LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDDH417E15 Lutiiei- xudiei. Alb A TREATISE ON THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LANDSCAPE GARDENING, ADAPTED TO H r 1 1] '% in f r i ni ; WITH A VIKW TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF COUNTllY RESIDENCES. C0MPRI8INQ HISTOItlOAL N0TICE3 AND QKNEIiAL PUINCIPLES OF THE ART, DIRECTIOJiS FOP LAYING OUT GROUNDS AND AnRANQING PXANTATIONS, THfi DESCniVTlOS AND CCLTIVATION OF liAHDY TREE:J, DKOORATIVE ACCOMPANIJIENTa OF THE HOUSE AND GROUNDS, THE FORMATION OF PIECK3 OF A15TIFICIAI. WATER, FLOWER GARDENS, ETC, WITH REMARKS ON RURAL ARCHITECTURE. BY THE LATE A. J. DOWNIXO, ESQ. SIXTH EDITION. ENLARGED, BKVISED, AND NEWLT ILLUSTRATED. WITH A SUPPLEMENT, rONTAINlNO SOMTi REMARKS ABOUT COUNTr.T PLACES, AND THE Cr.ST METHODS OJ? MAKING THF.M ; ALSO, AN ACCOUNT OF THE NEWER DECIDUOUS "AND EVER- GREEN PLANTS. LATELY INTRODUCED INTO CULTIVATION, BOTH HARDY AND HALr-HARDY. B Y HENRY WINTHROP SARGENT. NEW YORK: C. M. SAXTON, BARKER & CO., 25 PARK ROW. SAN FRANCISCO: n. II. BANCROFT & CO. 1860. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, By a. O. MOOEE & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, ia and lor the Southern District of New York. ^ ^^' ' 3 y TO JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, LL.D., EX-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES} THE LOVKE OF RURAL PURSUITS, A3 WELL AS THE DISTINGUISHED PATRIOT, STATESMAN, AND sage; THIS VOLUME Br PEBMI8SI0N, IS RESPECTFULLY AND AFFECTIOVATELY DEDICATED, BY HIS FRIENn, THJi AUTHOR. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. It is even more gratifying to the author of this work to know, from actual observation, that the pubUc taste in Rural Embellishment has, within a few years past, made the most rapid progress in this country, than to feel assured by the call for a fourth edition, that his own imperfect labors for the accomplishment of that end have been most kindly appreciated. In the present edition considerable alterations and amendments have been made in some portions — especially in that section relating to the nature of the Beautiful and the Picturesque. The difference among critics regarding natural expression and its reproduction in Landscape Gardening, has led him more carefully to examine this part of the subject, in order, if possible, to present it in the clearest and most definite manner. The whole work has also been revised, and more copiously illustrated, and is now offered in a more com- [)lete form than in any previous edition. A. J. D. Newburgli, New York, Jan. 1849. P E E F A C E. A TASTE for rural improvements of every description is advancing silently, but with great rapidity in this country While yet in the far west the pioneer constructs his rude hut of logs for a dwelling, and sweeps away with his axe the lofty forest trees that encumber the ground, in the older portions of the Union, bordering the Atlantic, we are surrounded by all the luxuries and refinements that belong to an old and long cultivated country. Within the last ten years, especially, the evidences of the growing wealth and prosperity of our citizens have become apparent in the great increase of elegant cottage and villa residences on the banks of our noble rivers, along our rich valleys, and wherever nature seems to invite us by her rich and varied charms. In all the expenditure of means in these improvements, amounting in the aggregate to an immense sum, pro- fessional talent is seldom employed in Architecture or Landscape Gardening, but almost every man fancies himself an amateur, and endeavors to plan and arrange his own residence. With but little practical knowledge, and few correct principles for his guidance, it is not surprising that we witness much incongruity and great waste of time and money. Even those who are familiar with foreign works on the subject in question labor under many obstacles in practice, which grow out of the difference in our soil and cUmate, or our social and political position. These views have so often presented themselves to me of late, and have been so frequently urged by persons "desiring advice, that I have ventured to prepare the present volume, in the hope of supplying, in some degree, tht Vlll desideratum so much felt at present. While we have treatises, in abundance, on the various departments of the arts and sciences, there has not appeared even a single essay on the elegant art of Landscape Gardening. Hun- dreds of individuals who wish to ornament their grounds and embellish their places, are at a loss how to proceed, from the want of some leading principles, with the knowledge of which they would find it comparatively easy to produce delightful and satisfactory results. In the following pages I have attempted to trace out such principles, and to suggest practicable methods of embellishing our Rural Residences, on a scale com- mensurate to the views and means of our proprietors. While I have availed myself of the works of European authors, and especially those of Britain, where Landscape Gardening was first raised to the rank of a fine art, I have also endeavored to adapt my suggestions especially to this country and to the peculiar wants of its inhabitants. As a people descended from the English stock, we inherit much of the ardent love of rural life and its pursuits which belongs to that nation ; but our peculiar position, in a new world that required a population full of enterprise and energy to subdue and improve its vast territory, has, until lately, left but little time to cultivate a taste for Rural Embellishment. But in the older states, as wealth has accumulated, the country become populous, and society more fixed in its character, a return to those simple and fascinating enjoyments to be found in country life and rural pursuits, is witnessed on every side. And to this innate feeling, out of which grows a strong attachment to natal soil, we must look for a counterpoise to the great tendency towards constant change, and the restless spirit of emigration, which form part of our national character ; and which, though to a certain extent highly necessary to our national prosperity, are, on the other hand, opposed to social and domestic happiness. " In the midst of the continual movement which agitates a democratic com- munity," says the most philosophical writer who has yet discussed our institutions, " the tie which unites one generation to another is relaxed or broken ; every man PREFACE. IX readily loses the trace of the ideas of his forefathers^ or takes no care about them." The love of country is inseparably connected with the love of home. Whatever, therefore, leads man to assemble the comforts and elegancies of life around his habitation, tends to increase local attachments, and render domestic life more delightful ; thus not only augmenting his own enjoyment, but strengthening his patriotism, and making him a better citizen. And there is no employment or recreation which affords the mind greater or more permanent satisfaction, than that of cultivating the earth and adorning our own property. " God Almighty first planted a garden ; and, indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures," says Lord Bacon. And as the first man was shut out from the garden, in the cultivation of which no alloy was mixed with his happiness, the desire to return to it seems to be implanted by nature, more or less strongly, in every heart. In Landscape Gardening the country gentleman of leisure finds a resource of the most agreeable nature. While there is no more rational pleasure than that derived from its practice by him, who " Plucks life's roses in his quiet fields," the enjoyment drawn from it (unlike many other amuse- ments) is unembittered by the after recollection of pain or injury inflicted on others, or the loss of moral rectitude. In i-endering his home more beautiful, he not only con- tributes to the happiness of his own family, but improves the taste, and adds loveliness to the country at large. There is, perhaps, something exclusive in the tasie for some of the fine arts. A collection of pictures, for example, is comparatively shut up from the world, in the private gallery. But the sylvan and floral collections, — the groves and gardens, which surround the country residence of the man of taste, — are confined by no barriers narrower than the blue heaven above and around them. The taste and the treasures, gradually, but certainly, creep bejond the nominal boundaries of the PREFACE. estate, and re-appear in the pot of flowers in the window, or the luxuriant, blossoming vines which clamber over the porch of the humblest cottage by the way side. In the present volume I have sought, by rendering familiar to the reader most of the beautiful sylvan ma- terials of the art, and by describing their peculiar effects in Landscape Gardening, to encourage a taste among general readers. And 1 have also endeavored to place before the amateur such directions and guiding principles as, it is hoped, will assist him materially in laying out his grounds and arranging the general scenery of his residence. The lively interest of late manifested in Rural Architec- ture, and its close connexion with Landscape Gardening, have induced me to devote a portion of this work to the consideration of buildings in rural scenery. I take pleasure in acknowledging my obligations and returning thanks to my valued correspondent, J. C. Loudon, Esq., F. L. S., etc., of London, the most distinguished gardening author of the age, for the illustrations and description of the English Suburban Cottage in the Appendix; to the several gentlemen in this country who have kindly furnished me with plans or drawings of their residences ; and to A. J. Davis, Esq., of New York, and J Notman, Esq., of Philadelphia, architects, for architectui a] rawings and descriptions. PREFACE TO SIXTH EDITION. Although our advance in rural life has not attained, and may never reach, the extent mentioned b}'' Mr. Down- ing, in his account of his visit to Woburn Abbey, where he says, " there are 20,000 country houses in England, each larger than the President's house at Washington ;" j-et our progress has been very great — partly, perhaps, from the increasing discomfort and expense of our large cities, and the great facilities which our numerous railways and steamers offer to business persons to reside permanently in the country ; but more, let us hope, from an improving taste, and love for rural life, which is always one of tlie agreeable and graceful accompaniments of increasing civilization. As a country advances in age, she improves in a taste for all the elegant and artistic pursuits of life, which naturally follow in the train of wealth and refinement. The sword is turned into the pruning-hook, -while ■ ^^ ar ma cedunt togcBP If one could compare the extremely crude condition of our rural knowledge, upon the first appearance of this book, with the vast progress since made, botli in the useful and ornamental cultivation of the soil, it would seem difficult to realize that a nation could move with such giant strides. Still, though much has been done, much yet remains to do. Those who have already put their hand to the plough, do not desire to turn back, they wish only to know how to go on ; want of further information, like the cry of Ajax, " Give me to see — " pervades the whole land. \1) PKEFACE. "What shall I plant?" seems one of the great in- quiries, in attempting to answer which, the Editor of this New Edition has endeavored to give a list of such of the newer trees and shrubs as have come into notice within the past ten years, with such descriptions of their liabits and character as his own information, together with the experience of others (both, he regrets to say, very mea- gre), will enable him to give. With regard to the acclimatizing of Evergreens, he would have preferred to have had the experience of another year, in order to test still further certain varie- ties, as yet comparatively untried ; but perhaps some future edition may enable him to do this. In conclusion, he would beg to acknowledge the assist- ance he has derived, in the identification and classification of new and doubtful varieties, from Mr. Gordon's excel- lent work on " The Pinetum," and also from the very complete and thorough "Traite General des Coniferes," par M. Carriere. To those gentlemen, in this country, who have given him the result of their experience in acclimatizing Ever- greens, he desires also to make his acknowledgments. H. W. S. WODENETHE, FiSIlKILL LANDING, DuCHESS Co., 1 New York, January, 1859. ) CONTENTS. SECTION I. HISTORICAL SKETCHES. Objects of the art. Origin of the modern and natural style. Influence of the English poets and writers. Examples of the art abroad. Land- scape Gardening in North America, and examples now existing. SECTION II. BEAUTIES OF LANDSCAPE GARDENING, Capacities of the art. The beauties of the ancient style. The Beautiful and the Picturesque. Nature and principles of Landscape Gardening as an imitative art. The Production of Beautiful Landscape. Of Picturesque do. Simple beauty of the art. The principles of Unity, Harmony, and Varietv. SECTION in. WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. The beauty of trees in rural embellishments. Pleasure resulting from their cultivation. Plantations in the ancient style. In the modern style. Grouping trees. Arrangement and grouping in the Graceful school. In the Picturesque school. Illustrations in planting villa, ferme orn6e, and cottage grounds. General classification of trees as to forms, with leading characteristics of each class. SECTION IT. DECIDUOCS ORNAMENTAL TREES. The history and description of all the finest hardy deciduous trees. Remarks on their effects in Landscape Gardening, individually and in composition ; their cultivation, etc. SECTION T. EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. The history and description of all the finest hardy evergreen trees. Remarks on their effects in Landscape Gardening, individually and in composition. Their cultivation, etc. Xiv CONTENTS. SECTION VI. VINES AND CLIIIBING PLANTS. Value of this kind of vegetation ; fine natural effects. KemarKS ou the proper mode of introducing vines. Beautiful effects of climbing plants in connection with buildings. SECTION VII. TREATMENT OF GROUND — FORMATION OF WALKS. Nature of operations on ground. Treatment of flowing and of irregular surfaces to heighten their expression. Of flats or level surfaces. Rocks as materials in landscape. Laying out roads and walks ; the approach. Rules by Repton. The drive and minor walks. The introduction of fences. Verdant hedges. SECTION VIII. TRE.\TMENT OF WATER, Beautiful effects of this element in nature. In what cases it is desirable to attempt the formation of artificial pieces of water. Regular forms unpleasing. Directions for the formation of ponds or lakes in the irreg- ular manner. Study of natural lakes. Islands. Planting the margin. Treatment of natural brooks and rivulets. Cascades and water-falls. Legitimate sphere of the art in this department. SECTION IX. LANDSCAPE OK KURAL ARCHITECTURE. Difference between a city and country house. The characteristic fea- tures of a country house. Examination of the leading principles in Rural Architecture. The harmonious union of buildings and scenery. The different styles. The Grecian style. Its defects for domestic purposes. The Roman style. The Italian style. Swiss style. The pointed or Gothic style. Castellated buildings. The Tudor mansion. The Elizabethan style. The old English cottage. Entrance lodges. SECTION X. EMBELLISHMENTS ; ARCniTECTUPJiL, RUSTIC, AND FLORAL. Value of a proper connection between the house and grounds. Beauty of the architectural terrace, and its application to villas and cottages. Use of vases of different descriptions. Architectural flower-garden. Irregular flower-garden. French flower-garden. English flower-garden. Mingled flower-garden. Selections of showy plants, flowering in succes- sion. Arrangement of the shrubbery. The conservatory and green- house. Open and covered seats. Pavilions. Prospect towers. Bridges. Rockwork. Fountains of various descriptions. Judicious introduction of decorations. CONTENTS. XV APPENDIX. Notes on transplanting trees. Reasons for frequent failures in removing large trees. Directions for performing this operation. Preparing trees for removal. Transplanting evergreens. On the treatment of Lawns. Use of machines for mowing the Lawn. SUPPLEMENT. SECTION L Progress of Landscape Gardening since Mr. Downing's death. Forma- tion of new places. Common errors. The Lawn. SECTION IL How to make a Country Place. Commencing without trees. Com- mencing in a wood. History of Wodenkthe. History of Welleslky. Italian scenery. SECTION III. The newer deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs. SECTION IV. The newer hall-hardy Evergreen trees and shrubs. Acclimatizing and employing them. Tabular view of Hardihood in different parts of the United States. SECTION V. Historical notices. Examples of Landscape Gardening, and Rural Architecture in the United States. SECTION VI. Historical notices continued. Rural Cemeteries. Central Park, New York. Llewellyn Park, New .Jersey. Clinton Park, etc. INDEX. LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS. ENGRAVINGS ON 8 T E B L . Portrait of A T. Downing. Frontispiece. PLATE I. BltWHEWooD. Residence of Kobt. Donaldson, Esq 17 II. WoDEXETHE, Eesidenee of H. W. Sargent, Esq 425 III. Wblleblet. Eesidenee of II. II. llunnewell. Esq 444 IV. French Partekee at "Wellesley ''48 V. Italian Garden at Wellesley 452 TI. Llewellyn Pare. Orange, N. J 568 E N f R A V I N G 6 ON WOOD. PAfiE. Fig. 1. Tiew at II ^de Park 29 2. Manor of £ivingston 29 an attachment to a certain spot, and a desire to render that place attractive — a feeling which seems more or less strongly fixed in the minds of all men. But we should convey a false impression, were we to state that it may be applied with equal success to residences of every class and size, in the country. Lawn and trees, being its two essen- tial elements, some of the beauties of Landscape Gardening may, indeed, be shown wherever a rood of grass surface, and half a dozen trees are within our reach ; we may, even with such scanty space, have tasteful grouping, varied sur- face, and agreeably curved walks ; but our art, to appear to advantage, requires some extent of surface — its lines should lose themselves indefinitely, and unite agreeably and gradually with those of the surrounding country. In the case of lai'ge landed estates, its capabilities may be displayed to their full extent, as from fifty to five hun- dred acres may be devoted to a park or pleasure grounds. Most of its beauty, and all its charms, may, however, be enjoyed in ten or twenty acres, fortunately situated, and well treated ; and Landscape Gardening, in America, com- bined and working in harmony as it is with our fine scenery, is already beginning to give us results scarcely less beautiful than those produced by its finest efforts abroad. The lovely villa residences of our noble river and lake margins, when well treated — even in a few acres of taste- ful fore-ground, — seem so entirely to appropriate the whole adjacent landscape, and to mingle so sweetly in their out- lines with the woods, the valleys, and shores around them, that the effects are often truly enchanting. But if Landscape Gardening, in its proper sense, cannot be applied to the embellishment of the smallest cottage 20 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. residences in the country, its principles may be studiea with advantage, even by him who has only three trees to plant for ornament ; and we hope no one will think his gromids too small, to feel willing to add something to the general amount of beauty in the country. If the possessor of the cottage acre would embellish in accordance with propriety, he must not, as we have sometimes seen, rendei the whole ridiculous by aiming at ambitious and costly em- bellishments ; but he will rather seek to delight us by the good taste evinced in the tasteful simplicity of the whole arrangement. And if the proprietors of our country villas, in their improvements, are more likely to run into any one error than another, we fear it will be that of too great a desire for display — too many vases, temples, and seats, — and too little purity and simplicity of general effect. The inquiring reader will perhaps be glad to have a glance at the history and progress of the art of tasteful gardening ; a recurrence to which, as well as to the historv of the fine arts, will aflbrd abundant proof that, in the first stage or infancy of all these arts, while the perception of their ultimate capabilities is yet crude and imperfect, man- kind has, in every instance, been completely satisfied with the mere exhibition of design or art. Thus in Sculpture the first statues were only attempts to imitate rudely the form of a human figure, or in painting, to represent that of a tree : the skill of the artist, in effecting an imitation suc- cessfully, being sufficient to excite the astonishment and admiration of those who had not yet made such advances as to enable them o appreciate the. superior beauty of expression. Landscape Gardening is, indeed, only a modern word, first coined, we believe, by Shenstone. HISTORICAL NOTICES. 21 The most distinguished English Landscape Gardeners of recent date, are the late Humphrey Kepton, who died in 1818; and since him John Claudius Loudon better known in this country, as the celebrated gardening author. Repton's taste in Landscape gardening was cultivated and elegant, and many of the finest parks and pleasure grounds of England, at the present day, bear witness to the skill and harmony of his designs. His published works are full of instructive hints, and at Cobham Hall, one of the finest seats in Britain, is an inscription to his memory, by Lord Darnley. Mr. Loudon's* writings and labors in tasteful gardening, are too well known, to render it necessary that we should do more than allude to them here. Much of what is known of the art in this country undoubtedly is, more or less directly, to be referred to the influence of his published works. Although he is, as it seems to us, somewhat deficient as an artist in imagination, no previous author ever deduced, so clearly, sound artistical principles in Land- scape Gardening and Rural Architecture ; and fitness, good sense, and beauty, are combined with much unity of feeling in all his works. As the modern style owes its origin mainly to the English, so it has also been developed and carried to its greatest perfection in the British Islands. The law of primogeniture, which has there so long existed, in itself, contributes greatly to the continual improvement and embellishment of those vast landed estates, that remain perpetually in the hands of the same family. Magnificent * While we are revising the second edition, we regret deeply to learn the death of Mr. Loudon. His herculean labors as an author have at last destroyed him ; tnd in his death we lose one who has done more than any other person that «ver lived, to popularize, and render universal, a taste for Gardening and Domestic Architecture. 22 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. buildings, added to by each succeeding generation, who often preserve also the older portions with the most scrupulous care ; wide spread parks, clothed with a thick velvet turf, which, amid their moist atmosphere, preserves during great part of the year an emerald greenness — studded with noble oaks and other forest trees which number centuries of growth and maturity ; these advan- tages, in the hands of the most intelligent and the wealthiest aristocracy in the world, have indeed made almost an entire landscape garden of " merry England." Among a multitude of splendid examples of these noble residences, we will only refer the reader to the celebrated Blenheim, the seat of the Duke of Marlborough, where the lake alone (probably the largest piece of artificial water in the world) covers a surface of two hundred acres : Chatsworth, the varied and magnificent seat of the Duke of Devonshire, where there are scenes illustrative of almost every style of the art : and Woburn Abbey, the grounds of which are fall of the choicest specimens of trees and plants, and where the park, like that of Ashbridge, Arundel Castle, and several other private residences in England, is only embraced within a circumference of fron ten to twenty miles. On the continent of Europe, though there are a multi- tude of examples of the modern style of landscape gardening, v/hich is there called the English or natural style, yet in the neighborhood of many of the capitals, especially those of the south of Europe, the taste for the geometric or ancient style of gardening still prevails to a considerable extent ; partially, no doubt, because that style admits, with more facility, of those classical and architectural accompaniments of vases, statues, busts, etc.. HISTORI04L NOTICES. 23 the passion for which pervades a people rich in ancient and modex,-\ sculptural works of art. Indeed many of the garden^ on the continent are more striking from their numerous sculpturesque ornaments, interspersed with fountains and jet^-d'eau, than from the beauty or rarity of their vegetation, or from their arrangement. In the United States, it is highly improbable that we shall ever witness such splendid examples of landscape gardens as those abroad, to which we have alluded. Here the rights of man are held to be equal ; and if there are no enormous parks, and no class of men whose wealth is hereditary, there is, at least, what is more gratifying to the feehngs of the philanthropist, the almost entire absence of a very poor class in the country ; while w^e have, on the other hand, a large class of independent landholders, who are able to assemble around them, not only the useful and convenient, but the agreeable and beautiful, in country hfe. The number of individuals among us who possess wealth and refinement sufficient to enable them to enjoy the pleasures of a country life, and who desire in their private residences so much of the beauties of landscape gardening and rural embellishment as may be had without any enormous expenditure of means, is every day increasing. And although, until lately, a very meagre plan of laying out the grounds of a residence, was all that we could lay claim to, yet the taste for elegant rural improvements is advancing now so rapidly, that we have no hesitation in predicting that in half a century more, there will exist a greater number of beautiful villas and country seats of moderate extent, in the Atlantic States, than in any country in Europe, England alone excepted. With us, a 24 LANDSCAPE GARDENINO. feeling, a taste, or an improvement, is contagious ; and once fairly appreciated and established in one portion of the country, it is disseminated with a celerity that is indeed wonderful, to every other portion. And though i is necessarily the case where amateurs of any art are more numerous than its professors, that there will be, in devising and carrying plans into execution, many specimens of bad taste, and perhaps a sufficient number of efforts to improve without any real taste whatever, still we are convinced the effect of our rural embellishments will in the end be highly agreeable, as a false taste is not likely to be a permanent one in a community where everything is so much the subject of criticism. With regard to the literature and practice of Landscape Gardening as an art, in North America, almost everything is yet before us, comparatively little having yet been done. Almost all the improvements of the grounds of our finest country residences, have been carried on under the direction of the proprietors themselves, suggested by their ovi'n good taste, in many instances improved by the study of European authors, or by a personal inspection of the finest places abroad. The only American work previously published which treats directly of Landscape Gardening, is the American Gardener s Calendar, by Bernard McMahon of Philadelphia. The only practitioner of the art, of any note, was the late M. Parmentier of Brooklyn, Long Island. M. Andre Parmentier was the brother of that celebrated horticulturist, the Chevalier Parmentier, Mayor of Enghien, Holland. He emigrated to this country about the year 1824, and in the Horticultural Nurseries which he esta- blished at Brooklyn, he gave a specimen of the natural HISTORICAL NOTICES. 25 btyie of laying out grounds, combined with a scientific arrangement of plants, which excited pubHc curiosity, and contributed not a Kttle to the dissemination of a taste fox the natural mode of landscape gardening. During M. Parmentier's residence on Long Island, he was almost constantly applied to for plans for laying out the grounds of country seats, by persons in various parts of the Union, as well as in the immediate proximity of New York. In many cases • he not only surveyed the demesne to be • improved, but furnished the plants and trees necessary to carry out his designs. Several plans were prepared by him for residences of note in the South- ern States ; and two or three places in Upper Canada, especially near Montreal, were, we believe, laid out by his own hands and stocked from his nursery grounds. In his periodical catalogue, he arranged the hardy trees and shrubs that flourish in this latitude in classes, according to their height, etc., and published a short treatise on the superior claims of the natural, over the formal or geome- tric style of laying out grounds. In short, we consider M Parmentier's labors and examples as having effected, directly, far more for landscape gardening in America, than those of any other individual whatever. The introduction of tasteful gardening in this country is, of course, of a very recent date. But so long ago as from 25 to 50 years, there were several country residences highly remarkable for extent, elegance of arrangement, and the highest order and keeping. Among these, we desire especially to record here the celebrated seats of Chancellor Livingston, Wm. Hamilton, Esq., Theodore Lyman, Esq., and Judge Peters. Woodlands, the seat of the Hamilton family, near •26 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Philadelphia, was, so long ago as 1805, highly celebrateQ for its gardening beauties. The refined taste and the wealth of its accomplished owner, were freely lavished in its improvement and embellishment ; and at a time when the introduction of rare exotics was attended with a vast deal of risk and trouble, the extensive green-houses and orangeries of this seat contained all the richest treasures of the exotic flora, and among other excellent gardeners employed, was the distinguished botanist Pursh, whose enthusiastic taste in his favorite science was promoted and aided by Mr. Hamilton. The extensive pleasure grounds were judiciously planted, singly and in groups, with a great variety of the finest species of trees. The attention of the visitor to this place is now arrested by two very large specimens of that curious tree, the Japanese Ginko (Salisburia), GO or 70 feet high, perhaps the finest in Europe or America, by the noble magnolias, and the rich park-like appearance of some of the plantations of the finest native and foreign oaks. From the recent un- healthiness of this portion of the Schuylkill, Woodlands has fallen into decay, but there can be no question that it was, for a long time, the most tasteful and beautiful residence in America. The seat of the late Judge Peters, about five miles from Philadelphia, was, 30 years ago, a noted specimen of the ancient school of landscape gardening. Its proprietor had a most extended reputation as a scientific agriculturist, and his place was also no less remarkable for the design and culture of its pleasure-grounds, than for the excellence of its farm. Long and stately avenues, with vistas terminated by obelisks, a garden adorned with marble vases, busts, and statues, and pleasure grounds filled with HISTORICAL NOTICES. 27 the rarest trees and shrubs, were conspicuous features here. Some of the latter are now so remarkable as to attract strongly the attention of the visitor. Among them, is the chestnut planted by Washington, which produces the largest and finest fruit ; very large hollies ; and a curious old box-tree much higher than the mansion near which it stands. But the most striking feature now, is the still remaining gr bold impetuous '^t^eam which finds its course ^ __^_ thiough the low- I.Fig. 4. One 01 me Rustic Seats at Jiomgomery i-iace.j ^1 pai I 01 me wilderness. Near the further end of the valley is a beauti- ful lake (Fig. 5), half of which lies cool and dark under the shadow of tall trees, while the other half gleams in the npen sunlight. In a part of the lawn, near the house, yet so surrounded by a dark setting of trees and shrubs as to form a rich HISTORICAL NOTICES. oo picture by itself, is one of the most perfect flower gardens in the country, laid out in the arabesque manner, and glow- ing with masses of the gayest colors — each bed being com- posed wholly of a single hue. A large conservatory, an exotic garden, an arboretum, etc., are among the features of interest in this admirable residence. Including a drivp throuo-h a fine bit of natural wood, south of the mansion, there are five miles of highly varied and picturesque pri- vate roads and walks, through the pleasure-grounds of Montgomery Place. [I'ig. 5. The Lake at Montgomery Place] EUersUe is the seat of William Kelly, Esq. It is three miles below Rhinebeck. It comprises over six hundred acres, and is one of our finest examples of high keeping and good management, both in an ornamental and an agricultural point of \\e\\. The house is conspicuously placed on a commanding natural terrace, w"ith a fair fore- ground of park surface below it, studded with beautiful groups of elms and oaks, and a very fine reach of river and 34 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. distant hills. This is one of the most celebrdted places on the Hudson, and there are few that so well pay tne lover of improved landscape for a visit. Just below Ellerslie are the fine mansion and pleasing grounds of Wm. Emmet, Esq.,^ — the former a stone edifice, in the castellated style, and the latter forming a most agreeable point on the margin of the river. The seat of Mrs. Gardiner Howland, near ISTevv Ham- burgh, is not only beautiful in situation, but is laid out with great care, and is especially remarkable for the many rare trees and shrubs collected in its grounds. Wodenethe, near Fishkill landing, is the seat of H. W. Sargent, Esq., and is a bijou full of interest for the lover of rural beauty ; abounding in rare trees, shrubs, and plants, as well as vases, and objects of rural embeli'sli- ment of all kinds. Kenwood, formerly the residence of J. Kathbone, Esq., is one mile south of Albany. Ten years ago this spot. was a wild and densely wooded hill, almost inaccessible. With great taste and industry Mr. Rathbone has converted it into a country residence of much picturesque beauty, erected in the Tudor style, one of the best villas in the country, with a gate-lodge in the same mode, and laid out the grounds with remarkable skill and good taste. There are about 1200 acres in this estate, and pleasure grounds, forcing houses, and gardens, are now flourishing where ali was so lately in the rudest state of nature ; while, by the judicious preservation of natural wood, the effect of a long cultivated demesne has been given to the whole. The Manor House of the " Patroon" (as the eldest son of the Van Rensselaer family is called) is in the northern suburbs of the city of Albany. The mansion, greatly Fig. C— Beaver wyck, the Scat of Wm. V. Van Eensselaer, Es.j. Fifi. 7.— (_'otta;;c Uc-MUncc «\ Wm. 11. A.-iiiinviill, Es(|. HLSrORICAL NOTICES. 35 enlarged and improved a few years since, from tlie designs of Upjohn, is one of the largest and most admirable in all respects, to be found in the country, and the pleasure- grounds in the rear of the house are tasteful and beau- tiful. Beaverwyck, a little north of Albany, on the opposite bank of the rivei-, was formerly the seat of Wm. P. Yan Rensselaer, Esq. The whole estate is ten or twelve miles square, including the village of Bath on the river shore, and a large farming district. The home residence em- braces several hundred acres, with a large level lawn, bordered by highly varied surface of hill and dale. The mansion, one of the first class, is newly erected from the plans of Mr. Diaper, and in its interior — its hall with mosaic floor of polished woods, its marble staircase, frescoed apartments, and spacious adjoining conservatory ■ — is perhaps the most splendid in the Union. The grounds are yet newly laid out, but with much judgment ; and six or seven wzzYes of winding gravelled roads and walks have been formed — their boundaries now leading over level meadows, and now winding through w^oody dells. The drives thus afforded, are almost unrivalled in extent and variety, and give the stranger or guest, an opportunity of seeing the near and distant views to the best advantage. At Tarrytown, is the cottage residence of Washington Irving, which is, in location and accessories, almost the beau ideal of a cottage ornee. The charming manner in which the wild foot-paths, in the neighborhood of this cot- tage, are conducted among the picturesque dells and banks, is precisely what one would look for here. A little below, Mr, Sheldon's cottage (now Mr. Hoag's), with its pretty lawn and its chnrniing brook, is one of tlie l)est specimens Ob LANDSCAPE GAKDENING. of this kind of residence on the river. At Hastings, four or five miles south, is the agreeable seat of Robt. B. Min- turn, Esq. About twelve miles from New York, on the Sound, is Hunter s Island, the seat of John Hunter, Esq., a place of much simplicity and dignity of character. The whole island may be considered an extensive park carpeted with soft lawn, and studded with noble trees. The mansion is simple in its exterior, but internally, is filled with rich treasures of art. The seat of James Munroe, Esq., on the East river in this neighborhood, abounds with beautiful trees, and many other features of interest. The Cottage residence of WiUiam H. Aspinwall, Esq., on Staten Island, is a highly picturesque specimen of Land- scape Gardening. The house is in the English cottage style, and from its open lawn in front, the eye takes in a wide view of the ocean, the Narrows, and the blue hills of Neversink. In the rear of the cottage, the surface is much broken and varied, and finely wooded and planted. In improving this picturesque site, a nice sense of the charm of natural expression has been evinced ; and the sudden variations from smooth open surface, to wild wooden banks, with rocky, moss-covered flights of steps, strike the stranger equally with surprise and delight. A charming greenhouse, a knotted flower-garden, and a pretty, rustic moss-house, are among the interesting points of this spirited place. (See Fig. 7.) The seat of the Wadsworth family, at Geneseo, is the finest in the interior of the state of New York. Nothing. indeed, can well be more magnificent than the meadow park at Geneseo. It is more than a thousand acres in extent, lying on each side of the Genesee river, and is filled with thousands of the noblest oaks and elms, many of which, but HISTORICAL NOTICES 87 more especially the oaks, are such trees as we see in the pictures of Claude, or our own Durand ; richly developed, their trunks and branches grand and majestic, their heads full of breadth and grandeur of outline. These oaks, distributed over a nearly level surface, with the trees disposed either singly or in the finest groups, as if most tastefully planted centuries ago, are solely the work of nature ; and yet so entirely is the whole like the grandest planted park, that it is difficult to believe thai all is not the work of some master of art, and intended fox the accompaniment of a magnificent residence. Some of the trees are five or six hundred years old. In Connecticut, Monte Video, the seat of Daniel Wads- worth, Esq., near Hartford; is worthy of commendation, as it evinces a good deal of beauty in its grounds, and is one of the most tasteful in the state. The residence of James Hillhouse, Esq., near New-Haven, is a pleasing specimen of the simplest kind of Landscape Gardening, where grace- ful forms of trees, and a gently sloping surface of grass, are the principal features. The villa of Mr. Whitney near New-Haven, is one of the most tastefully managed in the state. In Maine, the most remarkable seat, as respects landscape gardening and architecture, is that of Mr. Gar- diner, of Gardiner. The environs of Boston are more highly cultivated than Jiose of any other city in North America. There are here whole rural neighborhoods of pretty cottages and villas, ad- mirably cultivated, and, in many cases, tastefully laid out and planted. The character of even the finest of these places is, perhaps, somewhat suburban, as compared with those of the Hudson river, but we regard them as furnish- o8 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. ing admirable hints for a class of residence likely to become more numerous than any other in this country — the taste ful suburban cottage. The owner of a small cottage resi- dence may have almost every kind of beauty and enjoy- ment in his grounds that the largest estate will afford, so far as regards the interest of trees and plants, tasteful ar- rangement, recreation, and occupation. Indeed, we have little doubt that he, who directs personally the curve of every walk, selects and plants every shrub and tree, and watches with solicitude every evidence of beauty and pro- gress, succeeds in extracting from his tasteful grounds of half a dozen acres, a more intense degree of pleasure, than one who is only able to direct and enjoy, in a general sense, the arranoiement of a vast estate. Belmont, the seat of J. P. Gushing, Esq., is a residence of more note than any other near Boston ; but this is, chiefly, on account of the extensive ranges of glass, the forced fruits, and the high culture of the gardens. A new and spacious mansion has recently been erected here, and the pleasure-grounds are agreeably varied with fine groups and masses of trees and shrubs on a pleasing lawn (Fig. 8.) The seat of Col. Perkins, at Brookline, is one of the most interesting in this neighborhood. The very beautiful lawn here, abounds with exquisite trees, finely disposed ; among them, some larches and Norway firs, with many •other rare trees of uncommon beauty of form. At a short distance is the villa residence of Theodore Lyman, Esq., remarkable for the unusually fine avenue of Elms leading to the house, and for the beautiful architectural taste dis- player' in the dwelling itself The seat of the Hon. John Fifi. S._r,(>lni(uit Place, near Boston, tlie Seat oi .1. P. Gushing, Esq. I'lK. '.).— Mr. Dunns CMltasrc Moiiul llclly. N. •!. HISTORICAL NOTICES. 39 Lowell, at Roxbmy, possesses also many interesting gar- dening features.* Pine Bank, the Perkins es.'ate, on the border of Jamaica lake, is one of the most beautiful residences near Boston. The natural surface of the ground is ex- ceedingly flowing and graceful, and it is varied by two or three singular little dimples, or hollows, which add to its effect. The perfect order of the grounds ;.the beauty of the walks, sometimes skirting the smooth open lawn, en- riched with rare plants and shrubs, and then winding by the shadowy banks of the water ; the soft and quiet cha- racter of the lake itself,— its margin richly fringed with trees, which conceal here and there a pretty cottage, its firm clean beach of gravel, and its water of crystal purity ; all these features make thi.i place a little gem of natural * We Americans are proverbially impatient of delay, and a few years in prospect appear an endless futmity. So much is this the feeling with many, that we verily believe there are hundreds of our country places, which owe their bareness and destitution of foliage to the idea, so common, that it requires " an age" for forest trees to " grow up." The middle-aged man hesitates about the good of planting what he imagines he shall never see arriving at maturity, and even many who are younger, con- ceive that it requires more than an ordmary lifetime to rear a fine wood of planted trees. About two years since, we had the pleasure of visiting the seat of the late Mr. Lowell, whom we found in a green old age, still enjoying, with the enthusiasm of youth, the pleasures of Horticulture and a country life. For the encouragement of those who are ever complaining of the tardy pace with which the growth of trees advances, we will here record that we accompanied Mr. L. through a belt of fine woods (skirting part of his residence), nearly half a mile in length, consisting of almost all our finer hardy trees, many of them apparently full grown, the whole of which had been planted by him when he was thhty-two years old. At that time, a solitary elm or two were ahnost the cnly trees upon his estate. We can hardly conceive a more rational source ofpride or enjoyment, than to be able thus to walk, in the decline of years, beneath the shadow of umbrageous woods and groves, planted by our own hands, and whose growth has become almost identified with our own pro- gress and existence. 40 LA.\DSCAPE GARDENING. and artistical harmony, and beauty. Mr. Perkins has just rebuilt the house, in the style of a French maison de cam- pagne ; and Pine BanK is now adorned with a most complete residence in the latest continental taste, from the designs of M. Lemoulnier. On the other side of the lake is the cottage of Thomas Lee, Esq. Enthusiastically fond of botany, and gardening in all its departments, Mr. Lee has here formed a residence of as much variety and interest as we ever saw in so moderate a compass — about 20 acres. It is, indeed, not only a most instructive place to the amateur of landscape gardening, but to the naturalist and lover of plants. Every shrub seems placed precisely in the soil and aspect it likes best, and native and foreign Rhododendrons, Kalmias, and other rare shrubs, are seen here in the finest condition. There is a great deal of variety in the surface here, and while the lawn-front of the house has a polished and graceful air, one or two other portions are quite picturesque . Near the entrance gate is an English oak, only fourteen years planted, now forty feet high. The whole of this neighborhood of Brookline is a kind of landscape garden, and there is nothing in America, of the sort, so inexpressibly charming as the lanes which lead from one cottage, or villa, to another. No animals are allowed to run at large, and the open gates, with tempting vistas and glimpses under the pendent boughs, give it quite an Arcadian air of rural freedom and enjoyment. These lanes are clothed with a profusion of trees and wild shrub- bery, often almost to the carriage tracks, and curve and wind about, in a manner quite bewildering to the stranger vvho attempts to thread them alone ; and there are more hints here for the lover of the picturesque in lanes, than HISTORICAL NOTICES. 41 we ever saw assembled together in so small a com- pass. In the environs of New Bedford are many beautiful resi- dences. Among these, we desire particularly to notice the residence of James Arnold, Esq. There is scarcely a small place in New England, where the pleasure-grounds are so full of variety, and in such perfect order and keeping, as at this charming spot ; and its winding walks, open bits of lawn, shrubs and plants grouped on turf, shady bowers, and rustic seats, all most agreeably combined, render this a very interesting and instructive suburban seat. (Fig. 11.) In New Jersey, the grounds of the Count de Survilliers, at Bordentown, were very extensiv^e; and although the sui'- face is mostly flat, it has been well varied by extensive plantations. At Mount Holly, about twenty miles from Camden, is Mr. Dunn's unique, semi-oriental cottage, with a considerable extent of pleasure ground, newly planted. after the designs of Mr. Notman. (Fig. 9.) About Philadelphia there are several very interesting seats on the banks of the Delaware and Schuylkill, and the district between these two rivers. The country scat of George Sheaff, Esq., one of the most remarkable in Pennsylvania, in many respects, is twelve miles north of Philadelphia. The house is a large and re- spectable mansion of stone, surrounded by pleasure-grounds and plantations of fine evergreen and deciduous trees. The conspicuous ornament of the grounds, however, is a mag- nificent white oak, of enormous size, whose wide stretching branches, and grand head, give an air of dignity to the whole place. (Fig. 10.) Among the sylvan features here, most interesting, are also the handsome evergreens, chiefly Balsam or Balm of Gilead firs, some of which are now 42 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. much higher than the mansion. These trees were planted by Mr. Sheaft' twenty-two years ago, and were then so small, that they were brought by him from Philadelphia, at various times, in his carriage — a circumstance highly encouraging to despairing planters, when we reflect how comparatively slow growing is this tree. This whole es- tate is a striking example of science, skill, and taste, appHed to a country seat, and there are few in the Union, taken as a whole, superior to it.* Cottage residence of Mrs. Camac. This is one of the most agreeable places within a few miles of Philadelphia. The house is a picturesque cottage, in the rural gothic style, with very charming and appropriate pleasure grounds, comprising many groups and masses of large and finely grown trees, interspersed with a handsome collection of shrubs and plants ; the whole very tastefully arranged. (Fig. 11.) The lawn is prettily varied in surface, and there is a conservatory attached to the house, in v/hich the plants in pots are hidden in beds of soft green moss, and which, in its whole effect and management,,is more tasteful and elegant than. any plant house, connected with a dwell- ing, that we remember to have seen. * The farm is 300 acres in extent, and, in the time of De Witt Chnton, was pronounced by him tlie model farm of the United States. At the present time we know nothing superior to it ; and Capt. Barclay, in his agricultural tour, saya It was the only instance of regular, scientific system of husbandry in the Eng- lish manner, he saw in America. Indeed, the large and regular fields, filled with luxuriant crops, everywhere of an exact evenness of growth, and every- where free from weeds of any sort ; the perfect system of manuring and cul- ture ; the simple and complete fences ; the fine stock ; the very spacious barns, every season newly whitewashed internally and externally, paved with wood, and as clean as a gentleman's stable (with stalls to fatten 90 head of cattle) ; these, and the masterly way in which the whole is managed, both as regards culture and profit, render this estate one of no common interest in an agricul- tural, as well as ornamental point of view. Fk;. 10.— Tlie Seat of Gcorgo SlicafT, Escj. Fni. II.— Mrs. Caiiiiic's RosiiU'ii('(\ HISTORICAL NOTICES. 4o Stenton, near German town, four miles from Philadelphia, is a fine old place, with many pictm'esque features. The farm consists of 700 acres, almost without division fences — admirably managed — and remarkable for its grand old avenue of the hemlock spruce, 110 years old, leading to a family cemetery of much sylvan beauty. There is a large and excellent old mansion, with paved halls, built in 1731, which is preserved in its original condition. This place was the seat of the celebrated Logan, the friend of William Penn, and is now owned by his descendant, Albanus Logan. The villa residence of Alexander Brown, Esq., is situated on the Delaware, a few miles from Philadelphia. There is here a good deal of beauty, in the natural style, made up chiefly by lawn and forest trees. A pleasing drive through plantations of 25 years' growth, is one of the most interest- ing features — and there is much elegance and high keeping n the grounds. Below Philadelphia, the lover of beautiful places will find a good deal to admire in the country seat of John R Latimer, Esq., near Wilmington, which enjoys the reputa lion of being the finest in Delaware. The place has all the advantages of high keeping, richly stocked gardens and conservatories, and much natural beauty, heightened by judicious planting, arrangement, and culture. At the south are many extensive country residences re- markable for trees of unusual grandeur and beauty, among which the live oak is very conspicuous ; but they are, in general, wanting in that high keeping and care, which is so essential to the charm of a landscape garden. Of smaller villa residences, suburban chiefly, there ace great numbers, springing up almost by magic, in the bor- ders of our towns and cities. Though the possessors of 44 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. these can scarcely hope to introduce anything approaching to a hmdscape garden style, in laying out their limited grounds, still they may be greatly benefited by an ac- quaintance with the beauties and the pleasures of this species of rural embellishment. When we are once master of the principles, and aware of the capabilities of an art, we are able to infuse an expression of tasteful design, or an air of more correct elegance, even into the most humble works, and with very limited means. While w^e shall endeavor, in the following pages, to give such a view of modern Landscape Gardening, as will enable the improver to proceed with his fascinating operations, in embellishing the country residence, in a practical mode, based upon what are now generally received as the correct principles of the art, we would desire the novice, after making himself acquainted with all that can be acquired from written works within his reach, to strengthen his taste and add to his knowledge, by a practical inspection of the best country seats among us. In an infant state of society, in regard to the fine arts, much will be done in violation of good taste ; but here, where nature has done so much for us, there is scarcely a large country residence in the Union, from which useful hints in Landscape Gardening may not be taken. And in nature, a group of trees, an accidental pond of water, or some equally simple object, may form a study more convincing to -the mind of a true admirer of natural beauty, than the most carefully drawn plan, or the most elaborately written description. BEAUTIES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ART. 45 SECTION II. BEAUTIES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ART. Capacities of tlie art. The beauties of the ancient style. The modern style. The Beauti- ful and the Picturesque: their distinctive characteristics. Illustrations drawn from Nature and Painting. Nature and principles of Landscape Gardening as an Imitative art. Distinction between the Beautiful and Picturesque. The principles of Unity Harmony, and Variety. " Here Nature in her unaffected dresse, Plaited with valhes and imbost with hills, Enchast with silver streams, and fringed with woods Sits lovely." — Chambeklayne. " II est des soins plus doux, un art plus enchanteur. C'cst peu de charmer I'ceil, il faut parler au ccEur. Avez-vous done connu ces rapports invisibles, Des corps inanimes et des etres sensibles? Avez-vous entendu des eaiix, des pres, des hois, La muette eloquence et la secrete voix ? Rendez-nous ces effets." Les Jardins, Boole I. E F O R E we proceed to a detailed and more practical consideration of the subject, let us occupy ourselves for a moment with the consideration of the different results which are to be sought after, or, in other r-riji-^'- words, what kinds of beauty we may hope to produce by Landscape Gai'dening. To attempt the smallest work in any art, without knowing either the capacities of 46 LANDSCAPE GAKDENINO. that art, or the schools, or modes, by which it has previous- ly been characterized, is but to be groping about in a dim twilight, without the power of knowing, even should we be successful in our efforts, the real excellence of our produc- tion ; or of judging its merit, comparatively, as a work of taste and imagrination. [Fig. 12. The Geometric style, from an old print,] The beauties elicited by the ancient style of gardening were those of regularity, symmetry, and the display of labored art. These were attained in a merely mechanical manner, and usually involved little or no theory. The geometrical form and lines of the buildings were only ex- tended and carried out in the garden. In the best classical models, the art of the sculptor conferred dignity and ele- gance on the garden, by the fine forms of marble vases and statues ; in the more intricate and labored specmaens of the BEAUTIES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ART. 47 Dutch school, prevalent in England in the time of William IV. (Fig. 12), the results evince a fertility of odd conceits, rather than the exercise of taste or imagination. Indeed, as, to level ground naturally uneven, or to make an avenue, by planting rows of trees on each side of a broad walk, requires only the simplest perception of the beauty of ma- thematical forms, so, to lay out a garden in the geometric style, became little more than a formal routine, and it was only after the superior interest of a more natural manner was enforced by men of genius, that natural beauty of expression was recognised, and Landscape Gardening was raised to the rank of a fine art. The ancient style of gardening may, however, be intro- duced with good effect in certain cases. In public squares and gardens, where display, grandeur of effect, and a highly artificial character are desirable, it appears to us the most suitable ; and no less so in very small gardens, in which variety and irregularity are out of the question. Where a taste for imitating an old and quaint style of residence exists, the symmetrical and knotted garden would be a proper accompaniment ; and pleached alleys, and sheared trees, would be admired, like old armor or furniture, as curious specimens of antique taste and custom.* * There has been a great revival of this kind of garden In England the past ten years — more, perhaps, inclining to the Italian school than the Dutch. Chnts-worth, Wobnrn Abbey, Castle Howard, Bowood, Eaton Hall, and, in fact, most of the great places, have more or less adopted the Italian or Architec- tural school on one or more sides of the house, as a sort of connection between art and nature. Trentham (the Duke of Sutherland's) is, we believe, especially rich in architectural gardens. Both here and at the other places above-men- tioned, the grade between the house and the park is let aown, as it were, by a series of terraces, each divided from the other by heavy stone balustrades, sur- mounted, at regular intervals, with vasK*, planted either with Geraniums, or with Yucca, Aloe, Bonapartias, and other formal plants. Flights of broad, heavy stone or marble steps conduct from one terrace to the other, and finally 48 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The earliest professors of modern Landscape Gardening have generally agreed upon two variations, of which the art is capable — variations no less certainly distinct, on the one hand, than they are capable of intermingling and com- bining, on the other. These are the beautiful and the pic- turesque : or, to speak more definitely, the beauty charac- terized by simple and flowing forms, and that expressed by striking, irregular, spirited forms. The admirer of nature, as well as the lo-^'^er of pictures and engravings, will at once call to mind examples ot scenery distinctly expressive of each of these kinds of beauty. In nature, perhaps some gently undulating plain covered with emerald turf, partially or entirely encompassed by rich, rolling outlines of forest canopy, — its wildest ex- panse here broken occasionally, by noble groups of round- headed trees, or there interspersed with single specimens whose trunks support heads of foliage flowing in outline, ■ or drooping in masses to the very turf beneath them. In such a scene we often behold the azure of heaven, and its silvery clouds, as well as the deep verdure of the luxuriant and shadowy branches, reflected in the placid bosom of a silvan lake ; the shores of the latter swelling out, and reced- ing, in gentle curved lines ; the banks, sometimes covered with soft turf sprinkled with flowers, and in other portions clothed with luxuriant masses of verdant shrubs. Here are to the Park. The flat of the terrace, being laid out either in tlie most formal and precise parterre, or in extremely rich and intricate beds of arabesque pat- terns in scrolls, to resemble carpets. In either case, great use is made of statues and fountains, very elaborately and artistically designed and executed, and of Portugal Laurel, trinnned up to imitate orange-trees in tubs; as, also, of the Irish and Golden Yew, and other pyramidal evergreens, either planted in the ground, or in boxes, and, also, of different-colored gravel in the division of the beds, the whole producing, when seen froin the windows of the house, a brilliant combination, which, with the soft, verdant park as a background, is inexpressibly gay and effective. — II. W. S. BEAUTIES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ART. 49 all the elements of what is termed natural beauty, — or a landscape characterized by simple, easy, and flowing lines. For an example of the opposite character, let us take a stroll to the nearest woody glen in your neighborhood — perhaps a romantic valley, half shut in on two or more sides by steep rocky banks, partially concealed and over- hung by clustering vines, and tangled thickets of deep foliage. Against the sky outline breaks the wild and irre- gular form of some old, half decayed tree near by, or the horizontal and unique branches of the larch or the pine, with their strongly marked forms. Rough and irregular stems and trunks, rocks half covered with mosses and flowering plants, open glades of bright verdure opposed to dark masses of bold shadowy foliage, form prominent ob- jects in the foreground. If water enlivens the scene, we shall hear the murmur of the noisy brook, or the cool dash- ing of the cascade, as it leaps over the rocky barrier. Le . the stream turn the ancient and well-worn wheel of the old mill in the middle ground, and we shall have an illustration of the picturesque, not the less striking from its familiarity to every one. To the lover of the fine arts, the name of Claude Lor- raine cannot fail to suggest examples of beauty in some of its pur-est and most simple forms. In the best pictures of this master, we see portrayed those graceful and flowing forms in trees, foreground, and buildings, which delight so much the lover of noble and chaste beauty, — compositions emanating from a harmonious soul, and inspired by a cli- mate and a richness of nature and art seldom surpassed. On the other hand, where shall we find all the elements of the picturesque more graphically combined than in the vigorous landscapes of Salvator Rosa ! In those rugged 50 LANDSCAPE GARDENINO. scenes, even the lawless aspects of his iavoi'ite robbers and banditti are not more spirited, than the bold rocks and wild passes by which they are surrounded. And in the produc- tions of his pencil we see the influence of a romantic and vigor®us imagination, nursed amid scenes teeming with the grand as well as the picturesque — both of which he embodied in the most strilcing manner. In giving these illustrations of beautiful and of pictu- resque scenes, we have not intended them to be understood in the light of exact models for imitation in Landscape Gardening — only as striking examples of expression in natural scenery. Although in nature many landscapes parlake in a certain degree of both these kinds of expression, yet it is no doubt true that the effect is more satisfactory, where either the one or the other character predominates. Tlie accomplished amateur should be able to seize at once upon the characteristics of these two species of beauty in all scenery. To assist the reader in this kind of discrimi- nation, we shall keep these expressions constantly in view, and we hope we shall be able fully to illustrate the differ- ence in the expression of even single trees, in this respect. A few strongly marked objects, either picturesque or simply beautiful, will often confer their character upon a whole landscape ; as the destruction of a single group of bold rocks, covered with wood, may render a scene, once pictu- resque, completely insipid. The early writers on the modern style were content with trees allowed to grow in their natural forms, and with an easy assemblage of sylvan scenery in the pleasure-grounds, which resembled the usual woodland features of nature. The effect of this method will always be interesting, and ai^ asrreeable effect will always be the result of following- the beaujlIEs and of tub art. 51 simplest hints derived from the free and hixmiant forms of nature. No residence in the country can fail to be pleasing, whose features are natural groups of forest trees, smooth lawn, and hard gravel walks. But this is scarcely Landscape Gardening in the true sense of the word, although apparently so understood by many writers. By .Landscape Gardening, we understand not only an imitation, in the grounds of a country residence, of the agreeable forms of nature, but an expressive, harmo- nious, and refined imitation* In Landscape Gardening, we should aim to separate the accidental and extraneous in nature, and to preserve only the spirit, or essence. This subtle essence lies, we believe, in the expression more or less pervading every attractive portion of nature. And it is by eliciting, preserving, or heightening this expression, that we may give our landscape gardens a higher charm, than even the polish of art can bestow. Now, the two most forcible and complete expressions to be found in that kind of natural scenery which may be reproduced in Landscape Gardening, are the Beautiful and the Picturesque. As we look upon these as quite distinct, and as success in practical embellishment must depend on our feeling and understanding these expressions beforehand, it is necessary that we should attach some definite meaning to terms which we shall be continually obliged to employ. This is, indeed, the more requisite, from * '* Thus, there is a beauty of nature and a beauty of art. To copy the beauty of nature cannot be called being an artist in the highest sense of the word, as a mechanical talent only is requisite for this. The beautiful in art depends on ideas ; and the trae artist, therefore, must possess, together with the talent for technical execution, that genial power which revels freely in rich forms, and is capable of producing and animating them. It is by this, that the jierit of the artist and his production is to be judged ; and these cannot be 52 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. the vague and conflicting opinions of most preceding writers on this branch of the subject ; some, hke Repton, insisting that they are identical ; and others, hke Price, that they are widely different. Gilpin defines Picturesque ©bjects to be " those which please from some quality capable of being illustrated in painting." Nothing can well be more vagus than such a definition. We have already described the difl^erence between the beautiful landscapes of Claude and the picturesque scenes painted by Salvator. No one can deny their being essen- tially distinct in character ; and no one, we imagine, will deny that they both nlease from " some quality capable of being illustrated in painting." The beautiful female heads of Carlo Dolce are widely different from those of the pictu- resque peasant girls of Gerard Douw, yet both are favorite subjects with artists. A symmetrical American elm, with its wide head drooping with garlands of graceful foliage, is very different in expression from the v/ild and twisted larch or pine tree, which we find on the steep sides of. a moun- tain ; yet botli are favorite subjects with the painter. It is clear, indeed, that there is a widely different idea hidden under these two distinct types, in material forms. Beauty, in all natural objects, as we conceive, arises from their expression of those attributes of the Creator — infinity, unity, symmetry, proportion, etc. — which he has stamped more or less visibly on all his works ; and a beau- tiful living form is one in which the individual is a harmo- properly estimated among those barren copyists which we find so many of our flower, landscape, and portrait painters to be. Dut the artist stands much higher in the scale, who, though a copyist of visible nature, is capable of seiz- ing it with poetic feeling, and representing it in its more dignified sense ; such, for example, as Raphael, Poussin, Claude, &c." — Weinbreunef. BEAUTIES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ART. 53 nioiis and well balanced development of a fine type. Thus, taking the most perfect specimens of beauty in the human figure, we see in them symmetry, proportion, unity, and grace — the presence of everything that could add to the idea of perfected existence. In a beautiful tree, such as a fine American elm, we see also the most coinplete and perfect balance of all its parts, resulting from its growth under the most favorable influences. It realizes, then, perfectly, the finest form of a fine type or species ot tree. But all nature is not equally Beautiful. Both in living things and in inorganized matter, we see on all sides evi- dences of nature struggling with opposing forces. Moun- tains are upheaved by convulsions, valleys are broken into fearful chasms. Certain forms of animal and vegetable life instead of manifesting themselves in those more complete and perfect forms of existence where the matter and spirit are almost in perfect harmony, appear to struggle for the full expression of their character with the iTiaterial form, and to express it only with difficulty at last. What is achieved with harmony, grace, dignity, almost with appa- rent repose, by existences whose type is the Beautiful, is done only with violence and disturbed action by the former. This kind of ipanifestation in nature w^e call the Pictures- que. More concisely, the Beautiful is nature or art obeying the universal laws of perfect existence (i. e. Beauty), easily, freely, harmoniously, and without the display of power. The Picturesque is nature or art obeying the same laws rudely, violently, irregularly, and often displaying power only. 54 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Hence we find all Beautiful forms characterized by curved and flowing lines — ^lines expressive of infinity,^' of grace, and willing obedience : and all Picturesque forms character ized by irregular and broken lines— lines expressive of vio- lence, abrupt action, and partial disobedience, a strug- gling of the idea with the substance or the condition of its being. The Beautiful js an idea of beauty calmly and har- moniously expressed ; the Picturesque an idea of beauty or power strongly and irregularly expressed. As an example of the Beautiful in other arts we refer to the Apollo of the Vatican ; as an example of the Picturesque, to the Laocoon or the Dying Gladiator. In nature we would place before the reader a finely formed elm or chestnut, whose Wei balanced head is supported on a trunk full of symmetry and dignity, and whose .branches almost sweep the turf in their rich luxuriance ; as a picturesque contrast, some pine or larch, whose gnarled roots grasp the rocky crag on which it grows, and \those wild and irregular branches tell of tht storm and tempest that it has so often struggled against.f In pictures, too, one often hears the Beautiful confounded with the Picturesque. Yet they are quite distinct ; though in many subjects they may be found harmoniously com- bined. Some of Raphael's angels may be taken as perfect illustrations of the Beautiful. In their serene and heavenly * Hogarth called the curve the hne of beauty, and all artists have felt instinct- vely its power, but Mr. Ruskin (in Modern Painters) was, we believe," the first to suggest the cause of that power — that it expresses in its varying ten- dencies, the infinite. t This also explains why trees, though they retain for the most part therr characteristic forms, vary somewhat in expression according to their situation. Thus the larch, though always picturesque, is far more so in mountain ridgea where it is exposed to every blast, than in sheltered lawns where it only finds ,wft airs and sunsliine. JiEAUTIES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ART. 55 countenances we see only that calm and pure existence ol which perfect beauty is the outward type ; on the other hand, Murillo's beggar boys are only picturesque. What we ad- mire in them (beyond admirable execution) is not their rags or their mean apparel, but a certain irregular struggling qf a better feeling within, against this outward poverty of nature and condition. Architecture borrows, partly perhaps by association, the same expression. We find the Beautiful in the most sym- metrical edifices, built in the finest proportions, and of the purest materials. It is, on the other hand, in some irregu lar castle formed for defence, some rude mill nearly as wild as the glen where it is placed, some thatched cottage, weather stained and moss covered, that we find the Picturesque. The Temple of Jupiter Olympus in all its perfect proportions was prized by the Greeks as a model of beauty ; we, who see only a few columns and broken architraves standing with all their exquisite mouldings obliterated by the vio lence of time and the elements, find them Picturesque. To return to a more practical view of the subject, we may remark, that though we consider the Beautiful and the Picturesque quite distinct, yet it by no means follows that they may not be combined in the same landscape. This is often seen in nature ; and indeed there are few landscapes of large extent where they are not thus harmo- niously combined. But it must be remembered, that while Landscape Gar- dening is an imitation of nature, yet it is rarely attempted on so large a scale as to be capable of the same extended harmony and variety of expression ; and also, that in Land- scape Gardening as in the other fine arts, we shall be more successful by directing our efibrts towards the production 56 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. of a leading character or expression, than by endeavor- ing to join and harmonize several. Our own views on this subject are simply these. When a place is small, and only permits a single phase of natural expression, always endeavor to heighten or to make that single expression predominate ; it should clearly either aim only at the Beautiful or the Picturesque. When, on the contrary, an estate of large size comes within the scope of the Landscape Gardener, he is at liberty to give to each separate scene its most fitting character ; he will thus, if he is a skilful artist, be able to create great variety both of beautiful and picturesque expression, and he will also be able to give a higher proof of his power, viz. by uniting all those scenes into one whole, by bringing them all into harmony. An artist who can do this ha.<» reached the ultimatum of his art. Again and again has it been said, that Landscape Gar- dening and Painting are allied. In no one point does it ap- pear to us that they are so, more than in this — that in pro- portion to the limited nature of the subject should simpli- city and unity of expression be remembered. In some ol the finest smaller compositions of Raphael, or some of the Landscapes of Claude, so fully is this borne in mind, that every object, however small, seems to be instinct with 'the same expression ; while in many of the great historical piptures, unity and harmony ai'e wrought out of the most complex variety of expression. We must not be supposed to find in nature only the Beautiful and the Picturesque. Grandeur and Sublimity are also expressions strongly marked in many of the noblest portions of natural landscape. But, except in very rare instances, they are wholly beyond the powers of the land- scape gardener, at least in the comparatively limited scale BEAUTIES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ART. 57 of his operations in this country. All that he has to do, is to respect them where they exist in natural landscape which forms part of his work of art, and so treat the latter, as to make it accord with, or at least not violate, the higher and predominant expression of the whole. There are, however, certain subordinate expressions which may be considered as qualities of the Beautiful, and which may originally so prevail in natural landscape, or be so elicited or created by art, as to give a distinct character to a small country residence, or portions of a large one. These are simplicity, dignity, grace, elegance, gaiety, chasteness, &c. It is not necessary that we should go into a labored explanation of these expressions. They are more or less familiar to all. A few fine trees, scattered and grouped over any surface of smooth lawn, will give a character of simple beauty ; lofty trees of great age, hills covered with rich wood, an elevation commanding a wide country, stamp a site with dignity ; trees of full and graceful habit or gently curving forms in the lawn, walks, and all other objects, will convey the idea of grace ; as finely formed and somewhat tall trees of rare species, or a great abundance of bright climbers and gay flowering shrubs and plants, will confer characters of elegance and gaiety. He who would create in his pleasure grounds these more delicate shades of expression, must become a profound stu- dent both of nature and art ; he must be able, by his own original powers, to seize the subtle essence, the half disclosed idea involved in the finest parts of nature, and to reproduce and develope it in his Landscape Garden. Leaving such, however, to a broader range of study than a volume like this would afford, we may offer what, per- haps, will not be unacceptable to the novice — a more de- 58 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. tailed sketch of the distinctive features of the Beautiful and the Picturesque, as these expressions should be embodied in Landscape Gardening. The Beautiful in Landscape Gardening (Fig. 13) is produced by outlines whose curves are flowing and gradual, surfaces of softness, and growth of richness and luxuriance. In the shape of the ground, it is evinced by easy undulations melting gradually into each other. In the form of trees, by smooth stems, full, round, or symmetrical heads of foliage, and luxuriant branches often drooping to the ground, — which is chiefly attained by planting and grouping, to allow free development of form ; and by selecting trees of suitable cha- racter, as the elm, the ash, and the like. In walks and roads, by easy flowing curves, following natural shapes of the surface, with no sharp angles or abrupt turns. In water, by the smooth lake with curved margin, embellished with flowing outlines of trees, and full masses of flowering shrubs — or in the easy winding cuiwes of a brook. The keeping of such a scene should be of the most polished kind, — grass mown into a softness like velvet, gravel walks scrupulously firm, dry, and clean; and the most perfect order and neatness should reign throughout. Among the treres and shrubs should be conspicuous the finest foreign sorts, distinguished by beauty of form, foliage, and blossom ; and rich, groups of shrubs and flowering plants should be arranged in the more dressed portions near the house. And finally, considering the house itself as a feature in the scene, it should properly belong to one of the classical modes ; and the Italian, Tuscan, or Venetian forms are preferable, because these have both a polished and a domestic air, and readily admit of the graceful accom- paniments of vases, urns, and other harmonious accessories. Or, if we are to have a plainer dwelling, Fig. 13.— Example of llie Beautiful in Laiidseape Gardoning. Vui. If).— KxaiMiilc (il llif ricturesque in LamlM^ai" (ianlcimm-. BEAUTIES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ART. i'lO it should be simple and symmetrical in its character, and its veranda festooned with masses of the finest climbers. The PicTUREsauE in Landscape Gardening (Fig. 14) aims at the production of outlines of a certain spirited irregularity, surfaces comparatively abrupt and broken, and growth of a somewhat wild and bold character. The shape of the ground sought after, has its occasional smoothness varied by sudden variations, and in parts runs into dingles, rocky groups, and broken banks. The trees should in many places be old and irregular, with rough stems and bark ; and pines, larches, and other trees of striking, irregular growth, must appear in numbers sufficient to give character to tlie woody outlines. As, to produce the Beautiful, the trees are planted singly in open groups to allow full expansion, so for the Picturesque, the grouping takes every variety of form ; almost every object should group with another ; trees and shrubs are often planted closely together ; and intricacy and variety — thickets — glades — and underwood — as in wild nature, are indispensa- ble. Walks and roads are more abrupt in their windings, turning off frequently at sudden angles where the form of the ground or some inviting object directs. In water, all the wildness of romantic spots in nature is to be imitated or preserved ; and the lake or stream with bold shore and rocky, wood-fringed margin, or the cascade in the secluded dell, are the characteristic forms. The keeping of such a landscape will of course be less careful than in the graceful school. Firm gravel walks near the house, and a general air of neatness in that quarter, are indispensable to the fitness of the scene in all modes, and indeed properly evince the recognition of art in all Landscape Gardening. But the lawn may be less frequently mown, the edges of ^^ LANDSCAPE GARDENING. the walks less carefully trimmQd, where the Pictiiresque prevails ; while in portions more removed from the house, the walks may sometimes sink into a mere footpath without gravel, and the lawn change into the forest glade or meadow. The architecture which belongs to the picturesque landscape, is the Gothic mansion, the old English or the Swiss cottage, or some other striking forms, with bold projections, deep shadows, and irregular outlines. Rustic baskets, and similar ornaments, may abound near the house, and in the more frequented parts of the place. The recognition of art, as Loudon justly observes, is a first principle in Landscape Gardening, as in all other arts ; and those of its professors have erred, who supposed that the object of this art is merely to produce a fac-simile of nature, that could not be distinguished from a wild scene. J3ut we contend that this principle may be fully attainea with either expression — the picturesque cottage being as well a work of art as the classic villa ; its baskets, and seats of rustic work, indicating the hand of man as well as the marble vase and balustrade ; and a walk, sometimes narrow and crooked, is as certainly recognised as man's work, as one always regular and flowing. Foreign trees of picturesque growth are as readily obtained as those of beautiful forms. The recognition of art is, therefore, always apparent in both modes. The evidences are indeed stronger and more multiplied in the careful polish of the Beautiful landscape,* and hence many prefer this * The beau ideal in Landscape Gardening, as a fine art, appears to us to be embraced in the ereation of scenery full of expression, as the beautiful or pic- turesque, the materials of which are, to a certain extent, different from those in wild nature, being composed of tlie floral and arboricultural riches of all climates, as far as possible ; uniting in the same scene, a richness and a variety never to BEAUTIES AND fRIXCIPLES OF THE ART. 01 species of landscape, not, as it deserves to be preferred, because it displays the most beautiful and perfect ideas in its outlines, the forms of its trees, and all that enters into its composition, but chiefly because it also is marked by that careful polish, and that completeness, which imply the expenditure of money, which they so well know how to value. If we declare that the Beautiful is the more perfect expression in landscape, we shall be called upon to explain why the Picturesque is so much more attractive to many minds. This, we conceive, is owing? oartly to the imper- fection of our natures by which most of us sympathize more with that in which the struggle between spirit and matter is most apparent, than with that in which the union is harmonious and complete; and partly because from the comparative rarity of highly picturesque land- scape, it affects us more forcibly when brought into contrast with our daily life. Artists, we imagine, find somewhat of the same pleasure in studying wild land- scape, where the very rocks and trees seem to struggle with the elements for foothold, that they do in contem- plating the phases of the passions and instincts of human and animal life. The manifestation of power is to many minds far more captivating than that of beauty. All who enjoy the charms of Landscape Gardening, may perhaps be divided into three classes : those who have arrived only at certain primitive ideas of beauty which are found in regular forms and straight lines ; those who in the Beautiful seek for the highest and most perfect be found in any one portion of nature ; — a scene characterized as a work cJf art, by the variety of the materials, as foreign trees, plants, &c., and by the polish and keeping of the grounds in the natural style, as distinctly as by the uniform ind symmetrical arrangement in the ancient style. G2 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. development of the idea in the material form ; and those who in the Picturesque enjoy most a certain wild and incomplete harmony between the idea and the forms in which it is expressed. ' As the two latter classes embrace the whole range of modern Landscape Gardening, we shall keep distinctly in view their two governing principles— the Beautiful and the Picturesque, in treating of the practice of the art. There are always circumstances which must exert a controlling influence over amateurs, in this country, in choosing between the two. These are, fixed locality, ex- pense, individual preference in the style of building, and many others which readilj'' occur to all. The great variety of attractive sites in the older parts of the country, afford an abundance of opportunity for either taste Within the last five years, we think the Picturesque is beginning to be pre- ferred. It has, when a suitable locality offers, great advan- tages for us. The raw materials of wood, water, and sur- face, by the margin of many of our rivers and brooks, are at once appropriated with so much effect, and so little art, in the picturesque mode ; the annual tax on the purse too is so comparatively little, and the charm so great ! While, ©n one hand, the residences of a country of level plains usually allow only the beauty of simple and grace- ful forms ; the larger demesne, with its swelling hills and noble masses of wood (may we not, prospectively, say the rolling prairie too ?), should always, in the hands of the man of wealth, be made to display all the breadth, va- riety, and harmony of both the Beautiful and the Pictu- resque. There is no surface of ground, however bare, which has not, naturally, more or less tendency to one or the other of these expressions. And the improver who detects the true BEAUTIES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ART. G3 character, and plants, builds, and embellishes, as he should constantly aiming to elicit and strengthen it — will soon arrive at a far higher and more satisfactory result, than one who, in the common manner, ^\•orks at random. The latter may succeed in producing pleasing grounds— he will un- doubtedly add to the general beauty and tasteful appearance of the country, and we gladly accord him our thanks. But the improver who unites with pleasing forms an expres- sion of sentiment, will affect not only the common eye, but much more powerfully, the imagination, and the refined and delicate taste. But there a're many persons with small cottage places, of little decided character, who have neither room, time, iior income, to attempt the improvement of their grounds fully, after either of those two schools. How shall they render their places tasteful and agreeable, in the easiest manner ? We answer, hrj attempting only the simple and the natural; and the unfaihng way to secure this, is by employing as leading features only trees and grass. A soft verdant lawn, a few forest or ornamental trees well grouped, walks, and a few flowers, give universal pleasure ; they contain in themselves, in fact, the basis of all our agreeable sensations in a landscape garden (na- tural beauty, and the recognition of art) ; and they are the most enduring sources of enjoyment in any place. There are no country seats in the United States so unsa- tisfactory and tasteless, as those in which, without any definite aim, everything is attempted ; and a mixed jumble of discordant forms, materials, ornaments, and decorations, is assembled — a part in one style and a bit in another, without the least feeling of unity or congrnity. These rural bedlams, full of all kinds of absurdities, without a ieadino- character or expression of any sort, cost their 04 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. owners a vast deal of trouble and money, without giving a tasteful mind a shadow of the beauty which it feels at the first glimpse of a neat cottage residence, with its simple, sylvan character of well kept lawn and trees. If the latter does not rank high in the scale of Landscape Gardening as an art, it embodies much of its essence as a source ol enjoyment — the production of the Beautiful in country residences. Besides the beauties of form and expression in the differ- ent modes of laying out grounds, there are certain univer- sal and nherent beauties common to all styles, and, indeed, to every composition in the fine arts. Of these, we shall especially point out those growing out of the principles of UNITY, HARMONY, and VARIETY. Unity, or the production of a whole, is a leading principle of the highest importance, in every art of taste or design, without which no satisfactory result can be realized. This arises from the fact, that the mind can only attend, with pleasure and satisfaction, to one object, or one composite sensation, at the same time. If two distinct objects, or classes of objects, pi'esent themselves at once to us, we can only attend satisfactorily to one, by withdraw- ing our attention for the time from the other. Hence the necessity of a reference to this leading principle of unity. To illustrate the subject, let us suppose a building, partially built of wood,, with square windows, and the remainder of brick or stone, with long and narrow windows. However well such a building may be con- structed, or however nicely the different proportions of the edifice may be adjusted, it is evident it can never form a satisfactory whole. The mind can only account for such an absurdity, by supposing it to have been built by two BEAUTIES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ART. 65 individuals, or at two different times, as there is nothing indicating unity of mind in its composition. In Landscape Gardening, violations of the principle of unity are often to be met with, and they are always indi- cative of the absence of correct taste in art. Looking upon a landscape from the windows of a villa residence, we sometimes see a considerable portion of the view embraced by the eye, laid out in natural groups of trees and shrubs, and upon one side, or perhaps in the middle of the same scene, a formal avenue leading directly up to the house. Such a view can never appear a satisfactory whole, because we experience a confusion of sensations in con- templating it. Tiiere is an evident incongruity in bringing two modes of arranging plantations, so totally different, under the eye at one moment, which distracts, rather than pleases the mind. In this example, the avenue, taken by itself, rnay be a beautiful object, and the groups and con- nected masses may, in themselves, be elegant ; yet if the two portions are seen together, they will not form a whole, because they cannot make a composite idea. For the same reason, there is something unpleasing in the introduc- tion of fruit trees among elegant ornamental trees on a lawn, or even in assembling together, in the same beds, (lowering plants and culinary vegetables — one class of vegetation suggesting the useful and homely alone to the mind, and the other, avowedly, only the ornamental. In the arrangement of a large extent of surface, where a great many objects are necessarily presented to the eye at once, the principle of unity will suggest that there should be some grand or leading features to which the others should be merely subordinate. Thus, in grouping trees, there should be some large and striking masses to which the others appear to belong, however distant, instead of G6 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. scattered groups, all of the same size. Even in arranging walks, a whole will more readily be recognised, if there are one or two of large size, with which the others appear connected as branches, than if all are equal in breadth, and present the same appearance to the eye in passing. In all works of art which command universal admiration we discover an unity of conception and composition, an unity of taste and execution. To assemble in a single composition forms which are discordant, and portions dissimilar in plan, can only afford pleasure for a short time to tasteless minds, or those fona of trifling and puerile conceits. The production of an accordant whole is, on the contrary, capable of affording the most permanent enjoyment to educated minds, everywhere, and at all periods of time. After unity, the principle of Variety is worthy of con- sideration, as a fertile source of beauty in Landscape Gar- dening. Variety must be considered as belonging more to the details than to the production of a whole, and it may be attained by disposing trees and shrubs in numerous dif- ferent ways ; and by the introduction of a great number oi different species of vegetation, or kinds of walks, ornamental objects, buildings, and seats. By producing intricacy, it creates in scenery a thousand points of interest, and elicits new beauties, through different arrangements and combi- nations of forms and colors, light and shades. In pleasure- grounds, while the whole should exhibit a general plan, the different scenes presented to the eye, one after the other, should possess sufiicient variety in the detail to keep alive the interest of the spectator, and awaken further curiosity. Harmony may be considered the principle presiding over variety, and preventing it from becoming discordant. It, indeed, always supposes co?itrasts, but neither so strong nor BEAUTIES AND PRINCITLES CF THE ART. 0/ SO frequent as to produce discord ; and variety, but not so great as to destroy a leading expression. In plantations, we seek it in a combination of qualities, opposite in some respects, as in the color of the foliage, and similar in others more important, as the form. In embellishments, by a great variety of objects of interest, as sculptured vases, sun dials, or rustic seats, baskets, and arbors, of different forms, but all in accordance, or keeping with the spirit of the scene. To illustrate the three principles, with reference to Land- scape Gardening, we may remark, that, if unity only were consulted, a scene might be planted with but one knid of tree, the effect of which would be sameness ; on the othei hand, variety might be carried so far .as to have every tree of a different kind, which would produce a confused effect. Harmony, however, introduces contrast and variety, but keeps them subordinate to unity, and to the leading expres sion ; and is, thus, the highest principle of the three. In this brief abstract of the nature of imitation in Land- scape Gardening and the kinds of beauty which it is possible to produce by means of the art, we have endeavored to elucidate its leading principles, clearly, to the reader. These grand principles we shall here succinctly recapitu- late, premising that a familiarity with them is of the very first importance in the successful practice of this elegant art, viz. : The Imitation of the Beauty of Expression, derived from a refined perception of the sentiment of nature : The Recognition of Art, founded on the immutability of the true, as well as the beautiful : And the Production of Unity, Harmony, and Variety, in order to render com- plete and continuous, our enjoyment of any artistical work. 68 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Neither the professional Landscape Gardener, nor the amateur, can hope for much success in reahzing the nobler effects of the art, unless he first make himself master of the natural character or prevailing expression of the place to be improved. In this nice perception, at a glance, of the natural expression, as well as the capabilities of a residence, lies the secret of the superior results produced even by the improver, who, to use the words of Horace Walpole, " is proud of no other art than that of softening nature's harsh- ness, and copying her graceful touch." When we discover ih.Q picturesque indicated in the grounds of the residence to be treated, let us take advantage of it ; and while all harsh- ness incompatible with scenery near the house is removed, the original expression may in most cases be heightened, in all rendered more elegant and appropriate, without lower- ing it in force or spirit. In like manner good taste will direct us to embellish scenery expressive of the Beautiful, by the addition of forms, whether hi trees, buildings, or other objects, harmonious in character, as well as in color and outline. ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. d!> SECTION III. ON WOOD. The beauty of Trees in Rural Embellishments. Pleasure resulting from their cultivation Plantations in the Ancient Style ; their formality. In the Modern Style ; grouping trees Arrangement and grouping in the Graceful school ; in the Picturesque school. lUustra tions in planting villa, forme orn6e, and cottage grounds. General classification of tre«> as to forms, with leading characteristics of each class. " He gains all points, who pleasingly confounds, Suiprises, varies, and conceals the bounds. Calls in the country, catches opening glades, '' Joins willing woods, and varies shades from shades ; Now breaks, or now directs the intending lines : Paints as you plant, and, as you work, designs." Pope. M O N G all the materials at our disposal for the embellishment of comitry resi- idences, none are at once so highly orna- mental, so indispensable, and so easily managed, as trees, or wood. We introduce them in every part of the landscape, — in the foreground as well as in the distance, on the tops of the hills and in the depths of the valleys. They are, in- deed, like the drapery which covers a somewhat ungainly figure, and while it conceals its defects, communicates to it new interest and expression. A tree, undoubtedly, is one of the most beautiful objects in nature. Airy and delicate in its youth, luxuriant and majestic in its prime, venerable and picturesque in its old 70 LANDSCAPE GARDKNING. age, it coistitutos in its various fouiis, sizes, and develop- ments, the greatest charm and beauty of the earth in all countries. The most varied outline of surface, the finest combination of picturesque materials, the stateliest country house would be comparatively tame and spiritless, without the inimitable accompaniment of foliage. Let those who have passed their whole lives in a richly wooded country. — whose daily visions are deep leafy glens, forest clad hills and plains luxuriantly shaded, — transport themselves for a moment to the desert, whei'e but a. few stunted bushes rais( their heads above the earth, or those wild steppes where the eye wanders in vain for some " leafy garniture," — where the sun strikes down with parching heat, or the wind sweeps over with unbroken fury, and they may, perhaps estimate, by contrast, their beauty and value. We are not now to enumerate the great usefulness of trees, — their value in the construction of our habitations, our navies, the various implements of labor, — in short, the thousand associations which they suggest as ministering to our daily wants ; but let us imagine the loveliest scene, the wildest landscape, or the most enchanting valley, despoiled of trees, and we shall find nature shorn of her fair propor- tions, and the character and expression of these favorite spots almost entirely destroyed. Wood, in its many shapes, is then one of the greatest sources of interest and character in Landscapes. Variety, which we need scarcely allude to as a fertile source of beauty, is created in a wonderful degree by a natural arrangement of trees. To a pile of buildings, or even of ruins, to a group of rocks or animals," they communicate new life and spirit by their irregular outlines, which, by partially c~>ncealing some portions, and throwing others ON wool) AND PLANTATIONS. 7] into stronger light, contribute greatly to produce intricacy and variety, and confer an expression, which, without these latter qualities, might in a great measure bs wanting. By shutting out some parts, and inclosing others, they divide the extent embraced by the eye into a hundred different landscapes, instead of one tame scene bounded by the horizon. The different seasons of the year, too, are inseparably connected in our minds with the effects produced by them on woodland scenery. Spring is joyous and enlivening to us, as nature then puts on her fresh livery of green, and the trees bud and blossom with a renewed beauty, that speaks with a mute and gentle eloquence to the heart. In sum- mer they offer us a grateful shelter under their umbrageous arms and leafy branches, and whisper unwritten music to the passing breeze. In autumn we feel a melancholy thoughtfulness as " We stand among the fallen leaves," and gaze upon their dying glories. And in winter we see in them the silent rest of nature, and behold in their leaf- less spray, and seemingly dead limbs, an annual type of that deeper mystery — the deathless sleep of all being. By the judicious employment of trees in the embellishment of a country residence, we may effect the greatest alterations and improvements within the scope of Landscape Garden- ing. Buildings which are tame, insipid, or even mean in appearance, may be made interesting, and often picturesque, by a proper disposition of trees. Edifices, or parts of them that are unsightly, or which it is desirable partly or wholly to conceal, can readily be hidden or improved by wood ; and walks and roads, \lhich otherwise would be but simple 72 LANDSCAPE GARDENING ways of approach from one point to another, are, by an elegant arrangement of trees on their margins, or adjacent to them, made the most interesting and pleasing portions of the residence. In Geometric gardening, trees disposed in formal lines, exhibit as strongly art or design in the contriver, as regu- lar architectm-al edifices ; while, in a more elevated and enlightened taste, we are able to dispose them in our clea- sure-grounds and parks, around our houses, in all the vari- ety of groups, masses, thicket, and single trees, in such a manner as to rival the most beautiful scenery of general nature ; producing a portion of landscape which unites with all the comforts and conveniences of rural habitation, the superior charm of refined arrangement, and natural beauty of expression. If it were necessary to present any other inducement to the country gentleman to form plantations of trees, than the great beauty and value which they add to his estate, we might find it in the pleasure which all derive from their cultivation. Unlike the pleasure arising from the gratification of our taste in architecture, or any other of the arts whose productions are ofiered to us perfect and complete, the satisfaction arising from planting and rearing trees is never weakened. " We look," says a writer, " upon our trees as our offspring ; and nothing of inanimate nature can be more gratifying than to see them grow and prosper under our care and attention, — nothing more interesting than to examine their progress, and mark their several peculiarities. In their progress from plants to trees, they every year unfold new and characteristic marks of their ultimate beauty, which not only compensate for past cares and troubles, but like the ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 73 returns of gratitude, raise a most delightful train of sensations in the mind ; so innocent and rational, thai they may justly rank with the most exquisite of human enjoyments." " Happy is he, who in a country life Shuns more perplexing toil and jarring strife; Who lives upon the natal soil he loves, And sits beneath his old ancestral groves." To this, let us add the complacent feelings with which a man in old age may look around him and behold these leafy monarchs, planted by his boyish hands and nurtured by him in his youthful years, which have grown aged and venerable along with him ; " A wood coeval with himself he sees. And loves his own contemporary trees." Plantations in the Ancient Style. In the arrancre- ment and culture of trees and plants in the ancient style of Landscape Gardening, we discover the evidences of the formal taste, — abounding with every possible variety of quaint conceits, and rife with whimsical expedients, so much in fashion during the days of Henry and Eliza- beth, and until the eighteenth century in England, and which is still the reigning mode in Holland, and parts of France. In these gardens, nature was tamed and subdued, or as some critics will have it, tortured into every shape which the ingenuity of the gardener could suggest ; and such kinds of vegetation as bore the shears most patiently, and when carefully trimmed, assumed gradually the appearance of verdant statues, pyramids, crowing cocks, and rampant lions, were the especial favorites of the gardeners of the old school. 74 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. It has been remarked, that the geometric style would always be preferred in a new country, or in any country where the amount of land under cultivation is much less than that covered with natural woods and forests ; as the inhabitants being surrounded by scenery abounding with natural beauty, would always incline to lay out their gar- dens and pleasure-grounds in regular forms, because the distinct exhibition of art would give more pleasure by con- trast, than the elegant imitation of beautiful nature. That this is true as regards the mass of uncultivated minds, we Jo not deny. But at the same time we aHirm that it evinces a meagre taste, and a lower state of the art, or a lower perception of beauty in the individual who employs the geometrical style in such cases. A person, whose place is suriounded by inimitably grand or sublime scenery, would undoubtedly fail to excite our admiration, by at- tempting a fac-simile imitation of such scenery on the small scale of a park or garden ; but he is not, therefore, obliged to resort to right-lined plantations and regular grass plots, to produce something which shall be at once suiliciently different to attract notice, and so beautiful as to command admiration. All that it would be requisite for him to do in such a case, would be to employ rare and foreign orna- mental trees ; as for example, the horse-chestnut and the linden, in situations where the maple and the sycamore are the principal trees, — elegant flowering shrubs and beautiful creepers, instead of sumacs and hazels, — and to have his place kept in high and polished order, instead of the tan- gled wildness of general nature. On the contrary, were a person to desire a residence newly laid out and planted, in a district where all around is in a high state of polished cultivation, as in the suburbs ON WOOD ANU PLANTATIONS. 75 of a city, a species of pleasure would result, from the imita- tion of scenery of a more spirited, natural character, as the picturesque, in his grounds. His plantations are made in irregular groups, composed chiefly of picturesque trees, as the larch, &c.— his walks would lead through varied "scenes, sometimes bordered with groups of rocks overrun with flowering creepers and vines ; sometimes vvith thickets or little copses of shrubs and flowering plants; sometimes through wild and comparatively ne- glected portions ; the whole interspersed with open glades of turf In the maj )rity of instances in the United States, the modern style of Landscape Gardening, wherever it is ap- preciated, will, in practice, consist in arranging a demesne of from five to some hundred acres, — or rather that portion of it, say one half, one third, etc., devoted to lawn and pleasure-ground, pasture, etc. — so as to exhibit groups of forest and ornamental trees and shrubs, surrounding the dwelling of the proprietor, and extending for a greater or less distance, especially towards the place of entrance from the public highway. Near the house, good taste will dic- tate the assemblage of groups and masses of the rarer or more beautiful trees and shrubs ; commoner native forest trees occupying the more distant portions of the grounds.* * Although we love planting, and avow that there are few greater pleasures than to see a darlmg tree, of one's own placing, every year stretching wider ita feathery head of fohage, and covering with a darker shadow the soft turf beneath iC, still, we will not let the ardent and inexperienced hunter after a location for a country residence, pass without a word of advice. This is, always to makn considerable sacrifice to get a place with some existing wood, or a few ready grown trees upon it; especially near the site for the house. It is better to yield a little in the extent of prospect, or in the direct proximity to a certain 76 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Plantations in the Modern Style. In the Modern Style of Landscape Gardening, it is our aim, in plantations, to produce not only what is called natural beauty, but even higher and more striking beauty of expression, and ot individual forms, than we see in nature ; to create variety and mtricacy in the grounds of a residence by various modes of arrangement ; to give a highly elegant or polished air to places by introducing rare and foreign species ; and to conceal all defects of surface, disagreeable views, un- sightly buildings, or other oftensive objects. As uniformity, and grandeur of single effects, were the aim of the old style of arrangement, so variety and har- mony of the whole are the results for which we labor in the modern landscape. And as the Avenue, or the straight line, is the leading form in the geometric arrangement of plantations, so let us enforce it upon our readers, the Group is equally the key-note of the Modern style. The smallest place, having only three trees, may have these pleasingly connected in a group ; and the largest and finest park — the Blenheim or Chatsworth, of seven miles square, is only composed of a succession of groups, becoming masses, thickets, woods. If a demesne with the most beautiful surface and views has been for some time stiffly and locality, than to pitcn your tent in a plain, — desert-like in its bareness — on which your leafy sensibilities must suffer for half a dozen vears at least, before you can hope for any solace. It is doubtful whether there is not almost as much interest in studying from one's window the curious ramifications, tne variety of form, and the entire harmony, to be found in a fine old tree, as .v gazing from a site where we have no interniption to a panorama of tne whole horizon ; and we have generally found tha no planters have so little courage and faith, as those who have commenced without the smallest group of large trees, as a nucleus for their plantations. ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 77 awkwardly planted, it is exceedingly difficult to give it a natural and agreeable air ; while many a tame level, with scarcely a glimpse of distance, has been rendered lovely by its charming groups of trees. How necessary, therefore, is it, in the very outset, that the novice, before he begins to plant, should know how to arrange a tasteful group ! Nothing, at first thought, would appear easier than to arrange a few trees in the form of a natural and beautiful group, — and nothing really is easier to the practised hand. Yet experience has taught us that the generality of persons, in commencing their first essays in ornamental planting, almost invariably crowd their trees into a close, regular clump, which has a most formal and unsightly appearance, as difierent as possible from the easy, flowing outline of the group. " Natural groups are full of openings and hollows, of trees advancing before, or retiring behind each other ; all productive of intricacy, of variety, of deep shadows and brilliant lights." The chief care, then, which is necessary in the forma tion of groups, is, not to place them in any regular or artificial manner, — as one at each corner of a triangle, square, octagon, or other many-sided figure ; but so to dispose them, as that the whole may exhibit the variety. connexion, and intricacy seen in nature. " The greatest beauty of a group of trees," says " Loudon, " as far as respects their stems, is in the varied direction these take as they grow into trees ; but as that is, for all practical purposes, beyond the influence of art, all we can do, is to vary as much as possible the ground plan of groups, or the relative positions which the stems have to each other where they spring from the earth. This is considerable. /b LANDSCAPE GARDENING. even where a very few trees are used, of which any person may convince himself by placing a few dots on paper. Thus two trees (fig. 15), or a tree and shrub, which is the smallest group (a), may be placed in three different positions with reference to a spectator in a fixed point ; if he moves round them, they will first vary in form separately, and next unite in one or two groups, according to the position of the spectator. In like manner, three trees may be placed in four different positions ; four trees may be placed in eight different positions (b) ; five trees may be grouped in ten different ways, as to ground plan ; six may be placed in twelve different ways (c), and so on." Encyclopcsdia of Gard.) L .t.a f . t^-«^ ^ ■a M- e'*^ * & 3 '^ & rt*. ^ *^ <^ '»:_..{ a (3 [Fii;. 15. Grouping of Trees] In the composition of larger masses, similar rules nmsi ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 70 be observed as in the smaller groups, in order to prevent them from growing up in heavy, clumpish forms. The outline must be flowing, here projecting out into the grass, there receding back into the plantation, in order to take off all appearance of stiffness and regularity. Trees of medium and smaller size should be so interspersed with those of larger growth, as to break up all formal sweeps in the line produced by the tops of their summits, and oc- casionally, low trees should be planted on the outer edge of the mass, to connect it with the humble verdure of the surrounding sward. In many parts of the union, where new residences are being formed, or where old ones are to be improved, the grounds will often be found, partially, or to a considerable extent, clothed with belts or masses of wood, either pre- viously planted, or preserved from the woodman's axe. How easily we may turn these to advantage in the natural style of Landscape Gardening ; and by judicious trimming when too thick, or additions when too much scattered, elicit often the happiest effects, in a magical manner ! Where there are large masses of wood to regulate and arrange, much skill, taste, and judgment, are requisite, to enable the proprietors to preserve only what is really beautiful and picturesque, and to remove all that is super- fluous. Most of our native woods, too, have grown so closely, and the trees are consequently so much drawn up, that should the improver thin out any portion, at once, to single trees, he will be greatly disappointed if he expects them to stand long; for the first severe autumnal gale will almost certainly prostrate them. The only method, therefore, is to allow them to remain in groups of con- siderable size at first, and to thin them out as is finally desired, when they have made stronger roots and become more inured to the influence of the sun and air. 80 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. But to return to grouping ; what we have already en- deavored to render famihar to the reader, may be called grouping in its simple meaning — -for general effect, and with an eye only to the natural beauty of pleasing forms Let us now explain, as concisely as we may, the mode of grouping in the two schools of Landscape Gardening here- tofore defined, that is to say, grouping and planting for Beautiful effect, and for Picturesque effect ; as we wish it understood that these two different expressions, in artificial landscape, are always to a certain extent under our control. Planting and Grouping to produce the Beautiful. The elementary features of this expression our readers will remember to be fulness and softness of outline, and perfectly luxuriant development. To insure these in plan- tations, we must commence by choosing mainly trees of graceful habit and flowing outlines ; and of this class of trees, hereafter more fully illustrated, the American elm and the maple may be taken as the type. Next, in dis- posing them, they must usually be planted rather distant in the groups, and often singly. We do not mean by this, that close groups may not occasionally be formed, but there should be a predominance of trees grouped at such a dis- tance from each other, as to allow a full development of the branches on every side. Or, when a close group is planted, the trees composing it should be usually of the same or a similar kind, in order that they may grow up togethei and form one finely rounded head. Rich creepers and blossoming vines, that grow in fine luxuriant wreaths and masses, are fit accompaniments to occasional groups in this manner. Fig. 16 represents a plan of trees grouped along a road or walk, so as to develope the Beautiful. It is proper that we should here remark, that a distinct species of after treatment is required for the two modes. Trees, or groups, where the Beautiful is aimed at, should be ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 81 [Fig. 16. Grouping to produce the Beautiful.] pruned with great. care, and indeed scarcely at all, except to remedy disease, or to correct a bad form. Above all, the full luxuriance and development of the tree should be encouraged by good soil, and repeated manurings when necessary ; and that most expressively elegant fall and droop of the branches, which so completely denotes the Beautiful in trees, should never be warred against by any trimming of the lower branches, which must also be care- fully preserved against cattle, whose hi^owsing line would soon efface this most beautiful disposition in some of our fine lawn trees. Clean, smooth stems, fresh and tender bark, and a softly rounded pyramidal or drooping head, are the characteristics of a Beautiful tree. We need not add that gently sloping ground, or surfaces rolling in easy undulations, should accompany such plantations. Planting and Grouping to produce the Picturesuue. All trees are admissible in a picturesque place, but a pre- dominance must be used by the planter of what are truly called picturesque trees, of which the larch and fir tribe G ■82 LANDSCAPE GARPKNING. and some species of oak, may be taken as examples. In Picturesque plantations everything depends on intricacy [Fig. 17 Grouping to produce the Picture?quc.] and irregularity, and grouping, therefore, must often be done in the most irregular manner — rarely, if ever, with single specimens, as every object should seem to connect itself with something else ; but most frequently there should be irregular groups, occasionally running into thickets, and always more or less touching each other ; trusting to after time for any thinning, should it be necessary. Fig. 17 may, as compared with Fig. 16, give an idea of picturesque grouping. There should be more of the wildness of the finest and most forcible portions of natural woods or forests, in the disposition of the trees ; sometimes planting them closely, even two or three in the same hole, at others more loose and scattered. These will grow up into wilder and more striking forms, the barks will be deeply furrowed and rough, the limbs twisted and irregular, and the forms and outlines distinctly varied. They should often be intermixed with smaller undergrowth of a similar character, as the hazel, hawthorn, etc., and formed into such picturesque and strik ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 83 ing groups, as painters love to study and introduce into their pictures. Sturdy and bright vines, or such as are themselves picturesque in their festoons and hangings, should be allowed to clamber over occasional trees in a negligent manner ; and the surface and grass, in parts of the scene not immediately in the neighborhood of the mansion, may be kept short by the cropping of animals, or allowed to grow in a more careless and loose state, like that of tangled dells and natural woods. There will be the same open glades in picturesque as in beautiful plantations ; but these openings, in the former, will be bounded by groups and thickets of every form, and of different degrees of intricacy, while in the latter the eye will repose on softly rounded masses of foliage, or sin- gle open groups of trees, with finely balanced and graceful heads and branches. In order to know how a plantation in the Picturesque mode should be treated, after it is established, we should reflect a moment on what constitutes picturesqueness in any tree. This will be found to consist either in a certain natural roughness of bark, or wildness of form and outline, or in some accidental curve of a branch of striking manner of growth, or perhaps of both these conjoined. A broken or crooked limb, a leaning trunk, or several stems springing from the same base, are frequently peculiarities that at once stamp a tree as picturesque. Hence, it is easy to see that the excessive care of the cultivator of trees in the graceful school to obtain the smoothest trunks, and the most sweep- ing, perfect, and luxuriant heads of foliage, is quite the opposite of what is the picturesque arboriculturist's ambi- tion. He desires to encourage a certain wildness of growth, and allows his trees to spring up occasionally in thickets 84 1. 4.VDSCAPE GARDENING. to assist this effect ; he delights in occasional irregularity of stem and outline, and he therefore suffers his trees here and there to crowd each other ; he admires a twisted limb or a moss covered branch, and in pruning he therefore is careful to leave precisely what it would be the aim of the other to remove ; and his pruning, where it is at all neces- sary, is directed rather towards increasing the naturally striking and peculiar habit of the picturesque tree, than assisting it in developing a form of unusual refinement and symmetry. From these remarks we think the amateur will easily divine, that planting, grouping, and culture to produce the Beautiful, require a much less artistic eye (though much more care and attention) than performing the same operations to elicit the Picturesque. The charm of a refined and polished landscape garden, as we usually see it in the Beautiful grounds with all the richness and beauty developed by high culture, arises from our admira- tion of the highest perfection, the greatest beauty of form, to which every object can be brought ; and, in trees, a judicious selection, with high cultivation, will always pro- duce this effect. But in the Picturesque landscape garden there is visible a piquancy of effect, certain bold and striking growths and combinations, which we feel at once, if we know them to be the result of art, to be the production of a pecuKar species of attention — not merely good, or even refined ornamental gardening. In short, no one can be a pictu- resque improver (if he has to begin with young plantations) who is not himself something of an artist — who has not studied nature with an artistical eye — and who is nol capable of imitating, eliciting, or heightening, in his plan- tations or other portions of his residence, the picturesqu? ON WOOD AND I'LANTATIOXS. 83 in its many variations. And we may add here, that effi- cient and charming as is the assistance which all orna- mental planters will derive from the study of the best landscape engravings and pictures of distinguished artists, they are indispensably necessary to the picturesque im prover. In these he will often find embodied the choicest and most captivating studies from picturesque nature ; and will see at a glance the effect of certain combinations of trees, which he might otherwise puzzle himself a dozen years to know how to produce After all, as the picturesque improver here will most generally be found to be one who chooses a comparatively wild and wooded place, we may safely say that, if he has the true feeling for his work, he will always find it vastly easier than those who strive after the Beautiful ; as the majority of the latter may be said to begin nearly anew — • choosing places not for wildness aiid intricacy of wood, but for openness and the smiling, sunny, undulating plain, where they must of course to a good extent plant anew. After becoming well acquainted with grouping, we should bring ourselves to regard those principles which govern our improvements as a whole. We therefore must call the attention of the improver to the two following principles, which are to be constantly in view : the pro- duction of a lohole, and the proper connexion of the parts. Any person who will take the trouble to reflect for a mo- ment on the great diversity of surface, change of position, aspects, views, etc., in different country residences, will at once perceive how difficult, or, indeed, how impossible it is, to lay down any fixed or exact rules for arranging plan- tations in the modern style. What would be precisely adapted to a hilly rolling park, would often be found entire- 8(3 LANDSCAPE GAKDENING. ly unfit for adoption in a smooth, level surface, and the contrary. Indeed, the chief beauty of the modern style is the variety produced by following a few leading principles and applying them to different and varied localities ; un lilvc the geometric style, which proceeded to level, and arrange, and erect its avenues and squares, alike in every situation, with all the precision and certainty of mathe- matical demonstration. In all grounds to be laid out, however, which are of a lawn or park-like extent, and call for the exercise of judg- ment and taste, the mansion or dwelling-house, being itself the chief or leading object in the scene, should form, as it were, the central point, to which it should be the object of the planter to give importance. In order to do this effec- tually, the large masses or groups of wood should cluster round, or form the back-ground to the main edifice ; and y/here the offices or out-buildings approach the same neighborhood, they also should be embraced. We do not mean by this to convey the idea, that a thick wood should be planted around and in the close neighborhood of the mansion or villa, so as to impede the free circulation of air ; but its appearance and advantages may be easily produced by a comparatively loose plantation of groups well connected by intermediate trees, so as to give all the effect of a large mass. The front, and at least that side nearest the approach road, will be left open, or nearly so ; while the plantations on the hack-ground will give dignity and importance to the house, and at the same time effectu- ally screen the approach to the farm buildings, and other objects which require to be kept out of view ; and here both for the purposes of shelter and richness of effect, a good proportion of evergreens should be introduced. Oi\ WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 87 From this principal mass, the plantations must break oir in groups of greater or less size, corresponding to the extent covered by it ; if large, they will diverge into masses of considerable magnitude, if of moderate size, in groups made up of a number of trees. In the lawn front of the house, appropriate places will be found for a number of the most elegant single trees, or small groups of trees, remarkable for the beauty of their forms, foliage, or blos- soms. Care must be taken, however, in disposing these, as well as many of the groups, that they are not placed so as, at some future time, to interrupt or disturb the finest points of prospect. In more distant parts of the plantations will also appear masses of considerable extent, perhaps upon the boundary line, perhaps in particular situations on the sides, or in the interior of the whole ; and the various groups which are distributed between should be so managed as, though in most cases distinct, yet to appear to be the connecting links which unite these distant shadows in the composition, with the larger masses near the house. Sometimes seve- ral small groups will be almost joined together ; at others the effect may be kept up by a small group, aided by a few neighboring single trees. This, for a park-like place. Where the place is small, a pleasure-g^-iound character is all that can be obtained. But by employing chiefly shrubs, and only a few trees, very similar and highly beautiful effects may be attained. The grand object in all this should be to open to the eye, from the windows or front of the house, a wide surface, partially broken up and divided by groups and masses of trees into a number of pleasing lawns or openmgs, differing -n size and appearance, and producing 88 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, a charming variety in the scene, either when seen from a given point or when examined in detail. It must not be forgotten that, as a general rule, the grass or surface of the lawn a)iswers as the principal light, and the woods or plantations as the shadows, in the same manner in nature as in painting ; and that these should be so managed as to lead the eye to the mansion as the most important object when seen from without, or correspond to it in grandeur and magnitude, when looked upon from within the house. If the surface is too much crowded with groups of foliage, breadth of light will be found wanting ; if left too bare, there will be felt, on the other hand, an absence of the noble effect of deep and broad shadows. One of the loveliest charms of a fine park is, undoubted- ly, variation or undulation of surface. Everything, accordingly, which tends to preserve and strengthen this pleasing character, should be kept constantly in view. Where, therefore, there are no obvious objections to such a course, the eminences, gentle swells, or hills, should be planted, in preference to the hollows or depressions. By planting the elevated portions of the grounds, theii apparent height is increased ; but by planting the hollows, all distinction is lessened and broken up. Indeed, where there is but a trifling and scarcely perceptible undulation, the importance of the swells of surface already existing is surprisingly increased, when this course of planting is adopted ; and the whole, to the eye, appears finely varied. Where the grounds of the residence to be planted are level, or nearly so, and it is desirable to confine the v'-ew. on any or all sides, to the lawn or park itself, the boundarv groups and masses must be so connected together a& frora ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 89 the most striking part or parts of the prospect (near the house for example) to answer this end. This should be done, not by planting a continuous, uniformly thick belt of trees round the outside of the whole ; but by so arranging the various outer groups and thickets, that when seen fi-om the given points they shall appear connected in one whole. In this way, there will be an agreeable variation in the margin, made by the various bays, recesses, and detached projections, which could not be so well effected if the whole were one uniformly unbroken strip of wood. But where the house is so elevated as to command a more extensive view than is comprised in the demesne itself, another course should be adopted. The grounds planted must be made to connect themselves with the surrounding scenery, so as not to produce any violent conti'ast to the eye, when compared with the adjoining country. If then, as is most frequently the case, the lawn or pleasure-ground join, on either side or sides, cultivated farm lands, the proper connexion may be kept up by advancing a few groups or even scattered trees into the neighboring fields. In the middle states there are but few cultivated fields, even in ordinary farms, where there is not to be seen, here and there, a handsome cluster of saplings or a few full grown trees ; or if not these, at least some tall growing bushes along the fences, all of which, by a Httle exercise of this leading principle of connexion, can, by the planter of taste, be made to appear with few or trifling additions, to divaricate from, and ramble out of the park itself Where the park joina natural woods, connexion is still easier, and where it bounds upon one of our noble rivers, lakes, or other large sneeis of water, of course connexion is not expected ; foi 90 LANDSCAPE GAR! EN. NG. sudden contrast and transition is there both natural and beautiful. In all cases good taste will suggest that the more polished parts of the lawns and grounds should, whatever character IS attempted, be those nearest the house. There the most rare and beautiful sorts of trees are displayed, and the entire plantations agree in elegance with the style of art evinced in the mansion itself. When there is much extent, liowever, as the eye wanders from the neighborhood of the residence, the whole evinces less polish ; and gradually, towards the furthest extremities, grows ruder, until it assi- milates itself to the wildness of general nature around. This, of course, applies to grounds of large extent, and must not be so much enforced where the lawn embraced is but moderate, and therefore comes more directly under the e}^e. It will be remembered that, in the foregoing section, we stated it as one of the leading principles of the art of Land- scape Gardening, that in every instance where the grounds of a country residence have a marked natural character, whether of beautiful or picturesque expression, the efforts of the improver will be most successful if he contributes by his art to aid and strengthen that expression. This should ever be borne in mind when we are commencing any improvements in planting that will affect the general expression of the scene, as there are but few country resi- dences in the United States of any importance which have not naturally some distinct landscape character ; and the labors of the improver will be productive of much greater satisfaction and more lasting pleasure, when they aim at effects in keeping with the whole scene, than if no -egar' be paid to this important point. This will be felt almost ON WOOD AND PLANTATION?. 91 intuitively by persons who, perhaps, would themseVes be nicapable of describing the cause of their gratification, but would perceive the contrary at once ; as many are unable to analyse the pleasure derived from harmony in music, while they at once perceive the introduction of discordant notes. We do not intend that this principle should apply so closely, that extensive grounds naturally picturesque shall have nothing of the softening touches of more perfect beauty ; or that a demesne characterized by the latter ex- pression should not be occasionally enlivened with a few " smart touches" of the former. This is often necessary, indeed, to prevent tame scenery from degenerating into insipidity, or picturesque into wildness, too great to be appropriate in a country residence. Picturesque trees give new spirit to groups of highly beautiful ones, and the latter sometimes heighten by contrast the value of the former. All of which, however, does not prevent the predominance of the leading features of either style, suffi- ciently strong to mark it as such ; while, occasionally, something of zest or elegance may be borrowed from the opposite character, to suit the wishes or gratify the taste of the proprietor. Ground plans of ornamental plantations. To illustrate partially our ideas on the arrangement of plan- tations we place before the reader two or three examples, premising that the small scale to which they are reduced prevents our giving to them any character beyond that of the general one of the design. The first (Fig. 20) repre- sents a portion, say one third or one half of a piece oi property selected for a country seat, and which has hitherto been kept in tillage as ordinary farm land. The public 92 LANDSCAPE GARDENING [F^ig. 18. Plan of a coninion Farm, befare any improvements.] road, a, is the boundary on one side : dd are prettily wooded dells or hollows, which, together with a few groups near the proposed site of the house, c, and a i^y^ scattered single trees, make up the aggregate of the original woody embel- lishments of the locality. In the next figure (Fig. 19) a ground plan of the place is given, as it would appear after having been judiciously laid out and planted, with several years' growth. At a, the approach road leaves the public highway and leads to the house at c : from whence paths of smaller size, h, make the circuit of the ornamental portion of the residence, taking advantage of the wooded dells, d, originally existing, which offer some scope for varied walks concealed from each other by the intervening masses of thicket. It wiZ ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 93 ;:ii;ni»ii; [Fig. 19. Plan of the lorcL'oing grounds us a Country Se:it, til'ter ten years' improvement] be seen here, that one of the largest masses of wood forms a background to the house, conceahng also the out-build- ings ; while, from the windows of the mansion itself, the trees are so arranged as to group in the most pleasing and etfective manner ; at the same time broad masses of turf meet the eye, and fine distant views are had through the vistas in the lines, e e. In this manner the lawn appears divided into four distinct lawns or areas bounded by groups of trees, instead of being dotted over with an unmeaning confusion of irregular masses of foliage. The form of these areas varies also with every change of position in the spec- tator, as seen from different portions of the grounds, or difTer- ent points in the walks ; and they can be still further varied at pleasure by adding more single trees or small groups, which should always, to produce varitty of outline, be 94 LAVDSCAPE GARDENING. placed opposite the salient parts of the wood, and not in the recesses, which latter they would appear to diminish or clog up. The stables are shown at /; the barn at g, and the kitchen garden adjacent at h ; the orchard at i ; and a small portion of the farm lands at k ; a back entrance to the out-buildings is shown in the rear of the orchard. The plan has been given for a place of seventy acres, thirty of which include the pleasure grounds, and forty the adjoin- ing farm lands. Figure 20 is the plan of an American mansion [fi>'. 20. Vki'.i ot a .Mansion Residence, laid out in tlie natiCTal itylcl ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 95 residence of considerable extent, only part of the farm lands, /, being here delineated. In, this residence, as there ys no extensive view worth preserving beyond the bounds of the estate, the pleasure grounds are surrounded by an irregular and picturesque belt of wood. A fine natural stream or rivulet, which ran through the estate, has been formed into a handsome pond, or small lake,/, which adds much to the interest of the grounds. The approach road breaks olT from the highway at the entrance lodge, a, and proceeds in easy curves to the mansion, h ; and the groups of trees on the side of this approach nearest the house, are so arranged that the visitor scarcely obtains more than a glimpse of the latter, until he arrives at the most favorable position for a first impression. From the windows of the mansion, at either end, the eye ranges over groups of flowers and shrubs ; while, on the entrance front, the trees are arranged so as to heighten the natural expression originally existing there. On the other front, the broad mass of light reflected from the green turf at h, is balanced by the dark shadows of the picturesque plantations which surround the lake, and skirt the whole boundary. At f, a light, inconspicuous wire fence separates that portion of the ground, g, ornamented with flowering shrubs and kept mown by the scythe, from' the remainder, of a park-like character, which is kept short by the cropping of animals. At c, are shown the stables, carriage house, etc., which, though near the approach road, are concealed by foliage, though easily accessible by a short curved road, returning from the house, so as not to present any road leading in the same direction, to detract from the dignity of the approach in going to it. A prospect tower, or rustic pavilion, on a little eminence 96 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. overlooking the whole estate, is shown at j. The small arabesque beds near the house are filled with masses of choice flowering shrubs and plants ; the kitchen garden is shown at d, and the orchard at e. Suburban villa residences are, every day, becoming more numerous ; and in laying out the grounds around them, and disposing the sylvan features, there is often more ingenuity, and as much taste required, as in treating a country residence of several hundred acres. In the small area of from one half an acre to ten or twelve acres, surrounding often a villa of the first class, it is desirable to assemble many of the same features, and as much as possible of the enjoyment, which are to be found in a large and elegant estate. To do this, the space allotted to various purposes, as the kitchen garden, lav/n, etc., must be judiciously portioned out, and so characterized and divided by plantations, that the whole shall appear to be much larger than it really is, from the fact that the spectator is never allowed to see the whole at a single glance ; but while each portion is complete in itself, the plan shall present nothing incongruous or ill assorted. An excellent illustration of this species of residence, is afforded the reader in the accompanying plan (Fig. 21) of the grounds of Riverside Villa. This pretty villa a1 Burlington, New Jersey (to which we shah again refer), was lately built, and the grounds, about six or eight acres in extent, laid out, from the designs of John Notman, Esq., architect, of Philadelphia ; and while the latter promise a large amount of beauty and enjoyment, scarcely anything which can be supposed necessary for the convenience or wants of the family, is lost sight of. The house, a, stands Quite near the bank of the river, ON WOOD AND PLANT ATIONS. 97 [Fig. 21. Plan of a Sul/urban Villa Residence.] while one front commands fine water views, and the other looks into the lawn or pleasure grounds, b. On one side of the area is the kitchen garden, c, separated and concealed from the lawn by thick groups of evergreen and deciduous trees. At e, is a picturesque orchard, in which the fruit trees are planted in groups instead of straight lines, for the sake of effect. Directly under the wmdows of the drawing-room is the flower garden,/; and 98 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. at g, is a seat. The walk around the lawn is also a carriage road, affording entrance and egress from the rear of the grounds, for garden purposes, as well as from the front of the house. At h, is situated the ice-house ; d, hot-beds ; j, bleaching green ; i, gardener's house, etc. In the rear of the latter are the stables, which are not shown on the plan. The embellished farm [ferme ornee) is a pi'etty mode of combining something of the beauty of the landscape garden with the utility of the farm, and we hope to see small country seats of this kind become more general. As regards profit in farming, of course, all modes of arranging or distributing land are inferior to simple square fields ; on account of the greater facility of working the land in rectangular plots. But we suppose the owner of the small ornamental farm to be one with whom profit is not the first and only consideration, but who desires to unite with it something to gratify his taste, and to give a higher charm to his rural occupations. In Fig. 22, is shown part of an embellished farm, treated in the picturesque style throughout. The various fc*s©«% under grass or tillage, are divided and bounded by winding roads, a, bordered by hedges of buckthorn, cedar, and hawthorn, instead of wooden fences ; the roads being wide enough to afford a pleasant drive or walk, so as to allow the owner or v^isitor to enjoy at the same time an agreeable circuit, and a glance at all the various crops and modes of culture. In the plan before us, the approach from the public road is at h ; the dwelling at c ; the barns and farm-buildings at d; the kitchen garden at e; and the orchard at f. About the house are distributed some groups of trees, and here the fields, g, are kept in grass, and are either mown ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 99 [Fig. 22. View of a PicUircsquc fiirin (fcrme orjiee).] or pastured. The fields in crops are designated h, on the plan ; and a few picturesque groups of trees are planted, or allowed to remain, in these, to keep up the general character of the place. A low dell, or rocky thicket, is situated at i,. Exceedingly interesting and agreeable effects may be produced, at little cost, in a picturesque farm of this kind. The hedges may be of a great variety of suitable shrubs, and, in addition to those that we have named, we would introduce others of the sweet brier, the Michigan or prairie rose (admirably adapted for the purpose), the flowering crab, and the like — ^beautiful and fragrant in their growth and blossoms. These hedges we would cause to grow thick, rather by interlacing the branches, than by constant shearing or trimming, which would give them a less formal, and a more free and natural air. The winding; lanes traversing the farm need 100 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. only be gravelled near the house, in other portions being left in grass, which will need little care, as it will generally be kept short enough by the passing of men and vehicles over it. A picturesque or ornamental farm like this would be an agreeable residence for a gentleman retiring into the coun- try on a small farm, desirous of experimenting for himself with all the new modes of culture. The small and irregu- lar fields would, to him, be rather an advantage, and there would be an air of novelty and interest about the whole residence. Such an arrangement as this would also be suitable for a fruit farm near one of our large towns, the fields being occupied by orchards, vines, grass, and grain. The house and all the buildings should be of a simple, though picturesque and accordant character. The cottage ornee may have more or less ground attached to it. It is the ambition of some to have a great house and little land, and of others (among whom we remember the poet Cowley) to have a little house and a large garden. The latter would seem to be the more natural taste. When the grounds of a cottage are large, they will be treated by the landscape gardener nearly like those of a villa residence ; when they are smaller a more quiet and simple character must be aimed at. But even where they consist of only a rood or two, something tasteful and pretty may be ar- ranged.* In Fig. 23, is shown a small piece of ground on one side of a cottage, in which a picturesque character is attempted to be maintained. The plantations here are made mostly with shrubs instead of trees, the latter being • For a variety of modes of treating the grounds of small places, see oui Designs for Cottage Residences. ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 101 only sparingly introduced for the want of room. In the disposition of these shrubs, however, the same attention to picturesque effect is paid as we have already pointed oul in our remarks on grouping ; and by connecting the thickets and groups here and there, so as to conceal one walk from the other, a surprising variety and effect will frequently bp produced in an exceedingly limited spot. The same limited grounds 7 ^ might be planted so as to produce ""^"'^ I the Beautiful ; choosing, in this case, shrubs of symmetrical 5-0) ;5 growth and fine forms, planting ^/^ and grouping them somewhat ^ singly, and allowing every speci- men to attain its fullest luxuri- ■ ^ ance of development. In making these arrangements, [Fig. 23. Grouniis of a Cottage orner.} e vcu lu the Small area of a fourth of an acre, we should study the same principles and en- deavor to produce the same harmony of effects, as if we were improving a mansion residence o'' the first class. The extent of the operations, and the sums lavished, are not by any means necessarily connected with successful and pleasing results. The man of correct taste will, by the aid of very limited means and upon a small surface, be able to afford the mind more true pleasure, than the improver who lavishes thousands without it, creating no other emo- tion than surprise or pity at the useless expenditure in- curred ; and the Abbe Delille says nothing more true than that, " Ce noble emploi demand un artiste qui pense, Prodigue de genie, et non pas de depense." 102 LANDSCAPE GAUDENING. From the inspection of plans like these, the tyro may learn something of the manner of arranging plantations, and of the general effect of the natm-al style in particular cases and situations. But the knowledge they afford is so far below that obtained by an inspection of the effects in reality, that the latter should in all cases be preferred where it is practicable. In this style, unlike the ancient, it is almost impossible that the same plan should exactly suit any other situation than that for which it was intended, for its great excellence lies in the endless variety produced by its application to different sites, situations, and surfaces ; developing the latent capacities of one place and heighten- ing the charms of another. But the leading principles as regards the formation of plantations, which we have here endeavored briefly to elucidate, are the same in all cases. After becoming familiar with these, should the amateur landscape gardener be at a loss how to proceed, he can hardly do better, as we have before suggested, than to study and recur often to the beautiful compositions and combinations of nature, dis- played in her majestic groups, masses, and single trees, as well as open glades and deep thickets ; of which, fortu- nately, in most parts of our country, checkered here and there as it is with beautiful and picturesque scenery, there is no dearth or scarcity. Keeping these few principles in his mind, he will be able to detect new beauties and trans- fer them to his own estate ; for nature is truly inexhaustible in her resources of the Beautiful. Classification of trees as to expression. The amateur who wishes to dispose his plantations in the natu- ral style of Landscape Gardening so as to produce graceful or picturesque landscape, will be greatly aided by a study ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 103 of the peculiar expression of trees individually and in com position. The effect of a certain tree singly is often ex- ceedingly different from that of a group of the same trees. To be fully aware of the effect of groups and masses requires considerable study, and the progress in this study may be greatly facilitated by a recurrence from groups in nature to groups in pictures. As a further aid to this most desirable species of infor- mation we shall offer a few remarks on the principal vari- eties of character afforded by trees in composition. Almost all trees, with relation to forms, may be divided into three kinds, viz. round-headed trees, oblong or pyra- midal trees, and spiry-topped trees ; and so far as the expressions of the different species comprised in these dis- tinct classes are concerned, they are, especially when viewed at a distance (as much of the wood seen in a prospect of any extent necessarily must be), productive of nearly the same general effects. Round-headed trees compose by far the largest of these divisions. The term includes all those trees which have an irregular surface in their boughs, more or ^^ less varied in outline, but exhibiting in the '•^eadtdTrees!^' wholc a top OT head comparatively round ; as the oak, ash, beech, and walnut. They are generally beautiful when young, from their smoothness, and the ele- gance of their forms ; but often grow picturesque when age and time have had an opportunity to produce their wonted effects upon them. In general, however, the dif- ferent round-headed trees may be considered as the most appropriate for introduction in highly-cultivated scenery, or landscapes where the character is that of graceful oi polished beauty ; as they harmonize with almost all scenes, 104 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. buildings, and natural or artificial objects, uniting well with other forms and doing violence to no expression of scenery From the numerous breaks in the surface of their foliage, which reflect differently the lights and produce deep shadows, there is great intricacy and variety in the heads of many round-topped trees ; and therefore, as an outer surface to meet the eye in a plantation, they are much softer and more pleasing than the unbroken line exhibited by the sides of oblong or spiry-topped trees. The sky outline also, or the upper part of the head, varies greatly in round-topped trees from the irregularity in the dispo- sition of the upper branches in different species, as the oak and ash, or even between individual specimens of the same kind of tree, as the oak, of which we rarely see two trees alike in form and outline, although they have the same characteristic expression ; while on the other hand no two verdant objects can bear a greater general resemblance to each other and show more sameness ol figure than two Lombardy poplars. " In a tree," says Uvedale Price, " of which the foliage IS everywhere full and unbroken, there can be but little variety of form ; then, as the sun strikes only on the surface, neither can there be much variety of light and shade ; and as the apparent color of objects changes according to the different degrees of light or shade in which they are placed, there can be as little variety of tint ; and lastly, as there are none of these openings that excite and nourish curiosity, but the eye is everywhere opposed by one uniform leafy screen, there can be as little intricacy as variety." From these remarks, it will be perceived that even among round-headed trees there may be great difference in the comparative beauty of ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 105 different sorts ; and judging from the excellent standard here laid down, it will also be seen how much in the eye of a painter a tree with a beautifully diversified surface, as the oak, surpasses in the composition of a scene one with a very regular and compact surface and outline, as the horse-chestnut. In planting large masses of wood, therefore, or even in forming large groups in park scenery, round-headed trees of the ordinary loose and varied manner of growth cwnmon in the majority of forest trees, are greatly to be preferred to all others. When they cover large tracts, as several acres, they convey an emotion of grandeur to the mind ; when they form vast forests of thousands of acres, they produce a feeling of sublimity; in the landscape garden when they stand alone, or in fine groups, they are graceful or beautiful. While young they have an elegant appearance ; when old they generally become majestic or picturesque. Other trees may suit scenery or scenes of particular and decided characters, but round-headed trees are decidedly the chief adornment of general landscape. Spiry-topped trees (Fig. 25) are distinguished by straight leading stems and horizontal branches, which are comparatively small, and taper gradually to a point. The foliage is generally ever- green, and in most trees of this class ^''•''- iSf'"' hangs in parallel or drooping tufts from the branches. The various evergreen trees, composing the spruce and fir families, most of the pines, the cedar, and among deciduous trees, the larch, belong to this division. Their hue is generally much darker than that of deciduous trees, and there is a strong similarity, oi lOG LANDSCAPE GARBENING. almost sameness, in the diflf^rent kinds of trees Avhich may properly be called spiry-topped. From their sameness of form and sm'face this class of trees, when planted in large tracts or masses, gives much less pleasure thaii round-headed trees ; and the eye is soon wearied with the monotony of appearance presented by long rows, groups, or masses, of the same form, outline, and appearance ;. to say nothing of the effect of the uniform dark color, unrelieved by the warmer tints of deciduous trees. Any one can bear testimony to this, v/ho has travelled through a pine, hemlock, or fir forest, where he could not fail to be struck with its gloom, tediousness, and monotony, especially when contrasted with the variety and beauty in a natural wood of deciduous, round-headed trees. Although spiry-topped trees in large masses cannot be generally admired for ornamental plantations, yet they have a character of their own, which is very striking and peculiar, and we may add, in a high degree valuable to the Landscape Gardener. Their general expression when single or scattered is extremely spirited, wild, and picturesque ; and when judiciously introduced into artificial scenery, they produce the most charming and unique effects. " The situations where they have most effect is among rocks and in very irregular surfaces, and especially on the steep sides of high mountains, where their forms and the direction of their growth seem to harmonize with the pointed rocky summits." Fir and pine forests are extremely dull and monotonous in sandy plains and smooth surfaces (as in the pine barrens of the southern states) ; but among the broken rocks, craggy precipices, ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 107 and otherwise endlessly varied surfaces (as in the Alps, abroad, and the various rocky heights in the Highlands of the Hudson and the Alleghanies, at home) they are full of variety. It will readily be seen, therefore, that spiry-topped trees should always be planted in considerable quantities in wild, broken, and picturesque scenes, where they will appear perfectly in keeping, and add wonderfully to the peculiar beauty of the situation. In all grounds where there are abruptly varied surfaces, steep banks, or rocky precipices, this class of trees lends its efficient aid to strengthen the prevailing beauty, and to complete the finish of the picture. In smooth, level surfaces, though spiry-topped trees cannot be thus extensively employea they are by no means to be neglected or thought valueless, but may be so combined and mingled with other round- headed and oblong-headed trees, as to pi'oduce very rich and pleasing effects. A tall larch or two, or a few spruces rising out of the centre of a group, give it life and spirit, and add greatly, both by contrast of form and color, to the force of round-headed trees. A stately and regular white pine or hemlock, or a few thin groups of the same trees peeping out from amidst, or bordering a large mass of deciduous trees, have great power in adding to the interest which the same awakens in the mind of the spectator. Care must be taken, however, that the very spirited effect which is here aimed at, is not itself defeated by the over anxiety of the planter, who, in scattering too profusely these very strongly marked trees, makes them at last so plentiful, as to give the whole a mingled and confused look, in which neither the graceful and sweeping outlines of the round-headed nor the picturesque summits of the spiry-topped trees predominate ; as the f.)rmer decidedly 108 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, should, in all scenes where an expression of peculiarly irregular kind is not aimed at. The larch, to which we shall hereafter recur at some length, may be considered one of the most pictui'esque trees of this division ; and being more rapid in its growth than most evergreens, it may be used as a substitute for, or in conjunction with them, where effect is speedily desired. Oblong- headed trees show heads of foliage more length- ened out, more formal, and generally more tapering, than round-headed ones. They differ from spiry- topped trees in having upright branches instead of horizontal ones, and in forming a conical or Ti'etcfed *tree"f pyramidal mass of foliage, instead of a spiry, tufted one. They are mostly deciduous; and approaching more nearly to round-headed trees than spiry-topped ones do, they may perhaps be more frequently introduced. The Lombardy poplar may be considered the representa- tive of this division, as the oak is of the first, and the larch and fir of the second. Abroad, the oriental cypress, an evergreen, is used to produce similar effects in scenery. The great use of the Lombardy poplar, and other similar trees in composition, is to relieve or break into groups, large masses of wood. This it does very effectually, when its tall summit rises at intervals from among ro'jnd -headed trees, forming pyi*amidal centres to groups where there was only a swelling and flowing outline. Foimal rows, or groups of oblong-headed trees, however, are tiresome and monotonous to the last degree , a straight line of them being scarcely better in appearance than a tall, stiff, gigantic hedge. Examples of this can be ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS, 109 easily found in many parts of the Union where the crude and formal taste of proprietors, by leading them to plant long lines of Lombardy poplars, has had the effect of destroying the beauty of many a fine prospect and building. Conical or oblong-headed trees, when carefully employed, are very effective for purposes of contrast, in conjunction with horizontal lines of buildings such as we see in Grecian or Italian architecture. Near such edifices, sparingly introduced, and mingled in small proportion with round-headed trees, they contrast advantageously with the long cornices, flat roofs, and horizontal lines that predominate in their exteriors. Lombardy poplars are often thus introduced in pictures of Italian scenery, where they sometimes break the formality of a long line of wall in the happiest manner. Nevertheless, if they should be indiscriminately employed, or even used in any con- siderable portion in the decoration of the ground immediately adjoining a building of any pretensions, they would inevitably defeat this purpose, and by their tall and formal growth diminish the apparent magnitude, as well as the elegance of the house. Drooping trees, though often classed with oblong- headed trees, differ from them in so many particulars, that they deserve to be ranked under a separate head. To this class belong the weeping willow, the weeping birch, the drooping elm, etc. Their prominent charac- teristics are gracefulness and elegance ; and we considei them as unfit, therefore, to be employed to any extent in scenes where it is desirable to keep up the expression of a wild or highly picturesque character. As single objects, or tastefully grouped in beautiful landscape, they 110 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. are in excellent keeping, and contribute much to give value to the leading expression. When drooping trees are mixed indiscriminately with other round-headed trees in the composition of groups? or masses, much of their individual character is lost, as it depends not so much on the top (as in oblong and spiry trees) as upon the side branches, which are of course concealed by those of the adjoining trees. Droop- ing trees, therefore, as elms, birches, etc., are shown to the best advantage on the borders of groups or the boundaries of plantations. It must not be forgotten, but constantly kept in mind, that all strongly marked trees, like bright colors in pictures, only admit of occasional employment ; and that the very object aimed at in introducing them will be defeated if they are brought into the lawn and park in masses, and distributed heedlessly on every side. An English author very justly remarks, therefore, that the poplar, the willow, and the drooping birch, are " most dangerous trees in the hands of a planter who has not considerable knowledge and good taste in the composition of a landscape." Some of them, as the native elm, from their abounding in oui own woods, may appear oftener ; while others which have a peculiar and exotic look, as the weeping willow, should only be seen in situations where they either do not disturb the prevailing expression, or (which is better) where they are evidently in good keeping. " The weeping willow," says Gilpin, with his usual good taste, "is not adapted to sublime objects. We wish it not to screen the broken buttress and Gothic windows of an abbey, or to overshadow the battlemejits of a ruined castle. These offices it resigns to the oak, whose dignity can ON WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. Ill support them. The weeping willow seeks an humble scene — some romantic footpath bridge, which it half conceals, or some grassy pool over which it hangs its streaming foliage, ^ ' And dips Its pendent boughs, as if to drink.' " * The manner in which a picturesque bit of landscape can be supported by picturesque spiry-topped trees, and its expression degraded by the injudicious employment of graceful drooping trees, will be apparent to the reader in the two accompanying little sketches. In the first (Fig. 27), the abrupt hill, the rapid mountain torrent, and the distant Alpine summits, are in fine keep- ing with the tall spiry larches and [Fig. 2T. Tre'^s in lieeping.] firs, which, shooting up ou either side of the old bridge, occupy the foreground. In the second (Fig. 30), there is evidently something discordant in the scene which strikes the spectator at first sight ; this is the misplaced introduction of the large willows, which belong to a scene very different ^5 ^■!f<.^'':^t^seft^,l^^.iii^!^^. in character. Imagine a removal of the surrounding hills, and let the rapid stream spread out into a [Fig. 28. Trees out of keeping.] smooth peaceful lake with gradu- illy retiring shores, and the blue summits in the distance and then the willows will harmonize admirably. Having now described the peculiar characteristics of these different classes of round-headed, spiry-topped oblong, and drooping trees, we should consider the proper » Forest Scener}', p. 133. 112 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. method by which a harmonious combination of the aifferent forms composing them may be made so as not to violate correct pi'inciples of taste. An indiscriminate mixture of their different forms would, it is evident, produce anything but an agreeable effect. For example, let a person plant together in a group, three trees of totally opposite forms and expressions, viz. a weeping willow, an oak. and a poplar ; and the expression of the whole would be destroyed by the confusion resulting from their discordant forms. On the other hand, the mixture of trees that exactly correspond in their forms, if these forms, as in oblong or drooping trees, are similar, will infallibly create sameness. In order then to produce beautiful variety which shall neither on the one side run into confusion, nor on the other verge into monotony, it is requisite to give some little attention to the harmony of form and color in the composition of trees in artificial plantations. The only rules which we can suggest to govern the planter are these : First, if a certain leading expression is desired in a group of trees, together with as great a variety as possible, such species must be chosen as harmonize with each other in certain leading points. And, secondly, in occasionally intermingling trees of opposite characters, discordance may be prevented, and harmonious expression promoted, by interposing other trees of an intermediate character. In the first case, suppose it is desired to form a group of trees, in which gracefulness must be the leading expression. The willow alone would have the effect ; but in groups, willows alone produce sameness : in order therefore, to give variety, we must choose other trees ON WOOD AND PLA\TAllO\S. Hg which, while they differ from the willow in some particulars, agree in others. The elm has mucii larger and darker foliage, while it has also a drooping spray ; the weeping birch differs in its leaves, but agrees in the pensile flow of its branches ; the common birch has few pendent boughs, but resembles in the airy lightness of its leaves ; and the three-thorned acacia, though its branches are horizontal, has delicate foliage of nearly the same hue and floating lightness as the willow. Here we have a group of five trees, which is, in the whole, full of gracefulness and variety, while there is nothing in the composition inharmonious to the practised eye. To illustrate the second case, let us suppose a long sweeping outline of maples, birches, and other light, mellow-colored trees, which the improver wishes to vary and break into groups, by spiry-topped, evergreen trees. It is evident, that if these trees were planted in such a manner as to peer abruptly out of the light-colored foliage of the former trees, in dark or almost black masses of tapering verdure, the effect would be by no means so satisfactory and pleasing, as if there were a partial transition from the mellow, pale green of the maples, etc., lO the darker hues of the oak, ash, or beech, and finally the sombre tint of the evergreens. Thus much for the coloring ; and if in addition to this, oblong-headed trees or pyramidal trees were also placed near and partly intermingled with the spiry-topped ones, the unity of the whole composition would be still more complete.* * We are persiaded that very few persons are aware of the beauty, varied and endless, that may be produced by arranging trees with regard to their coloring. It requires the eye and genius of a Claude or a Pousnin, to ievelope all these hidden beauties of harmonious conibinatiou. Gilpin rightly S 114 LANDSCAPE GARDENMNG. C/ontrasts, again, are often admissible in woody scenery ; and we would not wish to lose many of our most superb trees, because they could not be introduced in particular portions of landscape. Contrasts in trees may be so violent as to be displeasing ; as in the example of the groups of the three trees, the willow, poplar, and oak : or they may be such as to produce spirited and pleasing effects. This must be effected by planting the different divisions of trees, first, in small leading groups, and then by effecting a union between the groups of different character, by intermingling those of the nearest similarity into and near the groups : in this way, by easy transitions from the drooping to the round-headed, and from these to the tapering trees, the whole of the foliage and forms harmonize well. |Fig, 29. E\!imple in groiipinf! " Trees," observes Mr. Whately, in his elegant treatise on this subject, " which differ in but orie of these circumstances, of shape, green, or growth, though they aofree in every other, are sufficiently distinguished for the Fays, in speaking of the dark Scotch fir, " with re5ard to color in general, 1 ."hink I speak the language of painting, when I assert that the picturesque eye makes little distinction in this matter. It has no attachment to one color in preference to another, but considers the beauty of all coloring as resulting, not from the colors themselves, but almost entirely from their harmony with nther lolors in their neighborhood. So that as the Scotch fir tree is combined or Btationed. it forms a beautiful umbrage or a murky spot." ox WOOD AND PLANTATIONS. 115 purpose of variety ; if they differ in two or three, they become contrasts : if in all, they are opposite, and seldom group well together. Those, on the contrary, which are of one character, and are distinguished only as the characteristic mark is strongly or faintly impressed upon them, form a beautiful mass, and unity is preserved without sameness."* There is another circumstance connected with the color of trees, that will doubtless suggest itself to the improver of taste, the knowledge of which may sometimes be turned to valuable account. We mean the effects produced in the apparent coloring of a landscape by distance, which painters term aerial pe7'spective. Stand- ing at a certain position in a scene, the coloring is deep, rich, and full in the foreground, more tender and mellow in the middle-ground, and softening to a pale tint in the distance. '•■ Where to the eye three well marked distances Spread their peculiar coloring, vivid green, Warm brow^l, and black opake the foreground bears Conspicuous: sober olive coldly marks The second distance ; thence the third declines In softer blue, or lessening still, is lost In fainted purple. When thy taste is call'd To deck a scene where nature's self presents All these distinct gradations, then rejoice As does the Painter, and like him apply Thy colors ; plant thou on each separate part Its proper foliage." Advantage may occasionally be taken of this peculiarity in the gradation of color, in Landscape Gardening, by the creation as it were, of an artificial distance. In ground? * Obsei-vations on Modem Gardeniuir. 116 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. and scenes of limited extent, the apparent size and breadth may be increased; by planting a majority of the trees in the foreground, of dark tints, and the boundary with foliage of a much lighter hue. An acquaintance, individually, with the different species of trees of indigenous and foreign growth, which may be cultivated with success in this climate, is absolutely essential to the amateur or the professor of Landscape Gardening. The tardiness or rapidity of their growth, the periods at which their leaves and flowers expand, the soils they love best, and their various habits and characters, are all subjects of the highest interest to him. In short, as a love of the country almost commences with a knowledge of its peculiar characteristics, the pure air, the fresh enamelled turf, and the luxuriance and oeauty of the whole landscape ; so the taste for the embellishment of Rural Residences must grow out of an admiration for beautiful trees, and the delightful effects they are capable of producing in the hands of persons of taste and lovers of nature. Admitting this, we think, in the comparatively meagre state of general information on this subject among us, we shall render an acceptable service to the novice, by giving a somewhat detailed description of the character and habits of most of the finest hardy forest and ornamental trees. Among those living in the country, there are many who care little for the beauties of Landscape Gardening, who are yet interested in those trees which are remarkable for the beauty of their forms, their foliage, tiieir blossoms, or their useful purposes. This, we hope, will be a sufficient explanation for the apparently disproportionate number of pages which we shall devote lo this part of our subject. DCCIDUO-JH ORNAMENTAL TREKS. 117 SECTION IV. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES, riu) tlistoiy and Description of all the finest hardy Deciduous Trees. Rkmauks on rillCtR SrjJiCTS IN LANDSCAPE GARDENING, INDIVIDUALLY AND IN COMPOSITION. Thell Cultivn'-ion, etc. The Oak. The Ehn. The Ash. The Linden. The Beech. The Poplir. The Horse-chestnut. The Birch. The Alder. The Maple. The Locust. The Thre(!-thorned Aciicia. The Judas-tree. The Chestnut. The Osajio Orange 'J'he Mulberry. The Paper Mulberry. The Sweet Gum. The Walnut. The Hickory The Mountain A.?h. The Ailantus. The Kentucky ColTee. The Willow. The Sassafras. The Catalpa. The Persinion. The Pepperidge. The Thorn. The Magnolia. The Tulip. The Dogwood. The Salisbuiia. The I'aulonia. The Virgilia The Cypress. The Larch, etc. O gloriosi spirit! de gli boschi, O Eco, o antri foschi, o chiare linfe, O faretrate ninfe, o agresti Pani, Satiri e Silvani, o Fauiii e Driadi, Naiadi ed Amadriadi, o Semidee Oreadi e Napee. — Sannazz.iki " Fpirits of the woods, Echoes and solitudes, and lakes of light ; quivered virgins bright. Pan's rustical Satyrs and sylvans all, dryads and ye That up the mountains be ; and ye beneath In meadow or in flowery heath." The Oak. Qitercus. Nat. Old. Corylaceae Lin. Syst. Moncecia, Polyandria. -v^i^,^s£^i«'{^^ H E Arcadians believed the oak t.o have J f^ been the first created of all trees ; and when we consider its great and surpassing utility and beauty, we are fully dispustvl :o concede it the fu'st rank amona; the denizens of the lis LANDSCAPE GARDENING. forest. Springing up with a noble trunk, and stretcliing out its broad limbs over the soil, " These monarchs of tlie wood. Dark, gnarled, centennial oaks," seem proudly to bid defiance to time ; and while generations of man appear and disappear, they withstand the storms of a thousand winters, and seem only to grow more venerable and majestic. They are mentioned in the oldest histories ; we are told that Absalom was caught by his hair in " the thick bouo-hs of a c;reat oak ;" and Herodotus informs us that the first oracle was that of Dodona, set up in the celebrated oak grove of that name. There, at first, the oracles were delivered by the priestesses, but, as was after- wards believed, by the inspired oaks themselves — " Which in Dodona did enshrine, So faith too fondly deemed, a voice divine." Acorns, the fruit of the oak, appear to have been held in considerable estimation as an article of food among the ancients. Not only were the swine fattened upon them, as in our own forests, but they were ground into flour, with which bread was made by the poorer classes. Lucretius mentions, that before grain was known they were the com- mon food of man ; but we suppose the fruit of the chestnut may also have been included under that term. " That oake whoso acomes were our foode before The Cerese seede of mortal man was knowne." Spenser. The civic crown, given in the palmy days of Rome to the most celebrated men, was also composed of oak leaves DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 1 1!» It should not be forgotten that the oak was worshipped oy the ancient Britons. Baal or Yiaoul (whence Yule) was the god of fire, whose symbol was an oak. Hence at his festival, which was at Christmas, the ceremony of. kin- dling the Yule log was performed among the ancient Druids. This fire was kept perpetual throughout the year, and the hearths of all the people were annually lighted from these sacred fires every Christmas. We believe the curious custom is still extant in some remote parts of England, where the " Yule log" is ushered in with much glee and rejoicing once a year. As an ornamental object we consider the oak the most varied in expression, the most beautiful, grand, majestic, and picturesque of all deciduous trees. The enormous size and extreme old age to which it attains in a favorable situation, the great space of ground that it covers with its branches, and the strength and hardihood of the tree, all contribute to stamp it with the character of dignity and grandeur beyond any other compeer of the forest. When young its fine foliage (singularly varied in many of our native species) and its thrifty form render it a beautiful tree. But it is not until the oak has attained considerable size that it displays its true character, and only when at an age that would terminate the existence of most other trees that it exhibits all its magnificence. Then its deeply fur- rowed trunk is covered with mosses ; its huge branches, each a tree, spreading out horizontally from the trunk with great boldness, its trunk of huge dimension, and its " high top, bald with dry antiquity ;" all these, its true character- istics, stamp the oak, as Virgil has expressed it in his Georgics — \'20 LANDSCAPE GAKUENINO. " Jove's own tree, That holds the woods in awful sovereignty For length of ages lasts his happy reign. And lives of mortal man contend in vain. Full in the midst of his own strength he stands, Stretching his brawny arms and leafy hands, His shade protects the plains, his head the hills commands." Dryden's Tkans. " The oak," says Gilpin, " is confessedly the most pictu- resque tree in itself, and the most accommodating in com- position. It refuses no subject either in natural or in artificial landscape. It is suited to the grandest, and may with propriety be introduced into the most pastoral. It adds new dignity to the ruined tower and the Gothic arch ; and by stretching its wild, moss-grown branches athwart their ivied walls, it gives them a kind of majesty coeval with itself; at the same time its propriety is still preserved if it throws its arms over the purling brook or the mantling pool, where it beholds " Its reverend image in the expanse below." Milton introduces it happily even in the lowest scene- " Hard by a cottage chimney smokes. From between two aged oaks." The oak is not only one of the grandest and most pictu- resque objects as a single tree upon a lawn, but it is equally unrivalled for groups and masses. There is a breadth about the lights and shadows reflected and embosomed in its foliage, a singular freedom and boldness in its outline, and n pleasing richness and intricacy in its huge ramification of branch and limb, that render it highly adapted to these purposes. Some trees, as the willow or the spiry poplar DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 121 ihougli pleasing singly, are monotonous to the last degree when planted in quantities. Not so, however, with the oak, as there is no tree, when forming a wood entirely by itself, which affords so great a variety of form and dispo- sition, light and shade, symmetry and irregularity, as this king of the forests. To arrive at its highest perfection, ample space on every side must be allowed the oak. A free exposure to the sun and air, and a deep mellow soil, are highly necessary to its fullest amplitude. For this reason, the oaks of our forests [Fig. SO. The Charter Oak, Harlfonl.] being thickly crowded, are seldom of extraordinary size ; and there are more truly majestic oaks in the parks of England than are to be found in the whole cultivated por- tion of the United States. Here and there, however, throughout our country maybe seen a solitary oak of o;reat r22 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. age and immense size, which attests the fitness of the soil and climate, and displays the grandem* of our native species The Wadsworth Oak near Geneseo, N. Y., of extraordinarv dimensions, the product of one of our most fertile valleys. has attracted the admiration of hundreds of travellers on the route to Niagara. Its trunk measures thirty-six feet in circumference. The celebrated Charter Oak at Hartford, which has figured so conspicuously in the history of New England, is still existing in a green old age, one of the most interesting monuments of the past to be found in the country. Near the village of Flushing, Long Island, on the farm of Judge Lawrence, is growing one of the noblest oaks in the country. It is truly park-like in its dimensions, the circumference of the trunk being nearly thirty feet, and its majestic head of corresponding dignity. In the deep alluvial soil of the western valleys, the oak often assumes a grand aspect, and bears witness to the wonderful fertility of the soil in that region. Different species of Oak. This country is peculiarly rich in various kinds of oak ; Michaux enumerating no less than forty species indigenous to North America. Of these the most useful are the Live oak (Quercus virens), of such inestimable value for ship-building ; the Spanish oak (Q. falcata) ; the Red oak (Q. rubra), etc., the bark of whicii is extensively used in tanning ; the Quercitron or Black oak, which is highly valuable as affording a fine yellow or brown dye for wool, silks, paper-hangings, etc. ; and the White oak, which is chiefly used li r timber. We shall DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TUEE3. IO3 here describe only a few of those which are most entitled to the consideration of the planter, either for their valuable properties or as ornamental trees, and calculated for plant- ing in woods or single masses. The White oak. {Qiiercus alba.) This is one of the most common of the American oaks, being very generally dis- tributed over the country, from Canada to the southern states. In good strong soils it forms a tree 70 or 80 feet high, with wide extending branches ; but its growth de- pends much upon this circumstance. It may readily be known even in winter by its whitish bark, and by the dry and withered leaves which often hang upon this species through the whole of that season. The leaves are about four inches wide and six in length, divided uniformly into rounded lobes without points ; these lobes are deeper in damp soils. When the leaves first unfold in the spring they are downy beneath, but when fully grown they are quite smooth, and pale green on the upper surface and whitish or glaucous below. The acorn is oval and the cup somewhat flattened at the base. This is the most valuable of all our native oaks, immense quantities of the timber being used for various purposes in building ; and staves of the white oak for barrels are in universal use throughout the Union. The great occasional size and fine form of this tree, in some natural situations, prove how noble an object it would become when allowed to expand in full vigor and majesty in the open air and light of the park. It more nearly approaches the English oak in appearance than any other American species. Rock Chestnut oak. (Q. Prinus Monticola.) This is one of the most ornamental of our oaks, and is found in considerable abundance in the middle states. It has the 124 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. peculiar advantage of growing well on the most barren and rocky soils, and can therefore be advantageously employed by the landscape gardener, when a steep, dry, rocky bank ia to be covered with trees. In deep, mellow soil, its growth is wonderfully vigorous, and it rapidly attains a height of 50 or GO feet, with a corresponding diameter. The head is rather more symmetrical in form and outline than most trees of this genus, and the stem, in free, open places, shoots up into a lofty trunk. The leaves are five or six inches long, three or four broad, oval and uniformly denticulated, with the teeth more regular but less acute than the Chest- nut white oak. When beginning to open in the spring they are covered with a thick down ; but when fully ex- panded they are perfectly smooth and of a delicate texture. M Id MUX. Chestnut White oak. {Quercus Prinus palustris.) This species much resembles the last, but differs in having longer leaves, which are obovate, and deeply toothed. It is sparingly found in the northern states, and attains its greatest altitude in the south, where it is often seen 90 feet in height. Though generally found in the neighborhood of swamps and low grounds, it grows with wonde]"ful rapidity in a good, moderately dry soil, and from the beauty of its fine spreading head, and the quickness of its growth, is highly deserving of introduction into our plantations. The Yellow oak. (Q. Pj-inus acuminata) The Yellow oak may be found scattered through our woods over nearly the whole of the Union. Its leaves are lanceolate, and regularly toothed, light green above, and whitish beneath ; the acorns small. It forms a stately tree, 70 feet high ; and the branches are more upright in DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 125 their growth, and more clustering, as it were, round the central trunk, than other species. The beauty of its long pointed leaves, and their peculiar mode of growth, recommend it to mingle with other trees, to which it will add variety. The Pin oak. (Q. palusti'is) The Pin oak forms a tree in moist situations, varying in height from 60 to 80 feet. The great number of small branches intermingleu with the large ones, have given rise to the name of this variety. It is a hardy, free growing species, particularly upon moist soils. Loudon considers it, from its " far extending, drooping branches, and light and elegant foliage," among the most graceful of oaks. It is well adapted to small groups, and is one of the most thrifty growing and easily obtained of all our northern oaks. The Willow oak. (Q. Phellos) This remarkable species of oak may be recognised at once by its narrow, entire leaves, shaped almost like those of the willow, and about the same size, though thicker in texture. It is not found wild north of the barrens of New Jersey, where it grows plentifully, but thrives well in cultivation much further north. The stem of this tree is remarkably smooth in every stage of its growth. It is so different in appearance and character from the other species of this genus, that in i)lantations it would never be recognised by a person not conversant with oaks, as one of the family. It deserves to be introduced into landscapes for its singularity as an oak, and its lightness and elegance ol Joliage individually. The Mossy-cup oak. (Q. olivccforjjiis ) This is so called because the scales of the cups terminate in a long, rnoss-like fringe, nearly covering the acorn. It is quite a 126 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. rare species, being only found on the upper banks of the Hudson, and on the Genesee river. The foliage is fine, large, and deeply cut, and the lower branches of the tree droop in a beautiful manner when it has attained some considerable size. Quercus ?nacrocarpa, the Over-cup White oak, is another beautiful kind found in the westerr states, which a good deal resembles the Mossy-cup oak in the acorn. The foliage, however, is uncommonly fine, being the largest in size of any American species ; fifteen inches long, and eight broad. It is a noble tree, with fine deep green foliage ; and the growth of a specimen planted in our grounds has been remarkably vigorous. Scarlet oak. (^Quercus coccinea.) A native of the middle states ; a noble tree, often eighty feet high. The leaves, borne on long petioles, are a bright lively green on both surfaces, with four deep cuts on each side, widest at the bottom. The great and peculiar beauty of this tree, we conceive to be its property of assuming a deep scarlet tint in autumn. At that period it may, at a great distance, bo distinguished from all other oaks, and indeed from every other forest tree. It is highly worthy of a place in every plantation. The Live oak. {Quercus virens) This fine species will not thrive north of Virginia. Its imperishable timber IS the most valuable in our forests ; and, at the south, it is a fine park tree, when cultivated, growing about 40 feet nigh, with, however, a rather wide and low head. The thick oval leaves are evergreen, and it is much to be regretted that this noble tree will not bear our northern winters. The English Royal oak. (Q. rohur.) This is the great representative of the family in Europe, and is one of the DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 127 most magnificent of the genus, growing often in the fine old woods and parks of England, to eighiy and one hundi'ed feet in height. The branches spread over a great surface. " The leaves are petiolated, smooth, and of a uniform color on both sides, enlarged towards the summit, and very coarsely toothed." As a single tree foi park scenery, this equals any American species in majesty of form, though it is deficient in individual beauty of foliage to some of our oaks. It is to be found for sale in our nurseries, and we hope will become well known among us. The timber is closer grained and more durable, though less elastic than the best American oak , and Michaux, in his Sylva, recommends its introduction into this country largely, on these accounts. The Turkey oak. (Q. Cerris.) There are two beautiful hybrid varieties of this species, which have been raised in England by Messrs. Lucombe and Fulham, which we hope will yet be found in our ornamental plantations. They are partially evergreen in winter, remarkably luxuriant in their growth, attaining a height of seventy or eighty feet, and elegant in foliage and outline. The Lucombe and Fulham oaks grow from one to five feet in a season ; the trees assume a beautiful j)yramidal shape, and as they retain their fine glossy leaves till May, they would form a fine contrast to other deciduous trees. We might here enumerate a great number of other fine foreign oaks ; among which the most interesting are the Holly or Holm oak (Quercus Ilex) ; and the Cork oak (Q. Sube?