.CtM / ANNALS TOWN or coNCozm, IS THE COUXTT OF ^CERRmACK, ASO STATE OF SEW-HAMPSHIRE, FROM ITS FTRST SETTLEMiST, E\ THZ YEAR 17J6. TO THE YEAR 18». WITH SEVERAt BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. TO WHICH IS ADDED, n iHctnoir of tlic ^nacwik i:n^i5n.5. " >8 § » « »' BY JACOB B. 310 ORE. '^ Let ns read, and re«onect,«ndunpre»B>on oar «Bk, tke TievsaMd e»*ir«0ftre> athen. in«ci^?u^*eirnaiiTee«ma,yte»ireMT,iBfcB,KaUe»aien»e*BeeoB« tfcar unizms fomtude, tbeir Utter niferi^ I *e Iwiger. iteMfasd.ea, ite e-Id. ,fc^ tk^ partly endued ! the se,«* lata, rf eie.riBf d«r p^^k^^ ttoi^ >«1 r««BgAe«pn,Ti,k», ai«ktadMige«fett,adl««s«i«,,^^^_^^;^ CONCORD : PUBLISHED BT JACOB B. MOORE. 1824. suit tl JU»*««*5WW' Whe5 the compflation af the fdlowmg bnef no- tices was undertaken, the writer had no other inten- tion than to preserve the facts which he might ob- tain for his own particular use and amusement.— But on examination, many things of an interesting nature were found minded with the concerns of the town- which it was conceived might be usefiol and entertaining to the inhabitants. The circ4im- stances attending the first settlement, the hardships endured by the settlers, and tiieir frequent expo- sure to Indian warfare ; the massacre by the In- dians, and their depredations upon the property of. the inhabitants ; and the tedious and perplexing controversy with the proprietors of Bow— were all deemed subjects of suf&cient importance to interest the people of this town. The generation to whom these things were familiar, is rapidly passing away; and there will ere long be no one. from whom these particulars could be collected. Even at this time, great difficulty has been encountered in con- necting the series of events, and reconciling con- tradictory accounts. The want of records, for sev- eral vears, and the deficiency of a portion of those we have, were also evils not to be remedied but by unwearied search and inquiry among the most intelligent aged people of the town. The writer U PREFACE. has devoted much time to the collection of the ma- terials here embodied ; and though, from the nature of things, and his own inabihty to give the narrative any original attractions, he must be aware that er- rors and deficiencies may be discovered — it is be- lieved the good citizens of Concord will find some things, embraced in the following pages, worthy of perusal and of preservation. For the memoir of the tribe of Indians, who once inhabited this town and vicinity, the writer acknowledges his obligations to John Farmer, Esq. of this town. To the politeness of Charles Wal- ker, and Francis N. Fisk, Esquires, and the Rev. Dr. M'Farland, he is also indebted for the use of sundry records and papers in their possession, which have been of great service to him. And to the aged citizens generally who have cheerfully aided him in completing this task, would he present the most hearty thanks, with the hope that what they have helped to accomplish, will not be found so wholly uninteresting as to be deemed unworthy of preser- vation. March 1, 1824. ■-.-Si ANNAZiS OF CONCORD. •>M»«9*4«^ Concord, the seat of the state government, and shire town of the county of Merrimack, New- Hampshire, is pleasantly situated on both sides of Merrimack river, in latitude 43° 12' N. ; 45 miles N. 72r W. of Portsmouth, 62 miles N. 22° W. of Boston, and 500 miles from Washington-City. It was originally known by the name of Penacook, from that of the tribe of Indians who once inhabited the vicinity. It is bounded on the north-west by Can- terbury and Boscawen, north-east by Loudon and Chichester, south-east by Pembroke and Bow, and south-west by Hopkinton : comprising an area of 40,919 acres. As the principal design of this little work is to present in a summary view the most interesting circumstances which can now be collected in rela- tion to the history of Concord, further notice of its local situation, topography, &c. will be omitted in this place. In the settlement of new lands, emigrants have generally been careful to select such as were fer- tile, and well situated for their various pursuits. Hence alluvial valleys and the borders of rivers are sooner settled than the highlands, which, though often as productive, are less easy of cultivation. The Indians were not less sagacious in this partic- ular than the Avhites, for we find near our principal rivers, remains of their fortifications, and other memorials of their residence there. The intervals situated on the river Merrimack early attracted notice ; and several parties, desirous of commencing new settlements, surveyed the lands a great dis- tance from its mouth. O ANNALS or CONCORD. About the year 1720, Captain Ebemzer East- man and several others, from Haverhill, Mass. ex- plored the lands in this vicinity, and noticing the richness of the intei-vals, resolved to procure a grant and commence a settlement. Accordingly, at the session of the " General Court of the Prov- ince of the Massachusetts Bay," assembled at Bos- ton in May, 1721, a petition was presented for a tract of land " situated on the river Merry make, at the lower end of Penacook," to contain about eight miles square. The petitioners were unsuccessful in their application until 1725; the governor dis- senting from all proceedings of the legislature, though they twice "allowed the petition," in 1721 and 1722, and in 1724 appointed a committee to view the lands. In the beginning of the year 1725, upon the petition of Benjamin Stevens, Ebenezer Eastman and others, in behalf of the intended set- tlers, a tract of land of about seven miles square was appropriated for a township, by the govern- ment of Massachusetts. The conditions of the grant were, that the tract should be divided into one hundred and three equal shares or lots ; that one hundred families should settle thereon within the space of three years ; that each settler should build a good dwelling-house, " comfortably to re- ceive and entertain his family," and break up and fence in six acres of land for a home lot, within the term aforesaid; that the houses should be 1725. Jan. 18. At a meeting of tlu committee of tlie general court of Mas- sachusetts, for bringing forward the settlement of a place called Penacook, on eacli side of Merrimack river, to begin where Contaocook empties itself into the Mer- rimack— present William Tailor, Elisha Cooke, William Dudley, John Wain- wright. Captain John Shapleigh, John Sanders, Eleazar Tyng, and Mr. Joseph Wilder— reach admitted settler paid the committee 20s. Feb. 7. "Voted that the settlers shall well and truly fulfil the conditions and or- ders of the general court. And for the eftectual accomplishing the same, it is agreed and resolved, that such and so many of the intended settlers as shall fail of fallowing, fencing or clearing one acre of land within twelve months from the first of June next, shall each of them forfeit and pay the community or settlers, £5, to be appro- priated by them to their own benefit."— Pro. Records. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 7 erected within twenty rods of each other on the home lots, and in a regular and defensible manner; and that a convenient house for the public worship of God should be completely finished within the time first mentioned. Each settler was to pay the province £5 for his right; and as soon as one hun- dred were admitted settlers, they were empowered to hold proprietary meetings for the transaction of the business of the settlement. The remaining three rights were reserved, one for the first settled minister, one for a parsonage, and one for " the use of the school forever."* The requisite number of settlers having been admitted, a meeting was holden at Haverhill, on the 7th of February, 1725, when the following, among other regulations, was adopted by the proprietors : " Agreed and resolved^ That no alienation on any " lot shall be made without the consent of the com- " munity. And if any of the intended settler or " settlers shall alienate his or their lots or settle- " ments to any person or persons, without the con- " sent of the community first had and obtained, such " sale shall be declared void of itself, and the " settler that shall so pretend to alienate his lot, " shall forfeit the same to the community."t The object of this regulation undoubtedly was to exclude Irish settlers, against whom a strong national prejudice existed, heightened perhaps by zeal in differing religious opinions. There is another evidence of this in the last petition, 1726. At a meeting of the "intended settlers," at Andover, Feb. 8, it was agreed and voted that a block house of 25 feet in breadth and 40 feet in length be built at Penacook, forihe security of the settlers. — - June 28. Mr. Agent Dumtner, at London, was instructed, as it was ap- prehended by the government of Massachusetts, that New-Hampshire might send home a complaint against the grant of Penacook lately made, to take care and an- swer any complaint; and he was furnished with the necessary papers.— Jlfasj. Records. * See Appendix No. I. t For the names of the original proprietors, see Appendix No. U. 8 ANNALS OF CONCORD. by Stevens and others : They state, " that ma- " ny applications have been made to the govern- " ment of New-Hampshire for a grant of tlie said " land, (at Penacook) which, though it be the im- " doubted right and property of this province ; yet " it is highly probable that a parcel of Irish people " will obtain a grant from New-Hampshire for it, " unless some speedy care be taken by this great " and honorable court to prevent it."* In May, 1726, a committee appointed by the government of Massachusetts, with surveyors, chainmen, and a number of the admitted settlers attending them, " proceeded to Penacook, and laid out 103 home lots or divisions on the river, in equal proportion, according to the quantity and quality, as near as the land would admit thereof, agreeably to the order and direction of the great and general courf't This year considerable progress was made *The jealousy prevalent at this period of the encroachments of settlers upon un- appropriated lands, is also evinced in the following order of the general court of Massachusetts, relative to the settlers of Nutfield, [Londonderry] passed Dec. 1, 1720: " Whereas it appears that several familys lately arrived from Ireland, and others from this province, have presumed to make a settlement upon lands belonging to this province, lying westward of the town of Haverhill, (which they call Nutfield) without any leave or grant obtained from this court : Resolued^ that the said people he warned to move oflf from said lands, within the space of seven months, and if they fail to do so, that they be prosecuted by the Attorney-General by writts of tres- pass and ejectment." + Extracts from the journal kepi by John TVainwright, one of the committee. May 12, 1726. The committee left Haverhill, and proceeded as far as Amos- keag. I3th. " This morning we proceeded on our journey — very hilly and mountain- ous land. About 3 o'clock we passed by a fall called Annahookline, [Hooksett] in Merrimack river, which is taken from a hill of the same name. About 10 er 11 o'clock, we forded Suncook river, which is a rapiil stream, and many loose stones of some considerable bignesse in it, making it difficult to pass. About 1 o'clock we passed Penacook river, [Soucook] pretty deep and very rocky. In a short time after, we came up as far as Penacook falls, [Garven's] and steered our course north over a Invge pitch pine plain, three miles at least in length, and about 5 o'clock af- ternoon arrived at Penacook, and encamped on a piece of intervale called Sugar- Ball plain, from a very large head or hill called Sugar-Ball hill, whereon was the first Indian fort, as we were informed, which the Indians in old times built to defend themselves against the Mnquois [Mohawks] and others their enemies. This Sugar- Ball plain is a pretty large tract of land encompassed on all parts with very high and mountainous land, as steep as the roof of an house ordinarily — only where t'lie river runs round it, which encompasses the other parts of it. It is altogether impracticable for a team or even liorse-cartto get on the plain, the land is so moun- tainous round it; and there is no spring on it as we could find." lAth " About 12 o'clock this day, Messrs. Nathaniel Weare, Richard Waldron. jun. and Tlie.odore Atkinson, a counnittee appointed by the governor and council of ANNALS OF CONCORD. 9 in the settlement, about fifty persons being em- ployed during the warmer season. A new path was cut through the woods from Haverhill to Pen- acook, by the way of Chester, some portion of the distance on the same route now travelled. The same year the building of a block-house, for the defence of the plantation, and also to serve for a place of public worship, was commenced — to be ^5 feet in breadth and 40 in lensjth. New-Hampshire,came up to our camp, (being attended with about lialf a score Irish- men, who kept at some distance from the camp) and acquainted us that the govern- ment of New-Hampshire, being informed of our business here, had sent them tude- sire us that we would not proceed in appropriating these lands to any private or par- ticular persons, for that they lay in their government ; and our government's making a grant might be attended with very ill consequences to the settlers, when it ap- peared that the lands fell in the N. H. government. And then they delivered a copy of an order passed by his honour the lieutenant governor and council of New-Hampshire respecting tlie settling of the lands at Penacook.to which we refer. We made them answer, that the government of the Massachusetts Bay had sent us to lay out the lands here into a townsliip; that they had made a grant of it to some particular men, and that we should proceed to do the business we were come upon, and made no doubt but our government would be always ready to support and justifie their own grams; and that it was the business of the publick, and not ours, to en- gage in, in order to determine any controversy about the lands. We sent our sa- lutes to the lieutenant governor of New-Hampshire, and the gentlemen took their leaves of us, and set homewards this afternoon." I5th. "Sunday. — Mr. Enoch Coffin, our chaplain, performed divine service both parts of the day." \6ih. "At sunrise this morning, according to notification, we chose a represent- ative, new. con. viz. Mr. John Sanders." ISih. " It may be observed, that divers rattlesnakes were killed by the several surveying companies, but, thanks be to God, nobody received any hurt from them." The committee in their report, (Jwrtc, 1 726) say, — " In May last, we proceeded to the place, in order to lay out the whole township, and the lots directed in the order of the General Court, beginning at the mouth of Contoocook river, where that joins Merrimack river, and thence run a line east seventeen degrees south four miles, and so at right angles at the extremes of each of the aforesaid lines, seven miles southerly each, and thence from the termination of the seven miles which completes the grant and is according thereto ; and upon view and strict survey of the lands on the east side of Merrimack, we find that there is little or no water, the land near the river extremely mountainous and almost impassable, and very unfit for and uncapable of receiving fifty families, as the court has ordered ; more especially considering that near the centre of the town on the east side of the river Merrimack, the Hon. Samuel Sewall, Esq. has a farm of five hundred acres of good land, formerly granted by this court, and laid out by Gov. Endicott. The commit- tee, therefore, with submi-ssion to the honorable General Court, tliought it advisable and accordingly have laid out one hundred and three lots of land for settlements, oh the wei^side contiguous to each other, regularlj', and in a defensible manner, as by the plot of theirs, and of the whole grant (which is hereby presented) will appear; and inasmuch as the generality of the land answers not the grantees' ex- pectation, and five hi«g|red acres laid out as aforesaid, humbly offer, that the like number of acres of the unappropriated lands adjacent to the township, may be made to the settlers as an equivalent therefor." The government of Mas- sachusetts thereupon empowered the grantees to make settlements on th« westerlj side of the river at pleasure. 10 ANiVALS OF CONCORD. Tlie Indians who at this time inhabited the vi- cinit}, were on terms of amity with the whites. During the winter of this year, two or three per- sons only resided in the block-house at Penacook. The snow was very deep, the cold unusually severe, and their provisions m ere insufficient to support them through the season. The Indians saw their situation, and as soon as possible journeyed to Haverhill. They there called on the proprie- tors, and represented to them the situation of the families, very seriously observing that they would soon come upon the totvn, unless they were assisted ! A sleigh with stores soon after arrived at Penacook, and rescued them from starvation. On the 20th May, 1727, the government of New- Hampshire made a grant to Jonathan Wiggin and others of the tract comprised within the following bounds, viz : •' beginning on the S. E. side of the town of Chichester, and running nine miles by Chi- chester and Canterbury, and carrying that breadth of nine miles from each of the aforesaid towns S. W. until the full complement of eighty-one square miles are fully made up." This grant, covering the greater part both of Concord and Pembroke, and a part of Hopkinton, gave rise to a serious controver- sy between the claimants under each grant, which was continued in law for several years, and was not finally settled until 1762. During the year 1727, the block-house was finish- ed ; considerable quantities of corn and hay were gathered, and the wilderness reduced to some de- 1726. Dec. 20. The memorial of the Penacook settlers was piesented, respecting 500 acres of land on the E. side of the river, formerly granted to Gov. Endicott, and praying for land instead thereof on the W. Voted unanimously to grant 500 acres on the west side. This grant was confirmed by governor Burnet, Aug. 6, 1728. — Mass. Records. 1727. March G. Messrs. Joseph Hall and John Pecker were "empowered to to agree with a minister to preach at Penacook the year ensuing, to begin the ser- •vice from the fifteenth of May next. The said committee are directed to act with all prudence, and not assure the gentleman more than after the rate of £100 per ^nnum for his service."— Pro;?. Records. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 11 o-ree of cultivation. Several dwellings had previ- ously been erected ; and in the fall of this year the first family, that of Ebenezer Eastman, moved into the place.* Aug. 6, 1728, the government of Massachusetts^ in consideration of a grant of 500 acres of land, formerly made to governor Endicott, wliich fell within the boundaries of Penacook, and was claim- ed by the heirs of judge Sewall, empowered the proprietors " by a surveyor and chainmen on oath, to extend the south bounds of the township one hundred rods the full breadth of their to\\Ti, as an equivalent." Considerable improvements were made in the settlements in 1729 ; saw and gristmills were erec- ted by Nathan Simonds, with the assistance of the proprietors ; and a ferry was established for the convenience of the settlers.t A substantial fence was this year built for the first time to enclose the interval on the river, "at the common charge." A 1728. On the 15th of February this year, the first child was born at Penacook — Dorcas, a daughter of Edward and Dorcas Abbot : she died Sept. 28, 1797. The first male ciiild was Edward, son of the same parents, born Dec. 27, 1730: he died in Sept. 1801. John Hoit, the second male, was born Se|it. 10, 1732 — and married a sister of Dr. Carter, Jan. 2, 1755. The elder Mr. Hoit was of Amesbury, Ms. 1729. Sept. 4. The proprietors and inhabitants of Penacook petitioned the gen- eral court of Massachusetts for the privileges of a town ; but no proceedings were had. March 6, 1730, the same petition was renewed, and referred to the consider- ation of a committee ; but no measures were adopted. * Jacob Shute drove Eastman's team, the first that had crossed the wilderness from Haverhill to Penacook. Shute's father was a native of France, and upon the revocation of tlie Edict of Nantz by Lewis XIV. fled into Ireland. His children emigrated to this country. Tliougi; Eastman's was the first family of settleis, it is believed there were sev- eral individuals who settled previously. Dr. Rolfe wastiie first settler, and resided near the residence of the late captain Emery. He was father of Benjamin Rolfe, Esq. The second settler was Richard Uran, afterwards of Newbury. They passed the winter of 1726 at Penacook, living mostly upon the fruits of the wilderness and the charities of the Indians. t The gristmill stood near the present site of the factory of Messrs. I. & J. East- man, on the east side of the river ; the saw-mill about half a mile above, on the same stream. The mill-crank was brought upon a liorse from Haverhill. Soon after commencing operations, it was broken. How to remedy the evil they knew not, as there was no blacksmith nearer than Haverhill. But necessity is the mother of invention. They collectetl together a quantity of pitch knots, fastened the crank with beetle-rings and wedges, and succeeded in their attempt to weld the dig- jointed parts The crank was afterwards used for many years 12 ANNALS OF CONCORD. plank floor was also laid in the " meeting-house," or fort ; and the road from Penacook to Haverhill, was altered and improved under the direction of Messrs. Ebenezer Eastman and John Chandler. The settlers of Penacook, like those of all the older towns, strictly observed the religious institu- tions of their fathers. Mr. Enoch Coffin, of New- bury, Mass. accompanied them on their first visits to the new lands, and other clergymen occasionally preached to them.* Measures were this year taken to provide for the settlement of a minister ; and at a meeting of the settlers in October, it was "voted that every proprietor or intended settler of Pena- cook should forthAvith pay or cause to be paid into the hands of the treasurer the sum of 20*. towards the support of an orthodox minister to preach at Penacook aforesaid, the same to be paid in propor- tion to the preaching." At a previous meeting, they had appointed Deacon John Osgood, Messrs. John Pecker, John Chandler, Ebenezer Eastman, Nathan Symonds, William Barker and Joseph Hall " to ca//t and agree with some suitable person to be minister of the town of Penacook ;" and at the same meeting agreed to pay a salary of £lOO law- ful money per annum to their minister when set- tled-t * At a meeting of the proprietors, at Bradford, Marcli 12, 1728, they voted to pay Mr. Bezaliel Toppan 30s. " for preaching and performing divine service at Pena- cook." j£4 was also voted to the heirs of Rev. Enoch Coffin, deceased, for like ser- tices. Mr. Enoch Coffin, the first preacher in Concord, was born in Newhury, Feb. 7, 1695, and died Aug. 7, 1727. He was second son of the honorable Nathaniel Coffin, and graduated at Harvard College. Nathaniel was son of Tristram Coffin, of Newbury, whose father Tristram Coffin was son of Peter Coffin, of Brixton parish, 4 miles from Plymouth in Plympton hundred, and who came to New England in 1642, and brought with him his mother, two sisters, and four chil- dren. i The mode of calling and maintaining ministers in congregational societies, originated in an act passed during the reign of William and Mary, approved June »,U9Z.—Act IV. William &f Mary. X At the meeting of the grantees and settlers, October 14, 1730, it was " Vottd, that Mr. Timothy Walker shall have £100 for the year ensuing, and then rise 401-. per annum, till it comes to £120, and that to be the stated sum annually tor his salary, during his continuance in the ministry, together with the parsonage so long as he carries on the whole work of the ministry. Provided, and it is hereby to be understood, any thing to the contrary above mentioned notwithstanding, that if Mr. Walker, by extreme old age, shall be disenabled from carrying on the whole ^wor^ of the ministry, that he shall abate so much of his salary as shall be rational." ANNALS OF CONCORD. 13 The inhabitants, at a meeting in March, 1730, instructed the committee before named to invite Mr. Timothy Walker, a graduate of Cambridge, who had just finished his theological studies, to settle with them. On the 14th of October, the proprietors renewed this invitation ; and established the salary for the year ensuing at £100, to be in- creased £2 yearly until it should amount to £120 per annum, which, together with the use of the parsonage, should thereafter constitute the emolu- ments of their minister. £lOO were also voted as a settlement. To the invitation of the people, Mr. Walker returned the following answer : ''Penacook, Oct. 14, 1730. " To THE ADMITTED SETTLERS OR GRANTEES OF PeNA- COOK. " Whereas formerly by a committee you have invited me to settle in the ministry in the said township ; upon which invitation I have advised with learned, pious and judicious divines in the ministry, Avho have jointly advised me to take up with your invitation, provided you vote a sufficient maintenance for me ; and you having this day re- newed your invitation to me, and done what satis- fies me upon the account of salary ; — I therefore, being deeply sensible of the importance of the charge, and my own insufficiency to discharge the duties of the same, do accept your call, humbly relying upon the all-sufficient grace of God, which alone can enable me suitably to discharge the same, earnestly desiring your prayers, as well as all oth- ers of God's people, that such plentiful measures of His grace may be affiarded to me, as may en- able me to discharge the duties of so sacred a function, to his acceptance and your edification ; 1730. Oct. 14.— Voted, that Mr. Cutting Noyes have fifty acres of land in the township of Penacook— provided the said Noyes shall do the blacksmith's work of the town ftom the date hereof.— Prop. Records 3 14 ANNALS OF CONCORB, that so both you and I may rejoice together in the day of the Lord Jesus. TIMOTHY WALKER." The ordination of Rev. Mr. Walker took place on the 18th of November following. The sermon was delivered by the Rev. John Barnard * of An- dover, Mass. ; charge by Rev. Samuel Phillips, of Andover ; and right hand of fellowship by the Rev. John Brown, of Haverhill. The church was composed of sober and industrious inhabitants ; and during the whole course of Mr. Walker's min- istry, we do not find that any dissentions or difficul- ties arose. The people were united in interests and feelings, were educated in the same principles, and generally adopted like habits ; and perhaps all strictly united in one mode of worship, and were constant in the observance of religious ordinances. The meeting-house was this year repaired ; and the first burial-place in Concord located and en- closed. The first bridge in the township was built over Soucook river. By an order of the general court of Massachusetts, founded upon a petition of the proprietors, they were empowered to exercise the privileges and immunitifss of a town in the as- sessment and collection of taxes, &c. But from some imperfection in the order itself, or some other cause, it was not made use of. Jan. 31st, 1731, the petition of the inhabitants, &c. of Penacook was renewed, praying for town privileges, and representing that there were then in the settlement eighty families. February 1, a re- port was made in favor of the petitioners, accepted, and the act accordingly passed. The first legal meetina: of " the inhabitants of the plantation ' of Penacook," was holding at the meeting-house, Jan. 11, 1732. Capt. Ebenezer "There is lh\s peculiar circumstance in your settlement,that i< w in aplace,where Satan, some years ago, had his seat, and the devil was wont to be Invocated by (or- sa.kp.