O V O ^ O '■' . ■Q: "■ ''rO- O ^^^ e / V^ ...0 ^. •*» "' ^' *. f ' » ♦ 5 \ ' <'^ ' o , . c; 0^ V*, .0 •"%; .:^R<. °\n*' i) " ■"^,. <" ^. .^ V .V>\ =o "C6 < -t^n^ ^0' y t • o c 0^^ <" A "-. .0^ o I JOSEPH WILDER AND HIS DESCENDANTS SECOND EDITION ' ' - ■, ^ J I » »^ o 1 » ' ' ' » » PEMBROKE ' Printed by the Compilers 1902 First edition printed, February, 1889. Second edition, August, 190?. •// 7 2 V f I (4 « « r < ..-ft PKEFATORY l^OTE. " It is a sacred duty to preserve the genealogy and history of families, bat oar basy population are so engrossed in the present cares, that few have hud regard for the past, or solicitude for the future history of themselves or their families. But to those who have a respect for their ancestral name 1 know of no more agree- able duty than to place on record the history and incidents cf their lives and their relatives, that they may be preserved to the latest generations. " lu nothing is the Divine benevolence more fully illustrated than by those ties of friendship and fraternal love which bind the family circle together. "I know not of a more cheerless reflection to a social being than the thought of having no iuteiest in the history of his an- cestry; no affectionate regard for those who are to follow him; no record of where or what he has been in life, floating like a bubble in the stream of time, into the ocean of eternity. And next to training the spirit for the Life Eternal, there can be no more noble employment than that of treasuring up and perpetu- ating the deeds, principles, and virtues of a noble ancestry." — Hox. Marshall Finckney Wilder, Ph.D., LL. D. This pamphlet is designed as the first of a series of con- tributions to the History of the \\ilders, to be publislied by the Compilers at irregular intervals as they aie able to (ob- tain the needed information, in eonneetion with llii^' \^ork the Compilers look to membei's of other 1»ranches of the fam- 4 PKKFATOKV NOTK. ily to furnish their family records willingly and cheerfully, and to make any additions and correct any mistakes that may from time to time come to their notice. Great care has been exercised in compiling this second edition of Joseph Wilder and his Descendants and it is be- leived that very few errors occur. An occasional date and name, however, is yet w^antina, as is the case in nearly every lineage and the Com[)ilers will be greatful to any one who will furnish the missing data. Joseph Wilder was a lineal descendant of Nicholas Wild- er of (xermany, the first of the line in England, to whom Henry VIE., in 1497, gave a landed estate with a coat of arms, in recognition of his faithful services in the battle by which he secured his crown. The estate is still in the pos- session of Nicholas Wilder's descendants. The line of descent from Nicholas to Josei)h is : - Nich- olas ; John ; John ; Thomas, the last in this descent to live at Shiplake ; Edward, 162o, who •* was in America in 16SH on the arrival of his mother Martha ;" Jabez, \{)i')S : Thcoph- ilus, 1710; Theopliilus, 1740: Theo[)hilus, 17^)0; Joseph, 1797. The Compilers wish to thank those who have aided them by furnishing their family records, and take this place to say that they will gladly furnish any member of this lineage with a copy of the pamphlet on request. Others who are interested will be supplied with copies until the limited edi tion is exhausted. Sidney A. Wilder, GekaldG. Wilder. Pembroke, Maine, Aug., 1902. IJiSIEAGE OF JOSEPH. 