Glass Book. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT / LINCOLN literature: Lincoln Literature A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN Lincolniana DANIEL FISH Member and Secretary Public Library Board Minneapolis, Minn. Published by the Board Minneapolis I 900 _87073 Library of Congresaj DEC 11 1900 CopyngW ««ry SECOND COPY OellvWMi to ORDER OIVISWH Copyright, 1900, by DANIEL F.ISH MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. PRESS OF BYRON & WILLARD PRKITACK. The scope of this compilation is defined with tolerable ac- curacy by the wording of its title, yet a word of explanation may be useful. Having- its origin in the wish of the compiler to form and possess a respectable collection of Lincoln literature, it grew in a leisurely way out of his efforts to ascertain of what such a collection should consist. It had thus accumulated to nearly its present dimensions wdth no thought of giving it to the press, when its value to others similarly engaged became so obvious as to suggest that they, as well as librarians and special students of the civil war period, would welcom.e its publication. The matter has therefore been diligently revised and extended, and a small edition is offered to those who may be willing to share the cost of printing. As intimated, the list embraces only such publications as, broadly speaking, may be called literature, to the exclusion of some other things in printed form classed as Lincolniana. Single-page prints almost without number, relating more or less directly to Mr. Lincoln, were issued in all stages of his public career and, notably, during the season of mingled grief and rage which succeeded his assassination. These, consisting of por- traits, cartoons, badges, cards, circulars, posters, broadsides, and the like, though possessing a degree of historical significance, shed no appreciable light upon the person to whom they refer, nor do they disclose the opinions of any known individual con- cerning him. Issued for the most part anonymously and with nothing upon them to determine time or place of publication, they are not susceptible of description in bibliographical terms, falling within the category of curious relics rather than the de- partment of letters. Hence no place is made for them in the present catalogue. Nehher is it attempted here to present an index to all that belongs legitimately to the literature of the subject. A great number of articles, many of them of the highest value, appear vi. PEE FACE. in scores of periodicals to which no references are given. The Poole indexes measurably supply this lack and must suffice until some one with the requisite time and patience shall give to it more particular attention. With two or three intended excep- tions, also, collections of biography and similar books contain- ing separate Lincoln matter but devoted in part to other topics, are omitted. The engagements of the compiler have not per- mitted him to undertake the exploration of this important field. And to these must be added the vast general literature of the Civil War, in all of which the great War President necessarily holds a central place. This list, then, deals exclusively with books and pamphlets, including in the latter class everything that approaches to the dignity of the brochure. And it em.braces only such of these as pertain wholly or chiefly to the man, his acts and utterances, his character and services, his life and death. Nothing has been inserted without a reason for thus classifying it, no'thing inten- tionally omitted within the limits prescribed. The utmost simplicity of treatment has been preferred, even to the eschewing of the Latin phraseology made familiar by bibliographical usage. In most instances (always when prac- ticable) the title-page has been transcribed entire, and such further information given concerning each publication as will miake its identification easy and certain. The occasional notes and cross-references are introduced m_ainly in aid of the same object. The temptation to subdivide the list, by placing the vari- ous classes of writings in separate parts, has been resisted in the belief that a special bibliography, such as this is intended to be, is best adapted to the general need when all its contents are ar- ranged under one alphabet. The order is of course determined by the names of authors, editors or compilers, when known ; otherwise, by considerations of convenience to users. The num- ber of anonym.ous titles assembled under the principal name, though considerable, is not deemed a serious objection in com- parison with any more artificial schem.e of arrangement. Pre- tending, however, to no more than amateur skill in this difficult science, the compiler submits his work to the better informed with unfeigned diffidence. Invaluable aid has been rendered by Maj. William H. Lam- bert, of Philadelphia, a diligent collector and student of Lin- colniana, and himself the author of a thoughtful and eloquent PREFACE. vii. delineation of Lincoln's life and character. So freely and amply has he contributed, indeed, that mere prefatory acknowledge- ment is hardly adequate. He should be accorded the rank of collaborator — but with full exemption from responsibility for faults of plan and method, in which he has had no part. Indebtedness is also acknowledged to the ''Memorial Lin- coln Bibliography," published by Andrew Boyd thirty years since, and long out of print. The special list of sermons, orations and eulogies occasioned by the death and funeral of the President, which forms the first and most valuable part of that work, is due to the industry and skill of Mr. Charles Henry Hart, and is alto- gether admirable. Following so shortly upon the tragic event, it is surprisingly full ; far more exhaustive, no doubt, than would be possible if the work were now for the first time attempted. With the cordial consent of the author the information so labori- ously gathered by him has been largely drawn upon for the en- richment of these pages. In these closing days of the century which gave Abraham Lincoln to the world, it is the common thought of all who are called upon to speak in his honor that nothing remains unsaid, all the resources of eulogy being quite exhausted. But the writer may be pardoned for feeling that a most impressive eulogium is uttered in the simple bringing together of this re- markable collection of more than eight hundred distinct issues of the home and foreign press, each of which has that unique man for its principal theme. Washington and Fianklin are the two earlier Americans about whom most has been written. The public life of each covered a period of full fifty years, and both died more than a century ago. Lincoln lived in the public eye but six years, and barely a generation has elapsed since his death ; yet already the volume of printed matter concerning him very nearly equals all that has been published about both of his distinguished predecessors. No other man since Shakespeare has evoked a personal literature so copious, varied and brilliant. As a son of the Prairie State from which Lincoln came, and a boy- soldier of the Union which Lincoln so deeply loved, the compiler of this monograph rejoices that he is privileged thus to con- tribute, in an unobtrusive yet efifective way, to the continued and increasing fame of his great compatriot and commander. D. F. Minneapolis, November 15, 1900. '• It cannot he said there is any exaggeration of his loorth. If ever a man loas fairly tested he ivas. There was no lack of resistance, nor of slander, nor of ridicule. The times have allowed no State secrets; the nation has been in such a ferment, such multitudes had to he trusted, that no secret could he kept. Every door luas ajar, and ive know all that befell. ^^ Then lohat an occasion ivas the luhirlwind of the war! Here was place for no holiday magistrate, no fair-weather sailor; the new 2^ Hot loas hurried to the helm in a tornado. In four years — the four years of battle-days — his endurance, his fertility of resources, his magna.nimity, luere sorely tried and never found leant ing. " There, hij his courage, his justice, his even temper, his fertile counsel, his humanity, he stood an heroic figure in the centre of an heroic epoch. He is the true history of the American people in his time. Step by step he ivalked before them; slow with their slowness, quickening his step by theirs; the true representative of this continent; an entirely public man; father of his country, the p>ulse of twenty millions throbbing in his heart, the thought of their minds articulated by hi» tongue.''' — From Emerson''s Funeral Address. LINCOLN LITKRATUR^:. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. ABBOTT. Price 5 cents. The Assassination and Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, at Washington, on the 14th of April, 1865. Full particulars, with a short account of his life. By Abbott A. Abbott, Author of the "Life of Abraham Lincoln." New York: American News Co., 1865. i6mo, pp 24.* ABOTT. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. By Abott A. Abott, Author of "The Statesmen of America," &c. New York: T. R. Dawley, Publisher for the Million, 13 and 15 Park Row. 1864. i2mo, pp 100.* ABOTT. Price 15 cents. The Assassination and Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, at Washington, on the 14th of April, 1865. By Abott A. Abott, Author of the "Life of Abraham Lincoln." New York: American News Company, 121 Nassau Street. [1865.] i2mo, pp 12, A second edition contains pp 16. Merely a compilation of news- paper accounts published at the time of the tragedy. ^Titles followed hy the asterisk are not in the compiler's pri- vate collection. Persons owning such, and willing to part with them, will kindly communicate the fact. Especially is information asked concerning publications within the scope of this list but not appearing therein. 12 LINCOLN LITERATURE. ADAMS. An Address on the Life, Character and Services of Wilham Henry Seward, Delivered at the Request of both Houses of the Legislature of New York, at Albany, April i8, 1873, by Charles Francis Adams. Albany : Weed, Parsons and Company. 1873. Royal 8vo, pp yy. Portrait. Occasion of controversy. See "Lincoln and Seward," by Sec- retary Welles. ADDERUP. Lincolniana, or the Humors of Uncle Abe. Sec- ond Joe Miller. "That reminds me of a little Story." Pres. Lincoln. By Andrew Adderup, Springfield, 111. [Cut of a serpent.] New York: [No year.] Published by J. F. Feeks, No. 26 Ann street. i2mo, pp 91. Illustrated.* ALBANY COMMITTEE. No. 10. Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge. Reply to President Lincoln's Letter of 12th June, 1863. Bvo, pp 8.* Date, June 30, 1863. Relates to Vallandingham case. ALBION. Remarks of Hon. R. S. Burrows, and Address by Hon. Noah Davis, on the occasion of the National Obsequies of President Lincoln, at Albion, N. Y., April 19, 1865. Roch- ester, N. Y., C. D. Tracy & Co., Printers, Evening Express Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 24.* Cover title: "Address upon the Death of Abraham Lincoln, by Hon. Noah Davis." ALGER. Abraham Lincoln, the Backwoods Boy ; or. How a young_ra'il-splitter became President. By Horatio Alger, Jr., author of "The Boyhood and Manhood of James A. Garfield," "Luck and Pluck," etc., etc. New York : John R. Anderson and Henry S. Allen, 66 and 68 Reade Street. 1883. i2mo, PP 307- In "Boyhood and Manhood Series of Illustrious Americans." ALLEN. A Discourse prepared for the National Fast Day, June 1st, 1865, on account of the Murder of our late President, and preached at St. Thomas' Church, Homestead, Baltimore county, Md. By Ethan Allen, Rector. Published at the re- quest of its hearers. Baltimore : Printed by Wm. K. Boyle, Successor to John D. Toy. 1865. i2mo, pp 12.*. ALLEN. Abraham Lincoln A Poem by Lyman Whitney Al- len. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1896. i2mo, pp vi, 112. Revised edition of Nev^ York Herald "Prize Poem," published in December, 1895. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 13 'AMES. Stand by the President! an address delivered before the National Union Association of Cincinnati, March 6, 1863, by Rev. Charles G. Ames. Published by order of the Associa- tion. [Quotation from Washington's Farewell Address.] Cincinnati : Johnson, Stephens & Co., Printers, 141 Main Street, below Fourth. 1863. 8vo, pp 15.* ANDREW, House No. 227. Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. [Address by His Excellency John A. Andrew, Governor, to the Legislature, April 17th, 1865, on the Death of President Lincoln.] [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 8.* ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at the Semi-annual Meeting, held in Boston, April 26, 1865. Boston : Press of John Wilson and Son, No. 15 Water Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 67. Contains reports of proceedings of the Society touching the President's death. ARNAUD. Abraham Lincoln sa naissance, sa vie, so mort, avec un recit de la Guerre d'Amerique d'apres les documents les plus authentiques, par Achille Arnaud, Redacteur a I'Opinion Nationale. Paris Charleu freres et Huillery, Libraires- Editeurs, 10 Rue Git-lecoeur, 1865. Folio, pp. 96: Illus- trated.* "ARNOLD. Reconstruction. Liberty the corner-stone, and Lin- coln the architect. Speech of Hon. Isaac N. Arnold, of Il- linois, delivered in the House of P.epresentatives, March 19, 1864. Second edition. Washington : Printed by L. Towers & Co. 1864. 8vo, pp 14.* ARNOLD. The History of Abraham Lincoln, and the Over- throw of Slavery. By Isaac N. Arnold, late Member of Con- gress from Illinois. Chicago : Clarke and Co., Publishers, 1866. 8vo, pp 736. Portrait. Re-issued in 1867. ARNOLD. Sketch of the Life of Abraham Lincoln. Compiled in most part from the History of Abraham Lincoln, and the Overthrow of Slavery, Published by Messrs. Clark and Co., Chicago. By Isaac N. Arnold. John B. Bachelder, Publish- er, 59 Beekman Street, New York. 1869. 8vo, pp 75. Por- trait. Designed to accompany engraving of Chappel's painting, "The Last Hours of Lincoln." U LINCOLN LITERA TUBE. ARNOLD. Abraham Lincoln : A Paper Read before the Royal Historical Society, London, June i6th, 1881. By Hon. Isaac N. Arnold, F. R. H. S. Stephen A. Douglas : An Eulogy Delivered before The Chicago University, July 3d, 1861. By Hon. James W. Sheahan. Chicago : Fergus Printing Com- pany. 1881. i2mo, pp [Lincoln,] 165 to I94d. [Douglas,] 195 to 212 and 4 additional pp, numbered 49 to 52. CovcF title: "Fergus Historical Series, Number Fifteen. Lin- coln and Douglas." ARNOLD. Abraham Lincoln : a Paper read before The Royal Historical Society, London, June 16, 1881. By Hon. Isaac N. Arnold, President of the Chicago ITistorical Society, and Honorary Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, London. Chicago: Fergus Printing Company. 1881. 8vo, pp 4, 38,* ^ARNOLD. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. By Isaac N. Ar- nold, Author of "The Life of Benedict Arnold," etc. ; Late President of the Chicago Historical Society ; Member of Congress during the Civil War. Fifth edition. Chicago : A. C. McClurg & Company. 1891. 8vo, pp 471. Portrait. First issue, 1885,, Jansen, McClurg & Co., pp. 462. ASSASSINATION. The Assassination and History of the Con- spiracy. A com.piete di;2^est of the whole affair from its in- ception to its culmination, Sketches of the principal Char- acters, Reports of the Obsequies, etc. Fully Illustrated. Cin- cinnati : J. R. Hawley & Co., 164 Vine Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 163. » For German edition, see Kaufmann. ASSASSINATION. The Terrible Tragedy at Washington. Assassination of President Lincoln. Last hours and Death- bed Scenes of the President. A full and graphic account, from reliable authority, of the Great National Calamity. At- tempt of the Conspirators to murder Secretary Seward, Vice President Johnson, and the whole cabinet. A biographical Sketch with a correct likeness of all the parties in any way connected with the lamentable event. To which is added an authentic History of Assassins, and the distinguished per- sonages of the world who have fallen by their hands. Phila- delphia: Published by Barclay & Co., 602 Arch Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 116. Illustrated.* An edition of the same in German, pp 100. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 15 ASSASSINATION. Appendix to Diplomatic Correspondence of 1865. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, late Presi- dent of the United States of America, and the attempted as- sassination of William H. Seward, Secretary of State, and Frederick W. Seward, Assistant Secretary, On the evening of the 14th of April, 1865. Expressions of condolence and sym- pathy inspired by these events. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1866. 8vo, pp xxxiv, 717.* Reprinted 1867. 4to, pp xxx, 930. Portrait. Edited by Mr. John' H. Haswell. ^ASSASSINATION. Tributes to the Memory of Abraham Lin- coln. Reproduction in fac-simile of eighty-seven Memorials addressed by foreign Municipalities and Societies to the Gov- ernment of the United States. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with a joint resolution of Congress, approved February twenty-third, eighteen hun- dred and eighty-one. Washington : Folio, pp, (letter press,) 17. Portrait.* Plates not numbered; sumptuously printed and bound. ASSASSINS. Complete and Unabridged Edition. — Containing the whole of the Suppressed Evidence. The Trial of the As- sassins and Conspirators at Washington City, D. C, May and June, 1865. For the Murder of President Abraham Lincoln. Full of Illustrative Engravings. Being a full and verbatim Re- port of the Testimony of all the Witnesses examined in the whole Trial, with the Argument of Reverdy Johnson on the Jurisdiction of the Commission, and all the Arguments of Counsel on both sides, with the closing Argument of Hon. John A. Bingham, Special Judge Advocate, as well as the Ver- dict of the Military Commission, and the President's approval of the same; with his official order for the execution of Mrs. Surratt; Payne; Harold; and Atzeroth; and full particulars in relation to the condemned, from the time of their having their sentences of condemnation read to them by Major- General Hancock, until the moment of their Execution ; with scenes on the Scaffold, etc. With a sketch of the Life of all the Conspirators, and Portraits and Illustrative Engrav- ings of the principal persons and scenes relating to the foul murder and the trial. It also contains Mrs. Surratt's pe- tition for a writ of Habeas Corpus on the morning of her exe- cution ; its indorsement by the Court; and process served on 16 LINCOLN LITERATURE. General Hancock, with his appearance in court, and return made to it, with the address of Attorney-General Speed, and the President's indorsement on the return, suspending the writ of Habeas Corpus in the case, and the remarks made on it by the Court, with other items of fact and interest not to be found in any other work of the kind published. The whole being complete and unabridged in this volume, being prepared, on the spot by the Special Correspondents and Re- porters of the Philadelphia D-::.ily Inquirer, expressly for this edition. Philadelphia: [1865.] T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chestnut Street. 8vo, pp 210. An earlier edition, with a slightly different title page, contains the same matter, except the last 7 pp. These refer to events occur- ring after the close of the trial. ASSASSINS. Trial of the Assassins and Conspirators for the Murder of Abraham Lincoln, and the attempted Assassin- ation of Vice President Johnson and the whole Cabinet. The most intensely interesting Trial on Record, containing the evidence in full, with the arguments of Counsel on both sides, and the verdict of the Military Commission, correct Like- nesses and graphic History of all the Assassins, Conspira- tors, and other persons connected with their arrest and trial. Philadelphia: Barclay & Co., 602 Arch street, [1865.] 8vo, pp 102. Illustrated.* ATHENAEUM CLUB. Commemorative Proceedings of the Athenaeum Club, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, Presi- dent of the United States, April, 1865. [New York. Printed by C. S. Westcott & Co., 79 John St., N. Y. No year.] Royal 8vo, pp 36. Portrait. Contains addresses by Parke Godwin, and others. ATWOOD. In Memoriam. Discourses in comimemoration of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered in the South Church, Salem, April i6th, and June ist, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. E. S. Atwood. Salem: Printed at the office of the Salem Gazette, 1865. 8vo, pp 31.* BASTARD TITLES, (i.) The Nation's Loss. A Discourse . delivered on the Sunday Morning after the Assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln, in the South Church, Salem, April 16, 1865, by Rev. E. S. Atwood, Pastor. (2.) The President's Record. A Discourse delivered on the Day of the National Fast, in the South Church, ; Salem, June i, 1865. By Rev. E. S. Atwood, Pastor. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 17 BABCOCK. A Discourse on the death of President Lincoln, Preached in the Orthodox Congregational Church in Ded- ham, by the Rev. Samuel B. Babcock, in accordance with the request of a Committee of Citizens. Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Dedham, Mass.: Printed by John Cox, Jr., 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* ^BACKMAN. The World's Great Martyr, a discourse delivered in the M. E. Church, Jamaica, L. I., on Sabbath morning, April 23, 1865. By Rev. Chas. Backman, Jamaica. Chas. Welling, "Long Island Farmer." 1865. 8vo. pp 16.* BACON. The Life and Administration of Abraham Lincoln. Presenting his Early History, Political Career, Speeches, Messages, Proclamations, Letters, etc., with a General View of his Policy as President of the United States, embracing the leading events of the war. Also the European Press on his death. Compiled by G. W. Bacon. London : Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, Milton House, Ludgate Hill ; Bacon & Co., 48, Paternoster Row. 1865. 8vo, pp 183.* BACON. Abraham Lincoln geschetst in zijn Leven en Daden. naar het Engelsch van G. W. Bacon. Amsterdam. Jan Leendertz 1865. 8vo, pp 89. Portrait on cover.* BADGER. The Humble Conqueror: A Discourse commem- orative of the Life and Services of Abraham Lincoln, Preached to the Cambridgeport Parish, April 23, 1865. By Rev. Henry C. Badger. Boston: William V. Spencer, 1865. 8vo, pp 18. "BAIN. National Lessons from the Life and Death of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached in the United Presbyterian Church, Canonsburg, Pa., on Fast Day, Thursday, June i, 1865. By Rev. J. W. Bain, Pastor. Pittsburgh : Printed by W. S. Haven, corner of Wood and Third Streets, 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* J BAKER. Our Martyr President. [Delivered before the Ham- ilton Library Association of Brooklyn on Monday Evening the 24th of April, 1865.] By John F. Baker. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 5.* BALDRIDGE. The Martyr Prince. A Sermon on the Oc- casion of the Assassination of President Lincoln, delivered in the Presbyterian Church, Friendsville, [Illinois,] Sabbath 18 LINCOLN LITERATURE. ^ Morning, April 23rd, 1865. By the Pastor, Rev. S. C. Bald- ridge. Cincinnati, O. : Steam Press of Jos, B. Boyd, 25 West Fourth Street, 1865. 8vo. pp 21.* ''[BALDWIN.] The Story of Abraham Lincoln for Young Readers Werner School Book Company New York Chica- go Boston [1896.] i6mo, pp 64. Illustrated. Editor, James Baldwin, Ph. D. In series, "Baldwin's Biographi- cal Booklets." Included in "Four Great American." 1896, same publishers. BALTIMORE. Proceedings of the City Council of Bakimore, in relation to the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. [No imprint, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp 24. BALTIMORE CONVENTION. National Union Convention. Presidential Election, 1864. Proceedings of the National Union Convention held in Baltimore, Md., June 7th and 8th, 1864. Reported by D. F. Murphy, of the Official Corps of Reporters for the United States Senate. New York: Baker & Godwin, Printers, Printing House Square, opposite City Hall. 1864. 8vo, pp 94.* BANCROFT. House of Representatives. 39th Congress, ist Session. Mis. Doc, No. no. Bancroft and Earl Russell. Letter fron^ George Bancroft, Esq., directed to Hon. E. B. Washburn, Chairman, etc., transmitting Correspondence with Earl Russell relative to a portion of the memorial address on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before both Houses of Con- gress, [Washington, May 7th, 1866.] 8vo, pp 6.* BANCROFT. Memorial Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the request of both Houses of . the Congress of America, before them, in the House of Rep- resentatives at Washington, on the 12th day of February, 1866. By George Bancroft. Washington : Government Printing Office. 1866. 8vo, pp, 69. Portrait. A small edition in 4to, pp 80, contains correspondence between Mr. Bancroft, Minister Adams and Earl Russell, occasioned by the orator's strictures on the course of England during the civil war. BANCROFT. Eloge funebre du President Lincoln, prononce en seance solennelle du Congress des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Traduction de I'Anglais par Gustave Jottrand. Bruxelles, Verboeckhoven et Cie, 1866. 8vo, pp 43.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 19 ^[BARBER.] War Letters of a Disbanded Volunteer, embrac- ing his Experiences as Honest Old Abe's Bosom Friend and unofficial advisor. "Our lives have been like twin flowers upon a Lily's stem ; and let us, when we must fall, together fall like them." New York : Frederick A. Brady, Publisher, No. 22 Ann street. 1864. i2mo, pp 312. Froni'^spiece.* Author, Joseph Barber. [BARNARD.] Letter to the President of the United States, by a Refugee. New York: C. S. Westcott & Co., Printers, No. 79 John Street. 1863. 8vo, pp 32.* Author, F. A. P. Barnard. President Columbia College. *■ 1 "Barnes. The state of the Country. A Discourse, delivered m the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, June i, 1865, on the day appointed as a day of "Humiliation and Mourning," in view of the Death of the President of the United States. By Albert Barnes. Philadelphia: Henry B. Ashmead, Book and Job Printer, Nos. 1102 and 1104 Sansom Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 74* BARNES. Discourse on the Death of President Abraham Lin- coln, delivered by Rev. Samuel Barnes, in the Monument Street Methodist Episcopal Church [Baltimore] on the Day appointed by the Municipal Authorities, Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Published by Request of the Leaders' Meeting. Bal- timore: Printed by John D. Toy, 1865. 8vo, pp 12.-^ BARR. A discourse delivered by the Rev. T. H. Barr, at Canaan Center, [Ohio,] April 19, 1865, on the occasion of the Fu- neral Obsequies of our late President, Abraham Lincoln. Published by Special Request. Repubhcan Steam Power , Press, Wooster, Ohio, 1865. i2mo, ppii.* J BARRETT. Barrett's Authentic Edition. Life of Abraham Lincoln, (of Illinois.) with a condensed view of his most im- portant speeches ; also a sketch of the life of Hannibal Ham- lin (of Maine.) By J. H. Barrett. Cincinnati: Moore, Wil- stach. Keys & Co^, 25 West Fourth Street, i860. i2mo, pp 216. Portraits. BARRETT. Life of Abraham Lincoln, presenting his Early History, Political Career, and Speeches in and out of Con- gress ; also a general view of his policy, as President of the J 20 LINCOLN LITERATURE. United States; with his Messages, Proclamations, Letters, etc., and a concise History of the War. By Joseph H. Barrett. Cincinnati : Moore,, Wilstach & Baldwin, 25 West Fourth Street. 1864. i2mo, pp 518. Portrait.* BARRETT. Life of Abraham Lincoln, presenting his early his- tory, political career, and speeches in and out of Congress; also, a general view of his policy as President of the United States ; with his Messages, Proclamations, Letters, etc., and a History of his eventful Administration, and of the scenes at- tendant upon his tragic and lamented demise. By Joseph H. Barrett, Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D. C. Cin- cinnati : Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 1865. 8vo, pp 842. Il- lustrated. BARRETT. Das Leben und Wirken Abraham Lincolns, des sechzehnten Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten, nebst einer Darstellung der Kriegsereichnisse, die wahrend seiner Ad- ministration stattfanden. von Joseph H. Barrett, Vorsteher des Pensions-Amtes zu Washington. Aus dem Englischen frei iibersetzt und mit zusatzen, Erlauterungen und einer V'orrede versehen von Johann L. C. Eggers. Cincinnati : Druck und Verlag von Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 25 west Vierte Strasse. 1866. 8vo, pp 786.=^ J BARTLETT. (Authorized Edition.) The Life and Public Ser- vices of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, by D. W. Bartlett, Wash- ington Correspondent of the New York Independent and Evening Post and Author of "Lives of Modern Agitators," Life of "Lady Jane Grey," "Joan of Arc," etc. New York : H. Dayton, Publisher, No. 36 Howard Street. 1860; i2mo, pp 150. Portrait on cover. r "BARTLETT. Leben, Wirken und Reden des Republikanischen Prassidentschafts, Candidaten Abraham Lincoln. Nach den besten Amerikanischen Ouellen. D. W. Bartlett, Reuben Vose u. A. deu'tsch bearbeitet. New York, i860. Bei Fried- rick Gerhard. i2mo, pp 106.* BARTLETT. (Authorized Edition.) The Life and Public Ser- vices of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, With a Portrait on Steel. To which is added a biographical sketch of Hon. Plannibal Ham- lin. By D. W. Bartlett, Washington Correspondent of the New York Independent and Evening Post, and Author of LINCOLN LITERATURE. 21 "Lives of Modern Agitators," Life of "Lady Jane Grey," "Joan of Arc," etc. New York: A. B. Burdick, No. 115 Nassau St. i860. i2mo, pp 354. An earlier edition, pp 357, was issued with the imprint of H. Dayton. The three added pages contain Mr. Hamhn's letter of ac- ceptance. BEAVER. Abraham Lincoln. An Address delivered by James A. Beaver, of Pennsylvania, at the Banquet of the Ohio Re- publican League, Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 13, 1888, in Com- memoration of the Birthday of Abraham Lincoln. [No im- print, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp 12. BEECHER. Presentation Memorial to Working Men. Oration at the Raising of "the Old Flag" at Sumter ; and Sermon on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, By the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. [Also a Sketch of Mr. Lincoln by J. H. Eastcourt.] Manchester, [England], Alexander Ireland and Co., 1865. 8vo, pp 57.* BEIDLER. Lincoln or the Prime Hero of the Nineteenth Century By J. H. Beidler Published by Gracia Beidler & Co. Chicago, 111. 1896. Sm. 4to, pp 79.* This purports to be poetry, and is preceded by two pages of testimonials, not included in the pagination. BELGIUM. Royaume de Belgique Chambre de Representants. Extrait du Compte rendue de la Seance du 29 Avril 1865. Presidence de M. Ernest Vandenpeereboom. Motion d'Ordre. [No place, no year.] 4to, pp 4. Colophon: Bruxelles — Impr. de Deltombe, rue N. D. — aux — Neiges,' 38. Relates to the President's death. ^BENADE. The Death of Abraham Lincoln; what it represents. A Sermon, preached before the First New Jerusalem Society of Pittsburgh, Penna, Thursday, June ist, 1865, by Rev. W. H, Benade. W. G. Johnston & Co., Printers and Stationers, 57 Wood and 105 Third Streets, Pittsburgh. 1865. 8vo, pp 28.* ^BENEDICT. Our Nation's Sorrow. An Address, delivered in St, Luke's Church, Racine, [Wisconsin,] on the Day of the Funeral of President Lincoln, April 19th, 1865, by the Rector, the Rev. A. D. Benedict. 1865. Journal Print, Racine. 8vo, pp II. 22 LINCOLN LITERATUEE. "^BENJAMIN. Ode on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. By S. G. W. Benjamin. Boston: William V. Spencer, 134 Wash- ington Street. 1865. i2mo, pp 15. The first draft of this appeared in the New York Independent. "BENTON. Greeley on Lincoln with Mr. Greeley's Letters to Charles A. Dana and a Lady Friend To which are added Reminiscences of Horace Greeley Edited by Joel Benton New York The Baker and Taylor Co [1893] i2nio, pp 271. Illustrated. BEVERIDGE. A Discourse on the Assassination of President Lincoln. Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Lans- ingburgh, N. Y., on Sabbath Evening, April 16, 1865. By Rev. A. M. Beveridge. Published by Request. Troy, N. Y.: A. W. Scribner, Book and Job Printer, Cannon Place, 1865. 8vo, pp 23.* ''BINGHAM. The Spoiler Spoiled. A Sermon, preached in the Free Presbyterian Churches of Neshanock and Hopewell, [New Jersey,] Thursday, June ist, 1865. By Rev. J. C. Bing- ham. Published by the Congregation. Mercer : Printed at the Office of the Whig and Dispatch. [No year.] i2mo, pp 13.* The author's name said to have been Bigham. / BINGHAM. National Disappintment. A Discourse occa- sioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln delivered in Westminster Church, Bufifalo, Sunday Evening, May 7th,. 