in reference to the locality. General locality. — Under this heading is given the general locality of the landmark in reference to well-known and prominent natural or artificial features, such as the nearest body of water, town, river, steamer wharf, well-defined point of land, church, or any other feature that is likely to remain both permanent and prominent. 31 32 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. This heading also covers a reference to the published chart or map which shows the location of the station most clearly. Nearly all the triangulation stations described in this publication are plainly indicated by name and a triangulation symbol on the published charts of oyster bars of Maryland. In this case they are referred to by serial number only, the words "charts of oyster bars of Maryland" being omitted to avoid needless repetition. These published oyster charts are on the large scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3^ inches to a statute mile) and show the locations of the trian- gulation stations so clearly that in many cases the written descriptions will not be required to find them. Immediate locality. — Under this heading is given the description of the "observed station" in reference to its immediate surroundings. This is supposed to include a statement of the station's estimated elevation above high water or some other well- defined level of the locality, such as a road or house; the character of the ground on which it is located, such as marsh land, sand beach, cultivated field, or meadow; esti- mated bearings in points of the compass and estimated distances in vards from (not to) easily recognized features, such as extreme end of point, edge of bluff, bank of creek, line of telephone poles, shore line, bam, house, fence, ditch, trees, or any other definite detail, such as being on range with the tangent of an island and a church; and so forth. When a standard monument has been established near the station as a "reference station," this heading also covers a statement of the true bearing of the monument in degrees and minutes and its measured distance in meters, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached and might be mistaken for the center mark of the "observed station" unless special attention is called to it. The distinction between the "observed station" and "reference station" should be carefully noted by anyone making use of the description of stations for any future surveying operations. The "observed station" is located at the particular triangulation point covered by the description of stations and is the one whose geographic position is first computed, as it is the point which was "occupied" and "observed on" for horizontal angles. How- ever, in spite of the primary importance of the location of the "observed station," it will be noted from the description of stations that frequently it is not marked as well as the "reference station," and in some instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case for the reason that the necessity of intervisibility of land- marks usually made it compulsory to locate "observ'ed stations" on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in the tidewater section of Maryland generally means they will be washed away in a short period of years. The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in this region has shown the great need of "reference stations," if the frequent reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation is to be avoided. The chief reason and need for the establishment of the "reference station," or secondary station, as it might be well named, is explained in the preceding paragraph, but in several instances other reasons, such as the location of tlie "observed station" on an unstable sand dune, in a cultivated field, in front of a residence, or other places objectionable to the landowner, have led to establishment of "reference stations." The location of the "reference station" in relation to the "observed station" is fixed Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 33 for plotting on charts or for computation of its geographic position by checked measure- ments of its distances and azimuth from the "observed station." ' Marks. — Under this heading is given a description of the character of the permanent monuments or other marks of the location of the "observed station," and of the "refer- ence station" where one has been established. All the marks designated in the descriptions as "the center point of triangle on standard cement monument" are exactly alike. These monuments are made of cement, .sand, and gravel, and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters "M. S. F. C." arranged around the vertex and the letters "U. S. C. S." underneath the base of the triangle. The center hole is always in the center of the top of the monument by construction, and if this is found to have been broken ofif without disturbing the bottom the center of its square section can be used as the location of the station. All the "standard cement monuments," whether used for marking the "observed station" or "reference station," have been planted upright in exactly the same manner, with their tops projecting 3 or 4 inches above the surface of the ground, unless otherwise stated. Therefore, as the above facts in reference tc the "standard cement monuments" are a constant element in all cases, the repetition of these facts in the description of stations is made needless by this one statement. References. — Under this heading are given the "rounds" of directions and distances to all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography, hydrog- raphy, or location of boundaries of oyster bars these references will be sufficient in many cases to relocate the position of an "observed station" or "reference station" when both of them have been destroyed. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described, this, if possible, being a lighthouse, church spire, or other permanent and prominent point. Its direction is taken as being 0° 00' 00", and the directions of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right) . The true bearing ^ of the initial object is always given in parentheses alongside its name. This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the other reference objects for the purposes of locating a station by horizontal angles or for the relocation of corner buoys of oyster-bar boundaries by the method of compass directions described in this publication under the heading of "Boundaries of oyster bars." The distances in the last column under "References" are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The "miles" are statute miles and may be considered only as rough estimates. The "yards" are more accurate, but must be looked on as results generally obtained by pacing or careful estimating. The "meters," 1 Geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude, distance, and azimuth) relating to any of the "observed stations" or of the " reference stations'* described in this publication can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. 2 The mean magnetic variation for Dorchester County was 6° oo' west of north in igi i and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly, 58345—13 3 34 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals and in every case have been measured with a steel tape. In the same manner the accuracy of the directions are indicated by the refinement of angular measure with which they are recorded. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIANGULATION STATIONS. WKATHHR BUREAU STAFF. General locality. — Eastern side of Tred Avon River in the town of Oxford. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in [)ark south of high and primarj' schools, 55 yards east of shore of Tred Avon River, 35 yards west of Morris Street, and in center of circle of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center of galvanized iron staff on square galvanized angle-iron tower. References. — None necessary. FIRST. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River in town of Oxford about I'g mile north of railroad wharves. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 8 feet above high water, 2 yards east-southeast of edge of bank, 4 yards east by north of point of bank, 4 yards northeast of edge of bank at small gully, 2 yards south of comer fence post, and 35 yards west of house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bach" (S 17° 38' W) o 00 00 fs mile. Right peak of small house 51 59 i^i miles. Right peak of modem house 67 10 iS/| miles. Left peak of small house 128 37 lyi miles. Nail in blaze in fence post 207 52 00 4.98 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (20 inches diam- eter) 237 43 30 11-94 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 266 24 50 1456 meters. Windmill 34C 43 {4 mile. BACH. General locality. — Eastern shore of entrance to Tred Avon River on Bachelor Point about i^-i miles north-northeast of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 30 yards east of edge of bank, 70 yards north-northeast of edge of bank on range with Choptank River Light, and 100 yards south by west of edge of bank of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monximent projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 16° 59' W) o 00 00 i;',s' miles. Tangent of Benoni Point 55 29 1^4 miles. Left peak of roof of house 147 25 ifi miles. Left comer of burnt house 166 05 i^ miles. Right comer of house 211 35 .. ^r, mile. Left comer of left chimney on verj' large house 240 46 5^8 mile. "Large Water Tank" 338 00 20 2^ miles. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 35 BOONE. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River about },i mile northwest of entrance to Boone Creek, yi mile southeast of Bachelor Point, and i)i miles northeast of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards northeast of edge of tree-fringed bank, 60 yards south-southwest of right comer of house, and 50 yards south-southeast of large apple tree. Marks. — Observed .station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsiufaco iiuirk is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / /> "Choptank River Light" (S 33° 54' W) o 00 00 iJ4 miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 21 Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 65 Near peak of house 107 Right comer of house 159 Near peak of house 195 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) ^2^ 01 40 10.26 meters. 31 10 20.59 meters. 59 X mile. 12 57 yards. 28 34 mile. 14 00 13.02 meters. ENTER. 00 00 lyi miles. 05 40 39. 96 meters. 17 20 16.91 meters. 35 2 miles. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek on point at east side of entrance to a small cove, about 'i mile northeast of Choptank River, and ij^ miles east-northeast of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 16 yards north of edge of bank of creek, 18 yards south-southeast of edge of bank of cove, 30 yards east-northeast of outlet of cove, and 250 yards west by south of frame house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 72° 00' W) .... o Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 67 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 109 Left comer of left chimney of house 117 Left comer of house 173 35 yi mile. Near corner of house 204 11 1% miles. " Large Water Tank" 301 37 00 2% miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 357 13 40 23. 93 meters. LANDEYE. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River on point at south side of entrance to Islana Creek, about I'i miles east of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) hnmediaie locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 15 yards east-southeast of edge of bank, 50 yards southwest of fringe of trees and bushes, 55 yards south-southwest of point of field and end of fringe of trees and bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2-inches below base of monument. 36 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. References:- — a / // " Choptank River Light' ' (S 83° 39' W) o 00 00 t)4 miles. Chimney of house near Bachelors Point 48 33 iX miles. Left comer of bam 122 21 3^ mile. Left comer of bam 230 18 ^ mile. " Large Water Tank " 297 25 50 2^ miles. CHOPTANK RIVER LIGHT. General locality. — In Choptank River about i>^ miles southeast of Benoni Point, i mile south of entrance to Tred Avon River, and 8'^^ miles east of Blackwalnut Point. (See Charts Nos. 35 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hexagonal screw-pile structure known as Choptank River Light House. Marks. — Observed station is center of lantern on Choptank River Light House. References. — o / // Chlora (S. 57° 04' E) o 00 00 2^ miles. BENONI 2. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Benoni Point at western side of entrance to Tred Avon River, about i)4 miles northwest of Choptank River Light. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 9 yards south-southwest of foot of knoll and edge of marsh, 4 yards northeast of edge of bank, 25 yards east-southeast of point of bank, 30 yards north by west of point of marsh, and 100 yards southwest of a cove. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.45 meters N. 42° 02' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2 by 4 inch stub projecting 4 inches above a 4-inch tile pipe with top of pipe flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // " Choptank River Light' ' (S 40° 01' E) o "Large Water Tank" 13 Left comer of house 65 Nail in blaze in waterbush 181 Nail in blaze in water bush 231 Near peak of small house 245 Left comer of burnt house 261 Reference station 262 Peak of near gable of large house 277 Nail in blaze in waterbush 288 Left comer of house 306 00 iX miles. 10 20 312 miles. 40 4j^ miles. 09 10 7.68 meters. 34 40 4- 54 meters. 50 1}^ miles. 14 2 miles. 02 40 7.45 meters. 30 ij^ miles. 09 40 10.40 meters. 56 1^8 miles. CHLORA. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River on Chlora Point about ij^i miles south- southeast of entrance to Island Creek, i ' 2 miles northwest of entrance to LaTrappe Creek, and 2}4 miles southeast of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 8 feet above high water, 6 yards east-northeast of edge of bank, 9 yards south of wire fence, and 18 yards north of edge of bank at walnut tree. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 6.91 meters N. 78° 43' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is hole in center of cement filled tile pipe 4 inches diameter, with top about 2 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above the surface of the ground. References. — o / // " Choptank River Light" (N 57 03' W) o 00 00 2^-^ miles. Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (3 inches diameter) 74 39 10 3. 11 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 129 31 00 9. 01 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 37 References — Continued. o / // Reference station 135 46 10 6.91 meters Nail in blaze in walnut tree (14 inches diam- eter) 220 Near peak of house 254 Spindle on cupola 267 "Large Water Tank" 294 TRAPPE. 12 10 16.70 meters. 53 3 miles. 24 lyi miles. 46 30 lyi miles. 50 7.23 meters. 40 12.62 meters. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River at west side of entrance to La Trappe Creek about i}4 miles southeast of Chlora Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy gravel point about 3 feet above high water, 4 yards north of shore, 6 yards east-northeast of shore, and 17 yards south by east of large cedar tree. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.62 meters N 47° 40' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of svirface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Lan" (N 25° 07' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Cedar tree ,. . . . 11 05 35 yards. Red Beacon 96 50 00 X mile. Right chimney of house 130 16 3 miles. "Black Beacon" 145 54 40 J4 mile. Northerly jjeak of Travers Wharf house ig6 15 2j4 miles. Center of smaller water tank 241 02 2 H miles. " Large Water Tank " 241 44 30 2^ miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (20 inches diam- eter) 294 50 Reference station 350 06 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (22 inches diam- eter) 353 23 40 15.99 meters. GRUBIN. Central locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on east side of entrance to La Trappe Creek (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy marsh back of gravel beach, about i foot above high water, 13 yards east of shore, 13 yards south of shore, 20 yards southeast of extreme end of point, and 100 j-ards northwest of pond. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Howard" (S 1° 21' W) o Soutli peak of Travers Wharf house 45 "Black Beacon" 51 Center of smaller water tower 86 " Large Water Tank" 87 49 Red Beacon 90 47 South peak of shed 153 07 Near peak of bam 181 58 Nail in blaze in stump (7 inches diameter) . . . 194 47 Chimney of house 199 51 Ji mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 225 34 30 12.04 meters. 00 00 2^i miles. 02 3 miles. 56 10 ^4 mile. 56 3 miles. 30 2J-8 miles. 10 ''4 mile. 5/8 mile. ^8 mile. 40 12 17 meters. 38 Survey of <}ystfy Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 41 SI BLACK BEACON. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River off entrance to I, a Trappe Creek about iJr miles northeast of Horn Point. (Sec Chart No. 35 ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a cylindrical foundation known as La Trappe Creek Outer Light. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on La Trappe Creek Outer Light. References. — None necessary. HOWELLS. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Howells Point about if^ miles east of Horn Point, 2 miles north of entrance to Jenkins Creek, and 2 miles northwest of Hambrooks Bar Beacon. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long grassy gravel point about 3 feet above high water, 50 yards south -southeast of old fish shanty and trees, 25 yards south of highest level part of land, 11 yards west of shore, 3 yards east of shore, and ,':,■ mile north of extreme end of Point. Cement monument marking reference station is 22. 82 meters N 17" 53' of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of cedar stub in center of 4-inch tile pipe with top of pipe 4 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Red"(N 78°26' E) o South peak of Kirby Wharf house 12 "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 44 Flagstaff on boathouse 57 "Dicks Water Tank" 62 "Cambridge Standpipe" 6g Spindle on barn cupola 137 " Large Water Tank " 209 " Black Beacon" 251 Nail in blaze in dead locust tree (15 inches diameter) 2S5 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter) . 294 Nail in blaze in pin oak tree (11 inches diam- eter) 297 Reference station 299 RED. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River at eastern side of Dickinsons Bay about iS/i miles east-northeast of Howells Point and ^i mile northwest of Kirby Wharf. (Sec Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land on first high bluff upstream from Howells Point, about 12 feet above high water, 8 yards northeast of edge of bank, 10 yards north of edge of bank, 10 yards east of edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 23.65 meters N 89° 58' E of observed station and almost on line with chimney of house. Marfe.r- -Observed station is nail in stub in center of 2-inch tile pipe with top of pipe 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement riionumcnt projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" (S 3° 39' E) o " Cambridge Standpipe" o "Dicks Water Tank" 19 Center of silo tower 51 38 3 miles. "Large Water Tank " 102 32 50 4^4 miles. Near peak of bam with two cupolas 148 28 i mile. Reference station 229 16 20 23.63 meters. East chimney of house . ; 229 38 'y^ mile. 00 00 1 5 8 miles. 35 2 miles. 16 50 2 miles. 19 i5-8 miles. 22 10 i^ miles. 10 2/4 miles. i}4 miles. 40 3.3'^ miles. 20 I'A miles. 50 9.83 meters. 40 13.37 meters. 10 27.28 meters. 40 22.82 meters. 34 00 T ' s miles. 10 3 miles. 50 i}4 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 39 References — Continued. o / // Near peak of large bam 282 07 J^ mile. Right peak of Kirby Wharf house 308 26 s^g mile. Near peak of hospital 348 39 t,14 miles. "East Cambridge Tall Stack" 351 07 40 3 miles. DOUBLE. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River nearly opposite Cambridge, about i mile northwest of entrance to Bolingbroke Creek and il4 miles east of Hambrooks Bar Beacon. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on point of marsh separated from field by a row of locust trees about 12 yards northeast of shore, 20 yards north of shore, 14 yards east of shore, and 30 yards south of a large wild cherry tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° " East Cambridge Tall Stack" (S 32° 33' W) . . o "Dicks Water Tank" 51 "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 60 "Large Water Tank" 76 Chimney of house 107 34 2^ miles. Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (24 inches diameter) 142 oS 30 26.69 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 177 Chimney outside of near end of house 177 Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (4 inches diameter) 207 Spindle on bam cupola 248 Chimney of house 320 Spindle on cupola 347 Near peak of hospital 354 44 25 00 i}i miles. 20 2 miles. 00 iX miles. 40 6^ miles. 10 40 24.92 meters. 29 J4 mile. 20 40 34.66 meters. 23 }4 mile. 47 2X miles. SS 2 miles. 52 ifi' miles. BOLING. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on an island in entrance to Bolingbroke Creek, about ^ mile northwest of Chancellors Point and 2 miles east-northeast of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in rushes on a sandy marsh about 3 feet above high water, 6 yards northeast of shore, 7 yards north of shore, 8 yards east of shore, and 160 yards northwest by north of entrance to Bolingbroke Creek. Marks. — Observed station is center p4 miles. 8s lii miles. 29 00 2's miles. 10 4.70 meters. 00 00 24.74 meters. 45 • • • 35° yards. 32 50 12.40 meters. 38 1^4 miles. 53 1% miles. 44 i\i miles. 52 i' 8 miles. 04 40 23.26 meters. Left peak of hospital 359 06 2^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. BARBER. 41 General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Choptank River about i mile north-northeast of Chancellors Point and about 'J/i mile west-southwest of Goose Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 2 feet above high water, 12 yards north- northwest of county road and shore, 45 yards west-southwest of a cabin on the county road, 25 yards west of two cedar trees just across road, and 65 yards south of a wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Duck" (N 75° 49' E) o 00 00 Jsmile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 5 04 50 19-17 meters. Smokepipe on wharf house 35 48 1% miles. Near peak of house 57 06 iy4 tntles. Northwest peak of house 92 22 ij^ miles. Chimney on left end of house 116 41 2% miles. Near peak of house with square cupola 133 Large lone tree 208 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 309 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (5 inches diameter) 323 Near comer of barn 347 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 359 ZZ H mile. 40 3SO yards. 58 40 36.42 meters. 12 30 36.01 meters. 15 21. 96 meters. 16 50 20.12 meters. DUCK. (CHOPTANK RIVER.) General localiiy. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Goose Point about J^ mile north of Oyster Shell Point and i^ miles northeast of Chancellors Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on edge of sand beach on lower part of point on level with high water, 15 to 20 yards southeast of a group of cedar and persimmon trees. Cement monument mark- ing reference station is 12.61 meters N 28° 19' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / n " Jam" (N35° 54' E) o 00 00 i^^ miles. I.cft peak of large Itarn 46 01 1^ miles. Center of roof of house 82 31 i J-s miles. Smokepipe on wharf house 115 Left peak of bam cupola. . . . , 160 Near corner of square chimney of house 174 Chimney of house 192 Near comer of square cupola on house 197 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (2 inches diameter) 238 Reperence station 295 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 297 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 332 52 Yt, mile. 21 2 miles. 03 2j^ miles. 50 4 miles. i6 i^ miles. 40 21.22 meters. 30 12.61 meters. 50 15.20 meters. 20 14.28 meters. 42 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 57 20 49.81 meters. 14 00 46. 85 meters. 03 50 24. 94 meters. 56 lyi miles. JAM. General locality . — Western shore of Choptank River on Jamaica Point opposite entrance to Warwick River. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 3 feet above high water, 25 yards west-northwest of end of wharf, 7 yards north of county road, 11 yards northeast of county road, 13 yards south of shore, 8 yards west-southwest of shore, and 30 yards north by east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biuied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Spindle" (N 14° 53' W) o 00 00 simile. Chimney outside near end of house 16 33 2 miles. Chimney of large house 19 46 2 miles. "Wick" 76 04 00 J^ mile. Chimneyof house 82 48 lyi miles. Left chimney of large brick house 90 07 i% miles. Left comer of wharf house 95 Right comer of wharf house 108 Nail in first plank on level part of wharf no Near peak of large bam 144 Chimney of house 171 30 2 miles. Near peak of house 202 51 2% miles. Near peak of house near wharf 211 21 2 miles. Right peak of bam cupola 218 30 2)4 miles. Near comer of fence 269 38 % mile. SPINDLE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Choptank River about ^^ mile north of Jamaica Point Wharf. (See Chart No. 35.) Note. — This triangulation landmark was destroyed before this publication was prepared, and there- fore it is not described, although its name and location are shown on Chart No. 35. BANK. General /oca/j7;'.— Western shore of upper Choptank River about i mile north-northwest of Jamaica Point, and iX miles southwest of entrance to Cabin Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field on a tree fringed bluff about 20 feet above high water, 10 yards northwest of edge of bluff, 10 yards west of edge of bluff, and 12 yards north of edge of bluff. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siuiace of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Raccoon" (N 19° 26' E) o Left chimney of modem house 5 Nail in blaze in branch of double oak tree (12 and 18 inches diameter) 34 Chimney of house in woods 54 Chimney of shanty in woods 86 Chimney of house 103 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) . . 124 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 161 Front peak of house 168 00 00 5 g niile . 55 lyi miles. 56 40 7.03 meters. 30 lyi miles. 07 lyi miles. 23 i^ miles. 13 10 8.55 meters. 00 lo 21. II meters. 29 yi mile. Survey oj l)yslcr Bars, Dorcheslcr County, Md. RACCOON. 43 General locality. — Wi-stem shore of upper Choptank River about ;' i mile south of entrance to a small creek, I'i miles north of Jamaica Point, and i mile west of entrance to Cabin Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is between 2 clumps of trees on sandy marsh about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards northwest of shore, 12 yards west of shore, 16 yards north of shore, and 200 yards southeast of woods beyond marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.^- o / // "Blind" (N 52° 15' E) o Chimney outside near end of house 34 Near peak of modem house 41 Chimney of house 77 Near peak of house 105 Chimney of house 113 Near peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house .... 120 00 00 J-^ mile. 22 i}'i miles. 07 lyi miles. 59 1^ miles. 09 2 miles. 14 3/^ miles. 42' il4 miles. Left comer of house 144 31 i mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (10 inches diameter) . 155 Nail in blaze in large pine tree (12 inches diameter) 204 Nail in blaze in oak tree (10 inches diameter) . 329 Chimney outside near end of house 350 BLIND. 21 50 12.66 meters. 40 37-12 meters. 20 ..... 26.50 meters. js mile. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Choptank River about ■ 2 mile west -northwest of entrance to Cabin Creek, and 2 miles north of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point between river and line of locust tree about i foot above high water, 1 1 j'ards north of shore , 1 5 yards west of shore , 16 yards northeast of shore at duck blind, and 25 yards east by north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / 11 "Up" (N 61° 44' E) o Chimney outside of near end of old house .... 47 Peak of side gable of modem house 57 Right peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house ... 131 Chimney on house 162 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 201 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 226 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 270 Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- i;ter) 322 00 00 i/i mile. 17 I mile. 24 1% miles. 24 2 miles. 44 I !-4 miles. 23 06 50 10.28 meters. 20 7.53 meters. 10 5.72 meters. 50 14.25 mcetrs. 44 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. UP. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Choptank River about ^ mile north of entrance to Cabin Creek and 2S miles north-northeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 55 yards northwest of extreme end of point, 25 yards west of shore, and 20 yards north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 8 inches above surface of marsh. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Myrtle" (S 60° 25' E) o 00 00 |^ mile. Peak of side gable of modem house 34 14 i mile. Chimney of old house 36 10 fi mile. Tangent of point 77 45 i mile. House m 45 1^ miles. Tangent of point 122 02 ^ mile. House 273 00 xl4 miles. Tangent of point , 305 15 175 yards. MYRTLE. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Choptank River about \4 mile north of entrance to Cabin Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 17 yards east of shore, 20 yards south of extreme end of point, 15 yards southwest of small gut, and 250 yards west of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hut" (S 7° 47' W) o 00 00 ;5 8mile. Left peak of old bam 6 41 ^ mile. Tangent of point 32 14 J-i mile. Chimney of house 53 01 2 miles. Chiranejf outside east end of house 78 42 i>^ miles. Near peak of shanty 157 18 J^ mile. Stack of cannery at Choptank 180 51 2^ miles. Left peak of house 194 19 2j4 miles. Tangent of point 203 56 J4 niile. Right peak of roof showing over woods 314 37 J^ mile. Large lone pine tree i^;^ 11 300 yards. HUT. General locality. — Ivasteni shore of upper Choptank River on north side of entrance to Cabin Creek. (vSee Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 yards east of shore, 50 yards northwest of shore, 20 yards northeast of extreme end of point, go yards southwest of a hut, and 80 yards south-southwest of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " House "(S 46° 38' W) o 00 00 3-^ mile. Chimney of house 25 27 ij^ miles. Chimney outside of house 60 33 i^ miles. Cupola on bam 132 48 2}4 miles. Right comer of hut 173 53 20 go yards. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 45 References — Continued. o / // Chimney outside near end of old house 242 13 >^ mile. Peakof near gable of modern house 281 42 yi mile. Right peak of old bam 337 43 3 smile. HOUSE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Choptank River about }i mile south of entrance to Cabin Creek, I mile north of entrance to Warwick River, and on south side of a small cove. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 14 yards south of shore, 26 yards southeast of shore , 35 yards southwest by west of shore and mouth of small creek in marsh and 175 3'ards north of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Saw" (S 6° 22' W) o 00 00 f 8 mile. Two pine trees 5 49 Left peak of shanty 126 49 i^ mile. Chimney outside near end of house 131 06 lyi miles. Near peak of house 13 7 29 i J.'^ miles. Tangent of point 172 07 }4 mile. Stack of cannery at Choptank 189 09 4 miles. Near peak of house 193 59 4,'-^ miles. Near peak of shack 219 48 }i mile. Cut in woods 348 16 K mile. SAW. General locality. — Eastern shore of Choptank River about '2 mile northeast of entrance to Warwick River, and i mile northeast by east of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 22 yards east of shore, 26 yards southeast of shore, 37 yards northeast of shore, 200 yards west-northwest of dense woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // " Wick"(S i9°oi' W) o 00 00 ^^ mile. Right peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house 24 57 i mile. Left comer of very wide chimney on brick house 32 14 iX miles. Right comer of railing on roof of house 70 36 ij^ miles. Chimney of house 86 44 iX miles. Near peak of house 135 04 i}i miles. Chimney outside left end of house 152 42 2 miles. Cupola or steeple 181 04 00 5 miles. Near comer of brick house 311 51 '/i mile. WICK. General locality. — Eastern shore of iipper Choptank River on northern side of entrance to Warwick River about X mile northeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy ridge between beach and marsh about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards northeast of shore, 10 yards north of shore, 9 yards east of shore, 100 yards southeast by east of extreme end of point, and 35 yards northwest of two pine trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.26 meters N 25° 00' E of observed station. 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub with top flush with the surface of the ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siu"face of ground. References. — o / // "War" (S 2° 08' E) o 00 00 S'8 mile. Near peak of house in trees 2 21 s-i mile. Smoke pipe on wharf house 27 13 2^ miles. Tangent of Goose Point 45 55 ij^ miles. Right peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house. . . 62 29 s^ mile. Right comer of very wide chimney on brick house 68 42 '-•^ mile. Left comer of cupola on roof 115 10 lyi miles. Near peak of house 167 00 2|^ miles. Reference station 207 07 20 8.26 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 296 59 10 30.06 meters. Right pine tree 325 53 20 400 yards. WAR. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Choptank River on southern side of entrance to Warwick River about i/i mile east-southeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on northern side of point of marsh about i foot above high water, 45 yards south of shore, 35 yards southeast of shore, 45 yards east of shore, and 35 to 45 yards southwest to west of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.95 meters S 12° 18' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of cedar stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — a / // "Gander" (S 11° 26' W) o Chimney of house 17 Smoke pipe on wharf house 23 Left chimney of small house 26 Square cupola on large house 45 Left peak of house 66 Right comer of very wide chimney on brick house 96 Left peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house 105 01 fi mile. Chimney of house 132 50 ij^ miles. Near peak of house 157 00 2^ miles. Nail in blaze in pin oak tree (10 inches diam- eter) 186 Nail in blaze in pine tree (11 inches diam- eter) 212 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 245 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 267 Reference station 336 Chimney of house 353 07 i mile. 00 00 J^ mile. 12 2 miles. 00 i^ miles. 05 2 miles. S3 Z/i miles. II lyi miles. II I mile. 09 50 42.26 meters. 40 41-75 meters. 30 31 -45 nieters. 16 30 30.11 meters. 20 4.9s meters. Survey of Oysler Bars, Dorchester County, Md. GANDER. 47 General locality. — Southeastern shore of Choptank River ^ mile southwest of entrance to Goose Creek, about lyi miles east-northeast of Oystershell Point, and about i '^ miles south -southeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in an iracultivated field on bank about 6 feet above high water, 19 yards east of edge of bank, 3,3 yards northeast of edge of bank, 33 yards southeast of edge of hank, and 155 yards west of two large cedar trees at a paling fence. Marks. — Observed station is center [joint of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Chief" (S 9° 44' W) o 00 00 ^s mile. Chimney of house 28 22 1^ miles. Smoke pipe on wharf house 40 14 1^ miles. Chimney of house 50 00 4X miles. " Cambridge Stand Pipe " 62 46 50 5^;^ miles. Chimney outside of house 113 39 i^ miles. Right chimney of house 135 Near peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house .... 147 Chimney of house 148 Chimney of house 164 Tangent of point 172 Right end of roof of long bam 235 Black walnut tree 282 Chimney of house 344 CHIEF. 48 1^4 miles. 14 i^ miles. 54 2H miles. 24 3K miles. 50 f^ mile. 04 fi mile. 36 200 yards. 59 X mile. General locality. — Southeast shore of Choptank River on a narrow neck of land between Choptank River and Indian Creek, about i mile east of Oystershell Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grass strip between Choptank River and Indian Creek about 2 feet above high water, 15 yards south of river shore, 11 yards north of creek shore, 20 yards southeast of river shore, and 25 yards southwest of river shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above siuiace of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.- — o / // "Shell" (S 85° 11' W) o Smoke pipe on wharf house o Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 13 Right comer of railing on house 78 Near peak of house 91 Right comer of square chimney 114 Near comer of bam 144 05 X mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) ^. . 167 Stack of cannery 208 Peak of house between two chimneys 253 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 348 Near peak of cottage 358 00 00 I mile. 42 3^ mile. 37 10 11.76 meters. 32 2 miles. 47 354 miles. 47 X mile. 38 10 22.07 meters. 20 }^ mile. y^ mile. 50 13.81 meters. I mile. 48 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. SHELL. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Choptank River on Oyster Shell Point about }4 ™ile south of Goose Point and iK miles east-northeast of Chancellors Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 1 foot above high water, 100 yards north of rail fence, 55 yards southwest of shore, 75 yards south of shore, 400 yards west of a wharf, 250 yards west by north of a small house near the shore, 50 yards west h\ north of corner of fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 2.27 meters N 83° 07' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument ]irojecting 5 inches above the surface of the ground . References. — o / // "Whitehall" (S 41° 55' W) o 00 00 Ssmile. Lone tree 29 12 225 yards. "Cambridge Standpipe" 35 39 00 4'i miles. Right comer of square cupola 39 24 I'j miles. Reference station 54 57 50 2.27 meters. Chimney of left end of house 83 10 1% miles. Near peak of large house 150 53 1% miles. Near peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house ... . 158 17 ij/^ miles. Right peak of building 177 29 2% miles. Chimney on house 205 20 i,'.^ miles. Smoke pipe on wharf house 221 13 J^ mile Near peak of shed 265 40 150 yards. Near peak of house 280 06 300 yards. WHITEHALL. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Choptank River about ■'■ s mile southwest of Ovstershell Point, and I's miles east of Chancellor Point. (.See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point among water bushes about 12 yards south- southeast of shore, 13 yards south-southwest of shore, and 15 yards east-southeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Ferry" (S 55° 08' W) o 00 00 1V4 miles. Chimney of house 10 50 2 J4 miles. " Cambridge Stand Pipe " 27 22 40 4 miles. Right of square cupola 46 16 i',^ miles. Left chimney on long house 99 58 1/4 miles. Chimney outside near end of house 137 20 i J^8 miles. Near peak of large building 144 31 2' 3 miles. Front peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house ... 150 00 2K miles. FERRY. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank near east side of entrance to Hurst Creek about 2H miles of Cambridge. (See Chart. No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand beach about on level with high water, 92 yards east-northeast of Hurst Creek, i yard southeast of shore, and 6 to 10 yards northwest to north of several low cedar trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.74 meters S 50° 12' E of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 49 oo oo 2}4 miles. 05 10 ^yi miles. 37 I mile. 22 2 miles. 23 35-8 miles. Marks. — Observed station is nail in pine stub in center of 2-inch tile pipe with top of pipe 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "E. Cambridge Tall Stack" (N. 81° 21' W). . o "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 24 Near peak of large house with cupola 79 Near peak of bam cupola 99 Near peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house .... 116 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (11 inches diam- eter) 193 Reference station 2n Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 242 Nail "in blaze in cedar tree (16 inches diam- eter) 279 Chimney of house 338 SHOAL. 00 6.82 meters. 00 i()-74 meters. 50 8.32 meters. 00 9.76 meters. i?4 miles. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River near entrance to a small creek about i mile east-southeast of Cambridge i^.s miles west-S3uthwest of Chancellors Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods on a point of land about 10 feet above high water, 50 yards east of edge of bank, 6 yards southwest of wire fence at edge of high land, 7 yards south of wire fence, 11 yards west of wire fence, 13 yards west-southwest of large double oak tree, and 90 yards east of a marsh point at a creek. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.08 meters S 23° 44' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Cambridge" (N 46° 31' W) o 00 00 ij^ miles. Large chimney of house 25 55 3!^ miles. Spindle of barn cupola 61 31 i|^ miles. Left chimney of house 84 09 2 miles. Near peak of bam with cupola 106 Nail in blaze in large double oak tree 120 Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (8 inches diameter) 205 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 224 Reference station 250 Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (17 inches diameter) 304 Flagstaff on boathouse 3 58 i^i miles. 20 11.31 meters. 30 8.05 meters. 40 6.08 meters. 20 3.19 meters. 2\4 miles. EAST CAMBRIDGE TALL STACK. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River in the town of Cambridge on the east side of Cambridge Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is tall square brick smokestack at plant of Cambridge Manu- facturing Company. Marks. — Observed station is center of stack. References. — None necessary. 58345—13 4 50 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. EAST CAMBRIDGE SPIRE. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River in town of Cambridge on the east side of Cam- bridge Creek and the south side of Maryland Avenue. (See Chart No. 35.) Note. — This triangulation landmark was torn down before this publication was prepared and there- fore it is not described, although its name and location are shown on Chart No. 35. CAMBRIDGE STANDPIPE. General locality. — Southwestern side of Choptank River in the town of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on standpipe on the north side of High Street near Pine Street. Marks. — Observed station is center of cylindrical water standpipe with ornamental railing on top. References. — None necessary. CAMBRIDGE. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on a point about ^ mile southeast of Ham- brooks Bar Beacon and J 2 mile northwest of Cambridge steamer wharf. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality.^Ohserved station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 30 yards west of shore, 35 yards south of shore at cut, 40 yards southwest of shore, and 3 yards southwest of barb- wire fence running northwest and southeast. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Command " (N 50° 20' W) o 00 00 J smile. "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 36 12 00 % mile. Southwest peak of Kirby Wharf house 58 27 !%■ miles. Chimney outside of south end of house 107 00 ij-i miles. Near one of four chimneys on large square house 133 26 2>:J' miles. Right chimney of large house on Chancellors Point 146 27 2^ miles. Weather vane on hotel 235 36 J4 mile. Chimney of house 328 03 ^ mile. Flagpole 354 09 }4 mile. Flagpole on boathouse 359 24 %■ mile. HAMBROOKS BAR BEACON. General locality. — Southern side of Choptank River about ^4 mile offshore from point of land known as Hambrooks Bar, about 2 miles southeast of Howells Point and I'i miles northwest of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a cylindrical foundation known as Hambrooks Bar Beacon. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Hambrooks Bar Beacon. References. — None necessary. DICKS WATER TANK. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River near Hambrooks Bar about ^i mile southwest of Hambrooks Bar Beacon and y^ mile west of extreme end of Hambrooks Bar. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on water tank. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on top of water tank. References. — None necessary. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. COMMAND. 51 General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River about >2 mile west-southwest of Hambrooks Bar Beacon and about 1% miles northwest of Cambridge Wharf. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point inside of a fence line, about 2 feet above high water, 18 yards southeast of shore, 16 yards south of shore, 25 yards southwest of shore, and 150 yards northwest of a boathouse . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting $ inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' "Choptank River Light" (N 49° 40' W) o 00 Nail in blaze in fence post 5 33 Near peak of large building 16 45 Nail in blaze in fence post 65 08 Left chimney of house with three dormer windows 68 28 Nearpeakof Kirby Wharf house 86 "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 121 Near peak of large house i S3 Flagstaff on boathouse 183 " Dicks Water Tank" 266 Nail in blaze in fence post 328 Left chimney of old house 331 " Large Water Tank " 347 00 6j4 miles. 30 10.85 meters. 2% miles. 20 II. 01 meters. 28 V/i miles. 40 lyi miles. 17 50 K mile. 10 3 miles. 20 150 yards. 2g 30 yi mile. 25 40 17-23 meters. 53 2K miles. 03 10 5 miles. HOWARD. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River, 2 miles southeast of Horn Point and about ^{ mile northwest of entrance to Jenkins Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land on bluff about 12 feet above high water, 25 yards southwest of edge of bluff, 30 yards south of edge of bluff, 35 yards west of edge of bluff, 45 yards west-northwest of comer of fence dividing field from marsh, and 65 yards northeast of the south one of two small poplar trees in field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (N 36° 14' W) o 00 00 6 miles. Near peak of bam 30 20 3X miles. "Black Beacon" 32 Red Beacon 34 Near peak of low house in trees 79 Near peak of Kirby Wharf house 90 " Dicks Water Tank " 109 Left chimney of house 115 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diam- eter) 125 Nail in blaze in locust tree 144 Nail in blaze in locust tree 188 Near peak of bam 245 Right peak of house 317 Right peak of old house 351 16 50 lYi, miles. II 30 lYi miles. 52 3X miles. 53 3 miles. 57 40 i]/i miles. 00 I mile. 51 50 37-49 meters. 34 5° 45-66 meters. 22 40 63.83 meters. 03 % mile. 02 % mile. 02 i>2 miles. 52 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. General locality. — .Southern shore of Choptank River on Horn Point about i^i miles west of Howells Point, and at eastern side of entrance to Lecomptes Bay. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 7 feet above high water, 15 yards south of shore, 13 yards southwest of shore, and 20 yards west of shore, and near but not on highest point of ground. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.38 meters S 33° 34' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of stub in 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsiu-face mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of the ground. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (N 34° 15' W) . ... o East peak of large bam 57 Large chimney of house 68 Red Beacon 71 "Black Beacon" 73 Near peak of house 88 Nail in blaze in elm tree 147 Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter) . 200 Nail in blaze in oak tree (20 inches diameter) . 246 Reference station 247 Chimney of house 293 Chimney outside of house 331 " Large Water Tank" 344 Near comer of boathouse 351 00 00 4_; 8 miles. 02 2^^ miles. 24 2}i miles. 00 2 miles. 30 I'i miles. 28 17 38 2 miles. 42 47 58 49 40 5.48 meters. 10 4.70 meters. 10 16.89 meters. 00 12.38 meters. 21 1% miles. 19 lyi miles. 41 10 2^4. miles. 52 2' 8 miles. LECOMPTE. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on southwestern side of Lecomptes Bay about iX miles west-southwest of Horn Point, s-g mile northwest of Travers Wharf, and /^ mile southwest of mouth of Lecomptes Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 18 yards west of point of shore, 14 yards south-southeast of shore, 5 yards east-southeast of turn in shore at beach, 7 yards northeast of a pool, 10 yards northwest of cut inshore, and 115 yards southeast of near one of two large cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a 1 1/ "Gmbin" (N 56° 00' E) o 00 00 3>^ miles. " Black Beacon " o 12 10 2/^ miles. Bam cupola 9 10 North peak of wharf house 69 02 North peak of house 106 43 Left one of two large cedar trees 248 12 Spindle on bam cupola 280 48 Chimney outside of house 303 44 Red Beacon 350 °7 LARGE WATER TANK. X mile. ;V| mile. 117 yards. yi mile. s^s mile. 20 3X miles. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Choptank River at Castle Haven, about 235 miles south of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on water tank on high steel tower near bams at Castle Haven. Marks. — Observed station is center point of windmill on water tank. References. — None necessary. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 53 CASTLE. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on Castlehaven Point on north side of Castle- haven Creek about 2 miles south-soutliwest of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a narrow neck of land, about 25 yards south -southwest of shore of Choptank River, 20 yards north of sliore of cove, 22 yards west of bathhouse, and 100 yards east-northeast of three poplar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Choptank River Light" (N 25° 41' W) o 00 00 2 miles. Right comer of house near Bachelor Point. . ig 27 3 miles. Left comer of bathhouse 95 31 20 21.42 meters. Near comer of bathhouse 109 32 20 19-83 meters. Near peak of house 122 56 3 miles. Right peak of boathouse at Castlehaven Wharf 215 04 ^smile. Right comer of chimney of brick house 254 18 '-s mile. JERE. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on Sharps Island, about i^i miles south-southeast of Sharps Island Light. (See Chart No. 36.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard ground about 7 feet above high water, 95 yards south-southeast of old hotel building, 95 yards west-southwest of shore, 150 yards southwest of a point and in such a position that .Sharps Island Light shows to the right of the old hotel building. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sharps Island Light" (N 24° 06' W) o 00 00 i>2' miles. Church cupola 46 35 50 $% miles. Chimney on left end of roof of large house .... 47 44 5 miles. Chimney of large house 104 25 4% miles. Large chimney of large house 115 46 4^^ miles. Chimney on right end of large house 142 21 5^^ miles. Near comer of house 346 59 95 yards. SHARPS ISLAND LIGHT. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Choptank River, about i mile north-northwest of Sharps Island and 2H miles southwest of Blackwalnut Point. (See Chart No. 36.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on structure with a cylindrical foundation known as Sharps Island Light. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Sharps Island Light. References. — o / // " Black" (N 43° 36' E) o 00 00 2^ miles. BLACK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Blackwalnut Point at north side of entrance to Choptank River, about 2^ miles northeast of Sharps Island Light. (See Charts No. 36.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 33 yards east-northeast of edge of bank, 45 yards west of edge of bank, 65 yards northwest of edge of bank, and 130 yards south of a lone apple tree. 54 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a 1 n "Sharps Island Light" (S43°37' W) o Near peak of old house 123 Lone apple tree 133 Chimney of house among trees 145 Right chimney of house near water 163 Right chimney of large house 211 "Choptank River Light" 232 Near peak of barn 253 Left chimney of house 270 Chimney outside left end of house 283 Near peak of old hotel building on Sharps Island 337 47 3_!,2 miles. BAR. 00 00 2S4 miles. 10 yi mile. 16 131 yards. 38 i3^ miles. 31 I mile. 27 7 miles. 11 30 8,! 2 miles. 22 6 miles. 12 tP/% miles. 35 7 miles. General locality. — Western shore of entrance to Harris Creek on Upper Bar Neck Point, about i^ miles north-northeast of Blackwalnut Point and i]4 miles south-southeast of Tilghman Island Wharf. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 3 yards west of edge of bank and 60 yards north of line of trees at edge of marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 45.81 meters S 83° 00' W of observed station nearly on line to large lone persimmon tree 15 inches diameter. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe with top about 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Large Water Tank" (S 61° 46' E) o Nail in blaze in oak stump 63 Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree 78 Nail in blaze in cedar tree 88 Nail in blaze in lone persimmon tree 144 Reference station 144 Right chimney of first house to right of woods . 205 Schoolhouse cupola 213 Stack of cannery 216 Stack of cannery 227 Right chimney of house showing over woods . . 239 Neavitt schoolhouse cupola 269 Chimney of house 276 00 9X miles. 00 51.17 meters. 40 46.66 meters. 30 47-69 meters. 10 49- 48 meters. 00 45- 81 meters. ^'i mile. II 40 iH miles. 19 1% miles. 10 ij^ miles. 07 2yi miles. 25 iH miles. 58 2^2 miles. CHANGE (1910). General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek on Change Point, about 1,12' miles east of Knapps Narrows. (See Progress map . ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 45 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, 55 yards northwest of edge of bank, 35 yards east of edge of bank, 70 yards southeast by south of comer of wire fence, and 70 yards south-southwest of wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 55 References. — ° "Nelson 3 "(853° 21' E) o "Windmill" 5 Near peak of house 25 Chimney of house 8g Near peak of house 117 Near peak of storehouse on Tilghman Island Wharf 123 Near peak of house 131 Near chimney of brick house 210 Right chimney of house 278 Near peak of house 307 CHEF. 00 00 V/i miles. 53 5° 9X miles. 43 7 miles. 04 2}/i miles. 29 2^4 miles. 16 i^ miles. 01 2% miles. 58 2yi miles. 54 X mile. 44 yi mile. 41 10 31-43 meters. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cook Point, at southern side of entrance to Choptank River, about 4 miles east of Sharps Island. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above nigh water, 30 yards inside of fringe of trees parallel with shore, 45 yards southwest of eastern end of fringe of trees, 70 yards east of western end of fringe of trees, and 190 yards northwest by north of gate in fence running east and west. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sharps Island Light" (N 84° 01' W) o 00 00 4^^ miles. Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (4 inches diameter) 18 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 46 Large chimney of house 51 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 79 Left peak of house 81 Near peak of bam 98 Nail in blaze in locust tree ('• inches diam- eter) 99 Near chimney on largest building in group . . 127 Left end of house 150 " Choptank River Light" 158 Lone persimmon tree 165 "Large water tank " 177 Right chimney outside house 194 Chimney on right one of two houses 222 Right peak of bam 251 Right peak of hotel on Sharps Island 341 20 28.53 meters. 4^4 miles. 50 29.94 meters. 5 miles. 7>2 miles. 50 30 43.16 meters. 24 6 miles. 48 30 7?/^ miles. 02 10 5J-^ miles. 47 231 yards. 43 10 t^/i miles. 02 2X miles. 37 yi mile. 19 X mile. 27 4 miles. COOK POINT WINDMILL. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cook Point, between Tripps Bay and Cook Point Cove, about I'^i miles southeast of end of point. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on windmill over smaller and west one of two water tanks west of a barn on Cook Point farm. Marks. — Observed station is center of windmill over smaller tank. References. — None necessary. \ 56 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. BRANNOCK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay between Choptank River and Little Choptank River, on the southern shore of Brannock Ray, about 7 miles southeast of Sharps Island Light. (See Charts Nos. 36 and .37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on high land about S feet above high water, 11 yards south of shore, 7 yards south of edge of bluff, S yards north of rail fence on far side of county road, 50 yards east of bend where road leaves shore and runs toward farmhouse and 150 yards northeast of a farmhouse. Marfe,?.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting about inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // Sharps Island Light (N 54° 34' W) o Near peak of house on Cook Point 38 " Cook Point windmill " 45 Right chimney of house in trees 83 Between two chinmeys on large part of house . 104 Outside chimney on near end of house 108 Center one of three chimneys of house 142 Tangent of right end of bam roof 150 Center one of three chimneys on house 163 Right peak of house 203 Left chimney of i,' .-story house across creek. . 210 Near peak of bam 2S5 Tangent of Mills Point 343 Tangent of left end of Sharps Island Hotel. . 352 ROBINS. 00 00 7 miles. 18 3 '2 miles. 33 30 2J2 miles. 15 2 miles. 31 I mile. 06 I mile. 03 I mile. 4q I mile. 16 3^ mile. 34 2 miles. 47 2 miles. 11 3,^ mile. 43 K mile- 12 3', 2 miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Hills Point, at northeast side of entrance to Little Choptank River, about 6 miles southeast of Sharps Island Light. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 40 yards northeast by north of edge of bluff, 45 yards east by north of point of bluff, 65 yards south by east of edge of bluff in range with Sharps Island Light, and 140 yards north by west of wire fence at bluff. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.— o / // "Sharps Island Light" (N 34° 11' W) o 00 00 6 miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 5 Left chimney of house 76 Near peak of bam 87 Tallest chimney of gr Near peak of bam 222 Tangent of end of woods on Taylor Island . . . 229 Chimney of house on James Point 247 Tangent of James Point 248 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 336 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 353 Tangent of right side of hotel on Sharps Island 356 39 43 20 37-11 meters. 25 J'8 mile. 14 J-g mile. 22 ^ mile. 52 S'i miles. 14 5^^ miles. 10 3^-8 miles. 00 s miles. 32 iS 30 28.22 meters. 50 ..:... 30.90 meters. 4I4 miles. \ Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 57 RAGGED POINT 3. General locality. — Northern shore of Little Choptank River on Ragged Island, al^oiit 5 miles east of the northeast end of James Island. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small marsh point about i foot above high water, 3 yards east of shore, 5 yards narthwest of shore, q yards north of extreme end of point, and loo yards east of a small marsh island. Cement monument marking reference station is 27.27 meters N 31° 42' K of observed station. Tile ]>ipe set in cement marking old reference station is 21.75 tiieters N 30^ 42' V, of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Old reference station is tile pipe set in cement projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Hudson" (N 76° 00' K) o Near peak of bam 66 Near peak of bam 70 Near chimney of house 72 Right chimney of house 75 Near peak of barn 109 Near peak of bam 116 Left chimney of house on Hooper Point 117 Near peak of barn 129 Near peak of bam on Hills Point 247 Old reference station (tile pipe) 314 New reference station (cement mon- ument) 315 00 00 i5 s miles. 19 2 miles. 55 2 miles. 00 2 miles. 31 2 '4 miles. 2'/ miles. 2'-s miles. 34 2ji miles. no 2'^ miles. 47 2J-8 miles 40 2:. 7; meters. ?7 meters. TORREY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Slaughter Creek, about i mile southeast of Hooper Point, and ^4 mile southwest of entrance to Parsons Creek. (See Charts Nos. 36, 37, and 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard marsh about i foot above high water, go yards east northeast of shore, 250 yards south of shore, 50 yards west of young pine thicket, and near several small pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Maryland" (S 22° 07' W) o Peak of bam o Cupola on barn g Rightchimney of house r. . . . 22 Left chimney of house 47 Right end of bam 79 Left chimney of house 82 Center of old windmill 97 Left chimney of house on Hooper Point 109 Near peak of bam 174 14 4 miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diam- eter) 265 24 40 9.60 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diam- eter) 287 08 10 II. 86 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diam- eter) 292 06 00 17- 90 meters. 00 00 ?4 mile. . 25 I mile. 37 lyi miles. 48 i5-S miles. 07 58 f4 mile. 5'8 mile. ^s mile. I mile. I mile. 58 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. MARYLAND. General locality. — Eastern side of Slaughter Creek, about iX miles northeast of Slaughter Creek Bridge, and }4 mi'e southeast of shore. (See Charts Nos. 36, 37, and 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 35 yards northeast of fence between fields, 105 yards west-northwest of road from Madison to Taylor Island, 115 yards northwest of junction of fences at road, and 130 yards west-northwest of house on opposite side of road. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Noblee" (S29° 28' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Near peak of canning house 2 03 i ' s miles. Spindle on cupola on bam 12 10 ^ mile. Left side of barn 37 09 X mile. Right chimney of house 51 14 ^ mile. Near chimney of large house 99 ^;} fi mile. Near peak of large bam 126 38 J4 mile. Left chimney of house 163 02 }4 mile. Chimney on near end of house 212 46 f^ mile. Center of front door of house on opposite side of road 269 34 130 yards. Near peak of bam 353 18 i mile. WHITEWASH. General locality. — Western shore of Slaughter Creek, about iX miles north of Slaughter Creek Bridge, and i>^ miles southwest of entrance to Parsons Creek. (See Charts Nos. 36, 37, and 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about on level with high water, about 25 yards west-northwest of shore, 50 yards north -north west of shore, 60 yards southwest of shore, 50 yards east- southeast of wire fence, and 300 yards south of farm house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Moore" (N 23 ° 17' E) o 00 00 ^g mile. Near chimney of house 28 $;^ 1% miles. Left chimney of house 42 53 s^ mile. Near peak of bam ', . . 51 57 3^ mile. Near gable of house 92 49 ^ mile. Left chimney of house 115 15 }4 mile. Cupola on bam 155 17 }^ mile. Centerof canning house ventilators 161 17 iX miles. Centerof draw of Slaughter Creek Bridge 169 48 iX miles. Near peak of large building 177 46 i}4 miles. Near peak of bam 330 08 250 yards. Right chimney of house 335 23 f^ mile. Near peak of bam 351 15 ^i mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 59 MOORE. General locality. — Western shore of Slaughter Creek, about H mile south of Hooper Point and 'J4, mile west-southwest of entrance to Parsons Creek. (See Charts Nos. 36, 37, and 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and shell land near edge of marsh about i foot above high water, 1 1 yards west of shore, 25 yards north of shore, 130 yards south of shore, 140 yards east of near comer of large barn, and 200 yards west-southwest of end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Veith" (N9° 21' W) o 00 00 ^ mjle. Right chimney of house 68 23 i J ^ miles. Near peak of bam 74 39 i}4 tniXes. Near peak of barn 149 02 ^ mile. Left chimney of house 168 10 ]/i mile. Left chimney of house 189 25 J^ mile. Center of draw of Slaughter Creek bridge .... 205 46 V/i miles. Nearcomerof large bam 275 24 140 yards. Left edge of house 296 55 yi mile. Near peak of bam ._. 333 27 % mile. Right chimney of house on Hooper Point 343 01 ^ mile. VEITH. General locality. — Southern shore of Little Choptank River on Hooper Point at western side of entrance to Slaughter Creek about 2 miles south of Ragged Point. (See Charts Nos. 36, 37, and 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh about i foot above high water, 25 yards west of shore, 30 yards south of shore, 50 yards northwest of shore, 6 yards east of edge of larger pond in marsh, 25 yards north of edge of smaller pond in marsh, and 125 yards east of an orchard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ragged Point 3" (N 7° 23' E) o 00 00 2 miles. Left chimney of house 23 31 35^8 miles. Tangent of Susquehanna Point 48 15 2% miles. Right chimney of house 75 11 lyi miles. Near peak of bam 172 27 % mile. Left chimney of house 173 28 J-i mile. Near chimney of house 208 22 % mile. Center of old windmill 221 47 '-2 mile. Near chimney of house on Hooper Point. . . . 272 12 yi mile. Near peak of bam 353 05 2>yi miles. CAN. General locality. — Southern shore of Little Choptank River on a point about 2 miles east of the southeastern end of James Island, and i mile west of entrance to Slaughter Creek. (See Charts No. 36, 37, and 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 9 yards southwest of shore, 17 yards southeast of end of point, 20 yards east of shore, and 180 yards north-north- west of a house among trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.25 meters S 6° 58' E of observed station. 6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. oo oo 2 miles. 40 2 miles. 23 2}i miles. 31 4^2 miles. 27 4^8 miles. 18 3f^ miles. 56 i^-i miles. 20 i|-^ miles. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4 inch tile pipe set in cement and projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Skid" (N 89° 23' W) o Chimney on near end of old house 7 Chimney on end of small addition to house . . 38 Near peak of bam on Hills Point 83 Near peak of house 1 06 Left chimney of house 132 Middle chimney of house 164 57 3J^ miles. Left chifdney of house 210 48 180 yards. Reference station 262 25 00 g.25 meters. Near peak of large bam 328 01 iX miles. Left chimney of large house on north end of Taylor Island 345 Tangent to north end of Taylor Island 356 SKID. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Ba)'. on extreme southern end of James Island, about 8 ' 2 miles north-northeast of Cove Point Light and 4 miles southwest of Ragged Point. (See Charts Nos. 36, 37, and 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on land about 5 feet above high water, 1,1, yards west of shore, 22 yards northeast of shore, and 60 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Four-inch tile pipe marking old reference station is 148.83 meters N 9° 35' Wof observed station and cement monument marking new reference station is 58.70 meters N 9° 59' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 4-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Old reference station is nail in center of 4-inch tile pipe filled with and set in cement projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. New reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monu- ment projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Can" (S 89° 25' El o 00 00 2 miles. Near peak of bam with metal roof 24 25 ^ mile. Left chimney of house 28 22 ^-i mile. Left chimney of house 39 31 i mile. Near peak of house 67 Right chimney of house 85 Tangent of north end of Taylor Island 107 Tangent of end of woods 224 Left chimney of large house 259 Old reference station (tile pipe,) 259 New reference station (monument) 259 "Rede" (Right chimney of house) 274 Right tangent of woods on Casons Point .... 333 Chimney on near end of house on Hooper Point 355 REDE. i^ miles. ^ mile. J4 mile. ^ mile. '4 mile. 10 148.83 meters. 40 .70 meters. 40 }i mile. $yi miles. 32 2^ miles. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Little Choptank River on James Island about 3 miles west-northwest of Hooper Point. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on two-story house on the east side of James Island and on the south side of Oyster Creek at its mouth. Marks. — Eastern chimney of two-story house. References. — None necessary. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 6i JAMES. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on northeast end of James Island at south side of entrance to Little Choptank River. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 8 yards west of shore, 11 yards northwest of shore, 85 yards south of shore, and 75 yards east of pine woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 19.48 meters S 84° 17' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above siu'face of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Robins" (N 23° 14' E) o Near peak of house 12 Chimney on near end of house 48 Near peak of bam 89 Near chimney of house on Hooper Point. ... 100 Left peak of long bam 107 Near peak of bam 146 Reference station 241 "Sharps Island Light" 320 Right edge of old hotel on Sharps Island. ... 321 Left tangent of woods on Cook Point 357 00 00 2% miles. 37 3X miles. 42 zH miles. 01 4^ miles. 36 3 miles. 05 3X miles. 09 2% miles. 03 00 ig.48 meters. 02 40 7^ miles. 43 6X miles. 29 7 miles. NELSON 3. 09 General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Nelson Island, between the entrance to Harris and Broad Creeks. (See Progress map.) hninediate locality. — Observed station is on southwest point of island on marsh about 2 feet above high water, 28 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, 45 yards northwest of edge of marsh, and 14 yards east of marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 32.27 meters N 32° 05' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of nail in 3-inch square stub in tile pipe flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Choptank River Light" (S 56° 09' E) o " Large Water Tank' ' 10 Right chimney of house 31 Near chimney outside of house 45 Near peak of bam on Cook Point 67 Left peak of hotel on Sharps Island 98 " Sharps Island Light" 109 Chimney of house 137 Stackof cannery at Tilghman Island 153 Windmill at Tilghman Island 155 Chimney of house on Change Point 185 Left peak of house 197 Chimney of house 254 "St. Michaels Church Spire" 259 Reference station 268 Left peak of building 293 Near peak of house with three chimneys 335 00 5J.^ miles. 50 7X miles. 48 7 miles. 44 sK miles. 40 5}^ miles. 03 ■jl-'i miles. 04 20 -jyi miles. 36 4 miles. 43 sK miles. 12 3,'/^ miles. 37 ij^ miles.. 50 t}4 miles. 10 2^ miles. 55 10 6^ miles. 13 20 32. 27 meters. 43 2yi miles. 18 3 miles. 62 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. ANNETTE. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek about J^ mile north of Nelson Point, and on south side of entrance to Balls Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, and 4 yards west of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.39 meters N 75° 59' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Myrtle" (N 15° 29' E) o 00 00 54 mile. South chimney of house 18 39 3^4 miles. South chimney of house 29 53 3J^ miles. South gable of bam , 35 01 3X miles. Chimney of house 36 35 3^ miles. South gable of bam 72 54 2 miles. West chimney of house 102 "Choptank River Light" 116 Water tank at Castle Haven 123 North gable of bam on Todd Point 148 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 187 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 235 Reference station 268 19 lYt miles. 34 40 ty^ miles. 54 8^ miles. 31 tyi miles. 20 00 . . . . . . 11.37 meters. 06 30 ... . . . 16. 81 meters. 29 40 ... . . . 9.39 meters. PEARY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek about i mile north of entrance to Broad Creek, x'yi miles north of Royston Island and \% miles east-northeast of Nelson Point. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded shore about 6 feet above high water, 3 yards east of vertical bank which is washed by high water 100 yards south of north end of pine woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 20.93 meters N 43° 30' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— o / // "Roys" (S 17° 35' E) o Left tangent of Cook Point 44 Right tangent of Nelson Point 96 East chimney of house 117 East gable of Parlett house 131 South gable of bam 168 Nail in blaze in pine tree (15 inches diam- eter) 233 Reference station 241 Nail in blaze in pine tree (15 inches diam- eter) 307 35 10 15. 45 meters. IRISH. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River on west side of entrance to Irish Creek about }4 mile northeast of Royston Island. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land, about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards east-northeast of edge of bank, 5 yards north of foot of bank, 4 yards north of a cedar tree, 10 yards west of a small cedar tree at west end of line of locust trees, and 23 yards east-southeast of rounded point of bank. 00 00 iy2 miles. 53 6X miles. 09 i^ miles. 03 2 miles. 52 2^^ miles. 59 ij4 miles. 40 17. 49 meters. 50 20. 93 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 63 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Pont"(Ni3°04'E) o Near peak of building 25 Nail in blaze in locust tree (2 inches diam- eter) 68 Left peak of house 98 Left peak of bam 123 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 152 Near peak of house 185 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (2 inches diam- eter) 206 " Sharps Island Light' ' 230 Near peak of house 291 00 ^ mile. 49 1% miles. 52 50 16.33 meters. 15 1^ mile. 13 I mile. 52 10 4.29 meters. 06 5 miles. 40 6.24 meters. 10 20 9 miles. 12 3J^ miles. Near peak of bam 348 54 300 yards. ROYS. General locality. — Northeastern side of Choptank River on southern end of Royston Island, about X mile southwest of entrance to Irish Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 15 yards north of shore, 25 yards east of shore, and 25 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 44° 37' E) o " Large Water Tank" g Peak of large bam 49 Right peak of bam 71 Windmill 71 "Sharps Island Light" log Chxu'ch Spire 134 Chiu-ch Spire 134 Large spire 134 Windmill 146 00 00 3^ miles. 09 00 5S4 miles. 44 n}4 miles. 08 5^^ miles. 18 5J^ miles. 16 30 ?,}/i miles. 43 6 miles. 47 6 miles. 57 6 miles. 07 5f^ miles. Chimney of house 170 03 3 miles. Near peak of large bam 200 Nail in blaze in oak tree (3 inches daimeter). 215 Nail in blaze in oak tree (3 inches diameter) . 281 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) " 358 28 . . . 3X miles. 4,3 10 . . . . . . 10.64 meters. 24 20 . . . . . . 6.22 meters. 28 40 15.92 meters. CREEK. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River on east side of entrance to Irish Creek, about f^ mile east-northeast of Royston Island. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station on marsh point about i foot above high water, 11 yards south- east of shore, II yards east of shore, 17 yards north -northeast of shore, and 14 yards south of cut in shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above stuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 64 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. References. — o / // "Dot" (S 17° 34' W) o 00 00 4^ miles. Right comer of house 118 45 S/g mile. Right comer of house 146 12 1^4 miles. Left peak of house 184 09 i^ miles. Left comer of large chimney 230 02 ^ mile. Near peak of large building 354 09 5^^ miles. CORNER (CHOPTANK RIVER). General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on east side of entrance to Chapel Creek, about 2 miles southeast of Todd Point, and 3 miles south-southwest of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy land about 3 feet above high water, 30 yards east of shore, 30 yards south of shore, 35 5''ards southeast of extreme end of point, and west of small clump of small pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Dot"(N 58=43' W) o Nail in blaze in holly tree (14 inches diam- eter) 35 "Choptank River Light" 75 Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 105 Right comer of new house 108 Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 187 Near peak of 2 ! 2-story house 308 Chimney outside right end of house 340 Chimney outside near end of house 356 40 55 ': miles. 13.81 meters. 20 3 miles. 03 00 3.57 meters. 42 '.-2 mile. 20 10 8. 21 meters. 25 ]/i mile. 33 2 miles. 46 2X miles. DOT. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on Todd Point, about 3 miles east of Cook Point, and ^li miles southwest of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 4 feet above high water, 55 yards west-southwest of shore, 30 yards south-southwest of edge of bank, 40 yards south by east of point \\here bank meets marsh, 70 yards south by west of extreme end of jjoint, and 200 yards northeast by north of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of grovmd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-iijch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Choptank River Light" (S 56° 26' K) o "Large Water Tank" 37 Near peak of house 42 Near peak of building 72 Chimney outside right end of house 102 Chimney outside near end of house 175 Left chimney of house on Cook Point 212 "Sharps Island Light" 218 Church Spire 250 Left peak of house 277 Near peak of bam 290 09 7^ miles. Cupola on house 333 02 j,Yi miles. 00 00 3;'4 miles. 36 00 3J^ miles. 45 2j^ miles. 49 2X miles. 18 134 miles. 25 200 yards. 24 2^:, miles. 32 40 ■}% miles. 04 40 "1% miles. 10 7X miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 65 HUDvSON. General locality. — Northern shore of Little Choptank River on Casans Point, about i mile north of Susquehanna Point, and I'A mil?s east-northeast of Ragged Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand beach about on level with high water, 2 yards southof arailfenceextendingalongshore, and 130) ards west-northwest of end of woods atshore. Cement monument marking reference station is 29.65 meters N 8° 30' W of observed station. Four-inch tile pipe marking old reference station is 3.99 meters N 7° 14' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-incli tile pipe set in cement projecting 3 inches above surface of cement and 6 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Old reference station is center of 4-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above siu-face of ground. References. — o / // "Jenifer" (N I ' 41' W) o 00 00 I4 mile. Left chimney of lyi-siory house 13 24 i,!-4 miles. Near peak of bam 30 45 ij ^ miles. "Madison Southern M. E. Church Spire". .. . 145 10 30 2,34^ miles. Near peak of bam 213 30 ^^4 miles. Left chimney of house on Hooper Point 223 01 i}-i miles. Near peak of house 251 57 smiles. Right chimney of house 327 50 J4 mile. 31 }4 mile. 31 X niile. 27 ij^ miles. 50 50 9-35 meters. 58 3^ mile. 09 iX miles. 17 2 miles. 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. LOUISE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Hudson Creek on point at south side of entrance to Back Creek about yi mile north of Cas^ns Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh point about i foot above high water, 18 yards north-northeast of shore, 22 yards southeast of shore, 30 yards northwest of shore, and 30 yards east -northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Rejerences. — o / // "Mac" (S 64° 57' E) o Chimney of house o "Madison Southern M. E. Church Spire". .. 39 Tangent of Casons Point 74 Center chimney of house 129 Left end of house 155 Chimney in center of house 172 Near peak of bam 192 Near peak of bam 280 Right chimney of house 302 Right chimney of house 338 00 00 i! s miles. 39 i'2 miles. 32 00 2}4 miles. 06 yi mile. 17 yi mile. 13 l4 mile. 15 yi mile. 22 yi mile. 20 K mile. 08 ^'i mile. 31 2 miles. GREENWELL. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Little Choptank River on point of land at north side of entrance to a cove between Butter Pot Point and Cedar Point about yi mile northwest of McKeils Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 5 yards north of shore, 13 yards southwest of shore, and 25 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 27.78 meters N 35° ii' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in pine stub projecting 12 inches above surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Ross" (N 62° 17' E) o Near peak of bam 32 "Madison Southern M. E. Church Spire". .. . 102 Left peak of large house 126 28 2 miles. Near peak of bam 155 20 4f| miles. Center chimney of house 189 03 Near peak of bam 2 53 14 Reference station 262 32 Near peak of bam 309 25 Left chimney of house 314 49 Center chimney of house 344 58 00 00 yi mile. 39 i}4 miles. 24 30 2% miles. I mile. yi mile. 50 27.78 meters. X mile. yi mile. yi mile. ROSS. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Little Choptank River on Cedar Point about yi mile north of entrance to Fishing Creek. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 25 yards southwest of shore, 30 yards west of shore, 60 yards north by west of extreme end of point, and 150 yards east by south of four pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe bxuied with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 69 References. — "Lee"(N 51° 25' E) Chimney on near peak of house. Near peak of bam Chimney on near end of house. . Near peak of bam Chimney on left end of house . . . A cupola o 00 00 f^ mile. 21 43 2'^ miles. 23 09 2^ miles. 43 27 ]/i mile. 71 32 i>^ miles. 100 13 2 miles. loi 09 2 miles. Left one of four pine trees standing together. . 233 ig 150 yards. Right chimney of i>i'-story house 272 46 yi mile. Left chimney of house 292 11 ij^ miles. Centerof roof of bxmgalow on Cherry Island. . 341 28 i mile. PHIL. General locality. — Northwestern shore of entrance to Beckwith and Phillips Creeks on point at west side of entrance to Phillips Creek about % mile northeast of Cherry Island. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh abDut i foDt abave high water, 12 yards southwest of shore, 33 yards north of shore, 25 yards west-northwest of extreme end of point, and 40 ■ yards from trees along edge of cultivated field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-ineh tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Cherry Island Water Tank" (S 72° 48' E) . . o 00 00 J^ mile. Tangent of Town Point 64 42 1% miles. Tangent of McKeils Point 82 21 i^ miles. Near peak of barn 102 15 %■ mile. Chimney on near end of house 222 19 1% miles. Chimney on left end of house 245 00 ^ mile. Near peak of house 319 59 f^ mile. DUPONT. General locality. — Western shore of Beckwith Creek about ' s mile northwest of the northeast end of Cherry Island. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a grove of small pine trees about i foot above high water, 17 yards west of shore, 25 yards northwest of shore, and 35 yards north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Cherry Island Water Tank" (S 12° 29' W). . . o 00 00 ^s mile. Centerof roof of bungalow on Cherry Island. . . 6 09 '-^ mile. Chimney on near end of house 25 Nail in blaze in holly tree (4 inches diam- eter) 34 Near end of iK-story house 46 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) io6 Near peak of bam 205 Near peak of house 242 Between two chimneys on house 295 Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diam- eter) 297 22 40 6.60 meters. 05 miles. 30 6.55 meters. '4. mile. 30 50 12.84 meters. 33 I oi'le. 5° X mile. 09 ^4 mile. 70 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. BECKWITH General locality. — Eastern shore of Beckwith Creek about % mile northeast of the northeast end of Cherry Island. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of a cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 30 yards northeast of shore, 35 yards east of shore. 35 j'ards southeast of shore, and about ' s mile south by east of small iM-story Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried \vith top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Cherrj' Island Water Tank" (S 53° 40' W). . . o 00 00 j. 2 mile. Chimney of small house on Cherry Island 4 38 % m\\e. Near peak of bam 21 51 ij^f miles. Nailin blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter). 93 og 50 20.32 meters. Near peak of bam 97 47 52 mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter). 102 49 30 ig. 46 meters. Near peak of bam 165 55 ^ mile. Left chimney of house 300 34 J^J' mile. CHERRY ISLAND WATER TANK. General locality. — Northeastern side of Little Choptank River on Cherry Island. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on water tower on south end of Cherry Island. Marks. — Observed station is flagstaff on water tank on Cherry Island. References. — None necessary. LEE. General locality. — North shore of upper Little Choptank River on point between Little Choptank River and Beckwiths Creek. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 5 j'ards northeast of shore, 25 yards south of shore, 60 yards east-southeast of extreme end of point, and 175 yards west-northwest of pine woods at shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 51 meters N 4° 54' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail i.n 3-inch pine stub with top flush with surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // "Cherry Island Water Tank" (N 4° 08' E). .. . o 00 00 ;'4 mile. Reference station o 46 00 ii..Si meters. Right chimney of house 23 46 Ji mile. Near peak of ham 76 32 2X miles. Near peak of bam 95 31 iji miles. Tangent of McKeils Point 201 44 iX miles. Near peak of bam 251 02 ^/i mile. Left chimney of house 323 30 if^ miles. Centerof roof of bungalow on Cherry Island. . . 354 28 5^ mile. SOLOMON. General locality. — Northern shore of upper Little Choptank River on point west at side of entrance to Solomons Cove about I's miles northeast of Town Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about on level with high water, i yard east of shore, 3 yards west of shore, and 5 yards north of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.34 meters N 2° 39' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 71 References. — o / // "Lee" (S 72 "38' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. "Cherry Island Water Tank" 22 45 50 % mile. Near chimney of house 7,1, 38 i/i, mile. Reference station 104 42 20 14-34 meters. Chimney of house 124 37 % mile. Right peak of bam 201 41 1J-2 miles. Near peak of bam 254 10 yi m\\&. Near peak of bam 303 39 yi mile. Chimney on near end of house 357 56 lyi miles SETH. General locality. — Northern shore of upper Little Choptank River opposite' entrance to Smiths Cove, and about ]4 mile east of Solomons Cove. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about on level with high water, 3 yards northwest of shore, 5 yards northeast of shore, and 100 yards west-southwest of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 24.90 meters N 26° 06' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Adam" (S 21° 04' W) o 00 00 >^ mile. Near peak of bam 12 11 >^ mile. Middle chimney of house 14 52 yi mile. Chimney on center of house 32 07 ^ mile. Chimney on near end of house 54 58 2% miles. Reference station 132 50 30 24.90 meters. Chimney on left end of house 181 37 J^ mile. Chimney on right end of house 194 13 iX "I'les. Near peak of large house 208 17 J^ mile. Chimney on near end of small house 236 50 >2 mile. Right chimney of house 263 57 fi mile. Right peak of bam 321 40 i mile. ADAM. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Little Choptank River about 14, mile west of entrance to Smith Cove. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about on level with high water, 3 yards south of shore, 3 yards southwest of shore, and 6 yards east of share. Cement monument marking reference station is 27.50 meters S 33° 31' E of observed statian. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Seth" (N 21° 03' E) o 00 00 '4 mile. Chimney on i'<-story house i 10 I's miles. Chimney on right end of house 11 50 i;< miles. Near peak of large house 19 50 i mile. Chimney on near end of small house 42 36 i mile. Near peak of bam 47 07 i mile . Near peak of bam 49 58 i mile. Reference station 125 25 30 27.50 meters. Near peak of bam 204 36 }4 mile. Near chimney of house 211 16 % vaWi. Near peak of bam 244 05 2 miles. 72 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. oo 00 . . . . . . I mile. ,S6 . . . iH miles. 34 10 . . . . . . I mile. i8 . . . 7s mile. 55 40 ... . . . 3.85 meters. 51 . . . xli miles. 51 40 . ,. . . . 6.49 meters. 50 . . . X mile. 2.S 30 ... . . . 17.13 meters. 5o ... 150 yards. 20 . . . i}4 miles. LAYTON. General locality. — Southeast shore of Little Choptank River about ^ mile south of Solomons Cove and i>4 miles east-northeast of Town Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 2 yards east of edge of bank i foot high, 23 yards west of shore, 24 yards south-southwest of shore, 30 yards northwest of shore, 18 yards north of a graveyard, and 150 j'ards northeast of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 17.13 meters S 45° 02' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in locust stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Lee" (N 79° 26' W) o Right chimney of house 3 "Cherry Island Water Tank" 19 Chimney on center of 82 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 108 Chimney on near end of small house 144 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 167 Near chimney of house 172 Reference station 214 Near chimney of house 306 Near peak of bam 346 DAVID. General locality. — Southern shore of upper Little Choptank River on point about ^ mile northeast of Town Point and 14 mile southeast of Lee Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about on level with high water, 3 yards west of shore, 3 yards east of shore, 3 yards south of extreme end of point, and 100 yards north of pine woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.24 meters S 2° 58' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in 3-inch pine stub flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Town" (S 47° 24' W) o 00 00 5^ mile. Tangent of Butter Pot Point 12 18 i^ miles. Near peak of bam 32 37 i>^ miles. Center chimney of house 34 46 i^ miles. Near peak of bam 49 57 i mile. Chimney on near end of house 93 55 2 miles. Left end of bam roof 147 58 }4 mile. Near peak of bam 203 42 2 miles. Reference STATION 309 37 30 15.24 meters. TOWN. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Little Choptank River on northeast side of entrance to Fishing Creek on Town Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small marsh point on the north side of Town Point about I foot above high water, 9 yards east of shore, 14 yards southwest of shore, 14 yards south-southeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 73 References. — o / // "Lee" (N 8° 42' E) o 00 00 j-g mile. Peak of bam showing through trees 1 1 1 53 S-^ mile . Tangent of Casons Point 236 40 i J^' miles Near peak of bam 268 16 2 miles. Near peak of large bam 270 18 i mile. Center chimney of house 274 20 i mile. Left chimney of house 300 Right chimney of house 318 Center chimney of house 342 Center of near side of roof of bungalow on Cherry Island 356 39 06 30 y% mile. -lyi miles. iH miles. I mile. SWEP. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Fishing Creek about 3-f mile east-northeast of McKeils Point and ,'4 mile east-southeast of Town Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on firm land about i foot above high water, 9 yards northeast of shore, 10 yards northwest of shore, 7 yards north of extreme end of paint, and 30 yards SDUthwest by south of near comer of a dairy. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hugh" (S8° 20' E) o Near chimney of house 2 Chimney on right end of house 41 Tangent of McKeils Point 75 Center chimney of house 116 Tangent of Town Point 116 Near comer of dairy 214 Nail in apple tree (10 inches diameter) 221 Near peak of house 301 HUGH. 00 00 yi mile. 23 i}4 miles. 48 J4 mile. 01 f^ mile. II i}4 miles. 20 X mile. 18 30 yards. 54 10 13.14 meters. 55 Xmile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Fishing Creek about 3/^ mile southeast of Town Point and ^ mile northwest of Windmill Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on high marsh about 2 feet above high water, 12 yards north- east of shore, 13 yards southeast of shore, and 17 yards east of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' '' " Etta" (864'= 09' E) o Near peak of bam 136 Near chimney of house 138 Tangent of McKeils Point 168 Near peak of barn 175 Near peak of barn 185 Left chimney of house 188 Middle chimney of house 205 Left chimney of house 236 Nail in blaze in twin dead cedar tree 252 00 00 ', 2 mile . 28 J-s mile. 34 >2 mile. 46 % mile. 17 2>2 miles. 52 1^4, miles. 25 \yi miles. 46 i,'/2 miles. 05 yi mile. 02 30 13. 64 meters. 74 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. ETTA. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Fishing Creek at east side of entrance to a small creek about X mile north of Windmill Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 8 yards east of shore, 9 yards northeast of shore, i r yards southeast of shore, and 100 yards west of a barn. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Mary"(S i°38'E) o 00 00 % m\\e^. Cupola on Brooks bam 28 39 ^ mile. Center of cupola on Brooks workshop 31 45 J^ mile. Right chimney of house 47 13 J^ mile. Left peak of house 96 59 i mile . Chimney on near end of house 134 04 yi mile. Near peak of house 144 11 ^-^ mile. Nearpeakof large part of house 217 34 '.smile. Peak of bam '. 258 47 100 yards. MARY. General locality. — Nortlieastem shore of Fishing Creek on Windmill Point, about iK miles southeast of Little Choptank River entrance to Fishing Creek. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 11 yards northwest of shore, 17 yards southeast of shore, and 18 yards east of shore. Cedar stub marking old station "Windmill Poinf'is 12.60 meters S 82 22' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Substu^ace mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ' " " Neil "(886° 09' E) o 00 00 f| mile. Near peak of house 23 41 |/^ mile. Right chimney of house 30 19 t% miles. Right chimne)' of house 47 26 ^ mile. Right chimney of house 100 37 \4 mile. Left chimney of Brooks house 125 56 fi mile. Cupola on Brooks workshop 132 58 5^ mile. Rightchimney of house 156 43 X mile. "Windmill Point" (cedar stub) 168 31 20 12.60 meters. Nearpeakof bam 212 09 2^ miles. NEIL. General locality. — Northern shore of Fishing Creek about ^ mile east of Windmill Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on third marsh point east of Windmill Point about i foot above high water, 3 yards north of shore, 5 yards northeast of shore, 5 yards northwest of shore, 70 yards south-southeast of gate to yard of farm house, and 115 yards south of farmhouse. Cement monument marking reference station is 26. 10 meters N 5° 41' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub with top flush with siu^ace of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Tom"(S68°ss'W) o 00 00 K mile. Cupola on Brooks bam 3 45 i mile. Center of Brooks workshop cupola 4 35 i mile. Chimney of house 41 02 % mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 75 References — Continued. o / // Near chimney of house 93 07 no yards. Cupola on barn 106 02 140 yards. Reference station 116 45 30 26.10 meters. Near chimney of house 185 52 J g mile. Near peak of house 199 48 i mile. Lightningrodonright end of house 307 25 y^ m\\e. Near peak of house 351 38 J^s mile. KIRBY. General locality. — Northern shore of Fishing Creek opposite entrance to Church Creek about i mile east of Windmill Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on solid land about i foot above high water, 5 yards north of shore, 6 yards northeast of shore, 10 yards east of shore, 45 yards southwest of wire fence, and 125 yards south of a small house. Cement monument marking reference station is 19.99 meters N 5° 25' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of the ground. References. — o / // " Neil "(885° 03' W) o 00 00 J-i mile. Left chimney of large house g 29 }i mile. Cupolaon barn 17 20 ^^ mile. Near peak of house 69 50 125 yards. Right chimney of house 79 22 ^ mile. Reference station 100 21 40 19-99 ™eters. Near peak of house 162 42 14 mile. Twochimneysof house nearly in range 186 31 f^ mile. Right chimney of house 281 32 '-^ mile. Left chimney of house 327 52 ^ mile. Center lightning rod of house 332 48 14 mile. Cupola on Brooks bam 351 25 i^s miles. PAUL (LITTLE CHOPTANK RIVER). General locality. — Northern shore of Fishing Creek, about lyi miles northeast of Deep Water Point. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of a garden about i foot above high water, 8 yards north of shore, 10 yards west of shore, 13 yards northeast of shore, and 40 yards southeast of a i>^-story house. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.53 meters N 28° 53' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in locust stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Neil" (S 76° 32' W) o 00 00 ij-s miles. Cupola on barn 7 37 iX mil^s. Near comer of house 47 49 40 yards. Reference station 74 35 00 8.53 meters. Near chimney of house 168 51 >2 mile. Near peak of bam 190 58 i>< miles. Right chimney of house 243 15 yi mile. Near peak of bam 258 13 yi mile. Near peak of bam 321 55 i^-g miles. Left chimney of house 343 18 lyi miles. Near peak of house 352 35 1^4 miles. Cupola on Brooks barn 358 14 2 miles. 76 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. CHURCH CREEK (NO. i WEST). General locality- — Western shore of Church Creek, about yi mile south of Fishing Creek. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of cultivated land about 2 feet above high water, 3 yards south of shore, 20 yards northwest of shore, and 30 yards east of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.60 meters S 4° 47' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — 0/1/ "Kirby" (N 1° 27' W) o 00 00 fi mile. Near peak of left one of two bams 26 38 i mile. Near peak of bam 41 32 i mile. Chimney of i>2-story house 131 24 yim\\i.. Reference STATION 186 13 40 14.60 meters. Chimney on near end of house 228 21 200 yards. Chimney on left end of house 300 05 >^ mile. Right chimney of large house 326 54 f^ mile. Chimney on left end of iX-story house 356 27 ^ mile. AUSTIN. General locality. — Southern shore of Fishing Creek, on a point about f s mile east-southeast of Wind- mill Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at edge of young orchard about 3 feet above high water, 18 yards south of shore, 35 yards southwest of shore, 2 yards southwest of edge of bank next to marsh, 10 yards east of edge of bank, and 75 yards north -northwest of near corner of a two-story house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Rejerences. — o / // "Tom" (S 86° 17' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Left chimney of house 9 38 i mile. , Left chimney of house 108 10 X mile. Chimney on left end of house 149 11 J^ mile. Near peak of i>^-story house 158 55 1% miles. Near peak of house 172 21 i mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (10 inches diameter) 213 14 50 4.86 meters. Near comer of house 237 36 75 yards. Near peak of house 347 06 J< miles. Chimney on middle of house 145 02 fi mile. Chimney on left end of large house 154 12 X mile. Chimney on near end of house 162 17 lyi miles. Center lightning rod on large house 181 03 J-S mile. Near chimney of house 205 55 J^ mile. Center of cupola on bam 288 51 >i mile. Left chimney of house 300 30 125 yards. Cupola on Brooks bam 353 38 X mile. Center of cupola on Brooks workshop 35s 15 ^ mile. BROOKS. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Fishing Creek, near Brooks shipyard, about X ™ile south- west of Windmill Point.. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 8 yards south of shore, 11 yards southeast of shore, 15 yards northeast of shore, and 50 yards north by west of northeast end of large workshop. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Doctor" (N 2° 28' E) o 00 00 ^8 mile. Near peak of bam 26 34 ^4 file. Cupola on center of large bam 66 29 i mile. Left chimney of large house 68 35 i mile. Near peak of house 77 38 2 miles. Lightning rod on near end of house 87 10 i mile. Chimney on near end of house 103 31 100 yards. Weather vane on bam cupola 127 20 75 yards. Cupola on workshop 182 11 45 yards. Chimney on near end of house 328 00 yi mile. DOCTOR. General locality. — Western shore of Fishing Creek on a prominent point about i mile southeast of Little Choptank River. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh about i foot above high water, 30 yards southwest of shore, 30 yards northwest of shore, and 25 yards west of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Eleanor" (N 81° 04' W) o 00 00 X mile. Tangent of McKeils Point 32 51 JA mile. Middle dormer window of house 34 24 2 miles. Near peak of bam 50 52 2 miles. Left chimney of house in 40 ^ mile. Right chimney of house 131 21 ,14' mile. Near peak of bam 193 51 i mile. Left chimney of house 209 16 i mile. Right chimney of house 252 13 Ji mile. Weather vane on bam cupola 257 22 10 ^4 mile. Cupola on Brooks workshop 263 41 H mile. 78 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. ELEANOR. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Fishing Creek about ■' s mile soiitii-soiitheast of McKeils Point, and i mile south of Town Point. (See Chart No. ,^7.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy land at edge of woods about 10 yards southwest by south of shore, 15 yards vvest-northwest of shore, 28 yards west -south west of extreme end of small marsh point, and 70 yards west-northwest of shore end of fence extending into water at a marsh point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Laney"(N i4°32' W) o "Cherry Island Water Tank" 19 Middle dormer window of house 34 Near peak of bam 37 Left chimney of house 48 Righc chimney of house 85 35 J/i mile. Right end of bam roof 94 16 i mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 201 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 288 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 315 Near peak of house 355 00 00 ^4 mile. 14 20 2j4, miles. 35 I mile. 51 I mile. 56 I mile. 00 17-95 meters. 30 6.70 meters. 00 8. 40 meters. kT mile. LANEY. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Little Choptank River on soutliwestem side of entrance to Fishing Creek on the northeast end of McICeils Point. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point 35 yards southeast of shore, 50 yards north- west of shore, and 35 yards south-southwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Mac"(S77°o8' W) o 00 00 '-4 mile. Chimney of house 34 50 2 miles. Near peak of bam 54 23 1 mile. Left chimney of house 83 48 i}i miles. Centerof roof of bungalow on Cherry Island. . . 112 23 i5^ miles. "Cherry Island Water Tank" 113 38 30 i;''i miles. Near peak of bam 152 37 Ji mile. Right chimney of house 231 Cupola on bam 247 Near chimney of house 273 MAC. 03 i}/i miles. 50 1^ miles. 13 14 mile. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Little Choptank River on northeast side of Tobacco Stick Bay on McKeils Point. (.See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on west side of McKeils Point about 3 feet above high water, 16 yards east of edge of bank, 20 yards southeast of edge of bank, 25 yards northeast of edge of bank, and 150 yards south-southwest of extreme end of point. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 79 28 00 1^8 miles. 10 iVi miles. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Madison Southern M. E. Church Spire" (S4°37'E) o Spire of M. P. Church at Madison i Tangent of Casons Point 89 Center chimney of house 103 Near peak of 113 Chimney on center of house 117 Near peak of large barn 140 Near peak of bam 147 24 i,K miles. Near peak of bam 151 55 i mile. Left chimney of house 155 45 i mile. Center of near side of roof of bungalow on Cherry Island 203 35 ij^ miles. Right chimney of house 242 57 ti mile. Near comer of house S02 24 5,^ mile. 42 I'/i miles. 58 2}^ miles. 03 1V2 miles. II ijs miles. 40 lys miles. MADISON SOUTHERN M. E. CHURCH SPIRE. General locality. — Southern shore of I.ittle Choptank River in the town of Madison at the head of Toliacco Stick Bay. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on structure known as Southern M. E. Church, which is the tallest of three spires in the town of Madison. Marks. — Observed station is spire on Southern M. E. Church. References. — None necessary. TOBACCO STICK. General locality. — Southern shore of Little Choptank River on the northem end of point between Woolford Creek and Tobacco Stick Bay. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about in the center of a shell pile near end of point about i foot above high water, 13 yards southeast of shore , 14 yards south of shore, and 30 yards south west of shore . Cement monument marking reference station is 21.35 meters S 29° 34' E of observed station and about in range with Madison Southern M. E. Church Spire. Four-inch tile pipe marking old reference station is 2.84 meters N 76° 30' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 6-inch cedar stub with top flush with surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Old reference station is 4-inch tile pipe set in cement. References. — o / // "Madison Southern M. E. Church Spire" (S. 29° 53' E) o New reference st.^tion (cement monu- ment) o Right end of roof of cannery 8 Tangent of James Point 122 Chimney on left end of house 165 Chimney on left end of house 189 Near peak of bam 211 "Cherry Island Water Tank" 234 Tangent of McKeils Point 240 Old reference station (tile pipe) 286 Near peak of old barn 344 00 00 i^ miles. 18 10 21.35 meters. 49 I mile. 14 5>2 miles. 56 1^8 miles. 40 3 miles. 16 ifs miles. 58 50 2f^ miles. 46 I mile. 22 50 2.84 meters. 51 2 miles. 8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. WOOL. 00 00 2^i miles. 41 30 27.12 meters. 25 2yi miles. 27 4j^ miles. 27 4^ miles. 08 2 miles. 10 \}i miles. 18 2yi miles. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Little Choptank River on Susquehanna Point X niile west of entrance to Woolford Creek. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh land about i foot above high water, 10 yards south of shore , 17 yards southwest of shore, and 22 yards east of shore . Cement monument marking reference station is 24.03 meters S 18° 12' E of observed station. Four-inch tile pipe marking old refer- ence station is 27.12 meters S 58° 31' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 4-inch tile pipe set in cement with top flush with sur- face of ground. Reference station is center of point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Old reference station is nail in center of 4-inch tile pipe sent in cement projecting about 3 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Veith" (S S5°49' W) o Old reference station (tile pipe) 2 Near peak of large house on Hooper Point. . . 3 Near peak of house 26 Tangent of northeast end of James Island. ... 39 Right chimney of house 70 Left chimney of i^-story house 106 Near peak of bam 136 Left chimney of house 147 47 2 miles. " Cherry Island Water Tank" 159 33 00 3X miles. Right chimney of house 285 27 >2 mile. New reference station (cement monu- ment) 285 58 40 24.03 meters. POV. General locality. — Southern shore of Little Choptank River on extreme end of point about % mile north of entrance to Parsons Creek about 2 miles south-southeast of Ragged Island, and iX miles east of Hooper Point. (See Charts Nos. 37 and 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 4 yards south of shore, 4 yards southeast of shore, and 8 yards southwest of shore. Tile pipe marking old refer- ence station is 64.66 meters S 65° 17' E of observed station. Cement monument marking new reference station is 31.15 meters S 23° 40' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe projecting 12 inches above surface of ground. Old reference station is nail in center of 4-inch tile pipe set in cement. New reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above stuface of ground. References. — o / // "Hudson" (N ig° 04' E) o Chimney on near peak of house 60 Chimney on right end of same house 61 Right chimney of house 95 Old reference station (tile pipe) 95 Near peak of bam 100 New reference station (monument) .... 137 Near peak of large house 246 Near peak of house 258 Chimney of house 263 Chimney on left end of house 328 Left side of i^-story house 352 00 00 2fi miles. 38 i/i mile. 49 fi mile. 10 X mile. 39 20 64.66 meters. 50 X mile. 15 40 31.15 meters. 47 iX miles. 48 4 miles. 44 4 miles. 17 2j^ miles. 08 2^ miles. oo 00 ^i mile. 23 ys mile. 22 },i mile. 39 H mile. 58 X mile. 18 X mile. 16 J/i mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 81 NOBLEE. General locality. — Eastern side of Slaughter Creek about }4 mile northeast of Slaughter Creek Bridge, and yi mile inshore. (See Chart No. 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of cultivated field on south side of road leading from Madison to Taylor Island, about 250 yards east of shore, 3 yards south of wire fence between field and road, 85 yards west-southwest of farm boundary stone in fence comer near road, and 135 yards east- northeast of bam on same side of road as station. Mark^. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Finish" (S 14° 52' W) o Near peak of bam 7 Right chimney of house 13 Center of canning house ventilators 19 Center of draw of Slaughter Creek Bridge. ... ^^ Near peak of Taylor Island wharf house 36 Near peak of store at Taylor Island 42 Near peak of bam 44 41 135 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 65 07 30 15-98 meters. Near chimney of house 99 02 250 yards. Spindle on bam cupola 116 56 250 yards Near chimney of house 175 04 fi mile. Near peak of house 201 47 i mile. Middle chimney of house 315 01 y^ mile. FINISH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Slaughter Creek about }i mile southeast of Slaughter Creek Bridge. (See Chart No. 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in comer of cultivated field, about 50 yards east of shore, 12 yards east of wire fence between field and marsh, 14 yards north of wire fence between field and woods, and 17 yards northeast of fence corner. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Taylor" (S 87° 18' W) o Taller stack of canning house at Taylor Island . 2 1 Near peak of large dwelling at Taylor Island . 29 Left chimney of house nearest Slaughter Creek Bridge 36 Near peak of Taylor Island wharf house 49 Center of draw of Slaughter Creek Bridge. ... 51 Near peak of old canning house 82 Near peak of bam 105 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) . 225 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) 246 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) . 294 58345—13 -6 00 00 J^ mile. 10 X mile. 09 1 2' mile . 42 '2 mile. 57 ^ mile. 00 ys mile. 10 }i mile. 31 ^i mile. 56 10 20.18 meters. ig 10 16.15 meters. 38 50 19-55 meters. 82 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. TAYLOR. General locality. — Western shore of Slaughter Creek about I4 mile south of Slaughter Creek Bridge. (See Chart No. 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard land at edge of marsh about i foot above high water, 22 yards northwest of shore, 28 yards southwest of shore, and 29 yards west of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Harrington" (N 2° 37' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Left side of Taylor Island wharf house 8 46 X mile. Spindle on cupola on bam 23 35 % mile. Near peak of bam 30 50 J^ mile. Near peak of old canning house 37 40 }4 mile. Left chimney of large house 38 34 14 mile. Near peak of bam 50 14 s-^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter"). iSo 39 30 10.27 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 252 27 30 5.83 meters. Near peak of house 275 43 S'smile. Taller stack of canning house at Taylor Island 311 10 .'srnilc. Left chiranej- of house nearest Slaughter Creek Bridge 344 59 '-4 mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 302 46 40 4.35 meters. HARRINGTON. General locality. — Western shore of Slaughter Creek about }i mile north of Slaughter Creek Bridge. (See Chart No. 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point at south side of entrance to a creek about on level with high water, 2oyards south west of shore, 26 yards northwest of shore, 27 yards west of extreme end of point, and 300 yards southeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References, — o / // "Whitewash" (N 22° 53' E) o 00 00 Ji mile. Chimney on near end of house 24 52 |^ mile. Spindle on cupola on barn 60 29 f^ mile. Near peak of bam 81 00 ^ mile. Near peak of barn 115 46 ^ mile. Near peak of old canning house 124 48 ^2 mile. Center of draw of Slaughter Creek Bridge. .. . 149 55 ^8 mile. Near gable of house nearest west end of Slaughter Creek Bridge 169 26 ^4 mile. Taller stack of canning house at Taylor Island 181 26 X mile. Left chimney of house 282 29 20 300 yards. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. TRAVERS 2. 83 General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on western side of Taylor Island about 4 miles south of James Point. (See Chart No. 38.1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 4 feet above high water in a field which was once under cultivation but is now covered with water bushes, about 40 yards east of shore and 15 feet north of a wire fence which starts at the shore and runs east. A stone used as an old reference mark stands g.41 meters N 26° 53' E of observed station, and the cement monument marking new reference station is g.52 meters N 77° 20' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a granite post projecting above the ground with crosslines running approximately north to south and east to west. New reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Old reference station is a cross on a granite post projecting above the ground with one of the crosslines running in the direction of Cove Point Light. References. — o / // "Cove Point Light" (S 26° 15' W) o 00 00 6>2 miles. Governors Run Wharf 77 Tangent of woods at water's edge 123 Near peak of 2-stor>- house 173 Old reference stone (granite post) 180 Chimney of iJ-2-story house 195 New reference station (cement monu- ment) 256 Near comer of small cabin 271 Near chimney of house among trees 300 Near peak of small house 304 DUNNOCK. 12 9J2 miles. 40 }4 mile. 23 % mile. 38 20 9.41 meters. 47 }/i mile. 24 50 g.52 meters. 32 '4' mile. 54 . , '2 mile. 54 '4 mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay about 5^4' miles east of Cove Point Light, and 2^/i. miles north-northwest of north end of Barren Island. (See Chart No. 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh about i foot above high water, 70 yards from shore in line with Cedar Point Light, 108 yards from shore in line with Cove Point Light, and 250 yards from a clump of woods at shore known locally as "Cattle Island Woods." Cement monument marking reference station is 3 5 . 1 8 meters N 88° 14' E of observed station and nearly in line with Cove Point Light . Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above stirface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point cf triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Cedar Point Light" (S 36° 47' W) o Roof of house 43 Flagstaff at Cove Point Light 51 " Cove Point Light" 51 " Point of Rocks" 67 Near peak of bam 168 Chimney of house 172 Reference station 231 Peak of bam 241 Chimney of house 256 00 00 7S-8 miles. 41 6 miles. 21 $% miles. 33 40 5>4 miles. 13 10 7>^ miles. 39 /^ niile. 34 14 mile . 26 40 35.18 meters. 08 iX miles. 20 i\4 miles. 84 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. COVE POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cove Point about 5 miles north of entrance to Patuxent River. (See Chart No. 38.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tower kno«-n as "Cove Point Light," which is near a detached dwelling and a detached fog-signal house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Cove Point Light. References. — a 1 n "Cedar Point Light" (S 7° 16' E) o 00 00 6 miles. POINT OF ROCKS. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Ba}- on Point of Rocks, about 2^4, miles northwest of Cove Point Light. (See Chart No. 38. 1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is in dense woods on a bluff about 90 feet high. 5 yards west of edge at extreme point, 8 yards south of edge of bluff, and 5 yards northwest of edge of bluff, Cement monument marking reference station is g.42 meters S 66° 44' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of round stake 4 inches in diameter with top flush with surface of ground driven into a 6-inch tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark was reported in 1898 as a 6-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // "Cove Point Light" (843° 26' E) o 00 00 2V4 miles. Center nail in blaze of tree (13 inches diam- eter) 19 19 40 5.64 meters. Center nail in blaze of tree (13 inches diam- eter) 00 05 30 5. 62 meters. Reference station no 09 30 9.42 meters. Nail in blaze in tree (g inches diameter) 126 35 40 4.16 meters. Right tangent Governors Run Wharf 186 20 20 -jjA miles. Tangent of main woods 249 57 8'.2 miles. Left peak of large house 297 45 20 6 miles. North peak of large house 312 17 30 6?^ miles. CEDAR POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cedar Point at south side of entrance to Patuxent River, about 3 !'4 miles east-southeast of Drum Point Light and 6 miles south by east of Cove Point Light. (See Chart No. 39.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a square tower on a square brick dwelling known as Cedar Point Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Cedar Point Lighthouse. References. — o / // "Cove Point Light" (N 7° 16' W) o 00 00 6 miles. HOOPER ISLAND LIGHT. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay offshore about 3!-i' miles west of Hoopers Island, and 4 miles south of Barren Island. (See Chart No. 39.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Hoopers Island Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on conical tower on cylindrical foundation, known as Hooper Island Lighthouse. References. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (N 65*^ 04' W) o 00 00 7 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 85 SOUTH. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on western shore of Barren Island, about 4^4 miles north of Hooper Island Light and 6 miles oast of Cedar Point Light. (See Chart No. 39.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy marsh about i foot above high water and 4 yards east of rapidly washing shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 101.21 meters N 72° 40' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub about 8 inches in diameter and 4 feet long with top projecting about 20 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surf ace of ground . "South Secondary" is marked the same as the observed station except top was badly burned, only projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. References. — a / // " Hooper Island Light" (»S8° 10' E) o 00 00 4^ miles. "Cedar Point Light" 80 50 20 6 miles. Tangent to Hog Point go 00 ^yi miles. "Cove Point Light" 131 08 10 •]% miles. Tangent of shore north of station 170 00 i mile. Reference STATION (cement monument) . 260 50 50 loi. 21 meters. "South secondary" (cedar stub) 260 50 50 100. 25 meters. Left chimney of house 301 39 2 J s miles. Dead pine tree 346 57 go yards. NORTH. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on western shore of Barren Island about ;s mile south of north end of island and 7 miles east-southeast of Cove Point Light. (See Chart No. 39.) Imtnediate locality. — Observed station is on hard land surrounded by water bushes and scrub pines about 2 feet above high water, and 50 yards east-southeast of point where three large pine trees stand near shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 48.71 meters N 72° 3g' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center one of four nails in cedar stub 8 inches in diameter and 4 feet in length with top projecting about 8 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Station called "North Secondary" is marked the same as the observed station except the top of cedar post is about 18 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Cove Point Light" (N 64° 08' W) o 00 00 7 miles. Near peak of house 54 47 2^8 miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter) . 74 57 50 8.18 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) . 116 17 20 14.15 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 132 36 10 9. gp meters. Reference station (cement monument) . 136 47 00 48. 71 meters. North secondary (cedar stub) 136 47 00 4g-95 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree ( 5 inches diameter). 186 10 20 5.98 meters. " Cedar Point Light" 306 08 30 6J4 miles. MINT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tar Bay on Charity Point at north side of entrance to Fishing Creek, about }4 mile west of Fishing Creek bridge, and i^s miles east of north end of Barren Island. (See Chart No. 3g.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on shell bank about 4 feet above high water, 2 yards east of shore, 11 yards southwest of small wild cherry tree, 13 yards west-southwest of another small wild cherry tree, and just west of a dense growth of small trees and brush. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.85 meters N 52° 05' E of observed station. 86 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 58 05 28 top 7 inches below surface of ground. 2 inches below base of surface pipe, monument projecting 4 inches above 00 zyi miles. 50 2X miles. 1% miles. 10 6yi miles. il4 miles. iX miles. i}4 miles. 1% miles. 20 i}i miles. 40 ijA miles. 40 8X miles. 4 miles. 00 IO-34 meters. 50 21.85 meters. II. 86 meters. % mile. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe with vSuhsurface mark is center of 4-inch tile pipe buried with top Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement surface of ground. References. — ° ' " Hosier Memorial Church Spire" (821° 24'E) o 00 "Mt.ZionM.E. Church Spire" 6 41 Chimney on middle of house 7 52 "Hooper Island Light" 27 22 Near peak of house Chimney on outside of near end of 2-story house 64 Chimney of shanty 72 Tangent of north end of Barren Island 112 Red Beacon 122 Black Beacon 123 " Cove Point Light' ' 130 Lefttangentof Cattle Island woods 160 Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (3 inches diameter) 233 Reference station 253 Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (5 inches diameter) 266 50 Leftchimneyof large 2 -story house 356 07 KEENES. General locality. — Eastern shore of Honga River on Keenes Point, about iX miles north-northeast of Fishing Creek Bridge and %■ mile east of Cedar Point. (See Charts Nos. 39 and 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh with dense growth of water bushes alongshore, about I foot above high water, 20 yards north of shore, 30 yards east of shore, and 35 yards south of cultivated land. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Kerwin" (S 79° 28' E) o Near peak of barn 159 Chimney on right end of house 161 Near peak of bam 196 20 2 miles. Left tangent of trees along edge of cultivated land 211 00 65 yards. Centeroneof group of three large pine trees. . 282 14 X mile- Right tangent of trees along edge of cultivated land 344 00 60 yards. GUNNERS. General locality. — Western shore of Honga River on Gunners Island on point at northern side of entrance to Gunners Cove, about J^ mile north of Long Point and \]A miles southeast of Fishing Creek Bridge. (See Charts Nos. 39 and 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh with water bushes alongshore, about i foot above high water, 23 yards southwest of shore, 28 yards south of shore, 70 yards northwest of extreme end of point, and 170 yards northeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting about 3 inches above sxirface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 00 00 iX miles. 38 1 mile. 04 I mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 87 References. — ° ' " " Kerwin " (N 38° 20' E) o 00 00 2 miles. Near peak of bam 52 33 2}4 miles. Chimney on left end of house 78 15 2 miles. Right tangent to Wroten Island 112 37 iS/i miles. Center of draw of bridge 134 43 2}i miles. "Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire" 170 44 30 i^ miles. Left edge of house 239 35 i^ miles. Near peak of house 247 12 lyi miles. Center of draw of Fishing Creek Bridge 274 40 i^ miles. Right edge of old windmill 275 13 iX miles. Near peak of small house 279 50 iX miles. HOSIER MEMORIAL CHURCH SPIRE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tar Bay on Upper Hooper Island, about 5J8 miles north by east of Hooper Island Light and i mile south of Fishing Creek. (See Charts Nos. 39 and 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on church known as Hosier Memorial Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of spire. References. — None necessary. MOUNT ZION M. E. CHURCH SPIRE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tar Bay on Upper Hooper Island, about i^ miles northwest of Ferry Point and 2 miles south of entrance to Fishing Creek. (See Charts Nos. 39 and 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a church known as Mount Zion M. E. Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of spire on Mount Zion M. E. Church. References. — None necessary. BRIDGE. General locality — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay and western shore of Honga River on Ferry Point at southern end of Upper Hooper Island, about 3^^ miles northeast by north of Hooper Island Light. (See Charts Nos. 39 and 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point, about i foot above high water, 50 yards west of river shore, 55 yards south of river shore, 85 yards east of shore of bay, 75 yards northeast by north of second telephone pole north of bridge, and So yards north-northeast of bridge tender's cabin. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Mount Zion M. E. Chiu-ch Spire" (N 44° 47' W) o Near peak of oyster house 13 " Hosier Memorial Chiu'ch Spire " 14 Left tangent of Wroten Island 58 Near peak of bam 68 Center of roof of old windmill 122 Outside chimney of right end of house 164 Chimney in center of large house 171 Chimney in center of house 185 " Hooper Island Light' ' 262 00 00 I;'' s miles. 28 ij 2 miles. 59 00 2S-S miles. 12 2 miles. 33 iX miles. 20 3^ miles. 03 I mile. 15 1% miles. 25 2 miles. 51 50 iH miles. APPLEGARTH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on south end of Hooper Island, about 3>2 miles east of Hooper Strait Light. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh, about i foot above high water and 150 yards north of shore. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 34 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe bxu-ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hooper Strait Light" (S 83° 45' E) o "Point no Point Light" 132 "Hooper Island Light" i8g Left one of row of large pine trees 192 "Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola".. . 214 Chimney of house 230 05 ^ mile. Chimney in middle of house 246 47 J^ mile. "Hopkins Memorial Church Cupola" 257 Chimney in center of house 259 Chimney of abandoned house 271 Near peak of house showing over roof 278 Right tangent of clump of pine trees 295 00 3>2 miles. 10 io3-2 miles. II 30 6 miles. 20 ],i mile. S3 30 2/^ miles. 45 00 ^ mile. 52 K mile. 25 ]A mile. 06 yi mile. 3i 3°o yards. HOPKINS MEMORIAL CHURCH CUPOLA. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay in small village of Applegarth on Lower Hooper Island, about 2; g miles southeast by east of Hooper Island Wharf, and 33^ miles east-southeast of Hooper Strait Light. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on chiarch known as Hopkins Memorial Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of bell cupola. References. — None necessary. HOOPERSVILLE METHODIST CHURCH CUPOLA. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay in town of Hoopersville on Middle Hooper Island, about }i mile southwest of Hooper Island Wharf. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on chiu'ch known as Hoopersville Methodist Chiu'ch. Marks. — Observed station is center of bell cupola. References. — None necessary. BENTLEY. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Honga River on the north side of Bentley Point about 2 miles south of Wroten Island, and i,V^ miles east of drawbridge at Ferry Point. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 30 yards southwest of shore, 45 yards east of shore, and 50 yards southeast by south of a small marsh point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Hoopersville M. E. Church Cupola" (S 3° ° ' " 29' W) o 00 Near peak of house 9 38 Center of draw of Hooper Island bridge 97 12 Peak of draw-tender's cabin 99 26 "Mount Zion M. E. Chxu-ch Spire" 116 08 Near peak of oyster house 120 37 4X miles. Near peak of large house 125 37 3^ miles. Left tangent to Wroten Island 142 00 ipi miles. Right edge of bam 151 40 ij^ miles. Left chimney of house 171 Center of old windmill 236 "Hopkins Memorial Church Cupola" 326 Stack of oyster house at Hooper Island Wharf . 347 00 2)4 miles. J4 mile. i^ miles. i^ miles. 50 S'A miles. 32 2}4 miles. 48 2>^ miles. 59 40 4 miles. 51 2X miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 89 KERWIN. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Honga River about 2J4' miles east-northeast of Fishing Creek Bridge, and i^ miles east of Keenes Point. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 60 yards east of shore, 60 yards northwest of shore, and 55 yards north-northeast of end of point. * Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siu^ace of ground. Subsin^ace mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire" (S 34° ° ' " 04' W) o 00 00 3^ miles. " Hosier Memorial Church Spire " 14 29 00 3 miles. Chimney on outside of end of house 29 01 3 miles. Right chimney of house 31 37 2}i miles. Center of draw of Fishing Creek Bridge 35 32 2% miles. Stack of Fishing-Creek Crab House 36 26 2% miles. Center of old windmill on Fishing Creek 37 02 2}^ miles. Tangent of woods 7° ' 14 25° yards. Stove pipe on left edge of house 163 11 i mile. Near chimney of house 230 31 yi mile. Center of draw of Hooper Island Bridge 337 43 4fi miles. WROTEN. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Honga River on southern shore of Wroten Island about 2% miles north-northwest of Bentley Point. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 40 yards west of shore, 55 yards northwest of shore, and 100 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried wtih top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Charles" (S 65^ 22' E) o 00 00 iX miles. Chimney on right end of house 78 32 2^ miles. Center of draw of Hooper Island Bridge 98 49 2 miles. "Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire" 144 29 50 2X miles. Right edge of house in trees 161 54 5^ mile. Near peak of bam 174 13 fl mile. Near peak of house 270 $(> ^ mile. Chimney on left end of house 321 04 i}4 miles. CHARLES. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Honga River about i}i miles north of Bentley Point, and 2% miles east-northeast of drawbridge at Ferry Point. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on firm land about i foot above high water, 20 yards east- sputheast of shore, 30 yards northwest of shore, 50 yards north-northeast of shore, and 40 yards southwest by south of large tree near bend in a rail fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe btuied with top 2 inches below base of monument. 90 Survey oj Oyslcr Bars, Dorchester County, Rid. References. — ° ' "Lakes" (S 70° 54' E) o 00 Left edge of barn roof ^3 ^^ " Hopkins Memorial Church Cupola' ' 56 20 Center of draw of Hooper Island Bridge 133 10 Left edge of drawtender's cabin 134 47 Chimney on right end of house 154 55 "Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire" 162 11 Left peak of oyster house 162 18 Tangent of south end of Wroten Island 162 52 Chimney on left end of house 166 07 Chimney on end of house 170 05 Nail in blaze in tree (6 inches diameter) 322 22 Nail in blaze in tree (6 inches diameter) 248 59 LAKES. 00 I mile. 2^{ miles. 10 5>i miles. 2^ miles. 2X miles. 3 miles. 20 3^ miles. 3,'<4 miles. 1^4 miles. iX miles. i^ miles. 10 19-93 meters. 50 12.63 meters. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Honga River on a point at northern side of entrance to Lakes Cove about ij^ miles north-northeast of Bentley Point. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 26 yards north of shore, 65 yards northeast of shore, and 70 yards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of z-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Asquith"(S6° 08' W) o "Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire" 89 Chimney on outside of house 182 Between two dormer windows of house 242 Left chimney of house 273 00 00 ij^ miles. 20 50 4-^8 miles. 40 J^ mile. 00 i}^ miles. 34 H ™ile. miles northeast of ASQUITH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Honga River on Asquith Island, about 2>; Hoopersville, and ]/i mile north of Windmill Point. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on strip of sandy marsh between a pond and river about 2 feet above high water, 3 yards west of shore of pond, 11 yards east of shore of river, and 50 yards south of end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top about 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hoopersville Methodist Church cupola" (S 44° 57' W) o 00 00 2X miles. Near peak of house 4 12 2 miles. Near peak of bam 9 06 2%" miles. Near peak of small bam 38 24 1% miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (15 inches diam- eter) 87 Leftsideof old windmill 154 Near peak of house 157 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 320 06 10 17.08 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (15 inches diam- eter) 336 50 00 7.48 meters. Tangent to outside end of Hooper Island wharf 352 20 i}^ miles. 59 40 6.04 meters. 51 2 miles. 50 2>i miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 91 00 00 i}4 miles. 24 ifi miles. 54 1% miles. 2 miles. 40 5X miles. 30 6 miles. iK miles. \yi miles. 10 19-75 meters. 42 1% miles. 01 20 4j^ miles. 00 3^^ miles. 06 20 4^ miles. 25 iX miles. WINDMILL 2. General localily. — Eastern shore of Honga River on Windmill Point, about ips miles east-northeast of Hoopersville. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate localily. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 25 yards north- northeast of end of point, 35 yards east of shore, and 30 yards northwest of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is ig.78 meters N 36° 41' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub in 4-inch tile pipe with top of pipe 4 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // "Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola" (S64°22'W) o Two house chimneys about in line i Center of store doorway in Hoopersville 3 Near peak of house 53 "Mount Zion M. E. Church spire" 61 "Hosier Memorial Church Spire" 68 Tangent to Bentley Point 91 Near gable of house 149 Reference station 152 Near peak of cabin 183 "Toddville M. E. Church Spire" 184 Center gable of house 185 St. Thomas Church Spire" 211 Left tangent Hooper Island Wharf 356 PAUL (HONGA RIVER). General locality. — Eastern shore of Honga River on Paul Point at northwestern side of entrance to Fox Creek, about I'A miles east-northeast of Windmill Point, and X niile southwest of Wingate Point. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate localily. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 7 yards west of shore, 13 yards northwest of shore, 25 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, 50 yards north- northwest of a small marsh island, and 55 yards east-northeast of a cabin. Marks. — Observed station is center of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. (Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu'ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " St. Thomas Church Spire " (S 7 1° 18' E) o Left side of small cabin on Crab Point 32 "Hopkins Memorial Church Cupola" 91 Between two stacks on oyster house on Hooper Island Wharf 136 "Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola". . 137 Near comer of cabin 150 05 53 yards. Near peak of house 195 41 i mile. Peak of bam 241 Center one of three chimneys on large house . . 273 Chimney of Wingate Wharf waiting room 304 "Toddville M. E. Church Spire" 319 Flagstaff on hall at Bishop Head 359 TODDVILLE M. E. CHURCH SPIRE. General locality. — On neck of land between Fishing Bay and Honga River in town of Toddville, about 2^ miles east of Wingate wharf. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on church known as Toddville M. E. Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of spire. References. — None necessary. 00 00 3 miles 05 i^ miles. 26 30 2^ miles. 23 3 miles. 20 3X miles. 26 2 miles. 57 lyi miles. 38 f^ mile. 46 00 3X miles. 29 2]/i miles. 92 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 00 oo ij^ miles. 13 I mile. 10 3 miles. 51 00 3J^ miles. 20 50 43yi miles. 40 2 miles. 29 ij/i miles. 52 ys mile. 26 }i mile. DUCK (HONGA RIVER). General locality. — Eastern shore of Fox Creek on Piney Point, at north side of entrance to Duck Point Cove, about ^ mile southeast of Wingate Point. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point i foot above high water, 50 yards south of shore, 50 yards north of shore, and 65 yards east-northeast of end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "St. Thomas Church Spire" (S 63° 20' E) o Near peak of small cabin 75 Left tangent of Hooper Island 88 " Hopkins Memorial Church Cupola" 104 "Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola". . . 137 Ivef t chimney of house 158 Left edge of cabin on Paul Point 159 Tangent of outside end of Wingate Wharf 185 Chimney on waiting room Wingate Wharf .... 186 Front peak of store building 214 04 . . '. ^ mile. Peak of oyster house 222 46 J^ mile. Near gable of house 245 39 i mile. Outside chimney of house 318 18 1% miles. ST. THOMAS CHURCH SPIRE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Honga River in town of Bishop Head, about 2V2 miles southeast by east of Wingate Wharf, and 2% miles north of Hooper Strait Light. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on church known as St. Thomas Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of spire. References. — None necessary. NORMAN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Honga River, about 2}4 miles north-northwest of Hooper Strait Light, and yi mile south of Crab Point. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 60 yards east of shore, 70 yards northeast of shore, and 80 yards southeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe- buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hooper Strait Light" (S 35° n' E) o 00 00 2^2 miles. Right tangent of woods 12 00 400 yards. Left edge of small house 28 29 <,% miles. Tangent of lower end of Hooper Island 76 "Hopkins Memorial Church Cupola" 99 "Hoopersville M. E. Church Cupola" 127 Between two stacks on oyster house at Hoop- ers Island Wliarf 130 Left tangent of woods 184 Front peak of store building 205 Near peak of house 216 Left one of two chimneys close together .... 248 Near peak of canning house 250 36 2 miles. Flagstaff on hall at Bishop Head 284 30 1% miles. "St. Thomas Chtirch Spire" 285 07 50 ij^' miles. 12 2 miles. 57 20 2}i miles. 47 30 4>8 miles. 27 7,1 i miles. 14 400 yards. 33 2>'s miles. 57 3 miles. 22 2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 93 HOOPER STRAIT LIGHT. General locality. — Northern side of Hooper Strait at eastern side of entrance to Honga River about 2'^ miles west-northwest of southern end of Bishop Head, and 3 miles east-southeast of Lower Hooper Island. (See Chart No. 40.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hexagonal, screw-pile structure known as Hooper Strait Light. Marks. — Observed station is center of lantern on Hooper Strait Light. References. — a / // "Head" (S 82° 30' E) o 00 00 2j'2 miles. CRAB. General locality. — Western shore of upper Tangier Sound on eastern side of Bloodsworth Island, about I mile southeast of entrance to Piney Island Cove, i mile northeast of entrance to Great Cove, and 2^8 miles southwest of Sharkfin Shoal Light. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 15 yards southwest of shore, 35 yards west of shore, and 150 yards south-southwest of a crab house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 45° 25' E) o 00 00 2fi miles. Left end of large house near Stump Point. .. 6 ii yyi miles. End of roof of house on bluff 31 36 6^ miles. End of Deal Island Wharf 53 03 3^^ miles. Large house 72 35 4X miles. Aspen tree near " Joshua " 88 06 similes. Tall pine tree 165 00 40 i^ nailes. HEAD. General locality. — Upper end of Tangier Sound, on eastern side of southern part of peninsula known as Bishop Head, situated between Hooper Strait and Fishing Bay. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh behind water bushes which skirt shore, about 15 yards southwest of shore, and >2 mile north of extreme south end of Bishop Head. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.41 meters N 20° 37' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 60° 41' E) o 00 00 2|^ miles. Crab-house flagstaff 50 30 3X miles. Large pine tree 97 42 2 miles. Reference STATION 139 55 40 13.41 meters. Near gable of 2X-story house 140 24 X mile. Chimney of house 156 44 yi mile. Chimney of house 208 28 i^ miles. Chimney of end of house 238 53 3 miles. Right side of Nanticoke Point woods 326 56 yyi miles. CROCH. General locality. — Western shore of Fishing Bay about 4^ miles northwest of Sharkfin Shoal Light, and X ™ile north-northeast of entrance to Tedious Creek. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 45 yards southwest of shore, 50 yards west of shore, 60 yards northwest of shore, and 150 yards north of a small marsh island covered with water bushes. Marks. —Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above stuface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. I 94 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. References. — ° "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 39° 09' E) o Right chimney of house 36 Right peak of house 59 Chimney in middle of large building 79 Chimney in middle of house 92 Near peak of house 120 Near peak of house 142 Chimney outside of right end of house 197 Between two chimneys of house nearly in line . 204 Near peak of house 219 Chimney outside of right end of house 241 ROAST. General locality. — Western shore of Fishing Bay on Roasting Ear Point, about 5^ miles north- northwest of Sharkfin Shoal Light, 4' 2 miles north of Bishop Head, and 3<( mile northeast of entrance to Goose Creek. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 40 yards northwest of shore, 40 yards west of shore, and 70 yards south by west of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 21° 41' E) o 00 00 53^;; miles. 00 00 4X miles. 59 2>i miles. 35 iK miles. 02 ij^ miles. 51 iX miles. ri ^ mile. 41 ^ mile. 39 i^ miles. 40 i}i miles. 18 I mile. 56 4 miles. Left chimney of house on Bishop Head 30 Near peak of house 45 Chimney on left end of house 69 Smokepipe on near house 73 Tallest one of five pine trees 95 Stackof canning house on Farm Creek 151 Stack of canning house on Elliott Island 219 Chimney outside of near end of house 229 Chimney in middle of house 233 Between two gables of large house 236 Windmill 240 05 41 s miles. 23 3 miles. 15 2 miles. 36 1^-8 miles. 24 I mile. 29 2>2 miles. 23 2 miles. 35 ^H miles. 01 2 miles. 00 2 miles. 04 2 miles. FARM. General locality. — Western shore of Fishing Bay on point at south side of entrance to Cedar Creek, about i^s miles west of Fishing Point, and ^ mile northeast of entrance to Farm Creek. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 20 yards south of shore, 60 yards northwest of shore, 45 yards west-southwest of extreme end of point, 10 yards east-north- east of a small pond in marsh, and 300 yards south by east of a small oyster watch house on opposite side of Cedar Creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Toddville M. E. Church Spire " (S 45° 58' W) . o Chimney in middle of house 4 Stack of canning house on Farm Creek 9 Near comer of small shanty 51 Smoke pipe on small shanty 84 Left chimney of house 204 34 4j^ miles. Stackof canning house at Elliott Island 239 29 i|^ miles. Near peak of house 322 22 2}^ miles. 00 00 ij^ miles. 03 2 miles. 31 i^ miles. 13 ^ mile. 12 ^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. THORO. 95 General locality. — Western shore of Fishing Bay about J^ mile northeast of entrance to Thoroughfare Creek, and 1J2 miles north of Fishing Point on the western end of Elliott Island. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 40 yards northwest of shore, 50 yards north-northeast of shore, 55 yards northeast by north of shore, and 130 yards east-north- east of entrance to a small creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Toddville M. E. Church Spire" (S 48° 30' W) o Chimney in center of house 2 Lone poplar tree 262 Chimney on right end of house 271 Lightning rod on near peak of large house 2 74 Spire of church on Elliott Island 280 Center one of three chimneys on house 281 Stack of canning; house on Elliott Island 506 00 00 3^--2 miles. 08 3 miles. 14 2 miles. 02 2 miles. 35 ^K miles. 52 50 iK miles. 54 1}^ miles. 00 50 1^4 miles. HIGH. General locality. — Southeastern shore of I'pper Fishing Bay on Elliott Island, about ■" s mile east- northeast of extreme end of Fishing Point. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on high sandy land in a grove of pine trees, about jo yards east-southeast of edge of bank, and 35 yards west-northwest of near corner of west one of five sheds in a row. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Farm"(N84° 52' W) o 00 00 ij-^ miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diam- eter) 174 17 10 17-83 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 219 59 Near corner of shed with metal roof (west one of five in a row) 235 38 Left chimney of house 257 34 100 yards. Right chimney of house 274 56 }4 mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (15 inches diam- eter) 312 40 20 10.28 meters. ELLIOTT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Fishing Bay on Fishing Point at the extreme western end of Elliott Island about 5^ miles north-northwest of Clay Island, and opposite entrance to Farm Creek. (See Chart No.41-) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy marsh about i foot above high water, 16 yards south of shore, 20 yards north of shore, 30 yards east-northeast of extreme end of sandy point, 185 yards west-southwest of a sand ridge near trees and brush, and 290 yards northwest of a canning house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 10 5.58 meters. 33 yards. 96 , Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. References. — ° "ToddvilleM. E. Church Spire" (S 73° ii' W) o Chimney on right end of house 5 Tangentof high bluff 167 Left edge of old building 250 Stack of canning house at Elliott Island 256 Small house in trees 326 EAR. 00 00 2Xi miles. 55 2 miles. 31 }i mile. 24 29 42 290 yards. 19 2^4, miles. 00 00 6yi miles. 23 ^yi miles. 21 5 miles. 22 2yi miles. 12 30 3K miles. 59 1^3 miles. 22 ly^ miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Fishing Bay, about 6}4, miles north of Sharkfin Shoal Light, ij^' miles east-northeast of Roasting Ear Point, and i}i miles southeast of Fishing Point, on Elliott Island. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 20 yards northeast of shore, 30 yards north by west of shore, and 40 yards east by south of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ■ ° "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 5° 49' E) o Chimney on left end of house 31 Chimney in middle of large building 46 Near peak of bam 70 "Toddville M. E. Church Spire" 102 Stack of canning house at Elliott Island 145 Chimney on right end of house 151 Near peak of house 164 03 lyi miles. Left peak of bam 197 45 i% miles. "Nanticoke Church" 291 53 50 ^yi miles. FISH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Fishing Bay, about 43/5 miles north of Sharkfin Shoal Light, 3X miles south-southeast of Elliott Island, and 2% miles north-northeast of point of Clay Island. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 50 yards northeast of shore, 60 yards east of shore, and 85 yards north-northeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 1° 56' W) o Center gable of house at Bishop Head 41 Near peak of house 63 Chimney in middle of house 65 Left chimney of house 90 Near peak of house 99 21 3 miles. Stack of canning house on Farm Creek 120 05 5 miles. Stack of canning house on Elliott Island 146 17 3X miles. " Nanticoke Church " 263 46 40 4X miles. FROG. General locality. — Western side of entrance to Nanticoke River, on Frog Point, at southeastern end of Clay Island. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 20 yards west of shore, 25 yards east of shore, 25 yards from extreme end of point, and in front of water bushes. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.10 meters N 3° 11' E of observed station. 00 00 4}4 miles. 59 aX miles. 18 4X miles. 24 3^ miles. 01 3 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 97 Reference station is center point of 00 GO ^yi miles. 17 lyi miles. 45 50 13.10 meters. 41 J^ mile. 12 2X miles. 02 2}4 miles. 36 zyi miles. 36 214 miles. 00 2X miles. 27 2X miles. 44 2j^ miles. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub flush with ground triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (841° 25' W) o 00 Left tangent of Clay Island 35 Reference station 141 Right tangent of Sandy Point 177 Chimney of house 179 Chimney near end of large house 183 Stack of canning house 184 Land end of Nanticoke Wharf 184 End of Nanticoke Wharf house 186 Chimney on ell end of main part of large house 211 Right tangent of Nanticoke Point woods 238 Large square chimney of house (Dames Quar- ter) 264 17 4 miles. Rock Creek poplar tree 284 17 3X miles. Flagstaff on Deal Island Wharf 322 09 4J^ miles. COW. General locality. — Western shore of Nanticoke River, on Mink Point, about yi mile east of entrance to Cow Creek and lyi miles west of Roaring Point. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on very soft marsh at edge of water bushes about 5 yards west of shore, 15 yards northeast of shore, and 15 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.68 meters N 44° 28' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / // "Frog" (S 6° 13' W) o A shanty 37 Reference station 129 A shanty 189 A shanty 209 Tangent of land 217 Large house 236 Windmill 243 Chimney of large house 254 Canning house stack 257 Canning house stack 275 Near comer of Nanticoke Wharf 284 Large house 297 Large house 299 ■ Right tangent of Nanticoke woods 310 I4 mile southeast of another clump of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — • 011/ Bivalve Church (S 21° 30' E) o Tangent of land 35 Left side of opening in woods 72 Two pine trees together 83 Center of shanty 98 Clump of pine trees 123 00 00 3f^ miles. 58 4 miles. 57 iK miles. 26 ]/i mile. 20 2^ miles. 53 I ™ile- II I mile. 47 ]/i mile. 18 3 miles. 37 2% miles. 43 2 miles. 00 00 2^ miles. 24 I mile. 06 2 miles. 07 J^ mile. 26 200 yards. 56 X mile- Clump of pine trees 176 20 % mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 99 45 loo yards. 31 X ™ile. 35 iK miles. 02 3 miles. 27 3>^ miles. References — Continued. ° Inside edge of cove 201 Clump of small pine trees 255 Tangent to point of land 269 Left tangent of Sandy Hill Wharf 276 Large house 286 Left edge of pine woods near Wetipquin Creek 328 13 2 miles. STREETT. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Nanticoke River on point on southwest side of entrance to Jacks Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh and grass point about 7 yards west from its extreme end and 4 yards from each side of point to north and south. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.89 meters N 60° 22' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Earle"(S45°oi'E) o A shanty o Large house 27 Canning-hotise stack at Tyaskin 33 Large building 36 Point of marsh 47 First of four trees 135 Reference station 164 Point of marsh 255 House on the other side of Jacks Creek 258 Left tangent of Sandy Hill Wharf 309 A house 318 EARLE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Nanticoke River about i mile below Sandy Hill Wharf. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy and grass land between the river and a pine grove about 5 feet above high water, So yards back from shore, 15 yards southeast of a white oak tree, about 2}i feet in diameter, 15 yards southwest of another and larger white oak tree, and 20 yards east of a shanty. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° ' "Juliet" (841° 05' W) o 00 Nail in blaze in white oak tree {2}^ feet diam- eter) 88 44 Nail in blaze in pine tree 160 39 Nail in blaze in oak tree {2yi feet diameter) . . 196 35 Nail in blaze in pine tree 326 01 Right tangent of woods on other side of We- tipquin Creek 358 52 iX miles. JULIET. General locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River on point on southwest side of entrance to We- tipquin Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh point about 100 yards southwest of entrance to Wetipquin Creek, 10 yards back from high water, 5 yards outside of several small pine trees, and 100 yards north of dense pine woods. 00 00 I mile. 41 I mile. 08 2yi miles. 42 ifi' miles.. 42 1% miles. 33 100 yards. 01 yi mile. 39 00 11.89 meters. 02 30 yards. 13 yi mile. 38 1% miles. 08 iK miles. 00 iX miles.. 30 13-98 meters. 00 i9°S meters. 40 13-95 meters. 00 15-76 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 00 oo lyi miles. 41 30 4.92 meters. 05 300 yards. 21 200 yards. 17 00 6.31 meters. 20 00 6.88 meters. 52 200 yards. 02 i}4 miles. 06 2^ miles. 37 K mile. 16 3 miles. 00 iX miles. 58 150 yards. 49 150 yards. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groxmd. References. — o / // " Earle " (N 41 ° 04' E) o Nail in blaze in pine tree 29 Near point of roof of oyster house 40 Left edge of woods 64 Nail in blaze in pine tree 71 Nail in blaze in pine tree 98 Right edge of woods 163 Right tangent of Bivalve Wharf 170 Two-story house 210 Two-story house 228 Opening in woods 230 House at Jacks Creek 324 Tangentof land 345 Tangent of land 354 POLE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River on wharf off town of Bivalve, located about 1% miles northeast of Ragged Point. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on western peak of a house on wharf at Bivalve about 300 yards from shore. Marks. — Observed station is flagpole on peak of house. References. — None necessary. BIVALVE CHURCH. \ General locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River about yi mile back from shore in town of Bivalve on main road leading to the steamer landing. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Bivalve Methodist Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of steeple on Bivalve Methodist Church. References. — None necessary. RAG. General locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River on northern side of Ragged Point, about 2 miles north-northeast of Roaring Point. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sandy point about 25 yards back from shore, 100 yards northeast of extreme end of point, 50 yards west of a grove of pine trees, 20 yards southwest of a group of pine trees, 75 yards southwest of another group of pine trees, and 20 yards west of two 15-inch pine trees 2^ feet apart. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° " Nanticoke Church" (S 1° 46' E) o Left end of Sandy Point 29 Chimney of house S' Large tree at left end of woods 130 Left one of two trees (opposite shore) 169 Flagpole on Bivalve Wharf 201 Smoke pipe on Bivalve wharf house 207 Nail in stump of limb on pine tree 218 Nail in baze in double pine tree 258 Nail in blaze in large pine tree 293 Chimney of house 303 Windmill near large house 344 Steeple on bam 356 40 i mile. Large chimney of large flat-roof house 357 10 i mile. 00 00 lyz miles. 17 3>2 miles. 48 2^ miles. 20 3X miles. 56 aX miles. II i}i miles. 14 1% miles. 35 32-78 meters. 01 19.66 meters. 26 43.19 meters. 29 13s yards. 13 K mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. loi NANTICOKE CHURCH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River in town of Nanticoke, about yi mile back from river and 3^ mile northeast of Roaring Point. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on church known as "Nanticoke Methodist Episcopal Church." Marks. — Observed station is center of spire on Nanticoke Methodist Episcopal Church. References. — ^None necessarj-. ROAR. General locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River on Roaring Point, about % ™ils north from outer end of Roaring Point Wharf. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sandy knoll about 5 feet above high water, 20 yards south of shore, 40 yards north of shore, 30 yards east of extreme end of point, and 150 yards from pine woods which stand inshore from station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Frog" (S 39° 02' W) o 00 00 2^ miles. Two shanties 19 17 2 miles. One shanty 30 20 ij^ miles. A shanty 71 32 iX miles. A shanty 98 53 ij^ miles. Barn steeple 117 41 4>^ miles. A shanty 121 25 2j^ miles. A house 144 42 7J-2 miles. Twin trees on Ragged Point 159 30 2 miles. Chimney of house 175 23 iX miles. Windmill 184 04 i mile. Gambrel-roof house 184 32 i mile. Canning-house stack 195 11 ^ mile. Land end of wharf 271 %& yi vaile.. Large house 293 38 i^ miles. Right tangent of Nanticoke Point woods 297 22 2}4 miles. Right tangent of Nanticoke Wharf 304 52 ^4, mile. Left tangent of Sandy Point 359 51 ij^ miles. NANTI. General locality. — Eastern side of Nanticoke River about }4 mile northwest of Nanticoke Point, and i}i miles northwest of Great Shoals Light. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grass land about 2 feet above high water, 20 yards back from shore, and about midway between house near poplar trees about X mile north of station and the edge of woods on Nanticoke Point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 65° 14' W) o 00 00 5 miles. Tangent of Sandy Point 51 33 2}i miles. Left end of Nanticoke Wharf 89 45 2 miles. Near chimney of house 96 S'^ J^ mile. Chimney of house loi 08 ^ mile. Near chimney of house nearest woods 116 56 % mile. Tree high above woods 119 53 2>^ miles. Right end of heavy woods 134 03 1% miles. Right end of scant woods 147 11 J^ mile. Wild cherry tree 178 24 50 yards. Left end of woods 227 46 X mile. Right end of woods 269 45 }i mile. Poplar tree Dames Quarter 307 28 2 J< miles. Tangent of Haines Point 330 ss 4K miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. WHITE. General locality. — Eastern side of entrance to Nanticoke River on Stump Point, about 2j^ miles southeast of Roaring Point and lyi miles northwest of Great Shoal Light. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass point about 2 feet above high water, 3 yards east of shore, 20 yards northwest of shore, 15 yards north of extreme end of point, 40 yards west of a cove, 100 yards northwest of a point of land, and 100 yards southwest of a dense pine woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.63 nieters N 3° 13' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub about 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Great Shoals Light ' ' (S 44° 16' E) o Poplar tree at Dames Quarter 65 Tangent of Hall Point 86 Tangent of Sandy Point 164 Left end of pine woods 172 Right end of pine woods 213 Reference station 227 Largest one in clump of about 12 pine trees. . 247 Chimney of cabin on Ellis Point 279 A house 311 Point of land 335 00 00 1^/^ miles. 08 2^ miles. 06 2H miles. 17 3 miles. 27 100 yards. 21 150 yards. 29 00 16.63 meters. 23 M mile. 05 2 miles. 54 K mile. 02 100 yards. GREAT SHOALS LIGHT. General locality. — Entrance to Monie Bay and Wicomico River about halfway between Long Point and Mollies Point. (See Progress map.) Marks. — Observed station is center of black lantern on square screw pile structure known as " Great Shoals Light." Reference. — o / // "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 81° 50' W) o 00 00 5^ miles. ROOM. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Tangier Sound on Halls Point about i^^ miles northeast of Haines Point, and 2^^ miles east-southeast of Sharkfin Shoal Light. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a locust and mulberry fringed bluff about 15 feet high, 5 yards back from edge of bluff, 15 yards west-northwest of a bam, 15 yards from a wagon road parallel with shore, and 25 yards east of clump of mulberry trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.45 rneters S 18° 30' W of observed station and almost in line with large mulberry tree. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 70° 00' W) o Gable on near side of house on Bishop Head . 3 Near end of roof of large 2X-story house 12 Left tangent of Clay Island 39 Left side of Sandy Point woods 70 Roaring Point Wharf 85 Near chimney on end of large house 94 Right side of Nanticoke woods . no 28 3f^ miles. " Mount Vernon Church " 127 18 7 miles. Near comer of bam 137 Right-hand comer of bam 152 Reference station 268 Large cedar tree 276 Two-inch iron pipe 279 00 00 2}4 miles. oi 5X miles. 53 iH miles. 18 3X miles. 08 4 miles. 22 5 miles. 36 4>^ miles. 06 1596 meters. 08 18. II meters. 30 00 21.45 meters. 30 100 yards. 38 30 9.21 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 103 SHARKFIN SHOAL LIGHT. General locality. — Northern end of Tangier Sound about equally distant from entrances of Hooper Strait, Fishing Bay, and Nanticoke River. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hexagonal, screw-pile structure known as Sharkfin Shoal Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Sharkfin Shoal Light. Reference. — o / // "Great Shoals Light" (N 81° 45' E) o 00 00 e^J/i miles. HAINES. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Tangier Sound on Haines Point about 5^ mile north of Deal Island Wharf, and 2}i miles southeast of Sharkfin Shoal Light. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass point about 5 feet above high water, 20 yards back from shore, 3 yards west of a barb- wire fence, 20 yards south of a clump of locust and water bushes, and about on range with left edge of clump of trees and bushes and Sharkfin Shoal Light. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.64 meters N 77° 43' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in pine stub in center of a drain tile with top broken off below surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 45° 58' W) o 00 00 2X miles. Left of bushes 39 57 20 yards. Left of Sandy Point woods 53 38 4%" miles. Chimney of 2>^-story house 7S 04 X mile. Chimney of house 85 49 350 yards. Chimney on end of cottage 99 00 ^ mile. Reference station 123 40 40 g.64 meters. Pine tree 148 37 30 2.14 meters. Large square chimney of house 152 49 400 yards. Right one of five large pine trees 184 40 300 yards. Halfway between chimneys of store on Deal Island 213 08 J^ mile. " Deal Island Church " 217 00 iX miles. Black gum tree 223 49 6.70 meters. Right end of Deal Island wharf 234 10 X ™ilfi- "Hooper Strait Light" 343 34 ']}4 miles. DEAL ISLAND CHURCH. General locality. — Western side of upper Tangier Sound on Deal Island on main road about j4 mile inshore, and ^ mile south of bridge across Laws Thoroughfare. (See Chart No. 41.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Deal Island Methodist Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of steeple on Deal Island Methodist Church. References. — None necessary. SOLOMONS LUMP LIGHT. General locality. — Kedge Straits about yi mile north of Smith Island and about lyi miles south of South Marsh. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on square tower on northerly side of a caisson and octagonal structure known as " Solomons Lump Light. ' ' Marks. — Observed station is center of black lantern on square tower. References. — o / // " James Island Light' '(842° 12' E) o 00 00 yj^ miles. 104 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. HOLLAND ISLAND BAR LIGHT. General locality. — Easterly side of Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Kedge Straits, about 2%' miles south of Holland Island, and 33-f miles northwest of Smith Island. (See Chart No. 42.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hexagonal, screw-pile structure known as Holland Island Bar Light. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Holland Island Bar Light. References. — o / // " Solomons Lump Light" (S 72° 06' E) o 00 00 4^ miles. HOLLAND ISLAND CHURCH SPIRE. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on Holland Island about 3X miles north of Holland Island Bar Light. (See Chart No. 42.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on chtirch known as Holland Island Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of spire on Holland Island Chiu'ch. References. — None necessary. OKAHANIKAN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on western side of Bloodsworth Island about ^ mile south of point at south side of entrance to Okahanikan Cove, and 2}^ miles south-southeast of Hooper Strait Light. (See Chart No. 42.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy marsh about 2 feet above high water, 40 yards southeast of shore, 40 yards east of shore, and 35 yards west of water bushes between sand and soft marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu-ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "HooperStraitLight"(N 17° 15'E) o 00 00 zj^ miles. Peak of bam 4 50 4 miles. Left chimney of large house 34 48 3 J^ miles. Deal Island church spire 89 30 40 8 miles. Chimney on small house ' 160 00 Chimney of house on Billys Island 166 50 i^ miles. Tangent to north end of Billys Island 173 03 i mile. "Hooper Island Light" 280 55 40 10 miles. "Hopkins Memorial Church Cupola" 306 24 20 4X miles. Chimney in center of house 308 48 4^ miles. Chimney on right end of house 351 16 5 miles. SENATOR. General locality. — Western shore of Tangier Sound on southern side of Holland Straits and on extreme northeastern point of South Marsh. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marshland about 35 j'ards from north side of point, 30 yards from east side of point, 10 yards north of a small pool of water, and 5 yards northeast of another small pool of water. No permanent reference points near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 16° 21' E) o 00 00 4J-4 miles. Chimney on house 31 30 434 miles. Left-hand chimney of crab house on Deal Island 50 19 3>2 miles. Right end of large oyster house on Deal Island 81 59 3^ miles. Lone pine tree 201 35 i^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 105 MILES. General locality. — Western shore of Tangier Sound on eastern side of the lower half of South Marsh just south of the middle one of three creeks on this shore of the island. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 75 yards south of entrance to a small creek, 50 yards south of the north side of the point, and 60 yards west of its extreme end. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 8° 33' E) o 00 00 -jyi miles. "Deal Island Church" 29 26 5^4" miles. End of roof of house among trees, Deal Island . ^,2, 48 4X miles. Tangent of near point of land 155 35 y^ mile. "Solomons Lump Light" 178 56 55 3X miles. First large tree (third from left) 231 57 T/i mile. Lone pine tree 330 27 ^}i miles. FOG 2. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay and southern shore of Kedge Straits on northwest point of Smith Island known as Fog Point. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among myrtle bushes on the north side of a sand and grass point about i foot above high water. 65 yards southwest from extreme end of point, 6 yards south-south- east from shore, and 50 yards east-northeast from the remains of old " Fog Point Lighthouse. " Cement monument marking reference station is 15.26 meters S 0° 40' W from observed station and about in line with a lone cherry tree one-fourth mile distant. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // "Solomons Lump Light" (N 59° 22' E) o 00 00 ij^ miles. Tangent of point of land 13 08 f^ mile. Large tree near two smaller ones 22 41 i,'/^ miles. Lone pine tree 89 28 i mile. Reference station 121 18 30 15-26 meters. Large lone cherr>' tree 121 26 yimXe. First one of two trees 133 43 % mile. Old lighthouse foundation 193 47 50 yards. First tree on Holland Island 272 37 ^yi miles. POINT NO POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay offshore about ijs miles southeast of Point No Point and 6^-8 miles north-northeast of Point Lookout. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on brick dwelling on a cylindrical foundation known as Point No Point Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lanteni on Point No Point Lighthouse. References. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (N ig° 35' W) o 00 00 12 miles. POINT LOOKOUT LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay on Point Lookout at northeni side of entrance to Potomac River. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Point Lookout Lighthouse, which is a dwelling on shore near a fog-bell tower. Marks. — Observed station is center point of a lantern on a dwelling known as Point Lookout Light- house. References. — o / // "Smith Point Light" (S 34° 37' E) o 00 00 13 miles. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Com- missioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delinea- tion on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in coopera- tion with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the comers of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyster-bar boundaries by competent engineers. There- fore the additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the published definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accuracy and very little to the convenience of practical use of the descriptions of the oyster-bar boundaries. As provided by law the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to 106 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 107 complicated 14-sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sides have varied in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the comers of the bound- aries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made and the magnitude of the work with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and the future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, and the one by which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name, in parentheses, is given the general locality of the oystei bar and the serial number of the "Maryland Oyster Chart" on which its legal boundaries are shown.' First column. — This column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clock- wise direction around the bar. Where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the corner of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, only the number of the comer of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the commission as the primary technical definition of the location of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations ^ These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C. io8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. of the survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their location have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing"' and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the comer of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station,"- gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corre- sponding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of "Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars: One, to determine whether the buoys marking the comers have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those * The mean magnetic variation for Dorchester County was 6* oo' west of north in 191 1 and increasing at the rate of s' yearly. * Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by apphcation to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Sinrvey. Washington, D..C. I Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 109 not familiar with this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrographic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating comers of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take "Drum Point" oyster bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3" is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Up" and "Blind" as deter- mined from right to left from the forward bearings from this comer is 26° 36' and the angle between "Blind" and "Myrtle" is 60° 12'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary, corner must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about imtil a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor (position finder), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the boundary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the comer of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the protractor. The no Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant, then the other, until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic location of a point is attained. In fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the commission. (3) Magnetic hearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State Fishery Force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer can take compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination,' and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared altogether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the corrected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks, for which the bearings are published, have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used. This can be done by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying these new bearings in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic hearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point mark- ing a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination) given in the fifth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks . — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. ^The mean magnetic variation for Dorchester County was 6" 00' west of north in 19U and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. in The instrument is placed over a " triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the "Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of o° oo' oo" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. DRUM POINT. {Upper Choptank River — Chart No. js.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance u. s. c. of bar Forward Back o , „ , „ / / Yards. I 38 38 35- 96 75 57 34- 20 N 77 36 W S 75 48 W S IS 36 w S 77 36 E N 75 47 E N IS 36 E 663 1,776 201 Up. Blind. Myrtle. 2 38 38 37-27 75 57 37-42 N 80 OS W S 73 40 w S 7 24 E S 80 06 E N 73 39 E N 7 24 W 571 I, 706 241 Up. Blind. Myrtle. 3 38 38 52- 76 75 57 27-92 S 62 27 W S 16 09 W S II 58 W N 62 26 E N 16 09 E N II 58 E 918 792 i>576 Up. Myrtle. Hut. 4 38 38 so. 12 75 57 22. 04 S 70 55 W S 29 14 W S 18 22 W N 70 54 E N 29 14 E N 18 22 E 1, 025 770 I. 531 Up. Myrtle. Hut. CABIN CREEK ENTRANCE. {Upper Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) I 38 38 02. 66 75 58 13.40 N 17. 08 E N 44 54 W S 84 07 W S 17 08 W S 44 55 E N 84 07 E i>323 970 1,824 Up. Blind. Raccoon. 2 38 38 07. 42 75 58 17- 50 N 24 17 E N 47 35 W S 78 30 w S 24 17 W S 47 36 E N 78 29 E ij 215 781 I. 741 Up. Blind. Raccoon. 3 38 38 14. 37 75 58 05. 06 N II 00 E N 72 06 W S 74 03 W S II 00 W S 72 07 E N 74 02 E 886 951 2, 116 Up. Blind. Raccoon. 4 38 38 10. 08 75 58 01. 20 N 3 47 E N 66 33 W S 78 27 W S 3 47 W S 66 34 E N 78 26 E I, 017 1,098 2,181 Up. Blind. Raccoon. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. CABIN CREEK. (Upper Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) Cor- Trae bearing Longitude _. U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station , „ / „ / Yards. I 38 37 33- 23 75 58 28. 98 N 9 14 W S 9 14 E I, 702 Blind. N 60 07 W S 60 07 E I, 617 Raccoon. S 84 56 W N 84 56 E 1,748 Bank. 2 38 37 46. 60 75 58 57- 78 N 21 41 E S 21 42 W 1,322 Blind. N 61 00 W S 61 00 E 732 Raccoon. S 58 18 W N 58 18 E I, ICO Bank. Thence along county aoundary as delineated on chart No. 35 to comer No. 3. ,S 38 38 07. 18 75 58 37- °2 N 42 21 E S 42 22 W I, 506 Up. N 6 26 W S 6 26 E 538 Blind. S 74 06 W N 74 OS E 1,237 Raccoon. 4 38 37 55. 62 75 58 17- 54 N 18 23 E S 18 23 W 1,584 Up. N 31 54 W S 31 54 E 1,089 Blind. N 88 17 W S 88 18 E I, 706 Raccoon. TANNERS PATCH. (Upper Choptank River — Chart No. J5.) I 38 36 52. 72 75 58 44- 82 S 24 01 E N 6s 28 E N 24 01 W S 65 28 W I, 07° 431 War. Wick. N 24 21 W S 24 22 E 2,384 Raccoon. 2 38 37 01.20 75 58 57- 24 S 31 II E S 81 34 E N 31 II W N 81 34 W 1,475 728 War. Wick. N 19 09 W S 19 09 E 1,997 Raccoon. 3 38 37 08. 12 75 58 50- 58 N 59 21 W S 71 19 W S 59 22 E N 71 18 E 1,356 788 Bank. Spindle. S 30 37 W N 30 37 E 1, 102 Jam. 4 38 36 59- 38 75 58 38.21 S 53 39 W N 87 45 W N 56 35 W N S3 38 E S 87 46 E S 56 35 E 1,103 1,075 1,793 Jam. Spindle. Bank. DIXON. (Upper Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) I 38 35 46. 40 75 59 12- 80 S 27 19 E N 27 19 W I, 502 Chief. S 82 40 E N 82 39 W 906 Gander. N 43 01 E S 4^ 02 W I, 724 War. Thence along county boundary as delineated on ( ■hart No. 35 to comer No. 2. 2 38 36 26. 90 75 58 57- 27 S 18 II E N 18 II W 1,559 Gander. S 82 07 E N 82 07 W 772 War. N 34 31 E S 34 31 W 1,274 Wick. 3 38 36 21.78 75 58 45- 54 S 7 40 E N 7 40 W 1,320 Gander. N 81 38 E S 81 38 W 459 War. N 18 36 E S 18 36 W ■ I, 290 Wick. 4 38 35 57- 08 75 58 53- 42 S 5 56 E N 5 56 W 1,703 Chief. S 38 58 E N 38 58 W 611 Gander. S 36 23 E N 36 23 W 1,118 War. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Aid. 113 OYSTER SHELL POINT. {Upper Choptank River — Chart No. 35.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. station rianculati„n bar Forward Back I 38 iS OS- 58 76 00 08. 13 N 61 54 E N 4 16 E N 60 16 W S 61 55 w S 4 17 W S 60 17 E Yards. 2,677 1,257 1. 720 Gander. Duck. Barber. 2 3 38 35 14- 68 Th 38 35 29.35 76 00 30. 08 ence along coui 75 59 .58-01 N 72 03 E S 72 04 W 3, 094 N 35 29 E S 35 29 W 1, 162 N 59 07 W S 59 07 E 1,063 ity boundary as delineated on chart No N 77 38 E 1 S 77 39 \V 2, 144 N 21 OS W ! S 21 OS E 484 N 88 21 W S 88 21 E 1,762 Gander. Duck. Barber. 35 to corner No. Gander. Duck. Barber. 3- 4 38 35 13. 00 75 59 45- 02 N 60 00 E N 27 18 W N 74 02 W S 60 01 W S 27 19 E S 74 03 E 2, 021 1, 129 2, 189 Gander. Duck. Barber. STATES BANK. {Middle Choptank River — Chart No. JS-. I 38 34 03. 60 76 02 35. SI N 43 03 E S 43 03 w 1,947 Rear. N 9 06 E S 9 06 W 2, 010 Boling. S 89 16 W N 89 15 E 1,07s Shoal. 2 38 34 II. 20 76 02 32. 80 N 47 08 E S 47 09 W 1,71s Rear. N 8 06 E S 8 07 W 1,754 Boling. S 76 45 W N 76 45 E 1,179 Shoal. 3 38 34 24- 14 76 02 28. 08 N 57 10 E S 57 10 W 1,347 Rear. N 5 22 E S 5 22 W 1,298 Boling. S 60 58 W N 60 58 E 1,456 Shoal . Thence along county boundary as c lelineated on C -hart No. 35 to comer No. 4- 4 38 34 18. 74 76 01 58. 46 S 49 58 E N 49 58 W 926 Ferr>'. N 20 53 E S 20 53 W 977 Rear. N 24 13 W S 24 13 E 1,616 Boling. 5 38 34 10. 08 76 02 02. 44 S 69 33 E N 69 33 W 869 Ferry. N 20 38 E S 20 38 W 1,287 Rear. N 17 31 W S 17 31 E 1,851 Boling. SHOAL CREEK. {Middle Choptank River — Chart No. J5.) I 1 38 34 03. 60 76 02 35. 51 N 43 02 E S 43 03 w 1,947 Rear. N 9 06 E S 9 06 W 2,010 Boling. 1 S 89 16 W N 89 15 E 1,075 Shoal. 2 38 34 26. 23 76 03 37. 80 S 36 26 E N 36 26 W 966 Shoal. N 16 10 E S 16 II W 2,S43 Double. N 51 04 W S 51 05 E 2,137 Cambridge. 3 1 38 34 38- 42 76 03 29. 50 N 84 51 E S 84 52 W 2,769 Rear. N 13 31 E S 13 32 W 2,090 Double. N 63 40 W S 63 41 E 2, 100 Cambridge. 4 38 34 II- 20 76 02 32. 80 N 47 08 E S 47 09 W 1,71s Rear. t N 8 06 E S 8 07 W i,7S4 Boling. S 76 45 W N 76 4S E 1,179 Shoal. 58345—13 8 1 114 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. GREEN MARSH. {Middle Chopiank River — Chart No. 55.) Cor- of Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bar Forward Back I / // 38 34 36. 98 / // 76 04 07. 08 N 42 10 W S 19 40 w S 49 48 E S 42 10 E N 19 40 E N 49 48 W Yards. 1,322 591 1,766 Cambridge. East Cambridge tall stack. Shoal. 2 38 35 06. OS 76 04 40. 62 N 65 06 E N 7 12 W N so 20 W S 65 07 W S 7 13 E S 50 21 E i 2, 614 3, 682 1.479 Double. Red. Command . 3 38 35 27.32 76 04 27. 48 N 81 21 W S 25 52 W S 33 39 E S 81 22 E N 25 52 E 1 N 33 38 W i I. 5°3 797 3,409 Command. Cambridge. Shoal. 4 38 34 49. 95 76 03 47. 52 N 68 S3 W s 35 48 w S 27 47 E S 68 53 E N 35 48 E N 27 47 W i> 507 I, 225 1,783 Cambridge. East Cambridge tall stack. Shoal. HAMB ROOKS. {Middle Chopiank River — Chart No. 55.) I 38 35 36. 96 76 04 11.95 S 87 00 W S 36 03 W N 87 58 E N 86 59 E N 36 03 E S 87 58 W 1, 900 1,289 1,613 Command . Cambridge. Double. 2 38 35 51-84 76 05 01. 66 S 81 22 E N 2 34 E N 59 52 W N 81 21 W S 2 34 w S 59 S3 E 2, 961 2, 112 3,077 Double. Red. Howells. 3 38 36 10. 60 Thenc 76 05 12. 54 e along county N 71 30 E N 14 32 E N 68 58 W boundary as d S 71 31 w S 14 32 w S 68 59 E elineated on c 3,391 I, 526 2,544 nart No. 35 Double. Red. Howells. to comer No. i. TURTLE BACK. {Middle Choptank River^Chart No. ^5.) I 38 35 43. 90 76 05 21. 78 N 14 47 E S 14 47 w 2,457 Red. N 49 35 W S 49 36 E 2,796 Howells. S 64 58 W N 64 57 E 3, 052 Howard. 2 38 35 58. 78 76 05 55. 86 N 39 II E S 39 12 W 2,419 Red. N 43 06 W S 43 06 E 1,797 Howells. S 46 06 W N 46 05 E 2,586 Howard. Thence along county boundary as delineated on C hart No. 35 to comer No 3- 3 38 36 09. 56 76 05 26. 90 N 26 46 E S 26 46 w I, 693 Red. N 64 34 W S 64 35 E 2,208 Howells. S 5° 39 W N SO 38 E 3,401 Howard. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. SANDY HILL LUMPS. {Middle Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) "5 Cor- True searing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 T,S 30. 92 76 06 04. 28 N 84 27 E S 84 28 w 1,082 Command. N 24 03 W S 24 04 E 2,465 Ho wells. N 66 29 W S 66 31 E 4,143 Toot. 2 38 35 36- 38 76 06 08. 12 S 86 08 E N 86 08 W 1,181 Command. N 23 36 W S 23 36 E 2,256 Howells. N 68 21 W S 68 22 E 3,979 Toot. 3 38 35 42. 82 76 OS 56. 38 S 71 07 E N 71 06 W 916 Command. N 33 16 W S 33 17 E 2, 212 Howells. N 72 40 W S 72 41 E 4,199 Toot. 4 38 35 35- 45 76 OS 51.45 S 86 15 E N 86 IS W 738 Command. N 32 38 W S 32 39 E 2,492 Howells. N 70 05 W S 70 07 E 4,402 Toot. SANDY HILL. {Middle Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) I 38 35 18. 80 76 06 32. 90 N 74 22 E S 74 23 W 1,904 Command. N 5 19 W S s 19 E 2, 672 Howells. N S5 S3 W S 55 54 E 3,674 Toot. 2 38 35 =3- =8 76 07 2q. s8 N 83 49 E S 83 50 W 3,353 Command. N 26 32 E S 26 32 W 2, 804 Howells. N 21 12 W S 21 13 E 6, 209 Chlora. Tlience from c omer No. 2 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 3 excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its month at low tide. 3 38 35 29. 62 76 07 39. 76 N 87 39 E S 87 41 w 3,607 Command . N 33 33 E S 33 33 W 2,754 Howells. N ig 31 W S iq 32 R 5,916 Chlora. 4 38 M> TS.38 76 07 t6. 76 N 8s 2! VV S 8s 22 R 1,888 Toot. S 6 45 E N 6 44 W 2, 369 Howard. S 6s 01 E N 66 00 W 3,3°S Command. 5 38 35 49- 78 76 06 23. 68 N 72 49 W S 72 so E 3,439 Toot. S S7 06 W N 37 06 E 1,868 Howard. S 71 31 E N 71 30 W 1,676 Command. n6 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. COMMANDER. {Middle Chnplank Kivcr^Charl No. 35.) Cor- j True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of 1 station bar Forward | Back / // o / // ! / ' / i -i^ J o///^o/// 0/ , 0/ Yards. I 38 -,5 05.62 76 07 06.25 N II 34 E S II 34 W 3> 169 Howells. N 4 25 W S 4 25 E 5,262 Trappe . 1 ; N 40 45 W i S 40 45 E 1 3.308 Toot. Thence from corner No, i along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 2 , excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2 38 35 10. 24 76 07 15. 66 S 57 55 E N 57 55 W 294 Howard . N 74 53 E , S 74 54 W 3,072 Command. N I 00 W S I 00 E 4,607 Black Beacon. 3 38*35 13. CO 76 07 13. 01 S 35 41 E N 35 41 W 307 Howard . N 76 IS E vS 76 16 W 2,981 Command. N I 54 W S I 54 E 4,514 Black Beacon. 4 38 35 09. 10 76 07 04. 2 1 N 72 29 E S 72 30 W 2,792 Command. N II 00 E S II 01 W 3.043 Howells. N 42 49 W 1 S 42 50 E 3.256 Toot. HORN POINT. {Middle Choplank River— Chart No. 35.) I 38 36 01. 54 76 08 51. 30 N I 04 W N 36 28 W N 89 02 W S I 04 E S 36 29 E S 89 03 E 4,501 3,859 1,819 Chlora. Large water tank. Le Compte. 2 38 36 05. 80 76 08 59. 82 N I 51 E N 34 57 W S 8s 57 W S I 51 W S 34 58 E N 85 57 E 4,358 3. 611 1.598 Chlora. Large water tank. Le Compte. 3 38 36 31.46 76 08 34. 36 S 66 39 W S 23 54 E N 85 58 E N 66 39 E N 23 54 W S 85 59 W 2,469 425 2,976 Le Compte. Toot. Howells. 4 38 36 46. 2 1 76 08 32. 40 S 57 32 W S 7 44 E S 84 21 E N 57 29 E N 7 44 W N 84 20 W 2,748 89s -'. 929 Le Compte. Toot. Howells. 5 38 36 22. 66 76 08 05. 67 S 31 II E N 77 OS E N 18 SO W N 31 II W S 77 06 W vS 18 50 E 3.037 2,266 4, 001 Howard. Howells. Chlora. 6 38 36 14. 90 Thence from c creek, cove 76 08 21. 45 omer No. 6alon or inlet less th S 40 25 E N 73 42 E N 12 II W g the mean low an 100 yards ii N 40 25 W S 73 43 W S 12 II E water line of t 1 width at its r 3, 070 2,735 4, 143 le shore to nouth at lo Howard. Howells. Chlora. romerNo. i, exclud w tide. mg any b Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. LE COMPTE. {Middle Choptank River—Chart No. Jj.) "7 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I 38 36 31. 46 / // 76 08 34.36 S 66 39 W S 23 54 E N 85 58 E N 66 39 E N 23 54 W S 85 59 W Yards. 2,469 425 2,976 Le Compte. Toot. Howells. 2 38 37 03. 90 76 09 04. 60 S 35 18 w S 33 16 E S 76 47 E N 35 17 E N 33 15 W N 76 45 W 2,538 1,769 3,869 Le Compte. Toot. Howells. 3 38 37 24. 00 76 08 54. 36 S 32 17 W S 17 59 E S 65 55 E N 32 17 E N 17 59 W N 65 52 W 3,252 2, 271 3,829 Le Compte. Toot. Howells. 4 5 38 37 52. 86 Then 38 37 17.02 76 09 25. 36 ce along county 76 08 23. 70 N 47 35 E N 2 IS E S 64 59 W boundary as c S 45 23 W S 3 16 W S 63 42 E S 47 36 w S 2 15 W N 64 58 E [elineated on ( N 4S 22 E N 3 16 E N 63 41 W I, 106 3,304 1,538 ^hart No. 3 3, 580 1,929 2,994 Chlora, Landeye. Large Water Tank. 5 to comer No. 5. Le Compte. Toot. Howells. 6 38 36 46.21 76 08 32. 40 S 57 32 W S 7 44 E S 84 21 E N 57 29 E N 7 44 W N 84 20 W 2,748 895 2,929 Le Comte. Toot. Howells. CASTLE HAVEN CREEK. (Middle Choptank River — Chart No. 55.' I 38 36 53. 06 76 09 52. 72 S 6 28 W N 6 28 E 1,717 Le Compte. S 63 33 E N 63 32 W 2, 509 Toot. N 26 06 W S 26 05 E I, 521 Large Water Tank. Thence from comer No. i along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 2, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2 38 37 21.68 76 10 13. 20 N 87 S2 E S 87 54 W 4,619 Black Beacon. N 49 12 E S 49 13 W 2,750 Chlora. N 17 38 W S 17 38 E 4, 210 Large Water Tank. , 38 37 39. 00 76 10 00. 38 S 68 37 W N 68 57 E 502 Large Water Tank. S 42 33 E N 42 32 W 3, 620 Toot. S 84 30 E N 84 28 W 4,297 Black Beacon. 4 38 37 17.41 76 09 30. i;6 N 66 31 W S 66 32 E I, 369 Large Water Tank. S 17 09 W N 17 08 E 2,644 Le Compte. S 40 34 E N 40 33 W 2,551 Toot. ii8 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. CASTLE HAVEN. {Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. J5 a?id 57.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C'. & G. S. triangulaticn el bar Forward Back / // 38 36 51. 26 / // 76 12 04. 64 N 60 26 W S 20 37 W N 63 10 E / S 60 27 E N 20 37 E S 63 II W Yards. 3, 767 114 3, 161 Dot. Comer. Large Water Tank. 2 38 36 58- 5° 76 12 39. 54 S 68 22 E N 27 IS E N ss 32 W N 68 22 W S 27 16 W S 55 3i E 950 S. 426 2,855 Comer. Choptank River Light. Dot. 3 38 37 32. 00 76 12 49-04 S 37 29 E N 36 32 E N 76 59 W N 37 28 W S 36 33 W vS 77 00 E 1,86s 4,597 2, 158 Comer. Choptank River Light. Dot. 4 38 37 28. 60 76 12 og. 40 N 79 13 W S 3 36 E N 86 45 E S 79 14 E N 3 36 W S 86 46 W -^. 208 1,368 2,952 Dot. Comer. Large Water Tank. 5 38 38 28. 84 76 10 46. 48 S 31 49 W S 35 07 E S 81 02 E N 31 48 E N 35 07 W N 81 00 W 3,998 1,928 2,999 Comer. Castle. Chlora. 6 38 37 38. 7° Thence from c creek, cove 76 og 49. 62 omer No. 6 alon or inlet less th N 50 00 E N 30 04 W N 73 59 W g the mean lov in 100 yards ir S 50 01 W S 30 05 E S 73 59 E ■ water line of t width at its r i,9°3 4, 008 410 he shore to nouth at lo Chlora. Choptank River Light. Castle, comer No. i, excluding any iv tide. COOK POINT. {Outer Choptank River^Charts Nos. j(5 and J7.) I 38 38 15. 20 76 16 26. 68 S 68 09 W S 75 07 E N 31 13 E N 68 09 E . N 75 06 W S 31 15 w 1,768 3,782 7,853 Chef. Dot. Roys. 2 38 38 37- 80 76 17 47.96 S 19 43 E S 73 22 E N 23 34 W N 19 42 W N 73 20 W S 23 35 E I, 50S 'i, 059 6, 020 Chef. Dot. Bar. 3 38 38 48. 40 7(> 17 48. 16 S 16 08 E S 70 12 E N 24 57 W N 16 07 W N 70 10 W S 24 58 E 1,850 6, 174 5,692 Chef. Dot. Bar. 4 38 38 52. 80 76 17 30-32 S I 15 E S 67 14 E N 16 58 E N I IS W N 67 12 W S 16 59 W I, 926 5,788 6,768 Chef. Dot. Nelson 3. S 38 39 47- 20 76 17 08.36 N 16 44 E N 82 51 W vS 8 'og W S 16 45 W S 82 53 E N 8 09 E 4, 845 5, 233 3,798 Nelson ^ Black. ' ' Chef. 6 38 39 51- 12 76 16 42. 84 N 9 0=; E N 84 s6 W S 17 19 W S 9 OS W S 84 59 E N 17 19 E 4,564 5,890 4,077 Nelson 1,. Black. ' Chef. 7 38 39 29. 28 76 i6 17. 40 S 30 52 W S 44 30 E N 42 12 E N 30 SI E N 44 29 W S 42 13 w 3,678 4,863 5, 694 Chef. Dot. Roys. Sttfvcy of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Mil- RED BUOY. {Outer Chopianii River — Charts Nos. j6 and j/.) 119 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / // , /, / / Yards. I 38 38 11.38 76 18 33. 10 N S s 87 13 w 67 19 w 72 44 E S 87 16 E N 67 17 E N 72 44 W 6,366 5,679 1,783 Sharps Island Light. Jere. Chef. 2 38 38 19. 61 76 18 47. 52 N S s 89 42 w 63 OS W 68 so E S 89 44 E N 6^ 03 E N 68 49 W 5,975 5,449 2,235 Sharps Island Light. Jere. Chef. 3 38 38 49. 02 76 18 11.33 s s s S9 17 W 20 05 E 32 04 E N 59 IS E N 20 03 W N 32 04 W 6,765 8,467 2,123 Jere. Brannock. Chef. 4 38 38 33. 14 76 18 06. 04 s s s 63 51 w 20 27 E 38 00 E N 63 50 E N 20 26 W N 38 00 W 6,635 7,916 1,603 Jere. Brannock. Chef. SPEDDEN. (Entrance Choptank River — Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) 1 38 37 10. 14 76 18 16. 06 S 82 55 E N 39 II E S 88 45 W N 82 54 W S 39 12 W N 88 43 E 2, 363 1,982 5, 693 Cook Point Windmill. Chef. Jere. 2 38 37 31. 92 76 18 50. 81 S 79 48 w S 36 26 E N 69 45 E N 79 46 E N 36 25 W S 69 46 W 4,848 6,653 2,314 Jere. Brannock. Chef. 3 38 37 45- 32 76 19 01. 38 S 73 44 W S 36 05 E N 81 S3 E N 73 43 E N 36 04 W S 81 54 W 4,680 7,183 2,476 Jere. Brannock. Chef. 4 38 37 49. 56 76 18 55. 20 S 72 40 W S 34 22 E N 84 51 E N 72 38 E N 34 21 W S 84 52 W 4,876 7,207 2,297 Jere. Brannock. Chef. -'^ 38 37 32. 40 76 18 24.66 S 80 54 W S 31 16 E N 62 02 E N So S2 E N SI '14 W S 02 03 W 5, 533 6,281 1, 675 Jere. Brannock . Chef. 6 38 37 13- 42 76 18 10. go S 79 41 E N 38 0^ R S 87 41 VV N 79 40 W S s8 03 W N S7 30 E 2,245 1,810 5, 832 Cook Point Windmill. Chef. Jere. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. DUPONT. {Chesapeake Bay — Off Tripps Bay — Charts Nos. 36 and 57.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triaugulation of bar Forward Back station I 38 36 45. 00 / // 76 17 27.32 ° ' .S 24 48 E N 62 II E N 54 W N 24 47 W S 62 12 W .S 54 E Yards. 4.152 I, 103 2,384 Brannock. Cook Point Windmill. Chef. 2 38 36 54. 84 76 17 46. 20 S 28 39 E N 81 46 E N 12 42 E N 28 38 W S 81 47 W S 12 42 W 4,674 1,572 2, 103 Brannock. Cook Point Windmill. Chef. 3 38 37 01. 20 76 17 40. 40 S 25 49 E N 89 34 E N 932 E N 25 48 W S 89 35 W S 9 32 w 4, 794 . I, 402 1,863 Brannock. Cook Point Windmill. Chef. 4 38 36 SO- 60 76 17 22. 10 S 22 03 E N 68 09 E N 434W N 22 02 W S 68 09 W S 4 34 E 4,271 989 2, 201 Brannock. Cook Point Windmill. Chef. DIAMOND. {Chesapeake Bay^Vicinity Sharps Island — Charts Nos. j(5 and J/.) I 38 36 10. 60 76 20 02. 68 S 65 58 E N 65 55 W 6,410 Brannock. N 48 58 E S 49 00 w 5.398 Chef. N 56 43 W S 56 44 B 3. 434 Jere. 2 38 36 39. 40 76 20 43. 16 S 62 38 E N 62 36 W 7.797 Brannock. N 63 26 E S 63 28 W 5. 75° Chef. N 40 31 W S .10 32 E 4,489 Sharps Island Lieht. Thence along county boundary as delineated on ch< irts Nos. 36 and 37 to comer No. 3. 3 38 36 58. 72 76 20 27. 22 S 56 56 E N 56 53 W 7,761 Brannock. N 67 52 E S 67 54 w 5,096 Chef. N 50 24 W S 50 26 E 4,332 Sharps Island Light. 4 38 36 s8. 28 76 18 45.32 N 88 00 E S 88 02 W 3, 121 Cook Point Windmill, N 46 18 E S 46 19 W 2,802 Chef. N 65 19 W S 65 21 E 6, 641 Sharps Island Light S 38 36 10. 72 76 19 10. 96 S 59 45 E N 59 45 W 5. 191 Brannock. N 37 23 E S 37 23 w 4,454 Chef. N 66 05 W S 66 06 E 4,637 Jere. BRANNOCK. (Chesapeake Bay Off Tripps BaT, — Charts Nos. j(5 and j/.) I 38 36 09. 83 76 17 22. 46 S N N 31 58 E 28 00 E 74 58 W N 31 58 W S 28 or W S 75 01 E 3, 046 1,974 7,361 Brannock. Cook Point Windmill. Jere. 2 38 36 20. 52 76 17 36.43 S N N ,33 57 E 43 10 E 3 38 E N S3 56 W S 4, I'o W S 3 38 W 3, 550 I, 895 3,215 Brannock. Cook Point Wiiulmill, Chef, .s 38 36 ii- 12 76 17 29.46 S N N 28 05 E 40 16 E 24 E N 28 OS W S 49 17 W S 24 W 3, 819 1,468 2.783 Brannock, Cook Point Wintlmill. Chef. 4 38 36 17. 62 76 17 08. 98 S N N 23 49 E 21 04 E 7734W N 23 48 W S 21 04 w S 77 37 E 3. Ill 1,586 7,644 Brannock. Cook Point Windmill. Jere. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. MILL POINT. {Chesapeake Bay — Off Tripps Bay — Charts Nos. j(5 and jy.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True I earing Distance of bar Forward Back I 38 35 40. 00 76 17 36.81 S 51 37 E N 25 25 E N 66 35 W N 51 37 W S 25 26 W S 66 38 E Yards. 2, 542 3,043 7,333 Brannock. Cook Point WindmiU. Jere. 2 38 35 48. 78 76 17 5430 S 52 39 E N 35 49 E vS 67 17 W N 52 38 W S 35 49 W N 67 15 E 3,088 3,024 6,793 Brannock. Cook Point Windmill. Jere. 3 38 35 54- 00 1 76 17 43.40 S 46 35 E N 33 03 E N 69 34 W N 46 34 W S 33 03 W S 69 36 E 2,983 2,715 6,995 Brannock. Cook Point WindmlH. Jere. 4 38 35 51.00 76 17 37- 50 S 45 54 E N 29 08 E N 69 IS W N 45 53 W S 29 08 W S 69 17 E 2,801 2,722 7,176 Brannock. Cook Point Windmill. Jere. HILLS POINT. {Chesapeake Bay — Off E ntrance Little Choptank River — Chart! Nos. j6 and 37.) I 38 34 30. 62 76 19 27.02 S 45 17 E N 39 42 E N 45 17 W S 39 43 W 1,458 6,611 Robins. Cook Point Windmill. N 35 58 W S 35 59 E 6,494 Jere. 2 38 34 SI- 17 76 20 00. 00 S 48 00 E N 32 45 E N 32 48 W N 47 59 W S 32 46 W S 32 50 E 2,569 7,397 5-428 Robins. Chef. Jere. 3 38 34 58-06 76 20 10. 62 S 48 18 E N S2 16 E N 48 17 W S 52 18 W 2,933 6,798 Robins. Cook Point Windmill. N 31 33 W S 31 35 E 5,082 Jere. 4 38 35 24. 58 76 19 14- 73 S 14 01 E N 50 02 E N 14 01 W S 50 03 W 2,932 5,086 Robins. Cook Point Windmill. N 50 18 W S so 20 E S>379 Jere. S 38 34 34. 56 76 19 06. 60 S 23 09 E N 36 37 E N 23 08 W S 36 39 W 1,260 6,173 Robins. Cook Point Windmill. N 40 22 W S 40 24 E 6, 722 Jere. HILLS POINT NORTH. {Chesapeake Bay — Off Entrance Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. 36 and j^.) I 38 34 24.41 76 21 25. 20 S 22 18 E S 78 54 E N 07 10 W N 22 18 W N 78 52 W S 07 10 E 5.815 4,244 5, 508 James. Robins. Jere. 38 34 46. 64 76 21 30. 20 S 20 54 E S 69 58 E N 06 42 W N 20 ss W N 69 s6 W S 06 43 E 6, 5.S9 4, 573 4,748 James. Robins. Jere. •■> .i« 35 01. 73 76 20 25,88 S 51 21 E N 38 37 E N 28 12 W N SI 20 W S 38 39 w S 28 13 E 3,321 7- 507 4,775 Robins. Chef. Jere. 4 38 34 52. 64 76 20 20. 36 S 54 09 E N 36 20 E N 28 01 W N 54 08 W S 36 22 w S 28 02 E 3,019 7,662 5,114 Robins. Chef. Jere. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. HILLS POINT SOUTH. (Ckcsapealce Bay — Off Entrance Little Clioplank River — Charts Nos. j6 and jy.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back o , // / / Yards. I 38 32 34. 80 76 20 25. 80 S 20 38 E N 41 59 E N 13 51 W N 20 37 W S 42 00 w S 13 52 E 1,798 3,875 9,433 James. Robins. Jere. 2 38 33 49- 88 76 21 52. 36 S 34 43 E N 85 56 E N 16 E N 34 41 W S 8s 58 W S 16 W 5,128 4,896 6,628 James. Robins. Jere. 3 38 34 51- 17 76 20 00. 00 S 48 00 E N 32 4s E N 32 48 W N 47 59 W S 32 46 W S 32 50 E 2,569 7,397 5,428 Robins. Chef. Jere. 4 38 34 00. 00 76 20 16. 80 S 4 57 E N 89 50 E N 21 39 W N 4 57 W S 89 51 W S 21 40 E 4,573 2,353 6,766 James. Robins. Jere. 5 38 3i 42- 30 76 20 49.25 S 17 35 E N 79 22 E N 13 23 W N 17 34 W S 79 23 W S 13 23 E 4,152 3,269 7,078 James. Robins. Jere. 6 38 33, 03. 70 76 20 13. 40 S 633 E N 49 55 E N 17 32 W N 6 33 W S 49 S6 W S 17 33 E 2,675 2,958 8,586 James. Robins. Jerc. JAMES POINT. (Cliesapealie Bay — Vicinity James Point — Chart No. j6.) I 38 31 41-59 76 22 01. 56 S 40 31 E N 88 00 E N 47 39 E N 40 30 W S 88 01 W S 47 41 W . 4, 170 .3,171 6,937 Skid. James. Robins. 2 3831 42. 18 76 22 32.00 S 47 47 E N 88 42 E N 51 54 E N 47 46 W S 88 43 W S 51 56 W 4,747 3,977 7,539 Skid. James. Robins. 3 38 32 42. 94 76 23 10. 08 S 40 49 E S 68 33 E N 69 27 E N 40 47 W N 68 31 W S 69 29 W 6,923 5, 355 7,414 Skid, James. Robins. 4 38 33 25.78 76 22 59-76 S 54 10 E N 80 09 E N 54 08 W S 80 II w 5,811 6,768 James. Robins. N 4 00 E S 4 oi W 9, 966 .Sharps I.shind l.iRlU. 5 38 .1.1 23. 00 76 21 58- 38 S 4^ oi E N 76 03 E N I 27 E N 4S 00 W S 76 OS W S I 27 W 4, 523 5, '97 7, 538 James. Robins. Jerc . 38 .52 34- 3') 76 21 42. 68 S 58 00 E N 57 59 E N I 24 W N 57 59 W S 58 01 w S I 24 E 3,148 5,457 9,179 James. Robins. Jerc. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. TRAVERS. {Chesapeake Bay — Vicinity James Island — Charts Nos. j6 and jS.) 123 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance o£ bar Forward Back I 38 28 46. 52 76 21 27. 48 S OS 42 E N 33 28 E N 2 08 W N 65 40 W S 33 28 W S 2 08 E Yards. 2, 920 3, 276 16,871 Travers 2. Skid. Jere. 2 38 29 ,59. 12 76 22 04. 88 S 50 50 E N 71 04 E N I 23 E N 50 48 W S 71 05 W S I 23 W 4,7" 2,957 15,090 Travers 2 . Skid. Jere. 3 38 30 11.68 76 21 53.40 S 39 25 E S 86 50 E N 15 E N 39 24 W N 86 49 W S 15 W 5,272 2,497 13, 986 Travers 2 Skid. Jere. 4 38 29 47. 76 76 21 39. 72 S 42 25 E N 72 ss E N I 10 W N 42 24 W S 72 56 W S I 10 E 4,425 2,233 14, 799 Travers 2. Skid. Jere. 5 38 29 ^3. 16 76 2 1 43-34 S 48 00 E N 02 28 E N 47 W N 47 S9 W S 62 29 w S 47 E 4, 146 2,5" 15,291 Travers 2. Skid. Jere. 6 38 29 03. 00 76 21 17, 52 S 53 45 E N 35 18 E N 3 07 W N 53 44 W s 35 19 w S 3 08 E 2,972 2,669 16,329 Travers 2 . Skid. Jere. MARSHALL. {Oyster Creek — Charts Nos, yS, j/, and jS.) I 38 29 21.71 76 19 59. 20 N 44 12 E N 7 40 W N 19 00 W S S S 44 14 W 7 41 E ig 01 E 7,422 I, 636 Ragged Point 3. Rede. Skid. 2 38 29 28. 62 76 20 07. 94 N 46 44 E N 3 35 W N 12 55 W S S s 46 46 w 3 35 E 12 55 E 7,423 2,781 1,351 Ragged Point 3. Rede. Skid. ■'' 38 29 27. 76 76 19 56.36 N 44 54 E N 9 44 W N 24 16 W s s s 44 56 W 9 44 E 24 17 E 7,224 2,844 1,480 Ragged Point 3. Rede. Skid. 124 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. OYSTER CREEK. {Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. j(5, jy, and j5.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. tria of bar Forward Back I o / // 38 29 35. 52 76 20 04. 10 N 47 32 E N 6 II W N 20 26 W S 47 34 W S 6 II E S 20 26 E Yards. 7,190 2, 557 1,154 Ragged Point 3 . Rede. Skid. 2 38 29 36. 92 76 20 09. 58 N 48 35 E N 2 59 W N 14 00 W S 48 37 W S 2 59 E S 14 00 E 7,267 2,499 I, 065 Ragged Point -,. Rede. Skid. 3 38 29 41. 12 76 20 07. 64 N 49 io E N 4 25 W N 19 07 W S 49 12 W S 4 25 E S 19 07 E 7,137 2,361 945 Ragged Point 3. Rede. Skid. 4 38 29 39. 60 76 20 02. 20 N 48 OS E N 7 43 W N 25 40 W S 48 07 W S 7 43 E S 25 40 E 7, 061 2,427 I, 048 Ragged Point 3. Rede. Skid. GRANGER. {Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. j(5, j;/, and j8.) I 38 30 00. 84 76 19 49. 14 N 85 52 E N 21 42 W N 74 07 W S 85 51 W S 21 42 E S 74 07 E 2.653 1,818 831 Can. Rede. Skid. 2 38 30 19. 44 76 19 57- 56 S 81 22 E N 22 55 W S 55 16 W N 81 23 W S 22 55 E N 55 16 E 2, 902 1,153 702 Can. Rede. Skid. 3 38 30 22. 59 76 19 46. 56 N 55 58 E N 37 46 W S 59 46 W S 56 00 W S 37 47 E N 59 46 E 5, 840 1,208 I, 005 Ragged Point 3. Rede. Skid. 4 38 30 04. 26 76 19 38.61 N 88 10 E N 31 09 W N 84 03 W S 88 II W S 31 09 E S 84 04 E 2,369 1,838 1,085 Can. Rede. Skid. GATORS. {Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. 36, 37, and 38.) I 38 30 II. 58 76 19 20. 12 S 84 48 E N 84 47 W 1,885 Can. N 19 22 W S 85 06 W S 19 23 E N 85 OS E 3.335 I. 575 James. Skid. 2 38 30 19. 24 76 19 35. 42 S 79 21 E N 44 06 W S 71 20 W N 79 20 W S 44 07 E N 71 20 E 2,323 1,487 1,228 Can. Rede. Skid. 3 38 30 40. 44 76 19 12. 60 N 31 00 W N 77 50 W S 57 55 W S 31 00 E S 77 SO E N 57 55 E 2,535 1,678 2,087 James. Rede. Skid. 4 38 30 36. 74 76 19 05.30 N 33 07 W N 75 24 W S 63 22 w S 33 °7 E S 7S 24 E N 63 22 E 2,744 1,894 2,194 James. Rede. Skid. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 125 HENPECK. (^Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. 36. 37, and 38.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. & G. S. triangulatiou of bar Forward Back station / // / // , / Yards. I 38 30 17. 80 76 18 41. 76 N 35 52 W N 65 34 W S 82 24 W S 35 52 E S 65 35 E N 82 23 E 3-623 2,699 2,608 James. Rede. Skid. 2 38 30 26. 75 76 18 49. 68 N 35 59 W N 70 04 W S 74 47 W S 35 59 E S 70 05 E N 74 46 E 3,256 2,391 2,462 James. Rede. Skid. 3 38 30 45- 98 76 18 15. 24 S 68 30 W S 6 47 E S 62 21 E N 68 29 E N 6 47 W N 62 20 W 3,533 1,340 2, 221 Skid. Can. Veith. 4 38 30 38. 50 76 18 03. 75 S 73 49 W S 7 43 W S 64 55 E N 73 47 E N 7 43 E N 64 54 W 3,740 1,088 1,83s Skid. Can. Veith. SLAUGHTER CREEK. (Entrance Slaughter Creek — Charts Nos. 36, 37, and 38.) I 38 29 57. 14 76 16 10. 23 N 32 57 E S 32 57 W 1,009 Pov. N 65 23 W S 65 24 E 1,480 Veith. S 22 52 W N 22 52 E 704 Torrey. 2 38 30 06. 63 76 16 36. 65 N 67 07 E S 67 08 W 1.356 Pov. N 65 20 W S 65 20 E 711 Veith. S 32 18 W N 32 18 E 886 Moore. 3 38 30 35- 68 76 16 19. 76 N 12 43 W S 12 43 E 2,899 Ragged Point 3. S 57 59 W N 57 59 E 1,289 Veith. S 37 W N 37 E 1,949 Torrey. 4 38 30 06. 76 76 16 03. 56 N IS 40 W S 15 41 E 3,950 Ragged Point 3 . N 79 08 W S 79 09 E 1.550 Veith. S 60 51 w N 60 51 E 1,546 Moore. HOOPER. (Entrance Slaughter Creek — Charts Nos. 36, J7, and 38.) I 38 30 06. 63 76 16 36. 65 N 67 07 E N 6s 20 W S 32 18 W S 67 08 W S 65 20 E N 32 18 E 1,356 711 886 Pov. Veith. Moore. 2 38 31 09.96 76 16 54.94 S 4 59 W S 47 08 E N 9 58 E N 4 59 E N 47 08 W S 9 59 W 1,846 2,365 1,697 Veith. Pov. Ragged Point 3. 3 38 30 S3. 60 76 16 II. 60 S 45 29 W S 28 59 E N 63 35 E N 45 28 E N 28 59 W S 63 36 W 1,836 1,208 2,439 Veith. Pov. Wool. 4 38 30 35- 68 76 16 19. 76 N 12 43 W S 57 59 W S 37 W S 12 43 E N 57 59 E N 037 E 2,899 1,289 1,949 Ragged Point 3. Veith. Torrey. 126 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. NINE ACRES. {Little Ckoptank River — Charts Nos. j(5 and 3f.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulaticn of bar Forward Back o / // / „ / / Yards. I 38 30 30. 04 76 17 50. 80 S 31 40 w S 69 31 E N 30 27 E N 31 40 E N 69 30 W S 30 27 w 932 1,409 3,501 Can. Veith. Ragged Point 3. ■ 2 38 30 38. 50 76 18 03. 75 S 73 49 W S 7 43 W S 64 55 E N 73 47 E N 7 43 E N 64 54 W 3,74° 1,088 1,835 Skid. Can. Veith. 3 38 30 45- 98 76 18 15. 24 S 68 30 W S 6 47 E S 62 21 E N 68 29 E N 6 47 W N 62 20 W 3,533 1,340 2, 221 Skid. Can. Veith. 4 38 31 04. 40 76 18 13. 18 S 60 10 W S 3 °3 E S 49 II E N 60 09 E N 3 03 W N 49 10 W 3,853 1,954 2,527 Skid. Can. Veith. 5 38 31 25.00 76 17 20. 60 S 61 07 W S 12 29 E S 48 46 E N 61 06 E N 12 29 W N 48 45 W 5,408 2,403 3,210 Skid. Veith. Pov. 6 38 30 55. 10 76 17 24.07 S 36 10 W S 24 33 E S 66 09 E N 36 10 E N 24 33 W N 66 08 W 2,030 1,472 2,739 Can. VeiUi. Pov. LITTLE CHOPTANK. {Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. 36 and yj.\ I 38 30 49. 58 76 18 43-36 N 48 07 W N 88 56 W S 60 53 W S 48 08 E S 88 54 E N 60 52 E 2,794 2,415 2, 910 James. Rede. Skid. 2 38 31 00.84 76 t8 59.66 N 47 58 W S 80 25 W S 49 36 w S 47 59 E N 80 24 E N 49 36 E 2, 219 2, on 2,771 James. Rede. Skid. 3 38 31 28.62 76 18 41. 03 S 43 37 W S 16 55 E S 63 47 E N 43 36 E N 16 55 W N 63 45 W 3,775 2,894 5,067 Skid. Can. Pov. 4 38 31 04.40 76 18 13. 18 S 60 10 W S 3 03 E S 49 II E N 60 09 E N 3 03 W N 49 10 W 3,853 1,954 2,527 Skid. Can. Veith. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. RAGGED POINT. {Little Choptank Ri-ver — Charts Nos. j6 and jy.) 127 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station I 38 31 25-95 / // 76 17 50. 96 S 56 05 w S 29 06 E N 57 3° E N 56 04 E N 29 06 W S 57 29 W Yards. 4,737 2,722 2, 107 Skid. Veith. Ragged Point 3. 2 38 31 27-27 76 iS 23.92 S 48 42 w S 42 12 E N 67 41 E N 48 40 E N 42 II W S 67 42 w 4,070 3,271 2, 865 Skid. Veith. Ragged Point 3. 3 38 32 16.42 76 18 21. 70 S 77 36 E N II 13 W S 68 10 W N 77 35 W S II 13 E N 68 09 E 2, 654 3,568 2,859 Ragged Point 3. Robins. James. 4 38 32 37-45 76 17 20. 97 N 39 31 W S 67 25 W S 37 34 E S 39 31 E N 67 23 E N 3734 W 3.617 4,616 1,613 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. 5 38 32 33- 58 76 17 05. 86 N 42 46 W S 70 36 W S 26 56 E S 42 47 E N 70 34 E N 26 56 W 3>979 4,944 1,287 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. 6 38 32 01. 32 76 17 19.42 S 86 21 E N 30 18 W S 82 39 W N 86 21 W S 30 19 E N 82 38 E 945 4,643 4,339 Ragged Point 3. Robins. James. PEANUT HILL. (Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. j6 and j/.) I 38 32 16. 42 76 18 21. 70 S 77 36 E N II 13 W S 68 10 W N 77 35 W S II 13 E N 68 09 E 2,654 3,568 2, 859 Ragged Point 3. Robins. James. 2 38 32 4,v 02 76 ly 38. 07 S 17 51 W S 72 22 E N 27 02 E N 17 50 E N 72 20 W S 27 03 W 2, 059 4,842 2, 922 James. Ragged Point 3. Robins. ■^ 38 32 55- 00 76 18 55. 58 S 36 37 W S 61 48 E N 5 17 E N 36 36 E N 61 47 W S 5 17 W 2,945 3,959 2,208 James. Ragged Point 3. Robins. 4 38 32 46.79 76 18 49. 44 S 42 36 W S 64 25 E N 00 57 E N 42 35 E N 64 24 W S 00 57 W 2,836 3,689 2,476 James. Ragged Point 3. Robins. 5 3832 47.28 76 18 09. 44 N 22 29 W S 54 46 W S 54 37 E S 22 30 E N 54 45 E N 54 36 W 2, 662 3,647 2,781 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. 6 38 32 26.44 76 18 12. 20 S 68 49 E N 16 39 W S 64 15 W N 68 48 W S 16 39 E N 64 14 E 2, 510 3,300 3,226 Ragged Point 3. Robins. James. 128 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Dorchesler County, Md. RAGGRD POINT FLATvS. {Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. 36 and j/.) Cor- Latitude Longitude Trae bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / /, / // , Yards. I 38 32 33- 58 76 17 05. 86 N 42 46 W S 70 36 W S 26 56 E S 42 47 E N 70 34 E N 26 56 W 3-979 4,944 1,287 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. 2 38 32 37-45 76 17 20. 97 N 39 31 W S 67 25 W S 37 34 E S 39 31 E N 67 23 E N 37 34 W 3,617 4,616 1,613 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. 3 38 1,1 08. 88 76 17 ii- 50 N 48 42 W S 54 13 W S 29 22 R wS 48 4? E N 54 12 E N 29 21 W 2, 622 4,845 2,683 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. 4 38 22, 35- 79 76 17 19.9s N 70 32 W S 48 55 W S 16 25 E S 70 32 E N 48 S3 E N 16 25 W 2,469 5,691 3,384 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. ^ 38 32 55- 80 76 16 56. 50 N 53 38 W S 64 02 w S 10 OI E S 53 39 E N 64 00 E N 10 01 W 3,662 5,463 1,927 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. COW ISLAND. {Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. j6 and 57.) I 38 33 03- 34 76 18 15. 64 N 24 00 W S 46 46 W vS 48 30 E S 24 01 E N 46 45 E N 48 29 W 2, 100 3,863 3- 247 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. 2 3833 12. 32 76 18 18.86 N 2S 29 W S 42 47 W S 45 44 E S 25 31 E N 42 46 R N 45 43 W 1,789 4,018 3,516 Robins. James. • Ragged Point 3. 3 .38 3i 21. 90 76 17 ST. 23 N 49 17 W S 46 37 W S 32 43 E S 49 17 E N 46 38 E N 32 43 W 1,981 4, 763 3, 294 Robins. James. Ragged Poinl 3. 4 38 33 oS. 88 76 I 7 33- SO N 48 42 W S 54 13 W S 29 22 R S 48 43 E N 54 12 E N 29 21 W 2,622 4, 845 2,683 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. BALD EAGLE. (Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. j6 and j/.) 129 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 T,T, 08.88 76 17 33. 50 N 48 42 W S 54 13 w S 29 22 E S 48 42 E N 54 12 E N 29 21 W Yards. 2, 622 4, 845 2, 683 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. 2 38 ^:^ 21.90 76 17 51.22 N 4Q 17 W S 46 37 W S 32 43 E S 49 17 E N 46 38 E N 32 43 W 1,981 4> 763 3. 294 Robins. ' James. : Ragged Point 3 . j 3 38 3^^ 46. 72 76 17 52.96 N 72 38 W S 39 44 W S 26 52 E S 72 39 E N 39 43 E N 26 51 W I, 524 H: 343 4, O.S2 Robins. ' James. . i Ragged Point 3. 1 4 38 33 35- 79 76 17 19.95 N 70 32 W S 48 .S5 W S 16 25 E S 70 33 E N 48 53 E N 16 25 W 2,469 5,- 691 3- 384 Robins. James. Ragged Point 3. ♦ CORNERS WHARF. (Outer Choptank River — Chart No. j/. I 38 36 44- 62 76 13 08. 16 N 85 54' E N 69 52 E N 37 28 W S 8s 54 W S 69 54 w S 37 is E 1, 645 4i 794 2, 626 Comer. Large Water Tank. Dot. 2 38 36 55- 18 76 13 39.80 S 84 30 E N 76 23 E N 23 45 W N 84 29 W S 76 25 W S 23 45 E 2,489 s. 492 T,888 Comer. Large Water Tank. Dot. 3 3S 37 17-05 76 13 31-38 S 66 36 E N 83 48. E N 44 47 W N 66 35 W S S^ s° w S 44 47 E 2, 457 5. 145 I- 395 Comer. Large Water Tank. Dot. 4 38 37 04- 99 76 12 59- -to S 68 00 E •N 77 17 E N 52 38 W N 68 00 W S 77 19 w S 52 38 E I, 519 4-377 2,301 Comer. Large Water Tank. Dot. LOGANS HILL. (Outer Choptank River — Chart No. J".) I 38 38 19. 84 76 12 56. 18 S 69 32 E N 69 31 W 4, 466 Large Water Tank. N 54 34 E S 54 35 W 3.590 Choptank River Light. N 20 44 E S 20 44 W 4, 102 Benoni 2. 2 38 39 05- °4 76 13 38. 98 S 68 56 W N 68 54 E 6, 512 Chef. S 16 26 W N 16 25 E 2,764 Dot. N 82 II E S 82 IS W 4,094 Choptank River Light. Tiaence along county boundary as delineated on 2hart Nj. 37 ta comer No. s- 3 38 38 48. 40 76 II 45. 22 S 49 58 E N 49 57 W 3.479 Castle. N 43 09 E S 43 10 W ■ I. 533 Choptank River Light. N 8 24 W S 8 24 E 2.905 Benoni 2. 58345—13- I30 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. TODD POINT. {Outer Choptank River — Chart No. j/.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude Trae bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of station bar Forward Back o / // , ,/ / , Yards. I 38 37 44. 92 76 15 34- 76 N 83 08 W S 52 43 W N 88 44 E S 83 09 E N 52 42 E S 88 45 W 3,°37 2,4x7 2,281 Chef. Cook Point Windmill. Dot. 2 38 38 08. 08 76 16 12. 40 S 78 18 W S 22 26 W S 77 25 E N 78 17 E N 22 26 E N 77 24 W 2, 061 2,429 3,357 Chef. Cook Point Windmill. Dot. 3 38 38 27. 26 76 16 09. 52 N 63 37 W S 63 03 w S 66 42 E S 63 40 E N 63 03 E N 66 41 W 7-532 2,350 3,484 Black. Chef. Dot. 4 38 38 25. 41 76 15 29. 22 S 72 24 w S 58 22 E N 74 49 E N 72 23 E N 58 21 W S 74 52 W 3,317 2,508 7,224 Chef. Dot. Choptank River Light. 5 38 38 59. 43 76 15 27.58 S 56 08 W S 40 20 E N 83 52 E N 56 07 E N 40 20 W S 83 55 W . 3, 859 3,230 6,968 Chef. Dot. Choptank River Light. 6 38 39 04. 40 76 16 03. 56 N 73 08 W S 44 12 w S 49 10 E S 73 II E N 44 II E N 49 09 W 7, 216 3,232 4, 022 Black. Chef. Dot. 7 38 39 22. 52 76 16 00. 60 N 78 01 W S 38 31 W S 42 27 E S 78 04 E N 38 30 E N 42 26 W 7,139 3,743 4,392 Black. Chef. Dot. 8 38 39 15- 3.^ 76 15 07. 00 S 54 23 W S 27 17 E N 88 08 E N 54 21 E N 27 17 W S 88 10 W 4, 612 3,374 6,388 Chef. Dot. Choptank River Light. 9 lO 38 39 .58- 32 Thenc 38 39 08. 00 76 15 41. 88 e along county 76 13 46. 22 N 41 38 E N II 48 W N 63 59 W boundary as d N 83 52 E N 51 26 E N I 59 W S 41 39 w S 11 48 E S 64 01 E elineated on C S 83 54 w S 51 27 W S I 59 E 4,344 4,356 6,387 hart No. 37 4,273 3,549 4,940 Roys. Nelson 3. Bar. to comer No. 10. Choptank River Light. Benoni 2. Roys. II 38 38 27. 40 76 13 47.20 S 79 39 W S 22 13 W S 38 36 E N 79 36 E N 22 12 E N 38 35 W 5, 957 1,493 4,285 Chef. Dot. Comer. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. ALONG SHORE. (Little Choptank River — Charts Nos. 37 and 38.) 131 I Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / // , /, / Yards. I 38 30 00. 96 76 15 45- 59 N 8 14 W N 21 06 W S 73 01 w S 8 14 E S 21 07 E N 73 00 E 725 4,286 1,909 Pov. Ragged Point 3 . Moore. 2 38 30 12. 16 76 1 5 58. 60 N 3S 16 E N 18 19 W S S7 45 W S 3S 16 W S 18 19 E N 57 44 E 417 3,813 1.752 Pov. Ragged Point 3. Moore. 3_ 38 30 29. 02 76 15 52.95 N 23 so W S 75 43 W S 47 20 w S 23 so E N 75 43 E N 47 19 E 1,860 2, 219 Ragged Point 3. Veith. Moore. 4 38 30 3S. 38 76 IS 37-42 N 31 48 W S 73 OS W S 49 56 w S 31 49 E N 73 04 E N 49 55 E 3.339 2.315 2, 669 Ragged Point 3. Veith. Moore. S 38 31 14. 82 76 IS 16. 20 N 12 37 E N S7 00 W S 26 28 W S 12 37 W S S7 01 E N 26 28 E 2, 264 2,768 1.979 Hudson. Ragged Point 3. Pov. 6 38 31 13. 00 76 15 10.38 N 8 SI E N 57 38 W S 31 13 w S 8 31 W S 57 39 E N 31 13 E 2,295 2,931 2, 000 Hudson. Ragged Point 3. Pov. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 7, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 38 30 33- 14 38 30 22. 26 38 30 13- 42 76 15 35- 20 N 31 58 W S 75 16 W S 51 59 W 76 15 49. 51 N 19 04 E S 83 04 W S 28 49 W S 31 59 E N 75 IS E N 51 58 E S 19 05 w N 83 03 E N 28 48 E 76 IS S3. 64 N 20 23 W S 20 24 E 3.818 Ragged Point 3. N 87 SI W S 87 SI E 1, 786 Veith. S s8 47 W N 58 46 E 1,886 Moore. Thence from comer No. 9 along the mean low water'line of the shore to comer No. 10, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 3, 434 2,351 2, 662 1,707 3,818 Ragged Point 5. Veith. Moore. Hudson. Veith. Torrey. 10 38 30 OS 66 76 IS AS S8 N 10 32 W s 10 32 E 570 Pov. N 21 54 W s 21 ';4 E 4,138 Ragged Point 3. S 68 3b W N 68 35 E 1, 962 Moore. 132 Survey 0/ Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. SUSQUEHANNA. {Little Choptank River — Chart No. 37.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 31 01.62 76 IS 35- 10 N 20 33 E N 43 00 W S 16 03 W S 20 33 W S 43 01 E N 16 03 E Yards. 2,835 2,669 1,381 Hudson. Ragged Point 3. Pov. 2 38 31 15- 74 76 IS 54. 62 N 34 46 E N 41 26 W S 40 51 W S 34 46 W S 41 27 E N 40 50 E 2, 651 1,970 2,689 Hudson. Ragged Point 3. Veith 3 38 31 48.07 76 15 17.22 S 16 28 W S 44 42 E N 25 36 E N 16 28 E N 44 41 W S 25 36 W 3.°i7 1,058 I, 206 Pov. Wool. Hudson. 4 38 31 36.00 76 15 02. 28 S 26 43 W S 45 16 E N 61 S3 E N 26 43 E N 45 16 W S 61 54 w 2,784 489 2,935 Pov. Wool. Mac. LITTLE POLL.'VRD. {Little Choptank River — Chart No. 37.) I 38 31 56. 50 76 16 oS. 94 S 09 12 E S 63 53 E N 66 59 E N 09 12 W N 63 52 W S 66 59 W 3,220 2,353 2-°5S Pov. Wool. Hudson. 2 38 32 01. 68 76 16 17.82 S 12 37 E S 62 44 E N 73 31 E N 12 36 W N 62 43 W S 73 32 w 3>435 2, 642 2, 217 Pov. Wool. Hudson. 3 38 32 13-23 76 16 15. 16 S 10 iS E S 54 55 E N S3 21 E N 10 17 W N 54 54 W S 83 22 W 3,804 2, 7s'54 2,070 Pov. Wool. Hudson. 4 38 32 29. 67 76 15 40-02 S 22 35 W S 36 46 E S 57 21 E N 22 34 E N 36 45 W N 57 20 W 4,904 2,689 3.426 Veith. Wool . Tobacco Stick. 5 38 32 20. 52 76 15 30-58 S 67 26 W s"? 35 54 E S 89 41 E N 67 25 E N 35 53 W N 89 41 W 1.843 2,278 1,113 Ragged Point 3. Wool. Hudson . CASON. {Little Choptank River — Chart No. J7.) I 38 31 30. 20 76 14 38.82 N 51 15 E N 16 21 W N 73 23 W S 51 16 w S 16 21 E S 73 24 E 2,523 I, 762 3. 456 Mac. Hudson. Ragged Point 3. 2 38 32 01. 19 76 15 08. 99 S 88 43 W S 23 45 E S 63 45 E N 88 42 E N 23 45 W N 63 45 W 2,513 1,305 2, 007 Ragged Point 3. Wool. Tobacco Stick. 3 38 32 13. 16 76 14 37- .=;4 S 10 54 W S 36 51 E N 86 09 E N 10 54 E N 36 50 W ,S 86 10 W I, 627 1,613 1,938 Wool. Tobacco Stick. Mac. 4 38 31 50. 58 76 14 17.50 S 45 06 W S 39 30 E N 57 33 E N 45 05 E N 39 29 W S 57 34 W I, 184 686 1,662 Wool. Tobacco Stick. Mac. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 133 TOBACCO STICK. {Little Chopiank River — Chart No. j/.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar. Forward Back I 38 31 30.20 76 14 38.82 N 51 15 E N 16 21 W N 73 23 W S 51 16 W S 16 21 E S 73 24 E Yards. 2.523 I. 762 3.456 Mac. Hudson. Ragged Point 3. 2 38 31 50.58 76 14 17.50 S 45 06 w S 39 30 E N 57 33 E N 45 05 E N 39 29 W S 57 34 W 1,184 686 1,662 Wool. Tobacco Stick. Mac. 3 38 31 57-85 76 13 53- 18 N 49 33 E N 66 01 W S 53 54 W S 49 33 W vS 66 02 E N 53 54 R 997 1,866 1:835 Mac. Hudson. Wool. 4 38 31 43-25 76 13 07. 52 N 66 47 W S 78 44 W S 3 40 w S 66 48 E N 78 44 E N 3 39 E 3. 171 t.445 2,479 Hudson. Tobacco Stick. Madison Southern M. E. Church Spire. BUTTERPOT. {Little Choptank River — Chart No. 37.) I 38 32 06.04 76 13 46.40 S 20 15 W N 57 23 E S IS 57 W N 20 IS E S 57 23 W N 15 57 E 1, 120 688 1,448 Tobacco Stick. Mac. Greenwell . 2 38 32 06. 26 76 14 05. 62 S 6 33 E N 71 33 E N 4 35 E N 6 33 W S 71 33 W S 4 3S W I. 065 I. 147 1.389 Tobacco Stick. Mac. Greenwell. 3 38 32 23. 40 76 14 05. 62 S 4 IS E S 78 50 E N 41 26 E N 4 15 W N 78 50 W S 41 26 W I, 640 I, 109 1,861 Tobacco Stick. Mac. Ross. 4 38 32 23. 22 76 13 33- 90 N 69 42 E N 15 37 E N 41 S4 W S 69 42 W S IS 37 W S 41 54 E 1,719 1,456 1,091 Swep. Ross. Greenwell. HUDSON. {Little Choptank River — Hudson Creek — Chart No. j/.) I 38 32 16- 77 76 14 22. 62 S 22 15 W S 22 03 E N 89 40 E N 22 14 E N 22 02 W S 89 41 w 1-857 1.524 1.539 Wool. Tobacco Stick. Mac. 2 38 32 39 68 76 14 56 00 S 3 35 W N 81 09 E N 07 04 W N 3 35 E S 81 10 W S 07 04 E 654 599 639 Hudson . Louise . Jenifer. 3 38 32 43. 46 76 14 50. 61 S 13 IS w S 84 20 E N 22 01 E N 13 IS E N 84 20 W S 22 01 W Sox 452 483 Hudson. Louise. Carrie. 4 38 32 30- 09 76 14 32. 40 S 76 13 E N 4 36 W S 63 43 w N 76 13 W S 4 36 E N 63 43 E 1,850 417 743 Mac, Louise. Hudson. 5 38 32 23. 40 76 14 05. 62 S 4 15 E S 78 so E N 41 26 E N 4 15 W N 78 50 W S 41 26 W 1,640 1, 109 1,861 Tobacco Stick. Mac. Ross. 134 Survey of Oyster Bars. Dorchester County, Md. ROSS. (Little Choptank River — Hudson Creek — Chart No. j/.) Cor- bar Latitude Longitude Truet Forward earing Back Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station I 38 32 49- 24 76 14 47. 65 S 58 08 E N 22 07 E N 43 so W N 58 08 W S 22 07 W S 43 5° E Yards. 436 273 433 Louise. Carrie. Jenifer. 2 38 32 49. 40 76 14 S3. 20 S 6s 31 E N 4S 12 E N 26 28 W N 6s 30 W S 4S 13 W S 26 28 E 569 352 343 Louise. Carrie. Jenifer. 3 38 Zi 27. 42 76 14 53. 12 S 35 08 W S 12 55 W S 76 55 E N 35 08 E N 12 54 E N 76 55 W 230 717 252 Mitchell. Henry. Back. 4 38 ii 27.04 76 14 48. 46 S 5S 34 W S 22 27 w N 70 04 E N 55 34 E N 22 27 E S 70 04 W 309 743 129 Mitchell. Henry. Back. McKEILS POINT. {Little Chof'tank River — Chart Xo. J7.) I 38 32 23. 22 76 13 33- 9° N 69 42 E N IS 37 E N 41 54 W S 69.42 W S 15 37 W S 41 54 E 1. 719 1,456 I, 091 Swep. Ross. Greenwell . 2 38 ,^2 23- 40 76 14 05. 62 S 4 15 E S 78 50 E N 41 26 E N 4 15 W N 78 si W S 41 26 w I, 640 1, 109 1,861 Tobacco Stick. Mac. Ross. 3 38 32 46. II 76 13 59. 68 S 43 30 E N 85 27 E N 71 23 E N 43 30 W S 85 28 W S j'l 24 w 1,352 1,787 2,709 Mac. Town. David. 4 38 32 49- 54 76 13 19.24 N 87 51 E N 23 E S 86 10 W S 87 51 W S 23 w N 86 TO E 711 514 I, 120 Town. Ross. Greenwell. 5 38 32 :i3- 64 76 13 10.42 N 76 06 E N 12 22 W N 71 og W S 76 06 W S 12 22 E S 71 09 E 1, 020 1,075 1,427 Swep. Ross. Greenwell. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. TOWN. {Little Choptank River — Chart No. j/.) 135 Cor- True bearing Longitude U. S. est G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station , /, c / // / / Yards. I 38 32 a. 64 76 13 10.42 N 76 06 E S 76 06 w I, 020 Swep. N 12 22 W S 12 22 E i.°75 Ross. N 71 09 W S 71 09 E 1,427 Green weU. 2 38 32 49. 54 76 13 19.24 N 87 51 E S 87 51 W 711 Town. N 23 E S 23 w 514 Ross. S 86 10 W N 86 10 E 1, 120 Greenwelt. 3 38 ii 06. 94 76 12 53.07 N 78 31 E S 78 31 W 820 David. N 17 26 E S 17 26 W 668 Lee. S 83 58 W N 83 58 E 693 Ross. 4 38 32 49. 12 76 12 54.85 N II 17 E S 11 17 W 1,263 Lee. N 50 35 W S 5° 35 E 832 Ross. S 88 02 W N 88 01 E 1.765 Greenwell. ■; 38 32 40. 16 76 12 55. 80 N 82 06 W S 82 07 E 1.759 GreenweH. S 18 29 w N 18 29 E 691 Lanev. S 40 29 E N 40 29 W 1, 129 Hugh. BRUMELL. {Little Choptank River — Chart No. 37.' I 38 32 49. J.2 76 12 54.85 N II 17 E N 50 35 W S 88 02 W S II 17 w S 5° 35 E N 88 01 E 1,263 832 1.765 Lee. Ross. GreenweH. 2 38 33, 06. 94 76 12 53.07 N 78 31 E N 17 26 E S 83 58 W S 78 31 W S 17 26 W N 83 58 E 820 668 693 David. Lee. Ross. 3 38 33 22- 38 76 12 59-57 S 9 56 E N 72 36 E N 10 07 W N 9 56 W S 72 36 W S 10 07 E 1,098 390 936 Town. Lee. PhiL 4 38 33 30. 84 76 12 18.30 S 76 50 W S 10 19 W S 62 56 E N 76 49 E N 10 19 E N 62 56 W 740 654 1,045 Lee. David. Layton. 5 38 33 40. 34 76 12 08. 92 S 20 47 W S 40 37 E S 71 50 E N 20 47 E N 40 37 W N 71 50 W 1,030 1,049 1.567 David. Layton. Adam . 6 38 33 40. Ob 70 II 51. 16 S 41 14 w S 15- 07 E S 64 49 E N 41 13 E N 15 07 W N 64 49 W I, 267 - 815 1. 125 David. Layton. Adam. 7 38 33 24-39 76 12 22. 72 N 85 22 W S 00 W S 76 09 E S 85 22 E N 00 E N 76 og W 606 425 1,079 Lee. David. Layton. 8 38 33 00. 62 76 12 30. 04 N 45 04 E N 32 18 W S 87 16 W S 45 05 W S 32 18 E N 87 15 E 1,603 767 I, 301 Solomon. Lee. Ross. 136 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. CHERRY ISLAND. (Little Choplank River — Chart No. j/.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I 38 33 31- 86 76 12 49. 59 N 34 55 E N 47 01 W S 35 01 W S 34 55 W S 47 01 E N 35 01 E Yards. 268 585 1.363 Cherry Island Water Tank. Phil. Ross. 2 9 3 38 33 43. 24 76 13 00. 47 S 20 50 W S 34 01 E N 43 =6 E N 20 50 E N 34 01 W S 43 26 w 1,388 709 821 Ross. Ue. Dupont. ,S8 33 55- 38 76 12 59. 62 S 20 34 E S 48 24 E N 70 57 E N 20 33 W N 48 24 W S 70 58 W I, 064 560 573 Lee. Cherry Island Water Tank. Dupont. 4 38 33 52. 58 7O 12 50. 28 S 7 58 E S 31 43 E N 46 20 E N 7 58 W N 31 43 W S 46 20 w 911 326 408 Lee. Cherry Island WaterTank . Dupont. 5 38 33 45- " 76 12 53. 06 N 34 38 E N 65 08 W S 26 54 W S 34 38 W S 6s 08 E N 26 53 E 647 371 1,524 Dupont. Phil. Ross. 6 38 33 42- 06 76 12 46.30 N 63 27 W S 34 39 W S 2 II E S 63 27 E N 34 39 E N 2 II W 576 I, 528 548 Phil. Ross. Lee. JONES. {Little Choptank River — Chart No. J7.) I 38 33 19. 34 76 II 33. 10 N 45 S3 E N 27 56 W N 83 28 W S 45 53 W S 27 56 E S 83 28 E I. 013 795 1.929 Seth. Solomon. Lee. 2 38 33 28. 68 76 II 35. 12 N 63 27 E N 39 27 W S 65 42 w S 63 27 W S 39 27 E N 65 41 E 873 503 1,382 Seth. Solomon. David. 3 38 33 29. 68 76 II 28.34 N 59 20 E N 54 36 W S 41 53 W S 59 20 w S 54 37 E N 41 53 E 699 611 586 Seth. Solomon . Layton. 4 38 33 20. 58 76 II 26. 24 N 39 26 E N 39 59 W S 73 49 W S 39 26 w S 39 59 E N 73 49 E 860 863 466 Seth Solomon. Layton. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. PATTISON. {Little Choptank River — Chart No. ,57.) 137 Cor- Latitude Lougitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S triangulation of bar Forward Back station , // , „ , / Yards. I 38 a 41. 76 76 10 41. 62 S s s 88 15 W 85 25 w 56 55 W N 88 14 E N 85 25 E N 56 55 E i>737 638 982 Solomon. Seth. Adam. 2 38 a 44- 34 76 10 50. 16 s s s 84 41 W 71 22 w 43 46 W N 84 41 E N 71 21 E N 43 46 E 1,516 433 863 Solomon. Seth. Adam. 3 38 ii 51- 96 76 10 42. 26 s s s 77 00 w 57 28 W 42 29 W N 76 59 E N 57 28 E N 42 29 E 1,764 734 1,193 Solomon. Seth. Adam . BARN POINT. {Little Choptank River — Fishing Creek — Chart No. 37.) I 38 32 06. 16 76 12 59. 56 S 63 01 E N 70 55 E N 30 5- E N 63 01 W S 7° 55 W S 30 58 w I, 222 881 1.367 Doctor. Hugh. Swep. 2 38 32 29. 30 76 12 59-39 S 39 06 E N 60 44 E N 23 35 W N 39 05 W S 60 44 w S 23 35 E 1,719 801 ii305 Doctor. Swep Ross. 3 38 32 30. 62 76 12 25. 70 N 50 50 W S 71 48 w S 32 39 W S 50 51 E N 71-48 E N 32 39 E 1,824 I, 070 1,456 Ross. Laney. Eleanor. 4 38 32 07. 38 76 12 37. 00 N 5 20 E N 57 55 W S 47 44 W S ;; 20 W S 57 56 E N 47 44 E 1,13s 846 657 Swep. Laney. Eleanor. SALTWORK. {Little Choptank River — Fishing Creek — Chart No. 57.) I j8 31 54.70 76 12 16. 39 S 33 34 E N 63 44 E N 24 45 W N a 34 w S 63 45 w S 24 45 E 897 597 743 Tom. Etta. Hugh. 2 38 32 00. 92 76 12 40. 06 N 87 19 E N 34 13 E N 43 38 W S 87 19 w S 34 13 W S 43 38 E I, 165 562 922 Etta. Hugh. Laney. 3 38 32 07. 38 76 12 37.00 N 5 20 E N 57 55 W S 47 44 W S 5 2aW S 57 56 E N 47 44 E 1,135 846 657 Swep. Laney. Eleanor. 4 38 32 02. 54 76 12 13.75 S 75 49 W S 16 25 W N 75 48 E N 16 25 E T, 136 451 Eleanor. Doctor. S 45 18 E N 45 18 W 675 Mary. 138 Survey of Ovster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. FISHING CREEK. (Little Ckoptank River — Fishing Creek — Chart No. j/.) Cor- Latitude Ivongitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I o 38 31 35-43 76 12 13. 22 S 88 50 E N 46 38 E N 16 02 W N 88 49 W S 46 38 W S 16 02 E Yards. 1,449 640 502 Austin, Mary. Doctor. 2 38 31 54- 70 76 12 16.39 S 33 34 E N 63 44 E N 24 45 W N 33 34 W S 63 45 w S 24 45 E 897 597 743 Torn. Etta. Hugh. 3 38 32 02. 54 76 12 13- 75 S 75 49 w S 16 25 W S 45 18 E N 75 48 E N 16 25 E N 45 18 W I, 136 451 675 Eleanor. Doctor. Mary. 4 38 31 53-92 76 12 02. 43 N 89 30 W S 71 33 W S 9 54 E S 89 29 E N 71 32 E N 9 54 W I, 402 447 732 Eleanor. Doctor. Tom. 5 38 31 36. 00 76 II 50. 84 S 86 44 E N 16 51 W N c;7 41 W N 86 43 W S 16 51 E S 57 41 E 857 440 865 Austin. Mary. Doctor. GRAPEVINE. {Little Choptank River — Fishing Creek — Chart No. J7.) I 38 31 38.00 76 II 16. 16 N 67 40 E N 23 42 E N 71 21 W S 67 40 w S 23 42 W S 71 21 E 883 300 1, 105 Kirby. Neil. Mary. 2 38 31 44.60 76 II 16. 12 S 69 45 w S 10 43 W N 82 07 E N 69 44 E N 10 43 E S 82 07 W 1-173 344 823 Tom. Austin. Kirby. 3 3831 45-98 76 10 45. 86 S 66 00 W S 2 23 E N 67 01 E N 66 00 E N 2 23 W S 67 01 W 947 961 992 Austin. Church Creek (No. Paul. .West) 4 38 31 39-04 76 10 45. 65 N 55 36 E N I 37 E N 70 48 W S 55 37 W S I 37 w S 70 48 E I, 100 301 728 Paul. Kirby. Neil. BRIDGE. (Slaughter Creek— Chart No. .;5.) 38 28 13. 02 38 28 13-55 38 28 19- 52 38 28 19- 43 76 17 27.6. 76 17 J2. 20 76 17 30. 80 76 17 26. 28 S 37 00 E N 48 45 E N 10 46 W S 7 05 W N 54 09 E N I 02 W S 7 58 W N 63 38 E N 5 49 W S 25 47 E N 59 23 K N" 19 06 W N 36 59 W S 48 45 W S 10 46 E 7 05 E 54 09 W I 02 E N 7 58 E S 63 38 W S 5 49 E N 25 46 W S 59 23 W S 19 07 E 646 QII 717 Finish . Noblee. Harrington 566 995 688 Taylor. Noblee. Harrington 770 860 489 Taylor. Noblee. Harrington 814 756 517 Finish. Noblee. Harriiigfon Survey of Oyster Bay^. Dorchester County, Md. PUNCH ISLAND CREEK, 139 {Chesapeake Bay off Punch Island Creek — Chart No. j5.) Cor- Latitude Luncitudc True bearing Distance U. S. C & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 23 56. 04 76 19 13.20 / S 70 15 E N 5 58 W S 75 21 W N 70 14 W S 5 59 E N 75 18 E Yards. 3,746 8,641 6,094 Dunnock. Travers 2 . Cove Point Light. 2 38 25 38-36 76 20 01. 28 N 4 10 E S 42 47 W S 45 31 E S 4 II w N 42 45 E N 45 29 W 5>i57 6,800 6,73° Travers 2. Cove Point Light. Dunnock. 3 38 26 37.92 76 19 31.38 N 7 35 W S 37 43 W S 30 48 E S 7 35 E N 37 41 E N 30 46 W 3,163 8,848 7,828 Travers 2. Cove Point Light. Dunnock. 4 38 24 28. 52 76 17 54-30 N 21 45 W S 71 44 W S 31 14 E S 21 46 E N 71 40 E N 31 13 W 8,073 8,413 2, 760 Travers 2. Cove Point Light. Dunnock. STONE PILE. (Chesapeake Bay off Barren Island — Chart No. jp.) I 38 20 14. 08 76 17 00. 20 S 53 49 E N /o 50 E N 03 W N 53 48 W S 70 49 w S 03 E 2,452 1,741 6,237 South. North. Dunnock. 2 38 20 36. 20 76 17 00. 60 S 42 17 E S 84 00 E N 04 E N 42 16 W N 83 59 W S 04 W 2,965 I, 664 5, 475 SoutH. North. Dunnock. ■5 38 20 42. 48 76 16 37. 06 S 29 34 E S 69 28 E N 6 43 W N 20 33 W N 69 28 W S 6 43 E 2,765 1, 100 5, 298 South. North. Dunnock. 4 38 20 15. 24 76 16 44. 80 S 46 34 E N 66 41 E N 3 50 W N 46 33 W S 66 41 W S 3 5° E 2, 162 1,345 6,194 South. North. Dunnock. NEW DISCOVERY. (Chesapeake Bay off Barren Island — Chart No. jg.) 1 38 17 30.82 76 lO 21). 76 N 85 28 E N 16 5^ E N 85 30 W S 83 30 W S 16 54 W S 85 r,,7, B 6, 554 4,029 8,928 Bridge. South. Cedar Point Light. = 38 17 38.00 70 lO 48. 24 N 84 14 K N 23 32 E N 85 30 W S 84 17 w S 23 32 w S 85 33 E 7,038 4, 161 8,435 Bridge. South. Cedar Point Light. 3 38 18 29. 32 76 16 48. 16 S 81 41 E N 38 27 E S 82 46 W N 81 38 W S 38 27 W N 82 43 E 7,074 2,668 8,479 Bridge. South. Cedar Point Light. 4 38 18 30. 14 76 16 29. 98 S 80 50 E N 29 45 E S 82 58 W N 80 48 W S 29 45 W N 82 55 E 0, 602 2,370 8,961 Bridge. South. Cedar Point Light. 140 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. HORSE POINT CHANNEL. (Tar Bay — Charts Nos. jg and 40.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation el bar Forward Baek , // / // / / Yards. I 38 17 51.82 76 13 39- 72 S 23 04 w N 83 03 E N 13 W N 23 03 E S 83 04 W S 13 E 5.460 2,008 2,258 Hooper Island Light. Bridge. [Spire. Mount Zion M. E. Church 2 38 18 15.04 76 14 06. 06 S 13 53 W S 78 39 E N 25 07 E N 13 53 E. N 78 38 W S 25 07 W 5.993 2.747 I, 629 Hooper Island Light. Bridge. [Spire. Mount Zion M. E. Church 3 38 18 21.82 76 13 58.40 S 15 12 W S 72 50 E N 21 23 E N 15 II E N 72 49 W S 21 23 W 6, 265 2, 605 1.339 Hooper Island Light. Bridge. [Spire. Mount Zion M. E. Church 4 38 17 58.08 76 13 30. 06 S 24 33 W N 88 57 E N 7 22 W N 24 32 E S 88 58 W S 7 22 E 5. 767 1.737 2,065 Hooper Island Light. Bridge. [Spire. Mount Zion M. E. Church WARE. {Chesapeake Bay — Off Middle Hooper Island — Charts Nos. jp and 40.) I 38 17 07. 00 76 12 30-44 N 26 08 W S 48 29 W S 41 29 E S 26 08 E N 48 27 E N 41 28 W 4,198 5.317 4,076 Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire. Hooper Island Light. Hoopersville Methodist Chiu-ch Cupola. 2 38 17 09. 85 76 12 42. 24 N 22 41 W S 45 22 w S 43 44 E S 22 41 E N 45 21 E N 43 43 W 3,982 5.153 4.359 Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire . Hooper Island Light. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. 3 38 17 19.64 76 12 39.00 N 25 52 W S 25 53 E 3.716 Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire. Hooper Island Light. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. S 43 32 w S 40 04 E N 43 31 E N 40 03 W 5.448 4.547 4 38 17 16. 00 76 12 27- 55 N 2g 03 W S 46 40 w S 38 00 E S 29 04 E N 46 39 E N 37 59 W ,).964 5.578 4, 260 Mount Zion ME. Church Spire Hooper Island Light. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. WHITE WOOD. {Tar Bay— Chart No. 39.) 141 38 18 42. 04 38 18 52. 52 38 18 55. Q2 38 18 45- 56 76 14 17. 60 76 14 23. 00 76 14 14. 60 76 14 08. 52 S 9 33 W N 60 29 E N 16 13 E S 7 57 W N 79 29 E N 22 05 E S 9 33 W N 83 58 E N 17 40 E S II 20 W N 59 28 E N II 31 E N 9 32 E S 60 29 W S 16 13 W N 7 56 E S 79 30 W S 22 05 w N 9 33 E S 83 58 W S 17 40 W N II 20 E S 59 28 W S II 31 W Yards. 6,822 i> 147 7-150 I, 161 7,29s 924 2, 127 6,983 879 2,425 Hooper Island Light. Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire. Hosier Memorial Church Spire. Hooper Island Light. Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire . Hosier Memorial Church Spire. Hooper Island Light. Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire. Hosier Memorial Church Spire. Hooper Island Light. Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire. Hosier Memorial Church Spire. TAR BAY. {Tar Bay— Chart No. 39.) 38 19 51. 60 38 20 00. 50 38 20 22. 52 76 14 40. 56 76 14 52. 44 76 14 25. 54 76 14 14. S 42 05 E N 83 38 E N 17 34 E S 42 45 E S 84 46 E N 29 22 E S 5 12 W S 46 20 E N 13 36 E S 7 00 W S 47 13 E N 2 54 W N 42 05 W S S 83 38 w 17 34 W N 42 44 W N S 84 46 w 29 22 W N N S 5 12 E 46 19 W 13 36 W N N S 6 59 E 47 13 W 2 54 E 1-343 2, 064 2.83s 1-657 1. 913 10. 157 1,294 951 Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire. Hosier Memorial Church Mint. [Spire. Mount Zion M. E. Church Spire. Hosier Memorial Church Mint. [Spire. Hooper Island Light. Hosier Memorial Church Mint. [Spire. Hooper Island Light. Hosier Memorial Church Mint. [Spire. 142 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. TUBBMANS DRAIN. (Honga River — Charts Nos. jp and 40.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation ot bar Forward Back station I 38 20 41. 16 76 12 40. 52 / S 8 04 W N 46 46 E N 14 18 W N 8 04 E S 46 47 W S 14 18 E Yards. 823 2,825 2,511 Gunners. Kerwin. Keenes. 2 38 21 04.94 76 13 32. 18 N 24 44 E S 67 02 w S 37 51 E S 24 44 W N 67 01 E N 37 51 W i>797 I, 296 2,047 Keenes. Mint. Gunners. 3 38 21 32.82 76 12 S9- 1° S 8 24 E N 85 41 E N 10 23 W N 8 24 W S 85 42 W S 10 23 E 2,585 2,559 703 Gunners. Kerwin. Keenes. 4 38 21 31.24 76 12 21. 72 S 13 48 W N 81 01 W N 56 21 W N 13 48 E S 81 02 E S 56 22 E 2,578 1,579 1,344 Gunners. Kerwin. Keenes. 5 38 20 50. g2 76 12 05. 68 N 35 13 E N 36 17 W S 42 18 W S 35 13 W S 36 18 E N 42 17 E 1,965 2, 610 1,546 Kerwin. Keenes. Gunners. PEANUT. {Honga River — Charts Nos. jg and 40.) ■ 38 20 50. 92 76 12 05. 68 N 35 13 E N 36 17 W S 42 i8 W S 35 13 w S 36 18 E N 42 17 E 1,965 2, 610 1 , 546 Kerwin." Keenes. Gunners. 2 38 21 3'- 24 76 12 21. 72 S -13 48 w N 81 01 W N 56 21 W N 13 48 E S 81 02 E vS 56 22 E 2,578 t,579 ',344 Gunners. Kerwin, Keenes. 3 38 21 06. 78 76 1 1 08. 84 S 19 20 W S 56 38 W S II E N ig ig E N 56 37 E N II W 1,135 3,053 3,543 Kerwin. Gunners. Wroten. GUM. (Honga River — Charts Nos. jp and 40.) I 38 20 08. 82 76 II 36.90 N 6 58 E N 81 20 W S 25 29 E S 6 58 W S 81 21 E N 25 2g W 3,048 1,826 ',757 Kerwin. Gunners. Wroten . 2 38 20 II. 70 76 11 54.90 S 36 15 E N 16 08 E N 82 21 W N 36 15 W S 16 08 w S 82 21 E 2,088 .^.049 ',339 Wroten. Kerwin. Gunners. 3 38 20 13. 24 76 12 04. 30 S 40 32 E N 20 52 E N 83 18 W N 40 32 W S 20 53 W S 83 ig E 2,283 .V 078 1 , 085 Wroten. Kerwin. Gunners. 4 38 20 50. 92 76 12 05. 68 N 35 13 E N 36 17 W S 42 18 W S 35 13 W S 36 18 E N 42 17 E 1,965 2, 610 1,546 Kerwin. Keenes. Gunners. 5 38 21 06. 78 76 II 08.84 S 19 20 w S 56 38 w S II E N ig ig E N 56 37 E N II W 1,135 3,053 3,543 Kerwin. Gunners. Wroten. 6 38 20 22. 66 76 II 03. 78 N II 16 W S 8s 55 W S 3 27 W S II 17 E N 8s 54 E N 3 27 E 2, 609 2,6gi 2,057 Kerwin. Gunners. Wroten. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. WROTEN ISLAND. (Honga River — Charts Nos. jp and 40.) 143 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I / // 38 18 12. 40 76 12 00. 50 N 59 24 W S 54 59 W S 61 38 E S 59 25 E N 54 59 E N 61 37 W Yards. 3-072 785 2,445 Mount Zion M. E. Church Bridge. [Spire. Bentley. 2 38 19 20.32 76 12 45. 56 N 33 E S 63 22 W S II 25 E S 033 W N 63 22 E N 11 25 W I, gi2 1,619 2,796 Gunners. Mount Zion M. E. Church Bridge. [Spire. 3 58 20 II. 70 76 II 54. go S 36 IS E N 16 08 E N 82 21 W N 36 15 W S 16 08 W S 82 21 E 2,088 3, °49 1-339 Wroten. Kerwin . Gunners. 4 38 19 55- 12 76 II 46.86 N 64 25 W S 14 25 W S 42 14 E S 64 26 E N 14 24 E N 42 14 W 1,708 4,042 I. 519 Gunners. Bridge. Wroten. 5 38 19 41.22 76 11 59. 10 N 45 13 W S II II W S 64 01 E S 45 14 E N II 10 E N 64 01 W I- 713 3,513 1,497 Gunners. Bridge. Wroten . 6 38 18 4Q. 00 76 II 57.96 N 83 04 W S 22 53 W S 41 01 E S 83 03 E N 22 53 E N 41 01 W 2,732 1,828 3- 175 Mount Zion M. E. Church Bridge. [Spire. Bentley. 7 38 18 42. 22 76 I r 09. 82 N I 35 E S 53 48 w S 20 23 E S I 35 W N 53 47 E N 20 22 W 1,334 2,467 2,312 Wroten. Bridge. Bentley. SMOKE POINT. (Honga River — Charl No. 40.) I 38 17 52- 32 76 ir 14. 54 S 62 30 E N 45 24 E N 83 06 W N 62 30 W S 45 23 w S 83 06 E 1,049 3,003 1,879 Bentley. Charles. Bridge. 2 38 17 54.62 76 II 43. 28 S 71 39 E N 55 00 E N 82 19 W N 71 39 W S 55 01 w S 82 19 E 1,785 3,542 1, III Bentley. Charles. Bridge. 3 38 18 01. 68 76 II 42. 60 S 64 29 E N 58 07 E S 85 26 W N 64 29 W S 58 08 w N 85 25 E ',857 3, 396 I, 120 Bentley. Charles. Bridge. 4 38 17 58. 70 76 II 14. 22 S 52 49 E N 48 21 E N 89 40 W N 52 49 W S 48 20 W S 8g 41 E 1,157 2,850 1,873 Bentley. Charles. Bridge. 144 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. DARK POINT. {Honga River — Chart No. 40.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. sta of bar Forward Back / // / ,/ / , Yards. I 38 17 27.98 76 09 27. 16 N 24 22 E N 13 43 E N 80 05 W S 24 22 W S 13 43 W S 80 06 E 2,546 3.016 1,953 Lakes. Charles. Bentley. 2 38 18 00. 32 76 09 57. 80 N 56 37 E N 3 05 E S 55 47 W S s6 38 W S '3 05 W N 55 47 E 2,232 1,843 1,341 Lakes. Charles. Bentley. 3 38 17 56. 00 76 10 44. 14 N 33 49 E N 87 49 W S II 23 E S i3 5° W S 87 50 E N II 23 W 2,391 2,675 620 Charles. Bridge. Bentley. 4 38 18 51.52 76 10 56. 94 N 86 06 E N 16 40 W S 52 48 W S 86 07 W S 16 40 E N 54 47 E 1,674 1,065 2, 929 Charles. Wroten. Bridge. 5 38 18 55. 40 76 10 13. 14 N 58 49 W S IS 02 W S 88 03 E S 58 49 E N 15 02 E N 88 03 W 1,717 2,7°3 507 Wroten. Bentley. Charles. 6 38 18 37-97 76 09 31.54 N 46 22 W S 41 46 w N 88 00 W S 46 23 E N 41 45 W S 88 00 E 827 2,713 I, 167 Charles. Bentley. Lakes. 7 38 17 52.42 76 09 20. 68 N 30 25 E N 22 50 W S 76 54 W S so 2S W S 22 51 E N 76 S3 E 1,733 2, 290 2, 151 Lakes. Charles. Bentley. LAKES COVE. (Honga River — Chart No. 40.) I 38 16 55.38 76 09 18. 12 S 42 12 W S 23 30 E N 64 12 E N 42 II E N 23 30 W vS 64 12 W 3-592 1,356 518 Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. Windmill 2. Asquith. 2 38 17 16.45 76 og 48. 20 N 30 43 E N 2 41 W N 62 00 W S 30 44 w S 2 41 E S 62 01 E 3, 150 3, 322 1,545 Lakes. Charles. Bentley. 3 38 17 17.87 76 09 31.63 N 23 43 E N 10 20 W N 69 26 W S 23 44 w S 10 20 E S 69 27 E 2, 906 3,325 1,927 Lakes. Charles. Bentley. 4 38 17 27.98 76 09 27. 16 N 24 22 E N 13 43 E N 80 OS W S 24 22 W S 13 43 W S 80 06 E 2, S46 3, 016 1,953 Lakes. Charles. Bentley. 5 38 17 52.42 76 09 20. 68 N 30 25 E N 22 so W S 76 54 W S 30 25 W S 22 51 E N 76 S3 E 1,733 2, 290 2, 151 Lakes. Charles. Bentley. 6 38 18 02. 14 76 08 33. 80 N 17 29 W N 50 10 W S 76 17 W S 17 29 E S 50 11 E N 76 15 E I, 224 2,777 3,439 Lakes. Charles. Bentley. 7 38 17 37-89 76 08 43. 94 N 2 50 W N 35 40 W N 89 58 W S 2 50 E S 35 41 E S 89 59 E 1,987 3,195 3,072 Lakes. Charles. Bentley. . Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Aid. WINDMILL. (Honya River — Chart No. 40.) 145 Cor- Latitude LollRitudc True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. .S- triauiiiilatiiin of baf Forward Back station I 38 15 44. 58 / // 76 09 38. 82 S 38 46 E N 43 38 E vS 81 38 W N 38 45 W S 43 39 W N 81 37 E Yards. 2,981 I, 581 I, 883 Hopkins Memorial Church Cupola. Windmill 2. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. 2 38 16 39. 32 76 10 06. 60 vS 27 57 W S 69 00 E N 66 24 E N 27 57 E N 69 00 W S 66 25 W 2,399 I, 960 I, 916 Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. Windmill 2. Asquith. 3 38 16 55.38 76 09 18. 12 S 42 12 W S 23 30 E N 64 12 E N 42 II E N 23 30 W S 64 12 W 3. 592 1,356 518 Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. Windmill 2. Asquith. 4 38 16 00. 58 76 08 57. 98 N 30 E S 74 35 W S 15 15 E S 30 W N 74 33 E M 15 15 W 605 3,059 2, 969 Windmill 2. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. Hopkins Memorial Church Cupola. HICKORY. (Honga River — Chart No. 40.) I 38 IS 44- 58 76 09 38. 82 vS 38 46 E N 43 38 E S 81 38 W N 38 45 W S 43 39 W N 81 37 E 2,981 I, 581 1,883 Hopkins Memorial Church Cupola. Windmill 2. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. 2 38 IS 52-42 76 10 00. 76 N 62 17 E N 34 16 E S 67 12 W vS 62 17 VV S 34 17 w N 67 II E 1,891 2,842 1,389 Windmill 2. » Asquith. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. 3 38 16 17.94 76 10 15. 30 S 32 34 W N 89 32 E N 53 II E N 32 34 E S 89 32 W S 53 II W 1,660 2,060 2,482 Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. Windmill 2. Asquith. 4 38 16 39- 32 76 10 06. 60 S 27 57 w S 69 00 E N 66 24 E N 27 57 E N 69 00 W S 66 25 W 2,399 I, 960 1,916 Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. Windmill 2. Asquith. 58345—13 — 10 146 Survey 0} I Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. LOWER THOROUGHFARE. {Honga River — Chart No. 40.) Cor- Latitude- Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station I 38 15 16.32 76 og 20. 92 N 44 37 E N 16 21 E N 73 49 W S 44 38 W S 16 21 W S 73 50 E Yards. 4,289 2,185 2,435 Paul. Windmill 2. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. 2 38 15 22.58 76 09 55. 40 N 88 43 E N 39 05 E N 71 47 W S 88 4S W S 39 06 W S 71 48 E 5. 950 2,430 1,497 Norman. Windmill 2. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. 3 38 15 28. 00 76 09 54. 92 S 89 31 E N 41 44 E N 78 45 W N 89 29 W S 41 44 w S 78 46 E 5,936 2,282 1,463 Norman. Windmill 2. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. 4 38 15 39. 62 76 08 48. 36 N 43 26 E N 10 49 W S 88 06 W S 43 27 w S 10 49 E N 88 08 E 3>I23 1,335 3,206 Paul. Windmill 2. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. S 38 15 27.02 76 08 45. 10 N 37 26 E N 10 59 W N 84 29 W S 37 26 W S 10 59 E S 84 31 E 3,390 1,768 3,307 Paul. Windmill 2. Hoopersville Methodist Church Cupola. PAUL. {Honga River — Chart No. 40.) I 38 16 03.42 76 08 15. 64 S 69 20 E N 41 05 E N 6s 34 W N 69 19 W S 41 05 W S 6s 3S E 3.522 1,944 1,230 Norman. Paul. Windmill 2. 2 38 16 19. 26 76 08 28. 20 S 63 55 E N 59 58 E S 88 09 W N 63 S3 W S 59 59 W N 88 09 E 4,042 1,861 786 Norman. Paul. Windmill 2. 3 38 16 24. 80 76 oS 17. 22 S 59 32 E N 60 34 E S 78 52 W N 59 31 W S 60 34 W N 78 S2 E 3,874 1,515 1,099 Norman. Paul. Windmill 2. 4 38 16 og. 16 76 08 04. 74 S 64 28 E S 37 so E N 77 24 W N 64 27 W N 37 so W S 77 24 E 3,332 I, 611 i,44S Norman . Paul. Windmill 2. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 147 CRAB POINT. (Honga River — Chart No. 40.) Cor- Trae bearing Latitude Lougitude Distance U S. C. & G S of bar Forward Back / // / / Yards. I 38 IS 53- 08 76 07 23, 38 S 64 52 E N 3 31 W N 64 52 W S 3 31 E 2, 106 1,818 Norman. Paul. N 71 08 W S 71 og E 2,652 Windmill 2. 2 38 15 56.60 76 07 48. 80 S 68 3S E N 18 2\ E N 68 34 W S 18 24 W 2,774 1,787 Norman. Paul. N 68 04 W S 68 05 E 1,977 Windmill 2. 3 38 16 04. 08 76 07 47. 56 S 63 37 E N 20 12 E N 63 36 W S 20 12 W 2,847 1,538 Norman. Paul. N 75 24 W S 75 23 E 1,929 Windmill 2. 4 38 16 00. 44 76 07 21. 48 S 58 23 E N 5 55 W N 76 37 W N 58 23 W S 5 55 E S 76 38 E 2, 180 i>575 2,631 Norman. Paul. Windmill 2. NORMAN. (Honga River — Chart No. 40. I 38 14 13.98 76 06 03. 62 S 62 08 E N 5 00 W S 80 50 W N 62 07 W S 5 00 E N 80 49 E 2,723 2,457 3,765 Hooper Strait Light. Norman. Applegarth . "" 38 14 32.20 76 07 06. 08 N 38 17 E N 86 59 W nS 59 27 W S 38 17 w S 87 00 E N 59 27 E 2,335 2, 198 2,387 Norman. Hopkins Memorial Chxu'ch Cupola. Applegarth. 3 38 15 i?.- 24 76 08 7,^,. 96 nS 86 35 E N 35 24 E N 22 32 W N 86 34 W S 35 25 W S 22 32 E 3,79° 3,046 I, 652 Norman. Paul. Windmill 2. 4 38 15 38. 98 76 06 45. 80 S 65 15 E N 25 53 W N 69 12 W N 65 14 W S 25 Si E S 6g 14 E 1, 000 2, 545 3,753 Norman. Paul. Windmill 2. APPLEGARTH. {Hooper Strait — Chart No. 40.) I 38 12 51. 50 76 05 47. 84 S 10 27 E N 10 27 W 3,121 Okahanikan. N 52 49 E S 52 50 W 2,496 Hooper Strait Light. N 6 55 W S 6 55 E 5,267 Norman. 2 38 13 49. 00 76 06 46. 30 S 83 04 E N 83 03 W 3,570 Hooper Strait Light. N IS 38 E S 15 38 W 3,416 Norman. N 84 37 W S 84 38 E 2,593 Applegarth. 3 38 14 13.98 76 06 03. 62 S 62 08 E N 62 07 W 2, 723 Hooper vStrait Light. N 5 00 W S 5 00 E 2,457 Norman. S 80 50 W N 80 49 E 3,765 Applegarth. 4 38 13 13.88 76 05 05. 12 N 74 52 W S 74 54 E 5,463 Applegarth . N 48 29 E S 48 29 W 1,137 Hooper Strait Light. S 8 30 W N 8 29 E 3,866 Okahanikan. I4.S Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. HOOPER STRAIT. {Hooper Strait — Chart No. 40.) Ciir- I iilitiulc Lonijitudc True beariiiE Distance U. S. C. & G S triansulation ul station bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 12 30. 24 76 07 05. 96 S 48 21 E N 61 18 E N 35 23 W N 48 20 W S 61 19 W S 35 24 E 3,540 4,636 3,555 Okahanikan. Hooper Strait Light. Applegarth . 2 38 12 48. 96 76 07 29. 02 S 47 31 E N 71 12 E N 32 31 W N 47 30 W S 71 14 w S 32 31 E 4,418 4,943 2,689 Okahanikan. Hooper Strait Light. Applegarth. 3 38 13 11.04 76 06 56. 76 S 32 47 E N 77 28 E N 56 32 W N 32 46 W S 77 3° W S 56 33 E 4,433 3,914 2, 761 Okahanikan. Hooper Strait Light. Applegarth. 4 38 12 54. 18 76 06 02. 80 S 16 58 E N 59 13 E N 60 47 W N 16 58 W S 59 14 W S 60 48 E 3,304 2,771 4,284 Okahanikan. Hooper Strait Light. Applegarth. RICHLAND. {Hooper Strait — Chart No. 40.) I 38 12 37. 64 76 08 23.88 S 61 07 E N 18 E N 62 13 W . N 61 05 W S 18 W S 62 17 E 5,389 2, 650 II, 910 Okahanikan . Applegarth . Hooper Island Light. 2 38 12 50. 28 76 08 24. 76 S 57 26 E N 57 E N 64 00 W N 57 24 W S 57 W S 64 04 E 5,627 2, 224 11,697 Okahanikan. Applegarth. Hooper Island Light. 3 38 12 50. 40 76 08 12. 76 S 55 34 E N 7 15 W N 64 41 W N 55 32 W S 7 15 E S 64 46 E S.363 2,238 11,983 Okahanikan. Applegarth . Hooper Island Light. 4 38 12 37.72 7b 08 12. 58 S 59 28 E N 6 II W N 62 53 W N 59 27 W S '6 II E S 62 57 E 5,129 2, 663 12, 176 Okahanikan . Applegarth. Hooper Island Light. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Mil. HLOODvSWOKTH. {Hooper Strait — Charts .\'o.\. 40 and 41.) i.|<; Cor- LaliluUc Longitude True beariiiK U. S. C. & 0. S. Irianuulaliim bar Forward Back station I 38 12 12. 06 76 02 41. 75 S 88 13 E N 28 04 E N 46 26 W N 88 II W S 28 04 W S 46 27 E Yards. 5' 551 2, 570 4, 088 Sharkfiu Shual Linlit. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 2 38 12 24-55 76 02 57. 30 S 84 30 E N 41 00 E N 46 31 W N 84 28 W S 41 00 W S 46 32 E ■ 5. <)90 2.474 3, 513 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light 3 38 12 20. 54 76 03 02. 14 S 85 53 E N 41 II E N 43 28 W N 85 51 W S 4i 12 W S 43 29 E 6, 107 2, 660 3.517 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 4 38 12 34. 28 76 03 38. 26 S 82 43 E N 60 26 E N 34 55 W N 82 40 W S 60 27 W S 34 5fi E 7, 108 3, 118 2. 548 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 5 38 12 54.98 76 03 37. 04 S 77 10 E N 72 35 E N 46 59 W N 77 07 W S 72 37 W S 47 00 E 7. 199 2,808 2, 040 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 6 38 12 42. 22 76 02 47. 02 S 78 23 E N 46 42 E N 57 10 W N 78 21 W S 46 43 W vS 57 II E 5,807 1,854 3.358 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. ^ 38 12 18.85 76 02 34. 19 S 85 56 E N 26 05 E N so 29 W N 85 54 W S 26 05 w S 50 30 E 5.360 2, 292 4, 100 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. HOPKINS COVE. (Hooper Strait — Chart No. 41.) I 38 12 53-07 76 02 33-80 S 73 -57 E N 47 46 E N 65 22 W N 73 55 W S 47 47 W S 65 23 E 5. 553 1.347 3.492 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 2 38 13 03- 37 76 o.i 17.05 S 73 49 H N 75 27 E N 61 17 W N 73 47 W S 75 28 w S 61 17 E 6. 755 2,219 2. 3°7 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 3 38 13 13-92 76 03 13-52 S 70 42 E N 84 23 E N 70 25 W N 70 40 W S 84 24 W S 70 26 E 6,774 2, 064 2,247 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 4 38 13 04.22 76 02 32.48 S 70 II E N 61 II E N 71 24 W N 70 og W S 61 12 W S 71 25 E 5.635 1,098 3. 387 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 5 38 12 58. 42 76 02 26.23 S 71 32 E N 47 41 E N 69 18 W N 71 30 W S 47 41 w S 69 19 E 5.413 I, 076 3,608 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. Survey oj (lyslcr Burs, Dorrheslcr Count \', Md. RlvD SECTOR. {Hooper Strait — Chart No. 41.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatiuu of bar Forward Back I 38 12 23. 72 76 02 II. 56 S 83 27 E N 12 OS E N 57 00 W N 83 26 W S 12 06 w S 57 02 E Yards. 4,776 1,938 4,489 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 2 38 12 39. 64 76 02 27. 89 S 78 12 E N 31 45 E N 60 12 W N 78 10 W S 31 45 W S 60 13 E 5,291 1,597 3,839 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper St/ait Light. 3 38 12 48.03 76 02 15. 00 S 74 15 E N 24 50 E N 66 08 W N 74 13 W S- 24 so W S 66 io E 5,025 1,184 4,017 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 4 38 12 36. 16 76 02 02. 08 S 77 54 E N 5 57 E N 63 15 W N 77 52 W S 5 57 W S 63 17 E 4,595 1,484 4,498 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. BELL BUOY. {Hooper Strait — Charts Nos. 41 and 42. ) I 38 II 25.80 76 01 22. 21 N 67 41 E N 13 16 W N 49 07 W S 67 42 W S 13 16 E S 49 09 E 3,7°9 3,953 6,717 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 2 38 II 40. 82 76 02 00. 26 N 78 31 E N I 48 E N 46 15 W S 78 33 W S I 48 w S 46 14 E 4,535 3,343 5,627 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 3 38 12 22. 84 76 01 56. 04 S 83 14 w N 12 W N 59 22 W N 83 12 E S 12 E S 59 23 E 4,362 1,92s 4,856 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 4 38 12 24.96 76 01 41. 42 S 81 33 E N 12 03 W N 62 15 W N 81 32 W S 12 04 E S 62 17 E 3,986 I, 895 5, 160 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. S 38 12 57.84 76 01 40. 72 S 66 39 E N 72 00 E N 29 06 W N 66 37 W S 72 03 w S 29 06 E 4,275 7,982 852 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. Head. 6 38 13 04. 38 76 01 19. 76 S 60 22 E N 72 18 E N 61 40 W N 60 21 W S 72 20 W S 61 41 E 3, 874 7,384 I, 105 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. Head. 7 38 12 31.84 76 00 II. 98 S 62 24 E N 57 25 E N 59 43 W N 62 24 W S 57 27 W S 59 44 E 1,763 6, 209 3,214 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. Head. 8 38 II 58.90 76 01 19. 76 N 85 02 E N 19 35 W N 57 28 W S 8s 03 W S 19 36 E S 57 30 E 3,379 2,899 6, 100 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. I Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. JANE. (Upper Tangier Sound — Chart No. 41.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatioii bar Forward Back , „ , // , / Yards. I 38 II 25. 80 76 00 45. 38 S 88 22 E N 60 06 E N 26 07 W N 88 19 W S 60 07 W S 26 08 E 6,861 2,828 4,286 Room. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. 2 38 11 42. 26 76 00 45. 56 S 83 45 E N 70 49 E N 29 45 W N 83 43 W S 70 50 W S 29 46 E 6,903 2, 601 3. 793 Room. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. 3 38 II 35-12 76 00 ig. 80 S 8s 17 E N 58 16 E N 36 00 W N 85 13 W S 58 17 W S 36 01 E 6,197 2,082 4,368 Room. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. 4 38 II 25.83 76 00 19 40 S 88 II E N SI 20 E N 33 so W N 88 07 W S 51 21 W S 33 51 B 6, 170 2-255 4,630 Room. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. MUD (DORCHESTER COUNTY). ( Upper Tangier Sound — Chart No . 41 .) J 38 09 26.74 76 00 23. 48 S 10 S5 W S 87 10 E N 32 41 W N 10 55 E N 87 i? W S 32 41 E 2,838 5, 546 2, 607 Senator. Deal Island Church. Crab. 2 38 10 15- 54 75 59 41. 40 N II 13 E N 77 45 W S 20 31 w S II 13 W S 77 46 E N 20 30 E 3,853 2,587 4,732 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Crab. Senator. 3 38 10 22.44 75 59 20. 74 N 3 13 E N 84 08 W S 25 20 W S 3 13 w S 84 09 E N 25 19 E 3, 552 3,094 5,162 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Crab. Senator. 4 38 or, 53- 08 Then 75 59 18.00 :e along comity N 67 28 W S 31 so W S 72 57 E boundary as d S 67 29 E N SI 49 E N 72 58 W elineated on C 3,4" 4,325 3,970 hart No. 41 Crab. Senator. Deal Island Church to comer No. i. 152 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. SHAKKKIN SHOAL. [I'pt^ei Tangier Sniiitd — ( Imit A'o. ^i.) cvii True V earinc nei 1 l, IJislaiuc o( bat Forward Hack slatioii I 38 / // II 3.1.68 75 58 49. 07 / N 29 SI E N 30 05 W N 54 32 W S 29 55 W S 30 o's E S 54 34 E Yards. 6,079 1,283 6, 114 Frog. Sharkfin Shoal Liglit. Head. 2 38 12 51.20 76 00 03. II S 42 05 E N 61 41 E N 72 II W N 42 04 W S 61 4s W S 72 li E 1,981 5,675 3,163 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. Head. 3 38 13 04. 38 76 01. 19. 76 vS 60 22 E N 72 18 E N 61 40 W N 60 21 W S 72 20 W S 6i 41 E 3, 874 7,384 I, 105 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. Head. 4 38 13 14- 3,=: 76 00 47. 66 N 84 08 W S 48 09 E N 72 50 E S 84 09 E N 48 08 W S 72 51 W 1,83s 3,374 6,470 Head. vSharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. 5 38 13 26.27 76 00 09. 33 S 85 41 w S 29 22 E N 73 42 E N 85 40 E N 29 22 W S 73 44 W 2,853 3, 043 5, 377 Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. 6 38 13 30.68 75 59 55- 08 S 83 34 w S 21 41 E N 74 07 E N 83 33 E N 21 40 W S 74 10 W 3,245 3,014 4,972 Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. 7 38 12 21.93 75 58 43- 47 S 58 38 W S 60 00 E N 38 02 E N 58 38 E N 59 58 W S 38 03 W 927 4,173 4,671 Sharkfin Shoal Light . ' Room. Frog. WARE SANDS. {Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) I 38 12 57.84 76 01 40. 72 S 66 39 E N 72 00 E N 29 06 W N 66 37 W S 72 03 W S 29 06 E 4,27s 7,982 852 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. Head. 2 38 13 23.40 76 01 40. 22 N 17 12 W S 74 40 W S 56 so E S 17 12 E N 74 39 E N s6 48 W 3,799 444 4,672 Croch. Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. 3 38 14 00. 09 76 01 56. 44 S 09 E S 48 52 E N 16 08 W N 09 W N 48 50 W S 16 08 E 1,355 5,767 2,490 Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Croch. 4 38 14 03. 76 76 01 49. 12 S 7 22 W S 46 38 E N 21 21 W N 7 22 E N 46 37 W S 21 21 E 1,491 5, 7°5 2,435 Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Croch. 5 38 13 14-35 76 00 47. 66 N 84 08 W S 48 09 E N 72 50 E S 84 09 E N 48 08 W S 72 51 W 1,83s 3,374 6,470 Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. 6 38 13 04. 38 70 01 19. 76 S 60 22 E N 72 18 E N f)i 40 W N 60 21 W S 72 20 W S 61 41 E 3, 874 7, 384 ', '05 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. Head. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. .SAND SHOAL. (hishing Bay — Chart No. ./;.) 153 CLAY ISLAND. {Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) I 38 13 38. 82 75 59 28. 94 S 80 45 w S 7 44 E N 75 07 E N 80 44 E N 7 44 W S 75 09 W 3.972 3. i°4 4,229 Head. Sharkfin vShoal Light. Frog. 2 38 14 21.04 75 59 32- 36 S 61 42 W S 6 27 E S 8s 23 E N 61 41 E N 6 27 W N 85 21 W 4,348 4,528 4,192 Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. 3 38 14 30. 64 75 58 19- 12 S 67 33 W S 16 38 W S 73 30 E N 67 31 E N 16 37 E N 73 29 W 6,250 5, 033 2, 326 Head. vSharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. 4 38 13 50.82 75 58 5°- 54 S 78 05 W S 9 SI W N 77 27 E N 78 03 E N 9 51 E S 77 26 W 5.050 3,532 3. 141 Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. '5^ Survey nj Oyntcr Fiars, IJorchesler Couniy, Md. EVANS. [Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) Cor- Latitude t I^ongitude Trae bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triaugulation of bar Forward Back I 38 14 31. 10 75 59 47- 39 N 71 56 W S 55 00 W vS 10 38 E S 71 S7 E N 55 01 E N 10 38 W Yards. 4, .337 4,iS6 4,922 Croch. Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. 2 38 14 47. 44 76 01 32. 07 N 59 25 W S 12 19 W S 34 26 E S 59 25 E N 12 19 E N 34 25 W 1.556 3>o2i 6,534 Croch. Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. 3 38 15 24.82 76 01 17. 20 N 73 49 E N 9 56 W S 75 io W S 73 50 W S 9 56 E N 74 59 E 3,702 2,987 1,797 Fish. Roast. Croch. 4 38 15 43. 82 76 00 57 10 N 82 37 E N 24 31 W vS 64 02 W S 82 36 W S 24 31 E N 64 01 E 3, 046 2,528 2,525 Fish. Roast. Croch. 5 38 15 10. 00 75 59 43- 39 N 34 41 E N 3 39 W N 89 32 W S 34 42 w S 3 39 E S 89 34 E 1,863 4,623 4,230 Fish. Ear. Croch. 6 38 14 44. 60 75 59 23- 83 ' S 54 SI W S 3 03 E S 74 01 E N 54 49 E N 3 03 W N 74 00 W 4,961 5,301 4, no Head. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Frog. GOOSE CREEK. {Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) I 38 15 24.82 76 01 17. 20 N 73 49 E N 9 56 W S 75 00 w S 73 5° W S 9 56 E N 74 59 E 3,702 2,987 1,797 Fish. Roast. Croch. 2 38 15 52-25 76 01 56. 97 S 26 00 w N 88 41 E N 15 03 E N 26 00 E S 88 43 W S 15 03 W 1,546 4, 613 2, o8g Croch. Fish. Roast. 3 38 16 37. 70 76 01 46.32 S 71 46 E N 60 53 E N 28 09 E N 71 44 W S 60 54 W S 28 09 W 4,558 3,402 549 Fish. Ear. Roast. 4 38 16 39. 67 76 00 32. 78 S 57 SI E N 32 38 E N II 43 W N 57 50 W S 32 39 W S II 43 E 2,803 1,888 3,905 Fish. Ear. Elliott. S 38 15 43. 82 76 00 57. 10 N 82 37 E N 24 31 W S 64 02 W S 82 38 W S 24 31 E N 64 01 E 3,046 2,528 2,525 Fish. Roast. Croch. SiOTcy of Oyster Pars, Dorchester (bounty, Md. DUCK ISLAND. (Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) '55 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatiun of bar Forward Back S 2 05 W S 48 32 E N 73 38 E I 38 15 44. 