\i Salnnges : A Place which was the Rendezvous and Head Qwirten of our Indian Enemies." — Barnard's Sermon, p. 29. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 15 Eastman was appointed moderator ; and the neces- sary town officers were chosen •' to stand to tlie an- niversary meeting in March" following. This meeting was called by " Benjamin Roife, by order of the General Court." In the afternoon of the same day, after a notice for that purpose had been issued b}^ the new authorities of Penacook, the in- habitants voted to raise £1 10 for the support of the ordained minister. At the next meeting, on the 6th of March, besides choosing town officers, the in- habitants vcj^d a bounty of 20s. for every wolf " killed T^hin the township ;" also a bounty of 6d. for killing rattle-snakes, " provided, that the des- troyer of such snakes shall bring in a black joint of the tail or with the tail to the selectmen, or either of them." A penny w^as also voted " for the encouragement of killing of black-birds within the township for the year ensuing, the head being brought to the selectmen or any of them,and burnty The proprietors this year appropriated 100 acres, including the privileges on Turkey river, to " any suitable person who would build a grist mill." In 1733, the "plantation of Penacook" was in- corporated by the government of Massachusetts as a town by the name of Rumford^ it being satisfacto- rily ascertained, as set forth in the preamble to the act, that " the plantation is competently filled with inhabitants, who have built and finished a conven- ient meeting-house for the public worship of God, and sometime since have settled a learned ortho- dox minister among them," &c. This name was given from that of a parish in England. The town at their several meetings this year, voted to give Rev. Mr. Walker £50, for building him a dwelling- house, provided that he gave the inhabitants and freeholders a receipt in full for his salary until the 16th of January that year, in consequence of the depreciation of money, it not being equal to silver at 17*. the ounce. £30 were appropriated of the monies in the town treasury for the purchase of am- 1 4> ANNA 1.3 OF CONCORD. mumtion for the use pf the inhabitants. It appears nos tioTof Tt"^'' entertained of the hostU^ dis! position of the Indians, although no act of ajr^res- s on had been committed. The sum of £l6 was also voted for the support of a school duriL Jhe winter and spring ensuing; and the selectmen were empowered to provide a school. It was also voted in town meeting that the selectmen should " find books for the use of the inhabitants and freehold- eis ot the town or plantation, on the town's cost so far as they shall think necessary.'^ Mr. James Scales afterwards minister at Hopkintoiiwas em- ployed to teach the first school; and afte7him, Mr Joseph Holt, of Andover, Mass. From this period until 1739, the affairs of the town continued to prosper with little interruption, ^ome useful internal regulations were adopted-- improvements on the lands were constantly mak- ing—the meetmg-house was further repaired— md increased attention Avas paid to the school. In 1735 also, a committee was appointed to i^etition ffov' ernment for the establishment of a nev^ county the county of Essex then comprehending all the new grants made by Massachusetts north of Ha- verhill. 1734. May 27.-" 20,. for each grown wolf," and " 1*. f„r each rattlesnake. ' wh.sh should be killed this year, were voted. At a meeting holden the 14t'. Nov of the same year, Capt. Ebenezer Eastman and Heniy Rolfe, Esq. were chosen to petition the General Court for an order of said Court for raising of money for de- frajhig the ministerial charge, and the other charges of this town for this year and during the court's pleasure." At the next town meeting, holden on the 2Sth day of Decemher,£no were raised for said purpose. The town clerk was also empowered to •' ask and receive of .To!m Wainwright.Esq. the clerk of the honorable committee of the Great and Gen- eral Court, appointed to bring forward the setUementof the township, the book of the proceedings of tlie said committee, and all the other papers belonging to the town and proprietors," and to receipt for them. Wainwright had for several years been clerk to the proprietors of Penacook. Some disagreement arising they ap- pointed another in his stead, to whom he refused to deliver the records. Nor was the matter compromised until Wainwright received from the proprietors an entire lot of land in the new township-upon which he gave up the records to his succes- sor. The grant was made June 19, 1734. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 17 In 1737, the controversy between Massachusetts and New-Hampshire was heard before commission- ers appointed by the Crown. Many attempts had previously been made without success to settle it. New-Hampshire took its name from grants made by the council of Plymouth to Capt. John JMason. Of these there had been four or five, all containing more or less of the same lands. Exceptions be- ing taken to all of them, the controversy had turn- ed upon the construction of the Massachusetts charters. At a hearing before the king in council, in 1677, the agents of Massachusetts, by advice, disclaimed jurisdiction beyond the three miles north of Merrimack river specified in the original charter — and it was determined they had right as far as the river extended ; but how far it did ex- tend was not expressly mentioned. It seems, how- ever, not to have been doubted — and soon after the government was transferred from Old England to New, it was known by the name of Merrimack as At the meeting March 11, 1734, the necessary town officers were chosen, and some highway regulations adopted. The premiums on wolves and rattlesnakes were continued. 1735. At a meeting of the " inhabitants and freeholders of the town of Rumford on the 19th of May, 1735, it was put to vote by the moderator, whether they would choose a representative or not, and it passed in the negative." Benjamin Rolfe, Esq. was constituted attorney in behalf of the town to sue the treasurer, John Chandler, for monies not paid over to the town. At the next meeting, holden on the 22d Sept. of the same year, " about j£62 were raised for schooling and build- ing part of a bridge over Soucook river," and defraying other expences of the town. A committee was empowered to hire a school-master for four months "the next winter and spring." A meeting was called on the 10th of December of this year, and a committee ap« pointed to superintend the building of the bridge over the Souco'-,k, and see that the work was " done v/ell and faithfully." At the annual meeting hoiden March 9, this year, £50 v/ere granted Rev. Mr. Walker " to enable him to clear a pasture and to bring it to English grass," 30Z. of which was to be paid in 1736, and the re- mainmg 201. in 1737. 10*. bounty on wolves and the same sum on rattlesnakes, coniinued. Henry Rolfe, E'^q. was " chosen and desired to assist and join with others that are ur may hz chosen for to use proper means for to get the county of Essex divided into two counties." The seats in the meeting-house were erdered to !)£ repaired, a door made for the pulpit, and the windows put up. 18 ANNALS OF CONCORD. far as Penacook. If the original charter of Mas- sachusetts had continued, it is not probable any dif- ferent construction Avould ever have been started. But in the new charter, the boundary was different- ly expressed, and a construction was given which made the line to commence 3 miles north of the mouth of the Merrimack, and run west to the South sea, or the other possessions of the King. About this time, the government of Massachu- setts made grants of several towns between Merri- mack and Connecticut rivers — amongst the rest, Penacook, &c. And the government of New- Hampshire supposed that Massachusetts was taking this step in order to strengthen their title by pos- session. After some delay, commissioners were appointed to settle the line, and met at Hampton, N. H. on the 1st of August, 1737. Mr. Livingston of New-York, presided. After many weeks spent in hearing parties and evidence, and having doubts whether the Massachusetts new charter compre- hended the whole of the old colony, they made a decree, with contingencies, subject to the determi- nation of the King. The agents of both govern- ments were active at the British court — and a pa- tient hearing was had, though the judgment of the commissioners was for some reason entirely laid aside. It was determined there that the northern boundaries of Massachusetts should be a line three miles from the river as far as Pawtucket falls, thence west to the New-York line.* 1736. At the annual meeting in March, the usual husiness was transacted, and some improvements in highwaj'S, &c. agreed upon. There was also a meet- ing holden May 18th, same year, called for the purpose of choosing a " person to represent them at the Great and General Court to be held at the town house in Boston," on the-SGth next then following; but the people declined electing. 1737. It appears by warrants recorded that a town meeting was holden in March of 1737, but its proceedings are not on record. At the meeting holden May 16th following, the town again declined sending a representative to the General Court- It does not appear that any other business was transacted. » Hutch. Mass. vol. ii. p. 342—35©. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 1^ The inhabitants at a meeting in 1739, ordered a garrison to be built around Rev. Timothy Walker's dwelling-house. £5 were also granted Mr. Bara- chias Farnum, tq enable liim to build a Hanker in order to defend his mills, on condition that he should garrison his own dwelling-house. Their ap- prehensions were now increasing of an attack from the Indians, who inhabited the wilds on the north and west, especially as strong parties of them had visited different places within a few days march, and some offences had been committed. No disas- ters, however, happened to the inhabitants of Rum- ford until the fatal attack in 1746. On the 11th of June, 1740, in pursuance of a precept from the Government of Massachusetts, the first representative from the town of Rumford {Benjamin Rolfe, Esq.) was elected. His instruc- tions were to prefer a petition to his Majesty that the inhabitants " may be quieted in their posses- " sions, and remain under the jurisdiction of the " Massachusetts Bay; also to petition the General " Court to use their influence with his Majesty in " in that behalf." At a meeting in September, " the " town being informed that by the determination of " his Majesty in Council respecting the controvert- " ed bounds between the province of Massachusetts 1738. The annual meeting for 1738 was on the 29th March. Galleries to the meet- ing-house were ordered to he huilt, and otlier repairs to be made; also the burying ground to be fenced. Tlie town again, at their meeting 24th May this year, refused sending a representative. 1739. At the meeting in March, it was voted that a school be kept within this town from the 20th Oct. till 20th of April 1740. A meeting was holden Nov. 7th this year; when it was voted that there should he " a good and sufficient garri- son built around the Rev, Mr. Timothy Walker's dwelling house as soon as may be con"eniently, at the town's cost." 51. were also granted to Mr. Barachias Far- num to enable him to build a flanker in order to defend his mills, provided the said Farnum shall give security to the town that in case he shall not keep a garrison at his dwelling house, t!ie town shall have liberty to take said flanker and convert it to their own use." Another meeting was holden on the 23th Dec. of this year, and a committee appointed to inform of all breaches and prosecute for viola- tions of tiie aot for the preservation of Deer, &:c. 20 ANNALS OP CONCORD. " Bay and New-Hampshire, they were excluded " from the former province, to which they always " svipposed themselves to belong — voted unani- " raously, to prefer a petition to the King's most " excellent Majesty, setting forth their distressed " estate, and praying to be annexed to the said " Massachusetts province." By an act of tlie General Assembly of New- Hampshire, passed March 18, 1741-2, Rumford was made a distinct parish or district, and authori- zed for six years to exercise certain necessary cor- porate privileges. The first school-house in this town was erected in 1742. About this time, the wife of Mr. Jonathan Eastman was taken prisoner by a party of Indians, and carried to Canada. She was soon after redeem- ed by her husband, and returned to her family. The opening of the French war in 1744, caused a general anxiety throughout the colonies, and par- ticularly on the frontiers most exposed to Indian depredations. Gov. Wentworth, in his message to the General Assembly in May of this year, exhorts them " to consider with great tenderness the dis- " tress the inhabitants on the frontiers are in at " this juncture, and to make their unhappy situation " their own : to consider them as every day expos- " ed to a surprize from the enemy," and that if provisions for their safety were neglected, they would " become an easy prey to a cruel and bar- " barous enemy." Measures were accordingly 1742. The annual meeting this year was on the 31st March. Messrs. Edward Ab- bot, John Merrill and Natlianiel Abbot were directed " to take care and build a school-house for this town, as they shall in their best judgment think best — the said Iiouse to be built between the widow Barker's barn and the brook by the clay- pits." 1744. On the 23th Marc'h, the meeting for choice of officers, &c. was holden this year. 20*. O. T. for each wolf, and 2.i. O. T. for each rattlesnake were voted to be allowed for this year. A vots passed granting liberty for such persons as chose to hire a mistress to nse the school-house^ until the town had occasion therefor. On the 21st Jan. B. Rolfe was elected to represent the distiict of Rumford in the Gem- Assembly at Portsmouth. ANNALS OF CONCORl). 2l taken for the safety of those towns most exposed, and small detachments were ordered to the aid of the settlements at Canterbury and Contoocook, (now Boscawen.) The inhabitants of Rumford were as yet without military succour, and they empowered Benjamin Rolfe to petition the legislature of New- Hampshire " for such a mmiber of soldiers as " might be sufficient with the divine blessing to de- ^' fend them against aU attempts of their enemies." His petition* was presented in June, of that year, but no detachment was ordered out. In December, the inhabitants again authorized Mr. Rolfe to peti- tion the General Assembly of this province for aid ; and also " to represent to his Excellency the Gov- " ernor and General Court of the province of the " Massachusetts Ba} , their deplorable circumstan- " ces, being exposed to imminent danger both from *' the French and Indian enemy, and to request of " them such aids as to their great wisdom should " seem meet, and which might be sufficient to ena- " ble them with a divine blessing vigorously to re- " pel all attempts of their enemies." Like peti- tions were also presented in 1745, and a detach- ment of men was stationed here from Billerica, for a few weeks, by direction of the government of Massachusetts. On Friday, the 7th of August, 1746, a party of In dians from Canada, to the number of about one hund- red, came into this town, and meditated the destruc- tion of the place on the Sabbath following. The in- habitants had for some time previous Ix^en expect- ing an attack, and had made an earnest application 1746. A meeting of the citizens was called on the ninth of February ; and Cap- tain Ebenezer Eastman and Mr. Henry Lovejoy were appointed a committee to " represent the difficult circumstances of the inhabitants of Rumford to the great and general couit at Portsmouth, respecting the danger we are exposed to both from the French and Indian euemy, and request of them such aid and proiection as they in their great wisdom shall tliink meet." See Appendix No. III. 2^ ANNALS OF COx\CORD. to the Governor for mililary aid — and fortunately Capt. Daniel Ladd, with a company of forty men from Exeter, arrived in town the same day. There had previously been a company stationed here from Billerica, for a short time, and also one from Ando- ver. The inhabitants were aware that a considera- ble body of Indians was in the vicinit}-, but had as yet discovered but few, who were out on scouts. The Indians themselves, hearing of Capt. Ladd's approach, determined to lie concealed until Sunday fsjlowing, when they intended to massacre the peo- ple assembled in the meeting-house. But the peo- ple on Sunday went armed to their devotions, and placed sentinels in different quarters to look out for the approach of the Indians, who had the night previous secreted themselves in the bushes adjacent to the meeting-house, which stood nearly on the spot now occupied by the dAvelling of Mr. John West. One party of them was concealed in a thicket of alders,then growing where Dr. Green's house noAv stands, and another was hid in the bush- es on the north, between the meeting-holise and Mr. Emery's, near the prison. Some few of them were seen by a little girl during the exercises, but she did not make known the discovery until the meeting closed, when the people marched out in a body ; and the Indians observing their arms, con- cluded to abandon the attack. They then retired 1747. April 2. Capt. Eastman, from Penacook, came into the house, and mo- ved that the house would consider their circumstances at Penacook, with regard to the enemj', and would grant them men to help them. — Assembly Records. ipril 3. Voted, that there be allowed to John Osgood 12s. Gd. for expense for coffins, &;c. for the men killed at Kumford last year.— 76irf. Voted, that his Excellency the Capt. General he desired to give orders for enlisting or impressing 144 good effective men, to he employed under proper offi- cers in defending the frontiers, guarding the people at work, and scouting, to be posted as follows, viz.. 30 at Rochester, 6 at Barrington, 10 at r^'oUingham, 20 at Canterbury. 20 at Contoocook, 24 at Penacook, fyc— lb. i^fov. 12. Phineas Stevens, Ebcnezer Eastman and Jeremiah Clough, in be- half of the inhabitants of Contoocook. Rumford and Canterbury, petitioned for aid agaii-st expected attacks from the Indians. JV'bt), 13, orders were issued for enlisting 15 soldiers, five for each of said places.— Ih. ANNALS OF CONCOllD. 23 to the woods on the west towards Hopkinton, with the desicrn to intercept Capt. Ladd and his men, who they supposed were to pass that way on the following morning. . On Monday morning, the 11th, seven ot the m- habitants sat out for Hopkinton, two on horses, and the others on foot, all armed. They marched on leisurely, and Obadiah Peters, having proceeded some distance forward of the others into a hollow, about one mile and a half from the street, sat down his gun and waited the approach of his friends. The Indians, thinking themselves discovered, rose from their hiding-places, fired and killed Peters on the spot. At this moment, Jonathan Bradley and the rest of his party had gained the summit of the hill. Bradley was deceived in the number of the enemy, supposing the few whom he saw near Pe- ters to compose the whole party. He ordered his men to fire, and they rushed down among them. The whole body of Indians instantly arose, being about 100 in number. Bradley now urged his men to iiy for safety ; but it was too late — the w ork of destruction had commenced. Samuel Bradley was shot through the body — stripped of his clothing and scalped. To Jonathan, they offered " good quarter," having been acquainted w^ith him ; but he refused their protection, his heroic spirit thirst- ing to avenge the death of his comrades. He fought with his gun against the cloud ot enemies, until they struck him on his face repeatedly with their knives and tomahawks, and literally hewed him down. They then pierced his body, took off his scalp and clothes. Two others, John Bean and John Lnfkin, attempting to fly, were killed by the same fire with Samuel Bradley. Alexander Rob- erts and William Stickiiey fortunately escaped death, but were made prisoners and taken to Can- ada. Immediately after the melancholy affair took place, an alarm was given from Walker's garrison to the people on the interval, and elsewhere, at ^ ANNALS OF CONCORD. some little distance. They soon assembled and consulted on measures of safety. The soldiers sta- tioned at the garrison, and several of the inhabi- tants then repaired to the scene of slaughter. As they approached, the Indians were seen upon the retreat. The bodies were brought away in a cart, and Avere interred in the church-yard on the follow- ing day.* The number killed of the Indians was unknown to the inhabitants until some time after, when the information was obtained from Robert::,; who had made his escape from captivity. He stat- ed that four were killed, and several wounded, two mortally, who were conveyed away upon litters, and soon after died. Two they buried under a large hemlock tree in the Great Swamp, about half a mile south of the scene of slaughter. The other two were buried at some distance from them, near Tur- key river. Roberts found the two bodies under the log after his return from captivity. The head of one was taken away, it was supposed by wild beasts. For the skull of the other, a bounty w^as paid by the government. Stickney^ after about one year's detention in Can- ada, found means to escape with a friendly Indian, and proceeded on his way home to w ithin about one day's journey of the white settlements, when they fell short of provisions. The Indian directed Stick- ney to light a fire and encamp, while he would go in quest of game. After Stickney had prepared his camp, he went out to hunt, and in attempting to cross a river on a log, fell in and was drowned.t Jonathan Bradley was an officer in Capt. Ladd's compan} , from Exeter, and stationed here for the defence of the inhabitants. He was about thirty vears of age when killed ; and was the elder broth- * Mr. Reuben Abbot, lately deceased at the age of 100 years, was fixed upon by tlie inhabitants to bring away the bodies of his slaiiffhteied townsmen. He pro- cured an ox-cart at Eastman's fort, and brouglit away their bodies under tlir guard of the soldiers and inhabitants. The writer was indebted to tliis venerable old man for the particulars of the massacre. t Tradition. ANNALS OF CONCORI). 25 er of Samuel Bradley. He was a man of iimch coolness and decision; and his vigorous defence a2;ainst the overwhelming force Avhich crushed him to the earth, is sufficient proof of his determined braver}. Samuel Bradley was a citizen of this town, and the father of the Hon. John Bradley, who died in 1815. He was a most amiable and promising young man ; and his wife, who afterwards married with "Richard Calfe, of Chester, and survived both, in the latter years of her life, used to speak with great affection of the husband of her youth, and of his tragical end. She died Aug. 10, 1817, aged 98 years. Obadiah Peters^ of Riunford, was probably a son of Seaborn Peters, who lived in J. Eastman's fort. It appears that at the time of his death he belong- ed to a company under the command of Capt. Na- thaniel Abbot. He had been out in the expedition against Cape Breton, in 1 745, in the company com- manded by Capt. Eastman. John Bean was from Brentwood, and Liifkin from Kingston. The initials of those who fell were soon after marked on a large tree, standing near the fatal spot, which stood the only monument of the sanguinary conflict, until within a few years, some person cut it down. It is, however, pleasing to learn that the descendants of Samuel Bradley are about to erect a durable monument over the spot where their worthy ancestor was killed. The Indians continued in the neighborhood, in small parties, and on the 10th of November follow- ing, killed a Mr. Estabrooks, on the road between the street and the place of the former massacre. Early in February, 1747, the inhabitants empow- ered John Webster to apply to the Ceneral Assem- bly for military assistance. In his ])etition, he states that there were upwards of eighty families then residing in Rumford, and that they raised aii- 26 AiWALS OF CONCOllD. nualiy four times as much provision as was requi- site for tlieir own support. Having some reason to apprehend an attack from the Indians in considera- ble force, a petition was preferred to the Governor in June, stating that traces of the enemy had been discovered by the scouts ; that guns had been heard atlvumford and Contoocookat different times; that from the situation of the inhabitants they were ex- posed to attacks from the enemy, the experience of the whole war having taught them, "that whenever any smart attack was made upon the settlements on Connecticut river, the enemy had never failed of sending a considerable number to visit their river,'" the Merrimack. The inhabitants at some seasons could work together in bodies, so as not to be so greatly exposed, but haying and harvesting now commencing, it was "impracticable without vast detriment to the whole, and utter ruin to some." A guard of twenty-four men was stationed here from the middle of March to the beginning of Ma}- -. and subsequently, by order of the Governor, thirty soldiers were detached for the assistance of the inhabitants, who remained with them until they had secured their crops. October 23d, Dr. Ezra Carter, in behalf of the inhabitants of Rumford, represented by petition to the General Court, that they were " destitute of soldiers, and very much exposed both to the French and Indian enemy, and daily expect, by the experi- ence of the last year, invasions by them, by reason of their killing one man on the 10th of November last, and on the 19tli of said November, they were discovered by their tracks in a small snow, and pray your honors to consider our dangerous circumstan- ces, and grant us such protection as you in your great wisdom shall think meet." In November, another guard of five men was ordered here, and similar assistance was afforded the inhabitants of Canterbury and Contoocook. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 27 111 the fall of 1747, a large party of Indians ajvain made their appearance in the south-west part of the town, and for several weeks continued rang- ing about the woods, and destroying the cattle, ho'rses, &c. of the inhabitants. Jeremiah Bradley had a fine field for fall grazing, and into this many of the citizens had turned their slieep and neat cat- tle. The reports from tlie guns of the Indians were frequently heard, and numbers of cattle were de- stroyed. ^ The inhabitants at length rallied in a strong party armed, and proceeded cautiously in two divisions towards the enemy. In the woods near the field, one party foimd numerous packs, &c. belonging to the Indians, and concluded to await their approach in concealment. As they were ap- proaching, one of the men, through accident, or an eager desire to revenge his losses, fired his musket, and alarmed the wary Indians, who, observing the smoke of the gun, filed off in an opposite direction. The whole party then fired, but with little injury to their tawny adversaries. The body of an In- dian was, however, sometime aftervrards found se- creted in a hollow log, into which, it was supposed, having been wounded by the fire of the party, he had crawled, and expired. In August of this year died Capt. Ebenezer Eastman, one of the wealthiest and most active of the early settlers. He was born at Haverhill, Ms, in 1689. His father's house and buildings were de- stroyed, with several others, by the Indians in their memorable attack upon Haverhill, March 15, 1698.* Young Eastman, at the age of 18, joined the regi- ment of Col. Wainwright in the expedition against Port Royal. In 1711, when the British fieet under Admiral Walker arrived in Boston heft-bor, the land forces were organizing with great despatch. East- man now had the command of a company of sol- * There is a tiadition 'n the family, that sometime previous to this. Eastman's father and a Mr. Abbot, from An'lover. were iT.ade captives by a party of the Pen- acnok Indians, and were carried to what was afterwards called Scwali's island ir the river in this town. No partirulars can lie collected. 2i3 Al!.'NALS OF CONCORD. diers, and embarked in one of the transports. The fleet scon sailed up the St. Lawrence, and met with no accident "until they got up off the Virgin *' Mountains ; the weather then proving fosjgy, "" and the wind freshening, the Admiral asked the " pilots what was best to do } who advised that as " the fleet was on the north shore, it would be best " to bring to, Avith their heads to the southward."* The Admiral obstinately refused : and the awful consequence was the destruction of nine ships, the loss of many lives, and the total failure of the ex- pedition, wliich was designed for the conquest of Canada. The part which Capt. Eastman acted on this occasion, though noticed by none of the his- torians, is tluis related b}^ his grandson,! now living. The pilots, who were perfectly aware of their per- il, being well acquainted with the river, could not but be panic-struck at the orders of the admiral, which the captains of the transports seemed bent to follow. Eastman, whose company was on board one of them, represented to the captain their im- minent peril, and beseeched him to " haul to wind- ward, that they might escape the breakers." The captain was a true loyalist^ and exclaimed " he would follow his commodore, if he went to h — 11." Eastman then stated the circumstances to his men, and informed them that if they would support him, he would assume the control of the vessel, and at- tempt to shun the rocks. This he accordingly did, by ordering the captain to his cabin, and the helms- man to alter his course. They escaped wreck, and when the following morning exhibited to the eyes of the astonished crew, the bodies of the dead and wrecks of the vessels which covered the St. Law- rence, the humbled captain, on his knees, acknowl- edged his deliverer, and desired his friendship. In the morning, Capt. Eastman appeared before the Admiral who abruptly asked — " Capt Eastman, * Penhallovv. f Jonathan Eastman, Esq. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 29 where were you, when the fleet was cast away ?" " I was following my commodore," replied he. " Following your Commodore ! (said the Admiral in surprise.) .... You d d Yankees, are a pack of praying devils ; you have saved your own lives, and prayed my men all to h — 11." Capt. Eastman soon after his return entered with zeal into the sub- ject of a new settlement at Penacook. And during his life, was a persevering, influential and useful citizen. He was at the reduction of Louisbourg in 1745, and held a commission in the New-Hamp- shire forces, under the intrepid Vaughan. He died soon after his return, in his house on the east side of the river, which was then fortified against the attacks of the Indians. From this period, it is not known that any seri- ous mischiefs were committed by the Indians against the inhabitants of Rumford, although they occasionally suffered some losses in cattle and other property, which the savages chanced to meet with, while ranging through the woods and about the farms of the settlers. They were indeed in constant alarm, and for several years continued their addresses to government for the means of de- fence. The petition of Dr. Ezra Carter and anoth- er, in 1756, states, that "they had been subjected to great loss of time, for several years past by dis- turbances from the Indians, and particularly for the two last years past, about one fourth of the inhabi- tants had been driven from their settlements dur- ing the busy season of the year, and the whole obli- ged to divert their attention from husbandry to re- pair their garrisons, and provide for the safety of their families." 1748. Capt. John Chandler was elected representative of the town of Rumford to the General Assembly.on the 2d January. In March, th« lines of the town were. perambulated and marked. 5 30 ANNALS Op CONCORD. In January, 1749, Benjamin Rolfe, in behalf of the inhabitants of Rumford, preferred a petition to the Governor and Council for an act of incorpora- tion.* The proprietors of Bow remonstrated against the measure, and their influence prevailed. A petition for the same purpose was also presen- ted July 14th, 1756, by Ezra Carter, in behalf of the citizens. An act was framed, and after being read in the house of Assembly, was, through the influence of members interested in the Bow lands, rejected. On the 28th of April, 1752, Amos Eastman of this town, in company with John and William Stark of Dunbarton, and David Stinson of Londonderry, being on a hunting expedition near Baker's river in Rumney, were surprized by a party of Indians, ten in number, of the St. Francis tribe. Eastman and John Stark were made prisoners ; Stinson and William Stark, attempting to escape, were fired upon. Stinson fell, was dispatched, scalped, and stripped of his wearing apparel. His comrade succeeded in escaping. John Stark and Eastman were carried prisoners to Canada, and sold to the French. They remained in captivity about three months, were redeemed, and returned home. The Indians now exhibited signs of hostility at Can- terbury. Rev. Mr. Walker went up to confer with them, and a chief returned with him to Rumford.t A short time after, two persons were taken away from Canterbury by the Indians. * See Appendix, No. IV. f Rev. Mr. Walker, who was beloved by all his parishioners, was also esteemed by the Indians, and when not in open war, they used to visit iiis house, where they were altvays well treated. At one time, they came to his liouse, complaining In angry terms that the white people possessed their lands unju.stly. Mr. W. infor- niod them that they were purchased of their chiefs, and that the deed, signed by them, was to be seen in Boston. He finally advised them to go and see it. To tliis thev assented ; and on their return, called and took some refreshments, and said tliat tliey liad seen the paper, and were perfectly salistied. This deed is the faninns instrument of Wlieelwrigbt, now generally lielii-vrd to be a forgery. Af- ter the peace, a number of warriors encamped near the minister's heiuse. Mr. W. was absent, and his wife was imder great apprehensions of iniury. The Indians perceived this, and said to each other, " minister's wife afraid. ' Upon this.one de- livered her all the guns, and said they would call for them the next day. This they did, and were to her kind and affable. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 31 From 1749 to 1766, the year after the incorpo- ration of the town by the name of Concord^ there are no records of the proceedings of the town or its officers. The town, in fact, existed only as a parish of Boio. About this time commenced the perplexing controversy between the proprietors of Bow and the inhabitants of Rumford. It is per- haps well known, that by the construction of the charter of Massachusetts, by King Charles II. in 1677, the jurisdiction of that state extended for three miles to the north of Merrimack river. The government of Massachusetts, in 1725, granted to sundry petitioners the township, afterwards called Rumford ; and in 1728, made the grant of Suncook, now Pembroke, to the forty-seven soldiers, or their legal representatives, who were engaged with the celebrated Lovewell against the Indians at Pe- quackett. These two grants comprised about thir- teen square miles, all lying within the supposed limits of Massachusetts. At the time of survey- ing and laying out the lands at Penacook, it ap- pears that a committee was empowered by the gov- ernment of New-Hampshire, to proceed to Pena- cook, and request the surveyors to desist fromlayin^ out the lands, as they were claimed by that gov- ernment. They, however, proceeded Co execute the business of their commission, a-nd the plantation settled with much rapidity. In May, 1727, two years after the ^rant by Massachusetts, the govern- ment of New-Hampshire granted to Jonathan Wiggins and others, a tract of eighty-one square miles, which included more than tAVO thirds of berth Rumford and Suncook. No settlements were made, however, by the proprietors of Bow, nor did any difficulties arise in consequence of the con- flicting grants, for about twenty years, during Tvhich time Rumford and Suncook had each set- tled a minister of the gospel, and converted the wilderness into fruitful fields. 32 ANNALS OF CONCORD. Meantime the controversy between this state and Massachusetts, res}3ecting the boundary line, had been carried before the King, and upon report of coaimissioners appointed to mark out the dividing hne, he decided in 1740, that the northern bounda- ry of Massachusetts should be a curve line pursu- ing the course of the Merrimack river, at three miles distance on the north, beginning on the At- lantic ocean, and ending at a point due north of Pawtucket falls ; thence due west to his Majesty's other possessions. By this determination, all the settlements on the river above Pawtucket falls, fell under the jurisdiction of New-Hampshire. There was an express declaration, however, in the decis- ion of the King, that private property should be respected. The inhabitants of Rumford, immedi- ately after learning the determination of the King, petitioned to be restored to the province of Massa- chusetts ; but were unsuccessful. In 1750, the proprietors of Bow commenced numerous suits for the ejectment of the settlers living within the lim- its of their grant. The course which they pursued was extremely vexatious and calculated to prolong the dispute, if not utterly to ruin many of the set- tlers, who hud made great and expensive improve- ments on the lands. Every action was commenced for so small a parcel of land, that, by a law of the province, there could be no appeal^ home.* — The courts and juries wore interested in the lands, or prejudiced against the settler* -, and justice could hardly be expected to result undf^r such circum- stances. The actions were continued to successive * " But your petitioners' greatest mistnrtune is, that they rannot Vave a fair, im- partial trial, for that tlie Govenioi and most of the Council are pvoprievors of Bo%v, and by them not only the judf^es are appointed, but also the officers thai-mpannel the jurors ; and tlie people are also generally disaffected to your petilionert'on ac- eount of their deiivii'^ tlieir title fiom the Massachusetts. And all the actions-Jiat have hitherto heen broutrhi are of so small value, and, as your petitioners apprt. hend, designedly so, that by a law of the province there can be no appeal from the judgments of the courts to your Majesty in Council ; and if it were otherwise, the charges that would attend such appeals would be greater than the value oi the laud, or than the party defending hi«tnle would be able to pay." — Petition, of Rev Mr. H'^alker and Benjamin Rolfe, Esq. to the King. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 33' terms, but decided by both inferior and superior Courts in favour of the plaintiffs. The defendants, and also the inhabitants generally of botli Rumford and Suncook, now petitioned to the King for an im- partial trial, and commissioned Rev. Mr. Walker to proceed to.England and lay all the circumstances before his Majesty, empowering him to defend the suits at the Court of St. James. In 1753, upon the petition of the inhabitants of Rumford, the General Court of Massachusetts gran- ted £100 sterling, towctrds the expense of defend- ing the suits brought against them by the proprie- tors of Bow. The Massachusetts agent, Mr. Bol- lan, was instructed to use his endeavors to obtain such determination of his Majesty .in Council, as should quiet the grantees of lands from that prov- ince in their possessions. Mr. Walker went to England in 1753, and again a short time after, and succeeded in obtaining a trial on appeal before a committee of the Lords of the Council. Sir William Murray, afterwards Lord Chief-Justice Mansfield, was his counsellor and advocate, with whom he formed a particular acquaintance. After a patient hearing of all the parties concerned, the commit- tee of the Council reported, that the judgments of the courts of New-Hampshire in the case should be reversed, and the appellants be restored to " what they had lost by means of said judgments." This was approved by his Majesty in Council on the 29th December, 1762.* Thus ended the disagreeable controversy with the proprietors of Bow, during the continuance of which, the inhabitants of Rumford had been with- out town privileges or government, and were ha r- rassed with numerous vexatious suits, and sul>jec- ted to the expense of attending almost every term of the courts, then exclusively holden at Ports- mouth. * See Appendix, No. V, 34 ANNALS OF CONCORD. On the 17th June, 1765, the government of this State granted the charter of the town of Concord, comj3rising " a part of the town of Bow, and some lands adjoining thereto." The bounds, as descri- bed in the charter, began " at the mouth of Contoo- cook river, which is the S. E. corner of Boscawen ; thence S. 73° W. by said Boscawen 4 miles ; thence S. 17° E. 7 miles 100 rods; thence N. 73° E. 4 miles to Merrimack river, there crossing the river and still continuing the same course to Soucook river; then beginning again at the mouth of Con- toocook river aforesaid, from thence running N. 73° E. 606 rods from the easterly bank of Merrimack river, or till it shall come to the S. W. line of Canterbury ; thence S. E. on said line 2 miles 80 rods ; thence S. 17 E. to Soucook river aforesaid ; thence down said river, till it comes to where the line from Merrimack river strikes the Soucook riv- er." By the provisions of the act, the first meeting was to be holden on the 3d Tuesday of August, 1765, and Samuel Emerson, Esq. was authorized to call the first town meeting ; but in consequence of his neglect, no meeting was notified ; and a special resolve was passed by the Legislature on the 27th November, of the same year, for calling a meeting for the choice of town officers, &c. on the third Tuesday of January, 1766. 1766. — At the first legal meeting of the inhabi- tants of Concord^ Lt. Richard Hazeltine, who died in 1818, was moderator; Peter Coffin was appoint- ed clerk, and Joseph Farnum, Lot Coib}^ and John Chandler, jun. selectmen. The meeting for the choice of officers for the year ensuing was holden March 4th. On the 25th, another town meeting was holden, and measures taken to provide schools in the different sections of the town — there having previously been but one school in town. Every man was taxed " five days' work on the highways and pound this year." ^ ANNALS OF CONCORD. 35 Br. Ezra Carter died Sept. 17, 1767, at the age of 48. He was a native of South-Hampton, in this state ; studied physic with Dr. Ordway of Salisbu- ry, Mass. and settled in jthis place about 1740. He was a good scholar, though not liberally educated — a skilful practitioner, and a man universally be- loved. Soon after his removal here, he was hon- ored by the inhabitants with civil trusts, which he executed with zealous fidelity. It is to be regret- ted that of Dr. Carter, as well as of others who lived at a later day, so few particulars can be col- lected. Enough, however, is known to warrant the assertion that few men excelled him in a benevo= lent spirit and good humored exertions to promote the peace and welfare of society. He was a man of wit and pleasantry, and when called to visit the sick and desponding, never failed to administer, with his remedies for the body, a cordial to the mind. Dr. Carter, though frequently menaced by the In- dians, never suffered from their attacks. About the time of the Bradley massacre, he had gathered into winrows his hay then cut, on the plat of ground extending on the west of the street, near the site of the Capitol. During the night, several Indians secreted themselves in the hay, intending to surprise the Doctor on the following morning. Providentially, a storm of rain commenced early in the morning and continued for several days with little abatement, during which the Indians retired. After peace was restored, the Indians informed the doctor of their meditated attack, and that conceiv- ing the Great Spirit to have sent the rain for his shelter, they dared not remain. On the 10th of November, of the same year, (1746) a Mr. Esta- brooks came for the doctor to visit a patient. Through some difficulty in catching his horse, the doctor did not immediately follow Estabrooks. In a very short time, the alarm was given that Esta- brooks was killed, and a party proceeding on the road after him, found his body near the path. This 36 ANNALS OF CONCORD. was one of the last acts of Indian hostility in this section of the country. On a certain occasion, Dr. Carter was called to visit a sicic family in Bow. Add- ed to their other sorrows, poverty had thrown around them her tatters and ra2;s. Disease is ever loth to quit such company. The family were a long time sick — the doctor was their constant attendant — and on their recovery, the poor man felt new troubles coming upon him. " How, doctor," said the un- happy man, " am I to pay you, for all your kind- ness, your attention and medicine ? You see here a large family, destitute of every thing, save the bare necessaries of life." " I have been faithful to you," replied the doctor, " and am I not entitled to a re- ward ?" " You are, doctor, oh, you are !" said the trembling wife, " but do wait a little — we can't pay you now." " I can inform you, my good friends," said the inexorable physician, " that I am knowing to your having property enough to satisfy my de- mands — and moreover, that I shall have it before leaving the house." The poor family were thunder- struck — they knew that no friendly feelings subsist- ed between the proprietors of Rumford and Bow — but had always heard the doctor applauded as a man of benevolence and mercy. They knew not what to do. At this moment, away scampered a flock of kittens across the room, which the doctor fleeing, caught one of them and put it in his pocket. " I told you" I should have my pay, (said the doctor) — I have got it. — Good bye, and God bless you !" Many anecdotes of this kind are related of him ; and one of the last acts of his life, was equally no- ble. Just before his decease, he looked over his accounts, filled out receipts against all poor per- sons, who were indebted to him, with directions that his executors should deliver them to those con- cerned immediately after his death. This was ac- cordingly done. 1771. — On the 20th December, died Benjamin RoLFE, Esq. who was one of the early settlers, a man ANNALS OF CONCORD* !37 of talents and education, and for many years one of the principal citizens. He was for some time the only magistrate m town, and in all its public transactions, we find him conspicuous. Associa- ted with the Rev. Mr. Walker, whose eldest daughter he married, he assisted in managing the defence of the inhabitants against the vexatious proceedings of the proprietors of Bow. And in the various papers drawn up by him, and other me- morials he has left, are to be seen evidences of his care and ability. His widow subsequently married Benjamin Thompson, a school-master of this place, from Woburn, who was afterwards distinguished as Count Rumford. Lady Sarah Thompson died in Concord in 1792. Of her last husband, a more par- ticular notice will be given hereafter. 1772. — At the annual meeting, £60 were " raised for making and repairing highways." Hitherto no specific sum had been appropriated, but the inhab- itants devoted each year a certain number of days to that purpose. April 7, the parish voted to give $500 for the meeting-house, then the property of individuals ; and raised $50 in addition, " to be given the proprietors of the meeting-house, in or- der to complete the bargain." Messrs. John Kim- ball, Thomas Stickney and John Bradley were au- thorized to provide materials and superintend the repairs of the house. 1773.— At the annual March meeting, A. M'Mil- len, Esq. was authorized to present a petition to the General Court, requesting " that the parish of Concord may be annexed to the county of Hillsbo- rough, provided that there might be an inferior and superior court held annually in said parish." 1772. A meeting was holden tiie 7th of December this year, and Andrew M*^ Millen, Esq. empowered " to petition the Hon. Gen. Court of the prorince (in be- half of the town) for the privilege of laying out roads, as other towns have, and also that the boundaries of Concord might be as extensive as the township ef Rvmford formerly was." 6 38 ANNALS OF CONCORD. 1774. — The General Court of Massachusetts, in consideration of the difficulties and embarrass- ments which the grantees of Rumford had sustain- ed from the suits of the proprietors of Bow, orant- ed them a township in Maine, which was also cal- led Rumford, and was settled by inhabitants from this town. 1775. — The commencement of this year w^as a period of deep anxiety and gloom. The repeated acts of aggression, on the part of the mother coun- try, had driven the colonies into measures of re- sistance, bold and decisive. The people were al- most universally inspired with the belief that a struggle must ensue, and the lovers of freedom were every where " sounding notes of prepara- tion." Every village, however remote from the probable scene of action, was filled with alarm, and groups of citizens were seen in almost every cor- ner, debating the cause of their country. The alarm of the battle at Lexington spread with ra- pidity throughout the country. Immediately on the reception of the news here, a company of 30 men, under the command of Capt. Chandler, volun- teered and repaired to Cambridge, where they re- mained a fortnight. Captains Abbot and Hutchins had now recruited companies for eight months' ser- vice and joined the American iorces. They were in the engagement at Bunker's Hill. One person, William Mitchell, from this tow^i, was killed ; and a young man of the name of Peter Kimball, wound- ed. A committee of the provincial congress, which met at Exeter in January, of this year, were direc- ted to address circulars to the several towns, to call another convention. The selectmen called a meet- ing of the inhabitants of Concord on the 1 1th of 1773. Lt. John Chandler was the first grand juror called from Concord, appoint- ed Feb. 23, 1773. 1774. At the March meeting, Peter Green, Esq. was directed to present a peti- tion to the General Court for leave to send a representative. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 39 iMay, and Timothy Walker, jim. was elected " to represent the inhabitants of Concord at the Gen- eral Convention of Deputies, from the several towns in tliis government, to be held at Exeter, the 17th of MajV' and fully empowered " to pursue such measures as may be judged most expedient to re- store the rights of the colonies" — to serve for six months. At the expiration of this period, he was again elected to serve for a year. The town at their meeting in December, " voted to pay Capt. A- biel Chandler and others, who went to Cambridge upon the alarm in April, at the same rates allowed other troops of the colony." There remained in almost every town some staunch friends of the government, who, viewing the attempt of the colonies to shake off their alle- giance as desperate and hopeless, preferred either to retire within the acknowledged protection of the King's troops, or to remain inactive and neu- tral. Benjamin Thompson had already adopted the former course ; and there were several others who remained in town. But neutrality is esteemed lit- tle better than treason in times like these. And to the moral habits of the people, much more thaji to their feelings, wounded as they were by any ap- parent treachery or neglect of duty, were the op- posers of the great cause indebted for their per- sonal safety. 1776. — Committees of safety were now appoint- ed in the several toAvns of the colony, whose instruc- tions were derived from the general committee ap- pointed by the provincial Congress. Their powers were extensive ; the trust one of great responsi- bility — and none but the firmest whigs were ap- pointed. Messrs. Philip Eastman, Thomas Stick- ney, Timothy Walker, jun. Joseph Hall, jun. and Richard Herbert, were appointed the committee of safety in Concord for this year. 1777. — Measures were this year taken for the remuneration of soldiers engaged iii the service of 40 ANNALS OF CONCORD. the country from this town ; and £460 were raised for the purpose. The sum of $ 100 was also ap- propriated for the use of the tow n, in the purchase of ammunition, &c. This year, several individuals, suspected of disaffection to the great cause of the countrj^, were arrested, and conveyed to Exeter, by a number of the citizens of this place. A short imprisonment, or the public denunciation of the people in town meeting, who declared them to be " enemies to their suffering country, and unworthy the countenance of its friends" — had the effect to subdue their I03 al spirit ; and when the almost certain prospect of success filled the hearts of the patriotic multitude with joy and gratitude, they too, could join in the general triumph. 