Qass. Book. ^3 ^^S(PST } HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES { N^'o'^mT ABSTRACT OF PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT 1912 LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR TRANSMITTING, PURSUANT TO SECTION 230, REVISED STATUTES, ABSTRACTS OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1912, FOR MATERIAL AND LABOR IN CONNECTION WITH WORKS UNDER THE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT January 21, 1913. — Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 ^^3(PST} HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES { nTST ABSTRACT OF PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT 1912 -^ ^37 LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR TRANSMITTING, PURSUANT TO SECTION 230, REVISED STATUTES, ABSTRACTS OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1912, FOR MATERIAL AND LABOR IN CONNECTION WITH WORKS UNDER THE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT January 21, 1913. — Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. War Department, WasMngton, January 17, 1913. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Sir: Pursuant to the provisioiis of section 230, Revised Statutes, I have the honor to transmit, herewith, abstracts of proposals received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, for materials and labor in connection with works under the Engineer Department. Very respectfully, H. L. Stimson, Secretary of War. 2 0. OF D. MAY 24 1913 \ LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. War Department, Office of the Chief of Engineers, WasJiington, January 16, 1913. From: The Chief of Engineers. To : The Secretary of War. Subject: Abstract of proposals. \. Section 230 of the Revised Statutes provides — Whenever the Secretary of War invites proposals for any works, or for any materials or labor, he shall report to Congress, at its next session, all bids therefor, with the names of the bidders. 2. In pursuance thereof, I have to submit herewith abstracts of proposals received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, for materials and labor in connection with works under the Engineer Department. W. H. BlXBY, Chief of Engineers, United States Army. 3 ABSTRACT OF PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. OFFICE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS. [OflBcer: Col. Edward Burr, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS, Abstract of proposals for furnishing and erecting projectile hoists at Coast Artillery armories, Organized Militia (quantities: 7 hoists; 30 carriers; 914 double-link chain), received by Col. Edward Burr, Corps of Engineers, in response to advertisement dated May 4, 1912, and opened May 25, 1912. [Appropriation: Equipment of Coast Artillery armories, Organized Militia, 1912.] Bidder, address, and items. Unit prices. Total amounts. Remarks. Bidder No. 1. EUicott Machine Corporation, Baltimore, Md.: Hoists, without chains or carriers $972.00 28.00 .625 $6,804.00 840.00 571.25 No increase for reduction of Carriers 1 or 2 hoists. Chain (per double link) Total 8,215.25 10,899.00 648.00 813. 46 Bidder No. 2. The Detrick & Harvey Machine Co., 508 East Preston Street, Baltimore, Md.: Hoists, without chains or carriers 1,557.00 21.60 .89 Carriers Chain (per double link) Total (7 hoists) 12,360.46 12,669.47 12,978.48 9, 275. 00 915.00 594. 10 If number of hoists is reduced by 1 Increase bid 2^ per cent. If number of hoists is reduced by 2 Increase bid 6 per cent. Bidder No. 2. John B. Adt, Baltimore, Md.: Hoists, without chains or carriers 1,325.00 30.50 .65 Carriers Chain (per double link) Total (7 hoists) 10,784.10 10,809.10 10,819.10 If number of hoists is reduced by 1 Increase bid $25. If number of hoists is reduced by 2 Increase bid $35. PORTLAND (ME.) DISTRICT. [OflBcer: Lieut. Col. W. E. Craighill, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Saco River, Me., July 11, 1911. No. Bidders. Price per cubic yard. Eastern Dredging Co., Boston, Mass Bay State Dredging Co (Ltd.), Boston, Mass. Cents. 32.4 33 Contract made with Eastern Dredging Co. 6 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. PORTLAND (ME.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Pepperells Cove, Me., July 17, 1911. No. Bidders. Price per cubic yard. Eastern Dredging Co., Boston, Mass Bay State Dredging Co. (Ltd.), Boston, Mass. Cents. 16| 17* Contract made with Eastern Dredging Co. Abstract of proposals for placing stone in breakwater near Bar Harbor, Me., Jan. 15, 1912. No. Bidders. P. H. Doyen Co., Portland, Me The Breakwater Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Rowe Bros. Co., Richmond, Me E, S. Beiden & Sons, Hartford, Conn. . Price per ton. Extending 146,000 tons. $0.83 .77J 1.13 .93 Retopping 9,000 tons. $0.83 .77^ 1.13 .93 Contract made with the Breakwater Co. Abstract of proposals for dredging in St. Croix River, Me., Jan. 15, 1912. No. Bidders. Price per cubic yard. Bay State Dredging Co. (Ltd.), Boston, Mass.. J. S. Packard Dredging Co., Providence, R. I. Eastern Dredging Co., Boston, Mass Cents. 32.25 37.4 33.9 Contract made with Bay State Dredging Co. (Ltd.). Abstract of proposals for construction of breakwater at Isles of Shoals, Me. and N. H., Apr. 15, 1912. Bidders. The Breakwater Co., New York, N. Y. . . P. H. Doyen Co., Portland Me Rowe Bros. Co., Richmond, Me E. S. Beiden & Sons, Hartford, Coim Pigeon Hill Granite Co., Rockport, Mass. Price per ton. $L83 LOS 1.23 1.43 .83 Contract made with Pigeon Hill Granite Co. MATEKIALS AND LABOK FOK ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 7 BOSTON (MASS.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Col. F, V. Abbot, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of proposals for construction of two groups of wooden fire-control stations in the South Armory, Boston, Mass., opened Oct. 30, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid. Group 1. Group 2. Total. 1 ? William T. Eaton, 85 Ocean Street, Boston (Dorchester), Mass 0. B. Delano's Sons, Brookline, Mass $875 1,625 1,442 1,320 1,447 1,708 1,400 1,500 $615 1,494 1,442 823 1,236 1,410 1,100 1,300 $1,490 3,119 S McDonald & Kivell 134 Milk Street, Boston, Mass 2,884 2,143 2,683 3,118 /\ Richard Gibson 166 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass "i Hans Hanson 77 Augustus Avenue, Boston, Mass 6 J. E Potter 160 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Mass 7 J. P. Foley, 32 Faneuil Hall Square, Boston, Mass 2,500 8 Samuel J. K^elley, jr., 19 Western Avenue, Cambridge, Mass 2,800 Contract awarded William T. Eaton. Abstract of proposal for moving dummy armament from rail or water terminal in Boston to South Armory, Irvington Street, Boston, Mass., and mounting the armament in said armory, opened June 3, 1912. Delivery at armory of— Delivery and assembling at armory of— Mounting at armorv of— Name and address of bidder. 3-inch gun. 10-inch gun. 12-inch mortar. 3-inch car- riage. 10-inch car- riage. 12-inch mortar car- riage. 3-inch gun. 10-inch gun. 12-inch mortar. R. S. Brine Transportation Co., 43 India Street, Bos- ton, Mass $15 $60 $40 $38 $650 $315 $15 $135 $55 Total amoimt of bid, $1,323. Contract awarded R. S. Brine Transportation Co. RIVER AND HARBOR WORKS. Abstracts of proposals for dredging in Broad Sound, Boston Harbor, Mass., opened July 19, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. Eastern Dredging Co., Boston, Mass Bay State Dredging Co. , Boston, Mass Breymann Bros., Toledo, Ohio Daly & Hannan Dredging Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y Price bid per cubic" yard. ' For dredg- ing, scow measmre- ment. Cents. 69 57 77 64 Removing bowlders exceeding 2 cubic yards each. $10.00 10.00 50.00 .64 Contract awarded Daly & Hanaan Dredging Co. 8 MATEEIALS AND LABOK FOE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. BOSTON (MASS.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVER AND HARBOR WORKS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for rock excavation in Weymouth Fore River, Mass., opened Nov. 20, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per cubic yard. Eastern Dredging Co., 247 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chamber of Commerce Building, Chicago, 111. G. H. Breymann & Bros., Toledo, Ohio Daly & Hannan Dredging Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y Hiram W. Phillips, Quincy, Mass Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del $8.70 10.25 1L75 10.95 14.85 9.50 Contract awarded Eastern Dredging Co. Abstract of proposals for rock excavation in Gloucester Harbor, Mass., opened Jan. 11, 1912. John J. Fitzpatrick & Sons, Plattsburg, N. Y The Massachusetts Contracting Co., Worcester, Mass. Thomas Fitzgibbon, Beverly, Mass Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del Eastern Dredging Co., Boston, Mass 29.25 24.65 25.30 19.60 Contract awarded John J. Fitzpatrick & Sons. Abstract of proposals for rock excavation in Boston Harbor, Mass., opened Apr. 17, 1912. No. Name and address of bidder. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., 1148 Oliver Building, Boston, Mass. Morris & Cumings Dredging Co., 17 State Street, New York, N. Y John B. Breymann, Toledo, Ohio Daly & Hannan Dredging Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y Eugene Breymann, Toledo, Ohio The Buffalo Dredging Co., Buffalo, N. Y .^ Arthur E. Breymann, Toledo, Ohio Price bid per cubic yard. $7.50 23.30 10.50 8.87 8.331 7.60 9.80 Contract awarded Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Mystic River, below the mouth of Island End River, Mass., opened Apr. 22, 1912. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per cubic yard for — Dredging, scow meas- urement. Removing bowlders exceeding 2 cubic yards each. Bay State Dredging Co. (Ltd.), Boston, Mass. G. H. Breymann & Bros., Boston, Mass Eastern Dredging Co., Boston, Mass Cents. 23i 23/Crouse Hinds j-Anderson standard >Own make Krantz standard . . jwalker Radial.... j-Crouse Hinds Price. 2,011.00 f 1,975. 00 [11,760.00 f2,310.00 [2,367.00 f2.394.00 1.2, 460. 00 2,350.00 [2, 124. 00 2,124.00 [2, 052. 00 [21,566.00 -'1,601.00 [n,791.00 Remarks. F. 0. b. Taunton, Mass. I F. 0. b. Fort Wayne, Ind. Per specifications except circuit break- ers do not have coil in center of in- [ strument. 'F. 0. b. Boston, Mass. [F. 0. b. Schenectady, N. Y. I Per specifications except panels to have [ I bevel all around. [2-inch marble panels. F. 0. b. New York. ■F. 0. b. Philadelphia, Pa. F. 0. b. East Pittsburgh. Pa. If "TL" ammeters and voltmeters de- sired, add $24.00. If '\ estinghouse standard bus-bar con- struction accepted, deduct $48. 1 Rejected because the G. E. Co., type C-9 watthour meter is not a switchboard type of meter, but a house-type meter adapted for switchboard use. 2 Rejected because circuit breaker ofi"ered is actuated by an external relay. 3 Accepted with type "TL" instruments; price, $1,815. 16 MATEKIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing 2 switchboards, received in response to public notice dated Jan. 27, 1912, and opened Feb. 8, 1912, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. No. U Names of bidders. Ammeters. Make. Type Voltmeters. Wattliour- meters. Circuit breakers. Taunton -New Bedford Copper Co., Taunton, Mass. Walker Electric Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. General Electric Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Albert & J. M. Anderson Man- ufacturing Co., Boston, Mass. Westing house Electric & Man- ufacturins Co., Boston, Mass. G. E.-D-7 IKeystone-E. |g. E.-D-7 G. E.-D-9 G. E.-D-9 |Wagner-R. P.M.. fweston-No. 57. . . . Westi n g h o u s e- T. L. G. E.-D-7 Keystone-E. G. E.-D-7 G. E.-D-9 G. E.-D-9. Wagner-R. P. M Weston-No, 57. . , Westing house T. L. Sangamo-D . Sangamo-D (switchboard). Sangamo-D (switchboard). G. E.-C S Sangamo-D Columbia - Stand- ard. Columbia - Stand- ard. Sangamo-D. C... G. E.-C. P. I. T. E.-E. L. I. T. E.-E. L. G. E.-C. P. G. E.-C. P. Conduit-" K." Cutter-E. L. Cutter-E. L. No. Names of bidders. Voltmeter switches. Price. Place of delivery. Remarks. 11 Taunton-New Bed- ford Copper Co., Taunton, Mass. Walker Electric Co., Philadelphia, Pa. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Albert & J. M. Ander- son Manufacturing Co., Boston, Mass. Westinghouse Elec- tric & Manufactur- ing Co., Boston, Mass. Own make-HiU i Walker- switch- board. Walker- switch- board. Crouse-Hinds Crouse-Hinds [Anderson-standard.- (Anderson-standard.- Crouse-Hinds $935. 00 960. 00 9e0. 00 1,036.00 938. 00 1,055.00 1,113.00 1,255.00 Taimton, Mass }■ Philadelphia, Pa. [Schenectady, N. Y. > Boston, Mass... East Pittsburg. Accepted. Recommend 2 - i n c h panels; for which add $28 to each bid; 60 days to deliver imder second bid. rNo blue prints sub- \ mitted. No blue prints; deliv- ery 80 days. Accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 17 NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals Jor furnishing one switchboard, received in response to advertisement dated Apr. 25, 1912, and opened May 4, 1912, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. No. Bidders. Type of voltmeter. Price. Remarks. 1 Taunton-New Bedford Cop- per Co., Taunton, Mass. H. Krantz Manufacturing Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert & J. M. Anderson Manufacturing Co., Bos- ton, Mass. General Electric Co., Sche- nectady, N. Y. Westinghouse Electrical & Manufacturing Co., Bos- ton, Mass. Walker Electric Co., Phila- delphia, Pa (G. E.-D. 7 1 $300. 00 298.00 420.00 382.00 375.00 467.00 499. 00 413. 00 410. 00 9 \Keystone S Weston No. 57 3 f Weston No. 57 I Wagner RPM Shipment 42 days; no blue 4 •G. E.-D. 9 prints. For 2-inch panel, which is «> Westinghouse FL recommended, add $5; de- livery 75 days. 6 (G. E. or Weston \Keystone No blueprints. 1 Accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing insulated cable, received in response to public notice dated Aug. 24, 1911, and opened Sept. 5, 1911, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. No. Bidders. Simplex Electrical Co Keyrite Insulated Wire & Cable Co Standard Underground Cable Co . . . Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Co. , American Steel & Wire Co General Electric Co Habirshaw Wire Co , The Okonite Co Type A (1,840 feet). Unit. Total. .287 .39 .278 .289 .2825 .299 .35 .3875 .$528. 08 717.60 511.52 531. 76 519. 80 550. 16 644. 00 713.00 TypeB (5,740 feet). Unit. Total. $0. 461 .62 .4498 .48 .455 .475 .57 .60 J2,646.14 3,558.80 2,581.85 2, 755. 20 2,611.70 2,726.50 3,271.80 3,440.00 TypeC (1,020 feet). Unit. .407 .57 ,4036 .429 .3975 .423 .51 .5325 Total. $415. 14 581.40 411. 67 437.58 405. 45 431. 46 520.20 543. 15 No. Bidders. TypeD (3,420 feet). TypeE (1,700 feet). TypeF (950 feet). Grand total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. 1 Simplex Electrical Co $0. 355 .485 .3664 .332 .36 .375 .45 .4725 $1,214.10 1,658.70 1, 253. 09 1, 135. 44 1,231.20 1,282.50 1,539.00 1, 615. 95 $0. 266 .34 .263 .279 .255 .276 .31 .3725 $452. 20 578. 00 447. 10 474. 30 433.50 469. 20 527.00 633.25 $0. 208 .28 .215 .224 .1975 .22 .23 .2925 $197. 60 266. 00 204. 25 212. 80 187. 63 209. 00 218. 50 277. 87 $5,453.26 7,360.50 5,409.48 5,547.08 5,389.28 5, 668. 82 6,720.50 7,223.22 2 3 4 5 Keyrite Insulated Wire & Cable Co . . Standard Underground Cable Co Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Co. . . . American Steel & V/ire Co 6 General Electric Co 7 Habirshaw Wire Co 8 The Okonite Co No. 5 accepted. 74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3- 18 MATERIALS AN^D LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing insulated cable for installation in Philippine Islands, received in response to public notice dated Oct. 24, 1911, and opened Nov. 8, 1911, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers . Articles. (1) Safety Insu- ' lated Wire & Cable Co. (2) The Okonite Co. (3) Habirshaw Wire Co. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. R. C, double-braided cable: 250 feet No. 2 single cond. , solid $0.13 .04 .625 .425 .48 .43 .2925 .2025 .07 .0675 .1375 .06 $32. 50 24.00 562. 50 212.50 744. 00 623. 50 299. 81 111.38 36.40 33.75 1,471.25 24.00 $0.12125 .045 .78 .515 .6625 .59 .45 . 2975 .085 .1125 .185 .0425 $30. 31 27.00 702. 00 257. 50 1,026.87 855. 50 461.25 163. 62 44.20 56.25 1,979.50 17.00 $0. 102 .0404 .675 .4.55 .565 .54 .335 .2325 .074 .066 $25. 50 600 feet No. 10 single cond., solid 24.24 R. C, lead-sheathed cable: 900 feet 500,000 cm. single stranded 607. 50 500 feet 2.50,000 cm. sinele stranded 227. 50 1,550 feet No. 00 duplex stranded 1,450 feet No. duplex stranded 875.75 783. 00 1,025 feet No. 2 duplex stranded. 343. 38 550 feet No. 6 duplex stranded... 127.88 520 feet No. 10 single solid 38.48 500 feet No. 12 duplex solid 33.00 R. C, lead-sheathed armored cable: 10,700 feet No. 12 duplex solid Portable lamp cable, braided: 400 feet No. 16 duplex stranded Total 4, 175. 59 5, 621. 00 Informal. Diameter over armor of No. 12 cable 1 inch. 1.145 inches. Articles. (4) Simplex Electrical Co. (5) American Steel & Wire Co. (6) Standard Underground Cable Co. (7) Hazard Manufacturing Co. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. R. C, double-braided cable: 250 feet No. 2 single cond., solid $0, 093 .035 .573 .368 .442 .393 .264 .184 .057 .058 .117 .04 .$23. 25 21.00 515. 70 184. 00 685. 10 569. 85 270. 60 101. 20 29.64 29.00 1,251.90 16.00 $0. 105 .04 .57 .39 .445 .38 .25 .185 .065 .075 .145 .06 $26. 25 24.00 513. 00 195. 00 689. 75 551. 00 256. 25 101. 75 33. 80 37.50 1,551.50 24.00 $0. 216 .084 .57 .388 .445 .40 .316 .198 .10 .079 .1398 .058 $54. 00 50.40 513. 00 194. 00 689. 75 580. 00 323.90 108. 90 52. 00 39.50 1, 495. 86 23.20 $0. 127 .049 .669 .436 .565 .51 .354 .2425 .0875 .09 .143 .055 $31. 75 600 feet No. 10 single cond., solid 29.40 R. C, lead-sheathed cable: 900 feet 500,000 cm. single stranded 602. 10 500 feet 250,000 cm. single stranded 218. 00 1,550 feet No. 00 duplex stranded 875. 75 1,450 feet No. duplex stranded 1,025 feet No. 2 duplex stranded . 739. 50 362. 85 550 feet No. 6 duplex stranded 133. 38 520 feet No. 10 single solid. . . . 500 feet No. 12 duplex solid. . R. C, lead-sheathed armored cable: 10,700 feet No. 12 duplex solid 45.50 45.00 1,530.10 Portable lamp cable, braided: 400 feet No. 16 duplex stranded 22.00 Total 3, 697. 24 4,003.80 4, 124. 51 4,635. 33 Diameter over armor of No. 12 cable 33/3 2 inch. 0. 97 inch. 1 inch. 1.012 nches. No. 4 rejected; not in accordance with the specifications. No. 5 accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 19 NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing insulated cable for installation in the Philippine Islands, received in response to advertisement and poster dated Dec. 8, 1911, and opened Dec. 30, 1911, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. No. Bidders. The Simplex Electrical Co., Boston Standard Underground Cable Co., Boston The Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Co., New York. American Steel & "Wire Co., Worcester, Mass General Electric Co., Boston The Okonite Co., New York, N. Y Hazard Manufacturing Co., New York, N. Y. . Type A (16,200 feet), armored. Per foot. ).315 .36 .3475 ,1.337 .352 Total. 55, 103. 00 5, 832. 00 5,629.50 5,459.40 5, 702. 40 Type B (7,500 feet), armored. Per foot. 3.282 .291 .335 .281 .316 .41 .294 Total. $2,115.00 2, 182. 50 2,512.50 2,107.50 2, 370. 00 3,075.00 2, 205. 00 Bidders. Type C. Grand total. No. Braided (500 feet). Armored (8,850 feet). i ype xj yij,(o^j feet), armored. Remarks. Per foot. Total. Per foot. Total. Per foot. Total. 1 2 The Simplex Electrical Co., Boston. Standard Under- ground Cable Co., Boston. The Safety In- sulated Wire & Cable Co., New York. American Steel & Wire Co., Worcester, Mass. General Electric Co., Boston. The Okonite Co., New York, N. Y. Hazard Manufac- turing Co., New York, N. Y. 10. 122 .1075 .135 ■ .122 .146 .1675 . 12125 $61. 00 53.75 67.50 61.00 73.00 83.75 60.62 $0. 258 .257 .30 .277 .275 .3725 .25125 $2, 283. 30 2, 274. 45 2, 655. 00 2,451.45 2, 433. 75 3,296.62 2,223.56 $0. 646 .6525 .67 .68 .726 .94 .736 $3, 714. 50 3, 751. 88 3, 852. 50 31910. 00 4, 174. 50 5,405.00 4,232.00 $13,276.80 14,094.58 Certified check for $ 1, 3 2 8 in place of guaranty. Informal; no 4 « 5 6 /14,159.45 \13, 989. 35 14, 753. 65 bid on type A. (See par. 15). (Check for \ $1,415.95 for [ guaranty. No guaranty or certified check. Informal; no 7 bid on type A. Do. 1 For cable with cloth separator. No. 1 recommended for acceptance. 20 MATERIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing insulated cable, received in response to advertisemen dated Apr. 16, 1912, and opened Apr. 25, 1912, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bidders, The Simplex Electrical Co. , Boston, Mass ' Standard Underground Cable Co., Boston, Mass 2 The Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Co., New York American Steel & Wire Co., Worcester, Mass General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y Hazard Manufacturing Co., New York, N. Y Western Electric Co., New York, N. Y. (per thousand). Habirshaw Wire Co., Yonkers, N. Y The Okonite Co., New York, N. Y Kerite Insulated Wire & Cable Co., New York (per thou- sand) 2,000 feet 500,000 cm. $0,619 .564 .594 .57 .62 .586 642. 00 .612 .815 701. 60 2,800 feet - 300,000 cm. $0. 433 .395 .421 .408 .44 .4125 446. 00 .425 .58 512. 60 4,500 feet No. 4/0. $0. 325 .299 .317 .308 .33 .3125 329. 00 .314 .4225 392. 30 4,000 feet No.L $0.3495 .328 .344 .3325 .20 .349 392.00 .374 .2625 487.50 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bidders. 1,600 feet No. 2. The Simplex Electrical Co. , Boston, Mass.i $0. 264 Standard Underground Caole Co., Boston, Mass 2 238 The Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Co. , New York 257 American Steel & Wire Co. , Worcester, Mass 2425 General Electric Co. , Schenectady, N. Y 145 Hazard Manufacturing Co. , New York, N. Y . 236 Western Electric Co., New York, N. Y. (per thousand). .} 281.00 Habirshaw Wire Co., Yonkers, N. Y .268 The Okonite Co., New York, N. Y . 2075 Kerite Insulated Wire & Cable Co., New York (per thou- sand) 336.40 2,500 feet 4,000 feet No. 4. No. 6. $0. 2025 $0. 164 .19 .153 .20 .1585 .19 . 1525 .115 .095 .20 .164 222.00 180.00 .212 .172 . 155 .1325 269.00 149.20 Grand total. $6,895.55 6,359.30 6,714.50 5,471.40 5,656.50 6, 662. 85 7,305.90 6, 969. 80 7,454.75 8,361.37 No. 5 rejected; time of delivery not as required by paragraph 11 of the the specifications. ' No. 2 accepted. 1 Alternative bid: Same prices as regular bid for cable per specifications, except to be tested after applica- tion of tape or braid over vulcanized rubber. 2 Specifications should be modified to permit taping cables size No. 4 and up before vulcanizing and testing. Abstract of proposals for furnishing insulated cable, for installation at Manila, P. I., received in response to advertisement dated May 3, 1912, and opened May 18, 1912, by Capt. A. E. Waldron. Corps of Engineers. No. Bidders. 5,000 feet R. C. lead-sheathed armored cable. Diam- ter over armor in inches. Delivery f. 0. b. Unit. Total. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 American Steel & Wire Co., Worcester, Mass. (per thousand). Standard Underground Cable Co., Boston, Mass. Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Co., New York, N. Y. The Simplex Electrical Co., Boston, Mass. General Electric Co., Schnectady, N. Y.. Hazard Manufacturing Co., New York, N. Y. The Okonite Co., New York, N. Y Kerite Insulated Wire & Cable Co., New York, N. Y. Habirshaw Wire Co., New York, N. Y.i.. $114.50 .123 . 1275 .114 .11 .1125 .13 .11 .15 $572.50 615. 00 637. 50 570.00 550.00 562. 50 650. 00 550. 00 750.00 0.857 .9 .9 •9 .85 .85 1 Worcester. Perth Amboy, N. J. New York. Boston. Schenectady. New London. New York. Seymour, Conn. New London. No. 8 accepted. 1 On 5 reels, for which add MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 21 NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Coutinued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing rubber-covered, lead-sheathed cable, received in response to advertisement dated June 11, 1912, and opened June 26, 1912, bij Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. No. Bidders. L920feet No. 12 duplex solid. 2,380 feet No. 12 armored, duplex solid. 1,000 feet No. (5 armored, duplex strand. Total. Diameter over armored No. 12 duplex Item. Total. Item. Total. Item. Total. solid. 1 Kerite Insulated Wire & Cable Co., New Inches. York, N. Y SO. 092 $176.64 $0. 156 $371. 28 $0.43 $430. 00 $977.92 0.97 2 General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. . .07 134. 40 .135 321.30 .33 330. 00 785. 70 1 3 American Steel & Wire Co., Worcester, Mass. Standard Under- .06.5 124. 80 .12 285. 60 . 3075 307. 50 717.90 .945 4 ground Cable Co., Boston, Mass . 0665 127.68 .142 337. 96 .334 334. 00 799. 64 1 1 5 The Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Co., New York, N. Y.... .066 126.72 .145 345. 10 .35 350. 00 821.82 1 6 Hazard Manufacturing Co., New York, N. Y. .0725 139. 20 .135 321.30 .355 355. 00 815. 50 1.025 7 The Simplex Electri- cal Co., Boston, Mass. .069 132.48 .122 290. 36 .3275 327. 50 750. 34 U 8 The Okonite Co., New York, N. Y . 0875 168.00 .1725 410. 55 .3925 392. 50 971.05 1 No. 3 accepted. 1 About. Abstract of proposals for water-tight electric light fixtures, for installation in Philippine Islands, received in response to public notice dated Oct. 21, 1911, and opened Nov. 6, 1911, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. 161 ceiling lamp fixtures, 1-way 218 ceiling lamp fixtures, 2-way 92 ceiling lamp fixtures, 3-way ; 14 wall lamp fixtures, 2-way 16 platform light fixtures with guard 13 portable hand lamps 22 plugging-in plugs, receptacles and box covers . 22 boxes for plugging-in devices, 2-way 98 junction boxes, 3-way 53 junction boxes, 3-way, with extra outlet in back 1 junction box, 1-way, with extra outlet 35 snap-switch boxes, 1-way 17 snap-switch boxes, 2-way 17 snap-switch boxes, 3-way 1,400 type X outlet couplings 20 extra glass globes 10 extra lamp receptacles 5 extra switches 2 extra plugging-in receptacles,without covers . . . 2 extra plugging-in plugs 20 extra cover gaskets 1 gross extra cover screws (flathead) Total. Universal Standard Elec- tric Co. Unit. $2.28 2.30 2.32 2.65 8.50 3.25 8.00 1.15 1.50 1.52 1.50 2.30 2.32 2.34 .37 .11 .22 .55 4.00 4.00 .04 .45 Total. $367. 08 501.40 213.44 37.10 136. 00 42.25 176. 00 25.30 147. 00 80. 1. 80. 39. 39. 518. 2. 2. 2, 2,429.75 Clarke & Conlan. Unit. $4.75 1.75 1.25 Total. $104.50 3.50 2.50 110. 50 F.H.Lovell&Co. Unit. $2.10 2.15 2.25 2.50 5.40 2.75 6.00 1.10 1.40 1.40 1.40 2.10 2.15 2.20 .34 .10 .20 .45 3.00 2.50 .0^4 .25 Total. $338. 10 468. 70 207.00 35.00 86.40 35.75 132. 00 24.20 137. 20 74.20 1.40 73.50 36.55 37.40 476.00 2.00 2.00 2.25 6.00 5.00 .80 .25 2,181.70 Items Nos. 7, 19, and 20 awarded to Clarke & Conlan; remaining items to F. H. Lovell & Co. 22 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continusd. Abstract of proposals for furnishing 6,000 galvanized-iron cable hangers, for installation in Philippine Islands, received in response to public notice dated Oct 9, 1911, and opened Oct. 23, 1911. No. of pro- posal. Bidders. Unit price. Total price. Delivery. 1 Universal Standard Electric Co $0. 125 .1125 $750 675 710 F. 0. b. Brooklyn. F. 0. b. New York. 2 Fee & Mason : 3 Steward & Romaine F. 0. b. New London. No. 2 accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing circuit boards and boxes, for installation in Philip- pine Islands, received in response to public notice dated Oct. 10, 1911, and opened Oct. 24, 1911, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. Bidders. Prices bid. No. Of pro- posal. 5-14 circuit boards. 4-6 circuit boards. Fuses. Grand total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. 1 General Electric Co $55.00 51.00 77.00 53.48 $275. 00 255.00 385.00 267. 40 $39. 75 30.00 33.00 41.82 $159. 00 120.00 132. 00 167. 28 $0. 035 $3.50 4.00 1.00 3.00 $437. 50 2 H. Krantz Mfg. Co 379. 00 3 Walker Electric Co 518.00 4 Taunton-New Bedford Co 437. 68 No. 2 accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing 370-gallon gasoline tanks, received in response to public notice dated Oct. 23, 1911, and opened Nov. f<, 1911, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. No. ©f pro- posal. Bidders. 15 tanks. 25 tanks. Delivery. 1 Unit. Total. Unit. Total. 1 L. 0. Koven & Bro $88 100 $1,320 1,500 $88 100 $2,200 2,500 New York. 2 Fore River Shipbuilding Co . . . Quincy, Mass. No. 1 accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing brass tubing and fittings received in response to public notice dated Dec. 29, 1911, and opened Jan. 11, 1912, bi/Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. No. of pro- posal. Bidders. 1,500 feet brass tubing. 65 tees. 120 ells. 225 sleeves. Grand Unit (feet). Total. Each. Total, Each. Total. Unit. Total. total. 1 2 3 U. T. Hungerford Brass & Copper ' "Co., New Lon- don, Conn A. M. Bonitz, New London, Conn The Bridgeport Brass Co., Bridge- port, Conn 1 $0. 20 .28 .208 $324. 00 420. 00 312. 00 $0.75 .40 1.09 $48. 75 26.00 70.85 $0.60 .35 .5362 $72. 00 42.00 64.34 2 $0. 23 .07 .1078 $16.33 15.75 24.25 $461. 08 503. 75 471.44 No. 1 accepted. 1,620 pounds. 2 71 pounds- MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 23 NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing mouthpieces received in response to public notice dated Dec. 29, 1911, and opened Jan. 11, 1912, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. No. of pro- Bidders. 18 open brass mouthpieces. 55 brass slide mouthpieces. Grand total. posal. Each. Total. Each. Total. 1 Western Electric Co $1.43 2.75 $25. 74 49.50 $3.41 3.95 $187. 55 217. 25 $213. 29 2 W. R. Ostrander & Co 266. 75 No. 1 accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing electrical supplies received in response to public . notice dated Jan. 2, 1912, and opened Jan. 15, 1912, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 200 feet Galvaduct, 1 inch 16 bushings, Galvaduct, 1 inch. . 24 ells, Galvaduct, 1 inch 1,000 feet Galvaduct, § inch 50 ells Galvaduct, h inch 500 bushings, Galvaduct, h inch. 500 lock nuts, I inch '. 1,000 feet No. 14 wire 14 pounds annunciator wire 200 pounds No. 18 fixture wire... 50 white-pine blocks 180 boxes, Sprague 6350. 76 covers, Sprague 6376 48 covers, Sprague 6370 25 covers, Sprague 6368 16 canopy covers 12 receptacle covers 10 electric side brackets 28 Teco service switches 45 side brackets 60 keyless sockets 24 key sockets, # inch 60 Hubbell shades 24 parabolic shades 6 4-light cliisters 6 chandelier hooks 50 push buttons 50 buzzers 10 annunciators 12 metal plate pushes Grand total . (I) Stuart-How- land Co. Unit. Total. 0689 045 148 041 072 018 0045 0194 243 00445 10 09 036 072 072 036 041 53 40 12 209 287 18 27 75 275 10 43 $13. 78 .72 3.55 41.00 3.60 9.00 2.25 19.40 3.40 .89 5.00 16.20 2.74 3.46 1.80 .58 .49 25.30 39. 20 5.40 12.54 6.89 10.80 6.48 16.50 1.65 5.00 21.50 30.63 6.62 316.37 (2) Pettingell- Andrews Co. Unit. Total. $0. 065 .075 .14 . 03896 .068 .025 . 00676 . 02155 .245 .0054 .15 .095 .038 .076 .076 .038 .042 3.25 1.50 .20 .266 .287 .189 .60 2.95 .30 .10 .35 $13. 00 1.20 3.36 38.96 3.40 12.50 3.38 21.55 3.43 1.08 7.50 17.10 2.89 3.65 1.90 .61 .50 32.50 42.00 9.00 15. 96 6.89 11.34 14.40 17.70 1.80 5.00 17.50 38.79 16.28 365. 17 (3) Manhattan Electrical Sup- ply Co. Unit. Total. $0. 0672 .067 .15 .0395 .0704 .024 .006 . 01724 . 23 ". 00476 .06 .0855 .0342 . 0684 .0684 .0342 . 03825 2.20 .98 .12 .19 .20 .165 .30 2.30 .275 .075 .42 $31. 44 1.07 3.60 39.50 3.52 12.00 3.00 17.24 3.22 .95 3.00 15.39 2.60 3.28 1.71 .55 .46 22.00 27.44 5.40 11.40 4.80 9.90 7.20 13.80 1.65 3.75 21.00 27.55 15.35 295. 77 (4) Western Electric Co. Unit. Total $0. 0834 .0328 .1196 .0332 .0644 .0109 .0328 .0214 .2255 .0048 .095 .077 .0308 .0616 .0616 .0308 .0346 1.375 1.10 .0825 .1539 .1931 .18 33 2. 5025 .225 .07 .40 $16. 68 .52 2.87 33.20 3.22 5.45 16.40 21.40 3.16 .96 4.75 13.86 2.34 2.96 1.54 .49 .42 13.75 30.80 3.71 9.23 4.63 10.80 7.92 15.02 1.35 3.50 20.00 59.25 20.37 330. 55 No. 3 accepted. 24 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing water-tight electric fixtures and accessories for instal- lation in Philippine Islands, received in response to advertisement dated May £, 1912^ and opened May 17, 1912, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. Articles. Universal Stand- ard Electric Co., New York. Unit. Total. Russell & Stoll Co., New York, N. Y. Unit. Total. F. H. Lovell & Co., Arlington, N.J. Unit. Total. 41 ceiling lamp fixtures, one-way 150 ceiling lamp fixtures, two-way, opp , 12 ceiling lamp fixtures, two-way, 90° . . 5 ceiling lamp fixtures, three-way 3 portable lamps 8 boxes for plugging-in device 5 junction boxes 2 snap-switch boxes, two-way, opp.. 1 snap-switch box, three-way 500 outlet couplings. Type X 50 extra glass globes 25 extra lamp receptacles 1 extra switch 50 extra rubber gaskets 50 extra lead washers 25 extra cover gaskets 25 extra globe gaskets 1 extra lamp guard $2.70 2.75 2.75 2.80 3.50 1.40 .80 .70 .73 .37 .11 .22 .55 .05 .03 .05 .04 .60 $110. 70 412.50 33.00 14.00 10.50 11.20 9.00 5.40 2.73 185. 00 5.50 5.50 .55 2.50 1.50 1.25 1.00 .60 S2.20 2.25 2.25 2.30 3.00 1.10 1.60 2.40 2.40 .35 .12 .20 .40 .04 .03 .05 .05 .60 $90. 20 337. 50 27.00 11.50 9.00 8.80 8.00 4.80 2.40 175. 00 6.00 5.00 .40 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.25 .60 Total. 812. 43 692. 20 Delivery f. o. b New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y $2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 3.00 1.15 1.40 2.25 2.30 .38 .10 .20 .50 .05 .05 .04 .10 1.00 $90. 20 330. 00 26.40 11.00 9.00 9.20 7.00 4.50 2. 30 190. 00 5.00 5.00 .50 2.50 2.50 1.00 2.50 1.00 699. 60 Arlington, N. J. No. 2 accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing motor generators for installation in coast artillery armories at New Yorh City and Savannah, Ga., received in response to advertisement dated May 18, 1912, and opened May SI, 1912, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. One 10- One 74- No. Bidders. kilowatt motor set. kilowatt motor set. Total. Place of manufac- ture. Remarkg. 1 General Electric Co., $373. 00 $363.00 $736. 00 Lyim, Mass Can have sets ready for inspection in 35 days. Schenectady, N. Y. 2 Crocker-Wheeler Co., New Haven, Conn. 470. 00 370. 00 840. 00 Ampere, N. J Can ship in 30 days. Both sets to have 3 bearings. < 3 Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Boston, Mass. 449. 50 361. 50 811. 00 East Pittsburg, Pa. 10-kilowatt set to be 3- bearing type. 4 Ridgway Dynamo & Engine Co., Ridg- way, Pa. 580. 00 525. 00 1,105.00 Ridgway, Pa No. 1 accepted. ^T I MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 25 NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing distributing boards and boxes, for installation in Philippine Islands, received in response to advertisement dated June 3, 1912, and opened June 13, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. No. of pro- posal. Bidders. 12-cir- cuit board and box. 8-cir- cuit board and box. 6-cir- cuit board and box. 4-cir- cuit board and box. 1^ 12 ex- 24 ex- tra main fuses. Total. Manufactured at— 1 2 3 4 Walker Electric Co., Boston, Mass. T a u n 1 n-N e w Bedford Copper Co., Taunton, Mass. H. Krantz Manu- facturing Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. General Electric Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y. $70. 26 56.00 72.50 $48. 64 37.25 58.50 $35. 13 28.00 49.00 $23. 42 18.75 42.00 $8.10 12.50 9.00 $1.50 1.08 1.50 $3.60 5.25 3.16 $190. 65 158. 83 235. 66 142.00 Philadelphia.! Tauuton.i Brooklj'n. Schenectady. No. 4 accepted. No blueprints. * (CONN.) DISTRIOT— Coot d Apr. S, 1911, and opmed Junt 7, 191t, by Capl. A. E. WalAon, Corpt o/Ejigintai. I • I kSe ilS::::: K:::::: SIS: ^ t"' ~E:l.. ! »kK>.^mm.(:i^ll>L). WkKa,fJmin.(7i^ItB.l. »i»»> rr*."""^!"!.'.'! z°M«i™°'"" " c.»S5ns:',!is,.,. C.»'{S!!=',!iS,»,, . ^'^"""■■z^: .t^iSS.. ..-.„„.,,„„»„». ,.»,.„.„„..,,,..,, ^^_ ouj™. ,"ll'.„.,'S' 'Smm'.mn., W^!"™. n i-nu. . '->.'..<. .Il~l>. >. 1001nm.ll6.;SlH,l a;omm.(i4.flin.). 3*KJWuini.(njJ- 310mm. ( in. 100rom.(l"Slii.). ''■■'^' :!::'^ -^ ^'^^ "E ■■..:,:,.,„., °S""""""^ j^jgimi ilr'iC" ;i,<,„n , '■'""':;", .. . mi'Z'Htm ';-(^;'|^ ,, , ;'i::vv'':-,..,,„,,, SiSSiM.n, . :';..; |StS''-,..,« \>»k0 ilT,il'-ill.- J .. ;,,:..ii.^:.ii.',ir-ili..|... . 0,6a)ki;..(ll,L'-JlL.j.l . .'...V^lti:^ il;,i:<.lL:. , .. 111 ll.lli^.,, ,-■.■,>* 7„i.J l^,, II'I.H- ;.M*i Vw. w.i:i , ii,ia> tp. ii;i,mu u,iw i.Kj. iaj;«o mbii''- 26 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing electrical machinery for central power plant, Corre- gidor Island, P. I., received in response to advertisement dated May 23, 1912, and opened June 15, 1912, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers. Items. (1) C. H. Wheeler M a n u f acturing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (2) Henry R. Wor- thington, New York, N.Y. (3) Alberger Pump & Condenser Co., New York, N.Y. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. 5. Three condensers, air and circu- |$2,787.00 $8,361.00 $3,271.00 $9,813.00 / 17,595.00 \ 2 7, 745. 00 lating pumps, complete. Items. (4) Power Equip- ment Co., Boston, Mass. Unit. Total. (5) Kerr Turbine Co., New York, N.Y. Unit. Total. (6> Allis-Chalmers Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Unit. Total. 1. Three 375-K. V. A. (maximum rating), turb ne-generators, with condensers, complete la. Three 375-K. V. A. (maximum rating) turbine-generators with- out condensers, complete 2. One 125-K. V. A. (maximum rating) turbine-generator, com- plete 4. One automatic v^oltage regulator, complete 5. Three condensers, air and circu- lating piimps, complete 1 alt. Three 469-K. V. A. (maximum 2-hour rating) turbine-generators with condensers, complete la. Alt. Three 469-K. V. A. (maxi- mum 2-hour rating) turbine- generators, without conderscrs, complete 2 alt. One 156-K. V. A. (maximum 2-hour rating) turbine-generator, complete 3 alt. Two 300-kilowatt synchronous motor-generator xmits, complete. ALTERNATIVES. Items 1, 2, 3 alt., and 4 Items la, 2, 3 alt., and 4 Items 1 alt., 2 alt., 3 alt., and 4. . Items la alt., 2 alt., 3 alt., and 4. $11, 180. 00 8, 223. 00 $33, 540. 00 24, 669. 00 4,355.00 630. 00 $11,105.00 8,121.67 11,180.00 8, 223. 00 33, 540. 00 24, 669. 00 4, 355. 00 312,250.00 4 8, 680. 00 2,983.33 12,905.00 9,921.67 4, 615. 00 $33,315.00 24,365.00 3, 650. 00 330. 00 8,950.00 38, 715. 00 29,765.00 3, 950. 00 9,230.00 $11,915.00 8,932.00 $35, 745. 00 26,796.00 5 6 50, 105. 00 8 46, 620. 00 6 41,904.00 8 38,334.00 5 « 50, 105. 00 5 46, 620. 00 « 41,904.00 8 38,334.00 46,620.00 37,575.0,3 52, 225. 00 43,275.00 589.00 4, 824. 60 4,868.00 9, 649. 20 T 50,851.20 Ml, 902. 20 1 Engine-driven circulating pump. 2 Turbine-driven circulating pump. 3 600 revolutions per minute. * 720 revolutions per tp'- ^ .. ° Lump-sum bid. 6 For 600 revolutions per minute motor-generators. 7 Item 2 has 156-K. V. A. capacity. 8 For 720 revolutions per minute motor-generators. Remarks. — No. 2. Direct-action, wet vacuum pumps are offered at a reduction of No. 3 gave certified check for $850 in lieu guaranty. Bid No. 3. Add $350 to either bid, if erecting superintendent is needed. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 27 NEW LONDON (CONN.) DISTRICT— Continued. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing electrical machinery for central power plant, Corre- gidor Island, F. I., received in response to advertisement dated May 23, 1912, and opened June 15, 1912, by Capt. A. E. Waldron, Corps of Engineers — Continued. Items. 1. Three 375-K. V. A. (maximum rating) turbine-generators with condensers, complete la. Three 375-K. V. A. (maximum rating) turbine-generators with- out condensers, complete 2. One 125-K. V. A. (maximum rating) turbine-generator, com- plete 3. Two 300-kilowatt synchronous con- verters with transformers, com- plete 4. One automatic voltage regulator, complete 5. Three condensers, air and circu- lating pumpS; complete 1 alt. Three 469-K. V. A. (maximum 2-hour rating) turbine-genera- ators with condensers, com- plete la alt. Three469-K.V. A. (maximum 2-hour rating) turbine-genera- tors without condensers, com- plete 2 alt. One 156-K. V. A. (maximum 2-hour rating) turbine-genera- tor, complete 3 alt. Two 300-kilowatt synchronous motor-generator units, com- plete ALTERNATIVES. Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 Items 1, 2, 3 alt., and 4 Items la, 2, 3, and 4 Items 1 alt., 2 alt., 3, and 4 Items la, 2, 3 alt., and 4 Items 1 alt., 2 alt., 3 alt., and 4. Items la alt., 2 alt., 3, and 4 Items la alt., 2 alt,, 3 alt., and4.. (7) Ridgway Dy- namo & Engine Co., Ridgway, Pa. Unit. 3, 800. 00 2, 845. 00 9, 945. 00 7, 100. 00 3, 712. 00 Total. $28,935.00 20, 400. 00 3, 100. 00 7, 600. 00 475.00 8, 535. 00 29, 835. 00 21,300.00 3,250.00 7,424.00 140,000.00 1 39, 600. 00 31,575.00 41, 160. 00 31,399.00 40,984.00 32, 625. 00 32, 449. 00 (8) W e s t i nghouse Electric & Manu- facturing Co., Bos- ton, Mass. Unit. $12,949.67 8, 459. 67 Total. $37, 618. 00 24, 148. 00 5,200.00 7,300.00 500.00 38,849.00 25, 379. 00 5,300.00 (9) General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Unit. $8, 611. 00 3,925.00 Total. $25, 833. 00 5, 466. 00 7,850.00 498.00 5, 390. 00 10, 780. 00 1 46, 678. 00 133,808.00 I 47, 301. 00 136,372.00 139,052.00 134,431.00 Bid No. 7— $41,160— accepted. 1 Lump-sum bid. 28 MATEKIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. o d • f-i o o Q 12; o o > — ' o Q O 12; ■So ^ o o Co 2: c •it el D3 'Stf^ O W IN Ph £ EH ^ ^ i o B M P^ o P ^S ,5S ^ O a. o as 9i < M ^ M a I Ph So 0--J -3 PI .a ""-^ ,X C<1 CO J<£ X X ro >o t3 +3 ^ 05 P-l «3 aj rt ; . , Si Ph PiOO CO CO 00 1— I T-i s ^ X "^ . Xi § X^ X r-, O c5 a 03 o O 00 o X co^- Xoo :- CO 0317 o3 ^Pio' fi o o. p^ N CD 2Iq XXoj m -t-^ CO cot O CO '^-^??x^ o wo QigSco a o o o .^ T-TO X XJ t av°°- .,P 05 ^ PhP<"o a ail a o o ^ .2 fi tH a Th -t^ +^ d p o) 03 a |sa-g p^pp^ s §§.a O " cj --I "73 S ^a^ .§a§ isi^p ^ »-i sa W)0 03 « V-. PhM ;^ O O .a^ o m , i-i a> o ® O 2 ^'G a^ g .2 03 ppp;^ : o3 o 1> ft .2 a ft ^ -g fl

:3^_: ^ -^ 'i' Ci 5:^ 8- O O , • o 0) 3 O) .0) , CO 00 CO 1— I t^ OJ Pi p. x C •« a; O M • =■< eot>; r. O I.N W3 d§p3 :S;'; X O "' CO 'c^ o-^ a «■ o '-i(M o ; PL, Eh CO CJ CO '-I'-I^OO t2S o« w-2 <<=> Ss coTt<<;{ (M<© S X . OseoS si. s- oi c3 2! S a> oi+j Si, O O C (U cij fr- s- O a-^ o o fl (n't; c3 03 O 03 -> s^ PI fi a 3-2 O CO "^ -a fe ^ --^si^gli^lal — -^ 3 is O 3 -3 Opq (if^ -HOI Ol 1-H C5 SSh^ : Hl*H|C*7-( t^ CO rHCO S< "-I'-l I'"* fl - 1— I lO 05 CO iCi^ X Lf^ • (N i-H P-O^M 3 " OK , ojrv, cb '"''-' c^' X a^ » O o a 55 m — "- c3 ft« 1-1 t-( 03 £3 t; a c « e U 8- Lh o fl oj P O 3 +3 cu ifgl^lp III 03 73 52 X H r. 't3 3 P C g OJ eg vh 3-1^ O MC3 O 03 O 5oM OT CS fl " -, 3 rt Oi o +3 -jf -3 g p! OJ ^S-2o ■C ft) 03 >. cp)^T3 c3 ZZ tuO„ '^ O -iJ !=< ^ s a ^ o o g >3 o « 73 -S .g rS O O) ;3 3 '-' dJ P° O c3 w O -t^ aj ■^ =! S fr,-^ a ij S W)o o -O fl<~ P X^ o. 'en .a O 00 O X fl (U OXi p<»-l 03 °.a^.s aJtS g <^ 03 o c3 t;; Op '53 'O ^=! — , eo 00 3 . g CO 03 30 MATEEIALS AND LABOK FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. o P i o T5 pS d o O I Ph P <; o )-l o O <3^ I ■" i J- ■ ■to ^ S ?^ ^ 3 g W CO ^^ ^^ ^ ■" la ;j '*^ ■h "^ "» Ob ■e, o ?^ o J* Sin X} O 1 m O (A C t— I m o o I— I I— ( O do o be 3 PM tf O <<3 O be TJ X -^ n 00 W S3 S) c3 <.a^- Ceo ■» +j ^ go IN (D be CO o g CD O X ft O C<3 Sa'ftf COi-H CO d W 03 3 S ft.S ^^ 0+^ X /2 -g 73 ^ ■ • 03 5 rhC' B OO-H CC be X . • CO ^ . 1 ^X~Jo' be .a a . be :.S X X 2p ^ ■«s Ct I— ( a CO 1— I (N d a T-H M CO ^ 03 .a be fl W 73 rn C6 a ^ 03 be a '0> XX XX p tf « S3 O ( ft.S< ag< H[^^^-^iNH|M«|■^* 03 OS XX 2S XX ^ ' V HJCI i; to-* ■* ^ CO be 03 C 03 CS ft «> 03 befl cs bOtH bes <1H 2^ Is p.a^ C8 03.3 afig «<-l e^-H "—l o og 03 03-'=i P4&H> 03 nJ 03 4Sa3.&^§ .a ftw >r! ^ 03 a ;iy" a; a5 ^ n C3 (3^ o •2 ^ 'r, ^ S 5 ff) ® a c- o a a -^ -S ^.2.sS-a ■-J be be 03 '•■J 'O'OTS 03 CO ^ 03 0?^ O g iL, t_ a ^ 2 03 03 t: 03 ri |aa|a H o3 C3 y C^ M^ o, • CO ^§§ 03 cl ■ H O ■ 03r: CO O 03 CO ■UrQ -S-^^- M' 4^ rd CO be -s rQ 03 <*1 (*-< +i 1> .2 •S d t-i iH o3 03 SS&H 03 CO co^ go 1^ r-^ S3 ft OJ d be d MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 31 ; X ^ 5g^ o o Xb^ >o > X 00 00 1-K m «;*, X53 o vX M oe^ M 00 o>oo S 1— 1 •>*< r^ CO cc ^ 00 Sf2g O t^ lO c^ o o t^ lO lO (N ■^ co>o o »OOiO S to 00 -^ ?5ocso O O o . , ^ OJ 'O ^ o CO ■*' ■* 10 t^ <^ I O lO o >o O (M 10 t^ CO ^ >ca 2 t'' p<© .aft a p O c3 -o o ,^ rH '3 - bo •^ tuOtiCbjC fl .a .a .a bo Q 03 CO b^ ft ©.n q c3t2 S C3 © D P- o CO C/3 (/] O fl C fi " 0)03 C T3 "CO O PI a fl PI 000 O O O T3 'O'O'O o cS c3 c3 '~~^ 000 (h 03 Gj c€ ^ I~i !-( 03 03 03 « PI CI 03 03 03 bo bo bo -4-2 +J -tJ <« c3 ->-5 bo bC bo (- "^ ^ ; .a .a .a g.-"^ CO CO CO ir o 3 fl fl rt ° 2 © « 03 O S-^ 'OT3T3 4.S CO X fl C Pi fc^ C 03 O O O 3 03 g, i=i « a ^ o 03- rS'rS'O ft o 3 c3 c3 c3 (-( CO O O O C CO CO -H-- c3 ftg - ^b03gg^ 222>.ftS) (D O O in Z3 PI PI PI -a ^c3 03 03 O ^ H bo bO bO bO o -d OT -ti ■« +j T3 P f3 : ■ L^ O O P(c3 c3 g o o o Q .a ^ C3 C a ^ PI'P 03 5 0.2 ftS o ft 00 o > =3 ? o O— ' ftP3 *^ P! PI"" 03 bO O PI 03 & ft On 03 o CJ 03 73 c3 :3 !§ 3 s -^ s bO c3-- 03 ii ^r c3 C ^^ rj "^ flnO W S O OJ 03 CPl t^ ■"g CO-- ^ CO 3 ^ CO cS-Pl-S c3 ^sa^ p. C3 J3 «!■« « 2 « a 03 03 '3 2 © 03 « ^ CO o3 a =« u, ft-r o fcj ^? « © i^ I- ^-"^ B,c3 >> >- O © T) T) T1 03 03 03 03 03 03 +J -tJ PI PI c IS « fTl (A m P5 Pl --§•2 'fl-^ . '=>5 ft &'§ fed o^ — ' 'co S.-ie boo o 2 "S «> & o d C^ ft O 03 StJ.-, bpSj-! • i go Ssi 1^ • O P,03 oco X lO >0 lO .2^ d ^ _■ MOT •rH cn n i=i flE2 X "X O5 00 :x a I © ft .^OT« a ® o i^ 0^05 X M <» o <» d+i °^« rd O S ft'-' ® 4> O .a ° !=i I ^^ br^ 03 g O > d CO O MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 33 raO 3 . 1-H O W) a •Si •s^ b o w p^ o s .■::: •« .Ph o ajgOr-t . " o ® W P^ »^ Ph Ph>^o> 0000 O P5 ^5 2 •S fl W S rad o W flH ,£3 d i 03 :pq 1.2-8 .£: fl Ph!^ 05 0000 o W § : p< I- > . . mo 2 Qi % T) «£f ^ ft e& O :^ 3 Ph 3 +^ "O ^ -^ Ph^,, 0000 :o fe is ^^ I Jo :^ a St»!zi d P4 O !jc3 ;> . . 020 PH.g^ a a" fR o"0 ^ rt "^ 5s o . ^ o r-H OT 0:1 ;-! o © t- <» !2 ^P5 jHHO fti^ 3 fl PL, ' fcn C O tuo; &*i t>H go H bcO g Si .X2 ID O te- : ft S PhPhoioooo £, Wo be .g p^S W W 3 ^.^--lOO O '-' ox?-, P^Q^^SS o PP §ft -a g P3 o O H ^^ c3 ^ (-1 ^ i|g O) -^ '^ M Q. d§PH mpp < '^S - d d ft o p:^ en 00 00 aWF d c3 2 ft Ph PI +i ® d fl • O bjOP .g ^P^ ; 4) (D-£5 > . . md g ft.. . bCd Mo - &b S-^ PHt>a!ei-; a> o O ft§ ft Eh s I -^ BO o -s^ g-^gw) 74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3- 34 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. .9 o O {2; J2; o J2; o p o ^3 i 05 « . ■!:^"-+^ ?^ (=1 S o So o ^. •TS g o 1 • is ro r §£ W ^ ?; fts'fl pu. ■^"^ ^ 1 •= m e eo S^ a, < o 1— 1 ^^^ Eh O ^tq s» . •*0 g.^- '^ CO O Si. o I m m Q O O o !z; o 1— I l-H P5 o Ui P 3 . O be ^3 p^. 03 M o Ph3 f" d O -< 03 _ d " tuO as Mo Ph Ph Ph Ph d P5rH ,i ■^ g d « P5S S PI 2{2 ^ _: c| d P^ S i-4 *-< E^S P4 P* ft o ft -^^ d d rdSB .b{)3 o <» ftft ft M i .-lO d 2o W3 ft C3 t-i w OTi A +s ftfl d ^ >05 >-• ^ O O d S ft.2 2j3 a s O § «w . O p g-C a® ftM < W c3 O . -pH S^ g^d O^ ftts -s -a ^^ 03 S ° £ j3 coiO O) d ® S O 2'C ft.g 03 Mr- ft d °'S't»o O W t> d d o « d o Ills a MATERIALS AND l.ABOK FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912, 35 jounds, ding circ and h 11 pumps. § S5 fa S §"342 & 1-^ I-H r, « be ^ < .9 W c o oo lO o ^ p. Oi S T) sa es (i :;a 0) X! fL, O .i:5 bcoo f-s CO ■a d ^ a Ph .in bcoo Po o P< ^ 2 MM 6 W « rb ^^1 CI " U5 >b A ^ d I ^ P-( O .N 6COO Q OO H PQ ^3 . ft X2 . CS.9 fH fi ^ o /= ID W M OJ CO a o Is ,d < .9 . O O lO O MO .2 f»^"S > W U3 O ^ W) tf g w ■— I 4^ oS O ^ 0^ ^ w V-1 ^ Ph O Y . d, .^ SCO O •^ . -*-' w pq ; /3 S3 en Pi c3 fig -d . . ft •^ O A ft°§ -rl > ^ !3-9 o.a 03 O O O ftfl fl g O O (M 03 *-^3 ftfl 3 ft-O §^ ftT3 9 .2° a p^ft 05 o III!.. -^^Sa ao-^'o s 3<=^p^ & o3 .§ o Ph t3 W) o O o O iil Sis all Sj g ® o ft fto3 ^ ceo bO .a +i 03 O O (1 ft -ri'S ^S 03 *^ 03X5 bC tH rj I 03 ; 2 S S ^ i x: W)6-i 13 ^ 03 .a bo P 03 O 03 03 .9 bc P 03 c8 ©is -2 -^9-3 03 *^ ►^ ^ 03 S:gX2 tj S P P 03-3 T3 bO .9 03 P5 36 MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. r. CO O p? s o 03 o O M o 'I PH.& p^t^ Wo pR fH p>4 ■ss Ato'■^^ '-'ocao'cooS. ®Q g 25 M ®5 "^ g§3a £ . - 3 5. O 03 B 03 -;=t >^ t3 Eh M o O -^ 'S g "-I .£P d g M •S 3 -^ S P< 3 d t>>d o *"- - " § g d 2 p g • -« d ^ ■' d « (B ft ^t. '- S 9 M ^-H d C3 0«M O ftft 12; -CJ r1 W fe. (D a H g'^.+^-QiS d£§ a« :::j2so^d® d p,^ .g 4, .»3 "g -d-g^d ^ g t,'d ® a c^ o ft«s^ aj-H u O-g d 03|5 .!^ ? ft 03 o g^lft^ ■+3 ^ OT b >> gi^gft-3 ft°ft^- +^ d-^^ Sft 03 o 5^ ^ W "dPn d £ d^ fl d -g ft g ^ ft-g g g o g ft -9 f£ S o d^ - °^-1g d '^Ti o3 ,s d <» ^ d coo ii^r:!^ d Jn-tj'^ u g-^-gS ^ 2 5f^^ « MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 37 w o a . C3 O fi a ^'§ is ■-< w ,^ |5s^^^.=r;=« O CG < Tt> t^ (M 00 ■* 03 03 a: ■!-» c5 S ■>*i 03 i Go >> C3 C (S 00 00 00-^COl— IrHi-Hi :S CD PhS2 SB ^a o .2 fe o :.2.a ^ :aa s \n M o w « CMt^ risi ©"d 3 "H . ffl W<1 _^v_;uj -iooioioo«. " ,_ lO O - s ft r^ O i . CO l~~ t^ CO ^•~00 05 O O 00 o ^ ^ ^ a> 00 t^ CO Tt^ ^ , >^^ S fH ''^ 2oo M © © X 2 fl 03 J3 *= SO •5 S S ° ? 03 J3 .S 03 C3 1^ /^ r i- l«rl .H; 03 C3 E-" ©S B © cS&a 2 2? =3 C ©,^ S 2 !- o 2 O c3 g C3-S ^ "^ 2 -t^ ft 3 "^ o 2 3 Soo © ;-< k< +J © © ©^ JD iea 38 MATEEIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. I o I O I— I t— 1 n o o 5z; o p Jz; o Jz; H O C3 O ft fl IS O • 03 MO cfl to Ph 03 (N If bO o fl ;-i X r> . . o 4J "^ . OiO OiOOO O goOlO CO -J ^ d