1865. By Joel F. Bingham, Pastor of the Congregation, Buffalo: Breed, Butler and Company. 1865. 8 vo, pp 36.* BINGHAM. Trial of the Conspirators for the Assassination of President Lincoln, &c. Argument of John A. Bingham, Special Judge Advocate, in reply to the arguments of the several counsel for Mary E. Surratt, David E. Herold, Lewis Payne, George A. Atzerodt, Michael O'Loughlin, Samuel A. Mudd, Edward Spangler and Samuel Arnold, charged with conspiracy and the murder of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Delivered June 27 and 28, 1865, before the Military Commission, Washington, D. C. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1865. 8vo, pp 122. ^BINNEY, William. See Providence. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 23 BINNS. A Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln preached by the Rev. W. Binns, in the Unitarian Chapel, Birkenhead, [England,] on Sunday Evening, April 30th, 1865. Reprinted from the "Birkenhead and Cheshire Advertiser." Birken- head, J. Oliver, Printer, Market Cross. 1865. i6mo, pp 13.* [BIONARDI.] Abramo Lincolin Prisedente della Republica Stati Unite d'amerria. Italia Dalla tipografia di Guiseppe Chianton Pisstoota. 1862. 8vo, pp 16.* On the cover: ''Ad Abrami Lincolin. Canyone Dell'al Jacopa Bionardi." [BIRCH, Rev. E. P.] The Devil's Visit to'"01d Abe." Writ- ten on the occasion of Lincoln's Proclamation for prayer and fasting after the battle of Manassas. Revised and improved expressly for the LaGrange Reporter, by the author. [No year, no place.] i8mo, pp 8.* "'BIRD. The Victorious. A small Poem on the Assassination of President Lincoln. By M. B. Bird, Wesleyan Missionary, Port au Prince, Hayti. M. DeCordovo, AIcDougall & Co., Booksellers, Stationers and Publishers, Kingston, Jamaica. 1866. i2mo, pp xvii, 57.* BIRRELL. The Ruler of Nations; A Sermon occasioned by the Death "of President Lincoln. By the Rev. C. M. Birrell, [in Pembroke Chapel Sunday Morning, April 30th, 1865.] Liv- erpool, Henry Greenwood, 32 Castle Street, and may be had through all the booksellers. Price two pence. [No year.] 8vo, pp 14.* 'BLACKBURN. The Crime against the Presidency. A Ser- mon, delivered Sunday, April i6th, 1865, in the Fourth Pres- byterian Church, Trenton, N. J., by the Pastor, Rev. Wil- ham M. Blackburn. Trenton, N. J. Murphy & Bechtel, Printers, opposite the City Hall, 1865. 8vo, pp 24.* ■>j' BLAIR. Comments on the Policy inaugurated by the President, in a Letter and two Speeches, by Montgomery Blair, Post- master General. New York : Hall, Clayton & Medole, Print- ers, 46 Pine Street. 1863. 8vo, pp 20.* BLAKE. A Sermon on the Services and Death of Abraham Lincoln, preached in Christ Church, Bridgeport, Conn., East- er Sunday, April i6th, 1865'. Repeated in the North Con- 24 LINCOLN LITERATURE. gregational Church, Bridgeport, April 19th, 1865. By Rev. John Falkner Blake, Rector of Christ Church, Bridgeport. New York: W. H. Kelley & Bro., 6^,^ Broadway. 1865. 8vo, 29. 'BLANCHARD. Abraham Lincoln the Type of American Genius an Historical Romance. By Rufus Blanchard. Wheaton: [Illinois.] R. Blanchard & Co 1882. 8vo, pp. 141. Portrait. Verse. BLISS. "Clarum et Venerabile Nomen." A Discourse, com- memorative of the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, delivered April 23, 1865. . By Rev. T. E. Bliss, Pastor of the Union Church of Mem- phis. Memphis, Tenn. W. A. Whitmore, Steam Book and Job Printer, 13 Madison Street. 1865. 8vo, pp. 16.* BOARDMAN. Addresses delivered in the Meeting House of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, April 14th, i6th, and 19th, 1865. By the Rev. George Dana Boardman, Pas- tor. 8vo, pp. 64.* BASTARD TILLES.— (I.) An Address in Commemoration of the Re-establishment of the National Flag at Fort Sumter, April 14, 1865. Delivere'd in the Meeting House of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, on the Same Day, by the Reverend George Dana Boardman, Pastor. Philadelphia: Sherman & Co., Printers, 1865. pp 26. (2.) ["Man, thou pendulum betwixt a smile and a tear."] Death, the Law of Life. A Discourse delivered on the Sun- day Morning after the Murder of President Lincoln, in the Meeting- House of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, April 16, 1865. By the Reverend George Dana Boardman, Pastor. Philadelphia: Sherman & Co., Printers, 1865. pp 27-45. (3-) [In Memoriam.] An Address in commemoration of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered in the Meeting-House of the First Bap- tist Church of Philadelphia, on the Day of his Funeral at the Na- tional Capitol, April 19, 1865. By the Reverend George Dana Boardman, Pastor. Philadelphia: Sherman & Co., Printers, 1865. I PP 47-64- 'boardman. The Death of President Lincoln. A Ser- mon preached in the Presbyterian Church, Binghampton, Sabbath Morning, April 16, 1865, by George N. Boardman. Published by Request. Binghampton, N. Y., F. M. Chase, Printer and PubHsher, Standard Office, 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* BOARDMAN. The Peace we need, and how to secure it. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 25 A Sermon preached in the Tenth Presbyterian Church, Phil- adelphia, on the Day of National Humiliation, June i, 1865. By Henry A. Boardman, D. D. Philadelphia, James S. Clax- ton. Successor to William S. and Alfred Martien, No. 606 Chestnut Street, 1865. 8vo, pp 32.* BOGARDUS. Sermon on the Death of our late President, preached by the Rev. W. E. Bogardus, April 30, 1865, in the R. P. D. C. at Unionville, Westchester Co., New York. New York, Isaac F. Oliver, 1865. 8vo, pp 13.* BOKER. Our Heroic Themes. A poem read before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, July 20, 1865. By George H, Boker. [Publisher's Monogram.] Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1865. i2mo, pp 20.* V BONDI. Charakterestik Abraham Lincolns, dangestellt in einer Trauer Predigt: gehalten am 19 April, 1865, von Jonas Bondi in des Synagage des Gemeinde Poel Zedek, Ecke 29 Strasse und 8th Avenue. New York: 93 William st. 1865. 8vo, pp 12.* BOOM. Abraham Lincoln's Character. Sketched by English ^ Travellers, [signed] W. W. B. [00m.] Brooklyn, April 30, 1865. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 4.* BOOTH. Wilkes Booth's Private Confession of the Murder of Lincoln, etc., etc., etc., published in pamphlet form, price 2d. By the News Agents Company, 147 Fleet St., London,. 1865.* As advertised in an English Newspaper. BOOTH. Personal Forgiveness and Public Justice. A sermon preached in the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, New York, April 23, 1865. By the Pastor, Robert Russell Booth,, D. D. Published by Request of the Young Men's Association of the Church. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph, No. 770 Broadway. 1865. 8vo, pp 23. BOOTH. Confession de John Wilkes Booth, assassin du President Abraham Lincoln: publiee d'apres le manuscrit original. Traduit de I'anglais Paris, E. Dentu, 1865. i8mo, pp 270.* BOSTON. City Document No. 64. City of Boston. [Seal.] ■26 LINCOLN LITERATURE. Proceedings of the City Council on the Reception of an Ad- dress from Boston, England, on the Death of President Lin- coln. [No imprint.] 1865. 8vo, pp 6.* BOSTON. A Memorial of Abraham Lincoln, Late President of the United States. [Seal.] Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865. 4to, pp 153- The bulk of the edition issued in 8vo, without publisher's imprint, but in Ifeu thereof the words: "Printed by order of the City Coun- cil." Basta--d titles: (i.) "Death of the President." (2.) "Pro- ceedings of the City Council." (3.) "Meeting in Faneuil Hall." (4.) "Procession and Services." (s) "Mr. Sumner's Eulogy." BOSTON. Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abra- ham Lincoln. Together with the Funeral Services in the East Room of the Executive Mansion at Washington. Boston: J. E. Tilton and Company, 1865. 8vo, pp 379. Contains 25 sermons. On an additional unnumbered page is the proclamation of Pres. Johnson offering rewards for the arrest of Jefferson Davis and others charged with the murder. Two hundred copies of the book were printed on large paper. BOSTON. Proceedings of the City Council of Boston, April 17, 1865, on Occasion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. [Seal.] Boston: Published by Order of the City Council., 1865. 8vo, pp 35. Printed on alternate pages. BOSTON. Bronze Group commemorating Emancipation. A gift to the city of Boston from Hon. Moses Kimball. Dedi- cated December 6, 1879. [Cut of city seal.] City Document No. 126. Printed by order of the City Council. 1879. 8vo, pp 75. Photo of group.* The oration by Frederick O. Prince, Mayor. BOTTA. Resolutions on the Death of President Lincoln, of- fered by Professor Vincenzo Botta, at the Meeting of the Italian Residents of New York, April 23, 1865. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 4.* BOUNDY. Liberty's Martyr a Poem in Eight Cantos, by Thomas Boundy. Illustrated. [Quotation.] First Edition. Jermyn, Pa. The Press Printing Office 1897. 8vo, pp 99.* Title poem occupies first 72 pp. ^ BOUTWELL. Eulogy on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, de- livered before the City Council and Citizens of Lowell, at LINCOLN LITERATURE. 27 Huntington Hall, April 19, 1865, by Hon. George S. Bout- well. Published by Resolution of the City Council. [Seal.] Lowell: Stone & Huse, Printers, 1865. 8vo, pp 17.* Reprinted in volume next below. BOUTWELL. The Lawyer, the Statesman and the Soldier By George S. Boutwell [Motto.] New York D. Apple- ton & Company 1887 12 mo, pp 232. Pages go to 149, inclusive, are devoted to Mr. Lincoln, the last ig being a reprint of the eulogy last above. - BOYD. Abraham Lincoln. Foully assassinated April 14, 1865. A Poem, with an Illustration from the London Punch, for May 6, 1865. Republished with an introduction [crest,] by Andrew Boyd. Albany, N. Y., Joel Munsell, Printer, 1868. 4to, pp 13.* Handsomely printed on alternate pages. Edition, 75 copies. ^ BOYD. A Memorial Lincoln Bibliography: being an account of Books, Eulogies, Sermons, Portraits, Engravings, Medals, etc.. Published upon Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, Assassinated Good Friday, April 14, 1865; comprising a collection in the possession of the com- piler, Andrew Boyd. [Motto.] Albany, N. Y.: Andrew Boyd, Directory publisher, 396 Broadway. 1870. 8vo, pp 175. Illustrated. ^BRADFORD. The Cause of the Rebellion, or What killed Mr. Lincoln. A Discourse delivered in the First Congrega- tional Church in Niagara City, in honor of Abraham Lincoln, April 20th, 1865. By Rev. B. F. Bradford. Published by request. Bufifalo. A. M. Clapp & Co.'s Steam Printing House, Offtce of the Morning Express, 1865. 8vo, pp 20.* BRADLEE. A Sermon for the Chu/ch of the Redeemer; By Rev. C. D. Bradlee of Roxbury. Preached Sunday, April 23d, 1865. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 8.* A second edition bears the following title: "A Reprint of a Sermon preached two Sundays in successsion by Rev. C. D. Bradlee, of Roxbury, Mass., April, 1865, containing remarks upon the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Of which, at the time, only ten copies were printed; and of this special edition, by permission, but four copies are issued, by Andrew Boyd. Albany, N. Y., October, i86g." BRAKEMAN. A Great Man Fallen. A Sermon preached in 28 LINCOLN LITERATURE. the Methodist Church, Baton Rouge, La., April 23, 1865, on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by Rev. N. L. Brakeman, Post Chaplain. Preached and Published by Request. Printed at the New Orleans Times Book and Job Ofhce, 1865. 8vo, pp 32.* ■ BRAMANTIP. The Abraham Lincoln Myth An essay in "Higher Criticism" By Bocardo Bramantip Huxleyan Pro- fessor of Dialectics in the University of Congo. From the Thirty- seventh Century Magazine of April, A. D. 3663 New York The Mascot PubHshing Co. 1894 i2mo, pp 88. Portrait on cover. Satirical argument that no emancipation proclamation was ever issued. ' BRIGGS. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, by George W. Briggs D. D. June i, 1865 [Seal.] With the proceedings of the City Council on the Death of the President. Salem, Mass, 1865. 8vo, pp 48. Part of edition printed On large paper. " BROCKETT. The Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln, Six- teenth President of the United States. Including his Speeches, Messages, Inaugurals, Proclamations, etc., etc. By L. P. Brockett, M. D. Author of "Our Great Captains," "History of the Civil War in the United States," "Philan- thropic Results of the War," etc., etc. Philadelphia. Bradley & Co. 1865. 8vo, pp 750. Illustrated. ^'BROOKLYN. Services and Addresses at the Unveiling of the Statue of Abraham Lincoln, Brooklyn, N. Y., October 21st, 1869. Pubhshed by the War Fund Committee. Brooklyn: 1869. 8vo, pp 32. Principal address by Rev. Dr. Richard S. Storrs, Jr. "BROOKS. The Two Proclamations. Speech of the Hon. James Brooks, before the Democratic Union Association, Sept. 29th, 1862. [No imprint, no year, no place.] Svo, pp 8.* BROOKS. The Life and Death of Abraham Lincoln. A Ser- mon preached at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadel- phia, Sunday Morning, April 23, 1865, by the Rev. Phillips Brooks. Printed at the request of members of the congre- gation. Philadelphia: Henry B. Ashmead, Book and Job LINCOLN LITERATURE. 29 Printer, Nos. 1102 and 1104 Sansom Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 24. V BROOKS. Abraham Lincoln. A Biography for Yomig Peo- ple by Noah Brooks Author of "The Boy Emigrants," "The Fairport Nine," "Our Base-ball Club," etc., etc. New York and London G, P. Putnam's Sons 1888. i2mo, pp xiii, 476. Illustrated. BROOKS. Abraham Lincoln and the Downfall of American Slavery by Noah Brooks Author of "The Boy Emigrants," "The Fairport Nine," "American Statesmen," etc., etc. New York and London G. P. Putnam's Sons 1894 i2mo, pp xiv, 471. Illustrated. Reprint of last above, "Heroes of the Nations" series. y BROOKS. Washington in Lincoln's Time by Noah Brooks, Author of "American Statesmen" and "Abraham Lincoln, and the Downfall of American Slavery," etc. New York: The Century Co. 1895. 8vo, pp ix, 328. J BROOKS. The True Story of Abraham Lincoln the American told for boys and girls. By Elbridge S. Brooks Author of "The True Story of Christopher Columbus," "The True Story of George Washington," "The Century Book for f Young Americans," "The Story of the United States," "His- toric Boys," "Historic Girls," "Great Men's Sons," and others. Illustrated. Boston Lothrop Publishing Com- pany [1896.] 4to, pp 239. [BROUGH.] Speech at Dayton, O., July 4th, 1863. Presi- dent Lincoln on the Arrest of C. L. Vallandingham. Presi- dent Lincoln's Reply to the Committee of Democrats, June 29, 1863. Cincinnati, Ohio: Moore, Wilstach & Co. 1865. 8vo, pp 31.* The speech by Hon. John Brough. Issued also in German. [BROWN.] De Histori ov Magnus Maharba and ae Blak Dragon. Bai Kristofer Kadmus. Let evuri Letur hav its on Sound, and let evuri Sound hav its on Letur. — Old Maksim. Nu York. Printed for ae Filolojikal Gemana, 1866. i2mo, pp 122.* Author said to be the Rev. Nathan Brow^n. 30 LINCOLN LITERATURE. [BROWN.] The History of the Magnus Maharba and the Black Dragon. By Kristofer Kadmus. From the Original Manuscripts. New York. Printed for the Proprietor, 1867. i2mo, pp 105.* BROWNE, The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln. A bio- graphy of the great American President from an entirely new standpoint, with fresh and invaluable material. Lincoln's Life and Character portrayed by those who knew him. A series of pen-pictures by friends, neighbors, and daily asso- ciates, during his whole career. Estimates and impressions of distinguished men, with reminiscences, incidents and tributes from universal sources. A complete Personal De- scription and Biography of him who was the humblest and greatest of American citizens, the truest and most loyal of men, and a central figure in the world's history. With nearly 100 original illustrations. Prepared and arranged by Francis F. Browne, Compiler of "The Golden Treasury of Poetry and Prose," "Poems of the Civil War," etc. New York and St. Louis: N. D. Thompson PubHshing Co. 1887. 8vo, pp 747- An edition of 1886 bears imprint of Park Publishing Co., Hart- ford. BUCKINGHAM.- Reminiscences and Souvenirs of the Assas- sination of Abraham Lincoln J. E. Buckingham, Sr. Washington: Press of Rufus H. Darby. 1894. 8vo, pp 89. Illustrated. BUENOS AIRES. Tribute to the memory of Abraham Lin- coln by the American citizens resident in Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires German Printing Office, S, Martin,- 1 11. [No year.] 8vo, pp 25,* Proceedings of meetings held May 29 and 31, 1865, and a sermon delivered June 11, by Rev. William Goodfellow. 'buffalo. In Memoriam. Abraham Lincoln assassinated at Washington, April 14, 1865: being a brief account of the Pro- ceedings and Meetings, actions of Authorities and Societies, Speeches, Sermons, Addresses and other expressions of pub- lic feeling on reception of the news, and at the Funeral Obse- quies of the President, at Buffalo, N. Y, Buffalo: Printing House of Mathews & Warren, Office of the Buffalo Com- mercial Advertiser, 1865. 8vo, pp 64.* Edited by Mr. Henry W. Box of Buffalo. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 31 BULKLEY. The Uncrowned Nation. A Discourse com- memorative of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States : Preached in the First Pres- byterian Church of Plattsburgh, N. Y,, April 19, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. Edwin A. Bulkley. Plattsburgh, N. Y.: J. W. Tuttle, Book and Job Printer, 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* " BULLOCK. Abraham Lincoln: The Just Magistrate, the Rep- resentative Statesman, the Practical Philanthropist. Address by Alex. H. Bullock, before the City Council and Citizens of Worcester, June i, 1865. Worcester: Printed by Charles Hamilton, Palladium Office. [No year.] 8vo, pp 49. / BUNGAY. The Bobolink Minstrel: or Republican Songster, for i860. Edited by George W. Bungay, author of "Crayon Sketches," etc. [Motto.] New York: O. Hutchinson, publisher, 272 Greenwich Street, i860. i6mo, pp 72.* "May every man who feels and thinks The time of triumph is at hand, Repeat the song of bobolinks Now ringing through the land: Now, I'll drink on, drink on, drink on. From soft, flower-cups filled with dew: Cousin Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln, Here are my best respects to you." BUNGENER. Lincoln. Sa vie son oeuvre et sa mort. Par F. Bungener, [device] Lausanne Georges Bridel, Editeur 1865 Droits reserves. i2mOj pp 160.* BUNGENER. Abraham Lincoln. Sein Leben, Wirken und Sterben, von F. Bungener. Autorisirte Uebersetzing. Bern Verlag von Carl H. Mann. 1866. i6mo, pp 171.* J BUNGENER. Lincoln. Zijn leven werk en dood. Naar het Fransch. Utretcht: J. J. H. Kremer, 1866. 8vo, pp 4, 118.* BUNTLINE. The Parricides; or, the Doom of the Assassins. The Authors of a Nation's Loss. By Ned Buntline. New York: Hilton & Co., Publishers, 128 Nassau Street. 1865 8vo, pp 94. Illustrated.* BURGESS. The Life and Character of Abraham Lincom, with some Lessons from his Death. A Discourse delivered in the M. E. Church at a Union Meeting of the Baptist, Methodist 32 LINCOLN LITERATURE. and Presbyterian Congregations of Panama [New York], April 30, 1865. By Rev. C. Burgess, Pastor of Presbyterian Church. PubHshed by request. Jamestown, N. Y., Bishop Brothers, Printers, 1865. 8vo, pp 20.* BURNS. Rev. Robert F. See Canada. BURNETT. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Some Incidents in the Trial of President Lincoln's Assassins The Controversy between President Johnson and Judge Holt by Gen. Henry L. Burnett, Late U. S. V. [Cut, insignia of Order) Printed for the Commandery of the State of New York by D. Appleton & Company 1891 8vo, PP 54-* Two papers read before the Commandery Dec. 5, 1888, and April 3, 1889. i BURROWS. Palliative and Prejudiced Judgments Con- demned A Discourse delivered in the First Baptist Church, Richmond, Va., June i, 1865, the day appointed by the presi- dent of the United States for Humiliation and Mourning on Account of the Assassination of President Lincoln, together with An Extract from a Sermon Preached on Sunday, April 23rd, 1865, upon the Assassination of President Lincoln. By J. Lansing Burrows, D. D. Richmond, Va. : Office of Com- mercial Bulletin. 1865. 8vo, pp 12. 4 BUSH. Death of President Lincoln. A Sermon Preached in Grace Church, Orange, N. J., Easter, April 16, 1865. By the Rector, James S. Bush, M. A. Orange, N. J. E, Gardener, Printer, 1865. 8vo, pp 8.* BUTLER. Funeral Address on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Church of the Covenant, April 19, 1865, by the Rev. C. M. Butler, D. D. Published by request. Phila- delphia: Henry B. Ashmead, Book and Job Printer, Nos. 1 102 and 1 104 Sansom Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 32. BUTLER. God's Way of Leading the Blind. A discourse commemorative of the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered by Rev. Henry E. Butler, in the Congregational Church, Keeseville, N. Y., April 23, 1865. Burlington: [Vt.] Free Press Book and Job Office. 1865. 8vo, pp. 23.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 33 BUTLER. The Martyr President. Our Grief and Our Duty. By J. G. Butler, Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Washington, D. C.: McGill & Witherow, Printers and Stere- otypers. 1865. 8vo. pp 14. Delivered Easter Sunday, April i6th. >/ BUTTERWORTH. In the Boyhood of Lincoln A Tale of che Tunker Schoolmaster and the Times of Black Hawk. By Hezekiah Butterworth Author of "The Log School-house on the Columbia." [Motto.] New York D. Appleton and Company, 1892 i2mo, pp v, 266. Illustrated. CALDWELL. Abraham Lincoln. Address delivered at Men- don, Mass., National Fast, June i, 1865. By Augustine Cald- well, Pastor M. E. Church. Printed by Request. [No im- print, year nor place.] 8vo, pp 8.* CAMPBELL. Reminiscences and Documicnts relating to the Civil War During the Year 1865. By John A. Campbell. Baltimore: John A. Murphy & Co. 1887. 8vo, pp 68. Judge Campbell, who was one of the Hampton Roads Commis- sioners, gives here his account of that famous meeting with Mr. Lincoln. J CANADA. Maple Leaves from Canada, for the Grave of Abra- ham Lincoln: being a discourse delivered by Rev. Robert Norton, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, and address by Rev. Robert F. Burns, Pastor of the Canada Presbyterian Church, at St. Catherines, Canada West, April 23rd, 1865. Together with Proceedings of Public Meetings, etc. St. Catherines, Printed at E. S. Leavenworth's Book and Job Of- fice. 1865. 8vo, pp 39.* CANISIUS. Abraham Lincoln. [A biography.] Theodor Can- isius. Stuttgart, 1878. 8vo.* Brit. Mus. Catalogue. CAREY. Discourse by Rev. Mr. [Isaac E.] Carey, on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Preached on the day of his Fu- neral, April 19th, 1865, in the First Presbyterian Church in Freeport, Illinois. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 8.* CAREY. Abraham Lincoln. The Value to the Nation of his exalted Character. Rev. Mr. Carey's Fast Day Sermon, 34 LINCOLN LITERATURE. preached June i, 1865, in the First Presbyterian Church of Freeport, 111. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 8.* CARNAHAN. Oration on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, delivered before the Citizens of Gettysburg, Pa., June i, 1865. By D. T. Carna- han, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Gettysburg: Aughinbaugh & Wible, Book and Job Printers, Chambers- burg Street, near Corner of West, 1865. 8vo, pp 24.* CARPENTER. The Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln. Six Months at the White House. By F. B. Carpenter. Twenty- seventh thousand Boston: Houghton, Miffln and Com- pany. 1883. i2mo, pp vii, 359. First published in 1866, by Hiird and Houghton, as "Six Months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln: The Story of a Picture." CARROLL. The War Powers of the General Government by Anna Ella Carroll of Maryland. Washington: Printed by Henry Polkinhorn. 1862. 8vo, pp 24.* CATHEY. Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction ; or the True Gen- esis of a Wonderful Man. By James H. Cathey. "I am glad you have undertaken the Lincoln mystery, if such it can be styled." — The late Col. Jno. D. Cameron. [No imprint, place nor year.] i6mo, pp 185. Illustrated. Preface dated, "Bryson City, N. C, February 18, 1899." CHAFFIN. The President's Death and Its Lessons, A Dis- course on Sunday Morning, April 23d, 1865, before the Sec- ond Unitarian Society of Philadelphia, by its pastor, William L. Chafifin. Published by Request. Philadelphia: King & Baird, Printers, No. 607 Sansom Street, 1865. 8vo, pp 18.* CHAMBERLAIN. The Assassination of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached in St. James Church, Birmingham, Ct., April 19th, 1865. By Rev. N. H. Chamberlain. New York: Published bv G. W. Carleton, 1865. i2mo, pp 22. / CHASE. An Address on the Character and Example of Presi- dent Lincoln, delivered before the Athenaeum and Everett Societies of Haverford College, by Professor Thomas Chase, on Fifth Day Evening, Seventh Month 6th, 1865. Philadel- phia: Sherman & Co., Printers. 1865. i2mo, pp 35.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 35 CHESTER. The Lesson of the Hour. Justice as well as Mer- cy. A Discourse preached on the Sabbath following the As- sassination of the President, in the Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C, by the Pastor, Rev. John Ches- ter. Washington Chronicle Print. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* CHICAGO CONVENTION. Proceedings of the Republican National Convention, held at Chicago, May 16, 17 and 18, i860. Albany : Weed, Parsons and Company, printers. i860. 8vo, pp 153.* .J CHITTENDEN. Recollections of President Lincoln and his Administration By L. E. Chittenden his Register of the Treasury New York Plarper & Brothers, Franklin Square. 189 1. 8vo, pp viii, 470, Portrait. J CHITTENDEN. Personal Reminiscences 1840-1890 Includ- ing some not hitherto published of Lincoln and the War By L. E. Chittenden Author of "Recollections of President Lin- coln and his Administration." New York Richmond, Croscup & Co. 1893. 8vo, pp ix, 434. Portrait of the author. " CHITTENDEN. Abraham Lincoln's Speeches. Compiled by L. E. Chittenden, Ex-Secretary [sic] of the Treasury, Author of "President Lincoln," "Personal Recollections," etc. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. 1895. i2mo, pp vi, 371. Portrait. CIRCUIT COURT. Resolutions Presented in the United States Circuit Court, in relation to the death of Mr. Lincoln, with the response of Judge Davis, May 19, 1865, &c. In- dianapolis : W. Braden & Co., Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 8.* 4 CLARIGNY. The Election of Mr. Lincoln : a Narrative of the contest in i860 for the Presidency of the United States, by Monsr. C. Clarigny. Translated from the "Revue des deux Mondes," by Sir Willoughby Jones, Bart. London : James Ridgeway, Picadilly, w. Triiebner and Co., Paternoster Row. 1861. Price one shilling. 8vo, pp 91.* CLARK. Memorial Sermon, preached on the National Funeral Day of Abraham Lincoln, Wednesday Noon, April 19, 1865, at Union Chapel, Cincinnati. By Alexander ClSrk, Pastor. 36 LINCOLN LITERATURE. Cincinnati: Masonic Review Office, 178 Vine Street. [No year.] 8vo, pp 16.* CLARK. An Eulogy on the Life and Services of Abraham Lin- coln, pronounced before the citizens of Poultney and Vicinity, April 19th, 1865. By Henry Clark, Esq. Ruthland: Tuttle, Gay & Company. 1865. 8vo, pp 20, J ■ CLARK. Eulogy on the Life and Character of Abraham Lin- coln, before the City Government of Manchester, N. H. June 1st, 1865. By Daniel Clark. Manchester, N. H. Mirror Steam Job Printing Establishment. 1865. 8vo, pp 36. J [CLARKE.] Order of Services at Indiana-Place Chapel, [Boston,] on Easter Sunday, April 16, 1865; being the Sun- day after the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Boston: V/alker, Fuller and Company, 245 Washington street. 1865. i2mo, pp 24.* The sermon, by Rev. Tames Freeman Clarke. CLAXTON. Sermons on the Death of President Lincoln, de- livered in St. Luke's Church, Rochester, N. Y., on Wednes- day, April 19th, and on Sunday, April 23, 1865, by R. Bethell Claxton, D. D.,' Rector. Published by Request. Philadel- phia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1865. 8vo, pp 43.'" COCHIN. Abraham Lincoln Conference Prononcee le 14 Mars 1869 a la Reunion Publique du Theatre Imperial Pre- sidee par M. Laboulaye par Augustin Cochin De I'lnstitut. precedee d'un discours de M. Laboulaye Membre. de I'lnsti- tut President de la Reunion Paris (Bibliotheque Liberale) Librairie Degorce-Cadot 70 bis, Rue Bonaparte, 70 bis. 1869 i6mo, pp 56.* CODDINGTON. The Crisis and the Man. Address of David S. Coddington on the presidential crisis, delivered before the Union War Democracy, at the Cooper Institute, New York, Nov. I, 1864. New York: Wm. Oland Bourne, No. 12 Centre Street, 1865. 8vo, pp 16.'''' /' "coddington. Eulogy on President Lincoln, by David S. Coddington. Delivered in the Citadel Square Church, Charleston, S. C, May 6th, 1865, at the request of the officers and soldiers in the Northern District, Department of the LINCOLN LITERATURE. 37 South. "He is dead yet Speaketh." New York: Baker & Godwin, Printers, Printing House Square. 1865. 8vo, PP 30-* V COFFIN. Abraham Lincoln by Charles Coffin author of "The Boys of '76" "Drum-beat of the Nation" "Marching to Victory" "Redeeming the Republic" "Freedom Triumph- ant" etc. Illustrated New York Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square 1893 ^vo, pp xiii, 542. COGGESHALL. Lincoln Memorial. The Journeys of Abra- ham Lincoln: From Springfield to Washington, 1861, as President Elect; and from Washington to Springfield, 1865, as President Martyred; comprising an account of public cere- monies on the entire route, and full details of both journeys. By William T. Coggeshall. Published for the benefit of the Ohio Soldier's Monument fund by the Ohio State Journal, Columbus. 1865. i2mo, pp 327. Portrait. COIT. "The Sword of the Lord." A Discourse delivered in St. Paul's Church, Troy, on the National Fast Day, June i, by the Rev. T. W. Coit, D. D., Rector. Printed, not published. [No imprint, no place, no year.] 8vo, pp 14.* In "Troy Memorial," pp 268 et seq. COLFAX. Life and Principles of Abraham Lincoln. By Hon. Schuyler Colfax. Delivered in the Court House Square, at South Bend, (Indiana,) April 24, 1865. Philadelphia: James B. Rodgers, Printer, 52 & 54 North Sixth St. 1865. 8vo, pp 29.* Reprinted in "The Life of Schuyler Colfax," by A. Y. Moore. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 1868. V COLMAN. Assassination of the President. A Discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Delivered at Acton, Mass., April i6th, 1865. Repeated in the Baptist Church, West Acton, June ist, 1865. By Rev. Geo. W. Colman, Pastor Congregational Church, Acton. Boston: S. Chism, — Franklin Printing House, No. 112 Congress Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 15. CONCEICAO. As Exquias de Abrahao Lincoln, com uro Esboxo Biographic© do Mesmo offerecido Ao Povo Brazileiro, por sen Patricio Jose Manoel da Conceicao.* Mentioned in "The Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular" of Nov. I, 1865, as "a brochure of forty pages just received from Rio Janiero." 38 LINCOLN LITERATURE. CONNECTICUT. Tributes of Connecticut Citizens, to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Assassinated April 14, 1865. [Motto.] New Haven : William H. Stanley, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp 20.* CONSPIRACY. The Great Conspiracy, A Book of Absorbing Interest, Startling Developments, Eminent Persons impli- cated. Full secret of the Assassination Plot. John H. Sur- ratt and his mother, with Biographical sketches of J. B. Booth and John Wilkes, and the life of and extraordinary adventures of John H. Surratt, the conspirator. Philadelphia: Pub- lished by Barclay & Co., 602 Arch street. [1866.] 8vo, pp 201. Illustrated.* CONSPIRACY. The Great Conspiracy. Founded on Fact, and copiously illustrated with Notes from Rare Pamphlets. Ac- companied with biographical sketches of J. B. Booth, and John Wilkes. Philadelphia : Published by Barclay & Co., 602 Arch Street. 1866. 8vo, pp 201.* CONSPIRATORS. Les Proces des Conspirateurs de Wash- ington. Extrait des Proces-Verbaux des seances du conseil de guerre de Washington, publics par le Messager Franco- Americain et coritenant les depositions des temoins et les plaidoyers des defenseurs avec les termes de la sentence. Prix; 50 cents. Public par H. De Mareil, Editeur, 51, Liberty Street;, en face de la Poste, a New York. 1865. 4to, pp 87.* -/ COOKE. A Sermon on the Life and Death of Abraham Lin- coln, late President of the United States. Delivered in Smyrna, Delaware, June i, 1865. By Rev. C. Cooke, D. D. Philadelphia: Printed by John Richards, No. 122 North Sixth Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 24.