1778. — At a town meeting in January, Col. Tho- mas Stickney w as instructed " to use his influence at the next session of the General Assembly, that a full and free representation of the people of this state be called as soon as conveniently may be, for the sole purpose of laying a permanent plan or sys- tem for the future government of this state." In 1779, a convention, called for that purpose, drew up a Plan of Government, and sent it forth among the people ; but so deficient were its gener- al provisions, that it was rejected. Another convention was soon called, which had nine sessions, and continued from June, 1781, to Oct. 1783. Their first plan of government was 1777. Commiltee of Safety.— Me.isxi. John Kimball, Thomas Stickuey, ReuLen Kimball, Benjamin Emery and Richaid Herbert. 1778. Col. Timothy Walker was elected a member of the convention whicli met at Concord this year. The convention met in the meeting- house. Meshech Weare was chairman. In December, Mr. Nathaniel Rolfe was chosen to repre- sent the parisli in the General Assembly to be holden at Exeter. 1779. The parish proposed to give up the pew ground to any number of persons who would finish the meeting house, and add a porch ; and the value of another porch ; and to be at the expence of building the steeple. July 19th, the town voted to raise £1124 3 0, in addition to what had already been raised, for defraying the parish expenses of that year. Sept. 6, the same year, the adjourned meeting voted to raise £500 more. The question was taken on the acceptance of the plan of government offered to the people, and there were 26 in favor, and 25 against it. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 41 printed and sent to every town ; and the inhabitants were requested to state their objections to any particular part. 1782.— At the tOAvn meeting in Concord, Jan. 21st, " it was put to vote to see if the parish would accept the plan of government, as it now stands, and there appeared 48 against said plan, and none for it. " Voted, to have a town representation. " Voted, to have a Governor at the head of the legislative body. " Voted, that the Governor shall not have a privy council. " Voted, that the people at large shall appoint their militia officers." A second plan was sent out by the convention assembled at Concord, which was most generally approved, but was not completed when the new^s of peace arrived. — The old form, having expired with the war, was revived for one year by the votes of the people in town-meetings. A meeting of the inhabitants of Concord was holden Nov. 29th, for the purpose of considering the second plan of goverament, proposed by the convention. A committee, consisting of Col. Tim- 1780. July. The town at a full meeting, voted to give the soldiers that had late- gaged to serve in the Continental Army, ten bushels of corn per month, or money equal thereto." In March, Col. Thomas Stickney was appointed agent to pe- tition the General Assembly, for the extension of the limits of the town, to the ancient boundaries of Rumford. Major Jonathan Hale, in Decefiiber, was instructed " ta join in calling a convention to settle a plan of government for this State." 1781. In the beginning of this year, the General Court having called for sixteen soldiers, Capt. Aaron Kinsman, Lieut. Ezra Carter, Lieut. Asa Kimball, and Ensign James Mitchel, were appointed a committee to procure them. They were enlist- ed principally in this town. Feb. 6th, the town "voted to raise 1000 Spanish milled dollars, in order to enable the parish to procuie the soldiers that are now called for to fill up the Continental army." The selectmen were authorized to lease all the interval lands, and the house lot belonging to the school right, for seven years. Timothy Walker was authorized to petition for a lottery ,to build a bridge over Merrimack river ; also to support the petition for extending the bounds of the town, 1782. At the annual meeting this year, the inhabitants voted $0 for every grown wolf, and ,f2,50 for every whelp ; 2s. per day were to be allowed for labor on highways. 42 ANKALS OF CO:\CORDi othy Walker, Col. Thomas Stickne} , Capl. Benja- min Emery, Capt. Reuben Kimball, Lt. John Brad- ley, Dr. Peter Green and Mr. Henry Martin, were appointed to take the subject into consideration, and report tliereon. At the next meeting, Dec. 16th, there were 52 voters present, all of wliom " voted to reject the new constitution, in its present form ;" but proposed the following amendments, viz : " that the Governor and Privy Council be left out, and that there be a President, a Legislative Council, and a House of Representatives ; and that the pov* ers which are vested in the Governor and Council be vested in the Council and House of Rep- resentatives." On the question of adopting the in- strument, with those amendments, there were 30 votes in the affirmative. On the 2d September, 1782, died the venerable Timothy Walker, the first minister, and one of the first settlers, of the town of Concord. He was born at Woburn, Mass. in 1706; and after having graduated at Harvard college, in 1725, he pursued the usual course of theological studies. On the 18th of Noveml^er, 1730, upon the unanimous invi- tation of the proprietors of the newly granted township of Penacook, he was ordained their pas- tor.* After his ordination, Mr. W. returned with the council, and soon came up with his wife, and other settlers, with four of their wives. These were the first women that came into the town, excepting two who passed the previous winter in the block-house, (itieeting-house.) Mr.W. erected his house on Horse- shoe pond \iv][\ but after the Indians became hos- tile, he removed his house into a fort which he erec- ted, and remained within its walls, with seven other families, until the wars, in which the Indians en- gaged, were ended. During this time, the house of worship stood without the walls of the garrison,. * See notice of Mr. Walker's settlement, p. 13. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 43 where the inhabitants attended armed and in com- panies. Many anecdotes are related of Mr. W. which prove him to have been a favorite with the Indians, who, even in times of danger and hostihties, were hospitably entertained within the walls of his fort. The merciless cruelties of the Indians, exercised most frequently upon the v/eak and defenceless, had created a sentiment of hostility against them, which now, as their extermination seemed rapidly approaching, rendered these little offices of friend- ship very delightful to them. An Indian never for- gets a benefit, and many of them regarded Mr. W. as a father and friend. The years of Mr. W. until the dispute between Bow, (or rather the government of New-Hamp- shire) and Concord, were passed in opening and improving his farm, and in the discharge of his parochial duties. At this time, he was chosen agent for the town to defend their law suits, and for this purpose made three voyages to England. Sir William Murray, afterwards Lord Mansfield, was his counsellor and advocate in the first cause. The last case detained him in England about two years. During this period, he had frequent interviews with Lord Mansfield at his Chambers, who the year be- fore, was his counsel, and the conversation was often relative to the affairs of America. Mr. Kilby, an eminent merchant of Boston, was at that time in London, and introduced Mr. W. to many of the Ministry. From the manner and spirit of their re- marks, when they spoke of America, he was con- vinced, and observed to the late Dr. Chaun- c€y, " that nothing but the absolute submission of the colonies would satisfy Britain, and that, in the end, we must have a war with Old England and a league with France." He was ever a firm advo- cate for the rights of the colonies, and at the com- mencement of hostilities in 1775, although far ad- vanced in years, he encouraged the people to be 44 ANNALS OF CONCORD. decided and persevering in their struggle for Inde- pendence. He was chosen by the town a dele- gate to the first Provincial Congress, and evinced great ardor in the American cause, and an un- shaken conviction of its justice and success. He did not live, however, to see the truth of his predic- tions, and the accomplishment of his most sanguine wishes. Mr. Walker's zeal in the cause of his country was firm and untiring. When Capt. Jonathan Eastman returned from Bennington, bringing the first intelligence of the victory, Mr. Walker came running out to meet him, eagerly inquiring " What news ? friend Eastman ! what news ?" The cap- tain related to him the joyful tidings ; and the good old patriot exclaimed, " Blessed be God ! the coun- try is saved — I can now die in peace !" In his ministry, BIr. Walker was extremely tol- erant. Firm in his own tenets ; yet to others of different persuasions, kind and charitable ; forcibly recommending to all, what he adopted himself, the Bible alone as the rule of their faith and practice. Under his ministry, for 52 years, the town was har- moniously united in one congregation, and he died universally lamented by a people, among whom he had lived in honor and usefulness. The constitution of 1783 was accepted by f^e people, and introduced at Concord, June 2d, 1784, by a religious solemnity. Until this period, the town had been styled and recognized in all its proceedings, as " the parish of Concord," being thus named, in the act of incor- poration. January 2d, this year, by an act of the legislature, " a gore of land lying at the north-east corner of Concord, consisting of about 1050 acres, in Loudon and Canterbury," was annexed to " the town of Concord." 1783. Labor on the highway, 45. per diem. At a meeting Sept. 29, tliis year, " voted to receive the Constitution of Government as alwrcd in Juae last. Yeas 20. Nays 10. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 4^ 1785. — The main-street was laid out by a com- mittee, consisting of Messrs. Benjamin Emery, Joseph Hall, John Bradley, Reuben Kimball and Joseph Farnum. 1786. — Though the State had now recovered from the anxieties and dangers of a revolution, a spirit of disquietude still existed among the peo- ple. The large debt occasioned by the war threw heavy burthens upon them, and the constant de- preciation of the currency, aided by its frequent is- sue, caused loud complaints. The call for a new emission of paper was incessant and clamorous. In almost every town, meetings were holden and the subject debated with warmth. The citizens of Concord, however, in town meeting, voted, " that it was inexpedient for this state to make paper money on any plan whatever." Those who were zealous for paper currency, and against the laws which obliged them to pay their debts, now became clam- orous against the cc ^s and lawyers : they held them up as public nuisances, and wished to abolish the one, that they might impose a sufficient check upon the exactions of the other. An attempt was made to call a convention at Concord, during the session of the legislature, who should petition the government in favor of the plan. It was thought that the presence of a large body of men, convened under such circumstances, would have great w eight. The attempt was defeated in a manner singular aad ludicrous. At the first sitting of the assembly in June, when only five members of the proposed convention were in town, some wags, among whom were several young lawyers, pretended to have been chosen by the towns in which they lived for the same purpose. In conference with the five, they penetrated their views,and persuaded them to post an advertisement, requesting all the members who were in town to assemble immediately, it being of the utmost im- 7 46 AKNALS OF CONCORD. portance to present their petition as early in the session as possible. By this mean, sixteen pretend- ed members, witli five real ones, formed themselves into a convention, choosing one of the five their president, and one of the sixteen their clerk. They carried on their debates and passed votes with mnch apparent solemnity. Having framed a petition, complaining in the most extravagant terms of their grievances ; praying for a loan of three millions of dollars, funded on real estate ; for the abolition of inferior courts, and a reduction of the number of laivyers to only two in each county ; and for a free trade with all the world ; they went in procession to the Assembly, (some of whom had been previ- ously let into the secret) and with great formality presented their petition, which was suffered to lie on the table. The convention then dissolved — the petition was withdrawn — and when others, who had been I'eally chosen by tl^ towns, arrived, they were exceedingly mortified on finding their views for that time so completely frustrated. The pro- ceedings of this mock convention were, for a long time, subjects of sport and ridicule. The public excitement, however, did not stop here. County conventions were called — petitions presented to the legislature — and the ferment at last subsided in the arrest and punishment of the rioters at Exeter.* The meeting-house was this year finished, and the pews disposed of. At a meeting in December, the town voted " to give Mr. Jonathan Wilkins a call to the pastoral care of the church ; and a salary (in case he accepted) of £100, with the use of the parsonage, excepting the meadow lot — beside £200 as a settlement^" Mr. Wilkins did not accept the invitation. At their annual meeting in 1788, the town voted to petition the legislature for a neio county. Col. Timothy Walker was appointed agent, and directed * See Belknap's account of the insurrection, &c. vol. ii. ch. 27, Hist. N. H. ANNALS OF CONCORD. 47 to correspond with gentlemen in other towns upon the subject. Sept. 1, the inhabitants voted to give Mr. Israel Evans a call to the ministry, with £90 salary, and the use of the parsonage, three acres excepted, which had been disposed of; and also £13 addition to his salary annually, instead of a * settlement' In March, 1789, Mr. Evans accepted the call of the church and people, and his installation took place on the 1st July following. Introductory prayer, by Rev. Jeremy Belknap ; Discourse, by Rev. Mr. Eckley, of Boston ; Ordaining prayer, by Rev. Mr. Woodman ; Charge, by Rev. Dr. Macclintock ; Fel- lowship of the Churches, by Rev. Mr. Colby ; and Concluding prayer, by Rev. Mr. Smith. Rev. Mr. Evans continued to preach unto the people of this place, until 1797. In April, of that year, he announced his " intention of resigning to the town their pulpit, and of finishing his work of the ministry in the place on the first of July." The town signified to him their approbation of his in- tention, and appointed a committee to wait upon the Ecclesiastical Council, and lay before them the proceedings of the town in that respect. The Coun- cil approved of their proceedings ; and as no formal charges had been exhibited against Mr. Evans, they recommended him " to the churches, and to the work of the ministr}^, wherever God in his providence might open a door." Measures were taken without delay to settle another clergyman, and on the 28th December, the town voted to invite Mr. Asa M'Farland to settle among them. A salary of $350, with the use of all the improved lands of the parsonage, was voted, with " liberty to cut what wood and timber on the out-lands he might need." Jan. 27, 1798, Rev. Mr. M'Farland, in an affectionate letter to the church and people, accepted their call to the pastoral care of the church ; and his ordination took place on the 7th March following. The officiating clergy- 48 ANNALS OF CONCORD. men, were the Rev. Stephen Peabod}^ of Atkinson ; Rev. John Smith, of Hanover ; Rev. Josepli Wood- man, of Sanbornton ; Rev. Zaccheus Colby, of Pembroke ; Rev. Frederick Parker, of Canterbury ; Rev. Jedidiah Tucker, of Loudon ; and Rev. Jo- siah Carpenter, of Chichester. Mr. M'Farland wa» a native of Worcester, Mass., born April 19, 1769 ; was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1793, and afterwards served as a tutor for two years. The degree of J). D. was conferred upon him by Yale College, under the venerable D wight, in 1809, and the same year, he was appointed a trustee of Dart- mouth College..,,. This latter appointment, he re- signed in 1821.* On the 21st June, 1798, died Major Daniel Liver- more, aged 49. He was an active officer during the revolution, ami in many of those important battles which decided the fate of the contest. He was a useful citizen, and was repeatedly honored hy his fellow^ toM^nsmen. With the public transactions of the town subse- quent to this period, perhaps every citizen is well acquainted. Its proceedings have been those merely which related to its internal affairs, and are too recent, too fresh in the memory, to need recital. It is interesting, however, to glance at the rapid improvements in business and wealth which have been made here within the last tventy years. In 1798, there were but two or three trading houses in town ; the settlements were thinly scattered ; and though there were then several enterprising and ac- tive citizens, engaged in business, the village did not exhibit that outward show of prosperity which it does at present. The grounds where the * The ancestors of Dr. M'Failand were among that colony of Scots, who, in Uie reign of James I., removed to the province of Ulster, in Ireland. His grand- father, Andrew M'Farland, emigrated to this country, and settled in Worcester, about the time of the settlement of Londonderry, in this State. He left three sons, William, James and Daniel. William died at Worcester, and also James, the father of Dr. M'F.— Daniel removed to the western part of Pennsylvania, about the commencement of the revolution, and finally settled on the Monongahela, where his descendants now live. ANNALS OP CONCORD. 49 lofty edifices erected by the State are situated, were then covered with bushes and trees ; and if the prophecy of a facetious legislator, who dread- ed some Eojyptian visiters, had no foundation, he might have" stated that its thickets had afforded shelter to far less musical animals. The pubhc buildings are the Capitol, the State Penitentiary, the Court-House, and the meeting- house. 4 The building of the Capitol was commenced m ^^81G ; and the legislature convened in its halls in J 819. It is situated in the centre of the village, up- on a gently inclined plane betwec^i^Aain and State streets, and has two regular fronts, east and west. The centre of the building is fifty feet in front by fifty-seven in depth ; the wings are each thirty- eight feet in front by forty-nine in depth ; the whole making a parallelogram of one hundred and twenty-six feet in length by forty-nine in width, with the addition of a projection in the centre of each front of four feet. It is two stories above the basement, which rises five feet above the surface of the ground : the first story is nineteen feet ; the second eighteen feet in the wing, and thirty- 1790. Aug. 30. The town voted " one hundred pounds for building a house for the accommodation of the General Court," to be 80 by 40 feet, and 15 feet post, 1792. Oct. 11. The 11th regiment, for the first time paraded on Eastman's plain. 1794. Dec. 8th, The town voted " to give, in addition to tiie Continental pay for the town's quota of minute-men, so much as shall make each one's pay eight dol- lars per month, and one month's pay to be advanced to each man when they shall be called to march." 179G. The inhabitants voted to fioish the town-house, and appropriated £60 for that purpose. 1797. At a meeting in December, it was " voted that the men that enlist, shall have ten dollars with what the Congress give, and if called into service to have one month's pay in advance." Also, " voted that the selectmen give those persons that shall enlist, a handsome treat at the expense of the town." 1793. Thisyear,the lines between Concord and Loudon, vere perambulated and fixed by the selectmen of the respective towns. 1800. Lines between Hopkinton and Concord, and Canterbury and Concord, perambulated by the selectmen ; and again in 1808. 1805. Lines run between Boscawen and Concord by selectmen. 1813. Bye-laws adopted relative to extinguishing of fires. 50 ANINALS OF CONCORD. one in the centre. The roofs of the wings are lev- elled at the outer ends and rise ten feet against the body of the centre ; the roof of the centre rises thirteen feet, presenting gable ends in front ; from the middle of which, the cupola rises, eighteen feet square, to the heiglit of fifteen feet above the ridge ; thence in an octangular form, thirteen feet in diameter, seventeen feet, and is covered with a roof in the form of an inverted acorn rising to the height of nine feet, and surmounted with a gilt ball, thirty-three inches in diameter, on which stands an eagle six and a half feet in height, with its wings partially, j^xpanded. Each front has in its lower stoiy three doors and six windows, and in its upper story, nine windows, with a semi-elliptical window in each gable end : four windows in the south, and two in the north end. The outside walls of the building are of granite stone, hammered, and built in a plain style — the only ornament being a Tuscan frontispiece of stone work at each central front door. The roof and cupola are of wooden materials. The roof is ornamented with a coving appropriate to the Doric order, and a balustrade up- on the wings. The square part of the cupola is ornamented with twelve Ionic columns, three at each corner, placed in a triangular position, with an appropriate coving and balustrade. The octan- gular part has one Ionic column at each corner, surmounted with an urn. In the second stoiy of the centre is the Repre- sentatives' chamber, with an arched ceiling rising thirty feet from the floor, elegantly finished witli stucco-work. The north wing contains the Senate chamber, eighteen feet in height, with a beautiful ceiling of plaistering, ornamented with stucco-work, supported by four Ionic columns and an equal number of pilasters. This room, for its neatness and elegance of finishing, is not perhaps inferior to any in the United States. In the south wing are contained the Council chamber and anti-chamber, ANNALS OF CONCORD. 51 both of which are finished in a handsome style. In the same wing, in the lower story, which is di- vided into two parts, are the Secretary's and Treas- lu-er's offices, over which is a suite of committee rooms. In the north wing, under the Senate cham- ber, is a spacious room intended for public hear- ings before committees of the legislature. Under the Representatives' chamber, is an open area, in which are eight Doric columns, supporting the flooring above. This area, with the adjacent pas- sages in the wings, cooled by the current of fresh air passing through the spacious doors and windows^ opening into them, affords, in the warm month of June, a delightful retreat to legislators, when fa- tigued by long attention to their arduous duties, or heated by the ardor of debate, above stairs ; and it is by no means an uncommon case to see them avaihng themselves of the benefits of this pleasant retirement. The lot on which the State House stands con- tains something more than two acres, enclosed on its sides with a solid wall of hammered stone about five feet high ; the front fences are of stone posts and sills and iron castings, with gates of the same material. The expences of building this house, including the fences, the lot of ground on which it stands and the furniture of the house, amounted to nearly eighty-two thousand dollars. Few public build- ings in the United States are superior to this in the beauty of its construction, or the convenience of its apartments. The architects were Messrs. Stuart J. Park and Levi Brigham ; the superintending committee, Messrs. Albe Cady, William Low and Jeremiah Pecker. The lot of land on which the building stands, the stone for the house, and drawing the same, were furnished the State by a few public spirited individuals, at an expense of about $4000. The State Prison was erected in 1812 ; and cost, with the appurtenances, about ^37,000 ; 52 ANNALS OF CONCORD. since which time nearly ^5000 have been drawn from the public treasury to defray the expense of additional buildings, and a new work liouse, the first one having been destroyed by fire in 1819. The prison is situated on State street, north of the Capitol, and is three stories high, built entirely of granite. It is 70 feet in length, 36 feet wide, the walls of which are three feet in. thickness. It con- tains in all 36 cells, the dimensions of which are 8 feet by 9, with the exception of six in the upper stor3^,for the accommodation of the sick, &c. which are 10 by 17. The yard is enclosed by a faced wall of 259 feet by 192, fourteen feet high, sur- mounted by a range of pickets ten feet in length. Connected with the prison, is a house for the ac- commodation of the warden, his family, guards, &c., built also of granite, four stories high, exclu- sive of the basement, and is 49 feet by 22. The officers, &c. of this institution are a warden, phy- sician, chaplain, deputy-warden, four guards, tAvo overseers of the work-shops — the v/hole of whom receive their pay directly from the proceeds of the prison, with the exception of the warden, wliose salary, ^800, is drawn from the treasury. The Governor and Council, for the time being, consti- tute the board of directors, or visiters. The con- victs are employed in stone-cutting, coopering, smithing, shoe-making, weaving, and tailoring. The meeting-house was erected in 1751. Pre- vious to this, the inhabitants worshipped in the building, erected in 1727, for the defence of the set- tlement In 1802, an addition was made to the front of the present house, consisting of a semi- circle, projecting thirty feet, and divided into seven angles, with a gallery. This alteration makes the house one of the largest and most convenient in the State. The county Court-House was originally the town house, and was altered and repaired during the year 1823, expressly for the purpose of accommodating BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 53 the courts, at the expense, partly of the town, and partly of individuals. It is one of the most com- modious county buildings in the State. The Society of Friends have a meeting-house, standing near the Congregational church. And the building of a new brick church for the Baptists was commenced in the fall of 1823, a few rods south of the Capitol. An act of the Legislature, passed July 1, 1823, constituting the county of Merrimack, established this town as the seat of justice. This measure, so highly beneficial to the people of the new county, will also prove a source of additional business to he town. During the brief period which has elapsed since the commencement of the present century, many estimable and useful men have departed. Nearly all the children and grand-children of the first set- tlers have left the stage ; and a new generation, ac- tuated by different motives, enjoying superior ad- vantages, are succeeding them, reaping the fruits of their toils, their enterprize and watchfulness. It is to be hoped they will imitate their virtues, their strict moral habits, and their persevering industry in the common pursuits of life. HiOQVsplmul Jtottcris. It will not be deemed impertinent, in