. ^-^^^v^^' J\. '■m-' ,/\ f Sf ' /x -^^ .''■^^ 0^ :^'^W^ '^v^' :^ : ^^o/ :^>^^^^^-^' V/ .;^[^ %/ /^^^^"^^-^ "^0^^ f v^ -So-' . '^'1 1'-^ - ■V ■^ . ' o , * K * , O -' . . i * A O- A^ .•^■'' "^^ ,-0- ^'^"-^ -^ .1'- .-» '_ 1/ •i''T.' 0' o ■<-A >, • V -f u- * -y 0- ^o '-^t-^J-r^^ A .. » . S .J • .J \' v^* A •* 'a . < C, ••-, *v - <* A. oV° -^0^ ^:^^ %/ ;^^^ ^0^ ^:^^^ %/ ;^ ^M# %/ ^:. %.^ ^m^:^ \/ /^^ \. HISTORY OF LITTLETON NEW HAMPSHIRE ClMHi.i: C. I'lKllLK. HISTORY OF LITTLETON NEW HAMPSHIRE EDITED BY JAMES R. JACKSON IN THREE VOLUMES YOL. Ill GENEALOGY COMPILED BY GEORGE C FURBER REVISED AND ENLARGED BY EZRA, S. STEARNS % \. \ ^ PUBLISHED FOR VhE TOWN BY THE UNIVERSITY PRESS.VlAMBRIDGE, MASS. 1905 5» n) V on 1' m to .fiii Copyright, 1905, By TUK TuW.N Ul LlTTLKTON. FOREWORD The genealogy of Littleton was compiled by (Jeoikje C. FuRBER in 1806 and printed in 1897-8. A fire destroyed the work in 1898 and made necessary a reprint, which was prepared under the su})ervision of Ezra S. Stearns. The extent of the errata is chietly due to incorrect material furnished by individuals concerning their ancestry. LIST OF ILLUSTllATIONS Geouge C. Fukheu Mks. Jennett C. UrciUEE . Coat of Ahms of Cakleton Fa mi Mrs. M. K. Cakleton . . General E. O. Kenney . . JOSIAII KiLHURN Mrs. P^mily Bonney Kilhurn Mrs. Caroline L. Kilhurn Mrs. Elizaretii Markley Mrs. Anna II. Parker Mrs. Elizabetei K. Remicii Jonathan Howell . Colonel Salmon II. Kowell Barton G. Town LiTHER B. Town Front 'apiece F((ciii(l 2xt(je 88 n 102 (( 104 n 290 n 293 ii 293 ii 294 li 324 a 382 a 412 a 428 (( 430 (( 486 (( 488 LITTLETON GENEALOGIES. ABBEY. 1. Clark Carlton Abbky, son of Solomon, b. Middlelniry, Vt., 1818. He grad. at MiddlebtiiT Coll. 1845 and at Jefferson Med. Coll. 1848, receiving degree of M.I). He practised one year in L., and for one year he conducted a drng store in Pliila. Returning to L., 1851, lie remained until Jan. 1853, when he removed to Califoi-nia, where he died, soon after his arrival, Feb. 2;3, 1853. Whig. I. O. (). F. (L. Cen. pp. 156, 157.) He m. 1848, Nancy Jane, daiL of John Gile of L., Methodist (See). She died in L. Nov. 21. 1849 ; he m. second, June 17, 1850, Fatima, dan. of Sylvainis Hastings of L. (See). She resides in L. Child, by w. Nancy, — i. Hubert, b. L. Nov. 1849, d. Pliila. July, 1850. Ch., b}' w. Fatima, — ii. Jennie N., b. Pliila. June 30, 1851. ni. Feb. 10, 1875, Winfield S. Hastings, res. Waterford, Vt., farmer, ill. Isabel, b. L. Nov. 2, 1852. m. William W. Weller (See). ABBOTT. 1. George Abbott, b. in Eng. in 1G15 ; emigrated, according to tra- dition, from Yorkshire, Eng., to America about 1640. He was one of the first settlers of Andover, Mass., and a proprietor in 1643. His house was a blockhouse, and was used as such for many years after his death, which occurred Dec. 24, 1681, O. S. He m. 1647, Hannah Chandler, who d. June 11, 1711, aged 82 yrs. 2. William Abbott, son of George \ b. in Andover, Mass., Nov. 18, 1657. m. June 2, 1682, Elizabeth Story, who d. Dec. 1712. He d. Oct. 24, 1713. He was a Puritan in faith and Christian conduct; lived near the present site of Prof. Stewart's house, Andover. 3. James Abbott, son of William-, b. in Andover, ]Mass., Feb. 12, 1695. m. Jan. 1714, Abigail Farnum, b. 1692. He moved to Concord, N. H., in 1737, and d. Dec. 27, 1787. VOL. II. — 1 2 Al,},ntt. 4. .1 \Mi:~; Ai.i'.orr. son of Jaiiu's'. b. in Andovur, ^Nltx.ss., J;in. 12, 1717. in. 17lL\ Sarah Banc-ioll, l>. Fl-I.. !'.», 17-_'-_'. Slu- was dan. of Capl. Sainni'l and Sarah (Lanipson) Banci-oft oi' Reading. Mass. JarnL's moved to Concord with his father, and lived there nntil 1703, when he HKJved to Xewhury, Vt. He was one of the fu'st settlers of Newl)niv and deae(jn of tlie tirst chnreh. All of the children of .lames and many of his descendants were members of the < ong. church. 5. Kzi;a Ahi'.ott, son of .lames'*, b. in Newlmry, Vt., .June '1. 170."). lu. 17SG, Hannah, dan. of Reuben Farmer of Concord, who drove the first o.K team from Andover, Mass., to Concord. He also ch'ove to the fort the team carrying the bodies of the nieii killed by the Indians, Aug. 11. I71C.. Ezra died .July 5, 1812, in Irasburg, Vt. Hannah d. in lialli Sept. 2, l.s;52. 6. K/.i;a AiuioTT. son of Kzia'S b. in Newbury, Vt., Sept. 13, 1701. m. lirsl, ai)ont ISIO, Mary Ann, dau. of Moses Lang, b. in Bath, A[)ril 22, 17'J2, d. in L., Sept." 28, 184t), Cong. m. second. Myra Parker, b. in Lyman, .June 30, 17U1», d. in Bethlehem. July 20, i88.j. P:zra was in the War of 1812. In 1820 he moved to L. and engaged in farming, making his home here nntil he d., March 2G. 1872. Cong. Whig. (Cenealogical Register of the Descendants of George Abbott of Andover. ) Ch., l»y w. ^lary Ann. — i. Sauaii H., b. Hath, OvX. 7, 1814. in. James Gordon (Sec). 7. ii. (iKoHdK, li. IJatli, Aufj. ll,181t'). iii. .lACoit, 1). Math, Feb. Vl, k^20. nnni., d. L. .Jan. 27, 1850. iv. .Makv Ann, b. L. Feb. (J, 1822. in. Jan. 1, 184Vt, Moses K. Wilconib, tanner. He d. .June •';(), 1887. Sb.e res. L., where slie d. Ajiril 27, I'JUO. V. N'ancv Mauia, b. L. Aug. oO, 1820. m. Isaac B. Stearns (See). 7. ., — b. I William Iv, b. Dec. ;'>. 1847. U. ii. CiioiMiK Fkank, b. June 7, 1840. iii. Hknuv ('., b. Aiin. ;'.l, l8o'J; res. K.is. Farmer. IV. ICi.i.A .1., It. .Jan. 27, IS.jO. iinm., d. L. Sept. 17. 1872. Cii., by w. Emeline. b. in L., — V. IJki.li; K.xtiikk, b. < >et. ;;n, Istil. m. lleiltert I). Stevens (Sec), vi. Anna Hlanciik, b. Jan. i;o, 18(18. il. .Ian. i;.'., 1878. 8. Wii.i.ixM \\. Aiii'.orr, son of Ccorge", b. in L., Dec. ."). 1847. m. .Iiini' 27, 1872, .Martha Iv, dau. of Thomas Tame, b. in Tenn., May 18, 18 H). William res. in L. fiom liirtli to 1.807, now lives in Niotaga, Kaa. Farmer. Abbott. 3 Ch., all unm. and res. in Niotaga, Kas., — i. IIenrv, b. 111. May it, 187;;. ii. Nettie, b. Ka.s. June 4, 1877. iii. George K.. b. Kas. March 31, 1881. iv. William T., b. Kas. Oct. ;](>. 1882. V. Claud J., b. Kas. Oct. o, 1883. 9. George Fkank Abrott, son of George'', b. in L. June 7, 1849. in. Dec. 25, 1872, Carrie Maria, daii. of James Parker (See), b. in Lisbon, Oct. 24, 1853. She has res. in L. since 186!), most of the time. Methodist. George Frank has res. in L. all his life, except a few years in Betlilehem and Tilton. Educated in L. and Newbury, Vt. Studied medicine at Dart, and Baltimore, Md. Grad. from. Dart. Med. Coll. in 1891, and at once commenced practice in L. Methodist. Republi- can. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge; K. T., St. Gerard Com. Post- master, Bethlehem, seven years. Member Board of Health, 1892-3-4, in L. Proprietor of a drug store in L. fifteen 3x>ars. (Book of Biographies, Grafton Co., p. 164.) Ch.,- i. Ruth, b. Aug. 14, 188'J. ABBOTT. 10. William Abbott, son of James ^ b. April 24, 1755. m. 1777, Mabel Wliittlesey of East Guilford, Conn. He res. most of his life in Haverhill, Mass. d. June 14, 1807. IL Moses Abbott, son of William'", b. June 16. 1778. in. April 7, 1802, Lucy Willis, b. July 25, 1784, d. July 13, 1842. He res. in Bath, where he d. Ma}' 7, 1856. 12. Myron Abbott, son of Moses ", b. in Haverhill, April 24, 1803. m. April 12, 1826, Clarissa Willis. He d. in liatli. June 3, 1883. 13. Myron B. Abbott, son of Myron '^ b. in Bath, Dec. 27, 1841. m. Ellen J. Brock. Lives in Newbury, Vt. 14. Harry Edwin Abbott, son of Myron B.'**, b. in Newbury, Vt., June 14, 1866. m. Feb. 22, 1888, Josie Maria, dan. of Wesley William Weare, b. in Dalton, April 19, 1868. Dry-goods merchant, res. in L. from 1890 to 1893. L O. O. F. Ch.,— i. Maurice Joiix, b. Haverhill, Aug. 7, 1889. ii. Charles Leroy, b. L. Feb. 19, 1892. ABBOTT. 15. Nathaniel Abbott, son of (ieorge \ b. in Andover, Mass., July 15, 1671, N. S. m. Nov. 1, 1695, Dorcas Hibbert, d. Feb. 7, 1743. He d. Dec. 12, 1749. He was a member of Rev. Thomas Barnard's church, Andover. 16. Joseph Abbott, sou of NathanieP^, b. in Andover, INIass., Fel). 2, 1705. m. Aug. 12, 1731, Deborah Blanchard, d. Jul}', 1773. He d. 4 AUntf. ill AN'iltoii. Aii;j;. •_'.">. 17S7. 1 Ic moved to ^\'ilto^ nlioni 1770. Dea. A mail 1)1' i;;ieal simplicity and sound l)ifly. K;7. 17. .losKpii Ar.i'.oiT, son of ,I()se|)li '''. b. in Andovei'. Mass., April 1'. 1711. 111. Mary Ilarker. He was a lainier and lived in Andover, Mass., Wilton, and Nelson. 18. IsKAKi, AiU'.o'iT, son of Joseph^". 1). in Wilton, Jan. 29, 1771. 111. Alice r.aker. b. May 1, 178'.), d. in Wiiitelield, An,<;-. 1, 18.58. Israel settled in C'liaileslowiu March, 1^07. where he d. Feb. 2(5, 1840. 19. Isaac Annorr, son of Israel '^ b. in ^Vilton (f. r. says Acwortli), Sept. •_'(). 17ll(;. m. 1.S20, Susan, dan. of Benjamin and Hannah (Far- well) Labaree, b. in ( "hailestown, Sept. 17, 1790. d. in Lancaster, Feb. :], 1.S70. He was a himber maniifr., res. in L. from 1821 to 18(;y, wiieii he removed to Lancaster, where lied. Jan. 12, 1882. He occupied manv olllccs of trust here. I>ein<; Selectman. 1827-8-41. ^Moderator. l.s;v.)-40-4-(i-7-8-9-.5:). Hep. 183G-7-8-51. Fire Ward, 1829 to 1835 inc. and ls:],S-!)-42 4-(;. Dep. Sheriff. 1S2.S to 18;)4 inc. Apt. Capt. ."»tli Co., 32d Kesit., N. II. 31ililia. June 2o. 1821: vacated April 23, 1.S2.'). J. P. \Vhiu-. Ch.,- 'jn. i. Naac Kdw in, b. Cliark-stowi), April 21, 1821. ii. Hi;N.rA:\iiN LahauivIC, h. L. April 8, 1821. m. 180], Lorcna Ciieney. Kei)t hotel. IK' d. St'i)t. 20, 1:^87, in Aiil)iirn, Me. iii. Slsan- Amanda, b. L. St-pt. 20, 182G. m. Oct. 10, 1848, John Limlsey, wiio kept iiotel. He <1. June U, 1891, in Lancaster. 21. iv. CiiAUi.KS IIknuv, b. L. Aui;. 2, 1828. V. Mai!V .Iank, b. L. All-;. Hi, 18.10. ni. March ]. 18.')1, Wallace LiiuKsey, who kept hotel. Shed. .*iiins Lodge. Ap[)oiiited Lieut, otli Co., 32d Kegt. .N. 11. .Militia, 1S41. Ch.,- i. (iKoiiGi.: IIknuv, b. L. Feb. 14, 1850. in. Dec. 01, 187.'J, ramelia Jones, rt-s Bioton. iMi'^'ineer. ii. .^fSAN Ai.iCK, b. L. Aii;j. 10, 1852. in. March 22, 187(J, George 8. Gould, res. I.une.'ister, painter, iii. Maiiv Ki.iz AiiKTii, b. IJethlchein, .lune 18, 1855. ni. Oct. 5, 1887, denr^e \V. 'I'ilUon, res. (Iinaha, Neb., civil engineer. r. I'kvnk I.ini>-i;v, b. L. Oct. U, I8.'i7, d. Lancaster, Oct. ">, 1875. 21. <'iiAi;ii- IJiNKV .Vr.i'.oii. son of Isaac'", b. in L. Aug. 2, 1828. 111. .M.ircli 27. l^."»t'i. i-Aalyn .\.. dan. of 'Iliomas J. .Spooncr, b. in Fraiiconia, Oct. IK, is.;."). He res. in L. from liirlh until bsOO. Hotel- keeper, d. in IJcthleliem. April I, is.s2. Ch.. b. in r.elhlciiein. — i. .Si sii: M., b. .Iiilv 15, 1S57. res. Los .Angeles, Cal. AddtiiH — Aijis/corfh. ADAMS. 1. Amos AdaiMs, sou of BiR-kley, b. in Waterfovd, Vt. , April 21, ISin. m. Feb. 20, 1.S40, Eliza, dau. of Levi P. Parks, b. in Canada. June 13, 1812, d. in L. May 13, 1879. He res. in L. from 1840 until he d. Aug. 18, 1897. Farmer. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Charles Roby, b. Jan. '24, 1841. nnm., res. L. Fnrmcr. ii. George Curtis, b. June 24, 1843, d. L. Feb. 20, 1845. iii. George Levi, b. March 22, 1846, d. L. Feb. 25, 1878. AINSWORTH. The word Ainswortli is derived from Haines, the modern form of the ancient personym, Ainneph, and wortli, tlie Anglo-Saxon term for a homestead. The family in Eng. were long located at Ainsworth, in the parish of INIiddleton, hundred of Salford, county palatine of Lancaster, and undoubtedly took their name from the locality. In spelling it is sometimes corrupted to ICnsworth. The earliest of the name in New Eng. were Anchor Ainsworth of Boston, and Daniel Ainsworth of Rox- bury, Mass. They were in the colony as early as 1647. The tradition is that Edward Ainsworth. the emigrant ancestor of the L. family, came to America on invitation of his uncle, Daniel, of Roxbury. By some mishap in navigation the A'essel in which he and a brother took passage was wrecked on the coast of Georgia. All were drowned except Edward Ainsworth, who saved himself by clinging to a rock on the shore, which is still called Stranger's Rock. (See Ainsworth (ien- ealog}', Francis J. Parker, Boston.) 1. EDW.4RD Ainsworth, b. in P>ng. in 1()52; emigrated to America and lived in Roxbury, Mass., and Woodstock, Conn., d. in Woodstock, March 5, 1740/41. " Farmer. m. Jan. 11, 1687/8, Joanna, dau. of Joshua and Joanna Hemmingway, 1). Sept. 21, 1670, d. Dec. 23, 1748. 2. Edward Ainsworth, son of Edwards \ b. in Roxbury, ISIass.. Aug. 18, 1693. m. April o, 1722, Joanna, dan. of JMathew and Mar- garet Davis of Pomfret, Conn., b. Oct. 22, ir)96, d. Ai)ril 25, 1753. He res. in Woodstock, Conn., and d. there June 16, 1758. Farmer. 3. Edward Ainsworth, son of Edward ", b. in Woodstock, Conn , Nov. 21, 1729. m. first, INIay 22. 1755, Keziah Corbin, b. 1736, d. Dec. 1, 1756. ni. second. March 15, 1758, Sybil, dau.of Dea. Thomas and Anna Child of Woodstock, Conn., b. March 3, 1733, d. July 7, 1820. He res. in Richmond and Clareraont, was a physician, farmer, and lieut. in the militia. He d. in Clareraont, Feb. 10. 1806. 4. Calvin Ainsworth, son of Edward •'', h. in Claremont, June 3. 1771. m. about 1800. Susannah, dau. of Isaac Howe, b. in New Ipswich, Feb. 2. 1774, d. in L. March 18, 1853. He was a ])hysieian, the first to settle in L. and came here in 1799. remaining until July 12, 1839, when he d. His education was academic. He was an old-school practitioner, a good nurse, with tact and a geni.al presence which made him a favorite in many families. He could play the violin, and some- 6 Aiiix'rnrfh. titiH'S wii'ldcd tlic l»()\v to hi'lp on int'ir\iii:ikings. Politically lio was for a liiiK- a l"\'i](ialist ol tlic Ilarlford ("onvcntioii order, hut afterward a DotiuH-rat. .1. I*. He had no S|)ecial churt-h aniliations. lit' is de- S(.'ril)f:5, I'hilena. dau. of Asher IIurlI)utt, h. in Waterford, Vt.. .lulv 22, 1S07, d. in L. Julv 22, 1878. lie was a cal)inetinaker, res. in L. all his life, and d. here Feh. 1, 1882. No ch. 6. C'.M.viN Ainswoktii, son of Calvin*, h. in L. .\ii<2;. 22, 1^07. in. first. .Iiine 2, 183G, Eliza, dau. of Joseph Bellows (See), b. in Wal|)ole, Sept. 13, 1801, <1. Feb. 3, 1837. m. second, May 0, 184r), Letitia (Stinson) White, b. in I)uiiI)arton, still living in Madison, Wis. He was educated in the Academy at Concord, Vt., and Meritlen Academy; commenced the study of law about 1830 with Jonathan Stoddard, Waterford, A't., and Henry A. Bellows, L., and was admitted to the Bar at the Nov. term at Plymouth, 1835. He located first in L., and |)racti.sed seven years ; removed to Concord, where he practised twelve years; the remainder of his life in Madison, Wis. He was a man of the strictest intetxrity, of amial)le temi>erament. a izood lawyer, but not an advocate. He had many friends and no enemies, and his gentle manners led him along through life with little to disturli the noiseless tenor of his way. The ollicial |)ositions held Iiy him were : Hegisterof Probate, Merrimack Co., l.S-lG-51 ; Commissioner to Compile Statutes of X. H., 18."f3 ; Police Justice of Concord from the organiza- tion of the city in 18.').3 until he went west; Police Justice of Madison, ^Vis., from April, 1SG2. until April, 18(;i. Hi.s military record was brief, l)iit honorable. lie w.is Judge Advocate of the Gth Brigade, N. H. Militia, 18.11-2 .;. lie was a inember of the law firm of Perley iS: .\iii>w()ith at one lime. He d. in Madison, Wis., July 7, 1873. Xu ell. 7. I.Ai'.A.N .\iNswoiMii, son of C;dvin*, b. in L. .Mai-cli 2'.*. ISll. m. •Ian. 17. 1.8 17. Amanda .M. Sliattiick, b. Aug. 20, 1,S22. He res. in L. .•Jl his life, d. Sept. 2r.. l.s'.M. Miller. Cii.. b. in I..,— i. Waiirkv \V., 1). Feb I. 18IH. in. I.iicv Ncnr, res. .Icmsov Citv, N. .1. ii. SrsAN v., b. .May •'., 18r,0, ^\. I,. Aiii;. 12, 18o0. 8. iii. Fkank I'., »>. .May 0. 18iV2. iv. I'KKsiR F..b. .June l-l. l8.')4. m. .June 1(), 1878, KiUviii (i. (iale. res. IJol- mont, fanner. V. .Syhii, V , b. .Mardi 1. 1857. d. I.. .Inly 17, 18."i8. 'J vi ('ai,vi> Stkimun, Ii \\\\f. 13, 18;V.». vii .Syiiii, S,, b. .Inly 22, 18(52. in. .Julv 0, 1878, Hcnjainin I.aundrv. Slie d .Jan 7. 1HH.{. 10. viii. Wii.iiAM S , b. .Innc 12, 18r,.5. Aiiix/mrfh — Alhcc. 7 8- Franklin Pierce Ainsworth, son of Laban', 1). in L. May 9, 1852. m. Feb. 27, 1882, iMinetta, dan. of George V. Ott, b. in Mad- ison, Wis., March 7, 18;j6. He res. in L. from birth nntil 1871, when he removed lo Wisconsin, where he has since res., most of tlie time as freight and ticket agent on tlie C, St. P., M. & O. Railway. Has held pnt)lic positions as follows : Chairman Town Board of Williston, 1878 ; Mayor of Hammond, 1888; member of State Board of Regents of Normal Schools, 1892 to 1895 inc., and Secretary of Board for 1894-5. Present res., River Falls, Wis. Ch., — i. Lee Franklin, b. Hammond, Wis., Nov. 7, 1883. ii. Alice Genevieve, b. Hammand, Wis., Oct. 11, 9. Calvin Stephen Ainswoktii, son of Laban '^, b. in L. Ang. 13, 1859. ni. Jan. 17, 1891, Lilly Grace, dau. of Silas Miner (adopted), b. in Whitefield, Jnly 28, 1872 ; he in. second, Ai)ril 18, 1899, Mamie dishing, dau. of Charles Cashing (See). He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Republican. No ch. 10. William S. Aixswortii, son of Laban^ b. in L. June 12, 1865. m. Jan. 1, 1895, Hattie Grace, dau. of Henry R. Sulhain, b. in Ran- dol|)h, Vt., Jan. 2, 1874. He has res. in L. nearly all his life. Painter. Ch., — i. Gladys, b. Barre, Vt., Dec. 12, 1895, d. July 14, 1899. ALBEE. 1. Benjamin Albee was a grantee in Braintree, Mass., 1640. and admitted freeman 1642. Later he lived in Medfield and Mendon. He was a miller and in public affairs an active citizen. 2. James Albee, son of Benjamin \ b. in Braintree about 1645. ra. Oct. 18, 1671, Hannah Cook. They were living 1717. 3. John Albee. son of James", m. June 6, 1705, Deborah Tliayer, b. Nov. 4, 1687, dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth (French) Thayer. They lived in JNIendon. 4. John Albee, son of John ^, b. in JNIcndon, Feb. 25, 1 720/1 ; by wife Sarah had twelve or thirteen children. He d. in IMendofi, Marcii 25, 1799. She d. June 7, 1799. 5. ZuRiEL Albee, son of John \ b. Jan. 16, 1747/8. m. March 27, 1776, Anna Penniman, b. 1757, of Bellingham. They resided a few years in Westmoreland, N. H., and in 1808 removed to L., where he d. July 19, 1820; she d. Nov. 21, 1841. He was a farmer. Ch.,— 6. i. Alexander, b. Westmoreland, 1778. ii. Betsey, b. July, 1779. m. Comfort Day - (See). 7. iii. Otis, b. 1780. iv. Hannah, b. Aupj. 1794. m. Solomon Goodall (See). V. Sally, m. .James Webster (See). vi. Olive, in. Silas Hibbard. vii. Artiiusa. 8 Al/n-r. 6. Ai.i:x.\Ni»Ki{ Ai.r.i I., son of Ziiiit'l ", 1). in Westinorol:in(l in 1778. Ml. liisl, I'rnsia, dan. of .loscpli I'atiidiic 1). in Milforil, Mass.. March IS, 17si, «1. in L .Ian. L'l*. l.s;;(». ru. second, Dolly Ciiandler (widow). He was sck'c-ltnaii in L. in Islil to !.s-_M inc. Rop. )..S:52. J. P. Demo- crat. Res. in I., from iSOi' unlil he il. .time L'-i, 1843. Cli., I), in L..— i. S.vi.i.v, 1). .Lm, 10. isn-j, ,1. L. Se])!. li:i, 1804. ii. .Skhui.n-a, b. .Inly 7, l«i)4, d. \j. iii. I'^TiiKit. 1>. May 'Jl, 1S()7, jml). Oct. 17. 182.5, Lyman lieatli. musician, iv. Sai.lv. 1). .Iiilv (J, ISO!), m. Isaac Paililleford, macliinist, <1. Mancliester. V. J.oisA .M Mtiv", 1). .\iisr. ;]0, ISll, d. L. June 25, 1814. H. vi. .losKi'ii .\., 1.. Marcli 18, 1814. '.'. vii. CuKTi.'^ Lkaxdku, h. Sept. 15, 1810. 10. \ iii. Soi.ox JfsTiN, b. Dec. Ii5, 1S25. 7. Oris Ai,i;i.i., son of Znriel ^ h. in 17.SII. pnb. Sept. 4. ISOO, .Melinda, (hui. of C'.alcl) Ilnntooii, h. in I'nity, Nov. 20, 171)1, d. in L. April 2, l.S4;5. He lived in I., from IHOG to 1851. Democrat. .'\Ielh- otlist. d. in Madison. Wis.. Oct. (i. IS.') 7. Ch., 1). in L.,— i. .Ic.iiN 1'i:txam. b. (^ct. 10, 1809. m. June 23, 1836, Arvilla .Tones, ii. (;i:()K(;k Clinton, b May (i. 1812, d. L. Aug 25, 1814. iii. Zi-iiiii.. b .hily \i\, 1814. m. Smith, lie d. .lune 17, 1840. iv. Otis Ai.kx.vndkk, b. June 0, 1817. m. .Maria Gleason. Saddler. Res. Osbkosb, Wis. V. 1vmkhs(.n, Lieut. 5tii Co., 32d l\egt., N. H. Militia, Mav, 1844; vacated .May, 1840, vi. IciIAKOD. vii. Ai.kxanui;h. 8. .I-.>i 1-11 A. Ai.iii.i;. s(Mi of Alexander'"', l». in L. March IS, 1S14. III. .Inly 1.1, 1812, Mary .1.. d;in. of Otis Ballon. 1). in Waterfoi'd, Vt., S.-pl. l.SlC, d. in L. .Inly -Jo. 1804. He res. in L. niitil 18,S3, when he rcinovetl to .Monioc, where he d. July II, 18.S7. .Selectman, 18(;;}-4- • > 7 I. Dellloeiat . Ch.. 1.. in L.. — i. Iniaxt Sox, b. April 29, isi;!, d. same dav. ii. Otis A.. 1) Oct. 1S44, d. L. .March 2'.i, 1845. iii. IIki.ix .Iaxi;, b, .Ian. 12, 1S4(). m. Curtis Foster (See) . iv. Don A , b. June, 1S4S, d. L. April 4, ISOf,. V. I'i[i;siA, m. Henry Wilson, Hariiet, Vt. Merchant, vi. .MvKV, m. .Moulton Rrown, IJariut, Vt. Poultry-dealer, vii. 'PiNA C;, 1). Nov. 27, isr)4, d. L. April (5, 1877. viii. luA, ni. Moore. lies, I'l'acham, Vt. Merciiant. i.v. K \ 1 1:, m. Ciiarles I'arkcr, Lacoiiia, farnur. 9. (i i:n> Li:an!>i.i: .\i,m;i:, son of Alexander'"', h. in L. Sept. l."». I>i|t'.. ni. liiNi. Dec. -JO. l.sll. Amanda, dan. of Lalian TilTt (See), h. in I.. .May -J.'i. is-j-j. ,1. ji, I,. Nov . 22, ISCS. Kpiscop.al. m. .second, l'"eli. Ill, ls71, Caidline, d.ui. of Leonard l^lms, 1). in Lislion, Jan. 11, \x-MK res. in \.. He res. in L. all his life, and d. :March 1(5, 1887. Selectman, 1 .■i7'.»-80. Ri.p. l,s.-,:;-.L ('ai>t. 11th Co., :V2i\ Regt., X. IL .^lilitia, ante isLs. Democnit. (II., Iiy w. .\nianda, L. in L.. — 11. i. l-iivxK Ci mm, b. Auir. 19, 1S4.".. il, Wr.M Wii.i.i^M«, b. Dec. .-.l. 1SI7, d. L. .lune 7, 1H49, iii. l-.i.wMO. Wkst, b. .\ni:. 19, \KA^. d. L. March 24, 1853, 12 iv. ('uAini 1 IlvKVLV. b May 25, 1854. i;5. V. I:i.i.i;kv Hr.i.i., b Dec. 25^ 1850. AJbe*'. 9 Ch., by w. Caroline, b. in L., — 14. vi. Edwako Wkst, b. Oct. 25, 1871. vii. Christena Amanda, b. Oct. 2, 1874. m. Charles E. Sniitli (See). 10. Solon Justin Albee, son of Alexander®, b. in L. Dec. 25, 1825. ni. jNIay 13, 1H50, Lois, dan. of Danfortli Chene>-, b. in Walerford, Vt., Sept. 2."), 1830. He has res. in L. all his life. Democrat. Fanner. Ch., b. in L., — 15. i. Thomas Justin, b. March 5, 1851. ii. Ellen Lois, b. Sept. i;3, 1856. m. Ralph B. Astell (See), iii. Harriet Amanda, b. Feb. 13, 18IJ3. iil Jan. 6, 1881, Fred F. Patridge, Haverhill, fanner. 11. Frank Curtis Albee, son of Curtis L.'', b. in L. Aug. 19, 1843, ni. May 24, 1864, Amanda Knight, dau. of Horace Buck, Episcopal, b. in Hanover, Dec. 12, 1844. He has res. in L. all his life. Mem- ber of Town School Board, 1886 to 1892 inc. Prest. Littleton Driving Park Assn. 1895. Trustee L. Public Library. Farmer. Democrat. J. P. Ch., b. in L., — i. Mart Amanda, b. June 14, 18(38, d. L. Sept. 18, 1868. ii. Infant, b. July, 1870, d. in infancy, iii. Grace Maria, b. Dec. 20, 1875. iv. HoR.vcE Buck, b. Jan. 4, 1885. 12. Charles Harvey Albee, son of Curtis L.'', b. in L. May 25, 1854. m. Sept. 2, 1879, INIatilda L., dau. of Daniel Walther, b. in' Bos- ton, April 3, 1855. He res. in L. from birth until 1871. Steward. Ch., — i. Bessie Maisel, b. Somcrville, Mass., Aug. 1, 1883. 13. Ellery Bell Albee, son of Curtis L.^, b. in L. Dec. 25, 1856. m. Dec. 18, 1889, Minnie, dau. of Edward Morse, b. in Stoddard, Aug. 31, 1867. He res. in L. from birth to 1881. Railroad conductor. No children. 14. P^dward West Albee, son of Curtis L.^, b. in L. Oct. 25, 1871. m. Oct. 10, 1895, Adeline F., dau. of E. H. Delano, b. in New Bedford, Mass., in 1870. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., — i. CuRTi.s L., b. L. Nov. 27, 1897. 15. Thomas Justin Albee, son of Solon Justin '°, b. in L. March 5, 1851. m. JNIav 26, 1873, ]\Lary Ann, dau. of Henry C. Davison, b. in Waterford, Vt", May 28, 1856." He res. in L. from birth until 1893. Farmer. Ch., b. in L., — i.. Henry D., b. Jan. 22, 1874. ii. Lois F., b. June 26, 1876. iii. Della M., b. Dec. 29, 1879. iv. ViDA B., b. Jan. 14, 1882. V. Abrie B., b. Jan. 17, 1884. 10 Ahh-ih ALDRICH. 1. (;i.K! Ai.intn II, son of Jacobs b. in Mendon, Mass., May 23, lil.s.'t. in. in 171(1, Hannah C'a|)ron of Attleboro, Mass. They bad ten children. He d. March la, 1771. 4. Ki)W.\i:i) Ai.inncii, son of David ■\ b. in Mendon, Mass., Se[)l. 7, 171.!. III. tirsl. duly 17, 1732, Dinah Aldrich, his cousin, m. second, alM)ul 17iil. Ann ('lKunl)erlain (widow). Nine chiklren by first wife; live by second. lie d. .March, 1800. 5. AuNKiJ Ai.Diiicii, son of Edward'', b. in Douglass, Mass., April 8, 174tj. ni. July 11, 1772, Phebe Inman. They had eight children; removed to Franconia aliout 17''^, 1849. 7. .Stki'IIKn Ai.dkkh, son of Jared '', b. in Lisbon, Feb. 22. 1804. III. ()live Richardson of Lisbon. They had I'iglit children. He d. April 2(1, ls7i). 8. HoKAci; Ai.DHit II, sf)n of Stephen ", b. in Lisbon, Sept. 2."), 1832, III. .Ainil '). 1N.'),5, Fli/.a. dau. of Smith Wetherbee, b. in I.,isbon, Dec. 11. l.s.">."). He has res. in L. since 1.SS2. (Hover. ( 'h., — 1. U'l I.I.I i; F.ZKA, 1.. I.isl.nn, Nov. L'7, 1^58. m. July G. 18S(\ K.liia Slicr- iii.in. I-";irim-r. res. bviii.'iii. ii. Ainiiiit M">it.\ei:, li. I.yniiUi, July 1, 1801. iii. .J.in 7, IS'.I]. Il.ittie llurd. I'"arim'r. res. Lyiii:iii. iii. A I. UK .]\s\., h Lynrni. Jiin. 10, isOU. m. .Marsliiill I). Cobleigli (Sec). 9. M \soN Ai.nKKii, son of Jared", b. in I.,isbon in 180(1. m. March 2>;. 1S23. rrud. Co. V. 15tli V't. Inf. I'rivatc. il Alcxniidrin, \ii . .Fail. 1-2, IKf,:;. ii. .loHM ('.. 1) L. Co. K, 1st N. II. Inf.. tliroe niontiis. Co. I). Sth N. II. Iiil". Private. «!. N.itclic/. Miss. Miircli Ti , ISC,.'). iii. *iKoit<;K, l>. I/, ni. first. .Ineknian. in. secoiul, Mary Allaril. iv. l,rKi.i,A. h L. iS.jO. «i. Auk- ;'». ifi. V. Ko.HKTTK Vol Ni;, III. Kriink (Joodwin. Divorcuil. vi. Ki.i.KN, m. James Sniitli of Lvman. AhJrinh. 11 10. GeorCxE Aldrich, son of Jared ■', b. in Lisbon, Ang. 29, 1820. m. Sept. 24, 1844, Mary Ann, dan. of Josliua Howard, b. in Haverhill, July 24, 1844. d. in L. July IC), 1884. He res. in L. from 1847 to 187G. Farmer. Democrat." d. in L. Oct. 29, 1876. Ch.,- i. Betsey Jeanne, b. Haverhill, May 20, 1846. d. L. Oct. 1848. ii. SiN.\ Howard, b. L. Sept. ti, 1849. m. Alonzo E. Towiie (See). iii. George Watson, b. L. April 3, 1853. m. April 1, 1877, Pollen P. Little. He rl. Easton, Nov. 7, 1802. iv. Theron Mason, b. L. Feb. 9, 1855, d. L. Jan. 28, 1878. V. Susan, b. L. Dec. 20, 1857, d. L. Sept. 20, 1871. vi. Ira Franklin, b. L. Oct. "29, 1864. res. Canaan. vii. Lilla May, b. L. Sept. 17, 1867. m. Dec. 20, 1892, J. Clarence Under- wood, res. St. .Johnsbnrv, Vt., farmer. ALDRICH. 11. Silas Aldrich, b. about 1743, res. in Bradford, Vt. m. Alice Collins, who d. in 1823, aged 73 yrs. He did military service in 17o9. d. in Bradford, Vt., Nov. 28, 1811. 12. EniKAiM CoLLixs Aldrich. son of Silas ", probably b. in Brad- ford, Vt. m. Sarah Hilliard, who d. several yrs. before her husband. He d. in Pittsburg, aged 71 yrs. 13. Ephraim Collins Aldrich, son of Ephraim Collins^-, m. Ada- line B. Haynes, granddau. of Gen. Mood}' Bedel. 14. Edgar Aldrich, son of Ephraim Collins ^^, b. in Pittsburg, Feb. 5, 1848. m. Oct. 7, 1872, Louise Matilda, dan. of Samuel K. Remick (See), b. in Hard wick, Vt., Jan. 1, 1845, (Jong. He was educated in the common schools of Pittsburg, Colebrook Academy, and Ann Arbor, Mich., Law School; commenced the study of law in 18(36, with La A. Ramsay, in Colebrook ; admitted to the bar in Colebrook, Aug. term,- 1868. He practised law in Colebrook from Aug., 1868, to Jan. 1, 1881, when he removed to L., and formed a partnership with Hon. George A. Bingham (See), May 1, 1882. Daniel C. Remich (See) was admitted to the firm. June 17, 1884, Mr. Bingham retii'ed from the firm to take a position upon the Supreme Bench. The firm contin- ued under the style of Aldrich & Remich until Jan. 1, 1889, when Mr. Remich retired, and Mr. Aldrich continued practice alone until Feb. 20, 1891, when he received a commission as Judge of the U. S. District Court for N. H., which position he still holds. Among his literary con- tributions are a lecture on the Life and Services of Gen. Lafayette in America, before the Grand Army, May 30, 1881 ; an adilress be- fore the Grafton & Coos Bar Association in 1886 upon the question, "•Shall the Law and Trial Courts be separated?" an address before the court at the Sept. term, 1890, upon the death of Judge Fredei-ick Chase ; a eulogy of Gen. Gilman Marston before the Grafton & Coos Bar Association in 1891 ; an address before the same in 1894 upon " Our Jury System ; " an address before the Southern Bar Association in 1893 upon the " Delays incident to the Removal of Causes from the State to the Federal Courts," an address before the N. H. Historical Society in 1894 upon " Our Northern Boundary ; " an address before 12 Ahh-lrh. till' N. II. IIi-tciric:il Socii'ty on •' Tlio AlHiir of tlic Collars ami the So r vices of Col. 'riiiiotliy Hi'del in the Kovohition ; " l)iograi)hicul re- view of life and services ol" Chief .Justice Alunzo W Carpenter, l)cfore tlie Soiitiicrn Har Association, IsiC). He twice held the position of Solicitor of Coos Co., lirst, l»y appointment of (Jov. Straw from 1872 nntil the |)olitical overturn in 1.S74, and by ap|)ointment of Gov. Cheney, from ISTC. to IsTO. He was elected Rep. of L. in 1H8."). and was S[)caker of the Honse ; Moderator, 181»1 ; Capt. Co. I, ."id Keg. N. H. N. (i. ; Frest. L. Musical Association, 1883; Prest. L. Driving I'ark Association, 1887; J. P. State. Republican. Dart. Coll. conferred honorary degree of M. A. in 1801. (Granite Monthly, XV. \). ;i21i ; Book of Biograi)hies, Grafton Co., \). 7.) Ch., — i. Fi.onENCK May, b. f'uk'brook, .luly 1, 1874. ii. I-",i'iiitAi.M Kkku, I). Cok'ljrook. .Iiine y, 1878. Dart. Coll. ; BosIdii Univ. l.uw Sclioul, Class of \W1. ALDRICH. 15. A.Ni)i;i;w Ai.uuu ii, b. about 17."14. m. Nov. 12, 17.)8, Ruth Hopkins. They had eight children. He and his two oldest sons. Richard and Clark, took part in the Rev. ^^'ar. Andrew is supposed to belong to the R. I. branch of the Aldrich family, d. in l.sn2. 16. Andkkw H. Ai.dkich, son of Andrew ^^, b. in Lyme, Conn., in 1 7(J0. ni. .Vnnis Sweetland. He was one of the first emigrants to 111., going with an o.\ tc-im most ol' the way. He d. in 111. about 1830. 17. Damki. Ai.dkich, son of Andrew H.'", b. in Lebanon, Dec. 31, 17!»8. m. Kel). ;">, 1^24, llaimah, dan. of James Drake, b. in New- bury, Vt., Sept. 20, l«i>3, (1. in L. Jan. l.">, l.s;)4, Methodist. He came to L. in 1>;2'.) and res. here the remainder of his life. Farmer. Democrat, d. in L. Dec. I'.i. 1S7 \. Ch..— i. .Matilda.).. Uyi-Katc. Vt., Dec. 27, 1824. m. March 14, 1850, Haven V. lA-aviti, fa'nner. He d. Milliury, .Ma.-. V. Haiuuict a., b. F,. Dec. -Jl, 18:{1. in. .March G, l8;yj, Charles S. Leavitt, farmer, res. Carroll, vi. Makia I.. M.. b. L. ,Ian. 28, 18:54. in. first. Levi b. Tyrrell, farmer. eiil. Sept. ITj, 18(;_'. in Co. C, l.'.th N. H. Inf., private, d. An^'. U>, 18Go, HulTalo, N. V. m. .second, .John A. ilarrnnan (See), farmer and ennnty clerk, res. liellaire. Mich, vii. .Iri.iiTTi-.. b. L. March '_'. ls:{C,. m. Moses Hill (See), viii. Hannah .\.. b. L. Oct. i;i, ls;;8, d. .Inly 18, 1842. 1>^. ix. Damii, Wii. MAM. b. L. April 2, 1840.' Ii". X. (M-.oHOK H, b. L. April 8. 1841.'. xi. Inkavt Son. b. L. .May -Jo, 1844. d. May 20, 1844. xii. CiiAin.Es (',, t>. L. Dec. LM, 1x45. ni. Sept. 20, 1874. Ella L. Crabtree. ns. Ashbnrnliam, Mass, .Me<:hanie. Co. (J. 11th N. H. He^'t. 18. DwiKt. Wii.i.iAM .Vi.DKKii, son of Daniel'", b. in L. April 2, I'^lo. 111. .I;in. s. ;,si;(;, pjunelia ,\mi, d;iu. of Art<-mris A. Southworlh, b. in Concord, Vt., Julv 11, 1.8 12. He res. in L. from birth until Aldrich — Ale.rander. 13 1867. Then res. in Lowell, Mass., where he d. July 2G, 1900. An original thi-ee months' nuin ; Co. G, 2(1 Regt. N. H. Inf. Ch., — i. Sydney Tyrrell, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Dec. 12, 1866. m. Sept. 25, 1895, Annie Miiy Tliorndike. res. Tliomaston, Me. Railroad fireman, ii. William Darling, b. Lyndon, Vt., Nov. 21, 1868, d. Jan. 18, 1870. iii. Maria E. G., b. Whitefield, July 8, 1870, d. Lowell, Mass., Nov. 22, 1874. iv. Amy, b. Lowell, Mass., t)ct. 28, 1872, d. Lowell, Mass., May 19, 1873. V. Fay, b. Lowell, Mass., May 19, 1874. vi. Annie Lawrence, b. Lowell, Mass., May 19, 1876. vii. Georgk Henry, b. Lowell, Mass., Oct. 15, 1879. viii. Clara Hdtchinson, b. Lowell, Mass., March 27, 1882. 19. (Ieorge FI. Aldrich, son of DanieP", b. in L. April 8, 1842. ni. March 14, 1868, 'Plmma M. Eastman, b. in Strafford, Vt., April 14, 1852, Cong. He res. in L. in youth and from 1876 until he d. March 11, 1889. Photographer. Democrat. No ch. ALDRICH. 20. Bknjamin Aldrich, b. in Bridgewater, Mass., in 1694. m. Aug. 24, 1721, Mary Shaw. They had eight chihb'en, b. in Walpole, Mass. He d. in Westmoreland, in 1763. 21. George Aldrich, son of Benjamin-", b. in Walpole, Mass., March 13, 1738. m. Azuba Howe of Westmoreland. They had seven children. He was a man of distinction in military and civil artairs, and was prominent in masonry. He was known as Gen. George, d. in Westmoreland, July 17, 1815. 22. Levi Aldrich, son of Gen. George ^\ b. probably in Westmore- land, m. first, Sybil Merrill, b. in Westmoreland, d. in 1862 ; m. a sec- ond time, but no record. Guy, the youngest, was the child of second wife. Levi came to L. as early as 1795, and ren)ained here until 1800. Selectman, 1797. Democrat. A. F. and A. M., North Star, No. 8. He (1. probably in Barnston, P. Q., in 1832. Ch.,— i. Ceorge, b. Westmoreland, Dec. 25, 1789. ni. Abigail Clement, b. June 6, 1789. Hed. April 10, 1806. She d. April 10, 1856. ii. Sybil. iii. AzuBAH. iv. CORINNE. V. Guy, b. Barnston, P. Q., Aug. .'50, 181;!. m. Cliloe Locke, b. Jan. 16, 1816. He d. 1809. ALEXANDER. 1. Anson Alexander, b. in ]\Lass. in 1803. m. Lucy, dan. of John and Lucy (Willard) Crouch, b.. in Mass. in 1799. He res. in L. from 1847 to 1863. Selectman, 1850. Farmer. Ch., — i. Martha P., b. L. May 9, 1838. ni. Aug. 26, 1860, Martin A. Burt, res. Lunenburg, Vt., fanner. (Dau. of Abijuh Bowman, adopted by Alexander.) 14 Alexander — AUitnl — ■ Allen. ALEXANDER. 2. Wkslky Ai.i.XANi>Ki:. 1>. in Swan/.i'V, Jan. 2'J. I.s2."5. tii. Jiil\' 4 . 1H48, Sarah B. Bray, 1). May ;">. 1^20, d." in Lancaster, Jan. 18, 18'JO. Her i,'ran(l father was a Hev. soldier, and took part in tlie battle of linnker Hill. Wesley res. in L. from 1847 to 1863. Scythe manufr. Selectman, 18o.'). Kepresentative, l>i.')8. J. P. His ku, son of AVesley -, h. in L Oct. 10, 18;').'). m. Jnne '12, 1882. Fanny Merton, dan. of Wallace Goodwin, b. in North .\ttleboro, Mass, Feb. 10, l.SOn. Ik' was edncated in New Hampton Institution and Colby Acadeniy, New London, and stndied medicine in the Hannemann Med. Coll.. Phila., School of Anatomy and Snigery, and the Penn. Hospital, receiving his di[)loma from that insti- tntion in 1881. In Sept., 1881, he located in Penacook as a homceo- pathic physician, where he still res. in active practice. Founder and director of the Penacook Cancer Infirmarv. He res. iu L. from birth to 18(J3. A. F. and A. M., K. T. . Ch., b. in Penacook, — i. Mauion (iOODwin, h. May 28. 1885. ii. IIahoi.i) Wkslky, b. Auj^. 4, 1887. ALLARD. ALARD. 1. I1i:ni;v .\i.i..\i:i>. son of .John, 1). in St. Francis. P. (.\.. Jan. 29, 1H27. m. Feb. IM. LSoO, Calheriiu-. dan of Henry Finmons, b. in ( 'an- aila. Maicii 17. IS,'..'.. Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since LSSO. Carpenter. Ivomun Catholic. Kepul)lic:u). Ch.,— i. Wii.i'HKi), b. ('aii.idii, Sc[)t. 10. 185.'!. in. 1874, .Miiry Jones, res. Ro.x- bury, .Mmss. Ciir-driver. ii. KuGK.NK, b. Canada, . in. 1870, Derrick Sancicr, res. L., t^JDve maker, iv. J().Hi.i-ii, h. Canada, Marcli 15, 18()1. res. Franklin. V. Li/./i<-, b. M(inii»eli»r, \t., Ajiril SO, 18(59. ni. Henry Dick.son (Sec). vi. AicTiicR, b. .St. Jolinsbury, Vt., May 18, 1875. ALLEN. L Ai'.i.r,\n Ai.i.iN, son of IMiineas, b. in Hebron, Conn., May 12, 177(;. m. lir.st. aliont l-sl'L'. Jemima, dan. of Nathaniel Hidwell, b. in Lelianon, d. in L. A|)ril 10, LSI."), Cong. m. sec-ond, .May. ISK",, Katie (iriggs, b. in Worcester, Mass., .May 2G, 177'J, d. in L. May 18, 1807, AIlr>L 15 Cong. He was among the first settlers of L., coming in 1797, and res. here the remainder of his life. Methodist. AVhig, and afterward Re- publican, d. April 11, 1)S64. Ch., b}' w. Jemima, b. in L., — 2. i. PniNEAS, 1). Jan. 15, 1804. ii. Sidney, b. Marcli 26, 1806, pub March 9, 1829, Maria Buell, res. Chelsea, Vt. Tanner. He d. March, 1890. 3. iii. Nat, b. April 20, 1807. iv. Philena, b. Nov. 16, 1809. m. Gilman Farr(See). V. Julia Ann, b. Jan. 1, 1811. d. unni. L. April 15, 1897. Ch., b}' w. Katie, b. in L., — 4. vi. Theron, b. May 8, 1817. 5. vii. Abijah, b. May 4, 1818. viii. Syrel, h. Aug." 8, 1820, d. L. Jan. 14, 1824. ix. Catherine, b. Sept. 20, 1821, d. L. Jan. 13, 1824. 2. FiiiNEAS Allen, son of Abijah^, b. in L. Jan. 15, 1r;iy 4, 1818. m. July 1, 1849, Adeline Chirk, dan. of James Cox, b. in lloklerness, Jan. IG, 1823, Coiio:. She d. Sept. 28, 18'J7. lie has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. He|)iiblicaii. Selectman, 1854. Master Wliite Mt. Grange, IST.") to 1H82 ine. Ensign atii Co. 32d Regt. N. 11. Militia, 1803, to repeal of the Mililia Act. 1. O. O. F. Ch., b. in L., — 7. i. CiiAitUKS Uawson, b. .July 23, 1851. ii. Ai.ici: Isabel, b. March ol, 1800. m. George Leslie Flanders (See). 6. ( ; koU(;k Ai.i.KN, son of Tlu'roii ■*, b. in I^. Dec. 10, 1(S,)2. m. Han- nah, dan. of Amos C. N'o^es, b. in Kaston, Oct. ^, 18aj. lie has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Kepul)lican. Ch., b. in L.. — i. Wii.i.iA.M IIi:nkv, b. Deo. 10, 1877. ii. Bessie .MAY,b. Sept 20, 1879. iii. IsAiiEL, b. Aug. 17, 1881. iv. IIakvev, b. Oct. 13, 1883. V. Hakkv. b. Oct. 13, 1883. vi CiiAKLES MiLLiKEK, b. April 23, 188G. 7. Cii.MJi.KS Kawsox Ai.r.KN, son of Abijah '', b. in L. .Inly 23, 18,")1. m. Jan. 1, 1878. Soi)hia Amelia, dan. of John A. Ilarriman (See), b. in L. April IG, l.s")5. Sec. White Mt. Grange. 1887. Cong. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Ke[)ul)lican. Master White JNIt. Gi'ange, 18ii4 and 5 ; Steward, 1887 to 18iJU inc. Ch., b. in L.,— i. CiiKiSTiE Bei.l, b. Nov. 20, 1879. ii. Ma.\ Haiuuman, b. Oct. 22, 1882. ALLEN. 8. .\.nNKH Ali.kn, son of Penoucll, b. in Sutton, March 29, 181. "». III. tirsl, Sept. 2'), 1839, Elizabeth Maria, dau. of Cyrus Crouch. I), in Swansea, April lt>, l.SjS, d. in L. June 13, 18G6, Free Baptist, ni. second, Se[)t. 24, 1SG(J, Lucy Ann, dau. of Ezra Willis, b. in Concord, Vt., Dec. 2."), 1S29. Free Hap'tist. She d. in L. Nov. 13, 1897. He res. in L. from 1^41 till he d. Jinie 24, 1897. Farmer. Democrat. Free liaptist. Ch., by w. Elizal)eth. — i. l-oitisi>\ ('.. 1>. lAiiipstiT, June 20, 1810, il. L. Feb. 20, 1842. Ch., by w. Lucy Ann. — ii. Lewis A., b. L. March 20, 1S71, .1. L. Aug. 11, 1871. ALLEN. 9. < 'iiAi;i.i.-< 11. .\i.i,i N. son of Cyrus, b. in Haverhill, A|iril •'>, 1S13. III. .Maicii 1 L l>i|."t. Liicinda, dau. of John H. Merrill, b. in Pembroke, ."^cpl. 1.".. IMC, (1. in Lancaster, .Jan. 3i>. INSI, Cong. He res. in L. from 1.S27 to l.siL .leweller. Town Treasurer, 1S42-."). Reiinblican. Cong. d. in Lancaster, Jan. 10, 1-S92. Allen — Allison. 17 Cli., b. in Laucaster, i. Charles Hknuy, b. Jan. 10, 1847. in. Oct. 1, 1871, Martha M.Jewell, res. Lancaster. Harness-maker, ii. Frank, b. Sept. 25, 1851. iii. George, b. April 25, 185G. unm., res. Minneapolis, Minn. ALLEN. 10. Melvex James Allen, son of Dr. James, Jr., b. in Cincinnatus, N. y., May 7. 1852. m. Ella D. Hanckes. He grad. from Amherst Coll., Class of 1879. and commenced the study of theology in 1879. He grad. from Andover Theological Seminar\' in 1882, and was ordained a Cong, minister in Ashby, Mass.. Nov. 8. 1882. He has been located as a Cong, minister as follows: Ashbv. INIass., 1882 to 1888; Holden, Mas.s., 1888 to 1890; L., July 1, 1891, to July 25, 1894; York, Me., since 1894. His literary work comprises articles published in the Andover. Mass.. papers, and as editor of " The Open Door." Holden, Mass., a weekly paper devoted to the interests of Cong, churches in that vicinity. 1889-90. Prest. of Village Improvement Society. Hud- sou, ^lass., 1889-90. Member Board of P^ducation, Union District. L., 1892-3-4. No children. ALLEN. ALLAIRE. 1. AcsTix Allex, son of Frank, b. in ^Monroe, iNIav 12, 1863. m. Jan. 12, 1885, Saraphine, dau. of Alfred Hamel. b. in Berlin. Sept. 6, 1869, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1881. Glove-maker. Republican. Roman Catholic. Ch., b. in L., — i. Mary Emma, b. Feb. 1-5, 1886. ii. Ada Alice, b. Oct. 20. 1888, d. L. April 7. 1880. iii. Frank, b. Oct. 4, 188!», d. Bethlehem, Sept. 5, 1890. iv. Makv, b. Feb. 22, 18!)6, il. L. Nov. 5, 1896. V. Alphosso, b. Aug. 29, 1898. ALLISON. 1. Mark Allisox. sou of George, i). in St. Sylvester. P. Q. m. Jan. 24, 1865, Ann, dau. of William Hicks, b. in St. Sylvester. P. Q.. April 25, 1848, has res. in L. since 1879, Episcopal. He d. in Canada, June, 1873. Farmer. Episcopal. Ch., b. in St. Sylvester, P. Q.,— i. William Albert, b. Jan. 7, 18fi7. unm., res. L. 2. ii. George Herbert, b. April 19, 18G8. iii. Mary Ann, b. May 20, 1870. m. Aug. 1891, Fred Odell, res. Slier- brooke, P. Q., merchant, iv. Edna Adelaide, b. May 13, 1872, res. L. 2. George Herbert Allisox, son of Mark \ b. in .St. Sylvester, P. Q., April 19, 1868. m. Sept. 15, 1892, Josepiiine. dau. of John Callahan, b. in Bethlehem, March 20, 1864, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1881. Glove-maker. Democrat. Ch., — i. John Robert, b. April 29, 1896. vol. ii. — 2 18 A/ii/rrwx — Aiulriifi — Any'ur. ANDREWS. 1. Ili,i;m:i;r MAi;sri»N Am>ukw.s. son of Uandall. 1). in Kiiliclil, Sept. '.I. l.s.'il. in. Nov. H"), 1.S87, Sara C S. lliitcliin.s()n of I'liila.. who had luen a niissionarv of llie Piv.sln lerian Board in India. He giad. froni Kimball Inion AcadiMny in l.s71. and Dart. Coll. in l-sTG. comnicnced till' slndy ofthoolouy in the fall of LsTC, and attended Inion Tlieolog- ieiil Seminary in nTv. City, where he grad. in 1879. He was ordained as deaeon. May, ISSO; as Episcopal priest, Jnnc 12, 1S«1, in N. Y. City. He worked as City Missionary three vcars dnring Seminary course in Olivi-t Cha[)el ; "fall of is7:t, missionary of Chin-ch of Holy Trinitv. N. Y. ( ity : June, isSO. Assi-lant Keelor of St. Ambrose Cluncii, N. Y. City; .lune, bsyl, Keelor in charge of All Saints' Chnrch in L. : fall of 1882, minister in charge of Cong. Church, IJelh- lehem ; .Ian. IN.sl, minister in charge of Cong. Chnrch, Franklin ; Sept. ls.s.3. minister in chai-ge of Cong. Chnrcli in Knlield, and Union Church, Knfield Centre,^ to Jan. 1, 18.S7. In 188!) he and his wife went to Lodiana, India, as missionaries. ANDREWS. 2. I i:\iNii IW i;i()N Andki.ws. son of lienjainin V. Andrews, li. in Orange, Nov. •_".». is.Vs. m. April, 1880, C. Klla Knowlton. 1). Dan- Itnrv, Nov. •_'!. is.V,), dan. of James and Clarissa (^ Ford) Knowlton; she d. Nov. 2:5, 1.S8;5; he m. second, ISDI, Lilla Davis, b. 18G8, dau. of Goo. W. Davis of Canaan. He removed to L. 18U8. Republican. Cong. Ch. l)y w. l-:ila, — i. Lvi.i; S., 1). Diinlmry. Feb. liT, 1881. Ch., by w. i/illa. li. m Lisl)on, — ii. .\i:ai. I)., h. .May 15, IH'.rJ. iii. Laikknci;, li. Nov. 2;5, 180:3. iv. (;i;()i:i.i; I., 1). Dec. HU. iS'.iu. v. Aiuii.v, 1). Nov. 'Jtl, 18117. ANDRUS. 1. W'li.i.iAM !•'. .\m»1{Is, son of 11. S., b. in Craftsbniy. Vt., .May 11. l.s.')7. in. Jan. 1, issi, Alice .May, dau. f)f Porter Haldwin \Vatson (See), b. in S;disbin-y, Feb. 17, 18.').s. He i-es. in L. from 1882 to ISUI. Starte(l '• Littleton Courier" Dec. 1. iN.s'.l ; sold to Courier Pub. Co., .Mav l.>, l.S'.M. Is now publisher anil proprietor of " Ciorham ]Moun- tainci'r." N" rlnldrcn. 2. Cii.viM.i > W. Am)i;i -,s(.n of II. S., b. in Craftsbnry, \t.,()el. 21, lsi;i. 111. Sept. 1, I.s.ss, Conv K., dau. of Herl)ert J. Buck. i). in Al- biirgii. Vt., D.T. .".i*. I. sen. lie has its. in L. since 18.S.'). Hotel clerk. Democrat. No chiMrtn. ANGIER. 1. .loiiN .\ni;iku. b. in W'ctlicrslield. \'l.. in 1 7>«.'). in Mary Mann, b. ill W'cthcrsfield, \'l.. d. in llaverliill. lie was a [iliysician, res. in Haverhill and Chester, wheif he d. in bs.'Ki. l%iglit ch. Anni}<. 19 2. James Harvey Angieu, son of John ', b. in WetliersCifld, Vt., Sept. 18, 1815. m. first, May 17, 1843, Cynthia Page Heath, h. in 1822, d. April i), 18G9. ni. second. Nov. 2, 1870, Mina Corning. He res. in L. from 1S48 to 185.'5. Hotel-keeper. Democrat. Ueputv sheriff, 1849 to l8.-)2 inc. Fire ward, 1.S41). ^Moderator, 1851-2. I. O. O. F., First N. G. of Ammonoosuc Lodge. Postmaster at Mentor, Ohio, under Prest. (larfield. Ch., by w. C'yntliia, — i. John Cutler, b. April 12, 1844. iii. .Inne 17, 18(')S, Lucy .Jiine Rrigyis. Cli., George Cutler, b. Nov. S, 18()'.t. ii. Kij.iiN .Jane, b. Aug. 7, 184(), d. Ai)ril 'Jl, LSfiO. iii. M.vKY 1)ei!OI{.\.h, b. March ]'.», 1850. ui. Ajjril 10, 1872, Wilson 1). Smith. iv. Sarah Cynthia, b. Ai)ril 29, 1852. m. Sept. 27, 1877, Eilward .Linies Dickey. V. Florence Blanche, b. Sept. 4, 1855. in. March 4, 1875, Fred Webb, vi. Frank, b. Oct. 21, 18(30. ANNIS. 1. Asa Annis, b. in Hopkinton, Feb. 178(). m. Jan. 10, ISll. Philena, dan. of Nathaniel Bidwell, b. in Lebanon, Nov. 17'J1, d. in L. May 4, 1857. He res. in L. from 1820 to 18r)8. Farmer, d. in. L. Marcli 24. 18.")S. Ch.,— 2. i. Am ASA S , b Bath. ii. Amos, b. Batli, April 5, 1815. unm., d. L. March 20, 1884. iii. ()range E., b. Bath, iv. Mary ,Tane, b. 1819, d. L. Feb. 12, 1852. V. Pollyette, b. L. vi. Louisa, b L. 1821. ni. William U. Wells (See). 2. Amasa S. Annis, son of Asa', b. in Bath. m. first. Dec. 20, 1837, Mary P. Goddard, b. 1810, Methodist, d. in L. ,lune 21, l-s.');"). m. second, Nov. 29, 185.3, Mercy W. Cannon. He res. in L. from 1S34 to 1863. Farmer, d. in Manchester about 1883. 3. Orange E. Annis, son of Asa \ b. in Bath, INIay 23, 1812. m. first, Dec. 14, 1837, Lticinda, ilau. of Jesse Wells, b. in Danville, Vt., in 1819, d. March 11, 1840. m. second, Nov. 22, 1840, Sarah Ann Clifford, b. in Danville, Vt., d. Feb. 1879. He res. in L. from 1X34 to 1879. Farmer, d. in L. Aug. 21, 1879. Ch., b. in L., — i. Philena C , b. Sept. 14, 18:18. m. first, ,lan. 1, 1850, Obed S. Hatch, Co. A, 1st Vt. H. Art., private, killed at -Middletown, Va , Oct. 19, 1864. m. second, Warren Phillips, res. Nashua. Clerk. ii. Rosette W., b. Aug. 12, 1842. m. Horace J. Kenney (See). ANNIS. 4. Arthur Annis, son of Joiin, b. in Dui'ham, P. (}., Dec. 28, ISfri. m. Feb. 28, 1890, Etta, dau. of Frank Carey, b. in I'lymoutli, March i>h-h>'e. APPLEBEE. 1. Nathan Ai'I'I.kuki; c;une to L. in 17'J2, and res. here iinlil ho d., aliuiit iJ^rj. lie in. <'allit'iine . She m, second, Epliraim .Mcln- lire, father of Keuhen (See). Ch.,— i. I'.i.izAiti:Tii, 1). Francoiiiii, Feb. 14, 1784. ii. .Joii.v, 1j. FriiiiLonia, Jan. 20, 1786. iii. Ann, b. Francoiiia, Feb. 20, 1788. m. Dl-c. 30, 1813, Joel Wilder, son of Joel anil Lydia (Morse) Wilder, iv. Hi:n,ia.min, b. Lisbon, June 23, 17'J0. 'J. V. Nathan, b. L. June 29, 1702. vi. Waukkn, 1). L. Sept. 23, 1704. vii. KiioDA, 1j. L. June 11, 17'J7. viii. llosKA, b. L. Au-j. 10, 1800, d. L. Auj,'. 22, 1800. i.\. JKim;i.. b. L. May 20, 1802. ni. Dec, 14, 1820, Abigail Russell. .\. Dui.LY Skeei,, b. L. Aug. 21, 1804. 2. Nathan A rn. kiikk. .son of Nallian ', 1). in L. June 2!), 17'J2. ni. first, aliout I-SIU. Knieliiie lieinis. m. second. May 25, 1.S29, Knby, dan. of Steplien Farnnni, b. in Lisbon, Aug. G, 17!»7, Methodist, d. in L. Nov. L'2. 18.S7. lie res. in L. all his life. Methodist. Farmer. Democrat, d. in L. Sei)t. 11. I-SIVS. Ch., by w. Kmeline, b. in L.,- — 3. i. Nathan, b. Nov. 20, 1812. ii. WiM.Aiti), b. Nov. 25, 1«14. iii. \\'i I.I.I AM, b. Nov. 20, 1814. iv. Ai.viuA, b. .March tj, 1817. m. Danfortb Wliitingr, last res. l.viuaii, teamster. He d. July 5, 1853. Slie d. March 2, 185.3. V. Amos, b. March 5, 1820. pub. May 2, 1841, Emeline ClilTord. He d. L. Dec. 28, 18415. Laborer, vi. Ki.iZA, b. April 0, 1822. ni. Jan. 21, 1811, Samuel Johnson, res. White- field, vii. ("aiukkini:, b. Feb. 28, 1824, d. Manche.'ster, 1804. viii. Lvi.iA, b. May 18, 182G. in. Oct. 29, 1851, Jolin K. Priest, res. Wiiite- lield. Ch.. by \v. Ivutiy, 1). in L., — i.\. A.MAKiTTA, b. March 20, 1831. unni., d. L. July 21. 1848. x. LoKiNUA, b. Oct. 14. 18.32. in. Peter H. Willard(See). xi. Kmki.ini:, b. Nov. 1, 1835. ni. George Abbott (See), xii. Annktti;, b. July 28, 1840. ni. Aaron I). Fislier (See). 4. xiii. WAititi;N, b. .March 17, 1812. 3. Naiiian Ai'I'1.i:i'.i:i:, son of Natlian -, b. in L. Nov. 20. 1S12. ni. Felt. 2.!, 18:;7. :\I;iriila, dan. of Titns I'arr (See), b. in L. Aii^. 21. l.si I, d. in I'lynionlh, Aug. 21, 1.S.S7. lie res. in L. all his life. Lum- ber nianulV. Mflliodist. democrat, d. in L. N(jv. is. isso. Ch., b. in L..— i. .Mauv, b. Ih.JS. III. Warren Iv .lohnson, res. lloUiston. Mass., nursery ngeiit. 5. ii. CiiAiti.Ks H., b. Sept. 27, 1840. iii. Ki.i.KN, 1>. 1K45. in. first, Dec. 31, 18^5, James Cuminings (See), m. necoiid, .Fi.lm F,. Du^tiii. Shed. Methueii, .Mass., April, 1803. iv. Dki.ia, b. 1SJ7. in. S. F. .Simpson (.See). v, Kati:, b. IM.').;. m. July 28, 1875, Osmon B. Copeland, res. Chelsea, Vt., bank casiiier. Applehee — ArmHtmn;/. 21 4. Warren Applebee, son of Nathan-', b. in L. JMarch 17, 1842. m. first, in 1861, Marcia C. Russell, ni. second, in 1871, Georgia G. Bachelder. He was educated in L. common schools, St. Johnshury, Vt., Academ}', and Newbury, Vt, Seminary, and commenced tlie stud}' of theology in 1861. He grad. from Boston University in 1878, and was ordained a Methodist Dea. in Keene, in 1866, by Bishop Simpson ; Elder in 1868, by Bishop Ames. He has been located as fol- lows : 1864, Stark and Milan; 1865-6, Jefferson; 1867-8, Groveton and Stratford ; 1869-70, Loudon ; 1871-2, Grafton ; 187:^.-4, Alexan- dria; 1875-6-7, Boston University; 1878, Vassalboro, Me. ; 1879-80, South Thomaston, Me. ; 1881-2-0, Chatham, INIass. ; 1884, Province- town, Mass. ; 1885, Southwest Harbor, Me. In 1886 he was located in Maine at his own request, where he remained until 1894, when he was readmitted by the Vt. Conference at its annual meeting in Brad- ford, Vt., and transferred to the Northwest Kas. Conference. In 1895 he was located at La Crosse, Kas. ; in 1896 he was on the supernu- merary list in Kas. and is now pastor at Coatesville, Ind. His only pub- lished work is a funeral address of A. B. Hoyt, M.D., of Gloucester, Mass. He was J. P. in N. H. in 1872 ; in Mass. in 1875. Supt. of Schools in Me. and N. H. A. F. and A. M. No children by birth ; three adopted, — two girls and a boy. 5. Charles Henry Applebee, son of Nathan^, b. in L. Sept. 27, 1840. ra. first, Aug. 22, 1862, Hattie L., dan. of Daniel Randall, b. in Lyndon, Vt., Feb. 9, 1842, d. in L. Aug. 5, 1873, Methodist, m. sec- ond, June lo, 1874, Mary, dau. of AVilliam Osgood, b. in Lebanon, Aug. 5, 1844, Methodist. He has res. in L. all his life, except five years. Blacksmith. Methodist. Republican. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. Em. Com , 1887-8. Co. D, 13th N. H. Regt. Private. G. A. R. Ch., b}- w. Hattie, b. in Bethlehem, — i. Minnie, b. July 9, 1866, d. L. Marcli 30, 1880. ii. Fred Henky, b. Dec. 27, 1869, d. L. Feb. 16, 1878. Ch., by w. Mary, b. in L., — iii. Grace Osgood, b. Sept. 10, 1875. res. L. ARMSTRONG. 1. George Raymond Armstrong, son of Reuben, b. in Fletcher, Vt., Nov. 22, 1851. m. Jan. 5, 1881, Carrie Judson, dau. of Judson Greenleaf Clark, b. in Newbury port, Mass., Aug. 13, 1860, d. in L. Oct. 14, 1895. He m. second, May 14. 1898, Emma Euphemia Dow, widow of Arthur F. Dow. He res. in L. since Sept., 1893. Travelling agent, AVestern Knitting Mills, Rochester. Mich. Republican. Ch.,- i. Alda Lillian, b. Springfield, Mass., April ti, 1882. ii. Helen Marie, b. Springfit-ld, Mass., July 12, 1883. iii. Carrie Clark, b. Springfield, Mass., Nov. 30, 1884. iv. Alice Norma, b. Springfield, Mass., May 24, 1880. V. Marjorie Parker, b. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 12, 1892. vi. George Raymond, b. L. Marcb 23, 1894. Ann.hl ARNOLD. 1. TiioMA.s AiiNoi.i). s(Mi (if TiiDiiKis, 1). Clicsollxjiinic, Dorset C'oiiiily, Kng., 1")'.)'.). Crtino to Now Kiijihiiul, 1();]5. Si'ttlcd at Water- towii, Mass. Fivoinan, KMO. IIu was lincil for neglecting to baptize iiis cliililivn and involved in later contention with the church. About K;.').") he lemovi'd to Troviileuce, K. I. He was in. in England, and three children came with him to America, lie m. second. Phebe Park- hurst, ilau. of (li'orge and Susanna Parkhurst of Watertown. Mass., l)y whom he had six children. He d. 1074; she d. IG88. He was dqiuty, l(J(;(]-7-7U-l-2. 2. RiciiAun Aknoi.d, son of Thomas^, b. in Watertown, Mass., March 22. ICl-J. Liveil in I'roNideiice, K. I. He was dei)uty thirteen years, Assistant nine years, Speaker of the House of Deputies, Com- missioner to establish the northern l)Oundary of the colony, and member of important conunittees and counnissions. He m. Mary Angell, who d. before 109."). He ui. second, Sarah , who d. 1712. He d. April 22, 1710. 3. Kicn.vKi) Aknom), son of Richard-', b. about 1088. in. INIary \\'oodward, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Pray) Woodward, who d. 1745. He m. second, Dinah Thornton, dau. of John and Dinah (Stcere) 'I'liornton. He liveil in Providence and Smithlield, K. I. He d. 1745. 4. .I<)>iAii Aknoi.d. son of Richard ' and Dinah (Thornton) Arnold, b. about 1710. Lived at Smithlield, Gloucester, and Piovidence, R. I. He in. at Smithlield. .luly 2(», 17;iS, Amy Phillips. Four children. No record of death. She was a|)|)<)inteil administratrix of his estate Ajjril 22. 17 is. 5. .Imnatiian .Vkndi.d. son of Josiah\ b. (Jloucester. R. I., Dec. 3, 1711. was a physician living in Providence, R. I., and St. Johnsbury, \ t. During the Revolution he rendered distinguished service as sur- geon, director of hospitals, and i)urveyor-general of R. I. He was a deputy to the (Jeneral .\ssembly and later an assistant or senator and a delegate to the Continental Congress. 178;^. 15y grant and by pui- eliase he became the principal pro|)rietor of St. Johnsbury, Sutton, and Lyndon. \'t., and h;ul interests in several other \'erinont grants. In 17H7 he removed to N'ermont and soon after established a home in St. Johnsbury. where he d. Feb. 1. 17:i;i. He m. June P.), 1703, Polly Purr; she d. soon .aftei- the birth of her seventh child, 1780. He m. second. Alice Crawford, the mother of three children. After his re- moval to St. Jijhnsbury. he m. third, 17lt(», Cynthia Hastings, b. Nov. 20, 170.;. dan. of Lenmel Hastings of Charlestown. She in. second, Samuel L.'idd of I Inverliill. who d. Sept. 22. l.s|.-,. She d. Jan. 0. 1838. Ch.. by w. Polly.— i. Amy, I.. Marcli :;, ITf.J. .1. Oct. i:'., ITC",. ii. .-\ma/.i \ii, 1>. Fell, r,, 17";((, d. Nov. H, 17<17. ill. .loHiAU I.VNi.oN. I.. Ajiiil "JlJ, ITCS. Dart, (^)ll., 17^!8. Tutor Brown I'liiviTi-it y. Aftfr tlu' dt'iitli of liis fatlicr lie ii'inoveil. IT'.'o, to St. .Inliii-hury, ^'l. lie unsii (.'ciiilemjin of ."c-liolarlv iittiiimiieiits. Ik' rn ill I'litinrHlil, ('uiiii.. I-'i-li. S, IT'.i.'i, .Siisamiali I'crkiii.s. llf d. .July 7, IT'JIJ. Slie III. .scfoml, IInu. (.'jiark-s .Marsh. Arnohl — A^h — Ashland — AsfcIL Polly Burr, b. April 2:!, 1770, d. Oct. 5, 1772. William C, b. March 2^, 177o. ni. Nov. 15, 1796, Lucy Gardner. Sally, b. Nov. 22, 1777. m. Oct. 8, 1797, Hon. James Burrill, of Provi- dence, \i I. AuiGAiL B., b. Marcli 12, 1780. m. Joseph Emerson Dow, the first lawyer of \j. (See). CHi., l)y w. Alice, — viii. Freelove Crawford, b. , d. young. i.\. John Crawford, b. , d. young. X. Freelove Crawford, b. Nov. 27, 1786. m. Amaziah D. Barber, m. second, Noah Davis, then of Haverhill and later of Albion, N. Y. Their son Noah, b. in Haverhill, 1818, metnbcr of Congress and dis- tinguished for eminent service as a Judge, N. Y. courts. Cli.. by w. Cynthia, — .\i. Lemuel Hastings, b. Jan. 29, 1702. Dart. Coll., 1811. Hestudiedlaw with James Burrill, his brother-in-law, and was admitted to the bar of Kliode Island, 1814. He left his profession and engaged in business. He was Governor of Rhode Island, l831-o, and member of Congress, 1845-7. He ul June 2:J, 1819, Sally, dau. of Major Daniel Lyman. She d. 1837. He m. second, 1847, Catherine Shannard. He d. June 27, 1852. ASH. 1. Mykon D. Ash. son of David, b. in Sutton, Vt., Jan. 15, 1866. ni. Florence, dan. of All>ert M. Fnller, b. in L. Ang. 1ly to Nottingham West, now Hudson. 3. D.\vii> Arwoon, son ol" \ViHiain -. b. in Chester in 1717. res. in LandatT, where he d. in IM)'.). Hi' was one oi' four l)ros., l)a\ id, Abijaii. Jacob, John. He m. Kuth Knight, b. in 17.")!, d. in 1S3."). 4. JosKi'ii Atwooi), son of David ^ b. in LandatT ( ?), Oct. 13, 1780, il. ill Ftindatr, Oct. 17, 18(;3. He bore the title of ('apt. He was three times m., — Sally (?) Kimball Prudence Chandler. Sally Page Simonds. Prudence was the mother of lienjamin, John C, and Mehitable, w. of Charles K. Clark of LandalT. 5. Bkn.iamin Atwooi). son of Capt. Joseph \ b. in LandalT, July. 181 I. III. Oct., l.s;!5, Hannah Eaton, dau. of Benjamin Page, 1). in Laiidair, Nov. .'in, ISOD. Her ancestors lived in Atkinson and neigh- boring towns, d. in Sugar Hill (IJsbon), Aug. 23. 1S'.»4. He res. in I>. from |S.',5 to 1.SS7. Farmer. Selectman, 18GG-7-8-ti. J. P. d. in Sugar Hill (Lisbon), Dec. 22, 181)1. Ch., b. in Burke, Vt., — i. Ami LiA Fkancf.s, b. May, 18.V.I, d. Hurke. Vt., Aup. 1840. ii. I.viXA I'AfiK. b. Sept. '>, ls42. in. Marcli, IHf.U, Manson Howies, farnicT. She d. L. .May 7, 18S2. He d. Bnrnbain. .Me.. Sept. 4, 188:>. iii. -Mauv Ki.i/.AiiiiTii, b. Feb. 18, 1845. in. .Manli ;;i, 1SG8, Leonard BowlcH, res. Lisbon, farmer, iv. F.MMA Jam., b. April L'l', 1M47. d. L. Manli •_'!>, 18(1;5. fi. V. .John .M misii all, Ii. ,\]iril 8, ISoU. 6. John M \i:sii.\i.i, Atwo(U>. son of 15enjamin ^, b. in Biirke. ^'t., .\piil X. is.'.o. m. Sept. 17. 1S70, Evediia. dau. of Amos I'.iown, b. in LandalT. Oct. S, IS.',.',. He has res. in L. since iS71. Farmer and lumlier nuuuifr. Democrat. Atwood — Audibut — Austin. 25 Cb., — i. Albert Benjajiin, b. Easton, Aug. 20, 1878. res. L. Clerk, ii. IIakuy Marshall, b. Easton, Sept. 26, 1875. res. L. iii. Jessie Mabel, b. L. Jan. 2, 1879. iv. COLLOSSA Delia, b. L. Jan. 9, 1880. ATWOOD. 7. William Mautin Atwood, son of Moses Kimball, b. in Lundall', Oct. 11, l«-20. m. Sept. 27, 1855, S. Maria, dan. of Henry Palmer (See), b. in Cbatliam, Oct. 30, 1833, Methodist, d. in L. July 3, 1893. He res. in L. from 1854 to 1882. Laborer. Democrat, d. in L. Nov. 23, 1882. Ch.,— i. George Nelson, b. L. Sept. 15, 1858. m. April 16, 1881, Nettie Smith. He d. L. Jan. 18, 1883. Kailroail conductor. She, second, m. Ed- ward Fogg, and, tliird, Charles Cook. 8. Stephen Webster Atwood, son of Moses Kimball, b. in Landaf!', ^larch 25, 1831. m. first, July 21, 1855, Julia H., dau. of William Hutchins, 1). in Bath, Nov. 1, LS38. m. second, July 29, 18'J0. Adelia Hopkinson, dau. of Joseph D. Stott, b. in Andover, Mass., jNIa}' 10, 1814. He res. in L. from 1854 to 1875. Jeweller. Democrat. Co. D, 13th '^. H. Regt. Private. Ch., b. in L., — i. Helen R., b. Oct. 14, 1855. ni. first, Nov. 15, 187G, Richard Sutton, printer, in. second, June 11, 1880, Fremont Wiiftton, res. Hyde Park, Mass., raih'oad employee, ii. Georgia, b. and d. in L. AUDIBUT. AUDIBERT. 1. ViCTOK Audibut, son of Joseph, b. in Quebec, May, 1858. m. June 18, 1882, Mary, dau. of Jose[)h Iloule, b. in Canada, Oct. 14, 1854, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1881. Glove-maker. Roman Catholic. Ch., b. in L., — i. Mart Louise, b. June 2, 1884. ii. Hector, b. Aug. 15, 1885. iii. Virginia, b. Oct. 20, 1887. iv. Henry, b. Feb. 7, 1888. V. Annie, b. Aug. 15, 1889. vi. Fred, b. March 25, 1802. vii. Joseph, b. April 1, 1894. AUSTIN. 1. Georoe Cutting Austin, son of James, b. in Lowell, Mass., Aug. 27, 1848. m. Sept. 1, 1869, Mary Ann, dau. of Israel Yoinig, b. in Landaff, Feb. 2, 1841!, Methodist. He ha.s res. in L. since 1881. Clerk. Methodist. Prohibition. Ch., b. in Landaff, — i. James, b. Aug. 14, 1871. m. Dec. 23, 1891, Alice T. Stevens, res. Lyn- donville, Vt. Railroad brakeman. ii. Flora Mary, b. Sept. 17, 1875. res. L. -6 Alls/ ill — liihihif — Bnih-ii. AUSTIN. 2. Li.i;i:n Jcjnks Aisiin, st)ii of Ilniiy JiiuxM-soii, 1). in .MfxifO, ^lo., D.c -is. hs;34. ni. -Ian. 21, l.s,s;3, Kllcn Josepliine, dau. ol' William II. 11. -Milieu (Set'), 1.. in L. Aug. 10, 18-15. She was fornu'rly w. of Koheit C. Whiting (See), Cong. Delegate to Nat. \V. C. 'T. V. Convention, l.S'j'), and well known as a writer and advocate of the piineipU's of that organization. lie re.s. in L. from l.S^i) to 18'.»4. Lnniher nianiifr. Prohibition, d. in Portland, Me., .May 20, 181)4. BAG-LEY. 1. I.itKi.N Pi('iiAKi).s()N Ba(,i.kv. son of Sanuiel. 1). in Orange, Vt.. -May 2;;, 1.S4.'