* COOPER. Loyal Publication Society, 863 Broadway. No. 23. Letter of Peter Cooper, on Slave Emancipation. New York: 1862. 8vo, pp 8.* Addressed to President Lincoln. COOPER. The Death of President Lincoln. A Memorial Discourse, delivered in the Berean Baptist Church, West Philadelphia, on Sunday, April i6th, 1865, by the Pastor^ Rev. James Cooper. Philadelphia: James B. Rodgers, Printer, 52 and 54 North Sixth Street, 1865. 8vo, pp 24.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 39 CRAIG. A Sermon on the Fruits of our Bereavement, de- livered in the Trinitarian Church, Sunday, April 23d, 1865, by Wheelock Craig. Published by Request. New Bedford, Mass. E. Anthony & Sons, Printers, 67 Union Street, 1865. 8vo, pp 14.* J CRANE. Sermon on the Occasion of the Death of President Lincoln. Preached in the South Baptist Church, Hartford, Conn., Sunday, April 16, 1865. By Rev. C, B. Crane. Hart- ford: Press of Case, Lockwood and Company, 1865. 8vo, PP 29. J CRAVENS. The Story of Lincoln for Children. By Frances Cravens. Public-School Publishing Co. Bloomington, 111. 1898. i6mo, pp 117. Illustrated. J CROCKER. Eulogy upon the Character and Services of Abra- ham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Delivered by invitation of the Authorities of the City of Taunton, on the Occasion of the National Fast, June i, 1865. By Samuel L. Crocker, Jr. Boston: Printed by John Wilson & Son. 1865. 8vo, pp 28. CROSBY. Life of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States. Containing his Early History and Politi- cal career; together with the Speeches, Messages, Proclama- tions and other Official Documents illustrative of his eventful administration. By Frank Crosby, Member of the Phila- delphia Bar. [Motto.] Philadelphia: Published by John E. Potter, No. 617 Sansom Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 476. Por- trait. CROSBY. Das Leben Abraham Lincolns, des sechzehnten Pra- sidenten der Vereinigten Staaten. Enthaltend seine frunen Geschichte und politische Laufbahn, sowie seine Reden, Bot- schaften, Proclamationen und andere mit seiner ereigni- kreichen Administration in Verbindung stehende offizielle dokumente. Von Frank Crosby, rechtsanwalt zu Philadel- phia, nach dem Englischen bearbeitet von Prof. Carl Theo- dor Eben. [Motto] Philadelphia. Verlag von John E, Potter, No. 617 Sansom Strasse. 1865. i2mo, pp 496. CROZIER. The Nation's Loss. A Discourse upon the Life, Services and Death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the 40 LINCOLN LITERATURE. United States. By Hiram P. Crozier. Delivered at Hunt- ington, L. I., April 19th, 1865. New York: John A. Gray & Green, Printers, 16 & 18 Jacob Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* Second edition in 1866, same imprint, in large type, pp 32. 'J CUDWORTH. Eulogy on the Life, Character and Public Services of the late President Abraham Lincoln, delivered be- fore Cquncil No. 2)Zy Union League of America, at Sumner Hall, East Boston, May 8, 1865, by Rev. Warren H. Cud- worth: with "a record of the other proceedings, and a descrip- tion of the decorations put up for the occasion. Printed by vote of the Council. Boston: Wright & Potter, Printers, 4 Spring Lane. 1865. 8vo, pp 27.* CURRIE. President Lincoln. An Address delivered in Trinity Church, Covington, Ky., by Rev. C. G. Currie, Rector, April i6th, 1865. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 16.* CURTIS. Executive Power. By B. H. Curtis. Boston: . Little, Brown and Company. 1862. i2mo, pp 29.* CUSHMAN. Resolutions and Discourse, occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Who died at Washington City, April 15, 1865. The dis- course delivered in the Congregational Church, of Man- chester, Vermont, Wednesday, April 19, 1865. By Rev. R. S. Cushman. Manchester: Printed for the Committee. 1865. 8vo, pp 19. CUTTER. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Rock- land, Maine, April 19, 1865, by request of the citizens. By Rev. Edward F. Cutter. Boston: D. C. Colesworthy, 66 CornhiU. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. CUYLER, Rev. T. L. See Fort Sumter. DAGGETT. A Sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln, April 15th, 1865, preached in the First Congregational Church, Canandaigua, N. Y., Sunday Morning, April i6th, 1865, and again, by request, the following Wednesday Even- ing, by the Pastor, O, E. Daggett. Canandaigua, N. Y., N. J. Milliken, — Printer, Ontario County Times Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* DAILEY, Rev. J. P. See Flemington. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 41 DALE, (By order of the Committee for the Campaign of i860). The Young Men's RepubHcan Vocalist. [Portrait.] "By their songs ye shall know them." Ours are of Freedom. Composed and selected by William P. Dale. New York: Published by A. Morris, 135 Broadway, price 8 cents; 75 cts. per dozen; $6.00 a hundred; forwarded by mail free of postage, [i860.] i6mo, pp 36.* DANA. Lincoln and his Cabinet A Lecture delivered on Tues- day, March 10, 1896, before the New Haven Colony Histor- ical Society by Charles Anderson Dana Assistant Secretary of War, 1863-5 [device] Cleveland and New York Printed at the DeVinne Press for Paul Lemperly, F. A. Hilliard and , Frank E. Hopkins 1896 i6mo, pp 70.* DANA. Recollections of the Civil War With the Leaders at Washington and in the Field in the Sixties by Charles A. Dana Assistant Secretary of War from 1863 to 1865 with portrait New York D. Appleton and Company 1898 8vo, pp xiii, 296. DANA. Lincoln and his Cabinet A Lecture delivered before the New Haven Colony Historical Society, Tuesday, March 10, 1896 by Charles Anderson Dana, Assistant Secretary of War, 1863-65 Souvenir of the Thirteenth Annual Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York 1899 [No imprint, place, nor year.] i6mo, pp 72. Portrait. JDARLING. Grief and Duty. A Discourse delivered in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Albany, April 19th, 1865, the Day of the Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln. By Henry Darling, D, D., Pastor of the Church. Albany: S. R. Gray, Publisher. 1865. 8vo, pp 24. V DASCOMB. A Discourse preached by Rev. A. B. Dascomb, to his people at Waitsfield, Vt., in honor of our late Chief Magistrate, on Sunday, April 23, 1865. Published by re- quest. Montpelier: Walton's Steam Printing Establish- ment. 1865. 8vo, pp 23. DAVIDSON. Address on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Delivered before the Lex- ington Literary Association, New York, April 19, 1865. By John Davidson. New York: John J. Reed, Book and Job Printer, 43 & 45 Center Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* 42 LINCOLN LITERATURE. ( J DAVIDSON. The Lessons of the Hour. A Discourse upon the Death of President Lincoln, delivered in the First Presby- terian Church, Huntington, Long Island, April 19th, 1865, by Rev. Robert Davidson, D. D. Published by Request. Second edition. Huntington: Long Islander Print. [No year.] 8vo, pp 12.* DAVIDSON. Oration delivered before the Legislature of New Jersey,' upon "Our Sleeping Heroes," February 22d, 1866. By John Davidson, Esq., of Elizabeth, N. J. Trenton, N. J., Printed at the State Gazette office. 1866. 8vo, pp 27.* DAVIS. Jefiferson Davis, and his complicity in the Assassina- tion of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, and where the traitor shall be tried for treason. Philadelphia: Sherman & Co., Printers, 1866. 8vo, pp 16.* DAVIS, Hon. Noah. See Albion. DAVIS. Abraham Lincoln His Book A facsimile reproduc- tion of the original with an explanatory note by J. McCan Davis New York: McClure, Phillips & Co. 1900; i6mo, pp 80. Advance title page furnished by the publishers, who estimate No. of pp. as above. 4 DAY. A Memorial discourse on the character of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered in Hollis, N. H., on the day of the National Fast, June i, 1865. By P. B. Day, Pastor of the Congregational Church. Published by request. Concord: Printed by McFarland & Jenks. 1865. 8vo, pp 20.* DEAN. The Emancipation Proclamation and Arbitrary Ar- rests!! Speech of Hon. Gilbert Dean of New York, de- livered in the House of Assembly February 12, 1863. Al- bany: Atlas and Argus Print. 1863. 8vo, pp 15.* DEAN. Eulogy pronounced in the City Hall, Providence, April 19, 1865, on the occasion of the Funeral Solemnties of Abra- ham Lincoln, before his Excellency, James Y. Smith, Gov- ernor of the State of Rhode Island; Members of the General Assembly; City Authorities; the Military; Civic Societies, and others. By Rev. Sydney Dean. Providence. H. H. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 43 Thomas & Co., Office of the Daily Press. 1865. 8vo, pp 23* DEBATES. (From the Chicago Daily Times, October 17, 1858.) The Campaign in Illinois. Last Joint Debate. Douglas and Lincoln at Alton, Illinois. Washington: Printed by Lemuel Towers. 1858. 8vo, pp 32.* DEBATES. Political Debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, In the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois; Including the preceding speeches of each, at Chicago, Springfield, etc.; also, the two great speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio, in 1859, as carefully prepared by the re- porters of each party, and published at the time of their de- livery. Columbus: Follett, Foster and Company, i860. 8vo, pp 268. Several issues, with slight variations in the preliminary matter. DEBATES. Political Debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas In the Celebrated Campaign of 1858 in Illinois, including the preceding Speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc. Also, the two great Speeches of Abraham Lincoln in Ohio in 1859. The Burrows Brothers Company, Cleveland, Ohio. 1894. 8vo, pp 316. Reprint, at the University Press, Cambridge, of which 750 num- bered copies were issued. DEBATES. Political Debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas In the Celebrated Campaign of 1858 in Illinois; including the preceding speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc. Also, the two great speeches of Abraham Lincoln in Ohio in 1859, and a Complete Index to the whole. Cleveland, Ohio: O. S. Hubbell & Company, 1895. 8vo, PP4I5- The "Debates" are also reprinted in full in the "Complete Works," by Nicolay and Hay. And see Jones, Alonzo T. DELAHAY. The Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. A Lecture by Hon. Mark W. Delahay of Leavenworth, Kansas. [No place, no year.] Folio, pp 5.* Printed on sheets convenient for delivery. DELPHINE. Solon, or the Rebellion of '61. A Domestic and Political Tragedy by Delphine. . . . [D. Baker, editor National Banner.] Chicago, III: S. P. Rounds, printer. 1862. 8vo, pp 74.* 44 LINCOLN LITERATURE. DEMING. Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln, by Henry Champion Deming, before the General Assembly of Connecticut, at Allyn Hall, Hartford, Thursday, June 8th, 1865. Hartford: A. N. Clark & Co., State Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 58. -J DEMUND. Lamentation on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. By Isaac S. Demund. New York. John A. Gray & Green, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 15.* ' DE NORMANDIE. The Lord Reigneth: A few words on Sunday Morning, April i6th, 1865, after the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. By James De Normandie, Minister of the South Parish, Portsmouth, N. H. [No place, no year.] i2mo, pp 8.* DE WITT. The Judicial Murder of Mary E. Surratt. David Miller DeWitt. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co. 1895. i2mo, pp vi, 259.* DEXTER. What ought to be done with the Freedmen and with the Rebels. A sermon preached in the Berkeley street church, Boston, (Mass.) on Sunday, April 23, 1865. By Henry Martin Dexter. Boston: Published by Nichols & Noyes. 1865. 8vo, pp 36.* DICKSON. "Blackwood's" History of the United States By Frederick S. Dickson [Motto.] Philadelphia George H. Buchanan and Company 1896 8vo, pp 27. Suggested by articles in current British Magazines deploring American ill-will towards England — especially a complaint in "Blackwood's" for January, i8g6, that the School Histories inculcate unfriendliness. Made up largely of excerpts from the war-time ut- terances of that periodical, many of which are harshly derogatory to Mr. Lincoln. J DIMMICK. Funeral Sermon on the death of the late President Lincoln, Delivered at the Capitol in Omaha, N. T., Wednes- day, April 19th, 1865. By the Rev. F. M. Dimmick, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church. [No imprint, place, nor year] 8vo, pp 14.* DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Proceedings of a Called Meet- ing of Ministers of all Religious Denominations in the Dis- trict of Columbia, in the First Baptist Church on Thirteenth LINCOLN LITERATURE. - 45 Street, Monday, April ly, in reference to the sore bereave- ment which the country has suffered in the sudden decease of our beloved Chief Magistrate, Abraham Lincoln, with the remarks of Rev. Dr. Gurley, addressed to the President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, and the reply of the President. Washington, D. C: McGill & Witherow, Printers and Stereotypers. 1865. 8vo, pp 14.* DIX. The Death of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached in Saint Paul's Chapel, New York, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. By the Revd. Morgan Dix, S. T. D., Rector of Trinity Church. Printed by order of the Vestry. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. DODGE. Abraham Lincoln; the Evolution of his literary Style. By Prof. Daniel K. Dodge, University of Illinois. [In press] . DOUGLASS. Oration by Frederick Douglass delivered on the occasion of the Unveiling" of the Freedman's Monument in memory of Abraham Lincoln, in Lincoln Park, Washington, D. C, April 14, 1876, With an appendix. Washington, D. C. Gilsar Brothers, Printers. 1876. 8vo, pp 21.* Appendix, pp. 17 to 21, contains account of the ceremonies, with poem by Miss Cordelia Ray. DOWNING. Letters of Major Jack Downing, of the Down- ingville Malitia. "The Constitution is a Dimmycratic ma- chine, and it's got to be run as a Dimmycratic machine, or it won't run at all." Major Jack Downing to Lincoln. Third Edition. New York: Van Evrie, Horton & Co., No. 162 Nassau Street, Printing House Square. 1866. i2mo, pp 254. Illustrated.* The author said to be Mr. Horton of the publisher's firm. DRAKE. The Proclamation of Emancipation. Speech of Charles D. Drake, delivered in Turner's Hall, St. Louis, January 28, 1863. 8vo, pp 7.* DRUMM. Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States: A Sermon preached on the Morning of Easter Sunday, April i6th, 1865, in St. James Church, Bristol, Pa., by the Rev. John H. Drumm, M. D., Rector of the Parish. Wm. Bache, Printer, Bristol. [No year.] 8vo, pp 21.* 46 LINCOLN LITERA TUBE. DRUMMOND. President Lincoln and the American War. A Funeral Address delivered on Sunday, April 30, 1865, by- Robert Blackley Drummond, B. A. London. Trubner & Co., 1865. 8vo, pp 12.* DUANE. A Sermon preached in Saint John's Church, Provi- dence, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865, the day appointed for the Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln, by the Rev. Richard B. Duane, Assistant Rector. Providence: H. H. Thomas & Co., Office of the Daily Press. 1865. 8vo, pp 15. DUDLEY. Discourse preached in the South Congregational Church, Middletown, Ct., on the Sabbath Morning after the Assassination of President Lincoln. By John L. Dudley, Pastor of the Church. Middletown: D. Barnes. 1865. 8vo, pp 28. A fine example of pulpit invective. DUFFIELD. The Nation's Wail. A Di^:ourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church of Detroit, on Sabbath, the i6th of April, 1865, the day after receiving the intelligence of the Brutal Murder of President Abraham Lincoln, by a brutal assassin. George Duffield, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Detroit. Detroit: Advertiser and Tribune Print. j 1865. 8vo, pp 18. DUGANNE. The Heroic Succession. Oration by Col. Aug. J. H. Duganne. Delivered at Cooper Institute, April 15th, 1867, on the Second Anniversary of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, commemorated by the German Radical Republican Central Committee of the City of New York. New York: R. M. De Witt, Publisher. 1867. 8vo, pp 8.* - DUNNING. Concluding Address of Rev. Mr. Dunning on Sabbath Morning, April i6th, 1865, in the New School Pres- byterian Church, Green and German Streets. [Baltimore, no year.] i2ino, pp 3.* DUNNING. Address deliveicd on the occasion of the Funeral Solemnities of the late President of the United States, in the First Constitutional Presbyterian Church, April 19, 1865. By Rev. H. Dunning, Pastor. Baltimore, John W. Woods, Printer, 202 Baltimore Street. 8vo, pp 12.* DUNNING. The Nameless Crime: A Discourse, delivered in the First Constitutional Presbyterian Church, Sunday Night, LINCOLN LITERATURE. 47 April 22,, 1865, by H. Dunning, Pastor. Printed by request. Baltimore: John W. Woods, Printer, 202 Baltimore Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 12. DUNNING. The Assassination: Its Lessons to Young Men, A Discourse delivered in the First Constitutional Presby- terian Church, May 7, 1865. By Rev. H. Dunning, Pastor. Printed by Request. Baltimore, John W. Woods, Printer, 202 Baltimore Street, 1865. 8vo, pp 12. DYE. History of the Plots and Crimes of the Great Conspiracy, containing also, biographies of Lincoln, Grant and Sherman. Portraits, &c. &c. By John Smith Dye, N. Y. [No im- print, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp — .* DYE. The Adder's Den; or secrets of the great conspiracy to overthrow liberty in America. Depravity of Slavery: Two presidents secretly assassinated by poison. Unsuccessful at- tempts to murder three others; the evidence conclusive and the facts established. Together with the dying struggles of the Great Southern Rebellion, by John Smith Dye. New York: Published by the author. No. 32 Beekman Street. / 1864. 8vo, pp 128.* DYER. Discourse occasioned by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Albany Penitentiary, a Military Prison of the U. S. Wednesday, April 19, 1865, by David , Dyer, Albany: Edward Leslie, Printer, 1865. 8vo, pp 20. -J EDDY. The Martyr President. A Sermon preached before the Baldwin Place Church, April 16, 1865. By Daniel C. Eddy, D. D. Boston: Graves and Young. 1865. i2mo, J PP 23.* EDDY. "The Martyr to Liberty." Three Sermons preached in the First Universalist Church, Philadelphia. Sunday, April i6th, Wednesday, April 19th, and Thursday, June ist, by Richard Eddy, Pastor. Philadelphia: H. G. Leisen- ring's Steam-power Printing House, Jayne's Building, Nos. 237 and 239 Dock Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 27. EDDY. Abraham Lincoln. A Memorial Discourse, by Rev. T. M. Eddy, D. D., delivered at a Union Meeting, held in the Presbyterian Church, Waukegan, Illinois, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, the day upon which the Funeral Services of the 48 LINCOLN LITERATURE. President were conducted in Washington, and observed throughout the Loyal States as one of mourning. Published by request. Chicago: Printed at the Methodist Book De- pository. Charles Philbrick, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp 24.* Reprinted in Whitney's "Life on the Circuit with Lincoln," pp / 282 to 295. EDGAR. Three Sermons by Rev. C. H. Edgar, D. D., oc- casioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln, preached in the Reformed Dutch Church, Easton, Pa., April i6th, 19th, and 23d, 1865. Easton, Pa.: Printed at the "Free Press" , Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 20."^ EDGAR. Josiah and Lincoln, The Great Reformers. A Tribute to the Worth and Work of our Martyr-President, de- livered in the Reformed Dutch Church, Easton, Pa., on Fast Day, June i, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. Cornelius H. Edgar, D. D. Easton, Pa., Lewis Gordon, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp 12.* EDGE. President Lincoln's Successor. By Frederick Milnes Edge. London: William Ridgway, 169 Piccadilly, W. 1864. Price, one shilling. 8vo, pp 34.* EDINBURGH. The Lincoln Monument in Memory of Scot- tish-American Soldiers Unveiled in Edinburgh August 21, 1893 William Blackwood and Sons Edinburgh and London I 1893 i2mo, pp 98. Illustrated. EDWARDS. Discourse commemorative of Our Illustrious Martyr, delivered in Congregational Church, South Abing- ton. Fast Day, June i, 1865. By Rev. Henry L. Edwards. Boston, Wright & Potter, Printers, No. 4 Spring Lane. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* EGAR. The Martyr-President. A Sermon preached in the Church of St. Paul, Leavenworth, on the First Sunday after Easter, and again by request on the National Fast-day, June I St, 1865. By the Rev. John H. Egar, B. D., Rector. Leavenworth, Printed at the Bulletin Job Printing Establish- ment. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* [EGERTON.] Letter of a Citizen of Indiana to the Flon. John J. Crittenden on the Anti-Slavery policy of President Lincoln and the duty of the National Democracy. 1862. [No im- print, no place,] 8vo, pp 8.* Author, Hon. J. K. Egerton. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 49 ^EINHORN. Trauer-Rede, gehalten am iQten April 1865, als am Tage der Beisetzung des am 15 April entschiummerten Abraham Lincoln Prasident im der Vereinigten Staaten im Tempel der Keneseth Israel Gemeinte zii. Philadelphia, Von Dr. David Einhorn. Preis 10 cents, zu haben bei Stein und Jones, No. 321 Chestnut Strasse. [No year.] 8vo, pp 8.* ELLIS. The Memorial Address on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the Hall of the Mechanic's Institute, Saint John, N. B., June I, 1865. At the invitation of the Citizens. By Charles M. Ellis, Esq., of Boston, Mass. Saint John, N. B., J. & A. , McMillan, 78 Prince Wm. Street, 1865. i2mo, pp iv, 31.* ■J ENGLEHEM. Les Enfants du Travaie Abraham Lincoln, ler partie. Par Alexandre d'Englehem. Paris Pagnere, 1865. i2mo, pp ■ — -.* Sera cemplet en 3 livres. Reinwald's Catalogue Annuel, 1865. EVANS. Funeral Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered be- fore the Military Authorities in Norfolk, Va., Wednesday, April 19, 1865. By P. S. Evans, Chaplain 13th N. Y. H. Artillery. Published by Request. Norfolk, Va., Printed at the office of the Old Dominion, Roanoke Square. [No year] 8vo, pp 20.* EVERETT. A Sermon Preached on the Sunday after the As- sassination of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, together with Remarks, made on the day of his funeral, by Charles Carroll Everett, Pastor of the Independent Con- gregational Church of Bangor. Bangor: Printed by Benj. ; A. Burr. 1865. 8vo, pp 25.* EVERETT. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, delivered before the Citizens of Bangor, on the day of the National Fast, June ist, 1865. By Charles Carroll Everett. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1865. 8vo, pp 30. EWING. Argument of Thomas Ewing, Jr., on the Jurisdiction and on the Law and the Evidence in the case of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, tried before a Military Commission of which Maj. Gen. David Hunter is President, on a charge of Conspiracy to Assassinate the President and other Chief Officers of the Nation. May and June, 1865. Washington: H. Polkin- horn & Son, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 36.* 50 LINCOLN LITERATURE. FARGUES. Pastuer de I'Englise Suisse de Philadelphie. Son caractere intellectuel, moral et religieux, etc. H. Fargues. Paris, 1867. i2mo.* Brit. Mus. Catalogue. FARQUHAR. The claims of God to recognition in the Assas- sination of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached on the day of National Humiliation and Prayer, in the Chanceford Presbyterian Church, Lower Chanceford, York Co., Pa., and in the Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, Fawn, York Co., Pa. By the Rev. John Farquhar, Pastor of the Former Church. Lancaster, Pa., Pearsol & Geist, Printers, Daily Express Office. 1865, 8vo, pp 23.* FERREIRA. A Morte de Lincoln. Canto Elegiaco por Felix Ferreira. Rio de Janeiro. 1865. i8mo, pp 10.* FIELD. Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lin- coln, by the Hon. Richard S. Field. Delivered before the Legislature of New Jersey, February 12, 1866. Trenton, N. J.: Printed at the "State Gazette" Office. 1866. 8vo, pp J 40- . FIELD, Rev. Thomas P. See New London. FISH. Lincoln Literature A Bibliographical Account of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln By Daniel Fish Member and Secretary Public Library Board Minneapolis, Minn. Published by the Board Minne- apolis 1900 8vo, pp FLEMINGTON. Discourses Memorial of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, Delivered in Flem- ington, N. J., by the Pastors of the dififerent Churches, on Wednesday, April 19th, 1865. Published by the Citizens. Lambertville, N. J., Clark Peirson, Printer, "Beacon" Office. 1865. i2mo, pp 22, 16, 13.* Three sermons, the first by Rev. Thomas Swaim, pastor of the Baptist Church; second by Rev. J. L. Janeway, pastor of the Pres- byterian Church, and the third by Rev. J. P. Dailey, Pastor of the J Methodist Episcopal Church. FORT SUMTER. The Trip of the Steamer Oceanius to Fort Sumter and Charleston, S. C, April 14th, 1865. Brooklyn: "The Union" Steam Printing House, 10 Front Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 172.* Contains an address on the death of Mr. Lincoln, by Rev. T. L. Cuyler. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 51 FOSTER. The World's Workers. Abraham Lincoln. By Ernest Foster, Author of "Heroes of the Indian Empire," "Men of note: their Boyhood and Schooldays," etc. Fourth edition. Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris, New York & Melbourne. 1890. i2mo, pp 128. Portrait. FOWLER. Character and Death of Abraham Lincoln. A Discourse preached at Auburn, N. Y., April 23, 1865. By Rev. Henry Fowler, Pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church. Published by Request. Auburn, N. Y.: William J. Moses' Steam Press EstabHshment, No. 16 Clark Street. New York: Sheldon & Co. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. FOWLER. An Address on the Death of President Lincoln, delivered at the request of the Citizens of New-Rochelle, Westchester Co., N. Y., by John Fowler, Jr., Thursday Ev'g, April 20, 1865, in the Old Episcopal Church, New-Rochelle. New York: John A. Gray & Green, Printers, cor. Frankfort and Jacob Streets. 1865. 8vo. pp 28. FOWLER. An Oration on the Character and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered by Rev. C. H. Fowler, A. M., in Bryan Hall, Chicago, 111. Chicago: Printed at the Methodist Book Depository. 1867. 8vo, pp 22. Originally delivered on the day of the interment. FRANCIS. The Lincoln Memorial Collection. Relics of the War of the Rebellion. Autographs of Soldiers and Sailors and Government Officials. Collected by Julius E. Francis. Property of the Lincoln Birthday Association, in the rooms of the Buffalo Historical Society, Young Men's Library Building, Buffalo, N. Y. [Buffalo, N. Y. Art-Printing works of Matthews, Northrup & Co. Office of the "Bufifalo Morning Express." 1887] Sm. 4to, pp 55.* FREEMAN. God in Our National Affairs. A Sermon deliver- ed in Trinity Chapel, Newport, Sabbath Morning, April 16, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. George E. Freeman. Published by Request. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, Printers, 34 School Street. 1865. 8vo, pp i^r FRELINGHUYSEN. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, New- ark, N. J., April 19, 1865. Oration by Frederick J. Freling- huysen, Esq. Newark, N. J.: Printed at the Daily Ad- vertiser Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 23.* 52 LINCOLN LITERATURE. . 4 FRENCH. Address delivered at the dedication of the Statue of Abraham Lincoln, erected in front of the City Hall, Wash- ington, D. C. By invitation of Hon. Richard Wallach, Noble D. Larner, Esq., and Asbury Lloyd, Esq., Managers of the Lincoln Monument Association. By Benjamin B. French. Washington City : McGill and Witherow, Printers and Stereotypers. 1868. 8vo, pp 16.* Date of dedication, April 15, 1868. FRENCH. A Letter and Short Poem, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, [Portrait] by the late Hon. B. B. French, of Wash- ington, D. C. 1870. A. Boyd, Novelty Printing Press, 396 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. 8vo, pp (not numbered), 4.* FRENCH. Abraham Lincoln The Liberator A Biographical Sketch "Lincoln, the man who freed the slave" By Charles Wallace French Funk & Wagnalls New York 1891 i2mo, pp 298. Portrait. i In "American Reformers" series. FROST. Abraham Lincoln An Oration delivered on Wash- ington's birthday, 1891 by William G. Frost [Motto] The Oberlin News Press [1891] 8vo, pp T^y.-^ Cover title: "Washington's Birthday Souvenir [Motto] The Oration and Od^s. Oberlin College. 1891." FRY. Republican "Campaign" Text-Book for 1860. By Will- iam Henry Fry, of the New York Tribune. New York: A. B. Burdick, Publisher, No. 145 Nassau St. i860. i2mo, chapters 32.* Contains Lives of Lincoln and Hamlin. Advertised in "Political Text-Book for i860." See Greeley. FULLER. A City or House Divided Against Itself. A Dis- course delivered by Rev. Richard Fuller, D. D., On the First day of June, 1865, being the day of National Fasting and Humiliation. Baltimore: J. F. Weishampel, Jr., Book- seller & Stationer, No. 8, Under Eutaw House. 1865. 8vo, , PP 20. GADDIS. Sermon upon the Assassination of Abraham Lin- coln, by Rev. M. P. Gaddis, Pastor Sixth street M. P. Church. Delivered in Pike's Opera House, April 16, 1865. Washing- ton the Father, Lincoln the Savior of our Country. Cin- cinnati: Times Steam Book and Job Ofhce. 1865. 8vo, pp 15.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 53 'GALLAHER. Best Lincoln Stories Tersely Told. By J. E. Gallaher. Chicago: James E. Gallaher & Co., 36, 184 Dearborn St. [1898.] i6mo, pp 122. Portrait. GARFIELD. Remarks of Hon. Jas. A. Garfield, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, April 14, 1866, in Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Washington, D. C, Hudson Taylor, Printer. 1866. 8vo, pp 4.* GARRISON. The Teachings of the Crisis. Address delivered in St. Paul's Church, Camden, N. J., on the occasion of The Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, April 19, 1865. By Rev. J. F. Garrison, M. D. Second edition. Camden, N. J.: Printed by S. Chew, at the office of the "West Jersey Press." 1865. 8vo, pp 20. GASTINEAU. Bejamin Gastineau. Histiore de la souscrip- tion populaire a la medaille Lincoln. La Medaille de la liberte avec des Lettres de Flocen, Edgar Quinet, Victor Hugo, Schaslcher, Lois Blanc et la vie d'Abraham Lincoln. Prix 50 centimes. Paris, Libraire Internationale A Lacroix, Verboeckoven & Cie, Editeurs 15 boulevart Montmarte A Nantes, chez Andre, Libraire Guar de la Fosse. [No year.] i2mo, pp 34.* GEAR. The Nation's Grief for its fallen Chief. A Sermon preached in the First Congregational Chapel, Philadelphia, Sabbath Evening, April 23d, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. D. L. Gear. Published by request. Philadelphia, Ringwalt & Brown, Steam-Power Printers, iii and 113 S. Fourth street. 1865. 8vo, pp 8.* GETTYSBURG. An Oration delivered on the Battlefield of Gettysburg, November 19, 1863, at the consecration of the Cemetery prepared for the interment of the remains of those who fell in the Battles of July ist, 2nd, and 3d, 1863. By Ed- ward Everett. To which is added interesting reports of the dedicatory ceremonies; descriptions of the Battle-field; in- cidents and details of the Battles, etc. New York: Baker & Godwin, printers and publishers. Printing House Square, op- posite City Hall. 1863. 8vo, pp 48.* Contains Mr. Lincoln's dedicatory address. GETTYSBURG. Address of Hon. Edward Everett, at the Consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, 19th 54 LINCOLN LITERATURE. November, 1863, with the Dedicatory Speech of President Lincoln, and the other Exercises of the occasion; accom- panied by an account of the origin of the undertaking and of the arrangement of the cemetery grounds, and by a map of the Battle-field and a plan of the cemetery. Published for the benefit of the Cemetery Monument Fund. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1864. 8vo, pp 88. GETTYSBURG. Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech. Critic Leaf- let No. 3. New York: The Critic Co. 1898. i2mo, pp 4. Fac-simile of autographic copy made for the soldier's and sail- or's fair held in Baltimore in 1864. Shows final and authentic form of the address. Reproduced also in "Autograph Leaves of Our Country's Authors." Cushings & Bailey. Baltimore, 1864. See article, "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address," by Mr. Nicolay, in Century Mazagine for February, 1894. [GIBBONS.] The Truth Plainly Spoken. [Remarks of the Hon. Charles Gibbons before the Union League, April 17, 1865.] [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 4.