> (U P *-< S Q 03 "2 C3 o t-i 03 ^a lA o U 03 03 +3 3 S C ■^ C3 03 +i o .as ft^ d^s-l a ^asae^ai'i 2m22 o Q3a3a)a3do3 P t< m O 2 3 O ftg OT f;3 to a30c2 g ^ s 'C'ci'd'd 03 d 03 03 03 03 «^H eM 03 03 03 03 o O d d d d-y-S 03 03 03 cS-drd M V; ^ '-I be bX) S3 2 S S '03 « d d d d>r>r 03 O '3'dT) ^^ 03 ^ ^ ;ZJ O O O d'"'"^'^ td ml^vH^iwl-*^ +3 +s +a +3 ej 03^03 03;.^ +j +j +j +j 9:> 03 03 03 03 ^^ 00 w w w O O w ^d b' b' b' b'.2 f5 d d d d ■ >i >i >. t>S Q M 'o'o'o'o rt d ja^sasa-sS MATEBIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 39 05 O Eh & o o o M Q •c W O O tuO o a . 03 O M a ft = "1=3 o o m o !z; o « W o :z; 05 Pq O iz; o Ph I— I O CQ s 8 S . P . O bO •43=3 w (D «3 o a . 03 O e3 a bJO s a> 5° o > F-K '^O OoQco OS (B g > . £2 c !? «5 o .^ o.a.3 CO i-H(M T-l 00 O 1-1 -<■»(— 1 ^T3 ®<=! 03. Q.-C3 . . .OOS-.C3 ^'-^t^;=i ^ C3 J — H _ . _. _. If-, _- C3 +-' O >-c *-' '/I I :z; )— c Iii:^S' oos-, 03 ^ O o2 c-i oj d "-(N Ti OJ 00 00 -.a- °ft« •oo . o CO o o o^ij M en ,-! ^ o d o o o o tn CO CD "-^~io CO ■ . (N "^ T ec M en .-I "• ->o « >r3 O Q CO i-i(M >-i Tt< CO i-H Hni— I ci 03 00 00 CO 1-1 CQ tJi ec^ bieS' W CO s.a.g .S-2 T-(r*l|— I < |g.! CO CO d d o o t> o a> Q> 03 n CO s o •So i« b£t! o3^S Sbd bjog 03 S S-^ CO o ? 3 fc-.-" CO C3 o3 (B JH ft-r. 03^ a -TJ 03 c3 ^ ftp -^ *- J.2 3 3 ftEog omSc (S 03 C3 " ^ +^ +j ^ x; ft : in 03 e3 o3 .ti g -^ tH t>.>>>>^ o >, 5 d PI « 2 ©tl © <„ t>M<« 03 » 0) O O O 03 03 03X3X3 O (_ (I I- bjD bCXi 2 5 2 'S 'S 1;^ d S* ■d ^ w d •i| a -2 <« 2 Q9H 40 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. I I— I 5z; 52; o Iz; c ft Jz; o sz; -a I g I PL) Ph t) CQ <1 O HH P? o P4 ^3 O I? I Sg »« I Go oO so 00 S o ^ ^►-^ "to J9 ^ Is r "to ^.§ 1: 4s B^ S . ^^• 8 Si ■to »> §^"^ Is i a, 13 <£ § O I w Ph O m "A < P^ Eh ft < P5 ^1 "A O O o "A O w o I m Pq O "A O h-i Ph M Ph O CQ P o w o «3 o a . 03 Pi bo s -510 TO O o :» (NO - " w . . -"^ P^ '■^.S <»-5"00 :3 «e«3Ca5oo X2 ra W)o3 . ^^. i •^■^ : C/3 Dlj i—j O ^"»-"o S. • ■ CO 00 00 O lO ;Scn .liCQCO wPhhhS a ^p4d CO 00 00 oio OcO-"*!-.*" o 06 od t-^ CD 10 '^rH O t:-- 00 (N CO CO CO i-C 03 03 as C5 >0 (M 03 O 00 t> S ffl © 4) • t35 o3 ' ' ^ 03 (rf :=; o o o ■3'—"—"—" d . . , S o o o ft '"' C3 o3 ^ S O O O ,— . ^^ ,—1 »H (H tl tH O) « <1> « ssaa ;h !-i ^ ^ Pi PI a;j >-t t^ 35 © gj (S > t> o Pi Pi Vh O O flJ 03 Kl „+i+J4J4J +^^>.ftp^o3o3o3o3 ® PJ ^ 03 >) t>5 (>> >,T3 000 O >>bt)Pl rt PI Pl-tl^ O O OS Se Pi .2.2 .2 .2 ^ ° w « 03MOO"»«"fer2rFi 55t,Q>a>ciflPlPl ^tf '^ ^ o S,^^ S S S c3 SfiTJ-r) gSBWc303(^(SS-3gg PI PI (^ ^ O) > l> Pi Pi o o o o 0*0 rt PI 05 ® ^Sfi »-c Pnri DSSP!So3.r-S. 03 [^ Pi Pl'^ 0000® OOOOPh MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 41 NEW YORK (N. Y.), FIRST DISTRICT. [Officer: Col. W. M. Black, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Wappinger Creek, N. Y., and harbors at Tarry town, N. Y., and Peekskill, N. Y., received and opened Aug. 7, 1911, at Nevj York, N. Y., by Col. W. M. Block, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. All material except broken rock and bowl- ders exceeding I cubic yard in size, and ledge rock, scow measurement, per cubic yard. For broken rock and bowl- ders exceeding J cubic yard in size, solid measurement, per cubic yard. Remarks. » 1 2 3 4 Randerson & Miller, 62 Quay Street, Albany, N. Y. R. G. Packard Co., 130 Pearl Street, New York City. Maritime Dredging Co., 78 Broad Street, New York City. John A. Seely, 30 Church Street. New York City. $0. 19f .25^*^ .23 .22^ SO. m •25A 2.00 1.00 Omits to state whether it has ever been engaged on similar work; omits corporate seal; authority for president to sign proposal not fur- rushed. Notary's seal and official title omit- ted; corporate seal omitted; au- thority for president to sign pro- posal not furnished. Omits description of plant proposed to be used; does not state whether he has ever done similar work; date of bid not given in "Guaranty to accompany jproposal;" authority for attorney m fact to sign guaranty on behalf of Illinois Surety Co. not furnished. 1 Bid recommended for acceptance and contract entered into. Abstract of proposals for rebuilding and repairing dikes in Rondout Harbor, N. Y.y received and opened Sept. 18, 1911, at New York, N. Y., by Col. W. M. Black, Corps of Engineers. No. • Name and address of bidder. Round pine or spruce piles, per linear foot of pile driven, measured after be- ing sawed off (15,000 linear feet). Round timber, linear foot, measured in place and se- cured (1,000 linear feet). Square timber, yellow pine, 1,000 feetB.)>r., measured after be- ing put in place and se- cured (30,000 feet B. M.). Tie rods and screw bolts, per pound in place, including the bor- ing of necessary holes (12,000 pounds). Drift bolts and washers. per pound in place, including the bor- ing of necessary holes (2,200 pounds. ) Rubble- stone in place in dike and leveled off, per cubic yard, measured on deck scows (2,100 cubic yards). Quarry spalls in place in dike and leveled off, per cubic yard, measured on deck scows (500 cubic yards). Total. 1 2 13 M William Parrott, Newburgh,N.Y. Richard Parrott, Newburgh,N.Y. E.S. Sickles, New Baltimore Wm. P. McDon- ald Construc- tion Co., Mount Vernon, N.Y.. $0.12 .13J .12 .34 $0.12 .09 .30 $65. 00 60.00 58.00 47.50 $0.04 .05 .03 .05 $0.04 .05 .03 .05 $1.20 1.48 1.10 l.GO $1.20 1.48 1.10 1.50 S7,5oS 8.518 6,916 11,645 1 Bid recommended for acceptance and contract entered into. * No authority for officer of the company to sign and the guarantv to accompanv proposal on the wrong form. 42 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. NEW YORK (N. Y.), FIRST DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for dredging and rock removal in Bronx River, N. Y., received in response to circular letter dated Sept. 22, 1911, by Col. W. M. Black, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Material, ex- cept broken rock and bowlders, i cubic yard or larger, and ledge rock, per cubic yard, scow measure- ment (20,000 cubic yards). Broken rock and bowlders, i to 3 cubic yards in size, per cubic yard, solid measure- ment (30 cubic yards). Ledge rock, broken rock, and bowlders, over 3 cubic yards in size, per cubic yard, ledge rock, place measure- ment; broken rock and bowlders, solid measurement (200 cubic yards). Total cost. U Maritime Dredging Co., 78 Broad Street, New York City $0.57 .58 S7.00 6.00 $8.85 9.00 $13,380 13,580 . 2 John H. Gerrish, 15 Whitehall Street, New York City 1 Recommended for acceptance and contract entered into. Abstract of proposals for constructing rubble mound in front of breakwater, Burlington Harbor, Vt., received and opened at New York, N. Y., on Nov. 6, 1911, by Col. W. M. Black, Corps of Engineers. For mound with quarry run of stone, quarry chips, or quarry For mound with cobblestone or gravel core. Name and address of waste core. No. Rubble- Large Rubble- Large Remarks. bidder. stone per stone per per cubi yard, measured in scows and de- stone per stone per short ton short ton short ton short ton of 2,000 of 2,000 of 2,000 of 2,000 pounds, pounds, pounds, pounds. delivered delivered deUvered delivered m posi- in posi- m posi- m posi- tion in tion in the work. tion in tion in the work. the work. the work. the work. 11 E. C. Sickles, 844 North Carey Street, Baltimore, Md. E. M. Sickles, Cleveland, $1.05 $1.50 (2) (2) (2) 2 1.25 3.00 (2) (2) (}) Omits description Ohio. of plant. Omits to state from what quarries stone is to be furnished. 3 James E. Cashman, Bur- lington, Vt. 1.23 3.50 C') (2) (}) > Bid recommended for acceptance and contract entered into. 2 No bid received. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 43 NEW YORK (N. Y.), FIRST DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for dredging and removing obstructions in Flattsburg Harbor, N. Y. , Whitehall Harbor, N. Y., and St. Albans Harbor, Vt., received and opened at New York, N. Y., on Nov. 6, 1911, by Col. W. M. Black, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. ■ Plattsburg Harbor. Wliitehall Harbor. St. Albans Harbor. No. For material except bowlders exceeding i cubic yard in volume, ledge rock and logs, snags, etc., per cubic yard, scow measurement (35,000 cubic yards). For bowlders exceeding J cubic yard in volume, per cubic yard, solid meas- urement (25 cubic yards). For aU material except bowlders exceed- ing } cubic yard in volume, ledge rock and logs, snags, etc., per cubic yard, scow measurement (10,000cubic yards). For bowlders exceeding ^ cubic yard in volume, per cubic yard, solid measure- ment (25 cubic yards). a 1 CO ca-o coS Remarks. 2 3 George W. Beeman, Box 64 Hoiley, N. Y. Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., 13 Park Row, New York City. Daly & Hannan Dredging Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y. $0.25 J .40 .40 $4.00 25.00 8.00 $0.29i .22 .30 $4.00 25.00 8.00 $19.90 No bid. 30.00 Authority for secretary ^ to sign proposal not given. States its proposal is for all or none of the work bid for, (See letter accompanying bid.) The extract from by-laws showing authority of presi- dent to sign the bid does not show whether the sure- ties, Messrs. Spratt & Han- nan, are, respectively, a di- rector and member of the company. Bid recommended for acceptance and contract entered into. 44 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. o ft CO !> M S . HO ^ go s . 55i ^ s,^" O) s 1^ 1^ fl O ^^- O 5> '^t^ S-^^ H pj § CO O .y P ^ ^^ ti s- o Ph § ^K- H Y ^2^^ zn 1 i:^ . Q o H m ^f^ CQ tf ^,?^ « Id W Cb ?e ^ O to S? CO -2 i §^ t.i o o w i . O C3 CD m -u O IS -S «^ o CO 1^2 ^8 Art 0-|;H !> O £i " 9 O ^ Td oft.-S^-S o 52 © < P P>H >a rt ^'^ ">> (-( CO (N .art >.2 a§ 1-1 .4J f^ o fe O g g £ O O tt) IZi --li-H (M TtHQO >-l 00O5 2.3 ^ rt o O - ■ c3 O P5 rt^ go a.2 «H O Wo o MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 45 NEW YORK (N. Y.), FIRST DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for removing obstructions in channel between North and South Brother Islands, East River, N. Y., received and opened at New York, N. Y., on Mar. 11, 1912, by Col. W. M. Black, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. Chaimel between North and South Brother Islands. Total amount of bid, chan- nel between North and South Broth- er Islands. No. For all ma- terials except bowlders ex- ceeding \ cu- bic yard in size, and ledge rock, scow measurement, per cubic yard (total yardage, 21,000 cubic yards). For bowlders i cubic yard in size to 2 cubic yards, solid meas- urement, per cubic yard (total yard- age, 50 cubic yards). For bowlders over 2 cubic yards in size and ledge rock, per cubic yard; bowlders based upon solid meas- urement and ledge rock, place meas- urement, per cubic yard (total yard- age, 14,200 cubic yards). Remarks. 1 Timothy J. Dady. $0.27 $12.00 $11.73 $172,836.00 Bid recommended for acceptance and con- tract entered into. Abstract of proposals for dredging and rock removal in Westchester Creek, N. Y., received and opened Mar. 16, 1912, by Col. W. M. Black, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. Unit prices. Amount of bid. Total. No. Dredg- ing. Ledge rock. Bowl- ders. Dredg- ing 119000 cubic yards. Ledge rock and large bowl- ders (935 cubic yards). Bowl- ders ito2 cubic yards (25 cubic yards). Remarks. 1 2 13 4 John H. Gerrish, 81 New Street, New York City. John A. Seeley, 30 Church Street, New York City. Timothy J. Dady, 350 Fulton Street. Brooklyn, N.Y. ' Maritime D r ed ging Co., 80 Broad Street, New York City. $0. 33i^ .32A .27 2.28^ $9.80 9.00 15.00 8.00 $8.00 9.00 11.00 8.00 $40, 103. 00 39, 151. 00 32, 130. 00 40,983.60 $9,163 8,415 14,025 ,480 $200 225 275 200 $49,466.00 47,791.00 46,430.00 48, 663. 60 Authority of sec- retary to sign bid not given. 1 Bid recommended for acceptance and contract entered into. 2 Scow measurement. 46 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. I o § o I CQ " O W P CQ > t— I 5, o ^ 3 00 I CO s O o O Si. (7) E. J. Doyle & Co., 83 State Street, Albany N. Y. ■ ■ 03 • d .8 S : PI O a < • o ■ t^ lo ■ o • 1-< :8 : 'd • .^ : (6) Richard Par- rott, Newburgh, N. Y. s 03 '•Oi rH •d •05 1— 1 ■ o ■ o • d ■ CO :8 • d ■ CO § o a CO o o (N o o d d 00 cs d (5) William L. Miller, 71 Alfard Street, Boston, Mass. i 1—1 d 00 o o o o CO o P! o a < o o i i 8 d . fO 8 CO CO o o 00 oT (4) William D. Fuller, New Bal- timore, N. Y. 05 T-1 OS rH o o CO '• O ; -4-2 PI P! O a < CO O o lO 00 (N ^- I-H o • o • T-T • (3) Mitchell & Co.,2 Stone Street, New York City. >* o o d CO § : P 1 8 § CO o o d CO CO o o 1 1—1 8 : g.2 go 0) 03 Ph d s 8 CO o i < d CO I— 1 oo' i CO 8 o o 00 (1) Wm. P. Mc- Donald Construc- tion Co., Mount Vernon, N. Y. 00 1— ( o ICIO T— 1 r-H OO 00 oo ■).3 Pi Pi 1 oo oo od CO ■* 0.-H OO oo ^■^ CO d'od COrH OO lO o toco CO i-T 88 OS'O i-Ti-T . oine or spruce piles, per linear foot of iven, measured after being sawed off: Wies Dike s P 1 CO -t-3 o 03 PI O O 01 timber, per linear foot, measured in md secured: Wies Dike 1 M 1 CO 03 PS 03 o 1 g « a> .cl +j (X> ;-, iling, built up, per 1,000 feet b. m. , measured after being sawed off and to walings: Wies Dike p ?p K CD 'S 03 P o o © T3 03 imber, yellow pine,|per 1,000 feet b. m. red after being put m place and bolted piling: Wies Dike i s PI "v. 1— 1 O CO i '•3 o o3 13 PI o o 0) 6 0) 75 and screw bolts, per pound in place, ing the boring of the necessary holes: Wies Dike p 1 p "a 1— 1 1 c» O •B P o « 0) +^ ■o a> (-1 03 Round ] pile dr Van CedE wm Round place £ Van Ced£ wm Ifav Sheet p driven bolted Van Ced£ 03 Square t measu to the Van Cede wm Ifav Tie-rods includ Van Ced£ wm MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 47 8 S :S oo OOO S © 2 5j no te g r^ .'2 TJ -O ©1-1"^ ft Q« P3 CO ® -^ !^ 'O ^ CO 3 CO -a CO o TO M S CS « CO fc< ,, © ©h-l '^ co'TJ — j © © '"'^ >; O iD ■" tuC.-^ 4J CO S^ c3 h!cc •+5^^ CO S i- S oj^ s^ © ©+J ^ Sfi:=3 © © g. 48 MATEEIALS AND LABOK FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 5 Ob 'O "-i 3 •£ ■B !§ d o ^ O -d !? H g •M O d e h-l +s ■^ « y "» H o DD O and ngim 01 <1 1— 1 W f^ ^ ^ ft ;2; U so {H CO 5^ > :^ M ^ P^ .?^ O «^ >H 1 ^ -§ w ^ t§ .1 to I o u CO e o o !« '^ to u SS rO ^ > ■ ■ . ■<* ■^ (N (N ^■^t>' O) r1 <-i T-H t-l P-t 03 '^ . -u d d d ^t^ 03 e© «D CO B -^rd ■""J" .1^5 tr^ M Q B^ dB 4J d d ^-#^ a g g i d ^ -tJ btxu OJ »o i-( 00 r-l CO >H.dl^ B CO CO I-T "^ 1—1 <1 ^ i-i d ... .- HNr*i C31"2 ' i rHt-XI CO 0J«0 " '^lOO i-T i-T tC-^oT ' < eoc< rfi 1 ».. 00 »o 0000000 000 0000000 e Conner Co., Low +3 ^ T}< Tt* ^ ^ Tt^ CC 10 «5 »0 "5 »0 10 «0 000 0000000 03 d tc'flio . CO p^ S(& 0000000 0000000 000 0000000 4-3 0000000 0000000 000 0000000 S<»*^ d> d d d>(Z> d><:i (£ d <£ ci d ddd ddddddd E-i ^ S-l — 1 0000000 iQ 10 »o o»o e5 1-- 1^ lo t^ »00»0 rH CO 10 CO CO CO OOCO^ "* CO i-H CO OG t^ 00 1 csi IM (M CO 00 10 ^Wo IC 05 f-H 05 00 Tt< -^ ■ rH (NrieOO Tftr^Ssj -* (N op <{ tH j-irH cor CO oSi CO T-H <) r^ ui (N e© O'Ci'2 CO CO t- 1- •'^ CO CO CO cvi es es csi IC ICO 10 «5 »0 »0 (M e5 ^ ■§ d de^ci T)5 Tj5 Tj! r|5 •"^ Tj5 Ti? 10 lO '^ 10 «0 »0 U2 «5 «5 »0 p^ i© arg-B 65 B New 0000000 0000000 000 0000000 +^ 0000000 0000000 000 0000000 W^-c d d ddddddd lo 10 10 d »o d d (N tr- t^ 10 t^ ddid CNi oi d d CO CO CO ->i>i oo-^ocooo •^ t^ >o (N t^ (N !>• ^0 ^0 a •^ lo rHtCoTcocoi-Hei i-T i-Tio" ■^i-TtC ccci'THio'co't^p; a> 1—1 CO !N ■* r- 1 CO C^l -"S* cs "^ t- ^r K* HN Hn "lo 2 >> a5 00 CO 10 dio d +s 4.3 eo 5 ) S. M. P Son (In Fifth . New Yo ■(J d d "5 Tj5 »o CO 1-4 1 a> t^ Oi CO TiT TjT - d 00 < CO -^ - CO CO a d ^-2 §^ 3 03 d d, ^ ^ ft .a . a-^ .-rt a5 ^2 g^ OT 'd m-^ d 4^73 M S i> S 2^ 9 0) d-d •r-J q;) , o3 ^a 1 "2^ 2 o-Q --• d t-c ^tO « . iH (S (H •2^ •^ftS 5 p 03 o'd 3- 0) a +^ m CD «« d P( 0QCO o|.a rj 0^ S g c3 tH c] b» P Sh 03 (S o3 +J •d d b». 4.= +J d ® - .d cS-l=l £ a il OS U d^ftS pii 111! 0; X3 OI d«fi 03 OJ-Jf III >5»4J4J Q 4.^ « a^ 03 S .d g fe 03 o'o g - ^a^ gB « Ph OQ CQ MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 49 coctSo coo ooo ooo CO 00 00 « oco (N OO ITS Tf CM « N es» cs« N e^ N ooooooo CO CO CO CO CO Cq (N INIM (N ooooooo Tj. ^ •^t" f to C^ CO 00 '- O C>4 0> 1^ OS «d «3 ei «d CO oj co~ OOOOOOO lO OOO O O lO ■«*i ■V lO CO OS 00 CO C OC OO OOOOO »C O OO lO OOOOO OOO OOO e^ o 0 Q , o lo PI 13 O C CO a o <» 3 C V C3 Ui i =: ^ c3 ^ ^ .- ^ CO .5 ,^> ^ ft en O 3 S s o Sfi 5 /-H ^ O 3 fe C3 CD B rj CD S'O ^ ^ «^ ° (SO g|a ;3 u O) ® o .-ad. -a PftQ Ul «-<-(-> c3 CC c CQpq-S CO PI _ P C3 fl O to »2 r- a> C3 ^ s ■^ h .. S^ ^ w ■wood) ss ^-^ 03 p,CD ^ O) .a o M (XI S ft rt ca >>co5 CD-*±P-l CO O p S fl O CO 2 S -« o P k o, 5 — >« 'C fi-, cu - a & -o -^ cj =2 p (-1 » 74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3- •60 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912, S hq ^ CO ?i. J^ o O fiT u e Kl :^* ^ ^ o O SJi rO TJ '^ 0) « ?i. -4-> o a o Q r) . ■M H § 1^^^ o ,1 hH +3 5~ ■^ (A S 2J >s H O r/7 1 t-H 03 5^ P rt §^ H o -^^ l-H ^^^^ Pq .g . {H < w ^^ ^ tf w ?^ ^ — ' > H4 o g ;h 5 ^ r ^3 i • •2. CO O o i -d o o o o o o s • id (^ o l>^ o3 t^ CO ■T 00 +5 t^ (M CM OS ^^ O i>r cO~ ■"Jl CO 6X/ .2 t^s 8 S O o 8 o o gs . o o o o o IS <1S .Q o o o o o a I— t T— 1 1— ( 1-4 1-4 o o 1-h" 1-4 o 1-4 o o i-T ^ o o o <» o o IQ ^ t 00 ■^ (N Ph o CO (N t^ w &H CO 00 i>r be (N (N M ft «? § o o o •* ■M o 03 00 00 l>^ C3 o P^ CM (N (M o o o o d •^ e^oid id c^ id 00 "« t^t^ -^ lO -^ (N 05 <33 «0 >j o t^CO -^ (N l>. 00 1-1 !>• 1-1 &H t-TtC •^id"-*" oT id" oT csT be ^.^ (N!N(N CO (M CM CM r^ ■ p^^ oo ooo o lO o t^ 4J CJ lO-^ (N O lO lO oi lo 00 a; a 03 t^t-^ Ti5 id-^ e4 •* 05 00 tf (M(N(M CO — 1 T-< 1-4 1-4 1—1 1—1 I-T rH 1—1 to 03 ■* (N lO !N CO 00 (N CO t-^ . i-i CJrHrH T14 1-1 o> ^ 1-1 1^ CO oo oa t~ CO 'H lO-^ ^ 1*4 lO -^ Tjl TJ4 o d (-5 ^ oo ooo o o t- w -05 o3 oo ■TOO "3 O 00 CO O fey a +3 CJ TjSrH OrHCO C4 t4 00 rt ^" CO CO CO CO CO IM fl8 • t^ t^t~ t^lr^l^ t^ t^ I> (S o po OOO o o o fH 3^--^ 1—1 1—1 03 <3 (N (N(N (MtNC^ o»o U5101C lO ITj »0 >— 1 1— 1 1—1 1-1 1-1 2 oa 03 2 M CO P 03 < 03 Id c3 O n :!z; "A 05 -J3 in > o: > 4) 6 i ■a 03 o w 00 t-i S-l o Jz; ■4-s" 2 !z; ■> w O l-H l-H O 6 o •^ 03 M OJ O c3 -4^ 6 o m p o3 1 6 pq T3C Si o ID o CO 6 o CD o o ri r/5 t-i !3 wPQ p mP w CO bC p 6 p^b2> 1— 1 '— ' 03 cfiT- 5^ >3a P^^fl>Hfe>"'it ri ^ W .C3 a ^^K,„^s>;,.f^ .5l>^ , . ^i-l'^gWglZiSO P^ kJ H^ m Klz; M , oi -I 5 O ''5 -^ .a ft .Pi S^ ® .ttd .•^ O^ « O . O cj3 O ft53 ..g p>,o o 3 _^ C9 ^ Pi l>i ^ ^ Ph.9 O O O ■d <» 2: <^ a: Pte ►>, ft -« d nJ Q. as . M . rd wjs << I— I . o -"-^ ^i— I— o i co> (M C/3 ^ W O O .. S *- O o i-, K- < o cq pi o l>>'g SQ.fcl m pi fl r o o o ^^ ^^ C3 en ^ h6 © © §a gw CQ - M 5 "►^.^ ^ ^^ -So ^- CQpq ^ >> © 03 © ^ 43 Ti r/j rri O >-< fl m o r g <;o << do © oc £o.t5 A pi o i-H N ec 52 MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. NEW YORK (N. Y.), FIRST DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering Portland cement received and opened at 12 o'clock noon, June 12, 1912, at New Yorl City, N. Y., by Col. W. M. Black, Corps of Engineers. Amount of re- Deliv- Deliv- bate for each ery ery empty sack • «A" "B" returned in — Net No. Name and address of bidder. Port- land Port- land cost per Total, 7,000 barrels. Remarks. cement. cement, Service- Repair- barrel. per per able able barrel. barrel. condi- tion. condi- tion. 1 The Helderberg Ce- ment Co. , 100 State St., Albany, N.Y. $1.35- $0.10 $0.10 $0.95 $6,650.00 No guaranty accompa- nied this proposal. 2 The Atlas Portland Cement Co., 30 Broad St., New York City. ■11.60a 1.38b .10 .10 / 1.20a \ .98b 8,400.00a 6,860.00b [Authority for ofiicer to \ sign proposal not fur- \ nished. 13 Alsen's American Portland Cement Works, 45 Broad- way, New York City. Harvey A. Dwight, 1.23 1.23 .m .07i .93 6,510.00 Do. 4 1.27 1.27 .10 .10 .87 6,090.00 Proposal by telegraph 180 Broadway, Al- received previous to bany, N.Y. opening of bids. Only one copy of pro- posal received on June 14, 1912. Cer- tificate of the pecuni- ary worth of the guarantors not by a proper official. 1 Recommended for acceptance and contract entered into. NEW YORK (N. Y.) SECOND DISTRICT. [Officer: Col. S. W. Roessler, Corps of Engineers.] ARMAMENT. Abstract of (informal) proposals based on specifications advertised under date of May 22, 1912, for the installation of dummy armament, fire-control stations and accessories, in the armory of the Thirteenth Coast Artillery district, New York, N. Y., received in response to written requests, and opened at 4 p. m., June 7, 1912, in the office of Col. S. W. Roessler, Corps of Engineers, Army Building, New York City, N. Y. [Estimated cost, $9,000.] No. of bid. Name and address of bidders. Amount. Remarks. 1 Joseph Balaban Co., 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y $13,607 12,430 15, 787 17,600 14, 710 2 Neptune B. Smyth (Inc.), 1123 Broadway, New York, N.Y 3 H. N. Vought & Co., 340 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y 4 5 North-Eastern Construction Co., 225 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y Eraser & Beran, 749a Mason Street, Brooklyn, N. Y MATERIALS AND F.ABOR FOR ENCxINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 53 NEW YORK (N. Y.), SECOND DISTRICT— Continued. ARMAMENT— Continued. Abstract of proposals received in response to circular letter dated June 7, 1912, and which was opened at 12 m., June 17, 1912, in office of Col. S. W. lioessler, Corps of Engineers^ Army Building, New York, iV. Y.,for the dray age to and placing in position of dummy armament in the armory of the Thirteenth Coast Artillery district, S^tmner and Jefferson Avenues, Brooklyn, N. Y. No. Name and address of l)idders. Harden Contractini^ ('o., 129-133 North Third Street, 13rooklyn, N. Y William Casev. 106 Liberty Street, New York. N. Y Rate per ton. $6.50 Total amount. 8500. 00 650. 00 Remarks. Abstract of {informal) proposals based on specifications advertised under date of May 24, 1912, for the installation of dummy armament, fire-control stations and accessories, in the armory of the Ninth Coast Artillery district, New York, N. Y., received in response to written requests and opened at 4 P- "m., June 7, 1912, in the office of Col. S. W. Roessler, Corps of Engineers, Army Building, New York City, N. Y. [Estimated cost. $9,000.) No. Name and address of bidders. Joseph Balaban Co., 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y Neptune B. Smyth (Inc.), 1123 Broadway, New York, N. Y H. N. Vought & Co., 340 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y North-Eastern Construction Co., 225 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y Eraser & Beran, 749a Mason Street, Brooklyn, N. Y Amount. $12,173 12,680 14,647 15,000 15,070 Remark's. Abstract of proposals received in response to circular letter dated June 7, 1912, and which was opened at 12 m., June 17, 1912, in office of Col. S. W. Roessler, Corps of En- gineers, Army Building, New York, N. Y., for the dray age to and placing in position of dummy armament in the armory of Ninth Coast Artillery district, Fourteenth Street, near Sixth Avenue, New York, N. Y. No. Name and address of bidders. Rate per ton. Total amount. Remarks. 1 Harden Contracting Co., 129-133 North Third Street, Brooklyn, N. Y $500.00 650.00 ? William Casey, 106 Liberty Street, New York, N. Y $6.50 RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement dated Oct. 13, 1911, for dredging in Hempstead Harbor, Long Island, N. Y., and opened Nov. 13, 1911, by Col. S. W. Roessler, Corps of Engineers, Army Building, New York, N. Y. Total cost for No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard. dredging 66,000 cubic yards (approx- imate). Remarks. Cents. 1 Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va 18.75 35.75 $12,375 23,595 2 P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), 277 Washington Street, Jersey City, N. J. 3 Randerson ' & Miller, 755 Madison Avenue, Albany, N. Y. 34.5 22,770 Authority for signature of J. P. Randerson not furnished. 4 J. S. Packard Dredging Co.. 31 Market Square, Providence, R. I. 34.9 23,034 5 Maritime Dredging Co., 78 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. 37.5 24,750 Authority for signature of sec- retary not furnished. 54 MATEEIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. NEW YORK (N. Y.), SECOND DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement dated Dec. 5, 1910, for dredging in Bay Ridge Channel, New York Harbor, and opened Jan. 5, 1911, by Col. S. W. Roessler, Corps of Engineers, Army Building, New York City. No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard, measured in vessels. Number of yards that can be re- moved with $391,000. Remarks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Maryland Dredging and Contracting Co., 803 Fidelity Building, Baltimore, Md. Daly & Hannan Dredging Co., Ogdensburg, Morris & Cumings Dredging Co., 17 State Street, New York, N. Y. P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), 277 Washington Street, Jersey City, N. J. American Paving & Construction Co., 211 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va Cents. m 19 28.65 20.9 15.89 2,234,286 2,057,895 2,129,208 1,364,747 1,870,813 2,460,667 Bid slightly informal. Au- thority for signature of president not filed with bid. Do. Do. Lowest bid. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement dated Apr. 8, 1911, for dredging in Newtown Creek, N. Y., and opened May 8, 1912, in the office of Col. S. W. Roessler, Corps of Engineers, Army Building, New York, N. Y. [Amovmt available, $24,000.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard. Number of cubic yards that can be removed. Remarks. 1 2 3 Morris & Cumings Dredging Co., 17 State Street, New York, N. Y. R. G. Packard Co., 130 Pearl Street, New York, N. Y. Maritime Dredging Co.. 78 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. Cents. 281, 29 33 84, 210 82, 758 72, 727 Authority for signature of president not shown. Authority for signature of president not shown. No corporate seal affixed . Do. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertiseynent dated Aug. 14, 1911, for dredging in Great South Bay and in Browns Creek, N. Y., and opened Sept. 14, 1911, in the office of Col. S. W. Roessler, Corps of Engineers, Army Building, New York, N. Y. Name and address of bidder. Great South Bay. Browns Creek. No. Price per cubic yard. Yards to be re- moved. Total cost. Price per cubic yard. Yards to be re- moved. Total cost. Remarks. 1 9 Maritime Dredging Co., 80 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va. Cents, 39 37.9 43, 000 43, 000 $16, 770 16, 297 Cents. 41 27, 000 111,070 Authority for signa- ture of the president not furnished . MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 55 cdf>s -^ ^S 'XS^ o H CQ Q • {H ^ S 521 o ^ ■w o S « 03 ClO O o 2*c3o E^ as .o "^ _j- ,^ c <-) fl ■o 1.4 B ft >. a-dS 5rt- bc3 w>te 'k pi "1 K .■tt -t^ .-s -sa S-i O i- "^ O cJ o >> ^■^ ^ S ?.^. -§ — H a — . o a P be a o T3 o a Pi S S cd a w) Go .W) a o a a 3 .0 fe^ S2S 0° 2 "S S ■M jj -t.^ do :=i- .. .t" . . t- 2 !-. o a o t->a 2 ^ -> +^ 13 ^ do a<^ fl o S a a-c a a a < < a a ii -co 3 2 8 000 0000 0000 s 000000000 000000000 3 s CO 000 000 lO o> -* ^ Tt< -"tl (NIMOO § 0000000C30 OOOOOOCDtPIMCOCO (N ce ^ c t^ 00 t^ i^ ^ 05 TtHO T-40'-H CO CO CO CO CO CO CO COCOCOCOCOCOCOCNCO ^ t» M £ a PI g> Ph .g ^:^ do > H :z; ^ i«2 . •O gt- ^ - s <^ •pq >;!>> ^ — CO ^ a ftd 2i o ?^ H tH; a •gow2+iJ>ao3'^ •3 ^3>?'S S S 2 pi a pq H-> -? C1> a d w 03 Oi n .9 d d "^ r^i a d a run unx cial .Qm Ph p:^ &0 > ci a o a csri* M o+^T3 5 <^. i 111-11 ills pq ;S:h2iQj?; \KJ^^ c3 'd ^ ;:: ■ .-03 o _, o| « d a§ - ^ ~PP '=' o ■a ., ^.1^ o d a; >-,■.=: 4^ — •^eq'S--So3g >-rtOO>.5 C-^ca'^ g ^ 23 ^a.2>Hg:2;£< e W > w o Q.-;:^ o.-s Q V C :t <^ ni '^ 'd a h-ifi, ^.a .a o) >^a -pq O P ^ < O 03 ,a ft <« o ft O-S .•a oP-i ; •S So sag § ^'1 ^^ % ^2^^;z; gpq pq ^ O o >» <^o d^ §^ ^^ 03 « pq T-H (M CO 66 MATEBIALS AND LABOE FOE ENGINEEE DEPAETMENT, 1912. «9 WO o.o || 1 .6^ o •fe «o U 1& H •o eO C) s e*C hH a ^ ^i cd -t-» a o :s'^ H CO CO CO V S O 1 rt P o O w u W Oi O p^ >-iO CQ 5 JH pi! 125 > to •»o M C3 -K> M W '« e o JH ^ ■to'^ so S; 18. .^ e S b eo J^ CO ^« O S ^^ •^ p^ 03 Ch<0 O o S'cao Eh "^ SO '-'So «d t30 t>» CO CO coco coco coeoeo a> ji M St? fl ■ O CQ >> Ph MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 57 NEW YORK (N. Y.), THIRD DISTRICT. [Officer: Col. W. T. Rossell, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of bids for removing rock, hardpan, gravel, and boulders from Arthur Kill, A. Y. and N. J., received in response to advertisement dated Sept. 7, 1911, and opened at Atw York, N. Y., at 12 noon, Oct. 7, 1911, by H. B. Gorham, assistant engineer, for Col. William T. Rossell, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per cubic yard, scow measure- ment. John & Joseph McSpirit, 118 Wayne Street, Jersey City, N.J P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), 277 Washington Street, Jersey City, N, J. S2.90 2.84 Bid No. 2 accepted. Contract entered into Nov. 6, 1911. The amount of material to be removed is from 12,000 to 24,000 cubic yards. Abstract of bids for dredging in Raritan Bay, N. J., received in response to advertis(went dated Sept. 7, 1911, and opened at New York, N.-Y., at 12 noon, Oct. 7, 1911, by E. B. Gorham, assistant engineer, for Col. William T. Rossell, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per cubic yard, scow measure- ment. Amount of material that can be removed at price bid. 1 P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), 277 Washington Street, Jersey City, N. J Centt. 20.7 22 Cubic yards. 86, 956 81,818 ? R. G. Packard Co., 130 Pearl Street, New York, N. Y Bid No. 1 accepted. Contract entered into Oct. 23, 1911. Abstract of bids for dredging in Matawan Creek, Raritan and South Rivers, Shoal Harbor, and Compton Creek, and Shrewsbury River, N. J., received in response to advertise- ment, and opened in the office of Col. William T. Rossell, Corps of Engineers, Army Building, New York, N. Y., at 12 noon, Mar. 21, 1912, by H. B. Gorham, assistant engineer. No. Name and address of bidder. Maritime Dredging Co., 80 Broad Street, New York City John H. Gerrish, 81 New Street, New York City Prices bid per cubic yard, scow measurement. Matawan Creek. .56 .53 Raritan River. .45 .38i South River. .45 .39i Shoal Harbor and Compton Creek. ).59 Shrews- bury River. I $0.6 1 Rejected bid. Bid No. 2 accepted. Contract entered into Apr. 12, 1912. AMOUNTS OF MATERIAL THAT CAN BE EEMOVED AT THE PRICES BID. Matawan Creek: Bid No. 1 Bid No. 2 Raritan River: Bid No. 1 Bid No. 2 South River: Bid No. 1 Bid No. 2 Shoal Harbor and Compton Creek: Bid No. 1 Bid No. 2 Shrewsbury River: Bid No. 1 Bid No. 2 Cubic yards, 4, 464 4, 717 40,000 46, 753 12, 222 13, 924 8,475 10, 101 14,516 58 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. PHILADELPHIA (PA.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Delaware River, Pa., and N. /., tn Mud Island section, received in response to advertisement dated May 6, and opened at Philadelphia, Pa., Junes, 1912, by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving Delaware River, Pa. and N. J,] 4 No. Name and address of bidder. Unit price. Total. 1 Atlantic Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa $0,325 .294 $17,225.00 15,582.00 ?, River & Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa The quantity of material to be removed is estimated at 53,000 cubic yards. Con- tract awarded to River & Harbor Improvement Co. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Delaware River, on Tinicum and New Castle ranges, received in response to advertisement of May 25, and opened June 24, 1911, by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving Delaware River, Pa. and N. J.] Name and address of bidder. Localities. No. Lower end of Tini- cum range, esti- mated at 1,617,000 cubic yards of ma- terial, scow meas- urement. Upper end of New Castle range, esti- mated at 500,000 cubic yards of ma- terial, scow meas- urement. Unit price. Total. Unit price. Total. 1 American Contracting Co., New York City $0. 19| .21 2.153 .171 .161 $319,357.50 339,570.00 247,401.00 276,507.00 268,826.25 i$0. 167 .18 .194 .201 .191 $83, 500. 00 ?. The Breakwater Co., Philadelphia, Pa 90,000.00 97, 000. 00 3 American Dredging Co. , Philadelphia, Pa 4 P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J 100,500.00 98,125.00 5 Maryland Dredgmg & Contracting Co., Baltimore, Md. 1 Contract awarded to American Contracting Co. 2 Contract awarded to American Dredging Co. Abstract of proposals for repairing ice piers, harbor of refuge, Delaware Bay, Del. in response to advertisement dated May 22, and opened at Philadelphia, Pa., 1912, by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Harbor of refuge, Delaware Bay, Del.] received June 7, Name and address of Riprap stone fur- nished and placed in the work (per ton of 2,000 pounds). Hire of der- rick barge, including crew (per hour). Hourly wage of each member of crew of derrick barge when same can not be operated on account of stress of weather or unfavorable stages of tide. bidder. Superin- tendent (1). Hoisting engineer (1). Hook- men (4). Boatmen (4). Fireman (1). The Breakwater Co., Phila- delphia, Pa $2.47 $16. 00 •SO. 75 $0.60 $0.50 $0.35 $0.40 Contract awarded to the Breakwater Co. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 59 PHILADELPHIA (PA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS-Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering biticminous coal to the jloating plant employed in the Philadelphia {Pa.) Engineer district, receioed in response to poster and circular letter dated Dec. 12, and opened at Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 27, 1911, by Ma). Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving Delaware River, Pa., N. J., and Del.] For coal deliv- ered and For coal deliv- For coal de- trimmed in ered into livered in car- bunkers of bunkers of tugs load lots on dredge "Dela- and other ve.s- board scows at ware" and ves- sels at bidders' bidders' piers- No. Names and ad- Name and location sels of similar piers— approxi- approximate Total dresses of bidders. of mines. type— approxi- mate quantity mate quantity 1,000 tons. quantity 5,000 tons. 21,000 tons. Unit. Amount. Unit. Amount. Unit. Amount. 1 Glen Brook Coal Co., Land Title Building, Phila- delphia. Pa. "Potts Run," Clearfield Coun- ty, Pa. $2.97 $62,370.00 $2.62 $2, 620. 00 $2. 47 $12,350.00 $77,340.00 2 Maryland Coal & Coke Co., Ste- phen Girard Building, Phila- delphia, Pa. Imperial coal from Viola, Pottsrun, Stanley, and Reybold mines, Clearfield Coun- ty, Pa. 2.91i 61,215.00 2.64 2,640.00 2.49 12, 450. 00 76,305.00 3 Weston Dodson & Co. (Inc.), 107 S. Main Street, Bethlehem, Pa. Ivory Hill, Naut- y-glo, Cambria County, Pa. 3.05^ 64, 155. 00 2.77^ 2,775.00 2.62i 13,125.00 80,055.00 4 Sterling Coal Co., 421 Chestnut Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Nos. 1 to 6 inclu- sive, Cambria County, Pa. 3.19 66, 990. 00 2.90 2,900.00 2.75 13,750.00 83,640.00 Rogers-Corr Coal Co.. Arcade Building, Phila- delphia, Pa. Valley No. 1 mine, JohnstoT\TQ, Pa. 3.04 63,840.00 2.69 2,690.00 2.54 12, 700. 00 79,230.00 (3 Keystone Coal & Coke Co., Arcade Building, Phila- delphia, Pa. Argyle, South Fork. Pa. 3.24 68,040.00 2.87 2,870.00 2.72 13,600.00 84,510.00 Contract awarded to Sterling Coal Co. Abstract of proposals for the construction of four dikes in the Delaware River, located, respectively , at Chester Island, Old Man Point, lower end of Artificial Island, Reedy Island {extension), and topping off old Reedy Island dike, received in response to adver- tisement dated Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 21, 1911, and opened Jan. 20, 1912, by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers . Localities, type of dikes, items. Ap- proxi- mate quanti- ties. Chester Island Bike. All stone tj-pe: For riprap stone, in place tons..i 47,000 For rubble stone, in place do | 7,600 (1) The Break- water Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. (for all). (2) Capt. J. J. Williams & Co. Chester, Pa. Unit price. $1.16 1.36 Total I (1) Rock-filled tj'pe: I ! ■ For vertical piles, in place linear feet. For batter piles, in place do. . . For wales and braces, in place feet b. m. For galvanized tie rods, etc., in place pounds . For black iron bolts, etc., in place do... For riprap stone, in place tons . For rubble stone, in place do . . . Total 59, 900 ; 7, .300 i 61,000! 23, 000' 10,500' 27,500' 3,700, .26 .26 55.00 .07 .07 1.35 2.50 Amount. Unit price. S54, 520. 00! 10, 336. 00^ 64, 856. 00 15,574.00 1,898.00 3,355.00 1,610.00 735. 00 37, 125. 00 9, 250. 00 69, 547. 00 Amount. 1 Contract awarded to the Breakwater Co. 60 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. PHILADELPHIA (PA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for the construction of four dikes in the Delaware River, located, respectively, at Chester Island, Old Man Point, lower end of Artificial Island, Beedy Island (extension), and topping off old Reedy Island dike, received in response to adver- tisement dated Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 21, 1911, and opened Jan. 20, 1912, by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers — Continued. Localities, type of dikes, items. Ap- proxi- mate quanti- ties. (1) The Break- water Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. (for all). , (2) Capt. J. J. Williams & Co., Chester, Pa. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Old Man Point Dike. All stone type: For riprap stone, in place tons . . For rubble stone, in place do — 32,300 7,200 $1.17 1.37 »37, 791. 00 9, 864. 00 Total C) 47, 655. 00 Rock-filled type: For vertical piles, in place linear feet. . For batter piles, in place do — For wales and braces, in place ieet b. m. . For galvanized tie rods, etc., in place pounds. . For black iron bolts, etc., in place do For riprap stone, in place tons. . For rubble stone, in place. do — 52, 700 6,300 56,000 19,700 9,900 18,700 3,400 .26 .26 55.00 .07 .07 1.35 2.50 13,702.00 1,638.00 3, 080. 00 1,379.00 693.00 25,245.00 8,500.00 $0.22 .24 40.00 .041 .04 1.78 2.50 $11,594.00 1,512.00 2,240.00 886.50 396.00 33,286.00 8,600.00 Total 54,237.00 58,414.50 Lower end artificial island dike. All stone type: For riprap stone, in place tons. . For rubble stone, in place do — 102, 200 18,000 1.20 1.40 122, 640. 00 25,200.00 Total (0 147, 840. 00 Rock-fllled type: For vertical piles, in place linear feet . . For batter piles, in place do For wales and braces, in place feet b. m. . For galvanized tie rods, etc., in place pounds. . For black iron bolts, etc., in place do. .'. . 139,000 16 600 145,000 51,000 24,400 59,500 8,500 .26 .26 55.00 .07 .07 1.35 2.50 36,140.00 4,316.00 7,975.00 3,570.00 1,708.00 80,325.00 21.250.00 For riprap stone, in place... tons. . For rubble stone, in place. do Total 155,284.00 Reedy Island dike extension. All ston type: For riprap stone, in place tons . . 210,000 37,000 1.20 1.40 252, 000. 00 51,800.00 For rubble stone, in place do C) 303,800.00 Rock-filled type: For vertical piles, in place linear feet. . 282,600 34,000 294, 400 107,100 51,200 120,000 17,800 .26 .26 55.00 .07 .07 1.35 2.50 73,476.00 8,840.00 16,192.00 7.497.00 3,584.00 162,000.00 44,500.00 For better piles, in place do For wales and braces, in place feet b. m. . For galvanized ti3 rods, etc., in place potmds. . For black iron bolts, etc., in place do For riprap stone, in place tons. . For rubble stone, in place do Total 316,089.00 Topping off old Reedy Island dike. For riprap stone, in place tons. . 44,000 25,200 1.45 1.65 63,800.00 41,580.00 For rubble stone, in place do Total C) 105, 380. 00 1 Contract awarded to the Breakwater Co. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 61 PHILADELPHIA (PA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract oj proposals for making emergency repairs to the floating plant employed in the Philadelphia (Pa.) Engineer district, opened Oct. £4, 1911, by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving Delaware River, Pa., N. J., and Del.] Approxi- mate quantities. 400 hours.. 400 hours.. 200 hours.. 80 hours 400 hours. . 800 hours.., 200 hours. . , 20 hours 20 hours 200 hours. . . 40 hours 40 hours 40 hours 40 hours 400 hours... 300 hours... 40 hours 2,000 hours . 400 hours. . , 600 hours... 40 hours 200 hours.. 40 hours 40 hours 20 hours 20 hours 80 hours 300 hours. . . 300 hours. . , 25 hours 25 hours 25 loads . . . . Labor. [Prices for the various classes of skilled labor are to include the use of the ordinary hand tools necessary to perform the work required.] Blacksmiths' labor, including forge, coal and tools Blacksmiths' helpers' labor Boilermakers' labor, with hand tools Boilermakers' helpers' labor Carpenters' labor, with ordinary tools Caulkers' labor, with ordinary tools Chippers' and caulkers' labor, with air tools Coppersmiths' labor, with forge, coal and tools Coppersmiths' helpers' labor Drillers' labor, with air tools, etc Electricians' labor Electricians' helpers' labor , Engineers' labor Firemen's labor Ironworkers' labor , Ironworkers' helpers' labor Joiners' labor .' Machinists' labor Machinists' helpers' labor Ordinary labor Painters' labor, with brushes and tools , Patternmakers' labor, with tools Pil)efitters' labor, with tools Pipefitters' helpers' labor , Plumbers' labor , Plumbers' helpers' labor Punchers' labor , Eiggers' labor. Riveters' labor, with air tools , Hauling, with two-horse truck and driver , Hauling, with one-horse truck and driver , Labor of any kind — shop and yard work — per- formed after regular working hours. Between 6 o'clock p. m. and 12 o'clock midnight at — per cent increase over day rate for same class of labor per cent. Between 12 o'clock midnight and 7 o'clock a. m., and also on Sundays and holidays at — per cent increase over day rates for same class of labor per cent. Labor of any Icind aboard vessels out of shipyard, performed after regular working hours, and in- volving stay aboard ship over night, at — per cent increase over day rate for same class of labor per cent . . Ashes, removed from wharf and disposed of, per cubic yard Names and addresses of bidders. (1) The Pusey & Jones Co., Wil- mington, Del. Price per hour. $0.60 .20 .35 .20 .35 .35 .32^ .35 .20 .30 .30 .20 .22^ .221 .32h .20" .35 .35 .20 .20 ..30 .40 .30 .20 .35 .20 .30 .25 .35 .75 .50 100 100 125 Price. $0.60 Total. $240. 00 80.00 70.00 16.00 140. 00 280. 00 65.00 7.00 4.00 60.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 130. 00 60.00 14.00 700. 00 80.00 120. 00 12.00 80.00 12.00 8.00 7.00 4.00 24.00 75.00 105. 00 18.75 12.50 (2) Kensington Shipyard Co., Beach and Pal- met Streets, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Price per hour. $0.55 .18 .33 .20 .35 .35 .34^ .33 .20 .30 .291 .09 .23J .23^ .34^ .20 .38i .30 .18 .19 .28i .38 .30 .18 .32§ .19J .33 .25 .38 .55 .45 100 100 125 Total. $15. 00 Price. $0.55 $220. 00 76.00 66.00 16.00 140. 00 280. 00 69.00 6.60 4.00 60.00 11.80 3.60 9.40 9.40 138. 00 60.00 15.40 600. 00 72.00 114.00 11.40 76. 00 12.00 7.20 6.50 3.90 26.40 75.00 114.00 13.75 11.25 $13. 7S 62 MATEEIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. PHILADELPHIA (PA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for making emergency repairs to the floating plant employed in the Philadelphia (Pa.) Engineer district, opened Oct. 24, 1911, by Maj. Herbert Deakyne.y Corps of Engineers — Continued. Approxi- mate quantities. 200 pounds. 25 pounds. . 500 pounds. .50 pounds.. 400 pounds. .50 pounds.. 50 pounds. . 50 pounds. . 50 pounds.. 300 100 pounds. 50 yards 50 yards 10 dozen 1,000 lbs.... 2,500 lbs.... 200 pounds. 1,000 lbs.... 50 pounds. . 200 pounds. 6 barrels 400 pounds. 50 sheets . . . 25 pounds.. 60 sheets... 50 sheets . . . 25 dozen iOO pounds. 1,000 lbs.... 50 pounds.. 200 pounds. 50 pounds.. 25 gallons... 100 pounds. 200 feet 1,000 feet... 1,000 feet... 600 feet 1,000 feet... 500 feet 200 feet 50 pounds.. 50 pounds.. 50 pounds.. 6 25 pounds. . 25 pounds.. 60 pounds.. 100 pounds. 100 pounds. 60 pounds.. Materials. [Such material as may be required for use on ves- sels of the plant for emergency repairs while they are on the work, and not at the shipyard, shall be delivered at the storehouse assigned for use of the Government and referred to in paragraph 26 of these specifications, at the regular contract prices.] Asbestos, sheet per pound Asbestos, miUboard do — Bars, steel, for machine work do. . . Bolts, galvanized , threaded do. . . Bolts, machine, threaded dp Bolts, steel do. . . Bolts, tap do. . . Brass rods do. . . Brass, sheet do. . . Bricks, fire each. Bushings, phosphor bronze. per pound. Canvas, No. 6 per yard. Canvas, No. 3 do... Candles, taUow, about 4 inches long. . .per dozen. Castings, iron, cored (not propeller wheels), in- cluding core and mold per pound. Castings, iron (not propeller wheels), plain, in- cluding mold, no core per pound . Castings, loam do. . . Castings, steel (not propeller wheels), including core and mold per pound. Castings, white brass do. . . Castings, yeUow brass, including core and mold, per pound Cement, Portland per barrel. Clay, fire per pound. Cloth, emery, ordinary size and quality. per sheet. Copper, sheet , per pound. Felt, Irish, 32 inches by 40 inches per sheet. Felt, tarred do . . . Grommets per dozen. Iron, angle per pound. Iron, bar do... Iron, sheet, plain do. . . Iron, sheet, galvanized do. . . Lead, Atlantic, white do. . . Lead, red, mixed per gallon. Lead, sheet per pound. Lumber, cypress, selects per M feet b. m. Lumber, long-leaf yellow pine,- merchantable, per M feet b. m Lumber, white oak, seconds per M feet b. m. Lumber, pattern do. . . Lumber, spruce, merchantable do. . . Lumber, white pine. No. 1 shelving do. . . Lumber, template per linear foot. Metal, best Magnolia Babbitt per pound. . Metal, Muntz do... Metal, Parson's white do. . . Mops, pitch each. Nails, copper per pound. Nails, counterstmk head do... NaUs, galvanized sheathing do. . . Nails, galvanized do. . . Nails, wire do... Nails, wrought , do . . . Names and addresses of bidders. (1) The Pusey & Jones Co., Wil- mington, Del. Price. $0.04 .05 .021 .06J .05 .06 .08 .18 .16 .03 .25 .27 .30 .06 .04 .04 .05 .07 .25 .22 2.00 .Oli . 03i .25" .05 .07 .07 .021 .02i .03 .04 .06J .60 .08i 53.00 42.00 48.75 65.00 32.50 45.00 .02 .23 .20 .35 .30 .25 .07 .07 .06 .031 .03i Total. $8.00 1.25 13.75 3.25 20.00 3.00 4.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 25.00 13.50 15.00 .60 40.00 100. 00 10.00 70.00 12.50 44.00 10.00 5.00 L75 6.25 2.50 3.50 L75 2.50 25.00 L50 8.00 3.25 15.00 8.50 10.60 42.00 48.75 32.50 32.50 22.50 4.00 1L50 10.00 17.50 L50 6.25 1.75 3.50 6.00 3.50 1.75 (2) Kensington Shipyard Co., Beach and Pal- met Streets, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Price. $0.03 .04 .02* .06 .05 .05 .074 .16 .16 .03* .25" .25 .29 .07 .03 J .03 .04§ -.06* .211 .22 1.85 .01 .03 .21 .041 .07 .07 .02 .024 .03§ .04 .06i .66 .08 54.00 4L25 49.50 63.25 35.50 43.25 .024 .20 .18 .274 .30 .24 .08 .07 .06 .03 .034 Total. $6.00 LOO 12.50 3.00 20.00 2.50 3.75 8.00 8.00 10.50 25.00 12.50 14.50 .70 35.00 75.00 9.00 65.00 13.75 44.00 9.25 4.00 L50 5.25 2.25 3.50 L75 2.00 25.00 L75 8.00 3.25 16.50 8.00 10.80 4L25 49.50 3L63 35.50 21.63 5.00 10.00 9.00 13.75 L50 6.00 2.00 3.50 6.00 3.00 L75 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 63 PHILADELPHIA (PA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS-Continued. Abstract of proposals for making emergency repairs to the floating plant employed in the Philadelphia (Pa.) Engineer district, opened Oct. 24, 1911, by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers — Continued. Approxi- mate quantities. 200 pounds. 400 pounds 10 gallons . . 10 gallons . . 10 gallons . . 10 pounds. 10 poimds. 10 pounds. 10 pounds. 10 gallons . , 100 sheets. 50 pounds. 150 pounds 50 pounds. 60 pounds. 25 pounds. 200 pounds 400 pounds 50 pounds. 10 pounds. 10 barrels . 100 pounds 25 pounds. 200 pounds 1,000 lbs... 50 pounds. 400 pounds 25 pounds. 10 pounds. 25 pounds. 2 gallons . . 10 pounds. 100 pounds 200 pounds 600 100 pounds 50 pounds. 200 pounds 15 pounds. 10 pounds, ion feet. . . . 100 feet. . . . 100 feet.... 100 feet.... 100 feet . . . 100 feet.... 50 feet 50 feet 60 feet 50 feet 50 feet 60 feet. 6 gallons . . 10 pounds. 6 pounds.. 100 pounds 25 pounds. 10,000 gals. 100 500 pounds 600 pounds. Materials— Continued . Nuts, tapped, assorted per pound Oakum, spun, best navy do. . . Oil, lamp per gallon. Oil, linseed, boiled do. . . Oil, linseed, raw do Packing, genuine Rainbow per poiind . Packing, genuine Usudurian do Packing, gum do Packing, soft do Paint, lead, mixed and colored per gallon . Paper, sand per sheet. Pipe fittings, brass per pound . Pipe fittings, iron. do. . . Pipe fittings, galvanized iron do. . . Pipe, brass do. . . Pipe, copper do... Pipe, galvanized iron do. . . Pipe, iron do. . . Pipe, lead do. ! . Pins, iron split do. - . Pitch per barrel . Putty, red lead per pound . Putty, white do. . . Plate, boiler do... Plate, steel do. . . Rivets, tap do... Rivets, Wnch and larger do . . . Rivets, |-inch to -j^-inch diameter do. . . Screws, brass do.. . Screws, iron do. . . Shellac per gallon . Solder per pound . Spikes, galvanized do... Spikes, wi'ought do. . . Spiles, white pine, ordinary size per 100. Steel, best tool per pound. Steel, cold rolled do... Steel, mild do. . . Tacks, galvanized ». .' do. . . Tallow do. . . Tube, boiler, 3i-iDcli per foot. Tube, boiler, 3-inch do. . . Tube, boiler, 2f-inch do. . . Tube, boiler, 2Hnch do... Tube, boiler, 2i-inch do Tube, boiler, 2-inch do. . . Tubes, stay, ordinary, 3J-inch do. . . Tubes, stay, ordinary, 3-inch do. . . Tubes, stay, ordinary, 2f-inch do. . . Tubes, stay, ordinary, 2^inch do. . . Tubes, stay, ordinary, 2^-inch do. . . Tubes, stay, ordinary, 2-inch do. . . Turpentine per gallon. Wa.shers, O. G., cast-iron per pound. Washers, galvanized iron do. . . Washers, wrought-iron do. . . Waste, cotton do. . . Water, fresh per 1,000 gallons. Wedges, oak :...per 100. Wheels, propeller, cast-steel.'.bored and key-seated, all complete (template and pattern furnished by the United States) per pound. Wheels, propeller, cast-iron, bored and key-seated, all complete (template and pattern furnished by the United States) per pound. Names and addresses of bidders. (1) The Pusey & Jones Co., Wil- mington, Del. Price. £0.09i .08i .13 1.00 .90 .55 .55 .15 .15 .60 • OOf .45 .10 .12 .20 .25 .06 .04 .07 .12 3.25 .06 .03 .021 .021 .10 .03.^ .05 .55 .10 3.00 .18 .05 .04 .05 .10 .04 .021 .10 .10 26 20 .19 .18 .17 .15 .26 .20 .20 .19 .18 .17 .70 .04 .06 .06 .05 .01 1.00 .10 .06^ Total. S19. 00 34.00 1.30 10.00 9.00 5.50 5.50 1.50 1.50 6.00 .75 22.50 15.00 6.00 10.00 6.25 12.00 16.00 3.50 1.20 32.50 6.00 .75 5.00 25.00 5.00 13.00 1.25 5.50 2. .50 6.00 1.80 5.00 8.00 .25 10.00 2.00 5.50 1.50 1.00 26.00 20.00 19.00 18.00 17.00 15.00 13.00 10.00 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 3.50 .40 .30 6.00 1.25 10.00 1.00 50.00 32.50 (2) Kensington Shipyard Co., Beach and Pal- met Streets, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Price. Total SO. 09 .08 .13 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 .15 .14 .66 ■m .44 .09 .11 .21^ .26 .05^ .03.V .06.\ .10" 3.30 .06.} .02i .02" .02 .10 .03 .05 .53 .12 3.10 .16 .04i .03.J .06 .10 .03i .02^ .09* .09' .24 .19 .17i .16^ .14 .24 .19^ .19 ■ m .14 .71 .03i .06i .05i .05 .OOi 1.10 .09i .06i S18.00 32.00 1.30 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 1.40 6.60 .75 22.00 13.50 5.50 10.75 6.50 11.00 14.00 3.25 1.00 .33.00 6.50 .63 4.00 20.00 5.00 12.00 1.25 5.30 3.00 6.20 1.60 4.50 7.00 .30 10.00 1.75 5.00 1.43 .90 24.00 19.50 19.00 17.50 16.50 14.00 12.00 9.75 9.50 8.75 8.25 7.00 3.65 .35 .33 5.50 1.25 5.00 1.10 47.60 32. 50 64 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGIITEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. PHILADELPHIA (PA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for making emergency repairs to the floating plant employed in the Philadelphia (Pa.) Engineer district, opened Oct. 24, 1911, by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers — Continued. Approxl- f mate quantities. SO hours. 25hours. 25 hours. 50 hours. 50 hours. 50 hours.. 50 hours.. 60 hours.. 75 hours.. 60 hours.. 25 hours.. 25 hours.. 100 hours. 200 hours. 25 hours., i 25 hours 25 hours 25 hours 50 hours 25 hours 25 hours.. 50 hours.. 100 hours. 25110^8.. 25 hours. 25 hours. 200 hours. Use of tools and appliances. Crane, shop Bidder No. 1, capacity 12 tons. Bidder No. 2, capacity 10 tons. Cutter, bolt Cutter, pipe Derrick, boom Bidder No. 1, size, 40 feet; capacity, 10 tons. Bidder No. 2, size, 58 feet 4 inches radius; capacity, 15 tons. Derrick, pole Bidder No. 1, size, 20 to 30 feet; capacity, 2^ tons. Bidder No. 2, size, 25 to 34 feet radius; capac- ity, 3 tons. Files..; Furnace, bending Furnace, oil blast Jorge, riveting. Hammer; steam, with tools. Hose Jacks Lathe, large, with tools Size of lathe: Bidder No. 1, 24-inch swing, 10-foot center to 70-inch swing, 20-foot center. Bidder No. 2, 24-inch swing, 10-foot center to 78-inch swing, 30-foot center. Lathe, small, with tools Size of lathe: Bidder No. 1, 20-inch swing. 