•7 v0.m ::;:^ si'? * ■'■ ■ ■ i-5 # } 1T1 \ k y >aZ™ ss <^^ R Z 3^4 v, . ' Dt.. Natth LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. KZ-. — Chap._„____ Copyfigllt No.. Shelfc/fe UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Copyrighted 1900 By Ferdinand L. Matthay. THE CURE OF DISEASE BY Osteopathy, Hydropathy and Hygiene. A BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE. Giving directions for the Treatment and Cure of Diseases Without the Use of Drug Medicines. Fully Illustrated with Half-tone Photographs. ALSO, VALUABLE RULES OF HEALTH DR. F\ L. MflTTHAY. TW» COPIES RECE1VBD, Library of CesgrM* Offl9o of tM MAYS 11800 Kegltttr of C«tytfgM«h sbcono copy. TO MY NOBLE AND HONORABLE GRANDFATHER FERDINAND GOTTSCHALK ~K~l OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, THIS VOLUME IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED, AS A TOKEN OF GRATITUDE AND ESTEEM, BY THE AUTHOR. 59103 f?^?^f?V 1 a INTRODUCTION. This book is intended as a guide for the home, the % missionary, the traveler and the thousands of chronic sick who for years have been dosed with poisons, with no good result and who are on the verge of dispair. When most needed its remedies do not fail. If the treatments are properly admin- istered they can be relied on every time. The general knowledge this book imparts and the useful instruction it gives for the preservation and restoration of health, comfort, happiness and beauty is worth more to any family or individual than all the strong drastic medicines in the world. Leaving: out of view the consideration that this will enable the readers of this book to dispense, in a great measure with costly services and the nauseous drugs of the apothecary. The Osteopathic Treatment which has recently come into use and won its way to the favorable regard of all classes, and which has never before been given to the public, I have combined with the hygienic remedies which have latterly been so ex- tensively employed in the different parts of Europe. The Osteopathic and Hygienic Treatments never injure, while medicines do permanent harm even when they give temporary relief. Medicines are poisonous in their nature, that is, they will make the well sick, and I believe, that anything that will make a w^ell person sick, will only make sick per- sons sicker. This treatment if given to the well produces no symptom of disease. For this reason a mistaken diagnosis is not so serious a matter where the Osteo- pathic Treatment is given as where strong drugs are administered. It is not my intention for a person without the knowledge of diseases or the human machinery to become an Osteopathic physician by the mere read- ing of this little work, on the contrary, to be a skill- ed Osteopath takes years of stud}- and many years of experience. But so many of the treatments are so simple that one without the slightest knowledge of anatomy or physiology and the most unlearned can with a very little common sense apply them suc- cessfully. Having been situated for several years as to have the care of a large number of chronic cases, many of whom had tried in vain all remedies which had been presented to them by numerous medical advisors, but without relief, I have found it necessary to give this class of sufferers much careful study and a somewhat larger degree of attention than would have been required in a different field of practice. The result of my observations has been the conclu sion that not only the common people but medical practitioners also are in general very deficient in knowledge on these diseases. This is evidenced in the one case by the persistent continuance of habits which have in many instances been the sole cause of production and perpetuation of their malady; and in the other by the fact that patients are rarely in- formed of the real cause of the disease, but arc treated with remedies which can at most but palli- ate the symptoms, doing nothing toward removing the cause of the disease and too frequently aggra- vating the patient's sufferings in the end. I have had, also, abundant reason for being con- vinced that there is on the part of all classes, not ex- cepting a large share of the average medical prac- titioners, a sad deficiency of information on the sub- ject of hygienic medicine. The relation of hygiene to health, and especially the relation of different dietaries to different morbid conditions of the diges- tive organs are subjects concerning which there is the most lamentable ignorance. I have met numer- ous cases in which the disorders required nothing more than a change of regimen and habits of life, to effect a cure. It is the sincere hope of the author that his little volume may be of material service to the large class of chronic sufferers to enable them to successfully pilot their way back to the port of health. F. L. M. St. Paul, Minn., April 9th, 1900. 10. PRINCIPLES OF HYGIENIC MEDICATION. That the system of Hygienic Medication may be known to have a basis both scientific and practical, I will give a synopsis of its principles: 1. All healing power is inherent in the living or- ganism. 2. Remedial agents do not act upon the living system, but are acted upon by the vital powers. 3. Disease is a remedial effort — a process of pu- rification and reparation; an effort to restore the balance between the two great forces of the system — the nervous and the muscular forces. 4. Truly remedial agents are materials and in- fluences which have normal relation to the vital or- gans, and not drugs and poisons, which are abnor- mal and anti-vital. 5. The True Healing Art consists in supplying the system with whatever of Nature's Materia Medica it can use under the circumstances, and not in the administration of poisons , which it must re- sist and expel. 6. Drug remedies are themselves causes of dis- ease — if they cure one disease, it is by producing, a drug disease. 7. Diseases are caused by obstructions, the ob- structing material being poisons or impurities of some kind. 8. The Hygienic system removes these obstruc- tions, restores proper balance, and leaves the body sound. 11. 9. Drug medicines add to the causes of obstruc- tion, and change acute into chronic disease. 10. The Hygienic System of Medication adopts all the remedial appliances in existence, and rejects poisons. 11. Nature's Materia Medica consists of Earth, Air, Water, Sunlight, Manipulations, Kest, Food, Drink, Water, Sleep, Clothing, Mental Influences and Mechanical or Surgical Appliances. OSTEOPATHY. Osteopathy is veritably a common sense method of healing diseased conditions of the body, either structural or functional — without knife or drugs — by means of strictly scientific manipulations. It makes no demands upon the vitality of the patient, but enlists the curative powers contained within the body, which readily respond when properly ap- pealed to. Its method is purely mechanical and its cardinal principles might be classified as: Skeleton Adjustment, Glandular Activity, Free Circulation of Blood and Co-ordination of Nerve force. Osteopathy comes from the Greek word "osteon" meaning bone and "pathos" pain. While Osteopathy is a new name given to this science by Dr. Still of Kirksville, Mo., and is called a new science, it is known that manipulation and movements were largely practised in ancient China and during the period from three to four thousand years before Christ it constituted the most valuable part of the whole system of the healing art. 12. HYDROPATHY OK WATER CURE. Next to air water is the most important thing touching human life and health. The water cure has cured tens of thousands of sick people in Eu- rope and America. Europe has hundreds of water cure doctors who cure all curable diseases and often after drugs have been tried for years in vain. Four fifths of the human body is composed of water. Water dissolves our food and carries it through the body. It also carries out the waste matter through the skin, lungs, kidneys and bowels. Eminent authorities claim that it is necessary to drink one tumbler full of water to each ten pounds of weight, once every twenty-four hours. Every curable disease can be cured by hygienic medicine, which means by diet, bathing, fresh air, Osteopathy, exercise and application of heat and cold. 13. ANAEMIA (or Anemia). Symptoms — Pale face, weakness, vertigo, insom- nia, impaired appetite, impaired digestion and cold extremities. TREATMENT. (1.) Have the patient lying on the side; use the arm as a lever (cut 3) and with your fingers pressing rather hard close to the spine; begin high up close to the vertebra, move the muscles deep upward and outward very gently but thoroughly, the entire length of the spine. Treat the other side similarly. Be very careful not to use the tips of the fingers in this treatment as that would cause the patient unnecessary pain. Hold the hands as flat as pos- sible using the fingers about the first joint. Very often tender spots are found along the spine; at such places a little additional treatment is indi- cated. These tender spots are often a congested condition over some nerve centre which controls some distant part. (2.) Have the patient lying on his back; flex the limbs against the chest and rotate the limb from side to side quite strongly two or three times (cut 4). Extend the limb with a light jerk. If this treatment is given properly it will free the femoral artery and vein and should be given thor- oughly when the patient is suffering with cold feet. 14. (3.) With one hand on each side of the thigh, the fingers meeting, begin close to the body and move the flesh to the bone from side to side. (4,) With the patient on his back, place one hand under the chin, the other hand under the back of the head ; pull gently and rotate the head from side to side. (5.) Have the patient on a stool; place your knee between the patient's shoulders, hold the patient's wrists and raise the arms slowly but strongly high above the head, pressing hard with the knee and lowering the arms with a backward motion, (cut 5 ) . The patient should inhale, rilling the lungs to their utmost capacity while the arms are raised, ex- haling as the arms are lowered. (6.) In all cases where the action of the heart is toe rapid, place one hand on each side of the neck, the fingers almost meeting over the spines of the four or five upper cervical vertebrae; press gently two or three minutes upon the vaso motor centre. ( cut 6 ) . A pressure at this point causes the arter- ies to relax, thus increasing their caliber and slow- ing the action of the heart. (7.) Always begin with a very light treatment and increase in strength witl^gach treatment until a point is reached where it wjoltld be unwise to treat with more strength. Th«e,j|perator must use good judgment as to how strong! or light a treatment should be given to produce the best results. The patient should always feel refreshed and re~ lieved after each treatment. 