16 75 59 59- 19 N 2 05 E N 48 31 W S 73 39 W Yards. 3,463 3, 456 3.970 Ear. Roast. Croch. 2 38 15 58-34 76 00 14. 96 N 10 21 E N 50 08 W S 64 48 W S lo 21 W S 50 09 E N 64 47 E 3-033 2,826 3.747 Ear. Roast. Croch. 3 38 16 a. 56 76 00 17. 72 S 56 55 E N 18 59 E N 16 29 W N 56 54 W S 18 59 W S 16 30 E 2.3.56 I, 900 4,203 Fish. Ear. Elliott 4 i& 16 42.24 76 00 00. 44 N 23 51 W N 82 37 W S 5° 5° W S 23 51 E S 82 38 E N 50 48 E 4,086 2,577 4,870 Elliott. Roast. Croch. 5 38 16 09. 32 75 59 3i- 72 N II 55 W N 66 12 W S 66 21 W S II 55 E S 66 13 E N 66 19 E 2, 671 3, 57° 4,898 Ear. Roast. Croch. BUNGAY. {Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) I 38 16 33. 56 76 00 17. 72 S 56 55 E N 18 59 E N 16 29 W N 56 54 W S 18 59 W S 16 30 E 2,356 1, 900 4,203 Fish. Ear. Elliott. 2 38 17 18.81 76 01 03. 08 S 48 31 E N 81 35 E N 17 E N 48 29 W S 81 36 W S 17 W 4,244 1,844 2,503 Fish. Ear. Elliott. 3 38 17 48. 46 76 01 12. 58 S 70 37 E N 9 59 E N 50 09 W N 70 37 W S 9 59 W S 50 10 E 2, 200 1,528 3,259 Ear. EUioU. Farm. 4 38 17 53-27 76 00 58. 09 S 62 II E N 5 07 W N 56 18 W N 62 II W S 5 °7 E S 56 19 E I, 912 1,347 3,471 Ear. Elliott. Farm. ' 38 16 42. 24 76 00 00. 44 N 23 51 W N 82 37 W S 50 50 w S 23 51 E S 82 38 E N 50 48 E 4,086 2,577 4,870 Elliott. Roast. Croch. 150 Survey nf (l^sler Bars, Porchester County, Md. OLD HOUSE. (Fishing Bay — Chart Nu. 41 .) Cur- l.iililiiik- l.l.MKitU.ll' Tnie beariug Distance U. vS. C, Si (',, s. u Linculatiun bar Korward Back I 38 11 M- 57 76 01 45. 83 N 88 32 E N 26 26 K N 29 13 W / S 88 33 W S 26 26 W vS 29 14 E Yards. 2, 960 2, 580 Ear. Elliott. Farm. 2 38 17 30.80 76 01 56. 02 S 87 37 E N 34 03 E N 26 40 W N 87 35 W S 34 03 W S 26 41 E h 234 2.535 3.004 Ear. Elliott. Farm. 3 38 18 27.98 76 01 48. 36 S 532 E N 81 57 E N 20 06 E N 5 32 W S 8i 57 W S 20 07 W 3.249 1,228 3,081 Roast. Elliott. Thoro. 4 38 18 26. 80 76 01 35. 94 S 18 W N 76 33 E N 13 58 E N 18 E S 76 33 W S 13 58 w 3. 195 911 3.018 Roast. EUoitt. Thoro. POINT. {Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) I 38 18 33. 79 76 01 19. 90 S 7 22 W S 87 01 E N 6 24 E N 7 21 E N 87 01 W S 6 25 W 3.459 460 2. 713 Roast. Elliott. Thoro. 2 38 18 36. 44 76 01 24. 92 S 5 02 W vS 79 II E N 9 30 E N 5 02 E N 79 II W .S 9 30 W 3. 533 604 2, 643 Roast. Elliott. Thoro. 3 38 18 44. 20 76 01 18. 54 S 7 13 w S 84 49 E N 6 29 E N 7 13 E N 84 48 W S 6 29 W 3.811 1.003 2.361 Roast. High. Thoro. 4 38 r8 41. 50 76 OI 13. 66 S 9 22 W N 89 59 E N 3 13 E N 9 22 E S 89 58 W S 3 13 w 3.740 669 2,441 Roast. High. Thoro. HILL. {Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) I 38 18 41. 16 76 01 36.80 vS 06 E S 73 18 E N 17 04 E N 06 W N 7? 18 W S 17 04 W 3.677 950 2, 561 Roast. Elliott. Thoro. 2 38 18 49. 24 76 01 47.96 S 4 23 E S 65 40 E N 25 43 E N 4 23 W N 65 40 W S 25 44 w 3.963 1,322 2.415 Roast. Elliott. Thoro. 3 38 19 II. 08 76 01 16. 30 N 8 12 E S 73 49 W S 6 33 W S 8 12 W N 73 48 E N 6 33 E 1,454 2,502 4,719 Thoro. Farm. Roast. 4 38 ig 05. 24 76 01 09. 84 N I 15 E S 79 00 w S S 59 W S I 15 w N 78 59 E N 8 59 E 1,636 2,624 4, 547 Thoro. Farm. Roast. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 157 THOROUGH. {Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) Cor- I True bearing ner Latitude l.oniiitiKli- Distance U. S. C. & G. S. t station of bar Forward Back I / // 38 18 SI. 58 76 02 09. 22 S 12 09 R S 70 34 E N 37 34 E N 12 09 W N 70 34 W S 37 35 W Yards. 4, 123 1.877 2,645 Roast. Elliott. Thoro. 2 38 19 08. 52 76 02 28. 22 S 16 37 E S 62 17 E N 54 10 E N 16 36 W N 62 16 W S 54 II W 4, 802 2, 57° 2,606 Roast. Elliott. Thoro. 3 38 19 24.34 76 01 51. 32 S 4 22 E S 36 49 E N 48 54 E N 4 22 W N 36 49 W S 48 SS w 5, 150 2, 159 I, 506 Roast. Elliott. Thoro. 4 38 19 TO. 48 76 01 41. 70 S I 40 E S 39 28 E N 31 09 E N I 40 W N 39 28 W S 31 09 W 4,670 1,634 1,70s Roast. Elliott. Thoro. HALF WAY MARK. {Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) I 38 19 05. 24 76 01 09. 84 N I 15 E S 79 00 W S 8 59 W S I 15 w N 78 59 E N 8 59 E 1,636 2, 624 4, 547 Thoro. Farm. Roast. 2 38 19 II. 08 76 OI 16. 30 N 8 12 E S 73 49 W S 6 33 W S 8 12 W N 73 48 E N 6 33 E 1,454 2, 502 4,719 Thoro. Farm. Roast. 3 38 19 23.76 76 00 57. 74 N 15 47 W S 68 46 W S 17 24 E S IS 47 E N 68 45 E N 17 24 W 1,031 3,108 1,493 Thoro. Farm. High. 4 38 ]() 17. 46 76 00 18. 58 N47 17. W S 76 57 W vS 38 01 W S 47 18 E N 76 SS E N 38 01 E I, 804 4,041 1 , 900 Thoro. Farm. Elliott. S 38 19 °S- 54 7& 01 00. 18 N 7 44 W S 79 46 W S -3 23 W S 7 44 E N 79 45 E N 3 23 E I, 641 2,877 1,097 Thoro. Farm. Elliott. FLAT ROCK. {Fishing Bay — Chart No. 41.) I 38 19 17.46 76 00 18. 58 N 47 17 W S 76 57 W S 38 OI W S 47 18 E N 76 55 E N 38 01 E 1,804 4,041 1, 900 Thoro. Farm. Elliott. 2 38 19 23. 76 76 00 57. 74 N IS 47 W S 68 46 W S 17 24 E S IS 47 E N 68 45 E N 17 24 W 1, 051 3,108 1,493 Thoro. Farm. High. 3 38 19 57.00 76 00 og. 42 S 86 01 W S 61 45 W S 18 13 W N 86 00 E N 61 43 E N 18 12 E i>S73 4,746 2,679 Thoro. Farm. High. 4 38 19 52-57 76 00 00. 66 N 88 44 W S 64 35 W S 24 OS W S 88 45 E N 64 33 E N 24 OS E 1,802 4,886 2, 622 Thoro. Farm. High. ■58 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. FROG POINT. (Upper Tangier Sound — Chart No. 41.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitucie l.oiifiitudc Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station , // , „ / / Yards. I 38 13 29.62 75 57 27- 6g S 45 27 W S 20 05 E N 45 25 E N 20 04 W 3,941 4,651 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Room. N 31 41 E S 31 41 w I, 641 Frog. 2 38 13 39' 90 75 57 30. 22 S 41 22 W S 19 26 E N 41 21 E N 19 26 W 4,147 5, 000 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Room. N 41 30 E vS 41 30 W I, 403 Frog. 3 38 13 46. OS 75 56 49. 90 N 9 37 W S 48 58 W S 6 51 E S 9 37 E N 48 56 E N 6 50 W 85s 5,057 4,957 Frog. Sharkfin .Shoal Light. Room. 4 38 13 37- 18 75 56 47. 81 N 9 51 W S 52 01 W S 6 36 E S 9 51 E N 52 00 E N 6 36 W 1,159 4,909 4,653 Frog. Sharkfin Shoal Light. Room. NEW. {Nanticoke River — Chart No. 41.) I 38 IS 07. 92 75 56 01. 04 N 41 30 E N 29 39 W S 36 57 W S 41 30 w S 29 39 E N 36 56 E 2,020 2,093 2,399 Roar. Cow. Frog. .2 38 IS 13.00 75 55 57-48 N 42 50 E N 34 26 W S 36 21 W S 42 50 W S 34 27 E N 36 21 E 1,829 1,998 2,593 Roar. Cow. Frog. 3 38 15 09- 30 75 55 53-3° N 37 41 E N 35 00 W S 40 00 w s 37 41 w S 35 02 E N 40 00 E 1,852 2, 164 2, 563 Roar. Cow. Frog. HILLS AND HOLES. (Nanticoke River — Chart No. 41.) I 38 IS 23. 48 75 55 55- 68 N 50 26 E N 42 26 W S 32 59 W S so 26 W S 42 27 E N 32 58 E 1,552 1,754 2, 911 Roar. Cow. Frog. 2 38 15 36.38 75 55 56- 96 N 65 47 E N 53 05 W S 28 20 W S 65 47 w S 53 06 E N 28 19 E 1,348 1,430 3,269 Roar. Cow. Frog. 3 38 15 34- 76 75 55 49- 04 N 59 II E N 55 59 W S 31 58 w S 59 12 W S 56 00 E N 31 58 E 1, 187 1,634 3,327 Roar. Cow. Frog. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. ROARING POINT WEST. {Nanticoke River — Chart No. 41.) '59 Cor- I^atitude Lougitiidc True beanng Distance U. K. C. & G. S. trianeulatiou bar Forward Back / // / // / / , Yards. I 38 IS 46. 36 75 55 49- 20 N 78 01 E N 30 35 E N 68 so W S 78 02 W S 30 34 W S 68 50 E 1,047 4.228 1,448 Roar. Rag. Cow. 2 38 16 07. 10 75 55 50-68 S 82 20 W S 6s 35 E N 36 41 E N 82 20 E N 6s 35 W S 36 42 W 1.323 1, 167 3,667 Cow. Roar. Rag. 3 38 16 07. 78 Then 75 55 43- 22 ce along county S 82 29 W N 82 28 E I, 522 S 59 42 E N 59 42 W 1,002 N 86 14 E S 86 15 W ; 2,083 boundary as delineated on Chart No. 4 Cow. Roar. Nanticoke Church, t to comer No. i. BEAN SHOAL. {Nanticoke River — Chart No. 41.) I 38 17 32. 06 75 55 52 90 S 40 49 E N 88 05 E N 22 07 W N 40 48 W S 88 OS W S 22 07 E 3.574 2, 251 1,424 Nanticoke Church. Rag. Okay. 2 38 17 38.48 75 56 00 78 S 41 03 E S 86 42 E N 16 30 W N 41 03 W N 86 41 W S 16 30 E 3,876 2,463 1,149 Nanticoke Church. Rag. Okay. 3 38 17 44.04 75 55 52- 22 S 36 42 E S 81 38 E N 31 12 W N 36 41 W N 81 37 W S 31 12 E 3,878 2.255 1,070 Nanticoke Church. Rag. Okay. OUTER HOLE. {Nanticoke River — Chart No. 41.) I 38 17 33- 54 75 55 22.32 S 28 56 E N 61 53 E N 46 44 W N 28 56 W S 61 54 W S 46 45 E 3.148 3.612 I. 851 Nanticoke Church. Bivalve Church. Okay. 2 38 17 49. 98 75 55 33-62 S 28 SI E N 71 46 E N 55 43 W N 28 so W S 71 47 w S 55 43 E 3,778 3.670 I, 269 Nanticoke Church. Bivalve Church. Okay. 3 38 17 55- 16 Then 75 55 18.02 2e along county N 69 44 W S 2 42 E S 61 59 E boundary as c S 69 44 E N 2 42 W N 61 58 W elineated on C 1,559 4,131 1,498 hart No. 41 Okay. Roar. Rag. to corner No. i. i6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. LOWER NEWFOUNDLAND. (Nanticoke River — Chart No. 41.) Car- Latitude I^ongitudc Tmc bearing' Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trial station •julation ol bar Forward Back / // / // / , Yards. I 38 19 10. 26 75 54 48- 56 S 55 45 E N 69 30 E N 66 21 W N 55 44 W S 69 31 W S 66 22 E 2,769 3,088 1,008 Bivalve Church. Juliet. Ar. 2 38 19 18. 72 75 54 40. 88 S 48 30 E N 73 30 E N 83 59 W N 48 30 W S 73 31 W S 83 59 E 2.783 2,805 I. 134 Bivalve Chiu'ch. Juliet. Ar. 3 38 19 15. 10 75 54 36. 78 S 48 56 E N 70 24 E N 78 58 W N 48 55 W S 70 25 W S 78 58 E 2, 615 2,738 I, 260 Bivalve Church. Juliet. Ar. UPPER NEWFOUNDLAND. (Nanticoke River — Chart No. 41.) I 38 19 22. 74 75 54 37- 36 S 45 10 E N 75 43 E S 89 13 W N 45 09 W S 75 44 W N 89 13 E 2,807 2,678 I, 220 Bivalve Church. Juliet. Ar. 2 ■38 19 31.22 75 54 34- 46 S 40 12 E 'N 81 32 E S 76 53 W N 40 11 W S 81 32 W N 76 52 E 2, 966 2,547 1,332 Bivalve Church. Juliet. Ar. 3 38 19 34. 96 75 54 25- 58 S 35 °3 E N 83 46 E S 74 23 W N 35 04 W S 83 47 w N 74 23 E 2, 9^ 2,297 1,592 Bivalve Church. Juliet. Ar. 4 38 19 28. 28 75 54 22.42 S 36 21 E N 77 49 E S 82 so W N 36 20 W S 77 so W N 82 50 E 2, 690 2, 250 1, 631 Bivalve Church. Juliet. A. NORTHWEST MIDDLEGROUND. (Chesapeake Bay — Off Holland Island — Chart No. 42.) 38 06 15. 00 38 06 26. 08 38 08 03. 16 38 07 38. 78 76 10 16. 74 76 12 00. 79 76 II 24.40 76 10 49. 45 S 59 10 E N 76 16 E N 36 52 E S 64 53 E N 81 26 E N 46 34 E S 48 36 E S 80 20 E N 55 02 E S 48 36 E S 84 31 E N 48 58 E N 59 07 W .S 76 19 W S 36 55 W N 64 57 w S 81 ^0 w S 46 38 w N 48 32 w W 80 16 W S, 55 o5 W N 48 33 w N 84 28 w S 49 01 w 8, 409 j Holland Island Bar Light. 8, 292 Holland Island Church 12,872 I Okahanikan. [Spire. 11,039 ! Holland Island Bar Light. 10, 948 ; Holland Island Church 14,448 I Okahanikan. [Spire. 12, 032 9,999 II, 621 10, 789 8,966 11,392 Holland Island Bar Light. Holland Island Church Okahanikan. [Spire. Holland Island Bar Light. Holland Island Church Okahanikan. [Spire. Sttrvey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. SOUTHEAST MIDDLEGROITNU. (Chesat>eake Ba) — Off Holland Island— Chart No. 42.) i6r Cor- Latitude 1 Longitude Trae bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianeulation of bar Forward Back I 38 05 41 56 76 og 36. 60 s N N 62 39 E 60 05 E 30 13 E N 62 37 W S 66 08 W S 30 16 VV Yards. 6,925 7, 641 13, 222 Holland Island Bar Light. Holland Island Church Okahanikan. [Spire. 2 38 06 15. 00 1 1 76 10 16. 74 S N N 59 io E 76 16 E 36 -.2 E N 59 07 W S 76 19 W S 36 55 W 8,409 8,292 12.872 Holland Island Bar Light. Holland Island Church Okahanikan. [Spire. ■5 38 06 2g. 56 76 OQ 05. 00 S N N 47 53 E 76 28 E 30 39 E N 47 51 W S 76 30 W S 30 42 w 7. '57 6,319 II, 401 Holland Island Bar Light. Holland Island Church Okahanikan. [Spire. 4 38 05 51. 3^' 1 76 08 46. 80 S N N 53 57 E &3 55 E 25 39 E N 53 56 W S 63 58 W S 25 41 W 5, 964 6,300 12, 311 Holland Island Bar Light. Holland Island Church Okahanikan. [Spire. BOUNDARY. (Entrance to Kedge Straits — Chart No. 42.) 58345—13 l62 Survnv oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Aid. HOLLAND STRAITS. {Holland Straits — Chart No. 43.) Cor- True bearing ner I .ali utU I OUK tlltl Distance U. S. C. & G. S. tri station angulation of bar Pot ward Back c "', /"" / / ' / / Yards. I 38 05 14 62 76 04 36. 82 N 14 01 W S 14 02 E 4.132 Holland Island Church Spire. S 39 01 W N 39 01 R 2, 923 Holland Island Bar Light. s 51 °3 R N 51 02 W 7, 607 Solomons Lump Light. 2 3S 05 45- q6 "'' 05 ,.. 10 s 13 51 W N 13 51 E 3-427 Holland Island B ar Light. s 49 55 E N 49 ";;2 W 0, 067 Solomons Lump Light. N K S 22 W 2,951 Holland Spire . Island Chureh 3 3S oft 20. ■-" 76 04 58. 40 N ()2 42 K S 62 44 w 7,636 Senator. N 13 IQ W s 13 19 E 1.849 Holland Spire. Island Church S ■5 47 W N 15 46 E 4, 654 Holland Island Bar Liglit. 4 .IS 00 .-. ()0 7^1 04 30- 70 N 70 23 R s 70 25 W 6,674 Senator. N 59 53 W s 59 53 E 1,068 Holland Spire. Island Chureh S 17 04 W N 17 04 E 6, 007 Holland Island B ar Li.ght. 5 •V^ 07 50. 8 5 76 04 48. 22 S 28 55 W N 28 54 E 1.441 Holland Spire. Island Chureh S II 31 W N II 31 E 7,695 Holland Island H ir Light. N 86 06 E s 86 08 W 6,529 Senator. 6 38 oS o(). 80 76 04 3<)- 00 S 26 = 5 \V N 26 24 E 2,119 Holland Spire. Island Church s 12 18 W N 12 17 E 8, 370 Holland Island B ^r Light s 88 13 i<: N 88 I-: W 6, 271 Senati >r. 7 ^8 08 K). 39 W 5, 997 Senator. 38 06 44- 38 ;(i 04 3'. 24 N N t)6 49 06 3° S s 66 49 08 W !■: ft, 6?o 1 -11 .Senator. Holland Isl;md Chureh S 20 J5VV : N 20 .14 Iv 76 04 44. 66 N N 76 04 48. 06 N ,59 5-' 'i 21 2.5 W 20 .SQ w 16 01 w 21 og W 44 08 E S :;o vj VV S 21 2 J E N 20 .vS !•; S 16 02 E N 21 09 E N 44 06 W 12 .^8 O.^ 2Q. 14 76 04 20. 70 N 22 07 W , S 22 oS E 39 26 W 46 09 E N 39 25 E N 46 07 W 5, 659 4- 5.58 2.454 4,204 8. g6i 7,608 Spire. Holland I.sland Bar Light. vSeiiator. Holland Island Church .Spire. Holland Island Bar Light. Holland Island Churcli Spire . Holland Island Bar Light. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Church Spire. Holland Island Bar Light. Solomons Lump Light. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 163 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS. EXPLANATION. The laws providing for the sur\'ey of the oyster bars of Maryland also contain a section which requires " an accurate survey of and delineation upon the maps and charts aforesaid of all bottoms of the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay where grass grows and it is profitable to scrape for soft shell or shedder crabs, and shall have such bottoms properly designated by permanent objects on the shore, as provided hereinbefore for natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, which said crabbing sections shall be exempt from leasing for oyster culture." As far as is known, the crab bottoms of Maryland ' were the first of their kind to be surveyed and therefore they presented a new problem, which was found to differ* in many ways from that of a survey of oyster bars. In a general way, it can be stated that the boundaries of the crab bottoms as estab- lished by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the ' ' Maryland Oyster Charts" published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, are confined to waters between the 1 -fathom contour (6 feet depth of water) and the shore line. Therefore, in most cases the mean low water line of the shore has been adopted as an inner boundary for the crab bottoms, but the same system of straight lines and numbered corners used to deUneate the oyster bars has been retained for defining the off-shore water boundaries. The boundaries of the crab bottoms of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and shown on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the "leasing charts" of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method buf little different from that used for the description of the boundaries of oyster bars. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all crab bottoms in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the crab bottom to be described, and the one by which it is known and designated in the published records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the crab bottom is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission; and when there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the crab bottom was located. Underneath the name, in parentheses, is given the general locality of 'the crab bottom and the serial number of the "Maryland Oyster Chart," on which its legal boundaries are shown. ^ First column. — -This column, under the heading of "Corner of bottom," gives the number corresponding to the comer of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the ' Crab bottoms within the meaning of the laws of Maryland were found only in Somerset and Dorchester Coimties. ^ See pages 69 to 70 of " First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission" for description of "Survey of crabbing grounds." 3 These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C 164 Survrv oj Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, i\Jd. number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bottom. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i , thence proceeding in a clockwise direction around the bottom. Where a corner of a crab bottom is identical with the corner of the boundaries of one or more other crab bottoms or oyster bars, only the number of the corner of the crab bottom being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "lyongitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definition of the location of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrepan- cies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their location have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing"' and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes or arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the compu- tations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bottom noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. vS. C. & G. S. triangulation station,"- gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corresponding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of bottom" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of "Descriptions of Triangulation Stations." Notes. — The descriptive notes relating to the shore line boundaries which appear between the descriptions of corners located on land require no explanation other than the statement that the laws of JNIaryland reserve to riparian owners all waters of "any creek, cove, or inlet less than one hundred yards in width at its mouth at low tide." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the crab bottoms as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the "leasing charts" of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, but as they are practically the same as those ' The mean magnetic variation for Dorchester County was 6* 00' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. ^ Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Washington. D, C. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. i6,s required for the relocation of oyster-bar boundaries, the description of the "Surveying Methods for Relocation of Boundaries" given in this publication under the heading of "Boundaries of Oyster Bars" will be suflicient to indicate several methods that can be used in the relocation of crab-bottom boundaries. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS. FOX CREEK. (Honga Rher — Chart No. 40.) True bearing l6 57. 05 I 76 07 36. 02 Yards. 2.533 410 Windmill Paul. Duck S 59 07 W N 59 06 E S 35 12 E N S3 II W 1 S 75 4-' E N 75 41 W Thence from comer No. i alon.8; the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 2, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 38 17 52.78 ] 76 06 35.64 ^ S 49 55 W j N 49 54 E ' 4.939 i Windmill 2 I ' ' S 31 51 W i N 31 51 E j 2,6x6 i Paul. S 15 46 E N 15 46 W ' 2,562 i Duck. 38 17 55- 54 ' 76 06 27. 32 I S 50 42 W N 50 41 E ' 5, 168 Windmill 2. i ; S 34 41 W I N 34 40 E I 2,815 Paul. I S 10 31 E N lo 31 W 1 2,602 Duck. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 4. excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its moutn at low tide. 4 i 38 . 7 20. 78 76 06 46. 32 S 59 00 W S 43 49 W S 35 15 E N 58 58 E N 43 48 E N 35 15 W 4,077 I.. 584 1,697 Windmill 2 Paul. Duck. 1 38 I 7 13-78 76 07 01. 00 S 59 01 w S 37 55 W S 49 59 E N 59 00 E ' N 37 55 E 1 N 49 59 W 3.621 1,149 1,789 Windmill 2 Paul. Duck. WINGATE. (Honga River — Chart No. 40.) I 38 16 28. 98 76 06 26. 00 S 10 i6 E N 10 16 W 2,138 Norman. N 50 39 E S 50 39 W 569 Duck. N 69 46 W S 69 46 E 1.744 Paul. 2 38 16 48. 48 76 06 ^i. 10 S 87 52 W N 87 51 E 1,449 Paul. S II 39 E N II 39 W 2,820 Norman . S 64 42 E N 64 42 W 696 Duck. 3 38 17 13- 78 76 07 OI. 00 S 59 01 W N 59 00 E 3,621 Windmill 2. S 37 55 W N 37 55 E 1,149 Paul. S 49 59 E N 49 59 W 1,789 Duck. 4 38 17 20. 78 76 06 46. 32 S 59 00 W S 43 49 W S 35 IS E N 58 58 E 4.077 N 43 48 E : 1,584 N 35 15 W , 1,697 Windmill 2. Paul. Duck. Thence from c jmer No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to :omer No. 5, excludi ng any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at loi N tide. 5 38 16 39. 67 76 06 09. 46 S 80 57 W N 80 55 E 4,531 Windmill 2. S I 22 W N I 22 E 2,466 Norman. S 63 20 E N 63 19 W 3,154 St. Thomas Church Spire . 1 66 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. DUCK POINT COVE. (Honga River — Chart No. 40.) JENNY ISLAND. {Hooper Strait — Charts Nos. 40 and 41.) I 38 13 13.92 76 03 13. 52 S 70 42 E N 70 40 W 6,774 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 84 23 E S 84 24 W 2,064 Head. N 70 25 W S 70 26 E 2,247 Hooper Strait Light. 2 38 13 22. 80 76 03 51. 18 N 67 53 W S 67 S3 E I, 204 Hooper Strait Light. N 81 II W S 81 13 E 7,327 Applegarth. S 31 37 W N 31 36 E 4,844 Okahanikan. ?, 38 i.S .5=-32 76 04 14. 88 N 88 53 W S 88 i^s E 6,611 Applegarth. S 41 48 w N 41 47 E 727 Hooper Strait Light. S 20 26 W N 20 25 E .s, 464 Okahanikan. 4 38 14 06. 46 76 04 02. 62 S 87 08 W N 87 05 E 6,944 Applegarth. S 38 31 W N 38 30 E 1,302 Hooper Strait Light. S 21 46 W N 21 45 E 6, 026 Okahanikan. Thence from c omer No. 4 along the mean low water line of t le shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, cove ■or inlet less than 100 yards ir width at its r aouth at low tide. s 38 13 24. 50 76 03 00. 86 N 80 49 W S 80 50 E 2,486 Hooper Strait Light. N 82 ss W S 82 58 E 8,644 Applegarth. S 42 50 w N 42 51 E 5.703 Okahanikan. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. OKAHANIKAN. (Hooper Strait — Charts Nos. 40, 41, and 42.) 167 \ Cor- Latitude IfOngitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bot- tom. Forward Back station I 38 u 40. 58 76 05 25. 20 N 19 34 E N 46 02 W S 3 OS W S 19 34 W S 46 03 E N 3 05 E ■J 'ards. 4-139 6,586 678 Hooper Strait Light. Applegarth. Okahanikan. 2 38 II 53.24 76 05 37. 34 N 26 12 E N 46 49 W S 14 33 E S 26 13 W S 46 SO E N 14 33 W 3-870 6,057 1, 142 Hooper Strait Light. Applegarth. Okahanikan . 3 38 12 54.98 76 03 37. 04 S 77 10 E N 72 35 E N 46 59 W N 77 07 W S 72 37 W S 47 00 E 7,199 2,808 2, 040 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 4 38 12 34. 28 Thence from cc creek, cove, 1 76 03 38. 26 mer No. 4 alon§ or inlet less ths S 82 43 E N 82 40 W 7, 108 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 60 26 E S 60 27 W , 3, 118 Head. N 34 55 W S 34 56 E i 2- 548 Hooper Strait Light, the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. i , excluding any m 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 1 1 1 GRASSY. {Hooper Strait — Charts Nos. 40 and 41.) I •^8 12 20. S4 ' 76 OS 02. 14 ! S 85 S3 E 1 N 85 51 W 1 6, 107 1 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 41 II E 1 S 41 12 W 2,660 1 Head. , N 43 28 W ! S 43 29 E , 3, 517 i Hooper Strait Light. Thence from corner No. i along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 2, excluding anv creek, cove, or inlet less than loo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2 38 12 34. 28 : 76 03 38. 26 S 82 43 E 1 N 82 40 W , 7, 108 ! Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 60 26 E S 60 27 W 3, 118 Head. N 34 55 W ] S 34 56 E j 2, 548 Hooper Strait Light. BISHOP HEAD. {Hooper Strait — Chart No. 41.) I 38 12 22. 84 76 01 56.04 S 83 14 w N 12 W N 59 22 W N 83 12 E S 12 E S 59 23 E 4,362 1-925 4-856 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 2 38 12 36. 16 76 02 02. 08 S 77 54 E N 5 57 E N 63 15 W N 77 52 W f S57W S 63 17 E 4,595 1,484 4-498 Sharkfin Shoal Light. Head. Hooper .Strait Light. 3 38 12 48. 03 76 02 15. 00 S 74 IS E N 24 50 E N 66 08 W N 74 13 W S 24 50 w S 66 10 E 5-025 I, 184 4,017 Sharkfin Shoal Light-. Head. Hooper Strait I^ight. 4 38 12 58.42 76 02 26. 23 S 71 32 E N 47 41 E N 69 18 W N 71 30 W S 47 41 w S 69 19 E 5, 413 I, 076 3,608 Sharkfin vShoal Light. Head. Hooper Strait Light. 1 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. BISHOP HEAD— Continued. (Hooper Strait — Chart No. 41) — Continued. Cor- True bearing ner of Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triaueulation bot- station tom. Forward Back / // / // , / Yards. 5 38 13 04.22 76 02 32. 48 S 70 II E N 70 09 W 5. 63s Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 61 II E S 61 12 w 1,098 Head. N 71 24 W S 71 25 E 3,387 Hooper Strait Light. 6 38 13 13.92 76 03 13. 52 S 70 42 E N 70 40 W 6,774 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 84 2^ E S 84 24 W 2, 064 Head. N 70 25 W S 70 26 E 2,247 Hooper Strait Light. 7 38 13 24. 50 76 03 00. 86 N 80 49 W S 80 50 E 2,486 Hooper Strait Light. N 82 55 W S 82 58 E 8,644 Applegarth. S 42 50 W N 42 51 E =)■ 701 Okahanikan. Thence from comer No. 7 along the mean low ^-water line of the shore to comer No. 8, excluding an\- creek, cove or inlet less than 100 yards it 1 width at its tnouth at low tide. 8 38 12 53.00 76 01 56. 41 S 70 34 E N 70 s^ W 4.604 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N II E S II W 908 Head. N 70 43 W S 70 45 E 4,416 Hooper Strait Light. 9 38 12 57.84 7b 01 40. 72 S 66 39 E N 66 ^7 W 4,275 Sharkfin Shoal Light . N 72 00 E S 72 03 W 7,982 Frog. N 29 06 W S 29 06 E 8.^2 Head, 10 38 12 24. 96 76 01 41. 42 S 81 33 E N 81 32 W 5, 986 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 12 03 W S 12 04 E 1.895 Head. N 62 15 W S 62 17 E V 160 HoDper Strait Light BLOODSWORTH ISLAND {Hooper Strait — Charts Nos. 41 and 42.) I 38 10 56. 72 76 01 30. 98 N 56 54 E S ^6 55 W 4,375 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 7 56 W S "7 57 E 4,875 Head. N 42 02 W S 42 03 E 7. 237 Hooper Strait Light. Thence from comer No. i alon g the mean low -water line of the shore to corner No. 2 , excluding an>- creek, cove or inlet less th an 100 yards ii I width at its mouth at lo w tide. 2 38 12 20. 54 76 03 02. 14 S 85 53 E N 85 51 W 6, 107 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 41 II E S 41 12 w 2,660 Head. N 43 28 W S 43 29 E 3, 517 Hooper Strait Light. 3 38 12 24.55 76 02 57.30 S 84 30 E N 84 28 W 5, 990 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 41 00 E S 41 00 W 2,474 Head. N 46 31 W S 46 32 E 3. 513 Hooper Strait Light. 4 38 12 12. 66 76 02 41. 75 S 88 13 E N 88 II W 5,551 Sharkfin .Shoal Light. N 28 04 E S 28 04 W 2, 570 Head. N 46 26 W S 46 27 E 4.088 Hooper Strait Light. S 38 II 40. 82 76 02 00. 26 N 78 31 E S 78 33 W 4,535 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N I 48 E S I 48 W 3.343 Head. N 46 15 W S 46 14 E 5,627 Hooper Strait Light . 6 38 II 25.80 76 01 22. 21 N 67 41 E S 67 42 W 3,709 Sharkfin .Shoal Light. N 13 16 W S 13 r6 E 3)953 Head. N 49 07 W S 49 09 E 6,717 Hooper Strait Light. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 169 GREAT COVE. (Upper Tangier Sound — Charts Nos. 41 and 42. ) Cor- True bearing ner of I ,atitiKtc Lonnitudc Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triansulation bot- station tom Forward Back . // / // / Yards. I 38 08 50. 58 76 01 53. 42 S 32 59 W N 32 56 E 11,384 Holland Island Bar Light. S 20 28 E N 20 27 W 6,653 Miles. S 49 51 E N 49 50 W 2,431 Senator. Thence from comer No. i alone; the mean lo^\ -water line of the shore to comer No. 2 . excluding anv creek, cove or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2 38 10 56. 72 76 01 30. 98 N 56 54 E S 56 55 W 4,375 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 7 56 W S 7 57 R 4,87s Head. N 42 02 W S 42 03 E 7,237 Hooper Strait Light. 3 38 II 25.80 76 01 22. 21 N 67 41 E S 67 42 W 3, 7°9 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N i,s 16 W S 13 16 E 3, 953 Head. N 49 07 W S 49 09 E 6.717 Hooper Strait Light. 4 38 II 25. 80 76 00 45. 38 S 88 22 E N 88 19 W 6,861 Room. N 60 06 E S 60 07 W 2,828 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 26 07 W S 26 08 E 4,286 Head. 38 II 25-83 76 00 19. 40 S 88 II E N 88 07 \V 6, 170 Room. N 51 20 E S 51 21 W 2,255 .Sharkfin .Mioal Light. N 33 50 W s 'a 51 E 4. 630 Head. 6 38 10 15- 54 75 59 41- 40 N II IS E S II 13 w 3,853 Sharkfin Shoal Light. N 77 45 W S 77 46 E 2, 587 Crab. S 20 31 w N 20 30 E 4,732 Senator. 7 38 09 26. 74 76 00 2 j. 48 S 10 55 W N 10 55 E 2,838 Senator. S 87 10 E N 87 07 W 5- 546 Deal Island Church. N 32 41 W S s2 41 E 2, 607 Crab. Thence z ilong county bo undary as delineated on Chart Nos. 41 and 42 to comer Nn. i. NORTHEAST ISLAND. (Holland Straits— Chart No. 42. 1 I 38 08 19. 36 76 03 50. 91 S 45 02 W N 45 01 E i 3, 143 Holland Island Church Spire. S 19 so W" N ig 48 fi 9, 035 Holland Island Bar Light. S 84 05 E N 84 03 W ' 5. 014 Senator. 2 38 oS 5O. 20 76 o.| If. ^o R 25 49 W N 25 48 R 3.847 Holland Island Chtirch Spire. S 14 29 W N 14 28 E 10.062 Holland Island Bar Lighl. S 72 22 E N 72 20 W , s, S08 Senator. Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low m ater line of the shore to comer No. 3 , excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 3'ards in width at its mouth at low tide. 3 38 09 16. 60 76 04 2S. 12 S 16 32 W N 16 32 E 4, 330 Holland Island Church .Spire. S 11 14 w N II 14 E 10, 634 Holland Island Bar Light. S 67 44 E N 67 42 W 6, 460 Senator. 4 38 09 30. 80 76 04 19. 64 S 17 29 W N 17 29 E 4,853 Holland Island Church Spire. S II 54 W N II 53 E II, 148 Holland Island Bar Light. S 63 0? E N 63 00 W 6. 4.53 Senator. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 5 38 08 49. 36 76 03 08. 60 S 46 02 w N 46 00 E i 4, 657 Holland Island Church Spire. S 23 18 w N 23 17 E 10, 395 Holland Island Bar Light. S 68 25 E N 68 24 W 4,151 Senator. I70 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. ADAM ISLAND. {Holland Straits — Chart No. 42.) Cor- True bearing ner of I^atitudc Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bot- station tom Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 08 oq. 80 76 04 39. 00 S 26 25 W N 26 24 E 2,119 Holland Island Church Spire. S 12 18 W N 12 17 E 8,370 Holland Island Bar Light. 1 S 88 13 E N 88 12 W 6, 271 Senator. 2 38 08 16. 36 76 05 08. 96 S 6 41 W N 6 41 E 8,457 Holland Island Bar Light. S 3 54 W N 3 54 E 2,125 Holland Island Church Spire. S 86 38 E N 86 3S W 7, 078 1 vSenator. Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 3 , excluding an)- creek. cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 3 38 09 14. 66 76 05 14. 00 S 09 w N 09 E 4,081 Holland Island Church Spire. S 71 42 E N 71 39 W 7.584 Senator. N 4 31 W S 4 31 E 4,255 Okahanikan. 4 38 og 23. 78 76 05 og. 08 S I 51 W N I 51 E 4,395 Holland Island Church Spire . S 69 10 E N 69 07 W 7, 563 Senator. N 6 4'; w S 6 43 E 1 3, 962 Okahanikan. Thence from comer No, 4 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its m<;uth at low tide. S 38 09 30. 80 I 76 04 ig. 64 S 17 29 w N 17 29 E 4.S53 1 Holland Island Church 1 Spire. S 11 54 W N II 53 E j 11,148 Holland Island Bar Light. S 63 03 E N 63 00 W 6, 453 iScuatnr. 6 t8 og r6. 60 76 04 28. 12 S t6 32 W N 16 32 K 4, 330 Holland Island Church Spire. S II 14 w N II 14 E 1 10, G34 Holland Island Bar Light. S 67 44 R N 67 42 W 6, 460 , .Senator. Thence from comer No. 6 along the mean luvv water line of the shore to comer No. 7 . excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 7 38 08 56. 20 76 04 II. 50 S 25 49 w N 25 48 E ' 3,847 Holland Island Church Spire. vS 14 29 W N 14 28 E TO, 062 Holland Island Bar Light. S 72 22 E N 72 20 W 5, 808 Senator. 8 38 08 19. 36 76 03 50. 91 S 45 02 W N 43 01 R 3, 143 Holland Island Church Spire . S 19 50 W N 19 48 R (), 0^:; Holland Island Bar Light. S 84 05 E N 84 03 W 5, 014 Senator. SPRING ISLAND (DORCHESTER COUNTY). (Holland Straits — Chart No. 42.) , ^8 of) ^9. 86 ! 76 OS 17. So S 37 30 W S 68 15 E N 55 19 E N 37 28 E 6,484 N 68 13 W 4, 926 S 55 20 W 4,992 Holland Island Bar Light. Miles. Senator. 2 38 07 24. 24 Thence from c creek, cove. 76 03 49. 60 omer No. 2 alon or inlet less thn S 80 53 W S 25 01 W N 74 50 E g the mean low tn 100 yards in N 80 52 E 1 2, 288 N 25 00 E 1 7,329 S 74 52 W 1 5, 131 -water line of the shore to ( width at its mouth at low Holland Island Church Spire. Holland Island Bar Light. Senator. :omerNo. 3, excluding any tide. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. SPRING ISLAND (DORCHESTER COUNTY)— Continued . {Holland Straits — Chart No. 42) — Continued. 171 Cor- True bearing j ner of Latitude | Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bot- station tom. Forward Back , // , // / Yards. 3 38 07 57. 56 76 03 57. 44 S 54 04 W N 54 03 E 2. 532 Holland Island Church Spire. i S 20 25 W N 20 24 E 8,286 Holland Island Bar Light. N 87 34 E S 87 36 W 5,166 Senator. 4 38 08 19. 36 76 03 50. QI S 45 02 W N 45 01 E 3.143 Holland Island Church Spire. S 19 50 w N 19 48 E 9.035 Holland Island Bar Light. S 84 OS E N 84 03 W 5.014 Senator. 5 38 08 49. 36 1 76 03 08. 60 S 46 02 W N 46 00 E 4, 657 Holland Island Church Spire. S 23 18 w N 23 17 E 1 10, 395 Holland Island Bar Light. 1 S 68 25 E N 68 24 W 1 4, i=;i Senator. Thence from comer No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 6, excluding any creek cove, or inlet less than loo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 6 38 08 50. 58 76 01 53. 42 S 32 t;q W N 32 56 E 1 11,384 Holland Island Bar Light. S 20 28 E N 20 27 W 1 6, 653 Miles. S 49 51 E N 49 50 W 1 .2, 431 Senator. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 42 to comer No. i. 1 1 1 1 1 HOLLAND ISLAND. {Holland Straits— Chart No. 42) ' 38 06 20. 12 76 04 58. 40 N 62 42 E N 13 19 W S 15 47 W S 62 44 W S 13 iq E N 15 46 E 7, 636 1,849 4. 654 Senator. Holland Island Church Spire. Holland Island Bar Light. 2 38 06 36. 42 76 OS 31. 58 S 4 20 W N 68 56 E N 20 07 E N 4 20 E S 68 59 W S 20 06 W 5.°44 8,217 1.332 Holland Island Bar Light. Senator. Holland Island Church Spire, comer No. 3, excluding any de. Holland Island Bar Light. Holland Island Church Senator. fSpire. ■' Thence from c creek, cove, 38 08 06. 56 jrner No. 2 alon or inlet less tha] 76 05 27. 80 g the mean low a 100 yards in v S "3 25 W S II 17 E S 89 21 E -water line of t vidth at its moi N 3 25 E N II 17 W N 89 18 W le shore to Jth at low t 8, 083 1,824 7,568 4 38 08 16.36 7& 05 08. q6 S 6 41 W S 3 54 W S 86 38 E N 6 41 E N 3 54 E N 86 35 W 8,4,57 2, 125 7,078 Holland Island Bar Light. Holland Island Church Senator. [Spire. 5 38 08 09.80 76 04 39. 00 S 26 25 W S 12 18 W S 88 13 E N 26 24 E N 12 17 E N 88 12 W 2,119 8,370 6,271 Holland Island Church Spire . Holland Island Bar Light. Senator. 6 38 07 50. 85 76 04 48. 22 S 28 55 w S II 31 w N 86 06 E N 28 54 E N II 31 E S 86 08 W 1,441 7.69s 6.529 Holland Island Church Spire. Holland Island Bar Light. Senator. 7 38 06 57. 60 76 04 39. 70 N 70 23 E N 59 S3 W S 17 04 w S 70 25 W S 59 53 E N 17 04 E 6,674 1,068 6,007 Senator. Holland Island Church Spire. Holland Island Bar Light. 172 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. PRY ISLAND. {Holland Straits — Chart No. 42. ) Cor- ner of Latitude Lougitude True bearing Distance U. .S. C. & G. S. trianculation bot- tom. Forward Back station I 38 05 44 II 76 03 44. 60 s vS s 44 43 W 15 12 E 38 OS E N 44 42 E N 15 II W N 38 03 W Yards. 4,594 7.546 7,318 Holland Island Bar Light. Fog 2. Solomons Lump Light. 2 38 06 13. 50 76 04 44. 66 N N S 59 52 E 21 23 W 20 59 W S 59 54 W S 21 23 E N 20 58 E 7,422 2,173 4.558 Senator. [Spire. Holland Island Church Holland Island Bar Light. 3 38 06 44. 38 76 04 31.24 N N S 66 06 E 49 30 W 2035 W S 66 08 W S 49 32 E N 20 34 E 6,630 i>5" 5- 659 Senator. [Spire . Holland Island Church Holland Island Bar Light . 4 38 07 53. 56 76 04 28. 43 s s N 42 II W 15 08 w 86 38 E N 42 10 E N IS 07 E S 86 39 W 1,823 7,905 5, 997 Holland Island Church Spire. Holland Island Bar Light. Senator. 5 38 08 19. 36 7O 03 50. 91 s s s 45 02 W 19 50 W 84 OS E N 45 01 E N ig 48 E N 84 03 W .?■ 143 9.035 5.014 Holland Island Church Spire. Holland Island Bar Light. Senator. 6 38 07 57. 5& 76 03 57. 44 s s N 5404 W 20 2S W 87 34 E N 54 03 E N 20 24 E .S 87 36 W 2-532 8,286 5. 166 Holland Island Cluuch Spire. Holland Island Bar Light. Senator. Thence from comer No. 6 along the mean low water line of creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its 38 07 24. 24 I 76 03 49. 60 38 06 39. 76 03 17. S 80 53 W I N 80 52 E S 25 01 W I N 25 00 E N 74 50 E I S 74 52 W the shore to comer No. 7, excluding any mouth at low tide. ! 2, 288 I Holland Island Church j Spire . 7,329 Holland Island Bar Light. I 5, 131 Senator. S 37 30 W I N 37 28 E S 68 15 E N 68 13 W N 55 19 E I S 55 20 W Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 42 to comer No. i I I I 6,484 4,926 4,992 Holland Island Bar Light. Miles. Senator. APPENDIXES Appendix A.— LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation \vith the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, in surveying the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland : [Act of Congress approved May 26. 1906.] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey^ aud the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, an d rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Mar>'land State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary of Commerce and Laljor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam launches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in tlie Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby furtlier authorized to have erected or constructed by tlie officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. 174 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. [Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtietd, nineteen hundred and seven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Atnerica in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * por any special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, approved May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six, and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars, together with the unexpended balance under this appropriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby reappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven. * * * [Act of Congress approved March 4. lyo?.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year eudiuc June lliirtieth, niiielcfii hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hotise of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of siu"veys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. * * * [Act of Congress approved May 27. 190S.) AN ACT Making appropriations for simdry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1909.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June Ihirlieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic vSurvev: * * " F'or any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commi.ssion of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen tliousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail able, twentv thou.sand dollars [Alt ot Congress approved J une 23. lyio.] AN ACT Makiug appruprialious for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal >'ear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- afterexpressed, forthe fiscal yearendingjvme thirtieth, nineteenhundredand eleven, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commis.sion of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available, fifteen thousand dollars. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 175 (Act of Congress approved March 4, 1911.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for theHscal year endlngjune thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- afterexpressed, for the fiscal yearending June thirtieth, nineteenhundred and twelve, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special siurveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of tlie State of Maryland, to be immediately available, thirteen thousand dollars * * * [Act of the Legislature of Maryland approved April 2, 1906.I AN ACT To estabhsh and promote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this Act. and * * '. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following sections be, and they are hereby, added to article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters." * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey, as hereinafter required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic siu'vey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapolis, and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all natural beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such coimty, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie * * *. Sec. 87. The governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. Sec. 89. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, igo6, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an acciu-ate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boimdary lines of the said natiual oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the same to the clerksof the circuit covtit for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed as hereinafter provided ; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose . And the said survey and report, when filed, subject to tne right of appeal hereafter provided for in this act, shall be taken in all of the courts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars, or rocks lying within the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this act, and that all areas of the Chesa- peake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland, not shown in the siu-vey to be natural 176 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. oyster beds, bars, or rocks shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms and open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this act; provided, that the said survey and report shall not be construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appro priated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this act. The law of the State of Maryland, passed March 9, 1842, authorizing officers of the United State.- Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the survey, is as follows: AK ACT Concerning the Survey of the Coast of Maryland. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United States, * * * at any time hereafter to enter upon lands within this State for the purpose of exploring, sur- veying, triangulating, or leveling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injury to private or other property. Sec. 2.' And be it enacted, That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injury to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious free- holders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much dispatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or possessors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days' notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses (to be by them sworn or affirmed and examined), shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceedings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five da^'S thereafter in the office of the clerk of the county in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as afore- said, and the said report so made as aforesaid if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged \vithin twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees, and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either party may and shall be heard before and the damage assessed by a jury of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument, or building or any appendage thereto, erected, used, or constructed under and by virtue of the act of Congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first • Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except Uirough the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 177 prosecute the same before any justice of the peace of the county where the person so ofiending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United States of America, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Appendix B.— THE HAMAN OYSTER CULTURE LAW. [Extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission.] OBJECT. "The legislature in placing chapter 711 of the acts of igo6, better known as the Haman Oyster Culture Law, upon the statute books of Maryland, had a twofold object in view. 1. To encourage an industry in oyster culture upon the barren bottoms beneath the tidewaters of the State. 2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars for the purpose of oyster culture." "To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing of natural bars impossible, pro- vision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accurately locating and marking the same. It was definitely provided that no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, charted, and marked with buoys." Depinition op a Natural Oyster Bar. natural bar not defined. "The Shell Fish Commission is instructed by section 90 of the Haman Oyster Culture Law to exercise its judgment liberally in favor of the natural bars when surveying, charting and buoying them, but other than this the Commission is uninstructed in this important matter. The responsibility of defining a natural bar is placed upon the Commission." DIVERSITY OF OPINION. "No definition of a natural oyster bar could be formulated by any man or body of men which would meet with the approval of all parties concerned. Oystermen, as a rule, hold that all bottoms where oysters grow or have grown naturally even though now practically barren of oysters should be considered natural bars. Other citizens of the State who are not directly interested in the oyster business, but interested in the oyster industry from the standpoint of revenue, hold, as a rule, that no bottoms should be excluded from leasing for oyster culture which, by methods known to oyster culturists, may be made to yield a greater number of oysters than they now produce." "It should be evident to every one that neither of these definitions could be adopted by the Com- inission as a working basis for determining which of the grounds surveyed are natural oyster bars." THE GOLDSBOROUGH DEFINITION. The definition of a natural oyster bar which very nearly approaches a reasonable and satisfactory compromise between the views of the subject held by oystermen on one hand and by oyster culturists on the other is that contained in an opinion rendered by Judge Charles F. Goldsborough in the circuit court for Dorchester County in the July term, 1881, in the case of William T. Windsor and George R Todd Ti. Job T. Moore. This definition has been adopted by the Shell Commission a.s the basis for the determination of the status of the various oyster bottoms surveyed, and is as follows; What then is a natural bar or bed of oysters? It would be a palpable absurdity for the State to attempt to promote the propagation and growth of oysters and to encourage its citizens, by a grant of land, to engage in their culture, if the lands authorized to be taken up were only those upon which 58345—13 12 178 Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. oysters do not and can not be made to grow. That there may be lands covered by water in the State where no oysters can be found, but where, if planted, they could be cultivated successfully, may be possible, but, if so, I imagine that their extent must be too limited for them to be of much practical, general advantage for the purposes of such a law as the one under discussion ; but there are thousands of acres of hard and shifting sands where oysters not only are not found, but where it would be folly to plant them, and these latter it can not be supposed that the State intended to offer to give away, for the simple reason that the State could not help knowing that nobody would have them. Upon the other hand there are large and numerous tracts where oysters of natural growth may be found in moderate numbers, but not in quantities sufficient to make it profitable to catch them, and yet where oysters may be successfully planted and propagated. In my opinion these can not be called natural bars or beds of oysters, within the meaning of the act of assembly, and it is just such lands as these that the State meant to allow to be taken up imder the provisions of the above-mentioned section of the act. But there is still another class of lands where oysters grow naturally and in large quantities and to which the public are now and have been for many years in the habit of resorting with a view to earning a livelihood by catching this natural growth, and here, I think, is the true test of the whole question. Land can not be said to be a natural oyster bar or bed merely because oysters are scattered here and there upon it, and because if planted they will readily live and thrive there: but whenever the natural growth is so thick and abundant that the public resort to it for a livelihood, it is a natural oyster bar or bed and comes within the above-quoted restriction in the law, and can not be located or appropriated by any individual. .APPLICATION OF DEFINITION. Before this definition may be of use in determining, accurately and scientifically, the status of an oyster ground, its central idea, "livelihood," must be expanded into accurately determinable factors, and these factors must be combined into a practical scheme of investigating the condition of the ground under consideration. Stated briefly, a livelihood is represented by a sum oj money obtained from the sale, at a fixed price, of a certain quantity of oysters gathered in a given time from an allotted area of ground. Knowing the value of each of these factors it becomes possible to calculate the number of oysters an oyster ground must produce per square yard in order that oystermen may secure a livelihood by working upon it. Note. — The factors into which the commission resolved the livelihood problem, the value assigned to each factor, and the scheme devised for practical use in examining and applying the definition to oyster bottoms are given in outline in their second rciinrt tmder the heading of the preceding extract, and in detail in their first report on pages 32 to 6q. Appendix C— SUMMARY OF THE PARTICULAR SURVEYING OPERATIONS WHICH CON- STITUTE AN "OYSTER SURVEY" AS NOW BEING CARRIED ON IN MARYLAND. Explanation. — A brief account of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to many who may not understand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its complicated character. To those familiar with methods used in surveying and charting the characteristic features of large bodies of water tnere is an evident necessity for the various operations performed, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of the private lots leased for purposes of oyster culture must be surveyed and charted with the greatest practical accuracy. To others it will be sufficient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that in order to avoid endless dissatisfaction and litigation it is necessarj- to accurately locate and per- maiently establish oyster boundaries as is now being done in Maryland. Triangulation survey. — Such refinement of survey work as that demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey when carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by the use of a system of triangulation as a framework or foimdation. Therefore, a triangulation survey including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments and a record of the descriptions of their locations for future recovery is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Topographic survey. — The technical records which establish the relation between the offshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engineers in making Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. 179 resurveys, but do not supply the needs of others who are interested in the same boundaries by reason of their occupation as oystermen concerned as to the public oyster bars, or oyster culturists concerned as to the leasable bottoms. For these it is necessary to have the charts of the survey show the relation of the shore line and other topographic features to the boundaries of the public oyster bars and private oyster farms. Therefore, a topographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Hydrographic survey. — In the settlement of the important question of what is, or what is not, a natural oyster bar, and in the consideration of bottoms to be selected for purposes of oyster culture, information as to the depth of water and the character of the bottom is required. Therefore, a hydro- graphic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Necessary foundation for an oyster survey. — Consequently, the necessary components of a satis- factory foundation for a complete oyster survey are the three classes of survey operations technically named tri angulation, topography, and hydrography, or, stated in another way, the foundation of a practical oyster survey includes the surveying operations usually followed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey leading up to the preparation and publication of nautical charts. .Special surveys and investigations pertaining to oysters. — Having obtained this cartographic survey for a foundation, partly by new work and partly from records of previous work of the Government, the combined operations' making up an "oyster survey" are completed by superimposing on this foundation special surveys and investigations pertaining particularly to oysters or other shell fish. The special surveys pertaining to oysters furnish information as to the location and outline of oyster- shell bottoms, and are carried on by the sounding boat party in addition to the usual hj'drographic uork.^ This operation consists of the observation and record of the character of vibration of a wire and chain apparatus which is dragged over the bottom, the vibrations or lack of vibrations indicating the presence and quantity of shells or absence of shells. The special oyster investigations ■' consist of the actual determination of tlie kind and quantity of oysters on the bottom, and such economic and biological studies of the supply of oyster food, density of water, character of the bottom, and other important matters as affects the growth of oysters. In this work the oyster investigation stations are located and buoyed by the hydrographic party while engaged in the survey of the oyster-shell limits. They are selected with the view of obtaining characteristic data which can be used for the interpretation of the recorded vibrations of the chain apparatus at all other points covered by the survey. Preparation of results. — The actual surveying operations and oyster investigations having been completed for any one county, there still remains technical work of nearly equal magnitude to that described.'' This work consists of the preparation of charts and technical descriptions of boundaries and landmarks for publication by the Government, the preparation of that part of the annual report of the commission covering the special oyster surveys and investigations, the making of the leasing charts and finished projections, and finally the filing of the oyster charts and records with the courts and the commission, thus opening a county for oyster culture. Sunmiary. — From the foregoing account it can be seen that a complete oyster survey properly conducted so as to answer all practical requirements of the present and permanency of results for the future is a very complicated affair, involving many lines of surveying and other scientific work, and requiring the professional services of experts in the various operations of cartographic surveying and shell-fish investigations. ' .Sec Appendix D of this publicatiou for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Govemmenl and State." - See pp. 104 to 123 of First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission. ^ See pp. 30 to 67 and 129 to 199 of First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission. * No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the commission, which is greatly complicated and increased by the effect of the oyster-survey operations on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved; or of the large amount of survey work involved in the survey and record of the boundaries of oyster lots leased from the State by jirival e individuals for the purposes of oyster cidture. i8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Dorchester County, Md. IB 6. Iz ■< o •«! o < P3 H S m g O f- 2 in a. J-) O B! Sh 3 S"s'°^'°-^"°'S S'^ Si's te t DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS KENT COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, October 5, igii. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, together with certain technical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shell fish com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, and 1912. Respectfully, O. H. TiTTMANN, Superintendent. To Hon. Charles Nagel, Secretary 0} Commerce and Labor. 3 I CERTIFICATION Baltimore, Md., October 4, igii. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in Kent County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, Chief of Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Examined and certified to be correct. Baltimore, Md., October 4, igii. Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell Grave, Benjamin K. Grben, Maryland Shell Fish Commission. SwEPSON Earle, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — Certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of Kent County were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Kent County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners on October 5, 191 1. 5 CONTENTS, Page. Progress map follows Letter of submittal 3 • Certification S Introduction: Publications •'^ Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey i4 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries ^4 General statement of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey i4 Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions ^° Organization and equipment ^7 Chronological statement of work 1 7 Statistics ^^ General remarks '9 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster bars -° Leasing charts ^ ' Projections ■ ^^ Progress maps ^^ Boundaries op the county waters: Waters within territorial limits of county 23 Waters contiguous to county ^4 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations): Explanation ^5 Method of describing triangulation stations 25 Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Chart No. 2S (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity Tolchester Beach)— Worton Point 2 2** Pooles Island Light 28 Pooles Island 2 28 Bramble 29 Mitchells Bluff 2 29 Craighill Channel Light (Front Range) (see progress map) 3° Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range) (see progress map) 3° Fort Howard Taller Water Tank (see progress map) 3° Seven Foot Knoll Light (see progress map) 3° Bodkin Point (Old Tower) (see progress map) ,? i Swan Point 3 (see also Chart No. 29) 31 Bank (see also Chart No. 29) 3^ Tavern (see also Chart No. 29) 32 Corr 32 Urie 33 7 8 Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey tri angulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart No. sS (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity Tolchester Beach) — Continued. Page. Spike 33 Elliason 34 Rail 34 Fork 35 Haven (see also Chart No. 29) 35 Treasure (see also Chart No. 29) 36 Orchard (see also Chart No. 29) 36 Gratitude (see also Chart No. 29) 37 Chart No. 20 (Chesapeake Bay and entrance to Chester River) — Swan Point 3 (see also Chart No. 28) 31 Bank (see also Chart No. 28) 31 . Tavern (see also Chart No. 28) , 32 Haven (see also Chart No. 28) 35 Treasure (see also Chart No. 28) 36 Orchard (see also Chart No. 28) 36 Gratitude (see also Chart No. 28) 37 Windmill Point 37 Stevens 38 Baltimore Light (see progress map) 38 Sandy Point Light 38 Ring 39 Love Point Light 39 Amour 39 Railway Water Tank 40 Wickes Beach 40 Narrows Point (see also Chart No. 30) 40 Macum 41 Thin : 42 Muddy (see also Chart No. 30) 42 Bridge 42 Railroad 43 Chart No. jo (Middle Chester River and tributaries) — Narrows Point (see also Chart No. 29) 40 Muddy (see also Chart No. 29) 42 Bluebeard 43 Blakeford 44 Rain 44 Break 45 Overton 45 Fir : 45 Bay Bush Point 46 Gordon 46 Bird 47 Crow 47 Grove 48 Reeds 48 Little Gum 48 Weeks 49 Spring 49 Lucy 50 Goose • 50 Contents. 9 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangolation stations) — Coutiuucd. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart No. 30 (Middle Chester River and tributaries) — Continued. Page. Prussian 51 Gray 51 Herring 51 No Road 52 Cut 52 Fore 53 Island '. 53 Tray 53 Inn S4 Helton Point 54 Earle 55 Hydrographic 55 Ruth 56 Melfield 56 Bath 57 Ship 57 Engineer 58 Swepson 58 Corsica jg Deep Cove 59 Snub 59 Lawyer 60 Drum 60 Davis 61 Isle 61 Eagle 61 Ford 62 Kinsley 62 Whale 63 Bungay 63 Locust 63 Nat 64 Mill 64 West 64 Homor 65 King 65 Ash 66 Noth -66 Lcary 66 Nest 67 Woll 67 Harp 68 Clay 68 Lovely 69 Gut ■ 69 Philip 69 Ide 70 Hoo 70 Cult 70 Wann .., 71 Com : 71 Neck 72 Contents LAMnjrARKS (U. S. Coast Axn GiioniiTic Si'rvkv triangi'lation stations) -Coiitimiccl. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart No. j;o (Middle Chester River and tributaries) — Continued. Page. Major 72 Peach 72 Langford 73 Spaniard Point 2 Upper 73 Quaker 74 Evans 74 Brown 75 Stratton 75 Chester 76 Westcott's Windmill 76 Corpse 76 Deep Point 2 77 Indian , 78 Thorn 78 Ashland 79 Shippen 79 Bums 80 Oyster 80 Starklcy 80 Jarrett 81 Booker -.' 81 Journey 82 Melton 82 Cake : 82 Pomona 83 Bill , 83 Taste 84 Make 84 Down 84 Julius 85 Broad (see progress map ) 85 Nils (see progress map) 86 Wilmers (see progress map) 86 Robertson Windmill (see progress map) 86 Robertson (see progress map) 87 Southeast (see progress map) 87 Thorsten (see progress map) 87 Blank (see progress map) 88 Rolphs (see progress map) 88 BOUNDARieS OF OYSTER BARS: Explanation go Method of describing boundaries qi Surveying methods for relocation of boimdaries 92 Boundaries of natural oyster bars — Chart No. 28 (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity of Tolchester Beach) — Phoenix Shoal 95 Deep Shoal '. 95 Coal Lump 96 Lump 96 Mitchells Bluff Buoy 97 Tolchester Lump • 97 Hodges 98 Contents. 1 1 BOUNDARIp;S riV OVSTUR IIARS — CoutillUC-(l. Boundaries of natural oyster bars — Continued. Chart No. zS (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity of Tolcliester Beach) — Continued. P:ise. Swan Point (see also Chart No. 29) gg Swan Creek 100 Rockhall (see also Chart No. 29) 100 White Horse (see also Chart No. 29) 100 The Haven (see also Chart No. 29) loi Deep Landing Hole (see also Chart No. 29) loi Little Neck (see also Chart No. 29) loi Tavern Creek (see also Chart No. 29) 102 Chart No. 2Q (Chesapeake Bay and entrance to Chester River) — Swan Point (see also Chart No. 28) 99 Rockhall (see also Chart No. 28) 100 White Horse (see also Chart No. 28) 100 The Haven (see also Chart No. 28) loi Deep Landing Hole (see also Chart No. 28) loi Little Neck (see also Chart No. 28) loi Tavern Creek (see also Chart No. 28) 102 Windmill Flats 102 Muddy Drain 102 Huntingfield 103 Gum Spring 103 Wliite Marsh 104 Under The Bar 104 Hickory Thicket 105 East Neck Bay 105 Entrance Lumps 106 Wickes Beach , 106 Dredge Rock 106 Side Shoal (see also Chart No. 30) 107 Mud (see also Chart No. 30) 107 Ferry (Kent County) 107 Buoy Rock (see also Chart No. 30) .■ 108 Chart No. 50 (Middle Chester River and tributaries) — Side Shoal (see also Chart No. 29) 107 Mud (see also Chart No. 29) 107 Buoy Rock (see also Chart No. 29) io8 Hail Creek 108 Hail Point 109 Black Buoy 109 Durdin 109 Belts no Piney Point (Kent County) no Bay Bush Point in Bluff Point ni Chester River Middlefround 112 Limekiln 112 Willow Bottom 112 Nichols 113 Hudson 113 Sand Thistle 113 Boat House 114 Drum Point 114 Davis Creek 115 1 2 Conlcnts. RouNDARlES OK OYSTER BARS — Continued. Boundaries of natural 03'ster bars — Continued. Cliart No. 30 (Middle Chester River and tributaries) — Continued. Page. Island Point 115 Eagle Point 116 Wilsons Point n6 Kings Creek 116 Bailey 117 Philips 117 Ware 117 Ebb Point 118 Cliff 118 Commegys Bight up Sheep (Kent County) 119 Deep Point up Shippen Creek 120 Haddaway 120 Hollyday (Kent County) 120 Melton Point 121 Northwest (Kent County) 121 Appendixes: Appendix A. — Laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission 123 Appendix B. — "The Haman Oyster Culture Law" (extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission) 126 Appendix C. — Summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey " as now being carried on in Maryland 128 Appendix D. — Statistics of results of tne combined operations of the Government and State . . 130 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, KENT COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws ' authorizing the work and the natural division of the sun.-eying operations - of the cooperating forces. The publications prepared and issued by the Government under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consist of a series of charts and a technical report for each county surveyed.^ The charts show all legal boundaries of oyster bars within the adopted boundaries of the waters opened up for leasing with each county, and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survev triangulation stations) used as a foundation for the dehneation of these various boundaries. The technical report gives technical and legal descriptions of all oyster bar and other bound- aries, and descriptions of all landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in charge of the work of that service in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Marvland Shell Fish Com- mission. These charts and technical reports are prepared and certified for file with the courts and the Commission, as required by the laws of the State, and contain all infor- mation necessary to make a permanent record of the work of the Commission and the Government for all future requirements of the courts, or for any resurveys that may become necessary.^ The publications prepared and issued by the State under the direction of the Shell Fish Commission consist of annual reports '' of all the operations of the Commission performed under the provisions of the laws of Maryland," including results of biological ^ See Appendix A for laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. 2 See Appendix C for a summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey " as now being carried on in Maryland. 3 These charts and technical reports can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington. D. C. The publications now ready for issue are those for Anne Arundel. Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles. St. Marys. Baltimore, and Kent Counties. * The technical records and charts for each county are published separately . on account of the requirements of the oyster-culture laws of the State and the practical considerations which make it desirable to have each county "opened up" for oyster culture as soon as practicable after the completion of its survey. For these reasons and the fact that these reports are each arranged for distribution and use in one county only without reference to other published records, much of the text of this publication is of necessity identical with similar previous publications for other counties. ^ These reports can be obtained by application to the Shell Fish Commission. Marine Bank Building, Baltimore, Md. The^' are issued annually in October, and the first, second, and third reports are now available for distribution. s See Appendix B for an extract from the " Second Report of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. " giving a concise sum- mary of the " Haman Oyster Culture Law. " 13 14 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. and economic oyster investigations, methods and results of the hydrographic survey of the boundaries of oyster bars and crab bottoms, the administrative report and financial statement of the Commission, information relating to oyster culture, methods of sur- veying and leasing of oyster lots, and much other important matter of legal and scientific value. These two sets of publications are planned and arranged to supplement each other without unnecessary duplication, and when combined they form a complete report of operations, methods, and results of the work of both the Government and State.' COOPERATION OF THE CO.AST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the service indicates, includes a survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and published a complete set of charts of the coasts of the United States, including all ' waters of Maryland where oysters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential as a foundation for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental func- tions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and natural development of Government work leading to the conservation and increase of the supply of food. COOPERATION OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The Bureau of Fisheries has cooperated with the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission principally as an adviser in matters relating to the biological and economic survey of oyster bars and the methods to be employed for that purpose.- A steam launch, rowing boat, and certain apparatus have also been furnished. The primary function of the Bureau of Fisheries is to increase the productiveness of marine and fresh waters by such measures as may be best suited to the purpose, and the services rendered in connection with the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland are strictly in line with the fundamental law under which it acts. In certain States other than Maryland similar work has been conducted by the Bureau acting independently, the same ends being attained at greater expense to the Government. GENERAL STATEMENT OF WORK OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY.' The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey in coopera- tion with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission need very little other summary than is indicated by the published "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" and the index of hydrographic projections and triangulation stations shown on the county progress maps attached to each report. ^ See Appendi.x D of this publication for " Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State. " 2 Hon. George M. Bowers, Commissioner of Fisheries, has detailed for this service Dr. H. F. Moore, Assistant, Bureau of Fish- ^ For a detail statement of the very large amount of excellent oyster-survey work of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission the "Annual Reports of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission." Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 15 The triangulation has been carried on in accordance with the standard methods of the Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey, making this work and that of the " Descriptions of Triangulation Stations" of permanent value, not only to the State of Maryland in the survey of her 03'ster bars, but also to the Government for any future work it may do in the regions covered by the oyster-survey operations. The hydrographic projections and published charts are prepared with all the accu- racy permitted by their large scale, especially as to the boundaries of the various shell-fish bottoms in relation to landmarks, but this accuracy of location on the charts is further added to and permanently fixed by published technical descriptions which should minimize the probability of any future dispute as to either landmarks or boundaries. Stated another way, and quoting from the report of the "Survev of Oyster Bars of Anne Arundel County"; The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual precision of a trigonometric surve)*, and their locations at all points necessar\- to provide ample foundation for the siu'veying and charting operations permitted great accuracy of definition and loca- tion for the natural oyster bar and other boundaries established. At the same time, the very important element of permanency of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last 65 years. REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN KENT COUNTY. INSTRUCTIONS. The following letters, together with the laws ' of the United States relating to the subject, constitute the "instructions" received by the chief of the Coast and Geodetic Survey party engaged on work in connection with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. They are short and definite, but furnish ample authority and leeway for all legitimate development of the cooperation of the Government and the State in the survey of oyster bars. The "free hand" permitted by these orders, together with the aid and many valuable suggestions received from the officers of the survey at Wash- ington, have proved very beneficial to the work and are greatly appreciated. Department of Commerce and Labor, Office of the Secretary, Washiriglon, June 2, igo6. Sir: In reply to your letter of May 28, requesting me to designate officers of the Coast and Geo- detic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries to cooperate with the State of Maryland in making survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. C. C. Yates will be designated to cooperate on the part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as soon as Congress makes the provisions of the act effective by providing an appropriation for the purpose. Respectfully, Lawrence O. Murray, Assistant Secretary. His Excellency Hon. Edwin Warfield, Governor of Maryland, Annapolis, Md. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, July 3, igo6. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector. * * * As soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland. You will consult the Commissioners, prepare a programme of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessary. Very respectfully, O. H. TiTTMANN, Superintendent. Capt. C. C. Yates, U. S. C. and G. S. Steamer Endeavor, Baltimore, Md. 1 For these laws see Appendix A. Suyvcy of Oyster Bays, Kent County, Aid. 17 ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. The personnel and occupation of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey have remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the "oyster survey." Besides the chief of party, it consists of the necessary triangulators, computers, draftsmen, and temporary employees required to carry on both the surveying operations in the field and the preparation for publication of oyster charts and technical records in the office at Washington. The equipment for the work of the party has been ample and satisfactory. The large living and office quarters furnished the Government on the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house boat Oyster have been very convenient for the work, besides facili- tating efficient cooperation with the surveying and oyster investigation parties of the State. In addition to the accommodations on the Oyster, the Coast and Geodetic Survey party has had the constant use of the large steam launch Inspector and several other boats furnished by its own service, and the occasional use of the Bureau of Fisheries launch Canvasback ' and the steamer Governor McLane ^ of the State fishery force. The greater part of the equipment of instruments for the operations of both the Government and State has been furnished by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and con- sists of all necessary theodolites, levels, sextants, drafting instruments, hydrometers, etc., required for all field and office work. CHRONOLOGICAL STATEMENT OF WORK. The field work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Kent County ^ dates from April 14, 1909, when the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house hoatOyster was moved from her winter quarters at Baltimore to an anchorage off Rock Hall Landing in Kent County. The surveying operations carried on from this harbor covered a period of about six weeks in which practically all triangulation was completed on the Chesapeake Bay shores of both Kent and Baltimore Counties as well as a considerable part of the same class of work in the mouth of Chester River in both Kent and Queen Annes counties. On May 26, 1909, the Oyster was moved from Rock Hall Landing to an anchorage in the upper part of Chester River near Cliffs Landing where she remained for a little over a month. On June 30, 1909, the house boat was moved to a temporary anchorage off Queens- town in the lower Chester River. This date marked the practical completion of the work in Chester River, the triangulation of which was especially notable for the month of June on account of there having been 92 triangulation stations established which were all marked by monuments and signals, locations described, and then occupied for theodolite observations. On July I, 1909, the house boat Oyster was towed by the State steamer Governor McLane to Baltimore Harbor, where the following four days, which included a Sunday and a holiday, were spent in taking on coal, water, and other supplies. ^ By courtesy of Dr. H. F. Moore. United States Bureau of Fisheries. ^ By courtesy of Capt. James A. Turner, commanding. * The field work of Kent. Baltimore, and Queen Annes counties was so jntermixed that the chronological statement of the work of one of these counties necessarily includes a considerable part of the work of the other two coimties. 141 26 — 12 2 i8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Aid. On July 6, 1909, the Governor McLane again moved the Oyster, this time from Baltimore to an anchorage in Queen Annes County in the Eastern Bay entrance of Kent Narrows. From this harbor as headquarters a few additional triangulation observations were made in Kent County although the greater part of work while the house boat was at this anchorage was confined to Queen Annes and Talbot counties. On July 22, 1909, the house boat was again moved to the vicinity of Rock Hall Landing to complete certain oyster survey operations not finished when the Oyster was anchored there in the spring. On August 5, 1909, the house boat was towed to Worton Creek which is located at the extreme northern limit of oyster growth in Chesapeake Bay. From this harbor all the remaining oyster survey work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in both Kent and Baltimore counties was completed, although some weeks later a Maryland Shell Fish Commission party returned to these counties to finish certain oyster investiga- tions and hydrographic observations. The office work connected with the "oyster survey" of Kent County, including compilations .of geographic information and drafting necessary for the preparation for publication of the oyster charts and the technical records, was continued inter- mittingly with the office work of other counties from the beginning of the field work in Kent County to the time of fihng of the certified oyster charts and technical reports in the archives of the Shell Fish Commission and with the clerk of the circuit court of Kent County on October 5, 191 1. STATISTICS.^ Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 135 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 133 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles : 133 Old triangulation stations recovered 20 New triangulation stations established 127 Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described 147 Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) no Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate) 130 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster boundaries 10 Triangles computed 270 Geographic positions computed 132 Corners of oyster boundaries established by computation 271 Back azimuths and distances computed from corners of boundaries to triangulation stations 813 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication 147 Descriptions of oyster boundaries prepared for publication 64 " Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" prepared for publication 3 Progress map prepared for publication i ' These statistics only include field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the oyster survey of Kent County, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examinations of the character of the bottom made by the enaineers of the Commission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geo- detic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the waters of Maryland. See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and the State." Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 19 GENERAL REMARKS. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: To his colleague from the Department of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore, of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose well-known scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters has been of great value to the work. To Mr. Walter J. Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative abiHty in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the Commission, who, as editor of the Com- mission's annual report and Commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster investigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Mr. Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the Commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Mr. Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, whose knowledge of the work from former ser\^ice in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatlv facihtated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. And to the many others connected with the Commission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing impor- tant information or willing services. CHARTS AND MAPS. CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts ' of the natural oyster bars of Kent County, pubhshed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of surveys of the Government in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, consist of three sheets covering a portion of the waters of Chesapeake Bay and all of Chester River, including all oyster-producing bottoms of Kent County. They are pubhshed on a scale of i part in 20,000 (approxi- mately 3|' inch to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bars and other boundaries established by the Com- mission, and are certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of Kent County and in the office of the Commission, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography - necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily understandable both bv the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the oyster bars are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascer- tained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars are numbered from i to the total number of corners in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners corre- spond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the heading "Boundaries of natural oyster bars." The landmarks and oyster bars have been grouped in the "Contents" of this pubU- cation in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particular oyster bar or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents" and the desired chart and general location will be indicated. To find the name of a bar or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the end of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locaHty on the chart for the name of the bar or landmark in question. • These charLs can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. " Much of the detail of the inshore topography was obtained from the excellent map of Kent County, prepared and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. \\'illiam Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey in cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey. 20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 1 1 The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shell fish indus- tries. The i-fathom contour (6 feet) and the 5-fathom curve (30 feet) correspond in a general way to the inner and outer limits of all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom contour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars and the lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the "territorial limits of the county" and the boundaries of the "waters contiguous to the county" opened up for the leasing with Kent County are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of county- waters." The areas in acres of the oyster bars were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic vSurvcy. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of the chart within the boundaries of the different shell fish bottoms. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face of the charts. LEASING CH.'VRTS. The leasing charts of Kent County, like those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicom- ico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles, St. Marys, and Baltimore counties, have been prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are con- structed on polyconic projections which are based on the United vStates standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and are made on the scales of i part in 5,000 or i part in 10,000 as the needs of oyster culture may require. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds and other boundaries established by the Commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the "old 5-acre law" are frequently of irreg- ular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster laws must be of rectangular shape by the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rectan- gles of I acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to the area under consideration, and prospective leaseholders by the rules of the Commission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as possible. For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be pubHshed for some years, but they can be seen at any time on file at the offices of the Commission, in the Marine Bank Building at Baltimore. 22 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Mil. PROJECTIONS. The polycoiiic projections' covering Kent County waters are u) in number and on the scale of i part in 10,000. They were constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but the sextant positions which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission were plotted by the draftsman of the Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulation stations, shore lines, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oyster-bar and other boundaries established by the Commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, and the other set in the archives of the Shell Fish Commission. PROGRESS M.\PS. The jirogress map to be found at the end of this publication is on a scale of i part in 100,000, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in Kent County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the survej'ing work, and the "boundaries of county waters" established by the Commission for the purpose of carry- ing out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may be under consideration. The progress maps - accompanying the first and second annual reports of the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission were prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are on the scale of i part in 400,000, and show the outline of the tide-water counties of Maryland, with shaded areas to indicate the waters already covered by the operations of the oyster survey. • For the scheme of these projections sec the progress map at the end of this publication . 2 These maps and reports can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Commission, Marine Bank Buildint;, Baltimore, Md. BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY WATERS.' WATERS WITHIN TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF COUNTY. The laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture provide that "no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of anv of the counties, or one hundred acres in any other place." The boundary line- between the waters "within the territorial limits" of Kent County and the waters in "any other place," as established by the Shell Fish Com- mission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the "oyster" charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is technicalh- described and defined as follows: Following the boundary line between Kent County and Cecil County along the middle of Sassafras River as laid down on the " Progress map" accompanying the report of "Survey of Oyster Bars. Kent Coimtyi Maryland," to a point defined by the intersection of this boundary line with a straight line across the mouth of .Sassafras River defined by a point at its northern extremity situated on the northern side of Sassafras River in latitude j;g° 2^' 15''. o and longitude 76° 02' 22". 5 and by a point at its southern extremity situated on the southern side of Sassafras River in latitude 39° 22' 15". 6 and longitude 76° 03' 24". o; thence along a straight line across the southern part of the mouth of Sassafras River to a point situated on the southern side of Sassafras River defined by latitude 39° 22' 15". 6 and longitude 76° 03' 24". o; thence along the mean low water line or a line across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the southern shore of tlie entrance to Sassafras River, around Howell Point and along the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on the northern side of Still Pond defined by latitude 39° 20' 3 5". o and longitude 76° 08' 11 ".8; thence in a straight line across the entrance to Still Pond to a point situated on the sjuthcm side of Still Pond defined by latitude 39° 20' 02". o and longitude 76° 08' 46". 5; thence along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay around Plum Point and Worton Point to a point situated on the northern side of Worton Creek defined by latitude 39° 17' 56". 7 and longitude 76° 10' 40". 8; thence in a straight line across the entrance of Worton Creek to a point situated on the southern side of Worton Creek defined by latitude 39° 17' 28". 3 and longitude 76° 10' 54". 3; thence along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be. of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay across the mouth of Fairlee Creek past Tolchester Beach to a point situated on vSwan Point defined by latitude 39° 08' 19". o and longitude 76° 16' 42".! ; thence in a straight line across the entrance to Swan Creek and Rockhall Harbor to a point situated on Huntingfield Point defined by latitude 39° 07' 16". o and longitude 76° 14' 57". 4; thence along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on Wilson Point defined by latitude 39° 03' 11". 2 and longitude 76° 13' 40". o; thence in a straight line across the mouth of a small bay to a point situated on the eastern side of the entrance to Chester River defiined by latitude 39° 02' 45".3 and ^ For a complete historical and legal description of the boundaries of the counties of Maryland, the valuable publication entitled " The Counties of Maryland — Their Origin, Koundaries. and Election Districts," prepared by Dr. Edward B. Mathews and published by the Maryland Geolocical Survey under the direction of Dr. "William Bullock Clark. Superintendent, should be consulted, as the boundaries described in this publication have been established and technicallj' defined for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws of the State, and may or may not be correct for other purposes. - See Charts of Natural Oyster Bars, published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at the end of this publication . 24 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. longiUidc 76° 14' 05". 3; thence ia a straight line ending at a point situated on Love Point on the western side of Chester River defined by latitude 39° 02' 25". 5 and longitude 76° 18' 10". o to a point on this straight line defined by its intersection with the channel boundary line between Kent County and Queen Annes County as laid down on "Chart No. 29, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland;" thence up the channel of Chester River following the boundary line between Kent County and Queen Annes County as laid down on "Charts Nos. 29 and 30, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland ;" thence continuing up the channel of Chester River following the boundary line between Kent County and Queen Annes County to the State boundary line between Maryland and Delaware.' WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO COUNTY. The oyster laws of Maryland provide that a true and accurate delineation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, "which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said Commissioners in the city of Baltimore," and "in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie." For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section- of the law and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-culture area to be opened up for leasing with each county surveyed, it is necessary for the Shell Fish Commission to establish a boundary line between the waters contiguous to but not within the terri- torial limits of each count)' and the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of adjacent counties. This boundary line has been delineated on "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," and "Progress Maps" published by the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey, and is technically described and defined as follows: Commencing at a point defined by the intersection of a straight line across the mouth of Sassafras River which straight line is defined by a point at its northern extremity situated on the northern side of Sassafras River in latitude 39° 23' 15". o and longitude 76° 02' 22". 5 and by a point at its southern extrem- ity situated on the southern side of Sassafras River in latitude 39° 22' 15". 6 and longitude 76° 03' 24". o and the boundary line between Kent County and Cecil County along the middle of Sassafras River as laid down on the " Progress map " accompanying the report of "Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Marjdand ; ' ' thence in a straight line along the channel of the entrance to Sassafras River and across a part of Chesapeake Bay to a point in Chesapeake Bay about i ' 2 miles northwest by west of Howell Point and i^ miles south-southeast of Stony Point defined by latitude 39° 22' 55^.0 and longitude 76° 08' 05". o; thence in a straight line with Chesapeake Bay to a point about 2J4 miles west of Worton Point ;ind 2'< miles northeast of Ponies Island defined by latitude 31)° 19' 00". o and longitude 76° 13' 43". 5; thence in a straight line with Chesapeake Bay to a point about ipj miles south of Pooles Island and 3^^ miles west by south of Fairlee Creek defined by latitude 39° 15' 30". o and longitude 76° 16' 20^.4; thence in a straight line with Chesapeake Baj' to a point about 4 miles west by north of Swan Point and 3fV miles east of Seven Foot K-noll Light defined by latitude 39° 09' 10". 6 and longitude 76° 21' oo".o; thence in a straight line with Chesapeake Bay to a point about 2'^ miles east of Baltimore Light and 35-5 miles west of Ixive Point Light defined by latitude 39° 03' 30^.0 and longitude 76° 21' 00". o; thence along the boundary line between Kent Count)- and Queen Annes Count\- across a part of Chesapeake Bay and along the channel of the entrance of Chester River as laid down on "ChartNo. 29, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland, " to the intersection of this county boundarj' line with a straight line defined by apoint at its eastern extremity situated on the eastern side of the entrance of Chester River in latitude 39° 02' 45". 3 and longitude 76° 14' o5".3 and by a point at its western extremity situated on Love Point on the western side of the entrance to Chester River in latitude 39° 02' 25". 5 and longitude 76° 18' io".o.' ' Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. LANDMARKS (U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS;. EXPLANATION. The oyster laws of Maryland authorizing the survey to be made by the Shell Fish Commission provide for "an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a descrip- tion of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts.' The law of the United States author- izing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland pro\ides for the erection of "such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United vStates located within the State of !\Iaryland." Under the provisions of the sections of the laws stated above, the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and future needs of both the Government and the State. 'U'ith this end in view, considerable work has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. An effort has been made to arrange the descriptions of location and character of landmarks in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assump- tion that the individual seeking a landmark has only an indefinite idea of its location. They gradually proceed from description of the general locality of a landinark to the descriptions of its immediate surroundings. This is followed by specific details of the character of the center and reference marks and a "round" ol reference angles and distances which in themselves frequently contain enough information to furnish an inde]5cndcnt and reliable location of the triangulation station. MHTHOn OF DESCRIBING TRIANGl^LATION STATIONS. 77/r wpaidlc discri^tions- of iriangidatton stations should not he used icithoiit reading the jolUneing explanation of the method oj describing the triangulation stations, as it con- tains- certain details that are common to all the landmarks described in this publication and leliich are omitted in the separate descriptions as being needless repetitions: Name. — The title at the top of each separate description is the name by which the landmark or triangulation station is known and designated in all work and pub- lished oyster records or oyster charts of both the Government and State. The selec- tion of the name is usually left to the triangulator establishing the station, and it may or may not have geographic or other significance in reference to the locality. General locality. — Under this heading is given the general locality of the landmark in reference to well-known and prominent natural or artificial features, such as the 25 26 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. nearest body of water, town, river, steamer wharf, well-defined point of land, church, or any other feature that is likely to remain both permanent and prominent. This heading also covers a reference to the published chart or map which shows the location of the station most clearly. Nearly all the triangulation stations described in this publication are plainly indicated by name and a triangulation symbol on the published charts of oyster bars of Maryland. In this case they are referred to by serial number only, the words "charts of oyster bars of Maryland" being omitted to avoid needless repetition. These published oyster charts are on the large scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3 J inches to a statute mile) and show the location of the trian- gulation stations so clearly that in many cases the written descriptions will not be required to find them. Immediate locality. — Under this heading is given the description of the "observed station" in reference to its immediate surroundings. This is supposed to include a statement of the station's estimated elevation above high water or some other well- defined level of the locality, such as a road or house; the character of the ground on which it is located, such as marsh land, sand beach, cultivated field, or meadow; esti- mated bearings in points of the compass and estimated distances in yards from (not to) easily recognized features, such as extreme end of point, edge of bluff, bank of creek, line of telephone poles, shore line, barn, house, fence, ditch, trees, or any other definite detail, such as being on range with the tangent of an island and a church; and so forth. When a standard monument has been established near the station as a "reference station," this heading also covers a statement of the true bearing of the monument in degrees and minutes and its measured distance in meters, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached and might be mistaken for the center mark of the "observed station" unless special attention is called to it. The distinction between the "observed station" and "reference station" should be carefully noted by anyone making use of the description of stations for any future surveying . operations. The "observed station" is located at the particular triangulation point covered bv the description of stations, and is the one whose geographic position is first computed, as it is the point which was "occupied" and "observed on" for horizontal angles. How- ever, in spite of the primary importance of the location of the "observed station," it will be noted from the description of stations that frequently it is not marked as well as the "reference station," and in many instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case for the reason that the necessity of intervisibility of land- marks usually made it compulsory to locate "observed stations" on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in the tide-water section of Maryland generally means they will be washed away in a short period of years. The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in this region has shown the great need of "reference stations," if the frequent reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation is to be avoided. The chief reason and need for the establishment of the "reference station," or secondary station, as it might be well named, is explained in the preceding paragraph, but in several instances other reasons, such as the location of the "observed station" on an unstable sand dune, in a cultivated field, in front of a residence, or other places objectionable to the landowner, have led to establishment of "reference stations." SKrvcy oj Oysicr Burs, Koii Counly, Md. 27 The location of the "reference station" in relation to the "observed station" is fixed for plotting on charts or for computation of its geographic position by checked measure- ments of its distances and azimuth from the "observed station." ' Marks. — Under this heading is given a description of the character of the permanent monuments or other marks of the location of the "observed station," and of the "refer- ence station" where one has been established. All the marks designated in the descriptions as "the center point of triangle on standard cement monument" are exactly alike. These monuments are made of cement, sand, and gravel, and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters "M. S. F. C. " arranged around the vertex and the letters "U. S. C. S." underneath the base of the triangle. The center hole is always in the center of the top of the monument bv construction, and if this is found to have been broken off without disturbing the bottom the center of its square section can be used as the location of the station. All the "standard cement monuments," whether used for marking the "observed station" or "reference station," have been planted upright in exactly the same manner, with their tops projecting 3 or 4 inches above the surface of the ground, unless otherwise stated. Therefore, as the above facts in reference to the "standard cement monuments" are a constant element in all cases, the repetition of these facts in the description of stations is made needless by this one statement. References. — Under this heading are given the "rounds" of directions and distances to all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography, hydrog- raphy, or location of boundaries of oyster bars these references will be sutificient in many cases to relocate the position of an "observed station" or "reference station" when both of them have been destroyed. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described, this, if possible, being a lighthouse, church spire, or other permanent and prominent point. Its direction is taken as being 0° 00' 00", and the directions of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right). The true bearing ^ of the initial object is always given in parentheses alongside its name. This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the other reference objects for the purposes of locating a station by horizontal angles or for the relocation of corner buoys of oyster-bar boundaries by the method of compass directions described in this publication under the heading of "Boundaries of oyster bars. " The distances in the last column under "References" are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The "miles" are statute miles and may be considered only as rough estimates. The "yards" are more accurate, but must be looked on as results generally obtained by pacing or careful estimating. The "meters," * Geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude, distance, and azimuth) relating to any of the "observed stations" or of the " reference stations " described in this publication can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. 2 The mean magnetic variation for Kent County was 6° 15' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of 5' j'early. 28 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals, and in every case have been measured with a steel tape. In the same manner the accuracy of the directions are indicated by the refinement of angular measure with which they are recorded. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIANGULATION STATIONS. WORTON POINT 2. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, on Worton Point, about i^s miles north of mouth of Worton Creek and 4;^ miles northeast of north end of Pooles Island. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tree and bush fringed bluff about 30 feet above high water, 2 yards east-southeast of edge of bluff and i yard south-southwest of a very small ravine. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.05 meters S 61° 17' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-incli tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 4-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. ^ References. — o / // '' Pooles Island 2 " (S 62° 18' W) o 00 00 4|^ miles. Right tree on Pooles Island 3 17 4J2 miles. South peak of small house 42 46 ......... 4^2 miles. Left peak of house 74 43 45,2' miles. Nail in blaze in ash tree (2 '2 inches diameter) 88 42 40 i. 06 meters. Chimney outside of right end of old house . . 94 07 3 ' 2 miles. Chimney near left end of roof of house with gables 116 04 4^ miles. Nail in blaze in ash tree (3 inches diameter) .154 28 10 4.24 meters. Reference station 236 25 00 14.05 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 310 4.61 meters. 44 20 . . . POOLES ISLAND LIGHT. General locality. — Upper Chesapeake Bay, on northwest side of Pooles Island. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a detached tower known as Pooles Island Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on tower. References. — "Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)" <• ' " (S 44° 19' W) o 00 00 10 miles. POOLES ISLAND 2. General locality. — Upper Chesapeake Bay, on Pooles Island, about one-fourth mile southeast of Pooles Island Light and one-fourth mile north by west of Pooles Island Wharf. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a peach orchard on highest ground on northern part of Pooles Island, about 500 yards southeast of Pooles Island Light and 370 yards north by west of farmhouse. The angle at the southwest corner of the farmhouse between the windmill at the barn and the observed station is 84°, and the angle at the observed station between the light tower and the fog-bell tower is 2° 47'. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. (Note. — These marks replace old ones of 1896.) J Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 29 References. — o / // " Pooles Island Light" (N 47° 16' W) o 00 00 452 meters. Break in bluff on east shore of bay showing through peach trees 1 53 12 ,3;'-:f miles. Center of chimney of small house in rear of dwelling 215 00 '4 mile. Center of middle one of three chimneys on dwelling 218 03 ^.4 mile. Center of cupola on small building 220 50 ^ mile. Near gable of barn 238 06 }4 mile. Windmill 241 56 '4 mile. Center one of four nails in apple tree 336 24 10 3.S-72 meters. BRAMBLE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. about 3 miles southeast of center of Pooles Island. 3 miles north-northeast of Tolchestcr Beach, and r'4 miles southwest of entrance to Fairlee Creek. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a tree and bush fringed bluff about 30 feet above high water, 3 yards east of edge of bluff, 3 yards west of edge of cultivated field, 35 yards southwest of trees at edge of gully, and 200 yards west of other trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 47.16 meters N 67° 05' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is 2-inch stub projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is beer bottle buried below base of stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References . — "Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range)" o / " (S 78° 44' W) o 00 00 Q^i miles. Left tree on Pooles Island 37 53 3 miles. Windmill on middle of long building on Pooles Island 54 00 2J s miles. North peak of house with several gables on Pooles Island 55 21 2J.S miles. " Pooles Island Light" 57 ig 00 338 miles. Reference station 168 21 00 47-16 meters. Cupola on barn 25q 24 40 i mile. " Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)". . 344 34 10 10'^ miles. "Fort Howard Taller Water Tank" 354 30 00 12,' 2 miles. Left one of two smokestacks at Sparrows Point 359 35 14'j miles. MITCHELLS BLUFF 2. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, on Mitchells Bluff, just north of first break in bluff, about five-eighths mile north-northeast of Tolchester Beach Wharf. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated ground about 30 feet above high water, 13 yards southeast of edge of bluff, 50 yards northeast of point of gully where fishermen haul up gear, 70 yards south of small clump of trees, and one-fourth mile northwest of a large farmhouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is wire in center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. (Note. — Subsurface mark is either a part or replaces the original one of i8g6.) 30 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — " Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range)" o / // (N 87° 52' W) o 00 00 8,34 miles. Chimney at left end of house on opposite shore 57 00 6^ miles. Chimney at left end of house on Pooles Island 71. II 4X miles. Chimney on middle of roof of building beyond trees 170 10 5^ mile. Spidle of weather vane on middle cupola of barn 200 28 30 J4 mile. Near comer of large west chimney of house . . 210 54 X rnil^- West peak of barn 260 07 }s mile. " Seven Foot Knoll Light" 330 18 30 ioj< miles. "Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)". . 341 20 40 834' miles. CRAIGHILL CHANNEL LIGHT (FRONT RANGE). General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay, about 2 miles offshore and about 2':^ miles cast of North Point at entrance to Patapsco River. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on dwelling on cjlindrical foundation known as Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). References. — " Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range)" o / // (N 0° 01' W) o 00 00 2,34 miles. CRAIGHILL CHANNEL LIGHT (REAR RANGE). General localitv- — Western side of upper Chesapeake Bay about 200 yards offshore from the south- western end of Hart Island. (See progress map. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a tall square pyramidal skeleton steel frame structure known as Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Craighill Channel Li,ght (Rear Range). References. — " Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)" o / // (S 0° 01' E) o 00 00 23^' miles. FORT HOWARD TALLER WATER TANK. General locality. — Northern side of entrance to Patapsco River about one-half mile north-northwest of North Point. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is the taller of two steel water tanks on steel towers at Fort Howard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of pipe attached to center of bottom of tank. References. — None necessary. SEVEN FOOT KNOLL LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Patapsco River about 2>-2 miles north-northeast of Bodkin Point and 3'^ miles southeast of North Point. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on an octagonal screw pile structure known as Seven Foot Knoll Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Seven Foot Knoll Light. References. — o / // "Bodkin Point (Old Tower)" (830° 03' W). . o 00 00 iK ™'les. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 31 BODKIN POINT (OLD TOWER). (ienenil locality. — Southern side of cntnmce to P.!)dkin Creek on Bodkin Point. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is aliout 15 yards cast of an old stone dwelling on top of an old tower formerly used as a lighthouse. .Marks. — Observed station is center of drill hole abut 2 inches in diameter and .^ inches di-c]) in stone platform on and near center of top of tower. References. — u / // " Seven Foot Knoll Light" (N jo° 04' R) .. . o 00 00 I'j miles. SWAN POINT ,5. General localily. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Swan Point about 5'^ miles south-southwest of Tolchester Beach Wharf and 7 miles north of Love Point. (See Chart No. 28. 1 Immeiliale locality. — Observed station is on satid and marsh point about 2 feet above high wa.ter, 5 feet east of shore, 60 yards south-southwest of a fisherman's cabin, and 250 yards from the extreme end of Swan Point. Cement monument marking old reference station is in marsh 21.43 meters N 8g° 13' E of observed station. Standard cement monument marking new reference station is on line to old refer- ence station 13.26 meters N 8g° 13' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is ■4-inch copper rod set in an 8-inch square cement monument with top about 5 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is the neck of a flask set in cement about 4 feet below the surface. New reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monu- ment. Old reference station is eastern one of two 'j-inch copper rods in an 8-inch cement monument. References. — o / /' " I-ards northeast of rounded point of shore, 13 yards northwest of square cut in shore, 13 yards southeast of ])oint where wire fence meets shore, and 50 and 65 yards south by west of two large trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. > , mile. 4Q yards. 00 .i5 0^ meters. 50 1409 meters. 20 10.39 meters. 30 19.49 I J 4 meters, miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 33 References. — ° ' "Spike" (S 0° 49' W) o 00 Chimney of house 14 58 Chimney of old house 35 50 Right chimney of Strong house 48 12 Near peak of house between two bams 99 35 Large square chimney of large brick house . 142 52 North chimney of brick house 204 34 East chimney of large house 245 41 Chimney of old house 311 05 URIE. X mile. I ^'8 miles. 'i/i, mile. I mile. 5-8 mile. J'2 mile. 150 yards. }/i mile. K mile. General locality. — Western shore of Swan Creek about i mile north of Rockhall Landing. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a slight projection of the shore about i foot above high water and 4 yards west of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.76 meters S 21" 35' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting i inch above surface of ground. Subsurface m;irk is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches Ijelow base of surface mark. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above sm-face of ground. References.— o / // "Corr" (N 79° 13' E) o 00 Near peak of bam near several buildings. . . 27 24 Chimney of large house 54 05 Near peak of large house 75 58 Gilt ball on weather vane 89 12 Reference station 124 21 Nail in blaze in black thorn tree (6 inches diameter) 124 34 Nail in blaze in black thorn tree (6 inches diameter) 134 40 Nail in blaze in water bush (3 inches diame ter) 200 26 Nail in blaze in water busii (4 inches diame- ter) 257 42 Near peak of bam 277 15 West large chimney on west end of large brick house 340 24 Left chimney of Corr house 347 10 SPIKE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Swan Creek, about seven-eighths mile north-northeast of Rock- hall Landing. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among trees and bushes about 2 feet above high water, 30 yards east of shore, and i yard west of edge of cultivated field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is centerof 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 14126— 12 3 00 yi mile. 'i mile. I mile. iK miles. I X miles. 45 4 76 meters. 40 . . 5.37 meters. 30 . - 4.84 meters. 10 3.69 meters. 40 10.82 meters. 1.4 mile. I mile. % mile. 34 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. Refereyices. — • ° "Rail" (S23°o7' E) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diame- ter) 13 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diame- ter) 28 Windmill at Gratitude 42 Chimney of old house 76 Chimney on main part of Strong house Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 133 Right peak of right-hand bam ^ 143 Large square chimney of large brick house . . 179 North chimney of brick house 209 North peak of old barn 271 ELLIASON. 83 52 SI 19 32 06 X mile. ;.o2 meters. ).ii meters. I mile. ' i mile. I mile. [.61 meters. 3^ mile. 34' mile. ^s mile. ^ mile. General locality. — Western shore of Swan Creek on a point of land at north side of entrance to a small cove about three-fourths mile north of Rockhall Landing. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 16 yards west by north of shore, 23 yards north-northwest of shore, 30 yards northeast of shore, and 33 yards north by east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above sxuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Corr" (N 33° 57' E) o 00 00 J/^ mile. Large chimney of 2 '.^-story house 9 08 lyi miles. West peak of bam 40 53 \4 mile. South chimney of house 60 58 Ji mile. Right chimney of house 98 12 iX miles. Main chimney of house on Rockhall Road. . 106 56 i>4 miles. Large house on Rockhall Road 114 04 iX miles. Windmill at Gratitude 152 43 5^ mile. Gilt ball on lightning rod 155 34 30 ^ mile. Weather vane on Rockhall Wharf house .... 160 53 40 i mile. East chimney of Strong house 202 52 s,^ mile. Near peak of very large brick house 320 02 J^ mile. South chimney of large house 359 14 yi mile. RAIL. General locality. — Eastern shore of Swan Creek about three-fourths mile northeast of Rockhall Landing. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low point about 2 feet above high water, 3 yards back from shore, and west of a number of small locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 35 References. — o / // "Fork" (S 72° 56' W) o 00 00 X mile. Chimney of tenant house 12 01 yi mile. South gable of Henson barn 56 36 . . , J^ mile. South gable of comcrib 86 18 i mile. South gable of Swatska house 143 41 M mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 161 38 00 g.94 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 192 52 50 14.96 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 235 52 40 19.24 meters. North chimney of house 255 16 ^ mile. Highest chimney of house 268 50 i mile. East chimney of Frank Ayers's house 288 15 ^ mile. East chimney of Georgia Ayers's house 306 20 'i mile. Chimney of Sullivan house 310 34 yi mile. Thompson windmill 322 09 20 %' mile. North chimney of Biurgess house 327 18 yi mile. Chimney of fishing shack 339 26 Ji mile. FORK. General locality. — Western shore of Swan Creek, about one-half mile north-northeast of Rockhall Landing and three-eighths mile northwest of entrance to The Haven. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediaie locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about 2 feet above high water, 25 yards inshore, and 200 yards from extreme south end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of groxmd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Treasure" {S 24° 29' E) o 00 00 f^ mile. East chimney of Georgia Ayers's house '4 3° H mile. Chimney of Sullivan house 32 14 ^i mile. Chimney of house 52 07 '4 mile. East chimney of Strong house 105 55 5 g mile. Chimney of EHiason house 119 42 )4 niile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 234 20 10 11.15 meters. Chimney of Swatska tenant house 252 52 J^ mile. North chimney of Biglow house 279 57 ]/i mile. North cliimney of house 322 06 pi mile. Rockhall M. E. Church Spire 334 41 50 i}4 miles. Highest chimney of house 350 35 i mile. East chimney of Frank Ayers's house 359 25 J^ mile. HAVEN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Swan Creek at northern side of entrance to The Haven about five- eighths mile east-northeast of Rockhall Landing. (See Charts Nos. 28 and 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards back from high-water mark, and 7 yards west and 8 yards north of large pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 36 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. References.- — • ° ' "Fork" (N 57° 38' W) o 00 Nail in blaze in oak tree (15 inches diameter) 21 28 South gable of comcrib 36 46 Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diam- eter) 108 47 North chimney of Shamokin house 136 18 North chimney of house 166 44 Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diam- eter) 175 43 North gable of house 215 44 Thompson windmill 299 28 South chimney of Btxrgess house 301 29 Chimney of tenant house 348 59 TREASURE. 34 mile. 9.82 meters. i}i miles. 6.69 meters. 14 mile. }4 mile. 7.20 meters. ^ mile. ^■i mile. ^ mile. ^ mile. ( General locality. — Eastern and southern shore of Swan Creek on a point at western side of entrance to The Haven, about one-half mile east-northeast of Rockhall Landing. (See Charts Nos. 28 and 29.) ' Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point below high water, about 25 yards inshore, and 300 ya rds northeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Orchard" (S 85° 00' W) o West gable of Strong barn 17 South gable of barn 60 South gable of barn 108 Lone pine tree on opposite shore 155 West gable of bam 183 Rockhall M. E. Church Spire 218 North gable of house 230 West gable of house 235 East pine tree of group 243 East chimney of Ayers's house 311 East gable of small barn 338 Nail in blaze in dead locust tree (8 inches diameter) 344 Nail in blaze in dead locust tree (8 inches diameter) 353 ;' s mile. I mile. J^ mile. i-i mile. X mile. j'j mile. iX tniles. 5 8 mile. I mile. '4 mile. 300 yards. ^s mile. 17.98 meters. 04 36.32 meters. ORCHARD. General locality. — Eastern and southern shore of Swan Creek on point of land about one-eighth mile north of Rockhall Landing. (See Charts Nos. 28 and 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand and grass point about 3 feet above high water, 7 yards west of peach orchard, 6 yards east of shore, i;^ yards west-southwest of shore, 31 yards south of extreme end of point, 23 yards north of a wire fence, and 53 j-ards north of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.67 meters N 83° 04' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface mark. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 37 3° References . — "Bank" (S 78° 45' W) o East chimney of house 42 South peak between two chimneys of large house 105 Chimney of an old long building 144 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 176 Reference station 184 19 20 Nail in blaze in peach tree (5 inches diam- eter) 226 Right corner of ij'j-story building 229 Northwest comer of house 267 Nail in blaze in tree (13 inches diameter) . . . , 274 West peak of 2-story wharf house 294 Chimney of house on Swan Point 360 21.85 9.67 8.07 3^-57 53 21.60 ; mile, mile. i miles, mile. meters, meters. meters. meters. yards. meters. mile. mile. GRATITUDE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay at eastern side of entrance to Swan Creek, oppo- site middle of Little Neck Island, and near old Rockhall Wharf. (See Charts Nos. 28 and 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh meadow about i foot above high water, 12 yards east of shore, 150 yards southwest of a house, and 400 yards south-southwest of Rockhall Landing. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Love Point Light" (S 11° 46' W) o 00 00 sj-s miles. "Sandy Point Light" 26 05 10 io'4' miles. " Baltimore Light" 41 21 20 q's miles. Chimney of fishing shack on Swan Point. ... 90 47 i mile. Left tangent of piles of old Rockhall Wharf . . 124 15 200 yards West gable of Strong bam 130 49 H niile. Chimney of tallest wharf house at Rockhall Landing 162 15 y^ m\\e. Chimney of house 166 19 i mile. Post on northwest comer of Downey porch. . 196 57 150 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diame- ter) 273 02 40 107 yards. North gable of old bam 276 36 200 yards. North gable of bam 309 21 ifl miles. WINDMILL POINT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Windmill Point at northem side of entrance to Rockhall Harbor. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on low marsh land about level with high water, about 30 yards back from end of point, and 20 yards south of a group of large pine trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 24.13 meters N 20° 14' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of 2-inch tile pipe filled with sand with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. 38 Survey of Oyskr Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — o / // "Love Point Light" (S 17° 47' ) o 00 00 Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diame- ter) 146 39 30 Nail in blaze in pine tree (24 inches diame- ter) 178 03 00 Reference station 182 27 00 Nail in blaze in pine tree (20 inches diame- ter) 216 10 20 Rockhall M. E. Church Spire 238 05 40 Highest gable on Sharps Wharf 246 42 East chimney of house 271 27 Chimney of small house 287 55 . . West chimney of small house 311 04 5/2 miles. 17.33 meters. 23.57 meters. 24.13 meters. 16.52 meters. I mile. Yi mile. yi mile. yi mile. I mile. STEVENS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay about one-fourth mile south of Huntingfield Point at entrance to Huntingfield Creek. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 55 yards back from edge of vertical bank 3 feet higher than station, and 450 yards south of the extreme end of Huntingfield Point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — _ o / // "Love Point Light" (S 25° 03' W) o 00 00 Right tangent of Love Point 12 13 Southeast comer of fishing shack on Swan Point Ill 24 . . East gable of Strong bam 125 42 Thompson windmill 135 01 20 Chimney of house 150 32 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diame- ter) 155 Wicks windmill 223 Nail in blaze in locust tree (18 inches diame- ter) 227 Chimney of small house 239 58 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (10 inches diameter) 275 26 20 24 20 16 20 23 4? 8 miles. 6X miles. 2}4 miles. 2'/^ miles. 2 miles. i>:C miles. 200 yards. I mile. no yards. I mile. Chimney of Stevens tenant house 320 39 BALTIMORE LIGHT. 130 yards. 14 mile. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay offshore about i^ miles east of mouth of Magothy River and one-eighth mile west of entrance to dredged channel leading to Baltimore. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on brick octagonal dwelling on cylindrical foundation known as Baltimore Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Baltimore Lighthouse. References. — None necessar)-. SANDY POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay offshore about one-half mile east of Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 29 and progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on brick dwelling on cylindrical foundation knovm as Sandy Point Lighthouse. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 39 Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Sandy Point Lighthouse. References. — o / // "Bodkin Point (old tower)" (N 14° 35' W). . o 00 00 8JI^ miles. RING. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on western side of Kent Island about 2^ miles south-southwest of Love Point and 3^3 miles east of Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 20 feet above high water, 12 yards inshore, and 2 yards from edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.36 meters N 79° 21' E of observed station. * Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe with top 3 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — ° / // "Sandy Point Light" (N 84° 56' W) o 00 00 3!^ miles. Cupalo on bam 117 51 i mile. South chimney of house 141 00 y^ mile. Reference station 164 17 10 9.36 meters. Lone tree (2 inches diameter) 224 10 300 yards. South chimney of house 238 56 300 yards. LOVE POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay at entrance to Chester River offshore about i}4 miles northeast of Love Point. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hexagonal screw-pile structure kno-ivn as Love Point Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Love Point Lighthouse. References. — ■ o / // " Wickes Beach" (S 47° 55' E) o 00 00 3^2 miles. AMOUR. General locality. — Northern end of Kent Island at western side of entrance to Chester River, about one-fourth mile southeast of Love Point and three-eighths mile north of Love Point Landing. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh point, about 2 feet above high water, 25 yards inshore, and 55 yards north of fishing shack. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Love Point Light" (N 33° 42' E) o Left chimney of house 28 West gable of house on East Neck 48 North gable of bam 54 North gable of house on Cedar Point 76 Gable of bam 128 Left tangent of Kent Island Landing 132 Northeast comer of fishing shack 140 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter) 174 " Railway Water Tank " 199 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 206 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 295 i^i miles. 4^ 8 miles. 3K miles. 3^ miles. 5 miles. ^ 4K miles. i^ miles. 57 yards. 12. 46 meters. i/i mile. 10 11.30 meters. 02 38. 88 meters. 59 5° 40 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. RAILWAY WATER TANK. General locality. — Northern end of Kent Island, about lialf-way between Chesapeake Bay and Chester River and three-fourths mile south by west of Ix)ve Point. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the only large elevated water tank located just north of tlie center of the bend of the railway that leaves Love Point Landing. Marks. — Observed station is center point of top of water tank. References. — None necessary. WICKES BEACH. General locality. — Eastern shore of mouth of Chester River on western side of East Neck Island near Wickes Beach. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a narrow sand beach about on level with high water, 10 yards back from low water, and 2 yards west of swamp which extends back to woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Love Point Light" (N 47° 54' W) o 00 00 3 miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (15 inches diameter) 60 45 40 300 yards. Nail in blaze in gum tree (12 inches diam- eter) 70 59 00 250 yards. Nail in blaze in oak tree (15 inches diameter) 1 14 05 50 200 yards. North cupola of bam 155 15 ^ mile. Lone tree on Cedar Point 178 23 lyi miles. East gable of barn 200 21 4 miles. North gable of Jackson Wharf house 214 26 ^Vi miles. North gable of barn 276 32 3;' S miles. Cupola on farmhouse 299 16 3J s miles. "Railway Water Tank" 321 45 00 3? s miles. North flagstaff on Love Point Hotel 323 27 3:5 s miles. NARROWS POINT. General locality. — Northern shore of Chester River on southwest end of East Neck Island, about one-eighth mile north of Cockeys Island and three-eighths mile west-northwest of Cedar Point. (Sec Charts Nos. 29 and 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low marshy point about level with high water, about 7 yards from low water, and 325 yards west of a fishing shack. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.28 meters N 7° 58' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch tile pipe filled with cement with top 4 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument pro- jecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 4' References. — o i n "Wickes Beach" (N 46° 58' W) o 00 00 Reference station 64 36 10 Chimney of fishing shack 133 08 West gable of Queenstown elevator 153 44 Cupola on barn 164 05 North gable of house 189 51 North gable of bam 194 53 Cupola on barn 216 26 North gable of house 228 16 North gable of house on Jackson Creek 231 47 East gable of Jackson Wharf house 233 52 North gable of barn 254 28 West chimney of house 285 16 Chimney of house near Macum Creek 293 36 East chimney of house 318 01 "Railway Water Tank" 334 ii Ss miles. 4X miles. SX miles. Sl4, miles. 4j^ miles. 5 miles. 50 Geveral locality. — Southern shore of Chester River on Kent Island, about 4>2 miles south of Love Point Light. 3 miles s^uth-southeast of Love Point Landing, and one-half mile north -north west of Macum Creek. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field, about 7 feet above high water, 25 yards inshore, and 16 yards south of two cedar trees at edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Love Point Light" (N 0° 19' E) o North cupola of bam on East Neck Island. 50 Chimney of house on East Neck Island .... 52 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 57 South comer of fishing shack on Cedar Point . 72 West gable of large bam 89 Cupola on small house 97 West gable of house 102 Cupola on bam 108 Gable of house near Jackson Creek 119 East chimney of brick house 195 East chimney of house 212 Cupola on house 221 East chimney of house 225 North chimney of house 257 Lone cedar tree 266 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 314 " Railway Water Tank" 333 East gable of wharf house on Kent Island Landing 339 Flagstaff on wharf house on Love Point Landing 342 Chimnej' of fishing shack 343 28 °3 4^-2 miles. 3-^ miles. 3J4 miles. 2. 24 meters. 4 miles. 5 miles. 5 miles. 4J4 miles. 3 miles. 3^8 miles. X mile. I mile. I;' 8 miles. ^8 mile. 400 yards. 500 yards. 30 30. 98 meters. 20 ^yi miles. i>2 miles. 3}4 miles. 3X miles. 42 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. THIN. General locality. — Southern shore of Chester River on western side of entrance to Kejit Narrows, about three-fourths mile north of Narrows railway station. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh poini about i foot above high water, 55 yards north of shore, and 55 yards west of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsxurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Muddy " (N 37° 55' E) o 00, 00 ■. >^ mile. Smoke pipe on shanty 75 13 i mile. Large low telegraph pole 99 27 ^ mile. Smoke pipe on slant-roofed shanty 107 58 i/i mile. Near comer of fishing shanty 196 21 y^ mile. Tangent of Long Point 356 41 }^ mile. MUDDY. General locality. — Southern shore of Chester River on Long Point, between Muddy Creek and Jack- son Creek, about 2^i miles southwest of Cedar Point and 3)^ miles west of Queenstown. (See Charts Nos. 29 and 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land covered with mjTtle bushes, about 2 feet above high water, 7 yards inshore, 25 yards southwest of extreme end of point, and 70 yards north of group of pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle, on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // " Love Point Light" (N 28° 41' W) o 00 00 6 miles. East chimney of house 34 54 2|^ miles. Lone pine tree on Cedar Point 53 36 2^ miles. South gable of bam 79 35 4^ miles. Cupola on bam 103 11 3 miles. Cupola on barn 114 53 2^ miles. West gable of bam 134 ^^ i^ miles. Chimney of house 146 39 i^ miles. North gable of wharf house on Jackson Creek Landing 179 21 i mile. North gable of house 182 10 iX miles. Chimney of small house 202 56 3^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diame- ter) 221 12 50 63 yards. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches di- ameter) 243 25 67 yards. vSouth flagstaff of Love Point Hotel 339 43 30 S'-g miles. North gable of wharf house on Love Point Landing 341 46 5X miles. Right tangent of Love Point 345 12 5Vi miles. BRIDGE. General locality. — Southern side of Chester River on western shore of Kent Narrows, about one- eighth mile west of Narrows railway station. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a telegraph pole at a point about 25 feet above high water, 4 yards south of near rail of railroad, 8 yards west of end of railroad bridge, and 7 yards from tie line of bridge. Marks. — Observed station is a small staff nail -d to telegraph pole. References. — ^None necessary. Survey of Oysfer Bars, Kent County, Md. 43 f^ mile. 2% miles. 2^ miles. 75 yards. fl mile. 38.07 meters. 27.09 meters. 30.33 meters. 100 yards. i^ miles. i'4' miles. I ' 2 miles. i' s miles. RAILROAD. (icneral locality. — Southern side of Chester River on eastern shore of Kent Narrows, about three- eighths mile east-southeast of Narrows railway station and one-eighth mile south of railroad. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 35 yards south by west of telephone line on north side of oountA- road, 75 yards east of shanty, and 80 yards north- east of shore of small cove. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standixrd cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Marshy" (S 2° 38' E) o Cupola on bam 29 Chimney on ell of large house 38 Right tangent of shanty 96 South peak of Fisherman Inn 1 18 Nai! in blaze in tree (8 inches diameter). . . . 139 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (14 inches di- ameter) 163 Nail in blaze in telephone pole No. 2848. . . . 197 Smokepipe of shanty 209 Near peak of ell-shaped house 269 Near peak of house 292 Left peak of bam 345 House in trees 354 BLUEBEARD. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on point at entrance to a small creek, about five- eighths mile northeast of Blunt Creek and i mile southwest of entrance to Queenstown Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low sand beach about i foot above high water, 5 yards inshore, 2 yards east of small persimmon tree, 55 yards northeast of a small stream, and 200 yards north- northeast of a pond. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Love Point Light" (N 47° 53' W) o vSouth gable of house 12 Right tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 29 Largest of four pine trees on Piney Point ... 48 East chimney of house 70 Black beacon at entrance to Queenstown Creek 90 Nail in blaze in swamp-oak tree (4 inches di- ameter) 122 Nail in blaze in chestnut tree (18 inches di- ameter) 197 Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter) . 270 Cupola of bam 278 East chimney of house 279 North gable of Jackson Creek Landing house 290 East gable of house . 329 Gable of Love Point wharf house 344 Right tangent of Ix>ve Point 347 48 04 24 7 miles. 2ti miles. 3^ miles. 4 miles. 2,3-i miles. I mile. 10.60 meters. 150 yards. 125 yards. ij^ miles. i^ miles. 2i-i miles. 5J^ miles. 6X miles. 7 miles. 44 Survey, of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. BLAKEFORD. Coicral locality. Kastern shore of Chester River, about three-eighths mile north of Blakeford Point, at entrance to Oueenstown Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Oliscrved station is about 15 feet above high water, 8 yards inshore, 2 yards back from top of bank with uniform slope to beach, 25 yards north of gully, and 25 yards south of large sycamore tree at foot of slope. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Rain ' ' (N 74° 56' W) o 00 00 i J^ miles. Right tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 27 33 3 miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diame- ter) 83 12 10 13.31 meters. Northwest comer of house in woods 155 39 300 yards. West gable of small house 174 19 3'i mile. West gable of large bam 215 41 s-g mile. West gable of house 235 20 3^ mile. Northeast comer of elevator at Queenstown . 239 21 'smile. Nail in blaze in ash tree (15 inches diame- ter) 247 00 20 21.30 meters. First black beacon at entrance to Oueens- town Creek •. . . . 294 49 '2 mile. Chimney of fishing shack on Cedar Point. . . 352 26 2' ^ miles. RAIN. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on Hail Point, about I's miles south-southeast of Bogle Wharf. (See Chart No. 30. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 3 yards north of shore, and 20 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 29.84 meters N 65° 20' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle, on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark of reference station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bluebeard" (S 21° 17' E) o Chimney of house 11 Cupola on bam ^2 Chimney of house on Jackson Creek 45 Chimney of small house 48 Chimney of fishing shack loi Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diame- ter) 119 Reference station 135 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diame- ter) 147 South gable of house 173 Right tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 186 Williams water tank 255 Black beacon at entrance to Queenstown Creek 318 01 i}4 taWes. Cupola on bam 338 50 i^ miles. 1% miles. 2^ miles. 2]/i miles. 3^ miles. Zl4 miles. ' i mile. 15.45 meters. 29.84 meters. 18.09 meters. i}A miles. if/i miles. 2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 45 BREAK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on Break Point about one-eighth mile north of north side of entrance to Tilghmans Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards inshore, 4 yards from edge of bank, 200 yards north of extreme end of point, and 300 yards west of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Blakeford " (S 23° 2 1' E) o 00 00 lyi miles. North chimney of house at Queenstown .... 6 55 2\4 miles. Chimney of house 37 48 3-^ miles. Cupola on bam near Jackson Creek Landing 49 05 4j^ miles. Chimney of small house 55 05 41-2 miles. Chimney of small house 58 35 . ^^i miles. Chimney of Greens fishing shack 84 38 j% miles. vSouth chimney of house 103 42 2^i miles. East gable of house 131 23 2% miles. Right tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 133 30 ij-^ miles. East chimney of house 151 35 2yi miles. East chimney of house 176 46 3^ miles. Williams water tank 200 58 X mile. Knob on door of fishing shack 349 58 X mile. OVERTON. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on north side of entrance to Durdin Creek and about 100 yards south of Bogle Wharf. (Sec Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 4 yards inshore, 100 yards south of Bogle Wharf, 250 yards southeast of Bogle store, and 300 yards west of Bogle Wharf house. 'Cement monument marking reference station is 11.26 meters S 73° 06' W of ob served station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Bay Bush Point" (N 3° 13' W) o 00 00 ij^ miles. South gable of bam 4 12 2li miles. South gable of bam 17 21 3 miles. West gable of bam 39 13 5 miles. Left tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 73 17 300 yards. Chimney of house 119 25 2^ miles. Lower west gable of Queenstown elevator. . 138 21 3>^ miles. North gable of. house 140 27 3J^ miles. Right tangent of woods on Hail Point 168 59 i^i miles. Reference station 256 18 40 11.26 meters. Chimney of Bogle's store 289 17 250 yards. FIR. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on Piney Point about I's miles north-northwest of Break Point and one-half mile west of Piney Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land at the extreme end of Piney Point, about on level with high water, and about 4 yards east of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.45 meters S 70° 43' E of observed station. 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush witli surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Break" (S 21° 04' E) o East chimney of house at Queenstown 2 Chimney of house 24 Gable of bam near Jackson Creek Landing. , 34 North gable of house 35 Chimney of fishing shack 51 Right tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 71 Chimney of house 77 South chimney of house 135 North chimney of house 170 West chimney of house 1 78 West gable of barn 199 Left tangent of woods 226 Reference station 310 Williams water tank 339 37 4 m 4'/^ m SK mi sKm 2}i m i>4 m iKm: 2j4m les. les. les. les. les. les. les. les. les. les. les. les. le. 41 BAY BUSH POINT. HraW 10.45 meters. 134^ miles. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on a point about one-fourth mile north of entrance to Fryingpan Cove and Churn Creek. (See Chart Na. 30.) Immediate locality, — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, i^ yards inshore, and in front of several persimmon trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.16 meters N 80° 13' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cement filled tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground incased in cement cake bearing the legend "U. S. C. S. — 1896." Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — " ' " ■■Fir" (S.S7°56'EJ o Williams water tank 8 Chimney of house at Queenstown 27 West gable of bam 35 Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 45 Left tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 48 Chimney of Bogle store 58 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 69 Reference station 157 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 220 West chimney of house 244 East gable of bam 262 West gable of bam 297 West gable of bam 316 43 45 v] 2 miles. 2% miles. ^Yi miles. i,i/i, miles. 3X miles. iX miles. i,''8 miles. 6.25 meters. 10.16 meters. 6.20 meters. iX miles. 3 miles. 4>^ miles. 3 miles. GORDON. General locality. — Eastern side of Chester River about 55 yards off shore, three-fourths mile southwest of entrance to Reeds Creek and seven-eighths mile north-northeast of Piney Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in about 3 feet of water at high tide, 55 yards off shore, and 300 yards southwest of end of woods and cultivated field. Cement monument marking reference station is 57.49 meters S 71° 15' E of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. i^j Marks. — -Observed station is nail in 2-iiich by 4-inch pine stub driven with top to high water. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siu^ace of ground. References. — 0/1/ "Fir" (S 25° 18' W) o 00 00 >| mile. Left tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 15 23 2j^ miles. East gable of bam 42 41 2 miles. South chimney of house 103 30 2 miles. West chimney of Harris house 118 39 . 2X ™iles. South gable of Strong tenant house 129 30 3 miles. South chimney of house 145 25 3 miles. Spindle on Brown house 167 02 3^^ miles. South gable of com crib 197 36 3 miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diame- ter) 252 39 30 57.93 meters. Reference station 263 26 40 57-49 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diame- ter) 286 55 40 S7-02 meters. BIRD. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on Gordon Point at southwest side of entrance to Reeds Creek about i'2 miles southwest of Holton Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh meadow about 2 feet above high water, and 7 5 yards west of shore . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Crow" (S 14° 23' W) o 00 00 ^s mile. Lone pine tree (12 inches diameter) 6q 59 300 yards. North chimney of house 85 13 3 ",4' miles. South gable of bam 115 56 ' 2?-8 miles. Northwest corner of house 230 16 fs mile. North chimney of house 300 01 i mile. North gable of house 343 41 i ' < miles. Windmill 358 43 J,' mile. Chimney of house 359 09 ' 8 mile. CROW. General locality. — Eastern side of Chester River on western shore of Reeds Creek about one-half mile south of extreme end of Gordon Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in yard of tenant house about 4 feet aljove high water, 12 yards west of shore, 5 yards south of a pear orchard , and 7 yards north of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Bird " (N 14° 23' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. South gable of house near Cliffs Landing .... 3 03 3%' miles. South gable of bam 36 18 iX miles. Cupola of bam 73 23 1/-2 miles. NortheastcomerofCamell tenant house 99 01 30 8. 71 meters. Northwest comer of Camell tenant house .... 128 43 10 6. 65 meters. Northeast comer of bam 198 25 20 14. 06 meters. Northwest comer of bam 221 37 10 12. 68 meters. % mile. K mile. y^ mile. o. g8 meter.s. 5-8 mile. 3 4 mile. 5 s mile. K mile. >2 mile. J2 mile. 4 miles. 4 miles. [o. 34 meters. 48 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. GROVE. General locality. — Eastern side of Chester River on a point between Reeds Creek and Grove Creek about one-half mile southeast of Gordon Point. (See Chart No. 30. j Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a meadow about 2 feet above high water, 26 yards south of shore, 8 yards west of three persimmon trees, and 35 yards west of a pond. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Reeds" (N 20° 32' E) o 00 00 East chimney of house 13 06 South gable of bam 19 41 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 53 05 50 ... . Cupola on bam 75 58 Cupola on Wright bam 108 16 North gable of bam 168 50 East gable of house 181 32 South gable of house 230 54 Lone pine tree on Gordon Point 282 13 Cupola on bam 316 04 South chimney of house 326 13 Nail in blaze in sassafras tree (5 inches diameter) 338 48 40 .... REEDS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River at northeast side of entrance to Reeds Creek and about five-eighths mile south of Robins Cove. (Sec Chart No. 30. 1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh hnd about 2 feet above high water, 34 yards east of shore, 9 j'ards north of ditch draining swamp, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Bird" (S 62° 26' W) o 00 00 yi mile:. East chimney of Harris house 60 07 3>^ miles. Chimney of house loi 57 3X miles. East chimney of Brown house 112 01 3 miles. Chimney of cabin 186 55 300 yards Cupola on bam 276 35 i>4 miles. North gable of house 316 12 ij-i miles. Chimney of house 337 46 Js mile. LITTLE GUM. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on Little Gum Point at southwest side of entrance to Grays Inn Creek. (See Chart No. 30. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh jioint about i foot above high water, 2 yards south of shore, and 12 yards southeast of a 4-foot ditch. Cement monument marking reference station 1540.97 meters N 33° 31' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. I Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 49 References. — o / // "Weeks" (N 29° 53' W) o 00 00 East gable of old house on opposite shore .... 29 45 South chimney of house 81 38 South gable of house near Cliffs Landing ... . 93 34 ., North gable of bam 115 23 . . North gable of bam 130 38 . . South gable of bam 170 12 .. Left tangent of Gum Point 212 10 NortJi gable of bam 220 28 . . South chimney of Harris house 347 39 Reference STATION 356 22 00 WEEKS. 34 mile. I mile. I mile. 3K miles. 3X miles. 3X miles. 2 J^ miles. 1^ mile. J^ mile. I'S mile. 40. 97 meters. General locality. — Western shore of Grays Inn Creek about three-eighths mile northwest of Chester River, and one-eighth mile southeast of Harris Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 7 feet above high water, 6 yards west of shore, 5 yards west of vertical bank 5 feet high, 50 yards northeast of low cedar tree at edge of peach orchard, 250 yards north of a wharf, and 200 yards north-northeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Inn" (N 89° 27' E) o 00 00 f^ mile. Left tangent of gable of barn 43 07 ^% miles. Chimney of Harris tenant house 93 48 175 yards. East gable of Harris house 107 38 200 yards. East gable of Harris bam 142 45 250 yards. Chimney of Harris tenant house 211 50 300 yards. Right tangent of piles of Harris Wliarf 260 03 300 yards. East gable of Strong tenant house 288 59 ^ mile. Chimney of Strong distillery 324 46 ^ mile. Lone sycamore tree on opposite shore 335 05 ^4 mile. SPRING. General locality. — Western shore of Grays Inn Creek about one-half mile northwest of Chester River, on Spring Point, near Harris Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, 10 yards west of a barn, 4 yards southwest of top of slope, and 100 yards southwest of an old wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Island" (N 56° 37' E) o 00 00 |^ mile. Left tangent of piles at northeast comer of old wharf 3 12 100 yards. Lone sycamore tree on opposite shore 27 58 >^ mile. Nail in northwest comer of Harris bam 40 12 30 9. 10 meters. Lone cedar tree near orchard 105 03 350 yards. Nail in post in southwest comer of Harris hay shed 143 58 20. 69 meters. Stack of Ivcary sawmill 271 25 20 2 miles. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 273 16 10 10. 73 meters. Chimney of Strong tenant house 336 06 ^ mile. 14126 — 12 4 Survey oj Uysler Bars, Kent County, Md. LUCY. General locality. — Western shore of Grays Inn Creek abour three-fourths mile northwest of Chester River and one-fourth mile northwest of Harris Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded shore about 5 feet above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 2 yards west of top of vertical bank, and 3 feet north of a stump 4 inches in diameter. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.55 meters S 36° 59' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° ' " "Spring" (S 48° 33' E) o Nail in blaze in twin chestnut tree (18 inches diameter) 71 Reference station Nail in blaze in twin chestnut tree (10 inches diameter) iii Stack of Leary sawmill 198 East gable of bam 210 Left tangent of piles of Strong old wharf. ... 213 Southwest comer of Strong house 310 Nail in blaze in gum tree (15 inches diam- eter) 338 Left tangent of piles of Harris old wharf .... 345 Northeast comer of Harris bam 359 85 32 50 13 % mile. 9. 54 meters. II. 55 meters. 8. 31 meters. lYi miles. 2 miles. yi, mile. ^ mile. 4. 73 meters. X mile. yi mile. GOOSE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Grays Inn Creek about 1% miles northwest of Chester River, on point between Browns Cove and Goose Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field at edge of peach orchard about 12 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, 6 yards southwest of top of vertical bank, and i yard north of row of peach trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° " Prussian" (N 18° 50' W) o East gable of house o West chimney of house 31 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 36 West chimney of house 37 Left tangent of piles of old wharf 38 West chimney of house 87 North post of Harris hay shed 156 Nail in blaze in peach tree (6 inches diam- eter) 248 East gable of bam 328 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 348 08 20 14. 47 meters. Stack of Learys sawmill 353 22 50 lyi miles. 49 X mile. i}4 miles. 1J4 miles. 5. 32 meters. I mile. f 8 mile. yi mile. ^ mile. 10. 42 meters. 3^ mile. I Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, MJ. 51 PRUSSIAN. miles northwest of Chester General locality. — Western shore of upper Grays Inn Creek about 19 River, opposite Strong's old wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh meadow about i foot above high water, 9 yards southwest of shore, 25 yards west of extreme end of point, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Gray" (N 13° 48' W) o 00 00 South chimney of house 34 17 West chimney of house 45 05 West chimney of house 62 10 . . West chimney of small house near shore . . . 70 17 Right tangent of piles of Strong old wj.arf. . . 92 45 Right tangent of tin roofed bam 149 10 . . Left tangent of piles of Harris old wharf ... . 154 28 Soutli gable of Harris hay shed 158 46 . . Chimney of house 287 45 . . South chimney of house 294 52 . . ]/i mile. 1% miles. % mile. yi mile. I mile. X mile. S miles. I mile. 1 mile. X mile. yi mile. GRAY. General locality. — Western shore of upper Grays Inn Creek about ij^ miles northwest of Chester River, 250 yards west of Browns Point, and i mile south-southeast of Learys Mill Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — -Observed station is in a cultivated field about 3 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 200 yards north of a group of five pine trees, and about on line with two cedar trees north of station . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • " / // "Herring" (N 44° 12' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. South gable of bam 9 55 ^4 mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 22 05 10 14. 67 meters. Chimney of Harris house 107 22 if ^ miles. West one of group of pine trees (12 inches diameter) 150 45 200 yards. North chimney of house 178 58 X mile. Stack of Learys sawmill 283 09 }4 mile. Wicks windmill 284 47 lyi miles. Chimney of small house 289 55 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in dead cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 307 16 00 4. 43 meters. East chimney of house 315 24 X mile. Lone dead pine tree 359 32 ^ mile. HERRING. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Grays Inn Cre^k about i]A miles northwest of Chester River, atnorthsideof entrance to Herringtovvn Creek and about five-eighths mile east-southeast of Leary saw- mill. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh meadow about 2 feet above high water, 20 yards north of shore, 5 yards west of a rail fence, 7 yards south of a lone dead pine tree, 75 yards south of a lone cedar tree, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. 52 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° / // "No Road" (S 14° 43' E) o 00 00 ^i mile. North chimney of house 58 28 }4 mile. Nail in blaze in dead pine tree (30 inches diameter) 201 30 10 6. 66 meters. Chimney of house 215 40 3-i mile. Chimney of house 223 53 ^ mile. East chimney of house 273 48 yi mile. West chimney of house 300 02 300 yards. NO ROAD. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Grays Inn Creek about ijA miles northwest of Chester River at south side of entrance to Herringtown Creek, near Strong old wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a clay and sand beach on a wooded shore about i foot above high water, 5 yards east of shore, and 17 yards east of end of piles of an old wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Cut" (S 12° 04' E) o 00 00 . . Left tangent of piles of Strong old wharf ... . 87 10 .... South chimney of house 100 38 .... Stapk of Leary sawmill 148 50 .... Wicks windmill 153 37 20 . . East chimney of house 157 50 . . . . East gable of bam 168 23 .... Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diam- eter) 199 25 50 . . Nail in blaze in gum tree (18 inches diam- eter) 316 57 00 . . CUT. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Grays Inn Creek, on point about i}i miles northwest of Chester River, and one-half mile south of Herrington Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land below high water, about 13 yards north of shore, 60 yards northwest of three large cedar trees, 35 yards southwest of a wire fence at edge of woods, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "No road" (N 12° 04' W) o 00 00 X niile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diame- ter) 67 32 10 22.31 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diame- ter) 97 06 10 28.19 meters. West gable of bam 145 52 4 miles. Left tangent of piles of Harris old wharf. . . . 164 09 yi mile. East chimney of Harris house 171 22 j/^ mile. East gable of barn 299 34 % mile. ■ North chimney of house 304 41 ^ >2 mile. South gable of house 341 41 i>^ miles. Left tangent of piles of Strong old wharf. . . . 348 25 X mile. % mile. 100 yards. X mile. I mile. 2^i miles. iX miles. y^ mile. 24. 75 meters. 8. 16 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 53 FORE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Grays Inn Creek, on point about i mile northwest of Chester River, and three-eighths mile north of Harris Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point, about i foot above high water, 3 yards north- west of shore, 11 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 12 inches above surface of marsh. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Lucy " (S 36° 11' W) o 00 00 ^8 mile. North chimney of house 78 17 i^ miles. East gable of small house 80 43 iX miles. Swamp oak tree (2 feet diameter) 131 28 100 yards. vSouth west comer of Strong tenant house ... . 234 28 3/g mile. Lone sycamore tree (12 inches diameter). .. . 274 58 ^ mile. West gable of bam on Grove Creek 278 30 4X miles. North gable of barn with two cupolas 287 49 3^ miles. Chimney of Harris tenant house 319 50 ^ mile. Left tangent of piles of Harris old wharf 321 36 ^ mile. East gable of Harris barn 328 02 f-s mile. ISLAND. General locality. — Eastern shore of Grays Inn Creek, about five-eighths mile northwest of Chester River, on Island Point opposite Harris Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land, about i foot above high water, 3 yards north- east of shore, and 400 yards west of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.01 meters N 43° 38' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe, with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Tray "(S 36° 22' E) o 00 00 fi mile. Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 33 13 5^^ miles. Lone poplar tree 65 03 ^8 mile. East gable of Harris house 68 27 j< mile. East gable of Harris barn 73 32 J< mile. Right tangent of piles of old wharf 93 29 }i mile. Chimney of small house 153 23 i'/^ miles. East chimney of house 171 07 }^ mile. East gable of Strong tenant house 197 31 y.^ mile. Reference station 259 59 50 9.01 meters. Chimney of Strong old distiller)' 308 33 ,'4 mile. Lone cedar tree near shore 354 59 300 yards. TRAY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Grays Inn Creek, about one-fourth mile northwest oS Chester River, three-eighths mile southeast of Island Point, and one-half mile east of Harris Wliarf. (Sec Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh poijit, about i foot above high water, 4 yards northeast of shore, 10 yards southwest of a small locust stump at foot of liank, and 12 yards southwest of foot of slope. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.86 meters N 53° 42' E of observed station. 54 Suivey of Oytfei Bay:. Kent County, Md. ', mile, i meters. 10.60 meters. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-iticli tile pipe, with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on .standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Island " (N 36° 21' W) o 00 00 . . . Reference station 90 02 50 . . . Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) go 28 40 . . . Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 129 25 10 9.75 meters. Right tangent of woods on Hail Point 217 29 Smiles. Northeast comer of barn 239 43 i mile. East gable of Harris house 287 44 y^ mile. Chimney of Harris tenant house 304 05 fi mile. North gable of house near shore 312 02 ^ mile. North gable of barn 338 10 i>2 miles. South chimney of house 354 21 ij^ miles. INN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Grays Inn Creek, about one-eighth mile northwest of Chester River and one-half mile southeast of Island Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a peach orchard, about 4 feet above high water, and 25 yards northeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 3 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "HoltonPoint " (S 72° 50' E) o 00 00 Nail in blaze in sycamore tree (30 inches diameter) 13 24 30 North cupola on barn 38 Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 74 East gable of Swatska barn loi East chimney of house iig East gable of Harris house 150 East gable of small house 175 Nail in blaze in peach tree (8 inches diame- ter) 252 41 50 Southwest comer of Earle bathhouse 359 28 2^ miles. 4.53 meters. 2^ miles. 4'-^ miles. iX miles. yi mile. fi mile. 5^ mile. 1 1. 7 1 meters. -■, miles. HOLTON POINT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on Holtoii Point, :it smith side of ciitraiice to Corsica River. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on low sand Ijcacli . aljout on level with high water, and one- fourth mile west of small bathhouse. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.40 meters S 48° 06' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cement-filled tile pipe, with top about 6 inches below surface of ground, encased in a cement cake bearing the legend "U. S. C. S. 1896." Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. I Sitrvey of Oyster Bars, Krnl County, Md. 55 References. — " ' " "Bay Bush Point " (S 64° 15' W) o 00 00 z^-s miles. East chimney of house 19 49 3 miles. Chimney of small house 27 23 3 miles. East gable of bam 38 39 2% miles. East gable of small house 57 08 2% miles. South gable of bam 67 37 2 J^ miles. South gable of house 80 eg 2 J^ miles. East chimney of house 94 17 i}^ miles. West chimney of house 130 52 2 miles. South gable of com crib 157 14 f^ mile. West gable of bam 184 04 i mile. Reference station 247 38 20 5.40 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 321 38 00 28.35 meters. North gable of bam 329 38 2^% miles. North gable of bam 343 06 4^^ miles. East gable of bam 357 02 4X miles. EARLE. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River on Town Bar Point about one-half mile east of Chester River and 100 yards north of Earle Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Oliserved station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 5 yards south of shore, 19 yards north of a pond, and 100 yards north of Earle Wharf. Mark.!. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement montiment projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Reference.^. — o / // "Hydrographic" (S 64° 38' E) o 00 00 J^ mile. Lone sycamore tree 10 43 ^ mile. East chimney of house 18 56 }4 mile. Southeast pile at end of Earle Wharf 48 59 100 yards. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 63 18 00 12.92 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree ("3 inches diam- eter) 87 58 50 11.07 meters. Earle windmill 118 07 300 yards. East gable of bam 165 21 3;- s miles. East gable of small house . 179 26 2 J-^ miles. Church steeple at Crosby 196 20 ^l^ miles. South gable of BrowTi house 209 09 2 '4 miles. West chimney of Sissel house 244 53 Js mile. South gable of Emory bam 298 08 ^ mile. West chimney of house 338 lo ij/s miles. HYDROGRAPHIC. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River about ils miles cast of Chester River and one- half mile east of Earle Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of cultivated field about 3 feet above high water, 20 yards south of shore, 4 yards south of edge of bank 3 feet high, and 400 yards north of lone sycamore tree. 56 Survey oj Oyskr Bars, Kent County, Md. Marks.- — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Substirface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Earle" (N 64° 37' W) o 00 00 ... Church steeple at Crosby 14 03 East gable of bam 19 13 South gable of Sissel bam 33 12 South gable of Emory bam 73 18 Southwest comer of Emory Wharf house. ... 75 44 West gable of bam 114 51 West gable of bam 135 37 West chimney of house 148 56 East chimney of house 23 1 23 Nail in blaze in apple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 327 14 30 ... Southeast comer of Earle Wharf house 354 51 RUTH. fi mile. 4X miles. 3J2 miles. X mile. S/i mile. yi mile. ^ mile. i5/i miles. 1% miles. %■ mile. 16.00 meters. \i mile. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River about i',' miles east of Chester River and one- eighth mile northwest of entrance to Tilghmans Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 2 yards west of edge of slope, and 6 yards south of edge of slope. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above stirface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hydrographic" (N 82° 13' W) o 00 00 . . . East chimney of Earle tenant house o 11 South gable of Sissel bam 36 30 Southeast comer of Emory W^arf house .... 54 13 South gable of Emory bam 60 05 Chimney of Emory house 64 17 East post of front porch of house log 34 Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter) 119 49 10 . . . Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 223 53 20 ... East gable of small bam 30S 56 Lone sycamore tree 319 36 MELFIELD. :'s mile. I mile. I mile. Ji mile. J^ mile. 34 mile. J^ mile. 9.98 meters. 14.30 meters. 34 mile. Ji mile. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River about ij-i miles of Chester River, i mile southeast of Emory Wharf, and one-eighth mile east of entrance to Tilghmans Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 18 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 5 yards south of edge of bluff, and 10 yards west of a ravine. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 57 ■'s mile. S miles. ~yi mile. I mile. H mile. iH miles. 3.81 meters. 16. iS meters. H mile. i.S-Ss meters. iH miles. References. — '^ ' "Ruth" (N 71° 32' W) o 00 East gable of bam 11 02 Left tangent of Emory WTiarf 29 50 East chimney of Emory house 38 10 Southwest corner of house 74 26 Cupola on Emory Wharf house 96 53 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (8 inches diam- eter) 119 34 Nail in blaze in gum tree (7 inches diameter) 179 56 West gable of bam 195 ig Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 336 32 South chimney of Earle house 350 42 BATH. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River on Wash Point about 2 miles east of Chester River, one-half mile west of Roclrs- Point, and one-fourth mile southeast of Ship Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Inimediale localily. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 yards east of shore, 13 yards west of a pond, and surrounded by dense growth of bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 8 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Melfield" (S 30° 54' W) o Left tangent of peak of bam 24 Earle windmill 53 Left edge of Earle Wharf house J56 East chimney of house 86 South chimney of house 120 West chimney of house 217 12 North one of two cedar trees on hill 267 01 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (12 inches diameter) 326 23 50 Nail in blaze in pear tree (15 inches diam- eter) 345 II 50 6.79 meters. 55 yi mile. I mile. 1^ miles. i}i miles. I mile. }/i mile. ^ mile. }^ mile. 5.06 meters. SHIP. General locality. — Northern shore of Corsica River on Ship Point at west side of entrance to Emorys Creek, about ijs miles east of Chester River, and five-eighths mile east of Emory Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point covered with bushes about i foot above high water, 6 yards west of shore, and 75 yards south of a cedar tree covered with grape vines. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 58 Snrvry oj Oysirr Bar'!, Kent Couvly, Mil. Referoices. — "Ruth" (839° 11' W). .. o North galjk of barn ,S Karlc windmill 40 Left edge of Earle Wharf house 43 East gable of bam 128 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 144 West gable of barn 217 West chimney of house 220 North chimney of house 229 West chimney of house 251 ENGINEER. H mile, mile, miles, miles, mile. meters. miles. miles. miles. mile. General locality. — Northern shore of Corsica River about i mile east of Chester River, five-eighths mile northeast of Earle Wharf, and 50 yards west of Emory Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) hmnediale locality. — Observed station is on marshland about i foot above high water, 12 yards north of shore, 50 yards west of Emory Wharf, and 50 yards southeast of a pond. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsiirface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • ° ' " "Ruth" (S 29° 36' E) o 00 00 5^ mile. East chimney of house 29 31 "A mile. Nail in blaze in pear tree (6 inches diameter) 70 38 40 99-95 feet. Earle windmill 90 13 yi mile. Lone cedar tree 165 42 125 yards. South gable of Emory bam 219 59 300 yards. East chimney of Emory house 257 47 250 yards. West chimney of house 3r7 59 ij^ miles. Northeast comer of Emory Wharf house .... 321 35 156.94 feet. SWEPSON. General locality. — Northern shore of Corsica River opposite Town Bar Point about one-half mile east of Chester River, three-eighths mile north of Earle Wharf, and three-eighths mile west of Emory Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marshland about i foot above high water, 12 yards north of shore, 10 yards south of lone cedar tree, and 12 yards east of small ditch draining swamp. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of grotmd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hydrographic" (S 32° 06' K) o 00 00 ■''sniilc. East chimney of house 6 32 ^4 mile. Chimney of house 44 28 5-^ mile. Earle windmill 71 46 ' ;' mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (15 inches diame- ter) 230 15 30 9.50 meters. South gable of Emory bam 282 58 W mile. West gable of bam 332 36 if^ miles. North chimney of small house 355 19 i}i miles. Chimney of small house 357 28 2'^ miles. i Sjirvcy of Oysler Burs, Kent C oioily. Md. 59 CORSICA. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River at north side of entrance to Corsica River about three-eighths mile south of Li miles. ij/s miles. X mile. 300 yards. 200 yards. J4 mile. I'-s miles. i>8 miles. 1 mile. 2 miles. 2-^-4 miles. 2; ,s miles. 2^ s miles. SNUB. General locality. — Western shore of Langford Creek on ])roniinent point about three-eighths mile north of Chester River between Deep Cove and Long Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low sand point about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards west of shore, and 75 yards north of cedar trees on shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pijie buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — ° ' " Deep Cove " (S 5° 21' W) o 00 Lone pine tree 11 37 Lone poplar tree (18 inches diameter) 140 34 Kast chimney of house 160 56 West chimney of house 174 57 West chinmey of house 193 06 South chimney of house 212 17 West chimney of house 228 09 South chimney of BrouTi house 249 07 West gable of house 267 36 Left edge of Earle bathhouse 305 40 West gable of bam on Reeds Creek 334 41 LAWYER. f^ mile. IS yards. 300 yards. I mile. I mile. ^ mile. 2j^ miles. lyi miles. i^A miles. 4 miles. 2^'i miles. 4 miles. General locality. — Western shore of Langford Creek on Long Point about i mile north of Chester River between Long Cove and La^^'yers Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low sand point about i foot above high water, 8 yards west of extreme east end of point, and 30 yards east of group of pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " . "Peach" (S 41° 41' E) o 00 00 . . . East gable of barn 20 38 Southeast chimney of Strong house 84 03 ..*... Nail in blaze in twin pine tree (18 inches diameter) 121 07 20 . . . Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diame- ter) 134 41 50 ... South chimney of house 141 33 East chimney of house 170 21 East chimney of house 194 05 West chimney of House 242 39 West chimney of Brown house 323 45 DRUM. 14, mile. 3X miles. Yi mile. 26.76 meters. 26.07 meters. Yi mile. i/i mile. X mile. % mile. Yi mile. General locality. — Western shore of Langford Creek on Drum Point about 1% miles north of Chester River, between Lawyers Cove and Davis Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh meadow, about 2 feet above high water, 13 yards north of shore, 15 yards south of shore, and 13 yards west of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Major" (S 54° 41' K) o 00 00 . . . . West gable of Brown house 9 59 Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 65 19 chimney of Ashley house 88 26 Ivast gable of house 171 22 Chimney of small house 215 51 South gable of bam 249 18 West chimney of house 271 20 West chimney of house 305 02 Yi mile. |/^ mile. 6 miles. T-Y miles. Y mile. Y mile. i5^ miles. lY miles. Y mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 6r DAVIS. General locality. — Western shore of Langford Creek on point about ij/i miles north of Chester River, one-eighth mile northeast of entrance to Davis Creek, five-eighths mile north of Drum Point, and nearly opposite Orchard Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 20 yards northwest of shore, and 10 yards northwest of top of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ^ / // "Drum" (S 1° 07' E) o 00 00 Nail in blaze in oak tree (4 inches diameter). 21 47 30 Chimney of small house 207 South gable of barn 234 West chimney of house 267 West chimney of house 294 Nail in blaze in oak tree (15 inches diameter). 324 Chimney of house 337 North gable of house on Reeds Creek 357 ISLE. 06 35 fi mile. 16.50 meters. I mile. iX miles. i>^ miles. I mile. 10.46 meteft. i^S miles. 6 miles. General locality. — Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on Island Point, about one-fourth mile north of main body of creek and three-eighths mile northwest of Cacaway Island. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low sand point about i foot above high water, 5 yards south of shore, 8 yards north of shore, 50 yards west of extreme end of point, and 20 yards east of foot of wooded bluiT 15 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.55 meters S 79° 32' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above sur- face of ground. References. — o / // " Eagle" (N 43° 25' W) o 00 00 ... . South gable of Leary comcrib i 41 West chimney of house 47 18 Chimney of small house 75 51 North chimney of house 142 13 North gable of bam 153 58 Lone cedar tree on Drum Point 234 51 Reference station 302 57 00 ... . South chimney of house 355 56 ^2 mile. i}^ miles. iX miles. yi mile. iX miles. I mile. I mile. 5.55 meters. i>4 miles. ■ EAGLE. General locality. — Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on Eagle Point at south side of entrance to Graveyard Cove, about three-fourths mile northwest of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on prominent bluff about 20 feet above high water, 26 yards west of extreme end of point, 11 yards south of top of bank, 8 yards north of top of bank, and 2 yards north of small cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 62 Survey oj Oyster Bays, Kent Cvimly, Mil. References. — o / // " Homor " (N 84° 09' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Left tangent of Cacaway Island 42 07 f^ mile. Nail in blaze in stump near top of bank ... . 85 52 40 g. 96 meters. North chimney of house 131 49 i mile. Lone oak tree (12 inches diameter) 153 29 i^ mile. Nail in blaze in stump (15 inches diameter). 202 06 10 4.54 meters. East chimney of De Ford house 216 44 Js mile. South chimney of house 224 39 J^ mile. Lone cedar tree 268 44 s.^ mile. Chimney of small house 280 49 ij4 miles. FORD. General locality. — Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek about i mile northwest of main body of Langford Creek, three-eighths mile northwest of Eagle Point, and one-half mile south of Whale Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in garden about 20 feet above high water, 9 yards south- west of shore, 7 yards southwest of top of bank, and 80 yards southeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siu^ace of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — . o / // "Kinsley" (N 21° 24' W) o 00 00 X milf^- Nail in blaze in cherry tree (12 inches diam- eter) 18 56 20 10.76 meters. Lone cedar tree 50 01 ^ mile. South gable of old bam 71 15 i mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 136 05 20 6.23 meters. Twin oak tree on Eagle Point 148 51 X ™ile. East gable of De Ford house 311 47 80 yards. Walnut tree (12 inches diameter) 324 13 S° Y^f^s. KINSLEY. General locality. — Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek on Pastor Point about i^ miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek and one-fourth mile south of Whale Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 6 yards west of shore, 200 yards north of a wharf, and at foot of slope rising to an elevation of 10 feet. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Suljsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Whale" (N 3° 10' E) o 00 00 >< mile. Chimney of house 22 01 \% miles. Lone cedar tree 63 18 yi mile. South gable of barn 71 35 ♦. J^ mile. West chimney of De Ford house 168 05 % mile. End of Kinsley wharf 178 58 200 yards. Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (12 inches diameter) 195 51 10 4.01 meters. Nail in blaze in twin stump 242 42 30 2.57 meters. North chimney of Leary house 329 45 yi mile. i Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent Contily, Mil. 63 WHALK. General locality. — Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on Wliale Point, at south side of entrance to Bungay Creek, about iX miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek, and three- eighths mile soutliwest of Vickers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 6 yards south- west of shore, and 300 yards northeast of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.75 meters S 35° 27' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Nat" (S 76° 46' E) o 00 00 >8 mile. Left tangent of Eagle Point 46 25 % mile. West chimney of De Ford house 73 51 ^s mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 82 53 50 7.20 meters. Reference station 112 12 10 8.75 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 130 49 20 13-55 meters. North chimney of house 307 45 3/^ mile. Left tangent of piles of Vickers Wharf 307 54 X mile. West chimney of house 354 11 ^ mile. BUNGAY. General locality. — -Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on point at north side of entrance to Bungay Creek, about 1% miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek and one-fourth mile west of Vickers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low sand point at north side of entrance to Bungay Creek, about i foot above high water, and 16 yards west of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Nat" (S 28° 21' E) o 00 00 X mile. Left edge of bank on Eagle Point 7 25 yi mile. West gable of bam 38 01 K mile. North chimney of Kinsley house 45 08 34 mile. North chimney of Leary house 58 02 % mile. North gable of house 60 26 X mile. South gable of house 205 43 i^ miles. South gable of barn 238 01 J^ mile. North chimney of house 268 18 H mile. West chimney of house 292 48 j/i mile. Lone cedar tree (12 inches diameter) 344 58 X mile. LOCUST. General locality. — Eastern shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, near Vickers Wharf, about 1% miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards southeast of shore, and immediately back of loading platform on Vickers Wharf. Marks. — Observed station is nail in root of a leaning locust tree 12 inches in diameter. References . — Drift pin in top of pile head at southeast end of Vickers Wharf 5.78 meters. Drift pin in top of pile head at northwest end of Vickers Wharf 7.78 meters. 64 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. NAT. General locality. — Eastern shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, opposite Whale Point, about i3/g miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek and one-fourth mile south of Vickers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 7 yards soutli of shore, 8 yards north of shore, 25 yards east of extreme end of point, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top a inches below base of monument. References. — c 1 // "Mill" (S 29° 19' E) o 00 00 Yi mile. Left tangent of Eagle Point 10 49 ^/i mile. West gable of house 31 29 •s.yi miles. Left edge of De Ford kitchen 48 38 3/| mile. North chimney of house 71 35 ;H mile. North gable of bam 75 40 yi mile. East gable of barn 134 57 % mile. Chimney of house 227 58 ^ mile. Persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 266 01 70 yards. South gable of barn 302 15 J-^ mile. MILL. General locality. — Eastern shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on point at west side of a small cove about 1)4 miles north west of main body of Langford Creek and three-eighths mile south of Vickers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 6 yards west of shore, 7 yards east of shore, 15 yards northwest of extreme end of point, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Cement monument mark- ing reference station is 9.48 meters N 2° 57' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Ford" (S 32° 51' W) o 00 00 3^mile. /**■ East chimney of De F'ord house 9 46 ^8 mile. ^ South chimney of house 38 14 fi mile. ^ North chimney of house 72 11 3^3 mile. South chimney of house 142 59 2 miles. Reference station 150 06 20 9.48 meters. Lone cedar tree 163 32 300 yards. South gable of bam 213 24 J-2 mile. Chimney of house 343 48 ^ mile . WEST. General locality. — Eastern shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on Cedar Point, at west side of entrance to Long Cove, about seven-eighths mile north of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 8 yards east of shore, and 25 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.85 meters N 27° 40' E of observed station. Stirvey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 65 Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — 0/1/ "Mill" (N 53° 43' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in cherrj' tree (6 inches diam- eter) 77 22 30 1545 meters. Reference station 81 22 30 21.85 meters. Nail inblazeinoaktree(i2 inchesdiameter). 93 38 40 26.24 meters. Twin oak tree on Eagle Point 267 17 y^ mile. Chimney of house 282 45 ^ mile . East chimney of De Ford house 315 37 % mile. South chimney of house 330 57 14^ mile. North chimney of house 348 50 iX miles. HORNOR. General locality. — Eastern shore of West Fork of Langford Creek on point between Long Cove and Homors Cove about three-fourths mile north of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh meadow about i foot above high water, 15 yards northeast of shore, and 30 yards south of fringe of woods parallel with shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Eagle " (S 84° 10' W) o 00 00 % mile. West chimney of De Ford House 20 40 ^ mile. South chimney of house 29 03 i^ miles. North chimney of house 40 41 i}4 miles. Left edge of small house 242 40 i mile. Right tangent of Cacaway Island 261 55 %■ mile. Chimney of house 353 56 j/i mile. KING. General locality. — On point between East Fork and West Fork of Langford Creek about 150 yards north of Cacaway Island. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point about 14 feet high at edge of cultivated field, 3 yards northwest of edge of bank, 3 yards east of edge of bank at gully, and 8 yards east-northeast of point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch' tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • o / // "Ash"(N44° 53'E) o 00 00 yiraile.. Left peak of large house 55 52 i^ miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) . 70 26 6.25 meters. Left chimney of house 113 18 3 miles. Nail in blaze in tree (4 inches diameter) .... 163 48 10 8.27 meters. Right peak of bam 174 35 2 miles. Nail in blaze in tree (4 inches diameter) . . . 246 34 20 7.49 meters. Left chimney on mansion house 259 16 Chimney of house among trees 295 12 141 26 — 12 5 66 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. oo 00 }i mile. 25 ij:4 miles. 43 10 19.5s meters. 49 10 27.87 meters. 38 I mile. 37 1)4 miles. 17 iJ/2 miles. II iK miles. 03 50 21.37 meters. ASH. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek about one-half mile north of main body of Langford Creek and one-eighth mile northeast of north end of Cacaway Island . (See Chart No. 30. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 10 feet above high water, 35 yards northwest of shore, 14 yards northwest of edge of low bank, 20 yards northwest of line of trees along shore, and 36 yards south-southwest of point of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Noth " (S 81° 49' E) o Left peak of long bam 9 Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter) 13 Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter) 69 Left peak of house 128 Chimney of small house 183 Near peak of large house 196 Left chimney of large mansion 200 Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter). 324 NOTH. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on point opposite Kings Creek about three-fourths mile northeast of main body of Langford Creek and one-half mile east of north end of Cacaway Island. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 3 feet above high water, 6 yards west of shore, 23 yards northeast of shore, and 40 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Leary" (N 36° 47' E) o 00 00 Southwest peak of large bam 24 50 Nail in blaze of oak tree (8 inches diameter) . 53 29 40 Left chimney of Stoop store 74 51 Left peak of Stoop long bam 77 18 Near peak of barn 125 11 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 141 Chimney of house 174 Chimney of house 200 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 354 LEARY. 54 40 X mile. X mile. 5.95 meters. ^ mile. 34 mile. :' 8 mile. 4.91 meters. 1 2 mile. 3 miles. 8. 1 1 meters. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek about i mile northeast of main body of Langford Creek and three-eighths mile north of Haw Bush Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point near Leary 's old wharf, about i foot above high water, 6 yards west of shore , 10 yards northeast of shore, and 10 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below of monument. Stirvey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 67 References. — _ a / // "Nest" (N 33° 43' E) o 00 00 North chimney of house 3S 43 House among trees 150 10 . . Chimney of house 179 15 Chimney of house 194 37 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 255 59 40 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 280 30 40 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 298 51 30 NEST. y^ mile. f^ mile. ^'i mile. ]4. mile. 2,5 8 miles. 17.45 meters. 15.75 meters. 15.80 meters. General locality. — Western sliore of East Fork of Langford Creek on point about i^/g miles northeast of main body of Langford Creek and five-eighths mile southwest of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality.- — Observed station is in a pasture about 10 feet above high water, 11 yards north of edge of bank, 12 yards west of edge of bank, 16 yards west-northwest of point of bank, and 125 yards south of clump of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Well" (N 18° 22' E) o 00 00... Large chimney of house 4 41 Near large chimney of house 62 00 Nail in blaze in hickorj- stump (4 inches diameter) 115 06 10 . . . Chimney of small house 166 21 Chimney of rambling house 194 49 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter). 212 15 Large tree in small clump 275 24 Nail in blaze in oak tree (20 inches diam- eter) 334 44 00... East peak of shed 346 12 WOLL. X mile. 3 miles. 1 mile. 10.07 meters. 2 miles. ifl miles. 12.59 meters. 38. 40 meters. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek about i mile north of Haw Bush Point and three-eighths mile southwest of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in comer of cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 10 yards southwest of edge of bank, 17 yards north of edge of bank, iq yards northwest of extreme point of bank, and 125 yards east-northeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. References.^ " ' " "Harp" (N 5° 32' W) o 00 00 ^■'■t niile. South peak of barn 8 52 J'4 mile. Large chimney of house 29 32 2^ miles. Chimney on ell of large house 37 37 ifi miles. Chimney of shanty 56 06 i mile. Right comer of west chimney of large brick house 107 59 ^ mile. East peak of large bam 151 18 !< mile. Right comer of north chimney of brick house 155 52 J^ mile. Left tangent of chimney of house 247 13 125 yards. HARP. General locality. — Western shore of Kast Fork of Langford Creek on point ojjposite entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at southeast end of row of bushes on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 20 yards southwest of edge of marsh, 20 yards west of edge of marsh, 24 yards northwest of edge of marsh, and 40 yards from a tree-fringed batik. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Clay " (N 46° 44' W) o 00 00 '4 mile. East chimney of brick house 23 45 ^ mile. South peak of large barn 52 31 i mile. Chimney of house 76 58 2 miles. 167 17 J^ mile. Northeast peak of long bam 201 39 ^^ mile. Chimney of small house 204 11 % mile. CLAY. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek about one-eighth mile south of Lovely Cove and five-eighths mile northwest of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 20 feet above high water and 6 j'ards south- west of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siuface of ground. Subsiuface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Lovely " (N 7° 19' E) o 00 00 fi mile. Left tangent of chimney of brick house 31 46 ' ■, mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (12 inches diameter) 50 30 4.61 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (12 inches diameter) 109 36 30 4.13 meters. West chimney of large brick house 118 24 i}{ miles. Nail in blaze in chestnut tree (10 inches di- ameter) 141 50 50 6.23 meters. Nail in blaze in chestnut tree (10 inches di- ameter) 172 22 50 6.24 meters. Nail in blaze in chestnut tree (13 inches di- ameter) 220 44 20 .... . 8.15 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (9 inches diameter). 255 37 50 5.06 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 69 LOVELY. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on nortli side of entrance to Lovely Cove and three-fourths mile northwest of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. ,^0.) Immciliate locality. — Observed station is at edge of cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 12 yards north of shore, i yard north of top of slight slope, and 70 yards east of a cut in shore. Maries. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Gut" (848° 15' E) o Chimney of large brick house 5 East peak of long barn 22 Nail in blaze in gum tree (3 inches diameter) 84 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diame- ter) 132 Chimney on east end of brick house 219 Near chimney of brick house 291 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diame- ter) 326 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 327 40 30 51 40 ^ mile. i}4 miles. 2 miles. 5.24 meters. 13.99 meters. J4 mile. >2 mile. 2.28 meters. 37 4.55 meters. GUT. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on point at north side of entrance to a small cove al:)Out one-fourth mile east of entrance to Lovely Cove and one-half mile northwest of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point about i foot above high water, 15 yards northeast of edge of marsh, 16 yards nortli of edge of marsh, 21 yards east of edge of marsh, and 65 yards north-northwest of extreme point of marsh. jl/arA-r. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Philip" (S 38° 26' E) o 00 00 Northeast peak of long bam 19 32 Chimney on southwest end of small house . . 140 06 East end of small shed 185 04 Near comer of brick house 234 02 Southeast peak of bam 238 07 Chinmey on ell of house 26S 40 Chimney on west end of house 357 47 }i mile. i'-2 miles. I mile. }2 mile. X mile. lii miles. J2 mile. iVs miles. PHILIP. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek at north side of entrance to Philips Creek and about five-eighths mile southeast of entrance to Lovely Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 10 yards east of edge of marsh, 15 yards northeast of edge of marsh, 17 yards southeast of edge of marsh, and southwest of a small group of cedar trees. Markt. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above sm-face of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 7o Survey oj Oyslcr Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — o / // "Ide" (S 33° 46' E) o 00 00 X mile. Northeast peak of large bam 22 22 i mile. Chimney on ell of house 24 40 J^ mile. North peak of building no 21 J^ mile. .Southwest chimney of small house 160 3S i5^ miles. Hast peak of small shed 178 21 iX miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diame- ter) 241 2>3i 20 15-79 meters. Nail in blaze in water bush (3 inches diame- ter) 272 24 10 g.oo meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diame- ter) 340 46 00 13-97 meters. IDE. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek at south side of entrance to Philips Creek about 2 miles northeast of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 17 yards east of shore, 15 yards southeast of a cut in shore, and 18 yards northeast of another cut in shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° / // "Hoo" (S 17° 22' W) o GO 00 • ^ mile. Northeast peak of house ig 30 i54 miles. Chimney of house 49 45 ^ mile. South peak of bam 148 20 % mile. Chimney of True house 293 22 }4 mile. East peak of large bam 346 27 ^s mile. HOO. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek about i' g miles northeast of main body of Langford Creek, seven-eighths mile north of Haw Bush Point and three-eighths mile south of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 10 yards southeast of shore , 14 yards east of shore , 20 yards north of shore , and in front of water bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Cult" (S'37° 20' W) o 00 00 fl mile. North peak of bam 23 23 ^ mile. South peak of bam 74 54 }4 mile. East peak of bam 115 33 i^ miles. South peak of bam 135 05 2 miles. North peak of large bam 311 01 X niil^- Left comer of east chimney of brick house . . 318 56 }4 mile. CULT. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on point about iX miles northeast of main body of Langford Creek and one-fourth mile east of Leary's old wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 12 yards south-southeast of shore, 16 yards east of shore, 4 yards south-southeast of a road, and 40 yards southeast of a w'harf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 71 References. — • o / // "Wann" (S 28° 24' W) o 00 00 Peak of house showing through trees 12 57 Chimney of house ' 22 32 South peak of house 53 03 South peak of house 147 08 . . Chimney of house 170 26 North chimney of house 224 39 Near peak of bam 355 43 .. yi mile. I mile. 2}i miles. ^i mile. 4-8 mile. I mile. J< mile. WANN. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on Haw Bush Point at west side of entrance to Kings Creek and Wanns Cove, and about seven-eighths mile northeast of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 2 yards south of shore, 2 yards north of shore, and 16 yards west-southwest of a persimmon tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Com " (S 58° 36' W) o 00 00... Chimney of house near shore 6 19 Chimney on south end of house 11 25 South peak of large bam 58 58 East chimney of house 93 05 Peak of house among trees 134 33 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (9 inches diameter) 184 32 00 . . . Nail in blaze in oak tree 196 22 10 . . . North chimney of Stoop storehause 226 54 North peak of Stoop long bam 230 32 vSouth chimney of house 271 15 CORN. yi mile, i^. miles. 2% miles. }4 mile. yi mile. yi mile. 12.76 meters. 1. 3 1 meters. yi mile. yi mile. yi mile . General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on east side of a small cove about three-eighths mile east of main body of Langford Creek , and one-half mile southwest of Haw Bush Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of ciUtivated land about 3 feet above high water, 12 yards east-southeast of shore, and 4 yards east-southciist of line of trees between shore and station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement montiment projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Neck" (S 55° 31' W) o Chimney of house near shore 13 Chimney of large house 20 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 41 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 83 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 132 Near peak of bam 144 10 Near comer of house 320 42 31 57 yi mile. 1 mile. 2 miles. 3.98 meters. 4.60 meters. 10.47 meters. 3<( mile. yi mile. 72 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. NECK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Langford Creek on Orchard Point at soutli side of entrance to East Fork of Langford Creek about one-fourth mile south of Cacaway Island. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 6 feet above high water, 6 yards south of shore, 12 yards east of shore, 10 yards east-southeast of point of bank in cultivated field, and 30 yards northwest of corner of peach orchard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Rejerences. — 011/ "Major" (S 4° 41' W) o Right peak of bam ' 31 Right chimney of house 51 Right chimney of small house 73 Chimney on right end of house among trees . 196 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 218 Nail in blaze in peach tree (3 inches diam- eter). 305 26 50 % mile. \''/i miles. Yi mile. lyi miles. yi mile. 11.67 meters. 27.58 meters. MAJOR. General locality. — Eastern shore of Langford Creek about lyi miles north of Chester River, three- eighths mile southeast of Drum Point and three-fourth mile south of Orchard Point. (See Chart No. 30.) hnmediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 25 yards southeast of shore, 17 yards southeast of edge of bluff, 9 yards southeast of wire fence, and 18 yards south of locust trees. Marlis. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Peach " (S 24° 02' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. North chimney of house ig 35 3^ miles. East gable of house 25 54 i>^ miles. North chimney of Ashley house 47 or i mile. East gable of house 68 32 i}4 miles. East gable of house 95 52 i mile. East chimney of house 103 30 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 128 02 10 16.49 meters. North chimney of Broven house 305 20 X mile. PEACH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Langford Creek about one-half mile north of Chester River and three-fourths mile south of Drum Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 4 yards east of shore, 300 yards west of peach orchard, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey oj Oyster Bars, KeiU County, Md. 73 References. — ° ' "Langford" (S 15° 55' E) o 00 North gable of house 11 54 Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 28 23 North chimney of house 72 35 East gable of barn 123 41 East chimney of small house 158 14 East chimney of house 167 58 Chimney of small house 179 01 East chimney of house igg 02 LANGFORD. J^ mile. 3^8 miles. 6_^4 miles. 2^2 miles. 3^ mile. lyi miles. ~yi mile. 1% miles. 2% miles. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River, on Nichols Point, at east side of entrance to Lang- ford Creek. (,See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sandy point among persimmon trees about 2 feet above high water, 12 T,-ards inshore, and 200 yards south of a marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Gordon" (S 10° 42' W) o 00 00 East one of group of four pine trees 2 21 East chimney of house 45 45 Chimney of small house 56 27 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 72 02 30 East chimney of house 87 27 South gable of bam 115 53 South chimney of house 141 02 Chimney of house 152 40 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 218 39 20 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 287 15 30 Northwest corner of Earle bathhouse 299 00 Cupola on bam 332 26 North gable of house 346 57 SPANIARD POINT 2 UPPER. 2S.-S miles. 3J3 miles. 2K miles. 2% miles. \-'>^ meters. I mile. i!-s miles. iji' miles. ^y^ miles. 2.23 meters. 7-63 meters. ifi miles. 2 miles. 2% miles. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River on Lower Spaniard Point aljout ly^ miles east of Nichols Point, seven-eighths mile south of Cliffs Landing and one-half mile southwest of Spaniard Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand beach about i foot above high water, 8 yards southeast of shore, and 300 yards northwest of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.72 meters S 70° 51' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cement-filled tile pipe bearing the legend "U. S. C. S. 1896," with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on stand- ard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of groimd. 74 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Mil. iK miles. 2H miles. 2H miles. 3 miles. iH miles. I mile. H mile. iK miles. 2X miles. 11.72 meters 3 miles. 3 miles. SH miles. References. — ° " Langford " (N 87° 27' W) o South gable of barn 2 East gable of bam 16 Church steeple 29 West chimney of Brown house 37 West chimney of house 76 Right tangent of piles of Clifls Landing. . . . 100 vSouth gable of house loi " Westcotts Windmill" 117 Reperbnce station 196 North gable of barn 295 Right tangent of woods on Gordon Point. . . . 302 East chimney of house on Grays Inn Creek. . 352 QUAKER. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River in Cliff Bight about three-fourtlis mile north of Nichols Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about 3 feet above high water, 8 yards north- west of shore, 8 yards southeast of a wire fence and a row of pear trees, and 6 yards south of a group of persimmon trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument p.'-ojecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Brown " (N 80° 42' E) o West gable of bam 15 Left tangent of Spaniard Wharf 24 Northeast corner of Earle house 70 North gable of house near Reeds Creek 102 Right tangent of woods on Gordon Point. . . 114 Lone oak tree 147 Nail in blaze in hackberr>- tree (6 inches diameter) 203 08 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 319 ig West chimney of house 351 40 }i mile. 2}i miles. i}4 miles. 2 miles. 3X miles. 3X miles. ^4 mile. 4.81 meters. 3.43 meters. J4 mile. EVANS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River on Upper .Spaniard Point about five-eighths mile south of Cliffs Landing and one-eighth mile northeast of Spaniard Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 10 yards north of shore, and 200 yards east of end of Spaniard Wharf. Marlis. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Mil. 75 References. — ° "Chester" (S 80° 13' E) o Lone walnut tree (6 inches diameter) 106 South gable of fishing shack near shore 136 "Spaniard Wharf 1896" (old triangulation station) 124 Right tangent of piles at end of Spaniard Wharf 167 North chimney of house i8g West chimney of house 212 Chimney of Martin cabin 219 N'orth gable of Cliffs Landing house 234 East chimney of house 247 North gable of barn 276 " Westcotts Windmill " 282 East gable of barn 308 North gable of Hay barn 318 East gable of barn 348 BROWN. 00 00 17 .. 00 49 30 23 •■ 26 . , 13 ■■ 20 31 ■■ 28 .. 23 ■■ 55 1° 31 °3 • ■ 30 • ■ ^ mile. 200 yards. yi mile. 2.49 meters. 25° H H 2X yards, miles, miles, mile, mile, mile, miles, miles, miles, miles, miles. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Chester River on Cliffs Point ]ict\vcen Cliffs Bight and Conimegys Bight about one-fourth mile west of Cliffs Landing. (Sec Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 12 feet above high water. 25 yards north of shore, 7 yards north of edge of bank, and 45 yards southeast of a large cherry tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Deep Point 2 " (N So° 15' E) o 00 00 i^ miles. West gable of bam 4 49 2 Vj miles. West chimney of house 22 55 j}-^ miles. North gable of small fishing shack 82 04 ^ mile. North gable of barn 115 26 3 ;.^ miles. Nail in l^lazc in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 157 07 10 13-55 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (15 inches diam- eter) 209 09 50 14.13 meters. East gable of house 220 55 300 yards. East gable of bam 334 04 300 yards. West chimney of house 338 ^;} I'j miles. Northwest corner of Martin shack 343 03 77 yards. West gable of wharf house 355 27 ^ mile. STRATTON. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Chester River at west side of entrance to Commeg>'S Bight near Cliffs Landing and about one-fourth mile northeast of Cliffs Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about on level with high water, 5 feet north of shore, and 21 yards southwest of entrance to a small creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 76 Survey of Oyster Bars, Ken! Connly, Mil. Kefercnces. — ° ' " Deep Point 2 " (N 83° 53^ E) o 00 Cupola on barn 7 50 West gable of comcrib 23 27 Southwest comer of wharf house 82 04 North gable of house 1 14 03 Right tangent of woods on Gordon Point .... 125 14 Pine tree on line with bulkhead of wharf ... . 154 29 North chimney of house 266 37 West gable of Westcott barn 319 58 West gable of bam 340 32 CHESTER. i>4 miles. 2 miles. i>2 miles. 100 yards. 3 miles. 3^ miles. 100 yards. 400 yards. iX miles. 1% miles. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River about three-fourths mile east of Upper Span- iard Point and seven-eightlis mile south of Deep Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a low meadow about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 2 yards south of board and wire fence, 2 yards east of rail fence, and 35 yards northwest of gate to front yard of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Evans" (N 80° 12' W) o 00 00 . . . South chimney of house 6 21 East gable of Cliffs Landing house 23 38 East gable of house ^ 35 11 Chimney of house 51 47 South chimney of Westcott house 76 43 West gable of bam 85 17 Left tangent of piles of Indiantown Wharf .. , 116 41 South cupola of bam 139 37 West chimney of Emory house 158 45 218 16 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 247 33 10 . . . Nail in blaze in locust tree (12 inches diam- eter) 328 54 50 ... J^ mile. 2X miles. i>8 miles. 1^2 miles. lyi miles, i^ miles. I mile. i>2 miles. iX miles. }4 mile. 100 yards. 11.67 meters. 24.18 meters. WESTCOTT'S WINDMILL. General locality. — Northwestern side of Chester River about onc-eightli mile inshore from nurlhcni end of Commegys Bight and lyi miles northeast of Cliffs Landing. Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 35 feet high and on a bani. It is separate from the water tank which is back of the bam. Marks. — Observed station is center point of windmill. References. — None necessary. CORPSE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River about three-eighths mile southeast of Deep Point, i>i miles east-northeast of Spaniard Wharf, and five-eighths mile southwest of Indiantown Wliarf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Obstjrx-ed station is on a sanded marsh strip about i foot above high water, 3 yards east of shore, 18 yards south-southeast of a point, 43 yards north by east of another point, and one- eighth mile west of a large house . Survey of Oyster Bars, KenI Coiinly, Md. yj Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Chester" (S 39° 24' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. Right tangent of Spaniard Wharf 30 29 i Vj miles. Chimney of house near Cliffs Landing 61 43 i3-4 miles. Right peak of house on Deep Point 83 48 j.< mile. Left one of two chimneys on south end of brick house 147 03 i mile . Left tangent of Indiantown Wharf 173 17 s^s mile. Chimney of ell of house near Indiantown Wharf 181 53 5^ mile. Left tangent of large house 228 11 J4 mile. Right chimney of house 297 55 ^ mile. Chimney outside of old house 359 07 J^ mile. DEEP POINT 2. (jcneral locality. — Northwestern shore of Chester River on Deep Point about 1^4 miles east of Cliffs Landing, 1^4 miles northeast of Spaniard Wharf, and three-fourths mile west of Indiantown Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, among several cedar and poplar trees on a point, 13 yards northeast of shore, 21 yards southwest by west of shore, 40 yards north- west of extreme end of point, and 120 yards southeast of a i ' 2-ston,- house. Cement monument marking reference station is on line with west end of house 17.14 meters N 53° 52' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch tile pipe set in cement with top 2 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument project- ing 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // "Thorn" (N 40° 10' IC) o 00 00 ^^ mile. Left chimney of house 11 43 3^^ miles. Left tangent of Ashland Wharf 13 04 i|s miles. Near chimney on west peak of house 22 58 2l4 miles. .Southwest peak of house near Indiantown Wharf 31 23 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in branch of cedar tree (15 inches diameter) 45 27 00 1 1 .48 meters. Cupola on bam 61 43 i mile. Nail in blaze in poplar tree (11 inches diam- eter) 93 54 00 15.02 meters. Largest one of three chimneys of house 102 07 1% miles. Chimney of brick house 153 25 i mile. Chinmey on near peak of house 233 39 1/4 miles. Reference STATION 265 58 20 17.14 meters. Nail in blaze in poplar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 266 00 20 17.78 meters. Right tangent of back of Westcott house 279 56 120 yards. Nail in blaze in branch of double tree (8 inches diameter) 340 43 00 19.74 meters. 78 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. INDIAN. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River near IncIianto\\n Wharf about three-fourths mile east-northeast of Deep Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Disserved station is about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards east of shore end of Indiantown Wharf, 10 yards southeast of shore, 21 yards north of curved fence of yard of a small house, and 40 yards north by west of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches I)clow base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Corpse" (S 38° 10' W) o 00 00 >/% mile. Right tangent of Spaniard Wharf 22 40 2 miles. Right chimney of Westcott bungalow 34 55 ^ mile. Near comer of wharf house 72 50 100 yards. Left tangent of Massey brick house g6 48 ' ,' mile. Large chimney of house beyond trees 146 08 i mile. Chimney of small house near Quaker Neck Wharf 161 24 I,' ^' miles. Left tangent of Ashland Wharf 176 19 5^ mile. Lone cedar tree 182 24 120 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diame- ter) 287 43 30 31.24 meters. Near corner of house 288 24 \s mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diame- ter) 305 59 10 1S.68 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (20 inches diame- ter) 319 41 10 30.92 meters. Right tangent of curved fence 324 40 40 yards. Chimney of large house 334 58 '2 mile. THORN. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River opposite White Cove near Westcott Wharf, and about three-fourths mile northeast of Deep Point. (See Chart No, 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 15 yards northwest of shore, 5 yards sauthwest of corner of board fence, 60 j-ards south-southeast of a brick house, and 42 yards southwest of piles of old wharf at shore line. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. " Shippen"(N 43° 17' E) o 00 Near peak of large house 18 40 Left tangent of Ashland Wharf 23 21 Corner post of fence (4 inches diameter) . . , , t,^ 23 Cupola of bam 104 13 Chimney of small house 159 09 Near corner of Miissey house 208 40 Nail in blaze in peach tree (6 inches diame- ter) 283 57 Nail in blaze in fence post (3 inches diame- ter) 338 27 j.2 mile. 4K miles. Ji mile. 4.33 meters. Ji mile. i}4 miles. yi mile. 13.74 meters. 5-35 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent Cimtify, Md. 79 ASHLAND. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River near Ashland Wharf and about one- fourth mile northeast of White Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 5 vards southeast of shore, 32 yards southwest of fence, and 20 yards west-northwest of persimmon trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Indian" (S 43° 29' W) o 00 00 '.^ mile. Right tangent of Indiantown Wharf 5 44 }< mile. Chimney on ell of Massey house 37 46 s-^ mile. Chimney of small house 116 46 ^4' mile. Peak of Quaker Neck Wharf house 145 43 y^ mile. Nail in blaze in fence post (4 inches diame- ter) 171 12 50 28.80 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 247 22 50 22.81 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 289 34 10 17.29 meters. Chimney of summerhouse 356 04 ,'j mile. SHIPPEN. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River oj^posite Ashland Wharf on point at southern side of entrance to Shippen Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh point about i foot above high water, 6 yards southwest of shore, 12 yards northeast of shore, 15 yards north of end of sand point, and 25 yards southeast of trees along edge of cultivated field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top pro- jecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with lop 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Oyster" (N 38° 22') o Chimney on left end of house 18 Peak of barn 26 Chimney on end of house 27 Chimney on right end of house 54 Left tangent of piles of Ashland Wharf 69 Chimney on near end of house 79 Spindle on barn cupola 135 Tangent of piles at Indiantown Wharf 154 Tangent of Deep Point 182 Near chimney of house .• ■ • • 189 Nail in blaze ia pear tree (12 inches diam- eter) 263 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 292 Near peak of barn 341 Smoke pipe on Quaker Neck wharf house . . 359 58 •• 24 . . 40 .. 35 40 46 10 44 •• =;6 .. 3<^ mile. 2)2 miles. 2^4 miles. 2^ miles. I mile. % mile. I mile. I mile. s 8 mile. iX miles. 14 mile. 22.59 meters. 20.70 meters. s^s mile. 5 s mile. 8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. BURNS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River opposite Quaker Neck Wharl', about one-half mile northeast of Ashland WTiarf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in meadow land about i foot above high water, 10 yards southeast of shore, 50 yards southwest by south of point, 145 yards northeast by east of a fence, and 200 yards northwest of another fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument References. — o / // "Ashland" (S 45° 22' W) o 00 00 Chimney of house on Westcott Wharf 18 36 .South peak of large barn 78 48 Near chimne)' of Quaker Neck WTiarf house . 8q 20 . I^eft chimney of old house 108 41 Left tangent 1 f hook-shaped point of marsh . 183 22 Near peak of house 196 25 Windmill 234 22 30 Chimney of house 280 56 Left chimney of house on Ashland Road . . . 323 57 5 s mile. I '^4 miles 5 s mile. '2 mile. ,'i mile. I ■ < miles '4 mile. I mile. I mile. OYSTER. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River about one-eighth mile northeast of Quaker Neck Wharf and one-half mile southwest of entrance to Jarretts Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 20 feet above high water, 8 yards west-northwest of edge of bank, g yards north-northwest of edge of bank, 25 yards northeast by north of a cedar tree, 100 yards southwest of low land, and 115 yards east of fence near a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-incli tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Jarrett" (N 67° 48' E) o 00 00 5 s mile. Left peak of Bookers Wharf house 21 00 i}i miles. Cupola 50 14 I mile. Windmill 50 55 " s mile. Left chimney of house 107 14 i-' s miles. Cupola on bam 123 50 i? 4' miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diame- ter) 143 13 30 24.go meters. Smoke pipe of wharf house 151 03 yi mile. Left chimney of house 180 43 130 yards. Left chimney of old house on near side of Jarretts Creek 277 29 } s mile. Chimney of house among trees 309 06 1J4 miles. STARKLEY. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River, about three-fourths mile east of Quaker Neck Wharf and one-half mile southwest of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in meadow land about i foot above high water, 10 yards east by south of shore, 33 yards south of first cut in shore, 140 yards north by west of a fence, 145 yards southwest of point where another fence meets shore, and 275 yards south of large cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Aid. 8i References.— ° ' ^' " Bums" (S 6i° 34' W) o 00 00 ' j mile. Left chimney of Quaker Neck Wharf house. 39 02 "s mile. Right peak of bam 66 43 i mile. Peakof middle dormer window of large house 114 30 '4 mile. Left peak of large house 163 4g i '4 miles. Left peak of Bookers Wharf house 187 48 '2 mile. Large cedar tree 191 11 275 yards. Spindle on left cupola of bam 262 00 20 '2 mile. Weather vane on bam 320 01 50 'j mile. JARRETT. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River, about five-eighths mile southwest of Melton Point, one-fourth mile east of entrance to Jarretts Creek, and five-eighths mile west of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 14 yards north of shore, 50 \ards from a short fence at shore, 65 yards west of entrance to slough, and 175 ^-ards from another fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Melton" (N 61° 34' E) o 00 00 H rnile. Left peak of house on ridge i 35 lyi miles. Right peak of small house 47 58 i^ mile. West peak of Bookers Wharf house 48 50 s s mile. Spindle on left cupola on bam 96 01 3^^ mile. Weather vane on cupola on bam 125 48 i mile. Chimney of house near Indiantown Wharf . 155 29 ijs miles. Large chimney of Massey brick house 169 16 I's miles. Smoke pipe of Quaker Neck Wharf house . . 182 so s^" mile. Peakof middle dormer window of large house 299 07 • '.mile. BOOKER. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River, ab;)ut 175 yards northeast of Bookers Wharf and one-half mile south of Melton Point. (See Chart No. 30. i Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sanded marsh about i foot above high water, 6 yards southeast of shore, 13 yards east by south of a small point, 30 yards southwest by south of locust trees, 125 yards northwest by north of a house on 20-foot bank, and 140 yards northwest of a creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Starkley " (S 67° 55' W) o 00 00 s^ mile. Left chimney of Quaker Neck Wharf house. 17 46 iX niiles. Near peak of house in woods 33 23 ^ mile. Peak of middle dormer window on left side of house among trees 68 05 J4 mile. Chimney of house 113 38 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 182 23 40 29.46 meters. Near peak of house on bank 293 48 125 yards. Right peak of Bookers Wharf house 350 47 175 yards. 14126 — 12 6 82 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. >]JlJosit(; Mcltdii Puint, iihimt one--half JOURNKV. (u-iu'i(il IvL all I y.-'li'dstem short- of iii)])i.t ClicstLT Ri\i inik- norLlicast of Hookers Wharf. (Sec Chart No. 50.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 20 feet above high water, 3 yards southeast by east of edge of bank, south of large elm tree, and northeast of several sycamore and locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Booker" (S 28° 15' W). o Right peak of Bookers Wharf house 4 Smoke pipe of Quaker Neck WTiarf house ... 41 Near peak of house with three dormer win- dows yy Right chimney of 2 ! 2-story house 107 Nail in blaze in elm tree (10 inches diameter) 134 Large cedar tree in yard near fence 187 Near peak of old house 318 Nail in blaze in sycamore tree (8 inches diameter) 355 16 °5 '2 mile. '2 mile. ij-S miles. J4 mile. I '2 miles. 22.70 meters. 400 yards. 200 yards. ;i.oo meters. MELTON. (Jctu'ial locality. — Western shore of upper Chester River, on Melton Point, about one-half mile north of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 4 yards south of shore. 40 yards north of shore, 32 yards northwest of extreme end of point, 2 yards northeast of marsh, and 125 yards east-southeast of clump of cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Pomona" (N 53° 38' W) o Right chimney of house on knoll 17 Right peak of roof of building 08 Left chimney of house 118 Northwest chimney of house on bank near Bookers Wharf 219 Northwest peak of Bookers WTiarf house .... 226 Smoke pipe of Quaker Neck Wharf house . . . 296 Near chimney of house with dormer windows 346 00 00 ■v^ mile. 17 I li miles. 07 '4 mile. 37 ^ mile. 20 )4 mile. 38 X mile.. 46 i}{ miles. 5° }i mile. CAKE. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Chester River, about three-eighths mile north of Melton Point and seven-eighths mile north of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh about i foot above high water, 13 yards east- southeast of shore, 35 yards northeast by north of shore, 35 yards northeast of rounded point, 150 yards north-northwest of entrance to a creek, 200 yards south-southwest of buildings, and 300 y^ards south of a house among trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County. Md. 83 yi mile. Vi mile. li mile. H mile. K miles. ■4 mile. H' mile. '4^ mile. 28 References. ° "Journey" (S 36° 29' E) o Chimney on ell of house to left of trees j Northwest peak of Bookers Wharf house . . . ,58 South chimney of near one of twin houses . 142 East chimney of brick house among trees on ridge 1 69 South peak of building 229 Large lone tree on ridge 299 Left chimney of large house 324 POMONA. General locality. — Western shore of upper Chester River about five-eighths mile northwest of Melton Point and one-half mile south of entrance to Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) hnmcdiiite locality. — Observed station is among small trees near edge of cultivated field, about 12 feet above high water, 6 yards west of edge of bank, and 8 )-ards from top of slope to marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / /r "Taste" (N 5° 30' W) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 14 Windmill 52 Right corner of house 71 Large lone tree in field 93 Left chimne>' of large house 103 Ell of house to left of trees 126 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 167 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 196 39 40 12. 18 meters. Large cherry tree 277 32 300 yards. BILL. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Cliestcr River uboul three-fourths mile north of .Melton Point and nearly opposite Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30. i Immediate locality. — Observed station is in grove of elm, ash, and oak trees on north side of a point about 20 feet above high water, 7 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 30 yards east-northeast of a small house, and 40 yards west-southwest of a fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 1; inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Cake ' ' (S 15° 41' E) o 00 00 34 mile. Right peak of Bookers Wharf house 12 04 1}^ miles. Nail in blaze in elm tree (10 inches diam- eter) 20 43 40 12-37 meters. Nail in blaze in elm tree (9 inches diameter) . 69 23 10 9. 92 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diam- eter) 129 28 40 2. 95 meters. East chimney of brick house 137 29 J-^ mile. Peak of sharp roof 155 53 ^ mile. " Robertson Windmill " 243 52 40 2^ miles. Spindle on peak of house on Rolphs Wharf . 247 37 40 2^ miles. Nail in blaze in tree (8 inches diameter) .... 280 24 50 7. 60 meters. Left chimney of house on ridge 322 17 ^^ mile. Nail in blaze in tree (15 inches diameter) . . . 343 25 10 12. 30 meters. Chimney on ell of house 349 32 i mile. }i mile. 5. 23 meters. 2 miles. 1J-4 miles. i,'i miles. I, '2 miles. I ' > miles. 7. 74 meters. 84 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. TASTE. Cciicicil locnliiy. — Western shore of upper Chester River on point at east side of entrance to Browns Creek, about r mile northwest of Melton Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immi-iliitte locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point between Chester River and Browns Creek, about 5 yards north of shore of Chester River, 30 yards south of shore of Browns Creek, 50 vards south- west of point of shore of Browns Creek, and 55 yards west-southwest of cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting & inches above surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Make ' ' (N 52° 14' E) o 00 00 ■' s mile. Windmill 7 11 30 i^ miles. Chimney of house 25 20 i J^ miles. Left chimney of house on ridge 68 58 i^ miles. Chimney on ell of house 84 20 !%■ miles. West chimney of left one of twin houses. . . . 142 ig Is mile. Right chimney of brick house 266 13 f^ mile. Largest cedar tree in clump (15 inches diam- eter) 350 28 54 yards. MAKE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Chester River about 1% miles north of Melton Point and three-eighths mile northeast of entrance to Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture land, about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards north of shore, no yards west of tangent of point of curve of shore, and 325 yards southeast of farm buildings behind trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Broad" (N 61° 13' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Windmill o 22 30 i '.'2 miles. Near peak of canning house at Wilmers Wharf 18 26 -I-' 8 miles. Chimney on ell of house on ridge 45 45 i ■4 miles. Left chimney of house on ridge 80 05 lyi miles. Spindle on cupola on barn 118 55 2^4 miles. Left chimney of left one of twin houses .... 155 18 f^ mile. West chimney of house 227 30 i mile. South peak of building in woods. 307 04 i mile. DOWN. General locality, — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River about 2 miles southwest of entrance to Southeast Creek and i mile east of entrance to Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30.} Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small rounded point of sanded marsh, about i foot above high water, 5 )-ards south of shore, 40 yards east by south of an inlet, and 95 yards west of a fence beyond trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 85 References. — ° ' " "Bill" (S 73° 52' W) o 00 00 yi mile. East peak of large barn ■ t,}, 37 i mile. Chimney of house 75 53 ij 2 miles. " Robertson Windmill " 138 57 20 i mile. Right peak of small house near Rolphs Wharf 153 54 2% miles. Left peak of taller of two bams 197 17 J4 mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 232 06 10 52. 50 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 253 25 40 47. 18 meters. Nail in blaze in pear tree (3 inches diam- eter) 348 29 50 14. 34 meters. JULIUS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River about one-half mile southwest o.' Wilraers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded grass point fringed by cedar trees and about 2 yards south of shore . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Down" (S 56° 12' W) o Chimney of left one of twin houses 10 Near peak of large bam 37 Middle one of three large trees 39 " Robertson Windmill" 130 South chimney of house at Rolphs Wharf. . 165 Weather vane on large bam 176 Northwest peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery . . 187 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 198 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 318 06 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (9 inches diam- eter) 345 21 13. 37 53 52 30 y^ mile. lyi miles. I mile. ys mile. iV miles. iSs miles. iX miles. ■?s mile. 4. 77 meters. 4. 30 meters. BROAD. General locality. — Northwestern side of upper Chester River, on an island at entrance to Broad Creek, about i mile northeast of entrance to Browns Creek. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on western end of a marsh island, about 9 yards north of shore, 43 yards south of shore, and 52 yards east-southeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Nils" (N 80° 24' E) o 00 00 yi mWe. Near peak of cannery 7 17 i^ miles. Chimney on ell of house on ridge 51 09 2^ miles. Right peak of bam 98 26 i mile. Peak of middle dormer window of large house 132 08 iK miles. East peak of large bam to left of large tree . . 190 34 i mile. "Robertson Windmill" 341 25 30 i>^ miles. 86 Survry of Oyster Bars, Kent (.'ounly, Md. NILS. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River, about three-fourths mile west of entrance to Southeast Creek and one hah' mile east of an island at entrance to Broad Creek. (See prog- ress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of cultivated field, about 5 feet above high water, 4 yards north of shore, no yards east by south of tangent of point of curve of shore, and 450 yards south- west of a house and windmill. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Robertson ' ' (N 59° 04' E ) o 00 00 yi mile. Weather vane on southwest peak of largest bam on ridge 10 46 i>2 miles. North peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery ,57 oj yi mile. Chimney of house near Wilmers Wharf 41 52 !-2 mile. West chimney of large house on ridge 133 32 i mile. Near peak of roof of house on hill 158 22 i mile. " Robertson Windmill " _ 336 55 ^ mile. WILMERS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River on southwest side of entrance to South- east Creek, about 175 yards northeast of Wilmers Wharf. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded grass point between ri\'cr and marsh, about 3 feet above high water. 7 yards east of shore, 5 yards southwest of shore, and 6 yards s nithcast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center pi)int of triangle on standard cement numumcnt projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried ^vith top 2 inches below base of monument. References . — ■ o / // "Julius" (S 60° 34' W) o 00 00 ,'2 mile. Chimney on near one of twin houses 4 58 2 ' s miles. East peak of large bam 27 14 iji miles. " Robertson Windmill" ^ 74 oy 30 ', smile. Cupola on Robertson bam .> 83 23 '2 mile. Flagpole on Rolphs Wharf 1 54 o& 20 i>-4 miles. Weather vane on large bam i6q 23 i}-2 miles. Cupola on barn 212 59 300 yards. Cupola on bam 284 57 s .s mile. Right peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery 348 26 175 yards. ROBERTSON WINDMILL. General locality. — Northwestern side of upper Chester River opposite entrance to Sovitheast Creek, about i34 miles southeast of Rolphs Wharf. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on windmill on high tower in rear of house. . Marks. — Observed station is center point of windmill. References. — None necessary. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 8^ ROBERTSON. deneral locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River near Riverside Wharf opposite entrance to Southeast Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards northwest of shore, 45 yards northeast of shore end of a wharf, and 100 yards southwest of a point of land. Marks. — Oliserved station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Thorsten " (N 52° 00' E) o 00 00 54 mile. Weathervane on large bam q 30 i^ miles. Cupola on old barn so 31 lyi miles. Chimney of house near Wilmers Wharf q-j 11 .^s mile. Pinnacle on cupola on barn 105 15 /4 mile. Northwest peak of cannery 117 41 ]-^ mile. Weathervane on cupola on bam 256 15 20 ^4 mile. Spindle on cupola on another bam 260 56 % mile. Spindle on peak of Rolphs lower wharf house 359 2g 1% miles. SOUTHEAST. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River on Deep Point at northeastern side ot entrance to S)utheast Creek about three-fourths mile south-southwest of Rolphs Wharf and one-half mile northeast of Wilmers Wharf. (See Progress map. I Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 19 yards south of edge of bank, 21 yards east by north of edge of bank, and 27 yards cast bj- south of extreme point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of m(mument. References. — o / // "Wilmers" (S 57° 46' W) o 00 00 '2 mile. Right tangent of Wilmers Wharf 2 57 J/, mile. "Robertson Windmill" 34 41 20 ^ mile. Spindle on cupola on barn 38 02 ^ mile. Weathervane on cupola on barn 38 32 J^ mile. Near peak of long, small shanty 118 31 2 miles. Left peak of large bam 134 39 i'^' miles. Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf house 140 54 10 7/^ mile. Right peak of long bam 191 46 f^ mile. Lightning rod between two chimneys on house 248 51 yi mile. Right peak of Wilmers Wharf cannerj' .... 358 34 s^s mile. THORSTEN. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River about three-fourths mile northeast of Wilmers Wharf and one-half mile north of entrance to Southeast Creek. iSee Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 12 yards northwest of shore, 10 yards northeast of short fence, and 4 yards southeast of lone cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 88 Snrvcy oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — ° r " "Blank" (N ig" 37' E) o 00 00 * 8 mile. Northwest peak of large bam 4 ,54 i>4 miles. Northwest peak of large barn 21 09 i mile. Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf 23 },-ii 5 s mile. Weathervane on very large barn 48 01 i,'4' miles. West peak of barn behind wharf 81 03 i mile. Lightning rod to right of two chimneys of house Ill 15 if^ miles. Nail in blaze in fence post 115 15 30 ..... 8. 85 meters. Top point of roof of large brick house on ridge 135 05 40 2^ miles. Spindle on cupola on left one of two bams at Wilmers Wharf 177 08 40 3^ mile. Northwest peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery . . igo 15 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 279 43 30 3. 40 meters. BLANK. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River about one-fourth mile west of Rolphs Wharf and tliree-fourths mile north of entrance to Southeast Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grassy point about 2 feet above high water. 7 yards west of share, 9 yards north of shire, 8 yards northwest of extreme end of point, and 40 yards from a dense clump of trees. Maries. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References . — o / // " Rolphs" (N 82° 37' E) o 00 00 ,'4 mile. Weathervane on wharf house 10 iq '4 mile. Left peak of wharf house 71 30 .'2 mile. Left peak of small house among trees 104 28 30 i3,^ miles. Spindle on bam cupola 115 06 iJ^ miles. Peak of middle dormer window of house. . . 271 38 i '4 miles. Peak of large barn 7,7,7, 25 S's mile. Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf house 356 27 yi mile. ROLPHS. General locaVty. — Eastern shore of upper Chester River about 100 yards southeast of Rolphs Wharl and three-fourths mile north of entrance to Southeast Creek. iSee Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grass bank Ijctween two large willow trees about 6 feet above high water, 5 yards northeast of shore, iq yards south-southwest of side gate to yard, and 7 yards southwest of a road 3 feet higher than observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 89 References. — o / // "Southeast" (S 22° 53' W) o 00 00 Peak of Wilmers Wharf cannen,' 15 06 Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf 76 59 Nail in blaze in. willow tree (24 inches diam- eter) 88 06 20 Chimney on ell of Story house 151 36 Nail in blaze in willow tree (27 inches diam- eter) 220 31 10 Chimney on ell of Story house 261 56 Nail in blaze in willow tree (25 inches diam- eter) 309 26 40 Weathervane on middle of lower wharf house 347 42 }^ mile. i'4 miles. 100 yards. 7. 16 meters. 53 yards. 13. 96 meters. 120 yards. 8. 51 meters. 100 yards. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessarv to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Com- missioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as mav be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delinea- tion on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in coopera- tion with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the corners of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyster-bar boundaries by competent engineers. There- fore the additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the published definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accuracy and very little to the convenience of practical use of the descriptions of the oyster-bar boundaries. As provided by law the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to 90 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 91 complicated 14-sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sizes have varied in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the comers of the bound- aries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made and the magnitude of the work with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as establisiied by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and the future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUND.^RIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundretl repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, and the one by which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name, in parentheses, is given the general localit\' of the oyster bar and the serial number of the Maryland Oyster Chart on which its legal boundaries are shown.' First column. — This column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clock- wise direction around the bar. Where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the corner of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second aiid third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definition of the location of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations ' These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast aud (ieodctic Siin-cj- at Washington, D.C. ()2 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. of the survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their loca- tion have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing"' and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. .Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station,"^ gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corre- sponding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner the bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of "Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars: one, to determine whether the buoys marking the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic sur\'eying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explana- tion of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar * The mean magnetic variation for Kent County was 6" is' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. . - Geographic positions of these trianpiilation stations ran he obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Washington. D. C. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent Coiinly, Md. 93 with this method are referred to the pubHcations on the subject by the Coast and Geo- detic Survey. (2) Hydrographic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the. advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation . Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a jjosition on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take "Phoenix Shoal" oyster bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3," is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Worton Point 2" and "Pooles Island 2 " as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner is 132° 04' and the angle between "Pooles Island 2" and "Bramble" is 68° 13'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a' three-arm protractor ("position finder"), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the boundary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adja- cent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the protractor. The 94 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent Comity, Md. second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant then the other until a point is reached where both obKerved sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true posi- tion of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set ofT on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic location of a point is attained. In fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the Connnission. (3) Magnetic bearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State fishery force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer can take compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination,' and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared altogether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the corrected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks, for which the bearings are published, have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used. This can be done by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying these new bearings in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic bearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point mark- ing a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic decHnation) given in the fifth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. 1 The mean magnetic variation for Kent County is 6° 15' west of north in 1911 and increasing'at the rate of 5' yearly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 95 The instrument is placed over a " triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the " Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of o° oo" oo" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary' "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit and a range line estabHshed on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. PHOENIX vSHOAL. (Chesapeake Ba-[ — Chart Nu. 2,S.\ Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. CT & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station 1 39 17 05.86 76 12 43. 96 N 30 43 E N 86 00 W S 16 23 W S 30 44 W ' S 86 01 E N 16 23 E Yards. 4821 4792 3737 Worton Point 2. Poales Island 2. Bramble. 2 39 17 09.44 76 12 52. 05 N 3i 37 E N 87 17 W S 12 48 w S 3S 38 w S 87 18 E N 12 48 E 4830 4574 3800 Worton Point 2. Pooles Island 2. Bramble. 3 39 17 32. 06 76 12 37. 70 N 35 26 E S 83 22 W S 15 oq W S 3S 27 W N 83 20 E N 1 S oq E 3964 4978 4661 Worton Point 2. Pooks Island J. Bfiimbk-. 4 39 17 29.08 76 12 28. 86 N Ji 3S E S 8s OS W S 18 23 W .S ?T ^6 VV N 8s 0;; E N 18 22 E .i94? 5U)S 460'; Worton Point ?. Po-.lcs Mand 2. Brumbk-. DEEP SHOAL. {Chesapeaki Ba-'. — Cliari No. .'•>. I 39 14 46. 00 76 13 47-63 N 28 31 E N 31 37 W S 18 29 W S 28 31 W S 31 38 E N 18 29 E 1288 5935 2754 Bramble. Pof.lcs Island 2. Mitchells Bluff 2. 2 39 14 47. 95 76 14 00. 80 N 42 01 E N 29 01 W S 11 09 W S 43 01 W S 20 02 E N 11 00 E I4nS 5704 2729 Bramble Ponies Island 2. Mitchells Bluff 2. 3 39 IS 19. 80 76 13 54- 11 S 10 30 W S 89 26 E N 36 50 W N 10 30 E N 89 i6 W S 36 51 E 793 4895 Mitchell: Bluff 2. Bratnldc. Pooles Island 2. 4 39 15 15- 75 76 13 37- 10 S 17 38 W N 6g 12 E N 39 54 W N 17 38 E S 69 12 W S 39 55 E 3793 363 5281 Mitchells Bluff 2. Bramble. Pooles Island 2. 96 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent Coimly, Md. COAL LUMP. (Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 28.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G, B. triauKula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 39 14 38. 93 / // 76 14 47. 98 S 16 40 E N 58 03 E N 16 07 W N 16 40 W S 58 03 W S 16 08 E Yards. 2477 2591 5508 Mitchells Bluff 2. Bramble. Pooles Island 2. 2 .59 M 30- 91 76 15 05. 52 S 25 57 E N 63 17 E N TI 30 W N 25 ';6 W S 6"^ "18 W S ,'i 30 E 2675 2975 5366 Mitchells Bluff 2. Bramble. Pooles Island 2. 3 39 15 26.40 76 15 15-75 S 19 54 E S 85 30 E N 12 16 W N 19 S4 W N 8s 31 W S 12 i6 E 4226 2935 3776 Mitchells Bluff 2. Bramble. Pooles Island 2. 4 39 15 22- .50 76 14 41. 05 S 7 51 E S 87 24 E N 24 05 W N 7 50 W N 87 2? W S 24 06 E 3871 2018 4195 Mitchells Bluff 2. Bramble. Pooles Island 2. GALES LUMPS. (Cheapeake Bay — Chart No. 2S. 39 II 37- .S4 39 14 19-47 39 13 i:-:(>° 39 12 56.97 39 12 07. 50 76 19 II. 77 N 58 42 W I S 58 44 E - S 61 08 W S 31 43 R 76 17 12. 2 T N 20 44 E S 83 26 W S 3 26 E 76 16 24. 20 S 510 w S 87 01 E N 7 32 E 76 17 19. 57 S 5 44 E N 77 08 E N 15 38 E 76 16 48. 30 ' S o 34 E N 54 43 E N 8 52 E 04 E" 41 W 4=; W 20 E 10 E 00 W 33 W 44 W 10 W 39 W 8263 6360 10261 1 1697 10144 3239 7561 4797 9066 u w 7227 45 w 4736 53 W 10526 Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range 1. Seven Foot Knoll Light. Swan Point v Pooles Island 2. Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Swan Point 3. Swan Point ^ Mitchells Bluff 2. Pooles Island 2. Swan Point ^. Mitchells Bluff 2. Pooles Island 2. Swan Point 1,. Mitchells Bluff 2. Pooles Island 2. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. MITCHELLS BLUFF BUOY. {Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 28.) 97 Cor- True, bearing I 15-93 N 75 02 E N 22 29 W S 75 02 W S 22 29 E 420 537 Haven. Fork. S 81 53 W N 81 53 E 647 -Orchard. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. THE HAVEN. {Swan Creek — Chart! Na. 28 and zg.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar * Forward Back tion station 1 I 39 08 38. 00 76 15 02. 73 N 7 57 E N 8 48 W N 34 12 W S 7 57 W S 8 48 E S 34 12 E Yards. 429 946 982 Haven. Rail. Fork. 2 1 39 08 43. 86 76 15 II. 20 N 51 09 E N 's 59 E N 16 57 W S 51 09 W vS " 6 00 W S 16 57 E 362 744 t6ii Haven. Rail. Uric. 3 39 08 46. 15 76 15 08.73 N 55 =3 E N I 05 E N 27 23 W S 55 23 W S I 05 w S 27 23 E 264 662 1149 Haven. Rail. EUiason. 4 3c) oS 41. 23 76 15 00. 77 N I 26 E N 40 38 W N 64 17 W S I 26 W S 40 ^8 E S 64 17 E 316 927 402 Haven. Fork. Treasure. DEEP LANDING HOLE. {Swan Creek — Charts Nos. 28 and 2g.) I 39 08 46. 24 76 15 45- 56 S 71 21 W S 9 02 E N 46 13 W N N S 71 21 E 9 02 W 46 13 E 616 772 588 Bank. Gratitude. Tavern . 2 39 08 49- 37 76 15 44- 33 S 63 51 W S q 50 E N 56 35 W N N S 63 51 E 5 50 W 56 35 E 687 872 548 Bank. Gratitude. Tavern. 3 39 08 49. 39 76 15 36- 27 S ii 46 w N 65 47 W N 53 05 E N S S 33 46 E 6=; 47 E 53 05 W 191 921 Orchard. Tavern. Rail. 4 39 08 46.71 76 15 36.40 N 48 59 E N 59 32 W S 75 32 W s s N 48 59 w 59 33 E 75 31 E 980 772 852 Rail. Tavern . Bank. LITTLE NECK. {Swan Creek — Charts Nos. 28 and zg.) I 39 08 14. 80 76 16 02. 94 N 62 42 E N 8 24 W N 60 55 W S 62 42 W S 8 24 E S 60 55 E 650 «73 1282 Gratitude. Bank. vSwan Point 3 . 2 39 08 28.87 76 16 01. 60 S 71 59 E N 22 41 W N 82 41 W N 71 59 W S 22 41 E S 82 41 E sn 421 1165 Gratitude. Bank. Swan Point 3. 3 39 08 38.08 76 IS 46.39 N 35 39 E N 82 04 W S 16 21 E S 35 39 W S 82 05 E N 16 21 W 273 568 507 Orchard. Bank. Gratitude. 4 39 08 35- 73 76 15 44-00 N 17 45 E N 75 51 W S II 07 E S 17 45 W S 75 51 E N II 07 W 316 644 416 Orchard. Bank. Gratitude. Sunvy oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, hid. TAVERN CREEK. {Tavern Creek — Charts Nos. 28 and zg.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. ttiangula- of bar Forward Back I / // 39 °8 27. 51 76 16 II. 76 S 80 50 E N 13 29 E N 77 40 W N 80 50 W S 13 29 W S 77 40 E Yards. 819 447 909 Gratitude. Bank. Swan Point 3. 2 39 08 30. 27 76 16 15.46 S 76 09 E N 30 31 E N 82 43 W N 76 08 W S 30 32 W S 82 43 E 934 397 797 Gratitude. Bank. Swan Point 3. 3 39 08 40. 79 76 16 02. 68 S 44 37 E N 77 28 E N 2 25 E N 44 37 W S 77 28 W S 2 25 W 812 602 592 Gratitude. Orchard. Tavern. 4 39 08 38. 68 76 15 59.86 S 44 24 E N 68 32 E N 4 15 W N 44 24 W S 68 32 W S 4 15 E 710 551 664 Gratitude. Orchard. Tavern. WINDMILL FLATS. {Entrance Roctzhall Harbor — Chart No. 29.) I 1 39 °7 43- 39 76 15 55- 17 S so 19 E N 66 52 E N 50 19 W S 66 52 W 2192 1344 Stevens. Windmill Point. N 38 12 W S 38 13 E 2140 Swan Point 3. 2 39 08 05. 75 76 16 00. 56 S 40 20 E N 40 28 E N 51 52 W N 40 19 W S 40 29 W S 51 53 E 2825 793 1504 Stevens. Gratitude. Swan Point 3. 3 39 08 08. 86 76 15 40. 29 S 68 37 E N 2 00 W N 68 37 W S 2 00 E 908 499 Windmill Point. Gratitude. N 64 21 W S 64 22 E igo2 Swan Point 3. 4 39 °7 55- 20 76 15 15. 66 S 19 51 E N 56 43 E N 34 42 W N 19 51 W S 56 43 W S 34 43 E 1912 237 1167 Stevens. Windmill Point. Gratitude. MUDDY DRAIN. (Entrance Rockliall Harbor — Chart No. 2g.) I 39 07 II. 20 76 15 47- 38 S 78 02 E N 32 35 E N 28 55 W N 78 02 W S 32 36 W S 28 55 E 1515 1915 3162 Stevens. Windmill Point. Swan Point 3. 2 39 07 20. 43 76 16 10. 52 S 73 22 E N 51 32 E N 20 33 W N 73 21 W S 51 a w S 20 2,1, E 2182 2094 2624 .Stevens. Windmill Point. Swan Point 3. 3 39 08 01. 67 76 16 23. 83 S 50 26 K N 56 40 E N 28 12 W N 50 25 W S 56 40 W S 28 12 R 3165 1348 1210 Stevens. Gratitude. Swan Point 3. 4 39 08 05. 75 76 16 00. 56 S 40 20 E N 40 29 E N 51 52 W N 40 ig W S 40 29 W S 51 53 E 2825 793 i5°4 Stevens. Gratitude. Swan Point 3. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. HUNT'INGFIELD. (Entrance Rockhall Harbor — Chart No. 2g.) 103 Cor- Latitude Longitude Troe bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 39 07 03. 80 76 15 28. 48 / S 86 16 E N 16 01 E N 33 52 W N 86 15 W S 16 01 W S a S3 E Yards. 988 1939 3634 Stevens. Windmill Point. Swan Point 3. 2 39 07 11. 20 76 15 47. 38 S 78 02 E N 32 35 E N 28 55 W N 78 02 W S 32 36 W S 28 55 E 1515 1915 3162 Stevens. Windmill Point. Swan Point 3 . 3 39 07 43- 39 76 15 55-17 S 50 19 E N 66 52 E N 38 12 W N so 19 W .S 66 52 W S 38 13 E 2192 1344 2140 Stevens. Windmill Point. Swan Point 3. 4 39 07 55. 20 76 15 15. 66 S ig 51 E N 56 4^ E N 34 42 W N ig 51 W S 56 43 W S 34 43 E 1912 237 1167 Stevens. Windmill Point. Gratitude. 5 39 07 45- 55 76 14 58. 40 N 44 34 W N 60 14 W S 7 33 E S 44 35 E S 60 15 E N 7 7^:^ w 2597 3243 1485 Bank. Swan Point 3. Stevens. 6 39 07 15-96 76 14 57. 43 N 10 q6 W N 47 27 W S 22 38 W S 10 s6 E S 47 26 E N 22 37 E 1480 3856 8416 Windmill Point. Swan Point 3. Love Point Light. GUM SPRING. {Entrance Chester River — Chart No. 3Q.) I 39 06 18. 23 76 15 OT. 87 N II 00 E N 30 53 W S 28 12 W S II 00 W S 30 54 E N 28 II E 1500 5306 6605 Stevens. Swan Point 3. Love Point Liglit. 2 39 06 34- 48 76 15 26. 56 N 45 20 E N 9 39 E N 27 23 W S 45 20 w S 9 39 W S 27 24 E 1315 2893 4512 Stevens. Windmill Point. Swan Point 3. 3 39 07 01- i:-. 76 15 09. 20 N 87 45 E N 51 E S 87 45 w S SI W 479 1947 Stevens. Windmill Point. N 39 13 W S 39 14 E 4003 Swan Point 3. I04 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent Cuunty, Md. WHITE MARSH. {Entrance Chester River — Chart No. 2g.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U.S. C. &G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station o , „ / // , / Yaris. I 39 04 59- 92 76 14 II- 5S N 14 08 W N 29 21 W S 54 25 W S 14 08 E S 29 22 E N 54 24 E 4241 8253 5466 Stevens. Swan Point 3. Love Point Light. 2 39 OS °4- 52 76 14 39. 16 N 4 29 W S 48 07 W S I 09 E S 4 29 E .N 48 06 E N I 09 W 3970 4996 6822 Stevens. Love Point Light. Wickes Beach. 3. 39 OS 32- 80 76 IS 16. 79 N 12 43 E N 20 58 W S 32 28 W S 12 44 W S 20 59 E N 32 27 E 3081 6518 S°8S Stevens. Swan Point 3 . Love Point Light. 4 39 06 34. 48 76 15 26. 56 N 4'! 20 E N 9 19 E N 27 23 W S 45 20 W S 9 3() W S 27 24 R 131S 2893 4512 Stevens. Windmill Point. Swan Point 3. 5 39 06 18. 23 76 15 or. 87 N 11 00 E N ^0 54 W S '28 i2 W S 1 1 00 \v S 30 54 R N 28 II E 1500 S3o6 6605 Stevens. Swan Point 3. Love Point Light. 6 39 06 01. 63 76 14 35- 07 N II 37 W N 33 50 W S 36 02 W S II s8 E S 33 51 E N 36 00 E 2075 6iS7 6506 Stevens. Swan Point 3. Love Point Light. UNDER THE BAR. ■ {Entrance Chester River — Chart No. 2Q.) I 39 05 32. 80 76 15 16. 79 N 12 43 E N 20 58 W S 32 28 W S 12 44 W S 20 59 E N 32 27 E 3081 ■ 6518 5085 Stevens. Swan Point 3. Love Point Light. 2 39 05 57. 81 . 76 15 50. 