.. ni. Pel). 2ii. Psf.!). Kli/.a Porilla, dan. of Robert Clongli. 1). in L. W-\). 2.'). is. ID. II c' has re.s. in L. since 18G9. Carriage niannlV. Democrat. Cli.,— i. Alsti.v, 1). L. Jan. 12, 1878. BAILEY. BAYLEY. 1. .loiix Pailkv, from Chippenham, Co. ^Vills, England, came in the ship " Angel (iabriel," leaving P>ristol, .Vpril. lO.'io. The ship was cast away at Pemaqnid, now Bristol, .Me., Aug. 15, 1635. lie was a weaver and farmer, living in Salisbury and Xewbnry, .Mass. He d. Nov. 2, ICol. His will is dated Oct. 28. 1051, ancl inventorv filed Nov. 12, 1(;51. 2. John Bailkv. son of .lohn '. 1). alioiit K;!."). came with his father, m. Kleanor I-".mery. dan. of. lohn. Senior. Lived in iNewbnry, where he d. .March. Ki'.H. Widow I'.leanor d. ITDH; administration, Dec. 2;). 17110. 3. 1>A.\(. Baii.kv, s(jn of -lohn-, 1). 1('>51. m. .lune l.">, IGM.'J, Sarah Kmery, b. WA). 2(5, KlC.d. dan. of .lohn Emery. .Ir. She d. April 1. p;;*!. m. second, Sept..'). 1700, Rdx-fca Bartlell. li. .May 2."., IGCl. «laii. of Richard Barllett. .Ir. lie d. about 171(1. lie was of .Newbury. 4. .losiit A r.Aii.Kv. son of Isaac'', b. Oct. aO. 1G85. ni. Peb. 1. I ('"■'. Sai:di Collin, dau. of .Stephen. Lived in Worth's Lane, New- bury, lie d. ()ct. G. 17G(). In his will he nauu'S six sons, and son .lacob was then styled "of Ilampstead. N. 11." His ilau. Abigail was the wife of Col. .Moses Utile, for whom Littleton was named. 5. Ci.N. .Ia< "v. I'.Aii i.v. son of .loshua '. b. in Newbury, Mass.. .luly 1'.', 172G. ni. ()(t. ir.. 17l.'>. Piudeuce, dan. of Ei)hr;iim Noyes, 1). in .Newbiny, .Mass.. Ajiril P). 1 72.'i. d. in .Newbury, \t.. .luncl, 1801). lie was one of til,, lii-st settU-rs of .Newliiny, \'t., where he d. .March I, Isl.'t. Brig. (Jen. in lievohitionruy \\.\v. lie \vm\ ten children, ihe oldest being ICphr.aim '. (Ilemenwa\'s Hi-^t. (ia/,. (\'t.). A'ol. 11. pp. 'JPJ.) Bailey. 27 6. PvPHRAiM Bailey, son of Gen. Jacob ^, born in Newburv, Mass., Oct. 1, 1746. m. first, in 1768, Hannali Fowler, who d. in Newburv, Vt., May 3, 1781. ni. second, in 1781, Luc}- Hodges, who d. in 1836. He res. in L. from 1792 to 1811. He removed from Newbur}-, Alass., with his parents, to Hampstead in 1748, and in 1764 to Newbury, Vt. , he being one of the original proprietors of that town and Haverhill. Served in the Rev. War, was at Bennington and Saratoga as an officer in Warner's Regt. Selectman of L. 1792. Ch., by w. Hannah, — i. Jacob, b. Newbury, Vt., March 9, 17G9. m. Hannah Clianiberlin. res. in Newbury, Vt., part of life. Farmer and carpenter, ii. Abigail, b. Newbury, Vt., Dec. 7, 1770. ni. Solomon Mann (See). iii. Hannah, b. Newbury, Vt., in 1772. m. Col. Simeon Stevens. She il. Newbury, Vt., April 21, 1817. iv. Abner, m. Hannah Wiiite. res. Newbury, Vt. P'armer. V. MosE.s, m. Lucy Barker. vi. Anna, b. Newl)ury, Vt. m. first, Jonathan Tenney, farmer, d. New- bury, Vt., Marcii 1!», 18l:J. m. second, Jolin Ellis, d. March 24, IHiU. She d. Chenango, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1882. vii. Infant, d. young. Ch., 1)3' w. Lucy, — viii. Lucy, b. Newbury, June 16, 1782. m. Sept. 8, 180.S, Ezekiel Bailey, farmer and tanner. He d. in 1862. She d. Newbury, Vt., March 1, 1870. i.x. Alanson, b. April 9, 1785. m. Abigail Hutchins. X. Myra, m. Eben Strong, xi. John IIazen, b. April 13, 1780. m. Susan Farnswortli. BAILEY. 7. Cyrus Bailey, b. Nov. 2, 1748, was a descendant of the New- bury, Vt., branch of Baileys. m. Abigail Weeks l>edell (widow). He res. in Peacham, Vt., most of his life, d. in L. May 29, 1822. 8. William Bailey, son of Cyrus', b. in Bath, Oct. 28, 177'). m. Sukev, dan. of James Williams (See), b. in Methuen, Mass., .Sept. 2, 1787." He d. in Brompton, P. Q., Feb. 7, 1833. 9. Jonathan Lewis Bailey, son of William **, b. in Peacham, Vt., Nov. 8, 1808. m. March 6, 1838, Marv, dan. of Joseph Quimby (See), b. in Lisbon, March 27, 1816, d. in Concord, Vt., Jan. 16, 1892. He res. in L. in 1844 and 1853. Farmer. Republican, d. in St. Johns- burv, Vt.. Jan. 1894. Ch., — i. Infant, b. Waterford, Vt., died young. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. Waterford, Vt., March 4, 1842, d. April 16, 1848. 12. iii. James Henry, b. L. May 20, 1844. iv. Mary Elizabeth, b. Concord, Vt., May 28, 1846. m. June 1,1871, B. B. Spaukling, res. St. Jolinsburv, Vt., farmer. V. William H., b. Concord, Vt., April 21,18.50. m. first, Nov. 27, 1874, Jane Hudson, d. Concord, Vt., Oct. 5, 1875. m. second, Aug. 22, 1877, Jennie Hall, d. St. Jolmsbury, Vt., Nov. 9, 1888. m. tiiird, June 13, 1889, Ella M. Clough. res. Waterford, Vt. Merchant, vi. Joseph Qdimby, b. Concord, Vt., d. L. Aug. 14, 185o. vii. Susan D., b. L. May 20, 185:;. m. March 3,1886, W. A. Roberts, res. St. Jolmsbury, Vt., farmer. 2S Bit He If. 10. II.\Mii/ri>N- >[. Bailky, son of William ^, 1). in Pe:iclKini. Vt. in. Harriet Maria Hurt. He diod in IManclicster. aged 64 years. 11. W'li.i.i.vM l>\ii.i;v, .son of ^^'illianl ^ 1). in Peacham, Vt., Oct. \><^ ISIG. ni. Sept. 12, ISll, Mariett Andrcss, dau. of William Barnes, b. in Claremont, Nov. 12, l.s2(), Cong. He res. in L. from 1842 to LSGU, now rc.s. in Jiincoln, Neb. ]\Iercliant. Cong. Republican. Ch., b. in L.,— i. U'li.i.iAM Andrkss, 1). Nov. 28, 1812, d. L. Ai)ril 9, 1845. ii. Kdwaki) Coiiius, h. April 14, 1844, d. L. Aiiu:. 'I'l, 1840. iii. Kdwin U., b. Sept. To, lhi4«5, d. L. Au-f. 27, 1848. iv. Ki,i.i;n J , 1). April 23, 184'.'. unin., res. Lincoln, Neb. V. IsAHKi.i.A Adklia, b. Sept. 5, 18ul, d. L. April 2. 1853. vi. Kdgak A., b. April 15. 1854. ni. Nov. 25, 1878, Fannie A. Bailey. .Manager wliole.sale clotliin^ house. Res. Rapid Cit^', So. Dak. vii. IIi:nkv K., b. July V-\, 185(j. m. Marcli 1, 1881, Mary A. Sliepard. Real Kstate. res. Chicaf^o, 111. 14. viii. Uknja^iin Fkanklin, b. June 22, 18G0. 12. J.vMKs IIknkv ]^>.Mi.r.v. son of Jonathan L.', b. in L. ]\Iay 2<). 1'S14. m. Nov. 10, liSSl, Marv Maroa, dau. of James Clougii. b. in Lyman, Jan. .■^, 1853, jMetliodist. He res. in L. at three periods and since 1H74. Merchant. Democrat. Selectman. 1883-()-'JU-l. Com- n)issioncr L. \'illage District, LSOl-a-G-T. Director L. Savings Bank, l.s!).") to date. Director L. Natl. Bank, 1895 to date. J. P. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T. St. (knard Com. 32' A. A. S. K. No children. 13. Ci..vKiv M. Baii.ky, son of Hamilton ^V'\ b. in L. Jan. (i, 183;». in. .Sept. 22, 1.S58, Julia F., dau. of Nehemiah S. Clongii, 1). in (Jilman- t(;n, July 7, 1836, d. in Manchester, June 8, 181)2. He res. in L. from 1839 to"l847. .Merchant. Ch.,— i. Haukikt Makia. b. Maiieliestcr, Oct. 20, IS.^'.i, d. March 9, 1800. 14. Bi;n,i\mi.\ 1-"i;anki.in Bailkv, son of William ". 1). in L. June 22, 180(1. m. Fel). «, 1.S.S2, ^Finnie Frank, dau. of F. Sumner Bryant, b. in Warcham, .Mass., Feb. 19, 1863, Cong. He res. in L. from birth until 1-S69. Republican. Cong. No children. He was educated in Stevens High .School, Claremont; Boston University School of Medicine, and Hahnemann .Aled. Coll., Phila., grad. from the latter, March 10, 1881. He commenced the practicie of med. in Springfield, Vt., from there went to Wareham, Mass., then to Manchester, then to Lincoln, Nel).. his present home. He is a member of the following med. societies : Anu-r- ican Institute of Hoiufeopatliy ; Natl. Soc. of Flectro-Tlierapeutists ; Neb. State Hoiixeopathic ^leil. Soc. ; Mo. \'alley HonKeopalhie Med. Assn.; Mo. Institute of Houueopathy (Honorary Meml)er). Olllcial jtositions held: <"liief of StatT of Tabitha Hospital, Lincoln, Neb.; I'rest. Neb. Hom. Med. .Soc; CliaiiiDaii Section of Pedagogy, Amer- ican Insljimc of HouKeopathy ; Tri-as. Nel). State P)oarii of Health: memlier of American Committee for International HonKcopathic Con- gress, held in Lomlon, Fug., Jidy, iS'.it;. He has written a large number of important me(lic;il papers pub. in med. journals. Bailey — Baker. 29 BAILEY. 15. Mykon Bailey, son of Stephen, b. in Ilardwiek, Vt., April 2(5, 1824. m. Nov. 2, 1AL( a, son of Henjainiu, b. in Ivocne in ITSlj. m. (irst, C'jitlieiiiu', (l:ui. of Capt. Samuel Wetlierhee (See), b. in Con- cord, Vt., Nov. 171>3, (1. in L. Sept. 19, 18:36, Cong. m. second, May 17, l.s;57, Lvdi:i P., dan. of John Pratt. 1). in Orforil, Feb. 28, 1790. (i. in St. .lohnsbiuT. Vt., May 13, 1880, Cong. He re.s. in L. from 1828 to 1870. Clothier and farmer. Whig. Cong. Ri'prcsentative, 1833- 4-."). Fire ward, 183r)-G-7. d. in Si. ,Tohusl)urv, \'l.. Aug. 13. 18,S0. Cii., — i. Lm'ka ()., h. roncoril, Vt., Jmie 21, 1820. in. Friinkl'm Tilton (Sec). •J. ii. .Joiiv W.. I) Concord. Vt., May 'JO. 1824. iii. Ai.itKKT, I). Conconl, Vt., .June '.>, 1828, tl. Sun Francisco, Cal., April \'-\, 1895. 2. John W. r>\i.cii, son of Sylvauu-; '-. b. in Concord. \'t.. May "20, 1S24. ni .luly 23, 1819, Louisa C, dan. of Solomon Stevens, b. liar- net, Vt, June 12, 1827, d. at Marslialltown. Iowa, Fel). 11, 1887. He m. .scconil, Abl)y Jane Morrison, Cong. He res. in L. from 1828 to 18G5. iNIerchan't. Ch., b. in L., — i. .\i,iii;uT FiJAMv. 1). April 11, IS.")-'), ni. Jan. 2o. 1888, Nettie McVay. res. Marslialltown, Iowa. Hanker, ii. I'niNKAs Stkvkns, 1). Ai)ril 27, 1857. ni. Sept 20, 1883, Nellie Willi- f^rotl. re.s. Marslialltown, Iowa. Hanker. BALL. 1. JosKi-ii r>Ai.i. was a Rev. soldier, enlisted in Mass. wlien 15 years old. Aflei- thf war he moved to Concord. \'t., and was the first scltler there. 2. Sami :i:i, Hai.i,, sou of .lose|)h ', b. in Concord, \'t., April 17, 1S(I7. m. lirst. May 1"< 1837, Nancy, ihiu. of Gideon Griggs (See), b. in L. Jan. IC), 1.S17, d. in L. Aug. 2.S. hSal. m. second, Mary, dan. of Timothy (ireen (Seci. b. in Chelsea, Mass., .March 21, 181G. still res. in L. He res. in L. fnjm 1S2',I until he d., July 19, 18!)1. I'';u'mer. Rtpnblican. ('ii.. tiy w. Xancy, b. in L., — i. (ii.(.K(ii;. 1). D.o. .iO, IM,)'.), (i. Marysville, Cal., July lo, ISOO. Murd.Te.l l)V three negroes. :!. ii. Cm.uu.ks, h. Julv 23, 18J2. iii. Kr.i.KN. h. July 21, iSlt. mini.. .1. I-. Frl>. 11. 18G7. iv. Ai.icr., I). .June l-l, 1>S17. rii. N'ov. I , 187.'J, .loliii W. IV'mlergast, res. I'llehlo, Col., State Agent LilV Ins. Co. 3. CiiAiti.Ks Ham,, son of Samuel -, b. in L. July 'J:?, ls42. m. Sept. 10. 18r„S, Fmma F. dan. of David Page Sanborn "(S^'e), b. in L. Marcli IG, 1819. He res. in L. from birtli to ISCS. .-md fioni 187(1 to 18s3. Jeweller. Ch.,— i. I'kaiu, J., 1>. Lancaster, June '•\, 1800. Bard — Barnes. 31 BARD. BEARD. 1. David and Asa BKAPa), sons of David and Ilamiali ( Hayward) Beard, were i)ionniieut citizens of Nelson, and vvei'e foremost in the early educational i)rogress of tlio town. lion. Alvin and Alfred Beard, of Nashua, editors and publishers of tiie '' Nashua Telegraph," were twin sons of Asa. David Beard ui. Mary Ingersol. His descendants write the name Bard. 2. Simeon In(;ki{sol Bard, M.D., sou of David \ was 1). in Nelson, June 2, 1797. He was in Middlelniry College two years, when the death of his father interru[)ted his studies, and he became the first [)rincii)al of the Academy in Francestown. Subsequently he studied medicine, graduating at Hano\er in Class of 1824. Homceopath. He successfully practised his profession in Hillsborough, Francestown, and in Derliy, Vt., where he d. June 10, 1852. He was small in stature, original, independent, and progressive. He m. June 2, 1825, Lucinda Stowe Morse of Hillsborough. They had six children, of whom five d. in childhood or youtli. 3. Rkv. George In(;eusol Baud, son of Dr. Simeon Ingersol-, b. in Francestown, May 5, 1835, grad. Univ. of Vermont, 1857, Andovei- Seminaiy, 1860. He is a Congregational clergyman. Ordained and installed at Waterford, Vt., Oct. 17, 18G0 ; dismissed in Jan. 18(16. After successful i)astorates in Dunbarton, Meredith, and Orford, he was installed at Walpole, Sept. 17, 1889, and returned to Mereditli, 1897. In his earnest labor he has been loved and honored. He m. Aug. 1, 1861, Jerusha Gould Parker, dau. of Ezra Parker (See). Ch.,- 1. Henry Ingeksol, b. Waterford, Vt., Sept. 15, 1802. res. Kirkland, III. ii. George Parker, b. Waterford, Vt., Aug. 24, 1805. m. iMarcb 25, 189G, Jessie Josliii, res. Bayoniie, N. J. ill. Mary Parker, b. Diuibartou, May 24, 18(57, d. Dunbarton, June l(j, 1807. iv. Herbert Drakely, b. Dunbarton, Dec. 2, 1808. ni. April 30, 18!*0, Ernestine ('. McDuftee. res. Pliiiadel[)liia, Pa. V. Jmeia Howard, b. Dunbarton, Jan. 4, 1871, d. Mereditli, March 12, 1870. BARNES. 1. George Sevmour Barnes,)), in Charlotte, Vt . ]\Iav 24, 1S29. m. first, in 1854, Sarali L. Lamb, 1). in Fairfield, Vt., March 19, 1829, d. in Sturgis, Mich., Jan-. 7, 1880. m. second, Jan. 12, 1881, Emma Lamb, b. in Fairfield, Vt. He was a Methodist clergyman, pastor of tiie church in L. in 18(51 and 1862, and was engaged in this ministry- at the time of the first call foi- troops in l.SGl. His participation in the move- ment to meet the requisition is mentioned in Abbott's " History of the First Regiment," p. 89. He was appointed chaplain of the Seventeentli Regiment, Nov. 4, 1862, and was mustered out April 16, 1863. (See Hist. Seventeenth N. H. Regt.) The next day he was appointed chaplain of the Second Regiment, but declined the commission. He was ap- pointed chai)lain of the Twenty-ninth Regiment U. S. Colored Troops, Nov. 19, 1864, and served through the war with the regiment, was 32 BariDiiii — Ji'irrett. woundod at Hornuula Hundred, and mustered out Nov. G, I860. He is still engaged to some extent in the mitiistrv, and now resides at Petoskv, Mich. In tlie minutes of the Methodist Episcopal Conference for l.s:)2 he is mentioned among; the '•supernumeraries" in Michigan. Ch.,- 1. Ki.r.A JosEPHiNK, b. Concord, June 22, 18o5. m. March 16, 1870, J. Riley Smith, res. Quincy, Mich., farmer, ii. Caukie, b. Conioril, Dec. 0, 185G. m. Aug. 15, 1881, G. W. Browning, res. Decatur, Mich., druggist. iii. Grace, b. Teterboro, Oct. 15, 1859. BARNUM. 1. Gi:<»k<;k 1). H.VKXL.M. son of Charles J)., b. in Doston, Mass., 3Iuy, 1842. m. March 1, 1871, Sophia Eastman, dau. of Prescott Young. 1). in l.ishon, .Inly 11. 1843. She has res. in L. since 188"). He never res. in L. Shoe-criin|)er. Private, Co. C, r2th JMass. Inf.; Co. F, 3'.»th Mas.s. Inf.; Co. G, 32d Mas.s. Inf. G. A. K. d. in Aulnirn, Me.. Jan. 22, 18«4. Ch., — 2. i. ("iiAKi.i.s r„ b. Ashland, Mass., Jan. 4, 1872. ii. Geokgk II., b. Ashland, Mass., Nov. 11, 1873. iii. Mahel F., b. Boston, Mass., May 8, 1878. Student Boston Univ., 1901. iv. Ckack a., h. llvde Park, -Mass., Dec. 21, 187'J. Student Boston Univ., l'.KI2. 2. (n.vuLKs P. Baunu.m, son of George D.\ I), in Ashland, Mass., Jan. 1. 1S72. m. .Vug. 8, 1894, Martha Sophia, dau. of Curtis Bedell (See), b. in Bath, Aug. 3, 1873. He has res. in L. since 1889. Clerk. Kepidjlican. K. P. No chiUlren. BARRETT. 1. W'li.i.iAM B.VKKKTT of Cambridge, Mass., was a brother of John of Marlborough, and of Thomas of Cambridge and Mailljorough, and pos- sibly of kin to Humphrey Barrett of Concord, and to Thomas Ban-ett of Braintree and Clu'lmsford. Ho was a tailor and lived in Cambridge, near the College. He was a lieuti-nant in Philip's War, a Sehn-tman l')i'>. Sarah Champney, b. l()3s, dau. of Richard ClKunpney of Caml)ridge. She d: Aug. 21, lOdl ; he m. second, Jnne Hi, 1(;C2, Mary Barnard, b. Nov. 7. 1(;3:», dau. of John and i'hebe Barnard of Watertown. She d. March 2.S. 1 (;7;5 ; he in. Oct. X. lf;73, Mary Sparhawk, dau. of Nalhanii'l Jr. and Patience (Newman) Sparhawk. She d. Oct. 27. 1C.73 ; he m. fourth, Margaret Bartlett. He d. in Candiridge, .March 19, 1G.S9, ''aged about GD." Nine of his twelve chiliircn survived him. 2. S.\Mi 1.1. I'.AitKi.TT, son of William ' and iMary (liarnard ) Barrett, b. in C.-imbiidgc, Feb. 7, lG(;9-7(), m. in Bostoii, March s, 1G93-4, Sarah .Manning. He was a prosperttiis merchant in Boston and is frcfiuently named in the records. In 172(.) lie and others were granted leave to build a wharf which Itore his name. He d. July 22. 17.")3; his widow Sarah d. July 29, 1712. They iiad lifteen cliildren, and among them was Kev. Samuel Barrett, b. Dec. 9, 1700, Harvard Univ. 1721, first minister of IIopkiiit(jn, Mass. Barrett. 33 3. Geok(;e Barrett, son of Stviiinel -, b. in Bost, 1S94, Eva May, dau. of George Myron Bi'inis. 1). in L. .May :.'l. l.sTC. lie has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. DeuHJcrat. Ch., — i. Flovu R., b. L. Sept. 3, 1896. ii. Cakkie May, b. L. Aug. 2, IbUB, d. Aug. 8, 1898. BARTLETT. 6. Fk.\nk John Baktlett, son of William Benson, b. in Easton, N<)\. r.). li7'.» he established the ( iraflon County" Demociat." and conducted it livi' ycai's. He has been connecli-d with tiie Plymontli " Record " since issD. DeuKicrat. Town Clerk, Plymouth. lS7i>. Town Clerk, L.. IsCl -•_>-.".. J. 1'. A. F. and A. M. " No children. BASS. 3. Ii; \ .\m>i;i w liA--. son of Simeon, 1>. in Lancaster, June 1."), 1S4(). m. Dee. ;'.(», 1.S71. Deborah Jeannette. dau. of Reuben IMiillips (See), b. ill Bethlehem, March N, bs II . .Methodist. He has res. in L. since Ls71. i-'aniii'i- Deiiiocrat. Ch., — i, EixiAi: TitiMAN, 1). L. Feb. (1. IST'.. .1. I,. Sept. t. .Iidy 12, IGOl. M;u-ah Dennis, d. .lune 'iC. Kiljf). m. second, May 4, KiCO, Sarah Goodale. d. March •!■>, \~-l'.K He d. Dec. 17. IC'JS. 3. Davio liATCiiKLijji;, son of John -, b. in Wenhain, Mass. m. Susannah Whipple. He was Town Clerk of AVenham, 1 7 1 l-5-C)-7. With him came the change in the orthography of the surname. It had heen r.atcheller, with an c in the last syllal)le, l»ut afterwards it was Halchellor. the e i)econiing o hy the peculiar way i' was written at that time, thus r,ii. So ijie name Lee appeari'd to lie \j>(>. Uatcheller tie- came Hatelielhjr. (Hist, ol" Sutton, Mass. ; Hist, of Weuham. [). 1(»;}.) 4. Nkiikmiaii Batcukm.or. son of David'', h. in AVeniiam, Mass., May 20. 171(1. m. Sept. 8. ITo.s, K\perienc-e Perham. He was bap. May 27. 171('>, admitted to the ("ong. Church. Wenham, on })rofcssion of faith, .Ian. ;5(l. 17;;7 ((). S.): dismissed by letter to the church in CIrafliM). Mass.. where he afteiward res.. Dee. l-S. 17.")7. (Hist, of ( irafton. Mass.. p. -I,')!'.. ) 5. Nkhi.miaii r)Ar( iiKi.i.oK. son of Nehemiah''. I». in (Irafton. 3Iass., Oct. 2."». 1711. m. I.ncy Hayward. who d. in 1S22. He res. in that part of r.oxborough. Mass., which was foiuierly a part of Stow, and held many pulilic ollices in both towns. Rev. soldier. Lexington alarm, ('apt. Wm. Whitcomb's Co.. Col. James Lresc-otfs Hegt.. three • lays. Second Lieut, first Co. raised in Stow, duly 2. 177(). Capt. Silas Taylor's ;id Co., same I'ank and Co. as above. -1th Middle- sex, commissioned duly ;">, 177(;. Chosen by liist Co. in Stow Second Lieut, ("apt. Hayward's (.'o.. Col. Thatcher's Hegt. from 1th .Aliddlesex Kegt. Second Lieut. Capt. Robert Cutting's Co., Col. Mcintosh's Regt. R. I. alarm, one month and thirteen days service. (Jen. Lovell's Brigade. R. I. service. (.Alass. Rev. Ri'cords. ) He d. in 1.S22. His dan. Rei)ecca m. Klijaii \Vool>on (See i. His dan. Lydia m. Nathaniel Barrett (See). 6. Isaac Uaiciiki.i.ok. son of Neiu'iuiah '". m. Maiy AVetherbee. b. N"\. 7, 1770. and d. dune H. ls.">S. Slie m. second. John Holman. Isaac was one of the liist setllei-s of Betldeheui. coming there from Mass. at the end of llie l.-ist ct-ntiiry ; w;is prominent in the .alfairs of the infant town. lia\iug been niodi'ralor. selectman and collector. He d. by .accident in the prime of life, iu Bethlelu-m. June (I. INO;]. Tlie Isaac I)al<-lienor f.irm iu I'.etldeliem w;is constituted of Lot I. and the w. part of Lot .'), R. J. His dan. .Mary m. John Ihnt(See). Batchellor. 39 7. Stillmax Batchkllou, son of Isaac *^, h. in Lancaster. Mass., April 15, 179y. m. first, April 'J, 1820, Painelia, dau. of Levi Wlieeler, 1). in Bethlehem, Feb. 8, 1790, d. in Royalston, Mass., Nov. 4, 183:3. m. second, Oct. 29, 1835, Mary Jane, w. of Rev. Stephen H. Cntler (See), and dau. of Isaac and Mercy (Priest) Smith (See), b. in Brown- ington, Vt., Oct. 21, 1808. She m. third, Joel Bronson (See). Slie d. in L. Dec. 11, 1893. Her paternal grandfather served in Ashley's N. H. Beg. in the Rev. War, and her maternal grandfather, Joel Priest, in Bedel's Rangers, and Scammell's N. H. Regt. of Continental Line. She was a lineal descendant from Thomas Cushman of Plymouth Colony and his w. Mary AUerton, the last survivor of the Mayflower Co. Lineage is: (1) John Smith, Watertown, !Mass. ; (2) Thomas Smith, "Watertown ; (3) Jonathan Smith, Watertown ; (4) Capt. Jona- than Smith, Middleboro, Mass. ; (5) Jonathan Smith, Sr.. Surry ; (G) ]\Lij. Samuel Smith. I^Jrownington, Vt. ; (7) Lsaac Snjith. Brownington, Vt. (See). The Cushman lineage is: (Ij Rol)ert ; (2) Elder Thomas; (3) Rev. Isaac ; (4) Ichabod : (5) Experience, dau. of Ichabod, m. Jon- atiian Smith ^® (See) of Surry. ('Cushman Genealogy, 135.) Stillman came to Bethlehem at an early age with his parent.s, served in the War of 1812-15 in the 3d Regt. N. H. Detached Militia, full term of the Regt. Collector, 1843. Democrat, and later a Van Buren Indei)endent and Free-Soiler. Name appears on records of M. E. Church. Bethlehem, in 1828 ; was prominent in that church to 1858, when he identified himself exclusively with the INI. E. Church of L., which he had aided in estab- lishing. He was Steward and Trustee of the Betlilehera church most of the time for thirty years. As Bethlehem and L. formerly constituted one circuit, he worshipped at each place by alternate Sundays, and con- triliuted to the support of both churches for many years. He res. on the farm now known as the Glessner place, on West Hill, Bethlehem. from earl}' manhood until his death, except from the autumn of 1859 to the spring of 1861, when he was in L. He d. in Bethlehem. May 12, 1863. (Obituary by Rev. S. B. Quimbv in - Zion's Herald and Wes- leyan Journal," July 15, 1863.) Ch., by w. Paraelia, b. in Bethlehem, — i. William C. ii. Nehemiah. iii. Stillman. iv. Betsey Ann Wheeler. V. Levi Wheeler. The above five ch. d. in the epidemic of scarlatina in l'S32. Ch., by w. Mary Jane, b. in 13ethlehem, — vi. Jennett Cctler, b. Aug. 1!', 18.36. m. Ralph Bugbee' (See|. vii. Charles William, b. Oct. 28, 18.]8. unm. Farmer. Co. D, LJth N. H. Inf. Sergt. d. Point Lookout, Md., July 2, 1804, from wounds re- ceived at Proctor's and Kingsland Creeks. 8. viii. Albert Stillman, b. April 22, 1850. 8. Albert Stillman Batchellor. son of Stillman ". b. in Bethle- hem, April 22, 1850. m. Aug. 5, 1880, Harriet Anna, dau. of Allen Amasa Copeland (See), b. Almena. Mich., member L. Cong. Church, educated in LaCrosse, Wis., High School. He has res. in L. since 1«64. Educated in the common schools of L)ethlehem and L. ; Newbury. Vt., Seminary; Stanstead, P. Q., Academy; N. H. Conf. Seminary, Tilton. 40 Batrlnllor. Orad. Dart. Coll. 1H72. Coniniencod stud}- of law in 1872 with II. & (J. A. Biiigliain, and conipk'ted studies tliird year. I, when, with Harry Bingham and John M. .Mitchell, the firm of Bingham, Mitciiell. iS: Batchellor was formed. This firm continued busi- ness until .luly 1, 1^82. when William II. INIitehell joined it, and it was for a time Bingliam. Mitcliells & P.atcliellor, and later, from Jan. 1, 188;'). John M. Mitciiell having withdrawn to give more exclusive atten- tion to the ( 'oncurtl business, the L. firm was constituted of Harry I>iiig- ham. A. S. Batchellor, and W. II. .Alitchell. by tlie continued firm name of Bingham. .Mitchell i.t Batchellor. On the decease of Harry Bing- han). senior member of the firm, in September, 1900, the business was continued by ]Mr. Batchellor and W. II. Mitchell, under the firm name of Batchellor & ^litchell. Public positions held have l)een : Supt. Scho(jl Committee for town of L., 1873-4-5; member Board of Edu- cation, Union District, 1878 to 1880, inc. ; Assistant Clerk, State Senate, 1875: Representative three terms, 1877-8, annual, and l'S79- 81, biennial; Executive Councillor. 1S87-9, administration of Gov. Charles II. Sawyer; Trustee of N, II. State Library, 1.S88-1898; Ed- itor of .Siute Papers since 1890 ; Justice L. iNIiuiicipal Court since 1895 ; Trustee of L. Public Library most of the time since its establishment, and since 1896 Prest. of the Board; Chairman of ('ommittee on Town History ; Prest. L. Musical Assn.. 1S84-1.S85 ; A. F. and A. INI., .Master Burns Lodge, 1883 ; 1). D. (J. ]\I.. Fifth 3Iasonic District. ls.s5 ; K. T., St. (icrard Com. ; 32 A. A. S. R. ; Greek letter society in Dart. Coll., K. K. K., and Priuiarius of same, 1881 and '97 ; Prest. of Alumni Assn., X. H. Conference Seminary, 1.S85-90; Prest. of Dart. Class of 1872 since 1892. The Legislative Reports in the official publications and daily papi-rs of the sessions of 1S77-S-9 contain al)stracts of his discussions of numerous measuies in the Legislature. Briefs and legal arguments in eases in which he and his firm have bt-en engaged aw cited in N. II. Re|)orts, \"ols. 58 to 68. Many papers in more general literature have emanated from him. Some of the best known of these are: "Report on the Schools of L.. 1.S75 ; " "'Hist, of the Class of 1.S68, N. H. Conlerence Seminary, 1885;" "Edward Dean Rand," memorial address i)efore G. & C. Bar Assn., 1886; " R<'lations of the Town and tiie State," historical address L. Cen. ISSl ; ''The Profes- sion of Meilieine in L." a historical review, 1S.S7: "The Administra- tion of liie Law in (ii-afton Co.," a historical sketch in Child's (iaz. of Giaflon Co.. l^.sd: "Joseph Emerson Dow," the first lawyer settled in L.. '"Granite .Montidy."' ls,s7; ••Jeremy L. Cross," a biographical sketch, •* Gi-anite Monthly," 1H,S7; '-Report of a Committee of tln' E.\ecuti\e Council on the revision of the record of N. II. Soldiers :in61, and the Resjtonse at L.." .Memmial Day address, pul». in Altboli's Hist. First N. II. Reg.. 1.S90 ; ••The Public BafchrUor — Batehelder. 41 Library as a IJari'ier against Useless and \^icious Tjiterattire,'" an ad- dress at L., 1(S',)!>; "The War All)um in liie State House," :i hisrorical and biographical [)a|)er, Vol. 16, " (Jranite Monthly,"' 18!)4; "• .loliii Farr," a memoir, (i. & C. liar Assn., 18lt4; "• The Adn)inistralion of L. I). Barrows and George J. Jiidkins," a historical address at the semi-centennial of the N. 11. Conference Seminary, 18!)o ; "•' Fraternal Organization as an l']lement in the Development of the New England Towns," a historical address at Lebanon, LSDC) ; " Report for the Board of Trustees of the N. H. State Library." l.S'.)6 ; " The Development of the Courts in N. II. from the Province Period." a liistoi-ical review, Kurd's N. E. States, their Constitutional, Judicial, Ediuuitional, C-om- mercial. Professional, and Industrial History, ]8!)7, Vol. IV., [)}). 2'205-231;") ; The same condensed in a contribution to the New York JMedico- Legal JournaU 1899 ; " Notes on the Political anar Assn., 19(K) : "The Establishment and Develoimient of a JModern New England T(jwn." address at the cen- ti'unial of the incor[)oration of the town of Bethlehem, 1899. Since his appointment as editor of vState Papers he has brought out eleven vols, of the series, and has three more in active preparation. He has also been identified in an ollicial caiiacity with many other publications, notably, "'The Dartmouth JMagazine," 1871-1872 ; " The Littleton Cen- tennial," 1.S87; "The N. H. Historical Society Proceedings," Vol. I. ; " L. Municipal Reports;" "The Ci. & C. Bar Assn. Proceedings," and the " N. 11. Revised Record of Soldiers and Sailors in tiie War of the Reliellion." Ch., b. iuL.,— i. Stillman, 1). Dec. 1, 1H82. ii. Rertiia, 1). Nov. 17, liS!-!4. iii. Fred Copeland, b. June 21, 1887. (('han<;e of name, baws of IS'.'o, p. 485.) BATCHELDER. ''1. Stk.imii-.x B.\(jn[i>i'.u, Ik in I'Jigland, 1560, Oxford, ir)8(;. Vicar of Wherwell, Hants. I,").s7-1('>0;"), eniigratecl to New England, landing at Boston, June 5, 1G.')2. He founded the town of IIani[)ton, Ki.'iS, and was the first pastor of the church and minister of the town. About 42 Batchelder. l»;.Vl lie n'tiinu'd to Knfj;l:ini], wlicrc lio d 16G0, in tlio lOOUi year of his aiif. ( lialclifldtT. Hatcla-lier GeiK'iilogy ; Dew's ••History of IIaiii|itoii." ) 2. Naiiiamki. liAiciiKi. 1.1:1:. 1). mill d. in Kn<,daiid. 3. Natiianiki- Hatcmki.dku, son of Nathaniel -. b. in Kn. .liil\- 21. KJ^s, dan. of Hev. Thomas Carter and widow of .lohn Wyman, "of Wol)iirn. m. third. Oct. •_':], ir.H9, Eli/.al)elh Kniih widow of .lohn Kiiill. lie d. in Hampton. .Ian. 2. 1710. 4. .Sn.i'iU'N Hati UKi.DKi;, li. in Hampton, March «, 1G7.J. m. Ang. •J.'i. lt;i»s. .Mary Dcarhorn, 1). May G. 1G7H, dan. of John and Mary (Ward) Dt'arliorn. He was a soldier in the Indian wars and a life-long rcsi. lent of Hampton. He d. Sept. l'.». 174.S. b. .I'-iiN I'.AK iiKi.hKK. son of .Stephen \ ii. Ang. 24, 1G91). m. March IS, I72."i. Klizal)cth Monlton, b. Sept. 10. 1G99, dan. of .losiah aixl Klizal)eth (\\'orthington) Moulton, of Hampton. He lived near Little Hoar's Head. 6. Xaiiiami.i. 1>at('Iikli)i;k, son of .loliir'', 1). May 2G. 1726, m. Nov. 1;, 17l(;, Abigail Philbrick. 1). .Ian. K;, 1729. dan." of Nathan and Dorcas (.lohnson) Philbrick, of Hamilton and K\e. He removed (s.ays < Jenealogy) to Noltingliam. Perhaps Deerfield. 7. Nathaniki. Hatchki.pkk, son of Nathaniel*"', date of liirlh and reci)rd of marriage not fonnd. .Soldier in Continental Line. 8. .Iami;s Hatchki.dkk, son of Nathaniel', was a physician, lived in Bath and Lyman. His first wife was Eli/.abeth ^huston. He m. sec- ornl. Hannah Sonthworth, who d. in Lyman, l.si;3. 9. (Jtis Kkkkman Batcheldkk, son of Dr. James ^, m. Mav 2."), 1-'2 1. Lucrelia Labaree. b. in Cluirlestown. Dec. 27, 1794, dan. of Henjamin and Hannah (Farwell) Labaree, and sister of the wife of Isaac Abbott, and a sister of Benjamin Labaree, president of Middle- itiiry College. .She was a granddaughter of Peter Labaree, who was captured by the Indians in Charleslown, 1754. In his vouth Otis lived a few years in L. He was an api)rcntice of Peter Bonnev, a tanner. I'or several years succeeding his marriage he lived in Bed- ford, returning to this town in 1835. He was a tanner, and subse- (piently he conducted a shoe store. In later years he wrote the name Otis rJatchelder. He d. May 21, l.sG9 : his" wife d. Dee. 31. 1S6G. Selectman. 1h49. Lniversalist. Republican. I. O. O. F.. N. (J. A. 1". and A. M., Morning Dawn and Burns Lodge. Ch.. b in Bedford,— i. .Tank Moouk, 1>. .Inl.v L'.'^, 182.'j. iii.*( "Imrles Wliitc Ix'atid (See), ii LccRKTiA. I) .Miircli VI. 1H27. 111. ('Iitirlo.s White Bra<'kott (.^oc). in iii. (rEoHGF. Frkkkric, l». .laii. Iti. ls_'!t 10. (JkoI!<,k FKF.ni-.Kii BArciir.i,i>i;K. >on of Otis-', b. in Bedford, .Fan. IG, 1m-_>!i. m. 0<-l. lo. 1.S55. Amelia F., dan. of Joseph Beane, b. in Lyme, .Inly, 1.S37. He came to L. with his parents in l'S35, and remained liere most of the time until he was 17. Attended public and Bati-licIiJer — Bean. 43 private schools in L. dining tluit period. At the age of 18 attended St. Johnsbiu'v Academy, and in Oct., 1848, engaged as clerk witli Bnrbank & Langdon, Montpelier, Vt., remaining there four years. In 1852 went to Passaic, N. J., and tauglit school about three years. In 1855 returned to L., and l)ought the store of J. W. Balch (l)rick store), running it until 1857, when he sold, and removed to F'aribault, Minn., where he was engaged in mercantile business 18 years. At different times was Trustee of School Board, Dea. Cong. Church, Supt. Sunday School, Co. Conniiissioner, Regent State University, and Trustee of the State Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Institute. Was a member of the Minn. Senate in 1808-9. In 1874 he sold out, and moved to Chicago, where he was partner in tiie machinery house of Greenlee, Batchel- der, & Co., one year. In 1879 he moved to I^eadville, Col., and made a careful stud}' of the mining business, and has ever since been inter- ested in it. In 1888 he removed with his family to Denver, Col., his present home. In 1889 Mr. Batchelder joined with others in organ- izing the Col. Mining Stock Exchange, and was elected Prest. the first year, during which time work was commenced on the beautiful building known as the Mining Exchange. Republican. Cong. Since the age of 10, Mr. Batchelder has written verses. Among them are " Sloan Lee," "Jacob Strouse," and '■'•The Flag." His latest is a metrical letter to the Littleton committee, describing his old home of fifty years ago as he remembers it. Ch., — i. Lizzie Lue, b. Farilmult, Minn., Nov. 21, 1857. ni. April, I880, Wil- liam L. Martin, res. Minneapolis, iNIinn. ii. Clara Burbank, b. Faribault, Minn., Due. 1871. BEAN. 1. John Bean emigrated to America and res. in Exeter, where he d. about 1718. He m. before coming to America, and lost his w. on the passage, or soon after his arrival, m. second, about 1660, Margaret , a Scotch-Irish Presbyterian girl, said to have come over in the same vessel. 2. Jamks Bkan, son of John ^ b. in Exeter, Dec. 17, 1672, was twice ra., and Edward ^ was a son by his first w., name unknown. He had at least six ch. by his second w. Her descendants are numerous. James d. in Kingston, Jan. G, 1733. 3. Edward Bean, son of James", b. in Exeter, between 1G90 and 1695. Name of w. unknown. Selectman of Nottingliam, 1730—4. d. in Nottingham. 4. Edward Bean, son of Edward^, b. in Exeter, a))out 1722. m. first, Elizabeth . m. second, Joanna, dau. of John and Sarah (Godfrev) Redman, baptized in Hampton, Aug. 27, 1732, d. Jan. 18, 1784. Edward d. in Gilmanton, Feb. 24, 1807. 5. Levi Bean, son of Edward'', 1). in Nottingham, March 10, 17G5. m. Oct. 14, 1784, Elizabeth, widow of Abraham Folsom and dau. of John Moody, b. March 13, 1756, d. July 31, 1838. P:ight ch. Levi d. in Chelsea, "Vt., Nov. 17, 1842. 44 Bean. 6. David Bean, son of Levi ^, b. in Gilmanton, Jan. 25, 1786. m. first, INIav arnet. During the forty years of successful ministry he was an efficient promoter of schools, and was pres. of the trustees of Peacham Academy. He m. 1856 Margaret Sophia Neilson, dau. of John and Mary (Finlay) Neilson of Ryegate, Vt. Lie d. March 12, 1884. 2. William Johnstone Beattie, son of James Milligan \ b. in Rye- gate, Vt., Sept. 6, 1865. m. May 29, 1890, ElizabetirArnold, dau.' of Charles M. Tuttle (See), b. in L. July 27, 1866. Unitarian. Graduated Beck — Bedell. 47 from L. High School, 1884. Attended St. Johiisbury Aeadem\-, 1885. He has res. in L. since May, 1889. Received his acadeuiicul educa- tion at St. Johnsburj', Vt., and then spent four years in Bellevue IIos- l)ital Medical College, N. Y. City. Physician. Re[»iiblican. Hoard of Health, 1891. Representative,' 1899-1900. K. V. Ch., b. in L., — i. Marcaret, b. Jan. 18, 1891. ii. Barbara, b. Doc. 28, 1897. BECK. 1. James W. IhccK. b. in London, Eng., Jan. 3, LSoT. ni. .Ian. 22, 1878, Caroline Ivia, dau. of Andrew Lafrance, b. in Durham, P. Q., May 6, 1860. He has res. in L. since 1893. Farmer. Cii.,— i. Charles Benson, b. Canada, Sept. 1, 1879. ii. James William, b. Dec. 11, 1884. iii. Ernest Edward, b. March 3, 1886. iv. Stella I'earl, b. Nov. 4, 1890. v. Susan E., b. L. Aug. 12, 1894. BEDELL. 1. Charles Warren Bedell, son of Timothy and grandson of Cyrus, b. in Bath, May 23, 1839. ni. Aug. 29, 1855, Mai'v Evaline, dau. of Human Pennock, b. Feb. 1, 1843, d. April IG, 1.S96' He has res. in L. since 1868. Farmer. Republican. Selectman, 1S89. J. P. Master White Mt. Grange, 1889-90-1. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. No ch. BEDELL. 2. Thomas Judson Bedell, son of Abram, b. in Gardiner, Me., July 30, 1834. m. Oct. 16, 1855, Amanda, dau. of Ransome Hicks, b. June, 1838. He has res. in L. most of the time since 1882. Farmer. Baptist. Republican. Ch., b. in Jefferson, — i. Susie E., b. Feb. G, 1857. m. Sept. 2, 1876, Willie Lucas, res. Lancaster. 3. ii. Lewis E., b. Aug. 30, 1860. 4. iii. Arthur J., b. Nov. 5, 1807. 3. Lewis E. Bedell, son of Thomas Judson'-, b. in Jefferson, Aug. 30, 1860. m. Jan. 5, 1887, Jennie INI., dau. of Amos K. Chase, b. in L, April 26, 1868. He has res. in L. since 1882. Keeps livery stable. Republican. J. P. K. P. Ch.,— i. Vina D., b. L. March 3, 1888. 4. Arthur J. Bedell, son of Tiionias Judson ^, b. in Jefferson. Nov. 5, 1867. m. Oct. 10, 1887, Bertha, dau. of Jeremiah Williams, b. in Lisbon, June 10, 1871, He has res. in L. since 1882, Painter. K. P. Ch.,— i. Nina, b. L. Jan. 10, 1889. 48 BedcU — Beehe. BEDELL. 5. Curtis Bedell son of William, b. in Bath, May 30, 1843. m. Dec. 19, 1863, Caroline Elizabeth, dau. of Henry G. Bruce, b. in Peachara, Vt., Aug. 8, 1847. Cong. Pie has res. in L. since 1867. Farmer. Republican. Co. C, loth N. II. Regt. Corp. Co. H, 1st N. H. H. Art. G. A. R. Ch.,— i. Florence Elizabeth, b. Bath, April 28, 1865. m. first, Nov. 2.S, 1883, Archie Sunsburj'. Divorceil. m. second, Noble Patterson (See). 6. ii. Carlos Henry, b. Bath, May 1, 1S66. iii. LuLA Emma, b. L. Sept U, 1871. ni. John W. Farr, Jr. (See). iv. Martha Sophia, b. Bath, Aug. 3, 1873. m. Chas. P. Barnuin (See). 6. Carlos IIenuy Bedell, son of (Jurtis®, h. in Bath, May 1, 186G. m. Oct. 16, 1890, Myrtle May, daiu of Albert George, b. in L. Oct. 10, 1873. He has res. in L. since 1867. Farmer. Republican. Ch.,— i. Verne Ellsworth, b. L. Oct. 11, 1892. ii. Carlos H., b. L. July 4, 1897. BEEBE. 1. Geor<;e Beebe, sou of Richard, b. in Bacomb, Somersetshire, Eng., June 9, 1828. m. first, Dec. 7, 1853, Minerva J., dau. of John Hunt, b. in Gilford, Jan. 4, 1836, d. in Chichester, March 18, 1.S71. m. second, Feb. 10, 1874, Ardelle O., dau. of Charles C. Knapp (See), b. in Lisbon in 1849, who m. second, Samuel J, ]\Iead. Meth- odist and niissionarj' in Melange, South Africa. Mr. Beebe res. in L. from 1872 to 1874 as pastor of M. E. Church. He came to America in 1839, studied nu'dicine and practised in Brooklj'n. Served as soldier in the IMe.Kican War, and as warrant surgeon in the War of the Rel)el- lion. At the close of the war he gave up the practice of medicine and entered into mission work on the Isles of Shoals. In 1867 he joined the N. II. Conference, and having been ordained an elder, he was ex- cused from the usual course of study and was assigned to the Isles of Shoals for two years. Representative, 1866-7-8-9. In 1870 he was assigned to ( ■hichester ; in 1.S72 to L. ; 1874 to Lisbon ; 1876 to Bethle- hem, where he d. March 10, 1877. Republican. Ch., — 1. Minerva Deborah, b. Mt. Morris, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1854. m. Wilber F. Kobins (See). ii. MiTTY, b. Gosport, July 18, 18-5C), d. Newcastle, June 23, I860. iii. Millie, b. Gosport, June 27, 185'J, d. Newcastle, June 12, 1863. Iv. Jessie, b. Gosi)ort, Aug. .'], 1801, d. Newcastle, March 30, 1863. V. William A., b. Gosport, Jan. 8, 1801. unm., res. L. Glover, vi. Martha, b. Newcastle, Feb. 23, 1800. m. J:iu. 1, 1873, Asliter D. Ross, res. Fitcliburg, Mass. vii. G. Richard, b. Concord, Jan. 21, 1868. res. N. Y. City. Printer, viii. George, b. Chichester, Dec. 7, \H]9, d. Chichester, Oct. 25, 1871. Belanger — Belknap — BeUowa. 49 BELANGER. 1. CiiAKKKS Belanokk, SOU ol" .Jos('i)h. 1). ill Cnnadn,, Jan. lo, ISiU). 111. (';uoliiio, d;ui. of floliii CoytT, 1). in Canada, Sept. 17, 184D, Hoinaii Catholic. He has res. in L. .since IS.SO. Fanner. Koiiian Cath(jlic. Ch.. Edward, b. Canada, Marcli 17, 187G. Peter, b. Canada, Sept. ?>(), 1880. Jennie, b. L. Aii<;-. i», 1882. Maud, b. L. Oct. 0, 1H8G. Louise, b. L. Feb. 28, 1887. Maggie, b. L. May 11, 1890. Levi, b. L. Nov. 15, 1892. BELKNAP. 1. Geohge Belknap,, b. in Danville, Canada, about 1847. in. Jennie L., dau. of Noah W. Ranlett (See), b. in L. Oct. 11, 1849. Methodist. He res. in L. onh' a short time. d. in Denver, Col, about 1881. Black- smith. Democrat. A. F. and A. M. Ch.,— i. Annie I)., b. Bethkdiem, July 30, 1870, d. L. April 26, 1874. ii. Catherine M., b. L. Aug. 13, 1874. m. Robert Flympton Peckctt (See). BELLOWS. 1. John Bellows, b. in England, 1G23, embarked in the "• Hope- well," of London, William Burdock, master, for New England, April 6, 1635. He resided in Concord and Marlborough, Mass. He m. May 9, 16r)5, Mary Wood, dau. of John Wood. They had ten children. He d. in Marlborough, 1683, his will being dated June 19 and proved Oct. 2 of that year. She d. Sept. 16, 1707. 2. 15enjamin Bellows, youngest child of John and jNIary (Wood) Bellows, was b. in Concord, Mass., Jan. 18, 167G/7. He m. ,Jaii. fj, 1703/4, Dorcas (Cutler) Willard, widow of Henry Willard, son of Major Simon Willard. By her first mai'riage she was the mother of Col. Josiah Willard of Lunenburg, and later of Winchester. Benjamin Bellows resided in Lancaster until al)oiit 1728, when he removed to Lunenburg, where he d. March 19, 1750. She d. Sept. 8, 1747. They were parents of one son and three daughters. 3. CoL. Bexjamix Bellows, only son of Benjamin ^, was born in Lancaster, Mass., May 26, 1712. His name is boldly written in the annals of Lunenl)urg, Mass., where he lived until about 1752, when he removed to Walpole, N. H., and is justly called the founder of the town. He d. July 10, 1777. (See Bellows Genealogy, by Thomas Bellows Peck.) He tn. Oct. 7, 1735, Abigail Stearns, b. Watertown, Mass., June. 1708, dau. of John and Abigail (Fiske) Stearns, and a sister of Rev. David Stearns of Lunenburg; slie d. Nov. 9, 1757. He m. sec- ond, April 21, 175S, I\Liry (Hubbard) Jcnnison, b. April 12, 1725. dau. of Major Jonathan and Rebecca (^Brown) Hubbard, and widow of John VOL. II. — 4 50 Bellows. Jennison. She was a sister of the wife of Rev. David Stearns, and also a sister of the wives of Col. Joseph Blanchard and Col. Josiah Willard. She d. Feb. 21, 1794. 4. Col. Joseph Bellows, son of Col. Benjamin •'* and Abigail (Stearns) Bellows, was b. in Lunenburg, Maj' 26, 1744. He returned to Lunenburg, 1762, and was a prominent resident of that town about twenty years. lie d. in Langdon, N. H., May 22, 1817. He m. Oct. 3, 1764, Lois Whitney, b. 1744, dau. of Salmon and Sarah Whitney of Littleton. Mass. She d. in Walpole, March 26, 1834. 5. Major Joseph Bellows, fifth of the fourteen children of Col. Joseph*, was b. in Lunenburg, Nov. 3, 1770. In early life he settled in Wal[)ole, where he was an active, useful citizen. About 1812 he re- moved to Rockingham, Vt. He d. March 22, 1821. He m. Jan. 7, 1794, Deboi-ah Wi-ight, who d. Sept. 9, 1802. He m. second, Jan. 2, 1803, Mary Adams, b. July 17, 1774, dau. of Rev. Zabdiel and Eliza- beth (Stearns) Adams. She d. May 26, 1859. Ch. by w. Deborah, — i. ii. and iii. rl. young. iv. Gkokge, b. April 24, 1799, grad. Dart. Med. School, 1826. After a brief practice of liis profession, he d. Hartford, Vt., Jan. 15, 1830. V. Eliza, b. Sept. 13, 1801. ni. Calvin Ainsworth (See). Cli. by w. Mary, — (3. vi. Henry Adams, b. (Jet. 2-5, 1803. vii. Mary Steakns, b. Oct. 2(3, 1808, d. Sept. 15, 1809. viii. Frances Ann, b. April 18, 1813. Teacher, d. Dec. 22, 1836, L., at tlie liome of her brotjier. Judge Bellows. 7. i.x. William Joseph, b. Rockingiiain, Vt., July 3, 1817. 6. Henry Adams Bellows, son of Joseph^, b. in Walpole Oct. 25, 1803. He attended the public schools of Walpole and the Academy at Windsor, Vt, and studied law with Hon. William C. Bradley of West- minster, Vt. He was admitted to the bar 1826. He began the practice of his profession in Walpole, but removed, 1828, to this town, where he resided until 18.50, when he removed to Concord. He was the senior meinlier of the law firm of Henry A. and William J. Bellows, Littleton, 1848 to 1850, and of Henry A. and A. Herbert Bellows, Concord, 1853 to 1859. He was appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Sept. 23, 1859, and Chief Justice. Oct. 1, 1869, succeeding Judge Per- ley. He was moderator, Littleton, 1829, 1835 to 1838; Whig candi- date for Congress, 1847. He represented Littleton in the legislature, 1839, and Concord, 1856 and 1857, serving as chairman of the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. He received from Dartmouth College the degree of A.M., 1859, \and of LL.D., 1869. Unitarian. Whig. Re- publican. His published works include: Opinions in N. II. Reports, Vols. XXXIX. to LIII. ; Briefs in Supreme Court, Vol. V. of printed Rei)orts to Vol. XXXI. inc. (" Memorial Sermon at Concord " b}' Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D.D. ; " Bellows Genealogy," by Thomas Bel- lows Peck ; '* Narratives and Traditions of the Bellows Family," by Emil}' R. Barnes ; " History of Walpole," by George Aldrich ; " Ap- pleton's Cyclopi>idia of American Biography ; " " Bench and Bar of New Hampshire," by Charles H. Bell ; " Sketch," by James R. Jackson, Bellow a. 61 Grafton Co. "Gazetteer;" ''Address," by Jeremiali Smith, Grafton & Coos Bar Association, Vol. 1.; "Reminiscences,"' by Arthur Liver- more, (iraft(jn & Coos Bar Association, Vol. III.) Mr. Bellows m. June IG, 1830, Cathaiine Walley Bellows, b. July 1, ISl.O, dan. of Josiah and Rebecca (Sparhawk) Bellows. She d. in Lit- tleton, June 24, 1848. Ch., b. in L.,— i. JosiAii, b. June 5, 1837. m. Dec. 22, 1867, Helen Ann BrDwn. In 18(55 lie received an ai)p(>intment in the Treasury l)e()arliiieMt, Washington, D. 0., ami has acceptably filled the position to the present time, ii. Stella Louisa, b. Oct. 8, 1889. ni. Charles P. Sanborn (See). iii. Frances Ann, b. Nov. 15, 1841. in. Charles P. Sanborn (See). iv. Henry Adams, b. Sept. 27, 1843, d. L. March 17, 1848. 8. V. John Adams, b. May 27, 1848. 7. WiLLi.^M JosKpii Bellows, son of Joseph °, b. in Rockingham, Vt., July 3, 1817. m. Aug. 12, 1847, Caroline Ivah, dau. of Sampson Bul- lard (See), b. in Concord, April 9, 1821. Unitarian, d. in L. July 22, 1890. He has res. in L. since 1831. He commenced studying law with his brother, Henry A., in 1842, was admitted to the bar at Haverhill in 1845, practised in firm of Henry A. & William J. Bellows, from 1848 to 1850; then alone until 1854; then with John Farr until 1860, when he retired from legal practice. He was appointed Postmaster of L. in 1861, and held the office until 1868. He then entered the hardware firm of H. L. Tilton & Co., where he remained until 1870. In 1870 the firm of Bellows Bros. & Co. was formed and continued to 1873, when it was changed to Bellows & Son, and is now doing business. Other posi- tions he has held in L. are : Member of Board Education, Union Dist., 1868-9 & 1879 to 1887 inc.; Prest. of Board from 1880 to 1887 inc. ; Editor "People's Journal" from June 28, 1861, to June 4, 1864; Brigade Quartermaster with rank of Major, under Gen. E. O. Kenney, and Brigade Inspector under Gen. Hutchins. J. P. State. Unitarian. Whig and Republican. (Biography by James R. Jackson, in Grafton Co. "Gazetteer," p. 108.) Ch., b. in L., — i. Marv Adams Patterson, b. Jan. 12, 1849. unm., res. L. 0. ii. William Henry, b. Aug. 5, 18.52. 10. iii. George Sampson, b. Oct. 25, 1855. 8. John Adams Bellows, son of Henry Adams *, b. in L. May 27, 1848. m. Nov. 6, 1878, Isabel, dau. of Charles S. Francis, b. N. Y. City, Jan. 25, 1853. He was educated in Concord public schools, the preparatory school of Antioch College, and grad. from Dart. Coll. in 1870. He commenced studying theology with Rev. George S. Merriam of Springfield, Conn., in 1870, and was ordained at Waterville, Me., June 6, 1878, as a Unitarian minister. He was settled in Waterville, Me., May, 1878, and remained there until Nov. 1883, when he was in- stalled as pastor of the Second Unitarian Church of Portland. Me. He is now teaclier of a school for girls in Boston. Among his literary works published are essays and sermons in the " Unitarian Review," and in Portland and Waterville (Me.) papers; articles in "Merry's Museum," "Little Corporal," "Youth's Companion," and other chil- dren's magazines between 1860 and 1870 ; wrote constantly for the 52 Bellows — Bemis. " Dartmouth " while in College, and was editor during a part of the senior year; from 1872 to 1876 was literar}- editor of "The Lib- eral Christian." For a year or two he was chairman of the Unitarian IMissionary Counnittee for Me., and was one of the Superintending School Committee for Waterville, Me., about a year and a half. In Coll. he was a member of the Tri Kappa Society. Ch., — i. Henry Adams, b. Portland, Me., Sept. 22, 1885. 9. William Henry Bellows, son of William Joseph ', b. in L. Aug. 5, 1852. m. Dec. 9, 1880, Lucia Emma, dau. of Jedediah Miller Bald- win (See), b. Stratford. April 21, 1858, Baptist. He has res. here all his life. Merchant. He is member of tlie firms Bellows & Sou and the Littleton View Co. Republican. Universalist. Deputy Sheriff, 1876- 7-8. Member Board of Education, Union Dist., 1890 to 1896 inc. Treas. L. Musical Assn., 1878 to 1883 inc. Director L. National Bank, 1892 to date. Director L. Shoe Co. since 1898. Representative, 1897-8. J. P. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T. St. Gerard Com. 32° A. A. S. R. Ch. b. in L.,— i. Edith Marion, b. May 28, 1884. ii. Harold Arthur, b. June 20, 1890. iii. Raymond A., b. June 3, 1898. 10. George Sampson Bellows, son of William Joseph \ b. in L. Oct. 25, 1855. m. Nov. 15, 1880, Esther Augusta Young, b. in L. Dec. 1, 1855, dau. of Cyrus Young (See). He d. in L. Aug. 7, 1900. Since 18.S3 he conducted, in partnership with his brother William Henry, the Littleton View Comi)any, and was interested in the firm of Bellows & Son. Unitarian. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Carrie Louise, b. Dec. 19, 1881. BEMIS. 1. Hexky Bemis, son of Joim and Hannah (Warren) Bemis, was b. in Weston, Mass., Jan. 28, 1750/51. He removed to Nelson in 1773. He was a Rev. soldier, and wounded in the battle of Lexington ; was also in the battle of Bunker Hill as a private in Capt. Jeremiaii Stiles' Co., Col. Paul Sargeant's Regt. (Mass.) ; also private Capt. Joseph I'arker's Co., Col. Enoch Hale's Regt., Ticonderoga expedition; also private Cai)t. James Lewis' Co., Col. Enoch Hale's Regt., R. I. expedi- tion. In 1788 he came to L. from Nelson. He m. Susannah Nin-se, b. Dec. 26, 1749, dau. of Benjamin Nurse * (See). She d. in L. Oct. 20, 1843. He kept a tavern in North L., where he d. June 24, 1833. Ch..— i. Susanna, b. Nelson, Feb. 24, 1774. ni. Joseph Wheat Morse (See). 2. ii, John, b. Nelson, Jan. 12, 1770. 3. iii. Zen AS Le Houukeau, b. Nelson, April 18, 1779. 4. iv. Daniel, b. Nelson, July 19, 1782. V. Polly, b. Nelson, Sept. 7, 1785. m. John Hunter. 5. vi. Benjamin, b. Charlestown, June 23, 1788. vii. Nabby, b. L. April 2, 1791. m. Nov. 18, 1810, Howard Wheeler, viii. RoxANA, b. L. April 21, 1794. m. Alvin Stowe (See). Bcmis. 53 2. John Bkmls, son of Henry ', b. in Nelson, .Ian. 12, 1770. ni. I\Iay 27, 1798, Polly Hudson. He res. in L. from I7.S8 until he d. about 1811. Fanner. He was lost while hunting for a bear that had been caught in a tra|). and tlie third day after was found in an exhausted con(iition near Alder Brook. He started on the hunt Oct. i), 1804. He never fully recovered, and d. some seven years later. (See Hist. Bethlehem, bv Rev. S. Bolles, pp. 77 to 86.) Ch., b. in L., — i. LuciNDA, b. Sept. 9, 1798. ii. SiiSAXNA. 1). .July G, 1801. m. Ezrii Brixiks (.Sec). iii. .loiiN, rt's. L. G. iv. Is.\AC, 1). .June :50, 1808. iii. Siltiia Hudley uiul Lydia Wliipple (See). 3. Zexas Le Bouuuk.vu Bkmis, son of Henry ', 1). in Nelson, April I'S, 177i>. m. first, Sallv Symonds, d. in L. Aug. "i.S, ISOs. m. secoud. Feb. 12, 1800, Millie Wheeler. He res. in L.^from 1 78.S to 181, S. Ch., 1)V w. Sally, b. in L., — i. Lydia, b. May 2^, 1800. m. Ezra dates - (See). ii. Polly, b. Oct. 20, 1801. iii. Prudence Hubbard, b. Feb. 28, 1803. iv. Harris Nurse, b. Oct. 21, 1804. V. Ralph Symonds, b. Sept. 20, 1806. ni. 4. Daniel Bemis, son of Henry \ b. in Nelson, July 19, 17,S2. in 1802, Charlotte Shearman, d. Clear Creek, N. Y. He res. in L. from 1788 to 1841. Farmer. Whig. Lived on first [)lace north of ceme- tery at No. Littleton. Ch.. b. in L.,— i. Henry, b. June 16, 180.3, d. L. about 1825. ii. Hiram, b. Nov. 27, 1804, d. L. about 1825. iii Louisa, b. Nov. 7, 1806, d. L. about 1826. iv. Annis, d. about 1825. v. Ash, d. Clear Creek, N. Y. vi. .JoTHAM 8. 111. Susan \V. Farr, d. Clear Creek, N. Y. Farmer. App. Lieut. 5th Co., 32d Hegt. N. H. Militia, April 8, 1839. vii. BiGELOW. viii. Mary' Ann. m. 1830, Horace Wliite. in. second, David Kelley, Clear Creek, N. Y., farmer. ix. Ruth. m. March 15, 1830, .lolni Morris, d. Clear Creek, N. Y. 5. Benjamin P)Emis, son of Henry ^ b. in Charlestown, .lune 23. 1788. m. 1.S07, Esther Ballon, d. in 111. He res. in L. from 1788 until he d., Sept. 17, 1847. Farmer. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — 7. i. James Ballou, b. March 31, 1808. ii. Laura, b. Feb. 1810, d. L. April 2, 1812. iii. Sanford Madison, b. Dec. 28, 1811, d. L. Aug. 21, 1813. iv. Laura, b. Jan. 1814, d. L. Aug. 21, 1815. V. Benjamin Franklin, b. April 17, 1816. m. Elutliera Woods, res. Hye- gate, Vt. Farmer, vi. Francis Wyman, b. Dec. 2, 1823. m. June 7, 1848, Sarah Farr, d. 111. Farmer. She d. 1886. vii. Brigham Pike, b. May 13, 182'J, d. 111. Farmer. 6. Isaac Bemis, son of John ^, b. in L. June 30. 1808. m. first, April 14, 1831, Selena Hadley, b. June 15. 1811, d. in L. April 9, 1846. m. second, April 22, 1848, "Lydia Wlii[)ple. b. IMareh 3. ISOO, d. L. 54 Bemis. May 18, 1874. He res. in L. all his life, and d. Jan. 14, 1878. Laborer. Free Baptist. Republican. Ch., b}' w. Selena, b. in L., — i. Caroline P., b. Feb. 6, 1832. in. Warren L. Bartlett (See). ii. Mary M., b. Dec. 30, 1833. m. Oct. 30, 1857, John S. Perkins, res. Holderness, farmer, iii. Elvira J., b. Jan. 8, 1837. m. Aug. 22, 1891, Hosea F. Hawkins, res. Meredith, farmer, iv. Laura A., b. June 3, 1840. m. July 7, 1861, Bcniah D. Plaisted, res. Meredith, merchant. V. Olive A., b. Nov. 16, 1842, d. L. March 4, 1849. vi. Olive E., b. 1843, d. Meredith, March 4, 1849. 8. vii. George Myron, b. Aug. 29, 1844. 7. James Ballou Bemis, son of Benjamin^, b. in L. March 31, 1808. pub. April 1, 182stead. Slie m. second, Robert Eaton. Simon res. in L. from 1847 to 1855. Wool dver and dresser, d. Wilton, April 28, 1866. Ch , — i. Edward Prehule, b. Wbitefield, April 24, 1810, d. same day. ii. Cyrus Buswell, b. Wbitefield, June 13, 1842. m. Aug! 22, 1880, Emma L. Nyman. Watchman, res. Goffstovvn. iii. Irene Sophronia, b. Lyman, Aug. 0,1844. res. New Boston. iv. George Franklin, b. L. Feb. l'.>, 1847. Siioemaker. He d. Goffs- town, Sept 23, 1878. Co. E, 7th N. II. Inf. Private. V. Charles Jasper, b.L. Marcli 31, 1850. Mason. He d. Nashua. March 15, 1802. vi. Simon Leslie, b. L. Alay 16, 1852. m. Dec. 4, 1870, Mary J. Ilarvell. Foreman railroad construction, res. Mansfield. Mass. vii. Ella Elizahktii, b. L. Nov. 14, 1854. She d. New Boston, April 1^, 1863. 60 Binfiham. BINGHAM. 1. Thomas Bingham was ndmitted to membership in the " Cutler's Company" of Shellield, Eng., Dec. 21, 1614, as a master cutler, as shown by records still in existence. The use of the trade mark [T. B.] was also then granted him. He m. Mary 2. Thomas Bingham, son of Thomas \ m. July 6, 1631, in Sheffield, p]ng.. Anna Stenton, as per records in Parish Church of St. Peter and Holy Trinity. Thomas'^ was the sixth of seven children. 3. Thomas Bingham, son of Thomas ", baptized in Sheffield, Eng., June 5, 1642. m. Dec. 12, 1666, Mary, dau. of Lieut. Jonathan Rudd (?) of Saybrook, Conn., b. in 1648, d. Aug. 4, 1726. She is supposed to have been the l)ride of " Bride brook." He was one of the first landed proprietors of Norwich, Conn., the deed of iiis lot bearing date of April, 1660, and was made free of that town by the Gen. Court in 1671, and moved to Windham, now Windham Green, Conn., where he can be traced for thirt}' j'cars as Sergt., Selectman, and Deacon of the church. He was on the first list of approved inhabitants of Windham in 1693. He d. in AVindham, Conn., Jan. 16, 1730. 4. Abel Bingham, son of Thomas '^, b. ,Tune 2.5, 1669. m. Elizabeth . He res. in Stratford and Windham, Conn. 5. Jonathan Bingham, son of Abel ■*, b. in Windham, Conn., Aug. 17, 1712. ni. first. May 9, 1734, IVfarv Abbe, d. March 4, 1735. m. second, Jan. 17, 1736, Widow Sarah Vinton. He d. Feb. 16, 1800. 6. Jonathan Bingham, son of Jonathan ^, b. in Conn., Feb. 20, 1735, d. al)out 1813. He m. in Mansfield, Conn., formerh' a part of Windham, April 12, 1764. P^lizabeth Warner. He was a Deacon, and is buried on Benjamin Cunniiings' farm in Cornish. 7. Elisha Warner Bingham, son of Jonathan '', b. in 1765. m. Perrv, d. in 1844, aged 77 vears. He d. in Concord, Vt., March 30, 1802. ■ 8. Warner Bingham, son of Elisha Warner '', b. in Cornish, April 10, 1789. m. first, in 1814, Lucv. dau. of John Wheeler" (See), b. in Chesterfield, Oct. 1, 1794, d. in Concord, Vt., Oct. 23, 1839. ni. second, in 1840, Laura H., dau. of John Rankin (See), b. in Danville, Vt., Fef) 20, 1809, d. in Bethlehem, June 15, 1878. He never res. in L. Farmer. State Senator, Vt, 1842. Assistant Judge, Essex Co., 1844. d. in Bethlehem, Feb. 12, 1872. Ch.. by w. Lucy, b. in Concord, Vt. , — i. John, b. Aug. 1815. in. 1847. Farmer, il. Wis., Dec. 1848. ii. Lorenzo, b. Jan. 1818. m. 1864, .Joslyn. Merchant. He d. Water- ford, Vt., April, 1856. She d. 1805 or IS'Ofi. 9. iii. Hakry, b. Mardi 30, 1821. iv. Lucy Ann, b. Mareii 27, 1823. m; 1842, Stephen S. Hill, planter, res. Pacific Grove, Cal. 10. V. Georgk Azro, b. April 25, 182G. 11. vi. Edward Fr.\nklin, b. Aug. 13, 1828. vii. Edith, b. .July, 1831. m. Jan. 1851, Ira H. Ballou, merchant. She d. Boston, Mass., Feb. 1886. Bingham. 61 Ch., by w. Laura, b. in Concord, Vt., — 12. viii. IIouATio II., h. 1841. ix. L.^LKA, 1). Due. 2, 1845. lu. John Edward Daily (See). 13. X. J.\.MKs \V.\rm;r, b. Feb. 9, 1849. 9. 1I.\HKV BiNGH.Aji, son of Warner **, b. in Concord. \i.. INIarcli ;!0. 1821. unni. He was edncated in the common schools of Concord, \'t., and fitted for Coll. in Lyndon, Vt., Academy. He grad. from Dart. Coll. and commenced the study of law with Hon. Harry Hil)bard, in Bath, in 1843. Dart. Coll. gave him the degree of LL.D. in l.siSO. He was admitted to the Bar in Lancaster in 1846, and at once commenced the practice of law in L., where lie has since res. The law firms he has been a member of are H. & G. A. Bingham. 1852 to l.S,')!) ; Woods & Binghams, 1859 to 18G2 : H. & G. A. Bingham, 1802 to 1870 ; Bing- ham c& Mitchell. 1874 to 1879 ; Bingham, Mitciiell (J. M.) & Batch- ellor, July 1, 187!>. to .Julv 1, 1882; Bingham, Mitchells. & Batchellor (J. M. M., A. S. B., ami W. H. M.), Julv 1. 1882, to Jan. 1, 1885, Bingham, Mitchell. & Batcliellor (H. B.. A.'S. B., and W. H. M.). Jan. 1, 1885. In 1.S81. upon the removal of J. M. ^Mitchell to Concoril. the firm of Bingham & Mitchell (J. M. ISL) was established at that place, and both firms have been continued from the dates above named to the present time, although Mr. Bingham has been less active in his law busi- ness in his later years, having given his time and attention more and more largely to recreation, travel, and literature. Li his legislative service, covering a longer number of terms than any of his contemporaries in this State, he often participated in debate with carefidly prepared arguments, and not unfrequently contributed formal reports, embodying the results of careful research and reasoning. These ma\" be consulted in oUiciul and newspaper reports of the Legislatures. Mr. Bingham's briefs in cases arguecl in the law terms of the Supreme Court are contained in every volume of the N. H. Reports from the twentieth — fift\' vol- umes — published and unpublished. Many of liis legal arguments have been published in full in newspapers and i)amphlets. His ad- dresses and essays on more general topics are numerous, some of tlu; more important titles being: ''A Fourth of July Address," 185.'>, " Ammonoosuc Reporter; " " Addresses as Prest. of Democratic State Conventions," Jan. 5, 1870, Sept. 11, 1.S72. Jan. 9. 1878, May 20, 189(; ; "The Great Black Republican Bear Fight," '"White ^Mountain Re- public,'' Dec. ;L 1869; ''Centennial Address," L., July 4. 1876; '•Memorial Day Address," L., ^la}'. 1880; '•Andrew S. Woods." LL.D., -AFemorial Address at Dart. "^Coll., June 23, 1880; "Certain Conditions and Tendencies that imperil the Litegrity and Lidepend- ence of the Judiciary," address before the G. & C. Bar Association, Lancaster, 1882; •• The Political Situation," •' Daily Union." Feb. 14, 1883 ; closing argument in favor of the '• Atherton Bill" and in oppo- sition to the " Hazen Bill" before the Railroad Committee, Concord. Aug. 10, 1887; ''The Life and Democracy of John H. Ceorge,'" ad- dress before the Granite State Club, Manchester, .June 27. lss8 ; •• The Issues at Stake," article in reply to Sen. William E. Chandler. " Riv- erside Magazine," 1890, V^ol. I. p. 7; ''(iilman Marston." address before the G. & C. Bar Association. AVoodsville. Jan. 30. 