Glass_CS^ Rnnk Ty^S hod ELTWEED POMEROY OF DORCHESTER, MASS., AND WINDSOR, CONN., AND FOUR GENERATIONS OF HIS DESCENDANTS.* Compiled by William Woodbridge Rodman, A.M., M.D., of New Haven, Conn., and communicated by Mrs. HeNrt Thokp Bulklet, of Soutbport, Conn. 1. Eltweed^ Pomeroy is believed to have come to America in 1630, in the ship " Mary and John." He took the oath of freeman, in the Col- ony of Massachusetts, March 4, 1632. (Mass. Colony Records, Vol. I., p. 367.) He was one of the first settlers and proprietors in the town of Dorchester, and first selectman in 1633. (Hist, of Dorchester, 1859, pp. 33, 35.) No knowledge of his English home and ancestry has been obtained, though much effort has been made to verify various traditions. Researches are now in progress, and it is hoped they will not be entirely fruitless. The spelling of the surname has varied from that of his own signature of Pumery to the present Pomeroy. The Christian name is variously spelled, Elty, Eltwed, Eltwud, Eltwood, and Eltweed ; and there are suggestions that the crabbed MS. may mean Eldad, or even Edward. But as Elt- weed Pomeroy the sturdy armorer and gunsmith is now known to a large circle of descendants, and this spelling will be followed. In 1636-7, Mr. Pomeroy emigrated With Mr. John Warham's congre- gation to Windsor, Conn. (Hist, of Dorchester, p. 75.) Scanty as are the recoi'ds of his life — but there is not here space to print all that we have — something of his standing and character may be gathered from in- cidental references to him to be found in Stiles's " Ancient Windsor," Vol. I., p. 164: et seq. His place in the meeting house was on the "long seats"; land was granted him in 1638; he had a house and lot in the Palisado, which he sold to Thomas Nowell in 1641 ; and he made gifts of ♦The Pomeroy Family Association, was formed in 1891, its object being " to study, and to develop by orfcanized effort the history and genealogy of the Pomeroys in America ; including their British ancestry and connections ;and all that may be perti- nent and tributary thereto." The Chairman was Dr. William Woodbridge Rodman of New Haven, Connecticut ; vice Chairman, Dr. Hiram Sterling Pomeroy of Boston, Massachusetts; Treasurer, Mr. George Eltweed Pomeroy of Toledo, Ohio; Secretary, the late Mr. Chester Pom- eroy Dewey of Brooklyn, New York. These gentlemen, with the Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Henry Thorp Bulkley (Rebekah Wheeler Pomeroy) of Southport, Connecticut, and Mr. Eltweed Pomeroy of Newark, New Jersey, constituted the Executive Com- mittee of the Association. With unwearied patience, and the scientific accuracy of a trained genealogist. Dr. Rodman collected a great amount of most valuable material ; his ideals being broad and comprehensive. In the latter years of his life he was unable to add much to his store, owing to the infirmities of age. He died March 29, 1900, four days before the completion of his eighty-third year. In January, 1902, his papers came into the hands of the writer, who has prepared this partial and preliminary record in the hope that family attention may be ai'oused, some of the omissions of this paper be supplied, and any of its errors corrected. Any snch corrections or additions, and further suggestions or information, will be grate- fully received by her. Address, Mrs. Henry Thorp Bulkley, Southport, Conn. houses ami land to his son Caleb, and his youngest son Joseph, the latter g.