closing these brief sketches, to notice some of the most distinguished citizens of this town, who have de- ceased. In doing this, the writer is actuated by no other motive than a wish to perpetuate their good fame, and with it, the salutary influence of their examples. The memory of great and good men, whatever may have been their sphere of action, exalted or humble, should be warmly cherished, if a 54 ANNALS OF CONCORD. not for the delight with which we may contemplate their character, and the lessons we may draw there- from, — at least for the rich impressions it may give the generations that are to come. If many names of worth and usefulness are left unnoticed, the apology must be, not that the writer was unwilling to extend these notices, but that, af- ter a long period of diligent research, he has been able to obtain no more. Sir BENJAMIN THOMPSON. Benjamin Thompson, though not a native of this town, spent several years of usefulness in the place. He was born at Wobum, Mass. March 26, 1753. His father died while he was very young, leaving him to the care of a guardian. He received a com- mon school education, and was placed first with Dr. Hay, a physician of Wobum, where during the intervals of study, he amused himself in making sur- gical instruments, &c. which he finished in a hand- some style. He was next placed as clerk in a store at Salem. His aversion to this business was soon manifested, and he was oftener found with a pen- knife, file and gimblet under the counter, than with his pen and books in the counting-room. He was fond of the study of chemistry, and enthusiastic in his devotion to mechanics and mathematics. At Salem, he undertook to prepare some fire works, or rockets. While pounding the ingredients, it was supposed a particle of sand, treacherously conceal- ed in the mass, caused a scintillation, and the whole exploded in his face and bosom. The injury which he experienced was severe, and added to a tempo- rary loss of sight, * the skin of his face and bosom was taken away with the bandages. Such an ap- prentice, it might easily be perceived, would not answer the purposes of a merchant. Youns; Thompson continued his studies and phi- losophical inquiries with diligence. Among other BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 55 things, he attempted to solve that great desidera- tum— jserpe^wa/ motion. After residing at Salem and Boston about two years, he returned to his mother in Woburn, his friends receiving him with unwelcome pity, impressed with a belief that he would never fix" his mind upon any regular employ- ment, by which he could gain a support. Through the kindness of a friend, Thompson was admitted to the philosophical lectures com- menced at Cambridge about the year 1769; this was a rich feast to him, and he zealously improved his opportunity, making rapid advances in his fa- vorite studies. In 1772, he commenced school- keepina; in Bradford, Mass. ; and soon after remov- ed to this town. He taught school here with suc- cess ; and afterwards married Mrs. Sarah Rolfe, widow of B. Rolfe, Esq. and daughter of the first minister of Concord, by whom he had one daugh- ter, lately living in France. Pleased with parade and the beau monde, and enjoying from the good- ness of nature all the personal recommendations, which attract the admiration of the world, he nev- er appeared at public entertainments, or in fashion- able circles, without being respectfully noticed. In an excursion, which he made from Concord to Portsmouth, with his lady, to be present at a military review or some holiday, his gen- teel appearance and manly, impressive address at- tracted the observation of many, and among others he was particularly noticed by the governor, Went- worth, who invited him to his party, and never spoke of Mr. Thompson but with delight. The civil and friendly manner, in which he had thus been treated by the Governor, was not mere etiquette, as was sufficiently manifested a little time after- wards, by having the offer of a Major^s commis- sion. This mark of esteem and confidence was peculiarly gratifying to Mr. Thompson, as he pos- sessed a genius and taste for military operations. 56 ANNALS OF CONCORD. Mr. Thompson lived with his wife about two years ; when the revolution commencing, and being a staunch friend of the government, he was obliged to quit his family and rural residence ; and he re- tired within the lines of the British army. In Oc- tober, 1775, he went to Rhode-Island ; embarked for Boston harbor ; and in January following, sailed for England. On arriving in London, he was in- troduced to Lord Germaine, (afterwards Lord Sackville) then presiding at the head of the Amer- ican department, who conceived a warm friendship for him. In his office, he enjoyed an honorable post, until, nearly at the close of the contest, he was sent over to New-York ; raised a regiment of dragoons ; obtained the provincial rank of lieuten- ant colonel, and became entitled to half-pay, which he received till his death. After his return to England, in 1784, the King conferred upon him the honor of knighthood. This event was a prelude to public honors elsewhere. — Sir Benjamin Thompson had become acquainted with the minister ot one of the most respectable German princes. This, together with his growing- greatness, induced his Serene Highness the Elector Palatine, reigning Duke of Bavaria, to invite him into his service, and honorable terms were propos- ed to him. He applied for, and obtained the King's permission to proceed to Munich. Here he soon obtained considerable iniluence in public affairs — was instrumental in the introduction of various re- forms in the police — and enjoying the confidence and patronage of the Prince, he had an opportunity to reduce to practice his schemes of economy and {public improvement. He was soon raised to the lighest military rank, and created a Count of the Empire. The remembrance of his native land, and of his youthful enjoyments in this town, induc- ed him to add to his title that of Rumford. Men- dicity had become a public calamity in many of the German cities, and threatened the most alarming BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 57 eonsequences. Conceiving the project of applying a remedy, and having taken the proper measures, Count Rumford, at a given day and hour, accom- panied by several military officers, and a body of troops, issued orders for seizing all the beggars at Munich ; and being determined to obviate the pos- sibility of disgrace, attached to such a measure, he began by arresting the first proper o!"ject with his own hands. No sooner had he done this, than the officers and men, without making any scruple or difficulty whatever, cleared the streets with prompt- ness and success ; but at the same time with all imaginable good nature — so tliat in the course of a single day, not a beggar was to be seen in the wliole range of the metropolis. But to sweep away tiie whole mendicant tribe, would have done nothing effectual, had not houses of industry been opened for their constant employment, and wholesome viands been procured them. His scheme succeeded ad- mirably. By active exertions, he introduced vari- ous manufactures, and thus affording employment to the poorer classes, prevented a renewal of for- mer scenes of indolence, suffering, and vice. — Wherever he went, his schemes for the public ad- vantage were well received ; and his fame, as a phi- losopher and philanthropist continued to increase. He received many favors from the sovereigns of the continent. The Elector Palatine created him a Count, and procured for him the order of St. Stan- islaus, from the King of Poland; made him a knight, chamberlain, privy counsellor of state, lieutenant general in his service, as Duke of Bavaria, colonel of his regiment of artillery, and commander-in- chief of the general staff of his army. He w^as al- so honored by all the learned societies of Europe, and of his native country. But these high-sound- ing titles were mere baubles, when compared to his just fame as a philosopher. He made liberal bequests to different institutions in his native coun- try ; and died at his country seat of Auteuil, France, 58 AiNNALS OF CONCOllD. where he had spent the latter years of his hfe, in 1814. An eloquent eulogy on his character was read before the Institute of France, by M. Cuvier, Jan. 9, 1815, in which a just view is taken of his various discoveries in science, and of his personal exertions and fame. Little did his friends, who witnessed with sorrow his juvenile pranks, his disregard of any regular business, anticipate his future fame. Little did the scholars who attended to his instructions in this village in 1 773-4, and who were sometimes amused with his athletic exercises, and his odd experiments — dream that their master was to be clothed with the stars of princes, and acquire a fame that should be lasting and honorable. While contemplating his character, we do not stop to inquire the motives which induced him to abandon the cause of his na- tive country ; but reflect, that, though driven from her shores, and grown illustrious amongst her ene- mies, he yet bequeathed to her institutions his es- tate, to her citizens his fame. Hon. THOMAS W. THOMPSON. On the first day of October, 1821, died the hon- orable Thomas W. ThompsoxX. He was born in Boston, Mass. in the m.onth of March, in the year 1765. His father, the late deacon Thomas Thomp- son, was a native of Alnwick, in North-Britain. His mother, Isabella White, was born in Glasgow, in ^Scotland. The period of their emigration from Europe to Boston is not recollected. They remo- ved from Boston to Newburyport, when he was quite young. He was fitted for college at Dum- mer Academy, in the parish of Byfield, in Newbu- ry, Mass. by the venerable Samuel Moody, a Pre- ceptor, who was no less distinguished for talent at governing his pupils, than for his thorough knowl- edge of the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages. He entered the college at Cambridge in the year 1782, and received the degree of A. B. in 1786. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 59 Soon after he left college, the insurrection in Mas- sachusetts, of which Daniel Shays was nominal leader, broke out, and he entered into the army as an aid to General Lincoln, commander of the army of Massachusetts, and served during the whole campaign, in a severe winter, and until the insurrec- tion was quelled. He afterwards pursued the study of Theology, in order to qualify himself for the pul- pit. While engaged in that study, he was appointed a Tutor in the College at Cambridge ; he accepted the appointment, and was very much a favorite with the students, to whom he was rendered pecu- liarly agreeable by the suavity of his manners, and native, easy, unaffected politeness — qualities, at that day, too rare among the learned instructors of colleges. Leaving the office of tutor, he com- menced the study of law, under the tuition of The- ophilus Parsons, " the giant of the law," who then lived at Newburyport. Being admitted to prac- tice at the bar, he came into New-Hampshire in June, 1791, and commenced practice near the south meeting-house, in Salisbury, where he remained about one year, and then removed to the river road, in Salisbury, where he continued in the prac- tice of law until he went the first time to Wash- ington, a representative in Congress. He then withdrew from judicial courts, though he contin- ued through life to give advice as a counsellor at law. Soon after he came into this State, his tal- ents, industry, integrity, and knowledge of the law, introduced him to a very extensive and lucrative practice, and he became well known at the bar, in most of the counties in this State. In the year 1801, he became a member of the board of trustees of Dartmouth college, and con- tinued such, until he resigned his seat a short time before his death. Of this board, he was an active and efficient member. He was, from 1 805 to 1807, a Representative, and once a Senator in the Congress of the United States. He represented the (JO ANNALS OF CONCORD. town of Salisbury once or twice in the Legislature, After his removal to Concord, he was several times elected a Representative of that town. He was Speaker of the House of Representatives of this State at a time when party spirit was at its great- est height ; and, even at that time, his political opponents bore willing testimony to his candor, ability and impartiality in the discharge of the du- ties of that office. In the year 1 809, he removed from Salisbury to Concord, where he ever after resided until his death. In August, 1819, he sat out on a journey to Quebec, and was on board the steam-boat Phoe- nix, bound from Burlington to Canada, at the time of its destruction by fire at midnight on lake Cham- plain. The vessel was all on fire, and the people on board were leaving her in two small boats, while he was left asleep. Waking, he saw the sit- uation of the vessel, and that the last boat was leaving her. He jumped into the boat, already filled nearly to sinking, and was the last person who escaped from the burning vessel. The terrors and fatigue of that night probably produced the disease which put a period to his life. Hon. TIMOTHY WALKER. The honorable Timothy Walker, son of the first minister of Concord, was born in 1737, on the pa- ternal farm where he died, May 5, 1822. His ear- lier year^ were employed in the pursuits of hus- bandry, and the acquirement of an education ; he was a good farmer, and his reputation as a scholar stood high in the class which graduated at Cam- bridge in 1756. He at first designed to engage in the work of the ministry, and qualified himself for that purpose. But the increasing complaints of his country were to him the premonitions of a mighty struggle, and convinced him that she would soon need active spirits on her side. He resolved to re- BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 61 linquish his favorite design, and exert himself for the good of his country. At the commencement of the revolution, a peri- od of much doubt and peril, when most men were agitated, and many trembled for the fate of the colo- nies — Walker was found among the most judicious, 3 et determined supporters of the revolution. In almost every town of the country there were many still loyal to the British crown, and who, though in common with their fellow citizens they felt its un- hallowed oppressions, were yet willing to endure them. To counteract their exertions was required the utmost vigilance of ever}^ friend of liberty. At this critical moment, when the alternative presented of abandoning the country, or arresting her inbred enemies — when personal friendships must be sacri- ficed at the altar of freedom, and the charities of private life be broken off in watchfulness of public enemies, — Walker was eminently useful; and though he exerted himself to prevent unnecessary riots or tumultuous proceedings, he was vigilant in pursuing the proper course to subserve the inter- est* of the countr}^ He was entrusted with vari- ous duties by the government, and in 1776, was a member of the Committee of Safety for the State, who in the recess of Congress, exercised the pow- ers of that body. He commanded a regiment of minute-men in New-Hampshire, was afterwards paymaster of the New-Hampshire forces, and serv- ed a campaign at Winter-Hill under General Sulli- van. He was a member of the convention which formed our excellent Constitution, was afterwards frequently elected a Representative and Senator to the State Legislature, and was ever found an unde- viating advocate of the cause of his country. He was for several years chief-justice of the court of common pleas, and was respected for his up- rightness and candor. 62 ANNALS OF CONCORD. At an advanced age, Judge Walker retired from active life to the enjoyment of his farm, and domes- tic ease and affluence. In private life, he was amiable and sincere ; in his manners, frank and honorable ; and in his conversation, exhibiting the agreeable powers of an independent and well cul- tivated mind. To the aged, he was a cheerful and kind companion ; to the young, a paternal friend and counsellor : and both had before them in his life a pattern of public and private rectitude. Doctor PHILIP CARRIGAIN. Doctor Philip Carrigain, was born in the city of New-York, A. D. 174C. His father, who was also a physician, emigrated from one of the British ports, to that city ; where he died after a short residence. From the little that has been preserv- ed of his history, it is known that he was for some time, a student, or an assistant, in one of the Hos- pitals in London ; and that he was in the service of the Pretender in Scotland, A. D. 1745 ; and from memorials he has left, appears to have been a fin- ished scholar. Doct. C. was brought in his youth to Haverhill, Mass. where he studied physic with the late Doct. Bricket. He came to Concord in 1768, where he established himself as a physician and surgeon. Tiiere were then but few of the fac- ulty, in this section of the country ; and as he dis- covered extraordinary skill and decision, in the management of tlie cases confided to him, he rose rapidly to the highest eminence in his profession, and for the greater part of his succeeding life, had a more extensive practice, than perhaps, any other physician of his time, in the State. He died in August, 1806. His lady died the December pre- ceding. She was the daughter of the late Thomas Clough, Esq. of Canterbury, and was remarkable for tl^e strength and fortitude of her mind ; and for her humanity and judgment, in attending and ad- ministering to the sick. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 63 Rev. ISRAEL EVANS. The reverend Israel Evans, the second clergy- man settled in Concord, was born in Pennsylvania in 1747 ; received his education at Princeton col- lege, where he graduated in 1772 ; was settled here July 1, 1789; resigned his pastoral charge July 1, 1797. He was engaged previous to his set- tlement here, in the capacity of chaplain in the rev- olutionary army, and was the only chaplain, who continued in service during the whole struggle. He was with Montgomery before Quebeck — at the capture of Burgoyne — accompanied Gen. Sullivan on his Indian expedition, and witnessed the surren- der of Cornwallis at Yorktown. His zeal in the cause of his country frequently led him to expose his life in battle ; particularly, in Sullivan's engage- ment with the Indians, where he acted as an aid to the general. He died on the 9th of March, 1807, at the age of 60 years. Col. THOMAS STICKNEY. Col. Thomas Stickney died in this tOAvn on the 26th of January, 1809, in the 80th year of his age. He was a native of Bradford, Mass. and son of Lieut. Jeremiah Stickney, who settled in this town, when the former was but two years of age, about the year 1731. In common with others of his fel- low-citizens, Stickney was exposed to the dangers of Indian warfare, and was useful to the settlement in forwarding active measures of defence. His brother, William Stickney^ was taken by the In- dians at the massacre of the Bradleys, in 1746, and was accidentally drowned on his return from cap- tivity. Thomas, at the dawn of the revolution, was appointed to the command of a regiment of militia ; and besides several local military services, he was at the battle of Bennington, under the heroic Stark, and acquitted himself as a man of bravery. 64 ANNALS OF CONCORD. Col. GORDON HUTCHINS. Gordon Hutchins was u, son of Epliraiin Hutch- ins, and born at Exeter in 1733. At about the age of 13, he accompanied his father, who commanded a company in the expedition against Louisbourg, in the capacity of waiter ; but subsequently, held a lieutenancy in the armj^ Returning from the war,he married and settled in Harvard, Mass. ; from which place, in 1773, he removed to Concord. On hearing of the battle of Lexington, Lt. Hutchins repair- ed to Cambridge ; and soon afterwards, enlisted a com})an3% which served an eight months' campaign. In 1777, on learning the perilous situation of the northern frontiers, Capt. Hutchins, who had again been at Cambridge, returning on a Sunday morn- ing, entered the meeting-house ; addressed the minister, (Mr. Walker,) and after briefly stating the intelligence he had received respecting the situa- tion of the northern armies, urged his fellow-citi- zens to volunteer in defence of their country. The aj^peal was seconded by their worthy and patriotic pastor, and a company of about thirty men was en- rolled, and with them, he sat out on the following morning. Before their arrival at Bennington, Stark had immortalized himself, and averted the threatened danger ; but they had the satisfaction to witness the surrender of Burgoyne and his army at Saratoga. Previous to this, Capt. Hutchins had been at White-Plains, where he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. From Saratoga, Col. Hutchins returned to domestic Ufe, and died at Concord, December 8th, 1815, aged 82 years. He married two wives, and by them had twenty children. Capt. NATHANIEL ABBOT. Capt. Nathaniel Abbot was one of the earliest settlers of this place, and a very efficient citizen. He was born in 1696, at Andover. At the com- mencement of the French war, in 1744, he entered BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 65 the service, and joined the Rangers under Major Rogef-s. He was at the capture of Cape Breton in 1745 — was subsequently in most of the san- guinary conflicts on the northern frontiers ; and endured almost incredible hardships* He held a commission in the corps of Rangers, and was in every station, a brave and useful officer. He died in 1770.t Capt. JOSHUA ABBOT. Capt. Joshua Abbot, son of the preceding, ac- companied his father during the latter part of his stay with the array. At the commencement of the revolutionary contest, he entered with zeal into the public service, and continued a firm and un- deviating patriot to its close. He was a man of fine constitution, enjoying uninterrupted health, and he made every exertion in his power, in com- mon with his compatriots in arms, for the achieve- ment of our independence. He died in this town in 1815, aged 74. Hon. JOHN BRADLEY. The honorable John Bradley was a son of Sam- uel Bradley, who was massacred by the Indians in 1746. He was about two years of age at the time of his father's death. He settled in his native town, and amongst her citizens Avas distinguished as one of the most enterprizing and useful. Pos- sessing a sound mind, and great dignity of charac- * A faithful picture has probably never yet been drawn of the species of warfare prosecuted liy the Rangers — or of the hardsliips and privations endured by the soldiery in the old French wars. Mr. JoitDf Shcte, now living in this town, at the age of 89 years, and whose memory and faculties are unimpaired, was asoldiei under Rogers in the ranging service ; and an hour sjjent in listening to his ac- count of tiiat service, arid his own sufferings and adventures, is by no one regretted. Mr. S. is a son of Jar-ob Shute, who came with the first family of settlers to Penacook. t George Abbot, the paternal ancestor of the families of that name, came out of P«5land, and settled at Andover, Mass. almut 1G45, where he died Oct. 5, 1681. He had 10 son» and 3 daughters. JVa, 1671; settled at Andover, and died Dec. 12, 1749. His son, JVathanid, born iu 1696, settled in Concord, and died in 1770. His iow, Joshua, was born at eon- cord in 1741, and died in 1815. JVathaniel Abbot, his son, is now living in this town, anfi is of the fifth generation from Capt. George Abbot. 66 ANNALS OF CONCORD. ter, as well as integrity of principle, he was frequently invited to public stations, and served in both branches of the legislature. In the discharge of his official, no less than his private duties, he was firm and consistent, acting independently, and according to his deliberate convictions of jus- tice. He lived to a good old age, and died on the 5th day of July, in the year 1815. Deacon JOHN KIMBALL. Deacon John Kimball was a native of Bradford, in Massachusetts, and born February 16, 1739. He settled here at an early period of his life, and soon became an active and valuable citizen. He discharged every official duty with promptness and fidelity, and in his private walks, was a pattern of christian meekness and charity. He was a mem- ber of the church for nearly sixty years, and sus- tained an office in the church in this place during about forty years. He died on the 31st of Decem- ber, 1817, aged 79. He had been married 52 years, and reared a numerous family, during which time no death occurred beneath his roof. Mrs. Kimball, his wife, died March 5, 1819. Lt. RICHARD HERBERT. Lt. Richard Herbert died on the 17th July, 1823, aged 94. His father, James Herbert, a ship- carpenter, was a native of England,married his wife in Rowley, ami settled at Salisbury, where Richard was born December 31, 1729. Mr. Herbert came to this town in 1752, and purcliased the first lot of land sold by the proprietors on the street.* He was industrious in business, and soon became a use- ful citizen. He was among the first volunteerst *This lot consisted of about two acres, and was the giound owned b^ the late Capt. Dearborn. Mr. Herbert gave $10 dollars for his land, then apparently a sand-heap, and was frequently rallieci by his nci_^hbor land-holders lor his singular p urchase. He lived, however, to profit by its increase in value. t The nrst person in Concoril v.-ho acceptpd a commission under the provincial congress, was Capt. Reuben Kimball. He was a zealous friend to the revolu- tionary cause — raised a company, and was at Saratoga, when the army of Bur- goyne surrendered to the Ameiicans. He died June 13, 1814, aged 84. RELIGIOtrS SOCIETIES. 