• r-K .^•^^% V'' (j ^ ^ •^ ^ 6^ n .^^ J»r^ . n D ^^ J^K ■^ *o. ■^'5^" "^ ^ / 'W4G5 G:leT> MoLc-nta'in Hoix^e.. ^'(^-'^^^^-f'^^^S- f I O much has been written of this wild and beautiful, and now very popular Summer Resort, that it would seem like time wasted, to more than call attention to the fact that additional accommodations for the lovers of nature who congregate within its spacious precincts has been provided for them the current season. The "Glen Mountain House" is located at an elegant elevations in the life-giving atmosphere of pines and hemlocks, where "malaria is unknown," and to whose cool shades thousands annually repair for rest and recreation. A few words descriptive of " Watkins Glen " would seem first in order. Its eastern entrance is in the village of Watkins, at the head of Seneca Lake, Schuyler County, New York, on the line of the Northern Central Railway, 20 miles Northwest from Elmira, where connection is made with the Lehigh Valley, New York. Lake Erie and Western, and Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railway Companies; 47 miles South- east from Canandaigua, connecting with the New York Central Railway ; I ■■>.^%.";^* . wild and beautirul, and now very " i> lor^tcd at ait rlrgant elevaiioni K and hrmlocltR, where "muisriaii rool tfiadci Ihoiuandt ■nnuill)' rciwir forrefi Lake, Schuyler Counly, New York, on Ihc line of ihe Northern Railway, aomllct Norlhwesi Trom Etmira, where connection i* wiih Ihc Lehigh Vallcv, New York, l-akc Krieand Walern. and Delaware, Lackawanna and We cast from Connndaigtia, con York Central Kailw; •'•-»--*^ 40 milr* Soulhcwl from Geneva, fiom whence Ihc Glen ii reached by the Seneca Lake Sicam Navigation Company's palatial sicimiTs. riic western entrance loWalkina Glen i« reached by the trains of the Syrncuic, Geneva & Coming Railway, which connect* with Ihe liric al Corning, and N. Y. Gen. at Geneva, and Innds luwengeri directly at Ihc " Pavilion " by ihc beautiful "iron bridge" ihai spans the gorge 1G5 feci above the water ; while the "prineipal tnlrantt^" for guests of the Glkn Mountain Housk ii directly opposite iheteio. It \\ about ten hoiirv ride, all daylight, from cither Philadelphia, New VnrV. Ihltimnvf. iii'l AIKiny, or five from Niagara Falls. A I' I'lNiiii T' imtc spring water makn ils detceni from si-i tioii r<, . II .>, I. 1 iif cascade* and rapids, amounting in their is one of Nature's rese ues beside its emerald v 1 August, hundreds of feet above you. r of I nof r > which seem to have forming a series of rocky arcad' ,111 at times and again widening out xaiiiy, variety, magnificence and gr.i iitury. It suggests Vauclusk in 1 The woter. But, instead of the dtt ^ Fountain, there arc variegated, tnd lovely foliage, and mid flonir ; a1x)vc another, bctwec II roN Falls, but is wilder and deeper. One goes leagues out of the I foreign travel to see sights far less worth seeing, ^ith much labor and at great expense "sfron^^' and elegant stairways, I.ti,!-(-, ■•uift" -itid "firmly tretted" hand-railing, have been con- ,1 r , , :i it.l" \:-:u^r-. to thoroughly inspeit and fully enjoy these the village), has been greatly enlarged r^X '*joo CiKsts" can be comfortably accoi -. lighted throughout with gas, possesses ■• imodatcd within ii Great attention has been paid to sanitary regulations, the drainage is excellent, an abundance of pure spring water for all purposes, and everything in and about the house and grounds is kept scrupulously dean i found among the t s the Gi^N from the hotel, whereby H TicKRin, which include adraiiaion to Watkihs Glxn, Diminc- HOtiM, and Horn's Art Gau-krv, are furnished to "ail wh^ havt nxmi" al the Glen Mocntain Housi. at a cost of " linsU admisuM." which enables them to VISIT the Glen, either upper or Tower, "at pltaturt," without Ihe fatigue occasioned by Ihe neccnit^ of doing tlie whole of it r going rthek This " sfuial frivUrxt" ii not enjoyed by viaiton tegiatcred eUc- ^^ where, as they are charged •' so tf^t /or tath aJminivm." "X/^' Omnibuses and easy riding carriagca ate always in waiting to convey • .— • poucngcrs to the Glbn Mountain Houat. , r~| Special rates made for parties ; beautifully illustrated circulars, and 'f ^ further information furnishea upon application to ^ ca I c