-tting ''the little stone house built on his land, adjoining his dwelling house" which he allowed Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Rev. Ephraim Huit, to build " in time of her wi'TEL, b. Jan. 23, 1706; m. Susanna Seymour of Hartford. 20. viii.NoAU, b. Oct. 20, 1709; m. Abigail Remington of Suffleld. ix. Eliakui, b. Nov. 10, 1711; m. Mindwell Slieldon(?). 8. Samuel" Pomerot {Caleb ■^ Eltweed}), bom May 29, 1669, at North- ampton, married first, about 1690, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Marv (Kingsley) French of Rehoboth, Mass. ; married second, Dec. 7, 1703, Johanna, born Nov. 5, 1681, died Jan. 20, 1713, daughter of Jacob and Mary (Frary) Root ; and married third, about 1715, Elizabeth , who was living in 1746, when he made his will. About 1732, he resided in Southampton, a teacher and a farmer. Children by first wife : 21. i. Samuel,* b. 1691. ii. Caleb, b. May 14, 1693; d. young. iii. Eliz.ujeth, b. Sept. 30, 1694; d. Oct. 8, 1714; unmarried. iv. Caleb, b. Dec. 1, 1696; d. young. v. Ebexezer, b. May 31, 1700; d. Aug. 9, 1709. Children by second wife : vi. JoHANNAH, b. about 1704-5; mentioned in her father's will, in 1746. 22. vii. Caleb, b. Oct. 2, 1707, in Northampton. Children by third wife : viii. Mary, b. July 1, 1716; m. in 1740, Nathaniel Searle, Jr., who was b. 1715, and d. 1801; d. 1806. ix. Joshua, b. Sept. 9, 1717; m. Lois Phelps; d. Apr. 21, 1779. X. Noah, b. Oet. 13, 1719; d. 1810. xi. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1723; m. in 1744, David, son of John Root of Westfleld. Children : 1. Eleanor. 2. Eleanor. 3. Anna. 4. John. 6. Phehe. xii. Slmeox, b. June 5, 1725, in Northampton; m. in 1747, Abigail Smith; settled in Amherst; d. 1812. xiii. Hepzibah, mentioned in her father's will, in 1746. 9. Eldad* Pomeroy (Caleb,^ Eltioeed}), horn Dec. 6, 1679, married, Dec. 20, 1705, Sarah Wait. He was oiie of the first settlers of Easthampton, about 1730. Children : i. Sarah,* b. Oct. 25, 1706 ; m. about 1733, Thomas Porter. ii. Hannah, b. Feb. 4, 1709; m. about 1730, Amos Loomis. 23. iii. Eldad, b. Dec. 31, 1711; m. (1) about 1700, Bathsheba ; m. (2) about 1786, Priscilla, daughter of Nathaniel and Priscilla Searle. 24. iv. EuKNKZER, b. Nov. 10, 1715; m. iu 1740, Rachel, dau. of Nathaniel and Priscilla Searle. 25. V. Elisha, b. 1718-19; m. (1) in 1743-4, Mercy Searle; m. (2) widow Experience Bartlett(?). 26. vi. Joseph, b. Nov. 19, 1721; m. about 1741, Abigail . Vii. Abigail, b. 1727; m. in 1745, Elisha Searle; d. 1815. Child: Enoch. 10. Noah' Pomeroy (Joseph,- El(iceed^), born at Windsor, Conn., May 19, 1700, married, Dec. 17, 1724, p:iizabeth, daughter of Capt. Dan- iel Sterling, of Lyme, and his wife Mary (Feuwick), who was widow of Ricliard Ely, He died Feb. 16, 1779, in Somers, Conn., where he was a leading man in the management of affairs. Children : 27. i. Noah,* b. Oct. 8. 