67 from this town in 1775 — was an officer under Stark at the battle of Bennington, and proved himself a brave and useful man. After the victory, he re- turned to Concord, and spent the remainder of his life in industry, inoffensiveness and peace. -•»►••••«♦— CTiiurchcs anti mcU'gtous Soctettcs. It will be perceived, that among the first objects of the early settlers of Concord, was the settle- ment of a minister of the gospel. A church, con- sisting of eight individuals,* was formed on the 18th of November, 1730; at which time the Rev. Mr. Walker was ordained. Their place of public wor- ship, was the log-house, erected in 1 727, and used also as a garrison for refuge, in times of alarm and danger. Mr. Walker was a man well fitted to meet the sufferings and privations of the wilderness, and to build up, by sound precept and encouraging ex- ample, a united and prosperous church. He was a good farmer, an efficient citizen, and an exemplary christian. In common v/ith liis parishioners, he shared the difficulties of their situation, and met, without shrinking, every emergency of Vvant or danger. The troubles which the inhabitants ex- perienced from 1730 to 1770, seemed to have pro- duced an habitual union, which continued for a long time after these troubles had ceased. During a period of more than eighty years, there were no visible differences among the people on religious subjects. For a few years previous to 1816, there had been a respectable society of Friends, who worshipped separately. In 1818, societies of Epis- * J\'ames of those who formed the first congregational church in tiiis place^ embodied J^ov. 18, 1730. Timothy Walker, John Merrill, Samuel Burbank, Jeremiah Stickney, William Barker, David Barker, Aaron Stevens, John Rnss. 68 * ANNALS OF CONCORD. copalians and Baptists were formed, the latter of which is still in a prosperous state. Rev. Mr. Walker continued the pastor of the congregational church until his death in 1782. From this period until 1 789, the church was with- out a minister, though the ordinances were pretty regularly administered and attended. Rev. Mr. Evans was installed in 1789; continued to preach until the summer of 1797, when his pastoral rela- tion to the church was by mutual consent dissolved. The present incumbent. Rev. Dr. M'Farland, suc- ceeded to the care of the church in 1798. This church is independent in its form — its gov- ernment agreeing with the principles of those Avho fled from persecution in England, to enjoy in this then inhospitable land their religious opinions. It admits the principle of a communion of churches according to the Cambridge platform ; but it has never yet had occasion to call in the aid of other churches to settle difficulties. No ecclesiastical council has been called here, except for the pur- pose of ordaining or dismissing a minister. The church has a standing committee, whose duties are to assist the pastor in examining candidates for ad- mission, and in endeavoring to settle difficulties, that may arise between individuals, without an ap- peal to the whole body of the church. Every member has a right to the judgment of the whole body ; and, as a last resort, each has a right of ap- peal to a council of the neighboring churches. This church, if not the largest, is one of the largest in the state — the number of communicants at present being about 340. During the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Walker, the recorded admissions to the church are 34 males ; 61 females— Total, 95; but this undoubtedly falls far below the actual number. Mr. Walker died in 1782 ; and of the admissions to the church during the ministry of his successor, Mr. Evans, from 1789 to 1797, no record can be found. The TOl»OGRAPHY. 69 following table, drawn from the records of Rev. Dr. M'Farland, will shew at a glance the number of baptisms, marriages, and admissions to the church, since his ordination, in 1798. YEARS. CO c- |co o CD 0^ o CO CO o 00 o cc CO O 00 o oc c CD o CD o CO OD Baptisms,* |34|2lll6in|24|l2|lG113ll4l20!«4|21|15 92 Marriages,! |Admissions,| |131 61 8111112|22j23|22|17|26|26|20|23|14 51 41 31 2!15| II 81 31 1| 5|1U| 8! 8|59 YEARS. |g-» CO CO CO CO CO CO =0 CO CO CJ5 CO O CO CO G^ GO G-J G^ 00 CO TOTALS. Baptisms, 144120! 131 131 82|35|12|12|78134il8|15 715 Marriages, 1231141191211 20|14122| 9|ly|14|llil5 414 jAdmisslons, |36| 6|12| 41108|13| 6| 8|86| 9| 7| 9 435 * There is a vecord of about 90 baptisms during the ministry of Rev. Mi. Evans but probably imperfect. + There are only 8 marriages by Rev. Mr. Walker, on record— those previous to 1738. t This includes those admitted in the usual form, and such as v.-er^ added by let- ters from other churches. Beacons in the Congregational Church, since its organization in 1730. John Merrill, Ephraim Farnum, George Abbot, John Kimball, David Hall, Joseph Hall, Jonathan Wilkins, Abiel Rolfe, Thomas W. ThompsoD, Nathaniel Ambrose, ^*'>©®©4^^ This town comprises a tract of nearly 41 000 acres, of which 1800 are water. The surface is uneven, though it presents none of the rude accliv- ities or deep valleys seen in some of the neighbor- ing towns. There are five ponds in Concord, two on the east of the Merrimack, and three on the west. Ihe largest is Turkey pond, iu the souths 10 *7(i ANNALS OF CONCOllD. west part of the town, containing about 700 acres j the waters of which form the Turkey river, a stream of some importance, passing east into Bow. Long pond, in the west part of the town, contains about 500 acres, the waters of which pass into the Merri- mack below Sewall's island. Turtle pond lies east of Long pond, and near the line of Loudon ; it con- tains about 200 acres, and its waters pass into the Merrimack through the valley east of the river. The others are Snow's pond, north-west of Turtle pond, and Horse-shoe pond, near the meeting- house. The river Soucook forms the south-east boundary of Coneord, from Chichester to its junc- tion with the Merrimack below Garven's falls. The Contoocook is a considerable river, entering near the west corner of the town, and uniting with the Merrimack on the north-west line, forming at its junction the island celebrated as the spot where Mrs. Duston made a desperate escape from a party of Indians, in 1698. The design below pre- sents a tolerably accurate view of the island, though it rapidly changes in its appearance, from the action of the freshes of the river. The Merrimack is the principal river of this region, and is not oniy the ornament and beautifier of the landscape, but the source of health and profit to the inhabitants. It meanders nearly through the centre of the town, enriching the tracts of interval on its borders. The intervals here are of considerable width, and of great value \ TOPOGRAPHY. 71 to the town ; though perhaps inferior in extent and beauty to those on the Connecticut. Soon after entering the town, the Merrimack passes over the rapids called Sewall's falls, below which is situated SewalPs island, thus called from an early propri- etor. The current of the river from this island is not rapid, and has no natural obstructions, until it reaches Turkey and Garven's falls at the south-east extremity of the town. Locks are here construc- ted, and the navigation of the river has been open during the boating seasons for several years. The river i"s here about 100 yards wide, but occasionally, the spring and autumn freshes have covered the interval adjoining the principal village, presenting to the eye a body of water of a mile in width. These freshes, though often destructive to crops, fences, &c. are of no disadvantage to the soil, on which they deposit a rich sediment. During the greatest freshes, the river has risen nearly 20 feet above the ordinary level, but this is uncommon. There are two bridges thrown across the river in this town : the Federal, or Upper Bridge, and Concord, or Lower Bridge. At these bridges, are situated the store-houses of the Boating Company on the river. The intercourse with Boston, open- ed by way of the canals on the Merrimack, has been of considerable advantage to the country. The navigation to this town was opened in 1815,* and the quantity of goods annually brought up has averaged 1000 to 1500 tons. The freight downward has been more extensive, consisting of the produce of the country, lumber, and other iieavy or bulky articles. For the first three years, the business on the river exceeded that for the three last ; but there is a prospect that it will hereafter be much increased. The principal village, and the seat of most of the business of the town, extends along the western bank of the Merrimack nearly *The first boat of the Merrimack company, arrived at the landing here, June 23, 1815, in 3 1-2 days from Bosto». ,. j.jlUU.»Aapmun-wt M*l)". 72 ANNALS OP CONCORB. two miles from south-east to north-west. It is vetf pleasantly situated, and from its convenient situation has become a place of considerable trade. The state-house,* state-prison, court-house and meeting- house are situated in this village. There are 175 dwelling-houses, 20 stores, 8 taverns, several me- chanic shops, 5 printing-offices, 5 bookstores and 2 book-binderies. On the east side of the river, is another considerable village, very pleasantly situa- ted ; and a village is also forming in the west part of the town. The soil of this town presents all the varieties common to this region, and is in some parts fertile. The highlands extending back from the river are very productive, and were originally covered with oak,chesnut, maple, &c. The plains are alluvial, and covered with a growth of pine. Large masses of excellent granite are foiind in this town, and the public edifices here, are erected of this material. This granite affords an admirable ma- terial for building ; and large quantities, wrought at the State Prison, are annuaUy transported to Bos- ton for architectural purposes. It derives its supe- riority over the granite of many other countries, from the circumstance that it contains no sulphuret of iron, which, by the action of atmospheric agents, produces an iron-rust stain, that destroys the beau- ty of the material. Iron ore is found here in small quantities, near the Soucook river, and on the branches of the Turkey river. It was wrought by the inhabitants during the revolution ; but to no «;reat extent. Excellent clay abounds in several places, and extensive potteries have for some years been established. * See descriptiou of public tmMdings, p- 49. jEemott of tne JJenacoofe KntrCan^. Whatever relates to the aboriginals of our coun- try, those early proprietors of the soil which we inherit, must be interesting to posterity. The lands which we cultivate, the forests, the rivers and mountains around us, once swarmed with a distinct race of the human family. They whose character once stood so lofty and independent, are hardly seen among us, and if seen, are seen " beg- o-ing the price of their perdition." — They who might have exterminated the Europeans on their arrival, have themselves become exterminated, and most of their memorials have perished with them. Much is it to be regretted, that there has been no historical account of the various tribes residing on Merrimack river, and particularly of the one in- habiting the town of Concord, known at an early period of our history as acknowledging allegiance to the far famed sachem, Passaconaway. But there have been causes why this has not been done. " The horror proceeding from the cruelties of their warfare, forbade the calmness of investigation. As long as they were formidable, curiosity was over- powered by terror ; and there was neither leisure, nor inclination to contemplate their character as a portion of the human family, while the glare of conflagration reddened the midnight sky, and the yells of the savage, mingling with the shrieks of butchered victims, rode, as portentous messengers, on every gale. But that state of things has long ceased to exist. The white men of America have become too numerous to fear any longer the effects of savage barbarit}^, and the tales which once car- ried terror to the stoutest heart, are now scarcely heard beyond the precincts of the nurser}. In the room of fear, there should now arise a sentiment of pity."* * Rev. Dr. Jaxvis' address before the New- York Hist. Soc. 74 MEMOIR OF THE PENACOOKS. When our fathers arrived in this country, they found within the confines of New England, five principal nations of the Indians ; viz. the Pequots inhabiting Connecticut ; the Narragansetts, who inhabited Rhode-Island and the adjacent country ; the Pawkunnawkutts, who lived on Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and in Plymouth colony ; the Massachusetts, who lived about Massachusetts bay; and the Pawtucketts, who constituted the "fifth and last great sachemship of Indians." " Their country lieth north and north-east from Massachu- setts, whose dominion reacheth as far as the Eng- lish jurisdiction or colony of the Massachusetts, doth now extend."* To this general division, belonged the Penacooks, or those Indians, who inhabited Concord, and the country for many miles above and below on Merri- mack river. There were several " smaller saga- moreships" which were included under the nation- al name of Pawtucketts — such as the Agawams, Naamkeeks, Pascataquas, Accomintas and some others. All these subordinate tribes formed orig- inally but one great nation, and acknowledged sub- jection to Passaconaway, who was called " the great sachem of Penacook." The Penacooks were probably among the most Eowerful of these subordinate tribes, though their istory is but little known, and at this distance of time, cannot be given with any degree of minute- ness. Passaconaway was the first sagamore of whom we find any account in our historians. If the Wheehvright deed be not a forgery, he was liv- ing as early as 1629, and it appears from Hubbard's narrative, that he was alive in J 660. In that year, the Indians had a great dance and feast, on which occasion, this powerful sagamore, being groAvn old, made his farewell speech to his children and peo- ple, in which, as a dying man, he warned them to • Gookin, in Coll. of Mass. Hist. See. Vol. 1, page 149, first series. MEMOIR OF THE PEXACOOKS. 75 tnlTP heed how they quarrelled with their English take heea now J 1 , ^ j.^; do them some fha wnr Avith Philip commenced m lb7&, ne wuu d'r:;h[mrelf with l^is people to some ren^ote j^^^^^^^^^^^ thit thev misht not be drawn into the quarrel. The Penicooks appear to have mamtamed a friend- ly disposition so Imig as they were under the con- '"iw tr y"r 1684, Lieut. Gov. Craniield form- ed1he pro^ct of bringing down the Mohawksjrom New York in order to destroy the Penacook and Eastern Indians. This measure had once before been resorted to, but proved very pernicious in its effects, as that ferociou^s and warlike people made no distinction between those tribes which ^^eve at Jeace with the English, and those winch ^verea^ war. Some of the Penacook Indians, who had been toAlbanvsoon after Cranfield made a journey to the province of New-York, reported on their re- tm-n, that the Mohawks threatened destruction to all the eastern Indians, from Narragansetm Rhode- Sand to Pechypscot in Maine.- The Penacooks were about this time under the government ot Hogkins, a sachem who succeeded Wonolanset. From the articles of Peace between the English in- habiting the province of N. Hampshire and Maine, and the Indians of these provinces, agreed upon the 8th day of September, 1685, it appears, that Kancamagus was his Indian name, and that nog- * .. Four Indians came from fort Alba.y to tl.e Fovt at P^nJ^-^^,-^^ '^tca^^'t themthatallthe Mokavvkesclulcieclarethey wonklkd aUI^ Mount Hope to tbe eastward as fav as Pegypseut. Repm t to n aiier t> j Esq. and Council. 76 MEMOIR OF THE PENACOOK9. kins or Hawkins was the English name he had as- sumed. In the spring of 1685, he informed Cranfield of the danger the Penacooks apprehended,* and implored assistance and protection, but was treated with neglect. In August, 1685, the Penacook and Saco Indians gathered their corn, and removed their families, which gave an alarm to their English neighbors, as if they were preparing for war. Messengers be- ing sent to demand the reason of their movement, were informed that it was the fear of Mohawks, whom they daily expected to destroy them ; and being asked why they did not come in among the English for protection, they answered, lest the Mo- hawks should hurt the English on that account. Upon this, they were persuaded to enter into an agreement ; and accordingly the chiefs of the Penacooks and of the Saco Indians being assem- bled with the Council of New-Hampshire, and a deputation from the province of Maine, a treaty was concluded, wherein it w^as stipulated, that all future personal injuries on either side should, upon * His letter to Gov. Cranfield at this time will explain his situation and his fears, and may be regarded as a curiosity'. Th« original is preserved in the Recor- der's office in N. H. May 15ih, 1685. " Honour gouemor my friend, You my friend I desire yotir worship and your power, because I hope you can do som great matters this one. I am poor and naked, and I have no man at my place because I afraid allwayes Mohogs he will kill me every day and night. If your worship when please pray help me you no let Moliogs kill me at my place at Mal- amake river called Panukkog and Nattukkog, I will submit your worship and your power. And now I want pouder and such alminishon, shott and guns, becauae I have forth at my hom and I plant theare. This all Indian hand, but pray do you consider your humble servant, JOHN HOGKINS. Peter 3 Robin., Mr Jorge -f Roddunnonukgus, Mr Hope X Hoth. John -{- Tonch, John a Canowa, John X Owamosimmin^ Natonill t Indian.'''' These were probably some of the principal men of the tribe. Two other ki- te ri from Hogkins to Cranfield are preserved in I. Belknap, 346. Simon Detogkom, Joseph X Traske^ King J], Hary, Sam j^ Linis., [a<, Wapeguanal j^ Saguachuwash Old Robin ]^ Mamanosgues q Andra^ MEMOIR OF THE PENAC60KS. 77 eomplaint, be immediately redressed ; that infor- mation should be given of approaching danger from enemies ; that the Indians should not remove their families from the neighborhood of the Eng- lish without giving timely notice, and if they did, it should betaken for a declaration of war ; and, that while these articles were observed, the Eng- lish would assist and protect them against' the Mohawks and all other enemies. From this time, peace continued without inter- ruption till 1689, when a confederacy was formed between the tribes of Penacook and Pequawkett, and the strange Indians, (as they were called) who were incorporated with them, to attack the settle- ment at Dover. The Penacooks were among the four hundred Indians, w^ho were seized at Dover by Major Waldron in 1676, and were dismissed ut that time, probably on account of the friendly disposition of Wonolanset Notwithstanding they experienced the clemency of Major Waldron, in be- ing permitted to depart in safety, they did not for- get the conduct of the Major to their allies, and were easily seduced to join the confederacy by those, who had, for about thirteen years, cherished an inextinguishable thirst of revenge against the brave, but unfortunate Waldron. The plot formed against the inhabitants of Dover was disclosed by two of the Penacooks to Major Hinchman, of Chelmsford, who immediately informed Mr. Dan- forth, a member of the council of Massachusetts, by the following letter, the original of which is on file in the Secretary's office in Massachusetts. " Hon'd Sir, This day, two Indians came from Pennacook, viz. Job Maramasquand and Peter Muckamug, who report that damage will undoubtedly be done with- in a few days at Piscataqua, and that Major Wal- dron, in particular, is threatened ; and that Juli- matt fears that mischief will quickly be done at 11 78 MEMOIR or THE PBNACOOKS. Dunstable. The Indians can give a more particu- lar account to your honor. They say, if damage be done, the blame shall not be on them, having given a faithful account of Avhat they hear ; and are upon that report moved to leave their habitation and corn at Pennacook. Sir, I was very loth to trouble you, and to expose myself to the censure and derision of some of the confident people, that would pretend to make a sport with what I send down by Capt. Tom, (alias Thomas Ukqucakussen- num.) I am constrained, from a sense of my duty, and from love to my countrymen, to give the informa- tion as above. So with my humble service to 3 our honor, and prayers for the safety of an endangered people — I am, Sir, your humble servant, THO:HINCHMAN. June 22. Hon. Thomas Danforth.'''' Mr. Danforth was detained from the meeting of the council. He however, on the same day, com- municated Major Hinchman's letter to Governor Bradstreet, who, with the council, ordered a mes- senger to be sent to Cochecho, with the following disclosure of the plot in a letter, written by Secre- tary Addington. ''Boston, 27 June, 1689. Honble Sir, The governor and councill haveing this day received a letter from Major Henchman of Chelms- ford, that some Indians are come in to them, who report that there is a gathering of some Indians in and about Penecooke, with designe of mischiefe to the English. Among the said Indians, one Hawkins is said to be a principal designer, and that they have a particular desig;ne against 3'ourself and Mr. Peter Coriin, which tlie councill thought it ne- cessary presiiitly to dispatch advice thereof to give you notic^j that you take care of your own safe- MEMOIR OF THE PENACOOKS. 79 guard, they intending to betray you on a pretention of trade. Piease forthwith to signify the import hereof to Mr. Coffin and others, as'you shall think necessary, and advise of what informations you may at any time receive of the Indians motions. By order in Council!. ISA : ADDINGTON, Sec'y. For Mr, Richard Waldron and Mr. Peter Coffin^ or either of them, att Cochecha ; these with all possible speed.''"' This letter was despatched from Boston by Mr. Weare ; but some delay he met with at Newbury ferry prevented its arrival in season. The same day, after the mischief was done, the preceding let- ter fell into the hands of Maj. Waldron's son. Had it been seasonably received, it would probably have saved the lives of twenty-three persons, who fell a sacrifice to Indian cruelty, besides preventing the capture of twenty-nine others, and the destruction of much valuable property.* Upon the depredations at Dover, vigorous meas- ures were immediately adopted. A party under Capt. Noyes was despatched to Penacook, to inflict summary punishment upon those who were con- cerned in the affair at Cochecho ; but the Indians all escaped. They, however, destroyed their corn. It appears that after this, the Penacooks continu- ed to exist as a distinct tribe for many years ; though as a separate tribe, they ceased to be for- midable after this event. We find that they are mentioned in Penhallow's Indian Wars, (page 2,) where there is an account of a conference held by Governor Dudley at Casco, in 1703, with delegates from several tribes. The Norridgewocks, Penob- scots, Pequawketts, Penacooks and Ameriscoggins assured the governor, at this meeting, that " as high as the sun was above the earth, so far distant was * For a particular account of the attack on Dover, see Belknap's nis. N. H. voU I, page 198. 80 MEMOIR OF THE PENACOOKS, their design of making the least breach of the peace." At the same time they made this declaration, they were meditating hostilities, which commenced on the 10th of August, 1703. After this period, we hear little or nothing of the Penacooks, as a sepa- rate tribe. Those of them who were hostile to the English, probably mixed with the eastern Indians, between whom and the Penacooks, was a close af- finity. As the governor of Canada had encouraged the Indians who inhabited the borders of New- England, to remove to Canada, it is likely that some of tliem went thither, and were incorporated with the tribes of St. Francis. But those who con- tinued friendly to the English, of which there had always been a small number, remained here until 1725, and were highly useful to the first inhabitants, supplying them with food when almost in astate of starvation. The Penacook Indians were a more warlike tribe than the Pawtuckett, or Wamesit Indians, who liv- ed around Pawtuckett Falls, in Chelmsford. They were opposed to the introduction of Christianity a- mong them, and " obstinately refused to pray to God." Before the year 1670, a party of them went down the Merrimack, and built a fort at Pawtuck- ett. They also erected a fort on Sugar-Ball Hill, so called, in Concord, as a protection against the incursions of the Mohawks and other enemies. A considerable number of them joined in an expedi- tion against that formidable nation, and were prin- cipally destroyed. Tradition says, that there was oiice a very obstinate engagement between the Mo- hawks and Penacooks on the river in this vicinity, but the time, place and circumstances are imknown to the present generation. The Indians of the most peaceful character among the Penacooks, were the Robin family, a part of Avhich lived in Clielmsford, and owned a hill in that town, which, for almost tv. o hundred years, has been known by the name of Robin's Hill. [NO. 1.] THE ORDER OF THE GREAT AND GENERAL COURT. The Committee appointed to consider what is proper for this. Court to do on the petition of Benjamin Stevens and others, are humbly of opinion, that it will be for the interest and advantage of this Province that part of the lands, petitioned for by the said Benjamin Stevens and company, be assigned and set apart for a township ; provided, that the same be done in a good, regular and defensible manner, to contain seven miles square, and begin where Contoocook river falls into Merrimack river, and thence to extend upon a course east seventeen degrees south four miles, to be the northerly bounds of the said township ; and from the extreme parts of that line to be set off southerly at right angles, until seven miles shall be accomplished from the said north bounds. And that the petitioners may be encouraged and fully empowered to prosecute their intended settlements — Ordered, That the Hon. William Tailer, Esq., Elisha Cooke, Esq., Spencer Phipps, Esq., William Dudley, Esq., John Wainwright, Esq., Capt. John Shipley, Mr. John Saunders, Eleazar Tyng, Esq., and Mr. Joseph Wilder, (any five of whom to be a quorum) be a Com- mittee to take special care, that the following rules and condi- tions be punctually observed and kept by all such as shall be ad- mitted to bring forward the proposed settlements, namely : That the aforesaid tract of land be allotted and divided into one hundred and three equal parts and shares as to quantity and quality ; and that one hundred persons or families, such only as in the judgment of the Committee shall be well able to pursue and bring to pass their several settlements on the said lands within the space of three years at farthest from the first day of June next. That each and every intended settler, t© whom a lot, with the rights and privileges thereto belonging, shall be assigned, shall pay into the hands of the Committee, for the use of the Province, at the time of drawing his lot, the sum of five pounds, and be obliged to build a good dwelling house, fit com- fortably to receive and entertain a family who shall inhabit the same ; and also break up and sufficiently fence in six acres of land for their home lot within the term aforesaid. And that the first fifty settlements shall be begun and perfected upon the east- ern side of the said river Merrimack, and the several houses shall be erected on their home lots not above twenty rods the one from the other where the land will possibly admit thereof, in the most regular and defensible manner, the Committee, in their best prudence, can project and order ; the houses and home lots on 82 APPENDIX. each side of the river to be alike subjected unto the above men- tioned conditions. That a convenient house for the public wor- ship of God be completely tinished within the term aforesaid, for the accommodation of all such as shall inhabit the aforesaid tract of land,upon such part thereof as shall be agreed upon bj the said Committee, for the ease of the community ; and that there shall be reserved, allotted, and laid out for the first minister that shall be lafvfuly settled among them, one full right, share, and proportion of and in the aforesaid tract of land, with all rights and privileges thereto belonging. His house lot to be laid out next adjoining to the land whereon the meeting house shall stand. One other full right, share, and proportion of and in the aforesaid tract of land, to be appropriated for the use of the school forever ; and one other ministerial lot of equal value with the rest, the home lot appertaining thereto affixed near to the meeting house. And for the better enabling the intended settlers to perfect what they are hereby enjoined, and empower- ing them to remove all such lets and impediments as they may meet with in their progress and lawful undertaking, that when and 60 soon as there shall be one hundred persons accepted and allowed by the Committee to go on and improve those lands for the ends and uses above specified, upon application made to the aforesaid Committee, it shall and may be lawful for them to no- tify the undertakers to meet at some convenient time and place, they being seasonably notified of such meeting, who, when as- sembled, shall make such necessary rules and orders as to them shall be thought most conducible for the carrying forward and effecting the aforesaid settlement ; provided, that three-fourth parts of the persons present at such meeting aie consenting to what rules or orders shall be then proposed and agreed upon, two or more of the Committee to be present at such meeting, who shall enter into a fair book, to be kept for that purpose, all such rules, orders, and directions agreed on as aforesaid, and give out copies thereof when required ; the whole charge of the Committee to be paid by the settlers. And that when they shall have performed the conditions above expressed, provided it be within the space of three jears as before limited, that then the said Committee for and in behalf of this Court execute good and sufficient deeds and conveyances in the law, to all such settlers for the aforesaid tract of land, with all the rights, members, profits, privileges, and immunities thereon standing, growing, or being for the sole use of them, their heirs and assigns forever, with a saving of all or any former grant or grants. By order of the Committee. N. BYFIELD. In Council, January llth, 1725. Read and ordered that this Report be accepted ^ent down for concurrence. J. WILLARD, Sec'ry. APPENDIX. 