-), of the south of France, which produces the cork of commerce (both rather too tender for the north) ; the Kermes oak (Q. coccifera), from which a scarlet dye 138 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. is obtained ; and the Italian Esculent oak (Q. Esculus), with sweet nutritious acorns. Those, however, who wish to investigate thenr), will pursue this subject further in European works ; while that splendid treatise on our forest trees, the North American Sylva of Michaux, will be found to give full and accurate descriptions of all our numerous indigenous varieties, of which many are peculiar to the southern states. The oak flourishes best on a strong loamy soil, rather moist than dry. Here at least the growth is most rapid, although, for timber, the wood is generally not so sound on a moist soil as a dry one, and the tree goes to decay more rapidly. Among the American kinds, however, some may be found adapted to every soil and situation, though those species which grow on upland soils, in stony, clayey, or loamy bottoms, attain the greatest size and longevity. When immense trees are desired, the oak should either be transplanted very young, or, which \s preferable, raised from the acorn sown where it is finall} to remain. This is necessary on account of the ver) large tap roots of this genus of trees, which are eithei entirely destroyed or greatly injured by removal. Trans planting this genus of trees should be performed eithei early in autumn, as soon as the leaves fall or become brown, or in spring before the abundant rains commence The Elm. Ubmis Nat. Ord. Ulmaceab. Lin. Syst. Pentandria, Digynia. We have ascribed to the oak t'ne cnaracter of pre DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 129 aminent dignity and majesty among the trees of the forest. Let us now claim for the ehii the epithets graceful and elegant. This tree is one of the noblest in the size c f its trunk, while the branches are comparatively tapering and slender, forming themselves, in most of the species, into lono; ana frraceful curves. The flowers are of a chocolate or purple color, and appear in the month of April, before the leaves. The latter are light and airy, of a pleasinc light green in the spring, growing darker, however, as the season advances. The elm is one of the most common trees in both continents, and has been well known for its beauty and usefulness since a remote period. In the south of Europe, particularly in Lombardy, elm trees are planted in vineyards, and the vines are trained in festoons from tree to tree in the most picturesque manner. Tasso alludes to this in the followino- stanza : ' Corne olmo, a cui la pampinosa pianta Cupida s'avviticchi e si marite ; Se feiTO il tronca, o fulmine lo schianta Trae seco a lerra la compagna vite." Gerusalemme Liherata, 2. 326. It is one of the most common trees for public walks and avenues, along the highways in France and Germany, growing v/ith great rapidity, and soon forming a widely extended shade. In Europe, the elm is nmch used for keels in ship-building, and is remarkably durable in water; more extensive use is made of it there than of the American kinds" in this country, though the wood of the fled American elm is more valuable than any other in the United States for the blocks used in ship rigging. For its graceful beauty the elm isr entitled to high 130 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. regard. Standing alone as a single tree, or in a group of at most three or four in number, it developes itself in all its perfection. The White American elm we consider the most beautiful of the family, and to this we more particularly allude. In such situations as we have just mentioned, this tree developes its fine ample form in the most perfect manner. Its branches first spring up em- bracing the centre, then bend off in finely diverging lines, until in old trees they often sweep the ground with their loose pendent foliage. With all this lightness and peculiar gracefulness of form, it is by no means a meagre looking tree in the body of its foliage, as its thick tufted masses of leaves reflect the sun and embosom the shadows as finely as almost any other tree, the oak excepted. We consider it peculiarly adapted for planting, in scenes where the expression of elegant or classical beauty is desired. In autumn the foliage assumes a lively yellow tint, contrasting well with the richer and more glowing colors of our native woods. Even in winter it is a pleasing object, from the minute division of its spray and the graceful droop of its branches. It is one of the most generally esteemed of our native trees for ornamental purposes, and is as great a favorite here as in Europe for planting in public squares and along the highways. Beautiful specimens may be seen in Cambridge, Mass., and very fine avenues of this tree are growing with great luxuriance in and about New Haven.* The charming villages of New England, among which Northampton and Springfield are pre-eminent, borrow from the superb and wonderfully luxuriant elms which decorate their fine • The great elm of Boston Common is 22 feet in circumference. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 13] streets and avenues, the greater portion of their peculial loveliness. The elm should not be chosen where large groups and masses are required, as the similarity of its form in different individuals might then create a mo- notony ; but as we have before observed, it is peculiarly well calculated for small groups, or as a single object. The roughness of the bark, contrasting with the lightness of its foliage and the easy sweep of its branches, adds much also to its effect as a whole. We shall briefly describe the principal species of the elm. The American White elm. (JJlmus Americana.) This is the best known and most generally distributed of our native species, growing in greater or less profusion over the whole of the country included between Lower Canada and the Gulf of Mexico. It often reaches 80 feet in height in fine soils, with a diameter of 4 or 5 feet. The leaves are alternate, 3 or 4 inches long, unequal in size at the base, borne on petioles half an inch to an inch in length, oval, acuminate, and doubly denticulated. The seeds are contained in a flat, oval, winged seed-vessel, fringed with small hairs on the margin. The flowers, of a dull purple color, are borne in small bunches on short footstalks at the end of the branches, and appear very early in the spring. This tree prefers a deep rich soil, and grows with greater luxuriance if it be rather moist, often reaching in such situations an altitude of nearly 100 feet. It is found in the greatest perfection in the alluvial soils of the fertile valleys of the Connecticut, the Mississippi, and the Ohio rivers. The Red or Slippery elm. (U. fulva) A tree of 132 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. lower size than the White elm, attaining generally onl^ 40 or 50 feet. According to Michaux, it may be distinguished from the latter even in winter, by its buds, which are larger and rounder, and which are covered a Ibrtnight before their development with a russet down The leaves are larger, rougher, and thicker than those of the White elm ; the seed-vessels larger, destitute of fringe ; the stamens short, and of a pale rose color. This tree bears a strong likeness to the T3utch elm, and the bark abounds in mucilage, whence the name of Slippery elm. The branches are less drooping than those of the White elm. The Wahoo elm (Z7. alaia) is not found north of Virginia, It may at once be known in every stage of its growth by the fungous cork-like substance which lines the branches on both sides. It is a very singular and curious tree, of moderate stature, and grows rapidly and well when cultivated in the northern states. The common European elm. (U. camjoestris) This is the most commonly cultivated forest tree in Europe, next to the oak. It is a more upright growing tree tlian the White elm, though resembling it in the easy disposition and delicacy of its branches. The flowers, of a purple color, are produced in round bunches close to the stem. The leaves are rough, doubly serrated, and much more finely cut than those of our elms. It is a fine tree, 60 or 70 feet high, growing with rapidity, and is easily cultivated. The timber is more valuable than the American sort, though the tree is inferior to the White elm in beauty. There are some dozen or more fine varieties of this species cultivated in the English nurseries, among which the most remarkable are DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 133 the Twisted elm (U. c. tortuosa), the trunk of which is singularly marked with hollows and protuberances, and the grain of the wood curiously twisted together : the Kidbrook elm (Z7. c. virens), which is a sub-evergreen : the Gold and Silver striped elms, with variegated leaves, and the Narrow-leaved elm {U. c. viminalis), which resembles the birch : the Cork-barked elm (U. c. suherssa), the young branches of which are covered with cork, etc. The latter is one of the hardiest and most vigorous of all ornamental trees in this climate. It thrives in almost every soil, and its rich, dark foliage, which hangs late in autumn, and its somewhat picturesque form, should recommend it to every planter. The Scotch or Wych elm. {U. montana) This is a tree of lower stature than the common European elm, its average height being about 40 feet. The leaves are broad, rough, pointed, and the branches extend more horizontally, drooping at the extremities. The bark on the branches is comparatively smooth. It is a grand tree, " the head is so finely massed and yet so well broken as to render it one of the noblest of park trees ; and when it grows wild amid the rocky scenery of its native Scotland, there is no tree which assumes so great or so pleasing a variety of character."* In general appearance, the Scotch elm considerably resembles our White elm, and it is a very rapid grower. Its most ornamental varieties are the Spiry-topped elm ( U. m. fastigiata), with singularly twisted leaves, and a very upright growth ; the weeping Scotch elm (U. m. pendula), a very remarkable variety, the branches of which droop in a « Sir Thos. Lauder, in Gilpin, 1. 91. 134 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. fan-like manner : and the Smooth-leaved Scotch elm (V m. glabra). There is scarcely any soil to which some of the different elms are not adapted. The European species prefer a deep, dry soil ; the Scotch or Wych elm will thrive well even in very rocky places ; and the White elm grows readily in all soils, but most luxuriantly in moist places. All the species attain their maximum size when planted in a deep loam, rather moist than dry. They bear transplanting remarkably well, suffering but little even from the mistaken practice of those persons who reduce them in transplanting to the condition of bare poles, as they shoot out a new crop of branches, and soon become beautiful young trees in spite of the mal-treatment. As the elm scarcely produces a tap root, even large trees may be removed, when the operation is skilfully performed. In such cases, the recently-removed tree should be carefully and plentifully supplied with water until it is well established in its new situation. The elm is also easily propagated by seed, layers, or, in some species, by suckers from the root. The Plane or Buttonwood Tree. Platanus. Nat. Ord. Platanacese. Lin. Syst. Moncecia, Polyandria. The plane, Platanus derives its name from -rXaTug, broad, on account of the broad, umbrageous nature of its branches. It is a well known tree of the very largest DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 135 size, common to both hemispheres, and greatly prized lor the fine shade afforded by its spreading head, in the warmer parts of Europe and Asia. No tree was in greater esteem with the ancients for this purpose ; and we are told that the Academic groves, the neighborhood of the public schools, and all those favorite avenues where the Grecian philosophers were accustomed to resort, were planted with these trees ; and beneath their shade Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates, delivered the choicest wisdom and eloquence of those classic days. The Eastern plane (Platanus orientalis) was first brought to the Roman provinces from Persia, and so highly was it esteemed that according to Pliny, the Morini paid a tribute to Rome for the privilege of enjoying its shade. To that author we are also indebted for the history of the great plane tree that grew in the province of Lycia, which was of so huge a size, that the governor of the province, Licinius Mutianus, together with eighteen of his retinue, feasted in the hollow of its trunk. In the United States, the plane is not generally found growing in great quantities in any one place, but is more or less scattered over the whole country. In deep, moist, alluvial soils, it attains a size scarcely, if at all, inferior to that of the huge trees of the eastern continent ; forming at least, in the body of its trunk, a larger circumference than any other of our native .trees. The younger Michaux (Sylva, 1, 325) measured a tree near Marietta, Ohio, which at four feet from the ground was found to be forty-seven feet in circumference ; and a specimen has lately been cut on the banks of the Genesee river, of such enormous size, that a section of the trunk was hollowed out and furnished as a small room, capable of containing ISO LANDSCAPE GARDENING. fourteen persons.* On the margins of the great western rivers it sometimes rises up seventy feet, and then expands into a fine, lofty head, surpassing in grandeur all its neighbors of the forest. The large branches of the plane shoot out in a horizontal direction ; the trunk generally ascending in a regular, stately, and uninterrupted manner The blossoms are small greenish balls appearing in spring, and the fertile ones grow to an inch in diameter, assuming a deep brownish color, and hang upon the tree during the whole winter. A striking and peculiar characteristic of the plane, is its property of throwing off or shedding continually the other coating of bark here and there in patches. Professor Lindley {Introduction to the Natural Sijstem, 2d ed. 187) says this is owing to its deficiency in the expansive power of the fibre common to the bark of other trees, or, in other words, to the rigidity of its tissue : being therefore incapable of stretching witii the growth of the tree, it bursts open on different parts of the trunk, and is cast off. This gives the trunk quite a lively and picturesque look, extending more or less even to the extremity of the branches ; and makes this tree quite conspicuous in winter. Bryant, in his address to Green River, says : " Clear are the depths where its eddies play. And dimples deepen and whirl away. And the plane tree's speckled arms o'ershoot The swifter current that mines its root." The great merit of the plane, or buttonwood, is its * A buttonwood on the Montezuma estate, Jefferson, Cayuga Co., N. Y., is forty-seven and a half feet in circumference ; and the diameter of the hollow two feet from the ground, is fifteen feet. {N. Y. Med. liepoaitory, IV. 427.; DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 137 extreme vigor and luxuriance of growth. In a good soil il will readily reach a height of thirty-five or forty feet in ten years. It is easily transplanted ; and in new residences, bare of trees, where an effect is desired speedily, we know of nothing better adapted quickly to produce abundance of foliage, shelter, and shade. When the requisite foliage is obtained, and other trees of slower growth have reached a proper size, the former may be thinned out. As the plane tree grows to the largest size, it is only proper for situations where there is considerable ground, and where it can without inconvenience to its fellows have ample room for its full development. Then soaring up, and extending its wide-spread branches on every side, it is certainly a very majestic tree. The color of the foliage is of a paler green than is usual in forest trees ; and although of large size, is easily wafted to and fro by the wind, thereby producing an agreeable diversity of light pleasing to the eye in summer. In winter the branches are beautifully hung, even to their furthest ends, with the numerous round russet-balls, or seed-vessels, each sus- pended by a slender cord, and swinging about in the air. The outline of the head is pleasingly irregular, and its foliage against a sky outline is bold and picturesque. It is not a tree to be planted in thick groves by itself, but to stand alone and detached, or in a group with two or three. In avenues it is often happily employed, and produces a grand effect. It also grows with great vigor in close cities, as some superb specimens in the square of the State-house, Pennsylvania Hospital, and other places in Philadelphia fully attest. There is but a trifling difference in general effect between 138 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. our plane or buttonwood and the Oriental plane. Fur tiie purposes of shade and shelter, the American is the finest, as its foliage is the longest and broadest. The Oriental plane {Platanus orientalis) has the leaves lobed like our native kind {P. occidentalis), but the segments are much more deeply cut ; the footstalks of its leaves are green, while those of the American are of a reddish hue, and the fruit or ball is much smaller and rougher on the outer sur- face when fully grown. Both species are common in the nurseries, and are worthy the attention of the planter ; the Oriental, as well for the interesting associations connected with it, being the favorite shade-tree of the east, etc., as for its intrinsic merits as a lofty and majestic tree. Two of the varieties of P. occidentalis are sometimes cul- tivated, the chief of which is the Maple-leaved plane {P. O. acerifolia). The Ash Tree. Fraxinus. Nat. Ord. Oleaceae. Lin. Syst. Polygamia, Dioecia. The name of the ash, one of the finest and most useful of forest trees, is probably derived from the Celtic asc, a pike — as its wood was formerly in common use for spears and other weapons. Homer informs us that Achilles was slain with an ashen spear. In modern times the wood is in universal use for the various implements of husbandry, for the diflferent purposes of the wheelwright and carriage- maker, and in short for all purposes where great strength and elasticity are required ; for in these qualities the ash is DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 139 gecond to no tree in the forest, the hickory alone excepted. The ash is a large and lofty tree, growing, when surrounded by other trees, sixty or seventy feet high, and three or more m diameter. When exposed on all sides it forms a beau- tiful, round, compact head of loose, pinnated, light green foliage, and is one of the most vigorous growers among the hard-wooded trees. The American species of ash are found in the greatest luxuriance and beauty on the banks and margins of rivers where the soil is partially dry, yet where the roots can easily penetrate down to the moisture. The European ash is remarkable for its hardy nature, being often found in great vigor on steep rocky hills, and amid crevices where most other trees flourish badly. Southey alludes to this in the following lines : — " Grey as the stone to which it clung, half root, Half trunk, the young ash rises from the rock." As the ash grows strongly, and the roots, which extend to a great distance, ramify near the surface, it exhausts the soil underneath and around it to an astonishing degree. For this reason the grass is generally seen in a very meagre and starved condition in a lawn where the ash tree abounds. Here and there a single tree of the ash will have an excel- lent effect, seen from the windows of the house ; but we would chiefly employ it for the grand masses, and to inter- mingle with other large groups of trees in an extensive plantation. When the ash is young it forms a well rounded head ; but when older the lower branches bend towards the ground, and then slightly turn up in a very graceful manner. We take pleasure in quoting what that great lover and accurate delineator of forest beauties, Mr. Gilpin, lays of the ash. " The ash generally carries its principal 140 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. stem higher than the oak, and rises in an easy flowing line. But its chief beauty consists in the lightness of its whole appearance. Its branches at first keep close to the trunk and form acute angles with it ; but as they begin to lengthen they generally take an easy sweep, and the looseness of the leaves corresponding with the lightness of the spray, the whole forms an elegant depending foliage. Nothing can have a better effect than an old ash hanging from the cornei of a wood, and bringing off the heaviness of the othei foliage with its loose pendent branches." — {Forest Scenery, p. 82.) The highest and most characteristic beauty of the Ame rican White ash (and we consider it the finest of all the species) is the coloring which its leaves put on in autumn. Gilpin complains that the leaf of the European ash " decays in a dark, muddy, unpleasing tint." Not so the White ash. In an American wood, such as often lines and overhangs the banks of the Hudson, the Connecticut, and many of our noble northern streams, the ash assumes peculiar beauty in autumn, when it can often be distinguished from the surrounding trees for four or five miles, by the pecuhar and beautiful deep brownish purple of its fine mass of foliage. This color, though not lively, is so full and rich as to pro- duce the most pleasing harmony with the bright yellows and reds of the other deciduous trees, and the deep green of the pines and cedars. The ash, unlike the elm, starts into vegetation late in tlie spring, which is an objection to planting it in the immediate vicinity of the house. In winter the long greyish white or ash-colored branches are pleasing in tint, compared witii those of other deciduous trees. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 141 The White ash. {Fraxinus Americana ) This species, according to Michaux, is common to the colder parts of the Union, and is most abundant north of the Hudson. It owes its name to the light color of the bark, which on large Slocks is deeply furrowed, and divided into squares of one to three inches in diameter. The trunk is perfectly straight, and in close woods is often undivided to the height of more than 40 feet. The leaves are composed of three or four pairs of leaflets, terminated by an odd one ; the whole twelve or fourteen inches long. Early in spring they are covered with a light down which disappears as summer advances, when they become quite smooth, of a light green color above and whitish beneath. The foliage, as well as the timber of our White ash, is finer than that of the com- mon European ash, and the tree is much prized in France and Germany. The Black ash {F. sambucifolia), sometimes called the Water ash, requires a moist soil to thrive well, and is seen n the greatest perfection on the borders of swamps. Its buds are of a deep blue ; the young shoots of a bright green, sprinkled wath dots of the same color, which disappear as the season advances. It may readily be distinguished from the White ash by its bark, which is of a duller hue and less deeply furrowed. The Black ash is altogether a tree of less stature than the preceding. The other native sorts are the Red ash {F. iomentosa), with the bark of a deep brown tint, found in Pennsylvania : the Green ash {F. viridis), which also grows in Pennsyl- vania, and is remarkable for the brilliant green of both sides of the leaves : the Blue ash {F. Quadrangulata), a beauti- ful tree of Kentucky, 70 feet high, distinguished by the four opposite membranes of a greenish color, found on the young 142 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. shoots : and the Carolina ash (F. platycarpa), a small tree the leaves of which are covered with a thick down in spring. The common European ash {F. excelsior) strongly re- sembles the White ash. It may, however, easily be known by its very black buds, and longer, more serrated leaflets which are sessile, instead of being furnished with petioles like the White ash. This fine tree, as well as the White ash, grows to 80 or 90 feet in height, with a very handsome head. The Weeping ash, Fig. 31, is a very remarkable variety [Fig. 81. The Weeping Ash.] of the European ash, with pendulous or weeping branches ; and is worthy a place in every lawn for its curious ramifi- cation, as well as for its general beauty. It is generally propagated by grafting on any common stock, as the White ash, 7 or 8 feet high, when the branches immediately begin to turn down in a very striking and peculiar manner. The droop of the branches is hardly a graceful one, yet it is sc .^fA.i' ^ '»V Pj(j_ 32 — Tlie L.UI10PBAN Linden, at ricsqu- riesqu-ilo, ll.e llesulcncc of Mr*. Dcunm!: Age, 44 years. Height, 5T feet. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 143 unique, either when leafless, or in full foliage, that it has long been one of our greatest favorites. The Flowering ash (Fraxinus Ornus*) is a small tree of about 20 feet, growing plentifully in the south of Europe, and is also found sparingly in this country. Its chief beauty lies in the beautiful clusters of pale or greenish- white flow- ers, borne on the terminal branches in May and June. The foliage and general appearance of the tree are much like those of the common ash ; but when in blossom it resembles a good deal the Carolina Fringe tree. In Italy a gummy substance called manna exudes from the bark, which is used in medicine. The Lime or Linden Tree. Tilia. Nat. Orih Tilacese. Lin. Syst. Polyandria, Monogynia. This tree, or rather the American sort, is well known among us by the name of hasswood. It is a rapidly grow- ing, handsome, upright, and regularly shaped tree ; and all the species are much esteemed, both in Europe and this country, for planting in avenues and straight lines, wherever the taste is in favor of geometric plantations. In Germany and Holland it is a great favorite for bordering their wide and handsome streets, and lining their long and straight canals. " In Berlin," Granville says in his travels, " there is a celebrated street called ' unter der Linden,' (under the lime trees,) a gay and splendid avenue, planted with double * Ornus EuropcBUS of Persoon, and the European botanists. Beck remarks that the American kind is so little known, that it is difficult to determine whether it is a different species or only a mere variety of the European. 144 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. rows of this tree, which presented to my view a scene far more beautiful than I had hitherto witnessed in any town, either in France, Flanders, or Germany." In this country the European lime is also much planted in our cities ; and some avenues of it may be seen in Philadelphia, particu- larly before the State-house in Chestnut-street. The bass- wood is a very abundant tree in some parts of the middle states, and is seen growing in great profusion, forming thick woods by itself in the interior of this state. With us the wood is considered too soft to be of much value, but in England it was formerly in high repute as an excellent material for the use of carvers. Some very beautiful specimens of old carving in lime wood may be seen in Windsor Castle and Trinity College.* The Russian bass mats, which find their way to every commercial country, are prepared from the inner bark of this tree. The sap affords a sugar like the maple, although in less quantities ; and it is stated in the Encyclopaedia of Plants (p. 467) " that the honey made from the flowers of the lime tree is reckoned the finest in the world. Near Knowno, in Lithuania, there are large forests chiefly of this tree, and probably a distinct variety. The honey produced in these forests sells at more than double the price of any other, and is used extensively in medicine and for liqueurs." * The art of carving in wood, brought to such perfection by Gibbons, is now, we believe, much given up ; therefore the lime has lost a most important branch of its usefulness. Perhaps the finest specimens of the works of Gibbons are to be seen at Chatsworth, the seat of the Duke of Devonshire, in Derbyshire. The execution of the flowers, fish, game, nets, etc., on the panelling of the walls is quite wonderful. It was of him that Walpole justly said, ' that he was the first artist who gave to wood the loose and airy lightness of flowers, and chained together the various productions of the elements, with a free disorder natural to each species.' The lime tree is still, however, used by the carver, and we ho{)0 that the art of wood carving may gradually be restored." — Sir T. D. Lauder DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 145 The leaves of the Hme are large and handsome, heart- shaped in form, and pleasing in color. The flowers, which open in June, hang in loose, pale yellow cymes or clusters, are quite ornamental and very fragrant. Sometimes A scent of violets and blossoming limes Loitered around us ; then of honey cells, Made delicate from all white flower bells. Keats. It was a favorite tree in the ancient style of gardening, as it bore the shears well, and was readily dipt into all manner of curious and fantastic shapes. When planted singly on a lawn, and allowed to develope itself fully on every side, the linden is one of the most beautiful of trees. Its head then forms a fine pyramid of verdure, while its lower branches sweep the ground and curve upwards in the most pleasing form. For this reason, though the linden is not a picturesque tree, it is very happily adapted for the graceful landscape, as its whole contour is full, flowing, and agreeable. The pleasant odor of its flowers is an addi- tional recommendation, as well as it^ free growth and handsome leaves. Were it not that of late it is so liable to insects, we could hardly say too much in its praise as a fine ornament for streets and public parks. There, its regular form corresponds well with the formality of the architecture ; its shade affords cool and pleasant walks, and the delightful odor of its blossoms is doubly grateful in the confined air of the city. Our basswood has rather less of uniformity in its outline than the European lindens, but the general form is the same. The American lime, or basswood {Tilia Americana), is the most robust tree of the genus, and produces much 10 14G LANDSCAPE GARDENING. more vigorous shoots than the European species. It prefers a deep and fertile soil, where the trunk grows remarkably straight, and the branches form a handsome, well-rounded summit. The flowers are borne on long stalks, and are pendulous from the branches. The leaves are large, heart-shaped, finely cut on the margin, and terminated by a point at the extremity. The seeds, which ripen in autumn, are like small peas, round and greyish. The white lime (T. alba) is rare in the eastern states, but common in Pennsylvania and the states south of it. It is not a tree of the largest size, but its flowers are the finest of our native sorts. The leaves are also very large, deep green on the upper surface, and white below ; they are more obliquely heart-shaped than those of the common basswood. The young branches are covered with a smooth silvery bark. This species is very common on the Susquehannah river. The l^owny lime tree. (T. pubescens.) The under side of the leaves, and the fruits of this species, are, as its name denotes, co\«ered with a short down. Its flowers are nearly white ; the serratures of the leaves wider apart, and the base of the leaf obliquely truncated. It is a handsome large tree, a native of Florida, though hardy enough, as experience proves, to bear oar northern winters. The European lime (T*. Europcca) is distinguished from the American sorts, by its smaller and more regularly cordate and rounded leaves. Unlike our native species, the flowers are not furnished with inner scale-like petals. The foliage is rather deeper in hue than the native sorts, and the branches of the head rathe) DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 14*7 more regular in form and disposition. There are two pretty varieties of the EngHsh hme which are well known in this country, viz. the Red-barked, or corallina (var. ruhra), with red branches ; and the Golden-barked {var. nurea), with handsome yellow branches. These trees are peculiarly beautiful in winter, when a few of them mingled with other deciduous trees make a pleasing variety of coloring in the absence of foliage. The broad- leaved European lim© is the finest for shade and ornament. The whitish foliage of Tilia alba, which probably is also a variety, has a beautiful appearance, somewhat like the Abele tree, in a gentle breeze. These trees grow well on any good friable soil, and readily endure transplantation. They bear trimming remarkably well ; and when but little root is obtained the head may be shortened in proportion, and the tree will soon make vigorous shoots again. All the species are easily increased by layers. The Beech Tree. Fagus. Nat. Ord. Corylaceae. Lin. Syst. Monoecia, Polyandria. The Beech is a large, compact, and lofty tree, with a greyish bark and finely divided spray, and is a' common inhabitant of the forest in all temperate climates. In the United States, this tree is generally found congregated in very great quantities, wherever the soil is most favorable ; hundreds of acres being; sometimes covered with this single kind of timber. Such tracts are familiarly known 148 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. as "beech woods." The leaves of the beeca are remarkably thin in texture, glazed and shining on the upper surface, and so thickly set upon the numerous branches, that it forms the darkest and densest shade of any of our deciduous forest trees. It appears to have been highly valued by the ancients as a shade tree ; and Virgil says in its praise, in a well-known Eclogue : " Tityre, tu patulie recubans sub tegmine fngi, Sylvestrem tenui musam meuitaiis avena." It bears a small compressed nut or mast, oily and sweet, which once was much valued as an article of food. The most useful purpose to which we have heard of their being applied, is in the manufacture of an oil, scarcely inferior to olive oil. This is produced from the mast of the beech forests in the department of Oise, France, in immense quantities ; more than a million of sacks of the nuts having been collected in that department in a single season. They are reduced, when perfectly ripe, to a fine paste, and the oil is extracted by gradual pressure. The product of oil, compared with the crushed nuts, is about sixteen per cent. (Michaux, N. American Sylva.) In Europe, the wood of the beech is much used in the manufacture of various utensils ; but here, where our forests abound in woods vastly superior in strength, durability, and firmness, that of the beech is comparatively* little esteemed. The beech is quite handsome and graceful when young, and when large it forms one of the heaviest and grandest of beautiful park trees. From this massy quality, how- ever, it is excellently adapted to mingle with other trees when a thick anc impenetrable mass of foliage is desired : DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 149 and, on account of its density, it is also well suited to shut out unsightly buildings, or other objects. The leaves of many beech trees hang on the tree, in a dry and withered state, during the whole winter. This is chiefly the case with young trees ; but we consider it as greatly diminishing its beauty at that season, as the tree is otherwise very pleasing to the eye, with its smooth, round, grey stem, and small twisted spray. A deciduous tree, we think, should as certainly drop its leaves at the approach of cold weather, as an evergreen should retain them ; more especially if its leaves have a dead and withered appearance, as is the case with those of the beech in this climate. The White beech {Fagus Sylvatica) is the common beech tree of the middle and western states. It is found in the greatest perfection in a cool situation and a moist soil. The bark is smooth and grey, even upon the oldest stocks. The leaves oval, smooth, and shining, coarsely cut on the edges, and margined with a soft down in the spring. The Red beech (F. fen^uginea), so called on account of the color ©f its wood, loves a still colder climate than the other, and is found in the greatest perfection in British America. The leaves are divided into coarser teeth on the margin than the foregoing species. The nuts are much smaller, and the whole tree forms a lower and more- spread- ing head. The European beech {F. sylvatica) is thought by many botanists to be the same species as our white beech, or at most only a variety. Its average height in Europe is about fifty feet ; the buds are shorter, and the leaves not so coarsely toothed as our native sorts. The Purple beech is a. very ornamental variety of the European beech, common 150 1,ANDSCAPE GARDENING. in he gardens. Both surfaces of the leaves, and even the yo'ing shoots, are deep purple ; and although the growth is slow, yet it is in every stage of its progress, and more par ticularly when it reaches a good size, one of the strangest anomalies among trees, in the hue of its foliage. There is also a variety called the copper-colored beech, with paler purple leaves ;* and a more rare English variety [F. s. j^en- dula), the Weeping beech, with graceful pendent branches The Hornbeam {Carpinus Ajnericana), and the Iron- wood {Ostrya Virginicd), are both well known small trees, belonging to the same natural family as the beech. They are of little value in ornamental plantations ; but from their thick foliage, they might perhaps be employed to advantage in makinsr thick verdant screens for shelter or concealment. The Poplar Tree. Populus. Nat. Ord. 6aiicaceEe. Lin. Syst. Dicecia, Octandria. Arbor Populi, or the people's tree, was the name given in the ancient days of Rome to this tree, as being peculiarly appropriated to those public places most frequented by the people ; some ingenious authors have still further justified the propriety of the name, by adding, that its trembling leaves are like the populace, always in motion. The poplars are light- wooded, rapid-growing trees ; many * The finest Copper Beech in America is growing in the grounds of Thomas Ash, Esq., Throgs Neck, Westchester Co., N. Y. It is more than fifty feol tigli, with a broad and finely formed head. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. liJl of them of huge size, and all with pointed, heart-shaped leaves. The tassel-like catkins, or male blossoms, of a red or brownish hue, appear early in the spring. Some of the American kinds, as the Balsam and Balm of Gilead poplars, have their buds enveloped in a fragrant gum ; others, as the Silver poplar, or Abele, are remarkable for the snowy whiteness of the under side of the foliage ; and the Lom bardy poplar, which " Shoots up its spire, and shakes its leaves in the sun," Proctor. for its remarkably conical or spire-like manner of growth. The leaves of all the species, being suspended upon long and slender footstalks, are easily put in motion by the wind. This, however, is peculiarly the case with the aspen, the leaves- of which may often be seen trembling in the slightest breeze, when the foliage of the surrounding trees is motion- less. There is a popular legend in Scotland respecting this tree, which runs thus : " Far ofl in the Highland wilds 'tis said (But truth now laughs at fancy's lore). That of this tree the cross was made, Which erst the Lord of Glory bore ; And of that deed its leaves confess. E'er since, a troubled consciousness." In Landscape Gardening the poplar is not highly esteemed ; but it is a valuable tree when judiciously employed, and produces a given quantity of foliage and shade sooner perhaps than any other. Some of the American kinds are majestic and superb trees when old, particularly the Cotton- wood and Balsam poplars. One of the handsomest sorts is the Silver poplar. At some distance, the downy under surfaces of the leaves, tr.rned up by the wind, give it very 152 LANDSCAPE GAUDENIKG. much the aspect of a tree covered with white blossoms. This eifect is the more striking, when it is situated in front of a group or mass of the dai'ker foHage of other trees. It is vahiable for retaining its leaves in full beauty to the latest possible period in the autumn. Its growth is very rapid, forming a tine rounded head of thirty feet in height, in six or eight years. The Lombardy poplar is a beautiful tree, and in certain situations produces a very elegant effect ; but it has been planted so indiscriminately, in some parts of this country, in close monotonous lines before the very doors of oui houses, and in many places in straight rows along the high ways for miles together, to the neglect of our fine native trees, that it has been tiresome and disgusting. This tree may, however, be employed with singular advantage in giving life, spirit, and variety to a scene composed entirely of round-headed trees, as the oak, ash, etc., — when a tall poplar, emerging here and there from the back or centre of the group, often imparts an air of elegance and animation lo the whole. It may, also, from its marked and striking contrast to other trees, be employed to fix or direct the attention to some particular point in the landscape. When large poplars of this kind are growing near a house of but moderate dimensions, they have a very bad effect by com- pletely overpowering the building, without imparting any of that grandeur of character conferred by an old oak, or other spreading tree. It should be introduced but sparingly in landscape composition, as the moment it is made com- mon in any scene, it gives an air of sameness and formality, ana all the spirited effect is lost which its sparing introduc- tion among other trees produces. The Lombardy poplar DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. ] 53 IS SO well adapted to confined situations, as its brandies require less lateral room than those of almost any other large deciduous tree. It is an objection to some of the poplars, that in any cultivated soil they produce an abundance of suckers For this reason they should be planted only in grass ground, or in situations where the soil will not be disturbed, or where the suckers will not be injurious. Indeed, we con- ceive them to be chieily wortiiy of introduction in grounds of large extent, to give variety to plantations of other and more valuable trees. They grow well in almost every soil, moist or dry, and some species prefer quite wet and springy places. The chief American poplars are the Tachamahaca or Balsam poplar (Populus halsamifera), chiefly found in Northern America ; a large tree, SO feet high, with fragrant gummy buds and lanceolate-oval leaves ; the Balm of Gilead poplar (P. candicans), resembling the foregoing in its buds, but with very large, broad, heart-shaped foliage. From these a gum is sometimes collected, and used medi- cinally for the cure of scurvy. The American aspen {P. tremuloides) , about 30 feet high, a common tree with very tremulous leaves and greenish bark ; the large American aspen {P. grandidentata), 40 feet high, with large leaves bordered with coarse teeth or denticulations ; the Cotton tree {P. argentea), 60 or 70 feet, with leaves downy in a young state ; the American Black poplar of smaller size, having the young shoots covered with short hair ; the Cottonwood {P. Canadensis), found chiefly in the western part of this state, a fine tree, with smooth, unequally-toothed, wide cordate leaves ; and the Carolina poplar (P. angulata). 154 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. an enormous tree of the swamps of the south and west; considerably resembling the Cotton tree, but without the resinous buds of that species. Among the European kinds, the most ornamental, as we have already remarked, is the Silver aspen, White poplar, or Abele tree (P. alba), which grows to a great size on a deep loamy soil in a very short time. The leaves are divided into lobes, and toothed on the margin, smooth and very deep green above, and densely covered with a soft, close, white down beneath. There are some varieties of this species known abroad, with leaves more or less downy, etc. Sir J. E. Smith remarks in his English Flora, that the wood, though but little used, is much firmer than that of any other British poplar ; making as handsome floors as the best Norway fir, with the additional advantage that they will not readily take fire, like any resinous wood. The English aspen (P. tremula) considerably resembles our native aspen ; but the buds are somewhat gummy. The Athenian poplar (P. GrcBca) is a tree about 40 feet high, with smaller, more rounded, and equally serrated foliage. The common Black European poplar (P. nigra) is also a large, rapidly growing tree, with pale-green leaves slightly notched: the buds expand later than most other poplars, and the young leaves are at first somewhat reddish in color. The Necklace-bearing poplar (P. monilifera), sc called from the circumstance of the catkins being arranged somewhat like beads in a necklace, is supposed to have been derived from Canada, but there are some doubts respecting its origin : in the south it is generally called the Virginia poplar. The Lombardy poplar (P. dilatata), a native of the banks of the Po, where it is sometimes called the Cypress poplar DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAIi TREES. 155 from its resembance to that tree, is too well known among us to need any description. Only one sex, the female, has hitherto been introduced into this country ; and it has con- sequently produced no seeds here, but has been entireh' propagated by suckers from the root. The Horse-chestnut Tree. jEscuIus. Nat. Old. -iEsculacese. Lin. Sijst. Heptandria, Monogynia. A large, showy, much admired, ornamental tree, bearing large leaves composed of seven leaflets, and, in the month of May, beautiful clusters of white flowers, delicately mot- tled with red and yellow. It is a native of Middle Asia, but flourishes well in the temperate climates of both hemi- spheres. It was introduced into England, probably from Turkey, about the year 1575 : in that country the nuts are often ground into a coarse flour, which is mixed with other food and given to horses that are broken- winded ; and from this use the Eno-lish name of the tree was derived. A starch has been extracted in considerable quantity from the nuts. The wood is considered valueless in the United States. The Horse-chestnut is by no means a picturesque tree, being too regularly rounded in its outlines, and too compact and close in its surface, to produce a spirited effect in light and shade. But it is nevertheless one of the most beautiful exotic trees which will bear the open air in this climate. The leaves, each made of clusters of six or seven leaflets, are of a fine dark-green color ; the whole head of foliage 150 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. has much grandeur and richness in its depth of hue and massiness of outHne ; and the regular, rounded, pyramidal shape, is something so different from that of most of our indigenous trees, as to strike the spectator with an air of novelty and distinctness. The great beauty of the Horse- chestnut is the splendor of its inflorescence, surpassing that of almost all our native forest trees : the huge clusters of gay blossoms, which every spring are distributed with such luxuriance and profusion over the surface of the foliage, and at the extremity of the branches, give the whole tree the aspect rather of some monstrous flowering shrub, than of an ordinary tree of the largest size. At that season there can be no more beautiful object to stand singly upon the lawn, particularly if its branches are permitted to grow low down the trunk, and (as they naturally will as the tree ad- vances) sweep the green sward with their drooping foliage. Like the lime tree, however, care must be taken, in the modern style, to introduce it rather sparingly in picturesque plantations, and then only as a single tree, or upon the margin of large groups, masses, or plantations ; but it may be more freely used in grounds in the graceful style, for which it is highly suitable. When handsome avenues or straio-ht lines are wanted, the Horse-chestnut is again ad- mirably suited, from its symmetry and regularity. It is, therefore, much and justly valued for these purposes in our towns and cities, where its deep shade and beauty of blos- som are peculiarly desirable, the only objection to it being the early fall of its leaves. The Horse-chestnut is very interesting in its mode of growth. The large buds are thickly covered in winter with a resinous gum, to protect them from the cold and moisture ; in the spring these burst oj)en, and the whole growth of the young shoots, leaves, DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 157 flowers, and all., is completed in about three or four weeks When the leaves first unfold, they are clothed with a copious cotton-like down, which falls off when they have attained their full size and development. The growth of the Horse-chestnut is slow for a soft- wooded tree, when the trees are young ; after five or six years, however, it advances with more rapidity, and in twenty years forms a beautiful and massy tree. It prefers a strong, rich, loamy soil, and is easily raised from the large nuts, which are produced in great abundance. There are several species of Horse-chestnut, but the common one (JEscidus Hippocastanum) is incomparably the finest. The American sorts are the following : (^s- culus Ohioensls,) or Ohio Buckeye, as it is called in the western states ; a small sized tree, with palmated leaves consisting of Jive leaflets, and pretty, bright yellow flowers, with red stamens. The fruit is about half the size of the exotic species. The Red-flowered Horse-chestnut (j^scu- lus 7nLbicunda) is a small tree with scarlet flowers ; and the Smooth-leaved (^. glabra) has pale yellow flowers. All the foregoing have prickly fruit. Besides these are two small Horse-chestnuts with smooth fruit, which thence properly belong to the genus Pavia, viz. the Yellow-flow- ered Pavia (P. lutea) of Virginia and the southern states ; and the Red-flowered {P. Tuhra), with pretty clusters of reddish flowers ; both these have leaves resembling those of the Horse-chestnut, except in being divided into five leaflets, instead of seven. There are some other species, which are, however, rather shrubs than trees. 158 LANDSCAPE GAEDENING. The Birch Tree. Betula. Nat. Ord. Betulacere. Lin. Syst. MoncEcia, Polyandria. The Birch trees are common inhabitants of the forests of all cold and elevated countries. They are remarkable for their smooth, silvery-white, or reddish colored stems, delicate and pliant spray, and small, light foliage. There is no deciduous tree which will endure a more rigorous climate, or grow at a greater elevation above the level ot the sea. It is found growing in Gi'eenland and Kams- chatka, as far north as the 58th and 60th degree of latitude, and on the Alps in Switzerland, according to that learned botanist, M. DeCandolle, at the elevation of 4,400 feet. It is undoubtedly the most useful tree of northern climates. Not only are cattle and sheep sometimes fed upon the leaves, but the Laplander constructs his hut of the branches ; the Russian forms the bark into shoes, baskets, and cordage for harnessing his reindeer ; and the inhabitants of Northern Siberia, in times of scarcity, grind it to mix with their oatmeal for food. In this country the birch is no less useful. The North American Indian, and all who are obliged to travel the wild, unfrequented portions of British America, — who have to pass over rapids, and make their way through the wilderness from river to river, — find the canoe made of the birch bark, the lightest, the most durable, and convenient vessel, for these purposes, in the world.* * The following interesting description of their manufacture, we quote from Michaux. " The most important purpose to which the Canoe birch is applied^ and one in which its olace is supplied by no other tree, is the construction of DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. l')0 The wood of our Black birch is by far the finest ; and, as it assumes a beautiful rosy color when polished, and is next in texture to the wild Cherry tree, it is considerably esteemed among cabinet-makers in the eastern states, for chairs, tables, and bedsteads. In Europe, the sap of the birch is collected in the spring, in the same manner as that of the maple in this country, boiled with sugar and hops, and fermented with the aid of yeast. The product of the fermentation is called birc/i loine, and is described as being a remarkably pleasant and healthy beverage. Though perhaps too common in some districts of our country to be properly regarded as an ornamental tree, yet in others where it is less so, the birch will doubtless be esteemed as it deserves. With us it is a great favorite ; and we regard it as a very elegant and graceful tree, not less on account of the silvery white bark of several species, than from the extreme delicacy of the spray, and the pleasing lightness and airiness of the foliage. In all the species, the branches have a tendency to for;Ti those graceful curves which contribute so much to the beauty canoes. To procure proper pieces, the largest and smoothest trunks are selected ; in the spring, two circular incisions are made several feet apart, and two longitudinal ones, on opposite sides of the tree : after which, by intro- ducing a wedge, the bark is easily detached. These plates are usually ten or twelve feet long, and two feet nine inches broad. To form canoes, they are stitched together with fibrous roots of the white spruce, about the size of a quill, which are deprived of the bark, split, and suppled in water. The seams are coated with resin of the Balm of Gilead. Great use is made of these canoes by the savages, and the French Canadians, in their long journeys through the interior of the country : they are light, and very easily transported on the siioulders from one lake to ano'ther, which is called the portage. A canoa calculated for four persons, with their baggage, weighs from forty to fifty pounds ; and some of them are made to carry fifteen passengers." IGO LANDSCAPE GARDENING. of trees ; but the European weeping birch is pecuh'arly pleasing as it grows old, on that account. It is this variety which Coleridge pronounces, " Most beautiful Of forest trees — the Lady of the woods." And Bernard Barton, speaking of our native species, says, -" See the beautiful Birch tree fling Its shade on the grass beneath- Its glossy leaf, and its silvery stem ; Dost thou not love to look on them V The American sorts, and particularly the Black birch, start into leaf very early in the spring, and their tender green is agreeable to the eye at that season ; while the swelling buds and young foliage in many kinds, give out a delicious, though faint perfume. Even the blossoms, which hang like little brown tassels from the drooping branches, are interesting to the lover of nature. " The fragrant birch above him hung Her tassels in the sky. And many a vernal blossom sprung, And nodded careless by." Bkyant. Nothing can well be prettier, seen from the windows of the drawing-room, than a large group of trees, whose depth and distance is made up by the heavy and deep masses of the ash, oak, and maple ; and the portions nearest the eye or the lawn terminated by a few birches, with their sparkling white stems, and delicate, airy, drooping foliage. Our White birch, being a small tree, is very handsome in such situa- tions, and offers the most pleasing variety to the eye, when DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. ]61 seeii In connexion with other foHage. Several kinds, a3 the Yellow and the Black birches, are really stately trees, and form fine groups by themselves. Indeed, most beauti- ful and varied masses might be formed by collecting together all the different kinds, with their characteristic barks, branches, and foliage. • As an additional recommendation, many of these trees grow on the thinnest and most indifferent soils, whether moist or dry ; and in cold, bleak, and exposed situations, as well as in warm and sheltered places. We shall enumerate the different kinds as follows : — The Canoe birch, Boleau a Canot, of the French Cana- dians [B.papy raced), sometimes also called the Paper birch, is, according toMichaux, most common in the forests of the eastern states, north of latitude 43°, and in the Canadas There it attains its largest size, sometimes seventy feet in height, and three in diameter.* Its branches are slender, flexible, covered with a shining brown bark, dotted with white ; and on trees of moderate size, the bark of the trunk is of a brilliant white ; it is often used for roofing houses, for the manufacture of baskets, boxes, etc., besides its most important use for canoes, as already mentioned. The leaves, borne on petioles four or five lines long, are of a middling size, oval, unequally denticulated, smooth, and of a dark green color. The White birch {B. populifolia) is a tree of much smaller size, generally from twenty to thirty-five feet in height : it is found in New York and the other middle state's, as well as at the north. The trunk, like the fore- going, is covered with silvery bark : the branches are slender, and generally drooping when the tree attains con siderable size. The leaves are smooth on both surficeS; 11 102 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. heart-shaped at the base, very acuminate, and doubly and irregularly toothed. The petioles are slightly twisted, and the leaves are almost as tremulous as those of the aspen. It is a beautiful small tree for ornamental plantations. The common Black or Sweet birch. (B. lenta) This is the soft most generally known by the name of the birch, and is widely diffused over the middle and southern states. In color and appearance the bark much resembles that of the cherry tree ; on old trees, at the close of winter, it is frequently detached in transverse portions, in the form of hard ligneous plates six or eight inches broad. The leaves, for a fortnight after their appearance, are covered with a thick silvery down, which disappears soon after. They are about two inches long, serrate, heart-shaped at the base, acuminate at the summit, and of a pleasing tint and fine texture. The wood is of excellent quality, and Michaux recommends its introduction largely into the forests of the north of Europe. The Yellow birch {B. luted) grows most plentifully in Nova Scotia, Maine, and New Brunswick, on cool, rich soils, where it is a tree of the largest size. It is remark- able for the color and arrangement of its outer bark, which is of a brilliant golden yellow, and is frequently seen divided into fine strips rolled backwards at the end, but attached in the middle. The leaves are about three and a half inches long, two and a half broad, ovate, acuminate, and bordered with sharp and irregular teeth. It is a beautiful tree, with a trunk of nearly uniform diameter, straight, and destitute of branches for thirty or forty feet. The Red oirch (B. rubra) belongs chiefly to the south, being scarcely ever seen north of Virginia. It prefers the moist soil of river banks, where i* reaches a noble height DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 163 [t takes its name from the cimiamon or reddish color of the outer bark on the young trees ; when old it becomes rough, furrowed, and greenish. The leaves are light green on the upper surface, whitish beneath, very pointed at the end, and terminated at the base fn an acute angle. The twigs are long, flexible, and pendulous ; and the limbs of a brown color, spotted with white. The European White birch. (B. alba.) This species, the common birch tree of Europe, is intermediate in appear- ance and qualities between our Canoe birch and White birch. The latter it resembles in its foliage, the former in its large size and the excellence of its wood. There is a distinct variety of this, to which we have alluded, called the Weeping birch (Vaj\ pendula), which is very rapid in its growth, and highly graceful in its form. From the great beauty of our native species, this is perhaps the only Euro- pean sort which it is very desirable to introduce into our collections. The Alder "Tree. Alnus. Nat. Ord. Betulaceae. Lin. Syst. Moncecia, Tetrandria. The alder tree is a native of the whole of Europe, where it grows to the altitude of from thirty to sixty feet. Our common Black alder {A. glauca), and Hazel-leaved alder {A. serrulata), are low shrubs of little value or interest. This, however, is a neat tree, remarkable for its love of moist situations, and thriving best in places even too wet for the willows ; although it will also flourish on dry and elevated soils The leaves are roundish in form, wavy, and 164 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. serrated in their margins, and dark green in color. The tree rapidly forms an agreeable pyramidal head of foliage. when growing in damp situations. As it is a foreign tree we shall quote from Gilpin its character in scenery. " The alder," says he, "loves a low,*moist soil, and frequents the banks of rivers, and will flourish in the poorest forest swamps where nothing else will grow. It is perhaps the most picturesque of any of the aquatic tribe, except the weeping willow. He who would see the alder in perfection must follow the banks of the Mole in Surrey, through the sweet vales of Dorking and Mickleham, into the groves of Esher. The Mole, indeed, is far from being a beautiful river ; it is a silent and sluggish stream, but what beauty it has it owes greatly to the alder, which everywhere fringes its meadows, and in many places forms very pleasing scenes. It is always associated in our minds with riVer scenery, both of that tranquil description most frequently to be met with in the vales of England, and with that wider and more stirring cast which is to be found amidst the deep glens and ravines of. Scotland ; and nowhere is this tree found in greater perfection than on the wild banks of the river Find- horn and its tributary streams*, where scenery of the most romantic description everywhere prevails.'^* Although the beauty of the alder is of a secondary kind, it is worth occasional introduction into landscapes where there is inuch water to be planted round, or low running streams to cover with foliage. In these damp places, like the willow, it grows very well from truncheons or large hmbs, stuck in the ground, which take root and become trees speedily. There are two principal varieties, the • Lauder's Gilpin, i. p. 13G. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL tREES. 165 common alder (A. glutinosa), and the cut-leaved aldei {A. glutinosa laciniata). The latter is much the hand somer tree, and is also the rarest in our nurseries. The Maple Tree. Acer. Nat. Ord. Aceraceas. Lin. Sijst. Polygamia, Monoecia. The great esteem in which the maples are he.a m the middle states, as ornamental trees, although they are by no means uncommon in every piece of woods of any extent, is a high proof of their superior merits for such purposes. These consist in the rapidity of their growth, the beauty of their form, the fine verdure of their foliage, and in some sorts, the elegance of their blossoms. Among all the spe- cies, both native and foreign, we consider the Scarlet- flowering maple as decidedly the most ornamental species. In the spring this tree bursts out in gly tufts of red blos- soms, which enliven both its own branches and the sur- rounding scene long before a leaf is seen on other deciduous trees, and when the only other appearances of vegetation are a few catkins of some willows or poplars swelling into bloom. At that season of the year the Scarlet maple is certainly the most beautiful tree of our forests. Besides this, it grows well either in the very moist soil of swamps, or the dry one of upland ridges, forms a fine clustering head of foliage, and produces an ample and delightful shade ; while it is also as little infected by insects of any description as any other tree. The latter advantage, the Sugar maple and our other varieties equally possess. As a handsome 166 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. spreading tree,* perhaps the White maple deserves most, praise, its outline and surface being, in many cases, quite picturesque. There is no quality, however, for which the American maples are entitled to higher consideration as desirable objects in scenery, than for the exquisite beauty which their foliage assumes in ' autumn, as it fades and gradually dies off. At the first approach of cold we can just perceive a bright yellow stealing over the leaves, then a deeper golden tint, then a few faint blushes, until at length the whole mass of foliage becomes one blaze of crimson or orange. " Tints that the maple woods disclose Like opening buds or fading rose. Or various as those hues that dye The clouds that deck a sunset sky." The contrast of coloring exhibited on many of our fine river shores in a warm dry autumn, is perhaps superior to anything of the kind in the world : and the leading and most brilliant colors, viz. orange and scarlet, are pro- duced by maples. Even in Europe, they are highly valued for this autumnal appearance, so different from that of most of the trees of the old world. Very beautiful effects can be produced by planting the Scarlet and Sugar maples in the near neighborhood of the ash, which, as we have already noticed, assumes a fine brownish purple ; of the sycamore, which is yellow, and some of the oaks, which remain green for a long time: if to these we add a few evergreens, as the White pine and hemlock, to produce depth, we shall have a kind of kaleidoscope ground, harmo- nious and beautiful as the rainbow. When the maple is planted to grow singly on the lawn or in small groups, it should never be trimmed up ten oi DliCIUUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 1G7 twenty feet high, a very common practice in some places, as this destroys half its beauty ; but if it be sulTered to branch out quite low down, it will form a very elegant head. The maple is well suited to scenes 'expressive of graceful beauty, as they unite to a considerable variation of surface, a pleasing softness and roundness of outline. In bold or picturesque scenes, they can be employed to advantage by intermingling them with the more striking and majestic forms of the oak, etc., where variety and contrast is desired. The European sycamore, which is also a maple, has a coarser foliage, and more of strength in its growth and appearance : it perhaps approaches nearer in general expression and effect to the plane tree, than to our native maples. It is unnecessary for us to recommend this tree for avenues, or for bordering the streets of cities, as its general prevalence in such places sufficiently indicates its acknow- ledged claims for beauty, shade, and shelter. It bears pruning remarkably well, and is easily transplanted, even when of large size, from its native woods or swamps. The finest trees, however, are produced from seed. The Sugar maple {Acer saccharinum) is a very abundant tree in the northern states and the Canadas, where it sometimes forms immense forests. The bark is white ; the leaves four or five inches broad, and five-lobed ; varying, however, in size according to the age of the tree. The flowers are small, yellowish, and suspended by slender drooping peduncles. The seed is contained in two capsules united at the base, and terminated in a membranous wing ; they are ripe in October. From certain parts of the trunks of old Sugar maples, the fine wood called hird's-eye maple 168 landscAlPe gardening. is taken, which is so highly prized by the cabinet-makers and the sap, which flows in abundance from holes bored in the stem of the tree early in March, produces the well- known 7naple sugar. This can be clarified, so as to equal that of the cane in flavor and' appearance ; and it has been demonstrated that the planting of maple orchards, for the production of sugar, would be a profitable investment* The Scarlet-flowering maple {A. ruhruni) is found chiefly on the borders of rivers, or in swamps ; the latter place appears best suited to this tree, for it thei'e often attains a very large size : it is frequently called the Soft maple or Swamp maple. The blossoms come out about the middle of April while the branches are yet bare of leaves, and their numerous little pendulous stamens appear like small tufts of scarlet or purple threads. The leaves somewhat resemble those of the Sugar maple, but are rather smaller, and only three or four lobed, glaucous or whitish underneath, and irregularly toothed on the margin. This tree may easily be distinguished when young from the former, by the bark of the trunk, which is grey, with large whitish spots. Its trunk, in the choicest parts, furnishes the beautiful wood known as the curled maple. The White or Silver-leaved maple. {A. eriocarpum.) This species somewhat resembles the Scarlet-flowering maple. West of the Alleghany mountains it is seen in perfection, and is well known as the White maple. Its flowers are pale; the leaves are divided into four lobes, and have a beautiful white under surfiice. Michaux, speaking of this tree, says : "In no part of the United * A. nigrum is a variety omitted by Mr. Downing, tliougli quite well ivuown at the time he wrote. It differs from A. sacchai-init7n, in having much hirger leaves, and the bark of a darker color ; besides which, the sap is more abund- ant, and much sweeter, and is considered at the West much the finer tree of the two.— H. W. S. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 169 States is it more multiplied than in the western country, and nowhere is its vegetation more luxuriant than on the banks of the Ohio. There, sometimes alone and sometimes mingled with the willow, which is found along these waters, it contributes singularly, by its magnificent foliage, to the embellishment of the scene. The brilliant white of the leaves beneath, forms a striking contrast with the >"-ight green above ; and the alternate reflection of the two surfaces in the water, heightening the beauty of this wonderful moving mirror, aids in forming an enchanting picture, which, during my long excursions in a canoe in these re- gions of solitude and silence, I contemplated with unwearied admiration."* There, on those fine, deep, alluvial soils, it often attains twelve or fifteen feet in circumference. As an ornamental variety, the Silver-leaved maple is one of the most valuable. It is exceedingly rapid in its growth, often making shoots six feet long in a season ; and the silvery hue of its foliage, when stirred by the wind, as well as its fine, half drooping habit, render it highly interesting to the planter. Admirable specimens of this species may be seen in the wide streets of Burlington, N. J. The Moose wood, or Striped maple {A. striatum), is a small tree with beautifully striped bark. It is often seen on the mountains which border the Hudson, but abounds most profusely in the north of the continent. Acer nigrum is the Black sugar tree of Genesee. A. Negundo,-\ the Ash- leaved maple, has handsome pinnated foliage of a light green hue ; it forms a pleasing tree of medium size. These are our principal native species J * N. A. Sylva, i. 214. t Negundo fraxinifolium. \ Mr. Douglas has discovered a very superb maple {A. macroiihyllmn) , on the Columbia river, with very large leaves, and fine fragrant yellow blossoms no LANDSCAPE GARDENING, Among the finest foreign sorts is the Norway maple (A. platanoides), with leaves intermediate in appearance- between those of the plane tree and Sugar maple. The bark of the trunk is brown, and rougher in appearance than our maples, and the tree is more loose and spreading in its growth ; it also grows more rapidly, and strongly resembles at a little distance, the button-wood in its young state. Another interesting species is the sycamore tree or Great maple {A. pseudo-platanus). The latter also considerably resembles the plane ; but the leaves, like those of the common maple, are smoother. They are five-lobed, acute in the divisions, and are placed on much longer petioles than those of most of the species. The flowers, strung in clusters like those of the common currant, are greenish in color. It is much esteemed as a shade-tree in Scotland and some parts of the Continent, and grows with vigor, producing a large head, and widely spreading branches. The Locust Tree. Robinia. Nat. Ord. Leguminosae. Lin. Syst. Diadelphia, Decandria. This is a well-known American tree, found growing wild in all of the states west of the Delaware River. It is a tree of secondary size, attaining generally the height of forty or fifty feet. The leaves are pinnated, bluish-green m color, and are thinly scattered over the branches. The white blossoms appear in June, and are highly fragrant and beautiful ; and from them the Paris perfumers distil an DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 171 extrait which greatly resembles orange-flower water, and is used for the same purposes. As an ornamental tree we do not esteem the locust highly. The objections to it are, 1st, its meagreness and lightness of foliage, producing but little shade ; secondly, the extreme brittleness of its branches, which are liable to be broken and disfigured by every gale of wind ; and lastly the abundance of suckers which it produces. Notwith- standing these defects, we would not entirely banish the locust from our pleasure-grounds ; for its light foliage of a fresh and pleasing green may often be used to advantage in producing a variety with other trees ; and its very fra- grant blossoms are beautiful, when in the beginning of summer they hang in loose pendulous clusters from among its light foliage. These will always speak sufficiently in its favor to cause it to be planted more or less, where a variety of trees is desired. It should, however, be re- membered that the foliage comes out at a late period in spring, and falls early in autumn, which we consider objec- tions to any tree that is to be planted in the close vicinity of the mansion. It is valuable for its extremely rapid growth when young ; as during the first ten or fifteen years of its life it exceeds in thrifty shoots almost all other forest trees : but it is comparatively short-lived, and in twenty yea is' time many other trees would completely overtop and outstrip it. It is easily propagated by seed, which is by far the best mode of raising it, and it prefers d deep, rich, sandy loam. The locust can be cultivated to advantage as a timber tree, only upon deep, mellow, and rather rich, sandy soils ; there, its growth is wonderfully vigorous, and an immense number may be grown upon a small area of ground. There are but two distinct species of locust which attain 172 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. the size of trees in this country, viz. the Yellow locust {R. pseud-acacia), so called from' the color of its wood ; and the Honey locust {R. viscosa)', a smaller tree, with reddish flowers, and branches covered with a viscid honey-like gum. Some pretty varieties of the former have been originated in gardens abroad, among which the Parasol locust [Var. umbraculifera) is decidedly the most interesting. We recollect some handsome specimens which were imported by the late M. Parmentier, and grew in his garden at Brooklyn, Long Island. They were remarkable for their unique, rounded, umbrella-like heads, when grafted ten or twelve feet high on the common locust. There are two pretty distinct varieties of the common Yellow locust, cultivated on the Hudson. That most fre- quently seen is the White variety, which forms a tall and narrow head ; the other is the Black locust, with a broad and more spreading head, and larger trunk ; the latter may be seen in fine condition at Clermont. It is a much finer ornamental tree, and appears less liable to the borer than the White varietv. The Three-thorned Acacia Tree. Gleditschia. Nat. Ord. Leguminosae. Lin. Syst. Polygamia, Dioecia. This tree is often called the Three-thorned locust, from some resemblance to the latter tree. Its delicate, doubly pinna,te leaves, however, are much more like those of the Acacias, a family of plants not hardy enough to bear our climate. ' It is a much finer tree in appearance than the common locust, although the flowers are greenish, and inconspicuous, instead of possessing the beauty and fra- DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 173 grance of the latter. There is, however, a peculiar elc« gance about its light green and beautiful foliage, which wafts so gracefully in the summer breeze, and folds up on the slightest shower, that it stands far above that tree in our estimation, for the embellishment of scenery. The branches spread out rather horizontally, in a fine, broad and lofty head ; there are none of the dead and unsightl} branches so common on the locust ; and the light feathery foliage, lit up in the sunshine, has an airy and transparent look, rarely seen in so large a tree, which sometimes pro- duces very happy effects in composition with other trees. The bark is of a pleasing brown, smooth in surface the branches are studded over with curious, long, triply-pointed thorns, which also often jut out in clusters, in every direc- tion from the trunk of the tree, to the length of four or five inches, giving it a most singular and forbidding look. In winter, these and the long seed-pods, five or six inches in length, which hang upon the boughs at that season, give the whole tree a very distinct character. These pods contain a sweetish substance, somewhat resembling honey ; whence the tree has in some places obtained the name of Honey locust, which properly belongs to Rohinia viscosa. Another recommendation of this tree, is the variety of picturesque shapes which it assumes in growing up ; some- times forming a tall pyramidal head of 50 or 60 feet, some- times a low horizontally branched tree, and at others it expands into a wide irregular head, quite flattened at the summit. It does not produce suckers like the locust, -and may therefore be introduced into any part of the grounds. When but a limited extent is devoted to a lawn or garden, this tree should be among the first to obtain a place ; as one or two Three-thorned Acacias, mingled with other 174 LANDSCAPE GARDENINvS. larger and heavier foliage, will at once produce a charming variety. The Three-thorned Acacia has been strongly recom- mended for nedges. It is too liable to become thin at the bottom, to serve well for an outer inclosure, but if kept well trinnned, it forms a capital farm fence and protection against the larger animals, growing up in much less time than the hawthorn. Like the locust, it has the disadvan- tage of expanding its foliage late in the spring. In the strong rich soils which it prefers, it grows very vigorously, and is easily propagated from seeds. The Three-thorned Acacia (G. triacanthos) is the prin- cipal species, and is indigenous to the states west of the Alleghanies. G. monosperma is another kind, which is scarcely distinguishable from the Three-thorned, except in having one-seeded pods. The seedlings raised from G. triacanthos are often entirely destitute of thorns. There is a fine species called the Chinese {G. horrida), with larger and finer foliage, and immense triple thorns, which is interesting from its great singularity. A tree of this kind which we imported, has stood our coldest winters perfectly uninjured, and promises to be beautiful and very hardy. Some noble specimens of the common Three- thorned Acacia may be seen upon the lawn at Hyde Park, the fine seat of the late Dr. Hosack. The Judas Tree. Cercis. Nat. Ord. Leguminosse. Syst. Decandria, Monogynia. A handsome low tree, about 20 feet in height, which is DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 175 found scattered sparsely through warm sheltered valleys, along the Hudson and other rivers of the northern sections of the United States, but most abundantly on the Ohio. It is valuable as an ornamental tree, no less on account of its exceedingly neat foliage, which is exactly heart-shaped, or cordiform, and of a pleasing green tint, than for its pretty pink blossoms. These, which are pea-shaped, are produced in little clusters close to the branches, often in great profusion, early in the spring, before the leaves have expanded. From the appearance of the limbs at that period, it has in some places obtained the name of Red- hud. It is then one of the most ornamental of trees, and, in company with the Dog- wood, serves greatly to enliven the scene, and herald the advent of the floral season. These blossoms, according to Loudon {Encycl. of Plants), having an agreeable poignancy, are frequently eaten in salads abroad, and pickled by the French families in Canada. The name of Judas tree appears to have been whimsically bestowed by Gerard, an old English gardener, who described it in 1596, and relates that "this is the tree whereon Judas did hange himselfe ; and not upon the elder tree, as it is said." There are two species in common cultivation ; the American (C Canadensis) and the European (C Sili- qnasti'um). The latter much resembles our native tree. The flowers, however, are deeper in color ; the leaves darker, and less pointed at the extremity. It also produces blossoms rather more profusely than the American tree. Both species are highly worthy of a place in the garden, or near the house, where their pleasing vernal influences may be observed. 17G LANDSCAPE GARDEXING. The Chestnut Tree. Castanea. Nat. Old. Corylacece. Lin. Syst. MoncEcia, Polyandria. The chestnut, for its qualities in Landscape Gardening ranks with that king of the forest, the oak. Like that tree, it attains an enormous size, and its longevity in some cases is almost equally remarkable. Its fine massy foliage, and sweet nuts, have rendered it a favorite tree since a very remote period. Among the ancients, the latter were a common article of food. " Sunt nobis mitia poma, CasfanecB molles, et pressi copia lactis." ViRG. EcL. 1, They appear to have been in general use, both in a raw and cooked state. In times of scarcity, they probably supplied in some measure the place of bread-stuffs, and were thence highly valued : " As for the thrice three angled beech nut shell, Or Chestnut's armed huske and hid kernell, No squire durst touch, the law would not afford. Kept for the court, and for the lung's own board." Bp. Hall, Sat. B. III. 1. Even to this day, in those parts of France and Italy nearest the great chestnut forests of the Appenines, these nuts form a large portion of the food which sustains the peasantry, where grain is but little cultivated, and potatoes almost unknown. There a sweet and highly nutritious flour is prepared from them, which makes a delicious bread. Large quantities of the fruit are therefore annually collected in those countries, and dried and stored DECIDUOUS OUNAMEN'TAL TREES. 177 away for the winter's consumption. Old Evelyn says, "the bread of the flour is exceedingly nutritive : it is a robust food, and makes w^omen well complexioned, as 1 have read in a good author. They also make fritters of chestnut flour, which they wet with rose-water, and sprinkle wdth grated parmigans, and so fry them in fresh butter for a delicate." The fruit of the chestnut abounds in saccharine matter ; and we learn from a French periodical, that experiments have been made, by which it is ascertained that the kernel yields nearly sixteen pei cent, of good sugar. As a timber tree, this is greatly inferior to the oak, being looser grained, and more liable to decay ; and the American wood is more open to this objection than that produced on the opposite side of the Atlantic. It is, however, in general use among us, for posts and rails in fencing ; and when the former are charred, they are found to be quite durable. The finest natural situations for this tree appear to be the mountainous slopes of mild climates, where it attains the greatest possible perfection. Michaux informs us, that the most superb and lofty chestnuts in America are to be found in such situations, in the forests of the Carolinas. Abroad, every one will call to mind the far-famed chestnuts of Mount Etna, of wonderful age and extraordinary size. The great chestnut there, has excited the surprise of numerous travellers ; at present, however, it appears to be scarcely more than a mere shell, the w*reck of former greatness. Wiien visited by M. Houel {Arboretum Brit), it was in a state of decay, having lost the greater part of its branches, and its trunk was quite hollow. A house was erected in the interior, an^ some country people resided in 12 17S LANDSCAPE GARDENING. it, with an oven, in which, according to the custom of I he country, they dried chestnuts, filberts, and other fruits, which they wished to preserve for winter use ; using as fuel, when they could find no other, pieces cut with a hatchet froni the interior of the tree. In Brydone's time, in 1770, this tree measured two hundred and four feet in circumference. He says it had the appearance of five distinct trees ; but he was assured that the space was once filled with solid timber, and there was no bark on the inside. This circumstance of an old trunk, hollow in the interior, becoming separated so as to have the appearance of being the remains of several distinct trees, is frequently met with in the case of very old mulberry trees in Great Britain, and olive trees in Italy. Kircher, about a century before Brydone, affirms that an entire flock of sheep might be inclosed within the Etna chestnut, as in a fold.* (A?-- boretum Brit. p. 1988.) * One of the most celebrated Chestnut trees on record, is that called the Tortworth Chestnut, in England. In 1772, Lord Ducie, the owner, had a portrait of it taken, which was accompanied by the following description : " The east view of the ancient Chestnut tree at Tortworth, in the county ol Gloucester, which measures nineteen yards in circamference, and is mentioned by Sir Robert Aikins in his history of that county, as a famous tree in King John's reign : and by Mr. Evelyn in his Sylva, to have been so remarkable in the reign of King Stephen, 1135, as then to be called the great Chestnut of Tortworth ; from which it may reasonably be presumed to have been standing before the Conquest, 1066." This tree is still standing. On the estate of Marshall S. Eice, Esq., at Newton Centre, is a venerable, though atill vigorous and beautiful chestnut tree, the dimensions of which are believed to exceed any tree of the same species in New England. In proof of this, we are informed that a correspondence has recently been going on, through the medium of one of our agricultural papers, between the owner of the above tree, and several gentlemen in this f nd other States, none of whom have shown fio'ures exceeding the following: size of tlie "Eice Tree" — circumference at base of trunk, 24 3-10 feet; height, 76 feet: spread of limbs, 93 feet. This tree is very prolific, and has never been known to fail of bearing a large crop of nuts. About five feet from the ground, the trunk divides into twn well- formed shafts, which run up to the height of thirty feet, vyithout a branch.— H. W. S. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 179 In considering the chestnut as highly adapted to ornament the grounds of extensive country residences, much that we have already said of the oak will apply to this tree. When young, its smooth stem, clear and bright foliage, and lively aspect, when adorned with the numerous light greenish yellow blossoms, which project beyond the mass of leaves, render it a graceful and beautiful tree. It has long been a favorite with the poets for its grateful shade ; and as the roots run deep, the soil beneath it is sufficiently rich and sheltered to afford an asylum for the minutest beauties of the woods. Tennyson sweetly says : — " That slope beneath the chestnut tall Is wooed with choicest breaths of air, Methinks that I could tell you all The cowslips and the king cups there." When old, its huge trunk, wide-spread branches, lofty head, and irregular outline, all contribute to render it a picturesque tree of the very first class. In that state, when standing alone, with free room to develope itself on every side, like the oak, it gives a character of dignity, majesty, and grandeur, to the scene, beyond the power of most trees to confer. It is well known that the favorite tree of Salvator Rosa, and one which was most frequently introduced with a singularly happy effect into his wild and picturesque compositions, was the chestnut ; sometimes a massy and bold group of its verdure, but oftener an old and storm-rifted giant, half leafless, or a barren trunk coated with a rich verdure of mosses and lichens. The chestnut in maturity, like the oak, has a great variety of outline ; and no trees are better fitted than these for the formation of grand groups, heavy masses, 180 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. or wide outlines of foliage. A higher kind of beauty, with more dignity and variety, can be formed of these two genera of trees when disposed in grand masses, than with any other forest trees of temperate climates ; perhaps wa may say of any climate. There is so little difference in the common Sweel chestnut {Castanea vesca) of both hemispheres, that they are generally considered the same species. Varieties have Deen produced in Europe, which far surpass our common chestnuts of the woods in size, though not in delicacy and richness of flavor. Those cultivated for the table in France, are known by the name of marj^ons. These improved sorts of the Spanish chestnut bear fruit nearly as large as that of the Horse-chestnut, inferior in sweetness, when raw, to our wild species, but delicious when roasted. The Spanish chestnut thrives well, and forms a large tree, south of the Highlands of the Hudson, but is rather tender north of this neighborhood. A tree in the grounds at Presque Isle, the seat of William Denning, Esq., Dutchess Co., is now 40 feet high. They may be procured from the nurseries, and we can hardly recommend to our planters more acceptable additions to i>ur nut-bearing forest trees. The Chinquapin, or Dwarf chestnut (C. pumila), is a curious low bush, from four to six feet high. The leaves are nearly the size of the ordinary chestnut, or rather smaller, and the fruit about two-thirds as lars;e. It is indi- genous to all the states south of Pennsylvania, and is often found in great abundance. It is a curious little tree, or more properly a shrub, and merits a place in the garden ; or it may be advantageously planted for underwood in a group of large trees. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 181 As the chestnut, hke the oak, forms strong tap-roots, itia removed with some difficulty. The finest trees are pro- duced from the nut, and their growth is much more rapid when young, than that of the transplanted tree. It prefers a deep sandy loam, rather moist than dry ; and will not, like many forest trees, accommodate itself to wet and low situations. The Osage Orange Tree. Madura. N'at. Ord. Urticaceae. Lin. Syst. Dicseia, Tetrandria. 'j'liis interesting tree is found growing wild on the Arkansas River, and other western tributaries of the Mississippi, south of St. Louis, where, according to Mr. Nuttall, it attains the height of 50 or 60 feet. The branches are rather light-colored, and armed Avith spines (produced at every joint) about an inch and a half long. The leaves are long, ovate, and acuminate, or pointed at the extremity ; they are deep green, and more glossy and bright than those of the orange. The blossoms are greenish ; and the fruit is about the shape and size of a large orange, but the surface much rougher than that fruit. In the south, we are told, it assumes a deep yellow color, and, at a short distance, strikingly resembles the common orange ; the specimens of fruit which we have seen growing in Philadelphia, did not assume that fine color ; but the appearance of the tree laden with it, is not unlike that of a large orange tree. It was first transplanted into our gardens from a village of the Osage tribe of Indians, whence the common name of Osao;e orange. The intro- duction of this tree was one of the favorable results of 182 LANDSCAPE GARDENINu. Lewis and Clarke's Expedition. It was named by them in honor of the late Wm, Maclure, Esq., President of the American Academy of Natural Sciences. The wood is fine grained, yellow in color, and takes a brilliant polish. It is also very strong and elastic, and on this account the Indians of the wide district to which this tree is indigenous, employ it extensively for bows, greatly preferring it to any other timber. Hence its com- mon name among the white inhabitants is Bodac, a cor ruption of the term bois d'arc (bow-ivood), of the French settlers. A fine yellow dye is extracted from the wood, similar to that of the Fustic. As the Osage orange belongs to the monoecious class of plants, it does not perfect its fruit unless both the male and female trees are growing in the same neighborhood. Many have believed the fruit to be eatable, both from its fine appearance, and from its affinity with and resemblance to that of the bread-fruit ; but all attempts to render it pleasant, either cooked or in a raw state, have hitherto failed : it is therefore probably inedible, though not injuri- ous. Perhaps when fully ripened, some mode of preparing it by baking or otherwise, may render it palatable. As an ornamental tree, the Osage orange is rather too loose in the disposition of its wide-spreading branches, to be called beautiful in its form. But the bright glossy hue of its foliage, and especially the unique appearance of a good sized tree when covered with the large, orange-like .fruit, render it one of the most interesting of our native trees ; while it has the same charm of rarity as an exotic, since it was introduced from the far west, and is yet but little planted in the United States. On a small lawn, where but few trees are needed, and where it is desirable that the DECIDUOUS ORNAMENIAL TREES. 