1^ .♦jL/**^** -^ ^^^^^' .^'\ .^^ .,. <^ ^^ ■it ^^ ^'^K '^^ cr f » » - 'yi. "^^^o^ ^ V9 » ^^ ^^ ^ >.^ ^^u>%^" ,#^^ i^ yM€^. ■'*^,#" .,^^. ,^ .-5 ^:g '■i>^ -,:^ , e » « «W v;^ ^ « « •- *«. '^^; o *• #' '^ rO. * « .. n * 4A> Ac Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/homeagainwithmeOOrile /6>? ^■^ »-> ^ -v^ S'f X//^; lUBRARY of OQNGNBSSJ Iwo Copies Mece.-fv" drftPY a.' PRESS OF BRAUNWORTH & CO. BOOKBINDERS AND PRINTERS BROOKLYN, N. Y.. HIS LOVE OF HOME ^^As love ot native land," the old man said, «'Er stars and stripes a-wavin' overhead, Er nearest kith-and-kin, er daily bread, A Hoosier's love is for the old homestead.^' %:^^''^^^^^ hmri Qw\iki- ^k I I lSi»-Ji m ti I il dm He:. L h- H V ^.J // Don't know now How we ever saved the child! Doc he d give her up, and said (i\s I stood there by the bed Sort o' foohn' with her hair On the hot wet piller there^ *'Wuz no use!" — And at them-air Very words she waked and smiled — Yes, and hiowed me. And that's where I broke down, and simply jes Bellered like a boy — I guess! — n [mi^-^- Ortii?t tyh^'f0 Women claimed I did, but I Alius belt I didnt cry But wuz laughin', — and I wuz, — - (Men dorit cry like women does!] Well, right then and there I felt 'T 'uz her mother's doin's, and, Jes like to myse'f, I knelt, Whisperin' "/ under st and T , . . 4 Uofdsr ClffisJ*-* If fix ?^( So I've raised her, you might say^ Stric'ly in the narrer way 'At her mother walked therein — Not so quite religiously^ Yit still strivin'-like to do Ever' thing a father could Do he knowed the mother would Ef she'd lived. — And now all's through And r got her home ag'in — Home ag'in with me! ^r<' h J '1 1 X -I. -^^V^M^U.. Still he don't count much, you know, In the line o' company — Lonesome, 'peared-like, 'most as me So, as / say, I' bin so Special lonesome-like and blue, With Elviry, like she's bin, 'Way so much, last two er three Year'. — But now she's home ag'in- Home ag'in with me! md.: " '~^%-\ \\ Driv in fe'r her yisterday, Me and Jonas — gay and spry, — .^ We jes cat up, all the way! — ^Aj4 Yes, and sung! — tel, blame it! I '^'^%^. Keyed my voice up 'bout as high As when — days 'at I wuz young — "Buckwheat-notes" wuz all they sung. Jonas bantered me, and 'greed To sing one 'at town-folks sing //A^/ ^ Down at Split Stump 'er High-Low— ^J^^^^J -n^4 X- Cs, ,/ V- V -*!iS .-> 1 ^^ 4 H \f - * 'n.^.v'::ri-;)nity j^«^ :>>> &^i A UX tv> Lord ! how wild she wuz and glad, Gittin' home! — and things she had To inquire about, and talk — ^^^5^^ Plowin', plantin', and the stock — - News o' neighberhood; and how Wuz the Deem-girls doin' now, Sence that-air young chicken-hawk They was *'tamin'" soared away With their settin'-hen, one day? — (Said she'd got Mame's postal-card i^'Bout it, very day 'at she Started home from Bethany.) r^iT' %N V ^ fj^ ,x^.^ ''i',.ii'^ » t « '- A^^ ■" - # ^ ' e »* o ^