PS 3525 .P195 S6 1921 Copy 1 ^ons0 ong0 By C:P. McDonald New York The Richardson Press ig2i Copyright, 1921 by C. P. McDonald JAN -5 1922 ©Cl AG 526 5 Rose Songs The Rose and the Wind The Mission of the Rose The Rose and the Star Go, Fragrant Rose The South Wind and the Rose The Rose and the Wind A WILD, pretty rose by a roadside grew, A sad little rose and lonely. Who was wooed in the dawn by the morning dew, But who longed for the night-wind only: At last came a time when the wind blew by, And he whispered his love vows tender: "I'll love you forever," she heard him sigh, And her heart made complete surrender. Alas for the sad little roadside rose. Forsaken and left in sorrow. For she never would know the great love's repose That gladdens each new tomorrow ! She longed for his coming both night and day. With a silence that faith discloses; Then, faded and wilted, she passed away To the haven of blighted roses. The Mission of the Rose H ERE is a red rose still wet with the dew; Holding it thus, I surrender to you; Press your lips to it and let it impart Secrets of love that lie deep in my heart. Could I but tell what I cannot disguise, You are my dream of the soul's paradise ! Mute is its message and silent its plea — Ah, love, accept it as coming from me! Sweet little rose, it must wither and die. Die in the warmth of your answering sigh; Love soon will bring its fair life to a close, That is the mission of every red rose. The Rose and the Star A STATELY lily swayed above A rose both pure and rare, And as he whispered words of love, The thistle saw them there. He, too, had loved the rose so fair. And wooed her from afar; But, ah, she looked above to where There shone a gleaming star. The star ignored the blushing rose. Who for his great love sighed; And she, in pain each lover knows, Drooped on her stem and died! Go, Fragrant Rose Go, fragrant rose, go to my love And take this message of the heart: Though skies be dark or blue above. Tell her she's of my life a part. Convey the words I dare not speak — God grant my plea be not in vain! Confess the answer that I seek Will make the world bloom bright again. More beautiful than you is she ! Go, nestle closely to her breast, And bind two hearts in constancy, Though neither has its love confessed. The South Wind and the Rose D EAR little bud, with your heart of red, Nodding and swaying your pretty head. You will come forth from your girlhood soon, Blossom and bloom as the Queen of June: You will be wooed by the daring bee. Vowing his love and his constancy. Pure little bud, when the South wind blows, Telling his faith to each virgin rose. He will come by, you will hear his plea, Breaking the heart of the constant bee: Faithless the wind from the South, you'll find, Though you believe him — for love is blind. Sunshine Songs Over the Rim of the World Skies of Blue You Smiled Life's a Bubble Fair Days and Rare Days Over the Rim of the World O VER the rim of the world, my own. Rises the sun in its splendor. Waking the buds by the gay wind blown. Telling of love ever tender: Rising to-day in the glad skies of blue. Changing my visions to day-dreams of you! Over my soul comes a great, sweet peace. Knowing, whatever befall you. Never the song in my heart will cease. Ever and ever 'twill call you: Into my breast love has stolen its way. Just as the sunshine steals into the day! Skies of Blue >^KIES of blue and eyes of gray, I shall love them, come what may: Eyes of gray and skies of blue Bring me gladness, love, and — you! If your eyes were blue, you say, And the skies were dull and gray. Would I love you — would I seek For the roses on your cheek? Ah, my dear, that could not be, Skies could not be gray for me! While I have your heart and eyes, Blue will always be the skies ! Sun and rain and rain and sun, Life for us has just begun! Eyes of gray and skies of blue Bring me love, content, and — you! You Smiled Yc OU smiled, and o'er the world a great light shone, The light of love that broke in Eden fair; On love's enchanted isle with you alone I stood, and watched the sun awaken there. You smiled, my love, a thousand years ago. When you and I first saw love's rainbow gleams — Or was it yesterday? I do not know How many years were passed in rarest dreams ! You smiled, and o'er me then a great peace stole ; I read the glad, sweet story in your eyes; Those wondrous eyes, the windows to your soul, Through which I saw life's sun in splendor rise ! Life's a Bubble O. ", JUST let your care and trouble Fade away ; Life is but a painted bubble. So they say: Every heart as light as mine Thrills with glory all divine; Let the sun come out and shine While it may. Let the old world swing in gladness Through the years ; Banish every thought of sadness And of fears: Send dull care upon its way. Make each hour a holiday; Life's a debt you cannot pay With your tears. Let us look for love and laughter, You and I ; Sweet content will follow after If we try: While at night the pale moon beams, And each day the rainbow gleams. We will find the land of dreams Bj' and by ! Fair Days and Rare Days l^AIR days and rare days, the days that used to be! May time and play time they always were to me ! Bright days and light days and sunny days were they, When hearts were true and skies were blue, And life a holiday ! Sweet days and fleet days, the days that used to be ! Croon time and rune time they always were to me! Cheer days and dear days and fairy days were they, When hearts were young and, all unsung. The world at anchor lay ! Love days and dove days, the days that are to be! Kiss time and bliss time your heart will bring to me! Long days and song days and golden days and true. When every hour will be a flower That blooms for me and you! Heart Songs My Heart is