1725; ra. Lurana Northam. ii. Danii-.l, b. 1727. iii. Elizabeth, m. Smith. iv. John, b. Aug. 12, 1733, at Somers, Conn. ; m. Esther Kibbe, who d. Sept. 27, 1808. V. Elijah, b. Mar. 9, 1735; served and died from hardships endured iu the expedition to Havana, vi. Dea. Joshua, b. Feb. 27, 1727; m. Nov. 15, 1759, Mary Davis; d. Sept. 30, 1823. vii. Samuel, who served and died in the expedition to Havana. 11. John* Pomerot {Ehenezer^ Medad^ Eltweed}), born April 1, 1695, married, May 29, 1718, Rachel, born in 1701, daughter of Thomas Sheldon. Children : i. John,* b. Sept. 6, 1719; d. young(?). ii. Elisha, b. Jan. 29, 1721; d. June 26, 1762; m. about 1748, Esther "Wright; lived in Northampton. iii. Kachel, b. Apr. 14, 1723; m. Isaac Newell of Farmington, Conn. iv. Simeon, b. May 3, 1726; d. young. V. John, b. about 1728; m. in 1753, Hannah Merrick; d. Mar. 3, 1760. vi. Oliver, b. 1729; m. Nov. 22, 1750, Mary Lyman. vii. Titus, b. Sept. 14, 1731; d. Feb. 14, 1732. viii. Eunice, bapt. Aug. 7, 1734; m. Apr. 26, 1753, James Easton of Litch- field, Conn. ix. Titus, bapt. Oct. 19, 1736; settled in South Hadley, Mass., where his name appears in list of soldiers in 1759. 12. Dea. Ebenezer* Pomerot (^5ewe2rer,^ Medad^ Eltweed'^'), born Sept, 18, 1697, married, April 26, 1722, Elizabeth Hunt, who was born March 2, 1701, and died June 16, 1782. Children : i. Ebenezer,* b. May 1, 1723; m. Mindwell Lyman ; lived in So. Hadley, Mass. ; d. in 1800. ii. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 27, 1727; d. Feb. 3, 1727. iii. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 3, 1729 ; m. (1) Elisha Hawley; m. (2) Phineas Lyman, iv. Stephen, b. July 13, 1732; m, Eleauor Lyman; d. Dec. 19, 1759, at Hockanum, Hadley, Mass. V. Heman, b. June 27, 1734; m. Esther Lyman; d. Dec. 27, 1781. She m. (2) Jan. 27, 1789, Samuel Parsons, vi. Ethan, b. Jan. 22, 1735-6; d. Jan. 26, 1736. vii. Esther, bapt. Aug. 7, 1737; m. Elijah, born Aug. 8, 1735, died Apr. 7, 1783, son of Gideon Lyman of Northampton. 13. JosiAH'* Pomerot {Ebenezer,^ Medad^ Eltweed^), born in Northamp- ton, Dec. 29, 1703, married, Nov. 9, 1731, Lydia, born June 28, 1710, died Dec. 19, 1772, daughter of Lieut. Jonathan and Abigail (Stebbins) Ashley of Westfield, Mass. The Judd MSS. say : " Jo- siah Pomeroy lived at Blackpole before, on the plain, his house there was burnt Jan. 2, 1736. Seth, his brother, afterwards had the land in part." He was a weaver by trade, and died in 1790. Children : i. Adino,* b. Sept. 22, 1732; m. (1) Lois Stroug; m. (2) Sarah .Chris- topher; d. in Pittsfield, about 1788. ii. Eleazak, b. Oct. 17, 1734; m. Oct. 5, 1756, Lydia Phelps. iii. SH.UIMAH, b. Oct. 24, 1736; ra. in 1765, Aune Mattooii of Springfield. iv. Lucy, b. Feb. 15, 1739; m. Nov. 16, 1768, in Northampton, Samuel, son of Lieut. William and Mary (Ashley) Parsous. v. JosiAH, b. July 21, 1741, in Northampton ; m. (1) Joanna Wright of Northfield; m. (2) Ann Allis of Hartford; d. in Warwick, Mass., Aug. 17, 1821. vi. Eunice, b. Sept. 8, 1743; m. (1) in 1772, Jonathan Hall; m. (2) Nov. 25, 1779, Rev. Noah Williston. 