02 S IS 04 E N ss 40 E N 15 ^3 W N n 04 W S 35 41 w S 15 34 E 8847 2661 5442 Wickes Beach. Stevens. Swan Point 3. 3 39 06 34. 48 76 15 26. 56 N 45 20 E N 9 39 E N 27 23 W S 45 20 W S 9 39 W S 27 24 E 131S 2893 4SI2 Stevens. Windmill Point. Swan Point 3. k Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 105 HICKORY THICKET. (Entrance Chester River — Chart No. 2Q. Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- ol bar Forward Back tion station I 39 03 06. 52 76 14 54- 74 N 43 E N 79 00 W S 10 54 E S 43 W S 79 01 E N 10 54 VV Yards. 7937 3373 2894 Stevens. Love Point Light. Wickes Beach. 2 39 03 35- i^ 76 14 49. 45 N 20 W S 84 33 W S 6 06 E S 20 E N 84 31 E N 6 06 W 6963 3465 3837 Stevens. Love Point Light. Wickes Beach. 3 39 05 04. 52 76 14 39. 16 N 4 29 W S 48 07 W S I 09 E S 4 29 E N 48 06 E N I 09 W 3970 4996 6822 Stevens. Love Point Light. Wickes Beach. 4 39 04 59. 92 76 14 11. 55 N 14 08 W N 20 21 W S 54 25 W S 14 08 E S 29 22 E N 54 24 E 4241 82 5 ^ 5466 Stevens. Swan Point 3. Love Point j,i!.;ht. -^ 39 03 44. 38 76 14 28. 17 N 5 oS W S 81 02 w S 2 07 W S 5 oq E N 81 00 E N 2 07 E 6687 4058 4122 Stevens. Love Point Light. Wickes Beach. EAST NECK BAY. (Entrance Chester River — Chart No. 2Q.' I 39 0^ 5V 27 76 16 II. 63 S 30 II E N 30 10 W 5112 Wickes Beach. N 18 25 E S 18 26 W 6705 Stevens. N 5 24 W S 5 24 E 948 5 Swan Point 3. Thence along count \- boundaPi' as d •lineated on Cha rt No. 29 to comer No. 2. 2 39 04 15-3.'^ 76 16 34- 41 S 31 ^i E N 31 31 W 6057 Wickes Beach. N 25 49 E S 25 50 W 6240 Stevens. N I 56 W S I 56 E 8703 Swan Point 3. S 39 04 33. 16 76 16 01. 82 S 2 1 51 E N 21 50 W 6209 Wickes Beach. N 20 22 E S 20 22 W .ISSi Stevens. N 8 05 W S 8 05 V, 8179 Swan Point 3. 4 39 04 19.08 76 15 42.07 S 18 43 E N 18 42 W 5,';84 Wickes Beach. N 13 44 E S 13 4S W 5653 Stevens. N II 01 W S II 01 E . 8733 Swan Point 3. io6 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. ENTRANCE LUMPS. {Entrance Chester River — Chart No. 2g.) ; Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance [bar Forward Back tion station at// / /, c / / Yards. I 39 03 06. 52 76 14 54. 74 N N S 43 E 79 00 W 10 54 E S 043 w S 79 01 E N 10 54 W 7937 3373 2894 Stevens. Love Point Light. Wickes Beach. 2 39 03 13- 74 i 76 15 46. 03 N N S 10 39 E 78 28 W 60 10 W S 10 39 w S 78 29 E N 60 08 E 7829 2001 4162 Stevens. Love Point Light. Amour. 3 39 03 34- 90 76 15 45. 98 N S S 11 42 E 80 55 W 26 31 E S II 42 W ,N 80 54 E ^N 26 30 W 7128 1987 4245 Stevens. Love Point Light. Wickes Beach. 4 39 °3 35- 38 , 76 14 49. 45 N S s 20 w 8433 w 6 06 E S 20 E N 84 31 E N 6 06 W 6963 3465 3837 Stevens. Love Point Light. Wickes Beach. WICKES BEACH. {Entrance Chester River— Chart No. 2Q.) I 39 01 21. 86 76 15 15- 70 N 57 57 E N 33 28 W N 77 57 W S 57 57 W S 33 29 E S 77 59 E 1296 5002 ,5329 Wickes Beach Love Point Light. Railway Water Tank. 2 39 02 13. 18 76 16 24. 02 N 21 31 W S 79 43 W S 10 26 W S 21 31 E N 79 42 E N 10 26 E 2625 3470 5562 Love Point Light Railway Water Tank. Macum. 3 39 02 29. 54 76 16 03. 98 N 38 14 W S 73 27 w S 14 18 W S 38 15 E N 73 26 E N 14 iS E 2407 4112 6215 Lov'e Point Light. Railway Water Tank. Macum. 4 , 39 02 29. 16 76 15 19. 18 N 54 30 W S 77 16 w S 24 19 w S 54 31 E N 77 14 E N 24 18 E 3276 5249 6593 Love Point Light. Railway Water Tank. Macum. DREDGE ROCK. {Lower Chester River — Chart No. 2g.) I 39 00 43-67 76 14 46. 20 S 22 10 R S 83 37 E N 9 16 E N 22 09 W N 83 36 W S 9 16 W 4223 2791 2001 Muddy. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. 2 39 °° 52.68 76 15 19- S?, S So 27 E N 35 39 E N 67 42 W N 80 26 W S 35 39 W S 67 44 E 3702 2057 5524 Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. Railway Water Tank 3 39 01 16.43 76 16 09.35 S 74 05 E N 70 52 E N 17 12 W N 74 03 W S 70 52 w S 17 12 E 5159 2656 4559 Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. Love Point Light. 4 39 01 18.75 76 15 22. 18 S 68 08 E N 58 01 E N 31 II W N 68 06 W S 58 01 W S 31 12 E 4008 1496 5000 Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. Love Point Light. 1 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent Cuuniy, Md. SIDE SHOAL. {Lower Chester River — Charts Nos. 21) and jo.) 107 Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G, S. triansula- ol bar Forward Back tion station / // / // / / Yards. I 39 00 34. 80 76 14 02. 32 S S N 6 55 E 89 35 E 20 00 W N 6 55 W N 8g 35 W S 20 06 E 3639 1619 2422 Muddy. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. 2 39 °o 59- 03 76 14 II- 53 N S s 22 02 W 56 33 W 8 44 E S 22 02 E N 56 32 E N 8 44 W 1573 5387 4482 Wickes Beach. Macutn. Muddy. ■' 39 00 52- 93 76 13 48. 20 N S S 35 53 W 61 36 W 54 E S 35 54 E N 61 34 E N 54 W 2053 5816 4225 Wickes Beach. Macum. Muddy. MUD. {Louer Chester River — Charts Nos. 2-j and 70.) FERRY (KENT COUNTY). (Lower Chester River — Chart No. 2g.) I 1 ^ 39 00 04. 45 J 76 14 38. 00 S 28 01 E 1 ' N 68 25 E N I 51 E Thence along county boundary as N 28 00 W S 68 26 W S I 51 W delineated on Char 2932 2750 3299 t No. 29 Muddy. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach, to comer No, 2. 2 39 00 29.37 76 15 30.72 S 38 53 E N 87 30 E N 31 17 E N 38 52 W S 87 32 w S 31 18 w 4405 3949 2876 Muddy. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. 3 39 00 44. 20 76 15 09. 62 S 29 21 E S 84 27 E N 25 37 E N 29 20 W N 84 26 W S 2S 37 w 45°7 3398 2171 Muddy. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. io8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. BUOY ROCK. {Lower Chester River — Charts Nos. 2g and 30.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- ol bar Forward Back tion station I 38 59 28. 23 / // 76 12 41. 30 S 78 44 E N 29 44 E N 12 56 W N 78 43 W S 29 45 w S 12 57 E Yards. 2669 2895 2291 Bluebeard. Rain. Narrows Point. 2 39 00 10. 92 76 14 17.37 S 16 33 E N 68 30 E N 8 04 W N 16 33 W S 68 31 W S 8 04 E 2928 2165 3110 Muddy. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. 3 39 00 23. 40 76 13 40.32 S 2 30 W N 70 17 E N 27 57 W N 2 30 E S 7G 17 W S 27 57 E 3231 1105 3010 Muddy. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. 4 39 GG G2. 44 76 13 39. 18 S 67 59 E N 43 G5 E N 23 10 W N 67 57 W S 43 06 W S 23 II E 4467 1479 3661 Bluebeard. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. 5 38 59 54-3° 76 12 29. 26 S s8 40 E N 34 24 E N 31 3G W N 58 39 W S 34 25 w S 31 31 E 2695 1981 1588 Bluebeard. Rain. Narrows Point. HAIL CREEK. {Lower Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 00 27. 60 76 12 25. 07 S 32 12 W S 40 57 E N 63 i? E N 32 II E N 4G 57 W S 63 08 W 3982 3343 1131 Muddy. Bluebeard. Rain. 2 39 00 $i. GO 76 12 30.88 S 29 GG W S 40 53 E N 74 II E N 29 GG E N 40 53 W S 74 II W 4061 3581 1207 Muddy. Bluebeard. Rain. 3 39 OG 4G. 76 76 12 17. 24 S 31 24 W S 33 46 E S 78 51 E N 31 23 E N 33 45 W N 78 49 W 4467 3572 4027 Mudd)'. Bluebeard. Blakcford. 4 39 00 37-85 76 12 06. IG S 35 12 W S 3G 31 E S 79 27 E N 35 II E N 30 30 W N 79 26 W 4546 3332 3720 Muddy. Bluebeard. Blakeford. I Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 109 HAIL POINT. (Lower Chester River — Chart No. Jo.) Cor- True hearing; "nf' Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianeula- tion station bar Forward Back / // , „ / / Yards. I 30 00 03- 3.^ 'lb 12 06. 70 N 21 :;4 E S 2 1 34 W 1429 Ram. N 53 37 W S 53 38 E 1768 Narrows Point. vS 45 36 w N 45 35 E 3647 Muddy. 2 39 °° 38- 78 76 II S2. 80 S s8 2^ W N 38 24 E 4781 Muddy. S 24 49 E N 24 48 W 3ig8 Bluebeard. S 77 51 E N 77 50 W 3384 Blakeford. 3 39 00 31. 00 76 II 34. 58 S 18 OS E N 18 05 W 2777 Bluebeard. S 80 58 E N 80 58 W 2863 Blakeford. N 40 07 E S 40 08 W 2702 Break. 4 39 00 07. 90 76 II 4;. 20 N 8-, 51 E S 83 52 w 3072 Blakeford. N 4 31 W S 4 3' E 1179 Rain. N 66 19 W S 66 20 E 2230 Narrows Point. BLACK BUOY. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. JO.) I 39 00 30. 80 76 11 I 21. 27 S II 00 E N II 00 W 2681 Bluebeard. S 79 52 E N 79 SI W 2516 Blakeford. N i3 52 E S 33 52 W 2497 Break. 2 39 0° 49- 90 76 II 48. 77 S 71 14 E N 71 13 W 3380 Blakeford. N 55 57 E S 55 58 w 2551 Break. N 22 19 W S 22 19 E 2491 Overton. 3 39 0° 5°- 95 76 11 16. 05 S 64 22 E N 64 21 W 2595 Blakeford. N 41 58 E S 41 59 w 1874 Break. ; N 38 31 W S 38 ?2 E 2901 Overton. DURDIN. (Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) I 39 00 59. 82 76 II 16. 15 S 54 26 w S 58 45 E N 48 56 E N 54 26 E N 58 44 W S 48 57 W 990 2741 1666 Rain. Blakeford. Break. 2 39 01 13. 87 76 12 12. 17 N 32 32 E N 77 12 E N 12 27 W S 32 32 W S 77 13 W S 12 27 E 1245 2800 1533 Rain. Break. Overton . 3 39 01 56. 03 76 12 09. 10 S 13 24 E S 73 11 E N 45 38 E N 13 24 W N 73 10 W S 45 39 W 2540 2768 2377 Rain. Break. Fir. 4 39 02 00. 58 76 II 57. 00 S 5 S3 E S 67 44 E N 42 29 E N 5 53 W N 67 43 W S 42 29 w 2638 2519 2045 Rain. Break. Fir. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent Coimly, Md. BELTS. (Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 39 01 56. 03 76 12 09. 10 / S 13 24 E S 73 II E N 45 38 E N 13 24 W N 73 10 W S 45 39 W Yards. 2540 2768 2377 Rain. Break. Fir. 2 39 02 30. 78 76 12 29. 40 S 58 13 E N 77 37 E N I 24 W N 58 12 W S 77 38 w S I 24 E. . 3745 2287 1920 Break. Fir. Bay Bush Point. 3 39 02 41. S3 76 12 18. 36 S 51 05 E N 86 14 E N 12 13 W N SI 04 W S 86 IS W S 12 13 E 3718 1948 1593 Break. Fir. Bay Bush Point. 4 39 03 04. 03 76 12 29.33 f 3 07 E S 74 13 E N 75 41 E N 3 07 W N 74 12 W S 75 42 W 2221 2320 2969 Overton. Fir. Gordon. 5 3Q 03 02.02 76 12 10. 78 S 9 41 w S 72 08 E N 71 26 E N 9 41 E N 72 08 W S 71 27 W 2182 1836 2520 Overton . Fir. Gordon . 6 39 02 30. a 76 12 16. 98 S 55 34 E N 75 09 E N 10 55 W N 55 33 W S 75 10 W vS 10 55 E 3462 1973 1971 Break. Fir. Bay Bush Point. 7 39 02 00. 58 76 II "57. 00 S 5 53 E S 67 44 E N 42 29 E N 5 53 W N 67 43 W S 42 29 w 2638 2519 204S Rain. Break. Fir. PINEY POINT (KENT COUNTY). (Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) 39 02 46. 62 39 °3 18. 25 76 II 41. 20 S 63 58 E N 32 18 E S 87 04 W 76 12 10. 62 I S 12 50 w S 88 33 E N 61 00 E 76 II 43. 76 I S 21 47 W S 42 56 E N 81 22 E N 63 58 W S 32 18 W 2131 1808 Break. Fir. N 87 04- E 1147 Overton N 12 SO E N 88 S3 W. , S 61 01 W 1673 1740 2726 Overton Fir. Gordon . N 21 46 E N 42 56 W S 81 23 W 2905 1517 1697 Overton Fir. Gordon . Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 30 to corner No. i. 1 I I I I Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. BAY BUSH POINT. (Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) Cor- Latitude L mgitudc True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back tion station o / /, ° / // . Yards. I 39 03 02. 02 76 12 10. 78 s s N 9 41 w 72 08 E 71 26 E N 9 41 E N 72 08 W S 71 27 W 21S2 1836 2520 Overton. Fir. Gordon . 2 39 03 04. 03 76 I^ 29-33 s s N 5 07 E 74 13 E 75 41 E N 3 07 W N 74 12 W S 75 42 W 2221 2320 2969 Overton. Fir. Gordon. 3 39 °3 15-63 76 12 22. 55 s s N I 16 W 63 32 E 82 45 E N I 16 E N 63 31 W S 82 46 W 2609 2293 2720 Overton . Fir. Gordon . 4 39 03 58- 35 76 12 27. 02 s s s 6 03 W 68 42 fi 88 28 E N 6 0; E N 68 4': W N 88 26 W 1039 3022 4609 Bay Bush Point. Gordon . Reeds. 5 39 03 5=- 40 76 12 01. 00 s s N 43 37 W 67 II E 88 53 E N 43 37 E N 67 10 W S 88 54 W II 50 2312 3925 Ba)- Bush Point. Gordon. Reeds. BLUFF POINT. [Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) I 39 °3 52- 40 76 12 01. 00 S 43 37 W S 67 II E N 43 37 E N 67 10 W 1 1 50 2312 Bay Bush Point. Gordon. N 88 53 E S 88 54 W 3925 Reeds. 2 39 °3 58- 35 76 12 27. 02 S 6 03 W S 68 42 E N 6 03 E N 68 41 W 1039 3022 Bay Bush Point. Gordon . S 88 28 E N 88 26 W 4609 Reeds. 3 39 °4 17- 59 76 II 58. 20 S 27 16 W N 27 16 E 1892 Bav Bush Point. S 49 41 E S 78 39 E N 49 40 W N 78 38 W 2699 3927 Gordon . Reeds. 4 39 04 59- °5 76 II 48.68 N 62 39 E N I 49 E N 63 47 W S 62 40 W S I 49 w S 63 48 E 2994 924 694 Langford . Inn. Littie Gum. s 39 °4 59- 57 76 II 01.32 N 46 10 E N 05 W N 81 12 W S 46 II w S 05 E S 81 13 E 1962 1621 1890 Langford. Deep Cove. Little Gum. 6 39 °3 57- 95 76 II 42.85 S 51 IS W S 56 45 E S 88 ID E N 51 15 E N 56 45 W N 88 09 W 1629 1978 . 3448 Bay Bush Point. Gordon. Reeds. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. CHESTER RIVER MIDDLEGRQUND. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing - Distance of bar Forward Back tion station I / / 39 °3 57 95 76 1 1 42. 85 S 51 S 56 vS 88 15 45 10 w E E N N N / 51 15 E 56 45 w 88 09 W Yards. 1629 1978 344S Bay Bush Point. Gordon . Reeds. 2 39 04 59 57 76 II 01. 32 N 46 N N 81 10 °5 12 E W W S S S 46 II W 05 E 81 13 E 1962 1621 1890 Langford. Deep Cove. Little Gum. 3 39 °4 56 95 76 10 32. 18 S 37 S 81 N 24 07 32 10 E E E N N S 37 06 W 81 31 W 24 II W 2633 . 2402 1586 Reeds. Holton Point. Langford. 4 39 04 03- 60 76 II 24, 16 S 55 S 42 S 84 31 22 II W E E N N N ^^ ^° w 42 22 W 84 10 w 2138 1726 2971 Bay Bush Point. Gordon. Reeds. LIMEKILN. (Grays Inn Creek Entrance — Chart No. JO.) I 39 04 59- 05 76 II 48. 68 N 62 39 E S 62 40 w 2994 Langford . N I 49 E S I 49 W 924 Inn. N 63 47 W S 63 48 E 694 Little Gum. 2 39 05 41- 75 76 12 22. 00 N 8q 19 W S 89 20 E 557 Lucy. S 10 20 w N 10 20 E 535 Weeks. S 64 II E N 64 II W 833 Tray. 3 39 05 45- 80 76 12 12. 40 S 80 51 W N 80 SI E 819 Lucy. S 27 43 W N 27 4S E 749 Weeks. S 44 54 E N 44 54 VV 705 Tray. 4 39 05 °9- 67 76 II 43.87 N 68 06 E S 68 07 W 2731 Langford . N 9 46 W S 9 46 E 573 Inn. S 86 04 W N 86 03 E 750 Little Gimi. WILLOW BOTTOM. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 04 59. 05 76 II 48. 68 N 62 39 E N I 49 E N 63 47 W S S S 62 40 W I 49 W 63 48 E 2994 924 694 Langford. Inn. Little Gum. 2 39 05 09. 67 76 II 43.87 N 68 06 E N 9 46 W S 86 03 W S S N 68 07 W 9 46 E 86 03 E 2731 573 75° Langford . Inn. Little Gum. 3 39 OS 30- 75 76 10 45. 20 N 72 48 E N 36 ^8 W S 71 36 W S S N 72 49 W 36 18 E 71 35 E 1038 714 2415 Langford. Deep Cove. Little Gum. 4 39 04 59- 57 76 II 01. 32 N 46 10 E N 05 W N 81 12 W S S s 46 II W 05 E 81 13 E 1962 1621 1890 Langford . Deep Cove. Little Gum. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. NICHOLS. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) 113 Cor- Latitude I.oilgitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station / // / // / / Yards. I 39 04 59- 43 76 II 01. 28 N 46 03 E N 07 W N 81 04 W S 46 04 w S 07 E S 81 OS E 1964 1632 1892 Langford. Deep Cove. LitUe Gum. 2 39 05 3°- 75 76 10 45. iz N 72 52 E N 36 25 W S 71 34 W S 72 52 W S 36 2s E N 71 33 E 1041 712 241 1 Langford. Deep Cove. Little Gum. 3 39 05 27- 96 76 10 26. 56 N 51 22 E N 53 56 W S 76 29 W S SI 22 W S S3 56 E N 76 28 E 642 "33 2861 Langford. Deep Cove. Little Gum. HUDSON. {Langford Creek — Chart No. jo.) I 39 OS 27. 96 76 10 26. 56 N 51 22 E N S3 56 W S 76 29 W S 51 22 W S S3 56 E N 76 28 E 642 2861 Langford. Deep Cove. Little Gum. 2 39 °S 30- 75 76 10 45. 33 N 72 52 E N 36 25 W S 71 34 W S 72 52 W S 36 25 E N 71 33 E 1041 712 2411 Langford. Deep Cove. Little Gum. 3 39 OS 42. 00 76 10 41.32 S 85 24 E N 44 56 E N 69 24 W N 85 24 W S 44 S7 W S 69 24 E 906 971 550 Langford. Peach. Deep Cove. 4 39 OS SI- SS 76 10 52. 10 S 71 24 E N 69 OS E N 19 31 W N 71 24 W S 69 06 w S 19 31 E 1238 1024 551 Langford. Peach. Snub. 5 39 06 08. 55 76 10 26. 40 N 8 34 E S 86 23 W S 8 34 W N 86 23 E 1231 861 Drum. Snub. S 52 40 W N 52 40 E "57 Deep Cove. SAND THISTLE. {Langford Creek — Chart No. 30.) I 39 OS SI- 55 76 10 52. 10 S 71 24 E N 69 OS E N 19 31 W N 71 24 W S 69 06 W S 19 31 E 1238 1024 551 Langford. Peach. Snub. 2 39 06 25. 20 76 10 43. 22 S 34 07 W S 43 12 E N 77 31 E N 34 07 E N 43 12 W S 77 32 W 744 loss 1212 Snub. Peach. Major. 3 39 06 08. SS 76 10 26. 40 N 8 34 E S 86 23 W S 52 40 w S 8 34 W N 86 23 E N 52 40 E 1231 861 "57 Drum. Snub. Deep Cove. 14126 — 12 8 114 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent CuiuUy, Md. BOATHOUSE. (Langford Creek — Chart No. 30.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True beariag Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 39 06 08. 55 76 10 26. 40 N 8 34 E S 86 23 W S 52 40 W S 8 34 W N 86 23 E N 52 40 E Yards. 1231 861 "57 Drum. Snub. Deep Cove. 2 39 06 25. 20 76 10 43. 22 S 34 07 W S 43 12 E N 77 31 E N 34 07 E N 43 12 W S 77 32 W 744 1055 1212 Snub. Peach. Major. 3 39 06 29. 80 76 10 19. 85 S 6 42 E N 79 23 E N I 17 E N 6 42 W S 79 23 W S I 17 W 931 579 502 Peach. Major. Drum. 4 39 06 39- 54 76 09 58. 30 N 5 S3 E N 72 41 W S 20 04 w S 5 53 W S 72 42 E N 20 04 E 978 581 1334 Neck. Drum. Peach. DRUM POINT. (Langford Creek — Chart No. 30.) I 39 06 29. 80 76 10 19. 85 S 6 42 E N 79 23 E N I 17 E N 6 42 W s 79 23 w S I 17 w 931 579 502 Peach. Major. Drum. 2 39 06 54. 02 76 10 06. 02 N 26 47 W S 48 09 W S 16 07 E S 26 47 E N 48 09 E N 16 07 W 827 472 739 Davis. Drum. Major. 3 39 06 54. 14 76 09 58. 70 N 12 59 E S 59 36 W S r 02 E S 12 S9 w N 59 36 E N I 02 W 492 631 714 Neck. Drum. Major. 4 39 °6 i9- 54 76 09 58. 30 N 5 53 E N 72 41 W S 20 04 w S 5 53 W S 72 41 E N 20 04 E 978 581 1334 Neck. Drum. Peach. Survey oj (>y\ifr Hers, Ken/ Coioity, Md. "5 DAVIS CREEK. (Langford Creek — Chart No. 50.) a.r- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance u. s. c bar Forward Back tion station , // / // , / Yards. I 39 06 54. 02 76 10 06. 02 N 26 47 W S 48 09 W S 16 07 E S 26 47 E N 48 09 E N 16 07 W 827 472 739 Davis. Drum. Major. 2 39 °7 23- 47 76 10 23. 08 S 20 59 E S 55 51 E N 62 23 E N 20 59 W N 55 50 W S 62 24 W 1824 908 1025 Major. Neck. King. 3 39 °7 23- °3 76 10 15.45 S 4 37 W S 48 04 E N 55 19 E N 4 37 E N 48 04 W S 55 19 W 1298 740 861 Drum. Neck. King. 4 39 07 11.02 76 09 59. 10 N 16 30 W N 73 24 W S 31 00 W S 16 30 E S 73 2S E N 31 00 E 997 579 1037 Isle. Davis. Drum. S 39 06 54- 14 76 09 58. 70 N 12 59 E S 59 36 W S I 02 E S 12 59 W N 59 36 E N I 02 W 492 631 714 Neck. Drum. Major. ISLAND POINT. (Langford Creek (West Fork) — Chart No. jo.) I 39 07 29- 42 76 10 04. 32 N 23 33 W S 42 31 w S 19 59 E S 23 33 E N 42 31 E N 19 59 W 36s 6i8 756 Isle. Davis. Neck. 2 39 07 29. 93 76 10 12. 85 S 22 15 W S 33 33 E N 68 06 E N 22 15 E N 33 33 W S 68 06 W 5" 873 689 Davis. Neck. King. 3 39 07 4°- 33 76 10 06. 33 S 78 40 E N 14 13 W N 49 05 W N 78 40 W S 14 13 E S 49 05 E 477 673 913 King. Hornor. Eagle. 4 39 07 41. 24 76 10 II. 92 S 78 33 E N I 42 W N 43 45 W N 78 33 W S I 42 E S 43 46 E 628 622 785 King. Hornor. Eagle. 5 39 07 46. 05 76 10 10. 35 S 63 26 E N 7 24 W N 55 16 W N 63 26 W S 7 24 E S 55 16 E 641 463 712 King. Hornor. Eagle. 6 39 07 44- 76 76 10 03. 80 N 59 20 W S ii 15 W S 58 48 E S 59 20 E N 41 15 E N 58 47 W 880 237 469 Eagle. Isle. King. ii6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. EAGLE POINT. {Langford Creek {West Fork) — Chart No. 30.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station / // / // / / Yards. I 39 07 49- 80 76 10 15. 76 S 60 00 E N 13 56 E N 57 47 W N 60 00 W S 13 56 w S 57 47 E 827 342 523 King. Hornor. Eagle. 2 39 08 03. 30 76 10 32. 17 S 76 33 E N 40 03 E N 17 13 W N 76 33 W S 40 03 w S 17 13 E 528 383 642 Hornor. West. Mill. 3 39 08 07. 51 76 10 26. 74 S 54 29 E N 33 48 E N 35 13 W N 54 29 W S 33 48 W S 35 13 E 455 182 576 Hornor. West. Mill. 4 39 07 54.00 76 10 10. 23 N 28 32 W N 76 51 W S I 04 E S 28 32 E S 76 52 E N I 04 W 690 604 494 West. Eagle. Isle. WILSONS POINT. (Langford Creek (West Fork) — Chart No. jo.) I 39 08 34. 45 76 10 43. 95 N 31 23 E N 52 43 W S 36 43 W S 31 23 w S 52 43 E N 36 43 E 233 261 598 Locust. Bungay. Kinsley. 2 39 08 36. 6b 76 10 50. 92 S 17 33 W S 32 12 E N 17 33 E ■ N 32 12 W 580 286 Kinsley. Nat. N 67 24 E S 67 24 W 330 Locust. 3 39 08 48. 27 76 10 43- 35 S 32 01 W S 4 13 w S 21 38 E N 32 01 E N 4 13 E N 21 38 W 664 637 287 Whale. Nat. Locust. 4 39 °8 47- 35 76 10 40. 25 S 39 10 W S II 59 W N 39 10 E N II 59 E 687 618 Whale. Nat. S 5 55 E N 5 55 W 237 Locust. KINGS CREEK. (Langford Creek (East Fork) — Chart No. jo.) I 39 07 32- 33 76 09 21. 40 N 84 II E N 29 48 E N 76 07 W S 84 II W S 29 48 w S 76 07 E 463 287 734 Wann. Noth. King. 2 39 °7 35- 85 76 09 22. 70 N 85 10 W S 26 29 W S 85 10 E N 26 29 E 681 &00 King. Corn. S 81 44 E N 81 44 W SCO Wann. 3 39 07 41- 33 ' 76 09 00. 75 N 33 17 E N 15 38 W S 82 00 W S 33 17 W S 15 38 E N 82 00 E 583 363 404 Cult. Lear>-. Noth. 4 39 07 37- 85 76 08 59. 64 N 25 40 E N IS 12 W N 81 44 W S 25 41 w S 15 12 E S 81 44 E 670 483 434 Cult. Leary. Noth. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 117 BAILEY. [Langford Creek (East Fork) — Chart No. jo.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- oil bar, Forward Back tion station / // , // / Yards. I 39 07 46.33 76 09 03. 50 N 50 55 E N 8 01 W S 55 42 W S 50 55 W S 8 01 E N 55 42 E 505 183 397 Cult. Leary. Noth. 2 39 07 48. 83 76 09 06. 87 S 37 51 W S 8 46 E N 64 00 E N 37 51 E N 8 46 W S 64 00 W 390 515 535 Noth. Wann. Cult. 3 39 08 02. 92 76 08 47. 82 N 51 20 E N 22 57 W S 49 06 W S 51 20 W S 22 57 E N 49 06 E 539 184 579 Hoo. Nest. Leary. 4 39 08 00. 40 76 08 44. 30 N 37 55 E N 32 51 W S 61 00 w S 37 55 W S 32 51 E N 61 00 E 535 303 606 Hoo. Nest. Leary. PHILIPS. {Langford Creek (East Fork) — Chart No. jo.) I 39 08 09. 97 76 08 43- 38 N 71 58 E N 9 45 W S 70 01 W S 71 58 W S 9 45 E N 70 01 E 320 334 200 Hoo. Woll. Nest. 2 39 08 36. 04 76 08 40.31 N 28 27 W S 45 19 w S 44 45 E S 28 27 E N 45 19 E N 44 44 W 581 245 5°S Gut. Harp. Ide. 3 39 08 35. 95 76 08 35. 33 N 66 59 W S 60 59 W S 32 17 E S 67 00 E N 60 59 E N 32 17 W 959 349 421 Clay. Harp. Ide. 4 39 08 10. 16 76 08 37. 42 N 57 54 E N 33 29 W S 77 45 W S 57 54 W S 33 29 E N 77 45 E 175 386 353 Hoo. Woll. Nest. WARE. (Langford Creek (East Fork) — Chart No. jo. i I 39 08 59-38 76 oS 54. 90 N 73 39 W S 41 34 W S 12 19 E S 73 39 E N 41 34 E N 12 19 W 316 556 982 Lovely. Clay. Harp. 2 39 09 01. 97 76 09 00. 33 N 89 24 W S 24 II W S 18 35 E S 89 24 E N 24 II E N 18 35 W 161 551 1 105 Lovely. Clay. Harp. 3 39 09 08. 03 76 08 55. 6s S 54 28 W S 26 15 w S 10 23 E N 54 28 E N 26 15 E N 10 22 W 348 788 1272 Lovely. Clay. Harp. 4 39 09 05. 60 76 08 50. 16 S 74 15 W S 38 IS w S 4 09 E N 74 15 E N 38 15 E N 4 09 W 445 796 1172 Lovely. Clay. Harp. ii8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. EBB POINT. {Middle Chester River-— Chart No, jo.) Cor- Latitude IvOngitudc True bearing Distance U. S. C. & a. S. triancula- l)ar Forward Back tion station I 2 3 4 39 °S 33- oo 39 o6 13- 72 39 06 00. 20 39 OS 35- 3° 76 09 47. 26 76 09 28. 55 76 09 10. 92 76 09 32. 67 S 37 17 E N 85 37 E N 46 26 E S 13 26 E S 44 37 E N 79 51 E S 5 30 E S 44 06 E N 46 49 E S 26 14 E N 87 41 E N 40 23 E N 1,-; 17 W S 8s 38 W S 4O 26 W N i; 26 W N 44 36 W S 79 52 W N 5 30 W N 44 06 W S 46 49 W N 2b 14 W S 87 41 w S 40 24 w Yards. 1973 1721 2297 3025 1744 1191 2498 1095 973 1835 1334 1976 Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Brown. Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Brown. Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Brown. Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Brown. CLIFF. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) I 39 06 00. 20 76 09 10. 92 S 5 3° E S 44 06 E N 46 49 E N 5 30 W N 44 06 W S 46 49 w 2498 1095 973 Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Brown . 2 39 °6 13- 72 76 09 2 8-55 S 13 26 E S 44 37 E N 79 51 E N 13 26 W N 44 36 W S 79 52 w 3°2 5 1744 1191 Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Brown . 3 39 06 12. 68 76 08 40. 08 S 2 19 W S 5. 34 E N 30 40 E N 2 19 E N 51 a W S 30 40 w 1208 953 517 Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Evans. Stratton. 4 39 06 21.95 76 08 2 S.98 N 50 18 W S 82 38 W S 19 39 E S 50 18 E N 82 38 E N 19 39 W 207 529 960 Stratton . Brown . Evans. 5 39 06 12. 56 76 08 I I. 72 N 67 34 E N 47 00 W N 73 37 W S 67 35 W S 47 01 E S 73 37 E 1771 658 883 Deep Point 2. Stratton. Brown. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 119 COMMEGYS BIGHT. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) Cor- Latitude I^ongitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- bar Forward Back tion station I / // 39 06 12. 56 76 08 II. 72 N 67 34 E N 47 00 W N 73 37 W S 67 35 w S 47 01 E S 73 37 E Yards. 1771 658 883 Deep Point 2. Stratton . Brown. ^ 39 06 21.9s 76 08 23. 98 N 50 18 W S 82 38 W S 19 39 E S 50 18 E N 82 38 E N 19 39 W 207 529 960 Stratton . Brown . Evans. 3 39 06 38- 73 76 08 14. 70 S 42 54 W S 3 05 E S 83 07 E N 42 54 E N 3 05 W N 83 06 W 592 1473 1727 Stratton. Evans. Deep Point 2. 4 39 06 25.00 76 07 12. 53 S II 25 W S 80 30 E N 17 33 E N II 25 E N 80 30 W S 1733 w 1258 681 269 Chester. Corpse. Deep Point 2. SHEEP (KENT COUNTY). {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 06 23. 28 76 07 08. 81 S 16 26 W N 16 26 E 1225 Chester. S 84 36 E N 3 04 W N 84 36 W S 3 04 E 576 314 Corpse. Deep Point 2. 2 39 06 36. 86 76 06 50. 13 S g 12 E N 65 54 E N ig 52 E N 9 12 W S 65 54 W S 19 52 w 520 820 851 Corpse. Indian. Thorn. 3 39 06 34- 74 76 06 47. 60 S 2 eg E N 59 13 E N 14 ig E N 2 09 W S 59 13 W S 14 20 w 441 794 900 Corpse. Indian. Thorn. DEEP POINT. (Middle Chciter River — Chart No. 50.) I 39 oO 41. ()0 76 c6 52. OS S II 14 H N 11 14 W (),Ss Cori>se. N 77 V) E -'^ 77 30 W 8lS Indian. N 27 50 !■; ,S 27 .;0 W 7-^5 Thiirii. 2 39 06 43. 87 76 00 57. 40 S 20 o(j !•; N 20 o(. \\ 797 Corpse. N 84 01 I' S S.i 01 W 'MS Indian. N 40 25 K vS 40 26 W 740 Thorn . 3 39 07 04. 49 76 oO 29. 43 S 62 s8 W N 62 38 E 287 Thorn S 18 56 E N 18 s6 W 631 Indian N 82 48 E : S 82 is W i 883 Ashland Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. SHIPPEN CREEK. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. St G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station o / // / „ / / Yards. I 39 °7 13- 72 76 06 14. 53 S 55 34 W S 67 29 E N 65 45 E N 55 34 E N 67 29 W S 65 46 w 784 524 1386 Thorn. Ashland . Bums. 2 39 07 15.47 76 06 17.3s S 48 44 W S 65 03 E N 69 07 E N 48 44 E N 65 02 W S 69 08 W 763 616 1433 Thom. Ashland. Bums. 3 39 07 27- 58 76 06 05. 95 S 21 09 E N 84 24 E N 35 47 E N 21 09 W S 84 24 w S 35 47 W 716 1043 952 Ashland. Bums. Oyster. 4 39 07 25- 53 76 06 02. 93 S 16 39 E N 79 54 E N 29 33 E N 16 39 W S 79 54 W S 29 34 W 626 974 967 Ashland. Bums. Oyster. HADDAWAY. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 07 43- 52 76 05 44. 28 S 14 27 w S 47 07 E S 86 47 E N 14 27 E N 47 07 W N 86 47 W 1246 641 1156 Ashland. Bums. Starkley. 2 39 07 45- 08 76 OS 45. 80 S 12 09 W S 46 12 E S 84 23 E N 12 09 E N 46 II W N 84 23 W 1287 70s 1200 Ashland. Bums. Starkley. 3 39 07 S3. 66 76 OS 33. 76 S 13 57 E S 65 08 E N 67 09 E N 13 57 W N 65 07 W S 67 09 W 799 967 819 Bums. Starkley. Jarrett. 4 39 °7 SI- 65 76 05 31. 78 S II 13 E S 67 40 E N 61 14 E N II 13 W N 67 40 W S 61 14 W 724 892 803 Bums. Starkley. Jarrett. HOLLYDAY (KENT COUNTY). {Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) I 39 07 45. 52 76 OS 27. ss f 3 23 E S 79 31 E N 44 58 E N 3 23 W N 79 31 W S 44 59 W 504 726 839 Bums. Starkley. Jarrett. 3 39 08 00. 77 76 05 00. 72 S 77 SI E S so E S 33 34 W N 77 so W N so W N 33 34 E 1072 646 1221 Booker. Starkley. Bums. 3 39 07 53. 80 76 05 00. 86 N 89 29 E N 19 07 W S 84 25 w S 89 30 W S 19 07 E N 84 25 E 1051 333 "59 Booker. Jarrett. Oyster. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. MELTON POINT. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station o , // / // / , Yards. I 39 o8 20. 56 76 04 30. IS S 79 04 E N 18 47 E N 57 27 W N 79 04 W S 18 47 W S 57 27 E 668 55° 1036 Journey. Cake. Pomona. 2 39 08 31.66 76 04 45- 37 S 41 og E N 75 46 E N 28 21 W N 41 og W S 75 46 w S 28 21 E 617 595 ii6g Melton. Cake. Taste. 3 39 08 25. 78 76 04 29. 37 S 64 31 E N 24 26 E N 66 53 W N 64 31 W S 24 26 W S 66 54 E 704 378 972 Journey. Cake. Pomona. NORTHWEST (KENT COUNTY). (Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 08 25. 78 76 04 29. 37 S 64 31 E N 64 31 W 704 Journey. N 24 26 E S 24 26 W 378 Cake. N 66 53 W S 66 54 E 972 Pomona. 2 39 08 49. 92 76 04 53. 37 S 59 II E N 59 10 W 916 Cake. N 66 46 E S 66 46 W 636 Bill. N 39 52 W S 39 52 E 538 Taste. ?■ 39 08 30. 13 76 04 28.43 S S3 39 E N 53 39 W 759 Journey. N 33 40 E S 33 40 W 238 Cake. N 75 40 W S 75 40 E 948 Pomona. APPENDIXES. Appendix A.— LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OE THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, in surveying the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland : [Act of Congress approved May 26, 1906.] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioner of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Mar>'land, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam launches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretary' of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessarj' to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its ])assage. [Act of Congreiis approved June .^o, 1906.! AM ACT MakioE appropriations tor sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and se^■en. and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, namely ; * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey; * * * For any special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, approved May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six, and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars, 123 124 Stirvey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. together with the unexpended balance under this appropriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby reappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven. * * * [Act of Congress approved March 4. 1907.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. * * * (Act of Congress approved May 27. 1908.] AN ACT Making appropriations for simdry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * * * Coast .'\nd Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved March 4. 19C59.] AN ACT Making appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special siu-veys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved June 25, 1910.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Govertmient for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, and for other purposes. Be it e->iacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending Jime thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available, fifteen thousand dollars. [.\ct of Congress approved March 4, 1911.I AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available, tliirtcen thousand dollars. * * * Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 125 (Act of the Legislature of Maryland approved April 2, 1906.I AN ACT To establish and promote the industry ofoyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this Act, and * * * Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following sections be, and tliey are hereby, added to article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters." * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a wTitten report of said survey, as hereinafter required . A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapolis, and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all natural beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. * * * Sec. 87. The Governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States coast and geodetic siurvey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. Sec. 89. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, 1906, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by the United States coast and geodetic survey and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and acctu"ate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this Act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the said to the Clerks of the Circuit court for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed as hereinafter provided; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose. And the said survey and report, w^en filed, subject to the right of appeal hereafter provided for in this Act, shall be taken in all of the coitfts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars or rocks lying witliin the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this Act, and that all areas of the Chesa- peake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland, not shown in the surve)' to be natiu-al oyster beds, bars or rocks shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms and open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this Act; provided, that the said survey and report shall not be construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appropriated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this Act. The law of the State of Maryland, passed March 9, 1842, authorizing officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the survey, is as follows: AN ACT Concerning the Survey of the Coast of Maryland. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United 126 Survey of Dysicr Bays, Kent ('oitnly, Md. States, * * * at any time hereafter to enter upon lands within tliis State for the purpose of exploring, surveying, triangulating, or leveling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injury to private or other property. Sec. 2.' And be it enacted, That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injury to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious freeholders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or posses- sors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days' notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses (to be by them sworn or affirmed and examined), shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceed- ings in writing imder their hands and seals and file the same within five days thereafter in the office of the clerk of the county in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as aforesaid, and the said report so made as aforesaid if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of congress afore- said, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either party may and shall be heard before and the damage assessed by a jury of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. Sec. 3. And he it enacted. That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument or building or any appendage thereto, erected, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severall)- forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first prosecute the same before any justice of the peace of the county where the person so offending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of tlie United States of America, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Appendix B.^THE HAMAN OYSTER CULTURE LAW. [P^xtract from Second Report of Shell Vhb Commission.] OBJECT. "The legislature in placing chapter 711 of the acts of iqo6, better known as the Haman Oyster Culture Law, upon the statute books of Maryland, had a twofold object in view: " I. To encourage an industry in oyster culture upon the barren bottoms beneath the tidewaters of the State. "2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars for the purpose of oyster cultiure. " ^ Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except through the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 127 "To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing of natural bars impossible, pro- vision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accurately locating and marking the same. It was definitely provided that no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, charted, and marked with buoys. " Definition ov a Naturai, Oyster Bar. natural bar not defined. "The Shell Fish Commission is instructed by section 90 of the Haman Oyster Culture Law to exercise its judgment liberally in favor of the natural bars when surveying, charting and buoying them, but other than this the Commission is uninstructed in this important matter. The responsibility of defining a natural bar is placed upon the Commission." DIVERSITY OF OPINION. " No definition of a natural oyster bar could be formulated by any man or body of men which would meet with the approval of all parties concerned. Oystermen, as a rule, hold that all bottoms where oysters grow or have grown naturally even though now practically barren of oysters should be considered natural bars. Other citizens of the vState who are not directly interested in the oyster business, but interested in the oyster industry from the standpoint of revenue, hold, as a rule, that no bottoms should be excluded from leasing for oyster culture which, by methods known to oyster culturists, may be made to yield a greater number of oysters than they now produce. " It should be evident to every one that neither of these definitions could be adopted by the Com- mission as a working basis for determining which of the grounds surveyed are natural oyster bars." THE GOLDSBOROUGH DEFINITION. The definition of a natural oyster bar which very nearly approaches a reasonable and satisfactory compromise between the views of the subject held by oystermen on one hand and by oyster culturists on the other is that contained in an opinion rendered by Judge Charles F. Goldsborough in the circuit court for Dorchester County in the July term, 1881, in the case of William T. Windsor and George R. Todd V. Job T. Moore. This definition has been adopted by the Shell Fish Commission as the basis for the determination of the status of the various oyster bottoms surveyed and is as follows: What then is a natural bar or bed of oysters? It would be a palpable absurdity for the State to attempt to promote the propagation and gro^vth of oysters and to encourage its citizens, by a grant of land, to engage in their culture, if the lands authorized to he taken up were only those upon which oysters do not and can not be made to grow. That there may be lands covered by water in the State where no oysters can be foimd, but where, if planted, they could be cultivated successfully, may be possible, but, if so, I imagine that their extent must be too limited for them to be of much practical, general advantage for the purposes of such a law as the one under discussion; but there are thousands of acres of hard and shifting sands where oysters not onh- are not found, but where it would be folly to plant them, and these latter it can not be supposed that the State intended to offer to give away, for the simple reason that the .State could not help knowing that nobody would have them. Upon the other hand there are large and numerous tracts where oysters of natural growth may be found in moderate numbers, but not in quantities sufficient to make it profitable to catch them, and yet where oysters may be successfully planted and propagated. In my opinion these can not be called natural bars or beds of oysters, within the meaning of the Act of Assembly, and it is just such lands as these that the State meant to allow to be taken up under the provisions of the above-mentioned section of the Act. But there is still another class of lands where oysters grow naturally and in large quantities and to which the public are now and have been for many years in the habit of resorting with a view to earning a livelihood by catching this natiu^al growth, and here, I think, is the true test of the whole question. Land can not be said to be a natural oyster bar or bed merely because oysters are scattered here and there upon it, and because if planted they will readily live and thrive there; but whenever the natural growth is so thick and abundant that the public resort to it for a livelihood, it is a natural oyster bar or bed and comes within the above-quoted restriction in the law, and can not be located or appropriated by any individual. 128 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. APPLICATION OF DEFINITION. Before this definition may be of use in determining, accm'ately and scientifically, the status of an oyster ground, its central idea, "livelihood," must be expanded into accurately determinable factors, and these factors must be combined into a practical scheme of investigating the condition of the ground under consideration. Stated briefly, a livelihood is represented by a sum of money obtained from the sale, at a fixed price, of a certain quantity of oysters gathered in a given time from an allotted area of ground. Knowing the value of each of these factors it becomes possible to calculate the number of oysters an oyster ground must produce per square yard in order that oystermen may secure a livelihood by working upon it. Note. — The factors into which the Commission resolved the livelihood problem, the value assigned to each factor, and the scheme devised for practical use in examining and applying the definition to oyster bottoms are given in outline in their second report imder the heading of the preceding extract, and in detail in their first report on pages 32 to 69. Appendix C— SUMMARY OF THE PARTICULAR SURVEYING OPERATIONS WHICH CON- STITUTE AN "OYSTER SURVEY" AS NOW BEING CARRIED ON IN MARYLAND. Explanation. — A brief account of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster stu-vey" as now being carried on in Maryland will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to many who may not understand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its complicated character. To those familiar with methods used in surveying and charting the characteristic features of large bodies of water there is an evident necessity for the various operations performed, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of the private lots leased for purposes of oyster culture must be surveyed and charted with the greatest practical accuracy. To others it will be sufficient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that in order to avoid endless dissatisfaction and litigation it is necessary to accurately locate and per- manently establish oyster boundaries as is now being done in Maryland. Triangulation survey. — Such refinement of survey work as that demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey when carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by the use of a system of triangulation as a framework or foundation. Therefore, a triangulation survey including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments and a record of the descriptions of their locations for future recovery is a necessar>' operation of a complete oyster survey. Topographic survey. — The technical records which establish the relation between the offshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engineers in making resurveys, but do not supply the needs of others who are interested in the same boundaries by reason of their occupation as oystermen concerned as to the public oyster bars, or oyster culturists concerned as to the leasable bottoms. For these it is necessary to have the charts of the survey show the relation of the shore line and other topographic features to the boundaries of the public oyster bars and private oyster farms. Therefore, a topographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Hydrographic survey. — In the settlement of the important question of what is, or what is not, a natural oyster bar, and in the consideration of bottoms to be selected for purposes of oyster culture, information as to the depth of water and the character of the bottom is required. Therefore, a hydro- graphic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Necessary foundation for an oyster survey. — Consequently, the necessary components of a satis- factory foundation for a complete oyster survey are the three classes of survey operations technically named triangulation, topography, and hydrography, or, stated in another way, the foundation of a practical oyster survey includes the surveying operations usually followed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey leading up to the preparation and publication of nautical charts. Special surveys and investigations pertaining to oysters. — Having obtained this cartographic survey for a foundation, partly by new work and partly from records of previous work of the Government, the combined operations ' making up an "oyster survey" are completed by superimposing on this founda- tion special surveys and investigations pertaining particularly to oysters or other shell fish. * See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent Comity, Md. 129 The special surveys pertaining to oysters furnish information as to the location and outline of oyster- shell bottoms, and are carried on by the sounding boat party in addition to the usual hydrographic work.' This operation consists of the observation and record of the character of vibration of a wire and chain apparatus which is dragged over the bottom, the vibrations or lack of vibrations indicating the presence and quantity of shells or absence of shells. The special oyster investigations - consist of the actual determination of the kind and quantity of oysters on the bottom, and such economic and biological studies of the sujjply of oyster food, density of water, character of the bottom, and other important matters as affect the growth of oysters. In this work the oyster investigation stations are located and buoyed b)- the hydrographic party while engaged in the survey of the oyster-shell limits. They are selected with the view of obtaining characteristic data which can be used for the interpretation of the recorded vibrations of the chain apparatus at all other points covered by the siu'vey. Preparation of results. — The actual surveying operations and oyster investigations having been completed for any one county, there still remains technical work of nearly equal magnitude to that described.^ This work consists of the preparation of charts and technical descriptions of boundaries and landmarks for publication by the Government, the preparation of that part of the annual'report of the Commission covering the special oyster surveys and investigations, the making of the leasing charts and finished projections, and finally the filing of the oyster charts and records with the courts and the Commission, thus opening a county for oyster culture. Summary. — From the foregoing account it can be seen that a complete oyster survey' properly conducted so as to answer all practical requirements of the present and permanency of results for the future is a ver^- complicated affair, involving many lines of surveying and other scientific work, and requiring the professional services of experts in the various operations of cartographic surveying and shell-fish investigations. ' See pages 104 to 123 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." - See pages 30 to 67 and 129 to 199 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." 3 No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the Commission, which is greatly complicated and increased by the effect of the oyster-survey operations on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved; or of the large amount of survey work involved in the sur\'cy and record of the boundaries of oyster lots leased from the State by private individuals for the purposes of oyster culture. 14126 — 12- 9 130 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Mil. a e S '^ < S" H ".s ^ •g& W S jj M ■z oSi A go (A tn w WW °^ W M H s<:>^ ft io-° O OT •c|,£. ft o t/3 •0 fflt« H Sg,s. XJl H 5 >i " » "? Cfl « g — ft -n'^'2 Sii? s^ CO ao 4; < II fl a+j' ft £1/ 1;^ ^ c3 m If il i ilillif ill §lf I & ;5<;o, igii. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, together with certain technical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shell fish com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, and 1912. Respectfully, O. H. Tittmann, Superintendeitf. To Hon. Charles Nagel, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. 3 CERTIFICATION. Baltimore, Md., November 28, igii. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks estabHshed in Queen Annes County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, Chiej of Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Baltimore, Md., November 28, 191 1. Examined and certified to be correct. Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell Grave, Benjamin K. Green, Maryland Shell Fish Commission. SwEPSON Earle, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — Certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of Queen Annes County were filed in the oifice of the clerk of the circuit court of Queen Annes County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners on November 29, 191 1. 5 I 11 I CONTENTS. Page. Progress map follows 176 Letter of submittal 3 Certification -. S Introduction: Publications , 15 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey , . 16 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries 16 General statement of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey 16 Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions 18 Organization and equipment 18 Chronological statement of work 19 Statistics 21 General remarks 21 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster bars 22 Leasing charts 23 Projections 24 Progress maps 24 Boundaries of the county waters: Waters within territorial limits of county 25 Waters contiguous to county 26 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations): Explanation 27 Method of describing triangulation stations 27 Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Chart No. 2Q (Chesapeake Bay and entrance to Chester River) — Swan Point 3 30 Bank 30 Gratitude 31 Windmill Point 31 Stevens 32 Baltimore Light {see Progress map) 32 Sandy Point Light 32 Ring 32 Love Point Light 33 Amour 33 Railway Water Tank 3^, Wickes Beach 34 iSfarrows Point (see also Chart No. 30) ■. 34 Macum 3S Thin 35 Muddy (see also Chart No. 30) 36 Bridge (see also Chart No. 32) 36 Railroad {see also Chart No. 32) - 36 8 Coiiiciils. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey trianoulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Clwil No. j(i (Middle Chester River) — Page. Muddy {see also Chart No. 29) 36 Narrows Point {see also Chart No. 29) 34 Bluebeard 37 Blakeford 37 Rain 38 Break 38 Overton 39 Fir 39 Bay Bush Point 40 Gordon 40 Bird .- 41 Crow 41 Grove 42 Reeds 42 Little Gum 42 Inn 43 Holton Point 43 Earle 44 Hydrographic 44 Ruth 45 Melfield 45 Bath 46 Ship 46 Engineer 46 Swepson 47 Corsica 47 Deep Cove 47 Langford 48 Spaniard Point 2 Upper 48 Quaker , 49 Evans 49 Brown 50 Stratton 50 Chester 51 Westcotts Windmill 51 Corpse 51 Deep Point 2 52 Indian 52 Thorn 53 Ashland 53 Shippen S3 Bums 54 Oyster 54 Starkley 55 Jarrett 55 Booker 56 Joumej' 56 Melton 56 Cake 57 Pomona 57 Bill 58 Taste 58 Content.';. _ 9 r,ANDMARKS (U. S. CoAST AND GgoDETic SURVEY TRiANGuuATioN STATIONS)— Continued. Descriptions of triangulatiou stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. C/iaii No. JO (Middle Chester River) -Continued. Page. Make 58 Down 59 Julius 59 Broad (see Progress map) 60 Nils {see Progress map) 60 Wilmers (sec Progress map) 60 Robertson Windmill {see Progress map) 61 Robertson {see Progress map) 61 Southeast {see Progress map) 61 Thorsten {see Progress map) 62 Blank (.fee Progress map) 62 Rolphs {see Progress map) 62 Chart No. JJ (entrance to Eastern Bay and vicinity) — Craney '■ 63 Thomas Point Shoal Light 63 Bloody Point Bar Light 63 Tenk 64 Straight 64 Mouth 64 Matta 65 Then 65 Some 66 Batts 66 Top 67 Ware 67 Coffee 67 Here 68 Samuel 68 Liver 68 Tuxon 69 Steve 69 Thompson 69 Hope 70 Knock 70 Landing 71 Timber 71 Ville 71 Greek 72 Tom 72 Dell 73 Turkey 73 Cox 74 TuU 74 Needle 74 Kcmj) Tower 75 Kemp 75 Rich Neck Water Tank (see also Chart No. 32) 76 Chart No. J2 (Eastern Bay and tributaries) — Over 76 Norman 76 Parsons 77 lo Conlenls. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodbtic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart No. j^ (Eastern Bay and tributaries) — Continued. Page. Parsons Island Water Tank 77 Alley 77 New Ram Cupola 78 Dull : 78 Kirwan 79 Bridge (sec alxo Chart No. 29) 36 Railroad (xcc also Chart No. 29) , 36 Marshy ^ 79 Bonnet 79 Brian Reference Station 80 Green , 80 Benn 81 Hough ■ 81 * Won 81 Nose 82 • Stop 82 Orb 83 Piney '. 83 Ferry 84 Owe 84 Hook 85 Knee 85 No 85 Oysters 86 Bee 86 Close 87 June 87 Chin 87 AUer 88 Twist 88 Wide , 89 Darce 89 Twixt 90 Star. 90 Leaven 90 Snout 91 South 91 Flat 92 Albert 92 Le Seur 92 Attila ^ 93 Tobino 93 Sang 04 Turn q4 •io . 94 Divide 9? Princess 95 Philip . 96 Granary . . ... g6 Morn 96 Bush 97 Nub 97 Contciiis. 1 1 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survev triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Cliarl No. 32 (Eastern Bay and tributaries) — Continued. Page. Wheel g8 Pick 98 Corner 99 Kiglit 99 Chew ICO Whale j» 100 Matter 100 Deck loi (Quarter loi Nodim 102 Gusta 102 Sylvia ., 102 Baldwins 103 Cousin N 103 Lloyd 104 Edward 104 Colonel 104 Shaw 105 BrufFs 105 Law 106 James 106 Frank 107 Wood 107 Herr 107 Ollie 108 Deewat 108 Spar 109 Sara 109 Seth 109 Rich Neck Water Tank {see also Chart No. 31) 76 Dixon no Pearson no BOI'NDARIES OF OYSTER BARS: Explanation in Method of describing boundaries 112 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries 113 Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county • — Chart No. 2Q (Chesapeake Bay entrance Chester River) — Broad Creek 116 Love Point 117 Strong Bay 117 Carvel 118 Ferry (Queen Annes County) 118 \jaa% Point (Chester River^ (see also Chart No .^ioi . t irj Flood Point up Kent Island Narrows 130 Chart No. 30 (Middle Chester River)— Long Point (Chester River) (.fee a?iO Chart No. 29) iiq Blunt 120 Poplar 121 1 See separate publications for boundaries of natural bars in adjacent counties. 12 Contents. Boundaries of oyster bars — Continued. Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county — Continued. Chart No. 30 (Middle Chester River) — Continued. Page. Carpenter Island 121 Horse Race 122 Piney Point (Queen Annes County) 122 Hells Delight 123 Reeds 123 Robins Cove 123 Old Field 124 Holton Point 124 Town Point 125 Emory Wharf 125 Earle Cove 126 Ship Point 126 Possum Point 127 Spaniard Point 127 Emor)' Hollow 128 Sheep (Queen Annes County) ' 128 Mummys Cove 129 Hollyday (Queen Annes County) 129 Booker Wharf 129 Northwest (Queen Annes County) 130 Chart No. 31 (Eastern Bay and tributaries) — Brick House 130 Gum Thicket 131 Kent Point 131 Long Point (Eastern Bay) 132 Bodkins Shoals 132 Brick House Hill 133 Bunker Hill 133 Txirkey Point 134 Middle Block 134 Wild Ground 135 Pine Tree 135 Greeves Cove 13S Mattapex 136 Shipping Creek 137 Batts Neck 137 Ringold Middleground 138 Erickson Sands 138 Pea Hill 139 Stevens 139 Jones Hole 140 Pond Marsh 140 Island Cove 141 Rooks 142 Thompsons 143 Johnson Island 143 Crab Alley Lumps (see also Chart No. 32) 144 Cedar Island 144 Normans Fine Eyes (see also Chart No. 32) 145 Cox Neck 14s Bodkin Island (see also Chart No. 32). ., ,,,.,.,., 14$ Contents. 13 Boundaries of oyster bars — Continued. Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county — Continued. Chart No. 32 (Eastern Bay and tributaries) — Page. Parsons Island 146 Bodkin Island (see also Chart No. 31) 146 Normans Fine Eyes (see also Chart No. 31) 145 Crab Alley Lumps (see also Chart No. 31) 144 Buckhom 147 Well Cove 148 Sandy Point 149 Hog Island 149 Walter White 150 Prospect 150 Dominion 151 Bibby 151 Normans Marsh 152 Hood 153 Cabin Creek 154 Saw Mill Creek 155 Parsons Island Narrows 155 Bald Eagle 156 Mill Hill 1 56 Greenwood Creek 157 Prospect Point 157 Bugby 158 Coffee 158 Persimmon Tree 159 Shippen Hole 159 Mills 160 Hobbs 160 Baxters Hollow 161 Paca 161 Bryan 162 Wye Island 162 Drum Point 163 Wye River Middleground 163 Hess 164 Stone Wharf 164 Race Horse (Queen Annes County) 165 Whetstone 165 Melvin 166 Dividing 166 Shawns Wharf 167 Granary Point 167 Appendixes: Appendix A. — Laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission 169 Appendix B. — "The Haman Oyster Culture Law" (extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission) 173 Appendix C. — Summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland 174 Appendix D. — Statistics of results of the combined operations of the Government and State . . 176 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, QUEEN ANNES COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the survey of the oyster bars of Mary- land has been divided between the Government and the vState in accordance with the laws ' authorizing the work and the natural division of the surveying operations ^ of the cooperating forces. The publications prepared and issued by the Government under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consist of a series of charts and a technical report for each county surveyed.^ The charts show all legal boundaries of oyster bars within the adopted boundaries of the waters opened up for leasing with each county, and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used as a foundation for the delineation of these various boundaries. The technical report gives technical and legal descriptions of all oyster bar and other bound- aries, and descriptions of all landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in charge of the work of that service in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Com- .raission. These charts and technical reports are prepared and certified for tile with the courts and the Commission, as required by the laws of the State, and contain all infor- mation necessary to make a permanent record of the work of the Commission and the Government for all future requirements of the courts, or for any resurveys that may become necessary.* The publications prepared and issued by the State under the direction of the Shell Fish Commission consist of annual reports ^ of all the operations of the Commission performed under the provisions of the laws of Maryland,'' including results of biological and economic oyster investigations, methods and results of the hydrographic survey of 1 See .\ppendix .*V for laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast .md Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. - See Appendix C for a summary of the particular surveyinfi operations which constittite an "'oi-stcr survey" as now being carried on in Maryland. 3 These charts and technical reports can be obtained by application to the Supermtendeut of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington. D. C. The publications now ready for issue are those for Anne Arundel, Somerset. Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles, St. Marys, Baltimore, Kent, and Queen Amies Counties. * The technical records and charts for each county are published separately on account of the requirements of the oyster- culture laws of the State and the practical considerations which make it desirable to have each county ''opened up" for oyster culture as soon as practicable after the completion of its survey. For these reasons and the fact that these reports are each arranged for distribution and use in one county only without reference to other published records, much of the text of this publi- cation is of necessity identical with similar previous publications for other counties. 5 These reports can be obtained by application to the Shell Fish Commission, Marine Bank Building. Baltimore, ^^d. They are issued annually in October, and the first, second, and third reports are now available for distribution. s See Appendix B for an extract from the "Second Report of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission." giving a concise summary of the "Haman oyster culture law." IS i6 Survey of Oyster Pars, Queen Annes County, Md. the boundaries of oyster bars and crab bottoms, the administrative report and financial statement of the Commission, information relating to oyster culture, methods of sur- veying and leasing of oyster lots, and much other important matter of legal and scientific value. These two sets of pubhcations are planned and arranged to supplement each other without unnecessary duplication, and when combined they form a complete report of operations, methods, and results of the work of both the Government and State.' COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the service indicates, includes a survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and published a complete set of charts of the coasts of the United States, including all waters of Maryland where oysters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential as a foundation for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental func- tions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and natural development of Government work leading to the conservation and increase of the supply of food. COOPERATION OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The Bureau of Fisheries has cooperated with the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission principally as an adviser in matters relating to the biological and economic sur\'ey of oyster bars and the methods to be employed for that purpose.- A steam launch, rowing boat, and certain apparatus have also been furnished. The primary function of the Bureau of Fisheries is to increase the productiveness of marine and fresh waters by such measures as may be best suited to the purpose, and the services rendered in connection wit)i the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland are strictly in fine with the fundamental law under which it acts. In certain States other than Maryland similar work has been conducted by the bureau acting independently, the same ends being attained at greater expense to the Government. GENERAL STATEMENT OF WORK OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY.^ The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in coopera- tion with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission need very little other summary than is indicated by the published "Charts of Natural Ovster Bars" and the index of hydrographic projections and triangulation stations shown on the county progress maps attached to each report. • See Appendix D of this publication for " Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." 2 Hon. George M. Bowers, Commissioner of Fisheries, has detailed for this service Dr. H. F. Moore, Assistant, Bureau of Fisheries. 3 For a detail statement of the very large amount of excellent oyster survey work of the Marylaud Shell Fish Commission seethe "Annual Reports of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission." Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 17 The triangulation has been carried on in accordance with the standard methods of the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey, making this work and that of the "Descriptions of Triangulation Stations" of permanent value, not only to the State of Maryland in the survey of her oyster bars, but also to the Government for any future work it may do in the regions covered by the oyster-survey operations. The hydrographic projections and published charts are prepared with all the accu- racy permitted by their large scale, especially as to the boundaries of the various shell-fish bottoms in relation to landmarks, but this accuracy of location on the charts is further added to and permanently fixed by published technical descriptions, which should minimize the probability of any future dispute as to either landmarks or boundaries. Stated another way, and quoting from the report of the "Surs^ey of Oyster Bars of Anne Arundel County ' ' : The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual precision of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points necessary to provide ample foundation for the surveying and charting operations permitted great accuracy of definition and loca- tion for the natural oyster bar and other boundaries established. At the same time, the very important element of permanency of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake I^ay during the last 65 vears. 20313—12 — —2 REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN QUEEN ANNES COUNTY. INSTRUCTIONS. The following letters, together with the laws ' of the United States relating to the subjec , constitute the "instructions" received by the chief of the Coast and Geodetic Survey party ngaged on work in connection with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. They are short and definite, but furnish ample authority and leeway for all legitimate development of the cooperation of the Government and the State in the survey of oyster bars. The "free hand" permitted by these orders, together with the aid and many valuable suggestions received from the officers of the survey at Washington, have proved very beneficial to the work and are greatly appreciated. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LaBOR, Office of the Secretary, Washington, June 3, igo6. Sir: In reply to your letter of May 28, requesting me to designate officers of the Coast and Geo- detic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries to cooperate with the State of Marj'land in making survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. C. C. Yates will be designated to cooperate on the part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as soon as Congress makes the provisions of the act effective by providing an appropriation for the purpose. Respectfully, Lawrence O. Murray, Assistant Secretary. His Excellency Hon. Edwin Warfield, Governor of Maryland, Annapolis, Md. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, July 3, igo6. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector. * * * As soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Marj-land. You will consult the commissioners, prepare a program of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessary. ******* Very respectfully, O. H. Tittmann, Superintendent. Capt. C. C. Yates, U. S. C. and G. S. Steamer Endeavor, Baltimore, Md. ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. The personnel and occupation of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey have remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the "oyster survey." Besides 1 For these laws see Appendix A. 18 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 19 the chief of party, it consists of the necessary triangulators, computers, draftsmen, and temporary employees required to carry on both the surveying operations in the field and the preparation for publication of oyster charts and technical records in the office at Washington. The equipment for the work of the party has been ample and satisfactory. The large living and office quarters furnished the Government on the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house boat Oyster have been very convenient for the work, besides facili- tating efficient cooperation with the surveying and oyster investigation parties of the State. In addition to the accommodations on the Oyster, the Coast and Geodetic Survey party has had the constant use of the large steam launch Inspector and several other boats furnished by its own service, and the occasional use of the Bureau of Fish- eries launch Canvashack ' and the steamer Governor McLane ^ of the State fishery force. The greater part of the equipment of instruments for the operations of both the Government and State has been furnished by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and consists of all necessary theodolites, levels, sextants, drafting instruments, hydrometers, etc., required for all field and office work. CHRONOLOGICAL STATEMENT OF WORK. The field work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Queen Annes County ^ dates from April 14, 1909, when the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house boat Oyster was moved from her winter quarters at Baltimore to an anchorage off Rockhall Landing in Kent County. The surveying operations carried on from this harbor covered a period of about six weeks, in which practically all triangulation was completed on the Chesa- peake Bay shores of both Kent and Baltimore counties as well as a considerable part of the same class of work in the mouth of Chester River in both Queen Annes and Kent counties. On May 26, 1909, the Oyster was moved from Rockhall Landing to an anchorage in the upper part of Chester River near Cliffs Landing, where she was used as the head- quarters for all the oyster-surveying operations in that region for a little over a month. On June 30, 1909, the house boat was moved to a temporary anchorage off Queens- town. This date marked the practical completion of the work in Chester River, the triangulation of which was especially notable for the month of June on account of there having been 92 triangulation stations established, these stations all being marked by monuments and signals and their locations described, besides being occupied for theodo- lite observations. On July I, 1909, the house boat Oyster was towed by the State steamer Governor McLane to Baltimore Harbor, where the following four days, which included a Sunday and a holiday, were spent in taking on coal, water, and other supplies. On July 6, 1909, the Governor McLane again moved the Oyster, this time from Baltimore to an anchorage in Queen Annes County in the northern part of Prospect Bay and near the southern entrance to Kent Narrows. From this harbor as head- quarters a few additional triangulation observations were made in Kent County, although the greater part of the work was confined to Queen Annes and Talbot counties. ' By courtesy ol Dr. H. F. Moore, United States Bureau of Fisheries. 2 By courtesy of Capt. James A. Turner, commanding. ^ The field work of Queen Annes County was so intermixed with that of Kent and Talbot Counties that the chronological statement of the work in one of these counties necessarily includes a considerable part of the work of the other two counties. 20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Aid. On July 22, 1909, the house boat was again moved to the vicinity of Rockhall Landing to complete certain oyster-survey operations not finished when the Oyster was there in the spring. And it was not until August 13, 1909, when the house boat was shifted back to Eastern Bay, near the southern entrance to Kent Narrows, that the work in Queen Annes County was resumed. The Oyster remained at this latter anchorage as headquarters for the field work for only two weeks, during which period Governor Crothers, of Maryland, and party visited the house boat and thoroughly examined into the manner and methods by which the work was being conducted. On August 28, 1909, the Oyster was towed to Haddaway Cove, in Talbot County, and work was not resumed in Queen Annes County until October 16, 1909, when the house boat was towed back to Eastern Bay and tied up at the railway wharf at Clai- borne. From this latter point as headquarters the triangulation of Eastern Bay and its northern tributaries to the west of Kent Narrows was practically completed. On October 29, 1909, the Oyster moved to an anchorage in a branch of lower Miles River called Tilghmans Creek and the next day completed a month's field work, which was notable as far as triangulation was concerned on account of there having been established, marked, described, and located by theodolite obser\'ations over 100 tertiary triangulation stations. Two small parties were engaged on this work during this month, one living on the house boat at Claiborne and the other on shore at Cambridge. On December i, 1909, the house boat Oyster was moved from Tilghmans Creek to an anchorage off the town of St. Michaels, and from this harbor the remaining triangu- lation of Wye and Miles rivers was practically completed. On December 21, 1909, active field work of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission was closed at St. Michaels, but a triangulation signal building party continued work from quarters on shore at Oxford for two days longer. On December 24, 1909, the field season for the Coast and Geodetic Survey parties was officially closed, the monthly employees remaining on the house boat Oyster at Baltimore preparing to lay up the launches and small boats for the winter, and all the officers being on leave from the 25th to 31st. No further field work was done in Queen Annes County until March 14, 1910, when a small party was put in the field to complete certain necessary details of triangulation in Queen Annes and Talbot counties. This party first went to St. Michaels and then to Oxford, where it joined the main party on the house boat about the end of April. The next and last field work in Queen Annes County covered only a few days' period, commencing November 7, 191 1, when an officer was detailed to check up and obtain certain details relating to the description of triangulation stations required for the technical publication covering the survey of oyster bars of Queen Annes and Talbot coimties. The oflice work connected with the oyster survey of Queen Annes County, including compilations of geographic information and drafting necessary for the preparation for publication of the oyster charts and the technical records of that county, was continued intermittingly with the office work of other counties from the beginning of the field work in Queen Annes County to the time of fifing of the certified oyster charts and technical pubfications in the archives of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission and with the clerk of the circuit court of Queen Annes County on November 28, 1911. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 21 STATISTICS. ' Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 186 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 183 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles 178 Old triangulation stations recovered 15 New triangulation stations established 184 Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described igg Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) 240 Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate) 500 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster boundaries 12 Triangles computed 380 Geographic positions computed 190 Corners of oyster boundaries established by computation 540 Back azimuths and distances computed from comers of boundaries to triangulation stations 1, 620 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication igg Descriptions of oyster boundaries prepared for publication q8 " Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" prepared for publication , 4 Progress map prepared for publication i GENERAL REMARKS. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State oiificials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: To his colleague from the Departmeiit of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore, of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose well-known scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters has been of great value to the work. To Mr. Walter J- Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative ability in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the Commission, who, as editor of the Commission's annual report and commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster inves- tigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Mr. Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the Commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Mr. Swepson Ivarle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, wiiose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facililalcd his practical use of the technical data furnished ])y the Government. And to the many others connected with the Connnission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing impor- tant information or willing services. ' These statistics only include field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the oyster survey of this county, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examinations of the character of the bottom made by the engineers of the commission*, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geodetic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the waters of Mary- land. See Appendix D of this publication for ''Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and the State." CHARTS AND MAPS.» CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts of the natural oyster bars of Queen Annes County published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of the surveys of the Government in coopera- tion with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission consist of four sheets covering all the oyster-producing waters of that county. They are published on the large scale of I part in 20,000 (approximately 2ts inches to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections; and all information shown on them is based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bars and other boundaries established by the Commis- sion, and are certified for the purpose of filing in the oflice of the clerk of the circuit court of Queen Annes County and in the office of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (United States Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography - necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily under- standable both by the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the oyster bars are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascer- tained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars are numbered from i to the total number of corners in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners correspond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the heading "Bound- aries of natural oyster bars." The landmarks and oyster bars have been grouped in the "Contents" of this publi- cation in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particulai oyster bar or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents" and the desired chart and general location will be indicated. To find the name of a bar or ' These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington. D. C. 2 Much of the detail of the inshore topography was obtained from the excellent map of Queen Annes County, prepared and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. 22 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 23 landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the end of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locality on the chart for the name of the bar or landmark in question. The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shell fish indus- tries. The i-fathom contour (6 feet) and the 5-fathom curve (30 feet) correspond in a general way to the inner and outer limits of all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom contour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars, and the lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the "territorial limits of the countv" and the boundaries of the "waters contiguous to the county" opened up for the leasing with Queen Annes County are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of county waters." The areas in acres of the oyster bars were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of th Coast and Geodetic Survey. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of the chart within the boundaries of the diff'erent shell fish bottoms. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face of the charts. LEASING CHARTS. The leasing charts of Queen Annes County, like those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles, St. Marys, Baltimore, and Kent counties, have been prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are constructed on polyconic projections on the scales of i part in 5,000 or i part in 10,000 as the needs of oyster culture may require, and the information shown on them is based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds and other boundaries established by the Commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the "old 5-acre law" are frequently of irreg- ular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster law 5 must be of rectangular shape by the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rectan- gles of I acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to the area under consideration, and prospective leaseholders by the rules of the Commission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as possible. 24 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be published for some years, but they can be seen at any time on file at the offices of the Commission, in the Marine Bank Building at Baltimore. PROJECTIONS. The polyconic projections ' covering Queen Annes County waters are 12 in number and on the scale of i part in 10,000. They were constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but the sextant positions which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission were plotted by the draftsman of the Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulalion stations, shore line, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oyster bar and other boundaries established by the Commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, and the other set in the archives of the Shell Fish Commission. PROGRESS MAPS. The progress map to be found at the end of this publication is on a scale of i part in 100,060, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in Queen Annes County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surv^eying work, and the "boundaries of county waters" established by the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may be under consideration. The progress maps - accompanying the first and second annual reports of the Mary- land Shell Fish Conuuission were prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of (he Conunissioti. They are on the scale of i part in 400,000, and show the outline of the (ide-water counties of Maryland, with sliaded areas lo indicate I lie waters already covered by the operations of the oyster survey. ' For the scheme of these projections sec the progress map at the end of this publication. ' These mai>s and reports can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Comuussiou, Marine Bank Building', Baltimore, Md. BOUNDARIEvS OF THE COUNTY WATERvS.> WATERS WITHIN TEJRKITCJRIAI, LIMITS OF COUNTY. The laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture provide that "no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than lo acres situated within the territorial limits of anv of the counties, or lOo acres in any other place." The boundary line^ between the waters "within the territorial limits" of Queen Annes County and the waters in "any. other place," as established by the vShell Fish Commission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the "oyster" charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is tech- nically described and defined as follows : Commencing at the intersection of the State boundary line between Mar\-land and Delaware with the boundary line between Queen .'\nnes County and Kent County; thence following tne boundary between Queen Annes and Kent counties and down the channel boundary of the iipper part of Chester River; thence continuing down the channel of Chester River following the boundary line between Kent County and Queen Annes County as laid down on " Charts Nos. 29 and 30, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point in the mouth of Chester River defined by the intersection of this channel bound- ary line with a straight line across the mouth of Chester River defined at its western end by a point on I.ove Point on the western side of Chester River in latitude 39° 02' 25.5" and longitude 76° 18' 10. o", and defined at its eastern end by a point on the eastern side of Chester River in latitude 39° 02' 45.3" and longitude 76° 14' 05.3"; thence in a straight line ending at a point situated on Love Point on the western side of Chester River defined by latitude 39° 02' 25.5" and longitude 76° 18' 10. o"; thence along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in wadth, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, around Bloody Point to a point situated on Kent Point on the southern extremity of Kent Island defined by latitude 38° 50' 05.1" and longitude 76° 22' 06.2"; thence in a straight line ending at a point situated on Wades Point on the eastern side of the entrance of Eastern Bay, defined by latitude 38° 49' 34.2" and longitude 76° 18' 04.5" to a point on this straight line defined by its intersection with the boundary line in Eastern Bay between Queen Annes County and Talbot County as laid down on "Chart No. 31, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland;" thence along the boundary line between Queen Annes County and Talbot Coimty in Eastern Bay. around Tilghmans Point, up Miles River, turning Ix'tween Bennett Point and Herring Island into the mouth of Wye River, and up the channel boundary line of that branch of Wye River to the south of Wye Island to the point off the eastern end of Wye Island, all as laid down on "Charts Nos. 31 .md 32, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland;" thence continuing up the channel boundary line nf Wye River between Queen Annes County and Talbot County to tlie head of the oyster-producing waters. ' ' For a complete tiistorical and leKal (lescripttoii of tlie boundaries of the couiuies of Maryland, tlic valuable publiealion entitled " The Counties of Maryland — Their Origin. Boundaries, and Election Districts." prepared by Dr. Edward B. Mathcv^s and published l>y tlic Maryland Ocolouical Survey under the direction of Dr. William Builoclc Clark, Superintendent, should be consulted, as the boundaries described in this publication have been cstablishc2 mile. 40 •}% miles. Vi mile. Southwest corner of Strong house 174 09 ^4, mile. i Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 31 References — Continued. ° Chimney of tenant house 212 North gable of bam 250 Thompson windmill 271 West gable of Rockhall Wharf house 274 North gable of Downey house 278 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 292 55 Kmile. 47 i^i miles. 47 X mile. 08 J^ mile. 49 X tnile. 56 20 10.32 meters. Southoneof twin trees on Little Neck Island. 352 59 X mile. GRATITUDE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay at eastern side of entrance to Swan Creek oppo- site middle of Little Neck Island and near old Rockhall Wharf. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh meadow about i foot above high water, 12 yards east of shore, 150 yards southwest of a house, and 400 yards south-southwest of Rockhall Landing. Marks. — Ob.served station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • ° "Love Point Light" (S 11° 46' W) o "Sandy Point Light" 26 "Baltimore Light" 41 Chimney of fishing shack on Swan Point 90 Left tangent of piles of old Rockhall Wharf, . 124 West gable of Strong barn 130 49 J^ mile. Chimney of tallest wharf house at Rockhall Landing 162 Chimney of house 166 Post on northwest comer of Downey porch . . . 196 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diameter) 273 North gable of old bam 276 36 200 yards. North gable of barn 309 21 ij^ miles. 00 00 $14. miles. 05 10 10% miles. 21 20 9J^ miles. 47 I mile. 15 200 yards. 15 >4 mile. 19 1 mile. 57 150 yards. 02 40 107 yards. WINDMILL POINT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Windmill Point at northern side of entrance to Rockhall Harbor. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on low marsh land about level with high water, about 30 yards back from end of point, and 20 yards south of a group of large pine trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 24.13 meters N 20° 14' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of 2-inch tile pipe filled with sand with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement nionimicnt. References. — ° ' "Love Point Light" (S 17° 47' W) o 00 Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diam- eter) 146 39 Nail in blaze in pine tree (24 inches diam- eter) 178 03 Reference station 182 27 Nail in blaze in pine tree (20 inches diam- eter) 216 10 Rockhall Methodist Episcopal Church spire.. 238 Highest gable on Sharps Wharf 246 East chimney of house 271 Chimney of small house 287 West chimney of small house 311 00 5^2 miles. 30 17.38 meters. 00 23.57 meters. 00 24.13 meters. 10 20 16.52 meters. 05 40 I mile. 42 ^8 mile. 27 \'i mile. 55 yi mile. 04 I mile. 32 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. STEVENS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay about % mi'e south of Huntingficld Point at entrance to Huntingfield Creek. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 55 yards back from edge of vertical bank 3 feet higher than station, and 450 yards south of the extreme end of Huntingfield Point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe btu-ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Love Point Light" (S 25° 03' W) o 00 00 4H miles. Right tangent of Love Point 12 13 6>2 miles. Southeast comer of fishing shack on Swan Point Ill 24 2J.-2 miles. East gable of Strong bam 125 42 2K miles. Thompson windmill 135 01 20 2 miles. Chimney of house 150 32 1J4 miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 155 24 20 200 yards. Wicks windmill 223 16 20 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (18 inches diam- eter) 227 23 00 no yards. Chimney of small house 239 58 i mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (10 inches diameter) 275 26 20 130 yards. Chimney of Stevens tenant house 320 39 X ™'l6. BALTIMORE LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay off shore about i ;'2 miles east of mouth of Magothy River and >| mile west of entrance to dredged channel leading to Baltimore. (See Progress Map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on brick octagonal dwelling on cylindrical foundation known as Baltimore Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Baltimore Lighthouse. References. — None necessary. SANDY POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay off shore about yi mile east of Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on brick dwelling on cylindrical foundation known as Sandy Point Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Sandy Point Lighthouse. References. — o / // "Bodkin Point (Old Tower)" (N 14° 35' W). . o 00 00 S;.^ miles. RING. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay dn western side of Kent Island about 2X miles south-southwest of Love Point and 3^-^ miles east of Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 20 feet above high water, 12 yards inshore, and 2 yards from edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.36 meters N 79° 21' E of observed station. I Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 33 Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe with top 3 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — a 1 // "Sandy Point Light" (N 84° 56' W) o 00 00 3^^ miles. Cupola on bam 117 51 i mile. South chimney of house 141 00 % mile. Reference STATION 164 17 10 9.36 meters. Lone tree (2 inches diameter). ..' 224 10 300 yards. Soutli chimney of house 238 56 300 yards. LOVE POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay at entrance to Chester River offshore about i}4 miles northeast of Love Point. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hexagonal screw pile structure known as Love Point Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Love Point Lighthouse. References. — o / // " Wickes Beach" (S 47° 55' E) o 00 00 3>^ miles. AMOUR. General locality. — Northern end of Kent Island at western -side of entrance to Chester River about .'4 mile southeast of Love Point and i^i mile north of Love Point Landing. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 25 yards inshore, and 55 yards north of fishing shack. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ^ / // "Love Point Light" (N 33° 42' E) o 00 00 if^ miles. Left chimney of house 28 28 4^^ miles. West gable of house on East Neck 48 00 3^^ miles. North gable of bam 54 30 2% miles. North gable of house on Cedar Point 76 30 5 miles. Gable of bam 128 18 ^yi miles. Left tangent of Kent Island Landing 132 59 1% miles. Northeast comer of fishing shack 140 38 57 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 174 43 12.46 meters. " Railway Water Tank" 199 53 50 f^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 206 10 00 11-30 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 295 02 00 38.88 meters. RAILWAY WATER TANK. General locality. — Northern end of Kent Island about halfway between Chesapeake Bay and Chester River and 3^ mile south by west of Love Point. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the only large elevated water tank located just north of the center of the bend of the railway that leaves Love Point Landing. Marks. — Observed station is center point of top of water tank. References. — None necessar>'. 20313—12 3 34 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. WICKES BEACH. General locality. — Eastern shore of mouth of Chester River on western side of East Neck Island near Wickes Beach. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a narrow sand beach about on level with high water, 10 yards back from low water, and 2 yards west of swamp which extends back to woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Love Point Light" (N 47° 54' W) o 00 Nail in blaze in oak tree (15 inches diameter) . 60 45 Nail in blaze in gum tree (12 inches diam- eter) 70 Nail in blaze in oak tree ( 1 5 inches diameter) . 114 North cupola of bam 155 Lone tree on Cedar Point 178 00 3 miles. 40 300 yards. 59 00 250 yards. 05 50 200 yards. 15 14, mile. 23 ij-i miles. East gable of bam 200 21 4 miles. North gable of Jackson wharf house 214 North gable of bam 276 Cupola on farmhouse 299 " Railway Water Tank" 321 North flagstaff on Love Point Hotel 323 2 NARROWS POINT. 26 4>^ miles. 32 2,H miles. 16 3>^ miles. 45 00 ^y& miles. 27 ZH miles. General locality. — Northern shore of Chester River on southwest end of East Neck Island, about yi mile north of Cockej's Island and ^ mile west -northwest of Cedar Point. (See Charts Nos. 29 and 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low marshy point about level with high water, about 7 yards from low water, and 325 yards west of a fishing shack. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.28 meters N 7° 58' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch tile pipe filled with cement with top 4 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — a / // "Wickes Beach" (N 46° 58' W; o Reference station 64 Chimney of fishing shack 133 West gable of Queenstown elevator 153 00 00 1/5 miles. 56 10 12.28 meters. 08 325 yards. 44 T,li miles. Cupolaonbam 164 05 25s miles. Nortli gable of house 189 North gable of bam 194 Cupola on bam 216 North gable of house 228 North gable of house on Jackson Creek 231 East gable of Jackson wharf house 233 North gable of bam 254 West chimney of house 285 Chimney of house near Macum Creek 293 East chimney of house 318 "Railway Water Tank" 334 South flagstaflt on Love Point Hotel 335 Flagstaff on Love Point Wharf 335 Right tangent of Love Point 341 2W miles. 2yi miles. 2}i miles. 2li miles. 47 2yi miles. 52 2'^ miles. 28 3 miles. 16 3|^ miles. 36 4J.S miles. 01 4% miles. II 40 5>4 miles. 26 ^yi miles. 42 4J4' miles. 30 5 miles. i Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 35 MACUM. General locality. — Southern shore of Chester River on Kent Island, about 4X miles south of Love Point Light, 3 miles south-southeast of Love Point Landing and }'i mile north-northwest of Macum Creek. (vSee Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 7 feet above high water, 25 yards inshore, and 16 yards south of two cedar trees at edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Love Point Light" (N 0° 19' E) o North cupola of bam on East Neck Island ... 50 Chimney of house on East Neck Island 52 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 57 South comer of fishing shack on Cedar Point . . 72 West gable of large bam 89 Cupola on small house 97 West gable of house 102 Cupola on bam 108 Gable of house near Jackson Creek 119 East chimney of brick house 195 East chimney of house 212 Cupola on house 221 East chimney of house 225 North chimney of house 257 Lone cedar tree 266 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 314 " Railway Water Tank " 333 East gable of wharf house on Kent Island Landing 339 Flagstaff on wharf house on Love Point Landing 342 Chimney of fishing shack 343 THIN. General locality. — Southern shore of Chester River on western side of entrance to Kent Narrows, about ^ mile north of Narrows railway station. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 55 yards north of shore, and 55 yards west of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Muddy" (N 37° 55' E) o 00 00 '/% mile. Smoke pipe on shanty 75 13 i mile. Large low telegraph pole 99 27 ^ mile. Smoke pipe on slant-roofed shanty 107 58 ^s mile. Near comer of fishing shanty ig6 21 % mile. Tangent of Long Point 356 41 yi mile. 00 00 4^ miles. 41 3|^ miles. 13 iH miles. 02 50 22.24 meters. 08 4 miles. 48 5 miles. 00 5 miles. 15 4K miles. 29 3 miles. 26 3H miles. 59 X mile. 31 I mile. 52 \14, miles. 18 i/a mile. 16 400 yards. 08 500 yards. 14 30 30.98 meters. 17 20 3^8 miles. 28 i>2 miles. 03 3^ miles. II 3X miles. 36 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. MUDDY. General locality. — Southern shore of Chester River on Long Point between Muddy Creek and Jackson Creek about 25.4 miles southwest of Cedar Point and 3' i miles west of Queenstown. (See Charts Nos. 2Q and 30.'/ Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land covered with myrtle bushes, about 2 feet above high water. 7 yards inshore, 25 yards southwest of extreme end of point, and 70 yards north of group of pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting J inches above surface of ground Subsurface mark iscenter of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° / // "Love Point Light" (N 28° 41' W) o 00 00 6 miles. East chimney of house 34 54 2^ miles. Lone pine tree on Cedar Point 53 36 2X miles. South gable of bam 79 35 4^ miles. Cupola on bam 103 11 3 miles. Cupola on bam 114 53 2X ™i'es. West gable of bam 134 33 . . ij^ miles. Chimney of house 146 39 iX niiles. North gable of wharf house on Jackson Creek Landing 179 21 .- i mile. NorOi gable of house 182 10 iX miles. Chimney of small house 202 56 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) . 221 12 50 63 yards. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) 243 25 00 67 yards. South flagstaff of Love Point Hotel 339 43 30 5^ miles. North gable of wharf house on Love Point Landing 341 46 $% miles. Right tangent of Love Point 345 12 5^ miles. BRIDGE. General locality. — Southern side of Chester River on western shore of Kent Narrows about ^i mile west of Narrows railway station. (See Charts Nos. 29 and 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a telegraph pole at a point about 25 feet above high water, 4 yards south of near rail of railroad, 8 yards west of end of railroad bridge, and 7 yards from tie line of bridge. Marks. — Observed station is a small staff nailed to telegraph pole. References. — None necessarj'. RAILROAD. General locality. — Southern side of Chester River on eastern shore of Kent Narrows about f^ mile east-southeast of Narrows railway station and J'i mile south of railroad. (See Charts Nos. 29 and 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 35 yards south by west of telephone line on north side of county road, 75 yards east of shanty, and 80 yards north- east of shore of small cove. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groirad. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bats, Queen Amies County, Md. 37 References. — ° ' "Marshy" (S 2° 38' E) o 00 Cupola on bam 29 36 Chimney on ell of large house 38 04 Right tangent of shanty 96 32 South peak of Fisherman Inn 118 01 Nail in blaze in tree (8 inches diameter) 139 44 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (14 inches diam- eter j 1 63 29 Nail in blaze in telephone pole No. 2848 .... 197 15 Smoke pipe of shanty 209 50 Near peak of ell-shaped house 269 00 Near peak of house 292 ig Left peak of bam 345 37 House in trees 354 10 BLUEBEARD. 00 J^ mile. 2^ miles. 2j^ miles. 7S yards. ^8 mile. 10 38.07 meters. 40 27.09 meters. 20 30-33 meters. 100 yards. 1% miles. ij^ miles. lyi miles. 1^ miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on point at entrance to a small creek about ^s mile northeast of Blunt Creek and i mile southwest of entrance to Qiieenstown Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low sand beach about i foot above high water, 5 yards inshore, 2 yards east of small persimmon tree, 55 yards northeast of a small stream, and 200 yards north- northeast of a pond. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Love Point Light" (N 47° 53' W) o South gable of house 12 Right tangent of piles of Bogle wharf 29 Largest of four pine trees on Piney Point. ... 48 East chimney of house 70 23 Black beacon at entrance to Queenstown Creek go 23 Nail in blaze in swamp-oak tree (4 inches diameter) 122 01 Nail in blaze in chestnut tree (18 inches diameter) 197 34 00 00 7 miles. 03 2j4 miles. 48 3fi miles. 58 4 miles. 23 2yi miles. 23 40 I mile. 01 10 10.60 meters. 10 150 yards. Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter) . 270 04 20 125 yards. Cupola of barn 278 50 i}4 miles. East chimney of house 279 24 i^ miles. North gable of Jackson Creek landing house. 290 11 2|^ miles. East gable of house ' 329 Gable of Love Point wharf house 344 Right tangent of Love Point 347 BLAKEFORD. 17 sX miles. 08 6J< miles. 46 7 miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River about 3-^ mile north of Blakeford Point at entrance to Queenstown Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 15 feet above high water, 8 yards inshore, 2 yards back from top of bank with uniform slope to beach, 25 yards north of gully, and 25 yards south of large sycamore tree at foot of slope. 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Aiincs County, Md. oo oo \]/i miles. 33 3 miles. 12 lo 13-31 meters. 39 30° yards. 19 i/i mile. 41 5 s mile. 20 %■ mile. 21 ^i mile. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-incli pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Rain" (N 74° 56' W) o Right tangent of piles of Bogle wharf 27 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 83 Northwest comer of house in woods 155 West gable of small house 174 West gable of large bam 215 West gable of house 235 Northeast comer of elevator at Qtteenstown. . 239 Nail in blaze in ash tree (15 inches diameter). 247 00 20 21.30 meters. First black beacon at entrance to Queenstown Creek 294 49 3^ mile. Chimney of fishing shack on Cedar Point ... . 352 26 2'.^ miles. RAIN. General locality. — ^Western shore of Chester River on Hail Point about ij^ miles south-soutlieast of Bogle Wliarf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 3 yuds north of shore, and 20 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 29.84 meters N 65° 20' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark of reference station is center of 2-inch tile pipe witli top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bluebeard" (821° 17' E) o Chimney of house 1 1 Cupola on bam 2ii Chimney of house on Jackson Creek 45 Chimney of small house 48 Chimney of fishing shack loi Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diam- eter) 119 Reference station 135 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diam- eter) 147 South gable of house 1 73 Right tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 186 Williams water tank 255 Black Beacon at entrance to Queenstown Creek 318 01 lyi miles. Cupola on bam 338 50 i^ miles. BREAK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on Break Point about yi mile north of north side of entrance to Tilghmans Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards inshore, 4 yards from edge of bank, 200 yards north of extreme end of point, and 300 yards west of a house. 00 00 ij4 miles. 07 2^ miles. 55 2]4 miles. 07 3^^ miles. 32 3K miles. 34 J4 mile. 30 15.45 meters. 20 29.84 meters. 05 50 18.09 meters. 28 ij^ miles. 59 1^ miles. 59 2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 39 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-incli tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Blakeford" (S 23° 21' E) o North chimney of house at Queenstown 6 Chimney of house 37 Cupola on bam near Jackson Creek Landing . . 49 Chimney of small house 55 Chimney of small house 58 Chimney of Greens fishing shack 84 SouUi chimney of house 103 East gable of house 131 Right tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 133 East chimney of house 151 East chimney of house 176 00 00 iji miles. 55 2l4 miles. 48 35^ miles. 05 4yi miles. 05 4>2 miles. 35 SK miles. 38 lyi miles. 42 lyi miles. 23 2^ miles. 30 lyi miles. 35 2}4 miles. 46 35^ miles. Williams water tank 200 Knob on door of fishing shack 349 OVERTON. X mile. X mile. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on north side of entrance to Durdin Creek and about 100 yards south of Bogle Wharf. (Sec Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 4 yards inshore, 100 yards south of Bogle Wharf, 250 yards southeast of Bogle store, and 300 yards west of Bogle Wharf house. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.26 meters S 73° 06' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Bay Bush Point" (N 3° 13' W) o 00 00 ij^ miles. South gable of bam 4 12 2]/i miles. South gable of bam 17 21 3 miles. West gable of bam 39 13 5 miles. Left tangent ofpiles of Bogle Wharf 73 17 300 yards. Chimney of house iig 25 2>i miles. Lower west gable of Queenstown elevator. . . . 138 21 3X miles. North gable of house 140 27 3^^ miles. Right tangent of woods on Hail Point 168 59 ifi miles. Reference station 256 19 40 11.26 meters. Chimney of Bogles store 289 17 250 yards. FIR. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on Piney Point about I's miles north-northwest of Break Point and J-i mile west of Piney Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land at the extreme end of Piney Point, about on level with high water, and about 4 yards east of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.45 meters S 70° 43' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. 40 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. References. — ° ' " Break " (S 21" 04' li) o 00 East chimney of house at Queenstown 2 36 Chimney of house 24 17 Gable of bam near Jackson Creek Landing. . 34 49 North gable of house 35 17 Chimney of fishing shack 51 41 Right tangent of piles of Bogie Wharf 71 41 Chimney of house 77 08 South chimney of house 135 34 North chimney of house 170 54 West chimney of house 178 00 West gable of bam 199 30 Left tangent of woods 226 37 Reference station 310 21 Williams water tank 339 41 BAY BUSH POINT. 00 ij 2 miles. 4 miles. 4^ miles. 5^ miles. 5X miles. 2^ miles. iX miles. iX miles. 1J/2 miles. 2Xmiles. 3 miles. ^yi miles. ^ mile. 10 10.45 meters. i'4 miles. mile north of entrance to General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on a point about Fryingpaa Cove and Chum Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 yards inshore, and in front of several persimmon trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.16 meters N 80° 13' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cement-filled tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of groiuid incased in cement cake bearing the legend " U. S. C. S.-1896." Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Fir" (S 57° 56' E) o 00 00 i>-2 miles. Williams water tank 8 22 2^ miles. Chimney of house at Queenstown 27 17 5^ miles. West gable of bam 35 42 4% miles. Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 45 58 3^ miles. Chimney of Bogle store 58 00 i^ miles. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 6g 04 Reference station 157 43 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 220 45 West chimney of house 244 04 iJ4 miles. East gable of bam 262 10 3 miles. West gable of bam 297 51 4>^ miles. West gable of bam 316 19 3 miles. GORDON. General locality. — Eastern side of Chester River about 55 yards offshore, J^, mile southwest of entrance to Reeds Creek and 7 s mile north-northeast of Piney Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in about 3 feet of water at high tide, 55 yards offshore , and 300 yards southwest of end of woods and cultivated field. Cement monument marking reference station is 57.49 meters S 71° 15' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 2-inch by 4-inch, pine stub driven with top to high water. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. 00 6.25 meters. 00 10.16 meters. 00 6.20 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 41 00 00 li mile. 23 2% miles. 41 2 miles. 30 2 miles. 39 2^ miles. 39 3 miles. References. — "Fir" (S 25" iS' W) o Left tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 15 East gable of bam 42 South chimney of house 103 West chimney of Harris house 1 18 South gable of Strong tenant house 129 South chimney of house 145 25 3 miles. Spindle on Brown house 167 02 3X miles. South gable of comcrib 197 36 3 miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diameter) 252 39 30 57.93 meters. Reference station 263 26 40 57.49 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diameter) 286 55 40 57.02 meters. BIRD. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on Gordon Point at southwest side of entrance to Reeds Creek about i'^ miles southwest of Holton Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh meadow about 2 feet above high water and 75 yards west of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Crow" (S 14° 23' W) o Lone pine tree (12 inches diameter) 69 North chimney of house 85 South gable of bam 115 Northwest comer of house 230 North chimney of house 300 North gable of house 343 Windmill 358 Chimney of house 359 00 00 ^ mile. 59 300 yards. 13 3X miles. 56 2]/i miles. 16 s^ mile. 01 I mile. 41 lyi miles. 43 'A mile. 09 ^ mile. CROW. General locality. — Eastern side of Chester River on western shore of Reeds Creek about yi mile south of e.ftreme end of Gordon Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in yard of tenant house about 4 feet above high water, 12 yards west of shore, 5 yards south of a pear orchard, and 7 yards north of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bird"(N 14° 23' E) o 00 00 ...... J^ mile. South gable of house near Cliffs Landing 3 03 3 K miles. South gable of bam 36 18 il^ miles. Cupola of bam 73 23 lyi miles. Northeast comer of Camell tenant house .... 99 01 30 8.71 meters. Northwest comer of Camell tenant house. . . . 128 43 10 6.65 meters. Northeast comer of bam 198 25 20 14.06 meters. Northwest comer of bam 221 37 10 12.68 meters. 42 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 05 50 lo.gS meters. 58 ^/i mile. 16 ^ mile. 50 J^ mile. 32 K mile- 54 X mile- 13 l4 mile. GROVE. General locality. — Eastern side of Chester River on a point between Reeds Creek and Grove Creek about 14 mile southeast of Gordon Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a meadow about 2 feet above high water, 26 yards south of shore, 8 yards west of three persimmon trees, and 35 yards west of a pond. Marfej.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting S inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monimient. Reference. — o / // "Reeds" (N 20° 32' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. East chimney of house 13 06 ^ mile. South gable of barn ig 41 f^ mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 53 Cupola on bam 75 Cupola on Wright bam 108 North gable of bam 168 East gable of house 181 South gable of house 230 Lone pine tree on Gordon Point 282 Cupola on bam 316 04 4 miles. South chimney of house 326 13 4 miles. Nail in blaze in sassafras tree (5 inches diam- eter) 338 48 40 10.34 meters. REEDS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River at northeast side of entrance to Reeds Creek and about s s mile south of Robins Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about 2 feet above high water, 34 yards cast of shore, 9 yards north of ditch draining swamp, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bird" (S 62° 26' W) o 00 00 K mile. East chimney of Harris house 60 07 3 J^i miles. Chimney of house loi 57 3X miles. East chimney of Brown house 112 Chimne}^ of cabin 186 Cupola on barn 276 35 iX ™iles. North gable of house 316 12 i|^ miles. Chimney of house 337 46 J-s mile. 01 3 miles. SS 300 yards. LITTLE GUM. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on Little Gtim Point at southwest side of entrance to Grays Inn Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 2 yards south of shore, and 12 yards southeast of a 4-foot ditch. Cement monument marking reference stati(jn is 40.97 meters N 33° 31' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with siuface of ground. Sub- siu-face mark is 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center jjoint of triangle on standard cement niontiment projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. A Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 43 References. — o / // "Weeks" (N 29° 53' W) o 00 00 |^ mile. East gable of old house on opposite shore ... . 29 45 i mile. South chimney of house 81 38 i mile. South gable of house near Cliffs Landing 93 34 3X miles. North gable of barn 115 23 3X miles. North gable of bam 130 38 3X miles. South gable of barn 170 12 2j^ miles. Left tangent of Gum Point 212 10 s-| mile. North gable of bam 220 28 J^ mile. South chimney of Harris house 347 39 yi mile. Rbference station 356 22 00 40.97 meters. INN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Grays Inn Creek about >s mile northwest of Chester River and yi mile southeast of Island Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a peach orchard about 4 feet above high water and 25 yards northeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu^ied with top 3 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Holton Point" (S 72° 50' E) o 00 00 Nail in blaze in sycamore tree (30 inches diameter) 13 24 30 North cupola on barn 38 Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 74 Ivist gable of vSwatska bam loi Itast chimney of house 119 East gable of Harris house 150 East gable of small house 175 Nail in blaze in peach tree (8 inches diam- eter) 252 41 50 II. 71 meters. Southwest comer of Earle bathhouse 359 28 3 miles. 19 25 s miles. 4.53 meters. 2'/^ miles. 4^ miles. 1% miles. ,'2 mile. f^ mile. iA mile. HOLTON POINT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on Holton Point at south side of entrance to Corsica River. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on low sand beach about on level with high water and X mile west of small bathhouse. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.40 meters S 48° 06' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cement-filled tile pipe with top about 6 inches below surface of ground, incased in cement bearing the legend "U. S. C. S.-1896." Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Bay Bush Point" (864° 15' W) o East chimney of house 19 Chimney of small house 27 East gable of barn 38 East gable of small house 57 South gable of bam 67 vSouth gable of house 80 49 2^s miles. 3 miles. 3 miles. T,yi miles. 2^/4 miles. 2yi miles. 2?s miles. 44 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Anncs County, Md. References— Continued. ° East chimney of house 94 West chimney of house 130 South gable of corncrib 157 West gable of barn 184 Reference station 247 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 321 North gable of bam 329 North gable of bam 343 East gable of bam 357 EARLE. 17 1^ miles. 52 2 miles. 14 H mile. 04 I mile. 38 20 5.40 meters. 38 00 28-35 meters. 38 2ys miles. 06 4}4 miles. 02 4X miles. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River on Town Bar Point about ^ mile east of Chester River and 100 yards north of Earle Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 5 yards south of shore, 19 yards north of a pond, and 100 yards north of Earle Wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hydrographic" (S 64° 38' E) o Lone sycamore tree 10 East chimney of house 18 Southeast pile at end of Earle Wharf 48 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 63 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 87 Earle windmill 118 East gable of bam 165 East gable of small house 179 Church steeple at Crosby 196 South gable of Brown house 209 West chimney of house 244 53 ^ mile. South gable of Emory bam 298 08 ^4 mile. West chimney of house 338 10 ij s miles. 00 00 yi mile. 43 X mile. 56 )2 mile. 59 100 yards. 18 00 12.92 meters. 58 50 11.07 meters. 07 300 yards. 21 35^ miles. 26 2^ miles. 20 3^^ miles. 09 2X miles. HYDROGRAPHIC. mile General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River about i^s miles east of Chester River and . east of Earle Wliarf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of cultivated field about 3 feet above high water, 20 yards south of shore, 4 yards south of edge of bank 3 feet high, and 400 yards nortli of lone sycamore tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard ceiiient monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Earle" (N 64° 37' W) o Church steeple at Crosby 14 East gable of bam 19 South gable of barn ^^ South gable of Emory bam 73 00 00 s^ mile. 03 4X miles. 13 3K miles. 12 J^ mile. 18 fi mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 45 44 yi mile. 51 3^ mile. j7 iS.s miles. . . . , I '4 miU-.s. ... 3 mile. References — Continued. ° Southwest comer of Rmon- WTiarf house 75 West gable of barn . 114 West gable of barn .. 135 j; West chimney of house . 148 56 East chimney of house 2 j i 23 Nail in l)laze in apple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 327 14 30 i'6.oo meters. Southeast comer of Earle Wliarf house 354 51 y^ mile. RUTH. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River about i '2 miles east of Chester River and }4 mile northwest of entrance to Tilghraans Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 2 yards west of edge of slope, and 6 yards south of edge of slope. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Hydrographic " (N 82° 13' W) o East chimney of Earle tenant house o South gable of Sissel barn 36 Southeast corner of Emory Wharf house 54 South gable of Emory barn 60 Chimney of Emory house 64 East post of front porch of house i og Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter) . 119 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 223 53 20 14.30 meters. East gable of small barn 308 56 Ismile. Lone sycamore tree 319 00 00 :' n mile. II I mile. 36 I mile. 's mile. ,^4 mile. y^ mile. y^ mile. 9.98 meters. }4 mile. MELFIELD. • General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River about ij^ miles east of Chester River, i mile southeast of Emory Wharf, and js mile east of entrance to Tilghmans Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 18 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 5 yards south of edge of bluff, and 10 yards west of a ravine. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ruth" (N 71° 32' W) o East gable of bam 11 Left tangent of Emory Wharf 29 East chimney of Emory house 38 Soutli west comer of house 74 Cupola on Emory Wharf house 96 Nail in blaze iri walnut tree (8 inches diam- eter) 119 Nail in blaze in gum tree (7 inches diameter) . 179 West gable of bam 195 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 336 South chimney of Earle house 350 00 00 ys mile. 02 5 miles. 50 J4 mile. 10 I mile. 26 3^ mile. 53 i>s miles. 34 10 3.81 meters. 56 10 16.18 meters. 19 f s mile. 32 10 13-85 meters. 42 i^s miles. 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BATH. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River on Wash Point about 2 miles east of Chester River, J-2 mile west of Rocky Point, and j.^ mile southeast of .Ship Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 )-ards east of shore, 13 yards west of a pond, and surrounded by dense growth of bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 8 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References . — o / // "Meliield" (S 30° 54' W) o 00 00 j, mile. Left tangent of peak of bam 24 38 i mile. Earle windmill 53 43 i^ miles. Left edge of Earle Wharf house 56 38 lyi miles. East chimney of house 86 14 i mile. South chimney of house 120 55 J-^ mile. West chimney of house 217 12 ^ mile. North one of two cedar trees on hill 267 01 _J^4 mile. Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (12 inches diameter) 326 23 50 3.06 meters. Nail in blaze in pear tree (15 inches diam- eter) 345 II 50 6.79 meters. SHIP. General locality. — Northern shore of Corsica River on Ship Point at west side of entrance to Emorys Creek, about lyi miles east of Chester River, and yi mile east of Emory Wharf . (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point covered with bushes about i foot above high water, 6 yards west of shore, and 75 yards south of a cedar tree covered with grape vines. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ruth" (S 39° 11' W) o 00 00 5 smile. North gable of barn 3 22 ^ mile. Earle windmill 40 59 i>< miles. Left edge of Earle Wharf house 43 35 i^^ miles. East gable of barn 128 34 y^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 144 zi 3° 1252 meters. West gable of bam 217 05 i'4 miles. West chimney of house 220 00 i_'4 miles. North chimney of house 229 59 i '4 miles. West chimney of house 251 20 3^ mile. ENGINEER. General locality. — Northern shore of Corsica River about i mile east of Chester River, ^i mile north- east of Earle Wharf, and 50 yards west of Emory Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 12 yards north of shore, 50 yards west of Emory Wharf, and 50 yards southeast of a pond. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. i Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 47 References. — o / // "Rutli" (S 29° 36' E) o 00 00 5 s mile. East chimney of house 29 31 yi mile. Nail in blaze in pear tree (6 inches diameter). 70 38 40 99.95 feet Earle windmill 90 13 J,i mile. Lone cedar tree 165 South gable of Emory bam 219 East chimney of Emory house 257 West chimney of house 317 Northeast corner of Emory Wharf house 321 42 125 yards. 59 300 yards. 47 250 yards. 59 1^8 miles. 35 156-94 feet. SWEPSON. General locality. — Northern shore of Corsica River opposite Towti Bar Point about }-i mile east of Chester River, ^ mile north of Earle Wharf, and ^ s mile west of Emory Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 12 yards north of shore, 10 yards south of lone cedar tree, and 12 yards east of small ditch draining swamp. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References . — o / // "Hydrographic" (S 32° 06' E) o 00 00 >s mile. East chimney of house 6 32 J^ mile. Chimney of house 44 28 Earle Windmill 71 46 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (15 inches diameter; 230 15 South gable of Emory barn 282 58 West gable of barn 332 36 North chimney of small house 355 19 \].i miles. Chimney of small house 357 28 2 !i miles. ^8 mile. }-i mile. o 9.50 meters. '/2 mile. i}i "miles. CORSICA. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River at north side of entrance to Corsica River about * .s mile south of Lower Spaniard Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 7 feet above high water, 16 yards east of shore, 11 yards eiist of edge of bank, and 5 yards south of young peach orchard. Marks. — Observed station is center jjoint of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Swepson" (S 54° 31' E) o 00 Nortli chimney of house 19 17 Earle windmill 52 39 Northeast corner of Earle bathhouse 54 01 Left tangent of woods on Gordon Point 93 59 Chimney of small house 145 49 South gable of bam 187 43 West gable of comcrib 318 25 Locust tree (24 inches diameter) 359 07 ,'2 mile. I '2 miles. J<4 mile. X mile. 2|^ miles. 33/I mile. 2^ miles. X mile. 150 yards. DEEP COVE. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on point at west side of entrance to Langford Creek and south side of entrance to Deep Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 10 yards inshore, 50 yards east of a dead tree 2 feet in diameter, 80 yards southeast of a tall poplar tree, and 300 yards east of a house. 48 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 3'2 08 miles, miles, miles. 20 J4 mile. 57 300 yards. 34 200 yards. 01 ,'4 mile. 59 i^i miles. 47 ij 8 miles. 30 , . I mile. 16 2 miles. 41 2;''8 miles. 09 2J'^ miles. 07 25iJ miles. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References: — o r n "Gordon" (S 0° 44' R) o East pine tree of group on Piney Point 5 Spindle on gable of barn 47 Lone poplar tree 59 Northeast corner of Ashley house 87 Southeast corner of fishing shack 124 Lone pine tree 136 South gable of house 193 West chimney of house 200 West gable of barn 243 North chimney of house at Cliffs Landing .... 256 North gable of barn 288 Southwest corner of Earle bathhouse 307 North gable of bam 355 LANGFORD. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on Nichols Point at east side of entrance to Lang- ford Creek. fSee Chart No. 30.) ' Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sandy point among persimmon trees about 2 feet above high water, 12 yards inshore, and 200 yards south of a marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Gordon" (»S 10° 42' W) o East one of group of four pine trees 2 East chimney of house 45 Chimney of small house 56 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 72 East chimney of house 87 South gable of barn 115 South chimney of house 141 Chimney of house 152 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 218 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 287 Northwest corner of Earle bathhouse 299 Cupola on barn 332 North gable of house 346 45 2-5 .s miles. 352 miles. 2/2 miles. 2^4 miles. 02 30 4.59 meters. 27 I mile. 53 % miles. M miles. M miles. 39 20 2.23 meters. IS 30 7.63 meters. 00 1J4 miles. 26 2 miles. 57 2% miles. SPANIARD POINT 2 UPPER. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River on Lower Spaniard Point about 1/4'' miles east of Nichols Point, J-s mile south of Cliffs Landing, and Y^ mile southwest of Spaniard Wharf. (Sec Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand beach about i foot above high water, 8 yards southeast of shore, and 300 yards northwest of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.72 meters S 70° 51' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cement-filled tile pipe bearing the legend "U. S. C. S.- — 1896," with top 6 inches below siuface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 49 References. — ° "Langford" (N 87° 27' W) o South gable of barn 2 East gable of bam 16 Church steeple 29 West chimney of Brown house 37 West chimney of house 76 Right tangent of piles of Cliffs Landing 100 South gable of house loi " Westcotts Windmill " 117 Reference station 196 North gable of bam 295 Right tangent of woods on Gordon Point .... 302 East chimney of house on Grays Inn Creek. . 352 QUAKER. 00 00 1J/4 miles. 44 . . ....... 2]/^ miles. 10 2'i.'i miles. 25 3 miles. 38 i}^ miles. 08 I mile. 40 T/i mile. 05 lyi miles. 31 2X miles. 36 50 11.72 meters. 57 3 miles. 00 3 miles. 39 iH miles. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River in Cliff Bight about ^^ mile north of Nichols Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about 3 feet above high water, 8 yards north- west of shore , 8 yards southeast of a wire fence and a row of pear trees, and 6 yards south of a group of persimmon trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / n "Brown" (N 80° 42' E) o West gable of barn 15 Left tangent of Spaniard Wharf 24 Northeast corner of Earle house 70 North galjlc of house near Reeds Creek 102 Right tangent of woods on Gordon Point .... 114 Lone oak tree 147 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (6 inches diameter) 203 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 319 West chimney of house 351 OS 00 yi mile. 2% miles. 17 \% miles. 08 2 miles. 24 3'4 miles. 37 3>2 miles. 43 K mile. 30 .. ^i meters. 19 00 3.43 meters. 40 T/i mile. EVANS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River on Upper Spaniard Point about S/^ mile south of Cliffs Landing and 's mile northeast of Spaniard Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 10 yards north of shore, and 200 yards east of end of Spaniard Wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Chester" (S 80° 13' E) o Lone walnut tree (6 inches diameter) 106 South gable of fishing shack near shore 136 "Spaniard Wharf 1896" (old triangulation station) 124 49 30 2.49 meters. Right tangent of piles at end of Spaniard Wharf 167 23 250 yards. 20313—12 4 00 00 ^ mile. 17 200 yards. 00 14 mile. 50 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 26 lyi miles. 13 i>8 miles. 00 00 i^ miles. 49 2J2 miles. 55 iK miles. 04 X mile. 26 3'< miles. References — Continued. ° North chimney of house 189 West chimney of house 212 Chimney of Martin cabin 219 20 J^ mile. North gable of Cliffs Landing house 234 31 . . .' ^ mile. East chimney of house 247 28 J4 mile. North gable of bam 276 23 !%■ miles. "Westcott Windmill" 282 55 10 i^ miles. East gable of bam 308 31 i^i miles. North gable of bam 318 03 2X ™iles. East gable of bam 348 39 iX miles. BROWN. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Chester River on Cliffs Point between Cliffs Bight and Commegys Bight about >4 mile west of Cliffs Landing. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 12 feet above high water, 25 yards north of shore, 7 yards north of edge of bank, and 45 yards southeast of a large cherry tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-iuch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Deep Point 2" (N 80° 15' E) o West gable of bam 4 West chimney of house 22 North gable of small fishing shack 82 Nortli gable of bam 115 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 157 07 10 13-55 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (15 inches diam- eter) 209 09 50 14.13 meters. East gable of house 220 55 300 yards. East gable of barn 334 04 300 yards. West chimney of house 338 2^ 1^2 miles. Northwest comer of Martin shack 343 03 77 yards. West gable of wharf house 355 27 54^ mile. STRATTON. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Chester River at west side of entrance to Commegys Bight near Cliffs Landing and about '-4 mile northeast of Cliffs Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about on level with high water, 5 feet north of shore, and 21 yards southwest of entrance to a small creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Deep Point 2 " (N 83° 53' E) o 00 00 z% miles. Cupola on bam 7 50 2 miles. West gable of com crib 23 27 iX ™iles. Southwest comer of wharf house 82 04 100 yards. North gable of house 114 03 3 miles. Right tangent of woods on Gordon Point. . . . 125 14 37-8 miles. Pine tree on line with bulkhead of wharf ... . 154 29 100 yards. North chimney of house 266 37 400 yards. West gable of Westcott bam 319 58 iX miles. West gable of bam 340 32 1% miles. J Survey oj Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 51 CHESTER. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River about H nii'e east of Upper Spaniard Point and yi mile south of Deep Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a low meadow about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 2 yards south of board and wire fence, 2 yards east of rail fence, and 35 yards northwest of gate to front yard of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groitnd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.^ ° ' " "Evans" (N 80° 12' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. South chimney of house 6 21 2^^ miles. East gable of Cliffs Landing house 23 38 i.yi miles. East gable of house 35 11 i>2 miles. Chimney of house 51 47 \yi vaAes. South chimney of Westcott house 76 43 ijs miles. West gable of bam 85 17 i mile. Left tangent of piles of ludiantown Wharf .. . 116 41 1% m\\es. South cupola of bam 139 37 i^4 miles. West chimney of Emory house 158 45 X mile. West chimney of Emory tenant house 218 16 100 yards. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 247 ^t, 10 11.67 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (12 inches diam- eter) 328 54 50 24.18 meters. WESTCOTTS WINDMILL. General locality. — Northwestern side of Chester River about ' s mile inshore from northern end of Commegys Bight and i' i miles northeast of ClifTs Landing. (See Chart No. 30. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 35 feet in height on a bam and near a water tank back of bam. Marks. — Observed station is center 4)oint of windmill. References. — None necessary. CORPSE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River about ii mile southeast of Deep Point, i}4 miles east-northeast of Spaniard Wharf and * s mile southwest of Indiantown Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded marsh strip about i foot above high water, 3 yards east of shore, 18 yards south-southeast of a point, 43 yards north by east of another point, and J 8 mile west of a large house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above siu^face of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Chester" (S 39° 24' W) o 00 00 Js mile. Right tangent of Spaniard Wharf 30 29 1% miles. Chimney of house near Cliffs Landing 61 43 iX miles. Right peak of house on Deep Point 83 48 1 2 mile. Left one of two chimneys on south end of brick house 147 03 i mile. Left tangent of Indiantown Wharf 173 17 l^i mile. Chimney of ell of houst near Indiantown Wharf 181 S3 simile. Left tangent of large house 228 11 % mile. Right chimney of house 297 55 J/i mile. Chimney outside of old house 359 07 J-^ mile. 52 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. oo oo 3^ mile. 43 ZH miles. 04 i|-^ miles. 58 zX miles. 23 27 i mile. meters. 54 00 15-02 meters. 07 iX miles. 25 I mile. 39 i}i miles. 58 20 17-14 meters. DEEP POINT 2. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Chester River on Deep Point about \}i miles cast of Cliffs Landing, i>4 miles northeast of Spaniard Wharf, and ^ mile west of Indiantown Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, among several cedar and poplar trees on a point, 13 yards northeast of shore, 21 yards southwest by west of shore, 40 yards north west of extreme end of point, and 120 yards southeast of a 1} ^'-story house. Cement monument marking reference station is on line with west end of house 17.14 meters N 53° 52' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch tile pipe set in cement with top 2 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument project- ing 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Thorn" (N 40° 10' E) o Left chimney of house 11 Left tangent of Ashland Wharf 13 Near chimney on west peak of house 22 Southwest peak of house near Indiantown Wharf 31 Nail in blaze in branch of cedar tree (15 inches diameter) 45 Cupola on bam 61 43 i mile. Nail in blaze in poplar tree (11 inches diam- eter) ^ 93 Largest one of three chimneys of house 102 Chimney of brick house 153 Chimney on near peak of house 233 Reference station 265 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 266 Right tangent of back of Westcott house 279 Nail in blaze in branch of double tree (8 inches diameter) 340 43 00 i9-74 meters. INDIAN. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River near Indiantown Wharf about ^'i mile east- northeast of Deep Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards east of shore end of IndiantoAvn Wharf, 10 yards southeast of shore, 21 yards north of curved fence of yard of a small house, and 40 yards north by west of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° " Corpse " (S 38° 10' W) o Right tangent of Spaniard Wharf 22 Right chimney of Westcott bungalow 34 Near comer of wharf house 72 Left tangent of Massey brick house 96 Large chimney of house beyond trees 146 Chimney of small house near Quaker Neck Wharf 161 Left tangent of Ashland Wharf 176 Lone cedar tree 182 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 287 43 30 31-24 meters. 56 20 17-78 meters. 120 yards. I 00 00 H mile. 40 2 miles. 55 K mile- 50 100 yards. 48 K mile. 08 I mile. 24 1% miles. 19 fi mile. 24 120 yards. I Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md, 53 References — Continued. o , // Near corner of house 288 24 5^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 305 59 10 18.68 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (20 inches diam- eter) 319 41 10 30.92 meters. Right tangent of curved fence 324 40 40 yards. Chimney of large house 334 58 yi mile. THORN. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River opposite White Cove near Westcott Wharf and about ^ mile northeast of Deep Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 15 yards northwest of shore, 5 yards southwest of comer of board fence, 60 yards south-southeast of a brick house, and 42 yards southwest of piles of old wharf at shore line. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Shippen" (N 43° 17'E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Near peak of large house i8 40 4>^ miles. Left tangent of Ashland Wharf 23 21 s^i mile. Corner post of fence (4 inches diameter) 7,7, 23 10 4.33 meters. Cupola of bam 104 13 J/i mile. Chimney of small house 159 09 ij^ miles. Near corner of Massey house 208 40 yi mile. Nail in blaze in peach tree (6 inches diameter) 283 57 22 13.74 meters. Nail in blaze in fence post (3 inches diameter) 338 27 20 5.35 meters. ASHLAND. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River near Ashland Wharf and about X mile northeast of White Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality, — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 5 yards southeast of shore, 32 3^ards southwest of a fence, and 20 yards west-northwest of persimmon trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siu'face of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Indian" (S 43° 29' W) o 00 00 % mile. Right tangent of Indiantown Wharf 5 44 yi mile. Chimney on ell of Massey house 37 46 ^ mile. Chimney of small house 116 46 f^ mile. Peak of Quaker Neck Wharf house.- 145 43 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in fence post (4 inches diameter) 171 12 50 28.80 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 247 22 50 22.81 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 289 34 10 17-29 meters. Chimney of summer house 356 04 }/2 tQiX^. SHIPPEN. General /oco/i^ miles. South peak of large bam 78 48 fi mile. Near chimney of Quaker Neck Wharf house . . 89 20 )4 mile. Left chimney of old house 108 41 Left tangent of hook-shaped point of marsh . . 183 22 X ™ile- Near peak of house 196 25 i^ miles. Windmill 234 22 30 ^ mile. Chimney of house 280 56 i mile. Left chimney of house on Ashland Road .... 323 57 i mile. OYSTER. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River about ^' s mile northeast of Quaker Neck Wharf and l-{ mile southwest of entrance to Jarretts Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 20 feet above high water, 8 yards west-northwest of edge of bank, 9 yards north -north west of edge of bank, 25 yards northeast by north of a cedar tree, 100 yards southwest of lowland, and 115 yards east of fence near a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 55 References. — o / // " Jarrett" (N 67° 48' E) o 00 00 ■• s mile. Left peak of Bookers Wharf house 21 00 ij^ miles. Cupola 50 Windmill ". 50 Left chimney of house 107 Cupola on barn 123 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 143 Smoke pipe of wharf house 151 Left chimney of house 180 Left chimney of old house on near side of Jarretts Creek 277 Chimney of house among trees 309 STARKLEY. 14 I mile. 55 H mile. 14 lyi miles. 50 1% miles. 13 30 24.90 meters. 03 yi mile. 43 13° yards. i mile. 'i miles. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River about X mile east of Quaker Neck Wharf, and ^2 mile southwest of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in meadow land about i foot above high water, 10 yards east by south of shore, 7,2, yards south of first cut in shore, 140 )'ards north by west of a fence, 145 yards southwest of point where another fence meets shore, and 275 yards south of large cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bums" (S6i°34' W) o Left chimney of Quaker Neck Wharf house . . 39 Right peak of bam 66 Peak of middle dormer window of large house . 114 Left peak of large house 163 Left peak of Bookers Wharf house 187 Large cedar tree igi Spindle on left cupola of barn 262 Weathervane on barn 320 00 00 yi mile. 02 14. mile. 43 I mile. 30 yi mile. 49 1% miles. 48 ,'2 mile. II 275 yards. 00 20 J2 mile. }4 mile. 5° JARRETT. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River about '^ mile soutliwest of Melton Point, % mile east of entrance to Jarretts Creek, and ?^ mile west of Bookers Wharf . (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 14 yards north of shore, 50 yards from a short fence at shore, 65 yards west of entrance to slough, and 175 yards from another fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Melton" (N 6i°34' E) o Left peak of house on ridge i Right peak of small house 47 West peak of Bookers Wharf house 48 Spindle on left cupola on barn 96 Weathervane on cupola on bam 125 Chimney of house near Indiantown Wharf. . . 155 Large chimney of Massey brick house 169 Smokepipe of Quaker Neck Wharf house .... 182 Peak of middle dormer window of large house . 299 00 00 Yi mile. 35 iK miles. 58 yi mile. 50 yi mile. 01 J^ mile. 48 I mile. 29 lyi miles. 16 -O/i miles. 50 % mile. 07 yi mile. 56 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Anncs County, hid. BOOKKR. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River about 175 yards northeast of Bookers Wharf and ]i mile south of Melton Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sanded marsh land about i foot above high water, 6 yards southeast of shore, 13 yards east by south of a small point, 30 yards southwest by south of locust trees. 125 yards northwest by north of a house on 20-foot bank, and 14c yards northwest of a creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Starkley " (S 67° 5,5' W) o 00 00 ' s mile. Left chimney of Quaker Neck Wharf house . . 17 46 i}4 miles. Near peak of house in woods 53 23 f4 mile. Peak of middle dormer window on left side of house among trees 68 05 J's mile. Chimney of house 113 38 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 182 23 40 29.46 meters. Near peak of house on bank 293 48 125 yards. Right peak of Bookers Wharf house 350 47 175 yards. JOURNEY. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Chester River opposite Melton Point about ,',2 mile north- east of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 20 feet above high water, 3 yards southeast by east of edge of bank, south of large elm tree, and northeast of several sycamore and locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Booker" (S 28° 15' W) o 00 00 yi mile. Right peak of Bookers Wharf house 4 24 X mile. Smokepipe of Quaker Neck Wharf house .... 41 21 i^i miles. Near peak of house with three dormer win- . dows 77 01 J^ mile. Right chimney of 2 '2-story house 107 02 i^ miles. Nail in blaze in elm tree (10 inches diameter). 134 27 40 22.70 meters. Large cedar tree in yard near fence 187 30 400 yards. Near peak of old house 318 16 200 yards. Nail in blaze in sycamore tree (8 inches diam- eter) 355 05 00 21.00 meters. MELTON. General locality. — Western shore of upper Chester River on Melton Point about }4 mile north of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 4 yards south of shore, 40 yards north of shore, 32 yards northwest of extreme end of point, 2 yards northeast of marsh, and 125 yards east-southeast of clump of cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Aid. 57 References. — o / // " Pomona" (N 53° 38' W) o 00 00 ^s mile. Right chimney of house on knoll 17 17 i% voiles. Right peak of roof of building 68 07 |4 mile. Left chimney of hovise 1 18 37 J^i mile. 'Northwest chimney of house on bank near Bookers Wharf 2ig 20 l-i mile. Northwest peak of Bookers Wharf house 226 38 % mile. Smoke pipe of Quaker Neck Wharf house. . . . 296 46 iX miles. Near chimney of house with dormer windows. 346 50 ^s mile. C.\KE. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Chester River about Js mile north of Melton Point and Js mile north of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh about i foot above high water, 13 yards east- southeast of shore, 35 yards northeast by north of shore, 35 yards northeast of rounded point, 150 yards north-northwest of entrance to a creek, 200 yards south-southwest of buildings, and 300 yards south of a house among trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Journey" (S 36° 2g' E) o 00 00 '2 mile. Chimney on ell of house to left of trees 3 40 5-^ mile. Northwest peak of Bookers Wharf house 38 53 ]/i mile. South chimney of near one of twin houses .. . 142 4g ^ mile. East chimney of brick house among trees on ridge 169 16 i>2 miles. South peak of building 229 41 % mile. Large lone tree on ridge 299 10 X mile. Left chimney of large house 324 39 ^ mile. POMONA. General locality. — Western shore of upper Chester River about s g mile northwest of Melton Point and ],4 mile south of entrance to Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among small trees near edge of cultivated field, about 12 feet above high water, 6 yards west of edge of bank, and 8 yards from top of slope to marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Taste" (N 5° 30' W) o 00 00 >2 mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 14 28 20 5.23 meters. Windmill 52 29 30 2 miles. Right corner of house 71 49 1% miles. Large lone tree in field 93 20 \% miles. Left chimney of large house 103 47 iX miles. Ell of house to left of trees 126 48 iX miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 167 10 50 7.74 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) ig6 39 40 12.18 meters. Large cherrj' tree '. 277 32 300 yards. 58 Survey of Oyster Pars, Queen Annes County, Aid. BILL. General locality. — Eastern shore of up])cr Chester River about }i mile north of Melton Point and nearly opposite Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is in grove of elm, ash, and oak trees on north side of a point about 20 feet above high water, 7 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 30 yards east-northeast of a small house , and 40 yards west-southwest of a fence . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Cake" (S 15° 41' E) o Right peak of Bookers Wharf house 12 Nail in blaze in elm tree (10 inches diameter). 20 Nail in blaze in elm tree (g inches diameter). 69 Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter). 129 East chimney of brick house 137 Peak of sharp roof 155 "Robertson Windmill" 243 Spindle on peak of house on Rolphs Wharf . . 247 Nail in blaze in tree (8 inches diameter) 280 Left chimney of house on ridge 322 Nail in blaze in tree (15 inches diameter). .. . 343 Chimney on ell of house 349 TASTE. 00 00 }4 mile. 04 1^ miles. 43 40 12-37 meters. 23 10 9.92 meters. 28 40 2.95 meters. 29 3^ mile. 53 '^ mile. 52 40 2^ miles. 40 2}^ miles. 24 50 7.60 meters. 17 -'4 mile. .... 12.30 meters. .... I mile. 37 25 General locality. — Western shore of upper Chester River on point at east side of entrance to Browns Creek, about i mile northwest of Melton Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point between Chester River and Browns Creek, about 5 yards north of shore of Chester River, 30 yards south of shore of Browns Creek, 50 yards south- west of point of shore of Browns Creek, and 55 yards west-southwest of cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ' o / // "Make" (N 52° 14' E) o 00 00 fi mile. Windmill 7 11 30 i^ miles. Chimney of house 25 20 ij^ miles. •Left chimney of house on ridge 68 58 1^4 miles. Chimney on ell of house 84 20 ij2 miles. 55 2X miles. 18 J^ mile. 30 I mile. 04 I mile. General loealily. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River about 2 miles southwest of entrance to Southeast Creek and i mile east of entrance to Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small rounded point of sanded marsh about i foot above high water, 5 yards south of shore, 40 yards east by south of an inlet, and 95 yards west of a fence beyond trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Bill" (S 73° 52' W) o F)ast peak of large bam 33 Chimney of house 75 "Robertson Windmill" 138 Right peak of small house near Rolphs Wharf. 153 54 2X miles. Left peak of taller of two bams 197 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 232 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 253 Nail in blaze in pear tree (3 inches diameter) . 348 00 00 j'2 mile. 37 I mile. 53 il4 miles. 57 20 I mile. 17 mile. 06 10 52.50 meters. 40 47.18 meters. 50 14.34 meters. JULIUS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River about ', mile southwest of Wilmers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded grass point fringed by cedar trees and abotit 2 yards south of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of manument. References. — ° "Down" (856° 12' W) o Chimney of left one of twin houses 10 Near peak of large bam 37 Middle one of three large trees 39 " Robertson Windmill ' 130 South chimney of house at Rolphs Wharf . . . 165 Weather vane on large bam 176 Northwest peak of Wilmers Wharf canner>-. . . 187 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 198 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 31S 06 20 4.30 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (9 inches diam- eter) 345 21 00 13-" meters. 00 00 } 2 mile. 37 j}4 miles. 29 I mile. 50 74 mile. 23 30 iX miles. 38 iH miles. 18 iX miles. t;3 H mile. 00 4.77 meters. 6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. BROAD. General locality. — Northwestern side of upper Chester River on an island at entrance to Broad Creek aboxit I mile northeast of entrance to Browns Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on western end of a marsh island about 9 yards north of shore, 43 yards south of shore, and 52 yards east-southeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of manument. References. — o / // "Nils" (N 80° 24' E) o 00 00 % m\\e.. Near peak of cannery 7 17 ij^ miles. Chimney on ell of house' on ridge 51 09 2^ miles. Right peak of bam 98 26 i mile. Peak of middle dormer window of large house. 132 08 13^2 miles. East peak of large barn to left of large tree. .. . 190 34 i mile. " Robertson Windmill " 341 25 30 i K miles. NILS. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River about ^4 mile west of entrance to Southeast Creek and '2 mile east of an island at entrance to Broad Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 4 yards north of shore, no yards east by south of tangent of point of curve of shore, and 450 yards south- west of a house and windmill. Marks. — Observed station is center point of t.-iangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Robertson " (N 59° 04' E) o 00 00 yi m\\&. Weather vane on southwest peak of largest bam on ridge 10 46 i>^ miles. North peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery 37 03 % mile. Chimney of house near Wilmers Wharf 41 52 K mile. West chimney of large house on ridge 133 32 i mile. Near peak of roof of house on hill 158 22 i mile. " Robertson Windmill " 336 55 '/2 mile. WILMERS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River on southwest side of entrance to South- east Creek about 175 yards northeast of Wilmers Wharf. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded grass point between river and marsh about 3 feet above high water, 7 yards east of shore, 5 yards southwest of shore, and 5 yards southeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Julius" (S 60° 34' W) o 00 00 '2 mile. Chimney on near one of twin houses 4 58 2^ miles. East peak of large barn 27 14 i}4 miles. " Robertson Windmill " 74 09 30 simile. Cupola on Robertson bam 83 23 % mile. Flagpole on Rolphs Wharf 154 06 20 iX miles. Weather vane on large barn 169 23 i}i miles. Cupola on barn 212 59 300 yards. Cupola on bam 284 57 simile. Right peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery 348 26 175 yards. I Survey of Oyster Pars, Queen Amies County, Md. 6i ROBERTSON WINDMILL. General locality. — Northwestern side of upper Chester River opposite entrance to Southeast Creek about iX miles southeast of Rolphs Wharf. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is windmill on high tower in rear of house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of windmill. References. — None necessar3^ ROBERTSON. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River near Riverside Wharf opposite entrance to Southeast Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards northwest of shore, 45 )'ards northeast of shore end of a wharf, and loo yards southwest of a point of land. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Thorsten" (N 52° 00' E) o 00 00 Sgmile. Weather vane on large barn 9 30 ij^ miles. Cupola on old bam 50 31 1% miles. Chimney of house near Wilmers Wharf 97 11 f^ mile. Pinnacle on cupola on barn 105 15 yi mile. Northwest peak of cannery 117 41 ^ mile. Weather vane on cupola on barn 256 15 20 % mile. Spindle on cupola on another bam 260 56 X mile. Spindle on peak of Rolphs lower wharf house . 359 29 iX miles. SOUTHEAST. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River on Deep Point at northeastern side of entrance to Southeast Creek about A4 mile south-southwest of Rolphs Wharf and 'j mile northeast of Wilmers Wharf. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 19 yards south of edge of bank, 21 yards east by north of edge of bank, and 27 yards east by south of extreme point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Wilmers" (S 57° 46' W) o 00 00 j-^ mile. Right tangent of Wilmers Wharf 2 57 }4 mile. "Robertson Windmill", 34 41 20 ^ mile. Spindle on cupola on barn 38 02 J^ mile. Weather vane on cupola on barn 38 32 ' iy^ mile. Near peak of long small shanty 118 31 2 miles. Left peak of large barn 134 39 i^ miles. Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf house 140 54 10 yi mile. Right peak of long barn igi 46 % mile. Lightning rod between two chimneys on house 248 51 ^'s mile. Right peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery 358 34 ^ mile. 62 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. THORSTEN. General locality. — Nortli western shore of upper Chester River about 3^ mile northeast of Wilmers Wharf and % mile north of entrance to Southeast Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 12 yards northwest of shore, 10 yards northeast of short fence, and 4 yards southeast of lone cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Blank" (N 19° 37' E) o 00 00 J^ mile. Northwest peak of large bam 4 34 iX miles. Northwest peak of large bam 21 09 i mile. Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf 23 33 s,-^ mile. Weather vane on very large barn 48 West peak of bam behind wharf 81 Lightning rod to right of two chimneys of house Ill Nail in blaze in fence post 115 Top point of roof of large brick house on ridge . 135 Spindle on cupola on left one of two bams at Wilmers Wharf 177 Northwest peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery. . igo Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter). . ., 279 BLANK. 1% miles. I mile. 15 ij^ miles. 15 30 8.85 meters. 05 40 2j4 miles. 08 40 % mile. 15 3^ mile. 43 3° 340 meters. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River about J-4 mile west of Rolphs Wharf and 5-4 mile north of entrance to Southeast Creek. (See Progress map.) Immeiliale locality. — Observed station is on a grassy point about 2 feet above high water, 7 yards west of shore, g yards north of shore, 8 yards northwest of extreme end of point, and 40 yards from a dense clump of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Rolphs" (N 82° 37' E) o 00 00 _J4' mile. Weather vane on wharf house 10 ig ^4' mile. Left peak of wharf house 71 30 j-2 mile. Left peak of small house among trees 104 28 30 i}-^ miles. Spindle on barn cupola 115 06 i^ miles. Peak of middle dormer window of house 271 38 iX miles. Peak of large bam ^^3 25 fi mile. Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf house 356 27 X mile. ROLPHS. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Chester River about 100 yards southeast of Rolphs Wharf and X mile north of entrance to Southeast Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grass bank between two large willow trees about 6 feet above high water, 5 yards northeast of shore, 19 yards south-southwest of side gate to yard, and 7 yards southwest of a road 3 feet higher than observed station. I Survey oj Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Aid. 63 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Southeast" (S 22° 53' W) o 00 00 % mile. Peak of Wilraers Wharf cannery 15 06 iX miles. Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf 76 59 100 yards. Nail in blaze in willow tree (24 inches diam- eter) 88 06 20 7.16 meters. Chimney on ell of Story house 151 36 53 yards. Nail in blaze in willow tree (27 inches diam- eter) 220 31 10 1396 meters. Chimney on ell of Story house 261 56 120 yards. Nail in blaze in willow tree (25 inches diam- eter) 309 26 40 8.51 meters. Weather vane on middle of lower wharf house. 347 42 100 yards. CRANEY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on western shore of Kent Island about J2 mile north of Craney Creek and 4,'^ miles east of Tolly Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above and 30 feet back from high water on a low, sandy, cultivated field. A group of farm buildings stand about '4 mile away. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.88 meters N 85° 36' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a wooden stub projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — 011/ "Thomas Point Light" (S 56° 45' W) o 00 00 4^^ miles. "Greenbury Point Shoal Light" 57 27 30 5^4 miles. " Sandy Point Light" 1 1 1 26 30 5^^ miles. Reference STATION 208 51 10 4.88 meters. Cupola on bam 258 11 ,'4 mile. Extreme south tangent of Kent Island 310 52 6 miles. THOMAS POINT SHOAL LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay offshore about i^ ^ miles southeast of Thomas Point and 3 miles south of entrance to channel to Annapolis. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a hexagonal screw-pile structure known as Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse. Reference. — o / // "Thomas 3" (N 56° 07' W) o 00 00 i}4 miles. BLOODY POINT BAR LIGHT. General locality. — Offshore of southwestern end of Kent Island on northern side of entrance to Eastern Bay about I's miles southwest of Bloody Point and i'{ miles west of Kent Point. (vSee Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tower on caisson structure known as Bloody Point Bar Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Bloody Point Bar Lighthouse. Reference. — o / // " Valliant' ' (S 4° 59' E) o 00 00 4X miles. 64 Survey of Oyster Bars, Oiieen Amies County, Md. TENK. miles east of General locality. — Northern side of entrance to Eastern Bay on Kent Point about i^ Bloody Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. ,31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in about 2 feet of water, 18 yards off shore of Kent Point, 50 yards southwest of point of land, and 65 yards south-southeast of another point of land. Cement monument marking reference station is .35.94 meters N 36° 15' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 3-inch square stub in water with top about on level with high water. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument project- ing 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Bloody Point Bar Light" (S 86° 34' W) o Reference station 57 Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm . . 169 "Rich Neck Water Tank" 175 Flagpole on Claiborne train shed 181 Right chimney of house 188 " Kemp Tower " 190 Right chimney of brick house 206 Right chimney of house 240 Chimney left of house among trees on Poplar Island 278 00 00 1% miles. 11 30 35-94 meters. 26 5? 8 miles. 48 10 5>^' miles. 14 43^2 miles. 34 4,'-2 miles. 21 30 3J^8 miles. 17 3^ miles. 12 4^2 miles. 33-^ miles. STRAIGHT. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on Long Point about 2^4 miles northeast of Kent Point, 2yi miles northwest of Wades Point, and ' s mile northeast of entrance to Long Point Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) , Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 35 yards west of edge of bank, 45 yards northwest of edge of bank near a tree, 80 yards south -south west of fence comer, 245 yards south-southeast of fence comer at gate, and 175 yards east-southeast of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Needle" (N 48° 15' E) o Left tangent of Tilghmans Point 35 Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm. . 42 "Kemp Tower" 83 Nail in blaze in red oak tree (22 inches diam- eter) 113 Right tangent of woods on Poplar Island 155 Left tangent of woods on Kent Point 179 South peak of building 264 East peak of bam 317 00 00 4j4 miles. 07 4^-^ miles. 27 ^yi miles. 46 00 2]/^ miles. 59 00 31.06 meters. 30 5^ miles. 48 2 miles. 18 K mile. 48 ^ mile. South chimney of house 330 10 j^ mile. MOUTH. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on eastem shore of Kent Island about 1% miles north of Long Point, 3S s miles northwest of Claiborne Wliarf , and ^,14 miles southwest of Bodkin Island. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 10 yards west of top of a bank with imiform slope to shore, 50 yards south of a small cove, and 20 yards south of a group of cedar trees near shore. 1 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 65 00 00 2}4 miles. 41 4X miles. 35 2X miles. 25 3 miles. 43 00 $ys miles. 49 6X miles. 05 4^ miles. 19 4 miles. 48 40 3^ miles. 41 3X miles. og 00 3^ miles. 59 is mile. 35 iK miles. 46 . . 134 miles. A/arij. —Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Matta" (N 5° 49' W) o South gable of bam 26 West gable of house ^:^ Right tangent of woods on Turkey Point 50 "Parsons Island Water Tank" 66 North gable of bam 74 Left tangent of woods on Tilglimans Point 103 South chimney of house on Tilghraans Point Farm 112 "Rich Neck Water Tank " 124 South gable of Claiborne Wharf house 137 "Kemp Tower" 154 East chimney of Legg house 224 Chimney of small house 286 South gable of bam 342 MATTA. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on eastern shore of Kent Island at western side of entrance to Shipping Creek about 2 miles west of Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 125 yards southwest of extreme end of point, 25 yards northwest of dry ditch, and 200 yards northwest of lone cedar tree near shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Batts" W 67°45' E) o North chimney of house 17 Left tangent of woods on Tilghraans Point. . . 54 North chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 62 "Rich Neck Water Tank" 71 Left tangent of woods on Long Point 105 Chimney of Greeve house 124 South chimney of house 231 South cupola on bam 247 East chimney of house 273 Chimney of small house 296 West chimney of house 305 THEN. General locality. — Western shore of small bay at entrance to Shipping Creek about ^ mile northwest of Eastern Bay, ^4 mile northeast of entrance to narrow part of Shipping Creek, and at western side of entrance to a smaller creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 33 yards west of shore, 40 yards south of shore, 50 yards north of shore at line between hard land and marsh, 8 yards east of pasttire land, and }4 mile east of 2J-2''-story house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 20313—12 5 00 00 I mile. 54 2 miles. 30 5J^ miles. 34 $H miles. 31 00 5X miles. 49 2^ miles. 53 /< mile. 14 ^ mile. 39 H mile. 58 iX miles. 12 i}4 miles. 45 1)4 miles. 66 Survey of Oyster Bars, Qtieen Annes County, Md. References. — o / // "Some" (N 68° 51' E) o 00 00 K mile. Near peak of brick house 16 50 ^i mile. Large lone tree on point 46 08 30 J^ mile. " Rich Neck Water Tank " 74 53 3° 6 miles. Weather vane on bam cupola no 34 30 3 miles. Right comer of large house 115 32 i mile. Large lone tree in field 178 12 250 yards. Near peak of house 200 43 )4 mile. Near peak of house 247 04 }4 mile. Left peak of house 300 50 K mile. Left peak of large house 323 36 ^ mile. SOME. General locality. — Northern shore of small bay at entrance to Shipping Creek on a point between two small creeks about ^ mile north of Eastern Bay and 2 miles northwest of Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality.— Observed station is in a cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 20 yards northeast of marsh, 30 yards northwest of edge of bank, 28 yards east of edge of bank, 50 yards northeast of shore of Shipping Creek, and 53 yards southwest of shore of small creek. Marks.— Observed station is center point of Uiangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Batts" (S49° 01' E) o 00 00 s^' mile. Large lone tree 18 55 K niile. Peak between two chimneys of large house . . 72 18 i>i miles. Right peak of bam 105 01 134 miles. Near peak of house 125 20 X ™ile. Near peak of large bam 171 45 H niile. Left chimney of old house 194 °7 }i mWe. Spindle on cupola on bam 221 37 }4 mile. Large pine tree 3°? 21 V^ "^ile. Left comer of hu-ge house 339 25 J< mile. BATTS. General locality .—Northern shore of Eastern Bay on southern end of Batts Neck between Shipping and Cox Creeks about iX miles northwest of Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality.— Observed station is in cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 21 yards north of shore, and 100 yards west of a wire fence extending 100 yards into bay. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Station " CoxES CrEEk," iSgg, is 87.70 meters N 72° 20' E of observed station and is marked by the center of a cross in the top of a granite post about 12 inches square in the rough and about 27 inches long projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. The top of the granite post is dressed to a 6-inch cube marked with a square cross and the letters " U. S. " Subsurface mark is center of neck of a bottle buried witli top 3 inches below base of granite post. References . — " Turkey " (S 58° 24' E) o 00 00 !>< miles. North chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 19 25 5 miles. " Rich Neck Water Tank " 28 26 00 similes. Nail in blaze in one of twin persimmon trees (4 inches diameter) 37 3^ 40 3-94 meters. Left tangent of woods on Long Point 69 48 3X miles. 1 I Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 67 References — Continued. o / // East gable of house 76 30 2//^ miles. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 91 13 50 9.76 meters. South chimney of house 202 08 ^ mile. South chimney of house 242 32 J^ mile. South gable of bam 271 .54 iX miles. North chimney of house 293 22 i}i miles. " Coxes Creek " 1899 (granite post) 310 44 20 87.70 meters. North chimney of house 341 07 i^ miles. TOP. General locality. — Western shore of Cox Creek about i mile north of Eastern Bay and i mile south of Warehouse Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cupola of a barn about 150 )'ards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of top of cupola on barn. References. — None necessary. WARE. Genera! locality. — Western shore of Cox Creek about 2 miles north of Eastern Bay and X mile south of entrance to Warehouse Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 300 yards northwest of end of point, and go yards south of wire fence extending east and west. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.- — o / // "Tuxon" (N 13° 45' E) o South gable of house i South chimney of house 19 North chimney of house 34 Cupola on bam 99 North chimney of house 171 South chimney of house 257 South chimney of house 307 00 00 J^ mile. II i>2 miles. 05 iX miles. 50 I mile. 46 }4 mile. 48 1^ miles. 55 .35° yards. 54 ,'-^ mile. COFFEE. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Warehouse Creek on a point about 14 mile northwest of Cox Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, g yards south of point of shore, 13 yards southwest of shore, 17 yards west-northwest of shore at fence, 12 yards north of fence, 29 yards east-northeast of comer of fence, and 250 yards north by east of house with two chimneys. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Here" (N 53° 46'W) o Left peak of bam , 22 Left chimney of brick house 51 West chimney of house 100 Near peak of house 113 Left peak of house 136 Cupola on barn 160 Nail in blaze in fence post 173 Nail in blaze in fence post 220 ■ Near comer of house 226 Nail in blaze in fence post 245 00 00 . . . . . . H mile. 49 . . . i}i miles. 40 . . . lyi miles. 41 ... lyi miles. 46 . . . 1% miles. II . . . lyi miles. 33 . . . 1% miles. 15 30 •■• . . . 16.57 meters. 34 40 • • • . . . 12. 2g meters. 02 . . . 250 yards. 59 30 ••• ... 14.14 meters. 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. HERE. General /oca/i7v.— Southwestern shore of Warehouse Creek on a point at northwestern side of entrance to a small cove about '4 mile northwest of Cox Creek. (See Chart No. 1,1.) immccliale /oi-u/i(>'. -Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 17 yards west of shore. 20 yards southwest of shore, 25 yards northwest of shore, 60 yards north fif .shore, 3 yards southeast of one-strand barbed-wire fence, and >4 mile east to southeast of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Samuel" (N 31° 22' E) o 00 00 X mile. Chimney outside northwest end of large house 20 34 i}i miles. Near peak of house 43 01 '^H miles. Cupola on bam 79 17 i^ miles. Cupola on bam 96 45 iK miles. Middle north chimney of large old brick house 115 39 J^' mile. Peak of side gable of house 185 54 iK miles. Left end of large house 314 4° K mile. SAMUEL. General locality. — Northeastern sliore of Warehouse Creek on a point at northwestern side of entrance to a small cove about ^{ mile northwest of Cox Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Ol^served station is on long marsh point about i foot above high water, 9 yards east of shore of Warehouse Creek, 23 yards west-southwest of shore of small cove, 18 yards north of point, arid 27 yards west of another point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Liver" (S 56° 31' E) o 00 00 f's mile. Spindle on bam cupola 12 ig iK miles. Near peak of small house 34 56 % mile. Left chimney of large house 92 52 i^ miles. Chimney of house showing through trees .... 208 43 ^ mile. Left comer of large brick house 247 45 1% miles. Chimney outside of near end of house 304 12 iX miles. Left peak of house 339 08 lyi miles. Cupola on bam 353 59 10 iK miles. LIVER. General /oca/r7 v.— Northeastem shore of Warehouse Creek on a point at westem side of entrance to a small cove about >4 mile northwest of Cox Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 yards northwest of shore, 17 yards southeast of shore, 30 yards north of point of shore, 30 yards northeast of extreme end of point, and 250 yards southwest by south of three large trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' "Tuxon" (N 83° 37' E) o 00 00 3/g niile. Left peak of house 10 23 i mile. Cupola on bam 32 16 iX miles. Left tangent of left chimney of large house .. . 94 18 ij^ miles. Right peak of small house 118 20 fs mile. Left peak of house with three dormer win- dows 237 10 I mile. Left peak of very large bam 281 55 lyi miles. Clump of pine trees 299 34 250 yards. West chimney of house 326 31 i>i miles. J Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen A niies County, Md. 69 TUXON. General locality. — Western shore of Cox Creek on a point about 3 miles north of Eastern Bay, yi mile south of entrance to Thompsons Creek, and y^ mile northeast of entrance to Warehouse Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 2 feet above high water and 50 yards west of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 8 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Greek" (S 51° 51' E) o 00 00 yi taile. East chimney of house 41 10 yi mile. "Top" (cupola on bam) 61 37 if^ miles. North chimney of house 77 45 J^ mile. North chimney of house 107 28 ^^ mile. South gable of bam 198 06 i mile. North chimney of house 265 55 J^ mile. North chimney of house 288 06 fi mile. North chimney of house 333 02 yi mile. Cupola on bam 357 44 zyi miles. vSTEVE. General locality. — Western shore of Cox Creek on a point about 3X miles north of Eastern Bay at southwestern side of entrance to Thompsons Creek and yi mile north of entrance to Warehouse Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 27 yards south of shore, 35 yards north of shore, 20 yards west of a point of shore, and 35 yards east of a point of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Thompson" (N 37° 13' W) o 00 00 '4. mile. Chimney of small house i 03 J^ mile. Right peak of very large house 30 08 i mile. Near comer of large house 65 50 ^ mile. Near comer of large house 92 28 ^i mile. Near peak of house 124 07 l,^ mile. Near peak of house 164 38 J^ mile. Weather vane on house with two chimneys. . 209 03 ly^ \ni\cs. Left chimney of small house 234 45 lyi miles. Right peak of small house 253 12 i/^ miles. Near peak of house 329 44 i mile. Left comer of brick house 355 18 ^ mile. THOMPSON. General locality. — Western shore of Thompsons Creek about yi mile west of point of land between Thompsons Creek and Cox Creek and j s mile northwest of a small cove. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate: locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 30 yards south of shore, 45 yards northwest of shore, 20 yards southwest of point of shore, and 120 yards south-southeast of rail fence. 70 Stirvey of Oyster Bars, Queen Anncs County, Md. Maiki. stiitioii is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurfucc mark is center of 2-ineli tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — u / // "Hope" (N 11° 27' E) o 00 00 J 8 mile. Near peak of large house showing through trees 5 32 i mile. Near comer of large house 50 56 14 mile. Near peak of large house 72 51 •/& mile. Right peak of house 95 29 ^ mile. Left comer of house 120 38 1 mile. Right chimney of house 186 03 i mile. Left comer of brick house 303 2>i K mile. Near peak of house 330 41 \yi miles. Right comer of very large house 353 36 J^ mile. HOPE. General locality. — Western shore of Thompsons Creek on a point between Thompsons Creek and a smaller creek about yi mile northwest of Cox Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 40 yards west of shore, go yards northwest of shore, and 200 yards east-southeast of end of fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on stimdard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Knock" ^S 74° 42' E) o 00 00 >^ mile. Right comer of near chimney of house 4 07 }i mile. Right comer of near chimney of house 13 34 H mile. Near peak of house 42 13 ij^ miles. Weather vane on house with two chimneys. . 65 46 30 ij'ii miles. Right tangent of near chimney of large house . 150 10 ^s mile. Near peak of large brick house 159 59 ^ mile. Near peak of house 224 12 J^ mile. Right peak of large house 253 12 H mile. KNOCK. General locality. — Eastem shore of Thompsons Creek about }4 mile north of Cox Creek and opposite a point of land between Thompsons Creek and a cove. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in southwest end of point of woods about i foot above high water, 6 yards east of shore, and 60 yards south-southwest of a point of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Landing" (S 3° 06' E) o 00 00 yi mile. " Top " (bara cupola) 10 08 30 2}4 miles. Near peak of large house 83 14 iK miles. Near peak of large brick house 94 16 fi mile. Left peak of very large bam 151 32 X niile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter) . 184 10 00 5.50 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter). 226 58 30 23.81 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (10 inches diameter). 276 49 00 7.15 meters. Right comer of near chimney of large house . . 295 35 ^s mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 71 LANDING. 00 00 fi mile. 07 I mile. 38 i^ miles. 41 lyi miles. 12 fi mile. 18 J^ mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Thompsons Creek about js niile northwest of Cox Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 16 yards northwest of cut in shore, 20 yards north-northwest of point of shore, 14 yards east of point, 12 yards southeast of shore, 100 yards west of cultivated land, and 250 yards south of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Timber" (S 38° 33' E) o Left peak of bam i Weather vane on middle of house with two chimneys 34 Right chimney of house 66 Left comer of large brick house 150 Right peak of very large house 202 Right corner of large house 275 49 ^4. mile. Large house 314 03 l/i mile. Right peak of bam 347 53 i}i miles. TIMBER. General locality. — Eastern shore of Cox Creek about 3X miles north of Eastern Bay, ^ mile north- east of entrance to Warehouse Creek, and opposite entrance to Thompsons Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture between large cherry tree at the edge of the water and four cedar trees at the edge of the bank about 5 feet above high water, 4 yards east of edge of bank, 17 yards east of point, 6 yards southeast of edge of bank, and 12 yards northeast of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe Ijuried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ville" (S 9° 32' E) o 00 00 >4 mile. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (30 inches diam- eter) '.- 26 26 10 13.45 meters. Right peak of house 41 00 x% miles. Nail in blaze in stump (8 inches diameter) ... 42 Right peak of house 58 Left comer of large brick house 133 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 170 Left comer of left chimney of house 213 Left comer of house 278 6.12 meters. 45 10 50 lyi miles. 49 mile. 10 6.80 meters. yi mile. 56 400 yards. Right corner of building 342 41 ^ }4 mile. VILLE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Cox Creek about 3 miles north of Eastern Bay, ^4 mile northeast of entrance to Warehouse Creek, and 14 mile southeast of entrance to Thompsons Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture about 5 feet above high water, 8 yards east of edge of bank, ^^ yards south of tangent of cliff, 60 yards north of small ditch, and 115 yards north of wire fence. 72 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. A/ocfci.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ' . o / // "Greek" (S 3° 57' E) o 00 00 j'i mile. Left comer of house 45 52 i mile. Right peak of house 69 24 i mile. Left peak of brick house 127 44 i mile. Left comer of large brick house 137 32 i^ miles. Right peak of very long bam 160 05 1% miles. Left comer of house 172 52 X mile. Near peak of house 276 og J^ mile. Left comer of house 314 12 J^ mile. Right comer of modem house 340 03 iX miles. GREEK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Cox Creek on a point about 2^'i miles north of Eastern Bay and yi mile east of entrance to Warehouse Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Obser\'ed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 60 yards southwest of extreme end of point, and 125 yards east of a small marsh island. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe'buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Tuxon" (N 51° 50' W) o 00 00 }4 mile. East chimney of house 14 37 i^ miles. South gable of bam 26 19 2^ miles. East chimney of house 45 37 iX miles. East chimney of house 64 14 s^ mile. North chimney of house gi 26 J^ mile. Chimney of house 139 57 X mile. Cupola on bam 176 08 J^ mile. Chimney of small house 252 04 i4 mile. South chimney of house 290 55 i mile. South chimney of house 318 32 J^i mile. TOM. General locality. — Eastern shore of Cox Creek about 2 miles north of Eiistem Bay and I2 mile south- east of entrance to Warehouse Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 12 feet above high water, 300 yards east of shore, 135 yards north of a graveyard, 100 yards southwest of a house, and 40 yards soutli of driveway beyond wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ware" (N 67° 55' W) o 00 00 |.^ mile. Southwest comer of east house on road 28 01 100 yards. South gable of small bam 61 09 2X miles. East chimney of house 70 29 1}^ miles. Chimney of house 92 43 J/i mile. North chimney of house 176 20 ^ mile. North gable of bam 272 59 iX miles. North chimney of house 281 59 J^ mile. Chimney of small house 336 15 J^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 73 DELL. General locality. — Eastern shore of Cox Creek about lyi miles north of Eastern Bay and i mile south of entrance to Warehouse Creek. (See Chart No. 31.; Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 43 yards from shore, 28 yards northeast of top of bank, and 30 yards northeast of a lone cedar tree at edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Turkey" (S 17° 22' E) o "Rich Neck Water Tank" 16 Left tangent of woods on Long Point 23 North chimney of house 44 Left tangent of house 72 North chimney of house 88 Chimney of small house 136 South chimney of house : 154 West chimney of house 188 Cupola on bam 230 45 X mile. West gable of bam 303 02 }4 mile. Left tangent of small fishing shack 343 03 ^ mile. Right tangent of barn 354 31 iX ™iles. 00 00 1^^ miles. 31 00 5J^ miles. 36 4X miles. 07 T,% miles. 56 I mile. og yi mile. 19 1% miles. 52 iX miles. 19 yi mile. TURKEY. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on southern end of Cox Neck on Turkey Point about I mile west of the north end of Bodkin Island. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in marsh meadow about 2 feet above high water, 40 yards northeast of shore, 200 j'ards south of a group of three pine trees near shore, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush witli marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Moutli" (S 40° 32' W) o 00 00 2X miles. Chimney of house 23 19 2^ miles. Chimney of Greeve house 49 14 2]A miles. South cupola on bam 68 20 2X miles. North chimney of house 72 30 2X miles. South chimney of house 103 39 ij^ miles. South chimney of house 113 22 2X miles. West pine tree of group 132 12 200 yards. Right tangent of Bodkin Island 254 Left tangent of Tilghmans Point 275 North chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 286 "Rich Neck Water Tank" 297 Left tangent of woods on Long Point 352 46 I mile. 23 3X miles. 3» iK miles. 25 4X miles. 26 3 miles. 74 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. COX. General locality. — Western shore of Crab Alley Bay on Cox Neck about ^^ mile n(jrth of Eastern Hay and 1 mile northwest of Bodkin Island. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at edge of a\;ultivated field on narrow neck of land about 3 feet above high water, 16 yards west of shore, 18 yards east of shore, and 80 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Tull"(N i2°34' E) o Chimney of small house 12 Chimney of house 21 Cupola on bam ' 30 Right comer of old barn 49 East chimney of large brick house 54 Right tangent of Normans Point 61 North gable of bam on Parsons Island 79 Left tangent of Bodkin Island 123 East gable of bam 227 Chimne}' of house 232 Chimney of house 255 00 00 1^ miles. 54 2}4 miles. 19 2X miles. 09 2}4 miles. 27 2yi miles. 32 2)4 miles. 40 2 miles. ■50 2^ miles. 47 J4 mile. 02 ^ mile. 44 3 miles. 50 2J-S miles. TULL. General locality. — Eastern side of Kent Island and western side of Crab Alley Bay on northern end of Johnson Island at entrance to Crab Alley Creek about 234^ miles north of Bodkin Island and i^-j miles northwest of Normans Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh meadow about 2 feet above high water, iSyards south of shore, 53 yards west of extreme northeast endof Johnson Island, and 40 yards north of a group of pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is centerof 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. R^erences. — a / /r "Cox" (S 12° 3s' W) o 00 00 ifi miles. Chimney of house : 4 54 % mile. East gable of house 89 08 yi mile. South chimney of house 121 14 X ™ile. Chimney on small tenant house 145 12 |^ mile. Cupola on bam 147 30 i mile. Right tangent of fishing shack 203 27 yi mile. Cupola on bam 258 23 iX ™iles. Left tangent to small island 329 35 yi mile. Left tangent to pine woods on Turkey Point . 355 24 2 miles. NEEDLE. General locality. — Northern part of Eastern Bay on Bodkin Island at entrance to Crab Alley Bay about i}4 miles west of the south end of Parsons Island and i mile east-southeast of Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near south end of Bodkin Island about 12 feet above high water, 50 yards north by west of shore, 90 yards northeast by east of shore, 115 yards west-southwest of shore, and in center of radial lines of sight cut in bushes. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 75 oo 4_^s miles. 30 22.78 meters. 10 17-17 meters. 06 50 11.54 meters. 43 2yi miles. 54 6^ miles. 40 3 miles. Murks.- -Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement nionnnicnt projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-incIi tile Jiipe buried with top 2 inches l)elow base of monument. References. — o / // "Straight" (S 48° 17' W) o Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter). 5 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter). 27 Right chimney of large house 64 29 3^2 miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter). 82 Chimney of house on Parsons Island 194 Near chimney of Starr, large brick house 262 Cupola on left bam of Tilghmans Point Farm . 289 Chimney of bungalow 324 57 ^}4 miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter). 345 25 00 18.20 meters. KEMP TOWER. General locality. — Southern shore of Eastern Bay on Wades Point about i mile southwest of Clai- borne Wharf and ^yi miles east of Bloody Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tower or cupola of Wades Point Hotel, which is a large square frame structure adjoining a brick house. Marks. — Observed station is center of top of roof of cupola. References. — None necessary. KEMP. General locality. — Southern shore of Eastern Bay on Wades Point about i^s miles southwest of Clai- borne Wharf and 4J/S miles east by south of Bloody Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about S feet above high water, 30 yards east by north of a wire fence and several trees, 55 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 90 yards east- northeast of a bungalow, 130 yards north by west of a wire and wood fence corner, 130 yards north- northwest of wooden fence, and 400 yards west by south of Wades Point Hotel. . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bloody Point Bar Light" (N 83° 37' W). . . o Nail in blaze in locust tree (14 inches diam- eter) I Left tangent of Kent Point 3 Chimney on middle of house 17 Left peak of bam 25 Chimney of house 31 Left chimney of house 45 Peak of main part of house 63 Left tangent of Tilghmans Point 128 " Dixon" (center of house) 130 "Kemp Tower" i3'9 Fence comer (wood and wire) 244 Near comer of cook house 288 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 300 Right comer post of piazza 306 24 go yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 310 43 30 26.97 meters. 00 00 4j^ miles. 41 30 35-07 meters. 11 35-^ miles. 12 35^8 miles. 21 4% miles. 04 3>< miles. 27 3 miles. 15 SK miles. 06 3^ miles. 07 50 2j^ miles. 06 40 % mile. 43 132 yards. 40 no yards. 20 20 27.23 meters. 76 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. RICH NECK WATER TANK. General locality. — On neck of land about halfway between Eastern Bay and Miles River, about ij< miles south-southwest of Tilghmans Point. (See Charts Nos. 31 and 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on large water tank on steel tower on Rich Neck Farm. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on center of water tank. References. — None necessary. OVER. General locality. — Eastern shore of Crab Alley Bay on a point about i^ miles north -north west of Nor- mans Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed ^tion is on edge of a cultivated field near a number of locust and wild cherry trees, about 3 feet above high water, 11 yards northeast of shore, 50 yards southeast of end of a marsh point, and 4 yards north of comer of a rail fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Norman" (821° 28' E) o Left tangent of woods on Tilghmans Point. ... 10 Right tangent of Bodkin Island 38 Left tangent of pine woods on Turkey Point . . 51 Chimney of house 99 Chimney of small house 108 Chimney of house 121 Chimney of house 176 Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (8 inches diameter) 181 52 40 South gable of house 193 00 . . Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diam- eter) 276 West chimney of house 299 00 00 lyi miles. 37 SH miles. 42 2}4 miles. 46 2X miles. 13 lys miles. 29 I mile. 14 iX miles. 19 fi mile. 98 meters, mile. 55 40 7-13 meters. II 200 yards. NORMAN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Crab Alley Bay on southwestern extremity of Crab Alley Neck about >4 mile west of Normans Point, 2 miles northeast of Turkey Point, and Ji mile northwest of Parsons Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field on a rapidly washing, narrow neck of land, about 6 feet above high water, 20 yards north of vertical bank at shore, 30 yards south of vertical bank at shore, and 40 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ■ o / // " Parsons" (S 38° 40' E) 00 00 00 i}i miles. Right tangent of Parsons Island 16 46 iX miles. Left t;Mngent of woods on Tilghmans Point. . . 30 Left tangent of woods on Bodkin Island 68 Right tangent of Bodkin Island 78 Right tangent of woods on Turkey Point 93 Nail in blaze of hackberry tree (6 inches diam- eter) 112 30 4 miles. 28 2 miles. 39 2 miles. 17 2 miles. 42 30 22.49 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 77 References — Continued. ° ' /' Chimney of small house 154 22 i|^ miles. Hast chimney of house 167 41 2% miles. SouUi gable of house 205 ,^8 1 mile. West chimney of large brick house 271 s,5 V mile. Chimney of small house 2q2 22 3 miles. " Parsons Island Water Tank " },^t, 41 40 1 mile. PARSONvS. General locality. — In northern side of Eastern Bay on western side of Parsons Island about 3 miles north of Tilghmans Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land on highest part of island about ^5 feet above high water, no yards southeast of shore, 270 yards south-southwest of Parsons Island Water Tank, 350 yards southwest of a house, 380 yards west-southwest of a large bam, 145 yards northeast of a wire fence, 155 yards nortliwest of wire fence at farm road, 195 yards southeast of a fence, and on the range of the west edge of the south chimney on the lower gable of the house with the west side of a window in the center of the soutli side of the house. Cement monument marking reference station is 26.10 meters N 21° 43' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross cut on rough granite stone about 35 inches long and 12 inches square with top cut to 6-inch cube and marked "U S" in lower half of cross. Subsurface mark is the mouth of a bottle 3 inches below base of monument. Reference station is center point of triangle on .standard cement monument with top 5 inches above the surface of the ground. References. — o / // "Alley " (N 2° 12' W) o 00 00 iX niiles. Reference station 23 55 30 26.10 meters. " Parsons Island Water Tank " 24 04 20 268 yards. Near peak of house 35 13 400 yards. Right comer of bam 61 27 382 yards. Walnut tree 148 17 300 yards. Cupola of left bam of Tilghmans Point Farm . 192 07 T,}i miles. Right tangent of Claiborne train shed 202 57 5 miles. Right end of woods on Poplar Island 220 27 12 miles. Left tangent of Kent Point 234 23 8J-4 miles. Left chimney of house 297 57 3 miles. Side peak of 2>2-story house 314 35 T,yi miles. Middle chimney of large brick house 336 44 i_^^ miles. "New Bam Cupola" 349 10 00 2X miles. PARSONS ISLAND WATER TANK. General locality. — Northern part of Eastern Bay between Crab Alley and Prospect Bays on Parsons Island, about halfway between the north and south end of the island. (vSee Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a water tank on wooden structure near a house. Marks. — Observed station is center of spindle on center of water tank. References. — None necessary. ALLEY. General locality. — Western shore of Prospect Baj^ on Crab Alley Neck about >4 mile north of Parsons Island and }i. mile north of Narrows Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard ground in a marsh at northeast end of clump of 12 persimmon trees about i foot above high water and 75 yards southwest of point. 78 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Dull" (N 2° 35' W) o 00 00 Jsmile. Near peak of " Fishermans Inn " 6 48 3 miles. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 30 41 20 3.99 meters. Left chimney of old house with two dormer windows 48 29 2^4, miles. Left peak of bam 79 42 2% miles. Left chimney of large house 113 34 2% miles. " Parsons Island Water Tank" 177 35 30 i>^ miles. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 194 56 00 4.88 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (2 '2 inches diameter) 238 25 00 3.70 meters. East chimney of brick house 246 02 }4 mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 298 21 30 3.29 meters. Chimney of house among trees 317 54 1J-2 miles. "New Bam Cupola" 335 41 40 i mile. NEW BARN CUPOLA. General locality. — Western shore of Prospect Bay on Crab Alley Neck about 1^ miles north-north- west of Parsons Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is spindle with weather vane on cupola of bam about 100 yards east-southeast from house on farm belonging to H. C. Norman. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on cupola. References. — None necessary. DULL. General locality. — Western shore of Prospect Bay on a point at northern side of entrance to a cove about 2j 8 miles south of Kent Narrows railroad bridge, y& mile west-south west (jf Hoods Point and 1J4 miles north of Narrows Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in marsh land about i foot above high water, 30 yards west of shore, 40 yards northeast of shore, and 80 yards north -north west of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe l^uried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Kirwan" (N 3° 00' W) o 00 00 ijs miles. Near peak of " Fishermans Inn " 10 01 2! g miles. Chimney of house 37 53 i>2 miles. Chimney of house in trees 56 09 1^4 miles. Chimney of house 104 49 2X miles. Chimney of old wharf house 138 46 4 miles. Between two chimneys of old house 152 08 ^% miles. Left tangent of Parsons Island 169 41 ij-^ miles. "New Bam Cupola" 270 45 20 J^ mile. Chimney of ell of house 329 06 ^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 79 KIRWAN. General locality. — Western shore of Prospect Bay on a point about i}^ miles south of Kent Narrows railroad bridge and X mile southeast of entrance to Kirwans Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 16 yards southeast of shore, 25 yards northwest of shore, 27 yards west of extreme end of point, and 30 yards south-southeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-i:ich tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — 0/1/ "Bridge" (N 8° 41' E) o 00 00 ij.s miles. Near peak of " Fishermans Inn " 9 51 i^g miles. Chimney of house 46 45 i^ miles. Chimney of house 53 Right chimne)' of house 64 Near peak of old house among trees go Right peak of large bam 129 " Parsons Island Water Tank " 167 "New Bam Cupola" 188 Right peak of new bam 207 Large chimney near end of old house 263 Chimney of house 308 MARSHY. 28 i^ miles. 43 iK miles. 50 I mile. 34 4>^ miles. 43 10 3H miles. 29 i^ miles. 22 i/i mile. 43 I mile. 51 I mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Prospect Bay about i mile south-southeast of Kent Narrows railroad bridge and '/i mile south of entrance to Marshy Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in marsh land about i foot above high water, 25 yards east of shore, 50 yards southeast of shore, 40 yards northeast of extreme end of point, and 4 yards north of a line of four small trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ' ' " "Bonnet" (S 11° 30' E) o Dormer window 35 Cupola of bam 55 Right peak of bam 71 Cupola of bam 82 Chimney on west peak of house 133 South peak of "Fishermans Inn" 169 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 1S4 47 10 32.79 meters. Chimney at east peak of house near railroad track 238 Right chimney of house 260 East peak of house among trees. 1 325 00 00 I mile. 26 2}4 miles. 25 30 i^yg miles. 14 iX miles. 58 30 jS.'i miles. 20 i)^ miles. 06 I mile. 16 Js mile. 23 I mile. 50 ^ mile. BONNET. General locality. — Eastern shore of Prospect Bay on Hood Point about iji miles southeast of Hog Island and '0 mile west of Piney Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh ground about i foot above high water, 21 yards west of shore, 12 yards west of inlet, and 55 yards northeast of the extreme end of Hoods Point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu-ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. 8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. Referetices. — o / // " New Bani Cupola " (S 79° 29' W) o 00 00 i>2 miles. Chimney of house 24 11 i>4 miles. KiLSt gable of bam 28 24 1^4 miles. North chimney of house 64 04 2 miles. South gable of bani 90 43 2^5 miles. Chimney on small house 137 57 ? s mile. West gable of house 199 Chimney of small house 239 Chimney of small house 258 South chimney of house on Kent Island 323 Cupola on bam 353 06 ijs miles. 13 2^2 miles. 39 4^ miles. 24 1% miles. 09 i^ miles. BRIAN REFERENCE STATION. General locality. — Eastern shore of Prospect Bay on Brian Point about i mile southeast of Piney Point, 2 miles northeast of Parsons Island, and }i mile west of entrance to Hog Hole Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 13 yards east of edge of marsh, 14 yards northwest of edge of marsh, 18 yards north of extreme end of point, and 40 yards southwest of a cultivated field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — " "Green" (S 8° 55' E) o Left tangent of woods on Bennett Point 4 Right tangent of woods on Parsons Island ... 65 Middle chimney of large brick house 84 Cupola of bam 102 "New Bam Cupola" log Left peak of large house 112 Near peak of house 282 Chimney of house 344 00 00 2^ miles. 55 4 miles. 33 2>4 miles. 37 2j<4 miles. 47 234 miles. 20 2J.2 miles. 25.^ miles. >4 mile. 1 "4^ miles. GREEN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Prospect Bay on point at northern side of entrance to Greenwood Creek about 3'^ miles northeast of Tilghmans Point and 2^ miles north of Bennett Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards northwest of shore, 26 yards northwest of shore, 53 yards east by north of a point of shore, 37 yards southeast by east of a point of shore, and 105 yards south-southwest of a point of woods. Marks. — Observ'cd station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Benn" (S 0° 45' W) o Cupola of bam 19 Right tangent of woods on Tilghmans Point . 52 " Parsons Island Water Tank" 115 East chimney of brick house 124 Peak of small house 155 Chimney outside of house 165 Near peak of bam 178 Peak of house 235 Chimney of house behind bam 316 Square chimney of house 345 00 00 2}4 miles. 16 10 6 miles. 01 3^8 miles. 03 50 252 miles. 42 3' 2' miles. 05 4 miles. 43 4 miles. 20 3 miles. 45 I mile. 01 }4 mile. 41 iK miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 8i BENN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River on Bennett Point at western side of entrance to Wye River. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 75 yards nortlieast of extreme end of point, 100 yards soutliwest from edge of wood, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support tlieodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting i foot above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hough" (N 57° 41' E) o 00 00 f 8 mile. Cupola of bam : 70 45 i mile. "Rich Neck Water Tank" ' 203 33 00 3^ miles. South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 215 59 3 miles. " Parsons Island Water Tank " 271 55 00 4^ miles. Right tangent of house 288 21 6fi miles. HOUGH. General locality. — Northwestern side of entrance to Wye River on a point about 3 s mile northeast of Miles River and ^ mile southwest of north end of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grass point about i foot above high water, 16 yards north of shore, 22 yards south of shore, 15 yards west of extreme end of point, 11 yards east of small pool in marsh, and 200 yards east of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Won " (N 09° 29' E) o 00 00 ^8 mile. Near peak of building 7 22 2}i miles. Right side of chimney of house 17 20 2j^ miles. Near peak of long bam 28 43 iX miles. Piazza post of house in woods 62 14 J^ mile. Windmill 128 24 ^ mile. Windmill 181 48 4^ miles. Tall, slender tree in woods 271 57 200 yards. Black walnut tree 339 23 200 yards. WON. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west about !-2 mile northwest of northern end of Bruffs Island and }^ mile northeast of southern end of Bennett Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small marsh point, about i foot above high water, 4 yards northwest of shore, 4 yards west of shore, 4 yards north of shore, and 40 yards southeast of large lone black- walnut tree. Cement monument marking reference station is 22.80 meters S 15° 31' W of observed station . Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch stub projecting 5 inches above 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above sjorface of ground. 20313 — 12 6 82 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. References. — o / // "Nose" (N 28° 05' E) o 00 00 >^ mile. Near peak of large bam 23 20 yi mile. Side peak of roof of house 25 18 J/i mile. Near peak of house , 47 26 I'J/i miles. Left large chimney of house in woods 81 Right comer of building on Bruffs Island ... 98 Windmill 126 Near peak of fisherman 's shanty i6i Reference station 167 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (2 inches diam- eter) 210 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 262 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (30 inches diam- eter) 290 Right comer of right chimney of house 337 NOSE. 08 ^^ mile. 41 yi mile. 52 40 1% miles 03 100 yards 25 23 50 22.80 meters. 00 12.54 meters. 30 10 10.81 meters. 10 38.12 meters. \4 mile. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west on a point about ^s mile north-northwest of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 4 yards southwest of shore, 6 yards north of shore, 14 yards west-northwest of extreme end of point, and 34 yards east of a row of locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above sxu-face of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.— o / // "Stop" (N 12° 09' E) o Church cross i Chimney of cottage 3 Near peak of house 37 Left peak of house 67 Right comer of house on Bruffs Island 152 " St. Michaels P. E. Church vSpire " 183 " St. Michaels Water Tank " 184 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diam- eter) : Nail in blaze in locust tree (9 inches diam- eter) Near peak of large house, between two chim- neys Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 00 00 yi mile. 55 2 miles. 03 i^i miles. 22 yi mile. 237 K mile. yi mile. 10 zyi miles. 20 ^yi miles. 5° 34-45 meters. 256 32 10 28.31 meters. eg yi mile. 266 280 Tangent of point 316 5° 50 31-44 meters. 16 100 yards. STOP. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west on a point about i mile north of Bruffs Island. (.See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on edge of pasture land about 3 feet above high water, 20 yards west of shore, 40 yards north by east of shore, and 50 yards south by west of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 83 Rejerences. — o / // "Orb" (N 21° 16' W) o 00 00 Ya, vl\\\^. Near peak of bam 3 30 J^ mile. Nail in blaze of hackberry tree (5 inches diam- eter) 46 52 20 7.57 meters Side peak of house 94 01 J^ mile. Near peak of house 147 17 >< mile. Nail in blaze in branch of mulberry tree (5 inches diameter) igS Peak between two chimneys of house 239 Left comer of corn house 252 ORB. 20 00 20.61 meters. 37 Vt mile. 58 Kmile. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west on A point about i| « miles north of Bruffs Island and yi mile southwest of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 6 yards southwest of shore, 7 yards northwest of shore, 6 yards north of shore, and southeast of a point of land 5 feet higher than station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Piney" (N 6° 05' E) o 00 00 yi mile. Chimney of house on Drum Point 22 11 J^ miles. Near peak of house 35 43 ^^ mile. Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 51 12 00 10.66 meters. Near peak of house 97 31 1 14 miles. 84 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 33 ^H miles. 53 2K miles. 32 yi mile. References — Continued. ° Near peak of hip-roof bam 102 Left peak of boathouse 115 Near comer of brick house 211 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 318 54 30 18.07 meters. FERRY. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west on Drum Point, about 3 5 mile west of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture with paling fence on northwest and west- southwest sides about 4 feet above high water, 6 yards northwest of shore, 10 yards west of shore, 20 yards northeast by east of fence at county road, and 40 yards southeast of fence near small house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 8 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu-ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Owe" (N 66° 42' E) o 00 00 % mile. Near peak of house 5 08 i^ miles. Near peak of house 19 25 i^ miles. Cupola of building 60 57 i mile. Near peak of house 105 29 }^ mile. Peak between two chimneys of house 138 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 171 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (7 inches diameter) 202 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (9 inches diameter) 242 Left comer of large brick house 281 01 i'-^ miles. 00 26.92 meters. 47 10 35-04 meters. 09 00 34-93 meters. 16 J4 mile. Near peak of house 357 27 s^ mile. OWE. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west on a point about 3^ mile east-northeast of Drum Point and i mile south-southwest of entrance to Wj'e Narrows. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grassy point about 2 feet above high water, 9 yards north of shore, 11 yards west-southwest of shore, 10 j'ards west of extreme end of point, and 75 yards east-southeast of a house 12 feet above high water, Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hook" (N 7°36' W) o Peak of near gable of house 23 Near comer of house 8g Right peak of small house 144 Baldwin windmill 167 Left peak of house 204 Near comer of chimney outside left end of house 236 Left tangent of large brick house 253 44 i^ miles. Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (5 feet diameter) 287 Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (3 feet 6 inches diameter) 331 58 10 31.63 meters. 39 00 X mile. 2>2 miles. % mile. 34 mile. 40 ij-^ miles. \% miles. 14, mile. 10 31.44 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 85 HOOK. General locality. — Western shore of tlie branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west about ^'i mile soutliwest of entrance to Wye Narrows and X ^''^ south of entrance to a cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 10 feet above high water, 3 yards west of top of bank, 4 yards northeast of top of bank lined with cedars, 7 yards north-northwest of extreme end of point of bank at left of cedars, and north of a long, low peninsula that separates a small pond from river. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Knee" (N 15° 04' E) o 00 00 ^^ mile. Near peak of large bam 5 01 2^ miles. Spindle on cupola of barn 33 14 i^ miles. Left corner of large chimney of small house. . . 109 52 )>8 mile- Left peak of house 129 38 ^ mile. Near peak of large barn 156 32 lyi miles. Near peak of large bam 163 03 yi mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 175 23 40 6.99 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 231 37 00 4.94 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) . . 271 06 10 11. 41 meters. KNEE. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west about '2 mile west-southwest of entrance to Wye Narrows. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a narrow strip of lowland about i foot above high water, 4 yards west of shore, 12 yards east of cut in bank, and 40 yards south of bank 8 feet high with few trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. = References. — ° "Bee"(N 59° 35' E) o Large pine tree on point 26 Smoke pipe on small building 84 Baldwin windmill 108 Peak of near gable of Baldwin house 108 Large chimney of large house 120 Lightning rod on Bryan house 129 Nail in blaze in oak tree (12 inches diameter) . 165 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 208 Nail in blaze in twisted cedar bush 289 00 00 5^ mile. 46 J 2 mile. 59 li mile. 08 10 2X miles. 29 2X miles. 43 I mile. 59 3^ mile. 06 20 14.60 meters. 10 4. 86 meters. 10 8.79 meters. Chimney of house 320 11 i]/im\\cs. NO. General locality. — On the western shore of the continuation of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west, about ^/i mile west-northwest of entrance to Wye Narrows on point at south side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point about i foot above high water, 4 yards southwest of shore, 4 yards north of shore, 5 yards west of extreme end of point, and east of trees on bank 5 feet high. 86 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 30 26.17 meters. 20 5.42 meters. 20 4.73 meters. 14 mile. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Oysters" (N 64° 35' E) o 00 00 X mile. Near peak of house 59 59 J/i mile. Near end of com house 94 01 i mile. Cupolaofbarn 118 29 2 miles. Right comer of Bryan house 128 36 jyi miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 160 05 Nail in blaze in oak tree (4 inches diameter) . . 234 11 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) . . 290 08 Spindle on bam cupola 294 51 Left comer of large house 300 00 fl mile. Left peak of house 315 20 i|^ miles. OYSTERS. General locality. — Eastern shore of the continuation of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west aboiit % mile north of entrance to Wye Narrows on point at south side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a clump of small trees on a point about 3 feet above high water, 6 yards south -soutlieast of edge of bank, 7 yards west of point of bank, and 8 yards east-northeast of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.— o / // "Jime" (S 6° 39' W) o 00 00 fi mile. Right comer of Bryan house 14 46 i^ miles. Chimney of cabin in 07 X inile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter) . 118 15 00 3.97 meters. Chimney of large house 156 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter). 291 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (7 inches diam- eter) , 336 17 30 11.31 meters. lyi miles. 50 4.71 meters. BEE. General locality. — Northern shore of W)'e Narrows at northern side of western entrance to Wye Narrows. (See Chart No. 32.) • Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 4 feet above high water, 7 yards east of edge of bank, 11 yards northwest of edge of bank, and 13 yards north of point of bank near marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Close" (S 2° 44' W) o Right comer of Bryan house 30 Near peak of house 68 Nail in blaze in oak tree (4 inches diameter). 201 Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter), 314 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter). 345 00 00 ^4 mile. 15 lyi miles. 01 7 s mile . 58 50 2.10 meters. 05 30 8.64 meters. 50 40 1.86 meters. i Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 87 CLOSE. General locality. — Northern shore of Wye Island at southern side of western entrance to Wye Nar- rows. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of cultivated land about 12 feet above high water, 3 yards south of edge of bank, 5 yards west-southwest of top of bank, 18 yards west of lone pine tree, and 17 yards east of cut in bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " June" (S 56° 21' W) o 00 00 yi mile.. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 feet diameter). o 48 20 56.49 meters. Right comer of large brick house 4 03 iX miles. Near peak of house 30 47 ^ mile. Windmill 34 39 yi mile. Spindle on bam cupola 102 21 lyi miles. Left comer of house 160 24 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (2 feet diameter). . 203 47 40 18.28 meters. Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (10 inches diameter) 226 Left peak of large building 246 Right peak of com house 306 19 40 27.00 meters. 35 J^ miles. Left tangent of old wharf 199 54 J^ mile. MORN. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern short of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about 300 yards east of entrance to Granary Creek and ^i mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 4 yards northwest of shore, 4 yards northeast of shore, and 6 yards southeast of foot of wooded slope to field 12 feet above high water. Cement monument marking reference station is 3.82 meters N 33° 52' W of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 97 Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub projecting 2 inclies above 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Bush" (N 83° 20' E) o 00 00 X mile. Tangent of point 4 01 X niile. Near peak of building 32 42 1^2 miles. Tangent of foot of slope 56 33 yi mile. Right tree on point 120 06 y^ mile. Tangent of woods 182 21 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 202 15 50 2.49 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 241 Reference station 242 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 244 46 50 00 5.47 meters. 00 3.82 meters. BUSH. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on north side of entrance to a small cove about K mile east of entrance to Granary Creek and 5 ^ mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land, about 7 feet above high water, 4 yards northeast of edge of bank, g yards northwest of point of curve of land, 22 yards west of tangent of land at tree, 30 yards west-northwest of scattering trees, and 50 yards northwest of a point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Nub" (S 83° 55' E) o Tangent of point 46 Largest cedar tree on point of high bank 96 Nail in blaze in locust tree (2 inches diam- eter) 102 Tangent of point 166 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 180 06 00 8.65 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (ro inches diam- eter) 348 00 00 yi-mWe. 27 yi mile. 41 % mile. 18 10 3.81 meters. 18 yi mile. 25 20 20.04 meters. NUB. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on eastern side of entrance to a creek about 5 g mile east of entrance to Granarj^ Creek and '2 mile north of entrance to Pickerings Creek. ■ (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 2 yards east of shore, 20 yards southwest of shore, 45 yards west of shore, 20 yards south of extreme end of point, and 16 yards north-nortliwest of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.10 meters N 83° 01' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub set in 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. 20313—12 7 98 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. References.— o / // "Wheel" (S 4° lo' E) o oo oo ^ mile Chimney on house 30 02 J/g mile Largest cedar on point of high bank 47 16 }4 mile Large oak tree 94 55 yi mile Large oak tree 143 Large oak tree 226 Reference station 267 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 296 Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter) . . ^^;} Nail in blaze in oak tree (4 inches diameter) . . 349 43 'A mile. 17 150 yards. II 20 15.10 meters. 30 16.81 meters. 40 19.64 meters. 20 20.87 meters. WHEEL. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River boimding Wye Island on the south on a point about 5 s mile southeast by east of entrance to Granary Creek and ,'< mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point south of woods about i foot above high water, 2 yards east of shore, 4 yards southeast of point at slight cut in marsh, and 40 yards north of square point of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.26 meters S 86° 47' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub set in 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Pick" (S 12° 31' E) o 00 00 ^8 mile. Left peak of building o 04 ]/i mile. Right tangent of woods in Large oak tree 129 Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter). 219 Nail in blaze in oak tree 19 inches diameter) . . 230 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 262 Reference station 285 Left peak of large building 299 Chimney showing over fence 308 05 I mile. 21 Ji mile. 10 40 21.66 meters. 46 50 18.74 meters. 26 00 19.26 meters. 44 00 5.26 meters. 31 K mile. 54 H mile. Right peak of large bam 359 34 ]/i mile. PICK. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on western side of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 25 yards southwest of edge of field at line of cedar trees, 22 yards west of gully, 40 yards south -southeast of a small clump of trees beyond small gully, and 300 yards east-southeast of fringe of cedar trees along edge of field northeast to east of gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Comer" (N 77° 40' W) o 00 00 X mile. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (6 inches diam- eter) 42 54 00 36.64 meters. Left peak of bam 58 21 i^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. 99 References — Continued. o / // Front peak of house 104 57 lyi miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) no II 50 2724 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 134 46 00 26.37 meters. Near peak of house 152 11 s^^ mile. Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 169 37 50 23.00 meters. Left peak of large bam. 243 36 ^ mile. Right peak of house 314 37 X niile. CORNER. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about }4 mile west of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 50 yards southwest of edge of bank, 55 yards south of gully, 70 yards north-northwest of trees in depression, and 120 yards west of point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Right" (N2o° 45' W) o Nail in blaze in large elm tree 16 Near peak of building 18 Nail in blaze in one of twin elm trees 63 Near peak of house loi Left peak of house with two chimneys 113 Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter). 162 Near peak of large bam 238 Right comer of large house 275 Chimney on middle of large house 280 RIGHT. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about }4 mile southeast of entrance to Granarj' Creek and 5-2 mile northwest of entrance to Pick- erings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in tree-fringed cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 7 yards south of edge of bank, 9 yards from point of bank at path, 15 yards northwest of edge of bank, and 120 yards east of fence in depression. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches liclow base of monument. References. — ° "Chew" (N 71° 45' W) o Left chimney of long house in woods 33 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 76 Left one of two large chimneys showing over the trees 131 Left comer of building 168 'Nail in blaze in hickory tree (10 inches diam- eter) 182 Nail in blaze in elm tree (10 inches diameter). 243 Right peak of house 269 Windmill to right of two large cupolas 287 00 00 }4 mile. 18 00 50.41 meters. 21 I mile. 58 40 47.11 meters. 49 iX miles. 02 iX niiles. 16 00 61.44 meters. II ^ mile. 51 iX miles. 01 I mile. 00 00 yi mile. 06 I mile. 18 00 8.25 meters. 03 I mile. 32 i^ miles. 29 40 10.80 meters. 35 00 29.80 meters. 37 K mile. 12 f^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. CHEW. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about }i mile southeast of entrance to Granary Creek and ^i mile west -northwest of entrance to Picker- ings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 6 yards northeast of foot of bank 12 feet high, 12 yards west of point of shore, and 10 yards northwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Whale" (N 77° 32' W) o Large oak tree 72 Tangent of point 131 Left end of building 138 Near peak of building 175 Near peak of large bam 179 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 284 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 348 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 358 00 00 yi mile. 58 X mile. 18 ^ mile. 38 X ™ile. 22 1^4 miles. 07 mile. 3$ 00 18.19 meters. 47 10 9.57 meters. 20 21.82 meters. WHALE. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point at western side of entrance to a small cove about }4 mile south of entrance to Granary Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand-and-grass point about 2 feet above high water, 2 yards soutli -southeast of shore. 4 yards west-northwest of shore, 9 yards southwest of extreme point, and 7 yards east by north of foot of a terraced bank about 15 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Matter" (N 77° 03' W) o 00 00 }! mile. Near peak of larger bani 52 ^;^ ^ mile. Large oak tree 115 Near comer of building 175 Near peak of large bam 178 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 286 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 309 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 315 MATTER. 39 t mile. '4 miles. '2 miles. 06 30 9.40 meters. 10 5.50 meters. 40 9.49 meters. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River boimding Wye Island on the south about H mile east-southeast of entrance to Dividing Creek and ,?-^ mile west-southwest of entrance to Granary Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small grassy point about i foot above high water, 3 yards south of shore and 2 yards north of foot of tree-fringed bank 5 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.58 meters S 0° 32' E of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. lOI Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub set in 2-inch tile pipe witli top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument pro- jecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Deck" (N 78° 05' W) o 00 00 200 yards. Left tangent of wharf 62 43 '/^ mile. Near peak of large bam on Pickerings Creek. 180 05 i^/i miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 204 10 50 2.31 meters. Reference STATION 257 32 20 8.58 meters. Nail in blaze in one of twin cedar trees (8 inches diameter) 276 33 10 3.72 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 305 43 30 2.42 meters. DECK. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on tlie south on a point about Jj mile southeast of entrance to Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at edge of water bushes on a grass point about i foot above high water, 4 yards south of shore, 10 yards west of a round point, 20 yards east of shore, and 30 yards north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe Ijuried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Rejerences. — o / // "Quarter" (S 38° 13' W) o 00 00 % vmXc. Chimney of house 43 11 1% miles. Tangent of point of land 74 32 % mile. Left tangent of old wharf 149 46 400 yards. South peak of large bam 170 41 ^ mile. Tangent of point of land 206 49 500 yards. Left cedar tree on point 243 41 200 yards. QUARTER. General locality. — Soutliem shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about ■'-8 mile south-southeast of entrance to Dividing Creek and at east side of entrance to a cove. fSec Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on bank in a cultivated field about 12 feet above high water, 2 yards southeast of edge of bank, 100 yards south of trees and break in bluff, and 120 yards north of edge of bank at point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Nodim" (N 87° 45' W) o 00 00 ,'-2 mile. Near peak of bam i 18 i^ miles. Chimney outside near end of house 10 34 i^ miles. Near comer of bam 53 27 ^4, mile . Right tangent of old wharf 112 25 5s mile. Right peak of large bam 304 41 ^ mile. Baldwin windmill 317 20 J/i mile. Near peak of house. , , 354 43 1}^ miles, 102 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. NODIM. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about ^ mile southwest of entrance to Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 4 feet above high water, 4 yards south of shore, 8 yards southeast of shore, 25 yards southwest of shore of marsh, and 13 yards south of comer of marsh . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of grovmd. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Gusta" (S 21° 08' W) o 00 00 ^-8 mile. Near peak of house 42 04 i^ miles. Left peak of house 63 19 i mile. Chimney outside left end of house 134 07 fi mile. Right comer of house 152 55 J^ mile. Right tangent of wharf 220 29 ^ mile. Baldwin windmill 354 18 ^ mile. GUSTA. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about J/i mile north-northeast of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 8 yards cast of edge of bank, t2 yards southeast of edge of bank, 17 yards northeast of edge of bank, ^<, yard^ ntjrth-northeast of a depression, and 65 yards southwest of end of cut in bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sylvia" (S 22° 57' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. Left tangent of house on Bruffs Island 26 06 2 miles. Left chimney of house 45 15 ij^ miles. Peak between two chimneys of house 51 42 2 miles. Right peak of house 80 53 i mile. Cupola of bam 88 46 ^s mile. Left comer of house 155 40 J^ mile. Right peak of large bam 312 09 ^ mile. Baldwin windmill 350 13 ^ mile. SYLVIA. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on second prominent point north of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 11 yards east by south of edge of bluff, 22 yards northeast of lone locust tree 2 feet in diameter at the edge of the bank, and 400 yards northwest of a large bam. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Baldwins" (S 27° 13' W) o 00 00 X mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (24 inches diam- eter) 24 12 20 19-90 meters. Very large lone tree 40 21 22 yards. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 53 42 20 13.37 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 103 References— Contm\ieA. o / // Left peak of bani 73 23 ' s mile. Cupola of building 106 19 » ' s mile. Near peak of large house 156 37 i mile. Near peak of large bam 273 21 ' s mile. Baldwin windmill 334 37 ]i, mile. Peak of near gable of Baldwin house 336 06 y^ mile. Spindle on cupola 336 51 yi, mile. BALDWINS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about ;^8 mile north of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a short, sharp point of marsh about lOo yards north of a yacht landing, 7 yards northeast of shore , loyards southeast of shore, 12 yards east of extreme end of point, and 8 yards west of foot of bank 8 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Cousin" (S 25° 13' E) o 00 00 >4 mile. Flagstaff on yacht-landing house 11 27 100 yards. Windmill 27 44 i].i miles. Left peak of bell cupola 27 55 1% miles. Spindle on bam cupola 62 53 2 miles. Front peak of boathouse on Bruffs Island .... 77 51 i}4 miles. Near comer of left chimney of house m 37 J^^ mile. Near peak of bam with cupola 175 20 fi mile. Near peak of bam 215 40 i mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 248 59 50 7.91 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 311 47 20 5.36 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 324 04 50 13.45 meters. COUSIN. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about 1% miles east-northeast of north end of Bruffs Island and at northern side of entrance to Llyod Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture about 9 feet above high water, 25 yards east of edge of bank, 65 yards south -southeast of a small clump of trees in bottom land, 65 yards north of trees, 60 yards north of edge of a field, and 200 yards south of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Lloyd" (S 36° 07' W) o CO 00 ^ mile. Spindle on bam cupola 8 04 50 2 miles. Front peak of boathouse 26 05 i}4 miles. Left peak of house 63 13 1% miles. Chimney of house. .'. 91 31 %■ mile. Peak of near gable of Baldwin house 135 42 200 yards. Windmill on large bam 187 08 % mile. Right peak of house 209 44 350 yards. Left peak of bell cupola 333 34 i mile. Windmill 334 19 i mile. I04 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Queen Aniies County, Md. LLOYD. General locality. — SouHjem shore of tlie branch of East Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south at western side of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 12 feet above high water, 70 yards southwest of edge of bank, 65 yards south of edge of bank, 65 yards north-northeast of point of woods and bottom land, and 120 yards northwest of an oak tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Edward " (N 84° 02' W) o 00 00 ; smile. Near peak of house 32 43 i mile. Left peak of bam 52 18 i}4 miles. Near peak of house 76 14 ^8 mile. Peak of near gable of Baldwin house 109 28 ^ mile. Near peak of bam 122 59 ^s mile. Right peak of large house 132 01 i mile. Large oak tree 208 57 30 120 yards. EDWARD. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point at eastern side of entrance to Shaw Bay about ^ mile east-northeast of north end of Bruffs Island and ^s mile west of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high ^vater, S yards southeast of edge of a bluff which is Wiishing away, and 30 yards southwest of a line of large trees at edge of bank and field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Colonel " (S 0° 10' W) o 00 00 14 mile. Windmill 7,7^ 28 20 i^ miles. Front peak of boathouse 64 02 ^ mile. Peak between two chimneys of house 114 10 i>'-^ miles. Near peak of house 146 12 ^ mile. Chimney of house 170 06 lyi miles. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (13 inches diam- eter) 201 56 40 26.40 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 216 09 10 26.95 rneters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 235 55 40 31.5s meters. Windmill 309 41 00 yi mile. COLONEL. General locality. — Southern shore of Shaw Bay on a point at entrance to a small cove about H mile from the branch of W)-e River bounding Wye Island on the south and s^ mile east of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about 10 feet above high water, 6 yards southeast of edge of bank which is washing away, 9 yards south-southwest of point of bank, and 3 yards west of top of bank lined with cedar, walnut, and oak trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 18.69 meters S 24° 06' E of observed station, Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 105 00 00 3^ mile. 29 i5,g miles. 21 lyi miles. 57 iX miles. 05 00 5.21 meters. 40 6.46 meters. 40 13-45 meters. 50 18.69 tneters. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch stub projecting 4 inches above 2-iiicli tile pipe with top flush with siu^ace of ground. Subsiu-face mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Shaw" (N68° 12' W) o Peak of roof between two chimneys of house . 19 Near peak of house 48 Peak of near gable of house 100 Nail in blaze in oak tree (20 inches diameter) . no Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter). 183 Nail in blaze in oak tree (7 inches diameter) . 213 Reference station 224 Near comer of house on Bruffs Island 355 07 %■ mile. SHAW. General locality. — Southern shore of entrance to tlie branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on northern end of Bruffs Island about ^ i mile southwest of Bordley Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in walnut, pine, and cedar woods, about 15 feet above high water, 7 yards southwest of edge of bank, iuid 100 yards north-northwest of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Won" (N 69° 43' W) o Peak of house between two chimneys 39 Chimney on right end of house 77 Near peak of large bam 88 Near peak of house 137 Chimney of house 174 Right comer of left piazza post 234 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (28 inches diam- eter) 235 Nail in blaze in walntit tree (24 inches diam- eter) 26S Nail in blaze in walnut tree (15 inches diam- eter) 291 00 00 X mile. 56 T/i mile. 44 iJ4 miles. 54 i}i miles. 02 1% miles. 08 lyi miles. 10 100 yards. 04 29.32 meters. 35 20 24.30 meters. BRUFFS. mile General locality. — Eastern shore of Wye River on northwest point of Bruffs Island about northeast of Bennett Point and % mile southwest of Bordley Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 10 yards east of shore, 14 yards southwest of shore, 20 yards southeast of point of marsh, and 18 yards west of point of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Law" (S 2° 07' W) o "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire " 17 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 17 Cupola of bam 38 Near peak of large bam 54 30 3^^ miles. Large walnut tree 118 55 X mile. Peak between two chimneys of house 156 15 yi mile. Near comer of house 184 29 2^ miles. 00 yi mile. 20 5;H miles. 20 sX miles. 00 4^ miles. io6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. References — Continued. a / // Right peak of house 208 24 J/i mile. Nail in blaze in tree (4 inches diameter) 257 20 30 17-3*^ meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 1 278 43 50 27.96 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 310 49 30 41.27 meters. Smoke pipe of building in woods 314 28 200 yards. LAW. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Wye River about ^ mile east of Bennett Point and ^s mile southwest of south end of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 8 yards southeast of edge of a bluff, 45 yards southwest of a wire fence, 100 yards northeast of a plump of trees, and 150 yards northwest of a black walnut tree 'at edge of field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. "James" (S 36° 41'' W) o " Rich Neck Water Tower " 47 Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm . 57 Cupola of right bam 58 Near peak of large bam 128 Right comer of building in woods 169 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 182 Left peak of house 199 Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (7 inches diameter) 206 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 224 Black walnut tree (18 inches diameter) 284 Right comer of bam 297 Large cedar tree 338 00 00 J. 2 mile. 20 10 4^ miles. 48 3J^ miles. SI 3K miles. 41 iJ4 miles. 31 }4 mile. 21 50 38.67 meters. 10 2 miles. 30 30 4523 meters. 46 40 59-96 meters. 14 150 yards. 53 X mile. 23 100 yards. JAMES. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River at southern side of entrance to Wye River about 5^ mile southwest of Bruffs Island and H mile southeast of Bennett Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 20 feet above high water, 17 yards east of edge of a bluff at shore, and 14 yards south of edge of a bluff 18 feet high with uniform slope to shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Substuface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Frank" (83° 18' W) o "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 15 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 17 South chimney of house 63 South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 97 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 109 , Chimney of small cabin 174 West gable of bam 190 22 2}^ miles. Cupolaofbam 297 26 J^ mile. 00 00 X mile. 09 00 4X miles. 06 00 43^i miles. 16 4 miles. 14 3X miles. 08 3X miles. 03 i^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 107 FRANK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River about ' ^ mile south of entrance to Wye River and i mile northeast of Herring Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 18 feet above high water, 8 yards east of a bluff washed by high water, and 125 yards south of a ditch. Cement monument marking reference station is 25.51 meters S 87° 47' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Wood" (S 12° 55' E) o 00 00 X mile. "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire " 32 13 00 4^ miles. "St. Michaels Water Tank" 34 18 00 4^5 miles. East gable of bam 59 ^^ 3 miles. " Rich Neck Water Tank " 105 14 00 ^J/g miles. South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 117 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 129 South gable of small house 185 Reference station 285 Cupola on bam 289 East chinmey of house 335 24 3^ miles. 22 3X miles. 22 iX miles. 08 10 25.51 meters. 06 ^i mile. S3 i/S miles. WOOD. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River about i'^ miles southeast of Bennett Point, i^ miles east-northeast of Herring Island and J-s mile north-northwest of entrance to Woodland Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 18 feet above high water, 18 yards east of shore and top of vertical bank 18 feet high, and 3 yards south of a wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Pearson " (N 65° 24' W) o Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 5 Left tangent of marsh on Bennett Point 36 West gable of bam 127 "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 266 " St. Michaels Water Tank " 269 North chimney of house 321 South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 353 00 00 3X miles. 29 3X miles. 49 lys miles. 56 X mile. 53 00 4 miles. 09 CO 3J^ miles. 42 3 miles. 51 2H miles. HERR. General locality. — In Miles River on Herring Island about iX miles southwest of entrance to Wye River. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy ground in the center of Herring Island about 2 feet above high water, 30 yards northeast of shore and 30 yards southwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. io8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. oo 00 3 miles. 28 2yi miles. 07 2}i miles. 37 7 miles. 59 2)4 miles. References. — ° "Rich Neck Water Tank" (N 77° 26' W).... o North chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 16 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 31 South gable of bam 81 North chimney of small house 108 Cupola of bam 149 17 1}^ miles. North gable of bam 198 40 ij^ miles. East gable of bam 209 40 3 miles. Left chimney of Seth house 333 42 2 miles. North chimney of house 345 25 2^ miles. OLLIE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River about i mile north of entrance to Leeds Creek and 34 mile northeast of Deep Water Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 8 feet above high water, 6 yards west of edge of bank which is washing rapidly, and 8 yards northeast of large pine tree at edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.42 meters N 74° 15' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe bxuied with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of the ground. References. — ° ' ".Swing" (S 1° 20' W) o 00 Nail in blaze in pine tree (3 feet diameter) . . 25 56 " St. Michaels Water Tank " 37 58 Weather vane on house on Deep Water Pomt Farm 57 10 Near peak of house 91 Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm. 130 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 140 " Parsons Island Water Tank" 157 Left tangent of main woods on Bennett Point. 172 Chimney on right end of house in woods 180 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter). 240 Reference station 284 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter). 285 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter). 316 00 ^4 mile. 00 7.62 meters. 20 2\i miles. 10 I mile. S5 if ^ miles. 38 4X miles. 03 4^ miles. ig 40 7J4 miles. 00 3 miles. 00 4 miles. 27 10.56 meters. 24 40 14.42 meters. 22 10 IO-5S meters. 39 12.52 meters. DEEWAT. General locality. — Western shore of Miles' River on Deep Water Point, about yi mile west-northwest of Fairview Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass point about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, 7 yards northwest of shore, and 10 yards west of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " St. Michaels Water Tank " (S 33° 08' W) . . . o Weather vane on Dodson house 53 Tangent of Tilghmans Point 117 Right tangent of Parsons Island 133 Large square chimney of Starr house 179 Large chimney of house 212 00 00 il4 miles. 13 yi mile. 58 4?/^ miles. 28 "jyi miles. 59 zS-^ miles. 08 lyi miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 109 59 lyi miles. 02 314^ miles. 04 4^ to 5 miles. 41 2}i miles. References — Continued. ° Cupola on Rieman house 271 Tangent of Long Point 287 Steeple 295 Large chimney of house 297 Large chimney of house 309 30 2}i miles "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 353 40 40 ifi miles. SPAR. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Miles River about i mile southeast of entrance to Hambleton Creek and J/g mile northwest of Deep Water Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cedar-and-locust-fringed shore about 4 feet above high water, 11 )'ards west of shore, 12 yards southwest of shore, and 15 yards south of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above stirface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.- — o / // "Sara" (N 39° 19' W) o Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm . i Near peak of bam beyond Herring Island ... 42 Nail in blaze in oak tree (3 inches diameter) . . 54 Right tangent of chimney 125 Tangent of Deep Water Point 181 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 240 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 279 53 30 3.58 meters. SARA. 00 00 I mile. 19 4 miles. 38 &3/i miles. 59 00 4.52 meters. 32 iX miles. 22 fi mile. 08 40 6.84 meters. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Miles River about 3/4 miles south-southeast of northern end of Tilghmans Point 1}^ miles southwest of Herring Island and on point at eastern side of entrance to Hambleton Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 16 yards southwest of a bluff 12 feet high with uniform slope to shore, and 20 yards east of depression 4 feet deep. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above smface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Wood " (N 52° 14' E) o West chimney of house 127 Nail in blaze in hackbcrry tree (12 inches diameter) 158 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 204 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 282 " Parsons Island Water Tank " 297 South gable of bam 315 South gable of house 323 00 00 2 miles. 40 }i mile. 58 50 22. 02 meters. 12 50 12.66 meters. 58 3X miles. II 00 6yi miles. 40 8 miles. 03 6 miles. South gable of bam 340 49 4 miles. SETH. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Miles River on a point about 2I2 miles south of northern end of Tilghmans Point and % mile northwest of entrance to Porters Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in clump of cedar trees about 12 feet above high water, 9 yards southwest of top of vertical bank, washed by high water, 50 yards northwest of extreme end of no Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. oo 2 miles. 20 10.89 meters. 30 9.56 meters. point, and 400 yards northeast of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.56 meters S 67° 41' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 12 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Herr " (N 79° 07' E) o 00 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 145 20 Reference station 168 34 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 219 59 45 4.44 meters. South gable of house " 282 12 5>^ miles. South gable of bam 305 34 6 miles. West gable of house 312 30 6 miles. Cupola on bam 356 52 3 miles. DIXON. General locality. — Southeastern side of Eastern Bay on Tilghmans Point about halfway between Eastern Bay and Miles River, 3^ mile southwest of northern end of point, and i^ miles northeast of Claiborne Wharf. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on top of a 2-story square frame house on Tilghmans Point Farm. Marks. — Observed station is center of upright staff, 3 inches square, set in the center of trap door at apex of square roof. References. — None necessary. PEARSON. General locality. — Western shore of Miles River on Tilghmans Point about 3 g mile south-soutlieast of northern end of point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded bluff al3out 20 feet above high water, 5 yards west of top of vertical bank at shore, and 100 yards north of first point south of northern end of Tilghmans Point. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.66 meters N 86° 03' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Green " (N 45° 46' E) o 00 00 33/5 miles. South gable of bam i 14 5 miles. South chimney of house 11 48 3^2 miles. West chimney of house 26 31 2^8 miles. West gable of bam 62 31 3^ miles. East gable of bam 76 09 4 miles. West chimney of house in 30 3X miles. North chimney of house 125 20 3j/^ miles. Chimney of house 130 36 2^2 miles. Nail in blaze in white oak tree (8 inches diam- eter) Reference station 228 Nail in blaze in white oak tree (12 inches diameter) 239 South gable of house on Parsons Island 317 178 09 40 5.31 meters. 00 12.66 meters. 19 20 9.99 meters. 17 3^' 2 miles. South gable of bam 350 02 4^ miles. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Com- missioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delinea- tion on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in coopera- tion with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the comers of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyster-bar boundaries by competent engineers. There- fore the additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the published definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accuracy and very little to the convenience of practical use of the descriptions of the ovster-bar boundaries. 112 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen A nnes County, Md. As provided by law the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to complicated 14-sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sides have varied in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the comers of the bound- aries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made and the magnitude of the work with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and the future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, and the one b}' which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name, in parentheses, is given the general locality of the oyster bar and the serial number of the "Maryland Oyster Chart" on which its legal boundaries are shown. ^ First column. — This column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the comers have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clock- wise direction around the bar. Where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the comer of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the commission as the primary technical definition of the location of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these ' These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, I). C. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 113 columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their location have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing" ' and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the comer of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station,"- gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corre- sponding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of the bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of " Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described, in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boudaries of natural oyster bars: One, to determine whether the buoys marking the comers have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for The mean magnetic variation for Queen Atmes County was 6* 15' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Washington, D. C 20313—12 8 1 14 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar with this method are referred lo the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydroijral>hic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the sur\'eyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the commission in relocating comers of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take "Broad Creek" oyster bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3," is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Sandy Point Light" and "Ring" as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this comer is 98° 09' and the angle between "Ring" and " Railway Water Tank" is 71° 08'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor ("position fmdtr"), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the comer of the boundary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the comer of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 115 obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the protractor. The second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant then the other until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be ])laced to mark the (rue position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic location of a point is attained. In fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the comers of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the commission. (3) Magnetic bearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State fishery force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer can take compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination,' and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared altogether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the corrected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks, for which the bearings are published, have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used. This can be done by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying these new bearings in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic bearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point mark- ing a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination) given in the fifth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. • The mean magnetic variation for Queen Annes County is b° 15' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. ii6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks . — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. The instrument is placed over a "triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "comer" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the " Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of 0° 00' 00" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. . BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. BROAD CREEK. (Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 2g.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I / // 38 58 36. 70 / // 76 21 17. 00 S 63 30 E N 34 56 E N 31 04 W N 63 30 W S 34 57 W S 31 05 E Yards. 1, 108 s. 153 5>S34 Wash. Ring. Sandy Point Light. 2 38 58 42. 32 76 21 34.67 vS 64 51 E N 40 14 E N 27 43 W N 64 51 W S 40 16 W S 27 44 E I, 610 5-287 5.138 Wash. Ring. Sandy Point Light. 3 39 01 44. 75 76 20 05, 62 S 71 18 W S 26 51 E N 82 01 E N 71 16 E N 26 SI W S 82 02 W 4,996 2.373 2,439 Sandy Point Light. Ring- Railway Water Tank. 4 39 01 39. 96 76 19 43. 20 S 74 SI W S 13 SI E N 74 40 E N 74 49 E N 13 51 W S 74 41 w 5.514 2, 015 1,892 Sandy Point Light. Ring- Railway Water Tank. .S 38 59 38. 62 76 19 57- 54 N 21 55 E N 61 48 W S 23 04 W S 21 55 W S 61 50 E N 23 04 E 2.303 5,610 2,807 Ring. Sandy Point Light. Wash. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. LOVE POINT. (Chesapeake Bay off Love Point — Chart No. 2Q.) 117 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 39 °2 07- 35 76 / // 19 30. 60 . S 74 10 E N 8s 49 E N s6 12 E N 74 09 W S 8s SO W S 56 14 W Yards. I.SS2 2,303 4,745 Railway Water Tank. Amour. Love Point Light. 2 39 02 10. 90 76 19 54. 10 S 75 35 E N 89 03 E N 61 05 E N 75 34 W S 89 04 W S 61 07 W 2,180 2, 916 5, 211 Railway Water Tank. Amour. Love Point Light. 3 39 °3 Z3- 7° 76 19 32.30 S 24 4s E S 40 28 E S 86 OS E N 24 45 W N 40 28 W N 86 04 W 3,674 3,608 3,998 Railway Water Tank. Amour. Love Point Light. 4 39 03 i8- 65 76 18 33. 10 S 23 W S 19 19 E N 84 30 E N 23 E N 19 19 W S 84 31 w 2,827 2,370 2,443 Railway Water Tank. Amour. Love Point Light. 5 6 39 °4 15- 35 Then 39 °3 53- 27 76 j6 34.41 ce along county 76 16 II. 63 S 31 33 E N 25 49 E N I s6 W boundary as c S 30 II E N 18 25 E N 5 24 W N 31 31 W S 25 50 W S I 56 E elineated on C N 30 10 W S 18 26 W S s 24 E 6, 057 6, 240 8,703 'hart No. 2 5,112 6. 705 9,485 Wickes Beach. Stevens. Swan Point 3. p to comer No. 6. Wickes Beach. Stevens. Swan Point 3 . 7 39 02 S5- 16 .76 17 18. 66 S 44 10 W S 60 26 E N 24 48 E N 44 II E N 60 24 W S 24 49 W 2,838 4,981 1,131 Railway Water Tank. Wickes Beach. Love Point Light. STRONG BAY. (Lower Chester River — Chart No. 2g.) I 39 00 55-40 76 17 09. 16 S 3 37 E N 68 so E N 2 32 E N 3 37 W S 68 S2 W S 2 32 W 2,853 4,379 5,070 Macum. Wickes Beach. Love Point Light. 2 39 01 52.82 76 18 04. 90 S 86 08 E N 28 23 E N 8s 01 W N 86 06 W S 28 23 W S 85 01 E 5,561 3,556 764 Wickes Beach. Love Point Light. Railway Water Tank. 3 39 01 S9. 81 76 17 58. 12 N 27 36 E N 17 50 W S 79 47 W S 27 36 W S 17 50 E N 79 47 E 3, 264 443 955 Love Point Light. Amour. Railway Water Tank. 4 39 01 14. 60 76 16 49- 55 S S30 W N 75 20 E N 63 42 W N s 29 E S 7s 22 W S 63 43 E 3, 512 3,688 3,060 Macum. Wickes Beach. Railway Water Tank. ii8 Survcv of Oyster Bars, Queen A lines County, Md. BDi'NnARiKS dk NATiiRAi, oYSTijK BARS - <;oiitinued. CARVEL. {Lower Chester River — Chart No. 2Q.) Car- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation ol bar Forward Back station I 2 3 38 59 41- 98 39 GO 21. 36 38 59 48- 72 76 16 57. 80 76 17 27. 50 76 16 28. 53 S 70 07 E N 43 01 E N 18 46 W S 21 18 E N 59 08 E N 14 07 W S 64 22 E N 38 13 E N 27 14 W N 70 05 W S 43 02 W S 18 46 E N 21 18 W S 59 10 W S 14 07 E N 64 20 W S 38 14 W S 27 IS E Yards. 5.378 5.548 5.354 1,824 5.319 3.858 4,755 4.873 5.446 Muddy. Wickes Beach. Amour. Macum. Wickes Beach. Amour. Muddy. Wickes Beach. Amotir. FERRY (QUEEN ANNES COUNTY). {Lower Chester River — Chart No. 2Q.) I 38 59 23.94 76 15 34. 62 S 66 55 E N 66 54 W 3.118 Muddy. N 59 33 E S 59 35 W 4.695 Narrows Point. N 18 53 E S 18 54 W 4.930 Wickes Beach. 2 39 GO 09. 66 76 15 58.46 S 52 10 W N 52 10 E 2,128 Macum. S 51 40 E N 51 41 W 4,455 Muddy. N 35 27 E S 35 28 W 3.833 Wickes Beach. 3 39 00 29-37 76 15 30. 72 S 38 53 B N 38 52 W 4,405 Muddy. N 87 30 E S 87 32 W 3,949 Narrows Point. N 31 17 E S 31 18 W 2,876 Wickes Beach. Thence along county boundary as c ielineated on C ^hart No. 29 to comer No. 4. 4 39 OG 04. 45 76 14 38. GO S 28 01 E N 28 00 W 2,932 Muddy. N 68 25 E S 68 26 W 2.750 Narrows Point. N I 51 E S I 51 W 3,299 Wickes Beach. 5 38 59 49. 10 76 14 48. 41 S 38 34 E N 38 33 W 2,649 Muddy. N 61 37 E S 61 38 W 3.218 Narrows Point. N 5 42 E S 5 42 W 3.834 Wickes Beach. J Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTKR BARS — continued. 119 LONG POINT (CHESTER RIVER). {Lower Chester River — Charts Nos. 2g and jo.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back r 38 59 03. 26 76 13 15-32 N 84 48 E N 7 OS E S 56 42 W / S 84 49 W S 7 °5 W N 56 41 E Yards. 3.528 3.°99 956 Bluebeard. Narrows Point. Muddy. 2 38 S9 28. 93 76 14 37. 13 S 44 14 E N 48 SS E N I 04 E N 44 14 W S 48 56 W S I 04 W 1,941 3.363 4.497 Muddy. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. 3 38 S9 49- 10 76 14 48. 41 S 38 34 E N 61 37 E N 5 42 E N 38 33 W S 61 38 W S 5 42 w 2,649 3,218 3.834 Muddy. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. 4 39 00 04. 45 76 14 38. 00 S 28 01 E N 68 25 E N I 51 E N 28 00 W S 68 26 W S I 51 W 2,932 2,75° 3.299 Muddy. Narrows Point. Wickes Beach. S 38 59 21. 24 76 13 13- 75 S 36 36 W S 8s 17 E N 7 51 E N 36 36 E N 85 16 W S 7 52 w 1,410 3.484 2,492 Muddy. Bluebeard. Narrows Point. FLOOD POINT. (Chester River Entrance Kent Island Narrows — Chart No. 2Q.] 38 S8 37- 28 76 14 44. 20 S 20 44 W N 77 07 E N 17 46 E N 20 44 E S 77 07 W S 17 46 W 38 58 42.52 76 14 47.62 S 12 20 W N 12 20 E 1.005 Bridge. N 83 50 E S 83 51 W 1,640 Muddy. N 44 21 E S 44 21 W 312 Thin. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 3, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 862 1,581 420 Bridge. Muddy. Thin. 38 58 48.66 I 76 14 37.20 S 22 22 W S 13 16 E S 88 41 E 38 58 46.95 76 14 30.61 I S 30 21 w S 7 32 E N 88 43 E 58 39.02 1 76 14 35.72 S 31 26 W i N 77 25 E N 15 34 W N 22 21 E ! N IS 16 W N 88 41 W N 30 21 E N 7 32 W S 88 43 W N SI 26 E vS 77 26 W s 15 34 E ,286 J 641 .357 Bridge. Railroad. Muddy. ,311 Bridge. , 557 Railroad. , 184 Muddy. ,013 Bridge. , 351 Muddy. 354 Thin. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. KENT ISLAND NARROWS. (Kent Island Narrows — Chart No. 2g.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. tr station iangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 58 11.04 76 14 47. 80 S 23 36 E S 63 09 E N 9 51 E N 23 36 W N 63 08 W S 9 SI w Yards. 1,789 736 i,3°4 Marshy. Railroad. Thin. 2 3 38 58 13.40 Thence from c any creek, c 38 58 42. 52 76 14 55- 78 omer No. 2 alo ove, or inlet le 76 14 47. 62 S 8 41 W S 64 34 E N 19 46 E ng the mean Ic s than 100 yar S 12 20 W N 83 50 E N 44 21 E N 8 41 E N 64 34 W S 19 46 w w- water line c ds in width at N 12 20 E S 83 SI w S 44 21 W 1.932 960 1,281 f the shore its mouth c I, 005 I, 640 312 Kirwan. Railroad. Thin. to comer No. 3 it low tide. Bridge. Muddy. Thin. excluding 4 38 58 37- 28 Thence from c any creek, c 76 14 44. 20 omer No. 4 alo ove, or inlet le S 20 44 W N 77 07 E N 17 46 E ng the mean Ic >s than 100 yar N 20 44 E S 77 07 w S 17 46 w )w-water line c ds in width at 862 1,581 420 f the shore its mouth Bridge. Muddy. Thin. to comer No. i it low tide. excluding BLUNT. (^Lower ChesUr River — Chart No. jo.) I 38 58 22. 34 76 12 41. 74 N 57 08 E N 6 25 W N 63 04 W S 57 09 W S 6 26 E S 63 05 E 3. 131 4,484 1,888 Bluebeard. Narrows Point. Muddy. 2 38 58 43- 78 76 12 55.80 N 71 59 E N 2 01 W N 84 16 W S 72 00 W S 2 01 E S 84 16 E 3,iSS 3.735 1,320 Bluebeard. Narrows Point. Muddy. 3 38 59 33- 65 76 II 51.36 S 61 35 E N 3 00 W N 41 42 W N 61 34 W S 3 00 E S 41 43 E 1,483 2,334 2,747 Bluebeard. Rain. Narrows Point. 4 38 59 31. 02 76 II 24. 58 N 13 S3 W N 49 48 W S 68 29 W S 13 33 E S 49 49 E N 68 28 E 2,489 3,315 3,983 Rain. Narrows Point. Muddy. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARies OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. POPLAR. {Lower Chester River — Chart No. jo.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 59 42. 84 / // 76 10 51. 55 N 55 18 E N 35 42 W S 14 54 W S 55 18 W S 35 42 E N 14 54 E Yards. 2, 063 2,489 i>o5i Blakeford. Rain. Bluebeard. 2 38 59 48. 93 76 II 00. 88 S I 10 W N 63 28 E N 33 36 W N I 10 W S 63 29 W S 33 37 E I, 221 2, 170 2,180 Bluebeard. Blakeford. Rain. 3 39 00 14. 45 76 10 34. 15 N 63 26 W S 19 17 W N 85 00 E S 63 27 E N 19 17 E S 85 01 W 2.135 2, 205 I, 242 Rain. Bluebeard. Blakeford. 4 39 00 07. 93 76 10 25. 43 S 27 14 W N 71 58 E N I 34 W N 27 13 E S 71 59 W S I 34 E 2,093 1, 060 2,846 Bluebeard. Blakeford. Break. CARPENTER ISLAND. (Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 00 33. 76 76 10 47. 00 S 70 59 E N 13 56 E N 79 04 W N 70 59 W S 13 56 w S 79 05 E 1,667 2.033 I, 600 Blakeford. Break. Rain. 2 39 01 12. 05 76 II 10. 98 N 51 13 W S 43 37 W S 50 16 E S 51 14 E N 43 37 E N 50 15 W 2,489 1.365 2,869 Overton. Rain. Blakeford. 3 39 01 08. 78 76 10 30. 30 N 3 37 E S 66 26 W S 3 37 W N 66 25 E 794 2,194 Break. Rain. S 33 23 E N 33 23 W 2,065 Blakeford. 4 39 01 07. ss 76 10 II. 84 N 27 23 W S 71 39 W S 21 13 E S 27 23 E N 71 38 E N 21 13 W 947 2,630 1.797 Break. Rain. Blakeford. 5 39 00 36. 84 76 10 02. 42 N 20 05 W N 8s 50 W S 31 54 E S 20 05 E S 8s 51 E N 31 54 W 1,990 2.752 762 Break. Rain. Blakeford. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. UlWNDARlES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — COlltillUfd. HORSE RACE. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I a / // 39 01 08. 78 76 10 30. 30 N 3 37 E S 66 26 W S 33 23 E / S 3 37 W N 66 25 E N 33 23 W Yards. 794 2,194 2, 06s Break. Rain. Blakeford. 2 39 01 12. 05 76 II 10. 98 N SI 13 W S 43 37 W S so 16 E S 51 14 E N 43 37 E N so IS W 2,489 1.36s 2,869 Overton. Rain. Blakeford. 3 39 02 00. 00 76 II 41. 20 S 63 58 E N 32 18 E S 87 04 W N 63 58 W S 32 18 w N 87 04 E 2, 131 1,808 I, 147 Break. Fir. Overton. 4 39 02 17. 46 76 II 06. 57 N 3 22 E S 72 32 W S 33 23 E S 3 22 W N 72 33 E N 33 22 W 942 2, iSS 1,825 Fir. Overton . Break. 5 39 01 31- 43 76 10 30. 47 N 73 14 W S so 43 W S 24 38 E S 73 IS E N 50 43 E N 24 38 W 3,139 2,592 2,736 Overton. Rain. Blakeford. PINEY POINT (QUEEN ANNES COUNTY). {Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) I 39 02 00. 00 . 76 II 41. 20 S 63 58 E N 63 58 W 2,131 Break. N 32 18 E S 32 18 W 1,808 Fir. S 87 04 W N 87 04 E I, 147 Overton. Thence along county boundary as c lelineated by 2hart No. 3 to Comer No. 2. 2 39 03 18. 25 76 II 43. 76 S 21 47 W N 21 46 E 2,905 Overton. S 42 56 E N 42 s6 W 1,517 Fir. N 81 22 E S 81 23 W 1,697 Gordon. 3 39 02 59. 93 76 II 14. 07 S 27 08 E N 27 08 W 5SS Fir. N 45 49 E S 4S 49 W 1,251 Gordon. N 6s 12 W S 6s 12 E 2,234 Bay Bush Point. 4 39 02 41. 86 76 II 25. 76 S 32 45 E N 32 44 W 2,790 Break. N 78 14 E S 78 14 w 572 Fir. N 39 07 E S 39 07 W 1,914 Gordon. S 39 02 17.46 76 II 06. 57 N 3 22 E S 3 22 W 942 Fir. S 72 32 w N 72 33 E 2,155 Overton. S 33 23 E N 33 22 W 1,82s Break. Survey of Oyster Bars':, Queen .1ifwe.y County, Md. BOUNDARIES oK NATUKAi, OYSTiiR BARS— Continued. HELLS DELIGHT. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) 123 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianguiation of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 39 02 59- 93 76 II 14. 07 S 27 08 E N 45 49 E N 65 12 W N 27 08 W S 45 49 -W S 65 12 E 555 I, 251 2,234 Fir. Gordon. Bay Bust Point. 2 39 03 18. 25 76 II 43. 76 S 21 47 W S 42 s6 E N 81 22 E N 21 46 E N 42 56 W vS 81 23 W 2,905 1,517 1,697 Overton. Fir. Gordon. 3 39 04 10. 82 76 10 59. 06 vS 18 20 E S 76 40 E N 68 41 E N 18 19 W N 76 39 W S 68 42 W 1,599 2,359 3,309 Gordon. Reeds. Holton Point. 4 39 04 02. 56 76 10 33. 54 S 7 44 W S 80 43 E N 58 26 E N 7 44 E N 80 42 W S 58 27 w 1,251 1,646 2,830 Gordon. Reeds. Holton Point. REEDS. (Reed's Creek — Chart No. 30.) I 39 03 3°- 37 76 09 42. 66 N 19 17 E N 48 32 W S 31 00 W S 19 17 W S 48 32 E N 31 00 E 868 636 105 Reeds. Bird. Grove. 2 39 03 36. 60 76 09 49. 85 S 24 16 E N 37 S8 E N 53 45 W N 24 16 W s 37 58 w S S3 44 E 328 773 357 Grove. Reeds. Bird. 3 39 03 38. 95 76 09 34. 61 N 8 04 E N 79 09 W S 35 01 W S 8 04 W S 79 10 E N 35 01 E 536 701 463 Reeds. Bird. Grove . ROBINS COVE. (Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 04 17- 42 76 09 38. 05 S 27 09 w S 22 II E N 44 12 E N 27 09 E N 22 II W S 44 12 W 1,310 784 1,367 Bird. Reeds. Holton Point. ' 2 39 04 20. 62 76 09 44. 92 S 18 09 W S 21 36 E N 52 26 E N 18 08 E N 21 36 W S 52 27 W 1,340 941 1,429 Bird. Reeds. Holton Point. 3 39 04 36. 15 76 09 34- 31 S 21 II W S 2 45 E N 67 so E N 21 10 E N 2 45 W S 67 51 w 1,927 1, 400 923 Bird. Reeds. Holton Point. 4 39 04 33- 58 76 09 28. 20 S 26 37 W S 4 04 W N 57 56 E N 26 36 E N 4 04 E S 57 56 W 1. 913 1,316 819 Bird. Reeds. Holton Point. 124 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. OLD FIELD. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back station I 39 03 55- 67 76 10 II. 82 S 36 17 w S 88 II E N 47 03 E N 36 16 E N 88 II W S 47 04 W Yards. 1, 250 1,054 2,514 Gordon. Reeds. Helton Point. 2 39 04 02. 56 76 10 Si. 54 S 7 44 w S 80 43 E N 58 26 E N 7 44 E N 80 42 W S 58 27 W 1, 251 1,646 2,830 Gordon . Reeds. • Helton Point. 3 39 04 10. 82 76 10 59. 06 S 18 20 E S 76 40 E N 68 41 E N 18 19 W N 76 39 W S 68 42 W 1.599 2,359 3,309 Gordon . Reeds. Holton Point. 4 39 05 00. 50 76 10 15. 60 S 27 27 E S 76 18 E N 63 30 E N 27 26 W N 76 17 W S 63 31 W 2, 501 1,997 2,750 Reeds. Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2, Upper. 5 39 OS 32. 73 76 09 29. 24 S 24 49 E S 69 30 E N 83 33 E N 24 48 W N 69 30 W S 83 33 W 1,719 1,407 I, 251 Holton Point. Corsica. Spaniard Point 2, Upper. 6 39 OS 23.33 76 09 16. 60 S 17 23 E S 79 54 E N 63 20 E N 17 23 W N 79 S3 W S 63 20 w 1,302 I, 002 I, 019 Holton Point. Corsica. Spaniard Point 2, Upper. 7 39 OS 08. 76 76 09 33. 12 S 47 36 E N 77 28 E N 54 48 E N 47 36 W S 77 29 W S 54 48 w I, 114 1,456 I, 646 Holton Point. Corsica. Spaniard Point 2, Upper. HOLTON POINT. (Entrance Corsica River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 04 46. 68 76 08 44.98 N 88 01 E N 8 19 E S 89 OS W S 88 01 W S 8 19 W N 89 05 E 567 1, 072 442 Earle. Corsica. Holton Point. 2 39 05 08. 76 76 09 33. 12 S 47 36 E N 77 28 E N 54 48 E N 47 36 W S 77 29 w S 54 48 W 1, 114 1,456 I, 646 Holton Point. Corsica. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. 3 39 OS 23. 33 76 09 16. 60 S 17 23 E S 79 54 E N 63 20 E N 17 23 W N 79 S3 W S 63 20 W 1,302 1,002 1, 019 Holton Point. Corsica. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. 4 39 05 13- 48 76 09 07. 72 S 9 42 E N 78 IS E N 40 30 E N 9 42 W S 78 16 W S 40 30 W 924 769 1.043 Holton Point. Corsica. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. 5 39 05 06. 92 76 08 41. 24 S 38 OS W S 35 12 E S 80 26 E N 38 OS E N 35 12 W N 80 26 W 876 812 779 Holton Point. Earle. Swepson . Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIBS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. TOWN POINT. {Corsica River — Chart No. 30.) 125 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I / // 39 04 40. 98 a / // 76 07 56. 52 N 24 25 E N 28 39 W N 73 21 W S 24 25 W S 28 39 E S 73 21 E Yards. 805 850 739 Engineer. .Swepson. Earle. 2 39 04 56. 98 76 08 20. 33 S 71 59 W S 14 03 W S 47 23 E N 71 59 E N 14 03 E N 47 23 W 1, 146 338 I, 118 Hoi ton Point. Earle. Hydrograpliic. 3 39 04 46. 68 76 08 44. 98 N 88 01 E N 8 19 E S 89 OS W vS 88 01 W S 8 19 W N 89 05 E S67 I, 072 442 Earle. Corsica. Holton Point. 4 39 05 06. 92 76 08 41. 24 S 38 05 W S 35 12 E .S 80 26 E N 38 05 E N 35 12 W N 80 26 W 876 812 779 Helton Point. Earle. Swepson . S 39 04 ^(>- 57 76 07 59. 97 N 55 15 W vS 63 02 w S 21 09 E S SS IS E N 63 02 E N 21 09 W 385 692 796 Swepson. Earle. Hydrographic. EMORY WHARF. {Corsica River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 04 40. 98 76 07 56. 52 N 24 25 E S 24 25 W 805 Engineer. N 28 39 W S 28 39 E 850 Swepson . N 73 21 W S 73 21 E 739 Earle . 2 39 04 56- 57 76 07 59. 97 N S5 15 W S 55 15 E 385 Swepson . S 63 02 W N 63 02 E 692 Earle. S 21 09 E N 21 09 W 796 Hydrographic. .^ 39 04 49- 41 76 07 31. 24 N 36 29 W S 36 29 E 558 Engineer. S 43 01 W N 43 01 E 686 Hydrographic. S 23 45 E N 23 45 W 657 Ruth. 126 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BdllNDARIES OK NATURAI, OYSTER BARS — Continued EARLE COVIC. (Corsica River — Cliart No. 30.) Cor- True bearing ncr T.atitnde Longitude Di.'itance bar Forward Back Yards. / /, / ,/ / , I 39 04 29. 18 76 08 04. 65 N 66 14 E N 9 36 W N 28 44 W S 66 14 W S 9 36 E S 28 45 E 448 I. IS9 1,882 Hydrographic. Swepson. Corsica. 2 39 04 33- 48 76 08 og. 74 N 86 14 E N 3 25 W N 27 04 W S 86 15 W S 3 25 E S 27 05 E 545 I, OOI 1,694 Hydrographic. Swepson. Corsica. 3 39 °4 37- 95 76 08 01. 72 N 29 21 E N 17 42 W N 61 12 W S 29 21 W S 17 42 E S 61 12 E 958 889 652 Engineer. Swepson. Earle. 4 39 04 32. 82 Thence from c 76 07 58. 16 jmer No. 4 alon N 20 27 E N 19 38 W N 53 47 W I the mean low sS 20 27 W 1,075 Engineer. sS 19 38 E 1,084 sSwepson. S 53 47 E 823 Earle. water line of the shore to comer No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less the m 100 yards in width at its n louth at lov V tide SHIP POINT. {Corsica River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 04 47. 45 76 07 10. 09 S 66 58 W S 28 32 W N 66 57 E N 28 32 E 1, 112 610 Hydrographic. Ruth. N 8g 25 E S 89 25 W 662 Bath. 2 39 04 48. 55 76 07 19. 82 S 58 24 W S '3 33 W S 87 44 E N 58 24 E N 3 33 E N 87 43 W 902 573 919 Hydrographic. Ruth. Bath. 3 39 04 52- 90 76 07 19. 08 S 51 50 W S 4 22 W N 51 49 E N 4 22 E I, 002 722 Hydrographic. Ruth. S 78 29 E N 78 28 W 918 Bath. 4 39 04 51. 25 76 07 10. 08 S 61 II w S 23 43 W S 79 06 E N 61 10 E N 23 43 E N 79 05 W I, 169 725 674 Hydrographic. Ruth. Bath. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 127 Rdi'NDARiES (iF NATURAi, OYSTER BARS — Continued. POSSUM POINT. {Corsica River — Chart No. jo.) Cor- ner r,atitude Longitude True bearing Distance V. S. C. & 0. R. trianaulation of bar Forward Back I 39 04 46. 63 76 06 S4- 57 S 14 07 w N 83 38 E N 32 46 W N 14 07 E S 83 38 W S 32 46 E Yards. 705 256 232 Melfield. Bath. Ship. 2 39 04 SO. 64 76 06 57. 2S S 68 IS W S 44 21 W S 71 46 E N 68 IS E N 44 21 E N 71 45 W 1,465 900 ,341 Hydrographic. Ruth. Bath. 3 39 04 S7- 82 76 06 44. S3 S 6s 09 W S 47 2S w S I 38 w N 6s 09 E N 47 24 E S I 38 E 1,869 1,308 348 Hydrographic. Ruth. Bath. 4 39 04 s6. 40 76 06 39. 66 S 67 S9 W S S2 30 w S 24 37 W N 67 S9 E N i;2 29 E N 24 37 E . 1, 967 1,376 33^ Hydrographic. Ruth. Bath. SPANIARD POINT. (Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 05 23. 33 76 09 16. 60 S 17 23 E S 79 S4 E N 63 20 E N 17 23 W N 79 53 W S 63 20 W 1, 302 I, 002 1, 019 Holton Point. Corsica. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. 2 39 05 32- 73 76 09 29. 24 S 24 49 E S 69 30 E N 83 33 E N 24 48 W N 69 30 W S 83 33 w 1,719 1,407 I, 251 Holton Point. Corsica. .Spaniard Point 2 Upper. 3 39 05 S3- 20 76 09 05. 6s S 30 33 E S 48 35 E N 32 20 E N 30 ,?4 W N 48 35 W S 32 20 W 1,374 831 1, 067 Corsica. Spaniard Point 2 Brown. Upper. 4 39 06 OS. 75 76 08 16. 82 S 67 S7 E N 62 ss E N 56 06 W N 67 s6 W S 62 s6 W S 56 07 E 1,554 1,988 857 Chester. Deep Point 2. Brown. S 39 06 00. 63 76 08 14. 36 S 73 22 E N 57 43 E N so 02 W N 73 21 W S 57 43 W S so 02 E 1,436 2, 017 I, 014 Chester. Deep Point 2. Brown. 6 39 OS 46- 26 76 08 49. 00 S 30 27 E N 73 03 E N 6 41 E N 30 27 W S 73 04 W S 6 41 W 366 I, 02s 1,144 Spaniard Point 2 Evans. Brown. Upper. 128 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. EMORY HOLLOW. (Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) Car- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triansiilation ol bar Forward Back 1 39 05 56- 60 76 08 04. 60 / S 76 II E N 50 03 E N 52 42 W / N 76 II W S 50 04 W S S2 43 E Yards. 1,153 I, 890 1,299 Chester. Deep Point 2. Brown. 2 39 06 00. 63 76 08 14. 36 S 73 22 E N 57 43 E N 50 02 W N 73 21 W S 57 43 W S 50 02 E 1,436 2,017 I, 014 Chester. Deep Point 2. Brown. 3 39 °6 05. 75 76 08 16. 82 S 67 57 E N 62 55 E N 56 06 W N 67 56 W S 62 56 W S 56 07 E 1,554 1,988 857 Chester. Deep Point 2. Brown. 4 39 06 23. 28 76 07 08. 81 S 16 26 W S 84 36 E N 3 04 W N 16 26 E N 84 3S W S 3 04 E I, 225 576 314 Chester. Corpse . Deep Point 2. 5 39 06 18. 51 76 07 03. 33 S 25 49 W N 76 05 E N 18 43 W N 25 49 E S 76 05 W S 18 43 E 1, 126 443 502 Chester. Corpse . Deep Point 2. 6 39 05 58. 62 76 07 29. 60 S 83 54 W S 30 II E N 55 15 E N 83 54 E N 30 II W S SS IS w 1, 112 397 1,364 Evans. Chester. Corpse. SHEEP (QUEEN ANNES COUNTY). (Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) I 39 06 18. 51 76 07 03. 33 S 25 49 w N v6 OS E N 18 43 W N 25 49 E S 76 05 W S 18 43 E 1, 126 443 502 Chester. Corpse. Deep Point 2. 2 39 06 23. 28 76 07 08.81 S 16 26 W S 84 36 E N 3 04 W N 16 26 E N 84 36 W S 3 04 E 1,225 576 314 Chester. Corpse. Deep Point 2. 3 39 06 34. 74 76 06 47. 60 S 2 09 E N 59 13 E N 14 19 E N 2 09 W S 59 13 w S 14 20 w 441 794 900 Corpse. Indian. Thorn. 4 39 °6 32- 37 76 06 45. 00 N SI 37 E N 9 12 E N 89 20 W S SI 37 W S 9 13 w S 89 21 E 783 965 643 Indian. Thorn. Deep Point 2. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen A nnes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATUR.-\L OYSTER BARS — Continued. MUMMYS COVE. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. 30.) 129 Cor- i True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance XJ. S. C. & G. S. trianjulation of bar Forward Baek c / // / // / , Yardi. I 39 06 47. 25 76 06 28. 65 S 6q IS VV N 65 14 E 1,180 Deep Point 2. N 31 29 W S 31 29 E 5=7 Thorn. N 16 47 E S 16 47 w I, 141 Shippen. 2 39 06 SO- 40 76 06 32. 73 S 58 06 W N 58 05 E I, 136 Deep Point 2. N 26 06 W S 26 06 E 383 Thorn. N 23 54 E S 23 54 W 1.077 Shippen. 3 39 07 °4- 97 76 06 16. 27 N 79 53 E S 79 54 W 538 Ashland. N 27 E S 27 w 494 Shippen. S 76 09 W N 76 09 E 619 Thorn. 4 39 06 59- 7° 76 06 10. 52 N S4 17 E S 54 17 W 466 Ashland. N 12 22 W S 12 22 E 688 Shippen. N 87 44 W S 87 45 E 752 Thorn. HOLLYDAY (QUEEN ANNES COUNTY). {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 °7 39- 14 76 05 20. 98 S 26 23 W N 81 18 E N 27 27 E N 26 23 E S 81 18 W S 27 27 W 322 548 911 Bums. Starkley. Jarrett. 2 39 07 45- 52 76 05 27.55 S 3 23 E S 79 31 E N 44 58 E N 3 23 W N 79 31 W S 44 59 w 504 726 839 Bums. Starkley. Jarrett. 3 39 °7 53- 80 76 05 00. 86 N 89 29 E N 19 07 W S 84 25 W S 89 30 w S 19 07 E N 84 25 E I, 051 333 1. 159 Booker. Jarrett. Oyster. 4 39 07 5°- 40 76 05 00. Si N 83 16 E N 14 25 W N 89 54 W S 83 16 W S 14 25 E S 89 54 E 1,058 442 1. 155 Booker. Jarrett. Oyster. BOOKER WHARF. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 08 08. 80 76 04 14. 09 N 14 56 W N S3 36 W S 19 39 w S 14 57 E S 53 36 E N 19 39 E 949 517 527 Cake. Melton. Booker. 2 39 08 09. 25 76 04 19.93 S 2 40 W N 56 21 E N 5 46 W N 2 40 E S 56 22 W S 5 46 E 512 466 911 Booker. Journey. Cake. 3 39 08 16. 10 76 04 20.35 S I 00 W N 86 37 E N 6 50 W N I 00 E S 86 37 W S 6 50 E 743 399 677 Booker. Journey. Cake. 4 39 08 16. 25 76 04 12. 41 N 23 21 W N 83 09 W S i5 30 W S 23 21 E S 83 09 E N 16 30 E 728 463 780 Cake. Melton. Booker. 130 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen A)ines County, Aid. BOUND.-\RIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. NORTHWE.ST (QUEEN ANNES COUNTY). (Middle Chester River— Chart \o. jo.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trian of bar Forward Back I / // 39 08 30. 13 76 04 28. 43 S 53 39 E N 33 40 E N 75 40 W N 53 39 W S 33 40 W S 75 40 E Yards. 759 238 948 Journey. Cake. Pomona. 2 39 08 49. 92 ■ 76 04 53. 37 S 59 II E N 66 46 E N 39 52 W N 59 10 W S 66 46 W S 39 5^ E 916 636 538 Cake. Bill. Taste. 3 39 08 54. 27 76 04 46. 60 N 4 -M E N 63 OI W S 37 17 W sS 4 24 W S 6-, 01 E N 37 17 E 721 586 728 Make. Taste. Pomona. 4 39 08 33. 26 76 04 27. 72 N 82 09 VV S 6 22 W S 46 SI E S ■ 82 09 E N 6 22 E N 46 51 W 946 522 812 Pomona. Melton. Journey. BRICK HOUSE. (Chesapeake Bay— Off Kent Islam!— Chart No. 31.) I 38 55 40. 93 76 22 25. 00 N 43 59 E N 5 42 W S 59 16 W S 44 00 W S 5 43 E N 59 14 E i>379 10, 718 6,905 Craney. Sandy Point Light. Thomas Point Shoal Light. 2 38 55 41. 83 76 22 57- 65 N 62 07 E N I 07 W S 54 57 W S 62 07 W S I 07 E N 54 55 E 2, 056 10, 638 6, 200 Craney. Sandy Point Light. Thomas Point Shoal Light. 3 38 56 45. 73 76 22 47.84 sS 52 34 E N 46 10 E N 3 08 W N 52 33 W vS 46 II W ,S 3 08 E I. 963 4,691 8,492 Craney. Wash . Sandy Point Light. 4 38 57 54- 10 76 21 53. 66 S 2 10 E N 64 17E N 17 01 W N 2 10 W s 64 18 vy S 17 02 E 3. 5°2 2, 172 0,458 Cruncv. Wash.' Sandy Point Light. s 38 57 38. 73 76 21 24. 70 vS II 57 W N 3« i? K N 21 37 W N II S7 H S V) 17 W sS 21 38 E 3. 047 1,887 7.199 Craney. Wash.' Sandy Point Light. 6 38 56 O.5. 58 76 22 28.00 N 81 12 E N 5 44 W S 5^, 20 W S 81 12 W S 5 44 E N 53 18 E 1,049 9,883 7. 302 Craney. Sandy Point Light. Thomas Point Shoal Light. Swvey of Oyster Bars, Queen Anncs County, Md. 131 BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. GUM THICKET. {Chcsat>eakc Bay — Off Kenl Isluiid— Chart No. 31.) KENT POINT. (Chesapeake Bay — Off Bloody Point — Chart No. j/.) I 38 50 01. 13 76 23 31.08 S 4 59 E S 37 3° E N 86 33 E N 4 58 W N 37 28 W S 86 34 W 7,688 8,834 2, 242 Valliant. Haddaway Tenk. 2 38 51 05.68 76 23 37. 00 N 15 31 E N 35 04 W S 4 07 E S 15 33 W S 35 06 E N 4 07 W 10, 663 7,028 2,183 Crane y. Thomas Point Shoal Light. Bloody Point Bar Light. ■^ 38 52 08. 42 76 23 o2- 35 N 13 23 E N 53 42 W S 10 00 w S 13 24 w S 53 44 E N 10 00 E 8,387 6,144 4,370 Craney. Thomas Point Shoal Light. Bloody Point Bar Light. 4 38 52 08. 37 76 22 45. 10 N 10 20 E N 56 03 W S 15 46 w S 10 20 W S 56 05 E. N IS 46 E 8,294 6,516 4,459 Craney. Thomas ' Point Shoal Light. Bloody Point Bar Light. s 38 50 56. 25 76 22 54.85 N 40 18 W S 27 II W S I 44 W S 40 20 E N 27 II E N I 44 E 7, 960 2, 090 9.522 Thomas Point Shoal Light. Bloody Point Bar Light. Valliant. 6 38 50 16. 48 76 22 40. 82 N 36 40 W S 36 42 E 9,241 Thomas Point Shoal Light. Bloody Point Bar Light. Valliant. S 68 39 W S 4 37 W N 68 38 E N 436 E 1,423 8,203 132 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. noiTNn.ARiES OF NATt'R.M, OYSTER n.\RS — Continued. LONG POINT (EASTERN liAY). {Eastern Ray — Churl No. j/.) Cor- Latitude Longitude Trueh carin.. of bar. Forward Bark station I 38 51 18. 40 T^ 19 34- ?,i N 82 ?2 W S 39 22 E S 77 01 Iv S 82 32 E N 39 20 W N 76 59 W Yards. 1,123 4.250 . 5, 453 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 2 38 51 25-33 76 19 46. 67 S 83 39 w S 40 38 E S 75 30 E N 83 39 E N 40 37 W N 75 28 W 793 4,639 5,825 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 3 38 51 53- 78 76 ig 32. 60 N 36 50 W S 47 54 W S 30 36 E S 36 51 E N 47 53 E N 30-35 W I, 071 I, 562 5,204 Mouth . Straight. Kemp Tower. 4 38 52 45- 28 76 19 47. 60 S 15 40 W S 53 43 E N 46 03 E N 15 40 E N 53 42 W S 46 04 W 9T-i 7,025 3, 9,72 Moutli. Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey. 5 38 52 37- 54 76 19 15. 83 S 60 18 W S 51 06 E >f 33 5° E N 60 18 E N 51 04 W S 33 49 W 1,248 6, 201 3,633 Mouth. Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey. 6 38 52 16. 19 76 19 29. 57 N 32 32 E N 82 00 W S 34 29 w S 32 33 W S 82 00 E N 34 29 E 4,433 729 2,187 Turkey. Mouth. Straight. ' 38 51 5°-°° 76 19 15-73 N 47 so W S 60 io W S z6 52 E S 47 50 E N &o 09 E N 26 SI W 1,467 1,848 4,879 Mouth. Straight. Kemp Tower. BODKIN SHOALS. (Easlern Bay — Chart No. jl.) I 38 51 58- 65 76 18 27.46 N 73 37 W S 67 10 W S n 20 E S 73 38 E N 67 09 E N II 20 W 2, 460 3, 121 4.736 Mouth. Straight. Kemp Tower. 2 38 52 19.47 76 18 56. 95 S 89 40 W S 17 44 E S 52 48 E N 89 40 E N 17 43 W N 52 46 W I, 582 5, 612 5. 433 Mouth. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 3 38 S3 06. 03 76 18 54. 67 S 41 19 E N 67 39 E N 35 27 E N 41 17 W S 67 40 W S 35 28- W 6,463 3.505 2,525 Rich Neck Water Tank. Needle. Turkey. 4 38 53 14. 22 76 18 24. 42 S 48 05 E N 66 36 E N 20 33 E N 48 04 W S 66 37 W S 20 33 W 5.764 2,663 I, 902 Dixon. Needle. Turkey. 5 38 53 20. 65 76 17 59- 50 N 64 49 E N 24 E S 56 13 W S 64 49 W S 24 W N 56 12 E 1,975 1.564 3. 726 Needle. Turkey. Mouth. 6 38 53 36. 26 76 16 59.40 N 60 04 W N 32 57 E N 56 35 W S 60 05 E S 32 57 W S 56 36 E 3. 823 374 1,884 Parsons Island Water Tank. Needle. Turkey. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 133 BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. BODKIN SHOALS— Continued. BRICK HOUSE HILL. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. 31.) I 38 52 49.80 76 19 18.59 S 44 26 w S 48 40 E N 38 49 E N 44 25 E N 48 38 W S 38 50 W 1,445 6, 522 3,342 Moutli. Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey. 2 38 52 50.80 76 19 26.63 S 36 53 W S 49 39 E N 41 54 E N 36 53 E N 49 37 W S 41 5.=; w I, .332 6, 705 3,451 Mouth. Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey. 3 38 53 II. 10 76 19 16. 92 S 31 06 \V" N 43 59 E N 47 24 E N 31 06 E S 44 01 W S 47 25 w 2,044 6,988 2,786 Mouth . Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey. 4 38 53 10. 08 76 19 07. 41 S 37 17 w S 42 41 E N 43 09 E N 37 16 E N 42 39 W S 43 10 w 2,157 6,790 2,632 Mouth . Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey, 52 58. 18 2 ! 38 52 58- 43 38 53 14-63 BUNKER HILL. (Eastern Bay — Chart \o. J/.) 76 iq 42. 94 S 23 43 E S 50 22 E N 49 41 E 76 19 51. go S 25 23 E vS 51 29 E N 52 07 E 76 19 53.42 S 23 56 E S 48 31 E N 59 36 E 76 19 39. 50 S 21 46 E S 47 17 E N 54 38 E N 23 42 W N 50 20 W S 49 42 W N 25 21 W N SI 27 w S 52 08 w N 23 -- w N 48 28 w S 59 38 w N 21 44 w N 47 14 w S 54 39 w 7 265 3 195 589 7 370 3 767 7 884 765 3 493 7 3 639 418 I 246 Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey, 134 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. TURKEY POINT. (Eastern Bay — Chart No. ji.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station I 38 S3 20. 6s 76 17 59- 5° N 64 49 E N 24 E S 56 13 W .S 64 49 W vS 24 W N 56 12 E Yards. 1,975 1,564 3,726 Needle. Turkey. Mouth. 2 38 54 01. 60 76 i8 06. 30 N 46 06 E N 51 24 W N 79 29 W S 46 06 w S 51 24 E S 79 29 E 265 2, 098 3,388 Turkey. Batts. Matta. 3 38 53 58- 58 76 17 29.90 S 66 28 E N 10 52 W N 69 40 W N 66 27 W S 10 52 E S 6g 40 E 1,098 1,340 820 Needle. Cox. Turkey. 4 38 53 36- 26 76 16 59. 40 N 60 04 W N 32 57 E N 56 35 W S 60 05 E S 32 57 W S 56 36 E 3,823 374 1,884 Parsons Island Water Tank. Needle. Turkey. MIDDLE BLOCK. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. JJ.) 38 S3 14-22 76 18 24. 42 S 48 05 E N 66 36 E N 33 38 53 51. 90 76 18 32. 00 N o 14 E S o 14 W 3, 243 i Dell. N 30 28 W S 30 28 E I I, 898 j Batts. N 70 24 W S 70 25 E 1 2,817 ' Matta. Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. N 48 04 W S 66 37 W S 20 33 W 5, 764 I Dixon. 2, 663 Needle. I, 902 I Turkey. excluding S3 57- 08 ' 76 18 II. 54 01. 60 76 18 06. 30 38 53 20.65 76 17 59- 5° S 79 31 E N 43 21 E N 45 SI W N 46 06 E N 51 24 W N 79 29 W N 64 49 E N o 24 E S 56 13 W N S S 79 30 W 43 21 W 45 52 E s s s 46 06 W 51 24 E 79 29 E s s N 64 49 W 24 W 56 12 E 2, 136 461 2, 099 Needle. Turkey. Batts. 265 Turkey. 2, 098 Batts. 3,388 Matta. 1,975 Needle. 1, 564 Turkey 3, 726 I Mouth. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WILD GROUND. (Eastern Bay — Chart No. 31.) 135 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation o( bar Forward Back I 38 S3 06.03 76 18 54.67 S 41 ig E N 67 39 E N 35 27 E N 41 17 W S 67 40 w S 35 28 W Yards. 6,463 3,50s 2,525 Rich Neck Water Tank. Needle. Tiu-key. 2 38 S3 45- 50 76 19 39. 87 'S 8 48 W S 41 26 E N 74 43 E N 8 48 E N 41 24 W S 74 43 W 2,945 8, 250 2,754 Mouth. Rich Neck Water Tank. Turkey. 3 38 54 05. 60 76 19 43- 00 N 88 S9 E N 37 43 E N 58 23 W S 89 00 W S 37 44 W vS 58 24 E 2,738 1,484 920 Turkey. Batts. Matta. 4 38 53 51-90 76 18 32. 00 N 14 E N 30 28 W N 70 24 W S 14 w S 30 28 E S 70 25 E 3,243 1,898 2,817 Dell. Batts. Matta. 5 38 S3 14-22 76 18 24. 42 S 48 OS E N 66 36 E N 20 33 E N 48' 04 W S 66 37 W S 20 2,T, W 5,764 2,663 I, 902 Dixon. Needle. Turkey. PINE TREE. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. J7.) I 38 53 37- 70 76 19 54- 16 S I 36 W N 86 50 E N 71 56 E N I 36 E S 86 SI W S 71 57 W 2,649 4,816 3, 190 Mouth. Needle. Turkey. 2 38 53 37- 90 76 20 02. 86 S 3 21 E N 87 03 E N 73 14 E N 3 21 W S 87 05 W S 73 16 W 2,659 5,046 3,407 Mouth. Needle. Turkey. 3 38 S3 49-34 76 ig 49.85 S 3 32 w S 88 28 E N 78 27 E N 3 32 E N 88 26 W S 78 28 W 3,046 4,697 2,979 Mouth. Needle. Turkey. GREEVES COVE. {Cox Creek — Chart No. 31.) I 38 S4 28. 94 76 20 21. 80 S 78 54 E ' N 78 39 E N IS 58 E N 78 52 W S 78 40 W S IS 58 W 3,833 Turkey. 1, 970 Batts. 971 Then. 2 38 54 30. 76 76 20 33.95 S 78 55 E N 81 45 E N 48 36 E N 78 54 W S 81 46 W S 48 36 W 4, 159 Turkey. 2, 27s Batts. 1,738 Some. 3 38 54 34- 87 76 20 36. 40 S 77 15 E N 85 23 E N S3 33 E N 77 14 W vS 8s 23 W S 53 33 W 4, 250 Turkey. 2,323 Batts. 1, 701 Some. 136 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. GREEVES COVE— Continued. MATTAPEX. (Cox Creek — Chart No. 31.) I 38 54 27.39 76 19 31.84 N 54 25 E N 46 47 W S 76 50 W S 54 25 W .S 46 48 E N 76 50 E 756 1.439 I, 106 Batts. Then. Matta. 2 38 54 30. 65 76 19 41-35 N 4 06 W N 42 22 W S 66 21 W S 4 06 E S 42 22 E N 66 21 E 1,155 I, 185 902 Some. Then. Matta. 3 38 54 33. 60 76 20 12. 72 vS 75 44 E N 35 14 E N 2 04 E N 75 43 W S 35 14 w S 2 04 W 1,289 778 Turkey. Some. Then. 4 38 54 46. 80 76 20 04. 50 S 81 42 E N 40 56 E N 29 40 W N Si 41 W S 40 56 w S 29 40 E 1,491 805 382 Batts. Some. Then. 5 38 54 58- 98 76 20 02. 56 S II 29 W S 66 16 E N 67 30 E N II 29 E N 66 17 W vS 67 30 W 1.344 I, 555 515 Matta. Batts. Some. 6 38 54 56- 33 76 19 49. 20 N 23 25 E N 89 03 W S 26 46 W S 23 25 W vS 8g 03 E N 26 46 E 3^3 592 1.376 Some. Then. Matta. 7 38 54 58. 90 76 19 39- 52 N 33 13 W S 84 49 w S 33 38 W S 33 13 E N 84 48 E N 33 38 E 239 851 1.579 Some. Then. Matta. 8 38 54 43. 13 76 19 41. 20 N 6 45 W N 60 27 W S 46 41 w S 6 45 E S 60 27 E N 46 41 E 737 923 1, 141 Some. Then. Matta. Survey of OysterBars, Queen Annes County, Aid. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SHIPPING CREEK. (Cox Creek — Chart No. jz.) 137 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & 0. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station. I 38 54 05- IS 76 19 58. 28 N 88 50 E N 47 47 E N 37 22 W S 88 50 W S 47 47 W S 37 22 E Yards. 3.142 ■I. 771 627 Turkey. Batts. Matta. 2 38 54 20. 61 76 20 08. 82 S 82 23 E N 67 12 E N 3 32 W N 82 21 W S 67 12 W S 3 32 E 3.449 1,724 1,217 Turkey. Batts. Then. 3 38 54 30. 65 76 19 41- 35 N 4 06 W N 42 22 W S 66 21 W vS 4 06 E S 42 22 E N 66 21 E 1.15s i,i»5 902 Some. Then. Matta. 4 38 54 27.39 76 19 31.84 N 54 25 E N 46 47 W S 76 50 W S 54 25 W vS 46 48 E N 76 50 E 756 1.439 I, 106 Batts. Then. Matta. 5 38 S4 05. 60 76 19 43. 00 N 88 59 E N 37 43 E - N 58 23 W S 89 00 W S 37 44 w S 58 24 E 2,738 1,484 920 Turkey. Batts. Matta. BATTS NECK. (Cox Creek — Chart No. jj.) I 38 S3 51-90 76 18 32. 00 N 14 E N 30 28 W N 70 24 W S 14 W S 30 28 E S 70 25 E 3.243 1,898 2,817 Dell. Batts. Matta. 2 38 54 05. 60 76 19 43. 00 N 88 59 E N 37 43 E N 58 23 W S 89 00 W S 37 44 W S 58 24 E 2.738 1,484 920 Turkey. Batts. Matta. 3 38 54 27.39 76 19 31.84 N 54 25 E N 46 47 W S 76 50 W S 54 25 W S 46 48 E N 76 50 E 7.S6 1.439 I, 106 Batts. Then. Matta. 4 38 54 34- 66 76 18 59. 50 N 22 15 E N 50 46 W S 75 33 W S 22 16 W S 50 46 E N 75 32 E 1.947 307 1,993 Dell. Batts. Matta. 138 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. RINGOLD MIDDLEGROUND. {Cox Creek — Chart No. 31.) I ' 38 S3 51-90 54 34- 66 38 54 36. 10 True bearing S o 14 W S 30 28 E S 70 25 E S 22 16 W S 50 46 E N 75 32 E 76 18 32. 00 N o 14 E N 30 28 W N 70 24 W 76 18 59. 50 N 22 IS E N 50 46 W S 75 33 W 76 18 15. 70 N 13 22 W S 13 22 E N 84 02 W S 84 02 E S 24 04 E N 24 04 W 76 18 06. 96 N 15 51 W S 15 52 E N 67 35 W I S 67 36 E S 24 26 E ! N 24 26 W Yards. 3-243 1,898 2,817 Dell. Batts. Matta. 1, 947 Dell. 307 ' Batts. 1,993 Matta. 1,802 Dell. 1, 400 Batts. 1,074 Turkey. 2,367 I Dell. 1,755 ! Batts. 502 Turkey. s 38 54 07. 46 76 18 17. 10 N 7 57 W S 7 57 E 2,745 Dell. N so 38 W S so 39 E 1, 753 Batts. N 82 08 W S 82 10 E 3,07s Matta. 6 38 54 01. 60 76 18 06. 30 N 46 06 E vS 46 06 W , 265 Turkey. N SI 24 W S SI 24 E 2,098 Batts. N 79 29 W S 79 29 E 3, 388 Matta. 7 38 53 57-08 76 18 11.38 S 79 31 E N 43 21 E N 45 51 W N 79 30 W S 43 21 W S 45 52 E 2, 136 Needle. 461 Turkey. 2, 099 Batts. Thence from c amer No. 7 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. , excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 1 1 ! ERICKSON SANDS. (Cox Creek — Chart No. J/.) I 38 S4 34- 66 76 18 59- 50 N 22 IS E N so 46 W S 75 33 W S 22 16 W S 50 46 E N 7S 32 E 1,947 307 1,993 Dell. Batts. Matta. 2 38 54 57-62 76 18 39. 60 N II 43 E N 46 53 W S =;2 44 W S II 4S w S 46 ss E N 52 4^ E I, 050 945 958 Dell. Top. Batts. 3 38 54 54- 40 76 18 16. 10 N iq 40 W N 60 02 W S 71 09 w S 19 40 E vS 60 03 E N 71 09 E I, 206 I, 510 I, 460 Dell. Top. Batts. 4 38 S4 36- 10 76 18 15. 70 N 13 22 W N 84 02 W S 24 04 E S 13 22 E S 84 02 E N 24 04 W 1,802 I, 400 1,074 Dell. Batts. Turkey. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. PEA HILL. {Cox Creek — Chart No. 31.) 139 Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance u. s. c & G. S. trianeulation of bar Forward Back / // / // / Yards. I 38 S4 54-40 76 18 16. 10 N 19 40 W N 60 02 W vS 71 09 W S 19 40 E S 60 03 E N 71 09 E 1, 206 ii 510 1,460 Dell. Top. Batts. 2 38 54 57- 62 76 18 39. 60 N II 43 E N 46 53 W S 52 44 W S II 43 'W .S 46 53 E N 52 44 E I, 050 945 958 Dell. Top. Batts. 3 38 55 II. 26 76 18 45.30 N 32 37 E N 71 00 W S 30 29 W S 32 37 W vS 71 00 E N 30 28 E 674 571 I, 206 Dell. Top. Batts. 4 38 55 26. II 76 18 44. 46 N 78 56 E N 18 20 W S 78 56 W vS 18 20 E 348 1,263 Dell. Ware. S 60 43 W N 60 43 E 644 Top. S 38 55 ^3-2° 76 18 16. 58 N 38 15 W N 84 50 W S 51 03 W S 38 16 E S 84 51 E N 51 03 E 635 I, 301 I, 760 Dell. Top. Batts. STEVENS. {Cox Creek — Chart No. 31.) I 38 55 "• 26 76 18 45. 30 N 32 37 E S 32 37 W 674 Dell. N 71 00 W S 71 00 E 571 Top. S 30 29 W N 30 28 E I, 206 Batts. 2 38 55 12-42 76 18 57.05 S 34 43 E N 34 42 W 2,683 Turkey. N 51 51 E S 51 SI W 855 Dell. N 2 16 W S '2 "16 E 1,661 Ware. 3 38 55 ig. 60 76 iq 00.21 S S3 21 E N 35 21 W 2,930 Turkey. N 69 16 E S 69 16 W 808 Dell. N 43 E S 4s W 1,418 Ware. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low-water line 3f the shore to corner No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 55 31- 72 ' 7<' 19 13- 30 s 21 27 E N 21 27 W 541 Top. S 83 39 E N 83 39 W 1,108 Dell. N 53 45 E S 53 45 W 1-259 Tom. 5 38 55 34. 62 76 19 00. 00 S 14 12 W N 14 12 E 621 Top. S 73 39 E N 73 39 W 783 Dell. N 45 48 E S 45 48 w 927 Tom. 6 38 55 26.11 76 18 44.46 N 78 56 E S 78 56 W 348 DeU. N 18 20 W S 18 20 E 1,263 Ware. S 60 43 w N 60 43 E 644 Top. 140 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. JONES HOLE. {Cox Creek — Chart No. 31.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearinE Distance U. S. C. of bar Forward Back I 38 55 26. II 76 18 44. 46 N 78 56 E N 18 20 W S 60 43 w S 78 56 W S 18 20 E N 60 43 E Yards. 348 I; 263 644 Dell. Ware. Top. 2 38 55 34- 62 76 1 9 00. 00 S 14 12 W S 73 39 E N 45 48 E N 14 12 E N 73 39 W S 45 48 W 621 783 927 Top. Dell. Tom. 3 38 55 41-86 75 18 56. 58 S 54 53 E N 55 00 E N ft 40 W N 54 53 W S 55 00 W vS 6 40 E 607 702 671 Dell. Tom. Ware. 4 38 55 48. 90 76 18 58. 50 S 45 22 E N 75 12 E N 3 39 W N 45 22 W S 75 12 w S 3 39 E : I, 000 647 431 Dell. Tom. Ware. 5 38 56 01. 78 76 18 48. 73 S 21 46 E S 53 50 E N 42 26 E N 21 46 W N 53 so W S 42 27 w I>223 456 i>°73 Dell. Tom. Greek. 6 38 55 57-2° 76 18 42. 72 N 30 52 E N 71 17 W S 24 01 W S 30 53 W S 71 17 E N 24 01 E 1 I, 102 468 1.493 Greek. Ware. Top. POND MARSH. (Cox Creek — Chart No. ji.) I 38 55 57-20 76 18 42. 72 N 30 52 E N 71 17 W S 24 01 w S 30 53 W S 71 17 E N 24 01 E 1, 102 468 1.493 Greek. Ware. Top. 2 38 56 01. 78 76 18 48. 73 S 21 46 E S 53 5° E N 42 26 E N 21 46 W N 53 50 W S 42 27 W I, 223 456 i.°73 Dell. Tom. Greek. 3 38 56 06. 34 76 18 51. 02 S 45 23 E N 50 52 E N 4 58 E N 45 23 W S 5° 53 W S 4 58 w 601 I, 012 1,179 Tom. Greek. Tuxon . 4 38 56 07. 92 76 18 56.05 S 49 41 E N 57 28 E N II 48 E N 49 41 W S 57 29 W S ii 49 W 736 1,087 I, 146 Tom. Greek. Tuxon. 5 38 56 26. S3 76 19 11.72 S 88 09 E N 4 07 W N 78 52 W N 88 09 W S 4 07 E S 78 52 E I.33I 419 270 Greek. Liver. Coffee. 6 38 56 31.40 76 18 56.38 S 80 30 W S 4 45 W S 77 23 E N 80 30 E N 4 45 E N 77 23 W 679 I, 007 948 Coffee. Ware. Greek. 7 38 56 24. 24 76 18 26. 81 N 8 54 E N 43 10 W S 48 32 W S 8 54 W S 43 II E N 48 32 E 669 783 i> 150 Ville. Tuxon. Ware. 8 38 55 59- 52 76 18 37. 10 N 10 40 W N 83 04 W S 17 47 E S 10 40 E S 83 04 E N 17 47 W 1,429 595 202 Tuxon. Ware. Tom. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. ISLAND COVE. {Cox Creek — Chart No. 31.) 141 Cor- Latitude Loneitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G St of bar , Forward Back at ion I 38 56 26. 53 76 19 11.72 / S 88 09 E N 4 07 W N 78 52 W N 88 09 W S 4 07 E S 78 5= E Yards. I. 331 419 270 Greek. Liver. Coffee. 2 38 56 32. 46 76 19 35- 90 S 68 19 E N 70 IS E N 2 44 E N 68 18 W S 70 15 W S 2 44 W 400 645 600 Coffee. Liver. Samuel. 3 38 56 42. CO 76 19 43. 12 S 75 20 E S 82 34 E N 38 09 E N 75 19 W N 82 34 W S 38 09 W 2, 229 804 354 Greek. Liver. SamueL 4 38 56 52.40 76 19 28. 60 S 66 II W S 12 19 E S 35 40 E N 66 II E N 12 19 W N 35 40 W 178 840 2,432 Samuel. Coffee. Tom. 5 38 56 38. 40 76 19 13.24 N 54 51 W S 32 56 W S 33 59 E S 54 51 E N 32 56 E N 33 59 W 694 414 1,813 Samuel. Coffee. Tom. 6 38 56 31.40 76 18 56. 38 S 80 30 W S 4 45 W S 77 23 E N 80 30 E N 4 45 E N 77 23 W 679 I, 007 948 Coffee. Ware. Greek. 142 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. BOUND.'^RiE.s OF NATURAi, OYSTER BARS — Continued. ROOKsS. {Cox Creek^Chart No. 31.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. & G. S. trianfulation of station bar Forward Back I 38 56 24. 24 76 18 26. 81 N 8 54 E N 43 10 W S 48 32 W S 8 54 W S 43 II E N 48 32 E Yards. 669 783 i>i5o ViUe. Tuxon. Ware. 2 38 56 31.40 76 18 56.38 S 80 30 W S 4 45 W S 77 23 E N 80 30 E N 4 45 E N 77 23 W 679 1,007 948 Coffee. Ware. Greek. 3 38 56 41. 66 76 18 37. 67 S 38 02 E N 79 16 E N 25 59 E N 38 02 W S 79 16 W S 25 sg W 702 397 682 Greek. Ville. Timber. 4 38 56 48. 16 76 18 48. 02 S 77 37 E N 55 23 E N I 39 W N 77 37 W S 55 23 W S I 39 E 678 694 338 Ville. Timber. Steve. 5 38 56 52- 57 76 18 35.24 S 47 54 E N 43 44 E N 61 ig W N 47 54 W S 43 44 W S 61 ig E 440 340 395 Ville. Timber. Steve. 6 7 38 56 43- 8S Thence from c creek, cove, 38 56 28. 50 76 18 22. 88 amer No. 6 alon or inlet less ths 76 18 II. 22 N g 32 W S 81 57 W S 3 57 E I the mean low n 100 yards in N 44 21 W N 65 42 W S 67 31 W S g 32 E N 81 57 E N 3 57 W water line of tV width at its m S 44 21 E S 65 42 E N 67 30 E 547 64s 628 e shore to outh at low I, 401 1,038 285 Timber. Tuxon. Greek. :omerNo. tide. Steve. Tuxon. Greek. 7, excluding any 8 38 56 25. 18 76 18 18. 70 N 10 06 W N 35 05 W N 87 41 W S 10 06 E S 35 05 E S 87 41 E 628 1,360 67 Ville. Steve. Greek. 9 38 56 27.30 76 18 20. 64 N 6 02 W N 56 II W S 49 50 W S 6 02 E S 56 II E N 4g 4g E 561 841 1,341 Ville. Tuxon. Ware. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. 143 BOUNDARIES OF N.\TURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. THOMPSONS. {Cox Creek — Chart No. ji.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance bar Forward Back I 38 56 48. 16 76 18 48. 02 S 77 37 E N 55 23 E N I 39 W N 77 37 W S 55 23 W S I 39 E Yards. 678 694 ,338 Ville. Timber. vSteve. 2 38 57 02.40 76 18 46. 74 S 80 55 E N 8 15 E N 51 16 W N 80 55 W S 8 15 W S SI 16 E 545 503 495 Timber. Landing. Thompson. 3 38 57 03. 10 76 18 54. 30 S 81 32 E N 29 45 E N 33 14 W N 81 32 W S 29 45 W S 33 14 E 745 547 343 Timber. Landing. Thompson. 4 38 57 13- 24 76 IQ 00. 40 S 31 56 E N 72 56 E N 10 02 E N 31 56 W S 72 57 W S 10 02 w 598 452 632 Steve. Landing. Hope. 5 38 57 37- 5° 76 18 47.92 S 48 07 W S 22 II W S 32 W N 48 07 E N 22 II E N 32 E 294 943 1.325 Hope. Thompson. Steve. 6 7 38 57 17- 18 Thence from c creek, cove, 38 57 13- 24 76 18 44. 00 imer No. 6 alon or inlet less thf 76 18 40. 36 S 10 14 W S 38 33 E N 3 06 W g the mean low m 100 yards in S 84 21 W S 22 37 W S 39 19 E N 10 14 E N 38 33 W S 3 06 E water line of t width at its n N 84 20 E N 22 37 E N 39 18 W 651 747 408 le shore to outh at low 558 550 584 Steve . Timber. Knock, "omer No. 7, excluding any tide. Thompson . Steve. Timber. 8 38 57 07. 06 76 18 26. 80 N 80 27 W S 62 15 W S 31 33 W S 80 27 E N 62 15 E N 31 32 E 925 642 1,025 Thompson. Steve. Tuxon. 9 38 56 52- 57 76 18 35.24 S 47 54 E N 43 44 E N 61 19 W N 47 54 W S 43 44 W S 61 19 E 440 340 395 Ville. Timber. Steve. JOHNSON ISLAND. (Crab Alley Bay— Chart No. 31.) I 38 55 24- 75 76 16 46. 80 S 41 07 W S 75 54 E N 34 40 E N 41 07 E N 75 54 W S 34 40 w 2, III 1, 696 1,662 Cox. Norman. Over. 2 38 55 30- 85 76 16 58. 97 S 30 44 E S 72 32 E N 30 44 W N 72 31 W 2, 090 2,061 Cox. Norman. N 20 49 W S 20 49 E 1,182 Tull. 3 38 55 54. 98 76 16 59-34 S 54 03 E N 74 46 E N 54 38 W N 54 02 W S 74 47 W S 54 38 E 2,441 1,322 5°3 Norman. Over. Tull. 4 38 56 03. 90 76 16 26. 66 S 89 34 w S 32 45 E N 89 34 E N 32 46 W 1,271 2, 060 Tull. Norman. N 83 36 E S 83 s6 W 417 Over. 144 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. ROUND.'iRIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. CRAB ALLEY LUMPS. {Crab Alley Bay — Charts Nos. J7 and 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. & of bar Forward Back , „ / // / /■ Yards. I 38 55 00. 00 76 16 46. 54 S 72 54 E N 75 34 E N 23 05 E N 72 53 W S 75 35 W S 23 06 W 3. "2 I, 692 2,393 Parsons Norman. Over. Island Water [Tank. 2 38 55 24- 75 76 16 46. 80 S 41 07 W S 75 54 E N 34 40 E N 41 07 E N 75 S4 W S 34 40 w 2, III 1,696 1,662 Cox. Norman. Over. 3 38 56 03. 90 76 16 26. 66 S 89 34 W S 32 45 E N 83 36 E N 89 34 E N 32 46 W S 83 36 W 1, 271 2, 060 417 Tull. Norman. Over. 4 38 55 51-92 76 16 08. 26 N 8 48 W N 77 21 W S 25 22 E vS 8 48 E S 77 21 E N 25 21 W 456 1.799 1,471 Over. Tull. Norman. 5 38 55 00. 00 76 i6 00. 00 N 44 23 E N 42 37 W S 73 56 W S 44 23 w S 42 37 E N 73 54 E 589 2,914 2, 729 Norman. Tull. Cox. CEDAR ISLAND. (Craft Alley Bay— Chart No. 31.) I 38 54 46. 17 76 17 31. 86 S 34 48 w S 83 52 E N 34 47 E N 83 50 W 352 4, 193 Cox. [Tank. Parsons Island Water N 38 38 E S 38 39 W 3,415 Over. 2 38 55 00. 92 76 17 50. 90 S 31 34 E N 83 19 E N 31 33 W S 8^ 21 W 2, 982 3,357 Needle. Norman. N 50 30 E S 50 31 W 3,413 Over. 3 38 55 43-39 76 17 35-13 S 2 58 W S 70 22 E N 2 58 E N 70 21 W 2, 222 3,099 Cox. Norman. N 71 35 E S 71 36 W 2, 338 Over. 4 38 55 39. 02 76 17 21. 60 S 12 49 W S 70 46 E N II 58 E N 12 49 E N 70 45 W S II 59 W 2,125 2,714 848 Cox. Norman. Tull. S 38 55 27- 30 76 17 24. 08 S 13 37 W S 79 15 E N n 57 E N 79 14 W 1,725 2,675 Cox. Norman. N II 09 W S II 09 E 1,249 Tull. 6 38 55 3°- 85 76 16 58.97 S 30 44 E S 72 32 E N 30 44 W N 72 31 W 2, 090 2, 061 Cox. Norman. N 20 49 W S 20 49 E 1,182 Tull. 7 38 55 24. 75 76 16 46. 80 S 41 07 W ft ^5 S4 E N 34 40 E N 41 07 E N 75 54 W S 34 40 w 2, III I, 696 1,662 Cox. Norman. Over. 8 38 55 00. 00 76 16 46. 54 S 72 54 E N 72 53 W 3,112 Parsons Island Water N 75 34 E N 23 OS E S 75 35 W S 23 06 w I, 692 2.393 Norman. Over. [Tank. p Survey of Oyster Bars, Qtieeti Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. NORMANS FINE EYES. {Eastern Bay— Charts Nos. jr and J2.) 145 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. & el bar Forward Back / /, / // , , Yards. I 38 54 23. 01 76 16 46. 20 N 83 37 E N 44 19 W N 70 42 W S 83 38 w S 44 20 E S 70 43 E 2,984 2,333 1,487 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. 2 38 55 00.00 76 16 46. 54 S 72 54 E N 75 34 E ■ N 23 05 E N 72 53 W S 75 35 W S 23 06 w 3. "2 I, 692 2,393 Parsons Norman. Over. Island Water [Tank. 3 38 55 00. 00 76 16 00. 00 N 44 23 E N 42 37 W S 73 56 w S 44 23 W S 42 37 E N 73 54 E 589 2,914 2,729 Norman. Tull. Cox. 4 38 54 47. 63 76 15 58.00 S 73 37 E N 23 13 W S 82 47 W N 73 36 W S 23 13 E N 82 46 E 1,767 912 2, 696 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. 5 38 54 37- 00 76 15 16. 13 N 31 50 W S 55 27 W S 54 20 E S 31 50 E N 55 26 E N 54 20 W I, 410 3,058 619 Norman. Needle. Parsons. 6 38 54 29. 50 76 15 40.-98 S 84 40 E N 3 30 W N 85 00 W N 84 39 W S 3 3°E S 85 01 E I, 164 1,453 3,134 Parsons. Norman. Cox. 7 38 54 33- 30 76 16 07. 13 S 89 34 E N 24 26 E N 86 35 W N 89 33 W S 24 26 W S 86 36 E 1,937 1,452 2,438 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. COX NECK. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. 31.) I 38 54 03. 40 76 16 57.90 N 73 07 E N 39 45 E N 43 33 W S 73 08 W S 39 45 W S 43 33 E 3,421 3,030 1,591 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. 2 38 54 05. 63 76 17 31- 13 N 77 31 E N II 33 W S 86 20 W S 77 32 W S II 33 E N 86 20 E 4,250 1, 100 738 Parsons Cox. Turkey. Island Water [Tank. 3 38 54 40. 83 76 17 37. 30 S 86 27 E N 70 15 E N n 55 E N 86 25 W S 70 16 W S II 56 W 4,320 3,162 2,853 Parsons Norman . Tull. Island Water [Tank. 4 38 54 46. 17 76 17 31. 86 S 34 48 W S 83 52 E N 38 38 E N 34 47 E N S3 so W S 38 39 W 352 4, 193 3,415 Cox. Parsons Over. Island Water [Tank. 5 38 55 00. 00 76 16 46. 54 S 72 54 E N 75 34 E N 23 OS E N 72 S3 W S 75 35 W S 23 06 W 3,112 1,692 2,393 Parsons Norman. Over. Island Water [Tank. 6 38 54 23.01 76 16 46. 20 N 83 37 E N 44 19 W N 70 42 W S 83 38 W S 44 20 E S 70 43 E 2,984 2,333 1,487 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. 146 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BODKIN ISLAND. {Eastern Bay — Charts Nos. 31 and 32.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trian of bar Forward Back , „ , // / / Yards. I 38 54 03. 40 76 16 57.90 N 73 07 E N 39 45 E N 43 33 W S 73 08 W S 39 45 W S 43 33 E 3,421 3.°30 I. 591 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. 2 38 54 23. 01 76 16 46. 20 N 83 37 E N 44 19 W N 70 42 W S 83 38 W S 44 20 E S 70 43 E 2,984 2>333 1,487 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. 3 38 54 33. 30 76 16 07. 13 S 89 34 E N 24 26 E N 86 35 W N 89 33 W S 24 26 W S 86 36 E 1.937 1,452 2,438 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. 4 38 54 05- 40 76 16 28. S3 N 27 14 E N 59 51 W N 42 23 W S 27 14 w S 59 52 E S 42 23 E 2, 545 . 2, 162 904 Norman. Cox. Needle. PARSONS ISLAND. (Eastern Bay — Chart No. 32.) I 38 S3 36.00 76 IS 37.82 N 31 15 E N 3 01 W N 57 03 W S 31 16 W S 3 01 E S 57 04 E 2, 242 3,259 3,820 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. 2 38 53 58.40 76 16 16. 00 N 61 50 E N 18 28 E N 59 00 W S 61 50 w S 18 28 w S 59 01 E 2, 461 2,634 2,567 Parsons Norman . Cox. Island Water [Tank. 3 38 54 06. 43 76 16 13. 60 N 67 04 E N 19 05 E N 6s OS W S 67 05 w S 19 OS W S 6s 06 E 2,287 2,358 2,496 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. 4 38 54 07. 22 76 15 49. 00 N 59 21 E N 3 12 E N 70 37 W S S9 21 W S 3 12 W S 70 38 E 1,695 2, 205 3,086 Parsons Norman. Cox. Island Water [Tank. 5 38 54 29. SO 76 15 40. 98 S 84 40 E N 3 30 W N 8s 00 W N 84 39 W S 3 30E S 85 01 E 1,164 1.453 3.134 Parsons. Norman. Cox. 6 38 54 37. 00 76 IS 16. 13 N 31 50 W S 55 27 W S 54 20 E S 31 i;o E N 55 26 E N 54 20 W 1, 410 3.058 619 Norman. Needle. Parsons. 7 38 S3 59- 10 76 15 18. 07 N 8 32 E ■ N IS 37 W S 79 31 W S 8 32 W S IS 38 E N 79 31 E 3.164 2,570 2,509 Allej". Norman. Needle. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BUCKHORN. (Prospect Bay — Chart No. 32.) 147 Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of station bar Forward Back / // . // , , Yards. I 38 57 44.82 76 14 50. 80 S 46 27 E N 46 27 W 1,098 Marshy. N S3 08 E S S3 08 W 920 Railroad. N 7 45 W S 7 45 E 973 Bridge. 2 38 57 54.01 76 15 09. 06 S 50 07 E N 50 07 W 1,663 Marshy. N 78 45 E S 78 46 W 1,240 Railroad . N 28 08 E S 28 08 W 741 Bridge. 3 38 58 01. 44 76 15 05. 70 S 42 03 E N 42 03 W 1-774 Marshy. S 89 34 E N 89 33 W I, 128 Railroad . N 32 55 E S 32 56 W 480 Bridge . 4 38 57 58- 14 76 14 56. 20 S 37 S3 E N 37 S3 W 1,528 Marshy. N 83 20 E 1 S 83 20 W 884 Railroad. N I 14 E 1 S I 14 W S14 Bridge. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low- water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 5 38 58 00. 05 76 14 48. 18 S 29 47 E 1 N 29 47 W 1,463 Marshy. N 86 44 E S 86 44 W 667 Railroad. N 23 58 W S 23 58 E 492 Bridge. 148 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. WELL COVE. {Prospect Bay — Chart No. 32.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of station bar Forward Back , u c / /, c / , Yards. I 38 57 20. 22 76 14 36. 28 N 14 21 E S 14 21 w 1,426 Railroad. S 81 45 W N 81 45 E 814 Kirwan. S 18 44 W N 18 43 E 2,189 Dull. 2 38 57 44.82 76 14 50. 80 S 46 27 E N 46 27 W 1,098 Marshy. N 53 08 E S 53 08 W 920 Railroad. N 7 45 W S 7 45 E 973 Bridge. 3 38 58 00. 05 76 14 48. 18 S 29 47 E N 29 47 W 1,463 Marshy. N 86 44 E S 86 44 W 667 Railroad. N 2? 58 W S 23 58 E 492 Bridge. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low water line of the shore to corner No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 58 04. 54 76 14 52. 38 S 30 30 E N 30 30 W 1 1 650 Marshy. S Si 42 E N 81 42 W 78s Railroad. N 12 52 E S 12 52 W i>543 Thin. S 38 58 05. 70 76 14 48. oS S 26 22 E N 26 22 W I. 631 Marshy. S 77 04 E N 77 04 W 681 Railroad. N 8 56 E S 8 56 W 1,483 Thin. 6 38 57 55- 78 76 14 36. 16 S 20 02 E N 20 01 W 1,199 Marshy. N 62 31 E S 62 32 W 395 Railroad . N 41 00 W S 41 00 E 787 Bridge. 7 38 57 45- 77 76 14 30.41 N 35 38 W S 35 38 E 1, 146 Bridge. S 44 SI w N 44 31 E I, S69 Kirwan. S 18 II E N 18 II W 830 Marshy. 8 38 57 30. 64 76 14 15. 04 N 36 38 W S 36 39 E 1.797 Bridge. S 71 04 W N 71 03 E 1,442 Kirwan. S 27 so W N 27 so E -■ 734 Dull. Thence from c omer No. 8 along the mean low water line of t he shore to ( :omer No. g, excluding any creek, covcj or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its n loutli at lo\ V tide. 9 38 57 22.38 76 14 20. 57 N 2 38 W S 2 38 E 1,310 Railroad. S 81 10 W N 81 10 E 1,234 Kirwan. S 27 29 W N 27 29 E 2,419 Dull. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTBR BARS — Continued. SANDY POINT. {Prospect Bay — Chart No. 32.) 149 Cor- Trae bearing Ivatilude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of station bar Forward Back , /, / // \ / / Yards. I 38 57 21. 80 76 15 12. 78 S 44 47 E N 44 46 W 2, 462 Bonnet. N 89 II E 1 S 89 12 W 1.376 Marshy. N 44 42 E : S 44 43 W 1,869 Railroad. Thence frorn comer No. i along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 2, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2 38 57 22-31 76 15 23.96 S 48 52 E N 48 51 W 2,694 Bonnet. N 89 55 E S 89 56 W I, 669 Marshy. N so 52 E S so S3 W 2,077 Railroad. 3 38 57 27.81 76 15 30. 82 S 48 34 E N 48 33 W 2,947 Bonnet. S 84 20 E N 84 19 W 1,859 Marshy. N 57 50 E S 57 51 W 2, 114 Railroad. 4 38 57 54.01 76 15 eg. 06 S so 07 E N so 07 W 1,663 Marshy. N 78 45 E S 78 46 W I, 240 Railroad. N 28 08 E S 28 08 W 741 Bridge. 5 38 57 44.82 76 14 50. 80 S 46 27 E N 46 27 W 1,098 Marshy. N 53 08 E S 53 08 W 920 Railroad. N 7 45 W S 7 45 E 973 Bridge. 6 38 57 37- 63 76 15 03. 60 S 6s 35 E N 6s 35 W I, 24s Marshy. N 53 29 E S 53 29 W 1.335 Railroad. N 9 41 E S 9 41 w I, 224 Bridge. Thence from comer No. 6 along the mean low water line of t le shore to comer No. 7, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 7 38 57 31.44 76 15 13. 18 S 40 05 E N 40 05 W 2, 710 Bonnet. S 77 34 E N 77 33 W 1,418 Marshy. N 52 52 E S 52 53 W 1,662 Railroad. HOG ISLAND. (Prospect Bay — Chart No. 32.) I 38 57 20. 22 76 14 36. 28 N 14 21 E S 81 45 W S 18 44 W S 14 21 w N 81 45 E N 18 43 E 1,426 814 2,189 Railroad. Kirwan. Dull. 2 38 57 2o- 52 76 i-l W' 96 S 33 37 E N 8s 22 E N 27 29 E N 33 37 W S 85 22 w S 27 29 w 2,047 776 I. 545 Bonnet. Marshy. Railroad . 3 38 57 37- 63 76 15 03. 60 S 6s 35 E N S3 29 E N 9 41 E N 6s 3S W S S3 29 W S 9 41 W 1.245 1.335 I, 224 Marshy. Railroad. Bridge. 4 38 57 44. 82 76 14 50. 80 S 46 27 E N 53 08 E N 745 W N 46 27 W S S3 08 W S 7 45 E 1,098 920 973 Marshy. Railroad. Bridge. I50 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. WALTER WHITE. {Prospect Bay — Chart No. J2.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bar Forward Back I 38 56 25. 62 / // 76 14 33- 54 / N 78 09 E N 26 58 W S 73 19 W / S 78 09 w S 26 58 E N 73 19 E Yards. 716 i<93S 809 Bonnet. Kirwan. Dull. 2 38 56 37.34 76 15 04.08 S 46 20 W S 80 38 E N 36 55 E N 46 20 E N 80 38 W vS 36 55 W 949 I, 526 1,907 New Bam Cupola. Bonnet. Marshy. 3 38 57 23- 9° 76 15 04. 12 S 39 38 E S 87 26 E N 40 so E N 39 38 W N 87 26 W S 40 so W 2,361 I, 148 1,661 Bonnet. Marshy. Railroad. 4 38 57 20. 52 76 14 49. 96 S iz 37 E N 85 22 E N 27 29 E N 33 37 W S 85 22 w S 27 29 w 2,047 776 I. 545 Bonnet. Marshy. Railroad. 5 38 57 20. 22 76 14 36. 28 N 14 21 E S 81 45 W vS 18 44 W S 14 21 w N 81 45 E N 18 43 E 1, 426 814 2,189 Railroad . Kirwan. Dull. 6 38 57 07. 56 76 14 35.66 S 30 50 E N 38 29 E N 69 19 W N 30 50 W S 38 29 w S 69 19 E 1,476 639 878 Bonnet. Marshy. Kirwan. PROSPECT. {Prospect Bay — Chart No. 32.) I 38 56 25. 62 76 14 33- 54 N 78 09 E N 26 58 W S 73 19 W S 78 09 W S 26 58 E N 73 19 E 716 I. 935 809 Bonnet. Kirwan. Dull. 2 38 57 07. 56 76 14 35- 66 S 30 50 E N 38 29 E N 69 19 W N 30 50 W S 38 29 W S 69 ig E 1,476 639 878 Bonnet. Marshy. Kirwan. 3 38 57 o8- 86 76 14 18. 78 N 24 07 W N 78 07 W S 34 33 W S 24 07 E S 78 08 E N 34 32 E 2,384 1.294 2,053 Bridge. Kirwan. Dull. 4 38 56 28. 00 76 14 19- 97 N 79 00 E N 36 54 W S 74 34 W S 79 00 W S 36 55 E N 74 34 E 350 2, 056 ^■i75 Bonnet. Kirwan. Dull. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. DOMINION. {Prospect Bay — Cliart No. 32.) 151 Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of station bar Forward Back / // / // i / Yards. I 38 55 54- 10 76 14 30. 30 N 26 58 E .S 26 58 W 1,357 Bonnet. N 46 01 W S 46 01 E 1,195 Dull. S 46 30 W N 46 30 E 1,088 Alley. 2 38 55 55.64 76 14 52. 48 N 46 01 E S 46 01 W 1,668 Bonnet. N ig 32 W S ig 32 E 827 Dull. N 52 52 W S 52 54 E 1,245 New Bam Cupola. 3 38 56 11.72 76 15 21. 64 S 22 45 E N 22 45 W 1,457 Alley. N 64 ig E S 64 20 W 546 Dull. N 47 00 W S 47 00 E ! 106 New Bam Cupola. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 56 ig. 44 76 15 II. g2 N 3 57 E S 3 57 W 1,938 Kir wan. S 83 52 W N 83 52 E 482 New Barn Cupola. vS 10 41 E N 10 40 W 1,633 Alley. S 38 56 ig. 48 76 15 06.87 N 00 E S 00 W 1,932 Kir wan. S 8.; 04 W N 85 04 E 616 New Bam Cupola. S 6 12 E N 6 II W I, 614 Alley. Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 6, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 vards in width at its mouth at low tide. 6 38 56 17. 28 76 15 02. 60 N 88 ig W S 88 20 E 725 New Bam Cupola. S 2 18 E N 2 17 W 1,532 Alley. N 73 43 E S 73 44 W 1,528 Bonnet. 7 38 56 25.62 76 14 2,i- 54 N 78 09 E S 78 09 w 716 Bonnet. N 26 58 W S 26 58 E 1,935 Kir wan. S 73 19 W N 73 19 E 809 Dull. BIBBY. {Prospect Bay — Clmrt No. 32.) I 38 55 40. 54 76 15 05. 90 S 26 5g E N 3 26 E N 26 52 W N 26 59 W S 3 26 W S 26 52 E 327 I, 2go 1,413 Alley. Dull. New Bam Cupola. 2 38 55 48. 28 76 15 27.44 S 52 20 E N 32 07 E N 4 04 W N 52 20 W S 32 07 W S 4 04 E 904 1,213 I, 002 Alley. Dull. New Bam Cupola. 3 38 56 11.72 76 15 21. 64 S 22 4:; E N 64 ig E N 47 00 W N 22 45 W S 64 20 W S 47 00 E 1,457 546 306 Alley. Dull. New Bam Cupola. 4 38 55 55- 64 76 14 52-48 N 46 01 E N 19 32 W N 52 52 W S 46 01 W S ig 32 E S 52 54 E 1,668 827 1,245 Bonnet. Dull. New Bam Cupola. s 38 55 43. 66 76 15 05. 48 N 44 38 E N 3 12 E N 29 21 W S 4438 w S 3 12 W S 29 21 E 2,195 1, 184 1,328 Bonnet. Dull. New Barn Cupola. 152 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. liOi'NDARiEs OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. NORMANS MARSH. {Prospect Bay — Chart No. J2.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulalion of station bar Forward Back o / // T^^ // / / Yards. I 38 55 09. 76 76 14 32. 20 N 62 IS E S 62 14 w 3.139 Brian Reference Station. N4444W S 44 44 E I, 051 Alley. [Tank. S 24 26 W N 24 26 E 1.367 Parsons Island Water 2 38 55 18. 62 76 14 56. 14 S 2 25 E N 2 25 W I. 545 Parsons Island Water Tank. N 71 10 E S 71 II W S, 601 Brian Reference Station. N 13 42 W S 13 42 E 4.S8 Alley. Thence from c orner No. 2 alo ng the mean k )w-water line of the shore to corner No. 3, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet le js than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 3 ,38 55 43-66 76 15 05.48 N 44 38 E S 44 38 w 2,195 Bonnet. N 3 12 E S 3 12 w I, 184 Dull. N 29 21 W S 29 21 E 1.328 New Bam Cupola. 4 38 55 55-64 76 14 52. 48 N 46 01 E S 46 01 W 1,668 Bonnet. N ig 32 W S 19 32 E 827 Dull. N 52 52 W S 52 54 E 1.245 New Bam Cupola. 5 38 55 54- 10 76 14 30. 30 N 26 58 E S 26 58 W 1.357 Bonnet. N 46 01 W S 46 01 E 1. 195 Dull. S 46 30 W N 46 30 E 1,088 Alley. 6 38 55 37- 10 76 14 36. 84 N 26 07 W S 26 07 E 1.564 Dull. S 74 06 W N 74 06 E 642 Alley. [Tank. S II 34 W N II 33 E 2, 211 Parsons Island Water 7 38 55 16- 34 76 14 18.94 N 7 16 E S 7 16 W 2. 5°3 Bonnet. N 64 17 W S 64 17 E 1,208 Alley. [Tank. S 31 57 W N 31 57 E 1,729 Parsons Island Water Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. nOUNDARIIJS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — COIltillUcd. HOOD. {Prospect Bay — Chart No. J2.) 153 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatioa ol bar Forward Back I / // 38 55 00. 74 76 / // 14 05. 56 N 49 ^8 E N 53 54 W N 49 25 W S 49 38 W S 53 55 E S 49 25 E Yards. 2,725 1,784 1,786 Brian Reference Station. Alley. Parsons. 2 38 55 40. 74 76 14 23. 86 N i^ 02 E S 72 43 W S 18 56 W S 15 02 W N 72 42 E N 18 56 E 1)719 1, 004 2, 420 Bonnet. Alley. [Tank. Parsons Island Water 3 38 56 28. 00 j 76 14 19.97 N 79 00 E N 36 54 W S 74 34 W S 79 00 W vS 36 55 E N 74 34 E 35° 2, 056 1,175 Bonnet. Kir wan. Dull. 4 38 56 24. 54 1 76 14 05. 44 S 62 54 E N 12 04 W S 82 38 W N 62 53 W S 12 04 E N 82 37 E 2,328 188 1,528 Brian Reference Station. Bonnet. Dull. 5 38 56 31. 94 76 13 50. 00 S 81 34 w S 42 22 W S 22 38 W N 81 34 E N 42 21 E N 22 37 E 451 2,746 4,590 Bonnet. Alley. Parsons. 6 38 56 26. 46 76 13 37- 5° N 81 18 W S 49 5° W S 27 21 W S 81 18 E N 49 49 E N 27 20 E 784 2,853 4, 563 Bonnet. Alley. Parsons. 7 38 56 24. 74 76 13 28. 26 N 80 09 W S 53 40 W S 30 49 w S 80 10 E N S3 40 E N 30 48 E 1,033 3,008 4,393 Bonnet. Alley. [Tank. Parsons Island Water 8 38 55 =5- 69 1 76 13 46. 50 N 83 SI W S 42 52 w S 31 36 E S 83 52 E N 42 52 E N 31 35 W 1,954 2,732 4,407 Alley. Parsons. Green. 154 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. CABIN CREEK. (^Prospect Bay — Chart No. 32.) Cor- 1 True- bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triansulation of station bar Forward Back , „ , // / Yards. I 38 55 25- 69 76 13 46. 50 N 83 51 W S 83 52 E 1.954 Alley. S 42 52 W N 42 52 E 2.732 Parsons. S 31 36 E N 31 35 W 4,407 Green. 2 38 56 24. 74 76 13 28. 26 ! N 80 09 W S 80 10 E 1.033 Bonnet. S S3 40 W N 53 40 E 3.008 Alley. [Tank. S 30 49 W N 30 48 E 4.393 Parsons Island Water 3 38 55 48.84 76 I ^ 17. 88 I S 63 47 W N 63 47 E 1,440 Bonnet. vS 46 06 W N 46 05 E 3.742 Alley. , S 23 34 E N 2s 54 W 2, 052 Brian Reference Station. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 56 37- 44 76 13 03.46 S 81 26 w N 8i 26 E I, 691 Bonnet. S 54 19 W N 54 17 E 3.788 Alley. [Tank. vS 34 39 W N 34 38 E 5. i°7 Parsons Island Water 5 38 56 34- 10 76 13 05. 89 S 85 04 w N 85 03 E I, 614 Bomiet. S 55 09 W N 55 08 E 3.671 Alley. [Tank. S 34 47 W N 34 46 E 4.978 Parsons Island Water 6 38 56 30. 96 76 12 58. 60 S 88 41 E N 88 41 W I, 800 Bonnet. S 58 10 W N 58 09 E 3.775 Alley. [Tank. S 37 17 w N 37 16 E 5.005 Parsons Island Water 7 38 56 42. 20 76 12 53.22 S 78 01 w N 78 01 E 1.985 Bonnet. S 54 41 W N 54 40 E 4, lOI Alley. [Tank. S ^6 02 W N -,6 01 E 5.394 Parsons Island Water Thence from comer No. 7 along tlie mean low-water line ; the shore to comer No. 8, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at ts mouth a t low tide. 8 38 56 34. 64 ! 76 12 50. 76 S 85 32 W N 85 31 E 2, 012 Bonnet. S 58 12 W N 58 10 E 4.015 Alley. [Tank. S 38 16 W N 38 14 E 5.230 Parsons Island Water 9 38 56 21. 86 76 12 46. 22 N 82 39 W S 82 40 E 2,143 Bonnet. S 64 30 W N 64 28 E 3.912 Alley. [Tank. S 42 25 w N 42 24 E 4,978 Parsons Island Water Thence from comer No. 9 along the mean low-water line of the shore t 3 comer No. 10, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at ts mouth a t low tide. 10 38 56 11.36 ; 76 12 53.74 N 71 57 W S 71 58 E 2,028 Bonnet. S 68 13 W N 68 12 E 3.589 Alley. S 42 31 w N 42 30 E 4,806 Parsons. II 38 55 35-86 76 13 02.36 S 15 37 E N IS 38 W 4,254 Green. N 35 19 E S 35 19 W 712 Brian Reference Station. N 42 59 W S 42 59 E 2,495 Bonnet. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Aid. 155 BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SAW MILL CREEK. {Prospect Bay — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / // , // / / Yards. I 38 54 13-35 76 13 26. 94 N 42 52 W N 79 35 W S 53 46 E S 42 53 E S 79 36 E N 53 46 W 3.613 2,414 2,223 Alley. Parsons. Green. 2 38 54 41. 45 76 13 50.46 N 47 13 W S 73 46 W S 46 51 E S 47 14 E N 73 45 E N 46 52 W 2,504 1,827 3,307 Alley. Parsons. Green. 3 38 55 25. 69 76 13 46. 50 N 83 51 W S 42 52 W S 31 36 E vS 83 52 E N 42 52 E N 31 35 W 1.954 2.732 4.407 Alley. Parsons. Green. 4 38 55 3S-86 76 13 02.36 S 15 37 E N 35 19 E N 15 38 W S 35 19 w 4,254 712 Green . Brian Reference vStation. N 42 59 W S 42 59 E 2,495 Bonnet. S 38 55 28. 16 76 12 22. 94 N 36 43 W N 88 15 W vS 62 49 W S 36 44 E S 88 16 E N 62 47 E 1,049 4,146 4,565 Brimi Reference Station. Alley. Parsons. 6 38 54 32- 72 76 12 41.92 N 2 41 W S 86 32 W S 17 09 E S 2 41 E N 86 30 E N 17 08 W 2,713 3,567 2,059 Brian Reference vStation. Parsons. Green. PARSONS ISLAND NARROWS. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. 32.) 54 41- 66 76 15 05- 38 55 19-95 1 76 15 06. S 47 18 E N 47 18 W N 5 00 E I S 5 00 W N 44 15 W S 44 15 E N 2^ 25 E 1825 25 W S 75 43 W 1 N 75 43 E S 12 22 E 1 N 12 22 W 437 Parsons Island Water I, 701 '• Alley. [Tank. 1,452 Norman. 439 , Alley. 1,018 Norman. [Tank. 1,626 , Parsons Island Water 38 55 19. 18 76 15 02. 16 N 6 40 E S 6 40 W I 432 Alley. S 78 32 W N 78 32 E [ I, 134 Norman. [Tank. S 8 09 E ' N 8 09 W ! I, 578 ! Parsons Island Water Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low water line of the shore to corner No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 55 09-30 76 14 59. 22 N 2 04 W N 84 49 W S 6 48 E S 2 04 E S 84 49 E N 6 48 W 762 1,193 1,238 Alley. Norman. [Tank. Parsons Island Water 5 38 54 56. 56 76 14 18. 61 N 51 47 E S 51 48 w 3,081 Brian Reference Station. N 42 39 W S 49 07 W S 42 39 E N 49 07 E I, 620 I, 222 Alley. [Tank. Parsons Island Water 6 38 54 44.00 76 14 34- 13 N 50 32 E N 23 05 W S 53 51 W S 5° 33 W S 23 OS E N S3 SI E 3,666 1,755 638 Brian Reference Station. Alley. [Tank. Parsons Island Water 7 38 54 56. 62 76 14 49- 52 N 13 23 W N 69 39 W S 7 4S W S 13 23 E S 69 40 E N 7 45 E 1,223 i,S40 809 Alley. Norman. [Tank. Parsons Island Water 156 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BALD EAGLE. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Ivongitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 53 29. 64 76 14 33.38 N 18 02 W N 81 38 W S 22 26 W S 18 02 E S 81 39 E N 22 25 E Yards. 2, 012 3, 684 4,728 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. 2 38 54 00. 00 76 14 09. 88 S 73 32 E N 29 52 E N 54 23 W N 73 31 W S 29 S3 W S 54 24 E 3, 050 4,397 I, 528 Green. Brian Reference Station. Parsons. 3 38 54 27-78 76 14 10. 76 N 31 06 W S 87 48 W S 58 34 E S 31 06 E N 87 47 E N 58 33 W 2,525 I, 220 3, 455 Alley. Parsons. Green. 4 38 54 27- 88 76 13 57- 24 N 37 34 W S 88 10 W S 55 09 E S 37 34 E N 88 10 E N 55 08 W 2, 723 1,576 3,158 Alley. Parsons. Green. 5 38 54 04.37 76 13 42. 15 S 6s 14 E N 21 43 E N 69 23 W N 65 13 W S 21 43 W S 69 24 E 2,4l6 3,946 2, 108 Green. Brian Reference Station. Parsons. 6 38 53 3°- 70 76 13 57-36 N 22 04 W N 83 47 W S 32 00 W S 22 OS E S 83 49 E N 31 59 E 4,410 4, 622 5.196 Alley. Needle. Dixon. MILL HILL. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. J2.) I 38 S3 38.92 76 12 38. 14 S 73 10 E N 2 52 W N 66 25 W N 73 10 W S 2 52 E S 66 26 E 530 4,53° 3.993 Green. Brian Reference Station. Parsons. 2 38 S3 43- 94 76 13 10. 82 S 76 44 E N 8 17 E N 62 58 W N 76 43 W S 8 18 W S 62 S9 E 1,406 4,401 3,142 Green. Brian Reference Station. Parsons. 3 38 .53 5°-8o 76 13 31-74 S 73 57 E N 16 02 E N 61 57 W N 73 56 W S 16 03 W S 61 56 E 1,998 4,290 2,546 Green. Brian Reference Station. Parsons. 4 38 54 13- 35 76 13 26.94 N 42 52 W N 79 35 W S S3 46 E S 42 53 E S 79 36 E N 53 46 W 3, 613 2,414 2,223 Alley. Parsons. Green. 5 38 54 32- 72 76 12 41. 92 N 2 41 W S 86 32 W S 17 09 E S 2 41 E N 86 30 E N 17 08 W 2.713 3.567 2,059 Brian Reference Station. Parsons. Green. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. GREENWOOD CREEK. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. J2.) 157 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back station I / // 38 S3 11-96 / // 76 12 10. 20 N 16 53 W S 52 48 w S 4 OS W S 16 53 E N 52 46 E N 4 05 E Yards. 790 5.741 4, 121 Green. Pearson. Benn. 2 38 S3 20. 70 76 12 13.48 N 17 13 W S 49 59 W S 2 41 W S 17 14 E N 49 58 E N 2 41 E 482 5.858 4,410 Green. Pearson. Benn. 3 38 S3 22.08 76 12 09. 06 N 32 02 W S 50 22 W S 4 09 W S 32 02 E N 50 20 E N 4 09 E 489 5,978 4,464 Green. Pearson. Benn. 4 38 S3 13- 24 76 12 05. 60 N 26 12 W S 53 " W S 5 42 W S 26 12 E N 53 09 E N 5 42 E 794 5.865 4,174 Green. Pearson. Benn. PROSPECT POINT. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. 52.) I 38 52 49.46 76 12 22. 68 N 3 46 E S 57 25 W S 36 E S 3 46 W N 57 23 E N 36 W I. 518 5,037 3,353 Green . Pearson. Benn. 2 38 52 55. 00 76 12 29.68 N 12 05 E S 12 OS W 1.357 Green. S 54 28 W N 54 26 E 4.989 Pearson. S 3 34 E N 3 34 W 3,545 Benn. 3 38 53 o6- 78 76 12 15. 16 N 6 03 W S 53 25 W S 2 22 W S 6 03 E N S3 23 E' N 2 22 E 936 5,533 3.940 Green. Pearson. Benn. 4 38 S3 °i-44 76 12 08. 54 N 13 49 W S S5 59 W S s 08 w S 13 49 E N 55 57 E N s 08 E 1,143 5.571 3.771 Green. Pearson. Beim. 158 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BUGBY. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance ot bar Forward Back I 38 52 07.64 76 14 09. 20 S 26 44 E S 55 41 E N 44 50 E N 26 43 W N 55 40 W S 44 51 w Yards. 4,554 3.444 4,123 Herr. Benn. Green. 2 38 52 36. 14 76 14 II. 60 sS 31 14 w S 45 03 E N 56 32 E N 31 14 E N 45 02 W S 56 33 W 2,647 4,109 3,561 Pearson. Benn. Green. 3 38 53 43-94 76 13 10. 82 S 76 44 E N 8 17 E N 62 58 W N 76 43 W S 8 18 W S 62 59 E- I, 406 4,401 3, 142 Green. Brian Reference Station. Parsons. 4 38 53 38- 92 76 12 38. 14 S 73 10 E N 2 52 W N 66 25 W N 73 10 W S 2 52 E S 66 26 E 530 4,530 3, 993 Green. Brian Reference .Station. Parsons. 5 38 52 53- °4 76 12 51.34 N 31 32 E S 50 55 w S 12 50 E S 31 32 W N 50 54 E N 12 50 W ^,635 4,494 3,562 Green. Pearson . Benn. 6 38 52 31-38 76 12 21. 2C N I 38 E S 61 51 W S 04 w S I 38 W N 63 49 E N 04 E 2, 125 4,771 2,742 Green. Pearson. Benn. 7 38 52 18. 46 76 13 01. 34 S 62 40 w S 24 35 E N 23 36 E N 62 38 E N 24 35 W S 23 37 W 3,630 2,536 2,793 Pearson. Benn. Green. 8 38 52 oS. 96 76 13 31. 06 S 61 07 W S 42 48 E N 33 26 E N 6i 06 E N 42 47 W S 33 27 W 2,788 2,707 3,451 Pearson. Benn. Green. COFFEE. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. 32.) I 38 51 07-52 76 13 33- 22 S 28 19 E N 87 25 E N 21 35 E N 28 19 W S 87 26 W S 21 36 W 2,317 1,897 5.325 Herr. Benn. Green. 2 38 52 08. 06 76 13 31. 06 S 61 07 W S 42 48 E N 33 26 E N 61 06 E N 42 47 \V S 33 27 w 2,788 2,707 3,451 Pearson. Benn. Green. 3 38 5^ 18.46 76 13 01.34 S 62 40 w S 24 35 E N 23 36 E N 62 38 E N 24 35 W S 23 37 W 3,630 2,536 2,793 Pearson. Benn. Green. 4 38 52 04-58 76 12 33- 48 N 7 14 E S 73 09 W S 9 53 E S 7 14 W N 73 07 E N g 53 W 3,052 4,137 1,867 Green. Pearson. Benn. 5 38 51 43.28 76 12 45. 24 N 10 30 E S 82 30 W S 29 22 E S 10 30 W N 82 28 E N 29 22 W 3,810 3.681 1,286 Green. Pearson . Benn. 6 38 51 29.86 76 12 20. 80 N 41 E S 89 37 W S I 12 w S 41 w N 89 35 E' N I 12 E 4,199 4, 2g3 668 Green. Pearson. Benn. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. PERSIMMON TREE. (Miles River — Chart No. 32.) 159 Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triansulation "f station bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 50 39. 24 76 12 20. 10 S 35 12 W N 35 II E 3. 53° vSara. S 75 46 E N 75 45 W 734 Frank. N 71 09 E S 71 09 W 778 James. Thcnc E along county Mundary as delineated on Chart No. 32 to corner No. 2. 2 38 50 48. 30 76 13 17. 28 S 9 22 W N 9 22 E 3>234 Sara. S 77 40 E N 77 39 W 2, 271 Frank. N 63 33 E S 63 34 w 1,648 Benn. 3 38 51 07. 52 76 13 33- 22 S 28 19 E N 28 19 W 2,317 Herr. N 87 25 E S 87 26 W 1,897 Benn. N 21 3s E S 21 36 W 5.325 Green. 4 38 51 29. 86 76 12 20. 80 N 41 E S 41 w 4. 199 Green. S 89 37 W N 89 35 E 4,293 Pearson. S I '12 W N I 12 E 668 Benn. 5 38 51 19.38 76 12 26. 20 N 2 25 E S 2 25 w 4,556 Green. N 85 32 W S 8s 33 E 4,164 Pearson. S 22 13 E N 22 13 W 340 Benn. SHIPPEN HOLE. (Wye River— Chart No. 32.) I 38 51 01. 04 76 12 07.44 S 32 34 W S 39 44 E N 40 34 E N 32 33 E N3944W S 40 35 W 2, 161 629 1,374 Herr. Tames. "Bruffs. 2 38 51 05.78 76 12 14. 70 S 26 07 W S 42 41 E N 50 50 E N 26 07 E N 42 41 W S 50 51 W 2,207 875 I, 399 Herr. James. Bruffs. 3 38 51 18.46 76 12 00. 60 S 29 og W S 56 06 E N 57 24 E N 29 oS E N 56 05 W S 57 24 w 2,75s 819 846 Herr. Law. Bruffs. 4 38 51 38.88 76 II 55-38 S 12 54 w S 67 S9 E N 10 2S W N 12 54 E N 67 59 W S 10 28 E 647 620 113 Hough . Bruffs. Won. 5 38 SI 40.30 76 II 46. 76 N 13 13 E N 75 39 W S 28 43 w S 13 13 W S 75 39 E N 28 43 E 969 256 773 Nose. Won. Hough . 6 38 51 11.30 76 II 56.38 s 33 52 w S 69 IS E N 40 47 E N 33 52 E N 69 15 W S 40 48 w 2, 610 607 921 Herr. Law. Bruffs. i6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. MILLS. {Wye River — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. bar Forward Back / ,/ , „ / / Yards. ^ 38 51 38. 88 76 II 55. 38 S 12 54 W S 67 59 E N 10 28 W N 12 54 E N 67 59 W S 10 28 E 647 620 "3 Hough Bruffs. Won. 2 38 51 50. 10 76 II 57.08 S 5 II E S 45 25 E N 38 52 E N 5 II W N 45 25 W S 38 52 W 268 871 786 Won. Bruffs Nose. 3 38 52 03. 76 76 II 36.74 N 47 08 E N IS 43 W S 35 08 W S 47 08 W S 15 43 E N 35 08 E 553 157 890 Snout. Nose. Won. . 4 38 52 12. 66 76 II 33. 18 N 2 06 E S 42 38 W S 7 58 E S 2 06 W N 42 38 E N 7 58 W 604 201 1,332 Stop. Nose. Shaw. 5 38 51 51-3° 76 II 24. 38 S 4 30 w S 86 02 E N 5 43 E N 4 30 E N 86 02 W S 5 44 w 601 390 801 Shaw. South. Snout. 6 38 51 40.30 76 II 46. 76 N 13 13 E N 75 39 W S 28 43 w S 13 13 w S 75 39 E N 28 43 E 969 256 773 Nose. Won. Hough (Wye River — Chart No. 32.] I 38 52 03. 76 76 II 36. 74 N 47 08 E N 15 43 W S 35 p8 W S 47 08 W S 15 43 E N 35 08 E 553 157 890 Snout. Nose. Won. 2 38 52 22. 34 76 II 37. 50 s 2 44 w- S 59 35 E N 27 21 E N 2 44 E N 59 35 W S 27 21 W 476 494 296 Nose. Snout. Stop. 3 38 52 28. 04 76 II 29. 30 S 2:; 22 E N 76 31 E N 48 32 W N 25 22 W S 76 :;i W S 48 32 E 489 522 107 Snout. Leaven. vStop. 4 38 52 55. 02 76 II 42. oS S 12 oi E N 73 07 E N 22 20 E N 12 01 W S 73 °7 W S 22 20 W 406 2,615 451 Orb. Twixt. Pincy. • 5 38 52 51- °5 76 II 33.48 N 75 02 E N 5 46 W S 28 29 W S 75 02 W S 5 46 E N 28 29 E 425 553 299 Star. Piney. Orb. 6 38 52 28. 58 76 II 22. gS N 77 58 W S 5 20 W N 73 07 E S 77 58 E N 5 20 E S 73 °7 W 253 463 357 Stop. Snout. Leaven . ' 38 52 12.66 76 II 33. iS N 2 06 E S 42 s8 W S 7 58 E S 2 06 w N 42 38 E N 7 58 W 604 201 1.332 Stop. Nose. Shaw. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BAXTERS HOLLOW. {IVye River — Chart No. 32.) 161 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. of bar Forward Back station t 38 52 51. 05 76 II 33.48 / N 75 02 E N s 46 W S 28 29 W / S 75 02 W S 5 46 E N 28 29 E Yards. 425 553 299 Star. Piney. Orb. 2 38 52 55- 02 76 II 42. 08 S 12 01 E N 73 07 E N 22 20 E N 12 01 W S 73 07 w S 22 20 W 406 2, 615 451 Orb. Twixt. Piney. 3 38 53 15. 04 76 II 25. 26 S 46 28 W N 87 39 E N 67 42 E N 46 28 E S 87 40 w S 67 42 w 375 2, 060 378 Piney. Twixt. Ferry. 4 38 53 18. 30 76 II 10. 28 N 64 25 E N 52 52 W S 09 W S 64 25 W S 52 52 E N 09 E I, 214 56 386 Owe. Ferry. Darce. 5 38 53 14- 48 76 1 1 08. 88 S 8 23 W S 86 45 E N 26 37 W N 8 23 E N 86 44 W S 26 37 E 260 I, 270 182 Darce. Wide. Ferry. 6 38 53 09. 78 76 II 24. 96 S 73 49 W N 82 43 E N 46 51 E N 73 49 E S 82 44 W S 46 51 W 292 2, 068 469 Piney. Twixt. Ferry. PACA. {Wye River — Chart No. J2.) I 38 S3 13- 58 76 10 38. 88 S 74 41 w S 84 59 E N 21 21 E N 74 41 E N 84 59 W S 21 21 W 860 479 734 Darce. Wide. Owe. 2 38 53 14. 48 76 II 08. 88 S 8 23 W S 86 45 E N 26 37 W N 8 23 E N 86 44 W S 26 37 E 260 I, 270 182 Darce. Wide. Ferry. 3 38 53 18. 30 76 II 10. 28 N 64 25 E N 52 52 W S 09 W S 64 25 W S 52 52 E N 09 E I, 214 56 386 Owe. Ferry. Darce. 4 38 53 25. 72 76 10 35. 20 N 77 24 W S 40 07 E N 31 50 E S 77 25 E N 40 06 W S 31 50 w 993 589 323 Ferry. Wide. Owe. 5 38 53 15- 28 76 10 31.94 S 71 22 E N 7 39 E N 82 41 W N 71 22 W S 7 39 W S 82 41 E 3" 631 1,064 Wide. Owe. Ferry. 1 62 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BRYAN. {Wye River — Oiart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Loositude True bearing Distance u. s. c. of bar Forward Back / // / // , , Yards. I 38 53 15- 28 76 10 31.94 S 71 22 E N 7 39 E N 82 41 W N 71 22 W g o7 39 W S 82 41 E 3" 631 I, 064 Wide. Owe. Ferry. 2 38 53 25- 72 76 10 35. 20 N 77 24 W S 40 07 E N 31 so E S 77 25 E N 40 06 W S 31 50 w 993 589 323 Ferry. Wide. Owe. 3 38 53 28. 30 76 10 22. 88 S s 52 E N 47 S3 E N 39 38 W N s 52 W S 47 53 W S 39 38 E 541 565 243 Wide. Aller. Owe. 4 38 53 46- 42 76 10 23. 88 N 68 20 W S 16 so W N 90 00 E S 68 20 E N 16 so E S 90 00 W 210 443 231 Hook. Owe. Chin. 5 38 53 38- 26 76 10 14. 86 N 78 16 E N I S2 W S 67 SI w S 78 16 W S I 52 E N 67 51 E 212 276 396 Aller. Chin. Owe. 6 38 53 18.40 76 10 18. 66 N 27 03 W S IS 18 W S 84 33 E S 27 03 E N 15 18 E N 84 33 W 585 212 305 Owe. Wide. Twist. WYE ISLAND. {Wye River — Chart No. 32.) I 38 52 57- 94 76 10 38. 40 N 43 43 E N II S2 E N 70 22 W S 43 44 W S II S2 W S 70 22 E 671 1,237 893 Wide. Owe. Darce. 2 38 53 08. 74 76 II 10. 50 N 6 13 W N 79 55 E S 4 14 E S 6 13 E S 79 s6 W N 4 i4 w 359 I, 696 63 Ferry. Twist. Darce. 3 38 53 11-22 76 II 09. 78 N II 59 W N 82 39 E S 5 30 W S II 59 E S 82 39 W N s 30 E 278 I, 664 149 Ferry. Twist. Darce. 4 38 53 13- 18 76 10 57. 72 S 88 20 E N 61 13 W S S7 14 W N 88 20 W S 61 13 E N S7 14 E 974 429 395 Wide. Ferry. Darce . 5 38 53 08. 52 76 10 42. 28 N 77 12 E N 6s OS W S 8s 37 W S 77 12 W S 6s 05 E N 8s 37 E 582 863 741 Wide. Ferry. Darce. 6 38 53 n- 58 76 10 38. 88 S 74 41 w S 84 S9 E N 21 21 E N 74 41 E N 84 S9 W S 21 21 W 860 479 734 Darce. Wide. Owe. 7 38 53 15- 28 76 10 31.94 S 71 22 E N 7 39 E N 82 41 W N 71 22 W S 7 39 W S 82 41 E 311 631 1,064 Wide. Owe. Ferry. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. ROUNDARiEs OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. DRUM POINT. (Wye River — Chart No. 32.) 163 Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance u. s. c. of bar Forward Back station , „ c , „ , / Yards. I 38 52 56. 70 76 II 21. 80 S 52 03 E N 43 29 E N 45 17 W N 52 03 W S 43 29 w S 45 18 E 131 207 512 Star. Twixt. Piney. 2 38 52 56. 66 76 1 1 29. 36 S 29 04 W S 75 19 E N 24 27 W N 29 04 E N 75 19 W S 24 27 E 517 397 Orb. Star. Piney. 3 38 53 09. 32 76 II 21. 10 N 35 34 E S 80 14 w S 9 31 E S 35 34 W N 80 14 E N 9 31 W 413 387 513 Ferry. Piney. Star. 4 38 S3 11-22 76 II 09. 78 N II 59 W N 82 39 E S 530 w S II 59 E S 82 39 W N 530 E 278 I, 664 149 Ferry. Twist. Darce. 5 38 53 08. 74 76 II 10. 50 N 6 13 W N 79 55 E S 4 14 E S 6 13 E S 79 56 w N 4 14 W 359 I, 6g6 63 Ferry. Twist. Darce. WYE RIVER MIDDLEGROUND. (Wye River — Chart No. 32.) I 38 52 28. 26 76 II 18.82 N 137 E N 79 55 W S 8 26 W S 137 w S 79 55 E N 8 26 E 879 362 454 Star. Stop. Snout. 2 38 52 38- 54 76 II 26.36 S 29 06 W S 61 38 E N 22 48 E N 29 06 E N 61 37 W S 22 48 W 32s 489 S77 Stop. Leaven. Star. 3 38 52 56. 66 76 II 29.36 S 29 04 W S 75 19 E N 24 27 W N 29 04 E N 75 19 W S 24 27 E 517 313 397 Orb. Star. Piney. 4 38 52 56. 70 76 II 21.80 S 52 03 E N 43 29 E N 45 17 W N 52 03 W S 43 29 W S 45 18 E 131 207 512 Star. Twixt. Piney. 5 38 52 44. 36 76 II 14-38 N 15 22 W S 86 45 W S 14 57 E S IS 22 E N 86 44 E N 14 57 W 348 646 444 Star. Orb. Leaven. 6 38 52 28. 52 76 II 13.88 N 43 48 E N 83 36 W S 23 IS W S 43 48 w S 83 36 E N 23 16 E 147 490 499 Leaven. Stop. Snout. 164 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. HESS. {Wye River — Chart No. 32.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance of bar Forward Back / // / // , / Yards. I 38 51 41. 26 76 II 04. 68 N 84 54 W S 84 54 E 728 Edward. N 22 44 W S 22 44 E 338 South. S 6s 16 W N 65 16 E 624 Shaw. 2 38 51 44. 72 76 II 17. 94 N 48 21 E S 48 21 W 293 South. N 34 09 W S 34 09 E 959 Nose. N 29 53 W S 29 S3 E 435 Shaw. 3 38 52 15. 60 76 II 30. 14 S 41 12 w N 41 12 E 329 Nose. S 84 26 E N 84 26 W 233 Snout. N 6 45 W S 6 45 E 493 Stop. 4 38 52 18. 68 76 II 19.94 N 30 51 E S 30 SI W 509 Leaven. N 40 14 W S 40 14 E 506 Stop. S 16 23 W N 16 23 E 131 Snout. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 38 51 50.72 excluding 76 II 07. 52 s 82 24 w N 82 24 E South. s 40 18 w N 40 17 E 761 Shaw. s 72 22 E N 72 22 W 840 Edward. STONE WHARF. (Wye River — Chart No. 32.) I 38 51 50.80 76 10 58.08 N 42 27 E S 88 06 W S 51 48 w S 42 27 W N 88 06 E N 51 48 E 731 305 943 Flat. South. Shaw. 2 38 51 53- 74 76 II 02. 82 S 58 41 w S 62 13 E N 54 34 E N 58 41 E N 62 13 W S 54 34 W 210 764 759 South. Edward. Flat. 3 38 52 04. 80 76 10 53. 60 S 41 14 w S 30 42 E N 79 54 E N 41 14 E N 30 43 W S 79 54 W 642 849 381 South. Edward. Flat. 4 38 52 04- 54 76 10 45- 78 S 53 01 W S 17 28 E N 6s S3 E N S3 01 E N 17 28 W S 6s 53 W 787 756 185 South. Edward. Flat. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Amies County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. 165 RACE HORSE (QUEEN ANNES COUNTY). [Wye River — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianeulation of bar Forward Back station . ,. / ,/ , / Yards. I 38 51 41. 04 76 10 59.44 N 82 59 E N 40 06 W S 70 13 W S 83 00 W S 40 06 E N 70 12 E 592 417 749 Edward. South. Shaw. 2 38 51 54. 38 76 10 51. 82 S 45 39 E N 38 09 E S 74 28 W N 45 39 W S 38 09 W N 74 27 E 540 531 488 Edward. Flat. South. 3 38 SI 58. 16 76 10 41.72 N II 59 E S 70 39 W S 13 20 E S n 59 W N 70 39 E N 13 20 W 297 780 519 Flat. South. Edward. - 4 38 SI 56- 76 Then 1 76 10 34. 74 ce along county S 8 00 W N !;7 01 E N ip 54 W boundary as ( N 8 00 E S 57 02 W S ig 54 E lelineated on I 463 7. "is 360 2hart No. 3 Edward. Albert. Flat. 2 to comer No. i. WHETSTONE. (Wye River — Chart No. 32.' 38 51 5S- 86 38 52 01. 18 38 52 06. 62 38 52 17- 26 3852 27 72 38 5^ 26 50 76 10 09. 00 76 10 15. 58 76 10 07. 76 10 09. 48 S 7 36 W N 60 57 E N 5 59 W N 81 42 E N 25 59 E N 73 IS W N 39 44 E N 46 06 W S 6 42 W N 28 08 E S 74 46 W S 6 48 W 76 10 00. 40 , N 7 52 E S 8s 38 W S 36 37 W 70 oy 57. 10 S I 19 w S 85 52 E N 41 24 E N 7 36 E S 60 57 W S s 59 E S 81 43 W S 25 59 W S 73 15 E S 39 44 W S 46 06 E N 6 42 E S 28 08 W N 74 46 E N 6 48 E S 7 52 W N 85 ^8 E N 36 37 E N I 19 E N 85 52 W S 41 24 W 5°3 572 443 424 "3 867 396 30 282 52 449 163 490 Lloyd. Cousin. Albert. 680 Cousin. 291 Albert. 655 Flat. Baldwins. Albert. Lloyd. Attila. Le Seur. Albert. Tobinc . Attila. Lc Seur. Baldwins. Sylvia. Gusta. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 32 to corner No. 7. 38 52 20.62 I 76 10 01. 72 ! N 4 21; W ' S 4 2^ E I 236 ] Attila. S 62 3; W N 62 3; E 262 Le Seur. ' S 37 57 E I N 37 57 W I 185 I Baldwins. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 32 to comer No. 8. 38 52 10. 38 I 76 10 01. 42 I S 54 43 E I N 54 43 W 1 367 I Cousin. I N 28 00 E I S 28 00 W 226 Baldwins. I N 47 03 W i S 47 04 E I 329 I Le Seur. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 32 to comer No. i . I I I I 1 1 66 Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. MELVIN. {Wye River — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude 38 52 26. 50 Longitude True bearing U. S. C. & G. S. trianeulation of bar Forward Back D's'a"" station ' I 76 09 57. 10 S I 19 w S 8s 52 E N 41 24 E N I 19 E N 85 52 W S 41 24 w Yards. 344 Baldwifns. 163 1 Sylvia. 490 1 Gusta. 2 38 52 27.72 76 10 00. 40 N 7 52 E S 85 38 W S 36 37 W S 7 52 W N 85 38 E N 36 37 E 385 ) Tobine. 52 ' Attila. 449 Le Seur. 3 38 52 39- 03 76 09 58. 40 S 15 18 W S 81 14 E N 6 21 W N IS 18 E N 81 14 W S 6 21 E 400 ! Attila. 362 1 Gusta. 458 1 Sang. 4 38 52 59- 52 76 09 50. 37 S 48 08 W S 28 33 E S 84 55 E N 48 08 E N 28 33 W N 84 55 W 352 !|Sang. 533 Nodim. 327 j Go. 5 38 52 52. 64 76 09 45. 28 S 89 31 W N 89 31 E 396 1 Sang. S 26 53 E N 26 53 W 265 1 Nodim. N 43 23 E 1 S 43 23 W 280 ! Go. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 32 to corner No. i. DIVIDING. {Wye River — Chart No. J2.) I 38 52 52. 18 76 09 12. 82 N 81 40 E S 81 40 w 382 Deck. N 5 04 E S 5 04 W 226 Divide. N 71 47 W S 71 47 E 699 Go. Thence along county boundary as dt .lineated on CI lart No. 32 to comer No. 2. 2 38 52 52- 48 76 09 30. 12 N 6s 37 E S 65 37 W 523 Divide. N 44 54 W S 44 54 E 294 Go. S .;o 31 W N 50 31 E 362 Nodim. Thence along county botmdary as d( :lineated on CI lart No. 32 to comer No. 3- 3 38 52 52. 64 76 09 45. 28 S 89 31 W N 8g 31 E 396 Sang. S 26 53 E N 26 53 W 265 Nodim. N 43 23 E S 43 23 W 280 Go. 4 38 52 59- 52 P °9 5°- 37 S 48 08 W N 48 08 E 352 Sang. S 28 33 E N 28 33 W 533 Nodim. S 84 55 E N 84 55 W 327 Go. 5 38 S2 58- 74 76 eg 37. 94 N 85 25 W S 8s 2S E 329 Tum. S 9 29 W N 9 29 E 448 Nodim. N 89 36 E S 89 36 W 682 Divide. 6 38 52 57- 50 76 09 13. 60 S 60 48 w N 60 47 E 819 Nodim. S 19 34 E N 19 34 W 460 Quarter. N 41 06 E S 41 06 W 62 Divide. Survey of Oyster Bars, Queen Annes County, Aid. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SHAWNS WHARF. {Wye River — Chart No. 52.) 167 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing u. S. C. & G. S of bar Forward Back station I 38 52 52. 18 76 09 12. 82 N 81 40 E N 5 04 E N 71 47 W S 81 40 w S 5 04 W S 71 47 E Yards. 382 226 699 Deck. Divide. Go. 2 38 52 57- 50 76 og 13. 60 S 60 48 W S ig 34 E N 41 06 E N 60 47 E N 19 34 W S 41 06 W 819 Nodim. 460 \ Quarter. 62 Divide. 3 38 S3 03. 94 76 og 00. 30 N 78 37 W S 7 58 E S 83 41 E S 78 37 E N 7 57 W N 83 41 W 67 [ Princess. 344 ; Deck. 515 1 Philip. 4 38 53 01. 38 76 08 3g. 78 N 44 04 W S 49 04 W S 43 34 E S 44 04 E N 49 04 E N 43 34 W 42 Philip. 441 Matter. 645 Whale. 5 38 52 57. 70 76 08 40. 66 N 2 04 W S 62 01 w S 53 44 E S 2 04 E N 62 01 E N 5., 44 W 154 Philip. 351 Matter. 580 1 Whale. 6 38 52 59. 30 Then 76 08 55. 38 :e along county N 88 09 W S 23 ss W N 75 22 E boundary as c S 88 09 E N 23 55 E s 75 23 w elineated on C 440 Divide. 202 Deck. 296 1 Philip. ;hart No. 32 to comer No. I. GRANARY POINT. {Wye River — Chart No. J2.) I 38 52 51.88 76 08 22.72 N 62 21 E N 6 IS E N 87 4i W S 62 21. W S 6 IS W S 87 41 E 242 112 784 Mom. Granar)- . Matter. 2 38 52 53-94 76 08 22. 64 N 81 44 E N 78 35 E S 2 02 W S 81 45 W S 78 35 W N 2 02 E 643 217 217 Bush. Mom. Whale. 3 38 52 54.20 76 08 10.39 S 55 46 W S 14 44 W N 75 °4 E N 55 46 E N 14 44 E S 75 04 W 400 291 325 Whale. Chew. Bush. 4 38 52 51.88 76 08 10. 46 N 44 07 W N 70 25 W N 88 2i W S 44 07 E S 70 26 E S 88 22 E 155 330 1, 106 Mom. Granarj'. Matter. APPENDIXES Appendix A.— LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FLSH COiM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Mar>'land Shell Fish Commission, in surveying the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland: [Act of Congress approved May 26, 1906.] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of ttie Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries'as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Mar)'land; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam launches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretarj' of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary to mark tlie points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future xvork of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Shc. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. (Act of Congress approved June 30. iyo6.I AN ACT Making appropriatious for sundry civil expenses of the Govcmmcnlf or the fiscal year cn-s, Calvert, and Charles coimties was so intermixed in the Patuxent River that the chronological statement of work for any one of these counties necessarily includes a considerable part of the work of the other two counties. 22 SURVEY Oif OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. On October 7, 1908, the house-boat Oyster was towed to an anchorage at the upper end of St. Marys River off the site of the monument marking Calvert's first settlement in Maryland. From this point the re'niaining work in St. Marys River, St. Inigoes Creek, and St. Georges River was quickly finished on account of very good weather. On October 28, 1908, the State steamer Governor McLane towed the Oyster to an anchorage off Rock Point, in the mouth of Wicomico River. From this location there was done all the oyster survey work of both St. Marys and Charles Counties in Wicomico River, St. Catherine Sound, and adjacent waters. On November 25, 1908, the four launches of the combined oyster-survey parties towed the house-boat Oyster to harbor off the city of Leonardtown, at the head of Breton Bay. From this station all the oyster-survey work was completed in both Bretons Bay and St. Clements Bay. On December 18 and 19, 1908, the McLanc towed the house-boat Oyster and launches to their winter quarters in Baltimore. On December 2, 1909, it was found necessary to obtain additional triangulation information for the publication of the technical report for Calvert County, which inci- dentally involved new work required for the report for Charles and St. Marys counties, and field work was carried on for that purpose from that date to December 8, 1909. Again, from July 20 to August 11, 1910, while the house-boat Oyster was anchored in the mouth of the Patuxent River for the purpose of carrying on the oyster survey opera- tions in the bay-shore waters of Dorchester County, a number of days when work could not be done in the open bay were employed in checking up deficiencies in the description of stations required for the publications of both Charles and St. Marys Counties. The large amount of office work connected with the "oyster survey" of St. Marys County, including computations and drafting necessary for the preparation for publi- cation of the oyster charts and the technical records, was continued intermittently with the office work of other counties from the beginning of the fieldwork in St. Marys County to the time of filing of the certified oyster charts and the technical reports in the archives of the Commission and with the clerk of the circuit court of St. Marys County on July 6, 19H. STATISTICS.' Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 204 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 204 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles 186 Old triangulation stations recovered 33 New triangulation stations established 205 Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described 238 Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) 160 Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate) 180 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster boundaries 15 Triangles computed 443 Geographic positions computed 210 Comers of oyster boundaries established by computation 603 1 These statistics only include field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the oyster survey of St. Marys County, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examinations of the character of the bottom made by the engineers of the Commission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geodetic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new edit ions of charts of the waters of Maryland. See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and the State." SURVEY OP OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 23 Back azimuths and distances computed from corners of boundaries to triangulation stations. . . . 1,809 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication 238 Descriptions of oyster boimdaries prepared for publication 124 Charts of Natural Oyster Bars prepared for publication 8 Progress map prepared for publication i GENERAI, REMARKS. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: To his colleague from the Departtnent of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore, of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose well-known scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters has been of great value to the work. To Mr. Walter J. Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative ability in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the commission, who, as editor of the commis- sion's annual report and commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster investigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Mr. Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house-boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Mr. Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, whose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facilitated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. • To Mr. Thomas H. Robinson, counsel to the Commission, for courteously furnishing valuable information relating to count)' boimdaries. And to the many others connected with the Commission or who, as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on, have greatly assisted by furnishing impor- tant information or willing services. CHARTS AND MAPS. CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts ' of the natural oyster bars of St. Marys County, pubHshed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of surveys of the Government in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, consist of eight sheets covering all the waters of St. Marys County in Patuxent River, Chesapeake Bay, Smiths Creek, St. Marys River, and tributaries, Bretons Bay, St. Clement Bay, and Wicomico River.' They are pub- lished on a scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3^ inches to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bars and other boundaries established by the Com- mission and are certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of Charles Count)' and in the office of the Commission at Annapolis, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (United States Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography '' necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily under- standable both by the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the oyster bars are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascer- tained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain ' sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars are numbered from i to the total number of comers in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners corre- spond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the heading "Boundaries of natural oyster bars." The landmarks and oyster bars have been grouped in the "Contents" of this publi- cation in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particular 1 These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D, C. . 2 The open waters of the Potomac River, although within the accepted boundaries of the State of Maryland, are under the joint jurisdiction of both Maryland and Virginia as to fisheries, and therefore the natural oyster bars of the Potomac River were not surveyed or are they shown in any way on the oyster charts of the adjacent coimties of St. Marys and Charles. 3 Much of the detail of the inshore topography was obtained from the excellent map of St. Marys County, prepared and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey in cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey. 24 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 25 oyster bar or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents" and the desired chart and general location will be indicated. To find the name of a bar or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the end of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locality on the chart for the name of the bar or landmark in question. The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shellfish indus- tries. The I -fathom contour (6 feet) and the 5-fathom curve (30 feet) correspond in a general way to the inner and outer limits of all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom contour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars and the lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the "territorial limits of the county" and the boundaries of the "waters contiguous to the county" opened up for the leasing with St. Marys County are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of county waters." The areas in acres of the ovster bars were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survc)'. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of the chart within the boundaries of the different shellfish bottoms. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face of the charts. LEASING CHARTS. The leasing charts of St. Marys County, like those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, and Charles counties, have been prepared under the direc- tion of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. These charts are constructed on polyconic projections and are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. They are made on the scales of i part in 5,000 or i part in 10,000, as the needs of oyster culture may require. Anne Arundel County required 13 leasing charts; Somerset County, 12 charts; Wicomico County, 2 charts; Worcester County, 3 charts; Calvert County, 5 charts; Charles County, 2 charts; and St. Marys County, 8 charts to cover their oyster bottoms. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds and other boundaries established by the Commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the "old 5-acre law" are frequently of irreg- ular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster laws must be of rectangular shape by^the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts 26 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rectan- gles of I acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to the area under consideration, and prospective leaseholders by the rules of the Com'nission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as possible. For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be published for some years, but they can be seen at any time on file at the offices of the Commission, in the Marine Bank Building at Baltimore. PROJECTIONS. The polyconic projections ' covering St. Marys County waters are 15 in number and on the scale of i part in 10,000. They were constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but the sextant positions which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission were plotted by the draftsman of the Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulation stations, shore line, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oyster bar and other boundaries established by the Commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Sun,'ey, at Washington, and the other set in the archives of the Shell Fish Commission. PROGRESS MAPS. The progress map to be found at the end of this publication is on a scale of i part in 100,000, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in St. Marys County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surveying work, and the "boundaries of county waters" established by the Commission for the purpose of carry- ing out the laws of Mar3'land relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may be under consideration. The progress maps ^accompanying the first and second annual reports of the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission were prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are on the scale of i part in 400,000, and show the outline of the tidewater counties of Maryland, with shaded areas to indicate the waters already covered by the operations of the ovster survey. * For the scheme of these projections see the progress map at the end of this publication. ' These maps and reports can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Commission, Marine Bank Building, Baltimore, Md. r SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 2^ BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY WATERS.' WATERS WITHIN TERRITORIAl, LIMITS OK COUNTY. TIk- laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture ])ro\'ide that "no ])erson siiall be permitted, b\' lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of any of the counties, or one hundred acres in any other place." The boundary line ■ between the waters "within the territorial limits" of vSt. Marvs County and the waters in "any other place," as established by the Shell Fish Commission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the "oyster charts" and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic vSur\'ey, is technically described and defined as follows : Paiuxciit Kivcr u-aters of Si. Marys Coiiiily. — Following the boundan,' line between >St. Marys County and Charles County along the middle of Indian Creek as laid down on Chart No. ig, Natural Q\'ster Bars, Mar)-land, to a point defined by the intersection of this boundary- line with the boundar>' line in the Patuxent River between Calvert County on one side and Charles and St. Marys counties on the other side as laid dow'n on Chart No, ig, Natural Oyster Bars, Marj-land; thence down the channel of Patuxent River following the channel boundary line between St. Marj'S and Calvert counties as laid down on Charts Nos. ig and 20. Natural Oj-ster Bars, Maryland, to a point in the mouth of Patuxent River defined by the intersection of this boundary line with a straight line connecting a point defined by latitude 38° ig' og.8" and longitude 76° 25' 21.0" ' situated on Drum Point and a point defined by latitude 38° 18' 35.g" and longitude 76° 23' sg. 8" situated on Hog Point;' thence along a straight line ending at a point defined by latitude 38° 18' 35. g" and longitude 76° 23' 59.8" situated on Hog Point on the southern side of the entrance to Patuxent River. Chesafieake Bay waters of St. Marys County. — Commencing at a point defined by latitude 38° 18' 35.9" and longitude 76° 23' 59.8" situated on Hog Point on the southern side of the entrance to Patuxent River; thence along the mean low water line of the Chesapeake Bay shore of St. Marys County across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, around Cedar Point and Point No Point, across the mouth of St. Jerome Creek, and around Point Look-in to a point defined by latitude 38° 02' 11. o" and longitude 76° 19' 20.8" situated on Point Lookout on the northern side of the mouth of Potomac River. Potomac River waters of St. Marys County. — Commencing at a point defined by latitude 38° 02' 1 1 .0" and longitude 76° 19' 20.8" situated on Point Lookout on the northern side of the mouth of Potomac River; thence along the mean low-water line of the Potomac River shore of St. Marys County across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, around Cornfield Harbor and Cornfield Point to a point defined by latitude 38° 04' 53.4" and longitude 76° 22' 24.2" situated on a point on the south side of the entrance to Briscoe Creek; thence in a straight line across the mouth of Briscoe Creek to a point defined by latitude 38° 05' 05.4" and longitude 76° 22' 35.3" situated on a point on the north side of Briscoe Creek; thence along the mean low- water line of the Potomac River shore of St. Marys County across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, to a point defined by latitude 38° 05' 14.6" and longitude 76° 22' 47.8" situated on the southeastern side of the entrance to Harr)- James Creek; thence in a straight line across the mouth of Harry James Creek to a point defined by latitude 38° 05' 27.6" and longitude 76° 23' 16.5" situated on the northwestern side of the entrance to Harry James Creek; thence along the mean low-water line of the Potomac River shore of St. Marys County across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, to a point defined by latitude 38° 05' 37,8" and longitude 76° 23' 33.2" situated on Grays Point on the eastern side of Calvert Bay entrance to Smiths Creek; • For a complete historical and legal description of the boundaries of the counties of Marj-Iand. the valuable publication enti- tled " The Counties of Maryland — Their Origin. Boundaries, and Election Districts," prepared by Dr. Edward B. Mathews and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark, superintendent, should be con- sulted, as the boundaries described in this publication have been established and technically defined for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws of the State, and may or may not be correct for other purposes. - See charts uf Natural Oyster Bars, published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at the end of this publication. ' Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 28 SURVEY OP OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. thence in a straight line across the mouth of Smiths Creek to a point defined by latittide 38° oO' 12.8" and longitude 76° 25' 05.0" situated on Kitts Point on the western side of the entrance to Smiths Creek; thence along the mean low-water line of the Potomac River shore of St. Marys County across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, to a point defined by latitude ,38° 06' 18.0" and longitude 76° 25' 18.4" situated on Kitts Point on the eastern side of the entrance to St. MarjS River; thence in a straight line across the mouth of St. Marys River to a point defined by latitude 38° 06' 18.8" and longitude 76° 27' 53. q" situated on a point on the southeast side of St. Georges Island on the western side of the entrance to St. Marys River; thence along the mean low-water line of the Potomac River shore of St. Marys County across the mouth of Island Creek and other inlets less than 100 yards in width , to a point defined by latitude 38° 08' 04.2" and longitude 76° 29' 58.6" on the southeastern side of the Potomac River entrance to the straits between St. Georges Island and the mainland leading into St. Georges River; thence in a straight line across the straits separating St. Georges Island from the main- land to a point defined by latitude 38° oS' 15.9" and longitude 76° 30' 07.2" situated on the northwestern side of the Potomac River entrance to the straits between St. Georges Island and the mainland lead- ing into St. Georges River; thence along the mean low-water line of the Potomac River shore of St. Marys County around Piney Point and across the mouth of Herring Creek, Blake Creek, Poplar Hill Creek, and other inlets less than 100 yards in width, to a point defined by latitude 38° 13' 58.3" and longitude 76°«ii' 13.3" situated on Higgins Point on the eastern side of the entrance to Bretons and St. Clement bays; thence in a straight line across the Heron Island Sound entrance to Bretons and St. Clement bays to a point defined by latitude 38° 12' 54. 7" and longitude 76° 43' 12.0" situated on the eastern extremity of the sand bar known as Heron Island; thence in a straight line along the center of Heron Island to a point defined by latitude 38° 13' 07.7" and longitude 76° 43' 51.7" situ- ated on the western extremity of the sand bar known as Heron Island ; thence in a straight line across the Heron Island Sound entrance to St. Clement and Bretons bays to a point defined by latitude 38° 12' 30.7" and longitude 76° 44' 34.8" situated on the southeastern end of Blakistone Island; thence along the mean low-water line of the Potomac River shore of Blakistone Island of St. Mar)-s County around Blakistone Island Light and across all inlets less than 100 yards in width to a point defined by latitude 38° 12' 50.8" and longitude 76° 44' 59. o" situated on the northwestern end of Blakistone Island on the southeastern side of Dukehart Channel; thence in a straight line across the Dukehart Channel entrance to St. Clement and Bretons bays to a point defined by latitude 38° 13' 19.8" and longitude 76° 45' 09.9" situated on the mainland on the northwest side of Dukehart Channel; thence along the mean low-water line of the Potomac River shore of St. Marys County across the mouth of Dukehart Creek and other inlets less than 100 yards in width to a point defined by latitude 38° 13' 39. 7" and longitude 76° 46' 39.9" situated on the eastern side of the eastern St. Catherine Sound entrance to Wicomico River. VVicomko River waters of St. Marys County. — Commencing at a point defined by latitude 38° 13' 39.7" and longitude 76° 46' 39. 9" situated on the eastern side of the eastern St. Catherine Sound entrance to Wicomico River; thence in a straight line across the eastern St. Catherine Sound entrance to Wicomico River to a point defined by latitude 38° 13' 42.2" and longitude 76° 47' 17.5" situated on the extreme southeast end of the sand bar making out from the southeast end of St. Catherine Island; thence along a line on the center of the sand bar making out from the southeast end of St. Catherine Island as laid down on Chart No. 26, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland, to a point defined b)' latitude 38° 14' 02.6" and longitude jb" 47' 32.6" situated on the southeastern end of St. Catherine Island; thence along the mean low-water line of the Potomac River shore of St. Catherine Island of St. Marys County across all inlets less than 100 yards in width to a point defined by latitude 38° 14' 28.9" and longitude 76° 48' 10.9" situated on the northwestern end of St. Catherine Island ; thence in a straight line to a point in the mouth of Wicomico River defined by the intersection of the boundary line down the middle of Wicomico River between St. Marys and Charles counties as laid down on " Chart No. 26, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," and a straight line between a point on the northwestern end of St. Catherine Island defined by latitude 38° 14' 28.9" and longitude 76° 48' 10.9" and the center point of Cobb Point Bar Light defined by latitude 38"^ 14' 33.3" and longitude 76° 49' 36.9"; thence following the boundary line between St. Marys County and Charles County along the middle of Wicomico River as laid down on " Chart No. 26, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to the end of the water boundarj' between St. Marys County and Charles County on the northeastern side of the upper Wicomico River as laid down on " Chart No. 26, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland." SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 29 WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO COUNTY. The oyster laws of Maryland provide that a true and accurate delineation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey," which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said Commissioners," and "in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie." For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section of the law and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-culture area to be opened up for leasing with each county surveyed, it is necessary for the Shell Fish Commission to establish a boundary line between the waters contiguous to but not within the terri- torial limits of each county and the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of adjacent counties. This boundary line has been delineated on the " Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and is technically described and defined as follows : Commencing at a point located at the mouth and near the middle of Patuxent River defined by the intersection of Patu.xent River channel boundarj- line between Calvert CountA- and St. Mars's CountA- as laid d3\ni on Chart No. 20, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland, and the straight line between a point situated on Hog Point on the southern side of the entrance to Patuxent River defined by latitude 38° 18' 35.9" and longitude 76° 23' 59.8" ' and a point situated on Drum Point on the northern side of the entrance to Patuxent River defined b)-latitude 38° 19' 09.8" and longitude 76° 25' 21.0"; thence along the Chesapeake Bay boundar>- between Calvert and St. Mar>-s counties as laid down on " Chart No. 20, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point defined by latitude 38° 19' 37.7" and longitude 76° 19' 19.0" situated about 5^ miles southeast of Cove Point Light and s'^" miles east by north of Drum Point Light: thence along the Chesapeake Bay boundary' between St. Mar>-s and Dorchester counties as laid do\vn on " Chart No. 20, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland, "to a point defined by latitude 38° 17' 58.0" and longi- tude 76° 18' 59.7"situated about 2% miles east of Cedar Point Light; thence along the Chesapeake Bay boundary between St. Marys and Dorchester counties as laid down on " Charts Nos. 20, 21, and 22, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland, "to a point defined by latitude 38° 04' 34.8" and longitude 76° 12' oi.o" situated near the middle of Chesapeake Bay near a shoal marked by a red buoy of the U. S. Bureau of Lighthouses, which is about 5S s miles west by north of Holland Island Bar Light and ■]} s miles east by north of Point Lookout Light; thence with the waters of Chesapeake Bay in a straight line between Somerset County and St. Mar\-s County as laid down on " Charts Nos. 22 and 23, Natural Ovster Bars. Maryland," to a point on Smith Point defined by the intersection of the straight line Maryland-A"irginia boundary- across Chesapeake Bay and the mean low-water line of the southern shore of Potomac River; thence in a straight line across the mouth of Potomac River along the line dividing the "waters of the Potomac River under the joint jurisdiction of Mar\'land and \'irginia as to fisheries" from the waters of St. Mar\'s County in Chesapeake Bay. as laid down on " Chart No. 23, Natural Oyster Bars, Mar>-land," to a point defined by latitude 38" 02' ii.o" and longitude 70° 19' 20.8" situated on Point Lookout on the northern side of the mouth of Potomac River. ' ' Latitudes and longitudes based ou the United States standard datum of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. 2 The waters of the Potomac River, although belonging to the State of Maryland, are under the joint jurisdiction of Maryland and Virginia as to fisheries, and for this reason the Maryland Shell Fish Commission did not consider it necessary to define the "waters contiguous to St. Marys County " lying in the Potomac River. LANDMARKS (UNITED vSTATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIAN- GULATION STATIONS). EXPLANATION. The oyster laws of Maryland authorizing the survey to be made by the Shell Fish Commission provide for "an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a descrip- tion of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts." The law of the United States author- izing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the erection of "such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland." Under the provisions of the sections of the laws stated above, the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and future needs of both the Government and the State. With this end in view, considerable work has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. An effort has been made to arrange the descriptions of location and character of landmarks in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assump- tion that the individual seeking a landmark has only an indefinite idea of its location. They gradully proceed from description of the general locality of a landmark to the descriptions of its immediate surroundings. This is followed by specific details of the character of the center and reference marks and a "round" of reference angles and distances which in themselves frequently contain enough information to furnish an independent and reliable location of the triangulation station. METHOD OF DESCRIBING TRIANGUI,.'\TION STATIONS. The separate descriptions of triangulation stations should not be used without rcadinq the following explanation of the method of describing the triangulation stations, as it con- tains certain details that are common to all the landmarks described in this publication and which arc omitted in the separate descriptions as being needless repetitions: Name. — The title at the top of each separate description is the name by which the landmark or triangulation station is known and designated in all work and pub- lished oyster records or oyster charts of both the Government and State. The selec- tion of the name is usually left to the triangulator establishing the station, and it may or may not have geographic or other significance in reference to the locality. General locality. — Under this heading is given the general locality of the landmark in reference to well-known and prominent natural or artificial features, such as the SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 3 1 nearest body of water, town, river, steamer wharf, well-defined point of land, church, or any other feature that is likely to remain both permanent and prominent. This heading also covers a reference to the published chart or map which shows the location of the station most clearly. Nearly all the triangulation stations described in tliis publication are plainly indicated by name and a triangulation symbol on the published charts of oyster bars of Maryland. In this case they are referred to by serial number only, the words "charts of oyster bars of Maryland" being omitted to avoid needless repetition. These published oyster charts are on the large scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3 J inches to a statute mile) and show the location of the trian- gulation stations so clearly that in many cases the written descriptions will not be required to find them. Immediate locality. — Under this heading is given the description of the "observed station" in reference to its immediate surroundings. This is supposed to include a statement of the station's estimated elevation above high water or some other well- defined level of the locality, such as a road or house; the character of the ground on which it is located, such as marsh land, sand beach, cultivated field, or meadow; esti- mated bearings in points of the compass and estimated distances in yards jrom (not to) easily recognized features, such as extreme end of point, edge of bluff, bank of creek, line of telephone poles, shore line, barn, house, fence, ditch, trees, or any other definite detail, such as being on range with the tangent of an island and a church; and so forth. When a standard monument has been established near the station as a "reference station," this heading also covers a statement of the true bearing of the monument in degrees and minutes and its measured distance in meters, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached and might be mistaken for the center mark of the "observed station" unless special attention is called to it. The distinction between the "observed station" and "reference station" should be carefully noted by anyone making use of the description of stations for any future surveying operations. The "observed station" is located at the particular triangulation point covered by the description of stations, and is the one whose geographic position is first computed, as it is the point which was "occupied" and "observed on" for horizontal angles. How- ever, in spite of the primary importance of the location of the "observed station," it will be noted from the description of stations that frequently it is not marked as well as the "reference station," and in many instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case for the reason that the necessity of intervisibility of land- marks usually made it compulsory to locate "observed stations" on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in the tidewater section of Maryland generally means they will be washed away in a short period of years. The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in this region has shown the great need of "reference stations," if the frequent reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation is to be avoided. The chief reason and need for the establishment of the "reference station," or secondary station, as it might be well named, is explained in the preceding paragraph, but in several instances other reasons, such as the location of the "observed station" on an unstable sand dune, in a cultivated field, in front of a residence, or other places 32 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. objectionable to the landowner, have led to establishment of "reference stations." The location of the "reference station" in relation to the "observed station" is fixed for plotting on charts or for computation of its geographic position by checked measure- ments of its distances and azimuth from the "observed station." ' Marks. — Under this heading is given a description of the character of the permanent monuments or other marks of the location of the "observed station," and of the "refer- ence station" where one has been established. All the marks designated in the descriptions as "the center point of triangle on standard cement monument" are exactly alike. These monuments are made of cement, sand, and gravel, and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters "M. S. K. C." arranged around the vertex and the letters "U. S. C. S.' underneath the base of the triangle. The center hole is always in the center of the top of the monument by construction, and if this is found to have been broken off without disturbing the bottom the center of its square section can be used as the location of the station. All the "standard cement monuments," whether used for marking the "obseived station" or "reference station," have been planted upright in exactly the same manner, with their tops projecting t, or 4 inches above the surface of the ground, unless other- wise stated. Therefore, as the above facts in reference to the "standard cement monuments" are a constant element in all cases, the repetition of these facts in the description of stations is made needless by this one statement. References. — Under this heading are given the "rounds" of directions and distances to all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography, hydrog- raphy, or location of boundaries of oyster bars these references will be sufficient in manv cases to relocate the position of an "observed station" or "reference station" when both of them have been destroyed. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described, this, if possible, being a lighthouse, church spire, or other permanent and prominent point. Its direction is taken as being 0° 00' 00", and the directions of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right). The true bearino; - of the initial object is always given in parentheses alongside its name. This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the other reference objects for the purposes of locating a station by horizontal angles or for the relocation of corner buoys of oyster-bar boundaries by the method of compass directions described in this publication under the heading of " Boundaries of oyster bars." The distances in the last column under "References" are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The "miles" are statute miles and may be considered only as rough estimates. The "yards" are more accurate, but must be 1 Geographic coordiuates (latitude, longitude, distance, and azimuth) relating to any of the "observed stations" or of the " reference stations ' ' described in this publication can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington. D. C. * The mean magnetic variation for St. Marys County was 5° 25' west of north in 1910 and increasing at the rate of 4' yearly. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 33 looked on as results generally obtained by pacing or careful estimating. The "meters," however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals and in every case have been measured with a steel tape. In the same manner the accuracy of the directions are indicated by the refinement of angular measure with which they are recorded. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRI.ANGULATION STATIONS. PRINCE. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River about one fourth of a mile north of mouth of Swanson Creek. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in pasture about 20 feet above high water, 15 yards north- west of edge of bank, 75 yards northeast of a grove of trees and 100 yards southwest of another grove of trees. Locust trees form a fringe along edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Leitch" (S. 83° 01' E.) o 00 00 14^ mile. Square chimney on house o 02 %■ mile. Chimney on store at Buena Vista 19 Chimney of Dr. Huggins house at Buena Vista 21 Nearest chimney on Gourley house on Hal- lowing Point 55 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 79 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) no Outside chimney on large house on hill 150 Near end of peak of roof 226 Middle of clump of trees 273 Chimney of house 311 Nail in blaze in crotch of locust tree (6 inches diameter) 350 39 10 19-27 meters. 15 i3<4 miles. 07 i3^ miles. 16 2}4 miles. 38 30 15-94 meters. 13 30 14-55 meters. 45 K m'le- 02 ^^ mile. 00 100 yards. 04 ij^ miles. LEITCH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River on prominent point opposite mouth of Swanson Creek given on chart as Gods Grace Point but known locally as Leitchs Point. (See chart No. ig.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and land about i foot above high water and 3 yards north of straight line connecting two round points. It is about 13 yards northwest of tne lower of these two points and 9 yards east of upper point. A creek 3 feet wide has its mouth about ig yards east by south of the station. There are no permanent objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Prince" (N. 83° 00' W.) o 00 00 ^ mile. Near end of comer peak of roof of large house on hill 25 02 i^ miles. Near end of peak of wharf-house roof 77 46 ^4 mile. Right chimney of house 183 32 yi mile. Right chimney of Gourley house 253 58 2 miles. Canning house stack 277 22 00 2 miles. " Catholic Church Cross " 281 35 30 2 miles. Chimney of small house 308 52 i mile. Right outside chimney of old house 328 43 ij^4 miles. Right outside chimney of old house 343 05 ij-^ miles. 2606 — II 3 34 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. FODDER. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on the .southern side of the mouth of Swanson Creek, about i mile west-southwest of Leitch Wharf and three-fourtfis of a mile west-northwest of Point Judith (loeally known as Teague Point). (See chart No. ig.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the edge of cultivated land about lo feet above' high - water mark, 4 yards west of edge of bank, and 9 yards north of another edge. Cement monument mark- ing reference station is 15.21 meters S 60° 52' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with a top 9 inches square and 8 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with a top about 8 inches square and 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // , " Prince" (N. 25° 00' E.) o 00 Near peak of large house on bluff 17 55 Right comer of house 24 08 Near peak of Leitch Wharf 35 11 Left peak of Leitch house 48 37 Front peak of house at Buena Vista 75 00 Chimney outside left end of house on hill ... . 87 16 Near peak of small house loi ;j^ Large chimney on small house 174 43 Left side of left chimney outside Bowling house 211 47 Repsrence Station 215 52 Left comer of house on top of hill 318 27 BUENA. 00 '2 mile. ....... 2 miles. i3^ miles. 1^-^ miles. ij^ miles. 1J4 miles. 2 miles. ■' ,>i mile. I mile. 3^ mile. 30 15.21 meters. I mile. Reference station is cen- ',' miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River, about 1^4 miles northeast of Benedict, at place known as Buena Vista. (See chart No. :q). Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field on land adjoining house owned by S. V. Smith and occupied by Dr. Huggins. It is about 10 feet above high water, 8 yards east of edge of bank, and 12 yards south of a rail fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 11 meters N. 5° 42' E. of observed station and near fence. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 2 inches above ground, ter point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hallowing" (S. 27° 22' W.) o 00 00 Center of red roof on square house near Benedict 18 05 Canning-house stack 21 "Catholic Church Cross" 29 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 31 Left chimney of old house ■ 66 Left chimney of old 72 Nail in blaze on cherry tree (2 inches diam- eter) 99 05 Peak of roof of large house 99 15 Chimney of house near Leitch Wharf 108 52 Nail in blaze on fence post 143 2Z Reference st.\tion 158 20 Near corner of house 1 59 44 Cherr>- tree on fence line (15 inches diameter). 221 25 Double apple tree (30 inches diameter) 290 54 30 04 48 52 2 miles. ii4 miles. 10 i'^ miles. 40 8.58 meters. 3 miles. ^ miles. 9.70 meters. 4 miles. I mile. 50 ir.i8 meters. 20 1 1. 1 1 meters. 25 yards. 35 yards. 59 yards. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 35 TEAGUE. General locality. — Western shore of Pattixent River, on point on southern side of entrance to Swan- son Creek, locally known as Teague Point, and given on chart as Point Judith. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on gravel and grass land about 3 feet above high water, about II yards from south side, 16 yards from side, and 75 yards west by north of extreme end of point. Bushes stand between station and north side of point. There are no perma- nent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Buena" (N. 85° 24' E.) o Tangent of Teague Point 20 Near corner of right chimney of Gourley house, near Hallowing Point 65 Canning-house stack 106 Near end of peak of hotel 108 Left one of two ivy -covered chimneys no "Catholic Church Cross" 114 Chimney on Slye House 130 Left chimney of house on hill 144 Tangent of high-water mark 168 Near end of peak of roof 223 Chimney on large house on hill 243 Left chimney on house 301 Near end of peak of roof on store at Buena Vista 355 25 57 17 I ' 2 miles. 75 yards. i,?4 miles. i>-4 miles. 1% miles. I mile. 1 mile. 2 miles. 2 miles. 75 yards. I mile. 3 miles. I mile. 59 I ''4 miles. CATHOLIC CHURCH CROSS (BENEDICT). -Western shore of uppc.- Patuxent River, in the town of Benedict. (See chart General locality. No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Catholic Church, located on the main street of the town of Benedict, about one-fourth mile from the wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of cross on church. References. — None necessary. CITY. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River, on Town Point, about one-fourth mile north- northeast of Benedict steamboat wharf. (vSee chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on gravel and shell point, about 4 feet above high water, 12 yards northwest of the shore, 63 yards west-southwest of a shanty, about 100 yards west-southwest of extreme end of point, and 11 yards southeast of a slough. There are no premanent reference objects near station . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hallowing" (S. 51° 21' E.) o 00 00 Windmill near Sheridan Point 21 39 . . Two middle chimneys at Dowells 21 39 Left tangent of peak of wharf-house roof 81 34 Center of roof of square house 84 36 Canning-house stack 95 22- . . Nearest ivy-covered chimney of old house . . . 130 14 . . "Catholic Cnurch Cross" 142 58 50 Left square chimney of house 245 42 Near end of peak of roof of Huggins house .... 2S0 Near comer of shanty 300 Right chimney of Gourley house 339 Chimney of old building behind wharf 352 54 >2 mile. 3K miles. 3'-2 miles. X mile. ■-2 mile. % mile. yi mile. % mile. i;'4 miles. i'.2 miles. 63 yards. ^ mile. ^ mile. 36 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. HALLOWING. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River on point opposite Benedict known locally as Holland Point, but given on charts as Hallowing Point. (See chart No. tg.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a rounded gravel and grass point about 250 yards south of wharf on Holland Point, about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards north of shore, 8 yards east of shore, and 15 yards outside of a group of locust trees, sugar-berry trees, and bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "City" (N. 51° 21' W.) o Left end of peak of roof of wharf house on Holland Point 23 Chimney of store at Buena Vista 77 Nail in blaze in nearest one of group of four sugar-berry trees (each 8 inches diameter) . 92 Nail in blaze in sugar-berry tree (10 inches diameter) 109 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 167 Smokepipe on Trent Hall Wharf building. . . 227 Outside chimney of detached house at Soth- orons 309 Center of roof on square house 314 Canning-house stack ^33 " Catholic Church Cross" 347 00 00 ^^ mile. 15 250 yards. 27 134 miles. meters. 50 15.74 meters. 40 11.90 meters. 2X miles. iK niiles. K mile. yi mile. J4 mile. INDIAN. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on north side of entrance to Indian Creek and about one-fourth mile below Benedict steamboat wharf. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 7 yards west of shore, :6 yards northeast of a fence and a line of trees, 13 yards southwest of a lone locust tree, about 250 yards to the south-southeast of a large square house, and 125 yards east-northeast of another house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sothoron" (S. 23° 11' E.) o 00 00 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree near fence (5 inches diameter) a 48 50 . . . Nail in blaze in middle branch of locust tree (6 inches diameter) 66 24 50 . . . Square chimney on old house 137 23 Right chimney of square house 188 30 Near end of peak of roof of hotel 206 26 Canning-house stack 213 22 10 . . . Right tangent of Benedict Wharf 228 10 Chimney of house near "Buena Vista" 245 58 Chimney of Gourley house 270 28 Windmill at Dowell's on vSheridan Point. . . . 344 48 Left of right chimney on Dowell house 344 48 Nail in blaze in left branch of locust tree (5 inches diameter) 225 28 15-57 meters. 19- 1,^ meters. I>4 miles. yi mile. % mile. 1/ /4 mile. % mile. 2'^ miles. I mile. 4'4' miles. 4/4 miles. 12.90 meters. SURVEY OK OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 37 DWARF. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River about 2 iniles north-northwest of Sheridan Point and about i ' , miles southeast of Benedict, on a point of land opposite the mouth of Indian Creek. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land about i foot above high-water mark, 6 yards northeast from extreme end of point, 4 yards east of one edge of shore and 6 yards north of another edge of shore. Point on which station is located has a sugar-berr^- tree, several small locust trees and water bushes, and a pond behind bushes and trees about 100 yards to the east. Mark.1. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Reference.!. — o / // "Sothoron" (S. 42° 05' W.) o 00 00 }^ mile. Nearest comer of top of nearest chimney on tenant house 80 31 2 miles. Center of roof of square house 83 16 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 93 38 30 4.22 meters. Canning-house stack 95 03 33 i^i miles. " Catholic Church Cross " 99 03 10 ili miles. Left tangent of wharf 124 19 ^ mile. Nail in sugar-berry tree (10 inches diameter). 152 38 30 . . . . : . 8.94 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 196 22 20 2.68 meters. Chimney on small house 258 48 2 miles. Left point of peak of roof of Dowell's 287 30 2^4 miles. Left end of peak of roof of Trent Hall Wharf . 315 35 i' 2 miles. Middle cupola on stable 321 12 20 ij^ miles. Right pillar on Sothoron house porch 359 21 i mile. SOTHORON. General locality. — Western shore of Patuxent River on Long Point between entrances to Indian and Trent Hall creeks. (See chart No. ig.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass lowland about i foot above high-water mark among cedar trees, about 24 yards west by north of extreme end of point, 12 yards north of one edge of shore and 30 yards southwest of another edge of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — 0/1/ " Hallowing" (N. 13° 51' E.) o Nearest chimney on Gourley house 3 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 30 Left end of peak of roof of Dowell house 120 Middle cupola on Trent Hall stable 150 Point of middle attic window on John Bul- linger house 187 Left pillar of porch of Sothoron house 206 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diame- ter) 242 Near comer of nearest chimney on Slye house 291 05 20 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter). 302 29 40 Right one of two outside chimneys on old house on hill on property of A. B. Slye. .. . 307 31 Center of roof on square house 323 39 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) .350 24 lo 55 23 51 1^4 miles. 1 14 miles. 3.35 meters. 2^i miles. i!^ miles. 1 mile. J^ mile. 8.12 meters. 2 miles. 10.83 meters. 2 miles. I mile. 12.81 meters. 38 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BUZZ. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on southwest side of Buzzards Island near mouth of Buzzards Island Creek. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh, clay, and grass land on wooded island about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards northeast of river shore and 40 yards northwest of extreme point of island. Cement monument marking reference station is S.qy meters N. 42° 23' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Morsel" (S. 25° 23' E.) o Smoke pipe on roof of storehouse 39 Near comer of near chimney 40 Chimney of Trent Hall 50 Nearest of three cupolas on stable S4 Left piazza post at Sothorons 102 Center of roof of square house 155 "Catholic Church Cross" 164 Nail in blaze in oak tree (18 inches diameter) . 172 Nail in blaze in oak tree (18 inches diameter) . Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter). 235 08 Reference station 252 45 Nail in blaze in .pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 255 43 Chimney on house across creek 313 23 iq8 36 5° }i mile. 2 miles. 2 miles. 1/4 miles. i'<^ miles. 1% miles. 1^4 miles. 2 miles. 4.55 meters. 40 13.16 meters. 30 g.62 meters. 45 8.97 meters. 6.52 meters. ]4 mile. BILLIARD. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River about one-fourth of a mile southeast of en- trance to Trent Hall Creek. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high-water mark, 6 yards west of shore, 70 yards north of curve in shore and about 100 to 150 yards north to northwest of a fence which runs to water's edge. No permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Trent" (S. 32° 53' E.) o 00 00 ^i mile. Middle cupola on Trent Hall stable 16 36 14 mile. Chimney on Trent Hall 18 41 14 mile. Two trees 31 47 200 yards. Tangent of curve in water line ^;^ 00 71 yards. Chimney of 2'^-storj' house 81 59 2 miles. Right comer of Sothoron house 162 34 ]4 mile. Near comcrof chimney on Slye house 171 09 2 miles. Right tangent of wharf 213 11 2 miles. Middle of three chimneys on Gourley house . . 228 53 2 miles. Chimney on house among trees 293 41 1% miles. Nearest end of peak roof of Dowell house at Dukes Wharf ^ii 4^ iK miles. Right tangent of Sheridan Point 341 34 i}4 miles. Left tangent Trent Hall Wharf 348 49 H mile. Smoke pipe on house at land end of Trent Hall Wharf 356 53 ^8 mile. i I SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 39 MORSEL. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River about i mile north by west of Sheridan Point. (.See chart No. ig.^ Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a vpheat field on a cliff about 60 feet above high water, about 5 yards northeast of edge of bank, no yards north northwest of rail fence at woods, 103 yards west southwest of woods, and 167 yards west northwest of comer of field at creek and woods. Trees grow out of face of cliff below station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sheridan" (S. 5° 27' E.) o 00 00 ^s mile. Near comer of near chimney on brick end of Dowell house 37 12 2 miles. Chimney beyond weeping willow at Trent Hall 62 58 I mile. Nearest chimney on Slye house 128 11 3 miles. "Catholic Church Cross" 148 44 00 23-4 miles. Chimney on house with tin roof ell 172 17 i mile. Oak tree near creek (4 feet diameter) 297 27 167 yards. Large white-oak tree 330 50 no yards. TRENT. (hncral /o™/!7r. -Southwest shore of Patuxent River on White Point about 50 yards west of Trent Hall Wharf. (See chart No. 19. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is i foot above high-water mark on sand and grass land between river and marsh, about 47 yards west of small house on land end of Trent Hall Wharf, about 64 yards northwest of extreme eiid of White Point, 5 yards southwest of high-water mark, about 428 yards north of Trent Hall and 105 yards south by east of mouth of creek. Cement monument marking reference station is 17.18 meters S. 6g° 40' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Sheridan" (S. 57° 31' E.) o 00 00 i^^ miles. Tangent of point 32 17 }4 mile. Large lone tree 50 15 X mile. Right comer of Trent Hall 74 08 428 yards. Right cupola of three on Trent Hall stable. . 99 40 300 yards. Large lone tree 113 51 150 yards. Reference station 127 10 30 17.18 meters. "Catholic Church Cross" 219 22 20 2J4 miles. Right end of peak of roof of Holland Point Wharf 233 05 2>4 miles. Right chimney of smaller of two houses among trees 284 01 2 miles. Right chimney of house 300 35 5J^ miles. Right comer of shanty 300 36 47 yards. COLLINS. General locality. — .Southwest shore of Patuxent River about one-foiu-th of a mile northwest of entrance to Washington Creek on point opposite Sheridan Point. (See chart No. ig. I Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high-water mark, 16 yards west of shore, 20 yards northwest of shore, 21 yards southwest of shore, 300 yards northeast of a tall lone tree, and 300 yards southeast of house known as Trent Hall. 40 SURVEY OF OVSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / // "Sheridan" (S. 80° 59' E.) o 00 00 J^ mile. Left end of peak of roof of De La Brooke Pier. 52 12 2)/^ vo!i\s.s. Right side of right chimney of large painted brick house 60 23 2% miles. Near comer of Thomas house (Cremona) 73 22 i mile. Smoke pipe in chimney on store 98 28 ^- mile. Large lone tree 129 07 300 yards. Small lone tree 175 10 130 yards. Near comer of Trent Hall Wharf house 244 37 ...'..... ^ mile. Chimney on end of roof of house among trees. 287 41 2^4 miles. Left corner of left chimney of Dowell house. . 354 11 i mile. SHERIDAN. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on Sheridan Point. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass point near edge of the grass, about 2 feet above high-water mark, 6 yards east of extreme edge of grass on point, 8 yards north of grass edge and 7 yards south of grass edge. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.13 meters N. 49° 56' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 6 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Kitt" (S. 66° 05' E.) o 00 00 1}^ miles. Right tangent of brick house 10 41 6 miles. Left end of peak of roof of De La Brooke Pier. 56 13 t% miles. Left comer of left chimney of Thomas house (Cremona) 102 38 1% miles. Smoke pipe on several gable house 124 25 ij^ miles. Right tangent of Trent Hall Wharf 192 00 i mile. Catholic Church at Benedict 216 56 3^2 miles. Reference station 296 01 00 14.13 meters. Near chimney of Dowell house 325 23 ^ mile. CREMONA. General locality. — Southwest .shore of Patuxent River aljout halfwaj' Ijetwcen Cremona and Persimmon creeks. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in orchard on farm known as Cremona, about 6 feet above high-water mark, 10 yards south of edge of river bank, 7 yards south of rail fence which runs west and east to door\'ard fence, 36 yards east of rail fence of cornfield, 75 yards north of rail fence at cornfield, and 53 yards west of picket fence. Several mountain dwarf cherrv' trees stand between fence and river- bank edge. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Kitt" (N. 84° 13' E.) o 00 00 2 miles. Near end of peak of roof of Young Hance house 16 26 3 miles. Nailin blaze inappletree(24inchesdiameter). 37 38 20 24.55 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (16 inches diam- eter) 62 43 30 13-1^ meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (15 inches diam- eter) 100 3^ 30 16. 1 1 meters. Comer of field 181 55 87 yards. Comer of field . . '. ; 233 32 38 yards. i SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 41 KITT. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on Kitts Marsh Point, which is about half- way between Battle Creek and Sheridan Point. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the point of a long marsh neck, about 15 yards north- east of extreme end of point, 13 yards north of edge of marsh, and 13 yards east of edge of marsh. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.84 meters N. 10° 23' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub flush with surface of marsh. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Battle" (S. 39° 02' E.) o Right tangent of Long Marsh 7 Near end of peak of roof of De La Brooke Pier. 73 Near comer of near chimney of Thomas house. 83 Large house 167 Square chimney of large house 185 Reference station .' 229 Left chimney of house 243 Hance house 299 Right chimney of house among trees on hill . 327 Left chimney of house 336 53 .... i>^ miles.. .... 2 miles. 52 iX miles. 31 if^ miles. 38 I mile. X mile. 40 15.84 meters. 2X miles. 2 miles. 4 miles. 4 miles. OPPKIT. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River on Marsh Point. (See chart No. ig.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass ridge between sand beach and marsh, about I foot above high water, 3 yards southwest of high-water mark, 60 yards west-northwest of one point of the beach, 64 yards south of another point of the beach, and 85 yards north-northwest of an oyster watch house on piles. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Kitt" (N. 56° 31' E.) o Near end of peak of roof of Williams Wharf house 36 Left corner of watch house 87 Left point of peak of roof of De La Brooke Pier 94 Right corner of right chimney of brick house. . 1 26 Chinmey on house near trees 232 Highest chimney on Cremona House 254 Point of roof of Dukes Wharf 310 Chimney on house with ell 330 Large square brick chimney on house with ell. 334 Nearest chimney of pair on end of house 353 09 \% miles. 2% miles. 85 yards. I mile. '2 mile. Y^ mile. ?'8 mile. 1J2 miles. \)/i miles. i>2 miles. 15^ miles. 42 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BATTLE. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on west side of entrance to Battle Creek on Prison Point. (See chart No. ig.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land between marsh and river, about i foot above high water, 85 )'ards south of a field, 6 yards northeast of shore, 20 yards southwest of edge of a pool, 100 yards southwest by west of a lone tree, 200 yards west of a small house among trees, and 100 yards west to northwest of several dwarf trees between house and beach. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / // "Forr" (S. 3° 17' E.) o 00 00 2X ™iles. Chimney on middle of roof of house i 52 2% vaJX&s,. Left corner of left chimney of very large house 8 36 2^4 miles. Right chimney of large 2|2-story brick house . 82 00 iK miles. Tangent to Sheridan Point 129 20 2>2 miles. Right end of peak of roof of 2 '-i-storj' house . . 139 50 2 '4 miles. Chimney of 2'-2-story house on hill 155 19' 2 miles. Lone tree 254 41 80 yards. Outside chimney of house on hill 264 11 3 miles. House among trees 282 15 100 yards. Tangent of Long Marsh 341 45 i j'2 miles. Left chimney of 2>^-story house 348 38 3 miles. Chimney of 2} 2 -story house 352 57 2 miles. Right tangent of Forrest Wharf 357 59 1^2' miles. PHOTO. General locality. — Northcsist side of Patuxent River on cast side of entrance to Jacks Bay. (See chart No. ig.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field, about 150 yards north-northeast of a marshy point, 10 feet above high-water mark, 49 yards east of shore, no yards north-northwest of shore, and 68 yards northeast of right end of clump of trees at edge of field and beginning of marsh. point. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 2 inches above svtrface of ground. Subsurface mark is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 12 inches below surface. References. — o / // "Slim" (S. 52° 03' E.) o Chimney on old house 51 Cedar trees 60 Left comer of house 73 Smoke pipe on house behind trees 78 08 Left tangent of Forrest Wharf 81 00 Tree 90 10 Watch house on point 118 52 Right chimney on 2X-story brick house 150 37 locust tree (20 inches diameter) 241 23 Left chimney of house 222 45 Willow tree 331 27 03 ij .s miles. 2 miles. 85 yards. 2 miles. 2 miles. 2^4 miles. 70 yards. >2 mile. 5 miles 135 yards. ' .1 mile. 140 yards. FIGHT. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River opposite mouth of Battle Creek on a prominent low point. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on land known as Horsehead Marsh, about i foot above ordinary high-water mark, 12 yards south-southwest of extreme end of point, 15 yards west-northwest of shore at small creek, 40 yards northeast of woods, and no yards east-southeast of a bluff 5° f^^t high. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 43 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Battle" (N. 50° 45' E.) o 00 00 i}--^ miles. Outside chimney in center of group of build- ings 13 30 2^4 miles. Left chimney of house on top of hill 23 44 3^ miles. Left tangent of Forrest Wharf 82 06 10 2 miles. Near end of peak of roof of 2 ' ,'-story building . 83 47 1^ miles. Large square chimney on large building gi 19 i mile. Left comer of left chimney of large house. . . . 262 40 i mile. Dowells windmill 300 28 2X miles. Left chimney on small house adjoining large house 321 41 2 '4 miles. Chimney of small house 325 38 2 miles. vSLIM. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River about half way between Battle and Island creeks and one-half mile west-northwest of Parkers Wharf. (See chart No. ig. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field on a sand bluff, about 40 feet above high water, 13 yards northeast of edge of bluff, go yards southeast of a point of woods at top of a ravine, about 180 yards southwest of another point of woods, 150 yards west-northwest of a rail fence, and 71 yards north- west by west of a large sycamore tree. Marks. — Observed station is nail in round chestnut stub with top about 6 inches above the surface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 10 inches below the surface of the ground. » References. — o / // "Island" (S. sg° 31' E.) o 00 00 2^2 miles. Cedar in field 2 38 50 200 yards. Large sycamore tree 2g 20 71 yards. Near end of peak of roof of Jones Wharf house 53 27 2>2 miles. Chimney on middle of roof of a long house . . log 34 1J4 miles. Outside chimney of house near Forrest Wharf 125 26 2 miles. Nearest chimney on Thomas large brick house 166 lb 4 miles. Tangent of Long Point marsh 171 24 lyi miles. Left tree on point 191 06 go yards. Two high trees close together near right edge of point of woods 284 "27 i8g yards. Large walnut tree 298 20 ^4 mile. Near end of peak of roof of bam 304 23 yi mile'. FORR. General locality. — .Southwest shore of Patuxent River just below Forrest Wharf. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high-water mark on sand and grass land, 7 yards south from extreme high-water mark, 45 yards southeast of land end of Forrest Wharf. 70 yards east by south of an old 2 '2-story building, and 65 yards northeast of a saloon. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. 44 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. References. — ° ' "Cole" (S. 50° 07' E.) o 00 Near corner of house on hillside g 59 Near comer of saloon loi 52 Outside chimney on house on hill 115 22 Curve in road up hill 131 25 West comer of old 2'2-story building 139 52 Land end of wharf 169 15 Windmill 182 59 Left corner of left chimney brick house 183 05 Right tangent of Dukes Wharf 187 07 Near end of peak of roof of Forrest Wharf house 257 17 Chimney of house 272 35 Right tangent of roof 304 23 Tangent of trees 347 46 SWEEP. lYi miles. 180 yards. 65 yards. >8 mile. 200 yards. 70 yards. 45 yards. 2^^ miles. 3 miles. 4J4 miles. yi mile. 1 or 4 miles. 2/2 miles. 3 miles. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on northwest side of mouth of Island Creek near inner end of neck of land joining Broome Island to the mainland. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about 4 feet above high water, 4 feet northwest of a wire fence, 24 yards south by west of a stable, 60 yards south-southwest of a house, and 100 yards south-southeast of a pine grove. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.70 meters N. 59° 39' E. of station and near fence line. ^larks. — Observed station is the center of an oblong wooden box 4 inches square with top 4 inches above the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on a standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Bars" (S. 15° 10' E.) o Right chimney of house 14 Peak of roof of Gadden house 25 Tangent of Broome Island Point 43 Chimney on house on hill 51 Gilt ball on lightning rod 62 Chimney on house 96 Cut in woods 135 Chimney of house 18O Tile smoke pipe on house 203 Near corner of house 230 Near corner of bam .237 Reference station . . 254 Right chirnney of four on house 279 Top of tower of house 301 ?,$ 00 2 miles. 3 miles. 20 iJ s miles. ',2' mile. 3 miles. 3-i mile. J4 mile. ijs miles. 150 yards. 140 yards. 60 yards. 24 yards. 20 21.70 meters. '4 mile. 2'2 miles. I.SLAND. General locality. — Nortlicast shore of Patuxent River on the extreme southeast point of land about one-half mile to the cast of the mouth of Island Creek. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marshy point at about extreme high-water mark, 30 yards north of extreme end of point, 25 yards east of one side of point, and 20 yards west of another side of point. Old tile pipe used as a reference station is 16.98 meters N. 12° 39' E. and cement monu- ment marking new reference station is 30.93 meters N. 2° 40' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with marsh. Old reference station is center of 4-inch tile pipe set in cement with top projecting about 10 inches above ground. New reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 45 References. — o / "Wheat" (vS. 53° 15' E.) o 00 Left end of peak of roof of Sotterly Wharf house 46 07 Pinnacle of large house in trees 60 49 Left chimney of large house back on hill .... 67 54 Chimney on middle of large 2>'2-story house. . 109 59 Middle of railing on top of roof of 2l2-stor}' house 120 00 Chimney of Broome house 143 41 Weather vane on Broome house 148 ^7, Right chimney of house 178 21 Right chimney of house 193 27 Reference station (cement monument) . . . 235 55 Reference station (tile pipe) 245 54 Smoke pipe of watchhouse 333 29 Tower of Peterson house 356 08 PEAK. 00 30-93 20 ...... 16. 98 miles, miles, miles, miles. miles. mile. mile. miles. miles. meters. meters. mile. miles. ♦ General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River, about in middle of inner shore of a large bay between St. Leonard and Island creeks. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Parran house, located near shore at extreme end of a road leading to Wallville. Marks. — Observed station is l)all on li]) of tower. References. — None necessarj'. COLE. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River, about one-fourth mile northwest of Cole Creek. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 35 feet above high-water mark on a grass peninsula, 3 yards south-southwest of edge of a bluff which is washing rapidly, 8 yards west of extreme edge of bluff, where it turns inland and is not washing, but slopes gradually to the water, 8 yards north of another edge of the bluff, 10 yards northwest of trees on slope of bank, and 20 yards west of a cherry tree 2 feet in diameter. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.53 meters S. 83° 10' W. of observed station and nearly on line with large cherry tree. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hutchins" (S. 67° 12' E.) o 00 00 2 miles. Left end of peak of roof on Jones Wharf house 6 25 iX miles. Nail in blaze on limb of oak tree (4 inches diameter) 22 05 10.80 meters. Screw in blaze in crotch of oak tree ( 1 5 inches diameter at base) 38 18 Nail in blaze of cedar tree (6 inches diameter). 63 40 40 Nail in blaze on cherry tree (24 inches di- ameter) 147 Reference station 150 Right chimney of house 179 Right end of peak of roof of Forrest Wharf house 202 21 ' i^mile. Right end of house 251 05 3 miles. Left end of peak of house 280 23 3 miles. Gilt ball on Broome house 321 30 30 2 miles. Right tangent of Broome Island 334 17 i}^ miles. 12.67 meters. 8.43 meters. II 18.65 meters. 22 00 13-53 meters. II j-i mile. 46 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 148 06 55 HUTCHINS. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River opposite Broome Island on Captain Point, about one-fourth mile northwest of mouth of Cole Creek. (See chart No. ig.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in garden on point of a bluff 50 ftet high on Hutchins estate near house occupied by Mr. Gadden, about 6 yards south by east of extreme point of bluff, 2 yards southwest of edge of bluff. 4 yards southeast of edge of bluff, 30 yards north by west from house, 30 yards west of a wire fence running north and south, and 15 yards east of another north-and-south wire fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.57 meters S. 59° 39' W. of observed station. Marks. — Obser^'ed station is nail in a stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Bars" (S. 68° 07' E.) o Left comer of extension of Gadden house. ... 58 Right front comer of Gadden house 84 Near corner of well house 102 Near comer of shed 119 Reperence station 127 Nail in blaze in apple tree (22 inches diame- ter) Right tangent of Parkers Wharf 228 Gilt ball on Broome house on Broome Island. 249 Near end of peak of house 263 Tip of tower on Peterson house 332 WHEAT. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on westerly side of mouth of St. Leonard Creek. (See charts Nos. ig and 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff about 40 feet above high water, about 5 yards west of edge of bank, 7 yards south of another edge, and three-eighths mile west of Peterson house. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.80 meters N. 61° 55' E. of observed station and on line to Peterson house. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe set in cement with top projecting about 4 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 6 inches below the surface. References. — ° "Stump" (S. 36° 23' E.) o Left chimney of Judge Crane house 10 Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house . . 15 Left end of roof of St. Cuthbert Wharf 24 Chimney on roof of house 60 Chimney on store at Sotterly 93 Left end of barn roof 193 Reference station 278 Center chimney of Peterson house 281 22 Chimney of house 298 03 Chimney on house on Breeden estate 340 04 J's mile. 30.90 meters. 28.57 taeters. 30.44 meters. 45 yards. 7.57 meters. 9.35 meters. 2 '/2 miles. i>^ miles. 4 miles. 2 '-2' miles. 00 2>-4 miles. 45-4 miles. 4'.4 miles. 2J4 miles. 1^ miles. i^'2 miles. 2 miles. 30 12.80 meters. J4' mile. }4 mile. 2 miles. MACKALL. General locality. — Northwest shore of Patirxent River on west side of entrance to St. Leonard Creek on first point inside of Peterson Point. (See charts Nos. 19 and 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 50 feet above high water, 9 feet northwest of edge of bluff, 7 yards northeast of bushes, and 3 yards southwest of other bushes. Cement monument marking reference station is 3.80 meters N. 35° 08' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is the center of an oblong wooden box 4 inches square with top 3 inches above thfe ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monumeiit. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 47 08 00 i}i miles. 10 i}{ miles. ^ 8 mile . X mile. 50 3.80 meters. ;'8 mile. 'i' mile. I mile. 2 miles. J^ mile. >2 mile. 2'-^ miles. References. — ° "Stock" (S. 34°38' W.) o Peak of front gable of Bond house o Chimney on negro house 54 Chimney on Peterson house 66 Reference station no Chimney on negro house 135 Chimney on ell of house on hill 153 Chimney on small house back of Sollers Wharf 229 Nearest outside chimney on i! 2-story house. . 236 Large chimney on Sollers house 237 Large chimney on Taylor house 285 Front peak of Briscoe house 334 SOLLERS. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on east side of entrance to St. Leonard Creek. (See charts Nos. ig and 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 50 feet above high water, 6 feet east of edge of bank, 20 yards north-northeast of a clump of trees, 14 yards and 8 yards sou th-sovith west of other trees, and 75 yards north-northwest of a rail fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.68 meters S. 44° 00' E. of observed station with top buried 12 inches below surface. Marks. — Observed station is the center of an oblong wooden box 5 inches stjuare with top 3 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement montinunt with top 12 inches below surface. References. — o / // "Stock" (S. 44° 24' W.) o Middle of front gable of Bond house o Chimney of store at Sotterly Wharf 26 Near corner of outside chimney on house .... 27 Chimney on top of Gadden house 46 Near corner of top chimney on Peterson house 78 Right end of peak of roof of Mackall house. . . 150 Reference station 271 Near corner of large chimney on Taylor house 372 Top of front gable on Briscoe house 331 36 i^^. miles. BARS. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River on Sotterly Point about one-fourth mile north- west of Sotterly Wharf. (See chart No. 19.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff about 30 feet above high water, 5 yards south of edge of bank at rail fence, and 2 yards east of this same fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.53 meters S. 9° 54' W. of observed station and near fence line. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 3-inch tile pipe set in cement. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Wheat" (N. 72° 06' E.) o Chimney on middle of 2 '^-story house 17 Windmill 23 Chimney of house 41 Reference station 117 Smoke pipe on right end of house 157 Tangent of point of land 250 Peterson house chimney 359 00 00 i' 8 miles. 34 1^4 miles. 58 2ji miles. 18 2^2 miles. 14 2J-8 miles. 35 J2 mile. }.^ mile. 30 13-68 meters. J s mile. 00 I '2 miles. 6 miles. 3 miles. 4 miles. 00 14-53 meters- .'4 mile. iK miles. iji' miles. 48 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. oo iX miles. 28 30 3.58 meters. 51 % mile. 51 6.68 meters. 61 1^2 miles. 57 lYi miles. 19 2^4 miles. 07 2% miles. 47 iM miles. LEND. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River on a narrow strip of land or peninsula in mouth of Mears Creek about one-half mile southeast of St. Leonard Creek. (See charts Nos. ig and 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in the midst of many cherry, oak, and locust trees about 15 feet above high-water mark, 15 yards east-northeast of high ground, 5 yards west of edge and 17 yards north of extreme point of top of peninsula. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Wheat" (N. 50° 51' W.) Nail in blaze in cherry tree (4 inches diam- eter) 118 Right chimney of house across creek 139 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter). . 229 Outside chimney on left end of Briscoe house . 265 Near peak of Bond house 297 Chimney on storehouse at Sotterly 318 Near end of peak of roof of Sotterly Wharf house 319 Chimney on Gadden house 330 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (6 inches diam- eter) 345 24 3.64 meters. STOCK. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River aliout i mile southeast of Sotterly Point. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff, about 20 feet above high water, 3 yards south- west of edge of bluflf, about 50 yards east by north of front door of the house of Mr. Bond, 30 yards west-northwest of extreme end of point of bluff, 35 yards northeast of detached house, and about 43 yards east by south of yard fence at edge of bluff. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Lend" (N. 66° 48' E.) o Right chimney of house on Dickson place i Right chimney of old i ,V2-story house 19 Tangent of bluff 58 Chimney on house on point 59 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 99 48 30 Nearest comer of outhouse, corner farthest from house 161 29 30 Left comer of house 180 31 30 Nail in blaze in cherry tree i foot above ground (4 feet diameter) 183 Right corner of house 205 Locust tree (4 inches diameter) 210 End of yard fence 230 Tree near edge of bank (no nail or blaze) .... 237 35 03 1 5 R miles. 1^4 miles. 2 miles. I mile. I mile. 2.18 meters. 34.30 meters. 31.13 meters. 30 20.58 meters. 40 45'79 meters. 40 8.83 meters. 43 yards. 20 34-27 meters. STUMP. General locality. — Northeast shore of Patuxent River about one-half mile northwest of Hellen Creek. (See chart No. 20.) I SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 49 Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bank about 20 feet above high water, 10 yards north- northeast of edge of bank at extreme end of point, about 20 yards southeast of edge of bank, and about 150 yards northwest of a clump of cedar and locust trees at edge of bank. Cement monument marking first reference station is 11.29 rneters N. 61° 51' E. of observed station with top 10 inches below surface of field. Cement monument marking second reference station is 2.62 meters N. 60° 42' E. of observed station about on line with first reference station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe set in cement with top flush with ground. First reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 10 inches below the surface of ground. Second reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° / // " Wheat " (N. 36° 23' W.) o 00 00 zj-s miles. Chimney in center of house 15 09 %■ mile. Second reference station 97 43 35 2.62 meters. First reference station 98 52 Apple tree 152 00 Left chimney of house 180 19 J^ mile. Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house.. 209 27 2^ miles. Left chimney of house 269 21 iX miles. Nail in blaze in stump (30 inches diameter).. 250 49 5.01 meters. Nail in blaze in tree (8 inches diameter) 352 30 17.52 meters. 30 11.29 meters. 200 yards. BRISCOE. General locality. — Southeast shore of Patuxent River about one-foxu-th mile northwest of St. Cuthbert Wharf. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field, about 20 feet above high water, 80 yards southwest of trees on bank, 50 yards southeast of a creek bed, 46 yards northwest of a clump of trees, 105 yards east of a corner of fence on road, and about 300 yards northeast of another fence with woods back of it. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.52 meters N. 79° 35' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a stub with top flush with ground and a subsurface mark of a standard cement monument with top buried 11 inches below the surface. Reference station is center of triangle on standard cement monument with top 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — .° ' /' " Hellen " (S. 71° 37' E.) o 00 Near comer of house 45 11 Left end of peak of roof of barn 57 18 Large two-forked tree 129 17 Corner of rail fence and tree 136 34 Reference station 172 01 Large cherry tree other side of creek 195 00 Left chimney of house on opposite side with three dormer windows 304 54 xyi miles. Cedar tree 308 59 80 yards. 00 1^4. miles. % mile. ^ mile. 130 yards. 105 yards. 40 12.52 meters. 68 yards. HELLEN. General locality. — Nortlieast shore of Patuxent River on east sid^ of mouth of Hellen Creek. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at high-water mark on edge of grass and bushes, about 16 yards west-southwest of a bluff 15 feet high, and about 40 yards north-northwest of bluff at edge of water. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.45 meters N. 75° 14' E. of observed station. 2606 — II 4 50 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. oo 00 .... yi mile. 54 3< mile. OI 40 .... 14.74 meters. 56 20 .... 12.45 meters. 54 00 lyi miles. 1.J2 miles. 14 3 miles. miles. 01 i^ miles 18 58 00 18.44 meters. 3 miles. Marks. — Observed station was the center of a tile pipe with a subsurface mark of a green yeast- powder bottle, but at date of publication these marks are reported to have been washed away. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Stump" (_N. 25° 42' W.) o Left chimney of Barrett house 8 Nail in blaze in tree 100 Reference station 100 Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house . . 209 Mouth of Cuckold Creek 261 Chimney of Peterson house 355 NAT. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River about one-half mile above mouth of Cuckold Creek. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of a cultivated field on a bluff of sand and gravel about 20 feet above high water, 4 feet east of edge of bluff, and 150 yards north of a rail fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 18.44 meters S. 2g° 47' W. of observed station with top 8 inches below surface of ground. Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch tile pipe embedded in cement. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Hellen" (N. 69° 29' E.).- Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house on Point Pa tience 68 Reference station 140 Large chimney on house 281 Right chimney of house with two gable roofs 309 TON. General locality. — Eastern shore of Patuxent River about i mile northeast of Point Patience. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff about 15 feet above high water, 10 yards east from edge of bluff, 50 yards south-southwest of edge of a gully and a clump of trees, and about 220 yards west-northwest of a cherry tree 3', feet in diameter. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.64 meters S. 62° 29' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a spike set in cement. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried below surface 10 inches. References. — o / // "Mill " (N. 65° 00 W.) o 00 00 iX miles. Chimney on far end of Wallace house 53 28 ij^ miles. Chimney on middle of roof on McCorry store 60 09 2 miles. Near end of peak of St. Cuthbert Wharf house 62 10 2 miles. Near end of peak of roof of Parran oyster watch hjuse 83 Chimney on Peterson house 85 Cemented chimney on near end of George old house 94 59 Left chimney of Costen house 117 59 Nail in blaze in tree 137 35 Reference station 232 31 Left chimney of Marburger house 329 11 2 miles. 03 ^]4 miles. 39 3K miles. I mile. l/i mile. 20 47 60 meters. 00 13.64 meters. li mile. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 51 00 iX miles. MILL. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River about one-half mile southeast of mouth of Cuckold Creek and one-half mile northwest of Point Patience. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand bluff about 20 feet above high water, 7 yards southwest of the edge of the bluff, 40 yards southeast of a fence and a line of cedar trees, and about 100 yards northwest of another fence at bottom of hill. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.76 meters S. 28° 14' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of 3-inch tile pipe embedded in cement. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Ton" (N. 64° 59' E.) o Nearest chimney of Marburger house on Point Patience 39 "Catholic Church Cross" 43 " Methodist Episcopal Church Spire " 49 Middle of portico of Judge Crane house 82 Windmill near Dent house 136 Reference station 143 Chimney on house among farm buildings. . . . 293 Left chimney on house with piazza 304 End of peak of roof of 2X-story house 323 Nearest chirnney of cottage 338 Left chimney of house 340 30 X rriile. 2 miles. 2 miles. I mile. yi mile. 40 13-76 meters. 40 4X miles. 02 2j^ miles. 31 iX miles. 17 2 miles. 2 miles. BUR. General locality. — East shore of Patuxent River, on northwest side of Point Patience, about one- fourth mile northeast of its extreme end. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land, about i foot above high water, 12 yards southeast of high- water mark on one side of point, 36 yards northwest of high-water mark on other side of point, and about 300 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.15 meters N. 85° 20' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a 3-inch tile pipe set in cement with top about i inch above the surface of the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Ton" (N. 37° 56' E.) o 00 Left chimney of Marburger house 16 08 Reference station 47 24 "Methodist Episcopal Church Spire" 75 32 Middle gable of Judge Crane house 139. 09 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diam- eter) 162 40 Square chimney on Dent house 228 Chimney on house 268 Left chimney of house 346 Right chimney of house 358 00 I mile. X mile. 30 1215 meters. 10 lyi miles. 14 mile. 40 10 25 -94 meters. 30 X mile. 52 ifi miles. 39 1% miles. 31 z}4 miles. NEW. General locality. — Northeast side of Patuxent River, about three-fourths mile east of Point Patience and about \% miles northwest of Sandy Point. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 20 feet above high-water mark in the middle of a cultivated field on Strathmore farm, about 230 yards northeast of shore of Patuxent River, about 82 yards southeast of a creek, about 162 yards northwest of a small creek or ditch, 230 yards northeast of a large oak tree, and 250 yards north of another large oak tree. 52 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top ii Inches below the surface of the ground. References. — ° " Ben" (S. 2° lo' E.) o Chimney on flat-roof house 6 Chimney on main part of a house on Town Creek 27 Oak tree about 18 inches diameter on edge of field 43 Right tangent of Spencers Wharf 56 Corner of &e\d 67 Exposed chimney on left of house 67 Left chimney on house 88 Comer of field 206 Corner of field 258 Silver-tipped tower on Philip Vale house. . . . 307 Oak at edge of field . 343 2 miles. 154^ miles. I '4 miles. 227 yards. I mile. 310 yards. i>2 miles. i^ miles. 240 yards. 300 yards. T, mile. 300 yards. CATHOLIC CHURCH CROSS. General locality. — Southeast side of Patuxent River, about halfway to Back Creek and three-fourths mile northwest of Solomons Wharf. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Catholic Church, known as St. -Marys Star of the Sea, located in .small village of Johnstown, on mainland near Solomons Island, and about 250 yards north of causeway to Solomons Island. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross on bell cupola. References. — None necessary. CABLE. General locality. — Southwest shore of Patuxent River, on east side of entrance to Kings Creek, and about three-fourths mile west of Town Point. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on pasture land near the end of high land at the beginning ot a long, low peninsula which almost closes the mouth of Kings Creek, about 30 feet above high-water mark, about 20 yards south of edge of bank on river side, about 15 yards east northeast of edge of bank on creek side, 38 yards southeast of extreme edge of top of bank, and 30 yards west of a persimmon tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried with top 10 inches below the surface of ground. References. — o / // "Bur" (N. 35° 17' E.) o Left chimney of Marburger house near Point Patience 3 "Catholic Church Cross" 43 "Methodist Episcopal Church Spire" 52 Left chimney of Judge Crane house 55 Nail in blaze of tree (18 inches diameter) .... 179 Nail in blaze in red cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 236 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree 283 Right chimney on Fenner Lee house 284 Left chinmey of house 302 TOWN. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Patuxent River, on Town Point, about three-fourths mile southeast of Point Patience. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 20 feet above high-water mark, 9 yards west of edge of bluff, 3 yards south of edge of bluff, 10 yards southeast of extreme edge of high land, 3 yards south of a rail fence, and 2 yards north of cultivated land. 00 54 mile. ^ mile. i^ miles. ij^ miles. '/2 mile. 20 19.24 meters. 25 16.80 meters. 52 10 26.22 meters. 14 fs mile. 24 ;-^ mile. Survey of oyster bars, st. marys county, md. 53 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Back" o CO CO . . . "Catholic Church Cross" 8 58 20 . . . "Methodist Church spire" 25 41 20 . . . Cupola on Files store 29 ii Nearest chimney on Webster house 43 06 Right end of roof of 2,' 2-story building at Pearsons 67 56 Near corner of tower on Hodgdon house 93 01 Chimney on old house 108 18 Chimney on house 142 53 Left chimney on Lee house 227 04 Marburger house 281 00 ,!-^ mile. I mile. ^ mile. J^ mile. iX miles. 3 miles. 2^i miles, i.^s miles. I mile. i>2 miles. Ji mile. CRANE. General locality. — SouUiwest side of Patuxent River, on northeast side of Town Creek, about one- fourth mile southwest of Town Point. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field on Judge Crane farm, about 8 feet above high-water mark, 58 yards east-northeast of Town Creek, 105 yards west of a fence, 115 yards west- northwest of a large cherry tree, 200 yards southeast of several detached buildings, and 20 yards east of top of ravine. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 10 inches below ground . References. — o / // "New" (N. 36° 51' E.) o 00 00 I mile. " Catholic Church Cross' ' 20 25 i}i miles. Stack on ice plant 37 25 iX miles. Methodist Episcopal Church tower 42 15 i}4 miles. Cherry tree (4 feet diameter) 71 26 115 yards. Canning-house stack 157 27 % mile. House on point 185 20 X mile. Chimney on house 244 30 J^ mile. Lightning rod on cupola of Judge Crane barn. 277 01 30 y^ m.i\e. Right tangent to St. Cuthbert wharf 300 oS _ 2 J^ miles. Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house . . 320 49 ]/i mile. Middle of gateway 355 23 yi mile. Oak tree on opposite shore of Patuxent R-iver . 359 16 50 i mile. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH (SOLOMONS). General locality. — Northeastern shore of Patuxent River, on upper end of Solomons Island, about one-half mile northwest of Sandy Point. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Methodist Church at upper e:nd of Solomons Island near beginning of causeway to mainland. Marks. — Observed station is tip of pyramidal tower on Methodist Church. References. — None necessary. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS FLAGSTAFF (SOLOMONS). General locality. — Northeastern side of Patuxent River, on Solomons Island, in the town of Solo- mons. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on flagstaff in front of Knights of Pythias Building. Marks. — Observed station is center of flagstaff at about the same height as roof of the Knights of Pythias hall. References. — None necessary. 54 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, Mt). SAND. General locality. — Northeastern side of Patuxent River on Sandy Point on extreme southern point of Solomons Island. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on pasture land about 5 feet above high water, 30 yards north of extreme point of planking protecting the shore from washing, 15 yards northeast of the extreme edge of sand and grass line, and about 13 yards east of top of bank. Cement monument marking refer- ence station is 13.64 meters N. 2° 19' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in southwest side of a 6-inch pile driven into ground with top 6 inches above the surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Drum Point Light" (N. 83° 57' E.) o Right tangent of woods on Hog Point 14 Left end of peak of roof on 2 ',2-story building at Pearsons 51 Chimney on storehouse at Millstone 74 Near point of gable of Hodgdon large house with square tower 93 Near end of peak of roof of Marburger house. . 225 Warren house opposite Johnson store 261 Reference st.\tion 278 " Knights of Pythias flagstaff" 291 Right chimney of Dr. Marsh house 320 " Bareda House Cupola" 347 36 54 2 miles. 3 miles. 2 miles. iX miles. iX miles. iX miles. X mile. 10 13.64 meters. X niile. yi mile. 30 iJ/2 miles. FISHSTACK. General locality. — Northeastern side of Patuxent River on northeastern side of entrance to Mill and Back creeks. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on mainland on fish fertilizer factory located on opposite side of creek from Solomons Island. Marks. — Observed station is center of smokestack on fish factory. References. — None necessary. BON. General locality. — North shore of Patuxent River about i^{ miles west-northwest of Drum Point Light and about ■< mile east-northeast of Solomons Island. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land, about 5 feet above high water, about 7 yards north of shore, about 90 yards southeast of a iJi-storj' house on land 10 feet higher than station, and about 75 yards south of a iK-story brick house. Cement monument marking reference station is 0.67 meter N. 45° 29' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is an inverted nail in center of cement in a 6-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Drum Point Li,ght" (S. 73° 43' E.) o 00 00 Smoke pipe on oyster watch house 33 32 Left end of peak of roof on 23^-stor>' building at Pearsons 1^2 ob Left end of peak of roof on house with piazza . 82 29 Near point of roof of Hodgdon house with square tower 89 14 Chimney oh end of house 133 57 Left chimney on Weems house 159 37 I'A miles. /2 mile. 2J4 miles. 2,'2' miles. 2j< miles. K mile. % mile. Survey of oyster bars, st. marys county, md. 5^ •References — Continued. o / // Right chimney on wooden house 224 01 go yards. Left side of chimney on brick house 249 54 75 yards. Reference station 299 12 00 0.67 meters. Near end of peak of house on bluff between trees 336 50 J 2 mile. " Bareda House cupola " 347 06 %■ mile. BAREDA HOUSE CUPOLA. General locality. — North side of Patuxent River about one-half mile northwest of Drum Point Light. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Bareda House which is a large 3-storj' square mansion with square cupola with three windows on each side and a porch all around ground fioor, located about 100 yards back from shore on high land. Marks. — Observed station is center of ornamental design of four brackets on center of cupola. References. — None necessary-. DRUM POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Northeastern side of entrance of Patuxent River and a short distance off shore from Drum Point. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a screw pile structure known as Drum Point Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center of black lantern on Drum Point Lighthouse. Reference. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (S. 64° 33' E.) o 00 00 3^ miles. BEN. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Patuxent River about i mile south-southwest of Sandy Point and i}i miles south-southeast of Town Point. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a clay and sand bluff in a cultivated field, about 20 feet above high-water mark, about 10 feet west of edge of bank, 3 feet south of point covered with scrub pines, about 15 yards northeast of one edge of plateau, 10 yards southeast of another edge of plateau, about 65 yards north of point of woods, and 10 yards south of cut in bank which is washing rapidly. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.42 meters S. 56° 15' W. of station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cement in 6-inch tile pipe with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.^ " ' " " Drum Point Light" (N. 68° 07' E.) o 00 00 2^/^ miles. Left tangent of trees on Hog Point 16 21 3^ miles. Near end of peak of roof of large 2%-^\.OTy building at Pearsons. . . -. 39 36 2% miles. Near piazza post of Millstone Hotel 56 11 i|^ miles. Chimney of Craddock house 60 28 i^^ miles. Chimney on end of cabin 97 24 200 yards. Tall pine tree 138 35 50 yards. Reference station 168 08 00 8. 42 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) .176 33 50 7. 79 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 223 40 40 8. 77 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 236 39 2. 07 meters. Near end of peak of roof of Marbiu'ger house . . 272 12 2 miles. "Catholic Church Cross" 304 54 40 i^ miles. "Bareda House Cupola" 350 34 40 2%va\\^%. S6 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. CRADDOCK. General locality. — Southern shore of Patuxent River, about 2i% miles south-southeast of Drum Point Light and % mile west of Millstone Landing. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on lawn about 15 feet above high-water mark, about 10 yards south from top edge of bank, 15 yards from bottom edge of bank and fence, 30 yards east of extreme edge of point, 30 yards northeast of trees along shore of pond, about no yards northwest of Craddock house and several outbuildings among poplar trees, 50 yards east of fence, and 70 yards west of driveway to house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument, with top flush with lawn. References . — o / // "Drum Point Light" (N. 37° 15' E.) o 00 00 2% miles. Left tangent of woods on Carroll Point 21 52 ij^ miles. Near end of peak of roof of 2j^-story building at Pearsons 42 Chimney on hotel at Millstone 64 Cottonwood tree (14 inches diameter) 68 Chimney on roof of Craddock 2 ' <-story house . 95 Nail in stump (14 inches diameter) 309 "Fishstack" 317 25 1% miles. 56 }-i mile. 54 80 yards. 27 no yards. 25 50 5-35 meters. 30 50 2 miles. CARROLL 2. General locality. — South side of Patuxent River, about 1 mile south-southwest of Hog Point and about I mile south of Drum Point Light. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sandy clay bluff in a cultivated field, about 50 feet above high-water mark, 4 feet south of top edge of bluff, 180 yards east of trees and ravine beyond culti- vated field, 60 yards west of trees and ravine beyond cultivated field, 300 yards north of large square chimney on old-fashioned farmhouse, and 250 yards north of large tree to right of farmhouse. Cement monument marking reference station is 13 .32 meters S. 54° 30' W. of observed station. Another reference station is a nail in the east side of cement in a 6-inch tile pipe 14.64 meters S. 13° 20' E. of observed station and on range with Drum Point Light. Marks. — Observed station is center of 5-inch tile pipe with top 8 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is nail in cement on east side of a 6-inch tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Another reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 9 inches below surface of ground. References. — ° " Drum Point Light" (N. 13° 20' W.) o Left tree on Hog Point 81 Right of bushes at edge of ravine 142 Tree (12 inches diameter) 164 Reference station (tile) 179 Tree (20 inches diameter) 1 83 Chimnej' of Susquehanna farmhouse 192 Large tree 199 Reference station (monument) 247 Right chimney of Fenner Lee house 302 Center of four-sided roof on Dr. Marsh house . . 307 " Catholic Church Cross" 315 Silver tip on tower of Vale house 316 Chimney of Bowen house 327 " Bareda House Cupola" 348 00 00 I mile. 59 40 I mile. 00 75 j'ards. 48 ^s mile. 59 45 14. 64 meters. 25 Js mile. 10 300 yards. 08 250 yards. 50 00 ^3' 3^ meters. 45 4}{ miles. 58 2}i miles. 32 00 2^4 miles. 15 30 3 miles. 16 2 miles. 44 CO I ?2 miles. HOG 2. General locality. — Southern shore of entrance to Patuxent River on Hog Point, about 1/ west-northwest of Cedar Point Light. (See chart No. 20.) StniVEY OP OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 57 oo i^ miles. 5° Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand beach at high-water mark, 30 yards northwest of point of woods, and 200 yards nortli-northeast of nearest shore of Parsons Creek. Cement monument marking reference station is 33.35 meters S. 42° 22' E. of observed station on a point of liigh land. Marks. — Observed station is nail set in cement in a 6-inch tile pipe, with top i foot below the surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Drum Point Light" (N. 60° 44' W.) o " Bareda House Cupola" 2 Chimney of cabin on opposite shore 22 Tangent of Little Cove Point 71 ' ' Cedar Point Light " 173 Reference station 198 Nail in blaze in pine tree 201 Cabin on opposite side of Parsons Creek 243 Chimney on Susquehanna farmhouse 301 "Methodist Episcopal Church" (Solomons). . 346 Steeple of Vale house at Avondale 350 I'.'i miles. 20 I '2' miles. 56 3' 2 miles. 31 40 2 miles. 21 50 33-35 meters. 03 29. 58 meters. 05 }i mile. 04 I mile. 16 40 3>^ miles. 55 3^^ miles. PAT. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on Little Cove Point, about 1^4 miles south by west of Cove Point Light. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the highest point of a thickly wooded bluff, about 75 feet above high-water mark, 4 yards west of edge of bluff, and 15 yards southwest of extreme point. Cement monument marking reference station is 24.57 meters S. 71° 26' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a 3-inch round stake set in cement, with top about 4 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (S. 13° 54' E.) o Near piazza post of house 14 52 Reference station 85 Spike in blaze in tree (5 inches diameter) ... 94 Spike in blaze in tree (5 inches diameter) . . . 114 Spike in blaze in tree (17 inches diameter) . . 138 Spike in blaze in tree (13 inches diameter) . . 181 "Cove Point Light" 203 " Hoopers Island Light" 327 00 4j^ miles. 4 miles. 20 00 24. 57 meters. 51 6-54 meters. 10 3. 42 meters. 54 12. 26 meters. 46 5. 50 meters. 25 30 134 miles. 58 10 10' 4 miles. WHITE HOUSE (NORTHEAST CHIMNEY). General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about i mile southwest of Cove Point Light and )4 mile southwest of Cove Point Landing. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is a chimney standing alone about 300 yards southwest of Cove Point Landing which was formerly the more northeasterly of two chimneys on a house that was destroyed by fire. This chimney is near a white house which was built to replace the destroyed house. Marks. — A chimney standing apart from a small white house owned by Mrs. Hagland. References. — o / // "Cove Point Light" (N. 39° 54' E.) o 00 00 i mile. COVE POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cove Point, which is about 5 miles to northward of entrance to Patuxent River. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on white tower known as Cove Point Light, which is near white detached dwelling and white detached fog-signal house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of black lantern on white tower. References. — o / // . "Cedar Point Light" (S. 7° 16' E.) o 00 00 6 miles. 58 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. CEDAR POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cedar Point, 3'4' miles east-southeast of Drum Point Light and 6 miles south by east of Cove Point Light. (See chart No. 20.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a brick dwelling known as Cedar Point Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Cedar Point Lighthouse. Reference. — - or// "Cove Point Light" (N. 7° 16' W.) o 00 00 6 miles. CAIN. General locality. — Western shore of Cheapeake Bay, about i^/i miles southwest of Cedar Point Light. (See charts Nos. 20 and 21.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bank about 5 feet above high-water mark, about 20 yards northwest of ordinary high water, 5 yards northwest of extreme high water, 100. yards south- southwest of old-fashioned house among several large trees, and about 250 yards below small wharf and canning house. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.45 meters N. 16° 56' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail set in cement in a 3-inch pipe with top about 2 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (N. 46° 45' E.) o Steeple on church 28 "Hooper Island Light" 56 "Point No Point Light" 106 Right chimney on Tarleton house 135 Near end of peak of 2-story house 148 Reference station 330 Near comer of house 33 5 Aspen tree in house yard 339 00 00 1,5 8 miles. 26 9'.2 miles. 28 40 j^4 miles. 05 ii}i miles. 12 3X miles. 41 if4 miles. 10 40 6.45 meters. 13 100 yards. 35 50 100 yards. DESERT. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay, about 3 miles south-southwest of Cedar Point Light. (See charts Nos. 20 and 21.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land, about 25 yards west from ordinary high-water mark, about at level of extreme high-water mark, 40 yards south of a fence, 10 yards east of a fence, 45 yards south of a creek, about 50 yards north of point of pine woods, and about 300 yards east of woods across marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.29 meters N. 31° 24' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a 4-inch tile pipe projecting about 2 inches above surface of sand Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (N. 34° 05' E.) o 00 Steeple on church 34 19 "Hooper Island Light" 59 08 "Point No Point Light" 113 27 Near end of peak of roof of Tarleton house ... 135 09 Point of woods 146 00 Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diameter) 294 30 Reference station 294 30 Chimney on near end of house 336 38 Large square chimney on larger of two houses 344 48 I mile. 00 3 miles. 40 io>2 miles. 40 8 miles. 30 II miles. 2 miles. 50 yards. 40 7.62 meters. 40 5.29 meters. '2 mile. SURVEY OP OYSTER BARS,-ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 59 25 37 HOOPER ISLAND LIGHT. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay ofif shore about 3 ' i miles west of Hooper Island and 4 miles south of Barren Island. (See chart No. 21.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Hooper Island Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on conical tower on cylindrical foundation known as Hooper Island Lighthouse. References. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (N. 65° 04' W.) o 00 00 7 miles. FORD. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about i^:^ miles south of entrance to Pine Hill Run and 7!-^ miles west of Hoaper Island Light. (See chart No. 21.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a garden about 25 feet above high water, 32 yards west of edge of bank, 40 yards northeast of near corner of a house, 4 yards north of a wire fence, ^^i yards north of a paling fence, and 38 yards south of another paling fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (N. 17° 01' E.) o " Hooper Island Light " 62 Old reference mark (nail in tile pipe). ... 112 " Point No Point Light " 126 Nail in damson tree (5 inches diameter) 203 Chimney of Ford house 238 Peak of barn 292 Near peak of bam 331 Left chimney of house 339 Chimney on end of house 345 Near peak of bam 353 REED. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about 6'-2 miles south of Cedar Point Light, 6^4 miles northwest of Point No Point Light, and yS's miles west-southwest of Hooper Island Light. (See chart No. 21.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 10 feet above high water, 7 3'ards west of edge of bluff, 65 yards north-northeast of a house, 35 yards south of a fence, 45 yards north of another fence, 45 yards northwest of a large cedar tree on edge of bluff, and 35 yards north of a line of fruit trees. Cement monument marking reference station is on a line of fruit trees 34.13 meters S. 10° 11' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a cement block with gray iron core and nail in top. Block was formerly square, but has been broken off by plow. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (N. 2° 25' E.) o " Hooper Island Light " 59 "Point No Point Light" 136 Cedar tree (2 feet diameter) 140 Pear tree 163 Reference station 167 Cherry tree 202 Near comer of house 207 Near peak of roof of house 289 Right chimney of Tarleton house 331 Near chimney of i>2-story house 336 Near peak of Fenwick house 347 00 4' i miles. 20 ■]% miles. 05 '. 30.26 meters. 50 10 miles. 30 4.76 meters. 42 yards. 76 yards. 2 miles. 20 3 miles. 10 3X miles. 00 4 miles. 59 00 6' 2 miles. 10 7,5/1 miles. 10 6J^ miles. 30 45 yards. 59 35 yards. 23 40 34-13 meters. II 50 yards. 16 65 yards. 35 200 yards. 54 2^i miles. 36 4 miles. 09 $yi miles. 6o SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. POINT AGIN. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about /[^s miles northwest of Point No Point Light, 8^4 miles south of Cedar Point Light, and 734' miles southwest of Hooper Island Light. (See chart No. 21.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of dense pine woods about 5 feet above high water, 6 yards southwest of edge of bank, 10 yards sotith of point of curve of bank, 400 yards south of road across marsh, and 425 yards south of mouth of a sand-blocked creek. Cement monument marking reference station is 18.67 meters S. 49° 25' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (N. 6° 25' W.) o 00 00 8fi miles. " Hooper Island Light" 50 53 45 y^ miles. " Point No Point Light" 141 42 30 4^ miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree 215 51 Reference station 235 50 Nail in blaze in pine tree 255 27 Nail in blaze in pine tree 281 58 30 i7'72 meters. 00 18.67 meters. 00 12.02 meters. 30 11-74 meters. POINT NO POINT. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about one-eighth mile northwest of Point No Point, 2 miles northwest of Point No Point Light, and 2 miles north-northeast of entrance to St. Jerome Creek. (See chart No. 22.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is partly hidden by pine and cedar trees about 10 feet above high water, 50 yards west of shore, 65 yards southwest of point where fence and shore meet, 35 yards south of a fence, 30 yards south of edge of a graveyard, and 250 yards south by east of a house. Standard cement monument markingnew reference station is 5.17 meters S. 77° 43' W. of observed station. Stone monument marking old reference station is 2.44 meters north of observed station. Stone monument marking old reference station is i.go meters east of observed station. Stone monument marking old reference station is 1.29 meters south of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a stone cone with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Three other reference stations are square stone pillars with crosses cut in their tops which are just above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Point No Point Light" (S. 61° 29' E.). . . . o Nail in blaze in tree 7 Nail in blaze in tree (24 inches diameter). . . 118 Chimney of house 146 Near peak of roof on house showing through trees 184 Tangent to fence and graveyard 225 oc Two nails in blaze in cedar trees (22 inches diameter) 251 51 Junction of fence and water 279 o< New reference station (cement monu- ment) 139 i: Old reference station (stone monument) North Old reference station (stone monument) East Old reference station (stone monument) South 06 00 2 miles. 30 106 feet. 00 30.00 meters. 250 yards. yi mile. 30 yards. 00 11.40 meters. 65 yards. 3° 5.17 meters. 2.44 meters. 1.90 meters. 1.29 meters. POINT NO POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay off shore about ly^ miles southeast of Point No Point and 6^8 miles north-northeast of Point Lookout. (See chart No. 22.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Point No Point Lighthouse. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 6l Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on brick dwelling on a cylindrical foundation known as Point No Point Lighthouse. References. — o / // "Cedar Point Light" (N. 19° 35' W.} o 00 00 12 miles. ST. JEROME. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on St. Jerome Point at north side of entrance to St. Jerome Creek about li./s miles west-southwest of Point No Point Light. (See chart No. 22 .) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 6 yards northwest by west of shore, 75 yards south of a large pond, and 120 yards north of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 19.57 rnetcrs N. 44° 49' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Point No Point Light" (N. 78° 16' E.) o 00 00 2^ miles. Left tangent of woods 89 42 i^i miles. Near comer of house 142 45 119 yards. Near chimney of house 165 30 ^4 mile. Chimney of oyster house 173 56 X mile. "St. Michael Catholic Church Spire " 194 12 20 1^ miles. Right chimney of house 217 16 i}4 miles. Reference station 236 55 25 i9-.'>7 meters. Large chimney of house 248 03 150 yards. Chimney outside of house 282 50 ^4 mile. Right tangent of woods on Point No Point. .317 21 iX miles. ST. MICHAEL CATHOLIC CHURCH SPIRE. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about one-half mile west of western and inner shore of St. Jerome Creek. (See chart No. 22.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Catholic Church located on the east side of the main road running to Point Lookout near the village called Ridge or Friendship. Marks. — Observed station is center point of spire on church. References. — None necessary. POINT LOOK-IN. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay on Point Look-in about i^i miles south-south- east of entrance to St. Jerome Creek and 3 miles southwest of Point No Point Light. (See chart No. 22.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand dune about 3 feet above high water, 8 yards west of shore, 4 yards east of slough, 56 yards southeast of point of woods, and 90 yards north of another point of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is in woods across slough 44.04 meters N. 51° 59' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Point No Point Light" (N. 47° 51' E.) o 00 " Holland Island Bar Light " 51 24 Left tangent of woods on Point Lookout 122 16 Point of woods 135 52 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) . . 250 40 Reperence station • 260 09 Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter). 262 25 Nail in blaze in cedar tree ( 5 inches diameter) .271 36 Near peak of roof on old bam 271 48 Point of woods 272 26 Near chimney of small house , 286 35 Two chimneys of old house 291 29 Near peak of roof of house on point 297 37 Right tangent of woods on Point No Point. . . 322 42 00 3 miles. 10 13 miles. ^% miles. go yards. 30 36.68 meters. 45 4404 meters. 30 41.08 meters. 00 46.78 meters. ^i mile. 56 yards. J4 mile. 2)4 miles. i}4 miles. ili miles. 62 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. POTOMAC. General locality. — Western shore of Chesapeake Bay about three-fourths mile north of extreme end of Point Lookout and one-half mile north-northeast of Point Lookout Light. (See charts Nos. 22 and 2,3-) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at upper end of pine woods about 2 feet above high water, 12 yards west by SDuth of shore, 15 yards east-southeast of woods and edge of marsh, and 100 yards north of large pine trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.72 meters S. 23° 34' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Point No Point Light" (N. 15° 30' E.) o 00 00 . . " Holland Island Bar Light " 67 11 30 . . " Smith Point Light " 131 41 30 . . Nail in blaze in pine tree (3 inches diameter) . 160 10 40 . . Reference station 188 04 10 . . Chimney of house 230 58 . . . . Nail in blaze in pine tree (3 inches diameter). 260 21 10 . . First tree on Cornfield Point 268 48 .... Nail in blaze in pine tree (3 inches diameter). 323 22 00 . . First tree on Point Look-in 334 26 .... First tree on Point No Point 343 30 .... "Hooper Island Light" 359 04 30 . . 5J-S miles. 12^8 miles. 13X miles. 6.56 meters. 10.72 meters. 7 miles. 10.62 meters. 2 miles. 6.56 meters. 3^ miles. 6X miles. 14J4 miles. POINT LOOKOUT LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay on Point Lookout at northern side of entrance to Potomac River. (See charts Nos. 22 and 23.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Point Lookout Lighthouse, which is a dwelling on shore near a fog-bell tower. Marks. — Observed station is center point of a lantern on a dwelling knouTi as Point Lookout Light- house . References . — a / // " Smith Point Light " (S. 34° 37' E.) o 00 00 13 miles. HALL. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Potomac River about five-eighths mile northwest of Corn- field Point and 2^^ miles northwest of Point Lookout. (See chart No. 22.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 7 yards east of edge of bank, 6yardssouth-sjutheastof a paling fence, and 150 yards south of a large house with two-story porch. Cement monument marking reference station is 17.82 meters N. 45° 59' E. of observed station. Cemented tile pipe marking another reference station is 23.24 meters N. 47° 55' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 4-inch cemented tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. One reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. The other reference station is a tile pipe set in cement with top flush with surface of ground. References. — o / // " Day" (N. 46° 23' W.) 'o 00 00 4'-2 miles. Near peak of roof of Hall house 40 51 30 150 yards. Reference STATION (cement monument) .. . 92 22 50 17.82 meters. Reference station (tile) 94 17 40 23.24 meters. Chimney of grain house 96 24 70 yards, SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 63 HALL "HOUSE (MIDDLE CHIMNEY). General locality. — Northeastern shore of Potomac River about five-eighths mile northwest of Cornfield Point and 2;?4 miles northwest of Point Lookout. (See chart No. 22.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a large wooden house about 150 yards inshore from the bank of river. Marks. — Observed station is middle point of middle chimney on large house belonging to Mr. Hall. References. — None necessary. SIG. General locality .^—Northeastern shore of Potomac River on eastern side of Calvert Bay on Gray Point. (See charts Nos. 22 and 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of a scrub growth about 15 feet above high water, and 3 feet east of edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.75 meters N. 58° 17' Jl. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in northern one of two stumps 2yi inches in diameter. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Day" (N. 64° 13' W.) o 00 00 i}^ miles. Tall pine tree on Kitts Point 2 18 i^ miles. Chimney of house on Kitts Point 4 11 i5-^ miles. "RedBeacon" g 07 40 i mile. Large chimney of Lewis house 28 06 iJ4 miles. Left chimney of Collison house 45 38 J^ mile. Near peak of house 60 29 if^ miles. Nail in blaze in holly tree (3 inches diam- eter) 98 Reference station 122 Nail in blaze in gum tree (3 inches diameter) . 138 Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 196 Chimney of i ■ a'-story house 353 Near peak of roof of large house 357 SMITH POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay on southern side of entrance to Potomac River offshore about 3 miles east of Smith Point. (See chart No. 23.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a square brick tower on an octagonal brick building with a cylindrical foundation. Marks. ^Observed station is center point of lantern on structure known as Smitli Point Lighthouse. References. — o / // "Point Lookout Light" (N. 34° 32' W.) o 00 00 13 miles. RED BEACON (1908). General locality. — Northeastern side of Potomac River offshore in the mouth of Smiths Creek. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a triangular pile structure. Marks. — Observed station is center point of a small lantern on pile structure known as Smiths Creek Red Beacon. References. — None necessary. 16 3° ■ ■ ■ ■ 4.57 meters. 29 40 . . 12.75 meters. 28 40 . . . . 5.16 meters. 52 44 30 .... 6.75 meters. 4f^ miles. 54 4j^ miles. 64 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. DAGO. General locality. — Eastern side of entrance to Smith Creek about one-half mile south-southwest of of Millers Wharf. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a small garden about 6 feet above high water, 40 yards north of an old hotel, 65 yards east of shore, and 165 yards southeast of a lumber wharf. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is on a fence line 29.41 meters N. 78° 13' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is tile pipe set in cement with top broken off about g inches below sur- face of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "In" (N. 1° 3g' E.) o 00 00 js mile. "Pipe" (taller stack of canning house) 25 21 30 ^"i'mile. Near comer of house 29 26 160 yards. Near comer of bam 29 26 100 yards. Northeast comer of old hotel 165 22 51-97 meters. , Northwest comer of old hotel 218 21 37.67 meters. Tree (8 inches diameter) 261 55 42 yards. Reference ST.MioN 280 07 30 29.41 meters. Chimney of house across creek 307 19 ^4 mile. TAB. General locality. — Western shore of Smith Creek on second prominent point from entrance to creek about three-fourths mile west-southwest of Millers Wharf. (See chart No. 24.) • Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 2 yards north of edge of bank, 5 feet south of edge of bank, 14 yards southwest of a low point, 16 yards north of another low point, 31 yards southeast of still another point, and 58 yards east of a wild-cherr\' tree. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 14.53 meters S. 6i° 14' W. of observed station. Reference tile pipe filled with cement is 4793 meters S. 61° 25' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe filled with cement with top flush with surface of ground. One reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Another reference station is center of cemented tile pipe flush with surface of ground. References. — ° "In" (N. 48° 08' E.) o 00 Near peak of roof of Dunbar house 14 00 Gilt ball on center of roof of building 16 41 " Pipe" (taller stack of canning house) 20 20 Left chimney of house with ell 36 27 Left chimney of house 55 07 Near peak of roof of old hotel 6g 41 "Red Beacon" 105 29 Right one of two cedar trees 150 24 Reference station (monument) 193 06 Reference STATION (tile) 193 17 Wild-cherry tree ; 235 22 Near peak of large house 300 01 40 i/i mile. 1% miles. 2% miles. J< mile. % mile. yi mile. yi mile. 10 yi mile. 55 yards. 10 14-53 meters. 00 47-93 meters. 31 yards. yl mile. PIER. General locality. — Eastern shore of Smith Creek at steamboat landing known as Millers WTiarf. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on snubbing post on north corner of Millers Wharf, 1.46 meters from northeast side of wharf and 0.79 meters from northwest side. Marks. — Nails mark point where spindle was fastened to snubbing post. References. — None necessar)'. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 65 PIPE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Smith Creek at Millers Wharf. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a building used for packing oysters and tomatoes near wharf at Wynne. Marks. — Observed station is center of the taller and more southerly of two smoke pipes on canning house at Millers Wharf. References. — None necessarj'. ENOUGH. General locality. — Southeastern shore of northeiistem branch of Smith Creek about one-fourth mile east-northeast of Millers Wharf. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a lightly wooded bank about 12 feet above high water, 5 yards back from edge of bank, 40 yards southwest of a house, and 45 yards northwest of a bam. Cement monument marking reference station is near fence, ig.75 meters N. 19° 51' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is hole in top of a 3-inch square stub with top about 3 inches above sur- face of ground. Reference station is center paint of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " In" (N. 86° 09' W.) o 00 00 ^2 mile. Chimney of house 105 20 >2 mile. RbferBnce station 106 00 00 i9-7,S meters. Near gable of Logan Dunbar house 118 17 40 yards. West post of small gate 139 45 28 yards. North gable of barn 215 04 45 yards. North chimney of Fred Dunbar house 234 26 X mile. East chimney of 2-story house 252 32 }i mile. North gable of store at Wynne 329 54 X Mile- " Pipe " (taller stack of canning house) 330 33 % raWe^. DRUM. General locality. — Northwestern shore of northeastern branch of Smith Creek about X ™i'e north- northeast of Millers Wharf. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — -Observed station is on marsh land on a point opposite Millers Wliarf about 21 yards north of shore, 22 yards west of shore, 25 yards northeast of shore, and 35 yards southeast of a cultivated field with several cedar trees along its edge. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " In" (S. 77° 10' W.) o 00 00 }^ vaile. Large chimney of house 151 20 X mile. North gable of tobacco bam 152 13 X mile. Flagstaff on Dunbar pavilion 180 14 X mile. North gable of house 195 00 X mile. Left chimney of 2X-storj' house 212 55 X mile. Left chimney of Moore house 215 23 X mile. North gable of stable 223 36 X mile- Left chimney of 2>2-story house 235 05 }i mile. Chimney of i>2-story house 246 10 X mile. Cupola of barn 272 21 X mile. " Pipe " (taller stack of canning house j 299 56 20 f^8 mile. West gable of old hotel 307 31 X mile. 2606 — II 5 66 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. IN. General localily. — Northern shore of Smith Creek on a point between two main branches of creek about one-fourth mile northwest of Millers Wharf. (See chart No. 24.) immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grass point which is surrounded by small bowlders and cobble stones visible at low water about 2 feet above high water, 2 yards east of side of point, 3 yards northwest of side of point, 10 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, and near three trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.32 meters N. 7° og' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed .station is a 2-inch square stick in center of a 4-inch tile pipe filled with and set in cement with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Dago" (S. 1° 40' W.) o 00 00 . . Right peak of roof of old hotel i 30 . . . , I8 mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter). 184 40 30 6.08 meters. JUTLAND. General locality. — Northeastern shore of northwestern branch of Smitli Creek about one-half mile north of main body of Smith Creek on a point of land between two coves. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 2 yards north of shore, 4 yards south of shore, 5 yards east of extreme end of jraint, and 11 yards from bank with large cedar trees on its edge with a peach orchard back of them. Cement momiment marking reference station is 10.36 meters N. 86° 27' E. of observed station. 68 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with surface of ground, is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — " o / // "Out" (S. 29° 51' E.) o Two chimneys of Morris house 10 Chimney of house near old hotel 16 West gable of old hotel 17 " Red Beacon" 25 East gable of barn 56 Southeast gable of small house 139 Chimney of small house 169 Windmill 201 " Flagpole " (on Jutland farmhouse) 204 Reference station 296 Nail in blaze in cedar tree 299 Reference station 17 54 35 00 .... }4 mile. ^4 mile. I mile. I mile. 10 .... ifs miles. 3,^ mile. ^4 mile. 34 mile. y.^ mile. 55 • ■ ■ • ,'4' mile. 35 ■ ■• ■ 10.36 meters. 00 .... 11.65 rneters. FLAT. General locality. — Western shore of northwestern branch of Smith Creek about three-fourths mile north-northwest of main body of Smith Creek on a point of land between two coves. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 5 yards south of shore, 7 yards north of shore, 10 yards west of extreme end of point, and 12 yards from a field 5 feet higher than marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.41 meters S. 65° 00' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a 2-inch square pine stub with top about 3 inches above surface of marsh. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Jutland" (S. 50° 36' E.) o " Pipe " (taller stack of canning house) 5 Between two chimneys on Morris house 22 Chimney of house near old hotel 29 West gable of old hotel 29 Blaze in pine tree 107 Reference station 115 Chimney of house 140 Chimney of small house 200 Chimney of house 226 " Flagpole " (on Jutland farmhouse) 310 00 }4 niile. I mile. I mile. 1^4 miles. iX niiles. 30 14.12 meters. 40 10.41 meters. X mile. X niile. y2 mile. 40 J4 mile. FLAGPOLE. General locality. — Northeastern shore of northwestern branch of Smith Creek, on a house about three- fourths mile north-northwest of main body of Smith Creek. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cast gable on the front of a house on Jutland farm. Marks. — Observed station is flagpole on east gable on the front of residence on Jutland farm. References. — None necessary. RAN 2. General locality. — Eastern shore of northwestern branch of Smith Creek on a point opposite a small cove and about seven-eighths mile north-northwest of main body of Smith Creek. (See chart No. 24.) Iinm4:diate locality. — Observed station is on a narrow sand and marsh point about i foot above high water, 3 yards north of shore, 3 yards south of shore, 11 yards cast of extreme end of point and in front of a bank 8 or 9 feet high covered with hone)'Suckle and several large trees. Cement monument marking reference station is about 10 feet above high water 13.74 meters N. 87° 50' E. of observed station. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 69 Marks. — Observed station is hole in stub with top about 6 inches above surface of marsh. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' /> "Jutland" (S. 25° 04' E.) o 00 00 Yi mile. Chimney of Morris house 3 },}, i^l miles. Large chimney of house near old hotel 8 29 ifs miles. West peak of old hotel 9 13 i3 j miles. "Red Beacon" 12 45 10 i,'^ miles. East peak of bam 93 05 ]<, mile. Chimney of small house 139 10 250 yards. Small blazed apple tree 285 00 18.88 meters. Reference station 292 54 00 13 -74 meters. " Flagpole " (on Jutland farmhouse) 333 59 10 ]/% mile. Windmill 342 24 ^ mile. DAY. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Potomac River about one-fourth mile northwest of Kitts Point between entrances to St. Marys River and Smith Creek. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small island of solid ground on a marsh point about 5 feet above high water, 3 yardseast of shore, 2oyardsnortheast of shore. 18 yards north of extreme end of point, and 150 yards south of a large lone dead tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Labor" (N. 89° 37' W.) o Near peak of roof of 2 ■ 2-story house 22 Near peak of roof of brick house 48 44 Tall pine on Kitts Point 73 48 Chimney of old house 118 15 "Pipe" (taller stack of canning house) 146 59 Near peak of roof of tobacco house 159 51 Near peak of roof between two chimneys. .. . 181 07' Chimney of Hall house 222 41 LABOR. 2.? 30 2yi miles. 3 miles. 3'.s miles. 150 yards. yi mile. ij^ miles. ,'8 mile . >4' mile. /^% miles. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Potomac River on western side of entrance to St. Marys River on a small island forming the southeastern end of St. George Island. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh grass point about on level with high water, 5 yards north of side of point, 5 yards west of side of point, 8 yards northwest of extreme end of point, 65 yards southwest of another point, 65 yards north-northeast of still another point, and 125 yards south- east of a small pine woods across slough. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.56 meters N. 64° 06' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Hall" (S. 61° 00' E.) o Center of railing around top of Passis house . 117 Canning house stack 119 Left tangent of woods im St. George Island. 133 Inside corner of Poe house on St. George Island . 156 Keference station 176 Near peak of roof of Crowder house 208 19 Center of left tower on Kennedy house 261 38 Chimney of Taylor house 274 58 Right chimney of old house 331 29 40 31 00 ()'2 miles. . . 4X miles. 3>2 miles. J-2 mile. '2 mile. 00 i3-.s6 meters. I mile. 4 miles. 4 miles. 2 W miles. 70 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. LYNCH POINT 3 (VIRGINIA). General locality. — Southwestern shore of Potomac River about three-eighths mile northwest of Lyneh Point on northwestern side of entrance to Yeocomico River. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand beach near edge of grass about on level with high water, 50 yards southeast of edge of dense pine woods and a wire fence, go yards northwest of another dense pine woods, and northeast of a slough with about a dozen trees on opposite side. One referenc tile set in cement is at edge of woods 55-68 meters on a continuation inshore of line from Point Lookout Light. Another reference tile set in cement is in woods 85.53 meters in same direction as the nearer reference station. Marks. — Observed station is center one of four nails in top of a post 5 inches below surface of ground. Reference stations are titles set in cement with tops about 2 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Piney Point Light" (N. 4° 02' W.) o 00 Steeple on church 29 29 Tall pine tree on Kitts Point 58 30 "vSt. Michaels Catholic Church Spire" 63 41 White tower on building 80 54 Tangent of woods 142 48 Chimney of house 208 48 Reference station (tile) 278 00 Reference station (tile) 278 00 Near peak of roof between two chimneys. ... 357 13 30 6 miles. S% miles. tyi miles. 95^ miles. 8fi miles. 3X niiles. ij^ miles. 30 55-68 meters. 30 85.53 meters. 7 miles. BETWEEN. miles northwest of Kitts Point at General locality. — Eastern shore of St. Marj-s River about i' entrance to river. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture about 3 feet above high water, 5 yards north- east of edge of bank, 5 yards southeast of a rail fence, 12 yards southwest of shore of a creek, and 7 to 10 yards west to northwest of persimmon trees. Cement monument marking reference station is at edge of high land 14.42 meters S. 56° 22' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Day " (S. 27° 01' E.) o Chimney of house at edge of woods 90 Chimney of house beyond middle of woods 96 Chimney of large house with ell 103 Chimney of 2'.i-stor)' house 126 " Piney Point Light" 128 Near peak of roof of brick between two chimneys lOo Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) .' 172 "Water Tower" (near Portobello) 188 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 200 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (5 inches diameter) 306 Reference station 330 Tall pine on Kitts Point 358 30 3-' 47 38 3° 1.% miles. 2>-8 miles. 2% miles. 2^s miles. 3' s miles. 5' , miles. 2% miles. 5.87 meters. 4 miles. 20 6.94 meters. 27 10 ... . 9.34 meters. 39 00 ... . 14.42 meters. 55 i>i miles. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 71 FORT, General locality. — Eastern shore of St. Marys River on Fort Point about 2'4 miles north of entrance to river and seven-eighths of a mile south of Priests Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 16 yards east of edge of bank, 70 yards west by south of a house, and 34 yards south -south west of a corner of a fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 32.17 meters N. 22° 20' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Rod" (N. 10° 16' W.) o 00 Reference station 32 35 Near chimney of Taylor house 78 44 Chimney of small building 106 38 Chimney of 2,',2-story house with ell 246 30 Canning-house stack 314 03 Near peak of roof of stable 342 24 " Water tower" (near Portobclloj 351 03 00 yi mile. 55 32.17 meters. 70 yards. 250 yards. 2yi miles. 2 ■-< miles. 2yi miles. ID 2}^ miles. POND. General locality. — Western shore of St. Marys River on Pond Point about seven-eighths of a mile north-northeast of Cherryficld Point at entrance to St. George River. (See chart No. 24. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marshland at edge of woods about on level with high water, 6 yards west of edge of marsh, 7 yards south of edge of marsh, 25 yards northeast of edge of marsh , and 20 to 30 yards north and east of pine trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 29.59 meters S. 77° 29' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Rod" (N. 52° 55' E.) o 00 00 1^4 miles. "St. Inigoes Church Cross" 15 18 00 2 miles. Chimney of Taylor house 41 46 ij^4 miles. Tall pine on Kitts Point 85 08 40 3 miles. Tangent of Cherr>'field Point 138 25 3^ mile. Nail inblaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) . 177 23 50 22.93 meters. Reference station 204 t,t, 30 2g-,S9 meters. Nailin blaze in pine tree (2oincliesdiameter). 214 12 00 25.53 meters. Nail inblaze in pine tree (iSinchesdiameter). 253 4O 30 17.40 meters. Canning-house stack 27ft 48 i ' ^ miles. "Water Tower" (near Portobello) 311 59 40 2 '2 miles. "Calvert Monument" 328 02 20 3', miles. Near peak of house on Bromcs Wharf 328 46 3 ' ^ miles. Center of left tower on Kennedy house 344 45 i}i miles. ROD (PRIESTS HOUSE). General locality. — Eastern shore of vSt. Marys River on Priests Point at south side of entrance to St. Inigoes Creek. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small cupola-shaped centerpiece, or ventilator, on middle of roof of a summer residence of the order of Jesuits, sometimes called Priests Villa. Marks. — Observed station is a lightning rod on the center ventilator on middle of roof of Priests Villa. References. — None necessary. 72 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. THOMPSON. General locality. — Western shore of St. Marys River about three-eighths of a mile east-northeast of entrance to Carthagena Creek, five-eighths of a mile southwest of Windmill Point, and i mile north of Pond Point. (See chart No. 24.1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 20 feet above high water, 5 yards southwest of edge of bank, 6 yards northeast of edge of bank, and 7 yards west of extreme edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is buried with top about 10 inches below surface of ground 25.00 meters N. 36° 53' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 3-inch square pine box with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top about 10 inches below surface of ground. References. — o / // " Pond" (S. 2° 06' E.) o 00 Nail in large dying pine tree 18 38 Chimney outside of small house 31 52 Left peak of roof between two chimneys. ... 38 38 Reference station 145 13 Right peak of roof of house 161 05 Right piazza post of Kennedy house 251 57 Left chimney of Raley house . . . -. 274 17 "St. Inigoes Church Cross" 280 17 " Rod " (on Priests Villa) 286 52 Near peak of roof of Taylor house 314 17 00 I mile. 00 7.69 meters. |< mile. ^ mile. 10 25.00 meters. X mile- lyi miles. iX miles. 10 2 miles. lyi miles. ij^ miles. 5° RALEY. General locality. — Southeastern side of entrance to St. Inigoes Creek about one-half mile northeast of Priests Point and seven-eighths of a mile east-southeast of Windmill Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate localily. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 15 feet above high water. 40 yards southeast of edge of bank, 40 yards west of edge of ravine, and 135 yards north of a bam. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top about 12 inches below surface of ground. Surface mark is center of a 3-inch square wooden box. References. — o / // "Rod" (S. 51=03' W.) o Near comer of near chimney of Raley house . 8 Large tree 32 Chimney of Kennedy house loi Chimney of small house 155 Near peak of roof of wharf house 167 Chimney of house among trees 177 Chimney of small house 211 "St. Inigoes Church Cross" 246 Right peak of roof of barn 315 Near peak of comcrib 351 49 00 00 yi mile. 58 150 yards. 51 100 yards. .... yi mile. .... K mile. .... yi mile. .... f^ mile. .... yi mile. .... yi mile. 13s yards. .... 150 yards. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 73 INIGOES. General locality. — Northern side of entrance to St. Inigoes Creek about five-eighths of a mile north of Priests Point and five-eighths of a mile east of Windmill Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is offshore in about 4 feet of water, i', feet southeast of boat landing, and 45 yards southwest of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is on top of bank about 15 feet high, 50.87 meters N. 39° 25' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a 3-inch square stub driven into bottom in about 4 feet of water and standing plumb with top about 2 feet above high water. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Rod" (S. 11° 53' W.) o 00 00 5^ mile. Left tangent of left chimney of brick house . . 49 03 i^ miles. Left peak of roof of carriage house 87 04 > s mile. Right chimney of Coppage house 106 26 i}i miles. Chimney of McKay house 139 56 iff miles. Center of right tower of Kennedy house 168 07 400 yards. Reference st.ation 207 31 30 50-87 meters Left chimney of Tyler house 267 42 >8 mile. ".St. Inigoes Church Cross" 297 30 40 i mile. Large chimney of Raley house 330 38 i-'i mile. ST. INIGOES CHURCH CROSS. General locality. — Eastern side of St. Marys River inshore about i mile east from Priests Point and three-fourths of a mile south of Grason Wharf on St. Inigoes Creek. (See chart No. 24.) I mmediate locality. — Observed station is on St. Inigoes Catholic Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross on St. Inigoes Catholic Church. References. — None necessary. CHURCH. General locality. — Southeastern shore of St. Inigoes Creek about five-eighths mile east of St. Marj'S River and one-fourth mile southwest of Grason Wharf. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water on a rounded point of land nearly surrounded by water, 13 yards southeast of shore, 14 yards south of shore, 24 yards west-southwest of shore, and 35 yards north of inlet and cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Grason" (N. 34° 44' E.) o 00 Near peak of roof of Grason stable 2 52 Between two chimneys on near end of Grason house 9 05 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter). 63 26 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter). 11 1 22 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) .150 08 Near peak of roof between two chimneys on Raley house 280 00 Chimney of hotise 319 57 Left chimney on end of house ii5i 47 Near peak of roof of GrSson Wharf house 345 46 00 . . . . >4 mile. K mile. % mile. 00 . . . . 12.52 meters. 20 . . . . 9.95 meters. 00 ... 7.42 meters. lO . . . . >' s mile. J-i mile. 1J4 miles. I4 mile. 74 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. COTTAGE. General localily. — Northwestern shore of St. Inigoes Creek about one-half mile east-northeast of St. Marys River and three-eighths mile west-southwest of Grason Wharf. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand about i foot above high water, 2 yards north- northwest of shore, 20 yards south-southeast of woods, and 120 yards southwest by west of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.82 meters N. 18° 52' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch square wooden box with top flush with surface of sand. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Rod" (S. 37° 46' W.) o 00 00 J^ mile. Reference station 123 22 00 12.82 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (24 inches diameter). 124 36 10 26.03 meters. Chimney of house 174 17 %■ mile. Nail in blaze in double pine tree (5 inches diameter) 187 08 40 30.90 meters. "Smoke" (west chimney of tenant house). . . 213 55 X mile. Between two chimneys of Grason house 223 01 J-s mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 223 21 40 17-93 meters. Left chimney of old house 254 07 % mile. Left peak of roof of Raley bam 342 22 J4 milt. Near peak of roof between two chimneys on Raley house 352 58 X mile . DUSKY. General locality. — Northwestern shore of St. Inigoes Creek on a prominent point between creek and a small cove nearly opposite Grason Wharf and about three-fourths mile northeast of St. Marys River. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about on level with high water, about 5 yards east of a fence which is on top of a tree-fringed bank 15 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is near an old creek bed 25.09 meters N. 2° 34' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 3-inch square wooden box. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Smoke" (N. 89° 43' E.) o 00 00 f ^ mile. Near end of Grason Wharf 32 53 yi mile. Right peak of roof of house 70 09 J-^ mile. Chimney on outside of small house 79 og ^ mile. Left peak of roof of Raley bam 115 32 % mile. Left corner of Raley house 122 40 yi mile. Right. corner of Priest's Villa 128 30 i mile. Cedar tree 139 02 20 yards. Comer post of fence 220 15 4 yards. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 267 59 10 10.44 meters. Reference station 272 51 10 25.09 meters. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 75 GRAvSON. I General locality. — Southeastern shore of St. Inigoes Creek near Grason Wharf about J-s mile north- east of St. Marys River. (See chart No. 24.) Unmcdiaic locality. — Observed station is about 15 feet above high water, 7 yards southeast of edge of bank. 13 yards northwest of a .stable, and near three trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Cottage" (S. 72° 06' W.) o Near corner of wharf house 26 Chimney of house 39 Nail in blaze in elm tree 93 Chimney of brick house on hill 149 "Smoke" (west chimney of tenant house) . . . 179 Nail in blaze in locust tree (22 inches diam- eter) 203 Left corner of stable 254 Right comer of stable 303 Chimney of Raley house 333 Left tangent of Priest's Villa 333 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (18 inches diam- eter) 352 23 40 12.94 meters. 00 :' 8 mile. 130 yards. X mile. 00 13-37 meters. 2 miles. 20 X mile. 09 o 6.40 meters. 37 9.19 meters. 28 12.05 meters. 28 i-i mile. 54 ij^ miles. ROCK. General locality. — Northwestern shore of St. Inigoes Creek about one-fourth mile north-northwest of Grason Wharf and seven-eighths mile northeast of St. Marys River. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the western side of entrance to a small creek with a wooded .shore, about 2 feet above high water, 4 yards north-northwest of shore, and 8 yards east-southeast of a small pool with trees beyond. Cement monument marking reference station is 17.09 meters N. 85° 41' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch square wooden box. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Smoke" (S. 61° 13' E.) o 00 Near peak of roof of barn 14 37 Near peak of roof of Grason Wharf house 57 35 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) .115 28 Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter). 150 23 Reference station 155 32 Nail in blaze in pine tree (16 inches diameter). 207 52 Chimney on right end of house 250 08 Chimney of house 233 4^ 00 f ^ mile. 5/g mile. }'i mile. 00 9.9s meters. 20 17.24 meters. 05 1 7 09 meters. 20 27.45 meters. 34 mile. ' >' mile. SMOKE. General locality. — Soutlieastcrn shore of St. Inigoes Creek about one-fourth mile east of Grason Wharf. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a tenant house which is about 15 feet above high water located about one-fourth mile east of Grason Wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center of brick chimney on west end of house. References. — None necessary. 76 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. CHESTNUT. General locality. — Southern shore of Upper St. Inigoes Creek about one-half mile east-northeast of Grason Wharf, near the entrance to an eastern branch of creek, and 1I4 miles northeast of St. Marys River. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field fringed by tall trees about 20 feet above high water, 18 yards south of edge of bank, 70 yards southwest of comer of field, 80 yards west-southwest of edge of bank, 95 yards northeast of trees at hollow, no yards southwest of a point, and 150 yards cast by north of point where rail fence meets trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top about 12 inches below surface of ground. Surface mark is center of 3-inch square wooden box. References. — ° ' " "Smoke" (S. fi8° 53' W.) o 00 00 34^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (22 inches diameter) 39 06 50 18.58 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (18 inches diam- eter) 68 45 10 16.46 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diameter) 105 03 20 21.10 meters. Tangent of trees 271 00 100 yards. Junction of fences 318 47 50 150 yards. SLEEP. General locality. — Northern shore of Upper St. Inigoes Creek on a point between two forks of creek about ■ 2 mile northeast of Grason Wharf and i}4 miles northeast of St. Marys River. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 6 yards east of shore, 10 yards north of shore, and on line with persimmon trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Smoke" (S. 11° 24' W.) o 00 00 X niile. Near peak of roof of Grason brick house 21 24 20 .'.^ mile. Left chimney on higher roof of Raley house . 30 55 iX niiles. Left peak of roof of wharf house 32 37 i.i mile. Tangent of point opposite Grason 37 52 5-i mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (2 inches diameter). 129 34 00 18.25 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter). 187 28 40 19.89 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (9 inches diameter) 209 56 10 4.45 meters. Tangent of marsh point 244 31 150 yards. Chimney of left ell of house 288 26 5i mile. GRIND. General locality. — Western side of St. Marys River in water just off Windmill Point and opposite entrance to St. Inigoes Creek. (See chart No. 24.) hnmediate locality. — Observed station is in about 4 feet of water, 45 yards east-southeast of extreme end of point and 120 yards northeast of another point. Cement monument marking reference station is among cedar trees 81 .36 meters vS. 81° 40' W. of observed station. Marks.— Observed station is nail in sUilj in water. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — " ' " "Rod " (S. 37° 47' E.) o 00 00 ^4 tnile. Left peak of roof between two chimneys on brick house 87 08 ly^ miles. RiCKRRENCK STATION 1 19 26 50 81.36 meters. "Water Tower" (near Portobello) 203 25 20 i'^ miles. Left comer of left chimney on house at Porto- bello 208 26 i>8 miles. I SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 77 References — Continued. o / // " Calvert Monument " 237 55 10 2^8 miles. Near peak of roof of Bromes Wharf house .... 239 10 2 miles. Right piazza post on Kennedy house 296 34 y^ mile. "St. Inigoes Church Cross" 331 32 30 1% miles. Left peak of roof of Raley house 334 49 J-s mile. KENNEDY. General locality. — Eastern shore of St. Marys River about one-eighth mile north of entrance to St. Inigoes Creek and five-eighths mile east-northeast of Windmill Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is in a garden about 25 feet above high water, 30 yards north- west of edge of bank at wire fence, 65 yards west-southwest of a house, 18 yards south of a fence, and 52 yards south of a paling fence. Cement monument marking reference station is in a garden 20.25 meters N. 37° 05' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 3-inch square wooden box. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Rod" (S. 7° 45' W.) o GO 00 J^ mile. Near peak of roof of bam 86 25 7-8 mile. Near peak of roof of building 107 10 i^^' miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (12 inches diam- eter) 137 45 50 13.21 meters. Reference station 209 20 10 20-25 meters. Near corner of shed 209 45 57 yards. Left back piazza post 250 21 60 yards. Chimney of cabin _ 280 og 120 yards. Chimney on top of Raley house 334 04 ^2 mile. COPPAGE. General locality. — Western shore of St. Marys River about one-foiu-th mile south of entrance to Cooper Creek, and seven-eighths mile northwest of Windmill Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is near densely wooded land about 25 feet above high water, 5 yards southwest of edge of bank, 6 yards south of edge of bank, 10 yards west of point with cedar tree, and 200 yards west of remains of a pier. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.50 meters S. 83° 21' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 3-inch square wooden box with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Bello" (N. 42° 11' E.) ." o 00 00 }i mile. Chimney of St. Marys Seminary 2 27 2 miles. Near peak of roof of Bromes Wharf house .... 3 14 ij/i miles. Chimney of Brome house 10 42 lyi miles. Chimney of house 44 40 yi mile. Chimney of Kennedy house 69 22 i|^ miles. Left chimney of Raley house 84 09 iS s miles. Chimney of Priest's villa 93 06 i^i miles. Chimney 96 45 ^-2 mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (3 inches diameter) . 185 25 20 7.68 meters. Nail in blaze in gum tree (3 inches diameter) . 216 30 30 10.96 meters. Reference station 221 09 50 11.50 meters. Nail in blaze in gum tree (12 inches diameter) . 290 30 30 7.32 meters. " Water Tower" (near Portobello) 344 16 00 s s mile. 78 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. CHAN. General locality. — Eastern shore of St. Marys River on Chancellor Point about seven-eighths mile north -northwest of entrance to St. Inigoes Creek. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long point about 3 feet above high water, 10 yards north of side of point, 12 yards south of side of point, 17 yards east of extreme end of point, and near cedar trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.14 meters S. 78° 09' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 3-inch square wooden box. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — 011/ " Bello " (N. 37° 29' W.) o 00 Chimney of house 9 56 Left peak of roof between two chimneys. ... 24 15 Left chimney of house on Pagan Point 40 35 "Calvert Monument" 56 56 " Episcopal Church Cross" 58 39 Near peak of roof of Bromes Wharf house .... 58 47 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 123 55 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (15 inches diam- eter) 137 32 Reference station 139 19 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (18 inches diam- eter) 157 56 Weather vane on bam 262 54 Silo at Portobello 349 29 s^ mile. I mile. I, '-8 miles. 1^2 miles. i^ 8 miles. lis miles. iSg miles. 4.47 meters. 20 31.61 meters. 50 14.14 meters. 20 13-99 meters. ^ mile. }-4 mile. BELLO. General locality. — Western shore of St. Marys River on Portobello Point about five-eighths mile north-northwest of Chancellor Point and i '^ miles north of Windmill Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on northeast peak of ro.if on wharf house at Portobello Landing. Marks. — Observed station is a flagpole on northeast peak of wharf house. References. — None necessary. WATER TOWER (PORTO BELLO). General locality. — Western side of St. Marys River inshore about one-fourth mile west of Portobello Landing. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a detached structure with a water tank on top. Marks. — Observed station is center of water tank. References. — None necessary. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 79 GRAVEL. Gineral locality. — Eastern shore of St. Marys River about three-eighths mile north-northeast of Chancellor Point, and five-eighths mile east of Portobello Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immsdiate locality. — ^Observed station is on gravel washed up between river and slough about on level with high water, 2 yards north of gravel and marsh line, 33 yards east-northeast of outlet of slough, and 65 yards southwest of point where woods and river meet. Cement monument marking reference station is 26.99 meters N. 86° 03' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / /r "Bello"(N. 77° S4'W.) o Near peak of roof between two chimneys at Portobello i House on Pagan Point 71 Near peak of roof of Bromes Wharf house .... 95 " Episcopal Church Cross " 95 Nail in blaze in pine tree (20 inches diam- eter) 141 Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diam- eter) 162 RSPEReNCB STATION 163 Nail in blaze in pine tree (20 inches diam- eter) 189 Weather vane on bam 298 Between two chimneys on house near Porto- bello 358 36 00 yi mile. Yt mile. xYi miles. I mile. 20 I mile. 30 30-95 meters. 00 22.75 meters. 40 26.99 meters. 40 21. II meters. 1^4 miles K mile McKAY. General locality. — Western shore of St. Marys River about one-half mile north-northeast of Porto- bello Point, and five-eighths mile west-southwest of Bromes Wharf. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about on level with high water, 14 yards south of a fence extending into water, and at edge of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.12 meters S. 71° 35' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 3-inch square wooden box. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Bello" (S. 23° 16' W.) o 00 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 26 41 , RePERGNCE STATION 48 18 Nail in blaze in gum tree (8 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in willow tree (8 inches diam- eter) 158 35 "Calvert Monument" 215 58 " Episcopal Church Cross " 217 55 Near peak of roof on Bromes Wharf house . . . 222 48 Weather vane on bam 350 55 mile. 40 6.82 meters. 55 8.12 meters. 119 55 00 3.48 meters. 20 8.25 meters. 30 Y mile. 10 Y mile. 5^ mile. 40 i}4 miles. 8o SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BROME. General locality. — Eastern shore of St. Marj's River about three-eighths mile south of Bromes Wharf at St. Marys. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of woods about 6 feet above high water, 2 yards southeast of shore, and 25 yards from foot of a slope. Cement monument marking reference station is in woods 5.65 meters S. 76° 12' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 3-inch square wooden box with top about flush with sur- face of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "McKay" (N. 86° 29' W.) o 00 Peak of roof between two chimneys of McKay h :)use 4 08 Peak of barn 46 30 Right chimney of two-story house 47 54 Chimney of small house 60 26 Stovepipe of small cabin 63 27 Peak of roof of Bromes Wharf house 75 30 " Episcopal Church Cross " 81 46 Nail in blaze in chestnut tree 157 16 Rrference station 190 17 Nail in blaze in cherry tree 207 43 Tangent of Gravelly Point 298 00 Peak of roof between two chimneys of house at Portobello 1,^,1, 45 00 j^ mile. f^ mile. ^ mile. ^ mile. yi mile. yi mile. y^ mile. yi mile. 10 4.32 meters. 20 5.65 meters. 3c 6.40 meters. ^/i mile. I mile. DEEP. General locality. — Western shore of St. Marys River opposite Bromes Wharf on first prominent point south of Pagan Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immsdiate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 11 yards southwest of side of point, 12 yards north-northwest of side of point. 17 yards west of extreme end of point, and near several small piles of oyster shells. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a 1 ir "Pagan" (N. 0° 42' W.) o 00 Peak of bam 3 05 Chimney of two-story house 8 35 Outside chimney of house 55 06 Smoke pipe of cabin near monument 68 12 Windmill at St. Marys Seminary 72 00 "Calvert Monument" 72 10 " Episcopal Church Cross " 74 12 Peak of roof of Bromes Wliarf house 83 25 Chimney of small house 103 57 Nail in blaze in cedar tree 149 58 Tangent of Chancellor Point 183 00 Peak of roof between two chimneys 216 08 Nail in blaze in cedar tree 303 47 15 y^ mile. Yi mile. Yi mile. y^ mile. y mile. y mile. y mile. 00 y mile. Yi mile. y mile. 35 9.01 meters. i^s miles. Y mile. 20 21.87 meters. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 8i CALVERT MONUMENT. General locality. — Eastern shore of St. Marj-s River on high prominent point near site of Old St. Marys. (See chart No. 24.) Immsdiate locality. — Observed station is a tall granite shaft erected in memor\- of Calvert who founded the first settlement of Maryland near this point. Marks. — Observed station is apex of pyramidal top of shaft of Calvert Monument. References. — None necessary. EPISCOPAL CHURCH CROSS (OLD ST. MARYS). Gnisral locality. — Eastern shore of St. Marys River near site of Old St. Marys. (See chart No, 24.) Imniidiate locality. — Observed station is on tower of the Episcopal Church at Old St. Mar>-s. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross on tower of the Episcopal Church. References — None necessary. PAGAN. General locality. — Western side of upper St. Marys River on Pagan Point opposite site of Old vSt. Marys. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 30 feet above high water, 120 yards southeast of river, 130 yards southwest of river, 26 yards southwest of a corn crib, 6 yards north of a wire fence. 16 yards south of another wire fence, and iq yards west of still another wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top about 10 inches below surface of ground. Surface mark is nail in stub. References. — o / // "Calvert Monument" (S. 67° 16' E.) o 00 Near peak of roof of wharf house 8 12 Near peak of roof of Brome house 12 03 Left side of left chimney of McKay house. ... 96 31 Left chimney of large house on hill 191 19 Near comer of com crib 290 21 Left comer of stable 333 33 Near corner of stable 348 27 "Episcopal Church Cross" 358 26 BEND. General locality. — Eastern shore of Horseshoe Bend in the upper St. Marj-s River about five-eighths mile north-northeast of Calvert Monument and i mile east of Horseshoe Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a clear space about 15 feet above high water, 16 yards east of shore, 6 yards east of edge of bank, 7 yards east of a road, 12 yards south of trees, 12 yards west of bushes, 16 yards north of trees, and 23 yards northwest of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Calvert Monument" (S. 31° 22' W.) o 00 Near corner of near chimney of McKay house ig 16 Chimney on middle of house on Pagan Point , 30 50 End of front peak of Brisco house 55 22 Near chimney of large house 70 03 Nail in blaze in pine tree (3 inches diameter) . 131 21 JJail in blaze in gum tree (9 inches diameter) .178 39 Nail in blaze in double cedar tree (3 inches diameter) 228 54 Windmill at St. Marys Seminary 351 48 Near peak of roof of Commencement Hall at St. Marys 354 57 " Episcopal Church Cross " 356 22 2606 — 11^ — 6 00 ^^ mile. }4 mile. 5^ mile. K mile; ij4 miles. 10 23.11 meters. 10 27-85 meters. 40 24.9s meters. 50 }{ mile. 00 . . . . H mile. i|^ miles. }i mile. iX miles. i}-i miles. 20 . . . , . . 10.53 meters. 10 . . . , 18.70 meters. 30 .... 22.24 meters. 30 .... ^ mile. ^ mile. 00 fi mile. 82 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. WEST HOLLOW. General locality. — Western shore of upper St. Marys River opposite Horseshoe Point and between Pagan Point and Short Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture about 15 feet above high water, 16 yards south- west of edge of bank at shore, 45 yards west by south of extreme end of point, 40 yards northwest of trees in ravine, and 115 yards southeast of trees along edge of field and bank of creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top about I inch above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Brief" (N. 10° 30' E.) o 00 Right chimney of house on hill i 48 Nail in blaze in oak tree (4 inches diameter) . 8 42 Windmill 24 49 Chimney of house 26 01 Near comer of chimney of Freeman house ... 36 07 Windmill at St. Marys Seminary 93 50 Neiir corner of chimney of small house 112 30 Tile smoke pipe of small house 171 20 Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter). 281 38 Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter). 324 17 00 1-2 mile. i>^ miles. 20 18.37 meters. I mile. I mile. I mile. i}4 miles. 200 yards. ^i mile. 00 94.40 meters. 20 32.86 meters. HORSESHOE. General locality. — Eastern side of upper St. Mar>-s River about three-eighths mile north-northeast of Horseshoe Point, opposite Short Point, and i' s miles north -northwest of Calvert Monument. (See chart No. 24.) ■ Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 25 feet above high water, 175 yards east of shore, 120 yards east of edge of bank, 60 yards northwest of a rail fence and a line of trees, and 165 yards northeast of comer of fence and bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top about 12 inches below surface of ground. Surface mark is center of 3-inch square wooden box. References. — o / // "Calvert Monument" (S. 28° 20' E.) o Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter) . 34 Chimney of McCoy house on L>'nch Island . . 149 Center front peak of Hilton house 166 Near end of gable 239 Nearcornerof near chimney of Freeman house. 275 Nail in blaze in cedar tree ( 5 inches diameter) . 306 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) . 3 54 Right corner of near square pillar at St. Marys Seminary 356 "Episcopal Church Cross" 358 00 00 . . . . lyi miles. 20 50 . . . . , . . 64.12 meters. 44 30 . . . , T.yi miles. 4,3 lyi miles. 31 02 X mile. X mile. 29 20 . . . . 72.41 meters. 39 00 . . . . 51.71 meters. 20 iyi miles. 08 40 ... \yi miles. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 83 BRIEF. General locality. — Western shore of upper .St. Marys River on Short Point about three-eighths mile northwest of Horseshoe Point and one-half mile south of Martin Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 10 feet above high water, 17 yards south-southwest of shore, 30 j'ards south of edge of balik, 45 yards northwest of shore, and no yards west of extreme end of point with four cedar trees. . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top about 12 inches below surface of ground. Surface mark is center of a 3-inch square wooden box. References. — o / // " Pagan" (S. 37° 41' E.) o 00 Left comer of near chimney of McKay house. 25 14 Nail in blaze in oak tree (7 inches diameter). 30 35 Near comer of near chimney of Hyatt house . 130 n Middle gable of Hilton house 189 01 Left peak of roof of Hammett house 207 39 Right peak of roof of Sanders house 230 54 Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter) . 238 40 Left corner of chimney outside of Cox house . 248 42 Near peak of roof between two outside chim- neys 288 44 Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter). 314 15 Windmill at St. Mar\'S Seminary 345 07 Chimney on near end of house on Pagan Point. 358 17 00 }i mile. i^ mile. 10 29.86 meters. X mile. ij4 miles. iJ4 miles. 1)2 miles. 10 15.37 meters. 1)4 miles. 1 mile. 50 37.68 meters. iJ4 miles. 14 mile. TENUATE. General locality. — Western shore of upper St. Marys River on Long Point about one-fourth mile northwest of .Short Point, three-eighths mile south-sottthwest of Martin Point, and five-eighths mile northwest of Horseshoe Point. (.See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point with two cedar trees about 20 feet above high water, 7 yards southeast of edge of bank, 10 yards west-southwest of edge of bank. 13 yards south-south- west of extreme point of bank, and 30 yards northeast of a small negro house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Calvert Monument" (S. 47° 35' E.) o 00 Outside chimney of Hyatt house 26 27 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 68 04 Left comer of negro house 84 17 Chimney of negro house 100 58 Right comer of negro house. 108 12 Chimney of McCoy house 184 49 Peak of middle gable of Hilton house 202 03 Left chimney of Hammett house 225 37 Right chimney of Sanders house 254 27 Windmill 296 09 Left chimney outside of Freeman house. . . . 314 07 Windmill at St. Marys Seminary 356 09 CO i,'^ miles. X mile. 00 13.24 meters. 27.06 meters. 30 yards. 20 26.15 meters. J4 mile. I mile. I mile. I mile. 30 I mile. I mile. iji miles. 84 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. MARTIN. General localiiy. — Eastern shore of upper St. Marys River on Martin Point opposite Long Point about one-half mile north of .Short Point, and seven-eighths mile north-northwest of Horseshoe Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediaie locality. — Observed station is on a point of land about 3 feet above high water, 4 yards east of shore, 7 yards northwest of shore, 12 yards north of extreme end of point, and 30 yards north of cedar trees standing in water. Marks. — Ob.served station is center point of triangle on standard cement mommient. References . — o / // "Calvert Monument" (S. 35° 21' K.) o 00 Nail in blaze in double cedar tree (14 inches diameter) 41 45 Left chimney of Coombs house 8r 52 Chimney of McCoy house on Lynch Island. 149 01 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (q inches diam- eter) ' 198 33 Near side peak of roof on Sanders house 244 06 Chimney of house 275 55 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 306 14 " Episcopal Church Cross" 358 54 00 1,3/^ miles. 10 9.56 meters. I mile. Js mile. 10 26.99 meters. }-4 mile. 5 8 mile. 50 3.40 meters. 00 i-'i miles. SOAK. General locality. — Western shore of upper St. Mar)'s River about one-half mile southeast of Lynch Island and one-half mile west-northwest of Long Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot below high water, 3 yards northeast of bank back of which is a dense growth of pine trees, and 10 yards west of the first point northwest of Long Point. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.02 meters S. 32° 36' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top about 6 inches above bottom of river. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.- - o / // "Martin" (N. 78° 17' E.) o 00 00 3 smile. Berrill windmill 7 34 1 1^ miles. Near peak of roof of Berrill house 10 Chimney of house on Long Point 44 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter). 92 50 Nail in blaze in oak tree ('20 inches diameter). 132 41 Reference STATION 134 19 Nail in blaze in oak tree (15 inches diameter). 187 25 Outside chimney of Ware house 235 i8 Chimney of McCoy house on Lynch Island. . 252 53 Near end of middle gable of Hilton house .... 269 00 Peak of roof between two outside chimneys. . 302 03 Right chimney of Hammett house 302 51 Near peak of side gable of Sanders house .... 334 23 i}4 miles. 52 '2 mile. 40 16.86 meters. 00 12.66 meters. 00 11.02 meters. 10 17-74 meters. i' 2 miles. ',2 mile. 00 ^4 mile. 03 %■ mile. 51 ^ mile. 13 ili miles. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 85 HAMMETT. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper St. Marys River on a prominent point about three-eighths of a mile east of Lynch Island and five-eighths of a mile northwest of Martin Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on edge of cultivated land about 4 feet above high water, 8 yards north of shore, 30 yards east of shore on left line of slough, 7 yards east of a single cedar tree, and 90 yards southeast of trees on other side of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / // "Calvert Monument" (S. 41° 32' E.) o 00 Chimney on near end of Garrett house 5 21 Chimney outside of Hyatt house 14 31 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 99 38 Chimney outside of McCoy house 143 30 Left chimney of Hammett house 252 15 Right peak of roof between two chimneys of Sanders house 259 59 Windmill near Berrill 326 23 Left chimney of Berrill house 329 08 Nail in blaze in small persimmon tree 335 20 Near peak of roof between two chimneys of Freeman house 336 37 Windmill at St. Marys Seminary 357 14 " Episcopal Church Cross' ' 359 14 00 2X miles. 1^8 miles. I mile. 40 6.21 meters. 3.4 mile. ^i mile. I mile. I '-2 miles. iK miles. 00 8.39 meters. I '2 miles. 50 2^4 miles. 50 2X miles. McCOY. General locality. — Upper St. Marys River on soutlivvestern end of Lynch Island, about seven-eighths of a mile west-northwest of Martin Point. (,See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 10 feet above high water, 10 yards east of shore , 30 yards northwest of shore. 45 yards north of shore at extreme point of island, and 120 yards southwest by south of McCoy camp house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — « o / // "Calvert Monument" (S. 47° 18' E.) o 00 00 2^2 miles. Chimney of house on Long Point i 31 i mile. Left chimney of house on Short Point 4 35 iJ4 miles. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (7 inches diam- eter) 26 49 30 5.73 meters. Left chimney of Powell house 90 38 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (12 inches diam- eter) 95 17 20 15.46 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (7 inches diam- eter) 182 08 00 8.41 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (6 inches diam- eter) 217 16 40 10.34 meters. Right comer of McCoy house 283 14 30 120 yards. Near peak of roof between two chimneys on Freeman house 338 02 1}'^ miles. Windmill at St. Marys Seminary 357 35 20 a'^a miles. "Episcopal Church Cross" 359 23 30 2^^ miles. 86 SURVEY OP OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, Mb. SMACK. General locality. — Southern side of entrance to St. George River on St. George Island opposite Cherryfield Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 8 yards south of shore, 30 yards southwest of extreme end of point, 45 yards west of shore , and 4 yards northeast of fence and orchard . Cement monument marking reference station is 6.20 meters S. 13° 27' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cherry" (N. 31° 53' E.) o 00 00 }4 rmXe. Chimney of Taylor house 27 55 2X miles. " St. Michaels Catholic Church Spire" 58 01 50 5|^ miles. Near peak of roof of Lewis Hotel at Smith Creek 72 05 30 3^ miles. Near peak of roof of long bam on Kitts Point . . 77 54 zyi miles. Chimney of first house on point of island ... . 