1 m Class. Book. Co|jyrightN°. ^ J 4 J COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. A GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE VoRCE Family IN AMERICA, WITH NOTES ON SOME ALLIED FAMILIES. > ,' . J J.. > ', ^ 3 i i i > »; 1.^ ' BY CHARLES MARVIN VORCE. 1 ' 1 3 ' , , ' , > ' , > " Tantus labor non sii cassus." CLEVELAND, OHIO. MDCCCCI. t ^ .>*> The library of congress, Two Cur-iES Keceived NOV. 25 1901 COPVRKSHT ENTRY CL.Aes^«>XXc. N„ / ^/ tfS COPl' Li. Copyright, 1901, by Charles M. Voice. 0- o CHARLES MARVIN VORCE. INTRODUCTION. The foundation for this work was laid in 1865, when the author, during a brief visit home from the army, wrote down from the statements of his father, Rufus P. Vorce, a hst of the Vorce family as known to the latter. It was then believed by both that, as was often asserted by Samuel Vorce, "all of the Vorces in this country are related,"' and it was supposed that the list then prepared w'as nearly complete to that time. Investigations prosecuted during the past four years have shown, however, that there is in this country a very large number of people descended from ancestors by the name of Vorce, none of whom were known to the descendants of Timothy Vorce of Dutchess county, 1746. Exhaustive research having failed to find the connecting link betv/een all these various branches, if it exists, as seems probable, they are perforce treated separately. The descendants of Timothy Vorce, as the original starting point of the work, and the descendants of other branches, more or less completely traced but which appear to be probably consanguineous therewith form Part I. Families descended from ancestors named Vorce or Vorse, but whose connection with those of the first part has not yet been ascertained to be probable, form Part II. The record of related and intermarrying families forms Part III. In the Appendix are given some families not known to be related to any of those in Parts I and II, together with some items of historical and genealogical interest. The nationality of the remote ancestors of the Vorce family is involved in doubt. By most persons the family is claimed to be of French, but by some of Dutch, descent. The great preponderance of family tradition is, however, in favor of the French ancestry. The conflicting traditions of French and Dutch ancestry might be reconciled by supposing the original French ancestors to have gone from France into Holland, and thence to England or x\merica, as many French Huguenots did. ^ This has seemed to the author the most prob- able solution, and accords well with all the facts known. (1) 2 INTRODUCTION. These various family traditions are here given for the light they may afford to any who may wish to prosecute the work of tracing out such of tlie families as are herein in- completely given. The first tradition, which came to the author from several descendants of Timothy Vorce, is that the family was of French descent and the name was originally LaForce, being changed by dropping the La and converting the Force into Vorce, conformably to the pronounciation of their Dutch neighbors. This change is by some said to have only been completed about the period of the Revolution, and some sup- port for this idea is found in the fact that in the history of Dutchess county a Timothy Force is given as living there in 1775, but no mention is made of any one by the name of Vorce or LaForce. A number of persons by the name of LaForce and Laforce are now living in Canada. A second tradition, coming from various descendants of "old Zebulon Vorce," is that the ancestor came from Holland to New Ams- terdam, where "they were all Dutch together," and thence moved up the river to Dutchess county. Other descendants of Zebulon Vorce assert the French ancestry. According to them, Zebulon Vorce was a French Nobleman who came from France to America in the reign of Louis XIV on account of the wars then raging in France, and the confiscation of his property. He settled on Manhattan when there were but very few people there. His son Gary and an Astor were trappers, and had a trading post on the island. He owned a large ■ tract of land on the island, built houses, and laid out village lots. In time, peace being declared in France, he was re- stored again to citizenship. He returned to France for several years, in the meantime his agent in Manhattan transacting his business for him. In his old age he again came to Amer- ica, and found there had been great dishonesty going on, land having been sold and money, rents, etc. converted to the agent's gain. He was ill, being troubled with cancer, and did not push his claim at once. A specialist was sought out for him bv his agent and called once and prescribed for the old man, and that was the last of him. He was quietly removed, his relatives thought. A third tradition, coming from descendants of Allen Vorce, a descendant of Zebulon and an early resident of Yates countv, N. Y., is that the familv was of French descent and INTRODUCTION. 3 the name originally DeVorce, the De being dropped by the ancestor on coming from France to America. A fourth tradition, emanating from John Vorce, of Eaton Rapids, Mich., is that their ancestors were three brothers by the name of V'orce who came from France to America, "ban- ished for their religion." This seems to point clearly to a Huguenot ancestry ; and it is further said that the three brothers came to Long Island, where it is known that a con- siderable number of Huguenot refugees did live. John B. Vorce, a son of Sylvester Vorce, who lived in Dutchess county in 1785, also claimed to be of French de- scent, and supposed that the ancestral name "was probably DeVorce." Finally it is found that a Huguenot named Adrien LaForce lived in Bushwick, on Long Island, in 1684, where he married a Dutch wife, one Jannetje Jans. Zebulon Vorce is said to have also married a Dutch wife, as many of the Hugue- nots are known to have done. If in such a matter it were allowable to indulge in sup- position, we might easily conclude that Adrien LaForce might have come to New Amsterdam from Holland, whither as a Huguenot refugee he had fled from France during the per- secutions precedmg the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and that his descendants (and perhaps those of his unidentified brothers) had by 1746 removed to Dutchess county, as in 1775 we find Timothy Force, Benjamin Force, and Solomon Force recorded as residing in Dutchess county. The de- scendants of Benjamin Force (who also wrote his name V'crce), while claiming a French ancestry, supposed the name to have been originally spelled Force. But adhering to known facts and avoiding supposition, it must be admitted that so far no link connecting all the separate families who bore the name of \"orce or \'orse during the colonial period has been found. A singular and somewhat remarkable fact is, that no help whatever in tracing the genealogy of the family has been de- rived from searches in all of the great libraries of the country, even with the aid of professional genealogists employed at considerable expense. A few scattered references to persons bearing the names of Vorce or Force were thus found, with- out any connected information as to their ancestry or descend- ants, but all of the information and every name contained in the body of the work (Parts I and II) has been obtained fronj 4 INTRODUCTION. bible records, private family lists, or tlie recollection of living persons. The research will not end with the publication of this volume, but will be continued in the hope of eventually dis- covering the common ancestrv of all the branches, and it is earnestly hoped that all persons to whose hand this work may come will communicate to rhe author any information they may have additional to that herein given regarding the Family or any person herein named. Correction of any errors or omissions found will be thankfully received, and it is hoped that the publication of this volume at this time will result in the accumulation of sufficient additional information to en- able a supplement or second edition to be published at some future time, which shall be not only correct and complete but succeed in disclosing the remote ancestral origin of the family. Cleveland, December 31, 1900. PART I. TIMOTHY YORCE. TIMOTHY VORCE, the first of this Hue whose relation- ship has been estabhshed with certainty, was born about 1719. but the locahty of his birth has not been ascertained, although it was probably in Connecticut or Long Island. He married and before 1746 moved to Dutchess county, N. Y., where he was a farmer at that time. He was bitten by a rattlesnake and died from the bite in 1746, before the birth of his only child, Timothy Vorce, the second. No particulars regarding his wife have been discovered. TIMOTHY VORCE, 2d. TIMOTHY YORCE, tlie second, was born in Dutchess county, after his father's death, in 1746, the exact date not be- ing ascertainable. He married Eliz.muvTh Simpson, of Eng- lish descent but born in the colonies, probablv in Connecticut. Their children were : Willi A. \r Yorck, born Aug. 27, 1779, in Dutchess county. Jedt^diah Yorce;, born Jan. 31, 1781. in Dutchess county. SamuivL Vorce, how. Jan. 28, 1783, in Dutchess county. John Vorce, born , 1785, in Dutchess. AuDRiA Vorce and Sophia Vorce. twins, born Jan. i, 1790. near Greenfield, Saratoga county, N. Y. Timothy Vorce was a farmer, and during the Revolu- tionary War was at various times a member of the military organizations in Dutchess county which were employed in watching and repressing the Tories, who were numerous in Dutchess county and bold in consequence of the proximity of the British forces in New York and along the lower reaches of the Hudson. These organizations were of intermittent activity, their members being often allowed to remain at home to do necessary work on their farms until summoned to meet for some emers:encv. It was to an organization of this kind, (5) 6 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF and very possibly to the same one, that the three soldiers, Paulding, Williams and Van Wert, who arrested Major Andre, belonged. Many very interesting stories of his experi- ences in conflicts with the Tories were related by Timothy Vorce. On one occasion the company to which he belonged surprised and captured a band of some seventeen or twenty Tories who had assembled and were holding a meeting con- cealed in the top of an immense fallen tree whose foliage was reiied upon to screen them from observation. The houses of the Tories were so well watched that an assemblage at any house was dangerous, hence they were compelled to resort to meeting in the woods and out of the way places. About 1790 Timothy Vorce and family moved to Sara- toga county, or, as some think, first, to Columbia county and thence to Saratoga county, where he settled near Greenfield. Land was then easily to be had upon lease or purchase from any of the large estates or patroons who at that time held immense tracts of land in the then unsettled interior of the state. Large families were an almost universal rule in those days ; hence as soon as young people reached a marrying age, about twenty or twenty-one for young men and sixteen to nineteen for young women, they usually married and started out to make their own home. They took up land, built a log cabin, cleared land, and started in to battle with the hardships of pioneer life, which were so severe that few of the present day would dare to embark on such an undertaking. A vast amount of very hard labor was always to be done in clearing land and improving farms already cleared, so that the sturdy youth of that day could always find employment, although money was scarce, wages low, and often paid in property in- stead of money. Live stock of all kin'ds was a frequent medium for settling debts, and being indispensable to every householder was readily accepted in lieu of cash. But few horses were used, as oxen, although slower, were capable of harder work, and were the common animals for traction. In large families, some of the children were usually glad to find work in smaller families, as they thus acquired in a few years means or property sufficient to enable them to marry. The children of Timothy Vorce all married young: William at twenty-four, Jedediah at twenty-three, Samuel at twenty-one, John at twenty-one, Audria at sixteen, and Sophia at eighteen. Thus Timothy Vorce by 1808 found all his children married. William and Samuel had removed to Oswego county, and THE VORCE FAMILY 7 within a hw years afterwards Timothy himself removed thither. H s wife Ehzabeth died about this time, but whether in Saratoga or Oswego county has not been ascertained. Timothy \ orce married a few years later a second wife, Mercy Frazier. Their only child was Zedulon Vorce, born in Richlarfi, Oswego county, in 1817, (1810?) exact date not ascertained. Timotl y Vorce died by drowning in August. 1830. He had been working in the harvest field cradling grain, and went into Salmoi\ river for a swim to cool off. He was seized with cramps and drowned before help could reach him. Thus died this vigorous old man, at the age of eighty-four years, who, had he escaped such accident, bade fair to live at least ten or twelve years longer. He was a man of firm will, fearless courage and great physical vitality, qualities inherited in a marked degrve by his sons. His wife Mercy died in 1834 at Pulaski, N. 1. GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF WILLIAM VORCE. WILLIAM VORCE, eldest son of Timothy ,Vorce, 2d, was born in Dutchess county, near Athens, August 6, 1779; married, first, in Saratoga county in 1803, Mei. Doane, born Feb. 8, 1837; died June 27, 1841, at Pulaski. Samuel V. Doane, born April 27, 1839, *^l'etl July i, 1 84 1, at Pulaski. Helon F. Doane, born July 27, 1843, at Pulaski. Audria Vorce Doane died June 26, 1853, at Pulaski; Ira W. Doane married, third, October 11, 1896, HESTER Ann (Cal- kins) Beeman, at Pulaski. HENRY GRANT VORCE married, first, December 12, 1839. at Port Ontario, Abigail Rice [born April 18, 1815, at Port Ontario, daughter of Rice]. Their children were: Martha E. Vorce, born Nov. 14, 1840, at Detroit, Mich. Cliarles Howard Vorce, born Nov. 24, 1843, at Detroit, Michigan. Abigail Rice Vorce died November 28,. 1848, at Detroit; Henry Grant Vorce married, second, SerEpta Lake, widow of James E. Lake. They had no children. H. G. Vorce married, third. Charlotte M. Chase, of De- troit, born , 18 — . They had no children. She died , 1900, at Euclid, O. MERCY VORCE married, January 13. 1839. at Pulaski. Alonzo C. Burton^ born November 20, 181 5. Their chil- dren were : Samuel E. Burton, born Sept. 5, 1842, died April 22, 1 86 1, at Pulaski. InEant. born Aug. 12. 1847, ^^^^^ Aug. 14, 1847, at Pulaski. Mercy Vorce Burton died March 31, 1879, at Pulaski. SOPHIA VORCE married, first. January 2, 1840, at Pulaski, William Gilbert, born at Hartford, Conn., April 10, 1818. Their children were : Mary E. Gilbert, born in , 1842, at Pulaski. Edw^'KRD Gilbert, born Jan. 10, 1844, at Pulaski ; died unmarried July 8, 1896, at Wakeeney, Kan. Emily Eliza Gilbert, born Aug. 28, 1846, at Pulaski. William Gilbert died March 11, 1852, at Oswego. N. Y. ; Sophia Vorce married, second, in 1858, Merger B. Patty, at THE VORCE FAMILY 21 Pontiac, 111., died. They had no children. She died June 2. 1898, at the home of her grandson, Fred Grant Clark, in Chicago, 111. LUCRETIA M. VORCE died unmarried Feh. 26, 1898, at Euclid, Ohio, at the home of O. F. Powers. CHARLES MARVIN VORCE married, January 27, 1868. at Oregon, 111., Evalyn Cornelia Marshall [born October 16, 1844, at Rockvale, Ogle county, 111., daughter of Columbus Strong Marshall, of Vermont]. Their children were: LoREN RuFus VoRCE, born July 10, 1869, at Cleveland, Ohio. Myron Bond Vorce, born August 14. 1871, at Cleveland. EDWIN MARVIN VORCE married May 31, 1893, at Colla- mer, Ohio, Carolyn Biven, daughter of James R. Biven. She was born July 9, 1862, at Paris, Kentucky. They had no children. WILLARD RUFUS VORCE married, September 19, 1877. at Cleveland, Ohio, Ida May Hollinger [born January 12, 1859, at Wooster, Ohio, daughter of Joseph Hollinger]. Their children were : Bessie G. Vorce, born February 22, 1879. at Cleveland. Carl Hollinger Vorce, born Jan. 19, 1881, at Cleveland. LAFAYETTE DENTON VORCE married June 20, 1894, at Wellington, Ohio, Agnes Haskeli,, daughter of Joseph Haskell, of Wellington. She was born at Wellington. Their children were : Cara Haskell Vorce, born June 21, 1899. at Chicago, 111. MARTHA A. DOANE married October 17, 1866, at Pulaski, Lathum D. Potter [born March 2%, 1838, at Orwell, N. Y., son of John E. Potter, of Orwell]. They have no children. MARTHA E. VORCE married November 12, 1874, at Euclid, Ohio, Oscar F. Powers [born , son of Powers]. They had no children. Martha E. Powers died November 5, 1876, at Monroe, Michigan. Oscar F. Powers married, second, , 18 , at Euclid, Ohio, Eva Carter. They had no children. CHARLES HOWARD VORCE married November 14, 1868, at Ottawa, 111., L-winia Thompson [born November 14, 22 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF 1847, at Ottawa, eldest daughter of G. L. Thompson]. Their only child was : Harold Thompson Vorce, born January 16, 1871, at Ottawa. Lavinia T. Vorce died September i, 1898, at Chicago, 111. MARY E. GILBERT married, first, , 1864, at Pontiac, William Carter, died 18 . They had no chil- dren. She married, second, March 20, 1884 at Chicago, Wil- liam J. Cantrall, of Hillsboro, N. Dak. They had no chil- dren. Mary Gilbert Cantrall died April 12, 1885, at Hillsboro. EMILY ELIZA GILBERT married, first, January 11, 1866, at Pontiac, 111., Lewis Clark, born August 2}^, 1840, in Scot- land. Their only child was : Fred Grant Clark, born Oct. 17, 1866, at Pontiac, 111. Lewis Clark died November 10, 1876, at Pontiac. Emily Eliza Clark married, second, April 15, 1886, at Chicago, Wil- liam J. Cantrall, who died April 17, 1896, at Detroit, Minn. Thev had no children. LOREN RUFUS VORCE, married October 16, 1894, at Cleveland, Ohio, Minnie Evalyn Smith [born Nov. 3. 1869, at Cleveland, only daughter of William Galen Smith]. Their only child was : Mildred Vorce, born July 9, 1895, at Baltimore, Md. HAROLD THOMPSON VORCE married November 19. 