E PH \B aJ ■-» ■— v COL. WILLIAM HILL'S MEMOIRS OF THE REVOLUTION Book — - GOL. WILLIAM HILL'S MEMOIRS OF THE REVOLUTION Edited by A. S. SALLEY, JR. i Secretary of the Historical Commission of South Carolina Printed for THE HISTORICAL COMMISSION OF SOUTH CAROLINA By The State Company, Columbia, S. C. 1 92 1 2.G><3 INTRODUCTION As will be seen by the certificate of Thomas Sumter, at the end of this volume, Col. Hill placed his manuscript account of his experiences in the campaigns subsequent to the fall of Charles Town in 1780 in the hand of Gen. Sumter, father of the signer of the certificate, at some time prior to the death of Gen. Sumter in 1832. Gen Sumter made some corrections by interlineations and by striking out words, and sometimes inserting others in their stead. These corrections were only to improve the English or to supply words that were evidently omitted; none of the statements made was corrected. It will also be seen by Mr. Sumter's statement that over two years after the death of Gen. Sumter the manuscript was returned to a son of Col. Hill, but that before that was done Mr. J. W. Brownfield, son-in-law of Mr. Sumter, had made a copy thereof. Mr. Sumter and Thomas D. Sumter then compared the Brown- field copy with the original and saw that they accorded before the original was returned to the Hill family. This Brownfield copy remained in the Browmfield family until a few years, ago. when it was presented to the Library of Congress by the surviv- ing daughters of Mr. BroAvnfield who resided at Summerville. Through the kindness of John R. Hart, Esq., of York, a photo- static copy of the Brownfield manuscript was procured from the Library of Congress, and the negative thereof was used as printer's copy in setting this. Wherever Gen. Sumter interlined or scratched out anything in the original text a foot note is given to such interlineations or expurgations. We are uninformed as to what became of the original manuscript of the memoirs which was returned to Col. Hill's son in 1835. THE AUTHOR TO THE READER For near 30 years, I have been waiting with hopes that some person fitly qualified both in abilities and knowledge of facts, would have undertaken to rectify some great mistakes, which have been made by the historians who have wrote on the revolu- tion in So-Ca- Charity will oblige me to suppose that the mis- representations that have been made was owing to correct infor- mation being wanted, and not by design; but whatever was the cause, the fact is that great misrepresentations have been made and one in particular of the action of Kings Mountain in this State, and as the result of that battle, was one grand link in the gre.it chain of Providence & events that broke the plans of the enemy, to hold the Southern states as British provinces, it ought to be handed down to posterity, and more especially as we are now engaged in war, to support our independence — it is the design of the author to rectify the mistakes that have unhappily been made: and I do declare to the readers, that it is not from any peculiar motive or design of the author to be known as a historian (as I am conscious I am not qualified for the task) — I can relate facts (which I know of. my own certain knowledge) in the naked dress of truth — and it hath so happened that there is not now alive any other person, that can write so fully of so many facts as I can — and as no other has undertaken the task, that hath the same knowledge. I have with reluctance taken it upon myself — In the reading of both military & Civil, or Legis- lative transactions the designing eye (and more especially these who are yet alive that had any agency in the transactions) will sec that there was a Providence that overruled the actions of men. who brought forth means to carry forth the great work — It will be seen that Gen 1 . Sumter who had the merit of 1 first, gen 1 officer, that made any opposition to the enemy after the fab gf Charleston, they having overrun the Country: and all So. Ca. had submitted to their power except the" new acquisition, now York district. — that Gen 1 . Sumter was prevented from being with the party at Kings Mountain, and having then the chief command, that he was necessarily absent by reason of the treach- erous conduct of an officer, that is the only one of So. Co. that is named by the historians, and at the same time the only officers that was instrumental to bring about that great event, is not [nterlined above is: being the - Interlined above is: the part called the mentiond — and altho" 1 it is disagreeable to state facts that may hurt the character of the dead or wound the feelings of the living yet it is the duty of the Historian : — and the 1 duty of the living, if their friends 2 acted improperly, is for them not to follow their example — That the present generation may copy after the laud- able exanjple of their forefathers and make use of all the means which God & nature hath given them: — and to hold that inde- pendence purchased so so dearly by their fathers, and have a proper trust in that Power who governs the affairs of nations, is the Prayer and