* GILLETTE. God Seen Above all National Calamities. A Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln, April 23, 1865. By A. D. Gillette, D. D., Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Washington, D.C. Washington, D. C, McGill & Witherow, Printers and Stereotypers. 1865. 8vo, pp 15.* GILMORE. Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War by James R. Gilmore (Edmund Kirke) Author of "Among the Pines," "John Sevier, the Common- wealth Builder," "The Life of James A. Garfield," etc. Il- lustrated. Boston L. C. Page and Company (incorporated) 1898. 8vo, pp 338. GIRAULT. Rite Oriental de Misraim pour la France. Dis- cours Funebre prononce a la memoire du President Lincoln par le Grand President Girault, dans la tenue solennelle de deuil, le xvi' jour du IIP mois annueaire 5869, ou le 16' jour de mois de mai 1865, ere vulgaire, dan la R :. M :. L:. de V Arc-en-ciel. [Paris.-Imprierie de E.- Martinet, rue Mignon, 2.] 8vo, pp 3.* GLAESER. Das Lincoln-Monument. Fine Rede des Senator Charles Sumner. Nebst einer Lebensskizze Sumner's und der in seiner Rede erwahnten Kiinstler. Zugleich ein LINCOLN LITERATURE. 55 Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte Amerika's. Bearbeitet von August Glaeser, Sekretar des Generalconsulats der vereinigten Staaten von America zu Frankfurt a. M. Frank- furt a/M., Joh. Chr. Hermann'sche Buchandlung, M. Diester- weg. 1868. 8vo, pp 77.^ The remarks of Sumner refer to the Vinnie Ream statue of Lin- coln. -GLOVER. The Character of Abraham Lincoln. A Discourse delivered April 23d, 1865, at Strawn's Hall, Jacksonville, 111., by Rev. L. M. Glover, D. D., Pastor ist Presbyterian Church. Jacksonville: Printed at the Journal Book and Job Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 21.* ^ GODWIN, Parke. See Athenaeum Club. ^GOODFELLOW, Rev. William. See Buenos Aires. ^GOODSPEED. Funeral Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, 'preached Sunday, April 23d, 1865, in the Second Baptist Church, Chicago. By Rev. E. J. Goodspeed, Pastor. [Motto.] Chicago: Printed by the Trustees. 1865. 8vo, pp 37.* Contains also sermon by same on June ist. XORDON. The Sin of Reviling, and its Work. A Funeral Sermon, occasioned by the assassination of President Lincoln, April 14th, 1865. By W. R. Gordon, D. D., Pastor of the Ref. Prot. Church of Schraalenberg, N. J. Preached on May 7, 1865. Published by request of the consistory. New York: John A. Gray & Green, 16 & 18 Jacob Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 24. GRATER. A Discourse, respectfully dedicated to a grateful people. In Memory of the Worth of Our Lamented Chief Magistrate, Abraham Lincoln, delivered April 21st, 1865, by Rev. Abraham Grater. Copied by several German news- papers and translated from the German. Skippackville, Pa., Printed by J. M. Schuenemann. 1865. For Sale: by I. Kohler, No. 202 North 4th St., Philadelphia. Neutralist Office, Skippackville,. Montg. County, Pa. Price:' Single copy 5 cts.; 30 copies $1. Sent to any address free of postage. I 8vo, pp 8.* -i GRAY. Life of Abraham Lincoluy for the young man and the Sabbath School. By William C. Gray. [Motto.] Cincin- 56 LINCOLN LITERATURE. nati: Western Tract and Book Society. 1868. i2mo, pp 200. Illustrated. GREELEY. A Political Text-book for i860: comprising a brief view of Presidential nominations and elections: In- cluding all the National Platforms ever yet adopted: Also, a History of the Struggle respecting Slavery in the Territories, and of the action of Congress as to the Freedom of the Public Lands, with the most notable Speeches and Letters of Messrs. Lincoln, Douglas, Bell, Cass, Seward, Everett, Breckenridge, H. V. Johnson, etc., etc., touching the Questions of the Day; and Returns of all Presidential Elections since 1836. Com- piled by Horace Greeley and John F. Cleveland. New York: Published by the Tribune Association, i860. 8vo, pp 248. GREELEY, Horace. See Benton. GREENE. Thrilling Stories of the Great Rebellion : comprising heroic adventures and hairbreadth escapes of soldiers, scouts, spies, and refugees, etc. Together with an account of the death of President Lincoln; fate of the assassins; capture of Jefferson Davis, and end of the war. By Lieutenant Colonel Charles S. Greene, late of the United States Army. With illustrations. Philadelphia: Published by John E. Potter & Co., No. 617 Sansom street. i2mo, pp 494.* GROLIER CLUB. Transactions of The Grolier Club of the City of New York From February Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-four to July Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-Nine Part iii [Device of the Club.] New York The Grolier Club Twenty-Nine East Thirty-Second Street 1899 Sm. 4to, pp 229.* Contains "Abraham Lincoln's Place in History," an address delivered at the Club on Ladies' Day, April 7, 1899, by Charles Henry Hart; pp. 153 to 181. GURLEY. The Voice of the Rod. A Sermon preached on Thursday, June i, 1865, in the New York Avenue Presby- terian Church, Washington, D. C, by The Rev. P. D. Gurley, D. D., Pastor of the Church, Washington, D. C: William Ballantyne, Bookseller. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. GUTHRIE. Oration on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Ad- dressed to the American People. By Dr. W. E. Guthrie. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 57 Philadelphia: John Penington & Sons, 12^ South Seventh Street. 1865. i8mo, pp 9. Delivered before the American Literary Union, April 25, 1865. HACO. J. Wilkes Booth. The assassinator of President Lin- coln. By Dion Haco, Esq., Author of "Osgood, the Demon Refugee," "Chetham, or the Swamp Dragons," 'Terdita, the Demon Refugee's Daughter," "Larry, the Army Dog Rob- ber," "Rob. Cobb Kennedy, the Incendiary Spy," etc., etc., etc., etc. New York: T. R. Dawley, pubhsher for the Million, 13 and 15 Park Row. 1865. i2mo, pp 106. Illus- trated cover.* ■ HACO. The Private Journal and Diary of John H. Surratt, the Conspirator, Edited and arranged by Dion Haco, Esq.^ Author of "Booth, the Assassin," the "War Novels," "Lives of Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Lincoln, Butler," "Grant and his Generals," etc., etc. "Murder most foul."— Shakespeare. New York: Frederic A. Brady, pubhsher, 22 Ann street, near Nassau. 1866. i2mo, pp 104. Illustrated cover.* ( "' [HALE.] The President's Words: A Selection of Passages from the Speeches, Addresses, and Letters of Abraham Lin- coln. [Motto.*] Boston: Walker, Fuller and Company, 245, Washington Street. 1865. i2mo, pp 186. Compiled by Rev. Edward Everett Hale. ^ HALL. A Mournful Easter. A Discourse delivered in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D. C, on Easter Day, April 19, 1865, by the Rector, Rev. Charles H. H^ah, D. D. Being the second day after the Assassination of the President of the United States, and a similar attempt on the Secretary of State, on the night of Good Friday. Washington: Gideon & Pearson, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 15. The date, "19," a misprint for "16." ^ HALL. President Lincoln's Death; Its Voice to the People. A Discourse by Gordon Hall, D. D., Pastor of the Edwards Church. Preached in the First Church, Northampton, April 19, 1865. Northampton, Mass. Trumbull & Gere, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. "^ HALL. A Sermon on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Preached at Surrey Chapel, London, Sunday, May 14, 1865. 58 LINCOLN LITERATURE. By Rev. Newman Hall. Boston: Bartlett & Halliday. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. HALSTEAD. Caucuses of i860. A History of the National Political Conventions of the Current Presidential Campaign; being- a Complete Record of the Business of all the Conven- tions ; with Sketches of Distinguished men in attendance upon them, and descriptions of the most characteristic Scenes and memorable Events. Compiled from the Correspondence of the Cincinnati Commercial, written "on the Circuit of the Conventions," and the Official Reports. By M. Halstead, an Eye-witness of them all. Columbus : Follett, Foster and Company, i860 8vo, pp 232.* ^HAMILL. President Lincoln, a faithful son. An Address de- livered before the High School, at Lawrenceville, N. J., by Samuel M. Hamill, D. D., June ist, 1865. Trenton: Murphy & Bechtel, Printers, opposite the City Hall. 1865. 8vo, pp II.* HAMILTON. Letter of Gen. A. J. Hamilton, of Texas, to the President of the United States. [Date, July 18, 1863. No imprint, no place.] 8vo, pp 18.* HAMMOND. A Sermon on the Life and Character of Abra- ham Lincoln, Preached at Monson, at the United Service of the Congregational and Methodist Churches, on the occasion of the National Fast, June i, 1865. By Charles Hammond, Principal of Monson Academy. Springfield: Samuel Bowles and Company, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 21.* HAMMOND. Abraham Lincoln; A Eulogy delivered at Anamosa, Iowa, on the day of the State Fast, April 27, 18657 By William G. Hammond. PubHshed by Request. Daven- port: Publishing House of Luse & Griggs. 1865. 8vo, ^ pp 16.* HANAFORD. Our Martyred President. By Mrs. P. A. Hahaford. Author of "The Young Captain," etc. Abraham Lincoln, Born February 12, 1809; Died, April 15, 1865. [Motto.] Boston: B. B. Russell and Company, 55 Cornhill. 1865. Small 4to, pp 24. Portrait.* HANAFORD. Abraham Lincoln: His Life and Public Services. By Mrs. P. A. Hanaford, Author of "Our Mar- y LINCOLN LITERATURE. 59 tyred President," "The Young Captain," etc. [Motto.] Bos- ton : B. B. Russell and Company. 1865, i2mo, pp 216. Portrait. Reissued 1895, by The Werner Company, Chicago and New , York. For German edition, see Wurtzburger. HAPGOOD. Abraham Lincoln the Man of the People by Norman Hapgood Author of "Literary Statesmen," "A Life of Daniel Webster," etc. New York The Macmillan Com- pany London Macmillan & Co., Ltd. 1899. 8vo, pp 433. Portraits. HARBAUGH. Treason and Law. A Discourse, delivered at Clearspring, Maryland, June i, 1865, the Day of National Mourning. By H. Harbaugh, D. D., Professor of Theology at Mercersburg, Pa. Published by request of the audience. Philadelphia: Jas. B. Rodgers, Pr., 52 & 54 North Sixth street. 1865. i2mo, pp 31.* HARDINGE. The Great Funeral Oration on Abraham Lin- coln, by Miss Emma Hardinge. Delivered Sunday, April 16, 1865, at Cooper Institute, New York, before upwards of three thousand persons. New York: American News Company, Nassau Street. Twenty-five Cents. [No year.] 8vo, pp 28. HARRIS. Assassination of Lincoln A History of the Great Conspiracy Trial of the Conspirators by a Military Commis- sion and a Review of the Trial of John H. Surratt By T. M. Harris Late Brigadier-General of U. S. V. and Major-Gen- eral by Brevet A Member of the Commission Boston, Mass. American Citizen Company 7 Broomfield Street [1892.] 8vo, pp 419. Illustrated. HART. Bibliographia Lincolniana : an account of the Publica- tions occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States of America. Being a Biblio- graphical Catalogue of all Sermons, Eulogies, Orations, etc., delivered at the time, with Notes and an Introduction by Charles Henry Hart, LL._ B., Historiographer of the Numis- matic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, and Corres- ponding Member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society; the Maine Historical Society, the Long Island His- torical Society, etc., etc., etc. Albany. : Joel Munsell. 1870. 8vo, pp 86.* From "Memorial Lincohi Bibliography;" see Boyd. Twenty- five copies printed for private circulation. 60 LINCOLN LITERATURE. HART. A Biographical Sketch of his Excellency Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, by Charles Henry Hart, LL. B., Author of "Memoir of Prescott," "His- torical Sketch of National Medals," "Remarks on Tabasco, Mexico," etc., etc. Reprinted from Introduction to Biblio- g"raphia Lincolniana. Albany.: Joel Munsell. 1870. 8vo, pp 21 * ■\J One, hundred copies printed for private circulation. HART. Price- 10 cents. Published Bi-monthly. Annual Sub- scription, 60 cents. American History Leaflets, Colonial and Constitutional. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart and Edward Channing, of Harvard University. No. 18. November, 1894. Lincoln's Inaugural and First Message to Congress. New York. A. Lovell & Co 1894.* No. 12, same series, contains first call for troops and the blockade proclamation. No. 26, made up of extracts from Lin- coln's state papers. HARTSON. Oration of Chancellor Hartson at the Celebration of the 74th Birthday Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln, under the auspices of the Lincoln Association. Dashaway Hall, Post St., Monday Evening, February 12th, 1883. San Fran- cisco ; Frank Eastman & Co.^ Printers, 509 Clay Street. 1883. 8vo, pp 16.* [HASTED.] Copy of a letter written from Bufifalo, state of N. Y. Dec. 21, i860. To the Honorable Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of North America. [No im- print, year, nor place.] 8vo, pp 8.* Contains letters to Greeley and others. Author," Frederick Hasted. HATHAWAY. A Discourse occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln: Preached at Coxsackie, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865, by Warren Hathaway. Albany: J. Munsell, 78 State Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 24.* HAVEN. Memorial Proceedings in honor of the lamented President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, held in Ann Arbor, Michigan; [April 19th, 1865.] With the Ad- dress of Rev. E. O. Haven, D. D., LL. D., President of the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor: Printed at the "Peninsular Courier" Office. 1865. 8vo, pp ii.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 61 'HAVEN. Te Deum Laudamus. The cause and consequence of the election of Abraham Lincoln. A Thanksgiving Ser- mon delivered in the Harvard St. M. E. Church, Cambridge, Sunday Evening, Nov. ii, i860, by Rev. Gilbert Haven. [Text] Boston: J. M. Hewes, Printer, 81 Cornhill. Sold / by J. P. Magee, No. 5, Cornhill. i860. 8vo, pp 44.* HAVEN. The Uniter and Liberator of America. A Memorial Discourse on the Character and Career of Abraham Lincoln: delivered in the North Russell Street M. E. Church, Boston, Sunday, April 23, 1865, by Gilbert Haven. [Motto.] Bos- ton: James P. Magee, No. 5 Cornhill. 1865. 8vo, pp 32. V HAWLEY. Truth and Righteousness Triumphant. A Dis- course Commemorative of the Death of President Lincoln: Preached in the Washington Avenue M. E. Church, April 20, 1865, by B. Hawley, D. D. Albany, N. Y.: J. Munsell, 78 State Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 20. ^ HAY. A Pastoral Letter for Wednesday, April 19, 1865, by the Rev. Henry Palethorp Hay, LL. D., Rector, to the Members of the three Parishes of Christ Church, Riverton. Trinity Church, Fairview. St. Peter's Churcli, Rancocas. Philadel- phia : J. B. Chandler, Printer 306 & 308 Chestnut St. 1865. 8vo, pp 4,* Relates wholly to the President's death. '^HAYDEN. Our Country's Martyr. A Tribute to Abraham Lincoln, our beloved and lamented President. By Mrs. Caro- line A. Hayden. Boston: Press of Dakin and Metcalf, No, T,y Cornhill. 1865. i2mo, pp 23. A poem.* ' HAYDEN. A Brief Abstract of remarks by Rev. Wm. D. Hay- den, at the New Jerusalem Church, on the Funeral of the President, April 19, 1865. Cincinnati: Mallory, Power & Co., Printers, 135 Main street. 1865. 8vo, pp 10.* HAYERE. Eloge Funebre du President A. Lincoln fait par le tres-puissant Frere J. T. Hayere, Superueur grand Conserv- ateur honoraire de I'O :. maconnique oriental de misraim pour la France, Grand Commandeur des Chevaliers defenseurs de la maconnierie, dans la ceremonie funebre qui a eu lieu le xvi' . .jour du iii' mois, anno lucis — le 16' jour du mois, de Mai 1865, ere vulgaire, dans la tenue solennelle de deuil de la 62 LINCOLN LITERATURE. respectable mere loge de I'Arc-en-ciel, a laquelle assistaient tons les membres du Souverain Grand Conseil general, puis- sance Supreme de I'Ordre a la vallee de Paris. Paris Impri- merie de E. Martinet Rue Mignon, 2. 1865. 8vo, pp 44.* HEERMANS. War Power of the President, Summary Imprison- ment. By J. Heermans. No. 32, Loyal Publication Society, N. Y. [,No year.] 8vo, pp. — .* HELWIG. The" Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. What was the Religious Faith of those engaged in the Conspiracy that resulted in the Assassination of President Lincoln at Wash- ington, D. C., on Friday Evening, April 14, 1865? The sworn Testimony of Witnesses, taken from the Official Re- port of the trial of John H. Surratt, Published by the Govern- ment, at Washington, D. C., 1867. A Lecture on Roman- ism, by the Rev. J. B. Helwig, D. D., Springfield, Ohio. Price per Copy, 10 Cents. $1.00 per Dozen [No imprint, no year. A. D. Hosterman & Co., Printers.] 8vo, pp 15. HEPWORTH. Two Sermons Preached in the Church of the Unity, April 23, 1865. L On the Death of Abraham Lin- coln, n. Duties suggested by the National Grief. By George H. Hepworth, Pastor of the Society. Boston : Print- ed for the Society, by John Wilson and Son. 1865. i2mo, pp 27.* HEPWORTH. The Criminal; The Crime; The Penalty. By George H. Hepworth. Boston: Walker, Fuller and Com- pany, 245, Washington Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 31.- Refers to the crime and punishment of Jefferson Davis. HERNDON. Herndon's Lincoln The True Story of a Great Life Etiam in Minimis major. The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon P'or Twenty Years His Friend and Law Partner and Jesse William Weik, A. M. Chicago: Belford-Clarke Co. 1890. In three volumes, i2mo. Vol. i, pp xx, 199. Vol. 2, pp 200 to 418. Vol. 3, pp 419 to 638. lUustrated. ■i HERNDON. Abraham Lincoln The True Story of a Great Life By William H. Herndon and Jesse W\ Weik with an Introduction bv Horace White Illustrated In Two Volumes LINCOLN LITERATURE. 63 New York D. Appleton and Company 1892 i2mo. Vol. I, pp xxviii, 351. Vol. 2, pp vii, 348. Revised edition of last above. Besides the introduction, Mr. Wliite contributes a chapter on tlie debate with Douglas. HIBBARD. In Memory of Abraham Lincoln. A Discourse delivered in the First Congregational Unitarian Church in Detroit, Mich., Sunday, April 17th, 1865, by A. G. Hibbard, Pastor of the Church. Published by request. Detroit: O. S. Gulley's Steam Book and Job Printing Office. 1865. 8 vo, pp 12.* The date a misprint for "i6th." HICKS. An Address occasioned by the death of His Excellen- cy, Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, de- livered on Wednesday, April 19th, 1865, in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Frederick City, Md., by Rev. William W. Flicks, Pastor of the Church. Frederick: Schley, Keefer & Co. 1865. 8vo, pp II. lilNGELEY. The Character and Greatness of Abraham Lin- coln, A Discourse delivered April 23, 1865. By Rev. E. Hingeley, Pastor of the M. E. Church, Monongahela City, Pa. [No imprint, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp 15. FIITCHCOCK. God Acknowledged, in the Nation's Bereave- ment. A Sermon delivered in Fludson, Ohio, on the day of the obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, April 19th, 1865, by Hen- ry L. Hitchcock. Cleveland: Fairbanks, Benedict & Co., Printers, Herald Office, 1865. 8vo, pp 23. FIITCHCOCK. Nancy Hanks. The Story of Abraham Lin- coln's Mother by Caroline Hanks Hitchcock New York Doubleday & McClure Co. 1899. i6mo, pp xxii, 105. Illus- trated. ■ HOCFIHEIMER. Predgit, gehalten am 19. April 1865, als am Tage des Leichenbegangnisses des Prasidenten der Ver. Staaten, Abraham Lincoln's, von H. Hochheimer, Rabbiner der Oheb-Israel-Gemeinde in Baltimore. Auf Verlangen del Druch libergeben. Gedrucht bei Th. Kroh. i2mo, pp 8.* HOCHFIEIMER. Fest und Fasttag. Predigt am i. Juni 1865, (dem zweiten Tage Schebuoth), als an dem, von dem Prasi- denten der Vereinigten Staaten angeordneten Busz-und Bet- 64 LINCOLN LITERATURE. tage zum Gedachtnisse des ermordeten Prasidenten Abraham Lincoln, gehalten von H. Hochheimer, Rabbiner der Oheb- Israel-Gemeinde in Baltimore. Zum Besten des Lincoln- Monuments. Gedrucht bei Th. Kroh. i2mo, pp 9.* HOFFMAN. The Martyr President. A Sermon preached in Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., by the Rev. Eugene Augs. Hoffmann, D. D., Rector, on Thursday, 20 April, A. D. 1865, being the Day of Mourning appointed by the Governor of the State after the death of President Lincoln. Printed by request. New York, C. A. Alvord, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp HOFFMANN. Abraham Lincoln, der Befreier der Neger-Se- laven. Fine Erzahlung, etc. Wilhelm Hoffmann. Breslau. 1867. 8vo.* Brit. Mus. Catalogue. HOLLAND. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, pronounced at the City Hall, Springfield, Mass., April 19, 1865. By J. G,, Holland. Springfield; Pub- lished by L. J. Powers. 1865. 8vo, pp 18.* See Springfield. HOLLAND. The Life of Abraham Lincoln, by J. G. Holland, Member of the Massachusetts Flistorical Society. Springfield, Mass.: Published by Gurdon Bill. 1866. 8vo, pp 544. Il- lustrated. HOLLAND. Das Leben Abraham Lincoln's von J- G. Holland Mitglied der historischen Gesellschaft von Massachusetts. Springfield, Massachusetts: Verlag von Gurdon Bill. 1866. 8vo, pp 588. [HOPE.] New World Heroes. Lincoln and Garfield: The Life Story of two self-made men, whom the people made Pres- idents, by the author of ''Our Queen," "Grace Darling," etc., etc. [Motto] London : Walter Scott, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row. [No year] 12 mo, pp 363.* On back cover: "Lincoln and Garfield, Eva Hope." First 147 pp. devoted to Mr. Lincoln. HOPKINS. A Discourse, on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Delivered in the ist Presbyterian Church in Bloomington, Indiana, April 19th, 1865. By Rev. T. M. Hopkins. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 7.* J LINCOLN LITERATURE. 65 / HORNBLOWER. Sermon occasioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln. Delivered April i6th, 1865. In First Presbyterian Church, of Paterson, N. J., by W. H. Horn- blower, Pastor. Paterson, N. J., Printed by Chiswell & Wurts, "Press" Office, cor. Broadway & Main street. 1865. 8vo, pp 15.* HOWE. The Memory of Lincoln Poems Selected With an Introduction by M. A. DeWolfe Howe Boston Small May- nard & Company. 1899. i6mo, pp xvii, 65. Portrait. HOWELLS. Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. Columbus, O.: Follett, Foster & Co. i860. i2mo, pp 406. Illustrated, The Lincoln biography is by William D. Howells; that of Mr. Hamlin, by John L. Hayes. 'hOWLETT. The Dealings of God with our Nation. A Dis- course delivered in Washington, D. C, on the Day of Humil- iation and Prayer, June i, 1865, by Rev. T. R. Howlett, Pas- tor of the Calvary Baptist Church. Washington, D. C, Gib- son Brothers, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 7.* HUBBARD. Little Journeys to the Homes of American States- men by Elbert Hubbard Abraham Lincoln December, 1898 New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons New Rochelle, N. Y. The Knickerbocker Press i2mo, pp 396 to 436. Portrait. Title on cover only. Published also in volume, "Little Jour- neys," 1899. Same publishers. HUIDEKOPER. Personal Notes and Reminiscences of Lin- coln by H. S. Huidekoper Philadelphia Bicking Print, S. E. Cor. Tenth and Market 1896 8vo, pp 20.* HUME. An Address in Commemoration of the birth of Abra- ham Lincoln delivered at the 337th dinner of the New Eng- land Club by Harrison Hume President of the Club Bos- ton The Sparrell Print 55 Franklin St. 1892. 8vo, pp 39.* HUNT. Address delivered by the Hon. A. B. Hunt on the Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln at the First Congregational Church of Alameda. [California.] Sunday Eve., Feb. 12, 1899 It being the 89th Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln. [No imprint, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp 34. Printed and issued by the author in 1899. 66 LINCOLN LITERATURE. \ HUTCHINSON. Hutchinson's Republican Songster, for the Campaign of i860, edited by John W. Hutchinson, of the Hutchinson family of singers. [Motto.] New York: O. Hutchinson, publisher, 67 Nassau street, i860. i2mo, pp HYLTON. The Prsesidicide: A Poem, by J. Dunbar Hylton, M. D., Author of "Lays of, Ancient Times," "The Bride of Gettysburg," &c. &c. Philadelphia. 1868. i6mo, pp 194.* ILLINOIS. Death of Lincoln. Proceedings in the Supreme Court of Illinois. Presentation of the Bar Resolutions in re- gard to Mr. Lincoln's decease. Chicago: J. W. Middleton & Co., Publishers, 196 Lake Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 17.* INGERSOLL. Abraham Lincoln, A Lecture by Robert G. Ingersoll. Nothing is grander than to break the chains from the bodies of men — nothing nobler than to destroy the phan- toms of the soul. New York. C. P. Farrell, Publisher. 1895. i2mo, pp 53. Portrait. IRVIN. A Sermon preached on Sabbath Morning, April 16, 1865, the day after the Death of President Lincoln. By the Rev. Wm. Irvin, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Rond- out, N. Y. New York : John A. Gray & Green, Printers, 1865. 8vo, pp 20.* J IVES. Victory turned into Mourning. A Discourse, on occa- sion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, preached at Castine, [Maine, April i6th, 1865,] by Alfred E. Ives. Published by Request. Bangor: Wheeler & Lynde, Printers. 1865 8vo, pp 14.* JAGGAR. A sermon by the Rev. Thomas A. Jaggar at the Anthon Memorial Church on Easter Sunday, April i6th, 1865. Published by request. New York: R. C. Root, An- thony & Co., printers and stationers. No. 16 Nassau street. 1865. 8vo, pp 14.* '^ JAMES. The Two Epistles. The Angel's Address, or The Glo- rious Message, commanded to be sent to Abraham Lincoln, July "21, 1864. By James James. [Motto.] [No imprint, / place, nor year.] 8vo, pp 14.* JANEWAY. Rev. J. L. See Flemington. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 67 JAPAN. Abraham Lincoln. Third edition. i2mo, pp 183. Portrait.* Information as to this received too late to obtain full translation of title. Printed in Japanese. ^ JEFFERY. The Mission of Abraham Lincoln. A Sermon preached before the Fourth Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Thursday Morning, June ist, 1865. By R. Jefifery, D. D. Philadelphia: Bryson & Son, Printers and Stationers, No. 8 North Sixth Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 28. JERMON. Abram Lincoln and South Carolina. By J. Wag- ner Jermon, Esq. Philadelphia: D. E. Thompson, Printer, southwest corner Seventh and Market Streets. 1861. 8vo, PP I5-* JOHNSON. "God's ways unsearchable." A Discourse, on the Death of President Lincoln, preached before the Third Pres- byterian Congregation, in Mozart Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sun- day, April 23d, 1865. By Rev. Herrick Johnson, Pastor. Published by Request. W. G. Johnston & Co., Printers, Sta- tioners and Blank Book Makers, 57 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. [No year.] 8vo, pp i.i.* JOHNSON. A Discourse preached on the day of the National Funeral of President Lincoln, Wednesday, April 19, 1865. By Samuel Johnson, Minister of the Free Church at Lynn, [Mass.] (Printed not Published). [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 10.* But fifteen copies printed. JOHNSON. Our Martyred President. A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln, preached in Stillwater, N. Y., April i6th, 1865, by Rev. William M. Johnson. Published by Request. Troy, N. Y. Daily and Weekly Times Printing House, 211 River Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 14.* JOHNSON. An Argument to establish the Illegality of Milita- ry Commissions in the United States, And Especially of the One Organized for the Trial of the Parties Charged with Conspiring to Assassinate the Late President, and others. Presented to that Commission on Monday, the 19th of June, 1865, and prepared by Reverdy Johnson, one of the Counsel of Mrs. Surratt. Baltimore: Printed by John Murphy & 68 LINCOLN LITERATURE. Co., Publishers, Booksellers, Printers and Stationers, 182 Bal- timore Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 31.* JOHNSTON. Sermon delivered on Thursday, June ist, 1865, The day of special humiliation and prayer in consequence of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln; at the Second EngHsh Evangelical Lutheran Church, Harrisburg, Pa. By Rev. E. S. Johnston. Theo. F. Scheffer, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp ii. JOHNSTON. Sermon published at Pittsburgh, Pa., April 23, 1865. Pittsburgh. 1865. 8vo, ppii.* Spencer's "Lincolniana." JONES. Lincoln, Stanton and Grant. Historical Sketches by Major Evan Roland Jones, United States Consul, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. (Motto.) With Steel Portraits. London: Fred- erick Warne and Co. [No year.] 8vo, pp xii, 342. Preface dated August i, 1875. [JONES.] Funeral Sermons preached in the Presbyterian Church, of Rockaway, N. J., upon the deaths of Presidents Washington, Lincoln and Garfield. 1882. "The Iron Era" Book Printing House, Dover, N. J. 8vo, pp 36. That on LincoIn,_ preached Wednesday, April 19th, 1865, by Rev. Geo. H. Jones, pp 15 to 23, inclusive. JONES. J. Wilkes Booth An Account of his Sojourn in Southern Maryland after the Assassination of Abraham Lin- coln, his Passage Across the Potomac, and his Death in Vir- ginia by Thomas A. Jones The only living man who can tell the Story Illustrated Copyright, 1893, by J. B. Mat- tingly Chicago Laird & Lee, Publishers 1893 i2mo, pp 126.* ■v/ JONES. Political Speeches and Debates of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas 1854-1861 [Ouoti|tion] Edited by Alonzo T. Jones International Tract Society Battle Creek, Mich. 268 Crawford Street, Toronto, Ont. 59 Paternoster , Row, London, Eng. 1895. pp 555.* JORDAN. Death of Abraham Lincoln. A Discourse delivered on the day of the National Fast, June i, 1865, at the Congre- gational Church, Cumberland Centre, Me. By Rev. E. S. Jordan. Published by request of the Congregation. Port- land: Printed by David Tucker. 1865. 8vo, pp 18. J LINCOLN LITERATURE. 69 KAMENKARO. A. Lincoln. Biographical Sketch. By A. B. Kamenkaro. St. Petersburg. 1891. i2mo, pp 85.* Printed in Russian. Information received too late to procure full translation of title page. KAUFMANN. Die Ermordung Abraham Lincoln's; und die Geschichte der Grossen Verschworung. Eine vollstandige Beschreibung dieses Ereignisses von seinem Aufange bis zum Ende, Skizzen der hauptsachlichsten Theilnehmer, Be- richte liber das Leichenbegangniss u. s. w. Rach dem Eng- lischen von J. L. Kaufmann. Vollstandig illustrirt. Cincin- nati, Ohio. Herausgegeben von J. R. Hawley & Co., 164 Vine Strasse. 1865. 8vo, pp 184.* This translation contains an acccount of the Conspiracy Trial not in the English pamphlet, titled "Assassination." ^ KECKLEY. Behind the Scenes. By Elizabeth Keckley, for- merly a slave, but more recently modiste, and friend to Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. Or, Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House. . New York: G. W. Carleton & Co., Publishers. 1868. i2mo, pp 371. Portrait of the author. KEELING. The Death of Moses. A Sermon preached in Trin- ity (P. E.), Church, on Sunday Evening, April 23, 1865, By Rev. R. J. -Keeling, Rector, as a Tribute of Respect to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and Assassinated in the City of Washington, on Friday night, April 14, 1865. Washington, D. C, W. H. & O. H. Morrison. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* J . KEITH. An Address delivered at the Funeral Solemnities of the late President Lincoln at the Church of our Saviour, Jen- kintown, Wednesday Noon, April 19th, 1865. By Rev. O. B. Keith, Rector. Philadelphia: King & Baird, Printers, 607 Sansom Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 8.* KELLEY. Lincoln and Stanton A study of the war admin- istration of 1861 and 1862, with special consideration of some recent statements of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan By Wm. D. Kelley, M. C. New York and London G. P. Putnam's Sons 1885 i2mo, pp 88. •i. KIP. Address delivered at Homburg-les-Bains, Germany, on the First Day of June, 1865, being the day appointed by the President of the United States, as a day of Humiliation and 70 LINCOLN LITERATURE. Prayer; by the Right Rev. Wm. Ingraham Kip, D. D., Bish- op of CaHfornia. Frankfort-on--the-Main. 1865. 8vo. pp II.* KIRKLAND. A Letter to the Hon. Benjamin R. Curtis, late Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States in review of his recently published pamphlet on the "Emancipation Proc- lamation" of the President. By Charles P. Kirkland, of New York: Latimer Bros. & Seymour, Law Stationers, 21 Nas- sau St. 1862. 8vo, pp 21.* KIRKLAND. A Letter to Peter Cooper on "The Treatment to be extended to the Rebels Individually," and "The Mode of restoring the Rebel States to the Union." With an Appen- dix containing a reprint of a review of Judge Curtis's paper on the Emancipation Proclamation, with a Letter from Presi- dent Lincoln. By Charles P. Kirkland. New York: An- son D. F. Randolph, No. 770 Broadway. 1865. 8vo, pp 66.* KRALTTH. The Two Pageants. A Discourse delivered in the First Eng. Evan. Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thurs- day, June ist, 1865. By Charles P. Krauth, D. D. [Motto.] Pittsburgh: Printed by W. &. Haven, corner of Wood and Third Streets. ,1865. 8vo, pp 23.* KREBS. Rede zum an Abraham Lincoln, Prasident der Ver- einigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Ermordet am Char- freitage, April 14, 1865, A. D. Evang. Luc. xxiv.. Vers 21 und 5. Gehalten am 19. April 1865, dem Tage des Leichen- zuges, 12 Uhr Mittags, in der Kirche zum Heiligen Gieste in St. Louis, von Ernst Hugo Krebs, Pastor und Doktor der Philosophic. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 7.* KREBS. A Sermon in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America. Assassinated on Good Fri- day, April 14, 1865 A. D. Luke xxiv, 21st, & 5th Delivered April 19, 1865, at noon in the Church of the Holy Ghost in St. Louis, Mo. From the German of the Rev. Dr. Hugo Krebs. Translated by a Lady Hearer. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 8.* "■' LAMB. Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln Preached in the Congregational Church of Rootstown, [Ohio.] By Rev. E. E. Lamb, Sabbath Morning, April 22,, 1865. (Published by Request.) [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 14.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 71 LAMBERT. Abraham Lincoln Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States Annual Oration de- livered before the Society of the Army of the Potomac by William H. Lambert at Pittsburgh October ii 1899 [No imprint, place nor year.] 8vo, pp 18.* Privately printed. ' LAMON. The Life of Abraham Lincoln; from his Birth to his Inauguration as President. By Ward H. Lamon. With il- lustrations. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company. 1872. 8vo, pp xiv, 547. LAMON. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln 1847-1865 by Ward Hill Lamon Edited by Dorothy Lamon Chicago A. C. McClurg and Company 1895. i2mo, pp xvi, 276. Por- trait. • LANGE. Abraham Lincoln der Weiderhersteller der Nord Amerikanischen Union und der grosze Kampf der Nord und Siidstaaten wahrend der Yahre 1861-1865. Herausgegeben von Dr. Max Lange mit 70 in den Text, gedruchten lUustra- tionen, dem, Bildnisse Abraham Lincoln's, in. Stahlstich, von A. Weger sowie ocht Portrats herroorogender Amerikan- ischer Staatsmanner und Feldherren nebst einer Orienti- rungs.— Karte liber Kriegsschauplatz der Vereinigten Staa- ten. Leipsig Verlag von Otto Spaner. 1866. 8vo, pp xx, 260. Map.* LAURIE. Three Discourses, preached in the South Evangelical Church, West Roxbury, Mass., April 13th, 19th and 23d, 1865, by Thomas Laurie. Published by Request. Dedham, Mass.: Printed by John Cox, Jr. 1865. 8vo, pp 40. "^ LEFFINGWELL. Strength in Sorrow. A Sermon, Preached in St. John's Church, Canandaigua, June i, 1865, on the oc- casion of the National Fast, following upon the Assassina- tion of President Lincoln, by the Rev. C. S. Lefilingwell, M. A., Rector. Canandaigua: Prfnted at C. Johnson's of- fice, Bemis Block, 2nd Story. 1865. 8vo, pp 14.* y LELAND. Abraham Lincoln and the Abolition of Slavery in the United States By Charles Godfrey Leland Author of "Hans Breitmann's Ballads," "The Egyptian Sketch Book,'" 11 LINCOLN LITERATURE. etc., etc. New York. G. P. Putnam's Sons 27 and 29 West 23d Street 1891. i2mo, pp 250 Portrait. First edition, 1879, has pp. 246. Another issue (no year) bears imprint of H. M. Caldwell Company, New York. LESLIE. Frank Leslie's Pictorial Life of Abraham Lincoln. American News. Company's agents. New York. Price 15 cents. 1865. 8vo, pp 8.* LESPERUT. Abraham Lincoln. Par A. Lesperut. Paris, Dentu. 1865. 8vo, avec potr. photogr.* Reinwald's Catalogue Annuel, 1865. LIEBER. Loyal Publication Society, New York, [Society's seal,] 863 Broadway. No. 59. Lincoln oder McClellan? Aufruf an die Deutchen in Amerika. Von Franz Lieber. [1864.] 8vo, pp 4.* ' JLIEBER. Loyal Publication Society, New York. (Society's seal.) 863 Broadway. No. 67. Lincoln or McClellan. Ap- peal to the Germans in America, By Francis Lieber Trans- I lated from the German by T. C. 1864. 8vo, pp 8.* LIEBER. Loyal Publication Society, New York. [Society's seal.] 863 Broadway. No. 71. Lincoln or McClellan? Oproep aan die Hollanders in Amerika. Van Francis Lieber. [1864.] 8vo, pp 4.* ^ LINCOLN'S SPl^KCHES AND WRITINGS.^ L,INCOLN. An Address delivered by Abraham Lincoln, before the Springfield Washingtonian Temperance Society, [Cut of the Church] at the Second Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Illinois, on the 22nd Day of February, 1842. Copyright, 1889, By O. H. Oldroyd, Publisher, Springfield, 111. Svo, pp 14. Illustrated. LINCOLN. Speech of Mr. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the reference of the President's Message, in the Llouse of Representatives. Wednesday, January 14, 1848. Washington: J. & G. S. Gideon, Printers. 1848. 8vo, pp 14."' 1 Excluding titles listed under names of editors or compilers. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 73 LINCOLN. Speech of Mr. A. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill; delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, June 20, 1848. Washington: Printed by J. & G. vS. Gideon. 1848. 8vo, PP I4-* LINCOLN. Speech of Hon. A. Lincoln, delivered at Cincinna- ti, September 9, 1859, and the Reply of a Kentuckian. Writ- ten immediately thereafter, and published in the Daily En- quirer. [No imprint, place nor year] 8vo, pp 36.* LINCOLN. The Address of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, in vindi- cation of the policy of the framers of the constitution and the principles of the Republican party. Delivered at Cooper In- stitute, February 27th, i860, issued by the Young Men's Re- publican Union, (659 Broadway, New York,) with Notes by- Charles C. Nott & Cephas Brainerd, Members of the Board of Control. New York: George F. Nesbitt & Co., Printers- and Stationers, i860, 8vo, pp, 32. LINCOLN. The Republican party vindicated. The demands of the South explained. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln,, of Illinois, at the Cooper Institute, New York city. Febru- ary 27, i860. [No year, no place.] 8vo, pp 8. Issued by the Congressional Campaign Committee.* LINCOLN. Press & Tribune Documents for i860. No. i. The Testimony of the Framers of the Constitution. Great Spetch of Hon. Abraham Lincoln at the Cooper Institute,, New York, Feb. 27th, i860. Price 60 cents per 100 or $5.00 per 1000. [No year, no place.] 8vo, pp 8.* LINCOLN Tribune Tracts. No. 4. National Politics. Speech. of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, Delivered at the Cooper In- stitute, Monday, Feb. 27, i860. No year. 8vo, pp 15.* LINCOLN. New Yorker-Demokrat. Flugblatt No. 4. Die Nationale Politik, Rede von Abraham Lincoln, Gehalten un Cooper Institute New York am 2^. Felmar i860. [No- year, no place.] 8vo, pp 10. Illustrated.* LINCOLN. Address of Abraham Lincoln, on taking the Oath of office as President 'of the United States, March 4, 1861. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1861. 8vo, pp 12.* 74 LINCOLN LITERATURE. '' LINCOLN. Fac Simile of the Autograph Letter of Abraham Lincoln, President of the U. S., to Gen. Henry H. Sibley of Minnesota, ordering him to execute 39 of the 303 Indian mur- derers, found guilty by a Military Commission, of massacring white people in the outbreak of 1862, and condemned to be hung. Heliograph Printing Co., 220 Devonshire St., Bos- ton. [No year] Sm. 4to, pp, (not numbered), 3.* Letter, dated Dec. 6, 1862. Original owned by Minnesota His- torical Society, St. Paul. LINCOLN, A Letter from Abraham Lincoln to General Jo- seph Hooker January 26, 1863. Philadelphia 1879 8vo, pp, (not numbered), 6.* Said to be the tirst appearance of this letter in print; 45 copies privately printed. J LINCOLN. Price, One Copy, 8 cents; Two copies, 15 cents. The letters of President Lincoln on questions of National Policy. I. To General McClellan. II. To Horace Greeley. III. To Fernando Wood. IV. To the Albany Committee. V. To Governor Seymour. VI. To the Springfield Meet- ing. New York: H. H. Lloyd & Co., 81 John street. The trade supplied by Sinclair Tousey, 121 Nassau street, New York. H. Dexter, 113 Nassau street. New York. B. B. Russell, 515 Washington street, Boston. R. R. Landon, 88 Lake street, Chicago. 1863. i2mo, pp 22.* LINCOLN. Evening Journal's Doc's, No. i. The War Policy of the Administration. Letter of the President to the Union Mass Convention at Springfield, Illinois. Aug. 16, 1863. [No' place, no year.] 8vo, pp 8.* ~^ LINCOLN. President Lincoln's Views. An important letter on the principles involved in the Vallandingham case. Cor- respondence in relation to the Democratic Meeting, at Albany, N. Y. Philadelphia: King and Baird, printers, No. 607 Sanson! street. 1863. 8vo, pp 16.* LINCOLN. The Opinions of Abraham Lincoln, upon Slavery and its issues: indicated by his speeches, letters, messages, and proclamations. L. Towers, printer for the Union Con- gressional committee. [No year, no place.] 8vo, pp 16.* LINCOLN. Amnesty Proclamation and Third Annual Message of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States read in 7 LINCOLN LITERATURE. 75 Congress, Wednesday, December 9, 1863. [No imprint, year nor place.] 8vo, pp 20.'^ «* LINCOLN. Message of the President of the United States, and Accompanying Documents, to the Two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of tlie Thirty- Eighth Congress. Washington: Government Printing Of- fice. 1864. 8vo, pp 14."^ J LINCOLN. Tribune War Tracts, No. 5. President on Vall- andingliam and "Arbitrary Arrests." [No year, no place.] 8vo, pp 4.* ^ LINCOLN. The Martyr's Monument. Being the Patriotism ' and Political Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln, as exhibited in his Speeches, Messages, Orders and Proclamations from the Presidential Canvass of i860, until his Assassination, April 14, 1865. [Motto.] New York: American News Company. [No year.] i2mo, pp iv, 297.* Edited by Dr. Francis Leiber. ^ LINCOLN. In Memoriam. Trent, Filmer & Co., 37 Park Row, New York. [No year.] Small 4to, pp, (not numbered) 12. Printed on alternate pages. Contains, besides various addresses and papers, the "favorite poem," with a letter concerning it, from F. B. Carpenter. I LINCOLN. Gems from Abraham Lincoln. Born February I2th, 1809, in Hardin County, Ky. Died April 15th, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Published by Trent, Filmer & Co., 2)7 Park Row, and Derby & Miller, 5 Spruce St., New York. 1865. Small 4to, pp, (not numbered,) 32. Portr:;it. LINCOLN. Words of Lincoln. [In the National Tribune Library, Vol. I, No. 2.] Washington, D. C, Nov. 16, 1895. 8vo, pp 16. Portrait. 76 LINCOLN LITERATURE. BIOGRAPHICAL/ ^ LINCOLN. The "Wigwam Edition." The Life, Speeches, and Public Services of Abram Lincohi, Together with a Sketch of the Life of Hannibal Hamlin. Republican Candidates for the Offtces of President and Vice-President cA the United States. New York: Rudd & Carleton, 130 Grand Street, i860. i2mo, pp 117. Portrait. i LINCOLN. Wide-awake Edition. The Life and Public Serv- ices of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hon. Hanni- bal Hamlin, of Maine. Boston: Thayer & Eldridge, 114 and 116 Washington Street, i860. i2mo, pp 320. Portraits. About 200 pages devoted to Lincohi's speeches. LINCOLN. The Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine. Boston: Thayer & Eldridge. i860. i2mo, pp 128. Por- trait. LINCOLN. Portraits and Sketches of the Lives of all the Can- didates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency, for i860, comprising Eight Portraits engraved on Steel, Facts in the life of each, the Four Platforms, the Cincinnati Platform,, and the Constitution of the United States. New York: J. C. Buttre, 48 Franklin street, i860. 8vo, pp 32.* -J LINCOLN. Hanes by Wald. Abraham Lincoln — O Illinois, A. Hannibal Hamlin, O Maine. Ye ymgeiswyr Geverinol am yr arly wyddiseth a'r is — ly lywyddiseth :yn nghyd a'r Araeth a Draddoddn Mr, Lincoln yn Cooper's Institute, N. Y., ar y 27 O chevefron i860. Hefyd Yr Esgynlawr Giverinol, yn ughyd a chan Etholiadol. Utica, N. Y. David C. Davis, ar- graffydd A chyhoeddydd. i860. 8vo, pp 16.* LINCOLN. Only Authentic Life of Abraham Lincoln, alias "Old Abe" [cut of Lincoln's face as a rising sun], A Son of the West, With an account of his birth and education, his rail-splitting and fiat-boating, his joke-cutting and soldiering, and some allusions to his journeys from Springfield to Wash- 1 Anonymous publications are grouped under following heads: Biographical; Partisan; Commemorative; and Miscellaneous, LINCOLN LITERATURE. 77 ington and Back again. Sold by all Newsdealers in the Coun- try. [No imprint, place nor year] i6mo, pp 16.='' -' LINCOLN. Only Authentic Life of Abraham Lincoln, alias "Old Abe." [Cut representing Mr. Lincoln as the sun,] A son of the West, also of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, alias "Little Mac." With an account of his numerous victories, from Phillipi to Antietam. The two lives in one volume. Pub- lished by J. C. Haney & Co., 109 Nassau Street, N. Y. [No year.] i6mo, pp Lincoln 16, McClellan 16. LINCOLN. New Yorker-Demokrat. Flugblatt No. 9 Das Leben von Abraham Lincoln. [No year, no place.] i2mo, pp 16. Illustrated.* / ^ LINCOLN. Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln, six- teenth President of the United States; and Commander-in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. With a full history of his Life; his career as a Lawyer and Politician; his services in Congress; with a full account of his Speeches,. Proclamations, Acts, and Services as President of the United States, and Commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, up to the present time. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chestnut Street. [1864.] i2mo,. pp 187. Portrait on cover.* ^ LINCOLN. The Life, and Martyrdom of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States; and Commander-in- chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. With a full history of his Life; Assassination; Death, and Funeral. His. career as a Lawyer and Politician; his services in Congress; with a full account of his Speeches, Proclamations, Acts, and services as President of the United States, and Commander- in-Chief of the Army and Navy, from the time of his first Inauguration as President of the United States, until the night of his Assassination. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chestnut Street. [1865.] i2mo, pp 203. LINCOLN. Illustrated Life, Services, Martyrdom, and Funer- al of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States. With a Portrait of President Lincoln, and other Il- lustrative Engravings of the Scene of the Assassination, etc. With a full history of his Life; Assassination; Death and Funeral. His career as a Lawyer and Politician; his services 78 LINCOLN LITERATURE. in Congress; with his Speeches, Proclamations, Acts, and services as President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, from the time of his first In- auguration as President of the United States, until the night of his Assassination. Only new and complete edition, with a full history of the assassination, by distinguished eye-wit- neses of it; Mr. Lincoln's Death-bed scenes, and a full ac- count' of the Funeral Ceremonies, from the time his remains were placed in the East Room of the White House, until they were finally consigned to their last resting place, in Oak Ridge Cemetery, at Springfield, Illinois; with Addresses and Sermons by the Hon. Schuyler Colfax; Hon. George Ban- croft; Rev. Henry Ward Beecher; General Walbridge; Bish- op Simpson, etc., with a full account of the escape, pursuit, apprehension, and death of the assassin, Booth. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chestnut Street. [1865.] i2mo, pp 299. LINCOLN. Illustrated Life, Services, Martyrdom and Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, with a full account of the imposing Ceremonies at the Nation- al Capitol, on. February 12th, 1866, and the Hon. George Bancroft's Oration, delivered on the occasion before both Houses of Congress, by their request, [in] presence of Pres- ident Andrew Johnson, the Cabinet, Chief Justice Chase, and the Diplomatic corps, with a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, and other illustrations, Engravings of the scene of the assas- sination, etc. With a full history of his Life; Assassina- tion; Death, and Funeral; his Career as a Lawyer and Politician; his services in Congress; with his Speeches, Proclamations, Acts and services as President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, from the time of his first inauguration as President of the United States, until the night of his Assassination. Only new and complete edition, with a full history of the Assassination of the President, by distinguished witnesses of it. Mr. Lincoln's death-bed scenes, and a full account of the funeral ceremo- nies, from the time his remains were placed in the East Room of the White House, until they were finally consigned to their last resting place, in Oak Ridge Cemetery, at Springfield, Illinois; with Addresses and Sermons by the Hon. George LINCOLN LITERATURE. 79 Bancroft, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, General Walbridge, Hon. Schuyler Colfax, Bishop Simpson, etc: with a full ac- count of the escape, pursuit, apprehension, and death of the assassin Booth; as well as the oration delivered by the Hon. George Bancroft, on February 12, 1866, before both Houses of Congress, in presence of President Johnson, the Cabinet, Gen. Grant, Chief Justice Chase and the Foreign Ministers, Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers; 306 Chestnut Street. 1865. i2mo, pp 328. Date on title page, 1865, a manifest error. A reprint, with va- rious additions and deductions, of the last above. LINCOLN. A Sketch of the Life and Times of Abraham Lin- coln. [To accompany a portrait.] Philadelphia. Published by Bradley & Co. [1865.] i2mo, pp 60.* Author said to be Miss Basset, of New Britain, Conn. LINCOLN. Von der Holzart zum Prasidenten stuhl eder Lebinsgeschichte der Volksmannes, Abraham Lincoln, Prasidenten der Verinigten Staaten von un Nordamerika. Mit den Portraits von Lincoln und Seward. Preis 23/2 Sgr. Berlin: C. F. Conrad. 1865. i2mo, pp 32.* LINCOLN. Abramo Lincoln. - Com'ei visse, qual'opera compie qual fu la sua morte. Firenze Tipografia Claudiana via Maffia 33. 1866. i2mo, pp 88.* LINCOLN. Young Folk's Library of Choice Literature Abraham Lincoln Educational Publishing Company Bos- ton New York Chicago San Francisco. No. 31. Vol. II. June 15, 1895. 53^x7^. pp 32. LINCOLN. Recollections of Lincoln and Douglas Forty years ago by an Eyewitness. [Device] New York Privately Printed 1899 i6mo, pp 49.* PARTISAN. LINCOLN. The Campaign of i860, comprising the Speeches of Abraham Lincoln, William H. Seward, Henry Wilson, Benjamin F. Wade, Carl Schurz, Charles Sumner, William M. Evarts, &c. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Company, i860. 8vo, pp, (in all,) 278.* The various documents are paged separately. 80 LINCOLN LITERATURE. LINCOLN. To Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Considerations on the Slavery question. Dec. 24, 1862. [No imprint.] 8vo, pp 15.* ^LINCOLN. The Ides of March; or Abraham Lincoln, Private Citizen, being a sequel to the end of the Irrepressible Con- flict, by a Merchant of Philadelphia. Philadelphia : King & Baird, Printers, No. 607 Sansom Street. 1861. 8vo, pp 29. [Date, Feb. 12, 1861.]* LINCOLN. Facts for the People. A Valuable Campaign Doc- ument — Lincoln's Springfield Speech — Trumbull's Chicago Speech — Douglas at Chicago vs. Douglas at Freeport — What the Southern Papers Say — and The Political Record of Steph- en A. Douglas [Colophon: Printed and for sale at the Daily Journal Office, Springfield — price $2.50 per thousand.] 8vo, pp 24.* LINCOLN. Character of Abraham I>incoln, and the Constitu- tionality of his Emancipation policy. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 16.* LINCOLN. Interior Causes of the War : The Nation demon- ized, and its President a Spirit-rapper. By a Citizen of Ohio. [Quotation from Burns] Published and sold by M. Doo- ■ lady, Agent, No. 49 Walker St., N. Y. 1863. 8vo, pp 115.* LINCOLN. Loyal Publication Society, No. 5. Voices from the Army. The President cordially sustained. 1863. 8vo, pp 7.* LINCOLN. Liquor and Lincoln. By a Physician. "Better had we bowed the neck to Lincoln's yoke than made ourselves the willing slaves of grovelling passions and depraved appe- tites." _ [No place, no year.] i6mo, pp 4.* A. Confederate Temperance tract. LINCOLN. The Royal Ape: a Dramatic Poem. Richmond: Wise & Johnson, No. 145 Main Street. 1863. 8vo, pp 85.* A very unpleasant display of one phase of Confederate senti- . ment. LINCOLN. Old Abe, the Miller; or, the Campaign of Rich- mond. A Story. [No imprint, year nor place] 8 vo, pp 8.* Rhyme; issued in 1864. LINCOLN. The Washington Despotism dissected in Articles from the Metropolitan Record. New York: Office of the LINCOLN LITERATURE. 81 Metropolitan Record, No. 419 Broadway. 1863. i2mo, pp 130.* Contains, among other things, a three-act play entitled, "The Ad- ministrative Telegraph, or. How It Is Done." LINCOLN. Is the President of the United States violating the Constitution in making arrests? Hear the President's answer. [No imprint, year, nor place.] 8vo, pp 16.* The letter to ErasttJs Corning and others, with notes. LINCOLN. Trial of Abraham Lincoln by the Great Statesmen of the Republic. A Council of the Past on the Tyranny of the Present. The Spirit of the Constitution on the Bench — Abraham Lincoln, Prisoner at the Bar, his own Counsel. (Reported expressly for the Metropolitan Record.) New York: Office of the Metropolitan Record, No. 419 Broad- way. 1863. 8vo, pp 29. An edition was also issued in 1867, from No. 424 Broome Street. LINCOLN. The Next Presidential Election. Mr. Lincoln — The Presidency — Action of Legislatures — One Term Princi- ple — Patronage — Prolonging the War — Inability and Vacila- tion^"Honest Old Abe" — Military Commander as a Candi- date — The Candidate Wanted. [No imprint, place, nor year] 8vo, pp 8.* LINCOLN. [Cut of Mr. Lincoln's head, crowned.] Abraham. Africanus I. His Secret Life, as revealed under the Mes- meric Influence. Mysteries of the White House. J. F. Peeks, No. 26 Ann Street, N. Y. 1864. i2mo, pp 57.* ^ LINCOLN. McClellan vs. Lincoln. Damning Disclosures of the Treatment of McClellan by Stanton and Lincoln. Testi- mony of Gen. H. M. Naglee. Secret History of the Famous First Council of War. Lincoln's Weakness and Stanton's Rudeness, etc., etc., etc. Sept. 27. 1864. [No imprint, no place.] 8vo, pp 4.* LINCOLN. The Position of the Republican and Democratic Parties. A Dialogue between a white Republican and a colored citizen. Published by the Union Republican Con- gressional Committee, Washington, D. C. [No year, no place.] 8vo, pp 4. Portrait.* ' LINCOLN. Document No. 12. Sold at 13 Park Row, and at all Democratic Newspaper offices. Lincoln's treatment 82 LINCOLN LITERATURE. of Gen. Grant, and Mr. Lincoln's treatment of Gen, Mc- Clellan. [1864.] 8vo, pp 8.* LINCOLN. Document No. 13. Sold at 13 Park Row, and at all Democratic Newspaper offices. Mr. Lincoln's Arbitrary Arrests, the Acts which the Baltimore Platform approves. [1864.] 8vo, pp 24.* LINCOLN. Document No. 14. Sold at 13 Park Row, and at all Democratic Newspaper offices. Corruptions and Frauds of Lincoln's Administration. [1864.] 8vo, pp 8.* LINCOLN. Document No. 18. Sold at 13 Park Row, and at all Democratic Newspaper offices. Republican Opinions about Lincoln. [1864.] 8vo, pp 16.* LINCOLN. The Lincoln [Cut of Negro,] Catechism wherein the Eccentricities & Beauties of Despotism are fully set forth. A Guide to the Presidential Election of 1864. J. F. Peeks, Publisher, No. 26 Ann Street, N. Y. i2mo, pp 46. LINCOLN. Powers of the President of the U. S. in Times of War. Journal office, Muscatine, Iowa. 1865. 8vo, pp 31.* LINCOLN. No. 17, Abraham Lincoln. [No imprint, no year, no place.] Svo, pp 12. A "document" of the campaign of 1864. LINCOLN. A Workingman's Reasons for the Re-election of Abraham Lincoln. [No imprint.] 1864. 8vo, pp 8.* LINCOLN. God Bless Abraham Lincoln! A Solemn Dis- course by a Local Preacher. Dedicated to the Faithful. For general distribution at 5 cents a copy. [No imprint, no year.] 8vo, pp 16.* LINCOLN. To Lincoln Republicans on the Anniversary of the Birthday of Abraham Lincoln February 12, 1900. We can only wisely guide our course for the future, by careful study of the landmarks of the past. [No imprint, place, nor year.] i6mo, pp 8. Lincoln extracts, circulated at Minneapolis, Minn., by "anti-im- perialist" partisans. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 83s commemorative:. LINCOLN. Articles of Association and By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the National Lincoln Monument Association, organized at Springfield, III, May ii, 1865. Springfield: Steam Press of Baker & Phillips. 1865. 8vo, pp ii.* LINCOLN. Constitution of the Educational Monument Asso- ciation, to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Organized May 16, 1865. Washington, D. C, McGill & Witherow, Printe/s. 1865. i2mo, pp 9.* ^ LINCOLN. Celebration of the Colored People's Educational Monument Association in Memory of Abraham Lincoln on the Fourth of July, 1865, in the Presidential Grounds, Wash- ington, D. C. Printed by order of the Board of Directors, L. A. Bell, Recording Secretary. Washington, D. C. McGill & Witherow, Printers. 1865 8vo. pp 33.* ' LINCOLN. Poetical Tributes to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1865. i2mo, pp 306. Portrait. Collected and arranged by J. N. Plotts, of New York. LINCOLN. A Poetical Description of Lincoln's Assassination by Jones. Greater than Washington, Jackson or Milton!!! Reigns the immortal President Lincoln!!! Valparaiso, LaPatria Printing office. 1865. 8vo, pp 58.* Dedicated to Lady Lincoln. LINCOLN. National Lincoln Monument Association, incor- porated by Act of Congress, March 30th, 1867. Washington: Printed at the Great Republic Office. 1867. i2mo, pp 12. Portrait on cover.* LINCOLN. By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the Lin- coln Association of Jersey City. Jersey City: Printed by the Journal Printing Association. 1867. i6mo, pp 8. Por- trait.* LINCOLN. A memorial in regard to the Lincoln Monument to be erected at Springfield, 111. Trenton, N. J. Printed at the office of the State Gazette. 1867. 8vo, pp 15.* 84 ' LINCOLN LITERATURE. LINCOLN. La Mortde Lincoln. Poeme Dramatique [Motto.] Seconde edition Augmentee de notes sur la vie du carbonaro Amand Bazard. Prix: i Franc. Paris. Librairie des Auteurs, lo, Rue de la Bourse Janiver 1868. La traduction la reproduction, meme partielles. de ce poeme sont absolu- ment intedites. 8vo, pp 32.* n/ LINCOLN. Lincoln Memorial Collection. Letters and Docu- ments, Etc., Written by Abraham Lincoln; Law Books and Furniture From His Office and Furniture From His Resi- dence, in Springfield, Illinois. [No year.] The Bicking Print, S. E. Cor. Tenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Illustrated. Pages 99 to no, inclusive, from an Auction Catalogue. J LINCOLN. Catalogue of Articles owned and used by Abra- ham Lincoln. Now owned by [portrait] the Lincoln Memorial Collection of Chicago. Incorporated under the Laws of the state of Illinois. [No imprint, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp (not numbered,) 16.* LINCOLN. National Lincoln Monument Asociation, [por- trait] incorporated by Act of Congress, March 30, 1867. Business offices, No. 736 Fifth Street Northwest, Washing- ton, D. C. Washington: Printed at the office the New National Era. 1870. 8vo, pp 41. Appendix, pp iii.* LINCOLN. Organization and Objects of the Lincoln Guard of Honor, and First Memorial Service, Held on the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, April 15, 1880. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 14.* MISCKLLANKOUS. LINCOLN. Arrangements for the Inauguration of the Presi- dent of the United States on the Fourth of March, 1865. Washington: Government Printing office. 1865. 8vo, pp 6.* LINCOLN. Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant: their character and constitution scientifically explained. With En- LINCOLN LITERATURE. 85 gravings. All who desire to gain a reliable knowledge of the personal characteristics of the President, Abraham Lincoln, and Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, will please to read this work. [No imprint.] 1864. 8vo, pp 15.* Cover imprint: Published by A. T. Rollner, Practical Phrenol-; ogist, San Francisco. ^ LINCOLN. [In] Portraits and Biographies of the Leading Military and Naval Officers of the United States, including those of Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. Cincinnati: Wrightson & Company, Printers, No. 167 Walnut Street. 1865.* LINCOLN. Descriptive and Symbolic Key to the Last Calli- graphic Masterpiece, designed, arranged and executed by Prof. David Davidson. Composed from The Lincoln Memorial, Edited by John Gilmary Shea, L.L. D. In- terpreted and explained by J. F. Cottle, M. D., and S. S. Bogart, M. D. New York, November, 1868. Price: 25 cts. New York: Lowenthal & Rasmussen, Law, Book and Job Printers, No. 52 John Street. 1868. 8vo, pp 56. ^ LINCOLN. Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, demonstrated to be the Gog of the Bible, as foretold by the Prophet Ezekiel in the xxxviii and xxxix Chapters of his Book of Prophecy. The Thirteen Confederate States shown to be the mountains of Israel and all the Predictions contained in the Prophecy concerning them literally fulfilled in the late war between the North and South. 1868. [No imprint, no place.] i2mo, pp — .* nI LINCOLN. Lincoln's Anecdotes; [Cut.] A complete Collec- tion of the Anecdotes, Stories and Pithy Sayings of the late Abraliam Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States. Office of Publication, 105 Fulton Street, New York. The American News Co., 121 Nassau St., N. Y., General Agents. [No year.] i2mo, pp 63.* LINCOLN. Old Abe's Jokes. Fresh from Abraham's Bosom Containing all his Issues, Excepting the "Greenbacks," to call in some of which, this work is issued. New York: T. R. Dawley, Publisher, 13 & 15 Park Row. [1864.] i2mo, PP 135- Portrait. Same issued under another title, and with a slight variation, as to contents. 4 w 86 LINCOLN LITERATURE LINCOLN. "That Reminds me of a Story." Stories and Anecdotes of [Portrait] Abraham Lincoln, The Martyr Presi- dent. Ten cents. [No place, no year.] Small 4to, pp 24. Issued by C. A. Bowman & Co., druggists and chemists, of Peoria, 111., for advertising purposes. LINCOLN. Menard Salem Lincoln Souvenir Album Edited and Published by The Illinois Woman's Columbian Club of Menard County Petersburgh, Illinois 1893 Size, 10^^2x13^^ PP 83. Contains portraits, a sketch of Lincoln, and views of New Salem and vicinity. Several of the views are reproduced in Tarbell's "Early Life." LINCOLN. A Relic of the Rebellion, or What Happened Twenty-six years Ago. A true copy of the New York Her- ald, as pubHshed on the 15th of April, 1865. the morning after the assassination of President Lincoln. Copyrighted and published by J. H. Winston, 215 E. 89th St., New York. 1891. 8vo, pp 69. Portrait on cover.* LINCOLN. [Mrs.] Behind the Seams; By a Nigger Woman who took in work from Mrs, Lincoln and Mrs. Davis. Price Ten Cents. New York: The National News Company, 21 and 23 Ann Street. 1868. 8vo, pp 23.* See Keckley. LINCOLN. [Samuel.] Notes on the Lincoln Families of Massachusetts, with some account of the Family of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the U. States. By -Samuel Lin- coln, of Hingham. [Reprinted from the Historical and Genealogical Register for October, 1865.] Boston: David Clapp & Son, Printers, 334 Washington St. 1865. 8vo, pp 10.* See Shackford. LORING. The Present Crisis. A Speech delivered by Dr. Geo. B. Loring, at Lyceum Hall, Salem, Wednesday Evening, April 26, 1865, on the Assassination of President Lincoln. Dr. Loring's letter to the Salem Gazette on 'Reconstruction. Published by Request. South Danvers: Printed at the Wizard Office, Charles D. Howard. 1865. 8vo, pp 12.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 87' LOVE. Smitten, but not as our Enemies. "Special Humilia- tion and Prayer, in consequence of the Assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln." A Sermon: by William de Loss Love, De- livered at the Spring Street Congregational Church, Mil- waukee, June ist, 1865. Published by a vote of the Society. Milwaukee: Daily Wisconsin - Book and Job Printing Es- tablishment. 1865. 8vo, pp 8.* ^ LOWE. Death of President Lincoln: A Sermon delivered in the Unitarian Church in Archdale Street, Charlestown, S. C, Sunday, April 23, 1865. By Rev. Charles Lowe, of Massa- chusetts. Published by Request of the Congregation. Bos- ton: American Unitarian Association. 1865. i2mo, pp 24. LOWELL. No. 16. The President's Policy by James Russell Lowell. From the North American Review, January, 1864. [No imprint, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp 22.