83 In the House of Representatives, January 17th, 1725. Read and concurred. WM. DUDLEY, Speaker. Consented td^ WM. DUMMER. [NO. II.] Names of the Original Proprietors of the town of Ruinford. Nathaniel Abbot John Austin Samuel Ajer John Ayer Jacob Abbot Obadiah Ayer Zebadiah Barker, alias Edw. Abbot Thomas Blanchard William Barker Nathaniel Barker, alias Solo. Martin Joshua Bay ley Moses Boardman Nathan Blodgett John Bayley, alias Samuel White Nathaniel Clement John Chandler Benjamin Carlton Christopher Carlton Nehemiah Carlton Richard Coolidge, aliae Samuel Jones John Coggin Edward Clark Enoch Coffin Thomas Coleman Nathaniel Cogswell Moses Day Joseph Davis Samuel Davis David Dodge Ephraim Davis Ebenezer Eastmau Jacob Eames Stephen Emerson John Foster Ephraim Farnum William Foster Nathan Fisk, alias Zachariah Chandler John Grainger Samuel Grainger Benjamin Gage William Gutterson Nehemiah Heath Ephraim Hildreth Joseph Hale Moses Hazzen Jonathan Hubbard, alias Daniel Davis Richard Hazzen Joseph Hall Timothy Johnson John Jaques NathanieUones Robert Kimball Samuel Kimball David Kimball Nathaniel Lovejoy Ebenezer Lovejoy Thomas Learned John Merrill John Mattis Andrew Mitchel Minister Benjamin Nichols John Osgood Stephen Osgood Benjamin Parker Thomas Page Robert Peaslee Joseph Parker Nathan Parker Nathaniel Page Samuel Phillips James Parker 84 APPENDIX. Jonathan Pulsipher I^athaniel Peaslee John Pecker Joseph Page John Peabody Parsonage Samuel Reynolds Henry Rolfe John Sanders Ebenezer Stevens John Sanders, jr. Benjamin Stevens Nathaniel Saunders James Simonds Zorobabel Snow Jonathan Shiplejr Nathan Simonds School Samuel Tappan Bezaleel Tappan Richard Urann Ebenezer Virgin John Wright William White Nicholas White Ammi Ruhamah Wise Isaac Walker David Wood William Whitt'er ThQmas Wicomb Edward Winn. [NO. III.] To His Excellency Benning Wentworth, Esq. Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of JSl'ew- Hampshirc, in JVew-England.^ the Honorable the Council^ and the House of Representatives., in General Court convened. The Memorial and Petition of Benjamin Rolfe, in the name and behalf of the inhabitants of the town of Rumford, in said Province, humbly sheweth — That the said town has been settled by his Majesty's subjects about seventeen years, and a gospel minister ordained there about twelve. That the settlers 1 ad an eye at enlarging his Majesty's dominions, by going into the wil- derness, as well as at their own interest. That many thousand pounds have been spent in clearing and cultivating the lands there, and many more in erecting mansion-houses, out-houses, barns, and fences ; besides a large additional sum in fortifica- tions, lately made by his Excellency the Governor's order. That the buildings are compact, and properly formed for defence, and well situated for a barrier, being on the Merrlmr.ck river, about fifteen miles below the confluence of Winnipishoky [Winnepisi- ogee] and Pemissawasset [PemigewassetJ rivers. Loth which are main gang-ways of the Canadians to the frontiers of this Prov- ince. That the breaking up of the settlement will not only ruin the memorialists, but in their humble opinion, greatly disserve his Majesty's interest, by encouraging his enennes to encroach on his direlict dominions, and be all-hurtful to the Prade as much to the defendant as any person whomsoever. For he is an inhabitant of Bow, as the plaintiffs themselves style him, and thi« release is made to the inhabitants as well as to proprietors, of what they possess ; and as the defendant had possessed so long in his own right, he must of necessity be quieted by this release, if it has any effect at all, and it would be doing the greatest vio- lence to the words of it, to give them any other construction as to this point ; and if so, it is submitted whether the plaintiffs or defendant has Mason's right. But what may further be objected to the plaintiffs on this head, and indeed is what first occurs, it is a well known point of law, a chose in action or a mere right cannot be transferred, and Mason's title was no more, as to all the lands in the possession of those who were not parties at the time of making the said deed to Atkinson and others. The lands demanded, a? well as all the plantation of Pennicoke, had been near twenty years in the possession of entire strangers to that transaction. And then what title can the plaintiffs derive to themselves under this conveyance to the lands in question ? This, and much more, the defendant conceives may well be offered in his defence, sufficient to defeat the plaintiffs' action, upon sup- position he had no title. But that is not the case. — We shall now consider the defendant's title. In the year 1725, upon the petition of Benjamin Stevens and others, a tract of land of seven miles square, at a place called Pennicoke, by the government of the Massachusetts Bay, was appropriated for a township, the bounds of which were as fol- lows, viz. " To begin where Contoocoke river falls into Merri- mack river, thence extending east seventeen degrees north three miles, and west seventeen degrees south four miles, which 92 APPENDIX. is the northerly bound of said township ; and from the extreme parts of that line southerly at right angles till seven miles are ac- complished from the north bounds." Now it is agreed on all hands, that within these bounds the lands demanded are contain- ed. And as the proprietors of Bow have run the bounds of the lands they claim, they take in something more than two-thirds of what is contained within the bounds above described. And, there- fore, as they have recovered part, they expect to recover the whole that lies within what they are pleased to call their limits ; for other parcels of which there are several other actions now pending. And here it may not be amiss to take notice of the vexatious method they take to recover what they claim, by prosecuting a great number of actions, each for a small parcel of land, that they may prevent an appeal home, and that they may have the advantage of the ignorance and prejudice of com- mon juries. And with a view to weary out and dishearten the defendants, who live at a great distance from Portsmouth, where all the courts are held, with the expense of charges occasioned to them by such a number of suits. Whereas they might as well have taken an action for all that lies in common, in the name of the proprietors of Bow, against the proprietors of Rumford, as well as the action against the present defendant, and others of the like kind. But to return. Among those who were to settle this town, is the name of the defendant and one Nathaniel Page, under whom he purchased a part of what is sued for. In the year 1726, a division of lots of upland and interval was laid out to the settlers, to hold in severalty, among which was the land demanded, part of which is that the defendant purchased of one Joseph Davis. These settlers prosecuted the settlement with such vigor, that in the year 1730 they had a minister settled, and a church gathered in said township. And in the year 1733, they were incorporated into a town, by the name of Rumford, (it not being the custom in this government to incorporate a tract of waste land without an inhabitant, but tirst to seLlle the land, and then make the settlers a corporation.) The act, by which this corporation was made, was contirmed by the King after- wards, in the year 1737. And notwithstanding their distance from other settlements, within, and none without them, the difli- culties and hardships which necessarily attend those who first set down upon land in a perfect wilderness, where there is not the least sign that ever English foot had trod the ground before them ; and especially the danger, expense, and fatigue of an Indian war, which they encountered.* Notwithstanding all these and other discouragements, these settlers have stood their ground ever since their first entry ; have persevered in their resolution, have planted a tine town, supply themselves and many * Besides an actual war, they have l)een frequently ririven into garrisins, and kept in continual fears for years togett)er, or at least the whole summer season, which was occasioned ay,aiH the next, by the threats and surly temper of the Inciiaas. APPENDIX. 93 others withia them with provisions, afford other places both de- fence and sustenance, and are likely to be a great advantage to the province of New-Hampshire in general. Yet these are the people the proprietors of Bow would eject ; would oust, not only of their all, but of that all they have thus dearly purchased. For what the said proprietors claim takes in all (withia a very trifle) of the said improvements, which they would now cruelly, (I may say) ravish from them, after they themselves, with folded arms and indolence, have stood by a long time, and seen the others, with the greatest toil and expense, make these improvements. And the only reason that can be given for it is, they want some- thing of this kind, and having none, they have made of their own ; they take this as the shortest way of obtaining it. For to this day these proprietors of Bow have not settled five fam- ilies within their whole township ; and there is a great part of it clear of any dispute, and that part too which is nearest to the settlements within, yet nothing is done there, but they must needs overlook that, to come at this, the mark at which their whole view was directed. In short, they have not in the run of twenty years done as much towards settling a plantation, as they might, and as the others did, in two years ; yet they are so par- tial to themselves, so blinded by interest, as to think, that be- cause they once run a line round this land, &c. above twenty years ago, they have an indefeasible right to it, which yet they are unwilling to have brought to the test, and decided fairly in the cheapest way, but endeavor, by piece meal, to destroy the possessors. In tine, it seems they have set their eyes and hearts upon this vineyard, and per/as aut nefas they must have it ; for the actions they have recovered (which are several) have beeu against common right, the common known principles of law, and plain common sense. So much do they find their account in, and means to obtain juries, entire strangers to these things, or under the influence of a principle worse than ignorance. But the plaintiffs object to the defendant's title several mat- ters. That which they pretend to be very material is first — The land called Rumford lies not within the bounds of what is now the province of the Massachusetts Bay, according to the last settlement of the line, the defendant himself will own ; and that settlement was not a new boundary now first made, but is to be considered in this view, viz. A declaration of his Majesty, of what was always the true boundaries of these provinces, that the province of New-Hampshire was always supposed to join to the Massachusetts, wherever the dividing lines should be fixed, and the lands now under consideration, lying in New-Hampshire, the governnr.ent of the Massachusetts had no jurisdiction, or, which amounts to the same, if these lands were out of their jurisdiction, (" and the right of granting of lands was limited to the right of jurisdiction") their grant was void ab initio ; and therefore the settlers under them could derive no title to them- 13 94 APPENDIX. selves, but must be looked upon as, or actually were, disseisors. But as their entry was recent when Bow was granted, the pro- prietors might lawlirily enter upon them ; especially considering the government of New-Hampshire had forewarned and forbid the committee, who were on the business of beginning the set- tlement of Pennicoke, to proceed in the name of the govern- ment of New-Hampshire. So there was really nothing in the way of the proprietors of Bow, any more than if there had been nobody there. Before notice is taken of the principal objection, it cannot escape the most superficial observer, how weak it is for the plaintiffs to lay stress on this forewarning, by order of the gov- ernment of New-Hampshire. uikI in the next breath, as it were, to confess, that the government had nothing to do with it ; that the land was private property to which this related, an hundred years before. But as to the grand objection the defendant re- plies— When the land '^'as appropriated as aforesaid for a town- shii^', the government jf the Massachusetts had the jurisdiction in faot. Suppose it not to be dc jtire^ to whom were they answer- able for mal-administration ? not to the proprietors of Bow, nor even the government of New-Hampshire, for that government, by the commission then in force, did not reach to the place now under consideration, by several miles, as was hinted before ; then they could have nothing to do or say in the case. Who then was to correct this usurpation ? The King was so far from charging them with any imputation of that kind, that he approv- ed and confirmed the act by which the inhabitants of this planta- tion were incorporated ; and as to the proprietors of Mason's right, they were glad they had such good neighbors, for every acre these inhabitants cultivated, doubled the value of as many acres of those proprietors. Moreover, the government of the Massachusetts exercised all the powers and authorities of govern- ment, both legislative and executive, over all places, to the line three miles northward of Merrimack aforesaid, till the said last settlement, which were never annulled, or declared to be void, as must have been the case, had this notion been entertained, which these plaintifls advance, that the said settlement of the line was only a declaration of what was always the true bounda- ries of these provinces ; or that all which the Massachusetts had done in this regard, was a mere nullity. And if the King has not seen it proper to nullify all those acts of government, what have the plaintiffs to do in the case ? It seems necessary that all should be deemed valid, or all void ; or by what rule can a distinction be fixed ? Besides, the settlement of this line, was on- ly to settle the jurisdiction, and not to affect private property ; nor was it ever designed to furnish a rule whereby that should be determined. And the acts done by either government with- in their respective limits, as exercised and used before the set- tlement, must be held valid to all intents, to avoid that confusion which the contrary notion would necessarily introduce, and APPENDIX. 95 which arises from connecting ideas which have no necessary con- nexion. Th=)t is, that the rights of government and the rights of property are always united, or that the latter has a necessary dependance on the former ; which, with respect to this very line, has in fact stirred a multitude of suits. If this opinion was true, the jurisdiction of a goverament ought never to be altered, without first hearing all parties whose properties would be thereby affected, which must be all those who have any real estates between the old and new line. And in what case of this nature was this ever done ? And yet if settled without it, that is without hearing such parties and determining their respective rights, this position would, in case of such alteration, (which frf^quently happens) be productive of the greatest mischief to private persons, not only by exposing them to suits, but by the ruin of those who held under the government whose jurisdic- tion should be contracted. Suppose the alteration in this cas« Tas it might) had been, by fixing the line ten or twenty miles further eastwards, would the notion that such a settlement was only a declaration of what was always, fee. then have prevailed ? and that all the real estates lying westward of the line must be- long to the inhabitants of the Massachusetts, and the old posses- sors be sent a grazing, or to look out and subdue new lands, and perhaps by that time they should be well settled, the like event might happen. Besides, where shall we stop ? Many or most of the ancient inhabitants within the towns of the same govern- ment, have derived their estates from town grants, which aie laid out on any of the commons not beiore laid out in severalty, or appropriated. And by this rule, upon an alteration of the bounds of any two towns contiguous, there must arise the like transmutation of property and endless controversies ; for these towns are to many purposes distinct governments, and the gov- ernments are only larger corporations. Now the cases here put are the same in kind, and differ only in degree. From all which considerations, and many more that might be added, it follows, that ihe grants made by the government of the Massachusetts, before the settlement of the said line, within the jurisdiGtion they then had in fact, as well as other acts of government, must be held good, and the grant under which the defendant holds among the rest. Besides all this, with respect to the properly of rtie soil, there is another matter to be considered. It appears by the present charter of the Massachusetts, that the preperty of the soil from forty to forty-eight degrees of north latitude, was granted to the council of Plymouth, and is a fact so well known, it is needless to offer evidence of it. It also appears by the re- cital in said charter, that the said council by their deed, dated the 19th of March, the third of Charles 1. granted to Sir Henry Roswell, and others there named, their heirs and assigns, and their associates forever, all that part of New-England, &c. com- prehending the whole tract of land, which was called the Colony 0f the Massachusetts Bay, under the old charter. That about a 96 APPENDIX. year after, Kini* Charles confirtncdthis grrant by a double recital, lirst by referring to the deed nuide by the council, and then by the particular bounds in that deed, and made the grantees and others their associates, a corporation on the place. That many years after this, in the latter part of the reign of King Charles II. this corporation was dissolved, by vacating the letters patent of King Charles I. NoAv from these facts it may be observed, that the council of Plymouth, having the fee, conveyed the same, of all the land within the bounds of their deed of the 19th of March aforesaid, to Sir Henry Rosv/ell, &.c. as private persons, it being made a year before the corporation had existence, and had no relation to any corporate capacity. That the confirmation of the Crown aforesaid admits that the grantees of the council had the fee oi the soil, which is the thing they designed to convey, and if it had not been done, there was nothing for the confirmation to work upon, for a confirmation of a void conveyance is also void. That the judgment, by which the corporation was dissolved, re- lates wholly to the King's letters patent, by which the corpora- tion was erected, and has no manner of reference to the deed made by the council of Plymouth. The quere here is then upon annulling the charter of incorporation, what became of the fee of the land purchased by some of the members of that corpora- tion as private persons, before the corporation was in esse ; or how could the vacating or destroying a particular political rela- tion, an ens rationis any wajs aft'ect the right of property ? If it is said, that the said judgment nullified those letters patent as a deed of confirmation : Suppose it — but what follows ? Nothing as to this point. For the rule is, a confirmation is to bind the right of him who makes it, but not to alter the nature of the estate of him to whom made. Now if the grantees in the first deed had the fee by that, the confirmation, when in force, did not alter the nature of their estate, nor when annihilated, (if it could be so in that respect) did that affect it. Upon the whole, as to this point, it is submitted whether the dissolution of the corporation aifected the right of property any more than it did the moral state of those who were the particular members. The consequence of all is, the right and property of ail the lands within the bounds of that deed, was in those grantees, and still is in those who bold under them. How far those bounds extended, the judgment of the King in council, according to the opinion of the Lords Chief Justices upon the complaint of Mason and Gorges, in the year 1677, is an irrefragable determination. That as to that part of the bounds which relates to the lands of Rumford, it was to run parallel to the river at the distance of three miles northwardly of it to the head, or as it is in the report, to the ut- most extent of the river, &c. ; whereby it run a long ways bej^ood the said township of Rumford, so that (here can be no doubt whether it took in those lands. Now, supposing this right to remain still in private hands, what have the government of New- APPENDIX. 97 Hampshire, or Mason either, to do with it ? And here again the application of the rule above referred to offers itself. The land is neither the plaintiffs' nor defendant's. How then shall the plaintiffs recover ? Not by the known established rules of law, but by a new method ; the land the plaintiffs demand is not the defendant's, therefore they will have it. But here a question arises. Supposing all to be true with respect to this right that has been alleged, which way did it ever come to be the govern- ment's again ? And if the property still remains in private per- sons, what have the government to do to parcel it out, and put whom they please in possession ? There is no doubt but the re- incorporation restored the government to all they had before, not expressly excepted in the new charter ; and as they had the King's confirmation as a corporation, while that capacity con- tinued, they must be supposed to hold by that ; but when that was annulled, they were remitted to their ancient right, which they had before the corporation was created. And it is submit- ted, whether by necessary operation of law, a corporation dis- solved, and afterwards incorporated by a new charter, either by the same or a new name, is not of course restored to all its old rights and privileges, without express words in the new charter for that purpose ; and if it is, the question is answered. How- ever the government has been in possession of, and has exercis- ed the right of granting the lands to the inhabitants more than sixty years, and if any particular person or persons might once have claimed it, such right seems to be extinguished by non- claiming the possession or exercise aforesaid. The deed made by the council of Plymouth is not in the case, nor is it to be found, nor any record of it, only by way of recital, it being; prob- ably consumed, and the record of it, with many other papers of a public nature, bj' the violence of a fire that destroyed the State-house, with a great part of the town of Boston, in the year 1711. But by the recital in the charter it may be depended upon as undoubted fact, that there was such a deed. There is another objection made by the plaintiffs to the de- fendant's title, which is, that the committee appointed by the General Court to have the care of settling these lands at Penui- coke, were to execute deeds to the settlers, which does not appear to have been done, therefore they have no title. The answer to which is, there was no need of it, for the land was designed for those who would settle there ; the committee determined who they should be, took a list of their names, then the lots severed were drawn in tlieir names, and sot off to them ; and by the terms proposed, if they perfected the settlement, the land was to be theirs. And by the act or law of the province, by which they were incorporated, past the seventh of his Majesty's reign, it appears that they had fully complied with the terms the General Court had fixed. So that the executing such deeds, as it would have been a considerable trouble and charge, so it would have been ex abundanti, and was therefore omitted. The WU Afviiniiin, fNllff«M )MttM Imv« kU"»i IM> Mi<(l« ) Mini M« h< |Im> mm IIiimI of i mm VI'VlttM O, il t« llMMtlllorlHl M(«r <^"M jl ItVDI I MRh/fMiH V Im |MIM l|«M|tt IM IIM<< MI'MA ; (MmI IViI* Ifil'MlI'ilM 'I IhIIM'I I'i I:IIM)H|mI(' IIm* •IsHImI'M Im IMMI|iU Hrlllt llll> lOMM'-, lldll llti>^ llli^lll |)r "mIIII'wI Im IIm' IimmI, llttMMi llilMij h(Jt imMrtf V I" I'" *l(llt«<."ArMl IMiw Im Niint )||l 1(11 Itl )l l«>tV n'MllIn TIh) t|ti|i'M«lM)il Imi« urHt f'oil, diiIhIoimI, nml • Mlliviilt<)l IIm> Imiii|(i i1(>MIiMmI('|| ; M iImi (III lllflll llMIM |Im> I'MII|{I| M*MiI|I)i|M I(| tvld'li mmI(i((> I( II ll(«M(, l(( ll(>i mIkIo m| )( (tittiliii((, Im tvltli li IhIimi ht- Um •(|M>mI mimic lliiiii It^ridy yi'Ml'o, widli- llin |t|iilMlin|i llildiil litu ftiiy DHm Ml kmI, II((' |(lididiil« M((((ld nmI l(t r(MiMV(!i'i \\' lli«,y iIm fi((l MiiiltK ((III ll)i> llll(< lld'i md ii|i I'di //m'/mm Hi cinnliflii finf thliiiUhi iUt* UMVidiiiiM'id III Ndtv lliiiM|'ali)ii> iMil iim| KNlniiil In llii« |(lii«'i> wfi^io llit<«n liiniU liiy (III llm wt'ulnily oldi^ (il'IMid' I'iMiiii li ilv^i', mill IIi«)|'«Imi'i> mm t'lj^lil riHilil l(i> ilii'(iiM«iil liiiil MUM liml Mil liii') llin Ci'Mtvii linil ImiiU lii)|Mr>* illvi-ulixl lloull "(dl, wlih li »yrii« MlloittiiiilN vi>*li'il III Mil lldMiy llMawi'll) A<( , 'I'liiil il'lliiil tviid Mill llio nt«P, II tvtin iVIi IMmumm'h, mt lliiitiit tvlto Iimvm Ida il^ltl , IVmim wIimim IliK |ilidiillllt* Imivo diilvtul uii lllln, Imi iiii«»> iIim do (iMldillll (Vila III iMinnoBuiiiii id lli(l lllMo mI MI'||iIm|j lltn doMil imkI iiilMiitiMllMri'iiilif 'Ihid II lliii it>liMit)i> (i|Mi|(i|(mi IimkU. II la Im lilVMI III llll' dolclldilld TImiI IIm> lIcioMdMMl llim M ^llllll ll^ld MMlIld llio (JMVMIlMlMd id llio IVIiinaiM llllQidU liilVi 114 Tliny llild llll' |Ml|udl( IImIi Im liii I, iMid lilMinMiM liiid IIm> liiiil id lllt> Biill liy llii< di-cd mid iiltioi iiiidl(-i« itliirKXidil Add In iill lltHJi VVlMlliViM oi^dllrn liiliil III llic MlldnilM'M, iMid (d lltid «vld( It lildiil'M ■tMVMll (illly il« (lollidloi iiiid MlllQiMy liM tvlld liKiiaU, iMidii llll King |l|iirii llll ilM> IMl(ll> ailVilUi' iMdlllidt^ llll> IlldiilMBi Mill xilly liMI I'JMini'H II III II diiii| I llll', (Mill IlilH II lldld IliiritiiiM, IIimMhIi ^vImiIm lidVM id lliiiidiiid imimII') IIik llmiiU mI ||ii> (juvoiiitiiiMd, iMKloiid (d lii'lii|i ItiiiK-d Mill id iliMiiH And Miond III l((diiill idlliMiM> iillu>i ililiidtlliiidu id' IIimmImhI. Willi t^liMMi llli'lt' |dii|dlidMl<)| IM lliMti' will* dtdlvid llndi rlulil (VMIII IIM'IMi lU'V )*i*«V I miiImiiIIHH, (••)d llMVt* III lldlin III lllli MMM'la «illtlt>l' I^MKltlUIIMIl • p'lit liinmdiiH Jmmimm Id i\-imIiiM^ Mp I'\ iIm. Iidc Jiidt?