10 vii. Dorothy, b. Feb. 2, 1745; m. (Gov.) John Treadwell of Farming- ton, Conn, viii. Bknjamix, b. Mar. 10, 17-17; m. Esther Clark. ix. Jonathan, b. Feb. 26, 1749 ; d. Oct. 4, 1791, in Williamsburgh, Mass. 14. General Seth'' Pomeroy {Ebenezer,^ Medad^ Eliweed'^), bom in Northami)ton, May 20, 1706, married, Dec. 14, 1732, Mary, born Nov. 14, 1705, died Sept. 11, 1777, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Williams) Hunt. Large hearted, intense in will and feeling, of sound judgment and high religious principle. General Seth Pomeroy may be regarded as a typical Pomeroy ; with all the courage, fortitude, business ca- pacity, and regard for law, good government and religion, which characterize the family. His boyhood and youth were largely spent in learning the trade of liis i'atliers, and he became so excellent a gunsmith that the Indians of the Five Nations and the Canadas sent annual deputar tions to Northampton to exchange furs for his guns. He himself was unexcelled as a shot, and in his younger days was known to return to his home in Northampton, from his farm, five or six miles distant, with a deer, a bear and a wolf as the result of a day's hunting. He continued the manufacture of guns for many years, employing many workmen. After his marriage, in 1732, he was frequently engaged in the public service. To his sagacity, prudence and foresight, his great activity and unconquerable resolution, Berk- shire is indebted for the first great thoroughfare through her moim- tains In 1745 he joined the expedition against Louisbom'g, with a major's commission. During the next ten years he held many offices of trust and importance in his country's service. In 1755 he joined the expedition against Crown Point, imder Sir William Johnson, first as lieutenant-colonel, and, after the death of Col. Ephraim Williams at Lake George, on Sept. 8th, as colonel of the Massachu- setts troops. He was jjrominent in the congresses of the province, and was present at Cambridge all the spring of 1775, organizing the hosts that gathered around Ik)ston. He was present at the battle of Bunker Hill, where, like Warren, he was offered the command, and declined it ; but fought all day, doubtless with one of his own muskets. Two years afterward. Gen. Pomeroy raised and led a regiment to join Washington's army on the Hudson. In this service he died, at Peekskill, Feb. 19, 1777, only a month after leaving his home. A monument to his memory has been erected at Peekskill by the Sons of the Revolution. His wife died less than seven months later. (See an article in the Whig Review, 1848, by Hon. N. S. Dodge; and one iu the Springfield Republican, Nov., 1875.) Children : i. Rkv. Skth,* b. Sept. 26, 1733; A.B., Yale, 1753; tutor at Tale, 1756-7; ordained and settled at Greenfield Ilill, Conn., Dec, 1757, Avliere he d. July 1, 1770; m. Sarah, dau. of Gov. Jonathau Law. ii. Qr.wnus, b. IMay 14, 17g5; ni. (I) Nov. 4, 1762, Phebe, dau. of Benjamhi Sheldon, who d. :\Iay 30, 1776, aged 40; m. (2) Oct. 10, 177(i, Kachel,* dau. of Lieut. Daniel* Pomeroy (io), who d. Nov. 18, 1820, aged 80. iii. Mkdad, b. Nov, 14, 1736; A.B., Yale, 1757; m. Oct. 15, 1767, Sarah, b. Feb. 20, 1740, d. Oct. 30, 1832, dau. of Capt. Samuel Uuut; 11 physician at Northfleld and "Warwick, Mass., where he d. Oct. 28, 1819. iv. Lemuel, b. Sept. 24, 1738; m. (1) in 1765, Louisa Pyncheon, who d. Oct. 6, 1775, aged 36 ; m. (2) in 1776, Eunice, dau. of Dea. Elias and