16. This treatment should be given every other day. Take plenty of sleep and inhale plenty of fresh air. Exerciser little each day. Sun baths and quick sponge baths should be taken daily. Bat plenty of fruit, whole wheat bread, grains and vegetables. Avoid all drugs, pork, sweets, pas- try, alcohol, tea, coffee and tobacco. APPENDICITIS. Symptoms — Begins with a feeling of weight, soreness and rapidly developing and severe pain in the lower right abdomen. The pain is increased by lying on the left side, the right leg is drawn, the ab- domen becomes tense, prominent and tender. Fever and loss of appetite. TREATMENT. (1.) Have the patient on his back; begin in the lower right abdomen and manipulate gently, but as deep as possible the ascending, transverse and de- scending colon, endeavoring to move any hardened lump of feces towards the rectum. (2.) Have the patient on his left side; hold the right hand of the patient and assistant holding the hip, draw the arm strongly above the head giving thorough extention. (cut 7) (8.) Have the patient on his left side; manipu- late deep and strong but gently over the cecum and vermiform appendix, manipulating as thoroughly as possible. 18. If this treatment is given correctly, in a careful and gentle manner, immediate relief will be experi- enced by the patient. (4.) Give No. 1 of Anaemia Treatment, (cut 3). (5.) Give No. 6 Anaemia Treatment. This treatment should be given every day. The first treatment will usually give relief. Use ice cold wet cloths and sitz baths several times a day to allay inflammation. Wash out the bowels by several injections of from two to four quarts of hot water. Take plenty of fresh air. The diet should be very light, gruels from oat-flake, rice or barley. To prevent another attack live according to "The Rules of Health/' ASTHMA. Symptoms — The attack comes on suddenly with struggles for breath, loud noises and wheezing with each breath. The face is flushed and the eyes have a terrorized expression. Marked dyspepsia and the scanty passage of pale, limped urine. The attack may last a few minutes, hours or days. Asthma which is called incurable by the medical profession can always be benefited and most cases can be cured by the following treatments. TREATMENT. (1.) Have the patient on his back; stand behind the patient, with the left hand hold the patient's left 20. wrist, place your right hand under the shoulder half way between the shoulder blade and the spine, slowly draw the arm upward high above the head, pulling steadily and strongly, at the same time having the patient take large inhalations, lower the arms with the fingers pressing steadily on an angle of the ribs. Treat opposite side in a similar man- ner. (2). Give No. 5 of Anaemia treatment. Give this thoroughly. (3). Have the patient on his back, with one hand on each side of the thorax, press the ribs up- ward and forward, holding them in this position while the patient fills the lungs. (4). Place the hand lightly over the lungs and vibrate gently for a couple of minutes over that portion which seems to be affected. Particular at- tention should be paid to vibration in all lung trou- bles. When properly administered it quickens, stimulates, strengthens and assists very materially in reducing congestion and inflammation and is beneficial in many cases. Vibration should be ap- plied with a loose wrist joint, using no greater pres- sure than the weight of the hand. All coughs, colds on the lungs, pleurisy and short, difficult breathing respond quickly to the Asthma cure. All those suffering from Asthma should avoid meat, greasy food, tobacco and stimulants. Eat plenty of fruit; have plenty of fresh air day and night; take a sponge bath daily. The hot sitz bath with hot cloth to the chest and cold along the spine is very beneficial. 21. BAD HEARING. Symptoms — A lack or deficiency in the sense of hearing. TREATMENT. (1). Have the patient on his back; place one hand under the chin and the other under the back of the head, pull gently and rotate the head in all di- rections. Try to stretch all the muscles of the neck. (2). Pull slowly on the head until the body moves. (3). Stand behind the patient and with the fin- gers nearly meeting on the back of the patient's neck press hard with the fingers upward and out- ward, manipulate the entire length of the neck in this manner. (1). Manipulate the muscles thoroughly and deep in the front of the neck, place the hand under the chin, drawing the neck backward; work as deeply as possible under the jaw. (5). Manipulate as deep and thorough as pos- sible all the muscles around the ear. (6). With the index finger work as deeply into the ear as possible without giving pain. Move the muscles in all directions. (7). Pull gently on the lobule with the thumb and finger. All diseases of the ear are greatly benefited and many cured. The usual time required to cure dif- ficult cases is from one to three months. 22. The cure is entirely affected through the circu- lation, consequently the above treatment is indi- cated in all cases. Prof. Kirk, of Edinburg, has cured a great number of cases by applying a bag of hot water to the back of the head for an hour each day. Doing this for a week, then omitting it a Aveek, then again for a week, etc. Some have been cured of total deafness by applying hot wet cloths to the back of the head for half an hour each day. Injections of warm Avater into the ear, Avashing out hardened AA T ax, has been found beneficial to some. BED-WETTING— ENURESIS. Symptoms — Im T oluntary discharge of the urine. TREATMENT. (1). Children who have no control over their urine can be cured with a very few treatments by pressing on the sacrum close to the last lumbar A^er- tebrae and raising the limbs as high as the patient can stand Avithout pain. Adults can also be cured with about four Aveeks of the above treatment. Avoid drinking for three or four hours before re- tiring, empty the bladder regularly and especially before retiring. 24. IMPURE BLOOD. Give the same treatment as for Anaemia. If you have impure blood you need pure food, pure water and pure air ; these are the necessaries. Avoid drugs or patent medicines. As the greater part of human blood is water, it is necessary to drink a great deal of it. Drink plenty of pure water and it will do you more good than all the drugs in the world. BLOODY FLUX OR ACUTE DYSENTERY. Symptoms — Diarrhea, nausea, slight feYer with colicky pains about the navel, also burning pains in the rectum. Evacuation contains blood and pus. Headache and weakness. TREATMENT. (1). Have the patient on his back, stand beside the bed and put both hands under him on each side of the spine about the lumbar vertebrae, raise the patient several inches off the bed, his weight rest- ing on the ends of the fingers. Do this several times. (2) . Have the patient on a stool, and place your knee on his back about the lumbar vertebrae, draw the patient backward as far as he can stand, hold a moment. Repeat this several times. (Cut 8.) (3). Give No. 6 Anaemia treatment to allay fever. 25. (4) Give No. 1 Anaemia treatment. This treatment should be given every three or four hours, and if given correctly the results will be remarkable. The writer has cured some bad cases by a few treatments and often after the med- ical doctors had failed to give any relief. The pa- tient should rest quietly in bed. Give large injec- tions of either hot or cold water. Apoly hot wet cloths or cold cloths to the abdomen. It is best to fast for a day or two, use a limited diet of fruits, gruels and toasted brown bread. BRONCHITIS. Symptoms Pain in the chest, cough, dry, then loose, chilliness, light fever, acting all over, loss cf appetite. TREATMENT. Give entire Osteopathic treatment for Asthma. Eat only two meals a day, avoid all rich foods, stimulants and drugs. Inhale plenty of fresh air. ACUTE NASAL CATARRH OR COLD IN THE HEAD. Symptoms — Sneezing, a watery discharge from the nose, chilliness, and a little fever. Scabs of dried mucus may form inside the nostrils. 26. TBEATMENT. (1). Give a thorough neck treatment. See the first four manipulations for bad hearing. (2). Move the muscles around the eyes, and beginning in the corner of the eyes, move the muscles upward and downward with hard pressure the entire length of the nose. (3). Manipulate all the muscles of the head thoroughly. (4). Give No. 6 of Anaemia treatment. In acute cases this treatment should be given every twelve to twenty-four hours ; in chronic cases every other day is sufficient. A hot sitz bath and hot lemonade with a hot foot bath, just before retiring is excellent in acute cases. Those suffering from catarrh should live, as close as possible, to nature. All the treatments and drugs in the world will not cure chronic catarrh unless the patient has plenty of air, sunlight and water. Eat only fruits, grains and fresh vegetables, drink frequently of water, and bathe frequently. Take an occasional mud bath and also a sun bath. COLD FEET. (1). Give No. 2 and No. 3 of Anaemia treat- ment. (2). Manipulate thoroughly the feet and limbs, rub the soles of the feet vigorously. Treat every day. Exercise a couple of hours each day. Bathe the feet in cold water for two minutes, then rub them dry. 28. CONSTIPATION OR COSTIVENESS. Symptoms — Sluggish action of the bowels, the stool is small and hard, liver and kidneys inactive, headache and dizziness. TREATMENT. ( 1 ) . Give No. 1 of Anaemia treatment and man- ipulate thoroughly about the small of the back. (2). Give No. 1 Asthma treatment. (3). Give No. 1 Appendicitis treatment. ( 4 ) . Manipulate over and around the liver, with one hand on the ribs, the other over the liver ; press quite strongly. Work as deeply as possible with the fingers over the liver, under the ribs and raise them gently. (5). Vibrate over the liver. See No. 4 Asthma treatment. (6). Give No. 4 Anaemia treatment. Be care- ful to pull the head strongly and turn from right to left; also manipulate the muscles in front and side of the neck thoroughly. ( 7 ) . Have the patient on his back ; pound with the fists for a couple of minutes on the sacrum. The treatment is also good in cases of piles or hemorr- hoids. See illustration No. 11. This treatment should be given every other day and a cure of the worst form of constipation can be affected in from one to six weeks. Eat plenty of fruits and coarse grains. Take plenty of exercise every day. 29. CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS, OR TUBERCULOSIS. Symptoms — Generally begins with dyspepsia and cold hands and feet; failure of nutrition and enfeebled circulation are often noticed early. Loss of appetite, shortness of breath, pain in the chest and shoulders, night sweats, hacking cough, bleed- ing from the lungs of small quantities at intervals, expectoration of mucus, becoming frothv and then purulent, red spots on the cheeks, feverishness in evening and easily fatigued. In women derange- ment or suppression of mentrual functions. TREATMENT. (1). Give No. 1 Anaemia treatment. (2). Give No. 1 Asthma treatment. (3). Give No. 4 Asthma treatment. (4). Give No. 5 Anaemia treatment. (5). I have found it to good advantage to vib- rate over the spleen. Light cases of lung trouble can be cured in two weeks by one treatment every day or every other day. In some very stubborn cases from four weeks to two months, providing tuberculosis has not set in. Take daily a sponge bath. The diet should bo mainly of fruits and grains. Take deep inhalations in the open air every hour during the day. Be careful to breath through the nose, live in the open air as much as possible. Give up all bad habits and, tobacco, alcohol, tea, coffee, rich foods, pastry, con- diments, fried foods and drugs. Pains in the chest 30 are almost instantly relieved by hot wet cloths be- tween the shoulders, and cold wet cloths over the lungs; change both cloths every five minutes. DIFFICULT BREATHING. This occurs in a large number of diseases. Give the treatment same as for Asthma. Let the patient rest in an easy position and aptij^ hot wet cloths to the chest. Sponge the body once a day with hot water. Be careful as to diet, giving no solid food. DIPHTHERIA. Symptoms — These in many respects are variable and vary in intensity in different cases. The prom- inent symptoms being often disproportionate to the gravity of the attack. The invasion may be mild, with rigors, succeeded by moderate fever, headache, languor, loss of appetite, stiffness of the neck, ten- derness about the angles of the jaw, or slight sore- ness of the throat. In other cases the invasion is more abrupt and severe, with chilliness, followed by great febrile reaction; 103 to 105° F; pain in the ear, aching of the limbs, loss of strength, pain- ful deglutition and swelling of the neck, compelling the patient to take to the bed from the onset. The urine is scanty, high colored and contains albumen. Grayish white false membrane in the throat; there may be white patches in the throat without Croup or Diphtheria. 