* -J LOWELL [In] The Riverside Literature Series [No. 32] The Gettysburg Speech and Other Papers by Abraham Lin- coln and An Essay on Lincoln By James Russell Lowell With Introduction and Notes Houghton, Mififlin and Com- pany Boston: 4 Park Street [1871 and 1888.] i6mo, pp 80. Portrait. The essay is from North Am. Review for Jan., 1864; also, in "My Study Windows,"' Lowell's works. LOWELL. Ode recited at the Commemoration of the Living and Dead Soldiers of Harvard University, July 21, 1865. By James Russell Lowell. [Shield with motto] Cambridge: Privately Printed. 1865. 8vo, pp 25.* First separate issue of the Ode containing Lowell's splendid tribute to Lincoln. Fifty copies printed. LOWREY. The Commander in Chief; A defence upon legal grounds of the Proclamation of Emancipation; and an answer to ex-judge Curtis's Pamphlet, entitled "Executive Power." Second Edition, with additional notes. By Grosvenor P. Lowrey, a member of the New York Bar. New York: G. P. Putnam. 1863. i^mo, pp 34.* -i LOWRIE. The Lessons of our National Sorrow. A Dis- course delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, on the Sabbath Morning, April i6th, 1865, «8 LINCOLN LITERATURE. succeeding the death of Abraham Lincoln. By John M. ■ Lowrie, Pastor of the Church. Fort Wayne: Jenkinson & Hartman, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. ^ LUDLOW. Sermon commemorative of National Events, de- livered in the First Presbyterian Church, Albany, N. Y., April 23d, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. James M. Ludlow. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 2"^^^ LUDLOW. President Lincoln Self-pourtrayed. By John Mal- colm Ludlow. Published for the benefit of the British and Foreign Freedmen's Aid Society. London: Alfred W. Bennett, 5 Bishopgate Without: 1866. i6mo, pp 239. Por- trait. Reprint, with slight changes and additions, of articles in "Good Words," for August and December, 1865. McCABE. A Sermon preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Peru, Ind., April 19, 1865. By the Pastor, Rev- Francis S. McCabe. Lafayette: James P. Luse & Co., Book & Job Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp — .* McCARTY. Lessons from the Life and Death of a good Ruler. A Discourse delivered on the Day of National Mourning, June I, 1865, in Christ Church, Cincinnati. By Rev. John W. McCarty, A. B., Rector of the Parish. Cincinnati: Printed by Jos. B. Boyd, 25 West Fourth Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 18.* McCASKEY. Lincoln Literary Collection, designed for School-Room and Family Circle: containing more than six hundred favorite selections in prose and poetry, selections for arbor day, bird day, decoration day, days with the poets, etc. J. P. McCaskey. [Motto.] New York, Cincinnati, Chicago. American Book Company. [1897.] i2mo, pp 576. Contains several selections from Lincoln. This from the preface: '.'This book is named in honor of Abraham Lincoln, in the desire to aid in extending and perpetuating the habit for which our best-loved President is widely known, that of committing to memory poems that he enjoyed." McCAULEY. Character and Services otf Abraham Lincoln: A Sermon preached in the Eutaw Methodist Episcopal Church, LINCOLN LITERATURE. 89- on the Day of National Humiliation and Mourning, appointed by the President of the United States, Thursday, June i, 1865^ By Rev. Jas. A. McCauley. Baltimore: John D. Toy, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* ' ■ • " ,■ McCLINTOCK. Discourse delivered on the Day of the Funeral of President Lincoln, Wednesday, April 19, 1865,. in St. Paul's Church, New York, by John McClintock, D. D., LLD. Reported by J. T. Butts. New York: Press of J. M. Bradstreet & Son. 1865. 8vo, pp 35. Contains Second Inaugural and the Gettysburg Speech. McCLURE. Abraham Lincoln and Men of War-times Some Personal Recollections of War and Politics during the Lin- coln Administration with introduction by Dr. A. C. Lamb- din By A. K. McClure, LL.D. Second edition. Philadel- phia The Times Publishing Company Eighth and Chest- nut 1892 8vo, pp 462. Portraits. McCLURE. Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories. Including Early life stories, Professional life stories, White House stories. War stories. Miscellaneous stories. Edited by J. B, McClure, Compiler of "Moody's Anecdotes ;"' "Moody's Child Stories;" "Edison and his Inventions;" "En- tertaining Anecdotes ;" "Mistakes of Ingersoll;" "Ingersoll's Answers;" etc. Chicago: Rhodes & McClure, 1879. 8vo,. pp 188. McCLURE. Abraham Lincoln's Stories and Speeches, Includ- ing "Early Life Stories;" "Professional Life Stories;" "White House Incidents;" "War Reminiscences," Etc., Etc. Also His Speeches, Chronologically Arranged, from Pappsville, 111., 1832, to His last Speech in Washington, April 11, 1865. Including His Inaugurals, Emancipation Proclamation, Get- tysburg Address, Etc., Etc., Etc. Fully illustrated. Edited by J. B. McClure, A. M. Editor of "Mistakes of Ingersoll;" "Life of Gen. Garfield;" "Edison and his Inventions;" "Moody's Anecdotes;" "Sketches of Gen. Grant;" "Evils of the Cities;" "Poetic Pearls;" Etc. Chicago. Rhodes & Mc- Clure Publishing Company. 1896. i2mo, pp 477. MACDONALD. President Lincoln; his Figure in History: A Discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Prince- 90 LINCOLN LITERATURE. ton, New Jersey, June ist, 1865. By James M. Macdonald, D. D. New York: Charles Scribner & Co., 124 Grand Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 23.* MAC EL'REY. The Substance of Two Discourses, occasioned by the National Bereavement, the Assassination of the Presi- dent. The Position, the Lesson, and the Duty of the Nation. Delivered in the St. James Episcopal Church, Wooster, Ohio, Easter Day, 1865, by the Rector, Rev. J. H. Mac El'Rey, M. D. [Motto.]- Republican Steam Power Press, Wooster, Ohio. 1865. I2VO, pp 24.* McGIBBON. Our Nation's Sorrow. A Sermon preached in Berlin, Illinois, April 19, 1865, on the assassination of A. Lin- coln, before the Baptist, Methodist, Christian and Presby- terian Congregations. By A. W. McGibbon, Licentiate of the U. P. Church. [No year, no place.] 8vo, pp 12.* MACKENNA. A Short Biography of Abraham Lincoln, i6th President of the United States, written in Chili, with the pur- pose of exhibiting the feelings of the Chilean nation towards the United States in the hour of her most critical trials, by B. Vicuna Mackenna. New York: Printed by S. Hallett, No. 60 Fulton street. 1866. 8vo, pp 25.* From a book on Chili, by Daniel J. Hunter. McKINLEY. .Abraham Lincoln. An Address by William Mc- Kinley of Ohio. Before the Marquette Club, Chicago, Feb. 12, 1896. [No imprint, place, nor year,] 8vo, pp 27. v] MALTBY. The Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln, by Charles Maltby, late Superintendent of Indian afifairs for California. 1884. Copyright secured. Southern California Daily Independent Steam Power Print 1884 8vo, pp viii, 326.* [MANHATTAN.] What shall be done with the confiscated Negroes? The question discussed and a policy proposed in a letter to Hon. Abraham Lincoln (and eleven others.) [Motto.] [No imprint, year, nor place.] 8vo, pp 15.* Signed, Manhattan. MANSHIP. [In] National Jewels : Washington, Lincoln, and the fathers of the Revolution. By Rev. Andrew Manship, of LINCOLN LITERATURE. 91 the Philadelphia Conference. Philadelphia: Compiled and Published by Rev. A. Manship, and for sale at the Depository of the Tract Society, 119 North Sixth st., at Perkenpine & Higgins, 56 N. Fourth St., at CarUon & Porter's, 200 Mul- berry St., New York. 1865. 8vo, pp 123. Portrait of Washington.* Fifty-six pages devoted to Mr. Lincoln. MARBLE. Letter to Abraham Lincoln. By Manton Marble, Editor of "The World." Nulla potentia supra leges esse debit. Cicero. New York. Privately Printed. 1867. 8vo, PP 25.* Dated May 23, 1864, and occasioned by the suppression of the World newspaper for having printed a bogus proclamation. MARSHALL. The Nation's Grief: death of Abraham Lincoln. A Discourse delivered in the Chapel of the Officer's Division of the United States General Hospital, near Fort Monroe, Va., Sunday, April 29th, 1865, and repeated by special request in St. Paul's Church, Norfolk, Va., By James Marshall, Chap- lain U. S. Army. Published by Battery "F." 3D Pa. H. Artillery. Syracuse, N. Y.: The Daily Journal Steam Book and Job Printing Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 40. MASSACHUSETTS. Sustain the Government. Stand by the President. Issued by the Republican State Committee, Bos- ton, Oct. 14. 1862. 8vo, pp 7.* MATHER. True Greatness. A Discourse delivered at Zanes- ville, Ohio, April 19th, 1865, on occasion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln. By Rev. D. D. Mather of the Ohio Con- ference. Zanesville, Ohio: Printed by John T. Thryson, Courier Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 17.* MAYNARD. Was Abraham Lincoln a SpirituaHst? or, Curi- ous Revelations from the Life of a Trance Medium. By Mrs. Nettie Colburn Maynard, of White Plains, N. Y. Together with Portraits, Letters and Poems. Illustrated with engrav- ings, and frontispiece of Lincoln, from Carpenter's portrait from life. [Motto.], Philadelphia: Rufus C. Hartranft, Publisher. 1891. i2mo, pp xxiv, 264. MAYO. The Nation's Sacrifice. Abraham Lincoln. Two Discourses, delivered on Sunday Morning, April 16, and 92 LINCOLN LITERATURE. Wednesday Morning, April 19, 1865, in the Church of the Redeemer, Cincinnati, Ohio. By A. D. Mayo, Pastor. Cin- cinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 55 West Fourth St. 1865. 8vo, pp 28. \ MEDALS. See Zabriskie and Satterlee. ^ MILLER. Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. A Mem- orial Oration by S. F. Miller, delivered at Franklin, N. Y., June 1st, 1865. Delhi: Sturtevant & Mcintosh, Printers, Republican QfQce. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* " MISSOURI Address of the Committee from the State of Mis- souri to President Lincoln. [Washington, Sept. 30, 1863. No imprint.] 8vo, pp 12.* MISSOURI. Letter from the Executive Committee of the Missouri Delegation to President Lincoln. Washington, October 3, 1863. [No imprint.] 8vo, pp 7.* MITCHELL. Presbyterian Church of Harrisburg, April 19, 1865. In Memoriam. An Address by the Pastor, Rev. S. S. Mitchell. Harrisburg: Singerly & Myers, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 15.* MOORE. Moral Grandeur of the Proclamation of Emancipa- tion. A Sermon delivered on the day of National Thanks- giving, Dec. 7, 1865, in the Plymouth Congregational Church, Pittsburgh, Penn.: By Rev. Henry D. Moore, Pastor, Pitts- burgh: Printed by W. S. Haven. 1866. 8vo, pp 20.'^ ^ MORAIS. An Address on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered before the Congre- gation Mikve Israel of Philadelphia, at their Synagogue in Seventh Street, by the Rev. S. Morals, Minister of the Con- gregation, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Philadelphia: Collins, Printer, 705 Jayne Street. 1865. — 5625. 8vo, pp 7.* MORAIS. A Discourse delivered before the Congregation Mikve Israel of Philadelphia, at their Synagogue in Seventh Street, on Thursday, June i, 1865, the day appointed for Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, for the Untimely Death of the Late Lamented President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. By the Rev. S. Morals, Minister of the Congrega- tion. Philadelphia: Collins, Printer, 705 Jayne Street, 5625. —1865. 8vo, pp 8.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 93 MOREHOUSE. Evil its own Destroyer. A Discourse deliv- ered before the United Societies of the Congregational and Baptist Churches at the Congregational Church, in the city of East Saginaw, April 19th, 1865, on the Occasion of the Death of President Abraham Lincoln. B}^ EI. L. More- house, Pastor of the Eirst Baptist Church. East Saginaw, Mich. Published by Request. 1865. Enterprise Print, East Saginaw, Mich. i2mo, pp 16.* ^ MORGAN. In j\[emoriam. (i). Joy Darkened. Sermon preached in St. Thomas" Church, Xew York, Easter Sunday Morning, April i6th, 1865, by the Rector. [Rev. Wihiam F. Morg?,n, D. D. ] (2). Order of Services in St. Thomas' Church, New York, Wednesday, April 19th, the Day ap- pointed for the Funeral of President Lincoln. (3). The Prolonged Lament. Sermon preached in St. Thomas' Church, New York, on the ist Sunday after .Easter, April 23d. 1865, by the Rector. Baker & Godwin. Printers, No. i Spruce Street, N. Y. - 8vo, pp 47.* MORRIS. Memorial Record of the Nation's Tribute to Abra- ham Lincoln. [Motto.] Compiled by B. E. Morris. Wash- ington, D. C: W. H. & H. O. Morrison. 1866. 8vo, pp 272. Illustrated. - MORSE. American Statesmen Abraham Lincoln By John T. Morse. Jr. In two Volumes Boston and New York Houghton, Mifflin and Company The Riverside Press, Cam- bridge 1893 i2mo. vol. I, pp vi, 387; vol. 2, pp T^yT,. Por- trait. A revised and illustrated editioh, part of which was on large paper, was issued in 1899, and is to be connected with other vol- umes of the Statesmen series by a general index. Of this issue, vol. 1 has pp. xvii., 387; vol. 2, 392. MUDD. Testimony for the Prosecution and the Defence in the case of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, charged with Conspiracy to as- sassinate the President of the United States, &c. Tried before a Military Commission, of which Major-General David Hunt- er is President, May and June, 1865. Published for the ac- cused, from the Verbatim official Report of the "National Intelligencer," by Polkinhorn & Son, Printers. Washington: 1865. 8vo, pp 311.* 94 LINCOLN LITERATURE. • MUDGE. The Forest Boy! A Sketch of the Life of Abraham Lincoln. For Young People. By Z. A. Mudge, Author of "Lady Huntingdon Portrayed," "The Christian Statesman," etc., etc. Four Illustrations. New York: Published by Carleton & Porter, Sunday School Union. 1867. i2mo, pp 321. Reprinted, 1884, by Phillips & Hunt, New York. MURDOCK. Death of Abraham Lincoln. A Sermon, preach- ed in the Congregational Church in New Milford, Conn., April 23, 1865. By Rev. David Murdoch. Published by Request. Milford: Northrop's Gallery of Art. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* MURRAY. Address delivered on the Sabbath following the Assassination of President Lincoln, in the Second Congrega- tional Church, Greenwich, Conn. By Rev. William H. H. Murray. New York: John F. Trow, Printer, 50 Greene St. 1865. 8vo, pp 15. ■^ MYERS. Abraham Lincoln. A Memorial Address delivered by Hon. Leonard Myers, June 15th, 1865, before the Union League of the Thirteenth Ward. Philadelphia: Published by King & Baird, No. 607 Sansom Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 15. NADAL. National Reconstruction. A Discourse delivered at Wesley Chapel, Washington, D. C, on the ist day of June, 1865. By the Pastor, B. H. Nadal, D. D. Washington, D. C. Wm. H. Moore, Printer, 484 Eleventh Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 15.* NASON. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, Late President of the United States, delivered before the New England Historic- Genealogical Society, Boston, May 3, 1865, by Rev. Elias^ Nason, Member of the Society. [Motto.] Boston: William V. Spencer, 134 Washington Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 28. NAYLOR. A Discourse delivered at the Christian Church in Salem, Indiana, April igth, 1865. On the Occasion of the Funeral Obsequies of the Late President, Abraham Lincoln. By Rev. LI. R. Naylor, (of the Methodist E. Church). Also an Address by Rev. I. I. St. John, (of the Presbyterian Church), on the same occasion. Published by J. P. & T. H. Cozine, Salem, Indiana. 1865. i8mo, pp Naylor, 19. St. John, 3.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 95 J NEILL. Reminiscences of the last year of President Lincoln's Life. By Chaplain Edward D. Neill. Read at a meeting- of the Minnesota Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 4, 1885. St. Paul, Minn.: The Pioneer Press Company. 18S5. 8vo, pp 18.* NELSON. The Divinely Prepared Ruler, and The Fit End of Treason, Two Discourses delivered at the First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Illinois, by invitation of the Session, on the Sabbath following the burial of President Lincoln, May 7, 1865, by Rev. Henry A. Nelson, Pastor First Presby'n. Church, St. Louis. Springfield, Ills.: Steam press of Baker & Phillips. 1865. 8vo, pp 39.* NEWELL. Notes on Abraham Lincoln With Extracts from his Speeches, etc. .By Frederick Samuel Newell. Lon- don. 1864. 8vo.'^ Brit. Mus. Catalogue. ^ NEWELL. The Martyr President. New York: Carleton, Publisher. 1865. i2mo, pp 43. Signed "R. H. Newell" (Orpheus C. Kerr). Verse. ^ NEW JERSEY. Addresses delivered at the Presentation of the Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, by the Committee of the House of Assembly, February 12, 1867. Trenton, N. J.: Printed at the oi^ce of the State Gazette. 1867. 8vo, pp 34. J NEW LONDON. Funeral Observances at New London, Con- necticut, in honor of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, including the Public Addresses of Rev. G. B. Wilcox, and Rev. Thomas P. Field, D. D. New London: C. Prince, No. 4 Main Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 34. NEWMAN. The Good Cause of President Lincoln. A Lec- ture by Professor F. W, Newman. [of University College, London] Price Threepence. Published by the Emancipa- tion Society, 65, Fleet Street. [No year, no place] i2mo, / PP 24-* NEW YORK. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln in Union Square New York, April 25, 1865. Printed for the Citizen's Committee. D. Van Nostrand, 192 Broadway. 1865. Ry. 8vo, pp 32.* 96 LINCOLN LITERATURE. NEW YORK. Our Martyr President. Abraham Lincoln. Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Oration by Hon, Geo. Bancroft. Oration at the Burial by Bishop Simpson. Tibballs & Whiting. New York. [1865.] i2mo, pp 420. Contains, besides the above, twenty-one sermons. NEW YORK. Legislative Honors to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. • Message of Gov. Fenton to the Legislature, com- municating the Death of President Lincoln. Obsequies of^ President Lincoln in the Legislature. Printed under direc- tion of J. B. Cushman, Clerk of Assembly. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 118. NEW YORK. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, in the City of New York, Lender the Auspices of the Common Council. By David T. Valentine, Clerk of the Common Council. New York: Edmund Jones & Co. 1866. Roy:d 8vo, pp xxii, 2^4. Illustrated. J . . NICCOLLS. In Memoriam. A Discourse on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the LTnited States, deliv- ered in the Second Presbyterian Church, of St. Louis, April 23, 1865, by Rev. Samuel J. Niccolls. Published by Request. St. Louis: Sherman Spencer, Printer, No. 28 Market Street. . 1865. 8vo, pp 16. NICHOLAS. A Review of the Argument of President Lincoln and Attorney General Bates, in favor of Presidential power to suspend the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus. By S. S. Nicholas, of Louisville, Ky. Louisville, Ky. : Printed by Bradley & Gilbert, corner of First and Market streets. , 1861. 8vo, pp 38.* NICHOLS. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Being a Biography of His Life from His Birth to His Assassination ; also a Record of His Ancestors, and a Collection of Anecdotes Attributed to Lincoln. [Motto] By Clifton M. Nichols. Illustrated. 1896. Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick. New York City. Springfield, Ohio. Chicago, 111. 4to, 320. NICOLAY. Abraham Lincoln. By John G. Nicolay. Bos- ton: Little, Brov/n & Co. 1882. i2mo, pp 21. Article furnished by Mr. Nicolay for ninth edition Encyclopedia Britannica. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 97 NICOLAY and HAY. Abraham Lincoln A History By John G. Nicolay and John Hay New York The Century Co. 1890 In ten Volumes, 8vo. Illustrated. Vol. i, pp xxiii, 456. Vol. 2, pp xiv, 446. Vol. 3, pp xiv, 449. Vol. 4, pp xvi, 470. Vol. 5, pp xvi, 460. Vol. 6, pp xviii, 488. Vol. 7; pp xvi, 472. Vol. 8, pp xviii, 486. Vol. 9, pp xviii, 496. Vol. 10, pp xvii, 482. NICOLAY and HAY. Abraham Lincoln. Complete Works Comprising his Speeches, Letters, State Papers, and Miscel- laneous Writings Edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay New York The Century Co. 1894. In two Vol- umes, 8vo. Portrait. Vol i, pp 695. Vol. 2, pp 770. ''nILES. Address of Rev. H. E. Niles, on the Occasion of President Lincoln's Funeral Obsequies in York, Pa. Printed by Hiram Young, York, Pa. [No year.] 8vo, pp 8. f NOBLE. Sermon delivered in . the United States Naval Academy, on the day of the funeral of the late President, Abraham Lincoln, by Mason Noble, Chaplain U. S. N. Newport: George T. Hammond, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp y ''■ NORTHROP. A Sermon upon the Assassmation of President Abraham Lincoln, at Washington, April the 14th, A. D. 1865. Preached at Carthage, Illinois, on Wednesday, April the 19th, A. D. 1865. By Rev. H. H. Northrop, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Carthage. Carthage, Ills.: The Carthage Republican Print. 1865. 8vo, pp 8.* ^ NORTON, Rev. Robert. See Canada. v/ OLDROYD. The Lincoln Memorial: Album-immortelles. Original life pictures, with autographs, from the hands and hearts of eminent Americans and Europeans, contemporaries of the great Martyr to Liberty, Abraham Lincoln. Together with extracts from his speeches, letters and sayings. Col- lected and edited by Osborn H. Oldroyd. With an Introduc- tion by Matthew Simpson, D. D., LL. D., and a Sketch of the Patriot's Life by Hon. Isaac N. Arnold. New York: G. W. Carleton & Co., Publishers. 1882. 8vo, pp 571. Illus- strated. 98 LINCOLN LITERATURE. i' ^ OLDROYD. Words of Lincoln including- Several Hundred Opinions of his Life and Character by Eminent Persons of this and other Lands Compiled by Osborn H. Oldroyd author "Lincoln Memorial Album," "A Soldier's Story of the Siege of Vicksburg" With an Introduction by Melville W. Fuller Chief Justice of the United States and Teunis S. Hamlin Pastor Church of the Covenant, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. O. H. Oldroyd [1895.] i2mo, pp = xvii, 221. Illustrated. " OLDROYD. Lincoln's Campaign or The Political Revolution of i860 by Osborn H. Oldroyd Author of "A Soldier's Story of Vicksburg," etc. Profusely Illustrated [MottoJ With Fourteen Portraits and Biographies of Presidential Pos- sibilities for 1896 Chicago Laird & Lee, Publishers [iSg6] 8vo, pp 241. OLDROYD. The March to Victory The great Republican Campaigns of i860 and 1896 by Osborn H. Oldroyd With Platforms, Portraits, Biographies and Speeches of McKinley & Hobart [Motto] Profusely illustrated Chicago: [1896] Laird & Lee, Publishers 8vo, pp xliv, 207. Reprint of 207 pp. of last abpve, preceded by sketches of re- publican nominees for President and Vice President. OLSSEN. Sermon preached on Easter INIorning, 1865. By Rev. Wm. W. Olssen, M. A., at the church of St. James the Less. Searsdale, N. Y. New York: C. S. Westcott & Co., printers, No. 79 John Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 13.* O. of U. A. M. State Council of Pennsylvania, O. of U. A. M. In Memoriam. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Philadelphia: Geo. Hawkes, Jr., Printer, 717 North Second St. 1865. i6mo, pp 88.* i OTTO. Abraham Lincoln. Fin Lebensbild gezeichnet von E. Otto. Eden Publishing House, St. Louis, AIo. [1897.] i6mo, pp 155. Vol. 25 in series: "Deutsche Evangelische Yugend-Bibliothek." OWEN. The policy of Emancipation; in three letters to the Sec. of War, the President of the United States and the Sec. of the Treasury. By Robert Dale Owen. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1863. i2mo, pp 48.* LINCOLN LITERATURE. 99 ^ PADDOCK. A Great Man Fallen! A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered in St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, Sunday Morning, April 23, 1865. By Rev. Wil- bur F. Paddock. Philadelphia: Sherman & Co., Prmters. 1865. 8vo, pp 24. PALMER. Washington and the Union. Oration delivered by " Hon. Robert M. Palmer, Speaker of the Senate of Pennsylva- nia at the Reception of President Lincoln at Harrisburg, and the Raising of the National Flag on the Dome of the Capitol, on the 22d day of February, 1861. [No miprmt, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp 17.* "^ PARKE The Assassination of the President of the United ^ States overruled for the Good of our Country. A Discourse preached in the M. E. Church, Pittston, Penna., June ist, 1865. Rev. N. G. Parke. A. M. Pittston, Pa. : Gazette Office Print. 1865. 8vo, pp 20.* PARKER Discourse the day after the reception of the tid- ings of the assassination of President Lincoln, preached m the South Congregational Church, Concord, N. H., April 16, 1865. Bv the Pastor, Rev. Henry E. Parker. Concord: Printed by McFarland & Jenks. 1865. Svo, pp I5- ^PASCAL Abraham Lincoln sa vie, son caractere, son admin- istration par Cesar Pascal. Paris: Grassart. Libraire Edi- teur. 1865. i2mo, pp 232.- 'PATTERSON Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Portsmouth, N. H., April 19, 1865. By Adoniram J. Patter- son, Minister of the Universalist Church. Portsmouth: C. W Brewster & Son, Printers, 1865. Svo, pp 30-^' On the cover, in addition to the above,^are the words: "An account of the obsequies observed by the city.'" ^' P /VTTERSON Memorial Address on the Life and Character of ^ Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Concord, New Hampshire, June I 1865, at the Request of the State Authorities, by Hon. James W. Patterson. Concord: Printed by Coggswell c^ Sturtevant. 1865. 8vo, pp 24. "" PATTERSON The Character of Abraliam Lincoln. By Rob- ert M Patterson, Pastor of the Great Valley Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia: James S. Claxton, Successor to LofC. 100 LINCOLN LITERATURE. Wm. S. & Alfred Martien, No. 606 Chestnut Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 44.* A sermon preached Jvuie i, i86> PATTON. The Nation's Loss and its Lessons. An occasional discourse on the Assassination of President Lincoln, by A. S. Patton, Minister of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Utica, N. Y. Utica, N. Y.: Curtiss & White, Printers, 171 Genesee Street. '1865. 8vo, pp 18.* Delivered .April 23, 1865. PATTON. President Lincoln and the Chicago Memorial on Emancipation, [cut, seal of Maryland Historical Society], A Paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, Decem- ber I2th, 1887, by Rev. W. W. Patton, D. D., LL. D., Presi- dent of Howard University. Baltimore, 1888. 8vo, pp 36.* No. 27, Peabody Fund publications. PEIRCE. An Address on the Death of President Lincoln, deliv- ered in the Universalist Church, North Attleboro', ]\Iass., April 19, 1865. By J. D. Peirce, Pastor of the Universalist Church and Society. Boston: Printed by Davis & Farmer, 18 Exchange Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. PENNSYLVANIA.- Historical Society of Pennsylvania. [Resolutions on the Death of President Lincoln, April 24, 1865. No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 4.* ^ PENNSYLVANIA. Addresses on the consideration of Resolu- tions relative to the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1866, together with the last In- augural Address of President Lincoln. Harrisburg: Singer- ly & Myers, State Printers. 1866. 8vo, pp 24.* PERHAM. Gen. Perham's Platform. The most feasable plan yet offered for suppressing the Rebellion. "God Bless Abra- ham Lincoln." Boston: Press of Alfred Mudge & Son, 34 School Street. 1862. 8vo, pp 12.* PERKINS. The Picture and the Men: being biographical sketches of President Lincoln and his cabinet; together with an account of the life of the celebrated artist, F. B. Carpenter, author of the great national painting, the First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation before the Cabinet by President LINCOLN LITERATURE. 101 Lincoln; including also An account of the Picture; an account of the Crisis which produced it; and an Appendix containing the Great Proclamation and the Supplementary Proclamation of January i, 1863; together with a Portrait of the Artist, and a Key to the Picture. Compiled by Fred B. Perkins, Editor of "The Galaxy," formerly one of the editors of the New York "Tribune," and of the New York "Independent." Pub- lished by A. J. Johnson, New York. 1867. i2mo, pp 190. y PERRY. Little Masterpieces Edited by Bliss Perry Abraham Lincoln Early Speeches Springfield Speech Cooper Union Speech Inaugural Addresses Gettysburg Address Selected Letters Lincoln's Lost Speech New York Doubleday & McClure Co. 1898 i6mo, pp xiii, 167. Portrait. / PHILADELPHIA. Resolutions, relative to the death of the President of the United States, on the 15th and 20th of April, 1865, by the Select and Common Councils of Philadelphia. [No imprint.] 8vo, pp 15."^ / PHILLIPS. An Address, delivered in Tremont Temple, Bos- ton, April 19, 1865, By Wendell Phillips, Worcester: Printed by Chas. Hamilton, Palladium Office. [No year.] 8vo, pp 8.* PIATT. [In] Memories of the Men who saved the Union By Donn Piatt New York and Chicago Belford, Clarke & Company 1897 i2mo, pp 302. Illustrated. Very breezy and outspoken papers on Lincoln, Stanton, Chase, Seward and Thomas, with a review of "McClellan's Own Story." Especially laudatory of Gen. Thomas. PIERREPONT. Argument of Hon. Edwards Pierrepont to the jury, on the Trial of John H. Surratt for the Murder of Pres- ident Lincoln. Washington : Government Printing Office. 1867. 8vo, pp 122.* -J [PINKERTON.] History and Evidence of the Passage of Abraham Lincoln from Harrisburgh, Pa., to Washington, D. C, on the 22d and 23rd of Eebruary, 1861. Republican Print, 93 Washington Street, Chicago. [No year.] 8vo, pp 18.* Author, Allen Pinkerton, Chicago. 102 LINCOLN LITERATURE, PITMAN. The Assassination of President Lincoln and the Trial of the Conspirators David E. Herold, Mary E. Surratt, Lewis Payne, George A. Atzerodt, Edward Spangler, Samuel A. Mudd, Samuel Arnold, Michael O'Laughlin. Containing the Orders convening the Commission ; Rules for its guid- ance; Pleas of the accused to the Jurisdiction of the Com- mission, and for Severance of Trial; Testimony in full con- cerning the Assassination, and attending circumstances; Flight, pursuit and capture of John Wilkes Booth; Attempted Assassination of Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State. Of- ficial Documents and Testimony relating to the following plots : The Abduction of the President and Cabinet, and car- rying them to Richmond; The Assassination of the President and Cabinet; The Murder of President Lincoln by presents of infected clothing; The introduction of pestilence into Northern cities by clothing infected with Yellow Fever and Small. Pox; Starvation and murder of Union prisoners in Southern prisons ; Attempted burning of New York and other Northern cities; Poisoning the water of the Croton Reservoir, New York; Raid on St. Albans; Contemplated raids on Buf- falo, Ogdensburg, etc.; Burning of Steamboats on Western rivers. Government Warehouses, Hospitals, etc.; Complicity of Jefferson Davis, Judah P. Benjamin, Jacob Thompson, George N. Sanders, Beverley Tucker, C. C. Clay, etc.; Jacob Thompson's banking account in Canada; The mining of Lib- by Prison, and preparations to blow it up; The "disorganiza- tion of the North" by a system of terrorism and infernal plots; Arguments of Counsel for the Accused ; Reply of Hon. John A. Bingham, Special Judge Advocate; Findings and Sen- tences of the Accused, etc. Compiled and Arranged by Benn Pitman, Recorder to the Commission. Publishers: Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 25 West Fourth Street. Cincinnati. New York, 60 Walker Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 421. Illus- trated. ■4 PITTSBURGH. Memorial Sermon and Address on the Death of President Lincoln, St. Andrew's Church, Pittsburgh. Sun- day, April 16, and Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Published by the Congregation. Pittsburgh: Printed by W. E. Haven, corner of Wood and Third Streets. 1865. 8vo, pp 38.* Bastard titles. — (i) April i6th. Sermon. The Nation's Be- reavement. By Rev. Wm.. A. Snively, Assistant Minister. (2) LINCOLN LITERATURE. 103 April 19. Address on the Day of the Obsequies. By Rev. Wm. Preston, D. D.^ rector. POORE. The Conspiracy Trial for the Murder of the Presi- dent and the attempt to overthrow tlie Government by the Assassination of its principal officers. Edited with an intro- duction by Ben. Perley Poore. Boston: Tilton & Co. 1865. 3 vols., i2mo, pp 480, 552, 552.* V PORTRAITS. Catalogue of a Collection of Engraved and other Portraits of Lincoln Exhibited at the Grolier Club New York Twenty-nine East Thirty-second Street Saturday, April 8th, to Saturday, April 22d 1899 [No imprint.] i6mo, pp 66.* Introduction by Charles Henry Hart. J POST. Discourse on the Assassmation of President Lincoln, preached in Camp by Rev. Jacob Post, Chaplain of the 184th Regiment, N Y. V., at Harrison's Landing, Virginia, April 23d, 1865. Oswego: S. PL Parker & Co., Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp II.