1891 : '• Na- thaniel W. Westgate." adtlress before tlie same association at tiie same place and date ; •' William S. Ladd," address before the same associa- 62 Bingham. tion, Plymouth, Jan. 29, 1892; "The Muniments of Constitutional Libei'tv," address before the same association, Berlin, Jan. 26, 181)4 ; "•Progress in Asiatic Civilization and its Significance for the Western World," address before the same association, L., Feb. 14, 1895 ; "The Rights and Responsibilities of the United States in reference to the International Relations of the C4reat Powers of Europe and the Lesser Rei)ublics of America," address before Marshall Sanders Post, G. A. R., L., Dec. 26, 1895 ; " The Welfare of the Republic the Supreme Law," address before the G. & C. Bar Association, Lancaster, Jan. 31, 1896 ; " The Present Duty of the Democracy," address at a Ratification Meet- ing of the National Democracy, Manchester, Oct. 6, 1896 ; " The Relations of Woman to the Progressive Civilization of the Age," ad- dress before the G. & C. Bar Association, Plymouth, Jan. 29, 1897 ; " The Influence of Religion on Human Progress," annual address be- fore the N. H. Historical Society, Concord, June 8, 1897; "The Annexation of Hawaii: A Right and a Duty," 1897. Democrat. Quartermaster, 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, 1849 ; Aide-de-camp on Bri- gade Staff of Gen. E. O. Kennev, 1851. Representative, 1861-2-3-4- 5-8-71-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-80-1-2-9-90-1-2, and was candidate for Speaker in 1862. Senator, Grafton District, 1883 to 1887. Meml)er of Constitutional Convention, 1876. INIember of the Judiciary Com- mittee in all the terms of his legislative service, and Chairman in 1871 and 4, years of Democratic supremacy. U. S. Treasury Agent, 1867. Democratic candidate for Congress, 1865 and 7, and for U. S. Senator, 1870-2-9-83-5-7-9. He was named for Chief Justice in 1874 by Gov. Weston, but a division in the Council defeated him. He was tendered the appointment of Associate Justice by Gov. Head in 1880, but de- clined. Delegate to Philadelphia Peace Convention, 1866. Delegate to Democratic National Conventions, 1872-80-84-92, and was a mem- ber of the Committee on Resolutions at each of those Conventions ; he also acted as proxy for Hon. Josiah Minot at the Convention in 1868 ; member of the Democratic National Couunittee for N. H., 1868 to 1.S72. In 1864 and 1888 he was Democratic candidate for elector, and in 1arllett, .Jr., of Lyndon, Vt., and was admitted to the Bar in Danville, Vt., Dec. 1, 1848. For a short time he was in Burlington, Iowa, then returned to Lyndon, Vt., in June, 1849, and remained three Aears, the first two as a member of the firm of Bartlett & Bingham, the otlior the firm was Bartlett, Bingham, & Roberts. In July, 18.')2, he came to L., where he has since res., except tliree years in Bath, and formed a partnershii) with his brother Harry, under the firm name of H. & G. A. Bingliam, which continued until 1859, when Andrew S. and Edward Woods (See) joined the firm, and it became Woods & Binghams. This fii-in con- tinued until 1862, Andrew S. Woods and George A. Bingham, res. in Bath, and the other two in L. In 1862 the partnership expired, and the firm of H. & G. A. Bingham was re-established, and continued until 1870 ; both, however, occupied the same offices until 1874. From 1874 until July 26, 1876, he had no partner, but A. S. Batchellor was associated with him, first, as a law student, and after March, 1875, as an attorney and assistant in his emplo}'. He was then appointed Asso- ciate Justice of the Supreme Court, which position he held until Oct. 1, 1880, when he resigned, and Jan. 1, 1881, formed a partnership with Edgar Aldrich (See), which continued until jMay 1, 188-!, when Daniel C. Remich (See) became a member of the firm of Bingham, Aldrich, & Remich, which terminated Dec. 26, 1884, when he was reappointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. March 17, 1891, he again resigned, and formed a partnership with his son, George Hutchins Bingham, under the firm name of Bingham & Bingham, whicii continued until he d. Jan. 22, 1895. His published works comprise law briefs in causes pending in Vt., N. H., and Maine, and the U. S. Sujjreme Court at Washington, also opinions in the N. H. Supreme Court Reports given in Vols. 58-9-60 and 63. Episcopal. Democrat, Representa- tive, 1875-6. State Senator, 12th Dist., 1864-5. Supt. of Schools. Prest. Board of P^ducation, Union Dist., 1875 to 1879 inc., member, 1874, 1880 to 1885 inc. Trustee State Normal School, 1871-7. Prest. L. Musical Assn., 1881-2. Delegate to Democratic National Convention (Charleston and Baltimore), 1860, and Secretary of Baltimore Conven- tion. He was a member of the Douglas wing of the party. Moder- ator, 1863. Democratic Candidate for Congress (<3d District), 1880. Director L. Savings Bank, 1871-2-3-4-8-9 TPrest. 1881 to 1895. Di- rector L. National Bank, 1871 to 1895. J. P. State. (" N. H. Men," Biog. b}- J. R. Jackson, " Child's Gazetteer for Gratton Co.." G. & C. Bar. Ass. Proc, 1896 ; also by George N. Dale, id., 1897.) Ch., by w. Louise, — 14. i. Tracy Perry, b. L. Dec. 7, 1854. Ch., by w. Eliza, all but Andrew b. in L., — 16. ii. Andrew Woods, b. Bath, Sept. 24, 1861. 16. iii. George Hctchins, b. Aug. 19, 1864. iv. Helen Eliza, b. Aug. 17, 1871. unm., res. L. Grad. Smith Coll. 1894. V. Kathekine, b. Oct. 17, 187o. Grad. Smith Coll. 18!)5. m. Sept. 28, 1898, F. T. Walsh, son of Thomas ; res. Lowell, Mass. IL Edward Franklin Bingham, son of Warner**, b. in Concord, Vt., Aug. 13, 1828, m. Nov. 21, 1850, Susannah F. Gunning, b. in 64 Bingham. Cliillicothe, Ohio, Jan. 1828, dau. of James Gunning. Slie d. at Port Chautauqua, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1886 ; he m. second, Aug. 8, 1888, Lin C. (Caprrton) Patton, b. in Union, W. Va., June 22, 1842, dau. of U. iS. Senator Allen T. Caperton, and widow of Judge James F. Patton. He was educated at the public schools, at Peacham, Vt , Academy, and at Marietta, Ohio, College, but did not graduate. He read for his profession with Judge Joseph Miller at Chilicothe, Ohio, with his brother Harry Bingham at Littletou from Ma}', 1848, to Sept. 1849. He returned to Ohio and studied with .Judge Miller until he was admitted to the Bar in Georgetown, Ohio, May 21, lingliuni, 111. Machinist. Ch, — i. LiLLiK J., b. March 80, 186:]. ni. Aug. 1884, W. R. Prater. lie d. May 19, 1893. ii. John Warner, b. July 31, 18G9. ni. Nov. 28, 1805, Alice M. Weeks, iii. Franklin H., b. July 8, 1872, d. March 28, 1873. iv. Edith Florenck, b Nov. 4, 1873. unm., res. Bingham, 111. 13. James Warner Bingham, son of Warner \ b. in Concord, Vt., Feb. 9, 1849. ra. Jan. 1, 1878, Sarah R., dau. of James Warden, b. in Peacham, Vt., Jnlv 1, 18G0. He res. in Concord, Vt. Ch,— i. Harry W , b. Teacham, Vt., April 8, 1881, d. Peacham, Vt., Aug. 24, 1881. 14. Tracy Perry Bingham, son of George Azro ^°, b. in L. Dec. 7, 1854. ra. Nov. 6, 1880, Alice A., dan. of Moses N. Ilowland, b. in Easton, May 17, 1858. He res. in L. from birth to 1879. Farmer. Ch, — i. Louise Woods, b. Peacham, Vt., Jan. 10, 1882. ii. Tracy Willard, b. Peacham, Vt., July 14, 1888. 15. Andrew AVoods Bingham, son of George Azro ^^, b. in Bath, Sept. 24, 1861. ra. Oct. 17, 1888, Corinda Anna, dan. of James Cnn- ningham, b. in Boston, Mass., Feb. 1, 1859. Episcopal. He has res. in L. since 18G2. Merchant. Democrat. Postmaster, Feb. 22, 1SS7, to 1891, and March 1, 1895, to 1899. Board of Health, 1891. Treas. L. Driving Park Association, 1889. J. P. State. Ch., b. in L.,— i. George, b. June 17, 1891, d. L. same day. ii. Andrew Woods, b. June 19, 189o. iii. James Cunningham, b. Sept. 30, 1895. 16. George Hutchins Bingham, son of George Azro '°, b. in L. Ang. 19, 1864. m. Oct. 29, 1891, Cordelia Pearmain, dan. of Sylves- ter'Baxter Hinckley, b. in Chelsea, Mass., Jan. 20, 1866. He was educated in L. High School, St. Johnsbnry, Vt., Academy, and grad. from Dart. Coll. in 1887, He stndied law with his father, and attended Harvard Law School, grad. in 1ed H. Merrill (See). 68 Blake — Blakslee — Blandin. BLAKE. 1. William Harrison Blake, son of Harrison, b. in Landaff, Aug. 20, 1842. m. Nov. 7, 1865, Elizabeth H., dau. of James Callioun, b. in L. Sept. 16, 1844. He has res. in L. since 1880. Clerk. Republi- can. Co. G, nth N. H. Inf., Co. H, 1st N. H. H. Art., Sergt. G. A. R. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch.,— i. Florence, b. Lisbon, Dec. 22, 1866, d. Lyman, June 12, 1860. ii. Maud Clementine, b. Lyman, April 27, 1870. m. Marsliall Albert Eaton (See). iii. James Calhoun, b. Biggs, Cal., June 6, 1878. 2. Myuon Levi Blake, son of Harrison, b. in Landaff, Got. 29, 1856. m. Oct. 1, LS!»]. Elsie Bell, dau. of Charles H. Hoyt, b. in Haverhill. Nov. 25, 1867. He has res. in L. since 1881. Laborer. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Raymond R., b. Sept. 10, 1892, d. L. Feb. 5, 1893. ii. Roy Burn, b. Sept. 14, 1893. iii. Guy H., b. July 4, 1897, d. L. Nov. 20, 1897. BLAKSLEE. L Moses Blakslee, son of John, 1). in Dalton, June 8, 1808. m. May 29, 18;58, Mary Emeline, dau. of Parker Cushinau (See), b. in L. in 1811, d. in L. Jan. 14, 1894. Cong. He res. in L. from 1857 until hed.. June 18, 1877. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., - i. Elvira E., b. Dalton, Jan. 10, 1840. m. April 10, 1855, James Sayres, carpenter, res. Concord, Vt. ii. Climena, b. L. June 29, 1843. m. Miio C. Pollard (See), iii. Eliza R., b. Canada West, April .30, 1850. m. Feb. 4, 1879, Loren Ricker, farmer, res. L. BLANDIN. 1. Lyman Blandin, son of Jonathan, b. in Bethlehem, Jan. 14, 1794. m. June 20, 1825, Dolly, dau. of Levi Bean, b. in Gilmanton, Aug. 20, 1799, d. in L. March 29, 1888, Free Bai)tist. He res. in L. from 1866 until he d. Dec. 4, 1887. Farmer. Free Baptist. Republican. Ch., b. in Bethlehem, — i. WiLLARD, b. Sept. 22, 182(3. m. Mary Pierce, d. July 18, 1857. Was killed by lightning at Flume House. Hotel clerk. ii. Mary Caroline, b. Dec. 17, 1827. in. John Pierce, Jr. (See John Pierce), lumber manufr., res. Bethlehem. She d. May 20, 1896. iii. Relief P,., b. Feb. 8, 1829, d. Bethlehem, 1840. iv. Eliza K., b. March 19, 1831. m. Dennis Wheeler (See). V. John B., b. Feb. 14, 1833. m. first, Emeline Balch. m. second, Lucy Balch. res. Lancaster. Farmer, vi. Sarah Louisa, b. Aug. 14, 1836. m. Otis G. Hale (See). Blodgett — Bond — Bonney. 69 BLODG-ETT. 1. Cyiu;s Romxs Bi.orxiKTT, son of Howard, b. in Stcwartstown, Oct. 2(5, 1841. ni. July 9, 186(), Anuclino, dan. of Ediunnd Cook, It. in Cainpton, Nov. "i;^. l.S.is. Sho d. Oct. 11. l-SO-S. He has res. in L. since 1884. Farmer. Kepnhlican. Co. H, I3tli N. H. Inf. ('apt. U. S. C. T. C. A. K. Cii.,- i. Claua Susan, b. Campton, May 14, I8ti7. Assistant, Ilaiiipton Insti- tute, Va. ii. Km.a Naomi, b. Blooinficlil, Vt., June 17, 1871. in. Oct. 2o, 18'.tl, Her- bert K. W. Chutter, salesman, res. Boston, Mass. iii. Sarah Bell, b. Blooinfiekl, \'t., March 1, 1873. Nurse. Grad. Mass. Gen. Hospital, iv. Herbert Ralph, b Bloomfield, Vt., Oct. 25, 1874. m. .April 18, IDOO, Cathelena V. HolTnian (See). V. Martha Cook, b. Bloomfield, Vt., June 15, 1877. vi. William Edmund, b Bloomfield, Vt., Feb. 2, 1880. Student, Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute, 1903. BOND. 1. John Bond, \w. Abigail Young. He moved from Gilnianton to Hanover in 1801, where he d. 2. John Bond son of John \ b. in Gihnanton. Jan. 15, ITl'o. m. Nov. 18, 1.S18, Comfort Everett. He d. in Dalton, April 21, IST;'). 3. Lucius Bond, son of Jolin -, b. in Haverhill, May 5, 1S21. ni. Laura Ballon, res. in Dalton most of iiis life. d. in L. Fel). H, ISDI. 4. P'k.\xk Pierce Bond, son of Lucius ^ b. in Dalton. April 18, 1855. m. Jan. 1, 1878, Emma Lucinda. daii. of Edward P. Cushman, b. in Dalton, Feb. 25, 1856, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1885. Merchant. Democrat. Town Clerk, Dalton, 1877 to 188,') inc. Rep- resentative from Dalton, 1885-6. Selectman, 1894-1900 inc. Director L. Savings Bank. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. 32° A. A. S. R. (Book of Biog. Grafton Co., p. 408.) Ch., — i. Bernard (^uincv, b. Dalton, Dec. 19, 1878. Student Dart. Coll. 1901. BONNEY. 1. Thomas Bonney, emigrant ancestor, b. 1604, from Dovei-. Eng- land, was a resident of Duxbiu'y, Mass., as early as 1634. He m. Mary Terry, m. second jNIary Hunt. His will is dated Jan. 2, 1688y9, and proved ]\Iay 1, 1693. 2. James Bonney, son of Thomas', m. June 14, 1695. Abigail Bishop, b. Oct. 30, 1659, dau. Dep. Gov. James Bishop of Conn. She d. April 12, 1714. He m. second, Dec. 12. 1711. Mary, perhaps Marv Hudson. He lived in Pembroke, IMass., wiiere lie d. 1722. 70 Bonne y. 3. Job Bonney, son of James'-, b. in Pembroke, Mass. bapt. April 26, 1713. m. May 9, 1733, Ruth lUsbee. They had twelve eiiildren. 4. Benjamin Bonney, son of Job, settled in Chesterfield, Mass. Member of the Mass. Legislature, a captain in the Revolution, and is credited with several terms of service. He m. April 3, 1759, Silence AVhite. Thirteen children. 6. Peter Bonney, son of Benjamin*, b. in Chesterfield, Mass., May 1, 1773. m. Lydia West, who d. in 1799. He m. second, April 3. 1800, Eleanor Savage, b. Middleton, Conn., Nov. 16, 17S1, dau. of Stephen Savage (See). He lived in Charlestown from 1793 to 1800, when he removed to this town. An active and respected citizen. Farmer and tanner. ^Yhig. Representative, 1810. Selectman, 1803. Moderator, 1810-1814. Treasurer, 1809-1812. Deputy sheriff, 1804- 1808. J. P. Ch. by w. Lydia, b. in Charlestown, — i. Wales, b. June 26, 1799. Ch. by w. Eleanor, b. in L., — ii. Emily, b. May 30, 1801. in. Josiah Kilburn (See). 6. iii. Bknjamin W., b. Feb. 2, 1808. iv. Elvika, b. March 14, 1805. m. Sewell Brackett (See). V. AlxMeria, b. Sept. 9, 1807. ni. Dean Conant (Sec). vi. Fkaxklin Rilev, b. Dee. 20, 1810. unm. Lawyer, d. New Orleans, La., about 1840. vii. Elizabeth Maria, b. Oct. 12, 1815. in. first, W. li. B. Wills, lawyer, (1. New Orleans, La. ni. secund, Parker; in. third, Henry Gor- don Walton, lawyer, d. San Francisco, Cal. Teacher, and author of " Sandwich Islands as They Are." She d. San Francisco, April 20, 1892. Ch., by W. R. B. Wills : Mariana Alley, b. New Orleans, La., 1843, teacher, res. San Francisco, Cal. West Bonney, b. New (Jrleans, La., 1845. (L. Cen., p. 283.) 7. viii. Alfred Tike, b. Aug. 29, 1820. ix. Ellen, b. April 2, 1825. in. Oliver S. St. .John (See). 6. Ben.iamin West Bonney, son of Peter \ b. in L. Feb. 2, 1803. in. April, 1848, Adriana, dau. of Sylvanus Rapalje, b. in N. Y. City in 1826 or 7, d. in San Francisco, Cal., in 1891. He res. in L. in youth, grad. from Dart. Coll. Class of 1824, taught the Peacham (Vt.) Acad- emy- a few months, and then entered upon the study of law with Hon. Stephen Webster Marston of Newburyport, Mass. He afterward studied with Gen. Jacob Riitsen Van Rensselaer at Clarence, N. Y., and Hon. Jonas Piatt of N. Y. City. He commenced practice in N. Y. City in 1829 and continued until he became a Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court of N. Y^, Jan. 1, 1860. In 18.^8 Dart. Coll. conferred upon him tlie degree of LL.D, and he was one of the board of trustees of that in- stitution from 186.5 to 1868. He d. in N. Y'. City, Aug. 18, 1868. (See L. Cen., pp. 130-1.) Ch., b. in N. Y. City, — i. Eleanor, b. March 2, 1849. m., 1869, Edward F. Brown, lawyer, res. N. Y. City, ii. Adriana Rai-al.je, b. April 30, 18.50. m., 1870 or 71, Dr. Weber, physician, res. Berlin, Germany, iii. Benjamin West, res. Fishkill, N. Y. iv. Susan Uapalje, in. Lieut. Scholtzteasteir, Army, res. Berlin, Germany. V. Alfred, res. Fisiikill, N. Y. Farmer, vi. Jeromas K. Civil engineer, vii. Ella. Bonuei/ — BoKf/rlck — Boufwell — B Dean, b. July 9, 1851. in. Jan. 27, 188(5, Anna Wilkinson. V. Kmii.y I., b. Feb. 27, 185:!. m. June 15, 1882, Frank .Vniy, res. Monroe, vi. Peter Ikving, b. April 24, 1850. ni. Oct. 17, 1881, Kate Davenport, res. Boston, .Mass. BOSTWICK. 1. Seyjiour Ai):\[ek Rostwick, son of Julius Clark, b. in Peru, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1835. m. April 11, 18.-,4, INIary Esther, dau. of Allen P. Peabody, b. in Meredith, Aug. 18, ISST), Cong. He has res. in L. since 1894. Machinist. Unitarian. Re[)ublican. Ch., — 1. Perley, b. Laconia, 1856. ni. Alice 0.sgood, res. L. ii. Lena A., b. Mavnard, Mass., 1862. m. .losepli E. Walcott, res. L. (See). iii. Charles S., b. Clielsca, Mass., 1880. BOUTWELL. 1. Frank Routwell, son of James, b. in Lancaster, July o, 1837. m. Nov. 8, 1877, C3ntlua, dau. of Henr}- Rrucc, b. in RarneL, Vt., April l.T, 1842, Cong. He res. in L. from 1844 until he d., Sv[)i. 1, 1883. Farmer. Republican. Co. E, 14th N. H. Inf. Ch., b. in L., — i. Frank, b. July 6, 1878. ii. Charles, b. Oct. 3, 1882. BOWLES. BOLLES. 1. Obed Roelk.s, son of John and Mercy (Randall) Rolles, b. in Richmond, June 12, 1782. m. April 15, 171)8, Scla Goss : m. se(K)ntl, Dec. 27. 1803, Waitstill Aldrich, b. in Richmond, IMarcli 11, 1782, dau. of Nathan and INIartha (Jillson) Aldrich. He removed to Reth- lehem about 18U5. d. in Dalton, Julv 23, 18G4. His wife d. in Dalton, March 22, 1848. 2. Nathan Rolles, son of Obed '. b. in P)ethlehem, May 23, 1813. m. Oct. 2(3, 1837, Fanny Day, dau. of "NVillard Streeter (See), b. Feb. 9, 1818, d. in Rethlehem, Sept. 21, 1882. She m. second, George Parker of Concord. Vt. Nathan res. in L. from 1847 to 1850. Farmer, d. in Rethlehem, June 4, 1875. Ch., — i. WiLLARD Streeter, b. Dalton, Jan. 24, 18.7.t. d. Dalton, Feb. 26, 1840. ii. Charles Manson, b. Dalton, July o, 1841, d. Dalton, .March 11, 1840. iii. Charles Willard. b. L. Xms;. 24, 1847. unni. Lawver. d. X. Y. City, July 5, 1891. iv. Cortes Hibbard, b. L. Aujj. 12, 1850. 72 BoUes— Bowles. 3. Jamks Bolles, son of Obed\ l>. in Bethlehem, Feb. 3, 1824. ra. Dec. "26, 1847, Lovisa F., dau. of Simeon Bolles, b. in Winchester, Oct. 15, 1827. Baptist. He has res. in L. since 1886. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., b. in Dalton, — i. Arlktta E., b. March 7, 1854. m. Dec. 25, 1872, Dr. Charles E. Howell, physician, res. Stamford, Ct. ii. Orrin James, b. Feb. 27, 1857, d. Dalton, Aug. oO, 1864. 4. CoKTES IIiBBAKD BoLLKs, son of Natlian ^, b. in L, Aug. 12, 1850. m. June 29, 1878, Lizzie Minerva, dau. of Curtis Whitcomb (See), b. in JJethleliem, Jan. 28, 1859. She m. second, Andrew J. Sellingham (See). Cortes res. in L. nearly all his life, where he d. Nov. 24, 1890. Lumber manufr. Democrat. Ch., - i. Blanche Minerva, b. Lisbon, Sept. 11, 1879. ni. Frank W. Elliott (See). ii. Grace Ella, b. L. Oct. 19, 1881. in. Dec. 4, 1899, Arthur D. Merrill, iii. Charles Orville, b. Bethlehem, Aug. 6, 1884. iv. Roger Forrest, b. L. Nov. 18, 1887. BOWLES. 5. George Cog.swell Bowles, son of Cliandler, b. in Lisbon, Feb. 11, 1833. m. first, March 13, 1856, Fmily, dau. of Uriah Oakes, b. in Lisbon, (!)ct. 20, 1835, d. in Lisbon, Jan. 11, 1886. Advent, m. second, Dec. 31, 1888, Maria Patten, dau. of Peter Ilardv, b. in Hampstead, Jan. 27, 1839, Advent. He has res. in L. since June, 1892. Advent clergyman. Educated in district and select schools of Lisbon. Or- dained at Alton Bay in 1876. He has been located at Sugar Hill (Lis- bon), Messina, N. Y., and has sup[)]ied at Franconia, Wliitefield, St. Johnsbury, and Littleton. A member of the State Ministerial Com. for several 3'ears. He taught school in Lisbon in 1854-5. Ch.,— i. Ethel M., b. Lisbon, May 11, 1870. m. April 29, 1896, Horace K. Miller, glover, res. L. BOWLES. 6. Frank Eugene Bowles, sou of Almond, b. in L. Nov. 13, 1856. m. Nov. 10, 1880, Fenella, dan. of Obed B. Quimby (See), b. in Lis- bon, March 12, 1858. Advent. He res. in L. in youth, and since 1879. Furniture merchant. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Dulcie Eudell, b. F>b. 2, 1890. ii. Emily Almina, b. July 18, 1893. BOWLES. 7. Caleb Wells Bowles, son of Jesse, b. in Lisbon. Dec. 22, 1809, m. first, in 1832, Martlia, dau. of Abel Goodnow, b. in Grafton, Vt, in 1807, d. in Betlilehem. ^May 26, 1858. m. second, Oct. 3, 1858, Sally Oakes, dau. of Joseph Barrett, b. in Bethlehem, Sept. 18, 1815, Cong. /ti>/r/i'S — IJoiniKfii. 73 He res. in L. from LS.si imtil he d., Feb. 8, 18.S2. Ftiniicr. Free Bap- tist. Democrat. Ch., by w. Martha,— i. IIicNRV H., b. Lisbon, 18;5.j. uiim., res. IJsbon. One of projjrs. of Sun- set Hill House, ii. Maky M., b, Lisbon, l!-i;i(5. ni. iSoT, Leander I>. Moulton. P'aiMUT. He <1. Lisbon, 189L iii. Lyman E., b. Lisbon, 18M8. ni. 1805, ,bilia Lelanil. Insurance ai>ent. He d. Newtown, I'a., Sept. 14, 1872. iv. Martha ^L, b. Lisbon, 1843, res. Lisbon. V. Augusta S., b. Betlilelieni, 1848. ni. 1870, Joseph IJ. Uall. Snatii nianufr. Slie d. Alliens, Vt., .luly '20, 1877. BOWMAN. 1. N.ATiiANiEL ]>ow.'MAN, a native of Enghind, was one of the early proprietors of Watertown, Mass. If he ditl not emigrate with \\'in- throp and Saltonstall, he became a resident previous to 1();>7. lie early removed to Cambridge Farms, now Lexington. His wife Anna is not named in his will dated Oct. 21, 1679. It is probable she was deceased at that date. He died Jan. 2, 1681/2. 2. FRANns Bowi\rAN, son of "Nathaniel ', born 16.'50, was achnitted freeman 1652. He resided in Cambridge Farms, where he died Dec. 16, 1687. He m. Sept. 26, 1661, Martha'sherman, b. Feb. 21, 1641, dau. of John and INIartha (Porter) Slierman of Watertown. 3. Francis Bowmax, son of Francis^, b. in Lexington, Sept. 14, 1662. m. June 2G, 1684, Lydia Stone, b. Nov. 2.'), 1(;65, dau. of Dea. Samuel and Sarah (Stearns) Stone ; lie m. second, Ruth Angier, dau. of Rev. Samuel and Hannah (Oakes) Angler. Hannah Oakes was a dau. of Rev. Urian Oakes, Pres. Harvard University. He was among the most prominent men of Lexington. He was selectman many ^'ears, representative six vears, and a royal magistrate. He d. Dec. 23, 1744. His widow Ruth d. July 2:5. 1754. 4. John Bowman, son of Francis ■', b. in Lexington, 1681t. ni. Mary Stone, b. Sept. 26, 1692, dau. of John and Rachel (Shepherd) Stone of Lexington. He d. in Lexington, April 30, 1726 ; she d. June 28, 1757. 5. Jonas I'owman. son of John'*, b. in Lexington, Feb. 3, 1717. m. May 19, 1739, Abigail Russell. He owned the Covenant 1739, and the births of three children are recorded in i^exington. 6. Jonas Bowman, son of Jonas ^, b. in Lexington, July 19, 1739. He m. May 18, 1758, Susannah (Iregory, and removed to Ilenniker in the autumn of 1763, being the fifth settler in the town. His wife d. Sept. 25, 1800 ; he m. second, Prudence (Hardy) Rice, widow of Elijah Rice of Henniker. He was a lieutenant and a captain in the Revolu- tionary army and did good service. Tn town affairs he was a con- spicuous character (See History of Henniker.) He d. Mai'di 29, 1807. Of his twelve children, Jonathan and Walter removed to Littleton. 7. JoNATTi.-VN Bowman, son of Jonas®, b. in Ilenniker. Nov. 23. 1764. m. Mav 13, 1788, Anna. dan. of Jonathan Conner, b. Julv 9, 74 Bowman. 1771, (1. in L. May 14, 1836. He res. in L. from 1.S02 until he d., Sept. 10. 1.S42. Farmer. Selectman, 1808. Ch., — 9. i. Jonas, b. Henniker, Dec. 9, 1788. 10. ii. John, b. Henniker, Oct. 17, 1790. 11. iii. Ira, b. Henniker, .June 9, 1793. iv. Benjamin, b. Henniker, April 9, 1795. m. Jan. 27, 1817, Alice VViicelock. He d. Coventry, Vt., Sept. 5, 1852. V. Anna, b. Henniker, April 6, 1798. ni. Aaron S. Wheelock (See). 12. vi. WiLLARD, b. Henniker, July 4, 1800. vii. David, b. Henniker, Jan. 28, 1802, d. L. Aug. 13, 1821. Killed in raising Lower Waterford Bridge. 13. viii. Abijah, b. L. July 21, 1804. i.x. LivoNA, b. L. Aug. 20, 1806, d. March 6, 1838. X. Oliver, b. L. Aug. 17, 1808, d. L. April 11, 1830. xi. Susanna, b. L. Jan. 10, 1812, d. L. Jan. 18, 1812. 8. Walter Bowman, son of Jonas'^, b. in Henniker, Ma}' 31, 1782. m. Hannah Rice, b. March 18, 1775, dau. of Daniel and Sarah (Childs) Rice of Henniker, d. in L. Feb. 19, 1846. He res. in L. from 1803 un- til he d., March 16, 1840. Farmer. Ch.,— i. Hannah R., b. 1800. m. Simeon Remick (See). ii. Walter. tn. Martha Hall, res. Newport, Vt. Ensign 11th Co., 32d Regt. N. H. Militia. Aug. 23, 1824. Vacated April 3, 1826. iii. Daniel, m. Hetty Cass, iv. Baxter, res. Toledo, Ohio. V. Zadock. m. Elizabeth Morrill, res. Toledo, Ohio. 14. vi. Royal, b. L. vii. James Wallace, res. Elmira, N. Y. viii. C'ozBi. ni. Joseph Farr, res. Coventry, Vt. ix. Harriet, m. Alfred Wright, res. Manchester. 9. Jonas Bowm.in, son of Jonathan ', b. in Henniker, Dec. 9, 1788. pub. Feb. 26, 1811, Lois, dau. of Thomas Carter, b. in L., d. in L. March 31, 1880. He res. in L. from 1802 until he d., March 10, 1843. Farmer. Ch.,— 15. i. Jonas, b. Lyman, Jan. 28, 1811. ii. Lois, b. 1819. in. Carter Evans, merchant. Last res. Audubon, Iowa. 10. Joiix Bow.MAN, son of Jonathan ', b. in Henniker, Oct. 17, 1790. m. Nov. 14, 1816, Lovisa, dau. of John Gile (See), b. in L. Dec. 9, 1800, Cong. d. in L. Sept. 6, 1877. He res. in L. from 1802 until he d., June 25, 1861. Lumber manufr. Methodist. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Aijigail Gile, b. May 4, \^\1. m. William Condon (See). 10. ii. Curtis Coe, b. Nov. 14, 1818. 17. iii. Isaac Wheeler, b. Nov. 26, 1820. iv. Augusta Ann, h. Dec. 31, 1822. m. Nov. 12, 1845, Benjamin B. Jones. Last res. Greenfield, Ohio. V. Alfred, b. July -20, 1825. ml Dec. -30, 1847, Susan Cleveland. Ensign 5th Co., 32d Regt., N. H. Militia, 1844. Co. I, 1st N. H. H. Art. He d. Stanstead, P. Q., June 9, 1889. She d. L. April 9, 1849, gravestone, vi. Juliett, b. Feb. 22, 1827. ul Robert Carpenter, editor of " City and Country," Nyack, N. Y. vii. Hannah Oliva, b. July 16, 1829. m. Franklin G. Wetlierell (See), viii. William G., b. July 12, 1831. ni. Sarah , res. Vancouver, B. C 18. ix. George, b. Aug. 3, 1833. BowDKin. 75 X. Cauolink, b. Nov. 8, 18:^)5. m. first, Nov. '20, 18G1, Kdwanl L. Conieil- soii, steward. d. Xyack, N. Y., 1877. in. second, William Cargill, poiic-unian. d. Doc. 2, 1888. Slie d. Nyack, N. Y., April 4, 1889. xi. Sarah J., b. Fob. 25, 18:J8. unin,, d. L. Oct. 2'.), 1855. I'J. xii. Ai.HKKT Haruv, b. April 15, 18Kt. xiii. Helen,!). Fob. 2(1, 1842. ni. (Jharles F Kvorott (See). xiv. Drusella Iv, b. April 26, 1845. m. Oct. 2, 18()5, ,Iolin Charles Shay, painter. Siie d. L. June 27, 1882. 11. Ik.v Bowman, son of Jonritli;ui ', b. in L. June 'J, 17!i3. pnb. April 20, 1820, .Judith, dau. of Daniel C'artor (See), b. in L. in IHOO. She d. in L. Jan. 8, 1847. He res. in L. from birth until 18;J5. d. in Lyman, Dec. 28, 184(J. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. David, b. 1821. m. Hannah Parker. Co. G, 11th N. II. Inf. Private. d. Ajjril 17, 1863. ii. Jemima, ni. Luther Iloskins, farmer, res. Stratford, iii. Lovisa. ni. .Tames Warner ("urtis, farmer Last res. Waterford, Vt. iv. Ira, b. July 10, 1831, d. Newark, X. J., Oct. 6, 1802. Co. D, 13th Refit. Mass. Vols. Wounded at Antietam. v. LucKETiA. m. Cooper. 20. vi. John-, b. May 30, 1836. 12. WiLLAKD r>ow.MAN, son of Jonathan '', b. in Henniker, July 4, 1800. m. Jan. 2, 1828, Triphena, dau. of Joseph Abbott, b. in Charles- town, March 27, 1803, d. in Waterford, \'t., Oct. 10, 18G7. He res. in L. from 1802 until he d., Feb. 28, 1860. Farmer. Selectman, 1841. Ch., b. in L., — i. William, b. Nov. 6, 1828. m. March 6, 1850, Drusilla Richards, res. Atchison, Kas. Miller, ii. Eleanor M., b. Aug. 31, 1830. m. Nov. 9, 1852, Amos H. Silver, ma- chinist. He d. Dec. 10, 18(53. She d. Lowell, Mass., June 2!), 1803. iii. Oliver, b. Jan. 1832, d. L. Aug. 2, 1838. iv. Hakvey a., b. Feb. 1835, d. L. Aug. 5, 1838. v. Soi'iua a., b. July 21, 1887. m. (leorge W. Ferguson (See). vi. Henry A., b. May 11, 183U. ni. April, 18(58, Luella M. Daniels. Painter. Co. G, 2d N. H. Inf. Private. He d. St. .Tohnsbury, Vt., Jan. 23, 1892. She d. Oct. 1, 1887. vii. Edwin C, b. April 25, 1842. m. Aug. 20, 1862, Irena II. Richardson. Hotel-keeper. Co. D, 13tli N. H. Inf. Serut. (i. A.R. res. Water- ford, Vt. viii. Franklin A., b. June 2, 1815. Killedin battle of tiie Wilderness, June, 1865. Co. A, 11th Mass. Inf. Private, res. L. 13. Abltah Bowman, son of Jonathan", b. in L. July 21, 1804. m. Jan. 3, 1833, Maria, dau. of .Tonas - Lewis. 1). in L. iNIarcli 23, 1S12. d. in L. April 10, 1844. He res. in L. all his life and d. June 27, 187(i. Farmer. Ch., b. in L.. — i. Mary* Jane, b. Nov. 17, 1833. m. Horace Shute (See). ii. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 29, 1838. m. .James A. Williams (See). 21. iii. William Burns, b. May 9, 1840. iv. Helen, b. Sept. 9, 1842, d. Ashland. V. Martha P., b. April 3, 1844. m. Sept. 1, 1860, Martin Burt, res. Lnnen-' burg, Vt. She was legally aank cashier, res. Boston, Mass. iii. Sewei.l, b. Waterford, Vt. ni. Carrie Richardson, iv. Franklin Bonney, b. Waterford, Vt. m. Lucy Brown, res. Boston, Mass. V. Dean Conant, d. 1847. Killed while coasting, vi. Mary Ann Baldwin, b. L. res. Boston, Mass. 5. Samuel G. Brackett, son of William ', b. in Sudbury, Mass., Sei)t. 10, 1802. m. Jan. 1, 1827, Amanda, dau. of Rev. Drury Fair- bank (See), b. in Plymouth, March 8, 1803, d. in Waltham, "Mass., March, 1862. He res. in L. in 1840, d. in St. Johnsburv, Vt., Dec. 14, 1859. Merchant. Ch., — i. Mary Ann, b. Landaff, Jan. 30, 1828. ni. Feb. 17, 1853, Fayette Jewett, physician (See). ii. Samuel Augustus, b. Barnet, Vt., Dec. 19, 1829. m. Feb. 19, 1856, Ruble N. Robbins. Merchant, res. Boston, Mass. iii. Klmore Fairbank, b. Waterford, Vt., May 26, 1839. m. first, April 7, 18G0, Harriet M. Chamberlin, d. July 27, 1870. m. second, Oct. 1, 1889, Frances H. Page. res. Boston. Dentist. 6. William Campbell Brackett, son of William '-, b. in L. Oct. 1, 1812. m. Jan. 18, 1842, Julia A., dau. of Samuel Ross, b. in Bath, Brackett. 79 B''eb. 9, LSI 7. Her first husbiind was (Jooriro ITuteliins. Slio m. tliird, Col. Cyrus Eastman (See). William C. res. in L. all his life, and d. Feb. 14, 1H63. Merchant. J. P. Ch., b. in L.,— 8. i. William Koss, b. Nov. 24, 1842. n. ii. Edwaki) Dudlky, b. Nov. 6, 1845. iii. HoRACK, b. .May 8, 1848, d. L. June, 1849. 10. iv. Harvev Smith, b. Dec. 22, 1852. 7. Charles White Brackett, son of William', b. in L. June 8, 1822. m. first, Nov. 18, 1846, Lucretia, dau. of Otis Batchelder (See), b. in Bedford. March 12, 1827, d. in L. Feb. 20. 1871). m. second, May 21, 1881), Sarah J., dau. of Richard T. Sullivan, b. in Lisbon in 1858. Roman Catholic. She m. second, George L. Danforth (See). Charles W. res. in L. all his life, except five vears. and d. here Jan. 1, 1891. Merchant. Republican. Town Clerk, 18r)9-G0. Ch. by w. Lucretia, b. in L., — i. Anna Lauchlen, b. Dec. 24, 1849. num., res. L. ii. Clara Labaree, b. Nov. 15, 1851, d. L. Nov. 16, 1853. iii. Carrie Adelia, b. Feb. 4, 185o. m. Henry Merrill (See). iv. Harry Batchelder, b. Sept. 25,1860. ni. Nov. IS'.H, Clara Gertrude Jenkins. Clerk in real-estate office, res. Everett, Mass. 8. William Ross Brackett, son of William Campbell®, b. in L. Nov. 24, 1842. m. May 13, 18G8, Ella Eliza, dau. of Wilbur C. Stearns, b. in Worcester, Vt., Dec. 15, 1849. He res. in L. from birth until 18G4, and since 1895. Railroad official. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., b. in Plymouth, — i. Bessie Stearns, b. Aug. 3, 1874, d. Aug-. 24, 1874. ii. William Cephas, b. March 15, 1876, d. May 25, 1876. iii. Lucy Stearns, b. June 23, 1879. 9. Edward Dudley Brackett, son of William Campbell®, b. in L. Nov. 6, 1845. m. Jan. 7. 18G9, Georgianna Alice, dau. of James Munroe Hadley (See), b. in Rumney, March 13, 1846. He res. in L. from birth to 1864, now res. in Kansas City, Mo. Merchant. Ch., — i. Kate Ross, b. Emporia, Kas., Jan. 1, 1873, d. Irving, Kas., Oct. 31, 1874. ii. Georgianna May, b. Topeka, Kas., June 15, 1877. Grad. Smith C'oll., 1899. 10. Harvey vSmith Brackett, son of William Campbell", b. iu Tj. Dec. 22, 1852. m. Jan. 31, 1883, Annie Stewart, dau. of B^ranklin Bonney Brackett, son of Sewell *, b. in Fall River, Mass., Aug. 21, 1854. He res. in L. from 1852 to 1867, now res. in Portsmouth. Cashier. Ch., b. in Portsmouth, — • i. Ross Dudley, b. Sept. 17, 188G. ii. William Franklin, b. Aug. 11, 1888. 80 Brennan — Brickett — Bridge. BRENNAN. 1. John Brennan, son of -Tames, b. in Ireland in 1837. ra. April 1(). 1861, Mary Ann, dan. of Patrick Doolev, b. in Qnebec, Dec. 25, 18;52, Roman ('atliolic. He has res. in L. since 18S4. Section hand. Roman Catholic. Ch,, b. in St. Agatha, Can., — i. Jambs, b. Feb. 16, 18(33. m. Aug. 3, 18flO, Annie Burns, res. Carroll. Section foreman, ii. Annie G., b. May 12, 18G5. m. Patrick Good (See). BRICKETT. 1. Abram Brickett, b. in Haverhill, Mass., moved to Newbur}', Vt., abinit 1788. where he had three sons, John, Abram, and Edmund. He m. Sarah Kelley. 2. Jonx Brickett, son of Abram \ b. in Newbury, Vt., March 19, 17.S0. m. March oO, 1813, Eliziabeth, dan. of Tarrant Putnam. He res. in L. from 1835 to 1852. Farmer and pearlash manufr. d. in Newbury, Vt., May 7, 1853. Ch., b. in Newbury, Vt., — ;j. i. Harry, b. Feb. 1, 1818. ii. Eunice, b. 1820, d. 1820. iii. Sarah Ann, b. 1822. m. Sept. 18, 1844, John Underwood, carpenter. d. Bradford, Vt., Feb. G, 1871. iv. Eunice .Iane, b. 1820, d Jan. 0, 184G. 3. Harrv Brickett, son of Jcjlin'-, b. in Newbury, Vt., Feb. 1, 1818. m. Aug. 18, ISJC), Eliza, dan. of Ca[)t. Joseph and Phebe (Gage) Cutter, 1). in Jatfrey. Dec. 20, 1820. He res. in L. a few years prior to 1852. He was educated in Newl)ury. Vt., and Haverhill Academies, and grad. Dart. Coll. in 1840 ; studied medicine in Dart. Med. Coll. Taught Jaffrey and Francestown Academies, 1840 to 1850; Brown Latin Scliof)l, Newburyport, Mass., 1850 to 1852 ; Merrimack Normal School, 1.S52 to 1856. Was ordained Cong. cl'<, 1S5,S. Pastor at Hillsboro Bridge,"lS57 to 1865 ; Cieneseo, 111., 18(55 to 1.S72 ; Hast Lake George, N. X^, 1S72 to 1876 ; Hillsboro Bridge, 1876 to 1882 ; Thetford, Vt., 1882 to 1890. He afterward res. in Hooksett until he d., Dec. 17, 1891. Ch.,— i. Joseph Cxitter, b. Francestown, June 26, 1847, d. Nov. 2.5, 1851. ii. Eeekn Josephine, b. Francestown, Sept. 2, 1850. ni. Sept. 17, 1880, Orient J. Prescott, res. Hooksett. iii. Harry Le Uoy, b. Newburyport, Mass., Sept. 14, 1852. ni. iVug. 5, 1885, Amelia Herring. Clergyman, res. Marion, Mass. iv. Julia Eliza, b. Hillsboro Bridge, .lulv 2S, 18-50, d. Dec. 28, 187G. V. Marv Isabel, b. Hillsboro Bridge, July 21, 18(52. m. June 14, 1887, Charles S. Wilmot, res. Thetford, \'t. BRIDGE. L John D. Bridge, son of Henrv M., b. in Wai'wick, Mass., Aug. 23, 185i). m. Sept. 18, 1888, Angle Belle, dau. of Porter B. Watson (See), b. in Salisbury, Nov. 17, 1862. He res. in L. from May 6, 1887, I> /■!i!<)\VN, son of Saninel, b. in Cliehnsford, IMass., Oct. 21, 1802. in. Oct. 22, 182G, Annie, dan. of .b)lin Wiiiship, b. in Lexinu- ton, Mass., March 10. 1807, d. in .Milford, May 22, 1874. lie res. in L. from 18;37 to 1845. Shoemaker, d. in Milford, Oct. 27, 18.54. (Acts of Antislaverv Ajjostles, \){). 21)2-;5-4-r)-G.) ^ Ch., — i. Ukn'uy Kuastus. h. Westfonl, Mass., Juh' 7, 18"J7. m. Haiinali l^and. Hlaeksiiiitli and soldier, d. in service in New Orleans, La., Sept. 4, ii. Calista Anv, b. Cliarleslown, ^b^ss., 18-J'.). m. Nov. 11, 1847, Isaiali Hutcliiiisou, faniior. ile d. Ajjril '1\, 1884. Slie d. Milford, June V-). 18; 12. iii. Thomas \Vi.\snii>, h. Boston, Mass., March 15, 18ol. ni. Nov. 24, 1850, Mary .Jane Russell. Siioe-dcaier. res. Maiden, Mass. iv. Edwin C. L., Ii. Caniliridge, Mass., April 22, 18o;]. ni. Jan. 1, 18t)2. Klizahetli Lincoln Ilowe. Unitarian clergyman, d. Pomona, Cal., Jan. 21, 18U2. V. OititiN Lkk, 1). I'lymoutli, Dec. 28, l8:](i. m. Oct. 24, 18()1, Matilda A. .Mooiiv. Artist and fresco painter, d. Maiden, Mass., Dec. 17, 1874. vi. JIahv Klizaisktii, b. L. May IG, 18;;'J. in. first, Sept. 11, 18i;n. E. H. Davis, physician. He d. Manciiester, July 22, 1875. ni. second, Oct. 8, 1878, Joseph W. Fellows, lawyer, res. Manchester. BROWN. 5. IIknky Ijuowx, son of William, b. in L. Dee. 2, 18;)7. m. Feb. .5, 18G(3, Esther, dan. of .lames Sizen, b. in Enoland, Feb. 11, 1845. He has res. in L. all liis life. Trnckman. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. EiiXEST IL, 1). March 2:;, 180!1, in. July, IS'JO, Carrie Bailey. Musician. res. Spokane, Wash, ii. Edith M., b. Aug. 18, 1870. in. July 18, 18t):), Noel D. Thomas, laborer, res. L. iii. Geougk VV., b. Sept. o, 1880. ni. Oct. 15, 18'J8, Lucy V. Dodge. BROWN. 6. J.\MKS l>i;o\VN, son of Fiancis. b. in St. -lohnsbiiry, \l.. April 1 1. ISGO. 111. Se|)t. 27, 1S,S2, Mary, dan. of Peter Dnil'ee* (See), b. in St. Johnsbiiry, \{.. Nov. 12, 1S57, Roman Catholic. lie has res. in I.. most of the time since 1-4. Democrat, d. in ]\ran- ehester. Feb. G, 18',)1. No children. BUCK. 1. Kk.liien Buck, b. in Conn., res. in Hillsborough. 2. Waltku Buck, son of Reuben ', b. in Hillsborough, Dec. 2?>. 1771. m. Feb. 26, 1795, IMartha (ii'ecn of Hillsborough. He res. in Waterford, Vt. , where he d., April 25, 1847. 3. HoKACK Buck, son of Walter'-^, b. in Waterford, Vt., Feb. 22. 1S03. ni. April 17, 1825, Polly, dan. of John Caswell, the second nude ciiild b. in L. (See). Siie was b. in Waterford, Vt., April 4, 1807. Baptist, d. in L. March 15, 1894. He res. in L. nearly all his life. Hotel-keeper and tailor. Bai)tist. Democrat. Representative, 1855. Selectman, 185S. J. P. A. F. and A. 31., Morning Dawn and Burns Lodue. d. in L. Oct. 27, 1873. cii.,— i. Am.ynd.v Knight.s, b. Hanover, Due. VI, \'6\\. m. Fraiilc Curtis Albee (See). BUCK. 4. Frank Henry Buck, son of Oscar, b. in L. Se[)t. 8, 1850. m. April 12, 1888, Matilda, dau. of Lewis Strong, b. in Canada, INIarch 19, 18(')7. He has res. in L. all his life. Laborer. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. GitACE Maud, b. Dec. 20. 1888. ii. Georgia Mav, b. A.\m. 12, 18U1. BUCKLEY. 1. Edward P>uckley, son of William, b. in Lancashire, Fugland, Feb. 20, 1825. ni. Jan. 9, 1800, Elizabeth, dau. of John McCall. I). in Glasgow, Scotland. June It, 1833. Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1863. Boarding-liouse keei)er. Democrat. Ch. i. .Tennette, b Anilover, ^Fass., .luiU" 4, ISGl, d. L. Nov. 2 ISOl. ii. Hann.\h, b \j. Oct. 9, IS'Jo ni. William Cuiuming.s (See). iii. Will Parkin.sox, b. L. Feb. 22, 18()5. iv. Ch.vrles ^yEusTER, b. L. .Tuly 10, 1S()0. ni. .Ian. 27, 1891, IMary A. Moore, res. St. AU^aiis, Vt. Printer. V. Bell, b. L. .Iiilv f), 1S()S. m. .John Feruuson (See). vi. Alice, b. L. Sept. 2, 1870, d. L. Feb. 2,1874. vii. Archie Lenw.vv, b. L. April 8, l87o. unni. res. L. 88 BucTiiey — BiKjhee. 2. Will Parkinson Buckley, son of Edward \ b. in L. Fel). I'l^ 186.3. m. July 25, 1891, Elizabeth Frances, dan. of George K. Drevv (See), lie iias res. in L. from birtli to 18U0. He was edneated in L. Higli School and Dart. Coll., grad. 1887. Commenced studying law with Bingham, Mitchell, & Batchellor in 1886, and was admitted to tlie Bar at Concord, July 25, 18'J0. Located at Lancastei-, where he is now a member of the law firm of Drew, Jordan, and Buckley. JMember Board of Education, Union ScIkxjI Dist., 1887-8-9. J. P. Notary public. Democrat. Ch., b. in Lancaster, — i. Clyde Drew, b. .Tune 1, 1802. ii. AciCE, b. All";. IG, 18'J4. BUGBEE. 1. Edwakd BLGiiKE, b. in England, about 1594, came to America from Ii)svvich, England, in slii|) '-Francis," in 1634, and settled in Roxbury, Mass., where he d., Jan. 26, 1669. His wife's name was Rebecca. 2. Joseph Bugbee, son of Edward S b. in Roxbury, Mass., June (!. 1640. m. Experience, dau. of Andrew Pitcher of Dorchester, Mass. Josei)li moved to Woodstock, Conn., in 1686, and d. in 1729. 3. JosLvii BuGBEE, eightli child of Joseph -, b. in Roxbury, INIass., Nov. 2, 1684. m. Sarah . He d. in Woodstock, Conn." 4. JosiAH BuGLEE, eldest son of Josiah ^, b. in Woodstock, Conn., Dec. 2;3, 1708. m. PoUycena Arnold, who came from England. 5. Amos BufiBEE, sixth son of Josiah ^ b. in Ashford, Conn., Nov. .'5, 174!). m March 21, 1782, Martha Woodwai'd, b. in Lisbon, Conn., Aug. 3, 1757, d. Jan. 8, 1847. He d. in Ashford, Conn., Feb. 15, 1804. 6. Ralph Bugbee, eighth child of Amos ^ b. in Ashford, Conn., Feb. 9, 1796. m. Oct. 4, 1820, Vera Goss, b. Aug. 16, 1798. He was a l)hysician in Waterford, Vt., where he d., Jan. 11, 1881. 7. Ralph Bu(iBEE, son of Ralph <■'. b. in Waterford, Vt., Dec. 20. 1821. UL fir.st, Phebe Jane. dan. of Laban Tifft (See), b. in L. Mav 21, 1824, d. in Waterford, Vt., Oct. 12, 1846. nL second, Nov. 18,' 1S47, INlary Barker, b. in Concord, Vt., d. in Franconia, Nov. 16, 1855. m. third, Nov. 14, 1856, Jennett Cutler, dau. of Stillman Batchellor (See), b. in Bethlehem, April 19. 1836, Cong., d. in N. Y. City, Julv 8, 1897. He res. in L. from 1.S57 until he\l., July 26, 1893^. He was educated in the common and high schools of" Waterford, Vt., Lyndon, Vt., Academy, and atteudi'd medical college, two terms at Woodstock, Vt., and two at Castleton, Vt., grad.\at Castleton, Oct. 1845. He studied witli his father and connnenced practice in AVaterford, Vt , in 1844, during the erysipelas scourge, continuing there until 1853, when he moved to Fr.anconia, where he practised three years. He llieu established himself in L., where he practised the remainder of his life. He belonged to the regular school, and to the White Mt. Medical Mrs. Jexnett C. Bu(;i5EE. Bwjhee — JiuUard. 89 Society, Cak'cloiiiu, Vt., Medical Society, and Vt. State Metlical So- ciety. l\ei)nl)licaii. Cong. A. F. and A. AI., Burns Lodge. Cli., b}' w. INIary, — 8. i. Gkokui; ItALi-ii, b. Watcrfonl, Vt., Feb. 7, 1849. Ch., by w. Jennette, — ii. Maky, b. L. Si'pt 12, 18()l). iinul. Boston School of Oratory, 1«80. m. Oct. 2!), 18!)1, Israel 0. Blake, ice-dealer, res. N. V. City. 8. (xKOKCiK Iv.vM'ii BuGisKE, son of Ralpii ', b. in Waterford, Vt., Feb. 7, 184i). m. Dee. o\ , 1S81, Knuna E., dan. of Ilai'dy Lindsey, b. in Whitefield, Feb. 17, l.s.V.l. He ivs. in L. IVoin 1857 to l.S7;5; was edu- cated in the ccMiinion sclioolsof L. and Fiancoiiia, and Newbiu'y, ^'t., and Tilton Seminaries, lletlien attendi'd the INIedical Depaitmeiit of .Midi. Univei-.sity and Dart. Medical Coll., giad. from the hitter in 1872. He then practised medicine in L. one year, then removed to Whitetield, ;ind later to Watisan, Wis., where he now res. He belongs to the regular school. Ch.,- GwnNDOMNE Bauiceh, b. Wliitetielil, Oct. 17, 1883. AuKL KvLPH, b. Wiiitefield, Oct. 27, 1887. Lkigu Fk.\nk, b. Wausaii, Wis., Oct. 12, 188'.). MuKAL KvKLVN, b. Wausaii, Wis., Sept. 16, 18'.)1. Geouge IiAi.rii, b. Wausau, Wis., May 12, 18'J4. BULLARD. 1. Gkokck liuLLAKU, b. in England, 10O8. settled in Watertown, Mass., and was admitted freeman, lG-11. The mother of his children Avas Beatrice, but no record of the marriage is found. He m. second, INIary Maplehead. Late in life he removed to Watertown Farms, later known as Weston, where he d. Jan. 14, 1G88/'J. 2. doNATiiAN Bui.LARD, SOU of t J corgc \ 1). J uly 12, I<;i7. m. Dec. 9, IGG'J, HesterJMor.se, b. March 7, lG45/(;, dan. of Joseph and Hester (Pierce) Morse of Watertown. 3 Jonathan Bui.lakd, son of Jonathan -, b. Dec. 2'), 1072, by wife Anna had eleven children. Only ten children are named in Bond's " Watertown," but it is certain that Joseph was a brother of El)enezer Billiard of New Ipswich. Jonathan d. Sept. 14, 171'.!. and his widow m. May 24, 1727, Edward Harrington, son of Abraham, of Watertown. 4. Joseph IjILLAKD, son of Jonalhaii '\ was i)orn in Wi'stiJii, Jan. 16, 1717/8. He m. March 22, 17r)4, Sarah Froctor. He lived with his brother Elienczer in New I[)swicli until his marriage, and about 17GU removed to INLison, where he d. March o, 17'.*2. 5. Sii.AS Bullaki), son of Joseph ^ 1). in New Ipswich, April 2, 17.").'). m. July 1, 1782, Avis Keyes. He resided in INLxson, where he d. May 1."), hS."}."). l'\)urteeii children. 6. Sami-sun Bum. aud. son of Silas \ b. in JNIason. Oct. 21, 17'Sl. m. Nov. 8, 181.S, Ivah, dau. of Enoch Patterson, b. in liostoii, Mass., June 5, 179S, d. in L. July IG, 18.J4, Unitarian. He res. in L. from 1«47 to 90 Bunker — Burgui. 1S58. Merchant and banker. Unitarian. Whio-. d. in Boston, Mass., Jnly ID, 185S. Cli., 1). in Concord, — i. Enoch Patterson, b. Sept. 10, 1819. m. June 29, 1859, Laura Curtis. Merchant, res. N. Y. City. ii. Cakoi.ine IvAii, b. April 9, 1821, ni. William Joseph Bellows (See). lii. Gkokge IIknuy, b. Sept. 0, 1823, d. Concord, May 17, 1810. BUNKER. 1. GicoKGK IIknuy Bunker, son of Cliarles Sinclair, I), in N. Y. Cit3', Dec. 30, 1«;3G. m. Nov. 26, ISGO, Dolly Priest, dan. of Isaac •Tones Qnimhy, I), in Franconia, .Tnne lA, 1835. She d. April 8, 1889. He has res. in L. since ISGi. Blacksmith. Democrat. Ch., — i. Fked Mason, b. L. April 18, 1808. unni., res. L. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. 32° A. A. S. R. BUNKER. 2. Cyrus Edwin Bunker, son of Abraham, b. in Barnstead, Feb. 25, 1823, d. in Bethlehem, Jnly 8, 1894'; m. first, May 25, 1847, Susan Conover; she d. in Bethlehem, 1873 ; m. second, June 29, 187G, Maiy R. Lovering, b. .Tnne 16, 1839, dau. of Joseph Lovering ; she has res. in L. since 1895. Ch., by w. Snsan, — i. Leuoy Edwin, b. Laconia, Ajtril 11, lst8. ni., Julia Secor ; m. second, Bessie L. Barton, res. New York City. ii. Er.r.A Maria, b. Bethlehem, Nov. 22, 1852, d. young, iii. Anna Eliz.v, b. Bethlehem, July 8, 1854. m. 1875, John Ash. iv. Carrie Eveline, b. Bethlehem, June 20, 1858. m. Asa H. Nickerson, physician, Central Fall, R. I. Ch., by w. Mary, — V. George Cyrus, b. Bethlehem, May 20, 1881. res. L. Student Wor- cester Tech. 1903. BURGIN. 1. John Buugin, son of Samuel, b. in Lancaster, .Jan. 16, 1S2(). m. Delia Ann, dau. of Albert Millen, b. in Bath, Ft-b. .S, 1832. He has res. in L. since 18G5. Stone-niason. Republican. Co. G, lltli N. FI. Inf. Private. G. A. R. l^ostmaster, Pattenville, ap[)ointed Julv 19, 1890; reappointed in 1894. Ch.,— i. George Francis, b. Lyman, Oct. 1, 1851, d. Lyman, April 3, 1863. ii. Jdiin Irving, b. Maidstone, Vt., Dec. 7, 1854. m. July 5, 1886, Josepiiine Clough. Carpenter. res. Lisbon, iii. Edvv.\rd S.mitii, b. Northumberland, Oct. 9, 1858. Farmer. res. Co- liasset, Minn iv. Harriet Elvira, b. Bath, Dec. 7, 1862. m. John Erwin Weeks (See). V. Samuel Alrkrt, b. L. Aug. 12, 1806, d. Wells River, Vt., Mav 10, 1891. Clerk. 2. vi. William, b. L. Oct. 3, 1808. vii. Andrew Gohdon, b. L. March 25, 1871. Clerk, viii. Anna Elvina, b. L. Jan. 19, 1874. Btor/in — Burh'ij — Burnham. 91 2. WiLMA:\r BuHGiN, son of John \ b. in L. Oct. 3, 1868. m. Se|)t. '). 1SS7, Kate, dau. of James McElready, b. in Canada, April IS, 18G9, Roman Catholic. lie res. in L, in youth and since l'S87. Farmer. Ke|)nblican. Cli., b. in L., — i. .Mkktik Ini:z, I). July lU, 1SS8. ii. Jamks Euwaud, b. Nov. 10, 1890. BURLEY. BURLEIGH. 1. Giles Rlhi.ey, res. in Ipswich, INIass. (See '• Bnrley Family" in State Library.) 2. Jamks Buulkv, son of (lilcs ', 1). Feb. 10, IG.V.). in. May "25. 168.') (?), Rebecca, dan. of Thomas Stacy. She d. Oct. 21, ICNG.' 11(; m. second, Elizabeth ■. lie d. in Fxeter about 1721. 3. William Buklky, son of Janus-, b. in I[)s\vicli. Mass., Feb. 27. 16'.);3. Was in Newmarket in 1746. 4. William Bukley, son of William''. 1). in 1721. nL Olive . He res. in Stratham in 1716, and signed his name '• Bnrley." He d. in Candia, Jnne 18, ISOl. 5. Wheeler Burleigh Burley, son of AVilliam "*, b. in Strathnm, Se[)t. 11). 1749. m. Nancy Leavitt. He was a blacksmith and Rev. sol- dier, moving to Gilmanton about ISOO, where he d. 31aivh, IH.'U. 6. Bkx.tamin Leavitt Burley, son of A\'heeler% b. in Stratham, Julv If). 17'S1. in. Hannah Bean Palsifer. b. in Gilmanton, June 17, 1782, d. Sept. 2, bS4.'». He d. Oct. ;>1, l.s;5.S. Blacksmitli and farmer. 7. William Burley, son of Benjamin Leavitt ^b. in (Jilmanton, Nov. 22, l.S()4. m. Se|)t. 10, 1830, Huldah Weymouth Jknm, b. Aug. 26, 1807. He was a farmer, res. in L. 8. George Washington Burley, son of William ', b. ^lay 2, 1.S32. in. April, 1856, Mary Ann Baker. He res. in Bethlehem. 9. Frank Pierce IUtrleigh, son of George Washington ^, b. in Beth- lehem, Dec. 1, 1856. m. July 14, 1.S7H, Sarah Jane, dan. of Orange Hatch (See), b. in Bethlehem", Oct. 2.S, 1.S5.S, Free P.aptist. He has res. in L. since 1880. Clerk. Democrat. I. O. O. F. No ch. BURNHAM. 1. Elisiia Burnham, son of Samuel, b. in J>etlilehem, Oct. 26, 1.S07. m. June 6, 1838, Laura liaxter, dan. of James Dow (See), 1). in L. Aug. 18, 1817, d. in L. Nov. 5, 1.S86, Cong. He res. in L. nearly all his life. Car[)enter. Democrat. Representative, 1845. Ai)|)ointe(l ('apt. 5th Co. 32d Regt. N. H. INLlitia, Dec. 21, 1836, v.acated March 17. is:;'.l: also Capt. Lst Co. Lt. Juf. N. H. :Militia, Jnne 24, 1830, vacated March 4, 1841. d. in L. March 20, 1884. 92 Bunthtun. Cli., 1). ill L., — 3. i. Cvuos Eastman, b. Dec. 26, 1838. ii. Klhkidge C, b. July 24, 1840, d. L. Feb. 5, 1842. 4. iii. IIknrv Baxter, h. Feb. 6, 1842. iv. Kli.a Low, b. Jiilv 8, 1845, fl. L.July G, 1847. V. Frank Llmer, b."Julv 10. 1847. m. Oct. 1, 1807, Clara E. West (See). res. L. Co. I), Lst Vt. Cav. Private. G. A. K. vi. ('iiARLKs Julius, b. Jan. 81, 1850, J. L. Sept. 7, LS(i5. vii. Stem. A Laura, b. June IS, 185."), unm., res. Providence, II. I. 5. viii. ]']i)\vARD Elisha, b. Oct. 11,1855. !.\. Alice Louise, b. July 23, 1857, d. L. Dec. 27,1802. 2. Joseph Burniiam, .son of SiimiK;!, b. in BeLlilehem, June 6, 180G. ni. first, ul)oiit 1828, MaiT Kinibjill, dau. of One Snow, b. in Betlile- Ik'Ui in 1805, d. in L. Oct 27, 1844, Baptist, m. second, Dec. 1844, Hope. dan. of Jt)lin B. Twonibly, b. in Alton, Jan. 9, 1820. jMetliodist. He res. in L. from 1841 until he d., Jan. 13, 1866. Stone-mason. Selectman, 1858. llepublicun. She d. in L. Feb. 8, 1809. Ch.,— 1. Caroline L., b. in Bethlehem, Nov. 1, 1829. in. Benjamin W. Kilburn (See). ii. Samuel, b. Bethlehem, June, 1831. m. about 1852, Amoretta Ladd. Clerk, lie d. Cambridi^e, Mass., Nov. 12, 1854. She m. second, Daniel Crane, res. BethlelieuL iii. William W., b. Bethlehem, April 6, 1830, d. lioanoke Island, N. C, April G, 18()2, Co. B, 0th Kcgt. N. 11. Inf. iv. CiEORGE, b. L. May, 1841, killed Morris Island, S. C, Aug. 20, 1863, Co. II, 3d Regt. N. H Inf. V. Hakry S., b. L. Nov. 25, 185(). m. June 1, 1887, Louvia Morse. Paintei'. res. L. Divorced. I. O. O. F. Soldier, War with Spain. N. H. Kegt. 3. CvKus Eastman Bukniiam, son of Elisha \ b. in L. Dec. 26, 1838. in. June 29, 1865, Eliza Ann, dau. of Josiah ]>ailey, b. in Brovvnington, Vt., April 9, 1842. He has res. in L. all his life. Painter. Demo- crat. 3d Kegt. ; Co. A, 1 7tli Begt. ; Co. 1, 1st N. II. H. Art. Musician. Ch., b. in L., — i. Charles Egbert, b. March 27, 1860. ni. June 3, 1889, Flora Cochrane. Teaclier vocal n:usic. res. Lakewood, N. J. ii. Merton Elisha, b. Sept. 15, 1868. m. Lizzie Webster, lie d. La- conia, Jan. 2, 1897. iii. George Cyrus, b. May 3, 1873. m. Oct. 5, 1898, Myrtle E. Powers (See), res. L. 4. Henky Baxter Bui;niiam, son of Elisha\ b. in L. Feb. 6, 1842. m. Sept. 5, 1865, Edna Jane, dau. of Levi Ward Cobleigh, b. in L. Oct 4, 1846. He has res. in L. all his life. Cari)enter and mechanic, member of the firm of Fitzgerald & BuinhanL Democrat. Co. D. 13th N. II. Inf. Musician. ^ Com. G. A. R., 1885. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., b. in L., — i. Winfrep Ernest, b. March 18, 1867. res. Boston, Mass. ii. Henry Ward, b. Oct. 21, 1809, d. L. Aug. 4, 1870. iii. AuniE Louise, b. Dec. 25, ls71. m. Arthur Whittaker (See). iv. Arthur Eugene, b. Nov. 25, 1873, d. L. May 8, 1875. V. Hubert Leslie, b. July 3, 1876. Biirtiliam ■ — Buriif!. 03 5. Ei>AV.u;i) ICmsha liiuxiiAM, son of Elislia^ 1). in L.Oct. 11, 1<'^."»"). m. April "J.S, l.s.s;5, Annie Ik'lle, (l:ui. of John Tnnnev, b. in Addison, Vt., Aug-. l.S, 1.S5G. Roniun Catholic. He has res. in L. all his life. Clerk. Democrat. Ch., 1). in L.,— i. Edward Jamks, h. Feb. 10, 1880. ii. Alice .May, h. Dec. U, 1888. iii. .John K., b. June (i, 18U1. BURNHAM. 6. MosKs PiLLsr.iMiv BuKNHAM, son of Kzekiel, b. in T^isoin, .Inne H, 1810. ni. Nov. 4, l-StH, Alary, dan. of Ilezekiah Tibl)etts, 1). in Wolf- boro, May 27, 1825. She d. Jan. 9, 181)S. He res. in L. since l-s ').'), He d, AuV- 20. 181)9. Farmer. Selectman, 1880. Democrat. No ch. BURNHAM. 7. 1"'i;anki,ix Jamks 15ui;xmam, son of James, b. in Norwic-h, \'t., Dec. .'>1, 1812. m. June 17, 187;), Harriet Frances, dan. of ('harles Langhton, 1). in Valley Cartier, P. Q., June 15, 18-12. He res. in L. during the school year ol 18(50-70, prin(;i[)al of Littleton High School. He fitted for college at Kimball Union Academy and grad. Dart. Coll. Class of 18(;o. (iiad. from Law Department of Chicngo University in 1871. and was admitted to the l>ar in Chicago, May 22, 1871, and practised there a short time, then removed to (ilyndon, Alinn., :ind practised until 1875. then to Moorhea-d, ALnn.. where he is still in practice. Edited ''('hiy Co. Advocate," 1877 to 18,S0 ; Co. Attoi-ney, Clay Co., Alinn., 1877 to 1>!81 ; Commissiont'r U. S. Circuit Court lor .AEinn., 1878 to 18S2; Supt. Schools, Clay Co., 187;> to 1875; Prest. First National Lank of Moorhead since 1882. Law ilrnis connecled with: Ihunham C^: W'illard, Chicago, Aug. to Oct., I.s71 ; J5urnham i.<: Nettleton, (ilyndon, Minn., 187;); litu-nham & Ciould, Mooi'head, Minn., Jan. 1, 1.S70, to Jan. 1,1882; lUniiham, Heywood & (it)uld, Jan. 1882 to iNLiy, 1882. when it was broken up by the death of Mr. Ileywood (George W. \\., Dartmouth, 18(;0), and the retiren)ent of Mv. Gould ; Lurnh.'im, i\Iills & Tillotson, Jan. 188;'). He d. Moorhead, April 17, 1.S08. First Lieut. Co. E, 0th N. H. Inf. Presbvlerian. Ch., - i. Bkssie AMi.r.iA, b. (;iyn(lon, Minn, June 4, 1874. res. Moorhoad, Minn. Asst. l'rin('ii>al Ili<{b Scbixil. ii. J.oiKS Hkui'.kut, b. Moorhead, Minn , Sept. ;jO, 187.). iii. Kkakk HinwoOD, b. Moorlieail, Minn , .March 9, 1878. iv. Oscar Kohixson, b. Moorhead, Minn., May 2!), 1880. BURNS. The fii-st record obtainable of the ]]iu-ns family is of Thomas P.urn, who owned i)ro[)erty in Corntown, Co. Sterling, Scotland, by Ciown charter, in I5;)8. This pro|)erty descended to John P)urn. In 17.^;') the name was lirst spelled I Sums, in the Glasgow directory. (Tiie several I'urns families treated are related.) 94 Burns. 1. John Buijxs, b. in Co. of Donegal, Ireland, June, 1711, was' of Scotch descent and came to America from Londonderry, Ireland, m. his first \v. in. Boston, Mass., who d. about one year later. He moved to Bedford and m. second, Ann McQnesten of Litchfield, Mass., b. in Co. Tyrone, Ireland, June, 1720. Ten cli. 2. Robert Bukxs, son of John \ m. jNIollie Smitli. 3. "William Burns, son of Rol)ert '-, b. in Merrimack April 15, 1783, pub. July 11, bSOH, Mary, dan. of Lieut. Jolin Patterson, b. Aug. 17, Surgeon 1894. In May, 1898, he was ai)i)ointed Surgeon of the First N. II. Volunteers in the war with Si)ain. He resigned in Oct. 1898, to accept an appointment of Surgeon I'. 8. Vols. He is now serving, with rank of JNIajor, in the U. S. Army in the Philippine Islands. The}' have several children. BURNS. 10. N.vTiiAX BiRNS, son of Samuel S., b. in Madison, JMe., Aug. 20, 1.S21. in. Nov. 25, 1848, ]Marv, dan. of -John Cleaves, b. in Kennebunk, Me., ,Ian. 22, 1819. She d. in L. Oct. 11, 1898. He res. in L. from 1860 until he d., Mav 17, 1894. Laborer. Methodist. Pepublican. Co. I), 13th N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. R. A. F. and A. U., Burns Lodire. Ch.,- UuEh Weston, 1). Miulison, Me., June 24, 1849, d. L. March 7, 1882. Esther Elizahictii, b. Anson, Me., April 8, 1851. ni. Nov. lU, 1888, Calvin Perkins, farmer, res. Asbestos, P. Q. SusAX, b. Saco, Me., .June 1, 18.jo. m. Nov. 11, 1878, Siierared Clay, glover res. Soinerville, Mass. She d. L. .Ian. 20, 188'.). Joseph Ellis, b. Madison, Me., June 11, 18.35. mini., res. L. I. O. 0. F., N. G. Mary, b. Madison, Me., April 12, 1857. d. L. April 10, 1893. Sarah, b. Madison, Mc., April 7, 1859. ni. Frank Henry Giiuian (See). Clara, b. L., June 28, 18U1, d. L. 8ept. 15, 1881. BURNS. 11. John Bihns, b. in 1725, res. New Boston; soldier in Colonial wars. Rev. soldier. Private, Capt. Gordon Ilutchins' Co., Col. John Stark's Rcgt. Enlisted Mav 4, 1775, and was in battle of Bunker Hill. 96 Burns — Burt. 12. John Burn^^, son of John ", b. in New Boston in 17.")"». m. Sarali, dan. of Dea. Thomas Smith, h. Dec. *2(), 17')2, ([. in Wliitefield, Jan. 4, 1. Hatch, 1). in L. Nov. •20, 1837, Free Baptist, lie res. in L. from 18-17 to 1858. Fanner. Free Baptist. Democrat. Cli.,— i. Waimiex E., I). L. .June G, IS-jS. la. Feb. 1885, Vesta 1). Royce. Far- mer, res. Hethleliem. ii. .MvK.v, b. IJetlilelieiu, .M:u\'h 17, 18(51. ni. Eli B. Wallace (See). BURT. 4. Smr.oN BuuT, son of Pliineas and Sarah (Bush) Bnrt, b. in Groton, Alass., Feb. lo, 1748 1). ni. 1774, Mary Clai'k, b. Lancaster. Mass., Jan. 2G, 1748/1), dan. of Alatthevv and Elizabeth Clark. He lived in Groton, Lancaster, and Lunenbnrg in Mass., and in JalTre}' and Bethlehem in N. H. In 177(5 he served from Julv to Decenilier in C'apt. Sanuiel Sawver's Co. in Col. Jona. Smith's Regt. in New York. He d. Bethlehem, ()ct. 14, 1819 ; she d. Jan. 7, 1838. Mattiiew Clark was one of the Scotch-Irish emigrants wlio settled in AVorcester, and on the dispersion oftiie community he removed to Lan- caster, where he d. Julv 1), 17G0. Ch.,— i. AI.4RT, b. Groton, Mass., Aug. 21, 1775. m. 1796, Oliver Sawver, far- mer. Siie (1. L. A\n'v\ -20, 1850. ii. Elizabeth, b. Lancaster, Mass., Oct. 21, 1777. in. Hubbard Oliver, tailor. Slie d. Boston, Mass., Dec. 28, 1848. ill. Sarah, b. Lancaster, Mass., Nov. (3, 177!). ni. Timothy Green (See). iv. Dolly, b. Lunenburg, Mass., Dec. 14, 1781. m. William Sawyer ^ (8ec), farmer. She d. Bethlehem, April 17, 1844. 5. V. Lkvi, b. Jaffrey, Jan. 27, 1784. vi. Lydia, b. JatTrev, Feb. 27, 1780. m. Willis Wilder, farmer. She d. L. •Ian. :!1, 1850.' G. vii. SiMKON, 1). -TafTrey, Sept. 28, 1788. m. Mary Wilder. 7. viii. .Joiix, b. .Jattrey, Nov. 11, 1791. m. Mary Batchellor (See). 5. Levi Buut, son of Simeon, b. in Jaffrey, Jan. 27, 1784. m. about 1812, Lucretia Kelso, b. in Chester, Mass., July 3, 1792, d. in L. Feb. 18. 1873. He res. in L. from 1812 until he d., Feb. 5, 18G1. Farmer. Selectman, 182r)-G. Ch., b. in L., — i. Eliza Oliver, b. Feb. 1, 181-1, d. L. April 1.% 18(59. ii. Hugh Kelso, b. Oct. 15, 1815. v.\. March 11, 1^40, Elizabeth L. Fili- gree. Mercliant. He d. L. April 21). 1848. She d. March ol, 1851. iii. Lydia Wilder, b. -Jan. 8, 1818. m. I*], 18;;;), Koman Catholic. lie has res. in \j. since 1888. Laborer. Ivo- man Catholic. Democrat. Ch.,- i. Jamks, b. Jjowfll, jMass., A])iil Ifi, 18()4, d. Betlilelieni, Sept. 15, 1875. ii. Jeremiah, b. Ik'thleliciu, Nov. 27, 18(;(>. les. L. iii. JosiE, b. Bethlchoiii, July '25, 1809, d. L. Jan. 7, 1896. iv. ]\1arv, b. Ik'tlilelii'iii, Sept. 20, 1874. res. L., unni. CAMPBELL. 1. Joseph Davh) Cajh'bkll, son of Archil)ald, b. Sydney, N. S., INIar. 13, 1857. ni. Aug-. 5, 1890, INIary J. Wills, b. Groveton, Feb. 20, 1809, dan. of Israel Wills. He is a merchant tailor, and has res. in L. since April 1, 1897. Congregationalist. Republican. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge; K. T., St. Gerard's Comit}'. Ch.,- i. Margaret M., b. Plyiiioutli, May 2, 1891. CARBEE. L Baxter Ricil\i;i) Carbee, son of William, b. in Lunenburg, ^'t.. July G, 1848. m. March 31, 18(;8, ]\Iartha Bowker, dan. of John \Vebb, b. in Lunenburg, Vt., July 13, 18")2, ]\Iethodist. He has res. in L. since 1886. Painter. Methodist. Republican. Ch., — i. Clara Irene, b. Lunenburg, Vt., Jan. 21, 1869. m. April 17, 1800, John M. H. llaskins, printer, res. Canibrirlgeport, Mass. ii. LuLA May Bell, b. Whitefield, Sept. 21, 1878. iii. IJoLLO ().scAR, b. Stark, Nov. 7, 1881. iv. Hay Haklanu, b. Stark, Oct. 5, 1883. CARBONNEAU. 1. Wn,LtA:\i G. ('AunoNXEAU, son of John. b. in Canada, Sept. 29. 1848. m. Aug. 17, 1868, Leocudie. dan. of John Beauleau, b. in (,)uo- bec, ]\Larch 12, 1S48, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1877. Carpenter. Roman C^atholic. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Archie, b. St. .Tolmsbury, Vt., Ihxy 15, 1869. ii. Jennie, b. L. July K!, 1871. iii. Willie Fi:ank, b. Canada, May 12, 1873. iv. Eddie, b. Canada, May 2, 187(). v. Bektha, b. in Canada, .lune 27, 1878. vi. Oliver, b. L Mav 14, 1882. vii. John, b. L. Y>ov. 24, 1888. viii. LiLLiE, b. L. March 4, 1885. ix. Lewis, b. L. Nov. 5, 1888. .\. Mald, b. L. Sept. 1, 1889. 1 02 Cardinal — Carey — Carlefon. CARDINAL. 1. Peteu Cardinal, son of Peter, b. in St. Hyacinth, P. Q., Dec. 17, 1842. m. Nov. 29, 1867, Kate, dau, of James M. Richardson (See), b. Lisbon, Aug. 15, 1849. He lias res. in L. since 1867. Lumber manufr. Democrat. Ch., — a. i. Melville Horace, b. Bethleliera, Aug. 27, 1868. ii. MiNNETTE E., b. L. Aug. .30, 1869. m. June 7, 189-3, Joseph C. Seely. Laborer, res. L. iii. Oscar B., b. L. June 4, 1878, d. May 19, 1887. 2. INIelville Horace Cardinal, son of Peter \ b. in Betlilehem, A no-. 