wish of the author- (Signed) Wm. Hill Febv. 1815— i Interlined above is: only ^Interlined above is : have Shortly after the fall of Charleston which happened the 12 th - of May 1780 the British had advanced above Camden to the Waxsaw & fixed a post at Rocky Mount, and Granby, on the Congarees, Orangeburg & & c . At that time all the upper division of the State was commanded by Gen 1 . Pickens, as Gen 1 . William- son that had the chief command previous to that time, turned a traitor to his country. & went to the enemy then in Savannah, & made his peace with them — Previous to the fall of Charles- ton, at that time there being a considerable quantity of arms & ammunition deposited at a fort in Ninety Six District, the British commander Earl Cornwallis, commissioned a certain Cap 1 . Par- ris, that commanded about 80 tories, to go ahead of his troops to take the submissions of all the Americans that was dispos d . to become British subjects, to this Parriss & his small party of Tories, did Gen 1 . Pickens submit & surrender the beforemen- tioned fort, together with all the military stores. And likewise marched several hundred men with their arms. & surrendered to the said Parriss When these events came to be known, to the citizens in the new acquisition, now Y k . D*. the two Col 3 , commanding that dis*. namely Watson & Bratton, 1 as it was then the custom to have two Col s . to a Regiment, they then appointed a meeting of the Reg 1 , at a place called Bullocks creek meeting house At this meeting, they did not encourage the men. but much 2 the reverse, by telling them that they had hitherto done their duty. But it appeared to them that any further opposition to the British would not avail & as for their parts could have nothing more to say to them as officers but to advise each of them to do the best they could for themselves — Upon this the meet- ing broke up. but it was generally rumored about, that' a com- missioner' was sent to Lord Rawdon then in the Waxaw. so it was that a man of a respectable character that had represented the District in the Gen 1 Assembly (did go) but whether employed by the officers or not. the author cannot say- The anxiety of the citizens to know the result of this mission was great & they met at the Iron works, at which place the person from Lord Rawdon met them £ exhibited his commission from under the great seal of Lord Rawdon that he was empowered to take their submis- sions & give paroles & protections to all that choose to become 'Samuel Watson ami William Bratton. ^Interlined above i- : t<> "Interlined above is : time that ■*The or added by Gen. Sumter. British Subjects — he, the said commiss 1 ". took his stand & pro- ceeded to read a proclamation of his Lordships that begun by asserting that Congress has given up the two Southern states. & would not contend further for them that as Gen 1 . Washing- ton's army was reduced to a small number of men. & that he, with that small army had fled to the mountains — Y r . author then stopped the commissi from reading more of the proclamation and took the stand himself, & addressed the citizens in the fol- lowing language, "that he was happy to have it in his power to inform them that both the facts stated in the s d . proclamation was false and that it was in order to intimidate & deceive the citizens, so far from being a fact that Congress had come to a resolution not to give up any of the States, and that Gen 1 . Wash- ington was in a more prosperous way than he had been in for some time, that he had actually appointed an officer with a con- siderable army, and was then on their march to the relief of the Southern States, and that we had all taken an oath to defend & maintain the Independence of the state to the utmost of our power and that if we could not raise a force to meet the foe, we had one open side, we c d . keep in a body, go into No. Ca. meet our friends & return with them to recover our State — After saying this and much more not necessary to relate, there was a visible animation in the countenances of the citizens and their former state of despondency visibly reversed, and the poor Com- missi was oblig ed to disappear with his proclamation & protec- tions for fear of the resentment of the audience And here your Author wishes to remark that he by no means wishes to arogate any thing to himself or to have it be sup- posed that he had or possessed more public virtue or firmness than other men who acted differently. And after these things took place the men appeared very anxious to keep in a body but they had no officers. — I then advised them to Ballot for two Colonels and they did so and it appeared their choice fell upon a young man by the name of NeeP and your Author we then proceeded to further arrangements and that was for the men to choose all other of their officers to form into companies &c- we then formed a camp and errected the American Standard. And as soon as this was known there were men both of the states of Georgia and South Carolina adding daily to our num- bers that we soon became a respectable body and a few days after ^Andrew Neel. these