E .0657 ^. fetrta of Columbia §m^ of tip l^oolutton ,/tfe 7, ~?.7 ^'. ^E^/.,.^;^^,,^^ Class. Book. .-/ PRESENTED BV .:r«s?5i ^i^^' i^^ ie HENRY CLAY TAYLOR PRESIDENT, 1902 — REGISTER SOCIETY OF THE SONS M OF THE REVOLUTION DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1904 EXEGI MONUMENTUM AERA PERENNIUS WASHINGTON 1904 Compiled and edited under the DIRECTION OF THE SOCIETY OF THE Sons of the Revolution in the District of Columbia by Marcus Benjamin, A'eghfrar. P. Society OFFICERS OF THK GENERAL SOCIETY. Geiu-rnl Prcsiihnl, Hon. JOHN LEE CARROLL, Of the Maryland Society. Geumal I 'icc-Presii/cut, GARRET DORSEV WALL VROOM, Of the New Jersey Society. Gcinra! Sco-e/ary, JAMES MORTIMER MONTGOMERY, No. I02 Front Street, New York City, Of the New York Society. Assistant General Secretary, WILLIAM HALL HARRIS, Of the Maryland Society. General Treasurer, RICHARD McCALL CADWALADER, Of the Pennsylvania Society. Assistant General Treasurer, HENRY CADLE, Of the Missouri Society. General Chaplain, Rev. THOMAS EDWARD GREEN, D. D., S. T. D. Of the Iowa Society. General Ke>:;istrar, WALTER OILMAN PAGE, Of the Massachusetts Society. General Historian, HOLDRIDCJE OZRO COLLINS, Of the California Society. OFFICERS. HARRY CLAY TAYLOR. Secretary, CHARLES LAWRENCE GURLEY, No. 617 Fourteenth Street. Treasurer, BALCH BEALL WH.SON, No. 1415 G Street. Kei:;islrar, MARCUS BENJAMIN, U. S. National Museum. Historian, BARRY BULKLEY. CJiaplain, RANDOLPH HARRISON McKIM, D. D. Bn.^RD OF Manager-S. Archibald Hopkins, William Stone Abert, Lewis Johnson Davis, Marcus Benjamin, Green Clay Goodloe, Cazenove Gardner Lee, Joseph Prentice Sanger, Frederic Wolters Huidekoper. Officers. PRESIDENTS Elected. Retired. 1889 JOHN Lee Carroll 1893 1893 David Josiah Brewer 1893 1893 Lewis Johnson Davis 1895 1895 John Grimes Walker 1898 1898 Green Clay Goodloe 1899 1899 Walter Wyman 1900 1900 ARCHIBALD Hopkins 1902 1902 Harry Clay Taylor VICE-PRESIDENTS Elected. Retired. 1889 Theodorus Bailey Myers Mason 1 891 1 891 Francis asbury Roe 1893 1893 Lewis Johnson Davis 1893 1893 George Henry Elliott 1894 1894 David Josiah Brewer 1895 1895 George Brown Goode 1896 1896 William Van Zandt Cox 1898 1898 Albion Keith Harris 1900 1900 Thomas Blagden 1902 1902 Francis Preston Blair Sands SECRETARIES Elected. Retired. 1889 Arthur Henry Dutton 1890 1890 Charles Worthington 1 891 1891 Pickering Dodge 1893 1893 Henry Warren Raymond 1893 VI SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION Elected. OFFICERS— rt;«//;/«^fl' Retired. 1893 Charles Lawrence Gurley 1895 1895 William Park Metcalf (June to Dec.; ) 1895 1895 Henry Greenway Kemp 1898 1898 Charles Lawrence Gurley TREASURERS Elected. Retired. 1889 ARTHUR Henry Dutton 1890 1890 Alexander Brown Legare' 1895 1895 Albion Keith Parris 1896 1896 Balch Beall Wilson REGISTRARS Elected. Retired. 1889 ARTHUR Henry Dutton 1890 1890 Gaillard Hunt 1893 1893 William Harrison Lowdermilk 1895 1895 Charles Harrod Campbell 1903 1903 Marcus Benjamin HISTORIANS Appointed, Retired. 1890 Gaillard Hunt 1900 1900 Barry Bulkley 1903 ALEXANDER BROWN LEGARE CHAPLAINS 1903 Elected. Retired. 1 891 REV. GEORGE William Douglas 1892 1892 Rev. Randolph Harrison McKim 1899 1899 REV. John Habersham Elliott 19OI I9OI Rev. Alexander Mackay-Smith 1902 1902 REV. Randolph Harrison McKim IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VII OFFICERS— Co«//«7/^rf BOARD OF MANAGERS 1889 Nicholas Longworth Anderson Archibald Hopkins Daniel Morgan Taylor 1890 Francis Asbury roe James Augustin Greer Clarence Edward Dutton Charles Worthington 1891 Lewis Johnson Davis Albion Keith Parris Samuel Rhodes Franklin James Augustin Greer Charles Worthington Archibald Hopkins Benjamin Lewis Blackford Henry Bradbury Cilley 1892 Samuel Rhodes Franklin Francis Asbury roe William Beatty Rochester Albion Keith Parris Garrick Mallery James Augustin Greer Charles Harrod Campbell Richard Grain Dean 1893 Walter Wyman Oscar Fitzalan Long Francis Preston Blair Sands Henry Brigham Looker Richard Grain Dean Albion Keith Parris VIII SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION OFFICERS— Continued Charles Harrod Campbell Henry Greenway Kemp Garrick Mallery 1894 Daniel Webster Flagler Gaillard Hunt ALBION Keith Parris Benjamin Lewis Blackford Charles Harrod Campbell Barry Bulkley Francis Preston Blair Sands Henry Greenway Kemp Charles Frederick Tiffany Beale 1895 Mark Burckle Hatch Gaillard Hunt James Henry Hayden Francis Preston Blair Sands Barry Bulkley Charles Frederick Tiffany Beale Cazenove Gardner lee Francis Smith Nash Thomas Blagden 1896 Gaillard Hunt Charles Lawrence Gurley Mark Burckle Hatch Francis Smith Nash Thomas Blagden Francis Preston Blair Sands Cazenove Gardner Lee James Henry Hayden Charles Frederick Tiffany Beale IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IX OFFICERS— Co?tlinued 1897 Gaillard Hunt Charles Lawrence Gurley Charles Frederick Tiffany Beale ~ Mark Burckle Hatch Francis Smith Nash Thomas Blagden Francis Preston Blair Sands Cazenove Gardner Lee Green Clay Goodloe 1898 Thomas Blagden Harrison Howell Dodge Nevil Monroe Hopkins Cazenove Gardner Lee Edward Ireland Renick Ernest Wilkinson ROBERT Henry Yeatman 1899 Thomas Blagden Mark Burckle Hatch Albion Mason Lathrop Henry Brigham Looker Edward Ireland Renick Edmund Myers Talcott Montgomery Blair James Henry Hayden Lewis Painter Clephane 1900 Barry Bulkley Green Clay Goodloe JOHN Speed Smith Wilson Gurley Reed Mark Burckle Hatch Henry Nixon Moss SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTON OFFICERS— Coniinned Benjamin De Mier Miller Edward Oliver Belt Thomas Gerry Townsend 1901 Edward Macomber Padelford Lewis Painter Clephane Edward Fisk Riggs Oscar Jones Ricketts Barry Bulkley Thomas Gerry Townsend George Hellen James Malcolm Henry Ralph Lee 1902 Frank Wheaton Frederic Wolters Huidekoper Irving Hall Dunlap ALBERT Franklin Marsh ROYAL Thaxter Frank ROBERT Smith Chilton, Jr. Richard Graham Davenport JOHN Van Rensselaer