pv« F 869 .R7 K9 Copy 1 COPYRIGHT 1914 r*BD L. KRIKHBL {6u. . f^ Arrowhead Book Sefting forth in picture ana story some of the charm ana beauty of Arrowhead — -the comforts of the Hotel mountain scenes, sports ana the health- giving properties of the wonderful Hot Springs i: THE ARROWHEAD HOT SPRINGS COMPANY Arrowhead Hot Springs. Cal. Arrowncad Hot Springs ■' health and re*t mart m tht world. 7V M -7 Gorf- , eontaining propertiu miraculously healing ma Us, that human flesh '"'*• (C)n A'! 8 9 'i -J s MAY -5 1914 The Arrowhead BLAZED on a smooth-cut wrinkle of one of the peaks of the Sierra Madre Mountains, is the huge mysterious Arrowhead, pointing to the healing springs, as distinct in outline as any that ever tipped an Indian arrow. Travelers on any of the three great transcontinental railroads leading into Southern California can see it thirty miles away, as their train sweeps through the gate-way in the mountains from the desert to the green valley of the land of golden afternoon. More and more these travelers are coming to ascrihe to this ^-j^ arrowhead something of the mystic meaning it had for the Indians W that roamed these bald mountains and fertile valleys no one knows £ * C&*\ r how long hefore the padres came to conquer and convert them, and J. AWL ^ ' atcr f° r tnc handful of Mormon pioneers who trekked from Salt ^*™" Lake City nearly a thousand miles to form a settlement at San Bernardino. By the sign of the Arrowhead the Indians knew of a boiling spring that gushed at all seasons without variation from the moun- tainside, and 'which they used as a cure-all. Here they brought their sick and afflicted that they might bathe and drink of the healing -waters and find relief from illness and disease. They knew not why these waters possessed health-giving prop- erties, nor did they seek to discover the cause — they knew the sig- nificance of the Arrowhead pointing to the boiling springs and acted upon that knowledge. Bv tli, Arrowhead, which Dngham 1 ! limed to nave seen in a . the Mormon scouts directed the early explorer- to their journey 3 end: and soon af- .■ ! i Mormon elder named Smith, having likewise had it revealed to him that the arrow- head marked a spot where he would he healed mortal malady from which he suffered. huilt a rude hunkhou-e under the very shadow 01 the mystic -i^n and shared it with any atneken one- a no cared to come. And today grizzled men and women -itting on their door- m the sunshine anywhere round ahout ban Bernardino will tell how they used to ^^^ \\ itch crippled invalid- crawl feebly or lifted .m stretchers into to ill painfully away to the Arrowhead Spring- and come down n in ,i lew week- or months healed as if hy a miracle of Bihlc days. 13y tin- -.imc -I'jn ol the Arrowhead, traveler- Irom everywhere are learning that hidden in the folds of the Sierra Madrcs is one of the hoftcst curative springs in the world. 'The water as it runs Irom a -core ol -ourcc- through a deep gash in the mountain, i- Irom 30 to 80 degree- hotter than the hotte-t ol European Springs, and 74 degrees hotter than the famous Hot Springs of Arkansas. No wonder that the Indians used to say that this is the dwelling place ol the Great Spirit. And here they came lor hundreds and thousands of years before the white man discovered the Arrowhead. before a hath bouse was built, before a building was erected. They bathed in the waters ol the bubbling pools and were relieved of their disorders and diseases, and went away relre-hed. rejuvenated, healed, breathing prayer- ol gratitude to the Great Spirit. And then the white men came. and. seeing the results obtained by the red brother-, they too utilized the healing waters. And so ARROWHEAD has been a place ol pilgrimage for fifty years and more. There i- I legend that Arrowhead was neutral ground lor all Indian tribe.-. Here even the ene- mies met and were Iricnds — for the time being at le.i-t. No w ar was made upon the Mck and unfor- tunate. And thi- precedent -till prevail-, thank- to the liberal policy ol the management of the Arrow- head I I It Spring- property. Unlike " X many famous watering place- both in thi> country and Europe you can no to Arrowhead without bidding your Irien.l i lond adieu or kissing your pockcthook good- hye There is no place here for the hold-up man. 'The hotel, haths. medical attendance, are ill under one manage- ment and everything i- regulated lor the convenience 01 the guest and upon a scale thai i- -ore to meet the appro* .1 ol the public lor moderate and considerate charges. As with the Indian-, no advantage ■- taken ind no \\ .ir i- made on the -ick and unfortunate. A Universal Symbol IX SERVES only to deepen the mystery of this strange and wonderfully beautiful mountain to contemplate the fact that the Arrowhead is the most universal of symbols. All arrowheads, whether found in California, Ohio, Asia, Africa, Peru, or anywhere else on earth, are fashioned from the same pattern. Wherever savage man, prehistoric or otherwise, made an arrowhead, he made it exactly on the design with which we are all familiar. In illustration, if a tribe of savages were brought from the African jungle to America, everything would be entirely strange to them. They would see nothing familiar, nothing that they could recognize. But if they were brought to San Bernardino Valley they would instantly recognize the symbol on the Mountain of the Arrowhead. Therefore, if it were the intent of the Inscrutable Power that branded the mountain to draw the attention of all men to the healing waters bubbling up from Natures laboratory, no symbol at all approach- ing the effectiveness of the arrowhead could have been used. Generations of men have won- dered concerning the formation of this marvel o u s pre-historic land- mark so clearly demarkated upon the mountain side, but no one has been able to de- termine with sci- entific accuracy the exact cause of 1 t s origin. The symbol is so per- fect and points so directly to the mineral hot springs that the simple Indian ar- rowhead has been adopted and is now the recog- nized trade-mark of the Arrowhead Hot Springs. Location Till: ARROWHEAD HOT SPRINGS are sit- Dated in San Bernardino County. Southern California — The Italy of America. It has an approximately perfect all-the-ycar-around climate. This is a rare and in- inlc feature, possessed by very few sections of the w orld. and nowhere to the same degree as here. After experiencing the terribly inclement winters which arc char- .ictcri-tic of most sections of the North American continent. who can wonder that hundreds of thousands of % i.