,'j;iSf^v-5...-,|;i,'.'>,;?-; .:/^, ^""^isio^ of "^igioq of ^!. J^ic^oIftiB coe fia^9e joined uniler tfie fto;^pita6fe umbrage o^ S^onnie !Sii>rac. lo0 Knocles, aalifornia, iiEmaa, 1898. 30229 ■) V !^.. '^^ BY ahfofiLriilge ©7ro (soffinA n my (^lucly, petifeGi Jrom Ih^ wopIgIs busy JaP; a/vli fop^etful oj Qoupt^; and o] clients loud din^ In tr)^ deli(;al^ juiT\e<§ jpom my [po^pant QilaP; T-o my wond^p 1 s^Z ^ n^^'^ Cfa b^lin. Old Saint NiclrxfTas ente^tS: b''<5 ^^i^^eTOu^s ba^l^ ^eafs a Dupden oj snow [pom tn^ jiefc^ wintpy aip^ ^nd wr)ile vainly 1 lool^ Jop ni<§ Wondepjul fsa^l^, Tl^ [possesses nimsi^lj oj my ^ole easy cQaip. (£n^ mop^ Qiosely 1 lool^ at my visitop,^ jSQe; ^om^ unusual ]Pown<§ oj dispeasur-^ ajsjoeap. "^ip ! 1 Qpy, ^'without doubt; yond^p distant Qold pa^e 1(§ too Jap Jpom tr)e jif?: be at nom^l ppoy dpaw neof- Witn a <§i^b; S'^ t^pojound; that in tpoubl^ 1 stapt ii^st my ^uest may be ill;-) op 1 w^ll l^new \)\s wopth- ppom tf)^ d^|Dtr)<§ oj ni^ tend^p and ^enefoU(§ neapt^ "rni^ p^bPoacQjul compaint; midst Qi^ t^ap<5 issued Joptf). ^'TQy ^patefui y^oply ta^gi^ i^ don?. ^e)or=? tg? morrows (;rieef[ul sun (£}r)o!i\ o[3e trie [ooptais o) tn? GtaV; pap mu^^t 1 tai^e ^y lonely way. 1 ve left c§om? S^'^W)^ pemen^bponce nepe;- Will Dp'inl b^pcnanc? a (§mil? op t^ap: ^ut t^aps not mi^^Gi witf) ^pie) op [oain;- ppom Qeapt^ tr)at wisr) me Qome a^ain- "f^y <§teeGlc§; Glis(;riap| d tg^'ip vapi^d j^tope; Imfoatient wait me o\ youp gIoop. ^ut ?pe 1 up^? theiT^ in tn^ip Jli^M e7\cPo^(§ tr)e tpa(;!\i^ess wastes of ni^bt On? paint 1 ma[^?;-and mal^e in vain; J3ut who Igeip d^ejt^est soppow^ qoy] pestpain- WQat my gu^st in dej^C^'on; <§o ^^QGlly Qad ^aiol^ piileGl my 5§ouI with unutt rable je^linls of dreasl. "TT^y GleeXP siP; 1 ren^eXpi^eGt; *^'will you peas^ to C?