James Morris Morgan 1903 Archibald Hopkins Lewis Johnson Davis Green Clay Goodloe Joseph Sanger William Stone abert Marcus Benjamin Cazenove Gardner Lee Frederic Wolters Huidekoper William Van Zandt Cox JOHN LEE CARROLL PRESIDENT, 1889-1893 List of Members. JLJONOR, justice, and humanity call upon us to hold and to transmit to our posterity, that liberty which we received from our ances4ors. John Dickinson. WILLIAM STONE ABERT Great-great-grandson of TIMOTHY Matlack ; Colonel in command of the 5th Rifle Battalion of the Pennsylvania Volunteers. JAMES OSGOOD ADAMS Great-great-grandson of Stilson Eastman ; Lieutenant New Hampshire Troops ; participated in the battle of Trenton. Great-great-grandson of SAMUEL HUNTOON ; Private and Sergeant in Colonel Frye's Massachusetts Regiment. ANTHONY CALLIS ADDISON Great-grandson of ANDREW LeitcH ; Major, Virginia Conti- nental Line. Killed in the action of Harlem Heights, 1776. HENRY TUREMAN ALLEN Great-grandson of Major JOHN ALLEN. DAVIS CARNEAL ANDERSON Grandson of RICHARD CloUGH ANDERSON ; Captain, 5t' Virginia Regiment ; Major, ist Virginia Militia; Lieutenan' Colonel, Continental Army ; Brigadier-General, Virgin' Militia, Aide-de-Camp to Lafayette ; original member 1 the Society of the Cincinnati. SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION EDWARD LOWELL ANDERSON Grandson of RICHARD ClougH ANDERSON ; Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel, 5th Virginia Continental Line ; Briga- dier-General, Virginia Militia; Aide-de-Camp to Lafayette; and original member of the Society of the Cincinnati. FREDERICK POPE ANDERSON Grandson of RICHARD CLOUGH ANDERSON; Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel, 5th Virginia Continental Line ; Briga- dier-General, Virginia Militia ; Aide-de-Camp to Lafay- ette ; and original member of the Society of the Cin- cinnati. GEORGE BURGWIN ANDERSON Great-grandson of PERCIVAL BUTLER ; 2d Lieutenant, 3rd Pennsylvania Regiment ; served until the surrender at Yorktown. GEORGE SMITH ANDERSON Great-great-grandson of Gauin McCOY ; Captain, ist Bat- talion Somerset County, New Jersey State Troops. EBEN DODGE APPLETON Great-grandson of ROBERT DODGE ; Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Colonel of Massachusetts Troops. JOHN TAYLOR ARMS Great-grandson of JOHN TAYLOR ; Captain, 4th Regiment Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia ; 2nd Major, Col- onel Read's Battalion, New Jersey State Troops ; Lieut- enant-Colonel, 4th Regiment Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia ; Colonel of same Regiment. IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DAVISSON ARMSTRONG Grandson of WILLIAM ARMSTRONG ; Ensign, Captain Wil- liam Bratten's Company, Colonel William Irvine's Regi- ment, 7th Pennsylvania Line. WILLIAM WATSON AYRES Great-grandson of JOHN AYRES ; Private in Captain Matthew Smith's Company of Riflemen, 1775; and afterward, in Captain James Murray's Company, Colonel James Burd's 4th Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia. Great-great-grandson of William Ayres ; Private in Cap- tain James Murray's Company, Colonel James Burd's 4th Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia. EDWIN BURR BABBITT Great-great-grandson of JONATHAN TiTCOMB ; member of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, 1774 ; Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment in the Rhode Island expe- dition, 1778 ; member of the State Convention of Massa- chusetts in 1780 ; and Brigadier-General of Militia. GEORGE HERBERT BEAMAN Great-grandson of JOSEPH BEAMAN ; Private, Captain Benjamin Houghton's Company, Massachusetts Troops. EDWARD OLIVER BELT Great-great-grandson of Eneas Campbell ; Captain, ist Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, 1776, under Brigadier-General Rezin Beal. LAURENCE VINCENT BENET Great-great-grandson of Thomas Helm ; ist Lieutenant, 3d Battalion Virginia Forces. 4 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION MARCUS BENJAMIN Great-great-grandson of Nathan BENJAMIN; Private in Lieutenant Andrew Loomis' Company, Colonel Moses Ashley's Militia. Great-great-grandson of Eliphalet TerrY; Ensign, ist Company or Train-Band of Enfield, 1775 ; Commissioner in Enfield for supplies for War and Loan Office, 1778. Great-great-great-grandson of Ephriam TerrY; Committee of Correspondence to receive money for destitute Boston people ; Major, Enfield, Connecticut Train-Band, Great-great-grandson of DAVID MITCHELL; Lieutenant, Captain James Campbell's Company, Colonel Ashley, Jr.'s, Regiment; was present at the surrender of Gen- eral Burgoyne. Great-great-great-grandson of MATTHEW MITCHELL; Cor- poral, Captain John Hinman's Company, 13th Connecti- cut Militia. Great-great-grandson of DANIEL DIBBLE; Lieutenant, Cap- tain James Campbell's Company, Colonel Ashley, Jr.'s, Regiment ; was present at the surrender of Burgoyne. Great-great-grandson of JOEL HOUGH; Private, Captain Jesse Moss' Company, Colonel James Wadsworth's Connecticut Regiment, 1775 ; Private, Captain Isaac Bronson's Company ; Colonel Hezekiah Sabin's Regi- ment, 1779. MELVIN GRAY BENJAMIN Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM GREGORY; Private in ist North Carolina Regiment under command of Colonel James Moore. LEWIS JOHNSON DAVIS PRESIDENT, 1893-5 IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT ROOT BENNETT Great-great-grandson of ROBERT BENNETT; Lieutenant, ist Company, Smithfield Militia, Riiode Island, 1779 and 1780. Great-grandson of MOSES ROOT; Corporal, Captain Aaron Rowley's Company, Colonel John Brown's Regi- ment, Berkshire County, Massachusetts Militia, 1777. Great-great-grandson of STEPHEN RuST; Private, Captain Jonathan Stoddard's Company of Artillery, Colonel Thomas Craft's Massachusetts Militia, 1777. Great-great-grandson of JOHN LATIMER; Captain, Lex- ington Alarm List, New London, Connecticut, 1776. FRANK HAGAR BIQELOW Great-grandson of CONVERS BlGELOW; Private, Captain Samuel Lawson's