32. TREATMENT. (1). Give No. 4 Anaemia treatment. (2). Move all the muscles of the neck thor- oughly from side to side. (3). Manipulate the muscles in the patient's mouth with one finger, this loosens the membrane and it is likely to be expelled. (4). Give No. 1 Asthma treatment. (5). Have the patient on his back, put your arms around the patient, your fingers almost meet- ing on the spine below the last rib, press Avith the fingers on each side of the spine and raise the pa- tient's body till only the hips and shoulders rest on the bed, do this two or three times, moving the hands up a couple of inches ; this will stop all vomit- ing. (6). Give No. 6 Anaemia treatment. This will slow the action of the heart. Diphtheria in its worst form yields readily to the above treatment, sometimes a complete cure is affected in a few days. Treatment should be given every six hours and No. 6 may be given oftener as it always relieves. Apply ice cold cloths or ice in a rag to the throat. Every half hour apply hot wet cloths to the throat for ten minutes. Hold ice far back in the mouth. Give daily a hot sitz bath or a hot sponge bath. Do not give any food until after the crisis. Some of the most renowned physicians in the United States say that anti-toxine treatment is a complete fail- ure. 33 DYSMENORRHEA, OR PAINFUL MENSTRUA- TION. Symptoms — Usually from twenty-four to forty- eight hours before the discharge makes its appear- ance there will be pains in the back and loins and lower part of the abdomen, sometimes extending; down the thighs; this pain varies in character and duration in different persons and forms of this dis- ease. Some suffer but a few hours before relieved by the discharge and others suffer for several days: while the discharge takes place. Some cases are accompanied by constipation, nausea and sensi- tiveness of the stomach with great irritability of mind, fainting, headache and neuralgia may like- wise occur. TREATMENT. (1). Have the patient lying on her face, work on each side of the spine with the thumbs from the waist down, moving the muscles upward and out- ward. (2). Give No. 2 Anaemia treatment. Give this thoroughly. (3). Have the patient on her back, holding firmly to the head of the table or couch ; give gentle extension of the spine by pulling on her feet. (4). Vibrate lightly over the uterus for a min- ute or so. See No. 4 Asthma treatment. 34 (5). It is very often advisable in cases of sup- pressed menstruation or dysmenorrhea to give a portion or all of the treatment for Anaemia in ad- dition to the above. There is no treatment known that attains the success in the diseases of women as the Osteopathic treatment. It frees and equalizes the circulation and nerve wave to the sexual organs. There is liard- Iv any female disease which does not respond readily to the Osteopathic treatment, except dis eases which are the direct result of tuberculosis. Take a hot sitz bath and drink hot water. Rest in bed and eat little. Avoid eating rich foods, pastry, tea coffee and all drugs. Read the Rules of Health carefully, especially rule No. 3. In my experience I have met with great success in the treatment of diseases of women and give advice by mail. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Symptoms — Perverted appetite, difficult diges- tion, heart burn, flatulency, regurgitation or vomit- ing of portions of partly digested food or acrid fluid, pain or soreness at the pit of the stomach during digestion, tongue either clean or broad, flabby and pale, bowels constipated, drowsiness after meals, with wakefulness at night. Defective memory, headache, flashes of heat and palpitation of the heart. 35 TREATMENT. (1). Give No. 1 Anaemia treatment. Tender spots will usually be found on the spine between the shoulder blades, they will disappear after a few treatments, Avhen the patient will begin to recover. (2). In all cases where constipation exists give the Constipation treatment or as much of it as is thought necessary. (3). Give No. 5 Anaemia treatment. In giving this treatment press hard with the knee between the shoulder blades as the arms are lowered. (4). Give No. 4 Anaemia treatment. Also manipulate in the front of the neck thoroughly. (5). Vibrate lightly over the stomach for a minute. See No. 4 Asthma treatment. Avoid SAveets, fats, starchy foods, tobacco, al- cohol, tea and coffee. Eat largely of fruits and grains, sip one-half glass of water every hour and especially one-half hour before meals. This stim- ulates the circulation and increases the juices of the stomach. Read carefully the Rules of Health, and especially rules 2 and 7. SIMPLE FEVER. Symptoms — Onset sudden, with abrupt feeling of lassitude, followed by a decided chill or dullness, a sudden or rapid rise of temperature, quick tense pulse, headache, dry skin, great thirst, coated tongue, costive bowels and scanty high colored 36 urine. Cases clue to errors in diet are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. TREATMENT. ( 1 ) . Give No. 1 Bad Hearing treatment. (2). Give No. 4 Bad Hearing treatment. (3). In cases of diarrhea give the diarrhea treatment. (4). Vibrate for a minute over the abdomen. See Asthma treatment No. 4. (5). Give No. 6 Anaemia treatment. This treatment should be given every three to six hours. As there are a large variety of fevers and no two cases are exactly alike, it is therefore unnecessary to spend the time of illustrating each variety. The Osteopathic treatment and also all natural treat- ments are practically the same in all cases of fever. It therefore depends largely upon the good judg- ment of the operator in applying the correct treat- ment. (6). I have found it very beneficial in a large number of cases to give No. 2 and No. 3 Anaemia treatments ; also rub the soles of the feet vigorously. This has a wonderful effect in drawing the blood to the extremities and also cooling the patient. You may assist in cooling the fever by sponging with cool water the whole body, except the arms and legs, or by wrapping a cool, wet sheet around the body, keeping the feet warm with hot irons ; put 37 cold rags on the head or pour cold water on the head held over the side of the bed or by keeping cold Avet cloths on the bowels and chest. During fever there is little or no digestive fluid in the stomach. Allow but one light meal a day or none for a day or two. Gruels of grains, milk, vegetable soup, grapes, oranges, lemons and cooked apples constitute the best diet. Be sure to have plenty of fresh air in the room either in winter or summer; also have plenty of sunshine in the room. If the bowels do not move every day, wash out by injecting a couple of quarts of tepid water. GASTRITIS. See Dyspepsia treatment. HEADACHE. All headaches not caused by fevers, the stomach, or the uterus, can be cured almost instantly by giv- ing the proper Osteopathic treatment. ( 1 ) . Place one hand on the forehead, the other on the back of the head and press for several min- utes quite hard. ( 2 ) . Give No. 6 Anaemia treatment. (3). Give No. 1 Bad Hearing treatment. ( 4 ) . Give No. 4 Bad Hearing treatment. ( 5 ) . Have the patient on a stool ; stand behind the patient with one hand on each side of the fore- head, stroke backward and downward. 38 (6). With the thumb and fingers of the right hand on either side of the patient's neck and the left hand on his forehead tilt backward gently, at the same time lift the right hand. Rotate the head. As headaches are usually caused by constipation, overloaded stomach, lack of bathing, debility, brain troubles, rheumatism, poor ventilation, alcohol, etc., it is always well to remove the cause if pos- sible, and also to give the other treatments as in- dicated from the cause. Give the patient a hot foot bath, and put cold wet cloths on the head. When one is subject to headache they should avoid all grease, fried foods and drugs; also alcohol, tea, coffee and tobacco. Read the Rules of Health. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, OR ENTERITIS. Symptoms — Fever, colicy pains about the um- bilicus, abdomen is tender, bowels are loose, stools contain but little fecal matter, are yellow or green- ish yellow in color. If the stools are numerous they become whitish and watery, no blood in stools. (1). Give No. 1 of the Appendicitis treatment only in the reversed order; that is, to begin in the lower left-hand corner of the abdomen. Knead the bowels carefully up the descending colon, across the transverse colon and down the ascending col- on. This checks the peristaltic action of the bowels and the diarrhea. 39 (2). Give No. 1 Bloody Flux treatment. (3). Give No. 1 The Asthma treatment. Exercising great care to press with the fingers hard between the shoulder blades as the arms are lowered. (4). If the muscles in the lower part of the spine are in a tender or sensitive condition, treat that part of the spine. See Anaemia treatment, No. 1. (5). If fever exists hold the vaso motor for a short time. See No. 6 Anaemia treatment. This treatment should be given very carefully and gently once each day. If given correctly relief will imme- diately ensue. Give a very light diet of fruits and grains. A hot sitz bath and also large injections of hot water daily; hot wet cloths on the abdomen will relieve. INFLUENZA, OB LA GBIPPE. Symptoms — Fever, debility, aching of the whole body, soreness in the back and limbs, stiffness of neck, headache over the eyes, nose, and eyes wa- tery, and loss of appetite. TBEATMENT. Give the same treatment as for fever. When nose and eyes are very watery give part of the treatment for Sore Eyes. Follow the same hygienic treat- ment as for fever. 40 GONORRHEA, SYPHILIS, MASTURBATION, IMPOTENCE, GLEET. and all diseases of men are successfully treated by the author of this book. See ad. in the back of this book. KIDNEY DISEASES. I have had great success in the treatment of all kidney and bladder troubles, but as the diagnosis of kidney diseases depends almost wholly upon the analysis of the urine, it is therefore impracticable to give the treatment for each disease. But I would recommend the treatment as laid down for Anae- mia. Also vibrate over the kidneys. In all cases of kidney trouble it is well to live on. a diet of fruits, grains and vegetables. Avoid meat, tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Hot sitz baths and hot wet cloths are good for pain in the kidneys or bladder. TORPID LIVER. Symptoms — Loss of appetite, slight fever, head- ache, furred tongue, nausea, bitter taste and usu- ally constipated. TREATMENT. ( 1 ) . Give No. 1 Anaemia treatment thoroughly. (2). Give thorough extension of the spine. See No. 3 Dysmenorrhea treatment. ( 3 ) . Give No. 4 Anaemia treatment. 