183 species employed should all be as distinct as possible, to give the whole as much variety as can be obtained in a limited space, such trees should be selected as will not only be ornamental, but combine some other charm, association, or interest. Among such trees, we would by all means give the Osage orange a foremost place. It has the additional recommendation of being a fine shade tree and of producing an excellent and durable wood * The stout growth and strong thorns of this tree have been thou";ht indicative of its usefulness for the makino; of hedges : a method of fencing, which sooner or later must be adopted in many parts of this country . and from the experiments which we have seen made with plants of the Osage orange, we think it likely to answer a very valuable purpose ; especially in the middle and southern states. The Messrs. Landreth of Philadelphia have lately offered many thousands of them to the public at a low rate, and we hope to see the matter fairly tested in various parts of the Union. A rich deep loam is the soil best adapted to the growth of this tree ; and as it is rather tender when young (though quite hardy when it attains a considerable size) it should, as far as possible, be planted in a rather sheltered situation. A dry soil is preferable, if it must be placed in a cold * A very superb effect may be produced with this tree, by cutting it >*everely bacli for several years, and compelling it, as the English c;ill it, to stole, by sending out a dozen leading shoots, instead of one ; a plant treated in this way, becomes, after a few years, a gigantic bush, round-headed, and most luxuriant, and when covered with its golden fruit, peeping out from amidst its exquisitely green foliage, it is the most superb floral ornament to a lawn that can be conceived. We recollect a surprisingly fine specimen of an Osage Orange treated in this way, at the late Dr. Edmondston's, near Baltimore, where a plant about twenty-four years old measured in circumference, one hun- dred and $ixty-jive feet ! the limbs lying about with a profusion of growth positively wonderful, and covered with fruit.— H. W. S. 184 LANDSCAPE GAHDENING. aspect, as all plants not perfectly hardy are much injured by the late growth, caused by an excess of moisture and consequent upon an immature state of the wood, which is unable to resist the effects of a severe winter. The Mulberry Tree. Morus. Nat. Ord. UrticaceiE. Liu. Syst. Monoecia, Tetrandiia. The three principal species of the Mulberry, are the common Red American, the European Black, and the White mulberries. None of them are truly handsome in scenery ; and the two latter are generally low spreading trees, valued entirely for the excellency of the fruit, or the suitableness of the foliage for feeding silkworms. Our common mulberry, however, in free, open situations, forms a large, wide-spreading, horizontally branched, and not inelegant tree: the rough, heart-shaped leaves with which it is thickly clothed, afford a deep shade ; and it groups well with the lime, the catalpa, and many other round-headed trees. We consider it, therefore, duly entitled to ? place in all extensive plantations ; while the pleasant flavor of its slightly acid, dark red fruit, will recommend it to those who wish to add to the delicacies of the dessert. The timber of our wild mulberry tree is of the very first quality , when fully seasoned, it takes a dull lemon-colored hue, and is scarcely less durable than the locust or Live oak. Like those trees, it is much valued by ship-builders ; and at Philadelphia and Baltimore it commands a high price, for the frame-work, knees, floor-timbers, and tree-nails of vessels. The Red mulberry is much slower in its growth DECIDUOUS OUNAMENTAL TREES. 185 than the locust ; but so far as we ai'e aware it is not liable to the attacks of any insect destructive to its timber ; and it would probably be found profitable to cultivate it as a timber tree. The locust, it will be remembered, grows thriftily only on peculiar soils, loose, dry, and mellow ; the Red mulberry prefers deep, moist, and rich situations. No extensive experiments, so far as we can learn, have been made in its culture ; but we would recommend it to the particular attention of those who have facilities for planta tions of this kind. The Black mulberry of Europe (Morus nigra)*is a low, slow-growing tree, with rough leaves, somewhat resembling those of our Red mulberry, but more coarsely serrated, and often found divided into four or five lobes ; while the leaves, which are not heart-shaped on our nat've species, are genC' rally three-lobed. The European mulberry bears a fruit four or five times as large as the American, full of rich sweet juice. It has long been a favorite in England, and is one of the most healthy and delicious fruits of the season, Glover says : " There the flushing peach. The apple, citron, ahiiond, pear, and date, Pomegranates, purple mulberry, and fig. From interlacing branches mix their hues And scents, the passengers' delight." * Leonid. B. II. We regret that so excellent a fruit should be so little cultivated here. It succeeds extremely well in the middle * Further experience has shown, tliat tliis tree is not to be depended upon, at least as far north as the middle portion of the Hudson Kiver. An admirable substitute for the fruit, is Downing's Seedling Mulberry, raised some years ago by Mr. Charles Downir.g, of Newburgh, and while being an excellent fruit, has, we believe, the additional merit of being ever-bearing.— II. W. S. 186 LANDSCAPE GARD.:;N1NG. states ; and as it ripens at the very period in midsummei when fruits are scarcest, there can be no more welcome addition to our pomonal treasures, than its deep purple and luscious berries. According to Loudon, it is a tree of great durability ; in proof of which he quotes a specimen at Sion House, 300 years old, which is supposed to have been planted in the 16th century by the botanist Turner. The White mulberry (JM. alba) is the species upon the leaves of which the silkworms are fed. The fruit is insipid and tasteless, and the tree is but little cultivated to embellish ornamental plantations, though one of the most useful in the world, when its importance in the production of silk is taken into account. There are a great number of varieties of this species to be found in the different nurseries and silk plantations ; among them the Chinese mulberry [M. multi- caulis) grows rapidly, but scarcely forms more than a large shrub at the north ; and its very large, tender, and soft green foliage is interesting in a large collection. The fruit is, we believe, of no importance ; but it is the most valuable of all mulberries as food for the silkworm, while its growth is the most vigorous, and its leaves more easily gathered than those of any other tree of the genus. The Paper Mulberry Tree. Broussonetia. Nat. Ord. Urticaceae. Lin. Syst. Dioecia, Tetrandria. The Paper mulberry is an exotic tree of a low growth, rarely exceeding twenty-five or thirty feet, indigenous to Japan and the South Sea Islands, but very common in our gardens. It is remarkable for the great variety of forms exhibited in its foliage ; as upon young trees it is almost DECIDUOITS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 187 irr.possible to find two exactly alike, though the prevailing outlines are either heart-shaped, or more or less deeply cut or lobed. These leaves are considered valueless for feed- ing the silkworm ; but in the South Seas the bark is woven into dresses worn by the females ; and in China and Japan extensive use is made of it in the manufacture of a paper of the softest and most beautiful texture. This is fabricated from the inner bark of the young shoots, which is first boiled to a soft pulp, and then submitted to processes greatly similar to those performed in our paper-mills. This tree blossoms in spring and ripens its fruit in the month of August. The latter is dark scarlet, and quite singular and ornamental, though of no value. The genus is dioecious ; and the reason why so few fruit-bearing trees are seen in the United States, is because we generally cultivate only one of the sexes, the female. M. Parmentier, however, who introduced the male plant from Europe, disseminated it in several parts of the country ; and the beauty of the tree has thereby been augmented by the interest which it possesses when laden with its long, hairy berries. The value of the Paper mulberry, in ornamental planta- tions, arises from its exotic look, as compared with other trees, from the singular diversity of its foliage, the beauty of its reddish berries, and from the rapidity of its growth. It is deficient in hardiness for a colder climate than that of New York ; but further south it is considerably esteemed as a shade-tree for lining the side-walks in cities. In win- ter its light fawn or ash-colored bark, mottled with patches of a darker grey, contrasts agreeably with other trees. It has little picturesque beauty, and should never be planted in quantities, but only in scattered specimens, to give interest and variety to a walk in the lawn or shrubbery. 188 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The Sweet Gum Tree. Liquidamhar. Nat. Ord. Platanaceae. Lin. Sijst. Moncecia, Polyandria. According to Michaux,* the Sweet gum is one of our most extensively diffused trees. On the seashore it is seen as far north as Portsmouth ; and it extends as far south as the Gulf of Mexico and the Isthmus of Darien. In many of the southern states it is one of the commonest trees of the forest ; it is rarely seen, however, along the banks of the Hudson (except in New Jersey), or other large streams of New York. It is not unlike the mjfple in general appear- ance, and its palmate, five-lobed leaves are hi catline much hke the Sugar maple, though darker in color and firmer in texture. It may also be easily distinguished from that tree, by the curious appearance of its secondary branches, which have a peculiar roughness, owing to the bark attaching itself in plates edgewise to the trunk, instead of laterally, as in the usual manner. The fruit is globular, somewhat resembling that of the buttonwood, but much rougher, and bristling with points. The male and female catkins appear on different branches of the same tree early in spring. This tree grows in great perfection in the forests of New Spain. It was first described by a Spanish naturalist. Dr. Hernandez, who observed that a fragrant and transparent gum issued from its trunk in that country, to which, from its appearance, he gave the name of liquid amber. This is now the common name of the tree in Europe ; and the gum is at present an article of export from Mexico, being chiefly valued in medicine as a styptic, and for its healing and balsamic properties. " This substance, which in the shops »N. A. Sylva, i. 315. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. ISO IS sometimes called the white balsam of Peru, or liquid storax, is, when it first issues from the tree, perfectly liquid and clear, white, with a slight tinge of yellow, quite bal- samic ; and having a most agreeable fragrance, resembling that of ambergris or styrax. It is stimulant and aromatic, and has long been used in France as a perfume, especially for gloves."* In the middle states a fragrant substance sometimes exudes from the leaves, and, by incision, small quantities of the gum may be procured from the trunk ; but a climate appears to be necessary' to its production in considerable quantities. We hardly know a more heautiful tree than the Liquid amber in every stage of its growth, and during every season of the year. Its outline is not picturesque or graceful, but simply beautiful, more approaching that of the maple than any oilier : it is, therefore, a highly pleasing, round-headed or tapering tree, which unites and harmonizes well with almost any others in composition ; but the chief beauty lies in the foliage. During the whole of the summer months it preserves, unsoiled, that dark glossy freshness which is so delightful to the eye ; while the singular, regularly palmate form of the leaves readily distinguishes it from the common trees of a plantation. But in autumn it assumes its gayest livery, and is decked in colors almost too bright and vivid for foliage ; forming one of the most brilliant objects in American scenery at that period of the year. The pre vailing tint of the foliage is then a deep purplish red, unlike any symptom of decay, and quite as rich as is commonly seen in the darker blossoms of a Dutch parterre. This is sometimes varied by a shade deeper or lighter, and occa- sionally an orange tint is assumed. When planted m the ♦ Arboreliun Brit. 2051. 190 LANDS* APE GARDENING neighborhood of our fine maples, ashes, and other trees remarkable for their autumnal coloring, the effect, in a warm, dry autumn, is almost magical. Whoever has travelled through what are called the pine barrens of New Jersey in such a season, must have been struck with the gay tints of the numberless forest trees, which line the roads through those sandy plains, and with the conspicuous beauty of the Sweet gum, or Liquidamber. The bark of this tree when full grown, or nearly so, is exceedingly rough and furrowed, like that of the oak. The wood is fine-grained, and takes a good polish in cabinet work ; thou2;h it is not so durable, nor so much esteemed for such purposes, as that of the Black walnut and some other native trees. The average height of full grown trees is about 35 or 40 feet. Liquidamhar styracijlua is the only North American species. It grows most rapidly in moist or even wet situa. tions, though it will accommodate itself to a drier soil. The Walnut Tree, Juglans. Nat. Ord. Juglandaceac. Lin. Sy^t. Moncscia, Polyandria. The three trees which properly come under this head and belong to the genus Juglans, are the Black walnut, the European walnut, and the Butternut. The Black walnut is one of the largest trees of our native forests. In good soils it often attains a stature of 60 or 70 feet, and a diameter of three or four feet in the trunk, with a corresponding amplitude of branches. The leaves, about a foot or eighteen inches in length, are composed of six or DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 191 eiglit pairs of opposite leaflets, terminated by an odd one They contain a very strong aromatic odor, which is emitted plentifully when they are bruised. The large nut, always borne on the extremity of the young shoots, is round, and covered with a thick husk ; which, instead of separating into pieces, and falling off like those of the hickory, rots away and decays gradually. The kernel of the Black walnut, too well known to need any description here, is highly esteemed, and is even considered by some persons to possess a finer flavor than any other walnut. The timber of this tree is very valuable : when well sea- soned it is as durable as the White oak, and is less liable to the attacks of sea- worms, etc., than almost any other; it is, therefore, highly esteemed in naval architecture for certain purposes. But its great value is in cabinet work. Its color, when exposed to the air, is a fine, rich, dark brown, beautifully veined in certain parts ; and as it takes a brilliant polish, it is coming into general use in the United States for furniture, as well as for the interioi finishing of houses. The Black walnut has strong claims upon the Landscape Gardener, as it is one of the grandest and most massive trees which he can employ. When full grown it is scarcely inferior in the boldness of its ramification or the amplitude of its head to the oak or chestnut ; and what it lacks in spirited outline when compared with those trees, is fully compensated, in our estimation, by its superb and heavy masses of foliage, which catch and throw off the broad lights and shadows in the finest manner. When the Black walnut stands alone on a deep fertile soil it becomes a truly majestic tree ;. and its lower branches often sweep the ground in a graceful curve, which gives additional beauty to its whole expression. It is admirably adapted to exten- 192 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. ^Ve lawns, parks, or plantations, where there is no want of room for the attainment of its full size and fair propor- tions. Its rapid growth and umbrageous foliage also recommend it for wide public streets and avenues. The European walnut (/. regid)^OY, as it is generally termed here, the Madeira nut, is one of the most common cultivated trees of Europe, where it was introduced origi- nally from Persia. It differs from our Black walnut (which, however, it much resembles) in the smooth, grey bark of the stem, the leaves composed of three or four pair of leaflets, and in the very thin-shelleJ fruit, which, though not exceeding the Black walnut in size, yet contains a much larger kernel, which is generally considered more delicate in flavor. In the interior of France orchards of the walnut are planted, and a considerable commerce is carried on in its products, consisting chiefly of the fruit, of which large quantities are consumed in all parts of Europe. The wood is greatly used in the manufacture of gun-stocks, and in cabinet-making (though it is much inferior to the American walnut for this purpose) ; and the oil extracted from the kernel is in hiirh estimation for mixing with deli- O O cate colors used in painting and other purposes. The European walnut is a noble tree in size, and thickly clad in foliage. It is much esteemed as a shade tree by the Dutch ; and Evelyn, who is an enthusiastic admirer of its beauties, mentions their fondness for this tree as in the high- est degree praiseworthy. " The Bergstras \_Bergstrasse], which extends from Heidelberg to Darmstadt, is all planted with walnuts ; for as by an ancient law the Borderers were obliged to nurse up. and take care of them, and that chiefly for their ornament and shade, so as a man may ride for * {Juglans lacinlata), Cntleaf Walnut, is a new and curious variety, witli large scalloped leaves. — II. W. S. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 193 many miles about that country under a continual arbor or close walk, — the traveller both refreshed with the fruit and shade. How much such public plantations improve the glory and wealth of a nation ! In several places betwixt Hanau and Frankfort in Germany, no young farmer is permitted to marry a wife till he bring proof that he hath planted, and is the father of a stated number of walnut trees."* The nuts are imported into this country in great quantities ; and as they are chiefly brought from Spain and the Madeiras, they are here almost entirely known by the name of the Madeira nut. The tree is but little cultivated among us, though highly deserving more extensive favor, both on account of its value and beauty. It grows well in the climate of the middle states, and bears freely ; a specimen eighteen or twenty years old, in the garden of the author, has reached thirty-five feet in height, and bears two or three bushels of fine fruit annually ; from which we have already propagated several hundred individuals. It is not perfectly hardy north of this. As an ornamental tree, Gilpin remarks, that the warm russet hue of its young foliage makes a pleasing variety among the vivid green of other trees, about the end of May ; and the same variety is maintained in summer, by tlie contrast of its yellowish hue, when mixed in any quantity with trees of a darker tint. It stands best alone, as the early loss of its foliage is then of less consequence, and its ramification is generally beautiful. The Butternut (/. cathartica) belongs to this section, and is chiefly esteemed for its fruit, which abounds in oil, and is very rich and sweet. The foliage somewhat » Hunter's Evelyn, p. 1G8. 13 194 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. resembles that of the Black walnut, though the leaflets are smaller and narrower. The form of the nut, however, is strikingly different, being oblong, oval, and narrowed to a point at the extremity. Unlike the walnut, the husk is covered with a sticky gum, and the surface of the nut is much rougher than any other of the walnut genus. The bark of the butternut is grey, and the tops of old trees generally have a flattened appearance. It is frequently an uncoutl ill-shapen, and ugly tree in form, though occasionally, also, quite striking and picturesque. And it is well worthy of a place for the excellence of its fruit.* The Hickory Tree. Carya. Nat. Ord. Juglandaceae. Lin. Sijst. Moncecia, Polyandria. The hickories are fine and lofty North American trees, highly valuable for their wood, and the excellent fruit borne by some of the species. The timber is extremdy elastic, and very heavy, possessing great strength and tenacity. It is not much employed in architecture, as it is peculiarly liable to the attacks of worms, and decays quickly when exposed to moisture. But it is very exten- sively employed for all purposes requiring great elasticity and strength ; as for axletrees, screws, the wooden rings used upon the rigging of vessels, whip-handles, and axe- * Loudon errs greatly in his Arboretum, in supposing the butternut to be identical with the Black walnut : no trees in the whole American forest are more easily distinguished at first sight. He also states the fruit to be rancid .md of little value ; but no .\inerica;i lad of a dozen years will accord with him in this opin on. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 105 handles ; and an immense quantity of the young poles are employed in the manufacture of hoops, for which they are admirably adapted. For fuel, no American wood is equal to this in the brilliancy with which it burns, or in the duration or amount of heat given out by it : it therefore commands the highest price in market for that purpose. The hickories are nearly allied to the walnuts; the chief botanical distinction consisting in the covermg to "the nut, or husk; which in the hickories separates into four valves, or pieces, when ripe, instead of adhering in a homogeneous coat, as upon the Black walnut and butter- nut. In size and appearance, the hickories rank with the first class of forest trees ; most of them growing vigorously to the height of 60 or 80 feet, with fine straight trunks, well balanced and ample heads, and handsome, hvely, pinnated foliage. When confined among other trees in the forest, they shoot up 50 or GO feet without branches ; but when standing singly, they expand into a fine head near the ground and produce a noble, lofty pyramid of foliage, rather rounded at the top. They have all the qualities which are necessary to constitute fine, graceful park trees, and are justly entitled to a place in every considerable plantation. The most ornamental species are the Shellbark hickory, the Pignut, and the Pecan-nut. The former and the latter produce delicious nuts, and are highly worthy of cultivation for their fruit alone ; while all of them assume very handsome shapes during every stage of their growth, and ultimately become noble trees. Varieties of the Shellbark hickory are sometimes seen producing nuts oi twice or thrice the ordinary size ; and we have not the least doubt that the fruit might be so improved in size and 190' LANDSCAPE GARDENING. delicacy of flavor by careful cultivation, as greatly to suipass the European walnut, for the table. This result will probably be attained by planting the nuts of the finest varieties found in our woods, in rich moist soil, kept in high cultivation ; as all improved varieties of fruit have been produced in this way, and not, as many suppose, by cultivating the original species. These remarks also apply to the Pecan-nut ; a western sort, which thrives well in the middle states, and which produces a nut more delicate in flavor than any other of this continent. These trees form strong tap-roots, and are, therefore, somewhat difficult to transplant ; but they are easily reared from the nut ; and, for the reason stated above, this method should be adopted in preference to any other, except in particular cases. The principal species of the hickory are the following : The Shellbark hichory (C. alba), so called on account of the roughness of its bark, which is loosened from the trunk in long scales or pieces, bending outwards at the extremity, and remaining attached by the middle ; this akes place, however, only on trees of some size. The eaves are composed of two pair of leaflets, with an odd or terminal one. The scales which cover the buds of the Shellbark in winter, adhere only to the lower half, while the upper half of the bud is left uncovered, by which this sort is readily distinguished from the other species. The hickory nuts of our markets are the product of this tree ; they are much esteerned in every part of the Union, and are exported in considerable quantities to Europe. Among many of the descendants of the original Dutch settlers of DEGIDUdtJS ORNAMENTAL TREES. I97 New York and New Jersey, the fruit is commonly known by the appellation of the Kisky-tom nut* The Pecan-nut {Pacainer of the French), (C olivcefor- mis) is found only^in the western states. It abounds on the Missouri, Arkansas, Wabash, and Illinois Rivers, and a portion of the Ohio : Michaux states that there is a swamp of 800 acres on the right bank of the Ohio, opposite the Cumberland river, entirely covered with it. It is a handsome, stately tree, about 60 or 70 feet in height, with leaves a foot or eighteen inches long, composed of six or seven pairs of leaflets much narrower than those of our hickories. The nuts are contained in a thin, somewhat four-sided husk; they are about an inch or an inch and a half long, smooth, cylindrical, and thin-shelled. The kernel is not, like most of the hickories, divided by partitions, and it has a very delicate and agreeable flavor. They form an object of petty commerce between Upper and Lower Louisiana. From New Orleans, they are exported to the West Indies, and to the ports of the United States, f Besides these two most valuable species, our forests produce the Pignut hickory (C porcina), a lofty tree with five to seven pairs of leaflets, so called from the compara tive worthlessness of its fruit ; which is very thick-shelled, and generally is left on the ground for the swine, squirrels, etc., to devour. It is easily distinguished in winter by the smaller size of its brown shoots, and its small oval buds. Its wood is considered the toughest and strongest of any of the trees of this section. The thick Shellbark hickory * In some parts, pleasant social parties which meet at stated times during the winter season, are called Kisky-toms, from the regular appearance of tliCFS nuts among the refreshinents of the evening. t N. A. Sylva, i. 168. 198 LANDSCAPE GARDEIvAng. (C. laciniosa) resembles much in size and appearance the common Shellbark ; but the nuts are double the size, the shell much t^'cker and yellowish, while that of the latter is white. It is but little known e^ccept west of the Alleghanies. The Mockernut hickory (C. tomentosa) is so called from the deceptive appearance of the nuts, which are generally of large size, but contain only a very small kernel. The leaves are composed of but four pairs of sessile leaflets, with an odd one at the end. The trunk of the old trees is very rugged, and the wood is one of the best for fuel. The Bitternut hickory (C amara), sometimes called the White hickory, grows 60 feet high in New Jersey. The husk which covers the nut of this species, has four winged appendages on its upper half, and never hardens like the other sorts, but becomes soft and decays. The shell is thin, but the kernel is so bitter that even the squirrels refuse to eat it. The Water Bitternut (C aquatica) is a very inferior sort, growing in the swamps and rice fields of the southern states. The leaflets are serrated, and resemble in shape the leaves of the peach tree. Both the fruit and timber are much inferior to those of all the other hickories. The Mountain Ash Tree. Pyrus* Nau. Ord. Rosaceae. Lin. Sijst. Icosandria, Di-Pentagyma. The European Mountain ash {Pyrus aucujjaria) is an elegant tree of the medium size, with an erect stem, * Sorbus of the old Botanists. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 199 smooth bark, and round head. The leaves are pinnated. four or five inches in length, and slightly resemble tllo:^^: of the ash. The snow-white flowers are produced in large flat clusters, in the month of May, which are thickly scattered over the outer surface of the tree, and give it s lively appearance. These are succeeded by numerouf bunches of berries, which in autumn turn to a brilliant scarlet, and are then highly ornamental. For the sake of these berries, this tree is a great favorite with birds ; and in Germany it is called the Vogel Beerhaum, i. e. bird's berry tree, and is much used by bird catchers to bait their springs with. Twenty-five feet is about the average height of the Mountain ash in this country. Abroad it grows more vigorously ; and in Scotland, where it is best known by the name of the Roan or Rowan tree, it sometimes reaches the altitude of 35 or 40 feet. The lower classes throughout the whole of Britain, for a long time attributed to its branches the power of being a sovereign charm against witches ; and Sir Thomas Lauder informs us that this superstition is still in existence in many parts of the High- lands, as well as in Wales. It is probable that tJiis tree was a favorite with the Druids ; for it is often seen growing near their ancient mystical circles of stones. The 'dairymaid, iu many parts of England, stiU preserves the old custom of driving her cows to pasture with a switch of the roan tree, which she believes has the power to shield them from all evil spells.* "Evelyn mentions that it is cus- tomary in Wales to plant this tree in churchyards ; and Miss Kent in her Sylvan Sketches, makes the following remarks : — ' In former times this tree was supposed to be • * Lightfoot, Flora Scotica. 200 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. possessed of the property of driving away witches and evi] spirits ; and this property is alluded to in one of the stanzas of a very ancient song, called the Laidley Worm of Spin- dlcton's TIeughs. ' Their spells were vain ; the boys retum'd To the Queen in sorrowful mood, Crying that " witches have no power Where there is rowan-tree wood V . " The last line of this stanza leads to the true reading of a stanza in Shakspeare's tragedy of Macbeth. The sailor's wife, on the witch's requesting some chestnuts, hastil} answers, 'A rown-tree, witch!' — but many of the editions have it, ' aroint thee, witch !' which is nonsense, and evi- dently a corruption."* The European Mountain ash is quite a favorite with cultivators here, and deservedly so. Its foliage is extremely neat, its blossoms pretty, and its blazing red berries in autumn communicate a cheerfulness to the season, and harmonize happily with the gay tints of our native forest trees. It is remarkably well calculated for small planta- tions or collections, as it grows in almost any soil or situa- tion, takes but little room, and is always interesting. " In the Scottish Highlands," says Gilpin, " on some rocky mountain covered with dark pines and waving birch, which cast a solemn gloom on the lake below, a few Mountain ashes joining in a clump and mixing with them, have a fine effect. In summer the light green tint of their foliage, and in autumn the glowing berries which hang clustering upon them, contrast beautifully with the deeper green of the pines : and if they are happily blended, and not in too large a proportion, they add some of the most picturesque furni- * Arboretum et Fn ticetum, p. 918. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 201 ture \^■ith which the sides of those rugged mountains are invested." We have seen the Mountain ash, here, display- ing itself in great beauty, mingled with a group of hemlocks from among the deep green foliage of which, the coral berries of the former seemed to shoot out; their color heightened by the dark back ground of evergreen boughs. Tlie American Mountain ash (Pyrus Americana) is a native of the mountains along the banks of the Hudson, and other cold and elevated situations in the north of the United States : on the Catskill we have seen some handsome speci- mens near the Mountain House ; but generally it does not grow in so comely a shape, or form so handsome a tree as the foreign sort. In the general appearance of the leaves and blossoms, however, it so nearly resembles the European as to be thought merely a variety by some botanists. The chief difference between them appears to be in the color of the fruit, which on our native tree is copper colored or dull purplish red. It may probably assume a handsome shape when cultivated. The Sorb or Service tree {PyriLS Sorhus) is an interest- ing species of Pyrus, a native of Europe, which is sometimes seen in our gardens, and deserves a place for its handsome foliage and its clusters of fruit ; which somewhat resemble those of the Mountain ash, and are often eaten when in a 5tate of incipient decay. The leaves are coarser than those of the Mountain ash, and the tree is larger, often attaining the height of 50 or GO feet in its native soil. The White Beam {Pyrus Aj-ia) is another foreign species, also bearing bunches of handsome scarlet berries, and clus- lers of white flowers. The leaves, however, are not pin- nated, but simply serrated on the margin. It grows 30 leet 202 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, ligh, and as the foliage is dark gi'een on the upper side, and downy white beneath, it presents an effect greatly resem- bling that of the Silver poplar in a slight breeze. Abroad, the timber is considered valuable ; but here it is cliiefly planted to produce a pleasing variety among other trees, by its peculiar foliage, and scarlet autumnal fruit. All the foregoing trees grow naturally in the highest, most exposed, and often almost barren situations. When, however, a rapid growth is desired, they should be planted in a more moist and genial soil. They are easily propagated from the seed, and son:se of the sorts may be grafted on the pear or hawthorn. The seeds, in all cases, should be sown in autumn. The Ailantus Tree. Ailantus. Nat. Ord. Xanthoxylacece. Lin. Syst. Polygamia, Moncecia. Ailanto is the name of this tree in the Moluccas, and is said to signify Tree of Heaven ; an appellation probably bestowed on account of the rapidity of its growth, and the great height which it reaches in the East Indies, its native country. When quite young it is not unlike a sumac in appearance ; but the extreme rapidity of its growth and the great size of its pinnated leaves, four or five feet long, soon distinguish it from that shrub. During the first half dozen years it outstrips almost any other deciduous tree in vigor of growth, and we have measured leading stems which had grown twelve or fifteen feet in a single season. In four or five years, therefore, it forms quite a bulky head, but after that period it advances more slowly, and in 20 years would probably be overtopped by the poplar, the plane, or any other fast growing tree. There are, as yet, no specimens DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 203 in this country more than 70 feet high ; but the trunk shoots up in a fine column, and the head is massy and irregular in outline. In this country it is planted purely for ornament, but we learn that in Europe its wood has been applied to cabinet work ; for which, from its close grain and bi-ight satin-like lustre, it is well adapted.* The male and female flowers are borne on separate trees, and both sexes are now common, especially in New York. The male forms the finer ornamental tree, the female being rather low, and spreading in its head. In New York and Philadelphia, the Ailantus is more generally known by the name of the Celestial tree, and is much planted in the streets and public squares. For such situations it is admirably adapted, as it will insinuate its strong roots into the most meagre and barren soil, where few other trees will grow, and soon produce an abundance of foliage and fine shade. It appears also to be perfectly free from insects ; and the leaves, instead of dropping slowly, and for a long time, fall off almost immediately when frost commences. The Ailantus is a picturesque tree, well adapted to produce a good effect on the lawn, either singly or grouped ; as its fine long foliage catches the light well, and contrasts strikingly with that of the round-leaved trees. It has a troublesome habit of producing suckers, however, which must exclude it from every place but a heavy sward, where the surface of the ground is never stirred by cultivation. The branches of this tree are entirely destitute of tho small spray so common on most forest trees, and have a singularly naked look in winter, well calculated to fix the attention of the spectator at that dreary season. • Annales de la Societe d'Horticulture. 204 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The largest Ailantus trees in America are growing in Rhode Island, where it was introduced from China, under the name of the Tillou tree. It has since been rapidly propagated by suckers, and is now one of the commonest ornamental trees sold in the nurseries. The finest trees, however, are those raised from seed.* The Kentucky Coffee Tree. Gymnocladus. Nat. Ord. Leguniinosae. Lin. Sijsi. Dicecia, Decandria. This unique tree is found in the western part of the State of New York, and as far north as Montreal, in Canada. But it is seen in the greatest perfection, in the fertile bottoms of Kentucky and Tennessee. Sixty feet is the usual height of the Coffee tree in those soils ; and judging from specimens growing under our inspection, it will scarcely fall short of that altitude, in well cultivated situations, anywhere in the middle states. When in full foliage, this is a very beautiful tree. The whole leaf, doubly compound and composed of a great, number of bluish-green leaflets, is generally three feet long, and of two-thirds that width on thrifty trees ; and the whole foliage hangs in a well-rounded mass, that would ook almost too heavy, were it not lightened in effect by * We tliiiik public opinion has very much changed about this tree, since the early editions of lliis work. Being tlien but newly introduced, and having (to Americans) the very great merit of with remarkable rapidity, it was very much sought after, and is now, we tliink, as universally neglected. The exceedingly disagreeable odor of its flowers and young wood, and the trouble- some habit of suckering, have quite thrown it into disfiivor, especially since its place can be now s^upplied by a much more effective tree, from the same coun- try (Japan): the Paulownia^grow'mg with equal rapidity, and having an early Spring bloom, of great beauty and sweetness of perfume. — H. W. S. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 205 the loose, tufted appearance of each individual leaf. The flowers, which are white, are borne in loose spikes, in the beginning of summer ; and are succeeded by ample brown pods, flat and somewhat curved, which contain six or seven large grey seeds, imbedded in a s.weet pulpy substance. As the genus is dioecious, it is necessary that both sexes of this tree should be growing near each other, in order to produce seed. When Kentucky was first settled by the adventurous pioneers from the Atlantic States, who commenced their career in the primeval wilderness, almost without the necessaries of life, except as produced by them from the fertile soil, they fancied that they had discovered a substitute for coffee in the seeds of this tree, and accordingly the name of Coffee tree was bestowed upon it : but when a communication was established with the seaports, they gladly relinquished their Kentucky beverage for the more grateful flavor of the Indian plant ; and no use is at present made of it in that manner. It has, however, a fine, compact wood, highly useful in building oi cabinet-work. The Kentucky Coffee tree is well entitled to a place in every collection. In summer, its charming foliage and agreeable flowers render it a highly beautiful lawn tree ; and in winter, it is certainly one of the most novel tree?, in appearance, in our whole native sylva. Like the Ailantus, it is entirely destitute of small spray, but it also adds to this the additional singularity of thick, blunt, terminal branches, without any perceptible buds. Alto- gether it more resembles a dry, dead, and withered combination of sticks, than a living and thrifty tree. Although this would be highly monotonous and displeasing, were it Ihe common appearance of our deciduous trees 20G LANDSCAPE GARDENING. ill winter ; yet, as it is not so, but a rare and very unique exception to the usual beautiful diversity of spray and ramification, it is highly interesting to place such a tree as the present in the neighborhood of other full-sprayed species, where the curiosity which it excites will add greatly to its value as an interesting object at that period of the year.* At^T?"^ [Fig. 83. The Kentucky Coffee Tree] The seeds vegetate freely, and the tree is usually propagated in that manner. It prefers a rich, strong soil, like most trees of the western states. * There are some very specimens upon the lawn at Dr. Hosack's seal [lyde Park, N. Y., which have fruited for a number of years. See Fig. 33. DECIDUOUf ORNAMENTAL TREES. 207 The Willow Tree. Salix, Nat. Ord. Salicaceae. Lin. Sijst. Dicecia, Diandria. A very large genus, comprising plants of almost every stature, from minute shrubs of three or four inches in height, to lofty and wide-spreading trees of fifty or sixty feet.* They are generally remarkable for their narrow leaves, and slendei', round, and flexible branches. There are few of these willows which are adapted to add to the beauty of artificial scenery ; but among them are three or four trees, which, from their peculiar character, deserve especial notice. These are the Weep- ing, or Babylonian willow {Salix Babylonica), the White, or Huntington willow {S. alba), the Golden willow {S. vitellina), the Russell willow {S. Russelliana), and the profuse Flowering willow {S. caprea). The above are all foreign sorts, which, however (except the last), have long ago been introduced, and are now quite common in the United States. All of them except the first, have an upright or wavy, spreading growth, and form lofty trees, considerably valued abroad for their timber. The White willow and the Russell willow are very rapid in their growth, and have a pleasing light green foliage. The Golden willow is remarkable for its bright yellow bark, which renders it quite ornamental, even in winter. It is a middle sized tree, and is often seen growing along the road-sides in the eastern and middle states. Salix caprea is deserving a place in collections for the beauty of its abundant blossoms at an early and cheerless period in the spring. * Dr. Barratt of Middletown, Conn., who has paid great attention to the willow, enumerates 100 species, as growing in North America, eithei indipenous or introduced. 208 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The chief, and indeed almost the only value of these willows in Landscape Gardening, is to embellish low grounds, streams of water, or margins of lakes. When mingled with other trees, they often harmonize so badly from their extremely different habits, foliage, and col-or, that unless very sparingly introduced, they cannot fail to have a bad effect. On the banks of streams, however, they are extremely appropriate, hanging their slender branches over the liquid element, and drawing genial nourishment from the moistened soil. " Le saule incline sur la rive penchante, Balan^ant mollement sa tete blanchissante." In the middle distance of a scene, also, where a stream winds partially hidden, or which might otherwise wholly escape the eye, these trees, if planted along its course, connected as they are in our minds with watery soils, will not fail to direct the attention and convey forcibly the impression of a brook or river, winding its way beneath their shade. In landscapes, the Weeping willow is peculiarly express- ive of grace and softness. Although a highly beautiful tree, great care must be used in its introduction, to preserve the harmony and propriety of the whole ; as nothing could be more strikingly inappropriate than to ■ntermix it frequently with trees expressive of dignity or majesty, as the oak, etc. ; where the violent contrast ''■xhibited in the near proximity of the two opposite forms, could only produce discord. The favorite place, where it is most true to nature and itself, is near water, where " it dips Its pendent boughs, stooping as if to drink." Cowpkr. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 209 There, when properly introduced, not in too great abun- dance, hanging over some rustic bridge, or cool jutting spring, and supported, and brought into harmony with surrounding vegetation by such other graceful and light- sprayed trees as the Birch and Weeping elm, its effect is often surpassingly beautiful and appropriate. There it is one 01 the first in the vernal season to burst its buds, and mirror its soft green foliage in the flood beneath, and one of the last in autumn to yield its leafy vesture to the chilling frosts, or fitful gusts of approaching winter. We consider the Weeping willow ill calculated for a place near a mansion which has any claims to size, mag- nificence, or architectural beauty ; as it does not in any way contribute by its form or outline to add to or strengthen such characteristics in a building. The only place where it can be happily situated in this way, is in the case of very humble or inconspicuous cottages, which we have seen much ornamented by being completely hidden, as it were, beneath the soft veil of its streaming foliage. There is a very singular variety of the Weeping willow cultivated in our gardens, under the name of the Ringlet willow ; which is so remarkable in the form of its foliage. and so different from all other trees, that it is well worth a place as a curiosity. Each leaf is curled round like a ring or hoop, and the appearance of a branch in full foliage is not unlike a thinly curled ringlet ; whence its commor name. It forms a neat, middle-sized tree, with drooping branches, though hardly so pendent as the Weeping willow. The uses of the willow are extremely numerous. Abroad it is extensively cultivated in coppices, for timber and fuel, U 210 LANDSCAPE CARDENING. for hoops, lies, etc. ; and we are informed, that in the north ern parts of Europe, and throughout the Russian Empire, the twigs are employed in manufacturing domestic uten- sils, harness, cables, and even for the houses of the pea- santry themselves. From the fibres of the bark, it is said that a durable cloth is woven by the Tartars ; and the bark is used for tanning in various, parts of the eastern continent. But by far the most extensive use to which this plant is applied, is in the manufacture of baskets. From the eai-liest periods it has been devoted to this purpose, and large plantations, or osier-fields, as they are called, are devoted to the culture of particular kinds for this purpose, both in Europe and America. The common Basket.wil]ow, an European species (^S. virninalis), is the sort usually grown for this purpose, but several others are also employed. For the culture of the basket willows, a deep, moist, though not inundated soil is necessary ; such as is generally found on the margins of small streams, or low lands. " Ropes and baskets made from willow twigs, were probably among the very earliest manufactures, in countries where these trees abound. The Romans used the twisfs for bindinjr their vines, and tying their reeds in bundles, and made all sorts of baskets of them. A crop of willows w^as consi- dered so valuable in the time of Cato, that he ranks the Salictum, or willow field, next in value to the vineyard and the garden. (Art. Salix. Arb. Brit) Among us, the European Basket willow is extensively cultivated, and very large plantations are to be seen in the low grounds of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The wood of some of the tree willows, and particularly that of the Yellow willow, and the Shining willow {S. lucida), ia DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 211 greatly used in making charcoal for the manufacture of gunpowder. It is almost- unnecessary to say that all the willows grow readily from slips or truncheons planted in the ground. So tenacious of life are they, that examples are known where small trees have been taken up and completely inverted, by planting the branches and leaving the roots exposed, which have nevertheless thrown out new roots from the former tops, and the roots becoming branches, the tree grew again with its ordinary vigor. The Sassafras Tree. Laurus. Nat. Ord. Lauraceae. Lin. Syst. Enneandria, Monogynia. The Sassafras is a neat tree of the middle size, belonging to the same family as the European laurel or Sweet bay ; it is found, more or less plentifully, through the whole territory of the United States. In favorable soils, along the banks of the Hudson, it often grows to 40 or 50 feet in height ; but in the woods it seldom reaches that altitude. The flowers are yellow, and appear in small clusters in May, and the fruit is a small, deep blue berry, seated on a red footstalk or cup. The bark of the wood and roots has an agreeable smell and taste, and is a favorite ingredient, with the branches of the spruce, in the small beer made by the country people. Medicinally, it is considered anti- scorbutic and sudorific ; and is thought efficacious in purifying the blood. It was formerly in great repute with practitioners abroad, and large quantities of the bark of the roots were shipped to England ; but the demand has of late greatlv decreased. 212 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The Sassafras is a very agreeable tree to the eye, decked as it is with its glossy, deep green, oval, or three-lobed leaves. When fully grown, it is also quite picturesque for a tree of so moderate a size ; as its branches generally have an irregular, somewhat twisted look, and the head is partially flattened, and considerably varied in outline After ten years of age, this tree always looks older than it really is, from its rough, deeply cracked, grey bark, and rather crooked stem. It often appears extremely well on the borders of a plantation, and mixes well with almost any ot the heavier deciduous trees. As it is by no means so common a tree as many of those already noticed, it is gene- rally the more valued, and may frequently be seen growing along the edges of cultivated fields and pastures, appearing to thrive well in any good mellow soil. The Catalpa Tree. Catalpa. Nat. Ord. Bignoniacene. Lin. Sijst. Diandria, Monogynia. A native of nearly all the states south and west of Vir- ginia, this tree has become naturalized also throughout the middle and eastern sections of the Union, where it is generally planted for ornament. In Carolina it is called the Catawba tree, after the Catawba Indians, a tribe that formerly inhabited that country ; and it is probable that the softer epithet now generally bestowed upon it in the north, is only a corrup- tion of that original name. The leaves of this tree are very large, often measuring six or seven inches broad ; they are heart-shaped in form, DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. . 213 smooth, and pale green on the upper side, slightly downy beneath. The blossoms are extremely beautiful, hanging, like those of the Horse-chestnut, in massy clusters beyond the outer surface of the foliage. The color is a pure and delicate white, and the inner part of the corolla is delicately sprinkled over with violet, or reddish and yellow spots ; indeed, the individual beauty of the flowers is so great when viewed closely, that one almost regrets that they should be elevated on the branches of a large forest tree. When these fall, they are succeeded by bean-like capsules or seed-vessels, which grow ten or twelve inches long, become brown, and hang pendent upon the branches during the greater part of the winter. The Catalpa never, or rarely, takes a symmetrical form when growing up ; but generally forms a wide-spreading head, forty or fifty feet in diameter. Its large and abundant foliage affords a copious shade, and its growth is quite rapid, soon forming a large and bulky tree. In ornamental plantations it is much valued on account of its superb and showy flowers, and is therefore deserving a place in every lawn. It is generally seen to best advantage when standing alone, but it may also be mingled with other large round-leaved trees, as the basswood, etc., when it produces a very pleasing effect. The branches are rather brittle, like those of the locust, and are therefore somewhat liable to be broken by the wind. Accustomed to a warmer climate, the leaves expand late in the spring, and wither hastily when frost approaches ; but the soft tint of their luxuriant vegetation is very grateful to the eye, and it appears to be uninjured by the hottest rays of summer. North of this place the Catalpa is rather too tender for exposed situations. 214 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. We have seen the Catalpa employed to great advantage m fixing and holding up the loose soil of river banks, where, if planted, it will soon insinuate its strong roots, and retain the soil firmly. In Ohio, experiments have been made with the timber for the posts used in fencing ; and it is stated on good authority that it is but little inferior, when well seasoned, to that of the locust in durability. Michaux mentions that he has been assured that the honey collected from the flowers is poisonous ; but this we are inclined to doubt ; or at least we have witnessed no ill effects from planting it in abundance in the middle States, in those neighborhoods where bees are kept in considerable numbers. The Catalpa is very easily propagated from seeds sown in any light soil ; and the growth of the young plants ia extremely rapid. C. syringafolia is the only species.* The Persimon Tree. Diospyros. Nat. Ord. Ebenaceae. Lin. Syst. Polygamia, DicEcia. The Highlands of the Hudson, and about the same latitude on the Connecticut, may be considered the northern limits of this small tree. It generally forms a spreading loose head, of some twenty or thirty feet high, in good soils in the middle states ; but we have seen a * This was quite true when the above chapter was written. Since when, we have C, lungei, C. Icemferi, and C. Mmmalayensis — the first two being dwarfs. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 215 specimen of nearly eighty feet, in the old Bartrain Garden at Philadelphia ; and fifty feet is probably the average growth on deep fertile lands in the southern states. The Persimon bears a small, round, dull red fruit, about an inch in diameter, containing six or seven stones ; it is insufferably austere and bitter, until the autumnal frosts have mellowed it and lessened its harshness, when it becomes quite palatable. Considerable quantities of the fruit are annually brought into New York market and its vicinity, from New Jersey, and sold : the produce is very abundant, a single tree often yielding several bushels. A strong brandy has been distdled from them ; and in the south they are said to enter into the composition of the country beer. For the latter purpose they are pounded up with bran, dried, and kept for use till wanted. The foliage of the Persimon is handsome ; the leaves being four or five inches long, simple, oblong, dark green, and glossy, like those of the orange. The blossoms are green and inconspicuous. The Persimon has no importance as a tree to recommend it ; but it may be admitted in all good collections for its pleasing shining foliage, and the variety which its singular fruit adds to the productions of a complete country resi- dence. The common sort (D. Virginiana) grows readily from the seed. There is an European Species {Dyosporus Lotus), with yellow fruit about the size of a cherry, rather less palatable than our native kind. The specimens of this tree, which we have imported, appear too tender to bear our winters unprotected, so that it will probably not prove hardy in the northern states. 21G LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The Peperidge Tree. Ni/ssa. Nat. Old. Santalacete. Lin. Syst. Polyganua, Dicccia. The Peperidge, Tupelo, or sour gum tree, as it is callea In various parts of the Union, grows to a moderate size, and is generally found in moist situations, though we have seen it in New York State, thriving very well in dry upland soils. The diameter of the trunk is seldom more than eighteen inches, and the general height is about forty or fifty feet. The flowers are scarcely perceptible, but the fruit borne in pairs, is about the size of a pea, deep blue, and ripens in October. The leaves are oval, smooth, and have a beautiful gloss on their upper surface. The branches diverge from the main trunk almost horizontally, and sometimes even bend downwards like those of some of the Pine family, which gives the tree a very marked and picturesque character. The Peperidge when of moderate size is not difficult to transplant, and we consider it a very fine tree, both on account of its beautiful, dark green, and lustrous foliage in summer, and the brilliant fiery color which it takes when the frost touches it in autumn. In this respect it is fully equal in point of beauty to that of the Liquidambar or Sweet gum, and the maples which we have already described ; and so fine a feature do we consider this autumnal beauty of foliage that we would by all means advise the introduc- tion of such trees as the Peperidge into the landscape for that reason alone, were it not also valuable for its peculiar form and polished leaves in summer. Besides the Peperidge there are three other NyssaS; natives of this continent, viz. the Black gum (N. Sylvatica)^ DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 217 a tree of greater dimensions, and larger, more elongated leaves, whose northern boundary is the neighborhood of Philadelphia ; the Large Tupelo (N. grandidentata), a tree of the largest size, with large, coarsely toothed foliage, and a large blue fruit, three-fourths of an inch long, which is sometimes called the wild olive ; and the sour Tupelo {N. capitata), with long, smooth, laurel-like leaves, and light red, oval fruit, called the Wild Lime, from its abounding in a strong acid, resembling that of the latter fruit. Both the latter trees are natives of the southern states, and are little known north of Philadelphia. The wood of all the foregoing trees is remarkable for the peculiar arrangement of its fibres ; which, instead of running directly through the stem in parallel lines, are curiously twisted and interwoven together. Owing to this circumstance it is extremely difficult to split, and is therefore often used in the manufacture of wooden bowls, trays, etc. That of the Peperidge is also preferred for the same reason, and for its toughness, by the wheel- wrights, in the construction of the naves of Vv^heels, and for other similar purposes. Michaux remarks that he is unable to give any reason why the names of Sour gum. Black gum, etc., have been bestowed upon these trees, as they spontaneously exude no sap or fluid which could give rise to such an appellation. We suspect that the term has arisen from a comparison of the autumnal tints of these trees belonging to the genus Nyssa, with those of the Sweet gum or Liquidambar, which, at a short distance, they so much resemble in the riarly autuir.n. 218 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The Thokn Tree. Crategus. Nat. Ord. Rosacea3. Lin. Syst. Icosandria, Di-pentagynia. A tree of the smallest size ; but though many of the sorts attain only the stature of ordinary shrubs, yet some of our native species, as well as the English Hawthorn (C. oxycantha), when standing alone, will form neat, spreading- topped trees, of twenty or thirty feet in height. Although the thorn is not generally viewed among us as a plant at all conducive to the beauty of scenery, yet we are induced to mention it here, and to enforce its claims in that point of view, as they appear to us highly entitled to consideration. First, the foliage — deep green, shining, and often beautifully cut and diversified in form — is prettily tufted and arranged upon the branches ; secondly, the snowy blossoms — often produced in such quantities as to completely whiten the whole head of the tree, and which in many sorts have a delightful perfume — present a charming appearance in the early part of the season ;■ and thirdly, the ruddy crimson or purple haws or fruit, which give the whole plant a rich and glowing appearance in and among our fine forests, open glades, or wild thickets, in autumn. The most ornamental and the strongest growing indigenous kinds are the Scarlet Thorn tree (C coccinea), and its varieties, the Washington Thorn (C populifolia), and the Cockspur Thorn (C crus-galli) ; all of which, in good soil, will grow to the height of twenty or thirty feet, and can readily be transplanted from their native sites. The English Hawthorn is not only a beautiful small tree, but it is connected in our minds with all the elegant, DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TllEES. 219 poetic, and legendary associations which belong to it in England ; for scarcely any tree is richer in such than this. With the floral games of May, this plant, from its blooming at that period, and being the favorite of the season, has become so identified, that the blossoms are known in many parts of Britain chiefly by that name. Among the ancient Greeks and Romans, they were dedi- cated to Flora, whose festival began on the first of that month ; and in the olden times of merry England, the May-pole, its top decked with the gayest garlands of these blossoms, was raised amid the shouts of the young and old assembled to celebrate this happy rustic festival. Chaucer alludes to the custom., and describes the hawthorn thus: Marke the faire blooming of the Hawthorne tree, Which finely cloathed in a robe of white. Fills full the wanton eye with May's delight. Court of Love. And Herriclt has left us the following lines to " Corrina going a Maying :" " Come, my Corrina, come ; and coming marke How eche field turns a street, eche street a park Made green, and trimmed with trees ; see how Devotion gives eche house a bough Or branch ; eche porch, eche doore ere this, An arke, a tabernacle is, Made up of Hawthorne, neatly interwove. As if here were those cooler shades of love." The following lines descriptive of the English species, we extract from the " Romance of Nature." " Come let us rest this hawthorn tree beneath. And breathe its luscious fragrance as it flies, 220 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. And watch the tiny petals as they fall. Circling and winnowing down our sylvan hall." The berries, or haivs, as they are called, have a very rich and coral-like look when the tree, standing alone, is com- pletely covered with them in October. There are some elegant varieties of this species, which highly deserve cul- tivation for the beauty of their flowers and foliage. Among them we may particularly notice the Double White, with beautiful blossoms like small white roses ; the Pink and the Scarlet flowering, both single and double, and the Varie- gated-leaved hawthorn, all elegant trees ; as well as the Weeping hawthorn, a rarer variety, with pendulous branches. The Hawthorn is most agreeable to the eye in compo- sition when it forms the undergrowth or thicket, peeping out in all its green freshness, gay blossoms, or bright fruit, from beneath and between the groups and masses of trees ; where, mingled with the hazel, etc., it gives a pleasing intricacy to the whole mass of foliage. But the different species display themselves to most advantage, and grow also to a finer size, when planted singly, or two or three together, along the walks leading through the different parts of the pleasure-ground or shrubbery. The Magnolia Tree. Magnolia. Nat. Ord. Magnoliaceac. Lin. Syst. Polyandria, Polygynia. The North American trees composing the genus Magnolia are certainly among the most splendid productions of the forests in any temperate climate ; and when we consider DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 221 the size and fragrance of their blossoms, or the beauty of their large and noble foliage, we may be allowed to doubt whether there is a more magnificent and showy genus of deciduous trees in the world. With the exception of a few shrubs or smaller trees, natives of China and the mountains of Central Asia, it belongs exclusively to this continent, as no individuals of this order are indigenous to Europe or Africa. The American species attracted the attention of the first botanists who came over to examine the riches of our native flora, and were transplanted to the gardens of England and France more than a hundred years ago, where they are still valued as the finest hardy trees of that hemisphere. The Large Evergreen Magnolia {31. grandijlora), or Big Laurel, as it is sometimes called, is peculiarly indige- nous to that portion of our country south of North Carolina, where its stately trunk, often seventy feet in height, and superb pyramid of deep green foliage, render it one of the loveliest and most majestic of trees. The leaves, which are evergreen, and somewhat resemble those of the laurel in form, are generally six or eight inches in length, thick in texture and brilliantly polished on the upper surface. The highly fragrant flowers are composed of about six petals, opening in a wide cup-like form, of the most snowy white- ness of color. Scattered among the rich foliage, their effect is exquisitely beautiful. The seeds are borne in an oval, cone-like carpel or seed-vessel, composed of a number of cells which split longitudinally, when the stony seed, covered with a bright red pulp, drops out. There are several varieties, which have been raised from the seed of this species abroad ; the most beautiful is the Exmouth IVIagnolia, with fine foliage, rusty beneath ; it produces its 222 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. flowers much earlier and more abundantly than the original sort. We regret that this tree is too tender to bear the open air north of Philadelphia, as it is one of the choicest evergreens. At the nurseries of the Messrs. Landreth, and at the Bartram Botanic Garden of Col. Carr, near that city, some good specimens of this Magnolia and its varieties are growing thriftily ; but in the State of New York, and at the east, it can only be considered a green- house plant. The Cucumber Magnolia (C. acuminata), (so called from the appearance of the young fruit, which is not unlike a green cucumber) takes the same place in the north, in point of majesty and elevation, that the Big Laurel occupies in the south. Its northern limit is Lake Erie ; and it abounds along the whole range of the Alleghanies to the southward, in rich mountain acclivities, and moist sheltered valleys. There it often measures three or four feet in diameter, and eighty in height. The leaves, which are deciduous, like those of all the Magnolias except the M. grandijlora, are also about six inches long and four broad, acuminate at the point, of a bluish green on the upper surface. The flowers are six inches in diameter, of a pale yellow, much like those of the Tulip tree, and slightly fragrant. The fruit is about three inches long, and cylindrical in shape. Most of the inhabitants of the country bordering on the Alleghanies, says Michaux, gather these cones about midsummer, when they are half ripe, and steep them in whiskey ; the liquor produced, they take as aii antidote against the fevers prevalent in those districts The Umbrella Magnolia {M. tripetala), though found DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 223 sometimes in the northwest of New York, is rare there and abounds most in the south and west. It is a smaller tree than the preceding kinds, rarely growing more than thirty feet high. The leaves on the terminal shoots are disposed three or four in a tuft, which has given rise to the name of Umbrella tree. They are of fine size, eighteen inches or two feet long, and seven or eight broad, oval, pointed at both ends ; the flowers are also large, white, and numerous ; and the conical fruit-vessel containing the seeds, assumes a beautiful rose-color in autumn. From its fine tufted foliage, and rapid growth, this is one of the most desirable species for our pleasure-grounds. The Large-leaved Magnolia {M. macro-phyUa) is the rarest of the genus in our forests, being only found as yet m North Carolina. The. leaves grow to an enormous size when the tree is young, often measuring three feet long, and nine or ten inches broad. They are oblong, oval, and heart-shaped at the base. The flowers are also immense, opening of the size of a hat-crown, and difiiising a most agreeable odor. The tree attains only a secondary size, and is distinguished in winter by the whiteness of its bark, compared with the others. It is rather tender north of New York. The Heart-leaved Magnolia {M. cordata) is a beautiful southern species, distinguished by its nearly round, heart- shaped foliage, and its yellow flowers about four inches in diameter. It blooms in the gardens very young, and very abundantly, often producing two crops in a season. Magnolia auriculata grows aboi^t forty feet high, and is also found near the southern Alleghany range of mountains. The leaves are light green, eight or nine inches long, widest at the top, and narrower towards the 224 LANDSCAPE GAEDENING. base, where they are rounded into lobes. The flowers are not so fine as those of tlw preceding kinds, but still are handsome, pule greenish white, and about four inches in diameter. Besides these, there is a smaller American Magnolia, which is the only sort that in the middle or eastern sections of the Union grows within 150 miles of the sea- shore. This is the Magnolia of the swamps of New Jersey and the South (M. glauca), of which so many fragrant and beautiful bouquets are gathered in the season of its inflorescence, brought to New York and Philadel- phia, and exposed for sale in the markets. It is rather a large bush, than a tree ; with shining, green, laurel-like leaves, four or five inches long, somewhat mealy or glaucous beneath. The blossoms, about three inches broad, are snowy white, and so fragrant that where they abound in the swamps, their perfume is often perceptible for the distance of a quarter of a mile. The ibreign sorts introduced into our gardens from China, are the Chinese purple {M. purpurea), which produces an abundance of large delicate purple blossoms early in the season ; the Yulan or Chinese White Magno- lia (3/. conspicua), a most abundant bloomer, bearing beautiful white, fragrant flowers in April, before the leaves appear ; and Soulange's Magnolia {M. Soulangiana), a hybrid between the two foregoing, with large flowers delicately tinted with white and purple. These succeed well in sheltered situations, in , our pleasure-grounds, and add greatly to their beauty early in the season. Grafted on the cucumber tree, they form large and vigorous trees of great beauty. The Magnolia, in order to thrive well, requires a deep, DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 225 rich soil ; which in nearly all cases, to secure their luxuriance, should be improved by adding thereto some leaf mould or decayed vegetable matter from the woods When transplanted from the nursery, they should be preferred of small or only moderate size, as their succulent roots are easily injured, and they recover slowly when large. Most of them may be propagated from seed ; but they flower sooner, grow more vigorously, and are mucli hardier when grafted upon young stocks of the Cucumber Magnolia. This we have found to be particularly the case with the Chinese species and varieties. All these trees are such superbly beautiful objects upon a lawn in their rich summer garniture of luxuriant foliage, and large odoriferous flowers, that they need no further recommendation from us to insure their regard and admiration from all persons who have room for their culture. If possible, situations somewhat sheltered either by buildings or other trees, should be chosen for all the species, except the Cucumber Magnolia, which thrives well in almost any aspect not directly open to violent gales of wind. The White-wood, or Tulip Tree. Liriodendron. Nat. Ord. Magnoliacese. Lin. Syst. Polyandria, Polygynia. The Tulip tree belongs to the same natural order as the Magnolias, and is not inferior to most of the latter in all that entitles them to rank among our very finest forest trees. The taller Magnolias, as we have already remarked, do 15 226 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. not grow naturally within 100 or 150 miles of the sea. coast ; and the Tulip tree may be considered as in some measure supplying their place in the middle Atlantic states. West of the Connecticut river, and south of the sources of the Hudson, this fine tree may be often seen reaching in warm and deep alluvial soils 80 or 90 feet in height. But in the western states, where indeed the growth of forest trees is astonishingly vigorous, this tree far exceeds that altitude. The elder Michaux mentions several which he saw in Kentucky, that were fifteen and sixteen feet in girth ; and his son confirms the measure- ment of one, three miles and a half from Louisville, which, at five feet from the ground, was found to be twenty-two feet and six inches in circumference, with a corresponding elevation of 130 feet. The foliage is rich and glossy, and has a very peculiar form ; being cut off, as it were, at the extremity, and slightly notched and divided into two-sided lobes. The breadth of the leaves is six or eight inches. The flowers, which are shaped like a large tulip, are composed of six thick yellow petals, mottled on the inner surface with red and green. They are borne singly on the terminal shoots, have a pleasant, slight perfume, and are very showy. The seed-vessel, which ripens in October, is formed of a number of scales surrounding the central axis in the form of a cone. It is remarkable that young trees under 30 or 35 feet high, seldom or never perfect their seeds. Whoever has once seen the Tulip tree in a situation where the soil was favorable to its free growth, can never forget it. With a clean trunk, straight as a column, for 40 or 50 feet, surmounted by a fine, ample summit of rich green foliage, it is, in our estimation, DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 227 decidedly the most stately tree in North America. When standing alone, and encouraged in its lateral growth, it will indeed often produce a lower head, but its tendency is to rise, and it only exhibits itself in all its stateliness and majesty when, supported on such a noble columnar trunk, it towers far above the heads of its neighbors of the park or forest. Even when at its loftiest elevation, its large specious blossoms, which, from their form, one of our poets has likened to the chalice ; ■ Through the verdant maze The Tulip tree Its golden chalice oft triumphantly di^lays. Pickering. jut out from amid the tufted canopy in the month of June, and glow in richness and beauty. While the tree is less than a foot in diameter, the stem is extremely smooth, and it has almost always a refined and finished appearance. For the lawn or park, we conceive the Tulip tree eminently adapted : its tall upright stem, and handsome summit, contrasting nobly with the spreading forms of most deciduous trees. It should generally stand alone, or near the border of a mass of trees, where it may fully display itself to the eye, and exhibit all its charms from the root to the very summit ; for no tree of the same grandeur and magnitude is so truly beautiful and graceful in every portion of its trunk and branches. Where there is a taste for avenues, the Tulip tree ought by all means to be employed, as it makes a most magnificent overarching canopy of verdure, supported on trunks almost archi- tectural in their symmetry. The leaves also, from their bitterness, are but little liable to the attacks of any insect. 22S LANDSCAPE GARDENING. This tree was introduced into England about 1608 ; and IS now to be found in almost every gentleman's park on ihe Continent of Europe, so highly is it esteemed as an ornamental tree of the first class. We hope that the fine native specimens yet standing, here and there, in farm lands along our river banks, may be sacredly preserved from the barbarous infliction of the axe, which formerly despoiled without mercy so many of the majestic denizens of our native forests. In the western states, where this tree abounds, it is much used in building and carpentry. The timber is light and yellow, and the tree is commonly called the Yellow Poplar in those districts, from some fancied resemblance in the • wood, though it is much heavier and more durable than that of the poplar. When exposed to the weather, the wood is liable to warp, but as it is fine grained, light, and easily worked, it is extensively employed for the panels of coaches, doors, cabinet-work, and wainscots. The Indians who once inhabited these regions, hollowed out the trunks, and made their canoes of them. There are two sorts of timber known ; viz. the Yellow and the White Poplar, or Tulip tree. These, however, it is well known are the same s}>ecies (L. tulipifera) ; but the variation is brought about by the soil, which if dry, gravelly, and elevated, produces the white, and if rich, deep, and rather moist, the yellow timber. It is rather difficult to transplant the Tulip tree when it has attained much size, unless the roots have undergone preparation, as will hereafter be mentioned ; but it is easily propagated from seed, or obtained from the nurseries, and the growth is then strong and rapid. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 229 I The Dogwood Tree. Cornus. ISat. Ord. Cornaceae. Lin.Syst. Tetrandria, Monogynia. There are a number of small shrubs that belong to this genus, but the common Dogwood (Cornus jlorida) is the only species which has any claims to rank as a tree. In the middle states, where it abounds, as well as in most other parts of the Union, the maximum height is thirty- five feet, while its ordinary elevation is about twenty feet. The Dogwood is quite a picturesque small tree, and owes its interest chiefly to the beauty of its numerous blossoms and fruit. The leaves are oval, about three inches long, dark green above, and paler below. In the beginning of May, while the foliage is beginning to expand rapidly, and before the tree is in full leaf, the flowers unfold, and present a beautiful spectacle, often covering the whole tree with their snowy garniture. The principal beauty of these consists in the involucrum or calyx, which, instead of being green, as is commonly the case, in the Dogwood takes a white or pale blue tint. The true flowers may be seen collected in little clusters, and are, individually, quite small, though surrounded by the involucrum, which produces all the effect of a fine white blossom. In the early part of the season, the Dogwood is one of the gayest ornaments of our native woods. It is seen at that time to great advantage in sailing up the Hudson river. There, in the abrupt Highlands, which rise boldly many hundred feet above the level of the river, patches of the Dogwood in full bloom gleam forth in snowy whiteness from among the tender green of the surrounding young foliage, and the gloomier shades of the dark evergreens, 230 LANDSCAPE GAROENiNO. which clothe with a rich verdure the rocks and precipices that overhang the moving flood below. The berries which succeed these blossoms become quite red and brilliant in autumn ; and, as they are plentifully borne in little clusters, they make quite a display. When the sharp frosts have lessened their bitterness, they are the food of the robin, which, at that late season, eats them greedily. The foliage in autumn is also highly beautiful, and must be considered as contributing to the charms of this tree. The color it assumes is a deep lake-red ; and it is at that season as easily known at a distance by its fine coloring, as the Maple, the Liquidambar, and the Nyssa, of which we have already spoken. Taking into consideration all these ornamental qualities, and also the fact that it is every day becoming scarcer in our native wilds, we think the Dogwood tree should fairly come under the protection of the picturesque planter, and well deserves a place in the pleasure-ground and shrubbery. The wood is close-grained, hard, and heavy, and takes a good polish. It is too small to enter into general use, but is often employed for the lesser utensils of the farm. The bark has been very successfully employed by physicians in Philadelphia, and elsewhere, and is found to possess nearly the same properties as the Peruvian bark. Bigelow states in his American Botany, that its use in fevers has been known and practised in many sections of the Union by the country people, for more than fifty years. Besides this native species there is an European dogwood {Cornus mascula), commonly called the Cornelian cherry, which is now planted in many of our gardens, and grows to the height of twenty or thirty feet. The small DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 231 yellow flowers come out close to the branches in Maich or April, and the whole tree is quite handsome in autunm, from the size and color of its fine oval scarlet berries. These are as large as a small cherry, transparent, and hang for a long time upon the tree. The leaves are much like those of the common Dogwood. Although the blossoms are produced when the plant is quite a bush, yet it must attain some age before the fruit sets. Altogether, the Cornelian cherry is one of the most desirable of small trees.* The Salisburia, or Ginko Tree. Isat. Ord. Taxacea). Lin. Syst. Monoecin, Polyandria. This fine exotic tree, which appears to be perfectly hardy in this climate, is one of the most singular in its foliage that has ever come under our observation. The leaves are wedge-shaped, or somewhat triangular, attached to the petioles at one of the angles, and pale yellowish green in color ; the ribs or veins, instead of diverging from the central mid-rib of the leaf, as is commonly the case m dicotyledonous plants, are all parallel ; in short, they almost exactly resemble (except in being three or four times as large) those of the beautiful Maiden hair fern (Adiantum) common in our woods : being thickened at the edges and notched on the margin in a similar manner. The male flowers are yellow, sessile catkins ; the female is seated in a curious kind of cup, formed by the enlargement of the sum- mit of the peduncle. The fruit is a drupe, about an inch in length, containing a nut, which, according to Dr. Abel, IS almost always to be seen for sale in the markets of China ♦ {Gornusvafiegata), the Variegated Dogwood, with leaves curiously blotched with white, and (C. sanguinea), with its young shoots of a bright scarlet— very ehowy in Winter, are both very desirable varieties. — H. W. S. 232 LANDSCAPE 'JARDENING. and Japan, the native country of this tree. They are eaten after having been roasted pr boiled, and are considerec' excellent. The Salisburia was introduced into this country by tha\ zealous amateur of horticulture and botany, the late Mr. Hamilton, of Woodlands, near Philadelphia, who brought it from England in 1784, where it had been received from Japan about thirty years previous. There are several of these now growing at Woodlands ; and the largest measures sixty feet in height, and three feet four inches in circum- ference. The next largest specimen which we have seen is now standing on the north side of that fine public square, the Boston Common. It originally grew in the grounds of Gardiner Green, Esq., of Boston ; but though of fine size, it was, about three years since, carefully removed to its present site, which proves its capability for bearing trans- planting. Its measurement is forty feet in elevation, and three in circumference. There is also a very handsome tree in the grounds of Messrs. Landreth, Philadelphia, about thirty-five feet high and very thrifty. We have not learned that any of these trees have yet borne their blossoms ; at any rate none but male blossoms have yet been produced. Abroad, the Salisburia has fruited in the South of France, and young trees have been reared from the nuts. The bark is somewhat soft and leathery, and on the trunk and branches assumes a singular tawny yellow or greyish color. The tree grows pretty rapidly, and forms an exceedingly neat, loose, conical, or tapering head. The timber is very solid and heavy ; and the tree is said to grow to enormous size in its native country. Bunge, who accom- panied the mission from Russia to Pekin, states that he saw DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 'Soo near a Pagoda, an immense Ginko tree, with a trunk nearly lorty feet in circumference, and still in full vigor of vegetation.* Although nearly related to the Pine tribe, and forming, apparently, the connecting link between the conifercB and exogenous trees, yet, unlike the former tribe, the wood of the tree is perfectly free from resin. The Ginko tree is so great a botanical curiosity, and is so singularly beautiful when clad with its fern-like foliage, that it is strikingly adapted to add ornament and interest to the pleasure ground. As the foliage is of that kind which must be viewed near by to understand its peculiarity, and as the form and outline of the tree are pleasing, and har- monize well with buildings, we would recommend that it be planted near the house, where its unique character can be readily seen and appreciated. Salishuria adiantifolia is the only species. In the United States it appears to flourish best in a rich fertile soil, rather dry than otherwise. South of Albany it is perfectly hardy, and may therefore be considered a most valuable acquisition to our catalogue of trees of the first class. It has hitherto been propagated chiefly from layers ; but cut- tings of the preceding year's growth, planted early in the spring, in a fine sandy loam, and kept shaded and watered, will also root without much difficulty. When the old trees already mentioned (which have doubtless been raised from seed) begin to blossom, plants reared from them by cuttings or grafts, will, of course, produce blossoms and fruit much more speedily than when reared from the nut. » Bull, de la Soc. d'Agr. du depart de I'Herault. Arb. Brit. 234 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The American Cypress Tree. Faxodium. Nat. Ord. Coniferee. Lin. Syst. Moncecia, Monadeliihia. The Southern or Deciduous cypress {Taxodium distu chum)* is one of the most majestic, useful, and beautiful trees of the southern part of North America. Naturally, it is not found growing north of Maryland, or the south part of Delaware, but below that boundary it becomes extremely multiplied. The low grounds and alluvial soils subject to inundations, are constantly covered with this tree ; and on the banks of the Mississippi and other great western rivers, for more than 600 miles from its mouth, those vast marshes, caused by the periodical bursting and overflowing of their banks, are filled with huge an^ almost endless growths of this tree, called Cypress swamps. Beyond the boundaries of the United States its geographical range extends to Mexico ; and Michaux estimates that it is found more or less abundantly, over a range of country more than 3000 miles in extent. " In the swamps of the southern states and the Floridas, on whose deep, miry soil a new layer of vegetable mould is deposited every year by the floods, the Cypress attains its utmost development. The largest stocks are 120 feet in height, and from 25 to 40 feet in circumference above the conical base, which at the surface of the earth is always three or four times as large as the continued diameter of the trunk ; in felling them, the negroes are obliged to raise themselves upon scaflblds five or six feet from the ground The roots of the largest stocks, particularly of such as are * Cupressus disticha. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. iio5 most exposed to inundation, are charged with conical pro- tuberances, commonly from eighteen to twenty-four inches, and sometimes four or five feet in thickness ; these are always hollow, smooth on the surface, and covered with a reddish bark, like the roots, which they.resemble also in the softness of their wood ; they exhibit no sig« of vegetation, and I have never succeeded in obtaining shoots by wound- ing their surface and covering them with the earth. No cause can be assigned for their existence : they are peculiar to the Cypress, and begin to appear when it is twenty or twenty-five feet in height ; they are not made use of except by the negroes for bee-hives." " The foliage is open, light, and of a fresh, agreeable tint ; each leaf is four or five inches long, and consists of two parallel rows of leaflets, upon a common stem. The leaflets are small, fine, and somewhat arching, with the convex side outwards. In the autumn, they change from a light green to a dull red, and are shed soon after." " The Cypress blooms in Carolina about the first of February. The male and female flowers are borne separately, by the same tree ; the first in flexible pendulous aments, and the second in bunches, scarcely apparent. The cones are about as large as the thumb, hard, round, of an uneven surface, and stored with small, irregular, ligneous seeds, containing a cylindrical kernel ; they are ripe in October, and retain their productive virtue for two years."* Such is the account given of the Cypress in its native soils. In the. middle states it is planted only as an orna- mental ti'ee ; and while, in the South, its great abundance « N. A. Sylva. ii. 332. 2oG LANDSCAPE GARDENING. causes it to be neglected oi' disregarded as such, its rarity here allows us fully to appreciate its beauty. North of the 43° of latitude it will not probably stand the winter without protection ; but south of that, it will attain a good size. The finest planted specimen which we have seen, and one which is probably equal in grandeur to almost any in their native swamps, is growing in the Bartram Botanic Garden, near Philadelphia. That garden was founded by the fathei of American botanists, John Bartram, who explored the southern and western territories, then vast wilds, at the peril of his life, to furnish the savans and gardens of Europe, with the productions of the new world, and who commenced the living collection, now unequalled, of American trees, in his own garden. In the lower part of it stands the great Cypress, a tree of noble dimensions, measuring at this time 130 feet in height and 25 in circum- ference. The tree was held by Bartram's son, William, while his father assisted in planting it, ninety-nine years ago. The elder Bartram at the time expressed to his son, the hope that the latter might live to see it a large tree. Long before he died (not many years since), it had become the prodigy of the garden, and great numbers from the neighboring city annually visit it, to admire its vast size, and recline beneath its ample shade. The foliage of the Cypress is peculiar ; for while it has a resemblance to the Hemlock, Yew, and other evergreen trees, its cheerful, bright green tint, and loose airy tufts of foliage, give it a character of great lightness and elegance. In young trees, the forr^i of the head is pyramidal or pointed ; but when they become old, Michaux remarks, the head becomes widely spread, and even depressed, thus assuming a remarkably picturesque aspect. This is also DECIDUOUS OltXAMENTAL TREES. 237 heightened by the deep furrows or channels in the trunk, and the singular excrescences or knobs already described, which, jutting above the surface of the ground, give a strange ruggedness to the surface beneath the shadow of its branches. A single Cypress standing alone, like that in t-he Bartram Garden, is a grand object, uniting with the expression of great elegance and lightness in its foliage) that of magnificence, when we perceive its extraordinary height, and huge stem and branches. In composition, the Cypress produces the happiest effect, when it is planted with the hemlock and firs, with which it harmonizes well in the form of its foliage, while its soft light green hue is beautifully opposed to the richer and darker tints of those thickly-clad evergreens. Wherever there is a moist and rather rich soil, the Cypress may be advantageously planted : for although we have seen it thrive well on a fertile dry loam, yet to attain all its lofty proportions, it requires a soil where its thirsty roots can drink in a sufficient supply of moisture. There its growth is quite rapid ; and although it may, at first, suffer a little from the cold at the north, in severe winters, yet it continues its progress, and vdtimately becomes a stately tree. * In many parts of the southern states, the timber of this tree, which is of excellent quality, is extensively used in the construction of the framework and outer covering of houses. It is also esteemed for shingles ; and a large trade has long been carried on from the south in Cypress shingles. Posts made of this tree are found to be very lasting ; and it is also employed for water-pipes, masts of vessels, etc. In the north, its place is supplied by the Pine 238 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, timber, but in many southern cities, particularly New Orleans, it will be found to enter into the composition of almost every building. In the nurseries, the Cypress is usually propagated from ' the seed ; and as it sends down strong roots, it should be transplanted where it is finally to grow before it attains too great a development. The European Cypress {Cupressus sempervirens), a beautiful evergreen tree, shaped like a small Lombardy poplar, which is the principal ornament of the churchyards and cemeteries abroad, is unfortunately too tender to endure the winter in any of the states north of Virginia. South of that state, it may probably become naturalized, and serve to add to the catalogue of beautiful indigenous evergreen trees. From its dark and sombre tint, and perpetual verdure, it is peculiarly the emblem of grief: " Binde you my brows with mourning Cyparesse, And palish twigs of deadlier poplar tree, Or if some sadder shades ye can devise, Those sadder shades vaile my light-loathing eyes." Bp. Hau. The Larch Tree. Larix. Nat. Ord. Coniferae. Lin. Syst. MonoBcia, Monadelphia. The Larch is a resinous, cone-bearing tree, belonging to the Pine family, but differing from that genus in the annual shedding of its leaves like other deciduous trees. In Europe it is a native of the coldest parts of the Alps and Appenines ; and in America, is indigenous to the most DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 230 northern parts of the Union, and the Canadas. The leaves are collected in little bunches, and the branches shoot out from the main stem in a horizontal, or, more generally m a declining position. ^;^i--t_^-*jDr3 [Fig. 86. The European Larch.] For picturesque beauty, the Larch is almost unrivalled. Unlike most other trees which must grow old, uncouth, and misshapen before they can attain that expression, this is singularly so, as soon almost as it begins to assume the stature of a tree. It can never be called a beautiful tree, so far as beauty consists in smooth outlines, a finely rounded head, or gracefully drooping branches. But it has what is perhaps more valuable, as being more rare, — the expression of boldness and picturesqueness peculiar to itself, and 240 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. which it seems to have caught from the wild and rugged chasms, rocks, and precipices of its native mountains. There its irregular and spiry top and branches, harmonize admirably with the abrupt variation of the surroundmg hills, and suit well with the gloomy grandeur of those frowning heights. Like all highly expressive and characteristic trees, much more care is necessary in introducing the Larch into artificial scenery judiciously, than round-headed trees. If planted in abundance, it becomes monotonous, from the similitude of its form in different specimens ; it should therefore be introduced sparingly, and always for some special purpose. This purpose may be either to give spirit to a group of other trees, to strengthen the already pic- turesque character of a scene, or to give life and variety to one naturally tame and uninteresting. All these objects can be fully effected by the Larch ; and although it is by far the most suited to harmonize with and strengthen the expression of scenery naturally grand, or picturesque, with which it most readily enters into combination ; yet, in the hands of taste, there can be no reason why so marked a tree should not be employed in giving additional expression to scenery of a tamer character. The extremely rapid growth of this tree when planted upon thin, barren, and dry soils, is another great merit which it possesses as an ornamental tree ; and it is also a necessary one to enable it to thrive well on those very rocky and barren soils, where it is most in character with the surrounding objects. It is highly valuable to produce effect or shelter suddenly, on portions of an estate, too thin or meagre in their soil to afford the sustenance necessary to the growth of many other deciduous trees. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 24' The Larch is the great timber tree of Europe. Its wood is remarkably heavy, strong, and durable, exceeding in all those qualities the best English oak. To these, it is said to add the peculiarity of being almost uninflammable, and resisting the influence of heat for a long time. Vitruvius relates that when Caesar attacked the castle of Larignum, near the Alps, whose gate was commanded by a tower built of this wood, from the top of which the besieged annoyd him with their stones and darts, he commanded his army to surround it with fagots, and set fire to the whole. When, however, all the former were consumed, he was astonished to find the Larch tower uninjured.* The Larch is unquestionably the most enduring timber tnat we have. It is'remarkable, that whilst the red wood or heart wood is not formed at all in the other resinous tiees, till they have lived for a good many years, the Larch, on the contrary, begins to make it soon after it is planted ; and while you may fell a Scotch fir of thirty years old, and find no red wood in it, you can hardly cut down a young Larch large enough to be a walking stick, without finding just such a proportion of red wood compared to its diameter as a 'ree, as you will find in the largest Larch tree in the forest, compared to its diameter. To prove the f alue of the Larch as a timber tree, several experiments were made in the river Thames. Posts of equal thickness and strength, some of Larch and others of oak, were driven down facing the river wall, where they were alternately covered with water by the efiect of the tide, and then left dry by its fall. This species of alternation is the most trying of all circumstances for the endurance of timber ; and accordingly the oaken posts decayed, ana were twice renewed in the course of a very few years, * Newton's Vitruvius, p. 40. 16 •^42 LAND.-^CAPE GARDENING. while those that were made of the Larch remahied altogether unchanged. Besides the foregoing species {Larix Europea)*we have two native sorts much resembling it ; which are chiefly found in the states of Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. These are known by the names of the Red Larch (L. Microcarpa) and the Black Larch (L. pendula), which latter is often called Hackmatack. In the coldest parts of the Union, these often grow to 80 and 100 feet high ; but in the middle states they are only seen in the swamps, and appear not to thrive so well except in such situations. For this reason the European Larch is of course greatly preferable when plantations are to be made, either for profit or ornament. The latter is generally increased from seed in the nurseries. The American Larches are well worthy a place where suflicient moisture can be commanded, as their peculiar forms are striking, though not so finely picturesque as that of the European species. * A very curious and remarkable addition to the varieties of this genus ia [Larix pendula) tho Weeping Lrirch, differing from our {Pendula Americana) American Weeping Larcli, and much more extraordinary. When worked ten or fifteen feet higli, the inclination of the branches and spray is immediately downward, and when gently swayed by tbs wind, it is excessively graceful and pretty. We do not know a more distinctive and striking tree, or one more rare. It seems diiBcult to transjilant— at leas,t this is our experience — and it can only be increased by grafting by approach. Nurserymen are apt to work it too low : it should never be grafted at a less distance than ten to twelve feet -and for some years, it sliould be supported by a stout stake, as the tree is apt lo be top-heavy. This curious variety was found accidentally, if we remember right, some ten to fifteen years since, in a nursery near Hereford, England, by a Mr. Gtodsall, and is known in English nurseries as Larix C07ninunis pendula Godmlii. Larix GriJiiJdi, the Sikkin Larch, and Abies l-oem/eri (though at present classed as an Abies, we believe may prove to be Larch), are two very new varieties, too expensi vo at present to be generally introduced. A Koem/eri, known also as the Golden Pine of China, is very highly extolled for its beauti- ful green in Summer, lunl L-'oldcn colr.r in Autumn or Winter. — 11. W, S. DECIDUOUS ORNAMEXTAL TREES. 248 In the upper part of Massachusetts, we have observed them in their native soils growing 70 or 80 feet high, and assuming a highly pleasing appearance. Their foliage is hluish-green, and more delicate ; yet altogether the Ame- rican Larch appears to be more stiff and formal (except far north) than the foreign tree. The Virgilia Tree. Virgilia* Nat. Ord. Leguminaceas. Lin. Syst. Decandria, Monogynia. This fine American tree, still very rare in our orna- mental plantations, is a native of West Tennessee, and the banks of the Kentucky river, and in its wild localities seems confined to rather narrow limits. It was named, when first discovered, after the poet Virgil, whose agreeable Georgics have endeared him to all lovers of nature and a country Hfe. The Virgilia is certainly one of the most beautiful of all that class of trees bearing papilionaceous, or pea-shaped flowers, and pinnate leaves, of which the common locust may serve as a familiar example. It grows to a fine, rather broad head, about 30 or 40 feet high, with dense and luxuriant foliage — much more massy and finely tufted than that of most other pinnated-leaved trees. Each leaf is composed of seven or eight leaflets, three or four inches long, and half that breadth, the whole leaf being more than a foot in length. These expand rather late in the spring, and are, about the middle of May, followed by numerous terminal racemes, or clusters, of the most delicate and charming pea-shaped blossoms, of a pure white. These • Cladeastris tinctoria. Torrey and Gray. 244 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. . clusters are six or eight inches in length, aud quite bioad, the flowers daintily formed, and arranged in a much more graceful, loose, and easy manner, than those of the locust. They have a very agreeable, slight perfume, especially in the evening, and the whole effect of the tree, when standing singly on a lawn and filled with blossoms, is highly elegant. When the blossoms disappear, they are followed by the pods, about the fourth of an inch wide, and three or four inches long, containing a few seeds. These ripen in July or August. This tree is frequently called the Yellow-wood in its native haunts — its heart wood abounding in a fine yellow coloring matter, which, however, is said to be rather difficult to fix, or render permanent. The bark is beautifully smooth, and of a greenish grey color. In autumn, the leaves, when they die off, take a lively yellow tint. This tree grows pretty rapidly, and is very agreeable in its form and foliage, even while young. It commences flowering when about ten or fifteen feet high, and we can recommend it with confidence to the amateur of choice trees as worthy of a conspicuous place in the smallest collection. The only species known is Virgilia lutea. It was first described by Michaux, and was sent to England about the year 1812. Quite the finest planted specimens within our knowledge are growing in some of the old seats in the northern suburbs of Philadelphia, where there are several thirty or forty feet in height, and exceedingly beautiful, both in their form and blossoms. A small specimen on our lawn, eighteen feet high, blossoms now very pro- fuselv. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. 245 The Paulownia Tree. Paulownia. Nat. Ord. Scrophulariaceae. Lin. Syst. The Paulownia is an entirely new ornamental tree, verj lately introduced into our gardens and pleasure-grounds from Japan, and is likely to prove hardy here, wherever the Ailantus stands the winter, being naturally from the same soil and climate as that tree. It is remarkable for the large size of its foliage, and the great rapidity of its growth. The largest leaves are more than two feet in diameter, slightly rough or hairy, and serrated on the edges. They are heart-shaped, and have been likened to those of the Catalpa, but they perhaps more nearly re- semble those of the common Sun-flower. In its growth, this tree, while young, equals or exceeds the Ailantus. In rich soils, near Paris, it has produced shoots, in a single season, 12 or 14 feet in length. After being two or three years planted, it commences yielding its blossoms in panickd clusters. These are bluish lilac, of an open mouthed, tubular form, are very abundantly distributed, and, together with the large foliage, and the robust habit of growth, give this tree a gay and striking appearance. Its flower buds open during the last of April, or early in May, and have a slight, syringa-like perfume. Should the Paulownia prove as hardy as (from our fine dry summers for ripening its wood) we confidently anticipate* it will be worthy of a prominent place in every arrangement of choice ornamental trees. * We doubt if this tree proves quite as hardy as Mr. Downing believed. Our own trees, some of the oldest in the country, have missed their bloom for three years — though previously, they had blossomed regularly and well. It is not impossible that, as the tree gets older, and its growth less rampant, it may ripen off its wood better, and thus be in a better condition to resist Spring frosts.— 11. W. S. 'Mi5 UANDSCAPE GARDENINO SECTION V. EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. [he History and Description of all the finest Hardy Evergreen Trees. Beharks on THEIR EFFECTS in LANDSCAPE GaRDENINO, INDIVIDUALLY AND IN CoMPOSITlOH. Their Cultivation, etc. The Pines. The Firs. The Cedar of Lebanon, and the Deodar Cedar. The Red Cedar. The Arbor Vita;. The Holly. The Yew, etc. Beneath the forest's skirt I rest, Whose branching Pines rise dark and high, And hear the breezes of the West Among the threaded foHage sigh. ' Bryant The Pine Tree. Pinus. Nat. Ord. Coniferas. Lin. Syst. Moncecia, Monadelphia. H E Pines compose by far the most important genus of evergreen trees. In either continent they form the <^^^^^ densest and most extensive forests known, and their wood in civil and naval architecture, and for various other purposes, is more generally used than any other. In the United States and the Canadas, there are ten species ; in the territory west of the Mississippi to the Pacific, including Mexico, there are fourteen ; in Europe fourteen ; in Asia, eight, and in Africa, two species. All the colder parts of the old world EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 247 — the mountains of Switzerland and the Alps, the shores of the Baltic, vast tracts in Norvi^ay, Sweden, Germany, Poland, and Russia, as well as millions of acres in our own country, abound with immense and interminable forests of Pine. Capable of enduring extreme cold, growing on thin soils, and flourishing in an atmosphere, the mean temperature of which is not greater than 37° or 38° Fahrenheit, they are found as far north as latitude 68° in Lapland ; while on mountains they grow at a greater elevation than any other arborescent plant. On Mount Blanc, the Pines grow within 2,800 feet of the line of perpetual snow.* In Mexico, also, Humboldt found them higher than any other tree ; and Lieut, Glennie describes them as growinff in thick forests on the mountain of Popocatapetl, as high as 12, 693 feet, beyond which altitude vegetation ceases entirely. f The Pines are, most of them, trees of considerable magnitude and lofty growth, varying from 40 to 1 50 or even 200 feet in height in favorable situations, rising with a perpendicular trunk, which is rarely divided into branches bearing much proportionate size to the main stem, as in most deciduous trees. The branches are much more horizontal than those of the latter class (excepting the Larch). The leaves are linear or needle- shaped, and are always found arranged in little parcels of from two to six, the number varying in the different species. The blossoms are produced in spring, and the seeds, borne in cones, are not ripened, in many sorts, until the following autumn. Every part of the stem abounds hi a resinous juice, which is extracted, and forms in the * Edinburgh Phil. Joum. ♦■ Proc. Geological Soc. Lond. Arb. Brit. 248 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. various shapes of tai% pitch, rosin, turpentine, balsam, etc a considerable article of trade and export. As ornamental trees, the Pines are peculiarly valuable for the deep verdure of their foliage, which, unchanged by the severity of the seasons, is beautiful at all periods, and especially so in winter ; for the picturesque forms which many of them assume when fully grown ; and for the effectual shelter and protection which they afford in cold, bleak, and exposed situations. We shall here particular- ize those species, natives of either hemisphere, that are most valuable to the planter, and are also capable of enduring the open air of the middle states. The White Pine {P. strohus), called also Sapling Pine, and Apple Pine, in various parts of this country, and Weymouth Pine abroad, is undoubtedly the most beautiful North American tree of the genus. The foliage is much lighter in color, more delicate in texture, and the whole tufting of the leaves more airy and pleasing than that of the other species. It is also beautiful in every stage of its growth, from a plant to a stately tree of 150 feet. When it grows in strong soil, it becomes thick and compact in its he'ad ; but its most beautiful form is displayed when it stands in a dry and gravelly site ; there it shoots up with a majestic and stately shaft, studded every six or eight feet with horizontal tiers of branches and foliage. The hue of the leaves is much paler and less sombre than that of the other native sorts ; and being less stiffly set upon tiie branches, is more easily put in motion by the wind ; the murmuring of the wind among the Pine tops is, poetically thought to give out rather a melancholy sound : — " The pines of Moenalus were heard to mourn. And sounds of woe along the grove wore borne," EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 240 says V^irgil, speaking of the European Pine. But the murmur of the slight breeze among the foHage of the White Pine gives out a remarkably soothing and agreeable sound, which agrees better with the description of Leigh Hunt : " And then there fled by me a rash of air That stirfd up all the other foliage there, Filling the solitude with panting tongues. At which the Pines woke up into their songs. Shaking their choral locks." Pickering, one of our own poets, thus characterizes the melody : " The overshadowing pines alone, through which I roam. Their verdure keep, although it darker looks ; And hark ! as it comes sighing through the grove. The exhausted gale, a spirit there awakens. That wild and melancholy music malies." This species — the White Pine — seldom becomes flattened or rounded on the summit in old age, like many other sorts, but preserves its graceful and tapering form entire. From its pleasing growth and color, we consider it by far the most desirable kind for planting in the proximity of buildings, and its growth for an evergreen is also quite rapid. The leaves of the White Pine are thickly disposed on the branches, in little bundles or parcels of five. The cones are about five inches long : they hang, when nearly ripe, in a pendulous manner from the branches, and open, to shed their seeds, about the first of October. The bark on trees less than twenty years old is remarkably smooth; but becomes cracked and rough, like that of the othei 250 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Pines, when they grow old, although it never splits and separates itself from the trunk in scales, as in other species. The great forests of White Pine lie in the northern parts of the Union ; and the geographical range of this tree is comprised chiefly between New York and the 47th degree of north latitude, it being neither capable of resisting the fierce heat of the south, nor the intense cold of the extreme northern regions. In Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, the White Pine abounds in various situations, adapting itself to every variety of soil, from dry, gravelly upland, to swamps constantly wet. Michaux measured two trunks near the river Kennebec, one of which was 154 feet long, and 54 inches in diameter; the other 144 feet long, and 44 inches in diameter, at three feet from the ground. Dr. Dwight also mentions a specimen on the Kattskill 249 feet long, and several on the Unadilla 200 feet long, and three in diameter.* These, though they are remarkable specimens, show the stately altitude which this fine species sometimes attains, equalling in majesty the grandest specimens of the old world : The rougher rinded Pine, The great Argoan ship's brave ornament, Which, coveting with his high top's extent To make the mountains touch the stars divine. Decks all the forest with embellishment. Spenser. The Yellow Pine (P. mitis) is a fine evergreen, usually reaching a stature of 50 or 60 feet, with a nearly uniform diameter of about 18 inches for two-thirds of its length. The branches generally take a handsome conical shape, and the whole head considerably resembles that of the spruce, » Dwight's Travels, Vol. iv. p. 21— 2G. EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 251 whence it is sometimes called the Spruce Pine. The term Yellow Pine arises from the color of the wood as contrasted with that of the foregoing sort, which is white. The leaves of this species are long and flexible, arranged in pairs upon the branches, and have a fine dark green color. The cones are very small, scarcely measuring an inch and a half in length, and are clothed on the exterior with short spines. The growth is quite slow. The Yellow Pine is rarely found above Albany to the northward, but it extends as far south as the Floridas. It grows in the greatest abundance in New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, and sometimes measures five or six feet in circumference. In plantations, it has the valuable property to recommend it, of growing on the very poorest lands. The Pitch Pine (P. rigida) is a very distinct sort, common in the whole of the United States east of the Alleghanies. It is very stiflf and formal in its growth when young, but as it approaches maturity, it becomes one of the most picturesque trees of the genus. The branches, which shoot out horizontally, bend downwards at the extremities, and the top of the tree, when old, takes a flattened shape. The whole air and expression of the tree is wild and romantic, and is harmonious with portions of scenery where these characters predominate. The leaves are collected in threes, and the color of the foliage is a dark green. The cones are pyramidal, from one to three inches long, and armed with short spines. The bark of this kind of Pine is remarkably rough, black, and furrowed, even upon young trees ; and the wood is filled with resinous sap, from which pitch and tar are copiously supplied. The trees grow in various parts of the country, both on the most meagre soils and in nioisl 252 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, swamps, with almost equal facility. In thfj latter situations they are, however, comparatively destitute of resin, but the stems often rise to 80 feet in elevation. The foregoing are the finest and most important species of the north. The Red Pine {Pinus rubra) and the Grey Pine are species of small or secondary size, chiefly indige- nous to British America. The .Jersey Pine {P. inops) is a dwarfish species, often called the Scrub Pine, which seldom grows more than 25 feet high. There are some splendid species that are confined to the southern states, where they grow in great luxuriance. Amono; the most interesting of these is the Long-leaved o o o Pine (P. Australis), a tree of 70 feet elevation, with superb wandlike foliage^ borne in threes, often nearly a foot in length. The cones are also seven or eight inches long, containing a kernel or seed of agreeable flavor. As this tree grows as far north as Norfolk in Virginia, we are strongly inclined to believe that it might be naturalized in the climate of the middle states, and think it would become one of the most valuable additions to our catalogue of ever- green trees. The Loblolly Pine {P. Toeda) of Virginia has also fine foliage, six inches or more in length, and grows to 80 feet in height. Besides these already named, the southern states produce the Pond Pine (P. Serotina), which resembles considerably the Pitch Pine, with, how- ever, longer leaves, and the Table Mountain Pine (P. Pun- gens), which grows 40 or 50 feet high, and is found exclu- sively upon that part of the Alleghany range. We must not forget in this enumeration of the Pines of North America, the magnificent species of California and the North- West coast. The most splendid of these was discovered in Northern California, and named the Pinus EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 253 Lambertiana, in honor of that distinguished botanist, A. B. Lambert, Esq., of London, the author of a superb work on this genus of trees. It is undoubtedly one of the finest evergreens in the world, averaging from 100 to 200 feet in height. Its discoverer, Mr. Douglass, the indefatigable collector of the Horticultural Society of London, measured one of these trees that had blown down, which was two hundred and fifteen feet in length, and fifty-seven feet nine inches in circumference, at three feet from the root ; while at one hundred and thirty-four feet from the root, it was seventeen feet five inches in girth. This, it i^s stated, is by no means the maximum height of the species. The cones of the Lambert Pine measure sixteen inches in length ; and the seeds are eaten by the natives of those regions, either roasted or made into cakes, after being pounded. The other species found by Mr. Douglass grow naturally in the mountain valleys of the western coast, and several of them, as the Pimis grandis and nohilis, are almost as lofty as the foregoing sort ; while Pinus rnonticola and P. Sabi- niana are highly beautiful in their forms and elegant in foliage. The seeds of nearly all these sorts were first sent to the garden of the London Horticultural Society, where many of the young trees are now growing ; and we hope that they will soon be introduced into our plantations, which they are so admirably calculated, by their elegant foliage and stupendous magnitude, to adorn. The European Pines next deserve our attention. The most common species in the north of Europe is the Scotch Pine {P. sylvestris), a dark, tall, evergreen tree, with bluish foliage, of 80 feet in height, which furnishes most of the deal timber of Europe. It is one of the most rapid of all the Pines in its growth, even on poor soils, and is therefore 254 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. valuable in new places. The Stone Pine (P. pined) is a native of the South of Europe, where it is decidedly the most picturesque evergreen tree of that continent. It belongs peculiarly to Italy, and its " vast canopy, supported on a naked column of great height, forms one of the chief and peculiar beauties in Italian sceneiy, and in the living landscapes of Claude." We regret that it is too tender to bear our winters, but its place may in a great measure be supplied by the Pinaster or Cluster Pine (P. pinaster), which is quite hardy, and succeeds well in the United States. This__has much of the same picturesque expression, depressed or rounded head, and tall columnar stem, which mark the Stone Pine ; while its thickly massed foliage, clustering cones, and rough bark, render it distinct and strikingly interesting. The Corsican Pine (P. laricio) is a handsome, regular shaped, pyramidal tree, with the branches disposed in tiers like those of the White Pine. It grows to a large size, and is valued for its extremely dark green foliage, thickly spread upon the branches. It is also one of the most rapid growers among the foreign sorts, and has been found to grow remarkably well upon the barren chalk downs of England. Pinus cembra is a very slow growing, though valuable kind, indigenous to Switzerland, and hardy here. These are the principal European species that deserve notice here for their ornamental qualities. Some splendid additions have been made to this genus, by the discovery of new species on the Himalaya mountains of Asia ; and from the great elevation at which they are found growing wild, we have reason to hope that they will become natu- ralized m our climate. We must not leave this extensive family of trees without EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 255 adverting to their numerous and important uses. In the United States, full four-fifths of all the houses built are con- structed of the White and Yellow Pine, chiefly of the former. Soft, easily worked, light and fine in texture, it is almost universally employed in carpentry, and for all the purposes of civil architecture ; while the tall stately trunks furnish masts and spars, not only for our own vessels, but many of those of England. A great commerce is therefore carried on in the timber of this tree, and vast quantities of the boards, etc., are annually exported to Europe. The Yellow and Pitch Pine furnish much of the enormous supplies of fuel consumed by the great number of steamboats employed in navigating our numerous inland rivers. The Long- leaved Pine is the great timber tree of the southern states ; and when we take into account all its various products, we must admit it to be the most valuable tree of the whole family. The consumption of the wood of this tree in build- ing, in the southern states, is immense ; and its sap furnishes nearly all the turpentine, tar, pitch, and rosin, used in this country, or exported to Europe. The turpentine flows from large incisions made in the trunk (into boxes fastened to the side of the trees for that purpose) during the whole of the spring and summer. Spirit of turpentine is obtained from this by distillation. Tar is procured by burning the dead wood in kilns, when it flows out in a current from a conduit made in the bottom. Pitch is prepared by boiling tar until it is about one half dimiAished in bulk ; and rosin is the residuum of the distillation when spirit of turpentine is made. The Carolinas produce all these in the greatest abundance, and so long ago as 1807, the exportation of them to England alone amounted to nearly $800,000 in ll)at single year. 25G LANDSCAIE OAIIDENINO. The Fir Trees. Abies. Nat Old. Coniferae. Lin. Syst. Moncec:a, Monadelpliia. The Fir trees differ from the Pines, to which they are nearly related, in having much shorter leaves, which are placed singly upon the branches, instead of being collected in little bundles or parcels of two, three, or five, as is the case in all Pines. They generally grow in a more conical manner than the latter, and in ornamental plantations owe their beauty in most cases more to their symmetrical regularity of growth than to picturesque expression. The Balsam, or Balm of Gilead Fir (A. habamea), sometimes also called the American Silver Fir, is one of the most ornamental of our native evergreens. It is found most abundantly in Maine and Nova Scotia, but is scattered more or less on the mountain tops, and in cold swamps, through various other parts of the Union. At Pine Orchard, near the Catskill Mountain-house, it flourishes well, though never seen below the elevation of 1,800 feet. When standing singly, it forms a perfect pyramid of fine dark green foliage, 30 or 40 feet high, regularly clothed from the bottom to the top. The leaves, about half or three-fourths of an inch long, are silvery white on the under surface, though dark green above ; and are inserted both on the sides and tops of the branches. It is one of the most beautiful evergreens for planting in grounds near the house, and is perhaps more cultivated for that purpose than any other in the Union. The cones, which are four or five inches long, like those of the European Silver Fir point upwards. However small the plants of this Fir may be, they are still interesting, as they t^T^^i' i^-" r-iXwfiiE; Ji^jSi"* Fig. 37. TUo Silver Fir, at the of Dr. Johnson. Cxormantown, Pa. Agre 57 years, height 100 feet. EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 257 display the same symmetiy as full grown trees. The deep green color of the verdure of the Balm of Gilead Fir is retained unchanged in all its beauty through the severest winters, which causes it to contrast agreeably with the paler tints of the Spruces. On the trunks of trees of this species are found small vesicles or blisters, filled with a liquid resin, which is extracted and sold under the name of Balm of Gilead,* for its medicinal virtues. The European Silver Fir (A.picea) strongly resembles, when young, the Balsam Fir. But its leaves are longer and coarser, and the cones are much larger, while it also attains twice or three times the size of the latter. In the forests of Germany it sometimes rises over 100 feet ; and it always becomes a large tree in a favorable soil. It grows slowly during the first twenty years, but afterwards advances with much more rapidity. It thrives well, and is quite hardy in this country. The Norway Spruce Fir (A. communis]) is by far the handsomest of that division of the Firs called the Spruces. It generally rises with a perfectly straight trunk to the neight of from 80 to 150 feet. It is a native, as its name denotes, of the colder parts of Europe, and consequently grows well in the northern states. The branches hang down with a fine graceful curve or sweep ; and although the leaves are much paler than those of the foregoing kinds, yet the thick fringe-like tufts of foliage which clothe the branches, give the whole tree a rich, dark appearance. The large cones, too, always nearly six inches long, are • The trae Balm ot Gilead is an Asiatic herb, Amyris gilcadensi$. t Abies excelsa. 11 258 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. beautifully pendent, and greatly increase the beauty of an old tree of this kind. The Norway Spruce is the great tree of the Alps ; and as a park tree, to stand alone, we scarcely know a more beautiful one. It then generally branches not quite down to the ground ; and its fine, sweeping, feathery branches hang down in the most graceful and pleasing manner. There are some superb specimens of this species in various gardens of the middle states, 80 or 100 feet high. The Black, or Double Spruce (A. nigra), sometimes also called the Red Spruce, is very common in the north ; and, according to Michaux, forms a third part of the forests of Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, as well as New Bruns- wick and Lower Canada. The leaves are quite short and stiff, and clothe the young branches ai'ound the whole surface ; and the whole tree, where it much abounds, has rather a gloomy aspect. In the favorable humid black soils of those countries, the Black Spruce grows 70 feet high, forming a fine tall pyramid of verdure. But it is rarely found in abundance further south, except in swamps, where its growth is much less strong and vigorous. Mingled with other evergreens, it adds to the variety, and the peculiar coloring of its foliage gives value to the livelier tints of other species of Pine and Fir. The White or Single Spruce (A. alba) is a smaller and less common tree than the foregoing, though it is often found in the same situations. The leaves are more thinly arranged on the young shoots, and they are longer and project more from the branches. The color, however, is a distinguishing characteristic between the two sorts ; for while in the Black Spruce it is very dark, in this species it EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 1>59 ;s of a light bluish green tint. The cones are also mucn larger on the White Spruce tree. The Hemlock Spruce, or, as it is more commonly called, ihe Hemlock {A. canadensis), is one of the finest and most distinct of this tribe of trees. It is most abundantly multiplied in the extreme northern portions of the Union ; and abounds more or less, in scattered groups and thickets, throughout all the middle states, while at the south it is confined chiefly to the mountains. It prefers a soil, which, though slightly moist, is less humia than that where the Black Spruce succeeds best ; and it thrives well in the deep cool shades of mountain valleys. In the Highlands of the Hudson it grows in great luxuri- ance ; and in one locality, the sides of a valley near Crows nest, the surface is covered with the most superb growths of this tree, reaching up from the water's edge to the very summit of the hill, 1,400 feet high, like a rich and shadowy mantle, sprinkled here and there only with the lighter and more delicate foliage of deciduous trees. The average height of the Hemlock in good soils is about 70 or 80 feet ; and when standing alone, or in very small groups, it is one of the most beautiful coniferous trees. The leaves are disposed in two rov»^s on each side of the branches, and considerably resemble those of the Yew, though looser in texture, and livelier in color. The foliage, when the tree has grown to some height, hangs from the branches in loose pendulous tufts, which give it a peculiarly graceful appearance. When young, the form of the head is regularly pyramidal ; but when the tree attains more age, it often assumes very irregular and picturesque forms. 200 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Sometimes it grows up in a thick, dense, dark mass of foliage, only varied by the pendulous branches, which project beyond the grand mass of the tree ; at others it forms a loose, airy, and graceful top, permeable to the slightest breeze, and waving its loose tufts of leaves to every passing breath of air. In almost all cases, it is extremely ornamental, and we regret that it is not more generally employed in decorating the grounds of our residences. It should be transplanted (like all of this class of trees) quite early in the spring, the roots being preserved as nearly entire as possible, and not suffered to become the least dried, before they are replaced in the soil. The uses of the Fir tree are important. The Norway Spruce Fir furnishes the white deal timber so extensively employed in Europe for all the various purposes of building ; and its tall, tapering stems afford fine masts for vessels. The Black Spruce timber is also highly valuable, and is thought by many persons to surpass in excellence that of the Norway Spruce. The young shoots also enter into the composition of the celebrated Spruce beer of this country, a delightful and very healthful beverage. And the Hemlock not only furnishes a vast quantity of the joists used in building frame-houses, but supplies the tanners with an abundance of bark, which, when mixed with that of the oak, is highly esteemed in the preparation of leather. We regret that the fine evergreen trees both of this country and Europe, which compose the Pine and Fir tribes, have not hitherto received more of the attention of planters. It is inexpressible how much they add to the EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 261 beauty of a country residence in winter. At that season, when, during three or four months the landscape is bleak and covered with, snow, these noble trees, properly intermingled with the groups in view from the window, or those surrounding the house, give an appearance of verdure and life to the scene which cheats winter of half its dreariness. In exposed quarters, also, and in all windy and bleak situations, groups of evergreens form the most effectual shelter at all seasons of the year, while many of them have the great additional recommendation of growing upon the most meagre soils. In fine country residences abroad, it is becoming customary to select some extensive and suitable locality, where all the species of Pines and Firs are collected together, and allowed to develope themselves in their full beauty of proportion. Such a spot is called a Pinetum ; and the effect of all the different species growing in the same assemblage, and contrasting their various forms, heights, and peculiarities, cannot but be strikingly ele- gant. One of the largest and oldest collections of this kind is the Pinetum of Lord Grenville, at Dropmore, near Windsor, England. This contains nearly 100 kinds, comprising all the sorts known to English botanists, that will endure the open air of their mild climate. The great advantage of these Pinetums is, that manv of the more delicate species, which if exposed singly would perish, thrive well, and become quite naturalized under the shelter oi the more hardy and vigorous sorts. 262 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The Cedar of Lebanon Tree. Cedrus Nat. Ord. Coniferae. Lin. Syst. MoncEcia, Monadelphia The Cedar of Lebanon is universally admitted by European authors to be the noblest evergreen tree of the old world. Its native sites are the elevated valleys and ridges of Mount Lebanon and the neighboring heights of the lofty groups of Asia Minor. There it once covered immense forests, but it is supposed these have never recovered from the inroads made upon them by the forty score thousand hewers employed by Solomon to procure the timber for the erection of the Temple. Modern travellers speak of them as greatly diminished in number, though there are still specimens measuring thirty-six fe-et in circumference. Mount Lebanon is inhabited by nu- merous Maronite Christians, who hold annually a celebration of the Transfiguration under the shade of the existing trees, which they call the " Feast of Cedars."' The Cedar of Lebanon is nearly related to the Larch, having its leaves collected in parcels like that tree, but differs widely in the circumstance of its foliage being evergreen. It is remarkable for the wide extension of its branches, and the immense surface covered by its overshadowing canopy of foliage. In the sacred writings it is often alluded to as an emblem of great strength, beauty, and duration. "Behold the Assyrian was a Cedar in Lebanon, with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of an high stature ; and his top was among the thick boughs. His boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long. The fir trees were not like his boughs, nor Kr<;. :W.— ( i:iiAR ok Lf,i;an(in. al Wo.idl.-iw ii. m.;u- I'l-iiicoloii. N. ,1. Iloiglil, :i(; feci. EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 263 the chestnut trees like his branches, nor any tree in the garden of God like unto him in beauty."* In England the Cedar of Lebanon appears to have become quite naturalized. There it is considered by far the most ornamental of all the Pine tribe, — possessing, when full grown, an air of dignity and grandeur beyond any other tree. To attain the fullest beauty of develop- ment, it should always stand alone, so that its far-spreading horizontal branches can have full room to stretch out and expand themselves on every side. Loudon, in his Arboretum, gives a representation of a superb specimen now growing at Sion House, the seat of the Duke of Northumberland, which is 72 feet high, 24 in circum- ference, and covers an area, with its huge depending branches, of 117 feet. There are many other Cedars in England almost equal to this in grandeur. Sir T. D. Lauder gives an account of one at Whitton, which blew down in 1779: it then measured 70 feet in height, 16 feet in circumference, and covered an area of 100 feet in diameter. To show the rapidity of the growth of this tree, he quotes three Cedars of Lebanon, which were planted at Hopetoun House, Scotland, in the year 1748. The mea- surement is the circumference of the trunks, and shows the rapid increase after they have attained a large size. 1801. 1820. 1825. 1833. Increase in 32 years. First Cedar, Second do. Third do. ft. in. 10 8 6 7 10 ft. in. 13 li 10 9i 9 9i ft. in. 14 11 4 10 8 ft. in. 15 1 12 3 11 6 ft. in. 5 1 3 9 3 8 A Chestnut measured at the same periods, only increasec 2 7 Ezekiel xxxi. 264 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. From the above table, it will be seen how congenial even the cold climate of Scotland is to the growth of this tree. Indeed in its native soils, the tops of the surrounding hills are almost perpetually covei^ed with snow, and it is, there- fore, one of the very hardiest of the evergreens of the old world. There is no reason why it should not succeed admirably in many parts of the United States ; and when we consider its great size, fine dark green foliage, and wide spreading limbs which " Overarching, frame Most solemn domes within," Shelley. as well as the many interesting associations connected with it, we cannot but think it better worth our early attention, and extensive introduction, than almost any other foreign tree. Evergreens are comparatively difficult to import, and as we have made the experiment of importing Cedars of Lebanon from the English nurseries with but indifferent success, we would advise that persons attempting its cultivation should procure the cones containing the seeds from England, when they may be reared directly in our own soil, which will of course be an additional advantage to the future growth of the tree.* The situations found to be most favorable to this Cedar, in the parks and gardens of Europe, are sandy or gravelly soils, either with a moist subsoil underneath, or in the neighborhood of springs, or bodies of water. In such places it is found to advance with a rapidity equal to the Larch. » The finest Cedar of Lebanon in the Union, is growing in the grounds of T. Ash, Esq., of Westchester Co., N. Y., being 50 feet high and of corresponding breadth. It stands near a Purple-leaved Beech, equally large and beautiful. EVERGREEN ORXAMENTAL TRE33. 265 one of the fastest growing timber trees, as we have already noticed. The Deodara, or Indian Cedar (Cedrus Deodara), is a magnificent species of this tree, recently introduced from the high mountains of Nepal and Indo-Tartary. It stands the chmate of Scotland, and appears likely to succeed here wherever the Cedar of Lebanon will flourish. In its native country it is described as being a lofty and majestic tree, frequently attaining the height of 150 feet, with a trunk 30 feet in circumference. The leaves are larger than those of the Cedar of Lebanon, of a deeper bluish green, covered with a silvery bloom ; the cones, borne in pairs, are of a reddish brown color, and are both longer and broader than those of the latter species. In some parts of Upper India it is considered a sacred tree (Deodara — tree of God), and is only used to burn as incense in days of high ceremony ; but in others it is held in the highest esteem as a timber tree, having all the good qualities of the Cedar of Lebanon — its great durability being attested by its sound state in the roofs of temples of that country, which cannot have been built less than 200 years. We have but just introduced the Deodara into the United States, and can therefore say little of its growth or beauty here, though we have little doubt that it will prove one of the noblest evergreen trees for our pleasure grounds. Lou- don says, " the specimens in England are yet small ; but the feathery lightness of its spreading branches, and the ' beautiful glaucous hue of its leaves, render it, even when young, one of the most ornamental of the coniferous trees ; and all the travellers who have seen it full grown, agree that it unites an extraordinary degree of majesty and gran- deur with its beauty. The tree thrives in every part of 266 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Great Britain where it has been tried, even as far north as Aberdeen, where, as in many other places, it is found hardier than the Cedar of Lebanon. It is readily propa- gated by seeds, which preserve their vitality when imported in the cones. It also grows freely by cuttings, which appeai to make as handsome free-growing plants as those raised from seed." The soil and culture for this tree are pre- cisely those for the Cedar of Lebanon. The Red Cedar Tree. Juniperus. Nat. Ord. ConiferaB. Lin. Syst. Dicecia, Monadelphia. The Red Cedar is a very common tree, indigenous to this country, and growing in considerable abundance from Maine to Florida ; but thriving with the greatest luxuriance in the sea-board states. When fully grown, the Red Cedar is about 40 feet in height, and little more than a foot in diameter. The leaves are very small, composed of minute scales, and lie pretty close to the branches. Small blue berries, borne thickly upon the branches of the female tree? in autumn and winter, contain the seeds. These are covered with a whitish exudation, and are sometimes used, like those of the foreign juniper, in the manufacture of gin. The Red Cedar has less to recommend it to the eye than most of the evergreens which we have already described. The color of the foliage is dull and dingy at many seasons, and the form of the young tree is too compactly conical to please generally. When old, however, we have seen it throw off this formality, and become an interesting, and 'ndeed a picturesque tree. Then its branches shooting out EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 267 in a horizontal direction, clad with looser and more pendent foliage, give the whole tree quite another character. The twisted stems, too, when they become aged, have a singular, dried-looking, whitish bark, which is quite unique and peculiar. There is a very fine natural avenue of Red Cedars near.Fishkill landing, in Duchess Co., composed of two rows of noble trees 35 or 40 feet high, which is a very agreeable walk in winter and early spring. This has given the name of Cedar Grove to the country seat in question, where the Red Cedar grows spontaneously upon a slate subsoil with great luxuriance. There the trees are dis- seminated widely by the birds, which feed with avidity upon the berries. The Red Cedar is well known to every person as one of our very best timber trees. It takes its name from the reddish hue of the perfect wood. This has a fragrant odor, and is not- only light, fine-grained, and close in texture, but extremely durable. It is therefore much employed (though of late it is becoming scarcer) in conjunction with Live oak, which is too heavy alone, in ship-building. It is also valued for its great durabihty as posts for fencing; and is exported to Europe, to be used in the manufacture of pen- cils, and other useful purposes. The Arbor Vit.e Tree. Thuja. Nat. Ord. Coniferaj. Lin. Syst. Monoecia, Monadelphia. The Arbor Vitae {Thuja occidentalis), sometimes also called Flat Cedar, or White Cedar, is distinguished from 208 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. most evergreens by its flat foliage, composed of a greul number of scales closely imbricated, or overlaying each other, which give the whole a compressed appearance. The seeds are borne in a small cone, usually not more than half an inch in length. This tree is extremely formal and regular in outline in almost every stage of growth ; generally assuming the. shape of an exact cone or pyramid of close foliage, of con- siderable extent at the base, close to the ground, and nar- rowing upwards to a sharp point. So regular is their outline in many cases, when they are growing upon favorable soils, that at a short distance they look as if they had been subjected to the clipping-shears. The sameness of its form precludes the employment of this evergreen in so extensive a manner as most others ; that is, in inter- mingling it promiscuously with other trees of less artificial forms. But the Arbor Vitoe, from this very regularity, is well suited to support and accompany scenery when objects of an avowedly artificial character predominate, as buildings, etc., where it may be used with a very happy effect. There is also no evergreen tree indigenous or introduced, which will make a more effectual, close, and impervious screen than this : and as it thrives well in almost every soil, moist, dry, rich, or poor, we strongly recommend it whenever such thickets are desirable. We have ourselves tried the experiment with a hedge of it about 200 feet long, which was transplanted about five or six feet high from the native hahitats of the young trees, and which fully answers our expectations respecting it, forming a perfectly thick sci-een, and an excellent shelter on the north of a range of buildings at all seasons of the year, growing perfectly thick without trimming, from the very ground upwards. EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 2G9 The only fault of this tree as an evergreen, is the comparatively dingy green hue of its foliage in winter But to compensate for this, it is remarkably fresh looking in its spring, summer, and autumn tints, comparing well at those seasons even with the bright verdure of deciduous trees. The Arbor Vitee is very abundant in New Brunswick, Vermont, and Maine. In New York, the shores of the Hudson, at Hampton landing, 70 miles above the city of New York, are lined on both sides with beautiful speci mens of this tree, many of them being perfect cones in outline ; and it is here much more symmetrical and perfect in its growth than we have seen it. Forty feet is about the maximum altitude of the Arbor Vitse, and the stem rarely measures more than ten or twelve inches in diameter. The wood is very light, soft, and fine-grained, but is reputed to be equally durable with the Red Cedar. It is consequently employed for various purposes in build- ing and fencing, where, in the northern districts, it grows in sufficient abundance, and of suitable size. The Chinese Arbor Vitse {T. orientalis) is a tree of much smaller and more feeble growth. It cannot, therefore, as an ornamental tree, be put in competition with our native species. Bnt it is a beautiful evergreen for the garden and shrubbery, where it finds a more suitable and sheltered site, being rather tender north of New York. The White Cedar {Thuja spheroida*), which belongs to the same genus as the Arbor Vitce, is a much loftiei * Cupressus thuyoides of the old botanists. 270 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. tree, often growing 80 feet high. It can hardly be considered a ti'ee capable of being introduced into cultivated situations, as it is found only in thick swamps and wet grounds. The foliage considerably resembles that of the common Arbor Vitae, though rather narrower and more delicate in texture. The cones are small and rugged, and change from green to a blue or brown tint in autumn. In the south it is often called the Juniper. The White Cedar furnishes excellent shingles, much more durable than those made of either Pine or Cypress ; in Philadelphia the wood is much esteemed and greatly used in cooperage. " Charcoal," according to Michaux, " highly esteemed in the manufacture of gunpowder, is made of young stocks, about an inch and a half in diameter, deprived of their bark ; and the seasoned wood affords beautiful lamp-black, lighter and more intensely colored than that obtained from the Pine." The American Holly Tree. Ilex. Nat. Ord. Aquifoliaceae. Lin. Syst. DicEcia, Tetrandria. The European Holly is certainly one of the evergreen glories of the English gardens. There its deep green, glossy foliage, and bright coral berries, which hang on for a long time, are seen enlivening the pleasure-grounds and shrubberies throughout the whole of that leafless and inactive period in vegetation — winter. It is also, in our mother tongue, inseparably connected with the delightful associations of merry Christmas gambols and feastings, when both the churches and the dwelling-houses are EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 271 decorated with its boughs. We have much to regret, therefore, in the severity of our winters, which will not permit the European Holly to flourish in the middle or eastern states, as a hardy tree. South of Philadelphia, it may become acclimated ; but it appears to suffer greatly further north. A beautiful succedaneum, however, jnay, we believe, be found in the American Holly {Ilex opaca), which indeed very closely resembles the foreign species in almost every particular. The leaves are waved or irregular in surface and outline, though not so much so as those of the latter, and their color is a much lighter shade of green. Like those of the foreign plant, they are armed on the edges with thorny prickles, and the surface is brilliant and polished. The American Holly is seen in the greatest perfection on the eastern shore of Maryland and Virginia, and the lower part of New Jersey. There it thrives best upon loose, dry, and gravelly soils. Michaux says it is also common through all the extreme southern states, and in West Tennessee, in which latter places it abounds on the margins of shady swamps, where the soil is cool and fertile. In such spots it often reaches forty feet in height, and twelve or fifteen inches in diameter. Although the growth of the Holly is slow, yet it is always beautiful ; and wt regret that the American sort, which may be easily brought into cultivation, is so very rarely seen in our gardens or grounds. The seeds are easily procured, and if scalded and sowed in autumn, immediately after being gathered, they vegetate freely. For hedges the Holly is altogether unrivalled ; and it was also one of the favorite plants for verdant sculpture, in the ancient style of gardening. Evelyn, in the edition of his 272 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Sylva, published in London in 1664, thus bursts out in eloquent praise of it : " Above all natural greens which enrich our home-born store, there is none certainly to be compared to the Holly ; insomuch that I have often wondered at our curiosity after foreign plants and expen sive difficulties, to the neglect of the culture of this vulgar but incomparable tree, — whether we will propagate it for use and defence, or for sight and ornament. Is there under heaven a more glorious and refreshing object of the kind, than an impregnable hedge of one hundred and sixty-five feet in length, seven high, and five in diameter, which I can show in my poor gardens, at any time of the year, glittering with its armed and varnished leaves ? The taller standards at orderly distances blushing with their natural coral. It mocks the rudest assaults of the weather, beasts, or hedge-breaker : — ' Et ilium nemo impune lacessit.' " The Yew Tree. Taxus. Nat. Ord. Taxaceae. Lin. Syst. MoncEcia, Monadelphia. The European Yew is a slow-growing, evergreen tree, which often, when full grown, measures forty feet in height, and a third more in the diameter of its branches. The foliage is flat, linear, and is placed in two rows, like that of the Hemlock tree, though much darker in color. The flowers are brown or greenish, and inconspicuous, but they are succeeded by beautiful scarlet berries, about half or three-fourths of an inch in diameter, which are open at the end, where a small nut or seed is deposited. These EVERGEEEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 273 oerries have an exquisitely delicate, waxen appearance, and contribute highly to the beauty of the tree. The growth of this tree, even in its native soil, is by no means rapid. In twenty years, says Loudon, it will attain the height of fifteen or eighteen feet, and it will continue growing for one hundred years ; after which it becomes comparatively stationary, but will live many centuries. When young, the Yew is rather compact and bushy in its form ; but as it grows old, the foliage spreads out in fine horizontal masses, the outline of the tree is irregularly varied, and the whole ultimately becomes highly venerable and picturesque. When standing alone, it generally shoots out into branches at some three or four feet above the surface of the ground, and is ramified into a great number of close branches. ^^. ^^#, [Fig V Th( 1 nglish Ycu J In England, it has been customary, since the earliest settlement of that island by the Britons, to plant the Yew in churchyards ; and it is therefore as decidedly conse- crated to this purpose there, as the Cypress is in the south 274 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. o( Europe. For the decoration of pkices of burial it is well adapted, from the deep and perpetual verdure of its foliage, which, conjointly with its great longevity, may be 3onsidered as emblematical of immortality. The Yew, like the Holly, makes an excellent evergreen hedge — close, dark green, and beautiful when clad in the rich scarlet berries. We desire, however, rather to see this tree naturalized in our gardens and lawns as an evergreen tree of the first class, than in any other form. Judging from specimens which we have growing in our own grounds, we should consider it quite hardy anywhere south of the 41° of latitude. And although it is somewhat slow in its growth, yet, like many other evergreens, it is as beautiful when a small bush or a thrifty young tree, as it is venerable and picturesque when ages or even centuries have witnessed its never failing verdure. It appears to grow most vigorously and thrive best on a rich and heavy soil, and in situations rather shaded than exposed to a burning sun. There are several beautiful varieties of the Yew {Taxus haccata) cultivated in the nurseries; the Irish Yew (T. h. fastigiata), remarkable for its dark green foliage, and vei*y handsome, upright growth, and the Yellow berried Yew (T. h.fructo-Jlava), are the most ornamental. The North American Yew (T. canadensis) is a low trailing shrub, scarcely rising above the heiglit of four or six feet, though the branches extend to a considerable distance. In foliage, berries, etc., it so strongly resembles the European plant, that many botanists consider it only a dwarf variety. The leaves are nevertheless shorter and narrower, and the male flowers always solitary It is found in shady, rocky places, in the Highlands, and various other localities Trom Canada to Virginia VINES .AND CLIMBING PLANTS. 275 SECTION VI. VIN^ES AND CLIMBING PLANTS. Valne of this kind of Vegetation. Fine natural effects. The European Ivy. Th"" Virginia Creeper. The Wild Grape Vine. The Bittersweet. The Trumpet Creeper. The Pipe Vine, and the Clematis. The Wistarias. The Honeysuckles and Wood- bines. The Jasmine and the Periploca. Remarks on the proper mode of introducing vines. Beautiful effects of climbing plants in connexion with buildings. Quite over-canopied with lush woodbine. With sweet musk roses, and with eglantine. Shaesfeare. I N E S and climbing plants are objects full of interest for the Land- scape Gardener, for they seem endowed with the characteristics of the graceful, the beautiful, and the picturesque, in their luxuriant and ever-varying forms. When judiciously introduced, therefore, nothing can so easily give a spirited or graceful air to a fine or even an ordinary scene, as the various plants which compose this group of the vegetable kingdom. We refer particularly now to those which have woody and perennial stems, as all annual or herbaceous stemmed plants are too short-lived to afford any lasting or permanent addition to the beauty of the lawn or plea- sure-ground. • 276 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Climbing plants may be classed among the adventitious heauties of trees. Who has not often witnessed with delight in our native forests, the striking beauty of a noble tree, the old trunk and fantastic branches of which were enwreathed with the luxuriant and pliant shoots and rich foliage of some beautiful vine, clothing even its decayed limbs with verdure, and hanging down in gay festoons or loose negligent masses, waving to and fro in the air. The European Ivy {Hedcra Helix) is certainly one of the finest, if not the very finest climbing plant (or more properly, creeping vine, for by means of its little fibres or rootlets on the stems, it will attach itself to trees, walks, or any other substance), with which we are acquainted. It possesses not only very fine dark green palmated foliage in ffreat abundance, but the foliao;e has that agreeable property of being evergreen, — which, while it enhances its value tenfold, is at the same time so rare among vines. The yellow flowers of the Ivy are great favorites with bees, from their honied sweetness ; they open in autumn, and the berries ripen in the spring. When planted at the root of a tree, it will often, if the head is not too thickly clad with branches, ascend to the very topmost limbs ; and its dark green foliage, wreathing itself about the old and furrowed trunk, and hanging in careless drapery from the lower branches, adds greatly to the elegance of even fhe most admirable tree. Spenser describes the appear- ance of the Ivy growing to the tops of the trees, " Emongst the rest, the clamb'ring Ivie grew, Knitting his wanton arms with grasping hold, Lest that the poplar happely should renew Her brother's strokes, whose bouglis she doth enlbid With her lythe twigs, till they the top survew, And paint with pallid green her buds of gold." VINES AND CLIMBING PLANTS. 277 The fine contrasts between the dark coloring ot the leaves of the Ivy, and the vernal and autumnal tints of the foliage of deciduous trees, are also highly pleasing. Indeed this fine climbing plant may be turned to advantage in another way ; in reclothing dead trees with verdure Sir T. D. Lauder says, that " trees often die from causes which we cannot divine, and there is no one who is master of extensive woods, who does not meet with many such instances of unexpected and unaccountable mortality. Of such dead individuals we have often availed ourselves, and by planting Ivy at their roots, we have converted them into more beautiful objects than they were when arrayed in their own natural foliage." The Ivy is not only ornamental upon trees, but it is also remarkably well adapted to ornament cottages, and even large mansions, when allowed to grow upon the walls, to which it will attach itself so firmly by the little rootlets sent out from the branches, that it is almost impossible to tear it off'. On wooden buildings, it may perhaps be injurious, by causing them to decay ; but on stone buildings, it fastens itself firmly, and holds both stone and mortar together like a coat of cement. The thick garniture of foliage with which it covers the surface, excludes stormy weather, and has, therefore, a tendency to preserve the walls, rather than accelerate their decay. This vine is the inseparable accompaniment of the old The Ivy is not a native of America ; nor is it by any means a very common plant in our gardens, though we know of no apology for the apparent neglect of so beautiful a climber. It is hardy south of the latitude of 42°, and we have seen it thriving in great luxuriance as far north as Hyde Park, on the Hudson, eighty miles above New York. One of the most beautiful growths of this plant, which has 278 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. ever met our eyes, is that upon the old mansion in the Botanic Garden at Philadelphia, built by the elder Bartram, That picturesque and quaint stone building is beautifully overrun by the most superb mantle of Ivy, that no one who has once seen can fail to remember with admiration. The dark grey of the stone- work is finely opposed by the rich verdure of the plant, which falls away in openings here and there, around the windows, and elsewhere. It never thrives well if suffered to ramble alono; the ground, but needs the support of a tree, a frame, or a wall, to which it attaches itself firmly, and grows with vigorous shoots. Bare walls or fences may thus be clothed with verdure and beauty equal to the living hedge, in a very short period of time, by planting young Ivy roots at the base. The most desirable varieties of the common Ivy are : the Irish Ivy, with much larger foliage than the common sort, and more rapid in its growth ; the Silver-striped and the Gold-striped leaved Ivy, both of which, though less vigorous, are much admired for the singular color of their leaves. The common English Ivy is more hardy than the others in our climate. Although, as we have said, the Ivy is not a native of this country, yet we have an indigenous vine, which, at least in summer, is not inferior to it. We refer to the Virginia Creeper {Ampelopsis hederacea), which is often called the American Ivy. The leaves are as large as the hand, deeply divided into five lobes, and the blossoms are suc- ceeded by handsome, dark blue berries. The Virginia Creeper is a most luxuriant grower, and we have seen it climbing to the extremities of trees 70 or 80 feet in height. Like the Ivy it attaches itself to whatever it can lay hold of, oy the little rootlets which spring out of the branches • • VINES AND CLIMBING PLA.VTS. 279 and its foliage, when it clothes thickly a high wall, or folds Itself in clustering wreaths around the trunk and branches of an open tree, is extremely handsome and showy. Al- though the leaves are not evergreen, like those of the Ivy, yet in autumn they far surpass those of that plant in the rich and gorgeous coloring which they then assume. Numberless trees may be seen in the country by the road side, and in the woods, thus decked in autumn in the borrowed glories of the Virginia Creeper ; but we particu- larly remember two as being remarkably striking objects ; one, a wide-spread elm — the trunk and graceful diverging branches completely clad in scarlet by this beautiful vine, with wiiich its own leaves harmonized well in their fine deep yellow dress ; the other, a tall and dense Cedar, through whose dark green boughs gleamed the rich coloring of the Virginia Creeper, like a half-concealed, though glowing lire In the American forests nothing adds more to the beauty of an occasional tree, than the tall canopy of verdure with which it is often crowned by the wild Grape vine. There its tall stems wind themselves about until they reach the very summit of the tree, where they cluster it over, and bask their broad bright green foliage in the sunbeams. As if not content with this, they often completely overhang the head of the tree, falling like ample drapery around on every side, until they sweep the ground. We have ^ seen very beautiful effects produced in this way by the grape in its wild state, and it may easily be imitated. The delicious fragrance of these wild grape vines when in blossom, is unsurpassed in delicacy ; and we can compare it to nothing but the delightful perfume which exhales from a huge bed of Mignonette in full bloom. The Bittersweet {Celastrus 280 LANDSCAPi: GARDENING. scandens) is another well known climber, which oi*naments our wild trees. Its foliage is very bright and shining, and the orange-colored seed-vessels which burst open, and dis- play the crimson seeds in winter, are quite ornamental. It winds itself very closely around the stem, however, and we have known it to strangle or compress the bodies of young trees so tightly as to put an end to their growth. The Trumpet Creeper {Bignonia radicans) is a very picturesque climbing plant. The stem is quite woody, and often attains considerable size ; the branches, like those of the Ivy and Virginia Creeper, fasten themselves by the roots thrown out. The leaves are pinnated, and the flowers, which are borne in terminal clusters on the ends of the young shoots about midsummer, are exceedingly showy. They are tubes five or six inches long, shaped like a trumpet, opening at the extremity, of a fine scarlet color on the outside, and orange within. The Trumpet Creeper is a native of Virginia, Carolina, and the states further south, where it climbs up the loftiest trees. It is a great favorite in the northern states as a climbing plant, and very beautiful effects are sometimes produced by planting it at the foot of a tall-stemmed tree, which it will completel}' surround with a pillar of verdure, and render very orna- mental by its little shoots, studded with noble blossoms. One of the most singular and picturesque climbing shrubs or plants which we cultivate, is the Pipe-vine, or Birthvvort (AjHstolnchia sipho). It is a native of the Alleghany moun tains, and is one of the tallest of twining plants, growing on the trees there to the height of 90 or 100 feet, though in gardens it is often kept down to a frame of four or five feet high. The leaves are of a noble size, being eight or nine inches broad, and heart-shaped in outline. The VINES AND CLIMBING PLANTS. 281 flowers, about an inch or a little more in length, are very singular. They are dark yellow, spotted with brown, in shape like a bent siphon-like tube, which opens at the ex- trem'ty, the whole flower resembling, as close as possible, a very small Dutchman's pipe, whence the vine is frequently so called by the country people. It flowers in the begin- ning of summer, and the foliage, during the whole growing season, has a very rich and luxuriant appearance. Aristo- locliia tomentosa is a smaller species, with leaves and flowers of less size, the former downy or hairy on the under surface. The various kinds of Clematis, though generally kept within the precincts of the garden, are capable of adding to the interest of the pleasure ground, when they are planted so as to support themselves on the branches of trees. The common White Clematis or Virgin's Bower (C virginica) is one of the strongest growing kinds, often embellishing wdth its pale white blossoms, the whole interior and even the very tops of our forest trees in the middle states. After these have fallen, they are succeeded by large tufts of brown, hairy-like plumes, appendages to the clusters of seeds, which give the whole a very unique and interesting look. The Wild Atragene, with large purple flowers, which blossom early, has much the same habit as the Clematis, to which, indeed, it is nearly related. Among the finest foreign species of this genus are, the Single and Double-flowered purple Clematis (C viticella and its varieties), which, though slender in their stems, run to considerable height, are very pretty, and blossom profusely. The sweet scented and the Japan Clematis (C jiammula and C Jlorida), the former very fragrant, and the latter beautiful, are perhaps too 2S2 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. tender, except for the garden, where they are highl}' prized. The Glycine or Wistaria (Wistaria pubescens) is a very beautiful climbing plant, and adds much to the gracefulness of trees, when trained so as to hang from .heir lower branches. The leaves are pinnate, and the light purple flowers, which bloom in loose clusters like those of the Locust, are universally admired. The Chinese Wistaria (TV. sinensis) is a very elegant species of this plant, which appears to be quite hardy here ; and when loaded with its numerous large clusters of pendent blossoms, is highly ornamental. It grows rapidly, and, with but little care, will mount to a great height. These vines with pinnated foliage, would be remarkal*ly appropriate when climbing up, and hanging from the branches of such light airy trees as the Three-thorned Acacia, the Locust, etc. We must not forget to enumerate here the charming family of the Honeysuckles ; some of them are natives of the old world, some of our own continent ; and all of them are common in our gardens, where they are universally prized for their beauty ^nd fragrance. In their native localities they grow upon trees, and trail along the rocks. The species which ascends to the greatest height, is the common European Woodbine,* which twines around the stems, and hangs from the ends of the longest branches of trees : " As Woodbine weds the plant within her reach, / Rough Ehn, or smooth-grained Ash, or glossy Beech, In spiral rings ascends the trunk, and lays Her golden tassels on the leafy sprays." CoWPER. * Woodbind is the original name, derived from the habit of the plant ol winding itself around trees, and binding the branches together. VINES AND CLIMBING PLANTS. 283 The Woodbine (Lonicera periclymenum) has separate, opposite leaves, and buff-colored or paler yellow and red blossoms. There is a variety, the common monthly Woodbine, which produces its flowers all summer, and is much the most valuable plant. Another {L. p. belgicum), the Dutch Honeysuckle, blossoms quite early in spring ; and a third (L. p. quercifolium) has leaves shaped like those of the oak tree. The finest of our native sorts are the Red and Yellow trumpet Honeysuckle {L. sempervirens and L. jlava), which have the terminal leaves on each branch joined together at the base, or perfoliate, making a single leaf. They blossom in the greatest profusion during the whole summer and autumn, and their rich blossom tubes, sprinkled in numerous clusters over the exterior of the foliage, as well as an abundance of scarlet berries in autumn, entitle them to high regard. There is also a very strong and vigorous species, called the Orange pubescent Honeysuckle (L. pubescens), with large, hairy, ciliate leaves, and fine large tawny or orange-colored flowers. It is a very luxuriant plant in its habit, and a very distinct species to the eye. All these native sorts have but very slight fragrance. The Chinese twining Honeysuckle (L. Jlexuosa) is certamly one of the finest of the genus. In the form of the leaf it much resembles the common Woodbine ; but the foliage is much darker colored, and is also sub-ever- green, hanging on half the winter, and in sheltered spots, even till spring. It blossoms when the plant is old, several times during the summer, bearing an abundance of beautiful flowers, open at the mouth, red outside, and striped with red, white, or yellow within. It grows 284 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. remarkably fast, climbing to the very summit of trees in a short time ; and the flowers, which first appear in June, are deliciously fragrant. In all its varieties the Honey- suckle is a charming plant, either to adorn the porch of the cottage, the latticed bower of the garden — to both of which spots they are especially dedicated — or to climb the stem of the old forest tree, where — " With clasping tendrils it invests the branch, Else unadorn'd, with many agay festoon. And fragrant chaplet ; recompensing well The strength it borrows with the grace it lends." There it diffuses through the air a delicious breath, that renders a walk beneath the shade of the tall trees doubly delightful, while its flowers give a gaiety and brightness to the park, which forest trees, producing usually but inconspicuous blossoms, could not alone impart. Some of the climbing Roses are very lovely objects in the pleasure-grounds. Many of them, at the north, as the Multifloras, Noisettes, etc., require some covering in the winter, and are therefore better fitted for the garden. At the south, where they are quite hardy, they are, however, most luxuriant and splendid objects. But there are two classes of Roses that are perfectly hardy climbers, and may therefore be employed with great advantage by the Landscape Gardener — the Michigan and the Boursalt trees. The single Michigan is a most compact and vigorous grower, and often, in its wild haunts in the west, clambers over the tops of tall forest trees, and decks them with its abundant clusters of pale purple flowers. There are now in our gardens several beautiful double varieties of this, and among them, one, called Beauty of the Prairies, is VINES AND CLIMBING PLANTS. 285 most admired for its large rich buds and blossoms of a deep rose color. The Bom-salt roses are remarkable for their profusion of flowers, and for their shining, reddish stems, with few thorns. The common Purple or Crimson Boursalt is quite a wonder of beauty in the latter part of May, when trained on the wall of a cottage, being then literally covered with blossoms ; and it is so hardy that scarcely a branch is ever injured by the cold of winter. The Blush and the Elegans are still richer and finer varieties of this class of roses, all of which are well worthy of attention. We have to regret that the inclemency of our winters will not permit us to cultivate the White European Jasmine {Jasminum oficinale) out of the garden, as even there it requires a slight protection in winter. Below the latitude of Philadelphia, however, it will probably succeed well. In the southern states they have a most lovely plant, the Carolina Jasmine (Gelseminujn), which hangs its beautiful yellow flowers on the very tree tops, and the woods there in spring are redolent with their perfume. The connoisseur in vines will not forget the curious Periploca, which grows very rapidly to the height of 40 or 50 feet, and bears numerous branches of very curious brown or purple flowers in summer; or the Double- blossoming Brambles, both pink and white, which often make shoots of 20 or 30 feet long in a season, and bear pretty clusters of double flowers in June. All these fine climbers, and several others to be found in the catalogues, may, in the hands of a person of taste, be made to contribute in a wonderful degree to the variety, elegance, and beauty of a country residence ; and to neglect to introduce them would be to refuse the aid of some of the 286 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. most beautiful accessories that are capable of being com bined with trees, as well as with buildings, gardens, and fences. The reader must not imagine, from the remarks which we have here made on the beauty and charms of climbing plants, that we would desire to see every tree in an extensive park wreathed about, and overhung with fantastic vines and creepers. Such is by no means our intention. We should consider such a proceeding something in the worst possible taste. There are some trees whose rugged and ungraceful foifms would refuse all such accompani- ment ; and others from whose dignity and majesty it would be improper to detract even by adding the gracefulness of the loveliest vine. Although we are not now writing of buildings, it is not inappropriate here to remark how much may be done in the country, and indeed even in town, by using vines and creepers to decorate buildings. The cottage in this country too rarely conveys the idea of comfort and happiness which we wish to attach to such a habitation, and chiefly because so often it stands bleak, solitary, and exposed to every ray of our summer sun, with a scanty robe of foliage to shelter it. How different such edifices, however humble, become when the porch is overhung with climbing plants. Almost every man feels prouder of his home when it is a pleasant spot for the eye to rest upon, than when it is situated in a desert, or overgrown with weeds. Besides this, tasteful embellishment has a tendency to refine the feelings of every member of the family ; and every leisure hour spent in rendering more lovely and agreeable even the humblest cottage, is infinitely better employed than in ounging about in idle and useless dissipation. TREATMENT OF GROUND. FORMATION OF WALKS. 2S7 SECTION VII. TREATMENT OF GROUND. FORMATION OF WALKS. Nature of operations on Ground. Treatment of flowing and irregular surfaces tn heighten their expression ; flats, or level surfaces. Rocks, as materials In Landscai)e. Laying out Roads and Walks : Directions for the Approach : Rules by Reptoii. The Drive, and minor walks. The Introduction of fences and verdant hedges " Strength may wield the ponderous spade, May turn the clod and wheel the compost home ; But elegance, chief grace the garden shows. And most attractive, is the fair result Of thought, the creature of a polished mind." COWPER. ROUND is undoubtedly the most un- wieldy and ponderous material that comes under the care of the Landscape Gardener. It is not only difficult to remove, the operations of the leveller rarely extending below two or three feet of the surface ; but the effect produced by a given quantity of labor expended upon it, is generally much less than when the same has been bestowed in the formation of plantations, or the erection of buildings. The achievements of ar^ upon ground appear so trifling, too, when we behold the apparent facility with which nature has arranged it in such a variety of forms, that the former sink into insignificance when compared with the latter. For these reasons, the operations to be performed 288 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. upon ground in this country, will generally be limited to the neighborhood of the house, or the scenery dii'ectly under the eye. Here, by judicious levelling and smooth- ing in some cases, or by raising gentle eminences with interposing hollows in others, much may be done at a moderate expense, to improve the beauty of the surround- ing landscape. Roads and walks are so directly connected with opera- tions on the surface of the ground, and with the disposition of plantations, which we have already made familiar to the reader, that we shall introduce in this place a few remarks relative to their direction and formation. The Approach is by far the most important of these routes. It is the private road, leading from the public highway, directly to the house itself. It should therefore bear a proportionate breadth and size, and exhibit marks of good keeping, in accordance with the dignity of the mansion. In the ancient style of gardening, the Approach was so formed as to enter directly in front of the house, affording a full view of that portion of the edifice, and no other. A line drawn as directly as possible, and evenly bordered on each side with a tall avenue of trees, was the whole expenditure of art necessary in its formation. It is true, the simplicity of design was often more th:;in counter- balanced by the difficulty of levelling, grading, and altering the surface, necessary to please the geometric eye ; but the rules were as plain and unchangeable, as the lines were parallel and undeviating. In the present more advanced state of Landscape Gardening, the formation of the Approach has become equally a matter of artistical skill with other details of the art. The house is generally so approached, that the eye shall first meet it in an angular direction, disnlaying nor. TAKAIMEXT OF GROUND.— FORMATION OF WALKS. 289 only the beauty of the architectural facade but also one of the end elevations, thus giving a more complete idea of tile size, character, or elegance of the building : and instead of leading in a direct line from the gate to the house, it curves in easy lines through certain portions of the park or lawn, until it reaches that object. If the point where the Approach is to start from the highway be not already determmed past alteration, it should be so chosen as to afford a sufficient drive through tiie grounds before arriving at the house, to give the stranger some idea of the extent of the whole property : to allow an agreeable diversity of surface over which to lead it : and lastly in such a manner as not to interfere with the convenience of ready access to and from the mansion. This point being decided, and the other being the man- sion and adjacent buildings, it remains to lay out the road in such gradual curves as will appear easy and graceful, without verging into rapid turns or formal stiffness. Since the modern style has become partially known and adopted here, some persons appear tf) have supposed that nature " has a horror of straight lines," and consequently, believing that they could not possibly err, they immediately ran into the other extreme, fillino; their grounds with zig;- zag and regularly serpentine roads, still more horrible : which can only be compared to the contortions of a wounded snake dragging its way slowly over the earth. There are two guiding principles which have been laid down for the formation of Approach roads. The first, that the curves should never be so great, or lead over surfaces so unequal, as to make it disagreeable to drive upon them ; and the second, that the road should never curve without some reason, either real or apparent. 290 LANDSCAPE GARUENING. The most natural method of forming a winding Approac'j where the ground is gently undulating, is to follow, in some degree, tiie depressions of surface, and to curve round the eminences. This is an excellent method, so long as it does not lead us in too circuitous a direction, nor, as we before hinted, make the road itself too uneven. When either o^ these happens, the easy, gradual flow of the curve in the proper direction, must* be maintained by levelling or grading, to produce the proper surface. Nothing can be more unmeaning than to see an Ap- proach, or any description of road, winding hither and thither, through an extensive level lawn, towards the house, without the least apparent reason for the curves. Happily, we are not, therefore, obliged to return to the straight line ; but gradual curves may always be so ar- ranged as to appear necessarily to wind round the groups of trees, which otherwise would stand in the way. Wherevei a bend in the road is intended, a cluster or group of greater or less size and breadth, proportionate to the curve, should be placed in the projection formed. These trees, as soon as they attain some size, if they are properly arranged, we may suppose to have originally stood there, and the road naturally to have curved, to avoid destroying them. This arrangement of trees borderina; an extended Approach road, in connexion with the various other groups, masses, and single trees, in the adjacent lawn, will ill most cases have the effect of concealing the house from the spectator approaching it, except, perhaps, from one or two points. It has, therefore, been considered a matter worthy of consideration, at what point or points the first TIIEATMENT OF GROUND. FORMATION OF WALKS. 291 view of the house shall be obtained. If seen at too great a distance, as in the case of a large estate, it may appeal more diminutive and of less magnitude than it should ; or, if first viewed at some other position, it may strike the eye of a stranger, at that point, unfavorably. The best, and indeed the only way to decide the -matter, is to go over the whole ground covered by the Approach route carefully, and select a spot or spots sufficiently near tc give the most favorable and striking view of the house itself. This, if openings are to be made, can only be done in winter ; but when the ground is to be newly planted, it may be prosecuted at any season. The late Mr. Repton, who was one of the most cele- brated English practical landscape gardeners, has laid down in one of his works, the following rules on the subject, which we quote, not as applying in all cases, but to show what are generally thought the principal requisites of this road in the modern style. First. It ought to be a road to the house, and to that principally. Secondly. If it be not naturally the nearest road possible, it ought artificially to be made to appear so. Thirdly. The artificial obstacles which make this road the nearest, ought to appear natural. Fourthly. Where an approach quits the high road, it ought not to break from it at right angles, or in such a manner as to rob the entrance of importance, but rather at some bend of the public road, from which a lodge or gate may be more conspicuous ; and where the high road may appear to branch from the approach, rather than the approach from the high road. 292 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Fifthly. After the approach enters the park, it should avoid skirting along its boundary, which betrays the want of extent or unity of property. Sixthly. The house, unless very large and magnificent, should not be seen at so great a distance as to make it appear much less than it really is. Seventhly. The first view of the house should be from the most pleasing point of sight. Eighthly. As soon as the house is visible from the approach, there should be no tempfation to quit it (which will ever be the case if the road be at all circuitous), unless sufficient obstacles, such as water or inaccessible ground, appear to justify its course.* Although there are many situations where these rules must be greatly modified in practice, j^et the improver will do well to bear them in mind, as it is infinitely more easy to make occasional deviations from general rules, than to carry out a tasteful improvement without any guiding principles. There are many fine country residences on the banks of the Hudson, Connecticut, and other rivers, where the pro- prietors are often much perplexed and puzzled by the siluation of their hotfses ; the building presenting really tico fronts, while they appear to desire only one. ' Such is the case when the estate is situated between the public road on one side, and the river on the other ; and we have often seen the Approach artificially tortured into a long circuitous route, in order finally to arrive at what the proprietor considers the true front, viz. the side nearest the river. When a building is so situated, much the most * Repton's Inquiry into the Changes of Taste in Landscape Gardening, p. 109. TREA AIENT OF GROUND. FORMATION OF WALKS. 293 elegant effect is produced by having two fronts : one, the entrance front, with the porch or portico nearest the road, and the other, the riverfront, facing the water. The beauty .)f the whole is often surprisingly enhanced by this arrange- ment, for the visitor, after passing by the Approach through a considerable portion of ihe grounds, with perhaps but slight and partial glimpses ol" the river, is most agreeably surprised on entering the house, and looking from the drawing-room windows of the other front, to behold another Deautiful scene totally different from the last, enriched and ennobled by the wide-spread sheet of water before hini. Much of the effect produced by this agreeable surprise from the interior, it will readily be seen, would be lost, if the stranger had already driven round and alighted on the river front. The Drive is a variety of road rarely seen among us, yet which may be made a very agreeable feature in some of our country residences, at a small expense. It is intended for exercise more secluded than that upon the public road, and to show the interesting portions of the place from the carriage, or on horseback. Of course it can only be formed upon places of considerable extent ; but it enhances the enjoyment of such places very highly, in the estimation of those who are fond of equestrian exercises. It generally commences where the approach terminates, viz. near the house : and from thence, proceeds in the same easy curvi- linear manner through various parts of the grounds, farm or estate. Sometimes it sweeps through the pleasure grounds, and returns along the very beach of the rivei, beneath the fine overhanging foliage of its projecting bank ; sometimes it proceeds towards some favorite point of view, or interesting spot on the landscape ; or at others i* 294 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. leaves the lawn and traverses the farm, giving the pro- prietor an opportunity to examine his crops, or exhibit his agricultural resources to his friends. Walks are laid out for purposes similar to Drivos, but are much more common, and may be introduced into every scene, however limited. They are intended solely for promenades, or exercise on foot, and should therefore be dry and firm, if possible, at all seasons when it is desirable to use them. Some may be open to the south, sheltered with evergreens, and made dry and hard for a warm pro- menade in winter; others formed of closely mown turf, and thickly shaded by a leafy canopy of verdure, for a cool retreat in the midst of summer. Others again may lead to some sequestered spot, and terminate in a secluded rustic seat, or conduct to some shaded dell or rugged eminence, where an extensive prospect can be enjoyed. Indeed, the genius of the place must suggest the direction, length, and number of the walks to be laid out, as no fixed rules can be imposed in a subject so everchanging and different. It should, however, never be forgotten, that the walk ought always to correspond to the scene it traverses, being rough where the latter is wild and picturesque, sometimes scarcely differing from a common footpath, and more polished as the surrounding objects show evidences of culture and high keeping. In dii^ection, like the approach, it should take easy flowing curves, though it may often turn more abruptly at the interposition of an obstacle. The chief beauty of curved and bending lines in walks, lies in the new scenes which by means of them are opened tc thtt eye. In the straight walk of half a mile the whole is seen at a glance, and there is too often but little to excite the; spectator to pursue the search ; but in the modern style, at TREATMENT OF GROUND. FOUMATION OF WALKS. 205 every few rods, a new turn in tlie walk opens a new prospect to the beholder, and "leads the eye,' as Hogarth grapiiically expressed it, " a kind of wanton chase," con- tinually axFording new refreshment and variety. Fences are often among the most unsightly and offensive objects in our country seats. Some persons appear to have a passion for subdividing their grounds into a great number of fields ; a process which is scarcely ever advisable even in common farms, but for which there can be no apology in elegant residences. The close proximity of fences to the house gives the whole place a confined and mean character. " The mind," says Repton, " feels a certain disgust under a sense of confinement in any situation, however beautiful." A wide-spread lawn, on the contrary, where no boundaries are conspicuous, conveys an impression of ample extent and space for enjoyment, ft is frequently the case that, on that side of the house nearest the outbuildings, fences are, for convenience, brought in its close neighborhood, and here they are easily concealed by plantations ; but on the other sides, open and unobstructed views should be preserved, by removing all barriers not absolutely necessary. Nothing is more common, in the places of cockneys who become inhabitants of the country, than a display imme- diately around the dwelling of a spruce paling of carpentry, neatly made, and painted white or green ; an abomination among the fresh fields, of which no person of taste could be guilty. To fence off a small plot around a fine house, in: the midst of a lawn of fifty acres, is a perversity which we could never reconcile, with even the lowest perception of beauty. An old stone wall covered with creepers and climbing plants, may become a picturesque barrier a 29G LANDSCAPE GARDENING. thousand times superior to such a fence. But there is never one instance in a thousand where any barrier is necessary. Where it is desirable to separate the iLOUse from the level grass of the lawn, let it be done by an architectural terrace of stone, or a raised platform of gravel supported by turf, which will confer importance and dignity upon the building, instead of giving it a petty and trifling expression. Verdant hedges are elegant substitutes for stone or wooden fences, and we are surprised that their use has not been hitherto more general. We have ourselves oeen making experiments for the last ten years with various hedge-plants, and have succeeded in obtaining some hedges which are now highly admired. Five or six years will, in this climate, under proper care, be sufficient to produce hedges of great beauty, capable of withstanding the attacks of every kind of cattle ; barriers, too, which will outlast many generations. The common Arhor Vitcs (or flat Cedar), which grows in great abundance in many districts, forms one of the most superb hedges, without the least care in trimming; the foliage growing thickly down to the very ground, and being evergreen, the hedge remains clothed the whole year. Our common Thorns, and in particular those known in the nurseries as the Newcastle and Washington thorns, form hedges of great strength and beauty. They are indeed much better adapted to this climate than the English Hawthorn, which often suffers from the unclouded radiance of our midsummei sun. In autumn, too, it loses its foliage much sooner than our native sorts, some of which assume a brilliant scarlet when the foliage is fading in autumn. In New Enpfand, the Buckthorn is preferred from its rapid and luxuriant TREATMENT OF GROUND. FORMATION OF WALKS. 