things happened we received information that there was a tory colonel by the name of Floyd in the western part of the District who much distressed the Inhabitants and was collect- ing men to go to the British post at Rocky Mount, upon this Col- Neel with all the men but about 12 or 15- that was left to keep the camp went in persuit of that party of Tories but unfor- tunately before he got to their settlement they had marched to Rocky Mount. And from there a certain captain Hook 1 with a company of Horse and about 500 Tories came to the Iron works, 2 destroyed all the property they could not carry away. Burned the forge furnace, grist and saw mills together with all other buildings even to the negro huts, & bore away about 90 negroes all which was done before Col. Niel returned with the army to camp — - About this time I was informed that Col. Sumter was then in Salisbury with a few men waiting for a reinforcement — I then wrote to him, informing him of our sit- uation & that there was a 3 probability of our making a handsome stand — and that we were about to form a junction with Gen'. Rutherf d . in N". Car a . that we were going to attack a large body of Tories that had collected at a place called Ramsours Mill — But so it was that a detatched party of about 300 horse from Gen 1 Ruth d . attacked the Tory camp said to be upwards of a 1000 men, killed & dispers d . the whole — and then it was that Col. Sumter met with us from So. Ca. He then got authority from the civil & military authority of that State to impress or take waggons horses, provisions of all kinds, from the enemy that was in that action — & to give a receipt to that state for the same — This being done we returned to So. Ca. & formed a camp on the East side of 4 Catawba River at the place called Clems branch — from this out all our proceedings of importance was done by a convention of the whole — a commission of captains appointed to take notice of all the property taken either from the enemy or friends." & a commissioner to supply us with pro- visions &c — After we had been some time at this camp as before mentioned, in order to prepare for actual service a number of men together 'Christian Huck, formerly a lawyer of Philadelphia. As a regular cap- tain he ranked a militia field officer. 2 Hill's Iron Works, the property of Col. William Hill (author of these Memoirs) and Isaac Hayne. 3 Interlined above is : likely ^Interlined above is: the with y r . author, being desirous to go into their own settlements on the west side of the River, in order to get a reinforce as well as other necessaries 'to enable us to keep the field— shortly after Ave crossed the River we were informed by our friends, that Capt. Hook the same that had a few weeks before destroyed the Iron works had sent to most of the houses in the settlement, to notify the aged men, the young being in Camp, to meet him at a certain place, that he desired to make terms with them, & that he would put them in the King's peace accordingly they met him, he undertook to harrangue them, on the certainty of his majesty 5 , reducing all the Colonies, to obedience, and he far exceeded the Assyrian Gen ls who"' we read of in ancient writ in blasphemy by saying that (rod almighty had become a Rebel, but if there were k 20 Gods on that side, they would all be con- quered, was his expression — Whilst he was employed in this impious blasphemy' he had his officers & men taking all the horses fit for his purpose, so that many of the aged men had to walk many miles home afoot — This ill behaviour of the enemy made an impression on the minds of the most serious 4 men in this little band and raised their courage under the belief that they would be made instruments 5 in the hand of Heaven to punish this enemy for his wickedness and blasphemy — and no doubt the recent injuries that many of their families received from the said Hook and his party had 6 an effect to stimulate this little band to a proper courage — The number of the Ameri- cans was 133, and many of them without arms Cap". Hook had about 100 horse & Col. Forguson, at this time commander of the Tory Militia, had about 300 men: they were encamp d . in a Lane — a strong fence on each side — the Horse picketed in the inside of a field next to the lane, with their furniture on the officers in a mansion house in the field, in which was a number of women, wh.icli the said Hook had brought there, and at the moment the action commenced, he was then flourishing his sword over the head of these unfortunate women. & threatening them with death if they would not get their husbands & sons to come in — and iThe words in order stricken out here. -The word who stricken out and that interlined above. The word blasphemy changed to blasphemous and harangue interlined a I wive. ^Interlined above is: of the ">The word instruments changed to instrumental 6Interlined above is: likewise 10 'marching all night, we made the attack about the break of day — The plan was to attack both ends of the Lane at the same time, but unfortunately the party sent to make the attack on the east end of the lane met with