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The extensive sales of the White Sulphur Water last year, and the greatly increased demands that now exist for it, in connection with the important fact, that it has, we helieve, given universal sat- isfaction, in its operations and general effects upon those who have used it, induce the proprietors to enlarge very considerably their operations for transporting it. Increased facilities of getting it to market enable them to sell it at a price considerably below that of last year, and which they feel confident will be satisfactory to the public. With the view of simplifying our business, — of having the wa- ter sold at uniform prices in all the cities ; and at the same time of guarding against impositions, that might be practiced upon the public, we have determined to appoint One General Agent in each of the principal cities, who will keep the water constantly on hand, for the supply of the public generally, and for all Dealers who may wish to purchase the water to sell again. The General Agents already created are the following : Richmond, Va. Alex. Duval. Baltimore, Richard Norris. Washington City, J. L. Peabody. Philadelphia, Charles Ellis & Co. New York, Rushton & Aspinwall . Albany, N. Y, James Gould & Co. Boston, " Edmund Codman & Co,* C Spotswood & Robinson, Petersburg, Va. < Bragg & Thomas, £ Dupuy, Rosser & Jones, Louisville, Ky. George H. Carg. •Mf^ ; Of either of the General Agents, or of others who purchase from them, the public may fullyLrely on getting the genuine White Sulphur Water. In offering this valuable water for the public use, it has been thought that a brief account of its prominent medical qualities, with an enumeration of the principal diseases, for which it has been especially celebrated, together with the best manner of using it, when taken with a view to its medicinal effects, might be acceptable to many persons. We accordingly subjoin a synop- sis upon these subjects for which we are indebted to Dr. J. J. Moorman, the Resident Physician at the White Sulphur Spri?igs. For more specific information upon the same subjects, we refer to a small work, recently published by Dr. Moorman, entitled " A Directory for the use of the White Sulphur Water/" WM. B. CALWELL & CO. White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier City, Va. January 8th, 1840. Medical Qualities of the White Sulphur Water. The sensible medicinal effects of this water are most obviously displayed, in its action upon the Bowels, — Liver, — Kidneys and Skin. Proper quantities, if taken in the morning, will rarely fail to exert & purgative effect, in the course of the day. The Liver is, in most instances, brought under its influence by a few days per- severance in its use, as will be abundantly manifest from the char- acter of its secretions. Its action upon the Kidneys is readily induced, and we often see it, at the same time, exerting both a diuretic and cathartic effect. Occasionally, perspiration is easily induced from the use of this water : but its full effects upon the Skin, manifested, not only by increased, but by Sulphurous Perspiration, do not often take place, until it has been freely used for several weeks : nor until the secretory system, generally, has been brought under its influence. The most distinguished, and certainly the most important char- acteristic of the water, in its operations upon the system, is its Alterative action* It is mainly owing to its powerful alterative character, that it differs so essentially from most other mineral waters, and possesses a power greatly superior to any other in curing diseases originating in, or dependant upon obstructions. By alterative action is meant a power that is gradually exerted, in changing a morbid into a healthy condition, without any imme- diate sensible effects. We think it may be safely asserted, that no other mineral water has been discovered, that so clearly, and so quickly displays a general alterative effect upon the human system, as the White Sulphur. It is mainly by virtue of this valuable action, that it so certainly, and so speedily emulges the Liver and cures Bilious diseases, or prevents their occurrence. It is in virtue of the same valuable action, that it changes and corrects the vitiated secretions of the stomach, in cases of Dyspepsia, and cures that formidable disease. It is chiefly by its alterative action that the sallow, or orange colour of the skin, is speedily removed, and the patient acquires freshness of colour, with general renovation of body and spirits. It is by virtue of the same power that this water has proved so eminently serviceable to persons threatened with fevers, from miasmatic or other causes, almost invariably securing against such attacks, when timely used. It is in consequence of the same alterative action, that it has acquired the character