* •J POTTER. The National Tragedy: Four Sermons dehvered before the First Congregational Society, New Bedford, on the Life and Death of Abraham Lincoln. By William J. Potter. New Bedford, Mass.: Abraham Taber & Brother. 1865. 8vo, pp 6^. (i) April i6th. The Assassination of the President. (2) April 19th. Discourse on the Day of the Funeral Rites. (3) June ist. The Capacity and Historical Position of President Lincoln. (4) June 4th. The Dramatic Element in the Career of Abraham Lin- coln. POTTS. Freeman's Guide to the Polls, and a solemn appeal to American Patriots, by Rev. Wm. D. Potts, M..D. Newark, N. J. New York: Published by the Author, 49 Walker St. 1864. i2mo, pp 125.* Bitterly hostile to the Union cause. ^ POWELL. Sermons on Recent National Victories, and the Na- tional Sorrow. Preached April 23d, 1865, in the Plymouth Church, by the Pastor, E. P. Powell. Adrian, Mich., Smith & Foster, Printers, opposite Lawrence Hotel. 1865. 8vo, pp (i) Morning. "Sermon, appropriate to the Obsequies of Abra- ham Lincoln." (2) Evening. "Sermon, appropriate to the Obse- quies of Jefferson Davis and the Southern Confederacy." 104 LINCOLN LITERATURE. J POWER. Abraham Lincoln, his Great Funeral Cortege from Washington City to Springfield, Illinois, with a history and description of the National Lincoln Monument, By J. C. Pow- er. Springfield, Illinois, [no imprint.] 1872. 8vo, pp 205. Portrait and plan of Cemetery, "^^ POWER. Abraham Lincoln. His Life, Public Services, Death and Great Funeral Cortege, with a history and description of the National Lincoln Monument, by John Carroll Power. Monumental Edition. Springfield, 111; Edwin A. Wilson & Co. 1875. i2mo, pp 352. Illustrated. Other editions issued in 1872 and 1874. POWER. Annual Reports of the Custodian to the Executive Committee of the National Lincoln Mojiument Association Reports for nine years, from 1875 to 1883, inclusive. Closing with a dissertation on Sunday opening of the Monument, also, remarks on Sight-seeing in London; By John Carroll Power Custodian of the National Lincoln Monument Springfield, 111. H. W. Rokker Printer and Binder 8vo, POWER. Abraham Lincoln his Life, Public Services, Death and Great Funeral Cortege, with a history and description of the National Lincoln Monument, with an appendix. By John Carroll Power. H. W. Rokker, Publisher, Chicago and Springfield, 111. 1889. 8vo, pp 458. Portrait. ^ POWER. History of an attempt to steal the body of Abraham Lincoln, (late President of the United States of America) In- cluding a history of The Lincoln Guard of Honor, With Eight Years Lincoln Memorial Services. Edited by John Carroll Power, Custodian of the National Lincoln Monument and Secretary of the Lincoln Guard of Honor. Springfield, 111.: The H. W. Rokker Printing and Publishing House. 1890. 8vo, pp viii, 287. Illustrated. PRAROND. La Mort du President Lincoln par E. Prarond (Concours de 1867.) Academic Francaise. Paris Librarie des Auteurs Rue de la Bourse, 10 1867 8vo, pp 28.* Preface, prose, pp. v-viii.; poem, 9-28. PRESTON, Rev. William, D. D. See Pittsburgh. PRIME. A Sermon delivered in Westminster Church, Detroit, on Sabbath Morning. April 16, 1865, after the Death of Pres- LINCOLN LITERATURE. 105 ident Lincoln, by Rev. G. Wendell Prime. Detroit: Adver- tiser and Tribune Print. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* PROVIDENCE. Proceedings of the City Council of Provi- , dence on the death of Abraham Lincoln: with the Oration de- livered before the municipal authorities and citizens, June i, 1865, by William Binney, Esq. [Seal.] Providence: Knowies, Anthony & Co., Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 56. PULPIT AND ROSTRUM, The, New York. Nos. 34 & 35. ■ Extra Number with Portrait. Hon. George Bancroft's Ora- tion, pronounced in New York, April 25, 1865, at the Obse- quies of Abraham Lincoln. The Funeral Ode, by William Cullen Bryant. President' Lincoln's Emancipation Proclama- tion, January i, 1863. His last Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865. A correct Portrait of the late President Lincoln. New York: Schermerhorn, Bancroft & Co., 130 Grand street: Philadelphia, 512 Arch Street. American News Company, New York. June, 1865. i2mo, pp 23. PURINTON. A Discourse on the Death of President Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Baptist Church in Smithfield, Fay- ette County, Pa.. June ist, 1865. By Rev. J. M. Purinton, D. D. Philadelphia: J. A. Wagenseller, Printer, 23 North Sixth St. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. ' PUTNAM. City Document— No. 5. An Address delivered be- fore the City Government, and Citizens of Roxbury, on Oc- casion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of • the United States, April 19, 1865. By George Putnam, D. D. Printed by order of the City Council. Roxbury: L. B. & O. E. Weston, Printers, Guild Row. 1865. 8vo. pp 14. PUTNAM. The Children's Life of Abraham Lincoln by M Louise Putnam Chicago A. C. McClurg and Company 1893 i2nio, pp ix, 290. Illustrated. ^' QUINT. National Sin must be Expiated by National Calamity. What President Lincoln did for his Country. Southern Chiv- alry, and what the Nation ought to do with it. Three Ser- mons in the North Congregational Church, New Bedford, Mass., Fast Day, April 13, and Sunday, April 16, 1865. By Alonzo H. Quint, Pastor. New Bedford: Mercury Job- Press, 92 Union Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 45. 106 LINCOLN LITERATURE. RANDALL. An Address on the Occasion of the Funeral Ob- sequies of the late President Lincoln, delivered before the Cit- izens of Randolph, Vt., April 19, 1865. By Rev. E. H. Ran- dall. ]\Iontpelier: \\'alton's Steam Printing Establishment. 1865. 8vo, pp 12.* RAXKIX. ]\Ioses and Joshua. A Discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, preached in the Winthrop Church, Charlestown, Wednesday Noon, April 19, 1865. By Rev. J. E. Rankin, Pastor. Boston: Press of Dakin and Metcalf. [No year.] 8vo, pp 16. RAY. A Sermon: preached before the United Congregations of Wyoming, N. Y., on the Death of President Lincoln, by the Rev. Charles Ray, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church. April 19th, 1865. Buffalo: A. '\l. Clapp & Co.'s Steam Printing House. Office of the Morning Express. 1865. Svo, pp 22,."^ Contains also. "Resolutions of the Citizens," and '"The Mission of Death," a poem by John ]\IcIntosh. RAYMOND. The Life of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, by Henry J. Raymond; and the Life of Andrew Johnson, of Ten- nessee. By John Savage. New York: Derby & jMiller, No. 5 Spruce Street. 1864. i2mo, pp 136. Portraits. RAY^IOND. The Life [Portrait] of Abraham Lincoln, by Henry J. Raymond, and of Andrew Johnson, by John Savage. New York: National Cnion Executive Committee, Astor House [No imprint, no year.] i2mo, pp 136. Title on cover only.* Same matter as next above. RAYMOND. History of the Administration of President Lin- coln: including his speeches, letters, addresses, proclama- tions, and messages, with a preliminary sketch of his life. By Henry J. Raymond. New York: J. C. Derby & N. C. Mil- ler, No. 5 Spruce Street. 1864. i2mo, pp 496. Portrait. RAYMOND. The Life and Public Services of Abraham Lin- coln, sixteenth President of the United States together with his State Papers, including his speeches, addresses, messages, letters and proclamations, and the closing scenes connected with his life and death. By Henry J. Raymond. To which LIXCOLX LITERATURE. 107 are added Anecdotes and Personal Reminiscences of Presi- dent Lincoln, by Frank B. Carpenter. With a Steel Portrait and other Illustrations. Xew York: Derby and ]\Iiller, No. 5 Spruce Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 808. [R. B.] A Memoir of Abraham Lincoln, President Elect of the United States of America, his opinions on secession, extracts from the United States constitution, &c. To which is ap- pended an Historical Sketch on Slavery, reprinted by permis- sion from "The Times." London: Sampson Low, Son & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill 1861. Right of Translation reserved. i2mo, pp 126. Portrait. Preface, dated Jan. 21, 1861, signed "R. B." REED. A Discourse dehvered upon the Occasion of the Fu- neral Obsequies of President Lincoln, April 19, 1865. By Rev. S. Reed, Pastor, M. E. Church, Edgartown, ^lass. Bos- ton: Press of Geo. C. Rand & Avery, 3 Cornhill. 1865. 8vo, pp 24.* REED. The Conflict of Truth. A Sermon preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Camden, N. J., April 30, 1865, by Rev. V. D. Reed, D. D. Camden: S. Chew, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp 29.* REED. The House that Jeff built. [Cut.] By John J. Reed. New York: Ameiican News Company. 1868. 8vo, pp 16. Illustrated.* REID. A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Presi- dent of the United States, delivered on the Day of the Na- tional Fast, June i, 1865, at the Congregational Church, Sal- isbury, Conn. By Adam Reid. Hartford : Press of Case, Lockwood and Company. 1865. 8vo, pp 20.* REMSBURG. Abraham Lincoln: Was he a Christian? By John E. Remsburg. [Motto.] New York: The Truth Seeker Company, 28 Lafayette Place. [1893] i2mo, pp 336. REPUBLICAN CLUB, New York. Selections from the Works of Abraham Lincoln A Souvenir of the Seventh Annual Din- ner of the Republican Club of the City of New York, at Del- monico"s, February 11, 1893 New York Compiled by the Committee 1893 i8mo. pp 119. Nine portraits of Lincoln.* 108 LINCOLN LITERATURE. RETCLIFFE. Band i. Lieserung i. Preis 5 Rgr. Abraham Lincoln. Historisch Roman von J. Retcliffe. [Design] Verlag von Bruno Wienicke in Dresden. i2mo, pp 48.* Worlr announced in 30 parts. Whether completed or not the compiler has not learned. J REYNOLDS. Sermon in Commemoration of the Virtues of Abraham Lincohi, dehvered in the First Presbyterian Church; Meadville, Pa., June i, 1865, by Rev. J. V. Reynolds, D. D. Meadville, Pa.: R. Lyle White, Printer. 1865. 8vO', PP 36.* RHODES. The Nation's Loss. A Poem on the Life and Death of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, Late President of the United States, Who departed this life in Washington, D. C, April 15,1865. By Jacob Rhodes. [Motto.] Newark, N. J.: F. Starruck, Printer, 123 Market Street. 1866. i2mo, pp 18.* ' Contains, besides the poem, several of Mr. Lincoln's papers. The same poem has been published in broadside form, with the name of "Rev. Peter W. B.rister" as author, but without any print- / er"s name, place or date. RICE. The President's Death — Its Import. A Sermon, preached in the Second Presbyterian Church, Lafayette, In- diana, April 19, 1865, on the Day of President Lincoln's Fu- neral, by the Pastor, Rev. Daniel Rice. [No imprint, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp 7. J RICE. Sermon On the Death of Abraham Lincoln, late Presi- dent of the United States. Preached on the Occasion of the National Funeral, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, by N. L. Rice, D. D., Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Fifth Avenue, cor. 19th St., N. Y. New York: Wm. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 41 Nassau Street, cor. of Liberty. 1865. 8vo, pp- 16. J RICE. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by distinguished men of his time Collected and edited by Allen Thorndike Rice Editor of the North American Review New York North American Review Publishing Company 30 Lafayette Place 1886. 8vo, pp Ixix, 656. Illustrated. ' RICHARDSON. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents 1789-1897 Published by Authority of Con- LINCOLN LITERATURE. 109 gress by James D. Richardson A Representative from the State of Tennessee Volume VI Washington Government Printing Ofifice 1897. 8vo, pp vi, 758.* Covers period of 1861 to 1869, Lincoln and Johnson. ROBBINS. A Discourse, on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, DeHvered in the Greenhih Presbyterian Church, on Sunday Evening, April 2-^, 1865. By Rev. Frank L. Robbins, Pastor of the Church. Philadelphia: Henry B. Ashmead, Book and Job Printer, 1102 and 1104 Sansom Street. 1865. 8vo, -pp 21.* ROBERTSON. A Sermon, commemorative of our National Bereavement preached April 19, 1865, in the Presbyterian Church, Geneva. By J. L. Robertson, Pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, Geneva, N. Y. Geneva: Wm. John- son, i3ook and Job Printer, Seneca St.. 1865. 8vo, pp 20. ROBINSON. The Martyred President. A Sermon preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., By the Pas- tor, Rev. Chas. S. Robinson, on the morning of April i6th, 1865. New York: John F. Trow, Printer, 50 Green street. 1865. 8vo, pp 31.* Also in "Our Martyred President." p. 85. ROBINSON. The Unvailing of Divine Justice in the Great Rebellion. A Sermon by Rev. T. H. Robinson: June i, 1865. Harrisburg: Ambrose Taylor, Printer. 1865. 8vo, PP 35-* ROGERS. Madame Surratt ; A Drama in Five Acts by J. W. Rogers, of the Washington Bar. [Preface, "To the Public."] Washington, D. C: Thomas J. Brashears, Printer. 1879. i2mo, pp 148. RUGGLES. To his Excellency Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Samuel B. Ruggles, June 9, 1862. [No imprint, year, nor place.] 4to, pp 15.* ■J RUSSELL. Our Great National Reproach and The Counsel of Ahithophel Turned into Foolishness. Two Sermons preached in St. James' Church, Eckley, Penna., by Rev. Peter Russell, Rector. The first on the Occasion of the Funeral Solemnities of President Lincoln. The second on the late 110 LIArCOLN LITERATURE. Fast Day, (June ist.) Published by Request of Members of the Congregation. Philadelphia: King & Baird,- Printers, 607 Sansom Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 30. 4 R. Y. Abraham Lincoln. A Study. Entered at Stationers Hall. Right of translation reserved. Liverpool: McKowen & Fin- glass, Middleton Buildings, i, Rumford Street. 1865. i2mo, PP 32. ^ SABINE. "The Land Mourneth" The Death of Abraham Lin- coln, President of the United States. A Sermon, delivered in the Church of the Covenant, on Sunday Evening, April i6th, 1865, by Rev. William T. Sabine, Rector. Philadelphia: W. P. Atkinson, Printer, 449 North Third street. 1865. i8mo, pp 18.* St. JOHN, Rev. L L See Naylor. SALISBURY. Sermon; preached at West Alexandria, Ohio, April 30th, 1865, by Rev. S. Salisbury, on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the U. S. (Printed by request of the hearers.) Eaton, O.: Eaton Weekly Register Hand Power Press Print. 1865. 8vo, pp 11.* SAMPLE. The Ciu'tained Throne: A Sermon suggested by the Death of President Lincoln. Preached in the Presby- terian Church of Bedford, Pa.,. April 23, 1865, and repeated April 30, 1865. By Rev. Robert F. Sample. Philadelphia: James S. Claxton, Successor to William S. & Alfred Martien, 606 Chestnut street. 1865. 8vo, pp 32.* ^ . . . - SANBORN. A Discourse on the terrible, irresistable, yet sub- lime Logic of Events, as suggested by the Assassination of President Lincoln, and the Attempted Assassination of Sec- retary Seward; Delivered in the Universalist Church, Ripon, Wis., Sunday Evening, April 23d, 1865, By Rev. R. S. San- born. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 7.* Should be "Unitarian" instead of "Universalist." SARMIENTO. Vida de Abram Lincoln Decimo-sesto Presi- dente de los Estado Unidos. Precidida de una introduccion por D. F. Sarmiento. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1866. i2mo, pp xlviii, 306.* A second edition, same imprint and year, has pp. 308. LINCOLN LITERATURE. Ill SATTERLEE. An Arrangement of Medals and Tokens, struck in honor of the Presidents of the United States, and of the Presidential Candidates, from the Administration of John Adams to that of Abraham Lincoln, inclusive. Derived chief- ly from originals in the possession of the Compiler and of Robert Hewitt, Jr., Esq. By Alfred H. Satterlee. New York: Printed for the Author. 1862. 8vo, pp 84.* Whole No. of medals, etc., 357, of which Nos. 256 to 313, in- clusive, relate to Mr. Lincoln. SAUNDERS. An Oration on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. By Rolfe S. Saunders. Delivered on Island 40, April 25, 1865. Memphis: W. A. Whitmore, Steam Book and Job Printer, No. 13 Madison street. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* SAVAGE. Messiah Pulpit New York (Being a continuation of Unity Pulpit, Boston) Sermons of M. J. Savage Vol. IV. February 16, 1900. No. 18. Some Lessons from the Life of Abraham Lincoln. Geo. H. Ellis 272 Congress Street, Boston 104 E. 20th Street, New York 1900 i2mo, pp 19. SAVANNAH. Tribute to the late President Lincoln. Report of the Great Mass Meeting in Savannah, The Largest Ever Held in the City, at which between eight and ten thousand persons were present, on Saturday, April 22, 1865. Savan- nah: S. W. Mason & Co., Printers "Savannah Daily Her- ald." 1865. Small 4to, pp 15.* ■^ SCHURZ. Abraham Lincoln An Essay by Carl Schurz Bos- ton and New York Houghton, Mifllin and Company The Riverside Press, Cambridge 1891 i2mo, pp 117. Portrait. ■ SCHURZ. The Riverside Literature Series [No. 133, April 5, 1899] Abraham Lincoln an Essay by Carl Schurz together with testimonies by Emerson, Whittier, Holmes, and Lowell, and a Biographical Sketch of Carl Schurz [Publisher's de- vice] Houghton, Mifflin and Company, Boston: 4 Park Street Ncav York : 1 1 East Seventeenth Street Chicago : 378-388 Wabash Avenue The Riverside Press, Cambridge i6mo, pp 91. [SCRIPPS.] Tribune Tracts. No. 6. Life of Abraham Lin- coln. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 112 LINCOLN LITERATURE. i860, by Horace Greeley & Co. in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for Souchern District of New York. 8vo, pp 32.* Author, John Locke Scripps, then editor of the Chicago Press and Tribune. Published simultaneously by both newspapers, and sold at $20.00 per thoiisand; yet not more than a half-dozen copies are known to exist. Reprinted (see next below) as "the first published" life, a claim which must be contested with the "Wig- wam Edition," of Rudd & Carleton. SCRIPPS. The First Published Life of Abraham Lincoln Written in the Year MDCCCLX, by John Locke Scripps Reprinted in the Year MDCCCC, by the Cranbrook Press. [Detroit: 1900.] 4to, pp 86. Portrait of author. SEAMAN. What Miscegenation is! and [cut] what we are to expect now that Mr. Lincoln is re-elected. By L. Seaman, LL. D. Waller & Willets, Publishers, New York. [No year.] 8vo, pp 8.* SEARING. President Lincoln in History. An Address de- livered in the Congregational Church, Milton, Wisconsin, on Fast Day, June ist, 1865, by Edward Searing, A. M., Profes- sor of Languages in Milton Academy. Janesville: Veeder & Devereaux, Book and Job Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 20. SEARS. The People's Keepsake; or. Funeral Address on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, late lamented President of the - United States, with the Principal Incidents of his Life. De- livered by Rev. Hiram Sears, A. M., in the city of Mount Car- mel, 111., Sunday, April 23, 1865, and dedicated to the Loyal Men, Women and Children of all parties in the Country. Cin- cinnati: Poe & Hitchcock. R. P. Thompson, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp 18. SEDGWICK. An Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln Sixteenth President of the United States, pronounced by the Hon. Charles B. Sedgwick, on the occasion of the Obsequies at Syracuse, April 19th, 1865. Syracuse: The Daily Journal Steam Book and Job Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* SEISS. The Assassinated President, or the Day of National Mourning for Abraham Lincoln, at St. John's (Lutheran) Church, Philadelphia, June ist, 1865. The Pastor, Joseph LINCOLN LITERATURE. 113 A. Seiss, D. D., officiating. For sale at No. 42 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia. 1865. 8vo, pp 43. SERMENT. Sur une Gravure, Stances a Abraham Lincoln, par J. H. Serment. Paris. Meyrueis, 174 Rue de Rivoli. Dentu, Palais Royal. [No year.] 8vo, pp 32.* The verses are dated Dec, 1864, and the preface Oct., 1865. SHACKFORD. The Lineage of President Abraham Lincoln. By Samuel Shackford, of Chicago, 111. [No imprint, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp 7. Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1887. See Lincoln, Solomon. ^ SHEA. The Lincoln Memorial: A Record of the Life, Assas- sination, and Obsequies of the Martyred President. Edited by John Gilmary Shea, LL. D., Editor of the Historical Mag- azine, etc. New York: Bunce & Huntington, 540 Broad- way. 1865. 8vo, pp 288. Portrait. Contains many sermons and addresses, including that of Ralph Waldo Emerson at Concord. SHEPPARD. Abraham Lincoln A Character Sketch by Robert Dickinson Sheppard, D. D. Prof, of American and English History, Northwestern University With anecdotes, characteristics and chronology Chicago [1899.] The Uni- versity Association, Association Building. i2mo, pp 116. II- , lustrated. SHERMAN. Eulogy upon President Lincoln. Delivered April 19, 1865, at the U. S. A, General Hospital, Grafton, West Va., by Surg. S. N. Sherman, U. S, V. (in charge). Grafton. D. F. Shriner, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp 14.* SHUMWAY. God's Hand and Voice in the War. Sermons preached at Funeral of Soldiers, belonging to the i6oth and I nth Regt's. N. Y. V. and 14th Reg't. U. S. I. and on ac- count of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, By Rev. G. R. H. Shumway. Published by Request. New- ark. [N. Y.] Printed by A. White, Courier Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 34.* Sermon on the assassination, preached i\pril i6th, paged sep- arately, pp. 10. SIMONTON. A Discourse on the occasion of the death of President Lincoln; delivered by Rev. A. C. Simonton, at a 114 LINCOLN LITERATURE. Special Divine service held May 21st, 1865, and published by the request of the American residents in Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Printed by George Leuzinger. 1865. 8vo, pp 14. vj SIMPSON. Funeral Address Delivered at the Burial of Presi- dent Lincoln, at Springfield, Illinois, May 4, 1865. By Rev. Matthew Simpson, D. D., one of the Bishops of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. New York: Published by Carleton & Porter, 200 Mulberry-Street. 1865. i2mo, pp 21. SLATER. The Nation's Loss. A Sermon upon the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States. Preached April 19, 1865, at the time of the Obsequies at Washington, in the presence of Brig. Gen. S. Meredith, and the ofBcers and soldiers of his command, and also a large concourse of citizens, at Paducah, Ky. By Edward C. Slater, D. D. Paducah, Kentucky: Blelock & Co. 1865. 8vo, pp 20.* SMITH. The Great American Crisis, &c., &c., embracing Phrenological character, and pen and ink portraits of the President, his leading generals and Cabinet officers, &c., &c., by L. M. Smith. Cincinnati: [No imprint.] 1862. 8vo, pp 36.* SMITH. Considerations on the Slavery Question. Addressed to President Lincoln, by Truman Smith. [No imprint, place, nor year.] 8v.o, pp 15.* SMITH. The Religious Sentiments proper for our National Crisis. ■ A Sermon delivered on Sabbath evening, April 23, 1865. By Henry Smith, D. D., Pastor of the North Presby- terian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo: Printing House of Matthews & Warren, Office of the Buffalo Commercial Ad- vertiser. 1865. 8vo, pp ■T^2.'^ SMITH. The Civil War in America: an address read at the last meeting of the Manchester Union and Emancipation Society, by Goldwin Smith. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Sta- tioners Hall Court. Manchester: A. Ireland & Co., 1866 i2mo, pp 96.* Contains "Proceedings in reference to the assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln" in an appendix. ' SNIVELY, Rev. William A. See Pittsburgh. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 115 SONGS. The Connecticut Wide-Awake Songster, Edited by John W. Hutchinson, assisted by B. Jepson, Professor of Music, of New Haven. New York: O. Hutchinson, 272 Greenwich St. i860, pp — .* As advertised in "Political Text-Book for i860." See Greeley. SONGS. Uncle Abe's Repubhcan Songster. [Cut.] For "Un- cle Abe's Choir." San Francisco: Towne & Bacon, Book, Card and Fancy Job Printers, Southwest corner Clay and Sansome Streets, i860. i6mo, pp 20.* SONGS. The President Lincoln Campaign Songster. New York: T. R. Dawley, Publisher for the Million. 13 and 15 Park Row. [No year.] i6mo, pp 72. Illustrated cover.* SONGS. The Lincoln and Hamlin Songster, or, the Continental Melodist, comprising a choice collection of Original and Se- lected songs, in honor of the People's Candidates, Lincoln and Hamlin, and illustrative of the enthusiasm everywhere en- tertained for "Honest Old Abe," of Illinois, and the noble Hamlin of Maine. [Cut of Lincoln.] Fisher & Brother, No. 10 South Sixth St., Philadelphia; 64 Baltimore St., Balti- more; W. J. Bunce, 68 Bowery, New York. [No year.] i6mo, pp 72.* SONGS. The Republican Songster, for the Campaign of 1864. [Motto.] Cincinnati: J. R Hawley & Co., 164 Vine street. 1864. i6mo, pp 64.* SONGS. The Lincoln and Johnson Union Campaign Songster [Portraits.] Philadelphia: A. Winch, 505 Chestnut Street [No year.] i6mo, pp 54.* SONGS. See Bungay, Dale, Fry, Flutchinson, Tremaine. "^ SOUTHGATE. The Death of Lincoln. April isth, 1865. Some of the Religious Lessons which it Teaches. A Sermon preached in Zion Church, New York, on the First Sunday after Easter, April 23, 1865, by the Rector, the Right Rev. Horatio Southgate, D. D. New York: John W. Amerman. 1865. 8vo, pp 14.* V SPATH. Rede bei der Begrabniszfeier des Prasidenten Abra- ham Lincoln, (geb. den 12. Februar 1809, gest. den 15. April 1865) von Pastor A. Spath. Gehalten in der Evangelisch 116 LINCOLN LITERATURE. Luthrischen Zions-kirche zu Philadelphia, Mittwoch, den 19. April 1865. Mit einer Zugabe ans der Osterfest-Predigt am 14. April. Auf verlangen dem Druck iibergeben. Philadel- phia Verlag von C. W. Widmaier, 453 Nord Dritte Strasse. 1865. 8vo, pp 15.* SPEAR. The Punishment of Treason. A Discourse preached April 23d, 1865, in the South Presbyterian Church, of Brook- lyn, by Rev. Samuel T. Spear, D. D., Pastor. Published by Request. Brooklyn: ''The Union" Steam Presses. 10 Front Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 38. SPEED. Opinion on the ^constitutional power of the military to try and execute the assassins of the President. By Attorney General James Speed. Washington: Government Printing Of!ice. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. SPEED. Oration of James Speed, upon the Inauguration of the bust of Abraham Lincoln, at Louisville, Ky., February 12, 1867. Louisville: Bradley «& Gilbert, corner Third and Green streets. 1867. 8vo, pp 8.* J SPENCER. Lincolniana. In Memoriam. Boston: William • V. Spencer. 1865. 4to, pp vi, 346. Compiled by the publisher. Contains many sermons, eulogies, letters, etc., and a list of some 300 publications on j\Ir. Lincoln's death. SPRAGUE. President Lincoln's Death. A Discourse delivered in the Presbyterian Church in Caldwell, N. J., on the day of National Mourning, June ist, 1865, by I. N. Sprague, Pas- tor. Published by Request. Newark, N. J.: Printed at the Daily Advertiser Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 20.* SPRAGUE. A Discourse delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, April 16, 1865, the Sunday morning imme- diately succeeding the Assassination of the President of the United States. By William B. Sprague, D. D. /\lbany: Weed Parsons and Company, Printers. 1865. i2mo, pp 18.* ^ SPRINGFIELD. The Nation Weeping for its Dead. Observ- ances at Springfield, Massachusetts, on President Lincoln's Funeral Day, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, including Dr. Hol- land's Eulogy. From the Springfield Republican's Report. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 117 Springfield, Mass: Samuel Bowles & Co.: L. J. Powers. 1865. 8vo, pp 2>2. See Holland. SPRINGFIELD. Official Programme of the order of exercises, connected with the Unveiling of the Statute of Abraham Lincoln upon the National Lincoln Monument. Springfield, Illinois, Thursday, October 15th, 1874; also his remarks to his neighbors on leaving Springfield, February 11, 1861, with his inaugural addresses, messages to Congress, emancipation proclamation, and Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Springfield: Illinois State Journal Company. 1874. 8vo, pp. 78. STARR. The Martyr President. A Discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Penn Yan, N. Y., Sabbath Morn- ing, April i6th, 1865, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, by the Pastor, Rev. Frederick Starr, Jr. Repeated by request in the North Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo. Sabbath Morning, May 14, 1865. By the Pastor elect. Solicited for publication. St. Louis: Sherman Spencer, Printer, No. 28 Market Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 19. STEELE. Victory and Mourning. A Sermon occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States; preached in the First Reformed Dutch Church, New Brunswick, N. J., June ist, 1865, by Rev. Richard H. Steele, Pastor of the Church. New Brunswick, N. J.; Terhune & Van Anglen's Press, Albany St. 1865. 8vo, pp 27.* STEINER. Abraham Lincoln: the Lessons Taught by his Life and the Obligations Imposed by his Death. An Address de- livered at "The Glades," Frederick County, Maryland, April 23d, 1865. By Lewis H. Steiner, Frederick city, Md. Phila- delphia: Jas. B. Rodgers, Printer, 52 and 54 North Sixth Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 15.* STEINTHAL. Address on the Assassination of Abraham Lin- coln, delivered at Piatt chapel on the morning, and in the Ashton Town Hall on the afternoon of Sunday, the 7th May 1865, by S. Alfred Steinthal. (Published by request.) Lon- don : Whitfield, Green, and Son, A-Ianchester : Johnson and Rawson, 89, Market Street. 1865. i6mo, pp 26.* 118 LINCOLN LITERATURE, STEPHENS. Carpenter's Picture, Lincoln and Emancipation. Speech of the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, in the House of Representatives, 12th of F'ebruary, 1878. [No place, no year. Darby & Duvall, Printers, 432 Ninth StJ] 8vo, pp 4.* .1 STERLING. The Martyr President. A Sermon delivered in the Co,urt House in Williamsport [Pa.], by Rev. William Sterling-, on Sunday, April 23, 1865. "Bulletin" Print, Third Street. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 8.* STEWART. Our National Sorrow. A Discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, containing the substance of two ser- mons delivered in the Presbyterian Church, Johnstown, [N. Y.] April 16 and 19, 1865. By Rev. Daniel Stewart, D. D. Johnstown: J. D. Houghtaling, Printer. 1865. 8vo, pp 23. J STODDARD. Abraham Lincoln. An Horatian Ode. By Richard Henry Stoddard. New York: Bunce & Hunting- ton, Publishers, 540 Broadway. [1865.] 8vo, pp 12. STODDARD. Abraham Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life. Showing the inner growth, special training, and pecu- liar fitness of the man for his Vvork. By William O. Stoddard, One of President Lincoln's Secretaries during the War of the RebelHon. With illustrations. [Motto.] New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert. 1865. 8vo, pp 508. Portrait. "^ STODDARD. The Lives of the Presidents Abraham Lincoln and AndreV Johnson By William O. Stoddard -Author of "George Washington," "John Adams and Thomas Jefferson," "James Madison, James Monroe and John Quincy Adams," "Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren," "Harrison, Tyler and Polk," "Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan," "Ulysses S. Grant," "Grover Cleveland," etc. New York Frederick A. Stokes & Brother 1888 i2mo, pp, (Lincoln) viii, 284. Johnson, pp 73. Portraits. STODDARD. Inside the White House in War Times. By William O. Stoddard, one of the President's Private Secreta- ries. Author of "Verses of Many Days," "Dab Kinzer," etc. Ihustrated by Dan Beard. Nev^^ York: Charles L. Webster & Co. 1890. i2mo, pp 244. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 119 V STODDARD. The Table Talk of Abraham Lincoln Edited by William O. Stoddard one of his Private Secretaries, and author of "Abraham Lincoln, the True Story of a Great Life," etc. Illustrated by C. Moore-Smith. New York: Frederick . A. Stokes Company Publishers [1894.] i6mo, pp 154. ^ STODDARD. Lincoln at Work Sketches from Life by Wil- liam O. Stoddard Illustrated by Sears Gallagher [Device] United Society of Christian Endeavor Boston and Chicago. [1900] i2mo, pp 173. Portrait. STONE. A Discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, who was assassinated in Washington, Friday, April 14th, 1865. Preached in the Park Street Church, Boston, on the next Lord's Day, by Andrew L. Stone, D. D. Boston: 300 copies printed for J. K. Wiggin, 1865. 8vo, pp 21. ^- STORRS. An Oration commemorative of President Abraham Lincoln; delivered at Brooklyn, N. Y., June i, 1865. By Richard S. Storrs, Jr., D. D., at the request of the War Fund Committee. Published by the committee. Brooklyn: "The Union" Steam Presses, No. 10 Front Street. 1865. 