some embarrassments, by fences, brush, briars &c. that they could 2 not get to the end of the lane until the firing commenced at the west end — The probability is that if that party 3 had made good their march in time very few of them w d . have escaped — However Cap. Hook was killed, and also Col. Ferguson of the Tory Militia- Hook's Lint*, was wounded & died afterwards; considerable number of privates the number not known, as there wore many of their carcasses found in the woods some days after- This happened about the. 10 th .. of July 1780 at Williamsons Plantation in Y k . D l „ and it was the first check the enemy had received after the fall of Charleston; and was of greater consequence to the American cause than can be well supposed from an affair of small a mag- nitude — as it had the tendency to inspire the Americans with courage & fortitude & to teach them that the enemy was not invincible — And here in order to shew the present generation, what a set of unprincepled officers, with a few exceptions, their fathers had to deal with- Two very valuable young negroes, belonging to yr. author were taken by the wounded Leu 4 , already mentioned, and were kept to wait upon him. He requested of me to giant him a guard & a waggon to take him to the post at Rocky Mount — Which request was granted to him. & while I was mak- ing arrangements to send the guard the two negroes disappear' 1 . I then told the Liu 1 , that I knew that they were gone to Rocky Mount. & that 1 s d . should expect him to send them back with the guard, he appeared to be very warm that I should have any doubt of his doing so. and said, that he would be a D n scoundrel to keep my property, after receiving such human treat- ment from me — But so it was. it turned out that he shewed him- self to be the person lie mentioned; for the Cap*, of the guard. knew the negroes, & found that he the said Liu* had them again in his service, and when he was ready to leave the place applied to him for the negroes: but he threatened him and the rest of 'Interlined above is: after -Tlie wool could stricken out and did written above 3Interlined above is: at the East end 11 the guard with confinement, if he would say airy thing about them, & it was with a great difficulty he obtained a pass to return back to me- These two negroes have never been recovered by me 1 by any other for me + Shortly after this, being the 13 th . July 1780. Gen 1 . Sumter made an unsuccessful attempt to reduce the British post at Rocky M l . This was made under the impression that the Enemy was in a large framed house: the walls of which were only thin clap boards, and we supposed that our balls w d . have the desired effect by shooting through the Avail, but so it was, that from the time we rec d . this information until the time the attack was made the Enemy had wrought day & night and had placed small logs about a foot from the inside of the wall and rammed the cavity with clay, and under this delusion we made the attack — ; but soon found that we c d . injure them noway, but by shooting in their port-holes And here the brave Col. Xeil was killed & 7 privates; upon this we were forced to retreat behind a ledge of Rocks about a hundred y ds . from the house — Here the officer? held a council & it was discovered that there was a large rock, and between this rock and the fort, stood a small house which might be fired by throwing fire brands over the rock, & that this house w d . communicate the fire to the house the Enemy was in and as we had the command of the water they could not possibly extinguish the flames — From this ledge of Rocks where the army lay, to the rock near the house was about 100 y ds . free of any obstructions: & it is well known that when any object is going from or coming to a marksman, the marksman had near as good a chance as if the object was stationary it was then proposed by the Gen 1 . & other officers for 2 men to endeavor to fire that small house, but the undertaking appeared so hazardous, that no two men of the army could be found to undertake it- After some considerable time was spent, y r . author proposed that if any other man w d go with him he w d : make the attempt: at length a young man. brother to the Johnsons now living in Fairfield ^ D l . proposed to undertake with me — and we had every assistance that c d . lie obtained — Rich lightwood split & bound with cords to cover the most vital parts of our bodies, as well as a large bundle of the same wood to carry in our arms, being thus equiped Interlined after me is : nor 12 we run the 100 y ds . to the rock; Mr. Johnson was to manage the fire & y r . author was to watch the enemys sallying- out of the house - but before the fire was sufficiently kindled the enemy did sally out with fixed bayonets; the same race was run again, to where the army lay. & under a heavy fire, not only from those who had sallied out, but like wise from a large number of Port holes in that end of the house — It was then proposed that the whole of our rifle-men sh d . direct their fire to that space between the small & great house, which was about 15 ft.: we