Dead Solitude Since You Have Gone When Love Must Wait A Last Good-By My Heart is Dead M' LY heart is dead. It died, my love, of sorrow ; No longer could it bear its heavy cross. For it there seemed to be no bright tomorrow, No moment when it would not feel your loss ! No hour when grief would not demand its measure ; No day when love upon its throne would reign: A fallen kingdom void of rarest treasure, A soul immune from further j oy and pain ! My heart is dead! Shorn of its priceless glory. It knows no more the thrill that once it knew: No longer does it beat its silent story. The message of its endless love for you! Solitude 1 N the dark hours of the sleeping night, When, wrapped in solitude, I dream of you, I see you in your raiment of pure white, And see you smile as once you used to do. I almost seem to hear your stately tread Adown the garden pathway come to me. I read in your dear eyes a love unsaid. And hear your voice in tender sympathy. O, queenly girl ! Wherever you may be. My heart is aching for you, and a stress Of burning tears comes surging over me To comfort me in my great loneliness ! Since You Have Gone I^INCE you have gone, what is the world to me? Each dreary day seems an eternity. Sad is the heart that once you strangely thrilled ; Today, the voice I loved is hushed and stilled : I cry aloud in bitter pain and woe To see your eyes again with love aglow. Ah, cold and cheerless breaks the light of dawn Since you have gone ! Since you have gone, all is a barren waste; The joys of life that were have been effaced; The stars, that once for me with rapture shone. Look down in pity on me here alone ! Could I but wake to find my dream come true. To be alone in Paradise with you ! Ah, love, how wearily the years roll on Since you have gone ! When Love Must Wait When love is forced to wait in doubt, How sweet the moment is at last, When every dread is blotted out And all the weary longing's past. How sweet, how sweet the kisses are That lovers win through waiting long; When he has fought and traveled far, And love has kept her courage strong. They do not know the dearest bliss Whose love has not been dearly bought; There is no sweetness in a kiss That is not long and fondly sought. How sweet, how sweet the moment is When, after woes they sought to shun. Her heart beats fondly close to his. And love's reward, at last, is won! I A Last Good-By DREAMED that I pressed your girlish hand, As I did in the old glad days. While I walked with you in an unknown land Through a tangle of perfumed ways. I thought in ray sleep I kissed your cheek As we walked through the flowers fair; And in the deep twilight I dared not speak, So sweet was the silence there. I dreamed that you left me tearfully. With the shade of a gentle sigh. And the darkness fell as you went from me With a tremulous last — "Good-by!" Love Songs O, Glad, Glad Song! Kiss But One Rose I Know, Sweetheart To Call You Mine Gipsy Days O, Glad, Glad Song! 1 ONIGHT a song is on the breeze, A song that sighs within the trees; That sweeps across the skies of blue And brings a note both sweet and true, — A message from my heart to you. O, glad, glad song! Trill on and on Throughout the night and greet the dawn. Bright dawn that brings my love to me. My love of the new day, My fair day and rare day. My love of the true day Will hear my plea. And, hearing it, shall come to me! Kiss But One Rose K ISS but one rose, one fair red rose, That I may call it mine; Were I a king, for such a kiss My crown I would resign: The fairest rose that buds and grows, Pressed to your lips divine. Would bloom in rare content and bliss To taste so pure a wine! Kiss but one rose, one red rose fair, To hold unto my breast, So that my heart, through all the years, May know the boon of rest: Held sacred, let it nestle there, Its secret unexpressed, Be jeweled by the joyous tears That von alone have guessed ! I Know, Sweetheart JlOU ask me why my heart is light Whene'er I look into your eyes; You wonder if the skies were bright When love was born in paradise; You ask me if, in years to be, My love, like roses, will not die. Ah, need you ask such things of me? — You know, sweetheart, and so do I ! I ask you why my soul is thrilled With joy whene'er I hold your hand; Just why this world of mine is filled With rainbow hues I understand: I ask you when your lips I press If love will make my dreams come true. Ah, for an answer need we guess? — I know, sweetheart, and so do you! To Call You Mine 1 O call you mine ! To lead you by the hand Through barren wastes into life's fairyland; To have my heart respond unto your own In language neither e'er before has known : My rarest dreams I gladly would resign To call you mine ! To call you mine ! To walk alone with you Where roses of the past would bloom anew; Where stars begem the glory of the skies, And life is love and love is paradise: For all eternity, through rain and shine — To call you mine! Gipsy Days 1 CHANT the praise of gipsy days And ways that come with spring, When life is free and calls to me In rarest fancying: Away, away throughout the day To where the forest sways; Where, idly bent, we pitch our tent In the golden gipsy days. The sun, agleam upon the stream, But mocks the thought of care; Through tangled ways the river plays As we go faring there: Fair skies above, a world to love. Wherein each nomad strays In solitude and joyous mood Through the mellow gipsy days. I wish, to express my deep gratitude to the Vandersloot Music Publishing Company of Williamsport, Pennsyl- vania, owners of the original copy- rights, for permission to reprint in this little volume "Rose Songs," "Sun- shine Songs," and "Heart Songs." — C. P. McDonald LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 940 570 9 <