*' I'd l» #rllitti iMid IMimmmI iiMr> id IIm> |Mi|ii> m|Mim «\ldi ti IImm MUliMUMoy iVliH itt»i^|i1»>(| III imV: 'riiuMMlt ••< I MMtldiMiddi> ImiKlli. il «vlll Ii0 lldld «t«illM||l (U ltd> |HMi|dit III Citiit Hid, will! «^tll ItiM'f* Hi'f t'lt- lll(> DliiMMil Ml I Mjilttd liv IIma iinilltd l\dl\ I i«|diMiMli *rii<| d«iid>iloil id' lliit Uiii^y III i'miiHtl llillMwa, widili, ili«MiHlir»l^niM|i (m Mllt<«i' APPKN1>IX. 99 MjipeulH, iH n[)pliciil)lo to Mic'vyIioIp. Tlio cliHpulc, Iio\v«>v«*r, Wii« not <-.(»ii!i|»lel»!l^ sellloti, tmlil the i»ru|iiicl()rH of \Unv liiid rxiortcti Iiirj![«; sums ("roin Um; inliahiluntH ol' lliiiufonl, by \\i:\y ol" compio- tniHf.| Al llir (;<»iii( of S(. Jann'H, the 2f)(li irunitl'(*(! oi (yoiiiicil, lor li('arin<>; a|)|M*aU Iroin th*' |>laiita(ionH, dated th(> I'Ttli oC this instant, in lh<; words I'oliowin}.^, viz. : — Your IMajcsty liaviiij^ hecH |)U:as«>d, l>y j/onrctrdcr in council ol' Hk; l5tlio(' I'cluoary, I 7 - , to rfdei nolo this <,(unniilf«'(' tli« huinhh' [M'litioii antition, havinjf he en referred to a committee! of Itoth J louses, and thej' icporlod in favor of the a|)plication, that it would h(; for the advantage of (he province that |)art of the land pe.ttlioned for should hu us- fligrn^d and «<'t ajiart lor u township, to contain seven miles sipiarc, and to he^in where Contoocook river falls into JMeiiiniack riv<-r. And they a|ipoint(Hl a (>omitiitl(;e to hrin*; i'orward the siiid scl- llerne?it, and laid down several special directions with re/j^arJ thereto. AikI amonj'.st otliers, that the Jatidfl slnnjld he divided into un(! hundred and three lots or shared ; and that one tiundied p(!r«onH or faniilien, aide to make their setlh nuMit, should he. admittfid, anrl each settler to pay for his lot live jHtunds for the us(! (d' t!ie province.', and he ohlj^^ed to hnild a y;(UH\ houscr f«i' the faujily within three. yg the same, to be both of them re- versed, and that the appellants be restored to what they may have lost by means of the said judgments, whereof the Governor or commander in chief of his Majesty's province of New-Hamp- shire, for the time being, and all others whom it may concern, are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. [No. VI.] HEALTH, LONGEVITY, &C. Synopsis of the Bills of Mortality for the town of Concord, from the year 1798 to 1822. — By Th©mas Chadbourne, M. D. 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 25, 2w. 17' 70, 4m, 4. 2. 1. 40, 53' 38, 7' 67' 7. 4m. 49, 2.0.8. 2. 16' 0. 43, 3. 5. 57' 81' 51' 1. 80' 8ra. 8. 60' 30, 32, lOd. 21' 60, lOw. 20' 50' 83' 78' 88' 13. 18m. 46, 8m. 18m. 2. 2. 4. 60' 0. 91' 7. 9. 4.1. 0.0. 4d. Id. 31, 0. 82, 21' 18m. 18in. 80' 21' 4d. 20d. 49, 22, 6m. 70' 45, 20' 49, 97, 2. 37, 28, 70, 37, 56' 48, 24, 0. 73, 83, 1. 5. 2. 3'. 53, 3. 3. 18m. 4. 2. 5. 9. 19' 82, 86, 80' 63, 60, 85' 2. 6. 0. 55, 65, 3. 2.3, 28, 4. 6. 0. 67' 43' 65' 0. J 8m. 30' 3. B3, 80' 0. 18m. 69' 19' 2. 29' 0, 0. 0. 0. 53' 70' 40' 3. 19' 0. 0. 72' 1. 0. 6-5' 53, 68' 2. 65' 25, 1., 1. 89' 2. 1. 45' 88, 0. 0. 71, 50, 36' 68' 0. 0. 22, 0, 90, 64' 0. 20, 1. 8. 45, 22' 22' 1. 45' 10. 64' 0. 67, .57, 10. 0. 92, 79' 2. 66' 0. 0. 0. 69' 22, 32' 24, 57, 92, 63, 18, 76' 0. 18, 60' 20, 0. 66, 84' 70' 0. 35' 0. 10. 86' 0. 0. 83, 5. 14,28, 3. 0. 0. 80' 2. 16, 58, 53, 35, 20, 17, 0. 18m. 27' 5. 40, 0. 50' 45' 95' - - . . . . 80' 2. 8. 0. 0, 0. 82, 29' 4. 70' 71, 22, 2. 27, 2. 1.0. 0. 41,30,65, 9' 65, 33, 45' 2. 14, 31, 92' 32' 0. 22, 17, 65, 63' 41' 82, 1. 11. 4. 74' 86, 19, 0. 32' 74' 31' 27' 64' 74' 5. 0. 37' 70' 3. 31, 25, 0. 46' 0. 3. 0. 0. 32' 0. 70, 3. 25' 59, 50' 0. 47, 73, 82' 11, 33, From December 1811, to January 1819, inclusive, there were 250 deaths — there is no record of the ages to be found. Tot. 26 15 25 24 22 23 27 13 19 21 14 41 250 Total, 104 APPENDIX. Diseases and Casualties during the years 1819, 1820, 1821 and 1822. Angina Maligna Consumption Cancer Apoplexy Infantile Fever Fits Inflammation of the Brain Spina Bifida Scrophuki Dropsy Old Age Petechia sine } Febri ] Drowned Ferer Pulmonia '' Typhus " Puerperal Infantile disea- ses Quinsey Delirium tremens Intemperance Scalded Abdominal In- flammation Dysenteria Sudden Unknown r .... 40, 27, 22' 37, 28, 51' 40' 32, 29' 51, 16, 34, 25, 28' 15' months, 30, 28,46' 30. 19' 30, 28, 30, 23, - - . 84' 65, 54' 18m' 6w' 6m' 12w' 8w' 3y. 18m, 59' 2' 6d' 19, 27' - - - - - 6w' 16' 51, 52' 74' 1' 46, 30' 71, 3' 10' 68, 78, 80' 91, 86' 69, 78' 81' 85, 96, 78, 88' 70, 81' 85, 80' 77, 75' 96' 82' 78^ 85' 72, 85' 99' 76' 70^ 86' 77, 73' 76' 80, 70, . - , . 30' ... 20' 35' 20, 30' 69' - - - - 26- 18' 18' 35' 66' 30' 47' 25, 68' 40' 32' 40, 30, 27' 1' 3w' 2d' 6w' 3d' 6w' 2d' ly' 4m' Im' 2ni' 2' 3. 1' 8' V 2' 6d' - - - - 49' 27' 40' 60' 51' 3' 55' 50, 19, 17' - - - - POm' - . - - . 73' 43' - - - - ' 61' 2' 32' 0, 0, 2' 17' 8' 0, 0' 28, 24 2 1 7 3 33 2 3 11 3 13 5 2 3 1 1 2 11 Total 150 It is ascertained that from Jan. 1792, to Dec. 1797, there were 1 1 7 deaths, which makes the whole number of deaths during the last thirty years, 803. The above table is correct as to the number of deaths, but is very imperfect in other respects. In many instances in the re- cord of infants, there is no distinction of the sex, and in some cases, the age of infants is not inserted. Such are distinguished by a cypher thus, 0. A comma after the age denotes the females, and the inverted comma the male sex. Those cases where no record of sex was made are distinguished by a point. APPENDIX. 105 From the above abstract of the diseases and deaths, for the last thirty years, it is reasonable to infer that the inhabitants en- joy an unusual exemption from disease. Scarcely any infectious disease has ever been known in this town ; and very few cases of consumption, in comparison with other low situated places, occur here. Each morning in the summer season the land contiguous to the river is covered with a thick tog- : this fog in frosty sea- sons prevents the destruction of vegetables ; and is supposed to cleanse the air of impurities, which ai"e swept to the ocean by the current of the Merrimack. About the commencement, and during the war of the revolu- tion, the Small Pox often appeared in different sections of the country, owing, probably, to the frequent communications with Canada,where the disease then prevailed ; to the free intercourse that was necessarily held by the people with the soldiers and ar- my, and in some instances it was supposed to have been sent into the country as a means of annoyance by the enemy. In July, 1775, Dr. Carrigain visited a patient in a neighboring town, who proved to be sick with the Small Pox. He took it the natural way. The nature of his disease was not discovered, un- til John, the son of Mr. Nathaniel West, who lived on the oppo- site side of the street from Dr. C. also took the disease. The Doctor inoculated his own family, then consisting of five mem- bers, who all recovered. Mr. West's family consisted of nine, six of whom had the disease the natural wa}', the others escaped. Mr. West, aged 58, died. It was first known on Saturday that the Small Pox was in the town ; so great was the alarm, that the next morning (Sunday) the inhabitants assembled, en masse^ and com- menced the erection of a " Pest House" in a retired grove west of the late residence of Capt. Benjamin Emery, and such was the zeal and activity with which they applied themselves to the work, that by night a convenient house to consist of four rooms had been hewed, framed, and raised, and the boards for covering, and brick for the chimney were drawn on to the ground. Dr. Carrigain and his family remained at their own house opposite to where Charles Walker, Esq. now resides ; fences were run a- cross the street lo cut off all communication, and a road was open- ed through the fields. Mr. West's family was conveyed to the Pest House. None of the inhabitants were inoculated. The house afterwards served occasionally for the reception of transient soldiers of the army, who either had or were suspected to have the disease. The question naturally arises, why were not all who were ex- posed to the infection iaimediately inoculated ? A law was then in force " for the prevention of the spread of the Small Pox,'' which forbid under a penalty any person inoculating without leave from court, and the people in those days were brought up in the belief that laws were made to be obeyed. In 1793, the Small Pox again appeared in a family in the west- erly part of the town. The family consisted of thirteen m^ra- 106 APPENDIX. ber?, all of whom had the disease without inoculation. Mr. Jonathan Stickney, the father, and an infant child, died. The manner in which the infection was conveyed to this family nerer has with cei-taioty been ascertained. In the winter of 1812-13, when the disease known by the dif- ferent appellations of Malignant Pleurisy. Spotted Fever. Bilious Pneumonia. k,c. spread go generally' through the N. E. States, this town was rijsited in common with others. TTie character of the disease wa« that of a Typhoid Pneumonia^ not alarming at first, but in iu^ progress- discovering a malignancy that too often rendered ineffectual all the boasted remedies of our profession. It was, however, confined principally to the soldiery, then quar- tered in the town — but few of the citizens tell victims to it.* In the winter of 1816-17, the disease appeared again in the westerly section of the town, preceded by a season, remarkable for its coldDes.?, long droughts and frequent frosts, that almost de- stroyed the hopes of the husbandman. It now assumed a charac- ter different from its appearance in other places. Its accession in the worst cases was by an erysipelatous inflammation of the ex- tremities, that soon ran iato gangrene, and generally destroyed the patient. The summer ©f 1816 was uncommonly cold throughout the United States, and throughout Europe, except some of the most northern parts of it. Vegetation was very materially affected by this state of the weather. The small grains generally were in abundance, and very good, but the crops of hay were deficient, and Indian corn, by the frosts in August, was almost lost. But for the inclemency of the season, the inhabitants were compensated with a greater share of health than had ever been known since the settlement of the town. Those who are in the habit of noting the effects of the varia- tions of the weather on the human coo-stituticn will recollect that hot and dry summers are uniformly unhealthy — hot and wet sum mers less so. — This season, which was cold aitd dry was the most healthy throughout the United States of any in the recollection of the oldest physicians. The number of inhabitants in this town in 1767, was 752 ; 1062 in 1775; 1747 in 1790; S()62 in 1800; 2393 in 1810; 2838 in 1820. The average number of deaths for the last thirty year* has been 27. Of the whole number of death? about one 1 2th part have lived to the age of 80 years and upwards — seve- ral to nearly 100. The names of 85 aged persons, are found a- mongthe records of deaths kept since 1708, whose ages amount to 6634 yearf. In the year 1815, there were living in this town 60 persons, whose ages amounted to the sum of 4320 years. • The Spotted Fever, in 1813. made its appearance Marcli 10, auJ continued ub- tj! the middlf of May. Casus of the inhabitant 93 deaths 6 Regular Soldiers, . . 49 " 7 Volunteers, . .100 " U a47 24 APPENDIX. 107 [NO. yii.] A'arnes of the Physicians^ Attorneys and Justices of the Peace who have resided in Concord. PHYSICIANS. 1. Dr. Ezra Carter, from South-Hampton, settled here in 1740 ; died in 1161.— See page 35. 2. T)v. Emery, who afterwards settled and died at Frye- bnrg-h. Me. 3. Dr. Ebenezer H. Goss, son of the Rev. Thomas Goss, of Bolton, Mass. He married a daughter of Rer. Mr. Walker, and now resides in Paris, Maine. 4. Dr. Philip Carrigain, born in New-York, settled here la 1768, and died in 1806.— 5W page 62. 5. Dr. Peter Green, A. M., M. M. S. Hon. Soc. was bom at Lancaster, Mass. in 1745 ; graduated at Harvard Coll. 1766 ; re- moved to Concord in 1772, and has practised successfully more than half a century. G. Dr. Samuel Adams, M. D. from Lincoln, Ms. practised here a short time. 7. Dr. Zadok Howe, M. D. from Franklin, Ms. practised here severalyears ; removed to Billerica, in 1814. 8. Dr. Thomas Chadbournk, M. D. commenced practice here in 1814 ; and is one of the present physicians. 9. Dr. MosEs Long, from Hopkinton, practised in this town severalyears, and removed in 1823. 10. Dr. MosES Chandler settled here in 1816, and is a prac- tising physician. 1 1. Dr. Henry Bond, M. D. practised a few years, and remov- ed to Philadelphia, in 1820. 12. Dr. Samuel Morril, from Epsom, removed into this town in 1820 ; and is in practice. 13. Dr. Peter Renton, from Scotland, settled in this place in 1822, and is in practice. attorneys at law. *Pcter Green, *E!dward St. Loc Livermore, tSamuel Green, Charles IVulker^U. 1793. |Philip Carrigain, D. 1794. §fVilliam Pickering, H. 1797. Samuel A. Kimball, D. 1806. Samuel Fletcher, D. 1810, George Kent, D. 1814. Richard Bartlett, D. 1815. *Thomas W.Thompson, H. 1786.l.2mo« A. Parker, D. 1019. Moodij Kent, H. 1801. j *Deceaseil. fNow Associate Justice of the Superior Court. |jRemoved to Cliichester. ^^Slaio Treasurer. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, In Concord, since the adoption of the constitution in 1784, with the date of their appointments. *Peter Green, * || Dec. 25, 1784. *Timothy Walker, *|| Dec. 25, 1784, 108 APPENDIX. *Aaron Kinsman, Jan. 4, 1787. * William Duncan, May 16, 1791. *John Bradley,* May 16, 1791. William A. Kent, * || June 18, 1796. * rhomas W. Thomi)son, * Dec. 1, 1796. (1) Jacob Mbot,* June ^20, 1797. (2) Samuel Green, * || Dec. 6, 1800. Stephen Ambrose, * Dec. 8, 1800. Joiiathan Wilkins^ June 19, 1802. AlbeCa.ly, * June 19, 1802. (3) Philip Carrigaia, * June 12, 1806. Isaac Eviery^ Dec, 12, 1808. *Peter C. Farnum, Dec. 13. 1808. Timothy Carter^ Dec. 13, 1808. Samuel Morril, Dec. 12, 1808. (4) Charles Walker,* June 15, 1805. Ballard Hasdtine, May 31, 1809. Jonathan Eastman^ Sept. 20, 1810. William Pickering, Sept. 20. 1810. (5) Samuel Sparhawk, * May 30, 1811. *Paul Rolfe, June 15, 1812. .John Odlin, Juae 18, 1813. Samuel A. Kimball, Sept. 17, 1813.(6) Moody Kent, * Jan. 31, 1814. Isaac Hill, Nov. 5, 1819. Amos A. Parker, 1819. Isaac Dow, June 22, 1821. Richard Bradley, June 28, 1821. Jonathan Eastman, Jr. do. Samuel Fletcher, June 29, 1821. Richard Bartlett do. 1821. George Kent, do. 1821. John Farmer, May 16, 1823. Robert Davis, Nov. 1823. (1) Then residing in Salisbury,— (2) Now of Brunswick, Me.— (3) Then residing in PlainfieW.— (4) Then of Epsom.— (5) Then of Greenland —(6)Then of Dover. Thosepreceded by a * are dead ; those in Italicks are not in commission; those followed by a * were afterwards Justices of the Peace and Qivorum, and those with ^ II were Justices throughout the State. [NO. VIII.] Matnes of Town-Clerks ^Selectmen and Representatives., since tfie ycnr 1732. TOWN CLERKS. 1732 Benjamin Rolfe, Jan. to March. 17G6 — 1769 Benjamin Rolfe. Timothy Clement, from March. 1769-1778 Timothy Walker, jr. 1733—1745 Benjamin Rolfe. 1778-1787 John KitTibaH. 1746—1749 Ezra Carter. 178?— ]79f> Caleb Chase. 1749 to 1766 Interregnum— no town offi- 1796— 1819 John Odlin. cers. 11819 to Francis A''. Fiik. APPENDfX» 10» SELECTMEN. 1732.— Jan. to March, Ebenezer Eastman, John Merrill, Edward Abbot. nSi.—M'.irch. Ebeaezer Eastman, John Chamilei, Jeieaiiah Stickney, Joseph Eastman, EJvvard Abiiot. 1733. — Eben^zer Eastman, Benjamin Rolfe, Epbraim Farnum. 1724. — BcKJamin Rnlle, Jeremiah Stickuey, John Merrill. 1735. Benjamin Rolfe, Ebenezer Eastman, Jeremiab Stickney. 1736.— Benjaniin Rolfe, James Osgood, Joseph Hall. 1737. Benjamin Ri->lfe, J J^iu Chandler, Richard Hazeltine. 17,J8— 1739. — Ebenezer Eiis-tman, Benjamin Rolle, Barachias Farnum. 1740 1711.— Benjamin Rolfe, John Chandler, El)enezer Eastman. 1742 1743. — Benjamin Rolfe, Ebenezer Eastman, Jeremiah Stickney. 1744 Benjamin Rolfe, Barachias Farnuni, John Chandler, 1745._Beniamin Rolle, John Chandler, Jeremiah Stickney. 1746. — Johii Chandler, Ebenezer Eastman, Richard Hazeltine. 1747 1748. — Ezra Carier,Johu Chandler, Richard Hazeltine. 1749^John Chandler, Ezra Carter, Jeremiah Stickney, Ebenezer Virgin, Henry Lovejoy. [From 1749 to 1766, there were no town officers appointed.] 1766— Benjamin Rolfe, Joseph Farnum, John Chandler, jr. 1767. — Richard Hazeltine, Philip Eastman, Amos Abbot. 1768. — Benjamin Rolfe, Ebenezer Hall, Reuben Kimball. 1769. — Reuben Kimball, Ebenezer Hall, Timothy Walker, jr. 1770. — Timothy Walker, jr. Reuben Kimball, Benjamin Emery. 1771. — Philip Eastman, Timothy Walker, jr. Benjamin Emery. 1772. — Timothy Walker, jr. Joseph Hall, jr. Phinehas Virjjin. 1773. — John Kimball, Amos Abbot, Timothy Walker, jr. 1774. — Timothy Walker, jr. Reuben Kimball, Tiiomas Stickney. 1775. — Timothy Walker, jr. Reuben Kimball, Benjamin Emery. 1776-1777. — Reuben Kimball, Amos Abbot, John Kimball. 1778. —John Kimball, Joshua Abbot, Joseph Hail. 1779. — Timothy Walker, Ezekiel Dimond, John Kimball. 1780. — John Chandler, James Walker, Thomas Wilson. 1781. — Timothy Walker, John Kimball, Jihies Wiilker. 1782. — Timothy Walker, Be.njainin Emrty, Tisomas Wilson. 1733-1786.— Timothy Walker, Reuben Kinfball, Thomas Stickney. 17,S7. — Joseph Hall, Henry Martin, Tnouoas Wilson. 1788. — Timothy Walker, Benjamin Emery, Chandler Lovejoy. 1789-1790.— Reuben Kimball, Timothy Walker, Asa Herrick. 1791-1793. — Timothy Walker, Reuben Kimball, Berjarain Emery. 1794.— Timothy Walker, Reuben Kimball, John Bradley. 1795-1796.— Timothy Walker. John Bradley, Henry Martin. 1797-1798.— John Odiin, Richard Ayer, John Eastman. 1799.— Timothy Walker, John Odlin, Heniy M.irtiu. 1800. — John Odlifi, Jonathan Wilhins, Henry JVlMtin. 1801. — Jonathan WUkiiis, John West, Stephen Ambrose. 1802. — Timothy Walker, John West, Stephen Ambrose. 1803.— Jonathan Wilkins, John West, Stephen Ambrose. 1804-1805. — Jonathan Wilkins, John West, Amo.- Abbot, jr. 1806-1807. — Ebenezer Dustin, Enoch, Coffin, Edmund LeaTitt. 1893. — Enoch Coffin, Samuel Butters, Timothy Carter. 1809. — John Odlin, Amos Abbot,jr. Nathaniel Abbot. 1810. — Nathaniel Abbot, Edmund Leavitt, Sherburne Wiggin. 1811. — Nathaniel Abbot, Edmund Leavitt, Abiel Walker. 1812. — Nathaniel Abbot, Amos Abbot, jr. Abiel Walker. 1813.— Nathaniel Abbot, John Odlin, Amos Abbot. 1814. — Nathaniel Abbot, Nathaniel A mbroj;e. Nathan Stickney. 1815. — Nathaniel Ambrose, Joshua Abbot, Richard Bu-Jley. 1816-1817. — Joshua Abbot, Richard Bradley, Samuel Runnels. 1818. — John Odlin, Nathaniel Abbot, Nathaniel Ambrose. 1819. — Abiel Walker, Joseph Walker, Jeremiah Pecker. 18*20. — Richard Bradley, Isaac Farnum, Jeremiah Pecker. 1821. — Riciard Btadley, Isaac Farnum, Jeremiah Pecker. 1822 — Alba Cady, Isaac Farnum, Isaac Dow. 1823. — Jeremiah Pecker, Isaac Farnura, Isaac Dow. 16 ilO AlPPENDIX. Representatives. 1775. Jlfay 11. —Timothy Walker, jr. elected delegate to the provincial coa- grek*. [ He was one of the coinuiiitec who ia 1776, drew up a declaration i>{ Indept^Bdence by this State.] 1777. Gordon Hutchins. [Col. H. being absent tliis year in the array, Col. Thom- as Stickiiey was appointed. ] 1778. Timothy Walker, jun. 1779. Natiianiel Kolfe. — Jonatlian Hale and Timothy Walker, jr. delegates to conTention in bept.— Thontas Stickuey delegate in December. 1730. Jiin.ithan Hale. 1781. Jlpril. Tiniotliy Walker, delegate to convention for forming constitution. 1702—1734. Timotny Walker. 178.5. PtterGrepn. 1736, 7. John Bradley. 1788. Peter Green.— Benjamin Emery, delegatfl to convention for adoption of coa- stitution. 1739. Peter Green. 1790. John Bradley. 1791. Timothy Walker. 1792. John Bradley. 1793. William Duncan. 1794. 5. Daniel Livermoro. 1796. John Braiiley. 1797. William A. Kent. 1798—1800. Jacob Abbot. 1801. William A. Kent. 1802. Jolm Bradley. 1803—1305. William A. Kent. 1806-1808. Samuel Green. 1809, 10. Stephen Ambrose. 1311 — 1813, Stenken Ambrose and Thomas W. Thompson. 1814. Thomas W. Tliompson and Richard Ayer. 1315. Richard Ayer and George Hougji, 1816. George Hoogli and John OdlinP 1817. JolmOdlin and William A. Keifl. 1318. William A. Kent and Thoma? W. Thompson. 1S19. Ahiel Walkpr and Nathan Ballard, jr. 1820, I. Stephen Anbroseand Nathaniel Abbot. 1322. Steohen Arabrose and Sarnuel Morril. Id2i. Stephen Ambrose and Samutl Fietcher. [NO. IX.] MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Garrisons in 174G. 1. On the E. side the river, at Capt. Eastman's. 2. At Rev. Mr. Walker's, near Horse-shoe pond. 3. At Capt. Lovejoy's, where L. Hutchins now lives. 4. At Mr. Edwdrd Abbot's, where the Souther house utandg. [In this ancient building, now owned by Porter Blanchard, the first male and female children were born, viz. Edward and Dor- cas Abbot.] 6. At Capt. Stickney's. G. At James Osgood's — near the site of BuUard &. Waterman's store. 7. At Capt. Timothy Walker's. 8. At Deac. Joseph Hall's — the Wilkins place. 9. At Jonathan Eastman's, on the mill-road. APPENDIX. Ill 10. There was subsequently a garrison at Deac. Abbot's, near the late residence of Mr. Thompson. It is said, these were the only garrisons, or fortified honses, ^erected in this town during the Indian wars. T^ewspapers published in Concord. The first newspaper published in this town was the Courier of New-Hampshire, commenced by George Hough, Jan. 6, 1790 ; and discont'.nued Oct. 30, 1805. 2. The Mirror, by Moses Davis, was commenced Sept. 6, 1792 ; and discontinued in 1799. 3. The J^ew Star, by Russell and Davis, was commenced in April, 1797. It was published in an octavo form weekly about six months. 4. The Republican Gazette, by Elijah RuSsell, was commenced Feb. 5, 1801; and discontinued in 1802. [Mr. Russell died at Washington, Vt. May 25, 1803.] 6. The Concord Gazette, by William Hoit,jr. and Jesse C. Tut- tle,was commenced July 6, 1806 ; and its publication continued un- til 1819 — during which time several changes took place in its pro- prietors. 6. The American Patriot was commenced Oct. 18, 1808, bj William Hoit, Jr. and published until April, 1809 ; when Isaac Hill purchased the establishment, and altered the name of the paper to the JVew- Hampshire Patriot. It was published from 1811 to 1814, by Isaac and Walter R. Hill; and from 1819 to 1823, by Isaac Hill &. Jacob B. Moore. It is now published by Isaac Hill, under the name of Neisc-Hampshirt Patriot and State Gazette. 7. The Concord Observer, by George Hough, was commenced Jan. 1, 1819, and continued to April 1, 1822; when John W, Shep- ard purchased the establishment, and the paper is now published by him under the name of New-Hampshire Repository. 8. The JVew-Hampshire Statesman was commenced by Luther Roby, Jan. 6, 1823; and is still published by him for Amos A. Parker, the editor and proprietor. Concord Musical Society. In 1801, Deae. Joseph Hall, "from a desire to encourage »nd promote the prae. tice of sacred musick in Concord," made a donation to this Society, which had been previously incorporated,* of $500 in the U. S. six per cent, stock. The orig- inal sum was to be kept entire, and the interest accruing to be applied to the benefit of said society, in such manner as a majority 6baU direct. *Jntorpor(ded June 15, 1799, 112 APPENDIX. NoUs on the Weather^ fyc. {No regular journal of the weather has ever been kept by any person in Concord, and it is impossible therefore to give an ac- curate account of the extremes of heat and cold. The follow- ing notices are copied from a blank leaf in an old account book belonging to Mr. Benjamin Kimbaix, who lives near the river on the eastern shore.] 1762. The winter of this 3'ear was very gercre. Snows were frequent, and so Jeep as to prevent passing in any direction for two months— being nearly 6 feet on the level. 1772. In January, occurred a great flood. Thick masses of ice passed dovk-n the river and were left upon the intervals. 1789. Uncommonly pleasant winter — grain »owed in December — and boating continued until 29th Jan. 1790. 1795. Boating across tue river 17th January. 1796. The last boating 30tb November. 17b7. Nov. 25, passing on the ice. 1798. First bolting April 2. 1799. First boating April 6. Spring very baekwari— May scarcely exhibiting the usual mildness of April. 1800. First boating April 3 ; last boating Dec. IG, and immediate passing on the ice. 1801. First boating March 12. 1302. April 4, good passing on the ice with horses. 1804. First boating April 7. 1805. Ditto March 7. 1810. Considerable frost July 18. 1812. ApriM3, snow fell to the depth of 6 inclie«. May 4th and 5th, cold snow storm. June 5, appletrees in full bloom. 1815- Snow fell fust week in December, and it continued good sleighing until March following, without rain. Sept. 23d of tliis year will long be remembered for the violence of a gale, which extended over the whole of New-England, and wa« Tcry destructive. 1816. Cold season — the hopes of the fanner cut off. 1817. First passing on the ic« with horses, Dec. 23. 1818. March 1, commenced a heavy fall of rain, and on the 3d, the water rose above the banks of the river. 1819. Mild winter — jouraeying with v/aeons, &c. the whole season. April 5, great fresh, and Federal Bridge swept away by the ice. — ,- May 19, extraordinary high fresh, the intervals entirely flooded, and looking like an inland sea. 1820. May 26, apple-trees in bloom — a celd storm of hail and rain — hail two inches deep. Oct. 17, the highest fresh for 36 years. 1824. Feb. 10 and 11, great thaw and rain. On the Ittb the river suddenly rose about 15 feet, the ice being very thick, and swept away the Federal and Con- cord Bridges, in part. The ice in immense masses covering the intervaU along the liver, presented a curious spectacle. V'lol n \B ^-7^