352/ If 06 THE PERVERXEO USE OF THE MORAL, PO^VER The moral power, when on the side of right, Is a most potent influence in the fight — The fight for liberty — The fight for humanity — The fight for all that is grand — The tight in which we all should take our stand. But when by Mephistopheles' power The moral word is used every hour To further some vile end — Strength some vile cause to lend — Some good cause to rend — The moral words used in such a way As we have seen them used — day after day, Is anything but moral and true — By good words they would goodness undo. The power that does a true paper undermine, Is not with the cause of truth in line. And when this vile power Has by its cunning, and deep laid craft Got possession of the helm of a noble craft, And directs its course backward To some malstrom that would lead it — downward Backward and downward, to some low condition of the past — Kather than on towards the high plateau — so grand and vast — A plateau'that under our influence has grown. And not under the influence, as often shown Of those who our good system would overthrow By the cunning use of good words — words that bring woe To the world — and turn back the wheels of time To the conditions that would with the old world chime. For years the enemy fought a manly — open fight — A face to face encounter — where each side did show its might. But of late years, seeing that by the open fight They did not conquer — and their side gain might — The might to govern the nation, with power. So they a new way sought — one that with subtility did tower. All our Captains of Industry, were rascals — bold — Bold vile-men ; who to Satan have sold Their souls for prosperity here — A prosperity that for the poor there is naught of cheer, "The Captains of Industry," they cry, "the G. O. P. must down," "Else the people will upon the G. O. P. frown," And then at the election there will not be enough votes To sustain these Captains — But enough to put in the turn-coats ; That is the men who, to their coats, have two sides, One to attract "the people," the other that with the tyrant rides. Worldly men, by ways that are sharp, Did industriously plan and work in the dark. Some good, and heretofore, paper true — To gain possession, and quietly undo That which for many a year Has labored for the cause so dear — Dear unto all who to America are true — ~P (\ <"1 H True to that represented by the flag of varied hue. | X3 3 »^ *** / Now that paper, while on the side of free-trade -p ^, Still pretends at times on the enemy's lines to raid, 0*? ■5* I \ It prides itself on its Independence bold, «^-' 1 . And thereby deceives many as to the good days of old. I 7 ^^ Yet what have the " moral shonters " done For humanity ? Nothing — under the Sun ! Nothing but talk — high-morality. When by it they really mean rascality! It is not for morality that they care, But for the power with the tyrant to share, Whereby to reduce America to the condition Of the old-world — for humanity — perdition. For humanity, America is over the old world far ahead. What brought about this condition, that the old world does dread ? Was it the old world's better way; Was it her poor homes and poor pay ; Was it the conditions of society there ; Was it the higher conditions in which the poor had no share? No! it has been because of the protection of humanity here — To the old world the people do not emigrate. But to better themselves they come to our Great State, An-^ here they favorable conditions find — Conditions to which the old world is blind. From the first, to our shores, with the true men came Emissaries of the old world, who would repeat the same Here that has the old world cursed — . All that tyranny has nursed. By fair means and foul — in fact all foul — The enemy would us down — But by his moral-^owZ He has the most successful been — We are "all vile," he says, and "full of sin." The test of a principle is the good that it does — The works that employment give — the wheels that buzz With industry — and hour after hour — Reveal the wisdom of the protection power. And yet there are men who condemn this — Speak of it as Bobbery — that it is all amiss With, and against the laws of trade — and even God's laws, That all things should be free — all that help their cause. And here their cause stops short ! It does not go into the deeper principles, as taught By the "patriots of the infant world," Who their shots have hurled At the Tyrants of the past — . Patriots who nailed the flag to the mast, Where they would ever have it fly. With its " Broad stripes and bright stars " against the sky, A banner of hope — to make and to keep humanity free — The banner that stands for liberty — The liberty to do that which is fair and right — Not the liberty that uses good words to mislead. But the liberty that for humanity to plead — Plead for all — for liberty so true, Having strength to expose the vile arts by which the enemy would undo The grand work of the past — to do the work of the present too, We propose to ever be true — True to ourselves — true to God and man — And for humanity and truth — labor all we can — November 10, 1906. ISAAC P. NOYES. Washington, D. C.