Anna (Phelps) Lyman. V. Martha, b. Aug. 12, 1740; m. Rev. Bulkley Olcott of Charlestown, N. H. ; d. May 30, 1803. vi. Mary, b. Aug. 6, 1742; m. May 20, 1771, Dr. Levi Shepherd, b. in 1714, d. Oct. 26, 1805 ; d. in 1820. vii. Sarah, b. June 17, 1744; m. in 1770, Abraham Burbank, who d. Aug., 1808; d. Dec. 21, 1808. viii. A SOX, b. and d. Feb., 1747. ix. ASAHEL, b. Dec. 1, 1749; m. (1) Miriam Clapp, who d. July 19, 1793, aged 41 ; m. (2) Hannah Whitney, who d. Sept. 18, 1812, aged 58 ; m. (3) Wid. Susanna Reid. Lieut. Daniel^ Pojieroy (Bbeneze?;^ Medad,^ Eltweed^), born Mar. 27, 1709, married first. May 25, 1733, Mary Clapp, born Sept. 21, 1713, died June 6, 1734;; and married second, Nov. 4, 1736, Rachel Moseley, who survived him and married Lieut. Moses Dewey. Lieut. Daniel Pomeroy was killed at the battle of Lake George, Sept. 8, 1755. Child by first wife : i. Pliny,* b. May 19, 1734 ; m. Nov. 24, 1757, Sarah, b. in 1739, d. in 1823, dau. of Joseph Allen; d. Nov. 12, 1804. He was a cooper; removed to Westhampton, thence to "Westfield, Mass. Children by second wife : ii. jNUj. Daniel, b. Nov. 3, 1737; m. (1) Sibyl Kent of Suffield, Conn., b. 1741, d. Oct. 12, 1788; m. (2) Jan. 31, 1789, Mrs. Mary (Ciapp) Emerson, dau. of Ezra Clapp of Westfield.' iii. Abigail, b. Sept. 19, 1739; m. Enos Eingsley. iv. Abishai, b. June 11, 1741; d. Jan. 21, 1742. V. Timothy, b. Apr. 16, 1742. vi. Rachel, b. Jan. 14, 1744-5; m. as his second wife, Quartus,* son of Gen. Seth* Pomeroy (14). vii. Jerusha, b. Mar. 7, 1746-7 ; m. Sacket of Westfield. viii. William, b. May 8, 1750; m. in 1777, Eleanor Root; d. Mar. 8, 1807-8. ix. Eleanor, b. Oct, 20, 1752 ; m. Noble Dewey of Westfield. X. Justin, b. July 20, 1755; d. in 1790. Medad* Pomeroy (Joseph,^ Medad^ JEltiveed''^), born in Northamp- ton, July 18, 1695, married, Feb. 12, 1718-19, Hannah, daughter of Joseph, and sister of Gov. Jonathan, Trumbull of Conn. He died June 11, 1767. There has been some confusion between this Medad"* and Medad^ the son of Joseph,^ which it is hoped somebody will eventually make clearer. Childi'en : i. Elizabeth,* b. Feb. 20, 1720; m. Sept. 14, 1743, Samuel Norton, b. at Suffleld, Conn., Oct. 26, 1718; d. May 14, 1767. ii. Haxnah, b. Jane 6, 1721. iii. Experience, b. June 4, 1723. iv. Jerusha, b. Aug. 14, 1725. V. Medad, b. Dec. 17, 1730; m. (1) Aug., 1758, Eunice Southwell; m. (2) July 8, 1761, Phebe Kent, b. Nov., 1735, d. Jan. 25, 1762; m. (3) Dec. 4, 1764, Mary Wilcocks, who d. July .7, 1821, at the house of Thomas Spring in Granby, Conn; d. in 1811. vi. Seth, b. Dec. 14, 1732. vii. Phineas, b. Apr. 7, 1738 ; m. July 8, 1756, Thankful Smith. i-ofC, 12 17. Joseph* Pomeroy {Joseph,^ 3Iedad,^ Eltweed^}, bora Jiily 15, 1702, married, July 10, 1727, Thankful, daughter of Ebenezer Burbank. He lived in Suffield, Conn. Children : i. Thankful,* b. July 23, 1728 : m. in 1749, Asa, b. in 1722, d. Nov. 15, 1810, son of Jonathan Sheldon. He moved from Sufheld, Conn., to New Marlborough, Mass. ii. Sakah, b. Aug. 31, 1731 ; m. Dec. 18, 1751, Gershom, b. July 11, 1724, d. Dec. 30, 1791, son of Jonathan Sheldon, iii. Anna, b. Sept. 25, 1733. iv. Joseph, b. Oct. 12, 1735. V. EuNiCK, b. Nov. 19, 1737. vi. Mkhcy, bapt. Apr. 24, 