27, 18G8. m. .July 2d, 1893, Emma Druzella, dan. of William B. Smith, b. in Dalton, May 13, 1872, Methodist. He has res. in L. all his life. Lumber manufr. Republican. Ch., — i. Edward C, b. Nov. 12, 1894. CAREY. 1. Chester E. Carey, son of Olivet S., b. in Lempster, IMarch 11, 1S40. m. first. Dec. 29, 1865, Emily L.. dau. of Roswell Prouty, b. in Newport. Vt., Nov. 9, 1843. m. second, April 8, 1883, Julia A., dau. of John ^IcDonald, b. in Boston, Mass., Jan. 15, 1848, d. in Hanover, March 10, 1887. He came to L. Sept. 1867, and established the "• White Mountain Republic," which he conducted until Sept. 1871, when he moved away, having sold his paper to Henry H. Metcalf. He was engaged in the printing bu.siness for thirty years. He d. in Hanovei-, Se|)t. 25, 1896. Democrat. Universalist. J. P. State. He is a lineal descendant of Sir Robert Carey of Scotland. His great- grandfatlier was Gen. William Carey of the N. H. Militia. Ch., — i. Ethel, b. Hillsboro', Jan. 10, 1885. CARLETON. This lineage is from the records in the old Coll. of Heraldry, London. Eng. ; Co. Histories, especially that of Surrey Co., Eug. ; from a famih* record, sent by the late Lord Dorchester to Rev. Hiram Carleton, East Sandwich, Mass., an American authority; Colonial Records of INfass., and the town and church records of Rowle}', Ha- verhill, and ]')radford, Mass. ; the New Eng. Historic Genealogical Society ; the Essex Institute ; from family records, deeds, wills, and cemetery inscriptions. Tlie history, character, and social position have been obtained from Parliamentary records, records of real estate conveyances, and records contained in State papers, especially treaties with foreign nations. The family arms are those held by the Carle- tons of Lincoln and Oxfordshire, Eng., and are as follows : — Arms, Argent on a bend sable, three mascles of the field. Crest, Out of a Ducal coronet, or an unicorn's head sal)le ; the horn twisted of the first and second. Motto, ]\^on ad perniciem. Carleton. 10:^) [Thcso arms must not be confouiuled with those of the present House of Dorcliester, which si)ning" from tlie Carletons of Fermaugh, Irehuid, and originated with Sir Guy Carleton. That line is from John >".] The name Carleton is from the Saxon ccoii (signifying lnisl)and- man) and ton. a town. The Carleton family is a unit. Tlie name de Carleton was originally a title of lordslii[). 1. Baldwin dk Caklkton of Carleton, near Penritli, Cumberland, loug. Time of tlie Norman Conquest, battle of llastiugs, Oct. 14, lOGC. 2. JkKFKY r>K (■AKLETON, 3. EnUAUD DE Cakleton. 4. IIenky de Caki.eton. 5. Gilbert de Cakletox. m. a dan. of Fitzwilliam. 6. William de Cakletox, one of the justices of Kng. ; Counsellor to Edward (the King's son, and Lieut, while his father Edward I. was absent in foreign wars), on a commission to reconcile the King and his barons ; also Chancellor of the Exchequer. He w-as intercessor witli the King for the Earl of Noi'folk and Hartford. Presumal^ly active in systematizing the Judiciary of Eng. n). Helena, dau. of Geoffrey de Stainton. 7. Adam de Cakletox. m. Sarah, dau. of Adam de Newton. 8. Adam de Cakletox. m. Sibella, supi^osed to have been a Plantagenet. 9. JoHX DE Cakletox, LL.I). Cons|)icuons as a commissioner, with the chief dignitaries of Eug., in making a treaty with Flanders. 10. Henry de Cakletox of Co. Lincoln, 13th Richard II. m. Allica. IL SiK Thomas de Cakletox. 12. SiK Walter de Cakletox. ra. dau. of Feildman. 13. Thomas Cakletox of Sutton Co., Lincoln. \\\. dan. of Skerne. of Co. Lincoln. 14. JoHX Cakletox of Sutton and Walton-upon-Thames, d. in 14.>S. ui. Anne, dau. of Skipwith. 15. John Cakletox. m. Alice, dau. of Gerrard Daniel. 16. JoHX Cakletox, lived in 1500. m. Joyce, dau. of John Wel- beck, bv Margaret Culpepi)er, and cousin to (Jueen Catharine, w. of Henry VIII. 17. J^davard Cakletox, fifth son of John ^^ settled in East Clan- don, Surrey, in 1571 ; ancestor of the C'arletons of London, Surrey, Arundel, and America, m. ]\Lary, dau. and codieir of George Bigley. 18. I^RASMiTS Carletox, a citizen and mercer of St. Bartholo- mew's, London, F^ng. m. F^lizabeth. 19. Edward Carletox, second son of F^rasmus '**, b. in F^ng. in 1005. m. Eleanor Denton. (The name Denton was originally (iarth, of old Roman origin.) Edward was the first Carleton to settle in America, and the common ancestor of the Carletons of this country. Rev. Ezekiel Rogers and twenty families acquired by grant and pur- chase a strip of land between Newbury and Ipswich, Mass., and made a settlement in l();3.S-9. This was first called Rogers's Plantation, and afterwards Rowley. Next after the minister, Edward was the largest landowner, and was made a freeman in 1G42. He was a man of (lis- 104 Carleton. tiuction, as a member of the Gen. Court, and as a Trial Justice, until his return to Eno-. in 1G50-1. He d. about 16G1. Ch.,— 20. i. John, b. in Eng. 10.30. ii. Edward, b. Aug. 28, 1639. (First birth in Rowley.) iii. Mary, b. April 2, 1G42. iv. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 20, 1044. 20. John Carleton, son of Edward ^^, b. in Eng. in 1G30. m. Han- )iah, dan. of Joseph and Mary (Malinson) Jewett, b. in Eng. June la, 1G40. (Joseph was a son of Edward Jewett of Bradford in the West Riding of Yorkshire, Eng., where he was baptized, Dec. 31, 1GU9. ni. Mary Malinson, Oct. 1, 1G34.) jVlrs. Carleton was transacting business witli her sons, after the death of her husband, as late as 1695. Jolin was the principal man of Haverhill, Mass., while he lived. He had, as a 3"oung man, tlie honorar3- title of Mr., which was afterwards ex- changed for Lieut. He d. in Haverhill, Mass., Jan. 22, 16G8. Clu, — i. John, b. 1008. ni. rinnnah Osgood, ii. Josia'H, b. March 21, 1002-3. ni. Abigail Osgood. 21. iii. Edward, b. Marcli 22, 1664. iv. Thomas, b. Sept. 9, 1007. m. Elizabeth . 21. Edw^aui) Carleton, son of John -", 1). in Haverhill, Mass.. March 22, 1G64. m. Elizabeth Kimball. He res. in Haverhill, Mass., and later in liradford, Mass. He was killed by an Indian in 1711. Ch..,— i. Edward, b. Feb. 20, 1690-1. ii. Uen.tamin, b. April 23, 1693. iii. Nehemiah, b. April 15, 1695. 22. iv. Aarox, b. June 12, 1697. V. Elizabeth, b. 1099. vi. Nathaniel, res. in Bradford, Mass. in. 1721, Abigail Dane of Andover, Mass. vii. Ahner, b. Dee. 2, 1701, d. Jan. 8, 1702. viii. Ebenezer, b. Dec. 22, 1704. ix. Mehitable, b. March 8, 1707. X. Hannah, ni. David Jacquitli, Nov. 9, 1722. xi. Abig.\il. 22. Aaront Carleton, son of Edward '-\ b. June 12, 1G97. m. (irst, Prudence •. m. second, Priscilla. He res. in Haverhill, Mass. [Last on the list of heirs ; seventh son ? Rev. Hiram C] Ch., l\y w. Prudence, — i. I'luiDENCE (so transcribed from records by Charles CofBn, Esq. Kev. Hiram Carleton contends for the name Elizabeth. 23. ii. Aaron, b. Nov. 29, 1737. iii. iSARAH, b. Dec. 26, 1739. iv. William, b. May 4, 1742. v. PiiiNEAS, b. May 10, 1745. vi. Amos, b. Nov. 9, 1747. vii. Edward, b. Feb. 17, 1754. viii. Hannah, b. May 28, 1757. 23. Aaron Carleton, son of Aaron -^ b. in Bradford, Mass , Nov. 29, 1737. m. Jan. 2G, 17G9, Mehitable Chadwick, d April 4, 1809. He moved to Haverhill. IMass., in 1772, d. Nov. 4, 1827. Ch., — i. Aaron, b. Dec. 18, 1709. m. Sarah Merrill. (Five children.) 24. ii. 1';dmi:nd, b. May 13, 1772. iii. Amos, res. in Haverhill, Canada, and Ohio, where he d. m. Miss Porter. (Twelve children.) ^^^^L^^^i^ Carleton. 105 24. lu)MUNi) Carleton, son of Aaron-", b. in Bi-adford. Mass., INIay 13, 1772. ni. Jan. 2'), 17!)7, Joanna, dan. of Peter .l^^id Kcltecca (Hazolton) Coffin, b. Ai)i-il 11, 1773, d. Sept. 3, 1847. E(\ninnd, with the family, moved to Haverhill, I\Iass., soon after liis birth. He tanght school in Boseawen in 1792; stndied medicine with ])r. Jacob Kit- tredge of Dover, who certified to three years' stndy, Ang. 17, 1795, and the same year was moderator of town meeting in Dover. He moved to Haverhill in 1795, and began the practice of medicine, where he con- tinned forty-three years, and became a noted physician. He grad. from the medical school of Dart. Coll., Aug. 22, 1801, and became an honorary member of Dart. Medical Society, Nov. 25, 1819. Cong. Dea. Bank director. First Prest. of the Haverhill Antislavery Societv. d. Nov. 2, 1838. Ch.,^- 25. i. Edmund, b Haverhill, Oct. 20, 1797. ii. Uekecca, b. Auj^. 27, 17!n», d. April 28, 180:1 iii. Peter, b. Nov. l.'], 1801. in. first, Elizabeth Kilbiirn. (Two children.) m. second, Sarah Ann Wilder. (No children.) He d. Aug. 7, 18uG. iv. Chaules, bMarch ol, 1804. m. first, Marinda Bell. (Five children.) in. second, iSIrs. Marinda (Fo.\) Hammond. (One child.) He d. Dec. 1,1857. V. Hei!kcca, b, July 11, 180G. m. Jotham Clark Cutler. Siie d. L.May 23, 1884. vi. Arthur, b. Feb. 10, 1810. m Sarah Ann Atherton. {No children.) vii. Abigail, b. Jan. G, 1812, d. Feb. 0, 1817. viii. Joanna, b. April 6, 1814. m. William Wilder. (Two children.) i.\-. Abigail, b. Aug. 20, 1817, d. May 7, 1810. 25. P^DMUND Carleton, son of Edmund '-^ b. in Haverhill, Oct. 29, 1797. m. Nov. 30, 1836, Mary Kilburn, dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Kilburn) Coffin, b. in Boseawen, Nov. 12, 1812, d. in L. March 19, 1880. (Cotlln Genealogy in Hist, of Boseawen and Webster.) Edmund d. in L. March 11, 1882. (See narrative — chapter on Lawyers.) Ch., — i. Mary, b. Sept. 12, 1887, d. July 0, 1802. 2G. ii. Edmund, b. Dec. 11, 18o0. iii. Sarah, b. Oct. 10, 1842, d. Aug. 27, 1874. 27. iv. Thomas, b. Nov. 28, 1844. V. Anna, b. April 18, 1847, d. Nov. 30, 1874. vi. Frances, b. Oct. 12, 1840, d. June 3, 1873. 28. vii. Alfred, b. June 15, 1853. 26. Edmuno C.vkleton, son of Edmund'-', b. Dec. 11, 1839. m. Jan. 1, 1873, Marv Emma, dau. of Asa Ames and Lucyette (Cham- pion) Potter, b. in Winfield, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1852. (Potter Genealogy, by Charles Edward Potter, Boston. 1888.) Edmund is a physician, res. in N. Y. Citv. (See narrative — chapter on Phvsicians.) Ch., — i. Spencer, b. Oct. 14, 1873 ; prepared for Coll. at the Berkeley School ; grad. with honor from Columbia Coll. School of Arts, 1891. Study- ini; medicine (1895). ii. Mary, b. July 10, 1875. d. Jan. 21, 1871"). iii. Mabel, b. Oct. 31, 187(1. d. March 10, 1878. iv. Bf;rtha, b, April 11, 1880, preparing for Coll. (1895). 27. Thosi.vs Carleton, son of Edminid -% b; in L. Nov. 28, 1844. m. first, Carrie M. Allen, m. second, in 1881, Addie, dau. of David 106 Carleton — Carpenter. Stone, b. in Watevtown, Mass., Baptist. Thomas res. in L. from birth to 1860, and from 1872 to 1889. Real-estate agent. Cong. Re- piibHcan. res. Mount Auburn, Mass. No eh. 28. Alfred Carleton, son of Edmund -^, b. in L. June 15, 1853. ni. June 25, 1879, Arabelle George, dau. of George Henry Webb, b. in Fallsburg, Ohio. He res. in L. from birth to 1877. Express agent, res. Toledo, Ohio. Ch., b. in Tath until he was ap[)ointed to the bench, when he removed to Concord. Ho was Solicitor of Grafton Comity 1863 to 1873. In professional work he was associated from 18."J3 to 18.36 with Ira Goodall, and in the later years of his practice his son Philip was professionally associated for a short time. Sept. 1, 1881, he was api)ointed by Gov. Bell Associate Justice of the Suiireme Court, and April 1, 1896, he was appointed by Gov. Busiel Chief Justice, suc- ceeding Judge Doe. As a lawyer he adorned the profession, and as ii judge lie contributed much to make the years of his service an epoch in tiie judicial history of the State. He received the degree of LL.D. from Williams College in l.S,S9, and from Dartmouth College in 1896. He m. Nov. 2, 1853, Julia Kosanna Goodall, b. April 14, 1833, dau. of Ira .-.nd Hannah Child (Ilutchins) Goodall of Bath. She d. Oct. 11, 1899. He d. IMav 21, 1898. Ch., l).'in Bath, — i. Lillian, b. July 22, 18.j4. m. Nov. 14, 1877, Prank Sherwin Streeter, b. Charleston, Vt., Aug. o, 18.'):!, son of Daniel and Julia {^VIleeler) Streeter. Mrs. Streeter is a member of the State Board of (Charities and Correction, succeear in 1877. He res. in Concord, and is in active practice in the State and United States Courts. Trustee Dart. Coll. 108 Carpenter. ii. Philip, b. March 9, 1850. m. Sept. 3, 1880, Fanny Hallock Rouse. Dart. Coll. 1877. Lawyer, res. City of New York, iii. Francis Hknky, b. Dec] 4, 1800. d. Feb. 10, 1861. iv. Arthur Hutchins, b. Sept. lo, 1802. m. April 18, 18^9, Annie Kclle}-. Lawyer, d. CliicaEjo, 111., June 22, 1892. V. Edith, b. Dec. 20, I860, ra. Oct. 13, 1886, Bond Valentine Thomas. res. Oroville, Cal. vi. IIklen', b. July 5, 1806. unm. res. Concord. 11. John Cakpenter, sou of William^ and Priscilla (Bennett) Car- penter, 1). in Rehobotb, Mass., Oet. ID, 1(')52. ni. Sarali Readaway. About IGOO be removed to Woodstock, Conn. He ni. second, May 14, 1704, Sarab (Fuller) Day, b. IMay 7, 1659, dan. of Tbomas Fuller and widow of Ralpli Day of Dedliani. Mass. He served in King Pbilip's war and Narragansett Expedition. 12. Elipiialet Carpenter, son of John ", b. Aug. 17, 1(379. His wife was Rebecca. He m. second, (3ct. 31, 1731, Abigail Bacon. He lived in Woodstock, Conn. 13. F^LiPiiALET Carpenter, son of Elipbalet^", b. in Woodstock, Conn., Fcl), 21, 17U9. m. April 22, 1720, Mary Bacon. 14. EiJENEZER Carpenter, son of Elipiialet ^^ b. in Woodstock, Conn., April 22, 1745. m. Prudence Carter, b. April 10, 1742, dau. of Saumel and Jemima (Hougbton) Carter of Lancaster, Mass. He was a farmer in Keeuc, N. II. Rev. Soldier. He d. in Keene, Aug. 28, 1833. His wife d. July 8, 1828. 15. OiJAUiAii Carpenter, son of Ebenezer ^^ b. in Keene, N. H., July 8. 1783. m. Sept. 21, 1808, Nancy Morse, dau. of Josepb Wbeat Morse (See). He lived in L. from 1808 until be d., Sept. 15, 1860. Fanner. Democrat. His widow d. in L. April 13, 1871. Ch., 1). in L.,— i. ISA.4C, b. Feb. 27, 1809. d. Au<,^ 20, 1833. ii. WiLLARD, b. Au^^ 10, 1810. d. June 10, 1875. Fell from Waterford Bridf^e. iii. Clari.s.sa M.. b. July 31, 1812. tn. Benjamin Dyke (See). 16. iv. George Washingto.v, b. Jan. 19, 1815. V. Sajhtee, b. May 29, 1818. d. Sept. 1, 1821. vi. CiiAKiTV H., b. Dec. 20, 1819. m. Benjamin Nurse, m. second, Nov. 4, ]8(;i. Sydney Jorden of Columbia. She d. May 1, 1878. vii. Caroline, b Aug. 11, 1820. d. Oct. 13, 1822. viii. Enoch, b. Oct. 17^ 1822. m. Sept. 2, 1855, Sarah Goodall. Lived in Concord, Vt., wliere he d., Jan. 27, 1875. ix. Lyman, b. Nov. 24, 1824. d. Dec. 15, 1824. 17. X. Albert, b. June 8, 1828. xi. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 8, 1831. m. Adeline Jorden. Farmer. Co. F. 2nd N. II. Inf. d. Point Lookout, Va., Feb. 4, 1864. xii. Mary P., b. Feb. 21, 1831. lu. Nov. 26, 1857, Nelson Rowland of Bethlehem. 16. Georoe Washington Carpenter, son of Obadiab ^^ b. in L. Jan. 19, 1815. m. Nov. 24, 1838, Marv Ilildretb, b. in St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 25, 1S18, dau. of p]lias Hildretb. She d. Oct. 24, 1884. m. second, March 10, 1886, Lucy (Ma.son) Quint. He res. in L. until 1848, Avhen he removed to Dalton. Farmer. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Caroline A., b. L. Nov. 9, 1839. m. George L. Richardson, machinist, res. L. IMiree children. Carpenter. 109 ii. Gkoroe, b. L. April 7, 1811. m. Marcli 5,18(37, riiobe Jane Clark. Fiirnicr. res. Daltoii. iii. Laura A., b. L. Doc. 18, 1812. in. Bradford Kiiiiie (Si'p). 18. iv. CuAULES TuTTi.u, 1). L. Marcli 12, 1845. lU. V. James Mok.sk, b. Daltoii, Jan. 3, 1847. vi. KoHEUT Eames, b. Dalton, Nov. 12, 1848. m. 1874, Lillie 0. Wood- ward, ni. second, Bertlia Wlii[)i)le. res. Landatl'. vii. Mauy Elizabeth, b. Daltoii, Dec. 18, 1850. in. Bradford Kiniie (Sec). viii. Henrv W., b. Dalton, Dec. 12, 1853. d. July 19, 1855. ix. Frank GiLiunir, b. Dalton, iMav 14, 1855. in. April 25, 18711, Alma P. Wallace. Slie d. Aug. 20, 1882. m. second, April li), 1888, Nellie Belle Hand. Farmer, res. Dalton. X. Lydia Jane, b. Dalton, Nov. 9, 185(5. ni. Olin -I. .Mooiu'v (See). xi. Fliza AiHiY, b. Dalton, July 11, 1858. m. Aug. 12, 1875, John T. Girder. She il. Dalton, April 19, 187(). xii. Henry W., b. Dalton, Nov. 28, 185',). d. May «;, ISf.o. 17. Alukkt C.vkpextku, son of Oliadiah ^", b. in L. June 8, l.s2H. m. Nov. 23, 1853, Sanih E., dan. of William Baker, b. in Koene, Doc. 13, 1834. Ho lias res. in L. noaiiv all hi.s life. Farmer. Democrat. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf Private. "G. A. K. Ch., — i. Jennie, b. Dalton, Dec. 2, 1854. res. L. ii. Josephine, b. Dalton, Jan. 17, 1858. ni. liallon II. I\lillen (See), iii. AViKLiAM Henry, b. Dalton, Oct. 12, 1859. m. Get. 5, 1887, (kMtrude Aldricli. Farmer, res. Lunenburg, Vt. iv. Edward Albert, b. Dalton, Sept. 2, 1868, d. L. March 17, 188:). V. Franklin Moffett, b L. Aug. o, 1871. res. L. 20. vi. Frederick AuousTiis, b. L. Sei)t. 2, 1868. vii. George Alden, b. L. Aug. 3, 1875. res. L. 18. Cn.\KLKS TuTTLE C.vRPENTER, SOU of Georoo "Wasliino'ton '*', b. in L. March 12, 1845. m. lAIarch 12, 18(18, Philena Ilubbaal, dan. of Samuel Hurlbntt, b. in Dalton, Sept. 30, 1845. Ho luus ros. in 1j. all hi.s life. Farmer. Ee[)ublican. Ch., b. in L.. — i. Lorena IltJRi.niJTT, b. March 8, 1872. m. Willie II. Goodell (See). 21. ii. CiiAHLES Elwin, b. Sept. 9, 187:]. 19. James ^Morse C.vhpexteu, son of Gooro-e Washinoton ^". b. in Dalton, Jan. 3, 1847. m. Aug. 18, 1878, Lovrena L., dan. of Chester J. Willev, b. in Royalton, Vt., June 3, 18(53. He has res. in L. in youth and after 1892. He d. June 20, 181)1). Farmer. Democr:it. Ch.,— i. Henry Chester, b. L. May 24, 1881. 20. Frederick Augustus C.vrpenter. son of Albert ^', b. in L. Sept. 2, 1S(]S. m. June 8, 1887, Kate. dau. of Francis Fitzgerald, 1). in L. jNIarch 22. ISfJl). d. in L. Aug. 17. 1SI)3, Cong. He has res. in L. all his Hie. Farmer. Democrat Ch., 1). in J>., — i. Charles Edward, b Nov. 1.0, 1887. ii. Harlan B., b. May 25, 1890. 21. Charles P^lwix Carpenter, son of Charles Tuttlo ^'\ b. in L. Sept. 9, 1873. m. Oct. 25, 181)3, Hattie M., dau. of Samuel D. Astell (See). 1). in Waterford, Vt., Feb. 1, 1877. He has I'os. in L. all his lil'e. I'^irmer. Democrat. Ch.. — i. Charlks Samuel, b. L. April 9, 1895. 110 Carpenter — Carr — Carter. CARPENTER. CHARPENTIER. 22. Henry Carpenter, son of Julius, b. in Springfield, IMass., April 9, 1869. m. April 22, 1889, Georgeanna, dau. of Nelson Le Clair, Ij. in Canada, Ma\' 18, 1870, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1892. Tanner. Eonian Catholic. Republican. Ch., all b. in L., — i. Eva, b. Feb. 7, 1893. ii. Leon, b. August 2, 1895. CARR. 1. Charles A. Carr, son of Robert, b. in Laconia, Jan. 2, 1852. m. PY>b. 19, 1877, Jennie L., dau. of David Knai)p, b. in L., June 18, 1859, d. in L., May 23, 1897, Free Baptist. He has res. in L. since 1881. Farmer. Republican. Ch.,— i. Fked, b. L. Sept. 27, 1879. (Adopted.) CARR. 2. Edwin Willis Carr, son of Arnold, b. in Concord, Vt.. Feb. 26, 1867. m. Aug. 4, 1890, Cora JMay, dau. of Loren Augustus Plant (See), b in L., June 23, 1872. He has res. in L. since 1888. Farmer. Ch., b. in L., — i. MiLDP.ED AiTGUSTA, b. May 15, 1891. ii. GiiADON Arnold, b. April 21, 1893. CARTER. 1. John Carter, b. June 8, 1688, was a son of John and INIartha Carter of Salisbury, Mass., and grandson of Thomas and Mary Carter. He m. April 25, 1711, Judith Bagley, b. Nov. 13, 1690, dau. of Orlando and Sarah Wright Bagley. He was residing in Salisbury in 1718. 2. Thomas Carter, son of John \ b. in Salisbury-, Oct. 29, 1713. m. Mary Webster, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Greeley) Webster. They removed to South Hampton. 3. MosES Carter, son of Thomas-, b. in Kingston, Oct. 2, 1739. m. Anna, dau. of Eliphalet and Mary ( Peaslee) Hoyt. He never res. in L. Farmer, d. in New Hampton, Maj' 7, 1831. Ch.,— 4. i. Moses, b. Kingston, April 1, 17G7. 5. ii. P^LiniALET, b. Kingston. 6. iii. Thojias, b. Kingston, 1770. 7. iv. Daniel, b. Kingston, March 6, 1773. 8. V. Ebenezei;. ni. Abigail Sanborn. vi. PniLTP. m. first, Aug. 1. iii. Eliphalet, b. Mart;h 3, 1800. m. Adams, res. Derbv, \'t. iv. Sallv. h. Aug. 31, 1801. m. Jan. 8, 1824, Israel S. Philbro()l<. V. Moses, b. April 11, 180.x vi. Philip, b. Marcli 8, 180G. ni. Lucinda Chamberlain, res. Concord, vii. John, b. Aug. 12, 1809. Farmer, res. Lancaster. Appointed Lieut. 11th Co. 3-i Regt. N. H. Militia, Feb. 23, 1831 ; removed by Legislative address, 1832. viii. Hannah, b. Dec. 15, 1810. ni. Smith, farmer, res. Lyman. i.\. Chase, m. Chamberlain, farmer, res. Carroll. X. Wiggins, went to sea before he was 21, and was never heard from. 6. Thomas Carter, son of Moses ^, b. in Kingston in 1770. ni. Sarah Gordon, b. in 1772, d. Jul}- 19, 1855. He res. in L. from 1798 to 1818. Farmer, d. in Peacham, Vt., Feb. 22, 1847. Cii., b. in L., — Thomas, b. Jan. 1794. Lois, pub. Feb. 20, 1811, eTonas Bowman (See). Eliphalet G. Sarah, pub. Marcli 9, 1820, Aniasa Knapp (See). Enoch, m. iNIary Carter. Miriam, b. March 15, 1810. m. Fel). 15, 1838, .John J. Brown, farmer. He d. Lyndon, Vt.. about 1870. She d. Newbury, Vt , Dec. 8, 189.5. Stephen, m. Susan Pike. LoviSA, m. Marcli 13, 1844, Bele S. Dewev, farmer. She d. Peacham, Vt , 1895. ix. Levi, in. Palmer. X. William, unm., d. March 14, 1828. xi. Abigail, b. 1807. m. Feb. 5. 1S24, Israel Underwood. Slie d. Nov. 4, 1830. 7. Danikl Cartkr, son of !Moses ", b. in Kingston, INFarch H, 177.'L m. first, Jemima, dau. of Caleb Hnntoon (See), b. in Unitv. JMarch 9. 1770, d. in L. Aug. 29, 1821. m. second, Dec. 12, 1822, Nancy, dan. of Caleb lluntoon, b, in Unity in 1790, d. in L. Feb. 2, 1872. He res. in L. from about 1790 luitil he d., Sept. 2(), 18G1. Farmer. Methodist. Democrat. A. F. and A. M. 12. i. ii. 13. iii. iv. 14. V. vi. 15. vii viii. VI. 16. vii. 17. viii. 112 Carter. Ch., b. in L., — i. Judith, hi. Ira Bowman (See). ii. Daniel, b. Feb. 7, 1803, d. L. Oct. 17, 1835. iii. LoviCA, 111. Thomas Carter (See). iv. Horace, b. 1814, d. Aug. 21, 1825. V. Washington IL, m. Susan Knight. Farmer. Capt. llth Co. 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, 1842. He d. Ills., 1852. Infant, d. young. Geohgk, b. Oct 20, 1825. Curtis Parks, b. Sept. 27, 1829. 8. Ebexezek Cakteu, son of Moses ^ m. Abigail, dau. of Zadoek Sanborn, b. in New Hampton, d. in L3nian. He res. in L. from 1800 to 1846. Farmer, d. in Lyman. Ch., b. in L., — i. Abigail, m. May 27, 1832, Chelsea Hildreth, machinist. She d. Tliet- ford, Vt., Dec. 1861. 18. ii. Shepard, b. 1817. iii. C-ynthia, iii. April 10, 1834, Caleb H. Jackman, farmer, res. Lisbon, iv. PnEBE Jane, b. Jan. 21, 1821. m. Archibald i\ilford (See). V. Jemima, m. Douglas Parker, farmer, res. Lyman, vi. EiSENEZER, m. Alinira Stickney. 9. Nathan Carter, son of jMoses ■*, b. in Sanbornton about 1793, pub. Nov. 1, 1824, Talitlia C. Stevens, b. April 7, 1794, d. L. Aug. 20, 1855. He proliablv lived in L. all his life. Farmer. Ch., b. in L.,— ^ 19. i. Thomas Jefferson, b. April 1, 182G. 10. ^[osES Carter, son of Moses ^, b. in Sanbornton, iMa}' 18, 1800. m. Lois, dan. of Ezra Foster (See), b. July 1. 1813, d. in L. Oct. 20, 1S82, IMethodist. He res. in L most of his life. J'^armer. Methodist. Republican, d. in L. JMay 3, 1883. Ch., b. in L., — i. Fdson, d. in infancy. ii. Ciikster 11., b. June, 1843. m. Nov. 20, 1866. Harriet B. Little. Far- mer. He (1. L. Jan. 14, 1882. iii Mary Shute, b. Oct. 11, 1844. m. Albert M. Fuller (See). 20. iv. Myron, b. Sept. 28, 1845. 11. EiJEXEZER Carter, son of Moses ^, b. in L. April 29, 1812. m. first, Druzilla, dau. of Phineas Parker, h. in L., d. in Great Falls, in 1848, JMethodist. m. second, Mary Edgerly, b. in Great Falls, JNIetho- dist. in. tliird, April 6, 1850, Lydia ]Maynard,. b. in Fitchburg, ]Mass., in 1813, d. in Fitchliurg, Mass., in 1877, JMethodist. He res. in L. from birth to 1847. Car[)enter. Methodist. Republican, d. in Fitchburg, j\Iass., June G, 18 >G. Ch., - 21. i. Ellerv HiniJARD, b. L. April 0, 1842. 22. ii. Alua Briggs, b. L. Sept. 1, 1844. iii. Emery P., b. Great Falls. Farmer, res. Minn. iv. Saihe a., b. Great Falls. m. Dr. Sylvester, farmer, res. Natick, Mass. V. Clara G., b. Fitchburg, Mass., 'April 16, 1852. in. April 30, 1872, Burn- ham Remick, carpenter, res. Clifton. Fanner, d. in London. Vt.. June 2.s. issi. C'li., b. in L., — i. Daxikl, 1). May, IS'JJ, d. L. Sci)t. 2, 1825. ii. Amasa, 1). 1X27". m. Klizii Hoss. Divinity student. He d. Concord, Oct. 21, 1.S51. iii. Jank, b. June, IN'M, d. L. March 11, 1810. 13. Ei.ifiiALKT (i. Caktkk, .son of Tliomns", 1). in L. al)oiit l-SO"). ni. Dec. 22, 18;]1, Anna, dau. of Isaac Paiker (Sec), b. in L. .Ian. 14, ISIO, d. in J.. Mai-cli 11), 1803, Cong. He res. in L. from birth to 18KI. Farmer. l\e[)nblican. Cong. d. in Waterford, Vt., Fel). 1891. Ch.,— i. MiXDWi: LL Ann, b. L. May 2:!, 18.S:1 in. Sept. 7, 1852, Abel G. Bugbee, j.hy.sician. Siie d. Derby, Vt., Sept. 1, 1870. ii. Ei.izA C, b. L., Ai)ril, 18."]7. ni. Jolin C Goodenoufih (See). iii. Cii-.KTUUDE, b. Waterford, Vt., 1857, d. Waterford, Vt., May, 18GS. 14. Exocn Cahteii, son of Thomas '•, b. in L. ra. Sept. 1830, Mary Carter, lie res. in L. from birth to i8o5, wlien he moved to Peacham, Vt. Metliodist. Farmer, d. in Chelsea, Mass. Ch.,— 2:5. i. Truman, b. L. Aug. 10, 18;32. ii. IloKA( !■;, b. L. iii. Laura. 15. Stkimikn Cauter, son of Tliomas '', 1). in L. m. Susan, dan. of Daniel l'ilatii, Oct. 2;), 1837, Cong. He res. in L., where he d., JMarch 23, 1808. Farmer. Democrat. Representative, 1870. Postmaster, West L., appointed May 27, 1857 ; discontinued, Dec. 20, 18(54. Ch., b, in L., — i. Laurih Annih, b. May 0, ISIH. ni. Nov. 1888, Dennis Phillip.s. Clerk. res. Manchester, ii. Flora Maria, I). Dec. 12, 1S(;2. m. Leroy D. Richardson (See), iii. Lii.LiA.v Blanche, h. .lune 24, 1805, d L.\\ov. Ki, ls«4. iv. Harvky GiooRGic, b. .March 10, 1870, d. L. Sept. 7, 1872. V. Aktiiur Mioruill, b. Sept. 7, 187;]. ni. May ol, lUOO, Elizabeth L., dau. of B. A. Veasy of Stark. 17. Curtis Parks CvirrKR, son of Daniel", b. in L. Sept. 27, 1820. m. Feb. 22. 18G0, Isadore Dorothy, dau. of Truevvorthy L. Parlvcsr (See), b. in L., April 2.), 1814. He has res. in L. all liis life. Farmer. Democrat. Cii., b. in ]j., — i. Nf.llie, b. Dec. 1. 18Go. m. Nov. 29, 1882, Alplionso Page, farmer. She <1. Lisbon, Aug. 12, 188i). 24. ii. Frkd, b. Feb.21, 18()t;.^ iii. IIattie I , b. April lH, 1870. m. Feb. 10, 1880, Fliner .Jacknian, farmer. res. Lisbon, iv. Maurice, b. Feb. 27, 1878. VOL. II. — 8 114 Carter. 18. SiiicpAiM) Carter, son of lilhenezer*, b. in L. in 1817. ni. S;i- l)rina Aniey, 1). in 1837. Her fii'st luisband was Ilibbard Ban-ett. She 111. third, Dickinson. She m. a Ibni'th time, name not known. Shepard res. in L. in \otitli and from 1848 until he d., Jan. 2.'), 1884. Fanner. Ch.,- i. Elertc,!). Lyman, 1859. in. 1881, Alice Adair. Farmer, res. Water- ford, Vt. ii. Ruth, b. 18G7. m. Elmer Gos«, farmer, res. L. iii. luA, m. Jewett, farmer, res. L. 19. Thomas Jefferson Carter, son of Natlian ®, b. in L. April 1, 182(5. m. July 17, 1849, Cordelia, dan. of Jolin Dodge, b. in Lyman, Nov. 20, 1820, d. in L. Jan. 2'J, 1882. He res. in L. from biVtli to 1874. Farmer. Ch., b. in L., — i. Angeline, I). March 1, 1850. m. Allen Foster (See), ii. SopHRONiA, b. Sept. 14, 1801. m. first, Sept. 2U, 1872, Chester Eastman. m. second, Nov. 23, 18y0, James House, farmer, res. Lyman, iii. Emehne M., b. Sept. 27, 1855, d. L. Sept. .'W, 1858. 25. iv. Otho S.. b. Sept. 15, 1859. V. E.MM.v M., b. Jan. 2U, 181)2. ni. Aiiij;. 2o, 1883, Richard Leslie, engineer. res. Lisbon, vi. Lucia L., b. April 22, 1800. m. June 30, 1887, Uriah I). Wilkhis, driver. res. Lisbon, vii. WiLBER E., b. July 3, 1872. m. ()ct 29, 1895, Etta Richards. Works in hotel, res. Lisbon. 20. jNIyron Carter, sou of IMoses '^, b. in L. Se[)t. 28, 1845. m. March 26, 1868, Mary Jennette, dan. of Colwell Little (See), b. in L. April 21, 1846. He res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat. Cii., b. in L., — i. Vandia Lois, b. Oct. 7, ISO!', ni. Oct. 2G, 1887, Sam G. Jesseman, car- penter. He i\. 1891). ii. Arthur W., b. Dec. 9, 1871. 21. Elleky Hibbard Carter, son of Ebenezer", b. in L. April IK 1.S42. m. Dec. 19, 1863, Martha Ann, dan. of Rodolphus Chandler (See;, 1). in Stanbridge, P. Q., Oct. 27, 1840, Methodist. He has res. in L. all his life except eight years. Painter. Prohibition. Co. A, 1 Itii Vt. Inf. and Co. 1, 1st N. II. H. Artv. Corporal. Ch., — i. Alice Ei.drkd, b. L. Doc. 30, 1865. ni. June 24, 1890, S. Everett Rich- ardson, hotel clerk, res. N. Y. City. She d. June 18, 1900. ii. Grace Mav, b. Derry, March 4, 1877. 22. Alba I)Rif.i.i., 1). Lyman, July 11, 18(it). in. Sept. 1, 18h7, (icorge K. Hart, ii. Ukkth.v Kkl.v, b. Lyman, May 27, 1871, (1. Nov. 2, 1872. iii. Alva I'kaiu-, b. Natick, Mass., June 21, 1885. 23. Tkim.xx C.\ki'i:i!, son of Knocli '^ It. in L. A1154. 10, l.S.'Vi. ni. Juh" 12, IfS.")?, Eliza, dun. of 'riioiniis Jndd, 1). in Ilunipsliire, Kng. lie ves. in L. from hirtii to 18.'5."), and 18G.')-(>. He wu.s edncated in Ncw- bniy, \'t. , SL'ininarv, and the liiblieal Theological Institute in Concord, where he gra(]. in ISOO. He was ordained by liisho[) Simpson in ISCiO. and the same year was admitted into the N. H. Methodist Conference, lie sni)plied in Bow while i)ursuin<>" his stndies. His a[)i)ointments weie : Rnmney, l«r>7-8 ; Whitefield and Jefferson, 18.39-Gt) ; Jellerson, I.SGI- 4; Littleton, 18(55-0; Lisbon, 1807-8; Lawrence, 1809-70; Nashua, 1871-2; Colebrook, 1873-5; Laconia, 1870-7. In 1878 betook a sn- pernnmerary station, and resideil nearly twenty years in Kansas. In 1890 he returned to the East, and d. at"lpswich, Mass., May 19. 18!»8. Ch.,— i. CiiAKLKs Iv, b. Bow, Juno 2, 18.58. 24. Ekici) CAurKK, son of Curtis Parks '", b. in L. Eeb. 21. l."^GO. HI. Jan. 5. 1888, Nellie, dau. of Julius Smith, b. in Lyman, June 9. 1807. lie res. in L. from birth to 1891. Earmer. Democrat. No ch. 25. Otiio Stkvkns C.\kti:u, son of Thomas Jefferson '•', b. in 1.. Sept. 15, 1S5'J. m. Jan. 22, 1884, Eva Lne. dau. of Jacoi) Kent Dun- bar (vSet;), I), in L. Oct. 27. 1807. He res. in L. in youth and since 1882. Earmer. I'rohibition. Ch., — i. SnciMiKX Ray, b. L. April 14, 18W. CASWELL. 1. David CAs^vKLI.. who lived in Taunton, iNLiss.. 1058, is said to be the ancestor of the Littleton families. 2. Nathan Caswki.i., son of David, settled in Conn. 3. Nathan Caswei.l. son of Nathan -, b. in Norwich, Conn., 1740. m. 1701. Hannaii liinohan), b. in Norwich in 1742. He was the lirst settler of this town, arriying here in Ai)ril, 1770 ( EiVA/ HistoricaK.'hap- ters). After his marriage he lived in Hebron, Conn., and in Orford from 1705 to 1770. In the Revolution he served in Capl. Young's Co. Ledel's Regt. Eel), to June, 1770 ; Ca[)t. Jeremiah Eames' Co. of Scouts, July, 1770, to April, 1777 ; Capt. Kichardson's Co. Bedel's Regt., 1 1 mos. and 22 days, beginning in April. 1778. -hily 10, 1779, he was chosen captain for the defence of the northern frontier; town clerk, 1788. 1791 : selectman, 1788 to 1791 inclusive; moderator. 1790. 1791; lre;isurer, 1791. He removetl, ISO.'), to Canada, and d. at Comi)ton. l\ <^.. l.'^24. Ch.,— 4. i. Nathan, b. Hebron, ("onn.. May 1. 17t)2. 5. ii. OziAS, b. lIobroM, ("onn , .Ian. 17, 17t)l. iii. KzKA, b. Orfortl, Sept. 2->, 17ijij, removed to Stansteail, P. (,). (3. iv. 7. V. 8. vi. vii. 0. viii. 11 G Ccmrell. Andkew, 1). Orfonl, July 20, 1768. Apthoup, b. L. Ai)ril lH, 1770. John, h. L. June '1^), 177"2 Hannah, b. L. .luiie 10, 1774. ni. Samut'l Larned, Jr. (See). Jedediah, b. L. July HI, 1770. ix. Charlotte, b. L. April 20, 1778. d. same da}', the first death in this town. X. Anna, b. Nortliunilierland, June 8, 1770, m. 1705, pub. Nov. 13, Lutiier I'ike, a farmer of Waterford, Vt. 10. xi. Daniel, b. L. Jan. ?>0, 1781. xii. Lydia, b Auar.31, 178:]. m. 1801, pub. Feb. 27, Sheffield Partridge. He re.s. in L. 1800 to 1812. Selectman, 180o. Settled in Ohio, xiii. Elizabeth,!). Ij., April 27, 1886. ni. Feb. 15, 1802, Samuel Bishop (See), xiv. Alice, b. L. Jan. 2, 1700. m. 1810, Samuel Pierce (See). 4. Nathan Caswell, son of Nathan ^ b. Hebron, Conn., JMav 1, 17G2. m. in LaneasUU", Nov. 1, 1 7S5, Lois Eames, dan. of Capt. Jei'c- niiali Eanies of Noi'Llnnnl)ei'lan(l (See). They were divorced alxjiit li\e years later. lie in. se(;ond, Einiice Rich of Maidstone, Vt. Slie d. by accident .several years later. He m. third, Bishop. He remained a resident of this town until 17'J2. Several _years later he settled in Canada, and d. at Broni[)ton, T. Q., 1«S44, or the ibllowing year. In the Kevolnlion he is credited with service in Sero;eant James Blake's detachment of scouts raised for the defence of the frontier; from April i;3 to Nov. oO, 1782. He had fonrteen children. The records preserve the date of the birth and an incomplete record of the tirst born, and ti'adition spares only the names of the others. Cli.,— 11. i. Setii, b. March 15. 1702. ii. MooDiE, lived in Minn. iii. Carlos, lived in Minn, iv. KtiNicE, lived in Minn. V. Nathan, lived in Brompton, P. Q. vi. Sally, lived in Melbourne, P. (7. vii. Sili:nce. viii. Wellington, lived in 15rompton, P. Q. i.x. IjEoxard. lived in 111. X. Sophia, lived in Bromi^ton, P. Q. xi. Ark; ail. xii. Nelson. xiii. Amanda, lived in Compton, P. Q. xiv. Andrew, went to Cal. and later to Europe. 5. OziAS Caswell, 1). in Hebron. Conn., Jan. 17, 17(U, was a private in Ca|)t. Lutlu'i- Ivichardson's Co., Col. Bedel's Regt., 9 mos. and 23 days from June S, 177.S. He m. 1783, Sally Bartlett, and soon after settled in C'Oiicord, Vt., and later in Canada, liviiio; in Bronii)ton and Windsor, r. (}. In old age he livi'd a short time with his sister, Mrs. Samuel Bishop of Landair. He d. in Lyndon, Vt., about 1850. Ch.,— 12. i. Nathaniel P.ingham, b. March, 1784. ii. MooDiE, b. 17s5. res. Montpelier, Vt. 6. Andkkw Caswell, son of Nathan ^ b. July 20, 1768. m. first, Stanley, in. second, Martha Ilurlburt, d. in Haverhill, June 24, 1833. Ch., by first w., — i. Skth. res. Stanstcad, P. Q. ii. Son. Went to .Sandwich Islands, iii. .Son. Went lo Sandwicli Islands. Caswfll. 117 Ch., l«,v INIiuUia, — iv. Sakaii. 111. liicc. V. W I I.I.I A.M. W'fiit ti> S.UKhvicli Islaiiils. vi. .M aU(;a1!I. r. in. Smiiiiu'I Adam.-;. vii. I,i:( iNDA, li. Jimc 24, ITHy. III. tiist, John Keiiisoii. iii. secniul, Wil- liam ClilTord, who .1. about 1856. Siie d. IlaverliiU, Aiii;. 11, 1874. viii. Hannah, b. Katoii, V. Q., Nov. "28, 1807. m. Jan. lu. 1827, IV'ler Faraiii. Ik' d. St'pt. 20, 1880. She d. Ho.ston, Mass., Nov. 25, 1802. 7. Ai'Tiioia* C.vswKi.i,, son of \:itli;ui ^, b. in Jj. April 12, 1770. m. June 21, 17'.»2, Aninrillii lloldcn of Cluulestown, tl. in Kutoii, P. <^. lie wns t!u' lii'st, ch. h. in L. I'cs. in L. until 171)2. Fiirmcr. She d. in Enton, V.q., Dec. 15, I.S.jO. He d. Feb. 15, ISa-S. Ch.,— i. KoxKY. 111. Farwell. res. III. ii. Claki.ssa. 111. lln/.eltiiu'. res. l'',atc)n, 1'. Ci. iii. BiNGHA.M. b. ('oiicord, V't., 17'JG. in. Sally (liase, b. Kirby, Vt. res. Eaton, 1*. Q. iv. As.vPH, b. Concord, Vt., 1708. m. about 1825, Lois Chase, sisier of Sally. V. Hannah, b. Concord, Vt., 1790. ni. Wadleigh. res. III. vi. Kkastus H , b. Katoii, P. Q., 1801. vii. {'akolink, b. Iviton, P. Q,, 180o. ni. Kbeii Abbott, res. Out. viii. LvNDOLi'ii, 1). Katoii, P. Q , 1805. in. Betsey Smith, res. Eaton, P. isli()j), i). in Lisbon, Feb. 1"). 1777, d. in St. Johnsliury, \'t. He res. in L. in youth. Farmei". Whig. Methodist, d. in St. Johnsbury , Vt., Feb. 18"(;G. Ch.,— 1:3. i. Ira, b. Lisi)on, Aiiu'. 14, 170(). ii. Stephen, b. Lisbon, July 17, 1708. res. Brompton, P. Q. iii. liuTH, b. Lisbon, Jul v b!, 1800. ni. Clark Dexter. She d. Lisbon, .Ian. 2.!, 1804. iv. Chester, b. Lisbon, July Hi, 1802. ni. Belinda Blanchard. He d. Orford, 1878. v. Daniel, b. Lisbon, July 28, 1804. ni. Luna Coblei.uh. lied. Dee. 11, 1835. 14. vi. John, b. Brompton, P. Q., Sept. 20, 1800. vii. Elmira, b. P. (i. Nov. 17, 18U8. m. Aldrich. She d. Jan. 1848. viii. HiKAM, b. P>ronii)ton, P. Q., Jan. 31, 1812. m. Mary ChapiiKUi. res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. ix. Nancv, b. Brompton, P. C^., Dec. 3, 1814. m. Epliraim Corey. She res. Peiiaeook. X. (iEouge .M., b. Lisbon, Feb. 10, 1820. m. Harriet Hanson. Locomo- tive eni:ineer. He d Salem. Mass., Sept. 21, 1870. She d. May 20, 1800. ^d Lieut. Co. B, llili X. II Inf. xi. Laura P., b. Lisbon, Feb. 7, 1824. unm. d. Waterford, Vt., 1801. 10. Daniel Caswki.i.. son (jf Nathan ■', b. in L. Jan. ;^)0, 17sl. ni. in 1SU4 or 1805, Mehitable, dan. of Thomas Huston, b. in Williams- town, ]\Iass., Feb., 17s;5, d. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., May 22. is?.). He res. in L. in youth. Farmer, d. in St. Johnsbury, \'t., June ."), ISGS. 118 CmweJl. Ch.,- i. DiADAAfA. in. Lvndal Liverbon, farmer, res. Newport, Vt. ii. Solomon, b. lironipton, P. C^., Aur. 8, 1808. m. Oct. 19, 1881. Susan Britt. Farmer. Slie d. NortlitieM Farms, Mass., May ?,\, 1866. iii. Almond, m. Estlier Strickland. Farmer. He d. Gill, Wash., about 1851. iv. EnASTUs, num. d. Cuba, about 1856. V. Laira. m. Warren Britt, farmer. He d. Mass. She d. St. Johns- bury, Vt. vi. Sahrina, b. Brompton, P. Q. m. Otis Hallett, farmer. Slie d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Oct. 22, 1885. vii. Catherine, m. Hiram Goram, farmer, res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. viii. WiLLiA.M, b. Windsor, P. Q , Jan. 22, 1822. m. Amelia Owen. Farmer. He d. Cal., Autj. 27, 1887. 15. i.x. Jedediah, b. Windsor, P. Q., Sept. 25, 1824. X. Caroline, unui. res. Newport, Vt. 11. Setii Caswell, son of Nathan ^, b. in L. March 15, 1792. m. ]\Iarv Venan, b. in Wheeloclv, Vt., Oct. 7, 1800. He res. in L. from l.irMi to 1820. d. in 1871. Ch.. b. in Stanstead, P. Q.. — i. Harvey L., b. March 28, 1820. ii. Wilder P., b. Jan. '.», 1822. iii. Alonzo F., b. Marcli 7, 1824. m. INIartba I^add. iv. Alma L., b. Feb. 9, 182G. m. Joel Bishop. V. Lyuia L., b. Feb. 8, 1828. m. Lucius l^iul. vi. Horatio G., b. Dec. 17, 1820. m. Eda T. Shattuck. vii. Franklin, b. Oct. 17, 1831. viii. George K., b. May 2(5, 18o3. m. IMary Hackett. ix. Lodema, b. i\pril 26, 1835. in. Joel Nutter. X. Henry H., b. Oct. 17, 1838. xi. Ellen A., b. June 21, 1843, d. March 22, 1846. 12. Nathaniel Bingham Caswell, son of Ozias^, b. Marcli, 1784. Ml. about 1811, Lvdia, dau. of Josepli Ilolbrook, d. in Windsor, P. Q., .Inly 31, 1880. He never res. in L. Boatman and hnnter. d. in Windsor, P. Q., .Ian. 18G8. Ch., b. in Windsor, P. Q., — i. Mary Ann. res. Windsor, P. Q. ii. Frederick, res. Windsor, P. Q. iii. Phoda. m. Paquin. res. Barnston, P. Q. iv. Franklin, res. S. C. V. JtJLiA. m. Gardner, res. Windsor, P. Q. vi. Michael Bartlett, b. June 28, 1814. m. July 9, 1839, Susan A. Miller. Policeman. He d. Lowell, Mass., Julv'l7, 1874. vii. Bingham, b. 1820. m. Ellen Crossan. He d. Windsor, l\ Q., 1884. viii. Sarah Ann. in. Stevens, res. Island Pond, Vt. ix. Emily, m. Stevens, res. Brompton, 1^. Q. X. Henry. 13. Ira Caswell, son of Jedediah®, b. in Lisbon, Ancr. 14. 179G. ni. lirst, Dec. 13, 1823, Syrene Adams, b. in Dnlilin, April 1, 1801, d. in L. April 13, 1841. m. second, in 1843, Mercy Gates, b. in Peters- ham, Sept. 14, 17;)G, d. in L. May 16, 18G6. He res. in L. from 1818 until 1872. Farmer. Methodist. Democrat. Appointed Capt. 5th Co., 32d Reo-t. N. H. INIilitia, June 21, 1827; vacated Dec. 19, 1827. d. in Concord, Vt., July 29, 1874. Ch., by vv. Syrene, 1). in L., — i. Ira Oscar, b. May .30, 1824. m. Nov. 9, 1851, Mary J. Hobbs. Loco- motive enii-ineer. He d. Lowell, Mass., June 4, 1800. 10. ii. Alba Sawyer, b. May 20, 1827. Casivell — Ca te — Cayv r, 119 iii. Ji:iM;i)iAir, b. Marcli 20, 1830. d. L. Aiiij. 3, ISr,!. iv. Ai,ni;N Y.. b. Atitr. I'J, 1H:]1. 7ti. Mary Damon, llailroad ticket agent. llf .]. Lowell, .Mass., Jan. 2t, 1894. V. Ci.vitK Rix, b. .Vpril 5, 1S:;5. rn. Auij., 18(52, Lizzie S. Swan. Hailroad aijent. d. Kcfne, .Jan. 11, 18!)7. Cli., Grace Seavur, b. Lowell, Mass., June i:;, 187(1. 14. Joiix Caswkll, sou of .U'dcMliah ^, b. in Broin|)t,on, 1'. (^.. Sept. 26, 1. resid- ing at Concord. Charter member Burns Lodiie, A. F. and A. M., second \\. U. ; K. T. A. A. S. R. 82°. No ch. (L. Cen., pp. 89-207-8.) CHAMBERLAIN. 2. Dudley Chamberlain. nL Sally . He res. in E. from 1818 to 18')8. Farmer. Ch., i. LuciNDA. m. Miircli 0, 1806, Pliilip Carter, son of Eliplialet (See), tanner, ii. Ar-iGAiL, b. 1812. ni. Eri Goin (See). iii. SvLT.v, b. L. ni. Buiniell, laborer. iv. Waltek, b. L. CHAMBERLIN. 3. Adkastus R. CiiAMBEKLiK, b. in L. ni. in 1823. Lucy. dan. of John White, b. in Bowdoinham, INIe.. Nov. 29. 1S04, d. in Richmond. Me., March 4, 1876. He res. in L. in vouth. Phvsician. d. in Canton. Me., Julv 10, 1842. Ch.,— i. Aduaptiis Y)., b. 15ath, Me., Nov. 8. 1825, d. June 10, 1828. ii. (iKANViLLE Siiakp, b. Bath, Me., April 18, 1827, d. June 7, 1828. iii. I). W. C , b. Kicbmond, Me., March 12, 1829 in. 1857, Mary E.'riiomp- son. Physician. lie d. Kicliinond, Me., Oct. 1870. iv. ]\1ary b., b. Piehniond, Me., Dec. KJ, 18;!1. ni. Nov. 2, 1852, Joseph A. Southard, sea-captain. He d. lioxbnry, Mass., Dec. Vi, 1805. CHANDLER. 1. RcDOLPiius Chandler, Ii. in Enlield. P. Q., Oct. 29. 1800. ni. Dec. 7, 1822, Tabatha Dorcas Wdls, b. in Hatley. P. Q , Sept. ".. 1803. d. in L. Jan. 26, 1886. He res. in L. from 1847 until he d., 3Iay 20, 18G4. Carpenter. 122 Chandler. Ch.,— •1. i. John Dakius, b. Hatley, P. Q., Feb. 6, 1824. ii. Louisa L., b. Colebrook, Feb. G, 1825. num., d. Georgeville, V. Q., June 12, 1846. iii. ¥a.\z\ M., b. Colebrook, Jan. 8, 1829. ni. Robert Smith, res. Stan- stead, P. Q. iv. CvNTni.v (4., b. Colebrook, INIav 2, 1830. ni. ^Villianl Reniick. res. Jelferson. 3. V. William Hknry, b. Hereford, P. Q., Dec. 7, 1834. vi. Charles E , b. Ascot, P. Q., Feb. 9, 1836, d. Bridgeport, Iowa, April 22, 1863. vii. Julia H., b. Coinpton, P. Q„ Jan. 22, 183S. in. Shadrach Reniick (See), viii. Mahtha Ann, b. Stanbridge, P. Q., Oct. 27, 1840. m. Ellery H. Carter (See). ix. Susan Ellen, b. Dunham, P. Q , May 19, 1842. in. Riley S. Simpson (See). 4. X. James Rradon, b. Stanstead, P. Q., March 9, 1844. 2. John Darius Chandler, son of Riidolpliiis \ b. in Ilatlev, P. Q., Feb. 6, 1824. m. Nov. 8, 1848, Pliebe Jane, da,u. of Benjamin Saw- yer (See), b. in L. June 4, 1821, d. in L. MafcU 12, 1893, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1846. Carpenter. Cong. Democrat. J. P. Co. D, i;jtli Kegt. N. H. Inf. Private. Cli., b. in L. , — i. Austin, b. Nov. 1853, d. L. March, 1861. ii. Estella Adelma, b. April 27, 1859. m. Alvah William Bean (See). 5. iii. Clarence Bertram, b. Nov. 26, 1856. 3. Whjjaji Hknry Chandler, son of Rudolpluis ^ b. in Hereford, P. Q., Doc. 7, 1884. m. Oct. 29, 1852, Mary Adeline, dan. of John Fuller (See), b. in L. Feb. 24, 183.5. He res. in L. from 1847 until he d., March 10, 1882. Mechanic. Democrat. A. F. and A. ^E., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. Ch.,- i. CHARLiiS Fred, b. L. Nov. 29, 1860. m. Sept, 21, 1881, Annie ISI. Hop- kins. She d. L. March 27, 189li. He res. Manchester, book keeper. 4. James Buadon Chandler, son of Rudolpluis \ b. in Stanstead, P. Q., March 9, 1844. m. Oct. 27, 186(3, Lavinia, dan. of Jonatliau Noyes, b. in Easton, June 27, 1848. He has res. in L. since 1847. Furniture dealer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L.,— 0. i. Walter Emery, b. Aug. 10, 1867. ii. EowiN William, b. May 2, 1870. ni. Oct. 17,1899, Susie W. Smith, iii. Clara Maud, b. May 18, 1878. 5. Clarence Bkrtram Chandler, son of John Darius -, b. in L. Nov. 26, 18r)6. m. March 12, 1890, Nellie Cordelia, dau. of Isaac B. Iloit, b. in Bethlehem, Sept. 22, 18G4. She d. March 30, 1898 ; he m. second, Lizzie Ingerson. He lias res. in L. in youth and since 1868. Carpenter. Democrat. No ch. 6. Waltkr Emerv Chandler, son of James Bradon ^ b. in L. Aug. 10, 1867. in. June 19, 1893, Eva E., dau. of Nathaniel Lewis, b. in Dalton, March 8, 1865, Methodist. He res. in L. all his life. He d. Nov. 14, 1899. Foreman in glove factory. Democrat. I. O. O. F. No ch. Chaiilon. Vlo CHARLTON. 1. RoKKi'tT CiiAKi.ToN, SOU of Ivobei't uiul Lsahella (Riithcrfonl), b. in Ilexainshire, Eno"., in 17;')!. ni. Kezia Powers, b. in 17()3, d. in L. Sept. 30, 18;);), Cong. lie came to Ameri(;a from New ('astle-on-the- Tvne, Eng., and res. in L. (Vom 1781 until he d., Nov. 22, 1843. Far- mer, school teacher, and snrve\or. Cong. Deacon. Selectman. 1791- 4_G-lS()r)-10. Town clerk, 1787-9-!)()-2-l-r)-(;-7-180(;-l(). Moder- ator, 1806. Treasurer, 1797. (L. Cen., \)[). (;7-209-10-19.) Ch., h. in L., — 2. i. .loiix, b. Nov. 20, IT'.lO. ii. Kkiikccaii, b. May '.», 1792. pub. Aj)!-!! 2ij, 181.'], Lyman Hibbanl, car- ])ciucr. res. Watcrford, Vt. iii. Maisia, Vi. June 24, 17(14. m. Soloinou Whitint; (Si'c). iv. IsAUKL, b. .July 8, 17!Mi in. Nathan lluse (See). o. V. WAi.TEit, b. May I'.t, 17',K). in. Mindwell Moulton (See). vi. Makv. b. Mav 19, 1799. ni. .Jasper Howard (See). vii. William, b. June 19. 1801, d. L. .March IS, 1804. 2. John Ciiakltox, sou of Robert \ 1). in L. Nov. 20, 1790. pub. Sept. IG, 1822, Experience, dan. of Perley IMason, 1). in 1797. d. in L. Feb. 12, 18o(), Methodist. He res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Se- lectman, 183.5-6-7. Whig. d. in L. Oct. 7, 1844. Cli., 1). in L.. — 4. i. John Mason, b. Auu'. 1(5, 182M. ii. William Hale, b. Oct. 1(5, 18S8, d. L. Marcli, 1882. 3. Waltkij Cii.vKi/roN, son of Robert \ 1). in L. May 19, 1799. m. in 1827, Mindwell, dan. of Job INIonlton, b. in Lyman, Marcli 18, 1801, d. in Lowell, INIass., April 7, 1875. He res. in L. from birth until about 1834, when he removed to Jay, Vt. He afterward res. in Hanover and Claremont, and d. in Lowell, ^Lxss., A[)ril 19, 1.S75. Farmer. A. F. and A. INL, Morning Dawn. Ch.. — 5. i. Edwin A/.ko, b. L. Sept. 29, 1828. ii. Anna Amelia, b. L. March 12, 1831. m. Marcli 5, 18G8, Hiram Long, real estate, res. Marceline, Mo. iii. Ellen Vestina, b. L 1832 (?),d. L. in intaney. iv. Al:wira Sanborn, b. ,Jay, Vt., June 14, 18o4. m. Jan. 5, 18(30, Au.^tin W. Gee. re.s. Mancliester. v. Mautua .\iTGUSTA, b. .I.iy, Vt., .bilv 15, 18:]7. iii. Feb. lo, 18t'>l, Horatio H. Hodlifi: res Olielmsford, Mass. vi. Walter Lehoy, b. Jay, Vt., April 28, 18 JO, d. Claremont, Nov. 14, 1848. 4. John INIason Ciiakltox, sou of John '-. b. in L. Aug. 16, 1823. m. :\rarch 23, 1846. Bet.sey, dan. of James IMolfet (See), b. in L. July (), 1824, d. in Lancaster, Aug. 27, 1896. He res. in L. all his life and d. Nov. 18, 1880. Farmer. Republican. Representative, 1848-9. J. P. Ch., 1). in L..— i. l?onERT Henry, b. May."l, 1848. m. Oct. 15, 1877, .M.irtha Walbridge. Planner, res. Ferndaie, Cal. ii. Hale Mason, b. Anir. <), 1851, d. L. Sept. 12, 1855. iii. George W., b. Nov. 20, 18C.1. m. A us-. 20, 1889, Minnie Clark. E.\- l)ressman. res. Haverliill, Mass. iv. Elizaiseth Jane, b. Jan. 21, 1851. m. Sept. 19, 1874, Warren Merrill, railway postal clerk, res. Lancaster. 124 Charlton — Chase. 5. Edwin Azko Charlton, son of Walter ^ h. in L. Sept. 29, l.'-!28. m. March 20, 1862, Helen Elizabeth, dan. of Alfred Holmes, b. Jnly 8, 1836. He res. in L. from Itirth until 1834. Teacher and journalist. Grad. Dartmouth Coll., 1854. He taught Haverhill and Gilmanton Academies several years; was head of Locki)ort, N. Y. Union -School, four years ; principal of Schenectatly, N. Y. Union School, and after- wards superintendent. He has pul). a work on his native State, " New Hampshire as it Is," and other works, particularly on the subject of ed- ucation. He was a journalist at Iiroadhead, Wis., from 1879 until he d., Nov. 14, 1896. A. E. and A. M. Cong. Republican. Ch.,— i. Walter Holmes, b. Sclienectady, N. Y., Jan. 4, 18(30, d. Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1875. ii. Winifred Holmes, b. riatteville, Wis., May 13, 1874. res. Broadhead, Wis. CHASE. 1. Amos K. Chask, son of James, b. in Bath, Eeb. 2, 1825. ni. Oct. 9, 1852, Emma S., dau. of John Smith, b. in Bath, April, 1834. He res. in L. from 1857 to 1893. Laborer. Advent. Republican. Ch Emma, b. Lisbon, Sept. 30, 1855. m. Elbridtje Youiicr (See). Fred L., b. L. Jan. 14, 1858. ni. Aug. 10, 1885, Ida B. Gotliam. Rail- road conductor, res. Concord, Harry J., b. L. March, 18(il. rn. Jan. 1, 1883, Mertie Colliston. Black- sniitli. res. Johnstown, N Y. Will E., b. L. 18G5. m. July 18, 1887, Hannah Clark. Mechanic, res. I^isbon. Jennie M., b. L. April 26, 18G8. m. Lewis E. Bedell (See). CHASE. 2. Thomas Hexky Benton Chase, son of Daniel P., b. in Claremont, Dec. 20, 1829. m. April 28, 1850, Laura A., dau. of Chester Cleve- land, b. in Tunbridge, Vt, April 2, 1823. Episcopal. He res. in L. from 1871 until he d., Oct. 28, 1883. Printer. Democrat. 72d N. Y. Inf., mus. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., — i. Isadore Laura, b. Manciiester, June 16, 1851. m Ira W. Van Ness (See). ii. Daniel Fazio De Leon, b. Kandolpli, A't., April 5, 1853. ni. first, Eliza Worden, d. April 4, 1888. ni. second, l^ertha Childs. Salesnum. res. Worcester, j\lass. 3. iii. Chester Phelps, b. Port Jervis, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1855. 3. Chkstku Phelps Chase, son of Thomas Henrv Benton \ b. in Port Jervis, N. Y., Eeb. 3, 1855. ni. Jan. 8, 1883, Helen I., dau. of Zelotes Stevens (See), b. in Concoid, Jan. 19, 1853, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1872 to 1896. Glover. E[)iscopal. Democrat. Capt. S. of v., 1894. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com., Em. Comdr., 1894. A. A. S. R. 32^ Ch.,— i. Lawrence Carlisle, b. L. Aug. 8, 1884. Ch<-it<'//. 1 2;") CHENEY. 1. IIi:\uv Pallistkr Ciiicnmcy, sou of Jose[)Ii, 1). in Lnnenbiii-g, \'t., in ISOS. 111. in l.S.")"), Eliza Pai-ks-Ciirtis, dan. of Elilm Sargoiil (Se(3), h. ill L. May 16, 1811, d. in Ik'thleliem, F(!l). 8, 1881. She res. in L. from l)irth to 180"). lie never res. in L. Fanner, d. in Belhieiieni, Feb. 13, 1872. Ch., — i. Dk Witt (.linton, b. Lunenburg, Vt., 1S')5. m. Philena Bowles. Carpenter, d. L. Nov. -22, I8S1). ii. George Silas, b. l>unenburg, Vt., 18:!7. ni. 1S57, Julia Gilman. Farmer, res. Betlilelieni. iii. John S., h. rjunenlniri;, Vt., I80'.). ui. 187"i, Sarah (Jale. Macliinist. He (1. Warren, bSTJ. iv. JiJi.iA, 1). Luneiiburj;-, Vt., 18U, il. \H\2. 2. V. James Kames, b. Betlilelieni, Oct. lli, IHl'J. ;;. vi. IIenuy KEiiirr, b. Bethlehem, Nov. 14, ISl:?. 4. vii. Charles Y., b. Betlilelieni, Jan. 1, 1840. 5. viii. Fred, b. Bethlehem, .May 'JO, 184'.). ix. Frank 1'ikrck, b. Bethrehem, ()(;t. \2. ISo;]. m. Nov. 15, lS8(i, Lauris- tine I. Forrest. Farmer, res. Bethlehem. 2. Jamks Ea^mes C^'iiKNKV, son of Henry Fallister ^. b. in Bethlehem, Oct. Hi, 1842. in. Oct. 27. 1878, Elizabeth 1>., dan. of Azariah Wil- liams, b. in Bath, Oct. 21. 18."),3. He has res. in L. since 1871). Mason. Democrat. Ch., — i. John .Vi.uert, b. L. Auo-. 10, 1879. ii. -Fames Mokius, b. Bethlehem, Aiiij;. 10, 1881. iii. Harvey Fuge.ne, b. L. June "JO, 18^;!. iv. Florence Fliza, b. Bethlehem, Nov. 11, 1885. V. (George Cephas, b. L. May 10, 188'J. 3. Hkn'iiy Ei.ihu Ciirxky, son of Henry Pallister ', b. in Lnnenbnr<^, Vt., Nov. 14, 1813. in. first, May, 187-1, Selina Locke. Divorced, m. second, Sept. 11. 181)5, Mary J., dan. of Edward Bentley, b. in England in 18()1. He has res. in L. since 1871. Car[)enter. Demo- crat. Ch. , by w. Selina, — i. Mattie, b. L. March 23, 1875. m. Dec. 20, 1897, George II. Libbey. res. L. Cli., l»y w. Mary, — ii. Fdward Henry, b. L. July 1, 1896. 4. Cii.vKLKS Y. CiiENEV, son of Henry Pallister ^ 1). in Bethlehem, Jan. 1, 184G. 111. Dec. 4, 18(39, l.,izzie, dan. of Richard Smearage, b. in Jvcmington, Vt., Oct. 29, 18 10. He has res. in L. since 1877. C!ar- peiiter. Democrat. Ch., b. in Ik'thleliem, — i. .liiLiA Anna, b. Dec. 1, 1870. m. Henry F. Langdon (See), ii. Harry Ward, b. Oct. 8, 1873. 5. Fred Cheney, son of Henry Pallister ^ I), in Bethlehem, May 20, lS4',t. tn. Nov. K), 1871, Sarah, dan. of Kichai'd Smearage, b. in Lemington, \'t., Oct. 24. 18 1."). He lias res. in L. since 1869. Painter. Democrat. No ch. 126 Clioatp — Clioquette — CJuirch —Churcliill. CHOATE. 1. Fkank Emkrson Choate, son of William P. and Martha Railey CUoate of Warner and Bradford, grandson of John T. and Hannah Pearson Choate of Ilopkinton, b. in Bradford, June 15, 1854. ni. Jnly 23, 1879, Emma L. Cressy, b. Bradford, June 9, 1859, dan. of Warren G. and Clementine (Seavey) Cressy. Tlie^' resided in Bradford until 1898, when thev removed to L. Merchant. CHOQUETTE. CHOQUTE. 1. John Choquette, son of John, b. in Canada, Jan. 26, 1845. m. May 9, 18G9, Millie, dan. of Abram Provouchee, b. in Canada, June 7, 1851, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1800. Farmer. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — 2. i. Hknuy, b. .June 1, 1870. ii. AiiKAM, h. Jan. 7, IHTo. m. Dec. IS, 1801, Nettie Somers. Fanner, res. L. iii. Claua. 1)., I). April 9, 1875. m. Jan. 20, 1805, Lutlier Leroy Towne. res. L. 2. Henry Choquette, son of John ', b. in L. June 1, 1870. m. May 21, 1894, Julia, dau. of Joseph Greenwood (See), b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 15, 187G. He has res. in L. all his life. Glover. Ch., — i. Hilda Louise, b. L. April 7, 1895. CHURCH. 1. Allen Jacob Church, son of Samuel, b. in Waterford, Vt., April 2, 1840. m. Jan. 21, 1868, Susan Hews, dau. of Aaron Brackett (See), 1). in L. Sept. 4, 1839, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1866. Glover. Cong. Republican. No ch. CHURCHILL. 1. Hknrv Hehuert Churchill, son of Thomas Lindsey and Sarah ( Abby) Churchill, grandson of John Tash Churchill, b. Brooktield, Se[)t. 2, l.Soo. m. June 30, 1880, Flora G. Jack. He commenced the study of theology in 1879, and has devoted several years to evangelistic work. He was ordained in the Advent Christian faith at Alton Bay, 1891, and was located at Newburyport, Mass., from April, 1891, to Oct. 1892, and Jan. 1895, to March^ 1896 ; Bath, Me., from June, 1896, to April, 189S; Littleton, May, 1898, to 1900, and is now in the minis- try at Lawrence, Mass. 'Ch., — i. Amy V. ii. II. Leon. iii. Chester L. ChuW'v — Clark. VL CHUTTER. 1. FitKDKKicK Gkokgk CiiL'TTKit, SOU of Gcoigo, b. iu CIkuxI, Eiigiaiid. Sept. 12, 18')7. in. Oct. 19, 1887, Caroline Chirk, chin, of Hon. Kbcn Culler, 1). in Newtcjn, Mass, Sept. li), 18G2, Cong. He luis'res. in L. since 1887. was edncated in riiillips Academy, Andover, INIass.. Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville, INIe., and Colby University, I\Ie., and took a special course in Oxford L'niversity, England. lie studied the- ology in Andovei' Theological Seminary, and Presbyterian Coll., Edin- burgh, Scotland, grad. from Andover in 1887, and was ordained in \j. in 1887. Cong. He preached during his fitting course in various places in Maine and X. II., commencing when nineteen years old, and continuing without a break until he closed his pastorate in L. for a two- years' ti'i[) in Europe for study and travel. He returned in 18D;i, and received a call to Tawtucket church, Lowell. Mass., and to Taeoma, Wash., but owing to a severe head trouble, on the advice of s[)ecial- ists, he decided to leave the ministry for a time. He has since been (Migaged in the dry goods business in L. Member ]>oard of Education, Union District. bSxA-O-iX), !),') to date. Tres. ]^>oard of Trustees L. ]'ul)li(; Lil)rai'v, author (^f Lectures on Travels in IIolv Land. Cli., — i. Mii.nuKi) C'Anoi.ixK, h. Oxford, Encrlaml, Aug. 29, 18'.)-J. ii. Rkginaij) FuioDiouicK, V). L. Ailg. 2;^, 180.'J. 2. Ilr.in'.icuT Ei.i \\'.m,tf,ii Ciutikk". son of George, and l)rother of Frederick (ieorge', b. in Somerset. Eng., Feb. 28, 1870. m. Oct. 2">. 1894, Ella Naomi Blodgett, b. Bloomfield, Vt., June 17, 1S71, dau. of Cyrus I\. lilodgett. He is a dr}- gootls merchant in this town. Ch., b. in Boston, Mass., — i. Mahiox Florknce, b. July ?.0, 1895. ii. (iKORGE Ai.uKUT, 1). April lt», 1S07. iii. KoiiKitr ^Vl•;I,l,I^■GTO.^■, 1). Jul}' 14. 18U8. CLARK. CLARKE. \. Xm'iiwikl Ci.akk, b. in n!l4, res. and d. in Xewbin-y. IVfass., Aug. 2.'), 109(). He m. Nov. 2;;, ICGo, Elizal)eth Somerl)y, b. Nov. 1, 11) Kb Her father was third S(jn of Richard Somerby of Little Bytham. Lincolnshire, where his family had been eminently res[)ectal)le for manv generations. Her mother was ol" Huguenot origin. 2. IIi'.N'itY ('i..\i;k, son of XathanieP, 1). in Xewijury. [Mass., July ."), 1(17.'). m. fu'st. Xov. 7. li;9.j. Elizalieth, dau. of Ste[)lien (ireeide.af, ;i Ca[)t. and prominent cilizen of Xewl)ury, Mass. m. second, ilarv Fierce. Henry res. and d. iu (ireenlaml, June 9, 1749. 3. IIknkv Cl.muv. son of Henry-, b. in Greenland, April 2;i, 1717: admitted to church. 1710; UKn'ed to Candia, 170:3. m. first, Kezia Brickett. m. second, Catherine Bean. m. third, Abigail Adams. 4. S.\:\irKi. Ci.AitK. son of Henry ', horn in Greenland, ]Mav 18, 174G. m. July 4. 17r.l. ."Mary, , Rosa, dun. of Anibroise \'aliiie. 1). in Cnn;ul:i in 184(;, d. in Carrol!, IMarcli 18, 1881. in. second, Dec. 8. 1822, Eleanor, dan. of Francis Lainott, 1). in Canada, Nov. 15, 18K). Konuui Calliolic. He has re.«. in I^. since 1879. Farmer. Served two vears in .'>;5d N. Y. Inf. Ch.,— i. Emz.v, 1). Canada, .Tune 17, 1800. ni. Jan. 1884, Geor• ^birch 2, 1S8!); Nathaniel Clark, b. May 14, 18"J1 ; Charles Sutnner, b. May 12, 1804. VOL. II. — 9 130 Clarke— Clay. ii. Chakles Worcester, b. Schenectady, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1863. d. March 31, ib'.n. iii. Clar.v B()YDEN,b. Roxbury, Mass., May 29, 1869. m. June 17, 1891, James W. Rollins, Jr., civil engineer, res. Roxbury, Mass. Ch., Elizabeth Sargent, b. June 14, 1892 ; Wingate, b. Sept. 17, 1894. CLARKE. 14. Albert Warkex Clarke, son of James, b. in Lisbon. Jiil3' 25, 1828. m. Api'il 7, 1852, Pliilenda G., dan. of Samnel Wille}-, b. in Lyn- don, Vt., April 9, 1828, d. in Brockton, Mass., May 26, 1894. He res. in L. about ten months in 1856, and from 1864 until be d., March 27, 1867. He was educated in L3"ndon Academy, and studied medicine with Drs. Sanborn and Newell in Lyndon, Vt. Grad. Dartmouth Med. Coll. and commenced practice in Woburn, Mass., where he continued six years. He then joined the 35tli Mass. Inf. as Asst. Surgeon, with the rank of Major, and served through the war. In 18G4 he commenced practice in L., which he continued until he d. He was of the regular school. A. F. and A. M. (L. Cen., pp. 157-8.) Ch.,- 15. i. Israel James, b. Woburn, Mass., May 22, 1860. 16. ii. (jeorge Albert, b. L. 1864. iii. Eva Mary, b. L. Aug. 1866, singer, ni. 1898, F. H. Garnian. 15. Israel James Clarke, son of Albert Warren ^^, b. in "Woburn, Mass., May 22, 1860. m. May 22, 1889, Nellie Etta Pearson, dan. of John A. and Helen M. Pearson. He res. in L. from 1864 until he entered Brockton High School. In 1878 he commenced the stud^- of medicine in Brockton, Mass., and attended the Uniyersity Med. Coll., N. Y. City, where he grad. in 1883. He commenced practice, regular school, the same 3"ear in Ashland, Mass., where he remained three years ; Woburn, Mass., eight months ; Haverhill, Mass., since Jan. 1887. He belongs to the Mass. Med. Society and the Haverhill Med. Clul), and has been attending surgeon of Haverhill, Mass., Cit}' Hospital since 1889. A. F. and A. M. Ch.,— i. Clifton Albert, b. June 7, 1890. 16. George Albert Clarke, son of Albert Warren ", b. in L. 1864. Artist. Resides in Boston, Mass. m, Nov. 14, 1888, Mabel Louise Pearson, dau- of John A. and Helen M. Pearson. No ch. CLAY. 1. Samuel Clay, b. in 1760. m. Elizabeth . He res. in L. from 1815 until he d.. May 26, 1840. Farmer. Rev. soldier. Served as a recruit forN. H. Regt. of the Continental line from July 1 to Dec. 16, 1780. Tiie same name appears on the roll of Capt. P]zekiel Worthen's Co., Col. Stephen Peabody's Regt., for service in R. I., serving from April 20, 1778, to Jan. 4, 1779. The same name also appears on a petition signed by members of the force which constituted the garrison of Fort Washington in N. H. under Capt. Titus Salter. Ch.,- i. Russell M., b. 1806, d. L. Nov. 17, 1829. Clay — Cleashy. 1 o 1 CLAY. 2. William Clay, b. in AVilinot. ni. Esther, dau. of Robert liiirber. the first female ehihl 1). in Salisl)urv. lied, in Andover. 3. William Clay, son of William -', b. in Wilmot. m. IJetscy Long. He res. in Andover, d. in IMymouth. 4. IIoitACK Saniioun Clay, son of William ^, b. in Salisbury, Dec. 11. 181!). m. Dee. 12, 1811, Mary Ann Sawyer, lie res. in Andover. . where he d., Dee. 28, 18G'J. 5. CuAia.KS Leonidas Clay, son of Horace Sanborn ^, b. in Andover, Oet. 9, 1844. m. first, Nov. 28, 1873, Stella Louise, dau. of Henry C. Redington (See), b. in L. Feb. 8, 1848, d. in L. May 24, 18S8, Cong, in. second, Nov. 19, 1892, p]nima, dau. of George C. Lancaster, b. in Nortliwood, Aug. G, 1854, Cong. He res. in L. from 1881 to 189."). He was educated in Colby Academy, New London, and Coll)y Uni- versity, Waterville, Me., where he grad. in 18G8. He taught in various [)laces until he caine to L. Glove nianufr. while in L. Cong. Deacon. Prohibition Democrat. J. P. State. Member Board of Edu- cation, LTnion District, 188G-9;J. A. F. and A. M., IJurns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. A. A. S. R. 32'\ Ch., by w. Stella, — i. Paul IJedinotox, h. L. Feb. 16, 1875. Dart. Coll., 18'J7 ; Boston University School of Law, 1900. ii. Ruth Stowell, b. L. Aug. 8, 1877. iii. Gkace Ely, b. Watertown, Mass., Feb. 25, 1880. iv. Star Sawyek, b. L. Oct. 18, 1884, d. Aug. 19, 1886. Ch., by w. Emma, — V. Charles Lancaster, b. Harvard, Mass., Dec. 6, Is'.k;. 