297 growth ;* and in the middle states, the Madura, or Osage Orange, is becoming a favorite for its glossy and polished loliage. The Privet, or Prim, is a rapid growing shrub, well fitted for interior divisions. Picturesque hedges are easily formed by intermingling a variety of flowering shrubs, sweet briers, etc., and allowing the whole to grow together in rich masses. For this purpose the Michigan rose is admirably adapted at the north, and the Cherokee rose at the south. In all cases where hedges are employed in the natural style of landscape (and not in close con- nexion with highly artificial objects, buildings, etc.), a more agreeable effect will be produced by allowing the hedge to grow somewhat irregular in form, or varying it by planting near it other small trees and shrubs to break the outline, than by clipping it in even and formal lines. Hedges may be obtained in a single season, by planting long shoots of the osier willow, or any other tree which throws out roots easily from cuttings. A simple and pleasing barrier, in good keeping with cottage residences, may be formed of rustic wo7-k, as it is termed. For this purpose, stout rods of any of our native forest trees are chosen (Cedar being preferable) with the bark on, six to ten feet in length ; these are sharpened and driven into the groiind in the form of a lattice, or wrought into any figures of trellis that the fancy may sngo-est. When covered with luxuriant rines and climbing plants, such a barrier is often admirable for its richness and variety. * The Buckthorn is perhaps the best plant where a thick screen is very #1 cedily desired. It ie not liable to the attack of insects; grows very thickly at the bottom, at once; and will make an efficient screen sooner than almost iny other plant. 298 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The sunken fence, fosse, or ha-ha, is an English in- vention, used in separating that portion of the lawn near the house, from the part grazed by deer or cattle, and is only a ditch sufficiently wide and deep to render com- munication difficult on opposite sides. When the ground slopes from the house, such a sunk fence is invisible to a person near the latter, and answers the purpose of a barrier without being in the least obtrusive. In a succeeding section we shall refer to terraces with their parapets, which are by far the most elegant barriers for a highly decorated flower garden, or for the purpose of maintaining a proper connexion between the house and the grounds, a subject which is scarcely at all attended to, O" its importance even recognised as yet among us. TREATMENT OF WATER. 299 SECTION VIII. TREATMENT OF WATER. Beautiful effects of this element in nature. In what cases it is desirable to attempt th( formation of artificial pieces of water. Regular forms unpleasing. Directions for the formation of ponds or lakes in the irregular manner. Study of natural lakes. Islands Planting the margin. Treatment of natural brooks and rivulets. Cascades and watei- falls. Legitimate sphere of the art in this department. •The dale With woods o'erhung, and shagg'd with mossy rocks. Whence on each hand the gushing waters play, And down the rough cascade wliite-dashing fall. Or gleam in lengthened vista through the trees. H E delightful and captivating effects of water in landscapes of every description are universally known and admitted. The boundless sea, the broad full river, the dashing noisy brook, and the limpid meandering rivulet, are all possessed of their peculiar charms ; and when combined with scenes otherwise finely disposed and well wooded, they add a hundred fold to their beauty. The soft and trembling shadows of the surrounding trees and hills, as they fall upon a placid sheet of water — the brilliant light which the crystal surface reflects i^ pure sunshine, mirroring, too, at times in its resplendent bosom, all the cerulean depth and snowy whiteness of the overhanging sky, give it an almost 300 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. magical effect in a beautiful landscape. The murmur of the babbling brook, that " In linked sweetness long drawn out," falls upon the ear in some quiet secluded spot, is inex pressibly soothing and delightful to the mind ; and tho deeper sound of the cascade that rushes, with an almost musical dash, over its bed of moss-covered rock, is one of the most fascinating of the many elements of enjoyment in a fine country seat. The simplest or the most mono- tonous view may be enlivened by the presence of water in any considerable quantity ; and the most picturesque and striking landscape will, by its addition, receive a new charm, inexpressibly enhancing all its former interest. In short, as no place can be considered perfectly complete without either a water view or water upon its own grounds, wherever it does not so exist and can be easily formed by artificial means, no man will neglect to take advantage of so fine a source of embellishment as is this element in some of its varied forms. " Fleuves, ruisseaux, beaux lacs, claires fontaines, Vencz, portez paitout la vie et la fraicheur ? Ah! qui pent remplaccr votre aspect enchanteur? De pres 11 nous amuse, et de loin nous invite : Cast le premier qu'on cherche, et Ic dernier qu'on quitte. Vous fecondez lea champs ; vous repetez les cieax ; Vous enchantez I'oreille, et vous charmez les yeux." In this country, where the progress of gardening and improvements of this nature, is rather shown in a simple and moderate embellishment of a large number of villas and country seats, than by a lavish and profuse expen- diture on a few entailed places, as in the residences of the English nobility, the formation of large pieces of water TREATMENT OF WATER. 301 at great cost and extreme labor, would be considered both absurd and uncalled for. Indeed, when nature ha? so abundahtly spread before us such an endless variety of superb lakes, rivers, and streams of every size and descrip- tion, the efforts of man to rival her great works by mere imitation, would, in most cases, only become ludicrous by contrast. When, however, a number of perpetual springs clustei together, or a rill, rivulet, or brook, runs through an estate in such a manner as easily to be improved or developed into an elegant expanse of water in any part of the grounds, we should not hesitate to take advantage of so fortunate a circumstance. Besides the additional beauty conferred upon the whole place by such an improvement, the proprietor may also derive an inducement from its utility ; for the possession of a small lake, well stocked with carp, trout, pickerel, or any other of the excellent pond fish, which thrive and propagate extremely well in clear fresh water, is 5 real advantage which no one will undervalue. There is no department of Landscape Gardening which appears to have been less understood in this country than the management of water. Although there have not been many attempts made in this way, yet the occasional efforts that have been put forth in various parts of the country, in the shape of square, circular, and oblong pools of water, ind.cate a state of knowledge extremely meagre, in the art of Landscape Gardening. The highest scale to which these pieces of water rise in our estimation is that of respectable horse-ponds; beautiful ol)jects they certainly are not. They are generally round or sguare, with per fecUy smooth, flat banks on every side, and resemble a hue:e basin set down in the middle of a green lawn. 302 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Lakes or ponds are the most beautiful forms in which water can be dis}»layed in the grounds of a country lesidence.* They invariably produce their most pleasing effects when they are below the level of the house ; as, if above, they are lost to the view, and if placed on a level with the eye, they are seen to much less advantage. We conceive that they should never be introduced where they do not naturally exist, except with the concurrence of the following circumstances. First, a sufficient quantity of running water to maintain at all times an overflow, for nothing can be more unpleasant than a stagnant pool, as nothing is more delightful than pure, clear, limpid water ; and secondly, some natural formation of ground, in which the proposed water can be expanded, that will not only make it appear natural, but diminish, a hundred fold, the expense of formation. The finest and most appropriate place to form a lake, is m the bottom of a small valley, rather broad in proportion to its length. The soil there will probably be found rather clayey and retentive of moisture ; and the rill or brook, if not already running through it, could doubtless be easily diverted thither. There, by damming up the lower part of the valley with a head of greater or less height, the water may be thrown back so as to form the whole body of the lake. The first subject which will demand the attention, after the spot has been selected for the lake or pond, and the • Owing to the immense scale upon which nature displays this fine element in North America, every sheet of water of modeiate or small size is almost uaiversally called a pond. And many a beautiful, limpid, natural expanse, which in Enp'i&^nd would be thought a charming lake, is here simply a pond Thz term may be equally correct, but it is by no means as elegant. TRRATMEVT OF WATKR. 3'03 height of the head and consequent depth of water deter mined upon, is the proposed ybrm or outline of the whole And, as we have already rejected all regular and geometric forms, in scenes where either natural or picturesque beauty is supposed to predominate, we must turn our attention to examples for imitation in another direction. If, then, the improver will recur to the most beautiful small natural lake within his reach, he will have a subject to study and an example to copy well worthy of imitation. If he examine minutely and carefully such a body of water, with all its accompaniments, he will find that it is not only delightfully wooded and overshadowed by a variety of vegetation of all heights, from the low sedge that grows on its margin, to the tall tree that bends its branches over its limpid wave ; but he will also perceive a striking pecu- liarity in its irregular outline. This, he will observe, is neither round, square, oblong, nor any modification of these regular figures, but full of bays and projections, sinuosities, and recesses of various forms and sizes, sometimes bold, and reaching a considerable way out into the body of the lake, at others, smaller and more varied in shape and con- nexion. In the heights of the banks, too, he will probably observe considerable variety. At some places, the shore will steal gently and gradually away from the level of the water, while at others it will rise suddenly and abruptly, in banks more or less steep, irregular, and rugged. Rocks and stones covered with mosses, will here and theVe jut out from the banks, or lie along the margin of the water, and the whole scene will be full of interest from the variety intricacy, and beauty of the various parts. If he will accurately note in his mind all these varied forms — their separate outlines, the way in which they blend into one 301 J-AXnsCAPE GARDENING. anothei, and connect themselves together, and the effect which, surrounding the water, they produce as a whole, he will have some tolerably correct ideas of the way in which an artificial lake ought io be formed. Let him go still further now, in imagination, and suppose ihe banks of this natural lake, without being otherwise altered, entirely denuded of grass, shrubs, trees, and verdure of every description, remaining characterized only by their original form and outline ; this will give him a more com- plete view of the method in which his labors must com- mence ; for uncouth and apparently mis-shapen as those banks are and must be, when raw and unclothed, to exhibit all their variety and play of light and shadow when vei'dant and complete, so also must the original form of the banKs and margin of the piece of artificial water, in order finally to assume the beautiful or picturesque, be made to assume outlines equally rough and harsh in their raw and incom- plete state. It occasionally happens, though rarely, that around the hollow or valley where it is proposed to form the piece of water, the ground rises in such irregular form, and is so undulating, receding, and projecting in various parts, that when the water is dammed up by the head below, the natural outline formed by the banks already existing, is sufficiently varied to produce a pleasing effect without much further preparatory labor. This, when it occurs, is exceed- ingly fortunate ; but the examples are so unfrequent, that we must here make our suggestions upon a different sup- position. When, therefore, it is found that the form of the intended 'ake would not be such as is desirable, it must be made so bv diirmng. In order to do this with anv exactness the TREATMENT OF WATER. 305 improver should take his stand at that part cf the g.ound where the dam or head is to be formed, and raising his levellino; instrument to the exact height to which the intended lake will rise, sweep round with his eye upon the surrounding sides of the valley, and indicate by placing marks there, the precise line to which the water will reach. This can easily be done throughout the whole circumference by a few changes of position. When the outline is ascertained in this way, and marked out, the improver can, with the occasional aid of the leveller, easily determine where and iiow he can make alterations and improvements. He will then excavate along the new margin, until he makes the water line (as shown by the instrument) penetrate to all the various bays, inlets, and curves of the proposed lake. In making these irregular variations, sometimes bold and striking, at others fainter and less perceptible, he can be guided, as we have already suggested, by no fixed rules, but such as he may deduce from the operations of nature on the same materials, or by imbuing his mind with the beauty of forms in graceful and refined art. In highly polished scenery, elegant curves and graceful sweeps should enter into the composition of the outline ; but in wilder or more picturesque situations, more irregular and abrupt variations will be found most suitable and appropriate. The intended water outline once fully traced and under- stood, the workmen can now proceed to form the banks. All this time the improver will keep in mind the supposed appearance of the bank of a natural lake stripped of its vegetation, etc., which will greatly assist him in his progress. In some places the banks will rise but little from the water at others one or two feet, and at others perhaps three, four, 20 306 LA.\iiJ«:APK UAUDENING. or six times as niucii. This they will do, not in the same manner in all portions of the outline, sloping away with a like gradual rise on both sides, for this would inevitably produce tamencss and monotony, but in an irregular and varied manner ; sometimes falling back gradually, some- times starting up perpendicularly, and again overhanging the bed cf the' lake itself. All this can be easily effected while the excavations of those portions of the bed which require deepening are going on. And the better portions of the soil obtained from the latter, will serve to raise the banks when they are too low. It is of but little consequence how roughly and irregularly the projections, elevations, etc., of the banks and outlines are at first made, so that some general form and connexion is preserved. The danger lies on the other side, viz. in producing a whole too tame and insipid ; for we have found by experience, how difficult it is to make the best workmen understand how to operate in any othei way than in regular curves and straight lines. Besides, newly moved earth, by settling and the influence of rains, etc., tends, for some time, towards greater evenness and equality of surface. In arranmng these outlines and banks, we should study the effect at the points from which they will generally be viewed. Some pieces of water in valleys, are looked down upon from other and higher parts of the demesne ; others (and this is most generally the case) are only .seen from the adjoining walk, at some point or points where the latter approaches the lake. They are most generally seen TREATMENT OF WATEE. S07 from one, and seldom from more than two sides. When a lake is viewed from above, its contour should be studied as a whole; but when it is only seen from one or more sides or points, the beauty of the conp d'ceil from those positions can often be greatly increased by some trifling alterations in arrangement. A piece of water which is long and comparatively narrow, appears extremely different in opposite points of view ; if seen lengthwise from either extremity, its apparent breadth and extent is much increased ; while, if the spectator be placed on one side and look across, it will seem narrow and insignificant. Now, although the form of an artificial lake of moderate size should never be much less in breadth than in length, yet the contrary is sometimes unavoidably the case ; and being so, we should by all means avail ourselves of those well known laws in perspective, which will place them in the best possible position, relative to the spectator. If the improver desire to render his banks still more picturesque, resembling the choicest morceaux of natural banks, he should go a step further in arranging his materials before he introduces the water, or clothes the margin with vegetation. In analysing the finest poitions of natural banks, it will be observed that their peculiar characteristics often depend on other objects besides the mere ground of the surrounding banks, and the trees and verdure with which they are clothed. These are, rocks of various size, forms, and colors, often projecting out of or holding up the bank in various places ; stones sometimes imbedded in the soil, sometimes lying loosely along the shore ; and lastly, old stumps of trees with gnarled roots, whose decaying hues are often extremely mellow and agreeable to the eye. Ali these Jiave much to do with the expression of a truly pic- 308 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. turesque bank, and cannot be excluded or taken away from it without detracting largely from its character. There is no reason, therefore, in an imitation of nature, why we should not make use of all her materials to produce a similar effect ; and although in the raw and rude state of the banks at first, they may have a singular and rather oxdre aspect, stuck round and decorated here and there with large rocks, smaller stones, and old stumps of trees ; yet it must be remembered that this 'is only the chaotic state, from which the new creation is to emerge more perfectly formed and completed ; and also that the appearance of these rocks and stumps, when covered with mosses, and partially overgrown with a profusion of luxuriant vegetation and climbing plants, will be as beautifully picturesque after a little time has elapsed, as it is now uncouth and uninviting. Islands generally contribute greatly to the beauty of a piece of water. They serve, still further, to increase the variety of outline, and to break up the wide expanse of liquid into secondary portions, without injuring the effect of the whole. The striking contrast, too, between their verdure, the color of their margins, composed of variously tinted soils and stones, and the still, smooth water around them, — softened and blended as this contrast is, by their shadows reflected back from the limpid element, gives additional richness to the picture. The distribution of islands in a lake or pond requiics some judgment. They will always appear most natural when sufficiently near the shore, on either side, to maintain in appearance some connexion with it. Although islands do sometimes occur near the middle of natural lakes, yet the effect is by no means good, as it not only breaks and distracts the effects of the whole expanse by dividing it into TREATMENT OF WATER. 309 two distinct parts, but it always indicates a shallowness or want of depth where the water should be deepest. There are two situations where it is universally admitted that islands may be happily introduced. These are, at the inlet and the exit of the body of water. In many cases where the stream which supplies the lake is not remark- able for size, and will add nothing to the appearance of the whole view from the usual points of sight, it may be con- cealed by an island or small group of islands, placed at sofne little distance in front of it. The head or dam of a lake; too, is often necessarily so formal and abrupt, that it is difficult to make it appear natural and in good keeping with the rest of the margin. The introduction of an island or two, placed near the main shore, on either side, and projecting as far as possible before the dam, will greatly diminish this disagreeable formality, particularly if well clothed with a rich tuft of shrubs and overhana;in le ] ridged, being formed abroad of semi-cylindrical tiles, which give a distinct and highly marked expression to this * Loudon's Ency. of Arch. p. 951. t In this country, owing to the greater number of fires, the effect would be unproved by an additional number of chimney-tops. RURAL ARCHITECTURE. 335 portion of the building.* So many appliances of comfort and enjoyment suited to a v/arm climate appear, too, in the villas of this style, that it has a peculiarly elegant and refined appearance. Among these are arcades, with the Roman arched openings, forming sheltered promenades ; and beautiful balconies projecting from single windows, or sometimes from connected rows of windows, which are charming places for a coup d'ceil, or to enjoy the cool breeze as they admit, to shelter one from the sun, of a fanciful awning shade, which may be raised or lowered at pleasure. The windows themselves are bold, and well marked in outline, being either round-arched at the tops, OT finished with a heavy architrave. [Fig. 4:3. Residence of Gov. Moix'heiul, N(.rth Ciirolina.l All these balconies, arcades, etc., are sources of real pleasure in the hotter portions of our year, which are quite equal in elevation of temperature to summers of the south of Europe ; while by increased thickness of walls and * In some situations in this country, where it miglit be difficult to procure tiles made in this form, their effect may be very accurately imitated by deeply ridged zinc or tin coverings. The bold projection of the eaves, in the Italian Ktyle, offers great protection to a house against storms and daminiess. OOO LANDSCAPE GARDENING. closeness of window fixtures, the houses may also be mado of the most comfortable description in winter. The Italian chimney-tops, unlike the Grecian, are always openly shown and rendered ornamental ; and "as we have already mentioned, the irregularity in the masses of the edifice and shape of the roof, renders the sky outline of a building in this style, extremely picturesque. A villa, however small, in the Italian style, may have an elegant and expressive character, without interfering with convenient internal arrangements, while at the same time this style has the very great merit of allowing additions to be made in almost any direction, without injuring the effect of the f^-j.T.-v, original structure ; indeed '■'•^"w^ such is the variety of sizes and forms which the dif- ferent parts of an Italian villa may take, in perfect [Fig. 44. The New Haven Suburban Villa.*] accordancc with architec- tural propriety, that the original edifice frequently gains in beauty by additions of this description. Those who are aware how many houses are every year erected in the United States by persons of moderate fortune, who would gladly make additions at some subsequent period, could this be done without injuring the effect or beauty of the main building, will, we think, acknowledge how much, * New Haven abounds with tasteful residences. " Hillhouse Avenue," in particular, is remarkable for a neat display of Tuscan or Italian Suburban Villas. Moderate in dimension and economical in construction, these e.^ceed- mgly neat edifices may be considered as models for this kind of dwelliii;;. Fig. 44-, without being a precise copy of any one of these buildings, may bo taken as a pretty accurate representation of their general appearance. liURAL ARCHITECTURE. 337 even were it in this single point alone, the Italian style ii> superior to the Grecian for rural residences. Pleasing associations are connected with Roman and Italian architecture, especially to those who have studied Iheir effect in all the richness and beauty with which they are invested in the countries where they originated ; and Uicy may be regarded with a degree of classic interest by every cultivated mind. The modern Italian style recalls images of that land of painters and of the fine arts, where the imagination, the fancy, and taste, still revel in a world of beauty and grace. The great number of elegant forms whicli have grown out of this long cultivated feeling for the beautiful in the fine arts, — in the shape of fine vases, statues, and other ornaments, which harmonize with, and are so well adapted to enrich, this style of architecture, — combine to render it in the fine terraced gardens of Florence and other parts of Italy, one of the richest and most attractive styles in existence. Indeed we can hardly imagine a mode of building, which in the hands of a man of wealth and taste, may, in this country, be made pro- ductive of more beauty, convenience, and luxury, than the modern Italian style ; so well suited to both our hot summers and cold winters, and which is so easily suscep- tible of enrichment and decoration, while it is at the same time so well adapted to the material in the most common use at present in most parts of the country, — wood. Vases, and other beautiful architectural ornaments, may now be procured in our cities, or imported direct from ne Mediterranean, finely cut in Maltese stone, at very 22 338 LANDSCAPE GAllUEMNG. moderate prices, and which serve to decorate both the grounds and buildings in a handsome manner. From the ItaUan style it is an easy transition to the Swiss mode, a bold and spirited one, highly picturesque and interesting in certain situations. To build an exact copy of a Swiss cottage in a smooth cultivated country, would, both as regards association and intrinsic want of fitness, be the height of folly. But in a wild and mountainous region, such as the borders of certain deep valleys and rocky glens in the Hudson Highlands, or rich bits of the Alleghanies, positions may be found where the Swiss cottage (Fig. 45), with its low and broad root", shedding ofi' the heavy snows, its ornamented exterior gallery, its strong and deep brackets, and. its rough and rustic exterior, would be in the highest degree appropriate. [Fig. 45. The Swiss Cottage.] A modification, partaking somewhat of the Italian and Swiss features, is what we have described more fully in our "Cottage Residences" as the Bracketed mode. It possesses RURAL ARCHITECTURE. a good Jeal of character, is capable of considerable pic- turesque elTect, is very easily and cheaply constructed of wood or stone, and is perhaps more entirely adapted to our f^^£^W^ fFig. 4b. Tht Bi.kUuiI Mod hot summers and cold winters than any other equally simple mode of building. We hope to see this Bracketed style becoming every day more common in the United States, and especially in our farm and country houses, when wood is the inaterial employed in their construction. Gothic, or more properly, pointed architecture, which sprang up with the Christian religion, reached a point of great perfection about the thirteenth century ; a period when the most magnificent churches and cathedrals of England and Germany were erected. These wonderful structures, reared by an almost magical skill and contriv- ance, with their richly groined roofs of stone supported in mid-air ; their beautiful and elaborate tracery and carving of plants, flowers, and animate objects ; their large windows 340 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. through which streamed a rich glow of rainbow light ; their various buttresses and pinnacles, all contributing to strengthen, and at the same time give additional beauty to the exterior ; their clustered columns, airy-like, yet firm ; and, surmounting the whole, the tall spire, piled up to an almost fearful height towards the heavens, are lasting monuments of the genius, scientific skill, and mechanical ingenuity of the artists of those times. That person, who, from ignorance or prejudice, fully supposes there is no architecture but that of the Greeks, would do well to study one of these unrivalled specimens of human skill. In so doing, unless he closes his eyes against the evidences of his senses, he cannot but admit that there is far more genius, and more mathematical skill, evinced in one of these cathedrals, than would have been requisite in the construc- tion of the most celebrated of the Greek temples. Though they may not exhibit that simplicity and harmony of pro- portion which Grecian buildings display, they abound in much higher proofs of genius, as is abundantly evinced in the conception and execution of Cathedrals so abounding in unrivalled sublimity, variety, and beauty. Gothic architecture, in its purity, was characterized mainly by the pointed arch. This novel feature in archi- tecture, which, probably, in the hands of artists of great mathematical skill, was suggested by the inefficiency of the Roman arch first used, has given rise to all the superior boldness and picturesqueness of this style compared with the Grecian ; for while the Greek artist was obliged to cover his narrow openings with architraves, or solid blocks of stone, resting on columns at short intervals, and filling up the open space, the Gothic artist, by a single s})an of his pointed arch, resting on distant pillars, kepi the whole RURAL ARCHITECTURE. 341 area beneath free and unencumbered. Applied, too, tc openings for the admission of light, which were deemed of comparatively little or no importance by the Greeks, the arch was of immense value, making it possible to pierce the solid wall with large and lofty apertures, that diffused a magical brilliancy of light in the otherwise dim and shadowy interior. We have here adverted to the Gothic cathedral (as we did to the Greek temple) as exhibiting the peculiar style in question in its greatest purity. For domestic purposes, both, for the same reasons, are equally unfitted ; as they were never so intended to be used by their original invent- ors, and being entirely wanting in fitness for the purposes ot habitation in domestic life ; the Greek temple, as we have already shown, from its massive porticoes and the simple rectangular form of its interior ; and the Gothic cathedral, from its high-pointed windows, and immense vaulted apartments. It would scarcely, however, be more absurd to build a miniature cathedral, for a dwelling in the Gothic style, than to make an exact copy of the Temple of Minerva 30 by 50 feet in size, for a country residence, as we often witness in this country. The Gothic Style, as applied to Domestic Architecture, has been varied and adapted in a great diversity of ways, to the wants of society in different periods, from the 12th centui'y to the present time. The baronial castle of feudal days, perched upon its solitary, almost inaccessible height, and built strongly for defence ; the Collegiate or monastic abbey of the monks, suited to the rich fertile plains which these jolly ascetics so well knew how to select ; the Tudor or Elizabethan mansion, of the English gentleman, sur- rounded by its beautiful park, filled with old ancestral trees ; 342 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. and the pretty, rural, gabled cottage, of more humble pre- tensions ; are all varieties of this multiform style, easily adapting itself to the comforts and conveniences of private life. Contrasted with Classic Architecture and its varieties, in which horizontal lines are most prevalent, all the differ- ent Gothic modes or styles exhibit a preponderance of vertical or perpendicular lines.- In the purer Gothic Architecture, the style is often determined by the form of the arch predominant in the window and door openings, which in all edifices (except Norman buildings) were lancet- shaped, or high pointed, in the 13th century ; four centred or low arched, in the times of Henry VII. and VIII. ; and finally square-headed, as in most domestic buildings of later date. Castellated Gothic is easily known, at first sight, by the line of battlements cut out of the solid parapet wall, which surmounts the outline of the building in every part. These generally conceal the roof, which is low, and were origin- ally intended as a shelter to those engaged in defending the ^''->-.'' " -s building against assaults. Modern buildings in the castellated style, without sacrificing almost every- thing to strength, as was once necessary, preserve the general character of the ancient castle, while ... - S^ [Fig. 47. Tlic C^i^tollatc'il Mode. J they combine with it almost every modern luxury. In their exteriors, we perceive strong and massive octagonal or circular towers, rising boldly, with corbelled or project- ing cornices, above the ordinary level of the building. The RLIRAL ARCHITECTURE. o4o windows are either pointed or square-iieaded, or peihaps a mixture of both. The porch rises into a turreted and embattled gateway, and all the offices and out-buildinga connected with the main edifice, are constructed in a style corresponding to that exhibited in the main boi:ly of the building. The whole is placed on a distinct and firm terrace of stone, and the expression of the edifice is that of strength and security. This mode of building is evidently of too ambitious and expensive a kind for a republic, where landed estates are not secured by entail, but divided, according to the dictates of nature, among the different members of a family. It is, perhaps, also rather wanting in appropriateness, castles never having been used for defence in this country. Notwithstanding these objections, there is no very weighty reason why a wealthy proprietor should not erect his mansion in the castellated style, if that style be in unison with his scenery and locality. Few instances, however, of sufficient wealth and taste to produce edifices of this kind, are to be met with among us ; and the castellated style is therefore one which we cannot fully recommend for adoption here. Paltry imitations of it, in materials less durable than brick or stone, would be discreditable to any person having the least pretension to correct taste. The Castellated style never appears completely at home except in wild and romantic scenery, or in situations where the neighboring; mountains, or wild passes, are sufficiently near to give that character to the landscape. In such localities the Gothic castle affects us agreeably, because we knov/ that baronial castles were generally built in similar spots, and because the battlements, towers, and other bold features, combine well with the rugged and spirited S44: LANDSCAPE GARDENING. character of the surrounding objects. To place such a building in this country on a smooth surface in the midst of fertile plains, would immediately be felt to be bad taste by every one, as from the style not having been before our eyes from ciiildhood, as it is in Europe, we immediately refer to its original purposes, — those of security and defence. A mansion in the Tudor Style affords the best example of the excellence of Gothic architecture for domestic purposes. The roof often rises boldly here, instead of being concealed by the parapet wall, and the gables are either plain or ornamented with crockets. The windows are divided by mullions, and are generally enriched with tracery in a style less florid than that employed in churches, but still sufficiently elegant to give an appearance of decoration to these parts of the building. Sometimes the low, or Tudor arch, is displayed in the window-heads, but most commonly the square-headed window with the Gothic label is employed. Great latitude is allowed in this particular, as well as in the size of the window, provided the general details of style are attended to. Indeed, m the domestic architecture of this era, the windows and doors are often sources of great architectural beauty, instead of being left mere bare openings filled with glass, as in the Classic styles. Not only is each individual window divided by mullions into compartments whose tops are encircled by tracery ; but in particular apartments, as the dining-hall, library, etc., these are filled with richly stained glass, which gives a mellow, pleasing light to the apartment. Added to this, the windows, in the best Tudor mansions, affect a great variety of forms and sizes. Among these stand conspicuous the hay and oriel windows. The bay Kk;. 48.— Mr. r;nililiiif:\>; Residence, Tiirryti>\vii, N. V. Via. 40.— Uesidoiu-c of the Autlior, iie;ir Ne\vl)iir};li, N. Y. RURAL ARCillTECTURE. rj4o window, which is introduced on the first or principal floor, in most apartments of much size or importance, is a window of treble or quadruple the common size, projecting from the main body of the room in a semi-octagonal or hexagonal form, thereby affording more space in the apartment, from the floor to the ceiling, as well as giving an abundance of light, and a fine prospect in any favorite direction. This, while it has a grander eftect than several windows of moderate size, gives a variety of form and outline to the different apartments, that can never be so well attained when the windows are mere openings cut in the solid walls. The oriel-window is very similar to the bay-window, but projecting in a similar manner from the upper story, supported on corbelled mouldings. These windows are not only elegant in the interior, but by standing out from the face of the walls, they prevent any. thing like too great a formality externally, and bestow a pleasing variety on the diflferent fronts of the building. The sky outline of a villa in the Tudor Gothic style, i.s highly picturesque. It is made up of many fine features. The pointed gables, with their finials, are among the most striking, and the neat parapet wall, either covered with a moulded coping, or, perhaps, diversified with battlements ; the latter not so massive as in the castellated style, but evidently intended for ornament only. The roof line is often varied by the ornamented gablet of a dormer window, rising here and there, and adding to the quaintness of the whole. We must not forget, above all, the highly enriched chimney shaft, which, in the English examples, is made of fancifully moulded bricks, and is carried up in clusters some distance above the roof How much more pleasing for a dwellins must be the outline of such a buildin::^^~^ to imitate marble or other stone, are ex tremely durable and very ornamental. As yet, we are unable to refer our readers to any manufactory here, where these articles are made in a manner fully equal to the English ; but we are satisfied, it is only necessary that the taste for such articles should increase, and the conse- quent demand, to induce our artisans to produce them of equal beauty and of j 1 ____^ ^ [Fig. C4.] greater cheapness. At Blithewood, the seat of R. Donaldson, Esq., on tho Hudson, a number of exquisite vases may ^v^.^ja^j^a'^ao.-^-^j.^^^ bo seen in the pleasure-grounds, which are cut in Maltese stone. These were imported by the proprietor, direct from Malta, at very moderate rates, and are not only ornamen- tal, but very durable. Their color is a warm shade of grey which harmonizes agreeably with the surround- ing vegetation. Large vases are sometimes filled with earth and planted with choice flow- ering plants, and the effect of the blossoms and green leaves growing out of these handsome receptacles, is at least unique and striking cm [Fig. «5.] [Fig. GO. J 24 w LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Loudon objects to it in the case of an elegant sculp- tured vase, "because it is reducing a work of art to the level of a mere garden flower-pot, and dividing the attention between the beauty of the form of the vase and of its sculptured ornaments, and that of the plant which it contains." This criticism is a just one in its general application, especially when vases are considered as architectural decorations. Occasional deviations, however, may be per- mitted, for the sake of producing variety, especially in the case of vases used as deco- rations in the flower-garden. A very pretty and fanciful substitute for the sculptured vase, and which may take its Dlace in the picturesque landscape, may be found in vases or baskets o^ rustic ivork, con- [Fig. 67.] itructed of the branches and sections of trees with the bark attached. Figure 68 is a re- presentation of a pleasing rustic vase which we have constructed without l^f^ difficulty. A tripod of branches of trees forms the pedestal. An octagonal box serves as the body or frame of the vase ; on this, pieces of birch and hazel (small [Fig. 6?.] split limbs covered with the bark) are nailed closely, so as to form a sort of mosaic covering to the whole exterior. Ornaments of this kind, which may be made by the amateur with the assistance of a comm.on carpenter, are very suitable for the decoration of the grounds and flower-gardens of cottages or picturesque villas. An endless variety of forms will occur to an EMBELLISHMENTS. 871 ingenious artist in rustic work, which he may call in to the embellishment of rural scenes, without taxing his purse heavily. Sundials (Fig. 69) are among the oldest decorations foi the garden and grounds, and there are scarcely any which we think more suitable. They are not merely decorative, but have also an useful character, and may therefore be occasionally placed in distant parts of the grounds, should a favorite walk ter- minate there. When we meet daily in our walks for a number of years, with one of these silent monitors of the flight of time, we become in a degree attached to it, and really look upon it as Y ry gifted with a species of intelligence, beaming out when the sunbeams smile upon its dial-plate. [Fig. tjy.-] The Architectural Flower-garden, as we have just remarked, has generally a direct connexion with the house, at least on one side by the terrace. It may be of greater or less size, from twenty feet square to half an acre in extent. The leading characteristics of this species of flower-garden, are the regular lines and forms employed in its beds and walks. The flowers are generally planted in beds in the form of circles, octagons, squares, etc., the centre of the garden being occupied by an elegant vase, a sundial, or that still finer ornament, a fountain, or jet d'eau. In various parts of the garden, along the principal walks, or in the centre of parterres, pedestals supporting vases, urns, or handsome flower-pots with plants, are placed. When a highly marked character of art is intended, a balustrade, or parapet, resembling that of the terrace to which it is connected, is continued round the whole of 372 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. this garden. Or in other cases the garden is surroundud by a thicket of shrubs and low trees, partly concealing it from the eye on afl sides but one. It is evident that the architectural flower-garden is superior to the general flower-garden, as an appendage to the house, on two accounts. First, because, as we have already shown, it serves an admirable purpose n efl^ecting a harmonious union between the house and the grounds. And secondly, because we have both the rich verdure and gay blossoms of the flowering plants, and the more permanent beauty of sculptured forms ; the latter heightening the effect of the former by contrast, as well as by the rehef they afford the eye in masses of light, amid surrounding verdure. There are several varieties of general flower-gardens, which may be formed near the house. Among these we will only notice the iVrf^-M/ff;- flower-garden, the old French flower-garden, and the modern or English flower-garden. In almost all the different kinds of flower-gardens, two methods of forming the beds are observed. One is, to cut the beds out of the green turf, which is ever afterwards ^f>^^cS^^ TFig. TO. The Irregular Flower-garden.] EMBELLISHMENTS. 373 kept well-mown or cut for the walks, and the edges pared ; the other, to surround the beds with edgings of verdure, as box, etc., or some more durable material, as tiles, or cut stone, the walks between being covered with gravel. The turf is certainly the most agreeable for walking upon in the heat of summer, and the dry part of the day ; while the gravelled flower-garden affords a dry footing at nearly all hours and seasons. The irregular flower-garden is surrounded by an irregu- lar belt of trees and ornamental shrubs of the choicest species, and the beds are varied in outline, as well as irregularly disposed, sometimes grouping together, some- times standing singly, but exhibiting no uniformity of arrangement. An idea of its general appearance may be gathered from the accompanying sketch (Fig. TO), which may be varied at pleasure. In it the irregular boundary of shrubs Is shown at a, the flower-beds h, and the walks e. This kind of flower-garden would be a suitable accom- paniment to the house and grounds of an enthusiastic lover of the picturesque, whose residence is in the Rural Gothic style, and whose grounds are also eminently varied and picturesque. Or it might form a pretty termination to a distant walk in the pleasure-grounds, where it would be more necessary that the flower-garden should be in keeping with the surrounding plantations and scenery than with the house. Where the flower-garden is a spot set apart, of any regular outline, not of large size, and especially where it is attached directly to the house, we think the effect is most satisfactory when the beds or walks are laid out in sym- metrical forms. Our reasons for this are these : the flower-garden, unlike distant portions of the pleasure- 374 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. ground scenery, is an appendage to the house, seen in the same view or moment with it, and therefore should exhibit -something of the regularity which characterizes, n a greater or less degree, all architectural compositions ; and when a given scene is so small as to be embraced in a single glance of the eye, regular forms are found to be more satisfactory than irregular ones, v.^hich, on so small a scale, are apt to appear unmeanmg. The French flower-garden is the most fanciful of the regular modes of laying out the area devoted to this purpose. The patterns or figures employed are often highly intricate, and require considerable skill in their formation. The walks are either of gravel or smoothly shaven turf, and the beds are filled with choice flowering plants. It is evident that much of the beauty of this kind of flower-garden, or indeed any other where the figures are regular and intri- cate, must depend on the outlines of the beds, ov partei^res of emhr^oidery , as they are called, being kept distinct and clear. To do this eflectually, low growing herbaceous plants or border flowers, perennials and annuals, should be chosen, such as will not exceed on an average, one or two feet in height. In the English flower-garden, the beds arc either in symmetrical forms and figures, or they are characterized by irregular curved outlines. The peculiarity of these gardens, at present so fashionable in England, is, that each separate bed is planted with a single variety, or at most two varieties of flowers. Only the most striking and showy varieties are generally chosen, and the effect, when the selection is judicious, is highly brilliant. Each bed, in its season, presents a mass of blossoms, and the contrast of rich colors is much more striking than in any other EMBELLISHMENTS. 37{^ arrangement. No plants are admitted that are shy bloom OTs, or which have ugly habits of growth, meagre or starved foliage ; the aim being brilliant effect, rather than th^ display of a great variety of curious or rare plants. To bring this about more perfectly, and to have an elegant show during the whole season of growth, hyacinths and other fuie bulbous roots occupy a certain portion of the ueds, the intervals being filled with handsome herbaceous plants, permanently planted, or with flowering annuals and green-house plants renewed every season. To illustrate the mode of arranging the beds and disposing the plants in an English garden, we copy the plan and description of the elegant flower-garden, on the lawn at Tirnp77iore, the beds beinGj cut out of the smooth turf. " As a general principle for regulating the plants in this figure, the winter and spring flowers ought, as much as possible, to be of sorts which admit of being in the ground all the year : and the summer crop should be planted at intervals between the winter plants. Or the summer crop, having been brought forward in pots under glass, or by nightly protection, may be planted out about the middle of June, after the winter plants in pots are removed. A number of hardy bulbs ought to be potted and plunged in the beds in the months of October and November ; and when out of bloom, in May or June, removed to the reserve 37 G LANDSCAPE GARDENING. garden and plunged there, in order to perfect their foliage and mature their bulbs for the succeeding season."* There cannot be a question that this method of planting the flower-garden in groups and masses, is productive of by far the most splendid effect. In England, where flower- gardens are carried to their greatest perfection, the pre- ference in planting is given to exotics which blossom constantly throughout the season, and which are kept in the green-house during winter, and turned out in the beds in the early part of the season, where they flower in the greatest profusion until frost ; as Fuchsias, Salvias, Ox^^. O; ;o,-^. ^s!^d^'2::M£3^jj S) ^Fii; 72. English Fiower-Giirden.J » Ency. of Gardening, 1000. EMBELLISHMENTS. 377 Lobelias, Scarlet Geraniums, etc., etc.* This mode can be adopted here where a small green-house or frame is kept. In the absence of these, nearly the same effect may be produced by choosing the most showy herbaceous plants, perennial and biennial, alternating them with hardy bulbs, and the finer species of annuals. In Fig. 72, we give an example of a small cottage or villa residence of one or two acres, where the flower-beds are disposed around the lawn in the English style : their forms irregular, with curved outlines, affording a great degree of variety in the appearance as viewed from differ- ent points on the lawn itself. In this, the central portion is occupied by the lawn ; c, d, are the flower-beds, planted with showy border-flowers, in separate masses ; h, the conservatory. Surrounding the whole is a collection of choice shrubs and trees, the lowest near the walk, and those behind increasing in altitude as they approach the boundary wall or fence. In this plan, as there is supposed to be no exterior view worth preserving, the amphitheatre of shrubs and trees completely shuts out all objects but the lawn and its decorations, which are rendered as elegant as possible. Where the proprietor of a country residence, or the ladies of a family, have a particular taste, it may be indulged at pleasure in other and different varieties of the flower- garden. With some families there is a taste for botan}-, * In many English residences, the flower-garden is maintained in never- fading brilliancy by almost daily supplies from what is termed tlie reserve garden. This is a small garden out of sight, in which a great number of duplicates of the species in the flower-garden are grown in pots plunged in beds. As soon as a vacuum is made in the fluwer-garden by the fading of any flowers, the same are immediately removed and their places supplied by fresh plants just ready to bloom, from the pots in the reserve garden. This, which is the ultimatum of refinement in flower-gardening, has never, to our knowledge, been attempted ii this country. 3'. 8 LANDSCAPE GAllDENING, when a small botanic flower-garden may be preferred — the herbaceous and other plants being grouped or massed "n beds after the Linncean, or the natural method. Some persons have an enthusiastic fondness for florist flowers, as Pansies, Carnations, Dahlias, Roses, etc. ; others for buibous roots, all of which may very properly lead to particular modes of laying out flower-gardens. The desideratum, however, with most persons is, to have a continued display of blossoms in the flower-garden from the opening of the crocus and snowdrop in the spring, until the autumnal frosts cut ofl" the last pale asters, or blacken the stems of the luxuriant dahlias in November. This may be done with a very small catalogue of plants if they are properly selected : such as flower at different seasons, continue long time in bloom, and present fine masses of flowers. On the other hand, a very large num- ber of species may be assembled together; and owing to their being merely botanical rarities, and not bearing fine flowers, or to their blossoming chiefly in a certain portion of the season, or continuing but a short period in bloom, the flower-garden will often have but an insignificant appearance. With a group of Pansies and spring bulbs, a bed of ever-blooming China Roses, including the Isle de Bourbon varieties, some few Eschscholtzias, the showy Petunias, Gilias, and other annuals, and a dozen choice double Dahlias, and some trailing Verbenas, a limited spot, of a few yards in diameter, may be made productive of more enjoyment, so far as regards a continued display of flowers, than ten times that space, planted, as we often see flower-gardens here, with a heterogeneous mixture of everything the possesor can lay his hands on, or crowd within the inclosure. EMBELI.ISIIMENTS. 379 The minghd flower-garden, as it is termed, is by far the most common mode of arrangement in this country, though it is seldom well effected. The c/bject in this is to dispose the plants in the beds in such a manner, that while there is no predominance of bloom in any one portion of the beds there shall be a general admixture of colors and blossoms throughout the entire garden during the whole season of growth. To promote this, the more showy plants should be often repeated in different parts of the garden, or even the same parterre when large, the less beautiful sorts being suffered to occupy but moderate space. The smallest plants should be nearest the walk, those a little taller behind them, and the largest should be furthest from the eye, at the back of the border, when the latter is seen from one side only, oi in the centre, if the bed be viewed from both sides. A neglect of this simple rule will not only give the beds, when the plants are full grown, a confused look, but the beauty of the humbler and more delicate plants will be lost amid the tall thick branches of sturdier plants, or removed so far from the spectator in the walks, as to be overlooked. Considerable experience is necessary to arrange even a moderate number of plants in accordance with these rules. To perform it successfully, some knowledge of the habits of the plants is an important requisite ; their height, time of flowering, and the colors of their blossoms. When a gardener, or an amateur, is perfectly informed on these points, he can take a given number of plants of different species, make a plan of the bed or all the beds of a flower garden upon paper, and designate the particular situation of each species. 350 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. The shrubbery is so generally situated m the neighbor- hood of the flower-garden and the house, that we shall here offer a few remarks on its arrangement and distri- bution. A collection of flowering shrubs is so ornamental, that to a greater or less extent it is to be found in almost every residence of the most moderate size : the manner in which the shrubs are disposed, must necessarily depend in a great degree upon the size of the grounds, the use or enjoyment to be derived from them, and the prevailing character of the scenery. It is evident, on a moment's reflection, that shrubs being intrinsically more ornamental than trees, on account of the beauty and abundance of their flowers, they will generally be placed near and about the house, in order that their gay blossoms and fine fragrance may be more constantly enjoyed, than if they were scattered indiscriminately over the grounds. Where a place is limited in size, and the whole lawn and plantations partake of the pleasure-ground character, shrubs of all descriptions may be grouped with good effect, in the same manner as trees, throughout the grounds ; the finer and rarer species being disposed about the dwelling, and the more hardy and common sorts along the walks, and in groups, in difterent situations near the eye. When, however, the residence is of larger size, and the grounds have a park-like extent and character, the intro- duction of shrubs might interfere with the noble and dignified expression of lofty full grown trees, except perhaps they were planted here and there, among large EMBELLISHMENTS 381 groups, as underwood ; or if cattle or sheep were allowed to graze in the park, it would of course be impossible to preserve plantations of shrubs there. When this is the case, however, a. portion near the house is divided from the park (by a wire fence or some inconspicuous barrier) for the pleasure-ground, where the shrubs are disposed in belts, groups, etc., as in the first case alluded to. There are two methods of grouping shrubs upon lawns which may separately be considered, in combination with beautiful and with jncturesque scenery. In the first case, where the character of the scene, of the plantations of trees, etc., is that of polished beauty, the belts of shrubs may be arranged similar to herbaceous flowering plants, in arabesque beds, along the walks, as in Fig. 70, page 372. In this case, the shrubs alone, arranged with relation to their height, may occupy the beds ; or if preferred, shrubs and flowers may be intermingled. Those who have seen the shrubbery at Hyde Park, the residence of the late Dr. Hosack, which borders the walk leading from the mansion to the hot-houses, will be able to recall a fine example of this mode of mingling woody and herbaceous plants. The belts or borders occupied by the shrubbery and flower-garden there, are perhaps from 25 to 35 feet in width, completely filled with a collection of shrubs and herbaceous plants ; the smallest of the latter being quite near the walk ; these succeeded by taller species receding from the front of the border, then follow shrubs of moderate size, advancing in height unti' the back- ground of the whole is a rich mass of tall shrubs and trees of moderate size. The effect of this belt on so large a scale, in high keeping, is remarkably striking and elegant. Where picturesque effect is the object aimed at in the 382 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. pleasure-grounds, it may be attained in another way ; that is, by planting irregular groups of the most vigorous and thrifty growing shrubs in lawn, without placing them in regular dug beds or belts ; but instead of this, keeping the grass from growing and the soil somewhat loose, for a few inches round their stems (which will not be apparent at a short distance). In the case of many of the hardier shrubs, after they become well established, even this care will not be requisite, and the grass only will require to be kept short by clipping it when the lawn is mown. As in picturesque scenes everything depends upon grouping well, it will be found that shrubs may be employed with excellent effect in connecting single trees, or finishing a group composed of large trees, or giving fulness to groups of tall trees newly planted on a lawn, or effecting a union between buildings and ground. It is true that it requires something of an artist's feeling and perception of the pic- turesque to do these successfully, but the result is so much the more pleasing and satisfactory when it is well executed. When walks are continued from the house through dis- tant parts of the pleasure-grounds, groups of shrubs may be planted along their margins, here and there, with excellent effect. They do not shut out or obstruct the view like large trees, while they impart an interest to an otherwise tame and spiritless walk. Placed in the projecting bay, round which the walk curves so as to appear to be a reason for its taking that direction, they conceal also the portion of the walk in advance, and thus enhance the interest doubly. The neighborhood of rustic seats, or resting points, are also fit places for the assemblage of a group or groups of shrubs. For the use of those who require some guide in the EMliELLISHMENTis. 383 selection of species, we subjoin the accompanying list of hardy and showy shrubs, which are at the same time easily procured in the United States. A great number of addi- tional species and varieties, and many more rare, might be enumerated, but such will be sufficiently famihar to the connoisseur already ; and what we have said respecting botanical rarities in flowering plants may be applied with equal force to shrubs, viz. that in order to produce a bril- hant effect, a few well chosen species, often repeated, are more effective than a great and ill-assorted melange. In the following list, the shrubs are divided into two classes — No. 1 designating those of medium size, or low p'ov:th, and No. 2, those which are of the largest size. Flowering m April. 1. Daphne mezereum, the Pink Mezeream, D. M. album, the white Mezereum. Shepherdia argcntea, the Buffalo berry ; yellow. Xanthorhiza apiifolia, the parsley-leaved Yeljow-root ; browu. Cydonia japonica, the Japan Quince ; scarlet. Cydonia japonica alba, the Japan Quince ; wliite. Amelanchier Botryapium, the snowy Medlar. Rihes aureum, the Missouri Currant ; yellow. Coronilla Einerus, the Scorpion Senna ; j'ellow. Magnolia conspicua, the Chinese chandelier Magaoli.a ; white. May. 2. Crategus oxycantlia, the scarlet Hawtliorn. 9 Crategus oxycantlia, fl. plena, the double white Hawthorn. «. Chionanthus virginica, the white Fringe tree. 1. Chionanthus latifolius, the broad-leaved Fringe tree ; white. I. Azalea, nrany fine varieties ; red, white, and yellow. 1. Calycanthus Jlorida, the Swcet-scented-shrnb ; bro^vn. 1. Magnolia purpurea, the Chinese purple Magnolia. y. Ilulesia ietraptera, the silver Bell tree ; white. 2. Syringa vulgaris, the common white and red Lilacs. 1. Syringe per sica, the Persian Lilac : white and purple. 084 LANDSCAPE GAKDENING. 1. Syringa pcrsica laciniata, the Persian cut-leaved Lilac ; purple. 1. Kerria or Corchorus japonica, the Japan Globe flower ; yellow. 1. Loniccra tartaricn, the Tartarian upright Honeysuckles ; red wliite. 1. PhiladelpUvs coronarius, the common Syringo, and the double Syringo ; white. 1. Spirma hypericifolia, the St. Stephen's wreath ; white. 1. Spiraa corymbosa, the cluster flowering Spiroa ; white. 1. Bibes sanguineuvi, the scarlet flowering Currant. 1. Amy g dolus pumila, pi., the double dwarf Almond ; pink. 1. Caragana Chamlagu, the Siberian Pea tree ; yellow. 2. 3Iagnolia soulangeana, the Soiilange Magnolia ; purple. 1. PcBonia Moutan banksia, and rosea, the Chinese tree Paconia* purple. 1. Benthamia frugifera, the red berjied Benthamia ; yellow. June. 1. Amorpha fruticosa, the Indigo Shrub ; purple. 2. Coluiea arbor esc ens, the yellow Bladder-senna. 1. Coluiea cruenta, the red Bladder-senna. 1. Cytisus capitatus, the cluster-flowered Cytisus ; yellow. 1. Stuartia virginica, the white Stuartia. 1. Cornus sanguinea, the bloody twig Dogwood ; white. 1. Hydrangea quercifolia, the oak-leaved Hydrangea ; white. 2. Fhiladelphus grandijlorus, the large flowering Syringo ; whiw. 2. Viburnum Opulus, the Snow-ball ; white. 2. Magnolia glauca, the swamp Magnolia ; white. 1. Eobinia hispida, the Rose-acacia July. 1. i^frcea 6cZZa, the beautiful Spirea; red. 2. Sophora japonica, the Japan Sophora ; white. 2. Sophora japonica pendula, the weeping Sophora ; white. 2. Rhus Coiinus, the Venetian Fringe tree ; yellow. (Browu tufj.) 1. Ligustrum vulgare, the common Privet ; white. 2. Cytisus Laburnum, the Laburnum ; yellow. 2. Cytisus I. quercifolia, the oaked-leaved Laburnum ; white. 1. Cytisus purpureus, the purple Laburnnm. 1. Cytisus argenteus, the silvery Cytisus ; yellow. L Cytisus nigricans, the hlnck rooted Cytisus ; yellow. 2. Kolreuirria paniculata, t'le Japan Kolreuteria ; yellow. EMBELLISHMENTS. o85 August and Seftembf.b, 1. Clethra alnifolia, the alder-leaved Clethra ; white. 1. Sy7iiphoria racemosa, the Snowberry ; (in fruit) white. 2. Hibiscus syriacus, the doable purple, double white, double striped double blue, and variegated leaved Altheas. 1. Spirtta tomentosa, the tomentose Spirea ; red. 2. Magnolia glauha tJwmpsoniana, the late flowering Magnolia white. 1. Baccharis halimifoUa, the Groundsel tree ; white tufts. 2. Euonymus europaus, the European Strawberry tree (in fmit), red. 2. Euonymus europccus alba, the European Strawberry tree ; the fruit v/hite. 2. Euonymus latifolius, the broad-leaved Strawberry tree ; red. 1. Daphne mezercum autumnalis, ihe autumnal Mezereum. Besides the above, there are a great number of charming varieties of hardy roses, some of which may be grown in the common way on their own roots, and others grafted on stocks, two, three, or four feet high, as standards or tree- roses. The effect of the latter, if such varieties as George the Fourth, La Cerisette, Pallagi, or any of the new hybrid roses are grown as standards, is wonderfully brilliant when they are in full bloom. Perhaps the situation where they are displayed to the greatest advantage is, in the centre of small round, oval, or square beds in the flower-garden where the remainder of the plants composing the bed are of dwarfish growth, so as not to hide the stem and head o the tree-roses. There are, unfortunately, but few evergreen shrubs tha' will endure the protracted cold of the winters of the north- ern states. The fine Hollies, Portugal Laurels, Laurusti nuses, etc., which are the glory of English gardens in autumn and winter, are not hardy enough to endure the depressed temperature of ten degrees below zero. South of Philadelphia, these beautiful exotic evergreens may be 25 386 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. acclimated with good success, and will add greatly to the interest of the shrubbery and grounds in winter. Besides the Balsam firs and the Spruce firs, the Arboi Vitae, and other evergreen trees which we have described in the previous pages of this volume, the following hardy species of evergreen shrubs may be introduced with advantage in the pleasure-ground groups, viz : — Bhododendron maximum, the American rose bay or big Laurel ; white and pink, several varieties (in shaded places). Kalmia latifolia, the common Laurel ; several colors. Junipcriis siiccia, the Swedish Juniper. Juniperus communis, the Irish Juniper. Buxus arhorescens, the common Tree-bo.x, the Gold striped Tree-box, and the Silver striped Tree-box. Ilex opaca, the American Holly. Crategus pyracantha, the Evergreen Thorn. Mahonia aquifolium, the Holly leaved Berberry. The Conservato7-y or the Green-House is an elegant and delightful appendage to the villa or mansion, when there is a taste for plants among the different members of a family. Those who have not enjoyed it, can hardly imagine the pleasure afforded by a well-chosen collection of exotic plants,, which, amid the genial warmth of an artificial climate, continue to put forth their lovely blossoms, and exhale their delicious perfumes, when all out-of-door nature is chill and desolate. The many hours of pleasant and healthy exercise and recreation afforded to the ladies of a family, v/here they take an interest themselves in the growth and vigor of the plants, are certainly no trifling considerations where the country residence is the place of habitation throughout the whole year. Often during the inclemency of our winter and spring months, there ai-e days when cither the excessive cold, or the disagreeable EMBELLISHMENTS, 387 state of the weather, prevents in a great measure many persons, and especially females, from taking exercise in the open air. To such, the conservatory would be an almost endless source of enjoyment and amusement ; and if they are true amateurs, of active exertion also. The constant changes which daily growth and development bring about in vegetable forms, the interest we feel in the opening of a favorite cluster of buds, or the progress of the thrifty and luxuriant shoots of a rare plant, are such as serve mqst effectually to prevent an occupation of this nature from ever becoming monotonous or ennuyant. The difference between the green-house and conserva- tory is, that in the former, the plants are all kept i\\ pots and arranged on stages, both to meet the eye agreeably, and for more convenient growth ; while in the conservatory, the plants are grown in a hed or border of soil precisely as in the open air. When either of these plant habitations is to be attached to the house, the preference is greatly in favor of the conservatory. The plants being allowed more room, have richer and more luxuriant foliage, and grow and flower in a manner altogether superior to those in pots. The allusion to nature is also more complete in the case of plants growing in the ground ; and from the objects all being on the same level, and easily accessible, they are with more facility kept in that perfect nicety and order which an elegant plant-house should always exhibit. On the other hand, the green-house will contain by far the largest number of plants, and the same may be more easily changed or renewed at any time ; so that for a •^articular taste, as that of a botanical amateur, who wishes to grow a great number of species in a small space, the 388 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. green-house will be found preferable. Whenever either the conservatory or green-house is of moderate size, and intended solely for private recreation, we would in every case, when such a thing is not impossible, have it attached to the house ; communicating by a glass door with the drawing-room, or one of the living rooms. Nothing can be more gratifying than a vista in winter through a glass door down the walk of a conservatory, bordered and overhung with the fine forms of tropical vegetation, ffolden oransjes slowing through the dark green foliajre. and gay corollas lighting up the branches of Camellias, and other floral favorites. Let us add the exulting song cf a few Canaries, and the enchantment is complete. How much more refined and elevated is the taste which prefers such accessories to a dwelling, rather than costly furniture, or an extravagant display of plate ! The best and most economical form for a conservatory is a parallelogram — the deviation from a square being greater or less according to circumstances. When it is joined to the dwelling by one of its sides (in the case of the parallelogram form), the roof need only slope in ono way, that is from the house. When one of the ends of the conservatory joins the dwelling, the roof should slope both ways from the centre. The advantage of the junction in the former case, is, that less outer surface of the conser- vatory being exposed to the cold, viz. only a side and two ends, less fuel will be required ; the advantage in the latter case is, that the main walk leading down the conserva- tory will be exactly in the line of the vista from the drawing-room of the dwelling. It is, we hope, almost unnecessary to state, that the root .">f a conservatory, or indeed any other house where plants EMBELLISHMENTS. 389 are to be well-grown, must be glazed. Opake roofs prevent the admission of perpendicular light, without which the stems of vegetation are drawn up weak and feeble, and are attracted in an unsightly manner towards the glass in front. When the conservatory joins the house by one of its ends, and extends out from the building to a considerable length, the effect will be much more elegant ; and the plants will thrive more perfectly, when it is glazed on all of the three sides, so as to admit light in every direction. The best aspect for a conservatory is directly south ; southeast and southwest are scarcely inferior. Even east and west exposures will do very well, where there is plenty of glass to admit light ; for though our winters are cold, yet there is a great abundance of sun, and bright clear atmosphere, both far more beneficial to plants than the moist, foggy vapor of an English winter, which, though mild, is comparatively sunless. When the conservatory adjoins and looks into the flower-garden, the effect will be appropriate and pleasing. Some few hints respecting the construction of a con servatory may not be unacceptable to some of our readers In the first place, the roof should have a sufficient slope t( carry off" the rain rapidly, to prevent leakage ; from 40 to 45 degrees is found- to be the best inclination in our climate. The roof should by no means be glazed with large panes, because small ones have much greater strength, which is requisite to withstand tne heavy weight of snow that often falls during winter, as well as to resist breakage by hail storms in summer. Four or eight inches by six, is the best size for roof-glass, and with this size the lap of the panes need not be greater than one- 390 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. eighth of an inch, while it would require to be one- fourth of an inch, were the panes of the usual size. On the front and sides, the sashes may be handsome, and filled in with the best glass ; even plate glass has been used in many cases to our knowledge here. In the second place, some thorough provision must be made for warming the conservatory ; and it is by far the best mode to have the apparatus for this purpose entirely independent of the dwelling house ; that is (though the furnace may be in the basement), the flues and fire should be intended to heat the conservatory alone ; for although a conservatory may, if small, be heated by the same fire which heats the kitchen or one of the living rooms, it is a much less efficient mode of attaining this object, and renders the conservatory more or less liable at all times to be too hot or too cold. The common squai-e flue, the sides built of bricks, and the top and bottom of tiles manufactured for that purpose, is one of the oldest, most simple, and least expensive methods of heating in use. Latterly, its place has been supplied by hot water circulated in large tubes of three or four inches in diameter from an open boiler, and by Perkins's mode as it is called, which employs small pipes of an inch in diameter, hermetically sealed. Economy of fuel and in the time requisite in attendance, are the chief merits of the hot water systems, which, however, have the great additional advantage of affording a more moist and genial temperature. In a green-house, the flues, or hot water pipes, may be concealed under the stage. In conservatories they should by all means be placed out of sight also. To effect this, they are generally conducted into a narrow, hollow Fig. 73.-Tho Coiisctn itor> iiiG LANDSCAPK GARDEKING. of its growth is so regular and formal (in shape of a bee-hive), that it does not harmonize with wild or picturesque plantations, but is peculiarly adapted to the neighborhood of the house or to the more formal trees, like the horse-chestnut and linden* Tlie finest specimen we recollect to have seen, is at the late Mr. Downing's, which is neai'ly fully grown ; a specimen at Wodenethe, about fifteen feet high, and nearly as wide, is ex- tremely beautiful. The largest specimens in England are at Kew, fifty years planted, twenty-six feet high ; at Milbury Park, one hundred years planted, thirty-eight feet high. It should never be trimmed up ; on the contrary, if by accident the lower limbs are injured or lost, the tree should be severely headed back to encourage new growth from the ground. A. c. foHis variegatis (the Variegated maple). — A variety of A. campcslre — very much of its character and habit, though perhaps a little looser. This tree is extremely pretty and ef- fective up to mid-summer, especially when placed on the bounda- ries of plantations, as it catches the light well ; after July, it is apt to burn and get shabby during the dry weather. There is another Striped or Blotched-leaved maple, which is a variety of the A. fseudo 'platanus, which is still larger and less compact than the preceding, and equally worthy of being plawted by those who fancy variegated-leaved trees. A. macrophylliun (the Large-leaved maple). — This superb tree, a mere mention of which appears- in a note to the previous edition of this work, was introduced into England in 1812, and has only within a very few years made its appearance in this country, and we have, of course, no specimens of any size. It is described in its native state as varying in height from forty to ninety feet, very graceful in form, with branches widely spread- ing, the wood soft, but beautifully veined ; specimens sent home by Mr. Douglas, exhibit a grain scarcely inferior to the finest satin wood. Tliough the leaves vary much in size, yet they are by far llie largest of the maples ; this, with its hardihood and great size and loftiness, renders it one of the noblest of its kind, and it should invariably be planted where there is suffi- cient space for its development. A. Monspessulanum (the Montpelier maple). — This is another of the newer maples but lately introduced here; though of NEWER DECroUOUS TREES AND SHRUBS. 457 f-mall liiibit of growth, yet it is very ornamental, the leaves resembling soraevvhat in size and color those of ^-i. campestre : the flowers are pale, and are very attractive to bees. In mild seasons, in Europe, the leaves remain on the tree until mid- winter, and on this account it is much planted in France for hedges. It rarely attains a greater height than thirty to forty feet, and is readily propagated by seeds or by layers. A. p laciniata (Cut-leaved or eagle's claw). — Avery curious low growing tree, with the lobes of its leaves jagged and some- what resembling, as its name implies, the foot or claw of an eagle. It is one of the varieties of A. psetido-plutanus, and comes in well with the cut-leaved ash, beech, and other trees with this peculiar foliage. A. 2^' fo^i's purpuras (the Purple-leaved maple). — Another sport or variety of A. pseudo-platanus, very peculiar and striking when tlie wind blows, the leaves having a fine purple under- neath, and being ruffled by the breeze, presenting a curious blending of purple and pale green ; the foot-stalks to the leaves are quite distinctly pink. This tree is commonly known in the nurseries as the Pui-ple Jersey maple, it having originated in a nursery in that island in 1828. Plants raised from seed sport so much in color that sometimes they become quite green. On this account, specimens for planting should be selected from the nursery rows while in leaf. A. p. Turtaiica (Tartarian maple); A. Grctlcum (Cretan Maple), Hodgkins' Seedling, with yellow blotched leaves ; A. punctata, with spotted leaves, and several others, are only sports or varieties of A. pseiido-jdutanus, and have not yet, to our knowledge, been planted in the United States. ±Escuhis hippocastainun. The Horse-chestnut. JE. h. Flore plena (Double-flowering horse-chestnut). — A beautiful variety of ^. hippccasfauvm, resembling it in character and foliage, but with the flowers double and very full, not unlike at a distance, a gigantic hyacinth. The tree seems perfectly hardy, and has the additional advantage of flowering when very young. 458 LANDSCAPE GAKDENrNG. y¥] h. coccinea (Scarlet-flowering horse-chestnut). — This dif- fers from the Rubicunda simply in color of its flower, being a deep scarlet. It is very hardy, flowers early, and is, perhaps, the most striking floral tree of the season. The specimen we have, about ten feet high, is the only one we have seen in this country, but we hardly know an ornamental tree more deserv- ing of notice. /^ . //. variegata (the Variegated horse-chestnut). — This is simply a variety with blotched leaves ; in fact, there are two, one mottled with white, the other with yellow ; whence, the distinction of gold and silver-leaved. We do not regard either of them as particularly handsome, having more the appearance of disease than a regular blotch ; and we consequently would only recom- mend them for arboretums, or where one has a fancy for varie- gated trees. ^. h. laciniata (Cut-leaved horse-chestnut). — A very distinc- tive variety, with deeply cut leaves ; in certain conditions of growth, the leaves have simply the appearance of threads. This is by far the most curious and interesting of all the cut-leaved trees, and we consider it very desirable even in small col- lections. It is perfectly hardy, and should be planted by it- self. It is still very rare. ^. h. Whilleyi. — Whitley's New Scarlet is a variety of Rubi- cunda, as are also ^. Amei-iccDia, and u3^. fol. avrca (Golden- leaved horse-chestnut). They can be had at our nurseries, and are well worthy the attention of planters. The Pavias are simply varieties of the horse-chestnut, with smooth fruit and leaves, and generally of lower growth, most of them are deserving of notice and one of them, Pavia macro- stachya (the Dwarf white-flowering horse-chestnut), is rather a shrub than tree ; but we hardly know anything more valuabe in the month of July, when covered with its long spikes or flowers, which are agreeably odoriferous. Its habit of growth is peculiar, stoling from the root, and when standing alone, as it invariably should, making a magnifi- cent bush, much wider than it is high. It is a native, we be- lieve, of North America, growing most abundantly near St. Augustine in Florida, and was only introduced into England in 1820, the largest plants being at "White Knights," twenty- Fig. 92.— Scampston Weeping Elm, at Wodenetli Age, 6 yrs. Height, 7 ft. Ciroum., 86 ft. -NS**'^ -> '^■~ - Fio. 91.— Dwarf Horse-Ciiestnut, at WodenetUe. Age, 12 yrs. Height, 8 ft. Cir., CO ft. NEWER DECIDUOUS TREES AND SHRUBS. 459 five years planted, fifteen feet high. At Syon House, near London, there is a specimen, twelve feet. In this country, as yet, it is rarely to be met with in our ornamental places, which is the more remarkable as we do not know a shrub whicli should be planted before it. It comes into bloom a month or six weeks later than the other horse-chestnuts, and at a period, too, when very few shrubs are in flower, and continues a long time. Our best plant at Wodenethe — of which Fig. 91 is a sketch — twelve years old, is sixty feet in circumference and about eight feet high, and has, at the time we write, between three and four hundred racemes of flowers, the feathery lightness of which, and the fine umbrageous character of the leaves ren- der it a most striking and attractive object. Pavia rubra (Red-flowering), — which is merely mentioned by Mr. Downing, and which is now better known, is a shrubby tree, seldom exceeding twenty feet, with reddish flowers suffi- ciently distinct to make it desirable — though Pavia humilis pendula (the Weeping red j^avia), is even more desirable and at- tractive. Mr. Loudon considers this one of the most beautiful and interesting forms of Pavia, and recommends horse-chestnuts of twenty to thirty years' growth to be grafted all over with it at the points of the shoots ; care being taken afterwards, once or twice every year, to rub off" all the buds from the stock as soon as they appear, so that the entire force of the plant may be directed to the nourishment of the scions. Pavia carnea pubescens (Downy leaf), from the fact of the whole plant, including the young wood, being covered with pubescence. P. purpurea (Purple) ; P. rubra atrosanguinea (Dark red) ; and P. carnea superba (Pale red), are all new varieties to be obtained in this country, and of greater or less merit. Alnus. The Alder. The principle additions to this genus, since the previous edition of this work, have been A. cordifolia, (Heart-shaped), a tree of some magnitude, a native of Calabria, with large, deep green, shining- leaves, rather broad and deeply 400 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. lieart-sliaped, growing rapidly, and, we believe, perfectly ha].(]y — at least, we have found it so at this place — and A. qiurcifuUa (the Oak-leaved alder) ; although Mr. Downing places little value on the A. glauca (our common Swamp- alder), yet we must confess, we hardly know a more charming plant in the winter, when covered vvitli its bright scarlet ber- ries, especially when placed against hemlocks or other ever- greens ; and we are quite confident, that planted in this manner it only needs to be seen to be more generally employed. Betula. Birch. The only new varieties lately introduced of the birch are : B. daurica (the Daurian birch), from Asiatic Siberia, which is supposed to be only a variety of B. alba, not growing as tall as the common birch, nor does the trunk attain the same size, though the wood is both harder and yellower. Betula laciniuta (the Cut-leaf birch), as known in our nur- series ; an exceedingly graceful, pretty tree, with a light, airy growth, inferior, however, to a still newer variety B. hciniafa pcndula (Pendulous cut-leaf), which is quite the pret- tiest and most feathery of the birches. B. nana and B. pumila (the Dwarf and low growing birch). These two are merely shrubs, both natives of the northern portions of America, and the latter found in Sweden, Norway, and Russia ; and growing only two or three feet high, merely valuable as carrying out the cla-s in arborettmis. Castanea. Chestnut. The principle additions to this genus, since the first edition are : Castanea asplenifolia (Cut-leaf chestnut), a very remarka- ble and peculiar variety, with its leaves in shreds ; and O. varlegala, foliis-aureis, and fuHis-argenleis, (the Golden- leaved and the Silver-leaved chestnuts), both very striking and showy, especially when planted against or near ever- greens, the golden variety being particularly gay. Small plants of this tree have, at Wodenethe, blossomed when NEWEK DECIDUOUS TREES AND SHRUBS. 461 only two feet high, but whether this is the habit of this variety, or accidental, we are not prepared to say. We have also here (received some years ago from Mr. Rivers, we think), a dwarf variety, called Dwarf prolific, which has the merit of fruiting when a small shrub. Cercis. Judas Tree. The only addition to this variety, which has appeared within the past few years, is Cercis foUis-variegatis (the Varie- gated-leaved Judas) ; the leaves blotched and streaked with white, and sometimes pink and white splashes ; desirable, but at present very rare. We procured our plants, we believe, from France. Fagus. Beech. There are several varieties of this tree, which have been in- troduced into cultivation within the last few years, well de- serving of notice, and some of them very curious and intei-est- ing ; among these is, Fagus laciniata, called alsoi^. asplenifolia and F. incim, and known in the nursuries as Cut-leaved, Fern- leaved and Various-leaved beech. We have all these plants under the different names, but, except the occasional sport, which the beech is peculiarly liable to, we believe them to be identical ; sometimes resembling a fern, which is the most usual, and others again with leaves very oddly cut and shredded, as it were, by insects. The P'ern-leaved beech, commonly so- called, is a great favorite with us, and we hardly know a pret- tier or more attractive tree, or one less known or planted ; if we could plant but half a dozen trees this would certaiidy be one of the first. It has the close round habit of the beech witli a pleasing green and glaucous color, and the most tiny and deli- cate foliage, the persistency of which would make it very desirable for topiary -work, as it bears the shears better than any deciduous tree Ave know of. Its maximum height is forty to fifty feet, but we have seen no specimen in this country over twelve to fifteen feet ; its average annual growth being twelve to fifteen inches. 462 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Fagus cridnia (Crested or Curled-leaved beech), is more curious than interesting, and is what Mr. Loudon called a •'monstrosity," with leares small, almost sessile, and crowded into small tufts which occur at intervals along the branches ; it never becomes a large tree. FiigusfoUii variegatis (Variegated-leaved beech). — There are two varieties of this, the Golden and Silver ; the latter being the most striking. There is also another most charming variety — F. Cunuing- hamia (the Evergreen beech), with leaves curiousl}' small, but which does not stand our climate in this vicinity, but, which in the Southern States, we have little doubt, would be quite an ac- quisition to the Evergreen trees. In connection with the beech we would also mention three new varieties of Carpimis (Horn- beam), C. pendida, a pi'etty weeping tree, and the Golden and Silver-leaved varieties, resembling very much, though inferior to these same varieties in the beech. Fraxinus. Asii. There are five or six varieties of this tree, not mentioned by Mr. Downing, that are well deserving attention; the moststrildng and rarest, perhaps, is F. uucuhafolia (the Aucuba-leaved ash). The leaves blotched witli 3'ellow, like that well-known English shrub, the Aucnha Jnponica, and to such an extent that at a little distance, a tree of some age has the appearance of this plant of extraordinary size ; on the edges of plantations it catches the light so well that it works up to great advantage, and has so strong a resemblance to a tree in flower that it is constantly talien for one. The tree is yet very rare, a plant we obtained a year or two since from Messrs. EUwanger and Barry is the only specimen we have seen. F. aurea (Golden ash), and F. aurea 2^1'ndtila (Weeping Golden ash), are both very desirable varieties ; the color of the wood of a rich golden yellow, being very striking in winter when contrasted with the snow, quite as marked as the Golden willow ; on this account it would be well to plant it in sight from the windows of the house. The latter tree is, with us. NEWER DECIDUOTTS TTIEES AND SHRUBS. 403 quite as liardy as and a great improvement upon the old Weep- ing ash. F. salicifoUa (Willow-leaved ash). — This is another of those remarkable thin cut-leaved trees, of which we have specimens in the beech, horse-chestnut and even the oak. This is a most rapid and robust grower, and would, undoubtedly, be taken foi a willow, by persons not very familiar with trees — and though not particularly handsome, still it is well deserving a place in all collections, where striking and curious plants are desired. F. ghhosa viridis or myrii folia (Myrtle-leaved ash). — A seed- ling, if we mistake not, of Messrs. Elhvanger and Barry, from whom we procured the plant some years ago ; is when grafted standard high, a very pretty effective little tree, with a globular head of small close, dark green foliage like the myrtle, and comes in very well, standing by itself in small pleasure grounds, or peeping out of low masses of shrubs. F. argentea alha. — A very singular variety, with leaves entirely white, and when planted with the aucubafdia, the loaves of which are quite golden, producing a remarkable effect, like gigantic flowering plants. We do not know the history of this singular tree, and have only seen it at Mr. Daniel Brincker- hoff 's, in this neighborhood, who has the impression he procured it some years since, from Mr. Rivers of the Sawbridgeworth nurseries in England. It differs from the varieties known in the English nurseries as F. argentea, from the peculiar whiteness of its foliage ; the argentea being generally streaked with green, though it may be a sport of this tree. It is apt to suffer very much in June from the insects which, apparently attracted by the white foliage at night, greedily devour the leaves, though all the other ashes standing by escape un- touched. F. lentiscr folia and F. leniiscfolia pendula, are both desira- ble trees, with neat, narrow foliage, and rapid growth. The Pendulous-branched we have found the most rapid of the ashes. The Weeping black and Gold-striped weeping, both pretty ; F. atro-vinns, remarkable for its dark foliage ; F. bosci, with dark glossy foliage, and woolly shoots ; F. juglandi/olia (Walnut- leaved) ; F. monophijlli, single, instead of pinnate leaves ; F. 464 ' LANDSCAPE GAKDEXING. elonga Japonica pannosa, Nova Anglica, oxyphillas and scolo' pendrifoUum, are all new varieties, for arboretums or very full collections. Magnolia. There are several newly introduced varieties of this beauti- ful tree which deserve attention : among them may be men- tioned, M. Thompsoniana, a fine distinct variety, probably a cross between glauca and tnpetala, quite as liardy with us as either parent. M. speciosa, M. gracilis, M. Alexandrina and M. Nort- hertiana. — These four varieties so closely resemble M. Soulan- giana, that we think they can be only seedlings, diifering a little in the mingling of the white and purple, whicli is the color of their liowers. M. Nortbertinna, being wliiter in its flowers, may probably be a seedling or variety of M. conspiciui ; 31. gracilis is unques- tionably only a more slender delicate variety of Ji! j9»;7)?(rea, having mucli darker flowers, especially when half expanded ; M. Alexandrina flowers eai'lier than its parent. Another desirable variety is M. longifolia. which is often con- founded with and sold for M. Thompsoniana, and is intermediate in appearance between 3f. tripetala and M. gliuca ; the leaves are acute at both ends, longer than Thompsoaimvt, and resem- bling tripetala, but thicker, smaller, and glaucous underneath ; the flowers are very sweet but not as large as M. Thomp- soniana. 3f. galisHonierc. — A plant of which we imported from France two years since, is said to be the only variety of the 31. grandi flora which will stand our climate, and as it resists the cold of the north of France, it is not impossible it may be acclimatized here. We do not know that it has been sufficiently tested at present to be able to class it among our hardy magnolias. NEWEK DECmUOUFl TKEES AND SHEUBS. 