1898, at Chicago, Hattie Janet Totten [born November 17, 1870, at Sharon, Wis., daughter of Jerome Totten]. They have no children. FRED GRANT CLARK married, October 16, 1890, at Chicago, 111., Katie Flack. They had no children but adopted a child : William Edward Clark, bom 18, . CAPTAIN JOHN VORCE. THE VORCE FAMILY 23 JOHN VORCE. JOHN VORCE, the. fourth son of Timothy Vorce. was born in 1785. The exact date and place of his birth has not been ascertained, but it seems probable that he was born in Dutchess county. By about 1790, however, he was living in Saratoga county. For some years before coming of age he worked for and lived in the family of Silas Adams, at Milton Hill, Sara- toga county, New York. In 1806 John Vorce married Annis. the eldest (?) daughter of Silas Adams, and lived in Milton until about 1812 or 1813, when he removed to Richmond town- ship, Oswego county, New York. In the ''History of Oswego County" it is said : "Capt. John Vorce settled in Richland at an early date." This means Richland township, and not the present village of Richland. His daughter Lydia was born here. He sailed most of the time until about 1823 or 1824, when he moved back to Milton on account of his wife's health and the increasing age of her parents. He lived there on or near the Adams farm, caring for Silas Adams and his wife, until after the marriage of his daughter Priscilla in 1830. His wife, Annis Adams Vorce, died in 1825, and thereafter until her marriage his daughter Priscilla kept house for him. After the marriage of Priscilla, Capt. John Vorce removed to Cleveland, Ohio, and thereafter until their death Silas Adams and his wife were cared for by their grandson, Hermon Thomas, who' received the Adams farm as his recompense. After leaving Milton, John Vorce married (at Cleveland?) his second wife, Sarah Smith, and continued sailing until the latter part of the '40s (about 1848?), when he quit sailing and settled in Wickliffe, Lake county, Ohio, where he kept a tavern and a general store on the Euclid Road, then the stage route between Bufifalo and Cleveland. Here he was familiarly known to everybody as "Uncle John." The opening of the railroad from Erie to Toledo soon killed the tavern business, and about the breaking out of the Civil War "Uncle John" gave up the tavern and retired to a small farm near by, in the center of the present village of Wickliffe, upon which he built a residence wherein he lived until his death, which occurred August II, 1866. Soon after or about the time of his retire- ment from the lakes, Captain Vorce's wife, familiarly known to all as "Aunt Sally," became demented, although tractable 24 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF and harmless, and was always tenderly cared for in the family, being an object of especial solicitude to her husband during his life, and after that to his youngest son, Henry Vorce, who came home from California a year or two before his father's death for the express purpose of taking care of him and "Aunt Sally" during their lives. She died in 1871. At the time Capt. John Vorce settled in Wickliffe, the country was full of small game, the thick woods which still covered considerable portions of the country especially abound- ing in squirrels, and inconceivably immense flocks of wild pigeons filling the air during spring and fall. Hunting squir- rels was a particularly favorite sport with **Uncle John,'' and one that he was always ready to indulge in. He possessed an old-fashioned small-bore rifle of exceptional length and weight, which was always in demand at the Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey shootings which formed an invariable feature of such holidays at that time. With this weapon "Uncle John" was a crack shot, and disdained to shoot a squirrel otherwise than through the head, although he was upwards of sixty years of age. As late as 1855, when he was seventy years old and quite fleshy, the author has seen "Uncle John" spend a full half day tramping the woods with a party of friends and returning with a "back load" of squirrels, every one shot cleanly through the head. It was not an uncommon featur;? for him to shoot wild pigeons through the head, and when shooting at a chicken, duck or turkey the head was always his mark. It is related of Capt. John Vorce that once on coming into Oswego the owners of the schooner he sailed ordered her painted black. Capt. John, having always kept her painted white or green, objected, but the owners were inflexible, and she was painted black ; whereupon Capt. John threw up his position as her master and secured the command of another vessel whose owners allowed him to keep his vessel painted to suit himself. The children of John Vorce were: PRiscrLi,.\ Vorce, born Mar. 8, 1807, at Milton. John Vorce, born 1809, at Alilton, died about 1819. Lydt.v Vorce. born Nov. 13, 181 5, at Richland. Silas Adams Vorce, born Dec. 23, 1817, at Pulaski. Henry S. Vorce, born 1822, at Milton. THE VORCE FAMILY 25 PRISCILLA VORCE, married, Sept. 9, 1830, at Milton, Henry W. Brown, born Nov. 21, 1806, at Cheshire, Mass. Their children were : Harriet Brown, born Feb. 19, 1836, died Mar. 25, 1836, at Lanesborough, Mass. Henry H. Brown, born Dec. 16, 1837, tli^^ Mar. 13, 1839, at Lanesborough. William L. Brown, born Jan. 24, 1841, at Lanesborough, died unmarried July 25, 1861, at North Adams, Mass. Mary Jane Brown, born Nov. 19, 1843, died Feb. 7, 1846, at Lanesborough. Marietta Brown, born Sept. 16. 1848, at North Adams; resides at North Ashfield, Mass., unm. Henry W. Brown died September 9, 1879, at North Adams, Mass. ; Priscilla V. Brown died April 29, 1883, at Cheshire, Mass. LYDIA VORCE married, November 6, 1833, at Cleveland, Abram Cole, born July 8, 1808, in Canada. Their children were: Annis Adams Cole, born Nov. 13, 1835, ^t Cleveland. William Henry Harrison Cole, born June 7, 1838. at Chicago. Cordelia Griggs Cole, born Dec. 11, 1841. at Lima, Ind. Helen Mary ColE, born Feb. 17, 1845 ; died Jan. 12, 1848, at Louisville, Ky. JuLLv Ann Cole, born Jan. 3, 1847, at Louisville. George Washington Cole, born Feb. 22, 1849, ^t Louis- ville. Josephine Cole, born April 18, 1851, died Jan. 8, 1853, at Jeffersonville, Ind. LuTECiA Pamelia Cole, born Nov. 29, 1855; died July 19, 1859, at Louisville. SILAS ADAMS \'ORCE married, at Cleveland, Ohio, Martha W. Gardner, born May 14, 1819, at East Cleveland. Their children were : Achsa Eliza Vorce, born July 12, 1844, at Cleveland. Ella Augusta Vorce, born Sept. 9, 1848, at Willoughby, Ohio. Clara G. Vorce, born Oct. 3, 1852, at Buffalo, N. Y. Silas A. Vorce died December 28, i860, at Springfield, Ohio. Martha W. Vorce, married, second, at Springfield. Cornelius Baker. She died at Springfield, April 22, 1900. 26 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF HENRY VORCE never married. He began sailing when a boy with his father; sailed some years on the lakes and then for several years at sea, visiting all quarters of the globe ; he reached San Francisco in 1849, abandoned the sea and went to the mines; spent 16 years in mining with varying fortunes, and in 1865 returned to Ohio to care for his father; he re- mained there until 1871, when he went to Texas, settled in Palestine, Texas, in 1873 and died there, universally known and respected, March 24, 1900. ANNIS ADAMS COLE married, March 29, 1854. at New Albany, Ind., John Franklin Schwartz [born August 5, 1832, at Watson, Clark county, Ind., son of George Schwartz and Nancy Fry]. Their children were: Laura Ureta Schwartz, born at Jeffersonville, Ind., Feb. 4, 1856, died Oct. 30, 1886, at Derby, Kansas. John Eddy Schwartz, born Aug. 22, 1857, at New Albany, Ind. George Henry Schwartz, born Jan. 17, 1859, at Jeffer- sonville. Lydia Vorce Schwartz, born Dec. 12, i860, at Jeffer- sonville. Charles Schwartz, born May 23, 1863. died May 23, 1863, in Clark county. Benjamin Franklin Schwartz, born May, 23, 1865, in Clark county. Delphia Annis Schwartz, born Aug. 12, 1867, in Clark county. James Elmer Schwartz and Mary Adelia Schwartz, twins, born Nov. 12, 1869, in Clark county. James Elmer died Aug. 5, 1870; Mary Adelia died Dec. 9, 1870. Robert Alexander Schwartz, born March 9, 1874. in Clark county. Annis Adams Schwartz, died May 29, 1876. in Clark county, Ind. John Franklin Schwartz married, second. April 18. 1877, at LaGrange. Oldham county, Ky.. Fannie Ellen Ellis, born Dec. 3, 1845, at LaGrange. Their children were: Oliver Ellis Schwartz, born Feb. 27, 1879, at Watson. Flora Jane Schwartz, born July 2. 1880. at Watson. Sadie May Schwartz, born Jan. 30, 1882, at Watson. Lola Bell Schwartz, born May 3, 1883. at Watson. THE VORCE FAMILY 27 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON COLE married June 19, i860, at Louisville, Anna Cordelia Cable, born Dec. , 1836. Their chifdren were: Henry Clay Cole, born Nov. 19, i860, at Louisville, died Sept. , 1862, at Fort Donelson, Tenn. Charles Cole, born Jan. , 1863, at Fort Donelson, died May , 1866, at Louisville. CORDELIA GRIGGS COLE married Feb. 2, i860, at Louis- ville, William Carroll Vaughn, born March 16, 1835, in Shelby county, Kentucky. Their children were : William Abram Vaughn, born Dec. 10, i860, at Louis- ville. Lydia Mildred Vaughn, born July 22, 1862, at Louis- ville Nellie Darling Vaughn, born Jan. 14, 1864, at Jeffer- sonville. Adaline Rankin Vaughn, born Oct. 2, 1865, at Louis- ville. John Harney Vaughn, born Sept. 15, 1867, died March 19, 1870, at Louisville. Mary K.ate Vaughn, born Oct. 14, 1869, at Louisville. Hattie May Vaughn, born April 28, 1873, died same day, at Louisville. George Preston Vaughn, born June 30, 1875, died same day, at Chicago. May Annis Vaughn, born Dec. 16, 1878, at Chicago. JULIA ANN COLE married Nov. 6, 1866, at Louisville, Erastus Davison [born December 24, 1837, at Willoughby, Ohio, son of Orrin Davison]. Their children were: Orrin Henry Davison, born Aug. 15, 1867, at Wil- loughby. Maud Davison, born April 23, 1869, at Willoughby. Jennie Munroe Davison, born April 18, 1870, at Wil- loughby. Lucretia Belle Davison, born Oct. 9, 1871, at Wil- loughby. Olive Maria Davison, born June 6, 1873, died Feb. 6, 1874, at Willoughby. Arthur Davison, born Jan. 4, 1875, at Mentor^ Ohio. Ada Davison, born July 30, 1877, at Mentor. George Washington Damson, born June 19, 1879, at Mentor, died Aug. 20. 1888, at Chicago. 28 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Erastus Davison, died Feb. 14, 1882, at Willoughby. GEORGE WASHINGTON COLE married, July 10, 1870, at Louisville, Katherine Wheei^Er [born Sept. 30, 1849, ^^ Louisville, daughter of Geo. Wm. Wheeler, born at Coburg, Germany]. Their children were: Kate March Cole, born March 9, 1871, died Nov. 23. 1874, at Louisville. George Leonidas Cole, born Sept. 3. 1872. died Jan. 23, 1873, at Louisville. Walter Eugene C-jle. born Oct. 27, 1874; died at Louis- ville, Jan. 21, 1899. Lydia Rebecca Cole, born December 9, r875, at Louis- ville. Haslev Winford Cole, born June 16, 1878. at Elizabeth- town, Ky. Georgie Sweets Cole, born Nov. 23, 1883; died Dec. 10, 1883, at Elizabethtown. George Washington Cole died May 10. 1883. at Louisville. ACHSA ELIZA ^"ORCE married at Springfield. William Blee. born at East Cleveland, O., Aug. 13. 1842. They had no children. ELLA AUGUSTA VORCE. married at Springfield, Robert S. Barnes, born Nov. 14, 1842, at Greenwich. O. Their children were : Mabel Augusta Barnes, born Aug. 18, 1869, at Cleve- land. Blanche Barnes, born , 1872. at Toledo, O. VoRCE Barnes, born ]\Iay 23, 1878. at Toledo. Robert S. Barnes, died July 26. 1897. CLARA G. \'ORCE, married at Springfield, Fred- erick M. Farmer, born April 19. 1847, ^^ Syracuse, N. Y. Their children were : Edith Farmer, born Dec. 7, 1877. at Springfield. Gail Farmer, born Dec. 23. 1884, at Springfield. JOHN EDDY SCHWARTZ, married April 15, 1890, at Win- field, Kan., Sakait Evalena Sparling, born Sept. i. i860, at Putnam, '111. Their children were: Walter Asbxtry Schwartz, born Feb. 9, 1891, at Derby, Kansas. Raymond Schw artz, born Oct. 7, 1892, at Derby. THE VORCE FAMILY 29 GEORGE HENRY SCHWARTZ married, Dec. 23. 1885. at Elizabethtown, Ky., Kate Emma CullEy [born June 17, 1861, at Elizabethtown, daughter of J. D. CuUey]. Their chil- dren were : EsTEELA Lee Schwartz, born Jan. 4, 1887, at Louisville. Rose Elizabeth Schwartz, born Feb. 19, 1898, at Louis- ville. LYDIA VORCE SCHWARTZ married, Nov. 6, 1892, at Jef- fersonville, Columbus Walter Carson, born June 3, 1853, at Ballardstown, Ky. They had no children. BENJAMIN F. SCHWARTZ married, Feb. 3, 1885, Cora C. Charlton, born at . Their children were:'^ DELPHL\ ANNIS SCHWARTZ married, first, in 1884, Nathan Bottoff, who died Feb. 10, 1897. Their children were : Delphia A. Bottoff married, second, July. 1897, Ed Mann, who died Nov. 25, 1897. She married, third, Sept. 11, 1898, John Eisman. ROBERT ALEXANDER SCHWARTZ married. October i, 1897, Rosetta Herman. WILLIAM ABRAM VAUGHN married, June 15, 1883, at Huron. Dakota. Ida A. Betz, born Oct. 11, i860, at Huron. Their children were : Alice Cordelia \'aughn, born March 22, 1884, at Chicago. Nellie Darling Vaughn, born July 31, 1886, Chicago. LYDIA MILDRED VAUGHN married, June 15, 1880, at Chicago, Joseph Kimerling, born Dec. 22, 1852. Their children were : Maltd Edith Kimerling and May Annis Kimerling, twins, born March 10, 1881, at Chicago. Maud Edith died May 24, 1883; May Annis died June 2, 1883. \ViLLiAM John Kimerling, born Sept. 6, 1882, at Chicago. George Edward Kimerling, born June 12, 1887, at Chicago. Mildred Caroline Kimerling, born April 7. 1891, at Chicago. Gertrude Valtghn Kimerling, born and died IMarch 21, 1897. at Chicago. 30 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF NELLIE DARLING VAUGHN married, February 2, 1885, at Chicago. Samuel Forest, born Nov. 26, i860. Their children were : Cordelia M.vy Forest, born July 29. 1889, at Chicago. ADALINE RANKIN VAUGHN married, October 24, 1883. at Chicago. John Berry, born Sept. 9, i860, in England. Their children were : Alice Maud Berry, born July 18, 1884, at Chicago. Walter Berry, born Oct. 18. 1885. at Chicago. Laura Annette Berry, born April 19, 1887, at Chicago. Ethel Berry, born Jan. 31, 1889, died April 30, 1889. at Chicago. Edward Carroll Berry and Lyman Rogers Berry, twins, born Feb. 23. 1891, at Chicago. Lyman Rogers died April 27. 1891. Paul Herbert Berry, born Oct. 17, 1895, died 1899, at Chicago. Arthur Vaughn Berry, born March i, 1898. MARY KATE VAUGHN married, February 2, 1888. at Chicago, Burton Wilson Mack, born July 15, 1868. Their children were : Jessie Carrol Mack, born April 16. 1889, at Chicago. ORRIN HENRY DAVISON married, October 23, 1890. at Chicago, Mary Jane Loretta Fitzgerald, born January 31, 1869, at Chicago. Their children were: Mary Lucy Davison, born July 28, 1891, died June 3, 1894, at Chicago. Frances Florence Davison, born Nov. 9, 1894, at Chicago. Orrin Henry Davison, born Jan. 31. 1897. at Chicago. Margaret Helen Dantson, born June 6. 1900, at May- wood, 111. MAUD DAVISON married. December 17, 1889, at Chicago, George Jacob KemlEr, born July 6, 1868. at Chicago. Their children were : Helen Olive KemlER, born Dec. 2, 1890. at Chicago. George Erastus Kemler, born Oct. 28. 1894, at Chicago. Edward Orrin Kemler, born May 17. 1897, at Chicago. JENNIE MUNROE DAVISON married. December 7. 1893, at Chicago, Joseph William Moore, born April 11, 1871. at Circleville, Ohio. Their children were : THE VORCE FAMILY 31 Harry Munroe Moore, born May 20, 1895, at Chicago. Raymond Earl Moore, born May 15, 1899, died Sept. 24. 1899. at Chicago. LUCRETIA BELLE DAVISON married. October 5. 1893. at Chicago, Charles xA-LLEN Towne, born May 13, 1866, at Hol- land, Mass. Their children were : Charles HhrAN, born Oct. 8, 1858, at Pella, Iowa. Lewis Sherman died, (date unknown). Lucinda Sherman married, second, George GrEEn. Their only child was : Green. Lucinda Kelsey Green, died at Three Oaks, Berrien county, Michigan. GENEVIEVE SHERMAN, only daughter of Lewis and Lu- cinda Sherman, married, October 9, 1878, at Union Pier, Mich., BioN Gleason, born January 5, 1858, at Lea, Mass, Their children were : James Bion Gleason, born June 19, 1879, at Union Pier. Nora May Gleason, born in 1881 ; died at Union Pier. Allen M. Gleason. bom Nov. 2, 1883, at Union Pier. George W. Gleason, born Aug. 20, 1886, at New Buf- falo, Mich. Flora A. Gleason. born Nov. i, 1889, at New Buffalo. Genevieve Sherman Glenson died December 17, 1889, at New Bufifalo. MARY ANN KELSEY married Lorenzo Borden. They had fourteen children, but no particulars regarding them have been obtained.'^ SARAH ELIZABETH KELSEY married in 1856, at Ver- milion, N. Y., Enos M. CowlES. Their children were: Frederick Samuel Cowles, born , i858(?), at William H. Cowles, born , 1861 ( ?), at Frank Cowles, born , i864(?), at; died; aged 4 years. Sarah E. K. Cowles died June, 1892; Enos M. Cowles died January, 1895. FREDERICK SAMUEL COWLES married, November 15, 1893, at South Sioux City, Neb.. Mary BellE Bigham, born January 15, 1872, at South Sioux City. Their only child was : 46 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Frederick Seneca Cowles, born Aug. 24. 1894, at Chicago, 111. WILLIAM H. COWLES married, in 1885. at Chicago. Lulu Burton, who was born in 1863, at New Orleans. Their chil- dren were : Frank CowlES, born Nov. 16, 1888. at Chicago. Florence Cowles, born Nov. 25, 1890, at Chicago. Ruby CowlES, born March 11, 1892, at Chicago. REUBEN WEST KELSEY married, (date and wife's name unknown). Their only child was: William Kelsey, born in 1870; died in 1892, in Texas. Reuben West Kelsey died March 21, 1900, in Montana. EMILY AMELIA KELSEY married, July 5, 1858. at Os- wego, N. Y., Reuben C. A. Stevens, born Dec. 5, 1837, at Utica ( ?). Their children, all born at Boston, Ontario, were: Frederick Henry Stevens, born i860; died aged two months. William F. Stevens, born 1862; died aged seventeen months. Lavina Victoria Stevens, born Feb. 15, 1864. EsTELLA Emily Stevens, born March 31, 1865. Henry Joseph Stevens, born Aug. 11, 1866. Edward Cornell Stevens, born Nov. 17, 1867. Abbie Louisa Stevens, born June 6, 1870. John R. A. Stevens, born March 6, 1872. Alexander Franklin Stevens, born April 11, 1875. LAVINA VICTORIA STEVENS married, in 1885, Joseph B. Austin. Their children were: Harry Livingston Austin, born Feb. 28, 1887; died March 29, 1888. Caroline Emma Austin, born June 7, 1889. at . Frederick Joseph Austin, born July 11, 1890, at . Olive Janet Austin, born August 28, 1891, at Stella Austin and Della Austin, twins, born Jan. 10, 1895, at . Edward F. Austin, born Oct. 28, 1897, at ESTELLA EMILY STEVENS married, in 1883, Nelson J. E. Schram, born at Simco, Ontario. Their children were: Ethel E. Schram, born Aug. 14, 1884, at . Roy R. Schram, born Feb. 2, 1886, at . Enos N. Schram, bom Aug. 14, 1893, at . Russell E. Schram, born May 3, 1896, at THE VORCE FAMILY 47 HENRY JOSEPH STEX'ENS married, June , 1896, Martha Moore. They have no children. ABBIE LOUISA STEVENS married Lewis McGee. Their only child is : Myrtle McGee, bom . 