6. Sa:m J. Clay, son of Horace Sanborn^, b. in Andover, ^lay 9. 18.'j6. ra. Feb. 2G, 1882, Caro Tavlor, dau. of Lucius S. Gordon, 1). in New Hampton, Sept. 23, 1856. He res. in L. from 1884 to 1890. Merchant, now farmer. Ch., — i. Gordon M., b. Andover, April 25, 1883. ii. Rachel P., b. New Hampton, Jan. 10, 1892. iii. Caro Panset, b. Manclicster, Sept. 2, 1893. CLEASBY. L Samuel Cleasby, son of Tilly H.. b. in Danville, Vt., Nov. 5. 1820. m. Jan. IG, 1842, Alice, dau. of Robert Nelson, b. in ]Monroe, Oct. 12, 1819, d. in L. June 28, 1887, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1843 until he d., July 10, 1877. Farmer. Methodist. Repul)lican. Ch., b. in L., — 2. i. George Washington, b. Oct. 18, 1843. ii. Ellen Angeline, b. Dec. K], 1845, res. Stamford, Conn. 3. iii. David Nelson, b. Nov. 2',), 1847. iv. Arthdr, b. Oct. 30, 1850, d. in infancy. V. Robert A , b. Feb. 4, 1852, d. in infancy. 4. vi. Wilfred, b. May 25, 1855. vii. John F., b. Sept. 30, 1857. m. Mattie Andrews. Mechanic, res. Watertown, Conn. 132 Cleashy — Cleveland — Clor/ston. 2. George WASmxaTON Cleasp.y, son of Samuel \ b. in L. Oct. 18, 1843. m. first, ]\Iay 22, 1868, Juliette, dau. of Samuel Smith (See), b. in L. Jan. 4, 1846, d. in L. Ai)iil 10, 1880, Methodist, m. second, f\4). 22. I2. Soplironin. dau. of Titus Farr (See). 1). in L. Sept. 21, isi-i. d. ill L. Aug. G. 1886, Cong. He res. in L. from 18G0 until he (1.. Feb. 21. l.s'.i;;. Fanner. Cong. Democrat. Co. I, 1st N. II. II. Art. Private. G. A. K. Cli.,— i. Laika .Vnx, 1). LiiiK'astcr, Dec. 10, 18;!:5. m. Ilolloti U. Mil'.cn (Sec). ii. CiiAKi.KS Ai.FiiKU, b. (iiaiiliv, Vt., March 15, 18:;'>, (1. Biiike, Vt„ Julv 14, 1854. iii. John" Cai.vin. h. Canada, Marcli 25, 18;!0. ni. I\iarcli Kl, 1M)2, Mmnia Ilannum. Farmer ami niechanic. lie d. Hannibal, >.". Y ., -July lo, 1874. iv. Mauy Ann, b. Granby, Vt., Marcb 15, 18:18. ni. Sept. 5, 1805, Morrill Hi.x, arti.st. Siie (l.'l)alton, Feb. 11, 18()G. V. Elan>o\ F., 1). (Jranby, Vt., July (5, 184U, d. May 11, 18G;J. Co. 1), LUli N. II. Inf. I'rivate. d. of woiiiuLs received, vi. Abigail F„ b. Granbv. Vt.. Sept. 0, 1841, d. Oct. 23, 1842. vii. Edward 1'., b. Granby, Vt., Feb. 21), 1844, d. L. May 17, 1891. viii. Geokge a., b. Burke, Vt., May 8, 1845. ni. 1869, Flinira Jones. Stone- mason. 2. i.x. FuANcis A., b. Burke. \t., July 7, 1849, d. L. Oct. 29, 1890. X. Nancy A., b. Burke. Vt.. Sept. 18, 1851. m. 1878, Henry Ilowland, farmer. Siie d. Bethleliem, June 1, 1888. xi. Charles, b. Burke, Vt., July 28, 1854, d. Dec. 9, 1892. 2. Francis A. Cij>^riii. Carpenter, res. Lisbon. viii. Alverton, b. L. April 7, 1858. in. Aug. 10, 1878, Celia Streeter. Far- mer, res. L. ix. Benjajiin IIuiiUARD, b. L. Sept. 11, 1855. m. Dec. 24, 1881, Nellie Howland. Mill hand. res. Lisbon. X. E.mma Elizabeth, b. L. Feb. 11, 18tJ0. m. Sewell Chaffee (See). 134 Clough. 2. Danikl Moulton Clough, son of Robert \ b. in Lj-man, June 26, 1841. ni. Feb. 22, 1866, Ellen Mercy, cUiu. of George Spooner, b. in Brandon, Vt., Oct. 16, 1849. He re.s. in L. in j'onth and since 1887. Barber. Democrat. Co. D, 13tli N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. R. I. O. 0. F., Lafavette Lodge, d. in Lincoln, Sept. 10, 1897. Ch., — i. Chakles Chauncbt, b. Lisbon. Dec. 28, 1867. m. Jiine'l, 1892, Emma Hicks. Printer. K. P. res. L. She d. L. July 15, 1892. 3. ii. FiJANK LoREN, b. L. Nov. 15, 18U9. 3. Frank Loken Clough, son of Daniel Moulton ^, b. in L. Nov. 15, 1869. ni. June 10, 1891, Elizabeth, dau. of Alson W. Lathrop (See), b. in Colebrook, Sept. 4, 1871. He res. in L. in youth and since 1885. Book-keeper. Republican. I. O. O. F. No ch. CLOUGH. 4. WiLLL\M Clough, then of Salem, was a soldier in Capt. Jesse Page's company, Col. Abraham Drake's regiment, raised, 1777, to re- inforce the arniv near Saratoga, N. Y., and the following year he served in Capt. Jesse Page's com[)any. Col. Jacob Gale's regiment, in the ex[)cdition to Rhode Island. Aliout 1784 he removed to Ljinan. 5. Jeremiah Clough, son of William, m. Fanny Abbot, b. Dec. 20, 1787, dau. of Josiah and Ruth (Bodwell) Abbot of Bath. He lived in Landatf and Haverhill. 6. Jason Clough, son of Jeremiah ®, b. in Lyman, Feb. 15, 1811. m. Aug. 26. 1844, Elizabeth, dau. of Aaron Beede, b. in Strafford, Vt., Feb. 1."), 1821, Cong. He res. in L. from 1852 to 1869. Stage-driver, d. Somervillc, Mass., May 16, 1893. Ch., - 7. i Henry Arthur, b. Hanover, Nov. .'J, 1847. ii. Edward Harris, b. Hanover, Nov. l-'i, 1848, d. Hanover, Oct. 27, 1849. 8. iii. WiLLARD Lt)REN, b. Hanover, A\\\i. 0, 1850. iv. Clara Elizaiseth, b. L. Aug. 4, 1854. m. Nov. 25, 1879, Frederick Lowell Davis, photographer, res. Sonierville, Mass. V. George Washington, b. L. Jan. 6, 1861. Salesman, res. Chicago, III. 7. Henry Arthur Clough, son of Jason ^ I), in Hanover, Nov. 3, 1.S47. m. ]\larch 25, 1878, May Isabel, dau. of \Villiam Greysoii, I), in Taunton, iMass., Nov. 1, 1847. He res. in L. from 1852 to 1866. Steward. Co. L, 1st N. H. Cav. Private. Ch.,— ' i. Henry Arthur, b. Boston, Mass., March 14, 1870. 8. WiLLARD LnuEN Clough, son of Jason '^, b. in Hanover, Aug. 6, 1850. m. Dec. 7, 1875, Hett_v Lauraett Fifield, adopted dau. of Moses Lang, b. in Bath, June 7, 1851. He res. in L. from 1852 to 1867. Printer. Ch., — i. Mildred Helen, b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 13, 1877, d. Somerville, Mass., Dec. 15, 1877. ii. Grace Elizabeth, b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 26, 1878. iii. MiLo Houghton, b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 17, 1881. iv. Leon Arijott, b. Somerville, Mass., Sept. 10, 1884. V. Clara Belle, b. Somerville, Mass., May 11, 1886, d. Somerville, Mass., June 20, 188G. vi. Paula Lang, b. Somerville, iMass., June 3, 1889. Cohh — Cohleijh. 135 COBB. 1. SniKON Cobb, b. in Taiinton, ]\[ass., Rev. soldier, niimite-iiian. niirl took [tart in l)atlles of Lexington, linnker Hill, and expeditions to K. I. After the war he settled in St. Johnsbnrv, Vt., then a wilderness, and bnilt a log honse. The farm still remains in the family. 2. Ki.ivANAii ('(MiB, son of Sime(jn \ res. and d. in St. .lohnsbnr}', \'t. 3. IIakrison Simkon Cobb, son of Elkanah'-, b. in St. Johnsbnrv, Vt., Jnne 7, 1812. m. Feb. 21, 1S42, Ann Maria, dan. of Vespasian Wheeler (See), b. in L. Jan. 13, LSI 5. She res. in L. nntil Lst2, and since 1855. lie never res. in L. Farmer, d. in St. Johnsbnrv, Vt., May 1, 1851. Ch., b. in St. Johnsbnrv, Vt., — i. Lydia a., b. June 5, 1814. num., res. L. ii. Kllex M., b. Auij. 12, 1846. unin., res. L. iii. (-'aui!ILL\ K., h. Sept. 16, 1851. iinin., d. L. 8e]U. "24, IST-J. iv. Mautha J., b. April 24, 1854. uiiiii., d. L. .May 12, 18S)8. COBLEIGH. 1. John CoBLKicir, b. 1753. m. Deliorah Harris, b. 1754, dan. of Abner Harris of Woodstock, Conn., and after 1777 of Chesterfield. He was probably a son of Jonathan Cobleigh, who I'esided in New Braintree, Mass., 1749 to 1763, and snbsequently in Chesterfield, and a deseen<]ant of John Cobh^igh, an early resident of Swanzey, Mass. John Cobleigh d. in Chesterfield, Jnne 8, 1i\\. She m. second, in 1-S21:, Lyman Powers. He lived in Chesterfield, where he d., Julv o, 1821. Ch., — i. Royal E., b. Oct. 1, 1813. 8. ii. Marshall Day, b. Chesterfield, Jan. 21, 1817. iii. Hannah C, b. March 7, 1819. ni. Levi B. Dodge (See). 5. Nelson Ebenezer Cobleigh, son of John -, b. in L. Nov. 24, 1S14. m. Aug. 1, 1844, Charlotte Marie Simmons, b. in Springfield, JMass., d. in Athens, Tenn., Oct. 12, 1893. He res. in L. in youtl^i, and in 18;58 commenced his studies in Newbury, Vt., Academy. "^ He grad. from Wesleyan LTnivergity in 184.3, with first honors of his class. In 1844 he joined the New England M. E. Conference and was stationed at Wilbraham, Mass. His other charges were Bhmford, 1845 ; Blan- ford Center, 184G; Thorndike Village, 1847-S; Park St., Worcester, 1S49-50 ; North Kussell St., Boston,"l 851-2 ; Church St., Boston, 1853. He was then a[)pointed Professor of Ancient Languages in McKendree College, Lebanon, 111. In 1854-7 he occupied "a shuilar position in Cohleifjh. 137 Lawic'iice I'liiversity, Appleloii, Wis. Fioiii 1, Adeline, dau. of Simeon Hill, b. in W^aterford, Vt., Hec. 9,^ 1816, d. in L. Marcii 2, 1881. He res. in L. nearly all his life, where he d., Jan. 18, 1854. Railroad conductor and hotel-keeper. In com[tany with his brother W' illard proprietor of the Union House many vears. Democrat. Appointed Quartermaster 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, Sept. 4, PS44. I. 0. O. F. Ch., — i. Adeline Louise, 1). L. April 24, 1811. m. Oct. 10, 1874, Robert \V. Millen, exjiress ai,a'nt. Hed. Boston, Mass, Nov. 1'.), 1.S7S. ii. Levi Ward, b. Lisi)()ii, June 11, 1844. in. Jose])hine Fitzuerald. Co. L, N. H. Batt., 1st N. K. Cav., and Co. L, 1st N. H. Cav. Private, d. L. Dec. 21, 1874 iii. Kdnah Jane, b. L. Oct. 4, iSlfJ. in. Henry B. Burnhain (See). iv. Wii.i.AKD S., h. L. May 0, 1850, d. L. March 20, 1880. 8. M.vusiiALL Day Coi-.i.kigh, son of Erastus'', b. in Chesterfield, Jan. 21, 1817.- m. Feb. 5, 1838. Phinisa. dau. of Noah l^^irr (See), b. in L. Jan. 1, 1819, d. in L. March 9, 1886, Cong. He re.s. in L. from 18.",3 until he d.. July 20, ISOS. Farmer. Cong. Deacon. Whig and Republican. Selectman, 1S51-2. Deputy Sheritf, 1858 to 186.", int;. J. P. State. Cupt. nth Co., 32d Regt. N."H. Militia, 1843 to 1845 inc. Ch., b. \\\ L., — 10. i. Ashbel Wiieeuer, b. May :;0, l,s:;0. ii. Charlotte Hannah, b. Nov. 28, 1841. in. Charles Frank Lewis (See). 11. iii. Nelson Fark, b. Oct. 11, 1844 iv. Lizzie, b. May 0, 1848. m. July 1, 1808, Royal M. Cole (See). 138 Cohleigli — Cohui'ti. 9. Edward Augustus Cobleigh, son of Nelson Elienezer •\ b. in Boston, Mass., Dec. 5, 1849. m. in 1869, Mary E. Hornsi)y. Pie was educated in Boston, Mass., public schools, McKendree Coll., Lebanon, 111., and East Tenn. Wesleyan Universit_y, Athens, Tenn., where he commenced the study of medicine in 1871, with Dr. W. "W. Alexander. lie attended two courses of lectures in Atlanta Med. Coll. and grad. March, 1872. He has practised in Atlanta, Ga., Cleveland, and Warren, Ohio; Athens, Tenn., 12 years; since then in Chattanooga, Tenn. He belongs to the Tenn. State Med. Society and the Tri State Med. Society of Ga., Ala., and Tenn. Prof, of Practice of Medicine, Dermatology, and Clinical Medicine in Chattanooga Med. Coll. since its organization as the Medical Department of Grant University, and Dean of the Coll. Facult}*. Ch.,— i. Nklson Eugene, res. Chattanooija, Tenn ii. Clarknce Acjgustus, res. Cliattanooar Harbor. Me., so as to be near the " Lil)eral Cln'istian Church of Bar Harbor," whicii tliey planted while at Ellsworth, Me., in 1893. Pastor at PeriT, Iowa. 1896 to 1898, and began a pastorate at East Lexing- ton. Mass., 1898. His most important literary work is an essay entitled, " Tlie Revelation of God in Nature," wliich, together with tliose writ- ten by six otlier Unitarian ministers, constitute the book, ''In Spirit and in Trutli." Ch., — i. KiNGSLEV, b, L. Nov. 20, 1888. COFRAN. 1. Fkank Aoino Cofran, son of James H., b. in Northfield, Feb. 11, 185.'k m. June 1, 1876, Martlia Culbertson, dau. of William Gra- ham, b. in Peacham, Vt., Sept. 8, 1856. He res. in L. from 1876 to 1881. Hotel manager. Presidenti.al Elector, 1888. Republican. J. P. State. Notarv i)ublic. A. F. and A. ]\I. d. in Whitefield, Aug. 15, 1896. No ch. COLBURN. 1. Charles Meuuitt Colburn, son of Simeon D. and Fanny (Holton) Colburn. b. in Bath, July 2, 1842. m. Feb. 1861, Esther Aiin Parker, b. in Lisbon, May 14, 1841, dau. of James Parker. He is engaged in insurance, coming to L. in 1899. A. F. and A. M. The American generations of his linea,i;e : NatlianieP, Josei)h ■\ Joseph^, Joseph % Simeon ^ all of Dediiam, Mass. ; Simeon D.*^ of Claremont and Bath, Charles Merritt.'' Ch.,- i. Harriet E , b. Sprin;,'fiel(b Mass ,. Tune 21, 1862. m. Aug. 1890, George W. SaiKk'Tson, l^rof. Ripon College, Ripon, Wis. ii. Harry W., b. Derby, Vt., May, IStiy, d. March, 1870. CoJh>j. 141 COLBY. 1. Anthony Coli;y, nii Englisli einigiciiit, was in ljostx)ii, 1G;!(). lie m, \(S?>2, Susannah Sargent. Ho was tVeeman, 1631, of Ii)swicli, iMass., lGo7, and later a resident of Salisl)iirv, Mass., being a grantee in the division of lands, lOlO and Kll.'i. In 1G17 he sold his estate in Salis- bur\- and moved across tiie river to Ainesl)nrv, where lied., Fel). 11, 1G()0/()I ; his widow, Snsannah, ni. William Whitritlge. 2. Isaac Colby, filth child of Anthony \ h. .Inly G, IGIO. He was of Salisbury, 1663, of Aniesbnr\-, 1(!G7, and later of Haverhill and Rowley. lie d. 1GS4. His widow, JMartha. d. in Amesbnry, .July 13, 1730. Hoyt, in " Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury," asserts that Isaac Colby married Martha Jewett, a sister of Dea. Ezekiel .lewctt. 3. Anthony Colby, son of Isaac", b. Jan. 21, 1GG9/70. m. Oct. '!'.), 1701, ]Mary Currier, b. Haverhill, Jan. 28, 1675, dau. of Sauiuil and Mar}' (Hardy) Currier. She d. Aprils, 1719; he m. second, Dec. 1, 1721, Elizabeth West, who d. June 25, 1738. He res. in Haverhill and was living 1734. 4. Isaac Colby, son of Anthony •"', b. j\farch 23, 1711/12. m. A|)ril 2.'), 1734, Sarah Davis, b. .June 4, 1714, dau. of William and IMary (Kelleyj Davis ; shed. June 3, 1755 ; he m. second, April, 1757, Hannah Colby. He lived in Haverhill, where ten children l)v w. Sarah were born. 5. Bkn.iamin Colby, son of Isaac ^ b. .Julv 14, 1750, m. Oct. 19, 1773, Elizabeth Hunlvins ; shed. Nov. 22, ISDG ; he m. second, Sarah (Eastman) Carter, b. Concord, Aug. 4, 1757, dau. of Moses and Eliza- beth (Kinil)all) Eastman, and widow of .Jacob Carter of Concord. He lived in Sanbornton, where he d., Nov. 9^ 181 G. 6. 1 '.F.N.I AiMiN Colby, son of Benjamin '', b. in Sanbornton, July 5, 177S. m. Jan. 11, 1804, Polly Woodman, b. April 23, 1784, dau. of Rev. Joseph Woodman. He was a school-teacher tiiirty-four consecu- tive years, and was known as ^Master Colby. He d. Feb. G, 185G; his widow (1. .June 14, 18til. 7. Ethan ("olby, son of Benjamin '', b. in Sanliornton, Aug. 2!', 1810. m. ]March 29, 1843, ]\Iary Cliamberlain, b. A!)ril G. 1819, dau. of Ed- mund Chamberlain of Colebrook. He res. in. L. [\o\\\ 1836 to 1838, member of mercantile firm, Colby & Eastman. Sul)sequently he lived in Colebrook. Representative, 1861. Executive Councillor, 5th Dist., 18G2. He d. JNIarch 2, 1895. Ch., b, in Colebrook, — i. F.DWAiiD Cii.\.Mi;i;aLAiN, b. April f.O, 1844, farmer, d. Dec. 18, 188G. ii. rnAi!LES, b. Nov. -il, 1848. 111. Jan. 22, 1872, Sarah A. Dudley. Mer- chant, re.s. CJoiebrook. iii. 8akah, b. .May 10, 1H")2. m. Nov. 28, 1872, Melrose V. Knight, nier- cliant. res. ('olebrook. 8. William Colby, son of Benjamin \ b. ^larch 20, 1782. m. (irst, Jan. 19, 1802, Betsey, dau. of John Lane, b. in Sanbornlon, Nov. 1, 1781, (1. Jan. 13, 1832. ul second, Feb. 22, 1833, I'olly, dau. of .John 142 CoWy — Coh. Lane, b. in Sfinbornton, Feb. 25, 1785, d. in L., April 15, 18G2. He res. in L. from 1852 until he d., April 18, 1858. Supt. iron foundry. Cli., by w. Betsey, b. in Sanborn ton, — i. John Calvin, b. Oct. 7, 1803. m. first, Jan. 31, 1827, Susan D. Morrell, (1. July 30, 1837. m. second, Jan. 1, 1845, Lydia A. Wilder. Physi- cian. He d. Franconia, Dec. 8, 1852. ii. I\Iary Lane, b. March 3, IHGH m. Abiel Eastman (See). iii. Catherine C, b. Feb. 8, 1808. m. Hiram B. Smith (See). COLBY. 9. Willis Huston Colby, son of John F., b. in Bangor, Me., April 20, 18G9. m. May 27, 1893, Hallie M., dau. of Nelson Parker (See), b. in L. Oct. 28, 1876. He res. in L. from 1891 to 1893, and since 1895. Publisher of " Republic Journal" from 1891 to 1893. Repub- lican. No ch. COLE. 1. Royal Mkrriman Cole, son of Solomon, b. in Stark, Feb. 12, 1839. m. July 1, 1868, Lizzie, dau. of Marsliall Day Cobleigli** (Sec), b. in L. Ma\' G, 1848, Cong. Slie was educated in Kimball Union Academy and Alt. Holyoke Seminary, and taught in L. and Lancaster in 1864-5. After marriage she went with her husband to Turkey as a missionaiy, and has since res. there. She res. in L. from birth to 1868. He was educated in Kimball Union Acadeni}-, Amherst Coll., from which lie grad. in 1866, and Princeton, N. J., and Bangor, Me., Theological Seminaries. He was ordained as a Cong, clergyman in Bangor, Me., Aug. 1, 1868, and at once went with his wife to Turkey, where he has labored as a missionai-y since. They were located in Erzroura and Erzingan until 1884, and since "tiiat time in Bitlis, Tur- ke}-. During this time they have made two brief visits to the U. S. During tlie Russian siege of Erzroum in 1877 tliej' lost three of their children ly the pestilence. In 1896, Mr. Cole not onl}- carried on his missionary- labors, but acted as distributor of the relief furnished the destitute Armenians. His published works are reports to the Ameri- can Board publications, and correspondence in the "■ N. Y. Tribune," " N. Y. Independent," " Boston Journal," " Congregatioualist,'' and other leading" papers. In 1896 Mrs. Cole took the four youngest chil- dren to Oberlin, Ohio, to be educated. Ch.,— i. Alice Elvira, b. Erzroum, Turkey, Dec. 23, 18G0, d. Erzroum, Turkey, July 31, 1S70. ii. Frederick Williams, b. Erzroum, Turkey, April 6, 1872. Teacher. res. N. Y. City. iii. Alkert Koyal, b. Erzroum, Turkey, Dec. 23, 1873, d. Nov. 24, 1877. iv. Charles Wesley, b. L. July 15, 1876, d. Oct. 16, 1877. V. Edwin Royal, b. Erzroum, Turkey, Feb. 11, 1878, d. July 6, 1878. vi. Nelson Frank, b. Erzroum, Turkey, June 8, 1880. vii. Nellie Alice, b. Erzingan, Turkey, Dec. 8, 1882. viii. Alice Huldah, b. Bitlis, Turkey, April 4, 1885. ix. .Mary Lizzie, b. Bitlis, Turkey, July 1, 188G. X. Koyal Hollis, b. Bitlis, Turkey, July 17, 1888, d. Bitlis, Turkev, Oct. 18, 1888. Conanf — Condon — CooJey. 143 CONANT. 1. Dkan Conant, sou of Clark and Sally (Dean) Conant, I), in Windsor, Vt., in 1800. in. Oct. 21, 1825, Almeria. dan. of Peter Bon- ney (See), b. in L. Sei)t. !>, 1.S07, and res. in L. until 1825, and from 1836 to 1818, d. in Thelford, Vt., Nov. 13, 1874. He res. in L. a short time before marriage. .Alercliant. d. in Charlestown, May 13, 1835. Ch., b. in Cliarlestown, — i. Ellen Hunt, b. Sept. 20, 1826. in. Ezra C. Worcester (See), ii. C.vTiiKKiNK Dean, b. May 1, 18;j2. m. Sept. It), 180G, J. 11. Liinlsey, farmer. re.s. Nortliford, Conn. CONDON. 1. William Coxdox. b. in Nova Scotia, in 181G. nL INIarch 10, 1811, Abiii'ail (xile, dan. of John Bowman (See), b. in L. May 1, 1817, d. in L. j\ine 21>, 1880. He res. in L. from 1840 to 18G1. "Lunil)er-dealer. d. in Boston, Mass., Feb. 15, 1.S65. No ch. COOLEY. 1. WiLLiAiM Forbes Coolkv, son of Dwight Henry and Agnes Douglas (Forbes) Cooley, grandson of Henry A. Cooley, 1). in New York City, Feb. 4, 1857. grad. University of New York, 1878, and of Union Theological Seminary, 1884, ordained at Plymouth (Congrega- tional) Churcli, Brooklyn, N. Y., July 11, 1884. He has labored in tlie ministrv at Bingham and Lehi, Utah, 1882-3 ; Lehi, Utah, 1884-5 ; North Branch, Minn., 1885-G ; Seward, 111., 188G-9 ; FLlmhurst, 111., 1889-90; Short Hills, N. J., 1890-2; Chatliam, K J., 1892-7; and in Littleton since July, 1898. His published works include articles contributed to the religious [)ress and '• Emmanuel, the Story of the Messiah,'* published by Dodd, i\Iead & Co.. 1889. Mr. Cooley m. July 30, 1884, Phebe Scudder Corey, b. WestOeld, N. J., Oct. 1854. dan. of Jonathan and Caroline C. Corev. Ch., — i. Helen Forbes, b. Jan. 13, 1886. ii. DwiGHT, b. May ;>0, 1887. COOLEY. 2. Newtox Spexckk Cooley, son of Jonah, b. in Chelsea. Vt., Aug. 14, 1822. m. first. May 1, 184G, Catherine Rourk, b. in Halifax, N. S,, in 1834, d. in L. Sept. 23, 1878, Methodist, m. second, Feb. 15, 1879, F^lzina, dau. of Harland Keyes, b. in Whitefield in 1830. He res. in L. from 18GG until he d., Aug. 27, 1895. Mason. Democrat. U. S. Navy. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. G. A. K. Ch., by w\ Catherine, — i. Newton, b. Boston, IMass., Nov. 10, 1854, d. Fairlee, Vt., July, 1858. ii. Walter, b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 12, 1850, (1. Fairlee, Vt., Sept. 5, IStil. iii. Newton Walter, b. Fairlee, Vt., April 5, 18tJ2. nL Williams. Mason, res. St. Augustine, Fla. iv. Catherine .M., b. Fairlee, Vt., May 1, 1866. ni. Aaron Berman (See). 14-1 Cooi^er — Copeland. COOPER. 1, James M. W. Cooper, son of J. W. and Mary Newman (Murroll) Cooper, 1). in Norwich, England, Sept. 27, 1871. His parents canie to America, and settled in Ba3onne, N. J., 1888. He m. Nov. 29, 18'J4, Lenora Frances Perry, dan. of Edward Robbins and ]\Iaria Freeman (Nickerson) Perry. From 1889 to 1891 he was assistant editor of " White Monntain Echo," and special correspondent of New York and Boston papers. He was a clerk in hotels fonr years, and in May, 1897, assumed management of "Repnblic-Jonrnal," residing in L. In Jnly, 1900, he was appointed chief clerk of the BuVean of Labor, and re- moved to Concortl. COPELAND. 1. Lawrence Copeland, the American pioneer of this family, settled in Braintree, Mass. The records make the somewhat indellnite state- ment that lie was b. in the " Reign of our Gracious Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth." He m. Oct. 12, 1(351, Lidia Townsend, the ceremony be- ing performed by Rev. Mr. Ilibljins, of Boston. She d. Jan. 8, 1G88. lie d. Jan. oO, 1G99, one hundred years old. Jolm Farmer lends his authority to the claim that he lived one hundi-ed and ten years. Mar- shall's l)iary, however, mentions his burial, and says he d. at the age of one hundred years, and his epitaph confirms the entry in the diarN'. 2. William Copeland, third son of Lawrence \ b. Sept. 15, 1G56, prol)ably in Hraintree, Mass. in. Ai)ril 13, 1G94, Mary, dau. of John and Ruth (Alden) Bass, and widow of Christ<)[)her Webb. Ruth was the third dau. of Hon. John Alden, wlio was one of the Mayflower Co., 1G20. Wilham d. in 171G. 3. IJen-tamin Copeland, seventh child of AVilliam '^, h. in Braintree, INTass., (Jet. 5, 1708, res. in Braintree and Norton. \v\. Nov. 21, 17;j4, Sarah, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Thom[)Son) Allen, b. Ai)ril 15, 17U9. 4. Moses Copeland, son of Benjamin ^ b. in Norton, INIass., Nov. IG, 1745. m. Sept. 25. 1 7(»G, liy Rev. Jose[)h Palmer, of Norton, Hannah Stone. They res. in Manslield, Mass. Pie d. Sept. 24, 1840. She d. Sep't. 21, 18;J8". 5. Amasa Copeland, son of IMoscs ^, b. in Mansfield, Mass., June G, 1774. m. Nov. 25 (28?), 1799, Fanny, dau. of JMicah Allen. She d. Dec. G, 185;]. Amasa d. in Mansfield", May 18. 18G7. 6. Allien Amasa Copeland. son of Amasa'', b. in Middletown, Yt., Oct. 11, 1808. m. Jime 2G, 1835, Mary Ann Kittredge, b. in Dracut, Mass, :\Iay 4, 1814, d. in L. April 1, 1895, Cong. He d. in Mansfield, Mass., Nov. G, 1881. Cong. Ch.,— i. Edw.vhi) Arthur, b. Lowell, Mass., .Tune 6, 1836. Co. K, 1st N. j\I. Cav. ii. Gi:oi:gk Nelson, b. Ypsilanti, Midi., July 81, 183S. m. March 12, 18ii8, Mary Hcntley. Co. F, 5Gth 111. Inf. CopeJiind — Copp — Corey — Corn/ii(/. 1 45 iii. William Henry, b. Ypsilanti, Midi., May 3, 1840; killeil at Aiitietaiii, Sept. 17, 1862. Co. A, Gth Wis. Inf. iv. Mary Elizarkth, b. Ypsihiiiti, Midi., June 20, 18-12, d. Se])t. 14, 184?!. V. Fkkderick Allen, b. Ypsilanti, Midi., July 14,1845. m. Oct. lo, 1874, Cora M. Rodolf. Co. F, :;d Wis. Cav. vi. Francis Gkeenolgh, b. Ypsilanti, Mich., April 19, 1847, d. Sept. 25, 1854. vii. John Payson, b. Ypsilanti, Midi., April 1, 1819, d. Aug. 13, 1850. viii. Addison, b. Lowell, Mass., Dec. 11, 1851, d. Feb. 27, 1854. ix. Lucius Day, b. Battle Creek, Mich., Aug. 21, 1853. m. Sept. 8, 1880, Rose G. Osborn. X. Harriet Ann, b. Alniena, Mich. m. Albert S. Batdidlor (See). xi. Willis Eugene, b. Ahneiia, Mich. COPP. 1. Jekemi.\h B. Copp, .sou of Hayes B., b. in Martin's Grant. Sc[)t. 7. l.S;)2. m. Jan. 10, 1858. Susan (iray, dau. of Jolin Rogers, b. in Jackson, Sept. 2, 1.S27, Cong, lie lias res. in L. since 18GU. Car- penter. Cong. Democrat. Cii., — i. Marcella May, b. in Gorliam, June 24, 1859. m. John W. Fuller (See). ii. Susie, b. L. April 2',(, 1862. m. March, 1882, Albert J. Hoyt, carpenter. He d. L. Aug. 18, 1887. in. second, June 26, 1899, Joseph L. Gray, res. L. iii. ('iiARLES Batchellor, b. L. Dec. 2(5, 1809. m. Dec. 1889, Elizabeth Flynn, SteiiogTapher. res. N. Y. City. d. Oct. 3, 1900. COREY. 1. George Gordon Corky, son of James Kimball, b. in I^. Jan. 15, 1849. ni. Nov. 9, 187o, Addie J., dan. of David Milieu (See), b. in L. Sept. 3, 1850, Methodist. lie has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Methodist. Democrat. Ch., b. in L.,— i. Ida Belle, b. May 18, 1877, d. L. June 26, 1891. ii. Hattie Jane, b. Jan. 19, 1879. iii. Alice May, b. Oct. 14, 1885. iv. Henry George, b. Jan. 2, 1888. COREY. 2. Harry Hibcard Corey, son of Harvey D. and Ellen (Hatch) Corey, grandson of Jonathan and Caroline R. (Bishoii) Corcv, b. in Lvman, Oct. 25, 1861. m. May 26, 1888, Claribel Qnimby, b. May 25, 1>*65. dan. of Kimball H. and Mary R. (Woolson) Qiiimby of Lisbon. He came to L. in 1898. Chief of rolice. Free Baptist. Republican. Ch., — i. Marion Woolson, b. New York City, April 23, 1894. CORNING. 1. John Corning, n descendant of the Corning family of Beverly. Mass., came to New Hampshire about 1750. The lineage is John*, SamueP, Samuel'-, Samuel ^ He lived in the part of the origiual lovvn VOL. II. — 10 146 Corninr/ — Coti/ — Cmven. of WiiKlliam which was annexed to Salens, 1752. He signed tlie Asso- ciation Test in Salem, 177G. 2. Samuel Corning, son of John \ h. in Salem, Oct. 1, 17G8. m. Aug. 17, 17!)3, JNIary Cochran, dan. of Samnel and Sarah (I)nncan) Cochran of Litchfield. He was a captain in the militia. He d. in Litchlield, .Inly 12, 1836. 3. Nathaniel Cornin'G, son of Samuel -, b. July 17, 1804, ra. April 7, IS.'U, Mary McMurphy, b. in Londonderry, 1804, dau. of Alexander and Sai'ali (Duncan) McMur[)hy. Slie was a graduate of Adams' Female Seminar}' and one of a committee of young hulies to welcome Gen. Lafayette passing through Londonderry on his journey from Portsmoutli to Concord. He was a farmer and a merchant, and was also engaged in boating on the Merrimack River before the building of tlie Concord railroad. He d. Aug. 14, 1801). His widow d. Ai)riri, 181»;!. 4. IJen.tamin Henry Corxing, son of NalhanieP, 1). in Litchlield. Julv lo, l.Siio. ui. July 1, 1854. Martha A. ALissure, b. in Dalton, July G, i'S.'WJ, d. in L. Marcii 15, 18'J7. He m. second, June 7, 1899, Alice (Tuttle) Motfett, dau. of Charles M. Tuttle, M. 1). (See), and widow of Frank TilfL Motfett, M. D. (See). He res. in Northumberland seveial 3-ears ; was postmaster at Grovcton under Lincoln, sheritf of Coos Count\-, 18()() to 1871. Removing to tliis town, he was sheriff of Grafton County, 1884 to 1889. I)c[)utv"sheritf, 1889 to 1893. Superintendent White" Mountain Division B. Cl & M. R. R., 1880 to 1884. Referee iu Bankruptcy lor dist., including Grafton and Coos Counties, since 1.S9,S. Pres. L. Water and Electric Light Co., 1,S87-8S. Moderator, 1890-4. 96-8. Pres. L. iMusical Assoc-iation, l.S,S6. Pres. L. Driving Park Association, several years. J. P. State. General business ; insurance. P^piscopal. Repul)lican. Cii., b. in Northumberland, — i. Nellie Adelaide, b. Feb. IG, 18-30. ni. May 29, 1877, Cliarles W. .Mclntire, farmer, res. 15etiilelieiii. ii. Hakuy Granville, b. Sept. 80, 18(50. m. Nov. 17, 1891, Effie Robin- son. Lawyer. He d. N. Y. City, Nov. 15, 1895. COTY. COTE. 1. Aktiihr Coty, son of Achan, 1). in Canada. Oct. 15, 1849. m. Se[)t. 18, 1877, Ellen, dau. of John De fosse, b. in Concord, Vt., INhiy 15, 1859, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1878. Tanner. Roman Catholic. Rei)ul)lican. Ch.. b. in L., — i. Fked, b. July 7, 1878. ii. Fi.oiiA, b. Dec. 0, 1884. iii. Claka, b. ,)an. 28, 1888. iv. Makv, b. Sept. 1, 1«'.I0. V. LoiE, b. Nov. 24, 1895. COWEN. 1. (iEoKCK Washington Cowen, son of Rev. Charles, b. in Lym.iii, Se[)t. I>, l-sll. m. Sept. 9, 1863, Sarah Jane, dau. of James Caliioun (See), b. Ill Lyman, Feb. 10, 1836, Methodist. He has res. in L. since Cowen — Coioing — Cram — Cramer — Crane. 1 4" 1879. Janitor. j\rethodist. Ropu1)liean. A. F. and A. ^F., Burns cii.,- i. Beutiia Sarah, b. Lvmrin, Aug. 20, 1871. m. George Evcrell Henry (See). COWING. 1, CuAitLKS Wesley Cowing, sou of Wesley, b. in Bath, IMarcli 20, 1817. m. May 29, 1877, Helen IM , dan. of Keuben Melutire (See), h. in Lisbon, Feb. 17, 1835, d. in L. Oct. G, 1891. He res. in L. since; 1870. Farmer. Democrat. Co. K, ()th N. 11. Inf. Private. No cli. CRAM. 1. Alberto Jerome Cram, son of George Samuel, b. in Mereditli, ]\Fay 1, 18r)2. m. Ellen E., dan. of Harry E. Bruce, b. in Monroe, Aug. i;!, 18ol. She m. first, Henry II. Parker (See). Alberto res. in L. from 187G to 1895. Livery stable supt. Fire ward, 1883 to 1890 inc. 1. O. O. F. No cli. CRAMER. 1. Thomas Edmund Cramer, son of Wilson and Amanda (Griflith) Cramer, grandson of Wilson Cramer, b. Johnstown, Pa., Oct. 4, 1864, grad. "NVesleyan University, 1890, Boston University School of Theo- log\', 1894, ordained deacon (INIethodist) by Bishop Hurst, April 10. 1892, elder by Bishop Fowler, Ai)ril 5, 1896. He was assistant pastor St. John's M. E. Church, South Boston, 1892-4, and has received appointments: Hillsborough Bridge, 1894; Hillsborough Bridge and East During, 1895-7; Somersworth, 1897-9, and Littleton. 1900. He m. Sept. 5, 1894, Jennie C. Love. Ch., — i. iMaktha, b. HilLshorough, Jan. 5, 1896. CRANE. 1. William Aldex Craxe, son of Hosea, b. in Bethlehem, Aug. 29. 1837. UL Jan. 13, 1866, INIartha W., dau. of George 1'. P>rown, b. in Lisbon, Feb. 3, 1845, Baptist. He has res. in L. since 1872. Carpen- ter. Pei)ublican. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. K. A. F. and A. JM., liurns Lodge. Ch.,— 2. i. LrxiiKK JosKPii, b. Rcthlelieni, Sept. 28, 1SG6. 2. Luther Joseph Crane, son of William Alden ', b in Bethlehem, Sept. 28, 1866. m. Dec. 3, 1887, ]Mamie J., dau. of John Woodward (See), b. in Berlin, Aug. 1, 1869. He res. in L. sin(;e 1872. Car- penter. lle[)ublican. K. P. Ch., b. in L., — i. Leta, b. May 29, 1888. ii. LiLE, b. June 28, 18'j2. 148 Crmcford — Crooks. CRAWFORD. 1. Tno.MAs AsTLE Ckaavford, son of James A., b. in Canoda, March i. 111. Sept. 24, 1877, Jane, dan. of Thomas Jenkins, b. in Canada, Oct. 28, 1852, Presbyterian. He res. in L. since 1884. d. Nov. IG, 1898. Laborer. Ch.. — i. Duncan Blue, b. Canada, July 15, 1878. ii. Mary Jane, b. Canada, Dec. 10, 1880. iii. Jennette Rebecca, b. Lyndon, Vt., Sept. 5, 1882. iv. Thomas Astle, b. Willoughby, Vt., Jan. 15, 1885. V. Walter Alexander, b. Bethlehem, Feb. 3, 1887. vi. Harry Ellsworth, b. L. Feb. 10, 18t>l. vii. Almeu Nancv E., b. L. ^larch 20, 18U6. CROOKS. 1. IIexry Crooks was b. in Hopkinton, Mass., March 15, 1754. He was a son of John and Mavy (Driuy) Crooks and a descendant of the Scotch-Irish emigrants who settled in noi)kinton about 1720. Tiic name has been prominent in the civil and the business affairs of the town. He was a soldier in the Revolution, and before the close of the war he m. Elizabeth Barrett, b. in Hopkinton, Oct. 30, 1701, dan. of Thornton Barrett (See), and settled in Wincbendon, Mass. He came to this town in 1812, and in 1830 removed to Coaticook, P. Q., where he d., 1S4(;. Ch., b. in Wincbendon, Mass., — i. Nancv, b. June IG, 1781. m. Abijah Baker, res. Kirkland, Oliio. ii. Henry, b. June 28, 1783, d. about" 1802. iii. Hannah, b. March 12, 1786. m. Luther Hoskins (See). iv. Polly, b. June 29, 1789. m. Simeon Dodge (See). 2. V. Thornton, b. May 12, 1792. vi. Elizaeeth, b. May 31, 1794. in. William Clougli ; m. second, Bailev ; m. third, David Bean ; in. fourth, Blv. res. Charlestowii, Vt. vii. Abigail, b. Mav 2, 1797, d. July 11, 1798. 3. viii. John, b. April 22, 1799. 2. TjiouNTON Ckooks, son of Henry \ b. in Wincbendon, Mass.. Ma}- 12, 171)2. in. Nov. 25, 1813, Martha, dau. of Matthew Peck, b. in Grafton, Sept. 11, 171)1, d. in Black Earth, Wis., Oct. 8, 1854. He res. in L. from 1813 to 1832. Parmer, d. in Coaticook, P. Q., ^Nlaicli 30, 1837. Ch., Henry C, b. L. Aug. 1, 1814. m. first, 1838, Mary Keatcli, d. 185U; ni. second, Mary Lees. Farmer. He d. Black Earth, Wis., Feb. 14, 1889. Thornton, b. L Jan. 15, 1816. m. 1850. d. Black Earth, Wis., March 23, 1806. Farmer. Hesterann 11., b. L. Dec. 30, 1817. m. 183G, David W. Brainard, far- mer. He d. 1880. Slie d. Black ICarth, Wis., 1895. Martha Jane, b. L. July 18, 1829. m. July 16, 1853, Dennis F. Snow, farmer. He d. Coaticook, 1". Q., Feb. 17, 1882. Olive, b Canada, Feb. 7, 1832. "m. first, 1855, Stephen C. Feck. He d. 18G1. in. second, Oct. 23, 1805, A. D. Bisbee, res. Black Earth, Wis. Crooka — Crosby — Cr 3. Joiix CuooKS, son of Ileiirv ^ 1). in Wincheiulon, Mass., A[)ril 22, 1799. u). Jan. 1, 182;>, Betsey Bnllanl, d. in iSO'j. He res. in L. from 1823 to 1831. Fanner, d. in Wisconsin, abont 1870. Cli.,— i. Nki.son, b. L. Ml. Caroline Clicsley. res. Black Eartli, Wis. CROSBY. 1. WiT.MAii Sa(;k Chosijy, b. in Roxbury, INIass., in 1819. num. He was edncated in tlie Koxbuiy, Mass., Hi<;li School, and iirad. from Harvard Medical School in 1874. He located in practice, reoular school, in Boston, jMass., bnt soon moved to L., where he practised but a short time before he d., A[)ril 5, 1875. CROUCH. 1. John Crouch, son of John and Lucy (Willard), b. in Chester- field, April, 180G. m. al)out 18.;0, Sarah, "dau. of William Sawyer, b. in Bethlehem in 1810, d. in Lisl)on, Free Baptist. He res. in L. from 1861 to 1874, d. in Lisl)on. Farmer. Free Baptist. Iiepul)lican. Ch., — i. William, b. Bethlehem, ?ihircli (3, 1832. ni. Joanna Baker. Farmer. (1. Dalton, 1884. ii. Jane B., b. Bethlehem, Ajjril, 18:U. m. first, Johnson Quimby. ni. second, Pennock, farmer, res. Haverhill. iii. Calvin, b. Bethlehem, 18^6, d. young, iv. I)oiu)riiY, b. I>ethleliem, d. youni^^. V. Sauaii, b. Bethlehem, 1840. m. Daniel Titus, carpenter, res. White- field. 2. vi. Calvin Parker, b. Bethlehem, Feb. 5, 1844. vii. Dorothy, b. Bethleliera, March, 184G. res. Haverhill, viii. Rklief, b. Dalton, 1848. res. Coaticook, P. Q. ix. F:lmaii, b. Dalton, May lo, 18.50. m. Dr. Davis, res. Coaticook, P. Q. 2. Calvin Pakkkr Crouch, son of John \ b. in Bethlcheu), Feb. "), 1844. m. Aug. 13, 1873, Kate Maria, dau. of Horace Shiite (See), b. in L.Jan. 11, 1855. He res. in L. since 18G5. He d. in L. April 27, 1900. Farmer. Republican. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Corp. G. A. R. Ch.,— i. Bertha Marv, b. Mav 8. 1874. m. Oct. 1, 1895, Nelson T. Rivers, res. L. She d. May 18, 181)9. CUDWORTH. 1. EzEKiEL CuDWORTU, b. in Greenfield, March 14, 1784. m. Lydia. dau. of ]M OSes Lewis, b. in Lyndeboro', Feb. 17, 1783, d. Jan. 5, I.SIJ'J. He settled in Marlboro' about 1817. Blacksmith. Removed to Rindge about 1843, where he d., Sept 15, 18G6. 2. EzEKiEL CuDWORTii, SOU of Ezokicl \ b. in jNIarlboro', Aug. 8, 1820. m. April 3, 1844, Achsali Ann, dau. of Reuben Tarbell (See), b. Jan. 23, 1826, d. L. May 8, 1889. He res. in L. from 1872 until he d. . 150 Cudivorth — Cuinmings — Curl. Muy 14, 1887. In Rindge was Selectman three years and held other local offices. (Hist. Marlboro', pp. 456-7.) (Hist. Rindge, pp. 494-5.) Ch., — i. Ei.izA Ann, b. Rindjie, 184fl, d. in infancy, ii. Ella A., b. liimige, Oct. 1, 1852. ni. George S. Prince (Sec). ill. Carrie M., b. Marlboro', July 28, 1854. unni. 3. iv. Charles Marshall, b. Marlboro,' July 28, 1854. unm. V. Emma T., b. Rindge, Feb. 7, 1857. lu. Artlmr VV. Welcli, carpenter, res. Lenipster. vi. Sarah D., b. Uindire, 1860, d. Rindge, 18(33. vii. Elsie A., b. Rindge, Feb. 28, 18G6. ra. Edward F. Flood, barber, res. Mclndoes Falls, Vt. viii. Beatrice D., b. Rindge, Aug. 20, 18G1). m. Irving E. Eklridge, farmer, res. L. 3. Chaules Marshall Cudwoutu, son of Ezekiel'-, b. in Marlboro', July 28, 1854. ni. Dec. 22, 1875, Mary Enitna, dan. of Josiah Forbes, 1). in Nova Scotia, May 18, 1857, Christian Science. He has res. in L. since 1874. Cari)enter. Republican. Cong. Appointed Postmaster of Willowdale, April 28, 1882. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Comd'y. Ch.,— i. Frank Ezekiel, b. L. Sept. 7, 1878. Student Dart. Coll., 1901. ii. Charles Eddv, b. Lisbon, April 7, 1886. iii. Ellen Achsah, b. Lisbon, Sei)t. 2'.), 1.889. CUMMINGS. 1. James jNTeigs Cummings, b. in Newark, Vt., April 16, 1844. m. Dec. 31. 1865, Ellen, dan. of Nathan Applebee ^' (See), b. in L. in 1845, d. in Methuen, Mass., April, 1893. She m. second, John E. Diistin. James res. in L. in 1863 and 1877. Supt. of lumber mill. d. in. Beth- lehem, April 9, 1877. Democrat. Co. I, 15th Vt. Inf. and Co. 1, 1st N. H. H. Art. Sergt. A, F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., — i. Willie R., b. L. Oct. 5, 18G6, d. Lawrence, Mass , Sept. 23, 1888. CUMMINGS. 2. William J. Cu.mmikgs, son of John, b. in Ottaw'a, Ontario, July 1. 1856. m. June 10, 1878, Annette, dan. of Edward Buckley (See), b. in L. Oct. 9, 1863. He has res. in L. since 1878. Glover. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch., — i. Edward John, b. L. Aug. 13, 1881. Student Dart. Coll., 1904. ii. Bessie Moffett, b. L. May 31, 1883. iii. Alice May, b. Betl)leheni,"Sept. 11, 1886. iv. Charles, b. Bethlehem, Dec. 25, 1889. V. Will Dawson, b. L. Aug. 5, 1895. CURL. 1. George Mitchell Curl, son of John, b. in Elkhart, Ind., Oct. 6, 1848. m. Sept. 1875, H. A., dau. of Matthew Whipple, b. in Concord, Vt., Aug. 29, 1850. He was educated in the Elkhart, Ind., and Des Curl — Currier. 151 IMoines. Iowa, scliools, iiiid later atteiulrd Carinel ('(;11., 'Six. Wmudu, Jovva. Ill l. l-SO."). ill. first, Jnne 17, 1830, Martha Fost(!r. m. second, June 14. 1854, IMary L. Howard, m. third, Oct. 19, 1804, Mrs. Sarah M. Wheeler. He was educated in the district schools of Walden, Vt., and the Peacliam, Vt., (irammar School. He was licensed to preach May, LSoO, in Cabot, Vt. In 18;)2 he was ordained a Mt^thodist deacon in Lyndon, Vt., and in 18.i4 an elder, in Windsor. Vt. His ministiy has been as follows: Lvndon and St. Johiisburv, Vt., Circuit, 1830-1; Peacham, Vt.. 1832;"Monti)elier. Vt., 1833; Danville, Vt., 1834-5; Chelsea, Vt., l83(;-7; Rochester, Vt, 1838-9; Barre, Vt., 1840-1; Northtield, Vt., 1842-3; superannuated, 1844-5; Presiding elder in Moiit[)elier, Vt., District, 184(5 to 1850, res. in Northfield and Barre, Vt. ; Presiding Elder in Danville, Vt., District, res. in Newbury, Vt., 1850 to 1854; Lebanon, 1854-5; Sanliorntou Bridge (Tiltonj, 185G-7: Newport, 1858-9; Manchester, 1800; Bristol, 1861-2; Sandwich, 1863-4; Salem (Pleasant Street), 1865-6; East Salisbury, Mass., 1867 8-9 : L., 187(»-1 ; North Haverhill, 1872-3-4; supernumerary, res. North Haverhill, 1875 to 1883 ; superannuated, res. Mont[)elier, Vt., 1884 to 1891, when he d. in Manchester, while visiting a sister, A[)ril 25, 1891. Agent Vt. Bil)le Society, 1845. Delegate to the IVIethodist Gen. Con- ference in Pittsburg, Pa., 1848. Cliaplain of the N. H. Legishiture, 1874. Superintendent of schools, Sanbornton Bridge, New|)ort, Bristol, and Haverhill, while located in those towns. Ensign twx> years and Lieut, three years in a militia co. in Walden, Vt. Chaplain 6th Regt., 1st Brigade, 4th Div. Vt. Militia, 1837. (Conference Minutes, 1892, p. 339.) Ch.,— i. Martha F., deceaseil. ii. ,I<)HN \V., (ic'ceaseil. iii. El. LEX \V., ill. P. II. llinkic}'. res. Moiitpelier, ^'t. CURRIER. 2. Hiram Elleky Currier, son of John and grandson of Sylvanns. 1). in P>ath, May 18. 1846. in. ]March 9, 1873, Alzina Adeline, dau. of Jonathan B. Taylor, b. in Lisbon, Dec. 13, 1850. Tres. W. K. C, 1 52 Currier — Curtis — CusMng. 1885-6. He has i-es. in L. since 1875. Painter. Republican. Co. G, nth N. H. Inf. Com. G. A. R., 1896. C. P., L. Encampment, I. O. O. F., also N. G. K. P. Cb., — i. Cakl Taylor, b. Lisbon, Feb. 2?,, 1875. ii. Susan Ejieline, b. L. Sept. 15, 1877. iii. Mabel Elzina, b. L. Feb. 0, 1880. m. Nov. 22, 1890, Lawrence K. Spofford. res. L. CURTIS. 1. Ephraim Curtis, b. in Smithlnirg, Mass., in 1771. m. Elizal)ctli Roby, b. in Smitliburg, Mass., in 1863, d. in L. Jan. 3, 1826. He res. in L. from 1795 to 1825, most of the time. He d. in L. Feb. 4, 1825. Merchant. (Grafton Co. Gazetteer, p. 473. L. Cen., 237, 243, 250.) Ch., b. in L. , — i. Elizabeth Swan, b. Aug. 8, 1810, d. L. May 15, 1813. 2. ii. IJoswELL H., b. L. 1812. 2. RoswELL H. CuKTis, son of E[)hraim \ b. in L. in 1812. m. Nov. 22, 1860, Ellen E., dan. of Jasper Hale, b. in Leominster, Mass., in 1840. He res, in L. all his life, and d. Dec. 16, 1873. No ch. CURTIS. 3. Freeman B. Curtis, son of Thomas, b. in Stratford, June 19, 1830. ni. ,]n\\ 7, I860, Ellen, dan. of Simeon Bass., b. in Lancaster, April 15, 1843, d. in L. Aug. 14, 1891, INIethodist. He res. in L. from 1884 until he d., April 21, 1891. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., b. in Stratford, — i. Nellie M., b. June 4, 18G2. m. March 30, 1887, Byron R. Smitli, fanner, res. Watert'ord, Vt. ii. Lillian, b. Dec. 8, 1866. in. Albert J. Ricliardson (See). 4. iii. HekbertF., b. May 16, 1870. iv. Mabel, b. Dec. 23, 1878. 4. Herbert F. Curtis, son of Freeman B.^, b. in Stratford, May 16, 1S70. m, April 20, 1894, Sadie, dan. of Joini Dutf, b. in Lyndon^ Vt., in 1.S74. He res. in L. from 18.S4 until he d., April 24. 1896. Laborer. Ch.,- i. IIekbert Frank, b. L. May 22, 1896. CUSHING. COURCHENE. 1. Charles Vincent Cushing, son of Anthony, b. in Waldon. Vt., Jan. 25, 1lo- nioii Smith, res. Bath. 154 Cushman. 7. Soci.E Ciisini.vx, son of Josliiin, ■% li. |)i-ohal)ly in Diixbtirv, Mass., ]M:u-c'li 11, 1740. m. first, Lydiii, (l:ui. of Ei)lii-aim Kc'in[)toii. ui. second, 'rhankful, dan. of Nathan Delano, b. Fel). S, 17.57, d. Water- ford, Vt., ]\[arcii 28, 1814. He res. in L. from aliout 1791 untillie d., Nov. lo, 171)"). Came to L. from New Bedford, Mass. Cli., by \v. Ly dia, — i. Thomas, b. New Bedford, i\Iass. Master mariner and merchant, d. Baltimove, Md., 1815. Cii., by w. Thankful, — ii. Delano, b. New Bedford, Mass., Jan. 30. 177(3. m. Feb. 7, 1709, Lydia Stevens. He d. Waterford, Vt., Feb. 20, ls:U. iii. Lydia, b. New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 11, 1777. Pub. Nov. 30, 179G, William Hobart. res. York, N. Y. iv. Sarah, b. New Bedford, Mass., June 30, 1780. m. Nov. 179G, Stephen Hadley, res. Barnet, Vt V. Esther, b. New Bedford, Mass., Jan. 13, 1783. unm., d. Nov. 25, 1838. vi. IJosANNA, b. New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 23, 1785. m. Dec. 1805, Cyrus Smith, res. Waterford, Vt. vii. John-, b. New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 23, 1787. m. 1809, Alice Holbrook. res. St. .Johnsbur_y, Vt. viii. Thankful, b. New"Bedford, Mass., March 11, 1790, d. Aul^. 10, 1835. i.\-. SouLE, b. L. Aug. 19, 1792. m. July G, 1817, Esther Hendrick. res. Baf- ford, C. K. .\. CvNTHiA, b. L. Oct. 11, 1704. m. Asa Parker, res. Waterford, Vt. 8. Claimv Cusfi.M.\N, son of Paul ^, 1). in Charlestown, Oct. 8, 1701). m. first, Feb. 3, 17'J4, Katherine, 1). Oct. 6, 1774, dan. of Elijah and INIary (Willard) Grout of Charlestown, d. in Barnet, Vt., March 8, 1837. m. second, Sarah Hadley. lie [probably never res. in. L. Farmer, d. in Barnet, Vt., Sept. 20, 1851. Ch., b. in Barnet, Vt., — i. Salt. Y, b. Nov. 11, 1794. m. Dec. 3, 1816, Solomon Stevens, res. Barnet, Vt. ii. Theophilus, b. March 20, 170G. m. Matilda llolden. Merchant. He (1. Hardwick, Vt., 1852. iii. Xerxes H., b. Sept. 19, 1798. m. Jane B. Dinkens Editor and lawver. He d. Yorkville, S. C, Jan. 29, 1828. iv. liiA H., b. May 16, 1799. . m. April 26, 1830, Mary xMacorde. Lawyer. He d. Geneva, Ala , Jaii. 2(), 1848. V. Ralph, b. Nov. 18, 1800. m. Oct. 25, 1832, Esther Rebecca Brashear. Lawver. res. Marksville, La. vi. MvKY,"b. Oct. 8, 1802. m. July, 1825, Lucius Kimball. Shed. July IG, 1830. vii. Gustavus Gkoot, b. Nov. 6, 1804. m. INlay, 1828, ]Mary Elizabeth Haddock. Lawyer, res. Bangor, Me. viii. Willard S., b. July 12, 180G. m. 1841, Fliza Bingham, res. Bayou Chicot, La. ix. Louisa, b. June 2, 1808. m. Nov. 1850, Joscs Nelson. X. William, b. July IG, 1811. m. first, Jan, 183G, Sarah Ramsey, d. June, 1837. m. second, Lvdia Walbridire. Farmer. He d. June 5, 1847. xi. Lewis, b. May IG, 1814, d. Oct. G, 1815. xii. Sophia, b. Oct. 12, 1810. m. Samuel Hemick (See), res. Hardwick, Vt. 9. Paul Cushman, son of Paul '', b. in Plymouth, Oct. 4, 1771. m. first, about 1793, Eebecca Glidden. dan. of Kichard Glidden, 1). in Charlestown in 1772, d. June 16, 1820. m. second, Lucinda Oakes, (widow), b. Bethlehem, d. March IG, 1851. He res. in L. from 1793 to 1800. Farmer and hotel-lieeper. CdsJitnan. 155 Ch..— i. \ViLL\ui) G[,n)i>i;v, 1). Harnt't, Vt., Aug. 21, 1702. in. Frances Bellows Wilson. Farmer, res. Dallou. 11. i. Knsn.v, b. L. Oct. IG, 17'.)1. 10. P.viiKKR Ccsii.M.w, .son of Paul'', 1). ill (jhai-lestown. J;ui. .'). 1773. 111. Dec. .'51, 17!io, Cxrace, dau. of Riciiard Gliddeii. 1). Unity, A[)i-il 3, 1777. d. L. Fid). 2G, 1rooklield, and member of the chnrcii. d. in Upi)er Canada, near Fort George, Nov. 2, 1818. 20. IsAiAii CcsiniAX, son of Isaiah '■', b. Feb. 6. 1757. m. Sept. 14, 1778. Sarah, dau. of William Rii)ley, b. Sei)t. 23, 1757, d. March 22, 1814. He was a Rev. soldier, enlisted in 1775, and served through the war. Teacher and deacoston, Mass., Feb. 15, 1860. m. second, Feb. 23, 1862, Elvira Parker, dau. of Oliver Kendall, b. in Woodstock, Vt., Jan. 28, 1837. He res. in L. in 1871-2. First Cashier Ij. Nat. Bank. Now Pres. Atlantic Bank, Boston, Mass. Ch., hy w. Lucy, — i. Lucy Cauolixe, b. Boston, Mass., Feb. 3, 1860, d. Aug. 28, 1800. Ch., by w. Elvira, — ii. William Kendall, b. Irasburg, Vt., May 17, 18G9. res. Newton, Mass., Teacher, iii. Gr.vce M.\ry, b. L. Dec. 12, 1872. res. Newton, Mass. 164 Diekso7i — Dixon — Dodge. DICKSON. 1. Harry Dickson, son of James, b. in Groveton, Dec. 7, 1866. m. Sept. 20, 1887, Lizzie, clan, of Henry Allard, b. in Montpelier, Vt., April 30, 1861), Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1884. Glover. Roman Catholic. Republican. No ch. DIXON. 1. William Henry Dixon, son of William, b. in Belchertown. Mass., May 10, 1855. m. Oct. 1891, Carrie Bell lone, dau. of Silas Avery Miner (See), b. in IManchester, Feb. 24, 1857. He has res. in L. since 1881. Farmer. Republican. No ch. DODGE. 1. William Dodge, settled in Salem, now Beverly, Mass., in 1629, freeman in 1637. He was a Selectman, and frequenth' employed in town and church affairs. He was living in 1685. 2. William Dodge, son of William \ b. Sept. 19, 1640, was repre- sentative, 1690, and prominent in local atfjiirs. In 1675 he served against the Narragansetts, and was distinguished for courage and skill. He is complimented by Hubbard in "Indian Wars." He ni. Mary (Conant) Batch, dau. of Roger and Sarah (Horton) Conant, and widow of John Balcli. m. second, May 26, 1685, Joanna (Hale) Larkin, dau. of Robert Hale, of Charlestown, Mass., and widow of John Larkin ; she d. Aug. 18, 1694. He m. third, 1698, Mary Creattv, widow of Andrew Creatty. He d. 1720. 3. RoHERT Dodge, son of William - and wife Joanna, b. in Beverly, Oct. 9, 1686, was a prosperous farmer of Beverly. He m. 1709, Lydia Woodbury, b. 1690, dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth (Herrick) Woodbury. He d. Jan. 1, 1764. 4. William Dodge, son of Robert ^ b. 1731. m. Nov. 14, 1752, Mary Baker, she d. 1761. m. second, Aug. 1, 1764, Mary Trask, who d. April 25, 1812. He was a joiner and cabinet-maker of North Beverly. A deacon of the second church. He d. about 1812. 5. Simeon DoD(iE, son of William ^ b. March 26, 1755. He was in service in 1775, and in Col. Benj. Tupper's regiment from Feb. 13, 1777, to Feb. 13, 1780. He m. Dec. 31, 1780, Mary Balch, b. May 20, 1755, dau. of Joshua and .Joanna (Williams) Balch, of Beverly, Mass., and two years later settled in Francestown, where he d., Dec. 25, 1827. His wife d. Dec. 23, 1823. Ten children. 6. SniEON Dodge, son of Simeon •% b. Dec. 13, 1781. He removed from Francestown to L. early in the centuiy. He was a farmer. He ni. Martha Fairfield, b. Nov." 28, 1781. She d. Dec. 3, 1815. He m. second, 1816, pub. Feb. 18, Polly Crooks, dau. of Henry Crooks (See) ; Dodge. 105 she d. Dec. 21, l.S.')4. Tie d. INhirch 18, 18C8. lie was a biotlier of William and Baker Dodge of Whitefield. Cli., by w. Martha, b. in L., — i. Louisa, li. Jane 11, 180o. m. 1828, Stcplien Skinner. Slie d. Metaniora, HI., 188G. ii. Mary, b. Jan. 1:5, 1807. m. Feb. 20, 1832, Harris Wliiting, b. New Boston, Nov. 23, 1805, son of Gerry and Abi.iiail (Starrett) Whiting. He (1. at Joiinson, Vt., Sept. 2f), 1847. Seven children. Three daufjhters iiave achieved distinction in literature. The mother d. Miiford, Kan., Jan. 2, 1870. iii. EiiNiCK, b. Feb. 7, 1809. m. 1834, Samuel Belding, a merchant in Svvanzey and woollen manufacturer of Johnson, Vt. She d. 1842, leavin<; two sons: (1) Ueorj^e W., b. April 25, 1837, secretary legation at Paris, 1862-3, subsequently a merchant and banker in London, lie d. wjiile on business in New York City, June 21, 1868. (2) Delavan S., b. Oct. 11, 1838. res. in Swanzey. iv. Fkasces Cuijtis Siiicdo, b. Nov. .5, 1810. m. Oct. 2, 1882, Willard Everett, b. in Dediiam, Mass., April 8, 1785, son of Eleazerand Lucy (Battle) Everett. lie was a farmer in Francestown, removed, 1844, to Metamora, 111., where he d., April 9, 1872. She d. March 0, 1870. V. Martha P., b. March 1, 1813. ni. 1833, Nelson White, res. Dalton. He d. 185(5. vi. SiMKON, b. July 18, 1815. m. Ai)ril 8, 1840, Almira Moulton, b. 1810, dan. of David and Sally (Kiiapp) Moulton of Lyman. He was a farmer, res. Lisbon, where he d., Feb. 8, 18'J5. Four children. Cli., by w. Polly, b. in L., — vii. William C, b. May 15, 1817. m. Mary Senter. Removed to Mich., where lie d., 1883. viii. Luther H., b. Nov. 24, 1818. m. Welthy Senter. Removed to Wis- consin, where lie d., 1801. ix. Betsey, b. Jan. 2:',, 1820. m. William H. H. Millen (See). 7. X. Levi Baker, b. July 22, 1822. 7. Levi Baker Dod(;e, son of Simeon ^ b. in L. July 22, 1822. m. Sept. 24, 1844, Hannah Charlotte, dan. of Erastus Cobleigh (See), b. in Chesterfield, March 7, 1819. He res. in L. nearly all his life. Far- mer. Cong. Republican. J. P. State. Ensign 1 1th Co., 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, 1844-5. d. in L. Oct. 8, 1896. Ch., — i. Ellex Charlotte, b. L. Dec. 12, 1845. m. Carlos P. Day (See). 8. ii. Marshall Cobleigh, b. Lyndon, Vt., Sept. 5, 18-50. 8. Marshall Cobleigh Dodge, son of Levi Baker", b. in Lyndon, Vt. Sept. 5, 1850. m. Jan. 2, 1879, Martha Anna, dan. of Midas King, b. in Landaff, Fel>. 14, 1852, IMethodist. He has. res. in L. since 1865. Farmer. Cong Republican. Clerk School Board, 18X6- 95 inc. Member School Board, 1896. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., b. in L., — i. Ellen Martha, b. Dec. 18, 1870. ii. Alice Francelia, b. Fob. 14, 1883. iii. Kate Elsie, b. Dec. 5, 1880. DODGE. 9. Rexaldo Dodge, son of John, b. in Lyman, Jan. 14, 1820. m. Nov. 16, 1848, Nancy Maria, dau. of David Oilman, b. in Lisbon, June 19, 1823. He res. in L. since 1861. Farmer. Democrat. Co. I, 1st N. H. II. Art. Private. G. A. R. He d. Aug. 14, 1899. 166 Bodge. Ch.., — i. Isaac Foster, b. Lisbon, Oct. 2, 1849. ii. Elmira Oilman, b. Lisbon, March 15, 1853. m. Foster Whiting (See). iii. Mauyette, b. Lisbon, June 9, 1855. m. Dec. 31, 1874, Asbury F. Jack- man, laborer, res. Grosvenor. iv. Mary Ann, b Lisbon, July 3, 1859. m. John W. Clark (See). V. Gkorge B. McClellan, b. L. July 14, 18(33. Farmer, res. L. vi. Bell Abiue, b. L. March 5, 1865. m. Nov. 6, 1887, Charles Mullen, laborer, res. Haverhill, vii. Fred Arthur, b. L. Nov. 6, 1868. 10. Isaac Foster Dodge, son of Rinaklo^, b. in Lisbon, Oct. 2, 1849. m. Julia, daii. of Cliestei" Carter, b. in Lyman, in 1863. lie has res. in L. since 18G1. Farmer. Ci).,— i. Earl I., b. L. Oct. 25, 1895. ii. Pearl, b. L. April 12, 1897. 11. Isaac Foster Dodge, son of James and grandson of Jolm, b. in Lyman. Dec. "2, 1833. m. Sept. 28, 1862, Abbie, dau. of Caleb Himtoon Jackman, b. in Lisbon, April 17, 1842. He has res. in L. since 1868. Farmer. Democrat. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. R. No. ch. DODG-E. 12. Harvey Lkander Dodge, son of James, b. in Eden, Vt., Jan. 15, 1847. m. Aug". 17, 1875, Mary Jane, dau. of John Henry Adair, b. in Canada, Aug. 25, 1851. He has res. in L. since 1868. Laborer. Democrat. Ch., — i. Gertrude Mabel, b. Dalton, Sept. 26, 1872. m. July 3, 1891, David Adams, blacksmith, res. Concord, Vt. ii. Florence Etta, b. L., March 8, 1876, d. Nov. 27, 1877. iii. Blan(;he Esther, b. L. Dec. 2, 1878. iv. Ann Eliza, b. L. July 27, 1882. V. Mary Sarintha, b. Dec. 29, 1886. vi. Grace Luella, b. Oct. 7, 1889. vii. Florence Elizabeth, b. June 28, 1892. 13. Clarence Leroy Dodge, son of James, b. in Hyde Park, Vt., March 19, 1852. m. Oct. 12, 1876, Lucy Elfreda, dau." of Benjamin Fisk, b. iu Dalton, May 10, 1860. He has res. in L. since 1861. Far- mer. Kei)ul)lican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Efi'^ie Josephine, b. Aug. 16, 1877. m. April 15, 1893, James Parris, farmer, res. L. ii. Carrie Goldie, b. Aug. 28, 1880. iii. Lucy Victoria, b. May 14, 1882. m. Geo. W. Brown (See). iv. Jessie Frances, b. June 16, 1884. V. Clarence Leroy, b. May 10, 1887. vi. Benjamin Harrison, b. Marcli 16, 1889. 14. Herbert Dodge, son of James, b. in Hyde Park, Vt., Jan. 6, 1863. m. Oct. 1883, J5ertha, dau. of Roswell Diekerson, b. in Platts- burg, N. Y., July 1, 1869. He has res. in L. since 1891. Farmer. Democi'at. Cli.,- i. Ernest, b. Lisbon, Feb. 9, 1887. ii. Irena, b. L. June 28, 1890. Dodge — Donaghy — i>' Ooge — Douglass. 167 DODGE. 15. Olcott TiiEODOUK Doi)(;i':, son of Theodore A, b. in Montpcliei', \'t., Juno 3, 1851. m. July 20, 1875, Miu-tlui (Uiaflotte, duu. of John Cavvstick, b. in Waterloo, C. E., Jul}- 20, 1855. He bus res. in L. sinee 18.S7. Upholsterer. Republican. Ch., b. ill Montpelier, Vt., — i. Alice Maud, b. April 24, 1870. ii. LoTTiic May, 1). Jan. 2:J, 1878. iii. il.VTTiE Frances, b. Oct. 7, 1880, d. Aug. 2, 1889. DONAGHY. 1. Noble Donaghy, son of Noble, b. in Ilulifax, Canada, ■March 1, 1846. ni. Sept. IG, 1876, Nellie May, dan. of Joseph F. Chandler, b. in Bath, Aug. 26, 1850, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1879. Truckman. Methodist, rrohibition. No ch. DOOGE. 1. INIartin Lutiikr D'Ooge, son of Leonard, b. in Zouneniaire, the Netherlands, July 17, 18o'J. m. July 31, 1873, Mary, dan. of Isaac R. Worcester (See), b. in Leicester, Mass., March 3, 1849. He grad. from the University of Leipzig in 1872, receiving the degree of Ph.l^., and in 1889 received the honorar\- degree of LL.D. from the LTniversity of Mich. He was director of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, in 1886-7, and is editor of an edition of Demosthenes de Corona, and of The Antigone of Sophocles. He is an ordained Cong, minister, and is Prof, of Greek in Mich. University. DOUGLASS. The ancestry of that branch of the Douglass family which res. in L. is by no means com[)letc. From the best information obtainable the first American ancestor was, — 1. William Douglass, who became engnged in an insurrection and fled from Scotland to Boston, Mass., in 1745, was a son or lii'o. of Archibald, 20th Lord Douglass. He l)ecame a shipowner in Portland, Me, where he d. in 1779, leaving two sons, James, — captain, lost at sea, — and Samuel. 2. Samuel Douglass was a Rev. soldier, but what organization he was identified with it has been im|)ossible to ascertain. A Capt. Sam- uel Douglass from Townsend, Mass., commanded a co. in Col. James Prescott's Regt., but whether it is the same Samuel that res. in L. or not, cannot be positively' stated, l)ut there are reasons for believing that the two were identical. Townsend records show that Capt. Samuel of Slip Town, N. H. (now Temple), m. IMay 29, 1764, Molly, dau. of John and Sarah (Farrar) Conant of Townsend, Mass., and had twoch. 168 Douglass — Doiv. born there. — John. b. July 1,1705; Samuel, b. Aug. 22, 1767. He w:is a resulent of Temple, 1777. The Samuel who res. in L. had three sons, — Samuel, Simeon, and John, — but tradition sa\"S John was the youngest, and In' a second vv., which, if true, would prove that the two Samuels were not identical. It is probable tiiat tradition is wrong ; that John was the oldest son, and that Capt. Samnel was the Samuel who res. in L. with his sou John, and d. in L. about 1816. 3. John Douglass, son of Samuel'-, m. Lydia. dau. of Obadiah Morse (See), b. in Melhuen, IMass., d. in Lowell, Mass. He res. in L. from 18U5 to 1844. Farmer. Selectman, 1823-4. d. in Lowell, Mass., in 1803. Ch.. b. in L., — i. Hanxah n., m. Andrew- Blood, res. Lowell, Mass. o. ii. Wir.LiAM BtJRN-s, b. Dec. 2.5, 1818. iii. Makv D , b. Aug. 13, 1821. m. Jan. 10, 1811, Stephen D. Hale. res. Lowell, Mass. iv. Adeline, m. Daniel Batdielder. res. Lowell, Mass. V. John, res. Lowell, Mass. 4. Samuel Douglass, son of Samnel -. m. Sarah . He res. in L. from 1803 to 1813. Farmer, d. in Wilton. Baptist deacon. Ch..— i. LonsA, b. Lyman, Feb. 10, 1794. ii. Joanna, b. Lyman, April 15, 1795. iii. Darius, b. Brookline, Aug. 3, 1797. d. Ann Arbor, Mich. iv. Pamelia, b. Brookline. Aug. 3, 1799. V. Erastl-s, b. Lyman, Dec. 2S, 1801. in. first. Oct. 18, 1827, Susannah Gibhs Brown, m. second, Oct. 30, 1802. Mrs. Marv Ann Edwards. He d. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 25, 18G9. vi. RoswELL, b. L. May 21, 1804. d. Hillsdale, Mich, vii. Shaver. 5. "William Burxs Douglass, son of John ^, b. in L. Dec. 25, 1818. m. Feb. 15, 1841, Hannah Y., dau. of Uriah Smith Clark, b. in Bath, Oct. 31, 1821. He res. in L. from birth to 1848. Railroad condiictor. d. in Fort Wayne, Ind., Nov. 21, 1890. Ch.,— i. William V., b. L , Dec. 1, 1845. m. April 11. 1S72, Caroline S. Schmitz. Dealer in real estate, res. Fort Wayne, Ind. ii. CcRTi.< C, b. Plymouth, Xov. 3, 1847. in. Ella Ames. Railroad conductor, iii. Douglass Burns, b. Fort Wavne. Ind., Nov. 24, 1879. res. Fort Wavne, Ind. DOW. 1. Jamks Dow, son of Samuel, b. in Stoddard, Aug. 3, 1792. m. Oct. 29, 1811, Lydia. dau. of Luther Thompson (See), b. in L. May i 1790, d. in L. Dec. 1874. He res. in L. from about 1810 until he"d July 2, 1876. Carpenter. Democrat. Served in War of 1812 as a lifer. p:ulisted April 12, 1814, and served until March 24, 1815. when he was disciiai-gcd on account of wounds. Was in battles of Chippewa, Bridgewater. and Foit Erie. Ch., b. in L..— i. Naomi Hi.ws, b, Jan. 9, 181.3. m. David Page Sanborn (See). 2. ii. LuTHKK Thompson, b. Jan. 25. 1816. iii. Laura Brackett, b. Aug. 18, 1817. m. Elislia Burnham (See). 0, Doiv. 169 \v. Lydia, 1). Marcli 10, 1819, d. L. Oct. 20, 1821. V. .Mahy T., b. Dec. 8, IS-JO. in. Nov. 30, 1846, Franklin I. Gouch. Tool nianufr. res. l'()iiij;likeepsie, N. Y. vi. Susw IIiNES. b. Nov. 1, 1822. m. Ellery 1). Dunn (See). vii. Lyi.ia, b. July 20, 1824, rl. L. June 16, 184G. viii. Carom.ve G.,'b. .March 2U, 182(3. m. Jan. 1851, Thomas Nichols. She d. Aug. 24, 1858. ix. Skraphi.va Lakned, b. June 8, 1828. ni. Oct. 24, 1853, Ilezekiaii II. Noves. She d. Ocl. lH, 1854. X. Ann Amanda, b. Nov. 6, 182'.», d. L. April 20, 1832. 3. xi. Ja.mes 1). Auti. 8, 1831. xii. Catiiekise Balch, b. Feb. 27, 1833. m. Albert II. Quimby (See). 2." LuTiiEK Thompson' Dow, son of James ^ b. in L. Jan. 25, 1816. m. ilav 15, 184-3, Elvira Bonnev, dan. of Solomon Fitch (Sec), b. in L. Aug. 30. 1822. d. in L. Dec. 2(;," 1893, Cong. He res. in L. all his life. Sash and blind mannfr. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Director L. Savings Bank. 1871 to 7 inc. lie d. Feb. 21. 1898. Ch., b. in L., — 4. i. Arthur Flanders, b. July 14, 1849. 5. ii. Robert Morrison, b. March 10, 1856. 3. Jajies Dow, son of James ^ b. in L. Aug. 8, 1831. m. first, Dec. 28, 1853, Emih" Bonnev, dan. of Josiah Kilburu (See), b. in L.Oct. 17, 1833, divorced^ m. second. Oct. 28. 1878, Ellen Melissa, dan. of Philo Scott Hatch (See), b. in L. Dec. 6, 18-;9. Methodist. He has res. in L. all his life. Carpenter. ^Methodist. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Edith May, b. July 14, 1880. d. L. Sept. 5, 1880. ii. Ada Flore.nce, b. Dec. 20, 1881. iii. Leslie James, b. April 25, 1885. 