Militia Company, 1775, also Private, Captain Asahel Wheeler's Militia Company, Colonel John Robinson's Regiment, 1776. Great-great-grandson of JOSIAH BlGELOW; Lieutenant, Captain Israel Whittemore's Militia Company, 1775. Great-grandson of Nathan HagaR; Private, Captain Samuel Lawson's Militia Company, 1775. Great-grandson of ELIJAH TRAVIS; Private, Captain Ben- jamin Gates' Company, Colonel Manter's Regiment, 1776; Private, Lieutenant Samuel Lamb's Company, 1776; and Private, Captain Abel Holden's Company, Colonel Nixon's Regiment, 1778. BENJAMIN LEWIS BLACKFORD Grandson of JOHN MINOR of Hazel Hill; Cadet and Private under General Nelson. Great-grandson of JOHN MINOR of Caroline; Major in the Virciinia Line. 6 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION THOMAS BLAQDEN Great-grandson of GOLD Selleck SillimaN; Colonel, 4th Connecticut Militia; Colonel in regular service, May, 1776; Brigadier-General, December, 1776; appointed by the Legislature to command all the Cavalry of Con- necticut, June, 1776. MONTGOMERY BLAIR Great-grandson of NATHANIEL GIST; Colonel and Brigadier- General, Virginia State Troops. Great-great-grandson of PETER WOODBURY; Captain Taylor's Company, New Hampshire Troops, 1775; Signer of Declaration of Revolution, 1776; member of Committee of Safety and Delegate to State Convention. Great-grandson of ASA CLAPP; Volunteer under General Sullivan, 1778; 3rd Officer of Captain Dennis' ship; promoted to ist Lieutenant. Grandson of JAMES WOODBURY; Signer of Declaration of Revolution, 1776. WOODBURY BLAIR Great-grandson of NATHANIEL GIST; Colonel and Brigadier- General, Virginia State Troops. Great-great-grandson of PETER WOODBURY; Captain Taylor's Company, New Hampshire Troops, 1775; Signer, Declaration of Revolution, 1776; member of Committee of Safety and Delegate to State Convention. Great-grandson of ASA ClapP; Volunteer under General Sullivan, 1778; 3rd Officer of Captain Dennis' ship; promoted to ist Lieutenant. Grandson of JAMES WOODBURY; Signer, Declaration of Revolution, 1776. IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA STANHOPE ENGLISH BLUNT Great-great-grandson of JOHN BLUNT; member of the New Hampshire Legislature, 1778-81. THOMAS MAYO BOSSON Grandson of WILLIAM BOSSON; one of the Minute-man of Massachusetts; Lieutenant, Captain Crane's Artillery Company, Colonel Joseph Reed's Regiment. BENJAMIN BOYLAN BRADFORD Great-grandson of SAMUEL KELLETT BRADFORD; Captain of Artillery; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General George Weeden; a member of the Society of the Cincinnati. DAVID JOSIAH BREWER Great-grandson of TIMOTHY FIELD; Sergeant-major 7th Connecticut Regiment, 1776; ist Lieutenant, afterwards Captain of Connecticut Company raised to protect the shore, 1781. JOHN JONES BRICE Great-grandson of BENJAMIN WILSON; Colonel command- ing Virginia Troops, and Delegate to Convention. Great-grandson of WILLIAM BRICE; Ensign in Pennsyl- vania Line under Colonel Evan Evans; Lieutenant under Colonel Sterling, and commissioned Captain by General Washington. MERVYN CHANDOS BUCKEY Great-great-grandson of SAMUEL WALTER WASHINGTON; Colonel and Aide-de-Camp on the staff of his brother. General George Washington. 8 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION BARRY BULKLEY Great-great-grandson of THOMAS PEACOCK; Sergeant, Captain Van Keuren's Company, Colonel Newkirk's Regiment, New York Troops. ROBERT WELLS BULKLEY Great-great-grandson of THOMAS PEACOCK; Sergeant in Captain Van Keuren's Company, Colonel Newkirk's Regiment, New York Troops. He was with General Washington in his retreat through New Jersey, crossing the Delaware, ELIPHALET TUCKER BUSHNELL Great-grandson of ASA LAY; Corporal of the gth Company, 6th Regiment, Connecticut Line; prior to 1777 was Adjutant of Colonel Ely's Regiment; ist Lieutenant of gth Company, 6th Regiment, Connecticut Line; com- missioned Captain of the 4th Company, same regiment, in 1780; served under General Putnam during 1781. CHARLES HARROD CAMPBELL Great-great-grandson of EliaS DaytoN; Brigadier-General, Continental Army. FRANCIS JOSEPH MARIE CARMODY Great-grandson of JOHN DOYLE; Captain of Independent Pennsylvania Company, July, 1776; company became part of the nth Pennsylvania, December 16, 1777; one of the original members of the Society of the Cincinnati. JOHN GRIMES WALKER PRESIDENT, 1895-8 IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA JOHN DOYLE CARMODY Great-grandson of JOHN DOYLE; Captain of Independent Pennsylvania Company, July, 1776; company became part of the nth Pennsylvania, December 16, 1777; one of the original members of the Society of the Cin- cinnati. WILLIAM KEARNEY CARR Great-great-grandson of JONAS JOHNSTON; Major, North Carolina Militia, who died of wounds received at battle of Stono Ferry, 1779. JOHN LEE CARROLL Great-grandson of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton; Signer of the Declaration of Independence; also a mem- ber of the first Congress. CHARLES SHIRLEY CARTER Great-grandson of THOMAS NELSON, JR.; Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Commander-in-Chief, Virginia State Forces; Governor of Virginia; Major- General, Yorktpwn Campaign. PLIMPTON B. CHASE Great-grandson of BEVERLY CHASE; Private in Captain Brown's Company, 3rd Regiment, Dutchess County, New York Militia, Colonel Wynkoop. RICHARD BENJAMIN BROOKES CHEW, JR. Great-grandson of BENJAMIN BROOKES; Ensign of Com- pany No. 2, of the seven Independent Companies of Maryland, Captain John Gunby commanding, 1776; ist lo SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION Lieutenant, Captain Robert Bowie's Company, 3rd Battalion, Maryland Flying Camp, 1776; Colonel Thomas Ewing, commanding; Captain 3rd Battalion, Maryland regulars, 1777, Colonel Mordecai Gist, com- manding; Major, 5th Maryland Regiment, 1781, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Benjamin Ford, commanding; Major of 2nd U. S. Regiment of Artillery and Engineers