41 ( 4 ) . In all cases where constipation exists give all or part of the constipation treatment. (5). Give No. 2 Anaemia treatment. (6). Press and manipulate around the liver. ( 7 ) . Vibrate over the liver. See No. 4 Asthma treatment. Give all of this treatment in a careful and thor- ough manner once each day. Wear a wet towel around the waist at night. Avoid fats, sweets, fried foods, pastry, tea and cof- fee, tobacco, alcohol and eat meat sparingly. Fol- low closely the Rules of Health. LUMBAGO. Symtoms — Rheumatic pains in the loins usually shooting upward, increased by muscular exercise, may be chronic or acute. TREATMENT. (1). Give No. 2 Anaemia treatment, (2). Give No. 3 Anaemia treatment. (3). Give No. 1 Dysmenorrhea treatment. (4). Have the patient lying on his side; with one hand manipulate the muscles of the lumbar vertebrae, pressing rather hard at the same time with the other hand, raise the limb and press it from you. ( See cut 9. ) No known diseases yield as readily to Osteopathic treatment as Lumbago and Sciatica. 42 I have cured numerous acute cases with one or two treatments, and many chronic cases of many years' standing* in from two to six weeks' time. And if this treatment is given correctly it will he unnecessary to give anv other treatment. Hot sitz baths and hot wet cloths generally give relief. Wearing a hot wet cloth about the small of the back is very beneficial. Drugs do no good in either of these diseases. Live according to the Eules of Health. NEURASTHENIA, OK NERVOUS PROSTRA- TION. Symptoms — Nervousness, cold hands and feet, fullness in the head with flushes of heat, headache, dizziness, melancholy; in the male there are genito urinary disorders, with pains in the back; in the female, painful menstruation, ovarian irritation and irritable uterus. TREATMENT. (1). Give No. 1 Anaemia treatment. (2). Give No. 1 Bad Hearing treatment. (3). Give No. 4 Bad Hearing treatment. This treatment is beneficial and is usually suffi- cient, but if any other complication exists apply whatever other treatment is necessary. Applying the treatment as laid down for Anae- mia is very good. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, tea, cof- fee, condiments, sexual excesses, overwork, irregu- u lar habits and drugs. A sponge bath daily and a couple of hours of exercise in the fresh air. Take a good hot bath once a week. Follow the Rules of Health. See rule 9. NEURALGIA. ( Pain in the Course of a Nerve. ) Symptoms — Darting, burning pain in the course of an affected nerve which ceases at times. The skin usually becomes insensible; pain may last for a few minutes or for days. TREATMENT. As Neuralgia' may -manifest itself in many parts of the body, no definite treatment can be laid down. If the disease is in the face thorough manipulation of the face and neck should be given. See Bad Hearing treatment. If in the limb as sciatica man- ipulate thoroughly that limb. See Lumbago treat- ment. I have permanently cured bad cases of neuralgia of years standing with five or six treatments. Treat every day. Hot wet cloths or cold wet cloths or ice will relieve the pain. Apply along the spine cloths wrung out of cold water; change every few minutes. For a Dermanent cure the patient's health must be improved. Sun baths and exercise with plenty of fresh air is necessary. 45 PLEURISY. Symptoms — Pain or stitch in the side, difficult breathing, fever and cough, pain is usually on a level with the nipple. TREATMENT. Give the entire treatment as laid down for Asth- ma. In acute cases of pleurisy I have found it un- necessary to give all of the Asthma treatment. In- stant relief is afforded after giving No. 2 of the Asthma treatment if given in a thorough and gentle manner. The treatment should be given once a day. Hot wet cloths applied to the pain generally re- lieve, but if this does not suffice, apply cold wet cloths all over the chest. PARALYSIS OR PALSY. Under the general term of paralysis are classed various conditions which involve inability, partial or complete, to control various muscles of the body. May be caused by nerve diseases, muscular strains, excesses, poisoning, scarlet fever, diphtheria, men- ingitis, etc. ; may also be the result of apoplexy. When one entire side of the body from the head downward, is affected, it is called hemiplegia. If the lower half of the body be attacked it is called paraplegia, and when confined to a limb or set of muscles it is called paralysis. Palsy usually comes on with a sudden and inline- 46 diate loss of motion and sensibility of the parts, sometimes preceded by a numbness, coldness and paleness and sometimes b}^ slight convulsive twitch- ings. Occasionally the disease advances more slowly, a finger, hand, arm or the muscles of the tongue, of the mouth or of the eyelid being first affected. TKEATMENT. In all cases of paralysis I give practically the same Osteopathic treatment as in acute muscular rheumatism, being very careful to manipulate the spinal column on both sides thoroughly. (Anaemia treatment No. 1, illustration No. 3) . Give an exten- sion of the spine, by a strong, steady pull on the patient's feet with an assistant holding the shoul- ders, also manipulate thoroughly the affected parts. If the paralysis is in the lower extremities Anae- mia treatment No. 2 (illustration No. 4) must be given thoroughly. This stretches the great sciatic, one of the largest nerves in the body, which supplies the larger part of the limb. Anions the many cases of paralysis I have successfully treated, I might mention a little boy of St. Paul, Minn. Nine months ago he and his mother made a visit to New York; he was then a bright, active child of three years. In NeAV York he Avas taken sick with fever and spinal meningitis, which left his limbs paral- ysed. They gradually wasted away until there was little left but the skin and bones. He Avas carried 47 from one specialist to another while in New York, but they all said nothing could be done for the poor little fellow. The mother brought her child home, still hoping that she would find some one who could help him. They consulted their family physician, who recommended several nerve specialists in St. Paul, but after each examination they all agreed that nothing could be done to make the child walk. He was brought to me two months ago. His limbs are developed to normal size and he can walk. Persons suffering from paralysis should live strictly according to the Kules of Health. Take plenty of fresh air ; bathe regularly ; avoid tobacco, alcohol and drugs. CROUPOUS PNEUMONIA OR LUNG FEVER. Symptoms — Chills, fever, deep-seated, dull pain beneath the breast bone or shoulder blade, great feeling of illness, short breath, frequent short cough, skin is hot, expectoration of viscid matter of a green, yellow or pale color, sometimes tinged with blood which forms such tenacious masses that they cling to the bottom of the vessel containing them. TREATMENT. (1). Give No. 1 Anaemia treatment. (2). Give No. 1 Bad Hearing treatment. (3). Give No. 1 Asthma treatment. ( 4 ) . Vibrate over the lungs. See No. 4 Asthma treatment. 48 (5). Give No. 6 Anaemia treatment to reduce the fever. This treatment will give immediate re- lief and a speedy cure if the case has not gone too far. Give a sponge bath daily, cold, wet half oack around the chest, while the fever is high, but sitz bath if the feet and legs are cold. See that the pa- tient has plenty of fresh air. Give a tea cup of milk or gruel every two or three hours ; give plenty of water to drink. CATARRHAL PNEUMONIA. (Or Inflammation of the Lungs, Beginning With the Bronchi.) Symptoms — Just the same as in Croupous Pneu- monia, only that the disease is in spots, hence it is called Lobular Pneumonia. TREATMENT. Give the same treatment as for Croupous Pneu- monia. ACUTE ARTICULAR RHEUMATISM. Symptoms — Begins suddenly, usually at night, with a chill or chilliness, pain and stiffness in the joints, loss of appetite, followed by fever, the tem- perature soon reaching 102 F to 104° F; in rare cases 108 F to 110° F, the pulse seldom exceeding 95, great thirst, profuse acid sweats and scanty high colored acid urine, sometimes showing traces of albumen, bowels constipated. 49 Sleep is prevented by the pain and profuse pers- piration ; the pain is aggravated by motion or pres- sure, the swelling is most armarent in those joints; not covered with muscle : knee, wrist, elbow, ankle., hand and feet. TKEATMENT. (1). If the disease is located in the lower extremity give No. 2 Anaemia treatment. (2). Give No. 3 Anaemia treatment. (3). Stretch the limb gently by pulling on the foot. (4). Give No. 1 Anaemia treatment, working principally on the lower part of the spine. As all the joints will be very painful, great care must be taken to give this treatment in a very gentle man- ner. Treatment should be given every other day. (1). If the disease is located in the upper extremity, give No. 1 of the Anaemia treatment, manipulating principally on the upper part of the spine. (2). Give No. 5 Anaemia treatment. (3). Have one hand on the patient's shoulder,. with the other hold the patient's elbow, Dressing hard Avith both hands, move the arm upward, for- ward and around. ( See cut 10 ) . (4). With one hand hold the patient's wrist and with the other move the muscles from right to* left and from left to rieht the whole length of the- arm. 50 (5). With one hand on the patient's shoulder, the other on the wrist, stretch the arm. When Rheumatism is in any other part of the body except the upper or lower extremities, it is Avell to give a thorough treatment, manipulating principally on the spinal column, also stretch the neck and extremities. Take a hot sitz bath one day and a hot air or sun bath the next day. If the bowels do not move wash the bowels out every other dav with an injection of hot water. Eat plentv of fruits and grain. Avoid meat, alcohol, tea, coffee, rich foods and drugs. Among many of the remarkable cures I have made is that of a prominent Minneapolis newspa- per man, whom I cured in a few treatments of rheumatism in the feet. He was unable to walk or put on his shoes. CHRONIC ARTICULAR RHEUMATISM. Symptoms — Pain and stiffness in one or more of the joints, most frequently in a shoulder and knee. This disease very often follows the acute form. In time the affected limb looses its power of motion, and lameness results. The pain is more or less constant, but is worse in damp weather, rarely any swelling or elevation of temperature. TREATMENT. Give same treatment as for acute articular rheu- matism, only in this form one treatment every other 52 day is sufficient. Great care must be taken to man- ipulate thoroughly all around the affected joints. MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM. Symptoms — This disease involves the muscles instead of the joints. Its onset is sudden, usually first noticed on attempting to rise in the morning. The first attack is generally acute; in the chronic form it returns frequently and finally becomes con- stant and aggravated when the weather is damn. The suffering may be severe and constant or only on motion. Fever is absent. TREATMENT. In all forms of rheumatism the treatment is prac- tically the same as for