of a specific in Mercureal Diseases; and in the secondary symptoms of the Venereal Disease. In fine, it is this alterative power of the water, silently, but surely, changing the diseased into healthy or- gans, that gives it its peculiar and distinguishing features; and which has established for it a general medicinal reputation, cer- tainly surpassing that to which any other similar agent has attained. We will now briefly notice some of the Diseases for the cure of which the White Sulphur Water has been long and justly celebrated. LIVER COMPLAINTS. Among the great variety of visitors who annually resort to this invaluable fountain, none perhaps receive more unequivocal and essential benefit from the use of its waters, than those affected with that class of disease, denominated Bilious. In all affections of this class, if the attack be recent and unat- tended with organic lesions, a few days, or at farthest, a few weeks use of the waters, produces the most salutary and pleasing results. The powerful and happy effects which this water exerts upon the Liver, (he largest and most important secretory organ of the body, deserves especial attention. Its influence is gradually, but surely to unload that viscus when engorged, and to stimulate it to a healthy and vigorous exercise of its functions when torpid. In- deed the unequalled powers of this water are often truly extraordi- nary in the certainty and rapidity wiih which it restores the dor- mant energies of the Liver; creating a copious flow of healthy bile, and consequent activity of the bowels : imparting vigour to the whole digestive and assimilative functions, and consequently, energy and strength to the body, and life and elasticity to the spirits. Thousands of delighted and happy living witnesses may be found, who bear a willing and grateful testimony to the unrivalled utility of these waters, in Liver complaints, in their own persons, when used by them as a "last resort." Nor are these good effects from the water, confined to those who have drank it at the foun- tain; numerous cases have occurred within the last few years, in which the same happy results have taken place, in those who have used it from bottles, after it had been long removed from the Spring f DYSPEPSIA. In this formidable disease, the White Sulphur Water has long enjoyed a high and deserved celebrity. It being decidedly alka- line in its character, (as will be seen by reference to its analysis,) it promptly relieves the acidity or sourness of stomach, incident to this disease; while, by its alterative operations, it effectually cor- rects the morbid condition of the stomach and liver, upon which the disease depends. Professor Hayward, of Boston, in a pamphlet recently pub- lished, on the Virginia Springs; and from which much valuable information may be derived, speaks, in strong terms of commen- dation, of these waters in dyspepsia and other diseases ; here- marks,that " the whole tribe of dyspeptics, if their trouble be not the effect of organic disease, may resort, with well grounded ex- pectation of relief, to these healing waters." Professor Chapman, of Philadelphia, in writing upon the same subject, observes that " encouraged by the high reputation of these waters, I have of late years, occasionally, sent patients to them, chiefly with derangements of the Liver and stomach, and general- ly have been exceedingly pleased with the results." Professor Gibson, of Philadelphia, in a recent communication, affords the following unequivocal testimony to the efficacy of these waters in dyspepsia, and other kindred diseases. "I can declare, with great confidence," observes the Professor, "as the result of a large share of experience with the White Sulphur Water, that the most beneficial effects have arisen from its use, in various Dy s- peptic depravities; in simple and complicated disorders of the Liver; in obstinate affections of the alimentary canal," &c, &c. Much more, and equally strong testimony, could be given, if ne- cessary, shewing the great benefit which dyspeptics may derive from the use of these waters. COSTIVENESS. In obstinate or habitual Costiveness, great reliance may be placed in the persevering; use of these waters. The distinguished Dr. Thos. Harris, of Philadelphia, who has had much experience in their use, remarks, in a letter to a friend, " I am pleased to learn, that it is in contemplation, to transport the water of the White Sulphur Spring to our Atlantic cities. This water is an excellent aperient and alterative, and is found particularly beneficial in diseases of the chylopoetic viscera, attended with Costiveness." He adds, " those who cannot conveniently visit the Springs, may use these waters advantageously at home; particularly as they do not deteriorate by transportation, if carefully corked and sealed." JAUNDICE. This disease is most certainly and promptly cured, by the use of this water. It is confidently asserted, by those having the very best opportunities of knowing, that no case of Jaundice has ever resisted a i^ew weeks persevering use of the waters; and our own observations, for a number of years, go to confirm the cor- rectness of this opinion. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. In this very common and painful affection, the virtues of the White Sulphur Water have been long and justly celebrated. Their efficacy in this disease was well known to the aborigines, be- fore the country was settled by the whites; and it is a part of the history of the Spring, that they were much valued and resorted to by the Indians of the surrounding country, for the cure of rheu- matism. The water, for the. last fifty years, has been very exten- sively used for the cure of this disease; and its well earned repu- tation now annually draws hundreds of rheumatic sufferers to its source, for relief. The distinguished Professor Warren, of Boston, who spent some time at the Springs, in a recent commu- nication on the subject, bears the most unequivocal testimony to its efficacy, in such cases. GOUT. Many persons afflicted with this painful disease, have obtained great relief from these waters; and where the disease is not strictly hereditary, much permanent good may be anticipated from their use. DROPSIES. In Dropsies, originating in, or dependant upon obstructions in the Liver, Spleen, &c. &c, as such diseases very frequently are, great and permanent relief may reasonably be expected from a course of these waters. PALSY, in some cases, has been essentially relieved, by per- severing in their use. 6 BREAST COMPLAINTS. In that peculiar form of Breast affection, which has been oc- casioned by disease of the Stomach or Liver, extending to the Lungs or wind pipe, the most gratifying and happy results have often been obtained, from the use of this water. In such cases, it produces its good effects, by curing the original disease, upon which the affection of the Lungs depends; and, as a consequence, the sympathetic or translated affection ceases. It very often happens, that protracted cases of Liver or stomach complaints extend a morbid influence to the wind pipe, or sub- stance of the lungs, occasioning cough, expectoration, pain, and many of the usual symptoms attendant on genuine Consumption; and such cases are often mistaken for this most fatal disease. It is in the translated affection just referred to, that the Sulphur Wa- ter may be used, not only with safety, but with the fairest pros- pects of success. NEURALGIA, and Nervous Diseases in general, have often been effectually cured by the use of the White Sulphur Wa- ter. The last few years have brought scores of sufferers to the Springs, seeking relief from the Protean and painful effects of Neuralgia, and in some cases in which the effects of the water have been fairly tested, the most pleasing results have been exhibited. GRAVEL, &c. In Gravel, and other kindred affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, most decisive good results have ensued, from a perse- vering use of these waters. Professor Gibson, in a communica- tion to which we have before referred, speaks from the results of his experience, in the highest terms of commendation of the vir- tues of this water, in obstructions, and other derangements of the Kidneys. In Chronic Inflammation of the Kidneys and Bladder. In Chronic Inflammation of the Urethra. In Gleet, and other similar chronic affections, the best results may be expected from their use. In DISEASES of FEMALES, dependant on debility and obstructions, such as chlorosis, &c, &c, the water has always enjoyed a high reputation, and has almost always displayed the most happy and triumphant effects. The gradual increase of en- ergy and power which they impart to the secretory system, is soon manifested in the increased tone and strength of the body, and in the life and elasticity of the animal spirits. In PILES, this water has proved eminently serviceable, parti- cularly in that form of the disease attended with a passive bleed- ing from the bowel. In Hypochondriasis, or Low Spirits, dependant as it often is, on derangement of the Liver, stomach or bowels : In Spasmodic affections, unattended by fever : In Water Brash : In General Weakness, unattended with acute disease : In Scrofula, or King's Evil, and in Scurvy, the most grati- fying results may reasonably be anticipated from the use of this valuable medical agent, ERUPTIONS, or other affections of the SKIN. For the cure of the various diseases of the Skin, the efficacy of this water has been known, and extolled from the earliest discov- ery of the founf.ain that supplies it. Professor Gibson, from his own experience, speaks in the highest terms of the use of this water, in " aggravated forms of cutaneous