at the time of his death. ROBERT SMITH CHILTON, JR. Great-great-grandson of GEORGE BRENT; member of Committee of Safety and Observation of Stafford County, Virginia, July, 1774, to devise means to resist the taxation of Great Britain and to encourage the people of Boston. LEWI5 PAINTER CLEPHANE Great-grandson of AUGUSTUS COLLINS; Private, Lexing- ton Alarm, 1775; Ensign, 2nd Company, General Woosters' ist Connecticut Regiment; 2nd Lieutenant Captain Hand's Guilford Company, Colonel Talcott's Regiment, 1776; Captain, 3rd Company, Colonel Thad- deus Cook's Regiment, 2nd Battalion of State Regiments, Generals Spencer and Wooster, 1776; appointed Captain by the General Assembly of a Battalion raised for the defence of the State of Connecticut, 1777; Major 28th Regiment, 1782. Great-grandson of THOMAS PAINTER; Private, Captain Robert Brown's Company; also served under Captain James Prentice; afterwards served on many vessels, and was captured by H. M, S. Ship of War, "Albicore." WALTER COLLINS CLEPHANE Great-grandson of AUGUSTUS COLLINS; Private, Lexing- ton Alarm, 1775; Ensign, 2nd Company, General IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Woosters' ist Connecticut Regiment; 2nd Lieutenant Captain Hand's Guilford Company, Colonel Talcott's Regiment, 1776; Captain, 3rd Company, Colonel Thad- deus Cook's Regiment, 2nd Battalion of State Regiments, Generals Spencer and Wooster, 1776; appointed Captain by the General Assembly of a Battalion raised for the defence of the State of Connecticut, 1777; Major 28th Regiment, 1782. Great-grandson of THOMAS PAINTER ; Private, Captain Robert Brown's Company ; also served under Captain James Prentice ; afterwards served on many vessels and was captured by H. M. S. Ship of War, " Albicore." GEORGE FREDERICK COOKE Great-grandson of DAVID Carswell ; Private in Captain Sharswood's Company, Colonel Lewis Graham's New York Regiment. JOHN COCHRAN COPENHAVER Great-great-grandson of SIMON COPENHAVER ; Captain, 3rd Company, 2nd Battalion, York County, Pennsyl- vania Militia. HENRY CLARK CORBIN Great-grandson of JOHN CORBiN ; Private, 3rd Regiment, Virginia Line, Commanded by Colonel Wheaton. WILLIAM VAN ZANDT COX Great-grandson of JAMES COX ; Private and Lieutenant, ist Regiment, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia ; Lieutenant, Colonel Asher Holmes' Regiment, New Jersey State Troops ; participated in the battles of Germantown and Monmouth. 12 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION Great-great-grandson of JACOBUS (JAMES) Van ZandT; Private, Captain Henry Lott's Company, 4th Associators, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1775. Great-grandson of William DenisoN; Private and Cor- poral, 3rd and 4th Connecticut; enlisted 1777; served to close of war; his company was detached from the Con- necticut Line and sent to Virginia to serve under Lafay- ette, and formed part of the battalion that stormed the redoubts at Yorktown, October 14, 1781. Great-great-grandson of JOHANNES KroeseN; Second Lieutenant, Captain Henry Lott's Company, 4th Asso- ciators, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1775. Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM DENISON; Private in the Continental Army, and also served in the New Jersey Militia. Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM POTTS; Private in Con- tinental Army; appointed a member of the Committee of Observation for the City and County of Burlington, February 14, 1775, of which William Tallman was Chairman. SHERMAN MONTROSE CRAIQER Great-great-grandson of THOMAS VanderslicE; Private, Light Dragoons, County of Philadelphia, commanded by Lieutenant David Snyder. JOHN ADOLPH BERNARD DAHLQREN Great-great-great-grandson of JAMES REED ; Colonel of the 3rd New Hampshire Regiment ; was promoted to Brigadier General in the U. S. Army, August 1778. Great-great-great-grandson of HENRY WiSNER ; delegate to the First Continental Congress, 1774. GREEN CLAY GOODLOE PRESIDENT. 1898-9 IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 13 RICHARD GRAHAM DAVENPORT Great-grandson of RICHARD GRAHAM ; member of Com- mittee of Safety and Observation of Prince William County, Virginia, and Commissioner of Revenue for the support of the Revolution. Great-great-grandson of GEORGE BRENT ; member. Com- mittee of Safety and Observation, Stafford County, Virginia. Great-great-grandson of CHARLES JONES ; Commissioner of Revenue for Support of the War, and first Judge of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1777. Great-great-grandson of SAMUEL LOVE, Sr. ; member. Committee of Safety and Observation of Charles County, Maryland ; also member, Maryland Convention, 1774- LEWIS JOHNSON DAVIS Great-grandson of MATTHEW DAVIS ; Major and Com- missary of New York Militia. Great-grandson of JOHN Santford ; Captain, 9th Com- pany, 2nd Battalion, Suffolk County Minute-men, 1775 ; Adjutant, Colonel Malcom's Regiment, 1776; original member of the Society of the Cincinnati. LEWIS ADDISON DENT Great-grandson of HATCH DENT ; Ensign and Captain in Smallwood's Battalion of the Maryland Line, 1776 to 1778. HARRISON HOWELL DODGE Great-grandson of ROBERT DODGE; Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Colonel of Massachusetts Volunteers ; served during the entire war. 14 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION EDWARD WILTON DONN, JR. Great-grandson of SAMUEL GARDNER ; Private in the Essex County, New Jersey, Militia. GEORGE WILLIAM DOUGLAS Great-great-grandson of ASA DOUGLAS; Major, 17th Regi- ment, King's District, New York, Colonel William B. Whiting. Great-great-grandson of DAVID SUTHERLAND ; Colonel 6th Regiment, Dutchess County, New York. WILLIAM JAMES DREW Great-grandson of ANDREW DREW ; Private, Captain Dronne's Company, Colonel Peabody's Regiment, Gen- eral Sullivan's Division; also in the Colonial service in Rhode Island. IRVING HALL DUNLAP Great-grandson of DiARCA ALLEN; Private, ist Con- necticut Regiment, commanded