acute muscular rheumatism. When the disease is acute it is best to treat about once everv twenty-four hours; when chronic one treatment every other day is sufficient. See rule 15 of the Rules of Health. SCIATICA. (Pain Following the Course of the Sciatic Nerve.) Symptoms — Sciatica usually follows an attack of Lumbago, the pain becomes fixed in the sciatic nerve. The pain is sharp, tearing, shooting or lan- cinating in character, increased upon motion, shoot- ing along the course of the nerve into the hip, inner side of the thigh, calf of the leg, ankle and heel, at 53 one or all of these points, paroxynis lasting from a few hours to twenty-four hours or longer. TREATMENT. Give the Lumbago treatment, being careful to give Nos. 2 and 3 Anaemia treatment in a thorough and careful manner. SORE EYES OR CONJUNCTIVITIS. Symptoms — Eyelids stuck together on awaken- ing, heavy feeling, itching and burning sensation. TREATMENT. ( 1 ) . Give Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Bad Hearing treatment, (2). Manipulate thoroughly all the muscles around the eye. (3). With one finger manipulate thoroughly, but gently, under the edge of the bone surrounding the eye. Be careful not to press on the eyeball. (4). Vibrate over the eye with two fingers lightly. See No. 4 Asthma treatment. This treat- ment should be given every day. The above treatment should be given for in- flammation of the eyes, granulated eyelids, weak eyes, near sightedness, etc. Be sure to improve the general health by following the rules laid down in this book. Rest the eyes and shade them from the light. Apply cold wet cloths, sponge them with hot water twice a day. If only one eye is dis- eased protect the other by using a different towel. 54 SOKE THKOAT OE ACUTE PHARYNGITIS. Symptoms — Stiffness of the neck, enlargement of the cervical glands, hoarseness, chilliness and fever; often white spots on the tonsils. TREATMENT. ( 1 ) . Give Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bad Hearing treat- ment. (2). Give No. 1 Asthma treatment. (3). Vibrate over the larynx. See No. 4 Asth- ma treatment. Give this thoroughly, but gently, every day. Take a hot foot bath on going to bed and apply a cold wet cloth on the throat over night. TONSILLITIS OR QUINSY. Symptoms — Usually one tonsil is affected, some- times both, onset more or less sudden, rise in tem- perature, headache, thirst, pain and swelling at the angle of the jaw, with a constant desire to clear the throat, difficult and painful deglutition from the enlarged tonsils, almost closing the fauces, when the respiration is more or less impeded, some- times earache and deafness. TREATMENT. (1). Give No. 1 Anaemia treatment, (2). Give Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bad Hearing treat- ment. 55 (3). Manipulate the neck thoroughly, but gent- ly, in the region of the tonsils around the angle of the jaw. (4). When fever exists give No. 6 Anaemia treatment. This treatment should be given every day. Give a hot foot bath and applv cold wet cloths to the throat. Allow only a simple diet of fruits, grains and vegetables. Have plenty of fresh air and sunlight. TONSILS— ENLARGED. Symptoms — Difficult swallowing, enlargement of the tonsils, interference with swallowing, talking and breathing, sometimes hardness of hearing. TREATMENT. Treat the same as for tonsillitis. Put a cold cloth on the throat over night and for two hours during the day use hot and cold cloths ; hot cloths for half an hour, then cold cloths for half an hour ; change both hot and cold cloths every five minutes. Im- prove the general health by living according to the Rules of Health. VERTIGO OR DIZZINESS. Symptoms — The attack of giddiness comes on suddenly, indistinct vision and slight confusion of thoughts. In all varieties of vertigo the sensation of objects moving around the patient, or the patient moving around objects which remain stationary is 56 present in some degree. There is no loss of con- sciousness. The ordinary symptoms of vertigo be- ing preceded by headache, nausea, specks before the eyes, and pain in the eveballs. TREATMENT. When this disease is associated with stomach troubles or if it is caused by a nervous disorder. T have found it advisable to give the entire treatment for Anaemia omitting No. 6. When the trouble results from the disease of the semicircular canals and cocklea, give Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Bad Hearing treatment; also No. 5 Anaemia treatment. Treat every other day. As this disease is often caused by too much or too little blood in the brain, loss of sleep, sexual ex- cesses, etc., one should live on a plain and simple diet and follow the Rules of Health. AMENORRHEA OR SUPPRESSED MEN- STRUATION. Symptoms — If caused by phthesis, there is ema- ciation, cough, and night sweats; when caused by anaemia, there is dyspnea and palpitation on exer- tion, loss of appetite, headache, constipation, hys teria and palor. TREATMENT. (1) Give no. 1 Dysmenorrhea treatment. (2) Have the patient on her face and with both 57 hands on the same side of the spine, move the mus- cles upward and outward very carefully and deep the entire length of the spine, working more thor- oughly the lower part, (3) Give No. 2 Anaemia treatment. (4) Give No. 3 Dysmenorrhea treatment. ( 5 ) Vibrate over the uterus, lightly. See Asth- ma Treatment No. 4. Very often it is advisable in cases of suppressed menstruation or dysmenorrhea to give all or part of the treatment for Anaemia in addition to the above. At the expected time take a hot sitz bath, also drink hot water, apply hot cloths and bricks, rest in bed, avoid corsets and drugs. See 3 and 4 of the Eules of Health. SCANTY MENSTRUATION OR OLIGOMEN- ORRHEA. Treat the same as for Amenorrhea. PROFUSE MENSTRUATION OR MENORR- HAGIA. Symptoms — Excessive and long menstrual flow. TREATMENT. (1) Give No. 2 Amenorrhea treatment. (2) With the patient on her face press rather hard between each vertebrae. Treat every other day. As this disease is often caused by plethora or de- 58 bility, great attention should be given to the gen- eral health. Take plenty of out-door exercise and fresh air. Apply cold wet cloths over the lower part of the abdomen. Should the menstruation last too long, it can be stopped by a cold sitz bath. See 3 and 4 of the Eules of Health. PLETHORA OR TOO MUCH BLOOD. Give the same Osteopathic Treatment as for Anaemia. Do not eat more food than is necessary. Avoid meat, grease, eggs, alcohol, sugar, milk, nuts, tea and coffee. Eat plenty of grains, vegetables, sour and acid foods. Exercise for two hours each day. Take a couple of hot baths each week, also a couple of sun baths. The above treatment is also good for obesity. SKIN DISEASES. All skin diseases yield readily to the Osteopathic Treatment and are cured in a short time by hygienic living. TREATMENT. Manipulate the affected parts thoroughly. Take daily a sponge bath also a sun bath and exercise according to strength. Live according to the Rules of Health. WEAK STOMACH. All stomach troubles not caused by what we eat 60 or how we eat and drink are caused by a lack of nerve power to the stomach. If we eat too much we over work the stomach. If there is too little nerve power to the stomach there will not be enough juices secreted to digest the food. Do not eat too often, the stomach needs rest. Avoid mustard, pepper, horse radish, catsup, spices, large amounts of salt and other seasonings, they irritate the stomach and weaken it, Do not take your food or drink too hot or too cold. I have found that people with electric temperament, that is, dark complected people, should have their food quite warm ; where as, those of a magnetic tempera- ment, that is, light complected people, do well on tolerably cool food. See and follow the treatment as laid down for dyspepsia and indigestion. LOSS OF APPETITE. If the patient has a poor circulation give the Osteopathic Treatment as laid down for Anaemia. Sup one-fourth of a glass of water every half hour. See Constipation Treatment. Live in the open, fresh air as much as possible ; take a sun bath every day and bathe the whole body twice a week. Avoid drugs, highly seasoned food and bitters, they do a great deal of harm and no good. No food should be eaten at the beginning of a disease or in fevers as there is little or no juice in the stomach to digest the food. Man is the only animal that will eat when he is sick. 61 SPKAINS. By falling and twisting the foot or limbs and by other accidental injuries the ligaments about va- rious joints may be suddenly stretched, constituting a sprain. The pain is usually severe and sharp, swelling and often redness of the parts follow. TEEATMENT. If commenced immediately apply cold running w r ater to the sprain. (1) In the immediate region of the sprain ma- nipulate gently but thoroughly all the muscles. (2) Give thorough extension and rotation of the joint. Give this treatment every day. Under no circumstances should the affected joint be used before recovery. SWEATING FEET. This is often caused by nervousness. Improve the general health and wash the feet night and morning. Take also a sponge bath daily, wear clean hose daily and shoes with good large soles. Go barefoot an hour each day, if possible, and ex- pose the feet to the sun. See the Kules of Health, rule 7 for sweating feet. SITZ BATH. In many of the treatments I have advised a sitz bath — possibly many will not know how this bath is snven. 62 An ordinary wash tub will do, put a brick or thick stick of wood under one side of the tub. Sit in the tub with the feet out side, have enough water to cover the hips. Have a blanket around the neck covering the tub. When taking a hot sitz bath add more hot water every few minutes. Fifteen to thirty minutes is long enough to re- main in the water if it is hot, if it is cold two to live minutes. The hot sitz bath is excellent to reduce pain, also in female and kidney troubles, etc. The cold sitz bath is splendid for piles and other diseases of the rectum, and to stop hemorrhage of the vagina, etc. SUN BATH. The sun bath is the exposure of the naked skin of the whole body to the sun shine. The sun bath is a splendid tonic and strengthener in all diseases. The patient should be so as to expose the whole body, excepting the head, to the sunshine. Beginning with ten minutes, increasing each day, a few minutes. At the end of each sun bath always sponge the body in tepid water. The sun bath is excellent in cases of bad nutrition, nervousness and skin diseases, consumption, dyspepsia, paralysis, neuralgia, rheumatism, hypochondria and conva- lescense from various acute diseases. See rule of the Rules of Health. 63 THE MUD BATH. The mud bath is taken by covering the whole or part of the body with soft mud — for from fifteen to thirty minutes. This bath is best when taken out in the onen air by a river or lake and combined with a sun bath. Always use dark or black earth or clav. Termin- ate the mud bath with a thorough washing. The mud bath is excellent in all skin diseases, catarrh, consumption and in many other com- plaints. A FEW THINGS THAT ABE GOOD TO DO IN ALL DISEASES. Have the windows open and see that the patient has plenty of fresh air. Give a quick sponge bath every day. Give the patient nothing to eat from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, drinking water when hungry. Apply cold cloths to the head and hot irons or bottles to the feet. If the patient has fever sponge with cool water over the back, chest and abdomen. Avoid tobacco, whiskey, meat, pastry, tea, coffee and fried foods. 