being equipt as before mentioned, made the 2 d . attempt. & the plan already mentioned, prevented the Enemy from sallying a 2 d . time We then had an opportunity of making a large fire behind the rock, & throwing life brands on the roof of the little house & we staid until that roof was in flames. & the heat of it had caused the wail of the great house to smoke — We then concluded the work was done, & undertook the 4 th . race, which was much more hazardous than the iormer ones, as the Enemy during the interval, had opened :i great many more port-holes in that end of the build- ing — And here I beg leave to remark that Providence so pro- tected us both, that neither of us lost a drop of blood, altho' locks of hair was cut from our heads and our garments riddled wit 1 ' balls — & Scarcity had we time to look back from behind the rock where our men lay. in hopes to see the fire progressing, but to our great mortification, when the great house was beginning to Maine — as heavy a storm of rain fell, as hath fallen from that time to the present, & which extinguished the flames — We were then forced to retreat under as great mortification, as ever any number of men endured About the 21 st ,. of July 1780. Gen 1 . Sumter made a successful attack on the British post at the Hanging Pock at which place were about 500 Regulars & about 800 Tories from X. Ca. com- manded by Col. Bryan — (Jen'. Sumter had about 600 So Caro- linians -'( Jen 1 . Sumter's men were so short of ammunition, that when they began this attack generally, no one of them had more than 5 bullets — In the latter part of the action the arms & ammu- nition, which were taken from the British & Tories, who fell in the commencement of it. were turned against their associates. In this attack there was a number of men from Mecklenburg County in No. Ca. commanded by Col. Ervin; the number not known: & likewise about 80 horse commanded by Col. Davie — Thr words those commanded, Vy are interlined before Genl Sumter's men ami the possessive and men are stricken out. 13 these men behaved well, and are entitled to equal merit with the So. Car. s . This action commenced under many very unfavorable circumstances to the Americans, as they had to march across a water course & climb a steep cliff, being all this time under the enemys fire & could not injure them until they got around the side of* their camp — But as soon as they got to their ground they instantly drove them out of their camp & pursued them a con- siderable distance. — In the mean time the British camp being about one quarter of a mile from this Tory camp, advanced firing in platoons before the one half of the Americans c d . be brought off from the pursuit of the Tories; these few took to trees & rocks; whilst the British were advancing firing in platoons, and they fell so fast by their unseen enemy that their officers were obliged to push them forward by their sabers- The loss of the British in the action, was great in killed & wounded - The Prince of Wales* Regiment was almost anihilated — The Tories lost & killed was considerable The Americans had about 40 killed, & two Captains and your author wounded Here is a great from the battle of Camden on the 16 th of Aug was lost by G 1 Gates, & the battle of Fishing Creek was lost by G 1 . Sumter 1 About the 12 th November following Major Weymis was sent by Earl Cornwallis to surprise Gen 1 . Sumter who was encamped near Broad River — The detatchment by Weymis consisted of dragoons & infantry, the whole about three times the number that were with Gen 1 . Sumter — The attack was made in the night when most of the men were asleep ; and two of the dragoons entered the Gen 13 ., markey. while he made his escape out of the back of the markey & got under the bank of the River — The Americans retreated in the dark to a commanding ground, (within Shot of their fires) where they waited until the enemy collected in great numbers around their fires. & began to plunder, not supposing that they would meet with any interruption. & while they were in this position around the fires, the Americans, having the advantage of the light, poured on them such a fire that they killed & wounded a great many — they then made a very rapid retreat & were pursued by the Americans some dis- iThis nuic is not in same handwriting as the narrative. 14 tance=Major Weymis wounded & taken prisoner, altho' he had in his pocket, the evidence of his having in cold blood hanged several of the Americans, likewise a list of a number of a num- ber of the houses he had burned on Black River notwithstanding this he was well treated by his Conquerors — // On the 20 th - of the same month a battle was fought- at Black stocks on Tiger River, and here let me remark that there was no battle fought during the revolutionary war where was so much disparity between the two different combattants. thu number of Americans did not exceed 600 and many of that number very in- differently armed. Col Tarlton who made this attack on Gen 1 Sumter had 1200 horse and Infantry together with a field piece. The Americans were encamped on the bank of Tiger