8vo, PP 65. ^' STOWE. [In] Men of Our Times; or Leading Patriots of the Day. Being narratives of the lives and deeds of Statesmen, Generals, and Orators. Including biographical sketches and anecdotes of Lincoln, Grant, Garrison^ Sumner, Chase, Wil- son, Greeley, Farragut, Andrew, Colfax, Stanton, Douglass, Buckingham, Sherman, Sheridan, Howard, PhilHps and Beecher. By Harriet Beecher Stowe, Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Beautifully illustrated with eighteen steel portraits. Published by subscription only. Hartford Publishing Co., Hartford, Conn. 1868. 8vo, pp xiv, 575. First 100 pp devoted to Mr. Lincoln. ^ STREET. In Memoriam. President Lincoln Dead. A Poem by Alfred B. Street. Republished from the N. Y. Independ- ent, April 1865. [Portrait of Lincoln and quotation.] Al- bany, N. Y. Andrew Boyd, Novelty Printing Press 1870 8vo, pp 5. Printed on alternate pages.* STRONG. The Nation's Sorrow. A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Larkin Street Presby- 120 LINCOLN LITERATURE. teriaii Church, San Francisco, April i6th, 1865. By Rev. J. D. Strong, Pastor. Published by the Larkin St. Congrega- tion. San Francisco: George L. Kenny & Co. 1865. 8vo, PP H- STURZ. Reden gehalten bei der Berliner Todtelfeier ftir den Prasidenten Lincoln .von amerikanischen, englischen und deutschen Geistichen. Ein Ausspruch der Kirche liber Sklav- erei und freie Arbeit. Herausgegeben von J. J. Sturz. Ber- lin, 1865. ' C. G. Liideritz'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. A. Charisius. Schoneberger-strasse 7. 8vo, pp 39.* An English edition of this said to have been published. SUMNER. The Promises of the Declaration of Independence. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the Municipal Authorities of the City of Boston, June i, 1865, by Charles Sumner. [Motto.] Boston: J. E. Farwell and Company, Printers to the City, 37 Congress Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 67. SURRATT. 39th Congress, 2nd Session. House of Repre- sentatives. Ex. Doc. No. 9. John H. Surratt. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, relating to the discovery and arrest of John H. Sur'ratt. [December 8, 1866. No imprint.] 8vo, PP 33-* SURRATT. 39th Congress, 2nd Session. House of Represen- tatives. Ex. Doc, No. 25. John H. Surratt. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting further copies of papers in answer to Resolution of the House of 3d ultimo, relating to the arrest of John H. Surratt. January 3, 1867. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 23.''^ SURRATT. Life and Extraordinary Adventures of John H. Surratt, the Conspirator. A correct account and highly inter- esting Narrative of his doings and adventures from childhood to the present time. Philadelphia: Published by Barclay & Co., 602 Arch street [No year. [ 8vo, pp 136. Illustrated.* SURRATT. The Career and Adventures of John H. Surratt, since his flight from America, after the execution of his moth- er, Mrs. Mary Surratt, Payne, Harold and Atzerott for the assassination of President Lincoln. His enlistment in the Pope's Zouaves in Italy, His betrayal by his Mistress to U. S. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 121. Minister King. His arrest and desperate escape. His flight to Egypt, aided by Brigands whose band he had joined. His final arrest in Egypt by United States Consul Hale. Philadel- phia: Published by C. W, Alexander, 224 South Third Street. [1866] 8vo, pp 99. Illustrated.* SURRATT. Trial of John H. Surratt in the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia, Hon. George P. Fisher, Presiding. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1867. 2 vol- umes, 8vo, pp 1383. Issued also with following imprint: "Washington: French & Richardson. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1867." The two volumes are paged consecutively. SUTPHEN. Discourse on the occasion of the death of Abra- ham Lincoln, late President of the United States, preached in the Spring Garden Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, by the Pastor, Rev. Morris C. Sutphen, April i6th, 1865. Philadel- phia: Jas. B. Rodgers, Printer, 52 & 54 North Sixth Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 19. SWAIM, Rev. Thomas. See Flemington. SWAIN. A Nation's Sorrow. A Sermon preached on the Sab- bath after the Assassination of President Lincoln, in the Cen- tral Congregational Church, Providence, April 15, 1865. By the Pastor, Rev. Leonard Swain. [No imprint, place, nor year.] 8vo, pp 11. The date should be April i6th. SWEETSER. A Commemorative Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. By Seth Sweetser, Pastor of the Central Church. Worcester, Massachusetts. [No imprint, no place.] 1865. 8vo, pp 29. Delivered April 2t„ 1865. SWING. The Death of the President. Sermon by Rev. David Swing. Preached in the Presbyterian Church at Hamilton,. O., April 16, 1865. 1865. Hamilton Telegraph Print. i6mo, pp 18.* Another discourse by the same author was delivered at Oxford, Ohio, on the day of the funeral at Washington, and 1,000 copies were printed. No copy found. SWING. Address to the New Generation. Washington and: Lincoln. February 12 and 22, 1888. By David Swing, Pas- 122 LINCOLN LITERATURE. tor of Central Church, Chicago. PubHshed by W. A. Tal- cott, of Rockford, 111. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 15. ^ SYMMES. "To what purpose is this Waste?" Address before the Loyal Leagues of South Brunswick and Monroe, June i, 1865, by Rev. Joseph G. Symmes, Pastor of the First Pres- byterian Church, Cranbury, N. J. Published by request of the Leagues. New Brunswick, N. J.: Printed at the Fredonian Book and Job OfBce, August, 1865. 8vo, pp 29.* SZOLD. Vaterland and Freiheit. Predigt bei der Erin- nerungsfeier des verstorbenen Prasidenten, Abraham Lin- coln, am I. Juni 1865, (dem zweiten Tag Schabnoth) gehalten von Benjamin Szold, Rabbiner der Oheb-Schalom Gemeinde in Baltimore, (Der Reinerlos ist fiir die Ungliichlichen im Suden bestimmt.) Gerdrucht bei B. Polmyer, G. D. Ecte von Baltimore u Gaystr, 1865. i2mo, pp 10.* TANSEY. From the Cabin to the White House. An Address at the obsequies of the late President Lincoln, by Rev. J. Tansey, of New Harmony, Ind. Evansville: Evansville Journal Co., Steam Printers and Binders. 1865. 8vo, pp IQ.* i TAPLEY. Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, pronounced by Rufus P. Tapley, Esq., April 19, 1865, at Saco, Maine. Including the report of the proceedings of the town of Saco, consequent upon his death. Biddeford: Printed by the Union and Journal Office, 1865. ^ 8vo, pp 27.* TAPPAN. A Discourse on the Death of Abraharh Lincoln, late President of the United States of America. Delivered Tuesday, May 2, 1865, in the Dorothean Church, Berlin, by Henry P. Tappan, D. D., LL. D., Berlin: G. Lange. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 46.* TAPPAN. Abraham Lincoln. Rede tei der Gedachtin szfrir in der Dorothunkirch un Berlin, 2 Mai, 1865, gehalten von Dr. H. P. Tappan corresp. mit glieb der franzosifehun Acadimie Autonseste Urberseung, Frankfort au Main: H. Keher. 1865. 8vo, pp iv, 36.* TARBELL. The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln Containing many unpublished documents and unpublished reminiscences LINCOLN LITERATURE. 123 of Lincoln's early friends By Ida M. Tarbell. Assisted by J. McCan Davis With i6o Illustrations, including 20 por- traits of Lincoln New York S. S. McClure, Limited Lon- ^ don 1896. 8vo, pp 240. TARBELL. The Life of Abraham Lincoln Drawn from original Sources and containing many Speeches, Letters and Telegrams hitherto unpublished, by Ida M. Tarbell [In two volumes.] Illustrated New York: The Doubleday & McClure Co. 1900. Svo, Vol. i, pp xiv, 426. Vol. 2, pp xi, . 459- TAYLOR. Our Fallen Leader. A Discourse delivered on Thursday, June i, 1865, in the Bridge Street Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, D. C. By Rev. A. A. E. Taylor. Pastor-elect. Published by request of the congregation. Philadelphia: James S. Claxton, Successor to William S. & Alfred Martien, No. 606 Chestnut Street. 1865. Svo, pp 20.* TAYLOR. The Ballad of Abraham Lincoln. By Bayard Tay- lor. With illustrations by Sol Eytinge, Jr. Engraved and printed in colors by Robert Hooper & Co. [Monogram F. O. & Co.] Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co. 1870. Large paper, pp 8. Illustrated.* THAYER. The Pioneer Boy, and how he became President. By Wihiam M. Thayer, Author of "The Bobbin Boy," "The Printer Boy," "The Poor Boy and Merchant Prince," "Work- ing and Winning," "Tales from Genesis in two Volumes," etc. Boston: Walker, Wise and Company, 245 Washington Street. 1863. i2mo, pp 310. Illustrated. "" THAYER. O apoikos pais, etoi existoresis ton peripeteion tou biou tou nun proedrou ton enomenon politeion tes Amerikes Abrsam Ligkolnos, Me eikonographias, Ek tou Agglikou upo, G. Koustantinou. En Athenais, tupois Lakonias. 1865. i2m,o, pp viii, 299.* Translation of 'The Pioneer Boy." THAYER. The Character and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. By William M. Thayer, Author of the "Pioneer Boy," "Youth's History of the Rebellion," &c. Boston: Dinsmoor and Company, 33, School Street. 1864. i2mo, pp 75. Portrait. 124 LINCOLN LITERATURE. THAYER. Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. By Will- iam M. Thayer, Author of the "Pioneer Boy," The "Youth's History of the Rebellion," etc. Boston: Walker, Wise and Company, 245 Washington street. 1864. i2mo, pp 76. Portrait.* THAYER. The Assassination. A PJiscourse, delivered in Windham, N. H. on the National Fast, June i. 1865. By Rev. Loren Thayer, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Boston. Press of T. R. Marvin & Son, 42 Congress St. 1865. 8vo, pp 17.* THA_YER. From Pioneer Home to the White House. Life of Abraham Lincoln: Boyhood, Youth, Manhood, Assassina- tion, Death. By William M. Thayer, Author of "From Log Cabin to the White House," etc. with Eulogy by Hon. George Bancroft. Norwich, Conn. : Tiic Henry Bill Pub- lishing Company. C. C. Wick & Co., Cleveland, O. 1882. i2mo, pp 469.* THOMAS. Our National Unity Perfected in the Martyrdom of Our President. A Discourse delivered in the Chapel of the Filbert Street U. S. General Hospital, on the Day of the Obsequies, at Washington, of. our Late President, April 19th, 1865. By Rev. A. G. Thomas, Hospital Chaplain, U. S. A. Philadelphia: Smith, English & Co., 23 North Sixth Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 16. THOMAS. The Words of Abraham Lincoln For use in Schools Selected, arranged and annotated by Isaac Thomas, A. M. (Yale) principal of the high school, Burlington, Vt. "Utterances of wonderful beauty and grandeur." — Carl Schurz Chicago Western Publishing House [1898] i2mo, pp 270. Illustrated. THOMAS. "Light out of Darkness ;" A Discourse, preached on the Sabbath Morning Succeeding Llie Assassination of President Lincoln, April i6th, 1865, at the Pierrepont Street Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. By Rev. J. B. Thomas, Pastor. New York : R. C. Root, Anthony & Co., Stationers, 21 Nassau Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 14.'*- THOMPSON. In Memoriam. A Sermon delivered on Sun- day, April 16, 1865, in the Reformed Prot. Dutch Church of LINCOLN LITERATURE. 125 Peapack, N. J. By Rev. Henry P. Thompson. New York: John F. Trow, Printer, 50 Greene Street. 1865. i2mo, pp 16.* THOMPSON. In Memoriam. A Discourse upon the char- acter and death of Abraham Lincoln. Preached in Pottstown Presbyterian Church, on the day of National Humiliation, June I, 1865. By John C. Thompson. Philadelphia: Stein & Jones, Printers, No. 321 Chestnut Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 20. THOMPSON. Abraham Lincoln; his life and its lessons. A Sermon, preached on Sabbath, April 30, 1865, by Joseph P. Thompson, D. D., Pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle Church. New York: Published by the Loyal Publication Society. 1865. 8vo, pp 38v No. 85 of the Society's publications. ' THOMPSON. Abraham Lincoln, The First American. Bv D. D. Thompson. [Motto.] Popular edition. Cincinnati: Cranston & Curtis. New York: Hunt & Eaton. 1895. l2mo, pp 236. Portrait. Last half of volume devoted to "Lincolniana." THRALL. The President's Death a National Responsibility. The President's Character a Treasure of Memory. A Sermon delivered in Christ Church, New Orleans, Sunday Morning, April 23, 1865, at a Memorial Service held in that Church, on the Request of the Offtcers of the Army and Navy. By Rev. S. C. Thrall, D. D., Rector of the Church of the Re- deemer, New York. New Orleans: Printed at Rea's Steam Press, 48 Magazine Street. 1865. 4to, pp 11.* J TIMLOW. A Discourse occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Delivered at Rhine- beck, N. Y., April 19, 1865, at a Public Demonstration of the Citizens. By Rev. Herman R. Timlow. Rhinebeck, N. Y. 1865. i6mo, pp 42.* [TORREY, Hiram] The Tragedy of Abraham Lincoln, in Five Acts, by An American Artist. Glasgow : Published by James Brown & Son, 19 Union Street. i2mo, pp 57.* TOUSEY. Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Preached at the Presbyterian Church, Palmyra, N. Y., April J 126 LINCOLN LI TEE A TUBE. 19th, 1865, by Rev. Thomas Tousey, Pastor of M. E. Church, Published by request. Rochester, N. Y. C. D. Tracy & Co., Printers, Evening Express Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 24.* TOWNSEND. The Life, Crime, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth, With a full sketch of the Conspiracy of which he was the Leader, and the pursuit, trial and execution of his accom- plices. By George Alfred Townsend, a special correspond- ent. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, Publishers. 1865. 8vo, pp iv, 70. Illustrated. An earlier edition, pp 64, and another, 65. TOWNSEND. The Real Life of Abraham Lincoln. A talk with Mr. Llerndon, his late law partner. By George Alfred Townsend. With cabinet portrait, and Mr. Lincoln's favorite poem. New York: Publication Office, Bible House. 1867. James Porteous, general agent. 8vo, pp 15. TREMAINE. 1864, 1865. The Tremaine Brothers' Lincoln and Johnson Campaign Song Book, containing 40 pages of Soul-Stirring Pieces, written expressly for the Campaign. [Quotation.] New York: The American News Co., Whole- sale Agents, 121 Nassau street. 1864. i6mo, pp 38.* '' TROY. A Tribute "of Respect by the Citizens of Troy, to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Albany, N. Y.: J. Munsell, 78 State Street. 1865. 8vo, pp xl, 342. Edited by Benjamin H. Hall. Contains many sermons and ad- dresses. A small edition issued with the imprint of Young & Benson, Troy. TUCKER. A Discourse in Memory of our Late President, Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Eirst Parish Church, Holliston, Mass., Thursday, June i, 1865. By J. T. Tucker, Pastor. Holliston: Plimpton & Clark. 1865. 8vo, pp 21.* TUSTIN. Fast Day Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln ; delivered in St. ■ Mark's Church, Grand Rapids, Mich., by Rev. J. P. Tustin. D. D. Grand Rapids, Mich. Printed at the Daily Eagle Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 15.* TUTTLE. The Assassinated Presidents, Lincoln and Garfield. A Memorial Address, at Center Church, Crawfordsville, Indiana, the day of President Lincoln's Funeral, April 19, 1865, Also a Memorial Address at the Court House, Craw- LINCOLN LITERATURE. 127 fordsville, Indiana, thfe day of President Garfield's Funeral, Sept. 26, 188 1, By Joseph F. Tuttle, President of Wabash College. [Crawfordsville, Ind.] Review Steam Book and Job Printers. 1881. Svo, pp 18.* ^ TWOMBLY. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: A Dis- course delivered in the State St. Presb. Church, by Rev. A. S. Twombly, Sunday Morning, April 16, 1865. Albany, N. Y.: J. Munsell, 78 State Street. 1865. 4to, pp 18.* '^ TYLER. The Successful Life. A Discourse, on the Death of President Lincoln, delivered April 19, 1865, at the Center Church, Brattleboro, by the Pastor, Rev. G. P. Tyler. Pub- lished by Request. Brattleboro: Printed at the Vermont Record Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 12.* TYNG. Victory and Re-Union. A Commemorative Sermon, preached in St. George's Church, New York, April 20, 1865. By Stephen H. Tyng, D. D., Rector. New York: John A. Gray & Green, Printers and Stereotypers, 16 and 18 Jacob Street. 1865. i8mo, pp 46.* ^ Also in "Our Martyr President," p. 65. UMSTEAD. A Nation humbled and exalted. A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln, with its Providential Lessons, delivered in the Fagg's Manor Presbyterian Church, on the Day of National Humiliation, June ist, 1865. By the Pastor, Rev. Justus T. Umstead. Published by Request of the Con- gregation. West Chester: Republican & Democrat Office. 1865. Svo, pp 18.* The "a" in the author's name said to be an error. ^ UNION LEAGUE (New York.) In Memoriam. His Excel- lency, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America. Died at Washington, District of Columbia, Satur- day, the 15th of April, Anno Domini, 1865. Tribute of Re- spect of Subordinate Council Number Three, 19th Ward, City of New York, of the Union League of America. Preamble and -Resolutions, April 24th, 1865. Press of Wynkoop & Hallenbeck, 113 Fulton Street, N. Y. [No vear.] Svo, pp 4.* UNION LEAGUE. (Philadelphia.) No. 17. Abraham Lin- coln. [No imprint.] 1864. Svo, pp 12.* 128 LINCOLN LITERATURE. -' UNION LEAGUE (Philadelphia.) No. i8. The Will of the People. [No imprint.] 8vo, pp 8. ^ UNION LEAGUE (Philadelphia.) Third Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the L^nion League of Philadelphia. December ii, 1865. Philadelphia: Henry B. Ashmead, Book and Job Printer, 1102 and 1104, Sansom street. 1865. 8vo, pp 22.* UNION LEAGUE, (Philadelphia.) Proceedings of the Union League of Philadelphia, regarding the Assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln, President of the United States. Philadelphia: Henry B. Ashmead, Book and Job Printer, Nos. 1102 and 1 104 Sansom Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 22.* J VAN BUREN. Abraham Lincoln's Pen and Voice Being a complete compilation of his Letters, civil, political and mili- tary Also his Addresses, Messages to Congress, Inaugurals and others as well as proclamations upon various public con- cerns, showing him to have been the greatest constitutional student of the age, and the noblest pattern for future genera- tions America has ever known By G. M. Van Buren Late Colonel U, S. Vols. With a fine steel portrait Cincinnati Robert Clarke & Co 1890 i2mo, pp 435. VICTOR. The Private and Public Life of Abraham Lincoln, Comprising a full account of his Early Years, and a succinct Record of his career as Statesman and President. By O. J. Victor : Author of Lives of ''Garibaldi," "Winfield Scott," and "John Paul Jones," etc. New York: Beadle & Company, 118 William Street. 1864. i6mo, pp 98. Illustrated.* VICTOR. The Private and Public Life of [Portrait.] Abraham Lincoln. Born Feb. 12, 1809. Died April 15, 1865. New York: Beadle & Company, 118 William street; T. S. Hawks, Buffalo, N. Y. [1865.] i6mo, pp 69. Illustrated.* VILLERS. La Mort du President Lincoln par M. Villers (Concours de 1867.) Academic Frangaise Paris De L'lm- prim.erie de J. Toinon et Ce A Saint- Germain en Lave 1867 8vo, PP45. [A poem.]* VINCENT. A Sermon on the Assassination of Abraham Lin- coln, dehvered in the First Presbyterian Church, Troy, on LINCOLN LITERATURE. 129 Sunday Morning, April 23, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. Marvin Vincent. Troy, N. Y.: A, W. Scribner, Book and Job Printer, Cannon Place. 1865. 8vo, pp 47. A second edition printed. See also "Troy Memorial." VINCENT. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the District of Columbia. War Papers. 8 Abraham Lincoln and Edwin M. Stanton. Pre- pared by Companion Brevet Brigadier General Thomas M. Vincent, U. S. Army, and read at the stated meeting of Jan- uary 6, 1892. [No imprint] 8vo, pp 45. VOSE. The Life and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hanni- bal Hamlin. Edited and Published by Reuben Vose, No. 45 Maiden Lane^ New York. New York. Hilton, Gallaher & Co., Printers, [i860] 32mo, pp (confused), 118.* Besides the sketches of Lincoln and Hamlin, contains the plat- forms of 1856 and 186a and the speeches of Lincoln at Cooper In- stitute, at Chicago, July 10. 1858, and at Springfield, June 10 and July 17,. 1858. WALDEN. The National Sacrifice. A Sermon preached on the Sunday before the Death of the President, and Two Ad- dresses on the Sunday and Wednesday following, in St. Clem- ent's Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. Treadwell Walden, the Rector. Philadelphia: Sherman & Co., Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 41. WALKER. Letter of Hon. Robert R. J. Walker, in favor of the Re-election of Abraham Lincoln. London: [No imprint.] September 30, 1864. 8vo, pp 20.* For an account of the author, see Gilmore, "Personal Recollec- tions," etc. WALLACE. ''A Prince and a Great Man has fallen." Funeral Address, on the occasion of the Funeral Obsequies in Mem- ory of Abraham Lincoln, Late President of the United States. Delivered at Placerville, Cal., April 19th, 1865, by Rev. C. C. Wallace. Placerville: Printed at the Office of the Tri-week- ly News. 1865. 8vo, pp 8.* vj WARD. Abraham Lincoln Tributes from his Associates Reminiscences of soldiers, statesmen and citizens With In- troduction by the Rev. William Hayes Ward, D. D. New 130 LINCOLN LITERATURE. York: 46 East I4tli Street Thomas Y. Crowell & Company Boston: 100 Purchase Street [1895-] i2mo, pp xiii, 295. Portrait. Reprint of the Lincoln papers in N. Y. Independent of Apr. 4, 1895- WARWICK. Liberty and Lincoln. Address before the Young Republican Club of Germantown [Penn.] by Hon. Charles F. Warwick, Thursday, Feb. 9, 1899. In Commemoration of Abraham Lincoln's Birthday. [No imprint, year, nor place.] Large 8vo, pp 42. [1899.] WASHBURNE. Abraham Lincoln, His Personal History and Public Record. Speech by Hon. E. B. Washburne, of Illinois. Delivered in the U. S. House of Representatives, May 29, i860. Published by the Republican Congressional Commit- tee. Price 50 cents per hundred. [No year, no place.] 8vo, J PP 8.* WATTERSON. Abraham Lincoln An Oration Delivered Be- fore The Lincoln Union, By Henry Watterson, Auditorium, Chicago, February 12, 1895. 4to, pp 47. Portrait of author. Copyright, 1900, by Courier-Journal Job Printing Company, Louisville, Ky. Afterward given frequently as a lecture. WAYMAN. The passing away of Human Greatness: A Ser- mon on the Death of President Lincoln, preached on Sun- day Evening, May 7, 1865, in the Newington Chapel, Ren- shaw Street. By the Rev. James Wayman. Liverpool: Henry Young, 12 South Castle Street. Price one Penny. [No year.] 8vo, pp 8.* ^ WEBB. Memorial Sermons. The Capture of Richmond. Some of the Results of the War. The Assassination of the President. By Edwin B. Webb, Pastor of Shavvmut Church, Boston. Boston: Press of Geo. C. Rand & Avery, 3 Corn- hill. 1865. 8vo, pp 61. WEBSTER. The Foe unmasked; or the spirit of the Rebellion disclosed in the Assassination. The Character of the Martyr President. [Motto.] Respectfully dedicated to the Union League of America, by Jackson Clay Webster. New York: 1865. i2mo, pp 28.* Blank verse. The name given as that of the author is probably assumed. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 131 WELLES. Lincoln and Seward. Remarks upon the Memorial Address of Chas. Francis Adams, on the late Wm. H. Se- ward, with incidents and comments illustrative of the meas- ures and policy of the administration of Abraham Lincoln, and views as to the relative positions of the late President and Secretary of State. By Gideon Welles, Ex-Secretary of the Navy. New York: Sheldon & Company. 1874. i2mo, pp 215- Enlargement of articles in "The Galaxy," Oct., Nov., and Dec, 1873- WELLS. Victory turned to Mourning. A Memorial Sermon ■ on the occasion of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, April 14, 1865. Preached in the Reformed Dutch Church, Bayonne, N. J., Sabbath, April 22), 1865. By Theodore W. Wells. Published by Request of the Congregation. Jersey City: Printed at the Daily Times Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 2Ty''^ WELLS. Wells' Illustrated National Campaign Hand-Book for i860. Part First. Embracing the lives of all the candidates for President and Vice President : including John Bell and Edward Everett, candidates of the National Union Party. Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin, candidates of the National Republican Party. Stephen A. Douglas and Her- schel V. Johnson, candidates of the National Democratic Party. John C. Breckenridge and Joseph Lane, candidates of the National Democratic Party. Sam Houston, Inde- pendent candidate for the Presidency. With portraits of each, engraved expressly for this work from ambrotypes taken from life. 57 Illustrations. New York: J. G. Wells, cor. Park Row and Beekman Street. Cincinnati, Ohio : Mack R, Bamitz, 38 and 40 West Fourth Street, i860. i2mo, pp, first part, 199; second part, 159.* / WENTWORTLI. A Discourse on the Death of President Lin- coln delivered in St. Mark's Methodist Episcopal Church, and repeated (by request) at the Lafayette St. Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, April 23, 1865. By Rev. J. B. Wentworth, D. D., of the Genesee Conference. Buffalo: Printing House of Matthews & Warren, Office of the Buffalo Commercial Ad- vertiser. 1865. 8vo, pp 32.* 132 LINCOLN LITERATURE. WESTALL. In Memoriam. By John Westall. Read before the Municipal Authorities and Citizens of Fall River, at the Memorial Services in view of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, held in the City Hall, June ist, 1865. Fall River: Almy, Milne & Co. 1865. 8vo, pp 8.* In verse. WHITE. The Personal Influence of Abraham Lincoln. A Ser- mon preached on the National Fast-day, Thursday, June ist, 1865, by Erskine N. White, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, New-Rochelle, N. Y. Published by Request. New York: John A. Gray & Green, Nos. 16 and 18 Jacob Street. 1865. 8vo, pp 25.* WHITE. A Sermon, occasioned by the Assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln, President of the United States. Preached at Coventry, Vt., April 23, 1865, by Rev. Pliny H. White, Acting Pastor of the Congregational Church. Brattleboro: Printed at the Vermont Record Office. 1865. 8vo, pp 20. WHITING. The War Powers of the President, and the Legis- lative Powers of Congress in relation to Rebellion, Treason and Slavery. By William Whiting. Second edition. Boston. John L. Shorey,.i3 Washington Street. 1862. 8vo, pp vi, 143- WHITING. Military Arrests in Time of War. By William Whiting Washington: Government Printing Office. 1863. 8vo, pp 59. WHITNEY. Life on the Circuit with Lincoln. With sketches of Generals Grant, Sherman and McClellan, Judge Davis, Leonard Swett, and other contemporaries. By Henry C. Whitney. Illustrated. [Motto.] Boston: Estes and Lau- riat. Publishers. [1892.] 8vo, pp viii, 601. WIGGINS. A Lincoln Souvenir [cut of desk] The desk, to be seen in the Corrider of the Leland Hotel, is the one upon which President Lincoln wrote his first Inaugural. The prop- erty of Allen H. Smith. Compliments of The Leland Hotel, N. B. Wiggins, Proprietor. Springfield, . Illinois. Copy- righted by N. B. Wiggins. Journal Co., Printers, Springfield, 111. 8vo, pp 12.* Contains first Inaugural, Gettysburg address, and two versions of the Farev/ell address at Springfield. LINCOLN LITERATURE. 133 ^ WILCOX, Rev. G. B. See New London. -' WILLIAMS. "A Time to Weep." A Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln, delivered April 29th, 1865, in the Presby- terian Church, Frederick, Md., by the Pastor, Rev. Robert H. Williams. Frederick, Md.: Schley, Keefer & Co., 1865. 8vo, pp II.* The date probably should be "19th." ^ WILLIAMS. "God's Chosen Ruler." A Sermon: delivered on the Day of National Humiliation and Prayer, in the Pres- byterian Church of Frederick City, Md., by the Pastor, Rev. Robert H.Williams, Frederick, Md. Schley, Keefer & Co. ' 1865. 8vo, pp 14.* WILLIAMS. Eulogy on the Life and Public Services of Abra- ham Lincoln, late President of the United States, delivered by public request, in Christ M. E. Church, Pittsburgh, Thursday, June I, 1865. By Hon. Thomas Williams. Pittsburgh: Printed by W. S. Haven, corner of Wood and Third Streets. 1865. 8vo, pp 40.* ^ WILLIAMS. Eulogy on the Life and Public Services of Abra- ham Lincoln. Delivered Thursday, June i, 1865. In Christ M. E. Church, Penn street, by Hon. Thomas Williams. Gen- eral Meade: his share in the victories of Virginia. Pennsyl- vania's General vindicated. [No place, no year.] i2mo, pp 32.* Colophon: "Virtue & Co., Printers, City Road, London." WILLIS. Sermon on the Death of the late Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Delivered Sunday, April 23, 1865, in the Post Chapel, Citadel Square, Charleston, S. C. Repeated, by request of officers and friends, on the day of Humiliation and Prayer, May 2d. By Rev. Samuel B. Willis, Post Chaplain, 127th N. Y. Vol, New York: F. Somers, Printer, 32 Beekman street. 1865. 8vo, pp 8.* WTLLSON. The Proclamation of Freedom. A Sermon preached in the North Church, Salem. January 4, 1863. By Edmund B. Willson, Minister of the Church. Published by request. Salem: T. J. Hutchinson, Printer. 1863. 8vo, pp 16.* WILSON. The Death of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached in St. Peter's Church, Albany, N. Y., on Wednes- 134 LINCOLN LITERATURE. day, April 19, 1865, "by the Rev. William T. Wilson, M. A., Rector. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 25. ^ WINDSOR. "The Surety of the Upright." A Discourse preached on the occasion of the National Fast, June i, 1865, in the First Parish Meeting-House, Saco, A/[aine, by the Pas- tor. [Rev. John H. Windsor.] Published by special request. Biddeford: Printed at the ofifice of the Union and Journal. 1865. 8vo, pp 20.* - WINDSOR. Justice and Mercy: A Sermon preached at a united service held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Davenport, Iowa, on the National Fast Day, June ist, 1865, by William Windsor, Pastor of the Edwards Congregational Church. Published by request. Davenport, Iowa: Printed at the Gazette Steam Book and Job Rooms. 1865. 8vo, pp 12.* WOODBURY. The Son of God calleth the Dead to Life. A Sermon suggested by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, preached in the Westminster Church, Providence, R. I., Sun- day, April 16, 1865, by Augustus Woodbury. Providence. Sidney S. Rider and Brother. 1865. i2mo, pp 27.* A few copies also on large paper. WOODBURY. A Sketch of the Character of Abraham Lin- coln: A Discourse preached in the Westminster Church, Providence, R. I., Thursday, June i, 1865, by Augustus Woodbury. Providence: Sidney S. Rider and Brother. 1865. i2mo, pp 28.* WORCESTER. Abraham Lincoln. A Discourse delivered on the National Fast Day, June i, 1865. By Thomas Worcester. [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp 14.* Reprinted from the "New Jerusalem Magazine." WORTJMAN. A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln, delivered in the First Reformed Dutch Church, of Schenecta- dy, N. Y. By Rev. Dennis Wortman, Pastor Elect. Sabbath Evening, April 16, 1865. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Com- pany, Printers. 1865. 8vo, pp 22.* WURZBURGER. Abraham Lincoln, sein leben und sein ofifurt- lichen dienste, Nach dem Englischen frei bearbeitet von J. W, Wiirzburger. New York. 1865. i2mo, pp 189/'= Translation of Hanaford's book. / LINCOLN LITERATURE. 135 YARD. The Providential Significance of the Death of Abraham Lincoln: a discourse delivered in the Central M. E. Church, Newark, N. J. on the Day of National Humiliation, June ist, 1865. By Rev. Robert B. Yard, Pastor of Clinton St. M. E Church: Late Chaplain of ist Regiment N. J. Volunteers, 6th Corps. [Motto.] Published by request of the audience. Newark, N. J.: H. Harris, Publisher and Stationer, 288 Broad St. [No year.] 8vo, pp 23. [YOUNG.] The Lesson of the Hour. [No imprint, no place, no date.] 8vo, pp 9.* Reprinted from the "Monthly Religious Magazine," where it is signed "E. J. Y." Author, Rev. Edward J. Young, of Newton, Mass. YOURTEE. A Sermon, delivered in the Central M. E. Church, Springfield, Ohio, April 19th, 1865, on the occasion of the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. By Rev. S. L. Yourtee, A. M., of the Cincinnati Conference. Springfield, Ohio: News and Republic Job Printing Rooms. 1865. 8vo, pp 16.* ZABRISKIE. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Political and Me- morial Medals struck in Honor of Abraham Lincoln, Six- teenth President of the United States. By Andrew C. Zabris- kie. Only seventy-five copies printed. New York: Printed for the Author. 1873. 8vo, pp 32.* Lincol] Literatare A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELAT- ING TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN Compiled by DANIEL FISH Member and Secretary Public Library Board MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. MINNEAPOLIS: Published By The Board 1900 » r»WU» wl >W i| t|lf li W * »»| li^WW»»«ll><J »W"i ' li ) i>l <»WII>t l llj ll ¥ l lW I »U i « li|iW I III^