1740; m. J. Case, vii. Ebexezkr, b. Jan. 29, 1742; d. Aug., 1742. viii. JosiAH, b. June 8, 1743; m. Ellis. is. Isaac, b. Aug. 6, 1745; m. (1) RhodaSikes; ra. (2) Jerusha Strong; d. Mar. 24, 1804. IS. Rev. Benjamin* Posieroy {Joseph,'^ Medad,^ Eltweed^), born Nov. 11, 1704, in Suflield, Conn.; A.B., Yale, 1733; D.D., Dartmouth, 1774 ; married, Oct. 24, 1734, Abigail, daughter of Deacon Ralph and Ruth (Huntington) Wheelock. He was a minister in Hebron, Conn., from 1734 to 1784 ; chaplain in the army in the French and Indian War; chaplain of the 3^* Regiment, Connecticut Line, from Jan., 1777 to July, 1778. His tombstone, in Hebron, bears the following in- scription : " Here lies the body of the Rev. Benj. Pomeroy D.D. minister of the First Church in Hebron, & a Trustee of Dartmouth College. Native of SulHeld. Ob. Dec. 21«' 1784 aged 81. For 50 years a zealous Preacher of the gospel, and eminently successful about 1743. A Patron of learning, a tlrm and active Pastor, and a friend to the distressed. Along the gentle slope of life's decline He bent his gradual way, All full of years, he drops life's Mellow fruit into the grave." Children : i. Benjamin,* b. Jan. 9, 1736; d. Dec. 8, 1757 or 17G0, at Skaneateles, in the French War. He was a surgeon in the 4th Conn, liegt., of which his father was chaplain. ii. Ralph, b. Dec. 8, 1737; A.B., Coll. of New Jersey, 1758; A.M., Dartmouth, 1786; m. Jan. 31, 1770, Mrs. Eunice (Belden) Gardiner, b. iu 1744, d. Aug. 26, 1806, in Hebron; lived in Hartford, Conn., a lawyer, and Quartermaster-General of Cona. during the Revolu- tion. iii. Eleazau Wheelock, b. Sept. 1, 1739 ; ra. May 8, 1764, Mary, b. Nov. 7, 1743, d. in Middlctown, Nov. 14, 1805, daughter of Hon. George and Mary (Woodbridge) Wyllys; a merchant in Hartford; d. about 1784. iv. JosiAH, b. Sept. 4, 1741; d. Sept. 11, 1742. v. AiJiGAiL, b. Mav 31, 1744; m. John Gillet of Hebron (Yale, 1758, M.A.); d. Jan. 24, 1835. vi. .lusiAH, 1). June 18, 1745; d. July, 1812. vii. Sami'el, b. Nov. 19, 1747; d. Jan. 16. 1748. viii. Hannah, b. Jan. 28, 1748-9; d. Mch. 29, 1749. ix. Hkzkklmi, b. July 17, 1750; d. Jan. 3, 1755. X. Hannah, b. Dec. 8, 1751; ra. Rev. David McClure of East Windsor, Coun.; d.,in 1849 (?). xi. John, b. Mar. 5, 17^4; d. Apr. 27, 1754-5. xli. Elihu, b. Aug. 19, 1755; m. in 1776, Lydia, b. July 20, 1757, d. at Granville, Mass., Aug. 25, 1828, dau. of Capt. Stephen and Alice (Cass) liarber of Hebron; d. Apr. 17, 1834, at Enfield, Mass. xiii. Augustus Wheelock, b. Feb. 14, 1758 ; d. Jan. 24, 1759. 13 Nathaniel* Pomeroy {Joseph,^ Medad," Eltweed^), born Jan. 23, 1707, married, July 18, 1733, Susanna Seymour of Hartford, who was born 1708, and died Feb. 27, 1778. He died Feb. 20, 1781. Children : i. Nathaniel,* b. May 23, 1734 ; m. Sept. 16, 1756, Abigail King, who d. Oct. 17, 1823, aged 85; d. Feb. 12, 1787. ii. Lavinia, b. Oct. 27, 1736. iii. Susanna, b. Jan. 17, 1738. iv. John, b. Mar. 7, 1740; m. Elizabeth King, b. Oct. 25, 1746, d. in 1831; d. May 29, 1804. It is supposed his widow m. (2) Curtis. V. S.iJiUEL, b. Feb. 19, 1744; d. June, 1777. vi. Asa, b. June 1, 1749 ; m. Dec. 15, 1777, Mary King, who d. Feb. 22, 1820, aged 74. NoAH^ Pomeroy {Joseph,^ Medad,^ Eltweed^), born Oct. 20, 1709 (?), married, Aug. 26, 1732, Abigail Remington, who died Sept. 26, 1813, aged 91. Children : 1. Noah,* b. Jan. 24, 1733 ; m. Oct. 15, 1753, Elizabeth Norton (or Ellis). ii. Abigail, b. Apr. 3, 1734; d. May 29, 1734. iii. Eliakim, b. May 3, 1735; m. Oct. 19, 1758, Mindwell (or Sarah) Sheldon, who d. Nov. 15. 