River. There were a number of houses between the River and a large open field 'from the American Camp, about a quarter of a mile there was a very large and strong fence not made with common rails but with small trees notched one on the other. On the west side of this Lane was a thick wood and at the mouth of this Lane was placed a strong Picket. The Americans having been pursued for 2 days and nights took this ground under the firm determination to defend it & not to retreat further — The action commenced by an attack on our Picket at the end of the Lane, they having the advantage of this strong fence above men- tioned, they kept the Cavalry from entering the Lane the num- ber in the houses mentioned joining the clear field kept the Infantry from advancing and those men from the houses were still dropping some of them though at the distance of 200 yards. The enemy being thus kept back gave time for as many men who had horses and accoutrements fit for action to ad- vance to the AYesi side of the Lane through the thick wood these men were headed by Col. Lacy, he very judiciously ad- vanced within fire of them undiscovered, as they were then on horse back near the end of the Lane, he then gave them a lire so well directed that upwards of 20 of them fell from their horses as well as a number of their horses killed, the woods being so thick that the regular horse dare not penetrate it- and a number of the men dismounted oc- casionaly crept up so as to kill many of them in their ranks- tbe action commenced at one oclock ami neither horse nor foot 15 advanced to our camp between the Lane & the River until the going down of the Sun their horse then advanced in the Lane to attack our body of reserve that stood between the Lane & the River where the charge was made by their horse The Americans having the advantage of the before mentioned fence together with the thick wood just by the fence that before they got through the Lane their front both men & horse fell so fast that the way was nearly stopt up - a retreat was then ordered which was a pleasing sight for the Americans to behold - so many falling either by Avounds or stumbling over the dead horses or men. They were pursued by the Americans with loud shouts of victory - at the time this happened to the horse the Infantry advanced to the houses before mentioned and there they received such a heavy fire from those in the houses as well as from a number of the reserve that had got round to that quarter they then made their retreat in as great confusion as the horse- and were pursued a considerable way and many of them suffered in their retreat. The British had three officers killed (viz) Maj r -Money-Lieu ts - Gibson & Cope their loss of privates very considerable the num- ber not exactly known but supposed not short of 100 — The Americans had but two killed General Sumter severely wounded which for several months interrupted his gallant Interprise in behalf of the State, his zeal and activity in animating the american Militia when they were discouraged by repeated de- feats and the bravery & good conduct he displayed in sundry attacks on the British Detachments procured him the applause of his countrymen & the thanks of congress And here I must break through the order of time by relating some circum- stances that happened some months before the battle at Kings Mountain by which the reader will see the reason why Gei^-Sum- ter was not at that action & likewise the reason why the chief command devolved on another — He will likewise see that the Historians who have heretofore written on that brilliant action have been very badly informed. In there omitting the names of the Officers that deserved the greatest merit & was instru- mental by the aid of Providence to bring about that memorable event. & likewise oivinjr merit to those that had laid a wicked & treacherous plan to prevent it. which they had nearly accom- plished A short time after GerrM-uimter had formed his camp in South Carolina as before mentioned, a Colonel Williams of 16 ninety six District with a few of his friends, or neighbours had been Northwardly securing some of the most valuable prop- erty — came to camp & being better acquainted with your Author than any other officer, he informed me that as he had no men he could not expect any command, but that he wished to do some- thing to serve his country — I Informed him that a person was wanted to act as commisary to supply the army with provisions- Upon this I informed Gen 1 Sumter — a convention was imme- diately called & a commission made out & given to the said Williams to act as commisary to supply the Army — ■ And under his command was put a Maj '-Miles with 25 men & Horses — to- gether with 4 wagons & teams, he continued to act in this ca- pacity for some time & until after the battle at the hanging rock when our camp was at a place called Cane Creek, and on a certain morning it was discovered that our commisary 1 & a col Brannon 2 had eloped & had taken a great number of the public horses a considerable quantity of provisions with the camp equipage & a number of men — Upon this Gen 1 . Sumter