64 BULES OP HEALTH. For many years I have been engaged daily in treating chronic diseases, and I am thankful to be able to say I have attained a success greater than has any other Osteopathic Physician that I know of— much greater than I dared hope for in my early experience. I attribute a greater part of that success to my putting my patients on the right track in their habits of living. I give all of them the following rules or directions, modifying some to suit the needs of each case. Strictly observed they are worth more to any young person, than would be a deed of the best farm in the state. 1 ) You must sleep eight hours out of the twen- ty-four. For children ten, eleven or even twelve hours. Students eight or nine ; and laborers eight. Plenty of good sound sleep will cure nervous dis- eases. (2) After dinner lie down in a comfortably warm room for about thirty minutes, relaxing all your muscles and making yourself passive as possi- ble. By this means and a proper diet with very little manipulation I cure the very worst forms of dyspepsia. (3) Must dress loosely, not binding any part of the body tight with corsets, belts, straps, neck- ties or garters. Corsets kill more than cannon. Men only are slain in war. Nature keeps up the 65 balance by inducing women to slay themselves. Our passions, *pride and ignorance send us to the battle,, theirs send them to a slaughter as deadly; so that, after all, the sexes are kept nearly equal in the world; our greater exposure to the perils of travel on land and water and to dangerous and destruc- tive employments, being about balanced by their risks in child-birth and their follies in dress. At a very early age pride places these corsets and bands about the tender, delicate body of the school -girl. Tight belts sometimes cause inflammation and other serious disorders of the kidneys; tight neck- ties induce fullness of blood in the head, vertigo, dizziness, apoplexy, and even paralysis; tight gar- ters make cold feet, and worn long, cause bursting of the veins, and ugly sores on the shins and an- kles, interrupting the circulation in the extremi- ties, they turn to the brain, and so induce irritabil- ity of the nerves, headache, etc. (4) Yon innst suspend all garments from the shoulders — never front the hips or waist. Dress the hips and waist as loose for the day as you do for the night. If this rule is not fully observed there is no hope of recovery from weak back or loins, trembling knees or dragging down pains. Men often rupture themselves by not heeding this rule. Women induce diseases of the womb from hang- ing their skirts about their loins and hips instead 66 of from the shoulders. Can there be any greater folly than to attempt to cure these diseases with- out removing their cause? (5) Dress in light colors. The nearer white the better, under garments and all. (6) Spend in the sunlight at least six hours a day that the sun shines if you can, and the more the better. If confined in doors you should be be- fore a window where the sunlight will fall upon you for the time but it is better for you to be out, in it if you can, and if at first it causes you head- ache, shield the head and eyes; but remember the sun-light will do you little good if clad in dark gar- ments. These two rules are to be observed with the greatest care by those suffering from nervous- ness, catarrh or consumption. White transmits light, black absorbs it. See the difference between heat and light. Now what the human body needs is light, not the heat from the sun. On a bright sunny day, dressed in white one can walk nearly twice as far and endure nearly twice as much, as if dressed in black of the same texture. Then white disposes to cheerfulness and black to gravity and sadness. In our present style of living we do not get enough sunlight. It is unnatural to be housed up all day as we are, and we must suffer for it. The windows should be large, and not hidden with cur- 67 tains or blinds, nor shaded with trees. The fear of being tanned leads many women to eliolate them- selves till, like a bleached-celery plant, all whitened, they are fit only for the banquet of the grave Avorms. They and their children become scrofu- lous, consumptive, or cancerous, as do the coal min- ers of England and other countries, who spend their days in the dark mines. These miners are notorious for the prevalence of these diseases among them, and for rickets and deformities. Good health and good sense seek the sunny side of the car in riding, and the sunny side of the street in walking. They abhor the shade and the dark. (7) You must keep the feet dry, and if they perspire freely, must change the hose, and better, the shoes or boots, too, at least once or twice a day. Especially if you have catarrh or catch cold easily. Wear woolen hose in winter. Nervous, excitable people are very prone to clam- my, cold, damp feet. In some the soles and palms act vicariously for the kidneys. People say they sweat their feet, but it is not really a sweat, nor is it increased at all by warmth, but rather by the cold. It is the result of a very wakeful condition, and the secretion may be said to be the product of the worn-out brain and nerves. It is always moist when the mind is most excited. Public speakers, singers and actors suffer much from it, and it predisposes them to catch cold. It troubles least when idling and quiet. A few min- 68 utes' sleep will, at any time, dry up the soles made clammy by excitement. Children are much health- ier for going barefoot while the ground is warm. That draws the blood to the feet, and relieves the brain. In insanity, in certain forms of nervous diseases I advise this course for adults also. There is no better tonic for the nerves. But when the ground is cold, woolen socks and warm dry feet, are essen- tial to those prone to catarrhal troubles. It is by attention to these little things that I cure many diseases that are considered by conservative physicians, who never pay attention to these tri- fles, to be incurable. No disease is incurable if treated in time, and according to the dictates of common sense and a careful observance of Nature's laws. (8) Must not wear rubbers nor oilcloth at all while in doors and better not wear them more than two hours at a time. They retain the sweat and waste matter of the system till reabsorbed and thus the blood becomes laden with them — impure, heavy and poisonous. (9) Must not indulge in a strong drink of any Jcind nor in tobacco in any form, nor in opium, nor chloral, nor in any other narcotic or artificial stim- ulant. But it is best for the health that even a bad hab- it should not be broken too suddenly but gradually, that the system may not suffer from violence. Dr. 69 F. L. Matthay, the celebrated physician and healer cures all bad habits by mail. (a) You must not drink strong drinks or liq- uors of any kind. ■(b) You must not use tobacco in any form. I take pains to repeat the main items of this rule for I attach much importance to the observance of them and I am well convinced that indulgence in one or more of the above is, by all odds, the most common cause of disease in the land. It has been justly remarked that insanity and other nervous diseases are increasing at a fearfully rapid rate. I add at a not more rapid rate than is the consumption of the above poisons. Some men deem themselves witty in the remark that these are very slow poisons because some have used them and lived to a very old age. Yet every one knows that there is not one of them, but what will, in small quantities destroy the life of a child or even a man unaccustomed to them. But the system soon learns to tolerate and relish all these. Yet who shall say that because of such tolerance they do not harm? I have practiced too long to allow my patients to deceive themselves with the hope that indulgence in such things does them no injury. If my convic- tions in this respect were not well based, I would be but too happy to yield them, for many refuse to submit to my treatment, because I deprive them of other doctors that are more accommodating and these luxuries, and they have no difficulty in finding TO less scrupulous — doctors who indulge in such things themselves and who permit their families to indulge and who are not ashamed that they and theirs suffer as much from ill-health as do their patients. (c) You must not drink tea, coffee or chocolate to excess, not drinking over one cup at each meal, When you are thirsty drink what the birds drink, what the beasts drink, Avhat all creatures drink. It is enough, the universal perfect drink. No harm to take a glass of water But I find it is advisable to drink water in small quantities and often; sip- ping about one-half glass every hour, and especially one-half glass before each meal. This stimulates the action of the stomach and in- fluences the circulation which causes increased ap- petite and consequently increased nutrition and vitality. Do not be so foolish as to hope to cure dyspepsia with bitters and pills. The reason it is so rarely cured and that so many travel far and wide in seek of relief, yet still continue to suffer is that the phy- sicians do not appreciate these laws but allow their patients to carry their bad habits with them. ( 10 ) Must not eat any sausage, mince pie, head- cheese, salt meats, nor salt -fish, nor pork in any form or preparation, salt or fresh, fat or lean anything that ever came from any part of a hog — • as lard or ham, or soused feet; uor any food boiled with meat or cooked with grease. 1 Pork, in whatever way prepared, is a coarse, rank diseased meat, and there is just as good reason to prohibit its use today as there was in the days of Moses. There are many sick people and many that are only half well in this country, from eating the unclean hog. Mixed meats, whether as sausage, hash, mince pie or whatever else are greasy, foul and offensive to the body, if not the tongue. Those who are all day out doors may burn them off through the breath, but those of sedentary hab- its cannot stand them. The life is gone too long and far from salt meats or fish; they should not be eaten. Used to the exclusion of the fresh, they induce scurvy. They tend to bind the bowels, and cause fever and thirst. Ah, says one, your laws are good for the rich, but I am too poor, or too far from the market, to get fresh meat often. Well. I answer, you can do without it, without any meat, for a long time. We eat vastly too much meat in this country. Some of the healthiest men in the world eat it but rarely — once or twice a year. The Highland soldier, a well-built, strong, healthy man, is raised on oats; the laborer in Ireland, of fine form, good health, and quick wit, on potatoes, with only a rasher of bacon for Christmas ; the Hollander grows fat and large on cabbage. Coming to this country, they eat salt meats, drink tea and coffee, and get bilious with withered and black lips, bad breath, foul stomach, and then come and ask me if 72 I would advise them to go back to the Old Country for their health. They would be just as well here as there if they would, live on the same kind of food. I find some few that, having accumulated property, do go back, but having means to procure the same food and drink there as here, find themselves no better for the change, and then return to America perplexed and discouraged. I have put more than one such on the right track. No vegetable should be cooked with meat, but in clean water. Cabbage boiled with meat, onions fried with steak, will be tasted six hours after eat ing; but cabbage boiled in pure water, is as digesti- ble as bread, and an excellent article of diet ; so are onions boiled in pure water, with a little salt, or better still, baked. Fried meat is an abomination to a weak stomach or diseased liver. Indeed no food should be cooked in or with grease at this side of Labrador. They can stand it there. (11) Must not eat any fried food whatever or warm oread or biscuit, especially if prone to bil- iousness. (12) You must not make an exclusive or too free a 'use of bread, toast, crackers, cake, pudding or pastry made of white or bolted flour, thev all con- stipate; so does cheese. Unbolted flour is much better. Cheese is a very rich article of animal diet and one very difficult of digestion. 