diseases," and the writer has often been gratified in witnessing the rapid amendment, and perfect recovery in the course of the season, of persons visiting the Springs, with un- seemly and loathsome affections of this kind. In III Conditioned ULCERS of the extremities, or other parts of the body, it has been the pleasure of the writer, to witness the most happy results from the use of the White Sulphur Water; indeed no internal remedy, in many cases, seems to display so fine an effect. In connection with the internal use of the water, in such cases, we have often found it advantageous to bathe the parts affected with it. MERCURIAL DISEASES. In that enfeebled and peculiar condition of the system, result- ing from the long protracted, or injudicious use of mercury, and in the secondary symptoms of VENEREAL DISEASE, often connected with this peculiar state of the system, the White Sul- phur Water has displayed its very happiest effects. The extraordinary powers of this water, in correcting the in- jurious constitutional and local effects of mercury, and of eradicating the lurking poison of the Venereal Disease from the system, ought to be generally known, and cannot be too highly appreciated by the medical profession, or the public. The writer, after long and ample experience with the White Sulphur Water, has no hesitancy in observing, that if called upon to name a particular disease, or state of the system, in which this celebrated medical agent is most transcendantly efficacious, he would, at once, name mercurial affections, and the sequel of Venereal Disease; because he regards the water, in such cases, as a specific, and as certainly effecting cures, where no other known agent would do so. This we know is strong language; and nothing but the remits of long and successful experience, could induce him to use it. Of the scores of patients affected with disease from the abuse of mercury, or from badly cured syphylis, and many of them in a state of the greatest wretched- ness and misery, who annually resort to the White Sulphur Springs for relief, we have never known a single case that was not either completely cured, or so greatly relieved, as fully to evidence the complete triumph of the water over these formidable affections, which, from their obstinacy in repelling nearly all efforts to effect their cure, have heretofore stood as a reproach to the materia medica and the healing art. PROPER METHOD OF USING THE WATER. As a wholesome and pleasant beverage, or as a corrector of thirst, the man in health may safely consult his own pleasure, as to the time of taking the wa- ter, or the quantity to he taken. With such, it may be used with safety and advantage, at any time of the day : but with those in feeble health, some regard is due, both to time and quantity. Taken with a view to its medicinal effects, it is best to use it on an empty stomach, and some time before eating each meal. In the morning, before breakfast, is, ordinarily, the time at which the largest amount should be taken. From two to four glasses of the water, taken at this time, followed by smaller quantities before each succeeding meal, usually exerts a decided cathartic ef- fect, in the course of the day; and, at the same time, augments considerably the secretion of the kidneys. From one to two bottles of the water in the course of the day, is the quantity that should be used, in the larger portion of cases; but this amount is fre- quently greatly increased, not only without inconvenience to the patient, but with the best results. It should be borne in mind, that when the full alterative effects of the water are desired, (and which we consider, in most cases, its best effects) much purgative operation is not desirable. To have the bowels kept in a loose or laxative condition, is all that is necessary in such cases ; and from one to two bottles a day will almost invariably effect this object, whilst the alterative operations will be silently, but surely, going forward to the restoration of the system. The most common period of using this water, is during the mild weather of Spring, Summer or Fall: but this results rather from habit, than from the nature of the remedy. The water may be used medicinally with good effect, at any period of the year; and although i,t may be oftener needed during the seasons above referred to, there is nothing to forbid its use, during the winter, when it may be required. •J^f** Persons using the water from bottles, during hot weather, should invaria- bly have it cooled before they drink it .• — it is thus rendered more agreeable to the palate, and more grateful to the stomach and general system. n ec c:c cc , ce<«3t«P:-.cc' cc ccc c c tffe£3bBS£ t c C< B3«S-.€ ccct cccc CdCC c OCCC C CCiC*. ^cc8lk ^ c ^ :^^^^ >ccc *Cc ■ crcco 5^ > Cl£ LCCC c CC.« c Ccc Vcc ecc C OC< cc #»: « : s9.v«l cc cc c C ; C c o.-'- c IC "C c t