8-foot center. Bidder No. 2, 21-inch swing, 9 foot center. Lathe, wood-tiu-ning Bidder No. 1, size, 20 feet. Bidder No. 2, size, 14 feet. Lighters Machine, bending Machine, boring, with tools Machine, punching Machine, shaping Size of machine: Bidder No. 1, 12-inch and 15-inch stroke. Bidder No. 2, 15-inch and 20-inch stroke. Machine, shearing Bidder No. 1, f-inch plate. Bidder No. 2, |-inch plate, 23| gap. Planer, large Bidder No. 1, size 18 feet. Bidder No. 2, size 11-foot table open side and IG-foot table open side. Planer, small Bidder No. 1, size 6 feet. Bidder No. 2, size 8-foot table, 28 inches wide. Planer, wood Bidder No. 1, size 30 inches. Bidder No. 2, size 24 inches. Poles, derrick Press, large drill Bidder No. 1, size 3-foot rise, 4-foot radius. Bidder No. 2, size 3-foot 8-inch rise, 4-foot 8-inch radius to 5-foot rise, 6-foot radius. Press, small drill Bidder No. 1, size 15-inch and 20-inch table. Bidder No. 2, size 17-inch and 24-inch table. Names and addresses of bidders. (1) The Pusey & Jones Co., Wil- ftiington, Del. Price per hour. $0.02 .15 .15 .25 .02 .02 .45 .25 .10 .10 .02 .25 .06 ,10 .25 .30 .25 .25 .10 .25 ,25 .15 .15 ,10 ,20 10 Total. $1.00 3.75 3.75 12.50 1.00 LOO 22.50 12.50 7.50 2.50 .50 25.00 12.00 2.50 6.25 7.50 6.25 12. 50 2.50 6.25 12.50 15.00 3.75 2.50 5.00 20.00 (2) Kensington Shipyard Co., Beach and Pal- met Streets, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Price per hour. $0.0H .14 .14 .27J .011 .OU .44" .27§ .05§ .16i .11 .on .20 .05* .05^ .27i .27^ .22 .25* .08* ,25 J .27J .13* ,11 ,20 ,06 Total. $0.75 3.50 3.50 13.75 .76 .75 22.00 13.75 4.13 8.25 2.75 .38 20.00 ILOO L38 6.88 6.88 5.50 12.75 2.13 6.38 13.75 13.50 3.38 2.75 5.00 12.00 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 65 PHILADELPHIA (PA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS-Continued. Abstract of proposals for making emergenaj repairs to the floating plant employed in the Philadelphia (Fa.) Engineer district, opened Oct. 24, 1911, by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers — Continued. Approxi- mate qi^antities. 75 hours. 10 hours. 25 hours. 50 hours.. 50 hours.. 50 hours.. 50 hours. 50 hours. 25 hours. 50 hours. 25 hours. 25 hours. 50 hours. 25 hours. 50 hours. 50 hours. . 100 hours. 50 hours.. 100 hours. 100 hours. 1,000 feet. 1 docking, 2 3 hauls... 3 2 hauls... 3 2 hauls... 6 5 hauls... 5 Use of tools and appliances— Continued. Rigging and chains Rolls, bending Shear legs, large Bidder No. 1, 10 to 30 tons. Bidder No. 2, 10 to 35 tons. Shear legs, small Bidder No. 2, 1 to 10 tons. Shears, cutting, large Bidder No. 1, f-inch plate. Bidder No. 2, |-inch plate, 23^ gap. Shears, cutting, small Bidder No. 1, |-inch plate. Bidder No. 2, |-inch plate, 23| gap. " Slotter Scows, deck Scows, derrick Stages, floating Saw, band (wood) Saw, circular (wood) Trucks Winch, steam Running shop engine overtime Use of tools operated by air. Augers, wood Chipping or calking tools Compressor Hammers, riveting Twist drills, steel Miscellaneous appliances. Wood blocking, use of, per M feet b. m. per day. . Dry docking or hauling out vessels. Dry docking or hauling out on railway of dredges Delaware or Manhattan Lay days for vessels named above per day. . Hauling out on railway of steamers Vidette, Phil- adelphia, and Gen. A. A. Humphreys, and launch Schuylkill each. . Lay days for vessels named above per day. . Hauling out on railway of scows or dredges less than 100 feet long each.. Lay days for scows or dredges less than 100 feet long per day. . Hauling out on railway of scows or dredges over 100 feet long each. . Lay days for scows or dredges over 100 feet long, per day Hauling out on railway of pontoons less than 25 feet long each . . Lay days for pontoons less than 25 feet long, per day Totals. Names and addresses of bidders. (1) The Pusey & Jones Co., Wil- mington, Del. Price per hour. ).02 .15 .30 ,25 25 ,12 ,15 .25 ,02 ,10 ,20 ,10 ,05 ,25 .15 .10 .50 .15 .15 Price. 1.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 2.50 2.50 Total. $1.50 1.50 7.50 12.50 12.50 6.00 7.50 6.25 1.00 2.50 5.00 5.00 1.25 12.50 7.50 10.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 1.00 (2) Kensington Shipyard Co.. Beach and Pal- met Streets, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Price per hour. 45.00 45.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 90.00 12.50 12.50 4, 490. 70 ou 11 27^ ■ on ■ 2-oh ,11 ,11 ,22 on ,11' ,22 ,ou .05| ,27^ .13 .09 .50 .13 .13 Price. 1.10 275. 00 220. 00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 Total. $1.13 1.10 6.88 .75 12.75 12.75 5.50 5.50 5.50 .75 2.75 5.50 .75 1.38 13.75 6.50 9.00 25.00 13.00 13.00 1.10 275. 00 440. 00 15.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 14.00 42.00 5.00 5.00 4, 804. 98 Contract awarded to Kensington Shipyard Co. 74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3 5 66 MATEEIALS A.ND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. a >-s "S:;:! ^S5 ■S ^ 0*555 '^ S ?iS !» 5- r ^ e i^H l~~5 ^ - B Sr< ^^ S^r^ J3^ ^-X. O^ .. c '^'^ se *^ ^1 5.. "» ■*S*^ ^~' \ 2 •*o e -d « o C3 -M rt ^ r^ ■« o T3 '^ =2 O © Pi ^ H ■^ Si.?^ ^1 c.> O CO 5~ 1— 1 O §^ ?s b. rt 1 *^ •<-> * H O pq p^ ft ^2 g '^ <1 ^ ^r ^ <1 ffl 5^:^ Q tut) g 02 a [^ ^ 00 H rt .2 03 1— 1 W PM _ •is i^ ft <1 h c>. ^ • 1:! O ^3 t^ ■-S S 1: ^ 5i ?S C> =rs 0-5; rO ~> 50 <« >H -< t^ >~l -« « cr^ 5^ CO ■^ .0 "^^ ^^■-^ ^22 S «o e^S ^ C? c>> §^ S 0^^ ^ ^-^ ^ V ■-^^ It- s; 30 CO e ^ CO Capt. J. J. Wil- liams & Co., Chester, Pa. 1 < =1 10 Latta & Terry- Construction Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. < $20,026.00 2,368.00 3,360.00 1,380.00 •i± © $0.34 .37 70.00 .06 •* Armstrong & Latta Co., Phil- adelphia, Pa. 1 < Si CO American Pav- ing & Construc- tion Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. d a < $29, 450. 00 3, 200. 00 4,320.00 1,380.00 St $0.50 .50 90.00 .06 03 The Breakwater Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (for all). a 88 dd t^ 00 OICO 8 d $17,081.00 2,048.00 3,120.00 1, 380. 00 fl.2 e© .29 .32 65.00 ,06 (M The Breakwater Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (for any). a < 88 <5di oToT d ,-4 88 dd its' 00 t^ 10 d 8_^ oo~ CO 17,081.00 2,048.00 3,120.00 1,380,00 s © a. 2 00 00 CO 00 100 1-5 !M' .29 .32 65.00 .06 1—1 Sanford & Brooks Co., Baltimore, Md. 1 a < $14,136.00 1,536.00 2,016.00 1,610.00 a. 2 $0.24 .24 42.00 .07 V p C CT CC 1~- t: i- 0; > c c ^^ oc ■^ p C C C c t/' .c. c c -5 a a P c § oc IT a. 1 CC -1- ■a c c c J > c c ^ o<- !< © '3 CO m © CHESTER ISLAND DIKE. All-stone type: 1 !- > c © 03 "cc c a <:- oc P .. c ©•'- !^ E J !- C © >'ft a: C a P ©^ d c © <- ,^^ P5 CC :) P « c P "" ' c ^ it ^°- - g c a ' 1/ ~ -r J c • 03*- > (O ft - -d — ' MATERIALS AXD LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. G 7 8 § 888 lO "3 "5 Q O CD ■^ t^ Q C o6 S S {288 i-< -^ e4 8 8 888 ig' S S 8 8! 888 ■^ lO oc 8 8 88! SS = 88 SS ^ oo -< VJ X o c-S OO o lO o c - 03 J2 d.9 ft-^ Ml ^ft^^^ll ^■•o ft'g .S ft - T3 3.S 3^^ e» S C— I _2 o C-3 ^ - e-ft^^ G rH C Oi -; O O 3 -H .^ *J ^ i" s ^ ■ - ft^-^ I J- W U w !_ -, -T c «- c — c o ^ =* o "3 . o . =f Mo fl C 3 -*^ C^-fci n, «) 0*^0 *^ . u © t. o g o i .a i .2 c — ~ csT^ is 2 ftc > o > o ft ot" ^ 'S £ fl « f^ 03 5S O S 03 >" 3 •^ c c^ c-^ c o ftc > o 3 L. ;_ i-r u 7:; — C O O O ft 03_o oS'g type: iprap brush ce. c -^ '- as ^ CO ^ C-> Q C fc- iH-; >J 000 — ■S^^f^ (B 3 J ft en" CO - r- ^•2-5^ 1 3 "- ft o SP^f^ 68 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. Pi o I H (— 1 o rt 1 OQ o IQ '^^ <; <1 w P^ p ;< <1 h^ HH w fl< , O O lO o o o ooo lO lO n3 ^ -;-> O O T-H lO lO o OOO CD «3 B d ic ■* o CO t^ dt-^d CO co" o a lO CO i-H CO 00 1— 1 CO O lO ^^ rH IQ O lO C^ O lO JXM t^ CD -^ "^^^fe oT (n" csT T-T 1—1 CO 00 co' TjT T^ o Sal o < I— 1 CO rH CO CO .if ® p. 2 in t^ O CD N CO IC O d * ifi ' ^ lO lO lO lo t^o o o CO lo lo rH CO C^ ^p-^ +j o o o o o o OOO o o O O «5 O lO o ooo irs O Ter ctio lad( Pa. p d d ■* c^ CO CO d>d>d> 00 CO o O CO ■<* 00 00 IM ooo H 05 t-H 00 ^ : (N iQ d <6d>d> CD d O • 03 2 '« ^ S 22 - CO CO 1—* 00 t^ O lO lO 00 05(N CO CD a 05 ■* OS t^ >*< 2 o-p o •- -^ -^ ^ ^ CO ,H 00 cq<>r d" o .-t± ® i-( lO O CO lO >o ooo <1 1^ C3 St (M (N O O 8 ■ {2 ■ o o oio>o , o o o o o o ooo o o merican Pav g & Construe on Co., Phila delphia. Pa. 4-5 o o o o o o o o o o o § d d i> (N lo d d id d ■<}' t-^ o o lo r^ 00 00 r^ CD c^ o CO CO a < t-H t~ O 1-1 05 -^ CO rH lO lO CO CO lo" cq" -^ r-T iCoT-^ TjT TjT -^ (M t~-0 CO -sf C6 CS M S-. co~ ^ -< r-l CT> rH lO "-1 1 1 (verti- g (bat- etc, in galvan- not gal- :e. uts, etc.. in place . in place. ress, in ■^3 03 1 > '■JH) .a 'S li "3 iling pilin ace. aces, etc., ce. etc., plac ts, n one, ;one, matt "3 tie-rods^ etc. Total, using pi rods, etc. filled type: 3r round p cal) in plac( or round tered) in pi or wales, br place, or tie-rods, ized, in pla or tie-rods, vanized, in or screw bol in place, or riprap st< or rubble st or brush : place. .a p o s 4^fL^ Pt| fH ^ f^ f^ ^W^ (^ o o P5 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 69 8 8 sg i 00 00 (N iO (M 05«C s ssss C O t>^ r>l (35 cD^ O csTco odi>r ^ ,- 1-1 o ;8 oo oo 1-H03 s s 8 8 r-ToT oooo 00 00 lO CO 00 o r^ o o^cc'ofi-T oo oo 1-H (N oo oo lO o s s (M O 00 05 s O O lO t^ rt< lo 05 CD CD 00 lO CD 3 lo ic lo lo o o 1-1 1^ -^lo s; ^ g sg pi © O 05 8 1^ eo o oo o ft o -1^ o o^ oooo CDOO,_ ^IM 1-1 "^ o« oo oo ,-1 -* I— I lO lO .a «.a I" ..a5 WJ flj ;:j ,13 t) bo o ^'^o.rt el f^ - +^ PI ft fl .y +^ tn cd ':3 (-1 c^ i^ ^ M JS »H 1» M t< -H o o o-*^ o c • c9 "-i © o © -t^ p d OTJ te • V-S V S © © © © d ftftftw -I rt _i "^ .3.3.32 bC© © +f g PI rt g ;3 o o a J3 -4-3 -t^ " m— ' fti^-^ § « g 2 § a^ •^tuDS-i & ft PI f!i P&t flH ptipliftifi, O-'-' o o o o s-S ft CO © C!3 4-3 •• '^ M « ft-S ftbe § © tH gfefeft ;=J <1 CO o §.a P-i.^v'^©*'ft d-5ft ^ «>fe.a ^Pm fEH fti Ph P»^ o o 70 MATEEIALS AND LABOK FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. C3 >-< -" ,- '^ ;S SS <« !>■ r 1^ - e •to -JS SrSS "Si^ f^-^- g « ©•<>^ ^S S-^ 0-2^ ^ e ^•^^ ss •« e g "^^i &i ^ g ^.1 73 2^ ^ 01 :< ?) ;3 O'g fl HO "^^ V e o o 73 \ IS •S o P5 1 O 1 respect in resp nued. H 03 •^-^ -13 {/J Ph .2^ 2^ fl t— ( O M ,_^ « ° ^ ^-^e^ ft < M V <« o >-) .§'« 'a" W A^ on of four dik d topping off Herbert Deak •s s. ■ CO S S O >i p"S^ ^ s - V S ^~H -< "S '^ so ^ Oi !~v^»l <^C< .2 g-^ ?-2 • =^.00 C>5 g^ s CO CO s; »o •'^^ c ^ ^ '^ii o J.J. .s& 5ter, a CD ., Phil- a, Pa. 1 a ^ mstr taCc elphi k S:^ 03 nPi nstr Ph a, P o a CO merica g&Co on Co., delphi <^ •al ft i^.2 +^ o ooc c c -2S . o ooc c c ^ ^<^ a lo lo d c I> t> P? o .lo t^oc e'- (M a i-H ■ OOiO c^ er •<* o3 ^^a < i-T (».-Toc yr. If: C^ «© »OCO ir: li: T— ■a.s "O ic o c ^o-P^ O ) ^ lo i6 d i: «> i> 5 ^ ^73 C8 o lO 1^ o c CC 1-1 «> !Mi^ o • OOi— -* c ""l (N ^ Cd Ih < ^ oTi-Toc IC IC 05 t-^ I>t^ O CT r-4 ^7h O e© loco «: IC i-H iO tP o 05 it: ■^ (>) a l-H 00 '*<■* CC «: t^ CC cD^ (N c^ t^ T-H <5 S ~S8^"2 c cr t-H (M ■^ •* t> rH CO >-H o - Unit price. $0.05 1.75 3.45 ■* -^ O C I> iC lO So c^ s^ oc o c o V t: V o; > ^ 1 a 1 E P Xf p 1 l^'+3 poun tons, tons. c3 03 -tJ4- S P line line Ofee O C ft p o c , i ^ ft o o o ^ o o oc % ^ o o ooc O Q OC o co" t-Tc^""- -L ^^ d~r- ■"(©!£ "i. ^ CO Oa a N +- erti- bat- ace.. :. in place. or tie-rods, etc. (galvan- ized) , in place. CYC tip.-rnris ptn. ^nlain^ " © §2 w -filled type— Contin or screw bolts, nuts, in place. or riprap stone, in pi or rubble stone, In p > b fa P P i - •1 ©a -^ c rods. vel-fiUed type: For round pUing (v cal), in place. For round pHing ( tered), in place. For sheet piling, in pi "^0? wn.lfis hrn.f>As in place. or screw bolts, nuts, in place. o 8« ^fH PRfefc Ph (i ^ h^l Hi O O 03 « o MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 71 o o o O lO o 00 t^ o t^ooo (NOOQ o oo O lO o 00 l^ o CO lO O o ooo lO lO •* 05 (TO O CO oT :^i o >o o O CO lO O t^ o o G p o > c3 fe f^ o fa o 72 MATEEIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 1? f^ PI o Q _ P5 o ^ -^ •^"^ si *^ ^.^ CO t? e o w ?^ . ^ g ^ 5 CO '■^ ?i - .IS «c eo C>i ^^ ^ ■to ^^* <^ OO Co 2 -^ c3- o o fc 9 ® . Eh o^Ph +^ 0-1 '^ 3^o ■^3 ^i lo oo o 05 O lO o lo CO t^ o lO lO »0 05 lo o lo o 1— I O CO lO <©0 C^ oi th CO (M (N CO ^ B 6 > B ^- ^ ft g M .1 ce+^ g-M 03 M ftfe-S^ftg Ph a> « oj cj o3 c3 ^ ftftftra .S .3 -9 § fl i=i 9 d epi M M ,2 1^ ft-S fe PI ^ (m ;4 ^ -H O O O O PhPhPhPh 9 •- 03 -tJ galv lain w CO ft bC-O ho rs W usin iero usin t^« oS Q COr^^W CO ."3 « cs'S h!?: S| O O --^ O S" 42&H' ei HH ft O Ph MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 73 PHILADELPHIA (PA.) DISTRICT— Continued. WRECK. Abstract of proposals for- removing wreck of barge '' Estelle" from the Delaivare River, off New Castle, Del., received in response to circular letter and specifications issued on June 10, 1912, and opened at Philadelphia, Pa., June 20, 1912, by Maj. Herbert Bea- ky ne. Corps of Engineers. [Time of completion, 30 days after date of contract.] No. Names and addresses of bidders. Price. Van Sant & Gandy, Atlantic Citv, N. J Capt. John J. Williams, 1828 West Fourth Street, Chester, Pa N. B. Register, Lewes, Del John W. Marshall, Lewes, Del Baxter Wrecking Co., 308 West Street, New York Charles T. Johnston, Lewes, Del Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del D. J. Fogarty & Co., 515 Franklin Bank Building, Philadelphia, Pa $742 1,500 444 989 1,590 1,190 890 985 Contract awarded to N. B. Register. MEMORIAL ARCH AT VALLEY FORGE, PA. Abstract of proposals for erecting the memorial arch at Valley Forge, Pa., authorized by the act approved June 25, 1910, received in response to advertisement dated Oct. 16, 1911, and opened by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers, at Philadelphia, Pa., on Nov. 15, 1911. No. Names and addresses of bidders. James G. Doak & Co., 1420 Chestnut Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. The Van Amringe Granite Co., 172 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. The Norcross Bros. Worcester, Mass. Co., John M. Gessler's Sons, Thirty-ninth Street and Baltimore Avenue, Phil- adelphia, Pa. C. Robinson & Son, No. [Sample ' -• ■ -- ) gray 1 Madison Avenue, New York City. The Chas. McCauI Co., northeast corner Tenth and Sansom Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Combes & Ward, 29 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City. John E. Flynn, Stenton Avenue and Luray Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Granite named in proposal. North Jay white Rockport gray Woodbury Booth Bros., Maine granite. Sample No. 1- A Sample No. 3-C Stony Creek Troy white. . . , Milford, Mass Barre Concord West Dummerston Woodbury 'B," light I Sample "A," white... I West Townsend pink. . >West To\\'Tisend pink iHallowell white Carolina pink Deer Island Amount. $81,845.00 90, 805. 00 94, 345. 00 87,345.00 135, 750. 00 129,500.00 93, 800. 00 102, 800. 00 105, 000. 00 102, 000. 00 94,500.00 111, 200. 00 107, 550. 00 90, 939. 00 91,974.00 94, 344. 00 84, 800. 00 99,9G0.50 110, 000. 00 109, 969. 00 List of carvers and estimate of cost of carving by each. Ernest C. Bairstow, Phil- adelphia and Washing- ton. Stephen Cozzulo, Phila- delphia. J. F. Whitman, Phila- delphia. Newman & Even, New York. The Whitman Studios, Philadelphia. Tognarelli & Voight Co., Philadelphia. The Norcross Bros. Co., '' Worcester, Mass. The Whitman Studios, Philadelphia. John Maene & Co., Phila- delphia. E. R. Fletcher, Hard- wick, Vt. Jos. Smith & Co., New York. Donnelly & Ricci, New York. J. Franklin Whitman, Philadelphia. John Grignola, New York Ernest C. Bairstow, Wash- ington, D. C. Jos. Smith & Co., New York. |\Donnelly & Ricci, New |/ York. John Maene & Co., Phila- delphia. J. Franklin Whitman, Philadelphia. Tweedale & Storch, Philadelphia. Stephen Cazzulo, Phila- delphia. $10,500 11,352 11,500 12,000 11,000 14,113 7,500 3,000 4,000 3,000 11,428 12,219 12, 075 15,000 7,000 7,000 12,00 11,00 11,405 10,812 74 MATEEIALS AKD LABOK FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. PHILADELPHIA (PA.) DISTRICT— Continued. MEMORIAL ARCH AT VALLEY FORGE, PA.— Continued. Abstract of proposals for erecting the memorial arch at Valley Forge, Pa., authorized by the act approved June 25, 1910, received in response to advertisement dated Oct. 16, 1911, and opened by Maj. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers, at Philadelphia, Pa., on Nov. 15, 1911 — Continued. No. Names and addresses of bidders. Granite named in proposal. Amount. List of carvers and estimate of cost of carving by each. 10 11 13 Woodbury Granite Co., Hardwick, Vt. The John Swenson Granite Co., Concord, N. H. Booth Bros. & Hurricane Isle Granite Co., 208 Broadway, New York City. Webb Pink Granite Co., Worcester, Mass. Henry L. Brown, 1714 Sansom Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. /Light gray Woodbury \White Bethel VConcord IWaldoboro Narragansett pink Fox Island IMilford white Milford piuk New Hampshire gray. IPigeon Hill gray I pink. $115,000.00 132,000.00 91, 800. 00 96, 500. 00 101,500.00 96,000.00 102,000.00 102, 000. 00 97,000.00 92, 900. 00 F. A. Purdy, Hardwick, Vt. Neumann & Even, New York. Jos. Smith, New York Jos. Smith & Co., New York. J. Franklin Whitman, Philadelphia. John Evans & Co., Bos- ton, Mass. Jos. Smith & Co., New York. Jos. Smith & Co., New York. John Evans & Co., Bos- ton, Mass. Donnelly & Rieci, New York. The .Whitman Studios, Philadelphia. Neumann & Even, New York. Ernest C. Bairstow, Washington, D. C. Dominic Walsh, Belview, N.J. Donnelly & Ricci, New York. John Evans & Co., Bos- ton, Mass. 1 $12, 000 2 14,000 10,388 11,000 7,894 7,388 10,850 12, 100 11,447 11,000 14, 625 10,000 12,000 12, 500 16, 100 Woodbury. 2 Bethel. After a revision of the plans, resulting in a slight decrease in the size of the arch, contract was awarded to Henry L. BroT\Ti for constructing the arch of Milford pink granite for the sum of 191,000. WILMINGTON (DEL.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing printed specifications as required during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, received at U.S. Engineer Office, Wilmington, Del., and opened by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, July 6, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. Time of delivery. For the composi- tion per 1,000 ems. Press- work per token, 4 pages to each token for 300 copies or less. Paper, which must include binding, at per ream. Estimated cost of 195 copies at the rates given, Leipsic River specifica- tions taken as a sample. 1 1 2 The Star Printing Co., Wilmington, Del Mercantile Printing Co., Wilmington, Del Days. 5 5 Cents. 80 80 $4.25 2.00 $2.20 5. CO $43.75 40.40 1 The number of tokens in the sample is 3, and 1 ream of paper is used for 195 copies. MATERIALS AND LABOK FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 75 WILMINGTON (DEL.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for construction of jetty at mouth of Double Creek, X. J., received by Maj. JR. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, at Wilmington, Del., and opened Aug. 31, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. Austin Mathis, Atlantic Citv, N.J G. M. VanSant, Atlantic City, N. J George H. Van Note and David G. Conrad (Van Note & Conrad), Barnegat, N.J 1'ime of— Price per Toot ' Begin. nine Comple- 14.78 5.84 3.90 Days. ^fonth!< 30 30 30 1 After date of notification of acceptance of proposal. Abstract of proposals for dredging Salem River, N. J., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Sept. 9, 1911. [Originally estimated cost, exclusive of inspection, etc., 25 cents per cubic yard place measurement.] No. Name and address of bidder. 1 The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa 2 1 River and Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 2 j Atlantic Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa For dredging per cubic yard place measure- ment. Time of- Cents. 38.0 29.8 18.7 Begin- ning work.i Comple- tion. I Days. Months. ■ 30 i 4 30 ; 4 30 ': 4 1 After date of notification of approval of contract. Abstract of proposals for dredging Raccoon Creek, N. J., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Sept. 11, 1911. [Originally estimated cost, exclusive of inspection, etc., 18 cents per cubic yard place measurement.] No. Name and address of bidder. The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Atlantic Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa For dredging per cubic yard place measure- ment. Time of- worl.. ! t^O"-^ Months. After date of notification of approval of contract. 76 MATEKIALS AND LABOK FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. WILMINGTON (DEL.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for dredging on Cooper Creek, N. /., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Sept. 12, 1911. [Originally estimated cost, exclusive of inspection, etc., 27 cents per cubic yard place measurement.] No. Name and address of bidder. For dredging per cubic yard place measure- ment. Time of- Begin- ning work.i Comple- tion.! The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa Atlantic Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa River & Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Cents. 25.4 24.0 24.8 Days. 30 30 30 Months. 1 After date of notification of approval of contract. Abstract of proposals for dredging TucTcerton Creek, N. /., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Sept. 13, 1911. [Originally estimated cost, exclusive of inspection, etc., 28 cents per cubic yard place measurement.] No. Name and address of bidder. For dredging per cubic yard place measure- ment. Time of— Begin- ning work.i Comple- tion.! The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa . Pennsylvania Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Cents. 24.0 2 23.4 Bays. Months. 30 30 1 After date of notification of approval of contract. 2 Lowest; recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals for dredging Broadkill River, Del., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Sept. 15, 1911. [Originally estimated cost, exclusive of inspection, etc., 16 cents per cubic yard place measurement.] No. Name and address of bidder. The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa River & Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Atlantic Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa For dredging per cubic yard place measure- ment. Cents. 19.0 21.4 27.0 Time of- Begin- nmg work.! Days. 30 30 30 Comple- tion.! Months. After date of notification of approval of contract. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 77 WILMINGTON (DEL.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS-Continued. Abstract of proposals for dredging Double Creek, N. J., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Oct. 28, 1911. [Originally estimated cost, 20 cents per cubic yard place measurement.) No. Name and address of bidder. Pennsylvania Dredging Co., Camden, N. J The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa. For dredging per cubic yard place measure- ment. Cents. 2 15.9 32 Time of- Begin- ning work.! Days. 30 30 Comple- tion.! Months. After date of notification of approval of contract. 2 Lowest; recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals for jetty construction at mouth of Mantua Creek, N. J., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del.^ and opened Oct. 30, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. Armstrong & Latta Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Richard Parrott, Newburgh, N. Y Latta & Terry Construction Co., Phila- delphia, Pa! '. Tatnall-Brown Co., Wilmington, Del U. S. Drainage & Irrigation Co., New York City For the jetty at per linear Total. foot (1,700). SI 2. 49 $21,233 11.78 20,026 11.40 19,380 10.90 18, 530 11.00 ! 18,700 For sheet pile reen- forcement at per linear foot (470). $4.59 4.40 4.75 4.95 4.85 Total. 12, 157. 30 2, 068. 00 2, 232. 50 2,326.50 2, 279. 50 Grand total. $23, 390. 30 22,094.00 21,612.50 1 20, 856. 50 20,979.50 1 Lowest, recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals for jetty construction at mouth of Mispillion River, Del., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Nov. 4, 1911. [Originally estimated cost, $12 per linear foot.] No. Name and address of bidder. E. J. Doyle & Co., Albany, N. Y Tatnall-Brown Co., Wilmington, Del. For jetty construc- tion at per lin- ear foot (400 feet). $18. 90 2 12. 35 Time of- Begin- ning work.i Days. 30 Comple- tion.! Months. 1 After date of notification of approval of contract. 2 Lowest, recommended for acceptance. 78 MATERIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. WILMINGTON (DEL.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for jetty work at mouth of Broadkill River, Del., received by Maj. B. i?. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Nov. 6, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. Reen- forciag jetty, at per lin- ear foot (545). Total. Stone filling at per ton of 2,000 pounds in place (325). Total. Grand total. 1 U. S. Drainage & Irrigation Co., New- York City $9.87 11.90 12.38 $5,379.15 6,485.50 6,747.10 $4.00 4.00 2.86 $1,300.00 1,300.00 929.50 $6, 679. 15 2 3 Tatnall-Brown Co., Wilmington, Del Wm. W. Conwell, Milton, Del 7,785.50 7,676.60 Abstract of proposals for dredging Salem River, N. J., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Jan. 26, 1912. [Originally.estimated cost, place measurement, 25 cents per cubic yard for hard material and 20 cents for soft.] No. Name and address of bidder. For dredging per cubic yard place measure- ment. Time of- Begin- ning work.i Comple- tion.! The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa River and Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa. American Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa Cents. 34 36 2 29^ Days. 30 30 30 Months. After date of notification of approval of contract. 2 Lowest, recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals for dredging Mantua Creek, N. J., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Feb . 2, 1912. [Originally estimated cost, place measurement, 20 cents per cubic j^ard.] No. Name and address of bidder. Stille C. Chew, Mantua, N. J The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa River and Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa. For dredging per cubic yard place measure- ment. Cents. 29' 12.8 Time of- Begin- ning work.i Days. 30 30 30 Comple- tion.! Months. 1 After date of notification of approval of contract Lowest, recommended for acceptance. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 79 WILMINGTON (DEL.) DISTRICT-Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for dredging Cold Spring Inlet, N. J., received by Maj. R. B. Ray- mond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Mar. 8, 1912. [Originally estimated cost, place measurement, 10 cents per cubic yard.] No. Name and address of bidder. American Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa P. Sanford Ross. Incorporated, Jersey City, N. J Maryland Dredging and Contracting Co., Baltimore, Md. C. A. Miner, Washington, D. C Nelson Z. Graves, Philadelphia, Pa August Nelson, Washington, D. C For dredging per cubic yard place measure- ment. Cents. 6.8 10 14 14 8 6.87 Time of— Begin- ning work.' Days. 30 30 30 30 30 30 Comple- tion.! Months. 10 10 10 10 10 10 * After date of notification of approval of contract. Lowest, recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals for repairs to U. S. inspection boat ''GanneV received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Mar. 18, 1912. No. Name and address of bidder. Propel- ling ma- chinery, class A. Allow- ance for old engines and fit- tings. Net amount for class A work. Electric instal- lation, class B . Combi- nation bid for classes AandB. 1 Garrett, Miller & Co., Wilmington, Del $1,033 1,515 2 3 Mathis Yacht Building Co., Camden, N. J Delaware Machine Works, Coleman B. Harris, proprietor, Wilmington, Del $5,575 5,260 $1,200 1,500 $4,375 3,760 $7, 000 Abstract of proposals for dredging Murderkill River, Del., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Apr . 1, 1912. [Originally estimated cost, place maasurement, 15 cents per cubic yard.] Name and address of bidder. For dredging per cubic yard, place measure- ment. Time of— No. Begin- ning work.! Comple- tion.! 1 River & Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa. The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa Cents. 211 11.8 Days. 30 30 Months. 3 3 ! After date of notification of approval of contract. ^ Lowest; recommended for acceptance. 80 MATEKIALS AND» LABOR FOE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. WILMINGTON (DEL.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for dredging Appoquinimink River, Del., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Apr . 15, 1912. [Originally estimated cost, place measurement, 15 cents per cubic yard.] Name and address of bidder. For dredging per cubic yard, place measure- ment. Time of— No. Begin- ning work.i Comple- tion.! 1 River & Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa Cents. 2 16 30 Days. 30 30 Months. 3 ? The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa 3 After date of notification of approval of contract. 2 Lowest; recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals for dredging harbor at Wilmington, Del., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Apr . 20, 1912. [Originally estimated cost, place measurement, 15 cents per cubic yard.] No. Name and address of bidder. Maryland Dredging & Contracting Co., Baltimore, Md. American Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa August Nelson, Washington, D. C The Rickards Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa For dredging per cubic yard, place measure- ment. Cents. n 12x^3 Time of- Begin- ning work.i Days. 60 60 60 60 Comple- tion.! Months. 10 10 10 10 After date of notification of approval of contract. 2 Lowest; recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals for furnishing printed specifications as required during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, received at IJ. S. Engineer Office, Wilmington, Del., and opened by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, June 4, 1912. Estimated Press cost of 175 work per Paper, copies at For the token, 4 which the rates Time of composi- pages to must given, No. Name and address of bidder. delivery, tion per each include Wilming- days. 1,000 token, binding, ton, Del., ems. for 450 copies or less. etc., at per ream. specifica- tions taken as a sample, i Cents. 1 Mercantile Printing Co., Wilmington, Del 5 80 $3.00 $5.60 $43. 40 1 The number of tokens in the sample is 3, and 18 quires of paper are used for 175 copies. Only one bid received. MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 81 WILMINGTON (DEL.) DISTRICT— Continued. WRECKS. Abstract of proposals for removing wreck of steamer "Major W. Allen," lying sunk in Cold Spring Inlet, N. J., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, at Wilmington, Del., and opened Aug . 15, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Time of— Begin- ning work.' Comple- tion.! Jesse A. Gray, Philadelphia, Pa '2 $448. 00 Elijah D. Register, Lewes, Del | 2G8. 00 Eugene Boehm, Atlantic City, N.J t 872. 00 Days. 10 10 10 Days. 40 40 40 1 After date of notification of acceptance of proposal. 2 Lowest for the work advertised for and I'equired by the specifications. Note.— Proposal No. 1. Has no guaranty; informality waived. Proposal No. 2. Offers to remove only the parts above the surrounding bottom, whereas the specifica- tions require entire removal of the wreck. Proposal No. 3. Proposal not signed. Certified check for $150 inclosed. Abstract of proposals for removing wreck of sloop "Glide," lying sunk in the entrance of Lewis Creek, Del., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, at Wilming- ton, Del., and opened Aug. 31, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Time of— Begin- ning work.i Comple- tion.! John W. Marshall, Lewes, Del Samuel Campbell, Bridgeton, N. J. . . Charles T. Johnson & Co., Lewes, Del Elijah D. Register, Lewes, Del Jesse A. Gray, Philadelphia, Pa W. B. Register, Lewes, Del $98. 00 2 97. 26 123. 00 217.00 437. 00 213. 00 Days. 10 10 10 10 10 10 Days. 10 10 10 10 10 10 ! After date of notification of acceptance of proposal. 2 Lowest, accepted. No contract entered into. Abstract of proposals for removing the wreck of the dredge " Townsen," at Wildwood, N. J., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, Del., and opened Jan. 26, 1912. lOriginally estimated cost of the work, S300.] No. Name and address of bidder. To remove the wreck for the sum of — Harry N. Hoffman, Wildwood, N.J N. B. Register, Lewes, Del Frank R . Jones, N\'ilmington, Del G. M. Van Sant and F. P. Gandy. Atlantic City, N.J Eugene Boehm, Atlantic City, N.J 1 Lowest; recommended for acceptance 74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3 6 $397. 00 283. 50 4(51.00 600. 00 1242.00 82 MATEKIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. WILMINGTON (DEL.) DISTRICT— Continued. WRECKS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for removing wreck of barge ^^ Maryland," lying in the Atlantic Ocean off Corsons Inlet, N. J., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, at Wilmington, Del., and opened Jan. 23, 1912. No. Name and address of bidder. For remov- ing wreck will charge United States the sum of — Time of- Begin- ning work.i Comple- tion.! 1 2 1 1 4 5 Eugene Boehm, Atlantic City, N. J William H. Bookhammer, Lewes, Del Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del The Johnson-Lawrence Co., New York City G. M. Van Sant and Frank P. Gandy, Atlantic City, N. J. $1,442 3,200 4,135 10, 800 6,000 Days. Months. 20 20 20 20 20 1 After date of notification of acceptance of proposal. 2 Accepted and contract entered into. Abstract of proposals for removal of wreck of steamer '^ Marie Thomas," lying sunk in Broadkill River, Del., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, at Wilmington, Del., and opened Feb . 9, 1912. Name and address of bidder. Price. Time of— No. Begin- ning work.i Comple- tion.! Remarks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 William H. Bookhammer, Lewes, Del. John B. Whealton, jr., Norfolk, Va.. Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del John W. Marshall, Lewes. Del Frank R. Jones, Wilmington, Del. . N. B. Register, Lewes, Del .1390 374 970 389 480 417 4 295 825 Days. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Days. 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Certified check for |150 inclosed. Proposal incomplete. Cheek for $300 inclosed. 7 8 The Rickards Dredging Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. John J. Williams, Chester, Pa Certified check for $150 inclosed. 1 After date of notification of approval of contract. 2 On or before Mar. 20. 3 On or before Apr. 20. 4 Lowest, recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals for removing wreck of coal barge ^'Saratoga," lying sunk in channel of inland waterway of New Jersey, received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, at Wilmington, Del., and opened May 31, 1912. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Time of— Begin- ning work.i Comple- tion.! Eugene Boehm, Atlantic City, N. J E. D. Register, Lewes, Del J. Frank Owens & Son, Wilmington, Del G. M. Van Sant & F. P. Candy, Atlantic City, N. J.... 1 After date of notification of approval of contract 2 $242 330 1,133 340 Days. Days. 30 30 30 30 2 Lowest, accepted. MATEKIALS AND LABOK FOK ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 83 WILMINGTON (DEL.) DISTRICT— Continued. WRECKS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for removing wreck of steamer ''Ranald," lying sunk in Atlantic Ocean off Atlantic City, N. J., received by Maj. R. R. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, at Wilmington, Del., and opened Jane 15, 191J. No. Name and address of Indder. Price bid. Time of— Begin- ning work.i Comple- tion.' Eugene Boehm, Atlantic Citj^, N. J. Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del No signature 2 83,722.00 4,893.00 8, 100. 00 Days. Months. 30 30 30 ' After date of notification of approval of contract. 2 Lowest, recommended for acceptance. BALTIMORE (MD.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. No. Name and address of bidder. Total. Aug. Kuenne, Baltimore, Md. . . H. Steffens Co.,1 Baltimore, Md. 12, 298. 47 2, 277. 73 1 Bidder's addition makes his total $2,308.80. Correct addition is $2,277.73. The bid is somewhat informal in that the bidder has failed to state the total amount of his bid as called for in the specifications. Contract awarded to Aug. Keunne. Abstract of proposals for coal for U. S. steam tender Sentinel for the calendar year 1912, opened at 10 o'clock a. m. Dec. 11, 1911, by Col. Thos. L. Casey, Corps of Engineers, under advertisement dated Nov. 10, 1911. [Approximate qiaantity, 500 long tons.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price per ton f. 0. b. steamer. Total for 500 tons. Price per ton f. 0. b. scow. Total 500 tons. 1 National Coal Co., Baltimore, Md $2.84 2.70 $1, 420. 00 1,350.00 $2.74 2.70 $1,370.00 1,350.00 ?. Empire Coal Mining Co., Baltimore, Md Contract awarded Empire Coal Mining Co. 84 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. BALTIMORE (MD.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for dredging in above-named improvement, opened at 1 o'clock p. m., May 15, 1912, by Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers, under advertisement dated Apr. 15, 19 IS. [Appropriation. Improving Wicomico River. Md.] No. Name and address of bidder. Atlantic Dredging Co. , Philadelphia, Pa W. H. French, Norfolk, Va McLean Contracting Co., Baltimore, Md Maryland Dredging & Contractijig Co., Baltimore, Md Rickards Dredging Co. ,i Philadelphia, Pa River & Harbor Improvement Co.,i Philadelphia, Pa.. Miner Engineering Co. , Washington, D. C Standard Engineering Co. , New York, N. Y Price per cubic yard. $0.23 .198 .195 -184 .168 .168 .178 .233 Total for the work. m, 245. 00 26, 037. 00 25, 642. 50 24, 196. 00 22, 092. 00 22, 092. 00 23, 407. 00 30, 639. .50 I Tie bid. Decided by lot in favor of No. 6 by mutual consent and contract awarded to the River & Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Date of completion, nine months after date of receipt of notification of approval of contract by the Chie of Engineers. Originally estimated cost of work per cubic yard, 20 cents. Approximate quantity, scow measurement, 131,500 cubic yards. WASHINGTON (D. C.) DISTRICT. [Offlcer: W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and placing riprap on sea u>all and for furnishing and delivering building stone, Anacostia River, B.C., received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 9, 1912, and opened at the United States Engineer Office, 920 Seventeenth Street NW., Washington, D. C, at 12 m. Mar. 22, 1912, by Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers . No. Name and address of bidder. Riprap (25,000 cu- bic yards). Building stones (4,000 cubic yards). Total. Per cubic yard. Total. Per cubic yard. Total. 1 Alsop & Pierce, Newport News, Va $1.59 1.19 1.27 2.31 $39,750 29,750 31,750 57, 750 $3.46 $13, 840 $53, 590 9 Washington Stone Co. , Washington, D. C Columbia Granite & Dredging Co , Washing- ton, D. C 29, 750 3 1.97 3.05 7,880 12,200 39, 6.30 4 McClanahan Granite Co., Port Deposit, Md 69,950 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and placing riprap on the training dike of Potomac River, Virginia Channel, above Highway Bridge, opened Sept. 15, 1911, by Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers, in response to advertisement dated Aug. 16, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. Washington Stone Co., Washington D. C Columbia Granite & Dredgiag Corporation, Washington, D. C. Per cubic yard. $0.93 1.23 20,000 cubic yards, i $18,600 24, 600 See paragraph 20. MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 85 WASHINGTON (D. C.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Rappahannock River, Va., received in response to advertisement dated Apr. 22, 1912, and opened at the United States Engineer Office, 920 Seventeenth Street NW., Washington, D. C, at 12 m., April SO, 1912, by Lieut. Col. W. C. Langjitt, Corps of Engineers. No. Name. Per cubic yard. TotaJ 36,000 cubic yards. 1 Maryland Dredging & Construction Co., Baltimore Md 10.30 $10 800 2 Miner Engineering Co., Washington, D. C .23 8,280 Abstract of proposals for dredging in Anacostia Rivei', D. C ., received in response to adver- tisement dated Dec. 9, 1911, and opened at the United States Engineer Office, 920 Seven- teenth Street N'W., Washington, D. C, at 12 m., Jan. 8, 1912, by Capt. Warren T. Hannum, Corps of Engineers, in the absence of Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt. Howard K. Stokes, New York, N. Y Miner Engineering Co., Washington, D. C American Dredgkig Co., Philadelphia, Pa Maryland Dredging & Contracting Co., Baltimore, Md Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., New York, N. Y Sanford & Brooks Co., Baltimore, Md E. M. Graves, Cleveland. Ohio Total Per cubic 900,000 yard. cubic yards. 10.091 .?8],900 .0665 59,850 .076 68,400 .078 70,200 .0589 53,010 .0549 49,410 .0892 80, 280 Abstract of proposals for dredging in Upper Machodoc Creek, Va., opened Sept. 27, 1911, by Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers, in response to advei'tisement doted Aug. 28, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. W. H. French, Norfolk, Va Miner Engineering Co., Washington. D. C Maryland Dredging & Contracting Co., Baltimore, Md 40,000 cubic yards. $9,600 5,920 6,600 Abstract of proposals for dredging in Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers. Va., received in response to advei'tisement dated Oct. 19, 1911, and opened at United States Engineer Office, 920 Seventeenth Street NW., Washington, D. C, at 12 m., Nov. 18, 1911, by Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Mattaponi River, 23,400 cubic yards. Pamunkey River, 45,000 cubic yards. Unit. Total. Unit. TotaJ, 1 Miner Engineering Co., Washington, D. C •SO. 30 .195 .32 .57, 020 4,563 7,488 SO. 215 .185 .26 19, 67.5 ? W. H. French, Norfolk, Va 8,325 3 Atlantic, Gulf A: Pacific Co.. New York, N. Y 11,700 86 MATEEIALS AND LABOK FOR EI!TGINEEE DEPARTMEITT, 1912. WASHINGTON (D. C.) DISTRICT— Continued. IMPROVING ANACOSTIA RIVER, D. C. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering building stone and Portland cement on the Anacostia River, D. C, received in response to advertisement dated Jan 27, 1912, and opened at the United States Engineer Office, 920 Seventeenth Street NW., Washing- ton, D. C, at 12 m., Feb. 26, 1912, by Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers, United States Army. No. Name and address of bidder. Columbia Granite & Dredging Co., Washington, D. C. Washtagton Stone Co., Washington, D. C. Cop] ay Cement Manufacturing Co., Washington, D. C. National Mortar Co., Washington, D. C. Grove Lime & Coal Co., Washington, D. C. Security Cement & Lime Co., Balti- more, Md. Pennsylvania Cement Co., New York, N. Y. Stone, per cubic yard. \ $2. 85 \ 4.00 } } Total, 4,000 cubic yards. $11,400 16, 000 Cement, per barrel. SL48 1.42 1.459 1.44 1.42 1.48 1.40 1.52 Brand. /Atlas or Vul- \ canite. Dexter •Saylor's Old Dominion . . Security Alpha Security Pennsvlvania. .. Ofl for bags retiirned, Cents. 110 2 10 1 10 25 110 20 110 28 110 210 110 2 10 110 2 7* 1 10" 20 Total, 2,000 barrels, net. } .12, IfiO I 2,040 } 2,118 I 2,080 \ 2,040 } 2,160 I 2,000 } 2,240 1 Sacks returned in good condition. 2 Sacks returned in repairable condition. WASHINGTON AQUEDUCT. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering about 400 tons of sulphate of alumina, received in response to advertisement dated May 1, 1912, and opened at the United States Engineer Office, 920 Seventeenth Street NW., Washington, D. C, at 12 m. May 31, 1912, by Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers. No. Name of bidder. Per cent. Per ton in barrels. Per ton in bags. Allow for bags. Total barrels. Total net bags. 1 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co., Philadel- phia, Pa 17.5 17 17 $22. 40 23.52 23.63 $21.28 22.40 22.50 $0.05 .05 .00 $8,960.00 9,408.00 9,452.00 $8, 288. 00 2 3 Isaac Winkler & Bro., Cincinnati, Ohio.. Thomsen Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. . 8,736.00 9,000.00 Abstract of proposals for excavation, building dam, and construction necessary in remodel- ing Georgetown Reservoir, received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 4, 1912, and opened at the United States Engineer Office, 920 Seventeenth Street NW., Washington, D. C, at 12 m., Apr. 3, 1912, by Lieut. Col. W. C . Langfitt, Corps of Engineers. No. j Name and address of bidder. Excavation within the limits of the reservoir ,deposited inside (21,000 cubic yards). Excavation within the limits of the res8rvoir,deposited outside (21,000 cu- bic yards). Excavation within the limits of the reservoir, deposited ui the dam (22,300 cubic yards). Per cubic yard. Total. Per cubic yard. Total. Per cubic yard. Total. 1 Wm. F. Cush, Washington, D,C $0.38 1..30 1.25 .80 (a) $7,980.00 27,360.00 25,250.00 16,800.00 $0. 49 1.40 1.35 1.00 (&) $10,290.00 29,400.00 28,350.00 21,000.00 $0.39 1.55 1.50 .75 (a) $8,697.00 2 3 Cranford Paving Co., Wash- ington, D. C McDermott Construction Co., Washington, D. C 34,565.00 33, 450. 00 4 Whiting-Turner Construction Co., Baltimore, Md 16,725.00 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 87 WASHINGTON (D. C.) DISTRICT— Continued. WASHINGTON AQUEDUCT— Continued. Abstract of proposals for excavation, building dam, and construction necessary in remodeling Georgetoivn Reservoir, received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 4, 1912, and opened at the United States Engineer Office, 920 Seventeenth Street NW., Washington, D. C., at 12 m., Apr. S, 1912, by Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers— Contd. No. Name and address of bidder. Excavation from bor- row pit outside the reservoir, deposited in the dam (22,300 cubic yards). Per cubic yard. Wm. F. Gush, Washington, D. C i $0. 53 Cranford Paving Co., Washington, D.C. 1. 60 1.40 } McDermott Construction Co., Washing- \ ton, D. C / Whiting - Turner Construction Co., Baltimore, Md 1.00 Total. (b) $11,819.00 35, 680. 00 31,220.00 22,300.00 Concrete out let, laying pipe line, settmg sluice- gate and stand, and making con nections. Lump sum. (a) and (6) $4, 425. 00 7,450.00 7, 700. 00 14.00 6, 440. 00 Total. (a)$21, (6) 26, (a) 69, (6) 72, (a) 66, (6) 67. (a) 39, (b) 49, 102.00 534.00 315.00 530.00 400. 00 270.00 965.00 740.00 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering coal at the Washington Filtration Plant, received in response to advertisement dated May 1, 1912, and opened at United States Engineer Office, 920 Seventeenth Street NW., Washington. D. C, at 12 m., May SL r 12, by Lieut. Col. W. C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. B.t. u. in dry coal. W. W. Griffith, Washington, D. C... do do J. Maury Dove Co., Washington, D. C. do J. Edw. Chapman, Washington, D.C. do .^ United Coal Co., Baltimore, Md Maryland Coal & Coke Co., Philadel- phia, Pa 14,400 14,275 Mois- ture. Per cent. B.t. u. in coal as deliv- ered. 13,950 13,950 13,825 13,950 13,825 14,000 13,800 Ash. Fer cent. 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Volatile matter. Per cent. 19.5 19.5 17.25 19.50 17.25 16 16 Sulphur. Per cent. 1.10 1.10 1.6 1.10 1.6 .9 No. Name and address of bidder. Name of coal. Per ton. Total, 3,600 tons. Price bid plus ash dif- ference. Com- puted cost of 1,000,000 B. t. u. /Big Vein 1 $3.70 3.55 3-30 1 3.67 3.42 3. 65 3.40 } 3.37 3.70 $13,320 12,780 11,880 13,212 12,312 13,140 12, 240 12,132 13,320 $3.71 3.56 3.31 3.68 3.43 1 W. W. Griffith, Washington, D. C. . . do \ Georges Creek Georges Creek Jenner $0.11873 . J. Maury Dove Co., Washington, D. C. . .. do JBig Vein 2 \Georges Creek Jenner .11777 .11076 3 J. Edw. Chapman, Washington, D, C. do Georges Creek Jenner 3.66 .11713 3.41 .11011 United Coal Co., Baltimore, Md Maryland Coal & Coke Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. JJerome 4 5 \Orenda Cumberland 3.37 -"-"> 3.72 . 12034 88 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. NOKFOLK (VA.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. M. M. Patrick, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals 'received in response to advertisement dated July 1, 1911, and under specifications of the same date, opened at 12 o'clock, noon, August 2, 1911, at Engineer Office, U. S. Army, room 2, customhouse, Norfolk, Va., for dredging South Branch of Elizabeth River, Va. No. of pro- pos- al. Names and addresses of bidders. Amoimt available for dredging. Price bid per cubic yard, place measure- ment. Quantity to be removed at price bid. 1 Miner Engineering Co., Washingtoii, D. C $35,000 35,000 35,000 Cents. illi^ 14^ Cu. yds. 282,258 309,735 241,379 2 Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., New York, N. Y 3 Maryland Dredging & Contracting Co., Baltimore, Md 1 Lowest bid; recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement dated March 21, 1912, and urider specifications of the same date, opened at 12 o'clock, noon, April 23, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Mason M. Patrick, Corps of Engineers, at Engineer Office, U. S. Army, room 2, custom- house, Norfolk, Va., for dredging and rock excavation in River, Va. DREDGING AND ROCK EXCAVATION IN SECTION I. No. of pro- Names and addresses of bidders. For earth excavation, including its carriage and deposit at specified localities between the points of excavation and deep bottom. pos- al. Approxi- mate quantity. Price bid per cubic yard. Total cost at price bid. 1 Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va Cu. yds. 15,000 15,000 15,000 Cents. 65 70 158 $9, 750 10, 500 2 Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., Park Row Building, New York, N. Y 3 P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), 277 Washington Street, Jersey City, N. J 8,700 No, of Names and addresses of bidders. For earth excavation, including its carriage and deposit near City Point. pro- posal. Approxi- mate, quantity. Price bid per cubic yard. Total cost at price bid. 1 Coastwise Dredging Co. , Norfolk, Va Cubic yards. 15,000 15,000 15,000 Cents. 65 60 158 $9, 750 2 Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., Park Row Building, New York, N. Y 9,000 3 P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), 277 Washington Street, Jersey City, N. J 8,700 No. of pro- posal. Names and addresses of bidders. Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va , Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., New York, N. P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J... For hard-rock excavation, including its carriage and deposit at specified localities between the points of ex- cavation and deep bottom. Approxi- mate quantity. Cubic yards. i,000 1,000 1,000 Price bid per cubic yard. Cents. 10.90 16. 00 19.45 Total cost at price bid. $10. 600 16, 000 9,450 1 Lowest bid; acceptance recommended. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 89 NORFOLK (VA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals receivedin response to advertisement dated March 21, 1912, andunder specifications of the same date, opened at 12 o^ clock, noon, April 23, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Mason M. Patrick, Corps of Engineers, at Engineer Office, U. S. Army, room 2, custom- house, Norfolk, Va.,for dredging and rock excavation in James River, Va. — Contd. DREDGING AND ROCK EXCAVATION IN SECTION II. Names and addresses of bidders. Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., New York, N. Y P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J For earth excavation, including its carriage and deposit at specified localities between the points of excavation and deep bottom. Approxi- mate quantity. Price bid per cubic yar(}. Total cost at price bid. Cubic yards. 7, 300 7,300 7.300 Cents. (••5 80 »58 S4, 745 5, 840 4,234 Names and addresses of bidders. Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., New York, N. Y. P. Sanford Russ (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J For hard rock excavation, includ ing its carriage and deposit at speci- fied localities between the points of excavation and deep bottom. Approxi- mate quantity. Cubic yards. 5,200 5.200 5.200 Price bid per cubic yard. SIO. 90 12.80 19.45 Total at price bid. $56,680 66,560 49,140 DREDGING AND ROCK EXCAVATION IN SECTION III. Names and addresses of bidders. Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., New York, N. Y P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J For earth excavation, including its carriage and deposit at specified localities between the points of excavation and deep bottom. Approxi- mate quantity. Cubic yards. 6,400 6,400 6,400 Price bid per cubic yard. Cents. 65 80 158 Total cost at price bid. $4, 160 5,120 3,712 No. of Names and addresses of bidders. For earth excavation, including its carriage and deposit near City Point. pro- posal. Approxi- Price bid Total cost mate per cubic at price quantity. yard. ^ bid. 1 2 Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., New York, N. Y Cubic yards. Cents. I 10,000 65 $6,500 10,000 70 ! 7.000 3 P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J 10.000 158 ; 5,800 1 Lowest bid; acceptance recommended. 90 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. NORFOLK (VA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement dated March 21, 1912, and under specifications of the same date, opened at 12 o^ clock, noon, April 23, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Ma^on M.Patrick, Corps of Engineers, at Engineer Office, U.S. Army, room 2, custom- house, Norfolk, Va.,for dredging and rock excavation in James River, Fa.— Contd. DREDGING AND ROCK EXCAVATION IN SECTION III— Continued. No. of pro- posal. Names and addresses of bidders. For hard rock excavation, including its carriage a;nd deposit at specified localities between the points of excavation and deep bottom — Approxi- mate quan- tity. Price bid per cubic yard. Total cost at price bid. Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., New York, N. Y P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J CuMc yards. 5,000 5,000 5,000 $10.90 14.70 1 9.45 §54,500 73,500 47,250 No.of pro- posal. Names and addresses of bidders. Aggregate cost of work to be done in Sections I, II, and III. Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., New York, N. Y P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J $156,985 193,520 1136,986 1 Lowest bid; acceptance recommended. Remarks.— Authority of officer signing proposal not filed. Abstract of proposals received in response to written notice, dated May 29, 1912, and under specifications of the same date, opened at 12 o^ clock noon, June 10, 1912, at Engineer Office, United States Army, room 2, customhouse, Norfolk, Va., for dredging in Appomattox River at Petersburg, Va. No.of pro- posal. Names and addresses of bidders. Approxi- mate quan- tity, place measure- ment. Price bid per cubic yard, place measure- ment. Total cost at price bid. Miner Engineering Co., Washington, D . C Norfolk Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va Maryland Dredging & Contracting Co., Baltimore, Md Cubic yards. 23,000 23,000 23,000 Cents. 343^ 24^ 117 5,727 3,910 Accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 91 CHARLESTON (S. C.) DISTRICT. RIVERS AND HARBORS. (Oflicer: Maj. G. P. Howell, Corps of Engineers.) Abstract of proposals for two steel hull, stern wheel, combination bvcket dredges and snag- boats received in response to newspaper advertisement dated Aug. 5, 1911, and opened Sept. 5, 1911, by Maj. G. P. Howell, Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S. C. Bid Price for— Remarks. No. Name and address of bidder. 1 boat. 2 boats. 1 The Marion Steam Shovel Co., Marion, $82, 000 2 58,960 72,500 Individuals as guaranty. Surety company as guaranty. Do. 2 3 Ohio. M. A. Sweeney Shipj'-ard & Foundry i $29, 480 Co., Jefferson ville, Ind. Merrill-Stevens Co., Jacksonville, Fla.. 37,500 All bids rejected. 1 In 6 months. 2 In 8 months. Abstract of proposals for dredging betiueen Charleston and McClellanville, S. C, received in response to newspaper advertisement dated Sept. 27, 1911, and opened Oct. 27, 1911, by Maj. G. P. Howell, Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S. C. Bid No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic vard. Total for 200,000 cubic yards. Remarks. Simons-Mayrant Co., Charleston, S.C. J. C. Titzell, Savannah, Ga Hillsboro Dredging Co., Tampa, Fla.. Cents. 1 17. 19.1 26 23.9 S35,400 I 41.650 47, 800 Surety companv. (For 150,000 cubic yards, S28,650. •^For 50.000 cubic yards, $13,000. [Surety companv. Do. 1 Accepted. Abstract of proposals for two steel hulls and boilers for combination dredges and snagboafs ^^ Pedee" and " Wateree." received in response to newspaper advertisement dated Nov. 1. 1911. and opened Dec. 1. 1911. by Maj. G. P. Howell. Cor ps of Engineers. Charleston^ S. C. Bid No. Names and addresses of bidders. One hull. Two hulls. One boiler. Two boilers. Type of boilers. Two hulls and boilers. Remarks. 1 Valk & Murdoch Iron Works, Charleston, S. C. The Marion Steam Shovel Co., Marion, Ohio. U. S. Navy Yard. Charles- ton. S. C. (estimate). The Pusey & Jones Co., Wilmington, Del. American Locomotive Co., 30 Church Street, New York. PhnpniY Trnn "WnrkQ Ca $2,300 $4,500 / 2,700 \ 4,000 Scotch 2 3 1 $36,000 1 20. 000 Locomotive . . . Scotch $38, 700 40,000 4 5 f, 1$ 17, 800 I 18.541 1 34,700 34,000 f 2,0P5 \ 2,315 / 2,770 3,945 / 1,600 \ 1,800 4,100 4, COO 5,450 7, 090 3,200 3, COO Locomotive . . . Scotch Locomotive . . . Scotch Locomotive . . . 38, 800 39,300 39, 450 41, 090 Scotch Meaaviue , ±^a. Ellicott Machine Co., Bal- timore, Md. Merrill-Stevens Co., Jack- sonville. Fla. Kingsford Foundrv & Ma- chine Works, Oswego, N. Y. Do / 17, 500 34, 200 33, 500 7 8 9 2,000 3,750 13,150 3,075 3,5ro 3,9C0 Scotch 37, 250 10 Locomotive... Special dredge boiler. 11 M. A. Sweeney S. Y. & Foundrj'^ Co., Jefferson- ville, Ind. I 17,330 34, GCO / 1,780 \ 1,980 do Scotch 38,220 38,620 j-Received late. 1 Accepted. 92 MATEEIALS AND LABOK FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. SAVANNAH (GA.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Col. Dan. C. Kingman, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. :^^bsiract of bids for constructing gun and mortar emplacements and instrument platforms in Forsyth Park Extension, Savannah, Ga., received and opened at the United States Engineer Office, Savannah, Ga., at 12 o^ clock, noon {eastern standard time), JuneJlO, 1912, by Col. Dan C. Kingman, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: ''Equipment of Coast Artillery Armories, Organized Militia, 1912."] No. of bid. Name and address of bidders. Gadsden Contracting Co.,i by Geo. M. Gadsden, presi- dent. Savannah, Ga. John H. McKenzie's Sons, by Chas. F. McKenzie, Augusta, Ga. Collins Bros. Co., by W. A. Collins, president, Savan- nah, Ga. Amount of bid. $15, 099. 00 19,580.00 24,926.80 Remarks. No bidder's bond or certified check in lieu thereof furnished; unit prices for basing monthly payments not filled out in proposal; no aiithority for presi- dent to sign for the company. Itemized statement in proposal does not agree with amount bid. No authority furnished for president to sign for the company; bidder's bond signed but not filled out; no justification of sureties; amount bid does not agree with itemized statement in proposal ;^bid^re- ceived 2 minutes late. 1 Informalities waived; bid accepted. RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of bids, for dredging refractory material in harbor at Brunswick, Ga., received and opened at 12 o^ clock, noon (eastern standard time), July 5, 1911, at the United States Engineer Office, Savannah, Ga., by Col. Dan C. Kingman, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: "Improving harbor at Brunswick, Ga.] Name and address of bidders. Dredging 7,500 cubic yards. Board and lodging for inspectors. Remarks. Rate. Amount. 1. P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), Jersey City; N. J. 2, George W. Parkhill, Jackson- ville, Fla. $3.32 3.95 $24,900 29,625 i$20 120 Lowest bid. Bid submitted'on con- dition that 6 months befallowed for completion instead of 3 months. Bid submitted on condition that 7 months be allowed for completion instead of 3 months. 1 Per month. Abstract of bids for furnishing and placing stone for raising training wall in Brunswick Harbor, Ga., received and opened at Savannah, Ga., at 12 o^ clock, noon {eastern stand- ard time), July 12, 1911, by Col. Dan C. Kingman, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Brunswick, Ga.] Name and address of bidder. Stone, 3,500 tons. J. W. Fitzgerald, Savannah, Ga Ingram-Dart Lighterage Co., Brims wick, Ga (Jeorge W. Parkhill, Jacksonville, Fla 1 Lowest bid < iriginal estimate, $2.85 per ton. Rate. Amount. $2.75 2.74 12.57 S9,62o.00 9,590.00 8,995.00 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 93 SAVANNAH (GA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS-Continuod. Abstract of bids for raising jetties at Cumberland Sound, Ga. and Fla., received and opened at 12 o'clock, noon (eastern standard time), July 26, 1911, at Savannah, Ga.. by Col. Dan C. Kingma7i, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Fernandina, Fla.] Stone, 10,000 tons. iJOard a^j oUging f d 1 or Name and address of bidder. Rate. Amount. united States inspectors. George W. Parkhill, Jacksonville, Fla i$3.43 $34,300.00 $20.00 1 Lowest bidder; only bid received. WRECKS. Abstract of bids for removal of wreck of dredge sunk in Darien Harbor, Ga., received in response to circular dated Sept. 27, 1911, copy attached, and opened at 12 o'clock, noon (eastern standard time), Oct. 6, 1911, at Savannah, Ga., by Maj. G. P. Howell, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Removal of sunken vessels or craft obstructing or endangering navigation.] Name and address of bidder. 1. Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del. . 2. Lewis W. Blix, Jacksonville, Fla. Amount of ^^^ ^^^^ ' ^"^^^^ ^°"^" Amount 01" .^^orkof ' plete removal.! removal. - bid. $1, 450. 00 3 1,365.00 Days. 10 10 Days. 20 35 1 After date of signing contract . 2 After date of commencement of work. 3 Lowest bid. JACKSONVILLE (FLA.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Capt. J. A. Slattery, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for dredging at Trout Creek and constructing shore revetment, St. Johns River, Fla., received in response to advertisement and opened in United States Engineer Office, Jacksonville, Fla., by Capt. J. R. Slattery, Corps of Engineers, on Aug. 3, 1911. [Improving St. Johns River, Fla.] No. Name and address of bidder. Dredging and depos- iting in shore re- vetment 65,250 cu- bic yards. Dredging and depos- iting in dumping groxmd 21,750 cubic yards. Grand total. Price per cubic yard. Total. Price per cubic yard. Total. 1 M. J. Dady, New York City $3.35 2.84 2.94 2.95 3.08 $218,587.50 185,310.00 191,835.00 192, 487. 50 200, 970. 00 $3.35 2.84 2.94 2.95 3.08 $72, 862. 50 61, 770. 00 6:3,945.00 64,162.50 66, 990. 00 $291,450.00 2 3 4 P. Sanford Ross (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J. Geo. W. Parkhm, Jacksonville, Fla North American Dredging Co. of Texas, Galveston, Tex 247,080.00 255, 780. 00 256,650.00 5 Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va 267,960.00 No. 2, lowest bid; accepted. 94 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. Ti o ft -o O0U5O0 oooo?oc-i •O 00 00 1-1 <£rt^of CN'o'oJ to CQ CO lOI-- -* d ,Q S < Item 1, 500,000 cubic yards. ■3 s Price per cubic yard. CO I— 1 Items 2 and 3, 3,900,000 cubic yards. "3 Price per cubic yard. CO Alternate bid No. 1. Entire work, 4,400,000 cubic yards. 00 'a C c C ti .P .,'b t: 1 = j c 'I t- > > ;- a :^ ST il > a. c: c p or ;i t: tx c C > c j't 0; jC I -5: J '-C 3 P 2£ c 1 !<( ip: ■2 1 6 - H e^ J c j^ H ir sec 5 & v; MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 95 JACKSONVILLE (FLA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS-Contlnued. Ahstractof proposals for construction of the motor-swrvey launch'' Captain J. J. Meyler," received in response to advertisement and opened in United States Engineer office, Jack- sonville, Fla., by Capt. J. R. S lattery, Corps of Engineers, on May 15, 1912. [Improving St. Johns River, FJa.] No. Name and address of l)idder. Price, launch complete. Price with engine named. Addi- tional for Edison storage battery. Addi- tional for heating system. Total price. Remarks. 1 2 The Matthews Boat Co., Port Clinton, Ohio. Mathis Yacht Build- ing Co., Camden, N.J. Greenport Basin & Construction Co., Greenport, N. Y. Racine Boat Co., Ra- cine, Wis. Downey Shipyard & Marine Co., New York, N. Y. Gas Engine & Power Co., and Chas. L. Seabury & Co., Con'd, 'Morris Heights, N. Y. A. Hansen, Brooklyn, N. Y. $16,490 19, 189 19,819 24,800 31,000 27,817 18,481 1 $16,990 $280. 00 240.00 400.00 300.00 200. 00 <30,123.00 600.00 $200. 00 250. 00 375. 00 400.00 400. 00 368.00 200.00 $16,970 19,679 20,351 25,500 31,600 30, 491 19,281 3 4 8 19,576 5 6 3 31,000 Price complete, with- 7 out Edison storage battery, .?28,185. Received after date of opening proposals. Postmarked N e w York, May 24, 1912, 9.30 a. ra., and Jack- sonville, May 15, 3.30 p. m. ' Sterling. 2 Ideal. No. 1, lowest bid; accepted. 3 Germast & Monaham Co. * Price for launch complete with Edison storage battery. WRECKS. Abstract of proposals for removing the wrech of the steamer " Zeeburg^' from the entrance to the St. Johns River, Fla., received in response to advertisement and opened in United States Engineer office, Jacksonville, Fla., by Capt. J. R. Slattery. Corps of Engineers, on Oct. 20, 1911. [Removing sunken vessels or craft obstructing or endangering navigation, indefinite.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Original estimate. 1 Merritt & Chapman Derrick & Wrecking Co., New York City $68, 872 46,400 $35,000 2 Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del 35,000 No. 2, lowest bid; accepted. Abstract of proposals for removing wreck of the barge '^Zoradia'' in the Gulf of Mexico, near the entrance to the Withlacoochee River, Fla., received in response to advertisement and opened in United States Engineer office, Jacksonville, Fla.. by Capt. J. R. Slattery, Corps of Engineers, on Nov. 20, 1911. [Removing sunken vessels or craft obstructing or endangering navigation, indefinite.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Original estimate. Remarks. 1 2 3 John L. Inglis, Jacksonville, Fla Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del Edwards Construction Co., Tampa, Fla. 1 $1,500 4,400 3,850 $3,000 3,000 3,000 Certified check for $1,000 furnished in place of guaranty. Do. 1 Lowest bid; accepted. 96 MATEKIALS AND LABOB FOR ENGINEEE DEPARTMENT^ 1912. JACKSONVILLE (FLA.) DISTRICT— Continued. W R ECKS— Continued . Abstract of proposals for removing the wreck of the dredge ^' Hester ^^ from the channel leading from Clearwater Harbor to Tampa Bay. Fla., received in response to advertise- ment and opened in United States Engineer office, Jarlcsonville, Fla., by Capt. J. B. flattery. Corps of Engineers. Jan. 19, 1912. [Removing sunken vessels or craft obstructing or endangering navigation, indefinite.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid. Original estimate. Remarks. 1 Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del $3,490 1,225 2,822 1,249 11,180 $1, 500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1.500 7, Hillsboro Dredging Co., Tampa, Fla 3 4 Eugene Boehm, Atlantic City, N. J Jolm B. Wheaton, jr., Norfolk, Va Bond not complete. 5 Edwards Construction Co., Tampa, Fla Certified check for $500 in lieu of bond. 1 Lowest bid; accepted. MONTGOMERY (ALA.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. G. D. Fitch, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of proposals for filling and leveling at Fort Pickens, Fla., received in response to advertisement dated July 24, 1911, and opened at Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 24, 1911, by G. C. Scherer, chief clerk, in the absence of Lieut. Col. G. D. Fitch, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Repair and protection of defenses of Pensacola, Fla., sea walls and buildings.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard. Remarks. 1 Home Dredging Co. , Mobile, Ala Cents. 22§ ^20^ 23 21t% Commence work within 10 2 3 North American Dredging Co. of Texas, Galveston, Tex. . Southern Dredging Co. , Mobile, Ala months after award. 4 Hillsboro Dredging Co. , Tampa, Fla 1 Accepted. RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Carrabelle Harbor, Fla., received in response to adver- tisement dated Jan. 24, 1912, and opened at the United States Engineer office, Mont- gomery, Ala., on Feb. 23, 1912, by Lieut. Col. G. D. Fitch, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving Carrabelle Bar and Harbor, Fla.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard. Remarks. 1 Hillsboro Dredging Co., Tampa, Fla Cents. 18^ 1 17-i 19i Board of inspector, $30 per ? Home Dredging Co., Mobile Ala month. Board of inspector, $20 per 3 Southern Dredging Co. , Mobile, Ala month. Board of inspector, $20 per month. Accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 97 MONTGOMERY (ALA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS-Ck)ntinued. Abstract of proposals for dredging at the. mouth of Apalachicola River, Fla.. received in response to advertisement dated June 6, 1911, and opened at Montgomery, Ala., July 6, 1911, by Lieut. Col. G. D. Fitch, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving Apalachicola Bay, Fla.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard. Remarks. 1 Home Dredging Co., Mobile, Ala Cents. 114.6 21.4 Board of inspector, $20 per month. Board of inspector, J26 per month. 2 Hillsboro Dredging Co. , Tampa, Fla 1 Accepted. MOBILE (ALA.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. C. A. F. Flagler, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering four 24-inch iron-body, bronze-mounted, single-disk, straightway valves, with flange ends, 19^ inches face to face, flanges 32 inches diameter, drilled A. S. M. E. standard, received in response to 15-day poster and cir- cular letter dated Apr. 11, 1912, and opened in the United States Engineer Office^ Mobile, Ala., Apr. 25, 1912. No. 1 2 Name and address of bidder. Coffin Valve Co., Boston, Mass , Woodward, Wight & Co. (Ltd.), New Orleans, La. Amount bid. $688.00 796. 24 723. 72 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering 117^ feet of 24-inch 12-gage steel-spiral, riveted pipe, with 3 2 -inch flanges, galvanized; 28 feet of 12 -inch 16-gage, galvanized-steel^ spiral-riveted pipe and flanges; and about 47 feet cast-iron pipe, 24-inch, with 7 elbows and 2 tees, received in response to 15-day poster and circular letter dated Apr. 11, 1912, and opened in United States Engineer Office, Mobile, Ala., on Apr. 25, 1912. No. Name and address of bidder. Woodward, Wight & Co. (Ltd.), New Orleans, La. Allen & Jamison Co., Tuscaloosa, Ala , Amoimt bid. 81,810.62 2,950.00 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering 77,822 pounds of plates, shapes, and bars, received in response to 15-day poster and circular letter dated Apr. 11, 1912, and opened in the United States Engineer Office at Mobile, Ala., on Apr. 25, 1912. No. Name and address of bidder. Amount bid. 1 Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa i$l,945.56 1 2i cents per pound. 74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3 7 98 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. MOBILE (ALA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering three sets of sluice gates, with sterns^ frames, guides, stem brackets, gears, handwheels and shafts, stuffing boxes and gear covers, received in response to 15-day poster and circular letter, dated Apr. 4, 1912, and opened in the United States Engineer office at Mobile, Ala., on Apr. 19, 1912. No. Name and address of bidder. Coldwell-Wilcox Co., Newburgh, N. Y S. Morgan Smith Co., York. Pa Coffin Valve Co., Boston, Mass. Amount bid. $1,482 1,690 1,698 Weight of material. Pounds. 12,000 18,500 19,500 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering 116,652 pounds of cylindrical valves, with shells, etc., received in response to 15-day poster and circular letter, dated Apr. 6, 1912, and opened in the United States Engineer office at Mobile, Ala., on Apr. 22, 1912. Name and address of bidder. Delivered at — No. Searles, Ala., 116,652 pounds. Tuscaloosa, Ala., 116,652 pounds. Lock No. 10, Ala., 116,652 pounds. Per pound. Amount. Per pound. Amount. Per pound. Amount. 1 Strickland Bros. Machine Co., Tusca- loosa, Ala The Webster Mfg, Co., Tiffin, Ohio. . Chattanooga Car & Foiindry Co., Chattanooga, Tenn EUicott Machine Corporation, Bal- timore, Md Cents. 4.65 4.75 5.00 6.96 $5,424.32 5,540.97 5,832.60 8,118.98 Cents. 4.40 $5,132.69 Cents. 4.43 $5,167.68 3 4 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering 50,882 pounds of iron castings received in response to 15-day poster and circular letter dated Apr. 6, 1912, and opened in the United States Engineer office, Mobile, Ala., on Apr. 22, 1912. n Name and address of bidder. Delivery at — Searles, Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Lock No. 10. No. Lot 1, 39,941 pounds. Lot 2, 10,441 pounds. Lot 1, 39,941 pounds. Lot 2, 10,441 pounds. Lot 1, 39,941 pounds. Lot 2, 10,441 pounds. a g ft o a -d § ft -inch hydraulic dredge No. 6 and 20-inch hydraulic dredge No, 7, also such other plant as is found necessary to complete the contract within time specified. The contract was awarded to Bowers Southern Dredging Co. MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 115 VICKSBURG (MISS.) DISTRICT. [Officer: J. A. Woodruff, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and placing lock gates and building dam, for Lock and Dam No. 6, Ouachita River, near Roland Raft, Ark., received in response to adver- tisement dated Sept. 29, 1911, and opened at 12 o'clock noon, Oct. 31, 1911, at the United States engineer office, Vicksburg, Miss. [Appropriation: "Improving Ouachita River, Ark. and La."] Item. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Classification. Grubbing and clearing. . Excavation. Backfill and embank- ment. Gravel fill Light riprap fill Heavy riprap fill Founciation piles , Sheet piles Concrete Structural steel , Steel cover plates Cast iron Cast steel Steel reinforcement Bolts and special irons.. . Framed timbers Sills and posts , Needles Riprap paving, plain Riprap paving, grouted . . Coil chain Log chain , Gauge tile Winches, special Sand bags Round piling in coffer- dam. Lumber in cofferdam Oak timber in cribs Other timber in cribs Cluster piles Total. Unit. Acre Cubic yards. do! .do. .do. .do. Linear feet . . . FeetB. M.... Cubic yards.. Pounds do do do do do FeetB. M.... do do Square yards. do Pounds do Linear feet . . . Number do Linear feet... FeetB. M.... do....... do Linear feet... Quan- tity. 9,900 1,500 1,400 1,200 2,000 12, 400 45, 500 2,660 335,000 5,800 5,400 14,000 1.400 14, 000 2,360 4,600 16,600 430 160 2,200 7,700 8% 2 2,000 3,000 364,000 15,000 95,000 4,000 Proposal No. 1,G.C. Hodgson, Dayton, Ohio. Price. Amount. «240. 00 1.10 1.10 4.00 9.25 12.00 1.75 1 170. 00 17.50 .06J .06^ .064 .061 .061 .06 J 1170.00 1 200. 00 1 200. 00 4.50 4.75 .6i .eh 4.00 165. 00 .25 1.75 1 170. 00 1 150. 00 1 150. 00 .50 $30. 00 10, 890. 00 1,650.00 5,600.00 11,100.00 24,000.00 21,700.00 7,735.00 46,550.00 21,775.00 377.00 351.00 910. 00 91.00 910.00 401.20 920. 00 3,320.00 1,935.00 760. 00 143.00 500. 50 34.00 330. 00 500. 00 5,250.00 61,880.00 2,250.00 14,250.00 2, 000. 00 248,142.70 Proposal No. 2, A. M. Blodgett Construc- tion Co., Kansas City, Mo. Price. Amount. $800. 00 3.00 1.10 5.25 8.50 8.50 1.40 1 190.00 22.50 .084 .084 .06* .15' .064 .12 1 105. 00 ) 140.00 I 130. 00 4.75 7.00 .15 .18 2.00 65.00 .20 1.40 1120.00 1 130.00 1 120. 00 1.60 ?100. 00 29,700.00 1,650.00 7, 350. 00 10,200.00 17,000.00 17, 360. 00 8,645.00 59, 850. 00 28,475.00 493. 00 351.00 2, 100. 00 84.00 1,680.00 247.80 644. 00 2,158.00 2, 042. 50 1,120.00 330. 00 1,386.00 17.00 130.00 400. 00 4,200.00 43,680.00 1.950.00 11,400.00 6, 400. 00 261,143.30 Both bids rejected. Per 1,000 feet, board measure. 116 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. VICKSBURG (MISS.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing about 5,000 tons of riprap stone, received in response to advertisement dated Feb. 12, 1912, and opened at 12 o'clock, noon. United States engineer office, Vichsburg, Miss., Mar. 14, 1912. [Appropriation: Improving Ouachita River, Ark. and La. Dam No. 0, Ark.] Name and ad- dress of bidders. Delivered f. o. b. cars on lock switch of St. L., I. M. & S. Ry.— At Monroe, La. At Felsenthal, Ark. -i^o. 2,700 short tons of heavy riprap. 2,300 short tons of Ught riprap. Total cost. 2,700 short tons of heavy riprap. 2,300 short tons of light riprap. Total cost. Price. Cost. Price. Cost. Price. Cost. Price. Cost. 1 A. L. Martin, London, Ark . . $3.25 2.20 $8,775 5,940 $2.75 2.20 $6,325 5,060 $15, 100 11,000 12 Zeb Ward, Little Rock, Ark $2.40 $6,480 $2.40 $5,520 $12,000 1 Accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering about 384,500 pounds of structural metal for Loch and Dam. No. 6, Ouachita River, near Felsenthal, Arlc, and for erect- ing loch gates at that ivorh, received in response to advertisement dated Feb. 12, 1912, and opened at 12 o'clock, noon, United States engineer office, Vichsburg, Miss., Mar. 14. 1912. [Improving Ouachita River, Ark. and La. Lock and Dam No. 6, Ark.] No. Name and address of bidder. Independent Bridge Co., Beaver Avenue and Reedsdale Street, N. S-, Pitts- bvirgh, Pa Blaw Steel Centering Co., Pittsburgh, Pa Whitehead & Kales Iron Works, Detroit, Mich Penn Bridge Co., Beaver Falls, Pa Modern Steel Structural Co., Waukesha, Wis Detroit Bridge & Steel Works, River Rouge, Mich New Jersey Foundry & Machine Co., 90 West Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. . . Lawrence D. Weaning, care Variety Iron & Steel Works Co., Cleveland, Ohio.... Furnishing and delivering structural metal. 24,000 pounds wrought iron. Per pound. Cost. Cents. 4. 92 $1, 180. 80 4.1 10 5.2 6.6 3.74 5.4 5.25 984. 00 2,400.00 1,248.00 1,584.00 897. 60 1,296.00 1,260.00 341,000 poimds structural steel. Per povmd. Cents. 4.52 3.9 4.2 4.2 4.26 4.1 4.42 4 Cost. $15, 413. 20 13, 299. 00 14,322.00 14,322.00 14,526.60 13,981.00 15,072.20 13, 640. 00 5,500 pounds iron castings. Per pound. Cents. 6.6 4.5 17.7 7.5 25. 67 4.9 5.6 7.5 Cost. $363. 00 247. 50 973.50 412. 50 1,411.85 269.50 308.00 412. 50 MATERIALS AND LABOK FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 117 VICKSBURG (MISS.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering about 38 4-. 500 pounds of structural metal for Lock and Dam No. 6, Ouachita River, near Felsenthal, Ark., and for erect- ing lock gates at that luork, received in response to advertisement dated Feb. 12, 1912, and opened at 12 o^ clock, noon, United States engineer office, Vicksburg, Miss., Mar. 14, 1912— Continued. No. Name and address of bidder. Furnishing and delivering structural metal. Independent Bridge Co., Beaver Avenue and Reedsdale Street, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa Blaw Steel Centering Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.. Whitehead & Kales Iron Works, Detroit, Mich Penn Bridge Co., Beaver Falls, Pa Modern Steel Structural Co., Waukesha, Wis Detroit Bridge & Steel Works, River Rouge, Mich New Jersey Foundry & Machine Co., 90 West Cedar Street, New York, N. Y Lawrence D. Weaning, care Variety Iron & Steel Works Co., Cleveland, Ohio 14,000 pounds steel castings. Per pound Cents. 6.6 0.6 9.35 6.6 6.89 11 6.25 Cost. 16 pounds bronze castings. Per pound, $924. 00 924. 00 1,309.00 924.00 964.60 1,260.00 1,540.00 875.00 51.25 .50 .40 .50 1.145 .70 .55 .55 Cost, $20.00 8.00 6.40 8.00 18.32 11.20 8.80 8.80 2 special winches. Each. $145 250 99 150 244 150 195 140 Cost. $290 500 198 300 488 300 390 280 Total cost structural metal. $18,191.00 1 15, 962. 50 19,208.90 17, 214. 50 18,993.37 16,719.30 18,615.00 16,476.30 No. Name of bidder. Independent Bridge Co Whitehead & Kales Iron Works Penn Bridge Co Modern Steel Structtiral Co Detroit Bridge & Steel Works. . La^vrence D. Weaning Erecting lock gates. 248,000 pounds of metal. Per pound. Cents. 1.7 2 1.85 1.97 1.5 1.5 Cost. $4,216.00 4,960.00 4,588.00 4,885.60 3,720.00 3, 720. 00 2,700 feet b. m. of timber. Per 1,000 feet b. m. $300 50 100 25 100 15 Cost. $810.00 135.00 270. 00 67.50 270. 00 40.50 Total cost of erecting lock gates. $5,026.00 5,095.00 4, 858. 00 4, 953. 10 3, 990. 00 13,760.50 Accepted. 118 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. VICKSBURG (MISS.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing about 8,000 barrels of American Portland cement, delivered at Felsenthal, Ark., in sacks, received in response to advertisement dated Feb. 12, 1912, and opened at 12 o'clock, noon, United States engineer office, Vicksburg, Miss., Mar. 14, 1912. [Improving Ouachita River, Ark. and La. Dam No. 6, Ark.] No. Name and address of bidder. Brand of cement offered. Price per barrel. Cost. Charge for each sack not returned. 1 Union Sand & Material Co., St. Louis Portland Cement Works, Liggett Bunding, St. Louis, Mo. lola Portland Cement Co., 815 Commerce Building, Kansas City, Mo. United Kansas Portland Cement Co., 811 Commerce Building, Kansas City, Mo. Atlas Portland Cement Co., 30 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. Red Ring lola $1.83 1.83 1.83 1.88 $5, 490 5,490 5,490 5,640 $0.10 .10 13 4 Sunflower Atlas .10 .10 1 Accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing explosives to works of the Vicksburg, Miss., district, in quantities as required during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, received in response to advertisement dated May 1, 1912, and opened at United States engineer office, Vicks- burg, Miss., at 3 o'clock, p. m., June 1, 1912. Articles. Estimated quantities. Unit. Proposal No. l,i E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Co., Wilmington, Del. Proposal No. 2, Independent Powder Co., Joplin, Mo. Proposal No. 3, Illinois Powder Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Price. Cost. Price. Cost. Price. Cost Dynamite: 40 per cent N. G., pounds. -60 per cent N. G., pounds. Judson powder, pounds. Platinum fuses: 4-foot wires 24-foot wires Leading wire, cotton covered, fe$t. Safety fuse, tkple tape, feet. Blasting caps, quadru- ple force. Blasting machines: No. 3 30,000 3,000 5,000 12,000 1,000 3,500 3,000 1,000 1 1 Pounds . . . do.... do.... 100 100 Feet 1,000 feet . . 100 Each do.... $0. 1293 .1493 .0893 2.49 7.00 .005 4.71 .50 12.83 25.65 $3,879.00 447. 90 446.50 298.80 70.00 17.50 14.13 5.00 12.83 25.65 $0. 132 .159 .10 2.50 7.50 .0025 4.50 .50 10.00 20.00 $3,960.00 477. 00 500. 00 300. 00 75.00 8.75 13.50 5.00 10.00 20.00 10. 155 .175 .10 2.62 7.36 .005 4.70 .56 15.00 30.00 $4,650.00 525. 00 500.00 314. 40 73.60 17.50 14.10 5.60 15.00 No. 4 30.00 Total 5,217.31 5,369.25 6, 145. 20 Accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 119 LITTLE ROCK (ARK.) DISTRICT. (OflBcer: Maj. C. S. Smith, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of bids for construction of 2 dredges to be paid for from appropriation for improV' ing Arkansas River, Ark., for dredging, etc. Advertisement dated Jan. 31, 1912, and opened at Little Rock, Ark., Apr. 9, 1912, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of Engineers. Name. For one dredge complete. Days to com- plete. For two dredges complete. Days to com- plete. For one dredge hull. Days to com- plete. For two dredge hulls. Days to com- plete. Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, Dubuque, Iowa $148,857 176,837 396 400 $295,514 338,674 696 490 Ellicott Machine Corporation, Baltimore, Md Riter-Conley Manufacturing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa $67,590 270 $130,350 95,500 390 American Bridge Co. of New York, Pittsburgh, Pa 325 Name. For ma- chinery for one dredge. Days to com- plete. For ma- chinery for two dredges. Days to com- plete. De- duct for one set of tools. De- duct for two sets of tools. Pro- pelling en- gines only. Remarks. Dubuque Boat & $3,800 4,260 $7,600 8,520 $14,500 Deduct $1,100 for one Boiler Works, Dubuque, Iowa. Ellicott Machine Corporation, Bal- timore, Md. Thomas M. Rees, $118,500 150 $227,500 210 wheel and $2,200 for two, paragraph 189. If generator and engine direct outfit is taken deduct $480 for one dredge and $960 for two. Pittsburgh, Pa. American Bridge All or none. Co. of New York, Pittsburgh, Pa. 120 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. ST. LOUIS (MO.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. C. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposal for furnishing 50,000 cords of brush, received in response to advertise- ment dated May 27, 1912, and opened June 15, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Chas. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers, St. Louis, Mo. No. Name and address of bidder. Quantity proposed to fumisti. Price per cord. Amount. Location of landings. 1 W. L. Killebrew, St, Louis, Mo. 50,000 50,000 $2.00 1.74 $100,000 87,000 Between moutli of Missouri River, 17 miles above St. Louis, Mo., and Brickeys Mill, Mo., 46 miles below St. Louis, Mo. Between Brickeys Mill, Mo., 46 miles below St. Louis, Mo., and moutli of Ohio River, 185 miles below St. Louis, Mo. Rejected. No. 1, price excessive. Award made to W. L. Killebrew under supplemental proposal dated July 8, 1912, at $1.73 per cord. Abstract of proposals for furnishing 50,000 cubic yards of stone and spalls, received in response to poster and circular dated Aug. 15, 1911, and opened Aug. 25, 1911, by Lieut. Col. Chas. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers, St. Louis, Mo. Stone. Spalls. No. Names and ad- dresses of bidders. Location and land- mgs. Quantity. Price, Amount. Quantity. Price. Amount. Cents. Cents. 1 John F. Oliver, Neelys Landing, Mo. 10, 000. 80 $8,000 2,500 60 $1,500 About 1 mile above Neelys Landing, Mo., lUJ miles from St, Louis, Mo. 2 C.C.Huthmacher, Grand Tower, 8,000 75 6,000 2,000 75 1,500 Opposite Grand Tower, 111., 103 J 111. miles from St. I ouis, Mo. 3 W.B.Arnold, Cape Girardeau, Mo. 18,000 85 15,300 4, 500 86 3,826 1| miles above Neelys Landing, Mo., 11* - miles from St. Louis, Mo. 4 Henry R. Zadow, St. Louis, Mo. 14,000 65 9,100 3,500 65 2,276 I mile north of Quar- antine, Mo., 11§ miles from St. Louis, Mo. 5 Albert Buss en, Jefferson Bar- racks, Mo. 11,000 68 7,480 3,000 68 2,040 1.^ miles south of Jef- ferson Barracks, Mo., 12 miles from St. Louis, Mo. 6 Herman W. Bus- 4,000 68 2,720 Whitehouse, Mo., 17| miles from St. sen, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Louis, Mo. Rejected: Nos. 3, 5, and 6. Awards: No. 1, 10,000 cubic yards stone, 2,500 cubic yards spalls; No. 2, 8,000 cubic yards stone, 2,000 ubic yards spalls; No. 4, 14,000 cubic yaras stone; 3,500 cubic yards spalls. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 121 ST. LOUIS (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals fcr furnishing 80,000 cubic yards of stone and 20,000 cubic yards of spalls, received in response to advertisement dated May 27, 1912, and openend June 15, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Chas. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers, St. Louis, Mo. Stone. Spalls. No. Names and ad- dresses of bidders. Location of land- ings. Quantity. Price. Amount. Quantity. Price. Amount. 1 Albert Bussen, JefTerson Bar- racks, Mo. 16,000 f0.70 $11,200 4,000 $0.70 $2,8 M a 5S5 >? o C3 ■OS '^ S =0 CO <» ?5h I I •a. 1. 2 © o ><^ o a 00 -<-3 <<-l m o Eh OJ T3 O °73 O) 0) OT rt 2 S .2 S fl ffl 03 ' ^ O si o « 9 3.2 Q) 03 •" (D ^ O T?2 p:^.2 •A iDjj +^ +^ ts © © M d '=' P 3 oP. 1-7 hi )^ irt © o '■ fto f^ W§=2 fHX)^* i AO ^s 1-H O lO O lO CO O I>- o t-- O lO CO O 00 • H|NHI«HNH«i- ooeo 00 CO CO ooooo ooooo U5 OOO lO IMOOOO CO CS CO Ot-I !>■ a> oiM o i§5 ,^; ooooo ) o o o o 1 oooo tH t-OOCO 00 coco ooooo ooooo «o O O O wj Ti 03 03-^ o oooo 00 00 00 C<)0000 O O O O U3 OO iO o t^ iQ O OOiO ?5 ooo t~- i-H O lOOCO f=<"S o a s ■: iCOiOOiOiS tTiCOiOOiO ici4.ciJ.^|ici4.ci4, cofO'*T}tii:i © ot'500-^'^ic © >> ao 3 in ^ 3 U5 O OOO IXN COTfiO oco 05C<^l> cc>^>•ooolO OOOOO lO O O O O ?5oooo OCiTt-^CD't-r rH OOOCO 00 COCO OOOOO ooooo O O O O U5 5 -co co ■o oc o: ss ooooo -) o o o o lOOO o <— I r- 00 CO 00 CO CO ooooo O OO QO lo oo o lo jM ic O u?0 uj M CO -^ rfi lo 55 *£ qOcoco-^-^io ft P5 124 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. ROCK ISLAND (ILL.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj, Charles Keller, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals received in response to written notice dated Aug. 15, 1911, and opened by Maj. Charles Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, III., 3 p. m., Sept. 15, 1911, for construction and delivery in Mississippi River at Moline, III., of one (1) steel drill-boat hull. No. Name and address of bidder. Amoimt. Point of delivery and remarks. 1 American Bridge Co., of New York, Pittsburgh, Pa / $13,500 \ 12,500 14. 000 11,850 Moline, 111. 9 Des Moines Bridge & Iron Works, Pittsburgh, Pa Ambridge, Pa. Moline, 111. S Milwaukee Bridge Co.,i Milwaukee, Wis Do. I Recommended for acceptance; accepted and written contract made. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement dated Apr. 29, 1912, and opened by Maj. Charles Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, III., at 3 p. m., May 13, for "widening and deepening Mill Creek (South Slough) at Milan, III." No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard, 80,000 cubic yards. Amount. Frank B. Stevens, Geneseo, 111 R. J. Phelps, Carbon CUff, 111 Henrv P. Johnson, Essex, 111 R. h: & G. A. Mcrilhams, Chicago, 111 Ajax Engineering Corporation, St. Louis, Mo Yalg & Reagan, Davenport, Iowa Cents. 21.5 1 15.2 21.0 17.75 26.0 25.0 $17, 200 12, 160 16, 800 14, 200 20. 800 20,000 1 Bid No. 2 recommended for acceptance, work to be begun on or before August 1, 1912; accepted and written contract made. {/) Abstract of proposals received and opened by Maj. C. Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, III., 10 a. m., June 15, 1912, for furnishing and delivering bituminous lump coal, free on board car at Galland, Iowa [50 tons). No. 6 7 8 9 10 Name of bidder. Central Illinois Fuel Co. . . Wabash Coal Co Northern Coal & Supply Co West End Coal Co., of Springfield. Jas. Cameron Sons Shoal Creek Coal Co Spoon River Coal Co Glenridge Coal Co Collieries Sales Co D. E. Reeves Location of mine. S. C. M. Co., Springfield, Athens, 111 Sorento, 111 West End Mine, Spring- field, 111. Hiawatha-Franklin Cotw- ties, 111. Panama No. 1, Illinois. . . . Spoon River-Ellisville, 111 . Virden.Ill Fulton County or Spring- field, 111. Novinger, Mo Heating value as fixed by bidder. B.t.u. as re- ceived. 11,500 11,500 10,900 11, 500 12, 400 10,700 11,500 10,500 10, 500 10, 409 Per cent ash in dry coal. 12 10 12 10 12 12 14 12.6 13.27 Price per ton of 2,000 pounds. As fixed by bidder. $2.40 2.34 2.50 12.20 2.90 2.10 2.35 2.25 2.40 2.70 Plus ash differ- ence. 52.48 2.38 2.58 2.24 2.90 2.18 2.43 2.37 2.492 2. 8054 Cost of 1,000,000 B. t. u., total. $0. 107826 . 103478 . 118348 1 . 097391 . 116935 . 101869 . 105652 . 112857 . 118667 . 134758 1 Bid No. 4 recommended for acceptance. bid, $110. See note on Abstract {d). Accepted and written contract made. Amount of accepted MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 125 ROCK ISLAND (ILL.) DISTRICT— Gontinuedl RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. {g) Abstract of proposals received and opened by Maj. C. Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, III., 10 a. m., June 15, 1912, for furnishing and delivering bituminous lump coal, free on board car at Middle Lock Station, Keokuk, Iowa {50 tons).' No. 9 10 11 12 Name of bidder. Central Illinois Fuel Co. . . do Wabash Coal Co Northern Coal & Supply Co West End Coal Co., of Springfield. Jones & Adams Jas. Cameron & Sons Shoal Creek Coal Co Spoon River Coal Co Glenridge Coal Co Collieries Sales Co D. E. Reeves. Location of mine. Pocahontas Coal S. C. M. Co., Springfield, 111 Athens, 111 Sorento, 111 A^\'est End Mine, Spring- field, 111. Peerless-Springfield, 111 Hiawatha-Franklin Coun- ties, 111. Panama, No. 1, Illinios Spoon River-Ellisville, 111. Virden, 111 t.. Fulton County, Springfield 111. Novinger, Mo Heating value as fixed bj'- bidder. B.t.u. as re- ceived. 14,000 11,500 11,500 10, 900 11,500 10, 500 12, 400 10, 700 11,500 10, 500 10, 500 10, 400 Per cent ash in dry coal. 5 12 10 12 10 15 12 12 14 12.6 13.27 Price per ton of 2,000 pounds. As fixed by bidder. S4.40 2.40 2.34 2.50 12.20 2.25 2.90 2.10 2.35 2.25 2.40 2.70 Pins ash difTer- cnce. 54.40 2.54 2.44 2.64 2.30 2.45 2.96 24 49 43 552 2. 8654 Cost of 1,000,000 P.. t. 11., total. $0. 157142 . 110^34 . 106087 .121109 1 . 100000 . 116667 . 119354 . 104672 . 108260 . 115714 . 121523 . 137640 1 Bid No. 5 recommended for acceptance, bid, $110. See note on Abstract (d). Accepted and written contract made. Amount of accepted ih) Abstract of proposals received and opened b)f Maj. C. Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, III., 10 a. m. June 15, 1912, for furnishing and delivering bituminous lump coal, free on board, in lower lock shed, at Koekuh, loiva (100 tons) No. Name of biader. Central Illinois Fuel Co. . . Wabash Coal Co Illinois Coal Co Northern Coal & Supply Co. West End Coal Co. of Springfield. Jones & Adams Coal Co. . . Jas. Cameron & Sons Shoal Creek Coal Co Alton Coal Co Spoon River Coal Co Glenridge Coal Co Collieries Sales Co D. E. Reeves Location of mine. Pocahontas coal S. C. M. Co., Springfield, III. Athens, 111 Montgomery County, 111. . Sorento, III West End Mine, Spring- field, 111. Peerless-Springfield, 111. . . Hiawatha-Franklin (boun- ties, 111. Panama No. 1, Illinois . . . Green Ridge, 111 Spoon River-Ellisville, 111 Virden, III Fulton or Springfield, 111. Novinger, Mo Heating value as fixed by bidder. B.t.u. as re- ceived. 14, 000 11,500 11,500 11,900 10, 900 11,500 10, 500 12, 400 10, 700 10, 948 10, 800 10, 500 10,500 10, 409 Per cent ash in dry coal. 5 12 10 10.9 12 10 15 12 12.7 12 14 12.6 13.27 Price per ton of 2,000 pounds. .\s fixed by bidder. $4.85 2.80 2.74 2.90 2.75 12.70 2.65 3.30 Plus ash differ- ence. $4.85 2.94 2.84 3.018 2.89 2.80 2.S5 3.36 2.64 2.984 2.89 2.83 2.952 3.0154 Cost of 1,060.000 B. t. u., total. 10. 173214 . 127826 . 123476 . 126808 . 132568 1. 121739 . 135714 . 135484 . 123364 . 136286 . 133798 . 134762 . 140571 . 144845 1 Bid No. 6 recommended for acceptance, bin, $270. See noce on abstract (rf). Accepted and written contract made. Amount of accepted 126 MATEKIALS AND LABOB FOE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. ROOK ISLAND (ILL.) DISTRICT— Oontinued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. (i) Abstract of proposals received and opened by Maj. C. Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Roch Island, III., 10 a. m. June 15, 1912, for furnishing and delivering bituminous lump coal, free on board United States barges {trestle), at Keokuk, Iowa {2,700 tons) No. Name of bidder. Location of mine. Heating value as fixed by bidder. B.t.u. as re- ceived. Per cent ash in dry coal. Price per ton of 2,000 pounds. As fixed by bidder. Plus ash differ- ence. Cost of 1,000,000 B. t. u., total. Central Illinois Fuel Co. . . do Wabash Coal Co. Illinois Coal Co Northern Coal & Supply Co. West End Coal Co. of Springfield. Jones & Adams Coal Co... Jas. Cameron & Sons ..... Shoal Creek Coal Co Alton Coal Co Spoon River Coal Co Glenridge Coal Coa Collieries Sales Co D. E. Reeves Pocahontas coal S. C. M. Co., Springfield, 111. Dawson, 111 Hillsboro, Witt, and No- komis, 111. Sorento, 111 West End Mine, Spring- field, 111. Peerless-Springfield, 111... Hiawatha- Franklin Coun- ties, 111. Panama No. 1, Illinois . . . Green Ridge, 111 Spoon River-Ellisville, 111 Virden,Ill Fulton or Springfield, 111. . Novinger, Mo 14, 000 11,500 11,400 11,900 10,900 11,500 10,500 12,400 10,700 10, 948 10, 800 10,500 10,500 10, 409 5 12 10 10.9 12 10 15 12 12.7 12 14 12.6 13.27 $4.55 2.55 2.44 2.55 2.60 12.245 2.37 3.05 2.22 2.48 2.47 2.37 2.52 2.75 $4.55 2.69 2.54 2.668 2.74 2.345 2.57 3.11 2.36 2.634 2.61 2.55 2.672 2. 9154 . 162500 , 116955 . 111403 . 112100 , 125688 . 101957 , 122380 . 125403 . 110280 . 120296 . 120833 , 121428 . 127238 . 140042 1 Bid No. 6 recommended for acceptance, bid, $6,061.50. See note on Abstract (d). Accepted and written contract made. Amount of accepted (k) Abstract of proposals received and opened by Maj. C. Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, III., 10 a. m. June 15, 1912, for furnishing and delivering bituminous lump coal free on board United States barges, at Hannibal, Mo. {1,200 tons). No. Name of bidder. Central Illinois Fuel Co. . . Wabash Coal Co Northern Coal & Supply Co. West End Coal Co. of Springfield. Jones & Adams Coal Co. . . Shoal Creek Coal Co Collieries Sales Co Location of mine. C. & H. Coal Co., Herrin, 111. S. C. M. Co., Springfield, lU. Dawson, 111 , Sorento, 111 West End mine, Spring- field, 111. Peerless-Springfield, 111 Panama No. 1. Illinois Fulton Coimty, or Spring- field, lU. Heating value as fixed by bidder. B.t.u. as re- ceived. 12,000 11,500 11, 400 10,900 11,500 10,500 10, 700 10,500 Per cent ash in dry coal. 12 10 12 10 15 12 12.6 Price per ton of 2,000 poimds. As fixed by bidder. $3.15 2.75 2.54 2.60 i 2. 445 2.57 2.32 3.30 Plus ash differ- ence. $3. 15 2.83 2.58 2.68 2.485 2.71 2.40 3.392 Cost of 1,000,000 B. t. u., total. $0. 131250 . 123043 . 113157 . 122935 1 . 108043 . 129047 . 112149 . 161523 I Bid No. 5 recommended for acceptance. Accepted and written contract made. Amount of accepted bid, $2,934. See note on Abstract (d). MATERIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 127 ROCK ISLAND (ILL.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. (I) Abstract of proposals received and opened by Maj. C. Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, III., 10 a. m. June 15, 1912, for furnishing and delivering bituminous lump coal free on board United States barges, at Alton, III. {2,200 tons). Name of bidder. Location of mine. Heating value as fixed by bidder. " Price per ton of 2,000 pounds. Cost ol 1,000,000 B. t.u., total. No. B.t.u. as re- ceived. Per cent ash in dry coal. As fixed by bidder. Plus ash difter- ence. 1 Illinois Coal Co Montgomery Co., Hills- boro; Witt & Nokomes, Illinois. Sorento, 111 11,900 10,900 11,500 10,500 11,000 11,000 11,500 10,800 10,700 10,948 10,500 10.9 12 10 15 11 11 12 14 12 12.7 12.6 $1.94 2.05 11.835 1.95 1.85 1.89 2.04 1.91 1.81 1.93 $1,958 2.09 1.835 2.05 1.87 1.91 2.08 1.99 1.85 1.984 $0. 082269 ? Northern Coal & Supply Co. West End Coal Co. of Springfield. Jones & Adams Coal Co.... Mississippi Sand Co Midland Coal & Coke Co... Tri-State Coal Co . 095871 3 4 5 6 7 West End mine, Spring- field, 111. Peerless-Springfield, 111 Withma, radius of 30 miles, Alton. Donk Bros. No. 2, Marys- ville, 111. Livingston, 111 1.079782 . 097619 .085000 .086818 . 090434 8 do Collins ville, III., mine No. 1. Panama No. 1, Illinois Green Ridge. Ill . 092129 9 10 Shoal Creek Coal Co Alton Coal Co .086449 . 090610 11 Collieries Sales Co Fulton or Springfield, 111.. 1 Bid No. 3 recommended for acceptance. Accepted and written contract made. Amount of accepted bid, $4,037. See note on Abstract id). (6) Abstract of proposals received and opened by Maj. C. Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, III., 10 a. m. June 15, 1912, for furnishing and delivering bituminous lump coal free on board United States barges, at Fountain City, Wis. {3,300 tons). No. Name of bidder. Clarke Coal & Coke Co Central Illinois Fuel Co do Whitebreast Coal Co Northern Coal & Supply Co. Chicago & Carterville Coal Co. Shoal Creek Coal Co Western Elevator Co Snoon River Coal Co Glenridge Coal Co Collieries Sales Co Location of mine. Bartlett, 111 C. & H. Coal Co., Herrin, 111. S. C. M. Co., Springfield, 111. Virden or Girard, 111 Sorento, 111 Herrin, 111 Panama No. 1, Illinois Hiawatha-Sesser, 111 Spoon River-EUisville, 111. Virden, 111 Fulton County, or Spring- field, 111. Heating value as fixed by bidder. B.t.u. as re- ceived. 10,500 12, 000 11,500 10, 500 10, 900 12,300 10,700 12,400 10, 800 10, 500 10, 500 Per cent ash in dry coal. 17 12 14 12 10 12 8 12 14 12.6 Price per ton of 2,000 poimds. As fixed by bidder. $3.50 3.95 3.70 3.55 3.60 3.95 3.40 13.90 3.40 3.55 3.40 Plus ash differ- ence. $3.68 3.95 3.78 3.67 3.68 3.99 3.48 3.90 3.48 3.67 3.492 Cost of 1,000,000 B. t. u., total. >0. 175238 . 164583 . 164348 . 174761 . 168807 .162195 . 162616 1. 157258 .161111 . 174761 . 166285 1 Bid No. 8 recommended for acceptance, bid, $12,870. Accepted, and written contract made. Amount of accepted 128 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. ROCK ISLAND (ILL.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. (d) Abstract of proposals received and opened by Maj. C. Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Roch Island, 111., 10 a, m., June 15, 1912, for furnishing and delivering bituminous lump coal free on board United States barges at Moline, III. (1,700 tons). No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Name of bidder. Clarke Coal & Coke Co Central Illinois Fuel Co . . . do do do Northern Coal & Supply Co. West End Coal Co. of Springfield. Jones & Adams Coal Co Shoal Creek Coal Co Spoon River Coal Co Glenridge Coal Co Tri-City Coal Co Glenridge Coal Co Rock Island Fuel Co Collieries Sales Co do Rock Island Sand & Gravel Co. Location of mine. Bartlett, 111 Pocahontas Coal C. & H. Coal Co., Herrin, 111. Coal Valley, 111 S. C. M. Co., Springfield, 111. Sorento, 111 West End Mine, Spring- field, 111. Peerless-Springfield, 111 Panama- o. 1, 111 Spoon River-EUisville, 111. Virden. Ill (Specified below 2).. , Glenridge, lU , Royal Mine-Virden, 111 Fulton Co., or Springfield, 111. Harrisburg, 111 , Mathersville, Mercer Co., 111. Heating value as fixed by bidder. B.t.u. as re- ceived. 10,500 14,000 12,000 11,000 11,500 10,900 11,500 10, 500 10, 700 10, 800 10, 500 10, 500 11,000 10, 800 10, 500 12, 600 11,100 Per cent ash in dry coal. 17 5 14.5 12 12 10 15 12 12 14 15 15 14 12.6 9 12 Price per ton of 2,000 pounds. As fixed by bidder. S2.70 4.55 2.95 2.60 2.55 2.60 12.371 2.50 2.35 2.55 2.50 2.44 2.60 2.57 2.50 2.95 2.40 Plus ash differ- ence. $2.94 4.55 3.01 2.79 2.69 2.74 2.471 2.70 2.49 2.69 2.68 2.64 2.80 2.75 2.652 3.03 2.54 Cost of 1,000,000 B. t. u., total. 50. 140000 . 162500 . 125416 . 126818 . 116956 . 125688 1. 107609 .128571 . 116355 . 124537 . 127619 .125714 . 127272 . 127314 . 126285 . 120238 .114114 1 Bid No. 7 recommended for acceptance. Accepted, and written contract made. Amount of accepted bid, S4,037.50. 2 i-"ame and location of mines : Auburn mine at Auburn, 111. ; Lef toti mine at Lefton, 111. ; Jefferson mine at Keys, 111., Sangamon mine at Springfield, 111.; Greenview mine at Greenview, 111.; C. S. Co. mine at Springfield, 111. ; West End mine at Springfield, 111. ; Cara mine at Cara, 111. ; Centrall mine at Centrall, 111. ; Athens mine at Athens, 111. Note.