sent Col Lacy with a small guard after them with a view at least to re- cover the public property — he overtook them encamped on the west side of the Cattawba River & finding their number too great for him to do any thing by coercive measures he then got the said Williams to walk with him out of the camp, he then presented a pistol to his breast & informed him that if he made any noise to call for assistance he was then a dead man. & after expostulating with him on the baseness of his conduct he the said Williams nave his word of honor that he would take back all the public property & as many of the men as he could persuade to go back — Upon this Col Lacy not confiding in his word exacted an oath to the same purpose But so it was that neither the one or the other had the desired effect, as he took the public property A the men to a place called the Cherokee ford where there were a number of North Caro- linians encamped commanded by Maj McDowel — Shortly after they were joined by Col Clark & Col Shellby — this army made an attack on a British post at Muskgrove's mill South Carolina this post was reduced & a number of British prisoners taken. Shortly after this news of Gen^Gates' defeat near Camden induced Col Clark & Col Shelby to retreat to the Mountains ■striken ve is: together with •Thomas Brandon. 17 leaving- the prisoners in the hands of the said Williams to take, on to Hillsborough which he did, who arrogated the whole honour to himself of commanding the action in which they were captured Gen'-Gates after his defeat being at Hillsborough collecting his men. Governor Rutledge of South Carolina also was there on his return from Congress soliciting aid in behalf of the Southern States — Upon his showing his prisoners to the Governor & deceiving him by taking the whole merit to him- self as before mentioned and likewise the governor not knowing that Gen'-Sumter had the command of all the South Carolin- ians then in arms in defence of their country under this de- lution he gave the said Williams a General's Commission, he had the assurance to march into Sumter's Camp which was then on the Indian Land on the East side of the Catawba River, he had his commission publicly read & required all the officers & men to fall under his immediate command, but much to his well deserved mortification they all to a man knowing his recent conduct in deserting his post & embezzeling the public property as be- fore mentioned refused to have any thing to do with him or his commission & if he had not immediately left the camp he would have been stoned out of it — he then went up to the settlement in North Carolina on the Yadkin River where he engaged about 70 men-such as did not choose to do duty under their own officers by promising them that if they would go with him to South Carolina they could get as many negroes & horses as they chose to take from the Tories This happened a short time before Earl Cornwallis took post at Charlotte North Caro- lina & that he the said Cornwallis detached Rawdon & Tarlton with a number of horse & foot to five times the number that Gen'-Sumter had then in camp in order to surprise him but fortunately he got news of their intentions & crossed the River to the west side at Bigers' (now called Masons ferry) & there encamped. Your author then as chairman of the Convention called it together in order to deliberate on some plan respect- ing Gen^Sumter's commission as it was protested by Williams. but before any progress was made in the business the firing commenced across the River between our guard & Rawdon's men this soon broke up the convention & the army marched up the River & encamped that night in an uncommon thick wood, where we supposed we were safF f rom the horse of the enemy. In this place the convention again was called & five men 18 chosen to go to governor Rutledge whose names were Gen 1 - Richard Winn, 1 Col Henry Hampton, Col Thomas, and Col Mid- dleton,* was four of those chosen the other name not recollected, these commissioners was to go to Hillsborough to the governor and Gen 1 - Sumter was not to make his appearance until the busi- ness was decided- the command of the troops then devolved on Col Lacy & your Author — We then marched up the River & crossed it at the Tuckasegee ford our Intention being to form a junction with Gen 1 - Davidson the same that was killed when the British crossed the River at Cowens ford after sending an express to the said Davidson of our intentions he informed us that there was a considerable number of men from the west as well as from the East side of the mountain— Marching with an intention to tight col Ferguson & upon receiving this infor- mation we again crossed the River at Baty's ford, the evening after crossing the River. Williams & Brannon with their men engaged in the manner already mentioned came into our camp & Williams with an air of authority read his commission & required us to submit to his authority, your Author then informed him that there was not an officer or man in the whole army that would submit to his command as his recent conduct was such that no officer or sett