1813, aged 78; d. June 19, 1790. iv. Abigail, b. Oct. 14, 1736; d. June'lO, 1761.. V. Simeon, b. July 20, 1738; d. Jau. 30, 1761. vi. Daniel, b. Mar. 26, 1740; m. July 7, 1768, Hannah Hall, who d. July 2, 1814. vii. Sakah, b. Aug. 2, 1741. viii. Jonathan, b. Sept. 15, 1743; m. May 7, 1771, Prudence Austin, b. in 1747, d. Jau. 15, 1827; d. Sept. 24, 1808. ix. Elijah, b. April 15, 1745. X. Epaphras, b. July 12, 1749; d. Aug. 20, 1751. xi. Ruth, b. Feb. 8, 1751. xii. Elizabeth, d. Sept. 24, 1751. xiii. Epaphras, b. Apr. 4, 1753 ; d. Apr. 8, 1764. Samuel* Pomeroy (Samuel,^ Caleb,^ Eltweed}), born about 1690, married, Jan. 30, 1722-3, Hannah, born about 1700, died about 1793, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Cresson) Hannum. He died about 1760. Children : i. Samuel,* b. Sept. 27, 1729; ra. about 1752, Chloe Kingsley, b. Aug. 16, 1731. ii. Hannah, b. May 23, 1732; m. about 1752, Aaron Searle, who d. Sept. 27, 1810, aged 80; d. Nov. 6, 1793. iii. Aaron, b. Apr. 22, 1734; m. (1) in 1759, Ealema Burt; m. (2) in 1764, Eunice, dan. of Selah and Eunice Clark, who d. in 1816, aged 78; d. July 14, 1819 ; was a cooper by trade, iv. Anna, b. in 1736 ; m. about 1757, Gideon Searle, who d. Oct. 20, 1806, aged 75; d. Oct. 31, 1817. Caleb* Pomeroy {Samuel,^ Caleb^ Eltweed'^), born Oct. 2, 1707, in Northampton, married Nov. 15, 1733, Thankful, born in 1710, in Northampton, died in Southampton, daughter of William and Thankful (Edwards) Phelps. He was a farmer in Easthampton. He died in Southampton, in 1783. Children : 1. Abner,* b. Sept. 7, 1734; m. (I"* about 1755, Mary French; m. (2) about 1778, Mercy, b. in 1743-4, dau. of Noah Sheldon; lived in Plattsburgh, N. Y. 'y-/ 14 ii. Elijah, b. Apr. 22, 173G ; m. about 1766, Ruth Phelps; d. about 1793. iii. Eleanor, b. Apr. 11, 1738; perhaps married James Hurlbert of Northampton. iv. Calkb, b. July 10, 1740; m. Sept. 20, 1770, Chloe, b. June 22, 1744, d. in 1821, dan. of Aaron and Rachel Strong; a farmer in South- ampton; d. Dec. 19, 1810. V. Chloe, b. in 1741; m. Aug. 17, 1761, as his second Wife, Simeon Strong, b. Dec. 23, 1734, d. Jan. 7, 1820. (See Strong Genealogy.) vi. Joel, b. about 1743. vii. Enos, b. about 1746; m. (1) about 1767, Freedom Clark; m. (2) Miriam Walworth, viii. Thankful, b. about 1747; ra. in 1778, Jacob,* son of Elisha* Pome- rov (25). ix. Gershom, b. about 1749; m. Sarah Bartlett; was a soldier in the Revolution. X. Solomon, bapt. Jan. 26, 1752; m. in 1779, Rachel Alvord; settled in Easthampton. xi. Phebe, b. in 1754; m. in 1777, Timothy,* son of Ebenezer* Pomeroy (24). xii. Silas (?). 23. Eldad^ Pomeroy (Eldad,^ Caleb,^ Eltiveed'^), horn Dec. 31, 1711, married first, about 1750, Bathsheba ; and married second, about 1786, Priscilla, daughter of Nathaniel and Priscilla Searle. Children : i. Sarah,* b. in 1751 ; m. in 1769, John Clapp of Easthampton. ii. Martha, b. in 1753. iii. Eldad, b. in 1756. iv. Bathsheba, b. in 1757. 