— Purchase of bituminous coal under accepted bid No. 8 is combined with purchases under accepted bids specified in abstracts (e), (/), (g), (h), (i), (fc), and (I) into one formal contract, the West End Coal Co. of Springfield being the lowest and accepted bidder for each locality named. (e) Abstract of proposals received and opened by Maj. C. Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, III., 10 a. m.., June 15, 1912, for furnishing and delivering bituminous lump coal free on board United States barges at Rock Island, III. {3,000 tons). Name of bidder. Location of mine. ■ Heating value as fixed by bidder. Price per ton of 2,000 pounds. Cost of 1,000,000 B. t. u., total. No. B.t.u. as re- ceived. Per cent ash in dry coal. As fixed by bidder. Plus ash differ- ence. 1 Clarke Coal & Coke Co Central Illinois Fuel Co do Bartlett, 111 10,500 14, 000 12,000 11,000 11,500 11,000 10,900 17 5 8 14.5 12 7 12 %2. 70 4.50 2.90 2.55 2.50 2.71 2.60 $2.94 4.50 2.96 2.74 2.64 2.75 2.74 $0. 140000 ? Pocahontas Coal . 160714 3 C. & H. Coal Co., Herrin, 111. Coal Valley, 111 . 123330 4 do .124545 5 6 do Donahoo Coal Co S. C. M. Co., Sprmgfield, 111. Coal Valley, 111., Donahoo Mines. Sorento, 111 .114782 . 125000 7 Northern Coal & Supply Co .125688 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 129 ROCK ISLAND (ILL.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. (e) Abstract of proposals received and opened by Maj. C. Keller, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, III., 10 a. m., June 15, 1912, for furnishing and delivering bituminous lump coal free on board United States barges at Rock Island, III. {3,000 tons) — Contd. No. .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name of bidder. West End Coal Co. of Springfield. Jones & Adams Coal Co Shoal Creek Coal Co Spoon River Coal Co Glenridge Coal Co Tri-City Coal Co Glenridge Coal Co Rock Island Fuel Co Collieries Sales Co Do Rock Island Sand & Gravel Co. Location of mine. West End Mine, Spring- field, 111. Peerless-Springfield, 111 . . . Panama No. 1, 111 Spoon River-Ellisville, 111. Virden, 111 (Specified below ''-) Glenridge, 111 Royal Mine-Virden, 111 Fulton Co., or Springfield, 111. Harrisburg, 111 Mathersville, Mercer Co., 111. Heatine value aslixer. by bidder. B.t.u. Per cent ash as re- ceived. in dry coal. 11,500 10 10,500 15 10, 700 12 10, 800 12 10, 500 14 10, 500 15 11,000 15 10,800 14 10, 500 12.6 12, 600 9 11,100 12 1 Price per (on of 2,000 pounds. As fixed by bidder, ence Plus ash dilTer- 1 2. 325 2.45 2.30 2.50 2.45 2.39 2.60 2.57 2.45 2.90 2.33 2.425 2.65 2.44 2.64 2.63 2.59 2.80 2.75 2.602 2.98 2.47 Cost of 1,000,000 B. t. u., total. 1 $0.105434 .126190 .114019 . 122222 . 125238 .123333 . 127273 . 127315 . 123904 . 118254 .111261 1 Bid No. 8 recommended for acceptance. Accepted and written contract made. Amount of accepted bid, $6,975. See note on abstract (d). 2 Name and location of mines: Auburnmineat Auburn, 111. ; LeftonmineatLefton, 111.; Jefferson mine at Keys, 111.; Sangamon mine at Springfield, 111.; Greenview mineat Greenview, 111.; C. S. Co. mine at Spring- field, 111.; West End mine at Springfield, 111.; Cara mine at Cara, 111. ; Centrallmineat Centrall, 111.; Athens mine at Athens, 111. ST. PAUL (MINN.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. F. R. Shunk, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for 500 tons of bowlders, to be delivered at Gull Lake Dam, Minn., received in response to proposals dated Aug. 12, 1911, and opened Aug. 22, 1911, issued by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunk, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul, Minn. [Appropriation, reservoirs at headwaters of Mississippi River for construction of Gull Lake Reservoir.] Per ton. Sanford R. Van Sickel ' ' |L 00 Levi Fallen 1. 25 Charles Dugan 1. 25 P. E. Waite L 45 J. N. Bell (75 tons only) 1.75 Abstracts of proposals for plumbing, etc., installed at Winnibigoshish Dam, Minn., received in response to proposals dated Aug. 31, 1911, and opened Sept. 18, 1911, issued by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunk, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul, Minn. [Appropriation for operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite, for care, etc., reservoirs at headwaters of Mississippi River.] Price. L. P. Eckstmm 2 $325. 00 G. A. Kees Domestic Engineering Co 335. 00 Kealy-McFadyen Co 377. 25 1 Contract entered into Aug. 30, 1911. 74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3 9 2 Contract entered into Oct. 3, 1911. 130 MATEEIALS AND LABOE FOE ENGINEEE DEPAETMENT^ 1912. ST. PAUL (MINN.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for tamarack wood, to be delivered at Zippel, Minn., received in response to proposals dated Oct. 3, 1911, and opened Oct. 13, 1911, issued by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunh, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul, Minn. [Appropriation for improving Zippel Bay, Lake of the Woods, Mian.] Green. Dry. Quantity. Price per cord. Quantity. Price per cord. Wm. Brouson i. Cords. 50 50 300 50 50 100 $3.00 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.50 3.50 Cords. 50 50 $3.00 3 00 R. C. Edwards i J. W. Stepp2 E. W. CoIUns 250 50 100 100 3 25 Geo. A. Grovom 3.50 V. A. Jacobs 3 50 Elias Sundholm 3.50 -^di 01 Bid accepted but bidder failed to respond. 2 Contract entered into Oct. 26, 1911 ^x;^ i.i i4iv> Si -iiT g.f Wm. Zippel, 100 cords of dry jack pine, at $4 per cord. Henry Moorhead, 50 cords of dry jack pine, at $4.25 per cord, ' "^ Abstract of proposals for 60,000 sacks of Portland cement, in response to proposals dated Dec. 1, 1911, and opened Dec. 11, 1911, issued by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunh, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul, Minn. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River from mouth of Ohio River to Mimieapolis, Minn., etc.] Brand. Delivered f. o. b. cars. Price per sack. Cost of freight to desti- nation. Total bid. Northern Brick &' Supply Co.i Marquette Cement Co Northwestern Marquette Mason City, Iowa. Oglesby, 111 Dixon, 111 Chicago, 111 Hannibal, Mo. . . Cents. 27 25| 26 26i 27| $1, 710 3,920 4,040 3,990 6,270 $17,910 19, 220 Kenneth P. Gregg Medusa 19.640 Universal Portland Cement Co Universal 19,740 Northwestern Lime Co Atlas 22, 770 1 Contract entered into Jan. 3, 1912. Abstract of proposals for hauling 500 tons of bowlders from Mississippi River Rapids to Winnibigoshish Dam, in response to proposals dated Dec. 27, 1911, opened Jan. 10, 1912, issued by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunh, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul, Minn. [Appropriation for operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite. Reservoirs at headwaters of Mississippi River.] Price per ton. .John J. Jackson & Co.^ $3. 75 E. H. Lawrence 4. 00 Jos. Gibson Co 4. 44 Abstract of proposals for 6,000 tons of sand, to be delivered at Loch and Dam No. 1, Mississippi River, between Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., received in response to proposals dated Mar. 10, 1912, and opened Apr. 10, 1912, issued by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunh, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul, Minn. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River from mouth of Ohio River to Minneapolis, Minn.] J. W. Fagan: Price per ton. Sample No. 1 ^ $0. 85 Sample No . 2 _ _ 82 Nelson Bros. Paving & Construction Co., 18 cents f. o. b. West Minneapolis (cost of freight and hauling to site, 65 cents per ton) 83 Washed Sand & Gravel Co., 24 cents f. o. b. North Minneapolis (cost of freight and hauling to site, 65 cents per ton) 89 J. R. HartzellA Son : L 25 1 Contract entered into Jan. 20, 1912. 2 Contract entered into (on sample No. 1) Apr. 27, 1912. MATERIALS AND LABOK i^OK ENGINEEK DEPARTMENT, 1912. 131 KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT. [Oflicer: Maj. E. H. Schulz, Corps of Enj^ineers.) RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposal dated Jan. 10, 1912, for oakum, cotton, etc. (Sioux City, 3-F Honens), opened Jan. 20, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) H. Chan- non Co., Chi- cago, 111. (2) Geo. B. Car-! penter & Co., Chicago, 111. (3) A. Leschen 75. 00 1.150.00 (11) English Tool & Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo. $1,100.00 1,300.00 Abstract of proposal dated Feb. 10, 1912, for cement (Pelican Bend), opened Feb. 20, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 3,400 barrels cement, Portland, in paper, f. o. b. cars, Culdesac, Mo In cloth, f. 0. b. cars, Culdesac, Mo In paper, f. o. b. barge, St. Louis Harbor In cloth, f. 0. b. barge, St. Louis Harbor For cloth sacks (1) Dewey Port- land Cement Co., Kansas City, Mo. Unit price. Amount. J1.15 $3,910.00 1.05 3,570.00 10 340.00 (2) Union Sand & Material Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price. $1.15 1.05 1.15 1.05 .10 Amount. $3,910.00 3, 570. 00 3,910.00 3, 570. 00 340. 00 (3) Hunkins-Wil- lis Lime & Cement Co., St. Louis. ,Mo.i Unit price. Amount. $1.04 .94 1.00 .90 .10 ,$3, 536. 00 3,196.00 3,400.00 3, 060. 00 340.00 Articles. 3,400 barrels cement, Portland, in paper, f. o. b. cars, Culdesac, Mo..^ In cloth, f. o. b. cars, Culdesac, Mo In paper, f. o. b. barge, St. Louis Harbor In cloth, f. 0. b. barge, St. Louis Harbor For cloth sacks (4) The lola Port- land Cement Co., Kansas City, Mo. Unite price. $1.18 1.08 .10 Amount. $4, 012. 00 3, 672. GO 340. 00 (5) Continental Portland Cement Co., St. Louis, Mo, Unit price. Amount. $1.04 .94 1.05 1.05 .10 53, 536. 00 3, 196. 00 3,570.00 3, 570. 00 340. 00 (6) Bonner Brand Portland Cement Co., Kansas City, Mo. Unit price. .$1.28 1.28 .10 Amount. $4, 352. 00 4, 352. 00 340. 00 1 Awarded. 136 MATERIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposal dated Feb. 10, 1912, for waste and rope {Gasconade Yard), opened Feb. 20, 1912, by Maj. Edtvard H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) Broderick & Bascom Rope Co., St. Louis, Mo.i (2) A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co., St. Louis, Mo. (3) The Hooven & Allison Co., Kan- sas City, Mo.2 Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. 2 bales waste, No. 1, cotton, 100 pounds $0.09 .085 $9.00 126.82 $0. 0925 .0848 19. 25 125. 52 2 colls rope, manila, 3-strand, l^inch, long fiber, best quallt J', 1,492 pounds $8.37 $124. 88 1 Awarded Broderick & Bascom Rope Co., 9 cents. 2 Awarded The Hooven & Allison Co., $8.37- Abstract of proposal dated Feb. 19, 1912, for steel bars (Commerce Point) opened Feb. 29, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. Twisted mild-steel bars: 5,450 pieces, | inch square, 12 feet long 3,450 pieces, f inch square, 21 feet long 1,820 pieces, | inch square, 32 feet long 94,122 pounds Corrugated C C round bars: 5,450 pieces, |-inch, 12 feet long. . . 3,450 pieces, |-inch, 21 feet long. . . 1,820 pieces, |-inch, 32 feet long. . . 74,513 pounds (1) Builders Material Sup- ply Co., Kansas City, Mo.i Price. Amount. Per cwt. $1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 2,580.11 (2) Colonial Steel Co., Chi- cago, 111. Price. Amount. Per cwt. 51.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 $2,951.11 (3) IlUnois Steel Co., Chi- cago, 111. Price. Amount. Per cwt. $1.50 1.50 1.50 1,411.83 No bid. (4) Concrete Steel Co. Chi- cago, 111. Price. Amount. Per cwt. $1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 2,512.66 Articles. Twisted mild-steel bars: 5,450 pieces, f inch square, 12 feet long. 3,450 pieces, | inch square, 21 feet long. 1,820 pieces, f inch square, 32 feet long. 94,122 pounds Corrugated C C round bars: 5,450 pieces, |-inch, 12 feet long 3,450 pieces, |-inch, 21 feet long 1,820 pieces, |-inch, 32 feet long 74,513 pounds (5) Beck & Cor- bett Iron Co., St. Louis, Mo. Price. Amount. Per cwt. $1.60 1.60 1.60 $1,505.95 No bid. (6) Corrugated Bar Co., Chi- cago, 111. Price. Amount. Per cwt. $1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1, 472. 65 (7) Arthur J. O'Leary Co., Chicago, 111. Price. Amount. Per cwt. .$1.40 1.40 1.40 , 317. 70 No bid. 1 Awarded. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 137 KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposal dated Feb. 19, 1912, for cement (Berger revetment) (Gasconade yard)^ Opened Feb. 29, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 5,440 barrels cement, Portland: In paper sacks In cloth sacks Cloth sacks, each (1) Builders Material Supply Co., Kansas Citv, Mo. Unit Price. Amount. .95 $5,168.00 10 ' (2) Dewey Portland Cement Co., Kansas City, Mo. Unit Price. .83 . 75 .10 Amount. 54,515.20 4,080.00 (3) lola (4) Altoona Portland Portland Cement Co., Cement Co., Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. Mo. Unit Price. Amount. Unit Price. $0. 80 .70 .10 $4,352.00 3,808.00 $1.20 1.30 .10 Amount. $6,528.00 7, 072. 00 Articles. 6,440 barrels cement, Portland: In paper sacks In cloth sacks Cloth sacks, each (5) Union Sand & Material Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit Price. U. 28 1.18 .10 x\. mount. 56,963.20 6, 419. 20 (6) Continental Portland Cement Co., St. Louis, Mo.i Unit Price. Amount. $0.85 .75 .10 i$4,624.00 4,080.00 (7) Bonner Brand Portland Cement Co., Kansas Citv, Mo. (8) llunkins- Willis Lime & Cement Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit, Price.! Amount. $0.95 $5,168.00 .10 Unit Price. $0.89 .79 .10 Amount. .14,841.60 4, 297. 60 Articles. 5,440 barrels cement, Portland: In paper sacks In cloth sacks Cloth sacks, each (9) Glencoe Lime & Cement Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit Price. Amount. .95 $5,168.00 .89 4,841.60 .10 (10) Coen Building & Material Co., Kansas Citv, Mo. Unit Price. Amount. $1.08 $5,875.20 .10 (11) Ash Grove Cement Co., Kansas City, Mo. (12) United Kansas Port- land Cement Co., Kansas City, Mo. Unit Price. Amount. Unit Price. .80 .70 .10 $4,352.00 $0.90 3,808.00 ! .80 I .10 Amount. $4, 896. 00 4.352.00 1 Awarded $4,624. Abstract of proposal dated Feb. 19, 1912, for bar iron (Commerce Point), opened Feb. 29y 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) Builders Ma- terial Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo.' (2) Illinois Ware- house Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. (3) Illinois Steel Co., Chicago, 111. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Tiebars, punched, as per sketch: 61,300 merchant bar iron, i by f by 9 inches. . 61,300 merchant bar iron, i by f by 10 J inches. $1.95 1.95 |$1, 296.75'! ^};g |$1,243.55 / $1.80 \ 1.80 |$1, 197.00 • Awarded. 138 MATERIALS AND LABOK FOE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposal dated Feb. 19, 1912, for bar iron {Commerce Point), opened Feb. 29, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schufz, Corps of Engineers — Continued. Articles. (4) Oliver Iron & Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (5) Beck & Cor- bettCo., St. Louis, Mo. (6) Cambria Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Tiebars, punched, as per sketch: 61 ,300 merchantbar iron, i by f by 9 inches . . 61,300 merchant bar iron, ^ by f by lOJ inches. $2.45 2.45 1 $1,629.25 (::::::: \$ 1,815. 00 / $1.70 \ 1.70 |$1,130.50 Abstract of proposal dated Feb. 19, 1912, for angle iron {Commerce Point), opened Feb. 29^ 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 600 steel 36 feet 540 steel 40 feet 600 steel 44 feet 800 steel 46 feet 480 steel 48 feet 800 steel 50 feet 120 steel 54 feet angles, 1^ by IJ bv i inches, long ; angles, l\ by 1^ by J inches, long .' angles, 11- by l^ by i inches, long " angles, 1} by 1^ by J inches, long angles, 1^ by IJ by i inches, long ." angles, IJ by 1^ by i inches, long .' angles, 1\ by IJ by J inches, long '. .' (1) Builders Ma- terial Sup- ply Co., Kan- sas City,Mo.» Unit price. $1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 Amount. $6,548.16 (2) Illinois Steel "Warehouse Co., Chicago, 111. Unit price. $1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 Amount. 5,272.44 (3) lUinois Steel Co., Chicago, 111. Unit price. $1. 75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 Amount. ,031.20 (4) Cambria Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price $1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 Amount. .$6,548,16 1 Awarded. Rolled from standard billets, punched and bent. Abstract of proposal dated Feb. S, 1912, for revetment {Waverly Bend), opened Mar. 4, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 13,000 linear feet revetment. Material in place: Yellow-pine piles Cottonwood piles Stone Willow brush (1) De Witt & Shobe, Glasgow, Mo. Unit price. $10. 90 .30 .30 2.00 2.00 Amount. $141,700.00 (2) Rust, Swift & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price, $11.05 .35 .30 2.60 2.50 Amount. $143, 650. 00 (3) S. J. White & Co., Waverlv, Mo. Unit price. $10. 97 .35 .33 2.25 2.25 Amount. $142, 610. 00 (4) J. W. Mc- Murray Con- tracting Co., Kansas Citv, Mo.i Unit price. $10.85 .50 .40 2.25 2.25 Amount. $141,050.00 1 Awarded. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 1912. 139 KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposal dated Feb. 26, 1912, for gasoline engine {survey boat), opened Mar. 6, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Sckuh, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 1 engine, gasoline, etc., 4-cycle marine, 60 horsepower, 4 or (i cylinders, with re- verse clutch, jump spark ignition, with pump (plunger type) (1) Lamb Boat & Engine Co. Clinton, lowa.i $1,650.00 (2) Grand Rapids Gas Engine & Yacht Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. (3) The Clifton Motor ^^ orks, Cincinnati, Ohio. (4) Sterline Engine Co., ButTaio. N. Y. $1,497.00 $1,556.00 $2, 360. 00 (5) Camp- bell Motor Co., W ay- zata, Miini. $1,635.00 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal dated Feb. 26, 1912, for wire (Berger revetment), opened Mar. 6, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) Norvell- Shapleigh Hardware Co., St. Louis, Mo. (2) A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co., St. Louis, Mo.i (3) Schroeter Bros. Hard- ware Co., St. Louis, Mo. (4) The Camp- bell Iron Co., St. Louis, Mo. (5) Simmons Hardware Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price. Amotint. Unit price. A mount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. ^.i^«^«"«t- 2,000 pounds wire annealed No. 18... $2.80 $56. 00 $3.35 $67. 00 $2.80 $56.00 $2.55 $51.00 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal dated Mar. 1, 1912, for coal (upper river), opened Mar. 10, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. (1) The (3) Wo- (4) The Clarkson (2) Dalv mack- Northern Articles. Coal & Coal Co., Fooshe Coal & Dock Co., St. Paul, Coal Co., Dock Co., St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul. St. Paul, Minn. Minn.i Minn. 10 cars coal, bituminous, standard, screened lump. freshly mined, free from dirt, slate, slack, breeze or other objectionable impurity, and of the best quality produced by the district in which it is mined . F . o. b. cars Duluth, Superior, Milwaukee, or other lake point . $3.50 $3.50 $3.45 $3.50 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal dated Mar. 1, 191 2, for coal {St. Joseph, Mo.), opened Mar. 10, 1912, by Maj. Edvmrd H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (3) Rich- mond Fuel Co., St. Jo- seph, Mo.3 (4) Star Coal Co., Kansas City, Mo.< ^^^ Frank' (^) <^^n- M B?S^ ' tral Coal Z;^, if '^ Coke son, bt. p o^ Joseph, ^«3' ^jj- Mo.6 1 Joseph, (7) Rom- bone Coal Co., Kansas Citv, Mo.'* 2 cars coal, bituminous, stand- ard, screened lump, freshly mined, free from dirt, slate, slack, breeze, or other objec- tionable impurity, and of the best quaUty produced by the district in which it is mined . . . $2.50 S3. 00 $2. 95 S2.S0 S2. 7o $2.^0 1 No bid. 2 Lexington, Mo. 3 Richmond or Camden, Mo. * Mendota, Mo. 3 St. Joseph. Mo. 6 Camden, Mo. 140 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposal, dated Apr. 2, 1912, for paints, etc., {snaghoat Missouri), opened Apr. 12, 1912, hy Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of - Engineers . Articles. 1,000 pounds of white lead, ground in oil, South- ern, 100-pound kegs 500 pounds red lead, ground in oil, 100-pound kegs 1 barrel linseed oil, boiled 1 barrel turpentine 2 pounds chrome yellow, ground in oil 4 pounds aluminum, dry 1 gallon banana liquid 2 gallons white enamel, Hazzards or equal 2 dozen brushes, paint, black, 4 inches wide, 4^ inches long, Adams 1\ o. 35 or equal I dozen brushes, varnish, black, 1| inches wide, 2| inches long, Adams XXX, Chinese, or equal. (1) Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price. 7.50 .73 .53 .27 .65 2.00 12.15 5.10 Amount. $68. 60 36.50 36.50 26.50 .54 2.60 4.00 6.08 2.55 (2) Vane Calvert Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo.i Unit price. $6.40 6.70 .73 .52 .20 .69 1.40 2.40 13.00 4.00 Amount. $33.50 36.50 26.00 .40 2.76 1.40 4.80 6.50 2.00 (3) McDonald Paint and Glass Co., Kansas City, Mo. Unit price. 7.25 r.25 .75 .53 .20 L.25 L.50 2.50 13.50 2.00 Amount. $72. 50 36.25 37.60 26.50 .40 5.00 1.50 5.00 6.75 1.00 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal dated Apr. 23, 1912, for dynamite, etc. {Marion, Mo.), opened May 3, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 150 kegs powder, blasting, FFF, 25- pound kegs 2,000 pounds dynamite, 60 per cent nitroglycerin 2,000 feet fuse, double tape 2,000 caps, blasting (l)E.LDu Pont-De Ne- mours Powder Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price. $1.20 13.40 4.36 5.19 Amount. $180. 00 268. 00 8.72 10.38 467. 10 (2) Independent Powder Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price. $1.17 13.23 3.80 5.33 Amount. $175. 50 264. 60 7.60 10.66 458. 36 (3) Austin Powder Co., St. Louis, Mo.i Unit price. $1.15 13.00 3.88 5.43 Amount. $172. 50 260.00 7.76 10.86 451.12 (4) Excelsior Powder Co., Kansas City, Mo. Unit price. $1.20 13.40 3.88 5.40 Amount. $180. 00 268.00 7.76 10.80 466.56 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal dated Apr. 4, 1912, for standard revetment {Providence Bend), opened May 4, 1912, by Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) Rust, Swift & Co., St. Louis, Mo. (2) DeWitt & Shobe, Glasgow, Mo.i (3) J. W. McMurry Contracting Co., Kansas City, Mo. Price Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. 14,000 linear feet standard revetment per specifications $10. 14 $141,960.00 $8.37 $117, 180. 00 $10. 10 $141,400.00 1 Awarded. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 141 KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposal dated Apr. 4, 1912, for standard revetment {Providence Bend)^ opened May 4, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers — Continued. Articles. (4) McGuire& Stan- ton Construction Co., Leavenworth, Kans. (.5) A. W. Farney, Kansas City, Mo. ■ Price. Amount. $124. 600. 00 Price. Amount. 14 000 linear feet standard revetment per specifications $8.90 $10.50 $147,000.00 Abstract of proposal dated May 1, 1912, for boiler {Sioux City, loica), opened May 10, 1912, by Maj. Edward Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 1 boiler, 50-horsepower, portable fire-box boiler, complete, similar and equal in all respects to boiler No. 8, Class B, with all fixtures. (1)C. A. Burton, Kansas City, Mo. $569. 75 (2) Con- tractors Machin- ery Co., Kansas City, Mo.i $400. 00 450. 00 (3) Build- ers' Ma- terial Supply Co.,' Kansas City, Mo, $577. 50 (4) ' English Tool and ; Supply Co., i Kansas i City, Mo.; (5) Schoell- horn- Albrecht Machine Co., St. Louis, Mo. <«^99 nn / $520.00 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal dated Apr. 22, 1912, for standard revetment {Missouri City, Mo.), opened May 22, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) J. W. McMurry Contracting Co., Kansas City, Mo. (2) McGuire, Stanton & Jones, Leaven- worth, Kans. (3) A. W. Farney, Kansas City, Mo. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. 12,000 linear feet, standard revet- ment, per specifications $11.75 $141,000.00 .$9.32 $111,840.00 $10. 00 $120,000.00 Abstract of proposal dated June 14 j 1912, for concrete mixer {Commerce Point), opened June 24, 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 1 concrete mixer, J j^ard capacity, with engine, boiler, side loader, and water tank. All mounted on skids. Similar to A 11 ''The Smith Mixer." (1) Lansing Co. , Kansas City, Mo. $760. 50 (2) Milwau- kee Con- crete Mixer & Machine Co., Kansas City, Mo. (3) Foote Concrete Machinery Co. 1 $625. 00 750. 00 375. 00 (4) H. C. Darnell & Co. , Kansas City, Mo. $750. 00 600. 00 Articles. (5) The Builders Material SupplyCo., Kansas City, Mo. (6) Ran- some Con- crete Machinery Co., Kansas City, Mo. (7) Geo. B. Carpenter &Co., Chicago, 111. 1 concrete mixer, f yard capacity, with engine, boiler, side loader, and water tank. All mounted on skids. Similar to A 11 "The Smith Mixer" $775. 00 $660. 25 $615. 00 1 Awarded. 142 MATEKIALS AND LABOE FOE ENGINEEE DEPAETMENT^ 1912. KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. mVERS AND HARBORS—Continued. Abstract of proposal, dated June 14, 1912, Jor concrete mixer {CoTnmerce Point), opened June 2A; 1912, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers — Continued. Articles. 1 concrete mixer, \ yard capa- city, with engine, boiler, side loader, and water tank. All mounted on skids. Similar to A 11 "The Smith Mixer." (8) Muni- cipal En- gineering & Con- tracting Co., Chicago, 111. $889. 00 800. 00 (9) Hains Concrete Machin- ery Co., Washing- ton, D.C. (lO)Keoh- ring Ma- chine Co., Kansas City, Mo. (11) Schoell- horn-Al- brecht Machiae Co., St. Louis, Mo. 00 ! $785.00 $975. 00 (12) Geo. F. Smith, St. Louis, Mo. $852. 00 920.00 (13) Foote Concrete Machin- ery Co., Chicago, III. $748. 00 (14) Buntng- Stone Hard- ware Co., Kansas. City, Mo. $650. 00 Abstract of proposal dated June 19, 1911, for wire strand and clips (Sioux Point), opened June 29, 1911, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. -Articles. (1) A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co., St. Louis, Mo. 1 (2) American Steel & Wire Co., Chi- cago, 111. 2 (3) The Builders' Material & Sup- ply Co., Kansas City, Mo.» Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. 52 reels wire strand, f-inch, 3,000 feet to reel of 7 No. 11 wires . . . $69. 00 (*) $1,076.40 125. 80 $67. 00 $1,045.20 $66. 00 $1 , 029. 60 3,400 standard clips for 4 part, f-inch Articles. (4) John A. Roeb- ling & Sons, Chi- cago, 111. 5 (5) Macomber & Why te Rope Co., Chicago. 6 (6) Broderick & Bas- comCo., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. 52 reels wire strand, f-inch, 3,000 feet to reel of 7 No. 11 wires $74. 00 $4.00 $1,560.00 1.36.00 .$67. 00 3.50 $1, 045. 20 3,400 standard clips for 4 part, f-inch 119. 00 1 F. 0. b. St. Louis, 7 days. - Waukegan, 111., 5 days. 3 Waukegan, 111., 5 days; awarded. 5 St. Louis, 20 days. 6 Sioux City, Iowa, 10 days. 6 1 cent per foot. < 3.7 cents. Abstract of proposal dated June 23, 1911, for rubber boots (Fort Benton), opened July 3, 1911, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) Kansas City Rubber & Belt- ing Co., Kansas City, Mo. I (2) St. Paul Rubber Co., St. Paul, Minn. (3) Goodyear Rubber Co., Kansas City, Mo. (4) W. S. Nott Co., Minneap- olis, Minn. Unit Price. Amount. Unit Price. Amount. Unit Price. Amount. Unit Price. Amount. 12 pairs rubber boots, hip $5.37 $64. 44 $4.52 $54. 24 $5.02 $60. 24 $5. 02 $60. 24 1 Awarded. MATEKIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1!)12. 143 KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS-Continued. Abstract of proposal dated July 14, 1911, for steel rope (Gasconade Pard), opened Julij ^4, 1911, by Maj. Edward If. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) A. Leschens & . Sons Rope Co., St. Louis, Mo. (2) Broderick & Bascom Rope Co., St. Louis, Mo. 1 Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. 500 feet rope, steel, hoisting, t inch diameter, hemp center, 19 wires to strand $0. 1115 .155. 75 §0.10 $50. 00 1 A warded; power steel. Abstract of proposal dated Aug. 19, 1911, for hose (St. Joseph). Opened Aug . 29, 1911 j by Maj. Edward 11. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) Western Rubber & Sup- ply Co., Kan- sas City, Mo.i (2) Union Rub- ber & Supply Co., St. Louis, Mo. (3) Kansas City Rubber & Belt- ing Co., Kan- sas City, Mo.i ^^- 1 N. Y. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. 1 Amount, 2 sections of hose, 3-inch, 50 feet each, water pres- sure, 3-ply multi- ple woven, rein- forced rubber tub- ing, pressure of 125 to 150 pounds. $1.10 .95 1.00 .90 .85 .75 $110.00 $1.30 $130.00 $1.35 $135. 00 $0.80 .$80.00 $1.20 $120.00 1 Awarded, 1 only 50 feet Kansas City Rubber & Belting Co., .$1.35; 50 feet, Western Rubber & Supply Co., $1.30. Abstract of proposal dated Sept. 1, 1911, for oils (Gasconade boatyard). Opened Sept. 11, 1911, by Maj. Edivard H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) Waters- Pierce Oil Co., St. Louis, Mo. 3 barrels oil, cylinder, Capitol 3 barrels oil, engine, good grade 5 barrels beeswax 40 pounds candles, plumbers', 8-1 pound 3 cans grease, Albany XXX or equal, 10-pound cans 10 cans grease, Albany No. 3 or equal. . 10 pounds gi-ease, Albany No. 10 or equal Unit price. .35 .17 .40 .09i .20 .25 Amount. $52. 50 25.50 100.00 3.70 3.00 2.50 (2) Geo. W. Reid Oil Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price. $0.30 .15 .38 .16 .20 .20 .20 Amount. $45. 00 22.50 95.00 6.40 3.00 2.00 2.00 (3) Northrup Lubricating Oil Co., St. Louis, Mo.i • (4) J. D. Street & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price. ).18i .11 .50 .10 .12 .12 .12 Amount. $27.38 16.50 125.00 4.00 3.60 1.20 1.20 Unit price. .27 .16 ,40 Amount. $40. 50 24.00 100. 00 5.10 1.70 lAwarded. 144 MATEEIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGTNEEE DEPAETMENT^ 1912. KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposal dated Sept. 5, 1911, for rope (Marion) (Gasconade yard), opened Sept. 15, 1911, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) A. Leschen & Sons, St. Louis, Mo. (2) Broderick & Bascom Rope Co., St. Louis, Mo. (3) Simmons Hardware, St. Louis, Mo. (4) The Hooven & Allison Co., Kansas City, Mo. (5) The Hooven & Allison Co., Kansas City, Mo.i Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. GASCONADE. ■2 coils rope, manila, 3 - strand, long fiber, Plymouth brand or equal, 1 J inch t 2 coils rope, manila, 3 - strand, long fiber, Plymouth brand or equal, l\ inch •18. 68 8.68 8.68 8.68 8.68 $17.36 17.36 17.36 17.36 8.68 $8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 $17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 8.50 $9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 $18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 9.00 $8.37 8.37 8.37 8.37 8.37 $16.74 16.74 16.74 16.74 8.37 2 $8. 56 8.56 8.56 8.56 8.56 $17.12 17,12 2 coils rope, manila, 3 - strand, long fiber, Plymouth brand or equal, 1 inch 17.12 2 coils rope, manila, 3 - strand, long fiber, Plymouth brand or equal, I inch 17.12 1 coil rope, manila, 3 - strand, long fiber, Plymouth brand or equal, J inch 8.56 MA.RION. 1 coil rope, manila, 3 - strand, long fiber, Plymouth brand or equal, 1^ inch 8.68 8.68 8.68 8.68 8.68 8.68 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.37 8.37 8.37 8.37 8.37 8.37 3 8.66 8.66 8.66 8.56 1 coil rope, manila, 3 - strand, long fiber, Plymouth brand or equal, 1 inch 8.56 1 coil rope, manila, 3 - strand, long fiber, Plymouth brand or equal, | inch 8.66 1 Awarded. 2 F. 0. b. Gasconade. 3 F. 0. b. Wilton, Mo. Abstract of proposal dated Sept. 22.. 1911, for coal (St. Joseph and Boonville), opened Oct. 2, 1911, by Maj. Edward II. Schulz^ Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) Rich- mond Fuel Co., St. Joseph Mo.i (2) Star Coal Co., Kansas City, Mo. (3) Missouri & Coal Co., Kansas City, Mo. (4) Frank M. Brinson, St. Joseph, Mo. (5) Hansen Coal & Ice Co., St. Joseph, Mo. 2 cars coal, bituminous, standard lump, f. 0. b. St. Joseph $2.50 $2.75 $2.50 $2.60 $2.68 1 Awarded. MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 145 KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposal dated Sept. :^8, 1911, fpr piles (Gasconade yard), opened Oct. 10, 1911, b>/ }faj. Edward H. Schnlz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) Frost- Johnson Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo. (2) Rob- inson Lumber Co., New Orleans, La. (3) Collins Lumber Co., Chicago, 111. (4) St. Louis Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo. (.5) O'Neil Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo. (6) J. C. ' (7) A. L. Brice, Hough- De ton, Quincy, Kansas La. City, Mo. (8) J. 0. Carter Lumber Co., Kansas City, Mo. 1 9|piles, 36-foot.... 9 piles, 40-foot 16 piles, 44-foot 40 piles, 46-foot 50 piles, 50-foot .$7. 99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 $0.25 $0.09 $0.12 $0.10 $0.08 $0.08 $0.08 j 80 piles, 52-foot 50 piles, 54-foot 40 piles, 56-foot .... 10 piles, 60-foot 8 piles, 62-foot 4 piles, 64-foot 4 piles, 66-foot 1 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal dated Oct. 17, 1911, for gasoline (Gasconade River), opened Oct. 27, 1911, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz. Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) Waters Pierce Oil Co., St. Loviis, Mo.i (2) St. Louis Oil Co., St. Louis, Mo. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. 3 barrels gasoline, best $0.11 $16. 50 $0. lU $17. 25 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal dated Oct. IS, 1911 , for drop hammer {Pierre . S. Dak.), opened Oct. 28, 1911. by Maj. Edward Schtdz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (l)H.Chan- non Co., Chicago. (2) Vulcan Iron Works, Chicago,! 1 drop hammer, 2,000-pound, with follower complete or with Casgrain's patent cap . . . . . . . $100. 00 $74. 57 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal dated Oc'. 18, 1911, for stone (Williston, N. Dak.), opened Oct. SO, 1911, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) J. S. Penson, Williston, N. Dak. (2) Howard Bros., Williston, N. Dak.i (3) R. C. Snook, Williston, N. Dak. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. 275 cords stone $8.45 $2,323.75 $8.00 $2, 200. 00 $10. 00 $2,750.00 1 Awarded. 74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3 10 146 MATEEIALS AND LABOK FOK ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. KANSAS CITY (MO.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposal dated Nov. 1, 1911, for stone (Pierre, S. Dak.), opened Nov. 10, 1911, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) C. E. Pickett, Fort Pierre, S. Dak. (2) R. J. Brand- huber, Fort Pierre, S. Dak.i Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. 500 cords stone, as per specifications $11.45 $5,725.00 $10.00 $5,000.00 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal, dated Nov. 25, 1911, for stone {Junction City), opened Dec. 5, 1911, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers . Articles. (1) Eaton E. Ad- ams, Junction City, Kans. (2) Geo. C.Wilson, Junction City, Kans.i (3) R. W. Wood- ward, Junction City, Kans. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. 1,000 cubic yards stone, rip-rap $1.00 $1,000.00 250 delivered on island $0.71 .65 $177.50 487. 50 $0.98 .98 $250. 00 750 delivered on mainland 735. 00 665. 00 985. 00 1 Awarded. Abstract of proposal, dated Dec. 14, 1911, for lumber oak (Sioux City) (repairs to floating plant). Opened Dec. 14, 1911, by Maj. Edward H. Schulz, Corps of Engineers. Articles. (1) A. L. Hough- ton, Kansas City, Mo.i (2) Boecke- ler Lum- ber Co., St. Louis, Mo. (3) Bryant Lumber Co., Bige- low. Ark. (4) O'Neil Lumber Co., Unit price. Amount, St. Louis, Mo. Repairs to steamer Arethusa: 20 pieces, 2^ by 3| by 16, S4S, oak 20 pieces, 2| by 8 by 16, S2S, oak Per M. $28. 50 28.50 34.00 34.00 30.50 29.50 34.00 34.00 34.00 28.50 30.50 28.50 34.00 29.50 28.50 30.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 $9.12 18.24 24.48 18.36 7.62 4.95 8.16 19.04 16.32 5.70 2.53 6.84 2.45 6.31 2.85 12.20 4.56 3.95 7.29 2.05 7.18 Per M. 2 $50. 00 Per M. 2 $75. 00 Per. M. 2 $68. 00 18 pieces, 2 by 8 by 24, S2S, oak 18 pieces, 2 by 6 by 24, S2S, oak 6 pieces, 2 by 10 by 20, S2S, oak 2 pieces, 3 by 16 by 18, S2S, oak 4 pieces, 2 by 12 by 24, S2S, oak . . 10 pieces, 3 by 8 by 24, S2S, oak 16 pieces, 2 by 6 by 24, S2S, oak 10 pieces, 2 by 6 by 10, S2S, oak 2 pieces, 2 by 10 by 20, S2S, oak 10 pieces, 2| by 6 by 16 2 pieces, 2-1 by 6 by 24, S2S. oak 10 pieces, 2J by 4 by 18, S2S, oak 10 pieces, 2 by 3 by 16, S2S, oak 10 pieces, 2| by 8 by 20, S2S, oak 4 pieces, 2 by 12 by 16, S2S, oak 2 pieces, 6 by 8 by 16, S2S, oak 8 pieces, 2J by 8 by 16, S2S, oak 2 pieces, 2| by 12 by 12, S2S, oak 6 pieces, 2J by 12 by 14, S2S, oak 190. 20 303. 60 455. 40 412. 83 1 Awarded. 2 For lot. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 147 (3 ^ w •5 ^ CO Q «^ ^ b f> S oq 55 fel i H •'>^ P o 1 t3 Pi tuO a o3 H H CO M o O o O & o M S P^ a 0^ r, ^ ^ c; » M 'TS e o W P5 > 5^ ^ > Pi ^o J2 W s r/) t1 O > <5 12; o (^ O 8 S P5 e s o bo > o o to e o o O i c5o( ■^^ ^? ^? ^? ^? ^t ^r ^f ^ ^t C'COOOCOrfQ OiOCCOCC^Q CCCOSOOCCO Of-iOOGCOCOOOlO OOOOOOC5DO OiOOCiOOO-'fC O-— iOCCOOCOOGlC OC0000050C Oi-HOlOCOOCOOO'O ^ Q o oooooooc- oocoooo^ w CCOCCOOO' COOOOOOi-H CO lO m CO s? cS o o o o o o g p. 03 S ^^11^1 .-Iip5li i 9 « O :=! O O^O 148 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGII^EER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. Kl .^ (« O O 6o" oo 3 K| •-IS tei a . o x) '2^ Q ^ H Q •— ( a i OQ W O ^ 5J <3 « o^ OQ e o o I O I HO CO a OOOOOOOlMO 0000000050 TtlOi— i-^OtJIMCDiO ^4 ^< M 03 0(N lOlM Tfi > 000 000(M0 000»00000s0 ■^M CO T-TrH o OC^ lO (M CO i-l OOOOOOOOt cyooooooi-H ooooo,T3 TS XJ 'O ft ►> ff> 03 O 03 S ft S o pi O 0,25 WoPhOWWH « I o MATEiRiALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 149 £3 O o > w tf S ^ ■5 W ^ ,-1 rt '^ c3 "^ ?i -i«! o o & Wei ^ -9 "■ CO 4 1 "^ ■^ Co O ■" 2 ■o o lP CI ^ e .2 p a ^ -a £ >= fi< X! ^2 mi !h:i o OJ SH 05 a' O +J O M o I-' X5 u 3 c8 3 CO Si2 >>o P W of P P-l 3 s? ro -f 1-1 O CO I C o: — i^ iki^ >0 00 lO CO t^ O « 00 tC «3 00 CM r-l lO "-H PCI IC 00 «©?— I I— I F— I -H ^ O O M< p CO -^ --I CD CO O 00 " "5 o o t^ lO -x> •* >r3 CO -^ 1^ t^ 1^ ifS 03 o M< - • - - • o o; — t^ I Cl 00 00 00 CO > CN» e!> ci 55 csi 00 (N 1^ CO 00 r^ 0> 00 CO CO 00 es oi ooo CO O LQ O O CO o Oi C4 CM O "-H O CD O lO 00 00 CO O CO OS O CM O O 0> t~- 05 OO o O OS O CO •* CO t^ lO CO O CO o r^ CO lo lo lO o a> CD o o o CO • COr-H CO O CO O ,2 CM CD CM Tt< CM O ^ CO CO -* CO o (^ CO «; ifj o CO CM CM CM CM CM o»o oo oo iQ t~- lO o lo o lO CO 05 lO 03 lO — I lO >-< CO ifj 00 ri^ PM lO O O CO o 01 CM CM O --I O CD O Id 00 00 CO o CO 0-. o eg o O 03 t^ lO 00 o 03 O O Tf CO s t^ lO CO O CD O t^ CO lO >— I >o o <3> CO O t^ O CO W , W fs/i CJ • CO t-H CO O CO O 2 CM CO CM -^ CM O 5. CO CO -^ CO G o • CIS ? w-^ e w <^ ■^ 52; o o o o o O o^ o o r9 >^^ s-1 «> Or;:, OS =3' o m o P-< a ■ 9 o o PI 2 O w pq O' a > o ;3 PI 0.2 2 ft . cri ft ft ,« P5 tpl ftS o >^ +J C3 t3 o CO tXi G a M ;-< ri o o( ai o ^ 00 o _g Kl 0) d 0) a ft ft s o rd « CO o 4) 00 +J ^ 03 o ftd as Ort o ^ 03 .,« a ^>> ftc3 3 ^ -dH, OJ 03XJ (- Ph 3 ^ Ph ^ 03 X> tH PM Id =3 o >> 03X2^ - 03X2 'O Ph J3 cS t>> U.2 Tl 03 X! l-< P-l S a k> M O GO O CO(N 05 lO CO O 10 •* t^ 10 CD t^ ■*! CO ■* O t^ 05 03 >— I CO t^ O- >0 rH t~- 03 CD to «0 CD 05 -( CD O CO Q : (M CO (N Tf< (N O ' CO CO -^ CO ^2 o fto <5 ss ffl O cc Ph PiH W MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 151 oieooc O oco e<5 r» ^ « -^ o OOOQ «C iH 05 •O CO O «i5 "T t^ JO CO l-» "T CO -*• 00 t^To: -^ S! 00 e $971. 75 11,822.75 962. 00 10,234.00 12, 098. 40 5.700.00 o OS 00 3 OS ^ «r N =»1 •^ § S H-» "S &< fe ■^ =< bC '^ B 5^* >> V o a CO a o c fO C3 s ■* o T) 50 :2^ CO CO '« J3 o ft o p. C3 *^ •§-d 3 53 ° '^ r1 f?^ P oc ^ '- S 3! O 8' CO Q -r t-^ — OS p OS -f OS — -.O ^ X OS I - S N M S C^ -< 888888 c: 00 i< c x" c X i~ t" 55 P4 -r CO lO ■-' OS lO 'T — ■ 'O ^ t>: -o -5 ;ssg; o 152 MATEEIALS AND LABOK FOE ENGINEEE DEPAETMENT^ 1912. NASHVILLE (TENN.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstracts of proposals for furnishing filling valves, anchorages, etc., for Loch No. 2, Cumberland River, opened by Maj. H. Burgess, Corps of Engineers, at Nashville, Tenn., on Apr. 20, 1912. [Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation — indefinite. Locks and dams, Cumberland River, Tenn. and Ky.] Names and addresses of bidders. 4 sets cy- lindrical valves, complete. 4 sets valve-oper- ating ma- chinery. 4 sets anchorages, complete. 14 check- post bolts. 2 upper frames, complete. J. & J. B. MilhoUand Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Independent Bridge Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.. H. P. Gazzam Machine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa New Jersey Foundry & Machine Co., New York City Youngstown Foundry & Machine Co., Youngstown, Ohio Rosedale Foundry & Machine Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa Lawrence D. Weaning, Cleveland, Ohio. . Chas. Hegewald Co., New Albany, Ind. . . Buffalo Foundry & Machine Co., Buffalo, N. Y SI, 301. 15 1,365.00 1,440.50 1,825.00 1,850.00 1,765.00 1,600.00 1,808.99 2,275.00 $453. 92 475. 00 600. 00 740. 00 1,275.00 730. 00 550. 00 547. 39 1,000.00 $812. 00 853. 00 1,300.00 $18. 00 19.00 20.00 1,250.00 1,055.00 895. 00 1,027.49 1,250.00 40.00 26.00 20.00 23. 79 40.00 $14.00 15.00 20.00 75.00 25.00 35.00 13.69 30.00 Names and addresses of bidders. J. & J. B. MilhoUand Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.. Independent Bridge Co^ Pittsburgh, Pa . . H. P. Gazzam Machine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. New Jersey Foundry & Machine Co., New York City Youngstown Foundry & Machine Co., Youngstown, Ohio Rosedale Foundry & Machine Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa Lawrence D. Weaning, Cleveland, Ohio. . . Chas. Hegewald Co., New Albany, Ind Buffalo Foundry & Machine Co., Buffalo, N. Y 4 lower frames, complete. $14. 00 15.00 20.00 10.00 56.00 30.00 15. 69 70.00 20 spar support fixtures. $9. 00 9.50 9.00 50.00 8.00 19.00 5.69 20.00 16 roller supports. ge.oo 6.35 5.00 10.00 12.00 8.00 4.39 25.00 8 ladders for lock walls. $26. 00 27.25 45.00 70.00 50.00 80.00 31.99 55.00 8 hand- holds and wrench. $7.50 8.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 13.00 10.49 48.00 Total. $2,661.57 2,793.10 3,474,50 C) 4,640.00 3,742.00 3,250.00 3,489.60 2 4,813.00 1 Partial bid. 2 F. 0. b. Nashville. Abstract of pi^oposals for furnishing, delivering, and erecting steelwork for raising gates of Loch No. 2, Cumberland River, opened by Maj. H. Burgess, Corps of Engineers, at Nashville, Tenn., on Apr. 24, 1912. [Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation— indefinite. Locks and dams, Cumberland River, Tenn. and Ky,] Name. Address. Furnishing new top beams. Using old top beams. 1. Independent Bridge Co . 2. Lawrence D. Weaning.. 3. Penn Bridge Co 4. Nashville Bridge Co Pittsburgh, Pa. . . Cleveland, Ohio. . Beaver Falls, Pa . Nashville, Term.. 53,793 5,920 4,420 4,979 83,675 5,420 3,840 4,625 Accepted bid. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1012. 153 CHATTANOOGA (TENN.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. Harry Burgess, Corps of Engineers.) RIVERS AND HARBORS. [Improving Tennessee River above Chattanooga, Tenn.— General improvement.] Abstract of proposals for building dredge " Tellico," opened by Maj, Wm. W. IJarts^ Corps of Engineers, June 6, 1911, at Nashville, Tenn. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Remarks. 1 2 3 4 The Marion Steam Shovel Co., Marion, Ohio. The Bucyrus Co., South Mil- waukee, AVis. The Marion Shovel and Dredge Co., Marion, Ohio. The Vulcan Steam Shovel Co., Toledo, Ohio. $18,500 32, 000 16,248 30,875 Delivery at Chattanooga, Tenn., or at Knoxville, Tenn., aa may be required. Corporate seal not aflixed to proposal. Par. 7, Instructions to Bidders, not complied with. Delivery to be made at Chattanooga, Tenn., par. 7, Instruc- tions to Bidders, not complied with. Delivery to be made at Knoxville, Tenn. Certified check for $1,900 filed in lieu of guaranty bond. Corporate seal not affixed to proposal. Recommended for acceptance. Delivery at Chattanooga, Tenn., or at Knoxville, Tenn., aa may be required . CINCINNATI (OHIO), FIRST DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. Hemy Jervey, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for constructing light-draft snagging plant consisting of derrick boat " Mingo, " and towboat ^^ Iroquois, " {Ohio River improvement), received in response to advertisement dated Dec. 28, 1911, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 30, 1912 y by Maj. H. Jervey, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder, Proposal A, for snagging plant complete Proposal B, for towboat alone Proposal C, for derrick boat alone Proposal D: For use of steel plates instead of ingot iron, deduct from propos- als A or B for the towboat And from proposals A or C for the derrick boat Proposal E, for towboat without mast, boom, A-frame, hoisting and swinging engines, etc., deduct from proposals A or B Proposal F, for acceptance of boats at yards at Dubuque, Iowa: Deduct from proposal A Deduct from proposal B Deduct from proposal C (1) Du- buque Boat and Boiler Works, Dubuque, Iowa. $59, 685. 00 2, 028. 00 940. 00 900. 00 (2) Chas. Barnes Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. (3) M. A. Sweeney Shipyard & Foundry Co., Jeffer-^ sonville, Ind. $69, 000. 00 550. 00 550. 00 $62, 860. 00 34, 490. 00 28, 370. 00 1.200.00 1 , 000. 00 2,250.00 3,200.00 Bids rejected and readvertisement made. 154 MATEEIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. CINCINNATI (OHIO), FIRST DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for constructing light-draft snagging plant, consisting of derrick boat " Mingo'^ and towboat '^ Iroquois^^ (Ohio River improvement), received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 4, 1912, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, Mar. 26, 1912, by Maj. H. Jervey, Corps of Engineers. Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, Du- buque, Iowa. Proposal A , snagging plant complete Proposal B , towboat alone Proposal C, derrick boat alone Proposal D: For use of steel plates instead of ingot iron, deduct from proposals A or B for the tow- boat And deduct from proposals A, C, or G for derrick boat Proposal E, towboat without mast, boom, A-frame, hoisting and swinging engines, etc., deduct from proposals A or B Proposal F, for acceptance of boats at yards at Dubuque, Iowa: Deduct from proposal A '. Deduct from proposal B ; Deduct from proposal C Proposal G, derrick-boat hull with steel portion of upper works, mast, and boom with sup- ports, etc., but omitting woodwork of cabin and the machinery and spuds bidders' plans and specifications. Proposal H, snagging plant complete in accordance with plans and specifications submitted with bid Proposal I, towboat alone in accordance with plans and specifications submitted with bid. . Proposal J, derrick boat alone in accordance with plans and specifications submitted with bid $58,865.00 32, 865. 00 - 600. 00 - 600.00 -1,400.00 - 900. 00 14,312.00 Bid accepted for items B and G with deductions provided in items D, E, and F; amount of contract as accepted, $43,677. Abstract of proposals for hire of four dredging plants, each consisting of one dredge, one towboat, and two dump scotvs [Ohio River improvement), received in response to adver- tisement dated Apr. 16, 1912, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, May 16, 1912, by Lieut. Col. H. Jervey, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. Price per day. Name of dredge. 1. Sheridan- Kirk Contract Co., Cincinnati, Ohio $145. 00 135. 00 i 135.00 \ 135.00 135.00 Virginia. 2. Fieger-Austin Dredging Co., Pittsburgh, Pa Northern. 3. Monongahela & Western Dredging Co., Pittsburgh, Pa Southern. 4 . Monongahela & Western Dredging Co., Pittsburgh, Pa Western. Central. All bids accepted for five dredging plants. Abstract of proposals for construction of five loose-stone dikes and shore protection in Ohio River opposite Sisters Island, received in response to advertisement dated Apr. 20, 1912, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, May 21, 1912, by Lieut. Col. H. Jervey, Corps of Engineers. Items. Quantity, (1) Hollerbach & May Contract Co., Evansville, Ind. (2) Oscar F. Bar- rett, Cincinnati, Ohio. Excavation. . .' Cubic yards. 14,800 2,600 20, 100 Rate. $0.40 2.75 1.75 A mount. $5, 920 7,150 35, 175 Rate. $0.54 .3.25 2.54 A mount. $7,992 8,450 51,054 Stone, 6 to 10 cubic feet each Stone, 1 to 1 J cubic feet each 48, 245 67,496 Bid No. 1 accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 155 CINCINNATI (OHIO), FIRST DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for hire of tivo towboats, each with two JJatboats, as tenders to United States dredges ^'Ohio'^ and ^^Osivego" (Ohio River improvement), during the month oj May and June, 1912, received in response to advertisement dated Feb. 27, 1912, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, Mar. 28, 1912 ^ by Lieut. Col. H. Jervey, Corps of En- gineers. Name and address of bidder. Price per day. Name of boat. 1. H. B. Hulings, Marietta, Ohio. 2. E. T. Hulings, Pittsburgh, Pa. S52.00 M. D. Wavman. 50.00 Eliza. Both bids accepted. Abstract of proposals for hire oftoivboat to serve as tender to United States dredge ^^ Indiana " (Ohio River improvement), during the month of July, 1912, received in response to public notice dated June 24, 1912, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 29, 1912, by Lieut. Col. H. Jervey, Corps of Engineers . Name and address of bidder. ^'d?y^' Name of boat. L Frankfort Elevator Coal Co., Frankfort, Ky $()0. 00 Maj. Slack. 2. Flesher Towboat A: Barge Line, Mount Vernon, Ind Go. 00 I. N. Flesher. 3. T. J. Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio 57.50 Douglas Hall. Bid No. 3 accepted. PITTSBURGH (PA.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. H. C. Newcomer, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for removing two existing steel lock gates and furnishing and erecting in place two new steel lock gates at Lock 1, Ohio River, West Bellevue, Pa., received in response to poster and circular letter advertisement, dated Dec. 6, 1911; opened Dec. 21, 1911, by Lieut. Col. H. C. Newcomer, Corps of Engineers. Designation. Timber Bronze Cast iron Steel castings Structural steel (including all material except as enumer- ated above). Unit. Feet B. M. Pound .... do do do Quantity, 11,216 2,266 20, 811 51,323 448, 907 (1) Penn Bridge Co. Beaver Falls, Pa. Unit price. $75. 00 .50 .10 .08 .0475 Amount. $841. 20 1, 133. 00 2,081.10 4, 105. 84 21,323.08 29. 484. 22 (2) Independent Bridge Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Unit prtce. ,00 .70 .04.5 .0645 .055 Amount. $785. 12 1,586.20 93G. 50 3,310.33 24, 689. 89 31,308.04 Proposal No. 1 accepted. 156 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. PITTSBURGH (PA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for purchasing and installing two gas engines, two air compressors, and a starting air plant at Lock and Dam 1, Ohio River, West Bellevue, Pa., opened Apr. 9, 1912, hy Lieut. Col. H. C. Newcomer, Corps of Engineers. No. Name of bidder. Item 1, 2 gas engines, lamp sum. Item 2, 2 air com- pressors, lump sum. Item 3, 1 starting air plant,. lump sum. All items, lump sum. Remarks. 1 Ingersoll Rand Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. The Foos Gas Engine Co., Springfield, Ohio. Laidlaw - Dunn - Gordon Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hall Steam Pump Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Blaisdell Machinery Co., Bradford, Pa. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., New York, N. Y. Turner Fricke Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bury Compressor Co., Erie, Pa. Westinghouse Machine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hope Engineering & Sup- ply Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. TitusvillelronCo., Pitts- burgh, Pa. $3,321.00 ? $7,441.00 $617. 60 3 4, 165. 00 4 / 1 9, 450. 00 \ 16,875.00 6, 706. 74 $9, 758. 00 9,900.00 13,575.00 11,000.00 Herringbone gear dr i ve. Morse chain drive. 5 3, 575. 00 3,575.00- 550. 00 550. 00 486. 35 Westinghouse engine. Turner Frick engine. 7 2, 763. 00 3,675.00 3,900.00 Informal proposal. 8 q 6, 710. 00 550. 00 2 250. 00 639. 00 639. 00 639. 00 639. 00 425. 00 10,935.00 f 18,511.00 18,511.00 18,511.00 .18,511.00 • 1 6, 170. 00 0) (1) 1 6, 928. 00 (1) (1) I (0 10 11 3,321.00 4,073.00 4,375.00 3,655.00 4, 100. 00 4, 250. 00 3,177.00 3, 427. 00 4,060.00 4, 124. 00 12,471.00 13, 223. 00 13, 525. 00 9,914.00 10,359.00 10,509.00 10,759.00 10,985.00 11,542.00 11,642.00 Ingersoll Rand com- pressor. Bury compressor. Blaisdell compressor. Ingersoll Rand com- pressor. Bury compressor. Blaisdell compressor. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. compressor. Ingersoll Rand com- pressor. Bury compressor. Blaisdell compressor. T> 688.00 1 Show alternate bids for different makes of engines or air compressors. 2 Compressor only. Proposal No. 5 accepted for item 2, air compressors. Proposal No. 11 accepted for item 1, gas engines, and item 3, starting air plant. WHEELING (W. VA.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. F. W. Altstaetter, Coips of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering two service boats, one for each of Lochs JVos. 5 and 8, Kanawha River, W. Va., received in response to advertisement dated Dec. 8, 1911, and opened at Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 8, 1912, by Maj. F. W. Altstaetter, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Kanawha Dock Co., Point Pleasant, W. Va The Monongahela River Consolidated Coal & Coke Co., Pittsburgh, Pa Neville Dock Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Perry Wright, Charleston, W. Va J. M' Hammitt, Marietta, Ohio One boat for Lock No. 5. $995. 00 1,235.88 987. 00 900. 00 920. 00 One boat for Lock No. 8. $995. 00 1,235.88 987. 00 900. 00 920. 00 No. 4. Accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 157 WHEELING (W. VA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals folr furnishing and delivering two dump scows, Nos. ,i'7 and -28, for Dam No. 26, Ohio River, received in response to advertisement dated Jan. 9, 1912, and opened at Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 24, 1912, by Maj. F. W. All.sfactfer, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and of bidder. The Neville Dock Co.. Pittsburgh, Pa Kanawha Dock Co. , Point Pleasant, W. Va The Monongahela River Consolidated Coal & Coke Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa American Bridge Co. of New York, Pittsburgh, Pa Two dump scows, wooden con- struction. Rate. Amount. $6,490 $12,980 6,565 13,130 5,895 I 11,790 Two dump scows, steel const nic- tion. Rate. Amount. $6, 700 $13,400 No. 3 accepted. Abstract of pro posals for furnishing and delivering one crane-boat hull. No. 29; two deck flats, Nos. 30 and 31; and one fuel flat, No. 32, for Kanaiohd River, W. Va., received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 18, 1912, and opened at Wheeling, W. Va., Apr. 18, 1912, by Maj. F. W. Altstaetter, Corps of Engineers . No. Name and address of bidder. Two deck flats. One fuel flat. One hull for crane boat. Four boats if contract Rate. Amount. is awarded as a whole. 1 2 The Monongahela River Consolidated Coal & Coke Co.. Pittsburgh, Pa... . Kanawha Dock Co., Point Pleasant, W.Va •11, 212. 12 1,075.00 1, 159. 11 1,160.00 1,180.00 $2, 424. 24 2. 100. 00 2, 318. 22 2, 300. 00 2, 360. 00 $1, 449. 08 1, 275. 00 1,243.58 1,300.00 1,275.00 $1, 621. 38 1, 595. 00 1,641.74 1,300.00 1, 640. 00 So, 400. 00 4, 950. 00 3 4 5 Dravosburg Dock Co., Dravosburg, Pa J. M. Hammitt, Marietta, Ohio Neville Dock Co., Pittsburgh, Pa 5,203.54 4.900.00 5, 275. 00 No. 2 accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering timber for Dam No. 28, Ohio River, received in response to advertisement dated Sept. 22, 1911, and opened at Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 2, 1911, by Maj. F. W. Altstaetter, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. Lot A, 140,760 feet b. m. Lot C, 6,12:3 feet b. m. Days deliv- No. White oak. Long-leaf yellow pine" feet b. m. ery wil^ be com- Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amoimt. Rate. Amount. pleted within. 1 2 3 4 The Parkersburg Mill Co., Parkers- burg, W.Va The Hamilton Lumber Co., Pittsburgh, Pa... G. Elias & Bro., Buffalo, N.Y Crescent Lumber Co., Pittsburgh Pa $44. 00 35.00 35.00 37.25 $6, 193. 44 4,926.60 4,926.60 5,243.31 $44. 00 28.50 32.00 37.25 35.00 $6, 193. 44 4,011.66 4,504.32 5,243.31 4. 926. 60 $44.00 35.00 35.00 42.00 42.00 40.00 •1703. 78 559. 83 559.83 6.71. 79 671. 79 639. 80 $44. 00 40.00 60.00 42.00 75.00 67.00 $269. 41 24-4.92 367. 38 257. 17 459. 23 410. 24 100 00-90 90 100 5 The Germain Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. . . 100-120 6 W.M.Ritter Lum- ber Co., Colum- bus, Ohio 42.00 5,911.92 60 Accepted: No. 1 for Lot C, No. 3 for lots A and B (white oak). 158 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912, WHEELING (W. VA.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Ab tf ■Ts . =3 4i ■ a (D 6K ^ tuOO p5 P a> ^ § (^ tf 05 o lo o ■* ic o 05(M oq >o cc liO Oi ^ Oi ^f t>,T3'C CO OJ ® C3 C3 o o o o o ooo ooo * IS • >> O (^ o Q <0 «L> © © ooo © © g £ o o « t> . p,2 o .wo ^ 'O § g IS M ^i^©'S d ^ 'R pq ® © 3 s,© >,>>"= 4J fcj ©2^ ft C3 a ^^3 2 D* •'^ © C3 C3 ^ O'tS 4J +J g OT O M OT ra © 3 tJC fcjO^ © O 3 3 CO _™ p<© © 3 3 3:3 U:!^ C3 S «^ ® O 5 O 3 3 3 •-;«©©© o S 0^^• — a' •3g^^ 03 ^ © © 3 z: ■*^ ^- © o ^ ^ 3 3 3 3 ^ Co •3 3 r^ o aw w M g O ^ © © ?? 3 I 3 P< -3 © iK P 3 ^ a a 3 , 03 « 93 'o cq 2 3 3 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 165 $4,484.00 14.5 19.4 3, 550 C^ M xj « a u fer r- ^ ■^ *; -5> o =3 C3 Ob- a Oil . '" l^^g^- ■Sell 8 >^§ft CO «© — 2 a o o o Pl| o ffi a. »•'-' t- 1- 1- 'Ow H< I-' "-I ^-Tg.-*^ -"-^ --^ --^^^■- © © o o o^ g © o o o 2 1_ oO© © O S-i © _. '^ "-^ -^ © i^\ & '^ © "© ~3 P ^ "i -^-t^ -1-^ -j^ -c ^ © tH ^ ^ ^ © g^_.© © © g a§ C8^ 'CO © © S 5 -►J -^ o © a a C3 C3 C3 © sa 5-3 © o ^^ o C3 P<© © © ■>-> ^ © © .c3.c3 3 ;= ft c3 © -sa © C3 © 5 © © 3 P PI S © © © ^ .as a© O ©aae ® c8 c3 ce « o .^ rn r^ •r. m © © O ft cS a t; o a © OS a fl) ■tiA © ■5 >- 5 'S © .3 O c^ O w ,, 166 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. « >-< ■+0 ^5 "fen ^ e r O so ^, |i =0 CS so ^0 . o • I 03 . &S»0 to O ^ ?0 '2- at-c ^ c3+i rt •C =« S is O w OiOlM Oi-H OC O 0> t^ CO SO ■* ~ • O o T3 a o O ' CO .52 ^ p ^6^ .1 CD ooo< O lO lO : (M (N (M T 2- • t^j ^j ;_^ ooo fl y Q 6 Pk ^j CO .22 01 ® M 03'E^ 2 »r.22 » o ® © o ft.2 .^ § fl fe « »-( ® rt >sj <0 M .is ^ " S sP^.^'-^ i=! >;^s S > §S fe-d «'d > 53 ~a 03 03 O rv.t? .t? S3 OTAh Ph>- MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 167 . o3 CO ra 168 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. :^ d •f-i 6 § 2 S P5 m P^ O pq W CO °o n ■ST 5- 1^ irr t^ •g 1^ f^ 00 1 so 53^ . r«S 5si •Is Ob 1^ v. ._ ■« is >-< e Ob :s • ■♦-» ^^ ^^ ^:§ 2 to a. ^ *<< or, ■HO » (lO)E.KeelerCo., Williamsport, Pa. o 0) o3 (9) A. D. Granger Co., New York, N.Y. -1-3 i s to 6© o Joliet, 111. Bates Machine Co. Webster or eaual. 03 • =3 : a* : 0) . o • o o »- CO Henry R. Worth- ington. Harrison, N. J. -2 P5 o a p5^ . ft i < radiation. 3hrane. elphia. Pa. son Safety r Works. 3hrane. elphia. Pa. son Safety r Works. 3hrane. elphia. Pa. son Safety r Works. ebster. ien, N. J. Webster & Co. $775.00 meron. ^ork, N. Y. q3 100 less Co( Philad Harri Boile Co Philad Harri Boile Co Philad Harri Boile W Came Warren 08 »« (7) Heine Safety Boiler Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. -1-3 1 <6 P^ (6) The Blaisdell Machinery Co., Bradford, Pa. i o '4 P5 Quantity. tH .o ' 1 • k p- > c '-,-5 U c c^ 5 c £ r a a u c . ^ S 1 c ;. a. K a c; a a > en - >^ Nft-*; < -^ cS > si ; 03 E o: a i. 1 P o: > a t- z 1 i 'a U P.03 III 5' a 1 > a c =£ I Is B o3 4> C CO o: a i > a ■^ O a !- 1 > t- c o: ;s p4 « o S "a ■J- r- P o _t '> u ai CO 1 1 C8 (-1 D 1 1 MATERIALS AND LABOK POR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 169 g A S d M lf3 O -^ Tft rt ^ •* t-l C^ «) 1-t U3 g: >^ i* fl 2 PQ»5'^.sa '^ a b S - •JJ C3 "3 3 • (^O' ca 3 M t3 O O "O lO C5 OXO tOlO (M CM •«»< a^r-l CO (M oo-i, P tuB O O r-( C<1 T-l r^'O-a 0 0CCV5 CO o r^ " " • 3 ■ • _, w .^ O o) o o 03X2 3 3 3 3 3 3 c3 S , ^ o o o o 3 TD'O'O "^ '3 ft ft-^ O C -gh^tS-oca >;p >■-•§ -^3 S^B^ S§o o a ^ -=^-3^. 130 s s-a ■^ ai^ OJ ft ft ft—" — I COP-( Ph 170 MATEKIALS AND LABOK TOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. d o P5 a o o O m W P CO > (—1 s ^i rt li o s CJ • ^ ^ <41 rJ '5'> s 5> t« s: iC fcl ^ tej 00 fin o V. 'c- o O o ^ ft. OS ^ >->l H-i 2>o OS "^ CO JS 3 fc- eS ^ o no o - ^ 00 w*^ oj PI g o OOOO O CD lO OCO T-H 00Oi«3 OOCO •* (M r-H P^ CO CO 00 eQ CO CO l> t^ 1-1 Cs 00 00 0000 Tt< CO CO i : «3 O „ O 3 o ftp* o o o o o-^ a; aToTS Qi OJ M 2 Ji S 3 g «:i o o S S •-I t-l ^ ^ ^ qj ra CC o o X X o ri o . o O f^ :^t§« w !? w C3 4) s o ^ p K p *- ,=3 o 2 O) C3 03 '"" " O fi pj <» 03 3 03 « O ■3 i « « C •g « (X> OJ 03 'g3 O a> o ^1 03,0 3 3 o o .03.03 ^® 33 , 03 o3 o3 'o o aj 03 S P( rt"— 'f-3 <0 9'3 3 V— ' 00 w 03 <13C>>>(>S rd ,-, t) O f^fl PJ tH o3 (£ a> -iS +J o o p^. WW MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 171 CO -C — ■ 1 C C > (5 . •si =3 MM S « <» M a p OiO -"fO fe- '-^ ;2; o o »o c (M 10 SM O O iO o c Tj< 13 10 CC i^t-H - (£> 3 3 3 3 C3X! ft© CO S ^ 03 03 03 3 3 o o 3 3 3 f^ 03 X! Sh »h 3 3 o o ,03,03 g ® 3 3 a 3 3 S ® 3 3 ® § « c5 © © ;-i 5- 03 d 3 ©T3 p; s S = O P<_, .2 tut&jc §.a.s OT 0^ <» m M oc as © © ^aa j- o o '^ rt rt 5 © ©_ © .^ .fa © - 3 3 © © S S"^ © 3 ft a;g a § o 4) © 'ti o v^ O M M OX) O (^H .fa o oi«.fa © © 3 3 3 3 03 2 o © © o .S.S.S.S <;i;n:;?<; 172 MATERIALS AKD LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 73 03 g bt};ii M M «} -" Sn b3 iH • MMtipR iOi fR 02 PM -^ MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 173 CINCINNATI (OHIO), SECOND DISTRICT. [OfBcer: Maj. Jolin C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for constructing, in concrete, guard crib, guide and guard walls and revetment in MusTcigum River, received in response to advertisement dated Nov. 7, aiid opened Dec. 7, 1911, by Maj. John C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers, at Cincinnati, Ohio. [Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite.] Classification. At Lock No. 2: Excavation cubic yards. Riprap '. do . . . Concrete do. . . Cement barrels. Reinforcing steel pounds. Total * At Lock No. 3: Excavation cubic yards. Filling do. . . Concrete do. . . Timber feet b. m. Piles linear feet. Cement barrels. Reinforcing steel pounds. Total At Lock No. 9: Excavation cubic yards. Riprap do... Concrete do... Cement barrels. Reinforcing steel poimds. Total Approxi- mate quan- tities. (1) John C. Wil- liams, Zauesville, Ohio. Unit. Total. 400 240 145 190 7,200 220 270 345 G,800 200 330 4,700 300 300 250 325 17,650 At Lock No. 10: Excavation cubic yards. . Filling do Concrete do Cement barrels. . Reinforcing steel pounds. . Total Grand total 100 100 75 100 5,450 (2) Clifton Bros., Zanesville, Ohio. Unit. Total: •SO. 60 1.00 6.50 1.47- .03 $240. 00 240. 00 942. 50 279.30 216.00 1,917.80 $1.00 .50 4.90 1.40 .035 $100. 00 50.00 367. 50 140.00 190. 75 848. 25 .80 .60 5.60 .60 .60 1.47 .03 176.00 162.00 1,932.00 408. 00 120.00 485. 10 141.00 3,424.10 .80 1.00 6.50 1.47 .03 240. 00 300. 00 1,625.00 477. 75 529. 50 3,172.25 1.50 .50 7.00 1.47 .03 150.00 50.00 525. 00 147.00 163. 50 1,035.50 9,549.65 Abstract of proposals for reconstructing, in concrete, the top of Dam No. 8, Muskingum River, at Eagleport, Ohio, received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 9, 1912, and opened Apr. 9, 1912, by Maj. John C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite (Muskingum River, Ohio).] Classification. Approxi- mate quanti- ties. (1) G. T. Fogle & Co., St. Al- bans, W. Va. (2) Clifton Bros., Zanesville, Ohio. (3) J. A. Swingle & Co., Zanes- ville, Ohio. (4) James Skene & Sons Co., Huntington, W. Va. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Excavation, .cu, yds.. Concrete do Cement barrels . . Piling linear feet. . Timber feet b. m. . 5,000 5,515 5,600 5,000 75,000 $0.80 4.65 1.40 .36 49.00 $4,000.00 25, 644. 75 7,840.00 1,800.00 3,675.00 $0.70 3.70 1.30 .40 56.00 $3,500.00 20,405.50 7,280.00 2,000.00 4,200.00 $0.74 $3,700.00 4.75 26,196.25 1.32 7,392.00 .48 2,400.00 80.00 6,000.00 $0.70 4.80 1.70 .80 102.00 $3, 500. 00 26, 472. 00 9, 520. 00 4,000.00 7,650.00 Grand total 42,959.75 37,385.50 45,688.25 51,142.00 • 174 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. CINCINNATI (OHIO), SECOND DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for raising and reconstructing dwelling at Loch No. 6, Muskingum River, Ohio, received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 29, and opened Apr.J2, 1912, by Maj. John C. OaJces, Corps of Engineers, at Cincinnati, Ohio. [Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite.] Item. For- raising and reconstructing lock master's dwelling at Lock No. 6, Muskingum River, at Stockport, Ohio: For the job, complete (1) Walter Ellis, Stockport, Ohio. $1,442.83 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering sand and crushed stone or gravel\at Loch No. 4, Kentucky River, received in response to circular-advertisement dated Mar. 22, and opened Apr. 5, 1912, by Maj. John C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers, at Cincin- nati, Ohio. [Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite.] Classification. Sand cubic yards. . Gravel do Crushed stone do Grand total Approxi- mate quanti- ties. 350 700 700 (1) Guy Barrett, Frankfort, Ky. Unit. $1.05 Total. $735. 00 (2) J. B. Blanton Co. , Frank- fort, Ky. Unit. .fl.04 .98 Total. $364. 00 686. 00 1,050.00 Abstract of proposals for constructing two steel hulls for maneuver boats at Dams Nos. 1 and 2, Big Sandy River, W. Va. and Ky., received in response to advertisement dated Apr. 8, 1912, and opened Apr. 23, 1912, by Maj. John C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers, at Cincinnati, Ohio. [Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite.] Bidders' names and addresses. 1. Chas. Hegewald Co., New Albany, Ind 2. Ed. J. Howard, Jeffersonville, Ind 3. Des Moines Bridge & Iron Works, Pittsbm'gh^ Pa... 4. American Bridge Co. of New York, Cincinnati, Ohio Total cost, one steel hull. 30 by 65 feet. $4,899.00 7,318.00 4, 600. 00 5, 400. 00 26 by 60 feet. $3,597.99 5, 672. 00 4,000.00 4,650.00 Grand total. $8,496.99 12, 990. 00 8, 600. 00 10,050.00 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 175 CINCINNATI (OHIO), SECOND DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering at Thirteen, Ky. {Daiti Ko. J.J), approx-^ imately, 9,000 barrels of American J^ortland cement, for use in constructing Dam Ao. iJ, Kentucky River, Ky., received in response to circular advertisement dated June 20., 1912, and opened July 2, 1912, by Maj. John ('. Oales, Corps of Engineers, at Cin- cinnati, Ohio. [Appropriation: Improving Kentucky River, Ky. (locks and dams).] Bidders' names and addresses. Brand. Rebate on empty sacks re- Approxiraa telv 9,000 barrels American Pori- land cement. turned. Per bar- rel. Total. 1. Kosmos Portland Cement Co. (Inc.), Louisville, Ky . . 2. Lehigh Portland Cement Co., Chicago, 111 Kosmos Lehigh Alpha Universal $0. 10 .10 $1.73 1.78 $15,570 16,020 17,370 16,920 3. Alpha Portland Cement Co., Easton, Pa 4. Universal Portland Cement Co., Pittsburgh, Pa .10 1.93 1.88 Abstract of proposals for furnishing sand and gravel for use in repair work on Kentucl^ River, Ky., received in response to circular advertisement dated July 26. 1911. and opened Aug. 7, 1911, by Maj. John C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite] For delivery at Lock No. 1: Sand, 150 cubic yards. . , Gravel, 300 cubic yards . For delivery at Lock No. 2: Sand, 400 cubic yards. . . Gravel, 800 cubic yards. Total Classification. (1) J. F. Butts, Carrollton, Ky. Unit. Total. 50.95 1.25 1.10 1.35 $142.50 375.00 440.00 1,080.00 2,037.50 Abstract of proposals for hire of one decked barge (capacity, 125 cubic yards), for use in repair work at the locks on the Kentucky River, received in response to circular adver- tisement dated July 24, 1911, and opened Aug . 1, 1911, by Maj. John C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers, at Cincinnati, Ohio. [Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite.] Item. (1) Chas. Armstrong Frankfort, Ky. (per day). For hire of 1 decked barge, having a capacity of not less than 125 cublic yards when drawing not more than 5 feet $3.50 Accepted. 176 MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. CINCINNATI (OHIO), SECOND DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing about 1,000 barrels American Portland cement, deliv- gred at Frankfort, Ky., for use in repair work on Kentucky River, Ky., received in response to circular advertisement dated July 26, and opened Aug. 7 , 1911, by Maj. John C. OaJces, Corps of Engineers, at Cincinnati, Ohio. [Appropriation: Opei'ating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite.] Names and addresses of bidders. Brand. Rebate on empty sacks. 1,000 barrels American Port- land cement. Unit. $1.64 1.77 L68 1.65 1.70 1.60 Total. 1. Kosmos Portland Cement Co., Louisville, Ky 2. Atlas Portland Cement Co. , Chicago, 111 3. Universal Portland Cement Co., Pittsburgh, Pa 4. Ironton Portland Cement Co., Ironton, Ohio 5. Virginia Portland Cement Co., New York, N. Y 6. Lehigh Portland Cement Co. , Chicago ,111 Kosmos Atlas Universal Limestone Old Dominion Lehigh Cents. 10 10 10 10 10 10 $1,640.00 1,770.00 1,680.00 1,650.00 1,700.00 1,600.00 Abstract of proposals for constructing and delivering two steel-deck bai^ges and one steel open barge, for Kentucky River, Ky., received in response to advertisement dated Dec. 13, 1911, and opened Jan. 13, 1912, by Maj. John C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers, at Cincinnati, Ohio. [Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite.] Items. (1) Marion Steam Shovel Co., Marion, Ohio. (2) Des Moines Bridge & Iron Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. (3) American Bridge Co. of New York, Cincinnati, Ohio. Weight. Total. Weight. Total. Weight. Total. 2 steel-deck barges 147,000 48,000 $15, 400 2,515 140,000 48,000 $10,290 1,990 136,000 43,000 $9, 800 1 steel open barge 2,350 Total 17,915 12,280 1 12, 1.50 1 Bidder No. 3 submits an alternative bid of $9,300 for 2 steel-deck barges 90 feet 9 inches long. Abstract of proposals for constructing one steel derrick-boat hull, for Kentucky River, Ky., received in response to advertisement dated Jan. 18, 1912, and opened Feb. 19, 1912, by Maj. John C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers, at Cincinnati, Ohio. [Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite.] Item. (1) Ameri- can Bridge Co. of New York, Cincinnati, Ohio. (2) Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, Chicago, 111. (3) Des Moines Bridge & Iron Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. (4) Chas. Hegewald Co., New Albany , Ind. 1 steel derrick-boat hull $4,990.00 $4,940.00 $4,398.00 $4,999.00 MATERIALS AND LABOK FOK E AHxI JS' Ii:EK DEPARTMENT^ li)12. 177 CINCINNATI (OHIO), SECOND DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals /or repairing one dredge boat, one derrick boat, and two dump scows, received in response to circular advertisement dated Feb. 19, 1912, and opened Mar. 5, 1912, by Maj. John C. Oakes, Corps <;/ Engineers, at Cincinnati, Ohio. [Appropriation: "Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite."] Classification. For hauling out and launching dredge Carrollton . For lay days For hauling out and launching derrick boat No. 4. For lay days For hauling out and launching scows For lay days Labor, including tools. Foreman in charge per hour Ship carpenter do. . Calker do.. Machinist do. . Painter do. . Laborer do . . Blacksmith do. . Blacksmith helper do . . Materiah. Long leaf yellow pine (sawed to dimensions), M. feet b. m White oak (sawed to dimensions) M feet b. m. . Red Oregon fir (sawed to dimensions) do Ironwork (to include drift and screw bolts, boat spikes, etc.) pounds. . Grand total Approxi- mate quanti- ties. 25 60 240 3,600 1,450 10 80 800 80 i 80 I 8,000 13,000 I (1) Kanawha Dock Co., Point Pleas- i ant, W. Va. I 2,600 (2) Queen City Ma- rine Ry. Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Unit. $5.00 5.00 2.' 50' .50 .35 .35 .50 .30 .25 .50 .25 50.00 45.00 50.00 .05 Total. $75.00 125. 00 50.00 125. 00 75.00 150. 00 120. 00 1,260.00 507. 50 5.00 24.00 200. 00 40.00 20.00 Unit. 130. 00 $2.00 2.00 2.00 .65 . 3889 .3889 . 65 .3889 .2778 .60 .30 400.00 55.00 .585.00 55.00 : 60. 00 ,07 Total. $70.00 50.00 70.00 50.00 140.00 120.00 156. 00 1 . 400. 04 563.90 6.50 31.01 222. 24 48.00 24.00 440. 00 715. 00 182.00 3,891.50 L. 4,288.79 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering American Portland cement at Frank- fort and High Bridge, Ky., received in response to circular advertisement dated Mar. 22, and opened Apr. 5, 1912, by Maj. John C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers, at Cincinnati, Ohio. [Appropriation: "Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite."] Bidders' names and addresses. Rebate on empty sacks re- turned. Brand. Delivered at Frankfort. Ky., (3,500 barrels). Delivered at High Bridge, Ky. (2,000 barrels). Total. Per barrel. Total. Per barrel. Total. 1. Universal Portland Cement $0.10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 Universal $1.60 1.76 1.60 1 1.72 1.77 1.64 $5,600 6,160 5,600 6,020 6,195 5,740 $1.71 1.73 1.71 1 1.64 1.84 1.74 .$3,420 3,460 3,420 3,280 3,680 3,480 $9, 020. 00 Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 2. The Ironton Portland Cement Co., Ironton, Ohio. 3. Lehigh Portland Cement Co., Chicago, III. 4. Virginia Portland Cement Co., New York, N. Y. 6. Atlas Portland Cement Co., Chicago, 111. 6. Kosmos Portland Cement Co., Louisville, Ky. Limestone Lehigh .* Old Dominion Atlas Kosmos 9,620.00 9,020.00 9,300.00 9,875.00 9,220.00 J Subject to ability to obtain coal and cars. 74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3 12 178 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. LOUISVILLE (KY.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. Henry Jervey, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for Loch and Dam No. 48, Ohio River, received in response to adver- tisement and specifications dated Aug. 7, 1911, and opened at Louisville, Ky., Sept. 7, 1911, hy Maj. Lytle Brown, Corps of Engineers. Classification? Cofferdam: 20 feet linear feet. 10 feet do. . . Common excavation cubic yards. Fill do. . . Riprap do. . . Stone paving do. .. Round piles linear feet. Sheet piles feet b. m. Common timber do. . . Deck timber do . . . Oak timber do . . . Reenforced concrete cubic yards. Concrete do. . . Concrete paving do. . . Structural steel pounds. Reenforcing rods do. . . Forgings do. . . Bolts, etc do. . . Iron castings do. . . Steel castings do. . . Bronze do . . . Pipe: 5-incli linear feet. 4-incli do... o-inch do. . . 2J-incli do. . . 2-inch do. . . Draintile do. . . Total Estimated quantities. 7,100 3,500 139,843 69,617 43,109 186 183, 670 1,285,674 1,248,937 483,774 27,335 183 53, 798 1,380 331,760 74,594 30,277 216,911 305,568 142,319 40 280 110 575 190 575 860 No. 1. The Ohio River Contract Co., Evansville, Ind. Unit price. $40. 00 15.00 .75 .40 3.50 7.00 .50 80.00 60.00 60.00 80.00 12.00 7.00 8.00 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .10 1.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 .75 Amount. 1284,000.00 52,500.00 104,882.25 27,846.80 150,881.50 1,302.00 91,835.00 102,853.92 74,936.22 29,026.44 2,186.80 2, 196. 00 376,586.00 11,040.00 23,223.20 5,221.58 2,119.39 15, 183. 77 21,389.76 14,231.90 40.00 700. 00 275. 00 1, 150. 00 285. 00 862. 50 645. 00 1,397,400.03 MATERIALS AND LABOK FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 179 LOUISVILLE (KY.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for Lock No. 41, Ohio River, received in response to advertisevnent and specifications dated Sept. 14, 1911, and opened at Louisville, Ky., Oct. 14, 1911, by Maj. Lytle Brown, Corps of Engineers. Items. Cofferdam: Elevation, 400.7, linear feet Elevation, 446.7, linear feet Common excavation, cubic yards Rock excavation, cubic yards Drilling bolt holes, linear feet Fill cubic yards. . Channeling square feet. . Riprap cubic yards . . Stone paving do Concrete piles. . .linear feet. . Oak timber feet b. m.. Concrete cubic yards. . Concrete paving '.do Stnictural steel. . . .pounds. . Reenforcing rods do Forgings, wrought iron in- cluded .pounds. . Bolts, etc do Iron castings do Steel castings do Bronze do Pipe: 7-inch linear feet. . ti-tnch do 5-inch do 4-ineh do 3-ineh do 2-inch do Tile drain do Small power house, num- ber Macadam roadway, square yards Quan- tity. Total of bid (original). * Total of bid if bond is reduced to 25 per cent of contract 300 200 876, 000 |293,000 4,280 250,000 101,300 75 535 660 11,500 65,565 1,231 303,600 150 33, 200 11,000 45, 800 213, 400 60 19 255 780 1,090 8,210 2,000 170 10, 800 No. 1 . The Mansfield Engineering Co., Indianapolis, Ind.i Unit pi'ice. $45. 00 110.00 .41 .41 .27 .15 4.00 5.00 4.00 80.00 6.10 6.00 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .09 1.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 1.90 1.80 1.40 1.00 1,500.00 1.00 Total. $13, 500. 00 22,000.00 359, 160. 00 257,840.00 1,754.80 67, 500. 00 15,195.00 300. 00 2, 675. 00 2, 640. 00 920. 00 399,946.50 7, 386. 00 21,245.00 10.50 2, 324. 00 770. 00 3,206.00 19, 206. 00 60.00 114.00 1,020.00 1,950.00 2, 071. 00 14, 778. 00 2, 800. 00 170. 00 No. 2. Edward M. Graves, Cleveland, Ohio. No. 3. Heniy Bickel Co., Louisville, Ky. Unit price. Total. $25. 00 • $7, 500. 00 25.00 5,000.00 .40 .90 *.80 .50 .04 .35 2.00 1.50 1.00 100. 00 6.30 15.00 .06 .10 .15 .10 .10 .15 2.00 1. 6,000.00 1 1,000. 00 10, 800. 00 2. 00 1,237,341.80 350, 400. 00 263, 700. 00 * 234, 400. 00 2, 140. 00 10,000.00 35, 455. 00 150. 00 802. 50 060. 00 1,150.00 413,059.50 18, 465. 00 18.210.00 15.00 4,980.00 1,100.00 4, 580. 00 32, 010. 00 120.00 22.42 239. 70 561.60 588. 60 3,037.70 360.00 170. 00 4, 000. 00 21,600.00 Unit price. 1, 200, 077. 02 1, 170, 777. 02 $25. 00 50.00 .38 \ .96 .30 .15 .25 2.00 2.00 2.50 80.00 5.00 7.00 .07 .04 .07 .07 .07 .10 1.00 2.50 2.15 1.50 1.05 .65 .40 ..50 500. 00 .30 Total. $7, 500. 00 10,000.00 332, 880. 00 281, 280. 00 1,284.00 37, 500. 00 25,325.00 150.00 1,070.00 1,650.00 920. 00 327,825.00 8, 617. 00 21,245.00 6.00 2,324.00 770.00 3, 206. 00 21,340.00 60.00 47.50 548. 25 1,170.00 1,144.50 5,336.50 800. 00 85.00 2, 000. 00 3, 240. 00 1,099,323.75 1,096,323.75 Coi-porate seal omitted from bid. No evidence of authority to sign bid submitted. 180 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOB ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. LOUISVILLE (KY.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for Loch No. 44, Ohio River, received in response to advertisement and specifications dated Sept. 14, 1911, and opened at Louisville, Ky., Oct. 14, 1911, by Maj. Lytle Brown, Corps of Engineers — Continued. Items. Cofferdam: Elevation, 400.7, linear feet Elevation, 446.7, linear feet Common excavation, cubic yards Rock excavation, cubic yards Drilling bolt holes, linear feet Fill cubic yards. . Channeling square feet. . Riprap cubic yards. . Stone paving do Concrete piles. . .linear feet. . Oak timber. .... .feet b. m. . Concrete cubic yards. . Concrete paving do Structural steel pounds. . Reenforcing rods do Forgings. wrought iron in- cluded pounds. . Bolts, etc do Iron castings do Steel castings do Bronze do Pipe: 7-inch linear feet. . 6-ineh do .5-inch do 4-inch do 3-inch do 2-inch do Tile drain do Small power house, num- ber Macadam roadway, square yards .' Quan- tity. No. 4. Robert Grace Contracting Co., Cleveland, Ohio.i No. 5. The T. A. Gillespie Co., Pittsbiu'gh, Pa. Unit price. Total. Unit price. Total of bid (original) . * Total of bid if bond is reduced to 25 per cent of contract 300 200 876,000 293, 000 4,280 250, 000 101,300 75 535 660 11,500 65, 565 1,231 303,500 150 33, 200 11,000 45, 800 213, 400 60 19 255 780 1,090 8,210 2,000 170 4 10, 800 $10. 00 60.00 .20 .07 .20 4.00 5.00 2.50 75.00 8.00 .04 .04 .07 .07 .10 .11 .75 200. 00 1.40 $3,000.00 $35.00 12, 000. 00 40. 00 . 26 227, 760. 00 .95 I 278,350.00 856. 00 17,500.00 20, 260. 00 300. 00 2, 675. 00 1,650.00 862. 50 6.40 I 419,616.00 9,848.00 12,140.00 6.00 2, 324. 00 770. 00 4, 580. 00 23, 474. 00 45.00 38.00 382. 50 936. 00 981.00 5, 747. 00 700. 00 51.00 800. 00 15, 120. 00 45 1.00 .15 .40 3.00 6.50 3.00 100. 00 5.90 6.50 .06 .04 .05^ .04"'! .06ii .09 i 1.00 1 3.00 2.50 1.20 1.00 .60 .40 .40 300. 00 .75 Total. No. 6. The Ohio River Contract Co. Evansville, Ind. Unit price. $10, 500. 00 $12. 50 8,000.00 394, 200. 00 131,850.00 4, 280. 00 37, 500. 00 40, 520. 00 225. 00 3,477.50 1,980.00 1,150.00 386, 833. 50 8,001.50 18,210.00 6.00 1,826.00 440. 00 2,977.00 19, 206. 00 60.00 57.00 637. 50 936. 00 1,090.00 4,926.00 800. 00 68.00 1, 200. 00 8,100.00 40.00 .35 .90 11,062, 772. 00 1,089,057. 00 .05 .05 .05 .071 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 .75 .75 .75 .75 1,000.00 .75 Total. $3,750.00 8,000.00 306,600.00 263, 700. 00 .50 2, 140. 00 .15 37, 500. 00 .15 15,195.00 1.00 75.00 4.00 2, 140. 00 3.00 1,980.00 80.00 920.00 5.00 327,825.00 *4.70 *308, 155. 50 7.00 8,617.00 .05 15, 175. 00 .05 7.50 1,660.00 550. 00 2, 290. 00 16,005.00 60.00 28.50 382.50 1,170.00 817.50 6, 157. 50 1,500.00 127.50 4,000.00- 8, 100. 00 1,036,473.00 1,016,809.50 1 Extract from minutes, not certified under seal of corporation. MATERIALS AND LABOK bX)R ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 181 DULUTH (MINN.) DISTRICT. [OfTicer: Lieut. Col. F. R. Shunk, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of bids for furnishing and placing granite riprap at the Grand Marais, Mich., piers, received in response to advertisement dated July 6, 1911, and opened at Duluih, Minn., noon, July 14, 1911, by Maj. Francis B. Shunk, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Harbor of refuge at Grand Marais, Mich.l No. For stone de- livered in place in the work, per ton of 2,000 pounds. Whitney Bros. Co., Superior, Wis. . . Powell & Mitchell, Marquette, Mich . 3 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111. $3. 50 2.75 12.25 1 Accepted. Abstract of bids for gasoline tug "Patrol," received in response to advertisement dated July 28, 1911, and opened by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunk, Corps of Engineers, Duluth, Minn., at noon, Aug. 28, 1911. [Appropriation: Preservation and maintenance of river and harbor works: For Duluth-Superior Harbor.] Bid No. Name and address of bidder. For tug deliv- ered in the wa- ter complete at Duluth, Minn. Racine Boat Co., Racine, Wis Moore Boat Works, Wayzata, Minn Salisbmy Marine Construction Co., Salisbury, Md. 1 $13, 950. 00 16,050.00 13,975.00 1 Recommended for acceptance. Abstract of bids received in response to public notice for furnishing and delivering rubber sleeves for hydraulic dredge pipe and opened at Duluth, Minn., at noon Sept. 21, 1911, by Lieut. Col. Francis B. Shunk, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Preservation and maintenance of river and harbor works for Duluth-Superior Harbor.] Bid No. Name and address of bidder. For fifty 8-ply rubber sleeves for hydraulic dredge pipe, 15 inches long by 16 inches inter- nal diameter, per linear foot. 1 Robinson Cary & Sands Co., St. Paul, Minn 1 $6. 20 ? United & Globe Rubber Manufacturing Co., Trenton, N. J 6.80 Accepted. 182 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. DULUTH (MINN.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS-Continued. Abstract of bids received for furnishing stone at Superior Entry, Wis., in response to public notice dated Sept. 19, 1911, and opened at D ninth, Minn., Oct. 5, 1911, by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunh, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Dnluth, Minn., and Superior, Wis.] Name and address of bidder. For stone delivered ia the work at Superior Entry, per short ton of 2,000 pounds, about S9,000 worth in total. Bid No. For stone weighing not less than 5 tons each, two- thirds of total quantity. For stone weighing not less than 10 tons each, one- third of total quantity. 1 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, Ili.i SI. 65 $1.65 1 Recommended for acceptance. Abstract of bids for furnishing and installing an electiic lighting plant on the United States tug '* Essayons," received in response to public notice and opened at Duluth, Minn., at noon Oct. 10, 1911, by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunh, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation; Preservation and maintenance of river and harbor works, for Duluth-Superior Harbor]. Bid Name and address of bidder. Plant complete with kilowatt generating set. No. 6-kilowatt. 7-kilowatt. 7|-kilowatt 8-kilowatt. 1 Richardson Electric Co., Duluth, Minn Duluth Electrical Co., Duluth, Minn $1,025.00 1,483.00 1,703.78 2 907.00 $1,300.00 ( $1,110.00 \ 1,210.00 I 1,270.00 1,599.00 1,809.78 I .$1,145.00 1 1,718.00 3 Burgess Electric Co., Duluth, Minn . . . , Thomas H, C. Wright, Dnlnt.b, Minn. . 1,822.78 4 1,032.00 I 8i-kilowatt. Accepted. Abstract of bids received for furnishing and delivering at United States engineer office, Duluth, Minn., five forged and built-up steel teeth for a grapple of 10 tons capacity, in response to public notice dated Jan. 8, 1912, and opened at Duluth, Minn., Jan. 15, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunlc, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Preservation and maintenance of river and harbor works; for Duluth-Superior Harbor.] Bid No. Name and address of bidder. I For five forged and built-up steel teeth for a grapple of 10 tons capacity. National Iron Co., Duluth, Miim. i$450 Accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 183 DULUTH (MINN.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of bids received for furnishing and delivering /. o. b., cars Duluth, Minn., the forward half or section of a cast-steel cutter head for a 15-inch hydraulic dredge, in response to public notice dated Jan. 8, 1912, and opened at Duluth, Minn., Jan. 15, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunh, Corps of Engineers. lAppropriation: Preservation and maintenance of river and harbor works, for DiHuth-Superior Harbor.] Bid No. Name and address of bidder. 1 ! Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md . For the forward half or section of a cast-steel cutter head for a 15-inch hy- draulic dredge. 1 $326. 21 Accepted. Abstract of bids received for the purchase of the U. S. steam launch " Tangent " in response to public notice dated Jan. 9, 1912, and opened at United States engineer office, Du- luth, Minn., Feb. 12, 1912, by Lieut. John N. Hodges, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Duluth, Minn., and Superior, Wis.] Bid No. Name and address of bidder. Camiel De Gaigny, Tower, Minn Harry F. Brower, Ashland, Wis., Ill Fifth Avenue East. M. J. Carroll, Houghton, Mich Philip Carroll, Houghton, Mich For the U.S. steam launch Tangent. I $515. 65 3.50 2 300. 00 90.75 75.00 Accepted. 2 Letter of Feb. 10, asks correction in his bid to read $300, Abstract of bids received for furnishing and placing in position one Wagenhorst patent electric blue printing machine 42 by 60 inches, etc., in response to public notice dated Jan. 31, 1912, and opened at United States Engineer Office, Duluth, Minn., Feb. 13, 1912, by Lieut. John N. Hodges, Corps of Engineers, [Appropriation: Preservation and maintenance of river and harbor works for Duluth-Superior Harboi . ] Bid No. Name and address of bidder. Amount of bid in total. Remarks. 1 Architects & Engineers Supply Co., Duluth, Minn $270.00 1 265. 50 229.50 251.50 ? Rogers At: Co,, MfhTieapn1is^Mi"^nn. .' ' 3 Tdo r '. Buckeye machine (not wanted). Bid not in accordance 4 Eugene Dietzgen Co., Chicago, 111 with specifications. Accepted. 184 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. DULUTH (MINN.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of bids for building rubble mound at Ashland, Wis., received in response to adver- tisement dated Feb. 5, 1912, and opened by Lieut. John N. Hodges, Corps of Engineers, Duluth, Minn., at noon. Mar. 5, 1912. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Ashland, Wis.] Bid No. Per ton of 2,000 pounds. Name and address of bidder. For rock I from the I quarrv in place in the rubble mound, 16,000 tons, more or less. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111. Sane & Miller, Duluth, Minn 11.90 1.24 For rock from the top of the pierhead crib in place in the mound, 350 tons more or less. $1.90 .90 Total. $31,065 1 20, 155 1 Recommended for acceptance. Abstract of bids for furnishing 1,160 tons, more or le^s, of coal for plant at Superior Entry, Wis., for the months of May and June, 1912, opened by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunk, Corps of Engineers, at Duluth, Minn., noon Apr. 2, 1912, under the above public notice. [Appropriations for Duluth-Superior Harbor.] Bid No. Name and address of bidder. 950 tons run of pile, bitumi- nous. 190 tons lump, bituminous-. 10 tons black- smith, bitumi- nous. 10 tons nut, anthracite. Total (first two items). Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. 1 2 Pittsburgh Coal Co., Duluth, Minn Berwind Fuel Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Northwestern Fuel Co., Duluth, Minn. C. Reiss Coal Co., Superior. Wis. $3.45 3.25 3.45 3.75 $3,277.^0 3,087.50 3, 277. 50 3, 562. 50 $3.75 3.55 3.75 4.00 $712.50 674. 50 712.50 760. 00 $4.25 $42. 50 $7.00 $70. 00 $3,990.00 1 3, 762. 00 3 4.25 42.50 3, 990. 00 4 4.25 42.50 6.75 67.50 4,322.50 Accepted. Abstract of bids for furnishing and placing rock in the foundation embankment for the breakwater extension at Marquette, Mich., received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 5, 1912, and opened by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunk, Corps of Engineers, Duluth^ Minn., at noon Apr. 5, 1912. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Marquette, Mich.] No. Name and address of bidder. T. L. Durocher, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. , Chicago, 111 Powell & Mitchell, Marquette, Mich • Recommended for acceptance Per ton of 2,000 pounds. U.ll 1.60 L44 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 185 DULUTH (MINN.^ DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of bids for furnishing wire hoisting rope, opened by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunh, Corps of Engineers, at Duluth, Minn., Apr. 8, 1912, noon, under public notice, dated Mar. 20, 1912. [Appropriation for Duluth-Superior Harbor.] No. Name and address of bidder. Robinson, Cary &. Sands Co., St. l^aul, Minn. Kelley-How-Thomson Co., Duluth, Minn. ... Clyde Iron Works, Duluth, Minn Marshall- Wells Hardware Co., Duluth, Minn. Macomber & Whyte Rope Co., Chicago, 111... Sauerman Bros., Chicago, 111 2,000 linear feet wire rope, J inch diameter, 6 strands, 19 wires each; breaking strength, 18 tons. ?8. 10 7.41 171.00 '• .003 1 .08 3,000 linear foet, same, g-inch; breaking strength, 14 tons. $6. 25 5.46 189. 00 ' . 048 1 .06 Total. $349.50 312.00 360.00 2 270.00 300.00 340. 00 I Per foot. Accepted. Abstract of bids for furnishing Manila rope, opened by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunk, Corps of Engineers, at Duluth, Minn., Apr. 18, 1912, noon, under public notice dated Apr. 13, 1912. [Appropriation for Duluth-Superior Harbor.] No. Name and address of bidder. Kelley - How - Thomson Co., Duluth, Minn. Marshall-Wells H a r d - ware Co., Duluth, Minn. All 3 strands. 500 pounds 2i-inch diameter. All sizes, \ All sizes, 500 pounds 2-inch diameter. 500 pounds l§-inch diameter. , 4,000 pounds 11-inch diameter. 2,000 pounds 1-inch diameter. 500 pounds f-inch diameter. .09J per pound, f. o. b. warehouse, Duluth, Plymouth brand.' .09| per pound, f. o. b. dock, Duluth, best quality manufac- tured by Edwin H. Fitler Co., Philadelphia. Accepted. Abstract of bids received for dredging at Superior Entry, Duluth-Superior Harbor, in response to advertisement, dated May 9, 1912, and opened at Duluth, Minn., May 9, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunk, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Duluth, Minn., and Superior, Wis.] For dredging For bowlders in entrance or pieces of channel 127,000 rock exceeding No. Name and address of bidder. cubic yards, more or less, per cubic yard, scow measure- ment. 1 cubic yard each, 800 cubic yards, more or less, per cubic yard. Total. 1 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111 80. 1575 •SO. 1575 $20, 128. 50 ? Northern Dredge & Dock Co., Duluth, Minn .14 .25 19,780.00 3 Duluth-Superior Dredging Co., Duluth, Minn .099 .10 113,373.00 1 Recommended for acceptance. .86 MATEKIALS AND LABOE FOK ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. DULUTH (MINN.) DIStRICT—Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of bids received in response to advertisement dated May 17, 1912, for dredging at Ontonagon, Mich., and opened at Duluth, Minn., May 23, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Francis M. Shunh, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Ontonagon, Mich.] No. Name and address of bidder. Per cubic yard, scow measure- ment, 45,000 cubic yards, more or less. Total. Northern Dredge & Dock Co., Duluth, Minn. Cents. 22 1 $9,900 1 Accepted. Abstract of bids received in response to advertisement dated May 22, 1912, for dredging at Grand Marais, Mich., and opened at Duluth, Minn., June 3, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Francis ^ R. Shunh, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Harbor of Refuge at Grand Marais, Mich.] No. Name and address of bidder. Northern Dredge & Dock Co., Duluth, Minn Edward Bros. Dredge Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Duluth, Minn. . Per cubic yard, scow measure- ment, 60,000 cubic yards, more or less. Cents. 27 25 26 Total. $10, 200 115,000 15,600 Accepted. Abstract of bids received in response to public notice dated June 12, 1912, for furnishing 1,160 tons, more or less, of coal for plant at Superior Entry, Wis., for the months of July and August, 1912, and opened at Duluth, Minn., June 25, 1912, by Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunh, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriations for Duluth-Superior Harbor.] No. Name and address of bidder. Carnegie Fuel Co., Duluth, Minn The C. Reiss Coal Co., Superior, Wis. Pittsburgh Coal Co., Superior, Wis. . . Berwind Fuel Co., Minneapolis, Miim. 950 tons run of pile, bituminous, $3.35 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.15 3.00 190 tons lump, bi- tuminous. 10 tons blacksmith, bituminous. $3.65 3.40 3.40 3.40 $4.50 4.25 4.25 4.25 6.00 10 tons nut, anthracite. $7.95 '6.80 2 6.90 6.80 Total (first three items). $3,921.00 3,633.50 3 3,633.50 3,633.50 3,698.50 3,538.50 ^July. 2 August. 8 Accepted account nearness of dock. MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 187 DULUTH (MINN.) DISTRICT— Continued. WRECKS. Abstract of bids fo?' the removal of the wreck of the steamer " Wasaga" from the harbor at Copper Harbor, Mich., received in response to advertisement dated Jan. 11, 1912, and opened at Duluth, Minn., at noon Feb. 12, 1912, by Lieut. John N. Hodges, Corps of Engineers. {Appropriation: Removing siinken vessels or craft obstructing or endangering navigation, indefinite.] No. Name and address of bidder. Wanless & King, Dtduth, Minn., Mesaba Building. . . For the removal of the wrecked steamer Wasaga. 1 $3, 500. 00 1 Recommended for acceptance. MILWAUKEE (WIS.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. C. S. Bromwell, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering in place at Manistique Harbor, Mich., 4,000 tons, more or less, rubblestone, received in response to advertisement dated May 27, 1912, and opened June 6, 1912, at Milwaukee, Wis., by Maj. Chas. S. Bromwell^ Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Manistique, Mich.] No. Name and address of bidder Per ton. Total. Leathem D. Smith, Sturgeon Bay, Wis \ $1. 48 Sturgeon Bay Stone Co., Sawyer, Wis I 1. 40 The Green Stone & Quarrying Co., Sawyer, Wis i 1. 26 So, 920 5,600 5,040 Contract entered into with The Green Stone & Quarrying Co., June 18, 1912. Abstract of proposals for rebuilding U. S. steam tug '^Industry," received in response to advertisement dated Nov. 20, 1911, and opened Nov. 27, 1911, at Milwaukee, Wis., by Maj. Chas. S. Bromwell, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriations: Improving harbors at Manistique, Mich., Depere, Algoma (outer harbor), Two Rivers Manitowoc (maintenance), and Sheboygan, Wis.] Items. 13,000 feet b. m. white-oak timber, 16 feet and shorter, per thousand feet b. m. . 14,000 feet b. m. white-oak timber, 18 feet and longer, per thousand feet b. m . . . 1,000 feet b. m. Washington or Oregon fir timber, per thousand feet b. m 3,000 feet b. m. white-pine timber, per thousand feet b. m 1,000 feet b. m. matched pine ceiling, per thousand feet b. m 500 feet cove molding, per linear foot 10 tamarack knees, 6-inch and 7-inch, each 2,400 pounds wrought iron or steel ship spikes, per pound 400 pounds wrought-iron or steel boat nails, per pound 200 pounds wrought-iron or steel wire nails, per pound 300 pounds wrought-iron or steel screw bolts, nuts, and washers, per pound Names and addresses of bidders. (1) (2) Rieboldt, Manistee Wolter & Iron Woi'ks Co., Stur- Co., Man- geon Bay, istee, Wis. Mich. $50. 00 $55.00 55.00 65.00 40.00 40.00 55.00 35.00 45.00 34.00 .005 .OOf-.Oll 1.50 4.00 .03 .031 .06 .05 .03 .03 .05 .04 188 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. MILWAUKEE (WIS.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for rebuilding U. S. steam tug ''Industry," received in response to advertisement dated Nov. 20, 1911, and opened Nov. 27, 1911, at Milwaukee, Wis., by Maj. CJias. S. Bromwell, Corps of Engineers — Continued. Items. 100 pounds wrought-iron or steel clinch rings, per pound 1,000 pounds wrought-iron or steel tees, angle and channel iron, per pound 1,000 pounds wrought-iron or steel I beams, per pound 100 pounds rivets, per pound 5,000 pounds round and flat iron, per pound 2,000 pounds 3-inch and SJ-inch half oval iron, per pound 1,000 pounds sheet steel, per pound 1.000 pounds cast-iron tow posts, per pound 500 pounds castings, per pound 100 feet 1 0-inch wrought-iron pipe, per linear foot 50 pounds putty, per pound , 1,500 deck plugs, per thousand 500 pounds spun oakum, per pound 30 pounds spun cotton, per pound 1 barrel pitch, for , 150 pounds tallow, per pound 100 pounds red ocher, per pound 100 pounds steamship black, per pound 10 gallons mixed paint, per gallon 100 pounds white lead, per pound 10 gallons boiled linseed oil, per gallon 6 barrels salt, per barrel 450 hours foreman labor, per hour 5,000 hours ship-carpenter labor, per hour 350 hours calker labor, per hour 200 hours blacksmith labor, per hour 200 hours blacksmith-helper labor, per hour 50 hours painter labor, per hour 1,500 hours common labor, per hour 150 hours teamster with team, per hour 30 hours drilling and machine-shop work, per hour 190 hours mill sawing, per hour 25 hours mill planing, per hour Docking tug, including lay-up, for Removing and replacing boiler, for Total Names and addressee of bidders. (1) Rieboldt, Wolter & Co., Stur- geon Bay, Wis. 1, 1 150, 50, .10 ,03 .03 ,05 ,02i .03 .03 .03 .03 .30 .02* .50" 16 ,12* 00' 07 03 02 75 08 10 00 50 32^ 32i 50 25 30 22§ 40 50 00 00 00 00 5, 363. 50 (2) Manistee Iron Works Co., Man- istee, Mich. 1 §-inch and larger. 2 Smaller. Contract entered into with Rieboldt, Wolter & Co., Nov. 28, 1911. 2 Includes helper. $0.2C .03 .03 1 .05 2.07i .02f .03 .03 .05 .03 1.70 •04.i 1.50 .16 .15 5.50 .10 .03 .121 1.75 .08 1.10 1.00 .50 .35 3 .35 .85 .40 .25 .40 .60 .70 .60 275. 00 100. 00 5,945.06 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 189 MILWAUKEE (WIS.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for fir timber and plank, for emergency repairs, Milwaukee distnct, delivered/, o. b. cars at mills on the Pacific coast, received in response to advertisement^ dated Jan. 22, 1912, and opened Feb. 23, 1912, at Milwaukee, Wis., by Maj. Chas. S. Bromwell, Corps of Engineers. (Appropriation: Improving harbor at Milwaukee, Wi.s., maintenance and rebiiiiaing breakwater.] Name and address of bidder. Hems. (1) White Star lium- ber Co., Elma, Wash. (2) Atlas Lumber & Shinele Co., Seattle, Wash. (3) McCor- mick Lum- ber Co., McCor- mifk, Wash. ^ 19,800 feet b. m., 2 by 12 inch plank, per 1,000 feet b. m 2.700 feet b. m., 3 by 12 inch plank, per 1,000 feet b. m 56.080 feet b. m., 4 by 12 inch plank, per 1,000 feet b. m 122,040 feet b. m., 6 by 12 inch timber, per 1,000 feet b. m 251,280 feet b. m., 12 by 12 inch timber, per 1,000 feet b. m .110. 49 10.49 10.49 10. 49 10. 19 810. 50 10.00 9.00 10.50 10.50 S9.50 9. 50 9. 50 9.50 9,50 Total, 451,900 feet b. m 4, 740. 43 4, G59. 48 4.293.05 Contract entered into with McCormick Lumber Co., Mar. 28, 1912. Abstract of proposals for dredging at Racine and Kenosha Harbors, Wis., and Waukegan Harbor, III., received in response to advertisement dated May 22, 1912, and opened June 3, 1912, at Milwaukee, Wis., by Maj. Chas. S. Bromwell, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriations: Improving harbors at Racine and Kenosha, Wis., and Waukegan, 111.] Cubic ysrds Dredging: (approximately). Racine Harbor, Wis 25, 000 Kenosha Harbor, W' is 15. 000 W^aukegan Harbor, 111 20, 000 Total GO. 000 No. Name and address of bidder, Adolph F. Bues. Milwaukee. Wis.. GreiLng Bros Co., Green Bay, W^is. Per cubic yard. Certs. 18i- ]7.'8 Toial. .¥11,300.00 10, f'so. 00 Contract entered into with Greiling Bros. Co., June 3, 1912. Abstract of proposals for construction of a lockmaster's dwelling at Depere Lock, Wis., received in response to advertisement dated Dec. 1, 1911, and opened Jan. 2, 1912, at Oshkosh, Wis. [Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite, for Fox River, Wis.] No. Name and address of bidder. Peter Francken, Depere, Wis George Ashman, Appleton, Wis John Coppes and xV. Luckow, Kaukauna, Wis. Amount. 83,059.40 3,4.50.00 4,550.00 Contract entered into with Peter Francken Jan. 11, 1912. 190 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. CHICAGO (ILL.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. Geo. A. Zinn, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of propo als for dredging in Chicago Harbor and River, III., received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 12, 1912, and opened at Chicago, III., Apr. 12, 1912. No. Bidders. Dredging in river, 217,000 cubic yards. Dredging in har- bor, 68,000 cubic yards. Total. Unit bid. Cost. Unit bid. Cos 1 Greiling Bros. Co., Green Baj?", Wis Cents. 