18 — . at . JEROME KELSEY married, January 8, 1868, at New Haven, N. Y., Emaia D. Morton [born May 19, 1852, at Mex- ico, N. Y., daughter of G. W. Morton]. Their children were: Henry Kelsey, born Oct. 29, 1868; died April 12, 1871, at New Haven. Grove Kelsey. born April 6, 1872, at New Haven. Ira Kelsey, born June 18, 1877. at New Haven. MARY MELISSA KELSEY, daughter of Rufus M. Kelsey, married November 23, 1876, at Ingersoll, Michael Tinney, born May 13, 1856. at Norwich. Their children were: Frances L. Tinney, born March 26, 1878, at Ingersoll; died Sept. 27. 1894, at Detroit, Mich. Eva L. Tinney, born Sept. 3, 1879, at Ingersoll. Ernest L. Tinney, born May 12, 1881, at Ingersoll. Edith May Tinney, born Aug. i, 1883; died March 16, 1884, at Ingersoll. William H. Tinney, born Dec. 24, 1885, at Ingersoll. Lucy M. Tinney, born January 20. 1887, at Ingersoll. John C. Tinney, born June 16, 1890, at Detroit. COREAN M. Tinney, born February 7, 1897, at Detroit. EVA L. TINNEY married, September 5, 1897, at Port Huron, James Benzie, who was born August 23, 1873, in Scotland. Their children were : Elsie M. Benzie, born Oct. 23, 1898, at Detroit. RoY Walter Benzie, born Nov. 11. 1900, at Detroit. JOSEPH VORCE. JOSEPH VORCE, born Aug. 28, 1810; married Jan. 28, 1836. in Oswego -ounty, N. Y., Clarissa Douglas [born December 24, 181 5, daughter of Sanford and Clarissa Doug- lass]. Their children were: Harriet M. Vorce, born July 6, 1837, at . Allen S. Vorce, born Jan. 26, 1840, at . Albert I. Vorce, born Sept. 30, 1843, at . Henry H. Vorce. born March i, 1846, at . Joseph Vorce died June 7, 1876. 48 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF HARRIET M. VORCK married. January i. 1854, at Mexico, N. Y., Timothy Vickery. Their children were: Sylvanus S. V'ickkrv, born July 8. 1855; died April 24, 1870. Rose N. Vickery, born Oct. 5. 1857, at . Timothy Vickery died Oct. 19, 1898, at Mexico. ALLEN S. VORCE enlisted in Co. F, 147th Regiment N. Y. S. v., Aug. 31, 1862; was taken prisoner at Gettysburg: was killed in the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864; unm. ALBERT L VORCE married (i), Oct. 21. 1868. Nellie S. McCoMBER [daughter of Alanson McComber]. Their chil- dren were : WiNi-iELD A. VoRCE, born Dec. 10, 1873; died Jan. i, 1874. Burton A. Vorce, born May 17, 1875. Nellie McComber Vorce died July 10, 1880. Albert L Vorce married (2), March 9, 1881, Julia A. Ball [born August 2, 1855, daughter of Jared P. Ball]. They had no children. HENRY H. VORCE married, May 15. 1867, at Mexico, Ann E. ErskinE [born July 12, 1845. daughter of John Erskine a descendant of Lord Erskinel. Their children are: Lillian L Vorce, born March 29, 1868, at . Anna R. Vorce, born Dec. 25, 1869. at . Elizabeth B. Vorce, born Feb. 6, 1872, at . Clarence Allen Vorce, born July 28, 1874. at- Harry Claude Vorce, born Sept. 12. 1878, at Ray E. Vorce, born May 17, 1886. (1887?) at . Henry H. Vorce died January 17, 1897, at Mexico. ROSE N. VICKERY married. October 5, 1879. William Weidman. Their children are: Jesse L. Weidman, born . at . Cora B. Weidman, bom , at . BURTON A. VORCE married. April 15. 1896, Maude A. Elmhurst [born November 29. 1879. daughter of Frank Elmhurst]. They have no children. LILLIAN I. VORCE married, June 14. 1893, Willis Mathewson. Their children are: Margaret A. Mathewson, born in 1894; died in 1895. Philip A. Mathewson, born , at . THE VORCE FAMILY 49 ANNA R. VORCE married, June 26, 1890, Marquis Dean. Their children are : Lillian M. Dean, born Oct. 7, 1891, at . Kate a. Dean, born March 6. 1894, at . Frances A. Dean, born Nov. 2, 1896, at . Albert V. R. Dean, born July 31, 1898, . CLARENCE A. VORCE married, March 15, 1895. Flor- ence Calkins. Their only child is : Harold H. Vorce, born Feb. 12, 1899, at . HARRY C. VORCE married, January 31, 1900, Maud Pres- T(jn. They have no cliddren. S.\RAH VORCE marrtd, about 1840, Lowell. She died at or near St. Louis, Mo., without issue. OLIVE VORCE married Griswold. Their only child was : Malvina Griswold, who married Chester Ingersoll. Olive Griswold died in central Illinois about 1875. No further particulars are known. ELIZA VORCE. ELIZA VORCE, oorn Jan. 11, 1822, married, July 4, 1838, William Bolin, born April 14, 181 3. Their children were : Nancy Lucelia Bolin, born Oct. 24, 1841. Mary Jane Bolin, born June 12, 1843, at New York. William Oscar Bolin, born Feb. 11, 1846, at . Squire Lewis Bolin, born Oct. 27, 1848, at . Cardon a. Bolin, bom Oct. 25, 1850; died Feb. 11, 1869. Polly Melvina Bolin, born Nov. 11, 1852, at . William G. Bolin, born June 19, 1855, at . William Bolin died November, 1854. MARY JANE BOLIN married. April 29, 1858. Dexter S. HoLDEN, born Oct. 16, 1835, i" Vermont. Their children were : Ida May Holden, born April 10, i860; died Feb. 7, 1863. Walter E. Holden, born June 23, 1862; died Sept. 15, 1865. Oscar A. Holden, born April 24, 1864, at . Amy E. Holden, born March 8, 1866, at . George W. Holden, born Nov. 12, 1878, at . 50 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF WILLIAM OSCAR BOLIN was wounded at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, June, 1864; died in the army unmarried. SQUIRE LEWIS BOLIN died December 2-j, 1891, at . OSCAR A. HOLDEN married, August 17, 1886, at . Elizabeth Mullen who was born , 18 , at . daughter of Mullen. Their children were : Mary Jane Holden, born Aug. 25, 1887, at . Margaret E. Holden, born July i, 1889. at . Gertrude Holden, born Oct. 7, 1 891, at . Edwin D. Holden, born Feb. 25, 1894, at . Maud E. Holden, born April 8, 1897, at . Alfred D. Holden, born Sept. 25, 1899, at . NANCY VORCE married, Warner. Their children were : Sarah Warner, (and others?) SARAH WARNER married, Lowrey. She lives with a daughter at Joliet, 111. No further particulars are ob- tainable. THE VORCE FAMILY 51 ALLEN VORCE. ALLEN \'ORCE was born in March, 1782, in Dutchess county, N. Y. He married about 1803, at or near Scipio, Cayuga county, N. Y., Lois Dunning [born in 1799, daughter of Benjamin Dunning, of Warren, Conn.]. He moved to Milo, N. Y., in 181 8, before the organization of the township, and at the organization was elected a commissioner of schools and commissioner of highways. Most of his life was passed in central New York, and the later years of it in Penn Yan. Yates county, where he was for many years a judge of the county court. In "Cleveland"? History of Yates County." extensive mention of his family is made. Eight children were born to Allen and Lois Vorce, viz : Periander Yorce, born Jan. 26. 1805, at Scipio, N. Y. John Van Renssalaer Vorce, born May 11, 1806, at Scipio. Nelson Vorce,, born —, 1808, at Scipio. Almira Vorce, born , 1810. at Scipio; died July II, 1820, at Penn Yan. Elizabeth Vorce,, born Sept. 20, 1812, at Scipio. VoLNEY Vorce and Adeline Vorce, twins, born May 15, 1815, at Scipio. Clarissa Vorce, born July 11, 1820, at Penn Yan; died May 12, 1866, at Clifton Springs, unm. Allen Vorce died December 19, 1833. at Penn Yan. Lois D. Vorce died November 10, 1833, at Penn Yan. PERIANDER VORCE. PERL\NDER VORCE married, January 6, 1831, at Gorham, N. Y., Latia Pratt. Their children were : Julia Vorce, born Feb. 18, 1832, at Penn Yan. Allen D. Vorce, born June 26, 1836, at Penn Yan. William Stewart Vorce, born Oct. 28, 1838, at Penn Yan. Periander Vorce, died August 24, 1851, at Penn Yan. Latia Pratt Vorce, died , at Penn Yan. JULIA VORCE married, , at Penn Yan. Dr. Frank- lin B. SeelyE. Their children were : 52 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Florence Seymour Seelye, born May 20, 1855, at Rush- ville. William Allen Seelye, born Aug. 16, 1861, at Rush- ville ; died unmarried July 9, 1889, at New York. ALLEN D. VORCE married Catherine D. Williams, of Farmington, Conn. Their children were : Amy Clare Vorce, born Oct. 14, 1864. at Farmington. Clarence B. Vorce, born June 23, 1866, at Brooklyn, New York. Walter Herbert Vorce, born Oct. 2, 1 871, at Farming - ton. Jennette Cowles Vorce, born Oct. 29, 1877, at Farm- ington. WILLIAM STEWART VORCE married Mary . Their children were : Albert Edward Vorce, born , at , died some years ago. Fanny Josephine Vorce. born , at . William Stewart Vorce died October 21, 1898, at Hartford, Conn. FLORENCE S. SEELYE married. June 7. 1876. at Rush- ville, N. Y., W. W. Payne. Their children were: Maude Vorce Payne, born , at — ■■ . Payne, born , at . CLARENCE B. VORCE married at New Haven, Conn., Virginia Osborn. Their only child was, Virginia Vorce, bom Dec. 2, 1894, at Stamford. Ccnn. JOHN VAN RENSSALAER VORCE. JOHN VAN RENSSALAER VORCE, married in 1827, at Penn Yan, Betsey Sherman, born January 8, 1806. Their children were : Henry Vorce, born in Yates county, in 1828; died un- married in 1847. Almira Vorce, born . 1830. at Penn Yan. Aaron Vorce. bom . 1830. at Penn Yan; went to California in 1849. John Van Renssalaer Vorce died May 22. 1832, at Penn Yan. Betsey Sherman Vorce died November 2, 1842^ at Penn Yan. ALLEN D. VORCE. THE VORCE FAMILY 53 ALMIRA VORCE married in 1846, at Penn Yan, Andrew J. Prosser, born April 11, 1824, at Dresden, N. Y. Their chil- dren were : WiEEiAM Henry Prosser, born Aug. 11, 1848, at Dres- den; died unmarried, Sept. 21, 1868, (Dec. 5, 1869?) at Janesville, Iowa. Mary Elizabeth Prosser, born Nov. 4 (July 28), 1850, at Dresden. Ezra Vorce Prosser, born March 21, 1854 (May 7, 1855), at Dresden, (Lodi?), N. Y. Lewis Ellsworth Prosser, born May 11 (June 2), 1862, at Geneva, (Ovid?), N. Y. Ida E. Prosser, born June 21, 1864, at Geneva, (Ovid?) ; died unmarried, December 31, 1889, at Chicago. Frank Leslie Prosser, born Dec. 31, 1868, at Janesville. Almira Vorce Prosser, died Aug. 26, 1872, (Aug. 6, 1873) at Janesville. Andrew J. Prosser, died June 6, 1899, at same place. MARY ELIZABETH PROSSER married, November 4, 1872, at Janesville, George Van Sickle, born at Fayette county, N. Y., in 1847. Their children were: Elmer Ellsworth Van Sickle, born March 15, 1874, at Varick, Sene':a county, N. Y. Mabel Viola Van Sickle, born Oct. 25, 1881 ; died Oct. 8, 1882, at Chicago, 111. Florence Pearl Van Sickle, born Sept. 19, 1896. at Chicago. Mary E. Prosser Van Sickle, died Nov. 22, 1891, in Chicago. EZRA VORCE PROSSER married. March 6, 1890, at Chicago, 111., Mary E. Bronson. born Jan. 21. i860, at Buffalo, N. Y. Their children were : Edna Elizabeth Prosser, born . Ida Marie Prosser, born . LEWIS ELLSWORTH PROSSER married, December 20, 1883, at Janesville, Sarah Healy, born 1858, at Janesville, Their children were : Earl Elmer Prosser, born Dec. 23, 1884, at Janesville. Clarence Ernest Prosser, born Oct. 5, 1886, at Janes- ville. Jessie Magdalene Prosser, born April 26, 1891, at Janesville. 64 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF FRANK LESLIE PROSSER married, Nov. 7, 1894, at Janes- ville, Bertha McMurray, born 1873, at Janesville. They had no children. ELMER VAN SICKLE married, June 21, 1899, at Wauke- gan, 111., Georgia A. Harris. They have no children. NELSON VORCE. NELSON VORCE married, at Penn Yan, Mary Drew, Their children were: Adaline Vorce, born in 1837; died March 7, 1859. William Vorce, born . Sarah Vorce, born . John Vorce, born . Henry Vorce. born . Charles Vorce, born . Nelson Vorce, died (after 1865), at Tecumseh. Mich. Mary Drew Vorce, died at same place ( ?). JOHN VORCE graduated from Columbia College, circ. 1872. No further record of Nelson \"orce's family. ELIZABETH VORCE. ELIZABETH VORCE married, June 14. 1832, at Milo, Morris Clark, born October 12, 1803, at Seneca, N. Y. Their children were : Cornelia Clark, born Aug. 30, 1833, at Phelps, N. Y. Julia A. Clark, born May 4, 1835, at Phelps. Rosaline Dunning Clark, born May 10, 1837, at Phelps. Victoria Clark, born Jan. 4. 1839, at Phelps. Cecilia Clark, born Jan. 5, 1814, at Phelps. Clarissa Clark, born May 7, 1843, at Phelps. Belinda Clark, born Aug. 10, 1845, at Phelps. Elizabeth M. Clark, born April 8, 1849, ^t Phelps. Morris Clark, died Oct. 15, 1852, at Phelps. Elizabeth Vorce Clark, died Sept. 10 1854. at Phelps. CORNELIA CLARK, married June 2. 1858. at Geneva, N Y., C. Whitney Williams. Their only child was: Charles Erastus Williams, born May 8. 1859, ^^ Geneva, N. Y. THE VORCE FAMILY 55 Cornelia Clark Williams, died Jan. 16, 1864, at Seneca, N. Y. Charles Erastus Williams, died Jan. 17, 1880, at Seneca, N. Y. JULIA A. CLARK married, Oct. 20, 1854, at Clifton Springs, Jerome H. Danielson [born Jan. 8, 1834, at Brooklyn, N. N., son of Ashley Gaylord Danielson]. Their children were: Catherine E. Danielson, born Sept. 5, 1855, ^t New- ark, N. Y. Caroline C. Danielson, born Aug. 31, 1858, at Clifton Springs. Mary V'orce Danielson, born Sept. 22, i860, at Clifton Springs. Mabel G. Danielson, born Sept. 24, 1868, at Walnut, 111. ROSALINE D. CLARK married, June 8, 1863, at Clifton Springs, John Jarvis Ketchum. Their only child was: Anna Louise Ketchum, born Feb. 12, 1871, at Clifton Springs. VICTORIA CLARK married. October , i860, Robert F. Miller. Their only child was: Dora F. Miller, born , 1862, at . Victoria C. Miller, died Jan. 9, 1900, at Elsie. Mich. CECILIA CLARK married, , i860, at Waterloo, N. Y.. Ensign Johnson, born at Waterloo, N. Y. Their only child was: Alta M. Johnson, born , 1872, at Galion, Ohio. Cecilia Johnson, died March 7, 1883, at Galion, Ohio. CLARISSA CLARK married, , 1868, at , Mich. Samuel B. Rowley. Their children were: ZoRAH Rowley, born Sept. 4, 1870; died April 12, 1887, in Michigan. William Theodore Rowley, born Dec. 31, 1871, in Michigan. Arthur FinlEy Rowley, born Jan. 26, 1874, in Michi- gan. BELINDA CLARK married. October 13. 1864, at White Rock, 111., Abraham F. Bullis [born in 1833 in New York, son of Charles Bullis]. Their children were: Estella Bullis. born Sept. 27,, 1865, at White Rock, 111. Charles Maurice Bullis, born Sept. 22, 1869, at White Rock. 56 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Clarence Wilfred Bullis, born July 19, 1871, at White Rock. Edith Maud Bullis. bom Feb. 19, 1877, at White Rock. ELIZABETH M. CLx\RK married. August 17, 1871, at Waterloo, N. Y., John C. Harris. Their children were: Caroline Lydia Harris, born July 8, 1873, at Chicago. Edna Cecilia Harris, born June 17, 1878. at Chicago. Elizabeth Clark Harris died, November 15, 1887, at Turnpike. N. C. ; John C. Harris, died, August 21, 1900, at Elgin, 111. CATHERINE E. DANIELSON married. July 10, 1875. at Paw Paw, 111., Albert Burrel [born March 28. 1848, son of Joseph Burrel]. Their children were: Georgia Burrel, born May 9, 1876, at Compton, 111. Elmer Burrel, born Oct. 14, 1877, at Compton. Clifford Burrel, born June 20. 1889, at Dunlap, Kans. Clarence H. Burrel, bom Feb. 15, 1894. at Dunlap. Ashley Winfield Burrel, born May 30. 1898, at Dunlap. CAROLINE C. DANIKL^sON married. October 10, 1875. at Rochelle, 111., Shaner. Their only child was: Shaner, born , at . Caroline C. Shaner, died September 27, 1887, at Jacksonville, Illinois. MARY VORCE DANIELSON married, September 21, 1882, at Rochelle, 111., Everett W. Bassett [born at Polo, 111. son of Stephen Bassett] . Their only child is : E. VoRCE Bassett, born Jan. i, 1885, at Polo, 111. AlABEL G. DANIELSON married. April 14. 1897, at Jack- sonville, 111., J. L. TiNDALE, born January 9, 1856 at Phila- delphia. Their children were : Tindale, bom , at . Tindale. born , at . ESTELLA BULLIS married, July 7. 1897. at Englewood. 111., Andrew M. Hunter, born , at , son of Hunter. Thei'" children were : Hunter, born , at . THE VORCE FAMILY 57 VOLNEY A ORCE. VOLNEY VORCE married, first, November 28. 1839, at Perm Yan, Polly Helen Drew [born November 23, 1820; died January 24, 1845]. Iheir only child was: Mary Frances Vorce, born Nov. 10, 1840; died Nov. 17, 1865. Volney Vorce married, second, November 27, 1846, Sarah Burt [born May 2}^, 1823; died April 29, 1850]. Their only child was : Henry Vorce, born Sept. 4, 1847. at Penn Yan. Volney Vorce married, ihird. March 11. 1852, Janet Dunn, born Oct. 16, 1817; died Nov. 23. 1899. Their only child was: Lois J. Vorce, born March 13. 1854. Volney \'orce died September 19. 1893. at Candor, N. Y. MARY FRANCES \ORCE married, in 1863, Ellsworth Brewster. Their only child was : Edwin Brewster, born (date unknown). HENRY VORCE married, December 26, 1871, Loretta Galpin. Their only child was: Vorce, born (date unknown). LOIS J. \'ORCE married. June 7, 1879, William H. Taylor. No further particulars are knov.'n. ADELINE VORCE. ADELINE VORCE married. May 19. 1842. at Penn Yan. Samuel Van Court Miller [born February 8, 1814, at Warren, New Jersey, son of Samuel \"an Court Miller, who came from New Jersey to Milo in 1822]. He became in- fluential in state politics and held the office of Supervisor, etc ; and was among the first Republican supervisors elected in 1856. He was the first school superintendent of Milo, and was identified with the early school history of the county and a very successful teacher. Was instrumental in collecting material for the history of Yates county. Most of his life since 1845 has been spent on farms in Barrington and Milo. Until a few years ago he was actively engaged in business. Their children were : 58 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Gertrude Miller, born May 12, 1843, at Penn Yan. Lois Dunning MileKk, born May 8, 1845, at Penn Yan. Frank W. Miller, born Feb. 18, 1847, at Penn Yan. Esther Cutter Miller, born Aug. 11, 1850, at Har- rington. Ella Miller, born Jan. 5, 1853, at Barrington. Addie Miller, born June 10. 1856, at Barrington: died June 7, 1872, at Penn Yan; unmarried. Adeline Vorce Miller died March 15, 1861, at Barrington. LOIS DUNNING MILLER married. December 1865, at Penn Yan, Charles P. Bishop, born September 5, 1841, at Barrington. Their only child was : Frank H. Bishop, bom March 3. 