by Colonel Josiah Starr; May 22, 1777-May 22, 1780. CLARENCE EDWARD DUTTON Great-grandson of William Douglas; Captain, Con- necticut Company, May 1775; commanded flotilla on Lake Champlain and accepted rank of Commodore in the autumn of i775; commissioned Colonel, 6th Connecticut Regiment. JOSEPH GILES EATON Great-grandson of Ebenezer Eaton; Corporal and Ser- geant in the i ith Connecticut Regiment. Great-great-grandson of HENRY FarWELL; Captain in Colonel Prescott's, Massachusetts Regiment. IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 15 CLINTON QOODLOE EDGAR Great-great-grandson of SAMUEL GlLL; Ensign, 4th Vir- ginia, February, 1776; ist Lieutenant, November, 1776; Captain, January, 1777. Great-great-grandson of ARCHIBALD WOODS; Captain in the Virginia Militia; served under Colonel Russeel, Colo- nel Lewis, Colonel Donnelly, and Colonel Henderson. EUGENE ELLICOTT Great-great-grandson of DANIEL CARROLL; one of the Committee of three who framed the Constitution. JOHN HABERSHAM ELLIOTT Grandson of WILLIAM ELLIOTT; Private in Captain Ed- ward Barnwell's Company, and Captain, Alexander's Company; also served under Colonel Stephen Ball in the South Carolina Troops. HOWARD FISHER Great-grandson of JOHN MiDDLESWARTH; Quartermaster- Sergeant in Colonel Sylvanus Seeley's Regiment, New Jersey State Troops. ROYAL THAXTER FRANK Grandson of JAMES FRANK; Private, Captain Samuel Noyes' Company, Colonel Phinney's Massachusetts Regiment; served from 1775 to 1779- SAMUEL RHODES FRANKLIN Great-great-grandson of SAMUEL RHODES; member of the First Congress, 1774-1775. Great-grandson of JONAS SiMONDS; Captain, Pennsyl- vania Artillery; Colonel 6th Continental Infantry. i6 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION WILLIAM HENRY GARDNER Grandson of SAMUEL GARDNER; Private in the Essex New Jersey Militia; also served as Minute Man of the same Company. WILLIAM MOTT GARRETT Great-great-grandson of FREDERICK HESSER; Drummer Boy in Captain Redheffer's Command, 1776; enlisted as substitute, May 1777; served under General Potter and Colonel Moore; again enlisted under General Washington and served at Valley Forge. MATTHEW GODDARD Great-grandson of JOHN PLANT; Corporal and Sergeant in Captain Alexander Roxburgh's Company, ist Maryland Regiment, commanded by Colonel John H. Stone. EDMUND KENNEDY QOLDSBOROUGH Great-grandson of TENCH TlLGHMAN; Colonel and Aid-de- Camp to General Washington; original member of the Society of the Cincinnati. RICHARD HENRY GOLDSBOROUGH Great-grandson of TENCH TlLGHMAN; Colonel and Aid-de- Camp to General Washington; original member of the Society of the Cincinnati. GREEN CLAY GOODLOE Great-grandson of GREEN CLAY; Delegate to the Virginia Convention, 1778. Great-great-grandson of JAMES SPEED; Lieutenant in Cocke's Virginia Militia Regiment. Great-great-grandson of THOMAS LEWIS; ist Lieutenant, nth Virginia Regiment, 1778. WALT ER W YM AN PRESIDENT, 1899-1900 IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 17 JOHN BRADY GRAYSON Great-great-grandson of SPENCER GRAYSON; Chaplain of the Virginia Regiment, known as "Grayson's Additional Continental Regiment," from May, 1777 to April, 1779. FRANCIS GREEN Great-great-grandson of URIAH FORREST; Lieutenant and Lieutenant-Colonel of the Maryland Line; afterwards appointed Major-General of the Maryland Militia. GEORGE FORREST GREEN Grandson of URIAH FORREST; Lieutenant and Lieutenant- Colonel of the Maryland Line; afterwards appointed Major-General of the land Militia. FRANCIS ELLIOTT QRICE Great-grandson of FRANCIS GRlCE; who in 1776, built vessels for the Government; ist Lieutenant, Captain Loxley's Company, Colonel Samuel Mifflin's Regiment of Artillery; Major and Quarter-master, Continental Army, held a prisoner by the British from 1778 until 1780. CHARLES LAWRENCE GURLEY Great-grandson of ROSWELL POST; soldier with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga, and with Stark at Bennington; Private, Captain Simeon Wright's Company, Colonel Warren's regiment, 1779; Sergeant in same Company, 1779, 1780; clerk in Captain Blanchard's Company, Colonel Allen's regiment, 1780; member of Board of Selectmen of Rutland, Vermont, 1780; Clerk in Colonel Lee's regiment, 1781; member of Board of Selectmen of Rutland, Vermont, 1782. i8 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION WILLIAM BROOKS QURLEY Great-grandson of ROSWELL POST; soldier with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga, and with Stark at Bennington; member of Board of Selectmen of Rutland, Vermont, 1780 and 1782. FRANK WARREN HACKETT Great-grandson of JEREMIAH HACKETT; Ensign, Colonel Henry Gerrish's Regiment, New Hamshire Militia. MARK BURCKLE HATCH Great-great-grandson of MOSES PORTER; Sergeant, Cap- tain Nathaniel Bishop's Company, Lexington Alarm, 1775; Private, Captain Frederick Huntington's Com- pany, Colonel Samuel Selden's Connecticut Regiment, 1776; Lieutenant, Company of Mounted Minute-men, 1777; Sergeant, Captain Eben Lathrop's Company, Colonel Samuel Selden's Regiment; 2nd Lieutenant, Colonel Samuel McClellan's Battalion, 1777; Aide-de- Camp to General Arnold and promoted Major. JAMES HENRY HAYDEN Great-great-grandson of LEMUEL HARRISON; of Litchfield and New Milford, Connecticut, Lieutenant in Colonel Meade's military organization, 1780. GEORGE HELLEN Great-great-grandson of JOHN HELLEN; ist Lieutenant, 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp. JAMES MALCOLM HENRY Great-grandson of JOHN HENRY; Captain, ist Continental Artillery. IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 19 Great-great-grandson of ZacHARIAH FORREST; member of Committee of Safety and Observation for St. Mary County, Maryland, 1774; -^nd ^'irst Judge in St. Mary County, Maryland. Great-great-grandson of David Crauford; Signer of the Declaration of the Freemen of Maryland, July 25, 1775; Commissioner of Revenue for the Support of the War; member of the Committee of Safety and Observation; Delegate to