112 34 y^ vaiXe. Reference station 134 39 40 6.20 meters. Chimney of house 137 32 ^ mile. Chimney of house 170 38 120 yards. Nail in blaze in peach tree (3 inches diame- ter) 177 43 50 4.76 meters. Nail in blaze in peach tree (4 inches diame- ter) 215 55 10 6.42 meters. Ball on church 231 25 14 mile. Chimney of house 254 02 • X mile. Near peak of roof 299 25 1^8 miles. Chimney of house 328 03 2 miles. CHERRY. Northern side of entrance to St. George River on Cherr>'field Point. (See chart yards east of shore, 30 l/i mile. ^ mile. I mile. iX miles. yi mile. General locality No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water yards north of shore, 30 yards southwest of pine woods, anfl near several trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument References. — ° ' " "Smack" (S. 31° S3' W.) o Cross on Catholic Church 14 Chimney of 2 ' j'-story house 42 Left piazza post of Dana Hall 56 Near peak of roof of bam 104 Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diame- ter) 170 15 Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diame- ter) 207 32 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter). 226 59 Chimney of house with ell 350 16 Near chimney of house on opposite point. .. . 359 27 33 30 21.96 meters. 6.30 meters. 17.40 meters. yi mile. ]A mile. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, Mt>. 87 PRICE. General locality. — Northern shore of St. George River on eastern side of entrance to Price Creek and about one-half mile north of Cherryfield Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i ' . feet above high water, 9 yards southeast of shore, 17 yards north-northeast of shore, 21 yards east-northeast of shore at end of point, and 200 yards west of pine woods on inner edge of marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Smack" (S. 18° o6'W.) o Chimney on middle of house 32 Right chimney of large house 44 Chimney on Adams store 46 Near peak of house with no chimney 48 Cupola of dance hall 51 Chimney of small house 53 30 Chimney of small house 54 00 Largest chimney on Milton house 86 04 Peak of Milton bam 92 27 Chimney of small cabin 105 24 Peak of Thompson 122 05 19 15 I mile. 1% miles, i^ miles. T-Yi miles, ij^ miles. \yi miles. ij^ miles. \)/2 miles. %■ mile. Y, mile. Yi mile. Y, mile. ADAMS. Getieral locality. — Southwestern shore of St. George River on St. George Island abotit i mile west- southwest of Cherryfield Point. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in chicken yard about i foot above high-water mark, 28 yards southwest of shore, 15 yards southwest of wire fence, 17 yards south of corner of wire fence, 38 yards west-northwest of comer of wire fence, 37 yards north of corner of w'ire fence, and 30 yards east of comer of wire fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.63 meters N. 80° 35' W. of observed station. Mark^. — Observed station is nail in tree stump 8 inches in diameter. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — " ' " "Cherry" (N. 81° 14' E.) o 00 Comer post of wire fence ^^ 42 Near peak of roof of large house 64 03 Left chimney of large house with four gables. 88 46 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diame- ter) 91 03 Comer tree of wire fence 98 43 Near edge of peak of gable 154 28 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diame- ter) -. 155 34 Comer tree of wire fence 173 20 Near comer of chicken house 189 49 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diame- ter) 192 15 Reference STATION 198 11 Right chimney of house 207 29 Pole on pavilion on wharf 228 02 Comer post of wire fence 283 24 Near peak of roof between chimneys 312 22 00 I mile. 38 yards. Y mile. yi mile. 20 11-35 meters. 37 yards. 100 yards. 20 21.29 meters. 30 yards. 12.62 meters. 10 8.89 meters. 30 13-65 meters. >8 mile. Y mile. 17 yards. 1^4 miles. 88 SURVEY OP OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. GOOSR. General locality. — Northeastern shore of St. (Teorgc River, about three-fourths mile northwest of Cherryfield Point, and one-fourth mile northwest of entrance to Price Creek. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high-water mark, among cedar, pine, and persimmon trees, 4 yards northeast of edge of lane, 13 yards south of cultivated land beyond trees, ' and a few yards northwest of four large pine trees at edge of water. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Cherry" (S. 45° 49' E.) o 00 00 K mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (11 inches diame- ter). .- 7 36 50 8.08 meters. Chimney op middle of two and a half story house 69 58 '/% mile. Near front peak of two and a half story house . . 74 00 J 8 mile. Chimney of storehouse 94 28 's mile. Smokepipe of cottage near high scant woods . . 118 53 i mile. High lone pine tree on St. George Island .... 134 07 i ' s miles. Chimney on two and a half story house near Piney Point 145 57 2% miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diame ter) 174 06 20 8.74 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diame- ter) 207 13 00 2.58 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inclies diame- ter) 290 25 50 5.7s meters. Right peak of wharf house 263 01 i mile. Tangent of point 347 47 250 yards. STRAITS. General locality. — Southwestern shore of St. George River on St. George Island about one-fourth of a mile southeast of St. George Island Straits, and about ijs miles east of Piney Point Light. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on miu^sh land at about i foot above high-water mark, 3 yards .southeast side of point. 5 yards northwest of side of point, and 19 yards southwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / // " Piney Point Light " (N. 88° 05' W.) o 00 00 i-*4 miles. Left peak of roof of small house 11 48 125 yards. Near peak of roof of hotel (lightning rod) .... 42 28 ^2 mile. Main chimney of house 52 00 / 8 mile. Lone locust tree 96 33 -'^ mile. Chimney of large house with four gables 239 42 '2 mile. Chimney of house 273 47 125 yards. COMBS. General locality. — Northeastern side of St. George River on a small island about one-eighth mile off shore and one-half mile east of St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about on level with high water, 7 j'ards north of extreme end of point, 11 yards west of shore, and 40 yards east-southeast of another point. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.87 meters N. 1° 12' W. of observed station. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 89 Marks. — Observed station is nail in stake. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Piney Point Light" (S. 84° 52' W.) o 00 00 2' smiles. Chimney on right end of Swan Hotel 15 01 s^ mile. Right peak of Graves Hotel 21 30 S/j' mile. Left chimney of Robrccht house t,^ 08 7 s mile. Left cedar on Moore Island 39 56 yi mile. Cedar tree 51 41 i/i mile. Chimney of Taylor house 56 14 X mile. Reference st.\tion 93 55 30 13-87 meters. Lightning rod about on line with chimney .157 56 '4 mile. Pavilion on wharf 271 03 -5 s mile. SWAN. General locality. — Southwestern shore of St. George River about one-eighth of a mile north of St. George Island Straits and iS g miles east of Piney Point Light. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture near a locust tree and three small pine trees about 3 feet above high-water mark, 12 yards south-southeast of shore, 14 yards west of shore, 4 yards west of edge of bank, lo yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 12 yards south of extreme point of bank. 30 yards southwest of extreme end of point, and 130 yards northeast of a cross on a grave. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' ' " "Piney Point Light" (S. 82° 14' W.) o 00 00 i^s miles. Small chimney of house 43 04 200 yards. Main chimney of house 67 22 '2 mile. Near chimney of large house 102 20 lyi miles. Near one of two outside chimneys of house . . 113 12 i mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree {2}i inches diame- ter) 125 54 50 9. 77 meters. Right chimney of house 181 19 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (2 inches diameter) . 218 41 30 5. 73 meters. Pavilion on wharf 237 02 }^ mile. Chimney of house in woods 255 26 is mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (20 inches diame- ter) 288 29 10 3. 77 meters. Cross on grave 317 29 30 132 yards. TAYLOR. General locality. — Northeastern shore of St. George River about one-half mile northeast of St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on solid land back of marsh aljout 4 feet above high water, 37 yards southeast of shore , 10 yards south-southeast of fence corner, 100 yards east-northeast of a clumii of trees, and 125 yards northwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Straits" (S. 8° 58' W.) o 00 00 % mile. Chimney of Swan Hotel 66 01 20 yi mile. Right chimney of Graves Hotel 79 58 .■ 5-^ mile. Main chimney of Robrecht house 99 11 ,'4 mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (12 inches diame- ter) 113 41 40 7. 06 meters. 90 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. References — Continued. ° Right chimney of Adams house 123 Nail in blaze in cedar fence post (4 inches diameter) 130 Left chimney of old 2'<-story house 134 Chimney of house 285 Chiranej' of house with four gables behind long building 338 I ' 8 miles. 50 10 8. 48 meters. 46 . > I ' 2 miles. 51 90 yards. 49 I mile. ROBRECHT. General locality. — Southwestern shore of St. George River on a point of land about five-eighths mile north of St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Ob.served station is in a cultivated field about 4 feet above high water, 6 yards west of edge of bank, 35 yards southeast of edge of bank, 70 yards northwest of edge of bank, and 40 yards south by west of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top about 10 inches below surface of ground. Surface mark is a 3-inch-square wooden box. References. — o / // "Swan" (S. 14° 42' E.) o 00 00 }4 mile. Chimnej' of pavilion 23 29 ^ mile. Right chimney of Robrecht house 77 03 J4 mile. Chimney of house 160 10 ^,'i mile. Left chimney of old 2 W-story house 166 59 i^ miles. Left chimney of house 207 43 ^ mile. Near one of two chimneys on house 225 28 ^ mile. Near peak of roof of house 312 48 V; mile. Chimney of house in woods 356 31 Vj mile. TARKHILL. General locality. — Northeastern side of St. George River, a short distance off shore on a small island about three-fourths mile north of St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small marsh island or tump about i foot above high water, 2 yards southwest of edge of island, 3 yards northeast of edge of island, 8 yards northwest of edge of island, and 22 yards southeast of edge of island. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monimicnt. References. — o / // " Robrecht" (S. 82° 04' W.) o 00 00 fg mile. Chimney of old house 23 20 J smile. Right chimney of Adams house 38 56 3^ mile. Peak of large barn 41 58 }i mile. Peak of Chadwick house 57 43 I's miles. Peak of house showing over roof of large house . 265 22 iX miles. Chimney of small cabin 270 ^^ iX miles. Between two chimneys of house 271 05 1% miles. Tangent of point 303 00 f8 mile. Peak of cottage near hotel 335 00 ? s mile. Left chimney of Robrecht house 354 54 yi mile. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 9 1 RUSSELL. General locality. — Southwestern shore of upper St. George River about ij/g miles northwest of St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the edge of a cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 7 yards northwest of shore, 13 yards west of shore, 40 yards west-northwest of a small marsh point, and 80 yards east of a comer of a fence around yard of house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Lowell" (N. 51° 05' E.) o 00 00 X n^i'^- Between twochimneysof Mac Adamshouse. . 18 20 J^f mile. Peak of bam 23 31 |^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree 75 46 10 6. 45 meters. Near chimney of Todd Adams house 223 20 90 yards. Peak of small bam 235 40 150 yards. Peak of large bam 257 05 200 yards. Nail in blaze in small holly tree 288 53 30 7-94 meters. Peak of large bam 345 44 ^ mile. LOWELL. Getieral locality. — Northeastern shore of upper St. George River about i^ miles north of St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Obser\'ed station is in a field about i foot above high water, 6 yards northwest of shore, 32 yards northeast of extreme point of shore, and 7,7, yards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Arbuckle" (N. 82° 12' E.) o 00 00 ^ mile. Peak of bam 5 18 ^ mile. Left chimney of Swan Hotel 93 06 i mile. Chimney of storehouse 95 30 ^' mile. Peak of small bam 98 53 ^ mile. Left chimney of Robrecht house 99 51 ^ mile. Left lightning rod of Graves house 104 52 ^ mile. Near chimney of Adams house 155 47 ^4 mile. Peak of large bam 170 08 ^2 mile. Chimney of Wall house 197 55 ^i mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree 237 23 10 27. 58 meters. ARBUCKLE. General locality. — Northeastern side of upper St. George River about i3,s miles north of St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water. 100 yards northeast of shore, 100 yards north of a ditch, 250 yards west of comer of Adams bam, and 300 yards west by south of Adams house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. (Note: Sup- posed to be buried with top 12 inches below surface of ground.) References. — 011/ "Tarkhill" (S. 6° 54' E.) o 00 00 Jj mile. Right one of two chimneys on Robrecht house 35 14 % mile. Near peak of roof of William Adams house. . . 78 33 5^ mile. Tangent of point 86 49 ^^g mile. Near peak of Shehan house 175 05 )4, mile. Between two chimneys on J. M. Adams house . 255 02 300 yards. Comer of shed attached to bam 289 02 253 yards. Southwest peak of bam 289 30 270 yards. 92 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. WALL. ' miles north-northwest of General locality. — Southwestern shore of upper St. George River about St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about 3 feet above high water, 7 yards southwest of shore, 45 yards southeast of shore, 40 yards east of shore of cove, 35 yards east of an oak tree, and 200 yards northwest of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Lowell" (S. 76° 47' E.) o Chimney of Wall house 9 Peak of bam 35 Outside chimney of house 155 Left chimney of house 189 Large chimney of i '^^-story house 201 East peak of bam 242 Left chimney of Chadwick house 244 Outside chimney of house 257 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (2 feet diameter) . . 261 Chimney of house across creek 328 Southwest peak of bam 352 SHEHAN. 00 00 \4 mile. 14 200 yards. 48 250 yards. 40 I mile. 00 ili miles. 44 ij< miles. II i^ miles. 24 yi mile. 04 ^ mile. 08 5. 28 meters. 27 I mile. 00 I mile. General locality. — Northeastern shore of upper St. George River about ijs miles northwest of St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on solid ground about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards east of shore, 40 yards northwest of shore, 30 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, 50 yards west of an old rail fence, and north-northwest of marsh between shore and station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Lowell " (S. 36° 10' E.) o Chimney of Robrecht house 27 Lightning rod of Adams house 38 Ch imney of house 44 Peak of Wall house 62 Peak of house 96 Peak of large bam 121 Tangent of point up creek 162 Nail in blaze in small pine tree 254 08 50 00 00 f's mile. 34 i/^ miles. 14 mile. ]4 mile. % mile. J^ mile. '2 mile. '4 mile. 20. 32 meters. CHADWICK. General locality. — Northeastern shore of upper St. George River on a prominent point between a cove and creek about 2 miles north-northwest of St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on edge of an old field about 2 feet above high water, 9 yards northeast of shore, 18 yards northwest of extreme end of point, 80 yards south-southeast of a 2yi- story house, and 75 yards from several apple trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Wall" (S. 11° 24' E.) o 00 00 Ji mile. South peak of bam 14 24 f;^^ mile. Chimney of house 27 16 J^ mile. Chimney of house on opposite shore 30 49 yi mile. Chimney of house among trees on opposite shore 36 10 ^ mile. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 93 References — Continued. a / 1/ Southwest peak of bam 39 52 ^ mile. Chimney of house near woods 88 28 }i, mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree 137 55 50 3.82 meters. Near corner of house 171 46 81 yards. South comer of house 212 17 ^ mile . GUITHER. General locality. — Southwestern shore of upper St. George River about 2 miles northwest of St. George Island Straits. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a grassy field about 2 feet above high water, directly opposite Chadwick farm house. 12 yards northwest of shore, 18 yards south of shore, and 35 yards south- west of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Chadwick" (N. 58° 50' E.) o 00 00 '4 mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree 34 37 30 7.05 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree 63 31 50 8.92 meters. Chimney on Wall house 80 36 ]/i mile. Northeast peak of bam 86 50 fi mile. Near peak of bam 104 ii % mile. Peak of bam 120 12 yi mile. Chimney of small house ^ 206 51 yi mile. Chimney of i ' 2-story house 286 20 1% miles. Between two chimneys of house on Chadwick farm 345 16 J4 mile. ST. GEORGE 4- General locality. — Northeastern shore of Potomac River about one-eighth mile north of southern end of St. George Island and one-half mile west-southwest of entrance to Island Creek. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy sand about 3 feet above high water, i yard north- east of shore, 200 yards northwest by west of extreme end of point, and 150 yards southeast of another point. Standard cement monument marking reference station of 1909 is 26.41 meters N. 42° 16' E- of observed station. Reference station No. i (tile pipe set in cement) is 31.58 meters N. 14° 30' E. of observed station. Reference station No. 2 (tile pipe set in cement) is 48.98 meters N. 59° 27' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is '4 -inch iron pipe in 3-inch tile pipe set in cement with top about 12 inches bel^w surface of ground. Surface mark is nail in stub. Reference station of 1909 is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Reference station No. i is center of 3-iiich tile pipe set in cement with top 3 inches above surface of ground. Reference station No. 2 is center of a 3-inch tile pipe set in cement with top about flush with surface of ground. References. — o / // "Piney Point Light" (N. 52° 48' W.) o 00 00 3^4 miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter). 39 12 50 19.44 meters. Reference station No. i (tile) 67 18 00 31-58 meters. Reference station (cement monument) . . 95 03 35 26.41 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 105 41 10 26.56 meters. Reference station No. 2 (tile) 112 15 25 48.98 meters. Tall pine tree on Kitts Point 137 43 40 2J.-8 miles. Left chimney of large colonial house on Vir- ginia shore 287 13 4X miles. 94 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. PINEY POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Potomac River on Piney Point about 5 miles northwest of entrance to St. Marys River. (See chart No. 24.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a tower near a dwelling and a fog-bell tower. Marks. — Observed station is center point of a lantern on a tower about 30 feet high. References. — o / // " Blakistone Island Light" (N. 67° 02' W.) . . o 00 00 12J.4 miles. FOXWELL. General locality. — Northeastern shore of upper Bretons Bay about one-half mile east-southeast of Leonardtown Wharf and ij4 miles north of entrance to Mouldy Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 6 feet above high water, 12 yards northwest of shore, 2 yards from a 3-foot bank, 12 yards south of an orchard, and 25 yards east of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Valley " (S. 65° 19' E.) o 00 00 s-S mile. East gable of Duke house 114 28 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in paulownia stump 129 59 40 8.50 meters. East gable of Foxwell house 149 24 25 yards. Southeast chimney of Key house 211 06 ^ mile. Chimney of small house 239 46 J4 niile. South chimney of large 2-story house 277 43 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in paulownia tree (5 inches diameter) 320 17 30 4.42 meters. Spike in old wharf pile about 6 inches above ground 355 47 40 15.00 meters. VALLEY. General locality. — Northeastern shore of bend in upper Bretons Bay about three-fourths mile east- southeast of Leonardtown Wharf and 1^ miles north-northeast of entrance to Mouldy Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a narrow strip of marsh about i foot above high water, 15 yards east of high water, and 100 yards south of a cultivated field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Corn " (S. 28° 02' W.) o 00 00 •' s mile. East gable of Duke house 50 02 3^ mile. East chimney of Foxwell house 84 57 3 s mile. South chimney of large 2-story house 116 27 's mile. South gable of house on hill 171 08 ^4" mile. Smokestack on sawmill 210 35 '4 mile. Northwest chimney of old farmhouse 335 38 >i mile. BUZZARD. General locality. — Western shore of upper Bretons Bay on a prominent point in bend in bay about ,'2 mile southeast of Le;mardtown Wharf, and i mile north of entrance to Mouldy Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 7 yards northwest of shore, 10 yards southeast of shore, 80 yards west-northwest of a point, and 10 yards east of foot of a slope. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 95 References. — o / // " Foxwell " (N. i8° 28' E.) o 00 00 % mile. South chimney of two-story house 5 18 14 mile. West chimney of two-story house 2ii °^ M^ mile. Southwest chimney of one-story house 112 52 }4 mile. South gable of wharf house ^ 302 58 s-^ mile. Cupola on Catholic Academy 342 32 40 i mile. West chimney of Foxwell house 3S5 26 X mile. CORN. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Bretons Bay on second prominent point north of Mouldy Creek about yi mile southeast of Leonardtown Wharf, and i^i miles northeast of entrance to Mouldy Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is inside of a rail fence at the edge of a cultivated field about 3 feet above high water. 10 yards from shore, and }^ mile northwest of a one and one-half story farm- house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cedar" (S. 29° 46' W.) o 00 00 ^4 mile. Chimney of small two-storj' house 52 40 JS^ mile. East gable of Duke house 91 30 }4 mile. South gable of wharf house no 40 ; . . J/i mile. Southwest chimney of Key house 128 ^^ J^ mile. South gable of Foxwell house 136 28 X mile. Cross on Catholic Academy 142 50 10 i}4 miles. South gable of house on hill 174 58 J^ mile. Smokestack of sawmill 195 39 10 i mile. West chimney of small two-story house 218 25 X mile. Near chimney of old farmhouse 290 00 X mile. CEDAR. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Bretons Bay on first prominent point north of entrance to Mouldy Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 15 yards east of shore, 50 yards north of a cultivated field bounded by rail fence and small cedar trees, and directly in front of a dense growth of small cedar trees and myrtle bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Pine" (S. 10° 40' E.) o 00 00 X mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 24 41 00 31-91 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 55 37 10 21.30 meters. North chimney of small house 129 59 J^ mile. South gable of Duke house •. 160 20 X mile. Southwest chimney of Key house 180 02 iX miles. Cross on Catholic Academy 189 02 20 ij^ miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 255 08 00 5.81 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 273 57 10 2.47 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 326 52 00 3.45 meters. 96 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. NONAME. Gnisral locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Bretons Bay on a point about one-half mile north- west of entrance to Mouldy Creek, and i mile northeast of Lovers Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, near six old piles, 13 yards northwest of shore, 13 yards southwest of shore, 17 yards northeast of shore, and 80 yards south of a fringe of pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Buzzard (N. 31° 23' E.) o West gable of old farmhouse 45 Nail in blaze in old pile 82 West gable of two-story house 106 Chimney of two-story house 164 Nail in blaze in gum tree (6 inches diameter) . 200 West chimney of house 206 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 258 00 Ji mile. K mile. 00 12.70 meters. 5. 8 mile. ^2 mile. 40 9.72 meters. W mile. 00 2.63 meters. BELLE. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Bretons Bay about one-half mile north-northeast of Lovers Point, and five-eighth mile west-northwest of entrance to Mouldy Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 3 feet above high water, 9 yards northwest of shore, 50 yards south by west of a clump of trees, and 65 yards southeast by east and almost in line with northeast side of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Noname " (N. 52° 11' E.) o 00 00 3^^ mile. Left comer of left chimney of house 15 22 i mile. Right chimney of house on hill 39 35 1}^^ miles. Near peak of roof of house 53 27 %■ mile. Chimney on middle of double house 118 14 X niile. Right chimney of house 134 26 ^ mile. Chimney of large house next to wharf 147 49 5 g mile. Left of left chimney of Adams house 255 03 40 65 yards. Chimney of house 348 00 ^ mile. PINE. Gcmral locality. — Eastern shore of upper Bretons Bay about one-fourth mile north -northeast of entrance to Mouldy Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immidiaie locality. — Observed station is back of a tree-fringed shore in a field about 10 feet above high water, 7 yards east of edge of bluff, and 6 yards east of a rail fence. Marks. — Observed stati m is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Mouldy" (S. 46° 52' W.) o 00 South gable of Duke house .- 109 35 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) iqo 00 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 211 06 fs mile. yi mile. g.03 meters. 40 17.43 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter). 336 04 00 5.72 meters. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 97 HEALEY. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Bretons Bay on point opposite Abells Wharf and about three-eighths mile north-northeast of Lovers Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 12 feet above high water, 6 yards east of edge of bank, 6 yards north of edge of bank, 35 yards west of point where rail fence and water meet, 65 yards southwest of corner of fence, 200 yards southeast of cedar trees, and 250 yards south-southeast of pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "Lovers" (S. 0° 03' E.) o Chimney of large house near wharf 7 Near chimney of house 31 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 64 Nail in blaze in twisted cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 105 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 129 Chimney of house on hill igg Near chimney of house on knoll 234 Left chimney of house on hill 269 Chimney on right end of house 305 Chimney of doxible house 334 Windmill 352 Water tank 3S4 Right chimney of house 354 35 00 ^2 mile. yi mile. iji miles. 40 6.02 meters. 20 IO-33 meters. 10 16.41 meters. 400 yards. 150 yards. 2 miles. X mile. >^ mile. ^ mile. fi mile. ^ mile. MOULDY. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Bretons Bay on a point about 100 yards west of entrance to Mouldy Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 6 yards south of edge of a 25-foot bluff, 17 yards from high water, 25 yards north of a cultivated field. 50 yards west of a clump of cedar trees, and 100 yards west of entrance to Mouldy Creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Beau" (N. 88° 13' W.) o South chinmey of two-story house 24 Chimney of small two-story house 34 South gable of Duke house 81 Cross on Catholic Church 91 Cross on Catholic Academy 91 South gable of Foxwcll house 96 Soutli chimney of two-story house 99 Nail in blaze in ash tree (18 inches diameter) . 109 Southwest chimney of one-story farmhouse ... 123 Nail in blaze in oak tree (2 feet diameter). . . . 165 Center of windmill 175 Nail in blaze in ash tree (14 inches diameter) . 181 West chimney of large farmhouse 248 Top of windmill 321 2606 — II 7 57 30 ■' s mile . }4 mile. 34 mile. I mile. 2 '4 miles. 2^4 miles. I H miles. li^ miles. 30 63.32 meters. I mile. 10 52.09 meters. 30 ' s mile. 30 54-35 meters. ',2 mile. 30 i>2 miles. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BEAU. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Bretons Bay on first prominent point northeast of Lovers Point about three-eighths mile west of the entrance to Mouldy Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 9 yards south of shore, 10 yards east of shore, 10 yards northwest of a small shanty, and 11 yards south-southeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Mouldy " (S. 88° 14' E.) o Nail in blaze in double cedar tree (10 inches diameter) 14 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 41 Left corner of shanty 50 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 72 Right corner of shanty 83 Chimney on middle of house 118 Chimney on south end of house at wharf 137 Chimney of Adams house 22g Chimney on middle of house on hill 247 Peak of near gable of Duke house 281 Near peak of gable of house 302 Left chimney of house 346 10 Near peak of gable of house 355 55 05 00 j4, mile. 00 5.24 meters. 30 6.20 meters. 00 8.78 meters. 10 5.04 meters. 10 9.89 meters. yi mile. '^ mile. y2 mile. 3^ mile. ^ mile. 114, miles. f4 mile. ^ mile. HOLLOW. General locality. — Western shore of Bretons Ha)', about one-half of a mile northwest of Lovers Point and seven-eighths mile northeast of Paw Paw Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at the side of a ravine about 2 feet above high water, 4 yards northwest of shore, 5 yards southeast of foot of a bank, and northeast of cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / /r "Healey" (N. 77° 52' E.) o 00 Chimney on middle of double house 39 42 Right chimney of house 55 39 Water tank 56 14 Chimney of house 71 44 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter) 153 12 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 193 43 Nail in blaze in white-oak stump (18 inches diameter) 285 30 Right chimney of Adams house 355 11 TREES. 00 % mile. ^ mile. i/A, mile. ^ mile. I '4 miles. 50 15-41 meters. 00 19-94 meters. 10 4.87 meters. ,'j mile. General locality. — Western shore of Bretons Bay, about three-eighths of a mile west of Lovers Point and five-eighths mile northeast of Paw Paw Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at edge of a cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 15 yards west of shore, 3 yards back from edge of a bank 3 feet high, and 200 yards from a pine woods Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 99 References. — o / // "Hollow" (N. 2° 51' W.) o 00 00 yi mile. West gable of 2-story house 57 21 >2 mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 8g 24 00 Chimne)' of 2-story house 104 05 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar stump (3 inches diam- eter) . . . . ; 117 10 30 Middle chimney on large 2-stor>' house 120 29 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (10 inches diam- eter) 213 ro 40 LOVERS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Bretons Bay, about one-eighth of a mile southeast of Lovers Point and i mile east of Paw Paw Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 4 feet above high water, 15 yards south of shore, 6 yards north of a road leading to a wharf, 50 yards north -north west of a i^-story house, and 100 yards east of small store with an adjoining dwelling. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Trees" (N. 67° 47' W.) o 00 00 ^2 mile. North gable of wharf house 17 31 80 yards. Near chimney of 2-story house 77 47 i mile. Chimney of 2-story house 114 31 >2 mile. Chimney of 2-stor>' house 144 11 40 X mile- Chimney of I ' 2-story house 162 45 40 >^ mile. Chimney of i ' 2-story house 188 50 51 yards. Middle chimney of large 2-stor)' house 212 30 . . yi mile. North gable of large bam 232 59 10 J s mile. Chimney of store 355 16 100 yards. PAW. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Bretons Bay on Paw Paw Point, about i mile west-south- west of Lovers Point and three-fourths mile east of Cherry Cove. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land near two cedar trees about i foot above high water, 7 yards southeast of shore. 18 yards west by north of extreme end of point, 28 yards north- east of another point. 50 yards south-southwest of several cedar trees, and 75 yards southeast of a cultivated field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ^ / '/ "WTiat" (,S. 20° 00' E. ) o 00 Left chimney of house 14 00 Right corner of right chimney of priest's house 1 03 46 "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)" . 104 28 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 177 34 Nail in blaze in water bush (3 inches diam- eter) 204 51 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 220 42 Left corner of left chimney of house 262 04 Near corner of chimney at Abells Wharf 279 42 Right chimney of house 286 10 Water tank 287 02 Left peak of roof of large house 310 ^2 00 3^ mile. yi mile. i}i miles. 50 .... ijs miles. 00 .... 6.13 meters. 00 .... 8.79 meters. 20 4.77 meters. 2? 8 miles. I mile. I,' i miles. I ' s miles. I mile. lOO SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. WHAT. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Bretons Bay, on first prominent point southwest of Lovers Point, about three-fourths of a mile south-southeast of Paw Paw Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 20 feet above high water, 9 yards south of edge of bank, 4 yards east of a fence, 85 yards northeast of a fence at creek, 300 yards northeast of a large barn on other side of creek, and east to northeast of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° / // "Protestant" (N. 87° 05' W.) o 00 00 J^ mile. Near peak of roof of priest's house 10 30 2X miles. "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)"... 10 52 10 2)4 miles. Near peak of roof between two chimneys of house 28 26 i^ miles. Peak of front gable of Duke house 78 53 if| miles. Nail in blaze in sassafras tree (4 inches diameter) 122 49 00 8.04 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (7 inches diameter) 146 12 40 7.47 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 169 14 50 7.58 meters. Chimney of old house 270 19 250 yards. Left peak of large bam 289 10 300 yards. Right peak of roof of house with two chim- neys 320 38 300 yards. CHERRY COVE. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Bretons Bay, about 2 miles north-northeast of Higgins Point and one-eighth mile west-southwest of entrance to Cherry Cove. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about 15 feet above high water, 12 yards north of edge of bank, 17 yards west-southwest of near corner of a 2-story house, 23 yards west-northwest of a point, 25 yards west of edge of bank, and 27 yards southwest by south of a wire fence around a garden. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Compton " (S. 73° 49' W.) o 00 00 Js mile. Peak of tin roof of priest's house o 39 lys miles. "Catholic Church cross (Newtown Neck)".. . 2 13 40 i;^8 miles. Near peak of roof of large house 28 46 20 34 mile. Tangent of point of bank on opposite side of Cherry Cove 119 52 ^ mile. Left chimney of house 131 40 i}i miles. Nail in blaze in comer fence post (3 inches diameter) 145 17 00 26.46 meters. Left corner of house 166 14 20 i9-95 meters. Near corner of house 177 51 50 17.14 meters. Right comer of house 188 05 20 2494 meters. Left comer of large house near Abells Wharf. . 196 01 2 miles. Water tank 196 38 2 miles. Chimney of large house 228 19 2 miles. Chimney of large house 240 39 1^8 miles. Cupola on building in woods 276 42 1}^ miles. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. PROTESTANT. General localUy. — Southeastern shore of Bretons Bay on Protestant Point opposite Cherry Cove about I's miles east-northeast of Kaywood Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand bar about 2 feet above high water, 26 yards north of shore, 35 yards east by south of a cedar tree, and 35 yards northwest of entrance to a creek. Cement monument marking reference station is 29.12 meters S. 56° 29' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top about 12 inches above surface of sand. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° / // "Cherry Cove" (N. 21° 54' W.) o 00 Chimney of house o 50 Left chimney of house 27 44 Peak of front gable of Duke house 45 08 Chimney of Adams house 71 32 Chimney outside of house at Abells Wharf. . 82 37 Water tank 87 58 Left chimney of house 126 59 Reference station 145 24 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter). 145 54 Nailin blaze in oak tree (7 inches diameter). . 173 48 Nail in blaze in oak tree (20 inches diameter). 204 06 "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)" ..311 47 Chimney on middle of roof of house 336 32 yi mile. i/i mile. if^ miles. i^ miles. 2% miles. iX miles. i^ miles. % mile. 29.12 meters. 20 39-51 meters. 10 28.84 meters. 3° 23 -34 meters. 00 lyi miles. I mile. 35 FENCE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Bretons Bay opposite Compton about i^ miles northeast of Kaywood Point at entrance to Bay. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 12 feet above high water, 3 yards southeast of edge of bank, 70 yards southwest of locust trees, and in front of cedar and sassafras trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.87 meters S. 25° 41' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Compton " (N. 41° 30' W.) o 00 Near comer of large outside chimney of house 6 24 Near peak of roof of house 32 56 Chimney of house 48 47 Largest chimney of Duke house 72 15 Nail in blaze in apple tree (16 inches diam- eter) 144 58 Large chimney of building among trees 186 31 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 195 36 Reference station 195 48 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (2 inches diameter) 232 51 Chimney on middle of house 294 55 Near end of near chimney of priest's house. . 352 57 00 lyi miles. li/i miles. il4 miles. lyi miles. 1% miles. 50 59-59 meters. yi mile. 00 19-97 meters. 55 12.87 meters. 20 18.10 meters. I mile. iX miles. I02 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. COMPTON. General localily. — Western shore of Bretons Bay on Newtown Neck about three-eighths mile south- southwest of entrance to Combs Creek, and iS-s miles north of Kaywood Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate localily. — Observed station is in the corner of a field adjoining a large brick house about 20 feet above high water, 75 yards west of shore, 75 yards south of shore, 2 yards south of a fence, 3 yards west of another fence, and 400 yards east-northeast of a church and a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o r 11 "Sand bar " (S. 5° 04' W.) o 00 00 5,^ mile. Near peak of tin roof of priest's house 72 50 400 yards. " Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck) ". . 8r 07 00 400 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar fence post (8 inches diameter) 131 39 30 5.03 meters. Flagstaff of Compton post office 196 27 '2 mile. Chimney of store 197 00 ' ^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar fence post (4 inches diameter) 219 07 Chimney on roof of house 248 42 Cupola on stable 308 03 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 334 19 \ 00 2.01 meters. yi mile. \yi, miles. 40 9.59 meters. SANDBAR. General locality. — Western shore of Bretons Bay on Newtown Neck about \]i miles north of Kaywood Point and \% miles south of Combs Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand spit between bay and small pond about i foot above high water, 6 yards north of a point of trees. 75 yards west by north of a sand bar visible at low water, and 85 yards south of another point. ^ Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Newtown " (S. 8° 45' W.) o 00 Nail in blaze in holly tree (3 inches diameter) . 14 06 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter) . 36 06 Nail in top of i Ji'-inch stub 157 31 Left comer of left chimney of priest's house . 158 57 Flagstaff of Compton post office 181 21 Chimney of house with several gables 184 37 Left peak of tin roof 205 03 Chimney of house 218 48 Right chimney of house near Abells Wharf. . 244 56 Water tank at Abells Wharf 245 16 Nail in blaze in holly tree (3 inches diameter). 356 11 00 >2 mile. 50 7.08 meters. 10 5.96 meters. 50 12.08 meters. Js mile. I mile. I mile. I mile. ; . iX miles. 3 miles. 3 miles. 00 4.62 meters. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 103 DUNK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Bretons Bay about five-eighths mile north of Higgins Point and lyi miles northwest of Kaywood Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded grassy knoll about 4 feet above high water, 4 yards southeast of edge of bank, 8 yards northwest of foot of sand slope, 20 yards northeast of first tree in scant woods, 25 yards northwest of edge of woods, 55 yards west-southwest of a large pine tree at point of woods, and 75 yards east-northeast of a mud hole. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Blakistone Island Light" (S. 53° 42' W.).. . o Chimney of house 28 "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)" . . 8q Right tangent of right chimney of priest's house 90 Right peak of roof of railway building 114 Right peak of roof between two chimneys of house 127 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) 189 Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter). . 245 Nail in blaze in oak tree (11 inches diameter) . 342 00 00 . . . . SH miles. 4,3 34 mile. 39 20 . . . . j)4 miles. 18 40 . . . . iX miles. 03 i^ miles. 00 i}4 miles. 58 30 . . . . . . 47.76 meters. 56 00 . . . . . . 19.77 meters. 10 20 . . . . 16.78 meters. NEWTOWN. General locality. — Western shore of Bretons Bay about one-half mile north of Kaywood Point and seven-eighths mile northwest of Higgins Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 12 feet above high water, surrounded by a fence, g yards west-northwest of edge of bank, g yards southwest of corner of fence, 10 yards north-northeast of comer of fence, 13 yards east of corner of fence, 14 yards south-southeast of comer of fence, 30 yards south-southwest of several trees, 60 yards southwest of a ditch, 75 yards south-southeast of a pond, and 85 yards southwest of a point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Dune" (N. 85° 43' E.) o Main chimney of house 1 53 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter) 241 Chimney of house 280 Nail in blaze in twin persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 306 Nail in blaze in sugarberry tree (12 inches diameter) 323 04 20 24.89 meters. Chimney outside of building at Abells Wharf . 337 37 3J4 miles. Large chimney of house 340 16 3X miles. Water tank 340 35 3X miles. 57 5° 00 f 8 mile. 200 yards. 30 12.22 meters. i>< miles. 40 29.56 meters. I04 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. r.RGVE. I General loeality. — Eastern shore of Bretons Bay about one-half mile north of Higgins Point and seven-eighths mile northeast of Kaywoad Point. (Set chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sanded grassy land in a grove of trees about 8 feet above high water. 3 yards east of edge of bank, 5 yards south of edge of bank, 23 yards north by cast of a large oak tree, and 30 yards south-southwest of a high sand pile. Cement monument marking reference station is near twin oak trees 21.48 meters S. 34° 32' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Blakistonc Island Light" (S. 54° 24' W.) . . o 00 "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)" . . 93 09 Right tangent of chimney of priest's house ... 93 54 Tree (10 inches diameter) 107 09 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (10 inches diameter) 204 oi Nail in blaze in forked oak tree (12 inches diameter) 243 46 Reference station 271 03 Nail in blaze in right one of twin oak trees (12 inches diameter) 272 35 Oak tree (4 feet diameter) 326 09 00 3^ miles. 30 iX miles. i).4 miles. 5 yards. 00 8. 27 meters. 30 12. 31 meters. 45 21. 48 meters. 50 22. 50 meters. 23 yards. CEDOAK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Bretons Bay about one-eighth mile north of Higgins Point and seven-eighths mile east of Kaywood Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 8 feet above high water, 2 yards east of edge of bank, II yards north-northwest of edge of bank at cedar woods, 12 yards west-southwest of an oak tree, 30 yards south-southeast of small clump of cedar trees on point, and 40 yards south of edge of clearing. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.91 meters N. 76° 41' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub about i inch above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Blakistone Island Light" (S. 58° 45' W.) . . o Left chimney of Colton Hotel 17 Chimney of house beyond edge of woods .... 28 52 Chimney on middle of house 54 17 Between two chimneys on right of priest's house 94 48 Left peak of roof of rail way building iii 49 Nail in blaze in pine tree (13 inches diam- eter) 147 06 Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter). 179 34 Reference station 197 56 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (lo inches diam- eter) 222 43 Left tree on Higgins Point 290 59 00 00 3|4 miles. 18 3X miles. 52 i^ miles. 17 J/i mile. li/i miles. il-i miles. 00 28. 08 meters. 00 10. 22 meters. 05 21. 91 meters. 40 16. ig meters. yi mile. KAYWOOD. General locality. — Northern shore of Heron Island Sound on Kaywood Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a clear field about 8 feet above high water, 4 yards west- northwest of edge of bank, 22 yards northeast of edge of bank, 23 yards north-northeast of extreme point of bank, and 75 yards south-southwest of large gum tree at edge of woods. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. IO5 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Blakistone Lsland Light" (S. 49° 47' W.) . . o 00 00 2/8 miles. Chimney on near end of house 42 ,51 ' s mile. Chimney of cabin 75 41 Sgrnile. Nail in blaze in gum tree 154 04 10 72 yards. Right chimney of large house on hill 186 28 5 miles. Near peak of roof of house 187 05 5 miles. Chimney of small house 226 06 2^ miles. HERON. General locality. — Northern side of Potomac River on a sand bar called Heron Island at entrances to St. Clement Bay and Bretons Bay and about i'^ miles east-northeast of Blakistone Island Light. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on southeastern end of sand bar remains of Heron Island. Marks. — Observed station is awash except at low water and was not marked. Referctices. — None necessary. BLAKISTONE ISLAND LIGHT. General locality. — Northern side of Potomac River on southern end of Blakistone Island off entrance to St. Clement Bay and Bretons Bay. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a dwelling near a fog-bell tower. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on a dwelling known as Blakistone Island Light- house . References. — 0/1/ "Cobb Point Bar Light " (N. 61° 22' W.). ., . o 00 00 smiles. HERRING POND 2 (VIRGINIA). General locality. — Southern shore of Potomac River on a point between Nomini Bay and Machodoc River about three-eighths mile east of Kingcopscio Point. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 2 feet south of shore, 25 yards west of a round point, 85 yards east -northeast of entrance to Herring Pond Creek, and west-northwest of a grove of cedar trees. Center one of five cedar posts marking reference station is 3 meters S. 5° 33' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe set in cement with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center one of four nails in center one of five cedar posts. References. — o / // " Blakistone Island Light" (N. 42° 34' W.). . . o 00 00 4^2 miles. Near chimney of Colton Hotel 4 18 53^2 miles. Church Cross on Maryland shore 13 01 30 11 miles. Right chimney of Yates house 26 29 5^ miles. Near comer of large house on hill 108 39 Smiles. Top nail in blaze in gnarled cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 160 35 40 10. 62 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 220 44 40 ig. 50 meters. Reference station (nail in cedar stub). . . . 217 01 00 3 meters. Nail in blaze in stump (7 inches diameter) .. . 227 29 30 7.52 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar stump (12 inches diam- eter) 288 16 20 3.62 meters. Tree on point 314 21 X ™il^- Tangent of woods 319 13 .. ...... }^ mile. f 106 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. vST. CLEMENT. General locality. — Northern shore of Heron Island Somid on Newton Neck about 2 '4 miles northeast of Blakistone Island Light. (See chart No. 25.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 17 yards northeast of shore, 32 yards east of shore, 32 yards north by west of most prominent point, and 70 yards southeast of another point. Cement monument marking reference station is on line to large mulberry tree 22.01 meters N. 41° 29' E- of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub \\ ith top about 3 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References . — o / // " Blakistone Island Light" (S. 37° 57' W.). . . o 00 00 2X ™i'ss. Near comer of left chimney of Colton Hotel. . 29 09 ij^ miles. Left comer of left chimney of large house. .. . 53 51 i^ miles. Nai! in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diame- ter) 57 53 50 31.98 meters. Peak of near gable of house on Canoe Neck Creek 119 23 2j^ miles. Left tangent of trees on Long Point 120 08 54 mile. Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (30 inches diameter) 183 04 Reference station 183 31 Right chimney of house 221 59 Nail in blaze in tree ('3 inches diame- ter) 309 32 30 28.52 meters. 40 23-3° meters. 40 22.01 meters. yi mile. ST. PATRICK. General locality . — Western shore of lower St. Clement Bay about i\i miles north of Blakistone Island and one-half mile north-northeast of entrance to St. Patricks Creek. (See chart No. 25.) hnniediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 26 yards west-northwest of edge of bank, 17 yards east-snutheast of a lone persimmon tree, 100 yards north-northeast of a rail and wire fence, and 200 yards south of a barn in comer of field. Cement monument marking reference station is about on line to persimmon tree 15.35 meters N. 59° 51' W. of observed statio.i. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Blakistone Island Light" (>S. 10° 47' W.).. . o 00 Peak of near gable of large house 55 39 Chimney of house loi 35 Reference station .... 109 22 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (12 inches diameter) 109 25 Right peak of roof of barn 158 56 Right tangent of chimney of house 175 37 "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)" . . 228 45 Near corner of near chimney of priest ' 229 36 Near chimney of Yates house 255 04 Chinmey of left house on Blakistone Island. . 357 18 00 2J8 miles. 30 X niile. yi mile. 10 15-35 meters. 30 40 16.32 meters. 200 j'ards. 200 yards. 2}4 miles. ?.}4 miles. I mile. 2}4 miles. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 107 ROOF. Cencriil locality. — Eastern side of St. Clement Bay about one-half mile nortfi- north east of entrance to bav, and three-eighths mile east-southeast of extreme end of I^ng Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on western peak of roof of a barn behind a large house. Marks. — Observed statioa is a 3-inch square staff fastened and braced to the western peak of roof of bam. References. — None necessarj'. CANOE. General locality. — Western shore of lower vSt. Clement Bay opposite Long Point and about 2 miles north of Blakistone Island. (Sec chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 4 yards northwest of edge of bank, 4 yards southwest of a ditch and trees in hollow, and 60 yards south by east of a large apple tree. Cement monument marking reference station is 53.28 meters N. 17° 17' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top about 2 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on .standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Blakistone Island Light" (S. 14° 12' W.). . . o Chimney of small house 19 Near end of roof of house 1 54 Reference station . . 148 Nail in blaze in pear tree (26 inches diame- ter) 148 Chimney outside of house 150 Left chimney of large house 178 54 ^ mile. Chimney of house 216 23 2^i miles. "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)". . 233 20 50 iji miles. Near peak of roof of barn 257 32 iX niiles. Near chimney of Yates house 283 03 J/i mile. 00 2^4 miles. ij,i miles. X niile. 20 53-28 meters. 30 54-82 meters. X tnile. RAILS. General locality. — Eastern shore of St. Clement Bay about three-fou.rths mile northeast of Long Point and 3X miles north-northeast of Blakistone Island Light. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 12 feet above high water. 16 yards southeast of edge of bank, 3 yards northeast of a rail fence, 40 yards northeast of a marshy creek between two fences, and 400 yards west to northwest of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Shipping" (N. 4° 08' W.) o 00 Chimney of house 35 31 "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)".. 51 15 Near peak of roof of priest's house 53 32 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diame- ter) 129 06 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diame- ter) 240 21 Nail in blaze in gum tree (10 inches diame- ter) 276 04 Near chimney of house \vith several gables. . 295 14 Left chimney of large house 352 11 00 i^ miles. I mile. 00 Yi mile. yi mile. 30 5.27 meters. 50 3-77 meters. 40 10.24 meters. \]/i miles. iX miles. io8 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. WOODS. Ikiieral locality. --Western shore of St. Clement Bay ahout i mile north of Long Point and one-half mile northeast of entrance to Canoe Neck Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 2 yards northwest of shore, 13 yards southeast of a bank 4 feet high, 75 yards southwest of a shell point, and southeast of a grove of pine, oak, and persimmon trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Blackistone Island Light" (S. 21° 34' W.). . o 00 Nail in blaze in pine tree (20 inches diam- eter) : 28 50 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diam- eter) 67 II Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 99 23 Left chimney of house 201 24 Chimney of house 214 21 "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)". . . 245 57 Chimney of house 299 42 00 3>2 miles. 00 g.85 meters. 3° 1353 meters. 50 12.18 meters. I '-2 miles. iX miles. 20 lyi miles. yi mile. CATHOLIC CHURCH CROSS (NEWTOWN NECK). General locality. — On Newtown Neck about halfway between Bretons Bay and St. Clement Bay and 2 miles north-northeast of Heron Island Sound. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Catholic Church situated on main road on Newtown Neck. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross on Catholic Church. References. — None necessary. CHAPEL. General locality. — Eastern shore of St. Clement Bay on a point about five-eighths mile southeast of Shipping Point, and 1 14 miles northeast of Long Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on southwest slope of a point about 15 feet high, 10 feet above high water, 5 yards northeast of edge of bank, 7 yards southeast of edge of bank, 7 yards east- southeast of paint of bank. 25 yards west-southwest of a cultivated field, and 3 to 10 yards west to south- west of a dense growth of young pine trees. Cement monument marking reference station is about 9 .yards from edge of bank on edge of woods and cultivated field 17.12 meters N. 65° 49' E. of observed station . Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Shipping" (N. 34° 20' W.) o 00 00 ^ mile. Chimney on right end of house o 54 1% miles. Peak of front gable of house 16 49 2 miles. Near peak of roof on Stones Wharf 24 02 3X miles. Near peak of roof of small house 54 49 j/^ mile. Peak of gable of house 66 22 f s mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter) . 81 18 5.68 meters. RgperEnce station 100 09 10 17.12 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 119 07 30 3.10 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (3 inches diameter) . 159 04 30 9.38 meters. Near peak of roof of bam 225 28 i mile. Chimney of Yates house 240 52 iH miles. Chimney outside of house 302 51 yi mile. Near peak of gable of house 345 17 30 J^ mile. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 109 SHIPPING. General locality. — Western shore of St. Clement Bay on Shipping Point about three-eighths mile southwest of Howards Wharf and i3^ miles north-northeast of Long Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand and grass point about i foot above high water, 5 yards southwest of shore, 6 yards north of shore, 16 yards west-northwest of extreme end of point, 20 yards east-southeast of woods on point, and 300 yards northeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)" (S. " ' '/ 46° 09' E. ) o 00 Right tangent of right chimney of priest's house o 07 Left peak of roof of bam 39 34 Left tree on Long Point 62 53 Post of bird house 104 23 Chimney on ell of Colton house 114 04 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter). 159 05 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter). 184 37 Right chimney of house 193 41 Flagstaff at Maycroft 205 06 40 i mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter). 221 28 30 3.76 meters. Peak of front gable of house 240 48 2 miles. Near peak of front gable of house 317 34 fi mile. 00 I mile. I mile. i>2 miles. I mile. 250 yards. 300 yards. 50 18.51 meters. 20 17.18 meters. fi mile. MANSION. General locality. — Eastern shore of St. Clement Bay about one-half mile southeast of Howards Wharf and 2 miles north-northeast of Long Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 20 feet above high water, 6 yards northeast of edge of bank, 100 yards west by south of a corncrib, 1 10 yards west-northwest of an outbuilding. 125 yards south- west of a house, and 85 yards west of fruit trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 44.26 meters N. 19° 04' E. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° / // "Shipping" (N. 84° 21' W.) o 00 Right chimney of house 25 21 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter) Oo 41 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter). 102 21 Reference station 103 24 Near comer of house 143 38 Near comer of corncrib 163 17 Nail in blaze in apple tree (14 inches diame- ter) 182 45 Near comer of outbuilding 203 42 " Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck) " . . 253 20 Peak of front gable of Colton house 353 10 00 5 s mJe. I mile. 10 47-34 meters. lo 43-77 meters. 35 44.26 meters. 127 yards. 99 yards. 20 77-64 meters. Ill yards. 00 5 8 mile. ?8 mile. no SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. HOWARDS. General locality. — Northeastern shore of St. Clement Bay about 2% miles north -northeast of Long Point, one-half mile northeast of Shipping Point and one-eighth mile east of Howards Wharf. (Sec chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about 20 feet above high water, 8 yards north of edge of bank, 16 yards west -northwest of edge of ravine, 18 yards northwest of extreme end of point of bank, 70 yards west of another ravine, 100 yards west-northwest of a wire fence, and 250 yards south of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Chapel " fS. 0° 26' W.) o 00 00 ij/g mile. Left chimney of Yates house 16 ;!,i 2% miles. Chimney outside of house 38 37 lyi miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter). 54 54 40 8.62 meters. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (7 inches diame- ter) 85 26 10 23.75 meters. Cupola on Maycroft bam 124 50 i mile. Flagstaff at Maycroft 127 7,t, i mile. Oak tree (3 feet diameter) 150 38 200 yards. Chimney of house 156 01 250 yards. Left peak of roof of bam 223 31 250 yards. Near peak of roof of house 241 39 X mile. Chimney of house in woods 284 21 yi mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter). 339 29 00 12.15 meters. MILEYS. General locality. — Western shore of St. Clement Bay about one-half mile west-northwest of Howards WTiarf, one-half mile northwest of Shipping Point, and one-eighth mile north of entrance to Mileys Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among water bushes on marsh land about i foot above high water, 12 yards southwest of shore, 20 yards west of shore, and 150 yards east-southeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° / /' " Shipping" (S. 29^ 08' E. ) o 00 00 '2 mile. Left chimney of house 144 08 150 yards. Right corner of chimney of house 154 56 150 yards. Near peak of roof of house 183 18 '4 mile. Between two chimneys of old house 209 36 Ji mile. Right chimney of old house 247 47 yi mile. Right chimney of Howard house 295 02 ■ ^4 mile. Left comer of left chimney of priest's house . . 348 13 40 i.H' miles.- "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)". . . 348 39 20 ifa miles. BANK. General locality. — Eastern shore of St. Clement Bay about one-fourth mile north of Howards Wharf . five-eighths mile north-northeast of Shipping Point and five-eighths mile east-northeast of entrance to Mileys Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field adjoining an orchard back of a tree-fringed shore about 12 feet above high water, 20 yards east of edge of field, 17 yards south of a small gully, and 50 yards north of a fence dividing orchard and field. Cement monument marking reference station is 18.53 ™eters N. 42° 08' W. of observed station. tl SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. I II Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Shipping" (S. 25° 34' W.) o 00 00 J^ mile. Near chimney outside small house on Mileys Creek 42 12 J< mile. Chimney outside right end of house 55 15 fi mile. Flagstaff at Maycroft 89 05 yi mile. Reference STATION 112 17 40 18.53 meters. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (22 inches diam- eter) 112 22 30 19.69 meters. Right chimney of house 155 16 }4 mile. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (13 inches diam- eter) 182 37 30 13-49 meters. Tree at corner of orchard 280 26 66 yards. Chimney of house 327 52 Ji mile. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (18 inches diam- eter) 353 37 00 37.03 meters. PROFOUND. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper St. Clement Bay about one-half mile south of Cedar Point and I mile north of Shipping Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the southern side of the point on which the Hudson house is located about 12 feet above high water, 3 yards east-southeast of north comer and 3 yards north -north- east of south comer of a chicken house, 25 yards west of extreme end of point, 16 yards southeast of a well, 5 yards southwest of a drain from well, 16 yards southwest of edge of bank, and 4 yards southeast of top of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cecil" (N. 70° 56' E.) o 00 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (7 inches diam- eter) 18 02 Chimney of house on Howard Point 60 16 "Catholic Church Cross (Newtown Neck)". . 78 55 Near outside chimney of house 120 59 Left comer of chicken hous? 132 39 Left side of left chimney of Hudson house .... 201 54 Right comer of chicken house 213 14 Nail in blaze in right branch of pear tree (35 inches diameter) ■. 218 35 Near corner of kitchen 233 Center of standpipe at well 253 og Near comer of right chimney of house 253 44 Peak of front gable of house 286 31 Nail in blaze in apple tree (14 inches diam- eter) 296 38 Peak of front gable of house 316 27 Near comer of near chimney of house 358 54 00 }2 mile. 35 3.54 meters. s s mile. 10 I't miles. '2 mile. 20 1.84 meters. 20 44 yards. 4 2.30 meters. 5 40 6.19 meters. 2 14-33 meters. Q 30 13.21 meters. 4 K mile. -'s mile. 30 8.79 meters. 2 miles. "2 mile. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. CECIL. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper St. Clement Bay about one-half mile southeast of Cedar Point and ij s miles north of Shipping Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about 12 feet above high water, 14 yards northeast of extreme edge of bank, 14 yards east of edge of bank, 21 yards southeast of edge of bank, 25 yards north of a marshy gully. 130 yards west-southwest of a fence surrounding a farmhouse, and 135 yards west- southwest of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Mileys" (S. 35° 54' W.) o 00 00 Near comer of near chimney of house 5 41 40 Near corner of chimney outside of house 16 58 Peak of front gable of house 85 56 . . Near peak of roof on Cobrums Wharf 99 01 Largest chimney of house on ridge iii Near comer of chimney of house on ridge ... . 132 38 Peak of front gable of house 160 58 Near comer of house 206 52 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 281 10 Near peak of roof of large bam 292 43 Chimney of house 316 25 RADEC. ^ mile. ^ mile. ^ mile. yi mile. % mile. 24 2% miles. 38 2yi miles. 58 ij^ miles. 52 20 136 yards. 10 20 15-07 meters. ^ mile. 54 mile. General locality. — Western shore of upper St. Clement Bay on Cedar Point about three-eighths of a mile southeast of Cobrums Wharf and 1% miles south of Stones Wharf. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point about 3 feet above high water, 23 yards northwest of shore, 32 yards south of shore, 75 yards west of extreme end of point, 45 yards northeast of outlet of a small pond, and 14 yards north-northeast of a small cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Place" (N. 47° 42' E.) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 16 Left point of roof of house 51 Left chimney of house on Howard Point. ... 70 Right side of right chimney of Hudson house . Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 124 Right tangent of house 130 Peak of front gable of house 225 Near peak of roof of wharf house 241 Chimney of house 251 Near peak of roof on Stones Wharf 283 Left chimney of house 284 Left tangent of left chimney of old house ... 342 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 351 42 00 25.89 meters. 43 59 iS 00 ' , mile. 30 17.80 meters. 3^ mile. i''8 miles. '2 mile. 50 13.03 meters. yi mile. .^8 mile. 40 .'s mile. 34^ mile. 30 i/'4 miles. 30 I ''4 miles. ^i mile. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 113 PLACE. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper St. Clement Bay about three-fourths of a mile east of Cobrums Wharf, five-eighths of a mile southeast of Guest Point and one-half of a mile east-north-east of Cedar Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the southern edge of a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 4 yards north of edge of bank, 20 yards east-southeast of edge of bank, 40 yards east-northeast of extreme end of marsh point, 50 yards north of edge of marsh, and 95 yards west-northwest of a com crib. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Guest" (N. 4i°32'W.) o Left tangent of left chimney of large house. . 57 Left tangent of chimney of shack 162 Nail in blaze in apple trees (5 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in old stump (5 inches diam- eter) Near peak of roof of house on next point .... Chimney outside near end of house 251 Right tangent of right chimney of Hudson house 261 Peak on front gable of house 287 00 00 i/i mile. 46 X mile. 05 112 yards. 165 35 30 15.43 meters. 197 226 51 40 6.53 meters. 05 i/i mile. lo 1% miles. 35 16 Near peak of roof on Cobrums Wharf 319 05 14, mile. Js mile. ^ mile. COBRUMS. General locality. — Western shore of upper St. Clement Bay on southern side of entrance to Tomak- okin Creek, about i mile south-southwest of .Stones WhiU'f and 100 yards northwest of Cobrums Wharf. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 65 yards north-northwest of shore end of Cobrums Wharf, 7 yards south of shore, 8 yards southwest of shore, 12 yards west of shore at extreme end of point, and 17 yards east-northeast of a fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References . — o / // "Tomakokin " iN. 38° 47' W. ) o Chimney on near end of house 14 Left tangent of left chimney of house on hill. 42 Near peak of roof of house on Stones Wharf . . 53 Peak of front gable of house Left tangent of left chimney of old house ... 121 Left corner of house on Cobrums Wharf 177 Right corner of house on Cobrums Wharf, . . . 184 Right chimney of house igo Nail in blaze in one of several bushes 255 Near peak of roof of barn 264 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (3 feet diameter) . 306 2606 — II 8 17 88 56 00 's mile. i i mile. ij^ miles. I mile. lyi miles. I'i mile. 30 70 yards. 65 yards. yi mile. 50 17.04 meters. yi mile. 40 30.28 meters. 114 StJRVEY OP OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. GUEST. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper St. Clement Bay on Guest Point, about one-half mile northeast of Cobrums Wharf and five-eighths mile south-southeast of Stones Wharf. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 3 feet above high water, 32 yards north of shore, 43 yards northeast of shore, 45 yards east of shore, 95 yards west-northwest of south comer of a fence, and 175 yards south-southwest of north comer of a fence at edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Stones" (N. 16° 55' W.) o Near peak of roof on Stones Wharf i Near corner of highest chimney on Greenwell house 5 Cedar tree 21 Left corner of chimney of house 61 Peak of near gable of house on hill 65 Near peak of roof of house 100 Near comer of near chimney of old house .... 129 Left chimney of house 180 Left tangent of left chimney of Hudson house . 206 Near chimney of house 211 Chimney on middle of house among trees . . . 217 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) . 239 Near peak of roof on Cobrums Wharf 243 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 260 Near comer of chimney of house on hill 326 Near comer of largest chimney of house on hill 331 00 ^ mile. J^ mile. 3^ mile. 150 yards. 150 yards. I mile. X mile. X mile. if^ miles. lyi miles. ^ mile. ^ mile. 50 12.57 meters. ^ mile. 50 20.25 meters. 1^:4 miles. 5° lyi miles. TOMAKOKIN. General locality. — Western shore of upper St. Clement Bay on northemrside of entrance to Toma- kokin Creek, about three-eighths mile northwest of Cobrums Wliarf and three-fourths mile southwest of Stones Wharf. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the edge of a cultivated field about 4 feet above high water, 4 yards west of shore, 12 yards northwest of high water, 14 yards south-southwest of a walnut tree, and 300 yards south-southeast of a bam. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Guest" (N. 84° 01' E.) o Left comer of left chimney of old house 13 Near peak of roof on Cobrums Wharf 57 Right peak of roof of barn 71 Near corner of chimney of house 135 Left tangent of left chimney of house 181 Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (6 inches diam- eter) 188 Nail in blaze 200 Right peak of roof of bam 252 Chimney of house showing over bam roof . . . 289 Right chimney of Greenwell house 306 Near peak of roof on Stones Wharf 307 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (11 inches diam- eter) 310 Chimney of old house near Guest Point 354 46 36 21 28 49 52 31 00 5.S mile. I mile. }i mile. X niile. }'i mile . fi mile. 40 29.18 meters. 50 40.31 meters. 300 yards. }4 mile. }i mile. 3.^ mile. 30 12.71 meters. S's mile. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. "5 DYNARD. General locality. — Western shore ol upper St. Clement Bay about one-half mile southwest of Stones Wharf and one-fourth mile north of Tomakokin Creek. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in an angle of rail fence in corner of a cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards west of shore, g yards west-southwest of shore, and 9 yards northwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / // "Turf " (N. 3° 00' E.) o 00 00 3 smile. Right chimney of Greenwell house 31 05 ^2 mile. Near peak of roof on Stones Wharf 32 59 }4 mile. Near comer of chimney of house 73 11 ^ mile. Near corner of chimney of house 97 26 J-2 mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) loi 27 30 2.42 meters. Near corner of chimney of old house 107 54 ^ mile. Left cedar tree on Cedar Point i'5o 05 ]/s mile. Right chimney of house 157 13 J4 mile. Near peak of roof on Cobrums Wharf 163 21 }^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar fence post 181 16 40 2.45 meters. Chimney of house 210 16 X mile- Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (10 inches diameter) 325 04 00 4.85 meters. TURF. General locality. — Western shore of upper St. Clement Bay on a point about three-eighths mile west of Stones Wharf. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 26 yards south-southwest of shore, 27 yards northwest of shore, 32 )'ards west of shore, go yards north of a point, 300 yards east-northeast of a house, and 200 yards east-northeast of a wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Stones" (N. 80° 29' E.) o 00 00 ^4 mile. Right peak of roof on Stones Wharf 3 36 f^ mile. Left chimney of house 86 38 iX miles. Left peak of roof on Cobrums Wharf 93 17 J/g mile. Left tree on point 95 22 75 yards. Near peak of roof of bam 152 27 300 yards. Right chimney of house 173 06 300 yards. Right chimney of house behind trees 226 31 '4 mile. Left chimney of house on hill 252 10 2 miles. Right chimney of house 290 11 i mile. Right chimney of Greenwell house 352 57 ^ mile. ii6 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. STONES. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper St. Clement Bay near Stones Wharf about five-eighths mile north-northwest of Guest Point. (See chart No. 25.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point about 54 yards west-northwest of northern end of large wharf house, 5 yards northeast of extreme end of point, 5 yards southeast of shore, 30 yards south of a board fence, and 65 yards south-southwest of foot of a hill. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Guest" (S. 16° 55' E.) o 00 00 J^ mile. Left chimney of house o 23 30 i^ miles. Left chimney of house 16 16 \% miles. Left peak of roof on Cobrums Wharf 26 55 30 i mile. ' Front gable of house 30 04 30 ij-^ miles. Right corner of right chimney of house 94 41 20 ^^ mile. Right comer of large chimney of house on hill. 130 28 i^g miles. Middle of post at left comer of board fence. ., 185 44 30 28 yards. Right comer of right one of two chimneys of Green well house 236 25 Js mile. Peak of north gable of roof of large house on Stones Wharf 295 47 54 yards. Peak of south gable of roof of large house on Stones Wharf 315 22 50 yards. BARBER. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Wicomico River about three-fourths mile north-northeast of Stoddard Point. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grass land about 2 feet above high-water mark, 3 yards north of shore, 20 yards west of trees which extend inland along creek, 4 yards southwest by west of a comer of a fence and 15 yards southeast of another comer of a fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Stoddard" (S. 9° 46' W.) o Left chimney of Stoddard house 3 Near peak of roof between two chimneys 45 Chimney on left end of small house 62 Nail in blaze in top fence rail 136 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter) . 155 Nail in blaze in top of chestnut fence post. . . 245 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (5 inches diameter) 259 Tangent of point 299 Near large chimney of negro quarters 302 I J/8 miles. i^/g miles. i>2 miles. 134 miles. 06 10.62 meters. 29 10.75 meters. 24 3.43 meters. i6 13-94 meters. 13 y^t mile. 07 ij-i miles. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 117 UPPER. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Wicomico River on Stoddard Point (upper point) about 2)4 miles north -north west of Mills Point. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long narrow point about 2 feet above high-water mark, 5 yards south of side of point, 8 yards northwest of side of point, 38 yards west of high-water mark on middle of point and 138 yards west by north of high-water mark on extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Stoddard" (S. 27° 38' E.) o 00 00 X mile- Right chimney of Stoddard house 9 12 ^ mile. Left peak of roof of barn 33 02 }4 mile. Left chimney of old house 49 29 yi mile. Tangent of next point 141 07 ys mile. Right chimney of house on ridge 179 15 . . . . i . . . 3 miles. Chimney outside small house on opposite shore 213 28 .1^ miles. Near corner post of piazza of large house 247 47 if^ miles. Chimney top of Key house 296 04 i^ miles. KEY. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Wicomico River on a high bluff about i mile north of Cohouck Point. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 30 feet above high-water mark in an orchard, about 24 yards northeast of edge of bank, 49 yards north of edge of bank, 15 yards east of edge of bank, 130 yards south-southwest of negro quarters and 130 yards west of fence which incloses an orchard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Stoddard" (S. 70° 48' W.) o Near comer of near chimney on Stoddard house • Near comer of near chimney of small house. . Peak of roof between two chimneys on house . Peak of roof of very large bam Chimney on middle of roof on 2-story house. . Near comer of near chimney of negro's quar- ters Nail in blaze in apple tree (12 inches di- ameter) 135 Chimney of Key house 164 Nail in blaze in apple tree (14 inches di- ameter) 168 Peak of roof of large bam 259 Nail in blaze in apple tree (12 inches di- ameter) 281 Peak of roof of house on piles 347 Between two chimneys of large brick house on hill 357 29 15 °5 17 13 .S6 .S2 62 06 116 54 37 i^ miles. iX miles. i}4 miles. 2 miles. 3 miles. 3 miles. 130 yards. 22.15 meters. yi mile. SI 13.39 meters. 16 K mile. 7.94 meters. i;V8 miles. miles. ii8 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. STODDARD. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River about one-half mile south -soulheEist of Stoddard Point and i mile west-northwest of Cohouck Point. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on gravel, grass, and shell point, near a lone gum tree, about 2 feet above high-water mark, 6 yards south-southwest of side of point, 6 yards north of side of point, 10 yards west of extreme end of point, and 158 yards east -northeast of Stoddard house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Upper" (N. 26° 37' W.) o 00 00 ^2 mile. Outside chimney of small house 23 08 iX niiles. Peak of front gable of large house on ridge. . . 52 54 i^ miles. Chimney on top of Key house 94 47 iX miles. Chimney outside of 23^2 story house 153 58 2H miles. Right chimney of large house 172 38 2 miles. Peak of roof of house on Chaptico Wharf 180 19 2^4 miles. Chimney top of house on piles 228 37 J-2 mile. Near corner of chimney on Stoddard house . . 284 44 158 yards. Nail in blaze in pear tree (24 inches diameter). 315 29 4.58 meters. Nail in blaze in pear tree (4 inches diameter) . 349 47 g. 41 meters. COHOUCK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River on Cohouck Point on the northern side of entrance to Chaptico Bay. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on Cohouck Point, about 6 feet above high-water mark, 12 yards east of edge of bank, 35 yards south of edge of bank, 85 yards northeast of extreme point and about 25 yards north of marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Key" (N. 3° 29' E.) o 00 00 '-i mile. Nearest chimney on negro quarters 0^7 i mile. Near peak of roof of barn 26 38 i mile. Chimney outside near end of 2,!^-story house. 128 58 J^ mile. Right chimney of Lyon house near Mills Point 171 29 I's miles. Chimney on flat roof house near mouth of Bowmans Creek 226 56 2 miles. Chimney on far end of house 261 43 if s miles. Chimney on house on piles 270 53 lyi miles. Peak of front gable of house on ridge 352 51 2X miles. HAYDEN. General locality. — Western shore of the Wicomico River about 1}% miles west of Cohouck Point. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is surrounded by water hushes on marshy land, about i foot above high water, 5 yards northwest of shore and s^ yards southeast of line of trees on top of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.50 meters N. 54° 34' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 3 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Fact" (S. 41° 35' E.) o 00 00 i3| miles. Between two main chimneys of large house below Chaptico Wharf 5 11 2?'s miles. West roof peak of house on Chaptico Wharf . . 6 51 2^ miles, SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 119 References — Continued. ° Chimney on middle of square house 65 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (18 inches diam- eter) 06 5-^ mile. 124 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 155 Reference station 167 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) . 213 Chinmey on Key house 275 Chimney of Maddox house 344 Right chimney outside of old house 354 PERRY. 14 23.45 meters. 23 1655 meters. 01 20 11-51 meters. 18.74 meters, i^ miles. ^l4 miles. iS-^ miles. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chaptico Bay, about i mile northeast of Mills Point and ^ mile .southeast of Cohouck Point. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in an open field, about 20 feet above high-water mark, 8 yards northwest of edge of bank, o yards south-southwest from edge of gully in bank, 5 yards south of edge of bank of gully, and about 150 yards north-northeast of creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / // "Fact" (S. 51° 10' W.) o 00 00 . Chimney on right end of house 5 4i •• • Chimney on flat-roof house 15 03 . . . Left chimney of Crane house 31 37 .. . Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter) 42 34 10.49 meters. Nearest chimney on larger part of double brick house 42 50 . . . I,eft chimney of house on piles 55 28 . . . . Near peak of roof on house 62 53 ... Near comer of near chimney of Stoddard house 66 59 . . . Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter) 81 40 ... Peak of front gable of house on ridge 113 51 . , . Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 136 40 ... Near chimney of large house on ridge 169 08 ... Chimney outside of 2 V< -story house 289 15 ... BURR. 1 mile. 23 s miles. 2% miles. T,y% miles. 35^-s miles. i|^ miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. 8.44 meters. 3 to 4 miles. 5.95 meters. 1 54 miles. 150 yards. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River directly opposite mouth of Chaptico Bay and three-fourths mile north of Bowmans Creek. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard ground between a sloping bank 10 feet high covered with trees and a marshy shore, about 2 feet above high-water mark, 18 yards northwest of extreme point 2:3, yards north of shore, 17 yards southwest of shore, and 9 yards southeast of bottom of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Fact" (S. 65° 59' E.) o 00 00 iX miles. Between two chimneys of large house on ridge 16 39 4^ miles. West end of peak of roof of house on Chaptico Wharf 17 15 2.'/s miles. Right chimney of 2 ''<-story house 72 21 ij^^ miles. Chimney in middle of large house 88 21 V/i miles. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (11 inches diameter) 97 25 7.67 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (9 inches diameter) 192 56 2.60 meters. I20 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD . References — Continued. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (lo inches " f " diameter) 236 32 3.86 meters. Main chimney of Key house 293 03 2.V4 miles. Chimney on Maddox house 358 28 3j-s' miles. FACT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River on Mills Point on south side of mouth of Chaptico Bay. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long point covered on the southeni side with gum and cedar trees, about lo feet above high-water mark, 23 yards from extreme end of top of bank, 6 yards north of edge of bank, and 8 yards southeast of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Referettces. — ° / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S. 7° 13' E-) o 00 00 6X miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter). 5 07 6.20 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (28 inches diameter). 56 16 6.37 meters. Chimney on ell end of Stoddard house 157 08 lyi miles. Chimney on Key house 199 54 2 j'g miles. Near peak of roof of large hause 274 25 }^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter). 301 45 16.26 meters. Near chimney of large house near shore 317 53 ^s mile. West end of peak of house on Chaptico Wharf . 342 53 Js mile. BOWMAN. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River at northeast side of mouth of Bovvmans Creek and 1].'^ miles west by south of Mills Point. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is surrounded by water bushes on point of land about lyi feet above high water, 14 yards east of high-water mark, 16 yards north of extreme end of point, 20 yards northeast of side of point, 20 yards south of several cedar trees, and about 150 yards south of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° / " " Sacred Heart Church Spire " (S. 62° 50' E) . o 00 00 ifi^i miles. Chimney on end of long house 10 37 3X miles. Chimney of Lyon house 13 56 3X miles. Nail in blaze in cedartree (7inchesdiametcr). 59 04 40 8.88 meters. Chimney on square house 76 25 % mile. Crane house 168 10 2 miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter). 216 10 00 18.37 meters. Nail in blaze in cedartree (7 inches diameter). 232 40 30 17.58 meters. Chimney on near end of house 263 40 yi mile. Peak of roof between two chimneys 357 27 2^4 miles. EEDLING. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River about \]/^ miles southwest of Mills Point and about I mile southeast of mouth of Bowmans Creek. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a shell-covered cultivated field, about 10 feet above high-water mark, 37 yards southwest of shell and gravel beach, 88 yards west-northwest of extreme end of point, and 79 yards north of a ditch in marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 23.99 meters N. 89° 56' W. of observed station. Marks. — -Observed and reference stations are marked by the center point of the triangles on standard cement monuments. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. References. — ° ' "Fact" (S. 39° 15' W.) o 00 Nail in blaze in gum tree (20 inches diameter) , 2 07 Near peak of roof of house on Chaptico Wharf . 42 05 Chimney outside near end of house on hill. . . 44 24 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter). 49 54 Reference station 50 48 Chimney on right of ell of a house 60 12 Near peak of roof of Eedling house 265 55 Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter), 331 27 FARR. 00 iX miles. 50 26.06 meters. i}4 miles. 2^ miles. 40 25.75 meters. 55 23.99 meters. 2 miles. J^ mile. 40 33-99 meters. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River about 1% miles south-southeast of Mills Point and one-fourth mile north of the mouth of Manahowick Creek. (vSee chart No. 26.) Imm?diale locality. — Observed station is about 10 feet above high-water mark, 5 yards by south of edge of bank, 32 yards nirth-north west of several pine trees at fish shanty near edge of bank, 22 yards south by east of other trees, and 300 yards west by north of a large house. Marks .^Ohseived station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried 16 inches below surface of ground with nail in stub at surface. References. — o / // " Cobb Point Bar Light " (S. 2° 35' E.) o 00 00 5X miles. " Rock Point Catholic Church Cross" 8 03 40 3X miles. Chimney on left side of house 42 41 i}^ miles. Left chimney of Crane house 113 40 4^< miles. Left peak of house on Chaptico Wharf 153 08 }4 mile. Left chimney of house on Mills Point farm . . 168 34 i^ miles. Right chimney on Maddox house 242 28 2 miles. Right corner of large house 292 33 J.4 mile. Near comer of fish shanty 338 27 23.69 meters. GUST. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River on Windmill Point about three-fourths mile north of the miuth of Hedneys Creek and opposite mouth of Manahowic Creek. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on shell and gravel point, bordered by persimmon and cedar trees, about 2 feet abave high-water mark, 12 yards northwest of shore, 16 yards south of shore, and 28 yards west-southwest of shore on extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Fact" (N. 20° 09' E) o Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 6 Near peak of roof of house on Chaptico Wharf . 35 Chimney on left side of large house 58 Chimney on middle of Lyon house loi Near peak of roof of house with two chimneys. 171 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 204 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 301 03 10 16.18 meters. 43 14 1J.2 miles. 7.95 meters. iX miles. i?-,s miles. 1^4 miles. ^8 mile. 5.90 meters. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. LYON. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River on a point about % mile north of Bramlcigh Creek and 2 miles north by east of Rock Point. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point of land between the Lyon residence and edge of bank, 100 yards north of small pond which is fringed on river side with cedar trees, about 4 yards north of a bird house on a post, iq yards east-northeast of most prominent point of bank, 15 yards east- southeast of side of bank, 16 j'ardsnorth-northeastof another side, and 12 yards south-southwest of a fence. Marks — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Weiss" (S. 25° 47' E.) o 00 Nail in blaze in cedar post of bird house sup- port 51 15 Nail in blaze in pear tree (6 inches diameter) . 58 00 Chimney of house 129 14 Left chimney of Crane house 148 52 Between two chimneys of large brick house. .159 59 Near peak of roof between two chimneys of large house 171 56 West end of peak of roof of house on Chaptico Wharf 186 23 Comer of fence 198 08 Near comer of house 247 1 1 Right comer of small house 295 38 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter). 302 02 Right comer of shed 336 36 00 iX miles. 20 3.67 meters. 50 11-74 meters. iji's miles. S% miles. 3>2 miles. 3%' miles. 1^4 miles. 15 meters. 01 meters. 59 meters. 82 meters. 98 meters. SACRED HEART CHURCH SPIRE (BUSHWOOD). General locality. — Easterly side of Wicomico River on high land about i^-i miles inland, north by east of Bushwood Wharf. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is steeple of Sacred Heart Church near Bushwood. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross on steeple. References. — None necessary. HEDNEY. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River on first point above mouth of Charleston Creek and about ij^ miles northwest of White Point. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 25 feet above high-water mark, 16 yards west- southwest of edge of bank, 139 yards north of large tree at edge of bank, 85 yards north of oak tree at edge of bank, 155 yards east-northeast of gum tree 20 inches diameter on bank of a pond, and about yi mile east-southeast of a house among trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top buried 12 inches below the surface uf the ground. Surface mark is nail in stub with top 5 inches above sur- face of ground . References. — o / // " vSacred Heart Church Spire ' ' (N. 86° 31' E.) . o 00 00 4' 2 miles. Near comer of nearest chimney of four on a large house on hill 7 Right chimney of a large house 13 Middle of island at end of White Point Bar. . . Nail in blaze in oak tree (48 inches diameter) . 50 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (36 inches diam- eter) 84 Middle of gum tree 147 4'; 38 45 miles. 2 miles. ij-'s miles. 00 73-i6 meters. 30 115-63 meters. 30 138.47 meters. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 123 References — Continued . ° ' Near peak of roof between two chimneys 239 48 Near chimney on large house 312 19 Chimney of Lyon house 352 40 CHARLES. ^ mile. 1% miles. ij-s miles. 00 00 i^ miles. 51 28.46 meters. 58 16. 65 meters. 22 16.87 meters. o 15-56 meters. 1% miles. 2^4" miles. il4 miles. 2 miles. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River on first point south of entrance to Charleston Creek, and I'l miles north of Rock Point. (See chart No. 26.} Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small marshy point about 6 inches above high-water mark and 18 yards east of pine woods on a bank 10 feet above high water. Cement monument marking reference station is 15-56 meters N. 57° 10' W. of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub with top 2 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Hard" (S. 17° 38' E.) o Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diameter) 47 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter). 84 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter) . 134 Reference station 138 28 West chimney on two-stor>' house 265 53 "Sacred Heart Church Spire (Bushwood)". . 268 03 50 West chimney on Gamer house 293 51 West gable of house on Bushwood Whasf 300 07 WEISS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River on White Point, about 3 miles north by east of Cobb Point Bar Light. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff near small cedar trees, about 8 feet above high- water mark, 13 yards north of and 27 yards south of edges of bluff and 52 yards east of extreme point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S. 11° 43' W.). .. . o 00 Flagstaff on schoolhouse 40 41 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 54 03 Left chimney on two-story house 155 26 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 181 46 "Sacred Heart Church Spire" 216 56 West chimney of Gamer house 260 27 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 266 27 West gable of house on Bushwood Wharf 284 26 Left chimney on two-story house 342 10 BLAKISTONE. 00 3j'8 miles. 20 lYi miles. 10 42.29 meters. yi mile. 30 6.24 meters. li^ miles. 5 8 mile. 50 37-8o meters. sg mile. 2:5 s miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River, about one-fourth mile southeast of Plowdens Wharf at Bushwood, and about 3 miles north-northeast of Cobb Point Bar Light. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on second bluff southeast of Bushwood Wharf, 15 feet above high-water mark, 15 yards southeast of a large dogwood tree, about 6 yards northeast of edge of bluff, 3 yards southwest of rail fence, about 15 yards southwest of an ice house near orchard, and 5 to 10 yards south to east of several small cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. 124 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. References. — ° " Prec" (S. i8° 42' W.) o " Rock Point Catholic Church Cross" 51 Left peak of roof of wharf house 94 Large tree 117 Chimney of Blakistone store 125 Near peak of roof of Blakistone house 176 Point of cupola on Ranahan house igi Near left comer of sill of ice house 233 Right lower corner 260 Near peak of roof 312 HARD. 2 miles. 2 miles. iJ-8 miles. 13.36 meters. ,'4 mile. 250 yards. i3^ miles. 15 14- 15 meters. ii 15.76 meters. 54 H mile. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River on point of land known as Rock Point about 2 miles north by west of Cobb Point Bar Light. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on low point of land near several small cedar trees about i foot above high-water mark. 47 yards west of shore, 16 yards south of shore, 30 yards north of shore, about 80 yards northeast bynorth of Rock Point Wharf, and 170 yards northeast by east of Lancaster's store . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S. 10° 17' E.). .. . o Northeast gable of wharf house 41 " Rock Point Catholic Church Cross" 70 South chimney on Lancaster's store 88 Point of east gable on house 134 " Sacred Heart Church Spire " 239 Gable of house on wharf at Bushwood 256 00 West gable of house 293 06 West gable on one-story house 315 19 North chimney of two-story house 330 12 ROCK POINT CATHOLIC CHURCH CROSS. 04 2 miles. 80 yards. ^'4 mile. 170 yards. X mile. 3 miles, if^ miles. 2 miles. 2X miles. 21^ miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River at Rock Point. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in settlement called Rock Point. It is on the larger of two similar buildings, the smaller one being the schoolhouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of cross on Rock Point Catholic Church. References. — None necessarj'. PREC. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wicomico River on Bluff Point alxjut 2 miles north -north east of Cobb Point Bar Light. (See chart No. 26.) Imm?diate locality. — Observed station is about 10 feet above high-water mark, 34 yards southeast of nearest end of neck of Bluff Point, 29 yards south-southeast of shore, 16 yards northeast of shore, and 88 yards west by southwest of house. .l/irfer. — Observed stiti m is center p^int of triangle on .standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light " (S. 38° 37' W.) ... . o 00 00 2 miles. Tangent of wo-jds on Cobb Point 34 04 2 miles. " Rock Point Catholic Church Cross " 70 16 30 i^ miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diameter) 116 14 40 20.64 meters. Left chimney of Gamer house 148 42 i}i miles. Survey of oyster bars, st. marys county, md. 125 References — Continued . Nailin blaze in leftoneof twin locusttrecs(i2 ° ' " inches diameter) 153 38 20 30.36 meters. "Sacred Heart Church Spire" 172 15 10 2}^ miles. Near chimney of Sherrer house 228 37 88 yards. Nail in blaze in poplar tree (6 inches diame- ter) 243 01 50 33-74 meters. Nail in blaze in poplar tree (5 inches diame- ter) , 282 00 40 27.71 meters. Left chimney of cottage 298 22 's mile. Right chimney of Bailey house on St. Marga- rets Island 336 25 i>2 miles. CORNER. General locality. — Western shore of Wicomico River on the eastern side of an island known as Cobb Point Neck about halfway between Cobb Point and the entrance to Neales Sound. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field on a bluff bordered with pine trees about 15 feet above high-water mark, 3 yards west of a wire fence running along edge of bluff and 21 yards east-northeast of a wire fence which separates cornfield from pine woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Cobb Point Bar Light " (S. 29° 39' E.) .... o 00 00 if 8 miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter) 50 02 16.98 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) . iii 43 : 21.41 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) 135 20 33.22 meters. Middle chimney of house 177 07 X mile. " Catholic Church Cross" 217 16 10 ^g mile. Left chimney of house on St. Margarets Island 318 56 if ^ miles. ST. MARGARET 2. General locality. — Northwestern side of Potomac River on the southwestern side of St. Margarets Island in the mouth of the Wicomico River about i mile northeast of Cobb Point Bar Light. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a bluff about 12 feet above high-water mark. 15 inches northeast of edge of bluff. 86 yards northwest of cow shed, 129 yards south-southwest of several houses, and 154 yards west-southwest of Bailey (large) house. Cement monument marking reference station is 79.19 meters N. 46° 26' E. of observed station and at corner of cow shed. Marks. — Observed station is center of a stub in a 2' 2-inch tile pipe set in cement with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle of standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S. 53° 22' W.). .. . o 00 Tangent of Cobb Point 45 13 " Rock Point Catholic Church Cross" 83 42 Chimney on left of Garner new house 129 40 "Sacred Heart Church Spire" 143 27 Reference station "... 173 04 Left chimney of Bailey house 194 51 Nearest chimney of small house on Bullock Island 220 26 Left chimney of small house on St. Catherine Island 258 32 00 .... I mile. if 8 miles. 50 — i>-8 miles. 2^8 miles. 50 .... 4 miles. 15 .... 79. iQ meters. 150 yards. I mile. i>4 miles. 126 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. COBB POINT BAR LIGHT. General locality. — Northerly Side of Potomac River at moulh of Wicomico River on the southeastern extremity of Cobb Point Bar. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the end of Cobb Point Bar at the mouth of the Wicomico River. Marks. — Observed station is center point of black lantern on screw pile structure known as "Cobb Point Bar Light." References. — o / // " Blakistone Island Light" (S. 61° 25' E.). . . o 00 00 5 miles. RIVER SPRINGS CATHOLIC CHAPEL CROSS. General locality. — Northern side of Potomac River inland about three-fourths mile north by west of River Springs. (See charts Nos. 25 and 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on building known as River Springs Catholic Chapel. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross on River Springs Catholic Chapel. References. — None necessary. SOUND. General locality. — Northern shore of St. Catherine Sound about 2J4 miles east by north of Cobb Point Bar Light and one-fourth mile east of Bullock Island. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 15 feet above high-water mark, 35 yards north of edge of bank, 2 yards east of wire fence, 65 yards east of edge of bank, 57 yards south of southeast comer of fence of house yard, and 63 yards south by west of telephone pole line which is on the same side of the road. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (S. 84° 53' W.) . . . . o 00 Right chimney of house on Bullock Island . . 8 24 Near end of small chimney on large house ... 27 15 Left corner post of fence 65 05 Near comer of chimney of small house 86 25 Near corner post of fence 100 58 Right peak of roof of barn 115 20 "River Springs Catholic Chapel Cross" 148 31 Chimney of Blakistone store 189 16 Near chimney of Bailey house 217 59 Chimney on smaller house on St. Catherine Island 323 2^4 miles. J2 mile. I mile. Near. Near. Near. Near. I mile. J/2 mile. y2 mile. 03 J^ mile. BAILEY. General locality. — Northeastern shore of St. Catherine Sound, about three-fourths mile east by north of eastern end of St. Catherine Island and i mile north of the Potomac River. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on shelly ground on Bailey property, about 5 feet above high-water mark, 10 yards northeast of high-water mark, 7 yards northeast of a wire fence, 35 yards south -southeast of corner of wire fence, 30 yards north -northwest of corner of wire and wooden fences, 25 yards north of Bailey house, and 40 yards west by south of comer of wooden fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a / 1/ " Cobb Point Bar Light" (N. 88° 11' W.) o 00 00 2,5-8 miles. Nail in blaze in one of four cedar trees (3 inches diameter) 13 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 44 Corner of wire fence 46 Chimney on house 90 "River Springs Catholic Chapel Cross" .... 113 29 12.37 meters. 59 27.82 meters. 29 32.06 meters. 38 150 yards. 06 00 I mile. Comer of wooden fence 175 52 37-49 meters. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 127 References — Continued. ° Chimney of Bailey house 203 Junction of wire and wooden fences 254 Left chimney of house on Waterloo Point ... 277 Nail in blaze in first of six cedar trees 297 Rightchimney of small house on St. Catherine Island 26 25 yards. 35 26.22 meters. 43 H mile. 27 10.76 meters. 348 02 I mile. ST. CATHERINE. General locality. — Southern shore of St. Catherine Sound, on the northern side of St. Catherine Island. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 12 feet above high-water mark, 86 yards south of edge of bank, 49 yards west of line of young cedar trees, 198 yards northeast of a lone mulberry tree 3 feet in diameter, and 207 yards southeast of small house among trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 12 inches below the surface. References. — o / // "Cobb Point Bar Light" (N. 81° 08' W.) o 00 00 ijs miles. Right side of right chimney on small house . . 13 04 207 yards. Left chimney of large house on St. Margarets Island 34 42 I;' s miles. Right chimney of house on Bullock Island . . 66 01 yi mile. Chimney of Blackistone house 117 39 ^8 mile. "River Springs Catholic Chapel Cross" .... 129 17 40 if^ miles. Left chimney of Bailey house 158 19 J/i mile. Right chimney of Young house on Waterloo Point 207 48 yi mile. WATERLOO. General locality. — Southeastern shore of St. Catherine Sound, about three-fourths mile east-southeast of St. Catherine Island and about one-fourth mile north of Potomac River. (See chart No. 26.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at top of rise in field, about 8 feet above high-water mark, 48 yards east by south of shore at a point where several mulberry trees stand, 43 yards south of large sugarberry tree, 19 yards south by east of wire-fence post, and 200 yards north of Young house on Water- loo Farm. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument, with top 12 inches below siu-face of ground. References. — 0/1/ " Sound " (N. 18° 41' W.) o 00 Near end of peak of Blackistone barn 3 02 "Sacred Heart Church Spire (Bushwood)" . . 10 37 Peak of gable of Blackistone house at River Springs 21 54 Near peak of roof of Bailey house 31 01 Near peak of roof of Yates house 49 13 Near peak of roof of Quaid house 71 25 Near peak of house 92 31 Nail in blaze in apple tree (5 inches diameter) iii 20 Nail in blaze 8-inch branch on apple tree (14 inches diameter) 153 34 Nail in blaze in apple tree (6 inches diameter) 203 50 Near peak of roof of Young house 206 57 Left tangent of St. Catherine Island 300 21 Right chimney of roof of house on Bullock Island 337 19 1^8 miles. Near peak of roof of house 352 57 i^ miles. 00 I mile. I mile. 20 5 miles. 14, mile. ^ mile. yi mile. y^ mile. yi mile. 30 34-78 meters. 20 24.90 meters. 00 26.18 meters. 200 yards. 3^ mile. 1 BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster beds of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Mary- land." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Commis- sioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in cooperation with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and perma- nent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the comers of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyster-bar boundaries by competent engineers. Therefore the additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the published definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accuracy and very little to the convenience in the practical use of the descrip- tions of the oyster-bar boundaries. As provided by law, the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to 128 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 129 complicated 14-sided figures and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sides have varied in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the corners of the bound- aries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made and the magnitude of the work, with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficultv and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established b}' the shell fish commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and the future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each countv. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described and the one by which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name in parentheses is given the general locality of the oyster bar and the serial number of the Maryland Oyster Chart on which its legal boundaries are shown.' First column. — This column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clock- wise direction around the bar. Where the corner of one oyster bar is identical with the corner of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the commission as the primary technical definition of the location of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic • These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C. 2606 — II Q I30 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their location have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing"' and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station," - gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corre- sponding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of the bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of "Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the shellfish commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars — one, to determine whether the buoys marking the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An 1 The mean magnetic variation for St. Marys County was 5" 25' west of north in 1910 and increasing at the rate of 4' yearly. - Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 1 31 explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar with this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrographic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take " Brooks Shallows" oyster bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3 " is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Dwarf" and "Hallowing" as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner is 54° 50' and the angle between " Hallowing" and " Indian" is 77° 10'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor ("position finder"), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the boundary as given on the chart the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are shown bv the 132 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the protractor. The second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant then the other until a point is reached where both obser\'ed sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid. and accurate hydrographic location of a point is attained. In fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the commission. (3) Magnetic bearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State fishery force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer can take compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination,' and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. , In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared alto- gether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the corrected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks for which the bearings are published have been destroyed or washed away any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used. This can be done by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying these new bearings in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic hearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point mark- ing a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination) given in the fifth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point, but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. ' The mean magnetic variation for St. Marys County is 5° 25' west of north in 1910 and increasing at the rate of 4' yearly. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. ^33 The instrument is placed over a " triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the "Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of o° oo' oo" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. BROOKS SHALLOWS. {Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance U. S. C. & G. S. tri tion station. of bar. Forward. Back. I 38 29 57. 18 76 40 31.45 S. 86 50 E. N. 38 18 E. N. 20 ii W. N. 86 49 W. S. 38 18 W. S. 20 u E. •Yards. 1,171 1,512 916 Dwarf. Hallowing. Indian. 2 38 30 03. 78 76 40 31.64 S. 76 IS E. N. 44 20 E. N. 26 29 W. N. 76 15 W. S. 44 21 w. S. 26 29 E. I, 210 1,348 710 Dwarf. Hallowing. Indian. 3 38 30 04. 02 76 40 24. 36 S. 73 15 E. N. 38 05 E. N. 39 05 W. N. 73 15 W. S. 38 06 W. S. 39 05 E. I, 025 1,215 808 Dwarf. Hallowing. Indian. 4 38 29 57. 54 76 40 23. 78 S. 85 27 E. N. 32 00 E. N. 31 45 W. N. 85 27 W. S. 32 01 W. S. 31 46 E. 969 1,386 995 Dwarf. Hallowing. Indian. SOTHORON. {Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. IQ.) I 38 29 26. 59 76 40 07. 29 N N N 89 19 E. 28 42 E. 56 12 W. S. 89 20 W. S. 28 42 W. S. 56 13 E. 1,442 1, 102 258 Buzz. Dwarf. Sothoron . 2 38 29 36. 28 76 40 09. 57 S. S. N 39 58 W. 78 22 E. 42 39 E. N. 39 58 E. N. 78 21 W. S. 42 39 W. 239 1,534 871 Sothoron . Buzz. Dwarf. 3 38 29 37. 52 76 39 59- 48 S. N S. 74 05 E. 28 19 E. 61 51 W. N. 74 05 W. S. 28 19 W. N. 61 51 E. 1,284 681 478 Buzz. Dwarf. Sothoron. 4 38 29 26. 88 76 40 00. 94 N N. N. 89 40 E. 20 40 E. 70 45 W. S. 8q 40 W. S. 20 40 w. S. 70 45 E. 1,274 1,023 405 Buzz. Dwarf. Sothoron. 134 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. KOIINDAKIES oK NATIIKAL OYSTICR Ii.\KS — ConLimiLd. BROAD NECK (ST. MARYS COUNTY). {Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) Cor- Ivaliliulc. Loliyitudc. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. irij bar. Forward. Back. I 38 27 36. 14 76 39 10. 54 N. 34 58 E. N. 28 35 W. S. 52 54 W. S. 34 58 W. S. 28 35 E. N. 52 54 E. Y'ards. I. 137 I, 290 626 Sheridan. Collins. Cremona. 2 38 27 57. 42 76 39 27. CO . S. s 17 w. N. 78 51 E. N. 23 32 W. N. 3 17 E. S. 78 51 W. S. 23 32 E. 1,097 I, 109 454 Cremona. Sheridan. Collins. 3 38 28 00. 34 76 39 09. 64 N. 63 40 W. S. 23 40 W. N. 79 34 E. S. 63 41 E. N. 23 40 E. S. 79 34 W. 715 I. 304 639 Collins. Cremona. Sheridan. Then ce along county boundary' as delineated on Chart No. 19 to corner No. 4. 4 38 27 41. 18 76 39 00. 00 N. 26 03 E. N. 42 57 W. S. 54 49 W. S. 26 03 W. S. 42 57 E. N. 54 49 E. 848 I. 317 952 Sheridan. Collins. Cremona. THOMAS (ST. MARYS COUNTY). {Upper Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) I 38 26 47. 41 76 38 21. 12 N. 72 51 W. S. 17 35 E. 1 N. 43 "44 E. S. 72 SI E. N. 17 34 W. S. 43 44 W. 635 1-839 2,218 Oppkit. Fight. Kitt. 2 38 27 41. i8 76 ^9 00. GO 1 N. 26 03 E. 1 N. 42 57 W. S. 54 49 W. vS. 26 03 W. S. 42 57 E. N. 54 49 E. 848 1-317 952 Sheridan. Collins. Cremona. Thence along county boundary' as de ineated on Chart No. 19 to corner No. 3. 3 38 27 12.58 76 38 14.84 N. 61 07 E. N. 25 33 W. S. 49 29 W. S. 61 07 W. .S- 25 33 E. N. 49 29 E. ij 561 1,914 1,018 Kitt. Sheridan. Oppkit. SANDGATES. {Middle Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) I 38 25 01. 66 76 36 45- 53 S. 45 16 E. N. 41 54 E. N. 47 36 W. N. 45 16 W. S. 41 55 W. S. 47 37 E. 675 2,924 2,688 Forr. Photo. Fight. 2 38 25 09. 06 76 36 57- 58 S. 47 48 E. N. 49 42 E. N. 46 49 W. N. 47 48 W. S. 49 43 W. vS. 46 50 E. 1,078 2, 980 2,285 Forr. Photo. Fight. 3 38 25 28.46 76 36 50. 40 S. 23 49 E. N. s8 30 E. N. 63 54 W. N. 23 49 W. S. =;8 30 W. S. 63 55 E. 1, S°7 2,437 2, 067 Forr. Photo. Fight. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SANDGATES— Continued. (Middle Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) 135 Cor- Latitude. Lungtiude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. tri tion station. ngula. of bar. Forward. Back. / // / // / / Yards. 4 38 25 47.34 76 37 23.27 N. 74 33 W. S. 36 18 E. N. 77 50 E. S. 74 33 E. N. 36 18 W. S. 77 51 W. 1, 021 2, 500 3, 022 Fight. Forr. Photo. 5 38 25 54. 57 76 37 15-44 N. 88 38 W. S. 29 24 E. N. 81 52 E. S. 88 39 E. N. 29 23 W. S. 81 53 W. 1, 192 2. 593 2,774 Fight. Forr. Photo. 6 38 25 30.21 76 36 37-39 S. 10 23 E. N. 55 03 E. N. 68 S3 W. N. 10 23 W. S. 55 04 W. S. 68 54 E. 1, 461 2, 119 2,360 Forr. Photo. Fight. UPPER FORREST. {Middle Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) I 38 24 45. 22 76 36 02. 57 N. 59 04 E. N. 16 36 E. N. 83 08 W. S. 59 05 W. S. 16 36 W. S. 83 08 E. 2,846 2,850 666 vSlim. Photo. Forr. 2 38 24 48. 95 76 36 11.88 N. 63 34 E. N. 22 og E. S. 83 38 W. S. 63 35 w. S. 22 10 w. N. 83 37 E. ■;,oo2 2,813 417 Slim. Photo. Forr. 3 38 25 15- °9 76 36 13. 64 S. 21 35 W. N. 80 33 E. N. 32 43 E. N. 21 35 E. S. 80 34 W. S. 32 43 W. 997 2,773 2, 048 Forr. Slim. Photo. 4 38 25 09. 14 76 36 05. 04 S. 39 18 W. N. 74 59 E. N. 24 33 E. N. 39 18 E. S. 75 00 W. S. 24 34 W. 939 2,595 2, 116 Forr. Slim. Photo. LOWER FORREST. {Middle Patuxent River — Chart No. ig.) I 38 24 22. 16 76 35 33- 18 S. 32 41 E. N. 36 34 E. N. 59 15 W. N. 32 41 W. S. 36 35 W. S. 59 15 E. 888 2,789 1,676 Cole. Slim, Forr. 2 38 24 30. 16 76 35 41. 64 S. 34 42 E. N. 43 45 E. N. 64 13 W. N. S4 41 W. S. 43 45 W. S. 64 13 E. 1,237 2,727 1,351 Sole. Slim. Forr. 3 38 24 36. 20 76 35 34- 00 vS. 22 20 E. N. 43 37 E. N. 74 52 W. N. 22 20 W. S. 43 38 W. S. 74 S3 E. 1,320 2,440 1,470 Cole. Slim. Forr. 4 38 24 28. 25 76 35 26. 00 S. 16 5^ E. N. 35 56 E. N. 68 13 W. N. 16 SS W. S. 35 56 W. S. 68 14 E. 996 2,507 1,756 Cole. Slim. Forr. 136 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER B.\RS — Continued. GATTON. {Middle Paluxcnt River — Chart No. IQ.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triant'i tion rtatioii. Ih- of bar. Forward. Back. I 38 23 26. 43 76 32 54. 98 S. 48 28 w. S. 51 46 E. N. 29 03 E. N. 48 28 E. N. 51 46 W. S. 29 04 w. Yards. 442 1,404 2,263 Hutchins. Bars. Island. 2 38 23 il. 36 76 34 06. 58 S. 71 28 E. N. <;9 48 E. N. 63 43 W. N. 71 27 W. S. 59 5° W. S. 63 43 E. 1,656 3.469 2, 029 Hutchins. Island. Cole. 3 38 23 45. 8c 76 34 06. 30 S. 58 49 E. N. 66 06 E. N. 75 18 W. N. 58 48 W. S. 66 07 W. S. 75 19 E. 1,826 3.272 I, 888 1, 292 2, 607 2, 587 Hutchins. Island. Cole. 4 38 23 46. 90 76 li 39- 02 S. 40 28 E. N. 60 24 E. N. 80 10 W. N. 40 28 W. S. 60 2 s W. S. 80 II E. Hutchins. Island. Cole. 5 38 23 30. 68 76 32 54. 26 S. 38 43 W. S. 46 57 E. N. 30 29 E. N. 38 43 E. N. 46 57 W. S. 30 29 w. 559 1.483 2, 129 Hutchins. Bars. Island. CAPTAIN POINT. {Middle Paluxent River— Chart No. ig.) I 38 23 01.40 76 32 04. 82 s. 83 52 w. ■ S. 40 32 E. N. 71 04 E. N. N. S. 83 51 E. 40 31 W. 71 04 w. 230 2,137 2, 569 Bars. stock. Wheat. 2 38 23 06. 18 76 32 11.74 N. 75 13 W, S. 13 39 W. N. 75 34 E. s. N S. 75 13 E. 13 39 E. 75 35 W. 1.529 191 2, 699 Hutchins. Bars. Wheat. 3 38 23 lo- 34 76 32 06. 79 N. 81 II W. S. 28 26 w. N. 77 54 E. s. N s. 81 II E. 28 26 E. 77 55 W. 1,628 371 2,538 Hutchins. Bars. Wheat 4 38 23 05- 78 76 32 00. 25 S. 63 48 w. S. 35 34 E. N. 73 27 E. N N s. 63 48 E. 35 34 W. 73 28 W. 39° 2, 178 2,408 Bars. Stock. Wheat. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATUR.M, OYSTER BARS — Continued. PETERSON (ST. MARYS COUNTY). {Middle Paluxent River — Charts Nos. ig and 20.) 137 Cor- bar. Liiiiludc. j True bearing. Longitude. — 1 Forward. Back. . Distance. U. S. C. & C. S. triauKula- tion station. I 38 23 12. 22 76 31 11.86 S. 76 36 W. N. 76 35 E. S. 30 W. N. 30 E. N. 65 25 E. S. 65 24 W. Yards. I, 669 1,989 I, 126 Bars. Stock. V^heat. 2 38 23 i,i. 08 76 32 03. 82 N. 8 23 W. S. 8 24 E. S. 72 59 W. N. 72 58 E. S. 13 09 W. N. 13 og E 1,773 1,766 I, 122 Island. Hutchins. Bars. 3 38 23 44. 44 76 31 50. 08 ; N. 30 01 E- S. 30 01 W. j N. 24 27 W. S. 24 27 E. ! S. 22 47 W. N. 22 47 E. 1,818 I, 506 I, 6oi Peak. Island. Bars. Thence along county boundary as delineated on charts Nos. 19 and 20 to corner No. i. NEALE. (Lower Paluxent River — Charts Nos. ig and 20.) I 38 22 12.38 76 31 08. 24 S. 48 38 E. N. 65 21 E. N. 75 51 W. N. 48 38 W. S. 65 22 W. S. 75 51 E. 1,733 2,803 117 Briscoe. Lend. Stock. 2 38 22 36. 50 76 31 41-34 S. 43 37 E. N. 47 II W. N. 46 16 W. N. 43 37 W. S. 47 II E. S. 46 17 E. 1,084 2,463 1,179 Stock. Wheat. Bars. 3 38 22 59.46 76 31 09.58 N. 47 03 W. N. 88 S7 W. S. 2 52 W. S. 47 05 E. vS. 88 s8 E. N. 2 52 E. 1,317 1,69s I, 561 Wheat. Bars. Stock. 4 38 22 25. 60 76 30 51-72 N. 41 45 E. N. 13 30 E. S. 52 56 w. S. 41 46 w. S. 13 30 W. N. 52 56 E. 2,236 2,099 692 Sellers. Wheat. Stock. MEARS (ST. MARYS COUNTY). {Lower Paiuxent River — Charts Nos. ig and 20.) I 38 22 13.42 76 30 03. 46 N. 36 08 E. S. 89 S9 W. S. 19 34 W. S. 36 09 W. N. 89 59 E. N. 19 34 E. 1,403 1,833 I, 251 Lend. Stock. Briscoe. 2 38 22 16. 00 76 30 23. 80 S. 85 52 W. S. 5 27 E. N. 85 52 E. N. 5 27 W. 1,297 1,273 Stock. Briscoe. N. 52 35 E. S. 52 35 W. 1,722 Lend. 3 38 22 48. 14 76 30 44. 62 N. 88 ii E. N. SS OS E. N. 13 16 E. S. 88 54 W. S. 55 05 W. S. 13 16 w. 1,920 1,587 Lend. SoUers. Wheat. Thence along county boundary as delines ted on charts Nos. 19 and 20 to comer No. I. 138 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF N.\TURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. HALF PONE. (Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) Cor- True bearing. ner Latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. tri tion station. of bar. Forward. Back. I o / // 38 21 47.27 76 30 37-34 S. N N 58 08 E. 40 36 E. 46 51 W. N. s8 08 W. S. io 36 W. S. 46 52 E. Yards. 56s ■ 2, 654 1,280 Briscoe . Lend. Stock. 2 38 21 56. 15 76 30 49. 42 S. N N 53 16 E. 50 02 E. 46 48 W. N. ^3 IS W. S. so 03 W. S. i6 48 E. 1, 000 2, 672 841 Briscoe. Lend. Stock. 3 38 22 08.82 76 30 ^7,. 26 S. N N 19 57 E. 51 29 E. 81 53 .W. N. 19 57 W. S. 51 29 w. S. 81 53 E. 1, 091 2, 069 i>o53 Briscoe. Lend. Stock. 4 38 21 53-69 76 30 24. 36 S. N N. 14 47 E. 37 33 E. 62 44 W. N. 14 47 W. S. 37 a w. S. 62 45 E. 533 2,268 1,438 Briscoe. Lend. Stock. HAWKS NEST. [Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) I 38 20 00. 53 76 29 19. 14 N S. S. 68 41 W. 7 40 w. 60 27 E. s. N N 68 41 E. 7 40 E. 60 27 W. 385 1,375 641 MiU. Cable. Bur. 2 38 20 II. 78 76 29 35. 80 s. s. N 15 34 E. 55 II E. 71 35 E. N N s. 15 34 W. 55 II W. 71 36 W. 248 1,217 2,194 MilL Bur. Ton. 3 38 20 25. 60 76 29 44. 06 s. N N 23 16 E. 84 23 E. 45 52 E. N S. S. 23 16 W. 84 23 w. 45 53 W. 768 2,312 2,289 Mill. Ton. Hellen. 4 38 20 45. 56 76 29 42. 62 S. N N 10 53 E. 60 07 E. 54 56 W. N S. S. 10 53 W. 60 08 W. 54 56 E. 1,403 1,855 366 Mill. Hellen. Nat. 5 38 21 15.90 ■ 76 29 58. 00 S. S. N 7 37 E. 87 08 E. 36 37 W. N N S. 7 37 W. 87 07 W. 36 37 E. 821 2, 020 945 Nat. Hellen. Briscoe. 6 38 21 18.88 76 29 48. 2 1 S. S. N 9 26 W. 83 32 E. 51 22 W. N N S. 9 26 E. 83 31 w. 51 22 E. 923 1,768 1,054 Nat. Hellen. Briscoe. 7 38 20 35. 88 76 29 09. 36 S. S. N so 30 W. 85 02 E. 30 06 E. N N S. 30 3° E. 8s 01 W. s'o 07 W. 1,218 1,384 1,446 Mill. Ton. Hellen. 8 38 20 09. 04 76 29 12. 27 S. s. N 74 48 W. 31 52 E. 61 41 E. N N S. 74 48 E. 31 52 w. 61 41 w. 561 710 1,655 Mill. Bur. Ton. 1 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. HOMND.-XRIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. BOB WISE. {Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) 139 Cor- Latitude. Louyitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- o( bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 ig 24. 58 / // 76 29 16. 71 S. 81 02 E. N. 28 48 E. S. 58 47 W. N. 81 01 W. S. 28 48 W. N. 58 47 E. Yards. 1,208 I, 022 290 Town. Bur. Cable. 2 38 19 30- 38 76 29 26. 83 S. 3 26 E. S. 75 15 E. N. 47 23 E. N. 3 26 W. N. 75 15 W. S. 47 23 W. 347 I, 512 1,034 Cable. Town. Bur. 3 38 19 57.28 76 29 24. 58 N. 40 3S W. S. 01 47 W. S. 73 37 E. S. 40 38 E. N. 01 47 E. N. 73 37 W. 329 1,254 732 Mill. Cable. Bur. 4 38 19 52. 74 76 29 15. 14 N. 49 06 W. S. 14 48 w. S. 83 16 E. S. 49 06 E. N. 14 48 E. N. 83 16 W. 614 1,137 454 Mill. Cable. Bur, Then :e along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 20 to corner No. 5. 5 38 19 32.82 76 29 15. 02 S. 34 21 W. S. 67 S3 E. N.35 55 E. N. 34 21 E. N. 6753 W. S. 35 55 W. 518 ; Cable. I, 240 ) To\vn. 763 Bur. SPENCERS. {Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) I 38 19 22- 55 76 28 37. 04 N. 30 II W. S. 38 16 W. S. 49 15 E. S. 30 II E. N. 38 16 E. N. 49 15 W. 1,115 413 185 Bur. Crane. Town . 2 38 19 24. 58 76 29 16. 71 S. 81 02 E. N. 28 48 E. S. 58 47 w. N. 81 01 W. S. 28 48 W. N. 58 47 E. 1,208 I, 022 290 Town. Bur. Cable. 3 38 19 32.82 76 29 15. 02 S. 34 21 W. S. 67 53 E. N. 35 55 E. N. 34 21 E. N. 67 53 W. S. 35 55 W. 518 I, 240 763 Cable. Town. Bur. Thence along county boundary as de ineated on Chart No. 20 to comer No. 4- 4 38 19 31.80 76 28 19. 14 N. 21 38 E. N. 57 48 W. s. 37 50 w. S. 21 38 W. S. 57 48 E. N. 37 50 E. 775 I, 225 547 New. Bur. Town. 140 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. TOWN CREEK. (Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) Cor- True bearing. Latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G tion s S. trianKula- of ation. bar. Forward. Back. / / / / / Yards. I ^8 18 48. 66 76 28 ^io 82 N. 79 12 E. S. 79 12 W. 1,890 Sand. N. 50 32 E. s. 50 32 w. 1,845 Methodist Church. Episcopal N. 27 14 W. s. 27 14 E. 921 Crane. 2 38 18 54.-47 76 28 38 S8 N. 85 36 E. .s. 85 37 W. 2, 069 Sand. N. 59 04 E. s. 59 05 W. I, 901 Methodist Church. Episcopal N. 19 03 W. s. 19 03 E. 658 Crane. 3 38 19 12.97 76 28 30 02 N. 75 52 E. s. 75 52 W. 1.447 Methodist Church. Episcopal N. 12 59 W. . s. 12 59 E. 208 Town . S. 89 50 W. N 89 49 E. 442 Crane . 4 38 19 lb. 86 76 28 22 58 N. 70 36 E. S. 70 37 w. 1,278 Methodist Church. Episcopal N. 41 45 W. S. 41 45 E. 367 Town. N. 83 47 W. S. 83 47 E. 644 Crane. GOODWIN. (Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) I 38 18 28.75 76 28 06. 02 S. 8 19 E. N. 49 26 E. N. 22 00 W. N. 8 19 W. S. 49 26 W. S. 22 00 E. 417 1.577 1,827 Ben. Sand. Town. 2 38 18 34. 80 76 28 10. 62 S. 16 30 E. N. s8 06 E. N. 20 40 W. N. 16 30 W. S. 58 07 W. S. 20 40 E. 643 I. 555 '. 592 Ben. Sand. Town. 3 38 18 37. 12 76 28 05. 38 S. 3 34 E. N. 57 49 E. N. 26 25 W. N. 3 34 W. S. 57 49 W. S. 26 25 E. 696 1,395 J. 577 Ben. Sand. Town. 4 38 18 30. 80 76 28 01. 60 S. 6 46 W. ,S. 48 29 E. N. 26 16 W. N. 6 46 E. N. 48 29 W. S. 26 16 E. 484 1,442 1,812 Ben. Sand. Town. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. LA GRANDE. {Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) 141 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- ot bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 17 35- 18 76 27 17.84 s. N N 79 05 E. I 40 W. 41 II W. N. 79 OS W. S. I 40 E. S. 41 12 E. Yards. 723 2,834 1.853 Craddock. Sand. Ben. 2 38 18 13.71 76 27 48. 34 S. N N 46 38 E. 25 24 E. 76 58 W. N. 46 38 W. S. 25 25 W. S. 76 58 E. 2, 092 1,696 420 Craddock. Sand. Ben. 3 38 18 20. 36 76 27 39. l8 S. N. S. 37 34 E. 20 19 b,. 78 47 w. N. 37 34 W. S. 20 20 W. N. 78 46 E. 2,094 1-395 665 Craddock. Sand. Ben. 4 38 18 00. 96 76 27 14. 07 N. N. S. 5 19 W. 68 19 W. 31 13 E. S. 5 19 E. S. 68 20 E. N. 31 13 W. 1,975 I, 421 1,177 Sand. Ben. Craddock. 5 38 17 3.S- 26 76 27 07. 14 S. N. N. 72 09 E. 7 =3 W. 47 14 w. N. 72 09 W. S. 7 23 E. S. 47 14 E. 448 2,852 2,048 Craddock. Sand. Ben. MILLSTONE. {Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) I 38 17 32.82 76 26 07. 63 N. 22 47 E. N. 33 47 W. S. 87 10 W. S. 22 47 W. S. 33 48 E. N. 87 09 E. 3,538 3,503 ',157 Drum Point Light. Sand. Craddock. 2 38 17 40. 10 76 26 47. 16 N. 18 36 W. N. 58 53 W. S. 19 08 W. S. 18 37 E. S. 58 54 E. N. 19 08 E. 2,813 2,377 322 Sand. Ben. Craddock. 3 38 18 14.62 76 26 27. 79 N. 45 43 E. N. 4; 14 W. S. 22 55 W. S. 45 44 W. S. 43 15 E. N. 22 55 E. 2,654 2, 061 I, 592 Drum Point Light. Sand. Craddock. 4 38 17 52.60 76 25 45- 94 N. 17 00 E. N. 48 21 W. S. 67 19 W. S. 17 00 W. S. 48 22 E. N. 67 18 E. 2,714 3, 377 1,878 Drum Point Light. Sand. Craddock. 142 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. Boi'NDARiEs OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. DEEP POINT MUD. {Lower Patuxent River — Chart No. 30.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triancula- el bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 17 52 60 / // 76 25 45. 94 N. N. S. 17 00 E. 48 21 W. 67 19 W. S. 17 00 W. S. 48 22 E. N, 67 18 E. Yards. 2,714 3.377 1,878 Drum Point Light. Sand. Craddock. 2 38 18 14 62 76 26 27. 79 N. N. S. 45 43 E. 43 14 W. 2 2 55 W. S. 45 44 W. S. 43 15 E. N. 22 55 E. 2.654 2, 061 1.592 Drum Point Litjlit. Sand. Craddock. 3 38 18 31 18 76 25 30. 58 S. N N. 58 20 E. 16 3=; E. 72 li W. N. 58 20 W. S. 16 ^is W. S. 72 II E. 954 I. 351 3,080 Carroll 2. Drum Point Light. Sand. 4 38 18 IX 80 76 25 24. 99 N. N. S. 6 55 E. 62 39 W. 59 04 W. S. 6 56 W. S. 62 40 E. N. 59 03 E. 1.965 3.470 2,662 Drum Point Light. Sand. Craddock. CARROLL MUDS (ST. MARYS COUNTY). {Lower Patuxent River — Chart Xo. 20.) 38 18 16.38 18 17. 00 76 24 44. 61 N. 61 07 E. N. 24 59 W. S. 89 49 W. S. 61 07 W. S. 24 59 E. N. 89 49 E. 1,362 1,978 410 Hog 2. Drum Point Light. Carroll 2. 76 25 04. 64 S. 79 40 E. N. 69 46 E. N. 9 43 W. N. 79 40 W. S. 69 47 w. S. 9 43 E. 124 1,842 1.799 Carroll 2. Hog 2. Drum Point Light. 76 25' 04- 36 S. 6 40 E. S. 79 23 E. N. 20 54 W. N. 6 40 W. N. 79 23 W. S. 20 55 E. 988 1,746 874 Carroll 2. Hog 2. Drum Point Light. 18 45. 42 Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 20 to comer No. 4. 4 38 19 03. 80 76 24 I 7.62 N. 82 51 W. S. 35 io W. S. 26 46 E. S. 82 52 E. N. 35 09 E. N. 26 46 W. 1.565 1,958 1,054 Drum Point Lisjht. Carroll 2. Hog 2. s 38 18 48. 16 76 24 02. 46 N. 69 44 W. S. 54 59 W. S. 9 52 E. S. 69 44 E. N. 54 58 E. N. 9 52 W. 2, 084 1,867 420 Drum Point Light. Carroll 2. Hog 2. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARins uF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. HOG ISLAND. {Entrance Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) 143 Cor- True bearing. Latitude.' Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. trianRula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. / // / /, , / Yards. I 38 1 8 20. 00 76 2^ 08. go s. 66 17 E. N. 66 16 W. 1,865 Cedar Point Light. N I 16 W. S. I 16 E. 6.747 Pat. N 68 20 W. S. 68 21 E. I. 453 Hog 2. 2 38 18 36. 00 76 23 57. 04 N S. N 61 40 w. 86 47 W. 66 39 E. S. 61 41 E. N. 86 47 E. S. 66 40 W. 2, 385 72 3.252 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. 3 38 19 17. 14 76 23 47.02 S. s. s. 83 51 W. 13 40 W. 45 24 E. N. 83 so E. N. 13 40 E. N. 45 23 W. 2,380 1,432 3,820 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. 4 38 18 46. 92 76 22 31. 22 N s. s. 80 06 W. 81 00 W. 23 03 E. S. 80 08 E. N. 80 59 E. N. 23 03 W. 4,445 2,381 1,801 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. CHINESE MUDS (ST. MARYS COUNTY). (Entrance Patuxent River — Chart No. 20.) I 38 18 35. 08 76 22 01. 52 N. 77 19 W. N. 89 31 W. S. 3 49 W. S. 77 21 E. S. 89 32 E. N. 3 49 E. 5. 297 3- 142 I, 261 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. 2 38 18 46. 92 76 22 31. 22 N. 80 06 W. S. 81 00 W. S. 23 03 E. S. 80 08 E. N. 80 59 E. N. 23 03 W. 4, 445 2,381 1,801 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. 3 38 19 17. 14 76 23 47. 02 S. 83 51 W. S. 13 40 W. S. 45 24 E. N. 8^ =;o E. N. 13 io E. N. 45 23 W. 2,380 1.432 3,820 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. Then ce along county boundary as de ineatcd in Chart No. 20 to comer No. 4. 4 38 19 37-58 76 21 34.27 N. 32 48 W. S. 80 55 W. S. 13 30 W. S. 32 49 E. N. 80 52 E. N. 13 30 E. 4,915 5,968 3,461 Pat. Drum Point Light. Cedar Point Light. 5 38 ig 15. 82 76 21 21. 84 S. 88 03 W. S. 72 12 W. S. 23 23 W. N. 88 01 E. N. 72 II E. N. 23 23 E. 6, 226 4,405 2,867 Drum Point Light. Hog 2. Cedar Point Light. '44 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. CEDAR POINT HOLLOW. (Chesapeake Bay — Charts Nos. 20 and 21.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C: & G. S. triangula- ot bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 13 46. 44 76 21 49. 06 N. 40 00 W. N. 72 51 W. s. 16 is W. .S. 40 01 E. S. 72 52 E. N. 16 iS E. Yards. 5,298 2,878 3.217 Desert. Ford. Reed. 2 38 13 51-97 76 23 22. 26 N. 77 05 E. N. 13 58 E. N. 13 28 W. S. 77 10 W. S. 13 59 w. S. 13 29 E. 13.697 8.541 3,981 Hooper Island Light. Cedar Point Light. Desert. 3 38 15 05. 58 76 23 47. 04 N. 87 37 E. N. 25 03 E. N. 10 56 W. S. 87 4^ W. S. 25 04 W. S. 10 56 E. 14, 021 6, 410 I. 415 Hooper Island Light. Cedar Point Light. Desert. 4 38 15 08.60 76 23 00. 00 N. II 12 W. N. 49 43 W. S. 24 13 E. S. II 12 E. S. 49 43 E. N. 24 13 W. 3,714 1,991 2, 107 Cain. Desert. Ford. 5 38 16 40. 66 76 23 00. 00 N. 29 29 E. N. 53 13 W. S. 39 54 W. S. 29 30 W. S. 53 13 E. N. 39 54 E. 2,987 900 2,368 Cedar Point Light. Cain. Desert . 6 38 16 40. 70 76 22 37. 82 N. 18 43 E. N. 67 41 W. S. 49 15 w. S. 18 44 w. S. 67 42 E. N. 49 14 E. 2,744 1,416 2.784 Cedar Point Light. Cain. Desert. 7 38 17 27.33 76 22 35.42 N. 38 31 E. S. 53 02 W. S. 32 39 W. S. 38 32 w. N. 53 01 E. N. 32 39 E. 1.3" 1,720 4,027 Cedar Point Light. Cain. Desert. 8 38 17 52-90 76 22 02. 70 N. 18 II W. S. 49 48 -w. S- 35 35 W. S. 18 II E. N. 49 47 E. N. 35 34 E. 168 2,939 5,228 Cedar Point Light. Cain. Desert. 9 38 15 41-30 76 20 48. 18 N. 23 50 W. N. 58 57 W. N. 87 54 W. S. 23 51 E. S. 58 59 E. S. 87 55 E. 5,031 4,930 5,027 Cedar Point Light. Cain. Desert. lO 38 14 33- 94 76 20 51. 08 N. 63 35 W. S. 80 04 W. S. 27 33 w. S. 63 37 E. N. 80 02 E. N. 27 32 E. 5,524 4,359 5,302 Desert. Ford. Reed. ROCKY BEACH. {Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 21.) 38 II 37-42 12 00. 00 76 21 40. 16 76 22 09. 62 S. 25 26 E. N. 54 28 E. N. 42 06 W. N. 25 26 W. S. 54 32 W. S. 42 06 E. S. 31 46 E. N. 31 45 W. N. 59 06 W. ' S. 59 10 E. N. 35 26 W. S. 35 26 E. 2,415 13,07s I, 701 3,459 13, 309 615 Point Agin. Hooper Island Light. Reed. Point Agin. Hooper Island Light. Reed. SURVEY OP OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. ROCKY BEACH— Continued. {Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 21.) 145 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- ot bar. Forward. Back. tion station. / // / // , = / Yards. 3 38 12 32. 60 76 22 36. 22 S. 30 26 E. N. 64 43 E. N. 24 09 W. N. 30 25 W. S. 64 47 w. S. 24 10 E. 694 13,411 3,658 Reed. Hooper Island Light. Ford. 4 38 13 00. 60 76 23 02. 88 S. 34 31 E. N. 69 33 E. N. 18 13 W. N. 34 31 W. S. 69 38 W. S. 18 14 E. 1,872 13, 698 2,521 Reed. Hooper Island Light. Ford. 5 38 13 51-97 76 23 22. 26 N. 77 °5 E. N. 13 58 E. N. 13 28 W. S. 77 10 W. S. 13 59 W. S. 13 29 E. 13, 697 8,541 3,981 Hooper Island Light. Cedar Point Light. Desert. 6 38 13 46.44 76 21 49. 06 N. 40 00 W. N. 72 51 W. S. 16 18 W. S. 40 01 E. S. 72 52 E. N. 16 18 E. 5,298 2,878 3,217 Desert. Ford. Reed. 7, 38 II 54.84 76 20 41. 78 N. 44 33 W. N. 75 56 W. S. 10 35 W. S. 44 35 E. S. 75 57 E. N. 10 35 E. 6,473 2,777 2,815 Ford. Reed. Point Agin. 8 38 II 49.94 76 20 57. 82 N..40 44 W. N. 69 40 W. S. I 59 W. S. 40 46 E. S. 69 41 E. N. I 59 E. 6,311 2,418 2, 604 Ford. Reed. Point Agin. TENACRES. {Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 21.) I 38 10 22. 02 76 20 34. 23 N. 37 16 W. N. 63 14 W. S. 42 43 E. S. 37 17 E. S. 63 15 E. N. 42 41 W. 4,781 805 7,388 Reed. Point Agin. Point No Point Light. 2 38 II 37.42 76 21 40. 16 S. 25 26 E. N. 54 28 E. N. h 06 W. N. 2s 26 W. S. si 32 W. S. 42 06 E. 2.415 i3,°75 r. 701 Point Agin. Hooper Island Light. Reed. 3 38 II 49.94 76 20 57. 82 N. 40 44 W. N. 69 40 W. S. I 59 W. S. 40 46 E. S. 69 41 E. N. I 59 E. 6,311 2,418 2, 604 Ford. Reed. Point Agin. 4 38 10 40. ^1, 76 20 00. 73 N. 49 50 W. S. 80 59 W. S. 34 16 E. S. 49 52 E. N. 80 59 E. N. 34 15 W. 4,942 1,631 7,316 Reed. Point Agin. Point No Point Light. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. McKAY. {Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 21.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 09 29. 82 76 19 38. 52 N. 46 02 W. S. II 53 E. S. 43 S3 E. s. N N 46 03 E. II 53 W. 43 52 W. Yards. 3,058 2, 022 5,°90 Point Agin. Point No Point. Point No Point Light. 2 38 09 40.42 76 19 47. 96 N. 47 51 W. S. 15 58 E. S. 43 II E. S. N N 47 51 E. 15 57 W. 43 10 W. 2,630 2,429 5:523 Point Agin. Point No Point. Point No Point Light. 3 38 09 52. 20 76 19 33. 80 N. 59 33 W. S. 6 04 E. S. 37 34 E. S. N N 59 34 E. 6 04 W. . 37 33 W. 2, 699 2,748 5, 581 Point Agin. Point No Point. Point No Point Light. 4 38 10 15. 26 76 20 04. 16 N. 68 46 W. S. 17 23 E. S. 39 00 E. S. N N 68 47 E. 17 23 W. 38 59 W. I, 629 3.679 6, 692 Point Agin. Point No Point. Point No Point Light. 5 38 lo 07. 20 76 20 21. 06 N. 51 07 W. S. 25 34 E. S. 43 24 E. S. N N 51 07 E. 25 33 W. 43 22 W. 1.372 3,590 6,784 Point Agin. Point No Point. Point No Point Light. 6 38 10 22. 02 76 20 34. 23 N. 37 16 W. N. 63 14 W. S. 42 43 E. S. S. N 37 17 E. 63 15 E. 42 41 W. 4.781 805 7,388 Reed. Point Agin. Point No Point Light. 7 38 10 40. 33 76 20 00. 73 N. 49 50 W. S. 80 59 w. S. 34 16 E. S. N N 49 52 E. 80 59 E. 34 15 W. 4,942 1,631 7,316 Reed. Point Agin. Point No Point Light. 8 38 10 54.. 92 76 19 34. 98 S. 71 59 W. S. 3 48 E. S. 27 43 E. N N N 71 58 E. 3 48 w. 27 41 W. 2,414 4.858 7.385 Point Agin. Point No Point. Point No Point Light. 9 38 10 00. 00 76 18 31. 62 N. 74 29 W. S. 24 30 w. S. 20 26 E. S. N. N. 74 30 E. 24 29 E. 20 26 W. 4,133 3,292 5, 001 Point Agin. Point No Point. Point No Point Light. FISH HAWK. {Chesapeake Bay — Charts Nos. 21 and 22.) I 38 09 00. 00 ,6 17 52.67 N. 58 03 W. S. 67 57 W. S. 14 54 E. S. 58 05 E. N. 67 56 E. N. 14 54 W. 5.914 2.592 2,757 Point Agin . Point No Point. Point No Point Light. 2 38 09 00. 00 76 19 12.72 N. 42 43 W. S. 15 33 W. S. 46 51 E. S. 42 44 E. N. 15 33 E. N. 46 50 W. 4.257 I, 009 3,894 Point Agin. Point No Point. Point No Point Light SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. FISH HAWK— Continued. (Chesapeake Bay — Charts Nos. 21 and 22.) 147 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. 3 4 38 09 29. 82 38 10 00. oc 76 19 38. 52 76 18 31. 62 N. 46 02 W. S. II 53 E. S. 43 53 E. N. 74 29 W. S. 24 30 W. S. 20 26 E. S. 46 03 E. N. II 53 W. N. 43 52 W. S. 74 30 E. N. 24 29 E. N. 20 26 W. Yards. 3- 058 2, 022 5.090 4,133 3-292 5, 001 Point Agin. Point No Point. Point No Point Light. Point Agin. Point No Point. Point No Point Light. ST. JEROME. (Chesapeake Bay — Chart No. 32.) I 38 07 12.60 76 19 54. 22 N S. N 85 57 W. I 38 E. 76 22 E. S. 8s 57 E. N. I 38 W. S. 76 23 W. 501 2.559 4, 061 St. Jerome. Point Look-in. Point No Point Light. 2 38 07 13-74 76 19 57-38 S. S. N 89 35 W. 3 28 E. 77 °9 E. N. 89 35 E. N. 3 28 W. S. 77 II W. 416 2,593 4,125 St. Jerome. Point Look-in. Point No Point Light. 3 38 07 32- 58 76 19 44. 54 S. s. N 49 52 W. 3 13 W. 85 36 E. N. 49 52 E. N. 3 17 E. S. 85 38 W. 991 3, 228 3.700 St. Jerome. Point Look-in. Point No Point Light. 4 38 07 29.47 76 19 36. 14 S. s. N 61 28 W. 7 28 w. 83 36 E. N. 61 27 E. N. 7 28 E. S. 83 37 W. I, 119 3,145 3,487 St. Jerome. Point L°7S 567 631 Out. Drum. Enough . 3 38 07 20- 33 76 23 46.36 s. s. s. 67 05 W. 38 04 W. 7 55 W. N. 67 04 E. N. 38 03 E. N. 7 54 E. 1, 141 622 662 Out. Drum. Enough. 4 38 07 14-34 76 23 42.30 s. s. s. 78 10 W. 59 39 W. 23 42 W. N. 78 10 E. N. 59 39 E. N. 23 42 E. 1,183 570 496 Out. Drum. Enough. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SEDGE POINT. {Lower St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) 153 Cor- True bearing. Latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. / // / / / Yards. I 38 06 17.94 76 25 22. 01 N. 89 24 E. N. 24 26 W. S. 89 24 w. S. 24 26 E. 96 1,918 Day. Between. N. 89 37 W. S. 89 38 E. 4,046 Labor. 2 38 06 18. 02 76 25 37.60 S. 89 49 E. N. 12 16 W. N. 89 48 W. S. 12 16 E. 512 1,785 Day. Between. N. 89 36 W. S. 89 38 E. 3, 631 Labor. 3 38 06 45. 00 76 25 32. 23 N. 32 01 W. S. 76 47 W. S. 22 01 E. S. 32 01 E. N. 76 45 E. N. 22 01 W. 983 3,876 983 Between. , Labor. Day. MOUTH OF CREEK. {Lower St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) 1 38 06 18. 60 76 27 16. 76 S. 89 37 E. N. 52 43 E. N. 89 41 W. N. 89 36 W. S. 52 44 W. S. 89 42 E. 3. IS4 2,844 988 Day. Between. Labor. 2 38 06 18. 68 76 27 27. 58 S. 89 36 E. N. 56 00 E. N. 89 47 W. N. 89 35 W. S. 56 01 w. S. 89 47 E. 3,441 3-078 701 Day. Between. Labor. 3 38 06 50. 60 76 28 04. 10 S. 14 17 E. N. 79 38 E. N. 27 13 W. N. 14 17 W. S. 79 39 W. S. 27 13 E. 1, 105 3.582 I, 006 Labor. Between. Smack. 4 38 07 II. 80 76 28 10. 76 N. II 41 E. N. 57 31 W. S. 14 10 E. S. II 41 w. S. 57 32 E. N. 14 10 W. 970 336 1,840 Cherry. Smack. Labor. 5 38 07 04. 99 76 27 49. 02 N. 18 00 W. N. 64 3=; W. S. 4 44 W. S. 18 01 E. S. 64 35 E. N. 4 44 E. 1,242 953 1,564 Cherry.'' Smacic. Labor. CHICKEN COCK. {Lower St. Alarys River — Chart No. 24.) 1 38 06 38. 30 76 25 55. 46 S. 55 14 E. N. 5 16 E. S. 78 12 W. N. 55 13 W. S. 5 16 W. N. 78 11 E. I, 202 1,064 3.223 Day. Between. Labor. 2 b 38 07 18. 72 76 26 19. 44 S. 67 37 E. N. 2 28 E. s.r5i:i3;w.- N. 67 36 W. S. 2 28 W. iN. 51 12 E. 796 1,899 3.227 Between. Fort. Labor. 1,54 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. CHICKEN COCK— Continued. {Lower St. Marys River Chart No. 24.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tlon station. / // / // / Yards. 3 38 07 18. 32 76 25 58.36 N S. s. 14 OS E. 56 52 w. 31 07 E. S. 14 OS W. N. 56 SI E. N. 31 07 W. 1,970 3,666 339 Fort. Labor. Between. 4 38 07 00. 00 76 25 45- 78 N S. S. 26 02 W. 67 47 W. 27 14 E. S. 26 02 E. N. 67 46 E. N. 27 14 W. 364 3,686 I, 593 Between. Labor. Day. • 5 38 06 39. 94 76 25 45. 01 N S. S. 10 12 w. 78 IS w. 43 45 E. S. 10 12 E. N. 78 14 E. N. 43 44 W. I, 023 3, 5°7 I, 026 Between. Labor. Day. CHERRY. {Lower St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 07 06. 81 76 27 39.46 N. 88 02 E. N. 29 43 W. N. 72 38 W. S. 88 04 W. S. 29 43 E. S. 72 39 E. 2,871 1,287 1, 170 Between. Cherry. Smack. 2 38 07 23. 00 76 28 15. 13 N. 28 41 E. N. 77 16 W. S. 40 07 W. S. 28 41 W. S. 77 17 E. N. 40 07 E. 651 i>4i3 258 Cherry. Adams. Smack. 3 38 07 39. 96 76 28 03. 41 N. 45 49 W. S. 31 53 W. S. 73 48 E. S. 45 49 E. N. 31 53 E. N. 73 47 W. 1.344 906 3-652 Goose. Smack. Between. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards -water line of th in width at its r e shore to comer No. 4 nouth at low tide. excluding 4 38 07 41. 20 76 27 49. 04 S. 46 43 W. S. 71 14 E. N. 65 13 E. N. 46 43 E. N. 71 13 W. S. 65 14 W. 1,183 3.299 2,719 Smack. Between. Fort. 5 38 07 57. 01 76 27 7,7,. 00 N. 73 25 E. N. 2 43 W. S. 43 47 W. S. 73 26 W. S. 2 43 E. N. 43 47 E. 2, 129 807 1,862 Fort. Pond. Smack. 6 38 07 29. 02 76 27 19. 00 N. 13 12 W. N. 72 41 W. S. 76 27 w. S. 13 12 E. S. 72 41 E. N. 76 26 E. 1,800 1.239 1,709 Pond. Cherry. Smack. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. MIDDLEGROUND LUMP. {Lower St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) 155 Cor- Trae bearing. ner Latitude. Longitude. Distance. of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. / // / /, / / Yards. ' 38 07 42. 00 76 27 03. 22 N N 48 j6 E. 32 22 W. S. 48 17 w. S. 32 23 E. I, 672 I. 553 Fort. Pond. S. 87 33 W. N. 87 32 E. I, 604 Cherry. 2 38 07 51. 94 76 27 01.44 N N S. 57 04 E. 41 54 w. 76 IS W. S. 57 04 W. S. 41 54 E. N. 76 14 E. 1,430 1,317 1,699 Fort. Pond. Cherry. 3 38 07 45. so 76 26 51. 12 N N S. 42 56 E. 43 58 W. 84 28 W. S. 42 56 W. S. 43 59 E. N. 84 27 E. 1,358 1,662 1,934 Fort. Pond. Cherry. FORT. (Lower St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 07 36.02 76 25 56. 00 S. 7 12 E. N. 87 45 W. N. 22 26 W. N. 7 12 W. S. 87 47 E. S. 22 26 E. 893 3,397 I, 422 Between. Cherr)'. Fort. 2 38 08 00. 00 76 26 52. 52 S. 70 19 W. S. 43 39 E. N. 62 17 E. N. 70 18 E. N. 43 39 W. S. 62 17 W. 2, 005 2,342 1,087 Cherry. Between . Fort. 3 38 08 00. 00 76 26 13. 16 N. 9 36 W. N. 71 54 W. S. 18 36 E. S. 9 36 E. S. 71 53 E. N. 18 36 W. 513 2,278 1,785 Fort. Pond. Between. Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards -water line of the shore to comer No. 4, excluding in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 07 37. 98 76 25 54. 82 N. 24 42 W. N. 88 53 W. S. 4 50 E. S. 24 42 E. S. 88 54 E. N. 4 SO W. 1,373 3,426 956 Fort. Cherry. " Between. EDMUND. [Lower St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 08 01. 44 76 27 19. 18 N. 74 41 E. N. 31 39 W. S. 58 25 W. S. 74 41 w. S. 31 39 E. N. 58 25 E. 1,734 774 1,382 Fort. Pond. Cherry. 2 38 08 04. 62 76 27 32. 20 N. 80 10 E. N. 6 10 W. S. 45 00 W. S. 80 II W. S. 6 10 E. N. 44 59 E. 2,049 555 1,173 Fort. Pond. Cherry. 3 38 08 20. 99 76 27 34. 44 S. 48 42 E. S. 84 28 E. N. 52 55 E. N. 48 41 W. N. 84 27 W. S. 52 55 W. 3,641 2, o8g 2, 252 Between. Fort. Rod. 4 38 08 27. 68 76 27 17. 64 S. 65 IS W. S. 75 17 E. N. 50 00 E. N. 63 14 E. N. 75 17 W. S. 50 00 W. 5°i 1,687 I, 761 Pond. Fort. Rod. 156 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. COAD. (Lower St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) Cbr- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. )istance. U. S. C. & G. tionst ot bar. Forward. Back. ation. I 38 08 20. 99 76 27 34. 44 S. 48 42 E. S. 84 28 E. N. 52 55 E. ° ' Yards. N. 48 41 W. 3,641 N. 84 27 W. 2,089 S. 52 55 W. ! j2,252 Between. Fort. Rod. Thence from corner No. i along the mean low any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards -water line of the shore to comer No. 2 in width at its mouth at low tide. excluding 2 38 08 42. 80 76 27 53. 82 S. 70 08 E. N. 74 54 E. N. 21 55 E. N. 70 07 W. S. 74 55 W. S. 21 55 w. 2,759 2,395 I, 201 Fort. Rod. Thompson. 3 38 08 49. 42 76 27 36. 62 S. 3 28 E. N. 77 49 E. N. 38 W. N. 3 28 W. S. 77 50 w. S. 38 E. 960 1,897 891 Pond. Rod. Thompson . 4 38 08 27. 68 76 27 17. 64 S. 63 15 W. S. 75 17 E. N. 50 00 E. N. 63 14 E. N. 75 17 W. S. 50 00 w. 501 1,687 I, 761 Pond. Fort. Rod. LANGLEY HOLLOW. (Lower St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.] I 38 08 08. 80 76 26 19. 10 N. 19 II E. N. 78 25 W. S. 20 04 E. a 19 II w. S. 78 26 E. N. 20 03 W. 221 2, 048 2, 120 Fort. Pond. Between. 2 38 08 09. 34 76 26 26. 18 N. 53 51 E. N. 77 48 W. S. 24 30 E. S. 53 51 W. S. 77 49 E. N. 24 30 W. 324 1,860 2, 209 Fort. Pond. Between. 3 38 08 41. 22 76 26 27. 54 N. I 16 E. S. 69 03 W. S. 18 36 E. S. I 16 W. N. 69 02 E. N. 18 36 W. 676 1,907 933 Rod. Pond. Fort. 4 38 08 54. 68 76 26 22. 00 N. 30 52 W. S. 59 31 W. S. 6 24 E. S. 30 52 E. N. 59 30 E. N. 6 24 W. 259 2,238 1,346 Rod. Pond. Fort. Thence from c any creek, c omer No. 4 along the mean low ove, or inlet less than 100 yards -water line of the shore to in width at its mouth at k comer No. 5, )w tide. excluding 5 38 08 52. 88 76 26 12. 58 N. 53 37 W. S. 63 42 W. S. 4 31 w. S. 53 37 E. N. 63 41 E. N. 4 31 E. 477 2,432 1,284 Rod. Pond. Fort. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. PRIEST. {Middle St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) 157 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. Trae bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. , // / // / c / Yards. I 38 08 41. 22 76 26 27. 54 N. I 16 E. S. 69 03 W. S. 18 36 E. S. I 16 W. N. 69 02 E. N. 18 36 W. 676 1,907 933 Rod. Pond. Fort. 2 38 09 01. 34 76 26 45. 64 S. 89 41 E. N. 33 28 E. N. 70 18 W. N. 89 41 W. S. 33 28 w. S. 70 19 E. 497 i>324 1,452 Rod. Inigoes. Thompson. 3 38 09 15. 99 76 26 24. 54 S. 7 27 W. N. 89 08 E. N. 15 23 E. N. 7 27 E. S. 89 08 W. S. 15 24 w. 501 560 633 Rod. Rdley. Inigoes. 4 38 09 09. 62 76 26 16. 40 N. 56 56 E. N. 3 27 W. S. 44 59 W. S. 56 57 W. S. 3 27 E. N. 44 59 E. 409 827 398 Raley. Inigoes. Rod. Thence from c any creek, c omer No. 4 alo ove, or inlet le Qg the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding >s than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 5 38 08 54- 68 76 26 22. 00 N 30 52 W. S. .1° 52 E. 259 Rod. S. 59 31 W. N. 5Q so E. 2,238 Pond. s. 6 24 K. N. 6 24 W. i>346 Fort. CARTHAGENA CREEK. {Middle St. Marys River— Chart No. 24.) I 38 09 01. 40 76 27 46.92 S. 13 44 E. S. 89 52 E. N. 28 31 E. N. 13 44 W. N. 89 52 W. S. 28 31 W. 1,400 2, 128 554 Pond. Rod. Thompson. 2 38 09 II. 20 76 2- 53- 06 S. 16 20 E. S. 81 40 E. N. 69 53 E. N. 16 19 W. N. 81 39 W. S. 69 53 W. 1,764 2,316 456 Pond. Rod. Thompson. 3 38 09 15. 85 76 27 36.98 S. 2 06 E. S. 75 13 E. N. 61 51 E. N. 2 06 W. N. 7s 12 W. S. 6'i 51 W. 1. 851 1,928 1,188 Pond. Rod. Grind. 4 38 09 18. 75 76 27 32.70 S. 49 22 W. S. I 22 W. S. 71 23 E. N. 49 22 E. N. I 22 E. N. 71 22 W. 150 1,948 1.847 Thompson . Pond. Rod. 5 38 09 10. 00 76 27 22. 18 S. 78 38 E. N. 40 46 E. N. 63 25 W. N. 78 38 W. S. 40 46 w. S. 63 25 E. 1,499 I, 001 441 Rod. Grind. Thompson. 158 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. THOMPSON CREEK. {Middle Si. Marys River— Chart No. 24.) Cor- ner Latitude. Longitude. Trae bearing. Distance. oi bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 09 10. 00 76 27 22. 18 s. N N 78 38 E. 40 46 E. 63 25 W. N. 78 38 W. S. 40 46 w. S. 63 25 E. Yards. 1-499 I, 001 441 Rod. Grind. Thompson. 2 38 09 18. 75 76 27 32.70 S. s. s. 49 22 w. I 22 W. 71 23 E. N. 49 22 E. N. I 22 E. N. 71 22 W. 150 1,948 1,847 Thompson . Pond. Rod. 3 38 09 22. 60 76 27 28. 50 s. s. s. 44 46 W. 4 21 W. 66 17 E. N. 44 46 E. N. 4 21 E. N. 66 17 W. 320 2,083 1,789 Thompson . Pond. Rod. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 38 09 30. 77 38 09 25. 82 38 09 18. 76 27 00. 40 S. 41 49 E. N. 51 59 E. N. 23 35 E. N. 41 49 W. S. 51 59 W. S. 23 35 W. 1.335 94 i.3°7 Rod. Grind. Chan. 76 26 45. 64 S. 31 01 E. N. 69 03 E. N. 54 53 W. N. 31 01 W. S. 69 03 w. S. 54 53 E. 965 782 389 Rod. Inigoes Grind. 76 26 55. 87 S. 52 21 E. N. 62 52 E. N. 5 50 W. N. 52 21 W. S. 62 52 W. S. 5 50 E. 972 1, 126 461 Rod. Inigoes Grind. RALEYS SHORE. {Entrance to St. Inigoes Creek — Chart No. 24.) I 38 09 09. 62 76 26 16. 40 N. s6 56 E. N. "s 27 -W. S. 44 59 W. S. 56 57 W. S. 3 27 E. N. 44 59 E. 409 827 398 Raley. Inigoes. Rod. 2 38 09 15. 99 76 26 24. 54 S. 7 27 W. N. 89 08 E. N. 15 23 E. N. 7 27 E. S. 89 08 W. S. 15 24 W. 501 560 633 Rod. Raley. Inigoes. 3 38 oq 26. 59 76 26 09. 26 S 23 39 E. N. 52 44 E. N. 43 26 W. N. 23 39 W. S. 52 44 W. S. 43 26 E. 380 583 348 Raley. Cottage . Inigoes. 4 38 09 18. 62 76 25 59. 00 N. 47 12 E. N. 44 28 W. S. 56 18 W. S. 47 12 w. S. 44 28 E. N. 56 18 E. 576 730 144 Church. Inigoes. Raley. Thence from c any creek, c omer No. 4 alo ove, or inlet le. ng the mean low >s than 100 yards -water line of th in width at its i J shore to nouth at 1 comer No. ow tide. , excluding SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. KENNEDY. (St. Inigoes Creek — Chart No. 24.) 159 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. tion St of bar. Forward. Back. ition. / // Q / II / Yards. I 38 09 26. 00 76 26 04. 72 S. 5 ii E. N. 42 36 E. N. 52 49 W. N. 5 li W. S. 42 36 w. S. 52 50 E. 11° 506 451 Raley. Cottage. Inigoes. 2 38 09 35. 26 76 26 II. 26 S. 78 00 w. S. 17 49 E. N. 83 20 E. N. 78 00 E. N. 17 49 W. S. 83 21 W. 189 673 520 Inigoes. Raley. Cottage. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 3 any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. excluding 3 38 09 35. 40 76 26 05. 82 S. 82 22 W. S. 5 25 E. N. 81 30 E. N. 82 22 E. N. 5 25 W. S. 81 30 W. Hi 648 376 Inigoes. Raley. Cottage. 4 38 09 27. 76 76 25 52. 46 N. 71 29 E. N. 2 58 E. N. 72 43 W. S. 71 29 W. S. 2 58 W. S. 72 43 E. 261 314 718 Church. Cottage. Inigoes. JONES. (St. hiigoes Creek — Chart No. 24.) I 38 09 28. 18 76 25 32. 60 N. 55 W. S. 55 E. 462 Grason. N. 59 41 W. N. 76 06 W. S. 59 41 E. S. 76 07 E. S94 289 Cottage. Church. 2 38 09 32. 96 76 25 39. 88 N. 31 45 E. N. 66 ii W. S. 43 09 w. S. 31 45 w. S. 66 33 E. N. 43 08 E. 354 347 T26 Grason. Cottage. Church. 3 38 09 39. 80 76 25 44. 30 N. 76 55 E. N. 6 38 E. S. 65 14 W. S. 76 S5 W. S. 6 s8 W. N. 65 14 E. 312 202 221 Grason. Dusky. Cottage. 4 38 eg 42. 40 76 25 36. 74 N. s8 27 W. S. 65 51 W. S. 80 30 E. S. s8 27 E. N. 65 51 E. N. 8i 30 W. 209 441 104 Dusky. Cottage. Grason. Thence from c orner No. 4 along the mean low -water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet les B than 100 yards in width at its r nouth at U )w tide. I 1 60 SURVEY OP OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. ST. INIGOES NORTH. (St. Inigoes Creek — Chart No. 24.) Cor- 1 True bearing. ner Latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. / // , „ , Yards. I 38 09 54. 66 76 25 27. 38 S. 37 57 E. N. ^8 04 E. S. 87 54 w. N. 37 57 W. S. 58 04 W. N. 87 54 E. 380 397 294 Smoke. Sleep. Rock. 2 38 10 03. 16 76 25 29. 70 S. 37 59 W. S. 26 47 E. S. 79 07 E. N. 37 58 E. N. 26 47 W. N. 79 06 W. 377 656 406 Rock. Smoke. Sleep. Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 3, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 3 38 10 00. 89 76 25 14. 72 S. 70 42 w. S. II 24 w. S. 30 29 E. N. 70 42 E. N. II 24 E. N. 30 29 W. 668 521 445 Rock. Smoke. Chestnut. 4 38 09 58. 16 76 25 12. 42 N. ii 38 W. S. 21 25 W. S. 29 31 E. s. a 38 E. N. 21 25 E. N. 29 31 W. no 449 335 Sleep. Smoke. Chestnut. ST. INIGOES SOUTH. {St. Inigoes Creek — Chart No. 24.) I 38 09 45. 02 76 25 22. 00 N. 75 02 E. N. 54 17 W. S. 69 59 W. S. 75 02 W. S. 54 17 E. N. 6g 59 E. 94 538 308 Smoke. Rock. Grason. 2 38 09 50. 82 76 25 24. 36 S. 41 53 E. N. 37 05 E. N. 72 22 W. N. 41 53 W. S. 37 05 W. S. 72 22 E. 229 425 393 Smoke. Sleep. Rock. 3 38 oq 52.96 76 25 06. 86 N. 38 28 W. S. 52 04 W. S. 8 12 E. S. 38 28 E. N. 52 04 E. N. 8 12 W. 337 396 117 Sleep. Smoke. Chestnut. 4 38 og 49. 51 76 25 06. 23 N. 30 29 W. N. 79 14 W. S. 68 53 W. S. 30 2g E. S. 7g 14 E. N. 68 53 E. 445 873 352 Sleep. Rock. Smoke. Thence from c orner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i , excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at k )w tide. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF N.^TURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. COPPAGE. {Middle St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) 161 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. / // / // , / Yards. I 38 09 30. 77 76 27 00. 40 S. 41 49 E. N. 51 59 E. N. 23 35 E. N. 41 49 W. S. 51 59 W. S. 23 35 W. '-3°7 Rod. Grind. Chan. Thence from corner No. i along the mean low- water line of the shore to corner No. 2, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than loo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2 38 09 48. 16 76 27 18. 24 S. 46 04 E. N. 58 35 E. N. 42 42 W. N. 46 04 W. S. 58 36 W. S. 42 43 E. 762 1,168 689 Grind. Chan. Coppage. 3 38 09 52.40 76 27 II. 70 S. 29 09 E. N. 60 25 E. N. 60 28 W. N. 29 09 W. S. 60 26 W. S. 60 28 E. 769 945 737 Grind. Chan. Coppage. 4 38 09 43. 26 76 26 50. 73 S. 26 49 W. S. 70 18 E. N. 18 53 E. N. 26 49 E. N. 70 17 W. S. 18 53 W. 408 919 818 Grind. Inigoes. Chan. COOPER CREEK. {Middle St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 09 48. 16 76 27 18. 24 S. 46 04 E. N. 58 35 E. N. 42 42 W. N. 46 04 W. S. 58 36 w. S. 42 43 E. 762 1,168 689 Grind. Chan. Coppage. Thence from comer No. i along the mean low-w creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in v ater line of the shore to comer No. 2, excluding vidth at its mouth at low tide. any 2 38 10 06. 00 76 27 35.60 S. 3 12 W. N. 89 43 E. N. 45 07 E. N. 3 12 E. S. 89 44 W. S. 45 07 W. 95 1.459 1,171 Coppage. Chan. Bello. 3 38 10 06. 98 76 27 31.40 S. 42 26 W. S. 88 54 E. N. 42 08 E. N. 42 26 E. N. 88 53 W. S. 42 09 w. 174 1,348 I, 071 Coppage. Chan. Bello. 4 38 09 58. 54 76 27 25. 58 N. 77 45 E. N. 27 35 E. N. 60 06 W. S. 77 46 w. S. 27 35 W. S. 60 06 E. I, 220 I, 216 314 Chan. Bello. Coppage. 5 38 09 52.40 76 27 II. 70 S. 29 09 E. N. 60 25 E. N. 60 28 W. N. 29 09 W. S. 60 26 W. S. 60 28 E. 769 945 737 Grind. Chan. Coppage. 1 62 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. ROSECROFT HOLLOW. {Middle St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 09 29. 88 76 26 25. 10 N. 84 13 W. S. 51 20 E. N. 52 II E. S. 84 14 E. N. 51 19 W. S. 52 II W. Yards. 870 736 232 Grind. Raley. Inigoes. 2 38 09 53. 02 76 26 32. 20 N. 27 16 W. S. 44 21 w. S. 32 50 E. S. 27 16 E. N. 44 21 E. N. 32 50 W. SOI 969 573 Chan. Grind. Kennedy. 3 38 10 05. 78 76 26 45.85 S. 36 29 E. N. 83 50 E. N. 30 39 W. N. 36 28 W. S. 83 so W. S. 30 39 E. 1,134 136 970 Kennedy. Chan. Bello. 4 38 10 06. 21 76 26 40. 81 N. 37 29 W. S. 21 30 W. S. 30 14 E. S. 37 29 E. N. 21 30 E. N. 30 14 W. 1,032 1,223 1,072 Bello. Grind. Kennedy. Thence from c creek, cove, amer No. 4 alon or inlet less th e; the mean low- water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any m 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 5 38 09 50. 06 76 26 21. 42 N. 77 23 W. S. 58 25 W. S. 3 33 E. S. 77 23 E. N. 58 25 E. N. 3 33 W. 2,030 1,132 382 Coppage. Grind. Kennedy. 6 38 09 39. 98 76 26 25. 80 S. 73 " E. N. 24 19 W. S. 73 23 W. N. 73 22 W. S. 24 19 E. N. 73 23 E. 146 970 884 Kennedy. Chan. Grind. 7 38 09 32. 42 76 26 21. 04 S. 40 36 E. N. 53 02 E. N. 3 59 E. N. 40 36 W. S. S3 02 W. S. 3 39 W. 716 94 213 Raley. Inigoes. Kennedy. GRAVELLY RUN. {Middle St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 10 05. 78 76 26 45. 85 S. 36 2g E. N. 83 50 E. N. 30 39 W. N. 36 28 W. S. 83 50 W. S. 30 39 E. 1,134 136 97° Kennedy. Chan. Bello. 2 38 10 28. 46 76 26 34. 00 N. 8s 06 W. S. 13 35 W. S. 52 01 E. S. 85 06 E. N. 13 35 E. N. 52 01 W. 812 772 233 Bello. Chan. Gravel. 3 38 10 38. 22 76 26 09. 08 N. 12 06 E. N. 61 06 W. S. 45 24 w. S. 12 06 W. S. 61 06 E. N. 45 24 E. 544 I, 256 674 Brome. McKay. Gravel. 4 38 ID 59. 19 76 26 09. 28 S. 34 26 E. N. I 45 W. N. 69 II W. N. 34 26 W. S. I 45 E. S. 69 II E. 211 542 817 Brome. Calvert Monument. Deep. SURVEY OP OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. GRAVELLY RUN— Continued. {Middle St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) 163 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. 5 38 10 59-62 76 26 01. 46 N. 23 03 W. S. 23 04 E. N. 74 og W. S. 74 og E. S. 25 13 W. N. 25 13 E. Yards. 573 I, oog 2og Calvert Monument. Deep. Brome. Thence from comer No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 6, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 6 38 10 06. 21 76 26 40. 81 N. 37 2g W. S. 21 30 W. S. 30 14 E. S 37 29 E. N. 21 30 E. N. 30 14 W. 1,032 1,223 I, 072 Bello. Grind. Kennedy. WEST ST. MARYS. {Middle St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 II 07. 80 76 26 37. g6 S. 40 22 W. S. 62 15 E. N. 71 22 E. N. 40 21 E. N. 62 15 W. S. 71 23 W. 512 997 788 McKay. Brome. Calvert Monument. Thence from corner No. i along the mean low- water line of the shore to corner No. 2, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2 38 II 18. 76 76 26 39. 42 N. g 10 E. S. 6 00 E. S. 81 27 E. S. g 10 W. N. 6 00 W. N. 81 27 W. 201 372 795 Pagan. Deep. Calvert Monument. 3 38 II 18.43 76 26 34. 56 N. 24 59 W. S. 14 10 W. S. 2g 24 W. S. 24 5g E. N. 14 10 E. N. 2g 24 E. 231 370 862 Pagan. Deep. McKay. 4 38 II 07. g8 76 26 i^. 60 N. 12 21 W. S. 87 00 W. S. 48 28 W. S. 12 21 E. . N. 87 00 E. N. 48 28 E. 575 116 597 Pagan. Deep. McKay. SEMINARY. {Upper St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 II og 44 76 26 II 38 N N S. 31 3° E. II 21 E. 85 32 W. S. S. N 31 30 W. II 21 w. 85 32 E. 223 200 710 Episcopal C h u r c cross. Calvert Monument. Deep. h 2 38 II 17 82 76 26 23 5° N S. S. 59 34 W. 48 43 w. 76 35 E. S. N N 59 34 E. 48 43 E. 76 35 W. 454 511 371 Pagan. Deep. Calvert Monument. 1 64 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, Mt). BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SEMINARY— Continued. {Upper St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) 1 Cor- True bearing. Latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. trianeula- of tion station. bar. Forward. Back. , „ , „ / / Yards. ,S 38 II 25.56 76 26 03. 82 N. 34 40 E. S. 34 40 w. 744 Bend. S. 88 02 W. N. 88 02 E. 91S Pagan . S. 24 59 W. N. 24 59 E. 383 Calvert Monument. 4 38 II 20. 60 76 26 00. 64 N. 23 28 E. S. 23 29 W. 849 Bend. N. 82 IS W. S. 82 14 E. I, 009 Pagan . S. 53 51 W. N. 53 SI E. 305 Calvert Monument. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 5 38 II 10. 80 76 26 07. 96 1 N. 10 04 E. S. 10 04 W. 146 Episcopal Church cross. N. 18 57 W. S. 18 57 E. 158 Calvert Monument. S. 82 47 W. N. 82 46 E. 805 Deep. PAGAN. {Upper St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.] I 38 II 27.28 76 26 40. 00 N. 79 36 W. S. 27 56 E. N. 68 14 E. a 79 36 E. N. 27 56 W. S. 68 15 W. I, 069 lOI 1,492 West Hollow. Pagan. Bend. 2 38 II 33-35 76 26 41. 14 S. 89 19 W. S. 14 5° E. N. 76 II E. N. 89 19 E. N. 14 50 W. vS. 76 II W. 1,021 1,458 West Hollow. Pagan. Bend. 3 38 II 34. 50 76 26 34. 24 S. 87 36 W. S. 17 39 W. N. 75 52 E. N. 87 35 E. N. 17 39 E. s. 75 52 w. I, 206 349 1,271 West Hollow. Pagan . Bend. 4 38 II 28. 18 76 26 32. 54 N. 82 34 W. S. SI 38 w. N. 66 14 E. S. 82 3S E. N. SI 37 E. S. 66 14 W. I, 260 193 1,297 West Hollow. Pagan. Bend. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards -water line of the shore to comer No. i, excluding in width at its mouth at low tide. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. BISCOE. (Upper Si, Marys River — Chart No. 24.) 165 Cor- Latitude. • Longitude. True bear ng. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 II 28.34 76 26 57. 20 S. 76 05 E. N. 14 16 E. N. 75 10 W. N. 76 05 W. S. 14 16 W. S. 75 10 E. Yards. 521 1,326 614 Pagan. Horseshoe. West Hollow. Thence from corner No. i along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 2, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2 38 11 28. 66 76 27 02. 06 S. 77 55 E. N. 19 39 E. N. 72 30 W. N. 77 54 W. S. 19 39 w. S. 72 30 E. 649 1.356 487 Pagan. Horseshoe. West Hollow. 3 38 II 33-42 76 27 02. 00 S. 64 54 E. N. 22 og E. S. 88 13 W. N. 64 54 W. S. 22 09 W. N. 88 13 E. 699 I, 205 466 Pagan. Horseshoe. West Hollow. 4 38 11 33-38 76 26 55. 58 S. 57 26 E. N. 14 16 E. S. 88 51 W. N. S7 26 W. S. U 16 W. N. 88 51 E. 548 1,152 637 Pagan. Horseshoe . West Hollow. HORSESHOE. {Upper St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) 38 II II 49. 16 76 26 52. 00 I N. 16 56 E. N. 54 00 W. S. 55 02 W. 76 26 56. 42 I N. 27 34 E. N. 49 49 W. i S. 48 25 w. 38 12 00. 60 j 76 26 50. 46 N. 36 21 E. S. 36 21 W. S. 88 57 W. N. 88 57 E. S. 39 42 W. i N. 39 42 E. S. 16 56 w. S. 54 00 E. N. 55 02 E. S. 27 34 W. S. 49 49 E. N. 48 25 E. 694 892 662 581 819 249 602 I, 2og Horseshoe. Brief. West Hollow. Horseshoe. Brief. West Hollow. Horseshoe. Brief. West Hollow. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 1 66 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SHORT POINT. {Upper St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) fl 1 1 48. 24 76 27 13. 76 38 II 49.96 76 27 18.60 True bear ng. S. 16 35 W. N. 51 12 E. N. 2 29 E. S. 2 24 W. N. 57 59 E. N. 22 49 E. N. 16 35 E. S. 51 12 W. S. 2 29 W. N. 2 24 E. S- 57 59 W. S. 22 49 w. Yards. 535 984 406 572 1,058 377 West Hollow. Horseshoe. Brief. West Hollow. Horseshoe. Brief. Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 3, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 3 38 12 00. 92 76 27 12.34 N. 75 26 E. N. 49 24 W. S. 43 08 W. S. 75 27 W. S. 49 24 E. N. 43 08 E. 754 486 30 Horseshoe. Tenuate . Brief. 4 38 12 03. 66 76 27 08.66 N. 81 16 E. N. 64 27 W. S. 46 02 W. S. 81 16 W. S. 64 27 E. N. 46 02 E. 639 517 164 Horseshoe. Tenuate. Brief. 5 38 12 01. 82 76 27 04. 25 N. 72 48 E. N. 63 59 W. S. 77 34 W. S. 72 49 W. S. 63 59 E. N. 77 34 E. 539 651 241 Horseshoe. Tenuate. Brief. BRYAN. (Upper St. Marys River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 12 07. 80 76 27 15.94 N. 72 59 W. S. 16 36 E. S. 86 59 E. S. 72 59 E. N. 16 36 W. N. 86 59 W. 28s 265 827 Tenuate . Brief. Horseshoe . 2 38 12 09. 08 76 27 24. 36 S. 45 17 E. S. 85 20 E. N. 50 35 W. N. 45 17 W. N. 85 20 W. S. 50 35 E. 421 1.053 63 Brief. Horseshoe . Tenuate. Thence from c any creek, c omer No. 2, along the mean low ove, or inlet less than 100 yards -water line of the shore to comer No. 3, excluding in width at its mouth at low tide. 3 38 12 10. 28 76 27 26. 21 S. 83 27 E. N. 23 30 E. N. 58 55 W. N. 83 27 W. S. 23 31 W. S. 58 55 E. 1, 106 681 S19 Horseshoe . Martin. Soak. 4 38 12 14.96 76 27 25. 20 N. 27 41 E. N. 70 01 W. S. 9 41 w. S. 27 41 W. S. 70 01 E. N. 9 41 E. 527 775 160 Martin. Soak. Tenuate . 5 38 12 12.86 76 27 14. 59 N. 3 58 W. S. 74 15 W. S. 5 20 E. S. 3 58 E. N. 74 15 E. N. 5 20 W. 539 321 426 Martin. Tenuate. Brief. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. liOUNDARiES OF NATURAL OYSTER liARS — Continued. ST. GEORGE. {St. George River — Chart No. 24.) 167 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. tion sta of bar. Forward. Back. tion. I 38 07 23. 00 76 28 15. 13 N. 28 41 E. N. 77 16 W. S. 40 07 W. S. 28 41 w. S. 77 17 E. N. 40 07 E. Yards. 651 1,413 258 Cherry. Adams. Smack. 2 38 07 40. 98 76 28 19.34 S. 3 52 w. S. 8s 22 E. N. 29 21 E. N. 3 52 E. N. 8.; 22 W. S. 29 21 W. 806 427 1,015 Smack. Cherry. Price . 3 38 08 02. 90 76 28 24.82 S. 3 24 E. S. 36 24 E. N. 77 12 W. N. 3 24 W. N. 36 24 W. S. 77 12 E. 1,545 961 661 Smack. Cherry. Price. 4 38 08 12. 32 76 28 00. 82 ! S. 52 27 W. S. 16 24 W. S. I ii E. N. 52 27 E. N. 16 24 E. N. I 33 W. 2,218 1,939 172 Adams. Smack. Price. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 5 any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. excluding 5 38 07 39. 96 76 28 03. 41 N. 45 49 W. S. 31 53 W. S. 73 48 E. . S. 45 49 E. N. 31 53 E. N. 73 47 W. 1,344 906 3,652 Goose. Smack. Between. HURDLE. {St. George River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 07 17. 82 76 28 32. 98 S. 85 39 E. N. 46 32 E. N. 61 42 W. N. 8s 39 W. S. 46 32 W. S. 61 42 E. 309 1,085 1,025 Smack. Cherry. Adams. 2 38 07 38. 80 76 29 04. 22 N. ii 55 E. N. 51 43 W. S. 17 33 W. S. Zi 55 W. S. 51 44 E. N. 17 33 E. 1, 176 1,368 233 Goose. Straits. Adams. 3 38 07 51.97 76 28 53. 00 N. 3i 53 E. N. 44 49 W. S. 29 00 W. vS. 33 53 W. S. 44 49 E. N. 29 00 E. 641 1,208 761 Goose. Coombs. Adams. 4 38 07 40. 98 76 28 19. 34 S. 3 52 W. S. 85 22 E. N. 29 21 E. N. 3 52 E. N. 85 22 W. S. 29 21 w. 806 427 1,015 Smack. Cherry. Price. 5 38 07 23.00 76 28 15. 13 N. 28 41 E. N. 77 16 W. S. 40 07 W. S. 28 41 w. S. 77 17 E. N. 40 07 E. 651 1,413 258 Cherry. Adams. Smack. 1 68 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. GOOSE POINT. {St. George River — Chart No. 24.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S tion stati of bar. Forward. | Back. 1 I 38 07 40. 98 76 28 19.34 f . S. 3 52 W. , N. 3 52 E. S. 85 22 E. N. 8s 22 W. N. 29 21 E. j S. 29 21 W. Yards. 806 427 I, 015 Smack. Cherr>-. Price. 2 38 07 51.97 76 28 53.00 N. 33 53 E. ; S. 33 53 W. N. 44 49 W. ! S. 44 49 E. S. 29 00 W. N. 29 00 E. 641 1,208 761 Goose. Coombs. Adams. 3 38 08 07. 74 76 28 39. 59 S. 31 14 W. , N. 31 14 E. S. 15 52 E. N. 15 52 W. S. 45 49 E. N. 45 49 W. 1,400 i>774 1,344 Adams. Smack. Cherr>'. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low-water line of th any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its e shore to comer No. 4, excluding mouth at low tide. 4 38 08 02. 90 76 28 24. 82 S. 3 24 E. N. 3 24 W. S. 36 24 E. N. 36 24 W. N. 77 12 W. S. 77 12 E. 1.545 961 661 Smack. Cherry. Price. ISLAND SHORE. {St. George River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 07 38. 80 76 29 04. 22 N. 33 55 E. N. 51 43 W. S. 17 33 W. S. 33 SS W. S. 51 44 E. N. 17 ii E. 1, 176 1,368 233 Goose. Straits. Adams. 2 38 07 48. 56 76 29 31.42 S. 49 55 E. N. 10 09 E. N. zi 58 W. N. 49 55 W. S. 10 09 w. S. 33 58 E. . 855 988 626 Adams. Coombs. Straits. 3 38 08 00. 28 76 29 40. 90 S. 43 48 E. N. 36 29 E. N. 38 13 W. N. 43 48 W. S. 36 29 W. S. 38 13 E. i>3io 717 156 Adams. Coombs. Straits. 4 38 08 15.42 76 29 40-34 S. 16 03 w. N. 80 53 E. N. 3 04 E. N. 16 03 E. S. 80 S3 W. S. 3 04 W. 402 417 478 Straits. Coombs. Taylor. 5 38 07 51.97 76 28 53. 00 N. 33 53 E. N. 44 49 W. S. 29 00 w. S. Z5 S3 W. S. 44 49 E. N. 29 00 E. 641 1,208 761 Goose. Coombs. Adams. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. MILBOURNE SHORE. (Si. George River — Chart No. 24.) 169 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 °7 51- 97 76 28 53. 00 N N S. 33 S3 E. 44 49 W. 29 00 W. S. iZ 53 W. S. 44 49 E. N. 29 00 E. Yards. 641 1,208 761 Goose. Coombs. Adams. 2 38 08 15. 42 76 29 40. 34 s. N N 16 03 w. 80 53 E. 3 04 E. N. 16 03 E. S. 80 53 W. S. 3 04 w. 402 417 478 Straits. Coombs. Taylor. 3 38 08 21. 42 76 29 43. 00 S. s. N 3 54 W. 74 14 E. 19 IS E. N. 3 54 E. N. 74 13 W. S. 19 15 W. 595 5or 291 Straits. Coombs. Taylor. 4 38 08 27. 38 76 29 45. 70 1 N 55 31 W. 58 41 E. 66 20 E. N. 55 31 E. N. 58 41 W. S. 66 20 W. 521 649 184 Swan. Coombs. Taylor. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 29 80 17 38 12 16 18 06 76 29 27. 82 1 S. 88 30 W. S. 27 00 w. S. 10 33 E. 76 29 24. 76 29 04. 76 76 29 01. 94 S. 49 02 w. S. 17 32 E. S. 74 55 E. N. 71 50 W. S. 2 22 W. S. 77 28 E. S. 87 51 W. S. 4 50 W. S. 59 41 E. N. 88 30 E. N. 27 00 E. N. 10 22> W. N. 49 01 E. N. 17 31 W. N. 74 55 W. 50 E. 22 E. S. N. N. 77 28 W. N. 87 51 E. N. 4 50 E. N. 59 41 W. 308 I Taylor. 980 Straits. 426 Coombs. 692 1,598 1,250 564 1,348 687 Straits. Adams. Goose. Coombs. Adams. Goose. 611 Coombs. 1, 551 Adams. 690 i Goose. Thence from comer No. 8 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 9, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 9 38 08 07. 74 76 28 39. 59 i S. SI 14 W. S. 15 52 E. S. 45 49 E. N. 31 14 E. N. 15 52 W. N. 45 49 W. 1,400 1,774 1,344 Adams. Smack. Cherry. 170 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BEDS — Continued. STRAITS. (St. George River — Chart No .24.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 2 38 08 04. 18 38 08 15. 94 76 29 58. 62 76 30 07. 24 / S. 88 40 E. N. 9 S3 W. N. 88 00 W. S. 83 36 W. S. 56 II E. N. 57 45 E. N. 88 40 W. S. 9 53 E. S. 88 01 E. N. 83 35 E. N. 56 II W. S. 57 45 W. Yards. 376 49S 2,913 2, 699 728 171 Straits. Swan. Piney Point Light. Piney Point Light. Straits. Swan. Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards 38 08 15. 32 4 38 08 13. 00 Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low- any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards water line of the shore to corner No. 3, excluding in width at its mouth at low tide. 30 01. 66 S. 49 54 E. N. 85 57 E. N. 2 03 W. N. 49 54 W. S. 85 56 W. S. 2 03 E. 596 982 115 Straits. Coombs. Swan. 29 57-38 S. 48 12 E. N. 80 19 E. N. 31 49 W. N. 48 13 W. S. 80 19 W. S. 31 49 E. 459 878 224 Straits. Coombs. Swan. -water line of the shore to comer No. i, excluding in width at its mouth at low tide. TARKHILL. (St. George River — Chart No. 24.) 38 08 20. 03 38 08 50. 38 09 03.21 38 08 48. 22 76 29 58 70 76 29 54 84 76 29 5°- 34 76 29 30- 20 N. 57 56 E. I S. 57 56 W. N. 21 12 W. I S. 21 13 E. S. 60 30 W. I N. 60 30 E. N. 57 12 W. S. 57 13 E. S. 54 19 W. ! N. 54 19 E. S. 55 35 E. I N. 55 35 W. N. 80 34 W. S. 36 34 W. S. 14 42 E. N. 66 37 W. S. 75 ii W. S. 21 17 W. S. 80 35 E. N. 36 34 E. N. 14 42 W. S. 66 38 E. N. 75 33 E. N. 21 16 E. 607 814 95 1.077 489 337 I, 040 867 623 I, 702 390 676 Taylor. Robrecht. Swan. Russell. Robrecht. Tarkhill. Russell. Robrecht. Tarkhill. Russell. Tarkhill. Taylor. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 5 38 08 27. 38 76 29 45. 70 S. 55 31 W. S. 58 41 E. N. 66 20 E. N. 55 31 E. N. 58 41 W. S. 66 20 W. 521 649 184 Swan. Coombs. Taylor. 6 38 08 21. 42 76 29 43. 00 S. 3 54 W. S. 74 14 E. N. 19 15 E. N. 3 54 E. N. 74 13 W. S. 19 15 W. 595 5°i 291 Straits. Coombs. Taylor. SURVE'. OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SWAN. (St. George River — Chart No. 24.) 171 Cor- True beating. ner latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tiou station. / // / / Yards. I 38 08 20. 03 76 29 58. 70 N N 57 56 E. 21 12 W. S. 57 56 W. S. 21 13 E. 607 814 Taylor. Robrecht. S. 60 30 w. N. 60 30 E. 95 Swan. 2 38 08 27. 78 76 30 07. 22 S. N N. 25 03 E. 85 22 E. 7 45 W. N. 25 03 W. S. 85 22 W. S. 7 45 E. 340 744 5°3 Swan. Taylor. Robrecht. 3 38 08 42. 54 76 30 09. 76 S. N. 14 42 E. 82 04 E. N. 14 42 W. S. 82 04 w. 833 681 Swan. Tarkhill. N. 7 19 W. S. 7 19 E. I, 167 Lowell. 4 38 08 50. 98 76 29 54. 84 N. S. s. 57 12 W. 54 19 W. 55 35 E. S. 57 13 E. N. 54 19 E. N. 55 35 W. 1.077 489 337 Russell. Robrecht. Tarkhill. ROLLIN. [St. George River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 08 so. 80 76 30 07. 82 N. 43 36 W. S. 10 32 w. S. 73 31 E. S. 43 36 E. N. 10 32 E. N. 73 31 W. 813 283 651 Russell. Robrecht. Tarkhill. 2 38 08 59. 04 76 30 20. 32 S. 26 49 E. N. 12 26 E. N. 36 13 W. N. 26 49 W. S. 12 26 W. S. 36 13 E. 623 616 38s Robrecht. Lowell. Russell. 3 38 09 03. S7 76 30 12. 88 N. 8 19 W. N. 69 39 W. S. 6 41 E. S. 8 19 E. S. 69 39 E. N. 6 41 W. 453 454 714 Lowell. Russell. Robrecht. 4 38 08 50.98 76 29 54. 84 N. 57 12 W. S. 54 19 W. S. 55 35 E. S. 57 13 E. N. 54 19 E. N. 55 35 W. 1,077 489 337 Russell. Robrecht. Tarkhill. CEDAR POINT. (St. George River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 08 50.98 76 29 54. 84 N..57 12 W. S. 54 19 w. S. 55 35 E. S. 57 13 E. N. 54 19 E. N. 55 35 W. 1,077 489 337 Russell. Robrecht. Tarkhill. 2 38 09 03. 57 76 30 12. 88 N. 8 19 W. N. 69 39 W. S. 6 41 E. S. 8 19 E. S. 69 39 E. N. 6 41 W. 453 454 714 Lowell. Russell. Robrecht. 172 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. CEDAR POINT— Continued. {St. George River — Chart No. 24.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. Trae bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. 3 38 OQ 10. 59 76 30 01. 22 N. 45 13 E. N. 60 37 W. S. 83 44 w. S. 45 13 W. S. 60 37 E. N. 83 44 E. Yards. 434 432 740 Arbuckle. Lowell. Russell. Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 09 03.21 76 29 50. 34 N. 80 34 W. S. 36 34 w. S. 14 42 E. S. 80 35 E. N. 36 34 E. N. 14 42 W. I, 040 867 623 Russell. Robrecht. TarkhiU. SHEHAN. {Si. George River — Chart No. 24.] 5Q. 04 I 76 30 20. 09 04. 56 I 76 30 28. 60 S. 26 49 E. N. 12 26 E. N. 36 13 W. S. 34 03 E. N. 40 23 E. N. 3 II W. N. 26 49 W. S. 12 26 W. S. 36 13 E. N.^4 03 W. S. 40 23 w. S. 3 II E. 623 616 38s 545 125 Robrecht. Lowell. Russell. Robrecht. Lowell. Russell . Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 3, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. OQ 08. 25 09 10. 60 09 15- 18 09 18. 67 76 30 28. 86 76 30 24- 20 76 30 27 62 76 30 20 18 S. 30 25 E N. 51 05 E N N. 30 24 W. 17 w. _ I s'. 51 OS W. 4 17 E. N. 48 08 E. ' S. 48 08 W. N. 13 26 W. I S. 13 26 E. S. 57 26 W. ' N. 57 26 E. S. 8 04 W. N. 80 07 E. N. 8 47 W. N. 8 04 E. S. 80 07 W. S. 8 47 E. N. 29 42 W. S. 29 42 E. S. a 20 W. j N. ii 20 E. S. 64 47 E. I N. 64 47 W. I, 005 463 875 316 816 235 645 599 421 142 Robrecht. Lowell . Shehan. Lowell. Shehan. Russell. Russell. Lowell. Shehan. Shehan. Russell. Ujwell. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 7, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 38 eg 18. 02 38 09 14. 82 76 30 08. 56 S. 77 51 W. S. I 32 w. N. 83 46 E. 76 29 58. 94 N. 56 37 E. N. 80 59 W. S. 74 26 W. N. 77 51 E. N. I 32 E. S. 83 46 W. S. s6 37 W. S. 80 59 E. N. 74 25 E. 185 [ Lowell. 1, 196 Robrecht. 506 Arbuckle. 296 Arbuckle . 442 Lowell. 827 Russell. SURVEY OP OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SHEHAN— Continued . {St. George River — Chart No. 24.) 173 Cor- True bearing. Latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. j Back. tion station. / // / /, / / Yards. 9 38 og 10. 5g 76 30 01. 22 N. 45 13 E. S. 45 13 W. N. 60 37 W. S. 60 37 E. S. 83 44 W. N. 83 44 E. 434 432 740 Arbuckle. Lowell. Russell. 10 38 09 03. 57 76 30 12. 88 N. 8 19 W. S. 8 19 E. N. 69 39 W. S. 69 39 E. S. 6 41 E. N. 6 41 W. 453 454 714 Lowell. Russell. Robrecht. LONG. {St. George River — Chart No. 24.) I 38 09 20. 80 76 30 31. 64 S. 73 01 E. N. I 05 E. N. 80 37 E. N. 7s 01 W. S. I 05 W. S. 80 37 W. 454 451 439 Lowell. Shehan. Wall. 2 38 og 38. 47 76 30 36. 20 N. 53 23 W. S. 30 43 W. S. 41 36 E. S. 53 23 E. N. 30 43 E. N. 41 36 W. 611 610 196 Chadwick. Wall. Shehan. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 3, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 3 38 09 29. 00 76 30 17. 70 S. 75 42 W. S. 23 03 w. S. 67 06 E. N. 75 42 E. N. 23 03 E. N. 67 06 W. 830 759 810 Wall. Russell. Arbuckle. CHADWICK. {St. George River — Chart No. 24. I 38 09 28. 78 76 30 47- 39 S. 3 56 w. N. 67 08 E. N. 15 36 W. N. 3 56 E. S. 67 09 W. S. 15 36 E. , 198 464 718 Wall. -Shehan. Chadwick. 2 38 09 31.02 76 30 52. ig S. 22 42 E. N. 79 19 E. N. 6 03 W. N. 22 42 W. S. 79 19 w. S. 6 03 E. 296 565 620 Wall. Shehan. Chadwick. 3 38 09 46. 26 76 30 47. 96 N. 60 07 W. S. 80 52 W. S. 06 E. S. 60 07 E. N. 80 52 E. N. 06 W. 206 • 478 787 Chadwick. Guither. Wall. 4 38 09 39. 14 76 30 41. 50 N. 75 42 W. S. 17 18 W. S. 58 04 E. S. 75 42 E. N. 17 18 E. N. 58 04 W. 665 573 319 Guither. Wall. Shehan. iH SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MC. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. MOULDY CREEK. (Upper Bretons Bay — Chart No. 25.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. tion St of bar. Forward. Back. a tion. I 38 16 00. GO / // 76 37 51.44 N. I 24 W. N. 39 58 W. S. 68 31 W. S. I 24 E. S. 39 58 E. N. 68 31 E. Yards. 782 988 334 Cedar. Noname. Mouldy. 2 38 16 00. 00 76 37 58- 74 N. 48 21 E. N. 30 II W. S. 43 35 W. S. 48 21 W. S. 30 II E. N. 43 35 E. 370 876 168 Pine. Noname. Mouldy. 3 38 16 28. 70 76 38 05. 44 S. 51 12 w. S. 62 17 E. N. 21 22 E. N. 51 12 E. N. 62 17 W. S. 21 22 W. 336 398 655 Noname. Cedar. Buzzard. 4 38 16 24. 63 76 37 52. 98 S. 82 55 W. S. 24 20 E. N. 35 26 E. N. 82 55 E. N. 24 20 W. S. 35 26 w. 598 52 436 Noname. Cedar. Com. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. x any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. excluding ISLAND. (Upper Bretons Bay — Chart No. 25.) I 38 15 59-22 76 38 50. 08 S. 83 15 E. N. 23 09 E. N. 84 52 W. N. 83 14 W. S. 23 09 W. S. 84 53 E. 656 270 744 Beau. Healey. Hollow. 2 38 16 05- 53 76 38 47.26 S. 55 16 W. S. 2 03 E. N. 41 18 E. N. 55 16 E. N. '2 03 W. S. 41 18 W. 967 889 47 Trees. Lovers. Healey. 3 38 16 04. 84 76 38 40. 20 S. 55 35 E. N. 29 49 E. N. 69 28 W. N. 55 35 W. S. 29 49 w. S. 69 28 E. 471 166 167 Beau. Belle. Healey. 4 38 16 II. 84 76 38 25. 36 N. 36 47 E. . S. 73 37 W. S. 36 W. S. 36 47 W. N. 73 37 E. N. 36 E. 447 325 503 Noname. Belle. Beau. 5 38 16 03. 00 76 38 19. 42 N. 66 14 W. S. 38 34 W. S. 62 46 E. S. 66 14 E. N. 38 34 E. N. 62 45 W. 513 263 488 Belle. Beau. Mouldy. I SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. PAW PAW HOLLOW. {Upper Bretons Bay — Chart No. 25.) 175 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distauce. U. S. C. & G. S. ttiangula- of bar. . Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 15 46. 00 76 38 ss. 86 N. 48 48 W. N. 79 15 W. S. 48 32 E. S. 48 48 E. S. 79 IS E. N. 48 32 W. Yards. 779 576 348 Hollow. Trees. Lovers. 2 38 IS 53-84 76 39 09. 82 N. 40 59 W. S. 51 13 w. S. 51 56 E. S. 40 59 E. N. 51 13 E. N. 51 56 W. 328 2 5° 803 Hollow. Trees. Lovers. ■ 3 38 16 09. 17 76 38 58. 40 S. 62 36 w. S. 22 04 W. S- 75 03 E. N. 62 35 E. N. 22 04 E. N. 75 03 W. 584 2,773 339 Hollow. What. Healey. 4 38 16 05. S3 76 38 47. 26 S. 55 16 W. S. 2 OS E. N. 41 18 E. N. 55 16 E. N. 2 03 W. S. 41 18 W. 967 889 47 Trees. Lovers. Healey. 5 38 15 59-22 76 38 50. 08 S. 83 15 E. N. 23 09 E. N. 84 52 W. N. 83 14 W. S. 23 09 w. S. 84 53 E. 656 270 744 Beau. Healey. Hollow. LOVERS POINT. (Middle Bretons Bay — Chart No. 25.) I 38 15 27.30 76 39 02. 52 N. 47 33 E. S. 47 33 W. 593 Lovers. N. 27 48 W. S. 27 48 E. 834 Trees. S. 38 SO W. N. 38 so E. 1,486 What. 2 38 IS $z- 84 76 39 09. 82 N. 40 59 W. S. 40 59 E. 328 Hollow. S. 51 13 W. N. 51 13 E. 250 Trees. S. 51 56 E. N. 51 56 W. 803 Lovers. 3 38 IS 46.00 76 38 S5- 86 N. 48 48 W. S. 48 48 E. 779 Hollow. N. 79 15 W. S. 79 IS E. 576 Trees. S. 48 32 E. N. 48 32 W. 348 Lovers. 4 38 IS 27. 46 76 38 55- 38 N. 32 07 E. S. 32 07 W. 466 Lovers. N. 38 19 W. S. 38 19 E. 934 Trees. S. 43 58 w. N. 43 58 E. 1,616 What. 176 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. STONY. (Middle Bretons Bay — Chart No. 25.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. / // / // , / Yards. I 38 15 18.94 76 39 49. 00 N. 21 58 W. S. 21 58 E. S. 54 43 W. i N. 54 43 E. S. 19 07 E. N. 19 07 W. 423 1,390 930 Paw. Protestant. What. 2 38 15 30. 80 76 40 39. 14 N. 68 57 W. 1 S. 68 57 E. S. 9 22 E. N. 9 21 W. S. 89 39 E. N. 89 39 W. 363 I, 2ig 1,175 Cherry Cove. Protestant. Paw. 3 38 15 36. 14 76 40 35. 30 S. 83 32 W. N. 83 32 E. S. 3 58 E. N. 3 58 W. S. 46 27 E. N. 46 26 W. 443 1,387 2,118 Cherry Cove. Protestant. What Thence from c any creek, c orner No. 3 alo ove, or inlet le ng the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 4, excluding ss than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 IS 42. 60 76 39 42- 36 S. 39 36 W. S. 4 27 E. N. 71 39 E. N. 39 36 E. N. 4 27 W. S. 71 39 W. 525 1,679 705 Paw. What. Trees. 5 38 15 38. 58 76 39 34. 38 N. 89 07 E. N. 51 59 E. S. 63 44 w. S. 89 07 W. S. SI 59 W. N. 63 44 E. 1,285 581 610 Lovers. Trees. Paw. GOUGH. (Middle Bretons Bay — Chart No. 25.) I 38 14 52. 18 76 39 58. 20 N. 87 II E. N. 3 48 E. N. 83 39 W. S. 87 12 W. S. 3 48 W. S. 83 39 E. 549 1,298 897 What. Paw. Protestant. 2 38 14 59- 78 76 39 59. 20 S. 68 10 E. N. 6 12 E. S. 79 42 w. N. 68 10 W. sS. 6 12 W. N. 79 41 E. 620 1,044 878 What. Paw. Protestant. 3 38 15 00. 46 76 39 19. 05 N. a 54 E. N. 43 17 W. S. 84 40 W. S. 33 54 W. S. 43 18 E. N. 84 40 E. 1,573 1,392 1,940 Lovers. Paw. Protestant. 4 38 14 56. 02 76 39 18. 40 N. 30 35 E. N. 39 Si W. S. 89 05 w. S. 30 35 W. S. 39 54 E. N. 89 04 E. 1,691 I, 516 1,949 Lovers. Paw. Protestant. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF N.\TURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. BLACK WALNUT. [Lower Bretons Bay — Chart No. 25.) 177 Cor- I,atitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 14 31-04 76 41 12.92 S. Si 47 W. s'^- 3 33 E. N. 54 56 E. N. 81 47 E. N. 3 33 W. S. 54 55 W. Yards. I, 191 84 412 Newtown. Dune. Fence. 2 38 14 40. 99 76 41 27. 04 N. 64 31 W. S. 57 49 w. S. 42 23 E. S. 64 31 E. N. 57 49 E. N. 42 23 W. 749 949 564 Sandbar. Newtown. Dune. 3 38 14 53. 04 76 41 10. 31 S. 85 4S W. S. 28 06 E. N. 86 06 E. N. 8s 43 E. N. 28 06 W. S. 86 06 W. I. 125 573 I, 029 Sandbar. Fence. Protestant. 4 38 15 07. 04 76 40 27. 90 N. 47 48 E. N. 34 22 W. S. 14 06 W. S. 47 48 w. S. 34 22 E. N. 14 06 E. I, 182 I, 129 413 Paw. Cherry Cove. Protestant. 5 38 14 59. 78 76 39 59. 20 S. 68 10 E. N. 6 12 E. S. 79 42 W. N. 68 10 W. S. 6 12 W. N. 79 41 E. 620 1,044 878 What. Paw. Protestant. 6 38 14 52. 18 76 39 58. 20 N. 87 II E. N. 3 48 E. N. 83 39 W. S. 87 12 w. S. 3 48 W. S. 83 39 E. 549 1,298 897 What. Paw. Protestant. 7 38 14 44. 29 76 39 57. 42 N. 26 07 E. N. 2 24 E. N. 68 10 W. S. 26 07 w. S. 2 24 W. S. 68 10 E. 2,436 1,563 982 Trees. Paw. Protestant. Thence from c any creek, c orner No. 7 alo ove, or inlet les ng the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding « than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. RAILWAY. {Lower Breiotis Bay — Chart No. 25.) I 38 14 53. 58 76 41 so. 42 S. 28 OS W. S. 68 39 E. N. 2 24 E. N. 28 OS E. N. 68 38 W. S. 2 24 W. 116 1,434 945 Sandbar. Fence. Compton. 2 38 14 59.46 76 41 59. 28 S. 31 08 E. S. 86 24 E. N. 20 12 E. N. 31 08 W. N. 86 23 W. S. 20 12 W. 35° 2,334 795 Sandbar. Protestant. Compton. 3 38 IS 32. 48 76 41 36. 98 S. 40 53 w. S. 54 02 E. S. 88 37 E. N. 40 53 E. N. 54 02 W. N. 88 36 W. 487 2,145 2,713 Compton. Protestant. Paw. 4 38 IS 29. 21 76 41 19. 62 S. 71 43 W. S. 47 53 E. N. 76 00 E. N. 71 42 E. N. 47 53 W. S. 76 00 W. 821 1,718 761 Compton. Protestant. Cherry Cove. 5 38 15 26.92 76 40 41. 23 S. 13 20 E. N. 84 IS E. N. 47 15 W. N. 13 20 W. S. 84 16 W. S. 47 IS E. I, 102 1,236 384 Protestant. Paw. Cherry Cove. 178 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BRETONS BAY. (Lower Bretons Bay — Chart No. 25.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. tion St of bar. • Forward. Back. ation. I 38 14 25. 00 76 41 42. 04 S. 86 12 E. N. 17 51 W. N. 85 17 W. N. 86 II W. S. 17 51 E. vS. 85 17 E. Yards. 696 904 406 Grove. Sandbar. Newtown. 2 38 14 38- 98 76 42 01. 00 S. 12 49 E. S. 66 39 E. N. 30 II E. N. 12 49 W. N. 66 39 W. S. 30 II W. 448 1,306 452 Newtown. Grove. Sandbar. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 3 any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. excluding ^ 38 14 48. 12 76 41 54- 53 S. 5 33 W. N. 5 33 E. S. 51 12 E. N. 51 II W. N. 33 50 E. S. 33 50 W. 75° 1,318 98 Newtown. Grove. Sandbar. 4 38 14 49. 81 76 41 34. 62 S. 66 36 E. S. 36 51 W. N. 86 55 W. N. 66 36 W. N. 36 51 E. S. 86 55 E. 998 I, 006 476 Fence. Newtown. Sandbar. 5 38 14 25. 80 76 41 31. 20 S. 79 48 E. N. 34 II W. N. 89 28 W. N. 79 47 W. S. 34 12 E. S. 89 28 E. 413 I, 006 692 Grove. Sandbar Newtown. BLUE SOW. {Lower Bretons Bay — Chart No. 2^.) I 38 13 46.40 76 42 40. 16 N. 45 50 E. N. 59 56 W. S. 25 57 W. S. 45 50 W. S. 59 56 E. N. 25 57 E. 805 930 1.938 Kay wood. St. Clement. Heron. 2 38 13 50. 86 76 42 44. 04 N. 58 54 E. N. 6s 47 W. S. 21 32 w. S. 58 54 W. S. 65 48 E. N. 21 31 E. 795 769 2, 030 Kay wood. St. Clement. Heron. 3 38 14 00. 95 76 42 26. 48 S. 88 47 W. S. 28 30 W. N. 71 48 E. N. 88 46 E. N. 28 29 E. S. 71 48 w. 1,168 2,540 224 St. Clement. Heron. Kay wood. Thence from c any creek, c omer No. 3 along the mean low ove, or inlet less than 100 yards -water line of the shore to comer No. 4, exc in width at its mouth at low tide. uding 4 38 14 08. 44 76 42 13. 04 S. 38 19 W. S. 88 02 E. N. 35 21 E. N. 38 ig E. N. 88 03 W. S. 35 21 W. 233 1,574 725 Kay wood. Cedoak. Newtown. 5 38 14 17. 82 76 41 56. 29 N. 79 38 E. N. s 21 W. S. 49 47 W. S. 79 39 W. S. 5 21 E. N. 49 46 E. 1,091 277 772 Grove. Newtown. Kay wood. 6 38 14 13.42 76 41 52. 08 N. 70 18 E. N. 18 00 W. S. 63 28 W. S. 70 19 W. S. 18 00 E. N. 63 28 E. 1,021 446 784 Grove. Newtow'n. Kay wood. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COITNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER UARS — continued. HERON ISLAND SOUND. {Enlmncc to Breloiis and St. Clement Bays — Chart No. 25.) •79 n"' Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- bar. Forward. Back. tion station. 1 / // / // / / Yards. I 38 13 08. 76 76 42 46. 00 N N S. 21 49 E. 20 31 W. 55 40 W. S. 21 49 W. S. 20 31 E. N. 55 40 E. 1.975 1.853 839 Kaywood . St. Clement. Heron. - 38 13 32. 26 76 43 05. 00 S. N. N. 8 25 W. 50 02 E. 8 40 W. N. 8 25 E. S. 50 02 w. S. 8 40 E. 1,280 I, 615 956 Heron . Kaywood. St. Clement. 3 38 13 47.42 76 41 ii. 00 N. N. S. 37 47 E. 66 29 W. 56 01 W. S. 37 48 w. S. 66 29 E. N. 56 00 E. 829 1. 319 3,177 Cedoak. Kaywood. Heron. HERON ISLAND REEF. {Entrance to Bretons and St. Clement Bays — Chart No. 25.) I 38 12 54- 73 76 43 12. 04 N. I 08 E. N. 30 49 W. S. 68 40 W. S. s. N I 08 W. 30 50 E. 68 39 E. 2, 209 3.3°5 2.592 St. Clement. St. Patrick. Blakistone I Light. sland 2 38 13 07. 68 76 43 51- 72 S. 44 37 W. S. 67 32 E. N. 31 49 E. N N s. 44 36 E. 67 31 w. 31 50 w. 1.933 1, 142 2, ogo Blakistone Island Light. Heron. St. Clement. 3 38 13 08. 36 76 43 24. 62 S. 55 S6 W. N 55 55 E. 2,510 Blakistone I; Light. Heron. St. Clement. land S. 36 04 E. N. 12 14 E. N. s. 36 04 W. 12 14 W. 568 1.785 4 38 13 01.44 76 43 06. 38 N. 31 32 E. N. 3 05 W. S. 33 39 W. S. s. N. 31 33 W. 3 05 E. 33 39 E. 2.437 1,984 271 Kaywood. St. Clement. Heron. DUKEHART CHANNEL. {Lower St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25. I 38 12 55-78 76 44 28. 62 vS. 21 05 W. vS. 8g 00 E. N. 43 46 E. N. 21 05 E. N. 89 00 W. S. 43 46 w. 1,049 2,037 3, 008 Blakistone Island Light. Heron . St. Clement. 2 38 13 04. 56 76 45 04. 28 S. 24 14 E. N. 24 14 W. 1,398 Blakistone Island Light. Heron. St. Patrick. S. 83 40 E. N. 27 16 E. N. 83 39 W. S. 27 17 W. 3.004 2,827 I So SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. DUKEHART CHANNEL— Continued. {Lower St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 2^.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. Trae bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. . Forward. Back. tion station. / // , „ / / Yards. 3 38 13 12.00 76 45 07. 02 s. s. N 22 56 E. 79 13 E. 62 21 E. N. 22 55 W. N. 79 12 W. S. 62 22 W. 1,656 3,113 3,502 Blakistonc Island Light. Heron. St. Clement. 4 38 13 37-94 76 44 32- 38 s. s. N 6 34 W. 55 43 E. 17 48 E. N. 6 34 E. N. 55 42 W. S. 17 49 w. 2,416 2,586 1,450 Blakistonc Island Light. Heron. St. Patrick. 5 38 13 25. 40 76 43 45. 90 S. N N 41 07 E. 38 49 E. 23 43 W. N. 41 07 W. S. 38 49 W. S. 23 43 E. 1,372 1,510 1,970 Heron. St. Clement. St. Patrick. HORSE. {Lower St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25.) I 38 13 25-40 76 43 45- 90 S. N N 41 07 E. 38 49 E. 23 43 W. N S. S. 41 07 W. 38 49 w. 23 43 E. 1,372 I, 510 I, 970 Heron. St. Clement. St. Patrick. 2 38 13 37-94 76 44 32- 38 S. S. N 6 34 W. 55 43 E. 17 48 E. N N S. 6 34 E. 55 42 W. 17 49 w. 2, 416 2, 586 1,450 Blakistonc Light. Heron. St. Patrick. Island 3 38 14 05. 42 76 44 22. 63 S. s. N 38 14 E. 84 47 E. 22 04 E. N N S. 38 14 w. 84 46 W. 22 04 w. 3,035 1,929 491 Heron . St. Clement. St. Patrick. 4 38 14 II. 48 76 43 51. 36 S. N. N. 70 46 E. II 05 W. 68 50 W. N S. S. 70 46 w. II 05 E. 68 50 E. 1,154 1, 075 694 St. Clement. Canoe . St. Patrick. 5 38 13 56.66 76 43 42. 40 S. N. 21 09 E. 81 59 E. N. S. 21 09 W. 81 59 w. 2,244 860 Heron. St. Clement. N. 49 45 W. S. 49 45 E. I, 160 St. Patrick. ST. CLEMENT ENTRANCE. {Lower St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25.) I 38 13 25.40 76 43 45- 90 S. 41 07 E. N. 38 49 E. N. 23 43 W. N. 41 07 W. S. 38 49 W. S. 23 43 E 1,372 1,510 1,970 Heron. St. Clement. St. Patrick. 2 38 13 56. 66 76 43 42. 40 S. 21 09 E. N. 81 59 E. N. 49 45 W. N. 21 09 W. S. 81 59 W. S. 49 45 E. 2,244 860 1, 160 Heron. St. Clement. St. Patrick. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. ST. CLEMENT ENTRANCE—Continued. (Lower St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 2J.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- ot bar. Forward. Back. tion station. 3 4 38 13 56.94 38 13 33- 38 76 43 20. 18 76 43 20. 70 S. 5 54 E. N. 67 02 E. N. 63 22 W. S. 10 02 E. N. 16 51 E. N. 43 37 W. N. 5 54 W. S. 67 02 w. S. 63 23 E. N. 10 01 W. S. 16 SI w. S. 43 38 E. Yards. 2, 108 282 1, 652 1.323 947 2, 120 Heron . St. Clement. St. Patrick. Heron. St. Clement. St. Patrick. OLD WRECK. {Lower St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25.) I 38 14 11.48 76 43 51-36 S. 70 46 E. N. II OS W. N. 68 50 W. N. 70 46 W. S. II OS E. S. 68 50 E. I, 154 I, 075 694 St. Clement. Canoe. St. Patrick. 2 38 14 33. 42 76 44 07. 20 S. 24 47 W. S. 53 27 E. N. 34 15 E. N. 24 47 E. N. S3 27 W. S. 34 15 W. 539 1,881 382 St. Patrick. St. Clement. Canoe. 3 38 14 26. gb 76 43 46. 24 S. 82 22 E. N. 32 45 W. S. 70 52 W. N. 82 21 W. S. 32 45 E. N. 70 52 E. I, 124 635 829 Roof. Canoe. St. Patrick. NEWTOWN FLATS. (Lower St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25.) I 38 14 II. 48 76 43 51- 36 S. 70 46 E. N. II 05 W. N. 68 50 W. N S. s. 70 46 w. II OS E. 68 50 E. 1,154 i>°75 694 St. Clement. Canoe. St. Patrick. 2 38 14 26. 96 76 43 46. 24 S. 82 22 E. N. 32 45 W. S. 70 52 W. N s. N 82 21 W. 32 45 E. 70 52 E. I, 124 635 829 Roof. Canoe. St. Patrick. 3 38 14 56. 72 76 43 15.80 S. 14 50 E. S. 75 37 E. N. 2 00 W. N N s. 14 so W. 75 37 W. 2 00 E. I, igo 877 729 Roof. Rails. Woods. 4 38 14 28.41 76 43 25- 92 S. 70 57 E. N. 56 38 E. N. 61 16 W. N S. S. 70 56 W. 56 38 w. 61 16 E. 607 1,340 I, 007 Roof. Rails. Canoe. 5 38 14 19.41 76 43 20. 79 S. 23 07 E. N. 76 27 E. N. 52 19 W. N S. S. 23 07 W. 76 27 W. 52 19 E. 704 451 1,288 St. Clement. Roof. Canoe . ^ 182 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNUAKiiis OF NATURAL OYSTKR HAKS — Continued: CANOE CREEK. (Loxver St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25.) Cor- True bearing. Latitude. Longitude. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangi tion station. la- of bar. Forward. Back. / // / II / / Yayis. I 38 14 56- 72 76 43 15.80 S. 14 50 E. N. 14 50 W. I, 190 Roof. S. 75 37 E. N. 75 37 W. 877 Rails. N. 2 00 W. S. 2 00 E. 729 Woods. 2 38 15 04. 44 76 43 45. 58 S. 26 IS W. N. 26 15 E. 815 Canoe . S. 37 49 E. N. 37 49 W. . 1,789 Roof. N. 58 33 E. a 58 a w. 898 Woods. 3 38 15 14. 40 76 43 45. 18 S. 19 II W. N. 19 II E. 1, 129 Canoe. S. 31 54 E. N. 31 54 W. 2,056 Roof. N. 80 00 E. S. 80 01 W. 768 Woods. 4 38 15 12.82 76 43 37. 82 S. 29 I ^ w. N. 29 13 E. 1, 160 Canoe. S. 27 42 E. N. 27 43 W. 1,915 Roof. N. 71 37 E. S. 71 37 W. 591 Woods. Thence from c orncr No. 4 alorLg the mean low -water line of th J shore to corner No. 5, exclud ng any creek, c .ive. or inlet less than loo yards in width at its motith at low tide. 5 38 15 13.80 76 43 23. 60 S. 42 05 W. N. 42 05 E. I, 410 Canoe. S. 53 06 E. N. 53 05 W. I. 319 Rails. N. 49 55 E. S. 49 55 W. 237 Woods. 6 38 15 11.94 76 43 10. 40 N. 38 05 W. S. s8 05 E. 274 Woods. vS. 52 48 W. N. 52 47 E. I, 627 Canoe. S. 44 00 E. N. 44 00 W. I, 016 Rails. CHAPEL POINT. ^{Lower Si. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25.] I 38 14 49. 79 76 43 04. 26 S. 08 W. N. 88 20 E. N. 08 E. S. 88 20 W. 919 S42 Roof. Rails. N. 19 06 W. S. ig 06 E. I, 017 Woods. , 38 16 05. 22 76 42 21. 14 N. 24 02 W. S. 24 02 E. 325 Howards. S. 70 30 W. S. 37 37 E. N. 70 30 E. N. 37 37 W. 813 474 Shipping. Mansion. 3 38 16 06. 13 76 42 16. 80 N. 42 55 W. S. 71 06 W. S. 23 13 E. S. 42 55 E. N. 71 06 E. N. 23 13 W. 364 933 443 Howards. Shipping. Mansion. Thence from c orner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 4, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 14 50. 26 76 42 43. 85- N. 42 45 W. S. 82 49 W. S. 42 45 E. N. 82 48 E. 1,289 2,018 Woods. Canoe . S. 30 14 W. N. 30 14 E. 1,083 Roof. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 183 BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. BLUFF WOODS. {Lower St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25.) Cor- of bar. 15 25.78 Loagitude. , / 76 42 52- 78 76 43 07. 50 76 43 08. 54 True bearing. N. 66 14 E. N. 3 30 E. S. 81 56 W. S. 66 14 W. S. 3 30 W. N. 81 56 E. S. 44 28 W. N. 44 28 E. N. 82 21 E. S. 82 21 W. N. 23 52 E. : S. 23 52 W. S. 17 25 W. S. 75 00 E. N. 38 55 E. N. 17 25 E. N. 75 00 W. S. 38 55 W. Yards. 762 I, 220 644 352 I, 100 I. 157 730 1,156 Chapel. Shipping. Woods. Woods. Chapel. Shipping. Woods. Chapel. Shipping Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 15 57- 17 76 42 49. 98 S. 28 Si w. S. s4 20 E. S. 84 21 E. N. 28 32 E. N. 34 20 W. N. 84 21 W. 1,491 1,105 1, 062 Woods. Chapel. Mansion. 16 01. 36 76 42 1,2. 60 S. 67 32 E. N. 21 55 E. S. 73 00 W. N. 67 32 W. S. 21 55 W. N. 73 00 E. 643 460 483 Mansion. Howards. Shipping MILEYS CREEK. {Lower St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 2§.) I 38 15 57-17 76 42 49. 98 S. 28 33 W. S. 34 20 E. S. 84 21 E. N. 28 32 E. N. 34 20 W. N. 84 21 W. 1,491 i> 105 I, 062 Woods. Chapel. Mansion. Thence from c any creek, c orner No. i along the mean low ove, or inlet less than 100 yards -water line of th in width at its 1 t shore to nouth at 1 comer No. 2 ow tide. , excluding 2 38 16 10. 74 76 43 07. 94 S. 69 53 E. N. 84 09 E. N. 7 41 E. N. 69 52 W. S. 84 og W. S. 7 41 W. 1,634 I, 118 325 Mansion. Howards. Mileys. 3 38 16 20. 27 76 43 06.31 S. 2g 08 E. N. 7s 00 E. N. 35 54 E. N. 29 07 W. S. 75 00 W. S. 35 54 W. 891 958 1.375 Shipping. Bank. Cecil. 4 38 16 30. 80 76 43 12. 02 S. 27 20 E. S. 84 19 E. N. 22 08 E. N. 27 ig W. N. 84 18 W. S. 22 08 W. 1,276 1,083 ,539 Shipping. Bank. Profound. 5 38 16 16. 14 76 42 37. 82 S. 77 10 E. N. 23 26 E. N. 79 35 W. N. 77 10 W. S. 25 26 W. S. 79 35 E. 318 422 770 Howards. Bank. Mileys. 6 38 16 01.36 76 42 32. 60 S. 67 32 E. N. 21 55 E. S. 73 00 W. N. 67 32 W. S. 21 5s W. N. 73 00 E. 643 460 483 Mansion. Howards. Shipping. i84 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. li(>UNl).'\RIi;S OI" NATUK.'M, DVSTUR li.AKS COIlUnUC'Cl. AliEIJ.. (Hpf^r SI. Clancnl Bay — Chart No. 25.) Cor- Latitude. Loniiitudc. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triaiiKula- of bar. Forward. Back. tioii station. / // , / Yards. I 38 16 29. 56 76 42 34. 58 N. 55 47 W. S. 69 38 w. vS. 51 17 E. S. 55 47 E. N. 69 37 E. N. 51 17 W. 958 900 i°5 Profound. Mileys. Bank. 2 38 16 31.90 76 42 42.34 N. 51 53 W. S. 58 23 W. vS. 63 19 E. S. SI 53 E. N. 58 23 E. N. 63 19 W. 746 748 5^i Profound. Mileys. Bank. 3 38 16 39.27 76 42 41. 18 S. 33 12 E. N. 16 15 E. N. 71 o\ W. N. a 12 w. S. i6 15 W. ,S. 71 04 E. 369 493 653 Bank. Cecil. Profound. 4 38 16 41. 80 76 42 27. 48 N. 50 15 W. N. 82 4^ W. S. 54 53 W. S. 30 15 E. S. 82 40 E. N. 54 52 E. 449 990 I, 262 Cecil. Profound. Mileys. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean lov\ any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards -water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding in width at its mouth at low tide. REED POINT. {Upper St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25.) I 38 16 51.30 76 42 39. 00 N. 49 52 E. N. 39 37 W. S. 73 59 W. S. 49 52 w. S. 39 38 E. N. 73 59 E. i°5 982 702 Cecil. Radec. Profound. 2 38 17 14.60 76 42 56. 50 S. 79 41 w. S. 37 12 E. N. 73 37 E. N. 79 41 E. N. 37 12 W. S. 73 37 W. 164 901 778 Radec. Cecil. Place. 3 38 17 16. 56 76 43 12. 40 N. 82 sr E. N. 28 00 E. N. 27 19 W. S. 82 32 w. S. 28 01 w. S. 27 18 E. I, 181 1,044 450 Place. Guest. Cobrums. 4 38 17 37.48 76 42 34. 74 N. 67 01 W. S. 42 43 W. S. I 17 W. S. 67 01 E. N. 42 43 E. N. I 17 E. 554 I, 090 1,490 Guest. Radec. Cecil. 5 38 17 35- 58 76 42 27. 40 N. 68 19 W. S. SI 45 W. S. 9 06 W. S. 68 19 E. N. 51 44 E. N. 9 06 E. 759 I, 190 1,447 Guest. Radec. Cecil. 6 38 17 29-56 76 42 26. 20 N. s6 45 W. S. 61 05 W. S. 12 02 W. S. 56 45 E. N. 61 OS E. N. 12 02 E. 881 I, 105 1,248 Guest. Radec. Cecil. Thence from c any creek, c orner No. 6 alo ove, or inlet le tig the mean low 5s than 100 yards -water line of th in width at its i shore to mouth at 1 corner No. 7, excluding ow tide. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. KOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. REED POINT— Continued. {Upper St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 2J.) 185 Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- Forward. Back. tion station. / // / , / Yards. 38 17 20.58 76. 42 30. 10 s. s. N 75 01 w. 9 39 W. 69 05 E. N. 75 00 E. N. 9 39 E. S. 69 05 W. 894 9.34 5° Radec. Cecil. Place. 38 17 05. 20 76 42 21. 18 N N S. 19 31 W. 75 21 W. 60 02 w. vS. 19 31 E. S. 75 21 E. N. 60 01 E. 571 1,136 1.327 Place. Radec. Profound. Thence from corner No. 8 along the mean low- water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. GUEST MARSHES. {Upper St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25.) I 38 17 31. 74 76 43 03. 94 S. 75 18 W. S. 3 27 E. N. 75 18 E. N. 3 27 W. 445 608 Cobrums. Radec. N. 32 55 E. S. 32 55 W. 488 Guest. 2 38 18 01. 78 76 43 10. 40 N. II 09 E. N. 42 17 W. S. 54 02 W. vS. II 09 w. S. 42 17 E. N. 54 02 E. 517 573 524 Stones. Turf. Dynard. 3 38 18 03. 38 76 43 01. 26 N. 17 38 W. S. 61 32 W. S. 16 29 E. S. 17 38 E. N. 61 32 E. N. 16 28 W. 475 759 685 Stones. Dynard. Guest. 4 38 17 58- 58 76 42 52. 80 N. 58 03 W. S. 77 22 W. S. 3 37 W. S. 58 04 E. N. 77 22 E. N. 3 37 E. I, 006 914 496 Turf. Dynard. Guest. 5 38 17 50.86 76 42 52. 06 N. 47 46 W. N. 86 08 W. S. 12 05 W. S. 47 47 E. S. 86 08 E. N. 12 05 E. 1,179 914 240 Turf. Dynard. Guest. Thence from c orner No. 5 along the mean low -water line of the shore to corner No. 6, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at 1 ow tide. 6 38 17 37.48 76 42 34. 74 N. 67 01 W. S. 42 43 W. S. I 17 w. S. 67 01 E. N. 42 43 E. N. I 17 E. 554 I, 090 1,490 Guest. Radec. Cecil. 1 86 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. EOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. HARRY JACKS. {Upper St. Clement Bay — Chart No. 25.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. tr tion station. angula- of bar. Forward. Back. I 38 17 28.39 76 43 20. 15 N. 53 OS E. N. 38 47 W. S. 43 25 E. ° ' Yards. S. 53 °5 W. 87 S. 38 47 E. 533 N. 43 25 W. 1 680 Guest. Tomakokin. Radec. Thence from comer No. i along the mean low- water line of the shore to comer No. 2, exc any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. luding 2 38 17 29. 96 76 43 30. 00 S. 78 34 E. N. 63 52 E. N. II 5 W. N. 78 34 W. S. 63 52 W. vS. II 15 E. 267 1,067 370 Cobrums. Guest. Tomakokin. 3 38 17 40. 70 76 43 32- 71 S. 38 47 E. N. 84 01 E. N. 22 41 E. N. 38 47 W. S. 84 01 W. S. 22 41 W. 533 1,036 436 Cobrums. Guest. Dynard. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low- water line of the shore to corner No. 4, cxc any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. luding 4 38 17 59.40 76 43 23. 58 S. 18 03 W. S. 56 22 E. N. 4 04 W. N. 18 03 E. N. 56 22 W. S. 4 04 E. 240 945 506 Dynard . Guest. Turf. 5 38 18 01. 78 76 43 10. 40 N. II 09 E. N. 42 17 W. S. 54 02 W. S. II 09 w. S. 42 17 E. N. 54 02 E. 517 ;73 524 Stones. Turf. Dynard. 6 38 17 31-74 76 43 03- 94 S. 75 18 W. S. 3 27 E. N. 32 55 E. N. 75 18 E. N. 3 27 W. S. 32 55 W. 445 608 488 Cobrums. Radec. Guest. KEY. {Upper Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) I 38 21 49.83 76 50 31. 02 S. 66 37 W. S. 14 10 E. N. 84 48 E. N. 66 36 E. N. 14 10 W. S. 84 49 W. I, 516 1,470 45° Stoddard. Cohouck. Key. 2 38 21 53.40 76 50 55. 74 N. 84 01 W. S. 45 34 W. S. 85 53 E. S. 84 02 E. N. 45 33 E. N. 8s 53 W. I, 164 1,029 1,108 Upper. Stoddard. Key. 3 38 22 08. 99 76 51 08. 02 N. 3 01 W. S. 64 15 W. S. 67 05 E. S. 3 01 E. N. 64 15 E. N. 67 04 W. 865 924 1,554 Barber. Upper. Key. 4 38 22 14. 18 76 50 40. 16 N. 48 43 W. S. 69 52 W. &■ 41 33 E. S. 48 44 E. N. 69 52 E. N. 41 33 W. I, 042 1,675 I, 042 Barber. Upper. Key. 5 38 22 00. 78 76 50 27. 60 N. 44 26 W. S. 86 15 W. S. 47 29 E. S. 44 26 E. N. 86 15 E. N. 47 29 W. 1,598 1,909 485 Barber. Upper. Key. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST MARYS COUNTY MD 187 IiOUND..\RIES OF NATURAL OYSTER B.\RS — continued. COM'OUCK. {Upper Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. trianqula- el bar. Forward. Back. I 38 20 51.98 76 SO 58. 86 N. 64 26 E. N. 60 46 W. S. 72 34 W. S. 64 26 w. S. 60 46 E. N. 72 34 E. Yards. 1,218 I, 004 1,368 Cohouck. Hayden. Burr. Thence along county l^oundar y, as delineated on chart No. 26, to comer No. 2. 2 38 21 10. 18 76 50 51. 08 S. 84 22 E. N. 49 23 W. S. 83 30 W. N. 84 22 W. S. 49 24 E. N. 83 29 E. 897 1,131 I, 090 Cohouck. Stoddard. Hayden. 3 38 21 23. 59 76 50 31. 46 S. 34 29 E. N. 26 27 E. N. 78 22 W. N. 34 29 W. S. 26 28 W. S. 78 22 E. 655 1.033 1,409 Cohouck. Key. Stoddard. 4 38 21 16.84 76 50 24. 36 S. 30 18 E. N. 13 17 E. N. 71 56 W. N. 30 18 W. S. 13 17 w. S. 71 56 E. 362 1,187 1,649 Cohouck. Key. Stoddard. S 38 20 52. 00 76 50 29. 42 N. 31 08 E. N. 73 33 W. S. 2 27 W. S. 31 08 w. S. 73 i3 E. N. 2 27 E. 613 1,728 1. 317 Cohouck. Hayden . Fact. CHAPTICO LUMPS. {Upper Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) I 38 20 20. 70 76 51 13.00 N. 55 17 W. S. 66 14 W. S. 76 42 E. S. 55 17 E. N. 66 13 E. N. 76 42 W. i> 132 1,660 1,132 Burr. Bowman. Fact. Thence along county boundary, as delineated on chart No. 26 to comer No. 2. 2 38 20 51.98 76 50 58. 86 N. 64 26 E. N. 60 46 W. S. 72 34 W. S. 64 26 W. S. 60 46 E. N. 72 34 E. 1,218 I, 004 1,368 Cohouck . Hayden. Burr. 3 38 20 26. 26 76 so 23. 58 N. 6 38 E. N. 78 29 W. S. 25 19 W. S. 6 38 W. S. 78 29 E. N. 25 19 E. r, 402 2, 289 494 Cohouck. Burr. Fact. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. MILLS EAST. {Upper Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G tion St of bar. Forward. Back. a tion. I 3S 20 00. 00 76 51 11.88 N. 88 S4 W. S. IS so W. N. 67 44 E. S. 88 55 E. N. 15 so E. S. 67 44 W. Yards. 1,548 1.392 I. 157 Bowman , Eedling. Fact. Thence along county boundary, as delineated on chart No. 26, to comer No. 2. 2 38 20 20. 70 76 51 13.00 N. 55 17 W. S. 66 14 W. S. 76 42 E. S. 55 17 E. N. 66 13 E. N. 76 42 W. 1,132 I, 660 1,132 Burr. Bowman. Fact. 3 38 20 26. 26 76 so 23. 58 N. 6 38 E. N. 78 29 W. S. 25 19 W. S. 6 s8 W. S. 78 29 E. N. 25 19 E. 1, 402 2, 289 494 Cohouck. Burr. Fact. 4 38 20 07. 08 76 so 4S. so S. 84 40 w. S. 34 24 W. N. 61 47 E. N. 84 39 E. ■ N. 34 24 E. S. 61 47 W. 2,259 I, 911 421 Bowman . Eedling. Fact. \ RUSSELL. {Middle Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) I 38 19 04.42 76 50 28. 14 N. 78 10 E. N. 2 14 W. S. 77 22 W. S. 78 II w. S. 2 14 E. N. 77 22 E. 961 2,313 1,049 Farr. Fact. Gust. Thence along county boundary, as delineated on chart No. 26 to corner No. 2. 2 38 20 00. 00 76 51 11.88 N. 88 54 W. S. IS so W. N. 67 44 E. S. 88 55 E. N. IS 50 E. S. 67 44 W. 1,548 1,392 1,157 Bowman. Eedling. Fact. 3 38 20 07. 08 76 50 45- 50 S. 84 40 W. S. 34 24 W. N. 61 47 E. N. 84 39 E. N. 34 24 E. S. 61 47 W. 2,259 I, 911 421 Bowman. Eedling. Fact. 4 38 19 09. 76 76 49 56. 97 N. 81 38 E. N. 23 18 W. s. 77 32 w. S. 81 38 W. S. 23 19 E. N. 77 31 E. 114 2,320 1.895 Farr. Fact. Gust. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. MANAHOWIC CREEK. {Middle Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) 189 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. tion St S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. ation. / // / // / , Yards. I 38 18 24.45 76 50 16. 82 S. 44 40 W. S. 68 42 E. .' N. 22 31 E. N. 44 39 E. N. 68 42 W. S. 22 31 W. 1,189 1,299 I, 672 Hedney. Lyon. Farr. Thence along county boundary, as delineated on chart No. 26, to comer No. 2. 2 38 ig 04.42 76 50 28. 14 N. 78 10 E. N. 2 14 W. S. 77 22 W. S. 78 II W. S. 2 14 E. N. 77 22 E. g6i 2,313 1,049 Farr. Fact. Gust. 3 38 19 09. 76 76 49 56. 97 N. 81 38 E. N. 23 18 W. S. 77 32 W. S. 81 38 W. S. 23 19 E. N. 77 31 E. 114 2,320 1,89s Farr. Fact. Gust. 4 38 18 29. 84 76 49 58. 88 S. 51 57 W. S. 48 19 E. N. 6 50 E. N. 51 56 E. N. 48 18 W. S. 6 50 W. 1,667 982 1,372 Hedney. Lyon. Farr. BRAMLEIGH CREEK. (Middle Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) 17 26.40 76 49 42.82 I S. 68 36 E. N. II 40 E. S. 80 01 W. N. 68 35 W. S. II 40 w. N. 80 00 E. 1, 357 i Weiss. 1, 520 Lyon. I, 137 Charles. Thence along county boundary, as delineated on chart No. 26 to comer No. 2. 2 38 17 55-98 76 50 08. 16 N. 63 31 E. N. 83 52 W. S. 20 30 W. S. 63 32 W. S. 83 52 E. N. 20 30 E. 1,095 1,072 1,275 Lyon. Hedney. Charles. Thence along county boundary, as delineated on chart No. 26, to comer No. 3. 3 38 18 24. 45 76 50 16. 82 S. 44 40 w. ■ S. 68 42 E. N. 22 31 E. N. 44 39 E. N. 68 42 W. S. 22 31 W. 1,189 1,299 1,672 Hedney. Lyon. Farr. 4 38 18 29. 84 •76 49 58. 88 S. 51 57 W. S. 48 ig E. N. 6 50 E. N. 51 56 E. N. 48 18 W. S. 6 50 W. 1,667 982 1,372 Hedney. Lyon. Farr. 5 38 18 14. 64 76 49 36. 28 N. 13 07 W. S. 74 57 W. S. 43 22 E. S. 13 07 E. N. 74 56 E. N. 43 22 W. I, 926 1,980 194 Farr. Hedney. Lyon. 6 38 17 45-78 76 49 28. 12 N. 5 45 W. S. 60 37 W. S. 37 14 E. S. 5 45 E. N. 60 36 E. N. 37 13 W. 837 1,734 1,444 Lyon. Charles. Weiss. 190 SURVEY OK OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER HARS — continued. WHITE POINT. {Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) True bearing. 38 16 34. 04 Longitude. 76 49 13. 42 Forward. S. 50 45 E. N. 67 32 E. N. 21 15 E. N. 50 45 W. S. 67 32 W. S. 21 15 W. Yards. ! I, 442 1 Prec. 1, 791 Blakistone. 1,330 I Weiss. Thence along county boundary, as delineated on chart No. 26,. to corner No. 2 38 16 55.66 I 76 49 32.82 I N. 61 31 E. N. 58 48 W. I I S. 37 53 W. Thence along county boundary, as delineated on chart No. 26, to corner No 76 49 42. 82 S. 6i 32 W. S. 58 49 E. N. 37 53 E. I, 133 1 Weiss. 1, 621 Charles. I, 294 I Hard. 38 17 26. 40 38 17 15-96 38 16 52. 52 38,16 51.32 76 49 12. 16 76 49 II. 78 76 48 46. 98 S. 68 36 E. N. II 40 E. S. 80 01 W. N. 85 26 W. S. 38 14 W. S. 72 17 E. N. 34 II E. N. 64 05 W. S. 55 52 W. S. 15 44 E. N. 82 06 E. N. 17 47 W. N. 68 35 W. S. II 40 W. N. 80 00 E. S. 85 26 E. N. 38 13 E. N. 72 17 W. S. 34 II W. S. 64 06 E. N. 55 52 E. N. 15 44 W. S. 82 06 W. S. 17 47 E. 1.357 1,52° 1. 137 Weiss. Lyon. Charles. 1,941 Charles. 2, 172 Hard. 471 Weiss. 780 2.157 1,636 1.520 961 722 Weiss. Charles. Hard. Prec. Blakistone. Weiss. WHITE POINT HOLLOW. (Lower Wicoinico River — Chart No. 26.) I 38 17 00. 86 76 48 32. 5° N S. S. 58 51 w. 52 E. 71 32 E. S. N. N. 58 52 E. 52 W. 71 31 w. 708 1.785 598 Weiss. Prec. Blakistone. 2 38 17 03.98 76 48 47. 40 S. S. N 12 37 E. ' 72 59 E. 38 47 W. N N. S. 12 37 W. 72 59 W. 38 47 E. 1,937 I, 007 335 Prec. Blakistone. Weiss. 3 38 17 04. 46 76 49 03. 40 S. S. N 50 06 W. 24 00 E. 41 26 E. N N S. 50 05 E. 24' 00 W. 41 26 W. 2,056 2,087 326 Hard. Prec. Weiss. 4 38 17 06. 82 76 49 03. 16 S. S. N 48 53 w. 22 59 E. 51 47 E. N N S. 48 33 E. 22 59 W. 51 47 W. 2, 112 2. 157 267 Hard. Prec. Weiss. S 38 17 06. 90 76 48 44. 32 N S. S. 60 53 W. 9 44 E. 65 58 E. S. N N 60 54 E. 944W. 65 57 w. 334 2,018 965 Weiss. Prec. Blakistone. 6 38 17 03.98 76 48 31.34 N S. s. 67 43 w. c 07 W. 61 13 E. S. N N 67 43 E. 07 E. 61 13 W. 688 1,891 612 Weiss. Prec. Blakistone. I SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 191 BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BEDS — Continued. BLAKISTONE. (Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. tri tion station. of bar. Forward. Back. I 38 16 27.74 76 48 20. 84 N. N. S. IS 33 E. SI 41 w. 22 57 W. S. IS 33 W. S. 31 42 E. N. 22 57 E. Yards. 962 1,742 725 Blakistonc . Weiss. Prcc. - 38 16 29. 24 76 48 24. 58 N N. S. 22 08 E. 29 40 W. 14 21 w. S. 22 09 w. S. 29 41 'E. N. 14 21 E. 947 1,648 740 Blakistonc. Weiss. Prec. 3 38 16 45. 88 76 48 22. 82 N N S. 44 33 E. 44 44 W. 10 13 w. S. 44 33 W. S. 44 44 E. N. 10 13 E.' 443 I, 226 1,300 Blakistonc. Weiss. Prec. 4 .^8 16 53. 58 76 48 16. 26 N. N. S. 67 34 E. 59 29 W. 14 44 W. S. 67 34 W. S. 59 29 E. N. 14 43 E. 146 I, 204 1.594 Blakistonc. Weiss. Prec. 5 38 16 36. 50 76 48 16. 40 N. N. S. 12 27 E. 41 02 W. 22 36 W. S. 12 28 W. S. 41 03 E. N. 22 35 E. 646 1.574 1,043 Blakistonc. Weiss. Prec. BLUFF POINT. {Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) I 38 15 ig. 22 76 48 48. 98 S. 39 29 W. S. 15 37 E. N. 15 49 E. N N S. 39 29 E. 15 37 W. IS 49 W. 2, 005 515 • 1. 707 Cobb Point Bar St. Margaret 2. Prec. Light. 2 38 15 20. 00 76 49 24. 36 N. 71 55 W. S. II 59 W. S. 64 10 E. S. N N 71 55 E. II 59 E. 64 10 W. 1.589 1, 609 I, 200 Corner. Cobb Point Bar St. Margaret 2. Light. 3 38 16 34. 94 76 49 13. 42 S. so 45 E. N. 67 32 E. N. 21 15 E. N S. S. 50 45 w. 67 32 W. 21 15 W. 1,442 1. 791 1.330 Prec. Blakistonc. Weiss. 4 38 16 51.32 76 48 46. 98 S. IS 44 E. N. 82 06 E. N. 17 47 W. N S. S. 15 44 w. 82 06 W. 17 47 E. 1. 520 961 722 Prec. Blakistone. Weiss. 5 38 16 20. 28 76 48 28. 06 N. 20 52 E. N. 22 39 W. S. 12 19 W. S. S. N. 20 52 W. 22 39 E. 12 ig E. 1,262 1,879 426 Blakistone. Weiss. Prec. 6 38 16 09. 07 76 48 41. 46 S. 81 45 E. N. 27 22 E. N. 75 43 W. N. S. S. 81 45 W. 27 22 W. 75 44 E. 268 1.753 2, 229 Prec. Blakistone. Hard. ' 38 15 43- 80 76 48 27. 89 N. 6 41 W. S. 84 09 W. S. 17 40 w. s. N. N. 6 41 E. 84 08 E. 17 40 E. 8ig 3.028 I. 391 Prec. Corner. St. Margaret 2. 192 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. MOUTH OF RIVER. {Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True beariag. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- 0! bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 IS 02. 18 76 49 29. 62 N. SI 20 W. S. II 18 W. N. 86 20 E. S. SI 21 E. N. II 18 E. S. 86 20 W. Yards. 1,752 992 1,223 Comer. Cobb Point Bar Light. >St. Margaret 2. 2 38 15 20. 20 76 49 35. 10 N. 68 20 W. S. I 46 w. S. 68 48 E. S. 68 21 E. N. I 46 E. N. 68 48 W. 1,318 i> 581 1,464 Corner. Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. 3 38 15 20. 00 76 49 24. 36 N. 71 55 W. S. II 59 w. S. 64 10 E. S. 71 55 E. N. II 59 E. N. 64 io W. I, 589 I, 609 I, 200 Corner. Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. 4 38 15 19-22 76 48 48. 98 S. 39 29 W. S. IS 37 E. N. 15 49 E. N. 39 29 E. N. IS 37 W. S. IS 49 w. ■2,005 515 1,707 Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. Prec. 5 38 15 06. 02 76 49 00. 28 N. 65 47 W. S. 4i 29 W. S. 83 21 E. a 6s 48 E. N. 41 29 E. N. 83 21 W. 2.353 1,472 442 Corner. Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. ST. MARGARET. (Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 2(5.) I 38 15 08. 20 76 48 23. 66 N. 5 54 W. a 76 52 w. a 37 39 E. a s 54 E. N. 76 SI E. N. 37 38 W. 2,024 549 2, 124 Prec. St. Margaret 2. St. Catherine. 2 38 IS 14- 19 76 48 38. 95 N. 6 IS E. S. 48 13 w. S. 21 20 w. a 6 15 w. N. 48 13 E. N. 21 20 E. 1,823 2,068 351 Prec. Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. 3 38 IS 17-70 76 48 36- 38 N. 4 24 E. S. 47 06 W. a 23 48 w. S. 4 24 W. N. 47 06 E. N. 23 48 E. 1,698 2,198 487 Prec. Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. 4 . 38 IS 11-36 76 48 21. 76 N. 7 43 W. S. 68 26 W. a 34 S3 E. a 7 43 E. N. 68 25 E. N. 34 52 W. 1,925 629 2,181 Prec. St. Margaret 2. St. Catherine. I SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BULLOCK. {Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 26.) 193 Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- ot bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 14 29. 80 / // 76 48 29. 04 s. N. N. 74 58 E. 18 30 W. 86 13 W. N. S. S. 74 57 W. 18 30 E. 86 14 E. Yards. 1,492 1,234 1,810 St. Catherine. St. Margaret 2. Cobb Point Bar Light. 2 38 14 31. 64 76 49 04. 42 S. N. N 79 19 E. 26 22 E. 86 14 W. N. S. S. 79 18 W. 26 23 W. 86 14 E. 2,423 1,237 866 St. Catherine. St. Margaret 2. Cobb Point Bar Light. 3 38 15 02. 18 76 49 29. 62 N S. N 51 20 W. ii 18 W. 86 20 E. S. N S. 51 21 'E. ii 18 E. 86 20 W. 1,752 992 1,223 Comer. Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. 4 38 15 06. 02 76 49 00. 28 N S. S. 65 47 w. 41 29 W. 83 21 E. S. N N 65 48 E. 41 29 E. 83 21 W. ' 2,353 1,472 442 Corner. Cobb Point Bar Light. St. Margaret 2. BULLOCK ISLAND. {St. Catherine Sound — Chart No. 26.) I 38 14 46. 98 76 47 53. 82 N. 66 01 W. S. 27 32 E. S. 85 01 E. S. 66 02 E. N. 27 32 W. N. 85 01 W. 1,453 I, 089 I, 210 St. Margaret 2. St. Catherine. Sound. 2 38 14 48. 06 76 47 59. 66 N. 64 42 W. S. 51, 19 E. S. 84 02 E. S. 64 42 E. N. ^1! 19 W. N. 84 01 W. 1,297 I. 200 1,368 St. Margaret 2. St. Catherine. Sound. 3 38 14 53. 00 76 47 .=;8- 22 N. 72 15 W. S. 27 54 E. S. 76 51 E. S. 72 15 E. N. 27 54 W. N. 76 52 W. I. 272 1,323 1,357 St. Margaret 2. St. Catherine. Sound. 4 38 14 52.00 76 47 52- 56 N. 72 48 W. S. 22 30 E. S. 76 47 E. S. 72 48 E. N. 22 29 W. N. 76 46 W. 1,425 I, 229 1,203 St. Margaret 2. St. Catherine. Sound. 194 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. ST. CATHERINE. (St. Catherine Sound — Chart No. 26.) Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 14 26. 10 76 46 59. 42 N N S. ^^ 3^ w 22 00 W. 74 27 w. S. 79 35 W. S. 22 00 E. N. 74 27 E. Yards. 534 645 979 Bailey. Sound. St. Catherine. 2 38 14 34- 58 76 47 28. 38 s. s. N 17 30 w. 81 40 E. 59 25 E. N. 17 30 E. N. 81 40 W. S. 59 25 W. 575 1,309 613 St. Catherine. Bailey. Sound. 3 38 14 41. 03 76 47 23. 9° s. s. N 20 52 W. 7° 54 E. 76 58 E. N. 20 52 E. N. 70 54 W. S. 76 58 W. 8ig 1,245 420 St. Catherine. Bailey. Sound. 4 38 14 30. 16 76 46 57. 22 s. N S. 85 02 E. 33 °4 W. 68 16 W. N. 85 02 W. S. 33 04 E. N. 68 16 E. 468 55° 1,078 Bailey. Sound . St. Catherine. HACKLEY CREEK. (Si. Catherine Sound — Chart No. 26.) I 38 14 01 84 76 47 06. 90 S. N. N. 64 45 E. 38 21 E. 53 IS W. N. 64 45 W. S. 38 22 w. a S3 IS E. 574 1,166 928 Waterloo. Bailey. St. Catherine. 2 38 14 II 23 76 47 18. 66 S. N. 55 59 E. 60 01 E. N. 55 59 W. S. 60 02 w. I, 004 1, 196 Waterloo. Bailey. N 61 00 W. S. 61 00 E. 493 St. Catherine. 3 38 14 05 18 76 46 52. 86 S. N N 22 og E. 23 36 E. 68 22 W. N. 22 09 W. S. 23 36 w. S. 68 23 E. 395 875 I, 202 Waterloo. Bailey. St. Catherine. 4 38 14 02 36 76 40 53- 36 S. N N 31 13 E. 22 05 E. 64 01 W. N. 31 13 W. S. 22 05 W. S. 64 02 E. 306 968 1,228 Waterloo . Bailey. St. Catherine. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WATERLOO. {St. Catherine Sound — Chart No. 26.) 19s Cor- Latitude. Longitude. True bearing. Distance. U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar. Forward. Back. tion station. I 38 13 40.36 76 46 53. 82 N. N. N. 19 38 E. 10 21 W. 40 28 W. s. s. s. 19 38 w. 10 21 E. 40 29 E. Yards. 5°9 2-175 1,683 Waterloo. Sound. St. Catherine. 2 38 13 41. 20 76 47 06. 04 N. N. N. 47 43 E. I 47 w. 31 30 W. s. s. s. 47 43 W. I 47 E. 31 30 E. 670 2,113 1,468 Waterloo. Sound. St. Catherine. 3 38 13 48. 20 76 46 58. 08 N. N. N. 52 53 E. 8 25 W. 43 56 W. s. s. s. 52 53 W. 8 25 E. 43 57 E. 357 1,896 I, 411 Waterloo. Sound. St. Catherine. 4 38 13 59- 74 76 47 09. 87 S. N N. 73 47 E. 39 10 E. 46 43 W. N s. s. 73 46 W. 39 10 W. 46 43 E. 623 1,271 913 Waterloo . Bailey. St. Catherine. 5 38 14 01. 84 76 47 06. 90 S. N N 64 45 E. 38 21 E. 53 IS W. N s. s. 64 45 W. 38 22 W. 53 15 E. 574 1,166 928 Waterloo. Bailey. St. Catherine. 6 38 13 50. 24 76 46 52. 30 N. N. N. 41 45 E. 14 24 E. 50 05 W. s. s. s. 41 45 W. 14 24 w. 50 06 E. ig6 i>347 1,476 Waterloo. Bailey. St. Catherine. SILVER SPRING. (St. Catherine Sound — Chart Xo. 26.) I 38 13 50.64 76 47 17. 50 N. 80 35 E. N. 37 50 E. N. 26 21 W. S. 80 35 W. S. 37 50 W. S. 26 21 E. 811 1,636 1, 041 Waterloo. Bailey. St. Catherine. 2 38 14 03. 76 76 47 22. 22 S. 71 11 E. N. s? 0:; E. N. 34 27 W. N. 71 51 W. S. =;^ Ob W. S. 34 27 E. 077 1,415 595 Waterloo. Bailey. St. Catherine. 3 38 13 50. 74 76 47 05. 78 N. 73 27 E. N. 26 26 E. N. 41 39 W. 1 S. 73 28 W. S. 26 26 W. S. 41 39 E. 455 1,439 i>245 Waterloo. Bailey. St. Catherine. APPENDIXES. Appendix A.— LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, in stu-veying the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland : [Act of Congress approved May 26, 1906.] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Biu-eau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary' of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam launches as may be necessary to make the siuvey aforesaid; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Marj'land such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be nec- essar)- to carrj' out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary- to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. ******* Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. [Act of Congress approved June 30. 1906.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, namely: * » * 196 I SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 1 97 Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, approved May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six, and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars, together with the unexpended balance under this appropriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby reappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven. * * * [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1907.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry' civil expenses of the Government for the 5scal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. * * * [Act of Congress approved May 27, 1908.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Siirvey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1909.] AN ACT Making appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums he, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved June 25, 1910.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the follo^ving sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending Jime thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, namely: * * » Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available fifteen thousand dollars. 198 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. [Act of Congress approved Marth 4, 191 1.] AN ACT Makiny appropriations for sundry civil expenses of tfie Government for Ihc fiscal >car cndinji June thirtieth, uinctccn hundred and twelve, and for other purposes. Be il enacted by Ihc Scnnic and House of Refircseiitalivcs of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby,, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, forthc fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available, thirteen thousand dollars. * * * [Act of the Legislature of Maryland approved April 2, 1906.I AN ACT To establish and promote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this Act, and * * *. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following sections be, and they are hereby, added to article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters." * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey, as hereinafter required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapolis, and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all natural beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. * * * Sec. 87. The Governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States coast and geodetic survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. Sec. 89. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, 1906, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by the United States coast and geodetic survey and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said svirvey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this Act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the board in the city of Annapolis within ninet)' daj's after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the said to the Clerks of the Circuit court for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed as hereinafter provided; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose. And the said survey and report, when filed, subject to the right of appeal hereafter provided for in this Act, shall be taken in all of the courts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars or rocks lying within the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this Act, and tliat all areas of the Chesa- peake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland, not shown in the survey to be natural oyster beds, bars or rocks shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms and SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 1 99 open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this Act; provided, that the said survc)' and report shall not be construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appro- priated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this Act. The law of the State of Marjdand, passed March 9, 1842, authorizing officers of tlie United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the survey, is as follows: AN ACT Cunceniing the Survey of the Coast of Marylaiiil. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United States, * * * at any time hereafter to enter upon lands within this State for the purpose of exploring, sur- veying, triangulating, or leveling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injury to private or other property. Sec. 2.' And be it enacted. That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injury to the crop cr crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious free- holders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or possessors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five daj's' notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses (to be by them sworn or affirmed and examined), shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceedings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five days thereafter in the office of the clerk of the county in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as afore- said, and the said report so made as aforesaid if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons emplo)'ed under the act of congress aforesaid, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either part>' may and shall be heard before and the damage assessed by a jury of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. * Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument or building or any appendage thereto, erected, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of congress aforesaid, such person or persons so ofi'ending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first prosecute the same before any justice of the peace of the county where the person so offending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United States of America, in any cotul of competent jurisdiction. ' Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except through the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. 200 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. Appendix B.-THE HAMAN OYvSTER CULTURE LAW. [Extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission.] OBJECT. "The legislature in placing chapter 711 of the acts of igob, better knowii as the Haman Oyster Culture Law, upon the statute books of Maryland, had a twofold object in view: 1. To encoMra^e an industry in oyster culture upon the ftarrcn 6ot(o»».f beneath the tidewaters of the State. 2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars for the purpose of oyster cultiu-e." "To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing of natural bars impossible, pro- vision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accurately locating and marking the same. It was definitely provided that no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, chartered, and marked with buoys." Definition of a Natural Oyster Bar. NATURAL bar not DEFINED. "The Shell Fish Commission is instructed by section 90 of the Haman Oyster Culture Law to exer- cise its judgment liberally in favor of the natural bars when surveying, charting and buoying them, but other than this the Commission is uninstructed in this important matter. The responsibility of defining a natural bar is placed upon the commission." DIVERSITY OF OPINION. " No definition of a natural oyster bar could be formulated by any man or body of men which would meet with the approval of all parties concerned. Oystermen, as a rule, hold that all bottoms where oysters grow or have grown naturally even though now practically barren of oysters should be considered natiu-al bars. Other citizens of the State who are not directly interested in the oyster business, but interested in the oj'ster industry from the standpoint of revenue, hold, as a rule, that no bottoms should be excluded from leasing for oyster culture which, by methods known to oyster culturists, may be made to yield a greater number of oysters than they now produce." " It should be evident to every one that neither of these definitions could be adopted by the Com- mission as a working basis for determining which of the grounds surveyed are natural oyster bars." THE GOLDSBOROUGH DEFINITION. The definition of a natural oyster bar which very nearly approaches a reasonable and satisfactory compromise between the views of the subject held by oystermen on one hand and by oyster culturists on the other is that contained in an opinion rendered by Judge Charles F. Goldsborough in the circuit coiu-t for Dorchester County in the July term, 1881, in the case of William T. Windsor and George R. Todd V. Job T. Moore. This definition has been adopted by the Shell Fish Commission as the basis for the determination of the status of the various oyster bottoms surveyed and is as follows; What then is a natural bar or bed of oysters? It would be a palpable absurdity for the State to attempt to promote the propagation and growth of oysters and to encourage its citizens, by a grant of land, to engage in their culture, if the lands authorized to be taken up were only those upon which oysters do not and can not be made to grow. That there may be lands covered by water in the State where no oysters can be found, but where, if planted, they could be cultivated successfully, may be possible, but, if so, I imagine that their extent must be too limited for them to be of much practical, general advantage for the purposes of such a law as the one under discussion; but there are thousands of acres of hard and shifting sands where oysters not only are not found, but where it would be folly to plant them, and these latter it can not be supposed that the State intended to offer to give away, for the simple reason that the State could not help knowing that nobody would have them. Upon the other hand there are large and numerous tracts where oysters of natural growth may be found in moderate numbers, but not in quantities sufficient to make it profitable to catch them. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 20I and yet where oysters may be successfully planted and propagated. In my opinion these can not be called natural bars or beds of oysters, within the meaning of the Act of Assembly, and it is just such lands as these that the State meant to allow to be taken up under the provisions of the above-mentioned section of the Act. But there is still another class of lauds where oysters grow naturally and in large quantities and to which the public are now and have been for many years in the habit of resorting with a view to earning a livelihood by catching this natural growth, and here, I think, is the true test of the whole question. Land can not be said to be a natural oyster bar or bed merely because oysters are scattered here and there upon it, and because if planted they will readily live and thrive there; but whenever the natural growth is so thick and abundant that the public resort to it for a livelihood, it is a natural oyster bar or bed and comes within the above-quoted restriction in the law, and can not be located or appropriated by any individual. APPLICATION OF DEFINITION. Before this definition may be of use in determining, accurately and scientifically, the status of an oyster ground, its central idea, "livelihood," must be expanded into accurately determinable factors, and these factors must be combined into a practical scheme of investigating the condition of the ground under consideration. Stated briefly, a livelihood is represented by a sum of money obtained from the sale, at a fixed price, of a certain quantity of oysters gathered in a given time from an allotted area of ground. Knowing the value of each of these factors, it becomes possible to calculate the number of oysters an oyster ground must produce per square yard in order that oystermen may secure a livelihood by working upon it. Note. — The factors into which the Commission resolved the livelihood problem, the values assigned to each factor, and the scheme devised for practical use in examining and applying the definition to oyster bottoms are given in outline in their second report under the heading of the preceding extract, and in detail in their first report on pages 32 to 69. Appendix C— SUMMARY OF THE PARTICULAR SURVEYING OPERATIONS WHICH CON- STITUTE AN "OYSTER SURVEY" AS NOW BEING CARRIED ON IN MARYLAND. Explanation. — A brief account of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to many who may not understand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its complicated character. To those familiar with methods used in surveying and charting the characteristic features of large bodies of water there is an evident necessity for the various operations performed, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of the private lots leased for purposes of oyster cultiu'e must be surveyed and charted with the greatest practical accuracy. To others it will be sufficient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that in order to avoid endless dissatisfaction and litigation it is necessary- to accurately locate and per- manently establish oyster boundaries as is now being done in Maryland. Triangulation survey. — Such refinement of survey work as that demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey when carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by the use of a system of triangulation as a framework or foundation. Therefore, a triangulation survey including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments and a record of the descriptions of their locations for future recovery is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Topographic survey. — The technical records which establish the relation between the offshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engineers in making resurveys, but do not supply the needs of others who arc interested in the same boundaries by reason of their occupation as oystermen concerned as to the public oyster bars, or oyster culturists concerned as to the leasable bottoms. For these it is necessary to have the charts of the survey show the relation of the shore line and other topographic features to the boundaries of the public oyster bars and private oyster farms. Therefore, a topographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Hydrographic survey. — In the settlement of the important question of what is, or what is not, a natural oyster bar, and in the consideration of bottoms to be selected for purposes of oyster culture, 202 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. information as to the depth of water and the character of the bottom is required. Therefore, a hydro- graphic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Necessary foundation for an oyster survey. — Consequently, the necessary components of a satis- factory foundation for a complete oyster survey arc the three classes of survey operations technically named triangulation, topography, and hydrography, or, stated in another way, the foundation of a ]>ractical oyster survey includes the surve) ing operations usually followed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey leading up to the preparation and publication of nautical charts. Special stirveys and investigations pertaining to oysters. — Having obtained this cartographic survey for a foundation, partly by new work and partly from records of previous work of the Government, the combined operations ' making up an "oyster survey" are completed by superimposing on this foundation special surveys and investigations pertaining particularly to oysters or other shell fish. The special siu'veys pertaining to oysters furnish information as to the location and outline of oyster- shell bottoms, and are carried on by the sounding boat party in addition to the usual hydrographic work.- This operation consists of the observation and record of the character of vibration of a wire and chain apparatus which is dragged over the bottom, the vibrations or lack of vibrations indicating the presence and quantity of shells or absence of shells. The special oyster investigations ^ consist of the actual determination of the kind and quantity of oysters on the bottom, and such economic and biological studies of the supply of oyster food, density of water, character of the bottom, and other important matters as affect the growth of oysters. In this work the oyster investigation stations are located and buoyed by the hydrographic party while engaged in the survey of the oyster-shell limits. They are selected with the view of obtaining characteristic data which can be used for the interpretation of the recorded vibrations of the chain apparatus at all other points covered by the survey. Preparation of results. — The actual surveying operations and oyster investigations having been completed for any one county, there still remains technical work of nearly equal magnitude to that described.'' This work consists of the preparation of charts and technical descriptions of boundaries and landmarks for publication by the Government, the preparation of that part of the annual report of the Commission covering the special oyster surveys and investigations, the making of the leasing charts and finished projections, and finally the filing of the oyster charts and records with the courts and the Commission, thus opening a county for oyster culture. Summary. — From the foregoing account it can be seen that a complete oyster survey properly conducted so as to answer all practical requirements of the present and permanency of results for the future is a very complicated affair, involving many lines of surveying and other scientific work, and requiring the professional services of experts in the various operations of cartographic surveying and shell-fish investigations. ' See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." ^ See pages 104-123 of " First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." 8 See pages 30-67 and 129-199 of " First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." < No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the commission, which is greatly complicated and increased by the effect of the oyster-survey operations on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved: or of the large amount of sur\'ey work involved in the survey and record of the boundaries of oyster lots leased from the State by private individuals for the purposes of oyster culture. SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, ST. MARYS COUNTY, MD. 203 M M <^00 r^O O ON O H- =i DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS SOMERSET COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT •OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUR- VEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 ^ Department of CoMMERfE and Labor Document No. 94 COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, June 2q, igo8. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, and certain technical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of tiie plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 190S, and 1909. Respectfully, 0. H. TiTTMANN, Superintendent. To Hon. Oscar S. Straus, Secretary of Commerce aiid Labor. 3 CERTIF.rCATION. Annapolis, Md., June 25, igo8. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in the waters of Somerset County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic vSurvey. C. C. Yates, Chief of Coast a-nd Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Examined and certified to be correct. Annapolis, Md., June 25, igo8. Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell Grave, Benjamin K. Green, Maryland Shell Fish Commissioners. SwEPSON EarlE, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — As required by law, certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of "Somerset County and adjacent waters" were filed in the ofifice of the clerk of the circuit court of Somerset County and in the oiifice of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, at Annapolis, on July i, 1908. 5 CONTENTS Page, Progress map ^ . Follows n8 Letter of submittal - - - 4 Certification 5 Introduction : Publications J3 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey 14 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries____ 14 General remarks 14 Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey; Instructions 16 Organization 17 Equipment 17 Chronological statement of work 17 Statistics 18 General statement 19 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster bars 20 Leasing charts 22 Projections 22 Progress maps 23 Boundaries of county waters: Waters within territorial limits of county 23 Waters contiguous to county 24 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) : Explanation of descriptions of triangulation stations 25 Descriptions of triangulation stations — Chart No. .5 (upper end of Tangier Sound and Wicomico River) — Senator (see also Charts Nos. 6 and 7) 27 Crab 28 Sharkfin Shoal Light : 28 Head 28 Frog 29 Cow ^9 Nanticoke Church 30 Roar 30 Nanti _. 30 White 31 EUa 31 Holland 32 Child 32 Creek 32 7 Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. page. Descriptions of triangulation stations — Continued. Chart No. $ (upper end of Tangier Sound and Wicomico River) — Continued. End 33 Walnut 33 Jones 34 Ivee 34 Mount Vernon Church 35 Ball . . 35 Wind 35 Uttle 35 Dove _ 36 Great Shoals Light 36 Short 37 Room. 37 Haines 37 Deal Island Church 38 Bar (see also Chart No. 7) 38 Jean (see also Chart No. 7) 39 Sandy (see also Chart No. 7) .. 39 Omrt No. 6 (Chesapeake Bay west of Kedge and Holland straits) — Holland Island Bar Light 39 Senator (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 7) 27 Solomons Lump Light (see also Chart No. 7) 39 Fog 39 Joseph (see also Chart No. 8) 40 Cliari No. 7 (Middle Tangier Sound and tributaries) — Terrapin 40 Solomons Lump Light (see also Chart No. 6) 39 Miles -- 41 Senator (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 6) 27 Bar (see also Chart No. 5) 38 Joshua 41 Kelley 41 Marsh 42 St. Pierre 42 Jean (see also Chart No. 5) 39 Sandy (see also Chart No. 5) 39 Locust 42 Fitz (outside limits of chart ; see progress map) 43 Wab (outside limits of chart ; see progress map) 43 Pen (outside limits of chart; see progress map) 43 Cox , 43 Green 44 Barn 44 Cupola 44 Staff 44 Fairmount Church 44 Prickly., _,_ 45 Has 45 Ford 45 Moon -" 45 Colbum 46 Geog __ _ 46 Flat Cap 46 Contc7its. 9 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations)— Continued. Page. Descriptions of triangulation stations — Continued. Chart No. S (Chesapeake Bay west of Smith Island) — Smith Point Light 47 Joseph (see also Chart No. 6) 40 North Church (Smith Island) 47 Old Church (Smith Island) 47 Ewell Church (Smith Island) 47 Shanks Hammock 47 Chart No. g (lower end of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds) — Reach Hammock 4^ Fishbone 48 Horse 49 Janes Island Light 49 Somers Cove Light 49 Emmanuel Church r 49 Mount Pleasant Church 49 Asbury Church 49 Beacon 50 Fox Island Poplar 5° Sam 50 Watermelon Hummock. 5' East ; 51 Monkey 5^ Chart No. 10 (upper end of Pocomoke Sound) — Scot 52 Old 52 Will 53- Cup 53 Summer 53 Oil 54 Wharf___.. 54 Saxis Church 54 Mos 54 Boundaries of oyster bars: Explanation of descriptions of boundaries 55 Surveying methods for relocation of Ijoundaries 5^ Boundaries of natural oyster bars — Chart No. 5 (Upper Tangier Sound and Wicomico River) — Turtle Egg Island (see also Chart No. 7) 59 Mud. Haines. 60 Old Orchard ^" 61 Halls Point 6' Rock Creek ^- Evans Buoy '^- Wingate ''^ Mount Vernon Wharf ^3 Georges (see also Chart No. 7) 64 Chart No. 6 (Chesapeake Bay west of Kedge and Holland straits) — Southwest Middleground (see also Chart No. 8) 65 Kedge Straits ^5 Oyster Creek ^5 50095—08 2 lo Contents. Boundaries of oyster bars — Continued. Page. Bbundaries of natural oyster bars — Continued. CAiart No. 7 (Middle Tangier Sound and tributaries) — Mussel Hole ! 66 Turtle Egg Island (see also Chart No. 5) r 59 Chain Shoal 67 Pincy Island West . 67 Piney Island Swash 68 Georges (see also Chart No. 5) ' • 64 Sandy Point 68 Cornial 6g Marshy Island 70 Drum Point 71 Prickly Point ' 72 Piney Island East 72 Harris _ 73 Big Annemessex 73 Chart No. S (Chesapeake Bay west of Smith Island) — Southwest Middleground (see also Chart No. 6) 65 Church Creek _ 74 ( 'hart No. g (lower end of Tangier and Pocomokc sounds) — Philibys --_ _ _ 74 Great Rock 75 Fox Island . 75 Stone 76 Watkins 76 Long Point 77 Chart No. 10 (upper end of Pocomoke Sound) — Gunby 77 Marumsco 78 Kitts Creek West 78 Kitts Creek East 79 Boundaries of crab bottoms: Explanation of descriptions of boundaries 79 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries ' 81 Boundaries of crab bottoms — Chart No. 5 (Upper Tangier Sound and Wicomico River) — Deep Banks (see also Charts Nos. 6 and 7) _ . Ri Holland Straits (see also Charts Nos. 6 and 7) 82 Pungers Creek (see also Charts Nos. 6 and 7) 82 Laws Thoroughfare North 83 , Deal Island (see also Chart No. 7) 83 Laws Thoroughfare South (see also Chart No. 7) 84 Marsh Island (see also Chart No. 7) 84 St. Pierre (see also Chart No. 7) 85 Geanquakin (see also Chart No. 7) 85 Chart No. 6 (Chesapeake Bay west of Kedge and Holland straits) — Pungers Creek (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 7) 82 Holland Straits (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 7) 82 Deep Banks (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 7) 81 Spring Island 86 Pry Cove 86 North Kedge Straits 87 Sheepshead (see also Chart No. 7) 87 Fishing Point (see also Chart No. 7) 88 Contents. ii Boundaries of crab bottoms — Continued. Page. Boundaries of crab bottoms — Continued. Chart No. 6 (Chesapeake Bay west of Kedge and Holland straits) — Continued. South Kedge vStraits 88 Smith Island Thoroughfare (see also Charts Nos. 8 and 9) 89 Cliart No. 7 (Middle Tangier Sound and tributaries) — Terrapin Sand (see also Chart No. 9) 89 Fishing Point (see also Chart No. 6) 88 Sheepshead (see also Chart No. 6) 87 South Marsh 90 Pungers Creek (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 6) 82 Deep Banks (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 6) 81 Holland Straits (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 6) 82 Deal Island (see also Chart No. 5) 83 Wenona 90 Little Deal Island 91 Lower Thoroughfare 91 Piney Island 92 Laws Thoroughfare South (see also Chart No. 5) 84 Marsh Island (see also Chart No. 5) 84 St. Pierre (see also Chart No. 5) 85 Geanquakin (see also Chart No. 5) 85 Teague Creek 93 Goose Creek 93 Mine Creek 94 Hazard 94 Shark Point 95 Fords Wharf 95 Crane Cove 96 Moon Bay 96 Red Cap Creek 97 Miles 97 Colburn 98 Jackson Island 98 Jones Creek 99 Daugherty Creek 99 Tenth Point 100 Chart No. 8 (Chesapeake Bay west of Smith Island) — Smith Island Thoroughfare (see also Charts Nos. 6 and 9) 89 Shanks Creek 100 Tylers Creek (see also Chart No. 9) loi Chart No. g (lower end of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds) — Tylers Creek (see also Chart No. 8) 10 1 Smith Island Thoroughfare (see also Charts Nos. 6 and 8) 89 Big Island loi Drum 102 Terrapin Sand (see also Chart No. 7) . 89 Old House 102 Light House 103 Cancer 104 Back Creek ^ 104 Lavellette 105 Jenkins Creek 105 Kings Island 106 Great Point 107 12 Contents. Boundaries of crab bottoms — Continued. Page. Boundaries of crab bottoms — Continued. Chart No. 9 (lower end of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds) — Continued. Fishing Creek 107 Cedar Straits 108 Broad Creek 108 Ware Point log Apes Hole no Chart No. zo (upper end of Pocomoke Sound). [No crab bottoms.] Boundaries op clam beds: Explanation of descriptions of boundaries 1 10 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries 1 1 1 Boundaries of clam beds — Charts Nos. 5, 6, 7, and S. [No clam beds on these charts.] Chart No. 9 (lower end of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds) — Ware Rock 1 11 Gravel Rock 1 1 1 Flat Rock (see also Chart No. 10) 1 12 Chart .\'o. 10 (upper end of Pocomoke Sound) — Flat Rock (sea also Chart No. 9) 112 Appendixes: Appendix A. — Laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission 1 13 Appendix B. — Laws relating to survey of clam beds 1 16 Appendix C. — Statistics of results of the combined operations of the Government and State. 1 1 7 Appendix D. — "The Haman Oyster Culture Law" (extract from First Report of Shell Fish Commission) 117 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, SOMERSET COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. T>ie preparation of publications relating to the survey of the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds of Maryland has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws " authorizing the work and the natural division of the surveying operations of the cooperating forces. The publications prepared and issued by the Government under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consist of a series of charts and a technical report for each county surveyed.* The charts show all legal boundaries of oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds within the adopted boundaries of the waters opened up for leasing with each county, and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used as a foundation for the delineation of these various boundaries. The technical report gives technical and legal descriptions of all oyster bar and other boundaries, and descriptions of all landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report "^ of the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in charge of the work of that Service in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. These charts and technical reports are prepared and certified for file with the courts and the Commission, as required by the laws of the State, and contain all information necessary to make a permanent record of the work of the Commission and the Government for all future requirements of the courts, or for any resurveys that may become necessary. The part prepared and issued by the State under the direction of the Shell Fish Commission consists of an annual report '' of all the operations of the Commission performed under the provisions of the laws of Maryland,*^ including results of biological and economic oyster investigations, methods and results of the hydrographic survey of the boundaries of oyster bars and crab bottoms, the administrative report and financial statement of the Commission, information relating to oyster culture, methods of sur- " See Appendix A for laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. b Thes^ charts and technical reports can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. The publications ready for issue are those of Anne Arundel and Somerset counties. Those of Wicomico and Worcester counties are now being prepared. <^ See page i6 and the progress map attached to this publication. <* These reports can be obtained by application to the Shell Fish Commission, AnnapoUs, Md. They are issued annually in October, and the first report is now available for distribution. ' See Appendix D for an extract from the "First Report of the Maryland >Shell Fish Commi.ssion," giving a concise summary of the " Haman Oyster Culture Law." 13 14 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset Comity, Md. veying and leasing of oyster lots, and much other important matter of legal and scientific value. These two sets of publications are planned and arranged to supplement each other without unnecessary duplication, and when combined they form a complete report of operations, methods, and results of the work of both the Government and State. COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the Service indicates, includes a survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and published a complete set of charts of the coasts of the United States, including all waters of Maryland where oysters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental functions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Sun'^ey with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and natural development of Government work leading to the conservatiori and increase of the supply of food. COOPERATION OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The Bureau of Fisheries has cooperated with the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission principally as an advisor in matters relating to the biological and economic survey of oyster bars and the methods to be employed for that purpose." A steam launch, rowing boat, and certain apparatus have also been fur- nished. The primary function of the Bureau of Fisheries is to increase the productiveness of marine and fresh waters by such measures as may be best suited to the purpose, and the services rendered in connection with the survey of the oj'Ster bar^of Maryland are strictly in line with the fundamental law under which it acts. In certain States other than Maryland similar work has been conducted by the Bureau acting independently, the same ends being attained at greater expense to the Government. GENERAL REMARKS. A brief account of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to the many who may not understand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its com- plicated character. To those familiar with surveying methods on open waters the necessity for the various operations performed are evident, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of the private lots leased for purposes of oyster culture must be surveyed and charted with the greatest attainable accuracy. To others it will be "■ Hon. George M. Bowers, Commissioner of Fisheries, has detailed for this service Dr. H. F. Moore, Assistant, Bureau of Fisheries. Siiri'ev of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Aid. 15 sufficient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that to accurately locate and permanently establish oyster boundaries as is now being done in Maryland is necessary if. endless dissatisfaction and future liti- gation are to be avoided. Such refinement of survey work as demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey when carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by the use of a system of triangulation as a framework or foundation. Therefore, a triangulation survey including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments and a record of the descriptions of their locations for future recovery is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. The technical records which established the relation between the offshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engi- neers in making resurveys, but do not supply the needs of others who are interested in the same boundaries by reason of their occupation as oystermen concerned as to the public oyster bars, or oyster culturists concerned as to the barren bottoms. For these it is necessary to have the charts of the survey show the relation of the shore line and other topographic features to the boundaries of the public oyster bars and private oyster farms. Therefore, a topographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. In the settlement of the important question of what is, or what is not, a natural oyster bar, and in the consideration of bottoms to be selected for purposes of oyster culture, information as to the depth of water and the character of the bottom is required. Therefore, a hydrographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Consequently, the necessary components of a satisfactory foundation for a complete oyster survey are the three classes of survey operations technically named triangula- tion, topography, and hydrography, or, stated in another way, the foundation of a practical oyster survey includes the surveying operations usually followed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey leading up to the preparation and publication of navigational charts. Having obtained this cartographic survey for a foundation, partlv by new work and partly from records of previous work of the Government, the combined operations " making up an "oyster survey" are completed by superimposing on this foundation special surveys and investigations pertaining particularly to oysters or other shell fish. The special surveys pertaining to oysters furnish information as to the location and outline of oyster-shell bottoms and are carried on by the sounding boat party in addition to their usual hydrographic work.'' This operation consists of a record of the character of vibration of a wire and chain apparatus which drags over the bottom. The vibrations or lack of vibrations indicating the presence or absence of shells. The special oyster investigations " consist of the actual determination of the kind and quantity of oysters on the bottom, and such economic and biological studies of the supply of oyster food, density of water, character of the bottom, and other important "■ See Appendix C of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Gov- ernment and State." 6 See pages 104 to 123 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." '^ See pages 30 to 67 and 129 to 199 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." 1 6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset Coiintv, Md. matters as affect the growth of oysters. In this work the oyster investigation stations are located and buoyed by the hydrographic party while engaged in the survey of the oyster-shell limits. They are selected with the view of obtaining characteristic data which can be used for the interpretation of the recorded vibrations of the chain apparatus at all other points covered by the survey. The actual surveying operations and oyster investigations having been completed for any one county, there still remains technical work of nearf}^ equal magnitude to that described." This work consists of the preparation of charts and technical descrip- tions of boundaries and landmarks for record and publication by the Government, the manufacture and planting of the "State buoys" at all corners of the oyster-bar boundaries, the preparation of that part of the annual report of the Commission cover- ing the oyster investigations, the making of the leasing charts and finished projections, and finally the survey and record of the boundaries of oyster lots leased from the State by private individuals for the purposes of oyster culture. From the foregoing account it can be seen that a complete ovster survey properly conducted so as to answer all practical requirements of the present and permanency of results for the future is a very complicated affair, involving many lines of surveying and other scientific work, and requiring the professional services of experts in the various operations of cartographic surveying and shell-fish investigations. REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. INSTRUCTIONS. The two following letters, together with the laws '' of the United States relating to the subject, constitute the "instructions" received by the chief of the Coast and Geodetic Survey party engaged on work in connection with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. They are short and definite, but furnish ample authority and leeway for all legitimate development of the cooperation of the Government and the State in the survey of oyster bars. The "free hand" permitted by these orders, together with the aid and many valuable suggestions received from the ofiacers of the Survey at Washington, has proved very beneficial to the work, and is greatly appreciated. Depa'rtmEnt ov Commerce and Labor, Office of the Secretary, Washington, June 2, 1906. Sir: In reply to your letter of May 28, reciuesting me to designate officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries to cooperate with the State of Maryland in making survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. C. C. Yates will be desig- nated to cooperate on the part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as soon as Congress makes the provisions of the act effective by providing an appro])riation for the jjurpose. Respectfully, Lawrence O. M.vs.r\\,' Assistant Secretary. His excellency Hon. Edwin WarPIELd, Governor of Maryland, Annapolis, Md. « No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the Commission, which is greatly complicated and increased by the economic and jjolitical effect of the oyster-survey opera- tions on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved. b For these laws see Appendix A. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 17 Dkpartment of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, W ashinglon, July 5, i<)o6. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector. * * * As soon as this transfer is comijleted you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland. You will consult the commissioners, [ircpare a i)ro>;ranune of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessary. * * . * * * * * Very respectfully, O. H. TirrMANN, Supirintcndcnt. Capt. C. C. Yates, U. S. C. and G. 5. Steamer Endeavor, llaltimore, Md. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the party has remained practically unchanged and consists of the chief and the necessary triangulators, computors, and draftsmen. EQUIPMENT. The equipment for the work of the party has been ample and satisfactory. The large living and office quarters furnished the Government on the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house boat Oyster have been very convenient for the work, besides facili- tating efficient cooperation with the surveying and oyster investigation parties of the State. In addition to the accommodations on the Oyster the Coast and Geodetic Survey party has had the constant use of the large steam launch Inspector and several other boats furnished by their own Service, and the occasional use of the Bureau of Fisheries launch Canvasback'^ and the steamer Governor McLane^ of the State fishery force. The greater part of the equipment of instruments for the operations of both the Government and State have been furnished by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and consist of all necessary theodolites, levels, sextants, drafting instruments, hydrometers, etc., required for all field and office work. CHRONOLOGICAI, STATEMENT OF WORK.'' On June 20, 1907, the "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" and report'' of "Survey of Oyster Bars" for Anne Arundel County were issued and filed, and the survey records and reports for that county have been filed in the archives of the Survey at Washington. In addition to this work, a Coast and Geodetic Survey signal-building party was engaged in the erection of triangulation signals in Somerset County from May 2 to June 25 in cooperation with a signal-building party of the Shell Fish Commission. « By courtesy of Dr. H. F. Moore, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. b By courtesy of Capt. Jaraes A. Turner, commanding. <^ The field and office work relating to Somerset County is so intermixed with that of Wicomico Coimty that this statement includes part of the work of the latter county. <* See this report for an account of the work from July 3, 1906, to June 20, 1907. 50095 — 08 3 iS Snri'cy of Oyster Bars^ Sotucrsct County^ Md. From June 25 to November 6, when the field work in Somerset and Wicomico counties was practically completed, the usual routine of field and office work was followed without material interruption except that resulting from the moving of the house boat Oyster from Crisfield to Manokin River on July 13, then to Piney Island on August 27, and to Wicomico River, on August 30, where she remained until her removal to Nanti- coke River on September 30. From this latter date the work in Wicomico County predominated, and when the field surveys were practically completed on November 6 the entire party left by rail for Worcester County, it being impracticable to move the house boat to the waters of that locality. At the close of the survey work in Worcester County in the last part of December, office work relating to Somerset and Wicomico counties was actively commenced at Baltimore" and was continued without material interruption until March 23, 1908, when a subparty went to Worcester and Somerset counties to finish some details of field work in those sections required for the preparation of the technical reports and oyster charts. The very large amount of work of computation and drafting necessary to make the results of the survev of the previous season available for publication was nearly com- pleted on May 2, when it was transferred to the Government quarters on the house boat Oyster, which left Baltimore on the same day with the party and outfit for her anchorage off Solomons Island, in the Patuxent River. The active field work in Calvert County dates from May 2, but from that time until the filing of this report and the oyster charts of Somerset County the chief of party, in addition to his regular field duties, was frequently at Baltimore and Washington to look after their final preparation for publication. STATISTICS.'' Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 60 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 61 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles 66 Old triangulation stations recovered 24 New triangulation stations established 62 Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described 86 Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) 125 Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate) 375 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster, crab, and clam bound- aries 13 Triangles computed 209 Geographic positions computed 76 o Office rooms were furnished for the work of the Government party in the "old court-house" and afterwards in the new custom-house by courtesy of Hon. William F. Stone, collector of customs. b These statistics only include field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection w'ith the oyster survey of Somerset County, and do not include the many thousands of soimdings and examinations of the character of the bottom made by the engineers of the Commission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geodetic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the waters of Maryland. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 19 Corners of oyster, crab, and clam boundaries established by computation 506 Back azimuths and distances computed from corners of boundaries to triangulation stations 1,518 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication 86 Descriptions of oyster, crab, and clam boundaries prepared for publication 1 94 Total typewritten pages of manuscript prepared for publication of report 264 "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" prepared for publication 6 Progress map prepared for publication i GENERAL STATEMENT. The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in-Somerset County in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission need no other siunmary than is indicated by the published "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" and the scheme of hydrographic projections and triangulation stations shown on the progress map at the beginning of this report. The triangulation has been carried on in accordance with the standard methods of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, making this work and that of the "Descriptions of Triangulation Stations" of permanent value, not only to the State of Maryland in the survey of her oyster bars, but also to the Government for any future work it may do in the regions covered by the oyster survey operations. The hydrographic projections and published charts were prepared with all the accuracy permitted by their large scale, especially as to the boundaries of the various shell-fish bottoms in relation to landmarks, but this accuracy of location on the charts is further added toby published technical descriptions which should minimize the proba- bility of any future dispute as to either landmarks or boimdaries. Stated another way and quoting from the report of the "Survey of Oyster Bars of Anne Arundel County:" The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual precision of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points necessary to provide ample foundation for the surveying and charting operations permitted great accuracy of definition and location for the natural oyster bar and other boundaries established. At the same time, the very important element of permanency of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last sixty-fiive years. In fact, when the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland is completed, it is believed that it will stand the test of time and practical use as a working foundation for whatever form the oyster legislation of the future may assume; and that the doing of the work systematically and accurately, once for all, not only means a better foundation of a great oyster industry by irradicably locating the natural oyster bars for the use of the public, but also a better and more permanent superstructure of oyster culture for the individual by the reason of the integrity of the foundation on which it stands. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: To his colleague from the Department of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose efficient cooperation, well-known experience, and scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters have been of great value to the work. 20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. To Mr. Walter J. Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative ability in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the Commission, who, as editor of the Com- mission's annual report and commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster investigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the Commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, whose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facilitated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. To Thomas H. Robinson, counsel to the Commission, for courteously furnishing valuable information relating to county boundaries. And to the fhany others connected with the Commission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing important information or willing services. CHARTS AND MAPS. CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts" of the natural oyster bars of "Somerset County and Adjacent Waters," published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of surveys of the Government in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, consist of a series of five sheets covering the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay from Hooper Strait to the'Maryland- Virginia boundary, including Tangier and Pocomoke sounds and numerous other tributaries. They are published on a scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 2)Y^ inches to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bars, crab bottoms, clam beds, and other boundaries established by the Commission, and are certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Somerset County and in the office of the Commission at Annapolis, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster-bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography ^ necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily understandable " These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. ^ Much of the details of the inshore topography was obtained from the excellent map of Somerset County prepared and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey in cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey. Sutvey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 21 both by the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, as was generally the case with the crab bottoms, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars and crab bottoms, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds are numbered from i to the total number of corners in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, crab bottoms, or clam beds, as the case may be, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar, bottom, or bed in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners correspond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the headings of "Boundaries of natural oyster bars," "Boundaries of crab bottoms," and "Boundaries of clam beds." The landmarks, oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds have been grouped in the "Contents" of this publication in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particular bar, bottom, bed, or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents" and the desired chart and general location will be indi- cated. To find the name of a bar, bottom, bed, or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the beginning of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locality on the chart for the name of the bar, bottom, bed, or landmark in question. The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shell-fish industries. The i -fathom contour (6 feet) corresponds in a general way to the outer limits of the crab bottoms, while the waters outside of this cur\'e and inside the 5-fathom contour (30 feet) practically include all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom con- tour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars and the lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the "territorial limits of the county" and the boundaries of the "waters contiguous to the county" opened up for the leasing with Somerset County are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of county waters." The areas in acres of the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of the 22 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset County^ Md. Coast and Geodetic Survey. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of the chart and are usually located within the boundaries of the different areas. The symbols used on the charts for the diflferent kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face of the charts. LEASING CHARTS. The leasing charts of Somerset County, like those for Anne Arundel County, have been prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. These charts are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. They are made on the scales of I part in 5,000 or i part in 10,000, as the needs of oyster culture may require. Anne Arundel County required 13 leasing charts and Somerset County 12 to cover their oyster bottoms. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and. clam beds and other boundaries established by the Commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the "old 5-acre law" are frequently of irregular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster laws must be of rec- tangular shape by the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rec- tangles of I acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to area under consideration, and prospective leaseholders by the rules of the Commission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as practicable. For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be published for some years, but they can be seen at any time on file at the offices of the Commission, in Annapolis. PROJECTIONS. The polyconic projections" covering Somerset County waters are 13 in number and on the scale of i part in 10,000. They were all constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, who also plotted the sextant positions on the smooth projections which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars, crab bottoms, or clam beds as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulation stations, shore line, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oyster bar and other boundaries established by the Commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, and the other set in the office of the Shell Fish Commission at Annapolis. " For the scheme of these projections see the progress map at the beginning of this publication. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 23 PROGRESS MAPS. The progress map to be found at the beginning of this publication is on a scale of I part in 100,000, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in Somerset County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surveying work, and the "boundaries of county waters" established by the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may be under consideration. The progress map" accompanying the "First Annual Report of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission" was prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. It is on the scale of i part in 400,000 and shows the outline of the tide- water counties of Maryland, with shaded areas to indicate the waters already covered by the operations of the oyster survey of Maryland. BOUNDARIES OF COUNTY WATERS, f- WATERS WITHIN TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF COUNTY. The laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture provide that "no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of any of the counties, or .one hundred acres in any other place." The boundary line "^ between the waters "within the territorial limits" of Somerset County and the waters in "any other place," as established by the Shell Fish Com- mission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is technically described and defined as follows : Commencing at a point defined by the intersection of the channels of Wicomico Creek and Wicomico River; thence with the channel of Wicomico River along the boundary line as laid down on Chart No. 5 of the "Natural Oyster Bars" of Maryland, published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, to a point defined by the intersection of the channel of Nanticoke River with Wicomico River; thence in a straight line to a point defined byd latitude 38° n' 50 "3, and longitude 75° 58' 20."8, situated in upper end of a This map and report can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Commission, at Annapolis, Md. i For a complete historical and legal description of the boundaries of the counties of Maryland, the valuable publication entitled "The Counties of Maryland — Their Origin, Boundaries, and Election Districts," prepared by Dr. Edward B. Mathews and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark, Superintendent, should be consulted, as the boundaries described in this publication have been established and technically defined for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws of the State, and may or may not be correct for other purposes. « See "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at the beginning of this publication. <* Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 24 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. Tangier Sound, about yi mile " east-southeast of Sharkfin Shoal Light, 1% miles south of western ex- tremity of Clay Island, and ij-^ miles west-northwest of Halls Point; thence in a straight line along the channel of Tangier Sound to a point defined by latitude 38° 10' 08. "i, and longitude 75° 58' 40."6, situated about 2|^ miles south by east of Sharkfin Shoal Light and ij^ miles west of upper land end of Deal Island; thence in a straight line across Tangier Sound to a point defined by latitude 38° 08' 50. "6, and longitude 76° 01' 53. "4, situated on a point of land on the southeastern extremity of BloodwortH Island, which is the north point of the Tangier Sound entrance to Holland Straits; thence in a straight line across Holland Straits to a point defined by latitude 38° 06' 39."9, and longitude 76° 03' i7."8, situated on northwest extremity of a small island slightly detached from South Marsh and on north side of Holland Straits entrance to Pry Cove; thence in a straight line to a point defined by latitude 38° 05' 44."!, and longi- tude 76° 03' 44"6, situated on Pry Island, which is located on south side of Holland Straits entrance to Pry Cove; thence in a straight line to the open waters of the Chesapeake Bay at point defined by latitude 38°04'40."8, and longitude 76° 04' 14. "8, situated at junction of Holland and Kedge straits; thence in a straight line along the dividing waters of Chesapeake Bay and Kedge Straits to a point defined by latitude 38° 02' 07. "o, and longitude 76° 02' 34."o, situated on the northwest side of Fog Point, which is the south point of the Chesapeake Bay entrance to Kedge Straits; thence along the mean low water line of the Chesapeake Bay shore of Smith Island across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width to a point defined by latitude 38° 00' 3i."o, and longitude 76° 03' 08. "9, situated on a point at the extreme northwest entrance to Smith Island Thoroughfare; thence in a straight line across the Chesapeake Bay entrance of Smith Island Thoroughfare and Goose Harbor Cove to a point defined by latitude 37°59'30."o, and longitude 76° 03' 09. "6, situated on a point at the extreme southwest entrance to Goose Harbor Cove; thence along the mean low water line of Chesapeake Bay shore of Smith Island across the mouth of all inlets less than lOO yards in width to the intersection of the mean low water line and the Maryland -Virginia boundary line; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary across Smith Island and the waters of Smith Gut, Shanks Creek, and Tylers Creek to a point at a corner of the boundary near the Tangier Sound shore of Smith Island situated on land known locally as Horse Hummock; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary to point at a corner of the boundary in the middle of Tangier Sound, situated about V/i miles southwest by west of James Island Light, 2^^ miles east by south of Horse Hummock, and 3;^^ miles northwest of House Island; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary to a point at a corner of the boundary in the middle of Tangier Sound, situated about ^yk miles southwest by south of James Island Light, zVi miles southeast by east of Horse Hummock, and 2^% miles west of House Island; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary across House Island to a corner of the boundary situated in the water between Watkins Point and Green Harbor Island; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary to a corner of the boundary situated in the middle of Pocomoke Sound about 4' 2 miles east of Watkins Point and 25 s miles south of Watkins Island off entrance to Apes Hole Creek; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary to a comer of the boundary situated in the middle of Pocomoke Sound about 2 ' 2 miles northwest by west of Saxis Church, 2 H miles east by south of Watkins Island off entrance to Apes Hole, and 2 miles southwest of extreme end of point between East and Marumsco creeks; thence with the Maryland-Virginia boundary as laid down on "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" No. 10 along the middle of Pocomoke Sound and Pocomoke River as far as oysters grow. WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO COUNTY. The oyster laws of Maryland provide that a true and accurate delineation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, "which said copies shall be filed in the ofiice of the said Commissioners in the city of Annapolis," and "in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respec- tive counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie." For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section of the law and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-culture area to be opened up for the « Statute miles. Survey of Ovsler Bars, Somerset Cou/ifv, Md. 25 leasing with Somerset County, a boundary line between the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of Somerset County and the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of adjacent counties has been estabUshed by the Shell Fish Commission. This boundary line" has been delineated on the "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and is technically described and defined as follows : Commencing at a point defined by latitude 38° 04' 40". 8, and longitude 76° 04' I4".8, situated on line of territorial limits of county at junction of Holland and Kedge straits; thence in a straight line across waters of Chesapeake Bay to Holland Island Bar Light, the location of which is defined by latitude 38° 04' 07".3, and longitude 76° 05' 45". 9; thence in a straight line across waters of Chesapeake Bay to a point defined by latitude 38° 04' 34". 8, and longitude 76° i2'oi".o, situated near the middle of Chesapeake Bay, on northwestern end of a shoal marked by a red buoy of the U. ,S. Light-House Establishment situated about s's miles west by north of Holland Island Bar Light, 7!^ miles east by north of Point Lookout Light, and 13 '■ miles north of Smith Point Light; thence in a straight line with the waters of Chesapeake Bay to a point on Smith Point defined by the corner of the Maryland-Virginia boundary at the intersection of the straight line boundary across Chesapeake Bay and the low-water line of the, southern shore of Potomac River; thence with tlie Maryland-Virginia boundary in a straight line across Chesapeake Bay to the point defined by the intersection of the boundary with the mean low-water line of the Chesapeake Bay shore of Smith Island; thence with territorial limits of county along the Chesapeake Bay shore of Smith Island and waters of entrance to Kedge Straits to point of beginning. LANDMARKS (U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS). EXPLANATION OF DESCRIPTIONS OF LANDMARKS. The oyster laws of Maryland authorizing the surveys to be made by the Shell Fish Commission provide for "an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a descrip- tion of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts." The law of the United States author- izing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the erection of "such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Sur\-ey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosectiting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland." Under the provisions of the sections of the laws stated above, the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and future needs of both the Government and the State. With this end in view, considerable work has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. An effort has been made to arrange the descriptions of locations of landmarks in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assumption that the individual seeking to find a landmark has only an indefinite idea of its location. ° See progress map at the end of this publication 50095—8 4 26 Survey of Oyslcr Bars^ Somerset County^ Md. They then gradually proceed from general descriptions of the surroundings of a land- mark to the specific details of the character of the center and reference markings. An examination of the descriptions themselves will best indicate the method followed. The heading of each description is the name by which the landmark or triangulation station is known and designated in all work and records of the Government and State. Under the heading of "Locality" the first paragraph gives a description of the general locality of the landmark and the serial number of the published "Chart of Oyster Bars" of Maryland which best shows its location. The published charts are on the large scale of i part in 20,000, and show the location of the triangulation stations so clearly that in many cases the written descriptions will not be required to find them. Under the same heading of "Locality" the second paragraph furnishes the descrip- tion of the immediate locality of the landmark and refers to the bearing and distance of standard cement monument marking the reference station, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached. Under the heading of "Marks" a description is given of the character of the mark- ings of the "observed station" and the reference station. It will be noted that, although the "observed station" is the one "occupied" and "observed on" for horizontal angles, and also the one whose geographic position is computed, frequently it is not marked as well as the reference station, and in many instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case for the reason that the necessity of intervisibility of land- marks usually made it compulsory to locate these stations on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in Chesapeake Bay and tributaries generally means that they will be washed away in a short period of years. The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic Surve}' in this region has shown the necessity of reference marks, if the frequent reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation is to be avoided. All the marks designated in the descriptions as "the center point of triangle on standard cement monument " are exactly alike. These monuments are made of cement, sand, and gravel, and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters "M. S. F. C." arranged around the vertex and the letters "U. vS. C. S." underneath the base of the triangle. The center hole is always in the center of the top of the monument by construction, and if this is found to have been broken off without disturbing the bottom, the center of its square section can be used as the location of the station. All the "standard cement monuments," whether used for marking the "observed station" or "reference station," have been planted upright in exactly the same manner, with their tops projecting 3 or 4 inches above the surface of the ground. Therefore, as the above facts in reference to the "standard cement monuments" are a constant element in all cases, the repetition of these facts in the description' of stations is made needless by this one statement. It is the expectation that the reference stations," the character of which is explained above, will be used in many cases in the near future in the place of the "observed sta- o To obtain the geographic positions of any of the "observed stations" or of the "reference sta- tions," application should be made to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Wash- ington, D. C. Survey of Oyster Bars, Soinerse/ County, Md. 27 tions." This has been made possible by the careful measurements of direction and distance of these stations from the "observed station," which are recorded under the heading of "References." Under the heading of "References" are given the directions and distances of all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography, hydrography, or location of boundaries of oyster bars these references will be sufficient in many cases to relocate the position of an "observed station" or reference station when both of them have been destroyed. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described. Its direction is taken as being 0° 00' 00", and the direction of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right). The true bearing " of the initial object is always given in parenthesis alongside the name. This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the other reference objects for the purposes of locating a station by compass bearings or for the relocation of corner buoys of oyster-bar boundaries by the method of horizontal angles described in this publication under the heading of "Boundaries of oyster bars." The distances in the last column under "References" are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The "miles" are statute miles and may be considered only as rough estimates. The "yards" are more accurate, but must be looked on as results generally obtained b}' pacing or careful estimating. The "meters," however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals and in every case have been measured with a steel tape. In the same manner the accuracy of the directions are indicated by the refinement of direction with which they are recorded. DESCRIPTIONS (iF TRIANGULATION STATIONS. SENATOR. Locality. — Western shore of Tangier Sound, on sontliern side of Holland Straits and on extreme northeast jjoint of South Marsh. (.See Charts Nos. 5, 6, and 7.) Observed station is on marsh land about 35 yards from north side, and about 30 yards from east side of point. Myrtle bushes skirt shore, commencing due north, and two small pools of water are near station, one di:e south aljout 10 yards and the other southwest about 5 yards. No permanent reference points near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monimient. References. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 16° 20' E) 00 00 00 43^ miles. Chimney on house to right of " Haines" 31 30 __ 4?^ miles. Left-hand chimney of crab house on Deal Island 50 19 __ 3^-2 miles. Right end of large oyster house on Deal Island 81 59 .. 3^2 miles. Lone pine tree 301 35 __ ijs miles. " The mean magnetic variation for Somerset County for igo8 was 5° 30' west of north and increas- ing at the rate of 3' yearly. 2S Survey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset Comity^ Md. CRAB. Locality. — Upper end and western shore of Tangier Sound on eastern side of Bloodsworth Island about 2y& miles southeast of Sharkfin Shoal Light House and about halfway between Piney Island Cove to north and Great Cove to south. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is about 15 yards from high-water mark to the northeast and about 35 yards from the shore to the east. A small tlat-roof crab house stands about 80 yards to the north-northeast and another crab house about twice the distance in the same direction. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References — o 1 /> "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 45° 25' E) 00 Left end of large white house near Stump Point 6 End of roof of white house on bluff 31 End of Deal Island wharf 53 Large white house near red roof one 72 Aspen tree near "Joshua" 88 Tall pine tree 165 Near end of flat-roof shanty 288 Flag pole on Brown's crab house 299 00 00 2^ miles. II -- yj'i miles. 35 ._ 6^ miles. 03 .. • 3K miles. 35 4X miles. 06 .- 5}i miles. 00 40 i'^ miles. 32 ._ 80 yards. 01 .. 150 yards. SHARKFIN SHOAL LIGHT. Locality. — Northern end of Tangier Sound about equally distant from entrances of Hooper Strait, Fishing Bay, and Nanticoke River. (See Chart No. s) Marks. — rObserved station is center point of black lantern on hexagonal screw pile known as "Sharkfin Shoal Light." References. — ° ' " "Great Shoals Light" (N 81° 45' E) 00 00 00 5 J^ miles. HEAD. Locality. — Upper end of Tangier Sound, on southern part of peninsula known as "Bishops Head," situated between Hooper Strait and Fishing Bay. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on eastern side marsh land about '2 mile norlli of extreme southerly end of Bishops Head and about 15 yards east of two crab houses. It is about 15 yards southwest of high- water mark, behind water buslies which skirt the shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.41 meters west from observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a ])ine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center ])oint of triangle on standard cement monument. Rc]i:rcnces. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Shoal Liglit" (S 60° 41' E) 00 00 00 2^ miles. Crab-house flagstaff 50 30 ._ 3^ miles. Large pine 97 42 _. 2 miles. Reference station 139 55 40 13.41 meters. Near gable of 2j2-story white house 140 Chimney on white house 156 Left side of crab house 166 Right side of crab house 199 Chimney on yellow house 208 Chimney on end of white house 238 Right side of Nanticoke Point woods 326 24 _- X roile. 44 - . }i mile. 38 ._ 17-31 meters. 54 __ 16. II meters. 28 __ i}4 miles. 53 _ - 3 miles. 56 -. 7 >2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 29 X) 00 3 >^ miles. 17 _. \% miles. FROG. Locality. — -West shore of mouth of Nanticoke River, on the southeasterly point of Clay Island, known as "Frog Point." (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a marsh point about 25 yards back from e.xtreme end of point, 20 yards from the east side and 25 yards from the west side. . Water bushes abound back of station. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.10 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (841° 25' W) 00 Left tangent of Clay Island 35 Reference station 141 Right tangent of Sandy Point 177 Chimney on white house with black roof.. 179 Chimney on near end of large red-roof white house 183 Stack on canning house 184 Land end of Nanticoke wharf 184 End of Nanticoke wharf house., i86 Chimney on ell end of main part of large red-roof white house 211 Right tangent of Nanticoke Point woods. 238 Large square chimney on white house (Dames Quarter) 264 Rock Creek poplar tree 284 Flagstaff on Deal Island wharf 322 50 13. 10 meters. ._ %" mile. __ 2'X miles. 02 _._ 2% miles. 36 .. 2^ miles. 36 .. 2 J^ miles. 00 .. 2^ miles. 27 .- 2^ miles. 44 .. 2j^ miles. 17 .. 4 miles. 17 -- 3K miles. 09 .. 4j^ miles. COW. Loca/iiy.— Western shore Nanticoke River on Mink Point about % mile east of entrance to Cow Creek. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a very soft marsh point at the outer edge of water bushes about 5 yairds back from the shore to the east, 15 yards from extreme end of point to the southeast, and 15 yards from the shore to the southwest. No permanent reference objects near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.68 meters northwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Frog" (S 6° 13' W)... 00 A shanty 37 Reference station 129 White shanty 189 A shanty 209 Tangent of land 217 Large red roof greenhouse 236 Windmill 243 Gambrel of house 244 Chimney of large greenhouse 254 Canning house stack 257 Canning house stack 275 Near corner of Nanticoke wharf 284 Large red roof white house 297 Large red roof white house 299 Right tangent of Nanticoke woods 310 Left tangent of Sandy Point 341 00 00 2 miles. 16 -. H mile. 19 20 8. 68 meters. 53 I mile. 52 .. ^ mile. 43 Kmile- 48 .. 2}4 miles. 52 .. 2)4 miles. 13 _. 2>2 miles. 24 -- 2X miles. 28 _. iH miles. 26 -- 1/4 miles. 49 _. 1)4 miles. 32 -. 2}4 miles. 24 -- 2}4 miles. 15 3 miles. 48 .. i>^ miles. 30 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset County^ Aid. mile back from river ' Nanticoke Methodist NANTICOKE CHURCH. Locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River in town of Nanticoke, about J and 14, mile northeast of Roaring Point. (See Chart No. 5.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of spire of church known as Episcopal Church." References. — None necessary. ROAR. Locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River on point of land known as Roaring Point, and about ^^ mile north from outer end of Roaring Point wharf. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is 30 yards to the east of the extreme end of the point and on a sandy knoll about 5 feet above high-water mark. It is about 20 yards back from high-water mark on the north side and about 40 yards back from high-water mark on south side of the point. Pine woods stand about 150 yards inshore from station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Frog" (S 39° 02' W) 00 Two shanties 19 One shanty 30 A shanty 71 White shanty 98 Barn steeple 117 White shanty behind "Okay" 121 Red roof house 144 Twin trees on Ragged Point 159 Chimney on white house 175 Windmill 184 Gambrel roof house 184 White canning house stack 195 Land end of wharf 271 Large house 293 Right tangent of Nanticoke Point woods 297 Right tangent of Nanticoke wharf 304 Left tangent of Sandy Point 359 00 00 2^2 miles. 17 .. 2 miles. 20 .. 1^4 miles. 32 __ 1^ miles. . 53 __ iK miles. 41 -_ 4>2 miles. 25 _. 234 miles. 42 -. 7,'i miles. 30 _- 2 miles. 23 _. 1% miles. 04 ._ I mile. 32 _- I mile. II .- >2 mile. 58 Xmile. 38 __ iX miles. 22 ._ 2!^ miles. 52 __ 34 mile. 51 -- 1,34^ miles. I NANTL Locality. — Eastern side of entrance to Nanticoke River about '2 mile northwest of Nanticoke Point. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on grassy land about 2 feet above and 20 yards back from high-water mark. It is about midway between edge of woods on Nanticoke Point and unpainted house near poplars X mile to the north. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 65° 14' W) 00 Tangent of Sandy Point 51 Left end of Nanticoke wharf 89 Near chimney of red roof house 96 Chimney of unpainted house loi Near chimney of house nearest woods 116 Tree high above woods 119 Right end of heavy woods 134 03 i^ miles. Right end of scant woods 147 11 _- J^ mile. 00 00 5 miles. 33 - _ 2X miles. 45 -_ 2 miles. 51 -- }4 mile. 08 -. X mile. 56 X mile. 53 -- 23^ miles. Sun'ey of Oyster Bars, Somerset Couiitv, Md. 31 Wild cherry tree 178 24 .. 50 yards. Left end of woods 227 46 __ ^ mile. Right end of woods 269 45 __ J!4^ mile. Poplar tree Dames Quarter 307 28 _. 21^ miles. Tangent of Haines Point 330 55 __ 4J4 miles. WHITE. Locality. — Eastern shore of entrance to Nanticoke River on western part of Nanticoke Point. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a sand and grass point about 2 feet above high-water mark, 3 yards Irom the west side, 15 yards from the south end, and 20 yards from southeast side. Dense pine woods stand about 100 yards to the northwest, open marsh to the northeast, and a clump of about a dozen pine trees in marsh about f s mile to the northeast. There is a cove about 40 yards east of the station and another point of land about 100 yards to the southeast. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.63 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub about 6 inches below surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Great Shoals Light" (S 44°i6' E) 00 00 00 ij^ miles. Poplar tree at Dames Quarter 65 08 __ 2^^ miles. Tangent of Hall Point 86 06 _. 3^^ miles. Tangent of Sandy Point 164 17 __ 3 miles. Left end of pine woods 172 27 ._ 100 yards. Right end of pine woods 213 21 .. 150 yards. Reference station 227 29 Largest tree in clump of about 12 pines 247 23 Chimney on cabin on Ellis Point 279 05 White house 311 54 Point of land 335 02 .. 100 yards. 00 16.63 meters. -- ^ mile. .. 2 miles. .. ,'2 mile. ELLA. Locality. — North shore of Wicomico River on point at east side of entrance to Ellis Bay. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high-water mark. It is about 10 yards back from the shore to the west, 20 yards liack from the shore to the south, and 20 yards back from the shore to the north. No permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o 1 u "Great Shoals Light" (S 9° 49' W) 00 Tangent of land on Mollies Point 5 Watch house 26 Left of woods on Nanticoke Point 44 Right of woods on Nanticoke Point 52 Chimney of white house 135 Chimney of gray house 142 Chimney of white house 249 Mount Vernon Church 257 Chimney on middle of white house 274 Chimney on cream and brown house 290 Chimney on brown house 291 Smoke pipe of watch house 306 2 miles. 1 mile. '2 mile. \4 miles. % miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. 14 10 .. 23 33 45 43 27 .. 200 yards. 58 .. 2X miles. 28 -- i^ miles. 49-- I mile. 03 -- I mile. 57 .. I mile 32 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset County^ Md. HOLLAND. % miles west of Mount Vernon Locality. — North shore of Wicomico River on Holland Point about Church, and \% miles east of Ellis Bay. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a marsh point about 20 yards north of high-water mark on its extreme end and about 100 yards west of a creek. A small cabin stands about 200 yards to the west. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Wind" (S 28° 35' W) . 00 Great Shoals Light 4 Tangent of Mollies Point 18 Left tangent of woods on Nanticoke Point 34 Right tangent of woods on Nanticoke Point 39 Chimney of house near Ellis Bay : 46 Chimney of cabin 56 Chimney on left end of large red roof building. 91 Large chimney on white house 188 Chimney of slate-colored house 230 Chimney on middle of light-blue house 240 Chimney on 2%-%\oxy light-green house 266 Right chimney on white house 317 CHILD. 00 00 iX tniles. 34 -- 1% miles. 39 __ 2 miles. 33 ._ 2^ miles. 28 _- 2j^ miles. 19 .. iX rniles 14 .. -. 200 yards. 56 .. 3 miles. 31 .. \14 miles. 43 _. iX miles. 48 .- I mile. 41 - X mile. 29 .. ]/i mile. Locality. — North shore of Wicomico River about yi mile north of Moimt Vernon Church. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on marsh land about 2 feet above and 15 yards back from high-water mark. There is an old wharf about 300 yards to the east and at a point about 100 yards to the north, two creeks join and form a single creek about 20 feet wide which flows into the river at a point about 15 yards west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences. — ° ' " "Mount Vernon Church" (S 10° 15' E) 00 00 00 ^ mile. Chimney on white house in woods on opposite shore 3 23 .. X mile. Chimney on white house on sand bluff on opposite shore 15 ■ Smoke pipe on large white house 19 Chimney on brown house 48 Great Shoals Light 49 32 __ i/i mile. 55 -. X mile. 14 _- I X miles. 33 - . 3K miles. Tangent of Holland Point 62 44 _. iX miles. Fork of creek 183 Chimney of large house 206 Chimney of another large house 238 Mount Vernon wharf smoke pipe 293 Large white house in woods 324 Cream-colored house in woods 345 08 .. 100 yards. 39 .. 2 miles. 43 .- X mile. 12 ._ iX miles. 03 _- X mile. 47 -- yi mile. CREEK. Locality. — North shore of Wicomico River, about yi mile northwest of Mount Vernon wliarf and jibout lyi miles northeast of Mount Vernon Church. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a marsh grass and sand point making out to the south and about to yards from the high-water mark of each of the three sides of the point. About 10 yards west of observed station is the mouth of a creek or drain 10 feet wide which rims only a short distance inland. There are several unpainted houses within 200 yards of observed station and a lone pear tree stands about 200 Siiri'cv of Ors/rr Bars, SoiiinsH Coiiuly, Md. 33 yards to the iiDrlh. There is a cultivated ticld about 150 yards l)ack of station wliich extends to edge of woods % mile distant. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Kcjerences. — ° ' " "Mount Vernon Church" (S 30° 39' W) 00 00 00 i|-^ miles. Chimney on light-blue house with red blinds 1,3 46 .. i_5^ miles. Lone tree 72 ,59 __ i mile. Chimney of old unpainted house 108 18 __ 300 yards. Chimney of light-green trimmed house 135 15 .. 200 yards. Pear tree 48 .. 200 yards. Left chimney of cream-colored house 218 ofi __ '. 300 yards. Tangent of cove 224 __ _. 30 yards. vSmoke pipe on Mount Vernon wharf 282 34 .. ^ mile. Chimney outside yellow house 312 04 __ S/g mile. Chimney on slate-colored house 352 57 ._ simile. END. Locality. — North shore of Wicomico River, opposite Mount Vernon wharf. (See Chart No. .s.) Observed station is on marsh land about. 3 feet above and about 100 yards north of high-water mark in river and about 75 yards to the northwest of a large creek which runs aliout 2 miles inland Water bushes skirt shore around station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rcjerences. — ° ' " "Jones" (S 60° 33' W) 00 00 00 ^4 mile. Chimney on white house 7 24 .- i mile. Tangent of land. _^ 12 28 .. i mile. Near chimney of cream-colored house 68 25 _. '2 mile. Cupola on red barn 155 21 __ J^ mile. Chimney outside of yellow house 352 12 .. J^ mile. WALNUT. Locality. — South shore of Wicomico River, about 175 yards east of Mount Vernon wharf. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on marsh land about 17 feet from shore and 50 yards west of a small cnck. Several large walnut and locust trees stand aliout 2_so yards south of station and 2 liouses and 2 sheds about 250 yards to the southwest. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triingle on standard cement momunent. References. — ° ' " "Jones" (.S 83° 49' W) 00 00 00 _ . Right side of Mount Vernon wharf house 17 18 ._ __ Chimney outside of white house 46 52 __ _. Left chimney of gabled house __ 53 47 .. _. Old style windmill 121 00 __ _. Left end of roof of Whitehaven wharf 136 18 _. .. Chimney of Whitehaven Hotel 136 40 .... Opening between pair of pine trees near Whitehaven 140 .. .. .. 50095—08 5 '4 mile. 175 yards I mile. I mile. K mile. lyi miles. i>2 miles. i>2 miles. 34 Sitnry of Oyster Bars, Soiiiersr/ Countv, Md. Stack of Wcbf tcr's ciniiitif; li(i\ise , Opening between two walnut trees_ Chimney of Whitlock's house Stack of Dashiell's canning house.. 1S7 3S . . . _ joo yards. J74 . _ . 200 yards, 307 .V -- 250 yards. 352 2,-^ 400 yards. JONES. Locality. — South sliore of Wicomico River about '4 mile west of Mount Vernon wharf. (See Chart No. .s.) Observed station is on a knoll about 25 feel above and 30 yards to south of high-water mark, and about 200 yards to the east of a cove. The knoll on which the station is located is the highest point on the shore in this locality. Several small cabins stand to the northward about 25 yards, and a large lone cedar tree about 35 yards to the southwest. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rcjcrcnccs. — ° ' " " Ivee" (S 78° .s4' W) 00 00 00 3^ mile. Large square chimney on four-gable house, lo o,s - y^ mWe. Cedar tree 11 22 __ 25 yards. Tangent of point of land 34 54 __ '-smile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree 62 Chimney on light-green house on opposite shore ' 102 White cupola in Whitehaven 148 Old style windmilL 153 Whitehaven Hotel chimney 15.5 48 __ 2J.4 miles. Large chimney on yellow house 178 37 __ ^J^ mile. Chimney on end of brown house 216 37 _. 34 mile. Chimney on white house 266 42 _. ^-J" mile. Weeping willow 307 55 -_ % mWe. Nail in blaze in cedar tree 3ii 26 ._ 20. 30 meters. },^ -- f^ mile. ,S3 -_ 2'4 mile. 31 -- I Jj' miles IVEE. 30 -- 31. 10 meters. mile northwest of Moimt ^'crnon Churclr Locality. — Southeast shore of Wicomico River about (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on grass land about i foot above and 10 feet liack from liigh-watcr mark, A small cove makes in about 100 yards east of station. A small lone pine stands about no yards to the east-southeast, and a s.;nd bluff with pine trees about 100 yards to the southwest. Beyond Ihc woods along the beach is a bluff 15 feet high upon which are several houses. .Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Moimt Vernim Church" (S 22° 37' E) 00 00 White house chinmey ,S,s 3.'i Chinmey on end of white house _ 209 55 Chimney of green-trimmed house near "Creek" ,_ 245 28 Old style windmill 264 47 Slate-colored house 276 22 Chimney on middle of white house beyond woods 297 II Lime pine tree , 317 53 Yt mile. ]i, mile. 2 miles. I '4 miles. 2,' 8 miles. ]/i mile. I mile. 1 10 yards. Siirffv of Ovs/rr Bars, So?/u-rsr/ CoiDity, Md. 35 MOUNT VERNON CHURCH. Locality- — Southeast side of Wicomico River about ■' ,s mile iMck froiii tlie shore i ' _. miles south- west of Mount \'ernon wharf. iSee Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on main road in Moim.t Vernon and is situated on tlie highest jioint in the vicinity. Marks. — Observed station is center of stee[)le of Mmmt X'eraon Methodist Church. References. — None necessary. BALL. Locality. — Southeast shore of Wicomico River on a ])oint of land aliout i mile northeast of Wingate Point. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a sand and grass point making out about 100 yards west of a sand blulT. .■\ small creek empties into the river about 10 yards to the east, and three poplars stand aliout 100 yards to the south. The extreme northern end of the point is aljout ,^5 yards from station and the western side is about 10 yards. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument References. — ° ' " " Holland" (N JO° 03' W) 00 00 00 '2 mile. Middle one of five pines 107 oq __ 100 yards. Chimney on John Withlock's house 137 57 _ 100 yards Left end of i)ine woods 145 33 __ ,'2 inile. Right end of pine woods 165 04 ._ '2 mile. Chimney on white house 183 32 ._ '4 mile. Third poplar joy 04 ._ 100 yards. Chinmey 2 mile. Chimney of cream-colored house with brown trimmings 215 34 .. Simile. Watchhouse 308 41 __ X "''1^- Chinmey on 2 ■2-story house 342 18 __ 3 miles. Chimney on end of white house Dames Quarter 350 57 _. 2J2 miles. LITTLE. Locality. — Southern shore of Monie Bay on second prominent point of marsh aljout '4 mile to the west of entrance to Little Monie Creek. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a marsh ])oinl covered with water Inishc:'. and reeds. It is aliout i foot ;ibovc high-water mark, 7 yards from the west side, 10 yards from the east side, and aliout 50 yards from extreme end of point. No |iermanent reference objects near station. Siir:uy of Oj's/rr Bars, So///rrsr/ Counlv, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement References. — ° ' " "Great Shoals Light" (S 83° 43' \Vj 00 00 00 Left side of woods on Nanticoke Point ig 34 __ Right side of woods on Nanticoke Point 22 24 ,_ Tangent of Wingate Point 34 39 ^ _. Chimney on red roof white house 60 13 __ Chimney on near end of white house with brown trimmings 62 02 _. _". Chimney on red roof white house with green blinds 62 43 __ Left chimney of yellow house trimmed white. 79 52 .. Middle of woods 80 Large brown house 93 55 _. Mount Vernon Church 102 42 __ Tangent of point of land 165 47 __ Tangent of point of land 320 i6 __ Tangent of land __ 346 47 __ - nonument. 2 '4 miles. 33i miles. 3 M miles. lyi miles. i}i miles. i}/i miles. I \4 miles lyi miles 1^-4 miles i^ miles, i^ miles. yi mile. 75 yards. 3 miles. DOVE. Locality. — South shore of Monie Bay and aliout }-^ mile east of entrance to Pigeon Creek. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on marsh land about 10 yards back from high-water mark not far from water bushes which stand to the east. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.98 meters southeast from observed station. No permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center lioint of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Great Shoals Light" (N 57°4i' W) 00 Left side of Nanticoke Point woods 6 Left side of Roaring Point heavy woods 19 High lone pine showing above woods 2;^ Tangent of Wingate Point . 52 Chimney of red roof house 67 Chimney on yellow house with red gable roof 84 Mount Vernon Church 86 Tangent of land 106 38 Reference STATION 202 35 Chimney of white house with dark red trimmings 245 21 ._ ij^" miles. i^ miles. 2^ miles. 5 miles. 5 miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. 12 -. 3 miles. 37 -_ 3X miles. 38 _ . 300 yards. 13- 98 meters. GREAT SHOALS LIGHT. Locality. — Middle of entrances to Monie Bay and Wicomico River about halfway between Long Point to the south and Mollies Point to the north. (See Chart No. 5.) Marks. — Observed station is center of black lantern on square screw pile structure known as "Great Shoals Light." References. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 81° .50' W) 00 00 00 ^'s miles. Siirvrv oj Oyster Bars^ Somerset Coinity, Md. 37 vSHORT. Locality. — Southern sliure uf entrances to Monie Bay and Wicomico River reat Shoals Light. iSee Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a sandy knoll on eastern side of entrance to Dames Quarter Creek about 15 feet back from high-water mark on the north side and about 30 feet from east side of point. It is on the highest part of the knoll which is about 5 feet above high-water mark. Mark!. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Krjnt'iice^. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Slioal Light " (S S9° 03' W) 00 00 00 s'smiles. Tile pipe in cement (" Long " 1901) 23 57 45 63. 703 meters. Nanticoke wharf 67 57 __ 4' smiles. Left side of Nanticoke woods 6g 13 _. smiles. Yellow house with red blinds 74 53 .. 3 ^< miles. Left tangent of Wingate Point 1J4 13 ._ a^s miles. Chimney on red roof white house 132 39 __ 3 miles. Near chimney of yellow house 136 40 __ 3 miles. Chimney on red trimmed house 312 49 _. smiles. Left tree at Dames Quarter 260 37 '4 mile. Chimney on' white barn 279 45 __ 300 yards. Left chimney on white house 320 05 .. 200 yards. Chimney on yellow house 341 35 ._ 200 yards. ROOM. Locality. — U])per end and eastern shore of Tangier Sound on Halls Point. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a bluff 15 feet high about 5 yards back from its edge. It is about 25 yards east of a clump of mulberry trees and about 15 yards north-northwest of a barn. Locust and mulberrv trees stand all about station and locust bushes along the edge of the bluff. A wagon trail runs parallel to the shore about 15 yards back of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.45 meters south-southwest of observed"station and almost in line with a large mulberry tree. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o , „ " Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 70° 00' \V)_- 00 00 00 2'i miles. Gable on near side of red roof on white house on Bishop's Head _ 3 01 .. 5 J 3' miles. Near end of roof of large 2 l2-story house-- 12 53 __ 7 ^^4' miles. Left tangent of Clay Island 39 i8 .. 3X miles. Left side of Sandy Point woods 70 08 ._ 4 miles. Roaring Point wharf 85 22 ._ 5 miles. Near chimney on end of large red roof white house 94 36 .. 4J.4 miles. Right side of Nanticoke woods ito 28 .. 3 J^ miles. Mount Vernon Church 127 18 __ 7 miles. Near corner of barn 137 06 __ 15. 96 meters. Right hand corner of barn 152 08 .. 18. 11 meters. Reference STATION 268 30 00 21.45 meters. Large cedar tree 276 30 __ 100 yards. Two-inch iron pipe 279 38 30 9. 21 meters. HAINES. Locality. — Upper end and eastern shore of Tangier Sound on Haines Point, about J-a mile north of Deal Island Wharf. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on sand and grass point about 20 yards back and 5 feet above high-water mark. Locust and water bushes stand about 20 yards to the north and the left edge of this clump is about on 38 Siir'c'cv of Oyster Bars, Sonicisc/ County, Md. 38 2)2 miles. 20 yards. 43:j' miles. line with Sharkfin Slioal Light. A barbvvire fence runs 3 yards east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.64 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in pine stub in center of a drain tile with top broken off below surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o 1 n " Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 45° 58' W) 00 Left of bushes 3c; Left of Sandy Point woods 53 Chimney of a^j-story white house trimmed with red 75 Chimney of unpainted house 85 Chimney on end of red cottage trimmed white 9g REFERE.ncE station 123 Pine tree 148 Large square chimney on red house 152 Right one of 5 large pines 184 40 __ 300 yards. Half way between chimneys on store on Deal Island 213 Deal Island Church 217 Black gum tree 223 Right end of Deal Island wharf 234 Hooper Straits Liglit 343 04 .. '2 miles. 49 .. 350 yards. 00 . _ ?4 mile. 40 40 9. 64 meters. 37 30 2.. 14 meters. 49 -- 400 yards. oS __ la, mile. 00 . . I K miles. 49 .. 6. 70 meters. 10 __ ^_ '2 mile. 7 ' i miles 34 DEAL ISLAND CHURCH. Locality. — Deal Island on main road about '4 mile fnjm the shore and about Laws Thoroughfare. (See Chart No. 5.) Marks. — Observed station is center of steeple on Deal Island .Methodist Church. References. — None necessary. BAR. mile south of Locality. — Eastern shore of Tangier Sound on western side of Deal Island, about i mile northwest of entrance to Lower Thorouglifare and I2 mile south of Middle Creek. (See Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) Observed station is about 10 yards east of high-water mark on sand and grass land back of sandy beach. The first of many tree stumps which arc submerged at higli water commence about 100 yards to the north and cat-tails grow abundantly back of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.09 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in pine stuli Hush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 19° 40' W) 00 Tangent of Haines Point 27 Flag pole on large building on Deal Island wharf 28 Middle chimney of large gray building 37 Chimney on white house 59 Middle chimney on red roof white house 79 Reference station 107 Chimney on white house 118 Chinmey on dark gray house 161 Right chimney on white four-gabled house with red roof 176 39 __ 'jniile. 29 miles, miles. 2 miles. I mile. 54 .- 400 yards. 31 -- Js niile. 10 00 6. 09 meters. 43 -- 400 yards. 57 -- 300 yards. Sm'z'ev of Oysfrr Bars, Sonirrsrf Couut\\ Md. 39 J KAN. Locality. — Xnrtlicrn shore of Manokin River on a marsh ])oiiU on the west side i>f entrance to Geanquakin Creek. (See Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) Observed station is on low marsh land al^ont 35 yards liack from extreme end, ,?o yards from cast side and 40 yards from north side of point. Pine woods stand about ' s mile back from station. Tlicrc are no permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerriices. — ° ' " " Fairmount Church " (S 39° 1.3' E) 00 00 00 333 miles. Chimney on cabin standing near two others- 145 48 __ 34' mile. Left end of cabin in woods 238 05 .. i '^^ miles. Chimney of William Muir's store 301 07 __ i V4 miles. Cupola on barn ("Barn") 324 58 __ 2 5^ miles. Chimney of house near "Staff" 358 45 ._ i^ niiles. SANDY. Locality. — Northern shore of Manokin River on point of land known as Sandy Point opposite Fishing Island. (See Charts Nos. s and 7.) Oliserved station is on a sandy point aliout s feet above and 10 yards back from high-water mark on south side of point and about 75 yards from high-water mark on west side. A sandy beach is building out to southward and a heavy clump of myrtle bushes extends from a point about 25 yards west to a point about 75 yards west. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement mommicnl. Rcjerciiccs. — o 1 n " Fairmount Church" (S 7° ,S4' E) 00 00 00 _ 2'4 miles. Hell tower on oyster house ("Cupola") 30 ,58 50 j'smilc. Flag staff on oyster house ("Staff") 65 43 50 ij^g miles. Chimney on William Muir's store 137 42 .. J^ mile. Chimney on store cabin 196 18 .. 'smile. Right end of roof 254 03 __ i mile. Cupola on barn ("Barn") 307 15 40 .'4 mile. HOLLAND ISLAND BAR LIGHT. Locality. — Easterly side of Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Kcdgc Straits, about 2.'4' miles south of Holland Island, 2', miles southwest of South Marsh, and 3^4 miles northwest of Smith Island. (See Chart No. 6.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of black lantern on hexagonal screw [)ile structure known as "Holland Island liar Light." References. — ° ' " "Solonums Lump Light" (S 72° 06' E) 00 00 00 4^4 miles. SOLOMONS LUMP LIGHT. Locality. — Kedge Straits about '2 mile north of Smith Island and about 1 ' . miles south of South Marsh. (See Charts Nos. 6 and 7.) Marks. — Oli.served station is center of l)lack lantern on s<|uare tower on northerly side of a caisson and octagonal structure known as "Solomons Lum[) LiglU." References. — ° ' " "Janes Island Light" (842° 12' E) 00 00 00 7'fi miles. FOG. Locality. — I-Castern shore of Cliesapeake Bay and southern shore of Kedge Straits on northwest point of vSmith Island known as "Fog Point." (See Cliart No. fi.) Observed station is on the north side of a sand and grass point al)out i foot above high-water and about G5 yards from extreme end of point to northeast and 6 yards south-southeast from shore. The 40 Suri'rv of Ors/rr B(7rs, Soiiirrscf Coitut\\ Md. remains of old " Kog Point Light House" arc about 50 yards to wcsl-soutliwest, and myrtle bushes abound on all sides except on the west side, which is a sandy beach. Cement monument marl2 miles. __ •-. I >4 miles. - _ 3 ' 'i miles. TERRAPIN. Locality. — Western shore of Tangier Sound on extreme northeast point of Smith Island, known as "Terrapin Sand Point." (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on the northeast side of a marsh point about 50 yards vest of the extreme end and 35 yards southwest of high-water mark on northeast side. A clump of myrtle bushes stands on point about 150 yards southwest of the station. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Janes Island Light" (S 37° 40' E) 00 Left end of myrtle bushes 65 Smith Island Church 80 Lone tree to right of another tree 8,s Solomons Lump Light 169 Point of this island 214 00 00 4^8 miles. 13 .- 150 yards. 25 _ _ 4 miles. 23 _- 7 miles. 20 __ 3'-^ miles. 03 _ 150 yards. Survey of Oyster Bars, So)iierset Comity, Md. 41 MILES. Locality. — Western shore of Tangier Sounfl on eastern side of the lower half of South Marsh. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a marsh point making out about 75 yards south of entrance to small creek, which is middle one of three on this shore of the island. Station is about 50 yards south of the north side and about 60 yards west of extreme end of point. A row of myrtle bushes stands east of the station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 8° 33' E) 00 00 00 -j-yi miles. Deal Island Church 29 26 .- SJ^J" miles. End of roof of white house among trees, Deal Island 33 48 -- 4)^ miles. Tangent of near point of land 155 35 __ _ % wXz. Solomons Lump Light 178 56 55 3^ miles. Third (first large) tree from left 231 57 ._ Ji mile. Lone pine tree _. 330 27 ._ 4X ™iles. JOSHUA. Locality. — Eastern shore of Tangier Sound on western side of Little Island, about ' s mile south- east from extreme eastern point of island. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on northern half of a sand dune about 10 feet al)ove and 20 feet liack from high-water mark. The southern half of the sand dune is covered with bushes and scrub trees. A large aspen tree stands about H mile north of the station. Cement monument marking reference station is located on low land 32.06 meters north of observed station, and is nearly on line with large aspen tree. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in pine stub flush with ground and is likely to be disturbed by shifting of sand dune. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences. — o / « "Solomons Lump Light" (S 37° 41' W)__ 00 00 00 5 Js miles. Tall pine tree on opposite shore of Tangier Sound 81 48 .- .^yimWes. Center point of square roof house on Deal Island 129 32 _. I ^^ miles. Large aspen tree 160 08 __ % vaWe. Reference STATION 160 19 20 32. 06 meters. Nail in blaze in peach tree {i/4 inches in diameter) _ 259 40 __ 30. 74 meters. Tangent point of island 290 48 .. ^4 mile. KELLEY. Locality. — Northern shore of Manokin River on Kelley Island, which is located off point between Fishing Creek and Laws Thoroughfare just inside of entrance to Laws Thoroughfare. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a small point making off southern side of a marsh island known as "Kelley Island." It is about 8 yards from the east side and about 12 yards from west side of point. Myrtle bushes grow about 5 yards to west and north of observed station and a crab shanty stands on northern end of island about 100 yards north from station. Cement monument m;irking reference station is 10.44 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a square wooden box with to]) just above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences. — ° ' " "Fairmount Church" (S 70° 41' E) 00 00 00 6^ niiles. Pine to left of two others 18 38 __ 3 J^ miles. Left end of new house 23 37 _. 4 miles. Aspen tree near "Joshua". 130 32 .. 2 >^ miles. 5<^95 — oS 6 42 Survey of Ovstcr Bars^ Somerset Coioity^ Md. Chimney on very large white liouse on Deal ° ' " Island 167 51 __ 2 miles. Crab house on Kelley Island 253 29 ._ 100 yards. Reference station 283 57 10 10. 44 meters. MARSH. Locality. — Northern shore of Manokin River on a small marshy island nn eastern side of entrance to Fishing Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on southern part of a small marshy island about 25 feet from the south side, 30 feet from the northeast side, and 10 feet from west side of the island. Cement monument marking reference station is 24.34 meters northwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub in center of square wooden bo.\. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences. — ° ' " "Fairmount Church" (S 64° 47' K) 00 00 00 4^ miles. Pine to the left of two other pines 31 45 2^ miles. Right side of house on Deal Island 143 10 .. 2 j^ miles. Reference station 222 22 20 24. 34 meters. Chimney of cabin in woods 306 37 .. 2^ miles. Right-hand end of crab liouse 336 22 _^ J^ mile. ST. PIERRE. Locality. — Manokin River on a small marsh island known as "St. Pierre Island." (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on west side of island about 20 yards from the shore to the west and about 30 yards from the shore to the south. A clump of myrtle bushes stand about 15 yards northwest of station, and the shore of a small bay is about 30 yards to the east. Cement monument marking refer- ence station is 7.97 meters east-southeast of observed station and on line to "Fairmount Church." Marks. — Obser\'ed station is a nail in pine stub in center of square wooden box. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Fairmount Church" (S 59° 49' E) 00 00 00 3 fi miles. Reference station 00 00 00 7. 97 meters. Chimney on house with two ells 57 15 ._ i^ miles. Pine tree to the left of two others 58 52 __ 2 miles. Left end of roofof white house 61 09 __ lys miles. Left end of crab house near Muddy Cove 188 14 __ ij^ miles. Chimney on cabin 258 54 .. i^ miles. Chimney on Muir's store 301 22 .. 2^ miles. Right-hand chimney on yellow hovise 313 44 __ 4 miles. LOCUST. Locality. — Western shore of upper Manokin River, about ,'4 mile north of Locust Point. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on marsh land about 12 yards west from shore of river and about 12 yards north from a small creek. Myrtle bushes e.xtend alongside of river and creek. There are no other permanent reference marks near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejercnces. — ° ' " "Barn" (S 12° 48' E) _ 00 00 00 _ 'smile. Bell cupola on oyster house (" Cupola ") 52 35 . i mile. Chimney on while house 219 20 .. S/^ mile. Chimney on cabin near " Wab" 244 22 __ ly^ rmXes. North chimney on brick house (" Pen") 267 04 ._ i mile. Chimney of cabin near "Cox" 287 22 .. s-s mile Siiivey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset Coitiity, Md. 43 FITZ. Locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Manokin River, about i mile northeast from Locust Point. (See Progress Map.) Observed station is on the edge of the lawn of a large old red brick house owned by Mr. Fitzgerald, about 4 yards west of shore and 23 yards southwest of extreme end of point. Four locust trees, each 8 inches in diameter, stand back of station, and there is a cobblestone about 12 inches in diameter about 2 yards to the east. There is a small pond 20 yards to the north of the station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Fairmount Church" (S 10° 50' W) 00 00 00 3^ miles. Bell cupola on oyster house ("Cupola") 29 05 __ I's miles. Chimney of white house 38 35 .. '^mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diame- ter) 105 02 __ 5.42 meters. Near corner of brick house 139 34 __ 100 yards. Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches in di- ameter) 208 52 __■ 6. 24 meters Chimney of unpainted house 224 02 __ ^ mile. Chimney of cabin near "Wab" 237 52 -- ',2 mile. North chimney on large brick house * ("Pen") 287 58 20 yi mile. WAB. Locality. — North shore of upper Manokin River on a point on the western side of entrance to Goose Creek. (See Progress Map.) Observed station is on a shell and marsh point al^out 10 feet back from both sides of point and about 3 feet above high-water mark, A small shanty stands directly west of station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Pen" (S 1° 32' E) 00 00 00 >2 mile. Left-hand corner of shanty 80 01 _. 19. 46 meters. Next corner of shanty 90 58 __ 1 8. 77 meters. Chimney of two-story unpainted house 107 50 __ 250 yards. Lone pine 165 07 __ 250 yards. Chimney on middle of red roof on white house east 254 34 .. '2 mile. Easterly chimney of white house on op- posite shore 280 15 .- '.mile. PEN. Locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Manokin River on Clifton Point. (See Progress Map.) Observed station is northern chimney of a large 2^2 story, 4-gable roof, brick house belonging to Mr. Pendelton. The house is back from the river, and there are trees between it and the shore. Marks. — Observed station is center of northern chimney on house belonging to Mr. Pendelton. References. — None necessary. COX. Locality. — Eastern shore of upper Manokin River on marsh point about ^4 mile north of entrance to Back Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is about 15 yards east and 10 yards south of high-water mark. A small building stands in the water about 20 feet from bank to the northeast of station, and Bennett's oyster watch- house is about 15 yards east of station. 44 Survey of Oyslcr Bars, Somerset County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Fairmount Cliurch" (S 15° 34' W) 00 00 00 2 J< miles. Cupola on barn (" Barn") 10 37 .. ^ mile. Bell cupola on oyster house ("Cupola") 43 51 .. i>2 miles. Chimney of white house iii 27 .- ^ mile. West corner of roof brick of house on oppo- site shore near "Fitz" 151 33 .. J^ mile. Cabin near " Wab " 189 33 __ j/^ mile. Left corner of watchhouse 266 45 ._ 17. 20 meters. Near corner of watchhouse 274 58 .. 14. 13 meters. GREEN. Locality. — Upper Manokin River on eastern shore about ^4 mile north of entrance to Back Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on grassy land about 10 yards east of a sandy beach adjoining a marsh point, and is about 3 yards north of curve in road. Two small locust trees stand about 3 yards distant, one to the northwest and the other to the east of station. A cedar tree 10 inches in diameter stands about 10 yards to the south. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Fairmount Church" (vS 18° 53' W) 00 00 00 2 J^ miles. Left chimney of white house 7 59 __ J^ mile. Cupola on barn ("Barn") 25 23 50 % mile. Pine tree to the right of two others 35 50 __ 4>^ miles. William Muir's store chhnney 84 55 _. ij^ miles. Nail in blaze on tree (3 inches diameter) __ 107 01 .. 3. 65 meters. Chimney on white house 126 11 .. ^ mile Tangent of point of land 141 18 .. 100 yards. Nail in blaze on tree (10 inches diameter). 342 og .. 8. 90 meters. BARN. Locality. — South shore of Manokin River on prominent point of land lietween Wolf Trap and Back creeks. (See Chart No. 7.) Marks. — Observed station is center ]>oint of cu|5ola on a large red frame structure used as a barn on farm of Hershel Ford. References. — None necessary. CUPOLA. Locality. — South shore of Manokin River on north end of Fishing Island. (See Chart No. 7.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of top of bell cupola on Bennett's oyster house. References. — None necessary. STAFF. Locality. — Southern shore of Manokin River on eastern side of entrance to Broad Creek, aboift X mile southeast of Cormal Point. (See Chart No. 7.) Marks. — Observed station is flagstaff on eastern end of roof of oyster house on Cox's wharf. References . — None necessary. FAIRMOUNT CHURCH. Locality. — Town of Upper Fairmount about halfway between Manokin and Big Annemessex rivers. (See Chart No. 7.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of steeple on Fairmount Methodist Church. References. — None necessary. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset Couiitv, Md. 45 PRICKLY. Locality. — Eastern shore of Tangier Sound and southeastern side of entrance to Manokin River on a small point % mile south of Prickly Point. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a sandy spot about 5 feet above and 30 yards back from high-water mark on west side and about 35 yards from end of point to northwest. About 10 feet southeast of station is a clump of myrtle bushes, and 7 to 18 yards back of these is a small group of pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "St. Pierre" (N 17° 33' E) 00 Pine tree to left of two others 26 Chimney of gray house ^- 39 Pointed cupola on building through trees. 49 Near end of roof of house 52 Nail in blaze in tree 68 Left end of white house 93 Left end of roof of yellow house loi Nail in blaze in tree 125 Chimney on gray house on next point 163 Tangent of point of land 332 54 00 3j.-i miles. -. i,'/2 miles. 22 .- X mile. ,S4 .. K" mile. 25 .. I mile. 03 ., 19. 69 meters. 46 __ I J4^ miles. 01 -- ^ mile. 29 __ 23. 07 meters. 02 _. S-i mile. 04 -- ys mile. HAS. Locality. — Eastern shore of Tangier Sound on point at north side of entrance to Big Annemessex River about halfway between Porpoise Point and Two Mouth Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a sand dune about 10 feet above and 30 yards back from high-water mark to the west. A pool averaging 40 feet by 100 feet stands 50 feet east of observed station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.21 meters east of observed station and about on line to Fords wharf. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — a 1 n "Solomons Lump Light" (S 84° 12' W) 00 Tangent of point of land 12 Chimney of house among trees 92 Right end of white house roof 117 Chimney on large unpainted house 129 Reference station.. 179 Tower on Odd Fellows Building, Crisfield. 265 FORD. 00 00 7 J^ miles. 02 _. yi mile. 10 ._ I ^ miles. 54 _. 2 miles. 46 -_ yi mile. 11 45 5-21 meters. 50 - - 5f^ miles. Locality. — North shore of Big Annemessex River on south side of Jerico Marshes just east of Muddy Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is chimney on roof of oyster house near Fords wharf. Chimney is a little east of middle of roof. Marks. — Observed station is center of chimney on roof of oyster house. References. — None necessary. MOON. Locality. — North shore of Big Annemessex River on point between Moon Bay and Crane Cove. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a marsh point about 35 yards from extreme end, 25 yards from east side and 30 yards from south side. A small pool stands about 10 yards south of observed station and a crescent- shaped pool about 10 feet wide and 100 feet long extends from a point about 20 yards west to a point about 20 yards north of station. A row of small myrtle bushes begins at a point directly south of 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, So»ierse/ CoHfi/y, Md. observed station, extends along shore toward the east, and ends at Moon Bay. Another lot of small myrtle bushes begins at a point about 100 yards west of observed station and extends along the shore to the west. There are no other points of reference near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Ford" (N 75° 41' W) 00 00 00 I fi miles. Eastern end of cabin roof 59 06 __ iX ™'Ies. Chimney on cabin 83 12 ._ if^ miles. Chimney on cabin 85 44 ._ tj^ miles. Peak of center gable of red roof house 104 45 .. 2 >^ miles. Near end of old 2X-story house 117 00 .. ifi miles. Western chimney of square roof house iSg 47 _. i mile. Eastern end of white house roof 202 i8 _. i^ "lilcs. Eastern end of roof of large bam 229 30 _- i mile. Chimney on house ("Colburn") 262 16 __ f;( mile. Chimney on middle of long barn 267 16 _- ^ mile. Tangent of point of land 328 28 -- J^^ mile. COLBURN, Locality. — South shore of Big Annemessex River on southeastern side of entrance to Colburn Creek (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is chimney on top of a modern several gable house. House sets alone about halfway between oyster houses to the west and a group of houses to the east. Marks. — Observed station is center of chimney on top of modern several gabled house. References. — None necessary. GEOG. Locality. — South shore of Big Annemessex River on point on east side of a square-shaped inlet about ^ mile northeast of the entrance to Jones Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on marsh land about 50 yards back form extreme end of point, about 20 yards from southeast corner of square-shaped bay and about 25 yards from east shore line. Myrtle bushes extend along shore to the east of station for about 100 yards, and reeds grow 25 yards to the north. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / » "Has" (N 71° 44' W) 00 00 00 2 J^ miles. Nearest end of red roof on opposite shore 40 43 .. 3^ miles. Pine tree to the right of two others 47 17 .. 4X miles. Chimney on oyster house (" Ford") 57 22 ._ iX_niiles. Center gable of red house 109 37 __ 3 J-^ miles. Chimney on middle of dark red oyster house. 155 25 .. i mile. FLAT CAP. Locality. — Eastern shore of Tangier Sound and about yi mile south of Flat Cap Point on south side of entrance to Big Annemessex River. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a sand dune about 10 yards back and 10 feet above high-water mark. A sandy beach extends along shore for about 100 yards in both directions and remainder of land is grassy. A slough begins at a point about 50 yards southeast of observed station and extends south. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.64 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a i^-inch iron pipe with top flush with the surface of the ground Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Solomons Lump Light" (N 81° 14' W)__ 00 00 00 7^^ miles. Left end of roof of white house near Prickly Point 90 21 _. [^ 2j^ miles. Survey of Ovsfer Bars, Sov/ersrf Couiitv^ Aid. 47 Right end of Inns building in woods '69 09 __ 2 jX miles. Reference station 179 22 40 13. 64 meters. Tower of Odd Fellows building, Crisfield.. 243 06 .. _ 33.-2 miles. Lone smokestack on Crisfield Ice Plant 251 31 __ 3 J^ miles. Fish factory stack Janes Island 271 36 .. 4 >4 miles. .SMITH POINT LIGHT. Localilv- — Western side of Chesapeake Bay on southern side of entrance to Potf)mac River and about 3 miles east by south of Smith Point. (See Chart No. 8.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of black lantern on caisson and brick structure known as "Smith Point Light." References. — ° ' " "Holland Island Bar Light" (N 20° 13' E)- 00 00 00 13%' miles. NORTH CHURCH (SMITH ISLAND). Locality. — In town of Ewell on group of marsh islands known as "Smith Island." (See Chart No. 8.) Observed station is on solid land on south shore of Smith Island Thoroughfare about i mile from the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. Marks. — Observed station is center point of spire of church known as " Corinth Methodist Episcopal Church." References. — None necessary. OLD CHURCH (SMITH ISLAND). Locality. — Western side of the group of marsh islands known as "Smith Island" on solid land about 3 s mile from the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay and \i mile east of upper end of Shanks Creek at Rhodes Point. (See Chart No. 8.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of spire of church known as "Calvary Methodist Epis- copal Church." References. — None necessary. EWELL CHURCH (SMITH ISLAND). Locality. — In town of Tylerton near the center of the group of marsh islands known as "Smith Island" on solid land about '« rnile east of the narrowest part of waters joining Tylers Creek and Tylers Ditch. (See Chart No. 8.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of spire of church known as " Union Methodist Episcopal Church." References. — None necessary. SHANKS HAMMOCK. Locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Shanks Island, which is located in Virginia about i^ mile east of the southern end of Smith Island. (See Chart No. 8.) Observed station is on the northeast side of the island, on low ground aliout ' . mile from its northern end about 70 yards back from shore and 1 10 yards from end of point to east. It is near the southern extremity ol a hummock covered with a dense growth of scrub trees and bushes and is about 35 yards north of a pile of brick, the ruins of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 1.43 meters southwest of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top just below the surface of the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / » "Smith Point Light" (S 69' 16" W) 00 00 00 8^4 miles. Smith Island Corinth Church (North Church) 115 50 00 5 miles 48 Survey of Oyster Bars, Son/cisct County, Md. Smith Island Union Church (Ewell Church). 130 13 00 3 J^ miles. Horse Hammock poplar 161 Right tangent of point 168 Pine tree 185 Stove pipe on large crab house 207 "Fox Island Poplar" 214 Pile of brick, the ruins of a house 273 REFGRENce STATION 34.9 33 - -- 3K miles. 28 -- 1 10 yards. 39 _ _ % miles. 07 _. 2 >2 miles. 47 40 7 f^ miles. -. -_ 35 yards. 06 20 I. 43 meters. REACH HAMMOCK. Locality. — South end and eastern side of Tangier Sound on Reach Hammock Island, which is located between Smith and Tangier islands about i mile east of Fishbone Island. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is on the northeastern end of a small marshy island k-nown as Reach Hammock and is about 5 feet from the present shore line, which is rapidly washing away. It is close to a small fish fertilizer factory which stands on the island. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.10 meters east by south of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is the center of a 6-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences. — ° ' " "Fox Island Poplar" (N 77° 04' E) 00 Left corner of brick work of factory 85 Right corner of brick work 97 Near corner of shed 1 109 Reference station 169 Chimney of small house 185 Left edge of house 208 Right edge of roof of right-hand house 210 01 .. 1J4 miles. Chimney of 2_5-2-story house on Herring Island 236 Tallest pine Smith Island 242 Poplar near Horse 275 "Janes Island Light" 314 FISHBONE. 00 00 4,14 miles. 07 .- 6. 68 meters. 12 -- 7.31 meters. 30 18. 32 meters. 9. 10 meters. 45 yards. iX miles. 38 __ 2 miles. 39 __ \% miles. 48 -. 5 miles. 55 .. 6K miles. Locality. — Dividing waters of Chesapeake Bay and Tangier Sound on western side of Fishbone Island, which is located between Smith and Tangier islands. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is on marsh ground about 15 yards from shore to the west and about halfway between northern and southern extremities of island. The station is about level with high-water mark, but there is a slight elevation between station and shore and a small shanty stands about 20 yards to the southwest. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.08 meters south of observed station and about on line with shanty. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in stub flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences. — ° ' " "Janes Island Light" (N 40° 34" E) 00 "Fox Island Poplar".^ 39 Chimney on house on Reach Hammock 58 Reference station 158 Near corner of shanty 159 Chimney on 2,'^-story house on Herring Island 306 Peak of left house 349 Stove pipe on flat roof shanty 356 00 00 7 >i' miles. 19 -. 5>i2 miles. 49 -- i,!4 miles. 30 50 10. 08 meters. 49 .. 17.44 meters. 32 _. i>4 miles. 32 __ 200 yards. 41 ._ 200 yards. Sttrz'ev of Ovstcr Bars, Soiiicrsc'/ Coiiiitv, Md. 49 HORSE. I.pca/ily. — West shore of Tangier Sound on east shore of Smith Island at point known as "Horse Hammock." (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is about 10 yards off shore in 2 feet of water at low-tide, between shore and northernmost row of piling. Several trees stand on bank near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 27,12 meters west of observed station and 20 yards back from shore. Marks. — Observed station is stake in water. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Janes Island Light" (N 80° 19' E) 00 00 00 4>^ miles. Somers Cove Light i 30 00 6^' miles. High pile 15 27 30 8.41 meters. Fox Island Poplar 49 25 50 6>^ miles. Left tangent of Smiths Island 106 45 .. 150 yards. Near corner of old cedar 146 02 __ 32. 42 meters. Blaze in tree 155 41 .. 14. 21 meters. Blaze in tree 166 27 .. 25. 92 meters. Reference STATION 174 15 30 27. 12 meters. Blaze in poplar-- 174 40 30 45. 74 meters. Pile extending above row of piles 309 08 -_ 16. 66 meters. High pile 333 03 _- 9. 80 meters. Ice factory stack 355 07 _- 7 X miles. Fish factory stack 358 04 -- 5^4 miles. JANES ISLAND LIGHT. Locality. — Tangier Sound off entrance to Little Annemessex River. (See Chart No. 9.) Marks. — Observed station is center of black lantern on hexagonal screw pile structure known as "Janes Island Light." References. — ° ' " "Solomons Lump Light" (N 42° 08' W) 00 00 00 lyi miles. SOMERS COVE LIGHT. Locality. — Little Annemessex River at entrance to Crisfield Harbor, (See Chart No. 9,) Marks. — Observed station is center of spindle on top of black lantern on square screw pile structure known as "Somers Cove Light," References. — ° ' " "Janes Island Light" (S 84° 41' W) 00 00 00 2 J4' miles. EMMANUEL CHURCH. Locality. — City of Crisfield, about j-i mile east of Crisfield Harbor. (See Chart No. 9.) Marks. — Observed station is center of steeple on church known as " Emmanuel Methodist Episcopal Church," References. — None necessary. MOUNT PLEASANT CHURCH, Locality. — City of Crisfield, about i mile from Crisfield Harbor, (See Chart No, 9,) Marks. — Observed station is center of steeple on brick church on Main street known as "Mount Pleasant Methodist Protestant Church." References. — None necessary. ASBURY CHURCH. Locality. — In town of Lawsonia, about i}i miles from Crisfield Harbor, (See Chart No. 9.) Marks. — Observed station is center of very slender steeple on church known as " Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church," References. — None necessary. 50095— oS 7 50 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County^ Md. BEACON. Locality. — Between Tangier and Pocnmoke Eounds, on small island just north of Great Fox Island known as "House Island." (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is about 100 yards south of extreme northern shore and about 30 yards from west shore of island. The shore of an inlet which makes into eastern side of island is about 15 feet northwest of observed station. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.12 meters west of observed station. A temporary wooden beacon stands 0.40 meters south of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of a 6-inch tile pipe set in cement and projecting above ground about 6 inches. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Note. — What was taken to be center mark of old " Beacon" of 1898 is a j-inch iron pipe projecting above ground with three stubs projecting 3 feet above ground which were apparently used to support instrument. Wooden sills supported by 10-inch piles form a stiuare with the j-inch pi])e in center. Rrjrrcnccs al observed station. — ° ' " "Janes Lsland Light" (N 1 1° 01' W) .00 00 00 3 ^j' miles. Fish factory stack 22 49 ^^ 4X miles. " Asbury Church Spire" 51 32 15 6 miles. "Sam" 92 42 05 I X miles. Chimney of highest building on Fo.x Island 171 16 _- ij^ miles. "Fox Island Poplar" 194 26 __ i mile. 2-inch iron pipe (" Beacon 1898") 200 28 15 7. 26 meters. Wooden beacon 222 46 00 o. 40 meters. Reference STATION (cement monument)- 299 20 40 4. 12 meters. Rejcrciices at 2-inch iron pipe {"Beacon i8g8"). — ° ' " "Janes Island Light" (N ii°oi' W) 00 00 00 3;?4' miles. Fish factory stack 22 20 .. 4^ miles. "Ashbury Church Spire" 51 30 ._ 6 miles. "vSam" 92 27 __ iX niiles. Chimney on highest building on Fox Island 171 07 . _ i'4 miles. "Fox Island Poplar" 194 23 __ i mile. Reference .STATION (Cement monument) . 353 13 50 8. 875 meters "Beacon" (Observed station) 20 35 00 7. 26 meters. Wooden beacon 19 26 _. 6. 89 meters. FOX ISLAND POPLAR. Locality. — Eastern shore of lower Tangier Sound on western side of Great Fox Island about half- way between the northern and southern ends of the island. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is a very prominent lone Lonibardy jjoplar situated on solid land about ' s mile inshore from Tangier Sound. Marks. — Observed station is center of a kine Lonibardy poplar tree. References. — None necessary. SAM. Locality. — Western end and northern slinre nf Pucomoko Smind on north side of Ihc entrance to Cedar vSlraits about j s mile north of Green Harbor Island. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is on marsh land between two clumps of water bushes about 10 yards back from extreme high-water mark and 15 yards back from ordinary high-water mark. A slough passes aliout 100 yards north of station and there are several pools 30 yards north of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 2.81 meters north of observed station. " Watkins Point" of the Maryland- Virginia Ixiundary is in the water between "Sam" and Green Harbor Island. Marks. — Observed station is center of iron pipe projecting 4 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. I Siinrv of Oyster Bars, Sonic i set County^ Aid. 51 References. — ° ' " "Janes Island Light" (N 27° 30' \V)-. oo oo oo 4 miles. Fish factory stack 23 56 ., 4 miles. Ice factory stack 40 46 ._ 4J4.miles. Reference STATION 41 35 50 2. 81 meters. East 95 03 .. 3 miles. Point of land 142 16 __ 50 yards. Left tangent of small island 175 18 .. 300 yards. Right tangent of small island 21.12 SQ 300 yards. Left chimney on Fox Island 239 15 _ i'^ miles. Chimney on middle of large building on Fox Island 241 oS ,„ i;'4 miles. "Fox Island Poplar" 2,53 24 __ i;^4 miles. Large clump of trees on Fox Island 264 21 __ .. i '4 miles. WATKRMELO.N HUMMOCK. Locality. — Northern shore of Pocomoke vSound in midst of a large tract of marsh land lying between Apes Hole Creek and Broad Creek about 2 ' , miles southeast of Somers Cove Light. (See Chart No. g.) Observed station is in midst of marsh near a clump of trees which stand about 2~, yards to the north. It is about 150 yards southwest of a wide part of the upper end of Massey Creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement nujniunent. KejercHces. — o 1 u "Somers Cove Light" (N 51° 30' W) 00 00 00 2.'i' miles. Nail in blaze in pine 46 55 30 ^ 2 1 . 00 meters. Nail in blaze in pine 83 47 30 11.36 meters. Cedar tree 235 19 .. 100 yards. "Fox Island Poplar" 278 51 4 ■'4 miles. EAST. Locality. — North shore of Pocomoke Sound between Apes Hole and Broad creeks on a detaclied marsh point on east side of entrance to Cow Gap Creek. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is on southerly part of a small marsh island separated about 200 yards from ])oint of mainland. Water bushes cover northerly part of the island. Observed station is about 13 yards south of shore, 14 yards west of shore, 36 yards north of shore, and 5 yards east of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.38 meters southeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a spike in a cement filled tile pipe with top even witli surface of -marsh. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences. — ° ' " "Janes Island Light" (N 62° 19' W) 00 00 00 similes. Fish factory stack 16 06 .. 4^4 miles. Somers. Cove Light 20 18 00 3>^ miles. Tall tree 40 27 .. if^ miles. Point of land east 143 19 __ _ 35 yards. Reference station 212 04 00. 6. 38 meters. Pole at oyster house 277 12 __ 3 >^ miles. Right chimney of first house on Fox Island _ 298 31 -_ 4^ miles. Point of land west 305 25 __ 200 yards. Caljin chimney 313 09 __ '4 mile. 52 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Aid. MONKEY. Locality. — North side of Pocomoke Sound on a small island known as " Watkins Island " off entrance to Apes Hole Creek. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is in the middle of a small islet about 12 yards by 4 yards which is covered with marsh grass and awash at high water. It is very solid ground on top but soft beneath and island will ])robably be washed away in a few years. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Scot" (N 77° 17' E) 00 00 00 3 K miles. Chimney of Stirling's watch house 9 27 __ ^ mile. Left hand chimney of Matthews red roof house on Saxis Island 22 01 __ smiles. Chimney of shanty near " Mos" 68 46 .. 4X miles. Ducking blind 134 36 .. 200 yards. Ducking blind 280 40 .. 200 yards. Peak of brown house 302 18 __ 2X ™iles Windmill on barn 315 48 .. 2X niiles. Cupola of red house 336 49 ._ 5^-4 miles. SCOT. Locality. — North shore of Pocomoke Sound on extreme southern point of marsh land between East and Marurasco creeks. (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on a marsh point about 25 yards back from extreme end of point, 30 yards back from west side of point, and 20 yards from south side. It is surrounded by a thick and high clump of water bushes which extend along the shore to the eastward. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 1 1.66 meters northeast of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is an inverted spike in cement which is flush with ground and covers the top of a 6-inch tile pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences. — ° ' " "Old" (N 83° 00' E) 00 00 00 2 X miles. First red house (near Oil) 30 17 .. 3j^ miles. 2 ^-story white house 57 17 __ 2X'miles. Chimney on 4-gable house 70 31 .. 2X ™'l6S. "Saxis Church" 80 59 35 2^ miles. Chimney of Stirling's watch house 172 55 __ 2 X miles. Large tree 181 32 __ 5X ™iles. Reference STATION 317 31 40 11. 66 meters. Chimney of brown house 314 56 .. 2X n^iles. Chimney of oyster house 358 57 __ 2^ niiles. OLD. Locality. — North shore of Upper Pocomoke Sound on point of land halfway between Marumsco Creek (called " Old Johns Creek" on navigation charts) and Williams Point. (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is about 150 yards east of John T. Handy's wharf and about 15 feet back. It is on a narrow strip of marsh land which is wearing away by wave action, and thick water bushes stand east and west of station. Three large pine trees stand about li mile north by east and several oyster houses about 200 yards to the west. Cement monument marking reference station is 1 1.57 meters norlh by east of observed station and about on line with largest of three large pines mentioned above. Marks. — Observed station is spike in cement which is flush with ground and covers the top of a 6 inch tile pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Siirz'fv of 0)'s/rr Bars, So)iicrsct County, Md. 53 References. — ° "Scot" (S83°02' W) oo Chimney of Richardson's oyster liouse 12 End of wharf 16 Chimney of dwelling house 37 Largest of three pine trees no Tree to right of three pine trges 112 Reference station 112 Chimney of dilapidated white house 162 Nearest gable of first faded red roof house. _ 250 Nearest end of peak of Matthew's house on Saxis Island 310 Right tangent of Saxis Island 313 WILL. 00 00 2 >2 miles. 41 -. i}4 miles. 41 -- 150 yards. 53 ._ 125 yards. 40 __ ^^ mile. 00 - _ 3^4' mile. 36 50 1 1. 57 meters. 43 . - 250 yards. 03 __ 2 miles. 2^-} miles. 2l< niHes. Locality. — North shore of Pocomoke River on peninsula known as " Williams Point." (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on the highest part of Williams Point about 3^ mile north of extreme southern end of point and well back from both shores. A clump of bushes and two small cedar trees stand about 40 yards to the north and two medium-sized cedar trees about 300 yards to the west. A drainage creek with mouth on easterly side of peninsula runs almost completely around observed station, passing about 50 feet to the south. Marks. — Observed station is center jjoint of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Old" (N 7i°i8'W) 00 Cedar tree 7 Persimmon tree 20 Nail in blaze in cedar tree 153 Cedar tree near "Oil" ^. 297 Cedar tree 357 00 00 \'^ miles. iZ .. 300 yards. 24 .. 320 yards. 21 20 34. 30 meters. 13 .. \yi, miles. 55 .. 300 yards CUP. Locality. — Virginia side of Pocomoke River on solid land about y^ mile back from shore and ]% mile from nearest bend of Holden Creek. (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is octagonal cupola on unpainted barn on land known as "Jolly's Neck Farm." Barn stands near many cedar trees and south of another large unpainted building. Marks. — Observed station is center point of top of cupola on barn. References. — None necessary. SUMMER. Locality. — South and Virginia shore of mouth of Pocomoke River about ^i mile south of Williams Point, on point known locally as "Sand Bar Point." (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on sandy part of marsh land about 20 feet back from high-water mark on north and west sides of point. There are no permanent reference marks near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Will" (N 7°o6' E) 00 Chimney of large white house 15 Large high tree 25 Large high tree (opposite shore) 37 Southerly chimney of large house 79 Chimney on ell of red roof house 1 19 First pine tree in half dozen or more 161 Larger chimney of white house near woods 199 Federman's windmill 241 00 00 I f-g miles. 39 -- 2% miles. 42 __ 3 miles. 08 __ 2 miles. 39 __ , I ^ miles. 48 .. ^ ^ mile. 25 .. //2 mile. 52 _. X mile. II -- 14 mile. 54 Survey of Oys/cr Bars, SomcrscI County^ Md. Peak uf Federman's store 274 53 ._ J^ mile. "Oil" 281 01 15 I mile. Lone tree 317 32 _. 2' > miles. OIL. Locality. — South and Virginia shore of U])per end of Pocoitioke Sound on a point of land known as "Pig Point," located about 1^2 miles southwest of Williams Point. (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on western side of a mansh point covered with sand about 2 feet above and 30 feet east of ordinary high-water mark, 5 feet east of extreme high-w-ater mark, 100 feet south of ordinary high-water mark, and about 3 feet south of extreme high-water mark. Water bushes skirt shore to east and north and sand beach curves to southwest. On next point about ,'-4 mile southwest are two trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 46.18 meters south of observed station. 'Marks. — Observed station is spike in center of 6-inch tile pipe filled with cement with top with surface. Reference station is center of triangle on standard cement monument. Kijcrences. — ° ' " " Will" (N 47° 10' E) 00 GO 00 1^2 miles. Large lone tree 17 43 .. 2^'-^ miles. Peak of roof of Federman's store 70 03 __ ^ mile. Chimney on oyster house_- 78 07 __ ^ mile. Large tree 84 47 __ X mile. Windmill on Federman's barn go 19 ._ 3 4 mile. Chimney outside of cabin 100 30 ,_ V4 mile. Persimmon tree 123 12 __ J 4 mile. Reference station 137 50 40 46. 18 meters. Tree " 179 50 _. '4 mile. Point of land 186 10 .. 100 yards. " Saxis Church " 193 28 __ 2. '4 miles. Wharf 1 209 32 _. 2^4 miles. Chimney of white house 277 54 2'2 miles. Highest chimney in group of white houses. 290 20 ., 134 miles. High long leaf pine 295 33 __ 2 miles. Westerly end of barn 352 40 ._ 2 miles. WHARF. Locality. — Southeast and Virginia side of Pocomoke Sound about % mile offshore of Saxis Island and about ^^ mile north-northwest of "Saxis Church." (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on northwest end of house on detached pile structure called Saxis Pier. Marks. — Observed station is llag pole on nortliwesl end of peak of pier house on Saxis Island pier References. — ° ' " "Saxis Church" (S 26° 10' E) 00 00 00 ;'4'' mile. SAXIS CHURCH. Locality. — Southeast and \'irginia shore of Pocomoke Sound on solid land known as " Saxis Island " about 3/4 miles from shore of soimd and ' , mile northeast of mouth of Starling Creek. (See Chart No. 10.) .Marks. — Observed station is center point of spire on church known as Southern Methodist EpisccTpal Church. Rejercnccs. — None necessary. MOS. Locality. — Eastern extremity of marsh land between Pocomoke Soimd and Messongo Creek on a point of land locally culled "Fishing Point." (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on the western extremity of marsh point and about ' s mile east of the eastern extremity of a small island. It is about 2 feet above and 8 feet back from ordinary high-water on north Suri'ry of Ovstcr Bars, SoJiirrsrf Coiiitfv, Md. 55 side and 45 feet from western end of point. A crab-packing slianty stands about 8 yards to eastward of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — " o / // "Monkey " (N 35° 23' W) 00 00 00 4 ' 2 miles. Point of Island 33 01 ._ i^smile. " Saxis Church " 82 06 10 2 5 g miles. Right edge of woods on Saxis Island 86 11 __ 25/ miles. Left corner of crab house 98 38 __ 6. 74 meters. Right corner of crab house 128 43 _- 6. 37 meters. Point of land on Burntwood Island 163 01 __ 2 miles. Chimney on shanty 301 38 ._ 200 yards. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION OK DESCRIPTIONS OF BOITNDARIES. The oyster bars of Somerset County are t,"^ in number, and their total area, as marked out bv buovs placed by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission, is 27,566 acres. As provided by law, the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but they inclose areas of all shapes from triangles to complicated fourteen-sided figures, and of all sizes from 3,083 acres to 10 acres." The sides vary in length from 130 to 6,800 yards, and in some cases the corners of the boundaries are practically at the triangulation stations from which thev are located, while in other instances they are over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their positions. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made, and the magnitude of the work, with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, has made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method ^omewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and future. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus a\-oiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in the county. At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, its general locality, and the serial number of the "Charts of Oyster Bars" of Maryland on which its legal boundaries are shown. The first column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corre- sponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i , thence proceeding in a clockwise direction around the bar; but where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the " For similar statistics for other counties that have been surveyed, see Appendix C of this publi- cation. 56 S//rrrv of Ors/cr Bars, Soiiirrsc/ Coniifv, Md. corner of I lie boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, crab bottoms, or clam beds, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. The second and third columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definition of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrepancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the Survey, even though all the land- marks and buoys originally used for their location have been destroyed by natural causes or by acts of vandals desiring to defeat the purposes of the oyster laws of Maryland. The fourth and fifth columns, under the general heading of "True bearing"" and the specific headings "Forward" and " Back," give bearings measured from a true north- and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the computations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. The sixth column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. The seventh and last column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station,"'' gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the correspond- ing "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of the bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication, under the heading of "Description of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. ' There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual bf)undaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surv^eying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars. One, to determine whether the buoys marking « The mean magnetic variation of Somerset County for 1908 was 5° 30' west of north, and increasing at the rate of 3' yearly. ''Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be nlitaincd liy appUcation to the Super- intendent of tlic Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington. Surz'cy of Ovsti'r Ba/s, So/iwrsr/ Cou///j', Md. 57 the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used bv engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar with this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey. (2) Hydroqraphic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer, having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used, but not until the two angles determ-ining the position of any buoy have been derived from the "Forward bearing" given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take "Turtle Egg Island" bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3," is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Senator" and "Deal Island Church" as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner is 128° 39' and the angle between "Deal Island Church" and "Crab" is 99° 30'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calcula- tions were made. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accom- plished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor ("position finder"), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative positions that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the 50095—08 8 58 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset Coiiiitv, Md. chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the bound- ary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two land- marks arc shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the pro tractor. The second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant then the other until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practicallv identical with the pro- tractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles bv using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic locations of points are attained; in fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the Commission. (3) Magnetic bearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State fishery force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer takes compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local decHnation," and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared alto- gether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the cor- rected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks for which the bearings are published have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a pro- tractor and then applying them in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic bearings from slwrc.-Tbis method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point mark ing a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "The mean tnignetic variation of Somerset County for 1908 was 5° 30' west of north and increasing at the rate of 3' yearly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 59 "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination), given in the fourth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question and on line with the name of the "sta- tion" being occupied. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second trian- gulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. The instrument is placed over a ".triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the " Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of 0° 00' 00" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from the "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit, and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. TURTLE EGG ISLAND. {Upper Tangier Sound — Charts Nos. 5 and 7 ) Cor- ner of bar Latitude 38 0,5 49. 58 Longitude 76 00 03. 78 S S N True h Forward earing Back Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station I 77 38 W 12 54 W 65 07 E N 77 38 E N 12 53 E S 65 09 W Yards. 609 6113 5553 Miles. Solomons Lump Light Joshua. 2 38 06 24.78 76 00 21, 47 S N N 5 22 W 78 12 E 10 01 W N 5 22 E S 78 14 W S 10 01 E 1323 5629 3400 Miles. Joshua. Senator. 3 38 08 42. 38 76 00 20. 00 S N N 26 01 w 77 22 E 22 08 W N 26 01 E S 77 24 W S 22 08 E 1437 5582 3984 Senator. Deal Island Church. Crab. 4 38 08 37.36 75 59 11-44 N N 69 02 E 40 45 W 65 28 W S 69 03 W S 40 46 E N 65 27 E 3878 5095 2700 Deal Island Church. Crab. Senator. 5 38 05 57. 12 75 59 10. 20 S s N 79 13 W 24 12 W 60 02 E N 79 12 E N 24 II E S 60 03 W 2059 6812 4168 Miles Solomons Lump Light Joshua. 6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset Cotiiitv, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. MUD. (Upper Tangier Somid — Chart No. 5.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I 38 08 37. 36 75 59 11-44 N N S 6g 02 E 40 45 W 65 28 W S 69 03 W S 40 46 E N 65 27 E Yard^. 3878 5095 2700 Deal Island Church. Crab. Senator. 2 38 08 42, 38 76 00 20. 00 S N N 26 01 W 77 22 E 22 08 W N 26 01 E S 77 24 w S 22 08 E 1437 5582 3984 Senator. Deal Island Church. Crab, 3 38 09 06. 39 76 00 41. 00 S N N I 56 w 86 05 E 18 06 W N I s6 E S 86 07 W vS 18 06 E 2102 6019 3030 Senator. Deal Island Church. Crab. 4 38 09 26. 74 76 00 23. 48 S S N 10 55 W 87 10 E 32 41 W N 10 ss E N 87 07 W S 32 41 E 2838 5546 2607 Senator. Deal Island Church. Crab. 5 38 09 53.08 75 59 18.00 N S S 67 28 W 31 50 w 72 57 E S 67 29 E N 31 49 E N 72 58 W 341 1 4325 3970 Crab. Senator. Deal Island Church. OLD ORCHARD. (Upper Tangier Sound — Cliart No. 5.) I 38 09 12.58 75 58 01 68 N N S 83 26 61 29 E 24 E 51 w S S N 83 30 w 26 24 w 61 53 E Yards. 1775 3064 4893 Deal Island Church. Haines. Senator. 2 38 09 15. 60 75 58 21 20 N N S 87 35 57 3' g 27 E 34 W S s N 87 32 w 35 28 w 57 33 E 2285 3245 4495 Deal Island Church. Haines. Senator. 3 38 10 06. 90 75 58 19 19 s s N 42 53 63 53 W 49 E 27 E N N S 42 52 E 53 49 W 63 28 W 5651 2761 2044 Senator. Deal Island Church Haines. 4 38 10 09. 70 75 57 15 91 N N s 9 83 17 57 E 20 W 31 E S S N 9 58 W 83 17 E 17 31 w 831 6445 1809 Haines. Crab. Deal Island Church. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset County^ Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTBR BARS — Continued. HAINES. {Upper Tangier Sound — Chart No. 5.) 61 HALLS POINT. (Upper Tangier Sound — Chart No. 5.) I 38 I I 16. 19 75 57 05. 79 S 5 03 w N 82 39 E N 2 43 E N 5 03 E S 82 39 W S 2 43 W Yards. 1429 1023 5903 Haines. Room. Frog. 2 38 I 2 08. 36 75 57 32. 19 S 46 31 E N 61 58 E N 13 21 E N 46 30 W S 62 00 W S 13 32 w 2365 6723 4252 Room. White. Frog. 3 38 12 22.96 75 57 04-02 S 24 30 E N 62 46 E N 3 39 E N 24 ^0 W S 62 48 w S 3 39 W 2330 5830 3653 Room. White. Frog. 4 38 12 10. 72 75 55 55-59 N 47 32 E N 21 22 W S 26 35 W S 47 33 W S 21 22 E N 26 35 E 4560 4357 1909 White. Frog. Room. 5 38 11 52-57 75 55 45-84 N 40 04 E N 21 34 W S 45 28 W S 40 05 W S 21 35 E N 45 28 E 4824 5022 1563 White. Frog. Room. 6 38 I 1 47.98 75 56 30- 40 S 4 22 E N 48 07 E N 7 48 W N 4 22 W S 48 09 W S 7 49 E 944 5762 4870 Room. White. Frog. 62 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. ROCK CREEK. {Upper Tangier Sound — Chart No. 5.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance u. s. c. of bar Forward Back , , ,, / / Yards. I 38 12 1 1 . 80 75 55 19-92 S 45 58 W N 89 35 E N 38 27 E N 45 57 E S 89 36 W S 38 28 W 2509 3363 3884 Room. Short. White. 2 38 12 17.40 75 55 28.62 S 39 07 w S 87 23 E N 42 51 E N 39 07 E N 87 20 W S 42 52 w 2492 3598 3892 Room. Short. White. 3 38 12 20.98 75 55 15-54 S 43 05 w S 84 59 E N 40 04 E N 43 04 E N 84 57 W S 40 05 w 2812 3259 3572 Room. Short. White. EVANS. {Entrance to Wicomico River — Chart No. 5.) , // / , , Yards. I 38 12 II. 13 75 55 00.80 N 89 04 E N 31 53 E S 53 20 W S 89 05 W S 31 54 W N 53 20 E 2854 3610 2883 Short. White. Room. 2 38 12 36.31 75 54 44- 50 S 46 54 W S 71 39 E N 33 37 E^ S 38 49 E N 89 20 E N 3 14 E N 46 53 E N 71 38 W s 33 38 W 3762 2550 2661 Room. Short. White. 3 38 12 50.97 75 53 52- 76 N 38 49 W S 89 20 W S 3 14 w 1664 1755 1725 Short. Great Shoals Light. White. 4 38 12 38.84 75 53 10.40 S 5 22 W N 55 41 E N 25 48 W N 5 22 E S 55 41 w S 25 48 E 892 761 2367 Short. Great Shoals Light. White. 5 38 12 24. 72 75 53 38. 75 S 58 26 E N 56 47 E N 6 02 W N 58 26 W S 56 48 W S 6 02 E 787 1.652 2621 Short. Great Shoals Light. White. BUOY. {Entrance Wicomico River — Chart No. 5.) , /; , , , Yards. I 38 12 30.79 75 52 38.34 S 73 13 E N 17 45 W S 56 38 w N 73 12 W S 17 45 E N 56 38 E 1765 736 1 121 Dove. Great Shoals Light. Short. 2 38 12 45.82 75 52 36.80 N 53 50 W S 41 02 W S 58 21 E S 53 50 E N 41 01 E N 58 21 W 328 1489 1938 Great Shoals Light. Short. Dove. 3 38 12 48.43 75 52 23.80 N 80 10 W S 47 31 W S 49 43 E S 80 10 E N 47 31 E N 49 43 W 620 1795 1708 Great Shoals Light. Short. Dove. 4 38 12 32.26 75 52 22. 18 N 45 08 W S 64 00 W S 66 04 E S 45 08 E N 64 00 E N 66 04 W 923 1520 1376 Great Shoals Light. Short. Dove. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS continued. WINGATE. (Lower Wicomico River — Chart No. 5.) 63 38 r4 01. 31 38 T4 05. i; 38 14 21. 26 38 14 12. oiigitudc True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation Forward Back station , Yards. 7.=i 51 5**' 41 i\ 70 14 E N 38 53 E N 31 47 W S 70 14 w S 38 53 W ,S 31 47 E 379 2099 1307 Wind. Holland. Ella. 75 52 02. 63 S 61 19 E N 43 31 E N 30 23 W N 61 19 W vS 43 32 W S 30 22 E 536 2077 1 138 Wind. Holland. Ella. 75 s 1 40- 50 N 41 12 E N 69 23 W S 8 26 W S 41 12 W S 69 24 E N 8 26 E 1277 1245 810 Holland. Ella. Wind. 75 51 33- 60 N 27 50 E N 61 48 W S 30 21 W S 27 50 W S 61 49 E N 30 21 E 1409 1529 598 Holland. Ella. Wind. MOUNT VERNON WHARF. {Middle Wicomico River — Cliart No. 5.) , Yards. I 38 15 10. 22 75 48 29. 18 S 77 45 E N 6 01 W S 81 02 W N 77 44 W S 6 01 E N 81 02 E 175 434 1 138 Walnut. End. Jones. 2 38 15 13- 76 75 48 30.30 N 50 26 W S 74 50 W S 52 02 E S 50 26 E N 74 50 E N 52 02 W 1342 "34 254 Creek. Jones. Walnut. 3 38 15 15- 14 75 48 19.08 N 49 44 W S 76 09 w S 25 44 W S 49 44 E N 76 09 E N 25 44 E 411 1435 225 End. Jones. Walnut. 4 38 15 18.76 75 48 09. 97 N 7s 29 W S 74 07 W S 46 18 W S 75 29 E N 74 06 E N 46 18 E 574 1701 470 End. Jones. Walnut. 5 38 15 14. 18 75 48 08.56 N 63 19 W S 79 28 W S 65 41 W S 63 19 E N 79 28 E N 65 41 E 665 1702 414 End. Jones. Walnut. 64 Sun'ey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. GEORGES. (^Middle Manokin River — Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatioii bar Forward Back station I 38 07 34.98 75 50 51-58 S N N 61 04 E 13 42 E 53 58 W N 61 02 W S 13 42 w S 53 58 E Yards. 4965 2314 1054 Fairmounl Church. Jean. St. Pierre. 2 38 07 37.55 75 51 09- 09 S N N 62 39 E 35 54 W 68 19 W N 62 37 W S 35 54 E S 68 20 E 54>7 659 3245 Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. 3 38 08 15.04 75 50 56. 73 S S N 44 25 W 71 55 E 37 21 E N 44 25 E N 71 55 W S 37 22 W 1023 2350 1130 St. Pierre. .Staff. Jean. 4 38 08 41. 22 75 50 12.44 N S S 88 14 W 33 12 E 78 31 E S 88 14 E N 33 II W N 78 30 W 492 1927 2791 Jean. Staff. Sandy. 5 38 08 46. 80 75 50 02-99 s i 76 56 W 24 03 E 60 07 E N 76 56 E N 24 02 W N 60 07 W 766 1972 2594 Jean. Staff. Cupola. 6 38 08 42.06 75 49 27-21 s s s 89 33 W 62 07 W 5 13 W N 89 33 E N 62 05 E N 5 13 E 1698 3508 1647 Jean. St. Pierre. Staff. 7 38 08 22.52 75 49 17-98 N s s 71 37 w 21 s6 W 65 43 E S 71 38 E N 21 s6 E N 65 43 W 2054 1059 "53 Jean. Staff. Cupola. 8 38 08 22.89 75 48 50- 33 s s N 48 42 W 32 51 E 83 32 E N 48 42 E N 32 51 W S 83 33 w 1507 579 551 Staff. Cupola. Sandy. 9 38 08 18.77 75 48 36-40 s s N 60 21 W 9 19 w 41 21 E N 60 21 E N 9 19 E S 41 21 W 1729 352 268 Staff. Cupola. Sandy. 10 38 08 13.78 75 48 46- 70 s s N 60 47 w 50 31 E 50 42 E N 60 46 E N 50 31 W S 50 42 W 1407 282 583 Staff. Cupola. Sandy. II 38 08 16.22 75 49 44- 00 N s s 55 34 W 73 49 W 21 08 E S 55 34 E N 73 48 E N 21 08 W 1517 2762 825 Jean. St. Pierre. Staff. 12 38 08 07. 26 75 50 47- 14 s N s 64 16 W 20 20 E 76 43 E N 64 16 E S 20 20 W N 76 43 W 1078 1237 2034 St. Pierre. Jean. Staff. SurvcY of Oyster licrrs, Souicrsrf Coiiii/y, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SOUTHWEST MIDDLEGROUND. {Chesapeake Bay — Off Smith Island — Charts Nos. 6 and 8.) 65 True bearing Latitude Liingitude UistanCL- U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatinii bar Forward Back , II , , Yards. I 37 58 56.46 76 10 01.95 S N N 87 36 E 70 20 E 33 04 E N 87 31 ,S 70 24 S 33 07 W W W 12019 1 1802 12510 Old Church fSmith Island). Joseph. Holland Island Bar Light. , 38 01 24.82 76 10 20. %6 S 66 14 E N 66 09 W 13658 Old Church (Smith Island). S N 84 49 E 53 10 E N 84 44 -S 53 13 W \V 1 1653 9142 Joseph. Holland Island Bar Light. 3 38 00 48. 20 76 08 02. 8s S 64 10 E N 64 07 W 9810 Old Church (Smith Island). N 88 43 E 28 33 E S 88 46 S 28 34 VV W 7940 764- Joseph. Holland Island Bar Light. 4 37 59 25-9-^ 76 07 29. 61 s N N 79 18 E 67 17 E 16 IS E N 79 IS S 67 20 S 16 16 w w w 8083 7643 9882 Old Church (Smith Island). Joseph. Holland Island Bar Light. KEDGE STRAITS. (Chesapeake Bay — Ufj Kedge Straits — Chart No. 6.) / „ / // / , Yards. I 38 02 59- 23 76 05 02.83 S S N 67 03 88 09 --6 34 E E N N S 67 88 26 01 07 34 W W E 4415 6613 2566 Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. 2 38 03 44-58 76 05 27. 95 S S N 55' 28 76 33 31 59 E E w N N S 55 76 31 26 30 59 W W E 5735 7485 902 Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. 3 38 04 06. 44 76 04 14.42 N S S 89 20 34 50 64 59 w E E S N N 89 34 64 21 48 57 E w 2438 48S8 5869 Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Liglit. 4 38 03 23- 36 76 04 01. 96 s s s 16 38 43 55 78 21 E E E N N N 16 43 78 38 54 19 w w w 5279 3519 5092 Joseph. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. OYSTER CREEK. {Outer Kedge Straits — Chart No. 6.) / // / // / / Yard.'!. I 38 03 41. 17 76 02 30. 87 N S S 80 23 w 14 E 57 31 E S 80 25 E N 14 W N 57 30 W 5272 3138 3033 Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. 2 38 04 09. 14 76 04 01. 30 1 S S s 88 43 W 30 43 E 62 38 E N 88 42 E N ^0 42 W N 62 36 W 2789 4745 5595 Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. 3 38 04 34.32 76 04 32. 26 s s s 65 05 \V ?..^ 24 E 59 ^6 E N 65 04 E N 33 -^4 W N 59 24 W 2164 59"3 6730 Holland Island Bar Light. Fog- Solomons Lump Light. 50095—08- 66 Cor- oY , bar SKTi'ev of Oys/cr Bars, Soiiirrsrt Co?n7tv, Md. BOHNIIARIHS OI-* NATURAI< OYSTKR BARS -COlUilUied. (JWSTER CREEK— Continued. True bearing Forward l Back 4 38 04 40.76 76 04 I,|.So 38 O.S 10. 20 76 04 J 51.48 75 56 30. 20 N 77 42 E N 4 28 W N 8g 36 W S s s 77 44 W 4 28 E 89 39 E Yards. 6823 8366 7059 Has. Joshua. Solomons Luni]) Light 2 38 03 50.44 75 57 18.84 N 5 47 E N 52 05 W S. 71 23 w s s N 5 49 W 52 07 E 71 21 E 6401 6326 6080 Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lump Liglit. 3 38 05 48. 86 75 57 49- 50 N 31 45 E S 88 33, W S 39 48 w s N N 31 46 W 88 32 E 39 46 E 2776 4174 7724 Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lump Liglil. 4 38 05 56. 82 75 57 19-40 N 17 29 E S 85 43 W S 42 49 W s N N 17 30 w 85 41 E 42 47 E 2194 4990 8456 Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lump 1-ighi 5 38 05 42. 60 75 56 59.66 N 2 58 E N 88 52 W S 47 38 W S S N 2 58 W 88 54 E 47 36 E 2574 5502 8492 Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lumj) Light. 6 38 02. 52.53 75 55 46- 18 N 75 32 E N 12 21 W N 89 54 W S S s 75 34 W 12 24 E 89 57 E 5672 8504 8234 Has. Joshua. Solomons Lump Liglit. 68 Suri'cy of Ovs/cr /uirs, Soii/crsr/ Coiii/fr^ Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. PINEY IvSLAND SWASH. (Lower Manokin River — Chart No. 7.) 38 06 30.82 75 55 43.81 N 51 16 E j N 27 09 E N 63 23 W 38 06 40. 44 75 56 03. So N 57 07 E N 36 29 E N 6s 22 W 1 38 06 ,55.34 75 55 50.46 I N 59 39 E N 3i!rs^ So)iirrsr/ Ci>tiiit\\ Md. BOUND.^RIRS OF N.Vl'URAL OYSTER BARS — continued. MARSHY ISLAND. {Lower Manokin River — Chart No. 7.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triaili;! station lation of bar 38 04 49. 82 75 53 40-47 Forward S 17 05 E S 40 08 E N 63 55 E Back N 17 o4"W N 40 08 W S 63 56 W Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. I Yards. 6283 3321 2225 2 38 05 17. 10 75 54 19-78 S 22 41 E S 42 41 E N 88 54 E N 22 40 W N 42 40 W S 88 55 W 7505 4704 3047 Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. ' 38 05 50. 40 75 54 24. 20 vS 71 25 E N 24 23 E N 60 03 W N 71 24 \V S 24 25 W S 60 05 E 3338 5282 4626 Prickly. Marsh. Joshua. 4 38 07 04. 22 75 53 18.62 N 61 34 E N 10 35 E N 42 56 W S 61 36 W S 10 35 w S 42 57 E 3483 2362 3113 St. Pierre. Marsh. Kelley. 5 38 07 38.06 75 52 23. 58 N 72 05 E N 41 08 W N 72 23 W S 72 05 W S 41 og E S 72 25 E 1679 1568 3763 St. Pierre. Marsh. Kelley. 6 38 07 37.55 75 51 09-09 S 62 39 E N 35 54 W N 68 19 W N 62 37 W S 35 54 E S 68 20 E 5417 659 3245 Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. 7 38 07 34.98 75 50 51-58 S 61 04 E N 13 42 E N 53 58 W N 61 02 W S 13 42 w S 53 58 E 4965 2314 1054 Fairmount Church. Jean. St. Pierre. 8 38 07 03.79 75 5' 10-99 S 74 29 E N II 21 W N 51 45 W N 74 27 W S II 22 E S 51 46 E 5046 1705 3775 Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. 9 38 07 05. 36 75 52 17-32 S 78 03 E N 41 28 E N 27 41 W N 78 01 W S 41 29 W S 27 42 E 6776 2161 2579 Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. 10 38 05 46. 90 75 53 38-71 1 S 64 08 E N II 07 E N 65 03 W N 64 08 W S II 08 W S 65 05 E 2169 5024 5757 Prickly. Marsh. Joshua. Surzrr of Ors/rr Bars, Somrisr/ dunity, Md. 71 BOUNnARIIiS OF NATURAL OYSTRR BARS-COUlilUlcd. DRUM POINT. (Lower Manokin River — Chart No. 7.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude 75 53 15-53 jTruc bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar S S N Forward 12 16 E 37 08 E 40 34 E N N S Back 12 16 W 37 07 W 40 35 W station I 38 04 32.62 Yards. 5552 2445 2052 Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. - 38 04 40. 82 75 53 40-47 S s N 17 05 E 40 08 E 63 55 E N N S 17 04 w 40 08 \v 63 56 w 6283 3321 2225. Flat Cap. Has. Prickly 3 38 05 46.90 75 53 38.71 S N N 64 08 E II 07 E 65 03 W s 64 08 w II 08 w 65 05 E 2169 5024 5757 Prickly. Marsh . Joshua. 4 38 07 05. 36 75 52 17-32 S N N 78 03 E 41 28 E 27 41 W N S s 78 01 W 41 29 w 27 42 E 6776 2161 2579 Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. 5 38 07 03. 79 75 51 10-99 S N N 74 29 E II 21 W 51 45 W N s s 74 27 W II 22 E 51 46 E 5046 1705 3775 Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. 6 38 07 34. 98 75 .50 51-58 s N N 61 04 E 13 42 E 53 58 W N S s 61 02 W 13 42 W 53 58 E 4965 2314 1054 Fairmount Church. Jean. St. Pierre. 7 38 07 33. 63 75 50 42.00 S N N 60-03 E 70 06 E 7 16 E N S s 60 01 W 70 07 w 7 16 W 4720 1959 2313 Fairmount Church. Staff. Jean. 8 38 07 22.98 75 50 41- 10 S N N 63 50 E 60 34 E 5 48 E N S s 63 48 W 60 35 W 5 48 W 4530 2088 3761 Fairmount Church. Staff. Jean, 9 38 07 14. 55 75 50 47- 49 S N N 67 59 E 56 37 E 36 18 W N s s 67 57 W 56 38 W 36 18 E 4569 2382 1624 Fairmount Church. Staff. St. Pierre. 10 38 06 59. 16 75 50 46. 00 S N N 74 06 E 46 49 E 28 43 W N s s 74 05 W 46 50 W 28 43 E 4361 2673 2084 Fairmount Church. Staff. St. Pierre. II 38 06 35.34 75 51 56.97 S N N 86 18 E 18 40 E 27 50 W N S S 86 IS W 18 40 W 27 51 E 6100 2778 3728 Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. 12 38 06 05. 78 75 52 32-34 S N N 6 36 E 85 04 E 26 46 E N S S 6 36 W 85 07 w 26 47 W 1593 7056 4064 Prickly. Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. 13 38 05 56. 46 75 53 00. 24 S N N 36 05 E 33 08 E 41 W N S S 36 04 W 33 09 W 41 E 1569 4708 4607 Prickly. St. Pierre. Marsh. 14 38 05 01. 80 75 52 41-83 N N N 19 48 E 4 50 W 59 37 W s s s ig 49 W 4 50 E 59 39 E 6149 6473 7808 St. Pierre. Marsh. Joshua. 72 S/inry of Oys/cr Bars, Sontrrsr/ Coun/v, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — COntillUod . PRICKLY POINT. {Mouth Manokin River — Chart No. 7.) True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triansul station For ward B ack 1 1 Yards. , , ,38 04 28. 72 75 53 19 95 S 13 47 E N 13 46 W ! 5452 Flat Cap. S 41 06 E N 41 05 W 2426 Has. N 40 40 E S 40 41 W 2228 Prickly. 38 04 50. 38 75 54 16 08 S 24 53 E N 24 52 W 6641 Flat Cap. S 50 24 E N 50 22 \\ 401 1 Has. N 71 58 ^ S 71 59 W 3100 Prickly. 38 o.S 17- 10 75 54 19 78 S 22 41 E N 22 40 W 1 7505 Flat Cap. s 42- 41 E N 42 40 W 4704 Has. N 88 54 E S 88 55 W 3047 Prickly. 38 04 49- 82 75 53 40 47 S 17 05 E N 17 04 \V 6283 Flat Cap. s 40 08 E N 40 08 W 3321 Has. N 63 55 E S 63 56 W Prickly. 5 38 04 32.62 75 53 15-53 v^ 12 16 E S 37 08 E N 40 34 E N 12 16 W 5552 Flat Cap. N 37 07 W 2445 Has. S 40 35 W 2052 Prickly. PINEY ISLAND EAST. {Middle Tangier Sound — Chart No. 7.) / '/ , , , Yards. I 38 03 05.04 75 54 1 6- 59 S 48 39 E N 48 37 W 3742 Flat Cap. N 72 14 E S 72 15 W 3260 Has. N 28 06 W s 28 08 E 8939 Joshua. 2 38 04 19. 61 75 54 49- 20 S 36 25 E N 36 23 W 6ig6 Flat Cap. S 69 05 E N 69 03 W 4255 Has. N 62 28 E S 62 30 w 4320 Prickly. 3 38 04 12.34 75 53 21. 76 S 15 49 E N 15 48 w 4929 Flat Cap. S 52 10 E N 52 10 w 2079 Has. N 33 47 E S 33 48 \v 2698 Prickly. 4 38 03 23. 75 75 53 02. 85 S 15 1 1 E N 15 10 w 3216 Flat Cap. N 72 18 E S 72 19 w 1 194 Has. N 40 24 W S 40 27 E 9527 Joshua. Cor- ner of bar Survey o/- Oys/rr Bars^ Soiitcrsri County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. HARRIS. {Middle Tangier Sound — Chart No. 7.) 73 True bearing Longitude Forward Back 38 02 37-94 75 .S4 04.81 | S 58 00 E N 55 38 E N 27 13 W 38 03 05.04 75 54 16.59 S 48 39 E N 72 14 E N 28 06 W ° ' I Yards. N 57 59 W ' 2942 Flat Cap. S 55 39 W j 3380 Has. S 27 15 E ' 9894 Joshua 03 23- 75 75 53 02, 02 40.04 75 52 45. S 15 II E N 72 18 E N 40 24 W N 48 37 W S 72 15 w S 28 08 E N 15 10 W S 72 19 W S 40 27 "E 3742 Flat Cap. 3260 Has. 8939 Joshua. 3216 Flat Cap. 1 194 Has. 9527 Joshua. S 13 26 E N 13 26 W i 1675 Flat Cap. N 58 48 E S 58 49 W i 5484 Ford. N 20 28 E S 20 28 W i 1961 Has. BIG ANNEMESSEX. (Big Annemessex River — Chart No. 7.) / « , ,/ ', , Yards. I 38 02 50.93 75 51 45-86 N 51 20 E N 31 53 W S 31 14 W S 51 21 w S 31 53 E N 31 14 E 3959 1731 2336 Ford. Has. Flat Cap. 2 38 03 16.52 75 51 49-69 N 63 14 E N 53 14 W S 21 12 W S 63 15 w S 53 14 E N 21 12 E 3576 1014 3066 Ford. Has. Flat Cap. 3 38 03 45.06 75 51 07.58 S 30 17 W S 55 12 E N 72 37 E N 30 17 E N 55 II W S 72 37 W 4426 3314 2170 Flat Cap. Geog. Ford. 4 38 03 51.42 75 49 12.66 N 66 25 W S 9 16 W S 43 22 E S 66 25 E N 9 16 E N 43 21 W 1084 2134 2420 Ford. Geog. Colburn. 5 38 03 08. 18 75 48 47-60 S 73 07 E N 44 50 E N 41 17 W N 73 06 W S 44 50 w S 41 18 E 1039 1650 2517 Colburn. Moon. Ford. 6 38 03 03.08 75 48 54-81 S 83 45 E N 45 17 E N 35 27 W N 83 45 W S 45 '7 W S 35 27 E 1 193 1908 2533 Colburn. Moon. Ford. 7 38 03 17.77 75 49 3'- 17 S 8 47 E N 69 58 E N 17 40 W N 8 47 W S 69 59 w S 17 40 E 982 2475 1646 Geog. Moon. Ford.' Geog.B Ford. Has. 8 38 03 05. 44 75 50 32-58 S' 72 45 E N 29 50 E N 71 07 W N 72 44 W S 29 50 w S 71 08 E 1872 2287 3031 50095—08 10 S/iri'i'v of Ovstir Bars, Soiiirrsr/ Co/in/y, Md. BOUNDARIES OK NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. CHURCH creek!. [Chesapeake Bay — Oj\ Smith Island — Chart No. S.) Cor- Latitude Longitude 76 04 16. 61 True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation "oT bar Forward Back station I 37 58 41. ig N N N 89 55 60 15 22 06 E E E S S s 89 56 w 60 16 w 22 07 W Yards. 2791 4167 7531 Old Church (Smith Island). North ChurchfSmith Isl'd). Fog. ,37 .-iS .'i3 M 76 05 41, 59 S N N 85 25 74 16 37 49 E E E N s s 85 23 w 74 18 W 37 52 W 5075 6114 8316 Old Church (Smith Island). North Church(Smith Isl'd). Fog. T, 37 SQ ,S3 49 76 o,s 47.4,s S S N 65 00 86 31 49 10 E E E N s 64 58 w 86 28 W 49 .2 W 5755 6053 ^945 Old Church (Smith Island). North Church (Smith Isl'd). Fog. 4 ^8 00 01 , 79 76 04 ij. 09 S S N 44 32 79 28 32 29 E E E N N S 44 3- W 79 27 W 32 30 w 3807 3557 5050 Old Church (Smith Island). North Church (Smith Isl'd). Fog. PHIUBYS. {Lower Tangier Sound — Chart No. 9.) Yards^ 56 57 88 75 54 49 54 N N N 59 15 86 04 01 25 E W W S S S 59 15 86 05 01 28 W E E 4041 1771 7711 Somers Cove Light Janes Island Light. Horse. 57 10 16 75 55 47 46 N N N 71 39 89 38 59 24 E E W S S S 71 40 89 40 00 26 W W E 5281 1692 6149 Somers Cove Light Janes Island Light. "Horse. 57 36 68 75 54 '3 91 N S N 74 I 73 05 46 00 W W E S N S 74 I 73 05 46 01 E E W 1467 7833 2629 Janes Island Light. Fox Island Poplar. Somers Cove Light 57 06 76 75 54 25 70 S N N 57 37 37 52 49 E E W N S s 57 37 37 53 50 w w E 6821 3341 1786 Fox Island Poplar. Somers Cove Light Janes Island Light. Survey of Oyster Dars^ Soviersct Coutitv^ Mel. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. GREAT ROCK. (Lower Tangier Sound — Chart No. 9.) 75 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance bar Forward Back - I 37 55 03-68 75 55 47-80 S 40 19 E N II 09 E N 54 48 W N 40 18 W S II 10 W S 54 51 E Yards. 3504 5668 7514 Fox Island Poplar. Janes Island Light. Horse. 2 37 55 04.91 75 56 45-03 S 54 27 E N 25 26 E N 47 05 W N 54 26 W S 25 27 W S 47 07 E 4665 6112 6298 Fox Island Poplar. Janes Island Light. Horse. 3 37 56 05. 24 75 56 31-32 N 58 03 E N 32 56 E N 65 38 W S 58 06 W S 32 57 W S 65 40 E 7286 4153 5465 Somers Cove Light. Janes Island Light. Horse. ^ 37 57 10. 16 75 55 47-46 N 71 38 E N 39 59 E N 89 24 W S 71 40 W S 40 00 W S 89 26 E 5281 1692 6149 Somers Cove Light. Janes Island Light. Horse. 5 37 56 57- 88 75 54 49- 54 N 59 04 E N 15 01 W N 86 25 W S 59 05 W S 15 01 E S 86 28 E 4041 1771 7711 Somers Cove Light. Janes Island Light. Horse. FOX ISLAND. {Lower Tangier Sound — Chart No. 9.) , , , , Yards. I 37 54 26. 23 75 56 53- 80 S 70 45 E N 22 44 E N 38 03 W N 70 43 W S 22 45 W S 38 05 E 4269 7398 7103 Fox Island Poplar Janes Island Light. Horse. 2 37 55 04.91 75 56 45-03 S 54 27 E N 25 26 E N 47 05 W N 54 26 W S 25 27 w S 47 07 E 4665 6112 6298 Fox Island Poplar. Janes Island Light. Horse. 3 37 55 03: 68 75 55 47- 80 S 40 19 E N II 09 E N 54 48 W N 40 18 \V S II 10 w S 54 51 E 3504 5668 7514 Fox Island Poplar. Janes Island Light. Horse. 4 37 54 29.34 75 56 05. 26 S 61 02 E N 13 06 E N 45 57 W N 61 01 W S 13 06 W S 45 59 E 3124 6898 7894 Fox Island Poplar. Janes Island Light. Horse. 76 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset Comity^ Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. STONE. (Northern Pocomoke Sound — Chart No. 9.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True' bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bar Forward Back , « , / , Yards. I 37 55 41-57 75 48 32.21 ' S 85 52 E N 7 51 E N 88 43 W N 85 49 W S 7 51 w S 88 44 E 8251 2676 2467 Saxis Church. Monkey. East. 2 37 55 53-60 75 48 43-03 S 83 19 E N 16 15 E S 80 51 w ■ N 83 15 W S 16 15 W N 80 50 E 8577 2339 2206 Saxis Church. Monkey. East. 3 37 56 11-53 75 48 29. 22 N 65 24 E N 9 52 E • S 69 26 W S 65 27 W S 9 53 W N 69 25 E 7473 Scot. 1666 1 Monkey. 2720 i East. 4 37 56 01.22 75 48 05.47 , N 60 42 E N 9 56 VV S 79 II W S 60 45 W S 9 56 E N 79 10 E 7065 2021 3238 Scot. Monkey. East. 5 37 55 50- 76 75 47 52-93 : S 82 49 E ' N 16 16 W S 85 52 w N 82 46 W S 16 16 E N 85 53 E 7237 2439 3525 Saxis Church. Monkey. East. 6 37 55 45- 79 75 48 13.64 ! N 2 58 W S 88 19 W S 67 30 W 1 S 2 58 E N 88 18 E N 67 27 E 2517 2964 10680 Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. WATKINS. {Northern Pocomoke Sound — Chart No. p.) , , « , Yards. I 37 56 01. 22 75 48 05.47 N 60 42 E N 9 56 W S 79 II w S 60 45 w S 9 56 E N 79 10 E 7065 2021 3238 Scot. Monkey. East. 2 37 56 1 1- 53 75 48 29. 22 N 65 24 E N 9 52 E S 69 26 w S 65 27 W S 9 53 W N 69 25 E 7473 1666 2720 Scot. Monkey. East. 3 37 56 25.34 75 48 44- 22 N 69 49 E N 30 16 E S 56 29 W S 69 52 W S 30 16 W N 56 28 E 7666 1362 2573 Scot. Monkey. East. 4 37 56 41-98 75 48 17.81 N 72 12 E N I 46 W S- 55 12 W S 72 15 w S I 46 E N 55 II E 6816 614 3472 Scot. Monkey. East. 5 37 56 42-70 75 47 54-58 N 70 40 E N 47 16 W S 59 59 W S 70 43 W S 47 17 E N 59 58 E 6220 870 4009 Scot. Monkey. East. 6 37 56 25.57 75 47 39-00 N 64 12 E N 42 06 W S 69 50 W S 64 14 W S 42 06 E N 69 48 E 6057 1574 4141 Scot. Monkey. East. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Sontcrscl Coiiiily^ Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. LONG POINT. (Northern Pocoinoke Sound — Chart No. 9.) 77 Cnr- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward N 69 49 E N 30 16 E S 56 29 W Back 1 37 56 25.34 75 48 44- 22 S 69 52 W S 30 16 W N 56 28 E Yards. 7666 1362 2573 Scot. Monkey. East. 2 37 57 00. 82 75 48 42. 30 S 73 37 W S 40 01 w S 88 09 E N 73 36 E N 40 00 E N 88 08^ W 2931 3418 635 Watermelon Hummock. East Monkey. 3 37 57 02. 80 75 48 31.38 S 73 57 W S 42 50 W S 75 31 E N 73 56 E N 42 49 E N 75 31 W 3229 3660 354 Watermelon Hummock. -East.' Monkey. 4 37 56 50. 20 75 48 38. 72 S 80 50 W S 45 25 W S 70 55 E N 80 49 W N 45 24 E N 70 52 W 2945 3218 8892 Watermelon Hummock. East. Saxis Church. 5 37 56 41. 98 75 48 17.81 N 72 12 E N I 46 W S 55 12 W S 72 15 w S I 46 E N 55 11 E 6816 614 3472 Scot. Monkey. East. GUNBY. • {Middle Pocomoke Sound — Chart No. 10.) , , . , , Yards. I 37 56 11.06 75 46 07.04 S II so E S 69 55 E N 43 49 E N II 50 W N 69 54 W S 43 51 W 4762 4634 4330 Mos. Saxis Church. Scot. 2 37 56 28.98 75 46 40- 33 S 19 31 E S 67 17 E N 57 03 E N 19 31 W N 67 15 W S 57 04 W 5586 5681 4632 Mos. Saxis Church. Scot. 3 37 56 48.98 75 46 15-36 S II 25 E S 57 54 E N 60 II E N II 24 W N 57 52 W S 60 12 W 6059 5399 3712 Mos. Saxis Church. Scot. 4 37 56 35- 02 75 45 34-66 S I ID E S 55 28 E N 42 40 W N I 10 W N 55 27 W S 42 41 E 5470 4231 3150 Mos. Saxis Church. Scot. 78 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset Coimty^ Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS' — Continued. MARUMSCO. {Middle Pocomoke Sound— -Chart No. zo.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back o , , / r Yards. I 37 56 45-40 75 44 30.51 s s N 15 24 w 32 50 E 62 44 E N 15 23 E N 32 49 W S 62 46 W 6034 3272 5484 Mos. Saxis Church. Old. 2 37 57 27. 13 75 45 13-96 s s N 3 30 W 35 13 E 70-33 E N 3 30 & N 35 12 W S 70 33 W 7239 5087 1678 Mos. Saxis Church. Scot. 3 37 57 39-07 75 43 56.62 N S N 72 05 w 10 47 E 79 58 E S 72 05 E N 10 47 W S 79 59 W 507 4641 4032 Scot. Saxis Church. Old. 4 37 56 55-12 75 43 48-54 S N N II 58 E 59 49 E 23 II W N II 58 W s 59 50 w S 23 11 E 3146 4344 1781 Saxis Church. Old. Scot. KITTS CREEK WEST. {Upper Pocomoke Sound — Chart No. 10.) I 37 58 18.42 75 42 32- 72 S s s 66 44 W 13 08 W 70 09 E / N 66 43 E N 13 07 E N 70 08 W Yards. 2964 6044 1841 Scot. Saxis Church. Old. 2 37 58 26.98 75 42 47- 64 s s s 57 53 W 8 58 W 66 47 W N 57 52 E N 8 58 E N 66 46 E 2744 6251 2316 Scot. Saxis Church. Old. 3 37 58 32.00 75 42 41-52 s s s 56 48 W 10 10 W 61 09 E N 56 47 E N ID 10 E N 61 09 W 2973 6445 2244 Scot. Saxis Church. Old. 4 37 58 26. 82 75 42 27.42 s s s 63 06 W 1347 w 60 15 E N 63 04 E N .3 47 E N 60 14 W 3212 6353 1831 Scot. Saxis Church. Old. SiiiT'cv of Ovstrr Bars, Soiiirrsr/ Coiiut\\ Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. KITTS CREEK EAST. (Upper Pocomoke Sound — Chart No. lo.) Longitude 79 ' 37 57 58. i6 7.s 41 47'7i 2 37 58 15- 78 75 42 2b. 14 3 37 58 24.01 75 42 20 96 4 37 58 16. 70 75 42 09.59 5 37 58 06.40 75 41 41.59 S 82 56 W S 26 20 W N 83 45 E S 69 32 W S 14 57 W S 70 59 E S 65 54 W S 15 31 W S 60 08 E S 71 35 W S 18 51 W S 63 00 E S 79 25 W S 26 33 w S 59 00 E jaring Distance Back 1 N 82 54 N 26 19 S 83 45 E E \V Yards. 3954 5805 ; 533 1 N 69 31 N 14 57 N 70 58 E E W 3093 6001 1645 N 65 52 N 15 30 N 60 08 E E W 3327 ' 6305 1634 N 7> 34 N 18 51 N 63 00 E E W 3520 6158 1249 N 79 23 N 26 32 N 59 00 E 4159 6131 426 ' Scot. Saxis Church. Old. Scot. Saxis Church. Old. Scot. Saxis Church. Old. Scot. Saxis Church Old. Scot. Saxis Church. Old. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS. EXPLANATION OF DESCRIPTIONS OF BOUNDARIES. The laws providing for the sun.'ey of the oyster bars of Maryland also contain a section which requires "an accurate survey of and delineation upon the maps and charts aforesaid of all bottoms of the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay where grass grows and it is profitable to scrape for soft shell or shedder crabs, and shall have such bottoms properly designated b}' permanent objects on the shore, as provided hereinbefore for natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, which said crabbing sections shall be exempt from leasing for oyster culture. " The crab bottoms of Somerset County are the first ones to be surveyed in Mary- land, " and as far as known such a survey is altogether a new problem which differs '' in many ways from that of a survey of oyster bars. In a general way it can be stated that the boundaries of the crab bottoms as estab- lished by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the "Charts of Oyster Bars," published by the Coast and Geodetic Survej', are confined to waters between the i-fathom contour (6 feet depth of water) and the shore line. Therefore, in most cases the mean low water line of the shore has been adopted as an inner boundary for the " Anne Arundel County has no crab bottoms within the meaning of the law. '' See pages 69 to 70 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission" for description of "Survey of crabbing grounds." 8o Survey of Oyster Bars^ So)iierset Coiiii/y, Md. crab bottoms, but the same system of straight Unes and numbered corners used to delin- eate the oyster bars has been retained for defining the offshore water boundaries. There are 54 individual "crab bottoms" in Somerset County exempt from leasing for oyster culture which have been surveyed and delineated under separate names by the Commission, and their total area as determined by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission is 32,108 acres. The largest of these bottoms is 2,182 acres and the smallest 23 acres. The boundaries of the crab bottoms of vSomerset County as established by the Shell Fish Commission and shown on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and pro- jections and on the "leasing charts" of the Commission are technically defined and described by a method but little different from that used for the description of the boundaries of oyster bars. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding m.any hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all crabbing bottoms in the county. At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the crab bottom to be described, its general locality, and the serial numbers of the "Charts of Oyster Bars" of Maryland on which its boundaries are shown. The first column, under the heading of "Corner of bottom," gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundarv as shown on the charts. These numbers have been assigned to the corners of the crab bottoms in a slightly different manner from that used in describing the oyster bars, although both proceed in a clockwise direction around their boundaries. In delineating the crab bottoms it was generally planned to have both the first and last corners fall on land, thus making the mean low-water line of the shore between these two corners form the connecting boundary, as is always stated in such cases in a note at the bottom of the tabular descriptions. Where a corner of one bottom is identical with the corners of one or more other crab bottoms, oyster bars, or clam beds, only the number of the crab bottom being described in the table is given in this column. The second and third columns, under the headings of " Latitude" and " Longitude, " give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definitions of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrepancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard diitum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the Survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys used for their original location have been destroyed. The fourth and fifth columns, under the general heading of "True bearing" " and the specific headings of "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north and south line. The three "Forward", bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column. to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. " The mean magnetic variation of Somerset County for 1908 was 5° 30' west of north and increasing at the rate of 3' yearly. S/ifc'rv o/ Oys/ci' /uii's, Soii/crsr/ Ci>itiii\\ Md. 8i Tlic sixth column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the crab bottom noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corres[)onding lines in the last column, and vice versa. The seventh and last column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station," gives the names of the landmarks froni which were computed the corresponding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of the bottom" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in- another part of this publication, under the heading of "Descriptions of landmarks." The descriptive note of the shore line boundarv which usually follows the description of the last corner on the tabular form and sometimes betvv^een intermediate corners which happen to fall on land requires no explanation, other than to state that the laws of Maryland reserve to riparian owners all waters of "anv creek, cove, or inlet less than one hundred yards in width at its mouth at low tide." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION oF liol'NU.XRIKS. There are a number of methods that can I)e used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the crab bottoms as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but as they are practicallv the same as those required for the relocation of oyster-bar boundaries the description of the ".Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries" under the heading of " Boundaries of ovhter bars" in this publication will be suflicient to indicate several methods that can be used in the relocation of crab-bottom boimdaries. KOUND.ARIES OF CRAB lioTTolIS. DEEP BANKS. (Inner Holland Straits — Charts .\'os. j and 6.) True bc.1 38 07 45.04 08 so. 58 ' 76 01 53. 42 4 38 08 04. 09 76 00 43. 66 Forward Back ^ ■ Distance U S. C. & G. S. trianguhitinn station , , Yards. s s N 40 I I 36 ^4 •64 29 E E .\ 40 10 N' 36 23 S 64 30 E w w 9076 4494 -H3.T Holland Island Bar Light , Miles. Senator. s s N 34 36 40 39 77 ,Si E E Iv N' 34 36 X 40 38 S 77 52 E W W 8920 .S303 3o.'i4 Holland Island Bar Light. Miles. Senator. s s s 3^ S9 20 28 49 ,51 W E E N 3-' 56 N 20 27 N 49 50 E W \V 11384 6653 ^431 Holland Island Bar Light. Miles Senator. s s X .S -43 70 II 80 42 E E E X .S 43 X 70 oq S 80 45 W W W 4689 . 6484 .SI 17 M iles. Joshua. Bar Thence from corner Xo. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 50095 — 08 1 1 82 S/irrrr of Ovsirr Barx^ Soii/rrsr/ Coiiiitv^ Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. HOLLAND STRAITS. {\\'est Tangier Sound — Charts Nos. 5, 6, and 7.) Cor nerof bot- tom Latitude | Longitude True bearing Forward Back 38 oS 04. og 76 00 43. 66 S 5 43 E S 70 1 1 E N 80 42 E 38 08 50.58 76 01 53.42 , S 32 59 W ' S 20 28 E S 49 51 E 38 09 26.74 7iin/]\ Md. 83 BOUNDARIES OF CR.'\B BOTTOMS — continued. LAWvS THOROUGHFARE NORTH. (Soiilieasi Tangier Sound — Inside Deal Island — Cliart No. 5.) Cor True bearing ' IKTU ^ Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & (1. S. triangulatio.i bi.t- toin For -ward Back station I 38 10 00. 83 75 56 45-3 = N S S 30 ,S8 10 58 w 13 W 46 W S 30 58 E ! N 58 10 E , N 10 46 E Yards. 1304 7468 1449 Haines. Senator. Deal Island Cliurcli. - 38 .0 .2.78 75 56 36. 20 N S S 5t 56 '5 57 W 39 W 42 W S 51 57 E N 56 37 E N 15 42 E ti6o 7889 1897 Haines. Senator. Deal Island Clnircli. Tliencc from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, c.xclndini: any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. DEAL ISLAND. {East Upper Tangier Sound — Chart! Nos. 5 and 7.) 38 07 50. 57 75 57 ^6.57 N S S 85 01 w 48 40 w 26 00 E S N N 85 03 48 38 26 00 E E W Yards. 5269 6371 1940 Senator. Miles. Joshua. 38 07 49. 35 75 57 48.36 N S S 83 55 W 45 H W 40 02 E S N N 83 53 45 13 40 01 E E W 4695 5920 2224 Senator. Miles. Joshua. 38 07 49. 58 75 58 08. 32 N S s 83 15 w 41 19 W 48 56 E S N N 83 16 41 18 48 55 E E W 4167 5561 2603 Senator. Miles. Joshua. 38 08 20. 24 75 58 12.82 N N S 74 45 E 46 20 E . 82 17 W S S N 74 45 46 21 82 15 W w E 1071 2848 4054 Bar. Deal Island Churcli. Senator. 38 08 47. 88 75 57 40-59 S N N 15 01 E 49 18 E i:; 37 E N S S 15 01 49 18 12 37 W w w 674 1585 3666 Bar. Deal Island Church, Haines. 38 08 50.96 75 57 21-51 N N S 36 43 E 4 49 E 23 52 w S S N 36 43 4 49 23 52 w w 1160 3486 825 Deal Island Church. Haines. Bar. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. i 84 S/iii'cy of Ovs/cj- /)ij/'s, Sdji/rrsc/ C(Uiut\\ MiL unuND.'VRiiis OF CR.'\K BOTTOMS — continued. LAWS THOROUGHFARE SOUTH. {Nor/li Manokin River — Inside of Deal Island — Charts Nos. 5 avd 7.) ,1*^ 07 .S4- 38 07 20.78 4 ' .^** 07 .S.S. 58 •1 rut- h c;iri IK tudf . U. S. C. ft I i>ng For warini/]\ Mif. HOUND.^RIRS OF CRAB BOTTOMS continued. ST. PIERRE. {North Skorr Mcuiokin River — t'luuii \o.(. 5 and 7.) ■^5 ■ bearing I 38 08 i.v 08 75 51 I J F<.ov;,rd Back / , s 10 .^0 w N 10 -^o E s 87 i6 E X 87 .S4 W N .S2 58 E .1 . T C W S M .S^ ,S9 W '^'ards. 676 St. Pierre. 4376 Cupola. 1601 Jean. ^8 08 IS. 04 7S so s6. 71 S 44 2S ^'i' N 44 2s E ' 1023 I St. Pierre. S 71 55 E xNi 71 ,s,s \V 2350 I Staff. N 37 21 E S 37 22 W 1 1 30 I Jean. ,?8 07 37.35 73 31 og.09 S 62 39 E N 62 37 W ,5417 Fairmounl Clnircli N 3.S 34 W S 3.S .S4 E 659 St. Pierre. N 68 19 W S 68 20 E 3^4.> Marsli. 4 38 07 38.06 73 32 23. 38 Nf 72 OS E S 72 ns \V ,V 41 08 W S 41 oq E N 72 23 W I S 72 25 E S^, 26. 26 N 80 28 E j S 80 30 W N 27 45 E S 27 45 W N 38 38 W - 1 S 58 37 E I S^ 44.94 S 89 2s E I N 89 21 W N 61 07 E S 61 07 W N 67 4^ W S 67 44 E 7 38 08 13.09 75 33 02.32 S 68 00 W S 9 29 E S 75 49 .E N 67 s7 E N 9 29 W N 7S 48 W 1679 I St. Pierre. 1368 I Marsh. 3763 I Kelley. 3313 , St. Pierre. 1369 [ Marsh. 2236 I Kelley. 3765 St. Pierre. 1296 Marsh. 1334 Kelley. 6675 Joshua. 5957 Prickly. 2712 St, Pierre. Thence from corner No. 7 along tlie mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in widtli at its mimtli at low tide. I 38 09 02. 82 38 08 41, GEA.NQUAKI.N. (North SI ore Manok in A ivcr — Charts \o 5. 3 and 7.) // , , ' Yards. 7,5 30 09. 12 S S S 39 08 22 26 64 07 W E E N 39 09 E N 22 26 W N 64 06 W ■ 920 2531 2942 Jean. Staff. Sandy. 75 50 1^-44 N S S 88 14 33 i-^ 78 31 E E S 88 14 E N- ^1 II W N 78 30 W 492 1927 2791 Jean. Staff. Sandy. 75 50 56. 73 s s N 44 25 71 55 37 21 W E E N 44 25 E N 71 ss w S 37 22 W 1023 2350 1130 St. Pierre Staff. Jean. •iS 08 13.08 I 75 SI 18.98 S 10 30 W N 10 30 E S 87 56 E N 87 54 W N 52 58 E S 52 59 W 676 St. Pierre. 4376 Cupola. 1601 Jean. ,, : ! I I Tlience from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 86 S/iirry o/ Ovs/cr l>ars, Si>)i/ri-sr/ Ci>/ii//r, M/f. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — continued. SPRING ISLAND. [East Shore Holland Straits— Chart No. 6.) 38 06 39. 76 03 17. TriK* bearing S 37 30 W N 37 28 E S 68 15 E N 68 13 W N 55 19 E S 55 20 W 38 07 45.04 76 02 35.76 S 34 37 W N 34 36 E S 40 39 E N 40 38 W N 77 51 E S 77 52 W 38 07 32.98 76 02 06.20 S 40 II W N 40 10 E S 36 24 E N 36 23 W N 64 29 E S 64 30 W Yards. 1 6484 Holland Island Bar Light. 4926 Miles. 4992 Senator. 8920 I Holland Island Bar Li.L;lil 5303 Miles. 3054 Senator. 9076 Holland Island liar LiK'd. 4494 ' Miles. 2435 Senator. Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low- water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. PRY COVE. (East Shore Holland Straits — Chart No. 6.) 1 38 05 44. 1 1 38 06 39. 86 76 03 44. 60 vS 44 43 \V S 15 12 E S 38 05 E 76 03 17. S 37 30 W S 68 15 E N 55 19 E ° ' Yards. N 44 42 E 4594 Holland Island Bar Liglit. N 15 II W 7546 Fog. N 38 o;j W 7318 Solomons Lump Light. N 37 28 E 6484 Holland Island Bar Light. N 68 13 W 4926 Miles. S 55 20 W 4992 Senator. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. S/d-ri-y of Oys/cr Bars, Soiunsc/ ('oiiiilv, Md. S7 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. NORTH KEDGE STRAITS. {Entrance Kedge Straits — Chart No. 6.) Cor- 11 prof Latitude Longitude True bearing torn Forward Back , » / // / / I 38 04 29. 67 76 02 08. 22 s s s 82 ,36 W 7 04 W 30 54 E N 82 34 E N 7 04 E N 30 53 W ' 38 04 13.84 76 02 35.49 s s s 87 31 W I SO E 44 28 E N 87 29 E N I so W N 44 27 W 3 38 04 2g. 16 76 03 45.49 s s s 77 04 W 22 50 E 54 28 E N 77 02 E N 22 50 W N 54 27 W 4 38 05 01. 1)8 76 03 40. 24 s s s 6i 10 W 17 38 E 45 21 E N 61 08 E N 17 37 W N 45 20 W 5 ' 38 05 10. 20 76 04 00. 70 s s 52 53 W 21 25 E 46 56 E N 52 52 E N 21 24 W N 46 54 W 6 38 05 44- II 76 03 44. 60 s s s 44 43 W 15 12 E 38 05 E N 44 42 E N 15 II W N 38 03 W Yards. 5851 4809 Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. 3805 Solomons Lump Light. 5080 Holland Island Bar Light. 4241 Fog. 3826 Solomons Lump Light. 3293 ; Holland Island Bar Light. 5160 I Fog. 5587 ' Solomons Lump Light. 3823 '• Holland Island Bar Liglit. 6150 I Fog. 6195 i Solomons Lump Light. 3516 I Holland Island Bar Light. 6593 Fog. 6780 Solomons Lump Light. 4594 ' Holland Island Bar Light. 7546 . Fog. 7318 Solomons Lump Light. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low- water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. SHEEPSHEAD. (North Kedge Straits — Charts Nos. 6 and 7.) 04 14. gS 76 00 47. 58 38 03 07.81 3 38 03 52.80 76 01 33- 90 4 38 04 13.84 76 02 35.49 5 38 04 29. 67 76 02 S 4 04 W N 48 18 E N 10 36 E N 31 17 E N 9 34 W S 73 09 W N 85 49 W S 23 10 W S 27 II E S 87 31 W S I 50 E S 44 28 E 22 ! S 82 36 W S 7 04 W S 30 54 E N 4 03 E S 48 21 W S 10 36. W S 31 19 W S 9 35 E N 73 og E S 85 52 E N 2? 09 E N 27 11 W N 87 29 E N I 50 W N 44 27 W N 82 34 E N 7 04 E N 30 53 W Yards. 2777 Solomons Lump Light. 8310 Joshua. 3112 Miles. 91 18 Joshua. 53gg Miles. 1742 Solomons Lump Light. 6734 Holland Island Bar Light. 3837 -Fog. 2272 I Solomons Lump Light. 5080 Holland Island Bar Light. 4241 Fog. 3826 Solomons Lump Light. 5851 Holland Island Bar Light. 4809 Fog. 3805 Solomons Lump Light. Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low- water line of the shore to corner No i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. _._^_j > : I ! I 88 Sfi/'c't^V of Ovs/cr B(i/s, Soii/nsrt Co/iiifv, Md. Gor- ier of bot- Latitude I (ingitude | tom o / // ' " I 38 oj 2g.oo 1<^ 00 56. 80 2 ?fi OJ 44.78 yj 00 55. 48 '' 38 02 2S.^i4 76 00 03. 70 4 .^^ 01 35.00 7.S 39 iO. 00 BouND.'\RiES OF CKA13 BOTTOMS — Continued. FISHING POINT. {'I'aiifiiir Sound — Entrance Kcdgc Sirails — Climb Na. 6 ainl 7.) True bearing ° ' ° ' Vac/.. N 3 31 I-; S 3 3' \V 80s Solomons Lump Light N 66 43 \v S 66 46 E S389 Holland Island Bar Li ^'lit S 74 16 w N 74 17 E ^587 Fog. N , 38 E .S 2 38 W ^7^ Solomons Lump I igln X 70 16 \v vS 70 19 E 8224 Holland Island H ir Li ght vS 64 00 \v N 63 39 E 2817 FoK ■ N 5 08 w S :; 08 E 6674 Miles. N 59 03 w s 59 04 E ■593 Solonums Lump I iglU S 44 ^4 E N 44 ^.\ W 43 -'7 Terrapin. s SI 07 K N SI 07 \V 2030 Terrapin. N "iS 16 E S 18 18 W 1 1 S02 Joshua. N 46 50 W s 46 3 1 E 3836 Solomons I.tunp I i.i;lil S -~ 46 It N 37 43 W 2140 Terrapin. N '18 31 W vS 18 30 E 11732 J oshua . N 43- 23 W S 43 26 E 3894 Solomons I.uni]) I ight 5 I 38 01 28. g6 I 75 59 14.36 Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No, i, e'Ncliidii any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. SOUTH KEDGE STRAITS. (Entrance Kedge Straits — Chart No. 6.) I 38 02 07.00 76 02 34.00 2 38 02 30.23 76 02 33.04 3 38 02 46. 44 76 01 48. 74 4 38 02 52. 84 76 38 02 44. 78 76 00 33. 48 38 02 29. 00 76 00 56. 80 N 68 II E N 59 39 E N 31 33 \\' N 57 14 W S 9 26 E N 74 03 E N 66 40 W S 40 42 W N 81 27 E N 72 03 W S 59 ^3 W S 42 12 E N 2 ^8 E N 70 16 W S 64 00 W N 3 31 E N 66 43 W S 74 16 W S 68 II W ,S S9 40 W S 31 37 E S S7 14 E N 9 26 W S 74 04 w S 66 42 E N 40 42 E S 81 27 W S 72 06 E N S9 22 E N 42 08 W S 2 38 A\' S 70 19 E N 63 59 E S 3 31 W S 66 46 E N 74 17 E Yards. 104 S060 6528 6049 27^ S224 2817 Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. 2776 Solomons Lump Light. 6884 ■ Holland Island Bar Light 1704 Fog. 1430 Solomons Lump Liglit. 8152 Holland Island Bar Light 2958 Fog. 13840 Janes Island Light. Solomons Lum]) Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. 805 Solomons Lump Light. 8389 Holland Island Bar Light. 2587 ' Fog. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide Siin'ey of Oyster Ba/s, SoD/crse/ Coitii/r, Md. BOUNDARIES OK CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. SMITH ISLAND THOROUGHFARE. (Smith Island — Charts Nbs. 6, 8, and g.) 89 Cor- ner of bot- tom Latitude , True bearing Longitude Fonvard Back Distance ^- ^- ^- * ^- ^- "iangulation station I 2 37 59 49- 66 38 00 11 66 76 02 56.68 S 15 55 E N 15 55 W S 80 46 E N 80 45 W N 6 08 W S 6 08 E 76 03 01.32 S 14 23 E N 14 23 W S 58 34 W N 58 34 E N 4 20 W S 4 20 E Yards. 2397 Old Church. 1504 North Church. 2160 Joseph. 3145 Old Church. 1885 North Church. 1410 Joseph. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. TERRAPIN SAND. {Southwest Tangier Sound — Charts Nos. 7 and 9.) / / // / / Yards. 38 01 28.96 75 59 14- 56 S 57 46 E N 18 31 W N 43 25 W N 57 45 W S 18 30 E S 43 26 E 2140 1 1732 3894 Terrapin. Joshua. Solomons Lump Light. 38 01 35- 00 75 59 to. 00 S 51 07 E N 18 16 E N 46 50 W N 51 07 W S 18 18 W S 46 51 E 2050 11502 3836 Terrapin. Joshua. Solomons Lump Light. 38 01 01. 70 75 57 33-37 S 80 30 W S 23 13 w N 78 09 E N 80 30 E N 23 12 E S 78 14 W 995 8424 8233 Terrapin. Horse. Flat Cap. 38 00 15. 12 75 57 10. 17 N 48 42 W S 32 34 W S 33 43 E S 48 43 E N 32 32 E N 33 42 W 2131 7322 5938 Terrapin. Horse. Janes Island Light. 38 00 10. 56 75 57 23-66 N 38 30 W S 30 45 W S 37 22 E S 38 30 E N 30 44 E N 37 21 W 1994 7002 6022 Terrapin. Horse. Janes Island Light. 38 00 18.54 75 58 43-38 S 13 GO W S 48 51 E N 34 27 E N 13 00 E N 48 49 W S 34 27 w 6453 7680 1566 Horse. Janes Island Light. Terrapin. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 50095—08 12 90 Snrz'ev of Oys/cr Bars, Sojiirrscf ((>/iii/\\ Md. HOUNDARiEs OK CRAi) BOTTOMS — Continued. SOUTH MARSH. (West Tangier Sound — Chart No. 7.) Tnie bearinK .rmgitvidc Forward ; Back I 38 OS 46. 97 76 00 23. .^8 2 , 38 05 49. 38 76 00 03. 78 3 : 38 03 40. 94 7.5 59 32.90 4 38 03 07. 81 , 73 5 38 04 14. 76 00 47.58 N 66 27 E N 6 ^6 \V S 57 "ii W S 77 38 W S 12 S4 W N 63 07 E N 18 38 VV S 53 27 W S 21 45 E N 31 17 E N 9 34 W S 73 09 W S 4 04 W N 48 18 E N 10 36 E S 66 29 W S 6 36 E N 57 II E N 77 38 E N 12 53 E S 65 09 \V S 18 38 E N 53 27 E N 21 44 W S 31 19 W S 9 35 E N 73 og E N 4 03 E S 48 21 W S 10 36 \V Yards. 6072 Joshua. 4654 Senator. 80 Miles. 6og Miles. 61 13 Solomons I.iirnp Light. 5553 Joshua. 4440 Miles. 2723 Solomons Linnp l,ighl. 5957 Terrapin. 91 18 Joshua. 5399 Miles, 1742 Solomons Lump Light. 2777 Solomons Lump Light. 8310 Joshua. 31 12 Miles. Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. WENONA. (East Upper Tangier Sound — Chart No. 7.) I 38 07 07.07 75 57 00.83 N 72 02 W S 63 23 W S 30 39 E S 72 04 E N 63 21 E N 30 38 W Yards. 6239 61 19 322 Senator. Miles. Joshua. 2 38 07 07.81 75 57 24.02 N 70 21 W S 60 18 W S 68 54 E S 70 23 H N 60 17 E N 68 54 W 5646 5584 839 Senator. Miles. Joshua. 3 38 07 49. 36 75 57 48-36 N 83 55 W S 45 >4 W S 40 02 E S 83 53 E N 45 13 E N 40 01 W 4695 5920 2224 Senator. Miles. Joshua. 4 38 07 50. 57 75 57 26.57 N 85 01 W S 48 40 \V S 26 00 E S 85 03 E N 48 38 E N 26 00 W 5269 6371 1940 Senator. Miles. Joshua. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 ycrds in width at its mouth at low tide xcluding 38 07 37.82 I 75 56 52. 22 6 38 07 37.02 75 56 47.46 N 81 48 W S 56 28 W S 2 50 W N 81 43 W S 57 14 W S 8 29 W S 81 SI E N 56 25 E N 2 50 E S 81 46 E N 57 II E N 8 29 E 6228 j Senator. 6838 Miles. . 1316 ! Joshua. 6357 ! Senator. 6929 I Miles. 1301 I Joshua. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than too yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Survey of Ovstcr Bars^ So)iicrsc/ County^ Md. 91 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. LITTLE DEAL ISLAND. (North Entrance Manokin River — Chart No. 7.) Cor- True bearing °bot°'! Latitude Longitude 1 Distance u. s. c. torn 1 Forward Back I , „ , , Yards. I I 38 07 01. 70 75 56 01.94 N 63 17 E N 43 19 E S 86 06 W S 63 18 W S 43 20 W N 86 05 E 5355 3249 1407 Marsh. Kelley. Joshua 2 38 06 55. 34 75 55 50. 46 N 59 39 E ' S 59 41 W N 36 43 E S 36 44 W N 86 02 W S 86 01 E 5201 3216 1715 Marsh. Kelley. Joshua. 3 38 06 40. 44 75 56 03. 80 N 57 07 E N 36 29 E N 65 22 W S 57 05 \V S 36 28 W S 65 23 E 5756 3832 1491 Marsh. Kelley. Joshua. 4 38 06 22. 24 75 55 56- 58 S 69 12 E S 29 27 E N 51 25 W N 69 10 W N 29 26 W S 51 25 E 6018 4243 1979 Prickly Kelley. Joshua. 5 38 06 22'. 82 75 57 oo- 64 S 73 38 E N 45 54 E N 7 28 E N 73 36 W S 45 55 W S 7 28 w 7643 Prickly 5281 Kelley. 1226 i Joshua. 6 38 06 55.00 75 56 48. 50 S 65 12 E N 53 15 E N 51 35 W N 65 10 W S 53 16 W S 51 35 E 7722 4330 210 Prickly Kelley. Joshua. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low- water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. LOWER THOROUGHFARE. {Inside of Little Deal Island — Chart No. 7.) , , , , Yards. " 38 07 33- 58 75 55 38. 18 S 60 08 w S 48 31 E N 51 05 E N 60 07 E N 48 29 W S 51 05 W 2350 6856 2052 Joshua. Prickly. Kelley. 38 07 20. 78 75 55 27. 89 N 65 32 E N 37 32 E S 72 17 w S 65 33 W S 37 32 W N 72 16 E 4260 2170 2427 Marsh. Kelley. Joshua. 3 38 06 55.34 75 55 50-46 N 59 39 E N 36 43 E N 86 02 W S 59 41 w S 36 44 W S 86 01 E 5201 3216 1715 Marsh. Kelley Joshua. 4 38 07 01. 70 75 56 01.94 N 63 17 E N 43 19 E S 86 06 W S 63 18 W S 43 20 W N 86 05 E 5355 3249 1407 Marsh. Kelley. Joshua. 5 38 07 37. 02 75 56 47-46 N 81 43 W S 57 14 W S 8 29 W S 81 46 E N 57 II E N 8 29 E 6357 6929 1301 Senator. Miles. • Joshua. 6 38 07 37. 82 75 56 52. 22 N 81 48 W S 56 28 W S 2 50 W S 81 51 E N 56 25 E N 2 50 E 6228 6838 1316 Senator. Miles. Joshua. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner Nu. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 92 Siirviy of Oyster Bars, Somcrsc/ Coiiii/y, Aid. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS —Continued. PINEY ISLAND. {Entrance Manokin River — Chart No. 7.) Cor- nerof Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bot- tom Forward Back station / , // / , Yards. I 38 04 50.38 75 54 16.08 S 24 53 E S 50 24 E N 71 58 E N 24 52 W N 50 22 W S 71 59 W 6641 401 1 3100 Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. 2 38 05 18.04 75 55 11-98 N 89 39 E N 8 43 E N 38 49 W S 89 41 W S 8 43 W S 38 50 E 4438 5916 4363 Prickly. Kelley. Joshua. 3 38 05 53- 05 75 55 42-00 S 77 36 E N 19 57 E N 41 02 W N 77 34 W S 19 57 W S 41 02 E 5362 4977 2942 Prickly. Kelley. Joshua. 4 38 06 30. 82 75 55 43- 81 N 51 16 E N 27 09 E N 63 23 W S 51 18 W S 27 08 W S 63 24 E 5513 3826 2111 Marsh. Kelley. Joshua. 5 38 06 59.58 75 55 20.55 N 56 02 E N 24 50 E S 89 27 W S 56 05 W S 24 49 w N 89 26 E- 4439 2683 2508 Marsh. Kelley. Joshua. 6 38 06 40. 66 75 54 52-43 N 43 15 E N 7 00 E N 79 19 W S 43 16 W S 7 00 W S 79 20 E 4279 3096 3314 Marsh. Kelley. Joshua. 7 38 07 37. 14 75 53 26.26 N 80 28 E N 27 45 E N 58 38 W S 80 30 W S 27 45 W S 58 37 E 3313 1369 2256 St. Pierre. Marsh. Kelley. 8 38 07 38.06 75 52 23.58 N 72 05 E N 41 08 W N 72 23 W S 72 05 W S 4J 09 E S 72 25 E 1679 1568 3763 St. Pierre. Marsh. Kelley. 9 38 07 04. 22 75 53 18.62 N 61 34 E N 10 35 E N 42 56 W S 61 36 W S 10 35 W S 42 57 E 3483 2362 3113 St. Pierre. Marsh. Kelley. 10 38 05 50.40 75 54 24- 20 S 71 25 E N 24 23 E N 60 03-W N 71 24 W S 24 25 W S 60 05 E 3338 5282 4626 Prickly. Marsh. Joshua. 1 1 38 05 17. 10 75 54 19- 78 S 22 41 E S 42 41 E N 88 54 E N 22 40 W N 42 40 W S 88 55 W 7505 4704 3047 Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. Sutvey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset County^ Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. TEAGUE CREEK. (South Shore Manokin River — Chart No. 7.) 93 Cor- npTof Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance bot- tom Forward Back station I 38 06 48. 06 / II 75 50 19-23 S 76 44 E N 29 12 E N 37 54 W N 76 44 W S 29 13 W S 37 54 E Yards. 3578 2526 2791 Fairmount Church. Staff. St. Pierre. 2 38 07 CIO. 26 75 50 28.47 S 71 43 E N 39 36 E N 39 21 W N 71 42 W S 39 36 w S 39 21 E 3928 2325 2316 Fairmount Church. Staff. St. Pierre. 3 38 07 36. 22 75 50 21.92 S 55 29 E N 66 06 E N 70 36 W N 55 28 W S 66 07 W S 70 36 E 4314 1430 1742 Fairmount Church. Staff. St. Pierre. Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. GOOSE CREEK. (South Shore Manokin River — Chart No. 7.) I / It 38 05 18. 83 / 75 52 25-47 / N 17 33 E N 64 48 W S 2 18 E S 17 34 W S 64 50 E N 2 18 W Yards. 5466 7926 3520 St. Pierre. Joshua. Has. 2 38 05 18. 78 75 52 39.20 N 89 35 E N 5 59 W N 63 36 W S 89 35 W S 5 59 E S 63 39 E 366 5910 7597 Prickly. Marsh. Joshua. 3 38 06 05. 78 75 52 32.34 S 6 36 E N 85 04 E N 26 46 E N 6 36 W S 85 07 W S 26 47 W 1593 7056 4964 Prickly. Fairmount Church St. Pierre. 4 38 06 24. 82 75 51 34.20 S 89 37 E N 5 24 E N 32 44 W N 89 35 W S 5 24 w S 32 45 E 5481 3000 4340 Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. 5 38 06 17.94 75 51 23-71 N 87 51 E N 03 E N 34 04 W S 87 53 W S 03 w S 34 05 E , „,.,*„, 1: t 5204 3214 4687 Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 94 Survey of Oyster Bars^ So/>ierse/ Coioitv, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. MINE CREEK. {South Entrance Manokin River — Chart No. 7.) Cor- True bearing nernt Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. St bot- tom Forward Back ition , , , , Yards. I 38 04 19. 88 75 52 56.22 S 7 35 E S 32 09 E N 22 24 E N 7 35 W N 32 09 W S 22 25 W 5040 1807 2150 Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. 2 38 04 28. 72 75 53 19-95 S 13 47 E S 41 06 E N 40 40 E N 13 46 W N 41 05 W S 40 41. W 5452 2426 2228 Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. 3 38 04 32. 62 75 53 15-53 S 12 16 E S 37 08 E N 40 34 E N 12 16 W N 37 07 W S 40 35 W 5552 2445 2052 Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. 4 38 05 01 . 80 75 52 41-83 N 19 48 E N 4 50 W N 59 37 W S 19 49 W S 4 50 E S 59 39 E 6149 6473 7808 St Pierre. Marsh. Joshua. 5 38 05 18. 78 75 52 39- 20 N 89 35 E N 5 59 W N 63 36 W S 89 35 W § 5 59 E S 63 39 E 366 5910 7597 Prickly. Marsh. Joshua. 6 38 05 18.83 75 52 25.47 N 17 33 E N 64 48 W S 2 18 E S 17 34 W S 64 50 E N 2 18 W 5466 7926 3520 St. Pierre. Joshua. Has. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. HAZARD. {East Tangier Sound — CliaH No. 7.) , 38 03 34 52 38 03 '4 58 38 03 37 66 38 04 28 72 38 04 19 88 38 03 40 62 , , Yards. N 2 18 W S 84 12 W S 4 53 W S N N 2 18 E 84 07 E 4 53 E 3520 13798 3480 Prickly. Solomons Lump Flat Cap. Light. S 4 38 w S 79 40 E N 5 59 W N N S 4 37 E 79 38 W 5 59 E 2804 4804 676 Flat Cap. Geog. Has. S 14 50 E S 85 08 E N 17 53 E N N S 14 50 W 85 07 W 17 53 W 3696 1247 3585 Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. S 13 47 E S 41 06 E N 40 40 E N N S 13 46 W 41 05 W 40 41 W 5452 2426 2228 Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. S 7 35 E S 32 09 E N 22 24 E N N S 7 35 W 32 09 W 22 25 W 5040 1807 2150 Flat Cap Has. Prickly S I 17 E S 28 29 E N 4 06 E N N S I 17 W 28 29 w 4 06 W 3673 431 3320 Flat Cap Has. Prickly. 75 52 20. 16 75 53 06. 76 75 53 19 95 75 52 56. 22 75 52 34 38 Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. ■ I \ \ 1 S/tn'rr of Oysfrr Bars, Soiiirrsrf Couut\\ Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. SHARK POINT. {North Enlrafice Big Annemessex River — Chart No. 7.) 95 Cor iierof Latitude Longitude [True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulati bot- tom Forward Back station > , „ , / Yards. I 38 04 03. 54 75 5 1 00. 00 S 28 43 VV N 28 42 E S 45 03 E N 45 02 W N 89 13 E S 89 14 VV 5078 3559 1868 Flat Cap. Geog. Ford. - 38 03 45.06 7,S 51 07-58 S 30 17 W S 55 12 E N 72 37 E N 30 17 E N 55 II W S 72 37- W 4426 3314 2170 Flat Cap. Geog. Ford. 3 38 03 16.52 75 5" 49- 69 N 63 14 E N 53 14 W S 21 12 W S 63 15 w S 53 14 E N 21 12 E 3576 1014 3066 Ford. Has. Flat Cap. 4 38 03 14.58 75 52 22.80 S 4 38 W S 79 40 E N 5 59 W N 4 37 K N 79 38 W S 5 59 E 2804 4804 676_ Flat Cap. Geog. Has. 5 38 03 34. 52 75 52 20. 16 N 2 18 W S 84 12 W S 4 53 W S 2 18 E N 84 07 E N 4 53 E 3520 13798 3480 Prickly Solomons Lump Light . Flat Cap. Thence from corner No 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. excluding FORDS WHARF. {North Shore Big Annemessex River — Chart No. 7.) o- , , , , Yards. 38 03 59.36 75 49 12.98 N 80 26 \V S 8 02 W S 73 14 E S 80 26 E N 8 02 E N 73 14 W 998 2397 1923 Ford. Geog. Moon. 38 03 51.42 75 49 12.66 N 66 25 W S 9 16 w S 43 22 E S 66 25 E N 9 i6 E N 43 21 W 1084 2134 2420 Ford. Geog. Colbum. 3 38 03 45.06 75 51 07-58 S 30 17 w S 55 12 E N 72 37 E N 30 17 E N 55 II W S 72 37 W 4426 3314 2170 Flat Cap. Geog. Ford. 4 38 04 03. 54 75 51 00.00 S 28 41 W S 45 03 E N 89 13 E N 28 42 E N 45 02 W S 89 14 W 5078 3559 1868 Flat Cap. Geog. Ford. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. I 1 ■ , I 96 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — continued. CRANE COVE. {Upper Big Annemessex River — Chart No. 7.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bot- tom Forward Back station , , Yards. I 38 03 42.22 75 48 07- 10 s s N 49 2 2 W 3 24 W 74 44 E N 49 21 E N 3 24 E S 74 44 W 2756 1452 86 Geog. Colburn. Moon. 2 .38 03 38.99 75 48 30.78 S s N 40 53 W 22 07 E 79 33 E N 40 53 E N 22 07 W S 79 33 W 2231 1447 711 Geog. Colburn. Moon. 3 38 03 30. 79 75 48 41-32 S s N 39 54 W 37 50 E 67 43 E N 39 54 E N 37 49 W S 67 43 W 1838 1347 1076 Geog. Colburn. Moon. 4 38 03 33.72 75 48 44- 02 s s N 36 16 W 37 41 E 73 50 E N 36 i6 E N 37 41 W S 73 51 W 1871 1470 1112 Geog. Colburn. Moon. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. MOON BAY. {Upper Big Annemessex River — Chart No. 7.) 38 04 32.37 I 75 47 18.00 38 04 36.08 38 04 17.56 38 03 51.40 38 03 34.46 38 03 42. 22 75 47 II- i^ N 19 43 W S 36 18 W S 23 57 w N 22 50 W S 38 07 W S 25 44 W 75 47 10.50 N 19 58 W S 50 39 W S 31 08 W 75 47 54- 40 N 4 11 W S 41 37 W S 13 35 W 75 47 58-21 75 48 07. 10 N 28 16 W S 56 38 W S 15 13 W S 49 22 w S 3 24 W N 74 44 E S 19 44 E N 36 18 E N 23 57 E Yards. 3987 2069 3436 Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. S 22 50 E N 38 06 E N 25 43 E 3937 2279 3625 Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. S 19 59 E N 50 38 E N 31 07 E 4525 1843 3085 Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. S 4 II E N 41 37 E N 13 35 E 5149 384 1810 Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. S 28 16 E N 56 37 E N 15 13 E 323 2788 1231 Moon. Geog. Colburn. N 49 21 E N 3 24 E S 74 44 W 2756 1452 86 Geog. Colburn. Moon. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Siirvrv of (_)vs/rr Jyars, .Sojj/r/sc/ C 'i)iiiit\\ Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — continued. RED CAP CREEK. {Upper Big Amiemcssex River — Chart No. 7.) 97 True bcLiring -— — Distance I I 38 04 26.31 75 46 37.60 N 31 J7 W I S 57 33 w I I S 40 07 w S ^i 28 E N 57 33 E N 40 06 E 2 38 04 44. 16 75 46 57. 22 N 29 30 W S 29 31 E S 40 44 W N 40 44 E S 28 51 W I N 28 51 E Yards. 4640 Fairmount Church. 2727 Moon. 3839 Colburn. 3857 2725 4040 Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. any creek, cove, or inlet less than too yards in width at its mouth at low tide. excluding MILES. {Upper Big .\nnemessex River — Chart No. 7.) I 38 03 52. 10 75 46 51.00 38 03 59. 10 75 47 02.98 3 38 04 10. 75 46 53-34 04 07. 16 75 46 47.40 N 22 00 W S 81 01 \V S 49 53 W N 19 42 W S 71 25 W S 41 40 w N 23 59 W S 63 56 W S 40 37 W N 25 08 W S 68 08 W S 44 00 w vS 2 2 N 81 N 49 00 E 00 E 52 E Yards. 5513 1968 2766 Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. S 19 N 71 N 41 43 E 39 E 5179 1715 2701 Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. S 24 N 63 N 40 00 E 55 E 36 E 4927 2095 3153 Fairmount Churcli. Moon. Colburn. S -^5 N 68 N 43 09 E 08 E 59 E 5086 2196 3183 Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-waler line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 50095—08 13 Cor- ner of bot- tom S/irrry of (h's/rr /nii's, Soii/crsr/ Coinil\\Mt1. IKJUNDAKIKS oif CRAB BoTroMS — continued. COLBURN. (Upper Big Annemessex River — Chart No. 7.) True bearing ° ' /' I o ' " i ° ' j ° ' Yards. \ 1 I 38 03 25.02 I 75 47 30.76 N 9 29 W ' S 9 29 E I 6108 Fairmount Church. ' I I S 55 44 W I N 55 44 E ! 107 1 Moon. i S 50 30 W I N 50 30 E ' 1367 Colburn. 2 38 03 30.00 : 75 47 32.62 N 9 16 W ' S 9 17 E N 62 29 W S 62 30 E S 44 06 W I N 44 06 E 5934 Fairmount Churcli. 942 Moon. 1445 Colburn. 3 I 38 03 46.98 4 I 38 03 56.66 75 47 23.30 N 13 39 W i S 13 40 E S 66 49 W : N 66 49 E S 32 56 W N 32 55 E N II 18 W S II 18 E ,S388 Fairmount Church S 81 38 W N 81 37 E 945 Moon. S 34 28 w N 34 28 E 1953 Colburn. 5102 j Fairmount Church. 1 1 79 Moon. 2307 j Colburn. 5 38 03 58.06 I 75 47 14.60 N 16 18 W S 16 19 E S116 Fairmount Churcli j S 68 43 W N 68 43 E '1409 Moon. I S 36 50 W N 36 50 E 2485 1 Colburn. 6 38 03 47.78 I 75 46 59, N 19 13 \V S 19 14 E S 84 31 W N 84 30 E S 49 00 W N 49 00 E 5568 Fairmount Churcli. 1720 I Moon. 2496 I Colburn. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. JACKSON ISLAND. {South Shore Big Annemessex River — Chart No. 7.) / r ' ' ' Yards. 38 02 18 76 75 50 16 42 N 53 06 E S 53 07 W 1696 Geog. N 1 1 14 E S 1 1 14 W 3627 Ford. N 52 15 W S 52 16 E 4173 Has. 38 02 16 18 75 50 37 78 N 60 08 E S 60 09 W 2221 Geog. N 19 18 E S 19 18 W 3862 Ford. N 45 56 W s 45 57 E 3799 Has. 38 03 05 44 75 50 32 58 S 72 45 E N 72 44 W 1872 Geog. N 29 50 E S 29 50 W 2287 Ford. N 71 07 W s 71 08 E 3031 Has. 38 03 17 77 75 49 31 17 S 8 47 E N 8 47 W 982 Geog. N 69 58 E S 69 59 W 2475 Moon. N 17 40 W S 17 40 E 1646 Ford. 38 03 03 oS 75 48 54 81 S 83 45 E N 83 45 W "93 Colburn N 45 17 E S 45 17 w 1908 Moon. N 35 27 W S 35 27 E 2533 Ford. 38 "2 40 So 75 49 05 64 N 67 09 E s 67 10 W i6oi Colburn N 22 45 W S 22 45 E 3052 Ford. N 60 34 W s 60 34 E 598 Geog. Theuce from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, e.vchidiug any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. S/iii'rv of Ovs/rr Ba/s, So?urrs/i Co/ii/tv, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — continued. JONES CREEK. {South Shore Biq Annemessex River — Chart No. 7.) 99 01 55- 18 75 50 19.00 N 38 10 E N 43 57 W S 88 06 W S 38 II W S 43 59 E N 88 05 E 38 02 16. 18 75 50 37. ^i N 60 08 E , S 60 09 W N 19 18 E S 19 18 W N 45 56 W S 45 57 E 3 38 02 18.76 75 50 16.42 N 53 06 E S 53 07 W N II 14 E ' S II 14 W N 52 15 W S 52 16 E Yards. 2306 I Geog. 4654 Has. 3530 ' Flat Cap. 2221 Geog. 3862 ' Ford. 3799 Has. 1696 3627 4173 Geog. Ford. Has. Theuce from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 4, excluding creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 75 49 .s6. 98 N 39 28 E S 39 29 W 1319 Geog. N 56 13 \V S 56 14 E 4593 Has. S 77 30 W N 77 28 E 4216 Flat Cap. 02 06 75 75 50 01.30 I N 33 49 E S 33 49 W 1 7 14 Geog. , N 51 21 W S 51 23 E ■-" "-"^ '■'< JJ 49 ^ ^ i.'i 49 "* '/14 >Jeug N5121W S5123E 4740 Has. S 82 47 W , N 82 46 E 4032 Flat Cap. 38 02 07. 95 75 49 52. N 27 22 E S 27 22 W N 53 27 W S 53 29 E S 82 39 W N 82 37 E 1557 Geog. 4904 Has. 4273 Flat Cap. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding :iny creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. DAUGHERTY CREEK. (South Shore Big .Annemessex River — Chart No. 7.) ° ' " o I II o / 01 Yards. 1 38 02 06. 39 75 50 54. 34 N 58 46 E S 58 47 \V 2769 Geog. N 37 36 W S 37 37 E 3750 Has. S 79 10 \V N 79 09 E 2632 Flat Cap. 2 38 02 16. 18 75 50 37. 78 N 60 08 E S 60 09 W 2221 Geog. N 19 18 E vS 19 18 W 3862 Ford. N 45 56 W S 45 57 E 3799 Has. 3 38 01 55. 18 75 50 19.00 N 38 10 E S 38 II W 2306 Geog. N 43 57 W S 43 59 E 4654 Has. S 88 06 W N 88 05 E 3530 Flat Cap. Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excludini; iny creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. lOO Siii-i'cv of ()\'s/cr /y'tns, Soiiirrsft Coiiulv, Md. liOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — continued. TENTH EOINT. {South Shore Big Annemessex River — Chart No. 7.) U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatiim ° ' " o / // o / o / I Yards. I 38 02 10. 18 75 52 19.76 S 26 IS W i\ 26 15 E I 694 I Flat Cap. N 74 16 E S 74 17 W 4827 Geog. N o 13 \V S o 13 E 2842 Has. 38 02 23.42 75 s- o^. 18 N 46 IS E S 46 16 W i\ 10 42 W S 10 42 E vS 35 01 W N 35 01 E 38 02 32.43 75 51 27 02 16. 18 75 50 37. N 39 ,s8 E S 39 59 W N 3,-^ .S7 W S 33 ,s8 E S 51 1 1 W N 51 10 E 4919 , Ford. 2440 Has. 1 3 14 Flat Cap. 4041 Ford. 2524 Has. 2190 Flat Cap. N 60 08 E S 60 09 W 2221 Geog. N 19 18 E S 19 18 W 3862 Ford. N 45 56 W vS 45 57 E 3799 , Has. 5 38 02 06. 39 75 .so 54. 34 N .58 46 E S 58 47 W 2769 Geog. N 37 36 W S 37 37 E 375° Has. S 79 10 \V N 79 09 E 2632 Flat Cap. Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, e.xcluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. SHANKS CREEK. {Smith Ishiiid— Chart A'o. S.) / / Yards. s 88 19 E N 88 17 W 3472 Horse. N 24 06 E S 24 07 W 2535 Ewell Church N 22 07 W s 22 07 E 3138 Old Church. S 88 20 E N 88 18 W 4268 Horse. N 38 36 E s 3« 37 W 2932 Ewell Church N 7 39 \\' s 7 39 E 2909 Old Church. I 37 57 15- 10 76 01 47.78 Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the sliore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Stir7'ry of Oysin- />'t7j-s, Souinsr/ Cotii/h', Mii. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS continued. TYLERS CREEK. (Smith Island — Ctiar/s .Wos. S and 9.) True bearing LongitLid'j Dis Forward Back I ' 37 57 13- 20 76 00 24. 18 S 88 14 E N 88 14 W N 26 42 \V S 26 42 E N 48 57 \V vS 48 59 E 37 57 14. 16 76 01 0^.30 S 88 17 E N 88 16 W N 2 24 W S 2 24 E X 38 16 W .S 38 15 E Yards. 1239 Horse. 2662 Ewell Church. 4524 Old Church. 2338 Horse. 2348 Ewell Church. 3741 Old Church. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excludiiiii any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. BIG ISLAND. (Southwest Tangier 'Sound — Chart No. 9.) 37 59 14- 18 75 58 57- 16 S S N 14 45 W 64 53 E 19 54 E N N S 14 45 64 51 19 55 E W w 4257 6793 3681 Horse. Janes Island l.iglit Terrapin. 37 58 13' 99 75 57 58- 77 S S N 51 42 W 79 27 E 3 20 W N N ' S 51 41 79 29 3 21 E W E 3368 4672 5499 Horse. Janes Island Light Terrapin. 37 57 43- 01 75 58 22.82 N N S 87 55 E 2 57 E 62 29 W s S N 87 57 2 57 62 28 W W E 5238 6544 2257 Janes Island Light Terrapin. Horse. 37 57 25- 62 75 58 29.02 N N S 81 49 E 4 02 E 76 02 W S s N 81 51 4 02 76 01 W E 5456 7139 1891 Janes Island Light Terrapin. 37 57 06.40 75 58 59 12 N N N 77 04 E 9 32 E , 79 3" W s s s 77 06 9 33 79 31 w E 6366 7878 1050 Janes Island Light Terrapin. Horse. 37 57 12.07 75 59 37- 78 S N N 6 49 E 80 ig E 17 08 E N s s 6 49 80 22 17 09 W \v w 8754 7341 7931 Reacli Hammock. Janes Island Light Terrapin. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding my creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. S/nyri' of Oys/rr A'a/s, Snii/risf/ ('oiiiilv, Mii. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. DRUM. {Southwest Tangier Sound — Chart No. 9.) Cor- ' True bearing nerof bot- Latitude torn I Forward Back jo/// o / // o / o / Yards. 1 I 38 00 18.54 75 58 43-38 S 13 00 W N 13 00 R 6453 Horse. S 48 51 E N 48 49 W 7680 Janes Island Light. X 34 27 E S 34 27 W 1566 Terrapin. 2 38 00 10. 56 75 57 23. 66 N 38 30 W S 3S 30 E 1994 Terrapin. S 30 45 \V N 30 44 E 7002 Horse. S 37 22 E N 37 21 W 6022 Janes Island Lisjlit 3 I 37 59 2i-^(> 75 57 ^O- 02 N 25 24 W S 25 25 E 3"9 Terrapin. S 37 42 W N 37' 40 E 6015 Horse. S 45 15 E N 45 13 W 501 1 Janes Island Light. 4 I 37 59 12.86 75 56 57.37 N 28 59 W S 29 00 E 4008 Terrapin. S 46 27 W N 46 26 E 5910 Horse. S 46 07 E N 46 07 W 4098 Janes Island Light. 5 37 58 47.38 75 57 15.60 N 18 27 W S 18 27 E 4601 Terrapin. I S 49 45 W N 49 44 E 4974 Horse. S 60 04 E N 60 03 W 3970 Janes Island Light. £> , 37 58 13-99 75 57 58.77 S 51 42 \V N 51 4i E > 3368 Horse. S 79 27 E N 79 29 W 4672 Janes Island Light. I N320WS321E 5499 Terrapin. 7 37 59 14- 18 75 58 57. 16 S 14 45 W N 14 45 E 4257 Horse. S 64 53 E N 64 51 W 6793 Janes Island Light. N 19 54 E S 19 55 W ' 3681 Terrapin. Thence from corner No. 7 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. OLD HOUSE. (Little Annemessex River — Chart No. p.) ° ' " o / // o / o / I Y'ards. I 37 58 12.54 75 52 51.94 S 77 22 W N 77 21 E 3688 Janes Island Light. S 36 33 E N 36 33 W 548 Somers Cove Light. N 61 52 E S 61 53 W 3176 Emmanuel Church. - 37 58 09.83 75 52 57.62 S 78 17 \V N 78 16 E 3520 Janes Island Light. S 53 52 E N 53 52 W 592 Somers Cove Light. N 6i 43 E S 61 45 W I 3353 , Emmanuel Church. 3 37 58 19-46 75 53 14-3° S 70 53 W N 70 52 E 3176 ; Janes Island Light. S 53 53 E N 53 53 W 1143 Somers Cove Light. N 69 35 E S 69 37 W ; 3625 Emmanuel Church. 4 ^,^ s8 16. 86 75 53 17.44 S 71 56 W N 71 54 E ; 3069 ; janes island Light. S 59 48 E I N 59 48 W 1 1 166 Somers Cove Light. N 68 46 E S 68 48 W ( 3735 Emmanuel Church. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, exchulin.o uiy creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. S/i )',■(']' ol Ovslci lulls, SoiiicrsrI Coitnl\\ Mil. BOUNDARIKS OF CRAB BOTTOMS — fOUtimit'Cl. LIGHT HOUSE. [LiMe Anncmessex River — Chart No. g.) Tnic bearing Longitude - Dis Fonvard Back 37 58 38 61 75 5- 04 62 N S vS 74 35 70 23 23 53 E W W S N N 74 35 70 24 .SI W E E 1912 1617 5145 Mount Pleasant Church Soniers Cove Light. Janes Island Light. 37 58 37 49 75 52 03 44 N S s 73 37 71 01 04 24 E W W vS N N 73 37 71 02 04 W E E 1893 1606 5163 Mount Pleasant Church Somers Cove Light. Janes Island Light. 37 58 21 34 75 5^ 20 23 s N N 35 64 58 12 02 26 W E E N S S 35 64 58 12 03 27 E W w 902 2512 2293 vSomers Cove Light. Mount Pleasant Church Emmanuel Church. 37 S8 15 18 75 5^ 17 41 S N N 48 59 53 21 08 09 W E E N S s 48 59 53 21 09 10 E W 796 2543 2348 Somers Cove Light. Mount Pleasant Church Emmanuel Church. 37 58 07 '7 75 52 27 62 S N N 51 57 52 13 19 03 W E E N S s 51 57 52 13 20 03 E W w 414 2917 2729 Somers Cove Light. Mount Pleasant Church Emmanuel Church, 37 58 12 -4 75 5- 31 42 S N N 27 61 56 13 14 13 W E E N s s 27 61 56 13 15 '4 E W \v 483 2917 271 1 Somers Cove Light. Mount Pleasant Church Emmanuel Church. 37 58 09 98 75 52 35 48 S N N 17 60 56 41 57 09 W E E N s s 17 60 56 4' 58 10 E W W 372 3049 2843 Somers Cove Light. Mount Pleasant Church Emmanuel Church. 37 58 04 50 75 52 32 20 S N N 49 57 52 50 09 08 E E N s s 49 57 52 49 10 08 E W W 262 3069 2881 Somers Cove Light. Mount Pleasant Church Emmanuel Church. 37 57 59 48 75 52 39 71 S S N 84 51 51 41 31 51 w E E N N S 84 51 51 39 30 52 E w 3941 4507 3136 Janes Island Light. Watermelon Hummock. Emmanuel Church. 37 57 57 55 75 52 51 96 N N S 78 4 85 45 00 13 E E W s s N 78 4 85 45 00 12 w E 334 7914 3610 Somers Cove Light. Flat Cap. Janes Island Light. 37 58 09 83 75 52 57 62 S s N 78 53 61 17 52 43 W E E N N S 78 53 61 16 E 52 w 45 W 3520 592 3353 Janes Island Liglit. Somers Cove Light. Emmanuel Church. 75 52 51.94 S 77 22 W N 77 21 E S 36 33 E N 36 33 W N 61 52 E S 61 53 W 3688 Janes Island Light. 548 Somers Cove Light. 3176 Emmanuel Church. Thence from corner No. 12 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 vards in width at its mouth at low tide. I04 Cor- nerof bot- tom Siii-7'cy of (hs/iT /)\n-s, Somerset Coitiil\\ Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. CANCER. {Little Anncmessex River — Chart A'o. 9.) True bearing I 37 59 19- ° ' " ° ' ° ' Yards. 75 52 02. 18 S 62 55 E N 62 54 W 1655 Emmanuel Church. S 20 25 W N 20 25 E I 2871 Somers Cove Light. S 58 II W N 58 09 E ' 5797 Janes Island Light. 52 06.27 S 75 5.^ E N 75 52 W , S 20 5 s \V N 20 lis E S 60 44 W N 60 42 E 1 63 1 Emmanuel Church. 2500 Somers Cove Light. 5523 Janes Island Light. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1 , excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. BACK CREEK. (Little Aiinemessex River — Chart No. 9.) I 37 58 57-66 37 58,. 57- 48 75 51 42.16 i S 88 31 E S 38 02 W ' S 66 56 \V 75 51 44.76 S 88 58 E S 36 52 w S 66 43 W 37 59 11-57 75 5i 37- 00 37 59 30. 96 S s8 22 E S 34 33 W S 63 28 W S 44 50 E N 44 50 W S 25 00 \V N 24 59 E S 57 38 W , N 57 37 E S 50 53 E S 18 57 W S 55 20 W Yards. 943 Emmanuel Church. 2492 Somers Cove Light. 5936 Janes Island Light. 1008 Emmanuel Church. 2444 Somers Cove Light. 5869 Janes Island Light. 940 Emmanuel Church. 2952 Somers Cove Light. 6258 Janes Island Light. 13 1 7 Emmanuel Church. 3322 Somers Cove Light. 6310 Janes Island Light. N 50 52 W 1818 Emmanuel Church. N 18 56 E 3261 Somers Cove Liglit. N 55 18 E 6066 Janes Island Light. N 88 31 W N 38 02 E N 66 53 E N 88 58 W N 36 51 E N 66 41 E N 58 21 \V N 34 32 E N 63 26 E Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. S///-//r, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS continued. KINGS ISLAND— Continued. 107 Cur-, jjerofi bot- tom True bearing Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trii.ngulatio.i Forward Back station 75 52 09.39 75 51 57-59 N 35 20 W N 80 41 W S 15 21 W N 32 08 W N 74 14 W S 20 40 W S 35 20 E S 80 43 E N 15 20 E S 32 09 E S 74 16 E N 20 39 E Yards. 1400 4798 5650 2114 5243 5130 Somers Cove Light. Janes Island Light. Sam. Somers Cove Light. Janes Island Light. Sam. 37 57 25-62 37 57 06.40 Thence from corner .\o. 1 1 along tlie mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, .cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. GREAT POINT. {Entrance Little Annemessex River — Chart No. g.) , , , , Yards. I 37 S6 S8 46 75 53 32 95 s 9 14 E N 9 14 \V 4592 Sam. i\ 34 38 E S 34 39 W 2494 Somers Cove Light. iN 55 58 W S 55 58 E 30 J 2 Janes Island Liglit. 2 37 56 58 qi 7S S3 46 39 S 13 33 E N 13 33 W 4677 Sara. N 41 05 E S 41 05 VV 2709 Somers Cove Light. N 52 00 VV s 52 00 E 2722 Janes Island Light. ,1 37 S7 48 22 75 S3 S8 10 N 89 35 W s 8q 35 E 1832 Janes Island Light. S 12 47 E N 12 46 w 6367 Sam. N 79 42 E s 79 43 VV 2127 Somers Cove Light. 4 37 57 37 3G 75 53 30 06 N 81 38 W s 81 39 E 2608 Janes Island Light. S 6 27 E N 6 26 VV 5881 Sam. N Oo 58 E s 60 59 w 1538 Somers Cove Light. s 37 57 33 14 7S 53 38. 58 N 77 30 W s 77 31 E 2410 Janes Island Light. S 8 SI E N 8 SO VV 5771 Sam. N 60 32 E S 60 32 Vk' 1806 Somers Cove Light. Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. FISHING CREEK. (Southeast Tangier Sound — Chart No. 9.) , // , , Yards. ^7 55 43-.^" 75 53 5i- 32 S 32 40 E N 23 10 E N 24 53 W N 32 39 W S 23 n W vS 24 54 E 2373 4994 4658 Sam. Somers Cove Light. Janes Island Light. 37 56 05.77 75 53 49-43 S 2z 08 E -N 25 53 E N 30 45 W ■ N 23 07 W S 25 54 W S 30 46 E 2996 4262 4035 Sam. Somers Cove Light. Janes Island Light. T08 Sin-c'/y of Ovsltr Juns, Soiiirrsr/ Ci>iiii/]\ ilfd. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BoiTOMS — Continued. CEDAR STRAITS. {Cedar Straits — Chart No. g.) Cor- ner of Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bot- tom Forward Back station I 37 54 43- 46 75 52 59-66 N S N 82 48 W 48 12 W 66 41 E S 82 48 E N 48 II E S 66 43 W Yards. 153 2986 5092 Sam. Fox Island Poplar. East. 2 37 54 40. 64 75 52 59-74 N N S 65 43 E 52 43 W 49 37 W S 65 45 W S 52 43 E N 49 33 E 5I3I 188 2921 East. Sam. Fox Island Poplar. 3 37 54 36. 20 75 54 15-22 S N N 6 4S W 81 56 E 20 24 E N 6 45 E S 81 57 W S 20 25 W 1757 1883 7313 Fox Island Poplar. Sam Somers Cove Light. Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 37 55 19-06 I 75 53 58.24 S 4 06 W N 87 50 E N 1 1 44 W S II 42 W S 50 05 E N 21 II E 37 55 33-42 75 53 57.33 S 10 33 W I S 39 48 E N 22 49 E N 4 06 E S 87 51 W S 1 1 44 E N II 41 E N 50 04 W S 21 12 W N 10 33 E N 39 47 W S 22 50 w 1941 Fox Island Poplar. 1933 Sam. 6430 Janes Island Light. 3258 I Fox Island Poplar. 1 84 1 Sam. 5802 j Somers Cove Light. 3738 ' Fox Island Poplar. 2168 Sam. 5343 Somers Cove Light. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. BROAD CREEK. {Western Pocomoke Sound — Chart No. 9.) / // / // / / Yards . 37 55 43- 19 75 50 04. 56 N 47 28 E S 47 29 w 3842 Monkey. N 18 57 W S 18 58 E 1894 Watermelon Hummock ' S 59 51 W N 59 48 E 7983 Fox Island Poplar. 37 54 43-02 75 49 20.87 N 19 48 E S 19 48 W 4916 Monkey. N 29 54 W s 29 55 E 2340 East. N 89 40 W S 89 43 E 5997 Sam. 37 54 42-50 75 50 04. 82 N 31 26 E S 3> 27 W 5442 Monkey. N 12 E s 12 W 2046 East. N 89 22 W S 89 24 E 4823 Sam. 37 55 04. 64 75 50 32- 13 N 29 32 E S 29 32 W 1494 East. N 2 15 E s 2 15 W 3093 Watermelon Hummock S 80 23 W N 80 21 E 4151 Sam. 37 55 04.58 75 51 06. 16 N 51 39 E s 51 39 W 2098 East. N 18 25 E s 18 26 W 3259 Watermelon Hummock s 77 42 w N 77 41 E 3259 Sam. Siinuy of 'Oysfrr Bars, Soii/nsc/ Coitii/y, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. BROAD CREEK— Continued. 109 Cor- ner of Latitudt Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianguhition bot- tom Forwar i Back station / / , Yards. 6 37 54 41 93 75 50 58-48 N N N 34 53 12 04 88 48 E E W s s 34 12 88 54 05 49 W W E 2517 3944 3390 East. Watermelon Hummock. Sam. 7 37 54 40 64 75 52 59-74 N N S 65 43 52 43 49 37 E W W s s N 65 52 49 45 43 33 W E E 5131 188 2921 East. Sam. Fox Island Poplar. 8 37 54 43 46 75 52 59-66 N .S N 82 48 48 12 66 41 w w E s N S 82 48 66 48 II 43 E E W 153 2986 5092 Sam. Fox Island Poplar. East. WARE POINT. (Northern Pocomoke Sound — Chart No. g.) , ,/ / , Yards. I 37 57 02.04 75 49 28. 14 S 61 20 W S 20 06 W S 88 07 W N 61 20 E N 20 05 E N 88 06 E 1810 2830 i860 Watermelon Hummock. East. Monkey. 2 37 57 00. 82 75 48 42-30 S 73 37 W S 40 01 w S 88 09 E N 73 36 E N 40 00 E N 88 08 W 2931 3418 635 Watermelon Hummock. East. Monkey. 3 37 56 47-45 75 48 49- 97 N 62 52 E S 81 48 W S 42 36 w S 62 53 W N 81 47 E N 42 35 E 944 2633 2943 Monkey. Watermelon Hummock. East. 4 37 55 25.60 75 48 51-05 N 15 14 E N 47 15 W N 73 II W S 15 14 w S 47 16 E S 73 12 E 3306 3512 2050 Monkey. Watermelon Hummock. East. 5 37 54 43-02 75 49 20. 87 N 19 48 E N 29 54 W, N 89 40 W S 19 48 W S 29 55 E S 89 43 E 4916 2340 5997 Monkey. East. Sam. 6 37 55 43- 19 75 50 04. 56 N 47 28 E N 18 57 W S 59 51 W S 47 29 W S 18 58 E N 59 48 E 3842 1894 7983 Monkey. Watermelon Hummock. Fox Island Poplar. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Siin'cy of Oyster Bars, Somerset Co/tiitv., Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS — Continued. APES HOLE. {Northern Pocomoke Sound — Chart No. 9.) True bearing i - Distance' ^- S- "^^ * *^- S' triangiihitii ( station Fonvard Back I 37 57 H- 29 75 48 12.92 37 56 41- 37 56 50. ^o 37 57 26.04 75 48 17.81 S 70 24 W S 44 og W S 17 29 W N 72 12 E N I 46 \V S 55 12 W 75 48 38. 72 S So 50 W S 45 25 W S 70 55 E ?5 48 31-38 75 48 49- S 73 57 W S 42 50 W S 75 31 E S 58 58 W S 30 41 W S 47 47 R 75 48 43. 29 S 58 58 W S 32 03 W S 37 >3 E N 70 22 E N 44 08 E N 17 29 E S 72 15 W S I 46 E N 55 II E N 80 49 E N 45 24 E N 70 52 W N 73 56 E N 42 49 E N 75 31 W N 58 57 E N 30 40 E N 47 46 W N 58 57 E N 32 02 E N 37 13 W Yards. 3818 Watermelon Hummock. 4280 East. 498 Monkey. 6816 Scot. 614 Monkey. 3472 East. 2945 3218 3229 3660 354 3046 3909 I '34 3252 4091 Watermelon Hummock. East. Saxis Church. Watermelon Hummock, East. Monkey. Watermelon Hummock. East. Monkey. Watermelon Hummock. East. 1094 Monkey. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. BOUNDARIES OF CLAM BEDS. EXPLANATION OF DESCRIPTIONS OF BOUNDARIES. The Maryland legislature of 1908 in an act" passed to prescribe additional duties to be performed by the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners provided for the establish- ment of boundaries of certain clam beds in Pocomoke Sound, which were to be ''sur- veyed and designated on charts" and records prepared and filed in every particular as provided for by the Marj'land laws for the survey of natural oyster bars. The clam beds specified by the law are only 3 in number, with total acreage of 506 acres, the largest bed being 180 acres and the smallest 152 acres. The boundaries of these clam beds were surveyed and established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the "Charts of Oyster Bars" published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in a manner identical with that used for the establishment of the oyster bar boundaries. Therefore the "Explanation of descriptions of boundaries," under the heading of "Boundaries of oyster bars," to be foimd in another part of this publication, will apply to the clam beds. ' For the text of this act see Appendix B of this pulilication. Sunry oj Oyslfr Rars, Soiurrsct Coiiii/y, Md. iii SURVEYING METHODS Op' KEl.OCATI(.)N OF liOl'NUAKIES. For similar reasons to those given under the previous heading, the "vSurveying methods of relocation of boundaries," given under the heading of " Boundaries of oyster burs," to be found in another part of this publication, will apply to clam beds. BOUNDARIES OF CLAM BEDS. WARE ROCK. (Pocomoke Sound — Cliart No. p.) Ct^T- True bearing 1)6(1 For d Back o , // , Yards. * I 37 55 13- oo 75 48 09. 78 N N S 3 71 73 42 37 21 W W W s s N 3 71 73 42 38 t8 E E E 3622 3230 10407 Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. 2 37 55 14- 6o 75 48 46. 62 N N S 1 1 65 71 54 09 20 E W W vS s N 1 1 65 71 54 09 17 W E E 3640 2294 9486 Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. 3 37 55 41-57 75 48 32.21 S N N 85 7 88 52 51 43 E E w N S s 85 7 88 49 51 44 W W E 8251 2676 2467 Saxis Church. Monkey. East. 4 37 55 45- 79 75 48 13-64 N S S 88 67 58 19 30 w w w s N N 2 88 67 58 18 30 E E W 2517 2964 10680 Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. GRAVEL ROCK. {Pocomoke Sound — Chart No. 9.) , , , , Yards. I 37 55 11.66 75 47 39-42 N N S 15 55 74 39 74 47 W w w s s N 15 57 74 41 74 42 E E E 3808 4020 11174 Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. 2 37 55 13-00 75 48 09.78 N N S 3 42 71 37 73 21 w w w s s N 3 42 71 38 73 18 E E E 3622 3230 10407 Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. 3 37 55 45-79 75 48 13-64 N S s 2 58 88 19 67 30 w w w s N N 2 58 88 18 67 27 E E E 2517 2964 10680 Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. 4 37 55 50- 76 75 47 52-93 s N s 82 49 16 16 85 52 E w w N S N 82 46 W 16 16 E 85 53 E 7237 2439 3525 Saxis Church. Monkey. East. "^ Siin'ry of Oyxlcr Bars, Soiiirrsr/ Couitl\\ Md, BOUNDARIES OF CLAM BEDS — Continued. FLAT ROCK. {Pocomoke Sound — Charts Nos. g and lo.) Car- Latitude Longitude ' ' True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation ol bed 37 55 34- 84 75 46 56.00 N N S Fonvard 37 26 W 85 47 W 72 43 W Back S 37 27 E S 86 49 E N 72 38 E Yards. 3624 5044 12505 I Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. 2 37 55 39- 26 75 47 40.94 N N S 20 II W 88 01 W 70 13 W S 20 12 E S 88 02 E N 70 08 E 2908 3837 11416 Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. 3 37 56 08. 82 75 47 03. 84 N S S 49 00 W 79 52 W 67 30 W S 49 00 E N 79 50 E N 67 25 E 2642 4904 12700 Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. 4 37 55 43- 18 75 46 44- 80 N N S 43 56 W 89 59 W 71 56 w S 43 57 E S 89 59 E N 71 51 E 3607 5336 12877 Monkey. East. Fox Island Poplar. APPENDIXES Appendix A.— LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, in surveying the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compHance with a request from the governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland: {Act of Congress approved May 26, 1906.] AK ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds. bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam launches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid sur\ey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, sucli technically qualified persons as may be neces- sary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. [Act of Congress approved June 30. 1906.] AN .\CT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth nineteen hundred and seven, and for other piu^poses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, namely: * * * 50095—08 15 113 I 14 Sun'ey of Ovs/rr Bars, Sonirrse/ Cnunty, Md. Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * por any special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, approved May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six, and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars, together with the unexpended balance under this appropriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby reappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nine- teen hundred and seven. * * * (Act of Congress approved March 4. 1907.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives oj the United States oj America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses nl surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. * * * [.\ct of Congress approved May 27, 1908.] AX ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House oj Representatives oj the United States oj America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of the legislature of Maryland approved April 2. 1906.] .W ACT to establish and protnote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of t his Act, and * * * Section i. Be it en-acted by the General Assembly oj Maryland, That the following sections be, and they are hereby, added to Article 72 of the Code of PubUc General Laws, title "Oysters." * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey, as hereinafter required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapolis; and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic sur- vey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the coimties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all natural beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective coimties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. * * * * * * ♦ Sec. 87. The Governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States coast and geodetic survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. * * * Sirn'ey of Oys/cr Bars, Sojiiersr/ Conn f v., Md. 115 Sec. 89. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, 1906, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by the United States coast and geodetic survey, and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable, the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars and rocks, as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this Act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the. board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the same to the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed as hereinafter provided ; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose. And the said survej' and report, when filed, subject to the right of appeal hereafter provided for in this Act, shall be taken in all of the courts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars or rocks lying within the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed, other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this Act, and that all areas of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries withm the State of Maryland, not shown in the survey to be natural oyster beds, bars or rocks, shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms, and open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this Act; provided, that the said survey and report shall not be so construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appropriated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this Act. * * * The law of the State of Maryland, passed March 9, 1842, authorizing officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the Survey, is as follows: An Act Concerning the Survey of the Coast of Mar>-land. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United States, * * * at any time hereafter to enter upon lands within this State for the purpose of exploring, surveying, triangulating, or levelling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injury to private or other property. Sec. 2." And be it enacted, That in case the person or ])ersons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injury to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious free- holders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or possessors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days' notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses, (to be by « Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except through the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. ii6 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Somerset County^ Md. them sworn or affirmed and examined) shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceedings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five days thereafter in the office of the clerk of the county in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as aforesaid, and the said report so made as aforesaid, if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of congress aforesaid, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either party may and shall be heard before and the damages assessed by a jury of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument or building or any appendage thereto, erected, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first prosecute the same before any justice of the peace of the county where the person so offending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United States of America, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Appendix B.— LAWS RELATING TO SURVEY OF CLAM I3EDS. [Act of the legislature of Maryland approved April 6, 1908."] AN ACT to prescribe additional duties to be performed by the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, to the duties already prescribed for them by Chapter 71 1 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1906. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, as soon after the passage of this Act as practicable, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on charts provided for such purpose. Gravel Rock, Ware Rock, and Flat Rock, being clam banks located in the waters of Pocotnoke Sound, in Somerset county, and State of Maryland, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the Hmits and bounda- ries of each of the above named rocks, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey and make the report and perform all other duties connected with said survey as said duties are prescribed by Chapter 711 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1906, pertaining to natural oyster beds and bars. Sec. 2. And be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That after said rocks shall have been surveyed as provided in Section i of this Act, no part of them shall be leased to any person or persons for the purpose of planting, bedding or cultivating oysters, thereon, but they shall be reserved to the public in the State of Maryland for the sole purpose of taking clams therefrom, and shall be treated in every particular as are the natural oyster beds or bars w-liich have been or shall be surveyed by the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners under Chapter 71 1 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1906. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect from the date of its passage.' «As published in bill form. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Soinrrsr/ Countv^ Md. 117 Appendix C— STATISTICS OF RESULTS OF THE COMBINED OPERATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT AND STATE. For a further understanding of the character of the oyster survey work that is being carried on in Maryland the following statistical tabulations of the combined results of the various operations of both the Government and State will be of value. In this connection it should be remembered that these statistics only include the new work required to supplement the large amount of existing data obtained from the archives of Coast and Geodetic Survey and utilized in the preparation of the charts and technical records. Natural oyster bars surveyed and delineated Acres of natural oyster bars Crab bottoms surveyed and delineated ". Acres of crab bottoms Clam beds surveyed and delineated ' Acres of clam beds Number of oyster lots leased and surveyed Acres of oyster lots leased and surveyed Boundary buoys located and planted Triangular ion landmarks established Miles of shore line covered by triangulatioii Square miles of water covered by triangulation Miles of examination of shell bottom with chain apparatus. Oyster investigation stations occupied Number of soundings over shell bottoms Square miles covered by soundings and chain apparatus — Projections prepared and plotted Leasing charts prepared Oyster charts published Reports published Progress maps published 38 203 362 369 440 27.566 I {'') 61.232 506 ■8S 375 296 679 17.904 47 595 66s (") Less'quantitit (.'•) Total area of ed by statistics of more than one county, atural oyster bars of Connecticut is 5,770 acres. Appendix D.— THE HAMAN OYSTER CULTURE LAW. [Extract from First Report of Shell Fish Commission.) OBJECT. "The legislature in placing chapter 711 of the acts of 1906, better known as the Haman Oyster Culture Law, upon the statute books of Maryland had a twofold object in view: 1. To encourage an industry in oyster culture upon the barren bottoms beneath the tidewaters of the State. 2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars for the purpose of oyster culture." " To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing of natural bars impossible, provision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accurately locating and marking the same. It was definitely provided that no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, charted, and marked with buoys." it8 Snr7^ miles. 34 4X miles. 21 30 iJ/i miles. 17 3K miles. 12 4X miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot Comity, Md. 37 STRAIGHT. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on Long Point about zX miles northeast of Kent Point, 2j4 miles northwest of Wades Point and }4 mile northeast of entrance to Long Point Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 35 yards west of edge of bank, 45 yards northwest of edge of bank near a tree, 80 yards south-southwest of fence corner, 245 yards south-southeast of fence corner at gate, and 175 yards east-southeast of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.— "Needle" (N 48° 15' E) o Left tangent of Tilghmans Point 35 Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm . . 42 "Kemp Tower" 83 Nail in blaze in red oak tree (22 inches diam- eter) 113 Right tangent of woods on Poplar Island. ... 155 Left tangent of woods on Kent Point 179 South peak of building 264 East peak of bam 317 South chimney of house 330 MOUTH. 00 00 4yi miles. 07 4^8 miles. 27 4^8 miles. 46 00 2]4 miles. 59 00 3 1 06 meters. 30 SH miles. 48 18 X mile. 48 K mile. 10 X mile. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on eastern shore of Kent Island about 1J4 miles north of Long Point, 3^^ miles northwest of Claiborne Wharf, and 3X miles southwest of Bodkin Island. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 10 yards west of top of a bank with uniform slope to shore, 50 yards south of a small cove, and 20 yards south of a group of cedar trees near shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Matta" (N 5° 49' W) o South gable of bam 26 West gable of house S3 Right tangent of woods on Turkey Point. ... 50 "Parsons Island Water Tank" 66 00 00 2^i miles. 41 4X miles. 35 2^ miles. 25 3 miles. 43 SH miles. North gable of barn 74 49 6X miles. Left tangent of woods on Tilghmans Point.. . 103 South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 112 "Rich Neck Water Tank" 124 South gable of Claiborne Wharf house 137 "Kemp Tower" 154 East chimney of Legg house 224 Chimney of small house 286 South gable of bam 342 05 4X miles. 19 4 miles. 48 40 3J.i miles. 41 3^ miles. 09 3X miles. 59 H mile. 35 iX miles. 46 i}4 miles. 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. MATTA. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on eastern shore of Kent Island at western side of entrance to Shipping Creek about 2 miles west of Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 125 yards soutliwest of extreme end of point, 25 yards northwest of dr)' ditch, and 200 yards northwest of lone cedar tree near shore. marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Batts" (N 67° 45' E) o North chimney of house 17 Left tangent of woods on Tilghmans Point . . 54 North chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 62 "Rich Neck Water Tank" 71 Left tangent of woods on Long Point 105 Chimney of Greeve house 124 South chimney of house 231 South cupola on barn 247 East chimney of house 273 Chimney of small house 296 00 00 I mile. 54 2 miles. 30 sH miles. 34 SH miles. 31 sK miles. 49 2^ miles. 53 K mile. 14 %■ mile. 39 H mile. 58 lyi miles. 12 iX miles. West chimney of house 305 45 i^ miles. BATTS. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on southern end of Batts Neck between Shipping and Cox Creeks about i^ miles northwest of Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 21 yards north of shore, and 100 yards west of a wire fence extending 100 yards into bay. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Station "CoxES CeeEk," 1899, is 87.70 meters N 72° 20' E of observed station and is marked by the center of a cross in the top of a granite post about 12 inches square in the rough and about 27 inches long projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. The top of the granite post is dressed to a 6-inch cube marked with a square cross and the letters U. S. Subsurface mark is center of neck of a bottle buried with top 3 inches below base of granite post. References. — ° "Turkey" (S 58° 24' E) o North chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 19 " Rich Neck Water Tank" 28 Nail in blaze in one of twin persimmon trees (4 inches diameter) 37 Left tangent of woods on Long Point 69 East gable of house 76 30 2>^ miles. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 91 South chimney of house 202 South chimney of house 242 South gable of barn 271 North chimney of house 293 "Coxes Creek, 1899" (granite post) 310 North chimney of house 341 00 00 ij/^ miles. 25 5 miles. 26 sX miles. 36 40 3.94 meters. 3X miles. 13 50 9.76 meters. 08 }4 mile. 32 H mile. 54 i>2 miles. 22 1^4 miles. 44 20 87.70 meters. 07 i^-i miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. TURKEY. 39 General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on southern end of Cox Neck on Turkey Point about I mile west of the north end of Bodkin Island. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in marsh meadow about 2 feet above high water, 40 yards northeast of shore, 200 yards south of a group of three pine trees near shore, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — c / // "Mouth" (S 40° 32' W) o Chimney of house 23 Chimney of Greeve house 49 South cupola on barn 68 North chimney of house 72 South chimney of house 103 South chimney of house 113 West pine tree of group 132 Right tangent of Bodkin Island 254 Left tangent of Tilghmans Point 275 North chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 286 "Rich Neck Water Tank" 297 Left tangent of woods on Long Point 352 NEEDLE. 00 00 2}i miles. 19 2% miles. 14 2X miles. 20 2^ miles. 30 2^ miles. 39 !%■ miles. 22 2}4 miles. 12 200 yards. 46 I mile. 23 3K miles. 38 iH miles. 25 4X miles. 26 3 miles. General locality. — ^Northern part of Eastern Bay on Bodkin Island at entrance to Crab Alley Bay about i^ miles west of the south end of Parsons Island and i mile east-southeast of Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near south end of Bodkin Island, about 12 feet above high water, 50 yards north by west of shore, 90 yards northeast by east of shore, 115 yards west-southwest of shore, and in center of radial lines of sight cut in bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Straight" (S 48° 17' W) o Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter) . 5 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) . . 27 Right chimney of large house 64 Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter). 82 Chimney of house on Parsons Island 194 Near chimney of Starr, large, brick house .... 262 Cupola on left bam of Tilghmans Point Farm . 289 Chimney of bimgalow 324 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter) . 345 00 00 4j s miles. 51 30 22. 78 meters. 56 10 17-17 meters. 29 3)2' miles. 06 50 11-54 meters. 43 2^ miles. 54 6/2 miles. 40 3 miles. 57 5>8 miles. 25 00 18. 20 meters. COX. General locality. — Western shore of Crab Alley Bay on Cox Neck about yi mile north of Eastern Bay and I mile northwest of Bodkin Island. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at edge of a cultivated field on narrow neck of land about 3 feet above high water, 16 yards west of shore, 18 yards east of shore, and 80 yards northwest of extreme end of point. 40 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "TuU" (N 12° 34' E) o 00 00 i|^ miles. Chimney of small house 12 54 2% miles. Chimney of house 21 19 2}4 miles. Cupola on bam 30 og 2f^ miles. Right comer of old bam 49 27 zyi miles. East chimney of large brick house 54 32 lyi miles. Right tangent of Normans Point 61 40 2 miles. North gable of bam on Parsons Island 79 50 2% miles. Left tangent of Bodkin Island 123 47 yi mile. East gable of bam 227 02 ^ mile. Chimney of house 232 44 3 miles. Chimney of house 255 50 2]/% miles. RICH NECK WATER TANK. General locality. — On neck of land about halfway between Eastern Bay and Miles River about 1% miles south-southwest of Tilghmans Point. (See Charts Nos. 31 and 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on large water tank on steel tower on Rich Neck Farm. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on center of water tank. References. — None necessary. KEMP TOWER. General locality. — Southern shore of Eastern Bay on Wades Point about i mile southwest of Claiborne Wharf and 5^3 miles east of Bloody Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tower or cupola of Wades Point Hotel, which is a large, square, frame structure adjoining a brick house. Marks. — Observed station is center of top of roof of cupola. References. — None necessary. KEMP. General locality. — Southern shore of Eastern Bay on Wades Point about i^i miles southwest of Claiborne Wharf and ^14. miles east by south of Bloody Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 30 yards east by north of a wire fence and several trees, 55 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 90 yards east- northeast of a bungalow, 130 yards north by west of a wire and wood fence comer, 130 yards north- northwest of wooden fence, and 400 yards west by south of Wades Point Hotel. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard. cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.- — o / // "Bloody Point Bar Light" (N 83° 37' W). .. . o 00 00 4^ miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (14 inches diam- eter) I 41 30 35-07 meters. Left tangent of Kent Point 3 11 3^ miles. Chimney on middle of house 17 12 3j^ miles. Left peak of bam 25 21 4X miles. Chimney of house 31 04 3X miles. Left chimney of house 45 27 3 miles. Peak of main part of house 63 15 5^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 41 References — Continued. o / 11 Left tangent of Tilghmans Point 128 06 3^ miles. " Dixon ' ' (center of house) 130 07 50 2 J^ miles. "Kemp Tower" 139 06 40 % mile. Fence comer (wood and wire) 244 43 132 yards. Near comer of cook house 288 40 no yards. Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 300 20 20 27. 23 meters. Right comer post of piazza 306 24 go yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter). 210 43 30 26. 97 meters. END. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek on southwestern side of entrance to Northwest Branch. (See Charts Nos. 31, 32, and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, and 4 yards west of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.76 meters S 83° 58' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. References. — a / // "Rod"(S 79° 51' E) o West gable of bam 11 North chimney of Miller house 45 Reference Station 163 South gable of bam 208 South chimney of Kirby house 218 South chimney of house 259 West gable of tin-roofed bam 262 South chimney of Harrison house 345 00 00 yi mile. 40 yi mile. 37 iK miles. 48 20 14.76 meters. 51 200 yards. 48 200 yards, 20 yi mile. 00 Yi mile. 20 ^ mile. LAWN. mile south of jxmction of Northeast General locality. — Western shore of upper Harris Creek about )/■ Branch and Northwest Branch. (See Charts Nos. 31, 32, and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in northeast comer of a lawn about 5 feet above high water, 10 feet southwest of top of vertical bank washed by high water, and 16 yards northwest of bathhouse and wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "End " (N 17° 03' W) o Nail in locust stump 24 Cupola on bam 39 South chimney of Harrison house 54 North chimney of house 95 North chimney of house 139 33 i^ miles. North chimney of Miller house 143 27 |^ mile. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (18 inches diameter) 199 25 40 2.55 meters. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (24 inches diameter) 264 30 30 5.96 meters. 00 00 3,^ mile. 10 0.84 meter. 41 2}4 miles. 34 H. mile. 46 ^ mile. 42 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. PARSONS. General locality. — In northern side of Eastern Bay on western side of Parsons Island about 3 miles north of Tilghmans Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land on highest part of island about 15 feet above high water, no yards southeast of shore, 270 yards south-southwest of Parsons Island water tank, 350 yards southwest of a house, 380 yards west-southwest of a large bam, 145 yards northeast of a wire fence, 155 yards northwest of wire fence at farm road, 195 yards southeast of a fence, and on the range of the west edge of the south chimney on the lower gable of the house with the west side of a window in the center of the south side of the house. Cement monument marking reference station is 26.10 meters N 21° 43' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of cross cut on rough granite stone about 35 inches long and 12 inches square with top cut to 6-inch cube and marked "U. S." in lower half of cross. Subsurface mark is the mouth of a bottle 3 inches below base of monument. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 5 inches above the surface of the ground. References. — o / // " Alley" (N 2° 12' W) o 00 00 iX miles. Reference Station 23 55 30 26.10 meters. " Parsons Island Water Tank " 24 04 20 268 yards. Near peak of house 35 13 400 yards. Right comer of bam 61 27 3S2 yards. Walnut tree 148 17 300 yards. Cupola of left barn of Tilghmans Point farm . 192 07 3X miles. Right tangent of Claiborne train shed 202 57 5 miles. Right end of woods on Poplar Island 220 27 12 miles. Left tangent of Kent Point 234 23 8j^ miles. Left chimney of house 297 57 3 miles. Side peak of 2X-story house 314 35 3J^ miles. Middle chimney of large brick house 336 44 iX miles. "New Bam Cupola " 349 10 2X miles. PARSONS ISLAND WATER TANK. Generallocaliiy . — Northern part of Eastern Bay between Crab Alley and Prospect bays on Parions Island about half way between the north and south end of the island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a water tank on wooden structure near a house. Marks. — Observed station is center of spindle on center of water tank. References. — None necessar)'. NORMAN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Crab Alley Bay on southwestern extremity of Crab Alley Neck about X mile west of Normans Point, 2 miles northeast of Turkey Point, and J/i mile northwest of Par- sons Island. (See chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field on a rapidly washing, narrow neck of land, about 6 feet above high water, 20 yards north of vertical bank at shore, 30 yards south of vertical bank at shore, and 40 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 43 References. — "Parsons" (S 38° 40' E) o Right tangent of Parsons Island 16 Left tangent of woods on Tilghmans Point. . . 30 Left tangent of woods on Bodkin Island 68 Right tangent of Bodkin Island 78 Right tangent of woods on Turkey Point 93 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (6 inches diameter) 112 Chimney of small house 154 East chimney of house 167 South gable of house 205 West chimney of large brick house 271 Chimney of small house 292 "Parsons Island Water Tank" 353 ALLEY. 00 00 jyi miles. 46 i^ miles. 30 4 miles. 28 2 miles. 39 2 miles. 17 2 miles. 42 30 22.49 meters. 22 i}i miles. 41 2X miles. 38 I mile. Si yi ™ile. 22 3 miles. 41 40 I mile. yi mile. 3 miles. 41 General locality. — Western shore of Prospect Bay on Crab Alley Neck, about }/i mile north of Parsons Island, and yi mile north of Narrows Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard ground in a marsh at northeast end of clump of 12 persimmon trees about i foot above high water and 75 yards southwest of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groiind. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Dull" (N 2° 35' W) o Near peak of " Fishermans Inn" 6 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 30 Left chimney of old house with two dormer windows 48 Left peak of bam 79 42 2^ miles. Left chimney of large house 113 34 2}i miles. " Parsons Island Water Tank" 177 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 194 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree {2% inches diameter) 238 25 East chimney of brick house 246 02 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter 298 21 Chimney of house among trees 317 54 "New Bam Cupola" 335 41 29 2ji miles. 35 S6 % miles. 1 meters. 00 3.70 meters. K mile. 30 3.29 meters. i>^ miles. 40 I mile. BONNET. General locality. — Eastern shore of Prospect Bay on Hood Point about ij i miles southeast of Hog Island and yi mile west of Piney Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh grotmd about i foot above high water, 21 yards west of shore, 12 yards west of inlet, and 55 yards northeast of the extreme end of Hoods Point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 44 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "New Bam Cupola" (879° 29' W) o 00 00 ij-^ miles. Chimney of house 24 11 iX miles. East gable of bam 28 24 iX miles. North chimney of house 64 04 2 miles. South gable of bam 90 43 2yi miles. Chimney on small house 137 57 ^ mile. West gable of house 199 06 ifi miles. Chimney of small house 239 13 2% miles. Chimney of small house 258 39 4j^ miles. South chimney of house on Kent Island 323 24 i^ miles. Cupola on bam 353 09 ij^ miles. BRIAN REFERENCE STATION. General locality. — Eastern shore of Prospect Bay on Brian Point, about i mile southeast of Piney Point, 2 miles northeast of Parsons Island, and yi mile west of entrance to Hog Hole Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 13 yards east of edge of marsh, 14 yards northwest of edge of marsh, 18 yards north of extreme end of point, and 40 yards southwest of a cultivated field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Green" (S 8° 55' E) o Left tangent of woods on Bennett Point .... 4 Right tangent of woods on Parsons Island .... 65 Middle chimney of large brick house 84 Cupola of bam 102 "New Bam Cupola" 109 Left peak of large house 112 Near peak of house 282 00 00 2% miles. 55 4 miles. 33 zK miles. 37 2% miles. 34 2% miles. 56 20 2yi miles. 08 2^^ miles. 47 yi mile. Chimney of house 344 42 i^ miles. GREEN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Prospect Bay on point at northern side of entrance to Greenwood Creek, about 3X miles northeast of Tilghmans Point, and 2^ miles north of Bennett Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards northwest of shore, 26 yards northeast of shore, 53 yards east by north of a point of shore, 37 yards southeast by east of a point of shore, and 105 yards south-southwest of a point of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° " Benn " (S 0° 45' W) o Cupola of bam 19 Right tangent of woods on Tilghmans Point ... 52 " Parsons Island Water Tank" 115 East chimney of brick house 124 Peak of small house 155 05 4 miles. Chimney outside of house 165 43 4 miles. Near peak of bam 178 20 3 miles. Peak of house 235 45 i mile. Chimney of house behind bam 316 01 J^ mile. Square chimney of house 345 41 i>^ miles. 00 00 2^ miles. 16 10 6 miles. 01 3^ miles. 03 50 2^ miles. 42 3J.^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 45 BENN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River on Bennett Point at western side of entrance to Wye River. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 75 yards northeast of extreme end of point, 100 yards southwest from edge of wood, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 1 foot above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Hough" (N 57° 41' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Cupola of bam 70 45 i mile. " Rich Neck Water Tank" 203 33 3^2 miles. South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 215 59 3 miles. " Parsons Island Water Tank" 271 55 43^ miles. Right tangent of house 288 21 6|^ miles. HOUGH. Getieral locality. — Northwestern side of entrance to Wye River on a point about yi mile northeast of Miles River and }4 mile southwest of north end of Brufifs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grass point about i foot above high water, 16 yards north of shore, 22 yards south of shore, 15 yards west of extreme end of point, 11 yards east of small pool in marsh, and 200 yards east of woods. Marks. — -Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Won" (N 9° 29' E) o 00 00 J-^ mile. Near peak of building 7 22 2^ miles. Right side of chimney of house 17 20 2]/i miles. Near peak of long bam 28 43 i^ miles. Piazza post of house in woods 62 14 yi mile. Windmill 128 24 yi mile. Windmill 181 48 4^ miles. Tall, slender tree in woods 271 57 200 yards. Black walnut tree 339 23 200 yards. WON. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west about yi mile northwest of northern end of Bruffs Island, and yi mile northeast of southern end of Bennett Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small marsh point, about i foot above high water, 4 yards northwest of shore, 4 yards west of shore, 4 yards north of shore, and 40 yards southeast of large, lone, black walnut tree. Cement monument marking reference station is 22.80 meters S 15° 31' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch stub projecting 5 inches above 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Nose" (N 28° 05' E) o Near peak of large bam 23 Side peak of roof of house 25 Near peak of house 47 Left large chimney of house in woods 8i Right corner of building on Bruffs Island .... 98 Windmill 126 Near peak of fisherman shanty 161 Reference station 167 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (2 inches diameter) . 210 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 262 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (30 inches diam- eter) 290 Right cn'^ner of right chimney of house 337 NOSE. 00 00 ^ mile. 20 J4 mile. 18 ]4 mile. 26 i^ miles. 08 J4 mile. 41 }4 mile. 52 40 iX miles. 03 100 yards. 25 50 22.80 meters. 23 00 12.54 meters. 30 10 10.81 meters. 06 10 38.12 meters. 19 }4 mile. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west on a point about 5-i mile north-northwest of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locntity. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 4 yards southwest of shore. 6 yards north of shore, 14 yards west-northwest of extreme end of point, and 34 yards east of a row of lonist trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsxu'face mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.— ° "Stop" (N 12° 09' E) o Chur<-h cross i Chinmey of cottage 3 Nea*- peak of house 37 Left peak of house 67 Right comer of house on Bruffs Island 152 "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 183 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 184 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diam- 00 00 i4 mile. 55 2 miles. 03 1)4 miles. 22 ^ mile. 25 X mile. 55 H mile. 28 10 5J^ miles. 51 20 5^ miles. eter) 237 58 50 34.45 meters. 56 32 10 28.31 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (9 inches diam- eter) Near peak of large house between two chim- neys 266 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 280 Tangent of point 316 SNOUT. mile. 50 50 31-44 meters. 16 TOO yards. General locality. — On Wye Island on the eastern shore of the branch of Wye River, bounding Wye Island on the west about }^ mile north of Bruffs Island and ji' mile north of Bordley Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 12 feet above high water, 30 yards east by south of edge of bank, 65 yards south of large cherry tree in side of bank at fence, 65 yards south- west of rail fence, 70 yards northeast of a small clump of trees at edge of bank, and 400 yards west by north of a house. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 47 oo oo % mile. lo Ji mile. 30 (>]4 miles. 10 6yi miles. 30 64.78 meters. X mile. yi mile. 10 34-39 meters. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "South" (S 20° 34' E) o Left peak of boat house ig "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 38 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 39 Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 49 Peak of house between two chimneys 99 Near peak of small house iii Nail in blaze in tree (8 inches diameter). ... 179 Near peak of bam 186 34 iX miles. Left comer of house 203 36 ij4. miles. Nail in blaze in fence post 246 50 lo 63.29 meters. Near peak of house 249 00 ^ mile. Left peak of house 296 41 50 % mile. SOUTH. General locality. — On southwestern end of Wye Island on Bordley Point on the northern shore of the junction of the two branches of Wye River bounding Wye Island about yi mile north-northeast of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture on a rounded point about 10 feet above high water, 11 yards northeast of edge of field, 13 yards north of edge of field, 22 yards northwest of edge of field, 30 yards southeast of cut in cliff, and 50 yards southwest of point of water bushes at gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o ' " "Flat" (N 55° 27' E) o 00 Right chimney of house 19 30 Windmill 64 34 Spindle on bam cupola 134 55 Left chimney of house in woods 153 45 Left peak of building 173 45 4X miles. Peak between two chimneys of house 244 27 J^ mile. Left chimney of house 317 37 yi mile. Near peak of house 343 21 2 miles. 00 ]4 mile. 1% miles. 30 iX miles. 20 iX miles. 14 mile. FLAT. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point between two coves about i mile northeast of Bruffs Island and l^ mile northeast of Bordley Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 8 yards north of shore, 8 yards southwest of shore, 12 yards west of extreme end of point, 17 yards east of south end of line of several trees on edge of bank 3 feet high, and 45 yards east of a black gum tree 5 feet in diameter at ground. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 48 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Albert" (N 84° 31' E) o 00 00 >^ mile. Left comer of tower of house 30 33 iX miles. Windmill 62 55 40 x}4 miles. Spindle on bam cupola 119 34 if^ miles. Front peak of boat house 134 02 i mile. Left tangent of black gum tree 158 06 40 44 yards. Near peak of house 249 34 ^ mile. Spindle on cupola 351 11 10 ^ mile. Windmill 352 15 30 J< mile. Near peak of Baldwin house 354 50 ^ mile. ALBERT. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northwestern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about i]4 miles east-northeast of north end of Bmffs Island, and opposite entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 17 yards northwest of shore, 28 yards east of shore, 35 yards south of shore, and 75 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Le Seur " (N i ° 03' E) o 00 00 300 yards. Baldwin windmill 65 11 40 ^ mile. Flagstaff on Baldwin boat house 67 59 400 yards. Windmill on wooden tower 125 16 30 i mile. Peak of house with several chimneys 127 08 1 mile. Chimney outside near end of old house 170 05 i mile. Front peak of boat house 231 10 i^ miles. Peak between two chimneys of house 269 40 ij^ miles. Left peak of house 274 45 J/i mile. Peak of house 347 47 ^ mile. LE SEUR. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northwestern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about ]4, mile north of a prominent point opposite entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a clump of small trees about 3 feet above high water, 1 1 yards east of shore, 12 yards southwest of shore on line to next point, and 12 yards north by east of shore . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Attila" (N 31° 07' E) o 00 00 X mile. Near peak of.large bam 56 55 ^ mile. Spindle on cupola 61 52 50 X mile. Right comer of chimney of Baldwin house . . 72 24 X mile. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (4 inches diam- eter) 140 45 50 4. 1 1 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (5 inches diam- eter) 201 ig 40 7.60 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 255 5.6 30 6.74 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 304 08 10 7.27 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 49 ATTILA. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northwestern shore of the l)r;mch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about ^i mile north of entrance to Lloyd Creek at north side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on slope of a point about 3 feet above high water, 10 yards west of shore, 10 yards north-northeast of shore, and 11 yards northwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with U>p 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Tobine" (N 15° iS' E) o 00 00 ^^ mile. Near peak of vet}' large bam 97 30 f s mile. Near peak of house 104 53 ^ mile. Spindle on cupola 128 31 50 X mile. Left comer of Baldwin house 132 48 X mile. Flagpole on wharf house 146 43 J^ mile. Windmill 163 31 i ji miles. Nail in blaze in cedar stump (10 inches diam- eter) 197 07 20 8.36 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 347 34 10 38.64 meters. TOBINE. General locality. — On Wye Island on the nortliwestem shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about 34 mile north of entrance to Lloyd Creek on point at north side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on point of a cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 4 yards north of edge of field, 4 yards southwest of edge of field, 5 yards west-northwest of point of field, and X niile east-southeast of a bam mth cupola. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sang" (N 6° 21' W) o 00 00 }4 mile. Right comer of house 16 19 |^ mile. Near peak of large bam 143 19 X mile. Cupola of Baldwin bam 173 35 10 >^ mile. Right peak of Baldwin house 175 17 ^ mile. Windmill 187 35 i}4 miles. Near peak of house 249 12 lyi miles. Cupola of building 304 50 X mile. SANG. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northwestern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about 1J.4 miles north of entrance to Lloyd Creek and Vj mile west of entrance to Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on bank about 12 feet above high water between two cuts in bank, 2 )'ards west of edge of bank, 3 yards northwest of edge of bank, 4 yards southwest of edge of bank, 32 yards from bottom of northern cut in bank, 52 yards from bottom of southern cut in bank, and 05 yards south-southwest of tree-lined gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 53485 — 12 4 50 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // " Turn" (N 48° 08' E) o 00 00 yi mile. Tangent of woods 41 45 2 miles. Tangent of point 56 52 i/i mile. Right peak of large bam 100 25 J^ mile. Baldwin windmill 121 06 J^ mile. Peak of near gable of Baldwin house 122 05 J^ mile. Near peak of ell of house 199 14 34 mile. Left comer of house 256 56 % mile. Left peak of house 281 53 yi mile. TURN. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northwestern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about }/i mile west of entrance to Dividing Creek on point at western side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on bank in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 5 yards northwest of edge of bank, 6 yards north of edge of bank, 7 yards west of edge of bank, 50 yards south-southwest of entrance to a small creek, and 55 yards east of a dead sycamore tree in field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Go" (S 84° 55' E) o 00 00 yi mile. Near peak of small house 32 18 i^s miles. Right peak of large bam 67 07 % mile. Baldwin windmill 85 55 yi mile. Near peak of gable of Baldwin house 86 21 yi mile. Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (3 inches diameter) 128 20 10 23.08 meters. Chimney outside, near end of house 179 44 yi mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 255 50 00 18.85 meters. Nail in blaze in chestnut stump with second growth (14 inches diameter) 279 53 10 12.93 meters. GO. General locality. — On Wye Island on the nortliern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding W3'e Island on the south on a point between two coves about X mile west of entrance to Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy beach at high water, about 2 yards south of foot of bank 4 feet high covered with dense growth of young trees, and 37 yards from entrance to a small creek. Cement monument marking reference station is ig.o6 meters N 22° 35' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch pine stub projecting 2 inches above 2-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Divide" (N 89° 24' E) o 00 00 ^-s mile. Near peak of shanty 48 16 yi mile. Chimney of house 51 46 yi mile. Peak of gable on Baldwin house 104 12 yi mile. Baldwin windmill 104 13 30 yi mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 51 References — Continued. o / // Near corner of square chimney of house 159 10 f^ mile. Cupola on bam 164 20 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in gum tree (4 inches diameter) . 249 05 50 6.68 meters. Nail in blaze in gum tree (2 inches diameter). 272 i6 30 5.73 meters. Reference station 293 n 20 ig.o6 meters. Nail in blaze in gum tree (4 inches diameter) .313 07 10 4.15 meters. DIVIDE. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on point at eastern side of entrance to Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in point of woods about 4 feet above high water, 2 yards west-northwest of edge of bank, 8 yards east-northeast of edge of bank, and 11 yards north-northeast of point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References . — o / // " Princess" (N 53° 04' E) o 00 00 Jsmile. Right tangent of old wharf 12 44 % mile. Near peak of large bam 50 24 ij^ miles. Chimney of house 141 53 J^ mile. Baldwin windmill 162 18 30 i mile. Right chimney of house 189 13 20 2 miles. Peak of house between two chimneys 195 Nail in blaze in oak tree ( 14 inches diameter) . 232 Nail in blaze in gnarled oak tree (8 inches diameter) 280 24 Nail in blaze in oak tree (30 inches diameter). 316 39 40 . . 2^s miles. 30 30 4-05 meters. 50 9.98 meters. 20 8.41 meters. PRINCESS. General locality. — On Wye Island on tlie northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about } s mile northeast of entrance to Dividing Creek and i-i mile west of entrance to Granary Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in marsh land about i foot above high water, 4 yards north of shore, 18 yards east by north of a large oak tree at ghore, 4 yards south of foot of bank 10 feet high covered with vegetation, and 10 yards west by south of a white oak tree on bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — or// "Philip" (883° 05' E) o Chimney of house on Pickerings Creek 15 Right peak of large barn no Baldwin windmill 121 Cupola of Baldwin stable 121 Nail in blaze in white oak tree (3 inches diam- eter) 163 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 255 Right tangent of old wharf 351 00 00 ;' 8 mile . 16 1% miles. 22 I mile. 01 1% miles. 40 1% miles. 26 00 5.65 meters. 36 20 3.01 meters. 19 150 yards. 52 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. PHILIP. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on western side of entrance to Granary Creek and ^ mile east of entrance to Divid- ing Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 3 yards north of shore, 9 yards south-southwest of shore of creek, 9 yards west of extreme end of point, and 6 yards southeast of point of bank 4 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.62 meters N 18° 12' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-irich cedar stub projecting 2 inches above 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Granary" (S 63° 59' E) o 00 00 % mile. Baldwin windmill 113 44 20 i^i miles. Near peak of ell of house 141 49 1% miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter). 169 10 50 9.33 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter). 210 13 30 18.09 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (7 inches diameter). . 238 45 30 4.41 meters. Reference STATION 262 n 40 4.62 meters. Tangent of point 321 20 X mile. Near peak of large building 358 32 2 miles. GRANARY. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on point at eastern side of entrance to Granary Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among water bushes on marsh land, about i foot above high water, 10 yards northeast of shore, 11 yards west of shore, 12 yards north by west of extreme end of point, and 50 yards from trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Mom" (N 89° 30' E) o 00 00 ,V| mile. Large chimney of building 24 48 iX miles. Right tangent of point 85 34 X mile. Left end of bam 176 08 iX miles. Left tangent of old wharf 199 54 X mile. MORN. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south, about 300 yards east of entrance to Granary Creek and X mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 4 yards northwest of shore, 4 yards northeast of shore, and 6 yards southeast of foot of wooded slope to field 12 feet above high water. Cement monument marking reference station is 3.82 meters N 33° 52' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub projecting 2 inches above 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-ineh tile pipe buried with top 2-inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 53 References. — o / // "Bush" (N 83° 20' E) o 00 00 X mile. Tangent of point 4 01 X tnile. Near peak of building 32 42 i^ miles. Tangent of foot of slope 56 ^^ X mile. Right tree on point 120 06 X mile Tangent of woods 182 21 yi mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 202 15 50 2 .49 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter). 241 37 00 5.47 meters. Reference station 242 48 00 3.82 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diameter) 244 46 50 6.68 meters. BUSH. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on north side of entrance to a small cove, about 14 mile east of entrance to Granary Creek and ^i mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.). Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land, about 7 feet above high water, 4 yards northeast of edge of bank, 9 yards northwest of point of curve of land, 22 yards west of tangent of land at tree, 30 yards west-northwest of scattering trees, and 50 yards northwest of a point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Nub" (883° ss' E) o Tangent of point 46 Largest cedar tree on point of high bank 96 Nail in blaze in locust tree (2 inches diameter) 102 Tangent of point 166 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 180 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (10 inches diam- eter) 348 25 20 20.04 meters. NUB. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on eastern side of entrance to a creek about \i mile east of entrance to Granary Creek and ,'2' mile nortli of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 2 yards east of shore, 20 yards southwest of shore, 45 yards west of shore, 20 yards south of extreme end of point, and 16 yards north-nortliwest of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.10 meters N 83° 01' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub set in 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Wheel" (S 4° 10' E) o 00 00 . . ■ % mile. Chimney on house 30 02 ]/i mile. Largest cedar on point of high bank . 47 16 |^ mile. Large oak tree 94 53 j/i mile. Large oak tree 143 Large oak tree 226 Reference station 267 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) . 296 Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter). . ^^2> Nail in blaze in oak tree (4 inches diameter) . . 349 00 00 yi mile. 27 % mile.. 41 X mile. 18 10 3.81 meters. 18 X tnile. 06 00 8.65 meters. 43 y^ mile- 17 150 yards. II 20 15.10 meters. 57 30 . . 16.81 meters. 04 40 19.64 meters. 37 20 20.87 meters. 54 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. WHEEL. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the soutli on a point about yi mile southeast by east of entrance to Granary Creek and >< mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point south of woods, about i foot above high water, 2 yards east of shore, 4 yards southeast of point at slight cut in marsh, and 40 yards north of square point of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.26 meters S 86° 47' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub set in 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground . References. — a / // "Pick" (S 12° 31' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Left peak of building o 04 "j/i mile. Right tangent of woods iii 05 i mile. Large oak tree 129 Nail in blaze in oak tree ( 14 inches diameter) . 219 Nail in blaze in oak tree (9 inches diameter) . . 230 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) . 262 Reference station 285 Left peak of large building . 299 Chimney showing over fence 308 21 ]/i mile. 10 40 21.66 meters. 46 50 18.74 meters. 26 00 19.26 meters. 44 00 5.26 meters. 31 ;'-^ mile. 54 5< mile. Right peak of large bam 359 34 ^8 mile. PICK. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on western side of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 25 yards southwest of edge of field at line of cedar trees, 22 yards west of gully, 40 yards south-southeast of a small clump of trees beyond small gully, and 300 yards east-southeast of fringe of cedar trees along edge of field northeast to east of gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.— o / // "Comer" (N 77° 40' W) o Nail in blaze in cherry tree (6 inches diam- eter) 42 Left peak of bam 58 Front peak of house 104 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) . no Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) . 134 Near peak of house 152 Nail in blaze in hackberty tree (5 inches diameter) 169 Left peak of large barn 243 Right peak of house 314 00 00 y^ mile. 54 00 36.64 meters. 21 iX miles. 37 lyi miles. II 50 27.24 meters. 00 26.37 meters. II Is mile. 46 37 50 23.00 meters. 36 X mile. 37 X mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 55 CORNER (Wye River). General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about X mile west of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 50 yards southwest of edge of bank, 55 yards soutli of gully, 70 yards north-northwest of trees in depression, and 120 yards west of point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Right" (N2o° 45' W) o Nail in blaze in large elm tree 16 Near peak of building 18 Nail in blaze in one of twin elm trees 63 00 00 X mile. 18 00 50.41 meters. 21 I mile. 58 40 47.11 meters. Near peak of house loi 49 1% miles. Left peak of house with two chimneys 113 Nail in blaze in oak tree ( 14 inches diamfeter) . 162 Near peak of large bam 238 Right comer of large house 275 Chimney on middle of large house 280 RIGHT. 02 i'-2 miles. 16 00 61.44 meters. II }/i mile. 51 i^ miles. 01 I mile. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about yi mile soutneast of entrance to Granary Creek and }/{ mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in tree-fringed cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 7 yards south of edge of bank , g yards from point of bank at path, 15 yards northwest of edge of bank, and 120 yards east of fence in depression. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Chew" (N 7i°45' W) o Left chimney of long house in woods 33 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 76 Left one of two large chimneys showing over the trees 131 Left corner of building 168 Nail in blaze in hickory tree (10 inches diam- eter) 182 Nail in blaze in elm tree (10 inches diam- eter) 243 Right peak of house 269 Windmill to right of two large cupolas 287 CHEW. 00 00 1,4, mile. 06 I mile. 18 00 8.25 meters. 03 I mile. 32 lyi miles. 29 40 10.80 meters. 35 00 29.80 meters. 37 yi ni'le- 12 ^i mile. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about ;' s mile southeast of entrance to Granary Creek and s g mile west-northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 6 yards north- east of foot of bank 12 feet high, 12 yards west of point of shore, and 10 yards northwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 56 Sur-vey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° ' "Whale" (N 77° 32' W) o 00 Large oak tree 72 58 Tangent of point 131 18 Left end of building 138 38 Near peak of building 175 22 Near peak of large barn 179 07 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 284 33 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 348 47 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter) 358 58 WHALE. % mile. % mile. yi mile. }4 mile. 1% miles. I mile. 18. 19 meters. 10 9.57 meters. 20 21.82 meters. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point at western side of entrance to a small cove about '^ mile south of entrance to Granary Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand-and-grass point about 2 feet above high water, 2 yards south-southeast of shore, 4 yards west -north west of shore, g yards south west of extreme end of point, and 7 yards east by north of foot of a terraced bank about 15 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Matter" (N. 77° 03' W) o 00 00 X mile. Near peak of larger bam 52 ^^ ^ mile. Large oak tree 115 39 % mile. Near comer of building 175 40 iX miles. Near peak of large bam 178 45 lyi miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 286 06 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter) 309 ^^ Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter) 315 23 30 9.40 meters. 10 5.50 meters. 40 q. 49 meters. MATTER. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye lUver bounding Wye Island on the south about H mile east-southeast of entrance to Dividing Creek and 3^ mile west-southwest of entrance to Granary Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small grassy point about i foot above high water, 3 yards south of shore, and 2 yards north of foot of tree-fringed bank 5 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.58 meters ,S 0° 32' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub set in 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument pro- jecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Deck" (N 78°o5' W) o Left tangent of wharf 62 Near peak of large bam on Pickerings Creek . . 180 Nail in blaze in cedar tree ( 14 inches diam- eter) 204 Reference station 257 Nail in blaze in one of twin cedar trees (8 inches diameter) 276 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 305 32 00 200 yards. ''4 mile. I-' s miles. 50 2.31 meters. 20 8.58 meters. 10 3.72 meters. 30 2.42 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 57 DECK. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about '< mile southeast of entrance to Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at edge of water bushes on a grass point about i foot above high water, 4 yards south of shore, 10 yards west of a round point, 20 yards east of shore, and 30 yards north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Quarter" (S 38° 13' W) o 00 00 }i mile. Chimney of house 43 11 iX miles. Tangent of point of land 74 32 l^ mile. Left tangent of old wharf 149 46 400 yards. ' South peak of large bam 170 41 ^ mile. Tangent of point of land 206 49 500 yards. Left cedar tree on point 243 41 200 yards. QUARTER. General locality. — -Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about yi mile south -southeast of entrance to Dividing Creek and at east side of entrance to a cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on bank in a cultivated field about 12 feet above high water, 2 yards southeast of edge of bank, 100 yards south of trees and break in bluff, and 120 yards north of edge of bank at point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Nodim" (N 87" 45' W) o 00 00 yi mile. Near peak of bam i 18 lyi miles. Chimney outside near end of house 10 34 i]/i miles. Near comer of bam 53 27 yi mile. Right tangent of old wharf ... . 112 25 ^ mile. Right peak of large bam .... . 304 41 f^ mile. Baldwin windmill 317 20 J^ mile. Near peak of house 354 43 1% miles. NODIM. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding W3'e Island on the south about 1^ mile southwest of entrance to Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 4 feet above high water, 4 yards south of shore, 8 yards southeast of shore, 25 yards southwest of shore of marsh, and 13 yards south of comer of marsh . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above stuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Gusta" (S 21° 08' W) o 00 00 yi mile. Near peak of house 42 04 i^s miles. Left peak of house 63 19 i mile. Chimney outside left end of house 134 07 yi mile. Right comer of house 152 55 % mile. Right tangent of wharf 220 29 >^ mile. Baldwin windmill 354 18 J^ mile. 58 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. GUSTA. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about ^8 mile north-northeast of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 8 yards east of edge of bank, 12 yards southeast of edge of bank, 17 yards northeast of edge of bank, 35 yards north-northeast of a depression, and 65 yards southwest of end of cut in bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sylvia" (S 22° 57' W) o Left tangent of house on BrufFs Island 26 Left chimney of house 45 Peak between two chimneys of house 51 Right peak of house 80 Cupola of bam 88 Left comer of house 155 Right peak of large bam 312 Baldwin windmill 350 00 00 5-8 mile. 06 2 miles. 15 i3,-i miles. 42 2 miles. 53 .. .r I mile. 46 5^ mile. 40 X mile. 09 3/1 mile. 13 fi mile. SYLVIA. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on second prominent point north of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 11 yards east by south of edge of bluff, 22 yards northeast of lone locust tree 2 feet in diameter at the edge of the bank, and 400 yards northwest of a large bam. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Baldwins" (S 27° 13' W) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (24 inches diam- eter) 24 Very large lone tree 40 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 53 Left peak of bam 73 Cupola of building 106 Near peak of large house 156 Near peak of large bam 273 Baldwin windmill 334 Peak of near gable of Baldwin house 336 Spindle on cupola 336 42 X mile. 19.90 meters. 22 yards. 13.37 meters. Is mile. s4 mile. I mile. }^i mile. X mile. J4 mile. 14 mile. BALDWINS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River, bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about ' s mile north of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a short, sharp point of marsh about 100 yards north of a yacht landing, 7 yards northeast of shore, 10 yards southeast of shore, 12 yards east of extreme end of point, and 8 yards west of foot of bank 8 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 59 References. — "^ " Cousin" (S 25° 13' E) o Flagstaff on yacht-landing house 11 Windmill 27 Left peak of bell cupola 27 Spindle on bam cupola 62 Front peak of boatliouse on Bruffs Island .... 77 Near comer of left chimney of house in Near peak of barn with cupola 175 Near peak of bam 215 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam eter) 311 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 324 COUSIN. 00 00 '/^ mile. 27 100 yards. 44 ij^ miles. 55 ^yi miles. 53 2 miles. 51 lyi miles. 37 H mile. 20 5^ mile. 40 I mile. 248 59 50 7.91 meters. 20 5.36 meters. 50 13-45 meters. 00 00 y2 mile. 04 50 2 miles. 05 1% miles. 13 lyi miles. 31 K mile. 42 200 yards. 08 X mile. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south, about xyi miles east-northeast of north end of Bruffs Island and at northern side of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture about 9 feet above high water, 25 yards east of edge of bank, 65 yards south-southeast of a small clump of trees in bottom land, 65 yards north of trees, 60 yards north of edge of a field, and 200 yards south of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Lloyd" (836° 07' W) o Spindle on bam cupola 8 Front peak of boathouse 26 Left peak of house 63 Chimney of house 91 Peakof near gable of Baldwin house 135 Windmill on large bam 187 Right peak of house 209 44 350 yards. Left peak of bell cupola 333 34 i mile. Windmill 334 19 i mile. LLOYD. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of East Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south, at western side of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 12 feet above high water, 70 yards southwest of edge of bank, 65 yards south of edge of bank, 65 yards north-northeast of point of woods and bottom land, and 120 yards northwest of an oak tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° " Edwards" (N 84° 02' W) o Near peak of house 32 Left peak of bam 52 Near peak of house 76 Peak of near gable of Baldwin house 109 Near peak of bam 122 Right peak of large house 132 Large oak tree 208 00 00 y'a mile. 43 I mile. 18 \yi miles. 14 yi mile. 28 K mile. 59 yi mile. 01 I mile. 57 30 120 yards. 6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. EDWARD. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point at eastern side of entrance to Shaw Bay, about ^ mile east-northeast of north end of Brufis Island and i/i mile west of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 8 yards southeast of edge of a bluff which is washing away, and 30 yards southwest of a line of large trees at edge of bank and field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Colonel" (S 0° 10' W) o 00 00 yi mile. Windmill 33 28 20 \% miles. Front peak of boathouse 64 02 }/^ mile. Peak between two chimneys of house 114 10 i^ miles. Near peak of house 146 12 yi mile. Chimney of house 170 06 iX miles. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (13 inches diam- eter) 201 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 216 Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 235 Windmill 309 COLONEL. 56 09 55 40 26.40 meters. 10 26.95 nieters. 40 31-55 meters. 00 Vi mile. General locality. — Southern shore of Shaw Bay on a point at entrance to a small cove about ^ mile from the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south and Sxs mile east of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about 10 feet above high water, 6 yards southeast of edge of bank which is washing away, 9 yards south-southwest of point of bank, and 3 yards west of top of bank lined with cedar, walnut, and oak trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 18.69 meters S 24° 06' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch stub projecting 4 inches above 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Shaw" (N 68° 13' W) o Peak of roof between two chimneys of house . . 19 Near peak of house 48 Peak of near gable of house 100 Nail in blaze in oak tree (20 inches diameter) . 1 10 Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter) . . 183 Nail in blaze in oak tree (7 inches diameter) . . 213 Reference Station 224 Near comer of house on Bruffs Island 355 00 00 ^4 mile. 29 i5^ miles. 21 i^ miles. 57 iX miles. 47 00 5.21 meters. 33 40 6.46 meters. 01 40 13-45 meters. 05 50 18.69 meters. 07 }4 mile. SHAW. General locality. — Southern shore of entrance to the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on northern end of Bruffs Island about 3 « mile southwest of Bordley Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in walnut, pine, and cedar woods, about 15 feet above high water, 7 yards southwest of edge of bank, and 100 yards north-northwest of a house. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 6i Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Won" (N 69° 43' W) o 00 00 X ™'le. Peak of house between two chimneys 39 56 JA mile. Chimney on right end of house 77 44 i^ miles. Near peak of large bam 88 54 i}4 miles. Near peak of house 137 02 if^ miles. Chimney of house 174 08 iX miles. Right comer of left piazza post 234 04 10 100 yards. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (28 inches diam- eter) 235 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (24 inches diam- eter) 268 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (15 inches diam- eter) 291 48 10 15 BRUFFS. 00 29.32 meters. 20 24.30 meters. meters. mile General locality. — Eastern shore of Wye River on northwest point of Brufifs Island about Ja northeast of Bennett Point and ^ mile southwest of Bordley Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 10 yards east of shore, 14 yards southwest of shore, 20 yards southeast of point of marsh, and 18 yards west of point of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Law" (82° 07' W) o "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 17 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 17 Cupola of barn 38 Near peak of large bam 54 30 3^^ miles. Large walnut tree 118 55 }4 mile. Peak between two chimneys of house 156 Near comer of house 184 Right peak of house 208 Nail in blaze in tree (4 inches diameter) 257 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 278 Nailin blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter). 310 Smokepipe of building in woods 314 LAW. 00 J/2 mile. 20 $}i miles. 20 .;.... sX miles. 00 4^ miles. 15 J's mile. 29 2yg miles. 24 J/s mile. 20 30 17-38 meters. 50 27.96 meters. 30 41.27 meters. 200 yards. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Wye River about ^ mile east of Bennett Point and J-i mile southwest of south end of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 8 yards southeast of edge of a bluff, 45 yards southwest of a wire fence, 100 yards northeast of a clump of trees, and 150 yards northwest of a black walnut tree at edge of field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 62 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "James" (S 36° 41' W) o "Rich Neck Water Tower" 47 Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm . . 57 Cupola of right bam 58 Near peak of large barn 128 Right corner of building in woods i6g Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) . 182 Left peak of house 199 Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (7 inches diameter) 206 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter). 224 Black walnut tree (18 inches diameter) 284 Right comer of bam 297 Large cedar tree 338 00 00 yi mile. 20 10 nyi miles. 48 3^^ miles. 51 3K miles. 41 iX miles. 31 ^ mile. 21 50 38.67 meters. 10 2 miles. 30 30 45-23 meters. 46 40 59-96 meters. 14 150 yards. 53 % mile- 23 100 yards. JAMES (MILES RIVER). General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River at southern side of entrance to Wye River, about ^a mile southwest of Bruffs Island and ^i mile southeast of Bennett Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 20 feet above high water, 17 yards east of edge of a bluff at shore, and 14 yards south of edge of a bluff 18 feet high, with uniform slope to shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — " " Frank" (S 3° 18' W) o ",St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 15 " St. .Michaels Water Tank" 17 South chimney of house 63 South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point farm 97 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 109 Chimney of small cabin 174 03 ij^ miles. West gable of bam 190 22 2^ miles. Cupola of bam 297 26 -'^ miles. East gable of bam 59 33 3 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 63 References — Continued. ° "Rich Neck Water Tank" 105 Soutli cliimney of liouse on Tilgliraans Point farm 117 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 129 South gable of small house 185 Reference station 285 Cupola on bam 289 East chimney of house 335 WOOD. 14 ^yi miles. 24 3X miles. 22 3X miles. 22 1^-4 miles. 08 10 25.51 meters. 06 }i mile. 53 i}i miles. 00 00 3J4 miles. 29 2}4 miles. 49 lyi miles. 56 X mile. S3 4 miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River about i>2 miles southeast of Bennett Point, 1}^ miles east-northeast of Herring Island and ^ mile north-northwest of entrance to Woodland Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 18 feet above high water, 18 yards east of shore and top of vertical bank 18 feet high, and 3 yards south of a wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ■ ° ' '' "Pearson" (N 65° 24' W) o Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 5 Left tangent of marsh on Bennett Point 36 West gable of bam 127 "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 266 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 269 09 3^ miles. North chimney of house 321 42 3 miles. South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point farm 353 51 3^ ^ miles. HERR. General locality. — In Miles River oh Herring Island, about iX miles southwest of entrance to Wye River. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy ground in the center of Herring Island, about 2 feet above high water, 30 yards northeast of shore, and 30 yards southwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "RichNeck Water Tank" (N 77° 26' W) o 00 00 3 miles. North chimney of house on Tilghmans Point. farm 16 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 31 South gable of bam 81 North chimney of small house 108 Cupola of bam 149 North gable of bam 198 East gable of bam 209 40 3 miles. Left chimney of Seth house 333 42 2 miles. North chimney of house 345 25 2-3-8 miles. 28 2yi miles. 07 2j.i miles. 37 7 miles. 59 2}^ miles. 17 iX miles. 40 i^ miles. 64 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbof County, Md. OLUE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River about i mile north of entrance to Leeds Creek, and }^ mile northeast of Deep Water Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 8 feet above high water, 6 yards west of edge of bank which is washing rapidly, and 8 yards northeast of large pine tree at edge of Isank. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.42 meters N 74° 15' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of the ground. References. — o / // "Swing " (S 1° 20' W) o 00 Nail in blaze in pine tree (3 feet diameter) ... 25 56 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 37 58 Weather vane on house on Deep Water Point farm 57 Near peak of house 91 Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point farm . . 130 Right tangent on Tilghmans Point 140 "Parsons Island Water Tank" 157 Left tangent of main woods on Bennett Point . 172 Chimney on right end of house in woods iSo Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) . 240 Reference station 2S4 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter) . 285 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 iaches diameter) . 316 00 }^ mile. 00 7.62 meters. 20 21^ miles. 10 I mile. SS i^i miles. 38 4j^ miles. 03 4^4 miles. 19 40 7^4 miles. 00 3 miles. 00 4 miles. 27 10.56 meters. 24 40 14-42 meters. 22 10 IO-55 meters. 39 12.52 meters. SWING. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River about X mile northwest of entrance to Leeds Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land between river and small pond about 4 yards east of shore, 18 yards west of pond, 100 yards south of point of woods, and 100 yards northwest of another point of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 54.35 meters N 62" 04' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- sxu"face mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Fair" (S 35° 08' E) o Between two chimneys of large house 14 Right one of two dormer windows on old house 2 g Peak between two chimneys of Mulligan house 45 "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 83 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 90 Square chimney of large house 114 25 iX miles. Weather vane on house on Deep Water Point farm 141 Chimney on house on Tilghmans Point farm . 173 Tangent of Tilghmans Point 181 Reference station 277 mile. 4 miles. 39 134 miles. 50 20 ij^ miles. 00 50 1^ miles. 42 }4 mile. 38 5 miles. 51 5>^ miles. 12 3° 54-35 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 65 FAIR. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River on Fairview Point at northwestern side of entrance to Leeds Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Obser\'ed station is about 2 feet above high water, 9 yards northeast of shore, 16 yards northwest of shore, and 13 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above stuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.— o / // "Second" (N 36° 37' E) o West peak of Oliver house 8 Peak of tower on Norris house 19 Comer post of porch of Rieman house 86 Near peak of gable on house at Pebbly Beach . 125 Large tree near several buUdings in yard 152 North peak of large house 160 West chimney of house 181 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 207 Weather vane on square tower of house on Deep Water Point farm 258 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 286 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 296 Nail in blaze in cedar tree 334 00 00 % mile. 01 I mile. 05 % mile. 51 H mile. 46 3X miles. 40 i|^ miles. 30 i^ miles. 37 lYi miles. 14 50 i|^ miles. 58 58 mile. 52 40 17-37 meters. 30 11.15 meters. 10 1548 meters. SECOND. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Leeds Creek about X mile northeast of Miles River. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small marsh point just east of cedar woods about i foot above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 13 yards north of shore, and 25 yards south of bend in shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe, buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "But" (N 15° 49' E) o 00 00 1^ mile. South peak of bam 7 50 i mile. Near corner of house 24 19 iX miles. Brick smokestack at Tunis Mills 32 27 2^ miles. Spindle on tower of house 46 46 ^ mile. Northeast peak of large building 60 02 . . ^ mile. Cupolaon bam 141 11 K mile. Nail in blaze In cedar tree (7 inches diameter). 222 10 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter). 249 34 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 281 50 10 6.57 meters. BUT. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Leeds Creek, about ^ mile north of Miles River, and at northeastern side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small marsh point, about i foot above high water, 11 yards south-soutliwest of shore, 8 yards west of point of shore, 7 yards north of shore, 7 yards east of pas- ture land, 100 yards southwest of a clump of trees, and 6 yards from a line of cedar trees extending north and south. 53485—12 5 10 9.31 meters. 40 5.78 meters. 66 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 00 00 yi aa\^. 51 K mile. 52 yi mile. 38 14 mile. 04 yi mile. 46 34 00 8.93 meters. 30 5.42 meters. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches belovif base of monument. References. — o / // "Aber" (N 54° 17' E) o Right comer of large brick house 25 Spindle on tower of house 45 Right peak of house with two chimneys 93 Right comer of Rieman house 119 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) igo 15 50 9.17 meters. Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (3 inches diameter) 211 Nail in blaze in water bush (3 inches diam- eter) 264 Chimney of house 305 01 yi mile. South peak of large bam 336 35 fi mile. ABER. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Leeds Creek, about ^ mile northeast of Miles River, on point at western side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point covered with cedar trees, about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, 9 yards north of shore, and 9 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Two" (N 52° 56' E) o 00 CO X mile. Near peak of bam cupola 34 49 % mile. Right corner of large brick house 39 47 yi mile. Spindle on tower of house 81 41 yi mile. Weather vane on water tank 113 43 1% miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter).... 219 II 50 2.27 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 242 01 40 7.90 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (17 inches diam- eter) 275 og 10 16.97 meters. South peak of large bam 308 20 X mile. TWO. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Leeds Creek on a point, about i mile northeast of Miles River, and at southern side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 6 yards northeast of shore, 7 yards north of extreme end of point, and 25 yards southeast of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 67 00 00 X mile. 37 K ™ile. 25 yi mile. 46 IS 00 6.23 meters. 00 3.02 meters. 5° 4- S3 meters. yi mile. References. — ° " Face" (S 51° 58' E) o Right peak of bam cupola 30 Peak of tower on house 45 Nail in blaze in water bush (2 inches diam- eter) 149 Nail in blaze in water bush (2 inches diam- eter) 206 Nail in blaze in water bush {2}4 inches diam- eter) 228 Left peak of large bam 277 Cupola on large house 301 00 1% miles. Near peak of building 317 34 ^ mile. Left comer of large brick house 348 31 yi mile. FACE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Leeds Creek, about i mile northeast of Miles River, and near northeastern side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about 5 feet above high water, 130 yards east of bank, 150 yards south of bank, 300 yards west-northwest of large brick house, and no yards north- northwest of two very large cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2- inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Mais" (S 38° 30' W) o Tangent of woods 8 Left comer of house 81 Right one of three large cedar trees 107 Near peak of house 168 Brick smokestack at Tunis Mills 188 West peak of large bam 233 34 400 yards. Right comer of large brick house 250 38 300 yards. Left peak of bam cupola 314 32 X mile. Spindle on tower of house 342 36 j/& mile. 00 00 X.mile. 57 I mile. 46 ^ mile. 49 Ill yards. Zi K mile. 18 40 lyi miles. MAIS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Leeds Creek about ^ mile northeast of Miles River and near point at southwestern side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in western comer of an orchard about 3 feet above high water, 10 yards southeast of top of bank, and 140 yards northwest of a large house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above siu^ace of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Beak" (S 40° 55' W) o Nail in blaze in apple tree (6 inches diameter) . 25 South peak of large bam 115 Nail in blaze in apple tree (6 inches diameter) . 155 Nail in blaze in apple tree ( 5 inches diameter) . 244 Spindle on tower of house 264 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 302 Weather vane on water tank 313 00 00 }i mile. 09 40 4.78 meters. 22 ^ mile. 30 8.19 meters. 30 3.72 meters. 30 137 yards. 52 30 14.08 meters. 30 )4 mile. 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BEAK. ' mile northeast of Miles River at south- General locality. — ^Southeastern shore of Leeds Creek about ; western side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of pasture land about 3 feet above high water, 6 yards southwest of edge of bank, 12 yards south of point of bank, 10 yards southeast of edge of bank, 60 yards west of a small cove, and 25 yards northeast of a line of five poplar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Rieman" (S 35° 51' W) o Cupola on St. Michaels primary school 18 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 118 Weather vane on water tank 123 South peak of large bam 145 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 190 Spindle on tower of house 200 Southwest peak of large building 227 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) . 241 Weather vane on tower 302 00 00 X mile. 43 zyi miles. 53 20 7.70 meters. 17 I mile. 12 X mile. 23 20 7.77 meters. 49 % mile. 41 54 mile. 19 50 13.42 meters. 55 i>2 miles. RIEMAN. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Leeds Creek about % mile northeast of Miles River. (See Chart No. 32.) Iminediate locality. — Observed station is on small marsh point about i foot above high water, 3 yards south of shore, 3 yards northeast of shore, 6 yards east-southeast of extreme end of point, 12 yards west of large cedar tree on point 2 feet higher than station, and 13 yards west-southwest of two large cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Leeds" (S 11° 28' W) o 00 00 ,''4 mile. " St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire " 48 11 30 2 miles. "St. Michaels Water Tank" 53 23 40 2 miles. Left piazza post of Fogg cottage 57 38 xyi miles. Left comer of chimney 157 41 ^ mile. Near comer of house 201 Right comer of house 215 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (20 inches diam- eter) 246 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) . 274 Left comer of Rieman house 340 LEEDS. 57 iX miles. ^ mile. 12 00 1 1. 3 1 meters. 45 10 16.86 meters. 27 % mile. (See General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River at southern side of entrance to Leeds Creek. Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 11 yards southeast of shore, 23 yards northeast of shore, 27 yards east-northeast of extreme end of point, and 200 yards west- northwest of a large house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oysler Bars, Talbot County, Md. 69 References. — o / // "Stony" (S 13° 40' W) o 00 00 i>< miles Near peak of large house 13 Cupola on schoolhouse 49 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 57 40 20 ij^ miles Weather vane on Dodson house 103 40 iX miles Chimney of small house 166 Near peak of Rieman house 287 Tangent of point 347 07 i>2 miles. 19 ij^ miles. 12 '!/i mile. 07 yi mile. 12 27 yards. 00 00 14 mile. 40 ]/i mile. 09 3-^ mile. 12 30 11.03 meters. 51 X mile. 49 X mile. 55 10 10.58 meters. 40 57 yards. 16 yi mile. 45 yi mile. 54 74 meters. 09 .. 45 40 16. II meters. JOHNSON. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River on a point about X mi'e west-southwest of Miles River Bridge. (See Charts Nos. 32 and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a lawn about 10 feet above high water, 3 yards north- northwest of top of bank, 60 yards northeast of cedar tree 20 inches in diameter in clump of six cedar trees near boat landing, and 74 meters southeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Lowndes" (N 72° 02' E) o Windmill on tower 11 Left comer of large chimney outside of house . 35 Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diameter) . 48 Spindle on left cupola of bam loi Right comer of Mumford house 114 Nail in blaze in elm tree (6 inches diameter) . . 142 Left side of cedar tree (20 inches diameter) . . . 136 Near peak of Dorrance house 154 Southeast peak of Crown house 182 Left comer of second story of Lowndes house . . 226 Right comer of house 263 Nail in blaze in elm tree (5 inches diameter) . . 298 Windmill on tower 340 31 1 mile. Windmill on tower 346 53 ^ mile. LOWNDES. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River about '4 mile southwest of Miles River Bridge. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a rounded point of marsh about i foot above high water, 7 yards northwest of shore, 8 yards west of shore, 9 yards north of shore, 16 yards east-northeast of shore, and 65 yards east-southeast of small locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • o / // "Draw"(N3S° Sp' E) o Right comer of Lockwood house 27 Right comer of drawtender's house 51 Henderson windmill 68 Near peak of large house 116 Right comer of large house 200 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 294 Windmill at " The Anchorage " 342 Near comer of "The Anchorage" 348 Left comer of second story of Goldsborough house 359 59 ^^mile. 00 00 X mile. 45 K mile. 42 X mile. 50 X mile- 51 J4 mile. 22 2 miles. 42 30 19-17 meters. 47 H mile- 50 yi mile. 70 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 15 00 X mile. 10 7.72 meters. yi mile. DRAW. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River at northwest end of Miles River Bridge and near old Episcopal Church. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on lawn of " The Anchorage" about 4 feet above high water, 9 yards west of plank sea wall, 40 yards southwest of approach to bridge, 60 yards north of comer of plank sea wall, and 85 yards east of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 5 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Chap" (N 59° 04' E) o Spike in sea wall post 7 Near peak of Lockwood boat landing 10 Right comer of second story of Lockwood house 15 Spindle on bam cupola 54 Spike in sea wall post 78 Right comer of second story of Henderson house 87 Nail in blaze in maple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 131 Left corner of log cabin 193 Nail in blaze in maple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 19s Right comer main house at " The Anchorage" 218 Nail in blaze in pear tree (10 inches diameter). 254 Right comer of old Episcopal Church 302 Spike in sea-wall post 325 Windraill'on tower 331 Lightning rod on tower of Goldsborough house 338 00 y^ vaiXe.. 54 K mile. 46 yi mile. 53 00 12.03 meters. 00 % mile. 48 50 14.15 meters. 18 112 yards. 05 20 14.61 meters. 17 84 yards. 46 30 7.63 meters. 34 120 yards. 20 10 15-32 meters. 51 % mile. Comer of stone bridge abutment 354 09 43 yards. CHAP. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River opposite point between Glebe Creek and Goldsboro Creek, about % mile northeast of Miles River Bridge. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on point about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 7 yards northeast of shore, and g yards north-northwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Villa" (S 61° 08' E) o Right comer of 2>2-story house 48 Left peak of boathouse at "The Anchorage" . 112 Left comer of "The Anchorage" 123 Left comer of old Episcopal Church 129 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 165 37 Left comer of Goldsborough house 203 39 00 00 yi mile. 27 yi, mile. 11 yi mile. 26 yi mile. 12 yi mile. 50 13-65 meters. yi mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 205 20 00 9.07 meters. Windmill on tower 210 27 yi mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 234 21 30 13.39 meters. Right peak of brick house 275 28 |^ mile. Near peak of wharf house 329 55 ^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 7 1 VILLA. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River at northern side of entrance to Glebe Creek, about }-i mile east of Miles River Bridge. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 11 yards northwest of shore, 17 yards southeast of shore, 30 yards west by south of extreme end of point of marsh, 75 yards northeast of shore, and southwest of a few small trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monimient projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Easton" (S 70° 44' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Spindle on cupola of bam near " The Anchor- age" 16 25 ^ mile. Windmill at " The Anchorage " 20 25 ^ mile. Left comer of tower of old Episcopal Church . 25 13 fi mile. Left comer of modem house 54 07 yi mile. Windmill on tower 57 49 }i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 67 52 00 17.83 meters. Left comer of "The Villa" 103 42 simile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 119 43 00 19.86 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 169 12 00 26.23 meters. Right comer of large house 223 26 ^ mile. Tongue of bell 278 19 % vaile:. Right comer of Henderson house 347 37 ^ mile. EASTON. General locality. — Southeastern side of Miles River on southeastern approach to Miles River Bridge. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on southwest side of cribwork retaining a shell road, 6 inches from downstream edge of cribwork, 7 yards southwest of upstream edge of cribwork, 25 yards southeast of comer of cribwork abutment, 30 yards northwest of extended line of Henderson sea wall, 9 yards southwest by south of nails in side of telephone pole on upstream side of bridge, and 45 yards north- west by west of first telephone pole southeast of bridge on northeastern side of road. Marks. — Observed station is spindle, i inch diameter, on top of 3-inch square timber. References. — None necessary'. HENDERSON. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River on a point about }4 mi''^ southwest of Miles River Bridge. (See Charts Nos. 32 and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a hard marsh point about i foot above high water, 6 yards southeast of shore, 8 yards south of shore, 13 yards east of shore, 23 j-ards north-northeast of point of higher land, and 15 yards north of trees along bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bethel" (S 65° 49' W) o 00 00 Ji mile. Left comer of second story of Lowndes house . 25 54 f^ mile. Peak of near gable of house 40 54 }4 mile. Windmill at "The Anchorage" loi 51 J^ mile. Right comer of old Episcopal Church tower . . 112 06 ^ mile. Left comer of Goldsborough house 129 54 J^ mile. 72 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued. o / // Henderson windmill 174 47 >4' mile. Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (5 inches diameter) 258 17 30 16.25 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 306 43 40 13-76 meters. Nail in blaze in wild -cherry tree (7 inches diameter) 336 10 10 21.71 meters. ST. MICHAELS WATER TANK. General locality. —"Western side of Miles River in town of St. Michaels, on north side of Railroad Ave- n,ue, near African M. E. Church. (See Charts Nos. 32 and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on top of a 6o,oco-gallon water tank on a steel tower 90 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on center of top of water tank. References. — None necessary. MILLWIND. General locality. — Western shore of Miles River at south side of entrance to Long Haul Creek, about J4 mile northeast of St. Michaels Water Tank and ^s mile south of Deep Water Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on edge of cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 2 yards west of edge of bank, 17 yards south of edge of bluff, and iS yards south by west of junction of bush- covered bank and washed bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "St. Michaels Water Tank" (849° 19' W).... o Largest one of group of 3 cherry trees 26 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 69 Square chimney of Barnard house 88 Weather vane on square tower on house on Deep Water Point farm 125 13 J^ mile. North peak of house 168 00 1^ miles. Left chimney of Rieman house 221 09 iX miles. Right chimney of large modem house on Hunting Creek 246 41 2X miles. Steeple on building 272 37 4 miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 310 07 00 5.28 meters. Union M. E. Church spire 358 26 20 f^ mile. 00 00 ^8 mile. 45 80 yards. 00 00 38.94 meters. 46 ^ mile. DEEWAT. General locality. — Western shore of Miles River on Deep Water Point, about J4 mile west-northwest of Fairview Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass point about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, 7 yards northwest of shore, and 10 yards west of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 73 References. — o / // "St. Michaels Water Tank "(833° 08' W). .. . o 00 00 i^ miles. Weather vane on Dodson house 53 13 % mile. Tangent of Tilghmans Point 117 58 4^ miles. Right tangent of Parsons Island 133 28 yyi miles. Large square chimney of Starr house 179 59 2^ miles. Large chimney of house 212 08 i^ miles. Cupola on Rieman house 271 59 lyi miles. Tangent of Long Point 287 02 . 3^^ miles. Steeple 295 04 4^2 to 5 miles. Large chimney of house 297 41 2j^ miles. Large chimney of house 309 30 2^ miles. "St. Michaels P. E. Church spire" 353 40 40 if^ miles. SPAR. General locality. — Southwestern shoreof Miles River, about i mile southeast of entrance to Hamble- ton Creek and }i mile northwest of Deep Water Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cedar and locust fringed shore, about 4 feet above high water, 1 1 yards west of shore, 12 yards southwest of shore, and 15 yards south of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above siu^ace of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe btu'ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sara" (N 39° 19' W) o Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point farm ... i Near peak of bam beyond Herring Island ... 42 Nail in blaze in oak tree (3 inches diameter) . . 54 Right tangent of chimney 125 Tangent of Deep Water Point 181 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 240 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 279 00 00 I mile. 19 4 miles. 38 8J< miles. 59 00 4.52 meters. 32 1% miles. 22 yi mile. Si 40 6.84 meters. 30 3.58 meters. SARA. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Miles River, about 3X miles south-southeast of northern end of Tilghmans Point, i>^ miles southwest of Herring Island, and on point at eastern side of entrance to Hambleton Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 16 yards southwest of a blufi 12 feet high with uniform slope to shore, and 20 yards east of depression 4 feet deep. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsmface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. jerences. — "Wood" (N 52° 14' E) o West chimney of house 127 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (12 inches diameter) Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 204 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 282 " Parsons Island Water Tank" 297 00 2 miles. X mile. 58 58 50 22.02 meters. 50 12.66 meters. 3X miles. 6^ miles. South gable of bam 315 40 8 miles. South gable of house 323 03 6 miles. South gable of bam . 340 49 4 miles. 74 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. SETH. oo 2 miles. 20 10.89 meters. 30 9.56 meters. General localily. — Southwestern shore of Miles River, on a point about 2X miles south of northern end of Tilghmans Point and 3<( mile northwest of entrance to Porters Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate localily. — Observed station is in clump of cedar trees about 12 feet above high water, q yards southwest of top of vertical bank, washed by high water, 50 yards northwest of extreme end of point, and 400 yards northeast of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.56 meters S 67° 41' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 12 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Herr" (N 79° 07' E) o 00 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter). 145 20 Reference station 168 34 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 219 59 45 4.44 meters. South gable of house 282 12 5X miles. South gable of bam 305 34 6 miles. West gable of house 312 30 6 miles. Cupola on bam 356 52 3 miles. PEARSON. General localily. — Western shore of Miles River on Tilghmans Point about 3 s mile south-southeast of northern end of point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded bluff about 20 feet above high water, 5 yards west of top of vertical bank at shore, and 100 yards north of first point south of northern end of Tilghmans Point. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.66 meters N 86° 03' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Green" (N 45° 46' E) o 00 00 3>-s miles. South gable of bam i 14 5 miles. South chimney of house 11 48 3>^ miles. West chimney of house 26 31 2% miles. West gable of bam 62 31 3>^ miles. East gable of bam 76 09 4 miles. West chimney of house in 30 3^ miles. North chimney of house 125 20 3>i miles. Chimney of house 130 36 2X miles. Nail in blaze in white oak tree (8 inches diam- eter) Reference station 228 Nail in blaze in white oak tree (12 inches diameter) 239 South gable of house on Parsons Island 317 South gable of bam 350 178 09 40 5.31 meters. 00 12.66 meters. 19 20 9.99 meters. 17 3X miles. 02 4^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 75 DIXON. General locality. — Southeastern side of Eastern Bay on Tilghmans Point about half way between Eastern Bay and Miles River }{ mile southwest of northern end of point and i^A miles northeast of Claiborne Wharf. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on top of a 2-story square frame house on Tilghmans Point farm. Marks. — Observed station is center of upright staff, 3 inches square, set in the center of trapdoor at apex of square roof. References. — None necessary. ROD. General locality. — Eastern shore of the upper part of Harris Creek on southeastern side of entrance to Northeast Branch. (See Charts Nos. 32 and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 5 yards southeast of shore, and 2 yards southeast of top of bank with uniform slope to shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsiu^ace mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Otto" (S 0° 41' W) o 00 00 Ji mile. North chimney of house 5 31 i>^ miles. East chimney of house at Bozman 14 01 2% miles. East gable of small bam 92 12 yi mile. North chimney of Warner House 108 42 J^ mile. Cupola on tin-roofed bam 139 52 % mile. Right tangent of bam 186 26 1% miles. South chimney on Harrison house 218 06 250 yards. West gable of bam 300 37 yi mile. Lone persimmon tree (12 inches diameter). . . 355 01 250 yards. OTTO. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Harris Creek about ]/i mile south of junction of Northeast Branch and Northwest Branch. (See Charts Nos. 32 and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 18 yards east of top of vertical bank 6 feet high washed by high water, and 100 yards north of old fence covered with vines. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Miller" (S 11° 56' E) o 00 00 X mile. Nail in blaze of locust tree (4 inches diameter) 18 18 10 28.03 meters. North chimney of Bridges house 43 27 2^4 miles. East chimney of Harrison house 56 53 i mile. Nail in blaze in one of twin locust trees (15 inches diameter) 70 39 40 12.67 meters. Left tangent of Seth bathhouse 92 43 X mile. South gable of Warner bam 145 31 i mile. East chimney of house 158 52 i J^ miles. Cupola on tin-roofed bam 166 16 i mile. South chimney of Marion Harrison bouse 204 00 ^ mile. North chimney of house 264 37 ^ mile. North gable of bam 357 54 }i mU^. 76 Survey of Oyster Bars, TalboL County, Md. HADDAWAY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Lows Point between Harbor Cove and Hadda- way Cove about 2 miles east of north end of Poplar Island. (See chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 65 yards north of shore, 100 yards south of shore, 140 yards east of shore, and 25 yards west of woods. Marlis. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — 0/1/ "Valliant"(S82°o8' W) o Left peak of bam on Poplar Island o " Bloody Point Bar Light' ' 60 Left chimney on large house 80 Chimney on middle of large house 87 Peak of house between two chimneys 109 Chimney of two-story house 125 "Kemp Tower" 127 Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diameter) 139 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) 164 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) . 213 Chimney on ell of house 275 Chimney of house on Poplar Island 330 00 00 2^ miles. 21 2yi miles. 23 10 5 miles. 54 6 miles. 14 5J^ miles. 00 9>^ miles. 55 4 miles. 16 50 45^ miles. 39 50 36.78 meters. 52 10 28.77 meters. 45 20 24.66 meters. 10 \y% miles. 29 1)4, miles. Chimney of house on Poplar Island 359 01 2fi miles. VALLIANT. General ZocaK^y. ^Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on western shore of Poplar Island about ^ mile southwest of extreme north end of island. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 15 yards north by east of a line of small trees, 72 yards east by south of shore at end of line of trees, and 210 yards south by west of point of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ■ o / // " Bloody Point Bar Light" (N 4° 58' W) o Near peak of large building 14 Near chimney of large house 19 Near comer of shanty in field 81 Chimney of house 94 Flagstaff on Lowes Wharf 100 Chimney of house on point behind trees 122 Chimney of small house 164 34 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in peach tree (4 inches diam- eter) 176 13 44 15.14 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 230 44 00 11.90 meters. Nail in blaze in peach tree {2)4 inches diam- eter) 262 51 30 17.83 meters. 00 00 ^}i miles. 07 5 miles. 57 tyi miles. 17 200 yards. 31 X mile. 59 3 miles. 35 2K miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. ."j-j POPLAR SOUTH. Gefieral locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on Poplar Island on a point of land at southern side of Poplar Island Harbor, (See Chart No. 3^.) Imtnediaie locality. — Observed station is on a sandy marsh about i foot above high water, 7 yards west-southwest of shore of harbor, 16 yards east-northeast of bay shore, 60 yards north-northwest of extreme point of largest one of the group of islands known as Poplar Island, and 11 yards north of a lone pine tree. Marks. — Obseved station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Sharps Island Light" (S 1° 06' E) o 00 00 8 miles. Near peak of house 49 34 nyi miles. Left tower of hotel 61 47 <)}< miles. Left tangent of house 79 30 gyi miles. Left tangent of house loi 47 9 miles. East peak of Howeth house 157 38 ^i mile. Lightning rod near east chimney of house. .. . 189 25 ■ i^ miles. Right chimney of Valliant house 208 11 J^ mile. "Kemp Tower" 221 57 10 6^miles. Left corner of left oyster house at Lowes Wharf 254 53 2>^ miles. Chimney of liouse 262 14 2^ miles. Square cupola 336 05 5 miles. High cupola 336 16 5 miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 343 01 30 10.89 meters. GREAT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Great Marsh Point about i mile east of south- east end of Poplar Island. (See Chart No. ^1,.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 40 yards east of shore, 40 yards southeast of shore, 50 yards northeast of shore, and 25<5 yards from woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / ,/ "Sharps Island Light" (S 13° 18' W) o 00 00 7^ miles. Howeth house loi 17 2^ miles. Near peak of house on Poplar Island 121 51 2>i miles. " Bloody Point Bar Light" 142 18 30 6>-2 miles. Right end of house 295 39 i mile. Near peak of house 324 02 % vd\\^. Chimney of house 340 51 J^ mile. FRONT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay about X ™ile north of entrance to Front Creek, Y?, mile north of Knapps Narrows, and 1.% miles southeast of southeast end of Poplar Island. (See Chart No. n^ Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 13 yards north-northeast of shore, 18 yards southeast of shore, 25 yards east of extreme end of point, and near several dead trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 78 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Sharps Island Light" (S 15° 04' W) o Chimney of house 127 Right peak of Valliant house 129 " Bloody Point Bar Light' ' 144 Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 223 Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 274 Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 317 Near peak of large bam 334 WAP. 00 00 6^2 miles. 59 3X miles. 49 2%' miles. 10 30 'jj/i miles. 49 20 14-54 meters. 37 40 11.82 meters. 37 20 11-95 meters. 58 I mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on a point about 4|^ miles north by east of Sharps Island Light and i mile south of Kjiapps Narrows. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point about 3 feet above high water, 56 yards east of extreme end of point, 68 yards north by east of shore, 83 yards south by west of shore, and 3 yards west- northwest of edge of cultivated land. Mar&,r-— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground- Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° " Sharps Island Light" (S 18° 04' W) o Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter) . 16 East chimney of Howeth house 136 Chimney of house 181 Near peak of house showing over woods 200 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (10 inches diameter) 263 54 50 61.80 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (5 inches diameter) 279 West peak of large house 305 Square cupola 322 High cupola 323 Chimney of house with three side gables 335 Right tangent of point 347 Left tangent of old hotel building on Sharps Island 350 35 40 6 miles. SOUTHERN M. E. CHURCH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Tilghman Island about if^ miles north of Blackwalnut Point and 2 miles south of Knapps Narrows. (See Chart No. t,:^.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about % mile inshore from Chesapeake Bay on west side of main road on building known as the St. Johns Chapel (Southern M. E. Church). Marks. — Observed station is center of bell cupola on church. References. — None necessary. BLACK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Blackwalnut Point at north side of entrance to Choptank River about 2j^ miles northeast of Sharps Island Light. (See Charts Nos. 33 and 36.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 35 yards east-northeast of edge of bank, 45 yards west of edge of bank, 65 yards northwest of edge of bank, and 130 yards south of a lone apple tree . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 00 00 4f^ miles. 57 00 32.99 meters. 00 4fi miles. 12 i}4 miles. 01 |-2 mile. 10 00 61.23 meters. 27 yi mile. 20 20 I mile. 05 30 I mile. 49 ^i, mile. 09 iji miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 79 References. — o / // "Sharps Island Light" (S 43° 37' W) o 00 00 2^4 miles. Near peak of old house 123 10 yi mile. Lone apple tree .'. 133 16 131 yards. Chimney of house among trees 145 38 ij^ miles. Right chimney of house near water 163 31 i mile. Right chimney of large house 211 27 7 miles. "Choptank River Light" 232 11 30 Similes. Near peak of bam 253 22 6 miles. Left chimney of house 270 12 3^ miles. Chimney outside left end of house 283 35 7 miles. Near peak of old hotel building, on Sharps Island 337 47 3^2 miles. SHARPS ISLAND LIGHT. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Choptank River, about i mile north-northwest of Sharps Island and 2% miles southwest of Blackwalnut Point. (See Charts Nos. oj and 36.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on structure with a cylindrical foundation known as Sharps Island Light. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Sharps Island Light. References. — a / // "Black" (N 43° 36' E) o 00 00 2^^' miles. JERE. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on Sharps Island, about i ■ i miles south-southeast of Sharps Island Light. (See Charts Nos. 33 and 36.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard ground about 7 feet above high water, 95 yards south-southeast of old hotel building, 95 yards west-southwest of shore, 150 yards southwest of a point, and in such a position that Sharps Island Light shows to the right of the old hotel building. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sharps Island Light" (N 24° 06' W) o 00 00 1^2 miles. Church cupola 46 35 50 sX miles. Chimney on left end of roof of large house ... 47 44 5 miles. Chimney of large house 104 25 4^ miles. Large chimney of large house 115 46 4f^ miles. Chimney on right end of large house 142 21 55^ miles. Near comer of house 346 59 95 yards. BAR. General locality. — Western shore of entrance to Harris Creek on Upper Bar Neck Point about ij^ miles north-northeast of Blackwalnut Point and lyi miles south-southeast of Tilghman Island Wharf. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 3 yards west of edge of bank, and 60 yards north of line of trees at edge of marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 45.81 meters S 83° 00' W of observed station, nearly on line to large lone persimmon tree 15 inches diameter. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4- inch tile pipe with top about 6 inches below surface of ground . Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. 8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — " Large Water Tank "(S6i° 46' E) Nail in blaze in oak stump Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree Nail in blaze in cedar tree Nail in blaze in lone persimmon tree Reference station Right chimney of first house to right of woods . Schoolhouse cupola Stack of canner)' Stack of cannerj' Right chimney of house showing over woods . . Neavitt schoolhouse cupola Chimney of house 63 78 88 144 144 205 213 216 227 239 269 276 00 00 9^ miles. 18 00 51.17 meters. 58 40 46.66 meters. 35 30 4769 meters. ^:3, 10 49.48 meters. 46 00 45- 81 meters. 39 H mile. II 40 li/i miles. 19 x>2 miles. 10 ij^ miles. 07 2yi miles. 25 iH miles. 58 2}4 miles. M. E. CHURCH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Tilghman Island, about 2,34' miles north of Blackwalnut Point and ^4 ™'le south of Knapps Narrows. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on main road about halfway between the shores of Chesa- peake Bay and Harris Creek, about X ™i'e east of Tilghman Island Wharf on building known as Tilgh- man Island M. E. Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of small square cupola on church. References. — ^None necessary. AVALON. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek on Tilghman Island on point about 100 yards nortli of shore end of Tilghman Island Wharf. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh and clay point, about i foot above high water, 9 yards south of shore, 12 yards northwest of shore, 20 yards north-northwest of northeast comer of a house, about i yard east of produced line of end of house, 10 yards north of 2 pine trees, and 6 yards north-northwest of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Narrows" (N 34° 29' E) . o Near peak of house with 2 chimneys 2 Stack of cannery on wharf 8 Near peak of house with 2 chimneys 35 Chimney next to skylight on highest house on Tilghman Island Wharf 80 Stack of cannery 150 Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diam- eter) 154 Northeast corner of a house 161 Nail in blaze in northwest side of pine tree (15 inches diameter) 181 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (12 inches diam- eter) 224 Lightning rod on east peak of house 243 Weather, vane on schoolhouse 270 Near peak of house with chimney 322 00 00 ii mile. 47 3X miles. 34 K mile. 40 2yi miles. 38 X mile. 07 mile. 00 30 10.21 meters. 11 50 17.24 meters. 14 00 9.81 meters. 12 30 10.66 meters. 47 150 yards. 59 10 yi mile. 18 300 yards. Survey o / Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 8i SCHOOLHOUSE CUPOLA. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Tilghman Island about 3 miles north of Blackwalnut Point and yi mile south of Knapps Narrows. (See Chart No. ^t,.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on main road about halfway between the shores of Chesa- peake Bay and Harris Creek about ^ mile northwest of Tilghman Island Wharf on schoolhouse building. Marks. — Observed station is center of bell cupola on schoolhouse. References. — None necessary. PEOPLES CHAPEL. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Tilghman Island about 3X miles north of Blackwalnut Point and % mile south of Knapps Narrows. (See Chart No. ^i-) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in the town of Tilghman about yi mile north of Tilghman Island Wharf on building known as Peoples Chapel. Marks. — Observed station is center of small square cupola on chapel. References. — None necessary. NARROWS. General locality. ^Western shore of Harris Creek about X ™ile northeast of east entrance to Knapps Narrows, and i}4 niiles west of Change Point. (See Chart No. 2^.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field back of a fringe of trees about 6 feet above high water, 45 yards west-northwest of shore, 15 yards west-northwest of edge of field, 90 yards south-southwest of corner of field, and 145 yards northeast of a point of bank where wire fence meets trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting S inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Eagle" (N 37° 30' E) o 00 00 I mile. Near peak of Morris House with two chimneys o 41 2^ miles. Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (6 inches diameter) 23 ;}^ 40 22.07 meters. Near peak of Wayman house 56 08 lyi miles. Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (7 inches diam- eter) 80 59 10 12.90 meters. "Choptank River Light" 88 32 00 Similes. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) no 15 00 17.83 meters. Near comer peak of house on Tilghman Island Wharf 160 59 ^ mile. Left stack of cannery 172 51 i mile. Near peak of hotel with chimney almost in range 183 53 J^ mile. " Peoples Chaper ' 206 48 40 ^s mile. Near peak of house with one chimney 284 38 }4 mile. Left peak of house 326 02 X mile. EAGLE. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek on Bald Eagle Point about ^4 mile west of Turkey Neck Point, and 2 miles north-northeast of Tilghman Island Wharf. (See Chart No. ^^.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 2 yards west of shore, 45 yards north by west of point of marsh, 150 yards south by east of point of marsh, and 120 yards east of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.41 meters S 88° 35' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a cedar stub 4 inches diameter projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument pro- jecting 6 inches above surface of ground. 53485—12 6 82 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Dunk" (N o° 42' E) o Near peak of house on Indian Point 20 Square chimney of house with ell 46 Center of chimney of house among trees 86 Large chimney of house 112 Right chimney of house 131 Stack of cannery 213 Reference station 267 00 00 I mile. 44 T.yi miles. 03 i}4 miles. 17 lyi miles. 42 lyi miles. 51 iX miles. 34 V/i miles. 52 50 IS-4I meters. Near peak of house 342 51 ^ mile. DUNK. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek on Seths Point at northeast side of entrance to Dun Cove, about 3 miles from the Choptank River. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 6 yards northwest of shore, 23 yards north-nortlieast of point, 26 yards northeast of shore of Duns Cove, 12 yards west of shore of Harris Creek, 100 yards east of bushes extending north and south, and 250 yards east of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.22 meters N 78° 54' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of marsh. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Hawk" (N 2° 48' W) o Near peak of house with square chimneys .... i Near peak of roof of house with three chimneys 1 8 Weathervane on right end of house with two chimneys 41 Near peak of large barn 57 Cupola on Neavitt School 129 Weathervane on middle of house with two chimneys 151 Chimney on left end of house among trees . . . 155 Chimney at left of house among trees 204 Reference station 283 Brick house 338 Left peak of old house 352 00 00 yi mile. 50 lyi miles. 22 2 miles. 35 !%■ miles. 14 I mile. 32 30 ifi miles. 00 ij^ miles. 53 2 miles. 26 iX miles. 54 20 11.22 meters. 06 yi mile. 04 yi mile. HAWK. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek about % mile north of Seths Point and }4 mile west of Indian Point. (See Chart No. :i3.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 4 feet above high water and 22 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Dunk"(S 2°48' E) o Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (8 inches diam- eter) 21 North chimney of Harrison house 47 Dead pine tree with hawk nest in top 141 00 00 yi mile. 00 30 13.53 meters. 04 400 yards. II X mile- Cupola on house 168 35 iX miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 83 References — Continued. ° South chimney of house 182 Chimney of McOuay oyster house 227 South gable of bam 252 North chimney of house 275 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (10 inches diameter) 304 Chimney of house 312 North gable of bam 330 SMITH. 46 jyi miles. 23 ij^ miles. 12 iX miles. 58 I mile. 34 8.62 meters. 35 iK miles. 40 2X miles. 00 00 ^ mile. 01 iX miles. 49 I mile. >2 mile. J2 mile. 40 13-44 meters. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek on Smith Point between Briary Cove and Waterhole Cove and about ;'+ mile west-southwest of Little Neck Point. (See Chart No. ^^.) Immediate locality. — deserved station is on marsh point, about i foot above high water, and 6 yards west of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.44 meters N 62° 39' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 3-inch stub projecting i foot above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Hawk" (S 12° 31' W) o Chimney of small house 3 North gable of bam 21 North chimney of house 26 North edge of Lamdin house 73 Reference station 104 South chimney of house 140 28 J^ mile. East chimney of house 174 38 ^ mile. Chimney of house 206 27 2 miles. West gable of McQuay oyster house 242 43 yi mile. Chimney of McQuay house 247 39 ]/i mile. Chimney of small house 270 46 ^ mile. South chimney of Edmonds house 288 13 ^ mile. North chimney of house 308 16 i mile. BRIARY. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek, on a point at northeastern side of entrance to Briary Cove, about i/i mile west of Little Neck Point. (See Chart No. t,^.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 10 yards from extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch cedar stub projecting 8 inches above surface of groimd. References. — Note. — This station was established in 1900 and was not reoccupied or re-marked during oyster survey, although relocated by concluded angles. VINE. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek about X mile north-northwest of Little Neck Point. (See Charts Nos. 33 and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 7 feet above high water, 6 yards northwest of shore , and 3 yards northwest of top of vertical bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.86 meters N 67° 54' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of groxuid. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groxmd. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. ■/erences. — " ' "Smith" (S 58° 54' W) o 00 REPERENCI; STATION 53 II Cupola on biini 59 52 South ga')lo >f bam 91 31 Large pine tree 182 09 North chinney of house 199 50 West chimney of house 210 28 "Bozman M. E. Church Spire" 213 43 Chimney of Bridges kitchen 217 27 West cliimncy of house 250 29 North chimney of house 295 45 West chimney of Edmonds house 309 43 Lomax windmill 326 00 CUMMINGS. 00 J4 mile. 5° 15.86 meters. I mile. ^ mile. 100 yards. ij/s miles. i}4 miles. i}4 miles. }^ mile. yi mile. yi mile. ^ mile. 3X miles. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek, on paint on western side of entrance to Cummings Creek, about }-2 mile north-northeast of Little Nock Point. (See Charts Nos. 33 and 34.) Imtnediaie locality. — Observed statiju is in a cu'.tiv.itcd f.cid about 10 feet above high water, 70 yards north of extreme end of point, anil fo yards :i i.thwcst of lone pine tree near shore. Marks. — Observed station is centtr p )int of tri ;ng!c on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark ia center of 2 inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Dog" (N 49° 51' E) o 00 00 J^ mile. West gable of bam at Bozninn 52 24 iX miles. "Bozman M. E. Church spire" 56 36 i^ miles. West gable of house 60 30 iX miles. Lone pine tree near shore 75 31 50 yards. South chimney of house 122 51 iX miles. West gable of McQuay oysterhouse 149 15 X mile. Cupola on bam 225 28 iX miles. Cupola on bam 286 52 iX miles. West chimney of house 297 13 i mile. West chimney of house 337 32 iX miles. DAN. General locality. —'Eastern shore of Harris Creek on Little Neck Point about % mile east-northeast of Smith Point. (See Charts Nos. 33 and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on narrow neck of oyster shells, about 35 yards east of south- west corner of McQuay's oysterhouse, 60 yards east of the extreme west end of point, 25 yards west of bank at edge of woods, and 3 yards south of shell path to oysterhouse. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.37 meters S 69° 28' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Fox" (N 64° 54' E) o 00 Reference station 45 37 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 50 32 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 75 34 00 X mile. 4S 21.37 meters. 00 21.84 meters. CO 22.99 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 85 References — Continued. o / // North chimney of Edmonds house 134 29 ^ mile. North gable of bam 166 20 2 miles. Stackofcannerj' at Sherwood 190 40 1J4 miles. Cupola on house 210 55 1J4 miles. Chimney of small house 227 04 iX miles. East gable of McQuay oysterhouse 237 37 35 yards. Church spire at Wittman 292 46 2}4 miles. Chimney of small house 321 41 i}4 miles. Chimney of small house 355 49 il4 miles. EDMOND. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek, about ^4 mile south-southwest of Little Neck Point, and ^ mile north-northeast of Indian Point. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in southwest comer of yard of a house about 15 feet above high water, 7 yards southeast of top of bank 15 feet high, and nearly on line with south side of house. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.56 meters S 59° 29' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Dan"(N 21° 25' E) o Southwest comer of Edmonds house 83 Reference station 99 North chimney on house 149 North chimney of house .... 217 Chimney of house 245 Stack of cannery at Sherwood 261 Cupola on house 2S1 East gable of tin-roof bam 316 East gable of McQuay's oysterhouse 357 V.Ar.RlOH. 00 00 % mile. 52 3S yards. 06 10 16.56 meters. 51 H mile. 13 iX miles. 25 1% miles. 14 i}i miles. 45 i|4 miles. 25 iX miles. 49 yi mile. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Crctk on .'ndir.n Point, about 2],< miles north of Change Point. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cuitiv.'>ted field about 7 feet above high w-ater, 20 yards southeast of shore, 14 yards southeast of to;) of bank with uniform slope to shore, and 40 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Edmond" (N 29° 15' E) o South gable of bam 14 East chimney of house 18 North chimney of house 55 South chimney of house 99 Chimney of house 119 02 i mile. North gable of bam 131 35 2 miles. North chimney of house 234 Cupola on house 297 South chimney of house 307 West gable of tin-roof bam 323 Chimney on McQuay oysterhouse 354 00 00 f^ mile. 20 yi mile. II I mile. 57 yi nii!e. 22 14 mile. 03 y, mile. 12 1^4 miles. 56 2 miles. 41 2>4 miles. 38 lyi miles. 86 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. oo oo i].i miles. 27 lyi miles. 08 iX miles. 35 iK miles. 42 i^ miles. 21 2J-2 miles. 26 400 yards. 38 49 yards. BALL. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek about f^ mile south-southeast of Indian Point and I mile north of Turkey Neck Point. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 15 yards east of shore, 8 yards from top of bank, and 50 yards north of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Eagle " (S 45° 39' W) o North chimney of house 13 South chimney of brick house 72 Chimney of house 91 Stack of cannery at Sherwood 93 Cupola on house loi North gable of barn 168 Northwest comer of Ball house 294 North gable of house 310 45 f^ mile . Right tangent of Turkey Point 322 24 i^i miles. Stack of cannery at Tilghman Island 353 02 3^ miles. HEN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek on Turkey Neck Point about 3^ mile north of Change Point. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 9 yards southeast of edge of bank, 17 yards east by north of point of bank at line of trees, and 16 yards east- northeast of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Change' ' (S 6° 09' E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree 26 Nail in blaze in cedar tree 53 Stack of cannery 64 Lomax windmill 87 Left peak of house with two chimneys 129 Left chimney of brick house 157 Tower of house 166 Near chimney of house 193 Near peak of house 245 Right peak of house 308 Nail in blaze in locust tree 350 00 00 ^i mile. 39 10 15-57 meters. 33 50 15-29 meters. 03 2^^ miles. 47 20 ij i' miles. 47 I mile. 58 ipi miles. 56 3 miles. 46 i^i miles. 28 }4 mile. 30 ^ mile. 22 00 22.85 meters. CHANGE, 1910. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek on Change Point about ij4 miles east of Knapps Narrows. (See Charts Nos. 33 and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 45 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, 55 yards northwest of edge of bank, 35 yards east of edge of bank, 70 yards southeast by south of comer of wire fence, and 70 yards south-southwest of wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 87 References. — ° "Nelson 3" (S 53° 21' E) o "Windmill" 5 Near peak of house 25 Chimney of house 89 Near peak of house 117 Near peak of storehouse on Tilghman Island Wharf 123 Near peak of house 131 Near chimney of brick house 210 Right chimney of house 278 Near peak of house 307 CHEF. 00 00 i]/i miles. 53 5° 9^ miles. 43 7 miles. 04 2! 2 miles. 29 zyi miles. 16 ij^ miles. or 2}i miles. 58 2yi miles. 54 X mile. 44 }i mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cook Point at southern side of entrance to Choptank River about 4 miles east of Sharps Island. (See Charts Nos. 33, 36, and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 30 yards inside of fringe of trees parallel with shore , 45 yards southwest of eastern end of fringe of trees, 70 yards east of western end of fringe of trees, and igo yards northwest by north of gate in fence running east and west. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — or// "Sharps Island Light" (N 84° 01' W) o 00 00 4>< miles. Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (4 inches diameter) 18 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 46 Large chimney of house 51 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 79 Left peak of house 81 Near peak of bam 98 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 99 Near chimney on largest building in group. . 127 Left end of house 150 "Choptank River Light" 158 Lone persimmon tree 165 "Large Water Tank" 177 Right chimney outside house 194 Chimney on right one of two houses 222 Right peak of bam 251 Right peak of hotel on Sharps Island 341 DOG. General locality. — Eastern shore of Cummings Creek about yi mile north of Harris Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about on level with high water, and 16 yards west of clump of myrtle bushes. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.43 meters S 65° 30' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above sur- face of aground. 41 10 31-43 meters. 09 20 28.53 meters. 57 A% miles. 02 50 29.94 meters. 21 5 miles. 22 7X miles. 50 30 43.16 meters. 24 6 miles. 48 30 7S-8 miles. 02 10 5J^ miles. 47 231 yards. 43 10 dyi miles. 02 2^ miles. 37 X ™ile. 19 X mile. 27 4 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Cummings" (S 49° 51' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. East gable of old bam 75 03 J^ mile. West chimney of house no 30 i^ miles. South chimney of house 129 00 % mile. South chimney of house 133 50 fi mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 136 Reference station 244 West chimney of house 325 East chimney of house 332 East edge of McQuay 's oysterhouse 342 Chimney of house. 348 59 30 35.70 meters. 38 10 1443 meters. 16 iX miles. 55 iX miles. 26 yi mile. 58 2}i miles. RABBIT. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creelv on eastern side of entrance to Cummings Creek about f^ mile northeast of Little Neck Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field, about 8 feet above high water, 6 yards north of shore, 2 yards north of top of bank, and 50 yards east of the extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • ° "Koot"(S 52° 52' E) o Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter) . 20 North gable of barn 67 North chimney of house 86 Stack of cannery at Sherwood 118 Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter) . 123 Left edge of barn 182 Left gable of old bam 281 Chimney of small house 315 Flagstaff on Bozman Hall 346 GRACE. 16 00 14 mile. 00 3.17 meters. 14 }2 mile. OS I mile. 15 2 miles. 04 30 8.73 meters. 34 1% miles. 42 400 yards. 28 lyi miles. 26 14 mile. I General locality. — Northwestern shore of Harris Creek about fi mile east of entrance to Cummings Creek, and i mile northeast of Little Neck Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, and 5 yards north of the extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Rabbit" (S 82° 20' W) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (12 inches diam- eter) 85 North chimney of Miller house 145 Chimney of small house 165 South chimney of house 176 North chimney of house 183 East chimney of house 220 03 yi mile. West chimney of house 249 24 ^ mile. North chimney of Bridges house 295 26 J^ mile. East gable of McQuay's oysterhouse 335 44 i mile. 00 00 yi mile. 01 10 4.64 meters. 33 I mile. 31 K mile. 05 X mile. 08 X mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 89 MINK. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek about H rnile northeast of entrance to Cummings Creek and X mile northwest of town of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 2 yards northwest of shore, and 40 yards northeast of wire and board fence. Cement monument marking refer- ence station is 8.73 meters N 53° 51' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Harrison" (N 16° 58' E) o South chimney of Harrison house 10 South chimney of Miller house 32 North chimney of house 45 Chimney of house 86 Flagpole on Bozman Hall 135 East chimney of house 155 Chimney of small house 182 North chimney of Bridges house igo Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 240 Reference station 289 Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (12 inches diameter) 298 00 00 yi mile. 03 2 miles. 35 J-8 mile. 04 X mile. 35 K mile. 42 yi mile. 07 % mile. 28 X niile. 39 I mile. 57 10 12.21 meters. 20 8.73 meters. 59 30 9.41 meters. HARRISON. General locality. — Western shore of upper Harris Creek about 3/j' mile nortli-northwest of town of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of marsh in northeast comer of old apple orchard about 2 feet above high water, 11 yards northwest of shore, 23 yards west of extreme end of point, and 80 yards south-southeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.— 011/ "Clump" (N 32° 34' E) o North chimney of Miller house 30 South chimney of house 51 North chimney of house 58 Chimney of house 107 Chimney of small house 120 North gable of bam 137 Nail in blaze in apple tree (8 inches diameter) 173 Center of old gristmill burr partly embedded in ground and about 4 feet diameter 270 Northeast comer of Harrison house 301 CLUMP. 00 00 5 s mile. 14 ^2 mile. 15 yi, mile. 30 Yi mile. 57 y% mile. 55 Vi mile. 19 Y mile. 47 20 9.24 meters. 32 4.87 meters. 51 80 yards. General locality. — Western shore of upper Harris Creek on a point about yi mile north of town of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 2 feet above high water, 6 yards west of shore, and 15 yards east of fringe of locust trees and vines. 90 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Marks.— OhseXYtd station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Lawn" (N 0° 56' W) o South chimney of Harrison house 28 South gable of Harrison bam 31 South chimney of small house 97 South chimney of house loS North chimney of house 150 09 J^ mile. North chimney of house 172 07 }4 mile. "Bozman M. E. Church spire" 178 South chimney of Harrison lower house 221 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (6 inches diameter) 280 00 00 yi mile. 44 iX miles. 41 i>4 miles. 09 14 mile. 42 1% miles. 12 I mile. 48 yi mile. 50 17-75 meters. MILLER. (See General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Harris Creek about i mile nortli of town of Bozman. Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 65 yards east of shore, and half way between a bam and a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Pink" (S3o° 58'W) o East gable of bam 50 Left comer of Seth bathhouse 92 South chimney of house 106 Southwest comer of Miller bam 151 West gable of bam 245 South chimney of Harrison house 270 Northwest comer of Miller house 327 West chimney of house 333 PINK. 00 00 1 .8 mile. 20 lyi miles. 44 }i mile. 48 1% miles. 31 25-28 meters. 51 K mile. 45 X mile. 46 29.23 meters. 51 I mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Harris Creek about yi mile north of town of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 6 yards southwest of shore, 12 yards southeast of extreme end of point, and 200 yards southwest of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Miller" (N 30° 57' E) o North chimney of Miller house i Nail in blaze in twin oak tree (iS inches diam- eter) 54 North chimney of Bridges house 191 East gable of bam 271 South chimney of house 280 Cupola on tin-roof bam 319 South gable of house 335 South chimney of Harrison house 342 00 00 3 1 mile. 44 yi mile. 42 9.63 meters. 10 I mile. 02 % mile. ig I mile. 36 1% miles. 51 2}4 miles. 23 iX miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 91 BOZMAN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek, about >4 mile northwest of town of Bozman and ^ mile east of entrance to Cummings Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cleared space about 8 feet above high water, 25 feet southeast of top of vertical bank 8 feet high, and i5 yards north of pine woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecttjag 7 inches above surface ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Koot" (S7i°4o'W) o South chimney of house 74 South chimney of house 77 North chimney of Harrison house 93 Cupola on tin-roof bam 106 Chimney of house 145 South chimney of house 176 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 225 41 30 24.93 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 238 North chimney of Bridges house 347 00 00 yi mile. 22 I mile. 10 iH miles. iq X mile. 41 2 miles. 31 XmJle. 17 ]4 mile. 40 10 22.47 meters. 31 I mile. BOZMAN M. E. CHURCH SPIRE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Harris Creek in the town of Bozman, on the northwest side of county road leading to Neavitt. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on edifice knowTi as Bozman M. E. Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of spire on Bozman M. E. Church. References. — None necessary. KOOT. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Harris Creek on a point of land between two coves, about 34 mile southeast of entrance to Cummings Creek, and }4 mile west of town of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 6 yards south of edge of bank 6 feet high, and 200 yards north of a graveyard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Fox" (S7i°28'W) o Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter) . . 34 North chimney of house 68 South gable of old barn 86 South chimney of Miller house 150 Chimney of small house 161 West chimney of house 178 Chimney of small house 193 Flagstaff on Bozman Hall 214 Lone cherry tree in Bridges graveyard 2S2 North chimney of Bridges house 307 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 347 25 5° 15-29 meters. 00 00 /4 mile. 03 7. 86 meters. 34 iK miles. 28 X mile. 42 1% miles. 30 X mile. 14 I mile. 32 I mile. 42 li mile. 30 . .■ 200 yards. 06 300 yards. 92 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. FOX. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Harris Creek on a point of land between two coves about }4 mile south of entrance to Cummings Creek, and ^^ mile northeast of Little Neck Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, and 26 yards south of the extreme north end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Koot" (N 71 °28' E) o 00 00 fi mile. North chimney of Bridges kitchen 26 46 X ™ile. North chimney of house 150 04 ^ mile. East gable of McQuay oyster house 175 Smoke stack at Sherwood 181 East gable of bam 217 North chimney of house 234 South chimney of house 265 South chimney of house 289 North chimney of old house 321 Chimney of small house 347 North chimney of house 358 NELSON 3. 43 K mile- 13 2^4 miles. 41 I mile. 01 i)4 miles . 55 I mile. 43 i^ miles. 09 if 8 miles. 12 iX miles. 58 I mile. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Nelson Island, between the entrances to Harris and Broad Creeks. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on southwest point of island on marsh about 2 feet above high water, 28 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, 45 yards northwest of edge of marsh, and 14 yards east of marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 32.27 meters N 32° 05' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of nail in 3-inch square stub in tile pipe flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Choptank River Light " (S 56° eg' E) o 00 00 5X rniles. "Large Water Tank " 10 09 50 7X miles. Right chimney of house 31 48 7 miles. Near chimney outside of house 45 Near peak of bam on Cook Point 67 Left peak of hotel on Sharps Island 98 " Sharps Island Light" 109 Chimney of house 137 Stack of cannery at Tilghman Island 153 Windmill at Tilghman Island 155 Chimney of house on Change Point 185 Left peak of house 197 Chimney of house 254 "St. Michaels Church Spire " 259 Reference station 268 Left peak of building 293 43 2)4 miles. Near peak of house with three chimneys 335 18 3 miles. 44 SH miles. 40 5X miles. 03 ■ 7^ miles. 04 20 7>i miles. 36 4 miles. 43 3K miles. 12 3>2 miles. 37 1}^ miles. 50 i}4 miles. 10 2^ miles. 55 10 6X miles. 13 20 32.27 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 93 ANNETTE. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek about }^ mile north of Nelson Point, and on south side of entrance to Balls Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, and 4 yards west of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.39 meters N 75° 59' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. References. — o 1 n "Myrtle" (N 15° 29' E) o 00 00 fi mile. South chimney of house 18 39 3^ miles. South chimney of house 29 53 3 J^ miles. South gable of bam 35 01 3JS^ miles. Chimney of house 36 35 ^% miles. South gable of barn 72 54 smiles. Wf St chimney of house 102 "Choptank River Light" 116 Water tank at Castle Haven 123 North gable of bam on Todd Point 148 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diameter) 187 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diameter) 235 Reference station 268 19 3^ miles. 34 40 tyi, miles. 54 8X miles. 31 6>2 miles. 26 00 11.37 meters. 06 30 16.81 meters. 29 40 9.39 meters. MYRTLE. 00 J 8 mile. J 8 mile. 00 II. 51 meters. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek about iX miles north of Nelson Point and % mile north of Balls Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) . Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water and 4 yards northwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' "Annette" (S 15° 29' W) o 00 East gable of house 18 33 Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 99 49 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 169 57 5.09 meters. South chimney of house 215 04 3X niiles. Chimney of house 225 21 3^ miles. Chimney of house 241 26 2 miles. West gable on bam 255 40 2^ miles. North chimney of house 268 45 2X miles. Largest tree on Royston Island 300 41 2yi miles. Water tank at Castle Haven 307 eg 8^ miles. COAL. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek about 2 miles north of Nelson Point and i mile west of Deep Neck Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 4 feet above high water, 12 yards northwest of shore, 4 yards north of small lone cedar tree, and 200 yards north of pine woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches •lelow base of monument. 94 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Myrtle" (S 44° 23' W) o 00 00 3>^ mile. South gable of Bridges barn 136 22 X mile. vSoutli chimney of Bridges house 152 03 % tnile. North chimney of house 167 18 i^ miles. South chimney of house 170 31 2X miles. Chimney of small house 203 48 2|^ miles. Chimney of small house 209 52 2 J^ miles. Chimney of small house 272 47 iX miles. Largest tree on Royston Island 288 22 3 miles. Left tangent of Nelson Island 331 41 2>^ miles. TOBE. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek on point at southern side of entrance to Leadenham Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 19 yards south of shore, and back of a fringe of myrtle bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projectmg 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ross" (S 68° 15' E) o North edge of house 6 South chimney of Bridges house 43 North gable of Bridges bam 52 East chimney of house 179 South chimney of old deserted house 264 Cupola on "Beverly" house 297 North chimney of house 342 00 00 i^ miles. 29 iX miles. 44 X mile. 02 }4 mile. 12 X mile. 38 J^ mile. 12 2^ miles. 28 3 miles. WIRE. General locality. — Southern shore of Leadenham Creek about i mile southwest of Mulberry Point, and yi mile southwest of Broad Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 4 yards southeast of shore at top of a vertical bank 5 feet high, and 125 yards west of board fence and row of cedar trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 18.90 meters S 23° 36' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Tobe" (N 64° 26' E) o South chimney of Bridges house 55 Reference station 91 North gable of bam 160 Chimney of house 238 North chimney of Fairbank house 249 South chimney of house 256 South chimney of house 320 Chimney of small cabin 343 31 00 X mile. yi mile. 58 GO 18.90 meters. 41 X mile. 19 J^ mile. 09 ^ mile. 04 I mile. 50 I mile. 22 J/i mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 95 BLANCO. General locality. — Southern shore of Leadenham Creek about ^ mile west of Broad Creek entrance to creek and }i mile southwest of entrance to Grace Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 9 feet above high water and 13 yards south of edge of vertical bank at shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — or// "Fairbanks" (N 30° 58' E) o 00 00 }4, mile. West chimney of house 28 00 1% miles. West gable of house 37 03 3 miles. North gable of bam 136 49 ^ mile. South chimney of house 308 51 X ™ile. East chimney of house 322 07 % mile. Chimney of house 328 19 %■ mile. West chimney of house 356 26 yi mile. NED. General locality. — Southern shore of Leadenham Creek about 1)/% miles west of Broad Creek entrance to creek and opposite entrance to Caulk Cove. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 5 yards east of shore, 19 yards south of the extreme end of marsh point, and north of a heavy pine woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu'ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Caulk" (N 53° 48' E) o 00 00 yi raiXe.. West chimney of house 15 23 % mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter). 123 06 50 10.47 meters. Nailinblazeinpine tree (12 inchesdiameter). 177 59 10 7.52 meters. East chimney of house 226 43 ^ mile. Chimney of small house 262 10 X ™ile. East chimney of house 286 20 3<^ mile. CAULK. General locality. — Northern shore of Leadenham Creek about f^ mile west of Broad Creek entrance to creek and yi mile east-southeast of entrance to Caulk Cove. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh on a wooded shore about i foot above high water and 3 yards north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above stirface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biuried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Fairbanks" (N 84° 28' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. North gable of Bridges bam 28 28 i mile. West chimney of house 125 30 -iY% miles. East chimney of house 172 52 Yi mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 216 17 00 9.74 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter) . 339 45 20 24.77 meters. West chimney of house 356 03 yi mile. 96 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. FAIRBANKS. General locality. — Northern shore of Leadenham Creek about yi mile west of Broad Creek entrance to creek and on first point southwest of entrance to Grace Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 75 yards south of a house and 13 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is cement of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Pine" (N 50° 00' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. South comer of small house ^:i 48 3 miles. West gable of Bridges bam 80 22 ^ mile. West chimney of house 138 27 yi mile. South gable of com crib 257 04 100 yards. East chimney of house 300 34 75 yards. South gable of bam 317 19 300 yards. PINE. General locality. — Northern shore of Leadenham Creek on point between entrances to Leadenham Creek and Grace Creek, and about '^ mile west of Broad Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded shore about 5 feet above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 60 yards north of the extreme end of point, and at intersection of two lanes cut through woods. Cement monument marking reference station is g.52 meters N 67° 25' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsiui'ace mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Fairbanks" (S 50° 00' W) o 00 00 3^ mile. Reference station 52 35 00 9.52 meters. "Cabin" (staff on west end of cabin) 161 49 00 ^ mile. West chimney of house 207 11 f^ mile. North chimney of house 219 50 2fi miles. South gable of small house 235 06 3f^ miles. South gable of house 274 20 2^ miles. South chimney of Bridges house 284 24 J^ mile. North gable of Bridges barn 290 34 J^ mile. East chimney of house 336 13 ^ mile. LUNA. General locality. — Western shore of Grace Creek on a prominent point about y{ mile northwest of Broad Creek entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 5 yards north of shore, 11 yards west of the extreme end of point, and 3 yards east of a dense growth of small pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Cabin" (N 80° 51' E) o 00 00 J^ mile. North chimney of house ig 07 f i mile. South gable of bam 37 30 Ji mile. Nortli gable of Bridges bam 92 10 i mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter). 188 48 10 3.29 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 256 00 00 2.61 meters. West chimney of house 287 57 X niilfi' t Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. CABIN. 97 General locality. — Eastern shore of Grace Creek about ^i mile north of Broad Creek entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on west gable of deserted cabin about 10 feet above high water, and T7 yards east of shore. Mark.<:. — Observed station is a twenty-penny wire nail driven 2 feet below the peak of west gable of a deserted cabin, and surmounted by a staff erected over nail. References. — None necessary. SKINNER. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek at eastern side of entrance to Grace Creek, about ^ mile west of Mulberry Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 3 yards north - cast of shore, 42 yards east of the extreme end of point, and 40 yards southwest of a small clump of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Ross" (S 45° 32' E) o South chimney of house 5 North gable of house 21 West chimney of Bridges house 45 North gable of Bridges bam 51 East chimney of house 108 North chimney of house 163 South chimney of house 212 Chimney of cabin 228 South gable of bam 272 West chimney of house 318 BALD. 00 00 1^4 miles. 48 2)4 tniles. 10 2^4 miles. 46 ^ mile. 32 }4 mile. ii H mile. 55 K mile. 06 }4 mile. 36 ^ mile. 26 X mile. 07 2 miles General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek on Mulberry Point on northern side of entrance to Leadenham Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 2 yards north of shore, 50 yards west of extreme east end of point, and 40 yards southeast of a rail fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.84 meters N 40° 26' W of observed station. Cedar stub mark- ing old triangulation station "Mulberry" is 22.46 meters N 52° 57' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Old triangulation station "Mulberry" is nail in 2-inch cedar stub projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Tobe" (S 57° og' W) o East gable of house ig East chimney of house 47 Reference station nS South chimney of Willey house 158 Cupola on "Beverly" house 166 Old triangulation station mulberry. . . . 175 Right tangent of north end of Willey Island . . 215 Right tangent of marsh at Deep Neck Point. . 286 North gable of Bridges bam 344 53485—12 7 19 00 Js mile. I !'4 miles. 05 J-4' mile. 25 00 16.84 meters. 43 iJ^ miles. 28 i}^ miles. 48 40 22.46 meters. 38 34 mile. 05 ij/g miles. 46 1 mile. 98 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. ROSE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek on a verj' prominent ]3oint about }f, mile north -northeast of Mnlberrj- Point and 's mile west-northwest of the south end of Hambleton Island. (vSce Chart No. 34.) hiunediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 4 yards west of end of point, and 20 yards east of point of pine woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Gram" (N 5° 29' W) o South chimney of house 4 South chimney of Willis house 42 Cupola on "Beverly" house 53 West chimney of " Beverly ' ' tenant house ... 66 West gable of house in North chimney of house 136 Right tangent of woods on Deep Neck Point . . 179 Left tangent of Nelson Island 208 West gable on Bridges barn 225 South chimney of house 232 North chimney of house 259 Cupola on bam 359 GRAM. ^ mile. X miles. -4 mile, mile. 59 ij/i miles. 08 i^ miles. 32 2^4 miles. 32 lyi miles. 24 3^ miles. 04 i^ miles. 29 ^ mile. 06 ys mile. 21 iX miles. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about 3^ mile north of Mulberry Point and about } 2 mile west of upper end of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards west of extreme east end of point, and about X ™ile northeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Royal" (N 8° 49' E) o North chimney of house 12 North chimney of Price house 41 South chimney of Willey house 63 Cupola on " Beverly" house 66 West chimney of house 96 Right tangent of woods on Deep Neck Point. 165 North chimney of house 231 South gable of Miller barn 313 South chimney of Harrison house 316 Cupola on bam 344 South chimney of house 353 00 00 i/i mile. 31 fs mile. 36 X mile. 08 % mile. 45 H mile. II lyi miles. 22 ifi miles. 02 y^ mile. 28 2 miles. 54 i]A miles. 46 yi mile. 26 3^ mile. BENGAL. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about ^^ mile west of north end of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on narrow marsh point about i foot above high water, 4 yards south of shore, 55 j'ards west of extreme end of point, and north of a fringe of pine and cedar trees along bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.81 meters !3 52° 34' W of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 99 oo yi mile. 50 11.68 meters. 10 8.81 meters. 01 00 9.43 meters. 00 X ™ile. 55 i^ miles. 54 H tnile. 54 /-2 ™ile. 18 K mile. 51 2 miles. 15 5^ mile. 00 i^ miles. 15 i}4 miles. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Gram" (S 51° 52' E) o Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diameter) g6 REFERENCe STATION I04 Nail in blaze in cedar stump i foot high (lo inches diameter) 109 East chimney of Jump house i6g Belfry on Harrison outhouse 201 South chimney of Harper house 216 Cupola on barn 251 South chimney of house 266 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 268 North chimney of house 293 Cupola on "Beverly" house 326 Nortli chimney of house 343 EASTMAN. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about iji miles west-northwest of nortli end of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 12 yards south of extreme end of point, 3 yards northeast of clump of myrtle bushes, and 200 yards east of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Woodill" (N 23°46' W) o Belfry on Harrison outhouse 4 South gable of barn 12 South chimney of Willis house 18 Chimney of Burke house 22 North chimne}' of Harper house 38 North chimney of house 82 North chimney of house 124 09 i}i miles. Chimney of Sutton house 297 13 200 yards. East chimney of Jump house 327 23 X mile. WOODILL. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about X mile east of Bozman and iK miles northwest of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded shore about 6 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, and 5 yards north of a pile of oyster shells. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Mars" (S 77° 03' E) o 00 00 I^g mile. South chimney of house 8 38 2^^ miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) 104 16 20 23.70 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) 166 31 20 16.21 meters. Belfry on Harrison outhouse 238 54 ^ mile. South chimney of house 251 54 2 miles. 00 00 }-i mile. 06 I mile. 36 2 miles. 31 iX miles. 59 H mile. 29 K mile. 43 I mile. roo Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued. o / // South chimney of Willis house 258 51 ^ mile. Chimney of Burke house 272 07 X niile. North chimney of Harper house 305 50 ^ mile. Cupola on bam ,327 48 |^ mile. North chimney of house 350 00 i mile. DELTA. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about % mile northeast of Bozman, and i-"^ miles northwest of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 1 foot above high water, 10 yards west of shore, and about 100 yards east of an orchard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground . {Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Willis" (N 13° 54' E) o 00 00 ^-5 mile. North chimney of Harper house 92 01 yi mile . Cupola on " Beverly" house 103 01 2 J^ miles. North chimney of house loq 34 2^ miles. North chimney of Jump house 209 09 % mile. South gable of barn 341 14 i mile. MARION. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about 25; miles northwest of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on east side of a tenant house in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 12 yards south of shore, and 12 yards northwest of old open well. Marks. — Observed station is center of hole drilled in east face of center one of three posts supporting east front of a tenant house, and surmoimted by spindle erected over hole. References. — None necessary. WILLIS. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek, on a point at northern side of entrance to a small creek about 2 \-i miles \^'est of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point at west edge of yard of a house about i foot above high water, 8 yards east of shore, 5 j'ards west of top of slope, about 4 feet higher than station, and 65 yards southwest of the southwest comer of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-ineh tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. References. — a / // "Neptune" (S 15° 36' E) o 00 00 }i mile. North chimney of house ,;? .=|i '2 mile. North ;jahlc of house 41 18 '2 mile. "Marion" (staff on east side of house ) 70 53 10 !.4 mile. Chimney on Harrison tenant house 70 55 34™'!^- South chimney of Harrison house 113 36 }4 mile. S:>uth chimney of Miller house 125 01 ;Vs mile. South chimney of Harrison house 165 07 i"^ miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (15 inches diam- eter) 174 34 50 16.59 meters. Southchimney of house 182 18 '^ mile. Southwest comer of Willis house 246 43 63 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 302 55 50 II. 81 meters. Chimney of house 356 35 yi mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. NEPTUNE. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek about 2 miles north of Mulberry Point and 2 miles west of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated garden aliout 7 feet above high water, 10 yards north of shore. 20 yards east of the extreme end of point, 2 yards north of top of bank with uniform slope to shore, and 40 yards west of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Venus" (S 17° 02' E) o North chimney of house 72 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) lOI Chimney of Harrison tenant house 141 Belfry on Harrison outhouse 153 South gable of house 171 West chimney of Willis house 186 North chimney of house 222 Chimney of Burke house 287 VENUS. 00 00 ,'8 mile. 41 Wmile. 55 00 8. 67 meters. 01 ;Vs mile. 54 y^ mile. 23 ij'4 miles. 57 i^ mile. 44 2 miles. 38 40 yards. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek about ' i mile north of entrance to Edgar Cove. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate localilv. — Observed station is on wooded point about 6 feet above high water and 3 yards northeast of edge of a vertical bank 6 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.28 meters S 79° 28' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2 -inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — " Delta" (N 83° 41' W) o South chimney of Miller house Belfry on Harrison outhouse 45 South gable of bam 55 Chimney of Burke house 77 Nail in blaze of twin oak tree (24 inches diam- eter) 136 Reference station 184 Nail in blaze of oak tree (5 inches diameter) . . 195 West gable of Sutton bam 289 South chimney of house 336 MARS. 38 so 4 mile, mile. 34 H mile. 58 i!4 miles. II ' s mile. 06 10 14.17 meters. 13 25 13.28 meters. 36 50 3.48 meters. II :?< mile. 36 yi mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek about r mile northwest of north end of Ham- blcton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 2 feet above high water and 7 \-ards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pijie buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Royal" (869° 17' E) o North chimney of house 3 North gable of comcrib 105 West chimney of Sutton house 136 Right comer of Eastman bungalow 147 South chimney of house 183 Chimney of Harrison tenant house 210 South chimney of house 232 North chimney of house 333 ROYAL. 00 00 % mile. 51 I mile. 52 yi mile. 00 yi mile. 10 ^i mile. 24 li mile. 33 I mile. 05 ^i mile. 35 I,' mile. mile northwest of north end General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek about Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 5 yards northeast of shore, 45 yards south of a lone leaning cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Mars" (N69° 16' W) o North chimney of house i Nail in blaze in red oak tree (3 feet diameter) 92 West chimney ol house 113 South chimney of " Beverly" house 178 Right tangent of woods on Deep Neck Point . 247 North chimney of house 273 North chimney of Sutton house 338 West chimney of Jump house 348 GRAVE. 00 00 ] i mile. 57 iX miles. 31 00 76.08 meters. 59 /< mile. 12 I mile. 53 2 miles. 53 S'^ mile. 34 I mile. 18 I mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek on point of mainland between Broad Creek and Back Creek about ^4. mile west of north end of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 11 yards northeast of shore, and about X mile southwest of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ray" (S 26° 29' E) o Right tangent of woods Deep Neck Point. ... 31 North chimney of house 83 South gable of barn 123 North chimney of Jump house 132 South chimney of house 172 South chimney of Price house 249 Cupola on "Beverly" house 300 North chimney of Willey house 309 00 00 yi mile. 14 i|^ miles. 25 ^ mile. 2Q ij^ miles. 30 lyi miles. 29 yi mile. 57 X mile. 07 X mile. 2^ % mile. RAY. ■ mile General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek on western side of Hambleton Island about ; north of the south end of island, and yi mile northeast of Mulberry Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 4 yards east of shore, and 13 yards west of fringe of small trees at top of bank near edge of cultivated field. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 103 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of marsh. Subsurface mark is center of a 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Willey"(S7° 15' E) o Right tangent of woods Deep Neck Point. ... 23 West gable of Bridges bam 55 East chimney of house 73 North chimney of house 109 North chimney of house 126 South chimney of house 159 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) . 245 Nail in blaze in wild cherr)' tree (7 inches diameter) 303 00 00 ^ mile. 27 i}4 miles. 34 2 miles. ^o I mile. 33 59 50 ^ mile, i^ miles. 1^4 miles. 11.08 meters. 20.^2 meters. WILLEY. 21 ^ mile. 37 iX miles. 32 ij-^ miles. 19 2 ■•< miles. 30 3^8 miles. 02 1J5 miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek on southern end of Hambleton Island about y^ mile north of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, and 50 yards north of shore . Marks.. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bald".(S87°48'W) o 00 00 K mile. North chimney of house 39 42 i mile. Chimney of house 57 22 2 miles. South chimney of house 75 32 i^^ miles. Chimney of "Beverly" tenant house 117 34 J^ mile. Cupola on outhouse 189 Chimney of house 194 West chimney of house 208 North gable of barn 230 Left tangent of Nelson Island 304 East chimney of house 353 JUDGE. General locality. — Western shore of Back Creek on a prominent point on eastern side of Hambleton Island about % mile north of Edge Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 7 yards west of the extreme end of point, and 8 yards east of a cut inshore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting h inches above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Willey"(S i4°47'' W) o Lone cedar tree 51 South chimney of Wille)- house 136 North chimney of house 142 West chimney of "Beverly" house 164 East chimney of "Beverly" tenant house. .. . 204 Chimney of house 238 East chimney of house 265 North chimney of house 299 Right edge of small house 328 00 00 y^ mile. 09 95 yards. 07 % mile. 22 J^ mile. 37 K mile. 55 54 yi mile. yi mile. yi mile. % mile. 18 3 miles. I04 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. THELMA. General locality. — Western shore of Back Creek on northern p;irt of Hambleton Island, about i mile north of Edge Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in front yard of a house about 6 feet above high water, 3 yards west of shore, 20 yards southeast of a house, and nearly on line with south side of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Elmore" (N 23° 18' E) o 00 00 -;■& mile. Chimney on oyster house 17 11 1]^, miles. Cupola on " Beverly" house 59 ^}, J4 mile. West chimney of house 105 48 ^ mile. North chimney of house 225 57 il4 miles. Nail in cherry tree (12 inchesdiameter) 235 51 50 14.47 meters. Northeast comer of Willey house 296 30 30 17-78 meters. North chimney of house 324 01 % mile. "St. Michaels P. E- Church spire" 352 44 20 i5 s miles. ELMORE. General locality. — Western shore of Back Creek, about -' s mile north of north end of Hambleton Island and \% miles south of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of a cultivated field, about 6 feet above high water, 5 yards south of edge of vertical bank at shore, and 20 yards west of extreme end of point of marsh . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Beverly" (N 29° 48' E) o Chimney of house 11 Chimney of oyster house 20 Chimney of house 27 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 118 Cupola on " Beverly ' ' house 136 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 15s South chimney of Willey house 175 North chimney of house 211 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 338 "St. Michaels P. E. Church spire" 344 42 00 J 4 mile. I mile. ^i mile. ,'-2 mile. 20 5.40 meters. yi mile. 50 5.39 meters. Js mile. }4 mile. ifs miles. ^o i]4 miles. BEVERLY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Back Creek, about J4 mile south of St. Michaels, and 5 s mile nortli of north end of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy marsh point about i foot above high water, 8 yards northeast of shore and sauth of a heavy growth of small pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 105 References. — a / r/ "Ansley" (S 9° 09' E) o 00 00 >4 mile. North chimney of "Beverly" house 15 53 ,':;'mile. North chimney of Willey house 36 43 i-g mile. North gable of bam 51 28 js mile. East gable of house no 02 i mile. Chimney of small deserted house 114 Nail in root of cedar stump 154 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 243 Chimney of house 277 North chimney of house 293 Northeast peak of small outhouse 313 S.'VMUEL. 57 K mile- 50 1.56 meters. 21 20 5.65 meters. 31 X mile. 12 's mile. 02 ' 1 mile. General locality. — Eastern side of Back Creek on northern side of small creek, about i mile s:)uth of St. Michaels and H mile northeast of nortli end of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on point near edge of cultivated field, about 6 feet above high water, 15 yards north of shell covered shore, and 30 yards northwest of extreme end of marsh point, and near a number of small cedar and locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Ansley" (S 20° 10' W) o West chimney of "Beverly" kitchen p North chimney of Willey house 16 North chimney of house 31 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 99 48 20 6.47 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 188 Chimney of small house 215 Chimney of oyster house 252 North chimney of house 276 Chimney of old deserted house 317 00 00 ^4 mile. 48 5 .s mile. 12 % mile. 57 Y:. mile. 22 GO 13.64 meters. 22 Vs mile. 12 250 yards. 00 ]4, mile. 21 ^4 mile. ANSLEY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Back Creek, about i mile south of St. Michaels, 'i mile northeast of nrjrth end of Hambleton Island, and 'i mile south of entrance to a small creek. (See' Chart No. 34. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 3 yards south of shore and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theod- olite. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.25 meters N 71° 13' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Samuel" (N 20° 10' E) o 00 00 '4 mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 35 ^.,^ 50 18.74 meters. Reference station 51 02 40 21.25 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diam- eter).... '. 66 12 00 12.72 meters. io6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued. o / « Cupola on " Beverly" house 179 34 X mile. North chimney of Willey house 205 ^2 }4 mile. North chimney of house 253 19 J^ mile. South gable of bam 323 55 ^ mile. HARPER, General locality. — Eastern shore of Back Creek on a prominent point opposite north end of Hambic- ton Island about lyi miles south of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in the northwest comer of yard of a house about 4 feet above high water, 13 yards south of edge of a stone sea wall, and 55 yards northwest of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • o / // "Judge" (S 3° 05' E) o 00 00 3'8 mile. Left tangent of Nelson Point 34 24 4,1^ miles. North chimney of Willey house 81 54 jS^ mile. East chimney of house 115 40 2^ miles. vSouth chimney of house 128 25 X mile. South gable of bam iSo 40 iX miles. "St. Michaels Water Tank" 188 28 if^ miles. Nail in pecan tree (24 inches diameter) 237 42 40 20.29 meters. Northwest comer of "Beverly" kitchen 315 47 54 yards. Nail in leaning locust tree 348 34 18.72 meters. TAFT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Back Creek about 2 miles south of St. Michaels, J2 mile north of Edge Creek, and nearly opposite extreme eastern point of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 7 feet above high water, 12 yards east of shore, 15 yards north of edge of a bank 6 feet above marsh, and 5 yards east of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hopkins" (S 9° 00' E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 34 South chimney of Willey house 144 North chimney of house 153 North chimney of " Beverly" house 164 East chimney of " Beverly" tenant house . . . 190 Chimney of house 239 West chimney of Hopkins house 283 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (15 inches diam- eter) 356 21 21.59 meters. 00 00 } k mile. 26 00 13-43 meters. iq ^ mile. 14 ]/i mile. 54 K mile. 23 y^ mile. 16 % mile. 21 300 yards. HOPKINS. General locality. — Northern shore of Edge Creek on eastern side of entrance to Back Creek about X mile north-northeast of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 15 yards north of shore, 20 yards from three small cedar trees near shore. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 107 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Spencer" (S 43° 22' E) o 00 00 % mile. North gable of bam 25 30 2>^ miles. Right tangent of pine woods on Deep Neck Point 84 37 !%■ miles. Left edge of bam roof 107 32 2 miles. Chimney of house 137 23 iVi miles. South chimney of house 195 15 . . iX miles. West chimney of " Beverly" house 205 21 ^ mile. West chimney of house 234 13 S-g mile. Chimney of house 336 04 i mile. South chimney of house 343 28 Js mile. SPENCER. General locality. — Northern shore of Edge Creek at western side of entrance to Solitude Creek about I mile east of Broad Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 4 yards north- east of shore, and 21 yards northwest of extreme end of point, witli a long bar of oyster shells extending 65 yards into creek. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.22 meters N 8° 44' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cedar stub projecting 4 inches above surface of marsh. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Hopkins" (N 43° 22' W) o 00 00 f^ mile. South gable of barn 36 01 X mi'^- Reference STATION 52 05 10 11.22 meters. Chimney of house 96 18 ^s mile. West chimney of house no 51 ^s mile. South chimney of house iSo 45 iK miles. West chimney of house 201 47 i^ miles. Chimney of small house 243 19 1^2 miles. East chimney of house 306 49 2 i^ miles. East gable of house 316 57 2^ miles. South chimney of house 345 29 2 miles. MARSHALL. General locality. — Northern shore of Edge Creek opposite Elberts Cove about 1J4 miles east of Cedar Point at Bt-oad Creek entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 16 yards northeast of shore, 3 yards northeast of an old row of fence posts, 13 yards northwest of wire fence and line of cedar trees, and 125 yards west of an old deserted house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting ; inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References, — o / // "Holly " (S 13° 25' E) o 00 00 >^ mile. West chimney of house 21 00 ^ mile. North gable of house 62 58 i mile . North gable of bam 75 45 i>4 miles. io8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued. ° East chimney of house 120 Chimney of house 162 East chimney of house 176 Lone dead tree (18 inches diameter) •. . . . 206 West chimne}' of old deserted house 288 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter). 214 35 2/4' miles. 45 lyi miles. 04 % mile. 48 125 yards. 17 125 )'ards. 43 10 12.55 meters. West chimney of house 340 56 lyi miles. CLARK. General localily. — Northern shore of Edge Creek on western side of entrance to Spencer Creek about 1% miles east of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality, — Observed station is in cultivated field behind a fringe of locust and cedar trees about 6 feet above high water, 17 yards north of shore, and 35 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Holly" (826° 12' W) o East chimney of house 12 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diameter) 72 East chimney of deserted house 97 South chimney of house 142 West gable of Hammond wharf house 180 North chimney of house 216 South gable of house 255 North chimney of house 276 West chimney of house 295 West chimney of house 314 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) . 323 39 00 f's mile. }4 mile. II 7.58 meters. 34 X mile. 23 X mile. 40 )4 mile. 23 ^ mile. 52 yi mile. 48 I mile. 05 ^ mile. 52 K mile. 03 40 3.67 meters. HOLLY. General locality. — Southern shore of Edge Creek about 2 miles east of Broad Creek and nearly opposite entrance to Spencer Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about on level with high water, 13 yards north of a fringe of cedar trees and 100 yards west of a cove. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.68 meters S 14° 24' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on stimdard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Marsh" (N 62° 58' W) o East gable of bam 3 South chimney of house 28 Chimney of small house 44 Chimney of deserted house 54 Chimney of large house 125 00 }^ mile. South chimney of house 162 29 iX miles. Nail in blaze in holly tree (8 inches diameter). 256 Reference station 257 Nail in blaze in tree (6 inches diameter) 293 East chimney of house 303 00 00 }4 mile. 14 2X miles. 36 iX miles. 51 X mile. 38 >2 mile. 50 40 12.88 meters. 21 50 11.68 meters. 42 00 14-3S meters. 31 yi mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 109 MARSH. General locality. — Southern shore of Edge Cfeek at eastern side of entrance to Elbert Cove about i,'.< miles east of Broad Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 18 yards west of shore, 27 yards south of extreme north end of point, and 35 yards north of an old fence line with a row of cedars. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.58 meters S 14° 47' W of observed station . Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cedar stub projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Clark" (N 66° 24' E) o Chimney of house 11 West gable of bam 19 South chimney of house 37 Reference station 128 South chimney of house 195 East gable of bam 234 South chimney of house 260 East chimney of house 296 CEDAR. 00 00 >2 mile. 54 I mile. 43 li's miles. 31 lyi miles. 23 10 13-58 meters. 10 I mile. 19 21^ miles. 24 2J2 miles. 34 i.'i mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek on Cedar Point at southern side of entrance to Edge Creek about ^4, mile south of south end of Hambleton Island and }i mile east-northeast of Deep Neck Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a hard oyster shell bank about 3 feet above high water, 3 yards south of shore, and in front of a thicket of cedar and oak trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 16 meters S 27° 55' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above svu^ace of ground . References. — o / // "Willey" (N 4° 24' W) o 00 00 Sjrnile. "St. Michaels Water Tank" 8 03 3>< miles. West chimney on house 26 29 1^8 miles. 03 mile. li miles. 29 iji miles. 28 10 II. 16 meters. Cupola on house 52 East chimney of house 54 North chimney of house 79 Reference station 156 Nail in blaze in twin oak tree (12 inches diameter) 168 Nail in blaze in elm tree (12 inches diameter). 213 North chimney of house 270 East gable of house 284 East chimney of house 308 East chimney of house 330 South chimney of house 351 ROSS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek on Deep Neck Point about i mile south-southeast of Mulberry Point and '2 mile west-southwest of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded shore about 10 feet above high water, and 6 yards southeast of top of vertical bank which is washing rapidly. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.94 meters S 61 ° 43' E of observed station. 20 00 . . . . . . 6.14 meters. 09 50 . .. . . . 4.13 meters. 59 . . . i3 s miles. 43 . . . I'S miles. II . . . iX miles. .38 . . . iji miles. SI . . . 2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface m;u-k is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below bottom of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cedar" (N 65° 14' E) o 00 00 K mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diameter) 22 11 30 16.32 meters. Reference station 53 03 10 14.94 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (15 inches diameter) 81 02 20 11. 81 meters. Left tangent of Nelson Point 156 27 2^ miles. South gable of Bridges barn 212 South gable of house 226 South chimney of house 243 South chimney of house 263 Cupola on bam 288 " St. Michaels Water Tank" 306 "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 30S 06 I mile. 21 ij/^ miles. 18 i^ miles. 21 I mile. 25 2^4 miles. 04 3X miles. 18 3J^ miles. East chimney of house 320 33 ij/i miles. COOK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek about i J^ miles north of Choptank River and X mile south of entrance to Bridge Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on point of marsh about i foot above high water and 2 yards east of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.63 meters N 61° 29' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Ross" (N 4° 06' E) o 00 East chimney of house 11 56 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 54 02 Reference station 57 23 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 73 37 Left tangent of Nelson Island 228 18 North gable of bam 293 09 South gable of Bridges bam 321 47 South chimney of house 343 04 2^^ miles. South chimney of house 354 47 3J^ miles. 00 iX miles. iX miles. 20 13-79 meters. 00 11.63 meters. 30 9.79 meters. 2 miles. 2X miles. il4 miles. PEARY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek about i mile north of entrance to Broad Creek, ij^ miles north of Royston Island, and ij^ miles east-northeast of Nelson Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded shore about 6 feet above high water, 3 yards east of vertical bank, which is washed by high water, 100 yards south of north end of pine woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 20.93 meters N 43° 30' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Roys" (S 17° 35' E) o Left tangent of Cook Point 44 Right tangent of Nelson Point 96 East cliimney of house 117 East gable of Parlett house 131 vSouth gable of bam 168 Nail in blaze ia pine tree (15 inches diameter) 233 Reference station 241 Nail in blaze in pine tree (15 inches diameter) 307 IRISH. 00 00 i', 2 miles. 53 6% miles. 09 ij^ miles. 03 2 miles. 52 2^4 miles. 59 ij/i miles. 25 40 17-49 meters. 04 50 20.93 meters. 35 1° 15-45 meters. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River on west side of entrance to Irish Creek, about ^8 mile northeast of Royston Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land, about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards east -northeast of edge of bank, 5 yards north of foot of bank, 4 yards north of a cedar tree, 10 yards west of a small cedar tree at west end of line of locust trees, and 23 yards east-southeast of rounded point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Pont" (N 13° 04' E) o Near peak of building 25 Nail in blaze in locust tree (2 inches diam- eter) 68 Left peak of house 98 Left peak of bam 123 13 i mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 152 Near peak of house 185 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (2 inches diam- eter) 206 "Sharps Island Light" 230 Near peak of house 291 Near peak of barn '..... 348 49 00 }< mile. i>-4 miles. 50 ^(>-ii meters. 4-8 mile. 52 10 4.29 meters. 06 5 miles. 33 40 6.24 meters. 10 20 9 miles. 12 3%" miles. 54 300 yards. ROYS. General locality. — Northeastern side of Choptank River on southern end of Royston Island, about ^ mile southwest of entrance to Irish Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 15 yards north of shore, 25 yards east of shore, and 25 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Choptank River Light" (S 44° 37' E) o " Large Water Tank" 9 Peak of large bam 49 Right peak of bam 71 Windmill 71 " Sharps Island Light" 109 Church spire 134 00 00 35-8 miles. 09 00 5^^ miles. 44 4K miles. 08 5^ miles. 16 f,% miles. 16 30 &}4 ™iles. 43 6 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued . ° Church spire 134 Large spire 134 Windmill 146 Chimney of liouse 170 Near peak of large bam 200 Nail in blaze in oak tree (3 inches diameter ) . . 315 Nail in blaze in oak tree (3 inches diameter). . 281 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- 47 6 miles. 57 6 miles. 07 5J^ miles. 03 3 miles. 28 3',^ miles. 43 10 10.64 meters 24 20 6.22 meters. eter) 358 28 40 PONT. 15.92 meters. General locality. — Western shore of Irish Creek on jjoint about ■< mile north of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Ob.served station is in pasture land, about 5 feet above high water, 3 yards west of edge of bank, 30 yards south-southwest of point of bank, 35 yards north by west of point of bank, and >8 niile northeast of 2W-story frame house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Sticky" (N 14° 01' W) o 00 00 'i' mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 25 36 50 24-71 meters. Right peak of bam , 43 34 5-81 mile. Left peak of house 80 10 i mile. Near peak of bam 143 06 f-s niile. Near peak of 2,'2-story house 231 32 yi mile. STICKY. mile from Choptank River entrance to General locality. — Western sho'^e of Irish Creek about creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small marsh point about i foot above high «'ater. 8 yards east of shore, 8 yards west of shore, 4 yards south of a 3-foot terrace covered with small cedar and pine trees, and 23 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Vue" (N 89° 43' E) o Left peak of large house 2 Right comer of house 47 Near peak of house 92 Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diam- eter) 231 Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diam- eter) 244 Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diam- eter) 269 Near peak of bam 317 00 00 I2 mile . 04 I mile. 19 J/i mile 58 }/s mile. 25 49 40 8.72 meters. 10 9.85 meters. 21 30 8.63 meters. 55 K mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 113 52 10 24-91 meters. 14 40 45-03 meters. VUE. General locality. — Northern shore of Irish Creek, about ^ mile from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 4 yards west-northwest of shore, 5 yards northeast of shore, and 8 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of groimd. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o 1 // "Ila" (S 2° 4s' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Right peak of barn 49 28 yi mile. Right peak of house 52 30 ^'i mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 160 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 186 Left comer of house 265 31 400 yards. Left peak of house 271 30 y% mile. Near peak of house 311 21 % mile. Right comer of house 352 34 Yz mile. ILA. General locality. — Eastern shore of Irish Creek, about yi mile from Choptank River entrance to creek, on a point at north side of entrance to a cove. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 3 yards south-southwest of edge of bank, 20 yards northeast of edge of bank at trees, 17 yards southeast of point of bank, and 23 yards east by north of point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Creek" (S 16° 51' W) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 53 Left comer of bam 59 Near peak of bam 130 36 % mile. Left comer of left chimney of house 155 18 f| mile. Left peak of house 191 36 54 mile. Left peak of house 222 oi yi mile. Left comer of left chimney of large house 265 09 J^ mile. Right peak of house 334 56 -^ mile. mile. 13 57 30 16.07 meters. 28 06 10 19-32 meters. 06 20 21.36 meters. 17 }4 mile. CREEK. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River on east side of entrance to Irish Creek, about yi mile east-northeast of Royston Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station on marsh point about i foot above high water, 11 yards south- east of shore, 11 yards east of shore, 17 yards north-northeast of shore and 14 yards south of cut in shore. 53485—12 8 114 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of a-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Dot" (S I7°34' W) o Right comer of house 118 Right corner of house 146 Left peak of house 184 Left comer of large chimney 230 00 00 4S.S miles. 45 fi mile. 12 lyi miles. 09 lyi miles. 02 i/i mile. Near peak of large building 354 09 5^ miles. BENONI 2. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Benoni Point at western side of entrance to Tred Avon River, about iy& miles northwest of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 9 yards south-southwest of foot of knoll and edge of marsh, 4 yards northeast of edge of bank, 25 yards east-southeast of point of bank, 30 yards north by west of point of marsh, and 100 yards southwest of a cove. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.45 meters N 42° 02' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of stub projecting 4 inches above a 4-inch tile pipe with top of pipe flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Choptank River Light" (S 40° 01' E) o " Large Water Tank" 13 Left comer of house 65 Nail in blaze in water bush 181 Nail in blaze in water bush 231 Near peak of small house 245 Left comer of burnt house 261 Reference station 262 Peakof near gable of large house 277 Nail in blaze in water bush 288 Left comer of house 306 00 00 iX miles. 10 20 3X miles. 40 4>2 miles. 09 10 7.68 meters. 34 40 4-54 meters. 50 i^ miles. 14 2 miles. 02 40 7.45 meters. 30 iX miles. 09 40 10.40 meters 56 !>' 8 miles MUTTON. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River opposite town of Oxford, about iX miles north- northeast of Benoni Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards west of edge of tree-fringed bank at edge of strip of marsh, 20 yards southwest of edge of bank, and 25 yards northeast of edge of bank at bend. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting S inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 6° 44' E) o 00 00 2% miles. Right comer of bam 70 54 X mile. Near corner of barn 108 44 600 yards. Center of chimney outside of house 161 53 X ™ile- Near comer of house 214 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (12 inches diameter) 223 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 242 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diameter) 279 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 354 32 mile. 20 18.44 meters. 30 13.48 meters. 40 11.80 meters. 20 17.18 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 115 TRED. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River about yi mile west of Oxford. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about on level with high water, 2 yards west of shore of marsh strip, 6 yards east of foot of a bank, 6 feet high, 30 yards south by east of small house among trees, 13 yards south by east of end of fence, and 20 yards north of small point of marsh strip. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 4.98 meters N 68° 24' W of observed station and at foot of bank. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of cypress stub projecting 5 inches above 4-inch tile pipe with top of pipe flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 0° 22' E) o 00 00 2f-g miles. Reference station m 59 00 4.98 meters. Near peak of small house 171 43 29 yards. Windmill on wooden tower 212 46 if-s miles. Left peak between two chimneys of large house 238 08 i^ miles. Left peak of Oxford wharf house 277 22 ^ mile. Windmill 324 51 i mile. BELLEVUE. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River at Bellevue steamboat landing about J^ mile northwest of Oxford steamboat landing. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on south side of roadway pier to Bellevue wharf, about 16 yards south by west of a crab house, and 25 yards west of wharf house. Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch square staff 12 feet high. References. — Right corner of storehouse N. E. 16.00 meters. Left corner of wharf house E. by N 24.25 meters. Right corner of wharf house E. by S 24.18 meters. Center one of four nails in plank N. by E 3.42 meters. Center one of foiu" nails in plank E. by S 73 meters. Center one of four nails in plank W. by N 82 meters. TAR. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River on point between Tar Creek and Plaindealing Creek about ij-'s miles north of Oxford steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long point about 4 feet above high water, 10 yards east- northeast of Tar Creek, 9 yards north by west of point of bank, 10 yards northwest by west of edge of bank, 6 yards west-southwest of edge of bank, and 60 yards west by north of extreme end of point of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Peck" (S 55° 15' E) o 00 00 J^ mile. Spindle on left cupola of long bam 10 35 i}4 miles. Stack of ice plant at Oxford 52 20 lyi miles. Weatlier vane on bam cupola 105 41 J^ mile. Left peak of 2? 2-story frame house 128 04 ^ mile. Right comer of frame house 203 00 127 yards. Front peak of frame house 246 08 ^ mile. Left peak of cupola 337 08 }4 mile. ii6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. PECK. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Tred Avon River on Peck Point about i mile northeast of Oxford Steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 8 feet above high water, 4 yards north of edge of bank, 4 yards northwest of edge of bank, and 8 yards east of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — 0/1/ "Tall" (S 82° 32' E) o Spindle on left cupola on long bam 41 Right peak of building with cupola 82 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 83 Left comer of large 2^-story house 150 Spindle on barn cupola 160 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (4 inches diameter) 200 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 314 00 00 yi mile. 55 iK miles. 05 yi mile. 59 10 2.80 meters. 40 T.% miles. 35 iX miles. 59 20 5.65 meters. 30 3.93 meters. TALL. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Tred Avon River on a prominent point i^i miles northeast of Oxford steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among cedar and wild pear trees about 2 feet above high water 7 yards northwest of , shore , 40 yards east by nortli of shore , and 50 yards north -northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Plain" (N 25° 25' E) o Right peak of house 37 Top of roof of tower 65 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 79 Spindle on bam cupola 105 Spindle on left cupola of large bam 135 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 162 Right peak of Oxford wharf house 211 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 21S Spindle on top of water tank 240 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 308 46 40 3.08 meters. PLAIN. 00 00 ^ mile. 35 i^ miles. 17 J/i mile. 02 30 2.62 meters. 15 ij4 miles. 04 I mile . 48 30 4.65 meters. 08 i^i miles. 30 6.90 meters. iK miles. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River about yi mile west of north side of entrance to Trippe Creek, and lyi miles south-southwest of Double Mills wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 3 feet above high water, 5 yards southwest of shore, 10 yards west of shore at first water bush, and 150 yards northwest of point of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 17.90 meters S 55° 16' E of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 117 Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch stub in center of 2-inch tile pipe with top of stub projecting 12 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is another 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Spin" (N 1° 18' W) o Near peak of very large house 7 Center of cupola on wharf house at Double Mills 19 Spindle on bam cupola 34 Reference vStation 126 Spindle on left cupola on long barn 174 Windmill 203 Near peak of large house 246 46 |^ mile. Near peak of house 318 18 ^ mile. 00 00 5^ mile. 50 yi mile. 00 lyi miles. 02 lyi miles. 01 20 17.90 meters. 45 if 8 miles. 40 lyi miles. 00 00 ^4, mile. 37 I mile. SPIN. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River on a point of land between two small creeks about J^ mile northwest of entrance to Trippe Creek, and ]/i mile south-southwest of Double Mills wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in pasture land near 4 large trees about 10 feet above high water, 20 yards north by west of bank edge, 30 yards west by north of point of bank and 90 yards north- east of a slight cut in the bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Martin" (N 32° 01' E) o Left comer of large frame house 12 Nail in blaze in pine tree (34 inches diam- eter) 23 Near comer of brick house 45 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 10 Nail in blaze in holly tree (17 inches diam- eter) 180 Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (30 inches diameter) 2 13 Windmill 231 Right comer of house 278 Right comer of very long frame house 330 Cupola on Double Mills wharf house 358 MARTIN. 00 g.74 meters. K mile. 47 50 10.45 meters. 28 6.90 meters, 54 20 7.01 meters. <,5 f^mile. 13 ^ mile. 46 yi mile. 18 yi mile. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River about i mile north-northwest of entrance to Trippe Creek, and yi mile southwest of Double Mills wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long narrow point about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, 11 yards north of piling protecting shore, 30 yards northwest of extreme end of point, and 14 yards east of middle one of three apple trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center point of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. ii8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Neva" (N 24° 39 ' E) o 00 00 f^ mile. Spindle on cupola of Double Mills wharf house 4 12 }4 mile. Left peak of large 2 J 2-story house 29 27 Right comer of brick house 96 51 Nail in blaze in apple tree 224 29 Nail in blaze in apple tree (8 inches diam- eter) 234 06 20 16.72 meters Left comer large house 247 10 146 yards. Nail in blaze in apple tree (6 inches diam- eter) 2 50 47 Left comer house 313 03 Left peak of roof of house 347 41 NEVA. K mile. Ji mile. 50 21.72 meters. 89 meters. mile. mile. 03 40 5.86 meters. 03 X mile. 08 i4 mile. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River at Double Mills wharf about i}4 miles north of entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in southeast comer of a pasture about 3 feet above high water 100 yards west-southwest of Double Mills wharf 5 yards west-southwest of wire and lath fence at road, 14 yards north of bank i foot high at river, and 14 yards northwest of comer post of fence. Marks. — Observed station is center of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Robertson" (N 11° 57' E) o 00 00 |-s mile. Spindle on cupola on Double Mills wharf house 63 00 100 yards. Nail in blaze in horse chestnut tree (8 inches diameter) 89 Right comer of right chimney outside of house . 92 Right comer of brick house 152 Spindle on left cupola on long bam 173 02 2^ miles. Right comer of house 267 40 250 yards. Nail in blaze in linden tree (10 inches diam- eter) 315 58 30 20.30 meters. ROBERTSON. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Tred Avon River about ' s mile north of Double Mills Wharf and fi mile west of end of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy land about 2 feet above high water, 7 yards north of shore, 2 yards south of fence, 3 yards east of a few very small cedar trees, and 40 yards west of cedar trees on high land beyond gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above smface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • o / // "Stretch" (S 88° 57' E) o Windmill on wooden tower g Right corner of building 40 "Aye ' ' (weather vane on largest bam cupola) 46 Right comer of house 60 Weather vane on Double Mills Wharf house . . 93 Right peak of large house 116 33 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in fence post 175 05 10 4.47 meters. Nail in blaze in fence post 214 13 20 .... 2.27 meters. Nail in blaze in fence post 306 04 50 1.80 meters. 00 . 00 X niile. 47 I mile. 22 ^ mile. 18 26 5^ mile. 22 ^ mile. 29 }4 mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 1 1 9 STRETCH. General locality. — Western shore of upper Tred Avon River on Long Point at south side of entrance to Maxmore Creek about yi mile northeast of Double Mills Wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a rounded marsh point about i foot above high water, 16 yards west-northwest of shore, and 22 yards west-southwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. . References. — o / // "May" (N 71° 30' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Near peak of bam cupola 34 22 ^ mile. "Aye" (weather vane on largest bam cupola) 100 20 10 ^ mile. Right comer of quarter house 100 39 ^ mile. Right comer of large house 120 16 ^ mile. Weather vane on Double Mills Wharf house . . 154 44 yi mile. Chimney among trees 275 $1 ^ mile. MAY. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Tred Avon River about ^ s mile east of entrance to Maxmore Creek and 14, mile northeast of Double Mills wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at point of woods on marsh about i foot above high water, loyards west -north west of shore, 11 yards north of shore, and 20 yards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Peebee" (N 48° 14' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Left comer of house 10 43 f^ mile. Left comer of large house 56 43 i mile. Spindle on bam cupola 75 59 K mile. "Aye" (weather vane on largest bam cupola). 165 46 40 ^ mile. Weather vane on Double Mills Wharf house . . 190 15 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) . 269 50 00 6.81 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter). 290 09 50 9.39 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 316 15 00 6.44 meters. PEEBEE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Tred Avon about j% miles northeast of Double Mills Wharf and yi mile northwest of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 4 feet above high water, 6 yards southwest of edge of bank, 14 yards west-northwest of edge of bank, 16 yards northwest of extreme point of bank, 50 yards northeast of a clump of cedar trees, and 400 yards east of dense woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Neck" (N 28° 58' E) o 00 00 X mile. Spindle on bam cupola 32 39 X mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (16 inches diameter) 68 50 10 g. 08 meters. Left comer of house among trees 114 40 J^ mile. Left comer of frame building showing through cedar trees 193 46 i mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter). 305 54 00 16.90 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 328 43 GO 9.83 meters. Peak of building 358 14 2 miles. 1 20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. NECK. General locality. — Western shore of tipper Tred Avon River on Neck Point opposite Camden Point and about 14 mile north-northwest of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 5 yards west-southwest of shore, 12 yards north of shore, and 8 yards nortliwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting S inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Stab" (N 11° 49' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Near peak of bam 14 33 J/i mile. Near peak of large house 66 06 ^ mile. Right peak of large house 100 13 ^ mile. Left corner of large house among trees 1 70 24 J^ mile. Windmill on wooden tower 175 32 J^ mile. Near peak of house 246 31 lyi miles. STAB. General locality. — Western shore of upper Tred Avon River, on first point north of Neck Point, about T/i mile north-narthwest of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land, about 8 feet above high water, 3 yards northwest of edge of bank, 25 yards northeast of an oak tree at ravine, and 6 yards west of point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe bxiried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — , o / // "Water" (N 21° 19' E) o 00 00 yi mile. Left peak of barn , ; 15 02 lyi miles. Peak of dormer window of house 29 34 ^ mile. ' Spindle on bam cupola 99 43 fi mile. Left comer of large house among trees 140 32 1% miles. Windmill on wooden tower 143 50 lyi miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (30 inches diam- eter) 199 15 10 22.06 meters. Right peak of large bam 249 17 3-s mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 351 13 10 23.61 meters. WATER. General locality. — Western shore of upper Tred Avon River, opposite Watermelon Point, about X mile north of Neck Point, and i}i miles nortii of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field west of a broad marsh about 6 feet above high water, 2 yards west of edge of bank, 35 yards north-northwest of point of bank, 20 yards south of point of bank, and 45 yards east-northeast of inside curve of cut. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Melon" (N 83° 37' E) o 00 00 X mile. Left large chimney of house 59 15 J^ mile. Spindle on bam cupola 65 10 J/i mile. Center of cedar tree 198 39 120 yards. Left comer of house 251 33 ^'i mile. Right comer of house 293 02 yi mile. oo oo % mile. 55 ^ niile. ig X mile. 55 X mile. 21 ^ mile. Swrvey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 1 2 1 RADCLIFFE. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Tred Avon River, on point of land between Dixon Creek and Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small piece of fast land at end of marsh point, about 2 feet above high water, 11 yards nortlieast by north of shore, 15 yards north of shore, 40 yards southeast of shore, and among several pine and oak trees, Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bateman" (S 70° 22' E) o End of stable 24 Left end of boat house roof 103 Near peak of bam 122 Left chimney of house 173 Nail in blaze in pine tree (20 inches diam- eter) 192 56 50 12.59 meters. Near peak of house 206 02 % mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (12 inches diam- eter) 290 06 10 5.01 meters. Near peak of bam 337 43 }4 mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (20 inches diam- eter) 339 07 20 9.77 meters. BATEMAN. General /oca/i/j;.— Southeastern shore of upper Tred Avon River, about ■) s mile east of entrance to Dixon Creek, and lyi miles southwest of Easton Point Wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 5 yards southeast of shore, 12 yards southwest of shore, and 20 yards northeast of high land. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2-inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Melon" (841° 10' W) o 00 Left end of boathouse roof 25 18 Peak of bam 37 06 Near peak of com house 38 37 Left chimney of large house 63 45 Weather vane on large house 77 28 Middle dormer window of large house 139 25 Peak of bam 162 05 Windmill 263 34 H m lie. H m lie. K m lie. X m lie. H m lie. % m lie. H m lie. H m lie. % m lie. MELON. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Tred Avon River, on Watermelon Point, about % mile south of entrance to Dixon Creek, '^i mile north of Camden Point, and 1% miles north of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about g feet above high water, 30 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 60 yards east by south of point of bank at large cedar tree, 35 yards east of edge of bank, 150 yards northwest of a cove, and 100 yards west by south of small cedar tree at cut in bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 122 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Stab"(S47°io'W) o oo oo >^ mile. Peak of porch of house 79 03 yi mile. Weather vane on bam 112 04 f^ mile. Near peak of large bam 127 37 14 mile. Peak of left dormer window of large house .... 156 56 j4 mile. Right side of right porch pillar on house 192 56 X mile. Left comer of large chimney of house 305 26 ^/i mile. GASH. General locality. — 'Eastern shore of upper Tred Avon River on point of land between Camden Point and Watermelon Point, about J^ mile north of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 16 yards north of shore, 25 yards east-northeast of point of shore, 18 yards east-southeast of bank, 10 yards west of field, and near several large pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Camden" (S 11° 43' W) o 00 00 H mile. Left comer of near chimney of house 84 18 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (24 inches diam- eter) 123 43 50 8.30 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 203 43 50 11-93 meters. Nailinblazeinoak tree (12 inches diameter). 298 35 00 7.24 meters. Weather vane on bam cupola 318 38 Ji mile. Spindle on bam cupola 351 44 S-i mile. CAMDEN. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Tred Avon River on Camden Point at north side of entrance to a small cove, and about f/i mile north of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy grass land about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards north-northeast of sandy shore, 22 yards south-southeast of shore of Tred Avon River, 30 yards east of extreme end of point, 10 yards southeast of a mudhole, and 30 yards southwest of clump of cedar and hackberry trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of grotmd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Blossom" (S 6° 31' E) o 00 00 X mile- Windmill on wooden tower i 29 }^ mile. Left peak of long building 55 07 iX miles. Near peak of bam 179 21 Ji mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 212 39 20 27.27 meters. Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (3 inches diameter) 224 03 00 26.84 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 239 40 40 27.81 meters. Left comer of roof of house 329 14 J^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 123 BLOSSOM. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River at north side of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 14 yards east by south of shore of river, 12 yards west-northwest of shore of small elliptical cove, and 40 yards north by west of entrance to cove. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top pro- jecting 4 inches above the surface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe 24 inches long buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Wall ' ' (S 50° 07' W) o 00 00 yi mile. Weather vane on Double Mills Wharf house. . 17 03 ij^ miles. Near peak of barn 122 51 i^ niiles. Near peak between two large chimneys on large house 157 49 X ™ile- Left comer of steps on large house among trees 259 40 f^ mile. Left comer of left porch post on large house among trees 298 23 f^ mile. Windmill on wooden tower 305 38 f^ mile. WALL. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Tred Avon River on a point of land at west side of entrance to a small creek about i mile east-northeast of Double Mills Wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in pasture land about 5 feet above high water, 20 yards south of extreme edge of bank, 4 yards west of terrace, 20 yards west of shore, 18 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, and 20 yards east of gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsiu-face mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — " Aye " (weather vane on largest barn cupola) = / // (S 61° 00' W) o 00 00 f^ mile. Right corner of house 7 59 i/i mile. Weather vane on Double Mills Wharf house. . 14 49 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (30 inches diam- eter) 37 36 50 17.37 meters. Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (14 inches diameter) 154 55 20 5.03 meters. Windmill on wooden tower 231 09 Ji mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (28 inches diam- eter) 255 31 40 32.13 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (30 inches diameter) . 340 33 40" 20.96 meters. AYE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Tred Avon River about yi mile east of Double Mills Wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cupola on largest bam. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on cupola. References. — None necessary. 124 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. HUNTER. oo oo ^ mile. 39 ifi miles. 36 1^ miles. 07 X mile. 34 K mile. 57 K mile. 40 }-i mile. 18 20 3^ mile. 35 20 10.70 meters. 14 00 1 1. 18 meters. 50 50 9.02 meters. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River at south side of entrance to a cove about X mile south-southeast of Double Mills Wharf, and i mile north of entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 3 yards southwest of shore, 5 yards east-northeast of shore, 6 yards southeast of point of marsh, and 10 yards west of a clump of wild cherry, hackberry, and cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Weave" (S 27° 35' W) o Near peak between two chimneys of large house 18 Near peak of cupola on building 35 Right peak of large house 69 Peak of dormer window of large house 116 Weather vane on wharf house at Double Mills. 128 Left comer of large house 157 "Aye" (weather vane on largest barn copola) . 175 Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (5 inches diameter) 208 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (6 inches diameter) 232, Nail in blaze in leaning cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 263 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (20 inches diam- eter) 272 40 50 13.34 meters. Near peak of brick house 352 45 X mile. WEAVE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River about X mile north of entrance to Trippe Creek, and i mile south of Double Mills Wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 20 yards east of shore, 16 yards south of shore at small inlet, 6 yards west of small point on inlet, and 20 yards northeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Twin" (S 7° 23' E) o Spindle on left cupola on long bam 13 Stack of ice plant at Oxford 51 Near peak between two chimneys of large house 61 Left comer of chimney outside left end of house 92 Left comer of large house 157 Peak of near gable of large house 181 Weather vane on wharf house at Double Mills . 189 Left comer of large house 205 Left peak of house 237 00 00 ^i mile. 04 lyi miles. 05 2 miles. 35 iX miles. 28 ''/i mile. 58 Xmile. 16 I mile. 42 J/i mile. 26 ]/» mile. 58 300 yards. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. TWIN. 125 00 00 X mile. 52 . . ...... i}4 miles. 15 J/2 mile. 32 iX miles. 12 J/i mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River on point of land on north side of entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 4 feet above high water, 45 yards east-southeast of shore of Tred Avon River, and no yards northwest of shore of Trippe Creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Toe" (N 69° 34' E) o Near peak of house 4 Top of roof of tower 87 Spindle on left cupola on large bam 121 Right comer of large house 189 Left peak of house 297 01 }4 mile. Near peak of house in trees 345 37 i mile. TOE. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek on a point of land about 14 mile nortlieast of point at north side of entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34,) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 10 yards northwest of shore, 14 yards southwest of shore, 12 yards nortli of round point of shore, 12 yards west of round point of shore, and 30 yards soutlieast of cedar and persimmon trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Trippe" (N 64° 19' E) o 00 00 }i xa\\e. Near peak of house 16 03 1% miles. Near peak of house 33 06 i|4 miles. Near peak of bam 126 49 i mile. Top of tower of house 137 52 s^ mile. "Weather Bureau Staff" 166 59 50 2j^ miles. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (7 inches diameter) 227 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 250 Right comer of house 327 20 25.74 meters. 3° .68 meters, mile. TRIPPE. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek about f s mile east of Tred Avon River and J-'i mile east of entrance to a small creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 23 yards northwest of shore at entrance to slough, 30 yards east-northeast of shore, and 50 yards north by east of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 126 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Venture" (S 72° 55' E) o 00 00 Near peak of dormer window on large house . . 3 17 Left comer of large chimney 31 06 Left peak of house 93 10 Stack of ice plant 128 54 Near peak of bam 274 07 Near peak of large house 323 15 Right corner of house 335 44 VENTURE. yi mile. \% miles. yi mile. I mile. lyi, miles. yi, mile. yi mile. yi mile. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek on a point on the west side of a cove about 1 mile east of Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water on the inner edge of a strip of marsh at bottom of a bank 4 feet high, 4 yards north of shore of marsh, 8 yards north-northwest of point of marsh, 3 yards south by west of top of bank, 7 yards west of point of bank, and 6 yards west of a lone cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Plow" (N87° 47'E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (18 inches diam- eter) 6 Peak of dormer window of large house 23 Right peak of right bam 51 Left corner of left chimney of house 72 Left peak of bam 246 Spindle on right cupola of bam 314 PLOW. 00 l-i mile. 16 30 5-74 meters. 38 I mile. 10 % mile. 08 K Jnile. 17 X mile. 10 yi mile. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek on a point of land between two coves about i}^ miles from Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 yards west-northwest of shore, 25 yards north of shore, 20 yards east of extreme end of point, and 5 yards south of foot of bank 7 feet high, Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Higher" (N 79° 14' E) o Right comer of porch underpinning 32 Left peak of bam 54 Near peak of barn 103 Left comer of large chimney 117 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (2>^ inches diameter) 257 46 Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter). . 267 47 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (2>^ inches diameter) 28 00 GO X tnile. 14 yi mile. 52 I mile. 30 X niile. 10 >2 mile. 40 12.76 meters. 10 14.53 meters. 57 00 15-85 meters. Near peak of bam 345 07 fi mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 127 HIGHER. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek at east side of entrance to a cove about 1% miles from Tred Avon River entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 30 yards northeast of edge of bank, 35 yards southeast by east of row of trees, 50 yards east-southeast of point of bank and trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "AH" (S 20° 17' E) o 00 00 X mile. Near peak of hottse 9 45 }i mile. Near peak of large bam 45 04 fi mile. Left comer of large chimney 55 31 ^i mile. Nail in blaze in sassafras tree (2^2 inches diameter) 138 19 00 31.63 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 142 20 50 31.96 meters. Spindle on left one of four bam cupolas 155 19 f^ mile. Nailin blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 173 32 30 30.93 meters. Spindle on cupola 288 25 i mile. ALL. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek about ij^ miles from Tred Avon River entrance to Trippe Creek, and 300 yards west by north of a colonial house. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 35 yards southeast of shore, 35 yards east of round point of shore, 80 yards northwest of cut in shore, and 40 yards south by east of left one of nine large pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Cam" (S 70° 56' W) o 00 00 X '"i'^- Left peak of barn 38 26 iX miles. Spindle on left one of four cupolas 74 48 ]4 mile. Left comer of underpinning of Goldsborough house 184 18 300 yards. Right comer of large chimney 226 04 yi mile. Right peak of long bam 294 59 % mile. Left peak of house 333 38 % mile. CAM. General locality. — Southern shore of Trippe Creek on a prominent point about i]4 miles from Tred Avon River entrance to Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) General locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 10 yards southeast of shore, 20 yards south-southwest of point of shore , and 15 yards northeast by east of point of bank at marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.- — o / // "Deux" (S 56° 11' W) o 00 00 X ™ls- Left peak of bam showing through trees 58 53 14 mile. "Aye" (weather vane on large bam cupola). . 83 01 20 ij^ miles. Right peak of bam with cupola 112 56 ^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued . Left corner of underpinning of Goldsborough ° ' " house 196 26 ^ mile. Right comer large chimney 224 og ^ mile. Left peak of house 243 42 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 287 28 Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter) . . 313 59 Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter) . . 331 03 Left comer of large chimney 356 39 DEUX. 40 23.51 meters. 30 15-77 meters. 50 16.93 meters. Va mile. General locality. — Southern shore of Trippe Creek about 1^2 miles from Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in an orchard about 8 feet above high water, 50 yards north-, northeast of rambling house, 20 yards southeast of top of bank, 14 yards southwest of top of bank, 13 yards south of point of bank at ditch, and 3 yards east of a drainage ditch . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Crack" (S 72° 51' W) o Left peak of bam 52 Nail in blaze in pear tree (10 inches diameter) 55 Near peak of bam 81 Left peak of large bam 114 Nail in blaze in twin locust tree 119 Nail in blaze in pear tree (6 inches diameter) . 193 Right comer of house 256 Near comer of house 312 00 00 ^^ mile. 55 I mile- 26 20 7.43 meters. 49 ^ mile. 08 5 8 mile. 52 20 11.66 meters. 56 50 6. 29 meters. 20 ^8 mile. 55 51 yards. CRACK. General locality. — Southern shore of Trippe Creek on point at west side of entrance to a small creek, about iX miles from Tred Avon River entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 13 yards south of edge of bank 15 yards northeast of shore, 40 yards east of extreme end of point, and among scattering locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Mistle" (N3i°34' W) o 00 00 yivaWe.. Near peak of shed 24 45 X mile. Spindle on right one of four cupolas 55 Near peak between two chimneys on large house 78 Left comer of house 109 Right peak of bam 135 Near peak of barn 181 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 258 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 292 Nail in blaze in locust tree (2 inches diam- eter) 349 41 ]4. mile. oS i}4 miles. 03 /i mile. 14 %■ mile 59 SO mile. 20 13. 98 meters. 50 9.98 meters. 40 7.78 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. r 29 MISTLE. General locality. — Southern shore of Trippe Creek on a very long point, about yi mile east-northeast of Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 10 yards south- southeast of shore, 14 yards west by north of shore, 24 yards southwest of extreme end of point, 4 yards south of a cedar tree, and 12 yards north of a cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Layor" (S 50° 38' W) o 00 00 yi mile. Near peak of house .«. . 135 45 % mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 163 22 40 3.45 meters. Near peak of large house 183 36 5 s mile. Right comer of house 222 45 i mile. Left comer of large chimney 254 06 yi mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 302 II 20 II. II meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 331 27 00 13.42 meters. LAYOR. General locality. — Southern shore of Trippe Creek, about \i mile east of Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 50 yards south of shore, 17 yards east of bank, 2 yards south-southwest of water bushes, and 200 yards wes of large lone tree . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground . Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Borough ' ' (S 39° 05' W) o 00 00 ■• s mile. Near peak of large house 11 13 i ' 2 miles. Near peak of large frame house 44 27 lyi miles. Near peak of ell of house i66 22 yi mile. Right peak of house 300 30 ^ mile. Top of roof of tower 348 21 yi mile. BOROUGH. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Tred Avon River, about y^ mile north-northeast of entrance to Goldsboro Creek, and ' 2 mile south-southwest of entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water in cultivated land, 17 yards east-southeast of shore, 25 yards south of shore, 30 yards southwest of shore, ' s mile nortliwest of house in trees, and ' s mile west-southwest of large lone tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 53485—12 9 > I30 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. i/i mile. 43 I mile. 38 V/i miles. References. — o / /, "Golds" (S 38° 07' W) o 00 00 >^ mile. Spindle on bam cupola 52 57 2>i miles. Near peak of large house 70 07 i mile. Left comer of very large house 130 22 i^ miles. Near peak of wharf house at Double Mills. .. . 138 20 i^ miles. Right comer of large building 172 49 lyi miles. Large lone tree 202 34 yi mile. Right comer of house among trees 283 17 300 yards. Spindle on left cupola on long barn 340 52 i/i mile. GOLDS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River on a point of land between Goldsboro Creek and Mud Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard marsh about i foot above high water, 30 yards south of shore, 60 yards west-southwest of shore, and 60 yards south -southeast of point of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — . o / // "Mud" (N 78° 58' W) o 00 00 Right peak between two chimneys of large house 28 Near peak of large house 76 Near peak of large bam 92 36 i^ miles. Right comer of old house 167 39 yi mile. Left comer of large house 212 35 J/2 milt. Near peak of large house 259 21 ^ mile. Church spire 320 06 40 if s miles. Stack of iceplant at Oxford 338 06 i^ miles. MUD. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Tred Avon River at western side of entrance to Mud Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among trees on northeast point of a pasture about 4 feet above high water, 13 yards southwest of shore of pond on point, 20 yards north of end of pond, 25 yards northwest of shore of pond, and 45 yards south-southeast of a lone tree at shore of river. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Town" (N 85° 59' W) o Spindle on bam cupola 5 Near peak of 2X-story house 42 Right comer of 2|^-story house 71 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (24 inches diameter) 87 08 10 5.51 meters. Center of roof of tower 157 45 lyi miles. Nail in blaze in twin elm tree 216 59 10 8.98 meters. Spindle on cupola of long bam 220 40 J4 mile. Nail in blaze in elm tree (7 inches diameter). . 249 42 20 13.44 meters. "Weather Bureau Staff" 315 13 40 lyi miles. 00 00 X mile. 14 i}4 miles. 28 i}i miles. 42 K mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. TOWN. 131 00 00 "s mile. 23 40 5.02 meters. 12 i}/i miles. 35 I mile. 06 yi mile. 59 2^ miles. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Tred Avon River about 32 miles. ^4 mile. T f, mile. 50 25.82 meters. 40 21.61 meters. 132 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. FIRST. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River in town of Oxford about yi mile north of rail- road wharves. (vSee Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 8 feet above high water, 2 yards east-southeast of edge of bank, 4 yards east b)' north of point of bank, 4 yards northeast of edge of bank at small gully, 2 yards south of comer fence post, and 35 yards west of house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bach" (S 17° 38' W) o 00 00 54 mile. Right peak of small house 51 59 ifi miles. Right peak of modem house 67 10 ij^ miles. Left peak of small house 128 Nail in blaze in fence post 207 Nail in blaze in apple tree (20 inches diam- eter) 237 43 30 11-94 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 266 24 Windmill 346 43 BACH. 37 lyi miles. =;2 00 4.08 meters. 50 14-56 meters. hi mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of entrance to Tred Avon River on Bachelor Point about i^^ miles north-northeast of Choptank River Light. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 30 yards east of edge of bank, 70 yards north-northeast of edge of bank on range with Choptank River Light, and 100 yards south by west of edge of bank of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 16° 59' W) o 00 00 i^ miles. Tangent of Benoni Point 55 29 iX miles. Left peak of roof of house 147 25 iS-^ miles. Left corner of burnt house 166 05 zyi miles. Right comer of house 211 35 J4 mile. Left comer of left chimney on very large house 240 46 14 mile. "Large water tank" 338 00 20 2j^ miles. BOONE. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River about ^s mile northwest of entrance to Boone Creek, ' < mile southeast of Bachelor Point, and i^ miles northeast of Choptank River Light. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards northeast of edge of tree-fringed bank, 60 yards south-southwest of right corner of house, and 50 yards south-southeast of large apple tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 133 References. — "Choptank River Light" (S ^5° 54' W) o 00 00 1J4 miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 21 01 40 10.26 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 65 31 10 20.59 meters. Near peak of house 107 59 ^ mile. Right comer of house 159 12 57 yards. Near peak of house 195 28 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 323 14 00 13.02 meters. ENTER. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek on point at east side of entrance to a small cove, about yi mile northeast of Choptank River and i^ miles east -northeast of Choptank River Light. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 16 yards north of edge of bank of creek, 18 yards south-southeast of edge of bank of cove, 30 yards east-northeast of outlet of cove, and 250 yards west by south of frame house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Choptank River Light" (S 72° 00' W) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 67 05 40 39-96 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 109 17 Left comer of left chimney of house 117 35 Left comer of house 173 35 yi mile. Near comer of house 204 11 iK miles. "Large water tank" 301 37 00 2>< miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 357 13 40 23.93 meters. . STRAW. General locality. — Northem shore of Island Creek yi mile east-northeast of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 6 feet above high water, 3 yards northeast of edge of liank, 18 yards east of bank, 4 yards west of wire fence, 8 yards northwest by west of point where bank meets fence, and 5 yards south of southeast comer of a small house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 •nches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches elow base of monument. References. — "Delahay" (N 66° 10' E) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) IS Nail in blaze in locust tree (14 inches diam- eter) 72 Left peak of barn 130 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diam- eter) 221 Left comer of small house 240 26 5.94 meters. Near comer of small house 287 16 4.04 meters. Spindle on bam cupola 349 22 }4 mile. 00 lyi miles. 20 16.91 meters. 2 miles. 00 00 X mile. 43 00 4-33 meters. 08 10 7.89 meters. 54 H mile. 41 10 14.86 meters ■ 34 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. DELAHAY. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek about i mile east-northeast of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 2 yards northwest of edge of bank, 100 yards east of edge of bank of inlet, 27 yards northeast of point of bank, and 75 yards southwest of farm buildings. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of groiuid. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Kent" (N 75° 56' E) o 00 00 fi mile. Left comer of house 15 16 yi mile. Near peak of barn 25 17 f^ mile. Near peak of large modem house 122 02 i mile. Near peak of large bam 137 38 iX miles. Nailinblazeinapple tree (10 inches diameter) 165 30 40 21.08 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (10 inches diameter) 183 52 40 21.36 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (7 inches diameter) 269 51 50 10.12 meters. Spindle on barn cupola 313 09 250 yards. KENT. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek on a point about i ''/^ miles northeast of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 50 yards north west of top of bank , 80 yards east of bank, 75yards north-northeast of pointand no yards east-south- east of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Harry" (N 36° 27' E) o 00 00 J^ mile. Left comer of chimney outside left end of house 44 41 X mile. Near peak of bam 80 50 ^ mile . Peak of ell of large house 187 03 i^ miles. Near peak of building 217 54 f^ mile. Spindle on bam cupola 240 41 X niile. Near peak of large house 309 12 }i mile. HARRY. General locality. ^Horthera shore of Island Creek about i\4 miles from Choptank River. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 6 feet above high water, 9 yards northwest of edge of bank at cedar trees, 20 yards northeast of cut in bank, and 50 yards south-southwest of bank at cut in shore . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 135 References. — o / // "Charles" (N 55° 36' E) o o 00 f^ mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 11 57 00 17.38 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 39 23 00 8.81 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 78 04 30 8.04 meters. Left chimney outside of left end of house 92 16 ^ mile. Right corner of building 131 06 ^/i mile. Spindle on bam cupola 186 37 }4 mile. Near peak of building 263 45 }4 mile. CHARLES. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek about 2 miles from Choptank River. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in southwest comer of truck garden about 6 feet above high water, 6 yards north of edge of bank, 25 yards west of top of bank near locust tree, and 3 yards east of edge of a 12-foot hole 6 feet deep. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Potato" (N 78° 01' E) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 23 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 32 Near peak of small building 53 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (12 inches diam- eter) 112 Right comer of chimney on quarter house. . . . 125 Near peak of large bam 213 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 216 Left comer of barn 265 00 00 yi mile. 23 00 12.97 meters. 29 00 9.19 meters. 18 ^ mile. 27 20 4.17 meters. yi mile. 02 yi mile. 27 20 4.82 meters. 14 100 yards. POTATO. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek about 2% miles northeast of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 50 yards northwest of edge of bank, 70 yards west of shore at lowest point of bank, 70 yards north of edge of bank and 400 yards south of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ritter" (N 72° 30' E) o 00 00 >^ mile. Right comer of Ritter house 4 55 ^ mile. Right peak of large bam 56 11 J^ mile. Near peak of large bam 134 51 yi mile. Near peak of house 162 28 i^ miles. Right comer of chimney of house 194 53 ^ mile. Left peak of outhouse 321 08 ^ mile. 136 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. RITTER. General locality. — Northern side of Island Creek about 2^2 miles from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 120 yards north-northwest of nearest point of shore, 160 yards southwest by west of shore of small creek at lowest part of bank, 50 yards east of a wire fence, and 120 yards south of a fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / /> "Show" (N 50° 41' E) o 00 00 ]/im\\e.. Near peak of bam 17 51 yi mile. Left comer of large chimney of house 22 44 % mile. Right comer of vine-covered chimney 66 25 ?/| mile. Left side of tall chimney 179 43 i mile. Near peak of large bam 236 48 350 yards. Left peak of long bam 317 43 J^ mile. SHOW. General locality. — Northern shore of upper Island Creek on a point of land between two coves about 2^ miles east of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 9 feet above high water, 6 yards northwest of top of hank, and 35 yards east by north of a large cherry tree in clump of large trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Kit" (S 33° 29' E) o 00 00 "/g mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 19 01 30 7.98 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 66 41 00 16.48 meters. Left peak large house 204 52 X mile. Left comer of house 300 27 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 311 32 10.13 meters. Right comer of vine-covered house 348 00 K^ mile . KIT. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Island Creek on a prominent point extending into a bend in the creek about 2^^ miles from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 13 yards east of top of bank at trees, 20 yards southeast of point of bank, and 30 yards south of top of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Moke" (S 46° 04' W) o 00 00 X ™'l6. Nailin blaze in oak tree {8 inches diameter). . 32 44 00 11.27 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (10 inches diameter). 48 48 5° 11.73 meters. Right peak of large house 116 07 X mile. Right peak of bam 184 27 J^mile. Right comer of vine-covered house 262 41 }4 mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (s inches diameter). . 328 59 30 14.97 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 137 MOKE. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek on a prominent point extending into a bend in the creek, about 2I2 miles from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture about 8 feet above high water, 23 yards north- northwest of edge of bank, 100 yards northeast of edge of bank at point, and 100 yards southeast of edge of bank at cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Poco" (S 74° 55' W) o 00 00 }4 mile. Right comer of large chimney 27 28 ^ mile. Left comer of Ritter house 51 23 ^ mile. Left peak of large house 107 01 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) igg 04 00 29.58 meters. Left peak of large bam 208 51 l^ mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 209 47 10 34-39 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 270 56 40 22.86 meters. POCO. General locality. — Southern shore of upper Island Creek on point about 2 '4 miles from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 9 feet above high water, 70 yards east-southeast of shore at low bank, 80 yards south by east of edge of bank, 100 yards west of a point of bank, and 130 yards south by west of a point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Healey" (S 74° 26' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Windmill on wooden tower 35 36 J4 mile. • Left comer of chimney at left end of house. . 246 15 ^ mile. Peak of ell of house 318 08 J^ mile. Left peak of bam 331 48 ^ mile. Left peak of building 346 40 ^ mile. HEALEY. General locality. — Southern shore of Island Creek at west side of entrance to a cove, about ij^g miles from Choptank River. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) ^Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 11 yards west-southwest of bank fringed with trees, and 150 yards south of a point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monimient. 138 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Maslin" (S 53° 47' W) o 00 00 3-8 mile. Left peak of large bam 69 32 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (3 inches diameter) . . 126 39 50 15.68 meters Peak of house at chimney 159 37 J/2 mile. Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (5 inches diameter) 174 27 00 9.89 meters. Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (5 inches diameter) 231 16 00 19.37 meters. Near peak of bam 317 40 X niile. Right side of right chimney of house 356 06 fi mile. MASLIN. General locality. — Southeastern side of Island Creek about i'2 miles northeast of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts No. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 8 feet above high water, 95 yards southeast of shore near rail fence, 30 yards north by west of quarter buildings, 9 yards west of fence comer, 6 yards north- west by west of wire fence, 7 yards southwest by west of wire fence, and 25 yards northwest by north of a graveyard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Mean" (S 37° ig' VV) o Spindle on bam cupola 48 Left peak of bam 160 Left comer of house 294 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 feet in diam- eter) 308 17 Near comer of brick outhouse 338 37 00 00 5^4 mile. 25 Syg mile. 18 K mile. 59 68 yards. 00 12.82 meters. 40 21.38 meters. MEAN. General locality. — Southern shore of Island Creek on a point at north side of entrance to a south fork of creek, about i'4 miles east-northeast of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards east of edge of bank, 10 yards north of line of trees at edge of bank, and 12 yards northeast of point of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 77° 07' W) o 00 00 2 J^ miles. Spindle on bam cupola 39 34 ^ mile. Near peak of house 80 17 ^ mile. Near peak of bam 206 41 f-s mile. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (3 inches diam- eter) 241 53 40 13-48 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 286 16 40 8.12 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 334 39 20 12.35 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 139 JAV. General locality. — Southern shore of Island Creek about i mile east of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in northeast comer of cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 3 yards southwest of point of bank, 3 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 3 yards west- southwest of edge of bank, and 30 yards east-northeast of scattering trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 78° 47' E) o 00 00 2j's miles. Near peak of bam 40 38 J-s mile. Spindle on bam cupola 85 29 ^ mile. Near peak of house 103 54 ^ mile. Left comer of chimney outside left end of house 153 40 ^8 mile. Left peak of bam 186 13 ^ mile. Near peak of large bam 284 23 14 mile. BERRY. General locality. — Southern shore of Island Creek on a prominent point about ^' mile east of Chop- tank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 17 yards .south-southwest of edge of bank, 17 yards west-southwest of edge of bank, 21 yards southeast of edge of bank, 20 yards southeast of a small house, and 3 yards west of a line of four trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 79° 08' W) o 00 00 2 miles. Right comer of house 23 03 % mile. Right comer of house 52 15 Ji mile. Nail in blaze in apple tree (8 inches diam- eter) 100 30 10 14.62 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 119 II 30 5.92 meters. Spindle on bam cupola 139 01 J-^ mile. Left peak on long barn 170 43 i mile. Near comer of house 233 42 18.33 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (14 inches diam- eter) 252 23 30 6.94 meters. Right comer of house 282 07 ^s mile. LANDEYE. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River on point at south side of entrance to Island Creek, about i V2 miles east of Choptank River Light. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate localfty. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 15 yards east-southeast of edge of bank, 50 yards southwest of fringe of trees and bushes, 55 yards south-southwest of point of field and end of fringe of trees and bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 140 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — a 1 // " Choptank River Light" (S 83° 39' W) o 00 00 iX niiles. Chimneyof house near Bachelors Point 48 33 i^ miles. Left comer of bam 122 21 J^ mile. Left comer of bam 230 18 % mile. " Large water tank" 297 25 50 ■zVi miles. CHOPTANK RIVER LIGHT. General locality. — In Choptank River about i>^ miles southeast of Benoni Point, i mile south of entrance to Tred Avon River, and 8>^ miles east of Blackwalnut Point. (See Charts Nos. 34, 35, and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hexagonal screw-pile structure known as Choptank River Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center of lantern on Choptank River Lighthouse. References. — o / // Chlora (S 57° 04' E) o 00 00 2^ miles. ST. MICHAELS P. E. CHURCH SPIRE. General locality.— VJestem side of Miles River in town of St. Michaels at southeast comer of Talbot and Mill Streets. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on stone edifice known as St. Michaels Protestant Episcopal Church. Marks. — Observed station is center point of steeple on St. Michaels Protestant Episcopal Church. References. — None necessary. MARGO. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Miles River, about ij^ miles north-northwest of Long Point and 2 miles east of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 30 yards north of edge of marsh, 35 yards east of extreme point, and 55 yards west of bushes at edge of marsh. Cedar stub marking old triangulation station "Marengo i899"isat edge of marsh, 29.61 meters S 57° ii'W of observed station . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Reference station "Marengo 1899" is center of five copper nails in top of 5-inch cedar stub 5 feet long with top flush with the surface of the ground. References. — o / // "St. Michaels Water Tank" (N 86° 02' W). .. . o 00 00 23/8 miles. Right chimney of Fogg house 8 04 iK miles. Peak of near gable of house 17 01 2 miles. Weather vane on square tower on Dodson house 37 54 2 miles. Right tangent of point 46 46 3X miles. Persimmon tree 72 03 120 yards. Left of trees on narrowest part of Long Point . . 202 46 }4 mile. Near peak of large house with large square chimney 288 29 iX miles. Large square chimney on Dodson tenant house 298 21 I mile. "Marengo, 1899" 323 12 50 29.61 meters. Spindle on M. E. Church cupola 354 51 2 miles. "St. Michaels P. E. Church spire" 355 53 20 smiles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 141 GIBBS. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Miles River about 1 2 mile northwest of extreme end of Long Point, and i5-2 miles south-southeast of entrance to Leeds Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 17 yards north of shore. 25 yards east of shore, 20 yards northeast of extreme end of point, 35 yards west-northwest of point of woods, and 35 yards southwest of woods. > Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Long" (S 44° 29' E) o Chimney on side of roof of large building. ... 21 West peak of long building 33 Southeast chimney of house 61 Chimney outside of northeast end of Slater house 102 00 00 ].i mile. 03 if^ miles. 20 1% miles. 44 I mile. 28 I mile. Near peak of Leonard house 134 31 i}^i miles. "St. Michaels Water Tank" 151 Right chimney of house 171 Weather vane on Dodson house i8i Right tangent of Tilghman Point 191 Left tangent of Fairview Point 192 Nail in blaze in pine tree 265 Nail in blaze in pine tree 301 Nail in blaze in pine tree 327 LONG. 57 40 2^ miles. 17 3 miles. 10 2j^ miles. 41 'jl'i miles. 55 2 miles. 45 40 44-35 meters. 38 50 29.15 meters. 58 40 30.44 meters. General locality. — Northern shore of Miles River on Long Point about 'a mile southwest of entrance to Hunting Creek, and I'V miles north of railroad bridge across entrance to Oak Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cedar and pine woods about 6 feet above high water, 10 yards east-southeast of edge of bank protected by log breakwater, 1 1 yards northeast of point of bank, 4 yards northwest of edge of bank, and 30 yards northwest of point of sandy tnarsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Hunting" (N 56° 23' E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 6 Left peak of roof of house > 23 Spindle on bam cupola 103 Smoke pipe of Royal Oak railroad station. ... 131 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 181 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 235 Nail in blaze in twin cedar tree (16 inches diameter) 286 Left comer of roof of house 358 32 s-g mile. BEG. 00 00 J^ mile. 25 00 4.45 meters. 21 134 miles. lyi miles. lyi miles. 10 2.53 meters. 40 3 miles. 15 30 4.47 meters. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Hunting Creek on first prominent point north of Miles River entrance to Hunting Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in scant pine woods about 5 feet above high water, 3 yards south of bank, 9 yards northwest of bank, and 11 yards west of point of bank. 142 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Search" (N 20° 58' W) o Spindle on bam cupola 10 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diameter) 22 Front peak of large house 46 Peak of near gable of house go Left peak of roof of house 108 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter) . 164 Nail in blaze in pine tree (2 inches diameter) . 240 00 00 ^■i mile. n >i mile. 49 50 2.34 meters. 16 }i mile. 13 X niile. 29 ij4 miles. ■32 30 2.97 meters. 49 10 2.23 meters. SEARCH. mile north of Miles River. (See Chart General locality. — Western shore of Hunting Creek about No. 34.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 11 yards northwest of shore, 40 yards south-southwest of shore, 35 yards west-southwest of point of shore, 3 yards east of water bushes, 20 yards south of bushes, and 25 yards soutliwest of water bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' "Tug" (N 50° 43' E) o 00 Spindle on bam cupola 47 45 Lightning rod on house 52 01 Peak of front gable of house 74 09 Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diameter) 154 11 TUG. 00 ^ mile. } 2 mile. s s mile. 1)4 miles. 10 16.62 meters. Eastern shore of Hunting Creek about ■< mile north of Miles River. (See Chart . — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 10 yards General locality. — No. 34.) Immediate locality east of edge of bank, 32 yards nortli of extreme point of shore, 7 yards northeast of a shanty, 14 yards northwest of shore, and trees along shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hunting" (S 33° 40' E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 20 Left comer of shanty 53 Right comer of shanty 83 . « "St. Michaels Water Tank" 132 Left comer of house behind very large oak tree 185 Lett peak of ell of house 272 Nail in blaze in birch tree (5 inches diameter) 288 Nail in blaze in birch tree (9 inches diameter) 304 Right peak of bam with cupola 350 50 ^ mile. 00 00 J 2 mile. 41 00 7.74 meters. 38 7.47 meters. 08 6.64 meters. 29 00 3 miles. 12 X mile. 52 X mile. 04 00 18.48 meters. 51 10 12.84 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. HUNTING. 143 General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River on east side of entrance to Hunting Creek and yi mile northeast of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in south comer of cultivated field, about 5 feet above high water, 2 yards northwest of edge of bank with bushes, 6 yards west of edge of bank, 7 yards northeast of point of bank, 50 yards north of edge of lower land, and 200 yards south of a large barn with a cupola. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement ground projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below- base of monument. References. — a / // "Spree" (N 79° 09' E) o Left peak of house 3 Near peak of large bam 46 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 100 Spindle on bam cupola 105 Left peak of building near railroad bridge .... i ig Left tree on Long Point 154 Near peak of large building 240 Spindle on bam cupola 271 Peak of near gable on house 337 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (3 inches diameter) 339 00 00 j/i mile. 42 I mile. 35 K mile. 17 50 5.87 meters. 03 lyi miles. 46 lyi miles. 17 yi mile. 35 iK miles. 29 200 yards. 27 >4 mile. 21 10 7.98 meters. SPREE. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River, about ,'< mile east of entrance to Hunting Creek, and %■ mile northeast of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 2 yards north of shore, 15 yards west-southwest of wire fence, and 25 yards south of trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.57 meters N 2° 18' E of observed station and on line with cherry tree. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Whit "(N 60° 48' E) o 00 00 '2 mile. Left comerof boathouse 1 07 }^ mile. Near comer of large house 3 50 . . . Left peak of roof of house 38 17 . . . I mile. yi mile. Spindle on barn cupola 115 26 |^mile. 22 yi mile. 42 2 miles. Spindle on bam cupola 135 Left comerof roof of house 166 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 265 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (6 inches diam- eter) 300 Reference station 301 Right peak of colonial house 354 Nail in blaze in fence bost 358 58 00 22.08 meters. ii 23.17 meters. 30 30 IO-57 meters. 15 14 mile. 52 30 15 04 meters. '44 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, A Id. WHIT. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River on east side of entrance to a small cove about i'4 miles northeast of I^ng Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small marsh point near a small clump of cedar and hackberry trees about i foot above high water, 5 yards northwest of shore, 4 yards northeast of shore, and 6 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. "Dorrance"(N25° 25'E) o 00 00 ; mile. Nail in blaze in leaning hackberry tree (4 inches diameter) 2 Left comer of house 6 Center of windmill tower 19 Center of windmill tower 32 Near peak of house 42 Leftpeakof roof of house 126 31 }4 mile Left comerof square house 186 34 i mile Left comer of roof of house 220 Near peak of large house 257 Nail in blaze in twin hackberry tree (20 inches diameter) 291 51 40 4.49 meters, Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 325 Near peak of Dorrance house 356 56 10 8.07 meters. 39 H mile- 49 iH miles. 32 i^ miles. 55 H mile- Si K ™ile- ig 3^ mile. 35 8 meters, mile. DORRANCE. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River about iJ-s miles southwest of Miles River bridge and iH miles northeast of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 2 yards northwest of edge of bank, 9 yards west-southwest of a large tree on point of bank, 11 yards west of point of bank, and 12 yards southwest of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe, buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Tang" (N40° 20' E) o 00 00 X mile. Center of windmill tower 9 59 ij^ miles. Left comerof large house 18 06 2 miles. Near comer of Henderson house 24 22 Center of windmill on tower 25 18 Nail in blaze in hickory tree (20 inches diam- eter) 27 42 Spindle on bam cupola 62 42 Right peak of house 70 39 }4 mile. Near peak of house 136 o^ 3/^ mile. Nail in blaze in hickory tree (18 inches diam- eter) 153 18 00 5.79 meters. Right comer of house 207 10 30oyards. Left peak of small tenant house 259 04 300 yards. Near comer of Dorrance house 328 55 30oyards. Right comer of house 355 57 ^ mile. i^ miles. ii4 miles. 50 8.58 meters. 14 mile Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 145 TANG. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River at south side of entrance to a cove, about 1% miles southwest of Miles River bridge. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 20 yards north- west of shore, 25 yards north of point of shore, 35 yards west -southwest of another point of shore, and 150 yards southeast of wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Johnson" (N 40° 46' E) o 00 00 % mile. Centerof windmill tower 12 31 % mile. Right eave of Goldsborough house 21 26 1% miles. Center of windmill tower 31 37 ij^ miles. Near comer of large chimney of mansion 48 50 i mile. Right peak of Mumford house iig 57 yi mile. Near peak of roof 149 05 % mile. Near peak of Dorrance house 193 47 }4 mile- Near peak of house 288 44 % mile. Right corner of house 351 46 X ™ile- BETHEL. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River at north side of entrance to a small creek, about J^ mile southwest of Miles River bridge. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a clump of pine trees about 3 feet above high water, 9 yards south of shore of roimded point, and 20 yards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsvu-face mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Figs"(S38°4o' W) o 00 00 Jjjmile. Near peak of Dorrance house 36 02 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 56 38 00 5.76 meters. Leftcomerof second story of Lowndes house.. 87 26 ^ mile. . Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 125 54 30 4.91 meters. Centerof windmill on tower 173 a ^ mile. Leftcomerof Goldsborough house 174 39 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 197 25 40 4.74 meters. Center of windmill on tower 205 39 Yi mile. Leftcomerof large chimney 267 50 ^ mile. FIG. General /oco/j7y. —Southeastern shore of Miles River, about i mile southwest of Miles River bridge. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 12 feet above high water, 4 yards southeast of edge of tree-covered bank, and 150 yards north -northwest of large bam with two cupolas. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 53485—12 10 146 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Doctor" (S 5i°35' W) o Near peak of house ^^ Nail in blaze in hackberry tree 35 Left comer of Dorrance house 52 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 1 1 1 Spindle on cupola on hip roof on house 149 Center of windmill on tower 162 Point of tower on house 166 Left comer of Henderson house 182 Center of windmill on tower 183 Near peak of tenant house 209 Spindle on left one of two cupolas on bam .... 289 Near peak of large bam 333 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) . . 354 DOCTOR. 00 X mile. 5-1 mile. 10 8.66 meters. >2 tnile. 20 9.39 meters. }^ mile. 56 pi mile. 12 pi mile. 21 I mile. 42 I mile. 37 }4 mile. 54 150 yards. 00 X mile. 32 00 19-14 meters. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River, about i^ miles west-southwest of Miles River bridge and i^ miles northeast by east of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land back of bushes about 4 feet above high water, 4 yards southeast of edge of bank, 55 yards southwest of a wire fence, 80 yards west of comer of wire fence, 100 yards west by south of a house, and 100 yards west-southwest of a marsh point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "McConnell" (831° 17' W) o 00 00 X mile. Spindle on bam cupola 3 57 ^ mile. Near peak of house 36 41 ^ mile. Peak of house 113 Nail in blaze in bush (3 inches diameter) .... 136 Nail in blaze in apple tree (8 inches diameter) 154 Left comer of house 159 Center of tower 186 Left comer of shed 213 Nail in blaze in fence post 228 Right peak of large bam 344 Near peak of roof of house 350 McCONNELL. 30 }^ mile. 19 00 6.66 meters. II 30 17-93 meters. 17 ^2 mile. 31 i', s miles. 28 100 yards. 15 50 71-35 meters- 54 J-8 mile. 02 S/^ mile. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River, near west side of entrance to a small cove about I J-^ miles east-northeast of Long Point and i? s miles southwest of Miles River bridge. (See Chart No. 34. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 15 yards southeast of edge of bank, 20 yards south of point of bank, and 40 yards west of edge of field at trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Kirk"(Ssi°55'W) '. . . . . o Left peak of roof of house 3 Left peak of large house 28 Front peak of house 45 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 46 Spindle on bam cupola 114 00 00 yi mile. 39 2X miles. 52 H mile. 04 1^ mile. 40 20 4X miles. 02 X mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 147 References — Continued. o / // Left comer of plastered house 120 37 ^ mile. Right comer of large house 145 16 ^ mile. Right comer of house i6g 12 J/i mile. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (5 inches diam- eter) 190 40 30 39-78 meters. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (8 inches diam- eter) 213 24 40 37-57 meters. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (10 inches diam- eter) 237 57 00 53-92 meters. Right peak of bam 311 22 X mile. KIRK. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River, between two creeks about i mile east of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field, 7 feet above high water, 15 yards south- east of edge of bank, 35 yards west-southwest of point of bank covered with trees, and 40 yards west- northwest of a large sycamore tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches abcTve surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ham" (S 42° 29' W) o Near peak of large house 5 Left comer of large house 76 Highest near peak of house 94 Right front peak of large house 135 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 158 Left comer of large house 167 Center of windmill tower 178 Spindle on right bam cupola 189 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter) 203 Left peak of roof of large house 213 Nail in blaze in sycamore tree (3 feet diam- eter) 234 Spindle on barn cupola 346 Left comer of square house 355 HAM. 00 00 ^ mile. 30 i^ miles. 08 ^^ mile. 49 }i mile. 52 ^8 mile. 58 20 28.33 meters. 33 iK miles. 17 2^ miles. 36 ^4 mile. 10 37-05 meters. 16 58 ;'s mile. 30 34-98 meters. >2 mile. K mile. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River, about fs mile east-southeast of Long Point, ^ mile southeast of entrance to Hunting Creek, and X mile northeast of entrance to Newcomb Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 12 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 20 yards west-southwest of wooden fence at orchard, 63 yards north- northwest of fence at road, 70 yards west-northwest of large, square house, and 70 yards northwest of comer of fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 148 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Comb" (S 29° 52' W) o Left peak of house 32 Near peak of large house 62 "St. Michaels P. E. Church spire" 80 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 82 Near peak of house 113 Left comer of house 146 Front peak of large colonial house ....; 175 Nail in blaze in fence post 187 Near comer of large house 195 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (24 inches diam- eter) 230 Left comer of house 250 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (24 inches diam- eter) 255 Spindle on bam cupola 305 Large, long sycamore tree 359 COMB. 00 00 }4 mile. 17 i}4 miles. 08 i^ miles. 30 50 3X miles. 09 20 3>'<{' miles. 17 1}^ miles. 00 f^ mile. 06 ^ mile. 33 20 17-32 meters. 43 3 miles. 54 00 21.67 meters. 47 73 yards. 51 50 36.78 meters. 51 ^8 mile. 17 X mile. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River about ■-» mile north of entrance to Newcomb Creek and 3-^ mile northeast of railroad bridge across entrance to Oak Creek. (See Chart No. 34.") Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 35 yards southeast of edge of bank, 30 yards east of edge of bank, 45 yards north of edge of bank on range with point, and 300 yards southwest of large lone sycamore tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above the stuface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hall" (S 42° 06' W) o 00 00 ^4 mile. Left peak of house 31 22 ij^ miles. "St. Michaels Water Tank" 75 56 30 3 s-^ miles. Chimney outside of left end of Fogg cottage. . 8c 56 3'/^ miles. Weather vane on tower of Dodson house 95 57 4 miles. Cupola on bam 122 11 iVg miles. Left comer of house 146 52 i mile. Large lone sycamore tree 168 36 300 yards. Windmill in range with house 187 18 1J-4 miles. Stack of cannery 317 48 J^ mile. Spindle on bam cupola 325 59 ],4 mile. HALL. General locality. — Southern shore of Miles River about 100 yards west of west end of railroad trestle across entrance to Oak Creek, and 100 yards east of Royal Oak railway station. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in marsh about i foot above high water, 30 yards southwest of shore, 40 yards south of shore, 85 yards west-northwest of shore at comer of shed, and 35 yards north- northeast of near rail of railway track. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above the surface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 149 References. — o / // "Bamett" (N 39° 14' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. Center of tower on Dodson house 7 37 4^ miles. Chimney of middle of Hall Building 28 03 2^ miles. Near chimney of Speck house 62 40 i^ miles. Chimney of Dorrance house 71 47 2^ miles. Chimney on southeast end of house 108 32 X niile. Left tangent of shed 147 08 85 yards. Northwest peak of bam 165 55 ^ milt. North peak of Kirby house 234 38 X mile. Chimney of house 281 37 X mile- Chimney on railroad station 299 12 100 yards. Left chimney of house 330 38 BARNETT. >2 mile. General locality. — Southern shore of Miles River about 3^ mi'^ northwest of entrance to Oak Creek, and Z4 mile southeast of entrance to Spencers Cove. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 9 yards southwest of shore, 12 yards northwest of shore, 18 yards west -northwest of extreme end of point, and 8 yards north- east of foot of a bank 6 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above stuiace of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Maiden" (N 26° 26' W) o Cupola of Rieman bam 16 Left chimney of Hall house 25 Near chimney of house 76 Windmill 85 Left chimney of house 93 Near chimney of square roof house 102 Spindle on cupola on bam 140 Southwest peak of barn 162 Nail in blaze in oak tree (26 inches diameter). 177 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 228 Nail in blaze in pine tree (16 inches diam- eter) 256 MAIDEN. 00 00 }4 mile. 16 2|^ miles. 57 2 miles. 47 iX tniles. 05 2 miles. 46 2 miles. 21 1^4 miles. 28 I mile. 36 J4 mile. 12 50 9.22 meters. 16 40 5.04 meters. 20 10.29 meters. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Miles River about J 2' mile west of Long Point and 2 K miles southeast of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is just outside of a fringe of trees near a small marsh skirting the shore on a point about 3 feet above high water, 3 yards south of shore, 5 yards northeast of foot of bank, 7 yards east of point of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.34 meters S 16° 57' W of observed station. Stone monument marking "Miles River" (1899) is 38.22 meters S 48° 29' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe 3 inches above surface of groiuid. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. New reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siu'face of ground. Old triangulation station (Miles River, 1899) is center of cross lines on 6-inch square top stone monument. i5o Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot Comity, Md. References. — "Stony" (N 48° 53' W) Right chimney of house Weather vane on Dodson house Left tangent of woods on Fairview Point .... Cupola on Rieman barn Northwest chimney of house Weather vane on bam cupola North chimney of house Large square chimney on old house " Miles River iSgg, ' ' stone monument Chimney on near side of roof of large building . West peak of large building near draw Reference station (cement monument). . . Nail in blaze in cherry tree (22 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) Chimney of Slater house o 00 00 yi mile. 5 01 2|^ miles. iS 25 2^ miles. 32 34 2% miles. 42 46 2 miles. 55 21 i^A miles. 69 32 ij^ miles. 128 13 2% miles. 143 04 iJ-< miles. 180 24 00 38.22 meters. igo 48 iji miles. igS 07 1% miles. 245 50 40 4.34 meters. 259 04 50 4.86 meters. 310 27 20 3.37 meters. 335 IS 20 3-73 meters. 353 23 H mile. STONY. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Miles River on point at east side of entrance to Spencer Cove about ij^i" miles southeast of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in clump of large oak and birch trees about 8 feet above high water, 14 yards south of shore, i6yardssouth-southwestof apoint and i2yards west of another point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Millwind" (N 31° 16' W) o Weather vane on tower of Dodson house 7 Near peak of cupola on Rieman bam 50 Peak of west gable of Hall house 63 Spindle on cupola of house 80 10 iJ4 miles Tangent of trees 162 22 X ™ile. Nail in blaze in white oak tree (9 inches diameter) 213 Nail in blaze in holly tree (13 inches diam- eter) 242 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diam- eter) 317 04 Flagstaff on water tank 334 33 00 00 i>2 miles. 41 2X miles. 21 i^i miles. 47 1^ miles. 20 4.51 meters. 00 g.43 meters. 33 10 12-34 meters. i}4 miles. Left chimney of house 342 59 i}4 miles. CHLORA. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River, on Chlora Point, about 1J2 miles south- southeast of entrance to Island Creek, i,',' miles northwest of entrance to La Trappe Creek, and 23-s miles southeast of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Ivimediate locality. — Observed station is about 8 feet above high water, 6 yards east-northeast of edge of bank, 9 yards south of wire fence, and 18 yards north of edge of bank at walnut tree. Cement monument marking reference station is meters N 78° 43' E of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Add. 151 39 i miles. 00 9.01 meters. 10 6.91 meters. 10 16.70 meters. Mark^. — Observed station is hole in center of cement-filled tile pipe 4 inches diameter with top about 2 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above the surface of the ground. References. — "Choptank River Light" (N 57° 03' W) . . . . o Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (3 inches diameter) 74 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 129 Reference station 135 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (14 inches diam- eter) 220 Near peak of house 254 53 3 miles. Spindle on cupola 267 24 2^ miles. "Large Water Tank" 294 46 30 i>^ miles. TRAPPE. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River, at west side of entrance to La Trappe Creek, about 1% miles southeast of Chlora Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy gravel point about 3 feet above high water, 4 yards north of shore, 6 yards east-northeast of shore, and 17 yards south by east of large cedar tree. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.62 meters N 47° 40' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of grotind. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Lan" (N 25° 07' E) o Cedar tree 11 Red beacon 96 Right chimney of house 130 "Black Beacon" 145 Northerly peak of Travers Wharf house 196 Center of smaller water tank 241 "Large Water Tank" 241 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (20 inches diam- eter) 294 Reference station 350 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (22 inches diam- eter) 353 23 40 15.99 meters. 00 00 yi mile. 05 35 yards. 50 00 X rnile. 16 3 miles. 54 40 X mile. 15 2J/S miles. 02 2^ miles. 44 30 2^i miles. 50 7.23 meters. 40 12.62 meters. LAN. General locality. — Northwestern shore of La Trappe Creek, about J^ mile north of Choptank River. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tree-fringed high land about 10 feet above high water, 8 yards southeast of shore, 85 yards north of shore, and 105 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface :>i ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 152 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talhol County, Md. References. — ° "Rice" (N 60° 09' E) o Near peak of bam 16 Chimney of abandoned house 41 Chimney of i^-story house 47 Peak of metal-roofed bam 62 Chimney of house in trees 69 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 185 "Large Water Tank" (Castlehaven) ig8 Chinmey on small house 235 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter). 292 00 00 ^i mile. 13 Jimile. 40 3-^ mile. 44 3/g mile. mile, mile. 30 12.46 meters. 00 2]/^ miles. Vi mile. 39 00 26.39 meters. Near peak of bam 336 14 ^ mile. RICE. 00 00 }i. mile. 23 30 21.00 meters. 22 125 yards. 01 14 mile. General locality. — Northwestern shore of La Trappe Creek, about yi mile northeast of a wharf and ^ mile north-northeast of Choptank River. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tree-fringed cultivated land, about 3 feet above high water, 28 yards south of shore, 15 yards south of edge of marsh and cultivated land, and 50 yards west of a small creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of grotmd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Gis" (S i4°38' W) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 12 Chimney between two i-story houses 57 Near peak of bam 91 Chimney of small house 205 01 150 yards. Near peak of bam .' 254 34 3 1 mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 255 54 40 19.23 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 314 02 20 11-99 meters. INEZ. General locality. — Eastem shore of La Trappe Creek, on soutliwestem shore of a small cove about % mile northeast of Choptank River. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on high land in pasture field about 10 feet above high water' 3 yards south of edge of tree-fringed bank, and 125 yards northeast of small house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of tri;mgle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top about 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Gis" (S 60° 27' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Chimney of i j-2-story house 3 22 125 yards. Near peak of abandoned house 19 36 125 yards. Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (3 inches diameter) 41 31 20 11. 11 meters. Point of dairy roof 82 20 X mile. Chimney of i^-storj' house 87 28 ]4, mile. Peak of roof of small house 122 59 X mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 1 53 References — Continued. o / » Peak of bam 130 00 J-s mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 151 ig 40 3.44 meters. Peak of bam 282 34 yi mile. Right chimney of house in trees 302 19 X mile. "Black Beacon" 339 49 40 J^ mile. GIS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of LaTrappe Creek, about % niile south of a wharf, and ^ mile northeast of Choptank River. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh point about i foot above high water, 11 yards southeast of shore, 13 yards north of shore, 20 yards northeast of shore, and 30 yards north of high cultivated land. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu"ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Grubin" (S 20° 49' W) o 00 00 ...... J^ mile. "BlackBeacon" 14 34 50 fi mile. Red Beacon 20 09 30 y% mile. Chimney of house 93 09 ]/i mile . Left chimney on house 149 29 yi mile. Chimney between two small houses 161 51 X niile. Near peak of i^-story house 180 36 f^ mile. GRUBIN. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on east side of entrance to La Trappe Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy marsh back of gravel beach, about i foot above high water, 13 yards east of shore, 13 yards south of shore, 20 yards southeast of extreme end of point, and 100 j'ards northwest of pond. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Howard" (S 1° 21' W) o 00 00 2^-^ miles. South peak of Travers Wharf house 45 02 3 miles. "BlackBeacon" 51 56 10 X fil^. Center of smaller water tower 86 56 3 miles. " Large water tank " 87 49 30 2j^ miles. Red Beacon 90 47 10 ^ mile. South peak of shed 153 07 ^ mile. Near peak of bam 181 58 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in stump (7 inches diameter)... . 194 47 40 12.17 meters. Chimney of house 199 51 }4 mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter). 225 34 30 12. 04 meters. BLACK BEACON. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River off entrance to LaTrappe Creek, about if^ miles northeast of Horn Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a cylindrical foundation known as LaTrappe Creek outer light. Morfe^.— Observed station is center point of lantern on LaTrappe Creek outer light. References. — None necessary. 154 Survey of Oysler Bars, Talbot County, Md. HOWELLS. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Howells Point about 1% miles east of Honi Point, 2 miles north of entrance to Jenkins Creek, and 2 miles northwest of Hambrooks Bar Beacon. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long grassy gravel point about 3 feet above high water, 50 yards south-southeast of old fish shanty and trees, 25 yards south of highest level part of land, 1 1 yards west of shore, 3 yards east of shore, and JS^" mile north of extreme end of point. Cement monument mark- ing reference station is 22.82 meters N 17° 53' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of cedar stub in center of 4-inch tile pipe with top of pipe 4 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement mon- ument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground . References. — ■ ° "Red"(N78°26'E) o South peak of Kirby Wharf house 12 ' ' llambrooks Bar Beacon " 44 Flagstaff on boathouse 57 " Dicks Water Tank" 62 "Cambridge Standpipe" 69 Spindle on bam cupola 137 "Large water tank" 209 " Black Beacon " 251 22 Nail in blaze in dead locust tree (15 inches diameter) 285 21 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 294 01 Nail in blaze in pin oak tree (11 inches diam- eter) 297 59 Reference station 299 26 00 00 ij^ miles. 35 2 miles. 16 50 2 miles. 19 T.j/i miles. 22 10 li/i miles. 41 10 3X miles. 22 i^ miles. 51 40 3f^ nriles. 22 20 lyi miles. 50 9.83 meters. 40 13-67 meters. 10 27.28 meters. 40 22.82 meters. RED. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River at eastern side of Dickinsons Bay, about iS/| miles east-northeast of Howells Point and J^ mile northwest of Kirby Wharf. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land on first high bluff upstream from Howells Point, about 12 feet above high water, 8 yards northeast of edge of bank, 10 yards north of edge of bank, and 10 yards east of edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 23.65 meters N 89° 58' E of observed station and almost on line with east chimney of house. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub in center of 2-inch tile pipe with top of pipe 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Hambrooks Bar Beacon "(83° 39' E) o 00 00 iji miles. " Cambridge Standpipe" o 30 10 3 miles. "Dicks Water Tank" 19 34 50 ij<' miles. Center of silo tower 51 "Large Water Tank" .- 102 Near peak of bam with two cupolas 14S Reference station 229 East chimney of house 229 38 X mile. Near peak of large bam 282 07 ^ mile. Right peak of Kirby Wharf house '. 308 26 fi mile. Near peak of hospital 348 39 3^ miles. " East Cambridge Tall Stack" 351 07 40 3 miles. ,^8 ... 3 miles. .32 50 ... . . . 4f^ miles. 28 ... I mile. 16 20 . . . . . . 23.63 meters. Survey_ of Oyster Bars, Talbol County, Md. 155 DOUBLE. Genera} locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River nearly opposite Cambridge about i mile north. west of entrance to Bolingbroke Creek and !}< miles east of Hambrooks Bar Beacon. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on point of marsh separated from field by a row of locust trees about 12 yards northeast of shore, 20 yards north of shore, 14 yards east of shore, and 30 yards south of a large wild-cherry tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "East Cambridge tall stack" (832° ^^' W). . . o "Dicks Water Tank" 51 "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 60 " Large Water Tank" 76 Chimney of house 107 Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (24 inches diameter) 142 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 177 Chimney outside of near end of house 177 Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (4 inches diameter) 207 Spindle on barn cupola 248 Chimney of house 320 Spindle on cupola 347 Near peak of hospital 354 00 00 1^ miles. 44 20 2 miles. 01 00 1J.2 miles. 25 40 6f4, miles. 34 2}i miles. 08 30 26.69 meters. 10 40 24.92 meters. 29 y2 mile. 20 40 34.66 meters. 23 Kmile. 47 2% miles. 55 2 miles. 52 i^i miles. BOLING. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on an island in entrance to Bolingbroke Creek about 3^ mile northwest of Chancellors Point and 2 miles east-northeast of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 3S-) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in rushes on a sandy marsh about 3 feet above high water, 6 yards northeast of shore , 7 yards north of shore , 8 yards east of shore , and 160 yards northwest by north of entrance to Bolingbroke Creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.- — a / /r "East Cambridge Tall Stack" (S 60° 19' W). . o 00 00 i^-g miles. Chimney outside of left end of mansard-roof house 33 II 2^ miles. Flagpole on boathouse 37 05 2j^ miles. " Hambrooks Bar Beacon " 44 30 00 2 J^ miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 134 40 30 26.53 meters. Nail in blaze in old cedar stump (13 inches diameter) 191 39 Near peak of barn cupola 249 14 Near peak of bam 270 14 i^^ miles. Chimney of house 294 34 1J/2 miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (11 inches diameter) 300 25 40 4.56 meters. Chimney of house 313 10 if^ miles. 00 5.29 meters. I V miles. 156 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbul County, Md. REAR. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River about yi mile northwest of Chancellors Point ;ind '/i mile southeast of entrance to Bolingbroke Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field on bluff about 12 feet above high water, 65 yards north of edge of bank, no yards northeast of edge of bank and trees, 160 yards east of edge of bank, and 95 yards northwest of bottom of gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Barber" (N 35° 22' E) o Near comer of square cupola 27 Chimney of house 78 Near peak of bam cupola 105 Near peak of large barn 136 Left peak of large bam 177 Bam cupola 214 "Cambridge Standpipe" 221 " Hambrooks Bar Beacon " 255 "Large Water Tank" 257 Chimney of house 280 Chimney outside near end of house 288 00 00 I mile. 51 H mile. 16 jyi miles. 00 1}^ miles. 08 ij-s miles. 19 ij^ miles. 22 2 miles. 13 50 2K miles. 40 50 3 miles. 19 00 8>i miles. 15 iX miles. 83 1^4 miles. CHANCELLOR. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Chancellors Point about f^ mile north of entrance to Hurst Creek and |^ mile southeast of entrance to Bolingbroke Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass point about i foot above high water, 35 yards west of shore, 35 yards northeast of shore, 60 yards north by west of extreme end of point, 13 yards south of line of cedar stumps, 27 yards southeast of large lone pine tree, and almost on range of Cambridge Standpipe and left peak of hospital. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.70 meters N 31° 31' W of observed station and almost on line to large lone pine tree. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub in center of 4-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground . Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Cambridge Standpipe " (S 78° 00' W) o 00 00 2 J^ miles. Reference station 70 29 10 4.70 meters. Nail in blaze in lone pine tree (16 inches diam- eter) 71 00 00 24.74 meters. Southeast comer of square cupola 115 45 350 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar stump (16 inches diam- eter) 122 Chimney of house 216 Near peak of house 245 Chimney on left end of house 282 Chimney of house 328 Nail in blaze in small pine tree 350 32 50 12.40 meters. 38 iX miles. 53 i^ miles. 44 '. . i}i miles. 52 if4. miles. 04 40 23.26 meters. Left peak of hospital 359 06 2^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BARBER. 157 General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Choptank River about i mile north-northeast of Chancellors Point and about ]/% mile west-southwest of Goose Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 2 feet above high water, 12 yards north- northwest of county road and shore, 45 yards west-southwest of a cabin on the county road, 25 yards west of two cedar trees just across road, and 65 yards south of a wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Duck" (N75°49'E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 5 Smokepipe on wharf house 35 Near peak of house 57 Northwest peak of house 92 00 00 ^'8 mile. 04 50 19.17 meters. 48 i}/^ miles. 06 iK miles. 22 1}^ miles. Chimney on left end of house 116 41 2X miles. 33 H mile. 40 350 yards. 58 40 36.42 meters. 12 30 36.01 meters. 15 21.96 meters. 16 =;o 20. 12 meters. Near peak of house with square cupola 133 Large lone tree 208 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter) 209 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (5 inches diameter) 323 Near corner of bam 347 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 359 DUCK. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Goose Point 3,4 mile north of Oyster Shell Point and 1^ miles northeast of Chancellors Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on edge of sand beach on lower part of point about on level with high water, 15 to 20 yards southeast of a group of cedar and persimmon trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.61 meters N 28° 19' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Jam" (N 35° 54' E) o 00 00 ijs miles. Left peak of large bam 46 01 ij'4 miles. Center of roof of house 82 31 lyi miles. Smoke pipe on wharf house 115 Left peak of bam cupola 160 Near corner of square chimney of house 174 Chimney of house 192 Near comer of square cupola on house 197 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (2 inches diameter) 238 59 Reference station 295 47 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 297 48 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 332 27 52 J4 mile. 21 2 miles. 03 2^ miles. 50 4 miles. .... iJ8 miles. i6 40 21.22 meters. 30 12.61 meters. 50 15.20 meters. 20 14.28 meters. 158 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. JAM. General locality. — Western shore of Choptank River on Jamaica Point opposite entrance to Warwick River. (See Chart No. 35.) hnmediaU locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 3 feet above high water, 25 yards west -north west of end of wharf, 7 yards north of county road, 1 1 yards northeast of county road, 13 yards south of shore, 8 j'ards west -southwest of shore, and 30 yards north by east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Spindle" (N 14° 53' W) o Chimney outside near end of house 16 Chimney of large house ig "Wick" 76 Chimney of house 82 Left chimney of large brick house go Left comer of wharf house g5 Right comer of wharf house 108 Nail in first plank on level part of wharf no Near peak of large bam 144 Chimney of house 171 Near peak of house 202 Near peak of house near wharf 211 Right peak of bam cupola 218 00 00 3-8 mile. T,:^ 2 miles. 46 00 2 miles. 04 3^ mile. 48 '*i3^ miles. I '-2 miles. 20 49-8i meters. 46.85 meters. 50 24. g4 meters. I'i' miles. 2 miles. 51 2% miles. 21 2 miles. 30 2j^ miles. Near comer of fence 26g 38 mile. SPINDLE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Choptank River about 3 j' mile north of Jamaica Point Wharf. (See Chart No. 35.) Note. — This triangulation landmark was destroyed before this publication was prepared, and therefore it is not described, although its name and location are shown on Chart No. 35. BANK. General locality. — Western shore of upper Choptank River about i mile north-northwest of Jamaica Point and 1^4 miles southwest of entrance to Cabin Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field on a tree-fringed bluff about 20 feet above high water, 10 yards northwest of edge of bluff, 10 yards west of edge of bluff, and 12 yards north of edge of bluff. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° , "Raccoon" (N ig° 26' E) o Left chimney of modem house 5 Nail in blaze in branch of double oak tree (12 and 18 inches diameter) 34 Chimney of house in woods 54 Chimney of shanty in woods 86 Chimney of house 103 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter). . 124 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 161 Front peak of house 168 00 00 ^ s mile. 55 1% miles. 56 40 7.03 meters. 30 I ;^ miles. 07 \yi miles. 23 1% miles. 13 10 8.55 meters. 00 10 2 1. 1 1 meters. 29 yi mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 159 RACCOON. General locality. — Western shore of upper Choptank about ^/g mile south of entrance to a small creek, i>2 miles north of Jamaica Point, and i mile west of entrance to Cabin Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is between 2 clumps of trees on sandy marsh about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards northwest of shore, 12 yards west of shore, 16 yards north of shore,' and 200 yards southwest of woods beyond marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Blind" (N 52° 15' E) o Chimney outside near end of house 34 Near peak of modem house 41 Chimney of house 77 Near peak of house 105 09 2 miles. Chimney of house 113 14 3^ miles. Near peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house 120 42 i'^ miles. Left comer of house 144 31 i mile. GO 00 J^ mile. 22 \% miles. 07 \yi miles. 59 i3-^ miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (10 inches diameter) . 155 Nail in blaze in large pine tree (12 inches diameter) 204 Nail in blaze in oak tree ( 10 inches diameter) . 329 Chimney outside near end of house 350 BLIND. 21 50 12.66 meters. 45 40 37.12 meters. 46 20 26.50 meters. 04 fs mile. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Choptank River about % mile west-north west of entrance to Cabin Creek, and 2 miles north of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point between river and line of locust trees about I foot above high water, 11 yards north of shore, 15 yards west of shore, 16 yards northeast of shore at duck blind, and 25 yards east by north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Up" (N 6i°44' E) o Chimney outside of near end of old house .... 47 Peak of side gable of modem house 57 Right peak of Jamaica Point wharf house ... 131 Chimney on house 162 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 201 23 50 10.28 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 226 52 20 7.53 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 270 o5 10 5.72 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 322 04 50 14.25 meters. UP. 00 00 J4 mile. 17 I mile. 24 i^ miles. 24 2 miles. 44 iX miles. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Choptank River about 54 mile north of entrance to Cabin Creek and 2 J-^ miles north-northeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — ^Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 55 yards northwest of extreme end of point, 25 yards west of shore, and 20 yards north of shore. i6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. oo oo ' i mile. 14 I mile. 10 J-s mile. 45 I mile. 45 ij/i miles. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 8 inches above surface of marsh. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Myrtle" (S 60° 25' E) o Peak of side gable of modem 34 Chimney of old house 36 Tangent of point 77 House Ill Tangent of point 122 02 yi mile. House 273 00 lyi miles. Tangent of point 305 .15 175 yards. MYRTLE. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Choptank River about >2 mile north of entrance to Cabin Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 17 yards east of shore, 20 yards south of extreme end of point, 15 yards southwest of small gut, and 250 yards west of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Hut" (S 7° 47' W) o Left peak of old bam 6 Tangent of point 32 Chimney of house 53 Chimney outside east end of house 78 Near peak of shanty 157 Stack of cannery at Choptank 180 Left peak of house 194 19 2^^ miles. Tangent of point 203 56 X mile. Right peak of roof showing over woods 314 37 }4 mile. Large lone pine tree 333 11 300 yards. HUT. 00 00 ^ s mile. 41 >s mile. 14 3^8 mile. 01 2 miles. 42 j)4 miles. 18 J^ mile. 51 2}4 miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Choptank River on north side of entrance to Cabin Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 yards east of shore, 50 yards northwest of shore, 20 yards northeast of extreme end of point, 90 yards southwest of a hut, and 80 yards south-southwest of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "House" (S 46° 38' W) o Chimney of house 25 Chimney outside of house 60 Cupola on bam 132 Right comer of hut 173 Chimney outside near end of old house 242 Peak of near gable of modem house 281 Right peak of old bam 337 00 00 3^ mile. 27 i|^ miles. Zi iX miles. 48 2>2 miles. 53 20 90 yards. 13 H mile. 42 % mile. 43 H mile. Stirvey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. HOUSE. i6i General locality. — Eastern shore of Choptank River about '4 mile south of entrance to Cabin Creek. I mile north of entrance to Warwick River, and on south side of a small cove. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 14 yards south of shore, 26 yards SDUtheast of shore, 35 yards soutliwest by west of shore and mouth of small creek in marsh and 175 yards north of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Saw" (S 6° 22' W) o 00 00 j'smile. Two pine trees 5 4g Left peak of shanty 126 Chimney outside near end of house 131 Near peak of house 137 Tangent of point 172 Stack of cannery at Choptank 189 Near peak of house 193 Near peak of shack 219 Cut in woods 348 49 lyi miles. 06 i}4. miles. 29 lyi miles. 07 % mile. og 4 miles. 59 4X miles. 48 % mile. 16 14 mile. SAW. General locality. — Eastern shore of Choptank River about )4 mile northeast of entrance to Warwick River, and i mile northeast by east of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 22 yards east of shore, 26 j'ards southeast of shore, 37 yards northeast of shore, 200 yards west -northwest of dense woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe, buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° / // "Wick" (S 19° 01' W) o 00 00 >^ mile. Right peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house ... . 24 57 i mile. Left comer of very wide chimney on brick house 32 Right comer of railing on roof of house 70 Chimney of house 86 Near peak of house 135 Chimney outside left end of house 152 Cupola or steeple 181 Near comer of brick house 311 14 iJ4 miles. 36 lyi miles. 44 1)4 miles. 04 iX miles. 42 2 miles. 04 00 5 miles. 51 >2 mile. WICK. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Choptank River on northern side of entrance to Warwick River, about ^ mile northeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observ'ed station is on sandy ridge between beach and marsh, about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards northeast of shore, 10 yards north of shore, 9 yards east of shore, 100 yards southeast by east of extreme end of point, and 35 yards northwest of two pine trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.26 meters N 25° 00' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub with top flush with the surface of the ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . 53485—12 II I 62 Survey of Oysicr Bars, Talhol County, Md. References. — ° "War"(S2°o8'E) o Near peak of house in trees 2 Smoke pipe on wharf house 27 Tangent of Goose Point 45 Right peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house .... 62 Right comer of very wide chimney on brick house 68 Left comer of cupola on roof 115 Near peak of house 167 Reference station 207 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 296 Right pine tree 325 WAR. 00 00 Js mile. 21 fi mile. 13 2}A miles. 55 lyi miles. 2g i/i mile. 42 T/i mile. 10 lyi miles. 00 2^ miles. 07 20 8.26 meters. 10 30.06 meters. 20 400 >'ards. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Choptank River on southern side of entrance to Warwick River, about X mile east-southeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on northern side of point of marsh about i foot above high water, 45 yards south of shore, 35 yards southeast of shore, 45 yards east of shore, and 35 to 45 yards south- west to west of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.95 meters S 12° 18' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of cedar stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Gander" (S 11° 26' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. Chimney of house 17 12 2 miles. Smoke pipe on wharf house 23 00 i^ miles. Left chimney of small house 26 05 2 miles. Square cupola on large house 45 53 3X miles. Left peak of house 66 Right comer of very wide chimney on brick house 96 Left peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house 105 Chimney of house 132 Near peak of house 157 Nail in blaze in pin oak tree (10 inches diam- eter) 186 Nail in blaze in pine tree (11 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) Reference station II lyi miles. II I mile. 01 ^4 mile. 50 if^ miles. 00 2^ miles. og 50 42.26 meters. 212 30 40 41.75 meters. 245 .30 31.45 meters. \ 267 ,3.S6 Chimney of house 353 GANDER. 30 30.11 meters. 20 4.95 meters. I mile. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Choptank River 3 s mile southwest of entrance to Goose Creek about 1^8 miles east-northeast of Oystershell Point and about i >i miles south-southeast of Jamaica Point. (vSee Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in an uncultivated field on bank about 6 feet above high water, 19 yards east of edge of bank, 23 yards northeast of edge of bank, 33 yards southeast of edge of bank, and 155 yards west of two large cedar trees at a paling fence. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 163 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — 0/1/ " Chief" (S 9° 44' W) o Chimney of house 28 Smokepipe on wharf house 40 • Chimney of house 50 "Cambridge Stand Pipe" 62 Chimney outside of house 113 Right chimney of house 135 Nearpeakof Jamaica Point Wharf house 147 Chimney of house 148 Chimney of house 164 Tangent of point 172 Right end of roof of long barn 235 Black walnut tree 282 Chimnej' of house 344 CHIEF. 00 00 Yi mile. 22 T.% miles. 14 \yi miles. 00 4>2 miles. 46 50 5J^ miles. 39 iX miles. 48 iX miles. 14 \yi miles. 54 2yi miles. 24 3X miles. 50 % mile. 04 i/i mile. 36 200 yards. 59 X mile. General locality. — vSoutheast shore of Choptank River on a narrow neck of land between Choptank River and Indian Creek, about i mile east of Oystershell Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grass strip between Choptank River and Indian Creek about 2 feet above high water, 15 yards south of river shore, 11 yards north of creek shore, 20 yards south- east of river shore, and 25 yards southwest of river shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Shell "(S 85° 11' W) o 00 00 I mile. Smokepipeon wharf house o 42 3^ mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 13 37 10 11.76 meters. Right comer of railing on house 78 32 2 miles. Near peak of house gi 47 3^^ miles. Right comerof square chimney 114 47 X mile. Near comerof bam 144 05 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 167 07 Stack of cannery 208 56 Peakof house between two chimneys 253 32 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) Near peak of cottage % mile. 10 22.07 meters. 20 y%, mile. 14. mile. 04 50 1.3.81 meters. 58 I mile. SHELL. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Choptank River on Oyster Shell Point about X mile south of Goose Point and iX miles east-northeast of Chancellors Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 100 yards north of rail fence, 55 yards southwest of shore, 75 yards south of shore, 400 yards west of a wharf, 250 yards west by north of a small house near the shore, 50 yards west by north of comer of fence. Cement monument marking reference statiDn is 2.27 meters N 83° 07' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above the surface of the ground. 1 64 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Whitehall" (841° 55' W) o Lone tree 29 "Cambridge Standpipe" 35 Right comer of square cupola 39 Rkkerence station 54 Chimney on left end of house 83 Near peak of large house 150 Near peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house 158 Right peak of building 177 Chimney on house 205 Smoke pipe on wharf house 221 Near peak of shed 265 Near peak of house 280 WHITEHALL. 00 00 5-8 mile. 12 225 yards. 39 00 4X miles. 24 lyi miles. 57 50 2.27 meters. 10 i^ miles. 53 lyi miles. 17 ij/i miles. 29 2^ miles. 20 iX miles. 13 X mile. 40 150 yards. 06 300 yards. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Choptank River about 's mile southwest of Oj'stershei Point, and i^s miles east of Chancellor Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point among water bushes about 12 yards south- southeast of shore, 13 yards south-southwest of shore, and 15 yards east-southeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groxmd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Ferry" (S 55° 08' W) o Chimney of house 10 "Cambridge Stand Pipe" 27 Right of square cupola 46 Left chimney on long house 99 Chimney outside near end of house 137 Near peak of large building 144 Front peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house . . . 150 FERRY. 50 00 i^ miles. 2%' miles. 22 40 4 miles. 16 lyi miles. 58 iX miles. 20 iji miles. 31 2j^ miles. 00 2X miles. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River near east side of entrance to Hurst Creek about 2^4 miles east of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand beach about on level with high water, 92 yards east-northeast of Hurst Creek, i yard southeast of shore, and 6 to 10 yards northwest to north of several low cedar trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.74 meters S 50° 12' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in pine stub in center of 2-inch tile pipe with top of pipe 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "E. Cambridge Tall Stack" (N 81° 21' Wi. . o 00 00 2^2 miles. " Hambrooks Bar Beacon " 24 05 10 3J 2 miles. Near peak of large house with cupola 79 37 i mile. Near peak of bam cupola 99 22 2 miles. Near peak of Jamaica Point Wliarf house ... 116 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (11 inches diameter) 193 Reference station 211 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 242 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (16 inches diameter) 279 23 3,H miles. 07 00 6.82 meters. 09 00 16.74 meters. 42 50 8.32 meters. 49 00 9.76 meters. Chimney of house 338 10 i^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Taibot County, Md. 165 SHOAL. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River near entrance to a small creek about i mile east-southeast of Cambridge and I's miles west-southwest of Chancellors Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods on a point of land about 10 feet above high water, 50 yards east of edge of bank, 6 yards southwest of wire fence at edge of high land, 7 yards south of wire fence. 11 yards west of wire fence, 13 yards west-southwest of large double oak tree, and 90 yards east of a marsh point at a creek. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.08 meters S 23° 44' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground . Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Cambridge" (N 46° 31' W) o 00 00 li^" miles. Large chimney of house 25 55 3^8 miles. Spindle on bam cupola 61 31 ij^ miles. Left chimney of house 84 09 2 miles. Near peak of bam with cupola 106 11 1J-4 miles. Nail in blaze in large double oak tree 120 03 20 ii-3i meters. Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (8 inches diameter) 205 53 40 10.96 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 224 26 30 8.05 meters. Reference; station 250 15 40 6.08 meters. Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (17 inches diameter) 304 19 20 3.19 meters. Flagstaff on boatliouse 358 43 2>2' miles. E. CAMBRIDGE TALL STACK. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River in the town of Cambridge on the east side of Cambridge Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is tall square brick smokestack at plant of Cambridge Manu- facturing Co. Marks. — Observed station is center of stack. References. — None necessar)*. E. CAMBRIDGE SPIRE. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River in town of Cambridge on the east side of Cam- bridge Creek and the south side of Maryland Avenue. (See Chart No. 35.) Note. — This triangulation landmark was torn down before this publication was prepared and there- fore it is not described, although its name and location are shown on Chart No. 35. CAMBRIDGE STAND PIPE. General locality. — Southwestern side of Choptank River in the town of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 35-) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on standpipe on the north side of High Street near Pine Street. Marks. — Observed station is center of cylindrical water standpipe with ornamental railing on top. References. — None necessary'. CAMBRIDGE. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on a point about ■'4' mile southeast of Ham- brooks Bar Beacon and ''2 mile northwest of Cambridge steamer wharf. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above above high water, 30 N'ards west of shore, 35 yards south of shore at cut, 40 yards southwest of shore, and 3 yards southwest of barbed-wire fence running northwest and southeast. 1 66 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Command" (N 50° 20' W) o 00 00 yis mile. "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 36 12 00 ^ mile. Southwest peak of Kirby Wharf house 58 27 i^ miles. Chimney outside of south end of house 107 00 ij^ miles. Near one of four chimneys on large square house 133 26 2X miles. Right chimney of large house on Chancellors Point 146 Weather vane on hotel 235 Chimney of house 328 Flagpole 354 Flagpole on boathouse 359 27 2j^ miles. 36 K ™ile. 03 ^ mile. 09 }i mile. 24 % mile. HAMBROOKS BAR BEACON. General locality. — Southern side of Choptank River about X mile offshore from point of land known as Hambrooks Bar, about 2 miles southeast of Howells Point, and i>2 miles northwest of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a cylindrical foundation known as Hambrooks Bar Beacon. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Hambrooks Bar Beacon. References. — None necessary. COMMAND. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River about }4 mile west-southwest of Hambrooks Bar Beacon and about i\4 miles northwest of Cambridge Wharf. (vSee Chart 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point inside of a fence line about 2 feet above high water, 18 yards southeast of shore, 16 yards south of shore, 25 yards southwest of shore, and 150 yards northwest of a boathouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Choptank River Light" (N 49° 40' W) .... o 00 Nail in blaze in fence post 5 ^:^ Near peak of large building 16 45 Nail in blaze in fence post 65 08 Left chimney of house with three dormer windows 68 Near peak of Kirby Wharf house 86 "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 121 Near peak of large house 153 Flagstaff on boathouse 183 "Dicks Water Tank" 266 Nail in blaze in fence post 328 Left chimney of old house 331 " Large Water Tank " 347 00 (>}4 miles. 30 10-85 meters. 2X miles. 20 II. 01 meters. 28 i]/i miles. 40 lyi miles. 17 50 >2 mile. 10 3 miles. 20 150 yards. 29 30 yi mile. 25 40 17-23 meters. 53 2j^ miles. 03 10 5 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 167 DICKS WATER TANK. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River near Hambrooks Bar about J j mile southwest of Hambrooks Bar Beacon, and }{ mile west of extreme end of Hambrooks Bar. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on water tank. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on top of water tank. References. — None necessary-. HOWARD. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River, 2 miles southeiist of Horn Point, and about ,'4 mile northwest of entrance to Jenkins Creek. (Sec Chart No. -55.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land on bluff about 12 feet above high water, 25 yards southwest of edge of bluff, 30 yards south of edge of bluff, 35 yards west of edge of bluff, 45 yards west-northwest of comer of fence dividing field from marsh , and 65 yards northeast of the south one of two small poplar trees in field. Mark?. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 16 00 6 miles. 3' 2 miles. 50 2^i miles. II 30 2J-8 miles. 52 3'-4' miles. 53 3 miles. 57 40 i'2 miles. References. — ° "Choptank River Light" (N 36° 14' W) . . . . o Near peak of barn 30 " Black Beacon" 32 Red Beacon 34 Near peak of low house in trees 79 Near peak of Kirby Wharf house go "Dicks Water Tank" 109 Left chimney of house 115 00 i mile Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diam- eter) 125 Nail in blaze in locust tree 144 Nail in blaze in locust tree 188 Near peak of bam 245 Right peak of house 317 Right peak of old house 351 TOOT. 34 03 50 37-49 meters. 50 45.66 meters. 40 63.83 meters. ^ mile. ^ mile. i5^ miles. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on Horn Point about i^s miles west of Howells Point, and at eastern side of entrance to Lecomptes Bay. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 7 feet above high water, 15 yards soutli of shore, 13 yards sjuthwest of shore, and 20 yards west of shore, and near but not on highest point of ground. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.38 meters S 3^° 34' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of stub in 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above the surface of the ground. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (N 34° 15' W) . ... o 00 00 43 s miles. Kast peak of large bam 57 02 2>^ miles. Large chimney of house 68 Red Beacon 71 " Black Beacon" 73 Near peak of house 88 Nail in blaze in elm tree 147 Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter) . 200 Nail in blaze in oak tree (20 inches diameter) . 246 miles. 00 2 miles. 30 1*8 miles. 2 miles. 40 5.48 meters. 10 4.70 meters. 10 16.89 meters. 1 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued. ° Reference station 247 Chimney of house 293 Chimney outside of house 331 " Large Water Tank" 344 Near comer of boathouse 351 LE COMPTE. 49 CO 12.38 meters. 21 lyi miles. 19 lyi miles. 41 10 2}i miles. 52 2yi miles. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on southwestern side of Lecomptes Bay about iX miles west-southwest of Horn Point, 5^ mile northwest of Travers Wharf, and X ™il^ southwest of mouth of Lecomptes Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 18 yards west of point of shore, 14 yards south-southeast of shore, 5 yards east-southeast of turn in shore at beach, 7 yards northeast of a pool, 10 yards northwest of cut in shore, and 115 yards southeast of near one of two large cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Grubin" (W 56° 00' E) o 00 00 3^ miles. "Black Beacon" o 12 10 2^ miles. Bam cupola g 10 North peak of wharf house 6g 02 ^ mile. North peak of house 106 43 ^ mile. Left one of two large cedar trees 248 12 117 yards. Spindle on barn cupola 2S0 48 X mile. Chimney outside of house 303 44 ^-i mile. Red Beacon 358 07 20 3>'s miles. LARGE WATER TANK. General locality. — Soutliwestem shore of Choptank River at Castle Haven about 2],4, miles south of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on water tank on high steel tower near bams at Castle Haven. Marks. — Observed station is center point of windmill on water tank. References. — None necessary. CASTLE. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on Castle Haven Point on north side of Castle Haven Creek about 2 miles south-southwest of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.') Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a narrow neck of land, about 25 yards south -southwest of shore of Choptank River, 20 yards north of shore of cove, 22 yards west of bathhouse, and 100 yards east-northeast of three poplar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — or// "Choptank River Light" (N 25° 41' W) o 00 00 2 miles. Right comer of house near Bachelor Point. . . 19 Left comer of bathhouse 95 Near comer of bathhouse 109 Near peak of house 122 Right peak of boathouse at Castle Haven 27 3 miles. 31 20 21.42 meters. 32 20 19.83 meters. 56 3 miles. Wharf. 215 04 yi mile. Right comer of chimney of brick house 254 18 14, mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. COOK POINT WINDMILL. 169 General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Baj- on Cook Point between Tripps Bay and Cook Point Cove about i}i miles southeast of end of point. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on windmill over smaller and west one of two water tanks west of a bam on Cook Point farm. Marks. — Observed station is center of windmill over smaller tank. References. — None necessary-. BRANNOCK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay between Choptank River and Little Choptank River on the southern shore of Brannock Bay about 7 miles southeast of Sharps Island Light. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on high land about 8 feet above high water, 11 yards south of shore, 7 yards south of edge of bluff, 8 yards north of rail fence on far side of county road, 50 yards east of bend where road leaves shore and runs toward farmhouse and 150 yards northeast of a farmhouse. Mark?. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top pro- jecting about 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // Sharps Island Light (N 54° 34' W) o Near peak of house on Cook Point 38 "Cook Point Windmill" 45 Right chimney of house in trees 83 Between two chimneys on large part of house . 104 Outside chimney on near end of house 108 Center one of three chimneys of house 142 Tangent of right end of bam roof 150 Center one of three chimneys on house 163 Right peak of house 203 Left chimney of iji^a -story house across creek . . 210 Near peak of bam _ 285 Tangent of Mills Point 343 43 J^ mile. Tangent of left end of Sharps Island Hotel .. . 352 12 similes. 00 CO 7 miles. 18 3,''2 miles. 3i 3° 2,' 2' miles. 15 2 miles. 31 I mile. 06 I mile. 03* I mile. 49 I mile. 16 3^ mile. 34 2 miles. 47 2 miles. II }-4 mile. ROBINS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Hills Point at northeast side of entrance to Little Choptank River about 6 miles south-southeast of Sharps Island Light. (See Charts Nos. ^6 and Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above high water. 40 yards northeast by north of edge of bluff, 45 }'ards east by north of point of bluff, 65 yards south by east of edge of bluff in range with Sharps Island Light, and 140 yards north by west of wire fence at bluff. .Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sharps Island Light" (N 34° 11' W) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 5 Left chimney of house 76* Near peak of barn 87 Tallest chimney of house 91 Near peak of bam 222 Tangent of end of woods on Taylor Island . . 229 00 00 6 miles. 43 20 37.11 meters. 25 J/s mile. 14 )4 mile. 22 ^ mile. 52 5.5^ miles. 14 SX miles. lyo Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued. o / // Chimney of house on James Point 247 10 3^ miles. Tangent of James Point 248 3 miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 336 32 30 28.22 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 353 18 50 30.90 meters. Tangent of right side of hotel on Sharjjs Island 356 39 4^ miles. JAMES (];.ITTLE CHOPTANK RIVER). General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on northeast end of James Island at south side of entrance to Little Choptank River. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 8 yards west of shore, 11 yards northwest of shore, 85 yards south of shore, and 75 yards east of pine woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 19.48 meters S 84° 17' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe profecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu-ied with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Robins" (N 23° 14' E) o 00 00 2j^ miles. Near peak of house 12 37 3X miles. Chimney on near end of house 48 42 3^^ miles. Near peak of bam 8g 01 4X miles. Near chimney of house on Hooper Point 100 36 3 miles. Left peak of long bam , 107 05 3^^ miles. Near peak of barn 146 09 2!'. 108 Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 187 Near peak of 2>^-story house 308 Chimney outside right end of house 340 Chimney outside near end of house 356 00 00 2% miles. 13 40 13.81 meters. 55 20 3 miles. 03 00 3.57 meters. 42 yi mile. 20 10 8.21 meters. 25 J/i mile. 33 2 miles. 46 2X miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. DOT. 171 General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on Todd Point about 3 miles east of Cook Point and 3X miles southwest of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 4 feet above high water, 55 yards west-southwest of shore, 30 yards south-south\vest of edge of bank. 40 yards south by east of point where bank meets marsh, 70 yards south by west of extreme end of point, and 200 yards northeast by north of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. "Choptank River Light" (N 56° 26' E) o " Large Water Tank" 37 Near peak of house 42 Near peak of building 72 Chimney outside right end of house 102 Chimney outside near end of house 175 Left chimney of house on Cook Point 212 "Sharps Island Light" 218 Church spire 250 Left peak of house 277 Near peak of barn 290 09 7K miles, Cupola on house 333 02 3^8 miles 00 00 3J4 miles. 36 00 3;-2 miles. 45 234" miles. 49 2}4 miles. 18 ij-^ miles. 25 200 yards. 24 2% miles. 32 40 7>< miles. 04 40 7X miles. 10 7X miles. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the surv^ey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Com- missioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delinea- tion on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in coopera- tion with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the corners of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyster-bar boundaries by competent engineers. There- fore the additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the published definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accuracy and very little to the convenience of practical use of the descriptions of the oyster-bar boundaries. 172 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. ij^ As provided by law the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight Unes, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to complicated 14-sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sides have varied in* length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the corners of the boundaries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they arr located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made, and the magnitude of the work with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the sur\'ey for both the present and the future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, and the one by which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name, in parentheses, is given the general locality of the oyster bar and the serial number of the "Maryland Oyster Chart" on which its legal boundaries are shown.' First column. — This column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the comers have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clock- wise direction around the bar. Where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the comer of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definition of the location of 1 These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. 174 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their loca- tion have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing" ' and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station,"^ gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corre- sponding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing" and "Distance" of the "Corner of bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of "Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars: one, to determine whether the buoys marking the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments pos- sessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. ^ The mean magnetic variation for Talbot County was 6" lo' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. ^ Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 1 75 (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not famiUar with. this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrographic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one bfest suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take "Poplar Island" oyster bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3," is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Valliant" and "Haddaway," as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner, is 58° 17', and the angle between "Haddaway" and "Bloody Point Bar Light" is 120° 05'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree, the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor (position finder), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circumstances any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three land- marks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the boundary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. 