1869; died Feb. 12, 1873. Charles P. Bishop, die I February 15, 1870, at Dundee. FRANK W. MILLER married, June 18. 1879, Clara Pier- son, born , 18 — ^ at Lambertville, N. J. Their only child was : Gertrude P. Miller, born , 18 — ■, at Whippany, New Jersey. ESTHER CUTTER MILLER married, Nov. 20, 1873. at Penn Yan, Rowland J. Gardner (2nd), born Nov. 17, 1850, at Milo. Thev had no children. THE VORCE FAMILY 59 BENJAMIN VORCE. BENJAMIN VORCE, or FORCE, was born probably about 1695 or 1698, and probably in the eastern part of the colonies, perhaps in Massachusetts, but nothing definite is known on these points. He married (about 1720 or 1725?) Mercy King. The date or place of her birth is not known, nor her parents' names ; but she was a niece of Esek King, of Rhode Island. Benjamin Vorce was living in Dutchess county, N. Y., "i I775> as his name appears signed to the petition of that date signed by the settlers in Dutchess county, pledging themselves to uphold the colony in its resistance to the arbitrary course of the English authorities. Whether Benjamin and Mercy Vorce had other children is not known, but they probably had, as there was a Thomas Vorce living in that county about that period, which name is not found in the list of descendants of the other Vorce families of that county. The only child of Benjamin and Mercy V^orce of whom the author has obtained any information was : SOLOMON VORCE. SOLOMON VORCE was born in 1728, probably in Dutchess county, but the exact locality is not known. He married, about 1767, Elizabeth Sheldon, of whom no more is known. In 1775 Solomon Vorce was a farmer living in Beekman Precinct in what is now Dutchess county, N. Y. His name appears as Solomon Force on the before merjtioned petition signed by the st-ttlers. The children of Solomon and Elizabeth Vorce were: RosANNA James Vorce, born July 7, 1769; probably died unmarried. Joseph Vorce, born Jan. 22,, 1774, at Beekmantown. Daniel Vorce, born June 24, 1776, at Beekmantown. Mary Vorce. born Aug. 25, 1777, at Beekmantown. Freeman Vorce, i^crn Dec. 16, 1778, at Beekmantown. William Vorce, born Oct. 18, 1779, at Beekmantown. Abel Vorce, born Nov. 11, 1782, at Beekmantown. Solomon Vorce died CJctober 29, 1795. in Dutchess county; Elizabeth S. Vorce died later at same place (?). 60 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF JOSEPH VORCE. JOSEPH VORCE, the eldest son of Solomon Vorce, married, but his wife's name is not known, nor date of mar- riage. Their children were: Alva Vorce. Henry Vorce. Joseph Vorce and his wife died, date unknown, in central New York. DANIEL VORCE. DANIEL \'ORCE married, about 1797. Prisciela Thompson. Their children were: Betsey Vorce, born June 23, 1798; died unmarried. Maria Vorce, born Feb. 4, 1800. at . Harris Vorce. born Feb. 15, 1802, at . Sheldon Vorce. bom March 11, 1804, at . Mary Elizabeth V^orce, born Sept. 24, 1816, at . Daniel Vorce and his wife Priscilla, died in New York state. MARIA VORCE. daughter of Daniel Vorce, married. (date unknown,) Taylor. Their children's names are not known. Maria Vorce Taylor died September 10. 1831. HARRIS VORCE married, first, at Dover, N. Y., (about 1829) Fannie Spaldinc;. born September 14, 1803, at Dover. They had no children. Fannie Spalding Vorce died July 29, 1839, ^^ Conquest, N. Y. Harris Vorce, married, second, in 1841, Minerva Johnson. half sister of his first v/ife. Their children were : Fannie Eliza Vorce. born June 3, 1842, at Conquest. Mary Elizabeth Vorce, born Nov. i, 1846. at Conquest. George Eugene Vorce, born Dec. 23, 1855, at Conquest. Harris Vorce and Minerva, his wife, died at Conquest ( ?). SHELDON VORCE married Rhoda Baldwin. Their children were : Sevilla Vorce. born , 'ives at Ness City, Kan.* Lewis Vorce, born — ; died Oct. 21. 1859. un- married. Elinina Vorce. born ; died Sept. 13. 1838, un- married. THE VORCE FAMILY 61 Priscilla Vorce. born ; died Aug. 16, 1841, un- married. George Vorce, born ; died March 15, 1847, """ married. Madison Vorce. born . lives at Mentz, N. Y.* Thomas Vorce, born , lives at Mentz.* Sheldon Vorce and Rhoda, his wife, died in New York- state ( ?). MARY ELIZAB;:^TH vorce. daughter of Daniel Vorce. married, (about 1836) Ross. Their children were : DaisTiel Ross, born l-eb. 2, 1838; died unmarried in 1862, in New York. Gager D. Ross, born . 1840 ( ?) ; died unmarried in 1863 (?) ii Michigan. Mary E. Vorce Ross died (date unknown), in Mich. FANNIE ELIZA VORCE married. December 18, 1861. at Throop, Cayuga county, N. Y., Henry Riker. born August 15, 1839, at Cato, Cayuga county, N. Y. Their only child was : Clarrie Bell Riker, born November 8, 1862, at Throop, Cayuga county. MARY ELIZABETH VORCE. daughter of Harris Vorce. married. February 10. 1870. at Throop, N. Y., James Walker [son of Cortland and Mary Ann Hillard Walker, of Conquest]. They had one child. Frederick Vorce Walker, born August 6, 1875, at GEORGE EUGENE VORCE *married at Conquest, Cayuga county, N. Y., Rosa Hadden. Their children were: Fannie May Vorce, born , at Grace Vorce, born , at Harris Vorce, born , at Nettie Vorce, born , at CLARRIE BELL RIKER married, at Reeds Corners, Novem- ber 30, 1888, William Megaffee, of Reeds Corners, N. Y. [son of Stephen and Harriet Megaffee]. They had one child: Elm A Leontine Megaffee, born July 8. 1891. at Reeds Corners. FREDERICK VORCE WALKER married. January 12. 1898. Gertrude Wright [daughter of Elmer and Jennette Morrison Wright]. Their children ?.re:* *>2 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF 3IARY VOKC'E. MARY VORCE married, in Dutchess county, Buck. Their children's names are not known. Mary Vorce Buck died in Dutchess county. FREEMAN VOKC'E. FREEMAN VORCE was born in the town of Beekman. Dutchess county, N. Y.. December 16. 1778, (1777). He married, at Beekmantov.n, March 11. 1798, Lois Irish, who was born in Beekman, March 13. 1782 [daughter of Jedediah Irish and Mary King]. They hved at Beekmantown until the early years of the century, when they removed to Kingsbury, Washington county, N. Y. He was a farmer. Their children were : HiR.\M King Vorce. born May 22, 1799. at Beekmantown. Sarah Vorce, born Aug. 18, 1800, at Beekmantown. Lewis B. Vorce. 1 orn June 28. 1805, at Kingsburv. N. Y. Elizabeth Vorce. born Dec. 29, 1807, at Kingsbury. Thankful Vorce, born Nov. 2. 181 r, at Kingsbury. John W. Vorce. born June 19, 181 3. at Kingsbury' Mercy Jane Vorce. born Sept. 24, 1816, at Kingsburv. Freeman Vorce, Jr., born Aug. 23. 1818, at Kingsbury. Freeman Vorce died at Kingsbury ( ?) : Lois Irish Vorce died at same place. HIRAM KING VORCE married at Kingsbury. Nancy Sheldon. They had no children. Hiram K. Vorce died at Theresa, Wis., March 2-. i860. SARAH VORCE. eldest daughter of Freeman \^orce, married, September i, 1833, Nathaxial Hathaway. Their children were : Thomas Hathaway.* Hannah Hathaway. Frances Hathaw.ay. Sarah Vorce Hathaway died May 19, 1874. at Warrensburgh, New York. ( LEWIS B. VORCE. THE VORCE FAMILY 63 'LEWIS R. \'()R(,'K married, first. October 20, iS.^2. a^ Fort Ann, X. V., Jank Ann Corp.in [born August 2, 1808, at Fort Ann, daughter of John Corbin]. Their children w ere : Mary Moore Vorce. born Aug., 1832, at Fort Ann. John Corbin Yorce, born June 20, 1835, at Fort Ann. Jane Corbin Vorce died September 27, 1835, at Fort Ann. Lewis B. \'orce married, second, about 1838, at Shelburne, Mass. ( ?), Aethea A. Nims. Their children were: JuBA Howe Vorce. born March 20, 1843, at Crown Point. New York. Charles \^>rce, I» -rn 1845. at Crown Point. Three other children all died in infancy. Althea N. \'orce died before 1896. at Shelburne, Mass.; Lewis B. Yorce died February 8, i8q6, at Enfield, Mass. I\LARY MOC3RE YCmCE married, at Crown Point, Jasper Benjamin. They had two children, both of whom died in infancy. Mary W Benjamin died February 26, 1898. JOHN CORBIX \'ORCE was adopted at the age of nine years by Joseph Sunderlin, of Fort Ann, N. Y., and took the family name of his adopted father. He was educated for the ministry, ordained at Plattsburg. X. Y.. and held pastorates at Kingsbury and Schroon Lake, N. Y., and Arlington, Vt. He married, August 19. 1855. at Pittstown. N. Y.. Harriet A. Penney I born April 23. 1832, at Pittstown (died June 14, 1899), daughter of Edward Penney] . Their children were: Joseph L. B. Sunderlin, born November 15, 1857, at Fort Ann. Mary J. Sunderlin, born January 18, i860, at Granville, New York. Harriet A. Sunderlin, born J.^nuary 28, 1862. at Pitts- town. Anna V. Sunderlin, born May 30, 1865, at Fort Ann. John E. Sunderlin, born June 6, 1873, at Fort Edward. JUBA HOWE VORCE graduated from Middlebury College and from Yale Divinity School; married October 5, 1870, at Roxbury, Josephine Marinda SanEord [born , 18 — , at . daughter of Stephen Sanford and Eunice Marinda Hurd]. The pastorates of Rev. J. H. Vorce were So. Meriden, Essex, Derby and Kent, Conn., and Enfield, Mass. He died universally lamented at Wethersfield, Conn., February 20, 1896. They had no children. i 64 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF CHARLES VORCE married, October . 1868, at New York ( ?), Jennie Dean, of New York. He practiced law at Port Henry, N. Y. ; died at Crown Point. June 29. 1871. Their only child was : Lilian Vorce. born , 1870, at Port Henry (?). She married, but no further particulars have been obtained. JOSEPH L. B. SUNDERLLN married Hattie M. Stanley. They have one son. Ethelbert Sunderlin, JOHN E. L. SUNDERLIN married, June . 1895, Caro- line Wyhuskey [daughter of Edward Wyhuskey]. They had two daughters : Mary Ethel and Harriet Ann. Harriet Ann Sunderlin died in 1900. ELIZABETH VORCE married, October 12, 1823. at Queens- bury, N. Y., John Jenkins [born in 1790 (?), son of John Jenkins]. Their children were: Cynthia Jenkins, born Sept. 7. 1824. at Queensburv, 1 New York. , - ■ \ Sarah Jenkins, born April 15, 1827. at Oueensbury. Lois Ann Jenkins, born July 12, 1830, at Oueensbury. John Jenkins died September 10. 1831. at Queensburv, N. Y. : Elizabeth V. Jenkins died March i, 1888. a7 Sandy Hill. N. Y. CYNTHIA JENKINS married, April 5. 1848, at Sandy Hill, N. Y., James B. Stewart [born March 30. 1822, at Kingsbury, N. Y., son of Levi Stewart]. Their children were: Calvin M. Stewart, born January 26, 1852, at Kings- bury, N. Y.* Franklin E. Stewart, born Januarv 9, i860, at Kings- bury, N. Y. James B. Stewart died April 12. 1896. SARAH JENKINS married. December . 1846, at Kings- bury, N. Y., Arteml's Ellsworth. No record of their chil- dren, if any. Sarah Jenkins Ellsworth died April 19, 1874. THANKFUL VORCE married, January i, 1831, (Jan- uary 5, 1832 ?), Re\'. Oliver E. Spicer [born August 6, 1809, THE VORCE FAMILY 65 at Nassau, X. Y., son of Jacob and Anna Spicer]. Their chil- dren were : Jay Si'icKR, born (3ct. 4, 1834, at Queensbury, N. Y. CvKUS Spicer, boin May i, 1837, at Schroon, Essex county, N. Y. Thankful Spicer died August 18, 1884, at Cedar Falls, Iowa; Oliver E. Spicer died September 25, 1894, at Cedar Falls. JAY SPICER married, October 11. 1855, at Williston, Vt., Castixe E. Stuart [born December 28, 1835, at Burlington. Vt., daughter of Eleason Stuart]. Their children were: Lii.LiAX Spicer, born March 9, 1857, at Harvard. (Mar- engo) Illinois. Flora Spicer, born Dec. 5, 1858, at Parkersburg, Iowa. JanETTE Spicer, born Feb. 5, 1861. at Parkersburg. Thaddeus Stuart Spicer, born Sept. 15, 1863, at Park- ersburg. Camilla Eunice Spicer, born March 14, 1867, at Park- ersburg. WiLMOT Jay Spicep, born July 26, 1875, at Parkersburg. CYRUS SPICER married, October 17, 1861, at Fairfield Twp., Grundy county, Iowa, Lois A. Dunham [born Novem- ber 6, 1838, at Pownal, \^t., daughter of Eber and Lucy Dun- ham]. Their children were: Heman Jewett Spicer, born Oct. 8, 1862, at Fairfield, Iowa; died Dec. 26, 1864, at Parkersburg, Iowa. Orville Williams Spicer, born Dec. 9, 1863 ; died June 13, 1866, at Parkersburg. Alice May Spicer, born April 16, 1871, at Parkersburg. Lucy Elizabeth Spicer, born May 26, 1874, at Parkers- burg. Charlotte Allene Spicer, born May 30, 1876, at Park- ersburg. Ruth Tryelma Spicer, born Jan. 30, 1880, at Cedar Falls, Iowa. LILLIAN SPICER married, January i. 1883, at Parkers- burg, Iowa, Albert Mundinger, born October 18, 1855, in Dubuque county, Iowa. Their children were : Frederick Mundixger, born Feb. 15. 1884, at Parkers- burg. LazETTE Mundinger, born Sept. i," 1885, at Parkersburg- 66 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Phoebe C. Mundincer. born Aug. 2. 1894, at Deer Lodge, Mont. Howard C. Mundinoer, born June 2"/, 1896, at Deer Lodge. FLORA SPICER n^-irried. February 3, 1878, Samuel J. Conn. Their children were: Cevde B. Conn, born May 7. 1879, at . KiTTiE (Catherine?) C. Conn, born Sept. 20. 1880, at . Ray p. Conn, born March 21, 1882. at Grace P. Conn, born Dec. 25. 1883. at — Ernest J. Conn, born Aug. 26. 1885. at Laura L. Conn, born June 4, 1894, at JANETTE SPICER married April 4, 1880, at Waverly, Iowa. B. F. Willis, born April 4, 1858. at Franklin county, Iowa. Their children were : Earl Clifton W'tLLis, born May 13. 1881. in Bremer county, Iowa. Leo Willis, born Sept. 2. 1882; died Dec. 8, 1882, in Bremer county. Catherine Elail Whjjs, born March 20, 1884, in Bremer county. Arthur Jay Willis, born May 14. 1887, in Bremer county. Ethel Leota Willis, born Oct. 14. 1889. in Butler county, Iowa. CAMILLA EUNICE SPICER married. August 9, 1893. at Burlington. Vt., Eugene Smith, born July 29. 1858. at Post- ville, Iowa. Their children were: Raymond Smith, born Dec. 4. 1894. at Bryant. S. D. Leta Smith, born Aug. 2, 1896. at Bryant. Burton Smith, born Jan. 6, 1900. at Bryant. JOHN W. VORCE married October 27, 1836, Amy Clem- ents Their children were: George Clements Vorce. born September 7. 1837. at* Theodosia Caroline Vorce, born July 25. 1842. at Freeman King Vorce. born August 25. 1848, at* Sarah Jane Vorce. born September 25 1849, at William Elmer Vorce, born July 15, 1857. at''= John W. Vorce died September 21. 1885. at ? Amy C. Vorce died November 20. 1887. at (?) No further record obtained of this family. FREEMAN VORCE. THE VORCE FAMILY 67 MERCY JANE VORCE married Ananias Williams. Their children were : Sabina Williams, born 18 , died 18 , at Celestia Williams, born , at I\Iercy Jane WilHams died February i, 1870, at Glens Falls, N. Y. Ananias Williams died. No further record obtained. FREEMAN VORCE, JR., married at Sandy Hill. Wash- ington county, N. Y., June 22, 1847, Amanda M. Howland, [born September 7, 1815, at Galway, Saratoga Co., N. Y., daughter of Stephen Flowland and Susan McOmber]. Their children were : James Sumner Vorce, born October 4, 1849, at Fort x\nn. Susan Jane Vorce, born December 23, 185 1, at Fort Ann, (unm.). Amanda Howland Vorce died at . Freeman Vorce lives at Bath Beach, Long Island. JAMES SUMNER VORCE married, first, June 27, 1867, Emma A. Burton. Their children were: Mary Sophia Vorce, born July 20, 1868, at Sandy Hill. Sarah Louisa Vorce, born February 17, 1870, at Sandy Hill. Burton \^orce, born April 22,, 1872, at Sandy Hill. Emma Burton \' orce died , at Sandy Hill. James S. Vorce married, second, , at ■ , born , at (?)■* Their children were: Arthur Howland Vorce, born December 31, 1893, at Amsterdam, N. Y. In A Bell Vorce, born April 16, 1896, at Bath Beach, L. I- BURTON VORCE married, June 12, 1895, at Troy, New York, Nettie G. Harris. Their children were : Harold Vorce, born August 8, 1896, at Sandy Hill. Gladys Vorce, born October 19, 1897, at Sandy Hill. WILLIAM VORCE married and probably died in Dutchess county. No particulars of his wife or children have been obtained. ABEL \'ORCE married, and lived and died at Black Rock, N. Y. His wife's name is not known ; they had children l)ut their names have not been ascertained. 68 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF SYLVESTER VOROE. SYLVESTER VORCE lived in Dutchess county during the latter part of the eighteenth century and the early part of the nineteenth. The date or place of his birth is not known, but he must have been born as early as the opening of the Revolutionary War. as he married before 1798. He married Eleanor Baker, who was born at Bakers Island, in the Susquehannah river, but the date of their marriage is not known, nor the names of the parents of either. Their children, all born in Dutchess county, were.: Henry Vorce. date of birth unknown. Alanson Vorce, born April 27. 1798 (1799?). Solomon Vorce, born in 1802. Archibald Vorce. born February 14. 1805. Arnold Vorce, date of birth not known ; died unmarried in Henderson, N. Y. Fannie Vorce, bom (date not known). Vorce, a sister of Fannie. Jarvis Vorce, born (date unknown), died unmarried. John Baker Vorce. born . Sylvester Vorce removed from Dutchess county to Henderson, jefiferson county, N. Y., before 1820, and died there in January, 1847; his wife Eleanor died at the same place in the same year. HENRV VORCE. HENRY VORCE is believed to have married, but of his wife, his children, if he had any, and of his life, no particulars are known. THE VORCE FAMILY 69 ALANSON VORCE. ALANSON VORCE married in 1820, at Henderson, Mary Sweet [bom August 11, 1800, in Dutchess county, daughter of Henry Sweet, and a descendant on her mother's side of the Rogers family who were among the early emigrants from England to the colonies]. Their children, all born at Henderson, were: Cornelia Vorce, born October 12. 1821 (1823?). Cornelius Vorce, born October 26, 1824 ( 1825?). Alberto Vorce. born November 18, 1827. Angelo Alanson Vorce, born July 5, 1831. Ann Alida Vorce, born August 26, 1835 (1834?). Mary Elizabeth Vorce, born April 12, 1837 (1836?). Alanson Vorce died June 29, 1838, at Henderson. Mary Sweet Vorce died November (12th) 29, 1871. at Henderson. CORNELIA VORCE married, January 3, 1845, at Henderson, Randall Whitney. (See the Genealogy of the Whitney family. 1878, 3 Vols.) Their children were: RoMEo Whitney, Juliet Whitney, Whitney (a son). Cornelia Vorce Whitney died January 31. 1858, in Illinois. No further particulars regarding her children are known. CORNELIUS VORCE married, November 12. 1844. at Hen- derson. Marie Whitney, sister of Randall. Their children, all born at Henderson, were : Herman A. Vorce, born November 14. 