465 Quercus. Oak. "We have but few additions to make to this genus, and these rather of the fancy order. Q. laciniata (Cut-leaf oak), known also as Q. salicifolia and Q. jilicifuUa, is a curious variety, with leaves deeply cut at the edges and laciniated. Q. foliis variegatis (Variegated oak), both gold and silver, with leaves variegated with white or yellow and occasional streaks of red; well grown, quite showy and ornamental. Q. purpurea (Purple oak), has the foot-stalks of the leaves and its young shoots quite distinctly tinged with purple — even the young leaves, when they first appear, are very dark, as much so as the Purple beech, and, like this tree, becoming greener as the season advances. But of all the newer varieties recently introduced here, the Q. penduJa (Weeping oak), is the most distinctive and remark- able. We have as yet, we believe, no trees of any size in the country. The largest tree known is at Moccas court, in Here- fordshire, England, which Mr. Loudon (Arbo : Brit. vol. 3, page 1732), describes as one of the most extraordinary trees of the oak kind in existence ; the height of the trunk to the first branch is eighteen feet, total height of the trunk seventy-five feet, with branches reaching from about the middle of its height to within seven feet of the ground, and hanging down like cords ; many of these branches are thirty feet long and no thicker in any part of their length than a common wagon rope. There is another variety of Weeping oak to be found in our nurseries, and which we have had here, but the inclination of the branches is more rigid and less pendulous and graceful than the Moccas oak, and we much doubt if we have ever had this species here. To persons curious in trees, or who are desirous of making plantations of the many dwarfs at present quite the fashion in England, we would suggest here two varieties of oak interest- ing for this purpose ; viz., Quercus Immilis (the low growing oak), a native of Europe, where it never exceeds a height of three to four feet, and in the Landes near Bordeaux, not over one foot; and Q. pumila (an American dwarf), which seldom exceeds twenty inches. 30 466 LAKOSCAl'E GARDENING. Salix. Willow. There are three or four charming varieties to add to this well known genus. Among them the newest, and perhaps the most remarkable, is the Kilmarnock Weeping, quite distinctive, with a very pendulous but close habit of growth, so much so, that the branches, at least in young trees, are quite hid out by the large glossy leaves, which, at a little distance, are not un- like the apple leaf. It seems perfectly hardy, and, with the oii«' next mentioned, may be very appropriately planted in pleasure grounds, where the other and larger willows would be out of keeping. S. Americana pendula, an American dwarf variety, Avith very slender and graceful branches, or rather shoots, which when grafted six or seven feet high, hang down like wliip- cdrd ; this variety, we think, was first noticed by the late Mr. Downing in Rivers' nursery, and very prettily desci-ihed by him as the Fountain willow, which is a much more expressive and appropriate name than the one it now goes by in the nur- series. It should always be grafted on what is called the Stock willow ; if upon its own roots or worked even on itself, standard high, it becomes nothing but an awkward distorted shrub. S. rosmarifolia (the Rosemary-leaved willow) — Is another exceedingly pretty little lawn tree, with delicate rosemary- like leaves ; this should also be worked standard high. The Huntington willow, Avith large, beautiful, shining leaves, and a vai iety we imported from France a year or so ago, called *S'. pentandra, described there (though it has not yet realized its reputation with us), as a beautiful tree, with leaves like the laurel, are all the newer varieties proper for orna- mental planting. Sophora. The Sophora. Lin. Syst. Decandria, Monogyiiia. This genus, the only hardy variety of which is deciduous, is a native of Japan, and is highly ornamental. There is not, to our knowledge, any large tree of it in this country, and from this fact, perhaps, and from its great rarity, it was classed by NEWEK DECroUOUS TREES AND SHKUBS. 467 Mr. Downing among the shrubs. It is in reality a large tree when grown, forty to fifty feet high, with pinnate leaves, and producing large branches of cream colored flowers in August. It is quite distinctive in winter, by the dark green bark of its young wood ; and in summer by the dark blue green of its foliage. Near Paris there ai'e some trees sixty feet high. It grows rapidly and is peculiarly adapted to the United States from one remarkable property of its foliage, which is the power it has to retain both its leaves and their color in the very hot- test and di'iest seasons, when locusts and acacias and other pinnated-leaved leguminacem are apt to lose their foliage. The flowers, it is said, in China make yellow dye of so super- ior a color, that it is reserved exclusively for the use of the Imperial family. S. pendula (Pendulous or Weeping sophora), is more com- monly met with, perhaps, than the upright sophora, though even this variety is very rare. It has long pendulous shoots ; grafted near the ground it becomes a mere straggling plant, but, ten to twenty feet high, we hardly know anything more ornamental or striking ; even in winter, the long slender branches of beautiful bright green render it most attractive. There is a third variety, variegata, but the color of the leaf is sickly, and we do not consider it desirable, except for arbore- tums. Pyrus. Mountain Ash. A very pretty and marked addition to the varieties hereto- fore known, and described is Pyrus pendula ("Weeping moun- tain ash), with extremely pendulous branches bending quite to the ground, and then rambling along it if not stopped ; a most rapid grower, more so, we think, than the common mountain ash, and a very great bloomer. P. nana (Dwarf mountain ash). — This is a very stunted variety of slow, close growth, but quite remarkable for the luxuriant corymbs of coral berries in the Autumn. P. quercifolia, a distinct variety with large, hoary, oak leaves ; P. striata (Striped-leaved), P. vestifa (White-leaved), the }Oung shoots and the under part of the leaves being as clearly 468 LANDSCAPE GAKDEXmG white as the Silver poplar. The Yellow-berried, the Large- fruited gray, the Large-fruited red, and the Large-fruited rose, are all deserving notice whei-e there is ample space for planting. Tilia. Lime or Linden. The only varieties of value to add to those previously enu- merated in this book, are T. laciniata (Cut or Jagged-leaf lin- den), with the leaves curiously cut ; and T. j^eiidula alba ("Weeping White linden), of a very pendulous habit, and the under part of the leaf very silvery. We esteem this one of the most, if not the most ornamental of the lindens. Vlmus. Elm. There are a good many new elms lately introduced, which are quite remarkable in their habit, and distinctive in appear- ance ; among them are two Scotch varieties of weeping elms, the Scampaton {of which. Fig. 92 is a portrait), and Cawperdown, both somewhat allied in appearance, though the first is the most remarkable, having fine large foliage, and the most extraor- dinary droop to the branches ; so much and so regular and formal is their inclination, tliat it is difficult to believe artificial means have not been resorted to. When grafted as it should be fifteen to twenty feet high, the branches make a curvilinear droop to the ground, with a growth so regular and symmetrical as to give the whole tree the appearance of a gigantic arbor ; re'Tularly trained and trimmed, and by making an arched open- inf^ on one side, it can be well used for this purpose, the thick umbrageous character of the leaves producing the most agree- able and dense shade. The only material difference between this tree and U. Cam- perdoion, is that this last is of a more open, loose foliage, and rather less regular in the droop of the branches. They are both, however, very fine trees and well worthy the most pro- minent positions in the lawn — care being taken that they shall have ample space for their development. THE NEWER ORNAMENTAL DECIDUOUS SHRUBS. 469 U. glabra pendula is another fine variety of "Weeping elm, but far inferior, we think, to the two above mentioned. U. montana pendula, and U. riigosa pendula, (the Scotch weeping), and (Rough-leaved weeping), are also very desirable Weeping elms. The Huntington elm is a rapid growing variety, with a fine large leaf. The U. articofolia, (Nettle-leaved) ; U. variegata, (the Variegated) ; and U. purpurea, (the Purple), are all curious and desirable in large places ; as is also U. adianthafolia, a strong rugged variety with corrugated and crimped leaves very peculiar. THE NEWER ORNAMENTAL DECIDUOUS SHRUBS. Before enumerating the many new and beautiful shrubs which have been introduced into our gardens and pleasure grounds within ten years, we wish to say a few words respecting their employment. "We have before remarked, in anotlier place, that the facilities aflbrded by railroads and steamboats are now so great, that there is a class, and a large one, of small suburban places and villa residences in the neighbor- hood of our large cities and rural towns, to which this kind of plant is especially valuable. In residences of a few hundred feet square to an acre or more, shrubs are much more valuable than trees, as the latter, when fully matured, become so large and cumbersome as to interfere very much with a free circulation of air, and often completely shut out all view, and are apt to make the places themselves damp and dreary. There are many of these residences where trees should never be planted, but their place should be supplied by the finer shrubs, as the "Weigela, Forsythia, the Fly honeysuckle, the smaller Magnolias {glavca, piD-purca, gracilis, con- SjpiGua, soidangiana), the Purple berberry, the Purple filbert, the Yariegated syringo, the Dwarf horse-chest- 470 LANDSCAPK GAKDKMAG. nut, the Fern-leaved beech, the Oak-leaved hydrangea, the Red-twigged dogwood, the Double Japan quince, the Deutzia gracilis, and the di£ferent hardy English and Belgic azaleas, among the deciduous shrubs. And among tlie evergreens, the English and Irish yews, the difi'erent Junipers, the different Arbor-vitoe, the Weep- ing cypress {Cupressus oMonga pendula), the eight or ten varieties of Dwarf iirs, the Thuiopsis borealis, a beautiful and hardy plant from Baffin's Bay ; the Hemlock, if kept clipped and bushy, the various Rho- dodendrons, especially the Catawhiensis j the Laurel- leaved holly {Ilex laurifolid)^ the American holly, and finally that most valuable of all shrubs, the Berberis mahonia. By a tasteful and judicious massing and grouping of the above plants, with occasionally a single specimen by itself alone, as the English yew, or Dwarf horse-chestnut, or Fern-leaf beech, a very pretty and ornamental effect may be produced, without shutting out the light of heaven, as is too often done by tall sparse trees, with long naked stems, producing no other sensation but a shudder at their ugliness. In submitting the annexed list of the newer shrubs, we regret our space will not allow us to do much more than to enumerate their names ; merely premising that the most desirable are those we have already just mentioned above. ' Arab'a Japomca, a new variety of A. spinosa (Hercules' chib), but much finer in foliage, and very highly esteemed in England ; hardy. A. pcqryripera (the Chinese Rice-paper plant). — "We have but recently imported this, and do not yet know its hardihood; it has superb leaves some three feet or more in diameter. Ceanotlius. — The ceanoihus, of which there are several varie- ties, are beautiful shrubs, with white or blue clusters of flowers. Cornus variegaia (the Variegated-leaved dogwood). — A very TIIK NKWER ORNAMENTAL DECIDUOUS SHKUBS. 471 prettily striped leaf, and contrasting agreeably with the othei varieties. Daphne atro purpureum.—K very marked variety oUIezereum, with purplish leaves. Deutzia gracilis, and D. scahra.—Tyxo very desirable shrubs introduced some six or eight years ago ; the gracilis being perhaps, the most charming shrub at the period of its inflor- escence ; it has also the merit of bearing forcing well in a green-house, though perfectly hardy. Ilea an-olinia (the Carolina itea).— A charming little shrub which does best in the shade. Leijceslcria formosa (the beautiful leycesteria). Ligustrumjoliis aureis, an^ argenteis {ih^ Golden and Sil- ver striped privet).— Very pretty and desirable, mingled with the green privet. Forsythia viridissima.—The very green Forsythia is certam- ly one of the most desirable among the new shrubs ; its flowers, a bright yellow, appear xery early in the spring, succeeded by a dee°p, dense foliage which in winter is sub-evergreen, hanging on to the plant and retaining its color until long past Christmas. Like the magnolia, it appears to more advantage when planted against evergreens. Fersica vulgaris fore pleno alba (the Double white flowermg peach).— Beautiful, especially when planted by the Double pink. Bihes sanguineumjlorepleno, and F. speciosvm. —^olh beau- tiful varieties of the Flowering currant. The first a great im- provement on the old i?. sanguineum, and the last with long pendulous red flowers, like a fuschia. Savibucns fore 2^^^no, S. foliis aurels, S. fuliis argenteis— New and striking varieties of the Black or Common elder, as yet very rare. We have found them hardy and most luxuriant growers ; the Double-flowering is very striking, but the Silver and Gold-leaved are much more so. We presume they can now be procured at our nurseries, though we obtained ours from M. Leroy in France. Spir<2a callosa, S. Doughsii, S. Lindleyana, S. Nepalensis, S. pruni/olia, S. Beevsii, S. r. fore plena, are all the finest 472 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. among the new Spireas ; exceedingly hardy and desirable, es- pecially i)ow/7Za5M', callosa, ar\d Double-flowering ^f^'esii. Syringa Josikcua, S. Charles A'., aS". Emodi, ai'e new addi- tions to the charming family of lilacs. Tamarix Africana, T. GalUca (the African and French tamar- Iks), are very pretty and desirable. Weigela rosea (the Rosy weigela) is perhaps, take it all in all, the greatest acquisition to our hardy shrubs within the past ten years. We hardly know a more lovely plant or more abundant bloomer ; the white and pink flowers resembling apple blossoms, almost cover the plant with a sheet of bloom. EVKEGKEEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 47J SECTION lY. REMAEKS ABOUT IIALF-HAKDY PLANTS AND THE NEWER EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS, WITH THE METHOD OF ACCLIMATIZING AND EMPLOYING THEM. Perhaps in no one way has the taste for planting more developed itself since the first appearance of Mr. Downing's book, especially during the past four or five years, than in the increasing predilection for evergreens, and prevailing desire not only to plant the better known and more common varieties, but also those of more recent introduction. Almost every one, even with the smallest place, now plants not only the Norway spruce, and the Austrian and Scotch pines, but is even desirous of trying his hand upon deodars, cryptomerias and other varieties, considered only as luxuries in Mr. Downing's day. The cost of many of these plants having been reduced from one or two guineas apiece, to fifteen or twenty cents, the ease with which they may be imported, at little risk, and the facility with which they live, at least for one or two years, to say nothing of the fashion for evergreens now-a-days, are certainly very strong temp- tations ; but the actual beauty, great variety and contrast in character, habit, and color, and the entire hardihood of a great many new sorts, and the vast addition made by this class of trees to a winter's land- scape, much more frequently seen now by owners of country places than when the first edition even of this work appeared, all combine to make it very desirable til at some authentic information should be given, which 474 LANDSCAPE gardp:nixg. may be reliable as to what may and what may not be planted. We have individuals enough in this country who are willing to spend money liberally for trees if they cculd iind out what to buy, and how and where to plant. The early edition of this work, though quite np to the when it was published, is now singularly meagre in its chapters on Evergreens, and there are probably at this moment in this country, collections, in extent and variety (though not in size of trees), greater than was the Pinetum at Dropmore, in England, which Mr. Downing refers to, in 1841. We are quite sure there are over ninety varieties of evergreens, nearly all quite hardy in this middle portion of the Hudson, which are not mentioned in the first edition, and there are several distinct, beautiful, and hardy genera not even alluded to, such as the piceas, of which there are at present known twelve distinct species, all, we believe, hardy here. Mr. Downing mentions seven ahies, and we now have in cultivation, more or less general, tive^ity-three ■more. We have growing in the different collections in this country, principally between "Washington and Boston, twenty more pines, in addition to the fifteen he enumerates, twenty-five junipers, against one in the first edition ; ten new {Thnjm) arbor vit£e, and seven yews. It may be objected that these are not all hardy. They may not be in one particular locality, but throughout the length and breadth of our land, we have a sufficient variety of climate for every thing, and if one cannot grow a tree on the shores of Lake Erie, one can, perhaj)s, in Pennsylvania or Virginia, or the Carolinas, or Florida. Besides, as we shall hope to show, a great deal more may be done in planting doubtful trees (than is done) by a ju- dicious selection of site and soil. We further hope to show that in our best places where there is the desire and means to make lai-ge collections, that one should EVEEGKEEN OUNAMKNTAL TKKKS. 'i^lH not discard a tree because liis neighbor may have not been successful with it. There are many reasons which may operate against the success of a tree this year, and for several years, which may disappear in time. One consideration, and that an important one, is shelter. Plant a deodar cedar in the middle of a large and high field, thoroughly and en- tirely exposed to every blast that blows, with the full force of a summer, and what is worse, a winter's sun, and it is hardly possible it should survive. Plant the same tree in the same place with the colder winds broken and kept off by masses of evergreens, and shielded from the pernicious effects of the early spring sun, and the chances are. your tree will succeed and flourish. Ao-ain, persons are very apt to plant their new evergreens, especially if they are rare and costly, in what are called "well prepared" holes, that is, in holes redolent, perhaps, with guano, and with the richest compost to be obtained ; if the new plant is not killed immediately by over-dosing, it is at any rate so stimu- lated by excess of food as to make a succulent redun- dant growth of imperfectly ripened wood, which is sure to be killed back the first winter, and tlie tree become so enfeebled as to die outright the second ; or the plant may have vitality enough to struggle through this sur- feit and after staggering for months, or perhaps a year or so, with this indigestion, manage to work into healthy, natural, unprepared soil, and eventually become a tree. Then again, our climate is constantly changing. This, we think, is conceded by every one who has wintered in the country the past five or ten years, and trees which could not or would not stand now, may five years hence ; and, lastly, a tree, like a man becomes finally more or less acclimatized — it may get knocked about some- what at first, but eventually learns to stand up and take care of itself. The Torreya, for instance (and we have 476 LANDSCAPE GAUDKNESTG. many such trees upon this place) required an immense deal of coaxing to reconcile it to to our northern and changeable climate. The first year we left it out it was protected by a double box, the interval between the sidings being filled with tan. The second year, the tree was sheathed in straw and protected besides by a single box, with a few air holes on the north ; the third year it was open at the north, but protected on the east, south, and west, by a box with three sides. The fourth year a mat was substituted for the box, and the fifth year it passed alone through the winter, the extreme tip of some of its more exuberant shoots being a little injured — the well- ripened wood being untouclied — since when it survives our most severe weather without injury, and now takes its place among the really hardy evergreens. We should feel no more apprehension about its safety in our worst winters than we should about a pine or hemlock. A curious fact connected with this tree is, that plants propagated from cuttings before it became acclimatized are still tender, while plants propagated since its hardi- hood became confirmed, seem quite as hardy as the parent. We are not prepared to say that a great deal of this care was not a work of supererogation, and that the tree might have done as well with much less protection, and for half the number of winters, but we were work- ing in the dark ; the tree was a native of Florida ; it never had been tried here, and from the climate whence it originated, we did not suppose it would stand, and felt consequently disposed to take extra pains, for which we are quite compensated by the gain of a new and most exquisite variety, and the certainty of our know- ledge that all torreyas, from this plant at least, are are perfectly hardy in this latitude. We mention this, simply as one illustration of a great many similar experiments, with results more or less successful, because we are quite sure it is within the EVEKGEEEN OKXAMENTAL TKEES. 477 experience of most persons wlio liave attempted accli- matizing plants, that success not unfrequently is the reward, when from the habits of the plants, and the character of the climate from which they come, a con- trary result 'might be anticipated. We remember in England some ten years since, seeing at Chatsworth a plant of Weigela rosea, in a house built, if we mistake not, expressly for it, because Sir Joseph, then Mr. Paxton, did not think it hardy — judging probably from the country to which it belonged ; and now there is no more common and hardier shrub, and, we may add, more beautiful in the season, or one more generally planted in tlie ISTorthern States. Mr. Loudon very truly observes, "That though the nature of a species cannot be so far altered as to fit an inhabitant of a very hot climate for a very cold one, yet that the habits of in- dividuals admit of considerable variation, and that some plants of warm climates are found to adapt themselves much more readily to cold climates than otliers ; thus the common passion flower, according to Dr. Walker, when first introduced into the Edinburgh Botanic Garden, lost its leaves during the winter, but in a few years the same plant retained the greater part of them at that season." The same author relates that plants of the common yew, sent from Paris to Stockholm, to plant certain designs of Le Notre laid out there for the King of Sweden, all died, although the yew is a native of that country as well as France. " Every gardener," he says, "must have observed that the common weeds which have sprung up in pots, in hot-beds, or in hot-houses, when these pots happen to be set out in the open air, during winter or spring, have their leaves killed or injured, whilst the same species growing in the open ground are uninjured.*' We have ourselves observed, that peach trees in pots, if by chance they are left out all winter, are destroyed, though the same tree in the ground can resist any 478 LANDSCAri': gaedp:ning. deo-ree of frost. The obvious conclusion to be drawn from this is, not that peach trees are not hardv, but under certain conditions are not hardy ; which facts lead to this theory, that the habits of plants admit of a certain degree of change with regard to 'tlie climate which they will bear; that the degree in which this power exists in any plant, is only to be ascertained by experiment, by trying in the open air plants usually considered as tender, or which hitherto have been kept under glass. Our usual method of acclimatizing a plant, is to select some very protected and shady spot, as the north side of a thicket, or what we prefer, the interior of some evergreen wood, and to prepare the holes six feet wide and three deep, with loose but poor soil, well drained with stones for the lower eight or ten inches, with barely compost enough to assist the tree through the summer. For the first two or three years in winter, a little mound of earth, eight or ten inches high, is put around the neck of the plant, to prevent the bad effects of thawing and freezing in a most sensitive part, and cedar or hemlock boughs, are placed round its branches ; this covering diminishing year by year, as the tree obtains size and vigor, until it is omitted altogether. The plant, to ensure safety, is moved once or twice within this wood, each time to a more exposed situation, which has also the additional advantage (like root pruning) of checking all redundancy of growth. When it exhibits sufficient strength, it is transplanted to its final situation on the lawn — its cedar eovering being renewed for a couple of winters — and, if it can be reconciled to the climate, it is now supjDosed to be so. We have found it very perplexing to arrive at any thorough and satisfactory decision as to comparative hardihood of trees in difl:erent portions of the United States, from its being so difficult to reconcile the appa- EYERGKEEN ORNAMENTAL TREES, 479 rent discrepancies in the various returns -wliicli we have received from these places, aud we are led, there- fore, to these conclusions, viz : that the hardihood and success of trees depend not exclusively upon climate, and that a few degrees of latitude, north or south, are ■)f far less importance than proper soil and situation, and that a thorough. knowledge of what to do, Nvhich ex- perience alone, after many mishaps, can teach, will often enable us to grow trees at the North and East which do not seem to succeed now at the West and the South. For instance, in the neighborhood of Xatchez, within six miles of that city, and on an elevation of three hundred and twenty-six feet above the river, the Gardenia Florida, the Pittosporum, the Magnolia fuscata, the M. grandillora, the Olea fragrans, the Myrtles in variety, the English laurel, the Laurestinus, thrive pei'fectly. The Deodar cedar and Cryptomeria Japonica, never suffer except occasionally from caterpillars, and become luxuriant trees ; there being specimens of the former thirty feet higli, and of the latter fifteen feet, with branches in both trees sweeping the ground. Cunning- hamia Sinensis is also perfectly hardy, and has reached a height of from fifteen to eighteen feet, and yet the Abies Smithiana is reported as not quite hardy and sometimes injured by spring frosts, though at ISTew- port, the Abies Smithiana is said to be the hardiest of all the spruces — more so even than the Abies excelsa (the common Norway), Again, in a report from Penn- sylvania, in the neighborhood of Warrior's Mark, on the side of one of the Alleghany mountains, at an altitude above the sea of 1,020 feet, and in latitude 40° 40', and where the thermometer has indicated 23° below zero, where even the Ailanthus, Catalpa, and Paulownia are annually cut to the. ground, the Cryptomeria flourishes, though browned, and tlie Deodar cedar survives, though making little or no progress, when the cedar of Le- 480 LANDSCAPE GAKDEXING. banon, the Silver cedar and the Douglas fir are killed outright. Now at Wodenethe, we find the Silver cedar and the Cedar of Lebanon much hardier than the Deodar, yet at ]Srew23ort tlie Cedar of Lebanon will not stand, and at Philadelphia, Mr. Meehan says the Deodar is killed on dry soil, and uninjured on wet; while at a country place near Boston, on a slope facing the south, without any protection or shelter from other trees, Deodar cedars planted in 1853, have been browned but slightly, though exposed to the sun all the day long. Cedars of Lebanon planted at same time, get more browned. It is very evident from all this, we think, that we cannot form any decisive opinion as to what is and what is not truly hardy in any one portion of the country, where we receive so many contradictory reports ; but it does not follow that a failure for one or two years, unless very complete, should discourage us so entirely as to prevent our trying the same plant again in other situations and under different treatment. Because the Indian spruce {A. Smithiana) suffers from spring frost near Natchez, when the Cryptomeria and Deodar do not, let us rather hope to acclimatize it by moving the spruce to a higher or drier situation, where being more re- tarded, it will either ripen off its annual growth better, or push later in the s^Dring. If the Indian spruce is hardier at Newport, where the thermometer sometimes gets very low, than the common Norway, there can be little doubt but what it will grow near Natchez, when properly placed. If too, the Deodar cedar, and Cedar of Lebanon thrive near Philadelphia, in wet and low, instead of high and dry soil, it will be very easy for planters of these trees in that vicinity to adopt this hint ; while we, who have found the reverse of this true, will act in accordance with our experience. So also of the Cryptomeria — if it has been found to withstand a cold of 23° below zero, on the Alleghany EVERGRKKN ORNAMKXIAL TREES. 48 » mountains, at an elevation of 1,020 feet above the sea — where even the Aihmthus was destroyed, we cannot see why this tree may not stand in any other part of the country, at the same elevation, having no greater degree of cold, but always under the same circumstances and conditions. What these are, nnfortunately, the tree only knows ; possibly a frost, even as severe as this, at a great distance from the sea, may be less injurious tliau half the amount of frost near salt water ; or the severe weather may come and go, gradually, without the great variations common in the middle States ; which varia- tion we have always believed most destructive to veget- able, as it is injurious to animal life ; and Unally, the conclusion we must inevitably come to is that the organism of a plant is as wonderful and mysterious as that of a man, and that, with certain general rules as to planting and treatment, we must gro])e in tlie dark until many more years of experience in different parts of the United States, enable us to know what we can and what we cannot grow. "We trust, however, that some assistance may be obtained from the reports we have been enabled to procure from different parts of the country, by which planters in those localities will be able to do as well as their neighbors, if they can give their trees the same advantages. Another reason why we jiroposed to give in this supplement a more complete account and list of all the evergreens, hardy and half-hardy, wliich have been introduced into this country of late years is (and we quote again in part from Mr. Loudon), that we think there are few scenes in an ornamental garden or pleasure- ground, of greater interest to a person having any taste or knowledge of Botany, however sliglit, than a collec- tion of trees and shrubs, natives of foreign climates, which, though they would be destroyed if exposed in the winter, yet when planted (turned out), or sunk in the ground during the summer, exhibit a degree of 31 482 LANDSCAPE GAEDENING. beauty and luxuriance which they never do or could attain in a green-house or conservatory ; and -svliich require in the winter simply the protection of a cool green-house, or in most cases of a cold pit sufficiently deep and protected to exclude the frost, and with faci- lities for occasionally admitting air for ventilation. A pit of this description, well drained and dry, and twelve or fifteen feet deep, might accommodate plants ten or twelve feet high, which, when planted out in the pleasure-grounds during the summer, the tub or pots being sunk out of sight in the soil, would produce the most extraordinary and charming effects. By an intro- duction and combination in our own grounds of bananas, palms, aloes, the different arundos (a species of bamboo), the different dracaiuas, the New Zealand flax {Phor- miuDi tenax), Bamhusa inetake (another variety of bamboo), wdiich we hope will prove hardy, the different Cannas, and a mingling of the rarer evergreens, like the Araucarias (of which CwiningJiamii and exceha are very effective), we have, we think, produced a very pleasing effect. These, with the Indian cedars, and Southern and Mexican long-leaved pines, have quite changed a portion of our grounds from an American to a tropical and oriental landscape. All these plants we have named, and the newer tender evergreens which we have not as yet named, would win- ter safely (excepting perhaps the araucaria excelsa), in a cold j)it or cool green-house, or a dry cellar, where there was some light and no frost. If we add to these the great variety and number of evergreen shrubs — the different evergreen Magnolias, the Hollies, the Laurel, the Portugal laurel, the half-hardy Rhododendrons, all of wJiich are too tender for our climate, we cannot but believe tlie time is not far distant when instead of keeping green-houses for the preservation of the ordinary green-house plants, persons of taste will build pits for the preservation of half-hardy evergreens and ligneous EVEEGKEEN OKNAMENTAL TKEES. 483 plants, wliich, M-hen judiciously arranged and combined in the summer, will alter the whole character of their grounds. We have in our eye at this moment, many- line places, both on this river and in different parts of the country, where large green-houses and conservatories are kept up all winter, at a great expense, and where the plants literally " waste their fragrance on the desert air," as the families are away in cities at too great a distance to admit their flowers being sent to them. These very places in summer present a very unat- tractive and meagre appearance, being planted simply with the older and less beautiful trees and shrubs — in many cases with little or no flower garden. The Came- lias, Azalias, Geraniums, and other plants being stowed away out of sight, until the return of another winter, when they will again bloom for the benefit, solely, of the gardener and his friends. Were these same houses at a consumption of one-half or one-fifth the amount of fuel and labor, devoted to the cultivation (or rather to the preservation, for they re- quire no cultivation or attention in the winter beyond an occasional watering), of half-hardy evergreens and tender plants, the compensation and enjoyment from them in summer would be ten-fold that derived from the usual occupation of plant-houses ; and in cases where families are permanent residents of the country, let them devote a portion of their green-houses to this purpose, or have some arrangement of pits as we have above described. We must bear in mind one fact : that as excellent models as the English are in all matters pertaining to country life, yet they use their places only in the winter, and we, as a general rule, only in the summer ; while it is, therefore, very important for them to have their grounds and green-houses adorned with those plants and shrubs which will make it most agreeable and delight- ful at the season when they are at home, in the winter, 484 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. jet the reverse of this is true with us. Our object should be to make our j)laces as gay and interesting as possible, at those portions of the year when we live at them. What advantage is it to plant the beautiful varie- ties of double and single thorns, the Judas tree, the Forsythia, or the Magnolias in those places which the families or owners do not reacli until the season of their mflorescence is past ; where one lives in the country from June to October, the whole force should be ap- plied to those plants, shrubs, and floM'ers which bloom during these four months ; and as a majority of our country gentlemen do not get out to their places much before June, and are apt to become very restless after the early part of October, we think a selection of those plants should be made most useful and attractive during this time ; and we do not know anything more effective than the proper mingling of some of the large showy exotics and tender evergreens we have mentioned. Of course Ave do not suggest this as general, but merely to those — and their number is now large — who have a taste for planting the newer and more striking conifers. In concluding this section we will merely add : that with one or two exceptions, we have described only those plants and shrubs which we have ourselves seen, and which, in almost every instance, we have growing upon our own place. We believe that a correctness in description, and an honest statement of the merits and demerits of each plant, will, more than anything else, contribute to the main end we have in view — the ex- tension of the taste for planting the newer deciduous and evero-reen trees. THE NEWER EVERGREEN OENAIVIENTAL TREES. Abies. The Spruce Firs. Abies alba nana (the Dwarf White spruce fir— or Prostrate White spruce) is only a dwarf variety of our native White THE NEWER EVEEGEEEN OENAMENTAL TKEES. 485 Spruce fir, seldom growing more than a bush of three or four feet, and perfectly hardy, all over the United States. A. a. fjlauca. — A very distinct and striking variety of the American White spruce, with very white, silvery leaves- originating in England, but hardy here, A. a. minima. — Another minute English variety, being the dwarfest of all the spruces ; and we presume would be hardy in this country. A. Brunoniwta (the Indian hemlock spi-uce).— Classed by Syn. Carriere among the Tsucjas, those kinds with A. dumosa. fl^j leaxes, mostly glaucous below. We are somewhat perplexed in making up our mind about the future condition of this charming tree, as to its availability. If it succeed at all, it will certainly require a good deal of coaxing. Our own experience has been very various. It has stood some winters well, and others, not as cold but possibly damper, seem to have destroyed it; and yet, Mr. Smith writes us from Newport, it has stood there three years. At Wash- ington it is reported tender, as well as at Philadelphia, Flush- ing, and at Mr. Reids' nursery at Elizabethtown. We do not, however, see why it may not eventually prove hardy after a little acclimatization, since Dr. Hooker found it in Sikkin at an elevation of nine thousand to ten thousand feet on the side of Kunchinjinga, probably the loftiest peak in the world, where it reaches a height of seventy to eighty feet. Most per- sons would take it for a hemlock spruce, except that the under part cf the leaves is perfectly white, forming, when moved by the wind, a beautiful blending of green and silver. A. excelsa pijgmcea—a very pretty dwarf variety of the Nor- way spruce, not exceeding a foot or so in height, but spreading very much. The specimens in our grounds do not seem affect- ed by the severest winters. A. e. monstrosa. — Another hardy variety of Norway spruce, with straggling habit, but destitute of branchlets, somewhat re- sembling the araucaria imhricata in appearance. A. e. pendula. — Also a seedling of the Norway spruce, dif- fering only in having its branches more drooping; hardy. A. e. varief/ata — A Variegated variety of our common Nor- way, pretty, distinctive, and hardy. 486 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. A, e. Clanbrasiliiina (Lord Clanbrasil's variety). — Exceed- ingly dwarf and perfectly hardy ; leaves, only half an inch long, and the mature plant not over three feet. A. e. eUgans. — A pretty Dwarf hardy variety, with slender gray foliage reaching the height of four or five feet. A. e. diffusa, A. e. compacta, A. e. i^umila, A. e. attenuata — are four Dwarf varieties of the Norway spruce, similar in growth and general appearance to those mentioned above, and very hardy. In fact, wlierever the Norway spruce can be grown, these eight or ten dwarf varieties can, and when grouped with the dwarf pine, P. strobns pumilis, and the Dwarf Scotch fir, P. sylvestris jminilis, neither, of which ever exceed four or five feet, they make a very interesting and striking plantation. A. Menziesii — (Menzies' fir) known also A. Sitchensis — is a tall tree, with light glaucous-colored foliage, growing sixty to seventy feet high ; a native of northern California and the island of Sitcha; quite hardy here. Our specimens, which have been out some five or six years, occasionally get scorched by the summer ; in the latitude of Philadelphia it does, likewise, very well, as also at Cincinnati, Newport, Washington, Boston, Flushing, in New Jersey, and even at Clinton, N. Y., when in shade. A. obovata (Obovate-coned spruce), known and imported by „ us as A. Wittmanniana, is as yet com- A. Schrenkiana. paratively new. Judging from the appear- . janen&is. ancc of our Specimens now, we should sup- pose it v^ould prove hardy,' which is most likely to be the case with firs coming from so high an altitude as the Altai moun- tains. It is also found in Siberia. It resembles the common spruce. It is quite hardy at Flushing, which is the only place we can discover where it has been tried. A. orientalis (Eastern spruce). — A peculiar tree, with dense short foliage covering the branches on all sides, growing seventy to eighty feet high, and forming a conical-shaped head. A native of the Black Sea, on the loftiest mountains of Imeretia, in Upper Mongrelia ; perfectly hardy here, and at Washington ; comparatively well at Newport, our youngest spe- cimens here, were untouched even by the winters of 1856-7. THE KEWER EVERGKEEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 487 A. Smiildana (the Indian spruce). — This magnificent tree „ is found on the mountains from Bootan to Syn. A. Morinda. Kafiristan, at an elevation of from 7,000 to A. Khutrow. 12X/00 feet. It resembles somewhat in its size and habit of growth, the finest Norway spruce, though much more pendulous and graceful, and with a darker, richer foliage, especially when grown in the shade It occa- sionally reaches a height of 170 feet, though its usual avei-age is 100 to 150. It is also found in China and Japan, where it is called " Toionowo-momi " (the Tiger's tail). Although we imported this tree some six to eight years ago, we have not as yet succeeded in i-aising any very fine specimens. When much exposed to the full action of the sun's rays, it becomes a dingy yellow green, and is very apt to lose its leader, and young plants are sometimes killed down to the snow-line. This is also the experience in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, Boston, and Columbus, though hardy at Cincinnati. When planted with us in the shade, however, it seems to do much better in retaining its leader, and we have little doubt it may, after some struggle, eventually be acclimatized, especially when planted in dry, gravelly, well-drained soil. At Chestnut Hill, near Philadelphia, there are perfect specimens, eight to ten feet high, with leaders. We have no specimen at Wodenethe over six feet, though very broad in proportion. At Washing- ton, it is returned to us as hardy and beautiful. The largest specimens in the public grounds, planted by Mr. Downing, in 1852, are five feet. At Newport, it is reported as hardier and finer than A. excelsa (the Common Norwav), thougli at Messrs:. Parsons,' at Flushing, Mr. Hogg's, near Yorlx- ville, and Mr. Reid's, at Elizabethtown, the younger shoots are sometimes injured, and it does better in the shade. At Woodlawn, N. J. (Mr. Field's), the oldest specimens are seven feet high, and do not now suffer from the winter, perhaps from the redundancy of growth being slightly checked by having been moved several times. They have also borne cones, which at first were erect like the Picea's, liut. afterwards pendulous like the Abies', which accounts for the confusion mentioned by Mr. Loudon, that has existed as lo wlietlier- this tree was an abies or a picea. 488 LAiSTDSCAPK GAKDENING. A. Douglasii (the Douglas fir). — Another superb tree, re- g specting the hardihood of which, very much the Tsuga Donglasii. same remarks we made about the preceding Picea Douglasii. ^^^^.j^^^ ^^^ Smithiana), will apply. Plants with us, in low, damp ground, suffer occasionally in color, if not in loss of leader, while those grown in the shade, or on an exposed hill-side, in poor, slaty soil, succeed admirably. This is also the case near Boston, at " Wellesley" (Mr. Ilunne- well's), where trees, two years planted, are five feet high, and do admirably in the shade ; while at Mr. Reid's, at Elizabeth- town, it loses its leader in severe winters ; and near Phila- delphia, Mr. Meehan reports : " that so far it has not been satisfactory.'' At Washington, perfectly hardy ; at Newport, it wont stand ; though at Augusta, Ga., and Cincinnati, it thrives well. The variety originates in the north-western part of North America, and along the banks of the Columbia River, where it is found in immense forests, and also on the Rocky Mountains, on the top of which, it rarely is more than a small bush, but becomes larger and more stately as it descends, until it reaches the altitude of one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet. Its foliage is very dark, and the tree generally resembles a superb balsam fir. A. Jezoensis (the Jezo fir), found in China, and the Island of Jezo, is probably hardy, thousrh we have not Syn. / _ •' •' _ "- Picea Jezoensis. heard of its being tested sufiicienll}^ to pronounce decidedly. It is quite striking. There has been a good deal of confusion in its classification, as to whether it is a spruce or Silver fir, and it would seem to be intermediate, though we believe with persistent cones. Our specimens, which are small, seem quite hardy, and are not very unlike in their general appearance, the Torreya^ and also the Cephalo- taxus. Araucaria. This extraordinary and most distinguished genus of plants derives its name from Araucanos, a people of Chili, where the species known as imhricata greatly abounds, its seeds ham" used for food. THE NEWER EVEEGEEEN OENAMENTAL TREES. 489 Tlie only vai'iety which approaches hardihood in this part of the country is the A. imbricata, (ChiH pine), which when planted in sand and gravel on well drained soil, and in a shady wood, succeeds quite Vv'ell— that is to say, we have specimens which withstood the severe winters of 1855-6-7, with no other protection than a few hemlock boughs, and came out perfectly bright and green in the spring, even with their leaders uninjured for the past three years. Both sun and wet are fatal to it, and in situations where there are no side-hills sloping to the north, it should be planted on the north of buildings, on little mounds, with at least the lower foot in the holes filled with stones for drainage. Mr. Saunders informs us that there are some fine healthy trees near Baltimore, with upright shoots. At Wash- ington, a specimen planted, in 1852, by Mr. Downing, in the public grounds has succeeded admirably, though a little injured by the winter of 1856. It does not stand at Newport, and at Flushing, and in New Jersey succeeds only when sheltered ; so also at Cincinnati. In Augusta it is eminently successful. The other varieties, A. Bidwili, A. Brasiliensis,- A. Cimning- hamii, and A. excelsa (the beautiful Norfolk Island pine), are too tender for any but our extreme Southern States, though all thriving, except ex'-elsa, in the open ground at Augusta, Ga. ; but for purposes of ornament to cultivated grounds in summer w^e know nothing more distinguished than these different varieties grown in tubs and protected in winter in a common green-house. Biota. The Chinese or Eastern arbor vitaj, so called to distinguish it from Thvja, the American or "Western arbor vitae. B. orienfalis, (Chinese arbor vitas), which was but compara- tively new, when this book was first published, has not proved quite as hardy or as available as was at first hoped ; all our reports, from different parts of the country, speak of it in most cases as not quite hardy, at any rate doing better in protected situations. Even in New Jersey it is sometimes killed to the jrround in severe winters. Our best returns are from Washin"-- ton, Avhere it is reported as very commonly planted and pe^ fectly successful. A.t Woodlawn, N. J. (Mr Field's), there is a 490 LANDSCAPE GAKDENING. hedge of it many years planted, which suffered a great deal at first, but of late years, by severe cutting in the spring it seems to have become quite acclimatized. B. orienlalu glauca, and B. argentea, are new varieties, not yet, we think, introduced ; the first a seedling of Messrs. Pince, of Exeter, England, of a very silvery appearance, and the latter resembling the Aurea,he\ng silver instead of gold. B. orientalis aurea, (the Golden arbor vitae,) is a seedling of Messrs. Waterer, in England, we believe from the old B. orientalis (the Chinese arbor vitaj). The B. awea is a pretty, dense, and beautifully compact little shrub, growing not over two or three feet high, of an exquisite delicate green in winter, and a golden color at the extremities of its branches in spring. It is perfectly hardy with us, at Fishkill, though forty miles above us it does not stand well ; but we have observed that onr trees, now several years old, though untouched by the cold or sun, lose very much the compact pressed appearance so charac- teristic of the English plants, and its principal charm we thinlc, on this account. In complete collections of evergreens this is one of the varieties we should recommend to be grown in pots and kept in the house during the winter, although there is no doubt of its hardihood here. B. pcndiila. (Weeping arbor vitai). — A bush or small tree, gyJ^^ growing ten to fifteen feet high, with very long, Thuja penduia, slender, pendulous branches ; is one of the Thuja flliformis. ... f i i i greatest acquisitions to our periectly hardy trees. Our largest specimen, eight to ten feet, has survived our coldest winters and hottest summers for ten or twelve years, without the slightest protection. Nothing can well be prettier or more graceful than this charming little tree. We do not know why this should not be hardy in our most northern States, though, we understand, it is sometimes killed near Philadelphia ; yet near Boston, and at Washington, it does as well as here. It was at one time supposed to be a hybrid be- tween the Common Red cedar and an arbor vitre, and to have originated in a nursery in England ; but Dr. Siebold hav- ing discovered the plant wild in China, finally decided the question. THE NEWER EVEEGKEEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 491 B. orienialls gracilis.— This variety, which we have received under the latter name, Nepalensis, is perfectly hardy Syn. and much more slender and graceful than the B.Nepalensis.^^^^^^^ Chinese. It is found in Nepaul and Northern India. We consider it one of the most interesting of the arbor vitoe. B. Tartarica (Tartarian arbor vitaj). — A dense conical bush i^yn, growing ten feet high, a native of Tartary ; quite B. pyramidalis, distinctive. Our Specimen, eight feet high, has Thuja australis. , ,^ i i i always proved perfectly hardy. We are inclined to believe that this variety may be often confounded with and sold for wliat is called the Siberian arbor vita}, and the place of its origin would seem to justify this ; but we do not find, in all our authorities or in any of the English or French catalogues, any mention of the Siberian arbor viti^, except as a synonym of T. occidentalis (the American arbor vit£e), Avhich, what is known in this country as Siberian, cer- tainly is not. It is also associated with Warreana, thougli the latter came from Nootka Sound, and would seem to be identi- cal with Don's pUcata. Cednis. The Cedar, C. Allanlica (the Mount Atlas cedar), or better known in ^y^ this country as the Silver cedar of Lebanon, is only c. argentea. g, variety of the ordinary Cedar of Lebanon with glaucous leaves. It is not impossible, however, but what it may be in certain localities hardier, since it thrives perfectly at Newport, when the common Cedar of Lebanon is cut down and not unfrequently killed. This is also the report from Flush- ing. As all the remarks, we propose to make about the Cedar of Lebanon, apply to this tree, we shall refer our readers to the succeeding pages, C. deodaia (the Deodar or Indian Cedar). — The anticipations Syn. formed of this most graceful evergreen in the Pinus deodara. flj-st edition of this book, we truly regret to say, have not been generally fulfilled. It grows so readily and so rapidly, particularly in the later autumn months, that it is with 492 r.ANi:)SCAi'E gardening. great reluctance we feel constrained to admit it is not to be de- pended upon. It is certainly the most delusive of all evergreens. We have upon this place raised specimens twelve to fifteen feet high, as perfect as could be, but which the winters of 1855-G severely injured, and the subsequent winter finished to the snow- line. These trees are now about eiglit oi nine feet high, with several leaders, and nearly fifty feet in circumference, mostly holding their color well so far this winter, though having been subjected to a temperature, for two days, of 15^ below zero. The fault of the tree (if so charming a tree can have any fault) is its habit, like the Cryptomeria and Taxodium sem- pervirens, and many other of the new evergreens, of making a late autumnal growth without ripening off its wood. The fact that the tree below the snow-line almost always appears fresh and green, proves, we think, quite satisfactorily, that some protection, and no or little sun, will go far towards establishing its hardihood. A wood, or the north side ot buildings, will accomplish this ; and if to tliis, we add such a preparation of soil as will retard rather than stimulate the tree, so that by accomplishing an early growth it may ripen off its wood, we tliink we may again hope to acclimatize the Deodar, which as now grown in tlie Middle States, hardly amounts to more than a bush, annually increasing in amplitude, but not in height. There are portions of this country, in the neio-hborhood of Washington possibly, and in Southern Vir- ginia, and about that latitude, and as far south as Augusta, Ga., where it succeeds admirably. In the extreme south it suffei'S from the sun in summer as much as it does here from the sun in winter. There are, however, specimens at Mr, Affleck's, near Natchez, twenty-five to thirty feet high, and fea- thering to the ground. At Flushing, L. I., in Ohio, in New Jer- sey, and near New York, it does best in some shelter ; though at " Woodlawn," near Princeton, a specimen, ten feet high, and thirty-three in circumference, stands well in the most exposed situations. When first imported, it was supposed to be hardier than the Cedar of Lebanon, but subsequent experience does not confirm this — at least in our case. C. djodara viridis (the Green deodar), C. deodara rohusta THE NEWER EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 493 (the Robust deodar), are only varieties of the common deo- dar—the former being of a slenderer habit, and more vivid "•reen, and the latter much coarser and stouter. As these two varieties are out with us for the first time this winter, we can not as yet say how hardy they may prove, and we have no returns from any other place. We may as well, perhaps, add here, that Mr. IMeehan reports, near Philadelphia, " all Deodars on wet low soils are uninjured, Avhile those on dry are killed outright." This is the contrary of our theory and experience here certainly, but facts are better than arguments, and time alone will show whether a damp or dry soil is most congenial to this plant. C. Lehind (Cedar of Lebanon.) — This is another variety of g the genus Cedrus, so distinct and remarkable Pinus cednis. (jj^t we regret being compelled to say it has edius cemcia. ^^^^^ fallen short of what was expected ^nd hoped of it ; and we doubt, if, with a few exceptions, there are more specimens now in this country, or much larger, than when Mr. Downing Avrote his first edition. After the specimen at Thro2:"''s Neck (Mr. Ashe's), the next best we know of is at Woodlawn (Mr. Field's), at Princeton, N. J., where a specimen (Fig. 38) planted in 1842 is now thirty-six feet high, bearing cones, and may be considered beyond all risk ; and also some trees at Laurel Hill Cemetery, near Philadelphia, planted by Mr. J. J. Smith, the founder of that most lovely and interesting of rural cemeteries. These trees were only slightly browned in the severe winters of 1855-6. But Mr. Field's soil is a light sandy loam, and that of Laurel Hill, a gravel or disentegrated rock, lying high above the surface of the Schuylkill, and so protected by trees as to allow even the Gordonia pubescens to flourish to the height of forty feet, strewing the ground in September with its fragrant blossoms. In both these cases, as in our own, the soil has been dry, and the tree not stimulated by a damp, rich position ; and although the winter of 1855-6 reduced, with us, a tree of fifteen feet to eight, yet other specimens, a little less exposed to the full influence of the morning sun, suffered simply a little browning of the leaves, and have since gone through an ordinary winter without any injury, leading us to 494 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. the conclusion that in this huitude, the Cedav of Lebanon may be considered fairly hardy, but " t^low ;" and though not grow- ing with mucli rapidity, and occasionally liable to lose a little in the winter of what it has made in the summer, yet on the whole, like the tortoise in the fable, we believe it will come out first in the end, and should be much more generally planted. At Washington, Mr. Saul writes us, it is perfectly hardy, specimens in the Capitol grounds being twelve feet high ; and at Yorkville, it is returned as hardy ; but at Flushing and at Elizabethtown its reputation is a little qualified, though sup- posed to become hardy as it advances. At Augusta, Ga., it is straggling and uncertain ; and in Ohio, both in the neighbor- hood of Columbus and Cincinnati, it is very much injured by severe winters. ' Cephalotaxus. The Clusteu-Floweked Yeavs. This fine genus, as yet very new, deriving its name (Ks^aXv^ — kephale — a head, and Ta^is — taxis — arrangement), from the flowers and fruit growing in close, globular heads, is likely, we think, to become a great acquisition in this country. With us it has proved quite as hardy as the Common English yew, and although like that plant, the foliage is much finer and darker in the shade, yet we have had no difficulty, for the past three years, in growing it in the sun. The only varieties as yet known here, we think, are : Cephulolaxus Forluni — mas, and femina — (Fortune's Male and Female cephalotaxus), found by Mr. Fortune in the north of China, particularly in the province Yang-Sin, and also in Japan, growing from forty to fifty feet high — the foliage, not unlike that of the torreya, is longer and wider than the yew. With us the male plant seems the most hardy, the female hav- ing suffered somewhat in the winter of 1850-7. C. drupacea — (The Plum-fruited cephalotaxus), is another fine variety which has proved hardy with us. It resembles very much the Irish yew, and also the Taxus, or more properly the Podocarpus Japonica. Mr. Carriere, in his excellent work on Conifers, makes it a synonym of the Female cephalotaxus Fortuni, but our plant certainly differs much from this, in hav- ing both darker and shorter foliage; grows about 20 feet high. Cephalotaxus pedunculata, and C. umhraculifera, are the thp: newer evergreen ornamental trees. 495 two remaining varieties of the genus, and we think, are likely 10 prove as hai'dy as the jireceding ones. Chamctcyparis. The White Cedar. Cltamcccyparis spha:roida variegata — soraetiraes called both Thuja and Cujjressus variegata — is, beyond doubt, we think, a beautiful golden variety of the White cedar, great use of which is made in England, combined with the Golden and Silver yews, and the Golden and Variegated arbor vitne. We have had it out but one winter, but we see no reason why it should not prove hardy. Cryptomeria. The Japan Cedar. Cryplomeria, — (The Japan cedar) ; from Krupios, hidden, and Meris, a part. C. Jap)onica. — This exquisite tree, deservedly called the " Queen of Evergreens," is a native of China, growing sixty to one hundred feet high. It was discovered in 1784, by Pro- fessor Thunbergh, and only introduced into England by Mr. Fortune, in 1844, where it succeeds perfectly well and is the, or certainly one of the most charming of the newer ever- greens. With us, in the Southern States, it succeeds admirably ; but farther north it is apt to suffer from our severe winters. At Wodcnethe we have little trouble in growing it in a wood, and we have one specimen, which we are in the habit of starv- ing in very poor soil, and on a side hill quite exposed to the strong west winds, which has been out five years and does not even brown. This tree has a worse habit than the Deodar, of growing late into the autumn. Where this can be partially pre- vented, by thin, light soil, especially with some shade from a wood or buildings, we believe, as far north as Fishkill, it can be grown, though, perhaps, never to develop its full and grace- ful beauties. Near Philadelphia, at Chestnut Hill, it sometimes suffers, though last winter not at all ; and at Laurel Hill it has stood for several severe winters, without injury, under the shade of other trees. At Newport, it is tolerably hardy, there being epeclraens ten feet high. Near Boston, the roots keep alive, but no pi'ogress is made in the tree. At Washington, there is a specimen in La Fayette Square, planted by Mr. Downing in 1852, and never protected, which has reached fourteen 496 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. feet, and is very beautiful. At Elizabethtowu, it succeeds when sheltered. At Flushing, the extremities of the branches suffer in severe winters, and at Yorkville, near New York, it is considered hardy under favorable circumstances, as also at " Woodlawn," N. J., the residence of Mr. Field, Avhere there are specimens twenty-nine feet in circumference, though not proportionally high. In Ohio, it is killed to the ground in severe winters. This is another of those evergreens, Avhich grown in tubs, ten to fifteen feet high, and planted (plunged) out in summer, would produce most agreeable effects in orna- mental grounds, with no care in winter beyond removing it to a cellar or cool green -house, C. Japoiiica viridis, C. Japonica lohhii, C. Japonica nana. — These three are only varieties of the one above described, and we presume no more hardy, unless it be Lohhii, introduced from the Dutch Botanic gardens at Batavia. C. nana, which is a mere dwarf-bush, always seems to suffer with us more from the sun in summer tlian the cold in winter. We have a fourth variety, received from France, called Pendula, rather more slender and pendulous than Japonica. CUNNINGHAMIA. Cunninghamia. — A small tree, native of Japan and China, named after its discoverer, Mr. Cunningham. There are but two varieties, of which C. Sinensis or C. lanceolala, is the one most generally cultivated in this country. In its general char- acter and appearance, it resembles very much Araucaria imhri- cata, with lance-like leaves, though lighter green. With us it stands generally better than the araucaria, and will make an admirable substitute for this tree, if it should prove hardy. At Baltimore, Ave have seen a plant six or eight feet high, and apparently quite vigorous. At Newport, it is also regarded as quite hardy, and a great accession. Specimens there are six feet high, and near Natchez, fifteen to eighteen feet, nearly half its full size, and always untouched by winter. At Flush- ing it stands about as well as the cryptomeria, and will proba- bly prove about as reliable as this tree ; as yet it is compara- tively new, and we have but few returns about it. C. (jlauca, the remaining variety, differs only in its leaves being silvery. THE NEWER EVEKGKEEX ORNAMENTAL TREES. 497 Cupressus. Thk True Cypress. This fine genus — not mentioned by Mr. Downing in the early edition of his work, and of which there are now some twenty varieties known and cultivated in Enghmd — seems peculiarly nnsuited to this climate. The cypress is found indigenous in the south of Europe, China, Mexico, the East Indies, and a few varieties, erroneously classed among our cedars and junipers, in this country. There are but three varieties which may be considered as fairly hardy, and as some of these are better known under different names, we may say there is not one hardy cypress, distinctly known and recognized as such, that is cultivated in the northern and middle portion of the United States. The half-hardy varieties, such as attenuctta, e.rcelsa, sempervirens, Goveniana, Lusitanica,torulosa. Rnd a few otliers, can probably never be cultivated, unless in pots, except at the extreme south. The only species we can rely upon here will be : C. Nootkaensis (the Nootka Sound cypress), but better known here as 2'huiopsis BoreaUs, is a tall ever- rp, . ■ rr ^, 4 1 green tree, reachino; the height of one hun- Tnuiopsis Tcnugatskoy. » 500 dred feet, with widely expanded branches, very flexible ; as it advances, the limbs are covered with small blisters, which, on being punctured, emit a fine aromatic balsam, whence is derived another synonym, ah'ies aromatica. It is also found in Russia, near Lake Tschondskoe. It is but yet very new, even in England; our specimens have been out two win- ters and are perfectly hardy, as it will probably prove to be in every northern part of the United States. C. pendula. — There are three Weeping cypresses, one a synonym of Thvja filiformis, or Biota Jiliformis (Weeping arbor vita;), which we have already described as very beautiful and perfectly hardy ; a second, a synonym of C. torulosa, a variety ot which we have mentioned above as only adapted for the extreme south;* and a third, a synonym of C. funebris. C. funebris (the Weeping or Funebral cypress), is another tree like the Deodar cedar and cryptuvieria, of which much was expected, but little obtained. It was first noticed, we believe, by Lord McCartney in his (expedition to China, who described it as having the appearance as x.n immense evergreen Weeping willow, but it was only in- * Mr. Buist thinks this iiiav prove hardy near Philadelphia. 32 4iJ8 LANDSCAPE GAEDEXING. troduioed into England, many years subsequently, by Mr. For- tune, from the celebrated tea country " Wheychou," in the north of China. It is described as attaining a height of sixty feet, with horizontal branches, sweeping upwards with its grace- ful curves and dropping again at the points. We observe, from our returns, it has been tried in many parts of the United States, but, so far, has only succeeded well at Augusta, Ga., where both Messrs. Berckmans and Mr. Redmond report most favorably as to its hardihood ; with us it has succeeded but in- differently, though having had every advantage from poor soil and a protecting wood. Even in "Washington, it is too tender to be relied on. C. Lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress), the most beautiful of the cypresses, if not of trees, raised from seed in 1857, collected and sent to England by Mr. Murray. It grows one hundred feet high, and is found along the banks of streams and in the vallies of the mountains of Northern California, in latitude 40° to 42°. There is one very distinctive characteristic about it, which we have observed, and by which it can readily be recognized, the drooping of the leading shoots like the Deodar. The tops of the branches hang down like an ostrich feather. It is said to resemble the C. Nuikacnsis [Thuiopsis Burealis), described above, but our plants are much more slender and graceful. We have strong hopes this charming evergreen may be acclimatized. Our trees are out for their first winter. It is also on trial at Cincinnati. It is still very rare and ex- pensive ; small plants, eight to ten inches high, costing a guinea. Dacnjdium. Dackydium. A very rare genus, found only in New Zealand and the East Indies, and so tender as hardly worth Avhile being mentioned, except that a new variety, lately introduced into England, promises to be hardy there, and may consequently be in certain parts of the United vStates. This variety, D. FranUinii (Iluon pine), is found in Van Dieman's Land, and becomes a tree of one hundred feet high, thickly covered with spray ; the branches THE NEWEK EVERGREEN ORNAilENTAL TREES. 499 are numerous, dense, long, and very flexible in our plants (in pots) like whip-cords. We have not received any reports of this tree. D. Cupressinum (the Cypress-like dacrydium), though not hardy, is well worthy of cultivation in pots. It is exceedingly graceful and pretty, with slender, delicate, almost thread-like, drooping shoots, thickly clothed with small, spiny leaves. A specimen we have, about eight feet high, is much admired There are several other varieties for the conservatory. Fiiz Roya Patagonia. The Patagonian Fitz Roya. A laro'e evergreen tree, found in the mountains of Patagonia growing one hundred feet high, but introduced within the past three years into England, where so far it stands well. Our specimens are out for their first winter. We have every reason to suppose this may survive our climate ; since in its native country it diminishes from one hundred feet in the valleys, to only a few inches on the borders of perpetual congelation. Glyptostrohus. The Embossed Cypress. This new genus, which has been but lately introduced under this name (derived from " Ghjpho," embossed, and " strohus," a cone), but has been previously by some botanists regarded as a Taxodium ; is a native of China, where it is called the Water pine. The only variety of this genus, apparently recognized as dis- tinct by the English, is G. hcterophyllus, known also as Thuja pensilis, and Taxodium Japonicum ; although Endlicher has another and very beautiful variety, which we have found per- fectly hardy at Wodenethe, more so even than G. heterop)hyl- his. This is the Glyptostrohus sinensis j)e?idulus, which is also recognized under this name by the French arboriculturists, though in the English Pinetums, and by Gordon, in his very excellent work on Conifers, it is classed as a Taxcdium ; and we have imported it fiom France as Glyptodrobus sinensis pen- dulus ; from England, as Taxodium sinense pendulum ; while in 500 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. our nurseries, it is sold as the Weeping deciduous cypress ; :iud we think it is generally regarded by those who have it in this country (which are very few), as identical with our South- ern deciduous or Swamp cypress, and only a pendulous and more delicate variety of it ; this is also the classification of the English. Under this embarrassment, we sent specimens of the three varieties to that distinguished botanist, Dr. Gray, who replied that, in his opinion, " the Genus Glyptostrohus will be adopted as distinct from Tazodium, though most resembling it ;" that Glyptostrohus s. 2^endiilus and Taxodium s. pendulum are the same thing, under different names ; •' while G. hctero- 2)hyllus is the allied species, and probably not distinct." The Taxodium pendulum is one of the most graceful and exquisite little trees, which will survive the rigor of our north- ern winters. With us, as before stated, it is untouched by the severest weather. The resemblance to the Southern deciduous or Swamp cy- press, which has led to its being confounded with this variety is chiefly in the autumn, when the leaves are expanded and spread out very much like it ; but in the earlier spring months, they are twisted and compressed around the stem, having a very peculiar wavy and curl id appearance. At Newport, in New Jersey, and at Flushing, this ti'ee is returned as hardy and very superb. Juniperus. The Juniper. Of this large and important family of plants, J. Virginiana, commonly called the Red Cedar, was tlie only variety men- tioned by Mr. Downing. The name itself is derived from the Celtic word Juneprus, meaning rough or rude, from the stiff character of tlie plants, or from Juniores pariens, the old and young leaves and berries being on the plant at the same time. There are some twenty-six to thirty varieties known and cul- tivated in Europf^, of which nineteen or twenty have reached the collections in this country. Of these, alphabetically, the first on the list is J. Bed- fordiana^ a slender variety of J. Virginiana, found on THE NEWER EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 501 the island of Barbadoes, and the Windward Islands, and Syn. erroneously cultivated by these three names, J. Barbadensis. ^jy gf^ch of whicli we have it. We ob- J. Gossainthania. . i i • serve irom our returns, that this tree, under these three names, is also pretty generally cultivated at the prin'cipal nurseries in this country; and while J. Gossain- thania is generally considered perfectly hardy, and J. Bed- fordiana nearly as much so at Newport, Washington, and New Jersey, J. Barbudensis is reported as tender in the one or two places where tried, from which, it is evident, there is some confusion in the synonym. It is a pretty, graceful, slender tree, with drooping branches ; when fully grown, some fifty feet high. J. Cah'fornica (Californian juniper). — Is an extremely pretty, delicate variety from California, with glaucous leaves, attaining an altitude, in its native country, of forty feet. We received this variety from Messrs. Ellwanger & Barry two years since, and have not yet ventured it out. It is more rare in England than here, being classed among those of which little is known. J. Canadensis (Canadian or Common juniper). — This well Syn. known species in our Northern States, and the J. deprcssa. northern parts of North America, Labrador, New- foundland, &c., is merely a bush, with a loose open head, from three to five feet high. It is sometimes confounded with the Dwarf juniper of Europe, but has a smaller and lighter foliage, with rather more of an upright tendency ; per- fectly hardy. eri (Eraser's Silver fir) — A variety probably of our „ ^ common Balsam fir, a little lighter, we think, in Finns Fiaseri. color ; supposed to have originated in the moun- Abies do. tains of Carolina and Pennsylvania. Neither THE NEWER EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 509 Carriere nor Gordon seem to place it anywhere else ; though Ave have trees sent to us from Vermont, by President Wheeler, of Burlington, which he thinks identical with the southern variety; and we must confess we quite coincide with him, though they may prove some sport of our ordinary double spruce. At any rate, both varieties are as hardy as possible. F. Fraseri Hudsonica (Hudson Bay Silver fir). — A pretty, flattish Dwarf variety of P. Fraseri, forming a dense close bush, never over three or four feet high, and, of course, a per- fectly hardy tree, coming, as it does, from the Hudson Bay Company's territories. P. nobilis (Noble Silver fir). — This supei'b variety well de- Syn. serves its name, reaching as it does an altitude of two Pinus nobilis. hundred feet, with regularly horizontal and spreading branches, and cinnamon-colored bark, forming im- mense forests upon the mountains of California. It M'as a dis- covery of Mr. Jeffrey, and proves unquestionably hardy wher- ever it has been tried. We have had it five or six years ; but our trees being raised from seed, instead of being grafted, were very small (three inches only) when planted, and are not over two to three feet high now ; and though fine in color and habit, do not yet show that grand characteristic which induced Mr. Downing, when in England, to describe it as the most ma- jestic of evergreens. At Elvaston Castle, there are speci- mens, says Mr. Buist (in his account of his visit to that remarkable place), finer than the Araucaria excelsa (the Nor- folk Island pine). It is perfectly hardy near Boston, at Flushing, New York, Baltimore, &c. ; and will prove equally so in all the middle portions, at least, of the United States. P. Nor-dmanniana (Nordmann's Silver fir). — Another superb Syn. Silver fir, quite as hardy as the preceding, Abies Nordmanniana. and as fine; indeed, we think even finer, when young. AVe have had it at Woden- ethe four or five years, and it has never suffered in our severest winters. It comes from the mountains of the Crimea, and reaches a growth of one hundred feet. P. pectinata (Common Silver fir). — A lofty tree, growing one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet high, found all over the Alps, and also on the Apennines and Pyrenees ; and yet, 510 LANDSCAPE GAKDENING. strange to say, it is somewhat capricious in the United States, and among our returns, we find in many places it is apt to lose its leader. This we believe, however, only takes place in young, and consequently succulent plants, which, as they advance in age, acquire a habit of solidifying, as it were, their growth, and escape injury. We have specimens fifteen to eighteen feet high, which are very perfect, and never suffer. Tlie finest specimen we know in the country is one near Germantown, Pa. (Fig. 37.) P. peciinata pendula (Weeping Silver fir) — Is a dis- tinct and very rare variety of the Common Silver fir, which we had for many years — perfectly hardy, with peculiarly droop- ing branches. It is of French origin, we believe, P. peciinata variegata (Variegated Silver fir) — Is very similar (though distinct) to the P. Fraseri variegata ; hardy. P. pectinata nana (Dwarf Silver fir) — A pretty little shrub, quite hardy, and only growing two or three feet high. P. grandis (Great Silver fir). — Another of the grand dis- coveries of Mr. Jeffrey, on Fraser's River — a superb tree, growing to the height of two hundred and eighty feet, and resembling in its character and habits the Common Silver fir, but much finer and more gigantic. Our specimens are only eight to ten inches high, and we do not know of any others in the country any or much larger; and although from its des- cription we have every reason to suppose it will prove hardy, still we have no authority for saying so. The tree is still too young and costly (two guineas each), to make the attempt quite yet. The only report of it is from Washington, Avhere there are plants in Mr. Corcoran's grounds, two feet high, per- fectly hardy. P.pichta (Pitch or Siberian Silver fir). — Although this tree ^„„ does not become so majestic as the preceding, p. Siberica. yet it is a remarkably fine variety, and well worthy extensive cultivation. It is perfectly hardy, and has a superb luxuriant growth, which is most refreshing. It is not very unlike a very fine Balsam fir, though much denser, softer, and deeper foliage. It is found in the mountains of Siberia and Altai, and rarely exceeds twenty-five to thirty feet. There THIL NEWER EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 511 is another variety, with longer and more glaucous leaves, called P. longifoUa. 1\ Pindrow (Upright Indian Silver fir)— A fine tree, grow- Syn. inor from eighty to one hundred feet, and Ta'i;:IatS;na. found OH the mountains of Bootan, at an elevation of eleven to twelve thousand feet. In this country, this variety has been constantly confounded with P. Webhlana, which it so closely resembles as to require the nicest scrutiny to detect the difference. It also, like the Webbiana, suffers from losing its leader, and on this account, even in England, it is recommended to be planted on the north of woods or build- ings; with this protection it may be classed as tolerably hardy. * P. Pinsapo (Pinsapo fir).— This is a Spanish fir, very dis- ^^.^ tinctive, and perfectly hardy everywhere, as Abies Pinsapo. far as tried. Our best specimen is ten feet Pinus do. j^jgj^^ ^^^ exceedingly fine, being as regular and symmetrical as the Balsam fir. Its greatest altitude is seventy to eighty feet. It is found in Spain, on the moun- tains between Ronda and Malaga ; also in Granada, and on the jighest parts of the Sierra de la Nieve— even near the summits, where snow lies at least five months in the year. P. Webbiana (Webb's Indian fir)— A superb tree, growing from seventy to eighty feet high ; discovered on '^^rwesspectabiiis. the Ilimmalayas above an elevation of ten thou- A. densa. sand, and Dr. Hooker found it in Sikkin at an Pinus stria a, e c. ^^^^,^j. j^^ ^^ thirteen thousand feet. A beauti- ful dye of an exquisite violet tint is extracted from the cones, whence the name by which it is known in this country, '-Webb's Purple coned fir :" like P. Pmdroio, it suffers in its leader, if ex- posed, but does pretty well in a wood. Pinus. The Pine. Of this, the largest and most important family of evergreens, there are, at present, known and cultivated in England and in collections on the Continent, about sixty varieties ; twenty-four of whi(;h have proved hardy in the United States, or, at least, in our portion of it on the Hudson River-and there are a few 512 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. more, besides, which may possij^ly become acclimatized iu a few years. Six of these have already been described by Mr. Downing, in his early editions, leaving a gain of eighteen new varieties — a great many for so valuable a genus, and in so short a time as ten years. In our Soutliern States, the whole sixty varieties now known abroad, could undoubtedly be grown with entire success ; we therefore propose, in describing the twenty-four varieties which we have ourselves tested, to give some brief mention of the most prominent and desirable of the others, which at the North can only be cultivated in tubs, and kept in green-houses during the winter. P. auslralis (Southern pine). — This superb tree, more com- monly known as the Georgia pine, is found from byn. •' . . P. Palustris, Virginia to Georgia, growing to the height of P. Georgiea. gjxty to Seventy feet, with a bright green foliage* nearly a foot long in young plants. We have great hope that this tree may be acclimatized here. In Philadelphia, Mr. Buist regards it as hardy ; at Elizabethtown it succeeds when sheltered by evergreens, there being specimens there six feet high. There is anotlier variety, with much longer leaves, and said to be much hardier, withstanding the coldest weather in Germany, and coming from the northwest coast of America, which would, no doubt, prove entirely hardy, since it was raised, as we believe, from seed in Messrs. Booths' nurseries at Hamburgh, where we remember we were informed peach trees would not stand. P. Apulcensls (Apulco pine). — This variety, from the Tal- lies -of Mexico, is likely to prove too tender for any but our Southern States ; it reaches a height of forty to fifty feet. P. Ayacahnite (Ayacahnite pine). — 'This pretty and effec- tive pine, with a soft, vivid foliage, has been out with us, two or three years, in a sheltered position, and seems tolerably hardy ; it somewhat resembles our native White pine, only is much softer and brighter. It is from the mountains of Mexico. P. Auotriaca (Austrian pine). — This valuable tree, perfectly g^ji hardy everywhere, is found on the mountains in •'• nigra, Austria, Styria, Transylvania, &e., and reaches a height of one hundred to one hundred and twenty THE NEWER EVEKGKEEN OKNAMENTAL TEEE8. 513 feet. Take it all in all, we do not know a finer or more avail- able evergreen. It grows in any soil and has a strong, ram- pant, healthy look, which is positively refreshing when sur- rounded by its more delicate companions, the half-hardy ones It is very rapid in its progress, and has a firm, stocky growth, retaining its fine green color during our hottest summers and coldest winters. In Austria it is very much esteemed for charcoal, and the wood is said to resist the alternations oi moisture and dryness better, even, than the Larch. By some, il is supposed to be only a variety of lariclo. P. Banksiana (Sir Joseph Banks' pine) — Is a stunted, scrubby, straggling bush, from five to ten feel ^p' Hudsonica. kighj in good '"^oil it reaches, sometimes, fifteen feet. It is found in the most northern parts ol North America, in Maine, Nova Scotia, Labrador, &;c., and is only valuable to complete a collection. P. Beardsleyi. — We are inclined to think both these trees are identical, and are synonymous with P. fon- ^'^J!;- . derosa, though they are sold as distinct in the p. Craigeana. ' ° •' English nurseries, and in ours also. They belong to what are called the "Long-leaved Californians," such as Benthamiana, Ponderosa, Macrocarpa, &c., and when young, they resemble each other so closely that we must confess we are puzzled to tell them apart, and are not surprised at the con- fusion. Carriere, in his liistoire General des Coniferes, makes Beardsleyi a distinct variety, but does not describe it, merely saying, it was introduced in seed in 1855, from North America; but Gordon, who seems the more thorough as well as the latest writer, regards them as synonyms of Ponderosa. In the absence of any more light, or until the trees get larger, so as to show the difference, if it exists, we shall adopt this classifi- cation, and refer our readers to our subsequent description of Ponderosa, for what may prove, presently, to answer for these trees. P. Bmthamiana (Bentham's pine). — This superb tree, said to be the grandest of the '• Long-leaved Califor- ^'•'^\. , . . nians," was found by Mr. Hartweg, on the moun- P. Sinclam. ' •' . tains of Vera Cruz, where he discovered specimens two hundred to two hundred and twenty feet high, with stems 33 514 LANDSCAPK GAEDENING. twenty-eight feet in circumference. It seems peculiarly a mountain pine, flourishing above the region of P. Sabiniana, and in the greatest abundance, near Monterey, and on the mountains above Bear Creek. The timber is said to be the most valuable of the pines, though at five dollars apiece for small plants eight to twelve inches high, we are not likely to test this excellence for some years. It proves very hardy at AVodenethe. Our specimens, but slightly protected, have stood for three years without injury. It is also hardy at " Wellesley," near Boston, the residence of Mr. Hunnewell. In the public grounds at Washington, there are fine specimens three and four feet high. At Yorkville, it is hardy, though the plants being very small, are often under the snow. At Flushing, on the contrary, it is returned ''not hardy," and it may belong to those pines which do not flourish near the sea. Being still very rare and costly, it has not yet been much planted. P. Brutia (Calabrian Cluster pine). — A fine lofty tree of si.vty to seventy feet, and bright green foliage, „■ , . with spreading head, found in Calabria, and P. conglomerata. i o ' closely resembling P. Jlalepcnsis (the Aleppo pine). It is not unlike, in its general appearance, some of the numerous varieties of Maritima ; it proves perfectly hardy with us, having been out several winters. P. CanarienHS (Canary Island pine). — A charming, grace- ful, slender pine, with long pendulous leaves, growing seventy to eighty feet, in its own country, but too tender for any thing but pot-culture here, tiiough it might do at the extreme South. P. Cemhra (Swiss Stone pine). — All travellers who have crossed Mount Cenis and the Tyrol, must have p. Helvetica. been Struck with the. vast forests of this tree, p. montana, &c. -which abound in those stupendous regions. It is the pine of the Alps ; and as such must prove hardy anywhere at the North. It grows about fifty feet high, but very slowly, though always forming a pretty, compact tree. There are many synonyms, and two varieties ; the Siberian Stone pine, with shorter, denser, and greener leaves, and the Dwarf Cembran pine, found on the rocks of the Ural Mountains. The seeds of all three of these varieties are eatable. THE NEWER EVERGREEN ORXAilENTAL TREES. 515 P. Devoniana (Duke of Devonshire pine) — A fine, delicate, pendulous tree, with a charming green foliage, re- ^^"' <;emblinf^ very much our P. palustris — called p. Blanco. o ./ ... also, Pino real, or Royal pine, from its majestic character. It is from Mexico, growing 80 feet high — tolerably- hardy in England, and perhaps in our Southern States, but too tender for us at the North, except for pot-culture. P. exceha (Lofty Bhotan pine).— We hardly know what to say of this splendid tree, called by Mr. ^^v. pendnla. Downing, that " affectedly pretty pine." It is p. Xepaiensis. universally returned to us as hardy, from all *'■' "^ parts of the country, though sometimes suffer- ing from sun in summer. Near Boston, this is the case, and at Natchez, where plants have to be shaded from the summer sun. Mr. Barry writes us from Rochester, it is hardy there, but will not make an old tree. Our own trees at Wodenethe, which perhaps are some of the oldest in the country, being, or rather having been, sixteen and eighteen feet high, certainly suffer from sun and not cold. The winter of '55 and '56, which de- stroyed some and damaged many other white pines here, and even road-side cedars, produced no effect upon this tree, which was entirely unprotected and uninjured ; and yet often in midsum- mer, it will become ruptured in its leading shoots, and die back. This may be on the prhiciple of the frozen sap-blast in fruit trees, where the damage done in winter, does not de- velope the injury before the succeeding summer ; but we are more inclined to believe, that the tree, if planted in rich holes, over- grows, and a sort of apoplexy supervenes. We form this theory^ from observing that, where a great redundancy of growth has taken place, and the leading shoot is three or four feet long and extremely succulent, this rupture is most often the result, when the sun being hot, activity of circulation is excessive ; when, however, the exuberance of growth is checked by poor, thin soil, the tree grows enough, and seems to mature its wood as it advances through the summer — at any rate sutHcient to withstand what might be called determination of sap to the head ; so that in future we shall always plant Excelsas in poor soil. The variety itself is found in Nepaul, in the mountains, and in Bhotan, above the region of the Deodar. It reaches a 516 LANDSCAPE GAIiDENING. height of one hundred and fifty feet. It is sometimes called the Himalayan Weeping fir. Take it all in all, it has been the greatest favorite, and the most successful of all the new coni- fers — having a charmingly graceful habit, and soft, pretty glau- cous foliage. P. filifolia (Thread-leaved pine). — Certainly this and P. patula are the most delicate and graceful of pines, ^* .. exquisite for pot-culture, but too tender for any portion of this country, except the extreme South. It is a native of Guatemala, growing there to the height of forty to sixty feet, and resembling very much our Georgia pine [P. 2^(thtsfris), with its long, beautiful, thready leaves, twelve to fourteen inches in length. P. Jiexilis (Contorted-branched pine). — This curious tree was found by Mr. JeflTery, at an elevation of nine thousand feet, and even fourteen thousand, in the neighborhood of Fraser's river, where it makes a small tree of forty feet high, with a peculiarly flattened head ; and on the highest portion of the mountain, where it degenerates into a shrub of only three feet high, it becomes so compact that a person may walk on the top of it. It has not been introduced here yet, and hardly into England ; but from its being found so near the snow-line, we should suppose it might prove hardy. P. Fremontiana (Colonel Fremont's pine). — This pine was gy^^ discovered by Col. Fremont, during his explor- P. monophylla. ing expedition, when crossing the Sierra Nevada, growing on both sides, extending over the top of that great, snowy chain. It does not reach a size of over twenty feet, is very spreading in its habits, and will probably prove perfectly hardy in this country, since Col. Fremont often found the thermometer at two degrees below zero, at night, and four feet of snow where the tree grew. The seeds are eatable, and are quite an article of commerce with the Indians, in the season, under name of Nut pine. P. Gerardiana (Gerard's pine). — A slow-growing but vigor- ous variety from the mountain of Kunawar, in p. Ncoza. India, reaching the height of fifty feet, and p. Auckiandii. forming a close, compact head ; the leaves of ° ' these are stiff, and of a bluish green. We had this THE NEWER EVERGKEEN ORNAIVIENTAL TREES. 517 twelve years ago as (if we are not mistaken) " Tiie Short-leaverl Weymouth," which we never thought correct, but there was so little to distinguish it from an ordinary pine that we replaced it by something more valuable. It was perfectly hardy. P. Halepensis (Aleppo, or Jerusalem pine). — This variety resembles the Bi'utia (which we have P. Hicrosoiymitana. already described) so much as to be often P. genuensis. ^^-^^ f^^. j^^ ^y^ cannot quite, as yet, make up our mind whether it will stand our climate here, or not. It does very well in a wood, and a specimen more exposed, does equally well, ^f it is true ; but the resemblance to Brutia is so great that it maybe this variety; Maritima is often confounded with it. Messrs. Ilovey, in Boston, report it as hardy and fine there ; but their plants, like ours, may prove Brutias, or some- thing else. It is found on the east and west sides of the Apennines, and in Sicily, among the rocks in Lybia, and in Greece, growing to be a tree of thirty feet, P. Hartioegii (Hartweg's pine). — This is a fine variety that we remember to have struck us very forcibly ten Syn. P. resinosa. years ago, in England (when very small), from p. standishi. j.|^g ^^^^^ dcnsB color of the foliage. It is one of the Mexican pines, forty to fifty feet high, and beginning on the mountains at ten thousand feet elevation, where the Picea relif^iosa ceases. We have tried it for several years with but indifferent success, and have abandoned it as too tender for any climate north of Virginia. It is too coarse for pots. P. inops (The New Jersey pine). — This variety, too well g known to need description, is found from Carolina P. variabilis, to the Hudson River, but does, we think, extend beyond it. It has a spreading top, and is thirty to forty feet hi"h, and, of course, must be planted in collections, though hardly otherwise would be selected by the amateur. P. insignis (the Remarkable pine). — We regret that this „ certainly most beautiful pine will not p. Caiifornica, of Loisel. resist our winters, even in a wood ; P.minteragensis. i\,oxxg\l it will, no doubt, do well and prove a very great acquisition in our Southern States. It is so attractive in its appearance, that it was one of the earliest of the new conifers tried here, but without any success. It is 518 LANDSCArE GARDENING. found in many portions of California, growing to the height of eighty to one hundred feet. F. Jeffreiji (.Jeffrey's pine). — "We doubt if this has been tried at all in this country yet. Our own plants are extremely small, and not yet out. It is a majestic tree, one hundred and fifty feet high, from Northern California. P. Lamhertiana (Lambert's pine). — This superb variety, reach- ing an altitude of one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet, and twenty to sixty feet in girth near the ground, is from the northern parts of California ; and is, without doubt, perfectly hardy in this latitude. Our plants have escaped injury the severe winters of '55 and 'oG. Our reports from Boston, Flush- ing, New Jersey, and Washington all coincide as to its hardi- hood ; so that we may place this among the "sf//e trees." Its resemblance to the Piniis strobus (White pine) has been stated as an objection, but it might resemble a worse tree ; besides, we do not think this is quite so. To us it is very distinctive ; and it has long been a great favorite with us for its fine, deep green, and vigorous, healthy habit. It has this merit, to say the least, even if its character is not as marked as many of the less ro- bust pines. P. laricio (the Corsican pine). — This tree with many syn- Syn. onyms, is a native, as its name im- P. maritima. jj^ ^^ Corsica, though found also in r. Corsicana pyramidalis, &c. ' . Europe, Greece, and Spain ; and is the great tree upon Mount ^tna, growing rapidly to a height of eighty to one hundi'ed and thirty feet. It is quite as hardy as Lambertiana, or Austriaca, all over the country, having some- what the robust habit of the latter, only a less vivid green. Some of our specimens of this variety made leading shoots last year of five feet. P. I. C(dahrica (the Calabrian pine), P. I. Caramanka (the Caramanian pine), P. L ivj(jma:a (the Dwarf Corsican), and P. I. contoita (the Twisted Corsican), are only varieties. P. leioplujUa (the Smooth-leaved Mexican pine). — A large tree, with an irregular open head, vertical branches, and droop- ing foliage, growing sixty to one hundred feet high ; from the mountains of Angangueo, in Mexico, and is called by the na- tives " Ocote Chino," from its abundance of resin, and being THE NEWEIl EVEKGREEN OENAMENTAL TEEES. 