1. Joseph Wildeu (Theophilus, Theophilus, Theoph- iliis, Jabez, Edward, Thomas, John, John, Nicholas), b. in Pembroke, Aug. 23, 1797. m. 1st, Dec. 9, 1821, Mehitable Crane, dau. of John and Mary (Wheeler) Crane. She was b. in Trescott, June 13, 1797, and d. 20 July, 186G, at. 69 yrs. He m. 'h\, Oct. 29, 18()6, Mrs. Mercy (Hersey) Wild- er, wid. of IJehi Wilder, and dau. of Zadoc and Abigail (Lewis) Hersey. She was b. in Pembroke, Apr, 7, 1804, and d. 6 Jan. 1884, set. 80th yr. He d. 16 Feb. 1885, aet. 87 yrs. Ch., all b. in Pembroke, by w. Mehitable, were — 2. i. Albion, Nov. 17, 1822. ii. Joseph, Apr. 7, 1825, d. 18 July, 1900, aet. 75 yrs. m. March 4, 1849, Sarah Elizabeth l^eighton, b. June 28, 1827, d. 2 June, 1896, set. 69th yr. _ 8. iii. John Crane, Sept. 30, 1827. d,*^^. '^ /f ^X J^^^A., 4. iv. Elmira. July 11, 1829. 5. V. George Boardman, Jan. 10, 1832. 6. vi. Daniei. Webster, Feb. 26, 1834. 7. vii. Howard Malcom, Apr. 9, 1837. 2. Albion Wilder (Josepli), b. in Pembroke, Nov. 17, 1«22. m. 1st, Jan. 9, 1849, Anne Maria Crane, dau. of John and Mehitable (Wilder^ Crane. She was b. in Whiting, Nov, 28, 1828, and d, U Feb 18;)4, }\^t. 25 yrs. 6 JOSEPH WILDER AND HIS DESCENDANTS. He m, 2d, Nov. 29, I.S55, Lydia Chuse Dyer, duu. of James Dyer. She was b. in Calais, Nov. 28, 1(S26, and d. 5 Dec. 1869, a^t. 43 yrs. He m. od, Nov. 20, 187U, Mrs. Arabella (Gardner) Constuutine, wid. of iSamiiel Ward Constantine, and dau. of Moses and Lavina Libby (Morgan) Gardner. She was b. in Pembroke, Oct. 28, 1834. Child, b. in Pembroke, by w, Anne, was — 8. i. MeiA'Ii.uK Burton. March 28, 1851. Ch., all b. in Pembroke, by w. Arabella, were — 9. ii. Lydia Maria, Sept. 11, 1871. ill. Harry Constantine, July 5, 1873. iv. GkraIvD Gardner. Apr. 30, 1879, 3. John C. Wildeu (Joseph), b. in Pembroke, Sept. 30, 1827. IT). 1st, July 20, 1850, p]liza Anne Leighton, dau. of Adua and Amy (Woodworth) Leighton. She was b; in Pembroke, Oct. 2. 1830, and d. 3 June, 1882, ict. 52d yr. He m. 2d, Apr. '2S 1887 Mrs. Harriet Thomas (Townsend) Hersey, wid. of Joseph Hersey, and dau. of Stephen and Abigail Farewell (Bacon) Townsend. She was b. in Sid- ney, Jan. 19, 1833, Child, b. in Pembroke, by w. Eliza, was — 10. i. Sidney Augustus, Jan. 27, 18.52. 4. Elmika Wilder (dan. Joseph), b. in Pembroke, July 11, 1829. m 1st, Sept. 30, 1817. Capt. Chase Joseph Bryanc. s, of Henry and Sarah (Mn4, Mehitable Mowe Lincoln, dan. of Moses C. and Sarah (Crane) Lincoln. She was b. in Perry, Apr. 4, 183o. Child, adopted by Daniel and Mehitable, was — Charles Eben Williamson, s. of Eben T. and Effie V. (Lingly) Williamson, b. in Stoughton, Mass., Sept. 9, 1875. Adopted March, 1876. Renamed Harvey Whitney Wilder, m. Nov. 26, 1897, Mattie Sarah Love joy, 7. Howard M. Wilder (Joseph), b. in Pembroke, Apr. 9, 1837, m. Apr. 21, 1860, Catharine Conic Burdin, dau. of John and Katherine (Brown) Burdin. She was b. in Meddybemps, March 13, 1836. Child, b. in Pembroke, was — i. Harry Howard, Jan. 1, 1863. d. 26 May, 1869, aet. 6 yrs. 8 JOSEPH WILDER AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 8. Melville B. Wildek (Albion, Joseph >, b. in Pem- broke, March 28, 1851, m. Nov. 27, 1884, Florence Cor- nelia Learned, dau. of Julius and Sarah Ayer (Hayes) Iwearned. She was b. in Boston, Mass., March 15, 18C0. Ch., all b. in Cambridge, Mass., were — i. IlKLEN IvEARNED, Jan. 24, 1886. ii. vSarah Marian, Dec. 28, 1887. iii. Emily Hayes, Aug. 11, 1890. iv. Howard Melville. Feb. 19, 1892. V. Florence Cornelia, June 22, 1894. vi. Doris, July 18. 