1645. Byron Juan Vorce, bom March 3, 1850. Ellen M. Vorce, born May 19, 1853. Clara Rogers Vorce, born June 11, 1857. Cornelius Vorce died May 23, 1877, at Henderson. HERMAN A. VORCE married , at Henderson, Addie Hicks. Their children were. Danford Vorce, born August 14, 1869. at Henderson. Gruyette a. Vorce, born August 29, 1871, at Henderson. Russell C. Vorce, born December i, 1873, at Henderson. IVYRON Jl'AN VORCE married, July 5. 1871, at Hender- son, Cordelia L. Howard, born . at Henderson, daugh- ter of Peter Howard. They had no children. 70 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF ELLEN M. VORCE married, June 17, 1872, at Henderson, Capt. Charles Howard [born at Henderson, son of Peter Howard]. Their children were two daughters and one son, all of whom died in childhood. Capt. Chas. Howard died March 8, 1899. at Henderson. CLARA ROGERS VORCE married, June 4, 1873, at Hender- son, N. Y., Capt. Clarence Norman Howard [born April 5, 1853, at Henderson, son of Peter Howard]. Their children were : Bertha Marie Howard, born April 10, 1875, at Hender- son. Alma Berneice Howard, born Nov. 2^, 1878, at Hender- son. Ima Clare Howard and Ina jVLay Howard, twins, born May I, 1883, at Henderson. Ina May died May 10, 1897. Earle Gordon Howard, born Nov. 19, 1889, at Hender- son. BERTHA MARIE HOWARD married, January 21, 1866, Edward Orson Whitney. Their children were : Zelma Howard Whitney, born Sept. 14, 1897. at Hen- derson. ALBERTO VORCE married, March 5, 1851, at Henderson, Mary Frances Segar. Their children were : ManlEy Vorce, born April 10, 1859; died, Sept. 17, 1863. Alberto Vorce, born in 1867, ?t Henderson. Lester Vorce, born in 1870, at Henderson. Jessie Vorce, born in 1863, at Cleveland, O. .Alberto Vorce died Alarch 3, 1899, at Frankfort, Mich., where l e was lighthouse keeper. ANGELO ALANSON vorce manied, February 9, 1859. at Cherry Valley, 111., Sophia M. Johnson. Their children wtre : Llewellyn Johnson Vorce, born Nov. 4, 1859, at Flora Center, 111. Jesse Hubert Vorce, born Oct. 5, 1864, at Henderson. Aubrey Deane Vorce, born May 3, 1870. at Henderson. Ernest Angelo Vorce. born April 9. 1872, at Henderson. LLEWELLYN JOHNSON VORCE married, May 6, 1891, ?.t Watertown, N. Y., Anna Gertrude Longtin, born June 10. 1870, at Henderson, N. Y. Their children were: THE VORCE FAMILY 71 Nello a. C. \'orce, born Aug. 12. 1893, at Henderson, N. Y. JESSE HUBERT \'ORCE married. August 21. 1889, at Bethany, Mo., Zoma M. StoFFle [born September 14, 1867, in Vernon county, Mo., daughter of J. X. and M. E. Stoffle]. Their children were : Reginald Alanson \'orce, born June 14, 1890, at Martinsville, Mo. Melvin Stoffle Vorce, born Sept. 5, 1898, at Blackwell, O. T. AUBREY DEANE VORCE married, December 31, 1898. at Henderson, Edna A. Peters, born at Henderson. No children. ANN ALIDA \X:)RCE married, January 30, 1861, at Flora, 111., Cyrus H. Oaks [born January 21, 1834, at Parkman, Maine, son of Elbridge Oaks, of Parkman]. Their children were : Alberto John Oaks, born Nov. 18, 1861, at Flora, 111. Earl Elbridge Oaks, born Aug. 16, 1865, at Flora, 111. Leon Leighton Oaks, born March 15, 1867, at Hender- son, N. Y. ; died March 29, 1869. ALBERTO JOHN OAKS married, November 13, 1889, at Marble Rock, Iowa, LuElla J. Stott, born March 10, 1862, at Harpers Ferry, Iowa. They had no children. EARL E. OAKS married, September 5, 1888, at Marble Rock, Minnie A. Cornelie, born December 28, 1865, at Leiand, 111. Their children were : Leon Cornelius Oaks, born June 23, 1890, at Marble Rock. Arthur Alanson Oaks, born Feb. 16, 1893, at Owen, Iowa. Harriet Lorena Oaks, born Aug. 28, 1895. at Owen, Iowa. MARY ELIZABETH VORCE married, September 10, 1856, at Beloit, Wis.. AzEL Hovey [born April 7, 1827, at Newark, N. Y., son of George Hovey]. Their children were: Winford Almer Hovey, born March 9, 1859, at Belvi- dere, 111. George Sweet Hovey, born Oct. 3, 1865, at Henderson. New York. Ford Edw^in Hovey, born Sept. 3, 1876, at Henderson, New York. 72 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF WINFORD A. HOVEY married, July 20, 1878, at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., Martha Wattam, born in Jefferson, county, N. Y. No further recora. GEORGE S. HOVEY married, December 31, 1890, at Horton, Kans., Grace H. Boone, born August 7, 1867, at Cosquetton, la. No further record. SOLOMON VORCE. SOLOMON VORCE married, but the date of his mar- riage and name of his wife have not been ascertained. How many children he had is not known, nor any particulars as to his life, but he is said to have had one son : Stewart Vorce,* residing in Cheboygan, Mich, or She- boygan, Wis., of whom no more is known. ARCHIBALD VORCE. ARCHIBALD VORCE married, first, in 1846. at Hender- son, N. Y., Mary Ann Nutting, born (date unknown) at Henderson, daughter of Abel Nutting. Their children were : Jasper Vorce, born at Concord, Jefferson county, Wis., date unknown. A Daughter, still born. Mary Ann (Nutting) Vorce died, April 29, 1847, at Concord, Wis. Archibald Yorct married, second, Mrs. Hannah Burham (Whitney) Ingalls, born September 2, 1824, at Henderson, still living at Tomah. The only child of Archibald and Hannah \ orce was : Charles Archibald Vorce, born Aug. 4. 1858, at Jeffer- son county. Wis. Archibald Vorce died April 29, 1884, at Tomah. CHARLES ARCHIBALD VORCE married, January 29, 1890, at Tomah, Flora Elizabeth Johnson, born July 16, 1866, at Wankaw, Wis. Their children were: Vera Vorce, born Oct. i, 1890; died Oct. 10, 1890, at Tomah. Lauere Vorce, born Oct. i, 1890; died Oct. 10, 1890. at Tomah. THE VGRCE FAMILY 73 GoLDiA EsTELLA VoRCE, born Sept. II, 1 89 1, at Tomah. Edmund Enos Vorce, born Dec. 31, 1893; died Jan. 29, 1894, at Tomah. Norma May Vorce, born Sept. 15, 1897, at Tomah. FANNIE VORCE. FANNIE VORCE married (date and place unknown), Morgan Revnolos. They were Hving for some time in Oswego, N. Y., and removed to tlie west about 1840, but no further in- formation of them or of their children, if any. has been ob- tained. Of A'ORCE, the only sister of Fannie \^orce, no further information has been obtained. JOHN B. VORCE. JOHN B. VORCE married, in 1817, at Bangall. Dutchess county, N. Y., Phebe Boyce [daughter of Boyce and sister of David Boyce]. Their children were: Egbert Vorce, bom March 16. 1818. at Bangall. WiELiAM Henry Vorce, born Dec. 21, 1820, at Jane Vorce, born Oct. 21, 1822, at Frances Vorce, born Dec. 9, 1824. at Leroy Vorce, born Oct. 22, 1827, at Josephine Vorce, born Feb. 17, 1829, in Jefferson county, New York. Phebe Ann \'orce, born , 1832? Malvila Vorce, born , 1834? Montgomery Vorce, born Dec. 19, 1836. John B. Vorce, and Phebe, his wife, died in Jefferson county, N. Y., dates not ascertained. EGBERT VORCE married, February 12, 1843, at Henderson, Pattie (Martha?) Whitney They had two children both of whom died in infancy. No further particulars obtained. WILLIAM HENRY VORCE married, first, November 24. 1842, at Ellisburg. N. Y.. Mary Reed [born February 8, 1824, at Ellisburg, daughter of Knight D. and Polly Reed of Ellis- burg]. Their children were: 74 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Laura Jane; Vorce, born Feb. 21, 1845, at Ellisburg. Henry Lafayette Vorce, born Sept. 12, 1846; died April 14, 1848, at Ellisburg. Mary Reed Vorce died January 21, 1849, at Ellisburg. William Henry Vorce married. .,econd, SerEna . Their children were : Arthur Vorce, Egbert V^orce, Mary Vorce, Edwin Vorce. LAURA JANE VORCE married, January 26. 1863, at Ellis- burg, Henry Fobes [born April 10, 1841, at Ellisburg, son of Thos. and Mary Fobes]. Their children were: Mary Adelea Fobes, born July 23, 1864; died Dec. 15, 1864, at Ellisburg. William ]\L\rshall Fobes, born May 18, 1866, at Ellis- burg. WILLIAM MARSHALL FOBES married, February 23, 1888, at Ellisburg, Addie Zufelt [born September 23, 1870, at FJlisburg, daughter of Orin Zufelt]. They had no children. JANE VORCE married, January 2, 1844, at Ellisburg. Simon Nutting [son of William Nutting of Ellisburg]. Their chil- dren were : Pamelia a. Nutting, born July i. 1846; died Feb. 8. 1849, at Ellisburg. Phebe E. Nutting, born May 8. 1848, at Ellisburg. William S. Nutting, bom Dec. 30, 1849; died June 24, 1865, at Ellisburg. WiLLARD M. Nutting, born Sept. 19, 1850; died March 3, 185 1, at Ellisburg. Arcia a. Nutting, born Dec. 13, 1852, at Ellisburg. Jane Nutting died July 5, 1885, at Marengo, 111. Simon Nut- ting died April 22, 1887, at Marengo, 111. PHEBE E. NUTTING married, October 6, 1868, at Belvi- dere, 111., William M. Thompson. They had no children. Phebe N. Thompson died October 7. 1873, at Belvidere. William M. Thompson died June, 1887, at Harmony. 111. ARCIA A. NUTTING married, May 27^ 1869. at Belvidere, lu., Albert K. Moore. Thev had no children. THE VORCE FAMILY 75 FRANCES VORCE married, January 7, 1847, at Henderson, Franki.in Hubbard, born March 20, 1826, at Ellisburg. Their children were : Ida Jane Hubbard, born Oct. 15. 1847; cli^d June 28, 1850, at Henderson. Freeman Orson Hubbard, born Dec. 24, 1849. Viola Hubbard, born Nov. 30, 1851. Geo. Franklin Hubbard, born Aug. 22, 1854; died Jan. ^7^ 1855- May V Hubbard, born May 31, 1857; still living. M Franc Hubbard, born Dec. 11, 1864; still living. FREEMAN ORSON HUBBARD married, March 19, 1872, at Bangor, Mich., E Maria Disbrow [born (date un- known), daughter of Llewellyn and Emma C. Disbrow of Bangor]. Their children were : Franklin Llewellyn Hubbard, born May 12, 1873; died Nov. 7, 1875. Hubbard, born July 5, 1875 ; now living. E Maria Hubbard died August 5, 1875, at Henderson, N. Y. Freeman Orson Hubbard died July 16, 1886, at Bangor, Mich. LEROY VORCE married, first. October 22, 1849, at Hender- son, N. Y., Caroline Nutting, bom (date unknown) at Hen- derson. The'ir children were : John B. Vorce, born Sept. 19, 1850, at Henderson. Harrison Vorce, born April 27, 1852, at Henderson ; died unm. in Mich. Killed in railway accident. Caroline Nutting Vorce died, (date and place unknown). Leroy Vorce married, second, October 21, 1859. Sarah Ful- ler, bom November 4. 1824. Their children, born in Jefiferson county, Wisconsin, were : Phebe Ann Vorce, born Jan. 24, i860. Albert Egbert Vorce, born Aug. 28, 1862. Willis Leroy Vorce, born Jan. 7, 1866; died October 5, 1866. Leroy Vorce died in Wisconsin ( ?). JOHN B. vorce, eldest son of Leroy Vorce, married (date unknown), Etta Miller Their children were: Vera Vorce, born , at Herbert Vorce, born . at Beulah Vorce, born . at 76 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF PHEBE ANN VORCE, only daughter of Leroy Vorce, mar- ried (date unknown) Andrew Fuller. No further record. ALBERT EGBERT VORCE married, July 2, 1885, Helen Barnett [born in 1866, in Waupaca county, Wis., daughter of Charles Henry Barnett]. Their children were: Vellah May Vorce, born Sept. 8, 1888. at Mabel Arsema \ orce, born May 28, 1889, at Letta Hilda Vorce, born Nov. 30, 1896, at JOSEPHINE VORCE married, February 13, 1845. at Ellis- burg, N. Y., William Challans fborn March 25, 1823, at Ellisburg, son of James Challans, of England]. Their children were: Clark B. Challans, born May 15, 1846, at Ellisburg. Anna Challans, born June 12, 1848; died March 4, 1849, at Ellisburg. William Challans, born Jan. 26, 185 1, at Ellisburg. . Isaac Challans, born May 2}^, 1853; died Sept. 7, (14?) i860, at Ellisburg. Laura Challans, born July 26, 1855, at North Adams, New York. Julia Challans, born Dec. 5, 1857, at Ellisburg, New York. Jane Challans, born Feb. 5, i860, at Henderson, New York. Herbert Walter Challans, born July 2^, 1862, at Hen- derson, N. Y. Clarence Challans, born Nov. 3, 1868, at Bangor, Michigan. William Challans died December 2}^, 1888, at Bangor, Mich. CLARK B. CHALLANS married. November 15, 1877, at Henderson, N. Y., Lilian Walker [born July 11, 1856, at Plymouth, Wis., daughter of William Walker, of Henderson]. Their children were : Myrtle Josephine Challans and Myrnie Imogens Challans, twins, born Aug. 6, 1878, at Bangor, Mich. Edna Challans, born June 20, 1880. at Bangor. Lelah Challans, born June 7, 1894, at Bangor. MYRTLE JOSEPHINE CHALLANS married, Septem- ber 13, 1894, at Bangor, Mich., Mathew Haney, bom August 6, 1874, at Hartford, Mich. Their children were: Myrl Haney, born Sept. 10, 1895. at Bangor, Mich. THE VORCE FAMILY 77 Vern Haney, born June 19, 1897, at Hartford, Mich. Glenn Haney, born May, 20, 1899, at Hartford, M ch. MYRNIE IMOGENE CHALLANS married, Decern k r 27, 1893, at Bangor Mich., Frank Clark, born at Hartford, Mich. Their children were : HarlKy Clark, born Aug. 13, 1894, at Bangor, Mich. Carl Clark, born June 15, 1896, at Bangor. WILLIAM CHALLANS married, December , i88r, at Hartford, Mich., Ida Eastern [born (date unknown), daughter of WilHam Eastern]. Their children were: Orel D. Challans, born Aug. . 1885, at Bangor, Mich. William Challans died December 23. 1888, at Bangor. LAURA CHALLANS married, April 6, 1880, at Covert, Mich., Charles Morgan [born Oct. 19, 1853, at Bainbridge, Mich., son of John Morgan, of Schoharie county, N. Y.]. Their children were : Jessie Morgan, born July 23, t88t, at Pipestone. Mich. Grace Elmyra Morgan, born May 20, 1885, at Sodus, Mich. Fred ^Morgan, born Dec. 27, 1889, at Sodus, Mich. JULIA CHALLANS married, October , 1879, at South Haven, Mich., John Burbank [born (date unknown), son of Cortis Burbank]. Their children were: CoRTis William Burbank, born June 13, 1880, at Covert, Mich. JANE CHALLANS married, February , 1885, at Hart- ford. Mich., Alfred Richmond. Their children were: Orlo a. Richmond, born June , 1886, at Paw Paw, Mich. Alma OlEah Richmond, born Sept. , 1889, at Hart- ford, Mich. Dean Richmond, born July , 1893, at Hartford. Lynn Richmond, born March , 1895, at Hartford. CLARENCE CHALLANS married, March , 1896, at Benton Harbor, Mich., Sophia Bakeman [born in 1877, daughter of Henry Bakeman]. No further record. PHEBE ANN VORCE married, but no particulars have been obtained. MALVILA VORCE married Nor:man Bartlett ; no further particulars obtained.* 78 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF MONTGOMERY VORCE married, first. June 18. 1863, Hannah VanWormer. Their children were : Melvin Vorce, born Aug. 28. 1865. at Sandy Creek, Os- wego county, N. Y. ; died unm. at Milwaukee, Wis., March 2, 1885. Merton Vorce, born Sept. 18. t868. Claude Vorce, born in 1870. Mabel Vorce, born in 1875. at Montgomery Vorce, born May 15, 1879. Hannah VanWormer Vorce died October 2, 1886, at Montgomery Vorce married, second. May 4, 1895, Mrs. Clara (Hamlin) Hyde. They had no children; she had two children by her first husband, viz : Eva Hyde, born March 30, 1878. married Olds. Luther Hyde, born April 22, 1880. MERTON VORCE married Agnes Mahoney. They had three children ; names are unknown. CLAUDE \'ORCE married Martha . They had two children, whose names are unknown. MABEL VORCE married Henry McGee. They had two children ; names not ascertained. THE VORCE FAMILY 79 PART II. JOHN VORCE. JOHN VORCE was born on Long Island ; the exact date is not known, but it must have been about 1780. He was a son of one of three brothers who were driven from France on ac- count of their rehgious principles, and settled on Long Island. The names and subsequent history of the three brothers cannot be ascertained. John Vorce married, about 1809? (the place and exact date of his marriage not being known), Mary DowELL. of whom no further particulars have been obtained. Their children were : John Vorce, born March 22, 1810, at the town of Half Moon, Saratoga county, N. Y. Isaac \'orce. born in 1812? (Also called Isher \'orce.) John Vorce died in 1813, at Saratoga county? Mary Dowell Vorce died (date and place not ascertained) (1816?). ISAAC (Isher) \'ORCE went to California at an early date and died there. Nothing further is known of him. JOHN VORCE married, February 12. 1836, at (?), N. Y., Marcella Melissa McMaster [born June 8, 1816, at Syra- cuse, N. Y., daughter of Wm. McMaster]. Their children were : Ann E. \'orce, born Aug. 3, 1838, at Sandy Creek, Os- wego county, N. Y. Maria Vorce, born Jan. 12, 1840, at Almyr, Canada. Zelinda Vorce. born July 8, 1842, at Almyr. Charity VorcE, born 1844; died young, at Almyr. Adaline Vorce, born March 18. 1847, at Almyr. Lucius Reynolds Vorce, bom Nov. 8, 1849, at Eaton Rapids, Mich. William Alaster Vorce, born Dec. 12, 1851, at Eaton Rapids. Mack Vorce, born Aug. 11, i860, at Eaton Rapids. John Vorce during most of his life was a miller. He possessed an exceedingly retentive memory, and but for his tender age at the the time of his father's death would undoubtedly have been able to give information of great value in tracing the com- mon ancestor of the \'orce families living in Dutchess county 80 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF and New England in the Colonial period. He made the journey to California after he was eighty years of age, and on the re- turn trip he ivalkcd over 500 miles of the way in order to more thoroughly ohserve the country. John Vorce died at Eaton Rapids, April 16, 1899. Marcella Vorce died at the same place August 18, 1899. ANN E. VORCE married, December 31, 1857, at , James M. Covey, born March 6, 1831. Their children were: Laurinda Covev. born June 7, 1865, at Springport, Mich. Mabell Covey, born Nov. 24, 1875, at Springport. Delia Covey, born April 22, 1880, at Springport. Also five boys, none of whom lived beyond childhood. MARIA VORCE married, January 14, 1858, at Eaton Rapids, Mich., Eltsha Austin Cranson [born October 29, 1832, at New York, son of Oris Cranson]. Their children are: William Vincent Cranson born Dec. 14, 1858; died Sept. 15, 1859, at Onondaga, Mich. Charles Cranson, born Oct. 11, 1862, at Onondaga. Elson Henry Cranson, born Sept. 14, 1864, at Spring- port. M. Irene Cranson, born April 12. 1871, at Springport. ZELINDA VORCE married, November 26, 1863, at Sand- stone, John Chappell [born November 24, 1838, at Leroy, N. Y., son of Samuel Chappell]. Their children were: Mary Chappell, born Sept. 6, 1864, at Springport, Adelbert Chappell, bom March i, 1866. at Springporf. Myrta Chappell, born May 24, 1868, at Springport. Edith Chappell, born March 4, 1872, at Springport. Allen Chappell, born Nov. 8, 1875, at Springport. Eben Chappell, born Feb. 17, 1880, at Springport. Samuel Chappell. born Dec. 26, 1885, at Springport. Edith Chappell died October 2, 1891. at Springport. ADALINE VORCE married Perry W. Bates. They had several children, but no further information has been obtained regarding them. Adaline Bates died February 3, 1887. LUCIUS R. VORCE died January 3. 