519 used for torches and candles. The wood is so hard, as tc resist the plane. The tree is too tender for the Middle States, but would doubtless succeed south of Virginia. P. Lindkyana (Dr. Lindley's pine). — This variety, often con- gyji_ founded with Montezuma^, and as such, imported P. Montezumae. \^y ug some year or so ago, is really quite dis- tinct, and is a robust, bushy looking tree of forty feet; ibund near the " Sumate," on the mountains of Mexico. It Avill, no doubt, prove hardy, coming from so high an elevation. We do not know that it has as yet been tried, nor do we think it very desirable, except in very full collections. P. lonr/ifoUa (the Long-leaved pine). — This is one of the Sijn. class of exquisite pines, of which P. jillfoUa, p. serenagensis. patula, Canariends, and even Australia are also representatives. Tliey are all, except Australis (Palustris), too tender even for the climate of Great Britain, and will not of course do at all here, except in Georgia, the Carolinas, and our Southern States, where no greater addition to ornamental plan- tations can be made ; they are charming for pot-cuUure with us, Avhich is the only way they grow tliem in England gene- rally. The timber of Longifolia is excellent, and full of resin, which is another recommendation for the South. The foliage is of an exquisite light green, and the leaves, twelve to fourteen inches long, delicate and thready. It comes from the lower ranges of the Himmalayan moun- tains, from Bootan to Affghan, growing forty to one hundred feet high, with a peculiar spiral arrangement of bark and fibre, like a cork-screw. The chips are used in India for candles, and are called " Chamsing" (night lights). According to Dr. Hooker, ink is made in Sikkin from the charcoal of the burnt leaves mixed with water. It is also remarkable for its fragrance. P. macrocarpa (Dr Coulter's pine). — This is a grand tree, ^iin- which we have had several years under each of P.Sabiniana. ^^^^ above names ; though now we believe culti- P. macrocarpa. yators have Settled down upon macrocarpa and CouUeri, as the proper ones. "^Our best specimens would have been eight to ten feet high, having worked through the winters of '55 and '6Q, with very trifling injury, when, unfortunately, 520 LANDSCAPE GAKDENING. all the terminal buds were eaten off by sheep ; and though the trees might have stood climate alone, yet they were unable to resist both climate and sheep, and they consequently perished. It has rugged, stiff leaves, ten or twelve inches long, and becomes a very striking tree, eighty to one hundred feet high ; from the moun- tains of Santa Lucia, in California, at an elevation of three or four thousand feet. P. macrophylla (the Long-leaved Mexican). — An uncom- Sr/n. monly fine variety, which we lost in the winter of P. Leroyi. 1855, in a very exposed situation, though we are not prepared to say it would have stood better in a protected one. It is a very sti-iking tree, from one of the highest moun- tains of Mexico, growing twenty to thirty feet high, with a fine, ample foliage, fifteen inches long. It is almost too stout and coarse for pot-culture, but would be very ornamental at the South, where it would grow perfectly well. P. maritima (the Maritime pine). — This tree, so called and so sold in our nurseries, is simply a nurseryman's name, there really being no such tree. It is very curious, but nevertheless true, that the greatest confusion prevails, both in the English and French nurseries, about this variety. In England, it is confounded often with P. pinaster, Halepensis, and Laricio ; and in France, with Pallasiana, Pithyusa (Halepensis), Lari- cio, and Pyrenaica, and made synonymous with each ; and in this country, it seems to represent any thing which is un- known. The specimens we have seen in our neighborhood as Mariti- ma, are probably Calabrica — a sub-variety of Laricio — and, we think, most Maritimas in our nurseries are Laricio or Pinaster. Representing, as it does, so many different trees, it is difficult to get any reputation about it which is to be depended on. In Boston, it is returned to us as tender, from which we assume that the variety there may be Pinaster, which is sometimes tender here ; while at Rochester, it is reported hardy, and may be Calabrica, or one of the hard)^ synonyms. At AVashington, the variety known as Maritima does well, and also at Eliza- bethtown ; but what these trees really are at these two places, we have no means of knowing, except that they are not Mari- timas. L^T'^ ^^^^^^^^T^^SiL^^!? TUE KEWER EVEKGUEEX ORNAMENTAL TKEES. 521 P. mitis (Yellow pine j.— This well-known variety, so com- s>jn- ixion once in many portions of the United States, re- p. variabilis. •j.^g ^^ description. It has been singularly con- P fng/Jo ^ ••111 P. royie'i. founded with many other varieties, and has only p. lutea. recently been distributed by the East India Com- pany, as a new species, under the name of P. roylei, which farther experience shows clearly was the common American yellow pine. P. monticola (the Mountain pine).— We have had this tree p. Lambcrtiana. out for Several years. It is quite as hardy as p. brevifoiia. ^ur White pine, and so closely resembling it as hardly to pass as distinct. It grows as tall as the White pine, but has a denser head, and shorter and more glaucous foliage- found on Trinity Mountain, in Northern California. P. Muntezuma (Montezuma Mexican pine). — This fine variety has stood out with us several winters, though somewhat protected. It is found on the mountains of Mexico, at an elevation of eleven thousand feet, growing forty to sixty feet high, with a spreading head. This does not appear as yet to l)e in any of the American collections besides our own. P. Mugho (the Mugan pine).— A small tree, thirty feet high, p. syivestris Mugbo. from the Alps, perfectly hardy everywhere, p.Mugbus. but not very attractive. There are four varieties, all small, and Mugho nana (Knee pine), not more than tliree feet high. P. nivea (the Snow pine)— Is only a variety of our common White pine (P. strohus), with the under part of the leaves, silvery — quite as hardy as its parent. P. pabistris. — We have already described as Australis. P. patitla (the Wide-spreading Mexican pine).— Of all the pines which we have ever seen, this is beyond measure the most graceful and charming, not only in its growth and habit,— a representation of which is given in Fig. 95 — but in the nature, softness, and color of ,its leaves. It resembles a beautiful, delicate green fountain of spun glass, and has a parti- color, like shot-silk, which catches the sunlight almost like a kaleidoscope. The leaves resemble the silk of maize, being as soft and delicate, and not unlike it in color. Although found in the colder regions of Mexico, on the Real del Monte 522 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. mountains, it has not the appearance of being hardy, and we have not yet attempted to acclimatize it — having but two plants, which are quite beautiful enough for pot-culture to satisfy any- body. It would unquestionably grow at the South. We have no reports about it, and know but one other specimen in the country, which is at Wellesley, near Boston, grown, like ours, in a pot. There are two other varieties, P.jjatida stricta (more erect), and P. patula viacrocarpa (much larger and taller) ; neither, we think, in this country. P. pinaster (Star or Cluster pine.) — This fine tree, which, when first introduced, and before thoroughly ^y'^' ,^ •, . tested, promised to be the most artistic of pines P. A epalensis. ' ^ ^ P. maiitima. (at least of available pines) — doing for our p. Japonica, landscape what P. plnea (the Stone pine) did seven others. foi' Claude in the Italian Landscape — has, in our latitude, proved itself a little questiona- ble. It will certainly stand uninjured our ordinary winters ; but such uncommon ones as those of 185o-G, when, with us, the mercury sank to twenty degrees below zero, destroyed, at "VVodenethe, specimens eighteen and twenty feet high, and this seems the experience of our returns. It is a most admirable tree for planting near the sea-shore, where it thrives wherever the climate will permit, and is to be found all along the Cornish road, bordering the Mediterranean, in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Japan, New Holland. Fi-om the facility with which it flourishes near the sefi, it received its synonym of marltima. No doubt P. pinaster HamiUonii, Lemohiana^ minor varlegata, are varieties. P. pohderosa (the Heavy-wooded pine.) — The hardiest., we should say, of all pines, not excepting our na- ^y^- tive AYhite pine, and iho, fastest grower. We have p. Craigeana. . . . r t • ^ • ^ P. Beardsieji. ^ specunon. Sixteen to eighteen leet high, raised from seed in less than seven years. This va- riety is gigantic in every sense of the word ; the new shoots are two or three times as thick as those of our White pine, and same with the buds. The annual leading shoots exceed a yard. It is from the Northwest coast of America and Califor- nia, where it grows one hundred feet high Although a strik- THE NEWER EVEEGKEEiSr ORNAMENTAL TREES. 523 ing, it is not a handsome tree, the interval between the tiers of branches being so wide and the foliage so coarse and sparse, as to give it a thin and naked look ; besides which, it has an ugly habit of working the crown of the root out of ground, so as to give the tree the appearance of insecurity. Our tree, though eighteen feet high, and grown from seed where it stands, still requires, or seems to require, support. It is, of course, hardy all over the United States — at least, we doubt if any cold will affect it, though it might suffer from sun in the ex- treme South. P. Pullasiana Tuurica (Taurian pine.) — A large tree, seventy to eighty feet high, found as yet only in the Crimea and along the coast of the Black Sea. We have specimens wiiich have been out several years without protection ; perfectly hardy, though not very distinctive, as it resembles exceedingly our White pine. P. pumilis (the Mountain pine.) — A remarkably stiff, un- graceful dwarf, resembling the Scotch fir — in Syn. ° . . P. Tartarian, Some favorable situations, becoming a tree thirty '^°- feet high, but genei'ally only a low, straggling, slow-growing bush. It is very common on the Alps and the Cai-patliian Mountains; perfectly hardy. P. pinea (Italian Stone pine). — No one, we think, who has 'S'2/"- ever been to Rome, Avill have forgotten the p'. domestica. Colonna pine, which, together with St. Peter's, P. arctica, &c. divided one's enthusiasm, at the first sight of the eternal city. This superb object, rising abruptly from the midst of the Colonna gardens, is so much associated in our early recol- lections, with all views of Rome, that now it is gone,* it would really seem as if we had lost an old friend. It is the great tree of Claude, and all the old masters, and no Italian garden would seem quite perfect without it. It is generally, we think, too tender for this climate, though suited well to the South. We have tried many times to acclimatize it ; but though it may struggle on for a few years, yet it never would form, pro- Dably, the picturesque tree, so valuable for the composition of certain landscape effects. * Blown down in 1851. 524 LANDSCArE GAKDENING. P. Pyrenaica (Pyrenean pine). — A very hardy, robust Syn. variety from the Pyrenees, perfectly hardy P. iiispamca. \\\i\\ us, havinsf survived several winters ; p. Mouspeliensis. " P. laricio, and but, like P. nivea and P. Pallasiana, too nine others. much resembling our native White pine to be very distinctive. P. racUuta (Radiated-cone pine). — This tree, from Upper California, is one of Dr. Coulter's introductions, closely resem- bling the P. insignis ; but, being a little denser and stouter, may prove hardier. It seems to thrive near the sea-shore ; the specimen found by Dr. Coulter being one hundred feet high, with a straight stem, feathered to the ground. The wood is much used at Monterey for boat-building. Not to our knowledge introduced here yet. P. rigida (Stiff-leaved pine). — Another of our " Native Syn. Americans," extending throughout the P. Canadensis-trifoiia. ^^ij^ig ^f jj^^ United States, as for north as Brunswick, in Maine. Not desirable, except to complete collections. P. resinosa (Red pine). — An American tree, principally Syn. found in Canada and Nova Scotia ; not very unlike p. rubra, &c. ^^jjg Corsican. It abounds in resin, and is esteemed for its strength and durability. P, Sahiniana (Sabine's pine). — This majestic tree — from the Cordilleras of Mexico, where it grows to the height of one hundred and fifty feet — is very distinctive, and, we believe, will prove hardy. Our trees have been out since the severe winters of 1855-'56, and stand in a protected place thus far very well. The tone of the foliage is peculiarly soft and pleasing, being of a light glaucous color. P. strobus (White or AVeymouth pine). — A description of this well-known tree will be found in the first part of the book, under Mr. Downing's section on evergreen trees. P. sylvestris (Scotch fir). — This valuable variety is also too well known to require description or even mention, beyond the fact that, take it all in all, it is perhaps the most important of all foreign pines. It is perfectly hardy everywhere in this country, and in Europe, where it is cultivated under twenty different names. ]t is not a beautiful tree, though it assumes, THE NEWER EVEJBGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 525 with age, a pood many picturesque forms. It is very cheap — • phints, two or three feet high, can be imported from tlie Eng- lish nurseries, at three or four doUars the hundred — and very valuable as a hack tree for planting out disagreeable objects and making screens. There are a good many varieties ; among them are, Variegata, whicli is with us as hardy as Sylvestris, having a golden stripe or blotch on tlie leaves ; Pygmea, a dwarf, of two feet or so ; Argentea, a silver-leaved variety. P. iceda (Loblolly pine). — Another of our native trees, found from Florida to Virginia, forming a tree Syn. . P. Virginiaiia. of eighty feet high, with a spreading head. This P. Pennifoiia. jj also Called the Frankincense pine, and is dis- tinguished by its delightful aroma. P. tubercidata (Tuberculated-cone pine). — We have but Syn^ lately had this variety, and by its synonymous p. Caiifornica. name [Calif omica) . It was discovered by Dr. Coulter, immediately on the beach, near Monterey, and after- wards was found on the Santa Cruz mountains, by Mr. Hart- vveg. Mr. Jeffrey, also, found it on an elevation of live thou- sand feet. It is said to be slow-growing, reaching a height of forty feet. Our specimens, so far, resemble P. Sabiniana. We have no reports about it, and never saw any other specimens except our own. PODOCARPUS. This comparatively rare genus obtains its name from two Greek words, •ffov^, a foot, and Kap^oj, a fruit ; and is found in Asia, Africa and America, and may be anglicised into the Fruit foot-stalked yew, from which it seems only slightly dif- fering, many varieties being sold as Taxus (Yew), instead of Podocarpus. There are about ninety varieties introduced into the collections on the Continent and in England ; a great many of these are very tender, even abroad, and we do not, as yet, find more than four which promise at all well for this country. Of these, P. Japonica (Japan podocarpus), seems the best known as yet, and tlie hardiest. It is a small tree, from Japan, where it abounds, and is not very unlike Taxus Hibernica (the Irish yew), only with a broader and, perhaps, flatter leaf; our 526 LANDSCAPE GAKDENING. specimens have been through two winters without any injury — it is certainly witli us quite as hardy as the Irish yew. It is reported to us as hardy at Flusliing and at two different places in Georgia, but being new and costly it has not as yet been tried anywhere else. P. Andlna (The Andes podocarpus). — Another pretty, small gyn^ tree, ten to twenty feet high, from the Alpine P. Taxus spicata. regions of South Chili, with a broader and more leathery leaf than the preceding variety ; our specimen is out, for first time, this winter, and we Jiave but one return about it, which is from Augusta, and is satisfactory. P. coriacea (Leathery -leaved podocarpus). — This variety gyn_ comes from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, Taxus lancifoiia. f^nj also the Antilles, growing fifty feet high. We have more doubt about this than the two above, and we have but one return, from Flushing, L. I., where it is marked " hardy." P. taxifolui (Yew-leaved podocarpus). — There is no question ^y„ we think, of the hardihood of this variety Taxus montana. "\Ye have had it out three years without oueya urn o . injury. It resembles still more the Irish yew, than P. Japonica. It comes from the mountains of Peru, at an elevation of eight thousand feet, where it is a tree of sixty feet. We have no returns. There is one other variety, not yet received into this country, to our knowledge, which promises better than any of the above, viz. : Podocarpus Nuhigena, which is described as one of the finest, as it is unquestionably one of the hardiest and most dis- tinct, of all the conifers introduced within a few years. It is a native of Patagonia and is found also on the Andes, near the Araucaria imbricata, which tree it much resembles — the branches being produced at regular distances like it. Saxe Gothoea conspicua. PraNCE Albert's Yew. Syn. Taxus Patagonica. A genus by itself, and this the only species ; a small bush or tree found on the mountains of Patagonia, growing thirty feet high, with very much the habit and appearance of the common TIJE ]S"EWEK EVEUGKEEX OUNAMENTAL TKEES. 527 yew, but not so fine a color. "We have no report about it in this country, iind pi'esume it will, at the North, at least, have to be grown in tubs, though we have a specimen out this winter. Sequoia sempervirens. California Red Wood. Better known here as Taxodium sempervirens. Found in the northwest part of North America, forming a majestic tree two hundred to three hundred feet high, and often confounded with Washington ia gigantea, quite a different thing ; the foliage of the Sequoia being flat, two-rowed, and dark green, while that of Washingtonia is needle-shaped, spirally alternate, and on the branchlets very close and regularly imbricated like an Arbor vita5, besides being a light or yellowish green. Tiie two varie- ties are probably the most gigantic evergreens in the world. There is a slab of the wood of the Sequoia at St. Petersburgh, measuring fifteen feet in diameter, and having one thousand and eight annual rings to mark its age. We have tried it many winters, but with hardly any success. It grows too rapidly and too late in the autumn to ripen oiF its wood, and almost always with us gets killed back to the snow- line, though generally shooting up again the next spring to meet a similar fate the succeeding winter. We have no returns about this tree other than tender, except from Washington, where a specimen, six feet high, planted by Mr. Downing, in 1852, is growing beautifully though slightly injured in '55-6. There is no reason why, in our Southern States, it should not succeed perfectly. Taxodium distickum. Deciduous Cypress. Sijn. Cuprcssus Yirginiana, &e., &c. Though not an evergreen, yet this valuable genus is closely allied to coniferous trees, and is well known by all plantei's as the Southern or Swamp cypress, found along the banks of rivers and swamps in vast quantities ; in Georgia, Carolina, Florida, and all the Southern States, it reaches the height of one hundred and twenty feet. It is perfectly hardy at the 528 LANDSCArE GARDENING. North. The varieties, fasiigiatum, pedulum, nutans, &c., are described under the head of Glyptosirohus. Tiixus. The Yew. Great additions have been made to this class of ever- greens, since the first edition of this book, where only three foreign and one American varieties are mentioned, viz. : T. haccata (the Common English), T. fastlgiata (the Upright yew), and the T. fructo-Jiava (Yellow-berried). Among the new ones which we have found hardy, are : T. udpressa (Flattened or Creeping yew). — An exceedingly Syn. dark, striking bush, never, we believe, ex- Cepbaiotaxus adpress.i, eeeding three feet high, but spreading T. bi-evifolia. horizontally ; with very minute close leaflets and pretty bright red berries, very desirable ; like all the yews, doing better in the shade. T. argentea and T. aurea (Silver and Golden yew). — These two are very beautiful and desirable varieties of the Common yew ; the first having silvery white-striped leaves, and the second golden. They seem perfectly hardy here. We have some Golden yews grafted standard high on the Green yew, which produces a very pleasing contrast. They are more commonly known in the English nurseries as Taxus elegans and Taxus ekgaritis.uma. T. Dovasion (Dovaston's yew). — A singular Weeping Syn. variety of common English yew, found some years T. penduia, ^ j^- ^^,g j-emember aright, in the yard of a cob- T. horizontalis. ° ' o » ./ bier near Shrewsbury ; described as pendulous as a birch or weeping willow ; quite hardy with us, and well worth cultivating. T. erecta (the Erect yew) — A slender variety of the com- Syn. mon English yew, with smaller foliage, and T. pyramidaiis, ^^^^ ^^.^ j. j^^^^^^j^. ^^ nrrowth ; somctimcs called 1. stncta. t' Fulham yew. It is thought by some cultiva- tors in this country to be hardier than the common English yew, though the latter with us, especially after a year or so, succeeds perfectly well, though possibly a little browned in very severe Avinters. THE NEWEK EVEUGREEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 529 T. ericoides (the Heath-like yew). — A very jn-etty, slender liyn. variety, with very minute foliage, quite dis- T. mierophylia. tlnctivc and hardy here, and at Newport, T. Hihernica (the Irish yew). — The same as Fastigiata, a very striking pyramidal tree, resembling in its close compact, habit, the Lombardy poplar. There are specimens in England twen- ty-one feet high, tliough usually twelve to fifteen feet seems its common height ; it is also known as the Florence Court yew. It is quite hardy generally, though sometimes a little browned by severe winters. This is a most admirable variety for pot- culture. T. nana (Dwarf yew). — A very dwarf, hardy variety, never Syn. exceeding two or three feet, but very spreading, T. Fosii. lijjg tiie Prostrate juniper. T. varlegata (Variegated yew). — A handsome variety, differ ing a little from the Golden yew, and sometimes sold as T. ele- gans ; hardy here. Thuiopsh. Broad-leaved arbor vit.e. Name derived from Thida, arbor vita^, and opds, like. There is but one variety of this new genus recognized in Gordon's Pinetum, viz., Thulopsis dolahrata. The remaining variety, known in this country as Thaiopsis horealis, is classed by Mr. Gordon among the Cupressi, and has already been described by us as a most valuable and hardy tree, known as Cupressus Nootkaensis. We think, ourselves, it would be better to ndojit the nurserymen's name, Thuiopsis BoreaIis,hy which it is gc - erally invoiced. Thuja. The Arbor vit^e. So many of this family have been already described under the head of Biota, and Mr. Downing having said all that wa-; necessary upon the common American arbor vitae {TJmja occ- denfalis), but few distinctive Thujas remain for us to mention. Thuja gigantea (Gigantic arbor vitfe). — If this succeeds in gyn. the United States — and there is every T. Craigiana. reason to be satisfied with its success T. Libocedrus decurrens. . .,, .111, thus tar — it will unquestionably be tlie 530 LANDSCAPE GAJJDENmG. noblest addition this genus ever received. Accustomed as we are to regard the Arbor vitae as a small bush, principally avail- able for hedging or single specimens, ten to twenty feet high, for small villa-gardens and village-yards, Ave shall find it diffi- cult to realize that we are to have an arbor vltfe reaching to the dignity of a majestic tree, one hundred and forty feet up- right, with a fine umbrella-shaped top and pictui*esque head. Tliis is another of the giants from the Columbia river and Nootka sound. Mr. Jeff'rey discovered it along the banks of Scott's river, and sent it home to England as Thuja Craigiana. Mr. Nuttall, in his Eocky Mountain expedition, also discovered it, and gave it the name of Thu. gignntea ; and finally, Dr. Torrey has classed it as a Lihocedrus, and distinguished it as decurrcns. It has since again been discovered in California, in 1853, by M. Borusier de la Riviere. It has been discovered so many times, by diff'erent people, and received different names, tliat a good deal of confusion exists about it, and it is often confounded M'ith another 7%i(. (figantea — so named by Sir AVilliam Hooker, in his American Flora — but which, though coming from California, is a more slender tree, not over fifty feet, and is beyond doubt, the true Tim. Menziesii, which is also sometimes called T?iu. jjlicata, and very much resembling the American arbor vitas. In fact, it would seem as if there often existed among Arbor vitsss botanical rather than physical differences, which often, as in this case, and that of tiie Siberian Arbor vitfe, produces great perplexity. As these two giganteas are completely mixed up, we will describe them separately, with the hope of throwing some light (ipon their difference. The real Thu. gigantea has its branches rather erect, long, slender, and spreading laterally, with numerous smaller ones ; branchlets, short, flattened, channeled along the sides ; leaves, awl-shaped, lanceolate, loosely imbricated in four rates, the outer pair being the longest, and folded partially over the inner pair on both sides, giving the young shoots a trident-like ap- pearance. The Thu. Menziesii, on the contrary, has its branches sjyread- ^ng, flat, more or less horizontal, slender, and of a deep brown THE NEWER EVERGKEEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. 531 color, alternately two round, and nearly all the inner side quite straiyfd ; leaves in alternately opposite pairs, closehj imbricated, those on the branchlets being much shorter, more rounded, and furnished with a short spiny point ; besides which, one forms a tree of one hundred and forty, while the other {TJm. Menziesli) only attains an altitude of forty feet. We are not yet able to say what either of these trees will do in this country. The real girjantea is said to be hardy, and the false not. At Elizabethtown, N. J., Mr. Reid writes us, *' The true one grows rapidly, and will no doubt prove hardy." At Augusta it stands perfectly well. At Flushing, not quite hardy. These are the only reports we have, and our own plants are out for the first time. Thu. macrocarpa. — This is a variety we received, if we mis- take not, several years since, from Messrs. EUwanger & Barry, of Rochester, and about which we can find no mention in any of the books, nor does it seem to exist in any of the foreign Pinetums, or in any nurserymen or collectors' catalogues. It resembles so much the Thu. gigantea, that we are inclined to think it is this variety under a different name. We have never tried it out, as we could not find anything of its charac- ter or habits under this name. Thu. variegata (Variegated arbor vita^). — Only a golden- striped variety of our common arbor vitae, but pretty and dis- tinctive, and perfectly hai'dy. Thu. aurea Americana (American Golden arbor vitos). — Is an exceedingly pretty and well-marked seedling, found acci- dentally in a nursery row by our neighbor, Mr. Daniel Brinck- enhoff, and named by us as above. The new growth is very distinctly yellow, and the old foilage, which is a bright clear nreen, tones off so gradually and delicately into the golden hue of the new, as to produce a most pleasing little tree, and perfectly hardy. Thu. Hoveyi (Hovey's arbor vitaj). — Another American seedling not yet introduced, but which is described to us by Messrs. Hovey (in whose nursery, near Boston, it was found) as a seedling of Occidentalis, as hardy as an oak, having never lost a limb in the severe winters of '55 and '56. Very nearly of the same habit as Aurea, compact and upright branches; leaves 532 LANDSCAPE GARDKXIIvG. as fine as Aurea, making a most superb tree. It holds its color even better than Thu. Siberica, while it is a lively, soft green, brighter than Aurea, and not as sombre as Siberica. It is now, even in midwinter, as green as most arbor vitaes are in summer. Messrs. Hovey have two otlier seedlings, not as distinct or line as the above. Thu. plicaia (Noolka Sound ai'bor vita^). — These two plants plicata and Warrjaiia, thouo;h often sold by se- Syn. ^ ... Thu. Warreana. parate names, are, beyond question, identical ; Thu. compacta. jjjjg jg ^\^q conclusion bolli of the English and Thu. robusta. _, , , • . , , , i • , rrench authorities; aliliough there is another plicata, a synonym of Thu. Menziesii in the English collections, and another Warreana in some of the French collections, as among "les varieties horticoles," but only another name for Thu. occidentalis. The true plicata and tme Warreana are one and the same thing. The Nootka Sotind arbor vitae is found on the western shores of North America, at Nootka Sound, quite hardy, everywhere, and diiftring from the common American arbor vitoe, in having its branches shorter,, more compact, stouter, and densely covered with small, flattened leaves, bluntly pointed, and with a plaited and jointed appearance. We liave already alluded, under the head of Biota, to the dif- ficulty in recognizing the origin of B. Siberica, which is some- times confounded with Tatarica, but more generally with AVar- reana. This latter (Warreana) was named from Mr. Ware, a nurseryman at Coventry, in England, and Mr. Loudon con- sidered it as a distinct variety ; but it seems now to be referred back again to Thu. occidentalis ; and Siberica adopted as its name without any botanical authority, and simply as a nur- sery distinction ; and we presume, consequently, that all plants grown in this country, as the Siberian arbor vitas, are War- reana, or its synonym, plicata Tornya. The Torreya. Vulgarly, the Stinking Yew. — Small evergreen trees, found in North America, China and Japan, emitting, when bruised, THE NEWER EVERGKEEN ORNAMENTAL TREES. Ooo a Strong, disagreeble smell, and named after Dr. Torrey, the celebrated American botanist. T. grcmdis (The Grand Torrey a) .—Discovered by Fortune in northern part of China, as a large tree ^vith a spreading head, but so resembling a Cephalotaxus (which most of the others do) as to render it uncertain whether it may not yet prove one. It is considered very desirable whatever it may be, but just introduced into England and not yet, to our know- ledge, here. r. myristi<^t, (Californian nutmeg).— A small, bushy tree, twenty to forty feet high, with spreading horizontal branches, found on the Sierra Nevada, in California ; quite liardy in Eng- land and likely to prove so here. Our specimens are out for first winter, and we have no returns. Like all the Torreyas, emitting a most disagreeable odor when bruised or burnt, and called by emigrants the Stinking yew or California nutmeg. T. nvcifera (Nut-bearing Torreya).— This is out with us at Wodeneihe, for the first winter, and we have no returns about it. It is another small tree, twenty to thirty feet high, found on the mountains of Niphon and Sikok, in Japan, where an oil is made from the kernel of the nuts, used there for cu- linary purposes. The nut itself, and the leaves and branches, have the distinguishing characteristic of all the Torreyas— a disagreeable odor. T. iaxlfoVa (Yew-leaved Torreya.)— This is one of our gy^_ greatest accessions in the Middle States— be- Taxus montana. j,-,o- now perfectly hardy with us, as already described in our introductory chapter on evergreens, and very distinctive. It is a handsome pyramidal tree, with numerous spreading branches, growing from forty to fifty feet high, found in the middle and northern parts of Florida, where it is commonly known by the inhabitants as Stinking cedar and Wild nutmeg. Our best specimen (fig. 9G), is about eight feet high, very dense, showing nothing but foliage, like a thrifty arbor vit«, and remarkable, particularly in winter, for the star-like ap- pearance of the extreme tips of its young shoots. We have returns of this tree from Elizabethtown, N. J., Dobb's Ferry, Yorkville, Flushing and Newport, in all of 534 LANDSCAPE GAJiDENING. vvhieli places it succeeds well, and is considered hardy, except at the last place where it is reported tender. Washingtonia gigantea. The Mammoth Tree. Tills truly most magnificent of all ti'ees — deciduous or ever- a ^ green— was discovered in a valley at the Weiiingtonia gigantea. source of one of the tributaries of the Cala- Sequoia gigantea. ^^^^.^^^ California. Within an area of fifty acres only, ninety two trees of this species Avei-e found stand- ing, beyond doubt the most stupendous vegetable products on earth. They were first discovered in 1850, by some hunters, whose accounts were considered fabulous until confirmed by actual measurement. The largest tree was one called the " Father of the Forest," four hundred and fifty feet high, one hundred and twelve feet in circumference. The next largest the " Mother of the Forest," three hundred and twenty-seven feet high, and ninety feet in circumference. Three trees, growing together, called the " Three Graces," are each three hundred feet high, ninety feet in circumference. There is another which has fallen, and through which a man on iiorseback may ride seventy-five feet, and twelve feet in the clear. These trees maybe truly termed tlie " Lions of Califor- nia," and in such estimation are they held, that it has been found sufficiently remunerative to erect a hotel and run a line of stages to Sacramento city and Sonora, for the accommodation of visitors to these great natural curiosities. The botanical discovery of this genus was, however, probably made by the unfortunate Douglas, in 1831, Avhen he Avrites to Mr. Hooker : " The splendor of the Californian vegetation con- sists of a species of Taxodium which gives to the mountains an especial beauty, wliich I may almost call terrible." This wonderful tree, whicli closely resembles, in our plants, the Weeping arbor vitas {Thuja Jiliformls), in its imbricated leaves, of a more delicate color than the arbor vitae, being of a pleasing light green, is, we are happy to say, promising to be hardy in the United States. EVERGKEEN OKNAMENTAL SHRUBS. 535 Our own plants have only been out one year, but seem to succeed perfectly well- We have returns from a good many parts of the country Avhere it has not been left out all winter, and also from Mr. Reid, at Elizabethtown, where it was, and who has a specimen four to five feet, perfectly hardy. He thinks, in time, it may prove as common as a Norway spruce, being very rapid in its growth. At Woodlawn, N. J., it stands well, the largest specimen being four to five feet. At Rochester, it is hardy, and also at Augusta. WidUringtonia. The African Cypress. A new, distinct variety of cypress, found at Cape of Good Hope, and Madagascar, and named after Capt. Widdrington, and a variety of which, erroneously called Widdr'mglonia eri- coides, has been imported into this country, and is cultivated with some success, doing very well here in the shade, and also at Washington and Augusta. We hardly know why it comes out to us as a Widdringtonia. In the English collection it is called Retinispora ericoides, and in the French, Chamoesy- jparis ericoides ; but, by whatever name it is called, it is a pretty heath-like little shrub, resembling somewhat the Irish juniper. It is cultivated in Japan (its native country), in pots, and called «Nezu,"— (Dwarf.) EVEEGREEN ORNAJIENTAL SHRUBS. But veiy little progress has been made in the planting of evergreen shrubs. As great as has been the ad- vance in trees, especially the coniferous, there has been nothing to correspond with it in the introduction of evergreen shrubs. With the exception of a few varieties of the Berberries — ^like Japonica, Bealii, Intermedia, &c., we do not remember any thing avaihible for this 536 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. climate now, which was not well known when Mr Downing wrote. There are, perhaps, a few things, untried ten years ago, which have been tested the past three or fonr years, and not " found wanting ;" such as some of the smaller English shrubs, like the Andromeda — especially Floribunda — the Cotoneaster, of which Buxifolia, with us, proves the hardiest, though Microphylla and Margi- nata, both do well in the shade. And here let us remark, once for all, that no evergreen shrubs do at all well in this country, in the sun. Every thing, from the yew down to the creeping periwinkle, succeeds vjell, oidy in shade. If it is impossible or inconvenient, to have these shrubs otherwise than exj^osed in open lawns, we should recommend only the employment of certain varieties, like the R-hododendrons, Catawbiensis, Ivalmia latifolia, Mahonia acpiifollum, and Ilex laurifolia. These four shrubs seem to stand any amount of heat and cold. Our thermometer, while we now write, indi- cates sixteen hel'ow Zero i and last summer they passed through a fiery ordeal of 95° to 100° : and this they have done for many years, with no other ill effect than that the very hot weather changes tluit fine, deep, dense color they universally have in the shade, into a yellowish green, but they survive and grow and flourish and bloom, though certainly less fine than when planted on the north of buildings or woods. Take it all in all, we consider the Mahonia (some- times called Borb'jrris mahonia), the most valuable i)f all shrubs, deciduous or evergreen. If there is any exception to our remarks above, about the necessity of growing evergreen shrubs in the shade, we should make it in favor of this variety. It may be imported very cheap. Messrs. Waterer & Godfrey, Knaphill Nursery, Woking, near London, offer plants, one foot high, at eighty shillings sterling, per evergrp:en okna:m£ntal siihubs. 537 thousand, and in same proportion for smaller quanti- ties. It is perfectly hardy— a most rapid grower— has a very attractive, yellow flower early in spring, succeed- ed by fine purplish berries^in autumn, which, in Eng- land, are used for preserves by the agricultural classes, very much, as in Kew England, the common Berberry is used for same purpose. It is evergreen, or if not entirely so, it has what is even better, a most superb rich, brown tone, mingled with the most gorgeous scarlet and crimson, like our liighest autumnal coloring, and the leaves covered with a brilliant lustre-like varnish. We believe it does not grow over five or six feet high, and we find the plant is much improved by keeping it back by occasional clipping, as it sometimes has a ten- dencv to straggle. It should be always planted in beds or masses, by itself. The Rhododendron is too well launvn to require des- cription. Although the E. Ponticum and many of the hardy hybrids like Nero, Atrosanguineum, Ferrugin- eum, and a few others are quite satisfactory in the pro- tection of a wood, yet the only truly reliable ones in exposed situations, are the English varieties of the Catawbiensis, of which Messrs. Waterer & Godfrey (and we presume they can also be procured now at our nurseries) offer tliirty varieties in color, all liardy here, one and a half to two feet high, mostly with flower buds, at fifty shillings sterling, per hundred, for plants 7iot named, and ten pounds per hundred (about fifty cents each) for named varieties. It is perhaps well to say here that Rhododendrons, Azaleas, and most of these evergreen shrubs, do well enough in ordinary garden soil, but are much improved in color and habit, by a soil prepared equally of peat, leaf soil, and sand or sandy loam. There is no more superb plant cultivated than the Ehododendron, and we earnestly recommend the adoption in pots (to be kept in the green-house during winter) of the varieties below 538 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. mentioned,* too tender to be entirely exposed all tlie year. The Ilex laxirifolia (Laurel-leaved holly), strikes ns, after the Mahonia, as the next most valuable ever- green shrnl), even more so here than our native Kalmia, which is very apt to suffer from our hot August weather. We have grown this Ilex many years, both in a wood and in the most open situation, and apparently with equal success ; though we presume in certain seasons, with great alternations of heat and cold, those exposed would be apt to scorch. It has a leaf of a color and habit like the Camelia, and even finer ; and, if we regard foliage alone without flower (though even this is pretty), we should say we had no finer j^lant upon this place. It is an exceedingly great favorite of ours, and strange to say, we have never seen it elsewhere. The Kalmia latifolia (the Broad-leaved Kalmia), or American Sheep-laurel, as it is commonly called, is another very desirable shrub, as well as its varieties— K. angustifolia (Narrow-leaved Kalmia) ; K. myrtifolia (Myrtle-leaved) ; K. carnea (Red-flowering Kalmia), &c. It is somewhat difficult to move, and although the mountains in our neighborhood abound with them, we have found it less expensive to import plants from England, raised from seed, at fifteen cents apiece, than to transplant the native habitats of the mountains, with their long straggling roots. Though it will grow in the sun, yet in the shade it becomes a different plant. The above, with the difierent Yews, Arbor vittes, creeping and low-growing Junipers, &c., are the only dependable evergreen shrubs that we can at this * Atro sanguineum (Superb Deep maroon) ; ArcMmedes (Superb Rose de Chlue) ; Angiola (Superb Cherry pink); Brayammn ', Currcanum (Superb Truss lilac rose) ; CJiancdlor ; Fastuosum (Magnificent Truss lilac) ; Gigan- teumj Hannibal; Henry Jjrummond ; Luxidum ; liubrvm Maculatum , Nero ; Ke Plus Tfltra (Fine lilac) ; Poussin ; Reediamim (Small Truss rose- pink, but fine) ; Sir Isaac Newton ; VaTidych ; Victoria (Superb Deep lilac) ; Cleopatra; Jnvictmn, ; Proserpine ; Speciosum. EVEKGREEN OENAMENTAL SHRUBS. 539 moment recommend for general planting in exposed sunny situations. For amateurs, Avho have the advantage of a wood, or a long line of high fence, upon the northern side ol which they may have a shaded border, there are several other things we would suggest : such as the hardy Heaths, the liardy Belgic azalias, costing in England £10 per hundred (lifty cents apiece), for named vari eties, in twenty diiferent colors : the different Andro- medas, the Rhodora Canadensis, the various Gaulthe- rias, the Ledums, the pretty family of Menziesias, the Epigaea, the diiferent varieties of Box, the green and the variegated Euonymous. The Ilex Scottica is represented to us as quite as fine and as hardy as Ilex laurifolia, though we have not yet tried it. In those parts of tlie country, too cold to grow the English ivy, we would suggest large circular beds, in appropriate parts of the pleasure-grounds, to be planted in ivy ; and which, while permitted to fill the bed, should be kept within it by clipping. Beds in this way filled (the ground being well covered in) with the difi'erent varieties of the Gold-striped, the Silver-striped, and the Dark Giant, are very effective and striking, and when not protected by snow in winter, can readily be so by a few cedar or hemlock boughs thrown over them. Note— A3 this work is passing through the press, we have received a twig, per- fectly green a r^ ^ TT o c o o o 0-^5 2 < a : 2 : & 5^ »- < a EH ?) 8" O..H M 3 ^ ■J =^ • ^1 : ej -3 SB'S -3 C S & K' S: r^ tD S .5S 3 !=• g-a 54G LANDSCAPE GARDKNINO. SECTION V. HISTOKICAL NOTICES. It is With great reluctance that we undertake this portion of our task, from a' consciousness of our entire inability to do justice to the many fine places which exist all over the United States, and which require a greater knowledge than we have of them, as well as more space and time than is allowed us, for the remainder of this supplement. With Mr. Downing, in his first edition, this labor was comparatively a light one, as, twelve or fifteen years ago, there were only a few marked places in the neiglibor- hood of our large cities, and upon the banks of the Hud- son river and Long Island sound, which were so dis- tinguished and jDrominent as to be easily described ; of this class were Col. Perkins' and Mr, Lyman's near Boston ; the Manor of Livingston, Montgomery place and Hyde Park, upon the Hudson ; the Bartram gar- den, Stenton, WoodlaAvn, etc., near Philadelphia; and a few others. Since this period, however, the taste for country life has advanced so rapidly, that, in and about these very neighborhoods, there are, at present, scores of country houses, many of them of the finest and most expensive character, but all partaking more or less of similar disposition and style of grounds, and a similar fashion of planting. "We have already said, in the introduction to this sup- plement, that since Mr. Downing's time, though the style of country houses had vastly improved, yet an equal improvement was not so evident in Land- mSTORICAL NOTICES. 54* scape Gardening. This we attributed to the fact that, while an Architect was employed to build the house, no professional artist was employed to arrange the grounds, and great errors and mistakes constantly occurred — 'in many cases so gross, as to destroy the en- tire effect of what would be otherwise a very fine and attractive place. Although there has been great expenditure of money in country houses and costly glass-buildings, during the past ten years, yet, in a great many cases, very inferior arrange- ment and phmting have been exhibited in the grounds. Landscape Gardening is just as much a picture, though a living one, made by trees, as a painted landscape is made by the pencil or brush ; both require long years of study, artistic perceptions, and a knowledge of how to handle the tools. It would be quite as unreasonable, we think, to expect one of our merchants or lawyers, in active business, to make a landscape, as to paint one. How can a person who has passed his life in the whirl and excitement of active business, or professional occupa- tions, be suddenly transferred to the country and be expected to make a garden? It would be just as ab- surd as to expect that a gardener can be transferred to the counting-room, and become, the next day, a merchant. It is quite as necessary in the one case as in the other to bo educated up to whatever you are to succeed in. It requires more and different qualities to make a country-place than are required for any other j)rofession. For while industry, knowledge, prudence, sagacity, are generally all that are necessary for a merchant, or law- yer, or doctor, the Landscape Gardener must have not only these but also taste — a knowledge of the beautiful, and a perception of the harmony of form and color ; in other words, he must be an artist. The fashion of living in the country has not existed long enough (though rapidly increasing) for this knowledge or taste to have been very widely extended ; for every good 5-18 LANDSCAPE GAKDENING. place there are a great many bad ones, and we cannot but think that our country residences would be much more agreeable, if artists were allowed to arrange the places — at least, to make suggestions, just as artists are allowed to build the houses, or, at any rate, help build them. The necessary result then, as we have previously observed, is that a person going into the country to live, makes his own place from his neighbor's sug- gestions, or from ideas derived from his neighbor's place — which may be very faulty or of an entirely differ- ent character from his own — with the aid, perhaps, of his gardener and a suggestive nurseryman. A great many places are manufactured from these three sources ; and the general character of them all is so much alike, that there is little or no distinction between half a dozen in the same neighborhood, though a competent Land- scape Gardener might have developed many different beauties in each. In the absence, tlierefore (from having been already mentioned in the first part of this book), of any of those very marked and distinguished residences which have received the stamp of years, where trees have grown into studies, and the places themselves have become schools for tlie lovers of art, we trust we shall not be thought invidious if we ourselves to a brief mention of a few of the prominent places which have come under our notice — ■ being quite aware that they are well deserving of much more than we have an opportunity to say. We were in hopes with many of these to have given illustrations, but here again time failed us ; even the one or two we succeeded in procuring v/ere too late for the engraver. "We are quite aware we shall be forced to omit a great many in more remote parts of the country, which we have not yet had the pleasure of seeing, and this makes us the more regret that our limits and our time will allow us to do so little. IIISTOKICAL NOTICES. 549 The neighborhood of Boston was so thoroughly des- cribed in the lirst portion of the present vohime, that but little is left us to add to this account. The same places, more or less, which were prominent then, are quite as distinctive now. Mr. Lee's lawn, as yet, has no rival, unless perhaps that of Mr. Mudge, at Swarascot, near Lynn. Welles- ley, the residence of Mr. Hunnewell, we have already de- scribed ; and though there are a great many other fine houses, the places themselves are yet comparatively newly planted. Kenwood^ the residence of Mr. Feabody, near Salem, has a great deal of quiet pastoral beauty, and much ar- tistic eifect is shown in the arrangement of the house and grounds. Linmere, the residence of R. S. Fay, Esq., has great capabilities, not yet taken advantage of. There is here a verj'- valuable collection of rare deciduous and ever- green trees, which, if properly thinned out and planted, would be very efit'ective. The place itself is a fine es- tate of some five hundred acres or more, mostly sur- rounding a lake, and very much resembling Scotch scenery. The house and grounds of the late John E. Thayer, Esq., including a vast extent of glass, are perhaps the most expensive in the neighborhood of Boston. The residence of Mr. J. L. Gardener has a pretty sloping lawn, and an attractive flower garden, with many fine Norways and other trees. The difliculty of procuring suitable residences in the city, has forced many persons into the country, and the consequent high prices have prevented the occupation of much land by any single individual. The new residences are, consequently, surburban, but very complete in all the outer accessaries of country life — stables, green and fruit-houses, and very substan- tial and liandsome walls. 550 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Within a few years, there has been very visible im- provement in the style and character of the marine residences in the neighborhood of Boston. At Lynn, and on what is called the Beverley shore, are the marine villas of Mr, Prescott, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Jiawrence, Mr. Jasigi, Mr. J. D. Bates, Mr. Loring, and tlie late Mr. Dexter — all more or less distinguished by the excellence of their houses, and witli most charming views. IS^ewport, having become, of late years, a very desirable place of residence for people of fortune, abounds, like the neighborhood of Boston, in very taste- ful and agreeable villas and cottages, with prettily arranged and well kept grounds, the most successful of which, taking grounds with house, is Beachdyffe^ the residence of Delancy Kane, Esq. Mr. Kane's house, a very fine one, is in the style of the French chateaux, with extensive views both inland and seaward, and his lawn is quite as successful as any we know in this country. The place is about twenty acres, and very charmingly planted with a great variety of the most valuable trees. We think the growth of certain varie- ties unsurpassed in any place we have ever seen ; and there is a luxuriance of habit and depth of color in the masses which form his boundary plantations, which is truly remarkable. Mr. Kane had a great advantage over many of his Newport neighbors, in finding quite a number of well- grown horse-chestnuts, and other ornamental trees, which he has contrived to work, with much good taste, into his own plantations. The gate-lodge here is quite a little gem in its way. Malhone Place. — ^Tlie residence of Mr. J, Prescott Hall is a fine house of red or rather brown freestone, commanding an extensive view of Karragansett bay, and surrounded by some most extraordinary Red cedars, of great antiquity, but with their heads, so flattened and HISTORICAL NOTICES. 551 distorted bj the winds as to produce the closest resem- blance to that peculiar horizontal growth which cha- racterizes the Cedar of Lebanon. Mr. Hall's farm is, we believe, a fine one, and he has great command of water from a hydraulic ram, in the driest seasons, sufficient to irrigate his entire garden. The celebrated Buffum pear originated on this place, and is still very prolific. Mr. Wetmore's residence, built of Fall River granite, is the largest and most expensive house at Newport, witli a very successful lodge, and a fine extent of glass, containing a vinery, and a very handsome octagonal conservatory. The view of the sea from this place is very impressive. Mr. Parish has a fine place in the neighborhood of Mr. Wetmore. The house, of brick and stone trim- mings, is a very striking one, and the lawn admirably kept to the water's edge. Adjoining this is the estate of Mr. Cadwallader, wiiere at present there is no house. We believe great and extensive improvements are con- templated in this place ; it is still in an unfinished state. The residence of Mr. King is a handsome brick house, in the Italian style, surrounded by some fifteen acre;^, with some remarkably fine specimens of Pinus cembra, twelve to fifteen feet high ; also some fine Junip'irs and Purple beeches. Mr. Calvert's grounds, near the town, contain some fine trees grouped with much taste. Among other residences of more or less merit, are those of Messrs. Hussell, Lyman, Hoppin, Yan Kens- selaer, Wright, Mason, and Mr. Morgan Gibbes. Notwithstanding the difficulty which is always sup- posed to exist, in producing any efiect by trees so imme- diately in the neighborhood of the sea, yet experience shows that, at Newport, at least, much is and has been done by judicious planting. Mr. Kane informs us, and 552 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. in this, we believe, Mr. Smith, wlio is tlie great autho- rity at Newj3ort on trees, coincides, that in making an evergreen screen from the sea, the Scotch and Austrian pines should be placed outside, Siberian {Thuja War- reana) Arbor vitse, and Pinus cembra next, with per- haps the Common Ked cedar ; and among deciduous trees, nothing succeeds better than Acer -pseudo-jpla- tanus and Platanus oricntalis (the Eastern plane). Upon the Hudson, the most marked place which has been created since the first edition of tliis book, is Rock- loood^ the residence of Edwin Bartlett, Esq., near Tarrj- town. The house (Eig. 97), is truly a princely mansion, with a fajade of nearly or quite one hundred and fifty feet, and with its internal arrangements and decorations, we should say, quite the most complete establishment in the United States. The estate itself consists of several hundred acres, very cleverly planted with park-like effect ; and the approach, which is quite a long one, so judiciously managed, that it conveys the idea of a very large place, and gives a stranger the most agreeable impression of the house, at the first appearance, when emerging from a ravine or passage between two rocky eminences. The views from the house and the plateau or terrace around it, are very superb, and unrivalled, we think, upon the ^ludson River. Very extensive green-houses and conservatories have been erected under the supervision of Mr. Luchars, a builder of great experience ; and we do not see why, in a few years, with the taste and liberality of expendi- ture on tlie part of the proprietor, Rockwood will not be the, or certainly one of the most distinguished country-seats in America. With regard to Hyde Park (Mr. Langdon's), EUerslie (Mr. Kelly's), Montgomery Place (Mrs. Livingston's), and Annandale (Late Blithewood), Mr. Bard's, which we have always considered the four great places in this HISTORICAL NOTICES. 553 country, we can only refer our readers to Mr. Downing'a remarks about tlieni in the first portion of this vohime. While the hand of time has even still more mellowed their beauties by those touches and effects which Nature alone can produce with years, yet even here the hand of man has not been idle. At Annandale and Hyde Park, extensive ranges of glass have replaced the old ones of previous owners,* while at Montgomery Place and Ellei-slie the most showy and superb conservatories and green-houses have been erected. At Montgomery Place also, there has been planted within the past ten years, the most complete and satis- factory arboretum in the United States. Neither pains or expense have been spared in obtaining the most entire and thorough collection, or in the peculiar and appro- priate prep^aration of soil for the reception of the different varieties. In the neighborhood of Rhinebeck, is " Wyndclyffe," the residence of Miss Jones, a very successful and dis- tinctive house, with much the appearance of some of ■he smaller Scotch castles. This place is still quite lew, but the situation is one of great beauty, upon a lold, projecting point of land, in admirable harmony vith the style of the house, and with the most extensive aid superb views. Immediately above Hyde Park, is the fine house of Ml. Curtis, one of the most expensive and costly upon the Hudson, possessing very much the same extended vie;vs of river and mountain as at Hyde Park. I^osefieath—the residence of C. M. Wolcott, Esq., in (ur own immediate neighborhood, is the creation of the jast few years, and we are very much indebted to it for a great many advantages to our own place, which * At Hyde Piirk, a very graceful and elegant house of the composite order, de^ignei and built by Piatt, of New York, and with a fajade of one hundred and fifty feet, has within a few years, replaced the hospitable old mansion of the late Sr. Hosack. 5^4 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. we should not otherwise possess. Bj the employmenl of wire fences, and some careful planting out of the liouses in both places, a great deal of what Nature has done for each, has been appropriated by both. We know of no other place where such successful masses of Rhododendrons, Azalias, and Mahonias are grown as here, being on the north side of the house, and getting but little or no sun. The graperies, green-house, and gardens, are extensive, and admirably kept. By means of a steam-engine, water can at any moment be forced into the mansion and an outside reservoir, from which it can be distributed over the gardens. In the comparatively small space of sixteen acres, Mr. Wolcott has every attribute of a well-kept country place — several lawns, each distinct from the other, with separate and lovely views ; an English flower-garden, a most success- ful vegetable-garden, green-house, grapery, and forcing- house, the most charming views, and no apparent boundary but river and mountain. Idlewild — the residence of N. P. Willis, Esq., across the Hudson, some four miles below Newburgh, is 2 piece of Nature's Landscape Gardening, where the hanc of man should not, and, from the good taste of the ownei, has not been allowed to appear, except in the necessaiy buildings. In a work like this, for the purpose cf showing the progress of Landscape Gardening, tKs place should, properly, not be mentioned ; and we re'er to it, simply to show how delicate and refined that taste must be which, appreciating all that Nature has chwe. with so much prodigality of beauty, as at " Idlewi'd," has the courage to let her alone. In the neighborhood of Philadelphia, there ai-e a great many fine places ; among them is Medary^ the residence of Harry Ingersoll, Esq. A tasteful anc sub- stantial house, built by Notman, we believe, with pleas r. re-grounds of very considerable extent, and of a pretty, graceful character, softly undulating, and well .HISTOKICAL NOTICES. 555 planted. The landscape and the character of the country in the neigliborliood of Medarj, though deli- cient in the bolder outlines of many of our more northern phices, yet has, what we confess is a great attraction to us, the quiet sylvan beauty of English scenery — that pastoral look, which seems to suggest the presence of animated nature ; and Mr. IngersoU has, witli great good taste, we think, taken advantage of this hint, by the introduction of fine cattle, whicli harmonize most pleasingly with the character of the place. There is here a pretty flower-garden, plant- cabinet, green-house, vinery, and some new peach and orchard-houses. Brookwood — the residence of Cliarles Ileiiry Fisher, Esq. — a very extensive and complete establishment, with a great amount of glass, most charming views, and a great deal of well-kept, ornamental ground, will, in a few years, be one of the most striking places near Phila- del]3hia. Al'verthorpe — the residence of X Francis Fisher, Esq., is another superb place, where a vast deal has been accomplished, bt)th with house and grounds. The park- like view from the front is extensive and exceedingly striking. An effective architectural appearance is pro- duced in connecting the mansion and green-houses by a sort of cloister, or gallery. The collection of trees and shrubs at this place is also large and very choice. Fern Hill — nearer town, is the residence of J. Pratt McKean, Esq., and is another of those remarkably line and imposing houses which have been erected in the neighborhood of Philadelphia within a few years. Here, also, are fine ranges of glass, and extensive and interesting views, and a great work in process of being accomplished. There are many other places near Philadelphia (and we think the vicinity of no other city abounds in so many costly country residences) which we shall be compelled 556 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. to pass over, from want of time and space, simply with their names : such as the fine and expensive house of Col. Eastwick, on the old Bartram garden ; Woodfield, the fine residence of Mr. Swift ; Devons?iire, the seat of Mr. Blight, remarkable for its evergreens ; and Champ- lost, the mos't charming old coimtry residence of Charles P. Fox, Esq. In the vicinity of Princeton, N. J., are some fine resi- dences. The most interesting one to us is Woodlawn, belonging to Richard S. Field, Esq, and which we have alluded to so often in course of this suj^plement, that we have no right, perhaps, to say anything more. The house is a very fine one, and the place most successful in certain varieties of evergreens. There is here a Cedar of Lebanon (Fig. 38) larger than any other in the country, except Mr. Ashe's at Throgg's l!^eck ; a Juniperus squamata, unsurpassed in any collection, and Siberian arbor vitas (as they are called) though probably the Thuja Warreana, and many other evergreens of matchless size and beauty. Near Wilmington, Del., is the fine place of Mr. Ship- ly ; and in the neighborhood of Baltimore, is Farm- lands, the noble estate of G. W. Lurman, Esq., com- prising nearly six hunired acres, a large portion of which is cultivated for agricultural purposes, with very remunerating success. The mansion, without any arclii- tectural pretension, is one of great comfort and extent, commanding varied views over a fine rolling country to the city, and adjacent Chesapeake ; a well designed walk leads from the lawn, shaded by majestic oaks, with a few fine and effective cedars, to a pretty valley, bordered by masses and clumps of Rhododendrons, Hollies, Azalias, and other rare and valuable shrubs and trees ; the whole terminating in a brilliant French parterre, surmounted on a terrace by an extensive green-house, in tlie rear of which, a gardener's house, a double curvilinear vinery, a frame-yard with several hundred feet of brick pits, a HISTORICAL NOTICES. 551 well concealed vegetable and fruit garden, complete the modern appliances of a fine country seat. Hani2)ton, the residence of John Ridgley, Esq., is situated about nine miles north of Baltimore, and be- longs more properly to the early edition of this work, than to this supplement, which is intended simply to describe what has been done within ten years. It has been truly said of HamjMn that it expresses more grandeur than any other place in America. It belongs to the stately order of places almost unknown here at the North, situated as it is in the midst of a do- main of six thousand acres. The fagade of the house is one hundred and eighty feet in length, with offices at- tached, erected soon after the Eevolution, in 1T83. The entrance hall, of great width and dignity, passes the visitor to the south front, where is a terraced gar- den of great antiquity, with clipped cedar hedges of most venerable appearance. The formal terraces of exquisitely kept grass, the long rows of superb lemon and orange trees, with the adjacent orangerie and the foreign air of the house, quite disturb ones ideas of republican America. Clifton Parle, near Baltimore, the residence of John Hopkins, Esq., is unquestionably one of the most elabo- rate places in this country. We remember no other, where in addition to a tine and costly house, there is so laro-e a range of glass, with such diversified and extensive grounds ; the varieties of trees, shrubs, walks, lawns, large pieces of ornamental water, containing numerous islands planted with masses of rhododendrons and ever- green shrubs, and connected by appropriate and tasteful bridges, are all, certainly, much in advance of any other place we know. Lyndhurst, the country seat of Keverdy Johnson, Esq., has a new and very striking house, with a most extended and superb view. Carroll Manor is another tine old place, like Hampton, 558 LANDSCAPE GAPiDENING. with a turf unbroken for nearly two hundred years, and of the softness and thickness of velvet. Mondaw7nin, the residence of Mr. Brown, is a very attractive place, prettily laid out and planted. In concluding our remarks on what has been done the past ten years, in various parts of the United States, as illustrating the progress in country life, we insert a short account of the state of Landscape Gardening in Ohio, extracted from a letter of Robert Buchanan, Esq., a w^ell known enthusiast in rural matters, whose taste- fully arranged grounds should, undoubtedly, have a place in the list of beautiful residences in the pictur- esque environs of Cincinnati. " Landscape Gardening, according to the modern taste in that beautiful art, is of but recent introduction into the West. Previous to the publication of Mr. Downing's valuable book on that subject, the improve- ments of public and private grounds were made under the direction of the proprietors, or of some gardener who had strayed out to this new country to better his fortune. There was no system — nothing to copy after ; and although all were desirous to improve in good taste, they had no guide, until Mr. Downing's work appeared, and that was at once adopted as the text-book. Since tliat period, the magic wand of the enchanter has passed over the country, and in tlie vicinity of our cities and towns has transformed the barren hills and vales of their environs into tasteful suburban villas, through the skill of the Landscajje Gardener. " No public or private grounds with any pretension* to elegance, are now undertaken to be improved, with- out the supervision of a competent master of this art ; for no one wishes to have it said, that his improvements were in bad taste. " Li the vicinity of Cincinnati, on the beautiful hills surrounding the city, many fine specimens of well-im- HISTORICAL NOTICES. 559 proved country seats are to be found. Among others, may be mentioned those of R. B. Bowler, Wni. Resor, W. B. Smith, Griffin Taylor, Thos. Sherlock, S. J. Kel- logg, and Henry Probasco, of Clifton ; W. "VV. Scar- borough, and his neighbors of East Walnut Hills ; Miles Greenwood, and others, of Avondale ; several on College Hill, in the neighborhood of Farmers' College; and Jacob Hoffner, of Cumminsville, in the valley below. " In the West, ~^of late years, the establishment of Rural Cemeteries in the vicinity of towns and cities has been introduced with commendable zeal, and with a refin- ing influence on those interested, as well as on the public at large. Among the most prominent of these improve- ments may be named 'Spring Grove Cemetery,' near Cincinnati ; ' Alleghany Cemetery,' near Pittsburgh ; ' Bell Fountain,' of St. Louis ; ' Cave Hill,' of Louis- ville ; and those of Lexington, Frankfort, Dayton, Colum- bus, and Cleveland ; many of them presenting good specimens of the art of and taste in modern Landscape Gardening. "'The environs of tliese last-named cities are also adorned with many elegant country residences, too nu- merous to mention here ; but the country seats of John H. Shoenberger, of Pittsburgh; Dr. C. W. Short, of Louisville ; and Col. John O'Fallon, of St. Louis, may be given as examples. The latter, for extent and beauty, is excelled by none in tlie West." In connection with Landscape Gardening at the West, we feel the importance of impressing upon all planters the great advantage, and even necessity of thick belts and screens of evergreens on the prairies, to shelter or- chards, buildings, and stock-yards from the severity of the winter winds. Mr. Edwards, the Secretary of the Illinois State Hor- ticultural Society, writes us, that in this State, especially in the neighborhood of Lamoille, Bureau County, the 560 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. following evergreens do well : the "Wliite, Gray (Banksiaini), Austrian, Cembran, and Scotch pines ; the Eed, Black, "White, and Norway hemlock spruces; also, the Red cedar, the Savin, the Swedish and Irish juni- pers, the Balsam fir, the Am-erican and Siberian Arbor vitse ; that the Pine and Juniper are peculiarly adapted to the high, dry prairies — the Arbor vitse and Spruce to moist localities ; and that the folloM-ing varieties have been tried, but all need protection in the winter: Araucaria imbricata. Cedar of Lebanon, Pinus excelsa, Pinus maritima, Deodar cedar ; Douglas, Menzies, arid Pinsapo spruces ; English and Irish yews, English Silver fir, Chinese and Golden arbor vitse ; the Tree box, and even the Dwarf box, for edgings J I ^-1 -J~ J L ± 3 3_JU J. S 11 on "1 E^f^l^^^ "^^SKT*^ *^^P»U!2^ [ mSTOEICAL NOTICES. 501 SECTION YI. HISTOKICAL NOTICES CONTINUED. Not very many years liave passed, since from the crowded and confined state of our public Burial Grounds within our large cities, the question of extra- mural interments excited great and earnest consider- ation, and eventually led to the establishment of Rural Cemeteries. The first one of any importance, was that at Laurel Ilill, near Philadelphia, a most successful enterprise, mainly due to the taste and perseverance of Mr. John Jay Smith, of that city. This was followed by the one at New Haven ; Mount Auburn, near Boston ; Green- wood, at New York; Spring Grove, near Cincinnati; two near Baltimore, &c,, nntil there is hardly a city or town of any size in the Union which does not possess its Rural Cemetery. This was one of those grand improvements in civili- zation, the importance and necessity of which was so apparent, that it has since been universally adopted, and may be fairly considered now one of our institutions. Another, and the next great step onward which is now exciting much attention throughout the land, is the establishment of Parks, which may be classified as Public Parks, for the enjoyment of the People of our Cities and larger Towns, as the Central Park in New York, and Hunting Course Park, near Philadelphia; semi-Public Parks, owned and enjoyed by the persons who live around them ; and lastly, the Parks, or Orna- mental Grounds, attached to our Public Buildings, 36 5G2 LANDSCAPE GAKDENING. Colleges, &c. As illustration, we will give from each class one example, selecting such as we happen to be the most familiar with. The Central Park, in New York, being the most important work of the kind that has been undertaken in America, some slight reference to its plan and general intention will be appropriate here, the more especially, as the editorial articles that appeared in the " Horti- culturist," urging its necessity, and setting forth its advantages, unquestionably exercised an important in- fluence in favor of the project. The ground set aside for the purpose, consisting of about 750 acres (represented by the small diagram. Fig. 99), was appropriated by an Act of Legislature, in the course of the year following Mr. Downing's death. It Avas not, however, till the close of 1857, that the actual purchase of the land was completed. Premiums for de- signs were at this time offered by the Commissioners intrusted with the conduct of the enterprise, and early in June, 1858, the plan (Fig. 98), submitted by Fred. Law Olmsted, and Calvert Yaux, was adopted by the Board. The woi-k was at once actively commenced, under the guidance of the designers, and has since been steadily pressed forward by the Commission — a force of over 2,000 men being employed during the most favor- able part of the season. From the published description of the design, and such other data as have been furnished us, it apj^ears that the Park is two and-a-half miles long and half a mile wide. It is divided into two distinct parts by the old and new Reservoirs — the former a quadrangular basin of mason-work ; the latter, of an irregular curved outline, with an earth embankment to retain the water. These two artificial structures occupy a considerable space, and when complete, will have appropriated about 150 acres of ground out of the middle of the site ; p I HISTORICAL NOTICES. 563 narrow spaces being left on either side, that at certain points become mere connecting links between the upper and lower portions of the Park. The horizon lines of the upper Park, between the IS'ew Pteservoir and 106th street, are bold and sweeping, and the slopes have considerable breadth and amplitude in almost every direction in which they may be viewed. This character is, perhaps, taken altogether, the best that can be desired for a parS: ; and but little alteration of surface is, therefore, needed. A ravine of considerable extent runs through this sec- tion of the Park, in which a small lake (A) may readily be formed, a view of which is given in Fig. 102; and west of this point (i?), where the road meets the dip of the two most important hills, a stone bridge is proposed to be erected, so that the main circuit-drive may in- clude in its course a view of all the principal features of interest in the upper Park. The land, for some distance to the north of the boundary line {CC), provided by the Act of the Legislature, should have been included in the original grant, as it commands extensive views that are not obtained within the present limits, and consists of a series of bold and picturesque rocky bluffs, termi- nating abruptly at 110th street, which offer the only natural boundary to the Park property. The advisa- bility of making this alteration in tlie line is now evi- dent to all who visit the locality ; and the attention of the city authorities has been, for some time past, drawn to the subject. It is, therefore, quite possible that the northern boundary may soon be advanced to 110th street. This will add about sixty acres to the area of the Park. On the easterly side of the upper Park it is proposed to plant an American Arboretum (D), so that every one who wishes to do so may become acquainted with the trees and shrubs that will flourish in the open air, in the northern and central parts of our country. 564 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. It is not intended to be arranged formally, but so that it may present all the most beautiful features of lawn and woodland landscape, preserving, at the same time, the natural order of families, as far as practicable. In the event of the extension of the Park to 110th street being made, the space occupied by the Arboretum might be considerably enlarged. The lower Park, between 59th street, and the New Keservoir, is far more heterogeneous in its character, and requires a nmch more varied treatment. Its most prominent and characteristic feature is the long, rocky hill-side immediately south of the Old Peservoir ; and this has been accepted as the central point of landscape attraction, to which the other ornamental arrangements of the plan are to be made more or less subservient. A skating-pond, or lake, of varied outline, and containing about lifteen acres, surrounds a considerable portion of the base of this hill, and, in a measure, separates it from the rest of the lower Park. Expanses of lawn are pre- pared on the table-land forming the summit of the hill, and the side is converted into a ramble, with a labyrin- thine arrangement of foot-paths, leading the visitor among groves and shrubbery, rivulets, rocks, and glens, to the prominent points of view that are obtained in this part of the grounds. A cavernous passage formed by large, overhanging rocks has been discovered, and excavated during the summer, and is an interesting incident heightening the naturally picturesque character of the ramble. The Promenade {E) is the feature next in importance in the lower Park. It consists of a broad level walk be- tween double rows of elms. The boundaries are to be on all sides irregularly planted, so that its formality will scarcely be perceived, except within itself. Its nortliern extremity is finished architecturally, and, as suggested by the original outline of the surface, is elevated about twenty feet above the ground immediately to the north, HISTORICAL NOTICES. 565 overlooking the hill-side occupied by the ramble, and being connected with the intervening lake by a Water Terrace (see Fig. 103), with which it communicates by flights of stone steps, and also through a spacious corridor passing under one of the carriage-drives. To the west of the promenade a tract of about twenty-five acres, of nearly level ground, has been pre- pared, by the removal of rocks and other obstructions, which is intended to be used as a parade-ground. On the east of the promenade {E)^ and partially separ- ated from it by an intervening I'idge and plateau, is a stretch of pleasantly undulating ground {F)^ intended to be carefuU}^ cultivated and planted M'ith fine shade trees. To the southwest of the promenade is the play-ground, containing now about fourteen acres of levelled surface, overlooked by picturesque rocks that offer ample oppor- tunity for spectators to view the games. The southern extremity or entrance to the promenade is approached by roads and foot-paths leading from the different gates at the lower end of the Park, and offers a point of concentration and divergence both for pedes- trians and those driving. Commencing at this point, a short circuit or vis-a^is drive of a mile is provided around the parade and play-grounds, with branches connecting it w^ith the longer circuit-drive that passes tlirough the whole length of the upper and lower Parks. Between the Fifth and Sixth Avenue entrances, near tlie southern boundary of the Park, another lake of about six acres is provided in low ground that is sug- gestive of such an arrangement. Around the New Peservoir it is intended to construct a course for riding, and connecting with it, a bridle road is arranged, that commences with the principal entrance gates, and winds tlirough the Park, passing under the roads and foot-paths by bridges, one of wliicli is shown ill Fig. 100. 566 LANDSCAPE GAKDEMNG. Fig. 100. Along the westerly side of the Park, for a distance of nearly two miles, there will be a winter-drive, pro- tected by hardy evergreens ; and on the easterly side of the lake, a Geometric flower-garden (G) of considei'able size is proposed, as will be seen on the diagram of plan. Fig. 99. In adapting to its present purpose the site selected for the Park, its situation in the probable future heart of the city had to be considered, and transverse roads between the east and west sides of the city were, of course, demanded. The Park being two and-a-half miles in length, it was also evident that these transverse roads would, at no very distant time, become crowded tho- roughfares, having nothing in common with the Park proper, but every way at variance with the agreeable sentiments it should inspire. Eight times in a single circuit of the Park, they would oblige a pleasure-drive or HISTOlilCAL NOTICES. 567 Btroll, to encounter a turbid stream of traffic. Each of these roads has, therefore, been so located and arranged on the adopted plan, that it may be carried through the Park on a grade that will allow the pleasure-drives to pass entirely over it at the necessary points of inter- section, without any obvious elevation or divergence from their routes. Short tunnels are preferred for this purpose to ordinary bridges, so that the spaces at the sides of the pleasure-drive may be thickly planted, and the view of the city-street below shut out from view. To illustrate still further the treatment of the grounds, we have selected- two of the more important points of view (Figs. 101 and lOti, 103 and lOi), showing the original condition of the land, and the improvements which are contemplated. In regard to the second description of Parks, we would Urst remark, that in the United States, the most numerous class from whom the art of Landscape Gardening will receive attention, is composed of persons of moderate means. They are mostly merchants or professional men, who seek a refuge from the confined and unwholesome air of the city, or whose taste leads them to Und agreeable recreation in the cultivation and adornment of a country residence ; who still maintain their business, or social connection with the adjacent city or town, but whose time and means which can be appropriated to their " place," are more or less limited. "VVe have, indeed, a rapidly increasing number of men of fortune, whose estates are large enough, and whose means and liberality are adequate for the pro- duction of the highest results of the art ; but our best efforts must fall far short of the grand effects attainable under the English system of proprietorship, and the great majority of the practical exponents of American Gardening, will always be cultivators of few acres, whose taste, if correctly formed, will lead them to attempt only modest results. 5G8 LAJS'DSCAPE GARDENING. There are many practical difficulties, which every one must find, who essays to make such countrj^ or sub- urban residences. If the selection of a site is to be made, the proximity of nuisances, or the danger that an advancing population from the neighboring city will soon supply them, renders the task one of much per- plexity. The limits of your place, plant as ^^ou may, can not always be concealed, without shutting out the distant prospect ; and all breadth of effect, and grace of outline, is destroyed by the effort to secure yourself from present or anticipated annoyances. High boundary fences, and a separate gate-lodge for ieach place, seem necessary for protection from marauders — while the idea of even a respectable drive over your own ground, secure from the disagreeabl'e objects of the public high- way, is rarely entertained. These difficulties, and many others, the enthusiastic lover of a country life will bravely meet, and patiently endure, when they are insurmountable ; but the attempt to overcome them has been made with apparent success, by the project before mentioned, of a semi-public, or, as it is, we believe, called a Neiglihorhood Park. The general plan on which such an enterprise can be based, may perhaps, be best elucidated by the history and des- cription 0^ Llewellyn Pavh^ at Orange, l!^ew Jersey, in illustration of which, the engraving on steel (Plate YL), presents a view of the entrance. A Plan of the same is also given in Fig. 105, and the upper and north- western part of the Park is shown in Fig. 106, the figures being further exjDlained by the Table of Re- ferences, page 573. The site selected for this Park is on the eastern slope of the Orange mountain, which here forms an inclined * The origin and execution of this valuable scheme, is attributable to Mr. L. S. Haskell, a merchant of New York, who has enthusiastically devoteJ tlie past three years to the develoimient of this, his favorite idea. HiSTonicAL ^•oTICES. 5G9 plane, starting from an elevated plateau, on which is the village of Orange, and ascending westerly, at a moderate grade, for about a mile, until surmounted by a rocky cliff of " Trap," wliicli forms the crest of the mountain. The location gives accessibility to New York, by railroad, and to the pleasant village at the base of the mountain. The view from the grounds comprehends the entire area, extending to the city of New York^ with a peep of the ocean through the Narrows, on the east ; the Highlands of the Hudson on the north ; and the receding blue of the New Jersey plains in the south ; with the intervening cities, villages, forests, and farms. The tract of land procured for the enterprise, consisted of some 350 acres, mostly of half-cultivated or deserted farms — partly forests of oak, hickory, chestnuts, cedar, and pines. It will usually be found, as in this case, that the most suitable land for such a project is — from the desirable irregularities of surface, the profusion of rocks and ra- vines, and its elevated position — the least useful for the agriculturist. That portion of the grounds selected for the Park proper is centrally situated, 'as regards the whole tract, and in form it is irregular, following the natural indications of the surface — being traversed by a finely wooded ravine, through which flows a brook, affording material for ornamental water and cascades, which have been tastefully made throughout its course. It comprises nearly sixty acres — its greatest length mea- suring one mile — the entire tract being encompassed by a road which gives access to the surrounding residences ; and the other drives made for the convenience of those Bites not immediately contiguous to the Park, increase the extent of carriage roads to an aggregate of five miles. The walks, measuring about the same length, lead from the entrance, to the summit of the cliff, and to other interesting parts of the grounds ; while at suitable points are kiosks, seats, and bridges, constructed in rustic- 570 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. work, to be in keej^ing with the natural character of the surrounding forests. The entrance from the public road is protected by a gate-lodge, and is set back from the highway two hundred and iifty feet ; a liberal space here rendering tlie change from tlie road to the culti- vated grounds of the park less abrupt, and expressing the idea of hospitality. The main avenue from the entrance soon leads tlie visitor into the ravine, while on either hand diverge the other roads ; following Glen Avenue, we emerge from the ravine, by a picturesque turn up the precipitous bank. The somewhat laby- rinthian drives which now offer themselves, lead in graceful curves throughout the estate, the unity of which is not marred by interior fences ; for though the proprietors are not restricted in this respect by any rule, they have, by common consent, thus far avoided the erection of any barriers, excepting those necessary to enclose the whole tract. The Park itself and all the private places, seem like one large estate, enlivened by the dwellings and embellishments which, at intervals, are seen throughout the vistas of the forest. After making the detour of these grounds, the drive may be continued to other interesting places in the neighbor- hood, among which is " Eagle Rock," a bold projecting portion of the cliff, commanding a wider scope of the horizon, and more nearly a birds-eye view of the land- scape. Around this central tract,' especially termed " the Park," the remainder of the property is divided into about fifty villa sites, of from three to ten acres each, the proprietors of which have a joint interest in and common access to the Park, but who possess the sole and unrestricted right to the lot which they may have selected. The fund for the pur- chase and embellishment of the Park is derived from an assessment on the surrounding sites, of one hundred dollars per acre ; and for the maintenance of the Park, and future improvements, an annual assessment is made ^ H -<^ ^ K *H b^ gj i?i K 1— to ^n ^ H k1 r » ^ ^s ■*■ i^ ^ »^ fe^^fflSfe 4w»-%iiCS\ ai n ^ H ^ Q t^ -!? B t^ '^ H \o. S S CO 1: t^ ' H i?', M «-i ^ ^ W K^ / r^ t to ^ 4P '>'^ .^s^- ^^j,* HISTOKICAL NOTICES. 57 1 bj the proprietors, not to exceed ten dollars per acre. The fee of the Park is in three trustees and their successors, and its care and embellishment is entrusted to a " Committee of Management," who are elected annually by the lot owners. Some of the advantages which are aimed at, in what may be termed the social park, may be thus stated : 1. The securing a neighborhood free from nuisances and an inferior class of buildings. 2. The rural character of the grounds is preserved, instead of assuming the rectangular forms of a village, which are a repetition of city lots on an inferior scale, 3. The different places can be laid out with mutual reference to each other, so that the subdivisions are not apparent in a way detrimental to the general effect. 4. A line entrance and approach road can be secured, even where the private grounds are small, and the amount appropriated to these embellishments limited. 5. The Park affords extensive drives and walks for the exclusive use of the proprietors, with a variety in the ornamental grounds unattainable on places of ordi- nary magnitude. To illustrate the general mode of treatment of the private grounds adjoining the Park, we give, in Figs. 107 and 108, plans of one of the sites of five acres. It is situated on a gentle knoll, and the house, which is in the Tuscan manner, occupies the summit, and com- mands fine distant views in all directions. The place is laid out in the natural style, by that very clever Landscape Gardener, Mr. Bauman, and an appropriate connection between the house and the surrounding grounds is maintained by an artificial terrace, fifteen feet wide at the top, and ornamented with vases, etc. The plans may serve, also, to show the method of grouping the trees — their positions, and the varieties used, being given in the Table of Keferences, page 573. Another phase ofimprovement in our rural taste is the increasing care and attention bestowed upon the 572 LANDSCAPE GAEDENING. grounds attached to our colleges, hospitals, and other public buildings. Mr. Downing, we think, did much to develop this in the taste he disj^layed in the arrangement of the grounds attached to the Smithsonian Institute and La Fayette Square, in Washington. We are rapidly passing from the straight, formal walks, and the rectangular plantations of the jDast, into the more harmonious and pleasing arrangements of the modern scliool. Clinton Park and Botanic Garden, which contains within its limits Hamil- ton College, at Clinton, N. Y., is a very successful illus- tration of this improvement. Fifteen or twenty acres have been enclosed within the College Park, and en- tirely laid out in the most skillful and artistic manner. Broad and extensive, lawns are divided by graceful walks throughout the whole extent ; trees and shrubs, of every description flourishing in this climate, have been planted in groups, masses, or as single sj^ecimens. A section of the ground will be used as a Botanic Garden, in which trees, shrubs, and flowers will be arranged according to their several families. The humanizing influence of harmonious and beauti- ful surroundings upon every one, is beyond all question; and it was truly said by the Rev. Mr. Gridley, to whose taste and energy much of the success of the Clinton Park is due, that "• it is no vain thing to suppose that the minds and hearts of students will be benefited by daily walks through such grounds, and in view of such a varied and wide-spread landscape : these peaceful shades and sunny slopes and laughing streams — this hum of cheerful industry — the music of distant church bells, and the glimpses and echoes here caught of the great thoroughfares of business and travel that mark the great world without — these skies, ever changing and ever beautiful, and the seasons rolling through them — ■ what mind can be brought into the midst of such scenes without deriving from them essential profit ?" LANDSCAPE GA.UDENING, 573 EEFERENCES EXPLANATION OF EEFEKENCES FOR FIGURES 105 & 106. No. 1. Lycenm. " 2. The Wigwam. '• S. Summer-hoiiso. Children's Play-ground. Social Circle. The Evergreens. The Hickories. Tlic Chestnuts. The Oaks. The Rocks. No. 12. Stone Bridge on 0.ak Bend. " 13. The Cascade. " 14. Gate-lodge. " 15. Conservatory and Propagating house. " 16. Prospect Tower. " 17. The Kiosk. " 18. Rock work. " 19. Ravine Spring. P. B. Private Residences. TABLE OF REFERENCES FOR FIGURES lOT & 108. The House. The Conservatory. Grass Terrace. Gravelled Terrace. Approach. Fountain and Jet d'cau, surrounded •with beds of flowers. Kiosk, from which is the best view of the house. Rosery, in the centre of which Is a suitable place for a statue or vase. Coach-house and Stable. Kitchen-garden, separated from the lawn by a belt of trees, DLL. E 1. Sugar Maple. 2. Silver " 3. Norway " 4. Lombardy Poplar. 6. Screen of American Arbor Vitae. C. Group of Rhododendrons. F\. Group of White Pines, 2. Lofty growing trees, near the bound- ary. Oaks, Maples, and Tulips. 3. Chinese double-flowering Apple, Ken- tucky Coffee tree, and Kolreu- teri.a. /Tl, 6, & 7. A large group of trees, both Evergreen and Deciduous, planted on the outskirts of the place. 2. Acacia Bensoniana. 3. Group of Euonymus (purple-leaved). 4. Austrian Pine and Pinus cxcelsa. 5. European Weeping Ash. T 1. Group of low evergreen trees. Tew 6, Illinois, Mr. Edwards' Keport on Evergreen.? in Irving, Washington, residence of. 35, Ironwood .. Islands, formation of . . . Italian Scenery Italian Garden 4G; 556 295 yy 555 25t) 24G 257 499 371 376 375 374 873 430 471 404 402 549 28) 72 231 172 282 4y9 341 3S0 287 114 204 25 557 60 218 270 290 470 540 87 194 418 id70 2a3 402 4;i7 30 442 554 270 53S 560 353 l.">0 80,8 4.")1 444 P