1 76 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot Comity, Md. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the protractor. The second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant, then the other, until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree .with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic location of a point is attained. In fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the Commission. (3) Magnetic bearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State Fishery Force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer can take compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination,' and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared alto- gether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the cor- rected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks for which the bearings are published have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used. This can be done by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying these new bearings in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic hearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass gan be set over the point marking a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination) given in the fifth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a ' The mean magnetic variation for Talbot County is 6° 10' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of s' yearly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Aid. 177 second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The inter- section of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. The instrument is placed over a "triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the "Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of 0° 00' 00" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. POPLAR ISLAND. {Chesapeake Bay — Off Poplar Island — Charts Nos. J7 and jj.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 45 43- 52 76 23 47. 66 S N N 62 30 E 47 03 E 2 S3 E N 62 29 W S 47 03 W S 2 53 w Yards. I, 902 ii 510 8,697 Poplar South. Valliant. Bloody Point Bar Light. 2 38 45 53- 47 76 24 iq. 45 S N N 64 20 E 70 22 E 8 41 E N 64 19 W S 70 23 W S 8 42 W 2,801 2,065 8,448 Poplar South. Valliant. Bloody Point Bar Light. 3 38 47 45. 44 76 23 17.97 S s N 5 57 E 64 14 E 4 iq W N q S7 W N 6i i2 W S 4 19 E 3.099 s. 587 4,589 Valliant. Haddaway. Bloody Point Bar Light. 4 38 47 32. 65 76 22 13. 67 S s N 26 26 E 59 04 E 22 II w N 26 26 W N 59 04 W S 22 12 E 5.897 3.888 5.408 Great. Haddaway. Bloody Point Bar Light. 53485—12 12 178 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. LOWS POINT. (Eastern Bay — Charts Nos. JJ and JJ.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back o / // / // / / Y'ards. " 38 47 09. 33 76 21 17. 76 sS 14 20 E vS 56 s2 E N 46 ii E N 14 20 W N 56 52 W S 46 43 W 4,639 2, 21Q 7- 453 Great. Haddaway. Kemp Tower. 2 38 47 41. 86 76 21 16. 85 vS 38 27 E N 53 15 E N 37 00 W N 38 27 W S 53 16 W S 37 02 E 2,949 6,332 5,882 Haddaway, Kemp. Bloody Point Bar Light. 3 38 48 26. 00 76 ig 35. 90 N 46 20 E N 62 38 W S 12 20 W sS 46 21 W S 62 41 E N 12 20 E 3,331 6,984 3,888 Kemp. Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway. 4 38 48 07. 05 76 18 50. 23 N iq 02 \V N 62 32 W S 32 48 VV S ig 03 E S 62 35 E N 32 47 E 6,979 8, 349 3,759 Straight. Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway 5 38 47 16. 80 76 20 36. 40 S 27 37 E N 41 42 E N 39 44 W N 27 37 W S 41 44 w S 39 46 E 1,654 6,497 7;80Z Haddaway. Kemp Tower. Bloody Point Bar Light. MARYS DELIGHT. (Eastern Bay — Chart No. JI.) / // , / Yards. I 38 48 54. 24 76 iq 00, 67 N 47 42 E N 72 26 W S 20 20 W S 47 43 W S 72 29 E N 20 ig E 2, 001 7,481 5, 067 Kemp. Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway. 2 38 49 01. 93 76 19 31.72 N 64 42 E N 72 26 W S 10 38 W S 64 42 W S 72 28 E N 10 38 E 2, 544 6, 622 5, 097 Kemp. Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway. 3 38 49 32. 84 76 19 33-63 N 81 19 W S 8 22 W N 88 54 E S 81 22 E N 8 22 E S 88 54 W 6,335 6,118 2,351 Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway. Kemp. 4 38 49 05. 28 76 18 55- 67 N 54 oS E N 75 27 W S 20 17 W S 54 09 w S 75 29 E N 20 16 E I, 664 7, 505 5,461 Kemp. Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS continued. WADKS POINT. (Eastern Bay — Chart No. J/.) 179 CO. Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar t Forward Back I 38 50 03. 28 76 18 29. 62 s N N 52 41 E 70 04 E 46 27 W N 52 41 W S 70 06 W S 46 26 E Yards. 1,242 3.836 3.S90 Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Straight. 2 38 5° 15-25 76 18 55. 22 S N N 55 II E 78 06 E 43 18 VV N 55 10 W S 78 06 W S 43 19 E 2, 026 4,375 3-127 Kemp Tower. Ricli Neck Water Tank. Straight. 3| 1 38 5° 53- 78 76 18 28. 07 N S S 71 10 W 21 o5 E 83 39 E S 71 II E ' N 21 OS W N 83 38 W 3,023 2.632 3,587 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 4 38 50 23. 54 76 17 59-43 N S N 61 05 W 7 37 E 77 29 E S 61 07 E N 7 37 W S 77 31 w i 4,129 1,449 2,878 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 5 \ \ 38 50 06. 52 76 18 12. 44 S N N 31 49 E 69 13 E 51 51 w N 31 49 VV S 6g 13 W S 51 52 E I, 015 3,373 4, 161 Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Straight. SEDGE MARSH. {Eastern Bay — Chart.No. JJ.) / // / Yards. I 38 50 45- 88 76 17 35- 05 N 73 43 W S II 38 W S 86 34 E S 73 45 E N II 38 E N 86 33 W 4,436 2, 235 2,166 Straight. Kemp Tower, Rich Neck Water Tank. 2 38 50 50- 10 76 17 51- 70 N 73 55 W S 18 W S 73 57 E N 18 E 3,975 Straight. Kemp Tower. S 84 02 E N 84 01 W 2, 615 Rich Neck Water Tank. 3 38 51 og. 90 76 17 29.38 N 84 2s W s II 19 vy S 65 01 E S 84 25 E N II 19 E N 65 01 W - 4,429 3,059 2,225 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 4 38 51 04. 26 76 17 20. 17 N 82 22 W S 16 43 VV S 67 06 E S 82 23 E N 16 42 E N 67 04 W 4, 693 2,934 I, 927 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. i8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATUR.M. OYSTER BARS — Continued. RICH NECK. {Eastern Ba) — Chart No. J7.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back o / // / // / / Yards. I 38 51 32-93 76 17 03. 04 N 71 12 W S 71 14 E 4,844 Mouth. S 18 s6 W N 18 55 E 3,993 Kemp Tower. S 37 38 E N 37 38 W 2,166 Rich Neck Water Tank. 2 38 51 59- 14 76 17 42. 52 N 79 n W S 79 12 E 3,609 Mouth. S 3 07 w N 3 07 E 4,667 Kemp Tower. S 67 31 E N 67 30 W 3,445 Dixon. Then ce along county boundary as lelineated on Chart No. ^ I to comer No. 3. 3 38 52 II. 20 76 17 26. 07 N 86 08 W S 86 10 E 3,987 Mouth. S 7 44 w N 7 44 E 5,114 Kemp Tower. S 57 54 E N 57 55 W 3, 246 Dixon . 4 38 51 46.33 76 16 48. 83 N 77 24 W S 77 26 E 5,083 Mouth. S 21 33 w N 21 32 E 4,546 Kemp Tower. S 23 38 E N 23 3& W 2,367 Rich Neck Water Tank. TILGHMANS POINT. {Eastern Bay — Charts Nos. jl and J2.) I 38 5 I 30. 20 76 16 15. 27 S S S 34 45 W 2 14 E 68 50 E N N N 34 44 E 2 14 W 68 49 W Yards. 4,484 I, 625 947 Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Dixon. 2 38 5 I 45-94 76 16 26. 10 S S S 28 18 W 9 12 E 53 15 E N N N 28 17 E 9 12 W 53 14 W 4,788 2,183 1,459 Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Dixon. 3 38 5 2 12.40 76 15 41.00 N N S 14 45 E 30 40 W 15 25 W S S N 14 46 W 30 41 E 15 25 E 4,898 3,653 3, 161 Parsons Island Water Tank. Needle. Rich Neck Water Tank. 4 38 52 39. 22 76 15 25. 84 N N vS II 52 E 45 19 W 8 57 W S S N II 52 W 45 20 E 8 57 E 3,693 3,181 2, 702 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. S 38 5 2 ji- 74 76 15 II. 38 N N S 5 35 E 46 43 W 18 21 W S S N 5 35 W 46 44 E 18 21 E 3,884 3,631 2,547 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. 6 38 5 2 11.48 76 15 iq. 40 N N S 7 23 E 37 28 W 18 48 W S S N 7 23 W 37 29 E 18 48 E 4,588 3,997 1,832 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. UPPER HARRIS CREEK. (Harris Creek — Charts Nos. ji, js, and 34.) Cor- Latitude [ Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G of bar Forward Back I 38 46 20. 52 76 16 36. 33 N 6 14 W N 49 45 W S 81 33 W S 6 14 E S 49 46 E N 81 34 E Yards. 622 478 478 Mink. Grace . Koot. 2 38 46 21. 22 76 16 56. 08 N 28 49 E N 59 05 W S 60 13 W S 28 50 W S 59 05 E N 60 13 E 326 419 Grace. Rabbit. Fox. 3 38 46 25. 20 76 16 56; 02 S 49 22 w S II 43 E N 89 03 E N 49 22 E N II 43 W S 89 03 W 615 773 Fox. Koot. Bozman. 4 38 46 40. 40 76 16 34. 90 S 34 34 W S 23 21 E N 64 51 E N 34 34 E N 23 21 W S 64 52 W 900 545 568 Koot. Bozman. Pink. S 38 46 45. 96 76 16 34.38 S 16 26 E N 8s 53 E N 25 52 E N 16 26 W S 83 53 W S 25 52 W 716 503 711 Eozman. Pink. Clump. 6 38 47 08. 22 76 16 17.43 S 4 19 E S 71 55 E N 46 04 E N 4 19 W N 71 55 W S 46 OS W 699 414 423 Pink. Miller. Otto. 7 38 47 35- 76 76 16 22. 00 N 83 08 W S I 51 W S 78 00 E S 83 08 E N I 51 E N 78 00 W 245 692 441 End. Lawn. Rod. 8 38 47 34. 78 76 16 09. 12 N 83 54 W S 28 49 w S 8 03 E S 83 54 E N 28 49 E N 8 03 W 586 752 608 End. Lawn. Otto. 9 38 47 03. 04 76 16 08. 03 N 43 32 W N 80 40 W S 20 32 W S 43 32 E S 80 40 E N 20 32 E 568 392 558 Lawn . Clump. Pink. UPPER HILL. (Eastern Bay- -Chart No. 32 ) I 38 51 52.53 76 15 12. 90 N 4 36 E N 34 20 W S 34 50 W S 4 37 W S 34 21 E N 34 49 E Yards. 5, 206 4, 616 1.334 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. 2 38 52 03-54 76 15 17. 66 N 6 26 E N 35 46 W S 23 28 w S 6 27 W S 35 47 E N 23 27 E 4.848 4,240 1.599 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. 3 38 52 05- 52 76 15 10. 08 N 4 08 E N 38 26 W S 28 37 W S 4 09 W S 38 26 E N 28 36 E 4.763 4,308 1.747 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. 4 38 51 54. 60 76 15 05-40 N 2 28 E N 36 49 W S 39 29 W S 2 28 W S 36 50 E N 39 29 E 5. 124 4,674 I, 5°9 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. I 82 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. liOUNDARIES OK NATURAL OYSTER UARS— continued. ALDRIDGES DISCOVERY. {Miles River — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation o( bar Forward Back station I 38 5' 31-38 76 14 40. 4S S S S 74 32 W N 74 31 E 4 16 W i N 4 16 E 22 19 E 1 N 22 18 W Yards. 1,432 3,503 5,019 Dixon . Seth. Sara. 2 38 51 43. 26 76 14 40. 48 s s s 64 II VV : N 64 10 E 7 17 W 1 N 7 17 E 18 18 E N 18 18 W 1,706 3,925 5,313 Dixon. Seth. Sara. 3 38 51 3i- 94 76 14 32. 18 s s 75 42 W I N 75 42 E II 20 W I N II 19 E 17 02 E 1 N 17 02 W 1 1,894 3,650 4,946 Dixon . Seth. Sara. HORSESHOE. (Miles River— Chart No. 32.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 51 30.28 76 14 25. 02 S S S 87 39 W 14 41 w 15 18 E N 87 39 E N 14 41 E N 15 18 W I, 019 3,573 4,776 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 2 38 51 38.50 76 14 25. 80 S S S 72 16 W 13 21 w 14 42 E N 72 16 E N 13 20 E N 14 42 W I, 048 3,836 5, 049 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 3 38 51 39. 40 76 14 08. 86 S s s 76 24 W 19 30 w 9 38 E N 76 24 E N 19 29 E N 9 38 W 1,486 3,992 4,985 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 4 38 51 31. 18 76 14 08. 08 s s s 87 II W 21 13 W 9 57 E N 87 10 E N 21 12 E N 9 57 W 1,467 3, 739 4,707 Pearson. Seth. Sara. TURTLE BACK. {Miles River — Chart No. J2.) I , . 38 so 55- 28 76 14 15. 54 N 48 05 W S 26 56 W S 16 26 E S 48 06 E N 26 55 E N 16 26 W Yards. 1,70s 2,5S2 3,572 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 2 38 50 56. 28 76 14 22. 26 N 44 39 W S 22 58 W S 18 57 E S 44 39 E N 22 58 E N 18 S7 W 1,553 2,508 3,657 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 3 38 51 16. 84 76 14 13. 96 N 72 34 W S 21 45 w S 13 08 E S 72 34 E N 21 44 E N 13 08 W 1,374 3.233 4,265 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 4 38 SI II. 18 76 13 58. 00 N 70 49 W S 29 56 w S 7 52 E S 70 49 E N 29 55 E N 7 52 W 1,833 3,244 3,999 Pearson. Seth. Sara. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SEA TURTLE. {Miks River — Chart No. 32.) 183 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance ot bar Forward Back station I 38 51 02. 58 76 15 23. 66 N 30 37 E N 39 03 W S 61 55 W S 30 37 W S 39 03 E N 61 54 E Yards. 1-037 759 1,471 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. 2 38 51 07.98 76 15 26. 28 N 40 03 W N 45 07 W S 54 33 W S 40 03 E S 45 07 E N 54 33 E 927 577 I, 508 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. ■' 38 51 13- 84 76 15 06. 67 N 8 .;2 E N 77 14 W S 58 27 W S 8 52 W S 77 15 E N 58 26 E 519 949 2, 048 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. 4 38 51 08. 58 76 15 03- 15 N I 04 W N 69 12 W S 64 03 W S I 04 E S 69 12 E N 64 03 E 690 1,089 2,04s Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. BOZMAN NECK. {Miks River — Chart No. 32.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 50 31. 80 76 15 13-30 N 7 31 E S 7 31 W 1,947 Pearson. N 24 47 W S 24 47 E 1,792 Dixon. N 77 36 W S 77 37 E I, 609 Rich Neck Water Tank. 2 38 50 47. 10 76 15 33- 18 N 28 51 E S 28 51 W 1,615 Pearson. N II 33 W S II 33 E I, 135 Dixon. S 80 44 w N 80 44 E I, 061 Rich Neck Water Tank. 3 38 50 53-96 76 15 23- 76 N 24 09 E S 24 09 W 1,296 Pearson. N 28 23 W S 28 23 E 1, 001 Dixon. S 72 45 W N 72 45 E 1,356 Rich Neck Water Tank. 4 38 50 44, 02 76 15 10. 12 N 6 25 E S 6 25 W 1,528 Pearson. N 34 3° W S 34 30 E 1,474 Dixon. S 87 41 W N 87 41 E 1,656 Rich Neck Water Tank. 5 38 50 35- 58 76 15 06. 92 N 2 45 E S 2 45 w 1,804 Pearson. N 31 31 W S 31 31 E I, 760 Dixon. N 82 51 W S 82 S2 E I, 7.S3 Rich Neck Water Tank. 1 84 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. HAMBLETON HILL. (Miles River— Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back , „ / // , . Yards. I 38 49 54. 92 76 14 28. 06 N 16 28 W S 73 so W N 80 53 E S 16 28 E N 73 49 E S 80 54 vv 3.309 860 2,579 Pearson. Seth. Herr. 2 38 50 10. 40 76 14 47. 90 N 8 S4 W S 21 39 W S 87 S3 E S 8 54 E N 21 39 E N 87 52 W 2,685 819 3-071 Pearson . Seth. Herr. 3 38 50 40. 48 76 14 OQ. 46 N 41 06 W S 36 33 W S 61 14 E S 41 07 E N 36 32 E N 61 14 W 2,173 2, 2IO 2, 345 Pearson. Seth. Herr. 4 38 50 44. 92 76 13 48. 08 N 53 15 W S 44 ig W S 49 24 E S 53 15 E N 44 18 E N 49 24 W 2,487 2, 691 1,964 Pearson . Seth. Herr. 5 38 50 31-34 76 13 45- 54 N 46 37 W S 53 00 W S 60 04 E S 46 38 E N 52 59 E N 60 03 W 2,834 2,439 1,644 Pearson. Seth. Herr. 6 38 so 15.46 76 14 13. 72 N 27 57 W S 52 15 W S 82 32 E S 27 57 E N 52 14 E N 82 31 W 2,808 I, 522 2,186 Pearson . Seth. Herr. WEST END. {Miles River — Chart No. 32.) / // / // / , Yards. I 38 49 43. 94 76 12 45-04 N 51 08 E S 51 08 w 1,903 Wood. N 12 25 W S 12 25 E . 797 Herr. S 53 28 w N 53 27 E 1,714 Sara. 2 38 49 57. 00 76 13 59- 42 S 78 55 W N 78 54 E 1,611 Seth. S 21 51 E N 21 50 W 1,574 Sara. N 79 18 E S 79 19 W 1,822 Herr. .^ 38 50 36. 08 76 13 06. 98 S 61 14 W N 61 13 E 3,381 Seth. S 22 34 E N 22 34 W I, 061 Herr. S 87 50 E N 87 so W 1,949 Frank. 4 38 50 07. 02 76 12 51- 54 N 59 31 E S 59 32 w 1,787 Frank. N 20 33 E S 20 33 W 2, 270 Benn. S 79 08 W N 79 07 E 3,433 Seth. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. HAMBLETON. {Miles River — Oiart No. 32.) 185 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 49 23. 80 76 14 15.36 S 71 17 E N 56 36 E N 55 06 W N 71 16 W S 56 37 W S 55 06 E Yards. I, 062 2,649 1,415 Sara. Herr. Seth. 2 38 49 28. 52 76 14 39. 72 S 73 07 E N 65 32 E N 38 32 W N 73 07 W S 65 33 W S 38 32 E 1,722 3,135 832 Sara. Herr. Seth. 3 38 49 38. 20 76 14 40. 12 S 63 31 E N 71 16 E N 57 26 W N 63 31 W S 71 17 W S 57 27 E 1,854 3,°24 60 1 Sara. Herr. Seth. 4 38 49 37. 82 76 13 13-44 N 30 24 E N 83 08 W S 37 39 W S 30 24 W S 83 09 E N 37 38 E 1,142 2,815 1,028 Herr. Seth. Sara. 5 38 49 32. 02 76 13 09. 72 S 49 35 W S 10 19 E N 22 07 E N 49 34 E N 10 19 W S 22 07 W 954 1,965 1,274 Sara. Spar. Herr. TIDEMII.L. (Miles River— Chart No. 32.) I 38 48 37. 48 76 13 02. 90 S 61 09 E N 5 40 E N .36 34 W N 61 09 W S 5 40 W S 36 34 E Yards. 197 3,035 520 Spar. Herr. Sara. Thence from comer No. i along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 2, excludin any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 38 49 14. 48 I 76 13 35. 54 38 49 18. 46 76 13 41. 28 N 63 03 W S 59 08 W '■5 37 35 E S 63 04 E N 59 08 E N 37 35 W S 33 36 E N 33 36 W 194 Sara. N 38 42 E S 38 43 W 2,099 Herr. N 64 20 W S 64 20 E 2,286 Seth. Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2,480 51 1,694 Seth. Sara. Spar. 4 38 49 14. 74 76 14 14.88 S 87 57 E N 51 16 E N 46 27 W N 87 57 W S 51 17 w S 46 28 E 994 2,818 I, 619 Sara. Herr. Seth. 5 38 49 19. 10 76 14 15. 08 S 79 39 E N 53 44 E N 50 17 W N 79 38 W S 53 45 W S 50 17 E 1,015 2,733 I, 518 Sara. Herr. Seth. 6 38 49 25. 66 76 13 36.92 N 71 02 W S 57 W S 31 53 E S 71 03 E N 57 E N 31 54 W 2,300 402 2,025 Seth. Sar^. Spar. 7 38 48 48. 26 76 12 49.34 N 55 50 W S 22 04 W S 13 48 E S 55 50 E N 22 04 E N 13 48 W 1,528 494 I, 065 Sara. Spar. Deewat. 1 86 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SCOTLAND. {Miles River — Chart No. J2.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back o / „ / / / Yards. I 38 48 27. 86 76 12 50. 08 S 38 19 E N 38 19 W 441 Deewat. N 68 47 E S 68 48 W 1.447 Ollie. N 40 W S 40 E 3.344 Herr. Thence from corner No. i along; the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 2, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 vards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2 38 48 37. 48 70 i:; 02. 90 S 61 09 E N 61 09 W 197 Spar. N 5 40 E S •; 40 W 3.°35 Herr. N 36 34 W S 36 34 E I, 520 Sara. ,S 38 48 48. 26 7& 12 49.34 N 55 50 W S 55 50 E 1,528 Sara. S 22 04 w N 22 04 E 494 Spar. S 13 48 E N 13 48 W I, 065 Deewat. 4 38 48 41.30 76 12 31. 26 N 57 53 W S 57 54 E 2,055 Sara. S 71 22 w N 71 21 E 700 Spar. S 15 35 W N IS 35 E 830 Deewat. DEEP WATER POINT. (Miles River — Chart No. 52.) / // / // / , Yards. I 38 48 00. 00 76 12 40. 70 N 82 19 E N 2 31 E S 22 13 W S 82 20 w S 2 31 W N 22 13 E i,°79 594 650 Swing. Deewat. Millwind. " 38 48 10. 35 76 12 49.92 S oS W S 81 09 E N 47 49 E N 08 E N 81 08 W S 47 50 W 951 1,330 363 Millwind. Swing. Deewat. 3 38 48 13. 76 70 12 45. 06 S 6 59 W S 74 54 E N 47 32 E N 6 59 E N 74 54 W S 47 32 w 1,074 1,228 191 Millwind. Swing. Deewat. 4 38 48 03. 59 76 12 32. 86 S 32 04 W N 88 28 E N 20 57 W N 32 03 E S 88 28 W S 20 57 E 853 864 505 Millwind. Swing. Deewat. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. ASH CRAFT. (Miles River — Chart No. J2.) 187 SECOND POINT. {Miles River — Charts Nos. J2 and ^4.) I 38 47 13. 02 76 12 07.27 N 48 56 W S 89 43 w S 12 n E , S 48 57 E N 89 42 E N 12 II W Yards. 1,496 2,286 1,388 Millwind. St. Michaels Water Tank. Stony. 2 38 47 25.98 76 12 21. 26 N 54 17 W S 76 50 W S 20 16 E S 54 17 E N 76 49 E N 20 16 W 935 1,967 I, 912 Millwind. St. Michaels Water Tank. Stony. 3 38 47 52.66 76 12 09. 96 N 89 49 E N 4? 02 W S 71 29 W S 89 49 w S 43 03 E N 71 28 E 534 ii 150 I, 114 Fair. Deewat. Millwind. 4 38 47 19. 28 76 II 54.46 N 32 37 E N 62 15 W S I 40 w S 32 37 W S 62 I.; E N I 4i E I, 005 1)657 1,568 Leeds. Millwind. Stony. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WILD GROUND. [Miles River — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. of bar Forward Back I 38 48 47- 60 76 12 39. 90 N 6 29 W N 59 49 W S 44 55 W S 6 29 E S 59 49 E N 44 55 E Yards. 2,696 1.75° 616 Herr. Sara. Spar. 2 38 49 15. 62 76 12 56. 20 N 403 E S 86 34 W S 12 W S 4 03 W N 86 33 E N 12 E 1-738 1,085 1,381 Herr. Sara. Spar. 3 38 49 49. 44 76 12 22. 26 N 27 08 E N 52 29 W S 58 39 W S 27 08 W S 52 30 E N 58 38 E 1,684 973 2,316 Frank. Herr. Sara. 4 38 49 41. 90 76 12 09. 46 N 23 16 E N S2 39 W S 67 40 w S 23 16 W S 52 39 E N 6.7 39 E I. 375 1.397 2.503 Wood. Herr. Sara. SYCAMORE. {Miles River — Chart No. J2.) 38 49 49- 44 38 50 20. 14 , , 76 12 09 46 76 12 22 26 76 12 06. 56 76 II 48. 90 N 23 16 E N 52 39 W S 67 40 W N 27 08 E N 52 29 W S 58 39 W S 69 33 W S 86 44 W N 37 21 E S 23 16 W S 52 39 E N 67 39 E S 27 08 W S 52 30 E N 58 38 E N 69 32 E N 86 44 E S 37 21 W Yards. 1.375 1.397 2.503 973 2,316 I, 266 467 583 38 50 19.38 I 76 II 48.90 N 12 52 W j S 12 52 E 1 502 Frank. S 75 50 W I N 75 50 E I, 704 Herr. S 4 42 W I N 4 41 E I 3, 249 Ollie. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Wood. Herr. Sara. Frank. Herr. Sara. Herr. Wood. Frank. 38 49 46. 54 [ 76 II 32.30 N 21 34 W N 71 43 W S 18 17 W S 21 34 E S 71 44 E N 18 17 E , 190 , 201 ,243 Wood. Herr. Ollie. Sufvey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. EAST END. (Miles River— Chart No. 32.) 189 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. of bar Forward Back station ' 38 4Q 43. 94 76 12 45. 04 N SI 08 E N i2 25 W S 53 28 W S 51 08 w S 12 25 E N 53 27 E Yards. 1.903 797 I. 714 Wood. Herr. vSara. 2 3S 50 07. 02 76 12 51. 54 N 59 31 E N 20 33 E S 79 c8 W S 59 32 W S 20 33 W N 79 07 E 1,787 2, 270 3, 433 Frank. Benn. .Seth. 3 38 50 13. 58 76 12 35. 30 N 10 57 E S 62 41 W S 17 29 E S 10 57 W N 62 41 E N 17 29 W 1,940 482 3,189 Benn Herr. Ollie. 4 38 49 57. 98 76 12 30. 18 S 13 49 W N 56 31 E N s 29 E N 13 49 E S 56 31 W S 5 29 W 2,894 1,306 2,442 Spar. Wood. Benn. HERRING ISLAND. (Miles River — Chart No. J2.) / // , „ ' / Yards. I 38 50 07. 02 76 12 St. 54 N 59 31 E S 59 32 w 1,787 Frank. N 20 33 E S 20 33 W 2, 270 Benn. S 79 08 W N 7Q 07 E 3, 433 Seth. 2 38 50 36. oS 76 13 06. 98 S 61 14 W N 6i 13 E 3,381 Seth. S 22 34 E N 22 34 W I. 061 Herr. S 87 50 E N 87 50 W 1,949 Frank. 3 ^8 50 48. ^0 76 13 17. 28 S 9 22 W N 9 22 E 3, 234 Sara. S 77 40 E N .77 39 W 2,271 Frank. N 63 33 E S 63 34 w 1,648 Benn. Thence a long county boundary as delin eated on Chart No. 32 to comer No. 4. 4 38 50 39. 24 76 12 20. 10 ! S 35 12 W N 35 II E 3, 530 Sara. S 75 46 E N 75 45 W 734 Frank. N 71 09 E S 71 09 W 778 James. S 38 qo 13.58 76 12 35.30 N 10 57 E S 10 57 W 1,940 Benn. S 62 41 W N 62 41 E 482 Herr. S 17 29 E N 17 29 W 3,189 Ollie. I90 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. nOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. WYE TOWN. {Wye River — Chart No. J2.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & of bar Forward Back station I 38 50 19.38 76 1 1 48. 90 N 12 52 W S 75 50 W S 4 42 W S 12 52 E N 75 50 E N 4 41 E Yards. 502 1,704 3.249 Frank . Herr. Ollie. 2 38 50 20. 14 76 12 06. 56 S 69 33 W S 86 44 W N 37 21 E N 69 32 E N 86 44 E S 37 21 W 1,266 467 583 Herr. Wood. Frank. 3 38 50 42. 68 76 12 10. 64 S 57 17 E N 74 25 E N 16 59 W N 57 18 W S 74 26 W S 16 59 E 549 S05 966 Frank. James. Benn. 4 38 51 07-40 76 II 52, 90 S 80 02 E N 31 36 E N 83 II W N 80 02 W S 31 36 W S 83 II E 483 973 755 Law. Bruffs. Benn. S 38 51 02. 72 76 I I 45. 58 N 75 19 E N 17 48 E N 75 17 W S 75 19 W S 17 49 w S 75 18 E 293 1,037 975 Law. Bruffs. Benn. 6 38 50 46. 70 Thence from c creek, cove, 1 76 I I 52. 20 Dmer No. 6aloii or inlet less th N 36 41 E N 44 17 W S 49 29 w g the mean low an 100 yards ii S 36 41 w S 44 17 E N 49 28 E water line of t 1 width at its 1 767 Law. I, 100 Benn. 2, 059 Herr. le shore to comer No. mouth at low tide. 1 I , excluding any BRUFFS ISLAND. {Wye River — Chart No. J2.) a / // , ,/ / / Yards. I 38 51 02. 72 76 II 45. 58 N 75 19 E S 75 19 w 293 Law. N 17 48 E S 17 49 W 1.037 Bruffs. N 75 17 W S 75 18 E 975 Benn. 2 38 51 07. 40 76 1 1 52. go S 80 02 E N 80 02 W 483 Law. N 31 36 E' S 31 36 W 973 Bruffs. N 83 II W S 83 II E 755 Benn. 3 38 51 41. 96 76 II 39.82 N 2 29 E S 2 29 W 888 Nose. N 89 01 W S 89 01 E 431 Won. S 37 04 W N 37 04 E 921 Hough . 4 38 51 43-96 76 II 25. 88 S 85 42 w N 85 42 E 801 Won. S I 15 W N I 15 E 352 Shaw. N 62 46 E S 62 46 w 482 South, 5 38 51 35-46 76 II 13. 80 N 74 55 E S 74 55 W I, 001 Edward. N 12 14 E S 12 14 w 519 South. S 78 40 W N 78 39 E 332 Shaw. 6 38 51 30.00 76 II 20. 90 S 70 58 E N 70 57 W 1,217 Colonel. N 68 55 E S 68 55 W 1,236 Edward. N 49 30 W S 49 30 E 183 Shaw. Thence from c omer No. 6 along the mean low water line of the shore to corner No. 7 excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at lo w tide. 7 38 51 20. 02 76 II 32. 06 N 5 36 W S 5 36 E 406 Bruffs. N 89 36 W S 89 36 E 759 Hough. S 8 12 W N 8 12 E 514 Law. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SHAW BAY HILL. {Wye Kh'cr — Chart No. J2.) 191 Ccr- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 51 08. 66 76 II 18.45 N 73 27 E N 9 22 E N 88 22 W S 73 27 w S g 22 W S 88 23 E Yards. 1,430 1.659 Colonel. South . Beim . 2 38 51 14. 64 76 II 18. 42 N 83 38 E N 30 21 E N 10 51 E S 83 38 W S 30 21 W S 10 51 W I, 091 2,037 1,231 Colonel. Flat. South . 3 38 51 14. 62 76 II II. 94 N 82 25 E N 26 01 E N 2 53 E S 82 25 w S 26 01 W S 2 53 W 922 1,958 I, 212 Colonel. Flat. South. 4 38 51 08. 78 76 II 12.28 N 70 57 E N 2 SI E N 88 39 W S 70 57 W S 2 51 W S 88 40 E 977 1,409 1,821 Colonel. South. Benn. RACE HORSE (Talbot Omnty^ {Wye River— Chart No. 32.) /■ // , / Yards. I 38 51 21. 58 76 10 55. 52 S 76 47 E N 33 35 E N 20 53 W N 76 47 W S n 35 W S 20 53 E 493 875 1 , 03g Colonel. Edward. South. 2 38 51 41. 04 76 10 59. 44 N 82 59 E N 40 06 W S 70 I-, W S 83 00 W S 40 06 E N 70 12 E 592 417 749 Edward. South . Shaw. Then ce along county boundary as c Iclincated on ( ^hart No. 32 to comer No. v 3 38 SI 56. 76 76 10 34. 74 S 8 00 W N 57 01 E N 8 00 E S 57 02 W 463 7. S3 Edward. Albert. N 19 54 W S 19 54 E . 360 Flat. 4 38 51 53- 40 76 10 16. 98 S 57 06 W N 57 05 E J 634 Edward. S 19 07 E N 19 07 W 440 Lloyd. N 17 25 E S 17 25 W 549 Albert. 5 38 51 44. 00 76 10 18. GO N 47 24 E N 12 49 E N 36 16 W S 47 25 w S 12 49 W S 36 16 E I, 001 862 9.53 Cousin . Albert. Flat. Thence from c omer No. 5 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 6, exclud ng any creek, cove or inlet less than 100 yards ii width at its mouth at low tide 6 38 51 43.18 76 10 37. 18 N 38 44 E N 4 09 W N 73 53 W S 38 44 W S 4 og E S 73 54 E 1,113 798 8go Albert. Flat. South. 7 38 51 29.42 76 10 39.24 N 6 41 E N 48 25 W S 7 48 E S 6 41 W S 48 26 E N 7 48 W 467 I, 072 381 Edward . South. Colonel. 192 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WINDERS BANK. {Wye River — Chart No. 32.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianBulation of station bar Forward Back / // / ,/ / / Yards. I 38 51 49.42 76 10 01. 20 N 30 43 E S 30 43 W 575 Cousin . N 20 56 W S 20 57 E 704 Albert. S 44 03 w N 44 03 E 392 Lloyd. 2 38 SI 55.86 76 10 09. 00 S 7 36 w N 7 36 E 503 Lloyd. N 60 57 E S 60 57 W 572 Cousin. N 5 59 W S 5 .SQ E 443 Albert. Ther ce along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 3 2 to Comer No. 3. 3 38 52 10. 38 76 10 01. 42 S 54 43 E N 54 43 W 367 Cousin. N 28 00 E S 28 00 W 226 Baldwins. N 47 03 W S 47 04 E 329 Le Seur. 4 38 52 10. 62 76 09 57. 20 S 40 34 E N 40 34 W 290 Cousin. N I 35 W S I 35 E 191 Baldwins. S 80 56 W N 80 56 E 362 Albert. 5 38 51 59. 68 76 09 48.34 N 16 52 W S 16 52 E 155 Cousin. N 62 10 W S 62 10 E 668 Albert. S 44 IS W N 44 15 E 876 Lloyd. POPLAR POINT. {Wye River — Chart No. J2.) , // / .. , / Yards. I 38 52 18.68 76 09 56. 06 N 28 19 E N 29 06 W S 23 40 W S 28 19 w S 29 06 E N 23 40 E 287 344 87 Sylvia. Attila. Baldwins. 2 38 52 20. 62 76 10 01. 72 N 4 25 W S 62 33 w S 37 57 E S 4 25 E N 62 33 E N 37 57 W 236 262 185 Attila. Le Seur. Baldwins. Then ce aloni; county boundary' as c lelineated on ( ;hart No. 32 to comer No. 3 38 52 26. 50 76 09 57. 10 S I 19 W S 85 52 E N 41 24 E N I 19 E N 85 52 W S 41 24 w 344 163 490 Baldwins. Sylvia. Gusta. Then ce along county boundary as c lelineated on ( 2hart No. 32 to comer No. 4- 4 38 52 52- 64 76 09 45. 28 S 89 31 W S 26 53 E N 4^ 21 E N 89 31 E N 26 53 W S 43 23 W 396 265 280 Sang. Nodim. Go. Then ce along countv boundary as c lelineated on ( rhart No. 32 to comer No. 5- 5 38 52 52.48 76 09 30. 12 N 65 37 E N 44 54 W S 50 31 w S 6s 37 W S 44 54 E N so 31 E 523 294 362 Divide. Go. Nodim. 6 38 52 47-54 76 09 30. 62 S 80 45 E N 51 59 E N 27 25 W N 80 45 W S SI 59 W S 27 25 E 611 621 422 Quarter. Divide. Go. 7 38 52 48.08 76 09 41. 54 S 14 04 E N 14 39 E N 31 06 W N 14 04 W S 14 39 W S 31 06 E 86 369 451 Nodim. Go. Turn. 8 38 52 32.68 76 09 47. 50 N 23 59 E N S3 18 W S 22 12 W S 23 S9 W S S3 18 E N 22 12 E 174 359 237 Gusta. Tobins. Sylvia. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. JUNIPER. {Wye River—Chart No. 32.) 193 Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 52 46. 56 76 09 09. 86 N 61 II W S 40 31 E N so 45 E S 61 II E N 40 31 W S 50 4S W Yards. 846 85 .387 Go. Quarter. Deck. 2 38 S2 49-82 76 09 12. 98 N 6s 41 W S 38 14 E N 70 33 E S 65 41 E N 38 14 W S 70 33 W 724 405 Go. Quarter. Deck. •5 38 52 57. 10 76 09 01. 18 N 9 49 W N 78 II W S 32 40 E S 9 49 E S 78 11 E N 32 40 W 247 293 131 Princess. Divide. Deck. 4 38 S2 54-80 76 08 s8. 88 N 17 45 W N 68 24 W S 17 17 E S 17 4=; E S 68 24 E N 17 17 W 338 374 34 Princess. Divide. Deck. POPLAR ISLAND NARROWS. {Chesapeake Bay— Vicinity Poplar Island — Chart No. JJ.) I 38 44 39. 07 76 20 37. 00 N 7 13 E N 50 49 W S 30 E S 7 13 w N so 51 E- N 30 W Yards. 577 5.069 1,280 Great. Valliant. Front. 2 38 44 43- 23 76 20 53. go S 17 51 E N so 12 E N 18 18 E N 17 SI W S 50 '12 w S 18 18 w 1,492 676 3,912 Front. Great. Haddaway.. 3 38 44 so. 35 76 21 22. 52 S 36 10 E N 81 25 E N 29 44 E N 36 10 W S 81 26 W S 29 44 W 2,056 1,289 4,000 Front. Great. Haddaway. 4 38 45 32. 22 76 22 03. 07 S 6s 03 W S 62 32 E N 55 58 E N 6s 03 E N 62 31 W S 56 00 W 1,179 2,643 3,685 Poplar South. Great. Haddaway. 5 38 47 09. 33 76 21 17. 76 S 14 20 E S 56 52 E N 46 41 E N 14 20 W N 56 52 W S 46 43 W 4,639 2, 219 7,455 Great. Haddaway. Kemp Tower. 6 38 47 16. 80 76 20 36. 40 S 27 37 E N 41 42 E N 39 44 W N 27 37 W S 41 44 W S 39 46 E 1,654 6,497 7,208 Haddaway. Kemp Tower. Bloody Point Bar Light. 7 38 46 06. 70 76 20 so. 90 S 60 48 w S 10 28 E N 51 58 E N 60 47 E N 10 28 W S 51 58 w 3,402 2,422 1,459 Poplar South. Great. Haddaway. 8 38 46 03. 46 76 20 20. 90 N 19 31 E S 67 36 W S 8 49 W S 19 31 w N 67 34 E N 8 49 E 1,070 4,068 2,300 Haddaway. Poplar South. Great. 53485—12 — 13 '94 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. POPLAR ISLAND NARROWS— Continued. [Chesapeake Bay — Vicinity Poplar Island — Chart No. jj) — Continued. Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bu Forward Back station 9 lO 38 45 45- S8 38 45 04. 40 76 20 17. 42 76 20 39. 70 N 9 21 E S 76 II W S 14 54 W N IS S3 E N 58 40 W S 2 12 E S 9 21 W N 76 13 E N 14 54 E S IS 53 W S 58 41 E N 2 12 W Yards. 1.633 3.968 1,728 3. "9 4,515 = • 135 Haddavvay. Poplar South. Great. Haddawav. Valliant. ' Front . BAY HUNDRED. {Chesapeake Bay — Vicinity Poplar Island — Chart No. jj.) I / // 38 42 49. 30 76 21 17. 92 S 36 04 E N 24 16 E N 24 ig W N 36 04 W S 24 16 W S 24 20 E Yards. I, 124 2.657 5. 483 Wap. Front. Poplar South. - 38 43 14. 68 76 22 o5. 60 S 47 50 E N 56 37 E N 13 16 W N 47 50 W S s6 38 W S '13 16 E 2,628 2,848 4. 254 Wap. Front. Poplar South. 3 38 44 20. 44 76 21 22.35 S 61 41 E N 46 37 E N 48 09 W N 61 41 W S 46 37 W S 4S 09 E 1.374 1,748 2,882 Front. Great. Poplar South. 4 38 44 5°- 35 76 21 22. 52 S 36 10 E N 81 25 E N 29 44 E N 36 10 W S 81 26 W S 29 44 W 2, 056 I, 289 4, 000 Front. Groat. Haddawav. 5 38 44 43. 23 76 20 53-9° S 17 51 E N 50 12 E N 18 18 E N 17 51 W S 50 12 W S 18 18 w 1,492 676 3.912 Front. Great. Haddaway. 6 38 43 28. 42 76 20 41.93 N 7 17 E N 41 05 W S 7 24 w S 7 17 W S 41 06 E N 7 24E 1, 112 4,880 2, 246 Front . Poplar South. Wap. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot. County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAi, OYSTER BARS — Continued. PONE. {Chesapeake Bay — Off Tilghman Island — Chart No. jj.) 195 Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance V. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 40 32. 40 76 21 36. 58 / S 18 42 w S 65 21 E N 17 18 E N 18 41 E N 65 20 W S 17 18 W Yards. 4,692 2, 090 3,883 Sharps Island Light. Black. Wap. 2 38 41 18. 60 76 22 39. Q2 S I 38 E S 55 48 E N 52 46 E N I 38 W N 55 47 W S 52 47 W 6, 004 4,321 3,553 Sharps Island Light. Black, Wap. 3 38 43 14. 68 76 22 06. 60 S 47 50 E N 56 37 E N 13 16 W N 47 so W S 56 38 w S 13 16 E 2,628 2,848 4,254 Wap. Front. Poplar South. 4 38 42 49. 30 76 21 17. 92 S 36 04 E N 24 16 E N 24 19 W N 36 04 W S 24 16 W S 24 20 E I, 124 2,657 5,483 Wap. Front. Poplar South. STONE. {Chesapeake Bay — Vicinity Sharps Island — Charts Nos. jj and j6.) I 38 37 35- 72 76 24 17. 16 S 75 41 E N 86 28 E N 29 II E N 75 40 W S 86 32 W S 29 13 W Yards. 3,986 10, 825 11,070 Jere. Chef. Wap. 2 38 38 33- 84 76 24 01. 16 S 49 25 E S 79 07 E N 32 51 E N 49 24 W N 79 06 W S 32 53 W 4,529 2,363 9, 172 Jere. Sharps Island Light. Wap. 3 38 40 14.30 76 22 52. 76 S 7 36 E S 86 II E N 36 16 E N 7 ;6 W N 86 09 W S 36 17 W 3,867 3,922 5,355 Sharps Island Light. Black. Wap. 4 38 40 04. 04 76 21 54. 70 S 16 22 W N 87 57 E N 19 18 E N 16 22 E S 87 58 W S 19 19 W 3,635 2,382 4,942 Sharps Island Light. Black. Wap. S 38 38 44- 36 76 22 II. 12 S 36 24 W S 9 05 E N 45 25 E N 36 23 E N 9 05 W S 45 26 W 994 3.342 3,949 Sharps Island Light. Jere. Black. 6 38 38 54. 12 76 21 13. 58 S 15 19 W S 71 39 E N 27 54 E N IS 19 E N 71 36 W S 27 55 w 3,763 6,266 2,758 Jere. Chef. Black. 7 38 38 34- 48 76 21 08. 08 N 20 15 E S 78 18 W S 21 01 W S 20 15 w N 78 17 E N 21 01 E 3,309 2,305 3,178 Black. Sharps Island Light. Jere. 8 38 37 41. 36 76 21 56. 68 N 86 07 E N 26 24 E N 36 17 W S 86 10 W S 26 25 W S 36 18 E 7,104 5,467 I, 646 Chef. Black. Sharps Island Light. 9 38 37 39- 48 76 22 45. 64 S 52 21 E N 86 18 E N 17 21 E N 52 20 W S 86 21 W S 17 22 W 1,8x6 8, 400 9,993 Jere. Chef. Wap. 196 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — ^Continued. CLAY BANK. {Chesapeake Bay — Vicinity Sharps Island — Charts Nos. jj and j(5.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station I / // 38 35 41. 40 76 23 14. 60 N 75 15 E N 37 44 E N II 28 E s s s 7S 19 W 37 44 W II 28 w Yards. 10, 593 3,606 5. 479 Cook Point Windmill. Jere. Sharps Island Light. 2 38 36 37. 96 76 24 10. 30 N 86 10 E N 75 22 E N 36 31 E s s s 86 14 W 75 2-, W 36 32 W 11,743 3i 805 4,307 Cook Point Windmill. Jere. Sharps Island Light. 3 38 37 35- 72 76 24 17. 16 S 75 41 E N 86 28 E N 29 II E N s s 75 40 W 86 32 W 29 13 W 3. 986 10, 825 11, 070 Jere. Chef. Wap. 4 38 37 39. 48 76 22 45. 64 S 52 21 E N 86 18 E N 17 21 E N s s 52 20 W 86 21 W 17 22 W 1,816 8, 400 9. 993 Jere. Chef. Wap. 5 38 36 51. 72 76 22 33. 70 N 87 58 E N 66 07 E N 00 08 E s s s 88 02 W 66 07 W 00 08 W Q, 168 1,231 3,000 Cook Point Windmill. Jere. Sharps Island Light. SHARPS. (Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. jj, j6, and j/.l / ,/ / // / , Yards. I 38 36 39. 40 76 20 43. 16 S 62 38 E N 63 26 E N 40 31 W N 62 36 W S 63 28 w S 40 32 E 7,797 5, 7. so 4,489 Brannock. Chef. Sharps Island Light. 3 38 36 58. 92 76 21 10. 24 N 71 57 E N 38 37 W N 76 43 W S 72 00 W S 38 38 E S 76 44 E 6, 162 • 3, 526 I, 112 Chef. Sharps Island Light. Jere. 3 38 36 58. 72 Thence along 76 20 27. 22 county boundai S 56 56 E N 67 52 E N 50 24 W y as delineate N 56 53 W S 67 54 W S 50 26 E i on charts No 7,761 5, 096 4,332 s- 11, 36. M Brannock. Chef. Sharps Island Light, d 37 to comer No. i. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BLACK WALNUT. {Outer Choplank River — Charts Nos. jj, j<5, and j/.) 197 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station I 38 39 19- 32 76 18 2i;. 64 , N 18 55 W N 63 10 W ' S 73 II w S 18 55 E S 63 12 E N 73 13 E Yards. 4,354 3.529 6,847 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 2 38 39 32. 44 76 19 53. 16 N 13 47 E N 35 58 W S 60 15 W S 13 47 W S 35 58 E N 60 13 E 3,786 1,422 4,882 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 3 38 40 30. 48 76 20 13-35 N 13 01 W S 20 30 W S 39 50 E S 13 01 E N 20 30 E N 39 48 W 2, 224 861 6,798 Southern M. E. Church. Black. Chef. 4 38 40 30. 20 76 18 36. 52 N 33 01 W sS 74 26 W S 55 06 W S 33 02 E N 74 25 E N 55 03 E 2, 061 2,970 7,640 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 5 38 40 05. 28 76 17 58. 64 N 39 36 W N 89 22 W sS 64 05 W S 39 37 E S 89 23 E N 64 02 E 3,333 3,864 8,081 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 6 38 39 29. 24 76 17 58.36 N 29 27 W N 71 59 W S 72 20 w S 29 28 E S 72 01 E N 72 17 E 4,336 4, 069 7,636 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. SANDS. [Outer Choptank River — Chart No. 33.) / // / // , Yards. I 38 40 05. 28 76 17 58- 64 N 39 36 W N 89 22 W S 64 OS W S 39 37 E S 89 23 E N 64 02 E 3,333 3,864 8,081 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 2 38 40 30. 20 76 18 36. 52 N 33 01 W S 74 26 W S 55 06 W S 33 02 E N 74 25 E N 55 03 E 2, 061 2,970 7,640 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 3 38 41 30. 48 76 i8 56.80 N 28 10 E N 37 16 W S 62 38 W S 28 II W S 37 17 E N 62 38 E 3, 509 2,709 662 Change 1910. Avalon . Bar. 4 38 41 48. 84 76 17 59. 20 N 78 54 E N 3 07 E S 66 20 W S 78 56 W S 3 07 W N 66 20 E 2,791 2,478 •2,304 Nelson 3 . Change igio. Bar. S 38 40 56. 92 76 17 58. 88 N I 43 E N 68 40 W S 66 14 W S I 43 w S 68 41 E N 66 12 E 4,227 2,274 4,214 Change 1910. Bar. Black. I9S Svrvcy oj Oyster Bars, Talbot County. Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATUR.\L OYSTER BARS — continued. PLEASANT HILL. {Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. JJ, J4, and j6.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance' of bar Forward Back station I 38 40 04. 20 76 17 01. 08 N 16 28 E N 54 28 W N 89 10 W S 16 29 w S 54 29 E S 89 II E Yards. 4,240 4, 480 5, 385 Nelson -,. Bar. Black. 2 38 40 05. 28 76 17 58.64 N 39 36 W N 89 22 W S 64 OS W S 39 37 E S 89 23 E N 64 02 E 3-333 3,864 8,081 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 3 38 40 56. 92 76 17 58. 88 N I 43 E N 68 40 W S 66 14 W S I 43 w S 68 41 E N 66 12 E 4,227 2,274 4,214 Change 1910. Bar. Black. 4 38 40 57. 06 76 17 00. 88 N 27 40 E N 77 19 W S 72 27 W S 27 41 w S 77 20 E N 72 25 E 2,578 3-743 5.653 Nelson 3. Bar. Black. S 38 40 14. 76 76 17 01. 00 N 17 56 E N 58 21 W S 87 03 W S 17 56 W S 58 23 E N 87 01 E 3,899 4,286 5.394 Nelson 3. Bar. Black. CHURCH HILL. {Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. Jj and J4.) / // / „ , / Yards. I 38 40 56. 92 76 17 58. 88 N I 43 E N 68 40 W S 66 14 W S I 43 w S 68 41 E N 66 12 E 4,227 2,274 4,214 Change 1910. Bar. Black. 2 38 41 48. 84 76 17 59. 20 N 78 54 E N 3 07 E S 66 20 W S 78 56 W S 3 07 W N 66 20 E 2,791 2,478 2,304 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Bar. 3 38 41 54. 74 76 17 00. 72 N 74 10 E N 31 48 W S 7= 55 W S 74 II w S 31 48 E N 72 54 E . I, 240 2,677 3.824 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Bar. 4 38 40 57. 06 76 17 00.88 N 27 40 E N 77 19 W S 72 27 W S 27 41 W S 77 20 E N 72 25 E 2,578 3,743 5,653 Nelson 3. Bar. Black. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WILD CHERRY TREE. {Entrance Harris Creek — Chart No. jj.) 199 Cor- Latitude Longitude _ True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatioii of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 41 30. 48 76 18 56. 80 N 28 lo E N 37 16 W S 62 38 W S 28 II w S 37 17 E N 62 38 E 3,509 2,709 662 Change 19 10. Avalon . Bar. 2 38 42 38. 54 76 18 45- 48 N 59 33 E N 47 25 W S 85 52 W S 59 33 W S 47 25 E N 8s 52 E 1,575 1,534 1,944 Change 1910. Narrows. Avalon. 3 38 42 49. 28 76 18 17. 26 S 64 58 E N 54 32 E N 20 47 W N 64 57 W S 54 32 W S 20 47 E 3,549 751 2,232 Nelson 3. Change iqio. Eagle. 4 38 42 16. 70 76 iS 07. 44 S 82 15 E N 12 56 E N so 16 W N 82 13 W S 12 56 W S 50 16 E 2, 990 1,575 2,776 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Narrows. 5 38 41 48. 84 76 17 59. 20 N 78 54 E N 3 07 E S 66 20 W S 78 56 W S 3 07 W N 66 20 E 2,791 2,478 2,304 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Bar. TURNROW. (Entrance Harris Creek — Charts Nos. jj and 24-) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 42 16. 70 76 18 07. 44 S 82 IS E N 12 56 E N 50 16 W N 82 13 W S 12 56 W S so 16 E 2,990 1,575 2,776 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Narrows. 2 38 42 49. 28 76 18 17. 26 S 64 58 E N 54 32 E N 20 47 W N 64 57 W S 54 32 W S 20 47 E 3,549 751 2,232 Nelson 3 . Change 1910. Eagle. 3 38 42 44. 24 76 17 39.02 N 33 19 W N 73 40 W S 43 26 W S 33 20 E S 73 41 E N 43 25 E 725 3,007 3,845 Change igio. Narrows. Bar. 4 38 42 23. 58 76 17 32- 14 S 72 35 E N 24 00 W N 63 18 W N 72 34 W S 24 01 E S 63 19 E 2, 120 I, 426 3,433 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Narrows. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTBR BARS — Continued. TILGHMAN WHARF. {Entrance Harris Creek — Chart No. jj.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & 0. S. triangulatioii of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 41 30. 48 76 18 56. 80 N 28 10 E N 37 16 W S 62 38 W S 28 II w S 37 17 E N 62 38 E ,•?, 509 2,709 662 Change igio. Avalon . Bar. 2 38 41 55.62 76 19 44.20 S 30 00 E N 52 20 E N 16 32 W N 30 00 W S 52 21 W S 16 32 E 1.3.30 3.674 1.364 Bar. Change 1910. Avalon . 3 38 42 15. 82 76 iq 50. 27 S 24 15 E N 63 00 E N 19 59 W N 24 IS W S 63 01 W S 19 59 E 2, 010 3.445 666 Bar. Change 1910. Avalon . 4 38 42 45. 90 76 19 41. 50 S 49 46 w S II 47 E vS 79 02 E N 49 46 E N II 47 W N 79 03 W 601 2,909 2, 890 Avalon. Bar. Change 19 10. S 38 43 09. 63 76 19 11.75 S 46 20 W S 83 02 E N 24 48 E N 46 20 E N 83 01 W S 24 48 W 1,721 2, 067 I. 543 Avalon . Change 191c. Eagle. 6 38 42 38. 54 76 18 45. 48 N 59 3i E N 47 25 W S 8s 52 W S 59 33 W S 47 25 E N 85 52 E 1.575 1.534 1,944 Change igio. Narrows. Avalon . CHANGE. (Harris Creek — Chart No. jj.) / // / // a , / Yards. I 38 42 38. 54 76 18 45. 48 N 59 33 E N 47 25 W S 85 52 W S 59 33 W S 47 25 E N 8s 52 E 1.575 1.534 1.944 Change 19 10. Narrows. Avalon. 2 38 43 31. 82 76 18 32.34 S 45 20 E N 77 36 E N 27 57 E N 45 20 W S 77 36 w S 27 58 W 1,421 9°3 2,442 Change 19 10. Hen. Ball. 3 38 43 39- 24 76 18 18.86 vS 27 39 E S 83 53 R N 22 28 E N 27 39 W N 83 53 W S 22 29 W 1, 410 528 2, 064 Change 1910. Hen. Ball. 4 38 43 22. 44 76 18 02. 20 N 8 02 E N 50 50 W S 78 59 W S 8 02 W S ISO 51 E N 78 58 E 2,4')S I. 534 2.315 Rail. Eagle. Narrows. 5 38 42 49. 28 76 18 17. 26 S 64 58 E N 54 32 E N 20 47 W N 64 57 W S 54 32 W S 20 47 E 3. 549 751 2, 232 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Eagle. Survey of Oyster Bars, Ta/hot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. EAGLE POINT. [Harris Creek — Chart No. jj.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back o , „ , „ / / Yards. I 38 43 31-82 76 18 32. 34 S 45 20 E N 77 36 E N 27 57 E N 45 20 W S 77 36 W S 27 58 W I. 421 903 2,442 Change igio. Hen. Ball. 2 38 43 i-- 42 76 19 00. 68 S 59 55 E N 83 55 E N 41 33 E N 59 54 W S 83 56 W S 41 33 W 2,033 1.639 2.854 Change iqio. Hen. Ball. 3 38 43 42. 98 76 18 58. 40 S 51 01 E S 83 22 E N 45 so E N 51 00 W N 83 22 W S 45 51 W 2, 185 1,580 2,556 Change 1910. Hen." Ball. 4 38 43 47- 54 76 18 I},. 20 S 34 03 E S 69 37 E N 35 40 E N 34 03 W N 69 36 W S 35 40 w 1,845 965 2, 002 Change iqio. Hen. Ball. s 38 44 11.83 76 18 36. 80 S 40 52 E N 57 23 E N 16 32 E N 40 52 W S 57 24 w S 16 32 w 1,528 1,499 2, 001 Hen. Ball. Warrior. 6 38 44 09. 12 76 18 21.80 S 29 33 E N 43 56 E N 28 46 W N 29 11 W S 43 56 w S 28 46 E 1,224 1,249 1,351 Hen. Ball. Dunk. 7 38 43 39. 24 \ 76 18 18.86 S 27 39 E S 83 53 E N 22 28 E N 27 39 W N 83 53 W S 22 29 w 1, 410 528 2, 064 Change 1910. Hen. Ball. TURKEY NECK. [Harris Creek — Chart No. jj. I / // 38 43 39. 24 76 18 18.86 S 27 39 E S 83 53 E N 22 28 E / N 27 39 W N 83 S3 W S 22 29 w Yards. 1, 410 528 2, 064 Change 1910. Hen. Ball. 2 38 44 09. 12 76 18 21.80 S 29 33 E N 43 56 E N 28 46 W N 29 33 W S 43 S6 W S 28 46 E 1,224 1,249 1,351 Hen. Ball. Dunk. 3 38 44 04. 26 76 '7 55-44 N 44 57 W S 72 08 W S 5 54 W S 44 58 E N 72 08 E N 5 54 E I, go6 1,438 904 Dunk. Eagle. Hen. 4 38 43 45- 80 76 18 06. 96 N 27 52 W N 80 18 W S 13 01 E S 27 52 E S 80 19 E N 13 01 W 2,230 1,079 I. 509 Dunk. Eagle. Change 1910. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. boUNDARiES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. MILL POINT. {Harris Creek — Chart No. j^.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianeulation of bar Forward Back o , /, / / Yards. I 38 44 04. 26 76 17 55-44 N 44 57 W S 72 08 W S 5 54 W S 44 58 E N 72 08 E N 5 54 E I, 906 1,438 904 Dunk. Eagle. Hen. 2 38 44 09. 12 76 18 21.80 S 29 33 E N 43 56 E N 28 46 W N 29 33 W S 43 56 w S 28 46 E I, 224 1,249 I- 351 Hen. Ball. Dunk. 3 38 44 47- 38 76 18 25. 46 S 67 55 E N 20 34 E N 35 13 W N 67 55 W S 20 34 w S 35 13 E 1,039 769 I, 041 Ball. Warrior. Hawk. 4 38 44 51. 00 76 18 00. 90 N 59 44 W S 79 17 w S 31 15 w S 59 45 E N 79 16 E N 31 15 E 1,446 I, 224 2,360 Hawk. Dunk. Eagle. 5 38 44 36. 98 76 17 55.72 N 49 04 W N 79 37 W S 41 23 w S 49 05 E S 79 38 E N 41 23 E 1,834 1,362 2,059 Hawk. Dunk. Eagle. HUNTS. {Harris Creek — Chart No. jj.) I 38 44 09. 12 76 18 21.80 S 29 33 E N 43 56 E N 28 46 W N 29 33 W S 43 56 w S 28 46 E Yards. I, 224 1,249 1,351 Hen. Ball. Dunk. 2 38 44 11.83 76 18 36. 80 S 40 52 E N 57 23 E N 16 32 E N 40 52 W S 57 24 w S 16 32 W 1, 528 1,499 2, 001 Hen. Ball. Warrior. 3 38 44 19. 42 76 18 54. 98 S 46 22 E N 72 26 E N 32 16 E N 46 21 W S 72 27 W S 32 16 W 2,045 1,828 I, 966 Hen. Ball. Warrior. 4 38 44 25. 50 76 18 42. 80 S 35 37 E N 76 17 E N 26 32 E N 35 37 W S 76 17 W S 26 32 w 1,988 1,463 I, 629 Hen. Ball. Warrior. 5 38 44 33. 24 76 18 44. 02 S 32 23 E N 86 37 E N 32 26 E N 32 22 W S 86 37 W S 32 26 W 2,223 1,456 1,417 Hen. Ball. Warrior. 6 38 44 38. 50 Thence from c any creek, c 76 18 55. 12 omer No. 6 alo ove, or inlet les S 35 so E S 87 00 E N 45 57 E ng the mean Ic s than 100 yarc N 35 49 W N 86 59 W S 45 57 W w-water line c is in width at 1 2, 534 1,749 1,465 f the shore ts mouth a Hen. Ball. Warrior, to corner No. t low tide. , excluding 7 38 44 44 25 76 18 46.42 S 79 21 E N 44 57 E N 2 48 W N 79 20 W S44 57 W S 2 48 E I, 543 1,166 958 Ball. Warrior. Hawk. 8 38 44 47- 38 76 18 25.46 S 67 55 E N 20 34 E N 35 13 W N 67 55 W S 20 34 w S 35 13 E 1,039 769 1, 041 Ball. Warrior. Hawk. Siiivcy of Clyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SETHS POINT. (Harris Creek — Chart No. Jj.) 203 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing; Distance of bar Forward Back I 38 44 44. 25 76 18 46. 42 S 79 21 E N 44 57 E N 2 48 W N 79 20 W S 44 57 W S 2 48 E y'ards. I. 543 1,166 058 Ball. Warrior. Hawk. 2 38 45 06. 30 76 iS 44. 22 S 54 48 E N 83 55 E N 7 06 E N 54 48 W S 83 55 W S 7 06 W 1,785 770 !• 575 Ball. Warrior. Smith. ' 38 45 01. 47 76 18 27. 00 S 49 13 E N 51 47 E N 8 34 W N 49 i^ W S 51 47 w S 834 E I,.S25 396 I. 744 Ball. Warrior. Smith. 4 38 44 51.00 76 18 00. go N 59 44 W S 79 17 w S 31 IS w S 59 45 E N 79 16 E N 31 15 E 1,446 I, 224 2,360 Hawk. Dunk. Eagle. S 38 44 47- 38 76 18 25. 46 S 67 55 E N 20 34 E N 35 13 W N 67 55 W S 20 34 W S 35 13 E 1.039 769 I, 041 Ball. Warrior. Hawk. LODGES. {Harris Creek — Chart No. j.j.) I 38 45 oi- 47 76 18 27. 00 S 49 13 E N 51 47 E N 834 W N 49 13 W S 51 47 w S 834 E Yards. 1.325 ,396 !• 744 Ball. Warrior. Smith. 2 38 45 06. 30 76 18 44. 22 S 54 48 E N 83 55 E N 7 06 E N 54 48 W S 83 55 W S 7 06 W 1.785 770 I. 575 Ball. Warrior. Smith. 3 38 45 39- 46 76 18 54. 80 S 45 13 E S 82 54 E N 67 38 E N 45 13 W N 82 S4 W S 67 39 W 1.472 2.054 Warrior. Edmond. Dan. 4 38 45 20. 25 76 i8 lo. 74 N 32 12 W S 75 22 W S 37 49 W S 32 12 E N 75 22 E N 37 49 E I, 292 I, 020 I. .537 Smith. Hawk. Dunk. 1 204 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OK NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. WALNUT. {Harris Creek — Chart No. JJ.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station ' 38 45 20. 25 76 18 10. 74 N 32 12 W S 75 22 W S 37 49 W S 32 12 E N 75 22 E N 37 49 E Yards. I, 292 I, 020 1.537 Smith. Hawk. Dunk. 2 38 45 39- 46 76 18 54. 80 S 45 13 E S 82 54 E N 67 38 E N 45 13 W N 82 54 W S 67 39 W 1,472 >>53i 2,054 Warrior. Edmond. Dan. 3 38 45 52- 64 76 18 36. 85 S 12 31 W S 58 47 E N 76 41 E N 12 31 E N 58 47 W S 76 41 W 1,382 1,223 1,465 Hawk. Edmond. Dan. 4 38 45 53- 40 76 17 53. 60 N II 49 E S 88 43 W S 20 46 w S II 49 W N 88 42 E N 20 46 E 775 I, 142 I, 612 Vine. Smith. Warrior. SMITH POINT. (Harris Creek — Chart No. jj.) / // / / Y'ards. I 38 45 52. 64 76 18 36. 85 S 12 31 W S 58 47 E N 76 41 E N 12 31 E N 58 47 W S 76 41 W 1,382 I, 223 1,465 Hawk. Edmond. Dan. 2 38 46 14. 47 76 18 17. 00 S 21 33 W N 20 50 E S 66 10 E N 21 33 E S 20 50 W N 66 09 W 2,243 1,465 986 Hawk. Edmond. Dan. 3 38 46 00. 00 76 17 59. 00 S 2 59 E N 78 II E N 34 33 E N 2 59 W S 78 II W S 34 33 W 884 436 1,215 Edmond . Dan. Cummings. 4 38 45 53- 40 76 17 53- 60 N II 49 E S 88 43 W S 20 46 W S II 49 w N 88 42 E N 20 46 E 775 1,142 I, 612 Vine. Smith. Warrior. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. LITTLE NECK. (Harris Creek — Charts Nos. ;j and 34.) Car- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & f.. S tria station ol bar Forward Back I 38 45 53- 40 76 17 53.60 N II 49 E S 88 43 W S 20 46 VV S II 49 W N 88 42 E N 20 46 E Yards. 775 I, 142 I, 612 Vine. Smith. Warrior. 2 38 46 00. 00 76 17 59. 00 S 2 59 E N 78 II E N 34 33 E N 2 59 W S 78 ii VV S 34 33 W 884 436 1,215 Edmond . Dan. Cummings. 3 38 46 15.90 76 17 47- .5Q S 58 54 w S 15 43 E S 84 29 E N 58 54 E N 15 43 W N 84 28 W 1.519 464 899 Smith. Dan. Fox. 4 38 46 13- 74 76 17 35- 30 N 6 45 E N 77 21 W S 28 00 w S 6 45 W S 77 21 E N 28 00 E 541 332 423 Cummings. Vine. Dan. RABBIT ISLAND. {Harris Creek — Chart No. J4.) / // / // , / Yards. ' 38 46 13. 74 76 17 3.5-30 N 6 45 E N 77 2i W S 28 00 W S 6 45 W S 77 2i E N 28 00 E 541 423 Cummings. ViiK-. Dan. 2 38 46 25. 28 76 17 24.96 S 31 44 w S 36 26 E S 74 08 E N 31 43 E N 36 26 W N 74 07 W 898 501 843 Dan. Fox. Koot. 3 38 46 23. 38 76 17 00. 15 S 46 32 W S 43 10 E N 85 12 E N 46 31 E N 43 10 \y S 85 12 W 492 229 886 Fox. Koot. Bozman. 4 38 46 16. 70 76 17 00. 10 N 31 01 E N 34 32 W S 88 46 W S 31 01 W S 34 32 E N 88 46 E 51° 447 i>254 Grace. Rabbit. Vine. 2o6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAiv OYSTER BARS — Continued. DAWSON. {Outer Choptank River — Chart No. 34.) Cor- I«atitude Longitude True beating Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / ,f / Yards. I 38 39 58. 32 76 15 41.88 N 41 38 E N II 48 W N 63 59 W S 41 39 W S II 48 E S 64 01 E 4,344 4,356 6,387 Roys. Nelson 3. Bar. 2 38 40 14. 76 76 17 01. 00 N 17 56 E N 58 21 W S 87 03 W S 17 56 W S 58 23 E N 87 01 E 3,899 4,286 5, 394 Nelson 3. Bar. Black. 3 38 40 57. 06 76 17 00.88 N 27 40 E N 77 19 W S 72 27 W S 27 41 W S 77 20 E N 72 25 E 2,578 3,743 5,653 Nelson 3. Bar Black. 4 38 40 57. 08 76 16 09. 60 N 70 50 E N 03 58 W N 80 41 W S 70 52 w S 03 58 E S 80 43 E 3-831 2, 289 5, 073 Roys. Nelson 3. Bar. FRANCE. (Outer L'hoptank River — Chart No. 34.) / // / // , / Yards. I 38 40 57.06 76 17 00. 88 N 27 40 E N 77 19 W S 72 27 w S 27 41 w S 77 20 E N 72 25 E 2,578 3,743 5, 65,^ Nelson t,. Bar. Black. 2 38 41 54. 74 76 I- 00. 72 N 74 10 E N 31 48 W S 72 55 W S 74 II W S 31 48 E N 72 54 E I, 240 2,677 3.824 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Bar. 3 38 41 55. 12 76 16 10. 76 S 79 09 E N 21 22 W N 79 08 W S 21 23 E 3,716 349 Roys. Nelson 3. S 77 08 W N 77 06 E 5,104 Bar. 4 38 40 57. 08 76 16 og. 60 N 70 50 E N 03 58 W N 80 41 W S 70 52 W S 03 58 E S 80 43 E 3,831 2,289 5,073 Roys. Nelson 3. Bar. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. GREAT MARSH. {Oulcr Choptank River — Chart No. 34.) 207 Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance XS. S. C. & V. ,S. Uianeillatinn of bar Forward Back / // / / Yards. I 38 41 54. 74 76 17 00. 72 N 74 10 E N SI 48 W S -2 55 W S 74 II W S 31 48 E N 72 54 E I, 240 2,677 3,824 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Bar. 3 38 42 07. 41 70 17 16. 12 S 86 49 E N 28 30 W S 64 30 W N 86 48 W S 28 31 E N 64 28 E I, 602 -< 103 3. 599 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Bar. 3 38 42 44. 90 76 17 04. 80 N 65 52 W S 51 35 W S 43 52 E S 65 52 E N St 33 E N 43 51 W 1,427 4, 529 1.877 Change 19 10. Bar. Nelson 3. 4 38 42 27.90 76 16 37. 15 N 60 22 W vS 62 21 W S 36 10 E S 60 23 E N 62 19 E N 36 09 W 2, 339 4,830 967 Change 1910. Bar. Nelson 3. 5 38 41 55. 12 76 lb 10. 76 S 79 09 E N 21 22 W S 77 08 W N 79 08 W S 21 23 E N 77 06 E 3, 710 340 5, 104 Roys. Nelson v Bar. LONG POINT WOODS. (Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 41 44- 94 76 15 29. 76 S 82 06 E N 41 17 E N 61 05 W N 82 OS W S 41 17 w S 61 06 E 2,591 2,732 I.. ^83 Roys. Peary. Nclsim 3. 2 38 42 29. 78 76 16 05. 00 S 61 53 E N 78 48 E N 16 07 W N 61 52 W S 78 49 W S 16 07 E 3,965 2,786 I, 130 Roys. Peary. Annette. 3 38 42 57. 80 76 16 04. 68 S 9 09 w N 81 ss E N 2 20 VV N 9 09 E S 81 56 W S 2 20 E 1,811 2,633 I, 140 Nelson 3. Cook. Myrtle. 4 38 42 38. 10 76 IS 41- 50 N 62 35 E N 49 15 W S 38 42 w S 62 35 W S 49 16 E N 38 42 E 2,247 1,234 1,440 Cook. Annette. Nelson 3. 5 38 41 54. 64 76 15 07. 08 S 70 51 E N 34 52 E N 79 19 W N 70 50 W S 34 53 W S 79 20 E 2,082 2, 104 1,843 Roys. Peary. Nelson 3. 2o8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. GREAT BAR. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance ot bar Forward Back station I 38 42 16. 56 76 14 46. 24 S 44 53 E N 33 28 E N 57 24 W N 44 52 W S 33 28 W S 57 25 E Yards. 2, 007 1,183 2,842 Roys. Peary. Annette . 2 38 42 38. 10 76 15 41. 50 N 62 35 E N 49 15, W S 38 42 'W S 62 35 W S 49 16 E N 38 42 E 2,247 1,234 1,440 Cook. Annette . Nelson 3. ■•' 38 43 23. 66 76 14 58. 42 N 27 22 W N 81 35 W S 70 34 w S 27 23 E S 81 36 E N 70 33 E 1,547 1,816 2,198 Coal. Myrtle. Annette. 4 38 43 26. 45 76 14 27.40 N 50 06 W N 86 !•; W S 46 04 W S 50 06 E S 86 16 E N 46 03 E . 1,996 2,621 3, 970 Coal. Myrtle. Nelson 3. 5 38 42 40. 56 76 14 45. 00 S 31 48 E N 74 00 E N 27 48 E N 31 47 W S 74 00 W S 27 48 w 2.625 645 1, 076 Roys. Peary. Cook. 6 38 42 25. 02 76 14 37. 76 S 34 40 E N 31 24 E N 64 33 W N 54 39 W S 31 24 w S 64 34 E i,go8 822 2, 900 Irish. Peary. Annette. BROWN. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) I / // 38 43 06. 34 76 15 5°- 75 N 25 59 W S 77 59 W S 17 32 W S 25 59 E N 77 58 E N 17 32 E Yards. 945 70s 2,177 Myrtle. Annette. Nelson 3. 2 38 43 21.80 76 16 15. 06 S 46 06 E S 81 21 E N 61 28 E N 46 04 W N 81 20 W S 61 30 W 5,223 2,914 3,449 Roys. Cook. Ross. 3 38 43 57. 80 76 15 12. 66 S 36 43 E N 72 35 E N 23 04 E N 36 43 W S 72 36 w S 23 04 w 2, 061 1,448 2, 122 Cook. Ross. Bald. 4 38 43 37. 40 76 15 17-94 N 12 08 W S 81 15 W .S 52 31 W S 12 08 E N 81 14 E N 52 30 E 932 I, 296 I, 962 Coal. Myrtle. Annette. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. DEEP NECK. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 24.) 209 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 43 23. 66 76 14 58. 42 N 27 22 W N 81 S5 W S 70 34 W S 27 23 E S 81 36 E N 70 33 E 1.547 1,816 2, 198 Coal. Myrtle. Annette. 2 38 43 37-40 76 15 17. 94 N 12 08 W S 81 15 W S 52 31 W S 12 08 E N 81 14 E N 52 30 E 932 I, 296 I, 962 Coal. Myrtle. Annette . 3 38 43 57- 80 76 15 12. 66 S 36 43 E N 72 35 E N 23 04 E N 36 43 W S 72 36 W S 23 04 w 2, 061 1,448 2, 122 Cook. Ross. Bald. 4 38 44 31. 00 76 14 56. 40 S 54 14 E N 25 46 E N 35 55 W N 54 13 W S 25 46 W S 35 55 E 1,173 g25 1,063 Ross. Bald. Skinner. 5 38 44 40. 66 76 14 31. 02 N 62 05 E N 27 54 W S 78 55 w S 62 06 W S 27 54 E N 78 54 E 1, 190 573 1,540 Willev. Bald.' Tobe. 6 38 44 II. 72 76 14 28. 66 N 32 51 E N 12 34 W N 66 38 W S 32 51 W S 12 34 E S 66 39 E 1,825 1,519 1,715 Willey. Bald, Tobe. 7 38 43 26. 45 76 14 27. 40 N 50 06 W N 86 15 W S 46 04 W S 50 06 E S 86 16 E N 46 03 E 1,996 2, 621 3>97° Coal. Myrtle. Nelson 3. MULBERRY POINT. {Broad Creelt — Chart No. 34.) I 38 44 31.00 76 14 56. 40 S 54 14 E N 25 46 E N 35 55 W / N 54 13 W S 25 46 W S 35 55 E Yards. I, 173 925 1,063 Ross. Bald. Skinner. 2 38 44 45- 90 76 15 25. 00 S 76 30 w S 10 16 w S 55 10 E N 76 30 E N 10 16 E N 55 og W 911 480 2,081 Fairbanks. Tobe. Ross. 3 38 44 54- 54 76 IS 23- 72 S 61 16 W S 8 53 W S 48 30 E N 61 16 E N 8 53 E N 48 30 W I, 048 773 2,235 Fairbanks. Tobe. Ross. 4 38 44 47. 98 76 14 38' 43 S 67 34 W S 20 47 E S 57 13 E N 67 34 E N 20 47 W N 57 12 W 1,424 1,346 1,591 Tobe. Ross. Cedar. 5 38 44 40. 66 76 14 31. 02 N 62 05 E N 27 54 W S 78 55 W S 62 06 W S 27 54 E N 78 54 E I, 190 573 1,540 Willey. Bald. Tobe. 53485—12 14 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OK NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. BROAD CREEK MIDDLEGROUND. {Broad Creek — Charl No. 34.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 44 II. 72 / // 76 14 28. 66 N 32 51 E N 12 34 W N 66 38 W S 32 51 w S 12 34 E S 66 39 E Yards. 1,825 1-519 I. 715 Willey, Bald. Tobe. 2 38 44 40. 66 76 14 31.02 N 62 OS E N 27 54 W S 78 55 W S 62 06 W S 27 54 E N 78 54 E I, 190 573 1,540 Willey. Bald. Tobe. 3 38 44 46- 36 76 13 55-44 S 28 39 w S 14 05 E S 74 22 E N 28 38 E N 14 05 W N 74 21 W 1,372 832 1,822 Ross. Cedar. Spencer. 4 38 44 22. 42 76 13 47- 77 N 4 24 W N 51 30 W S 65 14 W S 4 23 E S 51 30 E N 65 14 E 1,177 1,802 947 Willey. Bald. Ross. WELL POINT. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) I 38 44 31.88 76 15 28. 24 S 68 15 E N 14 39 E N 26 21 W N 68 14 W S 14 39 W S 26 21 E Yards. 1,931 860 734 Ross. Skinner. Pine. 2 38 44 43. 80 76 15 36. 14 S 12 05 W S 27 26 E N 44 47 E N 12 05 E N 27 26 W S 44 47 W 571 453 605 Wire. Tobe. Skinner. ^^ 38 44 47. 90 76 15 38. 16 S 5 25 W S 25 52 E N 58 44 E N 5 25 E N 25 51 W S 58 44 W 699 600 560 Wire. Tobe. Skinner. 4 38 45 02. 62 76 IS 35- 1° S 9 55 E S 62 44 E N 38 00 E N 9 55 W N 62 44 W S 38 00 W I, 052 448 713 Tobe. Skinner. Cabin. S 38 44 35. 80 76 15 24. 82 N 59 48 E N 10 18 E N 38 22 W S 59 49 w S 10 18 W S 38 22 E 1,334 711 670 Bald. Skinner. Pine. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. POMPES. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / // / // , / Yards. I 38 44 37. 46 76 15 57.38 S 37 56 w S 52 OS E S 76 16 E N 37 56 E N 52 05 W N 76 IS W 518 560 793 Blanco. Wire. Tobe. 2 38 44 44. 24 76 15 53-42 S 33 35 W S 30 29 E S 57 55 E N 33 34 E N 30 29 W N 57 55 W 764 665 785 Blanco. Wire. Tobe. 3 38 44 47. 90 76 15 38. 16 S 5 25 w S 25 52 E N 58 44 E N 5 25 E N 25 51 W S 58 44 w 699 600 560 Wire. Tobe. Skinner. 4 38 44 43. 80 76 IS 36. 14 S 12 OS W S 27 26 E N 44 47 E N 12 05 E N 27 26 W S 44 47 W 571 453 60s Wire. Tobe. Skinner. COOPERS POINT. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) I 38 44 24. 64 76 16 06. 39 N 82 36 E N 22 24 E N 49 46 W S 82 36 W S 22 24 W S 49 46 E Yards. 686 546 673 Wire. Fairbanks. Caulk. ■" 38 44 36. 58 76 16 24. 00 S 59 27 W S 45 28 E N 81 24 E N 59 27 E N 45 27 W S 81 24 W 552 540 681 Ned. Blanco. Fairbanks. 3 38 44 42. 40 76 16 12. 09 S 58 53 W S 6 58 E S 58 24 E N 58 53 E N 6 58 W N 58 24 W 923 580 974 Ned. Blanco. Wire. 4 38 44 39. 60 76 16 04. 04 S 69 07 W S 16 30 W S 56 01 E N 69 07 E N 16 30 E N 56 01 W 1.073 SOI 745 Ned. Blanco. Wire. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. JUDYS POINT. {Broad Creek — Chart No. ^4.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back station I 38 44 28. 26 76 16 38. 26 S 82 39 E S 88 44 E N 46 23 E N 82 39 W N 88 43 W S 46 23 W Yards. 768 1,521 453 Blanco. Wire. Caulk. 2 38 44 29. 01 76 16 48. 78 S 81 s8 E S 83 14 E N 64 38 E N 81 58 W N 83 13 W S 64 38 W 185 1,047 670 Ned. Blanco. Caulk. 3 38 44 37.06 76 16 46. 79 S 23 OS E S 68 II E N 88 22 E N 23 05 W N 68 II W S 88 22 W 323 1,063 553 Ned. Blanco. Caulk. 4 38 44 3S. 92 76 16 36. 46 S 29 32 w S 63 28 E N 79 03 E N 29 32 E N 63 28 W S 79 03 W 297 798 28s Ned. Blanco. Caulk. BRUSHY POINT. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) I 38 4S 02. 62 76 15 35- 10 S 9 55 E S 62 44 E N 38 00 E / N 9 55 W N 62 44 W S 38 00 W Yards. 1, 052 448 713 Tobe. Skinner. Cabin. 2 38 45 03- 90 76 15 42.63 S 19 23 E S 67 2S E N 50 53 E N ig 23 W N 67 24 W S 5° 53 W I1I45 647 822 Tobe. Skinner. Cabin. 3 38 4S 12. 80 76 15 36.64 S g 08 E S 38 41 E N 6s 32 E N 9 08 W N 38 40 W S 6s 32 W 1-398 702 527 Tobe. Skinner. Cabin. 4 38 4S 14- 68 76 IS 28. 24 S 22 32 W S 19 33 E N 58 57 E N 22 32 E N 19 33 W S 58 s8 W 851 650 ,301 Pine. Skinner. Cabin. WILLEYS ISLAND FLATS. (Broad Creek — Chart No. ^4.) I 38 44 46. 36 76 13 55-44 S 28 39 w S 14 OS E S 74 22 E N 28 38 E N 14 OS W N 74 21 W Yards. 1.372 832 1,822 Ross. Cedar Spencer. 2 38 45 04- 60 76 14 27. 20 S 75 17 E N 57 ,53 E N 17 20 E N 75 17 W S 57 53 W S 17 20 w 983 I, 00s 1,445 Willey. Ray. Grave. 3 38 45 18. 92 76 14 25. 74 S SI 14 E N 88 38 E N 23 37 E N 51 14 W S 88 39 W S 23 37 W I, 170 814 978 Willey. Ray. Grave. i Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WILLEYS ISLAND FLATS— Continued. (Broad Creek — Chart No. 34) — Continued. 213 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. of bar Forward Back station 4 38 45 19- 58 76 14 38. 14 S 58 40 E N 88 32 E N 39 27 E N 58 39 W S 88 32 W S 39 27 W Yards. 1,452 I, 141 1,132 Willey. Ray. Grave. 5 38 45 34- 03 76 14 32. 14 S 5 29 E S 64 59 E N 55 26 E N 5 29 W N 64 59 W S 55 26 W 798 1,084 681 Rose. Ray. Grave . 6 38 45 40. 86 76 14 39. 10 N 78 08 E N 30 24 E N 33 48 W S 78 08 W S 30 24 W S 33 48 E 761 589 I, 001 Grave . Royal. Mars. ' 38 45 54. 63 76 14 37. 10 N 58 55 W S 65 37 w S 10 41 E S 58 55 E N 65 37 R N 10 41 W 712 524 706 Mars. Bengal Gram. 8 38 45 45- 50 76 14 10. 90 N SI 44 W S 55 26 W S 26 29 E S 51 44 E N 55 26 E N 26 29 W 569 681 944 Royal. Gram. Ray. 9 38 45 14- 38 76 13 58. 24 N S3 =9 W S 80 51 W S IS 10 W S 53 30 E N 80 51 E N IS ^9 E 1, 113 827 2, 227 Gram. Rose. Ross. HOLLAND POINT. (Broad Creek — Chart No. J4.) I 38 45 49- 42 76 14 52- 34 N 71 IS E ■N 20 S3 W N 51 23 W S 71 16 W S 20 53 E S SI 24 E Yards. 684 582 1,115 Royal. Mars. Woodill. 2 38 45 54. 52 76 IS 12.46 N 87 40 E N 41 06 E N 33 01 W S 87 41 W S 41 06 W S 33 02 E 1,180 492 626 Royal. Mars. Woodill. 3 38 46 10. 07 76 15 25-37 S 23 46 E S 77 03 E N 22 52 E N 23 46 W N 77 03 W S 22 53 W 575 682 616 Eastman . Mars. Venus. 4 38 46 24. 96 76 IS 24-56 S 44 29 E N 73 27 E N 2 06 W N 44 29 W S 73 27 w S 2 06 E 919 227 949 Mars. Venus. Willis. 5 38 46 28. 39 76 15 33-69 S 19 35 E S 83 42 E N 66 00 E N 19 35 W N 83 41 W S 66 00 W 656 461 428 Woodill. Venus. Neptune. 6 38 46 32. 30 76 15 24. 60 N 44 40 W S 61 13 W S I 33 w S 44 40 E N 61 13 E N I 33 E 605 273 75° Marion . Delta. Woodill. 7 38 46 05. S3 76 15 00. 19 S 49 14 w S 12 43 E S 69 17 E N 49 14 E N 12 43 W N 69 16 W 572 599 914 Eastman. Bengal. Royal. 214 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OK NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. HARRISON. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back , ,. / // / / Yards. I 38 46 41. 52 76 15 34.40 S 2 2S E S 56 39 E N 29 s8 E N 2 25 W N 56 39 W S 29 58 W 443 489 451 Delta. Neptune. Willis. 2 38 46 47. 08 76 15 30.33 S 75 58 W S 33 26 E N 30 06 E N 75 57 E N 33 26 W S 30 06 W 282 548 234 Marion. Neptune. Willis. 3 38 46 41. 62 76 IS 2S. 40 N 74 01 W S 26 08 W S 74 01 E N 26 08 E 420 496 Marion. Delta. S 32 10 E N 32 10 W 322 Neptune. CEDAR POINT. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) I / // 38 44 15. 78 76 13 22.37 S 69 00 E N 58 29 E N 01 46 W N 69 00 W S 58 29 W S 01 46 E Yards. 1,417 1,035 1,524 Marsh. Spencer. Hopkins. 2 38 44 22. 42 76 13 47- 77 N 4 24 W N 51 30 W S 65 14 W S 4 23 E S 51 30 E N 6s 14 E 1,177 1,802 947 Willey. Bald. Ross. 3 38 44 46. 36 76 13 S5-44 S 28 39 W S 14 OS E S 74 22 E N 28 38 E N 14 05 W N 74 2i W 1,372 852 1,822 Ross. Cedar. Spencer. 4 38 44 19. 25 76 12 54.44 S 43 09 E N 18 44 E N 29 09 W N 43 08 W S 18 44 W S 29 10 E 856 447 I, 611 Marsh. Spencer. Hopkins. DRUM POINT. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 44 19. 25 76 12 54-44 S 43 09 E N 43 08 W 856 Marsh. N 18 44 E S 18 44 w 447 vSpencer. N 29 09 W S 29 10 E I, 611 Hopkins. 2 38 44 46. 36 76 13 55- 44 S 28 39 W N 28 38 E 1,372 Ross. S 14 OS E N 14 OS W 832 Cedar. S 74 22 E N 74 21 W 1,822 Spencer. 3 38 44 53- 66 76 13 09. 80 N 83 47 W S 83 47 E 1,099 Willey. S 43 35 W N 43 35 E 1,454 Cedar. S 29 0^ E N 20 02 W 2, 042 Marsh. Thence from c omer No. 3 along the mean low-water line r f the shore to comer No. 4, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at ts mouth at low tide. 4 38 44 31.81 76 12 49. 00 N 43 22 W S 43 22 E 1,352 Hopkins. S 78 28 W N 78 28 E 1,585 Cedar. S 22 51 E N 22 SI W 1,137 Marsh. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. JOE HARRIS FLATS. (Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) 215 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatic of bar Forward Back , » / // / / Yards. I 38 43 50- 78 76 12 49. 30 N S3 18 E N 20 E N 21 IS W S Si 19 w S 20 w S 21 IS E 561 1,386 2.539 Marsh. Spencer. Hopkins. 2 38 44 00. 20 76 13 02.34 N 88 44 E N 18 17 E N IS 42 W S 88 44 W S 18 18 W S 15 42 E 795 1. 123 2, 128 Marsh. Spencer. Hopkins. 3 38 44 19. 2S 76 12 54.44 S 43 09 E N 18 44 E N 29 09 W N 43 08 W S 18 44 W S 29 10 E 856 447 I, 611 Marsh. Spencer. Hopkins. 4 38 44 00. 72 Thence from c any creek, c 1 76 12 32.27 omer No. 4 aloi ove, or inlet le N 66 24 E S 66 24 W 932 Clark. N 24 13 E S 24 13 W 749 Marshall. S 22 51 E N 22 51 W 1 I, 137 Spencer, ig the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. i, excluding ^ than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 1 1 PIN CUSHION. (Broad Creek — Chart No. 34. I 38 43 58- 18 76 12 14. 41 N 39 45 R N 12 04 W N 38 SI W S 39 45 W S 12 05 E S 38 52 E Yard's. 596 786 1.457 Clark. Marshall. Spencer. 2 38 44 17. 84 76 12 30. 00 N 46 48 W S s 56 w S 29 12 E S 46 49 E N s 56 E N 29 12 W 688 580 974 Spencer. Marsh. Holly. 3 38 44 20. 18 76 12 28. 20 N 54 29 W S 9 18 W S 24 43 E S 54 29 E N 9 18 E N 24 43 W 67s 665 I, 024 Spencer. Marsh. Holly. 4 38 44 08. 74 76 12 04. 52 N 56 29 W S 69 45 W S 19 58 W S s6 30 E N 69 45 E N 19 58 E 1,409 781 579 Spencer. Marsh. Holly. 2l6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WILLEYS ISLAND. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 44 56- 38 76 13 44. 48 S 60 31 E N 73 57 E N 2 54 E N 60 30 W S 73 57 W S 2 54 w Yards. 1,684 559 864 Spencer. Hopkins. Judge. 2 38 45 11.68 76 13 45. 60 S 57 =7 E N 61 30 E N I 35 E N 57 27 W S 61 30 W S I 35 W 671 534 I, 129 Hopkins. Taft. Harper. 3 38 45 21.40 76 13 37-45 S 27 00 E S 73 55 E N 12 57 W N 27 00 W N 73 55 W S 12 57 E 773 264 821 Hopkins. Taft. Harper. 4 38 45 26. 42 76 13 46. 56 S 34 35 E S 63 52 E N 5 07 E N 34 34 W N 63 52 W S 5 07 W 1.043 55° 634 Hopkins. Taft. Harper. 5 38 45 36. 14 76 13 34. 96 N 69 17 W S 23 29 W S 18 15 E S 69 18 E N 23 29 E N 18 15 W 621 521 600 Thelma. Judge. Taft. 6 38 45 33- 40 76 13 29. 96 N 66 22 W S 41 19 w S 6 41 E S 66 22 E N 41 19 E N 6 41 W 778. 514 481 Thelma. Judge. Taft. 7 38 44 56. 96 76 13 33.60 N 16 06 W N 89 03 W S 17 49 W S 16 06 E S 89 03 E N 17 49 E 878 464 I, 224 Judge. Willey. Cedar. FOX. (Broad Creek — Chart No. 24.) I 38 45 57. 50 76 13 42. 78 S 5 56 W N 66 25 E N 14 13 E N 5 56 E S 66 25 W S 14 13 w Yards. 419 226 553 Harper. Ansley. Beverly. 2 38 46 04. 16 76 13 42. 68 S 4 06 W S 56 52 E N 48 23 E N 4 06 E N 56 52 W S 48 23 w 643 245 504 Harper. Ansley. Samuel. 3 38 46 08. 04 76 13 36. 80 S 46 30 W S 10 40 E N 47 23 E N 46 30 E N 10 40 W S 47 23 w 381 269 302 Elmore. Ansley. Samuel. 4 38 46 05. 96 76 13 31.08 N 14 28 E N 34 30 W S 65 49 W S 14 28 W S 34 30 E N 65 49 E 283 305 468 Samuel. Beverly. Elmore. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. ROYSTON. (Outer Choptank River — Chart No. 34.) 217 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearin? Distance U. S. C. & G. £ 5. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 40 08. 08 76 14 26. 04 N 87 14 E N 16 51 E N 36 21 W S 87 15 w S 16 52 w S 36 22 E Yards. 3,832 3>°4i 4,884 Benoni 2. Roys. Nelson 3. 2 38 41 12.32 76 15 ii- °° N 74 19 E N 32 28 W N 87 04 W S 74 20 W S 32 28 E S 87 06 E 2, 7!;4 2, 096 5.982 Roys. Nelson 3. Bar. 3 38 42 06. 98 76 14 28. 92 S 69 29 E N 8 27 E S 88 29 W N 69 28 W S 8 27 W N 88 28 E 1,413 1,324 2,819 Irish. Peary. Nelson 3. 4 38 42 05. 74 76 14 og. 20 S 89 26 W S 22 28 E S 60 30 E N 89 24 E N 22 27 W N 60 30 W 3,340 1,144 921 Nelson 3. Roys. Irish. 5 38 41 48. 26 76 13 52.96 N 81 36 W S 00 56 E N 69 53 E S 81 38 E N 00 56 W S 69 54 W 3,810 467 397 Nelson 3. Roys. Irish. 6 38 41 39. 16 76 13 56.66 N 46 41 E N 16 18 W N 76 46 W S 46 41 w S 16 iq E S 76 48 E 646 2,342 3.771 Irish. Peary. Nelson 3. 7 38 40 44. 14 76 13 52.40 S 70 41 E N 00 14 W N 54 18 W N 70 39 W S 00 14 E S 54 20 E 3, ^^3 1,694 4,659 Benoni 2. Roys. Nelson 3. IRISH CREEK. {Outer Choptank River — Chart No. 34.) 38 39 44. 96 40 26. 10 38 41 16. i 38 41 52. 04 / ,/ 76 13 II. 10 76 13 5°-38 76 13 52.40 76 13 21.94 76 13 16.44 S 76 23 E N 62 23 E N 16 35 W S 81 41 E N I 30 W N 49 05 W S 70 41 E N 00 14 W N 54 18 W N 76 23 W S 62 23 W S 16 35 E N 81 40 W S I 30 E S 49 06 E N 70 39 W S 00 14 E S 54 20 E N II 24 E S II 24 W N 53 SI W S 53 51 E N 70 36 W S 70 37 E N 24 04 E I S 24 05 W N 89 09 W S 89 09 E S 58 09 W I N 58 09 E Yards. 3,412 2,083 3,851 2, 916 2,304 S,°79 3,113 1,694 4,659 1, 142 1, 006 4,865 772 593 I, 128 Choptank River Light. Benoni 2. Roys. Benoni 2. Roys. Nelson 3. Benoni 2. Roys. Nelson 3. Creek. Roys. Nelson 3. Ila. Irish. Roys. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. IRISH CREEK— Continued. {Outer Choptank River — Chart No. 34) — Continued. Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance - U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back 6 38 41 19. 58 76 13 04.64 N 12 43 W N 21 18 W N 68 31 W S 12 43 E S 21 18 E S 68 31 E Yards. 1.051 2,003 1.365 Creek. Pont. Roys. 7 38 41 00. 00 76 13 03. 46 N 8 SI W N 16 43 W N 48 16 W S 8 S2 E S 16 43 E S 48 17 E I, 706 2,638 1.743 Creek. Pont. Roys. 8 38 40 41. 02 76 12 44.32 S 5° 55 E N 18 17 W N 4S 06 W N so S4 W S 18 17 E S 45 07 E 1,467 2,450 2.550 Benoni 2. Creek. Roys. 9 38 40 18.30 76 12 52. 02 S 55 48 E S 83 16 E N 31 59 W N 55 47 W N 83 IS W S 32 00 E 3.403 1.352 3,026 Choptank River Light. Benoni 2. Roys. CHOPTANK LUMPS. {Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. 34 and 57.) / // / // , / Yards. I 38 39 08. 00 76 13 46. 22 N 83 S2 E S 83 S4 W 4,273 Choptank River Light. N SI 26 E S SI 27 w 3,549 Benoni 2. N I S9 W S I S9 E 4,940 Roys. Thence al ong county boundary as delineated on Charts Nos. 34 and 37 to comer No. 2. 2 38 39 58. 32 76 IS 41. 88 N 41 38 E S 41 39 W 4,344 Roys. N II 48 W S II 48 E 4.356 Nelson 3. N 63 S9 W S 64 01 E 6.387 Bar. .S 38 39 43. 30 76 13 4S. 60 S 80 10 E N 80 08 W 4,295 Choptank River Light. N 69 41 E S 69 42 W 2,941 Benoni 2. N 2 SI W S 2 SI E 3,751 Roys. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BENONI. {Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. ^4 and yj.) 219 Cor- True bsaring Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 38 48.40 76 II 45. 22 S 49 58 E N 49 57 W 3,479 Castle. N 43 09 E S 43 10 W ■^^iii Choptank River Light. N 8 24 W S 8 24 E 2, 905 Benoni 2. Thence along county boundary as delineated on chart No. 3 7 to comer No. 2. 2 38 39 05. 04 76 13 38- 98 S 68 56 W N 68 S4 E 6, 512 Chef. S 16 26 W N 16 25 E 2,764 Dot. N 82 II E S 82 13 W 4,094 Choptank River Light. 3 38 39 44. 96 76 13 II. 10 S 76 23 E N 76 23 W 3,412 Choptank River Light. N 62 23 E S 62 23 W 2,083 Benoni 2. N 16 35 W S 16 35 E 3,851 Roys. 4 38 40 18.30 76 12 52. 02 S 55 48 E N 55 47 W 3,403 Choptank River Light. S 83 16 E N 83 15 W 1,352 Benoni 2. N 31 59 W S 32 00 E 3,026 Roys. 5 38 39 45. IS 76 12 00. 66 S 61 23 E N 61 22 W I, 660 Choptank River Light. N 17 40 E S 17 40 W 3,27s Mutton. N 00 57 W S 00 57 E 959 Benoni 2. LIGHTHOUSE. {Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. j^, J5, and 57.) , // / // / , Yards. I 38 38 48. 40 76 II 45. 22 S 49 58 E N 43 09 E N 8 24 W N 49 57 W S 43 10 W S 8 24 E 3,479 1,533 2,905 Castle. Choptank River Light. Benoni 2. 2 38 39 45- 15 76 12 00. 66 S 61 23 E N 17 40 E N 57 W N 61 22 W S 17 40 w S 57 E I, 660 3,275 959 Choptank River Light. Mutton. Benoni 2. 3 38 39 42. 88 76 10 50. 00 S 80 II E N 36 36 E N 61 12 W N 80 II W S 36 36 w S 61 12 E 2,403 I, 261 2, 150 Landeye. Boone. Benoni 2. 4 38 39 16. 14 76 10 19. 78 S 47 34 E N 72 34 E N I 24 W N 47 33 W S 72 35 W S I 24 E 3,057 1,645 1,915 Chlora. Landeye. Boone. 5 38 38 48. 64 Then 76 II 18, 98 ce along county S 73 27 E N 17 43 E N 21 19 W boundary as N 73 25 W S 17 43 W S 21 19 E ielineated on < 3,986 I 166 , 3,075 mart No. 3 Chlora. Choptank River Light. Benoni 2. J to comer No. i. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTBR BARS — Continued. BACK SHORE. {Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. 24, J5, and jy.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / ,/ / ,/ / / Yards. I 38 37 52-86 76 09 25. 36 N 47 35 E S 47 36 W I, 106 Chlora. N 2 15 E S 2 15 W 3-304 Landeye. S 64 59 W N 64 58 E I, .538 Large Water Tank. Thence along county boundary as delineated on charts Nos. 34 and 35 to comer No. 2. 2 38 38 27. 80 76 10 07. 48 S 2 53 E N 2 53 W 1,544 Castle. S 77 23 E N 77 22 W 1,978 Chlora. N 30 22 E S 30 22 w 2, 461 Landeye. 3 38 39 16. 14 76 10 19. 78 S 47 34 E N 47 33 W 3.057 Chlora. N 72 34 E S 72 35 W 1,645 Landeye. N I 24 W S I 24 E 1,915 Boone . 4 38 39 42. 88 76 10 50. 00 S 80 II E N 80 II W 2,403 Landeye. N 36 36 E S 36 36 W I, 261 Boone. N 61 12 W S 61 12 E 2, 150 Benoni 2. 5 38 40 04. 36 76 10 09. 62 N 47 36 W S 47 36 E 428 Boone. N 83 59 W S 84 00 E 2,968 Benoni 2. S 45 43 W N 45 42 E 2, 067 Choptank River Light. Thence from comer No. 5 along the mean low- water line of the shore to comer No. 6, excluding any ere ;k, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 6 38 39 39. 52 76 09 43. 38 N 41 52 W S 41 53 E 1,512 Boone. S 74 26 W N 74 25 E 2, 256 Choptank River Light. S 8 03 W N 8 02 E 4, 000 Castle. 7 38 39 25- 86 76 09 21. 68 N 34 54 W S 34 54 E 744 Enter. S 86 59 W N 86 58 E 2,750 Choptank River Light. S 17 W N 17 s6 E 3,680 Castle. Thence from comer No. 7 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 8, excluding any ere ;k, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 8 38 38 14. 98 76 08 54. 49 N 57 03 W S 57 04 E 4,131 Choptank River Light. S 59 05 W N 59 04 E 2, 160 Castle. S 10 18 E N 10 18 W 3,944 Toot. BACHELOR POINT. {Entrance Tred Avon River — Charts Nos. 34 and JJ.) / // / // / , Yards. I 38 39 42. 88 76 10 50. 00 S 80 II E N 36 36 E N 61 12 W N 80 II W S 36 36 W S 61 12 E 2,403 I, 261 2, 150 Landeye. Boone . Benoni 2. 2 38 40 31. 52 76 II 46. 04 S 74 18 E N 89 07 E N 21 18 E N 74 17 W S 89 07 w S 21 19 W 2,321 1,799 I, 672 Boone. Bach. Mutton. 3 38 40 41. 52 76 10 47. 16 N 37 52 W S 64 19 W S 10 14 w S 37 53 E N 64 19 E N 10 14 E 1,545 2,174 2,739 Mutton. Benoni 2. Choptank River Light. 4 38 4G II. 94 76 10 i^. 64 S 26 25 w N 84 09 E N 9 29 W N 26 25 E S 84 09 W S 9 29 E 1,897 320 699 Choptank River Light. Boone. Bach. 5 38 40 04. 36 76 10 09. 62 N 47 36 W N 83 59 W S 45 43 W S 47 36 E S 84 00 E N 45 42 E 428 2,968 2,067 Boone. Benoni 2. Choptank River Light. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. FOX HOLE. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 24-) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I 38 40 31.52 76 1 1 46. 04 S 74 18 E N 89 07 E N 21 18 E N 74 17 W S 89 07 w S 21 ig W Yards. 2,321 1,799 I, 672 Boone . Bach. Mutton. 2 38 40 34- 55 76 11.49- 5° S 25 16 E S 87 46 E N 25 39 E N 25 16 W N 87 45 W S 25 4i W 2, 721 1,892 I, 614 Choptank River Light. Bach. Mutton . 3 38 41 34. 84 76 1 1 00. 60 S 43 53 E S 87 38 E N 13 43 E N 43 52 W N 87 38 W S 13 43 W 1,375 646 1,208 First. Riverview. Bellevue. 4 38 41 30.20 76 10 39. 72 N II 16 W N 64 02 W S 69 48 w S II 16 E S 64 02 E N 69 47 E 1,357 793 I, 220 Bellevue. Tred. Mutton. 5 38 41 05. 50 76 10 54. 52 N 15 15 W N 61 24 W S 45 14 w S 15 15 E S 61 24 E N 45 13 E I, 224 860 2,485 Tred. Mutton. Bedoni 2. STONE CHURCH. (Tred Avon River — Charts Nos. 34 and 55.) I 38 40 51- 43 76 10 40. 10 N 23 01 W N 52 02 W S 59 16 W ° ' S 23 01 E S 52 03 E N 59 15 E Yards. 1.795 1,440 2,497 Tred. Mutton. Benoni 2. 2 38 41 30.20 76 10 39. 72 N II 16 W N 64 02 W S 69 48 W S II 16 E S 64 02 E N 69 47 E 1,357 793 I, 220 Bellevue. Tred. Mutton. 3 38 41 14.64 76 10 30. 56 N 15 17 W N 85 45 W S 7 51 w S 15 17 E S 85 45 E N 7 51 E 1,924 1,391 1,439 Bellevue. Mutton. Bach. 4 38 40 52. 62 76 10 27. 52 N 32 40 W N 60 03 W S 62 01 W S 32 41 E S 60 04 E N 62 00 E 1,918 1,694 2,806 Tred. Mutton. Benoni 2. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. TOWN POINT. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. Sc G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 41 30. 20 76 10 39. 72 N II 16 W N 64 02 W S 69 48 w S II 16 E S 64 02 E N 69 47 E Yards. 1,357 793 I, 220 Bellevue. Tred. Mutton. 2 38 41 34. 84 76 II 00. 60 S 43 53 E S 87 38 E N 13 43 E N 43 52 E N 87 38 W S 13 43 W 1,375 646 1,208 First. Riverview. Bellevue. 3 38 41 57. 86 76 10 56. 40 S 24 56 W S 33 40 E N 23 50 E N 24 56 E N 33 39 W S 23 50 W 646 965 435 Tred. Riverview. Bellevue. 4 38 41 59. 18 76 10 41. 36 N 27 16 E N 32 06 W S 46 45 W S 27 16 W S 32 06 E N 46 45 E 1,437 417 920 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. 5 38 41 40. 68 76 10 37.32 N 16 II E N i8 35 W S 89 33 W S 16 II W S 18 35 E N 89 33 E 1,979 1,031 776 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. STEWART ISLAND. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) I 38 41 39. 80 76 10 14. 42 N I 35 W N 42 50 W N 89 01 W S I 34 E S 42 SI E S 89 02 E Yards. 1,931 1,374 1,382 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. 2 38 41 53. 54 76 10 27. 80 N 11 33 E N 46 51 W S 66 51 W S II 33 w S 46 S2 E N 66 50 E 1,498 795 1,118 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. 3 38 42 II. 24 76 10 15.34 N I 56 W S 86 39 W S 52 38 w S I 56 E N 86 38 E N 52 37 E 872 1,708 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. 4 38 41 50. 16 76 09 56. 96 N 18 02 W N 64 46 W S 36 04 W S 18 02 E S 64 46 E N 36 04 E 1,663 1,542 I, 269 Tar. Bellevue. Weather Bureau Staff. S 38 41 47-34 Thence from c any creek, c 76 10 03. 06 omer No. 5 alo ove, or inlet le. N II 55 W N 58 37 W S 32 II W ng the mean k ,s than 100 yar S II 55 E S 58 37 E N 32 II E )w- water line c ds in width at 1,714 1,446 1,099 f tlie shore its mouth Tar. Bellevue. Weather Biu-eau Staff, to comer No. i, excluding it low tide. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. GOOSE NECK. [Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I 38 41 53- 54 76 10 27. 80 N II 33 E N 46 51 W S 66 51 W S II 33 W S 46 52 E N 66 so E Yards. 1,498 795 1,118 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. 2 38 42 OQ. 66 76 10 43. 56 S 09 14 E S 76 37 E N 37 47 E N 09 14 W N 76 36 W S 37 47 W I, 216 I. 517 1,169 Riverview. Town. Tar. 3 38 42 22. 78 76 10 25.04 S 10 og W S SI II E N 25 14 E N 10 09 E N 51 10 W S 25 14 W I, 66g 1,266 533 Riverview. Town. Tar. 4 38 42 27. 00 76 10 35.42 S 00 38 w S 53 24 E N 55 55 E N 00 38 E N S3 24 W S 55 55 W 1,786 1,570 606 Riverview. Town. Tar. 5 38 42 38. 44 76 10 27. 60 S 5 57 W S 38 34 E S 81 01 W N 5 57 E N 38 34 W N 81 01 W 2, 184 I, 691 297 Riverview. Town. Tar. 6 38 42 32. 28 76 10 00. 40 S 59 41 W S 16 45 E S 36 23 E N 59 40 E N 16 45 W N 36 23 W 1,5" 1, 164 1,428 Bellevue. Town. Mud. 7 38 42 11.24 76 10 15.34 N I 56 W S 86 39 W S 52 38 W S I 56 E N 86 38 E N 52 37 E 872 911 1,708 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. PECKS POINT. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 24.) / // / // , / Yards. I 38 41 50. 16 76 09 56. 96 N 18 02 W S 18 02 E 1,663 Tar. N 64 46 W S 64 46 E 1,542 Bellevue. S 36 04 W N 36 04 E I, 269 Weather Bureau Staff. 2 38 42 II. 24 76 10 15.34 N I 56 W S I 56 E 872 Tar. S 86 39 W N 86 38 E 911 Bellevue. S 52 38 W N 52 37 E 1,708 Tred. 3 38 42 32. 28 76 10 00. 40 S 59 41 w N 59 40 E 1,5" Bellevue. S 16 45 E N 16 45 W 1, 164 Town. S 36 23 E N 36 23 W 1,428 Mud. 4 38 42 18. 38 76 09 47. 40 S 79 52 W N 79 52 E 1, 672 Bellevue. S 00 37 W N 00 37 E 645 Town. S 36 33 E N 36 33 W 848 Mud. 5 38 42 19. 34 76 09 34. 80 S 26 43 w N 26 43 E 759 Town. S 13 27 E N 13 27 W 734 Mud. S 53 53 E N S3 52 W 1,575 Golds. 6 38 41 59- 24 76 09 47. 71 N 07 W S 07 E 749 Peck. N 77 54 W S 77 55 E 1,676 Bellevue. S 56 27 W N 56 26 E 1,537 Riverview. Thence from c omer No. 6 along the mean lo w-water line f the shore to comer No. I, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yard 1 s in width at it .s mouth at low tide. ?24 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIBS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — ^Continued. MARES POINT. {Tred A-von River— Chart No. 34.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. sta S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / „ / „ / , Yards. I 38 41 59- 38 76 09 33. 54 S 78 21 E N 78 21 W 1,265 Golds. N 43 29 E S 43 29 W 852 Tall. N 26 48 W S 26 48 E 834 Peck. 2 38 42 06. 20 76 09 34. 06 S 68 49 E N 68 49 W 1,343 Golds. N 57 01 E S 57 02 W 715 Tall. N 35 09 W S 35 09 E 630 Peck. 3 38 42 15. 28 76 09 12. 56 S 35 S2 W N 35 52 E 712 Mud. S 40 51 E N 40 51 W 1,047 Golds. S 76 41 E N 76 40 W I, 132 Borough. 4 38 42 30. 20 76 08 54.-6o S 09 12 E N 09 12 W 1,3" Golds. S 39 21 E N 39 21 W 988 Borough. N 86 10 W S 86 10 W 1,321 Layor. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No 5, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yarc is in width at its mouth at low tide. 5 38 42 39. 38 76 09 00. 22 S 35 49 E N 35 49 W 1,323 Borough. N 80 12 E S 80 12 W 825 Twin. N 45 OS E S 45 05 w 1,039 Weave. 6 38 42 42. 98 76 08 44. 00 S 16 10 E N 16 09 W 1,243 Borough. N 87 II E S 87 II W 384 Twin. N 26 38 E S 26 38 W 685 Weave . 7 38 42 29. 82 76 08 32. 40 N 28 30 W S 28 30 E 1,518 Spin. N 68 01 W S 68 01 E 756 Plain. S 16 23 W N 16 23 E 1,335 Golds. 8 38 41 59. 60 76 09 18. 92 N 78 04 E S 78 05 W 1,297 Borough. N 18 08 E S 18 08 W 643 Tall. N 45 58 W S 45 58 E I, 061 Peck. LOUIS COVE. {^red Avon River — Chart No. 34.) 1 38 41 44. 84 76 08 57. 82 N 42 53 E N 17 53 W N 46 54 W S 42 54 W § ^7 S3 E S 46 SS E Yards. 1,045 1, 165 1,808 Borough. Tall. Peck. 2 38 41 52. 00 76 09 21. 56 N 68 37 E N 17 15 E N 34 S3 W S 68 37 W S 17 15 W S 34 53 E 1,438 908 I, 212 Borough. Tall. Peck. 3 38 41 59. 60 76 09 18. 92 N 78 04 E N 18 08 E N 45 58 W S 78 05 W S 18 08 W S 45 58 E 1,297 643 1, 061 Borough. Tall. Peck. 4 38 42 29. 82 76 08 32. 40 N 28 30 W N 68 01 W S 16 23 W S 28 30 E S 68 01 E N 16 23 E I, 518 756 1. 335 Spin. Plain. Golds. 5 38 42 17. 79 76 08 21. 60 N 29 12 E N 13 30 W N 55 04 W S 29 13 W S 13 30 E S 55 05 E 1,369 893 1,203 Toe. Twin. Plain. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BAMINGS COVE. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) 225 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation o{ bar Forward Back c / // / / Yards. I 38 42 29. 10 76 08 12. 06 N 27 05 E N 43 24 W N 76 04 W S 27 05 w S 43 24 E S 76 04 E 914 670 1.275 Toe. Twin. Plain. 2 38 42 38. 25 76 08 26. 32 S 6 40 W S 72 13 E N S7 30 E N 6 40 E N 72 13 W S 57 31 W I, 042 599 940 Borough. Layor. Toe. 3 38 42 54. 24 76 08 13. 62 S 16 10 W S 18 02 E S 74 14 E N 16 10 E N 18 02 W N 74 14 W 1.639 760 863 Borough . Layor. Mistle. 4 38 42 48. 86 76 oS 00. 52 S 76 49 w S II 36 W S 83 45 E N 76 48 E N II 36 E N 83 45 W 786 487 Twin. Layer. Mistle. 5 38 42 33. 25 76 oS 06. 43 N 21 37 E N 60 21 W S 21 37 W S 60 21 E 725 702 Toe. Twin. S 36 44 w N 36 44 E 1,082 Borough . OLD HOUSE POINT. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) / // , /, / / Yards. I 38 42 34- 73 76 07 48. 46 N 12 20 E S 12 20 W 827 Trippe. N 18 25 W S 18 25 E 657 Toe. N 74 40 W S 74 41 E 1,124 Twin. 2 38 42 48. 86 76 08 00. 52 S 76 49 w N 76 48 E 786 Twin. S II 36 W N II 36 E 552 Layor. S 83 45 E N 83 45 W 487 Mistle. 3 38 42 58. 40 76 07 47. 76 S 27 27 W N 27 27 E 972 Layor. S 21 25 E N 21 25- W 402 Mistle. S 76 59 E N 76 58 W 795 Venture. 4 38 42 56. 28 76 07 38. 36 S 77 44 W N 77 44 E 486 Toe S 18 50 W N 18 30 E 319 Mistle. S 78 26 E N 78 26 W 536 Venture . 5 38 42 39. 14 76 07 35. 50 S 67 38 E N 67 37 W 846 Deux. N 43 45 E S 43 45 W 651 Venture. N 14 04 W S 14 04 E 681 Trippe. 6 38 42 38. 80 76 07 38. 40 S 70 07 E N 70 07 W 913 Deux. N 47 33 E S 47 33 W 714 Venture . N 7 33 W S 7 34 E 677 Trippe. Thence from c omerNo. 6 alon g the mean low water line of t he shore to :omer No. 7 excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less th£ n 100 yards in width at its n outh at low 1 tide. 7 38 42 47. 29 76 07 42. 20 N I 43 E S I 43 w 385 Trippe. N 61 50 W S 61 50 E 423 Toe. S 50 38 W N 50 38 E 770 Layor. 53485- 226 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. OLD HOUSE POINT— Continued. {Tred Avon River — Charl No. 34) — Continued. Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance ot bar Forward Back station 8 9 38 42 45. 40 38 42 36. So 76 07 45. 94 76 07 46. 46 N 13 48 E N 46 07 W S 49 28 W N 9 32 E N 25 12 W S 74 27 W S 13 48 w S 46 07 E N 49 28 E S 9 32 W S 25 12 E N 74 27 E Yards. 461 381 653 749 611 SOI Trippe. Toe. Layor. Trippe. Toe. Layor. TRIPPE. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. J4.) / // „ / Yards. I 38 42 46. 45 76 07 25.^6 S S S 2 20 E 42 52 E 72 58 E N 2 20 W N 42 52 VV N 72 58 \V 7-3 775 988 Crack. Deux. Cam. 2 38 42 52.98 76 07 25. 60 S S s I 22 E 33 26 E 61 29 E N I 22 W N 33 26 W N 61 28 W 943 945 I, 067 Crack. Deux. Cam. 3 38 42 52. 92 76 07 15- 85 s s 14 03 \V 18 30 E N 14 01 E N 18 30 W 969 850 Crack. Deux. s 53 16 E N 53 IS W 840 Cam. 4 38 42 46. 78 76 07 15-85 s s s 17 47 W 24 25 E 66 09 E N 17 47 E N 24 25 W N 66 09 W 770 636 744 Crack. Deux. Cam . BAKERS COVE. (Tred Avon River — Charl No. 34.] / // / / Yards. I 38 42 24. 60 76 07 30. 20 N 67 03 E N 17 54 E N 14 53 W S S s 67 03 w 17 54 W 14 53 E i>i47 I, 009 I, 190 Cam. Venture . Trippe. 2 38 42 27.52 76 07 31. 92 N 72 28 E N 22 25 E N 13 54 W s s s 72 28 W 22 25 VV' 13 54 E 1,158 933 1,083 Cam. Venture. Trippe. 3 38 42 . 00 76 07 09 12 N 28 12 E N 24 27 W N 68 21 W s s s 28 12 W 24 28 E 68 21 E 640 596 940 Plow. Venture. Mistle. 4 3842 30.34 76 07 06. 10 N 15 45 E N 23 03 W N 59 01 W s s s 15 46 w 23 04 E 59 01 E 819 834 1, 112 Plow. Venture. Mistle. Stirvey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. MARSHY. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. of bar Forward Back I 38 42. 42. 98 76 08 44. 00 S 16 10 E N 87 II E N 26 38 E N 16 09 W S 87 II w S 26 38 W Yards. 1,243 384 685 Borough . Twin. Weave. 2 38 43 00. 78 76 08 46. 58 S 37 50 E N 88 IS E N 2 2S E N 37 so W S 88 IS W S 2 2S W 736 37S 911 Twin. Weave. Martin. 3 38 43 03. 12 76 oS 58. 00 S 48 46 E S 84 18 E N 22 14 E N 48 46 W N 84 17 W S 22 14 W I, 002 680 899 Twin. Weave. Martin. 4 38 43 11.90 76 08 57. 40 S 37 38 E S 61 08 E N 31 10 E N 37 38 W N 61 07 W S 31 TO W I, 207 752 626 Twin. Weave. Martin . 5 38 43 09.80 76 08 37. 38 N 18 39 W S 88 38 W S 28 07 W S 18 :;9 E N 88 38 E N 28 07 E 641 594 1,208 Martin. Spin. Plain. 6 38 42 52. 44 76 08 32. 56 N IS 34 W N SI 35 W S ss 26 W S 15 34 E S SI 35 E N 55 26 E 1,238 920 845 Martin. Spin. Plain. 7 38 42 44. 64 76 oS 36. 46 N 36 30 W S 69 56 W S 6 42 E S 36 30 E N 69 56 E N 6 42 W 1,038 632 1,259 Spin. Plain. Borough. FLATTY. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) I / // 38 43 18. so 76 oS 20. 96 N 16 59 W N 63 49 W S 73 19 W S 16 59 E S 63 49 E N 73 19 E Yards. 1,070 712 1, 072 Neva. Martin. Spin. 2 38 43 18. 96 76 08 26. 54 N 9 18 W N 58 46 W S 69 50 W S 9 18 E S 58 46 E N 69 49 E 1,023 574 937 Neva. Martin. Spin. 3 38 43 37- 76 76 oS 23. 26 N 7 59 W N 33 58 W S 59 48 W S 7 59 E S 33 58 E N 59 48 E 949 451 668 Robertson. Neva. Martin. 4 38 43 37. 22 76 08 17. 94 N 15 S3 W N 4S 02 W S 66 07 W S IS S3 E S 45 o2 E N 66 07 E 996 5S4 786 Robertson. Neva. Martin. 228 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. OREM. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. &. G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 43 20. 38 76 08 39. 86 S 16 54 E N 16 54 W 679 Weave. N 75 34 E S 75 34 W 640 Hunter. N II 01 E S II 01 w 978 Neva. 2 38 43 35- 52 76 08 45. 46 S 16 35 E N 16 34 W I, 211 Weave. S 65 26 E N 6s 25 W 844 Hunter. N 71 40 E S 71 41 W I, 119 Aye. 3 38 43 37.06 76 08 41. 60 S II 21 E N 11 21 W 1.237 Weave. S 58 49 E N 58 48 W 779 Hunter. N 72 39 E S 72 39 W 1,008 Aye. 4 38 43 22. 64 76 08 33. 48 N I II E S I II W S84 Neva. N 60 34 W S 60 34 E 353 Martin. S S7 17 W N S7 16 E 827 .Spin. DOUBLE MILLS. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) / // / // / Yards. I 38 43 40. 22 76 08 20. 35 N 19 57 E N 48 30 W S 57 22 W S 19 58 W S 48 30 E N 57 22 E goi 439 778 Stretch. Neva. Martin, 2 38 43 43. 28 76 08 40. IS S 45 41 E N 84 23 E N 48 09 E N 45 41 W S 84 23 W S 48 09 W 877 930 1,115 Hunter. Aye. Stretch. 3 38 43 48. 27 76 08 29.34 S 23 38 E S 83 07 E N 43 26 E N 23 38 W N 83 06 W S 43 26 W 852 643 793 Hunter. Aye. Stretch. 4 38 44 04. 00 76 08 23. 56 S 8 12 E S 38 40 E N 83 23 E N 8 12 W N 38 40 W S 83 23 W 1-325 779 395 Hunter. Aye. Stretch. 5 38 44 02. 62 76 08 10. 48 S 51 45 W S 14 05 E S 87 46 E N 51 44 E N 14 OS W N 87 45 W 750 579 1,078 Neva. Aye. Wall. 6 38 44 05. 04 76 08 06. 64 S SI 40 w S 3 3° E S 82 46 E N SI 39 E N 3 30 W N 82 46 W 880 643 983 Neva. Aye. Wall. 7 38 43 49. 83 76 07 54, 60 N 59 23 E N 35 26 W N 59 04 W S 59 24 W S 35 26 E S 59 04 E 764 642 i.°37 Wall. Stretch. Robertson. 8 38 43 51. 61 76 08 07. 14 N 71 36 E N 5 05 W N 49 43 W S 71 36 W S 5 05 E S 49 43 E I, 042 465 732 Wall. Stretch. Robertson. 9 38 43 5°- 98 76 08 15. 40 N 73 49 E N 20 04 E N 34 31 W S 73 49 W S 20 04 w S 34 31 E 1,257 516 599 Wall. Stretch. Robertson. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. JOHNSTON. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) 229 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back 1 / // / // / / Yards. I 38 43 53- 00 76 07 41. 02 N 35 II E N 3 37 W N 60 20 W S 35 12 W S 3 37 E S 60 20 E i>55i 648 842 Camden. May. Stretch. 2 38 44 05. 14 76 07 43. 44 N 67 46 E N 531 E N 89 24 W S 67 46 w S 531 W S 89 24 E 1, 089 239 667 Blossom. May. Stretch. 3 38 44 13. 09 76 07 32. 32 S 43 29 W S 9 58 E N 78 35 E N 43 29 E N 9 58 W S 78 36 W I, 260 401 729 Aye. Wall. Blossom 4 38 44 06. 96 ! 1 76 07 27. 20 N 58 48 E N 3 SI E S 87 10 W S 58 49 W S 3 51 w N 87 09 E 678 575 1,098 Blossom. Peebee. Stretch. CAMDEN POINT. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) I 38 44 16. 20 76 07 14. 46 N 21 37 E N 48 40 W S 79 55 W S 21 37 w S 48 40 E N 79 54 E Yards. 522 397 753 Camden. Peebee. May. 2 38 44 17. 27 76 07 20. 14 N 37 19 E N 33 13 W S 73 52 W S 37 19 w ?T 33 '3 E N 73 52 E 564 270 617 Camden. Peebee. May. 3 38 44 36. 25 76 07 13. 58 N 24 00 W S 63 17 W S 19 04 E S 24 00 E N 63 17 E N ig 04 W 652 143 674 Stab. Neck. Blossom. 4 38 44 35. 32 76 07 08. 40 N 32 40 W S 82 56 W S 07 50 E S 32 40 E N 82 56 E N 07 50 W 745 267 611 Stab. Neck. Blossom. WATERMELON POINT. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) / // / / Yards. I 38 44 53. 40 76 07 12. 58 S 10 30 E S 85 08 E N 10 30 W N 85 08 W 782 297 Camden. Gash. N 29 47 E S 29 47 w 705 Melon . 2 38 44 53. 76 76 07 17. 54 S 19 18 E S 85 00 E N 19 18 W N 8s 00 W 828 430 Camden. Gash . N 38 44 K S 38 44 W Melon, 3 38 45 22.30 76 07 04. 92 S 34 22 W S 22 IS K N 34 22 E N 22 15 W 496 392 Water. Melon. N 73 00 E S 73 00 W 666 Batcman. 4 38 45 19. 90 76 07 01. 18 S 49 03 W S 09 58 E N 62 52 E N 49 02 E N 09 57 W S 62 52 W 502 285 604 Water. Melon. Bateman. 230 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. HOPKINS. {Island Creek — Charts Nos. 34 and 55.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back , „ / // / / Yards. I 38 39 25. 86 76 09 21. 68 N 34 54 W S 34 54 E 744 Enter. S 86 59 W N 86 58 E 2,750 Choptank River Light. S 17 57 W N 17 56 E 3,680 Castle. 2 38 39 39- 52 76 09 43. 38 N 41 S2 W 1 S 41 53 E S 74 26 W N 74 25 E S 8 o^ W N 8 02 E 1, 512 1 Boone. 2, 256 1 Choptank River Light. 4, 000 Castle. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 3, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 3 38 39 43. 22 76 09 32. 62 S 37 26 E N 37 25 W 53° Landeye. S 85 18 E N 85 17 W 945 Berry. N 86 39 E S 86 40 W 1,729 Jay- 4 38 39 35- °8 76 09 09. 60 N 59 26 E S 59 26 W 387 Berry. N 46 58 E S 46 58 W i> 147 Delahay. N 68 07 W S 68 08 E 803 Enter. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low- water line of the shore to corner No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. WILLIS. (Island Creek — Charts No. 24 and 55.) / // / // / Yards. I 38 39 47. 13 76 09 04. 78 S 36 53 W N 36 52 E 691 Landeye . S 44 32 E N 44 31 W 294 Berrj'. N 53 55 E S 53 55 W 270 Straw. 2 38 39 48. 80 76 09 19. 60 S 2 07 W N 2 07 E 609 Landeye. S 66 02 E N 66 02 W 654 Berrv. N 80 26 E S 80 26 W 619 Straw. 3 38 39 52. 46 76 09 18. 72 S 3 35 W N 3 35 E 734 Landeye. S 55 53 E N 55 53 W 694 Berry. S 88 00 E N 87 S9 W 587 Straw. Thence from c omer No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 4, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 39 51-36 76 09 03. 92 S 32 10 W N 32 10 E 821 Landeye. S 27 30 E N 27 30 W 397 Berry. N 79 49 E S 79 49 W 982 Jay. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. ISLAND CREEK. (Island Creek — Charts Nos. 34 and 55.) 231 Cor- True bearing ner Latitude LonBitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / /. / // / / Yards. I 38 39 34. 20 76 08 45. 72 N 38 41 E S 38.41 w I, 219 Kent. N 14 19 E S 14 19 w 839 Delahay. N 25 38 W S 25 38 E 659 Straw. 2 38 39 5>-85 76 08 56. 52 S 76 17 W N 76 17 E I, 123 Enter. S I 56 W N I 56 E 369 Berry. S 76 08 E N 76 08 W 794 Jay. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 3, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 5 38 40 01. 02 76 08 45. 80 S 23 35 W N 23 35 E 739 Berry. S 44 19 E N 44 i8 W 698 Jay. S 76 IS E N 76 14 W 1,031 Mean. 4 38 40 00. 84 76 08 39. 00 S 35 18 W N 3s 18 E 823 Berry. S 31 57 E N i'l S7 W 582 Jay. S 73 so E N 73 49 W 876 Mean. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low water line of t he shore to comer No. s, excluding anv creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 5 38 40 00. 68 76 08 28. 02 S 48 S9 W N 48 58 E 1,051 Berry. S 02 03 E N 02 03 W 488 Jay. S 66 3s E N 66 3S W 600 Mean. 38 40 02. 45 76 08 21. 56 S 52 13 W N 52 13 E 1,184 Berr)f. S IS 39 W N 15 39 E 570 Jay. S SI S2 E N SI S2 W 482 Mean. Thence from comer No. 6 along the mean low water line of t he shore to corner No. 7, excludinsr anv creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 7 38 40 06. 18 76 08 12. 61 S 18 39 E N 18 39 W 447 Mean. N 89 13 E vS 8g 15 W 471 Mas'Iin. N M 18 E S 34 18 w 424 Harry. 38 40 01 76 08 02. N o^ 40 W I S 03 40 E ' 525 Harry. N 8'"^ 08 W IS 83 08 E I 388 Kent. I S 52 57 W j N 52 57 El 830 ; Jay. Thence from corner No. 8 along the mean low water line of the shore to corner No. 9, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 38 39 53-7° 39 46- 72 Thence from corner No. 10 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 76 08 02. 25 N 24 46 E N 52 48 W S 69 10 W S 24 46 W S 52 48 E N 69 10 E 470 487 711 Maslin Kent. Jay. 76 08 04. 80 N IS 17 W N 3i oq W S 88 21 W S IS 17 E S 31 og E N 88 21 E 241 619 597 Mean. Kent. Jay. 232 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. MATTHEWS. {Island Creek — Charts Nos. 24 and 55.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance u. s. c. & G. S. triangulation of station bar Forward Back / // / Yards. I 38 40 10. 06 76 07 57. 76 N 33 03 E S 33 04 W 699 Charles. N 34 59 W S 34 59 E 268 Harry. S 63 01 W N 63 01 E 568 Kent. 2 38 40 II. 20 76 07 59. 18 N 37 25 E S 27 25 W 689 Charles. N 32 39 W S 32 39 E 214 Harry. S 57 42 W N 57 42 E 554 Kent. 3 38 40 22. 80 76 07 47. 98 S 18 01 W N 18 01 E 583 Maslin. S S3 52 E N S3 52 W 358 Healcy. N 66 43 E S 66 43 W 650 Potato. 4 38 40 19. 5o 76 07 41. 18 N 48 49 E S 48 49 W 5S3 Potato. N 12 12 W S 12 12 E 270 Charles. S 80 12 w N 80 12 E 600 Harry. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No I , excluding any ere ek, cove, or inh ;t less than loc yards in width at its mouth at low tide. OLD ORCHARD. {Miles River — Chart No. 34.) ^ / / Yards. I 38 46 44.98 76 12 09. 46 S 40 29 E S 78 19 E N 40 29 W N 78 18 W 540 2, 200 Stony. Gibbs. N 29 02 W S 29 02 E 2, 206 Mill wind. 2 38 47 09- 58 76 12 34. 28 N 20. 42 W N 86 12 W S 20 42 E S 86 12 E I-I75 1,5-6 Millwind. St. Michaels Water Tank S 39 02 E N 39 02 W 1.597 Stony. 3 38 47 13.60 76 12 26. 40 N 32 54 W S 88 59 W S 32 54 E N 88 59 E I, 147 1,780 Millwind. St. Michaels Water Tank S 30 06 E N 30 06 W 1,590 Stony. 4 38 46 50. 94 76 II 53.28 S 7 08 W S 69 31 E N 2 35 E N 7 08 E N 69 31 W S 2 35 W 617 1,855 2,085 Stony. Gibbs. Fair. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. GIBSONS FLATS. {Miles River — Cliart No. 34). 233 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 46 21. 94 76 II. 00. 00 S 33 18 w S 71 49 E N 45 12 E N 33 18 E N 71 49 W S 45 12 W Yards. 705 I, 015 467 Maiden. Long. Gibbs. - 38 46 53. 50 76 II 46. 12 S 20 50 W S 64 36 E N 10 37 E N 20 50 E N 64 35 W S 10 37 W 747 1,715 1,746 Stony. Gibbs. Leeds. 3 38 47 02. 96 76 12 00. 00 N 26 13 E N44 57 W S 5 40 E S 26 13 W S 44 58 E N 5 40 W i>5S7 1,868 1,023 Leeds. Millwind. Stony. 4 38 47 11.24 76 II 37. 88 N 61 18 W S 20 26 W S 44 56 E S 61 19 E N 20 26 E N 44 56 W 2, 171 1,383 1,884 Milhvind. Stony. Gibbs. S 38 47 01.30 76 II 27. 66 N 57 37 W S 38 04 w S 46 45 E S 57 38 E N 38 04 E N 46 44 W 2,573 1, 220 1,457 Millwind. Stony. Gibbs. 38 4O 50. 92 76 1 1 00. 00 N 59 15 W S 67 36 w S 27 03 E S 59 16 E N 67 36 E N 27 03 W 3,380 I, 604 728 Millwind. Stony. Gibbs. BAZZLES HILL. {Miles River — Chart No. 34.) I / // 38 46 21. 94 / // 76 II 00. 00 S 33 18 w S 71 49 E N 45 12 E / N 33 18 E N 71 49 W S 45 12 W Yards. 705 I, 015 467 Maiden. Long. Gibbs. 2 38 46 44. 98 76 12 09. 46 S 40 29 E S 78 19 E N 29 02 W N 40 29 W N 78 18 W S 29 02 E 540 2, 200 2, 206 Stonv. Gibbs. Millwind. 3 38 46 50. 94 76 II 53. 28 S 7 08 W S 69 31 E N 2 35 E N 7 08 E N 69 31 W S 2 35 W 617 1,855 2,085 Stony. Gibbs. Fair. 4 38 4() 53. 50 76 II 46. 12 S 20 so W S 64 36 E N 10 37 E N 20 so E N 64 35 W S 10 37 W 747 1,715 1,746 Stony. Gibbs. Leeds. 234 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. LONG POINT. (Miles River — Chart No. j^.) Cor- LaUtude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station I 38 45 44. 84 / // 76 10 37. 48 N 56 02 W S 85 09 W S 85 05 E S 56 03 E N 85 08 E N 85 05 W Yards. I, 184 629 1,087 Maiden. Bamett. Comb. 2 38 45 50. 45 76 10 47. 28 N 56 52 W S 56 38 w S 78 07 E S 56 52 E N 56 37 E N 78 06 W 864 441 i>37° Maiden. Bamett. Comb. 3 38 45 57- 80 76 1 1 00. 00 N 59 56 W S 3 46 w S 72 28 E S 59 56 E N 3 46 E N 72 28 W 447 491 I, 760 Maiden. Bamett. Comb. 4 38 46 21. 94 76 1 1 00, 00 S 33 18 W S 71 49 E N 45 12 E N 33 18 E N 71 49 W S 45 12 w 705 I. 015 467 Maiden. Ix)ng. Gibbs. 5 38 46 01. 44 76 10 23. 04 S 47 03 E N I 39 W N 85 44 W N 47 03 W S I 39 E S 85 45 E 958 374 1.367 Comb. Long. Maiden. BARNETT. (Miles River — Chart No. 34.) / // / // , Yards. I 38 45 40. 04 76 10 57. 24 S 38 36 E N 87 33 E N 44 04 W N 38 36 W S 87 33 W S 44 04 E 1.159 1,605 151 HalL Comb. Bamett. 2 38 45 46. 02 76 II 03. 90 S 37 15 E N 37 15 W 117 Bamett. N 50 03 E N 24 35 W S 50 04 w S 24 35 E 1.393 684 Long. Maiden. 3 38 45 57. 80 76 II 00. 00 N 59 56 W S 3 46 w S 72 28 E S 59 56 E N 3 46 E N 72 28 W 447 491 1,760 Maiden. Bamett. Comb. 4 38 45 5°- 45 76 10 47. 28 N s6 52 W S 56 38 w S 78 07 E S 56 52 E N s6 37 E N 78 06 W 864 441 1,370 Maiden. Bamett. Comb. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. cox. (Miles River — Chart No. 34.) ^35 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatiou ot bar Forward Back station I 38 46 i5. 13 76 09 22. 88 / N 27 10 E N 64 12 W S 85 40 W S 27 10 w S 64 13 E N 85 40 E Yards. I, 052 911 1,603 Whit. Hunting. Long. 2 38 46 28. 88 76 09 26. 79 S 24 II W S 33 37 E N 71 02 E N 24 II E N 33 37 W S 71 03 w 1,074 347 I, 056 Ham. Kirk. McConnell. 3 38 46 30. 98 76 og ig. $1 S 30 56 W S 00 25 E N 71 24 E N 30 56 E N 00 25 W S 71 24 w 1,225 360 854 Ham. Kirk. McConncU. 4 38 46 24. 46 76 09 07. 19 N 5 46 E N 73 35 W S 88 03 W S 546 w S 73 35 E N 88 02 E 658 756 I, 857 Whit. Spree. Beg. 5 38 46 20. 94 76 09 14. 50 N 47 SO E N 18 31 E N 57 59 W S 47 SO W S 18 31 W S 57 59 E 911 816 627 McConnell. Whit. Spree. Thence from comer No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. CHLORA POINT. (Middle Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) I 38 37 17.02 76 oS 23. 70 / S 45 23 w S 3 16 W S 63 42 E / N 4S 22 E N 3 16 E N 63 41 W Yards. 3,S8o 1,929 2,994 Le Compte. Toot. Howells. Thei ice along count;; f boundary as delineated on :hart No. 3 -to comer No. 2. 2 38 37 52-86 76 09 25. 36 N 47 35 E N 2 IS E S 64 59 W S 47 36 w S 2 IS w N 64 58 E I, 106 3- 304 1.538 Chlora. Landeye. Large water tank. 3 38 38 14. oS 76 08 54. 49 N 57 03 W S S9 OS W S io 18 E S 57 04 E N 59 04 E N 10 18 W 4,131 2, 160 3- 944 Choptank River Light. Castle. Toot. 4 38 37 35- 40 76 08 J 8. 40 S 52 35 E N 82 34 E N 35 34 W N 52 34 W S 82 35 W S 35 35 E 3.203 I. 516 I, 641 Howells. Trappe. Chlora. 236 Survey 0} Oyster Bars, Talbot Comity, hid. BOUNDARIES OK NATURAIv OYSTER BARS — Continued. BEACONS. (Middle Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S stati triangulation of bar Forward Back <= / // / // / / Yards. I .38 .37 13. 20 76 06 50. 78 N 40 47 W S 40 48 E 1,248 Trappe. N 57 31 W S 57 33 E 3,879 Chlora. S 55 02 W N 55 OI E 3,134 Toot. 2 38 37 21. 58 76 07 45. 12 S 48 20 E N 48 19 W 2,228 Howells. N 43 14 E S 43 IS W 909 Trappe . N 45 33 W S 45 33 E 2,571 Chlora. 3 38 37 58. 10 76 07 52.94 N 70 44 W S 70 44 E 1,725 Chlora. S 15 36 w N 15 35 E 3,437 Toot. S 34 36 E N 34 35 W 3,295 Howells. 4 38 38 06. 64 76 07 40. 13 N 81 52 W S 81 51 E 1,987 Chlora. S 19 20 W N 19 20 E 3,813 Toot. S 27 03 E N 27 02 W 1, ^68 Howells. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low- water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in ^vidth at its mouth at low tide. S 38 37 41.21 76 07 21. 59 N 6s 08 W S 65 og E 2,709 Chlora. S 86 S2 W N 86 so E 4,674 Large water t; nk. vS 32 36 W N 32 36 E 3- 253 Toot. 6 38 37 36- 75 76 07 01. 72 N 20 49 E S 20 49 W 684 Gis. N 74 00 W S 74 01 E 547 Trappe. S I 21 W N I 21 E 5,098 Howard. Thence from c omer No. 6 along the mean low- water line c f the shore to comer No. I, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at 1 1 1 ts mouth at low tide. LA TRAPPE. (La Trappe Creek — Chart No. J5.) / " 1 37 49- 10 38 00. 36 76 06 57. 42 76 07 06. 94 , N IQ 22 E N 33 35 W S 67 24 w S 9 50 E S 67 35 E N 52 26 E S 19 22 W S 33 35 E N 67 24 E N 9 50 W N 67 35 W S 52 27 W Yards. 832 546 Rice. Lan. Trappe . Grubin. Gis. Rice. Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. excluding 3838 02 40 3838 18 30 3838 II 96 76 07 03. 16 76 06 35.39 76 06 31. 00 S 2 31 E S 51 12 E N 51 46 E S 57 01 w S 44 20 W S 17 42 w N 87 59 W S 72 26 W S 37 SI w N 2 31 W N 51 II W S 51 46 W N 57 01 Z N 44 20 E N 17 42 E S 87 59 E N 72 26 E N 37 SI E 866 361 545 366 1,749 647 423 1,050 510 Grubin. Gis. Rice. Rice. Trappe . Inez. Rice. Lan. Inez. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. LA TRAPPE— Continued. {La Trappe Creek — Chart No. 55) — Continued. Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back station 6 38 38 00. 08 38 37 49. 40 76 06 53. q6 76 06 52. b4 N 25 58 E N 77 56 W S 14 37 W N 10 56 E N 43 50 W S 70 10 w S 23 58 w S 77 57 E N 14 37 E S 10 56 W S 43 57 E N 70 10 E Yards. 455 402 814 7go 017 815 Rice. Lan. Grul)in , Ricf. Lan. Trappe. HOWELLS POINT. (Middle Clwplaiik River— Charl Xo. J5-) , // , // c . , Yards. I 38 36 08. 62 76 06 41. q8 N 60 42 E S 60 43 w 3' 153 Red. N 00 23 W S 00 2 s E 980 Howells. N 82 15 VV S 82 16 E 2,827 Toot. 2 38 30 17.00 76 0(1 47. 70 N 66 31 E S 66 32 W 3, 163 Red. N II 41 E S II 41 w 712 Howells. N 87 52 W S 87 53 E 2, 652 Toot. 38 36 21.46 76 07 24. 53 S 63 26 E N 63 25 W 3.578 Command. N 63 c;7 E S 63 57 W 1,246 Howells. N \ 39 E S I 39 w 2, 6qo Trappe. 4 38 36 38. 20 76 07 55. 21 S 22 33 E N 22 32 W 3,380 Howard. S 8g 28 E N 89 27 W 1,930 Howells. N 22 43 E S 22 43 w 2,303 Trappe. 5 38 37 04-47 76 07 41. 54 S 13 07 E N 13 07 W 4, 115 Howard . S 60 04 E N 60 03 W 1,810 Howells. N 23 04 E S 23 05 w 1,346 Trappe. 6 38 36 55- 18 76 06 52. 64 N 26 16 W S 26 16 E 1,731 Trappe. S 64 44 W N 64 44 E = ,785 Toot. S 5 34 W N 5 34 E 3,713 Howard. Thence from c orner No. 6 alo ng the mean Ic w-water line c f the shore to comer No. , excluding any creek, c ovc, or inlet les s than 100 yarc .s in width at ts mouth a low tide. ■J 38 36 23.08 76 06 39. 78 N 68 3^ E S 68 36 W 2,890 Red. N 7 34 W S 7 34 E 496 Howells. S 87 52 w N 87 51 E 2,862 Toot. 8 38 36 3°- 34 76 06 37. go S 14 43 W N 14 43 E 2, 954 Howard. S 45 59 E N 45 59 W 2,734 Command. N 72 56 E S 72 57 W 2, 762 Red. Q 38 36 13. 20 76 06 25. 27 N 58 57 E S 58 58 W 2, 692 Red. N 28 3s W S 28 34 E 940 Howells. N 86 01 W S 86 02 E 3,251 Toot. ^38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Aid. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. DICKINSON. {Middle Choptank River — Chart No. j§.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back o / // / ./ / / Yards. I 38 35 58. 78 76 05 55. 86 N 39 II E S 39 12 w 2,419 Red. N 43 06 W S 43 06 E 1,797 Howells. S 46 06 W N 46 05 E 2,586 Howard . , 38 36 46. 24 76 06 _^,^. 60 S 38 25 W N 38 25 E 369 Howells. S 14 17 W N 14 17 E 3, 5°2 Howard . N 83 48 E S 83 49 W 2, 543 Red. 3 38 36 55- 65 76 06 31. oS S 26 00 W N 26 00 E 675 Howells. S 14 05 w N 14 05 E 3,825 Howard . S 89 00 E N 88 59 W 2,461 Red. 4 38 36 29. 84 76 05 41. 78 N 54 24 E S 54 24 W 1,422 Red. N 80 37 W S 80 38 E I, 622 Howells. S 38 12 W N 38 II E 3,615 Howard . 5 38 36 40.84 76 04 43. 15 S 88 03 W N 88 02 E 3,153 Howells. S 25 25 w N 25 25 E 2, 495 Command. S 49 18 E N 49 17 W 3-215 Double. 6 38 36 24. 38 76 04 53. 36 N 81 10 W S 81 II E 2, 916 Howells. S 25 14 W N 25 14 E 1,878 Command. S 60 20 E N 60 ig W 3,117 Double. 7 38 36 10. 60 76 05 12. 54 N 71 30 E S 71 31 w 3,391 Double. N 14 32 E S 14 32 w I, 526 Red. N 68 58 W S 68 59 E 2,544 Howells. The nee along count y boundary as delineated one ;hartNo. 35 to comer No. 8. 8 38 36 09- 56 76 05 26. go N 20 46 E S 26 46 W 1,693 Red. N 64 34 W S 64 35 E 2,208 Howells. S 50 39 W N 50 38 E 3,401 Howard. Then :e along county boundary as c ielineated on c ;hart No. 3 5 to corner No. i. KIRBY. (Middle Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) / // / // / , Yards. I 38 35 36- 96 76 04 II. 95 S 87 00 W N 86 59 E I, 900 Command. S 36 03 w N 36 03 E 1,289 Cambridge. N 87 58 E S 87 58 W 1,613 Double. Thence along county boundary as delineated on 2hart No. 35 to comer No. 2. 2 38 36 10. 60 76 05 12. 54 N 71 30 E S 71 31 W 3,391 Double. N 14 32 E S 14 32 w 1,526 Red. N 68 58 W S 68 59 E 2,544 Howells. 3 38 36 24. 38 76 04 53. 36 N 81 10 W S 81 II E 2, 916 Howells. S 25 14 W N 25 14 E 1,878 Command. S 60 20 E N 60 19 W 3, "7 Double. 4 38 35 53- 98 76 03 49. 22 N 41 49 W S 41 48 E 2, 708 Red. S 76 36 W N 76 35 E 1,714 Hambrooks Bar Beacon. S 40 OS W N 40 05 E 2,113 Cambridge. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 239 BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. SCRAPING LINE. (Middle Choptatik River — Chart No. J5.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 35 Oj- 79 76 03 26. 56 S 88 27 E N 88 26 W I, 670 Boling. N 19 15 E S 19 16 W I, 246 Double. N 60 16 W S 60 17 E 2,618 Hambrooks Bar Beacon. 2 ^8 ^, 04. 16 76 0^ SI. 00 S 88 34 E N 88 33 W 2.317 Boling. N 42 16 E S 42 17 w I. 573 Double. N qi ^8 W S SI ^8 E 2,067 Hambrooks Bar Beacon. Then ce along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 35 to comer No. ^ ,1 38 35 19- 74 76 04 02. 77 S 77 29 E N 77 28 W 2, 691 Boling. N 65 01 E S 6s 01 W I, 510 Double. N 24 38 W S 24 38 E 3.512 Red. 4 38 35 11.64 76 OS 14. 60 S 77 06 E N 77 05 W 1,388 Boling. N 5 54 E S 5 54 W gi6 Double. N 68 16 W S 68 17 E 2,781 Hambrooks Bar Beacon. BOLINGBROKE SAND. (Middle Choptank River — Chart No. 33.) / // / " / , Yards. I 38 34 34- 04 76 02 SQ. S7 N 78 36 E S 78 37 W 2, 006 Rear. N 44 54 E S 44 55 W 1.353 Boling. N 7 s6 W S 7 56 E 2,200 Double. Thence along county boundary as delineated on ( ;hart No. 3s to comer No. 2. 2 38 3 i 40. 44 76 0? 12.48 N 8s 32 E S 8s 33 W 2,314 Rear. N 60 13 E S 60 13 W 1.494 Boling. N I 07 E S I 07 W I. 963 Double. 3 38 35 13. 08 76 02 43. oS S 85 34 w N 8s 32 E S,o68 Cambridge. S 19 14 W N 19 14 E 2.497 Shoal . S 57 53 E N 57 53 W 675 Boling. 4 38 35 03- 27 76 02 35- 1° N 88 24 W S 88 2S E 3.323 Cambridge. S 28 12 W N 28 12 E 2, 299 Shoal. S 6s 55 E N 6s 55 W 1,444 Rear. THE BLACK BUOY. {Middle Choptank River — Chart No. 33.) / // , /, / Yards. I 38 34 18. 74 76 01 58. 46 S 49 58 E N 49 58 W 926 Ferr)-. N 20 53 E S 20 53 W 977 Rear. N 24 IS W S 24 13 E 1,616 Boling. Thence along county boundary as ( ielineated on ( l^hart No. 35 to comer No. 2. 2 38 34 24. 13 76 02 28. 08 N 57 10 E S S7 10 W 1,347 Rear. N 5 22 E S s 22 W 1,298 Boling. S 60 s8 W N 60 s8 E 1,456 Shoal. 3 38 34 46. 00 76 02 20. 24 S 89 3S E N 89 35 W 925 Rear. N 8 51 W S 8 SI E 562 Boling. N 79 42 W S 79 43 E 3,776 Cambridge. 4 38 34 32- 08 76 01 52. 26 N 84 IS E S 84 16 W 2,403 Whitehall. N 21 41 E S 21 41 W 498 Rear. N 38 ss W S 38 SS E 1,317 Boling. 240 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SUGAR LOAF. {Middle Choptank River — Chart No. J5.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back : 38 34 18. 74 76 01 58. 46 S 49 58 E N 20 53 E N 24 13 W N 49 58 W S 20 53 W S 24 13 E Yards. 926 977 1,616 Ferry. Rear. Boling. 2 38 34 32. 08 76 01 52. 26 N 84 15 E N 21 41 E N 38 55 W S 84 16 W S 21 41 W S 38 55 E 2,403 498 I. 317 Whitehall. Rear. Boling. 3 38 34 26. 46 76 01 27.88 N 76 09 E N 35 17 W S 74 37 W S 76 10 w S 35 17 E N 74 36 E 1,798 799 2,960 Whitehall. Rear. Shoal . 4 38 34 20.32 Then 76 01 26.22 N 69 29 E S 69 30 W 1,820 Whitehall. N so 28 W S 30 28 E 996 Rear. S 78 46 W N 78 45 E 2,967 vShoal. ce along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 31; to comer No. i. i 1 1 1 CHANCELLOR POINT. {Upper Choptank River — Chart No. J5.) I 38 34 20. 32 76 01 26. 22 N 69 29 E N 30 28 W S 78 46 W S 69 30 W S 30 28 E N 78 45 E Yards. 1,820 996 2,967 Whitehall. Rear. Shoal. 2 38 34 26. 46 76 01 27. 88 N 76 09 E N 35 17 W S 74 37 W S 76 10 W S 35 17 E N 74 36 E 1,798 799 2, 960 Whitehall. Rear. Shoal. 3 38 34 42. 38 76 01 iS. 55 S 14 00 W S 8s 57 E N 43 S3 E N 14 00 E N 85 56 W S 43 54 W 1.436 1.503 2,824 Ferry. Whitehall. Duck. 4 38 35 05. 22 76 01 23. 00 S 6 03 W S 61 32 E N 58 38 E N 6 03 E N 61 32 W S 58 39 W 2,175 1.839 2,430 Ferry. Whitehall. Duck. 5 38 35 07. 06 76 00 48. 15 S 27 23 W S 36 36 E N 43 46 E N 27 22 E N 36 35 W S 43 47 W 2,505 1, 169 1,667 Ferry. Whitehall. Duck. 6 38 34 39- 53 Ther 76 01 03. 10 ce along county N I 17 W N 79 17 W S 30 15 W boundary as ( S I 17 E S 79 18 E N 30 15 E lelineated on c I. 731 1. 137 I. 502 hart No. 35 Barber. Rear. Ferry. to comer No. i. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BRITISH HARBOR. {Upper Choptank River— Chart No. 55.) 241 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / // / „ / , Yards. I 38 3S 14- 68 76 00 30. 08 N 72 03 E N 35 29 E N 59 07 W S 72 04 w S 35 29 W S 59 07 E 3,094 I, 162 I, 063 Gander. Duck. Barber. 2 38 35 25.36 76 00 55. 80 S 29 58 E S 64 00 E N 66 36 E N 29 57 W N 63 59 W S 66 37 W 1,796 1,775 1,476 Whitehall. Shell. Duck. 3 38 35 32. 84 76 00 48. 36 S 21 09 E S 53 37 E N 73 54 E N 21 09 W N 53 36 W S 73 55 W 1,939 1,737 I, 206 Whitehall. Shell. Duck. 4 38 35 38. 06 76 00 19. 50 S 52 II W S 27 44 E S 66 47 E N 52 II E N 27 43 W N 66 46 W 2,875 1,363 2, 671 Rear. Shell. Chief. 5 38 3S 33- 88 76 00 01. 76 S 59 24 W S 8 46 E S 65 19 E N 59 23 E N 8 46 W N 65 18 W 3,185 1,078 2, 184 Rear. Shell. Chief. 6 38 35 29- 35 Ther 75 59 58-01 ce along counti N 77 38 E N 21 OS W N 88 21 W i boundary as S 77 39 W S 21 05 E S 88 21 E delineated on 2, 144 484 I, 762 chart No. 3 Gander. Duck. Barber. 5 to comer No. i. GOOSE POINT. (Upper Choptank River — Chart No. 35.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 35 29.35 75 59 58. 01 N 77 38 E N 21 OS W N 88 21 W S 77 39 W S 21 05 E S 88 21 E 2,144 484 I, 762 Gander. Duck. Barber. 2 38 35 33- 88 76 00 01. 76 S 59 24 w S 8 46 E S 65 19 E N 59 23 E N 8 46 W N 65 18 W 3,18s 1,078 2,184 Rear. Shell. Chief. 3 38 35 47. 52 75 59 45- 76 S 48 42 E S 85 02 E N 59 II E N 48 42 W N 85 01 W S 59 12 W 2,078 1,777 . 2,385 Chief. Gander. War. 38 35 46. 40 75 59 12- 80 S 27 19 E S 82 40 E N 43 01 E N 27 19 W N 82 39 W S 43 02 W I, 502 906 1,724 Chief. Gander. War. 53485—12 16 242 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. MILL BAM. (Upper Choptank River — Chart No. J5.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. of bar Forward Back - / r. / // / / Yards. I 38 35 46.40 75 59 12. 80 S 27 19 E N 27 19 W I, 502 Chief. S 82 40 E N 82 39 W 906 Gander. N 43 01 E S 43 02 w 1,724 War. 2 38 36 00. 58 75 59 35- 54 S 35 28 E N 35 28 W 2, 224 Chief. S 68 24 E N 68 23 W 1,613 Gander. N 66 16 E S 66 17 W 1,941 War. 3 38 36 19. 46 75 59 25- 95 S 45 21 E N 45 21 W I. 751 Gander. N 84 34 E S 84 34 W 1.530 War. N 48 42 E S 48 43 W I. 971 Wick. 4 38 36 29.37 75 59 02. 88 S 22 06 E N 22 05 W 1,689 Gander. S 78 18 E N 78 17 W 933 War. N 42 00 E S 42 00 W 1,300 Wick. S 38 36 26. 90 75 58 57- 27 S 18 II E N 18 II W 1,559 Gander. vS 82 07 E N 82 07 W 772 War. N 34 31 E S 34 31 w 1,274 Wick. Then ce along count> boundary as delineated on Chart No. 3 1 1 1 to comer No. I. JAMAICA POINT. (Upper Choptank River — Chart No. J5.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 36 32.47 75 58 58. 80 S 17 32 E S 69 58 E N 41 29 E N 17 31 W N 69 57 W S 41 30 W 1,751 857 I, 150 Gander. War. Wick. 2 38 36 34. 74 75 59 10-36 S 25 31 E S 71 34 E N 53 40 E N 25 30 W^ N 7I 34 W S S3 41 W 1,935 1,171 1,325 Gander. War. Wick. 3' 38 36 43- 05 75 59 °7- 98 S 20 49 E S 58 II E N 63 19 E N 20 49 W N 58 10 W S 63 19 W 2,168 1,234 I, 124 Gander. War. Wick. 4 38 36 41.02 75 58 56. 60 S 13 28 E S 52 05 E N 50 50 E N 13 28 W N 52 04 W S 50 50 W 2,013 947 908 Gander. War. Wick. SPAR BUOY. (Upper Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) / // / ./ / / Yards. I 38 37 46. 60 75 58 57- 78 N 21 41 E S 21 42 W 1,322 Blind. N 61 00 W S 61 00 E 732 Raccoon. S 58 18 W N s8 18 E I, 15° Bank. 2 38 38 03. 92 75 58 55-44 S 41 13 w N 41 12 E I, 580 Bank. S 50 52 E N so S2 W I, ^00 House. N 86 59 E S 87 00 W 1,990 Hut. 3 38 38 07. 18 75 58 37-02 N 42 21 E S 42 22 w I, 506 Up. N 6 26 W S 6 26 E 538 Blind. S 74 06 W N 74 05 E 1,237 Raccoon. Then ce along countj ' boundary as delineated on ( 2hart No. 3 5 to comer No. i. APPENDIXES. Appendix A.— LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, in surveying the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland: [Act of Congress approved May 26, 1906.] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam laimches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be necessary to carrj' out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. [Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, namely: * * * 243 244 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty -one, approved May twenty-six, nineteen hundred and six, and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars, together with the unexpended balance under this approiiriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby rcappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven * * *. [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1907.] AN ACT flaking appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0/ Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal j-ear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars * * *. [Act of Congress approved May 27, 1908.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereb}', appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * * * Co.^sT AND Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special survey's * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1909.] AN ACT Making appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending Jime thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including' expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved June 25, 1910.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, namely: * * » Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys, * * * includinj expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available fifteen thousand dollars. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 245 [Act of Congress approved March 4. 1911.] AN ACT Making appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the Goveriunent for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- afterexpressed, forthefiscalyearending June thirtieth, nineteenhundredand twelve, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Mar>-land. to be immediately available, thirteen thousand dollars. [Act of the Legislature of Mari'land approved April 2, 1906.] AN ACT To establish and promote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this Act, and * * * . Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland. That the following sections be, and they are hereby, added to article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters." * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey, as hereinafter required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapolis, and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all natural beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. * * * Sec. 87. The Governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States coast and geodetic survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. Sec. 8g. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, 1006, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as ma)' be detailed by the United States coast and geodetic survey and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survej' in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this Act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the same to the Clerks of the Circuit court for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to he filed as hereinafter provided; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose. And the said survey and report, when filed, subject to the right of appeal hereafter provided for in this Act, shall be taken in all of the courts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said coxirts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars or rocks lying within the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this Act, and that all areas of the Chesa- peake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland, not shown in the survey to be natural 246 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. oyster beds, bars or rocks shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms and open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this Act, provided, that the said survey and report shall not be construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appropriated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this Act. The law of the State of Maryland, passed March g, 1842, authorizing officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the survey, is as follows: AN ACT Concerning the Survey of the Coast of Maryland. Section i. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and hy virtue of an act of the Congress of the United States, * * * at any time hereafter to enter upon lands within this State for the purpose of exploring, sur- veying, triangulating, or leveling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injury to private or other property. Sec. 2.' And be it enacted, That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injury to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious free- holders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, aad the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or possessors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days' notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses (to be by them sworn or affirmed and examined), shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceedings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five days thereafter in the office of the clerk of the count)- in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as afore- said, and the said report so made as aforesaid if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of congress aforesaid, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either party may and shall be heard before and the damage assessed by a jury of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument or building or any appendage thereto, erected, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first 1 Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except through the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 247 prosecute the same before any justice of the peace of the county where the person so offending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damas;es thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United States of America, in any court of competent jurisdiction. I Appendix B.— THE HAMAN OYSTER CULTURE LAW. [Extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission.] OBJECT. "The legislattire in placing chapter 711 of the acts of 1906, better known as the Haman oyster culture law, upon the statute books of Marj'land, had a twofold object in view: "i. To encourage an industry in oyster culture upon the barren bottoms beneath the tidewaters of the State. "2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars for the purpose of oyster culture." " To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing of natural bars impossible, provision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accurately locating and marking the same. It was definitely provided that no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, charted, and marked with buoys." Definition op a Natural Oyster Bar. natural bar not defined. "The Shell Fish Commission is instructed by section go of the Haman oyster culture law to exercise its judgment liberally in favor of the natural bars when survej'ing, charting, and buoying them, but other than this the commission is uninstructed in this important matter. The responsibility of defining a natural bar is placed upon the commission. DIVERSITY of OPINION. " No definition of a natural oyster bar could be formulated by any man or body of men which would meet with the approval of all parties concerned. Oysterraen, as a rule, hold tliat all bottoms where oys- ters grow or have grown naturally, even tliough now practically barren of oysters, should be considered natural bars. Other citizens of the State, who are not directly interested in the oyster business but interested in the oyster industry from the standpoint of revenue, hold, as a rule, that no bottoms should be excluded from leasing for oyster culture which by methods known to oyster culturists may be made to yield a greater number of oysters than they now produce. "It should be evident to everj'one that neither of these definitions could be adopted by the com- mission as a working basis for determining which of the grounds surveyed are natural oyster bars." THE GOLDSBOROUGH DEFINITION. The definition of a natural oyster bar which very nearly approaches a reasonable and satisfactory compromise between the views of the subject held by oystermen on one hand and by oyster cultiuists on the other is that contained in an opinion rendered by Judge Charles F. Goldsborough in the circuit court for Dorchester Coimty in the July term, 1881, in the case of William T. Windsor and George R. Todd V. Job T. Moore. This definition has been adopted by the Shell Fish Commission as the basis for tlie determination of the status of the various oyster bottoms surveyed, and is as follows; What, then, is a natural bar or bed of o)'sters? It would be a palpable absurdity for tlie State to attempt to promote the propagation and growth of oysters and to encourage its citizens, by a grant of land, to engage in their culture, if the lands authorized to be taken up were only those upon which oysters do not and can not be made to grow. That there may be lands covered by water in the State 248 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. where no oysters can be found, but where, if planted, they could be cultivated successfully, may be possible; but if so, I imagine that their extent must be too limited for them to be of much practical general advantage for the purposes of such a law as the one under discussion; but there are thousands of acres of hard and shifting sands where oysters not only are not found, but where it wovild be folly to plant them, and these latter it can not be supposed that the State intended to offer to give away, for the simple reason that tlie State could not help knowing that nobody would have them. Upon the other hand there are large and numerous tracts where oysters of natural growth may be found in moderate numbers, but not in quantities sufficient to make it profitable to catch them, and yet where oysters may be successfully planted and propagated. In my opinion these can not be called natural bars or beds of oysters within the meaning of the act of assembl)', and it is just such lands as these that the State meant to allow to be taken up under the provisions of the above-mentioned section of the act. But there is still another class of lands where oysters grow naturally and in large quantities and to which the public are now and have been for many years in the habit of resorting witli a view to earning a livelihood by catching this natural growth, and here, I think, is the true test of the whole question. Land catj not be said to be a natural oyster bar or bed merely because oysters are scattered here and there upon it and because if planted they will readily live and thrive there; but whenever the natural growth is so thick and abundant that the public resort to it for a livelihood, it is a natural oyster bar or bed and comes within the above-quoted restriction in the law, and can not be located or appropriated by any individual. APPLICATION OF DEFINITION. Before this definition may be of use in determining accurately and scientifically the status of an oyster ground, its central idea, "livelihood," must be expanded into accurately determinable factors, and these factors must be combined into a practical scheme of investigating the condition of the ground imder consideration. Stated briefly, a livelihood is represented by a sum of money obtained from the sale, at a fixed price, of a certain quantity of oysters gathered in a given tinle from an allotted area of ground. Knowing the value of each of these factors, it becomes possible to calculate the number of oysters an oyster ground must produce per square yard in order that oystermen may secure a livelihood by working upon it. Note. — The factors into which the commission resolved the livelihood problem, the value assigned to each factor, and the scheme devised for practical use in examining and applying the definition to oyster bottoms are given in outline in their second report under the heading of the preceding extract, and in detail in their first report on pages 32 to 69. Appendix C— SUMMARY OF THE PARTICULAR SURVEYING OPERATIONS WHICH CON- STITUTE AN "OYSTER SURVEY" AS NOW BEING CARRIED ON IN MARYLAND. Explanation. — A brief account of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Marjdand, will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to many who may not luiderstand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its complicated character. To those familiar with methods used in surveying and charting the characteristic features of large bodies of water there is an evident necessity for the various operations performed, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of the private lots leased for purposes of oyster culture must be surveyed and charted with the greatest practical accuracy. To others it will be sufficient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that in order to avoid endless dissatisfaction and litigation it is necessary to accurately locate and per- manently establish oyster boundaries as is now being done in Maryland. Triangjilation survey. — Such refinement of survey work as tliat demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey when carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by tlie use of a system of triangulation as a framework or foundation. Therefore, a triangulation survey, including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments, and a record of the descriptions of their locations for future recovery is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 249 Topographic survey. — The technical records which establish the relation between the oflshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engineers in making resurveys, but do not supply the needs of others who are interested in the same boundaries by reason of Uieir occupation as oystermen concerned as to the public oyster bars, or oyster culturists concerned as to the leasable bottoms. For these it is necessar>' to have the charts of the survey show the relation of the shore line and other topographic features to the boimdaries of the public oyster bars and private oyster farms. Therefore a topographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Hydrograpkic survey. — In the settlement of the important question of what is or what is not a natural oyster bar, and in the consideration of bottoms to be selected for purposes of oyster culture, information as to the depth of water and the character of the bottom is required. Therefore a hydro- graphic siu'vey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Necessary foundation for an oyster survey. — Consequently, tlie necessary components of a satis- factory foundation for a complete oyster survey are the three classes of survey operations technically named triangulation, topography, and hydrography, or, stated in another way, the foundation of a practical oyster survey includes the surveying operations usually followed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey leading up to the preparation and publication of nautical charts. Special surveys and investigations pertaining to oysters. — Having obtained this cartographic survey for a foundation, partly by new work and partly from records of previous work of the Government, the combined operations' making up an "oyster survey" are completed by superimposing on this foundation special surveys and investigations pertaining particularly to oysters or other shell fish. The special surveys pertaining to oysters furnish information as to the location and outline of oyster- shell bottoms, and are carried on by the soimding-boat party in addition to the usual hydrographic work.- This operation consists of the observation and record of the character of vibration of a wire and chain apparatus which is dragged over the bottom, the vibrations or lack of vibrations indicating the presence and quantity of shells or absence of shells. The special oyster investigations ■' consist of the actual determination of the kind and quantity of oysters on the bottom, and such economic and biological studies of the supply of oyster food, density of water, character of the bottom, and otlier important matters as affect the growth of oysters. In this work the oyster investigation stations arc located and buoyed by the hydrographic party while engaged in the survey of the oyster-shell limits. They are selected with the view of obtaining characteristic data which can be used for tlie interpretation of the recorded vibrations of the chain apparatus at all other points covered by the survey. Preparation of results. — The actual surveying operations and oyster investigations having been completed for an)' one county, there still remains technical work of nearly equal magnitude to tliat described.'' This work consists of the preparation of charts and technical descriptions of boundaries and landmarks for publication by the Government, the preparation of that part of the annual report of the commission covering the special oyster surveys and investigations, the making of the leasing charts and finished projections, and finally the filing of the oyster charts and records with the courts and the commission, thus opening a county for oyster cultiure. Summary. — From the foregoing account it can be seen that a complete oyster siuvey properly conducted so as to answer all practical requirements of the present and permanency of results for the future is a very complicated affair, involving many lines of surveying and other scientific work, and requiring the professional services of experts in the various operations of cartographic surveying and shell-fish investigations. 1 See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." ^ See pp. 104 to 123 of ''First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." ■* See pp. 30 to 67 and i2y to 199 of "First Annual Report of l^faryland Shell Fish Commission.." * No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the commission, which is greatly complicated and increased by the effect of the oyster-survey operations on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved; or of the large amount of survey work involved in the survey and record of the boundaries of oyster lots leased from the State by private individuals for the purposes of oyster culture. 250 Survey of Oyster BarSj Talbot County ^ Md. Beginning of field work Filing of certified charts and reports Natural oyster bars surveyed and de- lineated ^ Acres of natural oyster bars Crab bottoms surveyed and delineated. . . Acres of crab bottoms Clam beds surveyed and delineated Acres of clam beds Boundary buoys located and planted . . . , Triangulation landmarks established Miles of shore line covered by triangula- tion Square miles of water covered by trian- gulation Miles of examination of shell bottom with chain apparatus Oyster investigation stations occupied . . . Tide stations established Number of soundings over shell bottoms. Square miles covered by soundings and chain apparatus Projections prepared and plotted Leasing charts prepared Oyster charts published Reports published Progress maps published Beginning of field work M^y 2, 1908 Apr. 14* 1909 Apr. 14, 1909 Apr. 14, 1909 July 6, 1909 "igof certified charts and reports July 6,1911 Aug. 10, 1911 Oct. 5,1911 Nov. 29, 1911 1 July ; Natural oyster bars surveyed and de- lineated * Acres of natural oyster bars Crab bottoms surveyed and delineated . . . Acres of crab bottoms Clam beds surveyed and delineated Acres of clam beds Boundary buoys located and planted Triangulation landmarks established Miles of shore line covered by triangula- tion Square miles of water covered by trian- gulation Miles of examination of shell bottom with chain apparatus Oyster investigation stations occupied. . . Tide stations established Number of soundings over shell bottoms. Square miles covered by soundings and chain apparatus Projections prepared and plotted Leasing charts prepared Oyster charts published Reports published Progress maps published 1 These statistics do not include the large amount of triangulation, topography, and hydrography resulting from previous work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, which was utilized in the preparation of the published oyster charts and records. Work in Kent, Queen Anncs, Talbot, and Dorchester Counties has been finished, but final statistics of results will not be published until these counties are opened for oyster culture. 2 Less quantities covered fay statistics of more than one county. 2 Total area of natural oyster bars of Connecticut, 5,770 acres. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS WICOMICO COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUR- VEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1909 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, November 12, igo8. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, and certain technical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shell fish com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, and 1909. Respectfully, O. H. Tittmann, Superintendent. To Hon. Oscar S. Straus, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. 3 CBRTIFTC^ATION, Annapolis, Md., November lo, 1908. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in the waters of Wicomico County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, Chief of Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Annapolis, Md., November 10, 1908. Examined and certified to be correct. Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell Grave, Benjamin K. GrEEn, Maryland Shell Fish Commission. SwEFSON Earle, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — As required by law, certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of "Wicomico County and Adjacent Waters" were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Wicomico County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, at Annapolis, on December i, 1908. 5 CONTE^NTS. Progress map Follows 54 Letter of submittal 3 Certification _,_. 5 Introduction: Publications _' 9 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey 10 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries 10 General remarks 10 Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions 13 Organization and equipment 13 Chronological statement of work 14 Statistics 15 General statement 15 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster bars 17 Leasing charts 18 Projections ig Progress maps 19 Boundaries of the county waters: Waters within territorial limits of county 20 Waters contiguous to county 20 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations): Explanation of descriptions of landmarks 21 Descriptions of triangulation stations — Clmrt No. 11 (Middle Nanticoke River) — Cow (see also Chart No. 12) ' •_ 23 Okay 23 Ar 24 Gover 24 Streett 25 Earle 25 Juliet .- 25 Pole 26 Bivalve Church . 26 Rag 26 Nanticoke Church (see also Chart No. 12) 26 Chart No. 12 (Nanticoke and Wicomico rivers) — Cow (see also Chart No. 11) 23 Nanticoke Church (see also Chart No. 11) 26 Crab 27 Sharkfin Shoal Light 27 Head 27 Frog 28 7 8 Con/nils. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangui By courtesy of Capt. James A. Turner, commanding. ' The field and office work relating to Somerset County is so intermixed with that of Wicomico County that this statement includes the work of both counties. <* See that report for'an account of the work from July 3, 1906, to June 20, 1907. ^ Office rooms were furnished for the work of the Government party in the "old court-house" and afterwards in the new custom-house by courtesy of Hon. William F. Stone, collector of customs. Su7'7)ey of Oyster Bars, Wicomico County, Md. 15 The very large amount of work of computation and drafting necessary to make the results of the survey of the previous season available for publication was nearly completed on May 2, 1908, when it was transferred to the Government quarters on the house boat Oyster, which left Baltimore on the same day with the party and outfit for her anchorage off Solomons Island, in the Patuxent River. On July I, 1908, certified copies of the technical report and oyster charts of Som- erset County were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Somerset County and in the office of the Board of the Shell Fish Commissioners, at Annapolis, thus opening that county for oyster culture on that date. STATISTICS." Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 30 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 30 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles 32 Old triangulation stations recovered 5 New triangulation stations established 32 Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described 37 Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) 46 Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate) i 44 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster boundaries 2 Triangles computed 80 Geographic positions computed 37 Corners of oyster boundaries established by computation 56 Back azimuths and distances computed from corners of boundaries to triangulation stations 168 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication 37 Descriptions of oyster boundaries prepared for publication. 15 Total typewritten pages of manuscript prepared for publication of report 115 "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" prepared for publication 2 Progress map prepared for publication i GENERAL STATEMENT. The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Wicomico County in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission need no other summary than is indicated by the published "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" and the scheme of hydrographic projections and triangulation stations shown on the progress map at the end of this report. The triangulation has been carried on in accordance with the standard methods of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, making this work and that of the "Descriptions of Triangulation Stations" of perinanent value, not only to the State of Maryland in the survey of her oyster bars, but also to the Government for any future work it may do in the regions covered by the oyster survey operations. The hydrographic projections and published charts were prepared with all the accuracy permitted by their large scale, especially as to the boundaries of the various <* These statistics only include field and oflfice work directly performed by the party of the. Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey in connection with the oyster survey of Wicomico County, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examinations of the character of the bottom made by the engineers of the Commission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geodetic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the waters of Maryland. i6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Wicomico County, Md. shell-fish bottoms in relation to landmarks, but this accuracy of location on the charts is further added to by published technical descriptions which should minimize the probability of any future dispute as to either landmarks or boundaries. Stated another way and quoting from the report of the "Survey of Oyster Bars of Anne Arundel County:" The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual precision of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points necessary to provide ample foundation for the surveying and charting operations permitted great accuracy of definition and loca- tion for the natural oyster bar and other boundaries established. At the same time, the very important element of permanency of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last sixty-five years. In fact, when the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland is completed, it is believed that it will stand the test of time and practical use as a working foundation for whatever form the oyster legislation of the future may assume, and that the doing of the wort: systematically and accurately, once for all, not only means a better foundation of a great oyster industry by irradicably locating the natural oyster bars for the use of the public, but also a better and more permanent superstructure of oyster culture for the individual by the reason of the integrity of the foundation on which it stands. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: To his colleague from the Department of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose well-known scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters has been of great value to the work. To Mr. Walter J. Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative ability in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the Commission, who, as editor of the Com- mission's annual report and commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster investigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the Commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Surv'ey. To Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, whose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facilitated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. To Thomas H. Robinson, counsel to the Commission, for courteously furnishing valuable information relating to county boundaries. And to the many others connected with the Commission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing important information or willing services. CHARTS AND MAPS. CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts" of the natural oyster bars of "Wicomico County and Adjacent Waters," published by the Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey from results of surveys of the Government in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, consist of two sheets covering the eastern shore of Nanticoke River and the northern shore of Wicomico River, including all oyster-producing bottoms of Wicomico County. They are published on a scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3 J inches to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bars and other boundaries established by the Commis- sion, and are certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Wicomico County and in the office of the Commission at Annapolis, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster-bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography'' necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily understandable both by the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the oyster bars are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars are numbered from i to the total number of corners in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, these points have two or more numbers, each number corresponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners correspond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the headings of "Boundaries of natural oyster bars." The landmarks and oyster bars have been grouped in the "Contents" of this pubUcation in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a " These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. b Much of the details of the inshore topography was obtained from the excellent map of Wicomico County prepared and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey in cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey. 61807 — 09 3 17 1 8 Si4 miles. Chimney of large greenhouse 254 24 __ 2 X miles. Canning house stack 257 28 _. i^ miles. Canning house stack 275 26 __ I'j miles. Near corner of Nanticoke wharf 284 49 ._ 1/2 miles. Large red roof white house 297 32 ._ _^ 2 '-.miles. Large red roof white house 299 24 _^ 2 '2 miles. Right tangent of Nanticoke woods -3io 15 -- 3 miles. Left tangent of Sandy Point 341 48 .. i^ miles. OKAY. Locality. — Western shore of Nanticoke River about ■ i mile south of Swan Creek Cove on Marsli Point. (See Chart No. II.) Observed station is on marsh land about 2 feet above and 10 yards back from high-water mark. A .shanty known as Insleys watch house stands about 35 yards north of observed station. No other permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " Bivalve Church (N 84° 32' E) o 00 00 2j 2 miles. Chimney of red roof house. 20 38 .. 2 '2 miles. Windmill tower • 46 41 __ 2).^ miles. Tangent of land 92 23 .. i^ miles. 24 S}ir7>ey of Oyster Bars, ]]'^iconiico Couniv., Md. References — Continued. ° ' " Tangent of land 105 45 -- Left side of watch house 249 17 ._ Right side of watch house 258 17 Space between chimneys of large white house 340 43 -. Tangent of Bivalve wharf 355 31 _. Stack of canning house 359 12 .. 2X m'lss 150 yards. 35 yards. 35 yards. 3>4 miles. 2^4 miles. AR. 2 miles northwest bv west of Bivalve wharf. 00 3;5^4 miles. .. 4 miles. . . I '2 miles. ''2 mile. 2^ miles. I mile. I mile. '2 mile. 3 miles. 2'^ miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. 2j^ miles. Locality. — Western shore of Nanticoke River about (See Chart No. 11.) Observed station is on marsh land between two small creeks about 40 yards back from high-water mark. It is about 43 yards northwest of the mouth of one creek, and 35 yards west-southwest of mouth of the other creek. No permanent objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Nanticoke Church" (S 13° 34' E) o 00 Right edge Sandy Point woods 23 58 Smoke pipe of cabin near " Okay " 42 .=J7 Chimney on house 46 26 Left tangent of first woods 81 20 Left tangent of long thick woods 98 53 Left edge short thick woods 134 11 Chimney of red roof cabin 247 47 Houses with several gables 262 18 Right edge Wetipquin w'Oods 274 37 Chimney of house behind trees 302 43 Windmill 319 03 Stack of canning house 320 15 Chimney of house on Ragged Point 350 33 Windmill 352 57 .. 3^ miles. GOVER. Locality. — Northwestern shore of Nanticoke River i|^ miles west-northwest of entrance to Wetip- quin Creek and ys mile north of cove named Perch Haul. See Chart No. 11.) Observed station is on a point of marsh covered with grass and water bushes, and is about 15 yards northwest from extreme end of point. A shanty stands among the bushes and small trees about 200 yards to the west-southwest. A clump of about 50 pine trees stands about '4 mile west and another clump stands about l^ mile northwest. Marks. — -Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — • o 1 // Bivalve Church (821° 30' E) o Tangent of land 35 Left side of opening in woods 72 Two pine trees together 83 Center of shanty 98 Clump of pine trees 123 Clump of pine trees 176 Inside edge of cove 201 Clump of small pine trees 255 Tangent to point of land 269 Left tangent of Sandy Hill wharf 276 Large house 286 Left edge of pine woods near Wetipquin Creek. 328 13 .. 2 miles 24 00 2.'^ miles. _. I mile. ofi ._ 2 miles. 07 .. ;'4' mile. 26 .. 200 yards. 56 ._ '4 mile. 20 _ - y^ mile. 45 -. 100 yards. 31 X mile. 35 .. i>^ miles. 02 .. _ 3 miles. 27 -. 3X ™'l£s. Survey of Oyster Bars, IJ^icomico County, Md. ^5 STREETT. Locality. — Northwestern shore of Nanticoke River on point on southwest side of entrance to JmcIcs Creek. (See Chart No. ii.) Observed station is on a marsh and grass point 7 yards west from its extreme end and about 4 yards from each side of point to north and south. Cement monument marking reference station is 1 1.89 meters west of observed station. Marks. — ^Observed station is nail in pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Earle" S 45° 01' E) o A shanty o Large white house with red roof 27 Canning-house stack at Tyaskin 33 Large white building 36 Point of marsh 47 First of four trees 135 Reference st.ition 164 Point of marsh 255 House on the other side of Jacks Creek 258 Left tangent of Sandy Hill wharf 309 White house _ 318 00 I mile. __ I mile. _. 2 ''2 miles. i^ miles. lyi miles. .- 100 yards. .. 'o mile. 00 1 1 . 89 meters. ._ 30 yards. -- yi mile. .. 1% miles. .. 1 3-2 miles. EARLE. (See Locality. — Southeast shore of Nanticoke River about one mile below Sandy Hill wharf. Chart No. 11.) Observed station is on sand and grass land between river and pine grove, and about 80 yards back and 5 feet above high-water mark. A white oak tree about 2yi feet in diameter stands between station and river and another and larger white oak tree stands about 15 yards to the northeast. There is a shanty about 20 yards to the west and a sand beach northwest of the station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Juliet" (841° 05' W) o Nail in blaze in white oak tree (2X f^^t i" diameter) 88 Nail in blaze in pine tree 160 Nail in blaze in oak tree {2]4 feet in diam- eter) 196 Nail in blaze in pine tree 326 Right tangent of woods on other side of Wetipquin Creek 358 35 52 lyi miles. 30 13. 98 meters. 00 19.05 meters. 40 13. 95 meters. 00 15. 76 meters. miles. JULIET. Locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River on point on southwest side of entrance to Wetipquin Creek, (See Chart No. 11.) Observed station is on sand and marsh point about 100 yards southwest of entrance to Wetipquin Creek. It is about 10 yards back from high-water mark and about 5 yards outside of several small pine trees. Very dense pine woods stand about 100 yards to the south of the station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Earle" (N 41° 04' E) o 00 00 i>^ miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree 29 41 30 4.92 meters. Near point of roof of oyster house 40 05 .. 300 yards. Left edge of woods 64 21 .. 200 yards. 61 807 — 09 4 26 Survey of Oyster Bars, Wicomico County, Md. References — Continued ° Nail in blaze in pine tree— .- 7' Nail in blaze in pine tree 98 Right edge of woods 163 Right tangent of Bivalve wharf 170 Two-story white house 210 Two-story white house with red roof 228 Opening in woods 230 Gray house at Jacks Creek _. 324 Tangent of land 345 Tangent of land 354 POLE. 6. 31 meters. 6. 88 meters. 200 yards. I % miles. 2% miles. % mile. 3 miles. \i/i, miles. 150 yards. 150 yards. Locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River on wharf off town of Bivalve, located about i)4 miles northeast of Ragged Point. (See Chart No. 11.) Marks. — Observed station is flagpole on western peak of a house on wharf at Bivalve about 300 yards from shore. References. — None necessary. BIVALVE CHURCH. Locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River about fs niile back from shore in town of Bi\alve on main road leading to the steamer landing. (See Chart No. 11.) Marks. — Observed station s center of steeple on Bivalve Methodist Church. References. — None necessary. RAG. Locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River on northern side Ragged Point. (See Chart No. 11.) Observed station is on a sandy point about 25 yards back from high-water mark and 100 yards northeast from extreme end of point. A grove of pine trees stands about 50 yards to the east and two groups of pine trees about 20 and 75 yards to the northeast. Two pine trees each 15 inches in diameter and. 2}4 feet apart stand about 20 yards to the east of the station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° Nanticoke Church (S 1° 46' E) o Left end of Sandy Point 29 Chimney on house near "Cow" 51 Large tree at left end of woods 130 Left one of two trees (opposite shore) 169 Flag pole on Bivalve wharf 201 Smoke pipe on Bivalve wharf house 207 Nail in stump of limb on pine tree 2i8 Nail in blaze in double pine tree 258 Nail in blaze in large pine tree 293 Chimney on a white house 303 Windmill near large house 344 Steeple on a barn - 356 Large chimney on large flat-roof house 357 00 00 iX miles. 17 3K miles. 48 -_ 2^ miles. 20 -_ 3 X miles 56 -- 3X miles. II __ 1% miles. 14 .. 1% miles. 35 -. 32.78 meters. 01 -. 19. 65 meters. 26 -- 43. 19 meters. 29 40 135 yards. }i mile. I mile. I mile. NANTICOKE CHURCH. Locality. — Eastern shore of Nanticoke River in town of Nanticoke, about }i mile back from river and }4 mile northeast of Roaring Point. (See Charts Nos. 11 and 12.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of spire of church known as " Nanticoke Methodist Episcopal Church." References. — None necessary. Survey of Oyster Bars, Wicomico County, Md. 27 CRAB. Locality. — Upper end and western shore of Tangier Sound on eastern side of Bloodsworth Island about 2|^ miles southeast of Sharkfin Shoal Light and about halfway between Piney Island Cove to north and Great Cove to south. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is about 15 yards from high-water mark to the northeast and about 35 yards from the shore to the east. A small fiat-roof crab house stands about 80 yards to the north-northeast and another crab house about twice the distance in the same direction. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 45° 25' E) o Left end of large white house near Stump Point. 6 End of roof of white house on bluff 31 End of Deal Island wharf 53 Large white house near red roof house 72 Aspen tree near "Joshua" 88 Tall pine tree 165 Near end of fiat-roof shanty 288 Flag pole on Brown's crab house 299 00 00 2 5-8 miles. II .. 7J-^ miles. 36 __ 6X miles. 03 __ 3J< miles. 35 4X miles. 06 -- 5>^ miles 00 -- iX tniles. 32 .. 80 yards. 01 -- 150 yards. SHARKFIN SHOAL LIGHT. Locality. — Northern end of Tangier Sound about equally distant from entrances of Hooper Strait, Fishing Bay, and Nanticoke River. (See Chart No. 12.) Marks. — Observed station is center point of black lantern on hexagonal screw pile known as "Sharkfin Shoal Light." References. — "Great Shoals Light" (N 81° 45' E) 5)4 miles. HEAD. Locality. — Upper end of Tangier Sound, on southern part of peninsula known as " Bishops Head,'' situated between Hooper Strait and Fishing Bay. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on eastern side of marsh land about ^4 mile north]of extreme southerly end of Bishops Head and about 15 yards east of two crab houses. It is about 15 yards southwest of high- water mark, behind water bushes which skirt the shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.41 meters west from observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a pine stub Hush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 60° 41' E) o 00 Crab-house flagstaff 50 30 Large pine 97 42 Reference station 139 55 Near gable of 2X-story white house 140 24 Chimney on white house 156 44 Left side of crab house 166 38 Right side of crab house 199 54 Chimney on yellow house 208 28 Chimney on end of white house 238 53 Right side of Nanticoke Point woods 326 56 00 2-}^ miles. _- 3X miles. -- 2 miles. 40 13.41 meters. -- X mile. -- J4 mile. -- 17.31 meters. -- 16. 1 1 meters. -- i^ miles. -_ 3 miles. -- 7X miles. 28 Survey of Oyster Bars, Wicomico Couiitv, Md. FROG. Locality. — West shore of mouth of Nanticoke River, on the southeasterly point of Clay Island, known as "Frog Point." (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on a marsh point about 25 yards back from extreme end of point, 20 yards from the east side and 25 yards from the west side. Water bushes abound back of station. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.10 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub flush with ground, triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (841° 25' W) o 00 Left tangent of Clay Island 35 17 Reference STATION 141 45 Right tangent of Sandy Point 177 41 Chimney on white house with black roof 179 12 Chimney on near end of large red-roof white house 183 Stack of canning house 184 Land end of Nanticoke wharf 184 End of Nanticoke wharf house 186 Chimney on ell end of main part of large red- roof white house 211 Right tangent of Nanticoke Point woods 238 Large square chimney on white house (Dames Quarter) , 264 Rock Creek poplar tree 284 Flagstaff on Deal Island wharf 322 ROAR. Reference station is center point of 00 3yi miles. __ i>4 miles. 50 13. 10 meters. ,. f^ mile, _. 23-2 miles. 02 __ 2 J!/^ miles. 36 .. 2X miles. 36 .. 2 >2 miles. 00 .- 2 X miles. 27 __ 2^ miles. 44 -. 2 f^ miles. 17 __ 4 miles. 17 _- 33^ miles. 09 .. 4j^ miles. Twin trees on Ragged Point 159 30 .. 2 miles. Chimney on white house 175 23 .. iX miles. Windmill 184 04 .. 1 mile. Gambrel roof house 184 32 __ i mile White canning house stack 195 11 __ 5^ mile. Land end of wharf 271 58 _. X mile. Large house. 293 38 -. iX miles. Right tangent of , Nanticoke Point woods 297 22 __ 2^ miles. Right tangent of Nanticoke wharf 304 52 __ fi mile. Lett tangent of Sandy Point ..- 359 51 .. iK miles. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Wicomico County^ Md. 29 NANTI. Locality. — Eastern side of entrance to Nanticoke River about '^ mile northwest of Nanticoke Point . (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on grassy land about 2 feet above and 20 yards back from high-water mark. It is about midway between edge of woods on Nanticoke Point and unpainted house near poplars ]^ mile to the north. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ■ ° ' •'' "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (865° 14' W) o Tangent of Sandy Point 51 Left end of Nanticoke wharf 89 Near chimney of red roof house 96 Chimney of unpainted house loi Near chimney of house nearest woods 116 Tree high above woods 119 Right end of heavy woods 134 Right end of scant woods 147 Wild cherry tree 178 Left end of woods. 227 Right end of woods 269 Poplar tree Dames Quarter 307 Tangent of Haines Point 330 WHITE. 00 00 3 miles. 33 . . 2% miles. 45 ._ 2 miles. 51 -- - H mile. 08 -. % mile. 56 _. % mile. 53 -- 2''^ miles. 03 - - I X miles. II _. J^ mile. 24 .. 50 yards. 46 __ }-^ mile. 45 X mile. 28 .. 2 J^ miles, 55 .- 4'2 miles. Locality. — Eastern shore of entrance to Nanticoke River on western part of Nanticoke Point. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on a sand and grass point about 2 feet above high-water mark, 3 yards from the west side, 15 yards from the south end, and 20 yards from southeast side. Dense pine woods stand about 100 yards to the northwest, open marsh to the northeast, and a clump of about a dozen pine trees in marsh about H mile to the northeast. There is a cove about 40 yards east of the station and another point of land about 100 yards to the southeast. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.63 meters north of observed station. Marks. — Obser\-ed station is a nail in a pine stub about 6 inches below surface or ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ^ ' " "Great Shoals Light " (S 44" 16' E) o 00 00 iX miles. Poplar tree at Dames Quarter 65 08 ._ 2 >< miles. Tangent of Hall Point 86 06 __ 3K miles. Tangent of Sandy Point. 164 17 __ 3 miles. Left end of pine woods 172 Right end of pine woods 213 Reference station 227 29 Largest tree in clump of about 12 pines 247 23 Chimney on cabin on Ellis Point 279 05 White house 311 54 Point of land 335 02 27 -. 100 yards. 21 .. 150 yards. 00 16. 63 meters. .. ^ mile. -- 2 miles. .- J/2 mile. -- 100 vards. ELLA. Locality. — North shore of Wicomico River on point at east side of entrance to Ellis Bay. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high-water mark. It is about 10 yards back from the shore to the west, 20 yards back from the shore to the south, and 20 yards back from the shore to the north. No permanent reference objects near station. 30 Survey of Oyster Bars^ Wicomico Comity^ Md. 1 iiiiJes. I mile. 'i mile. yi miles. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ■ " "Great Shoals Light" (S9°49' VV) o Tangent of land on Mollies Point 5 Watch house -'6 Left of woods on Nanticoke Point 44 Right of woods on Nanticoke Point 52 Chimney of white house 135 Chimney of gray house 142 Chimney of white house 249 Mount Vernon Church 257 Chimney on middle of white house 274 Chimney on cream and brown house 290 Chimney on brown house 291 Smoke pipe of watch house 306 HOLLAND. 33 .. 1I4 miles. 45 -. 2 miles. 43 __ 2 miles. 27 _. 200 yards. 58 ._ 2X ™iles. 28 -_ i^fniles. 49 _. I mile. 03 .. I mile. i7 .. I mile. Locality. — North shore of Wicomico River on Holland Point about iX miles west of Mount Verncm Church, and iX miles east of Ellis Bay. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on a marsh point about 20 yards north of high-water mark on its extreme entl and about 100 yards west of a creek. A small cabin stands about 200 yards to the west. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Wind" (S 28° 35' W) o Great Shoals Light 4 Tangent of Mollies Point 18 Left tangent of woods on Nanticoke Point 34 Right tangent of woods on Nanticoke Point 39 Chimney of house near Ellis Bay 46 Chimney of cabin 56 Chimney on left end of large red roof building. _ 91 Large chimney on white house 188 Chimney of slate-colored house 230 Chimney on middle of light-blue house 240 Chimney on 2 5^-story light-green house 266 Right chimney on white house 317 CHILD. 00 00 i^ miles. 34 .. 2 J^ miles. 39 .. 2 miles. 33 .. 2}i miles. 28 .. 23-^ miles. 19 _ _ 1 X rniles. 14 _ _ 200 yards. 56 _- 3 miles. 31 .. tX miles. 43 . - I X miles. 48 .. I mile. 41 -- .X mile. 29 _ _ >2 mile. Locality. — North shore of Wicomico River about ~yi mile north of Mount Vernon Church. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on marsh land about 2 feet above and 15 yards back from high-water mark. There is an old wharf about 300 yards to the east and at a point about 100 yards to the north, two creeks join and form a single creek about 20 feet wide which flows into the river at a point about 15 yards west of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Mount Vernon Church" (S 10° 15' E) o Chimney on white house in woods on opposite shore 3 23 __ J< mile. Chimney on white house on sand bluff on opposite shore 15 Smoke pipe on large white house 19 Chimney on brown house 48 mile. 32 _. f^ mile. 55 H mile. 14 .- I X miles. Survey of Oyster Bars^ Wicomico County^ Md. 31 References — Continued. ' o r n Great Shoals Light 49 3.S ._ .similes. Tangent of Holland Point 62 44 _. i>^ miles. Fork of creek. 183 08 .. 100 yards. Chimney of large house 206 39 .. 2 miles. Chimney of another large house 238 43 _. ^ mile. Mount Vernon wharf smoke pipe 293 12 __ i^ miles. Large white house in woods 324 03 _- J^ mile. Cream-colored house in woods 345 47 .. yi mile. CREEK. , Locality. — North shore of Wicomico River about ^/^ mile northwest of Mount Vernon wharf and about I'i miles northeast of Mount Vernon Church. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on a marsh grass and sand point making out to the south and about 10 yards from the high-water mark of each of the three sides of the point. About 10 yards west of observed station is the mouth of a creek or drain 10 feet wide which runs only a short distance inland. There are several unpainted houses within 200 yards of observed station and a lone pear tree stands about 200 yards to the north. There is a cultivated field about 150 yards back of station which extends to edge of woods }4 ™^^ distant. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Mount Vernon Church" (S 30° 39' W) o 00 00 if « miles. Chimney on light-blue house with red blinds _- 13 46 __ i^ miles. Lone tree 72 59 ._ i mile. Chimney of old unpainted house 108 18 __ 300 yards. Chimney of light-green trimmed house 135 15 __ 200 yards. Pear tree 159 48 200 yards. Left chimney of cream-colored house 218 o5 __ 300 yards. Tangent of cove 224 .. _. 30 yards. Smoke pipe on Mount Vernon wharf 282 34 .. ^ mile. Chimney outside yellow house 312 04 .. ^ mile. Chimney on slate-colored house '. 352 57 .. J^ mile. END. Locality. — North shore of Wicomico River opposite Mount Vernon wharf. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on marsh land about 3 feet above and about 100 yards north of high-water mark in river and about 75 yards to the northwest of a large creek which runs about 2 miles inland. Water bushes skirt shore around station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Jones" (S 60° 33' W) o 00 oo X mile- Chimney on white house 7 24 _. I mile. Tangent of land 12 28 __ i mile. Near chimney of cream-colored house 68 25 __ X ttiile. Cupola on red barn 155 21 __ ^ mile. Old-style windmill 163 26 _. J^ mile. Chimney of Whitehaven Hotel 171 09 _. i^ miles. Webster's canning house 252 28 .. X ™ile- Right-hand chimney on gray house 273 42 .. X mile- Left side of Mount Vernon wharf 294 13 ._ X mile- Stack of Dashiell's canning house 304 52 __ ^ mile. Middle attic window of white house 328 54 __ X mile. Chimney outside of yellow house 352 12 .. X mile. 32 S7irvey of Oyster Bars^ Wuomico County^ Md. walnut; Locality. — South shore of Wicomico River about 175 yards east of Mount Vernon wharf. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on marsh land about 17 feet from shore and 50 yards west of a small creek. Several large walnut and locust trees stand about 250 yards south of station and 2 houses and 2 sheds about 250 yards to the southwest. Marks. — Observed station is center pqint of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Jones" (S 83° 49' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. Right side of Mount Vernon wharf house »_ 17 18 ._ 175 yards. Chimney outside of white house 46 52 _- i mile. Left chimney of gabled house 53 47 ._ i mile. Old-style windmill 121 00 ._ J!^ mile. Left end of roof of Whitehaven wharf 136 18 _. iX ™ilss. Chimney on Whitehaven Hotel 136 40 .. i>^ miles. Opening between pair of pine trees near White- haven 140 .. .. I X miles. Stack of Webster's canning house 187 38 __ 300 yards. Opening between two walnut trees 274 __ 200 yards. Chimney of Whitlock's house 307 37 .. 250 yards. Stack of Dashiell's canning house. _ 352 23 ._ 400 yards. JONES. Localily. — South shore of Wicomico River about X ^^^ west of Mount Vernon wharf. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on a knoll about 25 feet above and 30 yards to south of high-water mark, and about 200 yards to the east of a cove. The knoll on which the station is located is the highest point on the shore in this locality. Several small cabins stand to the northward about 25 yards, and a large lone cedar tree about 35 yards to the southwest. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Ivee" (S 78° 54' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Large square chimney on four-gable house. 10 05 __ X ™il6. Cedar tree 11 22 -_ 25 yards. Tangent of point of land 34 54 _- ^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree 62 26 _. 20. 30 meters. Chimney on light-green house on opposite shore 102 33 .. J^ mile. White cupola in Whitehaven 148 53 .. 2^ miles. Old-style windmill 153 31 __ iX miles. Whitehaven Hotel chimney 155 48 __ 2 >^ miles. Large chimney on yellow house 178 37 ._ ^ mile. Chimney on end of brown house 216 37 __ J/^ mile. Chimney on white house 266 42 __ X mile. Weeping willow - 307 55 -- >^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree 318 30 .. 31. 10 meters. IVEE. Locality. — Southeast shore of Wicomico River about }4 tnile northwest of Mount Vernon Church. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on grass land about i foot above and 10 feet back from high-water mark. A small cove makes in about 100 yards east of station. A small lone pine stands about no yards to Su7'vey of Oyster Bars^ Ji7comia> Cnuii/v, Aid. 33 the east-southeast, and a sand bluff with pine trees about lOO yards to the southwest. Beyond the woods along the beach is a bluff 15 feet high upon which are several houses. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Mount Vernon Church" (S 22° 37' E) o 00 00 >2 miles. Tangent of MoUies Point ^3 35 _. i mile. Left end of woods 46 12 .. if^ miles. Right end of woods 51 45 ._ ij^ miles. Tangent of Ellis Point 102 47 .. i mile. White house in woods 157 ig __ 3 miles. Smoke pipe on watchhouse 185 49 _. 100 yards. Chimney of brown house 203 38 .. >2 mile. 34 Siirvev oj Oyster Bars, \]'ia>mico County, Md. References — Continued. ° ' " Chimney of cream-colored lioiise with brown trimmings 215 34 00 J-j mile. Watchhouse 308 41 __ X niile. Chimney on 2>^-story house 342 18 .. . 3 miles. Chimney on end of white house Dames Quarter 350 57 .. 2 W miles. LIITLE. Locality. — Southern shore of Monie Bay on second prominent point of marsh about '4 mile to the west entrance to Little Monie Creek. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on a marsh point covered with water bushes and reeds. It is about i foot above high-water mark, 7 yards from the west side, 10 yards from the east side, and about 50 yards from extreme end of point. No permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Great Shoals Light" (S 83° 43' W) o Left side of woods on Nanticoke Point 19 Right side of woods on Nanticoke Point 22 Tangent of Wingate Point 34 Chimney on red roof white house 60 Chimney on near end of white house with brown trimmings 62 Chimney on red roof white house with green blinds 62 Left chimney of yellow house trimmed white 79 Middle of woods 80 Large brown house ^_ ^ _ 93 Mount Vernon Church.. 102 Tangent of point of land 165 Tangent of point of land 320 00 00 2 ' 4 miles. 34 -- 3,).i miles. 24 __ 2^2 miles. 39 __ 1)4 miles. 13 43 5,S I >2 miles. i>2 miles. iX miles. I }4 miles. I X miles. I ii miles. 42 ._ if^ miles. 47 ._ X mile- 16 __ 75 yards. Tangent of land 346 47 _ _ 3 miles. DOVE. Locality. — South shore of Monie Bay and about '4" mile east of entrance to Pigeon Creek. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on marsh land about 10 yards back from high-water mark not far from water bushes which stand to the east. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.98 meters southeast from observed station. No permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Great Shoals Light" (N 57° 41' W) o Left side of Nanticoke Point woods 6 Left side of Roaring Point heavy woods. __ 19 High lone pine showing above woods 23 Tangent of Wingate Point 52 Chimney of red roof house. 67 Chimney on yellow house with red gable roof , __ 84 Mount Vernon Clmrch 86 Tangent of land - 106 Reference station 202 Chimney of white house with dark red trimmings -45^' 56 29 36 39 iX miles. 2%^ miles. 5 miles. 5 miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. 12 ._ 3 miles. 37 __ 3^ miles. 38 __ 300 yards. 35 50 13. 98 meters. \]4 miles. Srirvev of Oyster Bars, U'iconiico County, Md. GREAT SHOALS LIGHT. 35 Locality. — Middle of entrances to Monie Bay and Wicomico River about halfway between Long Point to the south and Mollies Point to the north. (See Chart No. 12.) Marks. — Observed station is center of black lantern on square screw pile structure known as "Great Shoals Light." References. — "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 81° 50' W) 5J4 miles. SHORT. Locality. — Southern shore of entrances to Monie Bay and Wicomico River on Long Point and about I mile south-southwest from Great .Shoals Light. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on a sandy knoll on eastern side of entrance to Dames Quarter Creek about 15 feet back from high-water mark on the north side and about 30 feet from east side of point It is on the highest part of the knoll which is about 5 feet above high-water mark. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (S 8g° 03' W) o Tile pipe in cement (" Long" 1901) 23 Nanticoke wharf . ,.. _. 67 Left side of Nanticoke woods 69 Yellow house with red blinds 74 Left tangent of Wingate Point 124 Chimney on red roof white house ^ _ . 132 Near chimney of yellow house 136 Chimney on red trimmed house 212 Left tree at Dames Quarter 260 Chimney on white barn _ 279 Left chimney on white house 320 Chimney on yellow house _ 341 4.S 538 miles. 63. 703 meters. 4}i miles. 2 miles. 3^ miles. 2ys miles. 3 miles. 3 miles. 2 miles. X mile. 300 yards. 200 yards. 200 yards. ROOM. 2yi miles. Locality. — Upper end and eastern shore of Tangier Sound on Halls Point. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on a bluff 15 feet high about 5 yards back from its edge. It is about 25 yards cast of a clump of mulberry trees and about 15 yards north-northwest of a barn. Locust and mulberry trees stand all about station and locust bushes along the edge of the bluff. A wagon trail runs parallel to the shore about 15 yards back of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.45 meters south-southwest of observed station and almost in line with a large mulberry tree. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 70° 00' W) o Gable on near side of red roof on white house on Bishops Head 3 Near end of roof of large 2>^-stor)' house.. 12 Left tangent of Clay Island 39 Left side of Sandy Point woods 70 Roaring Point wharf 85 Near chimney on end of large red roof white house _ . 94 Right side of Nanticoke woods. _ _ . . no Mount Vernon Church 127 Near corner of barn 137 01 . 5>< miles. 53 - 7X miles. 18 - - 3>< miles. 08 .. . 4 miles. 22 .- . 5 miles. 36 - - 4X miles. 28 . _ 3^ miles. 18 . 7 miles. nf, 15. 96 meters. 36 Survey of Oys/cr Bars, Wicomico Comilv, Md. Rejcrenco — Continued. ° ' Right-hand corner of barn 152 08 Reference station 268 30 Large cedar tree 276 30 Two-inch iron pipe 2 79 38 -_ 18. II meters. CX3 21. 45 meters. -- 100 yards. 30 9.21 meters. HAINES. Locality. — Upper end and eastern shore uf Tangier Sound on Haines Point, about -^ s mile north of Deal Island wharf. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is on sand and grass point about 20 yards back and ,s feet above high-water mark. Locust and water bushes stand about 20 yards to the north and the left edge of this clump is about on line with Sharkfin Shoal Light. A barbwire fence runs 3 yards east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.64 meters east of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in pine stub in center of a drain tile with top broken ofl' Ijelow surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Sharkfin Shoal Light" (N 45° 58' W) o Left of bushes 39 Left of Sandy Point woods_ 53 Chimney of 2 '-^-story white house trimmed with red 75 Chimney of unpainted house 85 Chimney on end of red cottage trimmed white 99 Reference station 123 Pine tree 148 Large square chimney on red house 152 Right one of 5 large pines 184 Half way between chimneys on store on Deal Island 213 Deal Island Church 217 Black gum tree 223 Right end of Deal Island wharf 234 Hooper Straits Light 343 00 00 2 'smiles. 57 -- 20 yards. 38 __ 4J4' miles. 04 _ _ K mile. 49 -. 350 yards. 00 _- }^ mile. 40 40 9. 64 meters. 37 30 2. 14 meters. 49 -- 400 yards. 40 _. 300 yards. 08 .. K mile- 00 _- 1 '4 miles. 49 _- 6. 70 meters. 10 . . ''2 mile. 7'^ miles. 34 DEAL ISLAND CHURCH. Locality. — Deal Island on main road about ''4 mile from the shore and about .'4 mile south of Laws Thoroughfare. (See Chart No. 12.) Marks. — Observed station is center of steeple on Deal Island Methodist Church. References. — None necessary. BAR. Locality. — Eastern shore of Tangier Sound on western side of Deal Island, about i mile northwest of entrance to Lower Thoroughfare and '2 mile south of Middle Creek. (See Chart No. 12.) Observed station is about 10 yards east of high-water mark on sand and grass land back of sandy beach. The first of many tree stumps which are submerged at high water commence about 100 yards to the north and cat-tails grow abundantly back of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 6. 09 meters east of observed station. ^iarks. — Observed station is a nail in pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Sharkfin Shoal Light " (N 19° 40' \V) o 00 00 4',i' miles. Tangent of Haines Point 27 29 _. 2 5-2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, IVicomico Couii/y, Md. 37 References — Continued. ° Flag pole on large building on Deal Island wharf 28 Middle chimney of large gray building 37 Chimney on white house 59 Middle chimney on red roof white house 79 Reference station 107 Chimney on white house 118 Chinmey on dark gray house 161 Right chimney on white four-gabled house with red roof 176 45 -- 2 miles. 41 _- I mile. 54 - - 400 yards. 51 -- ^.'i mile. 10 00 6. 09 meters. 43 -- 400 yards. 57 -- 300 yards. 39 -- yi mile. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION OF DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES. The oyster bars of Wicomico County are 15 in number, and their total area, as marked out by buoys placed by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission, is 1,638 acres. As provided by law, the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but they inclose areas of all shapes from triangles to complicated eight-sided figures, and of all sizes from 1,123 acres to 4 acres. ° The sides vary in length from 120 to 3,800 yards, and in some cases the corners of the boundaries are practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they are over 7,500 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their positions. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made and the magnitude of the work with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and future. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in the county. At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, its general locality, and the serial number of the "Charts of Oyster Bars" of Maryland on which its legal boundaries are shown. The first column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corre- sponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clockwise direction around the bar; but where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the corner of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. The second and third columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the " For similar statistics for other counties that have been surveyed, see Appendix C of this publi- cation. 38 Siinwy of Ovstcr Bars, JJ'icoinico Coiiiify, Aid. 39 Commission as the primary technical definition of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrepancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the Survey, even though all the land- marks and buoys originally used for their location have been destroyed by natural causes or by acts of vandals desiring to defeat the purposes of the oyster laws of Maryland. The fourth and fifth columns, under the general heading of "True bearing"'' and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north- and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of. boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the computations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. The sixth column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. The seventh and last column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station," ''gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the correspond ing "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of the bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication, under the heading of "Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likel}' to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars. One, to determine whether the buoys marking the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. " The mean magnetic variation for Wicomico County is 5° 45' west of north (1908), and is increas- ing at the rate of 3' yearly. ^ Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Super- intendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington. 40 Survey of Oyster Bars, Wicomico County, Md. (i) Triangidation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar with this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrographic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the bound- aries of the oyster bars. For example, take "Upper -Stake" bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No 3," is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Juliet" and "Earle" as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner is 92° 57' and the angle between "Earle" and "Streett" is 66° 51'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the meas- . ured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor ("position finder"), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the bound- ary as given on the chart, the sur\reyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the Survey of Oyster Bars, Wicomico County, Md. 41 protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two land- marks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the pro- tractor. The second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant then the other until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practically identical with the pro- tractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic locations of points are attained; in fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the Commission. (3) Magnetic bearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State fishery force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer takes compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination," and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared alto- gether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the cor- rected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks for which the bearings are published have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a pro- tractor and then applying them in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic bearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point mark- ing a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination) given in the fourth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question, and the direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an. additional range line determined from a third station. " The mean magnetic variation for Wicomico County is 5° 45' west of north (1908) and is increasing at the rate of 3' yearly. 42 Sur7209 626s ^620 723 o Total area of natural oyster bars of Connecticut is 5,770 acres b Less quantities covered by statistics of more than one county. O COAST AND GEOUETIC SURTEY PROGRESS MAP WICOMICO COUN'IT MAKYLAND To accompany report ot'woik of United Slates Coast and Geodetic Sui've^ in cooperation ■with the Marjland Shell Fish Connuission 1907 Landmarks (Coast Sm-vey Triau^ation Stations) Waters c oijti^ous to county Waters witiiiji teTritorial limits of count)' Limits of projections on file at AV^Lshin^ton Limits of charts published hy Coast and Geodetic Survey tt/ K UT) DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS WORCESTER COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUR- VEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY .ASSISTANT, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1909 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washingtofi, April lo, igog. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, and certain teclinical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shell fish com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government: for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, and 1909. Respectfully, (). H. Tittmann, Superintendent. To Hon. Charles Nagel, Secretary oj Conimeree and Labor. 3 CERTIFICATION, Annapolis, Md., April S, 1909. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in the waters of Worcester County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, Chief of Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Annapolis, Md., Aprils, igog. Examined and certified to be correct. Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell Grave, Benjamin K. Green, Maryland Shell Fish Commission. SwEPSON Earle, H ydrographic Engineer. Note. — Certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of Worcester County were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Worcester County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, at Annapolis, on April 12, 1909. 5 CONTENTS. Page. Progress map Follows 67 Letter of submittal - - - ; 3 Certification 5 Ixtroduction: Publications . 11 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey 12 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries 12 General statement of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey i^ Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Sitrvev: Instructions 14 Organization and equipment ._ 15 Chronological statement of work 15- Statistics ' 16 General remarks 16 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster liars ' 17 Leasingcharts 18 Projections 19 Progress maps 19 Boundaries of the county Vv^aters: Waters within territorial limits of county 20 Waters contiguous to county 20 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations): Explanation 21 Method of describing triangulation stations 21 Descriptions of triangulation stations — Thorof are (see progress map) 24 Collier (see progress map) 1 24 Convent Water Tower (see progress map) 25 Gantt (see progress map) 25 Killick Shoal Light (Virginia) (see progress map) ' 40 Chester (Virginia) (see progress map) 41 Assateague Light (Virginia) (south of chart limits, see progress map) 40 Chart No. 13 (Sinepuxent Bay) — Hamilton 26 Ocean City Water Tower 26 Harmon 26 Ocean 27 Buffing 27 Buffington Windmill 28 Gull 28 Inkquill 28 Seaside 29 7 8 Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations — Continued. Chart No. ij (Sinepuxent Ba}') — Continued. Page. EUpow 30 Beach 30 Fasset t 31 Shore 31 Nellys 32 Bar 32 Longwells Windmill 33 Sanpoi 33 Mud 33 Ingraya 34 Salt 34 North Beach Life-Saving Station (see also Chart No. 14) 35 Birch (see also Chart No. 14) 35 Neck 35 Newport 36 Handys Hammock (see also Chart No. 14) 36 Chart No. 14 (Upper Chincoteague Bay) — Birch (see also Chart No. 13) 35 North Beach Life-Saving Station (see also Chart No. 13) 35 Beacon Clumps 37 Turnagain (see also Chart No. 15) 37 Green Run Inlet Life-Saving Station Flagstaff (see also Chart No. 15) 38 Landlet 38 Guilberts Cupola 38 Ricks 38 Handys Hammock (see also Chart No. 13) 36 Chart No. 15 (Lower Chincoteague Bay) — Turnagain (see also Chart No. 14) .;.. 37 Green Run Inlet Life-Saving Station Flagstaff (see also Chart No. 14) 38 Maryland-^'irginia (Life-Saving Station Beach) 39 Maryland-Virginia (Pope Island) 39 Pope Island Life-Saving Station (Virginia) 40 Wildcat (Virginia) 40 Long Point (Virginia) 41 Grace M. E. Church (Virginia) '- 41 Money (Virginia) 41 Mary land -Virginia (Railroad) 42 Mill 42 Tizz 43 Boundaries of oyster bars: Explanation 44 Method of describing boundaries 45 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries 46 Boundaries of natural oyster bars — Chart No. ij (Sinepuxent Bay) — South Point (see also Chart No. 14) 49 Handys Hammock (see also Chart No. 14) 49 Newport (see also Chart No. 14) 50 Chart No. 14 (Upper Chincoteague Bay) — South Point (see also Chart No. 13) 49 Handys Hammock (see also Chart No. 13) 49 Newport (see also Chart No. 13) 50 Contents. 9 Boundaries of oyster bars — Continued. Boundaries of natural oyster bars — Continued. Chart No. 14 (Upper Chincoteague Bay) — Continued. Page. Lambertson Landing 50 Ennis 50 Turpin I 51 Sandy Point 51 Robins Marsh ; 52 Scarboro Creek _• 52 Southwest 53 Purnell Hammock _. 53 Beef Creek (see also Chart No. 15) 53 Rattlesnake (see also Chart No. 15) 54 Martin Point (see also Chart No. 15) 54 Diamond (see also Chart No. 15) 54 Chart So. 15 (Lower Chincoteague Bay) — Beef Creek (see also Chart No. 14) 53 Rattlesnake (see also Chart No. 14) 54 Martin Point (see also Chart No. 14) 54 Diamond (see also Chart No. 14) 54 Sheep 55 Mink Tump 55 Easter Cove 55 Big Bay Point 56 Kennel • 56 Drum 56 Toby 57 Deep Water 57 Striking Marsh 57 Levin Tump 58 White Rock 58 Horsehead North 58 Horsehead South _ 59 Appendixes; Appendix A. — Laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission 61 Appendix B. — "The Haman Oyster Culture Law" (extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission) 64 Appendix C. — Summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland 66 Appendix D. — Statistics of results of the combined operations of the Government and State. 67 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, WORCESTER COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the surs^ey of the oyster bars of Mary- land has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws " authorizing the work and the natural division of the sur\'eving operations * of the cooperating forces. The publications prepared and issued by the Government under the direction of the vSuperintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consist of a series of charts and a technical report for each county surveyed.'' The charts show all legal of oyster bars within the adopted boundaries of the waters opened up for leasing with each county, and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used as a foundation for the delineation of these various boundaries. The technical report gives technical and legal descriptions of all oyster-bar and other bound- aries, and descriptions of all landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in charge of the work of that Service in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission. These charts and technical reports are prepared and certified for file with the courts and the Commission, as required by the laws of the State, and contain all infor- mation necessary to make a permanent record of the work of the Commission and the Government for all future requirements of the courts, or for any resurveys that may become necessar}-.'' The publications prepared and issued by the State under the direction of the Shell Fish Commission consist of annual reports^ of all the operations of the Commission " See Appendix A for laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. '' See Appendix C for a summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an " oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland. "^ These charts and technical reports can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Surs'ey, at Washington, D. C. The publications ready for issue are those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, W'icomico, and Worcester counties; those for Calvert, St. Marys, and Charles counties are now being prepared. ^ miles. Catholic Church cross 300 49 .. i^ miles. "Ocean City Water Tower" 303 30 __ i !4^ miles. Power-house chimney 304 19 -_ ij-^ miles. Flagstaff on square roof of Atlantic Hotel__ 304 45 _. i^ miles. Ice-plant stack 316 53 __ i '-^ miles. Left chimney of house on Tabor Hill 320 28 -_ i mile. Near chimney on house on Tabor farm 359 31 .. -'^ mile. 26 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. HAMILTON. General locality. — Eastern shore of Sinepuxent Bay, in Ocean City, about ,'2 mile northeast of the railway bridge and two-thirds the way from Sinepuxent Bay to the board walk on the ocean side. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land about 6 yards east-southeast of the extension of the east curb line of Philadelphia avenue, 145 yards northwest of Episcopal Church spire, 16 yards east-southeast of the telephone line edge of wagon trail along proposed Philadelphia avenue, and 40 yards north of an exposed line of sewer pipe. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Harmon" (S 66° jo' \V) o 00 00 i '4 miles. Chimney of house on Thorofare Farm. _ _ 73 11 __ i^i miles. Right tangent of Drum Point 91 14 .. i mile. Left tangent of island no 31 __ simile. "Convent Water Tower" 140 43 __ ^ mile. South end of roof of Quillin's cottage 183 33 __ 400 yards. Peak on tower of Doyle cottage 198 09 __ 350 yards. Chimney of Mervue cottage 226 40 .. 350 yards. Chimney of Hotel Hamilton 229 53 .. 225 yards. Episcopal Church spire 241 44 __ 145 yards. Chimney on Atkins cottage _ 275 50 __ 175 yards. Flagstaff on left end of Mount Pleasant HoteL_ 287 36 __ J^" mile. Presbyterian Church spire 305 42 50 X mile. Power-house chimney 308 56 _. ^ mile. " Ocean City Water Tower" 312 31 .. X mile. Between two chimneys on Tabor house 347 40 __ i mile. Left chimney of Gray's house 357 14 _. 1/4 miles. OCEAN CITY WATER TOWER. General locality. — Between Atlantic Ocean and Sinepuxent Bay, in Ocean City, Md. (See Chart No. 13:) Immediate locality. — Observed station is located about 80 yards north by east of Ocean City rail- road station, 30 yards south by west from curb of Talbot street, and 60 yards west by north from' curb of Baltimore avenue. It is on a steel structure 100 feet high, supporting a large round water tank 25 feet deep, which is known as " Ocean City Water Tower." Marks. — Observed station is center point of upper end of standpipe. References. — None necessary. HARMON. General locality. — West shore of Sinepuxent Bay, about 3^ mile back from west end of railroad bridge and just south of the B. C. & A. railway tracks. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 170 yards east of the first pine woods from the bay shore and about 145 yards east of some young growth pines adjacent to the woods. It is in a field about 72 yards south of the east and west railway tracks and about 65 yards south of the railway fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried with top about 12 inches below the surface of the ground. References. — ° ' " "Gantt" (N 4° 38' E) o 00 00 i mile. Near chimney of Harmon house i 46 __ '4 mile. "Convent Water Tower" 48 59 30 1 34 miles. Convent high chimney (not ventilator) 49 51 ._ 1}^ miles. Episcopal Church spire 64 27 __ 1 3-4 miles. Presbyterian Church spire 71 26 _. 1^4 miles. Right chimney of Tabor house 75 .- __ Simile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Aid. 27 "Ocean City Water Tower" 77 04 10 i^s miles. Power-house chimney 79 Flagstaff on st|uare roof of Atlantic Hotel 80 Cropper's ice-plant stacks 92 Corner of fence and woods 218 Corner of railroad fence and woods 291 3 or 4 small trees 126 Left clump of trees 157 OCEAN. I mile. I mile. I mile. 242 yards. 138 yards. ys mile. yi mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Sinepuxent Bay, about one-third way from bay to ocean and about fs mile south-southwest of "Ocean City Water Tower." (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land about 8 yards east of telephone line and about 2 yards west of an old line of poles formerly used to support wires. It is apparently in proposed extension of Philadelphia avenue, but this is uncertain, as the street lines are indefinite in this locality. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried with top 1 2 inches below surface of sand. References. — o / // "Buffing" (S 64° 10' W) o Near corner of ice house sill 16 Left chimney on Harmon house 49 Left chimney of Tabor house 78 Left stack of Cropper's ice plant 127 Left tangent of Captain Ludlam's office 133 Near chimney on Ocean City station 140 "Ocean City Water Tower" 141 Power-house chimney 146 Flagstaff on Atlantic Hotel 149 Chimney of 2 } 2 -storj' house 162 Near corner of house 181 Near corner of T. Cropper house 2 54 Chimney of white house 311 Near corner of Baker house 352 Baker windmill 353 Chimney of Buffington house 358 " Buffington Windmill" 358 00 00 I'i miles. 51 -- no yards. 32 . . I mile. 45 - - 3-4 mile. 1 9 -- 170 yards. 04 _ _ 165 yards. 10 __ J-8 mile. 52 __ yi mile. 17 -- 34 mile. 50 . _ f-g mile. 49 - . 200 yards. 58 ^ 200 yards. 08 _ _ 33 yards. 45 - . 200 yards. 22 _. 1 3^ miles. 18 ■ 1 3^ miles. 13 -- i}i miles. 35 -_ lyi miles. BUFFING. General locality. — Western shore of Sinepuxent Bay, on lowland about 200 yards northeast of knoll known locally as " Steam Mill Hill " and about i >^ miles southwest of Ocean City. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and loam land about 2 feet above high water, 25 yards west from shore, 65 yards northwest of where wire fence meets shore, 30 yards northeast of nearest point of fence, and 60 yards from junction of fende and ])ine woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Harmon" (N 13° 19' E) o "Convent Water Tow'er" 29 Between chimneys on Tabor house on Tabor Hill 30 Episcopal Church spire 36 Middle of Ocean City Life-Sa ving Station tower_ 4 1 " Ocean City Water Tower " 41 00 00 _ _• J4 mile. 02 .. 2 J-^ miles. 34 -- i)4 miles. 31 -- 2 miles. 35 _ . 2 miles. 21 _. i^ miles. 28 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Aid. 47 -- i>2 miles. 48 __ I ^ miles. 19 -- -- 1^ miles. 01 __ 65 yards. 03 _ _ • I mile. 50 _ _ 200 yards. 200 yards. Power-house chimney 42 Flagstaff on square roof Of Allantic Hotel 43 Cropper's ice-plant stacks 47 Left end of fence at shore 155 Left chimney of Kelley brown house 187 Chimney at right end of roof of Buffington house 207 "Buffington Windmill" 213 Fence and woods 272 51 .. 60 yards. Chimney on top of hip roof of house 311 14 __ ^ mile. Right tangent of woods 311 14 ^. 60 yards. Middle of convent roof 29 53 __ 2? smiles. BUFFINGTON WINDMILL. General locality. — Western shore of Sinepuxent Bay, on knoll known locally as "Steam Mill Hill" and about lyi miles southwest of Ocean City. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Near house belonging to Mr. Buffington. Marks. — Observed station is center of windmill tower. References. — None necessary. GULL. General locality. — Eastern shore of Sinepuxent Bay nearly halfway between bay and ocean and about I mile south-southwest of Ocean City. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass beach land about 2 feet above high water, 130 yards west of Life-Saving Service telephone line, 200 jards west of top of sand dunes and 65 yards south of a square marble pillar projecting above ground in middle of a bare washed space. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.68 meters S 88° 58' W of observed station and aliout on line with left end of woods below Buffington farmhouse. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub flush with sand and grass. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rcjerences. — ° ' " "Buffing" (N 67=04' W) •_._■_ o Right end of barn roof g Chimney on near side of roof of gray house. 1 2 Near chimney of Harmon house 45 Near chimney of Gantt farm house 55 Near chimney of gray house 64 Near end of roof of Tabor house on Tabor Hill 74 Left tangent of water tank on left end of Ocean City bridge 82 Between stacks of Cropper's ice plant 92 "Ocean City Water Tower" 93 34 }i mile. iJ-4 miles. 1^2 miles. 1/4 miles. 2^ miles. 3 miles. I mile. I ] s miles. I mile. I ' 4 miles. Power-house chimney 94 54 __ i^ miles. Flagstafl on square roof of Atlantic Hotel-. 95 54 Near chimney of Kelley house 304 04 Left chimney on Baker house 329 05 Baker windmill. 330 14 Reference station . 336 01 Chimney on BuflRngton house 352 42 INKOUILL. 1^4 miles. 1J4 miles. i^i miles. I mile. . 685 meters. 3-^ mile. General locality. — Western shore of Sinepuxent Bay, near Coffins Point, about 2^8 miles south- west of Ocean City. (See Chart No. 13.) Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester Comity, Md. 29 a shell knoll about 10 feet above high-water fence near Kelley house, 150 yards from near a ditch. * e on standard cement ini>numenl liuried with Immediate locality. — Observed station is on top of mark, 30 yards west of shore, 100 yards from corner of corner of Kelley house, and about 55 yards southeast of Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangl top 12 inches below surface of ground. References. — "Buffing" (N 20° 01' E) Near end of roof on Tabor house on Tabor Hill " Convent Water Tow-er " Between two chimneys on middle of convent roof Church spire "Ocean City Water Tower" Power-house chimney Flagstaff on square roof of Atlantic Hotel _ , Cropper's ice-plant stacks Tangent of land j Tangent of land Left tangent of fence Corner of fence Near chimney of Kelley house Chimney of gray house Chimney of large four-sided roof Baker windmill " Buffington Windmill " Chimney of BulTmgton house SEASIDE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Sinepuxent Bay, about halfway between bay and ocean and about 2, '4 miles south-southwest of Ocean City. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass land about 4 feet above high water. It is on the north side of an overflow from the ocean, about 200 yards from Sinepuxent Bay and 120 yards west-northwest of sand dunes between the ocean and the station. Cement monument marking refer- ence station is 10.32 meters N 52° 39' E of observed station. No other permanent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 4 inches above ground. References. — ° . ' " "Inkquill" N 66° 35' W) o 00 Baker house 22 Chimney on Buffington house 43 56 Tabor house on Tabor Hill 78 35 "Ocean City Water Tower" 8g 18 Power-house chimney 90 01 Flagstaff on square roof of Atlantic Hotel _ 90 35 Telephone pole 106 40 Reference station 109 14 Telephone pole 141 07 Telephone pole 217 51 Right chimney of Coffin Hotel 321 47 Right chimney of Kelley brown house 353 40 13 27 -- 2j smiles. 16 19 __ 3J 2 miles. 16 58 __ 3>^ miles. 20 05 .- 2 J^ miles. 21 46 __ 2 Ji miles. 22 38 .- 2 f^ miles. 2'fi miles. 2 nftles. 170 yards. 40-50 yards. 125 yards. TOO yards. 150 yards. 3 miles. i>2 miles. \i mile. ^ mile. ^^ mile. =3 15 23 32 25 38 89 52 156 40 178 05 184 04 203 23 215 03 331 42 356 42 357 27 .1/ mile. I mile. ^% miles. 2 miles. 2>i miles. 2K miles. 2/4 miles. 81.4 meters. o- },^- meters. 39-5 meters. 47. 8 meters. 2 miles. li mile. 30 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. ELLPOW. General locality. — Western shore of Sinepuxent Bay, about ji' mile inland from what is known locally as Powell Point and about 3 'i miles southwest of Ocean City. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marshy grass land well back from bay, near a property line indicated by crab apple trees and a wire fence which runs from bay to crab apple trees and joins a snake fence. It is about J 4 mile southeast of Hastings house, about '4 mile southwest of Kelley house, and about 14 ™ile northeast of Coffin Hotel (a large, unpainted, square house with four-sided roof). Cement monument marking reference station is 7.20 meters S 83° 50' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in pine stub flush with the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Fassett" (S 10° 32' W) o " North Beach Life-Saving Station " o Chimney of Henry brick house 9 Chimney on right side of four-sided roof of Coffin Hotel 59 RBFErEncE station 73 Chimney on left end of roof of Hastings house - 133 Baker windmill 203 Center of roof of Baker house ^-- 205 " Buffington Windmill " 205 Chimney of Buffington house 206 "Ocean City Water Tower" 214 Power-house chimney 214 Flagstaff on square roof of Atlantic Hotel _. 215 BEACH. 48 00 ij.^ miles. 30 65^ miles. - - ij's miles. - - y^ mile. 00 7. 20 meters. 16 .. !4 niile. 41 -- 1^8 miles. 02 __ I ^ miles. 39 ._ iJ4 miles. 00 _ _ _ ii/i miles. 08 __ 3 >^ miles. 44 . . 3 K miles. 10 __ 3>-2 miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Sinepu.xent Bay, about halfway between bay and ocean and about 3 miles south-southwest of Ocean City. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass beach land about 3 feet above high water, 250 yards west of shore of Sinepuxent Bay and 2 feet east of line of telephone poles. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.40 meters N 0° 23' E of observed station. No other perma- nent reference objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. (Note. — Reported lost in shifting sand at date of publication.) References. — ° ' " "Inkquill" (N 22° 59' W) o Cupola on Baker house 3 Baker windmill 4 Nearest chimney on Baker house 5 Cupola on Buffington barn 15 " Buffington Windmill" 16 Chimney on left end of roof of Buffington house 17 Reference station 23 Between two chimneys on Harmon house 24 Tabor house on Tabor Hill 37 Cropper' s ice-plant stacks 44 "Ocean City Water Tower" 44 FlagstafT on square roof of Atlantic HoteL - . _ 45 Point of four-sided roof 249 00 00 lyi miles. 15 -- iK miles 14 - - ij^ miles. 07 -- iX miles. 20 _ _ i}i miles. 41 .. iJ4 miles. 00 _ _ I " 8 miles. 21 50 6.40 meters. 21 .. 2J-8 miles. 08 . _ 2 pi miles. 00 _. 2 3-4 miles. 58 ^ 3 miles. 54 - - 3 miles. 21 . . 3^-^ miles Survey of Oyster Bars, U'crcester County, Md. 31 " Longwells Windmill" 249 45 -. 3,As miles. Chimney on near end of Henry brick house. - 287 40 __ 2 miles. Left tangent of Coffin Hotel 301 13 -. 2 miles. Right chimney of large white house. 315 37 .. 2 miles. Left chimney on Kelley brown house 356 21 __ i ' s miles. FASSETT. General locality. — Western shore of vSinepuxent Bay about 'i mile north-northeast of Fassett Point. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on shell and marsh land about 2 feet above high water, 120 yards south by east from slough making into marsh, about 140 yards west of side of point, and no yards north of side of point. It is about 200 yards northeast of a fence with a clump of trees beyond it. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "North Beach Life-Saving Station" (S 10° ° ' " 43' W) -■ o 00 00 5 '2 miles. Tangent of point 7 45 _. 300 yards. "Nellys" 13 56 40 3^ mile. I^eft of clump of trees 21 t,;^ _. 500 yards. Right edge of clump of trees 51 20 __ 400 yards. Chimney on gray house 89 05 -- 5,^ mile. Right tangent of roof of brick house 133 15 __ Simile. Chimney on center of red roof on white house. _ 141 26 __ J4 mile. Chimney on left side of a French roof house 165 10 .. 2 miles. Slough 167 ._ .. 120 yards. Baker windmill ig2 36 __ 2^ miles. Chimney on right edge of Baker house 193 24 _. 2^2 miles. " Buffingt on Windmill" 195 27 __ 3 miles. Between chimneys on Tabor house near Ocean City bridge 200 53 __ 4 >^ miles. "Ocean City Water Tower" 205 23 .. 4 J^ miles. "Convent Water Tower" 203 05 smiles. Power-house chimney 205 49 __ 5 miles. Flag pole on square roof of Atlantic Hotel 206 08 __ 4H miles. SHORE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Sinepuxent Bay, about halfway between the bay and the ocean and about 4I4 miles south-southwest of Ocean City. iSee Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass beach land about 2 feet above high water and 16 yards east of line of Life-Saving Service telephone line poles. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.78 meters N 72° 59' E of observed station. No other permanent objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub about 3 inches above sand. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Ellpow" N 29° 35' W) o 00 00 I '4 miles. Chimney of gray house 21 19 2X ™iles. Baker windmill 28 ,55 __ 254 miles. Left chimney of Kelley brown house 29 32 __ 2 miles. Baker house beyond 29 33 ._ 2', miles. " Buffington WindmiU" 34 59 _. 3 miles. Buffington house chimney 35 11 .. 3 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. Chimney of Tabor house on Tabor Hill 46 "Ocean City Water Tower" 52 Power-house chimney 52 Reference station '. 102 Top point of large four-sided roof 267 " Longwells Windmill" 268 Large chimney on house in woods 278 Left chimney of Henry house 287 Left chimney of brick house 330 Chimney on left end of gray house 1 340 Left chimney of Coffin Hotel 349 NELLYS. 35 .. 4'/8 miles. 06 __ 4 5^;^ miles. 29 __ 4J4 miles. 45 . 78 meters. 2>2 miles. 2% miles. 2% miles. lyi miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. I ^ miles. miles north of Sandy Point on a General locality. — Western shore of Sinepuxent Bay, about i ,' point of land near place called Nellys Bar. See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 45 j'ards west-northwest of extreme end of point, 25 yards from north side of point and 20 yards from south side of point. It is on the edge of a cultivated field and about ]^ mile southeast of a large old-fashioned 2j^-story brick house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Fasselt" N 24° 40' E) " Buffington Windmill" Chimney of Buffington house Between two chimneys on Kelley house Near end of roof of Tabor house "Convent Water Tower" Middle of convent i Church spire Church spire 00 00 3,4 mile. II 30 4 miles. 22 4 miles. 54 .. ili miles. 51 .- 5 miles. 00 __ 6yi miles. 21 __ 6K miles. 24 .. 6 miles. 36 -_ 6 miles. 43 -- 6 miles. S 9 9 "Ocean City Water Tower" 9 Power-house chimney 10 05 .. 6 miles. Middle of square roof of Atlantic Hotel 10 22 "North Beach Life-Saving Station" 163 40 Tangent of Sandy Point 174 02 Weather vane on Longwell house 192 40 " Longwells Windmill" ,_ 194 06 Left chimney of Henry brick house 300 02 BAR. -- 6 miles. 40 4'^ miles. .. i>4 miles. -- I mile. -- I mile. -- 14. mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Sinepuxent Bay, about halfway between bay and ocean and about $}i miles south-southwest of Ocean City. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass beach land about 3 feet above high water, no yards west of top of sand dunes, and 5 yards east of line of Life-Saving Service telephone poles. There are no permanent objects near the station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Nellys" (N 66° 14' W) o 00 00 i/j miles. Southerly chimney of Henry brick house 4 33 __ i J ^J" miles. Chimney on northerly end of roof with two gable windows 34 3^ _. 2 miles. Chimney on middle of red roofed white house- _ 37 42 __ 2 J^ miles. Left chimney of large white house . 39 27 __ 2^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. 33 Chimney on southerly corner of four-sided roof ° ' " of gray house 48 20 _. 2 >2 miles. Baker windmill 72 16 _. 3^'^ miles. " Buffinglon Windmill" 76 16 __ 3 J^ miles. Buffington house chimney 76 25 __ 3 J^ miles. "Ocean City Water Tower" 8g 05 .. 55-4 miles. Power-house chimney 89 24 __ 5 '4 miles. Telephone pole 80 28 _, 32 yards. Telephone pole 275 45 __ 65 yards. Middle of roof of Longwell house '. . 324 48 -^ i,'i' miles. LONGWELLS WINDMILL. General locality. — Western side of Sinepuxent Bay, about '1 mile north by west from Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tower in rear of house on " Longwell Farm." Marks. — Observed station is center of windmill. References. — None necessary. SANPOI. General locality. — Western shore of Sinepuxent Bay, on Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sage land 2 feet above high-water mark, about 80 yards west of extreme end of point, which is well rounded, 40 yards north of one shore of the point and 1 10 yards south of the other shore of the point. It is about 25 yards east-southeast of one end of a grove of crab-apple trees and about no yards south of the other end. Small bushes about 18 inches high sur- round station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " North BeachLife-Saving Station"(S3°33' W) o 00 00 3^^ miles. North Beach Life-Saving Station flagstaff o ij -. 3 J^ miles. Tangent to " Indian Graveyard Point" 36 44 _. i mile. Crab-apple tree 64 ._ __ 70 yards. Southerly chimney of stone house 70 15 ._ J^ mile. Left end of grove of crab-apple trees 118 __ .. 25 yards. Dark brown house 191 __ __ iX ™iles. "Ocean City Water Tower" 208 10 __ 6J^ miles. 27 .. ij-i miles. 05 -- I ^^^ miles. 29 __ 125 yards. 44 -- 2 miles. 56 20 6^ miles. General locality. — Western shore of Sinepuxent Bay, on easterly side of Sinepuxent Neck, on point known locally as Indian Graveyard. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 55 yards north of nearest shore, 180 yards west of extreme end of point near bushes, and 80 yards east of where a ditch coming from the northward turns to westward. Two trees, each about 75 yards distant, are located on the line of the ditch. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried with top 14 inches below surface of ground. References. — "North Beach Life-Saving Station" (S 12° 25' ° E) o Tangent to Green Point 42 Corner of ditch 109 Tree, 8 inches diameter 118 Tree, 8 inches diameter 162 Near chimney of 2 J-2 -story house (Hawks Nest) _ 216 "Longwells Windmill" 219 Tangent of Sandy Point 239 Bushes to east of end of point 299 SALT. 00 00 2^ miles. 19 __ li mile. 10 .. 80 yards. 20 __ 75 yards. 24 __ 80 yards. 54 __ ^^ mile. 50 _. I ^^ miles. 43 __ 1/4 miles. __ 180 yards. General locality. — Eastern shore of lower Sinepuxent Bay, about two-thirds way from bay to ocean and i '2 miles south-southeast of Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh beach land about 3 feet above high water, 105 yards east by south of line of poles of Life-Saving Service telephone line, and 175 yards east of a small creek known as "Jones Salt Works Drain." No permanent objects near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "North Beach Life-Saving Station" S 20° ° ' " 36' W) o North Beach Life-Saving Station flagstaff o Telephone pole 50 Telephone pole 72 Jones Salt Works Drain 80 Telephone pole in Left chimney of stone house 121 Telephone pole 137 "Longwells Windmill" 141 Center of roof of white house 141 Near chimney of 2 'j'-story house 150 "Ocean City Water Tower" 182 00 00 -- 2 miles. 14 20 2 miles. 36 __ __ ._. 175 yards. 36 .. -_ ___ 135 yards. .. __ --- 175 yards. 48 -- 135 yards. 44 .- I -'^ miles. 07 __ -_ 200 yards. 23 -_ 2 miles. 44 .. 2 ' 2 miles. 21 -. 4 ' 2 miles. 07 40 _- 7;'i miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. 35 NORTH BEACH LIFE-SAVING STATION. General localily. — Atlantic coast side of strip of beach land between lower Sinepuxent Hay and the ocean. iSee Charts Nos. 13 and 14.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on lookout cupola on the North Beach Life-Saving Sta- tion. This cupola is a gable-roof structure on a gable-roof 2 '2 -story house. Marks. — Observed station is a black and white 4 by 4 inch pole secured temporarily to the exact middle of ridge of gable roof of lookout cupola. Rejerences. — None necessary. BIRCH. General locality. — Southern part of Sinepuxent Neck, between Sinepuxent Bay and Newport Bay, about J. mile north-northwest of South Point. (See Charts Nos. 13 and 14.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the northwest and higher of two knolls about 20 feet above high-water mark, 600 yards east of Island Point, 200 yards northeast of shore of upper Chin- coteague Bay, 75 yards east-southeast of where a ditch and fence meet, and about 400 yards southwest of a house and barn. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Guilberts Cupola" (S 48° 09' W) o 00 Chimney on left of a small house 12 13 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (20 inches di- ameter) 25 14 Chimney on black roof of white house 28 46 "Handys Hammock" 34 41 Cedar tree 41 39 Jones windmill 47 27 Nail in blaze in walnut tree 66 33 Chimney of house near " Newport " 83 50 Holly tree 156 57 Cedar tree near Birch farm buildings 184 58 Chimney of Birch farm house 192 32 Cedar tree 229 57 Chimney of hotel near "North Beach Life-Saving Station" 259 49 Nail in blaze in walnut tree 341 34 00 6^^ milps. 4i^ miles. 28.61 meters. 4 '-4 miles. 3 miles. 80 yards. 332 miles. 25.52 meters. 2 ]4 miles. 150 yards. 300 yards. 300 yards. 195 yards. 40 2,' 2 miles. 12.72 meters. NECK. General locality. — Northeastern shore of New'port Bay, on easterly side of Newport Neck between Greys Inlet and Spence Cove. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about 400 yards northeast of Knot Point, 100 yards north from shore of Spence Cove, 50 yards northwest of small marsh inlet, and 10 yards south of edge of a prominent grove of old oaks. There are bushes between the station and the oak grove. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.72 meters N 7° 23' W from observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. (Note. — Top disconnected, but recemented.) References. — ° ' " " Handys Hammock" (S 53° 53' W) o Tall water bushes 17 House behind bushes 17 Left chimney of large house 29 Chimney of i K-story white house 43 Left edge of oak grove 81 Nail in blaze of persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 100 36 50 12. 24 meters H 3 miles. 75 yards 4J2 miles. 2}^ miles. I;! 2 miles. 25 yards. 36 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. Nail in blaze in oak tree (12 inches di- ° ' ameter) 117 35 Reference STATION 118 43 Nail in blaze in oak tree 173 04 Chimney of house in woods 216 32 Left chimney of large house 277 26 Tangent of marsh 253 07 Right tangent of Island Point 304 29 Tangent of marsh point 334 02 NEWPORT. 30 --- 40 ... 25. 28 meters. 12. 72 meters. 17. 88 meters. 3,4 mile. I mile. % mile. 1.5-2 miles. % mile. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Newport Bay on easterly side of elevated land known as Cropper Island. (See Chart No. 13.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on elevated tilled land about 5 feet above high-water mark, 200 yards west of mouth of marsh creek in bay shore, and 150 yards south of the only house on the island. It is near east edge of tilled land, about 70 yards west from edge of marsh. The tilled and marsh land is separated by a strip of land covered with trees. Marks — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Neck" (S 86° 10' E) o 00 A house 22 42 Chimney of Birchs house 32 29 Walnut tree (24 inches diameter) 83 Three trees 94 Left tangent of point of land 115 New barn 129 Chimney on house 133 Chimney on left end of house 158 Thorn bushes 171 Chimney on house 266 Double walnut tree 297 Well sweep 214 53 ij'i miles. 2 miles. 2 '-2 miles. 70 yards. 150 yards. I mile. 2}4 miles. I '2 miles. I mile. 150 yards. 150 yards. 230 yards. 200 yards. HANDV.S HAMMOCK. General locality. — Western shore of upper end of Chincoteague Hay and western side of entrance to Newport Bay on solid land partly surrounded by marsh known as Handys Hammock. (See Charts Nos. 13 and 14.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand knoll about 10 feet above high water and 140 yards, west-northwest from the extreme end of the narrow point on which it is situated. It is about 35 yards west of another short point, 30 feet south-southwest of shore at a sand beach, 20 yards north of a thorn bush and 50 yards north-northwest of a small pool 20 feet square. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "North Beach Life-Saving Station" S 82° 13' ° ' " E) o North Beach Life-Saving Station flagstaff 00 Left edge of woods beyond Kelleys Point 106 Myrtle tree 115 Chimney on left end of large white house 131 Chimney right end of another large white build- ing 136 Center of large white house 146 Right end of new barn roof 178 Windmill 221 00 o(3 5 miles. 14 - - ,s miles. 39 - - 2 '4 miles. 42 -- 50 yards. 57 - iX miles. 48 ._ 2 J^ miles. 42 -. I K miles. 12 -- \}4 miles. 42 .. yi mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. 37 Chimney of house with two piazzas 224 Chimney of large unpainted house 251 Middle of clump of 12 persimmon trees 267 Chimney on near end of large white house 289 Tangent to South Point 354 BEACON CLUMP.S. 17 __ '1 mile. 18 _. I mile. 35 - - 50 yards. 48 _. 2 '4 miles. 31 -. 3 miles. General locality. — Easterly side of upper Chincoteague Bay, on the southern and larger of the two small marsh islands called Beacon Clumps. (See Chart No. 14.) Immcdialc locality. — Observed station is on a small marsh island covered at extreme high water. It is situated about 35 yards south of shore, 22 yards west of shore, 28 yards north of shore, and 75 yards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Guilberts Cupola" S 78° 50' E) o Modern house being constructed 2 Silo building ■ 3 Chimney of Jones house on Newport Bay 51 Near end of roof of house on South Point 86 First tree near North Beach Life-Saving Sta- tion 1 03 North Beach Life-Saving Station flagstaff 1 1 1 " North Beach Life-Saving Station " iii Other Beacon Clump _ 116 Green Run Inlet Life-Saving Station lookout. _ 255 Right end of Green Run Inlet woods 271 Between two chimneys on cream-colored house. 339 58 50 4 ' 2 miles. 4' 2 miles. 4 ' 2 miles. 6 ' 4 miles. 5 j 2 mile's. 21 .. 5 miles. 13 .. 5 miles. 15 20 5 miles. .. ^4 mile. 46 . . 3 ^i miles. 31 .. 3K miles. .. 5^-2 miles. TURNAGAIN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chincoteague Bay, on main land marsh about i mile southeast of Whittington Point. (See Charts Nos. 14 and 15.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land awash at high water, about 75 yards south from shore, 55 yards east from shore, and about 83 yards west from shore of a small bay. A creek runs nearly around this piece of marsh, but does not make an island of it. No permanent reference marks near station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "Pope Island Life-Saving Station" (S 15° 22' ° ' " W) o Point of land 18 Point of land 34 Point of marsh 91 Point of land 97 Point of land 164 Point of this marsh 194 Beginning of woods. 25 1 Cut in top of woods 281 End of woods 313 Sand dune behind woods 330 Clump of trees 336 Duck blind 355 23 43-4 miles. yi mile. 2 miles. II .- yi mile. 54 . . X mile. 16 .. y^ mile. 28 .. yi mile. 41 -. I mile. 41 -- % mile. 19 .. ^-2 mile. 44 -- 1;?^ miles. 32 .. 1 3,^ miles. 44 -- I mile. 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, ]Vorcester County, Md. GREEN RUN INLET LIFE-SAVING STATION FLAGSTAFF. General locality. — Atlantic coast, about 18 miles south-southwest of Ocean City and about 15 miles northeast by north of " Assateague Light." (See Charts Nos. 14 and 15.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is detached flagstaff with a topmast belonging to Green Run Inlet Life-Saving Station. Marks. — Observed station is center of flagstaff. References. — None necessary. LANDLET. General locality. — Western shore of Chincoteague Bay, about 2J-4 miles south of vSnow Hill Landing, on point of land known locally as Watermelon Point. (See Chart No. 14.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small sandy island surrounded by marsh land and about 20 yards west of shore. This so-called island is the only hard land on the marsh point and is about yi mile to the east of the nearest solid land. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried with top 2 inches below surface of ground. References. — ° ' " "Guilberts Cupola" (N 7° 05' E) , o 00 00 2>:j; miles. Chimney of white house 8 02 _. 4 miles. Right of Green Run woods iii 29 __ 5 "miles. " Pope Island Life-Saving Station" 151 52 ._ 63^ miles. Four trees on Martin Point 185 21 _^ i mile. Left of clump of trees called Purnell Hammock, igy 23 ._ ^4 mile. House 217 55 __ 6 miles. Large tree 245 16 _. >4 mile. Chimney of white house 264 00 _. ^ mile. Cedars on property line 275 50 ._ J^ mile. Chimney on middle of house 316 13 __ i mile. Chimney outside of house 328 08 ._ i>4 miles. Near end of large barn 342 05 ._ i, '4^ miles. GUILBERTS CUPOLA. General locality. — Western shore of Chincoteague Bay, close to Snow Hill Landing. (See Chart No. 14.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a large mansion house located about 100 yards north- ^ west of the land end of Snow Hill Landing. ^ Marks. — Observed station is center point of top of cupola. References. — .None necessary. > RICKS. >, General locality. — Western shore of upper Chincoteague Bay, on point of marsh land aliout i '-^ J miles northeast of Snow Hill Landing called Ricks Point. (See Chart No. 14.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 20 yards west from a pool making into marsh, 20 yards south from shore and 90 yards north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "Green Run Inlet Life-Saving Station flag- ° ' " staff" iS 31° 48' E) o 00 00 6>^ miles. Green Run Inlet Life-Saving Station cupola.. o 08 05 6!:^ miles. Right tangent of Green Run woods 7 45 _. 7 miles. Right tangent of pool ;}2 18 __ 20 yards. Right tangent of Martin Point 52 30 __ 4 >^ miles. Center of Purnell Hammock 57 22 _. 4X miles. Left tangent of point 61 07 __ ^ mile. Guilbert windmill 83 26 __ i '<2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. 39 Chimney near end of house ii8 37 .. i mile. To first of four points of land or line i8g 54 _, 100 yards. Windmill on red tank 195 ^2 _. 2 miles. Center of thick woods joi og __ i^ miles. Right tangent of Kelleys Point 231 01 .. 2 miles. North Beach Life-Saving Station flagstaff 279 42 jo 6 '4 miles. Left tangent of pool 293 jt ,. 40 yards. Left tangent of Robins marsh 329 25 __ 34 mile. " Beacon Clumps" 332 26 25 3 1^ miles. Mouth of pool 340 26 __ 30 yards. Right tangent of Robins marsh 349 02 __ 34 mile. MARYLAND-VIRGINIA LIFE-SAVING STATION BEACH). General locality. — Atlantic coast near ocean beach, on boundary line between Maryland and Vir- ginia and about '4 mile north-northeast of Pope Island Life-Saving Station. (See Chart No. 15.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh and sand land about 230 yards northwest of high-water mark on beach, 75 yards west of top of sand dunes on inner edge of beach, and about 50 yards northwest of the Life-Saving Service telephone line which runs along the beach in midst of bushes at this point. Marks. — Observed station is the center of an old granite monument (said to have been established many years ago) which marks the boundary between Maryland and Virginia. Top of monument is 6 by 6 inches square and projects 18 inches above the ground. The top is marked with an east-and- west line from corner to corner and the letters "M" and "V" to indicate the Maryland and Virginia sides of the boundary, respectively. References. — "Pope Island Life-Saving Station" S 20° ° ' " 12' W) o 00 00 ; 4 mile. Left peak of barn roof 5 39 __ ^ mile. "Maryland-Virginia Boundary, Pope Island"-- 63 55 -- ^ mile. Chimney on old house on Pope Island 68 41 .. |4^ mile. Pine tree in cut toward " Mill" 92 55 -- ^4 mile. First telephone pole from end of bushes 195 52 -- 190 yards. Fifth telephone pole from end of bushes 205 25 ._ no yards. Sixth telephone pole from end of bushes 263 06 -- 52 yards. Seventh telephone pole from end of bushes fourth from life-saving station) 330 58 _. 88 yards. Eighth pole signal pole at life-saving station)- 357 03 -- '4 mile. MARYLAND-VIRGINIA (POPE ISLAND). General locality. — Western side of Pope Bay on eastern side of Pope Island, about ,'4 mile north- east of its southern extremity and on boundary between Maryland and Virginia. (See Chart No. 15.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard land 3 feet above high-water mark, about 10 yards west of shore, 85 yards south of an old house, and 10 yards east of bushes. Marks. — Observed station is the center of an old granite monument projecting 18 inches above ground which marks the boundary between Maryland and Virginia. Top of monument is cut in a square 6 by 6 inches with an east-and-west line from corner to corner and the letters "M" and "V" to indicate the Maryland and Virginia sides of the boundary, respectively. Rcjcrc7ices. — o 1 u " Pope Island Life-Saving Station" (S 73° 45' E)- o 00 00 14 iniXe.. Right tangent of shanty 15 32 -_ J^ mile. Right tangent of boathouse 40 22 .- X "lile. Center of small island loi _- -- X niile- Tangent of Pope Island 113 38 .. % laWe. 40 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. Two large pines , 139 07 __ >j mile. Left of bushes 191 56 ._ 10 yards. Near corner of old house 283 08 ^_ 85 yards. Point of land near life-saving station wharf 336 22 .. ,'4 mile. Drill pole near life-saving station 355 29 __ ,'^ mile. POPE ISLAND LIFE-SAVING STATION (VIRGINIA). General locality. — Atlantic coast, on Pope Island Beach, aljout 9 '4 miles northeasterly from " Assa- teague Light. " (See Chart No. 15.) Immediate' locality. — Observed station is on the main building of the Pope Island Life-Saving Station, which is a gable roofed i !4 -story wooden structure with a square lookout cupola. Pointed cap piece of cupola supports a weather vane in the form of a fish. Marks. — Observed station is center of weather-vane spindle. References. — None necessary. WILDCAT (VIRGINIA). General locality. — Northerly end of Chincoteague Island, on westerly side of Assateague Bay. (See Chart No. 15.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land, about > 2 mile south of upper end of island, known locally as Wildcat Point. It is inshore about 100 yards northwest of mouth of small marsh drain emptying into Assateague Bay. The marsh creek or drain makes a decided turn about- 12 yards south of station. Marks. — Observed station is center jioint of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " " Assateague Light" (S 26° 06' W) o 00 00 5X ™iles. Right tangent of woods 29 48 __ i mile. " Killick Shoal Light" 30 37 40 4X ™iles First cedar _ 44 52 _ iX miles. Clump of cedars 66 __ __ iX miles. A marshy island 100 _. __ iX miles. Right tangent of marshy island 130 14 ._ iX miles. Left tangent of Ragged Point 172 08 _. i mile. Shanty on Ragged Point 176 42 ^_ i mile. First tree on Ragged Point 209 11 _ _ i mile. Second tree on Ragged Point 210 41 ._ i mile. Sand dune 259 __ _"__ i mile. Smith Hammock sand dune 323 _. _. 1J4 miles. Middle of boathouse on beach 335 52 __ 3 miles. A marsh tump 340 .. ._ X mi'e. ASSATEAGUE LIGHT (VIRGINIA). General locality. — Southerly part of Assateague Island, seacoast of Virginia, about 2X miles from its southwesterly point. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Red tower, 154 feet above sea level and 129 feet above its own base, known as Assateague Light-House. Marks. — Observed station is center of black lantern. References. — None necessary. KILLICK SHOAL LIGHT (VIRGINIA). General locality. — Southerly end of Chincoteague Bay, on Killick Shoals, off entrance of Chinco- teague Channel. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Screw pile structure known as Killick Shoal Light-House. Marks. — Observed station is center of black lantern. References. — None necessary. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. 41 CHESTER (VIRGINIA). General locality. — Southern and western shores of Chincoteague Bay, about ^ mile south of shore of bay and }-i mile east of suhd land known locally as Mosquito Point Farm. (See progress map.) , Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a mound of dry land surrounded by marsh, known locally as Fox Hill. It is on the highest point and near the apex of the mound, which is V-shaped and about 15 feet above high water at the station. The mound gradually falls off to the level of the marsh from the station to the ends of the V, which are both about 150 yards distant, and at the extreme apex, which is about 25 yards to the north. Reference station is 5.82 meters N 80° 51' W of the observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of tile pipe surrounded by cement with tup flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Assateague Light" (S 59° 59' E) o 00 00 5 X miles. Tower on Wallops Beach Life-Saving Sta- tion 60 44 _ 5 X miles. Cupola of barn 135 s3 -- %■ mile. Reference STATION 159 08 10 5. 82 meters. "Grace M. E. Church" 274 27 __ ,. similes. " Killick Shoal Light " 333 30 .. 3>^ miles. West spire of Union Baptist Church at Chin- coteague 348 15 -- 4 miles. LONG POINT (VIRGINIA). General locality. — Western shore of lower Chincoteague Bay, near Long Point, about X mile east of Franklin City. (See Chart No. 15.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about 40 yards from end of point of main- land, 30 yards southwest of shore and 20 yards north of shore. A small marsh island is located about 200 yards east of the station, which was once a part of the mainland and known as Long Point. Ref- erence station is 11. 81 meters N 42° 37' W of the observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of tile pipe set in cement with top flush with the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — "^ ' " "Mill" (N 38° 07' E) o 00 00 4 miles. " Assateague Light" 133 26 15 6 J^ miles. ' "Killick Shoal Light" 144 32 25 4X miles. End of wharf at Franklin City 222 33 _. X mile- M. P. Church 252 32 30 . i mile. Grace M. E. Church (tail spire) 259 07 30 J^J' mile. Grace M. E. Church (short spire) 259 38 35 J;^ mile. Reference STATION 279 16 00 n. 81 meters. GRACE M. E. CHURCH (VIRGINIA). General locality. — Western shore of lower Chincoteague Bay, about ' , mile northwest of railway wharf at Franklin City. (See Chart No. 15.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is the taller of two towers on church known as Grace M. E. Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of pointed tower or spire. References. — None necessary. MONEY (VIRGINIA). General locality. — Western shore of lower Chincoteague Bay, about i mile west-northwest of Long Point, on northern edge of town of Greenbackville, and just south of Maryland-Virginia boundary. (See Chart No. 15.) 42 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 70 yards northeast of railway on a sandy rise of ground about 15 feet above level of track. It is about 25 yards south of the Maryland-Virginia boundary and 30.43 meters S 38° 28' E of broken stone boundary monument. At the station, "Assateague Light" shows almost tangent to third house north of Grace M. E. Church. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument buried with top 30 inches below surface of ground References. — ° ' " "Grace M. E. Church" 'S 21° 23' E) o 00 00 250 yards. " Assateague Light " 7 46 49 7jt< miles. M. P. Church 65 46 20 !< mile. Center chimney on square house 117 11 .. 100 yards. "Maryland-Virginia Railroad) "( boundary stone) 162 55 26 30. 43 meters. "LongPoint" 324 45 43 i mile. Left chimney of two close together 330 48 __ 150 yards. Small tower Greenbackville Church 359 00 30 2,50 yards. MARYLAND-VIRGINIA (RAILROAD). General locality. — Western shore of lower Chincoteague Bay, inland about i mile west-northwest of Long Point, on boundary line between Maryland and Virginia. (See Chart No. 15.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 80 yards northeast of railroad on a sandy rise of ground about 15 feet above level of track. It is on the edge of an excavation in this sand hill and is likely to be undermined any time by the carting away of sand for building purposes. The standard cement monument marking triangulation station "Money" is buried with its top 30 inches below surface of ground 30.43 meters S 38° 28' E true from station. Marks. — Observed station is the center of a square-top granite monument projecting 18 inches above ground which marks the boundary between Maryland and Virginia. Top of monument when visited in December, 1907, was broken loose and resting on the undisturbed part of the stone buried in the ground. This top was cut in a square 6 by 6 inches with an east-and-west line from side to side and the letters "M" and "V" to indicate the Maryland and \'irginia side of the boundary, respectively References. — None observed. MILL. General locality. — Western shore of Chincoteague Bay, on the northern part of Mill Island. (See Chart No. 15.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is the highest point of the island, on a hill about 20 feet above high water which is located about ' < mile southwest of the upper end of the i.sland. It is about 40 yards east by south of an abandoned house and sheds and about '4 mile north of another abandoned house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "A.ssateague Light" (S 8° 59' W) o 00 00 10 miles Right tangent of Chincoteague Island 11 54 _. 10 miles. Knoll on this island 15 __ __ ^ mile. Tree (8 inches diameter) 21 46 .. 40 yards. Tree (8 inches diameter) 42 20 70 yards. Tree (18 inches diameter) 54 27 -_ 39. 30 meters. Near corner of old house 62 43 40 36. 88 meters. Next corner of old house 70 28 _, 37. 64 meters. Cupola on large house 138 25 __ 1 3^ miles. Chimneys on white house 139 11 .. 2 tniles. Near end of large barn 186 47 .. 4 '.-2 miles. "Landlet" and right of trees at Purnell Hammock 195 10 __ 3 %■ miles. Dead tree and 2 cedars 213 52 _. X mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. 43 Right tangent of Assacorkin Island 235 Left of " Green Run" woods 238 " Pope Island Life-Saving Station " 286 Left tangent of first building on Ragged Point 323 Left tangent of Chincoteague Island 341 Chimney of old house 349 . TIZZ, 34 _- K" mile. 40 -. 6?-^ miles. 05 .. 43/4 miles. 4>2 miles. 5 miles. '4 mile. General locality. — Western side of Chincoteague Bay on Tizzard Island. (See Chart No. 15.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the highest point on the island, about 15 feet above high water, about ^4 mile from extreme southeastern point of island, and about 75 yards north of shore line of island. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° ' " "Assateague Light" (S 6° 35' W) o Right of woods at Chincoteague 10 Smoke pipe of shanty 18 Chimney on first house at Stockton 23 Church steeple at Franklin City 28 Church steeple, Greenbackville 30 Two chimneys on gambrel roof 40 Near chimney of white house loi Near chimney of another white house 106 Chimney on large unpainted barn 113 Two chimneys on large house iig Chimney of yellow building 165 Large white barn igg Purnell Hammock 213 Green Run Inlet Life-Saving Statiim flagstaff. _ 256 " Pope Island Life-Saving Station " 299 Left tangent Assacorkin Island 316 Left tangent of Mill Island 325 Left of woods at Chincoteague 350 00 00 12 miles. 38 . , 15 miles 52 -_ 3 miles. 27 ._ 3>4 miles. 23 _. 5^4 miles. 02 30 5 !• 2 miles. .- i^i miles. 25 __ 2^4 miles. 53 ,. 2^^ miles. 07 .- 2 miles. 19 ._ 3 miles. _ _ 4 miles. __ 4 miles. -. 3>f miles. 20 7Js miles. 50 5 J-4 miles. ._ 1,'s miles. 17 -- iy% miles. 52 -_ 12 miles. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Commissioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in coopera- tion with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the cor- ners of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyster-bar boundaries by competent engineers. Therefore the additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the published definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accuracy and very little to the convenience of practical use of the descriptions of the oyster-bar boundaries. As provided by law the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to complicated 14-sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sides 44 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. 45 have varied in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the corners of the bound- aries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made and the magnitude of the work with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, and the one by which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name, in parentheses, is given the general locality of the oyster bar and the serial number of the "Maryland Oyster Chart " on which its legal boundaries are shown." First column. — This column, under the heading of "Comer of bar," gives the num- ber corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clockwise direction around the bar; but where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the corner of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definition of the location of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of. the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations " These charts can be obtained by application to tlie Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C. 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. of the Survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their loca- tion have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing"" and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundar)' designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column.-. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- tion station," '' gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the cor- responding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Corner of the bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and mark- ings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of "Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars: One, to determine whether the buoys marking the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those « The mean magnetic variation for Worcester County was 5° 55' west of north in 1909 and increas- ing at the rate of 3^' yearly. 6 Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Super- intendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, \\'ashington, T>. C. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. 47 not familiar with this method are referred to the pubhcations on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrographic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the bound- aries of the oyster bars. For example, take "South Point" bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3," is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Birch" and "Neck" as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner is 59° 11' and the angle between "Neck" and "Newport" is 49° 44'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the meas- ured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor ("position finder"), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set oif on the three-arm protractor and the actual positiort of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the comer of the bound- ary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the 48 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. protractor. The second angle is then placed on the sextaijt and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant then the other until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic locations of points are attained; in fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the Commission. (3) Magnetic bearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the vState fishery force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer takes compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination," and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared altogether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the corrected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks for which the bearings are published have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying them in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic hearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point mark- ing a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination) given in the fourth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question, and the direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. "The mean magnetic variation for Worcester County is 5° 55' west of north in 1909 and increasing at the rate of 3X' yearly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. 49 The instrument is placed over a " triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the "Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of o° oo' oo" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "comer" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit, and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fi.xed. BOUND.\RIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. SOUTH POINT. {Newport Bay — Charts Nos. ij and i^.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station o , , , , Yards. I 38 12 03.48 75 13 05-54 N 53 17 E N 19 15 E N 71 48 W S 53 18 W S 19 16 w S 71 49 E 2683 4408 3082 Birch. Neck. Handys Hammock. 2 38 12 26. 10 75 13 18-36 N 71 22 E N 27 50 E N 85 34 W S 71 23 w S 27 50 W S 85 35 E 2628 3844 2595 Birch. Neck. Handys Hammock. 3 38 12 48.39 75 13 04. 82 N 87 38 E N 28 27 E N 21 17 W S 87 38 w S 28 27 w S 21 i8 E 2133 301 1 3024 Birch. Neck. Newport. 4 38 12 34.39 75 12 47- 18 N 71 22 E N 17 12 E N 25 28 W S 71 23 W S 17 12 w S 25 29 E 1753 3265 3644 Birch. Neck. Newport. HANDYS HAMMOCK. {Newport Bay — Charts Nos. 13 and 14.) , , „ , , Yards. I 38 12 06. 72 75 14 10. 98 N 69 00 E N 8 54 E N 54 17 W S 69 01 W S 8 55 W S 54 17 E 4168 4275 1462 Birch. Newport. Handys Hammock. 2 38 12 08. 22 75 14 20. 24 N 70 45 E N 12 17 E N 49 31 W S 70 47 w S 12 17 W S 49 31 E 4381 4270 1236 Birch. Newport. Handys Hammock. 3 38 12 23.50 75 14 26. 40 N 77 49 E N 16 20 E N 69 41 W S 77 51 w S 16 ii W S 69 41 E 4400 381 1 828 Birch. Newport. Handys Hammock. 4 38 12 23.64 75 14 13- 18 N 76 48 E N 1 1 09 E N 75 56 W S 76 50 W S II 10 w S 75 56 E 4046 3723 1 164 Birch. Newport. Handys Hammock. 82497—09- 50 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. NEWPORT. {Newport Bay — Charts Nos. 13 and 14.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station I 38 11 48.98 75 13 3=-oo N N N 53 46 E 4 27 W 56 52 w S 53 47 W S 4 27 E S 56 53 E Yards. 3538 4836 2656 Birch. Newport. Handys Hammock. 2 38 II 50.08 75 13 52- 90 N N N 58 55 E 2 10 E 49 42 W S s8 S7 W S ' 2 10 w S 49 43 E 3981 4788 2187 Birch. Newport. Handys Hammock. 3 38 12 06. 38 75 13 44- 00 N N N 64 37 E 45 W 65 34 W S 64 38 W S 45 E S 65 35 E 3512 4234 2092 Birch. Newport. Handys Hammock. 4 38 12 11.78 75 13 23-40 N N N 6? 15 E 8 28 W 74 26 W S 63 16 W S 8 29 E S 74 27 E 2938 4097 2546 Birch. Newport. Handys Hammock. LAMBERTSON LANDING. {Upper Chincoteague Bay — Chart No. 14.) I 38 II 19-54 75 14 54-94 N 58 38 E N 80 24 W S 26 2i W s s N 58 40 w 80 24 E 26 22 E Yards. 5926 2445 3350 Birch. Handys Hammock. Ricks. 2 38 II 48. 19 75 15 08. 00 S 16 02 W N 68 36 E N 12 35 E N s s 16 02 E 68 38 W 12 36 W 4127 5808 1515 Ricks. Birch. Handys Hammock. 3 38 II 58.98 75 14 53-63 S 19 28 W N 70 44 E N 2 41 W N s s 19 28 E 70 46 W 2 41 E 4593 5324 1115 Ricks. Birch. Handys Hammock. 4 38 II 46.83 75 14 34- 34 N 64 22 E N 20 21 W S 27 27 w s s N 64 24 W 20 21 E 27 26 E 5004 1625 4418 Birch. Handys Hammock. Ricks. 5 38 II 38.04 75 14 41-03 N 62 18 E N 12 01 W S 27 09 w s s N 62 20 W 12 01 E 27 08 E 5296 1861 4073 Birch. Handys Hammock. Ricks. ENNIS. {Upper Chincoteague Bay — Chart No. 14.) / , » / , Yards. I 38 II 13.38 75 14 17.68 N 51 01 E N 20 49 W S 41 37 W S 51 03 w S 20 50 E N 41 36 E 5234 2837 3735 Birch. Handys Hammock. Ricks. 2 38 II 38.04 75 14 41-03 N 62 18 E N 12 01 W S 27 09 \v S 62 20 w S 12 01 E N 27 08 E 5296 1861 4073 Birch. Handys Hammock. Ricks. Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. ENNIS— Continued. (Upper Chincoteague Bay — Chart No. 14) — Continued. 51 Cnr Latitude Longitude True bearing. Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion station 3 4 38 II 46.83 38 II 24.96 75 14 34-34 75 13 59- 52 N 64 22 E N 20 21 \V S 27 27 w N 51 01 E N 33 -\5 W S 42 57 W S 64 24 w S 20 21 E N 27 26 E S SI 02 W S 33 25 E N 42 56 E Yards. 5004 1625 4418 4613 2709 4349 Birch. Handys Hammock. Ricks. Birch. Handys Hammock. Ricks! TURPIN. {Upper Chincoteague Bay — Chart No. 14.) / // / // , / Yards. ' 38 10 21.84 75 14 43-82 N 4^ 26 E N 4 OS \V S 59 2,s W S 43 28 W S 4 05 E N 59 24 E 6929 4401 2072 Birch. Handys Hammock Ricks. 2 38 10 34. 30 75 14 45-38 N 46 II E N 3 55 W S 49 46 W S 46 13 W S 3 55 E N 49 45 E 6660 3978 2283 Birch. Handys Hammock. Ricks. 3 38 10 26. 78 75 14 27-84 N 41 44 R N 9 57 \\- S 61 04 W S 41 46 W S 9 57 E N 61 03 E 6518 4288 2525 Birch. Handvs Hammock. Ricks! SANDY POINT. {Upper Chincoteague Bay — Chart No. 14.) , , / / Yards. I 38 09 51.26 75 14 32-04 N 6 ^6 W S 89 II W S 46 14 E S 6 s6 E N 89 10 E N 46 13 W 5457 2099 4828 Handys Hammock. Ricks. Beacon Clumps. 2 38 09 56. 78 75 14 40. 00 N 4 32 W S 83 39 W S 46 26 E S 4 32 E N 83 ,39 E N 46 24 W 5251 1807 5105 Handys Hammock. Ricks. Beacon Clumps. 3 38 10 08. 48 75 14 36. 78 N 5 54 W S 72 58 W S 42 43 E S 5 54 E N 72 57 E N 42 42 W 4867 2063 5325 Handys Hammock. Ricks. Beacon Clumps. 4 38 10 05. 78 75 14 22.98 N 9 59 W S 77 38 W S 40 20 E S 9 59 E N 77 37 E N 40 22 W 5008 2395 5014 Handys Hammock. Ricks. Beacon Clumps. 52 Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. ROBINS MARSH. (Upper Chincoteague Bay — Chart No. 14.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. .'^. C. 4 G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back tion stalanation. — A brief account of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to many who may not understand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its complicated character. To those familiar with methods used in surveying and charting the characteristic features of large bodies of water there is an evident necessity for the various operations performed, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of the private lots leased for purposes of oyster culture must be surveyed and charted with the greatest practical accuracy. To others it will be sufficient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that in order to avoid endless dissatisfaction and litigation it is necessary to accurately locate and per- manently establish oyster bouiidaries as is now being done in Maryland. Triangulation survey. — Such refinement of survey work as that demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey when carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by the use of a system of triangulation as a frame work or foundation. Therefore, a triangulation survey including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments and a record of the descriptions of tlieir locations for future recovery is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Topographic survey. — The technical records which establish the relation between the offshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engineers in making resurveys, but do not supply the needs of others who are interested in the same boundaries by reason of their occupation as oystermen concerned as to the public oyster bars, or oyster culturists concerned as to the leasable bottoms. For these it is necessary to have the charts of the survey show the relation of the shore line and other topographic features to the boundaries of the public oyster bars and private oyster farms. Therefore, a topographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Hydrographic survey. — In the settlement of the important question of what is, or what is not, a natural oyster bar, and in the consideration of bottoms to be selected for purposes of oyster culture, information as to the depth of water and the character of the bottom is required. Therefore, a hydro- graphic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Necessary foundation for an oyster survey. — Consequently, the necessary components of a satis- factory foundation for a complete oyster survey are the three classes of survey operations technically named triangulation, topography, and hydrography, or, stated in another way, the foundation of a practical oyster survey includes the surveying operations usually followed by the Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey leading up to the preparation and publication of nautical charts. Special surveys and investigations pertaining to oysters. — Having obtained this cartographic suryey for a foundation, partly by new work and partly from records of previous work of the Government, the combined operations a making up an "oyster survey" are completed by superimposing on this foundation special surveys and investigations pertaining particularly to oysters or other shell fish. The special surveys pertaining to oysters furnish information as to the location and outline of oyster-shell bottoms, and are carried on by the sounding boat party in addition to the usual hydro- graphic work. 6 This operation consists of the observation and record of the character of vibration of a wire and chain apparatus which is dragged over the bottom, the vibrations or lack of vibrations indicating the presence and quantity of shells or absence of shells. " See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." 'See pages 104 to 123 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." Survey of Oyster Bars, Worcester County, Md. 67 The special oyster investigations" consist of the actual determination of the kind and quantity of oysters on the bottom, and such economic and biological studies of the supply of oyster food, density of water, character of the bottom, and other important matters as affect the growth of oysters. In this work the oyster investigation stations are located and buoyed by the hydrographic party while engaged in the survey of the oyster-shell limits. They are selected with the view of obtaining char- acteristic data which can be used for the interpretation of the recorded vibrations of the chain apparatus at all other points covered by the survey. Preparation of results. — The actual surveying operations and oyster investigations having been completed for any one county, there still remains technical work of nearly equal magnitude to that described, b This work consists of the preparation of charts and 'technical descriptions of boundaries and landmarks for pubhcation by the Government, the preparation of that part of the annual report of the Commission covering the special oyster surveys and investigations, the making of the leasing charts and finished projections, and finally the filing of the oyster charts and records with the courts and the Commission, thus opening a county for oyster culture. Summary. — From the foregoing account it can be seen that a complete oyster survey properly conducted so as to answer all practical requirements of the present and permanency of results for the future is a very complicated affair, involving many lines of surveying and other scientific work, and requiring the professional services of experts in the various operations of cartographic surveying and shell-fish investigations. Appendix D.— STATISTICS OF RESULTS OF THE COMBINED OYSTER SURVEY OPERA- TIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT AND STATE. « 220 375 369 296 440 679 4 3 049 17. 904 58 47 S06 677 /360 /730 786 Natural oyster bars surveyed and delineated Acres of natural oyster bars '. Crab bottoms surveyed and delineated Acres of crab bat toms Clam beds surveyed and delineated Acres of clam beds Boundary buoys located and planted Triangulation landmarks established Miles of shore line covered by triangulation Square miles of water covered by triangulation Miles of examination of shell bottom with chain appan Oyster investigation stations occupied Tide stations established 1 Number of soundings over shell bottoms Square miles covered by soundings and chain apparatu Projections prepared and plotted Leasing charts prepared Oyster charts published l Reports published Progress maps published o See pages 30 to 67 and 129 to 199 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." ^ No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the Commission, which is greatly com- plicated and increased by the effect of the oyster-survey operations on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved; or of the large amount of survey work involved in the survey and record of the boundaries of oyster lots leased from the State by private individuals for the purposes of oyster culture. •^ These statistics do not include the large amount of triangulation, topography, and hydrography resulting from previous work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey which was utilized in the preparation of the published oyster charts and records. rf Work in Calvert, St. Marys, and Charles counties has been finished, but final statistics of results will not be pub- lished until these counties are opened for oyster culture. '' Total area of natural oyster bars of Connecticut is 5,770 acres. / Less quantities covered by statistics of more than one county. Anne Arundel County fi O COAST AND GEOD£nC SUTtVEY PROGRESS MAP WORCESTER COUNTY MARYLAND To arcompany-report of work of T^ted States Coast and Geodetic Survey in cooperation with the MarylandSheU Fish Comi • Landmarks (Coast Sun-ev-Trian^ation Stations) Maryland- Virginia Boundary Line limita of projectians on file at H5«hiD*t(jfl limits of charts pibhibedV Coast and Geodetic Survrj^ -f- Scale noboS 1 _ _ J ^^ ,^^ ■^. ■S^- -."•r-s)" .''^^'< v^" '*. 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