73 (13) Must not eat meat more than twice a day and it should be lean and fresh, the more rarely done the better. Beef or mutton is best, game in season is good ; fowl is not bad, but you must not eat the stuffing or dressing. Some people may with propriety eat meat two or three times a day. While others are better for not eating it at all. And it is not easy here to advise. If bilious you must use all kinds of animal food very sparingly, if at all for they all tend to load and clog the liver. (a) Better eat no animal food, not even milk, until well. Butter makes one bilious. You must abstain from it. This rule is given only to those in a bilious condition. Butter is a delicious and tempting grease, a great cause of sick headache, heart-burn, water-brash, green, catarrh, pimples, boils, etc., but not apt to cause any two of these in the same person. (14) Eat heartily of fruits and vegetables two or three times a day, but the fruits must be fresh and ripe, and the vegetables, when cooked, must be thoroughly cooked — baked, roasted or boiled in soft, pure water. Some of my patients come and say, after reading my rules, that I am going to starve them. See what they include : potatoes, tomatoes, corn, oatmeal, peas, beans, barley, rice, beets, turnips, cabbage, onions, celery, asparagus, cauliflower, parsnips, cu- 74 cumbers, melons, all the different berries, cherries, plums, prunes, grapes, figs, oranges, apples — an abundant list to be partaken of two or three times a day, and by children oftener. With a little skill in cooking, an excellent meal may be made without going beyond these, except, perhaps, to add a little milk or very little butter for sauce, and that only in cooking a few of them. There is no better arti- cle of diet than a good potato or a good apple. But a raw, half cooked potato, though good for the cattle, is a poor thing for a man ; yet it is often found on the table in that state. (15) Must abstain from pickles and relishes of all kinds, and from condiments, pepper, salt, mus- tard, horse-radish, etc. Pickles set the teeth on edge and destroy them. They contain little or no nourishment, are of no use to the economy only as they may please the taste, or perhaps stimulate an abnormal appetite for food when the system has no need of it; so of most of the relishes. But I do not persist in a very strict observance of this rule except in some forms of in- digestion, catarrh, pimples, red or inflamed nose or lips and scaly eruptions; and I always forbid salt to those suffering any kind of rheumatism or its traces, also certain affections of the heart, or joints, lumbago, sciatica and neuralgia. I am certain that it aggravates all these. Where entirely free from them, I permit its use in moder- ation, remembering that a desire for it, while nat- 75 ural to a very large class of creatures, including ourselves, may be by habit or excitement increased to an abnormal extent. Watch your use of salt and salted food. (16) You should take your food moderately warm, not cold or hot. I have found those of a dark electric temperament to do better on warm food and warm drinks, and all those of a light mag- netic temperament on cool food and drink. The temperament of the stomach can be told by looking at the lips ; if they are dark red or purplish the stomach is electric and warm food and drink is best ; if they are bright red the stomach is magnetic and cool food and drink will be found advisable. Extremes of temperature in food or drink destroy the teeth, vitiate the saliva and impair the diges- tion. (17) May use moderately of sugar, so of molas- ses or syrup; but must abstain from all colored can- dies. They are injurious. Do not eat too freely of sweets. They inflame the liver as much as fats do. Sweets of all kinds tend to induce heat and in- flammation first, and most obviously of the mu- cous membrane, catarrh, colds, sore throat, and second, and more remote of the skin, inducing, pim- ples, itching and eruptions. The wise use sweets only in moderation. Nearly all the colors of candy are injurious and made of offensive substances. 76 Much of the blame that is laid to sugar, belongs to the colors in candies. These colors please the eye and poison the stomach. ( 18) You must keep your rooms well ventilated, especially sleeping rooms. A sleeping room should have at least one window open all day till about sundown, then close it, when the weather is damp, cold or chilly, have a fire built in an open fire place or a stove with an open draught if you can. Better sleep alone. If your room is small, any- thing less than twelve feet square and nine feet high you must sleep with your door slightly open, so as to admit the dry air from the hall or other rooms, or else sleep with your window slightly open. If your throat and lungs are healthy and the region free from malaria, you will be safe to sleep with your window open. Be careful not to sleep in a draught. ( 19 ) If your throat and lungs are over sensitive or diseased, you must carefully avoid exposure to night air. If it is necessary to go out breathe through the nostrils only. If unable to breathe through the nose put a muffler or your sleeve or handkerchief to the mouth. This rule also applies to public singers and speakers. (20) Yoit must exercise in the open air by icalk- ing, riding, skating, rowing, fishing or whatever you delight in, at least two hours a day, storm or shine taking care to protect yourself from inclem- ent weather. Increase your exercise gradually 77 both in vigor and length of time as your strength increases, be moderate at first until you become ac- customed to it. Carefully avoid exercising to weariness or fatigue — always stop short of that. This is a busy world and yet there is more sick in it from idleness and the languor and debility which it causes than from hard work. Many women are invalids because their employments give no exer- cise, no fresh air or sunlight, they accustom them- selves to confinement in doors and come to dread going out till the muscles get so weak they cannot walk a mile. Some hardihood, exposure and endurance are es- sential to good health. (21) You must practice deep breathing in the open air at least three times a day, taking large in- halations of pure air, through the nose expanding the chest to its utmost capacity. Always walk erect with the shoulders thrown well back. For those who are inclined to be stoop shouldered I would ad- vise the use of the Ideal Shoulder Brace until the correct position of the shoulders becomes natural. (22) Do not fret, worry or allow excitement of the passions. We have many illustrations of the fatal results of such. I have not room here even for one, but simply to say that they are becoming more numer- ous daily. Who does not know that anger makes the heart beat violently,flushes the face and retards digestion ; that sorrow brings tears to the eyes and u •/ o. 78 wastes the tissues of the body ; that fright causes physical exhaustion and sometimes results in the loss of sight or hearing? The white lips of rage or fear show how quickly the heart draws its supplies home, while the redden- ing neck and cheek of modesty show equally how swiftly it can pour a generous supply to the head and face. The continuance of the deeper, sadder and more unhappy feelings are especially powerful in depressing the circulation and in producing va- rious diseases. Perhaps jealousy and her malignant sister envy, do more in this direction than does any other of the horrid brood of passions. As far as possible main- tain a cheerful, hopeful, trustful, contented state of mind. Many will remark, "That is easy to say, but impossible to do." It is not impossible. Make up your mind that you can and will. The power lies within you— possess your own soul — be yourself. The author expects to publish soon a book called The Influence of the Mind on Organs of The Body and Mental Cause and Cure of Disease. (23) You must bathe or ivash the tvhole person once a day in summer and at least once a iveek in winter. I do not attach as much importance to the daily bath as I did, but I cannot conceive of a condition of life in which a bath once a week is not essential to good health and cleanliness. 79 Those who follow dusty pursuits should bathe daily so should those who are bilious, for through the skiu may thus be worked off much of what oth- erwise would clog the liver. The best time for painters and those who work in dusty or foul air, or air loaded with impure or poi- sonous vapors, to bathe, is just before retiring to remove such poisons from the skin, else they will be absorbed during sleep. Remember the skin absorbs, takes in matter whether good or bad rapidly in sleep or in drowsy, lazy moods, but very little when one is wide awake, bright or excited; but, on the contrary exhales or throws off matter very rapidly. If you are exposed to malaria or any contagious disease always keep wide awake, even if you have to take strong tea to do it. As soon as the expos- ure is over change your garments and bathe thor- oughly, use soap, then put the exposed garments away. If exposed to smallpox put them in an oven and bake them, put on clean night garments and you can retire and sleep in safety. In such cases always clean the ears, beard and meshes of the hair thoroughly, they are apt to retain dust and conta- gion. (24) Wash the feet and lower parts of the body especially the latter, before retiring. Both health and cleanliness demand this on the part of both sexes and all ages. It is wonderful how uncleanly some otherwise decent people are where they do not expect to be seen. 80 The health and strength of the sexual and uni- nary organs are greatly promoted by this daily lavement and it does much toward preventing piles and also emissions and seminal weakness in men, and to promote strength and vigor of the womb, ovaries and back in women. Children should be taught at a very early age, to pay attention to these important parts of the body. (25) Avoid any great excitement or indulgence, however honest, legitimate or lawful, of the sex passion. You have reason to be particularly guard- ed and careful in this respect, if you suffer from weakness, debility or pains in the back or loins — especially in the small of the back, across the back part of the hips — or if you experience great languor and lassitude, with aversion to exertion or unus- ual irritability of the nerves. This is the most important of all these rules or directions, for there is no other habit in practice more destructive to life and health than that of in- dulging too freely in the sex passion, even in the martial relation, or in private practices, or in dreams, or indeed indulging in it at all before the age of maturity. It destroys many even very young children, frequently causing convulsions, epilepsy and other disturbances of the nervous system. I know of no other cause of disease and death and disaster to the race as great as that of over in- dulgence of the sex passion. True, it is nature's method in many things — what creates also destroys. 