1889. at Eaton Rapids, unmarried. WILLIAM A. VORCE married, at Eaton Rapids, on Feb- ruary 14, 1878, Helen M. Osborn, born at Mentor, Ohio, June 4, 1856. Their only child was: I THE VORCE FAMILY 81 Norma Bei.i.k \"(jkck. born Sept. 15. 1884, at Eaton Rapids, Mich. MACK VORCE married Ci.ara Burlson. Their children, if anv, are not ascertained.'" LAURINDA COVEY married, January 15, 1885, at Eaton Rapids, James Clarke [born July 18, 1862, at Warwickshire, Eng., son of William Clarke]. Their children were: Cecile Clarke, born Aug. 2, 1889, at Eaton Rapids. WiLLL\M J. Clarke, born May 7, 1891, at Aurelius, Mich. ELSON H. CRANSON married, March 25. 1886, at Eaton Rapids, Cora Bl'RLisox. Their children are: Pearl Cranson, born Sept. 3, 1887, at Eaton Rapids. M. IRENE CRANSON married, December 31, 1896, at Springport, Nathan G. Dean. MARY CHAPPELL married, November 15, 1888, at Spring- port, William Henry Platt [born May 6, 1858, at Warren, Ohio, son of Jeremiah Platt]. Their children are: John J. Platt, born March 11, 1890, at Springport. ADELBERT CHAPPELL married, November 8, 1893, at Springport, Myrtle Bell [born October 30, 1869, at Battle Creek, daughter of Merton Bell]. Their children were: Mildred Bell Chappell, born March 30, 1896, at Springport. Doris Dell Chappell, born Sept. 30, 1898, at Spring- " port. MYRTA CHAPPELL married, April 2, 1891, at Springport, Hezekiah Edward Platt [born Oct. 8, 1864, at Parma, son of Jeremiah Platt]. Their children were: Edith B. Platt, born July 2, 1894, at Springport. ALLEN CHAPPELL married, January i, 1900, at Marshall, Mich., Bertha Horton [born August 18, 1879, at Hastings, daughter of Alonzo Horton]. DION VORCE. DION VORCE was born in Canada ( ?) ; date unknown. He claimed to be of French descent, and that his ancestral name was La Vorce, also that one of the La Vorces was banished from France and came to America and settled in Delaware. 82 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Dion \"orce married in Canada a wife named Lydia . Whether they had other children is not known, but they had a son : Olivier Vorce, born in Canada, date and place unknown. OLIVER VORCE married in Canada, Mary VanDerrick, of East Stanbridge. Their children were : James Vorce, Henry Vorce, Solomon Vorce, David Vorce, j. Date and place of birth unknown. William Vorce, Mary Vorce, Betsey Vorce, SOLOMON VORCE married, in 1839, at Constable, N. Y., Almira Hutchins, born in 1818. daughter of Dana Hutchins, of Vermont. Their children were : IsADOR Vorce, born in 1841, at Malone, N. Y. ; died in 1876. Albon Vorce, born in 1846. at Malone. Jane Ann \^orce, born in 1849, at Malone. Abigail Vorce, born in 1852, at Malone. Solomon \'orce died in i860, at ]\Ialone( ?). DAVID \'ORCE went west and was soon lost track of by his relatives. HENRY VORCE and WILLIAIM \'ORCE died; whether they left children is unknown. MARY VORCE married Varnum Pierce, of Stanbridge, Canada. Nothing further is known of the children of Oliver Vorce. ALBON VORCE married, first, at Burke, N. Y., in 1866, Lois C. Bean, born in 1847, ^t Burke. Their only child was: William Lewis Vorce, born April 22, 1867, at Burke, New York. Lois C. Vorce died April 2y, 1867, at Burke. Albon Vorce married, second, in 1869, at Constable, N. Y., Susie C. Blake [born at Constable, daughter of Elijah Blake, of Burke] Their children were : Edward Charles Vorce, bom in 1871, at Burke. Eugene A. Vorce, born in 1880, at Burke. THE VORCE FAMILY 83 JANE ANN VORCE married, in 1873, Ethan A. WhEELER. Their children were : Maud Wheeler, born Walter Wheeler, born ABIGAIL \'ORCE married, in 1871, H. B. Demmex (Dem- nion?). Their children were: Arthur Demmex. born , at ; died , 1894. AddiE Demmex, born , at ; died , 1896. WILLIAM L. \'ORCE married, January 30, 1889, at Brush- ton, N. Y., Mary E. Barlow, born January 7, 1871. Their children were : Roy Barlow V.orce, born August 2, 1892, at Worcester, Mass. Bertha Lois Vorce, born April 7, 1894, at Worcester. Verxa Haxxah Belle \^orce, born January 3, 1896, at Worcester. EDWARD CHARLES \'ORCE married, in 1896, at Con- stable, Grafey Leox'ard, born at Constable, N. Y. Their only child is : Ernest Edward Vorce, born STANDISH F. VORSE. NORMAN T. VORSE. son of Standish F. Vorse. was born in Knox county, Ohio, and married Elizabeth SearlE, born at Wyoming Valley, Pa. They had one son : Frank W. Vorse, born February 9. 1856, at Sydney, Iowa. Norman T. Vorse died May 18, 1877, at Des Moines, Iowa. FRANK W. VORSE married, October 24, 1877. at Des Moines. Iowa, Acxes Newtox, born September 23, 1857, in ^Michigan, daughter of John Newton. Their children were: Ruth Vorse, born at Des Moines, date not given. Myrtle Vorse. born at Des Moines, date not given. Dorothy Vorse. born at Des Moines, date not given. EvELY'N Vorse. born at Des Moines, date not given. The following persons were living in Des Moines in 1899: Augusta T. Vorse, *widow of Charles Vorse. Elizabeth Vorse, *widow of Nathan T. Vorse. M GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Elizabeth T. Vorse, =^vidow of Justus Vorse. Justus B. Vorse.* JOHN VORSE. ALBERT WHITE VORSE. of New York, a well known author, is the great grandson of John Vorse, who lived at Windham, N. Y., in the early part of this century and was probably born before 1800, at Litchfield, Conn. (?). Albert White Vorse is married, but no further particulars have been obtained. THE VORCE FAMILY 85 PART III. INTERMARRYIXG FAMILIES. ADA3IS FAMILY. Richard Adams, of Preston (En^. ?), bought a tract of three thousand acres in Mortlake (now Brooklyn Twp.), Windham county, Conn., known as the Adams tract, in 1701. His son Richard Adams, Jr., married a daughter of Daniel C?dy. of Aspinock (now Killingly), and settled on the Adams tract in 1703; he was the first settler in Mortlake. Richard Adams, Sr., died in 1712, and the Adams tract was divided between his seven children, Richard., Jr., receiving one quarter of the Adams tract. Richard Adams, Jr., died in 1738, and his sons, Richard and Peter, each received half of his land. Peter Adams' son, Peter Adams, Jh , born in 1718, married in Brooklyn in 1750, Priscilla Warren (born about 1728, a descendent of Richard Warren of the Mayflower). Their children, all born in Brooklyn, were : Philemon Adams, born 1751 ; Phebe Adams, born 1753; Jeremiah Adams, born 1755; Silas Adams, bom April 30, 1758; Abijah Adams, born 1760; Priscilla Adams, born 1762; Benoni Adams, born 1764; Ephraim Adams, born 1767; Lois Adams, born 1769; Simeon Adams, born 1771 ; EHsha Adams, born 1774; Dorcas Adams, born 1776. In Larned's History of Windham County, Conn., Vol. 2, page 252, it is stated that four sons of Peter Adams, after fight- ing through the Revolutionary war, removed to new countries. The eldest son, Philemon, with some of his younger brothers, engaged in running a linseed oil mill and in the manufacture of potash and pottery. Another son was a silversmith and worker in silver ; and one of the daughters of Peter Adams, using wooden stamps cut out by her brothers and dyes manu- factured by herself from native plants, produced a successful imitation of flowered brocades, then much in fashion for dress patterns, vests and furniture covers. These brocades were printed upon homespun cloth woven in the family. Indian 86 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF families still occupied wigwams in the uncleared forest on portions of the Adams tract. Peter Adams, who from his youth had been repvited a great hunter, in 1780 killed the last bear ever seen in Windham county. At this period it is said of Peter Adams' family — 'Living remote from neighbors on a large tract of land, this family long retained primitive characteristics and habits, a patriarchal community almost independent of the busy world beyond them." Philemon and Jeremiah Adams, the two elder sons of Peter Adams, were in the Revolutionary army. In the summer of I776(?) they were allowed to go home during the harvest season to aid their father in reaping, on condition of two of their younger brothers taking their place in the army. Silas and his younger brother Abijah, lads of about 18 and 16 years of age, took their brothers' places, and were sent to New London Conn. Silas was appointed gunsmith and remained in the army until the close of the war, soon after which he re- moved to Dutchess county, N. Y., whither many families from Windham county removed, chiefly to the Oblong and the Nine Partners. Silas Adams married in Dutchess county, Lydia Gay, born at Sharon, Conn., a grand-daughter of Luther Gay, v.'ho lived in Dutchess county. She was left an orphan at an early age and brought up in the family of her grandfather. The children of Silas and Lydia Adams were : Annis Adams, born 1783 ( ?) ; died in 1825. Laura Adams, born March 24, 1784; died in 1846. Which of these daughters was the elder is uncertain. It has been reported to the author that Annis was the elder ; but as both were married in their teens, and the date of Laura's marriage is given as 1803, while Annis is said to have been married in 1805. it appears probable that Laura was the elder, although Annis is reported to have been born in Dutchess county. Silas Adams lived in Dutchess county until after his first child was born. With his household efifects loaded upon a sled drawn by a yoke of steers, Silas with his wife and baby (Annis?) started in the winter of 1784 or 1785 for Saratoga county. They reached Milton Hill in the following February (1785?). Here Silas Adams, then twenty-seven years old, built a log cabin and cleared land, that country being then very sparsely settled. Here their second child was bom. The THE VORCE FAMILY 87 • family endured great privations and hardships during the early part of their abode there, but these were lightened as the country became more settled, and they prospered increasingly as time went on. In 1798 Silas Adams built a large frame house at Milton, which he occupied as a homestead until his death in 1854, when he was nearly ninety-seven years of age. (See p. 23.) COON. Timothy Coon enlisted 1777. in Capt. Abner Prior's com- pany from Connecticut. Hans Jerick Coons was living in Dutchess county in 1710. CORBIN. Moses Corbin came to the United States and settled at Whitehall. N. Y., before the Revolution. DELANO FAMILY. (See Warren.) This family, as traced in the Delano genealogy, goes back in various lines from about the middle of the twelfth century to various very early sources, viz : to Guelph, prince of the Scyri, A. D. 476; to Priam, king of the Franks, A. D. 382; to the emperor Charlemagne, A. D. 800 ; and to the Norman an- cestors of William the Conqueror. A. D. 860, etc. As the Nor- man descent is the most interesting it is here given, partly from the above genealogy. ROLF, or Hrolf (called also Rollo and Rou), a Scandi- navian Viking, grandson of Earl Rognwald, of Moeri, in Nor- way, captured Rouen in A. D. 911, and conquered the sur- rounding country. In 912 Hrolf married Gisela, daughter of Charles "the Simple," the Carolingian king of France; was baptized as a Christian under the name of Robert, and was granted by Charles the feudal tenure of the country occupied by Hrolf. This was the creation of the duchy of Normandy. WILLIAM "Longsword," son of Hrolf, duke of Nor- mandy, 927-942. 88 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF RICHARD, "the Fearless," son of William Longsword, duke of Normandy, 943-996. RICHARD, "the Good," son of Richard the Fearless, duke of Normandy, 996-1026. ROBERT, "the Devil." second son of Richard the Good, duke of Normandy 1028- 1035. WILLIAM "the Conqueror," son of Robert le Diable, duke of Normandy 1035- 1087. married Matilda, [daughter of Baldwin, Earl of Flanders, and a descendant of Alfred the Great]. William invaded England in 1066 and conquered the kingdom, the "Norman Conquest" of England. His son HENRY "Beauclerc" became king of England in iioo as Henry I ; married Matilda, [daughter of Malcolm, king of Scotland, and a great granddaughter of Edmund "Ironside"]. Henry's daughter Matilda married (i) Henry V of Germany, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire ; after his death married (2) Geoiifry "Plantagenet." count of Anjou, son of Fulk, king of Jerusalem. Their son HENRY, count of Anjou and duke of Normandy, suc- ceeded to the throne of England in 1 154, as Henry II ; married Eleanor of Aquitaine ; their daughter Matilda married Henry V, "the Lion," duke of Saxony and Bavaria. HENRY VI, eldest son of Henry the Lion, duke of Sax- ony, married (1193) Agnes, Countess Palatine, [daughter of Conrad, count of the Palatinate, niece of the Emperor Fred- erick I of Germany and a cousin of the reigning emperor] . AGNES, their daughter married OTHO (son of Louis I), the "Iron Duke" of Bavaria. AGNES, their daughter married (1245) HELLIN I, count and marquis de Franchimont (a seigneury in Normandy). Their son HELLIN II. Marquis de Franchimont. married Agnes, daughter of Gysbert, count of Duras. Their son JEAN DE FRANCHIMONT, married (1310?) Mahienne de Lannoy (a seigneury in Flanders). Their son HUGUES DE LANNOY, Sieur de Santes, governor of Hol- land, married (1329), Marguerite de Maingoval. Their son THE VORCE FAMILY 89 GUILLEBERT DE LANNOY, Sieiir de Willerval, and de Beaumont, governor of Holland, married Catherine de Molembais. Their son BAUDOUIN DE LANNOY, Sieur de Molembais, etc., "le Begne," governor of Lille, Toiscn d'Or, married Adrienne de Berlaymont. Their son BOUDOUIN DE LANNOY, Sieur de Molembais. Toison d'Or, governor of Sutphen, married Michelle d'Esne, etc. Their son PHILLIPPE DE LANNOY, de Molembais, de Tourcoing, etc., Toison d'Or, and Chamberlain to the Emperor Charles V, married Magdelaine de Burgundy. Their son JEAN DE LANNOY, Sieur de Molembais, etc., etc. Toison d'Or, married Jeanne de Ligne of Barbancon. Their son GYSBERT DE LANNOY, born 1545, at Turcoing. "tiie Huguenot," abandoned the Catholic faith of his ancestors and embraced the Protestant faith, for which, at his father's death he was disinherited. His son Jean de I. a Noye, married at Leyden ( 1596), Marie le Mahieu, from Brabant. Their son Phillitpe de i,a Noye, born at Leyden, 1602. came to Ply- mouth in 1621 in the Fortune; married (1634), Esther Dewsbury. Their son JoANATHAN Delaxo, married Mercy Warren in 1678. Their son Jonathan Delano, born 1679, married Amy Hatch, 1704. Their daughter Joanna Delano, born 1706, married Joseph West, 1725. Their daughter Mercy West, born 1726, married Adoniram Grant, 1747. The ancestry of the house of Lannoy is also traced from Agnes, countess Palatine, who married Henry the VL duke of Saxony, to Conrad the Red, and through his wife Luitgarde to Cerdic, king of Wessex, A. D. 495, through Alfred the Great, of England. DUNNIXG. Benjamin Dunning, who lived in Jamaica, L. L, before the Revolution, had a son 90 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Benjamin Dunning, who was born about 1680. and had a son David Dunning, born in Bridgeport, Conn., in 171 1. His son Silas Dunning was born in Brookfield, Conn., May 6, 1755, and his son Ira Dunning was born in Salem, N. Y., in 1789. W. Dunning was sheriff of Orange county, province of New York, in 1738. GRANT FAMILY. Matthew Grant, born October 27, 1601, in Dorsetshire, England, married there November 16, 1825, Priscilla , born February 2"], 1 601. They came to Massachusetts in the "Mary and John" May 30, 1630, and settled af Dorchester; re- moved to Windsor, Conn., in 1635, one of the pioneers of that settlement, and he because one of its leading citizens ; was town clerk for twenty-five years ; died there December 16, 1681. Their eldest son was: Samuel Grant, born November 12, 1631, at Dorchester, married May 27, 1658, at Windsor, Mary Porter, born 1638. in England. Their eldest son was : Samuel Grant, born April 20, 1659. at Windsor; married (2) April II, 1688, at Stonington, Grace Miner, born Septem- l»er 20, 1670, at Stonington. Their second son was: Noah Grant, born December 16, 1693, at Windsor, mar- ried June 12, 1717, at Tolland, Martha Huntington, born De- cember 9, 1696. at Norwich. Noah died October 10, 1727. at Tolland. Their second son was : Adoniram Grant, born February 17, 1721, at Tolland; married October 8, 1747, at Tolland, Mercy West, born 1725 at Tolland (daughter of Joseph West and Joanna Delano). Adoniram died January 30, 1783: Mercy died July 25, 1806. The only daughter and youngest child of Noah Grant was : Martha Grant, born June 9, 1726, at Tolland, married September 17, 1750, at Coventry, Rufus Price, born in 1724. The third daughter of Adoniram and Mercy (West) Grant was : Ruth Grant, born November 19, 1759. at Tolland; inarried T\Iay 7, 1778. at Tolland, Lieut. Rufus Price, bom August 5, 1751, at Coventry (son of Rufus Price and Martha Grant-Price). He was an aide on Gen. \\'ashington's staff. Rufus died Sep- THE VORCE FAMILY 91 tember i, 1829, at Richland Twp , Oswego county, N. Y., Ruth died July 6, 1849. at same place. The third daughter of Rufus and Ruth Price was Mercy Price, born February 16, 1783. at Tolland; mar- ried William Vorce (see p. 8) ; died October 10, 1814. The fourth daughter of Rufus and Ruth Price was Martha Price, born January 18, 1787, at Tolland; married Samuel \'orce (see p. 18) ; died January 16. 1839. The genealogy of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, from Noah Grant, (the father of Adoniram) is: Noah Grant, 2d, (eldest brother of Adoniram ) maried Susannah Delano. Noah Grant, 3rd, eldest son of Noah Grant, 2nd, married, (2) Mrs. Rachel Kelly, at Greensburgh, Pa. Jesse Root Grant, eldest son of Noah Grant and Rachel Kelly, married Hannah Simpson. The eldest son of Jesse Root Grant was Hiram Ulysses Grant, changed to Ulysses Simpson Grant, who became gen- eral of the armv and President of the United States. IRISH. In 1775 there were three farmers living in Beekman pre- cinct, Dutchess county, by the name of Irish, all Quakers, viz ; Jesse Irish, David Irish, William Irish ; some or all of them doubtless related to Jedediah Irish (page 61). PRICE FAMILY. The ancestry of Mercy Price, who married William Vorce, and of Martha Price, who married Samuel Vorce is, in part, as follows : Through Ruth Grant, their mother, to Matthew Grant. See Grant Family. Through Mercy West, their grandmother, to William de Warrenne. (See Warren Family.) Through Joanna Delano, their great grandmother, to Rolf. See Delano Family. Various other ancestral branches which have been traced are omitted for want of space. 