Provincial Convention, 1774-75; and first Judge of Prince George County, Maryland. JOHN WILLIAM HENRY Great-grandson of JOHN HENRY; Captain, ist Conti- nental Artillery. Great-great-grandson of ZacharIAH FORREST; member of Committee of Safety and Observation for St. Mary County, Maryland, 1774; and first Judge of St. Mary County, Maryland. Great-great-grandson of David CrauforD; Signer of the Declaration of the Freemen of Maryland, July 25, 1775; Commissioner of Revenue for the Support of the War; member of the Committee of Safety and Obser- vation; Delegate to Provincial Convention, 1774-75; ^nd first Judge of Prince George County, Maryland. ARCHIBALD HOPKINS Great-grandson of MARK HOPKINS; Colonel, ist Massa- chusetts infantry. Great-grandson of David ROSSITER; Lieutenant-Colonel 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. NEVIL MONROE HOPKINS Great-great-great-grandson of RALPH CROSS, of New- buryport, Massachusetts; Captain of Infantry; after- 20 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION wards Lieutenant-Colonel of Colonel Johnson's Regi- ment; commanded a regiment at the surrender of Burgoyne; with others, he built the frigates " Hancock," "Boston," and "Protector." ALFRED BYRNE HORNER Great-grandson of WILLIAM EDMONDS; Colonel, ist Bat- tolion Virginia Militia, 1778. FREDERIC WOLTERS HUIDEKOPER Great-great-grandson of Judge EDWARD SHIPPEN; Presi- dent of the Committee of " Inspection and Observation" at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Great-great-grandson of ANDREW COLHOON; 2nd Lieu- tenant in Wilson's 6th Battalion, Pennsylvania Troops. QAILLARD HUNT Great-great-grandson of ROBERT R. LIVINGSTON; member of the Second Continental Congress, and one of the committee of five which drew up the Declaration of hidependence; administered oath of office to George Washington, first President under the Constitution, April 30, 1789. CLAIR AUBREY HUSTON Great-grandson of MICHAEL LEIB; Surgeon in Colonel Benjamin G. Eyre's 2nd Battalion of Pennsylvania Militia. THOMAS HYDE Great-grandson of THOMAS HYDE, of Severn; Com- missioner for the Emission of Bills of Credit and Notes for carrying on the war. ARCHIBALD HOPKINS PRESIDENT, 1900-'02 IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA RALPH JENKINS Great-great-great-grandson of MOSES HATFIELD; Captain, Company of Minute-men, 1775; Major, Drake's Regi- ment, New York Militia, 1776; Colonel New York Militia, 1780-81. RICHARD DICKINSON JEWETT Great-grandson of David H. JewetT; Surgeon in Con- tinental Army. HENRY LOWRV EMILIUS JOHNSON Great-great-grandson of TheOPHILUS GOODYEAR; Private in Regiment commanded by Colonel William Douglas, 1776; Corporal, 6th Regiment, Connecticut Line, under same Colonel, 1 777-1 780; participated in battle of White Plains. WILLIAM CYRIL KEECH Great-grandson of ZephanIAH KEACH, SR.; Ensign in the ist Infantry Company, Gloucester, Rhode Island. JOSEPH ISADORE KEEPER Great-grandson of GEORGE WILSON; Lieutenant-Colonel, Virginia State Line, ARTHUR KEITH Great-great-great-grandson of THOMAS CRANE; Delegate to Second Provincial Congress at Cambridge, February, 1775; representative in General Convention during the five years of the Revolution. Great-great-grandson of JACOB RICHARDSON; Lieutenant in Massachusetts Regiment and assisted in the capture of Burgoyne. 22 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION HENRY QREENWAY KEMP Great-great-great-grandson of THOMAS NELSON; Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Commander of Vir- ginia State forces, 1777; Governor of Virginia, 1781; Major-General in the Continental Army. LYMAN WALTER VERE KENNON Great-grandson of ASAPH HALL; ist Lieutenant, 4th Con- necticut Infantry, 1775; member of Connecticut Legis- lature and of the Constitutional Convention. CHARLES EVERETT KERN Great-great-grandson of YOST Harbaugh ; Captain, York County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776; Captain 7th Company, 2nd Battalion, York County Associators, commanded by Colonel William Rankin, April 5, 1778. MARK BRICKELL KERR Great-great-grandson of MATTHIAS BRICKELL; Lieutenant- Colonel, Hertford County Militia, of North Carolina. VAN LEER KIRKMAN Great-grandson of Samuel Van LeeR; Captain, 7th Com- pany, 5th Battalion, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777 and 1778; Lieutenant of Chester Light Horse, 1780-81. JOHN JAY LANE Great-grandson of JOHN WILSON; Private, Captain Robinson's Company, Wayne's Battalion, during the Revolution. CHARLES FORD LANGWORTHY Great-great-grandson of JOEL WHEELER; Private, 5th Massachusetts Regiment, commanded by Colonel Rufus Putnam. IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 23 CHARLES WILLIAM LA PORTE Great-great-grandson of RICHARD DORSEY ; 3rd Lieuten- ant, Richardson's Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, 1776; Lieutenant, 4th Continental Dragoons, January, i777; Captain, Independent Company Artillery, which afterwards formed a part of the ist Continental Artillery. CAZENOVE GARDNER LEE Great-grandson of Richard Henry Lee; President of the Continental Congress, 1784; first Senator from Virginia, in the United States Senate. MANN RANDOLPH PAGE LEE Great-great-grandson of RICHARD HENRY LEE ; Signer of the Declaration of Independence. RALPH WILLIAM LEE Great-great-grandson of JEDEDIAH HULL; Lieutenant in Captain Dimon's Company of Colonel Beebe's Regi- ment, 1775. ALEXANDER BROWN LEGARE Great-great-grandson of THOMAS LEGARE ; member of Council of Safety and of Assembly of South Carolina. BALIE PAYTON LEGARE Great-great-grandson of THOMAS LEGARE; member of Council of Safety and of Assembly of South Carolina. Great-great-grandson of JOHN GREEN; Captain, ist Vir- ginia Battalion; Major and Colonel, 6th Virginia Regi- ment. 24 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION HUGH SWINTON LEG ARE Great-great-grandson of THOMAS LegarE; member of Council of Safety and of Assembly of South Carolina. JEFFERSON MONROE