4. Akthuh Flanders Dow, son of Luther Thompson", b. in L. JUI3' 14, 1849. m. first, Oct. 30, 1872, Mary Allein, dan. of Elisha Johnson, b. Feb. 10, 1850, d. in L. JNLay 27, 1878. m. second. Emma P^uphemia, dau. of Alexander McLean, b. in Shipton, P. Q., July 30, 1859, Cong. He res. in L. nearlv all his life. ^Merchant. Democrat. Supervisor, 1882. A. F. and A. :\L, Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. d. L. July 30, 1893. Ch., by w. Emma, b. in L., — i. Annie Elvira, b. Oct. 27, 1881. ii. Mary Louise, b. Oct. 7, 1883. iii. Robert McLean, b. Nov. 24, 1801. 5. Robert Morrison Dow, son of Luther Thompson -, b. in L. IMarch IG, 185G. m. Nov. 20, 1877, Ella ]Mabel, dau. of George F. Woodward (See), b. in Douglas, Mass., A})ril 23, 1858, Unitarian. He res. in L. all his life, and dT Nov. 4, 1890. Merchant. Democrat. L O. O. F., X. G. Ch., — i. George Luther, b. Dec. 8, 1878. DOW. 6. Moses Dow, res. in Haverhill, was Register of Probate 34 years; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas; Councillor; ^lajor-Gen. of Militia ; Prest. of State Senate, and elected meiBber of Congress by 170 Doiv. the N. H. Assemblj-. He came from Haverhill, Mass. m. Phebe Emerson. Ch., — i. Moses, grad. Dart. Coll. Eegister of Probate. 7. ii. Joseph Emerson, b. Haverhill, 1777. iii. PiiEHE, 111. first, Joseph Elliott, member of Congress, res. Brattleboro', Vt. m. second, Moses Johnson. 7. Joseph Emerson Dow, son of Moses ^, b. in Haverhill, 1777. Dart. Coll., 1799. He read for his profession with his father, and was admitted to the Bar at Haverhill, Sept. term, 1802, and in Caledonia County, Vt., 1803. He practised a few years in Haverhill, and removed to Littleton, 1807, being the first lawyer in this town. In 1811 he removed to Franconia, where he res. until 1830, holding office, and being useful in town affairs. He lived a few years in Thornton, but returned in 1847 to Franconia, where he d., Aug. 25, 1857. He m. Abi- gail B. Arnold, b. INlarch 12, 1780, dan. of Jonathan Arnold (See). She d. in Franconia, 1824 ; he m. second, Nancy Bagley of Thornton. Democrat. A. F. and A. M. (L. Cen. p. 127. Grafton Co. Gazetteer, p. 99. G. and C. Bar Ass'n, vol. 2, p. 416.) Ch.,— i. Catherine, b. L., d. in infancy. ii. James Barber, b. L. May 5, 1807. m. Mary McBirney. Printer and publisher. He d. Boston, Mass., 1877. 8. iii. Moses Arnold, b. L. May 20, 1810. iv. George Burrill, b. Lincoln, July 5, 1812. m. Hannah Emerson. Hatter. He d. Cambridge, Mass., Oct., 1880. V. Charles Marsh, b. Lincoln, June 6, 1816. Harness-maker. He d. Boston, Mass., 1841. 8. IMosEs Arnold Dow, son of Joseph Emerson ^ b. in L. May 20, 1810. m. Oct. 20, 1836, Elizabeth T. Houghton, b. Boston, iAIass., July 7, 1811. He res. in L. from birth to 1813, when he moved to Franconia with his parents, where lie remained until fourteen, when he went to Haverhill to learn the printer's trade and attend the academy. When seventeen he left his employer and returned to Franconia for a short time. After anotlier j'ear at the trade he went to Boston, and soon started in the publishing business for himself. Before he was thirty years old he liad founded nine periodicals, all of them failures. He then worked as compositor some six months on the " Boston Trav- eller," and during that time formulated and established the " Waverly Magazine," which he started in 1850 witli less than five dollars of his own. At first it was published at a heavy loss, but the circulation gradually increased, until at its best it paid a net income of $150,000 a year. Mr. Dow remembered the place of his birth by giving the fine clock on our school building, and of his youth by endowing Dow Acad- emv in Franconia. He d. June 22, 1886. (Childs' Grafton Co. Gaz., pp.' 271-2-3). Ch., — i. Mary, b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 22. 1844. m. Sept. 27, 1870, G. R. W. Scott, clergyman, res. Leominster, Mass. ii. Emma, b. Andover, Mass., Oct. 15, 181G. in. Oct. 7, 1870, Leonard T. Cutter, merchant, res., Boston, Mass. Dolu — Drew. 171 DOW. 9. J,\MFS Dow. b. in Barnet, Vt., Sept. 23, 1780. Had two sons, Samuel aiul Amos H, 10. Samitet- Dow, son of James', 1). in Rarnet, Vt., Aug. 27, 1X03. m. Oct. 1. 1.S29, Jennette Kingsloy, h. Dec. 9, 1803, d. Dec. 12, 184G. He d. in Greensboro', Vt, A|)ril 9, 1871. 11. William Kingsley Dow, son of Samuel ''^, b. in Barnet, Vt., Oct. 13, 1830. m. Huldah Maria, dan. of Alden Farnswoitli, b. .May 0, 1828, d. in Clinton, Wis., Nov. 7, 1875. He was a merchant and travel- ling salesman, d. in Lincoln, Neb., INIay 17, 1877. Democrat. Ch., — i. William K., b. Buffalo, N. Y., :\riiy 3, 1860. m. March 2, 1890, Minnie Glover. (Divorceil.) Printer, res L. 14. ii. Dexter D., 1). Buffalo. N. Y., Jan. 20, 1803. iinm. Lawyer and clerk of Court for Grafton Co. (Book of Biotirapliies, Grafton Co., p. 285.) iii. Jennie A., b Chicago, 111., Oct. 'J, 18G0. ni. John Harry Henry (See). 12. Samuel H. Dow, son of Samuel ^'\ b. in Barnet, Vt , April 13, 1840. m. Oct. 4, 1875, Mandana, dan. of Carter Himtoon (See), and widow of Milo E. Fulford, 1). in L. Dec. 11, 1847. He has res. in L. since 1873. Merchant. Republican. Co. D, 4th Vt. Inf. Private. G. A. R. No ch. 13. Amos Dow, son of Samuel ^^\ b. in Greensboro', Vt., Feb. 28, 181C). ni. April 4, 1882, Mary Jane, dan. of Carter Huntoon, b. in L. July 21, 1840. He has res. in L. since 1878. Farmer. Republican. Co.'F, 4th Vt. Inf. Private. No ch. G. A. R. 14. Dexter D. Dow, son of William Kingsley ", b. ButTalo, N. Y., Jan. 20, 18G3. num. He attended St. Joimsbury, Vt., Academy three years, and grad. Dart. Coll., 1889. He read law with Bingham, Mitchell & BatcliL'llor, and was admitted to the Bar, 1892, In January, 1893, he was appointed Clerk of the Supreme Court of Grafton County, which influenced a removal to Woodsville, where he has continued to reside, meantime, however, owning a homestead and maintaining a legal domi- cile at L. He is a trustee of the Woodsville Public Library, a director of the Woods\ille Loan and Banking Company. Democrat. K. P., A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St.' Gerard Com. A. A. S. R., 32". DREW. 1. William Drew, b. in England, 1G27. Came a youth to New England and settled at Dover. He lived in the section called Oyster River, and now Durham. He d. 1GG9. His wife Sarah survived him and m. second, William FoUett. 2. Joim Drew, son of William', b. 1G50. d. Oct. 27, 1723. He was a cooper and farmer and dealer in lands. He was buried upon his farm in Dover, and the gravestone is still legible. The name of his first wife was Sarah. He in. second, 1720, Rebecca Cook. She m. second, about 1725, Samuel Starbird. 172 Dreiv — Drohen — Daffy. 3. Lemuel Drew, son of John ^, b. Ma_y 26, 1722; was a farmer at Back River in Dover, m. Anna Bunker. He d. 1673. 4. Andrew Drew, son of Lemuel^, b. Dover, Marcli 25, 1758. m. Joanna Hodgdon. He was a soldier in Drowne's Co., Peabody's Regt., R. 1. Service, 1778, and was a pensioner. At the close of the war he settled in Brookfield. 6. Lemuel Drew, son of Andrew S b. in Brookfield, Feb. 16, 1803. d. in Dover, 1879. res. Newmarket and Durham. He m. 1824, Lydia H, Tvvombly, b. 1806, dau. of P^zekiel and Abbv (Nute) Twombljof Durham. She d. March 10, 1854. 6. George Kittredge Drew, son of Lemuel ^, b. in Newmarket, March 11, 1828. m. 1851, Lucv A. French, res. Newmarket, and after 1858 Dover. His dau. Lydia Ann, b. Newmarket, Dec. 30, 1854, m. James R. Jackson (See) ; dau. Lizzie Frances, b. Sept. 11, 1862, m. Will F. Buckley (See). DREW. 7. Alfred E. Drew, son of Aaron, b. in Fairfax, Vt., Sept. 14, 1841. m. Jul}' 17, 1867, Anna E. Atwood. He was educated in the Vt. Conference Seminar^-, Newbury, Vt., and in 1864 commenced the study of theology in the Concord Biblical Institute, from which he grad. June 14, 1866. He was ordained a Methodist minister at the N. H. Conference, Lisbon, in 1869. His ministry so far as attainable has been as follows : L., 1867 and 8 ; Bristol, 1869 and 70 ; Concord, 1871- 2-3; Haverhill, Mass. (Grace Church); 1874-5-6; Lawrence, Mass. (Garden Street Church), 1877-8-9 ; Manchester (St. Paul's Church), 1880-1-2; New Bedford, Mass. (Pleasant Street Church), 1883-4-5. He is not now connected with any Conference, but is engaged in busi- ness in N. H. and Florida, preaclaing a part of the time. Ch., — i. Katie A. DROHEN. 1. Edward Droiien, son of Thomas, b. in Lisbon, Dec. 20, 1858. m. March 19, 1885, Clara E., dau. of Samuel Mann, b. in Foxboro', Mass., Aug. 19, 1855. He has res. in L. since 1888. Clerk. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Edward Forrest, b. Bethleliem, Jan. 18, 1887. ii. Flossie Evelyn, b. L. July 19, 1888. iii. Ernest Fay, b. L. Nov. 18, 1889. iv. Ida Annis, b. L. April 22, 1895. DUFFY. 1. Peter Duffy, b. in Canada, m. Nov. 29, 1854, Ann, dau. of Patrick Glynn, b. in L'eland in 1828, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1859. Laborer. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch., — i. Mary, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Nov. 12, 1857. m. James Brown (See). ii. Khoda, b. St. Jolinsbnry, Vt., June 10, 1858. m. John lleagan (See). iii. Jennie, b. L. Aug. 25, 18G9. Dunhar. 173 DUNBAR. 1, Jacob Kent Dunbau. son of David (who was b. in Scotland), h. in Danville, Vt , Jan. 2,'), 17!)i). ni. Electa, dan. of S.vlvanus Cnrrier, b. in KS17, d. L. March '.», IS-SG. He res. in L. from 1812 until he d., April 28, 1890. Kcpublican. Ch.,— 2. i. -Tacob Kent, b. Bath, March 1, 18:11. ii. Julia Manuane, b. Newbury, Vt., Aug. 1838. m. Francis II. Smith (See), iii. LrciA Mauia, b. Lisbon, July, 1810. iv. Charles Edwin, b. L. July, 1846. unm., res. L. Farmer. 2. Jacob Ivext Dunbar, son of Jacob Kent^ b. in Rati), March 1, ISol. m. first, Oct. 24, 1855, Amanda M., dau. of vSolomon Lewis (See), b. in L. March 7, 183G, d. Aug. 9, 1858. m. second, Sept. 1.'5, 1859, Helen Mar, dau. of Luther IFitchcock, b. in Feacham, Vt., Fel). 27, 1835. He has res. in L. since 1812. Farmer. Democrat. Select- man, 1867-8-75-6-7-8. Ch., b}' w'. Amanda, b. in L., — i. .Mart Electa, b. Oct. 4, 18-jG. m. Oct. 20, 1875, Fred Fulford, miller, res. Lisbon. Ch., In' w. Helen, b. in L., — ii. Amanda, b. June 6, 18G.3, d. L. Aug. 29, 18G6. iii. Eva Lue, b. Oct. 27, 1807. m. Otlio S. Carter (See), iv. Luther Kent, b. Sept. 17, 1879. DUNBAR. 3. John C. Dunbar, son of David, b. in Danville, Vt., in 1787. m. first, Sail}' 8., dau. of Seth Ford, b. in Piermont, Sept. 17, 1784, d. New- burv, Vt., JMarcli 2, 1852. m. second, Sarah Bacon, b. in Dalton, in 1810, d. in Boston, Mass., Feb. 27, 1868. He d. in L. Feb. 11, 1870. Ch.,— i. Lillias M., b. .Tan. 8, 1812. in. Feb. 25, 18.",:?, Lutlier W. Hitchcock. He il. Worcester, xMass., May 30, 1861. She d. Cabot, Vt., May, 18'.J4. ii. Mary, ni. Samuel Stalbird, tailor, iii. David, d. young, iv. Emma, d. young. V. LuoRETiA M , 111. Albert Lovejoy, painter. He d. L. Aug. 20, 188G. She d. L. Nov. 0, l8Ci6. 4. vi. IIenkv E., b. reacham, Vt., Oct. 13, 1827. 4. IIknry Vj. Dunbar, son of John C.l b. in Peacham, Vt., Oct. 13, 1827. m. Jan. 1, 1851, Mary 11., dan. of Charles George, b. in New- bury, Vt., Dec. 13, 1831. He res. in L. from 1868 to 1873. Painter. Republican. Co. E, ;5d Vt. Inf. Corporal. Co. A, Mass. H. Art. Pri- vate, d. jNIalden. Mass., jMarch 2, 1889. Ch.,— i. Mary Ella, b. Newbury, Vt., Oct. 25, 1851. m July 12, 1874, John H. Webb, rubber boot maker, res. Maiden, Mass. ii. Lizzie Emma, b. Newbury, Vt., Jan. 23, 1856. m. June 3, 1874, Frank- lin I. Welch, architect, re.s. Maiden, Mass. iii. William Ali-.ert, b. Bo.ston, Mass., March 18,1864. m. July 17, 1886, Minnie M. Canfield. Watchmaker, res. Maiden, Mass. 174 Dunn — Bimton. DUNN. 1. Elleuy Davis, son of Joshua, b. in Wilton, Me., Oct. 12, 1822. 111. Miiy 24, 1810, Susan Ilines, dau. of James Dow (See), b. in L. Nov. 1, 1822. He has res. in L. since 1853. Carpenter and builder. Democrat. Representative, 1871-2. Fire ward, 1873-4-5-6-7-8-9- 81-3. Appointed Capt. 5th Co. 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, May 1, 1852, held until repeal of the law. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. He d. May 26, 1898. Ch., b. in L., — i. Edwin F., b. May 31, 1847, d. L. Sept. 5, 1849. ii. He.vry, I). Aug. 6, 1849, A. L. Sept. 20, 1849. iii. Addie Mary, b. Dec. 1, 1850. m. first, March 11, 1874, Clarence Sniitli ; divorceil. in. secoml, Marcli 24, 189o, WaUer J. Bartlett, raarketman, res. Worcester, Mass. DUNN. 2. Albert N. Dunn, son of Josiah, b. in Andover, ^Me., Aug. 12, 1842. m. Nov. 28, 1863, Edna, dau. of' Merrick Russell, b. in Bethle- hem, July 17, 1852. He res. in L. from 1864 to 1884 with the exceptinu of three years. Farmer. Republican. Co. K, 29th Me. Inf. G. A. R. d. in Bethlehem, Apnl 4, 1887. She d. in L. Sept. 12, 1889. Ch.,— i. Arthur Herbert, b. Whitefielil, Aug. 27, 1869. ii. Adah Belle, b. Wliitelield, Feb. 17, 1871, d. L. March 29, 1892. iii. Freeman Stephen, b. L. Oct. 4, 1875. iv. Harry Chester, b. L. Aug. 3, 1883. DUNTON. 1. Ebenezer Dltnton, res. in L. from 1806 to 1825. Farmer, m. Mehitable . Ch.,— i. Luther, b. Hereford, P. Q., Aug. 11, 1803. m. Jan. 3, 1827, Isabel Phlnne}'. ii. Polly, b. L. Oct. 1, 1806. pub. July 14, 1824, Robert S. Harrington, iii. Calvin, b. L. Feb. 5, 1809. DUNTON. 2. Reuben Dunton, b. in L. m. Sarah Houston, b. Lunenburg, Vt. He res. in L. from 1822 to 1826 and in 1837. Farmer. Ch.,— 3. i. James T., b. Granby, Vt., 1831. ii. George W., b. 1. 1837, d. Nov. 1, 18G3. Co. K, 8th Vt. Inf. Private. 3. James T. Dunton, son of Reuben'-, b. in Granby, Vt., in 1831. m. Nov. 1, 186U, Ruth Ann, dau. of Benjamin Nurse, b. in L. in 1842. He res. in L. in 1860 and 1861. No ch. Durgin — Dyke. 175 DURGIN. 1. ]\[olvENziE Tltckkr Dukgix, son of John, b. in Sanbornton, Jan. 13, 18U(). m. Sept. 18, 1823, Betsey Folsom, dau. of Jeremiah San- born, b. in Sanbornton, Jan. 2, 1799, d. in L. Jnne 27, 1875. He res. in L. from 1S2G nntii he d., Feb. 20, 18G8. Farmer. Selectman, 1859-GU,. Ch., b. in L., — i. LvuiA, b. 1824. m. 1843, William Smith, laborer. lie d. Eiifit'hl, 1881. ii. Maky S., b. 1828. m. Aug. 6, 1848, George W. Buswell, stone-mason. He d. 18G8. She d. Irasburg, Vt., Aug. 20, 1801. ill. Martha, b. April 2, 1835. lu. William C. Nurse (See). DYKE. 1. Jonathan Dyke, son of Benjamin, b. in Cliarlestown in 1780. m. Clarissa Sweat, b. in Unity in 1780, d. in Dalton in 1861. He d. in L. in 1855. Shoemaker. Ch., — 2. i. Benjamin, b. Cavendish, Vt., Sept. 1802. V ii. Omiji, m. Hannah Kiiitrick. Farmer. iii. Adeline Mauia, b. Springfield, July 6, 1808, m. William Fisk (See). iv. Emeline, m. Luke Bowles, farmer. V. Caroline, m. Edward Sumner, blacksmith, vi. AViLLiAM, m. Charlotte Fisk. Car{)enter. vii. Marv, m. William Miller, farmer, viii. Sally, m. Joseph I'almer, butcher. 2. Benjamin Dyke, son of Jonatlian ', b. in Cavendish, Vt. , Sept. 1802. m. first, Ang. 1830, Chirissa IM., dau. of Obediah Carpenter (See), 1). in L. July 31, 1812, d. in L. Dec. 14, 1844. m. second, Feb. 7. 1847, Diana E., dau. of Nathaniel Snow, b. in Dalton. He res. in L. from 1830 to 1834. Shoemaker, d. in Bethlehem, about 185G. Ch., by w. Clarissa, — i. Taylor B., b. Dalton, Oct. 3, 1831. m. Oct. 3, 1855, Emily Jobnson. Slioemaker. res. I'lymonth. 3. ii. Joseph, b. L. Jan. 2U, 1833. iii. Sarah Melissa, b. L. Jan. 29, 1835. m. 1858, Albert C. Davis, carpen- ter, res. Worcester, Mass. iv. Albion, b. L. 1837. m. 1805, Sarah Mitchell. Hotel-keeper, res. Bos- ton, Mass. V. Harry, b. L. 1839. m. 18G2, Elizabeth Getchel. res. Lyme, vi. Isathan, saddler, vii. Henry' N., b. L. 1842. m. Elizabeth Tucker. Farmer, res. INIanclies- ter. Co. E, 1st -Mass. II. Art. viii. Clarissa, b. L. 1844. m. 1803, William Minard. 3. Joseph Dyke, son of Benjamin-, b. in L. Jan. 29, 1833. m. July 8, 18G3, Sopliia, dan. of Keuben Melntire (See), b. in Lisl)on, May 30, ls38, Free Baptist. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Universalist. Democrat. No ch. 176 Eames. EAMES. 1. Robert Eames, bj' tradition an emigrant from Boxford, England, m. about IGGU, Rebecca Blake, b. in Gloucester, Mass., 1611, dau. of George and Dorothy Blake. He settled in Boxford, Mass., where he d. Jul}- 22, 1693. Reliecca his wife was tried and condemned as a witch in 16U2. (She was reprieved in March, 1693, and d. in Boxford, May 8, 1721. 2. Nathan Eamks, youngest of the eight children of Robert \ b. Nov. 19, 16.S5. m. before 1710, Mary Kimhall. May 2, 1731, Nathan Eames, his wife, a son Jeremiah, and a daughter jNIehitable were bap- tized at Bradford, Mass. He d. Jan. 11, 1765 ; she d. July 17, 1765. 3. Jekemiah Eames, son of Nathan -, b. 1707. ra. April 2, 1734, Sarah Kimball. They res. in Boxford, Mass., where their six children were born. He d. July 5, 1744. She m. second, Sept. 3, 1745, Joseph Spofford. 4. Jeremiah Eames, eldest of the six children of Jeremiah ^, b. in Boxford, May 17, 1735. He m. about 1760, Susannah Peabody, b. Feb. 18, 1738/9, dau. of Tliomas and Ruth (Osgood) Peabody of Box- ford. He removed from Boxford to Northumberland in 1774 or pre- viousl}', and through life was prominent in town aft'airs and a conspicuous character upon the northern frontier in troublous times. He was a selectman twenty or more years, representative, 1780-1-2,-8-9-90- 1800. He was ap[)ointed Justice of the Peace by the Senate and House, 1781, and subsequently by the Executive under the State Con- stitution. In 1785 he was appointed Special Justice of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas for the county of Grafton. In miUlary as in civil att'airs he was a leader among men. He was a captain in the ser- vice, was commander of the garrison located in the vicinity, and at all times the trusted agent of the State government in the welfare and the deft-nce of the frontier. He d. April 22, 1817. His widow d. Sept. 16, 1817. They had three sons and three daughters. 5. Jerejiiah Eames, eldest son of Capt. Jeremiah *, was b. in Box- ford, Mass., June 30, 1762. In 1797 he settled in Stewartstown, where he d., 1827. He was a farmer, land surveyor, hotel-keeper, and i)romi- nent in municipal aft'airs. During tlie Revolution he was a soldier in companies on the frontier commanded by his father. Thomas, second son, is named below. Seth, the youngest son of Capt. Jeremiah ^, was boi-n in Northumberland. Oct. 21, 1781, and resided upon the home- stead. He was a selectman, treasurer, and town clerk man}' years. 6. Thomas Eames, son of Jeremiah ^ b. Boxford, Mass., Sept. 12, 1765. Boxford records give the date of birth Sept. 20, but family rec- ords Sept. 12. He was a fariner, inn-holder, and a noted hunter. He practically controlled the fur trade of the upper division of the Connec- ticut valley. He m. Betsey Strong of Northumberland, b. 1766, d. Aug. 28, 1822. He d. Feb. 6, 1832. 7. Thomas Eames, .son of Thomas ^ ni. Sarah Hutchins of Bath. He d. in Northumberland, 1854. Uanii'S — Eastman. 177 8. Jamks Hutciiins E.vmes, son of Thomas'^, b. in Xowbuiy, Vt., June 14, 1820. m. 1, 1853. in. Josliua I*. Denni.s. res. 'I'ilton. vii. Katio, b. L. 1850. 111. Harvey Weeks. Sbe d. N. J. 1880. viii. Elma Genkive, b. L. 1859. m. Uec. 27, 1881, Charles E. Tilton, capi- talist, res. Tilton. i.\. Geouge, b. L., deceased. 21. CiiARLKS Franklin Eastman, son of Cyrus ^^, b. in L. Oct. 1, 1841. m. first, Sept. 15, 1875, jMary Ida, dan. of Richard Taft (See), li. in Lincoln, Oct. 3, 1850, d. L. April 19, 1887. m. second, jVLary Rebecca, dau. of John D. Colby, b. in Manchester, April !), 1857, Cong. She d. in Boston, May 9, 1899'. He has res. in L. all his life. INIer- chant. Democrat. Selectman, 1890-1-2-3. Representative, 1893-4. jS'otary public. J. P. State. INIember l>oard of Education, Union Dis- trict, 1882 to 94 inc., and Treasurer, 1885 to 1900. Chairman Flxecu- tive Committee L. IMusical Association, 1896. Commissioner Littleton Highway Precinct, 1891-2. Commissioner L. Village District, 1893- 4-.5. Prest. L. Savings Bank, 1895 to 1900, Vice-Prest., 1890-1-2-3- 4, and Director from 1884 to 1900 inc. Director L. National Bank, 1888-1900 inc. Master Burns Lodge, 1892-3. Eminent Com. St. Gerard Com., 1895-6. 32° A. A. S. R. Ch., by w. Mary Ida, b. in L., — i. Richard Taft, b. Jan. 2, 1881. ii. Ida Taft, b. Dec. 28, 1880. EASTMAN. 22. GeorCtK W. Eastman, 1). in Concord, Aug. 27, 1832. m. Jan. 28, 1854, Lois Baker, dau. of James Elliott, b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., March 5, 1835. She m. second, "Wilbur C. Stearns. George W. les. in L. from 1860 to 1872. Railroad conductor, d. in Compton, Jan. 19, 1879. Ch., Arthur E., b. L. .July 5, 1801. m. Nov. 10, 188.5, Nellie D. Eastman. Conductor, res. Warren. Kate G., b. L. July 22, 1804. m. May 30, 1880, Edric 0. Smith, travel- ling salesman. He d. I'lvmouth, April 28, IHO:]. Georgianna, b. L. April 4,"l807. m. April IG, 1889, Charles C. Mathew- son, dentist, res. Meredith. Georgiktta, b. L. April 4, 1807, d. July 23, 1800. Susan, b. I'lymoutii, Jan. 4, 1874, d. Aug. 5, 1870. 182 Eastman. EASTMAN. 23. Myron Bowles Eastman, son of Caleb, b. in Whitefield, July 30, 1833. ni. Nov. 27, 1858, Caroline Ellen, dau. of David Richardson, 2d, b. in Lisbon, Ai)ril 28, 1834. Free Baptist. He res. in L. from 1876 until lie d., Julv 2-1, 1889. Laborer. Democrat. Ch, - 24. i. John Eaton, b. Whitefield, June 9, 1850. ii. George Washington, b. WliitefieUl, Feb. 12, 1861, d. Lisbon, Feb. \?>, 1870. iii. Geohgianna Mabel, b. Whitefield, July 24, 1806. in. Oct. 23, 1885, Julius C. Morrill, hostler, res. Plymouth, iv. Alice Priscilla, b. Whitefield, March 21, 1860. iinm., res. L. V. Chart, E.s Manson, b. Lisbon, April 20, 1875. m. Jan. 1, 1890, Nettie M. Lang. res. Manchester. 24. John Eaton Eastman, son of Mjron Bowles "^ b. in Whitefield, June 1), 1859. m. July 22, 1880, Lydiaetta, dau. of Zuriel A. Richard- son (See), b. in Lisbon, June 22, 1860. He has res. in L. since 1876. Painter. Democrat. I. O. O. F. Ch., b. in L., — i. Leslie Howard, b. Dec. 20, 1881. ii. Ida May, b. March 18, 1885. iii. KuFus M., b. Jan. 28, 1805. EASTMAN. 25. Barnaud Douglass Eastman, son of John Langdon, b. in Con- way, Fel). 5, 1836. m. Oct. 12, 1865, Caroline AVarner, dau. of Geoi-ge Warner Ely (See), b. in L. Jan. 13, 1836, where she res. until 1844. He never res. in L. Supt. of State Insane Asylum, Topeka, Kan. Ch., — i. Mary Stearns, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Aug. 25, 1808. d. Worcester, Mass., June 4, 1875. ii. Philip, b. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 25, 1875. res. Topeka, Kan. iii. Margaret, b. Worcester, Mass., Aug. 27, 1877, d. Topeka, Kan., June 23, 1880. EASTMAN. 26. Larnahd L. Eastman, son of James, b. in Canaan, March 12, 1813. m. April 3, 1839, Lucy A., dau. of Henry Currier of Enfield. He was educated in the common schools, and was ordained a Metho- dist deacon in Newmarket, May 12, 1850; elder in Nasiiua, June 13, 1852. His ministry has been as follows: Alexandria, 1848-9; War- ren, 1850-1; Lancaster, 1852-3; L., 1854-5 ; Winchester, 1856-7; Raymond, 1858-9; Amesburv, Mass., 1860-1 ; Peterboro', 1862-3; Sunapee, 1864-5; Methuen, Mass., 1866-7-8; Warren, 1870; Moul- tonboro', 1871-2 ; Kingston, 1873 ; Londonderry, part of 1874 ; Grove- ton, part of 1875 and all of 1876. Since 1876 he has been on the superannuated list, with home in Methuen, INLass. For many years he was a trustee of the N. H. Conference Seminary. He d. Dec. 31, 1897. Eastman — Eaton. 183 Ch.,— i. James Henry. ii. IMauv Ann, in. McFadden. EASTMAN. 27. John Cautkr East.m.w, sou of Jacob C. iiml Susan li. East- man, b. in Loudon, May 22, 18();). The lineage is: Roger S Pliilii) ", Ebenezer''. iMoses ^, David % John"', Jacol) C, John C.** He ni. Oct. 20, 18'J1, Marv E. Bucklcv, b. Dec. 17, 18G4. He is station agent oi the B. & I\[. R. R. Ch., b. in Lancaster, — i. Cmnton Walkeu, b. .Jane 16, 189G. ii. Roger, b. May 11, 1SU8. EATON. 1. Ebexezeu Eatox, b. June 10, ITG.j. m. Sept. 13, 1702, Ruth Hutchins. He res. in Lisbon, where he d., April 22, 1843. 2. Mitchell Hutciiixs Eaton, son of EbenezerS b. in Landaff, April lU, 1800. m. March 21, 1833, Saraii, dan. ofEI)enezer Eastman, b. in Canada, Jan. '22, 17'J8, d. in L. June 20, 1881. He res. in L. from 18(58 until he d., June 1, 1886. Republican. Ch., b. in Landaff, — 3. i. Charles, b. June 9, 18ol. ii. Ann, b. July 14, 1837, d. Lanilaff, Feb. 5, 1838. iii. Julia Ann, b. Jan. 11, 1831), d. Lisbon, May 10, 1862. 3. Charles Eaton, son of JMitchell Hutchins •^, b. in Landaff, June 9, 1834. m. Jan. 1, 1863, Sarali Jane, dan. of Henry Green'* (See), b. in LN'ndon, Vt., Dec. 16, 1837, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1868. Lumber manufr. Republican. Fire ward, 1881. J. P. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Postmaster, 1891). Ch., — i. Julia Anne, b. Lisbon, April 19, 1864. ii. Myka Green, b. Lisbon, M.arcii 16, 18(1G. iii. Harry Mitchell, b. L. Feb. 20, 18()'J. m. Feb. 21, 1898, Cora Bell Ilopiciiis. Grad. Dart. Coll. 1890. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodjie. K. T., St. Gerard Com. 32° A. A. S. K. Census Enumerator, 1900. Assist. P. M., 1899. iv. Charles Francis, b. L. July 17, 1874. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. A. A. S. K. 32"^. EATON. 4. HiiNRV Allston Eaton, son of Stephen, b. in Sutton, Vt., Dec. 8, 1856. m. Oct. 25, 1881, Alice Maria, dau. of Josiah Mason Ladd (See), b. in Bethlehem, Nov. 6, 1857. He has res. in L. since 1879. Bobbin manufr. Repul)lican. Fire ward, 181)0-1. Commissioner L. Village District, 1894-5-6. A. F. an«l A. ]\[., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. 32° A. A. S. R. I. O. 0. F. Ch.,— i. George Howard, b. L. April 1, 1885. ii. Stephen L., b. L., July 13, 1899. 184 Eaton — Edmcmds. 5. Albert Samuel Eaton, son of Cynis, b. in Brownington, Vt,. in 1823. m. in 1845, Amy Mercy, dan. of Isaac Smith (See), b. in Bi-ovvnington, Vt., Dec. 21," 1824. She res. in L. from 1888 to 1895. Kept livery stable, cl. Boston, Mass., May 14, 188G, Ch., — i. Clara Sophrovia, b. Barton, Vt. ii. Emma M., h. Barton, Vt. m. Charles \V. Stetson, iii. Bklle Flora, b. Barton, Vt. m. George VV. Amlerson. iv. Frank Pikrce, b. Barton, Vt. V. J\[ary ELLiiv, b. Barton, Vt. m. Frank E. Richardson, vi. Albert, b. Barton, Vt. vii. William Rufos, b. Barton, Vt. m. Julia Reynolds. 6. viii. Marshall Albert, b. Brownington, Vt., June 15, 1862. ix. Harry Framc, b. Cambridgeport, Mass. X. Geougianna, b. Cambridgeport, Mass. (The last two are twins.) 6. Marsh V.LL Albert Eaton, son of Albert Samuel^, b. in Brown- ington, Vt., June 15, 1862. m. April 17, 1890, Matid Clementine, dan. of William Harrison Blake (See), b. in Lyman, April 27, 1870. He has res. in L. since 188S. Book-keeper. Democrat. No ch. EATON. 7. James Eaton, son of James, b. in Deering in 1791. m. in 1813, Olive, dan. of Thomas Wilson, b. in Deering in 1792, d. in Antrim in 1861. He res. in L. most of the time from 1823 to 1827. Farmer, d. in Antrim in 1860. Ch., - i. Rebecca, b. Bethleiieni, 1814. ni. Amos Ilempliill. Siie d. 1872. ii. Hiram, b. Bethleiieni, 1816, d. 1852. iii. LuciNDA, b. Betiilelieni, 1818. m. Clinton French. She d. 1848. iv. Roxawa, b. Bethlehem, 1820. m. Sewell Skinner. She d. 1840. V. Jamis W., b. L. 1823. ni. 1845, Mary C. Caldwell. Laborer, res. Antrim. Co. B, 13th N. H. Inf. vi. LuciTTA, b. Deering, 1824. m. Henry Delano. She d. 1871. vii. Joseph, b. L. 1825, d. 1852. viii. Melissa, b. L. 1827. m. John Sampson. She d. 1872. EDMANDS. 1. Aaron Lorenzo Edmands, son of Charles Wallace, b. in Dalton, Dec. 20, 1847. m. March 26, 1879, Florence Lavinia, dan. of Thomas P. Holhrook, b. in Leamington, Vt., Sept. 25, 1851. He has res. in L. since ISSO. Farmer. Republicun. Ch., b. in L., — i. Olivk Edith, b. April 6, 1880. ii. EoGAR Leroy, b. April 7, 1800. 2. John Edmands, son of Charles Wallace, b. in Dalton, Nov. 19, 1852. m. Jnly 9, 1876, Etta, dan. of John Titus, b. in Colehrook, July 4, 1861. He has res. in L. since 1886. Farmer. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Caul Wesley, b. Jnly 20, 1888. ii. LouvA ])RusKLLA,b June 15, 1890. iii. John Earl, 1>. Nov. 11, 18i>i2. Furuier. Democrat. Ch., — i. Katie, b. Dalton, Oct. 12. 1863. in. Edwin Tibbetts 'See), ii. Willie li.. b. Dalton. Feb. 10, 1872. iii. David K., b. L. Oct. 12. Ib74. iv. George li., b. Dalton, July 18, 1887. 5. Su.MNER Elliott, son of Warren ^. b. in Dalton. July 18, ]8.j0. in. Nov. 2.3, 18G8, M\ ra, dau. of Benjamin .Streeter. b. in Betijlebem, Mav 8. 1835. Advent. He has res. in L. since 1871. Farmer. Ch..— i. \V]LLiE, b. Dalton, July 17, 1871. m. Aug. 1888, Rosa Lainbc-rt. Laborer, res. L. ii. Harkv B., b. Dalton, July 11, 1873. m. Oct. 2, 189-3, Ida White. Laborer, res. Concord, Vt. iii, Frank W., b. L. Oct. 2-5, 1876. ra. June 20, 1808, Blanche N. Bolles (See). iv. .Mary Ida, b. L. March G, 1879. V. Grace B., b. L. Feb. 20. 1882. vi. Mtra Elva. b. L. April 2-5, 1886. vii. Flossie Lillian, b. L. Oct. 8, 1887. viii. Maid. b. L. Oct. 17, lb'c»0. Lx. Bessie Ethel, b. L. Nov. 2b, 18&2. ELLIOTT. 6. Bexjamik Fostki: Elliott, son of Daniel, b. in Lunenburg. Vt., July 6, 1826. m. Se[)t. 18. 1850, Jane, dau. of Aaron Edmunds, b. in Dalton, April 9. 1823, Universalist. He has res. in L. most of the time since l'>32. Farmer. Universalist. Republican. Ensign 5th Co. 32d Regt. X. H. Militia. Mav. 184U. Co. E. 14th N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. R. He d. in L. .Sept. 30, 1900. Ch., b. in Dalton, — i. Sarah J., b. Dec. 185-3. m. Dec. -31, 1873, Alvin Grimes, farmer, res. Franconia. ii. Emma M., b. April 1-5, 18-57. m. 18S3, Fred C. Carr, mechanic. She J. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Feb. 7, 1891. iii. Annette, b. 18-58. m. Oct. 17, 187-5, Frank Hudson, mechanic, res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. iv. Edgar F., b. 18t;0. m. Aug. 9, 1890, Ilattie Vance, res. Danville, Vt. ELLIOTT. 7. CuARLE.s Amos FIlliott. son of Chailes Franklin P^lliott. M.D.. b. in Somersworth. Aug. 10. Ib35. He began the study of medicine viith his father, completing a course of study at Bowdoin and Dartmouth medical schools. He sen'ed three years during the Civil War as assis- tant surgeon. He practised his profession in Lebanon. Me., and later was associated with his father in Somerswoith until failing health de- manded his retirement from active work. He d. March 7. 1891. He m. April 12. 1872, Hannah Abbie Hayes, b. Lebanon, Me.. March 25, 1852, dau. of C\ru3 W. Hayes. She m. second, Albert F. Xute (See). 188 EUlott — Elmer — Ely. Ch., — i. Hattie Thorn, b. Aiiff. 5, 1875, d. April 19, 1891. ii. CiiAKLES Haves, b. April 18, 1882. iii. Arthur William, b. Jan. 7, 188i. ELMER. 1. Sidney Aliza Elmer, son of Orrin, b. in Elmore, Vt., Jan. 20, 1826. ni. Sept. 3, 1857, Almira, dau. of David Hodge, b. in Colebrook, Nov. 15, 1832, Advent. He lias res. in L. since 1891. Glover. Advent. Republican. Co. H, 13th N. H. Inf. Private. Ch.,— i. Alice Valentine, b. Stew.irtstovvn, Feb. 14, 1859. unm., res. L. ELY. 1. Isaac TI. Ely, from Hadley, Mass., or vicinit}', settled in Ciiarles- tovvn during the Revolution. He served in the siege of Boston 8 months, 1775, in Col. Jonathan Ward's regiment (Mass.). During the contiict between the New Hampshire and Vermont authorities, he was a|)i)ointed jailer at Charlestown, 1781, and was in office when Col. Enoch Hale, the Siieriff of Cheshire County, was confined in the jail by the Vermont officials. His wife Plannah d. Oct. 5, 1790. He m. sec- ond, Nov. 9, 1800, Relief Stone. Four ch. by first and one by second marriage. (Hist. Charlestown, p. 333.) 2. Guy Ely, son of Isaac H.\ b. in 1783. pub. first, Aug. 31, 1807, Nancy Wetherbee, b. in 1785, d. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., June 22, 1847, Cong. in. second, Merinda, dau. of Stei)hen Hassam, b. in Charles- town, d. in Delhi, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1856. He res. in L. from 1809 to 1847. Blacksmith. Cong. Whig. Selectman, 1810-11-12. Moder- ator, 1813-19-20-1-2-4-5. Representative, 1813-14-16-17-18. Dep- utv sherirt", 1813 to 1818. Fire ward, 1829-30-2-4-5-8. Postmaster, appointed Mav 29, 1841. Capt. 5th Co., 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, 1814. J. P. d. Concord, Vt., Sept. 29, 1853. Ch., by w. Nancy, — 3. i. George Warner, b. Charlestown, June 12, 1808. ii. Caroline W., b. L. June 14, 1811. m. Samuel W. Berkley (See Wil- liam Berkley '^). iii. Hannah, b. L. Oct. 28, 1816, d. L. Dec. 2, 1816. 3. George Warner Ely, son of Gu}' -, b. in Charlestown, June 12, 1808. m. June 5, 1832, Mary Stearns, dau. of Thomas Redington (See), d. in 1874. He res. in L. from 1809 to 1844. Merchant and scythe manufr. Cong. Selectman, 1838. Representative, 1840. Fire ward, 1844. J. P. d. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 6, 1876. Ch.,— i. Charles Redington, b. L. July 4, 1833. Foundry, res. Northfield, Vt. ii. Caroline Warner, b. L. Jan. lo, 1836. m. Barnard Douglass East- man (See). iii. George Benjamin, b. L. res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. iv. Henry Guv, b. L. res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. V. William Henderson, b. L. res. Hoosic Falls, N. Y. Merchant. vi. Frederick Leverett, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt. res. Montpelier, Vt. Bank cashier. (Three infants that d. young are not named.) E))ierson — Etnery — EngJiiii)'4rapliies, Grafton Co., p. 177.) Ch.,- i. Paul Arthdr, b. Bradford, Mass., Dec. 7, 1889. ii. CiCELiA Day, b. Bellows Falls. Vt., Sept. 18, 1891. iii. Dorothy, b. L. March 2(!, 18'J5. iv. Kenneth Williaim Joseph, b. L. Sept. 14, 189G. EMERY. 1. Ir\ Emery, son of Ira, b. in Industry, Me., Jan. 5, 1823. in. first, May 12, 1852, So[)liia A. Backus, d. July 29, 1879. in. second, October 10, 1881, Mattie M. ('otlin. He was educated in the schools of Industry, Me., and was licensed by the Baptists to preach, when he attended Bangor, JMe., Theological Seminar^' for about one year. He was ordained as a Free-Will l)a[)tist clerg^'nian in IndustiT, Me., Sept. 18G7, and preached in Richmond, Me., two years; Deerfield, five ^-ears to May, 187G; L., two years to June, 1878 ; Lewiston, Me., as supplv, to JaiL, 1880; Wolfboro', to Jan. 28, 188.']; Brnnswick, ^Ic, to Jan. 1, l.s.S,'). He then witlidrew from the Free Baptists and united with the Baptists, and was located in China, Me., to April, 1888 ; Chatham, Mass., to Oct., 1890; .Meredith, Oct., 1890,'until he d., Nov. G, 1892. Memi)er of Board of Trustees of JMaine State Baptist Convention. School Supervisor in Industry, Me. A. F. and A. M. I. O. O. F. Ch., by w. Sophia, — i. John Backus, b Industry, Me., May 20, 1853. m. July 1, 1879, Maria L. Tutt. Slioe-cutter. res. Lynn, Mass. ii. Harry Young, b. Industry, Me", Oct. 6, 18G1. m. Nov. 26, 1885, Hattie E. Burton. (See Augustus R. Burton.) Shoe manufr. res. Lynn, Mass. iii. Til \i;i.i;s, d. in infancy, iv. Wi 1,1.1 E, d. in infancy. ENGLISH. 1. David English, h. in i:ng. in IGGl. m. May 27, 1G88, Eliza- beth Arnold. He d. in Eng., Sept. G, 170-4. Five cii. 2. Richard English, son of David \ b. in Eng,, June 6, IGOO. m. Feb. 17, 1712, Mary Hinksman of Newport, R. I. He emigrated to America in 1710, in the brig " Swallow," and landed in Newport, R. 1. d. March, 1776. One ch. 190 JEnglish — Fn dy — Everett. 3. John English, son of Richard ^ b. Aug., 1713. m. Nov. 9, 1737, Abigail Newcomb, d. Jan. 28, 1785. He d. Oct. 18, 1758. 4. Abel English, son of John ^ b. Jul}' 4, 1753. m. May 15, 1777, Anne Calkins, of Nova ScoLia, b. in 1758, d. March 16, 1854. 5. John English, son of Abel *, b. March 18, 1788. m. Mary, dau. of Benjamin Carey, of Hartland, Vt. 6. John Waldkon PLvglish, son of John ^ b. in Waitsfield, Vt., June 13, 1824. m. first, March 27, 1850, Mary E. Colby, b. in Hen- niker, Aug. 28, 1825, d. in Hartland, Vt., Aug. 16, 1851. m. second, Julv 16, 1852, Melissa, dau. of Amos Hubbard (See), b. in L. Aug. 7, 1828, Universalist. He res. in L. from 1861 until he d., May 23, 1891. Farmer. Universalist. Democrat. Selectman, 1869 and 1873. Super- visor, 1880-1-2-3. J. P. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., b}' w. Melissa, — i. Frank Gary, b. IlarthuKl, Vt., Feb. 1, 1854, fl. Woodstock, Vt., Jan. 5, 18G0. 7. ii. Fred Hubbard, b. Woodstock, Vt., Jan. 8. 1858. iii. Eugene Grant, b. L. Dec. 10, 1SG5. res. Spokane, Wash. 7. Fked Huubaud English, son of John Waldron *', b. in Wood- stock, Vt., Jan. 8, 1858. n\. July 31, 1882, Chirabel, dau. of Edward B. Richardson, b. in Lisbon, Nov. 10, 1859. He has res. in L. since 1S64 Merchant. Democrat. Member Boaid of Health, 1892-3-1. jMcmher Board of Education, Union District, 1891 to 6 inc. Sec. L. Musical Association, 1893-4-5. Director L. Shoe Co. A. F. and A. ]\I., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. Em. Com. 32° A. A. S. R. No ch. (liook of Biogra[)hies, Grafton Co., p. 142.) EUDY. 1. William David Eudy, son of William, b. in Bethlehem, March 15, 1841. m. Dec. 31, 1870, Maria Woodljury, dau. of Marcus Bnnvn, b. in Bethlehem, March 11, 1843. He has res. in L. since 1871. Far- mer. Methodist. Republican. Co. C, 15th N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. R. Ch., b. in L., — i. Mary Grace, b. June 9, 1875. ii. Lkonard Angelo, b. Jan. 4, 1879. iii. Mabel, b. March 29, 1880, d. L. May 4, 1880. EVERETT. 1. Nathaniel II. Everett, b. in N. H. April 8, 1808. m. April 25, 1841, Mary Johnson, dau. of Isaac Stearns (See), b. in L. Nov. 27, 1813, d. Jan. 11, 1890. He res. in L. from 1840 to 1862. Pedler. d. in liath, July 31, 1870. Ch., b. in L., — 2. i. Charles Franklin, b. April 25, 1841. ii. Fred II., b. jSov. 1, 1844, d. L. Feb. 28, 1857. iii. Frank H., b. May 24, 1851. m. tirst, Dec. 25, 1875, Emma F. Farr. d. Sept. 24, 1871). nL second, Jan. 12, 1882, Mary G. Simons, res. Brad- ford, Vt. iv. Edwood Nathaniel, b. Sept. 14, 1855. m, Oct. 12, 1875, Mary G. Elliott, res. Bath. ' Everett — Fairhanh. 191 2. CiiAULKS Fkaxklin Eveuktt, soil of Nathaniel II. \ b. in L. April 2"). IS-ll. tn. first, May, 18G4, Helen, dan. of John Bowman (Sec), b. in L. Fel). 20, 18i2, d.'in L. Oct. 2, 1877. tn. second, Nov. 5, 187'.», Isalx'I, ih\n. of Jolm Noble, b. in Kingsley Falls, P. Q., in 1844. He res. in L. from birth nntil about bS8(). jMachinist. lie[)iiblican. Fire ward. 187(J-7. A. F. and A. AL, lUirns Lodge, d. Norwich, Conn., Jan. 1, 1888. No ch. FAIRBANK. 1. JoNATiiAX Fahjuank, witli his wif(>, (Jrace Lee, and six children, came from SomerI)y Parisli, A'v^est Riding, County of Yorkshire, Eng., and settl(>d in Dedham, INIass., about IGoU. He d. Dec. 5, 1068. 2. GEORrxi; Fairbank, second son of Jonathan ', settled al)out lGr)7 in the soutii part of Slierl)ni'n, now IMedway, where he d., Jan. 10, 1()82. He m. Aug. 26, 1G4G, Mary Adams, who d! Aug. 1703. 3. Jonathan' Faikbank, youngest son of George '-, b. INIay 1, 1GG2. Llis w. Sarah d. Juh' 9, 1713. He m. second, Anna. He was a physician in Sherburn, where he d., 1719. 4. (li:oK(iE Fatrbank, eldest son of Jonathan ®, b. April 14, 1G8."). m. Dec. 24, 1707, Lydia Gay of Wrentham. She d. 1717. lie m. sec- ond, 1718, Rachel Drary, d:ui. of Thomas and Rachel (Rice) Drnry of Framingham. He m. third. Sarah, who d. Jan. 2G, 1748. He lived in Framingham and Holliston. He d. 17r)3. 5. Drury Fairbaxk, son of George* and Rachel (Drnry) Fairbank, b. in Holliston. May 1, 1733. m. 1758, Deborah Leland. He lived in Holliston, where he d., June 19, 178G. 6. Drury Fairbank, son of Drur}- ^, b. in Holliston, Mass., Oct. 13, 1772. m. first, May 25, 1800, Lucretia Rockwood, b. in Holliston, jNLiss., July 'lb, 1775, d. in Plymouth, Jan. 29, 1817. m. second, Sarah, dau. of Francis Worcester, granddau. of Francis, and great-granddau. of Francis •* (See), b. in Plvmouth, Sept. 28. 1789, d.'in L. May 21, 185G. He res. in L. from May 3, 1820, until he d., Jan. 11, 1853. He grad. from P>rown University in 1797; studied theology witli Dr. Em- mons, of Franklin, Mass., and was ordained pastor of tlie Cong. Church, Plymouth, Jan. 8, 1800, where he remained until March 18, 1818. He Avas engaged in Home Mission work two years, and then came to L. He was the first pastor of tlie Cong, church of L., being installed May 3, 1820, and holding that position until March IG, 1arrett, Jr., and granddan. of Thorntou and Abigail Barrett, b. in BeLlilebeni, May 10, 1804, d. in L. Jan. 24, 1890. He res. in Bethleliera until 1865, when he removed to this town, where he d., Aug. 15, 1871. Farmer. Republican. Ch., b. in Bethlehem, — i. Betsey, b. 1820. m. Horace Whitcomb, farmer, res. Bath, ii. Mei.inda H., b. Oct. 1822. ni. George Woodrow, farmer, res. Cole- brook. She d. Jan. 19, 1855. iii. Catherine P., b. 1824. m. Oct. 1845, Lucius Chickerins;, clersvman. He d. We.ston, Vt., Sept. 18, 1872. iv. William H., b. June, 182B. Fanner, d. Betldehem, March 2, 1859. V. Mary Ann, b. June, 1828. m. Caleb Stevens, merchant. Siie d. Bethle- hem, Aug. 9, 1876. vi. John, b. Sept. 1831, d. Bethlehem, Sept. 8, 1833. vii. Ludame, b. 1834, d. Bethlehem, May 1, 1840. viii. Lucv E., b. March, 1836. ni. Darius L. Guernsey, insurance agent. She d. Concord, June 15, 18G1. ix. Elvii!a S., b. June G, 1838. ni. Ambrose Blandin, farmer. She d. Betldehem, Dec. 7, 1890. X. .John P., b. 1840. m. first, March 4. 18G9, Clarinda W. Brooks. She d. Franklin, Mass., March 4, 1876. m. second, Jennie M. King. Banker, res. Sioux Rapids, Iowa. xi. Sarah, b. Dec. 28, 1842. m. Noah Farr i« (See). xii. Dyer J., b. June, 1850. unm., d. New Hampton, May 26, 1873. FARR. Thomas Farr, probably not a son of George Farr, w\ns an early resi- dent of Lynn, JNIass. His sons were Stephen, Jonathan, Thomas, and John. Stephen Farr, son of Thomas, was a soldier in King Philip's War, other children, John, Samuel, Wary, and Thomas, were probably h in Stow, Mass. The children and grandchildren were distributed in Stow, Littleton, and Acton. Samuel Farr, son of Stephen, m. Hannah Whitney, dan. of Richard and Elizabeth (Sawtell ) Whitney of Stow, and Hannah Farr was named in the will of her father. Their children were : Samuel, Daniel, Jona- than, Abraham, Lydia, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Hep.sibah. Farr. 103 1. Saju'el P\\i:it, soil of Saimiel, is the ancestor of the Littleton families bearing the name. He m. Abigail , and settled in Stow, JNIass. He sold his Cann in Stow l)y a deed dated 17G1, a(;knowledged 17il*i, and riMnoved to Ciiesterfield, where he purchased, ]\I;irch 30, 17(>4, lots 1) and 11 in tlie loth range. He signed the Association Test 1 77(!, and his name annually apijcars n[)on tiie tax list of Chesterfield until about 171)0. 2. KuKNEZKU Fx\UR, SOU oC Saiiiuel \ b. in Stow, INIass., Aug. IS, 17r)0. in. Feb. (5, 1777, Marv Titus, b. May 13, 1753 or 4, daii. of Joseph and INlary (Haslvins) Titus. He was a minute-man, and was called into service in a company commanded by Lieut. Oliver Col)leigh in the summer of 1777. He came from (Miesterlield to Littleton about 1800, and d. here Feb. lo, 1833. His widow d. .Ian. 23, 1840. Ch., b. in Chesterfield, — •\. i. Ebenkzer, 1). .Ian. 2fi, 1778. 4. ii. NoAii, b. Dec. 8, 177U. iii. Mary, b. March 15, 1782. ni. Levi Ilildreth (See). 5. iv. I'lTus, b. .luly 9, 1784. (). V. Elijah, b. July b, 1786. 7. vi. Joseph, b. July 6, 1788. vii. I5en,tamin, b. Miirch 15, 179'. viii. LcciNDA, b. 17'.t."). in. Timothy Nurse (See). 3. Ebpznezer Fahr, son of Ebenezer^, b. in Chesterfield, .Tan. 2(;. 1778. m. in 1799, Sarah, dau. of Ephraiin Wheeler, b. in Chesterfield, June 28, 177G, d. in L. March 2, 1848, Cong. He res. in L. from 180G until he d., April, 1852. Farmer. Ch.,— i. Fannie, b. Cheslerfiehl, Jan. ]2, 1800. ni. Frank Whhney, fanner. She (1. Nashua, 1872. 8. ii. Haskell, b. Chesterfield. Oct. 1803. iii. Lovica, b. Ciiesterfield, 1804. ni. Samuel Towne (See). iv. Ehenezer, b. L. 1800, d. 1877. Mason. 9. V. Lorenzo, b. L. 1801». vi. Eveline, b. L. 1809. m. Henry Thomas (See). Susan W., b. L. 1812. m. Jothani S. Bemis, farmer. She d. N. Y. 1878. LuciNDA, b. L. 1814. pub. Uec. 12, 1832, Jesse Mardene, farmer. She d. L. Feb. 1847. Sarah, b. L. 1816. m. Francis W. Bemis, farmer. She d. L. 18i;(). Ei'HRAui W.,b. L. Oct. 11, 1817. Norman, b. L Sept. .'10, 1819. 4. Noah Farr, son of Ebenezer-, b. in Chesterfield, Dec. 8, 1779. m. Jan. 25, 1803, Lydia, dan. of John Cobleigh, b. in Chesterfield, June 14, 1784, d. in L. Dec. 8, 1856, Cong. He res. in L. from l'S03 until he d., April 2, 1842. Farmer. Cong. Deacon. Whig. Ch., b. in L., — 12. i. Oilman, b. Jan. 8, 1808. i:i. ii. John, b. Mav 22, 1810. 14. iii. pHiLANDER,'b. Feb. 21, 1812. iv. Deborah M., b. Aug. 12, 1814, d. L. Dec 5, 18.30. V. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 21, ISIG. m. Noah Gile (See). -" vi. PiiiNiSA, b. .Jan. 1, 181',i. ni. ^Marshall I). Cobleigli (See).": 15. vii. Nelson Cobleigh, b. .lune 18, 1824. 5. Titus Farr, son of Ebenezer'-, b. in Chesterfield, July 9, 1784. m. in 180G, Abigail Whitney, b. in Chesterfield, May 19, 1785, d. in L. vol. II. — 13 VII. viii. ix. 10. .X. 11. xi. 194 Farr. April 5, 1862. She m. second, Joseph Farr (See). Titns res. in L. from 1803 until he d., May 10, 1827. P^araier. Ch., b. in L., — ■ i. Mart, b. June 21, 1800, d. Jan. 25, 1890. iinm., d. L. ii. Louisa, m. Moses Rix. She d. Oct. 9, 1894. iii. SopnuoNiA, b. Sept. 21, 1812. ni. Charles Closson (See). iv. Marilla, b. Aug. 21, 1814. ni. Natlian Applebee-^ (See). 16. V. Elanson, b. Feb. 19, 1819. vi. RosiNA, m. Benjamin Lowd. vii. Alba A., pub. Dec. 20, 1848, Maria Crosby, res. Metliuen, Mass. viii. S vRAPHiNA, b. 1821. ni. Feb. 5, 1840, Uansom Smitii. He d. Gorham. ix. Alfred, b. 1824, d. Cal. 6. Elijah Farr, son of EI)enezcr-, b. in Chesterfield July 5, 1786. ni. Oct. 8, 1812, Polly Burnhaui. He res. in L. from 1806 until he d., July 29, 1846. Farmer. Ch., b. in L., — i. Olive, b. March 8, 1813, d. L. May 1. 1818. ii. NoAii Titus, b. July 19, 1814. ( iii. Charles Ci>ark, b. Oct. 15. 1816. iv. Amanda, b. Dec. 21, 1818. pub. Aug. 20, 1842, George II. Palmer. 17. V. Alpha Burnham, b. March 22, 1821. vi. Caroline Rorins, b. Oct. 15, 182M vii. Mauy Danforth, b. May 21, 1820. pub. Aug. 31, 1840, Samuel W. Cushman. 7. JosErH Farr, son of Ebenezer -, b. in Chesterfield, Jul}- 6, 1788. m. first, Ma}-, 1816, Betse}' Danfortli, b. in Templeton, Mass., July 30, 1788, d. in L. Aug. 16, 1833. m. second, March, 1835, Abigail Whit- ney, widow of Titus Farr (See), b. in Chesterfield, JNIay 19, 1785. d. in L. Aprils, 1862. Cong. He res. in L. from 1803 until he d., March 29, 1874. Farmer. Ch., bj- w. Betsey, b. in L., — i. Betsey, b. March 21, 1818. m. Douglas Robins (See). ii. Adaline, b. May 10, 1820. m. Dec. 22, 1842, Loomis Wells, farmer. He d. Sept. 24, 1890. She d. Granby, Vt., April 4, 1874. iii. Cyrus Danforth, b. April 22, 1823, d. L. March 9, 1850. 18. iv. John Wilder, b. May 20, 1825. V. Elmira Green, b. March 12, 1828, d. L. Dec. 12, 1829. 8. Ha.skell Farr, son of Ebenezer^, b. in L. Oct. 1803. m. Betse}-, dau. of Natlianiel Ilurlbutt, b. in Dalton in 1808, d. in L. in 1847. He res. in L. from biith to 1867. Farmer, d. in Taunton, Mass., June, 1887. Ch., b. in L.,— i. EvALiNE, d. in L. ii. Betsey Jane, d. L. 1846. iii. Louisa, ni. Charles Fisk, farmer. She d. Dalton, Dec. 25, 1862. iv. Alba, b. April 30, 1841. Farmer, d. Dalton, Oct. 1869. V. Edmund N., b. July 29, 1842. Mechanic, res. New Bedford, Mass. vi. Laura J., b. Sept. 17, 1845. m. Aug. 12, 1872, Henry F. Walker, pro- vision merchant. She d. Taunton, Mass., April 1, 1895. vii. ELiz\i!ETH,b. 1847. res. Dalton. 9. I^ORENzo Farr, son of Elienezer ^ b. in L. March 11, 1809. ni. Dec. 27, 1834, Eliza, dau. of Aaron Edmunds, b. in Dalton, April 15, 1814, d. in Boston, Mass., Feb. 1891. He res. in L. from birth to 1839. Farmer, d. in Dalton, Nov. 25, 1884. Farr. 195 Ch., I), in Dalton, — i. Sumner, b. Marcli 18, 1830. m. May 12, 1809, Ann Clark. Farmer. res. Dalton. ii. Laura, b. Aug. 18, 1840. ni. Leonard Bowker, book-keeper. He d. Boston. Mas.s., 1894. iii. Eliza Ann, b. 1842, d. young. iv. Edwin, b. Dec. 14, 1845. ni. Ella Wallace. Physician, res. Boston, Mass. V. Henry, b. 1847, d. 3'0)nig. vi. Sauah, b. 1849, d. young. 10. EiMiK.uM W. Faku, son of Ebenezer ^, b. in L.Oct. 11, 1817. ni. March 20, 1840, Lovina, dan. of John Hunter (See), b. in L. Marcii, l.S2(), Methodist. He res. in \j. (Voni birth to 1840; has now renewed his residence iiere. Constable and collector. Farmer. iMethodist. A. F. and A. M. Ch.,— i. Charles J., b. L. Dec. 3, 1840, d. Fair Oaks, Va., June 5, 18G2. fitli N. H. Inf. ii. George VV., b. Boston, :\Iass., Dec. 12, 185.3. ni. first, 1875, I. Eva Moulton. Slie d. 1877. m. second, 1882, Pauline Duard. He d. Ro.\- bury, Mass., Dec. 25, 1883. 11. Normal Fauu, son of Ebenezer^, b. in L. Sei)t. 30. 1819. ni. Nov. 23, 1847, Mary, dau. of John Hunter, b. in L. Nov. 22, 1828. d. in Dalton, July 30, 1870. He res. in L, in 3-outh, and from 1870 to 1880. Farmer. Democrat, d. in Bethlehem, Feb. 20, 1887. Ch., b. in Dalton, — i. Elbiudge, b. Jan. 31. 1850, d. Dalton, Sept. 7, 1850. ii. CuuTis T., b. July 29, 1851. m. Jan. 1, 1881, Mary Lafrance. Laborer. res. Dalton. Divorced, iii. Mary, b. May 2, 1852 ni. Marcli 27, 1874, Lewis Pyer, laborer, res. L. iv. John, b. July 27, 1855, d. Dalton, Nov. 7, 1803. V. Lizzie, b. May 2, 1857, d Dalton, Feb. 20, 1870. vi. Sarah, b. IMarcli 9, 1800, d. Dalton, Nov. 22, 1802. vii. Laura, b. April 5, 1803, d. Dalton, May, 1807. viii. Alice, b. Oct. 10, 1807. ni. Bernice Pennock (See). 12. GiLMAN Farr, son of Noah \ b. in L. Jan. 8, 1808. m. April G, 1831, Philena, dau. of Abijah Allen (Sec), b. in L. Nov. 16, I80i), d. in L. June 28, 1878, Cong. He res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Cong. Republican, d. in L. Dec. ib, ISO'J. Ch., b. in L., — i. Lydia Cobleigh, b. Feb. 21, 1833. m. Martin W. Hatch (See). 19. ii. Noah, b. Dec. 10, 1837. iii. Julia Allen, b. April 28, 1838. m. March 20, 1801, Benjamin F. Lane, farmer, res. Whitefield. 20. iv. Theron Allen, b. Dec. 28, 1839. v. Almira Allen, b. July 31, 1842. ni. Nov. 5, 1864, William I). Thomp- son, hotel-keeper, res. Bath, vi. Philena Allen, b. Jan. 8, 1849. m. Irving Allison Watson (See). 13. John Farr, son of Noah*, b. in L. Ma}- 22, 1810. m. first, March 5, 1833, Trvphena, dau. of Joseph Morse'' (See), b. in Haver- hill, Oct. 27, 1809,' d. in L. April 27, 1851, Cong. m. second, May 18, 1852, Elizabeth, dau. of Levi Morrill, and widow of Zadock Bownuin, b. in Wliitefield, Sept. 14, 1810, d. in Nashua, Aug. 3, 1801, Cong, m. third, Oct. 8, 1862, Emma Mary, dau. of Henry Hall, and widow of George Storrs Woolson (See), b. in Guildhall, Vt., March 24, 1833, Cong. He res. in L. all his life, excei)t 1847 and 8, when he was in 196 Farr. Glover, Vt. He was edneaUMl in the district schools, commenced the study ol" law witli William J. Bellows and C W. Rand, in 1852, and was admitted to the Har in Ilaverhill, Sept. 1854. He practised law in L. for thirt}" years. Among his printed articles are a I'eport of the Commission to consider matters relating to the Winnepesaukee Lake Cotton and Woollen Maniifactnring Company, 1879, and historical articles in the Littleton "• Argus." Tiie law firms he was connected with were : Rand & Farr, 1853 to 4 ; Bellows & Farr, 1854 to 1) ; John Farr & Son, 1M(]7 to 73. Cong. Deacon. Democrat, Whig, and Re- publican. Selectman, 1840 and 1853. Deputy sheriff, 1840 to 1846 inc. Co. Commissioner, 1862-G8. Member J'oard of Education, Union Distiict, and Treasurer, 1875 to 9 inc^ Lake Commissioner. 1879. ]\Iember of Constitutional Convention. 1.S7G. State Delegate to Loyalist National Convention, Phila., 1866. Town Treasurer, 1S54. Prest. L. National Bank, 1871 to 88, and Director to 1891. Prest. L. Savings Bank, 1871 to 80, and Director to 1892. Police Justice, Feb. 24, 187^7, to April 9, 1880. J. P. d. in L. Oct. 12, 1892. (Biog. G. and C. Bar Assn., Vol. 2, p. 549.) Ch., l)y w. Trypiiena, — i. Cat?oline Ely, b. L. Dec. 22, 1833, d. L. Dec. 16, 1830. 21. ii. Geouge, b. L. Feb. 12, 18.30. iii. Ellen Maky, b. L. April 21,1837. m. Dec. 7, ISOO, James A.Page, res. Haverhill. iv. John, b. L. Dee. 7, 1838. umiL, res. Orlando, Fla. A. Y. and A. M. 22. V. EvARTS WoKCESTER, b. L. Oct, 10, 1840. vi. Caroline, b. L. March I'J, 1843. m. Benjamin Franklin Page (See). 23. vii. Charles Albert, b. Glover, Vt., Feb. 5, 1848. Ch., by w. Emma, — viii. Stella 11. , b. L. Feb. 12, 1865. unm., res. L. 14. Philander Faur, son of Noah'*, b. in L. Feb. 21, 1812. m. first, July 20, 1837, Amanda, dau. of Comlbrt Day (See), b. in Chesterfield in 1815, d. in L. April 20, 1869. m. second, March 29, 1871, Susan F., dau. of Nathan Morse, b. in Concord, Vt., in 1819. He res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Cong. Repul)lican. Appointed Lieut. Uth Co. 32d Regt. N. IL Militia, April 9, 1838 ; vacatetl March 17, 1839. d. in L. June 11, 1874. Ch., b. in L. , — i. Persis, b. Feb. 17, 1840. m. James W. Robins. ii. Comfort Day, b. June 23, 1846. m. Nov. 7, 1874, Ella C. Bailey, res. Detroit, Midi. 15. Nelson Cobleigii Farr, son of Noah ^ b. in L. June 18, 1824. m. first, Aug. 24, 1845, Augustia A. Smith, b. in Lancaster, Jan. 15, 1826, d. in Bethlehem, June 25, 1858, Cong. m. second, JNLa}' 1. 1860, Sophronia L., dau. of Lorenzo D. Fisher (See), b. in L)alton, Oct. 27, 1831. She m. first, Jonathan W. Wallace, ra. third, George D. Lewis (See). Cong. Nelson res. in L. nearly all his life. Mer- chant. Cong. Deacon. Republican. Director L. National Bank, 1875-9 inc. Director L. Savings Bank, 1871-85. J. P. A. F'. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. He d. in L. March 7, 1884. Ch., by w. Sophronia, — i. Infant Son, b. L. xVug. 17, 1862. d. L. Aug. 17, 1862. Farr. 197 16. Ei-A\soN Faku. son of Titus •\ b. Feb. 19, 1819. ni. Oct. 21, 18-13, IhiniKih Clark, dan. oCElxniezer Rix, b. in Dalton, Feb. 7. 1822. INIethodist. He res. in L. all lii.s lite. Farmer. Methodist. liei)ub- lican. d. in L. Ai)ril 15, 1880. Ch., b. in L., — i. Gkoroe W., 1). Sei)t. 18, 181(). in. liattie Deal. He d. Sacramento, Cal., .Ausr. 28, 1881. 24. ii. IIknuv IIikam, h. Feb. 24. 1849. iii. E.Mii.v W., 1), June 8, 1850. m. Aug. 15, 1874, George Iv Fuller, car- ])enter, res. Lawrence, Mass. iv. Charles T., b. Feb. 10, 1852, d. Methuen, Mass., April 20, 1877. V. EsTELi,A H , b. May 27, 1855. ni. John G. Elliott- (See). vi. Ada M., b. Dec. 18, 1850. Clerk, res. Lawrence, Mass. 17. Alpha Buhxham Fakk. son of Elijah •', b. in L. iNIarch 22. 1S21. m. Oct. G, 1842, Betsey Melvin. dan. of Peter Blanchard, b. in Groton, June 9, 1822. He "res. in L. iVoni birth until 1836. For three years City Marshal of Lowell, Mass. Adjutant of Gth Mass. Inf. Col. "2(!th Mass. Inf. After the war was in the Boston Custom House twelve years, d. in Runinev, July 4, 1879. (Granite Monthly, Feb. 1894, p"; 75.) Ch., — i. Kate, b. in Groton, Jan. (5, 18G1. in. June 20, 1881, Warren G. Chase, lumber nianufr. res. Plymouth. (Adopted.) 18. John Wilder Faur, son of Joseph ', b. in L. May 2(5, 1825. m. first, Sept. 12, 1855, p:iiza D.. dan. of Samuel Phelps, b. in Grantham, Ont., July 24, 1838, d. in L. May 22, 1861. m. second, Dec. 29, 1863, Alwilda Pollina, dau. of Erastns Lane, Jr., b. in Lancaster, Dec. 29, 1840. Cong. He has res. in L. all his life except ten years, from 1847 to 1857. Farmer. Cong. Kepul)lican. Representative, 1895-6. Master White Mt. Grange,"l 883 4-5-92-3. Mem])er of the Advisory Council of the World's Congress Au.xiliary on Farm Culture and Cereal Industry, also a member of the World's Agricultural Congresses con- vened at Chicago during the World's Fair. Ch., I)}- w. Eliza, — i. Marietta Phelps, b. Grantham, Ont., June 14, 1856. m. Nov. 20, 1880, Alba A. Glovier, clergyman. She d. Lisbon, Dec. 1, 1882. ii. Nellie Eliza, b. L. March 15, 18G1. unm., res. L. Ch., by w. Alwilda, b. in L., — iii. Edward Cyrus, b. April 2-3, 1805. unm. Farmer, res. Orange, iv. Joseph Erastus, b. July 27, 1807, d. L. Feb. 15, 1869. V. Almira Lillian, b. Mav 20, 1871. m. Spooner. res Franconia. vi. John- Wilder, b. .July 20, 1875. ni. May 6, 1890, Lula Emma Bedell, dau. of Curtis (See), res. L. 19. XoAH Farr, son of Gilman i-, b. in L. Dec. 10, 1837. m. first, Dec. 17, 1867, Marv, dau. of Gideon Griggs (See), b. in L. JNIay 7, 1834, d. in L. Mav 7, 1869, Cong. m. second. Nov. 8, 1870, Sarah A., dau. of Jedediah Farmer (See), b. in Bethlehem, Dec. 28, 1842, Cong. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Republican. Treasurer Town School Board, 1892-3-4. Rei)resentative, 1899-1900. 198 Farr. Cli., by w. Sarah, b. in L., — i. Arthur Noah, b. Dec. 21, 1871. in. Nov. 2, 1897, Georgie M. Rounsc- val. res. L. Farmer, ii. Alrekt Leroy, b. May 9, 1878. 20. Theron Allen Farr, sou of Gilman^-, b. in L. Dec. 28, 1839. ni. Nov. 17, 1873, Alice Hale, dan. of ]\Iarquis L. Goold (See), b. in L. Feb. 8, 1848, Cong. He has re.s. in L. all his life. Cleric. Republican. Member Board of Health, 1892-3-4. Captain Co. G, 5th N. H. Inf. ; mustered out as 1st Lieut. G. A. II. Ch., b. in L., — i. Walter Herbert, b. Oct. 20, 1874. d. L. Nov. 4, 1898. ii. Harry Marquis, b. Nov. 18, 1878. 21. George Farr, sou of John ^'^, b. in L. Feb. 12, 1836. m. Jan. 11, 1871, Eliza Caroline, dan. of James Boyntou, b. in Jefferson, Me., Sept. 22, 184.5, Episcopal. Prest. Woman's Relief Corps, 1887-8. He res. in L. all his life. Hotel-keeper. Republican. Grad. Dart. Coll. 1862. Selectman, 1884-5. Moderator, 18<85 to 90, and 1894-5. Member Board of Education, Union District, 1868-9 and 1880 to 86 inc. ; and Treasurer, 1880 to 84 inc. De[)uty sheriff, 1870 to 77 inc. Prest. L. Musical As.sociation, 1888-9. Police Justice, April 9, 1880, to Marcli 19, 1895. Department Commander G. A. R. for N. H. 1886. Commander Marshal Sanders Post, G. A. R., 1882. Delegate to National Encampment, G. A. R., 1884-5-6. Director L. Savings Bank, 18,S!J to 95. Prest. N. H. Grange Fair Association, 1894. Mas- ter of Northern N. II. Pomona Grange, 1888 to 1892 inc. Capt. Co. I), 13th N. H. Inf. A. F. and A. M.,^Burns Lodge. I. O. O. F., N. G. (N. H. Men). lie d. L. March 19, 1895. Ch., b. in L., — i. Grace Emma, b. Dec. .3, 1871. m. Herbert K. Hallett (See). ii. Gertrude Tryphkna, b. Sept. 15, 1S73. ni Jan. 6, 189G, William Stewart Kenney. res. L. Hotel cleric, iii. Leslie Boynton, b. Dec. 1, 1878. Student Dart. Coll. 1902. 22. EvARTS Worcester FArr, son of John *^ b. in L. Oct. 10, 1840. m. May 19, 1861, Ellen Frances, dau. of Augustus Burpee, b. in New Hampton, Nov. 14, 1840, Episcopal. He res. in L. all his life. He was educated in L. common schools, and Thetford Academ}- ; entered Dart. Coll. Class of 1863, and attended one term. P^nlisted in 2d Regt. N. H. Inf., and was made Capt. of Co. G ; lost his right arm in battle of Williamsburg, Va. ; was promoted to Major of the 11th Regt., and served until close of the war. He commenced the study of law in 1860 with his father, .lohn Farr, and was admitted to the Bar at Lancaster, July, 1867. He entered into partnership with his father under tlie firm name of John Farr & Son, where he remained until 1873, when his father retired. He remained in practice in L. until he d., Nov. 30, 1880. He was Dept.-As.sessor 1864 to 1869, and Assessor of Internal Reve- nue, 1869 to 72 ; Member of 46th Congress, 1879, until he d. Elected to 47th Congress. Councillor, 1876 ; Solicitor of Grafton Co., 1873 and 1876 to 9 ; Member Board of Education, Union District, 1871 to 4 inc. ; Prest. L. Musical Association, 1878 to 80 inc. ; first Commander Marshal Sanders Post, G. A. R., 1879 ; Delegate to Right Worthy Grand Farr — Fi'r-">. m. George W. Fidler (See). V. Simeon, b. Dalton, 183(3. m. Laura Gage. Fanner. She d. Dalton, Nov. 17, 1804. vi. Faxny Kmma, b. Dalton, 1842. m. William Hunt, mill-liand. res. Lancaster, vii. Richard, b. Dalton, 1H4.J. 3. viii. Kylan E., b. Dalton, Mav 7, 1845. 4. i.\. liuKT IIenrv, b. L. March 24, 1848. X. Eugene, b. Dalton, 1849, d. 18.'>l). xi. George, b. L. 185.'!. m. Ida -lohnson. Farmer, res. Hanover. 2. William Fisk, .son of William ', 1). in Cavendish, Vt.. Fi;!). 1.5, 1S21. m. Jane E., dau. of Ei-astii.s Gage, h in Newbin-y, Vt., d. in L. March, 1883. He res. in L. from ISGG until about 1878. Farmer. Ch., — i. Jennie, b. Lyme, d. young. ii. Leona, 1). Lyme, .March 4, 1854 m. Nov. 25, 1875, William Rose- brooks, res. Carroll. 0. iii. Henry William, b. L. Dec. 10, 1855. iv. Jennie, b. Lyme, Jan. 28, 1858. m. Frank Wiiitcomb. res. Dalton. 3. RvL.VN E. FiSK, son of William ^ 1). in Dalton, May 7, 184.5. m. July 18, 1881, Mary, dau. of Jose|)h Palmer, b. in Hanover, Oct. 1, 1815. He res. in L. from 1875 until ho d., Jan. 20, 1892. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., — 1. Harry B., b. L. Oct. 19, 1884. 4. Burt Hknry Fisk, son of William \ b. in. L. March 24, 1848. m. Jan. I'J, 1887, Delia Lydia, dau. of Jessie Leavenworth Rowe (See), b. in Parton, Canada, iNIay 20, 18GG. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat. 5. Henry William Fisk, son of William '-, b. in L. Dec. 10, 1855. m. Oct. 21, 1876, Ivah Bell, dau. of Augustince C. Gaskill (See), b. in Bath, Nov. 24, 1857. He has res. in L. all his life. Truckman. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Blanche May, b. July 0, 1877. in. Nov. 20, 1890, Henry Ellsworth Ricliardson, bank cashier, res. L. ii. Nina Fav, b. Feb. 21, 1880. m. March 20, 1899, Clarence S. B. Walker, res. L. FITCH. 1. Zachery Fitch, the emigrant ancestor, was admitted freeman in Lynn, Mass., Sept. 7, 1G38. in. Mary . He moved about 1641 to that part of Reading now Wakefield, Mass., and lived on Fit(;h Lane, 202 Fitch. Fitch Hill, so-called, being a part of his homestead. He was made dea- con in 1645, and held the office until he d., June 9, 1682, Selectman, 1649-51-61. 2. Samuel Fitch, son of Zacheiy \ b. March 6, 1645, res. in Read- ing. Mass. m. first, April 23, 1673, Sarah, dau. of Job Lane, d. Oct. 2, 1679. m. second, July 26, 1681, Rebecca Merriam. 3. Samuel Fitch, son of Samuel"'^ and Sarah (Lane), b. Ma}- 4, 1674. m. first, March 20, 1695, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Wyman) Walker, d. Nov. 26, 1716. m. second, Eunice Taylor, d. Aug. 27, 1767, aged 91 years. He inherited a fourth of the Winthrop farm in Billerica, but now in Bedford, Mass., from his grandfather Job Lane, and lived on it until he d., Afjril 4, 1742. He was the first town clerk and one of the first Board of Selectmen of Bedford. 4. Jeremiah Fitch, son of SamueP, and Elizabeth (Walker), m. Feb. 3, 1735/6, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Catherine (Whiting) Lane, b. Oct. 14, 1716. He res. in Bedford, Mass. 5. MosES Fitch, son of Jeremiah ^ b. March 3, 1755. m. Nov. 14, 1782, Rachel, dau. of Capt. Edward and Lucy (Wyman) Stearns, and the sixth in descent from Isaac Stearns, who came from Eng. in the same ship as Gov. Winthrop, in 1630. and settled in Watertown, Mass. He was admitted " Freeman" in 1631, the earliest date of any such admission. He d. June 19, 1671. Rachel was b. Nov. 3, 1758, d. May 23, 1817. Moses was in the battle of Concord, April 19, 1775, and the next day entered the Continental Army and served until the battle of White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 1776, when a part of his shoulder- blade was shot awav. Cong. Deacon of Bedford, Mass., June 10, 1805. d. in Bedford", Mass., Oct. 12, 1825. 6. Solomon Fitch, eldest son of Moses ^ b. in Bedford, Mass., Nov. 8, 1783. m. Jan. 7, 1808, Susannah, dau. of Benjamin and Mary (Parks) Fuller, b. in Charlestown, July 30, 1788, d. in L. July 30, 1870. He res. in L. from Jan. 7, 1808, until he d., Nov. 18, 1870. Farmer. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Elijah, b. June 30, 1809, d. Nov. 22, 1809. 7. ii. Elijah, b. Dec. 19, 1810. iii. Twin Boys, b. May 29, 1813, d. June 10, 1813. iv. Leonard Fuller, b. May 10, 1815. m. Feb. 16, 1840, Hannah Gil- christ. Ice-dealer. He d. Rockland Lake, N. Y., June 25, 1880. V. Susan, b. June 13, 1817. m. Dec. 22, 1842, Cliarles R., son of William Morrison of Bath, lawyer. Judge Circuit Court. Compiler of Mor- rison's Digest and other valuable law-books. Adjutant lltii N. II. Inf. res. in Concord. He d. Sept. 15, 1893. Shed. Feb. 20, 1900. (Hist. nth N. H Vols. pp. 6, 29, 31. Bar Association Proceedings, p. 546. Hist. Morrison Family, p. 361.) vl. Louisa Clark, b. July 18, 1820, d. May 15, 1839. vii. Elvira Bonney, b. Aug. 30, 1822. m. Luther T. Dow (See), viii. Amanda Malvina, b. Jan. 14, 1825. m. June 2, 1847, Peter Stephens, justice. Slie d. Nyack, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1892. ix. Austin Taylor, b. Aug. 8, 1827. m. June 12, 1853, Sarah Gasque. Ice-dealer, res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 8. X. Charles Henry, b. Sept. 11, 1829. Fitrh. 203 7. Km.taii Fitcii, son f)f SoIoiiK^n ""', 1). in L. Dec. 19, 1810. m. Dec*. 10, 1840, Linda, dau. of Joscpli Qtiiinl)v, b. in Lisbon, Jnly "27, l.SO"). d. in L. Jnlv 8, 1880. He res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Republican, d. in L. Jnlv G, 1887. Ch., 1). in" L.,— i. Louisa, b. 1811. in. April G, 187G, Chiirles J. Kiii^, Signal Service officer. He d. Newport, Vt., Aug. 11, 1882. She d. L. July 8, 1887. 9. ii. Fkank, b. Aug. 17, 1845. 8. Cn.\RLKS Hi:\uY Fitch, son of Solomon •"% b. in L. Sept. 11, 1829. m. Dec. 10, 18o(), Emily, dau. of Joiin D. Yonmans, b. in Rockland Co., N. Y., Aug. 19, 1832, Methodist. She d. Fel). 20, 1897. He res. in L. in yontli antl since 1. ii. Mary Delphi ne, b. Nov. "2, 18;;7. m. John Wesley Palmer (See). 9. iii. Francis West, b. April 2"), 1840. iv. Josephine, b 1847. Levi Ward Cobleifili. Co. L, N. II. Batt., 1st N. Iv Cav., and Co L, 1st N. II. Cav. Private, d. L. Dec. 21, 1874. m. second, (leorjje W. Plair. res. I'einbroke. 7. Ai FiTZOKR.vLi), son of Sanniel '', b. in L. Jan. 22, 1829. m. -June 2. 1883, Martlia Harvev, dau. of Jeremiah Carroll, b. in Waterville, Vt., aliout Lsf),",, Komaii Catiiolic. She d. L. May 10, 1899. He has res. in L. all his life. Manufacturer of doors, sash, and blinds. Demo- crat. Representative, 1887-8. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T. , St. Gerard Com. 32° A. A. S. R. I. O. O. F., N. G. No ch. 8. TiiKODOCius Dr.\kk Fitz(;i:k.\li), son of John ", b. in L. Jan. G, 183G. m. tirst, Jan. 30, LS60, Sarah A., dau. of Oliver Nurse (See), b. in L. IMarch 9, LS3.'), d. in L. April 9, 1886. She m. first, Jonathan Coron. m. second. Aug. 25, 1887, Helen, dau. of Brooks Palmer, b. in Lowell, Mass.. March 3l, 184G. d. in L. Nov. 22, 1890. She m. lirst, James Kimball, m. third, Lucy, dau. of John Cleaves, b. in Smithficld, Me., in 1831. Theodocius has res. in L. all his life. Stone-mason. Democrat. No ch. 9. Fkancis AVest Fitzgerald, son of John ^ b. in L. April 2.'), 1840. m. JLvrriet J., dau. of John AVoodward, b. in Dalton, Dec. 5, 1837, Free Baptist. He res. in L. all his life. Stone-mason. Republican. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. R. d. in L. April 1. 1892. Ch., b. in L., — i. Nellie H., b. Nov. 29, ISGO, d. L. March 27, 1875. ii. Francis Willie, b. March 12, ISih, d. L. Feb. 20, 1868. iii. Harvey, b. Feb 12, 18GS, d. L. Feb. 12, 1868. iv. Kate May, b. .March 22, IbO'J. m. Frederick A. Carpenter (See). 10. V. Bertie, b. Oct. 28, 187:3. vi. Christina Bell, b. Atiji. 8, 1870. m. Harley Rivers (Sec). 10. IjERTie FrrzGKRAi.i), son of Francis West', b. in L. Oct. 28, 1873. m. Dec. 23, 1891, ^lary, dan. of Joseph Maynard, b. in .Magog, P. C^.. June 17, 1874. He has res. in'L. all his life. Glover. Ch., — i. Arthur Morris, b. Feb. 24, 1895. 206 Flanders — Fletcher — Flint. FLANDERS. 1. ISTatfianiel Flanders, son of John, b. in Dorchester, Nov. 17, 1818. ni. April 4, 1846, lAlary Ann, clan, of Archibald McMui-|)liy, b. in Wentworth, Sei)t. 13, 1820, d. in L. June 12, 1894. lie ves. in L. from 1842 until he d., June 28, 1897. P^armer. Democrat. Select- man, 1877. Ch., — i. Walter P., b. L. March 22, 1850. in. Nov. 25, 1880, Ella 11. Keniick. Glover. He rl. L. March 6, 1885. ii. Emma C, b. Bethlehem, Nov. 11, 1852. num., res. L. 2. iii. George L., b. L. May 28, 1861. 2. George Leslie F^landers, son of Nathaniel', b. in L. May 28, ISC.l. m. May 20, 1884. Alice Isabel, dan. of Abijah Allen ^ (vSee), b. in L. March 31, 1860. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Dem- ocrat. Representative, 1893-4. Member Town .School Board, 1892- 3-4. Ch.,— i. R.\Y Walter, b. L. April 8, 1891. ii. Mary Adaline, b. L. April 26, 1899. FLETCHER. 1. Thomas jNIarsiiall Fletcher, son of Lucian M., b. in IMcdford, Mass., Jan. 10, 1840. m. Aug, 18, 1866, Mary E., dan. of Moses S. Webber, b. in Rumney, Sept. 2, 1848. He has res. in L. since 1881. Lumber supt. Universalist. Republican. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, p:. C, St. Gerard Com. K. T., 1891-2. 33° A. A. S. R. Master L. Chapter Rose Croix, 1896. Commander, G. A. R., 1886. Co. C", 39th Mass. Inf. Private. Ch., - i. Helen Clarissa, b. Rumney, Oct. 29, 18G8, d. Jan. 21, 1869. ii. Maria Ellen, b. Rumney, Oct. 29, 1870, d. same day. iii. Lucian Maynard, b. Wentworth, May 15, 1873, d. Sept. 12, 1883. FLINT. 1. Thomas Flint, b. in Matlock, Derbyshire, Eng., in 1603, came to America and was one of the six who first settled in Concord, Mass., in 1638. He in. Abigail , who d. Dec. 18, 1689, aged 82 years. He was a wealthy and prominent man, and represented the town from 1638 to 41. He was a devoted Christian, d. in Concord, Mass., Oct. S, 1653. 2. John Flint, son of Thomas ^, probabl\' b. in Concord, Mass., was styled Captain, m. Nov. 12, 1667, Mary Oakes, sister of Urian Uakes, Brest, of Harvard Coll., and dau. of P^dward Oakes of Concord, Mass. He was Town Clerk of Concord from 1680 to 87, and Repre- sentative, 1678-80-2. He d. Dec. 5, 1687. She d. June 9, 1690. 3. Thomas Flint, son of John-, b. in Concord, Mass., Jan. 16, 1682/3. 111. Jan. 15, 1717 8, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Rachel (Poul- terj Brown. He d. April 1, 1755. FUnf — Forjii — Fom. 207 4. John Flint, son of Thomas'', b. in Concord, Mass., May "2.j, 1731. ni. April 24, 1759, ]\Iai'v, dau. of Jolin and Anna (Wheeler) Bateman. Hod. in Concord, INIass., Doc. '12, 1773. 5. JoKL Flint, son of John*, b. in Concord, Mass., May (!, 17G2. m. about 178."), Silence, dan. of John Brooks, of Lincoln, Mass. He d. in Stoddard, Doc. 29, ISl'G. 6. IIknkv Hai{kison Flint, son of Joel '', b. in Stoddard, Oct. 10, 1812. m. Jinie 4, 1835, Sarah, dan. of Ebenezer and Mercy (Abbot) 15artlett, of Hancock. After marriage he emigrated to Shrevvsbnry, Mass., where he d., Sept. 10, 188G. 7. Elurtdge Flint, son of Henry Harrison *', b. in Shrewsbnr}', Mass., Nov. 9, 1845. ni. Sept. 9, 18(;8, Mary Eaton, dan. of Rnfns Fuller, b. in Burlington. Vt., May 21, 1849, ^Metliodist. The great- grandfather of Thomas Fuller came over in the " IMayflowor." El- bridge has res. in L. since 18()6. Jewelrj' merchant. Democrat. A. F. and A. ]M., Burns Lodge. I. O. O. F., Lafayette Lodge and L. Encampment. Ch.,— i. IJuFus Fked, b. L. May 21, 1873, d. L. Aug. IG, 1873. FOGG-. 1. John Albion Fogg, son of Ai S., b. in Gray, INIe., April 25, 1849. m. Oct. 2C), 1875, Carrie Luvia, dau. of James C. Kowell (See), b. in Concord, Vt., 3[av 6, 1855. He has res. in L. since 1873. Car[)enter. Republican. Fire ward, 1889-90-1. K. P. Ch., b. in L., — i. Jamks Herbert, b. Sept. 19, 1889. ii. Albion Rowell, b. June 14, 1891. 2. Edgar Osgood Fogg, son of Ai S., b. in Gray. Me., Dec. 5, 1863. ra. May 30, 1887, Alice, dau. of Donald Madison, b. in Independence, Iowa, Feb. 22, 1868. He has res. in L. since 1884. Carpenter. Re- publican. I. O. 0. Y. No. ch. FOSS. 1. Arthur Foss, son of Stepiien, b. in Thornton, Jan. 12, 1839. m. Sept. 19, 1866, Lizzie, dau. of Merrick Russell, b. in Bethlehem, July 21, 1849, Free Baptist. He has res. in L. since 1880. Laborer. Democrat. Ch., — i. Henry, b. Canada, April 9, 1809. ii. Alfred, b. Tiiornton, Feb. 5, 1870. iii. Walter, b. Tiiornton, April 14, 1875. iv. Raymond, b. L. Nov. 22, 1888. 208 Foster. FOSTER. 1. Ezra Foster, b. in Andovor, Mass., in 1762. m. about 1791, Abigail Garland, b. in Jefferson, formerly Dartmouth, in 1777, d. in L. April 13, 1859. He res. in L. from 1824 until he d., Feb. 22, 1856. Farmer. Rev. soldier and pensioner. Private, Capt. Samuel Fay's Co., Lieut. Col. Webl)'s Kegt., enlisted Sept. 12, 1781, for 3 months, also enlisted in Capt. John Tuell's Co., June 14, 1782, for three years. (Mass. Rev. Rolls.) Ch., — i. Mary, b. Jefferson, 1792. ni. July 3, 18G1, Eliphalet Mason, fanner. res. Ivy man. ii. Nancy, b. Jefferson, 1803. m. 1830, James Dodge, farmer. She, d. Lyman, June IG, 1892. iii. GEt)RGE, b. Jefferson, 1806. m. 1832, Phyla Hoskins. Farmer, res. Lyman. 2. iv. Isaac, b. Carroll, Dec. 27. 1808. V. EzuA, b. Jeft'erson, 1811. m. 1835, Milly llibbard. Farmer, res. Bath, vi. Lois, b. Jefferson, July 4, 1813. m. Moses Carter if (See). 3. vii. John, 1). JeHerson, Oct. 27, 1815. viii. JosEpn, b. Lyman, 1818. m. 1849, Consaett Bri^l^s. Farmer, res. L. ix. Henry, b. Lyman, 1820. m. Smith. Farmer, res. Dresden, N. Y. 2. Isaac Foster, son of Ezra \ b. in Carroll, Dec. 27, 1808. m. about 1831, Mary, dau. of David Dodge, b. in Lyman, Ma}' 25, 1^07, d. June 9, 1887. He res. in L. from about 1825 until he d., Jan. 31, 1849. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Harriett, 1). Dec. 16, 1837. m. Thaddeus Hastings, farmer, res. Lisl)on. ii. Frank, b. Dec. 18, 1839. ni. 18G8, Angeline Kinne. Butclier. res. Jjisbon. 4. iii. Curtis, b Mar. 10, 1842. 5. iv. .\li.ex, b. Jul}' 27, 1844. V. Caroline, b. May 11, 1847. ni. Sept. 8, 1870, Herbert B. Moulton, manuf'r. E.xecutive Councillor, 18U3-4. res. Lisbon. 3. John Foster, son of Ezra \ b. in Jefferson, Oct, 27, 1815. m. Feb. 3, 1842, Lavina, dau. of Thomas Briggs (See), b. in L. July 11, 1820, d. in L. March 22, 1897. Methodist". He res. in L. from 1825 until he d., JNIarch 16, 1883. Farmer. Democrat. Selectman, 1870. Ch., b. in L., — i. MiEO Tho.-mas, b. Aug. 11, 1843. m. Mav, 1868, Eliza Sprague. Far- mer. He d. L. Jan. 22, 1873. ii. Edwin Monroe, b. Nov. 9, 1848. m. May, 1876, Minnie Chase. La- borer, res. Lowell, Mass. iii. Aeuekt Avery, b. July 25, 1851. m. Sept. 1875, Annie IJanger. Laborer, res. Lowell, Mass. G. iv. Fred, b. May 28, 1855. V. E.MiLY, b. Oct. 9, 1862, d L. June 30, 1863. vi. Ellen, b. June 0, 1857. m. Feb. 22, 1893, Stephen Farnsworth, butcher. 4. Curtis Fo.ster, son of Isaac -, b. in L. March 10, 1842. m. July 3, 1866, Helen Jane, dau. of Joseph A. Albee ^ (See), b. in L. Jan. 12, 1846, d. in L. Sept. 21, 1895. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat. Foster — Fournier. 209 CIi., b. in L., — i. Hakvey Josepfi, b. July 3, 1874. ii. Myktie May, b. Nov. 19, 1870. iii. Alice Maud, b. Oct. 19, 1881. 5. Allen Foster, son of Isaac ^ b. in L. Jul}' 27, 1841. in. INIarcIi 2'J, 1873, Angie, dau. of Tliomas Jefferson Carter (See), b. in L. March 1, 1850. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat. Ch.,— i. IlERBEiiT, b. L. Sept. 26, 1878. 6. Fred Foster, son of John'', b. in L. May 28, 1855. m. JNIarch 22, 1882, Mary, dau. of William Liddell, b. in Canada, Dec. 2(5, 1854. Universalist. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Ferne John, b. Dec. .30, 1882. ii, I'eakl May, b. Sept. 20, 1885. 7. John Luther Foster, son of George, and grandson of P^zra\ b. in Lyman, Sept. 15, 1837. m. Jan. 14, 1875, Augusta Lucinda, dau. of Grove Sanders Stevens (See), b. in Piermont, July 31, 1841. Cong. He was educated in Peacham, Vt. , Academy and Dart. Coll., from which he grad. in 1)SG4, and commenced the study of law in 18(!5 with Morrison, Stanley & Clark, Manchester. He was admitted to the Bar in Nashua, Oct. 1868, and practised in Manchester two years. Jn 1874 he came to L., where he practised until 1877, when he moved to Lisbon, where he practised until he d., Jan. 18, 1890. lve[)ublican. First Justice L. Police Court, appointed Sept. 10, 1874; resigned in 1877. Member Board of lilducation, Union District, 1876-7. Member and Prest. of Board of Education, Lisbon; Selectman of Lisbon; ]\Iember of Constitutional Convention for Lisbon, 188*J. Clerk to Paymaster L B. Dewe}-, stationed at Hilton Head, S. C. Ch., all but Grove, b. in Lisbon, — i. Grove H., b. L. Oct. 21, 1875. ii. Helen P., b. April 11, 1877. iii. John L., b. Sept. 5, 1878, d. Lisbon, Oct. 24, 1881. iv. Kay S., b. Oct. 5, 1880. FOURNIER. 1. Peter Fournier, son of Nelson, b. in Canada. June 30, 1852, m. Sept. 25, 1877, Adele, dau. of Michel Roy, b. in Canada, JNIay 24, 1858, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1881. Farmer. Roman Catholic. Ch.,— i. Jedeoc, b. Canarla, Aug. 12, 1878, d. L. April 1, 1888. ii. Omus, b. Canada, July 17, 1880. iii. Wilfred, 1). L. Sept. 15, 1882. iv. Dolor, b. L. Feb. 25, 1885. V. Joseph, b. L. Mar 12, 1888. vi. Adele, b. L. Aug. 21, 1889. vii. Jedeou, b. L. Aug. G, 1892. viii. Clara Millie, b. L. Sept. 2?>, 1895. vol. II. — 14 210 French — Frost. FRENCH. 1. Dexter Ham French, son of Gould, b. in Bath, Sept. 29, 1831. in. Dec. 7, 1865, Martha Maria, dan. of Ezra Bliss Elkins (See), b. in Lisbon, Nov. 18, 1835, d. in L. Jan. 22, 1896, Cong. She m. first, Horace, bro. of Dexter Ham, who has res. in L. since 1873. Carriage- maker. Ivepnl)lican. Ch., b. in Bath, — i. Mary Edith, b. March 18, 1807. m. Edward Benjamin Lynch (See), ii. George Gould, b. April 19, 1870, d. L. Nov. 20, 18U3. FRENCH. 2. Augustus Josiah French, son of Dexter, b. in Manchester, Vt., Jan. 17, 1850. ra. July 4, 1875, Susan, dan. of Loren Plant (See), b. in Canada, April 27, 1846, Methodist. She d. L. Jan. 5, 1899. He has res. in L. since April, 1893. Carpenter. Methodist. Republican. A. F. and A. M. No ch. FRENCH. 3. Oscar F. French, son of Alma M., b. in Pittsfield, March, 1843. m. Jan. 1, 1863, Matilda A., dan. of Horace Crandall, b. in Dalton, Sept. 1, 1841. She has res. in L. since 1878. Cong. He res. in L. about one year. Barber. Republican. Co. p], 7th N. H. Inf. Private. d. in L. Dec. 12, 1878. Ch. , — i. Mabel Bell, b. Penacook, March 26, 1871. m. James H. Oakes (See). FROST. 1. Peres Mason Frost, son of Rev. Pincknc}-, b. in Derby, Vt., Oct. 14, 1840. m. Sept. 4, 1873, Mattie J., dau. of Mark Ball, b. in Athens, Vt., Aug. 10, 1847. He was educated in Springfield ^\''esleyan Semi- nary, Springfield, Vt., commencing the study of theology in 1872, and was ordained a Methodist Dea. in Bellows Falls, Vt., and Elder in Woodstock, Vt. He has been located in the ministry as follows : Vt. Conference, Athens, 1872-3; Proctorsville, 1874-5; Putney, 1876-7; West Fairlee, 1878-9-80; Windsor, 1881-2-3; N. H. Conference, Nashua, 1884; Lebanon, 1885-6-7; L., 1888-9-90; Wesley Church, Haverhill, Mass., 1891-2-3; Newport, 1894; Supernumerary, since 1894. d. suddenly Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 6, 1899. Supt. of Schools, Proctorsville, Vt., two years. Ch., — i. Will Mason, b. Proctorsville, Vt., Oct. 22, 1874. unm. Dentist, res. Haverhill, Mass. ii. Minnie Elizabeth, b. Athens, Vt., May 1, 1876, d. Putney, Vt., March 18, 1877. Frye — Fidford. 211 FRYE. 1. John Fuye, settled in Royalston, ^fass , d. in Concord, Vt. Ho ni. Stockwell. 2. Joseph Frvk, son of Jolm \ b. in IJoyalston, Mass., Jnly '21, 17!)0. m. Jan. 31, 1828, Nan(,'\- A. Perkins. He d. in Waterford, \'t. , Aug. 1, 1858. 3. JosEi'ii S. Fkye, son of Joseph -, b. in Concord, Vt., Jnly 3, 18;5r). rn. Jan. 13. 1858, Emilie H., dan. of Calvin Brown, b. in Waterford, Vt., Jnne 14, 1838, He res. in L. from 1874 to 188'J. Merchant. Demo- crat. Fire ward, 1882, Now res. in S[)okane, Wash. Ch., b. in Waterford, Vt., — i. CoR.\ WiNON-A, b. April 15, 1860. m. George II. Tilton (See). ii. DuLCENiA Ma.son, b. Dec. 18, 18(35. m. Harry \V. lianlett (See). iii. SusiK Brown, b. Sept. 7, 18(J7. res. Spokane, Wasli. iv. Austin Taddleford, b. May 29, 1872. res. Spokane, Wash. FRYE. 4. Solon Albert Frye, son of Albert J., b. in Concord, Vt., Ang. 14, 1859. m. March 21, 1882, Ida May, dan. of Henry Gny Towne (See), b. in L. Jnly 4, 18()5. He has res. in L. since 187'.). Carpenter. Kepnblican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Freeman Solon, b. Oct. 30, 1883. ii. Mabel Alice, b. July 28, 1884. FULFORD. 1. Arciiibalt) C. Fulforp, son of John, b. in Danville, Vt., Jnly 21), 1821. m. first, Phebe Jane, dan. of P^benezer Carter** (See), b. in L. .Ian. 21, 1821, d. Sept. 7, 1854. m. second, Hannah, dan. of Lee Wil- liams, b. in Concord, Vt. He res. in L. from 1846 to 187G. Farmer. Democrat, d. Dec. 2, 18SG. Ch., h\ w. Phebe, b. in L., — i. Mild E., b. Feb. 9, 184(;. m. Mandana B. Hiintoon. Laborer. Co. B, 9th N. H. Inf. Private, d. L. Oct. 3, 18(57. ii. Alvah S., b. ,Iuly 15, 1848. in. .July (!, 18tj',t, Ilattie L. Smith, res. Gardner, Mass. iii. Ida A., b. 1852. 2. Eliphalet Fulford, son of Joiui, b. in Danville. Vt., Dec. 9, 1824. m. March 23, 1845, Rnth Brown, dan. of Caleb Parker (See), b. in Chichester, May 11, 1821. He res. in L. in 1845, and a large portion of the time thereafter nntil 1883. Farmer. Democrat. Select- man, 1871-2. d. in Waterford, Vt., April 21, 1887. Ch., — i. Edwin, b. L. Nov. 14, 1845. m. Nov. 28, 1866, Ann Hoag. Farmer. Co. A, 11th Mass. Inf. Private, res. Barnet, Vt. ii. Georgk, b. Lyman, Auj^. 25, 1847. m. June 12, 1878, Mary H. Gruliava. Merchant. " Shed. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 12, 1882. 212 Fiilford — Fuller. iii. Frank, h. L. Jan. 3, 1849. m. March 19, 1872, Flora Cusliman. Far- mer. He (1. Lancaster, Nov. 14, 1882. iv. D.AN, I). Lyman, Aug. 22, 1851. m. Dec. 28, 1881, Mary Wright. Rail- road enf^ineer. res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. V. Fred, b. Lyman, Sept. 27, 1853. m Oct. 20, 1875, Mary E. Dunbar. Miller, res. Lisbon. iv. Ellen, b. L. Jan. 27, 1859. m. Nov. 4, 1879, Dan Huse. She d. L. May ly, 1888. FULLER. 1. John Tucker Fuller, son of Peter, b. in Dulton, Sept. 5, 1803. m. Jan. 11, 1827, Eineline, dau. of Isaac Prout}', b. in Haverliill, Nov. 25, 1806, d. in L. Feb. 27, 1889. He res. in L. from 1812 until he d., April 8, 1884. Farmer. Democrat. Cii., b. in L., — i. George B., b. June 22, 1829. m. Jan. 18G1, Martha Streeter. He d. L. Nov. 3, 1873. Slie d. July 12, 1886. 2. ii. Charles Henry, h. March 5, 1830. iii. Adeline, b. Feb. 24, 1834. m. William H. Chandler (See). 3. iv. Isaac, b. Nov. 27, IboG. v. Martha, b. May 14, 1839. m. Nov. 21, 1860, Richard Dodge, farmer, res. Lyman. 4. vi. Albert M., b. Feb. 19, 1842. vii. William, b. Dec. 0, 1844. res. Lyman. Carriage manufr. viii. Phebe, b. March 9, 1848. m. Feb. 7, 1871, Milo M. Little, laborer. 5. ix. John Westley, b. (Jet. 6, 1853. 2. Ch.\rles Henry Fuller, son of Jolm Tticlver \ b. in L. March 5, 1830. m. May 18, 18G3, Melissa, dau. of Robert Cloiigh (See), b. in Lyman, Oct. 14, 1843, d. in L. Jul}' 4, 1895. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — G. i. Charles Clinton, b. Aug. 14, 1870. ii. Edith Bell, b. Dec. 14, 1879. 3. Isaac Fuller, son of John Tucker ^ b. in L. Nov. 27, 183G. ni, Oct. 15, 1892, Mabel, dau. of Thomas Green, b. in Louisville, Ky., in 18G1. He has res. in L. all his life. Carpenter. Democrat. No ch. 4. Albert M. Fuller, son of John Tucker \ b. in L. Feb. 19, 1842. m. April 26, 1862, Mary, dau. of Moses Carter^" (See), b. in L. Nov. 12, 1843. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., — i. Florence, b. L. Aug. 18, 1870. m. Myron D. Ash (See). 5. John Westley Fuller, son of John Tucker S b. in L. Oct. 6, 1853. m. Jan. 23, 1884, Marcella May, dau. of Jeremiah Copi> (See), b. in Gorham, Jan. 24, 1859. He has res. in L. all Jiis life. Farmer. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Warren Ray, b. L. Dec. 28, 1890. 6. Charles Clinton Fuller, son of Charles Henry ", b. in L. Aug. 14, 1870. m. March 21, 1893, Nellie, dau. of John Carrigan, b. in Ccinada, March 24, 1869. He has res. in L. all his life. Box-maker. Dei'iiocrat. No ch. Fuller. 213 FULLER. 7. Thomas Fuller, b. May 13, 1787. m. first, Jan. 15, 1809, Mary, dau. of Sanborn Clay, b. June 6, 1788, d. in L. Jan. 19, 1829, Methodist, m. second, Sept. 10, 1829, Lydia, dau. of Sanborn Clay, b. July 15, 1793, d. in Dalton, April 10, l'881, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1812 until he d., March 11, 1778. Brick-maker. Methodist. WhiiT. Ch., by w. Mary, — i. Luther W., b. Lancaster, Oct. 1, 1810, d. Dec. 15, 1840. ii. Edward R., b. L. Aug^. 7, 1812. iii. Chase C, b. L. Nov. •>, 1814. iv. RoBiE n., b. L. Jan. 2, 1817, d. M.ay 15, 1847. V. Lydia Jane, b. L. March 2, 1H20, d. Aug. 26, 1827. vi. LoviNA G., b. L. May 22, 1823, d. Jan. 31, 1855. Ch., b}' w. Lydia, b. in L., — vii. Mary Jane, b. May, 1830, d. May, 1830. 8. viii. George Washington, b. Oct. 23, 1832. ix. Annie Jane, b. Sept. 26, 1838. 8. George Washington Fuller, son of Thomas'^, b. in L. Oct. 23, 1832. m. Sept. 19, 1852, Lucy Ann, dau. of William Fisk (See), b. in Dalton, May 17, 1834. He res. in L. in youth and since 1865. Farmer. Democrat. Co. I, 1st N. H. H. Art. Private. G. A. R. Ch.,— 9. i. Charles Edward, b. Dalton, Aug. 2, 1853. 9. Charles Edward Fuller, son of George Washington ^ b. in Dalton, Aug. 2, 1853. m. March 15, 1879, Muinie, dau. of Edward Fuller, b, Fairlee, Vt. , April 12, 18G4. He has res. in L. nearly all his life. Farmer. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Jennie Mabel, b. L. Aug. 27, 1880. FULLER. 10. Samuel Waldo Fuller, b. in Boston, jVIass., April 31, 1854. m. Jan. 19, 1878, Lizzie, dau. of George Means, b. in Clinton, Me., May 26, 1857. He has res. in L. since July, 1893. Glover. Demo- crat. Ch., b. in Clinton, Me., — i. Annie Bell, b. Noy. 19, 1879. ii. George Means, b. March 6, 1880. FULLER. 11. Thomas Fuller, son of Thomas, b. in Compton, P. Q., June 15, 1810. m. March 15, 1841, Elvira, dau. of Elias Farnham, b. in Canaan, Vt., Maj- 12, 1819. Slie has res. in L. since 1883. He never res. in L. Farmer. Republican. Ch., b. in Compton, P. Q., — i. Hattie, b. Aug. 10, 1843. m. Feb. 9, 1868, Charles Lang. res. L. ii. Georgia, b. April 25, 1858. res. L. 214 Furher. FURBER. 1. William Furber, b. in London, Eng., in 1614. m. Elizabetli He emigrated to America in 1635, shipping from Bristol, Eng., in the ship " Angel Gabriel," which was wrecked off Pemaquid in the great storm of Aug. 1635. He signed the remonstrance against Gov. Cranfield ; was one of the witnesses to the true deed of Independence of 1638 to Wlieelright, and was representative in 1648. He d. in Dover as early as 1692. Six ch. 2. Jetiiro Furber, son of AVilliam \ b. in Dover, m. Am}' Crowell. He was a mariner, and d. previous to 1704. 3. Jethro Furber, son of Jethro ", b. in 1682. m. Elizabeth He was a sea captain, d. in Portsmouth, April 9, 1738. His grave- stone still stands in the " Point of Graves," Portsmouth. 4. Nathaniel Furber, son of Jethro ^ m. Dec. 25, 1740, Sarah Underwood. He was a boat-builder, res. in Portsmouth, and conveyed property there l)etween the ^ears 1752 and 1768. Rev. soldier. Pri- vate, Capt. Titus Salter's Co., Fort Washington, Portsmouth, Sept. 22, 1777. (Vol. 2, N. H. Rev. Rolls, p. 429.) 5. Nathaniel Furber, son of Nathaniel *, b. in Portsmouth, Aug. 12, 1762. m. in 1786, Abigail, dan. of Timothy Kimball (See), b. in Hopkinton, July 2, 1764, d. in Hartland, Vt., Jan. 18, 1827. (The " Hist, of the Kimball Family," p. 168, says Abigail Kimball m. Nathaniel Thurber of L., which is wrong. The name should be spelled Furber, and the place of res. Concord. See Hopkinton t. r.) Nathaniel was a potter, res. in Concord and Hartland, Vt., where he d.. May 26, 1836. Ten ch. 6. James Adams Furber, son of Nathaniel ^, b. in Hartland, Vt., Aug. 6, 1803. m. April 6, 1828, Hannah H.,dau. of Capt. John Hough Harris (See), b. in Canaan, Feb. 24, 1811, d. in Allegan, Mich., Dec. 16, 1869, Cong. He was a farmer, res. in Woodstock, Vt., and Canaan most of his life, d. in Allegan, Mich., Oct. 5, 1875. Six ch. 7. George Clakence Furber, son of James Adams ®, b. in Wood- stock, Vt., April 27, 1847. m. June 27, 1876, Hattie Douglas, dan. of Gen. George Pendexter Meserve (See), b. in Jackson, Aug. 27, 1839, Cong. Educated in the common scliools, I'ryeburg, Me., Acadeni}', and grad. from New Hampton Institution. Assistant in Lancaster and Conway Academies one year each, and preceptress of L. High School from 1869 to 1876. He res. in L. from April, 1874, to Sept. 1898. res. Hanover. Journalist. Cong. 12ducated in the common schools, Canaan Union Academv, and Eastman's Business Coll. One of the editors of the " Allegan"'Co. (Mich.) Democrat," from 1870 to 1874; editor and proprietor of the " White Mountain Republic," from Mav 1, 1874, to Oct. 1890, and of the "Republic-Journal," from Oct. 1890 to Oct. 1891. Business manager of tlie ''People and Patriot," Concord, from Aug. 1892 to May, 1893. Corresponding Sec. of L. Musical Assn. from 1878 to 86 inc. ; Recording Sec. of same from 1887 to 1892. Furher — Gale — Galer — Garand. 215 Member Board of Education and Treas. of Union Dist., 1894-')-r)-7-8. J. P. State. Ch.,— i. Charles IIauuis, b. L. June 29, 1880. Dart. Coll. 1902. G-ALE. 1. William V". Gale, son of Joseph, b. in Gilmanton, May 10, 1808. m. first, May 10, 1831, Sabrina, dau. of Nathaniel Hurlbutt, b. in Fran- eonia, March 1, 1803, d. in L. m. second, Jan. 6, 1842, Mary D., dau. of Sauiuel Soper, b. in Concord, Vt., d. in Bethlelieni, Feb. 24, 18G4. He res. in L. from 1829 to 18G0. Lumberman and sliingle manufr., d. in Betlileliem, Dec. 17, 18G8. Ch,, b. in L., — i. Charles W., b. July 23, 1832. ni. Sept. 25, 1856, Eltba L. Parcher. Lumberman. Slie d. Jefferson, Aug. 12, 1892. ii. Eliza J., b. Feb. 12, 1884, d. Bethleliem, Sept. 29, 1862. iii. Addik, b. Feb. 12, 1836. m. March 29, 1871, Lucius Bond, farmer. He d. Dalton, P\'b. 9, 1891. iv. James K., b. Nov. 10, 1837. m. Oct. 5, 1868, Sarab Parclier. Farmer. He d. New York City. March 13, 1883. Co. C, 15tb N. H. Inf. Private. V. Susan G., b. Aug. 18, "1839, d. Betblehem, Sept. 15, 1854. GALER. 1. Jay Ohton Galer, b. in Durliam, Canada, May 29, 1839. m. first, about 18G0, Julia Ann, dau. of P^dward Fay, b, in Berkshire, Vt., about 184.3. d. in Franklin, Vt., Jan. 1864. m. second, Oct. 4, 18G(), Jane Amelia, dau. of Tliomas Hooker, b. in Bakersfield, Vt., Sept. 14, 1841. He res. in L. from 187G until he d., Jan. 25, 1897. Tanner. Republi- can. I. O. O. F., N. G. C. P., L. P^ncampment. Ch., b}- w. Julia Ann, — i. Emmett Edward, b. Franklin, Vt, March 2, 18G2. m. about 1882, Anna Hare. Mecbanic. res. Lowell, Mass. ii. CoKA Julia, b. Franklin, Vt., July 2, 18G3. res. Tbompson's Island, Mass. iii. Lillian Diana, b. Berkshire, Vt., Sept. 29, 1867. res. Boston, Mass iv. Addie Jane, b. Bakersfield, Vt, Nov. 17, 1869, d. Bakersfield, Vt., July 17, 1870. G-ARAND. 1. Charle.s Eli Garand, son of Francis, b. in Sherbrooke, P. Q., March 26, 1849. m. Mary, dau. of Oliver Lambert, b. in St. Johns, P. Q., Dec. 8, 1839, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1876. Carpenter. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Edward, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt, June 19, 1874. res. L. ii. Vitaline, b. St. Jobnsbury, Vt., Nov. 25, 1876. res. L. iii. Wilfred, b. L. May 30, 1879. iv. Rosa, b. L. Aug. 27, 1880. V. Louise, b. L. Jan. 28, 1882. vi. JosiE, b. L. Oct. 27, 1884. vii. Frank, b. L. Jan. 29, 1887. 216 Craslcill — Grates. GASKILL. 1. Ebenezek Gaskill, son of Samuel, b. in Keene, March 25, 1794. m. in 1817, Abigail, daii. of P^zra Calkins, b. in Wilbraliani, Mass.. Dec. 18, 1798, d. in L. Nov. 10, 1858. He res. in L. from 1852 until he d., Sept. 1879. Ch.,— i. Arabelle H., b. Waterford, Vt., Sept. 8, 1818. m. Jan. 1, 1840, Simeon Albee, .Ir., farmer, res. St. Johnsburv, Vt. ii. Edwin W., b. Waterfonl, Vt., Au^. 0, 1820. m. Oct. 29, 1841, Maria Poor. Slioemaker. He d. Mancliester, July 4, 1863. iii. TiiEODOsiA C, b. Waterford, Vt., Sept. 12,' 1822. m. June 17, 1841, Oliver Knight, driver. She d. Charlestown, Mass., in 1855. iv. Marion C, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., March 12, 1826. m. Elbridge G. Graham (See). V. Pakthenia a., b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 20, 1829. m. Nov. 17, 1850, George W. Stiles, farmer, res. Waterford, Vt. vi. SoLOMA A., b. Charlestown, Vt., March 28, 1833. m. 1851, Isaac Knight, cattle ranchman. He d. Fort Worth, Texas, 1864. (Killed by Indians.) 2. vii. Augustine C, b. Charlestovv'n, Vt., May 27, 1835. viii. Augusta A., b. Charlestown, Vt., Aug. 9, 1837. m. April 17, 1856. David G. Marsh, hotel-keeper. He d. 1894. She d. Portsmouth, 1865. 2. AuGusTiNK Clark Gaskill, son of Ehenezer \ b. in Charlestown, Vt., May 27, 1835. m. March 18, 1856, Martha H., dau. of Put- nam Dexter, b. in Lisbon, July 31, 1839. He lias res. in L. since 1852. Farmer. Republican. Supervisor, 1894-5-6. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Sergt. Appointed 2d Lieut., but not mustered. Mustered out as 1st Sergt. G. A. R. Ch.,— 1. IvAH Bell, b. Batli, Nov. 24, 1857. m. Henry William Fisk (See). ii. Alice Ardell, b. L. Dec. 19, 1866. GATES. 1. JoHX Gates, b. in Walpole. m. Lavinia Titus. He d. in Lvn- don, Vt., in 1800. 2. Ezra Gates, son of John \ b. in Walpole, Nov. 20, 1797. m. Lydia, dau. of Zenas L. Bemis (See), b. in L. May 23, 1800. He d. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., Dec. 30, 1874. 3. Ezra B. Gates, son of Ezra '^, b. in Lyndon, Vt., Jan. 16, 1823. m. Jan. 19, 1860, Belinda, dau. of Calvin Tabor, b. in Topsham, Vt., Sept. 20, 1834, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1875 to 1891. Miller. Co. K, 15th Vt. Inf. Private. G. A. R. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Jan. 12, 1896. Ch., — i. Hattie M., b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Nov. 26, 1861, d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Feb. 21, 186.3. ii. Gazei.la T., b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Mav 27, 1864, d. St. Jolinsbury, Vt., Oct. 22, 1865. iii. Edward E., b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Aug. 25, 1866. m. June 6, 1894, Annie Burgin. Miller, res. Lisbon. iv. Belle, b. St.\johnsbury, Vt., Jan. 22, 1869. res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. V. C. Tabor, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Feb. 16, 1873. res. Pawtucket, R. I. vi. EsTELLA Q., b. L. Jan. 1, 1878. res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. Gates — George. 217 4. Curtis Gatks, son of Ezra 2, b. in Bin-kc, Vt, Jnne 13, 1889. m. Doc. 3, 1861, Jnlia AVillis, dun. of Alexander Morton, Jr., h. in Concord, Vt., June 27, 1842, d. Ang. 189.'). He res. in L. from 1801) to 1880. Miller. Fire ward, 1875-G-7-8-9. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodi^e, K. T., St. Gerard Com. Cli.,— ^ i. Carkoll W., 1). Concord, Vt., Oct. 5, 1802. m. April 20, 1887, Jessie Mazurott. Miller, res. East Boston, Mass. ii. FuANic E., b. L. Nov. 8, 1866, d. L. Sept. 26, 1807. iii. Mary A., b. L. Dec. 28, 1868. res. Lyndon, Vt. iv. LiNwooD C, b. L. July 12, 1870. res. East Boston, Mass. V. Harry E., b. L. Sept. 17, 1872. res. Lyndon, Vt. 5. George AuCxUStus Gates, son of Hubbard A., and grandson of Ezra-, b. in Topsliam, Vt., Jan. 24, LSal. m. Dec. 14, 1882, Isabella A., dan. of Silas F. Smith, b. in Syracuse, N. Y., in 18.t5. He was ed- ucated in the common schools of P^ast St. Johnsburv, Vt., Mclndoes Academy, and St. Johnsbury, Vt., Academy, and grad. from Dart. Coll. in 1873. He commenced the study of theology in Andover, Mass., Seminary, 1875-6; Bonn, 1878; Goettingin, 1878; Leipzig, 1879; Nenfchatel, 1879; and grad. from. Andover in 1880. He was ordained a Cong, minister in Upper Montclair, N. J., April 13, 1882. He was located in L. two months in 1880; Upper Montclair, N. J., six and a half years to 1887 ; Prest. of Iowa Coll., Grinnell, Iowa, from 1897 till his resignation in 1900. Ch., — i. Alice Bird, b. Upper Montclair, N. J., Jan. 27, 1884. ii. Stanley, b. Upper Montclair, N. J., Dec. 25, 1885. iii. D0XA.LD Smith, b. Grinnell, Iowa, Aug. 10, 1895. GEORGE. 1. Russell George, son of Simeon, b. in Sandwich, Ma}- 20. 1846. .... July 26, 1867, Susan, dan. of Warren Elliott (See), b. in Dalton, Nov. lb, 1847, d. in Dalton, April 6, 1872. He res. in L. from 18«0 until he d., Dec. 14, 1893. Lumberman, Democrat. Ch.,— i. Marcia, b. Dalton, May 20, 1869. m. Henry Plant (See). m GEORGE. 2. ALiiERT Winch George, son of William Jackson, b. in Dalton, Nov. 2, 1850. m. July 9, 1871, Nettie Lavinia,dau. of Jesse L. Rowe. b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., Nov. 4, 1853. He has res. in L, since 1862, Farmer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L.,— i. William Albert, b. Feb. 28, 1872. res. L. ni. Oct. 24, 1898, Mar- garet A. Lynch, ii. Myrtle May, b. Oct. 10, 1873. m. Carlos Bedell (See). iii. Leonard Osburn, b. Mav 8, 1875. res. L. iv. Alberta Annette, b. Oct 18, 1877. m. Feb. 24, 1896, Henry T. De- lano, painter, res. L. V. Genev.a. Maud, b. Dec. 30, 1870. 218 aihh — aile. GIBB. 1. Stephen C. Gibb, b. in N. Y. in 1787. m. May 21, 1811, Han- nah, dau. of John Lane, b. in Sanbornton, March 20, 1789, d. in L. Nov. 20, 1866. He res. in L. from 1829 until he d., Nov. 2, 1861. Hotel-keeper. Fire ward, 1840. Ch.,— 2. i. Joseph Lane, b. Sanbornton, 1811. ii. Sarah Jane, pub. June 30, 1838, Marcus Hull, merchant. Both d. in Hinesburg, Vt. 2. Joseph Lane Gibb, son of Stephen C.\ b. in Sanbornton in 1811. m. Sept. 16, 1852, Caroline Betse}', dau. of Timothy Alden Edson (See), b. in L. Sept. 13, 1824, d. in L. Nov. 26, 1873. He res. in L. from 1829 until he d. , Dec. 11, 1864. Hotel-keeper. UniversaHst. Demo- crat. Selectman, 1844. Moderator, 1841-2-3-54-6-7-9-60-1-2-4. Deput}' sheriff, 1837-39 inc. Brig. Inspector under Gen. Rankin, 1840; also under Gen. Kenney, 1851. Aide to Gov. Martin, 1852, with rank of Colonel. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. I. O. O. F., N. G. Ch., b. in L., — i. Frank Stephen, b. 1854, d. L. June 9, 1883. ii. Fked Edson, b. 1860, d. L. Dec. 19, 1880. GILE. The name is variously written in the old recoixls, the most common being: Guild, Gild, Gilde, Guile, Giles, and Gile. For full particu- lars regarding the origin of the famil}' and the names, see "The Genealogy and Historj' of the Guild, Guile, and Gile family by Charles Burleigh." 1. Samuel Gile came to America from Eng. with his bro. John Guild and sister Ann, in 1636. m. Sept. 1, 1647, Judith, dau. of James Davis, one of the original settlers and an emigrant from Eng. Samuel res. in Haverhill, Mass., where he d., Feb. 21, 1683. 2. Ephraim Gile, son of Samuel \ b. in Haverhill, Mass., March 21, 1661/2. m. Jan. 5, 1686, Martha Bradlej'. He res. in Haverhill, Mass., and in 1711 was one of the soldiers supplied with snow-shoes for emergency, in case of an attack by Indians. He was probably the Ephraim Gile who cut the first way to Cheshire and was admitted an inhabitant of Ciiester in 1720. 3. Ebenezer Gile, son of Ephraim ^, b. in Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 11, 1708. m. June 6, 1731/2, Lydia Johnson. Her father and mother were both killed by the French and Indians at the attack on Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 29, 1708. When the mother was slain she held Lydia, a year and six days old, in her arms, but she somehow escaped the toma- hawk. She d. in P^nfield in 1781. He was a speculator in lands and in the deeds was called a trader, d. in Hopkinton about 1775. 4. Noah Gile, son of Ebenezer ^ b. in Hampstead about 1743. m. P^lizabeth Howe. He was a Rev. soldier, and a member of Capt. Adams' co. from Henniker, in 1776. aUe. 219 5. John Gile, son of Noah'', b. in Ileniiiker, May 7, 1772. ni. Feb. 23, 1796, Lydia Clements, b. in 177.S, d. in L. Sei)t. 12, 1853. He res. in L. from 1809 until lie d., A[)ril 28, 1851. Farmer and lum- ber man nfr. AVhig. Selectman, 1821. Ch.,— i. LovisA, 1). Ik'tlilehem, Dec;. 9, 1800. m. John Bowman (See). 7. ii. Aakon, 1). Betlilelieni, Feb. lU, 180:]. iii. LoviNA II.. b. L. March 14, 1805. ni. Dec. 21, 182G, Steplien A. East- man, clerjryman. She d. L. Sept. 5, 1887. iv. WiM.iAM Bkackktt, h. Betlileliem, April 24, 1808. unm., d. New- Orleans, La., April 12, 1837. V. Ahigail, b. L. July 21, 1811, d. L. June 7, 1814. 8. vi. John, b. L. Jan. 2, 1817. 9. vii. Fkve Williams, b. L. May 30, 1819. viii. Louisa, b. L. ix. Missouri, b. L. in. William Durgin. X. Nancy Jaxe, b. L. m. Clark Carlton Abbey (See). 6. Timothy Gile, son of Noall^ b. in Enfield. Dec. 30, 178'). m. Jan. 10, 1811, Dolly Stevens, b. Wentworth, May 18, 1790, d. in L. Dec. 25, 188G, Cong. He res. in L. from 1833 until he d., Dec. 27, 1862. Farmer. Cong. Republican. Ch., — i. TiMOTiir, b. Bethlehem, March 24, 1814, d. Bethlehem, Jan. 28, 1815. 11. ii. Nelson, b. Bethlehem, Dec. 28, 1815. iii. Dolly, b. Wentworth, June 4, 1822, d. Wentworth, Jan. 25, 1823. 12. iv. George, b. Wentworth, Sept. 27, 1824. 7. Aaron Gile, son of John^, b. in Bethlehem, Feb. 19, 1803. m. June 1, 1826, Persis, dan. of Nathaniel Rix ^ (!^ee), b. in Dalton, Aug. 19, 1809. He res. in L. from 1809 to about 1854. Hotel-keeper. Whig. 'Deputy sheriff, 1830-2 inc., and 1835-9 inc. Fire ward, 1846. Appointed Capt. Cav. Co. N. H. Militia. April 18, 1831 ; vacated Ai)ril 2, 1834, d. Lyon Co., Kan., April 24, 1863. Ch., b. in L., — 13. i. George W., b. Jan. 25, 1830. ii. Malvina. 8. John Gile, son of John^, b. in L. Jan. 2, 1817. m. Dec. '2i}. 1839, Helen Maria Clute. He res. in L. during his youth, was educated in New Hampton and Schenectady, N. Y., grad. from Union Coll. in 1839. He commenced studying theology in 1840 with Rev. James Brownlee, D.D., of State n Island, N. Y., and was ordained as a Pres- byterian clergyman at Setauket, L. I., Nov. 15, 1843, where he was located and preached up to the time of his death, which occurred by drowning on Long Island Sound. Sept. 28, 1849. Ch., — i. Margaret H., ii. Amelia S. 9. Frye Willi.\ms Gile (Giles), son of John ^ b. in L. IMay 30, 1819. ni. July 4, 1844, Caroline A., dan. of Moses P\>llows, b. in Bos- cawen, Aug. 2, 1817, Cong. He res. in L. from 1819 to 1834, and from 1840 to 1854. He was one of the builders of the first cabin erected by white men at Topeka, Kas., and in an historical work, '' Thirty Years in Topeka," he won fame as a local historian, d. Topeka, June 9, 1898. Capitalist. Episcopal. Republican. Treasurer, 1847. No ch. 220 GiJe. 10. NoAii GiLK, son of Nathaniel, and grandson of Noali'', 1). in Bethlehem, April 2G, 1810. ni. first, March 30, 1.S3G, Elizabeth, dan. of Noah Farr" (See), b. in L. Sept. 19, 1816, d. in Newark, Vt., Jan. 3, 1847, Cong. m. second, Abigail Bundy, b. in Biirke, Vt., d. in Burke, Vt., Oct. 6, 1873, Cong. He res. in L. from 1835 until about 1840. F'armer. Cong. Deacon. Whig. d. in Newark, Vt., Sept. 27, 1852. Ch., by w. Elizabeth, — i. Mautha Deborah, b. L. March 24, 1838. m. Franklin Walker (See). ii. Dennis, b. L. Dee. 1!», 18ol), d April 7, 1859. ill. Noah Fare, b. Newark, Vt., July 11, 1842. m. Jan. 29, 1870, Nellie H. Smith. P^arnier. res. St. Jolinsbury, Vt. iv. Lizzn:, b. Newark, Vt., Dec. 23, 1844, d. St. Jolinsbury, Vt., April IG, 1880. V. William, b. Newark, Vt.. Dec. 28, 1846, d. Jan. 20, 1847. 11. Nelson Gile, son of Timothy'', 1). in Betlilehem, Dec. 28, 1815. m. May 18, 1840, Cyrena Dustin, dau. of Eliianau W. Dean, b. in Dan- bury, Dec. 7, 1817, Cong. She d. April 14, 1895. He res. in L. from 1833 to 1872. Farmer. Cong. Democrat. Selectman, 1848 and 1871. Now res. in Topeka, Kas. Ch., b. in L., — i. Isai'.ki.la, b. Oct. 7, 1843, d. Feb. 16, 1851. ii. Cyrena Dolly, b. June 6, 1847. m. Albert Parker (See). iii. Ei,HA\AN Dean, b. July 16, 1852. m. May 2, 1877, Clara S. Rogers, res. Topeka, Kan. 12. George Gile, son of Timothy*^, b. in Wentworth, Sept. 27, 1824. m. Dec. 21, 1850, Rozilla Janett, dau. of Daniel Randall, b. in Lyndon, Vt., March 8, 1831, Methodist. He has res. in L. most of the time since 1833. Farmer. Metliodist. Republican. Selectman, 1873. Highway Survevor, Village District, 1870-1-3. Capt. 5th Co. 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, May, 1849 ; vacated, May 1, 1852. Ch.,— 14. i. Ray Timothy, b. L. May 27, 1852. 13. George W, Gile, son of Aaron ^. b. in Bethleliem, Jan. 25, 1830. m. April 21, 1855, Emma Virginia, dau. of John Shnster, b. in Phila., Pa., Nov. 7, 1838. He res. in L. from birth to 1845, when he went to Haverhill to learn the printer's art in the office of the " Democratic Republican," pub. by Hon. Jolm R. Reding. From there he went to Lowell, Mass., and learned the business of iron founding. About 1850 he entered the field of literary labor as reader, lecturer, and actor, which he followed to April 18, 1861, when he enlisted in the 22d Penn. Inf. for three months, and was appointed Lieut. He re-enlisted Sept. 16, 18G1, in the 88th Penn. Lif. and was appointed Major; promoted to Lieut. Col. Sept. 1, 1862; Col. Jan. 24, 18!)3. He was discharged for disability, March 2, 1863, and appointed Major of the Veteran Reserve Corps, May 22, 1863; Col., Sept. 29, 1863; Brevet Brigadier-Gen., Mav 6, 1865. After the close of the war he was appointed 1st Lieut. 45th U. S. Inf., July 25, 1866; Capt., Feb. 14, 1868; Col., Dec. 15, 1870, and retired from service with full rank of Col. He commanded the military forces in Washington at Lincoln's second inauguration as President. He d. Phila., Pa., Feb. 26, 1896. Gile — G ihnan — Glazier — Gle/ison — Ghxle. 221 Ch.,— i. Georok W., b. Cleveland, Oliio, April 3, 1857. res. Pliiia., Pa. ii. Henuy Edwin, b. Pliila., Pa., May 17, 18(>0. res. Phila., Pa. iii. Hknmamin Cl.\rk, b. Pliila, Pa., Au}j. 4, 1872. res. Pliila., Pa. iv. Emma Vikginia, b. Camden, N. J., Feb. 18, 1875. res. Phila , Pa. 14. Ray Timothy Gile, son of George ''^, b. in L. Ma}- 27, 1852. in. Oct. 2.'), 1879, Ilattie E., daii. of Jeremy Titus, b. in IJath, Oct. 8. 1848, Methodist, lie has res. in L. all liis life. Civil engineei'. Methodist. Republican. He was educated in the public schools of L. and grad. from the Cliandler Scientific Department of Dart. Coll. in 1877, and from Thayer School of Civil Engineering in 1871). Ch., — i. Annie Peteksox, b. Lyiideborougli, July 21, 1878 (Adopted). GILMAN. 1. FU.A.NK HiCNiiY Gii.MAN, SOU of All)ert, 1). ill Bethlehem, Fcl). 20. 185;3. ra. Dec. 4, 1871), Saraii, dau. ol' Nathan IJurns (See), 1). in Madison, Me., April 7, 18G0, Advent. lie has res. in L. since 187D. Farmer. Republican. C. P., \j. Encanii)uient, I. O. O. F. Ch., — i. Nathan Albert, b. L. Sept. 25, 1880. GLAZIER. 1. Frank Glazip:u, son of Zenas, b. in Northtield, Vt., Aug. 21, 1841. m. Fei). 27, 1875, Almira, dau. of Christo[jher Bodwell, b. in Lawrence, ^lass., Aug. 25, 1853, Con^. lie has res. in L. since 18G7, Farmer. Cong. Republican. Co. K, 4th Vt. Inf. Private. Was con- lined in Libbv Prison. G. A. R. A. F. and A. M. Ch.,— i. Bertha Helen, b. L. May 27, 1878. GLEASON. 1. James Gleason, son of James, m. Polly Sartwell, i). in Charles- town, Cong. She in. second, Benjamin Morse (See). He res. in L. from 1802 to 1810. d. in L. Ch.,— i. Willard, 1). Feb. 11, 1801. ii. LoRiNG, b. L. Aug. (>, 180:J. iii. Betsey, b. L. Nov. 23, 18U1. unin., d. L. June 2.3, 1800. GLODE. 1. JMosES Glode, son of John, b. in Canada, jNIarch 9, 1834. m. May 16. 1859, Mary A., dau. of Levi Martin, b. in Quebec, March 28, 1841, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1848. Laborer. Ro- man Catholic. Democrat. 222 Glode — Glover. Ch.,— i. Levi, b. L. Oct. 10, 1860, d. L. July 3, 1884. 2. ii. John, b. L. March '24, 18(32. 3. iii. George, b. Landaff, Feb. 18. 1865. iv. Minnie, b. Landaft", June 10, 1868. res. L. V. Moses, b. L. Feb. 5, 1871. Glover, res. L. vi. Joseph P., b. L. March 14, 1875, d. Manchester, Aug. 7, 1870. vii. Lizzie G., b. L. Dec. 4, 1876. res. L. viii. Frank L., b. L. Aug. 11, 1880, d. L. Jan. 4, 1889. 2. John Glode, son of Moses \ b. in L. March 24, 1862. m. Aug. 17, 1(S8;3, Amelia, dan. of Moses Blake, b. in Kingsey, Canada, Aug. 2, l.SGl. Episcopal. He has res. in L. nearl}' all his life. Tanner. Roman Catholic. Republican. Ch., - i. Walter, b. Lisbon, Jan. 9, 1885. res. L. ii. Clara, b. Bethlehem, March 7, 1886. iii. Philip, b. L. March 23, 1888. iv. Harry, b. L. Marcli 17, 1890. V. Arthur, b. L. March 19, 1892, d. L. April 1, 1893. vi. John, b. L. Oct. 22, 1893. 3. George Glode, son of Moses ^ b. in Landaff, P^'eb. 18, 18(35. m. first, March 4, 1889, Virginia, dau. of Mitchell Place, b. in Canada, Nov. 1, LS60, d. in L. Dec. 10, 1890, Roman Catholic, m. second, Oct. 17, 1872, Vitaline Lambert, dau. of Oliver Place, b. in Canada, Jan. 8, 1860, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1866. Glover. Ro- man Catholic. Democrat. Ch., b}' vv. Virginia, b. in L., — i. Alfred George, b. May 31, 1890. Ch., b}' w. Vitaline, b. in L., — ii. Evelina Anastasia, 1). July 7, 1893. GLOVER. 1. Fr.wklin Rockwood Glover, son of Timoth}-, b. in Woodstock, June 4, 1829. m. first, Oct. 3, 1853, Phebe Marie, dau. of Levi Streeter, b. in Lisbon, Dec. 2, 1835, d. in L. Oct. 29, 1877, Methodist, ra. second, Feb. 26, 1881, Alma Celestia, dau. of John Whipple, b. in Lisbon in 1850. He has res. in L. since 1856. Farmer. Republican. Member Town School P)oard, 1888-9-90-1. Chairman Executive Com- mittee L. JNIusical Assn., 1885 to 96. President, 1896. Selectman, 1898-9-1900. Ch., by w. Phebe, — i. George F., b. Woodstock, Aug. 1854, d. Nov. 4, 1854. 2. ii. Charles A , b. June 20, 1856. iii. Inez A., b. L. Sept. 15, 1860, d. Jan. 27, 1804. iv. Eunice J., b. L. Aug. 11, 1862. m. Charles McCarthy (See). 3. V. Joseph L., b. L. Aug. 28, 1864. Lawyer, res. N. Y. City. vi. James A,, b. L. March 25, 1868. m. March, 1889, Julia B. Berri. Far- mer, res. Ardslev, N. Y. vii. Minnie A., b. L. Oct. 12, 1871. m. March 2, 1890, William K. Dow, printer, res. L. (Divorced.) viii. Orrin a., b. L. Jan. 2(), 1874. res. L. Glover — Gain — Gonyer. 228 2. Chahles a. Gi.ovku, son of Franklin Rockwood \ 1). in L. June 20, IS;")!), in. Dec. 25, 1877, Alma J., dau. of Sliadrach Reinick, I), in Jeffer.son, Sept. 19, 185G, Free Ba[)tist. He res. in L. from IHoG to 1892. Salesman. Free Baptist. Repnblican. J. P. State. Ch.,— i. Grace Emma, b. L. July 21, 1885. 3. JosKPH Lawrence Gloveu, son of Franklin Rockwood ', b. L. Aug. 28, 1864; m. Feb. 27, 1898, Cora Sarah Berri. He read law with I). (J. & J. W. Remick, and grad. University of Michigan, 1889. He was in practice at Sioux Falls, So. Dakota, 1890-94, and since the later date in New York City. He is of the law hrm of Talmer & Glover. Ch.,— i. Cora Berri, b. Aug. 8, 1899. GOIN. 1. Eki Goin, b. in Vt. in 180.3. m. first, March 12, 1828, Abigail, dau. of Dudley Chamberlain, b. in 1812, d. in L. Nov. 10, 1845. m. second, Jan. 1. 1846, Amanda Davenjjort. He res. in L. from 1827 to 18,')1. Farmer. Fire ward, 1847-8-50. Ch., by w. Abigail, — i. Amanda, b. Vt. 1828. ii. Eber, b. 1830. Laborer. iii. Helen. iv. Melissa, b. 1836. V. James, b. 1838. vi. Celinda, b. 1840. Ch., bv w. Amanda, — vii. Frank, b. L. 1849. Lawyer. G-ONYER. GAGNON. 1. Peter Gonyer, b. in Quebec, June, 1834. m. Feb. 9, 1857, Phelje, dau. of Thomas Lamb, b. in Quebec, Oct. 10, 1840, Roman Catholic. Slie ra. second, Nelson Lema}' (See). Peter never res. in L. Laborer. Roman Catholic, d. in Franconia, March, 1872. Ch., — i. George P., b. in Halifax, Canada, Sept. 4, 1859. ni. July 4, 1887, Louise Lambert. Railroad employee, res. L. ii. Edward, b. Franconia, Oct. 25, IHOL in. Jan. 1, 1887, Mary Laforce. Ilailroad clerk, res. Haverhill, iii. John, b. Danville, Vt., Feb. 28, 1861. res. L., unm. iv. Mary, b. Franconia, April 8, 186(). m. May, 1880, Joseph Noel, laborer. res. L. 2. V. Fred, b. Franconia, Aug. 1, 1808. 2. FitEi> GoNYEK, son of Peter \ b. in Franconia, Aug. 1, 1868. m. Nov. 8, 1886, Minnie Etta, dau. of Ephraim Gilman, b. in Lyman, Sept. 28, 1870. He has res. in L. since 1873. Printer. Democrat. K. P. 224 Gonyer — Good — Goodall. Ch., b. in L., — i. Georgk Frederic, b. March 29, 1887. ii. Evelina Maud, b. Oct. 7, 1888. iii. Harold Albert, b. April 20, 1890, d. L. Oct. 15, 1891. iv. Arthur Allien, b. L. May 12, 1895. GOOD. 1. Patrick Good, son of jMicbael, b. in Wolftown, P. Q., in 1853. m. in 1882, Annie G., dan. of John Brennan, b. in St. Agatha, Canada, May 12, 1865, Roman Catiiolic. He has res. in L. since 1873. La- borer. Roman Catholic. Democrat, d. in L. Dec. 20, 1896. Ch., all b. in L., — i. William .John, b. May 24, 1883. ii. Mary Ellen, b. Aug. 12, 1885. iii. Joseph James, b. Feb. 7, 1888. iv. Henry Arthur, b. Feb. 4, 1895. GOODALL. 1. Robert Goodall, b. 1604, embarked at Ipswich, England, in April, 1634, with his wife Catherine, b. 1606, and children Mary, Abra- ham, and Isaac. He settled in Salem, Mass., and tradition asserts that he was mnrdered 1677 by Giles Core}-. (Longfellow's Giles Core\- of the Salem Towns.) The Goodall coat of arms was granted March 1, 1612, as a recognition of military merit. It is a silver eagle with gold claws and l)eak on a red sliield, — a green chaplet of grass and flowers; over tiie helmet an eagle with ciiaplet. Motto — Tonjonrs Fidtle. 2. Zaciiariah Goodall, son of Robert \ b. in Salem, May 31, 1639. m. Jnne 30, 1666, Elizabeth Beanchamp, dan. of Edward and Mary Beanchamp. He lived in Salem. Eleven ch. 3. John Goodall, son of Zaciiariah -, b. in Salem, 1679. m. Sept. 8, 1703, Elizabeth Witt, b. 1667, dan. of John and Elizabeth (Baker) Witt. He removed to Marlborongh, Mass., in 1702 or 1703. In 1718 letter of commendation was granted to P^lizabeth, wife of John Goodall from church in Salem, now in Danvers, to church in Marll)orough. She d. July 29, 1738. He m. second, Elizabeth . He d. in Marl- borough, May 11, 1752; his widow d. May '2S, 1752. His will (iated 1751 mentions his wife, children of son Solomon, son Nathan, and dau. Elizabeth. 4. Nathan Goodall, son of John •\ b. in jMarlborough, June 10, 1709. m. Persis Wliitney, b. Jan. 10, 1718/9, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Barrett) Whitney. He res. in Marlborough, where he d., Jan. 14, 1780. 5. David Goodall, son of Nathan % b. in Marlboro', Mass., Aug. 14, 1749. m. Dec. 17, 1778, Elizabeth, dau. of Dr. Samuel Brigham, b. in Marlboro', Mass., Aug. 11, 1752, d. in L. Sept. 21, 1845. He grad. from Dart. Coll. in 1777, and studied theology with Rev. Dr. Benja- Goodall. 225 mill Brigliain, of Fitzwilliain. lie w:is onlaiucd pastor of tlie Cong, church in Halifax, Vt., in 1781, and was dismissed in IT'.KJ, when lie moved to L., and became a landowner and farmer, remaining in L. until he d., March 4, 1880, preaching and conducting religious services a portion of the time. He was elected supi)lv for the church in L. half the time one summer. Representative, 18()()-l-2-'3-4-r)-G-i)-ir>. J. V. Rev. soldier. Private, C'apt. Israel Curtis' Independent Jlanover Co. Served in the ex|)edition against St. Johns, Montreal, and (Quebec. under (Jen. Montgomery iu 177'>. (Chase's History of Hanover, p. 310; Col. Morey's Letter, Prov. Papers, vol. vii. p. GIO. Ihuien- way's V^t. Historical Gazetteer, Halifax, vol. v. pp. lirj-416.) Ch., all but Elizabeth 1). in Halifax, \'t., — i. Ei,i/AitETH, b. Atliol, Mass., Jan. 7, 1781. m. Ri:;liar(l Wales Peabodv (See). G. ii. David, h. Jan. 2?., 1780. iii. Peksis, b Nov. 1, 1784. m. Nathaniel PartrMge (See). 7. iv. Solomon, b. Aiip. 24, 178*1. 8. V. Ira, b. Aug. 1, 1788. vi. Ann, b. Aug. Pl, 1790, d. Sept. 25, 170P vii. Tkyimikna, b. July 27, 17'.t.], d. Jan. 0, 17'Jl. 6. David Goodaix, son of David ^, b. in Halifax, Vt., -Ian. 23, 1783. m. April 10, 1804, Margaret, dau. of Richard Peabody * (See), b. in Woodstock, Conu., in 177G, d. in 18G3. She m. second, Saumel Rankin (See). David res. in L. from 1798 or 9 until he d., May 15, 1812. He was drowned wdiile attempting to swim the Conn. River, near Waterford bridge. Mo'lerator, 1803-8-9-11-12. Treasurer, 1804-5-G. Re[)resentative. 1811. He bore the title of Capt. Ch., I), in L., — i. David, 1). Dec. 27, 1804. m. 183:^, Adeline Page. Merchant, lie d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1881. Slie d. 1837. ii. Richard Peabodv. b. Jan. 20, 1806. in. March 25, 18.']5, Ruth Lyinau. Farmer. He d. Derby, Vt., about 1892. She d. about 1892. iii. Caroline, b. June 2, 1809, d. L. Sept. 10, 1810. iv. Leonidas, b. July 28, 1811. ni. second, Harriett Sinitli. Tanner and currier. He d." Starr, Kan., July 2-3, 1881. 7. SoT.oitox GooDALL, SOU of David ''. b. in Halifax, Vt., Aug. 24, 178G. m. Aug. G, 1821, Hannah, dau. of Zuriel Albee (See), b. iu Westmoreland (?) Aug. 1794, d. in Brattleboro', Vt, Feb. 6, 1883. He res. in L. most of the time from 1797 until 18.')7. Fai-mer. d. iu Concord, Sept. 9, 1870. Ch., b. in Enfield, Me., — 9. i. Ira, b. June 29, 1829. 10. ii. Alpha, b. Sept. 20, 1832. iii. Ezra K., b. Oct. 29, 1834. ni. Oct. 13, 1803, Ellen S. Ayer. Farmer, res. Brattleboro', Vt. 8. luA Gooi>ALL, son of David '', b. in Halifax, Vt. Aug. 1, 1788. m. May 9, 1812, Hannah Child, dau. of Samuel Hutchins, b. in Bath, Sept. 29, 1794, d. in Philadeliihia, I'a., June 3, 1872. He was edu- cated in the public schools of L., and at the age of twenty-one years he became a law student in the otlice of Moses P. Payson, of Bath. He was admitted to the liar in 1814, and practised in Bath for many years. In ISfiG he moved to Beloit, Wis., where he d., March 3, ISGS. He was Representative from Bath, and about 1848 Prcst. of the White VOL. II. — 15 226 aoodall — Goodell. Mountains Railroad; Pa} master 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, 1811, and Judge Advocate on staff of Gen. David Ranliin, 1822 to 1834. Cli., b. in Batli, — i. David Greene, b. March 19, 1813. m. June 29, 1835, Maria Dearborn Frencli. Merchant and lumber-dealer, res. Beloit, Wis. d. May 13, 1882. ii. Hannah Child, b. Dec. 17, 1814, d. Bath, Aug. 12, 1884. iii. LucRETiA Wilson, b. Feb. 9, 1817. m. July, 18iO, Joiin Langdon Car- leton, hivvyer, res. Bath, iv. Ellen Bruce, b. Nov. 27, 1818. m. Dec. 3, 1845, John Homer French, merchant. She d. Bath, May 29, 1852. V. Ira Edwin, 1). June 25, 182U. ni. Seiit. 21, 1842, Mary Gale French. Merchant, res. Beloit, Wis. vi. Samuel Hutchins, b. March 31, 1823. m. first, May 22, 1850, Sarah Nelson, d. Portsmouth, Feb. 18, 186G. ni. second, Sept. 26, 1867, Elizabeth Salislmry Nelson. Lawyer. She d. Feb. 6, 189(3. vii. Horace Hl'tchins, b. March 20, 1826, d. Aug. 21, 1827. viii. Horace Hutchins, b. March 21, 1828, d. Aug. 23, 1829. ix. Jane Elizabeth, b. June 17, 1830. m. Dec. 13, 1854, Thomas Parsons Sargent, purchasing agent Penn. Railroad. He d. March 16, 1890. Siie d. Philadelpliia, Penn., July 24, 1886. X. Julia Hosanna, b. April 14, 1833. ni. Alonzo P. Carpenter (See). xi. Edward Brkjham, b. Jan. 10, 1838. m. May 5, 18G3, Louise D. Bart- lett. Dentist, res. Portsmouth, xii. Francis Henry, b. Jan. 10, 1838. m. Aug. 24, 1865, Ophelia Porter Brewer. Clerk in Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. 9. Ira Goodalt>, son of Solomon "^ , b. in iMifield, Me., June 29, 1829. m. Sept. 16, 1851, Berenice II., dau. of Amos Wallace (See), b. in L. April 7, 1833, Cliristian Science, res. in Boston, Mass. He res. in L. from youth to 1890, most of the time. Clerk, Republican, res. Asburv Park, N. J. ch.;— i. Alice, b. L. Jan. 24, 1858. m. June, 1884, H. Clinton Cluck, clerk, res. Harlem, N. Y. 10. Alpha Goodali., son of Solomon ~, b. in Enfield, Me., Sept. 20, 1832. in. Jan. 21, 1857, Ellen L., dau. of Jefferson Kenerson, b. in Randolph, Vt., Nov. 29, 1835, Cong. He res. in L. from youth until he d., Sept. 23, 1869. Farmer. Ch., b. in L., — 11. i. Fred Ellsworth, b. Jan. 21, 1861. ii. Mary B., b. May 20, 1863. m. Nov. 4, 1885, lUifiis B. Sherburne, nier- cliaiit. res. Denver, Col. iii. Harry A., i>. Oct., 18(3(3, d. L. Aug. 25, 18G9. 11. FiiEi) Ellswoi;tii Goodall. son of Alpha ^°, b. in L. Jan. 21, 1861. m. May 24, 1883. Mary Edith, dau. of Cliarlcs D. Tarbell (See), b. in Marllioro', March 17, 1861. He res. in L. from birth to 1889, wiieu he removed to Spokane, Wash. Banker. Republican. Town treasurer, 1885-7-8-9. No ch. G-OODELL. 1. Willie Henry Goodell, son of ]\Iarshall, b. in Barnet, Vt., Jan. 13, 1862. in. March 8, 188.S, Lorena Ilurlbutt, dau. of Charles T. Car- penter (See), b. in L. March 8, 1872. He has res. in L. since 1888. Wlieelwright. Republican. J. P. Goodell — Goodenovi/h — Goodrich — Goodwin. 227 Cli. , b. in L., — i. Effib Lucy, b. Oct. fi, 1889. ii. Ernest, b. July 2, 1803. iii. Edith, b. Jul}' 2, 18'.t;>. iv. Henry C, b. July 8, 1895. GOODENOUaH. 1. .loiiN Carter Go()I)KNoi'<;h, sou of Ashhel, 1). in Peaclmiii, \'t. , June 13, 1822. ni. first, Jan. 26, 1800, Eliza C. , dan. of Kli[)h:ilel G. Carter (See), b. in Waterford, Vt., April, 1837, d. in Watorford, V^t., Jan. 11, 18G6, Cong. ni. second, Ang. 15, 18(57, INIary J. Sullivan, adopted dan. of Asa Gould (See), b. in Barnet, Vt., April 28, l.s;)9, Cong. He has res. in L. since 18Gi). Music-dealer. Cong. I'lohibi- tion. Representative, 1873-4. CI).,— i. Carl, b. L. Sept. 9, 1871. res. L. ii. (;ektkude Fuller, b. Cainbridtie, Mass. {'.) Feb. 28, 1878 (Adopted), d. L. March 18, 1893. iii. Ethel Fuller, b. Cambridge, Mass. C) Aug. 24, 1879 (AdoptcMl). GOODRICH. 1. James Bkatnard Goouiacii, son of Orson, b. in Glastonbury, Conn., May 10, 1840. ni. Oct. 18, 1871, Ida, dau. of James Bruce Powell, b. in Hartford, Conn., Ang. 17, 184i). She d. L. March 16, 1900. He grad. from Trinity Coll., Hartford, Conn., in 1866, and studied theology in the Berkeley Divinity School, from which he grad. in 1869. He was ordained dea. in the Church of the Holy Trinity, jVliddletown, Conn., June 3, 1869, and Priest in Christ Church, Hart- ford, Conn., June 28, 1870. He was assistant minister in Trinity Church, Hartford, Conn., from June 6, 1869, to April 9, 1871 ; minis- ter in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Nashua, from April 16. 