92 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF SIMP80N. There were many families named Simpson in the Colonies prior to the Revolution. Many of the Simpsons were Tories, and a number of families by that name were banished from the colony of Massachusetts Bay, as Royalists, during the Rev- olution. A number of persons by the name of Elizabeth Simp- son are recorded, but none could be the same who married Timothy Vorce about 1770. The Simpsons were also numer- ous in Connecticut before and during the Revolution, and were mostly adherents to the cause of the Colonies. Caleb Simpson lived in Dutchess county, and there was a Garret Simpson en- rolled in Cooper's Rangers from Dutchess county. James Simpson and Timothy Force both signed the petition for erection of Skenesborough into a county town in 1775, and it is undoubtedly one of these families from which the wife of Timothy Vorce descended. SPICER. Peter Spicer. was one of the volunteers to whom in 1700 the township of Voluntown, Windham county, Conn., was granted. WARREN FAMILY. This family descends from GITLLIAUME DE WAR- REN NE, a count of Normandy who came to England with William the Conqueror, and was one of the most noted nobles in the Norman army ; was greatly distinguished at the battle of Senlac (Hastings), and after the conquest was made by the Conqueror one of his most powerful earls, being given the earldom of Surrey and many other lordships. William de Warrenne, Earl of Surrey, married Gundred, daughter of William the Conqueror. Duke of Normandy and King of England. William de Warrenne, son of above. 2d earl of Surrey, married Isabel, daughter of Hugh, "the Great." coimt of \'er- mandois and of Valois. THE VORCE FAMILY 93 Keginald de Warrenne. son of above, married Adelinda de Mowbray, daughter of Hugh dc Mowbray. William de Warren, son of above, married Isabel de Hayden. Sir. John de Warren. Kt., son of above, married Alice de Townshend. John de Warren, son of above, married Joan de Poot. Sir. Edward de Warren. Kt.. son of above, married Maud Skegeton. vSir. Edward de Warren, Kt., son of above, married Cicelv d'Eton. Sir. John de W^arren, Kt., son of above, married ( ?). Nicholas de Warren, son of above, married Agnes de Wyning- ton. Sir. Laurence de Warren, son of above, married Margaret Bulkeley. John de Warren, son of above, married Isabel Stanley. Sir. Laurence de Warren. Kt.. son of above, married Isabel Leigh. John W'arren. son of above, married ( ?). Christopher W^arren. son of above, married (?). W'illiam Warren, son of above, married Ann Mabel, of Corn- wall. Christopher Warren, son of above, married Alice Webb, of Riddenham. Richard Warren, son of above, niarried Elizabeth (Jouatt) Marsh. Came to Plymouth in the Mayflower 1620. Nathaniel Warren, son of above, married Sarah Walker, in 1645. Mercy AVarren. daughter of above, married Jonathan Delano, in 1678. Jonathan Delano, son of above, married Amy Hatch, in 1704. Joanna Delano, daughter of above, married Joseph West, in 1725- ^lercv West, daughter of above, married Adoniram Grant, in 1747. Jacob Warren and Richard Adams were among the organ- izers of Plainfield (Quinnebaug). Conn., in 1699. Ephraim Warren was one of the first settlers of Killingly (Aspinock). Conn., died 1749. 94 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF Epliraim Warren was living in Plainfield in 1707. David warren was living in Windham in 1723, probably son of Ephraim. Nathaniel Warren was living in Windham in 1774. . THE VORCE FAMILY 95 APPENDIX. The situation of the American colonists at the time this record begins, in the year 1719, is graphically shown by the accompanying map. At that time Spain held Florida and IMexico, and, having explored the Pacific coast, claimed all the country northward from Mexico to an indefinite extent. Spanish settlements extended up the Rio Grande valley and central New Mexico beyond Sante Fe, and into U.wer Texas and lower Cali- fornia, but were few in number and scattered at wide intervals. Nevertheless the sphere of Spanish domination included what is now Texas and all of the California coast. In Florida the few Spanish settlements at St. Augustine, Pensacola, etc., gave assured dominion of the peninsula, and from having explored the country south of Tennessee from the Savannah river to the Mississippi, and having mined for gold in Georgia, Spain claimed the territory as far north i s the Savannah river, and actually dominated that region. France, by virtue of the explorations of the Jesuit mission- aries in the valleys of the St. Lawrence, Ohio and Mississippi rivers and about the great lakes, her settlements along the St. Lawrence, and her chain of Jesuit missions at Detroit, Mack- inac, Chicago, Kaskaskia and New Orleans, claimed all the territory in North America except that actually occupied by the Spanish settlements and the narrow fringe of English settlements along the coast from Savannah to the Penobscot river, excepting Acadia and Hudson's Bay, which she had ceded to England in 1713. The sphere of French influence, however, owing to the activitv of the Jesuit explorers and mis- sionaries, was much the more extensive, and dominated the St. Lawrence valley, Canada, the region about the great lakes, and the Mississippi valley. All of the interior of the country, how- ever, from a little west of Albany to the Pacific coast and from the gulf to beyond the great lakes was in the actual possession of the Indian tribes. The British crown claimed all of North America from lat- itude 34 degrees to 45 degrees, and had granted it "from sea to sea," but the British sphere of influence was limited substan- tially to the territory actually settled under British grants, and 96 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF to the region in central New York occupied by the Five Nations of Indians, who were less friends of the English than bitter enemies of the French. The actual settlements of the colonists under British grants were confined to the region closely border- ing the coast, from about Portsmouti^ X. H.. to Savannah, Ga., and extended but a few leagues from the coast, except in New England, where they extended westward nearly to the Hudson river, but were mostly small and widely scattered in the inland portions. There was no settlement in Xew York westward of Schenectady, nor in Pennsylvania west of Harrisburgh ; New (Orleans had been settled by the French in the preceding year, and the first trading post was established at Oswego by the English in the following year, 1720. The western part of Massachusetts and northern part of Connecticut were only settled by a few pioneers located miles apart in the wilderness, which was still occupied by the Indians, while northern New Hampshire and all of Vermont was yet an unbroken wilder- ness, as was all of northern New York north of the Mohawk valley. This was the extent of the development of the colonies at the end of the first century after the first settlement at Plymouth. How little this situation had changed up to the time of the French and Indians wars may be seen from the map of North America (from the Pittsburg Dispatch) which shows the situation in 1750. CONFUSION OF NA3IES. The difficulty of tracing names during the colonial period, and especially names of foreign origin, is greatly increased by the confusion introduced where names were translated, as was often done. A most singular instance of this confusion is given Jn Furman's History of Long Island regarding the name of one Feyerston, a Scotchman, who settled among Dutch neigh- bors who translated his name, as if it were Firestone, into Feuersteiii, but this name was again translated by his later English neighbors into Flint, by which family name his chil- dren were known. One of the children moved to Canada, where his French neighbors again translated Flint into Pierre- a-fusil (gun-stone), and upon his return many years later to the localitv where his father had lived, his translated name of Pierre-a-fusil was again translated and became Peter Gun. I JSS/?^ '^■V^/ ^ NORTH AMERICA IN 1 760. By courtesy of the Pittsburgh Dispatch. THE VORCE FAMILY 97 An additional source of confusion is the carelessness and ignorance of spelling common names during the colonial period, and even afterwards, combined with the rude independence of that time which led those who had occasion to speak or write an unfamiliar name to promptly guess at it rather than take tiie least trouble to find out the real sound or spelling of the name. Examples of this habit are seen in the following varia- tions of spelling of Ticonderoga taken from the reports of various otificers during the French I'ud Indian War ; some of \\4iom spelled the name six different ways in the same docu- ment. The spellings noticed were : Tionduroque, Toronduro- que, Tycondarogue, Atianderogoe, Tianderrogoe, Tiandrogo, Tionderogo, Tianarago, Tiandaroga, Tenondorogo, Tiondarog, Tiondorogo, In one paper — Diontarogo, Diandorogo, Diontorogo, Diondaroga, Tuyondaroga, Diondarago, Tiantiroga, Tocondoroga, Tjondaroge, Tyconderoga. In family names the same confusion is found. The name of the same person is spelled sometimes koert van Voorhees and sometime? Kourten Van Fores, in the same rolls. The name Gillespie is spelled Galesby, Glispy, and Clisby by different writers referring to the same person. The name of one man is spelled Howlet, Halet and Houldt in the same docimicnt, and there are innumerable other instances of similar confusions in spelling. Even at the present day misspelling of the name Vorce is very common when it is written by those unfamiliar with its correct spelling. The following forms have come to the notice cf the author where the name has been written down by various persons from the oral pronunciation of it, viz : Vors, Vorse, Force, Borce, Bors, Fours, Fowers, Bores, Vores, Fores, Voys, Vorts, Vorch, and Wors. UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS. Adam Vorce, was a Revolutionary soldier from Derby, Conn., in 1775. Adam Vorse, was a private in Capt. Couch's company in the Revolutionary war, and was discharged December 20, 4 98 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF 1775 (^)- I^e was a prisoner at Fort Washington November 16, (1775?)- Adam \'ose. from Derby, Conn., was detailed as a guard at Horseneck, September 15, to 21, 1775. The above three names are unquestionably those of one and the same person. Andrew J. Vorce, of Wilmington. \'t., Company A., 2d Vt. \'ols., 1863. Daniel Vorce, in Tozer's company, N. Y. Troops, in the ]\ evolution. David Vorce, in Cooper's Rangers, Dutchess county in the Revolutionary war. George K. Vorce, of Burlington, \'t., Co. A, 7th \'t. \'ols., 1863. Hannah Vorse married Joseph Lynsen, October 22, 1756, at New York. Henry Vorce, served in the Connecticut Troops in May, 1762. (Conn. Records, \^ol. 12, p. 52.) Jeremiah Vorse and Hannah, his wife, lived in Stoughton. Mass., and had at least two children, Nathaniel, (see below) and Jerusha Vorse, daughter of Jeremiah Vorse.«of Stoughton. Jesse Vorce, was a corporal in the 7th Company of Con- necticut Volunteers; discharged December 29, 1775. Joseph Vorce, in Mansfield's company from Derby, Conn., served three years in the Revolution. Lemuel Vorce, in Revolutionary army. (Conn. Records, Vol. 12, p. 52.) Mary Vors married Samuel Maghee, August 28, 1766. Nathaniel Vorse (also spelled Vose), a son of Jeremiah Vorse, of Stoughton, Mass. Nicholas Amorce and Mary Bourn married at Taunton. Mass., March 30, 1710. Rebecca Vorse, of Walpole, N. H., married John S. Marcy, March 7, 1779. They resided at Windsor, Vt. Samuel C. Vorse, of Barre, Vt., Company C, ist Vermont Cav., 1863. Thomas Vorse, resided in Rombout precinct, Dutchess county, in 1775. Named as executor in the will pf Gideon Verveelen of that precinct. William H. Vorce, of Vernon. W., Company H, nth \^x- mont Vols., 1864. THE VORCE FAMILY 99 Cornelis Dircksen Vos, from Leyden, with his wife, mother and two children, came to New Netherland, in the ship "The St. John Baptist," in May, 1661. Petrus Vos was a minister of the Protestant Reformed Dutch Church at Kingston in Ulster county (opposite Rhine- beck), in 1712, as appears by his petition with others dated May I, 171 2, for the incorporation of said church. The peti- tion of Vos and others was referred by the governor to a com- mittee composed of Rip Van Dam and others at New York, who reported May 2, 1712, that in their opinion the governor might properly grant "ye Petition of Petrus Vas and others." Peter Voss was a settler on the Hoseck (Hoosac) Grant, east of the Hudson river in 1764, and was turned out of pos- session by agents of New Hampshire in August. Balthaser de Vos came from Utrecht with his wife in the ship "Hope" in April 1662. Hendrick Bos, from Leyden, came with his wife and two children in the ship "Faith," in December, 1659. Yan Voes and John Marshal! were among the signers of the petition for the removal of Sheriff Wm. Cosby in 1737. In the New York militia in 1738 are found the names of David De \^oor, John De Voor, Tunis De Vour and Petter A. Voatts. Edict of Nantes, issued by Henry IV, April 13, 1598. con- ceding political and religious rights to the Huguenots and put- ting them on a political equality with Catholics. Freedom of worship guaranteed to the Huguenots except in Paris and the Episcopal cities. In 1685, Louis XI\^ ("Le Grand") revoked the edict of Nantes. At least 50,000 Huguenot families fled from France during the persecutions which preceded and fol- lowed the revocation of the edict. In 1714, a "List of the inhabitants and slaves in the county of Dutchess" was made. The white inhabitants numbered 416, and the slaves 29, a total population of 445. The only names in the list at all resembling any of those given in Parts I and II are those of John and Abram Beuys and Peter De Boyes. The total population of Dutchess county in 1738, includ- ing children and slaves, was 3,086, "in the whole county except the High Lands." The total whites in the whole county was stated at 3.156, and total blacks at 262; whence it may be de- duced that the dwellers in the Highlands numbered 332. LofC. 100 GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF In the enrollment of the people called "Quakers" for Dutchess county in 1775, are the names of Shearman, Chase. Dakin, Russell, Ferris, Rowland, Irish, Gifford ; most of whom are given the description " ffarmer." EXPLANATORY. In the body of the work (parts I and II) all particulars regarding the persons named which it has been possible to ob- tain by persistent correspondence have been given. Names fol- lowed by an asterisk ( * ) indicate persons who have failed to answer repeated letters. A greatly to be regretted ignorance of the whereabouts and family history of relatives has been disclosed on the part of very many persons, but it is gratify- ing to state that in general, correspondents have been very obliging in giving all such information as they possessed. The present residence of living adult persons is in general to be understood as being at the locality of marriage or birth of youngest child. Adults of whom neither marriage or death is recorded are understood to be still living and unmarried, or that no information on the subject can be obtained. Where dates or localities are followed by different data in parenthesis, it indicates that different persons give different dates, etc. for the same event. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. ABNER VORCE, p. to, died Feb. 28, 1901. A. J. Wilson, p. 12, died Jan. 24, 1900. LESTER T. VORCE, p. 12, m. Oct. 10, 1868, at Pictou, Ont. Eliza Ann Palon, p. 12, b. June 5, 1845. Clara A.rmina Vorce, p. 17, should read Armena. LOREN R. VORCE, p. 22, has a son GALEN SMITH VORCE, born June 22, 1901, at Cleveland, O. Abram Cole, p. 25, died Aug. 18, 1866, at Louisville, Ky. LYDIA VORCE COLE, p. 25, died May 15, 1862, at Louis- ville, Ky. GEO. VV. COLE, p. 28, died at Elizabethtown, Ky. ADA DAVISON, p. 31, has a daughter, Florence Adele Miller, born Dec. 23, 1900, at St. Louis, Mo. ROBERT T. VORCE,* Oswego, N. Y., was born in Eng- land. DANIEL C. RICHARDS, p. 33, had children— Dorman J. Richards, born July 12, 1855, died Nov. 21, 1859, at Colon; Cora Albertin Richards, born July 2, 1863, died Aug. 24, 1864, at Colon; Karl Watson Richards, born Sept. 26, 1865, died April 14, 1874, at Colon. EVA JANETTE RICHARDS, p. 34, bad a child, Ellen F. Clowes, born June 19, 1890. John Douglas Clowes, p. 34, was born Feb. 15, 1883. Angell Mathewson, p. 48, born April 29, 1900. William Weidman, p. 48, died Jan. 18, 1897. Florence Pearl Van Sickle, p. 53, born in 1886. Clara Pierson, p. 58, born Jan. 27, 1855. Gertrude Pierson Miller, p. 58, born Sept. 11, 1881. Celestia Williams, p. 67, married Charles Townsend. FREEMAN VORCE, p. 67, died Feb. 10, 1901. i INDEX A. Persons bearing; the name of Vorce or Vorse. PAGE Aaron 52 Abel 59, 67 Abigail 82, 83 Abigail Celestine 42 Abner 8, 10 Achsa Eliza 25, 28 Adeline 54 Adaline 79, 80 Adam 97 Adeline 51, 57 Alansou 68, 69 Albert R 75, 76 Albert Edward 52 Albertl 47, 48 Alberto 69, 70 Alberto 70 Albon 82 Alice Lucretia 17 Allen 38, 51 Allen 38, 49 Allen D 51, 52 Allen S 47, 48 Almira 52, 53 Almira 51 Alva 60 AmyClare 52 AndrewJ 98 Angelo Alanson...69, 70 Ann Alida 69, 71 Anna R 48, 49 Anne E 79. 80 Archibald 68, 72 Arnold 68 Arthur 74 Arthur Edwin 17 Arthur Howland 67 Aubrey Dean 70, 71 Audria 5, 35 Audria 18, 19 Benjamin 59 Bertha L 83 Bessie G 21 Betsey 60 Betsev 82 Beulah 75 Burton 67 VORGE. PAGE Burton A 48 Byron J 69 Cara Haskell 21 Carey 38 Carl Hollinger 21 Caroline Elizabeth... 41 Charity 79 Charles 54 Charles 63, 64 Charles A 72 Charles Howard..20, 21 Charles Marvin. ..19, 21 Charles M 11 CharlesW 41, 42 Chauncey 8, 11 Clara Armina 17 Clara G 25, 28 Clara Rogers 69, 70 Clarence A 48, 49 Clarence B 52 Clarissa 51 Claude 78 Cornelia 69 Cornelius 69 Danford 69 Daniel 59, 60 Daniel 98 David 82 David 98 Delilah 38 Delia 11 Dion 81 Edmund Enos 73 Edward C 82, 83 Edwin 14, 15 Edwin 16, 17 Edwin 74 Edwin Marvin 19, 21 Egbert 73 Egbert 74 Elinina 60 Eliza 39, 49 Elizabeth 51, 54 Elizabeth 62, 64 PAGE Elizabeth B 48, 54 Elizabeth S 18, 19 Ella Augusta 25, 28 Ella Juanita 43 Ella M 17 Ellen M 69, 70 Elma Almira 41, 43 Elmer Ellsworth..41, 43 Elmer Ellis 43 Emma 11 Emma Jeanette 42 Emma May 17 Emily Augusta, 19 Ernest Angelo 70 P>nest Edward 83 Ernest Grant 17 Eugene A 82 Fannie 68, 73 Fannie Eliza 60, 61 Fanny Josephine 52 Fannie May 61 Firman Elver 41, 43 Florence C 37 Frances 8, 11 Frances 37 Frances 73, 76 Fred J 17 Freeman 59. 