1900. fK Lydia M. Wilder (dau. Albion), b. in Pembroke, Sept. 11, 1871. m. Feb. 16, 1890, Horace Everett Frost, s. of Gilbert and Mrs. Elizabeth Jane (Scott) Little Frost. He was b. in Perry, Dec. 0, 1866. Ch., all b. in Pembroke, were — i. Mabel Kthel, Nov. :J0, 1892. ii. Bertram Everett. Dec. 15. 1894. 10. Sidney A. Wilder (Joiin, Joseph), b. in Pem- broke, Jan. 27, 1852. m. Feb. 18, 1870, Caroline Augusta Leavitt, dau. of George W^ashington and Theresa Ruth (Stoddard) Leavitt. She was b. in Pembroke, June 9, 1858. Child, b. in Pembroke, was — i. Bret Harte. Nov. 19, 1878. 11 . IvANnoE C. Bryant (s. Elmira), b. in Pembroke, Jan. 16, i«50. m. 1st, Dec. 21, 1872, Lydia Amanda Wild- er, dau. of Jotham Sewell and Mary (Teed) Wilder. She was b. in Pembroke, Sept. 80, 1852, and d. 5 Sept. 1884, aet. 82d yr. He m. 2d, Feb. 2, 1891, Sarah Elizabeth Chase, dau. of Jeremiah and Susan (Conic) Chase. She was b. in JOSKFII WILl>Ei: AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 9 Meddybemps. Apr. 11. 1847. Child, 1). in Pembroke, by w. Lydia, was — i. Chask Sewell, Oct. 18, 1873. m. Dec. 13, 1899, Eliza Jane Gillis. 12. Cask.mka M. I'.iJYANT (dau. Ebnira), b. in Pemb- roke, Apr. M. l.S;V2 m. 1st, Dec. 13, 1869, Dr. Harford B. Knovvles. ni. 2d, Arthur Gastinell. Ch., nil b. in Calais, to h. Harford, were — i. KvSTEl.lvA. ii. Harford Chase. Au<;., 1873. 13. Zanello Ijkvant (s. Ebnira), b. in Pembroke, March 27, 1854. m. March 20, 1877, Margaret Isabel Rob- inson, can. of William jMcKinley and Eliza Ann (CarioU^ Robinson. She was b. in Portaupique, Nova Scotia. Feb. 28, 18r)4. Ch., all b. in Acadia Mines, Nova Scotia, were — i. John Ivanhoe, Nov. 10, 1879, d. IG Jan. foil, ii. Ella Elmira, Nov. 11, 1880, m. July 31, 1901, James L. Manning, iii. WiLLENA May", Jan. 16, 1882. iv. Irena Maud, Jan. 24, 1885. V. Ernest Barry, March 14, 1888, d. 18 June foil, vi. LiAL Carroll, June 7, 1890, d. 19 Nov. foil, vii. Annie Lulu, Nov. 18. 1892. viii. Edith Alburth, March 18, 1896. 14. Ella E. Tkyant (dau. Elmira), b. in Pembroke, Jan 27, 1857. m. Jan 27, 1875, Harvey C. Gardner. He was b. in Palais. She d. 18 Apr. 1880, '^i. 23 yrs. Child, b. in Cnmbridge, Mass., M-as — i. Charles Chase, d. act. 16 mos. 1^ JOSKPII WILDKU AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 15. IvA B. Hutchinson (s. Elmiia), h. in Pembroke, Feb. 22, I860, m. Oct. 5, 1891, Klla Juanita Lauretta Mao Donald, dau. of Donald and Jane (Cauldfield) MacDonald. She was b. in Warehouse Point, Conn., Sept. 20, 18(;8. Ch., all b. in Bridgeport, Conn., were — i. Beatrice May, May 21. 1893. ii. Donald Iva, Aug. 5, 1807. 16. Emma M. Hutchinson (dau. Elniira), b. in Pem- broke, Sept, 12, 1866. m, Jan. 24, 1887, William Harris Crowell, s. of William Harris and ^lary (Sprague) Crowell. He was b. in P]dgartown, Mass., Feb. 27, 1863. Child, b. in Cambridge, Mass., was — i. EVEI.YN Sprague, May 6, 1889. y \ ■ BD -2a o " ^ "> <■ .^ o^ * « „ c ^ ,0-^ .0 \^ -^^ •-^^tli/^,- » • o cT^ vK\V » ■• ' ° A' v^ s * ' • - ^^- ^ov^ °^^^ ^^o"^ '"^' oV^ '^ >.0r^ <>9'Mf^ ,-^0 <1> ^^ - lKl(\'^*$^^'^.'» X^ ^ri. ^^ lOv-, '^ 0^ s O y ^> L^ "1> " ° ^ .-rv> -^ »M ^^.■ -^ 0^ ^IV'*' "^^ v"^ C^ .^^ f'-.'/'/.y-^--^-^ iw? :'.^i4h -•) • ■l; w^~- » / •' ^ 1-^ ^°-%. ^ ^^. * ( 1 DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINDING OCT 7^' \ ST. AUGUSTINE 32084 o « o .^0• 0^ .-"> O. "o-o vs L^^i 548 391 5