81 Growth and decay are convertible terms. Oh, it is our appetites and passions that lead us down to Avoe. Well, Ave must watch and control them all and always, if we would have SAveet health, peace and happiness. 82 A PEW CLOSING AVOKDS. Your body is indispensable to your existence here, it is yours to honor, preserve and defend. Do not poison or injure it and remember nature alone is the skillful repairer of damage to your body. Aid her in every way possible and do not admit such tramps and loafers as tobacco, alcohol and poison- ous drugs. Investigate. Learn what a wonderful structure your body is, learn Iioav every part is intended for use, how delicate the structure and how easily de- stroyed. People fail to realize the importance of keeping clean, they are filthy inside and out and erronously think that disease is caused by germs or climate, they formerly believed they were caused by the devil. In time of sickness if you do not understand the laws of your body and teachings of this book, then, and then only, call a physician, but see that he is a follower of nature and not a believer in false doc- trines ; that disease is a devil and has to be poison- ed out of the system. Drugs, antitoxine, vaccina- tion, etc., are no better than dead lice for indiges- tion and black beetles for the kidneys, the two lat- ter being Chinese cures, but just as sensible as some used by the medical men today. iinde:?c. A Few Closing Words 82 A Few Things Good to do in All Diseases 63 Ache, Head 37 Acute Articular Rheumatism 48 Acute Dysentery 24 Acute Nasal Catarrh 25 Acute Pharyngitis 54 Amenorrhea 56 Anemia 13 Antitoxine 82 Appendicitis '.* 16 Appetite, Loss of 60 Articular Rheumatism 48 Articular Rheumatism, Chronic 50 Asthma 18 Bad Hearing 21 Bathe 78 Bath, Mud 63 Bath, Sitz 61 Bath, Sun 62 Bed Wetting 22 Blood, Impure 24 Blood, Too Much 58 Bloody Flux 24 Bowels, Inflammation of 38 Breathing 77 Breathing Difficult 30 Bronchitis 25 Catarrh Nasal 25 Catarrhal Pneumonia 48 Chloral 68 Chronic Articular Rheumatism 50 Coffee, Tea, etc 70 Cold Feet 26 Cold in Head 25 Conjunctivitis ! 53 Constipation 28 Consumption of Lungs 29 Corsets 64 Costiveness 28 Croupous Pneumonia 47 Cure, Water 12 Deformities 67 Difficult Breathing 30 Diphtheria . s 30 Diseases, Things good in 63 Diseases of Kidneys , . , 40 Diseases, Skin 58 Diseases of Womb 65 Disorders, Sexual 40 Dizziness 55 Dress 66 Drink 68-69 Drugs 82 Dysentery 24 Dysmenorrhea 33 Dyspepsia 34 Emissions 80 Enuresis 22 Enlarged Tonsils 55 Enteritis 38 Envy ...78 Eruptions, Scaly 74 Exercise 76 Exposure 76 Eyelids Granulated 53 Eyes, Inflammation of 53 Eyes Sore 53 Feet Cold 26 Feet Dry 67 Feet Sweating 61 Fever Simple 35 Flux 24 Fret 77 Fried Foods 72 Fruits 73 Garments, Suspend 65 Gastritis 37 Gleet 40 Gonorrhea 40 Granulated Eyelids 53 Grip 39 Head-ache '. 37 INDE X— Continued . Head, Cold in 25 Profuse Menstruation 57 Health, Rules of 64-82 Prostration Nervous 42 Hearing Bad 21 Quinsy or Tonsillitis 54 Hydropathy 12 Relishes 74 Hygienic Medication 10 Rheumatism Acute Articular 48 Impotence 40 Rheumatism Chronic Articular 50 Impure Blood 24 Rheumatism Muscular 52 Indigestion 34 Rickets and Deformities 67 Indulgence 80 Rubbers 68 Inflammation of Bowels 38 Pules of Health 64-82 Inflammation of Eyes 53 Rupture 65 Influenza 39 Scaly Eruptions 74 Itching 75 Scanty Menstruation , 57 Kidney Diseases '..WW. ........... A0 Sciatica 52 Da Grippe 39 Seminal Weakness 80 Liver Torpid '. '. '. .' 40 Sexual Disorders 40 Loss of Appetite' .' ,' ..'.'..'.".'.'.'.'.'.. W.Qi) Sex Passion 80-81 Lungs, Consumption of 29 Simple Fever 35 Lung Fever 47 Satz Bath 61 Masturbation ~. . .40 Skin Diseases 58 Meat 73 Sleep 64 Medication Hygienic 10 Smallpox 79 Menorrhagia 57 Sore Eyes 53 Menstruation Painful 33 Sore Throat 54 Menstruation Profuse 57 Sprains 61 Menstruation Scanty 57 Stomach, Weak 58 Menstruation Suppresed 56 Sun Bath 62 Mud Bath 63 Sunlight 66 Muscular Rheumatism 52 Suppressed Menstruation 56 Neuralgia 44 Sweating Feet 61 Neurasthenia 42 Syphilis 40 Obesity 58 Te ' a ' Coffee, etc 70 Oligomenorrhea 57 Th ' r oat Sore 54 Opium 68 Tonsillitis 54 Osteopathy 11 Tonsils Enlarged ' 55 Ovaries 80 To ° Mucn Blood 5S Painful Menstruation' .' .' .' ... WW .... 33 Torpid Liver 40 Palsy 45 Tuberculosis 29 Paralysis . ......'.'.'.'. .'.'.'.'.'. 45 Vaccination 82 Passions 77 Vegetables 73 Pharyngitis 54 Ventilation 76 Pickles 74 Vertigo 55 Pil es g Water Cure 12 Pimples' " '74 Weak Eyes 53 Plethora 58 Weak Stomach 58 Pleurisy 45 Weakness Seminal 80 Pneumonia' Catarrhal ' .' .' ......WW" 48 Wetting Bed 22 Pneumonia Croupous 47 Womb Diseases of 80 Principles of Hygienic Medication. . .10 DE. MATTHAT, GIVES ADVICE BY MAIL ON ALL COMPLAINTS. Answer the following questions, send Postal or Express Order for One Dollar, with stamped and directed envelope, and by return mail you will receive an opinion of your case with thorough instruction for home treatment : 1. State your age, weight, height, sex and occupation. Complexion, light or dark. 2. Married or single. 3. Seat of disease. 4. Present symptoms and their duration. 5. Condition of bowels and color of urine. 6. How you sleep, time of retiring, of rising. 7. Number of meals per day, when taken and of what do they consist? S. Amount and kind of fluids drunk daily. 9. If any, quantity of beer, wine or whiskey drunk. 10. How often a bath or wash all over? 11. What fresh air do you get? 12. Amount and kind of daily exercise or work. 13. Kind and amount of tobacco, if used. 14. Sexual habits. 15. What treatment or medical advice have you had? 16. Did any of your near relatives have Consumption, Asthma or Scrofula? 17. Did any of your near relatives ever have the disease you have? IS. Have you ever had Pneumonia or Scarlet Fever? 19. What other diseases have you had? Address all communications to DR. F\ I_. MMTTHAY, 417 Wabasha st., St. Paul, Minn. After Jan. 1, 1901, address, No. 833 Alvarado st., Los Angeles, California. —85— THREE IN ONE E [DR. PARKYN'S MAIL ( (1.) i COURSE TEACHES i (2.) i i HOW TO BECOME ( (3.) A HYPNOTIST A MAGNETIC HEALER A SUGGESTIONIST A COMPLETE COURSE IN NATURAL HEALING. t£*!6*z£* The most com- plete, practical and comprehensi- ble mail course of any sort, in print today. It is the result of observa- tions from the personal treat- ment of over 5000 cases. These cases have been treated since most of the text books were published. C^*V?*V^* No text books are required with this course. It is com- plete in itself. This is not a type- written course of twenty or thirty pages. It covers over 400 pages of printed matter ; is illustrated and neatly bound in cloth. V^* V^* V?* HERBERT A. PARKYN, M. D. Principal and Founder of THE GfllGflGO SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY. [incorporated.] The First School of Suggestive Therapeutics Established in America. The special mail course of 400 pages by Dr. Parkyn is the only mail course which goes carefully into the treatment of all disea-es. It is different in theory and practice from anything yet presented to the public, and is so clearly written and practical that, after studying it, any one can become a successful Hypnotist. Magnetic Healer or Doctor of Suggestive Therapeutics. It is divided into six lessons. SHEEPSKIN DIPLOMA. Every mail course student who passes a successful examination receives one of our handsome sheepskin, steel engraved diplomos, 14x18 inches in size. This entitles the holder to the degree of Doctor of Psychology Our students are successful, and make $200 and upward a month, and one of our graduates is already making $5,000 a month. Our personal course lasts two weeks and commences on the first day of each month. Our daily clinic averages over 20 patients. We have the best equipped School of Psychology in the world. Satisfy yourself by writing for par- ticulars, etc., to M. FYLER, Sec'y., 4020 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, III. —87— METROPOLITAN MEDICAL COLLEGE TEACHES AND GRADUATES IN THE New Systems of Cure Prophesied by an eminent and progressive physician many years ago, as fol- lows: "Let me now DRAW ASIOE THE VEIL THAT COVERS THE FUTURE and show you a scene on which no old college student or professor attempts to gaze. I point to the higher civilization of the twentieth century, when the morning now dawning shall become a bright day — when the plants now growing in the nursery shall be the trees that shelter nations, when a thousand remedies still unknown to the medical profession shall double their resources, and when the healing arts now rejected and living outside of medical colleges shall occupy the places of honor to bless the world, to empty the wards of the hospital and vacate the lunatic asylum. That time is coming, for as surely as this globe has advanced from the Azoic age to its present fullness of life, it is going on to its higher destiny." The Brighter Day is Now at Hand and the Prophecy has already become J\ REALITY. Lectures and Instruction by personal attendance or by correspondence. Day and Evening Courses at the School. COURSES : ( Physio=Medical Physio= ) MEDICINE : - logical or Natural, f Three months' courses and up. ( Botanic, Herbal, ) i Metaphysical, j HEALING : j Mental. £ Six weeks' courses and up. ( Magnetic ) Osteopathy. ) Lectures and Demonstrations. Electro theraphy. £ Hydropathy. ) Six weeks' courses. PEOPLE'S INSTITUTE, Suite B, 2nd Floor, Leavitt & Van Buren Sts. CHICAGO, ILL. —89— R. S IDEAL SH R W ER BRACE For Men, Women and Children. Our Ideal Shoulder Brace is simple, unique and com- fortable; as easily put on or off as an ordinary vest. It will help you to walk uprightly, to master the important lesson of breathing, to strengthen the muscles of the back, neck shoulders, chest and abdomen. WEAK lungs get STRONG. Digestion is improved. ALL ARE BENEFITED by its proper use; ESPECIALLY THE YOUNG. If your dealer can't supply you, we will send it by mail, on receipt of P.O. money order for 70 cents and your breast measure, (around the body under the arms). REGULAR RRICE 7 5 CENTS. Hollem Manufacturing Co., = Sioux City, la. —91— fine Carriages ^v Everything on Wheels. The largest stock in The Northwest. THOMSON & EGE CARRIAGE CO., Fourth and St. Peter Streets, ST. PAUL, MINN. AGENTS FOR The Michigan Buggy Company. -93— Some Great Secrets of Happiness IN PAMPHLET FORM. 1. How to select a conjugal companion. 2. How to test the possibility of love and enjoyment of companionship. 3. How to produce a Perfect Offspring, also the regu- lation of sex, number, etc. 4. Lost manhood restored and the cure of sexual weaknesses without expense. 5. Cause and cure of all venereal diseases. Thousands have been made happy by this advice, and if this science were generally understood there would be little misery, disease or sin in the world. Write at once. DR. F. L. MATTHAY, 417 Wabasha Street, St. Paul, Minn. After Jan. 1st, 1901, Address, No. 833 Alvarado si, Los Angeles, Cal. —95— MAY 31 1900