62 Freeman 62, 67 Freeman King 66 George 61 George Clements 66 George Eugene. ..60, 61 George K 98 Gladys 67 Gladvs Helen 43 Gold'ie Estella 73 Grace 8, 11 Grace 61 Gace 17 Gruyette A 69 Harold 67 Harold H 49 Harold T 22 102 IISJDEX. PAGE Harriet 14 Harriet M 47, 48 Harris 60 Harris 61 Harrison 75 Harry Claude 48, 49 Hattie 11 Hazel Violet 43 Helen Adele 41 Helen Louise 17 Henry 54 Henry 68 Henry 82 Henry 8, 11 Henry 52 Henry 57 Henry 60 Henry 98 Henry Orant 18, 20 Henry H 47, 48 Henry Lafayette 74 Henry S....^ 24, 26 Herbert 37 Herbert 75 Herman A 69 Hiram 8, 11 Hiram 14 Hiram 14, 15 Hiram King 62 Ina Bell 67 Inez Elizabeth 43 Isaac 79 Isador 82 James 38 James 82 James Sumner 67 Jane 73, 74 Jane Ann 82, 83 Jane M 10, 12 Jarvis 68 Jasper 72 Jedediah 5, 14 Jennette Cowles 52 Jennie Belle 41, 43 Jesse 98 Jesse Hubert 70, 71 Jessie 70 John 5, 23 John 24 John 38 John 54 John A 37 John 79 John Baker 68, 73 John Corbin 63 John Van Renssa- laer 51, 52 John B 73 John W 62, 66 John Wemple 41 Joseph 11 PAGE Joseph 38, 47 Joseph 59, 60 Joseph 98 Josephine 73, 76 Juba Howe 63 Julia 8, 10 Julia 51 Lafayette 14, 15 Lafayette Denton. 19, 21 Lauere 72 Laura 8, 10 Laura 38 Laura Jane 74 Lavina 38, 44 Leha Belle 43 Lemuel 98 Leroy 73, 75 Lester 70 Lester T 10, 12 Letta Hilda 76 Lewis 60 Lewis B... ,...62, 6^ Lillian 64 Lillian 1 48 Llewellyn J 70 Lois J 57 Loren R 21, 22 Lucius R 79, 80 Lucretia M 18, 21 Lydia 24, 25 Mabel 78 Mabel Arsema 76 Mabel Ida 43 Mack 79. 81 Madison 61 Malvila 73, 77 Manley 70 Marcellus M 10, 12 Maria 60 Maria 14 Maria 79, 80 Martha E 20, 21 Martha Sophia 41 Mary 38, 39 Mary 39 Mary 82 Mary 59, 62 Mary 74 Mary A 17 MarvAnn 41, 42 Mary Elizabeth 60 61 Mary Elizabeth 60 61 Mary Elizabeth 69 71 Mary Frances 57 Mary Moore 63 Mary Sophia 67 Melvin 78 Melvin Stoffle 71 Mercy 18 20 Mercy Jane 62, 67 Merton 78 PAGE Mildred 22 Minnie Edna 17 Montgomery 73, 78 Montgomery 78 Myron B 21 Nancy 39, 50 Nello A. C 71 Nelson 51, 54 Nettie 61 Nevada Euretta 41 Nicholas 98 Nina 12 Norma May 73 Norma Belle 81 Olive 39 49 Olive Nevada.. 43 Oliver 82 Oliver Allen 38 Oliver Allen 41 Oliver Earl 43 Oliver Everett 43 Oliver Frank 41 Palmer L 17 Pamelia 8, 10 Periander 51 Perry 15, 17 Phebe Ann 75, 76 PhebeAnn 73, 77 Priscilla 24, 25 Priscilla 61 RayE 48 Raymond George 43 Reginald A 71 Robert 19 Robert Dewey 43 Robert Martin 43 Robert Nelson 40, 41 Rosanna James 59 Roy Barlow 83 Rufus Price 18. 19 Russel C 69 Ruth 18, 19 Samuel 5, 18 Samuel Owen 19 Sarah 38 49 Sarah 54 Sarah 62 Sarah Jane 66 Sarah Louisa 67 Sarah Maria 41, 42 Sarah Sophia 42 Sevilla 60 Sheldon 60 Silas Adams 24, 25 Solomon 59 Solomon 68, 72 Solomon 82 Sophia 5, 32 INDEX. 103 PACK Sophia 18, 20 Stewart 72 Susan Jane 67 Sylvester 68 Thankful 62, 64 Theodosia C 66 Thomas 61 Timothy 5 Timothy 8 VellahMav 76 Verna H. B 83 Vera 72 Vera 75 PAGE Virginia 52 Volney 51, 57 Walter 19 Walter Grant 19 Walter Herbert 52 Willard Rufus ....19, 21 William Master 79, 80 William 5, 8 William 14 William 54 William 59, 67 William 82 William Elmer 66 William Frederick... 4.S William G 10 PAGE William Grant 8 William H 98 William Henry 43 William Henry 73 William Lewis 82, 83 William Newton 15 William R 38, 40 William Riley 41, 42 William Robert. .41, 42 William Stewart..51, 62 Willis Lerov 75 Winfield A'. 48 Zebulon 7, 37 Zebulon 38 Zelinda 79, 80 VORSE. PAGE Adam 97 Frank W. Albert White 84 Augusta T 83 Hannah .. PAGE .. 83 98 98 98 84 T^ .1. oo Jeremiah ^^'•^^^y »3 jerusha Justus B Elizabeth 83 Elizabeth T 84 Mary 98 Evelyn 83 Myrtle 83 PAGE Nathaniel 98 Norman T 83 Rebecca 98 Ruth 83 Samuel C 98 Standish 83 Thomas, 98 INDEX B. Persons bearing other names than Vorce. PAGE Adams, Aunis 23 Earle 38 Family 85 Augell, Allen Abron 39 Allen Alberto 40 Charles Allen 39 Charles Sauford 39 Cora Marcella 39, 40 Floyd Edward 40 Frederick Chester 39 Glenn 40 Harriet Malvina 40 Ira Clyde 39 John Edward 39, 40 John Edward 39 Lewis Allen 39 Lewis Edwin 39 Lola Mabelle 40 Malvina A 39 Mary Ella 40 Minnie Storm 40 Squire Chester 39, 40 Austin, Caroline Emma 46 Delia 46 Edward F 46 Frederick Joseph 46 Harry Livingston 46 Josephs 46 Olive Janet 46 Stella 46 Bakeman, Sophia 77 Baker, Cornelius 25 Eleanor 6S Baldwin, Rhoda 60 Ball, Julia A 48 Barlow, Mary E 83 Barnes, Blanche 28 Mabel A 28 Robert S 28 Vorce 28 Barnett, Helen 76 Bartlett, Norman 77 Bassett, Everett W 56 E. Vorce 56 Bates, Perry W 80 Bean, Lois C 82 Beeman, Hester A 20 Bell, Myrtle 81 Benjamin, Jasper 63 PAGE Benzie. Elsie M 47 James 47 Roy Walter 47 Berry, Alice Maud 30 Arthur Vaughn 30 Edward Carroll 30 Ethel 30 John 30 Laura Annette 30 Lyman Rogers 30 Paul Herbert 30 Walter 30 Betz, Ida A 29 Bigelow, Florence Belle 34 George 34 Bighani, Mary Belle 45 Bills, Harriet M 12 Bishop, Charles P 58 Frank H 58 Biven, Carolyn 21 Blake, Susan C 82 Blee, William 28 Bolin, Cardon A 49 Mary Jane 49 Nancy Lucelia 49 Polly Malvina 49 Squire Lewis 49 William 49 William G 49 William Oscar 49, 50 Bongard, Martha 12 Boone, Grace H 72 Borden, Lorenzo 45 BottoflF, Nathan 29 Bowdish, Mary 17 Boyce, Phebe 73 Seneca 35 Brewster, Edwin 57 Ellsworth 57 Briggs, Mr • 34 Bronson, Mary E 53 Brown, Harriet 25 Henry H 25 Henry W 25 Marietta 25 Mary Jane 25 William L 25 Brownell, Mrs. Helen 36 Buck, Mr 62 Bunn, Mary 8 INDEX. 105 PAGE Bullis, Abraham F 55 Charles Maurice 55 Clarence W 56 Edith Maud 56 Estella 55, 56 Burbank.John 77 Cortis William 77 Burke, Frank E 11 Burlingame 33 Burlison, Cora 81 Burlson, Clara 81 Burrel, Albert 56 Ashley W 56 Clarence H 56 Cliflford 56 Elmer 56 Georgia 56 Burt, Sarah 57 Burton, Alonzo C 20 Lulu 46 Emma A 67 Samuel E 20 Cable. Anna Cordelia 27 Calkins, Florence 49 Cantrall, William J 22 Carpenter, Eleanor A 15 Matilda 16 Carter, Eva 21 William 22 Carson, Columbus W 29 Challans, Anna 76 Clarence 76, 77 Clark B 76 Edna 76 Herbert W 76 Isaac 76 Jane 76, 77 Julia 76, 77 Lelah 76 Laura 76, 77 Orel D 77 Myrnie I 76, 77 MyrtleJ 76 William 76 William 76, 77 Chappell, Adelbert 80, 81 Allen 80, 81 Doris Dell 81 Eben 80 Edith 80 John 80 Mary 80, 81 Mildred Bell 81 Myrta 80, 81 Samuel 80 Charlton, Cora C 29 Chase, Charlotte M 20 Chatfield, Audria 32 Josiah 32 Sarah 32 Cheney, Mary 16 Chidester, Gardner 35 PAGE Chidester, Sarah 35 Eliza Sophia 35 Clark, Mr 11 Belinda 54, 55 Carl 77 C ecilia 54, 55 Clarissa 54, 55 Cornelia 54 Elizabeth M 54, 56 Frank 77 Fred Grant 22 Harley 77 Harriet Elizabeth 33 Julia A 54, 55 Lewis 22 Morris 64 Rosaline D 54, 55 Sarah 15 Victoria 54, 55 William Edward 22 Clarke, Cecile 81 James" 81 William J 81 Clements, Amy , 66 Clowes, Charles 34 Gertrude Belle 34 John Douglas 34 Cogswell, Carolyn F 37 Cole, Abram 25 Annis Adams 25, 26 Charles 27 Cordelia Griggs 25, 27 George Leouidas 28 George Washington 25, 28 George Sweets 28 Hasley Winford 28 Helen Mary 25 Henry Clay 27 Josephine 25 Julia Ann 25, 27 Kate March 28 Lutecia Pamelia 25 Lydia Rebecca 28, 31 Walter Eugene 28 William H. H 25, 27 Collins, Ammi Richards 32, 33 Cerenus 32 Chester Chatfield 32, 33 Effie Loretta 33 Eliza Sophia 32, 33 Juliette 32, 33 Mary 33, 34 Nellie E 33 Nettie Amelia 33, 34 Norman 32 Paulina 32, 33 Seneca 32 Conn, Clyde B 66 Ernest J 66 Grace P 66 KittieC 66 Laura L &6 Ray P 66 106 INDEX. PAGE Coun, Samuel J 66 Coon, Mary 38 Corbin, Jane Ann 63 Cornelie, Minnie A 71 Covey, Delia 80 James M 80 Laurinda 80, 81 Mabel 80 Cowden, Bertha K 17 Cowles, Enos M 45 Florence 46 Frank 46 Frank 45 P'rederick oamuel 45 Frederick Seneca 46 Ruby 46 William H 45, 46 Cranson, Charles 80 Elisha A 80 Elson H 80, 81 M. Irene 80, 81 Pearl 81 William V 80 Culley, Kate Emma 29 Dakin, Elisha H 11 Emma B 11 Harriet B 11 Danielson, Caroline C 55, 56 Catherine E 55, 56 Jerome H 55 Mabel G 55, 56 Mary Vorce 55, 56 Davis, Charles E 42 Davison, Ada 27, 31 Arthur 27 Erastus 27, 28 Frances Florence 30 George W 27 Jennie Monroe 27, 30 Lucretia Belle 27, 31 Margaret Helen 30 Marv Lucy 30 Maud 27, 30 Olive Maria 27 Orrin Henry 27, 30 Orrin Henry 30 Dawley, Bertha Harriet 17 Samuel C 17 Dean, Albert V. R 49 Frances A 49 Jennie 64 Kate A 49 Lillian M 49 Marquis 49 Nathan G 81 Delano Family 87 Demmen, Addie 83 Arthur 83 H. B 83 Denton, PhebeAnn 19 Disbrow, E. Maria 75 Doane, Helon F 20 PAGE Doane, Henry G 20 Ira Wheeler 10. 19 Martha A 20, 21 Mary J 20 Samuel V 20 Sarah B 20 Douglas, Clarissa 47 Dowell, Mary 79 Drew, Polly Helen 57 Mary 54 Dunn, Janet 57 Dunning, Benjamin 89 Lois 51 Dunham, Lois A 65 Eastern, Ida 77 Easton, Helen 11 Eisman, John 29 Ellis, Fannie Ellen 26 Ellsworth, Artemus 64 Elmhurst, Maud A 48 Erskine, Ann E 48 Evans, Mrs. Nelson 10 Farmer, Edith 28 Frederick M 28 Gail 28 Farron, George 12 William Grant 12 Fitzgerald, Mary Jane L 30 Flack, Katie 22 Fobes, Henry 74 Mary Adella 74 William Marshall 74 Forbes, George W 15 Forest, CordeliaMay 30 Samuel 30 Frazier, Mercy 7 Freeman, Chester 35 Gardner C 35 Lydia Cornelia 35, 36 William Henry 35 Fuller, Andrew 76 George W 43 Sarah 75 William 32 Galpin, Loretta 57 Gardner, Martha W 25 Rowland. J 58 Gibbs, Helen M 37 Gilbert, Edward 20 Emily Eliza 20, 22 MaryE 20, 22 William 20 Gildersleeve, Phebe Ellen 40 Gleason, Allen M 45 Bion 45 James Bion 45 , Flora A 45 George W 45 Nora May 45 Gorman, Martin Luther 42 INDEX. 107 PAGE Gorman, Mary Marguerite 42, 44 Martin Leonard 42 Grant Family tiO Grant, Martha Jeanette 42 Green, George 45 Griswold 49 Griswold, Malvina 49 Hadden, Rosa 61 Haney, Glenn 77 Mathew 76 Myrle 76 Vern 77 Harris, Caroline Lydia 66 Edna Cecilia 56 George 44 Georgia A 54 John C 56 Nettie G 67 Haskell, Agnes 21 Hathaway, Frances 62 Hannah 62 Naihanial 62 Thomas 62 Hayes, Almou G 13 Healey, Sarah 53 Herman, Rosetta 29 Herrick, Royal 14 Hicks, Addie 69 Hill, Frances Lydia 36 William Ephraim 36 Hinman, Sarah 35 Holcomb, Bessie Frances 34 John 34 John Henry 34 Mary Luella 34 Perry Richards 34 Holden, Alfred D 50 Amy E 49 Dexter S 49 Edwin D 50 George W 49 Gertrude 50 Ida May 49 Margaret E 50 Mar}- Jane 50 MHud E 50 Walter E 49 Oscar A 49, 50 Hollinger, Ida May 21 Holmes, Rose 11 Hoover, Mary A 11 Hopkins, Fanny Lincoln 17 Horton, Bertha 81 Hovey, Azel 71 P'ord Edwin 71 George Sweet 71, 72 WinfordAlmer 71, 72 Howard, Alma Berneice 70 Bertha Marie 70 Charles 70 Clarence N 70 Cordelia L 69 PAGE Howard, Earle Gordon 70 Ima Clare 70 Ina May 70 Howland, Amanda M 67 Hubbard, Franklin 75 Franklin L 75 Freeman 75 George F 75 Ida Jane 75 M. Franc 75 May V 75 Viola 75 Hughes, Anna M 33 Emma 32 Hunter, Andrew M 56 Hutchins, Almira 82 Hutchinson, Hannah C 17 Hyde, Mrs. Clara H 78 Eva 78 Luther 78 Ingalls, Mrs. Hannah B 72 Ingersoll, Chester ; 49 Irish, Lois 62 Jenkins, Cynthia 64 James 37 John 64 Lois Ann 64 Sarah 64 Johnson, Alta M 55 Ensign 55 Florence E 72 Minerva 60 SophiaM 70 Johnston, Frederick M 11 Kelsey. Asenath 44 Eliza 44 Ellen Alvira 45 Emily Amelia 44, 46 Frances Louisa 44 Grove 47 Henry 44 Henry 47 Ida Victoria 45 Ira 47 Jerome 44, 47 Lucinda 44, 45 Mary Ann 44, 45 Mary Melissa 44, 47 Melissa 44 Reuben West 44, 46 Rufus Mark 44 Sarah Elizabeth 44, 45 Sarah L 45 William 46 William Cornell 44 William Riley 44 Kemler, Edward Orrin 30 George Erastus 30 George Jacob 30 Helen Olive 30 108 INDEX. PAGE Ketchum, Anna Louise 55 John Jarvis 55 Kimerling, George Edward 29 Gertrude Vaughn 29 Maud Edith 29 Mildred Caroline 29 William J 2*< Joseph 29 May Annis 29 King, Mercy 59 Kingsbury, Alfred Lewis 13 Kinney, Andrew Jackson 42 Andrew Jackson 41 Castella Luthera 42, 44 George Lorenzo 42 Harriet Adelle 42, 43 Kreamer. Joseph Edward 31 Lydia Nannette 31 Kugley, Henry W 44 Violet D 44 Lake, Serepta 20 Leet, Caroline 14 Leonard, Grafey 83 Linden, Mary 42 Longtin, Anna G 70 Loree, Carl H 40 Charles W 40 Edna 40 Frank M 40 Nina J 40 Lowell 49 Lowrey, Mr 50 Lusk, Olive 10 McComber, Nellie S 48 McDaniels, John 12 McGee, Henry 78 Lewis 47 Myrtle 47 Mcintosh, Isabel 43 McMaster, Marcella M 79 McMurray, Bertha 54 McNall, Anna Hurd 36 Burt Chester 36 Freeman Elton 36 Josephine Alberta 32 NellieEliza 36 Watson Clark 36 Mack, Burton W 30 Jessie Carroll 30 Maginess, Mary 15 Magnuse, John Edwin 43 Mahoney, Agnes 78 Mann, Ed 29 Marshall, Evalyn Cornelia 21 Florence 16 Laura Jeanetta 41 Maude 16 Marvin, Susan Eliza 19 Mathewson, Margaret A 48 Philip A 48 Willis 48 PAGE Megaffee, Elma Leontine 61 William 61 Midgeley Margaret 13 Miller, Addie 58 AdelbertE 31 Dora F 55 Ella 58 Esther Cutter 58 Etta 75 Frank W 58 Gertrude 58 Gertrude P 58 Lois Dunning 58 Robert F 65 Samuel V 57 Moore, Albert K 74 Harry Munroe 31 Joseph William 30 Martha 47 Raymond Earl 31 Montgomery, Donald B 13 EstherP 13 Florence M 13 Jessie I 13 Paul M 13 Vincent E 13 William Henry.... 13 Morgan, Charles 77 Fred 77 Grace Elmyra 77 Jessie 77 Morris, Amanda 35 Morton, Emma D 47 Mullen, Elizabeth 50 Mundinger, Albert 65 Frederick 65 Howard C 66 Lazette 65 Phoebe C 66 Newton, Agnes 83 Juliet 15 Nichols, William 33 Nims, Althea A 63 Nutting, Arcia A 74 Caroline 75 Mary Ann 72 Pamelia A 74 PhebeE 74 Simon 74 Willard M 74 William S 74 Oaks, Alberto John 71 Arthur Alanson 71 Leon Cornelius 71 Cyrus H 71 Earl Elbridge 71 Harriet Lorena 71 Leon Leighton 71 O'Dell, Dollie 34 Ogden, J. M 42 Ormsby, Minnie 42 INDEX. 109 PAGE Osborn, Virginia 62 Helen, M 80 Palon, Eliza 12 Patterson, Emma 33 Patty, Mercer B 20 Payne, Maude Vorce 52 Payne, W. W 52 Pelkey, Eleanor M 3y Penney Harriet A 63 Peters, Edna A 71 Pickett, Fayette Hurd 16 Harriet L 16, 17 Pierson, Clara 58 Pierce, Varnum 82 Piatt, Edith B 81 Hezekiah E 81 John J 81 William H 81 Potter. Lathum D 21 Powers, Oscar F 21 Pratt, Latia 51 Preston, Maud 49 Price Family 91 Martha 18 Mercy 8 Prosser, Andrew J 53 Clarence E 53 Earl Elmer 53 Edna Elizabeth 53 Ezra Vorce 53 Frank Leslie 53, 64 Jessie Magdalene 53 Ida E 53 Ida Marie 53 I/ewis Ellsworth 53 Mary Elizabeth 53 William Henry 53 Reed, Mary 73 Reynolds, Morgan 73 Requa, Emily 19 Rice, Abigail 20 Richards, Allen H 32, 33 Ammi 32 Daniel Chidester 32, 33 Eva Janette 33, 34 Frank Allen 34 Frank Adelbert 33, 34 Hannah L 32, 33 Josiah Chatfield 32, 33 Mary Roby 33 Sarah Elsie 33, 34 Sophia 32 William Ellis 33 Richmond Alfred 77 Alma Oleah 77 Dean 77 Lynn 77 Orlo A 77 Riker, Clarrie Bell 61 Henry 61 Ross, Mr 61 PACK Ross, Daniel 61 Gager D 61 Rowley, Arthur Finley 55 Samuel B 55 William T 55 Zorah 55 Russell, Alice 16 Andrew Jackson 14, 15 Azariah 14 Bertha May 13 Charles H 15, 16 Charles Marshall 16 Curran Northam 17 Delia 15 Earl 16 Edna 16 Edwin 15, 17 Edwin Earle 16 Eliz^Ann 14, 16 Etuest Andrew 16, 17 Frank 15 Glenni William 16 Grace Genevieve 16 Herman 17 James Arthur 16 James H 15, 16 Julia Ann 14 Lottie Jane 16 Mabelle Maud 16 Mary Jane 14, 15 Oliver Perry 16 Perry 15, 16 Rupert Howard 16 Walter R 15 William Henry 14, 16 Willis D 15 Sandford. Josephine M 63 Schram, Ethel E 46 Enos N 46 Nelson, J. E 46 Roy R 46 Russel E 46 Schwartz, Charles 26 Delphia Annis 26, 29 Rose Elizabeth 29 Estella Lee 29 Flora Jane 26 Benjaminn F 26, 29 George Henry 26, 29 James Elmer 26 John Eddy 26, 28 John Franklin 26 Laura Ureta 26 Lola Bell 26 Lydia Vorce 26, 29 Mary Adelia 26 Oliver Ellis 26 Ravmond 28 Robert A 26, 29 Sadie May 26 Walter A 28 Scofield, Lucretia 14 110 INDEX. PAGE Segar, Mary Frances 70 Searle, Elizabeth 83 Seelye, Florence Seymour 52 Franklin B 51 William A 52 Shaner, Mr 56 Shattuck, Miss 11 Sheldon, Elizabeth 59 Nancy (>2 Sherman, Betsey 52 Genevieve 45 Lewis 4i Simpson Family 92 Simpson, Elizibeth 5 -Skinner, Mr 33 Eliza Sophia 33, 34 Smith, Burton 6(5 Eugene 66 Leta 66 Lucy 44 Minnie Evalyn 22 NetiieN 40 Raymond 66 Sarah 23 Spalding, Fannie 60 Sparling. Sarah E 'J8 Spicer, Alice May 65 Camilla Eunice 65 66 Charlotte Allene 65 Cyrus 65 Lucy Elizabeth 65 Flora 63 66 Heman Jewett 65 Janette 65, 66 Jay 65 Lillian 65 Oliver E 64 Orville W 65 Ruth Tryelma 65 Thaddeus Stuart 65 WilmotJ 65 Sprague, Elizabeth M II, 12 Hiram 10 Josephine R 10, 12 Julia Vorce 10, 12 Nellie Grant 11, 13 Stanley, Hattie M 64 Stevens, Abbie Louisa 46, 47 Alexander F 46 Edward Cornell 46 Estella Emily 46 Frederick Henry 46 Henry Joseph 46, 47 John R. A 46 Lavina V 46 Reuben C. A 46 William F 46 Stewart, Calvin M 64 Franklin E 64 James B 64 Stoffle, Zoma M 71 Stott, Luella J 71 Story, Angeliue R 41 PAGE Stringer, Jackson 33 Stuart, Castine E 65 Sunderlin, Anna V 63 Ethelbert 64 Harriet A 63 Harriet Ann 64 John Corbin 63 johnE. L 63, 64 Joseph L. B 63, 64 Mary Ethel 64 Mary J 63 Sweet, Mary 69 Taylor, Mr 60 William H 57 Thayer, Delilah 8 Thompson, Lavinia 21 Priscilla 60 William M 74 Tindale, J. L 56 Tinney, Corean M 47 Edith May 47 Ernest L 47 EvaL 47 Frances L 47 John C 47 Lucy M 47 Michael 47 William H 47 Tomlinson, Ella 16 Totten, Hattie Janet 22 Towne, Allen Erastus 31 Charles Allen 31 Charles Hiram 31 Tyler, LauraA 10 Van Derrick, Mary 82 Van Sickle, Elmer E 53, 54 Florence P 53 George 53 Mabel V 53 Van Wormer, Hannah 78 Vaughn. Adaline R 27, 30 Alice Cordelia 29 George Preston 27 Hattie May 27 John Harney 27 Lydia Mildred 27, 29 May Annis 27 Mary Kate 27, 30 Nellie Darling 29 Nellie Darling 27, 30 William Abram 27, 29 William Carroll 27 Veeder, Margaret Ann 40 Vickery, Rose N 48 Sylvanus S 48 Timothy 48 Wade, Mr 34 Walker, Frederick Vorce' 61 James 61 Lillian 76 INDEX. Ill PAGE "Warner, Mr 50 Sarah 50 Warren Family 92 Waterman, Seely 15 Wattam, Martha 72 Way, Clara Lucile 12 Kdgar Stephen 12 Laura Rogers 12 Julian Elwood 13 Wedgwood, Albert 11, 13 Eugene Howard 12 Everett Lake 10, 12 Francis Warren 10 George Warren 12, 13 Helen E 13 Henry Francis 10, 12 Jessie Frances 11, 13 Julia Doane 11, 13 Loretta 13 Mary Frances 13 William A 13 William Warren 10, 11 Weidman. Cora B 48 JesseL 48 William 48 Welch, Mr 11 Whatam. Hilton 12 Maggie L 12 Nellie 12 Wesley 12 PAGE Wheeler, Ethan A 83, Katherine 28 Maud 83 Walter 83 Whitney, Edward Orson 7o Juliet 69 Marie 69 Pattie 73 Randall 69 Romeo 69 Zelma Howard 70 Williams, Ananias 67 Catherine D 52 Celestia 67 Charles Erastus 54 Sabina 67 C. Whitney 54 Willis, Arthur J 66 B.F 66 Catherine Elail 66 Earl Clifton 66 Ethel Leota 66 Leo Willis 66 Wilson, AndrewJ 12 Laura 12 Wright, Gertrude 61 Wyhuskey, Caroline 64 Young, Mary Elizabeth 43 Zufelt, Addie 74 ifov 29 moi NOV 25 1901 yBRARY OF CONGRESS ^ l-ilJIlllliillllllll lililllllllli 021 548 358 7