-itor- make an annual pilgrimage to Southern California during the w in- lOntlU, where statistics of the United States Weather Bureau show that the thermometer went below 32 degrees only eleven times yc;u Every - sensible doctor will tell his patients that the most effectual remedy nature - own remedy for almost every disease — is to spend as much time as possible in the open air. One reason for preferring Arrowhead over other health resorts, is that this course is possible all the year round. Arrow head affords more perfect days during the year for outdoor life, winter and sum- mcr. than any other place in the world. Here days of cloudless skies come and go. Summer glides into winter without perceptible effort, and the startling changes in the seasons so dreaded elsewhere are not noticed Winter is heralded 9^^ Jr^B y '' ' H '" 1,l ' u ' green on the hillsides alter the !ir-t rain. 'The mornings, evenings. and nights arc cooler, but the flowers arc not injured, and delicate rose bushes, burdened with blossoms, arc never touched by frosts. Mountain trails invite one to quiet rambles or strenuous climbs ever changing and of never ceasing interest. To walk lor miles on city streets or along country roads is apt to become tiresome and you soon appreciate that there is plenty of exercise in walking. But at Arrowhead, w ith some new view of surpassing beauty at every bend in the trail, one covers much ground and gains the benefits of out-door exercise with no feeling of fatigue you have keen zest and constantly active, lively interval ID every tiling and the time passes before you realize it. You w ill appreciate, how ever, that you have had some exercise, by your good appetite and by the soundness of your sleep. Climate o |F THE CLIMATE of the Springs, it is enough to say that it is the climate or California — of California at her hest, the California of the South — the climate of the Rivera, of the Mediterranean hasin, tempered hy 2,000 feet of altitude. A climate -where the air is always pure and exhilerating, no matter -what the temperature or season. If the wind currents sweep in from the West or South, it is the air of mid-ocean dried and scented hy filtering through fifty miles of pine-clad Coast Range. If the hreeze streams in from the East or North, it is the clear, hnght air of the desert, cooled hy crossing the mile-high rampart of the snowy Sierras. The average temperature of the six summer months is only 62 degrees. The average temperature of the six winter months is 50 degrees. Thus making a difference hetween -winter and summer of less than fifteen degrees and insuring cool nights the whole year round. Blankets are a necessity on your hed all the year through. During the months of July, August and September, the thermometer reaches considerable elevation during the middle of the day. This, how- ever, only lasts two or three hours, is quickly tem- pered by the sea breeze which springs up early every afternoon, and by evening it has become cool enough to make a light -wrap pleasant if sitting out of doors. An Arrowhead summer is about equivalent to mid- June in New England. Its winter — nothing is de- lightful enough to be compared with it. The boiling hot summer of Southern California is a myth, born of the imagination of the winter visitor, -who hurries home early in May, convinced that any place having such a mild winter must have a sizzling summer. Such, however, is not the case. It is true the temperature does go up to 100 degrees and sometimes a little higher for a period of two or three days. But so far as experiencing discomfort, you do not feel the heat at 100 degrees in Southern California as much as you do 80 degrees in most other places. There is no humidity and you do not sweat and become oppressed as is the case elsewhere. And in the shade even on the hottest day one finds instant relief from the heat of the sun. Then the nights are always cool and you can get rest and strength, and you arise in the morning with renewed vigor, ready and anxious to go forth to meet the duties and pleasures of another new day, the rare extreme heat of the preceding or the coming day not be- ing given a serious thought. Arrowhead 15 the choicest spot in all Southern California rar enough Irom the coast to ocape the occasional cool damp fogs, anj high enough in altitude to give just enough Stimulant to suit everyone, it is located in a thermal hclt which is particularly healthful and beneficial. Not too hiv;li lor tho-c with weak lungs or heart disease, just high enough to benefit the asthmatic and to give pure air and tine views to all. The atmosphere of the moun- t.un- lorms a hctter and more effective sleeping draught than any tli.it can be obtained at the drug stores, and. moreover, it- effects ire lasting, A number of tent houses have been put up. whereby the full benefit of this soothing mountain air can be obtained by sleeping out of doors. The nights are always cool, sometimes almost cold, even in the dead of summer. One can therefore sleep well, and 1- always reireshed and invigorated tor the following day. Ihc tired, worn-out business man. the hi^h-strung nervous woman, find here ideal conditions lor re-I and renewed vigor and v it.ility. Ihc very air you breathe, the very surroundings you live in. contribute to improved healthfulnc — without one * being conscious ol making any error! or enduring any hardship in the struggle to regain the unbounded |oy ol perfect health In other words, you are peaceful, contented, and happy, and enjoy life while regaining health These effects ot climate on health .ire not idle claims, hut have been proved true by thousands, 1 w ill be testified to by hun- dreds ol physicians ill over the country who have sent their patients to Southern California, and more particularly t.. Arrow head. ~« J3>