31 21 23 $67,270 45,570 49,910 Cents. 29 241 24 $19,720 16,660 16,320 $86,990 62, 230 66,230 2 3 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111 Fitz Simons & Connell Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, Abstract of propo als for dredging in Calumet Harbor, III., received in respome to adver- tisement dated Mar. 26, 1912, and opened at Chicago, III., Apr. 26, 1912. No. Bidders. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. , Chicago, 111 The Buffalo Dredging Co., Buffalo, N. Y Fitz Simons & Connell Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111 Dredging, 174,000 cubic yards. Unit bid. ,21 1 ,30 .23 Total cost. $37, 845 52, 200 40,020 Ab tract of propo als for rebuilding superstructure and constructing pile protection at Michigan City Harbor, Ind., received in response to advertisement dated July 29, 1911, and opened at Chicago, III., at 10 a. m. Aug. 29, 1911, by Lieut. Col. Geo. A. Zinn, Corps of Engineers. Materials. Removing old superstructure, per linear loot . . . White pine timber, per M feet b. m Oregon fir timber, per M feet b. m. (alterna- tive bid) Pine decking, per M feet b. m Oregon fir decking, per M feet b. m. (alternative bid) White oak wales, per M feet b. m White oak piles, 40 feet long, each Steel driftbolts, per pound Wrought-iron spikes, per pound Wrought-iron washers for spikes (6,360), per 100. Soft-steel tie rods, with nuts and washers, per pound Stone (in superstructure), per cord of 128 cubic feet Stone (in protection pier), per cord of 128 cubic feet Pile shoes, each Total cost . Quantities. 530 347,000 347,000 81,200 81,200 1,152 63 28,000 7,600 63.6 440 212 72 63 1. Fitz Simons & Connell Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111. Unit bid. $8.00 53.00 40.00 65.00 12.00 .021 .03 .12 .05 12. 00 13.00 3.00 Oost. $4,240.00 18,391.00 3, 248. 00 74.88 756. 00 700.00 228. 00 7.63 22.00 2,544.00 936. 00 189. 00 31,336.51 2. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111. Unit bid. $6. 00 45.00 40.00 70.00 15.00 .031 .03^ .20 .05 9.00 9.00 1.00 Cost. $3,180.00 15, 615. 00 3, 248. 00 80.64 945. 00 980. 00 266. 00 12.72 22.00 1,908.00 648. 00 63.00 26,968.36 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 191 GRAND RAPIDS (MICH.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. C. S. Rich6, Corps of Engineers.] IIIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of bids for' stone, ''Improving harbor at Ludington, Mich.." received and opened July 18, 1911, in accordance with public 7iotice circular dated July 5, 1911, by C. S. JxicM, lieutenant colonel. Corps of Engineers. • No. Name and address of bidder. 3-ton stone, 8,700 tons. Approxi- mate total. 500-pound stone, 2,700 tons. Approxi- mate total. 100-pound stone, 1,200 tons. Approxi- mate total. Remarks. 1 2 Leathern D. Smith, Stur£?eon Bav, Wis. The Green Stone & Quarrying Co., Saw- yer, Wis. Johnson & Rasch, South Chicago, III. Sturgeon Bay Stone Co., Sawyer, Wis. Per ton. $2.39 2.70 2.70 S20, 793. 00 23,490.00 23,490.00 Per ton. $1.32 1.35 $3,504.00 3,645.00 Per ton. $1.09 1.10 $1,308.00 1,320.00 Accepted. 4 1.64 4,428.00 1.56 1,872.00 Contract entered into July 19, 1911, u-ibstract of bids for furnishing and delivering during the year 1912 fuel oil for United States dredge " Genl. Meade," received and opened Mar. 4, 1912, in accordance uiith public notice circular dated Feb. 19, 1912, by Lieut. Col. C. S. Biche, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriations for improving St. Joseph Harbor and River, Mich, (for St. Joseph Harbor); improving harbor at South Haven, Mich.; improving harbor at Saugatuck and Kalamazoo River, Mich.; improving harbor at Holland, Mich.; improving harbor at Grand Haven, Mich.; improving harbor at Muskegon, Mich.; improving harbor at Fentwater, Mich.; improving harbor at White Lake, Mich.; improving harbor at Ludington, Mich.; improving harbor at Manistee, Mich.; harbor of refuge at Portage Lake, Mich.; improving harbor at Arcadia, Mich.; improving harbor at Frankfort, Mich.; improving harbor at Charlevoix, Mich.] No. Place of delivery and name and address of bidder. Fuel oil. Remarks. 1 Indian Refining Co., New York, N. Y.: At St. Joseph, Mich : Per gall. $0.0304 .0324 .0337 .0324 .0344 .039- Recommended for acceptaiioe. At South Haven, Mich At Ottawa Beach, Mich At Grand ^laven and Muskegon, Mich At Pentwater, Whitehall, Ludington, Manistee, and Frankfort, Mich. At Charlevoix, Mich Contract entered into March 23, 1912. 192 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. (i^ "to o -L ^ooooo c o Xi w 12. Hem lock plank for sheet piles (2,760 feet b. m.). goooooo ■ ^£5 o o >o o i6 -O CO -^ Ttl lO O r-l X 3 si Q CO «> hfl t? (M goooooo ^_ lO lO O O O IM ■^oc^joicoo ^ lO -^ lO O i-O fO X 11. Pin or Doui las fir plank for shee piles (346,58: feet b. m.) '4 t"^ ^^^ 1 Cl r-S H S lO '-v ^SSSooS ? s OJ 10. Pi or Doi lasfi timbi (352,7 feet b. m. ''^ cc ic o O lO (3 5 ^ ^ ^ lO lO -* M Hem- lock imber 20,000 feet i.ra.). g O O O O O lO c i *^ooooo t- ^i^ •(S- '* O lO lO C> »0 CO i§ ^^COCO^C^ r-l 2 oi si ^ ^_ ^ ^^ g o o o o o 1§ 8. Oak timbei (27,386 feet b. ra.). '^_ o o o o o ■^ lo lo >d lo "o ^ CC lO CO t^ CO 5" ca Si, hore ng (168 ear t). ^00 00 CO Tf< Tfl ^ eo (D C5 '^ r/Tr' W r1 a* ^ e© a § hreahw d open o 1 t^ 'qT 't^ 6. Oak piles (14,845 linear feet). if 03 lo lo o o ^CO CO CO •* xt< eo o 1— t 0) 3 a C o O 1 CO •J 8 o o To furnish the t-5 5. Foun- dation piles (11,286 linear feet). i~' O '-O O iQ 'O ^^t- f- 05 l^ CC V eo o O ^:^ -'3^a8.o§.2cn .oioooo 1^ O t^ CO lO lO J 1^ O ^S CO CO 1— ( ct^ooooo "^TtHOOOO !~ cs 00 lo o '^ t-- P4 P5 g^^^^^ •->» O n, Mi xting , Corp CS,-'- M »^ < 1. Cutting down and removing of piers (900 linear feet). J j~ <3 y-^ pq « c:^ w -^ 1 ^5 1 '^ rt M P5 Ph 0^ CSi'TS ss 2i ■r^ S^ TS V S ?iH ^ -^"3 e S e ^'^^ ■o SJ J^ ?5 J 5^ V 535^ S -^ s-^ .g ?^ ^ ss - O- ■ ^ CO S s? ;^ ■-3 O Si ■^ i-S lO r-. 2 ^^ "^"S g'5~ -* 'O ^ -t-i -^ -* >o .0000000 '« ■ 1^ soooooooo S 00000000 ^^ I lO 10 »0 00 4) bX3 Lj 05 • 10"^ ,-v ,Q 05 . r^ CO tH S f^ r/i =0 S3 • CO 'O iO O lO lO 10 "-O O >^t^oioiot»r^!^ . rH O 10 lO O O O ^■^iococoeo-*io • d " fl 5.2 d M o o o p ^ -d tJ a'A *> • o o >-o »o o o 10 g ^ O O rH r-1 i^ S r. ■ft o ^ V. o o M 73 O 03 ^ Sped pCC,^ M OWPhM (N CO ■* lO O MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 195 o c u 03 C3 fe S-d _ =^2 Si _ . o o g o "~ G 00 p^o"-"-^ i c^ re 1 O O C O . ?-0 :C O IS O C C O i^ ■ ■ ■ c a. o C3 o ^ -• s ft C3 o m o o c o :^ t^ -t-^ o 3 fl^ • l-H M +J CO 2 S O 0^ 005 Pi CO a o o m a a 196 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. GRAND RAPIDS (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of bids "Improving harbor at South Haven, Mich.," for extension of piers f received and opened on Apr. 18, 1912, in accordance with advertisement dated Mar. 19 ^ 1912, by Lieut. Col. C. S. Riche, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidders. Dredging for crib founda- tions (2,500 cubic yards). To furnish the followiag material and secure it in work at rates as follows. No. Founda- tion piles (8,704 linear feet). Oak timber (3,600 ft. b. m.). Hemlock timber (1,101,760 ft. b. m.). Pine or Douglas fir timber (345,038 ft. b. m.). 11 2 Burk, Smith & Nelson, Muskegon, Mich Robert Love & Son, Muskegon, Mich Cu. yd. $0.80 .50 .50 .50 .60 Lin. ft. $0.65 .65 .80 .80 .80 Mft.b.m. $65. 00 65.00 80.00 65.00 65.00 Mft. b. m. $31.50 33.00 31.00 32.00 36.00 Mft. b. m. $42.00 44 on 3 4 East Shore Dredging Co., Muskegon, Mich Greiling Bros. Co., Green Bay, Wis 45.90 45 00 5 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111.. 47.00 To furnish the following material and secure it in work at rates as follows— Continued. Pine or No. Name and address of bidder. Doug- las fir Stone, Approxi- mate Remarks. planks for Drift bolts Screw bolts Spikes (3,014 lbs.). 50 to 100 total. deck- (169,886 (62,324 lbs. ing lbs.). lbs.). (16,500 (45,438 tons). feet b. m.). Mft. b.m. Pound. Pound. Pound. Ton. U Burk, Smith & Nelson, Muskegon, Mich. $0.03 $0.03-1 $0.04 $1.65 $93,685.45 Recommended for acceptance. 2 Robert Love & Son, Muskegon, Mich. 40.00 .04 .04 .04 1.55 95,482.83 3 East Shore Dredging Co., Muskegon, Mich. 42.90 .04 .04 .04 1.64 96,911.25 4 Greiling Bros. Co., Green Bay, Wis. 40.00 .04 .05 .05 1.90 102,460.09 5 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111. 40.00 .05 .05 .05 1.60 104,556.07 1 Contract entered into April 26, 1912. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 197 GRAND RAPIDS (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of bids "Improving harbors at South Haven, Manistee, and Arcadia, Mich.," for dredging, received and opened on Apr. 18, 1912, in accordance with advertisement dated Mar. 19, 1912, by Lieut. Col. C. S. Riche, Corps of Engineers. I Contract entered into Apr. 26, 1912. DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Col. C. McD. Townsend, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing cement received in response to public notice dated June 26, 1911, and publicly opened July 10, 1911. [Appropriation : Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite : St. Marys Falls Canal, Mich.] No. Name and address of bidder. Brand. 1,500 barrels cement. 400 sacks. Aggregate of bid. 1 F. B. Spear & Sons, Marquette, Mich.i Huron Alpha Lehigh $1.04 1.195 1.27 1.34 1.66 Cents. 10 10 10 10 10 11,600.00 1.832.50 ? Alpha Portland Cement Co., Chicago, 111 3 Lehigh Portland Cement Co., Chicago, 111 1,945.00 2,050.00 4 Sandusky Portland Cement Co., Sandusky, Ohio 5 The Atlas Portland Cement Co., Chicago, 111 Atlas 2, 530. 00 1 Contract entered into July 29, 1911. 198 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering crushed stone received in response to public notice dated June 26, 1911, and opened July 7, 1911. [Appropriation : Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite : St. Marys Falls Canal, Mich.] No. Name and address of bidder. Joseph Scales, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.i White Marble Lime Co., Manistique, Mich. Lipsett & Sinclair, Marquette, Mich Price per ton. 10. 825 1.12 1.96 Aggregate of bid. $1,815.00 2,464.00 4,312.00 1 Contract entered into July 21, 1911. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., about 380 tons of steel, etc., for loch construction, received in response to advertisement from this office dated June 29, 1911, and opened Aug. 1, 1911. [Appropriation: Improving St. Mar j-s River, Micb. (new lock and canal).] No. Name and address of bidders. Item A, 9,800 pounds. Item R, 121,400 pounds. ItemC, 117,100 pounds. Item D, 30,800 pounds. Item E, 36,000 pounds. Item F, 2,100 pounds. Penn Bridge Co., Beaver Falls, Pa.:i Unit price Total J. & J. B. Milholland Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co., Minneapolis, Minn Unit price Total Independent Bridge Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Modern Steel Structijral Co., Wau- kesha, Wis.: Unit price Total The Joliet Bridge & Iron Works, Joliet, 111.: Unit price Total Per cwt. $4. 55 445. 90 4.65 455. 70 8.15 98.70 8.255 809. 00 9.50 931.00 8.98 880.04 Per cwt. $4.10 4, 977. 40 4.21 5, 110. 94 4.85 5,887.90 4.458 5,412.01 5.60 6, 798. 40 4.766 5, 785. 92 Per cwt. $3.10 3,630.10 3.60 4,215.60 2.79 3, 267. 09 3.69 4,321.00 3.23 3,782^00 2.72 3, 185. 12 Per cwt. .55. 90 1,817.20 6.00 1,848.00 5.35 1,647.80 5.948 1,831.98 8.54 2, 630. 32 8.15 2,510.20 Per cwt. $6.20 2,232.00 6. 40 2,304.00 13.00 4,680,00 12. 682 4,565.52 10.70 3,852.00 4,72 1,699.20 Per cwt. $30. 00 630.00 I 30. 50 i 640. 50 31.50 661. 50 , 56. 904 1,194.98 41.66 874. 86 48.81 1,025.01 No. Name and address of bidders. Item Cr, 129,600 pounds. Item H, 26,400 pounds. Item J, 98,000 pounds. Item K, 900 pounds. Item I/, 54,500 pounds. Item M, 32,500 pounds. 1 PennBridge Co. , Beaver Falls, Pa. : i Unit price Per cwt. $3. 82 4,950.72 4.00 5,184.00 3.22 4, 173. 12 4.199 5, 441. 90 4.33 5, 611. 68 3.72 4,821.12 Per cwt. $5. 10 1,346.40 5.18 1, 367. 52 8.10 2, 138. 40 7.193 1, 898. 95 9.34 2, 465. 76 7.674 2,025.94 Per cwt. $2. 48 2,430.40 2.51 2,4.=i9.80 3.25 3,185.00 3.154 3, 090. 92 3.04 2,979.20 2.735 2, 680. 30 Per cwt. $30. 00 270.00 30. 50 274. 50 34.00 306. 00 31. 555 284. 00 81.77 735. 93 72.87 655. 83 Per cwt. $3.60 1,962.00 2.85 1,553.25 4700 2, 180. 00 3.429 1, 868. 80 4.28 2,332.60 3.684 2, 007. 78 Per cwt. $2.55 2 Total J. & J. B. Milholland Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price 828. 75 2.60 Total 845. 00 3" Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co., Minneapolis, Minn.: Unit price 2.73 Total 887. 25 4 Independent Bridge Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit rule 2.397 Total 779. 03 5 Modern Steel Structural Co., Wau- kesha, Wis.: Unit price 2.60 Total 845. 00 6 The Joliet Bridge & Iron Works, Joliet, 111.: Unit price 2.48 Total ' 806. 00 1 Contract entered into Aug. 29, 1911. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 199 DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich, about 380 tons of steel, etc., for lock construction, received in response to advertisement from this office dated June 29, 1911, and opened Aug. 1, 1911 — Continued. No. Name and address of bidders. Item N, 4,500 poimds. Item O, 21,600 pounds. Item P4, 750 linear feet. Item PG3, 114 linear feet. Item PF, lump sum. Item Q, 29,200 pounds. Penn Bridge Co., Beaver Falls, Pa.:i Unit price Total J. & J. B. MilhoUandCo., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co., Minneapolis Minn.: Unit price Total Independent Bridge Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Modern Steel Structural Co., Wau- kesha, Wis.: Unit Total The Joliet Bridge & Iron Works, Joliet, 111.: Unit price Total Per cwt. $7.50 337. 50 9.43 424. 35 13.50 607. 50 18. 622 837. 99 16.05 722. 25 5.22 234. 90 Per cwt. $3.95 853. 20 4.92 1,062.72 3.78 816. 48 5.967 1, 288. 87 4.15 896. 40 4.35 939. 60 $0.56 420. 00 .53 397. 50 .55 412. 50 .565 423. 75 .55 412. 50 1.50 1, 125. 00 $0.34 38.76 .31 35.34 .36 41.04 .438 49.93 .30 34.20 1.25 142. 50 $190. 00 150. 75 210. 00 309. 00 147. 00 380. 00 Per cwt. $5.00 1, 460. 00 3.74 1, 092. 08 5.10 1,489.20 4.49 1,311.08 6.28 1, 833. 76 2.00 584. 00 No. Name and address of bidders. Item S, 3,000 poimds. Item T, 1,000 pounds. Item U, 560 pounds. Per cwt. $6.75 202. 50 Per cwt. $6.75 67.50 Per cwt. $10. 50 58.80 6.56 196. 80 6.56 65.60 10.00 56.00 11.25 337. 50 7.50 75.00 9.25 51.80 8.30 249. 00 8.30 83.00 7.59 42.50 17.69 530. 70 13.39 133. 90 12.93 72.41 75.00 2, 250. 00 30.00 300. 00 10.00 56.00 Item V, 42,000 pounds. Total. Informalities. Penn Bridge Co., Beaver Falls, Pa.:i Unit price Total J. & J. B . Miiholiand Co.', Pitts- burgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co., Minneapolis, Minn.: Unit price Total Independent Bridge Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Modern Steel Structixral Co., Waukesha, Wis.: Unit price Total The Joliet Bridge and Iron Works, Joliet, 111.: Unit price Total Per cwt. S6.50 2, 788. 50 6.56 2, 814. 24 11.50 4, 933. 50 7.29 3, 127. 41 8.21 3, 522. 09 25.00 10, 725. 00 $31, 937. 63 '32,'554."i9' Time of delivery not stated. No evidence of au- thority to bind company. Do. 38, 787. 28 39, 220. 62 42, 143. 96 Do. 44,819.46 1 Contract entered into Aug. 29, 1911. 200 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for constructing a rubble mound breakwater at Biddle Pointy Mack- inac Island, Mich., received in response to advertisement dated July 26,. 1911, and opened Aug. 28, 1911. [Appropriation: Improving Mackinac Harbor, Mich.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price per ton. Aggregate. T. L. Durocher, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.i Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111 The Green Stone & Quarrying Co., Sawyer, Wis. The Inland Waterways Co., Ashtabula, Ohio SI. 145 1.15 1.60 1.62 $33,060.00 32,200.00 2 44,800.00 45,360.00 1 Contract entered into Sept. 18, 1911. 2 Guaranty antedates bid. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering about 3,580,000 feet b. m. of timber for use at St. Marys Falls Canal, Mich., received in response to advertisement dated Sept. 1, 1911, and opened Oct. 16, 1911. [Appropriation: Improving St. Marys River, Mich, (new lock and canal).] No. Name and address of bidder. Lot I, 2,913,840 feet b. m. Lot n, 236,072 feet b. m. Lot III, 433,152 feet b. m. Remarks. 10 11 McCormick Lumber Co., Mc- Cormick, Wash: Unit price Total. CM. McCoy, Minneapolis, Minn. J. E. Pinkham Lumber Co., Seattle, Wash.: Unit price Total Foster Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash.: Unit price Total The Charles Nelson Co., San Francisco, Cal.: Unit price Total The Ideal Mill " Co., Everett" ' Wash.: Unit price Total Douglas Fir Sales Co., Portland, Oreg. : Unit price Total Tacoma Mill Co., Tacoma, Wash.: Unit price Total John Schroeder Lumber Co., Milwaukee, Wis.: Unit price Total R. J. Clark, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.: Unit price Total The Marsh & Bingham Co., Chicago, 111.: Unit price Total- $7.50 21,853.80 1 24, 004. 97 8.25 24,039.18 8.40 24,476.26 8.70 25, 350. 41 8 75 25, 496! 10 9.00 26, 224. 56 9.50 27,681.48 9.50 27,681.48 9. 75 28,409.94 10.00 29, 138. 40 $57. 50 13, 574. 14 8, 730. 92 5,551.85 31.90 7,530.70 10.45 2, 466. 95 65.21 15, 394. 26 3 29. 00 6, 846. 09 49.50 11, 685. 56 2 9.50 4,114.94 19.00 8, 229. 89 18.45 7,991.65 No evidence of authority to bind company. Prices based on receiving award for both lots or none. Unit prices not given. No evidence of authority to bind company. Do. Do. No guaranty furnished. No evidence of authority to bind company. Do. Do. Proper guaranty not fur- nished. No evidence of authority to bind company. No guaranty furnished. 1 Contracts entered into Nov. 23, 1911, for Lot I. 2 F. o, b. coast. » Contracts entered into Nov. 11, 1911, for Lot 11. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 201 DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Ahstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering about 3,580,000 feet b. m. of timber for use at St. Marys Falls Canal, Mich., received in response to advertisement dated Sept. 1, 1911, and opened Oct. 16, 1911 — Continued. No. Name and address of bidder. Lot I, 2,913,840 feet b. m. Lot II, 236,072 feet b. m. Lot III, 433,152 feet b. m. Remarks. 12 W. H. Boner, Everett, Wash. : Unit price $10.00 29, 138. 40 11.00 32,052.24 11.43 33,305.19 11.74 34,208.48 11.98 34,907.80 $34.00 8,026.45 43.84 10,349.40 47.43 11,196.89 25.65 6,055.25 Total 13 G. Elias & Bro., Buffalo, N.Y.: Unit price Total $19.50 8, 446. 46 116.70 7,233.64 14 The Stearns Salt & Lumber Co., Ludington, Mich.: Unit price No guaranty furnished. 15 Total Robinson Lumber, Veneer & Box Co., New Orleans, La.: Unit price No evidence of authority to Total bind company. 16 W. W. Carre Co. (Ltd.), New Orleans, La.: Unit price Do. Total 17 Worcester Lumber Co. (Ltd.), Chassell, Mich.: Unit price , . 16.95 7,341.93 22.00 9,529.34 32.90 14, 250. 70 Do. Total 18 W. H. White Co., Boyne City, Mich.: Unit price Do. Total Proper guaranty not fur- nished. No evidence of authority to 19 Firm Lumber Co., Hattiesburg, Miss.: Unit price Total bind company. 1 Contracts entered into Nov. 8, 1911, for Lot III. Abstract of proposals for furnishing about 1,000 tons of rock for the piers at Alpena, Mich., received in response to advertisement dated Sept. 14, 1911, and opened Oct. 16, 1911. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Alpena, Mich.] No. Name and address of bidders. J. D. Kennedy, Detroit, Mich The Green Stone & Quarrying Co., Sawyer, Wis. Price per ton. $2.12 3.00 Bids rejected. 202 MATEKIALS AND LABOE FOK ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for repairs to canal wall at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., received in response to advertisement from this office dated Oct. 20, 1911, and opened Nov. 20, 1911. [Appropriation: Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite, St. Marys Falls Canal, Mich.] No. Name and address of bidders. Class A, 3,780 cubic yards. Class B, 400 cubic yards. Back- filling, 1,500 cubic yards. Con- crete, 3,725 cubic yards. Ce- ment, 4,500 bar- rels. Iron, 19 tons. Total. Remarks, etc. 1 CuUen - Friestedt Co., Chicago, 111.: 1 Unit price Total .11.00 3, 780. 00 1.25 4,725.00 1.00 5,670.00 $2.00 800. 00 2.50 1,000.00 2.50 1,000.00 •10.50 750. 00 .60 900. 00 .55 825. 00 $7.25 27,006.25 7.60 28,310.00 7.75 28, 868. 75 $1.4C 6,300.00 1.5G 6, 750. 00 1.50 6,750.00 $114.00 2,166.00 100.00 1,900.00 ■ 110.00 2,090.00 No evidence of au- $40,802.25 thority to bind the company. 2' Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111.: Unit price Total The H. E. Tal- bott Co., Day- ton, Ohio: Unit price Total 3 43,585.00 Do, 45,203.75 1 Contract entered into Dec. 8, 1911. Abstract of proposals for 130,000 feet b. m. white oak timber received in response to adver- tisement dated Dec. 12, 1911, and opened Jan. 15, 1912. [Appropriation: Improving St. Marys River, Mich., nev/ lock and canal.] ' No. Name and address of bidders. Price per M. Total. Remarks, etc. 1 The Bowlus Timber Co., Latham, Ohio. $30.00 $3,900.00 Guaranty incomplete; no evidence of authority to bind the company. 2 A. E. Huddlestun, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. 35.00 4,550.00 No guaranty; no evidence of author- ity to bind the company. 3 Berthold & Jennings Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo.i 35.00 4,550.00 Only 1 copy of bid; no evidence of au- thority to bind the company. 4 The American Column & Lumber Co., St. Albans, W. Va. 35.90 4, 667. 00 No guaranty; no evidence of author- ity to bind the company. 5 Mercantile Lumber & Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo. 36.75 4,777.50 No evidence of authority to bind the company. 6 G. Elias & Bro., Buffalo, N. Y 37.00 4,810.00 7 A. E. Huddlestun, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. 37.50 4,875.00 - 8 A. J. MacDonald, Superior, Wis 37. 50 4,875.00 Red and gray oak. 9 Boeckler Liimber Co., St. Louis, Mo. . 38. 83 5,047.90 No guaranty; no evidence of author- ity to bind the company. 10 N. G. De Haas, Marquette, Mich 38. 90 5,057.00 Guaranty incomplete. 11 The F. L. Mercer Lumber Co., Bluff- ton, Ind. 39.00 5, 070. 00 No guaranty; no evidence of author- ity to bind the company. 12 John Schroeder Lumber Co., Milwau- kee, Wis. 42.00 5,460.00 Guaranty incomplete; no evidence of authority to bind the company. 13 C. Crane & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio 44.00 5, 720. 00 No evidence of authority to bind the company. 14 Soo Lumber Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 44.50 5, 785. 00 Guaranty incomplete; no evidence of authority to bind the company. 15 D. K. Jeffris & Co., Chicago, 111 45. GO 5, 850. 00 Guaranty incomplete; names of mem- bers of firm not given. 16 American Lumber & Manufacturing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 46.50 6,045.00 No evidence of authority to bind the company. 1 Contract entered into Feb. 3, 1912. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 203 DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for lock gates received in response to advertisement from this office dated Dec. 14, 1911, and opened Jan. 15, 1912. [Appropriation: linproving St. Marys River, Mich, (new lock and canal).] No. Name and address of bidder. Penn Bridge Co., Beaver Falls, Pa.:i Unit price Total Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, Chicago, 111.: Unit price Total Detroit Bridge & Steel Works, River Rouge, Mich.: Unit price Total Lawrence D. Weaning, Cleveland, Ohio.: Unit price Total Milwaukee Bridge Co., Milwaukee, Wis.: Unit price Total Minneapolis Steel & Machy. Co., Minneap- olis, Minn.: Unit price Total Sterrit-Thomas Fdy. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Steacy-Schmidt Mfg. Co., York^ Pa.: unit price Total Class A, 119,900 pounds. 10. 027 3, 237. 30 .04 4, 796. 00 .0315 3, 776. 85 .037 4,436.30 .0375 4. 496. 25 .054 6, 474. 60 .037 4, 436. 30 .0325 3, 896. 75 Class B, j Class C, 4,250 I 10,300 pounds, pounds. $0. 07 .?0. 048 297. 50 494. 40 Class D, 262,000 pounds. Class E, 950 pounds. .^0. 015 3, 930. 00 .10 .10 I .02.5 425.00 1,030.00 6,550.00 .109 463. 25 .0545 231.62 .0565 240. 12 .11 467. 50 .037 157. 25 .0775 329. 38 .064 .014 659. 20 13, 668. 00 .0433 445. 99 .0441 454. 23 .068 700. 40 .037 381.10 .016 4, 192. 00 .0132 3, 458. 40 .016 4, 192. 00 .0148 3, 877. 60 .056 I .017 576.80 4,454.00 $0. 55 522. 50 .50 475. 00 Class F, 4,000 pounds. SO. 10 400. 00 .20 800. 00 .38| .16 361.00 640.00 .35 332. 50 .50 475. 00 .35 332. 50 .50 475. 00 .30 285.00 .07 280. 00 .071 284. 00 . 23 920!00 .037 148. 00 .1366 546. 40 Total for Item I. ?,881.70 14, 076. 00 9,568.30 9,918.41 '9,'468.'66 13,087.00 9, 475. 2.5 "i6,"688.'33 1 Contract entered into Feb. 5, 1912. 204 MATEKIALS AND LABOK FOK ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for lock gates received in response to advertisement from this office dated Dec. 14, 1911, and opened Jan. 15, 1912 — Continued. No. Name and ad- dress of bid- der. Penn Bridge Co., Beaver Falls, Pa.:i Unit price . Total Chicago Bridge & Ironworks, Chicago, 111.: Unit price . Total Detroit Bridge & Steel Works, River Rouge, Mich.: Unit price . Total Lawrence D. Weaning, Clev eland, Ohio: Unit price . Total Milwaukee, Bridge Co., Milwaukee, Wis.: Unit price . Total Minneap o 1 i s Steel & Machy. Co., Minneapolis, Minn.: Unit price . Total Sterrit-Thom- as Fdy. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price . Total S t e a c y- Schmidt Mfg. Co., York, Pa.: Unit price Total Class G, 1,717,000 pounds. Class H, 30,000 pounds. $0. 05 $0. 09 85,850.00i2,700.00 .04 .12 76, 406. 50 3, 600. 00 .05 92, 718. 00 .06 108, 686. 10 .06 106,4,4.00 .06 115, 039. 00 2,670.00 .08 2,475.00 .10 3, 000. 00 .OS 2, 400. 00 Class K, 237,000 pounds. $0.06 14, 220. 00 .10 23,700.00 .068 16, 116. 00 .055 13,035.00 .062 14, 694. 00 .082 19,552.50 Class L, 40,000 pounds. $0,035 1,400.00 .05 2, 000. 00 .059 2,360.00 .048 1, 940. 00 .077 3,096.00 .091 3,640.00 Class M, 1,900 pounds. $0.55 1,045.00 .50 950. 00 $105,215.00 .38 722. 00 .36 684. 00 .406 771.40 Total for Item II. $114,096.70 106,656.50 114,586.00 126,820.10 128, 232. 00 141,402.90 Total for Items I and II. 120,732.50 124, 154. 30 136,738.51 137,640.00 154, 489. 90 Remarks. No evidence of author- ity of sign- er to bind principal. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1 Contract entered into Feb. 5, 1912. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 205 DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for construction of West Canal, section 2, at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., received in response to advertisement from this office dated Jan. 27, 1912, and opened Mar. 12, 1912. [Appropriation: Improving St. Marys River, Mich, (new lock and canal).] No. Name and address of bidder. MacArthur Bros. Co., Chicago, 111.: i Unit price Total The Mansfield Engineering Co., Indianapolis, Ind.: Unit price Total Grant Smith & Co. and Locher, New York, N. Y.: Unit price Total Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, III Unit price Total John Marsch, Chicago, III. : Unit price Total The Buffalo Dredging Co., Buffalo, N. Y.: Unit price Total 85,000 cubic yards class A. $0.55 46, 750. 00 .87 73, 950. 00 .50 42, 500. 00 .50 42, 500. 00 .60 51,000.00 1.00 85,000.00 470,000 cubic yards class B. $0. 95 446,500.00 . 935 439,450!00 1.09 512, 300. 00 1.175 552, 250. 00 1.40 658,000.00 1.40 658, 000. 00 Chan- neling 78,000 square feet. $0.35 27, 300. 00 .325 25, 350! 00 .35 27,300.00 .35 27,300.00 .45 35, 100. 00 .40 31,200.00 Con- structing cribs, framing, bolting, and placing, cubic feet. $0.15 3, 750. 00 .15 3, 750. 00 .60 15, 000. 00 .18 4,500.00 .20 5, 000. 00 .15 3, 750. 00 Filling cribs, 3,500 cubic yards. $0.55 1, 925. 00 .35 1,225.00 .50 1,750.00 .40 1,400.00 .75 2, 625. 00 1.00 3,500.00 No. Name and address of bidder. MacArthur Bros. Co., Chi- cago, Ill.:i Unit price Total The Mansfield Engineering Co., Indianapolis, Ind.: Unit price Total Grant Smith & Co. and Locher, New York, N. Y.: Unit price Total Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111.: Unit price Total John Marsch, Chicago, III.: Unit price Total The Buffalo Dredging" Co.' Buffalo, N. Y.: Unit price Total Concrete (except cement) 22,000 cubic yards. $4.75 104, 500. 00 4.40 96,800.00 4.50 99,000.00 4.50 99,000.00 5. 75 126,500^00 5.00 110,000.00 Fur- nishing and Cement placing 27,000 drain barrels. pipe 3,200 linear feet. $1.40 $0.50 Total. 37, 800. 00 1, 600. 00 $670, 125. 00 1.50 1.00 40,500.00 3,200.00 1.15' 1.00 31,050.00 3,200.00 1.35 .50 36, 450. 00 1, 600. 00 1.40' .50 37,800.001,600.00 1.5o' 1.00 40, 500. 00 3, 200. 00 684, 225. 00 732, 100. 00 765,000.00 917, 625. 00 935,150.00 Informalities, etc. No evidence of authority to bind the company filed. Corporate seal not affixed to proposal. Signature to.guar- anty not attested. No evidence of authority to bind the company filed. Corporate seal not aiBBxed to proposal. Authority for signature to proposal not given. Signa- ture to guaranty not at- tested. Guaranty antedates bid. Contract entered into Mar. 28, 1912. 206 MATERIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., about 600 tons of steel, etc., for canal construction, received in response to advertisement from this office dated Feb. 10, 1912, and opened Mar. 12, 1912. [Appropriation: Improving St. Marys River, Mich., new lock and canal.] No. 10 11 12 Name and address of bidder. Pittsburgh Screw & Bolt Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Pittsburgh Rivet Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Penn Bridge Co., Beaver Falls, Pa.: Unit price Total Lawrence D. Weaning, Cleveland, Ohio: Unit price Total American Bridge Co. of New York, Detroit, Mich.: Unit price Total J. & J. B. Milholland Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Independent Bridge Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Whitehead & Kales Iron Works, Detroit, Mich.: Unit price Total The Van Dorn Iron Works Co., Cleveland, Ohio: Unit price Total Pennsylvania Contracting Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Inland Steel Co., Chicago, 111.: Unit price Total Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Item A (drift bolts), 591,400 pounds. Per cwt. $1. 395 8,250.03 1.50 8,871.00 1.50 8,591.00 1.605 9,491.97 1.60 9, 462. 40 1.58 9,344.12 1.73 10,231.22 1.90 11, 236. 60 1.99 11, 768^ 86 1. 95 11,532^30 1.50 8,871.00 1. 59 9, 403! 26 Item B (rods, bolts, etc.), 238,000 pounds. Per cwt. $2.16 5, 140. 80 1.93 4, 593. 40 2. 25 5, 355.' 00 2.055 4, 890. 90 1. 95 4, 641 ! 00 2.40 5, 712. 00 3.10 7,378.00 2.90 6, 902. 00 2.94 6, 997. 20 2.65 6, 307. 00 ItemC (ship channels), 162,800 pounds. Per cwt. $1.80 2, 930. 40 1.85 3,011.80 1.85 3,011.80 1.735 2, 824. 58 1.80 2, 930. 40 1.83 2,979.24 1.84 2,955.52 2.10 3, 418. 80 2.15 3,500.20 2.35 3, 825. 80 ItemD (turn- buckles, e^c), 16,500 pounds. Per cwt. $4.94 815. 10 6.25 1,031.25 4.50 742.50 5.85 965. 25 7.60 1,254.00 5.32 877. 80 7.64 1, 260. 60 9.00 1,485.00 7.21 1, 189. 65 12.00 1, 980. 00 Item E (plate and bevel washers, etc.), 59,000 pounds. Per cwt. $1.75 1,032.50 1.86 1,097.40 1.75 1,032.50 1.86 1,097.40 1.75 1,032.50 1.78 1,050.20 1.79 1,056.10 2.50 1, 475. 00 2.36 1,392.40 2.50 1, 475. 00 Item F (square twisted bars), 148,500 pounds. Per cwt. $1,315 1, 952. 78 1.45 2, 15.3. 25 1.40 2, 079. 00 1.45 2, 153. 25 1.60 2,376.00 1.40 2,079.00 1.56 2, 316. 60 1.90 2, 821. 50 1.87 2, 776. 95 1.75 2, 598. 75 1.45 2, 153. 25 1.34 1,989.90 Total. ), 121. 61 20,758.10 21,091.80 2i,"423.'35 21, 696. 30 22,042.36 25,238.04 27,338.90 27, 625. 26 27, 718. 85 11,024.25 ii,' 393." ie Contract entered into Mar. 27, 1912. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 207 DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT— Contmued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for construction of East Approach Canal at Sault Ste. Marie > Mich., received in response to advertisement from this office dated Mar. 1, 1912, and opened Apr. 2, 1912. [Appropriation: Improving St. Marys River, Mich., new look and canal.] No. Name and address of bidder. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111. : Unit price Total The Buffalo Dredging Co.,' Buffalo, N. Y.: Unit price Total Greiling Bros. Co., Green Bay, Wis.: Unit price Total Cullen-Friestedt Co., Chicago, HI.: Unit price Total..... Mac Arthur Bros. Co., Chicago, 111.: Unit price Total Excavation of ma- <6rial. Founda- Framing ! tion timber j filling, cribs, Class B, ■ 35,000 616,000 15,000 j cubic cubic cubic yards. feet. Class A, 150,000 cubic yards. Cu. yds $0.80 120, 000. 00 .80 120, 000. 00 1.09 163, 500. 00 1.15 172, 500. 00 1.14 171,000.00 yards. Cu. yds. I Cu. yds. Cu. yds. $3.00, 10.60 «0.10 45,000.00 21,000.00 61,600.00 3.001 1.00: .15 45,000.00 35,000.00 92,400,00 3.80 .821 .11 57, 000. 00 28, 700. 00 67, 760. 00 1 4.00 .88; .llj 60,000.00 30,800.00 70,840.00 3 85 85 15 57,75o!ooi 29,750!.00|92,400!00 Filling ) imber cribs, ()5,000 cubic yards. Cu. yds. m. 35 22, 750. 00 .57^ 37,375.00 .46 29,900.00 .45 29, 250. 00 .60 39,000.00 Back filling, 87,000 cubic yards. Cu. yds. $0. 20 17,400.00 .43 37,4lD.0O .36 31,320.00 .37 32, 190. 00 '.48 41,760.00 No. Name and address of bidder. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, 111.: Unit price Total The Buffalo Dredging Co., Buffalo, N. Y.: Unit price Total Greiling Bros. Co., Green Bay, Wis.: Unit price Total Cullen-Friestedt Co., Chicago, 111.: Unit price Total MacArthur Bros. Co., Chicago, 111.: Unit price , Total Concrete (except cement), 16,000 cubic yards. $5.00 80,000.00 5. 25 84, OOO! 00 Cement, 20,000 barrels. 5.30 84, 800. 00 5. 75 92, OOO! 00 $1.40 28, 000. 00 1.40 28, 000. 00 1.40 28,000.00 L43 28, 600. 00 1.45 29, 000. 00 Total. Alterna- tive for concrete (lime- stone ag- gregate), 16,000 cubic yards. $395, 750 479, 185 498, 180 508,980 552, 660 $4.75 76,000.00 5.00 80, 000. 00 5. 75 92,000!00 5.20 82, 200. 00 5. 75 92,000!00 Remarks, etc. No evidence of au- thority to bind the conipany. No evidence of elec- tion of officers sign- ing bid. No evidence of au- thority to bind the company. Contract entered into Apr. 16, 1912. 208 MATEKIALS AJS^D LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT,, 1912. DETROIT (MICH.) DISTRICT—Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering electric cables at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 6, 1912, and publicly opened Apr. 9, 1912. [Appropriation: Improving St. Marys, River, Mich., new lock and canal, and operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite, St. Marys Falls Canal, Mich.] Name and address of bidder. Jjot A, telephone cable. No. Item 1, 10,570 feet. Item 2, 300 feet. Item 3, 1,530 feet. Item 4, 135 feet. Item 5, 135 feet. Item 6, 450 feet. Total. 1 Waterbury Co., New York, N. Y.: Unit price $0,063 665. 91 .07 739.90 .077 813. 89 $0.27 81.00 .20 60.00 .305 91.50 $0. 105 160. 65 .114 174.42 .156 238. 68 $0. 154 20.79 .146 19.71 .204 27.54 $0. 193 26.06 .175 23.63 .237 32.00 «0. 166 74.70 .183 82.35 .211 94.95 Total 1 SI, 029. 11 3 John A. Roebling's Sons Co., Cleveland, Ohio.: Unit price Total 1,100.01 4 Standard Underground Cable Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total 1,298.56 No. Name and address of bidder. Lot B, series arc cable. Item 7, 37,400 feet. Item 8, 2,600 feet. Total. Waterbury Co., New York, N. Y.: Unit price Total American Steel & Wire Co., Chicago, 111.: Unit price Total .John A. Roebling's Sons Co., Cleveland, Ohio: Unit price Total Standard Underground Cable Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Unit price Total Hazard Manufacturing Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: Unit price Total The Safety Insulated Wire '& Cabie Co.Vchicago," lil.: Unit price Total General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.: Unit price Total The Diamond Rubber Co of New York, Akron, Ohio: Unit price Total The F. Bissell Co., Toledo, Ohio: Unit price Total National India Rubber Co., Bristol, R. I.: Unit price Total $0. 147 5,497.80 .188 7,031.20 . 192 7, 180'. 80 .18 6, 732. 00 .176 6,582.40 .179 6,694.60 .18 6,732.00 .1997 7,468.78 .2142 8,011.08 .241 9,013.40 $0. 383 995. 80 .336 873. 60 .36 936. 00 .33 858. 00 .327 850. 20 . 33 858'. 00 .33 858! 00 .3795 986. 70 .42 1,092.00 .4715 1,225.90 1 $6, 493. 60 7,904.80 8, 116. 80 7,590.00 7,432.60 7,552.60 7,590.00 8,455.48 9,103.08 16.' 239." 30 Contract entered into for lots A and B Apr. 26, 1912. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 209 DETROIT (MICH) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering electric cables at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., received in response to advertisement dated Mar. 6, 1912, and publicly opened Apr. 9, 1912— Continued. No. Lot C, miscellaneous cables. Name and address of bidder. Item 9, 230 feet. Waterburv Co., New York. N. Y.: " Unit price Total American Steel & Wire Co., Chicago, 111.: Unit price Total John A. Roebling's Sons Co., Cleveland, Ohio: Unit price Total Standard Underground Cable Co.. Pittsburgh, ra.: Unit price Total Hazard Manufacturing Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: Unit price Total The Safety Insulated Wire , under date of Apr. 19, 1912, in open market, at prices based on their bid. PORTLAND (OREG.), SECOND DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. J. F. Mclndoe, Corps of Engineers.] RIVER AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals opened at United States Engineer office, Portland, Greg., Get. 9, 1911, in response to advertisement dated Sept. 8, 1911, for constructing wood hull for U. S. tug "G. H. Mendell," and installing machinery therein. [Appropriation: Improving Columbia and lower Willamette Rivers below Portland, Oreg.] No. Bidder. Quantity. Amount o! bid. 1 Joseph Supple, Portland, Oreg Ijob $25,750 Abstract of proposals opened at United States Engineer office, Portland, Greg., June 10, 1912, in response to circular advertisement dated May 24, 1912, for furnishing and delivering fuel oil into tanks belonging to the United States at Three Tree Point Military Reservation, Wash., for use on dredges during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913. [Appropriations: Improving mouth of Columbia River, Oreg. and Wash., and Improving Columbia and lower Willamette Rivers below Portland, Oreg.] No. Bidders. Approxi- ! Prices mate bid per quantity. barrel. Total amount (approxi- mate). Standard Oil Co., San Francisco, Cal barrels . Associated Oil Co., San Francisco, Cal do . . . R. J, Keown,jr., San Francisco, Cal do... 50, 000 50, 000 50,000 Cents. 85 85 85 $42,500 42,500 42,500 :224 MATEKIALS AND LABOE FOE ENGINEEE DEPAETMENT, 1912. PORTLAND (OREG.), SECOND DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. uihstract of proposals opened at United States Engineer office, Portland, Oreg., Aug. 19, 1911, in response to advertisement dated July 19, 1911, for furnishing and delivering 450,000 tons, more or less, stone, f. o. h. Fort Stevens, Oreg., for use in jetty construction^ [Appropriation: Improving mouth of Columbia River, Oreg. and Wash.] Bidders. Quantities of stone bidders propose to furnish (tons of 2,000 pounds). Prices bid per ton of 2,000 pounds. Total amount. Mo. Class A. Class B. Class C. Mini- mum, total. 1 Columbia Contract Co., Portland, Oreg 126,000 216,000 108,000 135,000 450,000 135,000 $1.12 .94 $504,000 126,900 2 Star Sand Co., Portland, Oreg Abstract of proposals opened at United States engineer office, Portland, Oreg., June 14, 1912, in response to circular advertisement dated May 29, 1912, for furnishing coal, f.o. b. cars at mine, for use at Fort Stevens, Oreg., during year ending June 30, 1913. [Appropriations for "Improving mouth of Columbia River, Oreg. and Wash."] Proposals. Bidders. (1) The Crows Nest Pass Coal Co. (Ltd.), Portland, Oreg. (*]) Geo. W. Sanborn, Astoria, Oreg. Price per ton of 2,240 pounds. . . Commercial name of coal Location of mine British thermal units in coal as delivered . Ash in dry coal (method of American Chemical Society). Volatile matter Sulphur Freight rate (land grant") from mine to Fort Stevens, Oreg. Computed cost of 1,000,000 British thermal units. Quantity of coal to be delivered, approximate. Total amount ol proposed con- tract, approximate. Total cost, delivered at Fort Ste- vens, Oreg., approximate. $2.80 Crows Nest Pass Fernie, British Columbia. 14,500 per pound 7 per cent . 23.75 per cent 0.43 per cent $4,498 per 2,240-pound ton. South Prairie,, washed mine run. Burnett, Wash. 13,400 per pound. 11 per cent. 36.32 per cent. 0.75 per cent. $1.55^ per 2,240-poimd ton. $0.2246 4,000 tons of 2,240 pounds. $11,200 $30,984 $0.1545. 4,000 tons of 2,240 pounds. $12,000. $is,232. Proposals. Price per ton of 2,240 pounds ■Commercial name of coal Location of mine , British thermal units in coal as delivered. Ash in dry coal (method of American Chemical Society). Volatile matter Sulphur Freight rate (land grant) from mine to Fort Stevens, Oreg. Computed cost of 1,000,000 British thermal units. Quantity of coal to be delivered, approximate. To^l amount of proposed con- tract, approximate. Total cost, delivered at Fort Ste- vens, Oreg,, approximate. Bidder, Astoria Fuel & Supply Co., Astoria, Oreg. (3) $3.25 American run of mine. Spiketon, Wash . . . 12,500 per poiind 14 per cent .^ . 31 per cent 0.55 per cent $1,563 per 2,240-pound ton. $0.1768 4,000 tons of 2,240 pounds. $13,000 $19,252. (4) $2,95 American steam Spiketon, Wash 12,500 per pound 14 per cent 31 per cent 0.55 per cent $1,563 per 2,240-pound ton. $0.1661 4,000 tons of 2,240 pounds. $11,800 $18,052 (5) $2.35. Roslyn .steam. Roslyn, Wash. 13,000 per pound. 13 per tjent. 35 per cent. 0.35 per cent. $1,828 per 2,240-potmd ton. $0.1475. 4,000 tons of 2,240 pounds. $9,400. $16,712. MATEKIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 225 SEATTLE (WASH.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. J. B. Cavanaugh, Corps of Engineers.] , RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for dredging Olympia Harbor^ Wash., received by Maj. J. B. Cavanauoh, Corps of Engineers, in response to advertisement dated February 5, 1912, opened March 6, 1912. [Improving harbor at Olympia, Wash.] No. Name and address of bidder. Geo. C. Deitrich & Co., Seattle, Wash Paget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co., Seattle, Wash. Estimated quantity. Cv. yds. 168,000 168,000 Bid. Cents. 14 Abstract of proposals dated July 1, 1911, opened July 31, 1911 (30) days by Maj. J. B. Cavanaugh, Corps of Engineers, for dredging, construction of cofferdam and excava- tion of lock pit at entrance to Salmon Bay, Wash. [Improving waterway cormecting Puget Sound with Lakes Union and Washington.] Articles. Quantity. (1) Standard American Dredging Co., San Francisco, Cal. (2) Puget Sound Bridge & Dredg- ing Co., Seattle, Wash. (3) StilweU Bros. (Inc.), Seattle, Wash, Amount. Unit. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price, Amount. Round piles 27,000 2,100,000 105,000 35,000 Linear feet. . Feet Pounds do $0.17 29.00 .06 .06 9,000.00 2,600.00 .43 .43 $4,590.00 60,900.00 6,300.00 2,100.00 9,000.00 2,600.00 17,200.00 77,400.00 $0.17 27.00 .051 .04 8,800.00 2,500.00 .25 •37A $4, 590. 00 56,700.00 5,775.00 1,400.00 8,800.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 68,040.00 $0.17 24.00 .05 .05 6,000.00 4,000.00 .44 .44 $4, 590. 00 Lumber 50, 400. 00 Iron and steel Spikes 5,250.00 1, 750. 00 Pumping plant 6,000.00 Pumping 4,000.00 Dredging channel Excavating lock pit. . 40,000 180,000 Cubic yards. do 17,600.00 79,200.00 Total 180,090.00 157,805.00 168,790.00 Articles. Quantity. (4) Pearson Con- struction Co., Seattle, Wash. (5) International Dredging Co., Seattle, Wash. (6) Holt & Jeffery, Seattle, Wash. Amount. Unit. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Round piles Lumber 27,000 2,100,000 105,000 35,000 Linear feet. . Feet Pounds do $0.23 33.70 .05 .04J 12,435.00 1,950.00 .53 .41 $6,210.00 70,770.00 5,250.00 1,575.00 12,435.00 1,950.00 21,200.00 73,800.00 $0. 187 28.75 .06 .06 8, 800. 50 3,000.00 .444 .444 $5,049.00 60,375.00 6,300.00 2, 100. 00 8.800.50 3,000.00 17,760.00 79,920.00 $0.20 33.00 .08 .05 12,000.00 1,600.00 .45 .55 $5,400.00 69,300.00 8,400.00 1,750.00 12,000.00 1,600.00 18,000.00 99,000.00 Iron and steel Spikes Pumping plant . Pumping Dredging channel . . Excavating lock pit 40,000 180,000 Cubic yards. do Total 193,190.00 183,304.50 215,450.00 74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3 15 226 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. SEATTLE (WASH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals received by Maj. J. B. Cavanaugh, Corps of Engineers, for construc- tion of wharf and bunkers at Salmon Bay, Wash., in response to advertisement dated Apr. 19, 1912, opened Apr. 29, 1912. [Improving waterway connecting Puget Sound with Lakes Union and Washington,] Items. Piling Limber, rough. Lumber, sur- tax faced Spikes Iron and steel. . . Total. Quantities. Amount. Items. Piling Lumber, rough... Lumber, surfaced. Spikes Iron and steel Total. 16,000 45,000 110,000 2,000 2,200 Unit. Linear feet. Feetb. m.. do... PoTxnds. do... (1) Aldrich & Hunt. Bid. Amount. $0.16 16.40 17.20 .03^ .05 $2,560.00 738.00 1,892.00 70.00 110. 00 5,370.00 (2) Pearson Construction Co. Bid. Amount. $0.19 19.00 23.00 ,03* .04* ^3,040.00 855.00 2,530.00 70.00 99.00 6,594.00 (3) Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Bid. Amount. $0.20 21.00 22.00 ,06 .06 53,200.00 945.00 2,420.00 120.00 132.00 6,817.00 (4) C. Geske &Co. Bid. Amount. $0. 13| 14.50 15.00 .03: .031 $2,180.00 652.50 1,650.00 65.00 82.50 4,630.00 Quantities. Amount. 16, 000 45, 000 Unit. Linear feet . Feetb. m.. 110,000 do 2,000 Pounds do 2,200 (5) J. A. McEach- ernCo. (Inc.). Bid. Amoimt. $0. 16i 18.50 18.50 .05 .06 $2, 640. 00 832.50 2,035.00 100. 00 132. 00 5,739.50 (6) Rounds-Hur- sen Co. Bid. Amount. $0. 15^ 19.00 20.00 .03^] .06 $2,480.00 855. 00 2. 200. 00 ' 75.00 132. 00 5, 742. 00 (7) International Contract Co. Bid. Amount. $0.16 21.84 17.01 .03 .05 52,560.00 982.80 1,87L10 60.00 110.00 5,583.99 Abstract of proposals for dredging in Snohomish River, Wash., received by Maj. J. B. ' Cavanaugh, Corps of Engineers, in response to advertisement dated Sept. 8, 1911, opened Sept. 28, 1911. [Improving Snohomish River, Wash.] Name of bidder. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredgmg Co., Seattle, Wash. International Dredging Co., Seattle, Wash Tweeden & Jones, Tacoma, Wash Tacoma Dredging Co., Tacoma, Wash Quantity. Cubic yards. 520, 700 Bid. Amount. Cents. 12i $59,359.80 67,691.00 63,785.75 58,318.40 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 227 SEATTLE •(WASH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals for dredging, rock excavation, and dike construction in Willapa River and Harbor, Wash., received by Maj. C. W. Kutz, Corps of Engineers, in response to advertisement dated June 26, 1911, opened July 26, 1911. [Improving Willapa River and Harbor, Wash.] Items. Brush cords. . Piles linear feet. . Stone tons. . Lumber. feet b. m . , Spikes pounds. . Rock excavation.. cu. yds. . Dredging do — Total Additional for deposit in area A cu. yds. . Additional for deposit in area B cu. yds.. Quan- tities. (1) Interna- tional Dredging Co., Seattle, Wash. 360 3,540 775 7,692 300 2,000 1,104,552 Bid. Amount. $6.00 .20 3.10 25.50 .06 15.50 .179 68, 753 . 03 328,375 .03 82, 160. 00 708. 00 2,402.50 196. 15 18.00 31,000.00 197, 714. 81 234, 199. 46 2, 062. 59 9,851.25 (2) Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co., Seattle, Wash. Bid. Amount. $4.50 .25 4.50 25.00 .06 7.00 .124 ,01 .01 $1, 620. 00 885.00 3,487.50 192. 30 18.00 14, 000. 00 136, 964. 45 157, 167. 25 687.53 3,283.75 (3)Tweeden& AmLi*^?f,'S., Jones, Tacoma, ^f^^'^^^^^.l^^' vv asn. Francisco, Cal. Bid. Amount.' Bid. Amount. $3.00 .22 3.00 22.00 .045 6.00 .14 .02 .02 $1,080. 00 $3. 00 778. 80 . 22 2,425.00 8.00 169.22 23.00 13.50 .04 12,000.00 9.50 154, 637. 28 . 147 171,103.80 1,375.06 6,567.50 .04 .04 $1,080.00 778. 80 6,200.00 176.92 12.00 19,000.00 162,369.14 189,616.86 2, 750. 12 13,135.00 Abstract of proposals dated July 14, 1911, opened Aug. 14, 1911, by Maj. J. B.^Cava- naugh, Corps of Engineers, for construction and repair of dikes, construction of mattress sills, and dredging in Snohomish River, Wash. [Improving Snohomish River, Wash.] Articles. Quan- tity. (1) Tweeden & Jones, Tacoma, Wash. (2) J. M. Clapp, Seatle, Wash. (3) Tacoma Dredging Co., Tacoma, Wash. (4) International Dredging Co., Seattle, Wash. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. If the whole work is awarded to one bid- der: Piles lin. ft.. 57,500 1,580 4,700 55,300 55,000 8,200 26,400 480 520,700 520,700 $0.20 4.00 3.00 2.35 20. 00 .05 •04A .90 $11,500.00 6,320.00 1 1,100. 00 129,955.00 1,100.00 410.00 1, 161. 60 432.00 64,983.36 $0.17 7.00 3.25 1.-54 18.00 .04 .03i L25 .13A . 13A $9,775.00 11,060.00 15,275.00 85, 162. 00 990.00 328.00 858.00 600.00 72,377.30 • Brush fascines, wil- low cords.. Brush fascines, fir, etc cords.. Stone tons.. Lumber... ft. b. m . . Spikes lbs.. Wire do Grillage poles Dredging, time fixed cu. yds.. Dredging, our time, cu. yds 196,425.30 69,773.80 Total 229,961.90 193,821.80 1 i 228 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912, SEATTLE (WASH.) DISTRICT-^ontinued. RIVEES AND HARBORS— Continued. Abstract of proposals dated July 14, 1911, opened Aug. 14, 1911, by Maj. J. B. Cava" naugh, Corps of Engineers, for construction and repair of dikes, construction of mattress sills, and dredging in Snohomish River, Wash. — Continued. Articles. Quan- tity. (1) Tweeden & Jones, Tacoma, Wash. (2) J.M.Clapp, Seattle, Wash. (3) Tacoma Dredging Co., Tacoma, Wash. (4) International Dredging Co., Seattle, Wash. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. It work is divided and two contracts made: Piles lin. ft.. Brush fascines, wil- low .-...cords.. Brush fascines, fir, etc cords.. Stone tons.. Lumber... ft. b. m.. Spikes lbs.. Wire do — Grillage poles 57, 500 1,580 4,700 55,300 55,000 8,200 26,400 480 $0. 20 4.00 3.00 2.40 20.00 .04t% .04i .90 $11,500.00 6,320.00 14, 100. 00 132, 720. 00 1, 100. 00 360. 80 1, 188. 00 432. 00 $0. 14i 4.00 3. 75 1.43 18.00 .03 .03 .25 $8,337.50 6,320.00 17,625.00 79,079.00 990. 00 246. 00 792. 00 120. 00 $0.17 7.00 3.25 1.69 20. 00 .04 .03i 1.25 $9, 775. 00 11,060.00 15,275.00 93, 457. 00 1, 100. 00 328. 00 858. 00 600. 00 $0.14 5.30 4.00 1.46 15.00 .04i .03f .45 $8,050.00 8,374.00 18,800.00 80, 738. 00 825. 00 348. 50 990.00 216. 00 Total for dike work 167, 720. 80 113,509.50 132,453.00 118,341.50 Drjedgins, time fixed c u vds 520, 700 520, 700 • 12x1^ 64, 983. 36 .15 78, 105. 00 76,022.20 .15 .13 78,105.00 67, 691. 00 Dredging, our time, cu. yds . Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering brush fascines, piles, and grillage poles, at Point Brown, Grays Harbor, Wash., received by Maj. J. B. Cavanaugh, Corps of Engineers, in res2:)onse to advertisement dated Jan. 8, 1912. opened Jan, SI, 1912. [Improving Grays Harbor, AVash.] Item. . Quan- tities. (l)R.J.Stoner, Central ia, Wash. (2) C.W.Green, Centralia, Wash. (3) A. A. Tib- betts, Little Rock, Wash. 4) A.V.Hughea, Centralia, Wash. Bid. Amount. Bid. Amount. Bid. Amount. Bid. Amount. Brush fascines cords. . 500 150 40 60 40 $4.50 .13 .15i .19i .20i $2,250.00 780. 00 310. 00 760.50 574. 00 $4.50 $2,250.00 Piling: 40-ft. 6,000 lin. ft $0.12 .13 .15 .15 $720.00 260. 00 585. 00 420. 00 $0. 16 .17 .19 .20 .50 $960. 00 50-ffc. 2,000 lin. ft. 340. 00 6S-ft. 3,900 lin. ft 741.00 70-ft. 2,800 lin. ft 560. 00 Poles..: 500 .50 250. 00 .25 125. 