LEVY Great-grandson of BENJAMIN LEVY; Signer of the Non- importation Agreement and of Continental Bills of Credit. Great-grandson of JONAS PHILLIPS ; Private, Captain John Linton's Company, Colonel William Bradford's Bat- talion, Philadelphia Militia ; afterwards mustered into United States service, 1778. ALFRED ELI LEWIS, JR. Great-grandson of Eli LEWIS; Major, ist Battalion, York County Associators, 1 777-1 778. OSCAR FITZALLAN LONG Great-great-grandson of CORNELIUS MabIE; ist Lieuten- ant, 3rd Company Military Foot, Captain John Van Petten, Colonel Abraham Wemple. EDWARD FARRAGUT LOOKER Great-grandson of OTHNIEL LOOKER; Private, Colonel Martin's Regiment, "Jersey Line," 1776; in Colonel Ogden's Regiment, 1776-77 ; in Colonel Martin's Regi- ment, New Jersey Militia, 1777-82. HENRY BRIGHAM LOOKER Great-grandson of OTHNIEL LOOKER ; Private, Colonel Martin's Regiment, "Jersey Line," 1776; in Colonel Ogden's Regiment, 1776-77 ; in Colonel Martin's Regi- ment, New Jersey Militia, 1777-82. GEORGE BROWN GOODE BORN, 1851 ; DIED, 1896 IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 25 THOMAS HENRY LOOKER Grandson of OTHNIEL LOOKER; Private, Colonel Martin's Regiment, Jersey Line, 1776; in Colonel Ogden's Regi- ment, 1776-77; in Colonel Martin's Regiment, New Jersey Militia, 1777-82. JOHN TRUE LOOMIS Great-great-grandson of JOHN BLUNT; Captain, Colonel McCobb's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, June to September, 1779; Captain, Militia of Lincoln County, Maine, Major William Lithgow, 1779; Captain Massa- chusetts Militia, under Brigadier-General Wadsworth, 1780. ALVIN MASON LOTHROP Great-grandson of JOHN LOTHROP, of West Bridgewater, Massachusetts; Private, Captain George Lewis' Com- pany, Colonel Freeman's Regiment, 1778. Great-grandson of MOSES RICHARDSON, of Woburn, Massachusetts; Private, Lexington Alarm Roll of Cap- tain Moses Whitney's Company, Colonel John Greatoris' Regiment; Sergeant in Captain Joseph Butler's Com- pany, Colonel John Nixon's Regiment, 1775. WOODBURY LOWERY Great-grandson of PETER WOODBURY; signer of the Declaration of Revolution, 1776, for the town of Amherst, New Hampshire; Private, Captain Taylor's Company, 1775; member of Committee of Safety, 1776; Delegate to State Convention. Great-great-grandson of JAMES WOODBURY; signer of Declaration of Revolution, 1776. 26 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION Great-grandson of ASA ClapP; volunteer under General Sullivan, 1778; 3rd officer of Captain Dennis' ship; promoted to ist Lieutenant. JOSEPH KAY McCAMMON Great-grandson of SILAS FOSTER; Commander of the Privateer Brigantine "Joanna." ORMSBY McCAMMON Great-great-grandson of SILAS FOSTER; Commander of the Privateer Brigantine "Joanna." THOMAS De QRAFFENREID McCAW Great-great-grandson of ROBERT WHITE; Private in Com- pany commanded by Captain Hugh Stevenson, 1775; Ensign, 1776; Lieutenant, under Major William Darke, 1777; promoted to Captain of Cavalry in 1779, and retired in the same year for disability. CHARLES LAURIE McCAWLEY Great-great grandson of WILLIAM McCalla ; Captain, Bucks' County Associators, August 21, 1775; Captain 7th Company, 2nd Battalion, Bucks' County Militia; May 6, 1777; Chief, Forage Department, Bucks' County, 1779; Commissioner of Purchases, 1780-81. Great-great-great-grandson of WILLIAM HOLT; Commissary for the American Army during the Revolution. WALTER AUDUBON McCLURQ Creat-great-grandson of ALEXANDER RUSSELL; Lieutenant, 7th Regiment, Pennsylvania Troops, commanded by Colonel Irvine. IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 27 FRANK PAINE McDERMOTT Great-grandson of GEORGE BENDER; Private, Colonel Ward's Regiment, Massachusetts Line. RANDOLPH HARRISON McKIM Great-great-grandson of ARCHIBALD GARY; President of Virginia Committee of Safety, 1776; member Virginia Convention; reported resolutions instructing Virginia delegates in Congress to declare for independence; Speaker Virginia Senate, 1776. FRANCIS WORTHINQTON MANSFIELD Great-grandson of David Phipps; Captain of the U. S. frigate "Essex; " served through the Revolution. ALBERT FRANKLIN MARSH Great-grandson of James PerrY; Sergeant Lexington Alarm, Colonel Samuel Bullard's Regiment, Staples Chamberlin's command; 2nd Lieutenant, March 28, 1776, 5th Regiment Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Militia. LEE MARTIN Great-great-grandson of JOSEPH BURGESS ; Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Maryland Flying Camp, under General Rezin Beall. PHILIP MAURO Great-great-grandson of JOHN Santford; Captain of the Qth Company, 2nd Battalion, Suffolk County Minute- Men, 1775; Adjutant of Colonel Malcom's Regiment, 1776; member of the Society of the Cincinnati. FREDERIC MAY Great-grandson of JOHN MAY; member of Boston "Tea Party," 1773; Colonel ist or Boston Regiment, Massa- chusetts Militia; Major under Count de Rochambcau in Rhode Island. 28 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION HENRY MAY Great-grandson of JOHN MAY; member of Boston "Tea Party," 1773; Colonel ist or Boston Regiment, Massa- chusetts Militia; Major under Count de Rochambeau in Rhode Island. Great-grandson of EDWARD COURSEY; Captain in Revo- lution, 1778. WILLIAM PARK METCALF Great-great-grandson of Peleg THOMAS; Lieutenant in Captain Rudd's Company, 12th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Jonathan Trumbull; member National Council of Safety. Great-grandson of MOSES MaynarD; who was mustered for Burgoyne's campaign, August 22, 1777; in Captain Wales' Company, Colonel Jonathan Lattimer's Regi- ment. WILLIAM WILLIAMS METCALF Great-grandson of PELEG THOMAS; Lieutenant, 4th Com- pany, i2th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Jona- than Trumbull; member National Council of Safety. BENJAMIN DE MIER MILLER Great-grandson of JOHN LiBBEY; Private, Colonel Joshua Wingate's New Hampshire Regiment. SAMUEL MYERS MILLS Great-grandson of William Mills; enlisted January, 1776; Captain Caleb North's Company, Colonel Anthony Wayne's Regiment, served seven years; was United States pensioner for services in War of Revolution at time of death. /I'^'^^'-'T^i.