24 Ebenezer* Pomeroy (Eldad,^ Caleb,^ Eltweed^), born Nov. 10, 1715, married, about 1740, Rachel, daughter of Nathaniel and Priscilla Searle. Children : i. Ebenezer,* b. Jan. 7, 1741, in Southampton; m. Sept. 3, 1766, Ex- perience, b. Dec. 9, 1745, d. :Mar. 4, 1836, dau. of Aaron Clark; lived at Otiseo Hill, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; d. Sept. 7, 1826. ii. Elihu, b. in 1742; m. in 1790, Rachel Strong, b. in 1751, d. in 1830; d. in 1824. iii. Rachel, b. in 1744; m. in 1768, John Hannum; d. Nov. 14, 1789. iv. Kesiah, b. in 1746; d. young. V. Gen. Timothy, b. in 1750, in Southampton; m. (1) in 1777. Phebe,* dau. of Caleb* Pomeroy (22), who d. in 1785, aged 31; and m. (2) Anna Bent; d. in 1793. vi. Kesiah, b. in 1753. vii. Titus, b. in 1757; m. in 1778, Keziah (or Dinah) Sedgwick; was town clerk in Norwich, Mass. viii. DoucAS, b. in 1760; m. (1) in 1779, Amaziah Darrow; m. (2) Elijah Norton. 25. Elisiia* Pomeroy {Eldad,^ Caleb,- Eltweed'^), born in 1719, mar- ried first, in 1743, Mercy, daughter of Nathaniel and Priscilla Searle, who was born in 1721 ; and married second, in 1780 (?), "Widow Experience Bartlett, who was born in 1726, and died in 1803. Children : i. Mercy,* b. in 1745; d. in 1746. ii. Ei.isHA, b. in 1747; d. in 1769. iii. Mercy, b. in 1749; m. Lieut. Joel Clapp, b. in 1738, d. in 1829, a sol- dier in French war and iu the Revolution ; d. in 1803. 15 iv. Jacob, b. in 1751 ; m. in 1778, Thankful,* clau. of Caleb* Pomeroy (22), who d. Oct. 9, 1835, aged 88; d. Oct. 1, 18-12. V. Isaac, b. in 1753; m. (1) in 1780, Deborah Terry, who d. in 1802, aged 46 ; m. (2) in 1803, Irene Parks, who d. in 1836, aged 72 ; lived in Southampton. vi. Jemima, b. in 1755; d. Dec. 5, 1788. Tii. Hannah, b. in 1757; d. Feb. 2, 1776. viii. HtJLDAH, b. in 1759 ; m. (1) in 1778, Giles Clark ; ra. (2) in 1808, Oliver Clark, is. AsAHEL, b. in 1761; m. in 1787, Damaris Sprague, who d. May 13, 1834, aged 71. X. Priscllla, b. in 1764; m. in 1782, Seth Hurlburt; d. Feb., 1783. Joseph* Y oueroy {Eldad,^ Oaleb,"^ Eltweed^), horn Nov. 19, 1721, married, about 1741, Abigail . Children : i. Abigail,* b. in 1742; m. in 1775, Abner Smith. ii. Joseph, b. in 1744 ; m. in 1777 or 8, Isabel, dau. of Selah and Eunice (Wright) Clark, iii. Lucy, b. in 1745 ; d. young. iv. Lucy, b. in 1749 ; m. in 1770, David Clapp of Easthampton. V. Ajviasa, b. in 1756. Noah* Pomeroy (Nbah,^ Joseph,^ Eltweed^), born Oct. 8, 1725, married, Apr. 24, 1748, Lurana, born May 25, 1723, died Feb. 24, 1806, daughter of John and Hannah' (Pomeroy, of Joseph^ (5)) Northam. He lived in Colchester, Conn. ; and died Sept. 17, 1798. Children : Charles,* b. Apr. 22, 1749; was a merchant, living in Saybrook and Colchester ; m. Temperance Watrous of Chester, Conn. ; d. in 1785. His widow m. (2) in 1791?. Samuel, bapt. Feb. 4, 1751. Laurena, b. May 22, 1752; m. Oct. 15, 1767, Martin Welles. Rev. Noah, b. Aug. 18, 1754 ; m. Jan. 12, 1780, Rhoda Willis, b. in 1755, d. Oct. 29, 1811. Louisa, b. Sept. 3, 1761 ; m. Sept. 29, 1782, John Thatcher Otes, b. Oct. 31, 1758, d. Sept., 1842; d. in 1840. 1. 11. iii. iv. Register Re-pkints, Series A, No. 1. 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