of men would submit to such an officer & that we had sent commissioners to governor Rutledge that would soon return with full proof of the baseness of his conduct — upon this for fear of being worse treated by our men he thought tit to make good his retreat & formed his camp at a distance from ours — the night following I had a conversation with Col Lacy stating that there was a probability of our having to fight a superior force in a short time- though notwithstanding Wil- liams* number was but small we would endeavour to bring them in to an action as it was probable by this measure that some of them would meet a fate they so well merited- Col Lacy approving my sentiments if any way could he devised without paying respect to Williams' commission. I then proposed as Cols Grimes X: Hamright had that day joined us with a small party of North Carolinians, we would suppose the army to be in three divisions, the North Carolinians one. Williams' & Brannon's men one. £ the South Carolinians the third & that we would choose a ■ This was Col. Richard Winn. He . Ervin, Col.. 12. Established Church, 39. Fairfield District (created in 17'.)S[, 11. 28, 31. Ferguson, Col. (killed at Huck's defeat), 9, 10. Ferguson, Col. Patrick (killed at King's Mountain), is. 19(2), 20 (4), 21(4), 22. 2.-.. 24(2). 20(2), 27. Fishing Creek. Rattle of. 13. Floyd. Col. (Tory). S. France, 31. (bites. (Jen. Horatio. Defeat of. at Camden. 10. 17. 26(2), 27. General Assembly, 28. Georgia, 7. 27. ( Sermany, 31. Gibson, Lieutenant, 15. Glen, GOV. James. 31. Governor, 39. 35 Grauby, 6. Great Britain, 27(2), 28, 29(2). Grimes, Col., 18. Hambright, Lieut: Col.. 18, 22. Hampton, Col. Henry, 18. Hanging Rock, Capture of, 12-13, 16, 20. Hart, John R., 3. Hawsey. Capt., 25(2). Hawthorn. Lieut. Col. James, 22. Hayne. Isaac (1745-1781), S. Henderson, Gen. William, IS. High Hills of Santee, 32. Hill.— ,son of Col. William, 3, 33. Hill family, 3. Hill's Iron Works, 6, 8, 9, 29. Hillsborough, N. C. 17(2), 18, 26. House of Representatives, 30. Howe, John. 29. Howe, Joseph, 29. Huek. Capt. Christian, 8, 9(4), 10 (2). Huck's Defeat, 9-10. Indian (Catawba) lands. 17. Indians, 24, 31. Inman, Capt. Shadrack. 25(4), 27. Innis, Col., 25(2). Ireland, 31. Iron Works, Hill's, 6, 8, 9. 29; Old, Lawson's Fork. 20, 21. Jones, Thomas, 29. Johnson, , 11, 12. Judiciary, 30. King's Mountain, 21 ; Battle of, 4 (2), 15, 22-24. Lacey, Col. Edward, 14, 16(2), 18 (3), 20(2), 21(5), 22(2). Lancaster County, 28. Lawson's Fork, 20, 21. Legislative Council, 28. Liberty Tree, Charles Town, 27-28. Library of Congress, 3(2). Love, Alexander, 29. Manigault's plantation, 32. Marlboro County, 28. Mason's Ferry, 17. McAfee, Robert, 29. McCulloch. William, 29. McDowell, Gen., 24(4) , 26(2) , 27(3) . McDowell, Major, 16. Mecklenburg County, N. C, 12, 28. Miles, Major, 16. Money, 27. Money, Major, 15. Musgrove's Mill, Capture of post at, n:. -24. Musgrove's plantation, 25. Myddelton, Col. Charles Starkey. 18. Neel, Col. Andrew, 7, 8(2) ; Death of. 11. Neel, Col. Thomas, 29. Negroes. 8. 10, 11, 17. New Acquisition, 4, 6, 28, 29(2). New York, 25. Ninety Six, 25, 26; Americans hanged at, 24. Ninety Six District, 6, 16, 20, 21. North Carolina, 7, 8, 12(2), 16, 17(2), 18, 19(2), 20, 26(2), 28. Orangeburgh, 6. Parris, Capt., 6(3). Pennsylvania, 29. Philadelphia, Pa., 8, 27. Pickens. Col. (subsequently Gen.) Andrew. 6; Surrender of a fort in Ninety Six District by, 6. Polk. Ezekiel, 29(2). President of South Carolina, 28, 29. Prince of Wales's Regiment, The, 13. Privy Council, 28. Provincial Congress, 27, 28(2), 29. Queen's American Regiment, The, 25. Ramsay, Dr. David, 27. Ramsour's Mill, 8. Rawdon, Lord, 6(3), 17(2). Richland District (created in 1800), 28, 31. Richmond County, N. C, 28. Rocky Mount, 6, 8(2), 10(2) ; Sum- ter's attack on, 11-12. Ross, Francis, 29. Rutherford, Gen. Griffith, 8(2). Rutledge, Governor John, 17, 18(2). Salisbury, N. G, S. Saluda Old Town, 31. Savannah, Ga., 6. 36 Scotland. 31. Senate. 30. Sevier. Lieut. Col. John. 27. Shelby, Col. Isaac. 16(2), 22, 24. 25, 26(2), 27. Smith's Ford. 24(2). Southern States. 7(2). Spartanburg County. 28. State House, Columbia, •*'»2. Stateburg, 32. Sunimerville. 3. Sumter. Francis B., 33. Sumter. (Jen. Thomas. 3(4), 4(2), 6. 8(2, then Col.). 11, 12(4), 13(4), 14. 15(2), 16(2). 17(4), 18, 27, 30; Wounding of, 15; Death of. ::. Sumter. Thomas, son of above. 3 (4), 32, ::::. Sumter. Thomas I).. .'!. 33. Tarleton, Lieut. Col. Ranastre, 14, 17. 19, 20. 22. Tennent. Rev. William. 28. Thomas. Col. John, Jr.. 18. Thomson. Col. William, 32. Tuckaseegee Ford, IS. Tyger River. 14(2). Union County. X. C, 28. United States. 26. Virginia, 26. 27. Washington, Gen. George, 7(2). Watson. Samuel. 6. 20(2). Waxhaws. The. 6(2). Weymyss, Major, 13(2), 14. Williams. Col. James. 15, 16, 17. IS, 19, 20, 21, 22. 24. 26; Death of, 2.",. Williamson. Gen. Andrew, 6. Williamson's plantation. Rattle at, 9-10. Winn. Col. Richard, 18. Winnsborough, 28. Woman suffrage. An early instance of. 30. Woods. Joseph. 29. Yadkin River, 17. York. 3. York County (since 1868), 2S. York District (1800-1868), 4. 6. 10. 2S.