00 .44 220. 00 250. 00 Total 4, 924. 50 2,110.00 2,470.00 2,851.00 Item. Quanti- ties. (5) J. P. Nelson, Aberdeen, Wash. (6) E.B.Hamilton, Chehalis, Wash. (7) PI. C. Minkler, Montesano, Wash. Bid. Amoiint. Bid. Amount. Bid. Amount. Brush fascines cords.. 500 150 40 GO 40 $4.50 $2,115.00 $3.84 $1,920.00 Piling: 40-ft. 6,000 lin. ft 114 Hi 12 12 $690.00 230.00 468. 00 336.00 50-ft. 2,000 lin. ft 65-ft. 3,9C0 lin. ft 70-ft. 2,800 lin. ft Poles. 500 .53 265.00 841 422.50 Total 2,380.00 2, 146. 50 1,920.00 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. 229 SEATTLE (WASH.) DISTRICT— Continued. RIVERS AND HARBORS-Continned. Abstract of proposals for dredging Bellingham Harbor, Wash., received by Maj. J. B. Cava- naugh. Corps of Engineers, in response to advertisement dated Dec. 11, 1911, opened Jan. 11, 1912. [Improving harbor at Bellingham, Wash.] Name of bidder. Tweeden & Jones, Tacoma, Wash Tweeden & Jones, Tacoma, Wash, (alternate if allowed to commence work in 5 months and complete in 14 months) Standard American Dredging Co., San Francisco, Cal Paget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co., Seattle, W' ash International Dredging Co., Seattle, Wash Cubic yards. Bid per cubic yard. 615,000 015, 000 615,000 615,000 615, 000 SO. 16i .16^ • HA • 15A Amount. $99, 937. .50 101,475.00 91,635.00 88,560.00 97,170.00 Abstract of proposals for furnishing sand and gravel, received by Maj. J. B. Cavanaugh, Corps of Engineers, in response to advertisement dated May 28, 1912, opened June 28, 1912. [Improving waterway connecting Puget Sound with Lakes Union and Washington (entrance to Salmon Bay).] Items. Quantities. Russell J. Borhek, Tacoma, Wash. Whidby Island Sand & Gravel Co., Bellingham, Wash. Seattle Sand & . Gravel Co. (Inc.), Seattle, Wash. Bid. Amount. Bid. Amount. Bid. Amount. Sand cubic yards . . Large gravel do Small gravel do 120,000 200,000 1,000 $0.23t% .35 $28,560.00 47,600.00 350.00 $0.45 .45 .45 $54, 000. 00 90,000.00 450.00 $0. 41f .411 .411 $50,100.00 83,500.00 417.50 Total 76,510.00 144,450.00 134,017.50 Ite ms. Quantities. Keystone Sand & Gravel Co., Coupe- ville. Wash. James D. Esary, Seattle, Wash. Bid. Amount. Bid. Amoimt. Sand cubic yards.. do do.... 120,000 200, 000 1,000 $0.33 .33 .33 $39,600.00 66,000.00 330.00 Large gravel Small gravel $6.36 .38 $72,666.66 380. 00 Total 72,-380.00 105,930.00 230 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT^ 1912. HONOLULU (HAWAII) DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. W. P. Wooten, Corps of Engineers.] ' RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for breakwater construction at Hilo, Hawaii, received in response to advertisement dated June 27, 1911, and opened at 11 o^ clock a. m. Sept. 8, 1911, at Honolulu, Hawaii, by Maj. W. P. Wooten, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Hilo, Hawaii.] Stone in Stone in superstruc- substruc- Mo. Name and address of bidder. ture per ton of 2,000 pounds. ture per ton of 2,000 pounds. Remarks. 1 The Breakwater Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Lord- Young Engineering Co., Hono- $2.17 $2.17 No sample of rock submitted. 2 2.19 2.19 No evidence of authority of officer lulu, Hawaii. signing for company. 3 Standard American Dredging Co., San Francisco, Cal. 2.63 2.63 t 4 Hoogs & Belser, Honolulu, Hawaii. . 2.74 2.34 Certificate regarding guarantors in- complete. No sample of rock sub- mitted. Acceptance of No. 1 recommended. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Kdhului Harbor, Hawaii, received in response to advertisement dated Aug. 12, 1911, and opened Oct. 12, 1911, at Honolulu, Hawaii, by Maj. W. P. Wooten, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation "Improving Kahului Harbor, Hawaii.] Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard measured in the cut. Remarks. Hawaiian Dredging Co. (Ltd.), Honolulu, Hawaii, Standard American Dredging Co, San Fran- cisco, Cal. No evidence of authority of officer signing for company. Corporate seal not affixed. Dredging to be done, estimated, 293,000 cubic yards in place SAN JUAN (P. R.) DISTRICT. [Officer: Col. S. W. Roessler, Corps of Engineers.] WRECKS. Abstract of proposals received in response to public notice dated Aug. 21, 1911, for removing wrecks of the lighter ^'Indie'^ and the schooner ^^ Mary B. Pierce,^' in Mayaguez Harbor, P. R., and opened at 12 m. Sept. 14, 1911, by direction of Col. S. W.- Roessler, Corps of Engineers, at U. S. Engineer Office, Finlay Building, San Juan, P. R. Bid No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid. Remarks. 1 Alonso Aguilar, Mayaguez, P. R $2,000 3,700 2,783 2,225 Complete in 30 working days. 2 J. B. Salva, San Juan, P. R (Accepted.) Complete in 120 working 3 Sues, de Abarca, San Juan, P. R days. Complete in 57 working days? 4 Lucien Lanclos, San Juan, P. R Complete in 50 working days. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 231 SAN FRANCISCO (CAL.), THIRD DISTRICT. [Oflicer: Maj. C. A, Cheney, Corps of Engineers.] DREDGES. A bstract of proposals for constructing two 20-inch pump dredges, received in response to advertisement dated Sept. 27, 1911, and opened at San Francisco, Cal., by Capt. W. P, Stokey, Corps of Engineers, on Dec. 27, 1911. No. Name and address of bidder. 1 dredge with Scotch boilers. 2 dredges with Scotch boilers. 1 dredge with water- tube boilers. 2 dredges with water- tube boilers. 1 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md $205,000 1231,700 267,750 241,500 248,000 3 300,000 $356,000 2 439, 500 517,100 471,000 484,000 3 560,000 2 1 4 5 6 Yuba Construction Co., San Francisco, Cal Union Iron Works Co., San Francisco, Cal Moore & Scott Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal San Francisco Bridge Co., San Francisco, Cal Standard American Dredging Co., San Francisco, Cal 1 $231,700 261.600 241,500 248,000 3 297,500 » $439, 500 504,900 471,000 484,000 3 555, 000 Name and address of bidder. Deductions per supplemental proposal, viz, for omission of— No. (o) Coal- burning ar- rangements, etc., pars. 92 and 42. (b) Spare parts pre- scribed in par. 148. (c) Shop machinery prescribed in pars. 150-160. (d) Items prescribed in pars. 162-167. 1 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md $1,200 1,412 960 756 3,000 1,500 $4, 000 6,200 5,300 4,295 7,000 7,858 $3,400 5,300 6,100 5,000 5,000 6,390 $1, 150 2 3 4 5 6 Yuba Construction Co., San Francisco, Cal Union Iron Works Co., San Francisco, Cal Moore & Scott Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal San Francisco Bridge Co., San Francisco, Cal Standard American Dredging Co., San Francisco, Cal 1,500 2,900 1,547 2,000 2,600 1 Or $223,500, using 2 water-tube boilers, having 2^362 square feet of heating surface each. 8 Or $433,100, using 2 water-tube boilers. 3 Or $30,000, to be deducted for each dredge if constructed with wooden hulls instead of steel hulls. Proposal of Ellicott Machine Co. accepted for 2 dredges, at a total cost of $353,600. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. [Officer: Col. Spencer Cosby, U. S. Army.] FOR MAKING MONTHLY INSPECTIONS OF ELEVATOR AND MACHINERY AND ONE INSPECTION OF BOILERS IN THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT (Received June 15, 1911). Abstract of proposals received at ojfjice of Public Buildings and Grounds^ Washington, D. C, under which formal contracts were made for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912. Names of bidders. Maryland Casualty Co., Baltimore, Md United States Casualty Co., 141 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Price per annum for inspection of— Elevator and ma- chinery. $35.00 30.00 Boilers. $5.00 4.00 232 MATEKIALS AND LABOK FOE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA—Oontd. Abstract of proposals received at office of Public Buildings and Grounds, Washington, D.C., under which formalfontr acts were made for the fiscal year ending June SO, 1912 — Contd. FOR BULBS (Received June 26, 19U). Names of bidders. Vauglian's Seed Store, Chicago, 111. . Holmes Seed Co., Harrisburg, Pa... Henry F. Michell, Philadelphia, Pa Lot 1 for the public groimds. W29.90 667.50 411.20 Lot 2 for Executive Mansion green- houses. $906. 12 1,093.00 818.10 Aggregate. 11,536,02 1,760.50 11,200.00 1 For all. FOR TEARING DOWN AND REMOVING THE PRESIDENT'S STABLE AND MOVING FRAME STABLE IN REAR OF PRESIDENT'S STABLE, WASHINGTON, D. C. (Received July 25, 1911). Names of bidders. L. M, Johnson, Arlington, Va Wm. Gifford, 752 Park Road, Washington, D. C T. Edw. Clark, 1305 New Jersey Avenue, Washington, D. C. Littlefield, Alvord & Co., Washington, D. C Wilbur F. Na^h, Washington, D. C Martin McNamara, Washington, D. C Class 1. Removing President's stable. 8750 400 59 197 250 Class 2. Moving frame stable in rear of Presidenfs stable. Moving building. 687 300 Tearing down building. $150 50 9 47 100 FOR CONSTRUCTING PARK LODGE IN POTOMAC PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. (Received Mar. 19, 1912). Names of bidders. Amount of bid. Per originial specifi- cation. If exterior walls are of brick with stucco. If exterior walls are of red machine- made brick. If two automatic- flushing porcelain urinals substituted, add— Alternate bid for asbestos shingles. Gray. Red. All of Washington, D. C. Samuel J. Prescott Co George E. Wjme Allan T. Howison B. T. Pillow Arthur Cowsill P. F. Gormley Co Arthm- L. Smith & Co Burgess & Parsons Skinker & Garrett Boyle-Robertson Construction Co W. H. McCray Walter B. Avery Davis Construction Co Arthur M. Poynton W, E. Mooney Chas. J. Cassidy Co. (Inc.) . , Chas. A. Langley $4, 473 4,290 4,764 4,397 4,267 3,500 3,981 4,100 3,848 3,766 4,040 3,842 4,080 3,800 4,422 4,550 4,547 84,320 4,250 4,479 4,415 4,117 3,339 4,036 4,000 3,815 3,670 4,100 3,637 3,965 3,750 4,889 4,350 4,467 U, 054 4,000 4,295 4,307 3,984 3,184 3,932 3,900 3,661 3,520 3,900 3,478 3,794 3,775 4,725 4,250 4,252 $150 40 47 22 120 5 42 4,000 25 20 -f-$40 -25 +20 -32 -35 -f-55 20 22 25 20 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 233 PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA— Contd. Abstract of proposals received at office of Fuhlic Buildings and Grounds, Washington, D. C, under which formal contracts ivere mode for the fiscal year ending June SO, 1912 — Contd. FOR BRONZE LAMP STANDARDS (Received June 26, 1912). Names of bidders. Roman Bronze Works, Brooklyn, N. Y The Henry Bonnard Bronze Co., New York, N. Y John WiUiams (Inc.), New York, N. Y Amount of bid for two bronze standards. $1,1.30 2, 195 • 1,525 Will fur- nish two additional standar^ls for — $1,000 1,795 1,175 FIRST AND SECOND DISTRICTS, MEMPHIS, TENN. [Officer: Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of Engineers.] Abstract of proposals for furnishing levee work, improving Mississippi River, received in response to advertisement dated June 3, 1912, and opened June 10, 1912, by Maj. Clarice S. Smith, Corps of Engineers. Name of bidders. Roach & Stansell. C.T.Bon- durant. Gary Bros. LovpTance Bros. & R. L. Co. and Leonard. 1 Residence. Reelfoot levee Lower St. Francis levee district. No. of pro- pos- al. district, Sta- tions 4/51 to 6/20)— 220,000 cubic yards. Stations 101/60 to 102/63— 235,000 cubic yards. Stations 142/6 to 143/15— 210,000 cubic yards. Stations 155/27 to 157/21— 300,000 cubic yards. Stations 157/29 to 157/33— 20,000 cubic yards. Price. Cost. Price. Cost. Price. Cost. Price. Cost. Price. Cost. 1 ? Memphis. Teun. Hickman, Ky. M emphis, Tenn. Cents. 26.81 22.70 35.00 28.40 $58, 982 49, 940 77,000 62,480 Cents. 126.90 1 $63, 215 Cents. 124.80 1 $52, 080 Cents. 125.85 1 $77, 550 Cents. 125.85 i$5,170 3 26.00 1 26. 80 61, 100 1 62, 980 25.00 124.90 52,500 152,290 29.00 126.70 87,000 180,100 4 126.70 15,340 1 All or none. 234 MATEKIALS AND LABOE FOE ENGINEEE DEPAETMENT^ 1912. FIRST AND SECOND DISTRICTS, MEMPHIS, TENN.— Continued. Abstract of proposahf or furnishing levee work, improving Mississippi River, received in response to advertisement dated June 3, 1912, and opened June 10, 1912, by Maj. Clarice S. Smith, Corps of Engineers — Continued. No. Of pro- pos- al. Name of bidders. Roach & Stansel C. T. Bondurant. Gary Bros. Lowrance Bros. & Co. and E.. L. Leonard. Stations 157/45 to 158/30—65,000 cubic yards. Price. Cost. Cents. 1 25. &5 > 26. 70 i$16,802.50 Total cost. $214, 817. 50 200,600.00 117,355.001 218,065.00 Upper St. Fran- cis levee district, stations 25/16 to 30/27—99,398 cubic yards. Price. Cost. Cents. 27.00 24.00 $26,837.46 23,855.62 27.00 26,837.46 Grand total. $300,636.96 49,940.00 301,455.52 307,382.46 Remarks. Amounts in bid stated in figures only; amount of work they are will- ing to undertake not stated. Bid accepted for lower St. Francis levee district and emer- gency contract en- tered into. Amount of levee work he is willing to undertake not stated. Accepted for Reelfoot levee district and emer- gency contract en- tered into. Bid not dated; amount of bid stated in pencil and in figures only. Signatures of bondsmen to guar- anty not witnessed and bondsmen not justified before any ofRcial. Amount of work they are willing to under- take not stated. Accepted for upper St. Francis levee district and emer- gency contract en- tered into. 1 All or none. Abstract of proposals for levee worh in Upper St. Francis Levee District {closing crevasses) received in response to advertisement dated Apr. 25, 1912, and opened Apr . 30, 1912, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps_ of Engineers. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. of pro- pos- al. Name of bidders. Residence. 65 ,000 cubic yards, price per cubic yard. Total cost. 1 Martin Jennings * Memphis, Tenn... Cents. 23 $14,950 1 Certificate as to financial standing of stireties not made by one of the designated officials. Bid accepted and emergency contract entered into May 14, 1912. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 235 FIRST AND SECOND DISTRICTS, MEMPHIS, TENN.— Continued. Abstract of pj'oposah for furnishing brush and poles received in response to adv,ertisement dated Mar. 16, 1912, and opened Apr. 22, 1912, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. of pro- pos- al. Name of bidders. Residence. 45,000 cords bnish and poles, per cord. Total cost. 1 Tennessee Contracting Co.* Memphis, Term... 11.90 $85,500 J Recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals for furnishing machinery for hydraulic grader received in response to advertisement dated Feb. 26, 1912, and opened Mar. 26, 1912, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of Engineers . [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. of pro- Name of bidders. Residence. Item 1. Alternate bid. Item 2. Item 3 . al. Price. Time.i Price. Time.' Price. Time.» 1 The Allen Engineering Co.^ Memphis, Tenn... do $8, 990 150 $7,275 7,250 5,272 150 150 120 $6,585 6,585 150 ? The Allen Engineering Co.^ 8, 930 150 150 3 Kerr Turbine Co.'' Wellsville, N.Y.. Springfield, 111 6,842 120 4 Springfield Boiler & Manufacturing Co.5 Trustees of the Piatt Iron Works Co.s 6,197 112 6 Dayton, Ohio Ul,651 98 No. of pro- Name of bidders. Residence. Item 4. Item 5. Items 1, 3, 4, and 5. Items 2, 3, 4, and 5. pos- al. Price. Time.i Price. Time.' Price. Time.i Price. Time.i 1 7, The Allen Engineering Co.2 The Allen Engineering Co.3 Kerr Turbine Co.^ Springfield Boiler & Manufacturing Co.^ Trustees of the Piatt Iron Works Co.^ Memphis, Tenn. do $287 287 90 90 $1,075 1,075 825 90 90 120 $16,830 16,690 150 150 $15, 135 15,060 150 150 3 Wellsville, N.Y. Springfield, 111.. 4 5 Dayton, Ohio... (8) " 1 Calendar days. * Type CC Terry turbine pump with Jamesville double suction, 3-stage Worthington feed pump; Clyde type boilers; Crocker-Wheeler Co. tiurbo-generating set. No evidence of authority for signatures to bid and guaranty. 8 This bid provides for same type of machinery as bid No. 1, except that a water-works type surface con- denser and a 250 horsepower closed feed-water heater are proposed to be furnished. No evidence of au- thority for signatures to bid and guaranty. ^ Kerr turbine, Alberger pump, Alberger surface condenser, and Kerr-Fort Wayne turbo-generator. No evidence of authority for signature to bid; signature to guaranty not witnessed. 6 Clydetypeboilersproposedtobefurnished. No evidence of authority for signatures to bid and guaranty. Accepted for item 3 and emergency contract entered into. 8 Kerr turbine and Piatt pump; no make of condenser stated. No evidence of authority for signature to bid, corporate seal not affixed, and title of official signing bid not stated. Do not agree to terms of pay- ment provided for in par. 16 of specifications. ^ Item 4 incliided in this price. 8 Included in price given in item 1. Bids Nos. 1, 2, 3, ^nd 5 rejected. 236 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGHSTEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. FIRST AND SECOND DISTRICTS, MEMPHIS, TENN.— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing locomotive crane received in response to advertisement dated Jan. 8, 1912, and opened Feb. 8, 1912, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of Engi- neers. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. ol pro- sal. Name of bidders. Residence. Time of delivery. Price. Remarks. Days. 1 Exeter Machine Works. Pittston, Pa 140 $6, 000 Authority for signature to bid not properly shown, and guaranty ac- comnanying bid is defective. 2 Brownir.g Engi- neering Co. Cleveland, Ohio... 25 6,200 Resolution conferring authority for signature to bid not certified a true copy; authority for signature to guaranty not shown and signature not witnessed. 3 Orton & Stein- brenner Co, Chicago, 111 90 6,240 Authorities for signatures to bid and guaranty not shown; signature to guarantv not witnessed. .4 Industrial Works. . Bay City, Mich... 0) 6,925 Resolution authorizing signature to bid not certified a true copy under seal of corporation. Recommended for acceptance. 5 Link-Belt Co Chicago, 111 60 7,150 Authority for signature to bid not cer- tified a' true copy under seal of cor- poration; authority for signature to guaranty not shown. 6 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. Cleveland, Ohio... 60 7,265 Only one copy of authority for signa- ture to guaranty furnished; signa- ture to guaranty not witnessed. 7 McMyler Inter- state Co. do 150 7,485 Authority for signature to guaranty not shown. 1 Five calendar months. Abstract of proposals for furnishing riprap stone received in response to advertisement dated Dec. 11, 1911, and opened Jan. 10, 1912, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of Engi- neers. [Appropriation for Improving Mississippi River.] No. of pro- sal. Name of bidders. Residence. Deliv- ered f.o.b. cars at quar- ry, 40,000 tons. Un- load- ing stone at Hope- field, 40,000 tons. Total cost. Deliv- ered f. 0. b. cars at Hope- field, 40,000 tons. Un. load- ing stone at Hope- field. 40,000 tons. Total cost. 1 A. L. Martin i London, Ark Per ton Per ton Per ton $0.76 Per ton $0.20 $38,400 9 W. D. Cammack2 I/ittle Rock, Ark Nashville, Tenn Little Rock, Ark do $0.85 .35 .98 1.10 1.40 $0.27 .15 .37 $44,800 54,000 3 4 Bowling Green White Stone Co. of Kentucky (Inc.).^ J. J. BaU^ 4 1.10 .15 62,000 5 Guy Dickinson 6 6 W. P. Funston? do 1 Kind of stone and location of quarry not stated. Guaranty not in proper shape, sureties not having justified before proper official and 2 copies of guaranty not dated. See letter herewith. 2 Failed to submit sample of stone. Recommended for acceptance. See accompanying letter (file M 16/60). 3 Bid in duplicate only; no proper guaranty accompanies proposal; kind of stone not stated. Point ot delivery at quarry is in Kentucky and Tennessee, not on Land Grant Road. Railroad rate from Mem- phis to Hopefield to be added to price of $1. 10; viz: 30 cents, making $1.40 per ton. * Delivered at Memphis, Tenn. 6 Guaranty is not sufficient in amount to comply with specifications. No sample of stone submitted. 6 Did not bid on unloading stone at Hopefield Bend, Ark. No sample of stone submitted. 7 Informal proposal by letter. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 237 FIRST AND SECOND DISTRICTS, MEMPHIS, TENN.— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing locomotive crane received in response to advertisement dated Oct. 25, 1911, and opened Nov. 24, 1911, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. Name of bidders. Residence. Price. Time of de- livery. Alternate bid. of pro- po- sal. Price. Time of de- liv- ery. Remarks. ] Orton & Steinbren- ner Co. Ohio Locomotive Crane Co. Industrial Works. . . The McMyler Inter- state Co. The Brown Hoist- ing Machinery Co. Link-Belt Co The Browning En- gineering Co. American Hoist & Derrick Co. Universal Construc- tion Co. Chicago, 111 Bucyrus, Ohio Bay City, Mich . . . Bedford, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio... Chicago, 111 Cleveland, Ohio... St. Paul, Minn.... St. Louis, Mo $6,565 6,585 6,925 7,485 7,100 7,150 7,390 9,566 Days. 150 45 60 33 90 60 Specifications modified by 2 bidder; no authority for signing bid and no corpo- rate seal attached. Firm's name in bond misspelled. No corporate seal attached to 3 signatures on bids; specifi- cations modified. Specifications modified; au- 4 $7,000 C^) thority to sign bid not at- tached and corporate seal not attached to signature. Specifications modified; no authority for signing bid and no corporate seal at- tached. Bid in duplicate only. Specifications modified; no 6 authority for signing bid and no corporate seal at- tached. Specifications modified; au- 7 thority for siging bid is de- fective; no corporate seal attached to bid. Specifications modified; no 8 q 7,636 3,650 (2) corporate seal attached to authority to sign bid or to signature on bid. Specifications modified; no corporate seal attached to authority for signing bid. Informal proposal for furnish- ing second-hand crane. » Calendar months. All bids recommended for rejection. 2 Not stated. 3 Weeks. 238 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. FIRST AND SECOND DISTRICTS, MEMPHIS, TENN.— Continued. Abstract of proposals for levee work received in response to advertisement dated July 19 ^ 1911 y and opened Aug. 21, 1911, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. Name of bidders. R. L. Leonard George R. Lacy & Co. Martin Jennings. . . Roach & StanselL, Lowrance Bros. & Co. O. A. Gibson. Residence. Memphis, Tenn. Arkansas City, Ark. Memphis, Tenn. -do ...-do.. OJ o o o Js Cents. 16i I 15. 73 17.68 17.75 16 15.90 Lower St. Francis levee district. --H fl OS Slo o H "^ !- .22 g 18i 17.90 19 17.40 I 14. 70 17 CTl S? t- «" p, El «+^ .isg |ga Cents. 29^ 24.85 19 1 17. 90 21.40 o3 >i . ..OH "-2 >> o o ID O , I— I .^ -■S a Cents ISl $94, 750. 00 20.40 19 I 16.80 17.40 90,270.20 86,771.20 81,421.00 79,967.00 42,216.00 Remarks. Place and date of pro- posal, name and ad- dress of officer; date of advertisement, amount of yardage desired, and date of proposed comple- tion of work not shown in proposal. Place of writing pro- posal, name and ad- dress of officer, date of advertisement, amount of yardage desired, and date of proposed comple- tion of work not shown. Amount of yardage desired not shown. Guaranty and jurats erroneously dated Aug. 11, 1911. Amount of yardage desired, and date of proposed comple- tion of work not shown. Will do all at 16.98 cents. Place and date of pro- posal, name and ad- dress of officer, date of advertisement, amount of yardage desired, and date of proposed comple- tion of work not shown. Place and date of pro- posal, name and ad- dress of officer, date of advertisement, amount of yardage desired, date of pro- posed completion of work, and address of bidder not shown. Date of bid omitted from guaranty. Recommended for acceptance. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 239 FIRST AND SECOND DISTRICTS MEMPHIS, TENN.— Continued. Abstract of proposals for levee work in Lower St. Francis levee district, received in response to advertisement dated July 11, 1911, and opened Aug. /, 1911, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of Engineers . [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. Name of bidders. Martin Jennings Leonard & Bush Roach & Stansell Gibson, Parker & Co. Residence. Memphis, Tenn . do do Charleston, Mo. . Station O I to Station j 350, 250,000 cubic yards (per cubic yard). Cents. 16 14. 90 15.70 15.20 Total cost. 140,000 37,250 39,250 38,000 AU bids rejected. Abstract of proposals for furnishing yellow-pine and oak lumber, received in response to public notice dated June 28, 1911, and opened July 28, 1911, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. Name of bidders. G. Elia.s& Bro Acme Lumber Co. (Ltd.) Watkins-Gray Lumber Co P. R. Friedel&Co Frost-Johnson Lumber Co R. A. & J. J. Williams Co Mercantile Lumber <^ Supply Co. Lacey Lumber Co W. C. Rodgers Lumber Co Henry O'Neil Lumber & Land Co. The McLeod Lumber Co Robinson Lumber, Veneer & Box Co. Central Lumber Co Lee Lumber Co Residence. Buffalo, N.Y New Orleans, La. . Hattiesburg, Miss . Memphis, Tenn . . . St. Louis, Mo Philadelphia, Pa. . Kansas City, Mo . . Carriere, Miss Hattiesburg, Miss St. Louis, Mo Hattiesburg, Miss . New Orleans, La. . Memphis, Tenn . . . do $3,200.00 3,278.39 3,334.72 2, C.07. 80 2, 989. 67 3, 107. 62 2, 775. 00 2, 856. 00 3,051.00 2,918.00 2, 741. 43 2,800.00 2, 650. 00 2,581.20 $3,200.00 3,278.39 3,334.72 2, 607. 80 2,929.91 3, 107. 62 2, 775. 00 2,856.00 3,051.00 2,918.00 2, 741. 43 2, 800. 00 2, 650. 00 2,581.20 $3,200.00 3, 278. 39 3,334.72 2, 607. 80 2,989.67 3, 107. 62 2, 775. 00 2,856.00 3,051.00 2,948.00 2,741.43 2, 800. 00 2,650.00 2,581.20 $3, 200. 3,278. 3,334. 2,607. 2,929. 3, 107. 2, 775. 2, 856. 00 3,051.00 2,948.00 2,741.43 2,800.00 2, 050. 00 2,581.20 Total cost. $12,800.00 13, 113. 56 13,338.88 10, 431. 20 11,839.16 12, 430. 48 11,100.00 11,424.00 12,204.00 11, 732. 00 10,965.72 11,200.00 10, 600. 00 10,324.80 No. Name of bidders. G. Elias &Bro Acme Lumber Co. (Ltd.). Watkins-Gray Lumber Co. P. R. Friedel & Co. Frost-Johnson Lumber Co. R. A. & J. J. Wil- liams Co. Mercantile Lumber & Supply Co. Lacey Lumber Co . . W. C. Rodgers Lumber Co. Henry O'Neil Lum- ber & Land Co. The McLeod Lum- ber Co. Robinson Lumber, Veneer & Box Co. Central Lumber Co. Lee Lumber Co Residence. Buffalo, N.Y... . New Orleans, La. Hattiesburg, Miss . Memphis, Tenn . . . St. Louis, Mo Philadelphia, Pa.. Kansas City, Mo . . Carriere, Miss Hattiesburg, Miss. St. Louis, Mo Hattiesburg, Miss. New Orleans, La. . Memphis, Term . . . do $2,900.00 3,020.30 2,936.01 2,412.99 2,624.77 2, 722. 48 2,535.00 2,395.00 2,470.00 2,696.00 2,416.44 2,600.00 2,335.00 2,311.32 Total cost. $2,900.00'$5,800.00 3,020.30 6,040.60 2,936.01 2,412.99 2,624.77 2, 722. 48 2,535.00 2,395.00 2,470.00 2,696.00 2,416.44 2,600.00 2, .335. 00 2,311.32 5,872.02 4,825.98 5,249.54 5,444.91) 5,070.00 4,790.00 4,940.00 5,392.00 4,832.88 5,200.00 4,670.00 4,622.64 Grand total cost. $18, 600. 00 19, 154. 16 19,210.90 15,257.18 17,088.70 17,875.44 16, 170. 00 16,214.00 17,144.00 17, 124. 00 15,798.60 16,400.00 15,270.00 14,947.44 Remarks. Want all or none. Certified check in lieu of guaranty. Certified check in lieu of guaranty. Guaranty imper- fect. Do. Do. Do. Do not bid on oak lumber in lots 5 and 6. Have modified specifl- cations. Guar- anty imperfect. Guaranty imper- fect. Do. Do. Certified check in lieu of guaranty. Guaranty imper- fect. Bid of Lee Lumber Co. accepted. 240 MATEEIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. FIRST AND SECOND DISTRICTS, MEMPHIS, TENN.— Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing brush and poles received in reponse to advertisemen dated June S, 1911, and opened July 1, 1911, by Maj. Clarke S. Smith, Corps of En gineers. [Appropriation for iniprovins: Mississippi River.] No. "Name of ])idder. Residence. 44,000 cords brush and poles, per cord. Total cost. 1 Tennessee Contracting Co Memphis, Tenn SI. 90 183,600 Sureties not justified. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, ST. LOUIS, MO. [Ofiicer: Lieut. Col. Chas. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers.] ABSTRACT OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1912, FOR WORKS UNDER TEE MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION Abstract of proposals for furnishing stern-wheel steamhoats ^^ Jupiter ^^ and "Saturn" re- ceived in response to advertisement dated June 26, 1911, and opened by Lieut. Col. Chas. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers, July 26, 1911. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price each. Remarks. Ed. J. Howard, Jefiferson- ville, Ind. M. A. Sweeney Ship Yard & Foundry Co., Jelferson- viile, Ind. J. M. Uammitt, Marietta, Ohio. Charles Ward Engineering Works, Charleston, W . Va. 1 $17, 175 19, 840 23, 100 19. 475 Will furnish engines of either of the following types: Gil- lett's balanced valve variable cut-ofi' engine, with in- side drive, manufactured by Cillett & Eaton, Lake City, Minn. Balanced valve varial)le cut-off engine, with inside drive, manufactured by Marine Iron W orks, Chi- cago, III. Poppet valve engine with California cut-off, manufactured by Chas. Hegewald Co., New Albany, Ind. Engines to be poppet valve type, California cut-off, manufactured by bidder. Does not furnish plans showing tyije of engines and valve gear proposed. Bid is for $20,500. Reduces price in bid 5 per cent by telegram of .July 26, 1911, received prior to hour set for opening of proposals. Does not furnish plans showing type of engines and valve gear proposed. ' Accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing stern-wheel steamboat "John Ewens " received in re- sponse to advertisement dated Feb. 19, 1912, and opened by Lieut. Col. Chas. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers, Mar. 20, 1912. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price, not includ- ing outfit. Remarks. M. A. Sweeney Ship Yard & Foundry Co., Jefferson- ville, Ind. Ed. J. Howard, Jefferson- ville, Ind. Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, Dubuque, Iowa. Thomas M. Rees, Pittsburgh, Pa. Charles Barnes Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. 1 $23, 490. 00 25, 692. 50 28,735.00 31,875.00 34, 000. 00 Engines to be poppet valve type; valves operated by cams on paddle shaft, with variable cut-off of "Cali- fornia" type. Engines to be poppet valve type, with California cut- off. The poppet valves to be either single or double seated at the option of the United States. Does not furnish drawing showing type of engines and valve gear proposed. W ill furnish engines of either of the following types of valve gear: (a) Poppet valves operated by outsde cams and a modified California cut-off. (&) Pop- pet valves operated from pitman and a modified Cali- fornia cut-off . (c) Piston slide valve operated from pitm^an, with inner piston cut-off valve and gear of special design. Does not furnish drawing showing type of engines and valve gear proposed. Accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 241 SECRETARY'S OFFICE, ST. LOUIS, MO —Continued. Abstract of proposals for furnishing coal for operations under Mississippi River Com' mission, received in response to advertisement dated Feb. 26, 1912, and opened by Lieut. Col. Chas. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers, Mar. 27, 1912. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] For delivery For delivery under first under sexiond alternative in alternative in No. Name and address of Itidder. Name and location of mine. Quantity. specifications. specifications. Price Total Price Total per bushel. cost. per bushel. cost. Bushels. Cents. Cents. 1 The Monongahela River Consolidated Coal & Coke Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Thick vein, fourth pool mines, Monongahela River, Fa. 405,000 13 $00, 450 13 $60, 450 Thin vein, second and 405, 000 13i 02, 775 13i 62, 775 third pools mines, Monongahela River, Pa. Ohio Valley Coal & 465, 000 11 1 51,150 11 51,150 -Vlining Co.'s mine, De Koven, Ky. Bid rejected. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and installing mechanical stokers, received in response to advertisement dated Apr. 9, 1912, and opened by Lieut. Col. Chas. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers, Apr. 30, 1912. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] Time No. Name and address of Ijidder. Price. for com- pletion. Remarks. Days. 1 Charles F. Tuttle, Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . $5,500 70 The Crowe mechanical stoker, chain grate type. Bidder's specifications and illus- trative and descriptive pamphlet at- tached to bid. 2 The Unde;-Feed Stoker Co. of America, Chicago, 111. 1 5, 650 100 Underfeed type. Accepted. ^74508— H. Doc. 1294, 62-3 16 242 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, li)i2. THIRD DISTRICT, VICKSBURG, MISS. [Officer: Capt. J. A. Woodruff, Corps of Engineers.] Abstract of proposals for furnishing turbines, feed pumps, boilers, and electric light plants for two hydraulic graders, received in response to . advertisement dated June 26, 1911, and opened at 12 o'clock noon, July 11, 1911, by Capt. J. A. Woodruff, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Miss. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] No. Name and address of bidders. Item 1. Two sets of tur- bines and pumps. (4 tur- bines and 4 pumps). Item 2. Alter- nate bid. Two sets of tur- bines and pumps (2 tur- bines and 2 pumps). Item 3. Two sets of boilers, stacks, etc. (4 boilers and 2 stacks). Item 4. Two sets of feed pumps (4pumps). Item 5. Two electric light plants (2 tur- bines, 2 gener- ators, and 2 switch- boards). To fur- nish items 1, 3, 4, and 5, all com- plete. To fur- nish items 2, 3, 4, and 5, all com- plete. 1 Kerr Turbine Co., Wells- ville, N. Y iSll,164 f 8, 980 \ 7, 835 [ 10,620 .19, 372 5,885 5,775 7,795 1-11,412 -.2 Kingsford Foundry & Ma- chine Works, Oswego, N. Y ] $10, 965 j 10,215 1,600 2,400 2, 143 3 B. i . Sturtevant Co., Hyde Park, Mass 4 General Electric Co., Sche- nectady, N. Y 5 A. M. Lockett & Co. (Ltd.), New Orleans, La 18, 420 13, 802 1 12, 308 1511 $33, 382 $28, 764 I Bids accepted. REMARKS. Bid No. 1.— Certified check for $1,257.60 fiu-nished in place of guaranty. Bid No. 2. — Informal. Bid not made on printed form; evidence of authority of signer not furnished, and the prices are f. o. b. cars, Vicksburg, Miss., not in accordance with requirements of specifications. Bid No. 3.— Informal. Only one copy of bid an*; guaranty submitted. Evidence of authority of signer not furnished. Bid No. 5.— If Worthington 3 stage, 5-inch pump is acceptable, will reduce bid for item 1 and combined' bid for items 1, 3, 4, and 5, $1,300. Abstract of proposals for constructing and delivering three quarter boats, received in response to advertisement dated July 15, 1911, and opened at 12 o'clock noon, Aug. 15, 1911, by Capt. J. A. Woodruff, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Miss. ■ - [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River (plant, 3d district.)] No. Name and address of bidder. Place of delivery. Time of delivery.i Price per quarter boat. Thomas M. Favre, 1718 25th Avenue, Gulfport, Miss. Alternate Vicksburg, Miss. Gulfport, Miss . . 180 180 $13,100.42 12, 700. 42 1 Calendar days. REMARKS, Bid not dated. Price for three quarter boats expressed in words and price for one in figures. Certified check for $4,000 furnished in place of guaranty. Bid rejected. MATERIALS AXD LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. 243 THIRD DISTRICT, VICKSBURG, MISS.— Continued. Abstract of proposals for constructing and delivering one set of mattressways, received in response to advertisement dated July 15, 1911, and opened at 12 o'clock noon, Aug. 15, 1911, by Capt. J. A. Woodruff, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Miss. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River, $114,602.28.] No. Name and address of bidders. Thomas M. Favre, 1718 25th Avenue, Gulfport, Miss Alternate Gulfport Creosoting Co., Gulfport, Miss Alternate Place of deliverv. Vicksburg, Miss. Gulfport, Miss. .. Vicksburg, Miss. New Orleans, La Time of delivery.' 120 120 100 90 Price per set. » $14, 425. 24 13,625.24 18, 200. 00 17,850.00 Calendar days. 2 Accepted. REMARKS. Bid No. 1.— Not dated. Erasure in one copy not explained. Certified check for $1,500 furnished in place of guarantv. Bid No." 2. —Certified check for $1,820 furnished in place of guaranty. Abstract of proposals for constructing about 960,000 cubic yards of earthwork in the third district, received in response to advertisement dated July 18, 1911, and opened at 11 o'clock, a. m., standard central time, Aug. 18, 1911, by Capt. J. A. Woodruff, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Miss. [Appropriation for improving Mississippi River.] Work advertised. Names and addresses of bidders. Sec- tion No. Stations. Esti- mated quan- tity. (1) Clark & Helgason Bros., Vicksburg, Miss.i (2) Martin Jen- nings, Mem- phis, Tenn. (3) Roach & Stansell, Memphis, Tenn.i (4) I. R. Bobbitt & Co., Natchez, Miss. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. Unit price. Amount. 1 Lower Yazoo Levee District, Miss. Stack Island Chute Levee (541 L.): 3355-3383 3383-3414 Upper Tensas Levee District, La. Atherton Levee (559 R.): 20a3-2135 2135-2190 2190-2254 2254-2310 Cubic yds. 180,000 180,000 150,000 150,000 150, 000 150,000 ^5. 16 16 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 2 S28, 800 2 28,800 20, 100 20, 100 20, 100 20, 100 Cts. 18.3 17.64 15 15 13.4 14 3 $32, 940 3 31,752 22,500 22,500 ,20, 100 21,000 Cts. 18.4 18.4 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 $33, 120 33, 120 19,800 2 19, 800 2 19, 800 2 19, 800 Cts. 2 1 2 3 4 13.98 13.4 13 13.7 < $20, 970 < 20, 100 < 19,500 < 20,550 1 All or none. 2 Amounts of bids recommended for acceptance. 3 Or both at 17.89 cents per cubic yard; total, $64,404. < Or all 4 sections at 13§ cents per cubic yard; total, $80,000. REMARKS. Bid No. 1.— Bid not dated and erasures upon two copies not explained. Bid No. 2. — Wishes to undertake only about 400,000 cubic yards. Bid No. 3. — Names of members of firm not given. Bid No. 4. — Names of "Linnan Bros.," members of firm, not given. Price of 13^ cents for sections 1-4, Atherton Levee, omitted from one copy. Wish to undertake only about 600,000 cubic yards (erasure in one copy not explained). Address at foot of bid not given on one copy. Bid dated Aug. 18, 1911; guar- anty refers to date as July 18, 1911. Note.— All prices are in cents per cubic yard. 244 MATERIALS AND LABOE FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 1912. THIRD DISTRICT, VICKSBURG, MISS.— Continued. Abstract of proposals for constructing about 1,607,000 cubic yards of earthwork in the third district, received in response to advertisement dated May 22, 1912, and opened at 11 o'clock a. m., standard central time, June 3, 1912, by Maj. J. A. Woodruff, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Miss. [Appropriation for "Rebuilding levees on Mississippi River and tributaries."] Stations. Miles below Cairo. Name and address of bidders. Name of levee. (1) Sessions & WilUam- son,Millikin, La. (2) W. T. & E. M. Low- rance & Co., Transyl- vania, La. (3) Helga- son, Clark &Co., Vicksburg, Miss. (4) Roach, Stansell & Co., Mem- phis, Tenn. k, ^ 1 O X O IIh PL, Salem, La 2466-2533: Section 1, about Cts. Cfs. ri36.2 Cfs. S36,200;i33.9 $ooj yuu Cts. 134.9 $34,900 100,000 cubic yards. Section 2, about 136.2 36,200 133.9 33,900 134.9 34,900 10j,000 cubic yards. Sections, about ■563 R. 29.7 $29,700 136.2 36,200|i33.9 33, 900 134.9 34,900 100,000 cubic yards. 1 Section 4, about '36.2 55,024133.9 51, 528 134.9 53,048 152,000 cubic yards. '■ 1 1 All or none. Note. — All prices are in cents per cubic yard. REMARKS. Proposal No. 1. — "Wish to undertake one section only. Unsigned check, guaranteed by telegram of Citizens Bank of Greenville for $3,300, furnished in place of guaranty. Prices expressed in figures only. Proposal not signed by one of the firm. Proposal No. 2.— If awarded contract for Panther Forest, Ark., no other bid to be considered. Two copies of proposal not dated. Address not given. Names of members of firm not stated. Last price on one copy of bid not written in words. Guarantors justify in sum of .$19,000, not 10 percent of amount of bid. Name of bidder given as W. T. & E. M. Lowrance Co. in guaranty. Not known whether guarantor P. B. Lowrance is a member of the firm. Proposal No. 3.— Wish to undertake only about 475,000 cubic yards. Price of seventh item not expressed in words on one copj' of bid, and price of twelfth item not expressed in words on two copies of bid. Address not given. Eraisure on one copy of bid not explained. Guaranty gives name of bidder as Helgason, Clarke & Co. (the word Clarke apparently having been inserted after writing Helgason & Co.). Proposal No. 4.— Quantity bidder wishes to undertake not stated. Address not given. Names of all members of firm not stated. Name of bidder in guaranty changed from Roach & Stansell to Roach, Stansell & Co. without explanation of erasure. Justification of guarantors not 10 per cent of amount of bid. Name of official not inserted in certificate of sufficiency of guarantors. All bids rejected. INDEX. ^- Page. Air compressors, Pittsbiiroh , Pa 156 Air plant, starting, Pittsburgh, Pa 156 Alumnia, Washington, D . C 86 Armament, New York, N . Y., second district 52, 53 Armament, Boston, Mass 7 B. Barges : Cincinnati, Ohio, second district 1 75, 176 \ATieeling, W. Va 159 Bars, steel, Kansas City, Mo 136 Belting, etc., Kansas (Ity, Mo 132 Blue-print machine, Duluth, Minn 183 Boats, construction, repair, hire, etc.: Cincinnati, Ohio, second district 177 Detroit, Mich 210 Milwaukee, Wis 187, 188 Mississippi River improvement — St. Louis, Mo 240 Third district 242 Mobile, Ala 99, 100 Newport, R.I 11, 12 WTieeling, W. Va 156, 161 Wilmington, Del 79 Boilers, Kansas City, Mo 141 Boots, rubber, Kansas City, Mo 142 Bowlders, St. Paul, Minn, (delivery) 129, 130 Breakwater work: Buffalo, N . Y 213 Detroit, Mich 200 Duluth, Minn 184 Grand Rapids, Mich 192-195 Honolulu , Hawaii 230 New London, Conn 13 Newport, R.I 11 New York, N . Y., first district 42 Portland, Me 5 Bridge construction, Buffalo, N. Y 215, 216 Bridge materials, San Francisco, Cal., first district 219 Brush, poles, etc.: Mississippi River improvement, first and second districts 235, 240 St. Louis, Mo 120 Seattle, Wash 228 Buildings, for equipment of artillery armory, San Francisco, Cal, second dis- trict 220 Bulbs (flower). Public Buildings and Grounds, District of Columbia 232 C. Cables: Detroit, Mich 208, 209 New London, Conn 17-21 Canal construction, Detroit, Mich 205, 207 Canvas, Kansas City, Mo 132 Capstans, Kansas City, Mo 131 Castings, etc . , Mobile, Ala 98 247 248 INDEX. Cement : Page. Buffalo, N. Y 213 Cincinnati. Ohio, second district 175, 176, 177 Dallas, Tex '. : 114 Detroit, Mich 197 Kansas City, Mo 135, 137 New York, N . Y. , first district 52 St. Paul, Minji 130 Vicksburg, Miss 118 Washington, D. C 86 Wlieeling, W. Va 158 Clocks, Kansas Citv, Mo 131 Coal: Baltimore, Md 83 Duluth, Minn 184, 186 Kansas City, Mo. 139, 144 New Orleans, La 101 New York, N. Y. , second district 55, 56 Philadelphia 59 Portland, Oreg. , second district 224 Rock Island, 111. 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129 St. Louis, Mo., Mississippi Pviver Commission 241 Washington, D. C ,...'.. 87 Cofferdam, construction, Seattle, Wash 225 Cofferdam, removal, Buffalo, N. Y 213, 214 Cotton, oakum, etc. , Kansas City, Mo 131 Crane, Mississippi River improvement, first and second districts 236, 237 Crib, guard, Cincinnati, Ohio, second district 173 Cutter head for dredge, Duluth, Minn , 183 D. Dam construction: Cincinnati, Ohio, second district 173 Dallas, Tex 113 Louisville, Ky 178 Vicksburg, Miss 115 Washington, D. C 86, 87 Dike work: Cincinnati, Ohio, first district 154 Galveston, Tex 107 New York, N. Y., first district 41. 46-49 Philadelphia, Pa 59, 60. 66-72 Seattle, Wash 227, 228 Distributing boards, New London, Conn 25 Dredges : Construction — Charleston, S. C 91 Chattanooga, Tenn 153 Little Rock, Ark 119 Portland, Oreg. , first district. 222, 223 San Francisco, Cal. , third district 231 Wheeling, W. Va 160 Hire — Cincinnati , Ohio, first district 154 Detroit, Mich 210 Parts; Duluth, Minn 181, 183 Dredging: Baltimore, Md 84 Boston, Mass 7, 8, 9 Buffalo, N. Y 215 Charleston, S. C 91 Chicago, 111 190 Dallas, Tex 114 Detroit, Mich 211 Duluth, Minn 185, 186 Galveston, Tex 107, 108, 109 Grand Rapids, Mich 197 INDEX. 249 Dredging — C'ontinued. Page. Honolulu, Hawaii 230 Jacksonville, Fla 93, 94 Milwaukee, Wis 189 Montgomery, Ala 96, 97 New London, Conn 12, 13, 14 Newport. R. 1 9, 10 New York, N. Y., first district 41, 42, 43, 45 New York, N. Y., second district 53, 54 New York, N. Y., third district 57 Norfolk, Va 88-90 Philadelphia, Pa 58 Portland, Me 5, 6 Rock Island, 111 124 San Francisco, Cal., first district 217, 218, 219 Savannah, Ga 92 Seattle, Wash 225, 226, 227, 228, 229 Washington, D. C 85 Wilmington, Del 75-80 Drill and pipe, Kansas City, Mo 134 Dwellings, lock tenders' : Cincinnati, Ohio, second district 174 Milwaukee, AVis 189 Mobile, Ala 99,100 Wheeling, W. Va 159, 160 E. Earthwork. Mississippi River improvement, third district 243-245 Electrical supplies, New London, Conn 15-40 Emplacements, gun and mortar, etc., Savannah, Ga 92 Engines: Kansas City, Mo 134, 135, 139 Pittsburgh, Pa 156 Excavation: Boston, Mass 8 Norfolk, Va 88-90 San Francisco, Cal., first district 218 Seattle, Wash 225, 227 Explosives: Kansas City, Mo 140 Vicksburg, Miss 118 F. Fascines, etc., Seattle, Wash - 228 Filling and leveling, Montgomery, Ala 96 Fill work, Galveston, Tex 109, 110 Fire-control stations. Boston, Mass 7 Floating plant, repairs, Philadelphia, Pa 61-65 Forgings, bolts, etc.. Wheeling, W. Va 161-163 G. Gasoline, Kansas City, Mo .■ 145 Gates, lock: Detroit, Mich 204 Galveston, Tex 106 New. Orleans, La 104 Pittsburgh, Pa 155 Vicksburg, Miss 115, 116, 117 Gates, sluice, Mobile, Ala 98 Generators, New London, Conn 24 Grader, machinery parts, etc.: Mississippi River improvement — First and second districts 235 Third district 242 Gravel, Seattle, Wash 229 Grillage poles, Seattle, Wash 228 Groceries and provisions, Baltimore, Md 83 250 INDEX. B- Page. Hammer, drop, Kansas City, Mo 154 Hire, dredges, tugs, etc.: Cincinnati, Ohio, first district 154, 155 Detroit, Mich 210 Hoists, projectile, office Chief of Engineers 5 Hose, Kansas City, Mo 143 Hulls: Cincinnati, Ohio, second district 174, 176 Portland, Oreg. , second district ^. 223 Rock Island, 111 124 Wheeling, W. Va 157 I. Ice piers, repairs, etc., Philadelphia, Pa 58 Iron : Dallas, Tex Ill Kansas City, Mo 137, 138 New Orleans, La 101, 102 J. Jelty work : Cleveland, Ohio 1 212 Dallas, Tex 110 Galveston, Tex 108 Portland, Oreg., first district 221, 222 Savannah, Ga 92, 93 Wilmington, Del 75, 77, 78 L. Lamp standards, Public Buildings and Grounds, District of Columbia 233 Launches : Daluth, Minn 183 Jacksonville, Fla 95 Levee work, Mississippi River improvement, first and second districts. . 233, 234, 238, 239 Light fixtures, New London, Conn 21 Lighting plant, Duluth, Minn 182 Lock construction: Louisville, Ky 179, 180 Nashville, Tenn. 147, 148 Lock gates: Detroit, Mich 203, 204 Galveston, Tex 106 New Orleans, La 104 Pittsburgh, Pa. 155 Vicksburg, Miss 115-117 Lock houses. See Dwellings. Lock parts, Galveston, Tex 106 Lumber: Kansas City , Mo : 131, 146 Mississippi River Commission, first and second districts 239 New Orleans, La 103, 105 New York, N. Y., first district 50 M. Machinery: Mississippi River improvement, first and second districts 235 New London, Conn 26-40 Portland, Oreg. , second district 223 Wheeling, W. Va 164-172 Mattress sills, Seattle, Wash. --■--.-■-. - - - ^2^' ^^^ Mattress ways, Mississippi River improvement, third district • 243 Memorial arch at Valley Forge, Pa. , Philadelphia, Pa 73, 74 Metal, structural, Vicksburg, Miss 116, 117 Mixers, concrete, Kansas City, Mo 133, 141, 142 INDEX. 251 ^- Page. Oakum, cotton, etc., Kansas City, Mo 131 Obstructions, removal, New York, N . Y. , first district 43-45 Oil: Grand Rapids, Mich 191 Kansas City, Mo 143 Los Angeles, Cal 216 Portland, Oreg. , second district 223 P. Paints, etc. , Kansas City, Mo 140 Paper, roofing, Kansas City, Mo 134 Pier work. Grand Rapids,' Mich 192-196 Piles: Buffalo, N . Y 213. 214 Kansas City, Mo 145 New Orleans, La 103, 104, 105 New York, N. Y., first district 50 St. Louis, Mo 122 Seattle, Wash 228 Pile work: Chicago, 111 190 San Francisco, Cal . , second district 220 Power house, Wheeling, W. Va 164-172 Potomac Park, D. C, construction of lodge 232 Public Buildings and Grounds 231-233 Pumping plant, Detroit, Mich 211, 212 R. Railroad construction, Galveston, Tex 108 Rails, etc., Dallas, Tex Ill Reservoir, Georgetown, D. C, remodeling, Washington, D. C 86 Revetment: Cincinnati, Ohio, second district 173 Jacksonville, Fla 93 Kansas City, Mo 138, 140, 141 Riprap : Duluth, M[inn 181 Mississippi River Commission, first and second districts 236 Washington, D. C 84 Rock excavation: Boston. Mass 8 Buffalo. N. Y 215 Newport, R.I 9, 10 New York, N. Y., first district 45 New York, N. Y., third district 57 Norfolk, Va 88-90 San Francisco, Cal., first district 218 Seattle. Wash 227 Rock, supply of: Dallas, Tex 112 Detroit, Mich 201 Duluth, Minn 184 Rope: Kansas City, Mo 143, 144 Duluth, Minn. 185 Rubble mound , Duluth, Minn 184 Rubblestone, Milwaukee, Wis 187 S. Sand:. Cincinnati, Ohio, second district 174, 175 New Orleans, La 109 Seattle. Wash 227 Scows, Wheeling, W. Va 152 252 INDEX. Page. Sleeves for hydraulic dredge pipe, Duluth, Minn 181 Snagboats, Charleston, S . C 91 Snagging plant, Cincinnati, Ohio, first district 153, 154 Spalls, St. Louis, Mo 120, 121 Specifications, printed, Wilmington, Del 74, 80 Stable, removing President's stable, Washington, D. C 232 Steel: Buffalo, N. Y. . 213, 214 Dallas, Tex Ill Detroit, Mich 198, 199, 206 New Orleans, La 101, 102 Wheeling, ^y. Va 161-163 Steelwork for raising gates, Nashville, Tenn 152 Stokers, St. Louis, Mo. , Mississippi River Commission 241 Stone : Cincinnati, Ohio, second district 174 Dallas, Tex 112 Detroit, Mich 198 Duluth, Minn 182 Grand Rapids, Mich 191 Kansas City, Mo 145, 146 Milwaukee, Wis 187 Mississippi River improvement, first and second districts '. 236 Nashville, Tenn 149-151 New London, Conn 13 New Orleans, La 103, 105 Newport, R.I 11 Portland, Oreg. , second district 224 St. Louis, Mo 120, 121 Savannah, Ga 92, 93 Vicksburg, Miss , 116 Washington, D. C 86 Wheeling, W. Va : 160 Strand and clips, Kansas City, Mo 142 Superstructure, Chicago, 111 190 Switchboards, etc.. New London, Conn 15, 16, 17 T. Teeth for grapple, Duluth, Minn 182 Timber: Detroit, Mich 200, 201, 202 Milwaukee, Wis 189 New Orleans, La 102, 104 Wheeling, W. Va 157, 158 Towboats, hire, Cincinnati, Ohio, first district 155 Tugs: Detroit, Mich 210 Duluth, Minn 7 181 Milwaukee, Wis 187, 188 V. Valves : Mobile, Ala 97, 98 Nashville, Tenn 152 W. Wall of canal, repairs, Detroit, Mich 202 Walls, guide and guard, Cincinnati, Ohio, second district 173 Walls, wing, Buffalo, N. Y 214, 216 Washington Monument, inspections of elevator, etc 231 Waste and rope, Kansas City, Mo - 136 Wharves, repairs, etc.: Portland, Oreg. , first district 221 San Francisco, Cal. , second district 220 Seattle, Wash 226 INDEX. 253 Page, Wire, Kansas City, Mo 133, 139 Wood, tamarack, St. Paul, Minn 130 Wrecks: Boston, Mass 9 Duliith, Minn 187 Jacksonville, Fla 95, 96 New London, Conn 14 Newport, R. 1 12 Philadelphia, Pa 73 San Juan, P. R 230 Savannah, Ga 93 Wilmington, Del 81-83 o LB My 13