^Sit:!^ BORN, 1832; DIED, 1901 IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 29 PHILIP VASA MOHUN Great-great-grandson of SamUEL HaNSON; signed declara- tion of the "Association of Freeman of Maryland," July 26, 1775; Lieutenant Colonel, Upper Battalion, Charles County, January i, 1776. HENRY CLAY MORAN Great-grandson of RICHARD DORSEY; 3rd Lieutenant, Richardson's Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, 1776; Lieutenant, 4th Continental Dragoons, 1777; Cap- tain, Independent Company, Maryland Artillery, attached to and formed part of the Continental Artillery. HOWELL MORGAN Great-great-grandson of GEORGE MORGAN; ist Lieuten- ant, ist Volunteer Company, Philadelphia; commissioned Colonel, January 8th, 1777; acted as Deputy Commis- sary General of Washington's Army at Valley Forge. JAMES MORRIS MORGAN Great-great-grandson of GEORGE MORGAN; ist Lieuten- ant, ist Volunteer Company, Philadelphia; commissioned Colonel, January 8th, 1777; acted as Deputy Commis- sary General of Washington's Army at Valley Forge. EDWARD AUGUSTUS MOSELEV Great-grandson of EBENEZER MOSELEY; Captain, 9th Company, 3rd Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Israel Putnam, 1775; Colonel, 5th Connecticut Regiment, and member of Legislature. Great-grandson of EBENEZER BUCK; Lieutenant, Captain James Key's Company, 5th Regiment Maine Troops, 1776; Lieutenant, Captain Reed's Company, Colonel Jonathan Buck's Regiment, 1777; Captain; Colonel Josiah Barnes' Regiment, General Lovell's Brigade, i779- 30 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION Great-great-grandson of JONATHAN BUCK; Lieutenant, 1775; and Colonel of State Troops. JAMES MOSHER Great-great-grandson of GEORGE BRENT; one of the Committee of Safety and Observation, 1774. STEWART BROWN MUNCASTER Great-great-grandson of ZadOCK MaGRUDER; Colonel of Lower Battalion, of Lower District of Frederick County, Maryland. REGINALD MUNSON Great-great-grandson of TIMOTHY MUNSON; Sergeant, 8th Company, Captain Josiah Smith; 5th Continental Regi- ment, Colonel Waterbury, 1775; and in 6th Regiment, Connecticut Line, Colonel William Douglass. CHARLES ASHTON MUZZY Great-great-grandson of ROBERT MuzzY; Sergeant, Cap- tain John Leland's Company, Colonel Ephraim Dooiit- tle's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1775; Ensign, Captain Edward Seagraves Company, Colonel Joseph Reed's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1776; ist Lieu- tenant, Captain Isaac Warren's Company, Colonel John Bailey's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1777-82; and was with General Washington at Valley Forge. JESSE BARKER NEVILLE Great-grandson of PRESLEY NEVILLE; Colonel and Aid-de- Camp to General Lafayette. Great-great-grandson Of JOHN NEVILLE; Colonel, 4th Regi- ment, Virginia Continental Infantry, December 11, 1777; Brevet Brigadier- General September 30, 1783. Great-great-grandson of General DANIEL MORGAN; "the Hero of the Cowpens." IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 3^ JOHN BALL OSBORNE Great-crreat-grandson of THOMAS OSBORN; Private, Cap- tain Christopher Marsh's Troop of Light Horse, Essex County, New Jersey Militia; mortally wounded in Battle of Monmouth. Great-great-grandson of DAVID GODFREY; Private, Cap- tain Seth Marvin's Company, Colonel John Hathorn's Regiment, Orange County, New York Militia, 1776-78. Great-great-grandson of WlGGLESWORTH MESSENGER; ist Lieutenant, Colonel Joseph Read's Regiment, Massachu- setts Militia, 1775. Great-great-grandson of EPHRAlM SMITH; Private, Captain Noble Benedict's Company, 5th Regiment, Connecticut Militia, I775- EDWARD MACOMBER PADELFORD Great-grandson of PHILIP PADELFORD; Surgeon's mate in Colonel Thomas Carpenter's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1779; Surgeon, on ship-of-war "General Mifflin,' Captain George M. Babcock, 1780. ALBION KEITH PARRIS Great-crrandson of SAMUEL ParriS; Orderly sergeant in Colo'iel Paul Dudley Sargent's Regiment; was in naval service, and afterwards commissioned Lieutenant in Massachusetts State Troops. Great-great-grandson of BENJAMIN PaRRIS; Private, Col- onel John Cushing's and Colonel T. Colton's Massa- chusetts Regiments from September, 1776, to October, 1777; Sergeant, Colonel J. Whitney's Massachusetts Regiment from July, 1778, to September, 1778; Private, Colonel N. Tyler's and Major E. Gary's Massachusetts Regiments from December, 1779. to July, 1780; Ser- 32 SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION geant, Colonel W. Turner's Massachusetts Regiment from July, 1781, to December, 1781; Private, Captain E. Sparrow's Company, March, 1783. EDMUND TAYLOR PERKINS, JR. Great-grandson of JOHN ADDISON; Lieutenant Colonel, 3rd Battalion of the Maryland Flying Camp, organized, 1776. WILLIAM THOMAS PERKINS Great-great-grandson of William Hawkins; Private, Cap- tain N. Benedict's Company, Colonel Waterbury's Con- necticut Regiment, 1775; Private and Corporal, Captain Walker's Company, Colonel Elmore's Connecticut Regi- ment, 1776; Sergeant, Captain Hansen's Company, Colonel James Livingston's Connecticut Regiment, 1777. ARMISTEAD PETER, JR. Great-grandson of RICHARD KennoN; Lieutenant in the 5th Regiment, Virginia Troops, Continental Army. Great-great-grandson of JOHN Parke CUSTIS, stepson and Aide-de-Camp to General Washington. TH0MA5 STOWELL PHELPS, JR. Great-great-grandson of THOMAS NiXON; Captain, 1774; Lieutenant-Colonel of Minute-Men, 1775; Lieutenant- Colonel 6th Massachusetts Regiment, 1775; Colonel 6th Massachusetts Regiment, 1776; served until the close of the war. CHARLES LONGSTREET POOR Great-great-grandson of EliphalET POOR; Private, Captain Hezekiah Hutchinson's Company, New Hamp- shire Volunteers, September, 1777. A- C ' '/• t/ V&L.' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0011 712611 t