1.S71, to June 6, 1875 ; St. Paul's Church, Lancaster, and of All Saints' ( 'hurch, L., from June 6, 1875, to June 6, 1877, and of St. Paul's Church. Lan- caster, to Sej)t. 26, 18.S0 ; Rector of Grace Church, Windsor, Conn., from Oct. 3, LSSO, to Sept. 27, 1885 ; Rector of Trinity Churcii, Chire- mont, 18.S5. to LS99. He is now Rector of All Saints' Church, L. Ch.,— i. Mary Ida, b. Nashua, Oct. 10, 1872. unin., grad. Smith's Coll. Pre- ceptress L. High Sciiool, 1896 to 1899. ii. Alice, b. Nasliua, .Vug. 20, 1874. Unm. iii. Lawrence Ja.mks, b. Lancaster, Aug. 21, 1877, d. Julv 20, 1884. iv. William Powell, b. Lancaster, Aug. 21, 1877, d. Ma'rch 20, 1879. V. Edward Bruce, b. Lancaster, Feb. 13, 1880. vi. IsAHELLA, b. Windsor, Conn., Feb. 7, 1882. vii. Amy Powell, b. ("laremont, May 27, 1886. GOODWIN. 1. SA:\ruEL Goodwin, b. in Loudon, Jul_y 5, 1785. m. April 15, 1817, Martha, dau. of Jonas N'lU'se (See), b. in L. Dec. 26, 1795, d. in L. May 11, 1887, Cong. He res. in L. from 1817 until he d.. May 16. 1868. Free Baptist. Republican. 228 Goodwin — Gordon. Ch., b. in L., — i. Infant Son, b. Oct. 24. 1818, d. L. Oct. 24, 1810. 2. ii. Charles Sargent, b. March '11, 1822. iii. Katherine Allen, b. June 9, 1826, d. L. Oct. 10, 1845. 3. iv. Chester Morrill, b. May 19, 1829. V. Olive, b. April 2, 1832. ih. Nov. 1858, Charles E. Knis:, farmer, res. Whitefiehl. vi. Samuel Graves, b. June 2, 1835. Co. H, 11th N. Y. Zouaves. Capt. Co. B, Gth N. H. Inf. Brevet Major for meritorious conduct, d. Man- chester, April 24, 1875. vii. Martha Ann, b. June 2, 1835. m. George Bartlett (See). 2. Charles Sargent Goodwin, son of Samnol \ b. in L. March 27, 1822. m. first, Caroline, dan. of Daniel Smith, h. in Lyndon, Vt., d. in St. Jolmsbnry, Vt. in. second, Oct. 1855, Hannah, dan. of Chellis Goodwin, b. in Irasbnrg, Vt., d. in Irasbnrg, Vt. m. third, Aug. 25, 1858, ]\rary Elizabeth, dan. of James O'Neill, b. in N. Y. City, Jn\v 24, 1837. He res. in L. most of his life. He d. Feb. 15, 1900. Republican. Ch., by w. Mary, — i. James Frank, b. N. Y. City, June 5, 1859. m. 1881, Susan M. Bemis. iii. Infant Dau., b. L. Feb. 1874, d. same day. 3. Chester Morrill Goodwin, son of SamneP, 1). in L. May 19, 1829. m. first, March 27, 18G0, Louisa W., dau. of George Huntoon, b. in Whitefield, Sept. 11, 1837, d. in Carroll, Dec. 5, 1865. m. sec- ond, April 25, 1869, Harriet L., dau. of Nathaniel Hutchins, b. in Whitefield, Jan. 13, 1835. She m. first, Elzra Hazeltine, d. in L. Dec. 5, 1881. m. third, Dec. 2, 1889, Maud L., dau. of David Chickering, b. in Brookfield, Mass., Jan. 21, 1844. He res. in L. in youth and till his recent removal to a neighboring town. Farmer. Republican. A. F. and A. M. I. O. O. F.", N. G. Ch., by w. Louisa, — i. Samuel, b. Whitefield, Feb. 19, 1861. Farmer, res. Whitefield. ii. Elmer Ellsworth, b. L. Feb. 12, 1863. Farmer, res. Monroe. Ch., by w. Harriet, — iii. Harry Frank, b. L. Feb. 19, 1871. m. Sept. 30, 1893, Bertlia Whit- comb. Farmer, res. L. GORDON. 1. James Gordon, son of Jeremiah, b. in New Hampton, March 16, 1802. m. Dec. 6, 1832, Sarah B., dau. of j:zra Abbott*^ (See), b. in Bath, Oct. 7, 1814, d. in L. Dec. 17, 1889, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1832 until he d., June 19, 1885. Methodist. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Jane, b. July 14, 1834, d. L. March 22, 1891. ii. Orrin, b. April 14, 1838. m. April 21, 1869, Martha Ann Whiting. Dealer in cream, res. Lowell, Mass. iii. Maria, b. June 21, 1841. m. Charles Edwin Mann (See). 2. iv. Alba H., b. May 14, 1K43. V. Arthur, b. July 22, 1846. Soldier in War of the Rebellion. Missing and supposed to have died in the service, vi. WiLBEK, b. Dec. 20, 1848. ni. Oct. 27, 1873, Sarah Cox. Farmer. She d. Lisbon, March 31, 1879. vii. Wesley, b. Aug. 6, 1850. m. July 4, 1880, Mary Barrett. Mill-hand, res. Lisbon. Gordon— Goss. 229 2. Alu.v IlL'KiJ'.UTr (ioiJDON, SOU of Jamcs \ b. in L. ^Iju' 14, 1843. 111. Jan. 1, 1870, JMabel Ann, dan. of flohn C Putnam, b. in Amherst, Jnly 30, 1848, Methodist. He res. in L. all his life. Carpenter. Democrat. Co. II, 4th Vt. Inf. Private. Commander G. A. P., 1.S88. lie d. Jnly IG, 1894. Ch.,— i. Emma, b. Retlileliem, Ma^' 29, 1871. ii. Hakry Alba, b. L. June G, 1874. A soldier, — War willi Spain. GORDON. 3. IIiuAM GouDOX, son of Charles C, b. in Lancaster, Jnly 21, 1831. ni. Dec. 25, 1861, Sarah A., dan. of Frederic Bartlett, b. in Carroll, May 2, 1834, Free Baptist. He has res. in L. since 186G. Carpenter. Free Baptist. Repnblican. Ch.,— i. Edsox Lorenzo, b. L. Jan. 3, 18G7. ni. Nov. IG, 1801, Florence E. Kimball. Farmer, res. L. GOSS. 1. John Goss, with wife Sarah, came to America with Gov. Win- throp, 1630. He was admitted freeman May 18, 1631, d. at Water- town, Mass., 1644. 2. Philip Goss, son of John, b. probably in Watertown. m. Han- nah Hopkins, then of Roxbnry, Mass., and earlier of Dorchester, j\Iass. He d. in Lancaster, Mass., 1(598. Administration granted May 26, 16'J8. 3. Philip Goss, son of Philip", b. Roxbury, Mass., 1676y^7, bap- tized Feb. 16. in. in Concord, jNlass., Aug. 30, 1699, Judith Hay ward, b. April 9, 1675, dau. of John and Anna (White) Hayward, of Con- cord, He res. in Lancaster. 4. Philip Goss. son of Philip'*, b. in Lancaster, 1720. He m. 1748, Hannah B;dl, of Bolton, Mass. He remained in Lancaster until 1760, when he removed to Winchester, N. II., taking letter of commenda- tion from the church in Lancaster to the church in Warwick, Mass., an adjoining town. He served one enlistment in the Revolution and d. in AVinchester, April 17, 1804. 5. Abel Go.ss, son of Philip ^ b. in Winchester, N. H., March 31, 1763. m. May 3, 1787, Irene Spragne. He res. in Waterford, Vt., where he d. 6. Richard Goss, son of Abel'', b. in Waterford, Vt , March 29, 1794. m. first. June, 1817, Betsey, dau. of Reuben Buck, b. in Water- ford, Vt., in 1793, d. in L. Nov. 22, 1850. ni. second, Eliza Luce, m. third, Lncretia Chase. He res. in L. from 1834 to 1851. Farmei'. d. in Carbondale, Kas., Feb. 12, 1883. Ch., by w. Betse}', b. in Waterford, Vt., — i. Arza Ashley, I). 1817. m. Adelphia Cook. Farmer, res. Water- ford, Vt. ii. Richard O., b. Jan. 1, 1819. m. Widow Betsey (Holbrook) Joslin. Farmer, res. Waterford, Vt. 230 Goss — Gould 7. iii. Horace S., b. Aug. 1, 1820. iv. Levi, b. June 10, 1S22. m. Martha Chase. Miller, res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. Soldier iu War of Rebellion. V. Silas Buck, 1). April 20, 1824. ni. Hannah Abbott, res. GoUion, Ohio, vi. Lyman' B., b. July 7, 182G. res. Cal. vii. Abel Brown, b. Oct. 21, 1828. Farmer, res. Waterford, Vt. He ni. Oct. 1, 18-jG, Lucy Stoddard Ross, dau. of Royal Ross, of Waterford. She is a sister of Cliief Justice and U. S. Senator Jonatlian Ross. Tiieir son, Herbert I. Goss, is a lawyer in BerliiL viii. Reubkn C, b. Jan. 1, 1831. m. Sarah Henry. Farmer, res. Denver, Col. Soldier in War of the Rebellion. i.x. George W., b. Marcli 12, 1833. m. Widow ALirtha H. (Owen) Archer. Farmer, res. Colorado Springs. Col. Soldier in War of Rebellion. X. Charles, b. May 10, 1835. xi. Betsey Jane, b. Aug. 25, 1837, m. James Ranch, res. Verden, Ills, xii. Laura Ann, b. Nov. 19, 1839. m. Samuel Lovvry. res. Waverly, Ills. 7. IIuuACE S. Go.s.s, son of Richard", b. in Waterford, Vt., Aug. 1, 1S20. ni. about 1856, Jane Swan, b. about 1819, d. in Peace, Kas., about 1888. He res. in L. from 1842 to 1853. Farmer. Represen- tative, 1852. Ensign, lltli Co. 32d Regt. N. II. Militia, 1846-7; re- moved by Legislative ad(b'ess, June 22, 1848. Ch., b.' in Waterford, Vt.,— i. William S., b. Aug. 23, 1857. ii. Emma G., b. July, 1859. unui. 8. Adelbert Goss, son of Levi and grandson of Richard^, b. in Conconl, Vt., April 9, 1854. m. May l,l877, Ella M., dau. of Ben- jamin W. Putnam, b. in Unity, June 23, 1851, Methodist. He has res. in L. from 1875 to 1877, and since 1885. Farmer. Methodist. Republican. Ch., — i. WiLLARD LEvi,b. Unity, Feb. 1, 1878. ii. Lee Cakleton, b. Unity, April 28, 1880, d. L. Dec. 11, 1882. iii. Clara Inez, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Oct. 31, 1883. iv. Mary Ellen, b. L. Nov. ly, 1885. V. Ona Ardell, b. Aug. 27, 1887. vi. Emile Rounsevel, b. L. Sept. 9, 1891. GOULD. 1, Neiirmiaii CtOuld, b. 1715. settled iu Groton, Mass. He m. Nov. 1, 1739, Esther Bovvers, b. Oct. 15, 1715, dau. of Samuel Bowers. A few years later he lived near the province line, but in New Hamp- shire. He was a corporal in Capt. Thomas Lawrence's company, and was killed July 20, 1758, at Half Way Brook, near Lake George. 2. James Gould, son of Neliemiah \ b. in Groton, Feb. 22, 1743. m. in Hollis, May 27, 1765, Mary Lovejoy, b. Sept. 27, 1747, dau. of Jonathan and Mary Lovejoy. He res. in Hollis a few years ; removed about 1770 to Cockermouth, N. PL, and about 1777 to Hanover, N. H. In 1775 he was Sergeant in Mnjor Bedel's Regiment of Rangers, and in 1776 he ])ecame a Lieutenant in the company commanded b^' Capt. John House, of Hanover, in Col. Cilley's Continental Regiment. He was severely wounded Sept. 19, 1777, at Bemis Heights, and was subse- quentlv a State and a U. S. pensioner. Coroner for Grafton County, 1785-1790. He d. Oct. 1, 1822. Gould. 231 3. I'lirxEAS GocLD, son of James'-, b. in Ilollis, -Jiily l-S, 1707. m. .Tiin. 1;"), 17. m. Sei)t. 1"), \^:M, Emily J)o(lg:e. dan. of Benjamin V. lius- sell, 1). in Newbury port. :>Liss., Fel). •2;5, 1817, d. in L. April l.">, isr)(). ni. second, May 20, 18")1, Snsan Johnson, dan. of Jolm T. Leverett, b. in Windsor, Vt., June 2-1, l.Sll), Cong. He res. in L. from 1820 until he d., Jan. 10, l.S.SS. Merchant. Cong. Republican. Selectman, 1812-3-(;-7. Cleric, 185,'). Treasurer, 1844-6-9-.o.^-8-70. Fire ward, 18 14-5-7-8-9. Delegate to Constitutional Convention, 18,')0. ^. 1'. State. L O. O. F., X. G. Ch., b}- w. Einily, b. in L., — i. Emily Ei.izaukth, b. Nov. 17, 1838. m. July 15, 1807, Kulliii F. Gor- liani, coiilrjictor ami builder, res. Joliet, 111. ii. LuELLA .rANK, 1). July ol, 1840. in. Nov. 7, 1866, Martin Westplial, banker, res. L. 5. iii. Phinea.^ RussKLi.. b. March 21, 1842. iv. Henry Mai.-quis, b. Jan. 2'.), 1844, d. L. March 1, 1844. V. Frank Abisott, b. .March 1(1, 184.5, il. L. July 14, 184-5. vi. Kathekine WniTiNc, b. June 1, 1847. in. May 1, 1871, Daniel Ham- mond Richards, carpenter, res. Woburn, Ma.ss. vii. Alice Hale, b. Feb. 8, 1848. in. Theron A. Farr (See). Ch., by w. Susan, b. in L., — G. viii. Henry Tilton, b. April ">, 1852. i.x. Mary SoririA, b. Aug. 4, 1855, d. L. April 23, 1857. X. Marion Leverett, b. Aug. 4, 1859. m. Jan. 1, 1882, Don H. Aldrlcli, druggist, res. Concord. 5. PiiixEAS Russell Goold, son of Marquis La Fayette \ b. in L. :\rarcli 21, 1842. m. Jan. 10, 18G9, Sylvia, dan. of Henry Danforth, b. in Lisbon, Sept. 1833. He has res. in L. most of his life. He learned the printer's ti'ade in the ollice of the Haverhill " Repul)lican," and worked at his trade for some years in various offices. Returning to L., he worked as a clerk in a store for some time. Nov. .SO, 18(58, he was appointed Postmaster, which position he held until Feb. 1887. Jan. 1, 1881. he, in com[)any with B. F. Robinson, established the " Littleton Join'ual," of wliich he remained part proprietor until 1887, when he sold his interest to his partner. May 13, 1891, he formed the Courier Publishing Co., and purchased the " Littleton Courier," of ■which he was j)ublisher and treasurer till the purchase of the property bv VV. S. Noves in 1899. Selectman, 1887-8. Board of Health, 1888. J^ P. No ch. 6. Henry Tilton Goold. son of Marquis La Fayette*, 1). in L. April 5. 1852. m. first, March 29, 1875. Emma A., dau. of Ezra Bliss Elkins (See), b. in Lisbon, April 3, 1855, d. in Woburn. Mass., May 5, 1886. m. second, Aug. 10. 1892, Augusta M., dau. of Moses A. Fel- lows, b. in Chelsea, Mass., April 3, 1857. He res. in L. from birth to 1875. Book-keeper. Executor of estate of CoL Charles A. Sinclair. Railroad director and general business. Ch., by w. Emma. b. in Woburn, Mass., — i. Frank Elkins, b. May 11, 1877. ii. Harold Leverett, b. Woburn, Mass., Aug. 23, 1882. Ch., by w. Augusta, b. in Woburn, Mass., — iii. Amelia Fellows, b. Feb. 14, 1896. 232 Gould — Graham. GOULD, 1. Asa Gould, b. 1774. m. Sally, dau. of Jonas Bowman'^ (See), b. ill Ilenniker, June, 1774, d. in L. Sept. 2, 1861. He res. in L. from 1801 to 1844. Farmer. A. F. and A. M., Meridian Sun, No. 25, Bath, and Morning Dawn. d. L. Oct. 7, 1849. Cli., b. in L., — 2. i. Clement, b. March 17, 1797. ii. Selina, b. Sept. 9, 1798. m. diaries Riser, iii. Tamson, b. Dec. 9, 1799. iv. Asa, b. Feb. 29, 1804. m. Harriet Holbrook. He d. Coventry, Vt., Aug. 20, 18o2. She d. June 20, 1871. V. RoXANA, b. Aug. 19, 1807. m. Vine Kinne (See), vi. Mollis, b. Marcli 6, 1809. vii. Mary J. Sullivan, b. Barnet, Vt., April 28, 1839. m. John C. Goode- nough (See). (Adopted.) 2. Clement Gould, son of Asa^ b. in L. March 17, 1707. m. March 6, 1823, Jernsha, dau. of Josiah Bnrleigh. b. in Sanbornton, Oct. 1, 1802, d. Ang. 5, 1873. He res. in L. from birth to 1823. La- borer, d. June G, 1872. Cli.,— i. Eveline, b. Lyman, April 12, 1821, d. July 5, 1829. ii. Selina, b. Lyman. Aug. 1, 1825. n\. liec. 21, 1848, Charles U. \l. Rythes. She d. Aug. 22, 1849. iii. Luther C, b. Lyman, June 16, 1831. m. Lucinda F. Carter. He d. Oct. 29, 1858. iv. Ezra P., b. Lyman, March 31, 1834, d. Aug. 28, 1849. V. Mary P., b. Lyman, Aug. 31, 183(1 vi. HoLLis, b. Coventry, Vt., March 1, 1838. m. first, Dee. 20, 1858, Cla- rinda A. Dunliam, d. Aug. 12, 1863. m. second, Dec. 5, 1866, Lucy J. Benson, res. Newport, Vt. vii. Martha P., b. Newport, Vt., April 5, 1840. m. Aug. 29, 1862, Charles T. Root. Siie d. Feb. 1, 1865. viii. Franklin, b. Newport, Vt., Sept. 18, 1842, d. Newport, Vt., Dec. 3, 1858. GOULD. 3. Edwin Henry" Gould, son of Henry Dewey, b. in Marshfield, Vt., Sept. 18, 1858. m. Nov. 8, 1883, Abby E., dau. of Ezra Bliss Elkins, (See), b. in L. May 31, 18G0. He has res. in L. since 1880. Mer- chant. Democrat. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com'dy. L O. O. F., Lafayette Lodge. No ch. INGRAHAM. GRAHAM. 1. Benjamin Ingraham served four years in the French and Indian War, and eight years in tlie War of the Revolution. He was discharged in Western N. Y. and had to travel on foot to his home in Sharon, Mass. Before arriving home his money, which was almost worthless, gave out, and he had to beg the rest of the vvay. He died in 1822, aged i)2 3'ears. 2. Lewis Ingraham, son of Benjamin ^b. in Providence, R. I., Aug. 10, 1788. m. May 27, 1810, Amy, dau. of Abraham Drake, b. in Graliam. 233 Walpole, Mass., July 22, 1792, d. in Franconia, Nov. 17, 1838. lie res. in L. a short time before lie d., Dec. 30, IHGO. Fanner. Cii.,— 3. i. Lewis, b. Sliaron, Mass., May 4, 1811. ii. Cl.\hissa, b. Walpole, Ma.ss., July 29, 181.3. m. Oct. 2, 1850, IIol- lis, sliooiiiaker. Slie d. Canton, Mass., Oct. 5, 1881. iii. Caroline, b. l?oxbiiry, Mass., May 10, 1816. ni. May 29, 1841, John Allen, siiocmaker. She d. iStouijhton, Mass., May 2'.), 1847. 4. iv. Ei.iiiiiDGE G., b. Acton, Mass., Dec. Id, 1M9. V. Mary A., b. Franconia, May 25, 182-'], d. Franconia, Oct. 4, 1841. vi. George W., b. Franconia, June 12, 1825, d. Franconia, Aug. 27, 1827. vii. Sarah C, b. Franconia, Aug. 15, 1827. ni. Sept. 28, 1854, David Manuel, match inanufr. She d. Hyde Park, Mass., 1891. viii. Martha G., b. Franconia, June 10, 1880. ni. May 3, 1851, Davis White, shoemaker. He d. Dedham, Mass., 18U3. ix. Harriet N., b. Franconia, Oct. 21, 1832. in. Feb. 22, 1852, George Leonard, livery stable, res. Hyde Park, Mass. X. Emily L., b. Franconia, Jan. 12, 1835. res. Hyde Park, Mass. 3. Lewis Graham, son of Lewis'^, b. in Sharon, Mass., May 4, 1811. ni. first, Aug. 12, 1839, Hannah, dan. of Caleb Noyos, b. in Franconia, May 8, 1819, d. in Franconia, Nov. 19, 1841, Cong. m. second. May 27, 1843, Maria, dan. of Joseph Wilder, b. in Bethlehem, Oct. 15, 1821, d. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., March 2, 1885, Cong. He res. in L. from June, 1848, to Oct. 1856. Cleik and book-keei)er. Cong. Rei)ublican. J. 1*. He had his name changed from Ingraham to Graham by the Legislature in 1836, and since that date Graham has been the recognized fainih' name. Ch., by w. Hannah, — i. Mary, b. Franconia, Aug. 8, 1840. m. July 27, 18(il, John Hutcliinson, nurseryman and jeweller, res. Portsmouth. Ch., by w. Maria, — ii. Clarence Warren, b. Bethleliem, June 11, 1847. m. June o, 1885, Jessie M. Dunn. Taxidermist, res. Haverhill, Mass. 4. Elbkidge G. Graham, son of Lewis *, b. in Acton, Mass., Dec. 16, 1819. m. Oct. 12, 1844, Marion, dan. of P^benezer Gaskill (See), b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., March 12, 1826, Unitarian. He res. in L. from 1848 until he d., March 25, 1890. Iron-moulder. Unitarian. Republican. A. F. and A. jNI., Burns Lodge. Ch., b. in L., — i. Melphonso Mortimer, b. Feb. 6, 1849. m. Feb. G, 1871, Addie Stearns. Machinist, res. Moberly, Mo. 5. ii. Percival Sobieski, b. Nov. 5, 1853. iii. George Elbridge, b. Feb. 22, 1862. m. Oct. 22, 1890, Edith Vath. ^Machinist, res. Moberly, Mo. 5. Percival Sobieski Graham, son of Elbridge^, b. in L. Nov. 5, 1853. m. jMay 14, 1879, IMaiy, dan. of Charles Jasper Robinson, b. in Barton, Vt., Jan. 14, 1858, Unitarian. He has res. in L. all his life. Photographer. Unitarian. Republican. I. O. O. F, N. G. C. P., L. Encampment. Ch.,— i. Charles Elbridge, b. L. June 30, 1884, d. L. Feb. 4, 1891. 234 Granger — Graves. GRANGER. 1. Nei.sox McDonald Grangki:, son of Rev. P. N., of the Vt. Con- ference, b. in Granville, Vt, Aug. 10, 1840. m. Jan. 28, 1863, Lizzie P. Browne. He was educated in Newbury, Vt., Seminary, where he remained four years, and June 12, 18G1, received a Methodist local preacher's license in Lyndon, Vt. Soon after he entered the Metho- dist Gen. Bibli(!al Institute in Concord, where he remained two 3-ears. In 18G2 lie became a proliatiouer in the Vt. Conference, and was ordained Dea. b}" Bisiiop Janes, and in 1804 was received into full connection. He was located in the Vt. Conference as follows : Lvn- dou and Kirbv, Vt., 1862; Northfield Falls, Vt., 1863; Rovalton, Vt.. 1865 ; Coriutii, Vt., 1866 ; Waitslield, Vt, 1867. On account of poor health he was then placed upon the superannuated list until 1871, when he was transferred to the New England Conference and sta- tioned at lUanfortl, Mass., until 1873, when he was ordained Elder by Bishop Wiley in Lynn, IVIass., and appointed to South Deerfield, ]\[a__ss., from which place, after two 3'ears' service, he was transferred to th(i N. IL Conference and stationed in Greenland for two years. He was then located in L. two years, and in Lisbon one 3'ear, where he d. April 23, 1880. Five ch. (N. H. Conference Minute^s for 1881, p. 11.) GRAVES. 1. Thomas Ghavks, b. in Eng. about 1590, came to America as early as 1645, and res. in Hartfcji-d, Conn., and Hatfield, Mass. m. Sarah . She d. Dec. 17, 1677. He d. in Hatfield, Mass., Nov. 1662. 2. John Graves, son of Thomas S b. in Eng. ni. first, Mary, dau. of Lieut. Samuel Smith, ra. second, Mary, widow of John Wyatt, of Haddam, Conn, He was killed by the Indians in King Philip's War, in Hatfield, INIass., Sept. 17, 1677. 3. John Graves, son of John '-, b. in Hartford (?), Conn., about 1652. m. Feb. 12, 1678, Sarah, dau. of John White, of Hatfield, Mass. Farmer, d. in Whately, Mass., Dec. 2, 1750. 4. John Graves, son of John ■^ b. in Whately, Mass., March 23, 1682. m. May 5, 1715, Jemima Graves. He d. in Whatelv, Mass., in 1716. 5. Nathan Graves, son of John \ b. in Whately, Mass., March 20, 1716. ra. Lydia (Leonard) Scott. He was a Cong, deacon, a great hunter, and member of a militia co. sent to relieve Fort William Henry when taken by Montcalm, d. in Whately, Mass., Jan. 7, 1784. 6. Daniel Graves, son of Nathan ^ b. in Whately, Mass., Sept. 26, 1769. m. Lois Rice. He kept hotel, conducted a tannery, shoe factory, potash factory, Capt. of Militia, in Ira, Vt., and was Representative, d. in Ira, Vt., about 1834. 7. Daniel Graves, son of Daniel'', b. in Ira, Vt.. Jan. 7, 1798. m. April 27, 1826, Almira Loomis, dau. of Jedediah Rogers. He moved to 111. in 1847, and engaged in farming, d. in Marengo, 111., July 2. 1869. G ra ves — G raij. "235 8. Anson Kogkws Gkavks, sou of Daiiiel ', b. in Wells, \"t., April I'l, 1842. in. April 3, 1877. JMary To) ton. oard of Education, Union District, 1878-9-80. Ch.,- i. Freuickick Daniei,, b. L. Jul}- 21, 1878. ii. Makgaket, 1). L. May 2:], 1880. iii. Ki.ioT Var.num, b. Henniiiiitoii. Vt., Sept. 24, 1882. iv. Cektuude, b. Miniieay)olis, Minn., Sept. 10, 188(5. V. David Wathocs, h. Kearney, Neb., March 17, 1891. vi. Paul, b. Kearney, Neb., March 2.;, 181)3. GRAVES. 9. CiiAKLKs GuAVKS, SOU of Ilcury and Elizabeth Graves, b. in Earith, Iluntingdonsliire, England, Se|)t. 2.'3, 18G8. lie pursued a course of stud}' at the Unitarian Tlieological School, Meadville, Pa., and was ordained JNIarch 2, 1894. He wa.s pastor of Unitarian churches at Anamosa, Iowa, 1893-5, Huinbolt, Iowa, 1895-8, and L. since 1899. He m. Aug. 25, 1895, Annie Louise Eisli. Ch., - i. Rohekt CoLi.vEii. b. Ilunibolt, Iowa, May 15, 1807. ii. Elizabeth Paukicu, b. L. .May 7, lUUO. GRAY. 1. Jared WiLLiA:\r Gi:av, son of Ste[)hen, b. in Gorham, March 1, 1841. m. Oct. 17, 18G9, Emily, dan. of Abiel Bedell, b. in Jefferson, Dec. 19, 1853, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1887. Carpenter. Methodist. Repul)lican. Co. E, 14th N. II. Inf. Corp. G. A. R. Ch., 1). in Jefferson, — i. Heuhert, b. Sept. 24, 1870, d. Jeffenson, Aup. 5, 1880. ii. Fkeei-an W., b. June 10, 1872. m. June 2(5, 1895, Gertrude Poliarci. (i lover, res. L. I. O. O. F. iii. Veema S., b. July 13, 1877. ni. Sept. 15, 1897, Warren A. Gregory, res \j. iv. Ida .May, b. June 2, 1879, d. Sept. 23, 1870. 236 areen. GREEN. 1. Timothy Green, son of Nathan, b. in Carlisle, Mass., Dec. 2, 1775. m. in Concord, Mass., March 10, 1808, Sarah, dan. of Simeon Burt, b. in Jalfrev, Nov. 6, 1779, d. in L. Aug. 22, 1863, Uni- tarian. He res. in L. from 1852 until he d., June 1, 1855. Farmer. Democrat. Ch.,— 2. i. TiMOTHV, b. Concord, Mass., Jan, 29, 1809. ii. Sarah Bort, b. Concord, Mass., Dec. 23, 1811, d. L. Feb. 2;], 1892. iii. Mary, b. Clielsea, Mass., March 21, 1810. m. Samuel Ball (See). iv. Elizabeth, b. Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 9, 1820. m. Charles C. Wilder (See). V. Harriet, b. Chelsea, Mass., July 20, 1823, d. Bethlehem, May 15, 1848. 2. Timothy Green, son of Timoth}'^ b. in Concord, Mass., Jan. 29, 1809. m. March 12, 1857, Harriet S". Chick, b. in Ryegate, Vt., July, 1812, d. Littleton, March 25, 1893, Cong. He res. 'in L. from 1852 until he d., Aug. 24, 1888. Farmer. Unitarian. Republican. Ch., — 3. i. Frank T. Grout, b. Concord, Vt., Dee. 12, 1859 (Adopted). 3. Frank T. Grout Green, adopted son of Timothy "^ b. in Con- cord, Vt., Dec. 12, 1859. m. Dec. 25, 1893, Esther," dau. of John Duff, b. in Canada, Dec. 5, 1862. He has res. in L. nearly all his life. Laborer. No ch. GREEN. 4. Harry Green, son of Robert, b. in Danville, Vt., May 19, 1804. m. Nov. 15, 1832, Marilla Smith, b. in Lyman, July 16, 1809, d. in Bath, Oct. 10, 1877. He never res. in L. Farmer. Democrat, d. in Lvndon, Vt., Oct. 27, 1844. cii., — i. Eloise W., b. Haverhill, April 11, 1834. ni. first, Jan. 2.3, 1854, Leroy C. Clark, farmer, d. Beatrice, Neb., Sei)t. 2i), 1863. m. second, Feb. G, 1867, Adolph I'laottner, (IrasK'st He d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1888. She d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1895. ii. Mary Ann, b. Lyndon, Vt., Nov. 19, 1835. lu. George W. Jackman (See), iii. Sarah Jane, b. Lyndon, Vt., Dec. 16, 1837. ni. Ciiarles Eaton (See). iv. Myra Electa, b. Lyndon, Vt., May 25, 1841. m. Hartwell H. South- worth (See). 5. V. Henry Francis, b. Lyndon, Vt., Feb. 6, 1844. 5. Henry Francis Green, son of Harry'*, b. in Lyndon, Vt., Feb. 6, 1844. m. June 18, 1872, Jennie May, dan. of Harry Smith, b. in Chittenango, N. Y., June 30, 1843, Christian Science. He has res. in L. since 1877. INIerchant. Republican. Selectman, 1892 to 6 inc. and 1898. Representative, 1883-4. Board of Health, 1890. Prest. L. Musical Association, 1894-5. Member Board of Education, Union District, 1887 to 94 inc. and 1896. J. P. State. Commissioner of Grafton Co., 1892 to 1897 inc. Trustee L. Savings Bank since 1895. Since Jan. 1, 1898, Manager of Littleton Water and Light Co. Di- rector L. National Bank since 1898, PLxecutive Councillor 1899-1900. Green — Greene. 237 Treas. Siuanac Glove Co. A. F. and A. il., Biini.s Lodge. K. T.. St. Gerard Com., 32'= A. A. S. R. Ch., — 0. i. IIauuy Daniel, b. Williamsport, Pa , Dec. 22, 1872 (Adopted). 6. IIahhy Danif.l Guken, adoi)ted son of Henry Francis'', li. in Williamsport, Pa., Dec. •>•>, 1.S72. m. Oct. 2, 1804, Persis A., dan. of Tyler E. Parker (vScje). b. in Lyndonville, Vt., April 18, 1871. He has res. in L. since 1(877. Merchant. Repnhlican. Ch.,- i. IIknry Francis, b. L. Feb. 2;i, IH'JO. GREEN. 7. Fred Elmer Green, son of Lorenzo, b. in Portland, IMich., April 10, 1873. m. Dec. 2(], IS'Jo, Lillian Edith, dan. of Thaddens E. Sanger (See), b. in L. April 20, 1S73, Cong. He has res. in L. since Jnlv, 181)3. Drnggist. Kei)ublican. Ch.,— i. Sanger, b. Sept. 14, 18'J7. GREEN. 8. Edwin P. Green, son of Charles, b. in Stockbridge, Vt., March 10, 1828. m. first, Dec. 31, 1855, Isabella McClary, dau. of Adams Moore (See), b. in L. Nov. 24, 1833, d. in Akron, Ohio, March 13, 18G0. m. second, April 25, 1870, Elizabeth Adams, dan. of Adams Moore (See), b. in L. May 2!), 1837. He res. in L. in 1851. Lawyer and Jndge of the Circnit Court in Ohio. d. in Akron, Ohio, Dec. 28, 18'J4. Ch..— i. Isabella ]\IcClvry, b. June 10, 1871. ii. William Adams, b. Feb. 21, 1874. iii. Mary Little, b. Dec. 2G, 1876. GREENE. 1. ISAI.A.H Greene came from Kensington in 17G8 and settled in Weare, and was among the first (Quakers wiio settled there. Town meetings were sometimes held in his house, and the lirst (.Quaker meeting-honse was built on his hunl. He m. Mary Purington. 2. Elisha Greene, son of Isaiah ^ b. Feb. 27, 17G2. m. Abigail Gove, b. in 1771. She was a descendant of John Gove, who came from P>ng. about 1G30, and who was the progenitor of all the Goves in this country. Elisha was a member of the Society- of Friends, and d. in Weare. 3. JosiAH Greene, son of P^lisha ^ b. in Weare, Dec. 31, 1795. m. Oct. 11, 1835, Rebekah Cram, dau. of Joseph and Hannah (Cram) Bailey, b. in Weare, Sept. 2, l. He has res. in L. since 18()8. Cai-iiage- nial. 6. Isaac Hadlet, son of Moses ^ 1). in Hudson, March 20, 1790. m. Feb. 20, 1814, Abigail Seavey, b. March 20, 1793. He d. in Pal- myra, Wis., Oct. '2^, 1867. 7. James Monroe Hadley, son of Isaac ^, b. in Hudson, Oct. 7, 1817. m. May 20, 1843, Mary Ann, dau. of Benjamin Darling, b. in Rumney, Dec. 31, 1820. He res. in L. from 1854 to 1864. Contractor and first Conductor on White Mts. Railroad. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, d. April 18, 1895. Ch., b. in Rumney, — i. Georgianna a., b. March 1.3, 1846. m. Edward D. Brackett (See). ii. Marianna E., b. March 13,1846. m. Jan. 15, 1868, Harris E. Smith, insurance, res. Kansas City, Kas. iii. James Fayette, b. Dec. 25, 1848. m. Jan. 1, 1877, Jennie E. Jerome. Real estate, res. Kansas City, Mo. HADLOCK. 1. Hubbard Hadlock, son of lienjamin, b. in Waterford, Vt.. Nov. 21, 1826. m. Oct. 3, 1853, Cozbi, dau. of Simeon Remick (See), b. in L. May 12, 1833. Cong. He res. in L. from 1832 until he d., June 28, 1877. Farmer. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. John, b. Nov. 1, 1854. ni. Marcli 19, 1877, Mary Ann Riley. Horse- man, res. L. ii. Elvira Hannah, b. Dec. 22, 1865. ni. Oct. 27, 1883, Jolm Bean, car- penter, res. Betlilehem. iii. Fred Simeon, b. .May 23, 1809. res. L. HALE. 1. William Hale, res. in King's AValdcn, Herts, Eng. 2. Thomas Hale, son of William \ supposed to have been b. in King's Walden, Herts, Eng., May 15, 1606, came to America and set- vuL. II — 16 242 Hale. tied in Haverhill, Mass., nbont 1645, in which 3'ear he is mentioned as one of o2 landholders. He heads the list of the first board of select- men, chosen in 1645. In 1649 he was chosen constable, probably the first in Haverhill. He m. Thomasin ■ . He d. Newbury, Mass., Dec. 21, 1682. 3. Thomas Hale, son of Thomas ^ probably b. in Eng. in 1633. m. May 26, 1657, Mary Hutchinson, dau. of Richard and Alice (Ros- worth) Hutchinson. He d. in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 22, 1688. 4. Thomas Hale, son of Thomas^, b. in Newbury, Mass., Feb. 11, 1658/9. m. May 16, 1682, Sarah Northend, dau. of Ezekiel and Edna (Lambert) Nortliend. He res. in Newbury, Mass., until 1726, when he bought land in Rowley, built a house and removed there, "so as to be near the meeting-house." He was Representative in 1613/14, and was locally known as "• Justice Hale." It is said he weighed 500 pounds, with a voice proportionall}' strong. He d. in Rowley, Mass., April 12, 1730. 5. Ezekiel Hale, son of Thomas ^ b. in Newburj-, Mass., May 13, 1689. m. first, Ruth Emery, dau. of John and Ruth (Sawyer) Emery, m. second, Sarah (Poor) Spafford. He d. April 15, 1740. He was an uncle of Col. Enoch Hale and Col. Nathan Hale of the Revolution. 6. Ezekiel Hale, son of EzekieP, b. July 14, 1725. m. Maiy Moody ; m. second, Mar\' Sargent ; m. third, Hannah Balch ; m. fourth, Abigail Sargent. He lived until 1769. No record of his death is found. Sixteen children. 7. Ezekiel Hale, son of P^zekiel °, b. in Newbuiy, Mass., April 3, 1763. m. April 13, 1786, Phebe Coburn, d. Jan. 20, 1842. Woollen manufr. d. in Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 3, 1852. 8. Ezekiel Hale, son of EzekieP, b. in Dracut, Mass., Oct. 17, 1788. m. Sept. 25, 1810, Hannah Church, dau. of Samuel Cookson of Boston, Mass., d. in Haverhill, ]\Ias3., Aug. 28, 1881. He d. in Haverhill, Mass. 9. James Hale, son of Ezekiel '', b. in Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 5, 1796. m. June 5, 1827, Rebecca Suiith, dau. of William Steele, b. in Haverhill, Mass., March 29, 1808, d. in Haverhill, Mass., May 18,' 1888. He res. in L. from 1847 to 1854. Woollen manufr. Representative from Haverhill, IVIass., and Deacon of Baptist Church there. He d. in Dover, Feb. 23, 1856. Ch., b. in Haverhill, JMass., — i. Matthew, b. Feb. 1829. res. Cnl. ii. James Augustus, b. Feb. 18H1, d. Aug. 19, 18^5. iii. l\Ei5EccA Woodbury, b. July 27, 18;!G. res. Havcrbill, Mass. iv. James Augustus, b. Nov. 29, 1848. m. July 29, 1873, Annie Russell Train. Merchant, res. Haverhill, Mass. 10. Joseph Warren Hale, son of Ezekiel, b. in Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 7, 1801. m. in 1832, Gabella, dau. of Horatio Merrill, b. in Goffs- town in 1810, d. in Lowell, Mass., in 1870. He res. in L. from 1847 to 1866. Woollen manufr. d. in Lexington, Mich., in 1888. Hale. 243 Ch., — i. Martha, h. IlaviTliill, Mass., 1833. m. Nov. 7, 18G4, Artliur M. Clark, U. S. CoiiMil. Slio (1. Lexington, Mich., Aug. 2'J, 18!»6. ii. Henry 11., b. Ilaverliili, Mass., 1835, d. Havcrliill, Mass., 1843. iii. Henry VV., b. Haverhill, Mass., 1840, d. L. 1850. iv. iViARY IsABELL.\, b. L. 1852, il. L. 1853. 11. EzEKiEL Jamks I\I.\1)Ison Hale, sou of EzekieP, b. in Haver- hill, Ma.ss., March ;50, 1813. m. first, Feb. 3, 1887, Lucy Lapliaiii, dan. of Benjamin Parker, b. in Bradford, ]\[a.ss., April 1.'), 181G, d. in Haverhill, Mass., March IT), 185G, m. second, Feb. ;"», 18(;-2, Ruth C, dau. of lienjaniin Parker, b. in liradford, JNIass., Nov. 17, 1823, d. in Haverhill, Mass., JMarch 25, 1895. He never res. in L., but was proprietor of L. Woollen IMills, and a director of the White Moun- tains Railroad. He grad. from Dart. Coll. in 1835 and studied law- six months, then commenced the manufacture of woollen goods in his father's mill in Haverhill, Mass., where he res. until he d., June 4, 1881. He also built mills in South Groveland, jNIass. Founded a public librarv and city hospital in Haverhill, Mass. State Senator, 1847-8. Ch., by w. Luc3-, b. in Haverhill, Mass., — 12. i. RuFus Barker, b. Jan. 1, 1838. ii. EzEKiEL, b. Feb. 11, 1840, d. in infancy. iii. Anna Lucy, b. May 15, 1841. m. Williain G. Howe. She d. Boston, Mass., Dec. 10, 1877. iv. James Frank, b. Aug. 12, 1844. ni. Jeaiinette D. Seeley. Woollen nianufr. He d. Groveland, Mass., April 21, 1879. V. Benjamin Parker, b. March 13, 1840. ni. Annie Howe. He d. at sea, Aug. 1808. vi. Harry Horskord, b. July 7, 1847. ni. Harriet Newell Smith. Mer- chant and nianutr. He il. Bradford, Mass., May 7, 1894. vi. Samuel Cookson, b. Julv 7, 1855. m. Susie O'Uonnell. He d. Boston, Mass., Jan. 19, 1887. Ch., by w. Ruth, — viii. Edward, b. May 29, 18G3. m. lAiey Lufkin. He d. Haverhill, Mass., March 25, 1800. 12. RuFUS Barker Hale, son of P^zekiel James Madison ", b. in Haverhill, Mass., Jan. 1, 1838. ra. Dec. 25, 1858, Laura C, dau. of John and Deborah (Ryerson) Dexter, b. in Lisbon, Oct. 4, 1838, d. in Chicago, 111., June 1, 1879. He res. in L. from 1854 to 1868. Woollen manufr. Democrat. Roman Catholic, d. in Boston, Mass., Nov. 12, 18G5. Ch., — i. EzEKiEL J. M.,b. L May 5, 18G0. m March, 1882, Maggie Blair, res. Chicago, III. HALE. 13. Ezra Hale, b. in Ik'thlehem, Oct. 3, 1802, represents another lineage of the same family. His father was Thomas Hale, b. Winchen- don, Mass. Feb. 14, 177G. The generations are: William^ of Eng- land, Thomas-, Thomas'*, Joseph'', Abner", Jacob", Thomas'', Ezra*. Ezra Hale m. 1822, Joanna, dau. of Elislia Sanborn, b. in Gilmanton, Oct. 19, 1797, d. in L. March 31, 1878, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1866 until he d., Oct. 2, 1871. Farmer. Methodist. Democral. 244 Hale — Hall. Ch., b. in Bethlehem, — i. Sarah W., b. April 8, 1823. m. Nov. 21, 1850, Levi Wheeler, painter. She (1. Conway, April 22, 1857. ii. Livonia, b. April 10, 1826. m. Edward O. Kenney (See). 14. iii. Otis Goss, b. June G, 1828. iv. Ellen M., b. April 10, 1832, d. L. Oct. 12, 1880. V. Esther C, b. Dec. 27, 1841, d. Bethlehem, Marcli 1, 1843. 14. Otis Goss Hale, son of Ezra", b. in Bethlehem, June 6, 1828. ni. Oct. 12, 1857, Sarah Loisa, dan. of Lyman Blandin (See), b. in Bethlehem, Aug. 14, 183G. Her grandfather, Jonathan Blandin, was a llev. soldier, d. in Betlilehem when more than 100 years old. Otis has res. in L. since 1865. Merchant. Democrat. Selectman and Treasurer, 1807-8. Auditor, 1875-7-8-9-80-1-2-3-4-7-91-2-3. Rep- resentative, 1875, and declined re-election to take the management of the N. H. Scythe & Axe Co. Member Board of Education, Union District, 1879-80-1. Director L. Savings Bank, 1874 to 84 inc. Post- master and town clerk, Bethlehem, 185(5-7. Postmaster, Lower Waterford, Vt., lcS58 to 61. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. He d. L. March 23, 1900. Ch., — i. Elma Mabel, b. Waterford, Vt., April 7, 1859, d. Waterford, Vt. Oct. 22, 1862. ii. Mabel Estelle, b. Waterford, Vt., Dec. 31, 1862. ni. Ciiarles M. Lane (See). iii. Willie Otis, b. L. May 3, 1866, d. L. Sept. 21, 1806. iv. Clark Haywood, b. L. May 12, 1808, d. L. Marcli 4, 1886. HALE. 15. Amos Spaulding Hale, son of Thomas, b. in Waterford, Vt., Aug. 31, 1809. The generations are: William^, Thomas ", Thomas^, Joseph^, Thomas^, Thomas*^, Thomas''', Amos Spaulding^. He ra. first, Jan. 27, 1839, Anna Sophronia, dau. of Natlianiel and Ruth (Hale) Goddard, b. in Petersham, Mass., Aug. 8, 1810, d. in Water- ford, Vt., Aug. 22, 1846, Cong. m. second, Oct. 1, 1851, Lydia Bartlett, dau. of Vespatian Wheeler (See), b. in L. Feb. 8, 1813. He res. in L. from 1858 until he d., Dec. 1, 1809. Farmer. Baptist. Republi- can. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. She d. L. Feb. 7, 1898. Ruth (Hale) Goddard d. in L. Nov. 13, 1872, aged 100 years and 6 months. Ch., by w. Anna, b. in Waterford, Vt., — i. Henry Warren, b. March 13, 1840, d. March 13, 1860. ii. Erances Eliza, b. July G, 1843. ni. Milo 11. Harris (See), iii. Sophronia Ruth, b. Aug. 13, 1840, d. Dec. 5, 1875. iv. Estella Abbie, b. Oct. 3, 1853, d.Ecb. 10, 1858. HALL. 1. George Nelson Hall, son of Gustavus A., b. in Maidstone, Vt., Sept. 6, 1828. m. Nov. 2, 1851, Emeline, dau. of Joel Streeter, b. in Lisbon, Feb. 12, 1835. He res. in L. from 1860 until he d., Oct. 21, 1894. Farmer. Democrat. Ila II — Ua lie ft — II a m ilto n. 245 Ch.,— i. GnsTAvus N., b. Lisbon, Oct. 11, 1852. m. Clementine Simpson. Bntclier. res. K:ins:is City, Kas. ii. Cauoi.ink R., b. Lisbon, Keb. 8, 1855. ra. March 2?,, 1880, Artiiur Sliastany Miller, res. St. Jolinsbury, Vt. (Divorced.) iii. Ella Audkli.i:, b. Lisbon, March '22, 185C), d. L. Feb. 23, 1870. iv. William W., b. L. Scj)!. 20, 18tU). in. Lilla Gregory. Butcher and farmer, res. Farmmi, Minn. V. Lmkline, b. L. June 10, 1862. m. Lewis U. Boj'lo, machinist, res. Minn, vi. CvNTiiiA F., b. L. Dec. 25, 18G7. m. II. N. Hayes, shoemaker, res. 1-vnn, Mass. vii. Geoijge N., b. L. Aug. 20, 1872. viii. Mary Bell, b. L. March 27, 187G. HALL. 2. Albert B. Hall, son of Enoch, b. in Partan, C. E., Nov. 12, 1818. m. Nov. 14, 1844. Esther Aim, dau. of Thnotliy P. Turner, b. in Bethlehem, July 2"), 1822. She rn. second, Ralph Fisk. Albert J>. res. in L. from 1844 to 1849. Blacksmith. Appointed Postmaster of North L., Dec. 15, 1.S45. No ch. HALLETT. 1. Hekbeht Kimball II.vllictt, son of Julius Freeman, b. in AVater- ville, Me., Sept. 18, 1867. m. Dec. 20, 1892, Grace P^uima, dau. of George Farr (See), b. in L. Dec. 3, 1871. He res. in L. 188G to 1897. Cashier L. National Bank, 1889 to 1897. Republican. Sec. L. Musical Association, 1896. Notary public. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. W. M., 1896. K. T.. St. Gerard Com. He is cashier of Atlantic Natl. Bank, Boston ; res. Newton. Ch., — i. Edith, b. L. Dec. 21, 1893, d. L. Dec. 21, 1893. HAMILTON. 1. jMatthew Thomas Hamilton-, son of John, b. in Quebec, April G, 1827. m. first, Oct. 1845, Bridget, dau. of Patrick Hand, b. in Quebec in 1817, d. in Quebec in 1807, Roman Catholic, m. second, Oct. 1870, Annie, dau. of John Ridley, b. in Eng. in 1833, Episcopal. He res. in L. from 1870 until he d., Aug. 1, 1896. Shoemaker. Roman Catholic. Ch., b. in Quebec, — i. John, b. 1848. m. Mary . Printer, res. Montreal, 1'. Q. ii. Catherine, b. 1851. m. Joseph Boyler, brakeman. res. Montreal, P. Q. iii. Mary, b. 185:1 m. Patrick Meyer, carpenter, res. Maiden, Mass. iv. William Patrick, b. 1854. res. Drummondville, P. C^. V. Nellie, b. 1855. res. Maiden, Mass. 246 Hardy — Harriman — Harrington. HARDY. 1. Tenney Hardy, son of Thaddeiis, b. in Warner, March 26, 1808. m. Jan. 1, 1838, Melinda, dau. of Itliamar Watson (See), b. in Sauls- bur\-, June 8, 1816, Unitarian. She has res. in L. since 1880. He never res. in L. Farmer. Democrat, d. in Warner, Feb. 23, 1873. No ch. HARRIMAN. 1. John Alexander Hakriman, son of Moses, b. in Barnet, Vt., Aug. 15, 1821. m. first, Dec. 13, 1848, Laura Weeks, dau. of Nahum Downs, b. Oct. 9, 1822, d. Jan. 9, 1862. m. second, Oct. 21, 1869, Maria L. M., dau. of Daniel Aldrich (See), b. in L. June 28, 1834. She m. first, Levi L. Tyrrell. John res. in L. from 1854 to 1870. In- surance agent. Co. E,"l4th N. H. Inf. Sergt. A. F. and A. M. Ch., b}' w. Laura, — i. SoPHi.\ Amelia, b. L. April 16, 1855. ni. Charles Ravvson Allen (See). 2. William Harriman, son of Moses, b. in Barnet, Vt., Oct. 10, 1828. m. Jan. 1, 1860, Lucy Helen, dau. of Daniel Thaver (See), b. in Waitsfield, Vt., Aug. 3l", 1828. He has res. in L.^ since 1860. Farmer. Cong. Proliibition. Co. I, 1st N. H. H. Art. Sergt. G. A. R. A. F. and A. M. Master White Mt. Grange. 1886-7-8. Ch.,— i. Henry Daniel, b. L. Feb. 5, 1869. m. July 31, 1898, Alice G. Cox. Painter, res. L. 3. James Lang Harriman, son of Moses, b. in Peacham, Vt., May 11, 1833. m. Nov. 1859, Mary P^mma, dau. of Horace Cushman (See). b. in L. April 8, 1836. He was educated in Meriden and Phillips Exe- ter Academies, and commenced the stuily of medicine with Albert Winch, M. D., in 1858. He attended three courses of nied. lectures, in Woodstock Med. Coll., Albany Med. Coll., and Maine Med. Coll., grad. in Brunswick, Me., Ma\-, 1857. He commenced the practice of medi- cine in L. Nov. 1857, where he remained until 1862. He was then Assistant Surgeon of the 13th Regt. Mass. Inf. one year, after which he located in Hudson, Mass., where he is still in practice. He belongs to the regular school, and is a member of the White Mt. Med. Society, the Middlesex South Med. Society, and the Mass. Med. Society. Rep- resentative from Hudson; Chairman Board of Health 12 years. Mem- ber of School Committee 20 years. A. F. and A. M. K. T. Ch., b. in Hudson, — i. Bkrthe, h. July 4. 1865. d. Sept. 1865. ii. Blanche, b. June 14, 1867. res. Hudson, Mass. HARRINGTON. 1. Charles Edward Harrington, son of Moses Bailey, b. in Con- cord, Oct. 5, 1846. m. June 30, 1869, Sarah Howard, dau. of Rev. Carey Russell, b. in Newport. She m. first, Daniel Wilkins (See). He Harrington. 247 was educated in Colliy Academ}', Xew London, and Bangor, I\Ie., Tlu'ological Setninary, where lie grad. June 3, 1874. Me was tlie first Principal of Littleton Higli and Graded School, in 18G8, after which he taiiglit in Farinington two years. lie was oi'dained as a Congrega- tional minister in Lancaster, Oct. 27, 187L where he was located nntil 1878. lie has since been located in Concord, Keene, Dnbuqne, Iowa, and other places. He was given tlie honorarj- degree of A. jNI. by Dart. Coll. in 1878, and of D. D.^bv Iowa Coll. in 1889. Me was Chaplain of the 3d Regt. N. H. N. G. from 1878 to 1882, and was Chaplain of the N. II. Legislature in 1881. Me was associate editor of the '' l*ro- hibitionist." published at Dubuciue, Iowa, about 15 months. Ch., — i. Hattik Hi ssell, b. Farniington, March 17, 1871. ii. Charles Woodiuiuy, !>. Brewer, Me., Oct. 15, 1873. iii. William Barbour, b. Lancaster, Nov. 2'i, 1875. HARRINGTON. 2. Daniel Harrington, son of Timothy-, b. in Ireland, in 1819. m. in 1841, Hanora, dau. of Thomas Murphy, b. in Ireland, in 1818. He res. in L. from 1852 until he d., in 186G. Slate-cutter. Ch., — i. Timothy, b. Ireland. 1843, d. Barnet, Vt., 1845. 3. ii. Thomas, b. Barnet, Vt., 1845. iii. Mary, b. Barnet, Vt., 1847. m. May IC, 1887, George S. Cummings, ilruggist. res. Haverliill. iv. Margaret, b. Barnet, Vt., 1849. m. Robert H. Wliittaker (See). 4. V. Daniel, b. Barnet, Vt., 1854. 5. vi. John Edward, b. L. April 27, 1855. in 3. Thomas Harrington, son of Daniel", b. in Barnet, Vt., in 1845. .... in 186G, Nanc}-, dau. of Thomas Scott, b. in Watertown, Mass., July 7, 1843. He res. in L. from 1852 to 1870. Rubber-worker. Co. L, N. H. Batt., 1st N. E. Cav., and Co. L, 1st N. H. Cav. Sergt. d. in Maiden, Mass., Nov. 20, 1893. Ch.,— i. Edward, b. L. Sept. 7, 1808. ii. Ellen A., b. Maiden, Mass., May Ki, 1870. ni. July 1, 1893, Richard Teelian, hostler, res. Boston, Mass. iii. Francis, b. Maiden, Mass., Sept. 'll, 1872. iv. Walter, b. Maiden, Mass., Nov. 8, 1874. V. Arthur W., b. Maiden, Mass., June 17, 1879. vi. Mary E., b. Maiden, Mass., March 25, 1882. 4. Daniel Webster Harrington, son of Daniel '-, b. in Barnet, Vt., in 1854. m. April 25, 1888, Mary Annah, dan. of Arba Thayer Stearns, b. in Keene, in 18G3. He has res. in L. most of his life. Hotel-keeper. No ch. 5. John Edward Harrington, son of DanieP, b. in L. April 27, 1855. m. Sept. 27, 1«82, Mary Ellen, dau. of Daniel W. Crane, b. in Montreal, P. Q., July 17, 18G3, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. all his life. Laborer. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Daniel Webster, b. L. June 27, 1883. 248 Harrington — Harrh. HARRINGTON. 6. James Joseph Harrington, son of Timothy- and Mary (Collins) Harrington, b. in Boston, Mass., Jan. 5, 1868; m. Jan. 23, 1892, Ada- line ]M. Clougli. He came to L. 1894. Merchant, firm of Green & Harrington, now Harrington & Co. Democrat. K. P. No ch. 7. Timothy William Harrington, brother of James Joseph ^, b. in Boston, Mass., Jan. 1, 1872. Came to L. 1896. Merchant; firm of Harrington & Co. Republican. Iv- P. unm. HARRIS. 1. David Gilbert Harris, son of Samuel, b. in 1816. m. Valeria M. Page. He came from Newbury, Vt., to L., where he d., April 3, 1872. 2. Henry David Harris, son of David Gilbert^, b. in Wentworth, April 3, 1852. m. Nov. 30, 1871, Ellen jNlcIntire, dau. of James K- Core3', b. in L. Sept. 1, 1852. He has res. in L. since 1888. Carriage- maker. Republican. Ch., — 4. i. Austin David, b. L. Aug. 27, 1872. 3. Charles Fremont Harris, son of David Gilbert S b. in Rumney, May 16, 1856. m. Sept. 17, 1881, Mary Jane, dau. of Samuel John- son Briggs, b. in Canada, Feb. 18, 1854. He has res. in L. since 1880. Carriage manufr. Republican. I, O. O. F., N. G. C. P., L. P^ncampment. Ch., b. in L., — i. Ethkl Blanche, b. July 5, 1882. ii. Herbert Gibson, b. Feb. 7, 1883. iii. Bertha, b. Sept. 3, 1888. iv. Carrie Frances, b. Oct. 9, 1890. V. Howard H., b. March 5, 1898 ; d. Sept. 22, 1898. 4. Austin David Harris, son of Henry David % b. in L. Aug. 27, 1872. m. Sept. 12, 1894, Lena M., dau.* of Daniel B. Hardy, b. in Carroll, in 1875. He has res. in L. nearly all his life. Painter. No ch. HARRIS. 5. MiLo HoBART Harris, son of Henry, b. in Concord, Vt, Oct. 6, 1845. m. Nov. 12, 1870, Frances Eliza, dau. of Amos S. Hale (See), b. in Waterford, Vt., July 6, 1S43, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1869. Farmer. Republican. Member Town School Board, 1886-7. Ch., b. in L., — i. Charles Henry, b. June 10, 1873, d. L. July 10, 1873. ii. Carlie Hale, b. June 10, 1873, d. L. Aug. 9, 1873. iii. WiLMA Gertrude, b. Feb. .3, 1875. iv. William Henry, b. Aug. 28, 1879, d. L. March 28, 1880. Harris — JIarfshorn. 249 HARRIS. 6. Gkouoe Mauris res. in Norwich, Conn., and Canaan. He was one of the first settlers of Canaan and agent for the proprietors. (N. II. Town Papers, vol. xi.) 7. Joshua Harris, son of George", b. in 1754. ni. first, .Ian. 1. 1780, Hannah Hough, m. second, April 1, 1784, Miriam Johnson, b. in 17G1, d. Feb. 29, 1840. He was one of the first settlers of Canaan. Rev. soldier. Private, Capt. Joshua Wells' Co., Col. Chase's N. H. Regt. Alarm, Oct. 20, 1780. Nine ch. 8. John Hough Harris, son of Joshua^, 1). in Canaan, Fel). 18, 1782. m. June 4, 1S04, Lucy, dau. of John May, of Plymouth, INIass., who was a Rev. soldier. Corp. on Lexington Alarm Roll, April 1!), 1775, Capt. Abraham Hannnatt's Co., which marched from Plymouth to Marshfield, IMass. Served seven days. July 1. 1777, he was commis- sioned 2d Lieut, in Capt. Thomas Mayhew's Plymouth Co., Col. Theophilus Cotton's Regt. ; made 1st Lieut. July 8, 1777. (Mass. Rev. Rolls, vols. 12-28-43.) Lucy was b. June, 1784, d. in Canaan, Nov. 2, 1864. John Hough was a farmer. Re[)ublicau. Represen- tative from Canaan. Capt. in N. H. Militia, d. in Canaan, Aug. 2, 1858. Nine ch. 9. Hannah Hough Harris, dau. of John Hough ^, b. in Canaan, Feb. 24, 1811. m. April 2G, 1825, James Adams Furber" (See). HARTSHORN. 1. Ebenezer Hartshorn, b. in Holland, Conn., d. in Lunenburg, Vt. 2. CoLBURN Hartshorn, son of P^benezer ^ b. in Holland, Conn., in 1776. m. Betsey, dau. of Levi Fay, of JNIarlboro', INIass. He d. in Lunenburg, Vt., Oct. 24, 1840. 3. Charles Hartshorn, son of Colburn -, b. in Lunenburg, Vt., Oct. 1, 1817. m, March 8, 1857, Lucy Jane, dan. of William Child, b. in Fairlee, Vt., Nov. 4, 1833. He res." in L. from 1858 to 1881. Hotel- keeper and scythe manufr. A. F. and A. M. I. O. O. F. Ch.,— i. Charles Gushing, h. Wliitefield, April 6, 1858, d. L. Jan. 12, 1869. ii. William Child, b. L. June 14, 1801. res. Cal. iii. H.\RRT Mat, b. L. July 12, 1866. m. Georgia Blodgett. res. Boston, Mass. HARTSHORN. 4. Harry Clay Hartshorn, son of John W. Hartshorn, b. Lunen- burg, Vt., May 10, 1850. m. Oct. 2, 1872, Mary E. Grant, dau. of Hiram M. and Julia (Knapp) Grant. He came to L. 1898. Conducts a fruit and confectioner}' store. Ch., — i. Florence Ethel, b. Lancaster, June 20, 1873. m. Sept. 30, 1896, Arthur C. Strain (See). ii. Eugene Harry, b. Lancaster, Jan. 4, 1876. iii. Gertrude Anna, b. Lunenburg, Vt., Feb. 3, 1879. iv. Elizabeth Maud, b. Lunenburg, Vt., Sept. 14, 1883. 250 Haselton — Haskins — Hastings. HASELTON. 5. Timothy Haselton, b. in Barnet, Vt. ni. March 17, 1829, Maria, dan. of Richard Pcal)ody ^ (See), b. in Lymaii, Feb. 14, 1807, d. in Barnet, Vt., in 1847. He never res. in L. Farmer. Ch., b. in Barnet, Vt., — i. Elizabeth Wainwright, b. Dec. 29, 1829. ii. Pehsis Maria, b. 1832. iii. Charles Peabody, b. 1834. iv. Ellen, b. 18.'J6. V. Ada, b. 1840. HASKINS. 1. Eli Haskins, b. 1759. m. Rhoda, dan. of Captain Daniel Dralte, of Tannton, Mass. Eli was a Rev. soldier in 1776 and 1780. d. in L^man, in 1846. 2. Samuel Haskins, son of Eli \ b. in Grafton, Jan. 1795. m. Jnly 16, 1818, Harriet B., dau. of Caleb Cnshing, b. in Salisbury, Jnne 18, 1798. He d. in Chelsea, Mass., in 1872. 3. William Henry Haskins, son of Samuel', b. in Lyman, Dec. 30, 1821. m. July 4, 1844, Sarah Barton, dau. of Thomas Chase. He was Capt. Co."D, 8th Regt. Vt. Vet. Vols. d. in Lyndonville, Vt, Oct. 4, 1877. 4. William Arthur Haskins, son of William Henry ^, b. in Farm- ington Falls, Me., June 20, 1845. m. Sept. 1, 1866, Mary M., dau. of Henry B. Kennedy, b. in Newbury, Vt., May 20, 1847, d. in L. March 30, 1883. He res. in L. from 1865 to 1893. Express agent and mes- senger. Moderator, 1876. to 1884 inc. Supervisor, 1882. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, W. M. 1871 to 1881. K. T., St. Gerard Com., E. C, 1873 to 1880. T. I. M., Omega Council, 1875-6-7. Ch., b. in L., — i. Annie Justina, b. June 18, 18G7. m. Oct. 29, 1889, Fred E. Cox, clerk. res. Canibridgeport, Mass. ii. Johnnie M. H., b. Jan. 13, 1869. m. April 17, 1890, Clara J. Carbee. Printer, res. Cambridge, Mass. HASTINGS. 1. Sy'lvanus Hastings, sou of Nathaniel, b. in Ashburnham, Mass., Nov. 24, 1773. m. in 1801, Lucy, dau. of Benjamin Hutchins, b. in Putney, Vt, July, 1776, d. in L. June 25, 1841. He res. in L. from 1803 until he d.,' Jan. 14, 1861. Farmer. Whig. Selectman, 1847. Ch.,— i. Mary, b. Westmoreland, Aug. 29, 1803. m. June 3, 1872, Cyrus Ely, farmer. She d. L. Oct. 25, 187G. ii. Sylvanus, b. L. Aug. 24, 1805, d. L. Oct. 18, 1882. iii. Gates, b. L. May 1, 1807, d. L. Feb. 17, 1835. 2. iv. Clark, b. L. Oct. 19, 1811. V. Jane, b. L. Mav 1, 1813, d. L. April 15, 1845. vi. Sabrina, b. L. July 16, 1816, d. L. Dec. 29, 183.3. vii. Fatima, b. Oct. 1, 1818. m. Clark Carleton Abbey (See). Hast'mgs — Hatch. 251 2. Clark IIastincjs, son of Sylvanus \ b. in L. Oct. II), 1811. ni. first, in 1839, Chastina, dan. of Aaron Tilton, b. in I.,, in 1817, d. in L. June 16, 1840. m. second, Dec. 3, 1845, Susan, dau. of Asa Gat^e, b. in Plainfield, June 5, 1828. She d. L. May 22, 1900. He res. in L. all his life. Fanner. Republican, d. in L. July 2, 188G. No ch. HATCH. 1. Joseph Hatch, b. in Falmouth, Mass., June 22, 1743. m. first, Annie Willey. ni. second, Ruth Kelley, b. Aug. 24, 1763, d. Se|)t. 16, 1837. He res. in L. from 1795 to about 1825. Farmer. Rev. soldier. Sergt. in Capt. Joseph Palmer's Co., Col. Freeman's Regt. 8 days. Served at Falmouth and Dartmouth, Sept. 1778, on alarms; also Private in Capt. Ward Swift's Co., service on secret expedition to R. I., Oct., 1777, d. in Thornton, Jan. 27, 1830. Ch., — i. Obed S., b. Thornton, May 15, 1790. m. first, about 1823, Abigail Fox. ni. second, 1850, Susannah Holman. He resided in L. from 1795 to 1817, wlicn he removed to Earnet, Vt. Soldier in War of 1812-15, in Crawford's 21st Kegt., and prisoner, d. Jan. 1, 185U. 2. ii. James K., b. Thornton, Oct. 2, 17U1. iii. Ruth, b. Thornton, Sept. 8, 179o. ni. Mav :10, 183G, Timotiiy Fowler. He d. L. Aug. 7, 1866. She d. L. Sept. 25, 1872. iv. Silas, b. Tiiornton, 1705, d. young. 3. V. Moses Bakek, b. L. June fl, 1797. vi. Jemima, b. L. Feb. 11, 1799, d. June, 1811. vii. Ohpha, b. L. Oct. 4, 1800, d. July, 1813. viii. Harriet, b. L. June 22, 1802. unm. d. Aug. 27, 1839. ix. David G., b. L. Dec. 11, 1803. unm. Farmer, res. L. all his life. d. April 12, 1877. X. Margaret, b. L. Dec. IG, 1806. m. Benjamin Clieever. res. Dracut, Mass. Siie d. Jan. 28, 18G8. xi. Nancy, b. L. June 20, 1808, d. Betldehem, Sept. 6, 1872. xii. William, b. April 25, 1811, d. Aug. 1, 1813. 2. James Kelley Hatch, son of Josep]i\ b. Thornton, Oct. 2. 1791. m. Catherine Seliingham, dau. of Jacob Sellingham (See). He d. in L. Aug. 20, 1855. Ch., — i. Hannah M., b. April 30, 1817. ii. William C, b. Dec. 20, 1818. iii. Susan H., b. June 1, 1822. iv. Walter S., b. Sept. 11, 1823. V. Caroline A., b. Nov. 27, 1825. vi. Chastina p., b. Feb. 18, 1828. vii. James K., b. Feb. 17, 1830. m. Ellen Blake Holland, b. Waterbury, Vt., July 6, 1836. He was a scythe plater and lived in Fitchburg, Mass., and in this town, where he d., Sept. 1, 1884. She d. Concord, Julv 24, 1897. Children: (1) Henrietta, b. April 27, 1859. (2) Ed- ward James, b. July 2, 18G2. m. Dec. 25, 1889, Mary Abbie Southard, res. Concord. (3) Ada Blake, d. young, viii. Julia R., b. April 4, 1837. 3. MosES Baker Hatch, son of Joseph \ b. in L. June 9, 1797. m. March 26, 1823, Sarah M., dau. of Jazaniah Wliitnev, b. in St. Johns- bury, Vt., Aug. 11, 1804, d. April 22, 1883. He reV in L. in youth and from 1830 to 1862. Farmer, d. in Bethlehem, Dee. 2, 1878". 252 ' Hatch. Ch., all but Philo Scott b. in L., — 4. i. Philo Scott, b. Lebanon, Dec. 7, 1823. ii. Moses B., b. Dec. 23, 1825. unm. Farmer, res. L. 5. iii. Martix Whitney, b. June 10, 1829. iv. OiiED S., b. April 7, 1882. m. Jan. 1, 185(3, Philena C. Annis. res. St. Jolmsbury, Vt. Private Co. A, 1st Vt. H. Art. Killerl at Middle- town, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. She m. second, Warren Piiillips. 6. V. Orange W., b. Dec. 3, 1834. vi. Maria, b. Nov. 20, 1837. m. Clark C. Burt (See). vii. David G., b. May 6, 1841. Private Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. d. in Wash- ington, D. C, March 3, 1863. 7. viii. George Orlando Whitnev, b. Jan. 25, 1844. 4. Philo Scott Hatch, son of Mo.ses Baker*, b. in Lebanon, Dec. 7, 1823. m. Dec. 7, 1848, Lodaska, dau. of William Nichols, b. in Concord, Vt., July 18, 1824, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1827 until he d., Aug. 14, 1889. Farmer. Methodist. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Ellen Melissa, b. Dec. 6, 1849. ni. James Dow ^ (See). ii. Abigail Almina, b. Sept. 29, 1851, res. L. iii. Orrin Milo, b. Oct. 26, 1855, d. L. Aug. 18, 1809. iv. Susan Emeline, b. Sept 19, 1858, d. L. Aug. 20, 1809. V. Twin Girls, b. Feb. 1862, d. L. Feb. 1862. ^ vi. William David, b. July 20, 1864, d. L. Aug. 19, 1869. vii. Infant Dau., b. June, 1867, d. L. June, 1867. 5. Maktin Whitney Hatch, son of Moses Baker '^, b. in L. June 10, 1829. m. Nov. 27, 1851, Lvdia C, dau. of Oilman Farr (See), b. in L. Feb. 21, 1833, Cong. She d. Feb. 4, 1899. He res. in L. nearly all his life. Farmer. Cong. d. in L. Dec. 11, 1889. Ch.,— i. Frank, b. March 28, 1853. unm. res. L. ii. Fkkd G., b. L. May 15, 1854. m. A\n\\ 30, 1879, Martha Corey Farmer, res. Franconia. iii. Ada P., b. Aug. 4, 1856. m. Sept. 12, 1877, Walter W. Watson, painter, res. Roxbury, Mass. iv. Arthur N.. b. L. Marcli 29, 1858. m. Nov. 27, 1879, Helen A. Astle. Farmer, res. Bethlehem. V. Ida, b. 1800. m. June, 1877, Charles Frank Lewis, farmer, res. Con- cord, Vt. vi. Ella Maria, b. Bethlehem, 1862. m. Ellsworth J. Williams (See). 6. Orange W. Hatch, son of Moses Baker'', b. in L. Dec. 3, 1834. m. Martha A., dau. of Daniel Burt, b. in Franconia, May 9, 1838, d. in Bethlehem, Oct. 19, 1890, Baptist. He res. in L. in youth and from 1857 to 1859. d. in Bethlehem, Feb. 18, 1878. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., — i. Sarah J., b L. Oct. 28, 1858. m. Frank P. Burleigh (See). ii. William F., b. Betlilehem, Nov. 1, 1860. m. April 21, 1883, Rose Leach. Glover, res. Gloversville, N. Y. iii. Luke W., b. Bethlehem, May 17, 1863. iv. Lois, b. Bethleliem, d. young. V. Louise F.,b. Bethlehem, Jan. 30, 1871. m. May, 1889, Fred Huntoon, farmer, res. Bethlehem, vi. Lambert W , b. Bethlehem, March 14, 1872. m. Dec. 12, 1891, Mabel N. Wescott. 7. George Orlando Whitney Hatch, son of ^Moses Baker ^ b. in L. Jan. 25, 1844. m. first, Aug. 9, 1864, Mary Jane, dau. of Samuel Gibson, b. in Lowell, Mass., May 15, 1847, d. in L. Sept. 1, 1889. m. Hatch. 253 second, June 16, 1891, Annie M., dau. of Mitchell vSalway (See), b. in L. Oct. 13, 1871, Roman Catholic. lie has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Republican. Private, Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. G. A. R. Ch., by w. JMary Jane, b. in L., — i. Harry J., b. Jan. 10, 1872. res. L. in. Deo. 7, 1898, Lena M. Fearon, dau. of Stephen Foaron of Wliiteficld. ii. Georgia A., b. Nov. 8, 1873. ni. Kalph Marsh (See), iii. Edwin G., b. Aug. 8, 1875. res. L. iv. Blanche S., b. Jan. 1, 187'J. m. Ellswortli J. Williams (See). V. Carl E., b. March 8, 1881. vi. Lizzie M., b. March '2(5, 1883. vii. Hattie, 1). Marcii 9, 1885. Ch., by w. Annie, b. in L., — viii. Elmer James, b. Sept. 4, 1892. ix. KuTH, b. Feb. 4, 1899. HATCH. 8. Jacob Hatch, b. in Kennebunk, jNIe., in 17G5. m. Maxwell. He res. in Groton, Vt., where he d., July 16, 1824. Farmer. 9. Jacob Hatch, son of Jacob ^ b. in Groton, V^t., in 1795. m. Sally Morrison, b. May, 1797, d. Dec. 9, 1875. He res. in Groton, Vt., where he d., Sept. 4, 1873. Stone-mason. 10. George Hatch, son of Jacob° , b. in Groton, Vt. , April 1, 1820. m. Dec. 8, 1847, Hannah Vance, b. in Groton, Vt., Aug. 9, 1824, d. in Xewbur}-, Vt., Sept. 20, 1872. He res. in Newbury, Vt., where he d., July 24, 1872. Shoemaker. 11. Oscar Cutler Hatch, son of George^", b. in Newbury, Vt., Nov. 11, 1848. m. Jan. 4, 1871, Flora Louisa, dau. of Henry W. Adams, b. in Cooperstown, N. Y., July 6, 1851, f^piscopal. He has res. in L. since Dec. 1872. Banker. Republican. F[)iscopal. jMem- ber Board of Education, Union District, 1885-6-7. Prest. L. National Bank, 1888 to date; Cashier, 1873 to 1«88 ; Director, 1880 to date; Director and Treasurer of L. Savings Bank, 1874 to date. Director L. Shoe Co. State Senator, 189*J-1900. Colonel on stall" of Gov. Rol- lins, 1899-1900. Prest. L. Musical As.sociation, 18i)l-2-3. Member Board I'rustees Episcopal Diocese of N. H. since 189.'S. J. F. State. Notai-v i)ul)lic (Book of Biographies, Grafton Co., p. 31). Ch.', b. in L.,— i. Leslie Adams, b. Jan. 17, 1875, clerk. Dart. Coll. 1804-5-6. m.June 2, 1898, Helen Filer, res. Orange, N. J. ii. Henrv Oscar, 1). NLiy 11, 1877. m. IMay 20, 1897, May Belle Keith. Clerk, res. L. Teller L. Savings Bank, iii. George Arthur, b. May 11, 1872, d. L. Nov. 30, 1883. iv. Marglerite Elizabeth, b. Dec. 19, 1885. V. Oscar Cutler, b. May 10, 1890. 12. Fred Blake Hatch, son of George '°, b. in Newbury, Vt., Marcli 11, 1857. m. June 15, 1883, Lizzie Maria, dan. of Ricliard Bailey, b. in Lunenburg, Vt., Jan. 17, 1863. Divorced. She m. second, Herbert Eastman Kennev (See). Fred l>lake res. in L. fi'om 1884 to 1896. Druggist. Republican. A. F. and A. M.. K. T. K. P. No ch. 254 Halves — Haynes. HAWES. 1. Nathan R. Hawes, son of Nathan R., m. Nov. 2, 1814, Clarissa, dan. of Joseph Wheat Morse (See), b. in L., Jan. 12, 1707, d. in Wis- consin al)out 1846. He res. in L. from 1814 lo 1830. Farmer, d. in AVisconsii). Ch., b. in L., — i. Ruth Morse, b. April 10, 1815. ii. Ann Maria, b. Jan. 21, 1817. iii. Benjamin Stephen, b. Oct. 20, 1818. iv. Silas Morse, b. Oct. 9, 1822. HAYNES. ni 1. Timothy Haynes, son of David, b. in Alexandria, Sept. 5, 1808. .... in 1843, Laura, dau. of William Brackett (See), b. in L. Jan. 11, 1819, d. in Concord, JMarch 2, 1887. She res. in L. until marriage. He never res. in L. Physician, d. in Concord, June 28, 1883. Ch., b. in Concord, — i. Alice R. m. William H. Stevens. She res. Boston, Mass. He res. Windsor, Vt. ii. William B., res. Cal., where he d. iii. Nella S., res. Boston, Mass. iv. Elizabeth B., res. Boston, Mass. V, Charles G., d. young. HAYNES. 2. Henky Harrison Haynes, son of Harrison Pillslnuy, b. in Alex- andria, Aug. 23, 1841). m. N. Ella Moulton of Sandwich, who d. July 27, 1883; m. second, July 2, 1889, Mary Frances, dan. of Rev. Chris- topher Cushing, D.D., of Cambridge, Mass. He was a student in the New Ham[)shire Conference Seminar}', AVesleyan University, and grad- uate of Harvard University, 1873. He taught the Lisi)on High School in the winter of 1867-8, was professor of Latin and Greek in Tilton Conference Seminary, 1872-3 ; Principal of the Jarvis Hall Episcoi)al School, Denver, Col., 1878-82, and was a member of the Bc^ard of Ed- ucation, Tilton, 1883-4. He [)ursued the study of theology at Andover and at the Episcopal Theological School at Camhi'idge, from wliicli he graduated, 1877. He was ordained deacon by P)ishop Niles of the Dio- cese of New Hampshire, June 20, 1877, and ordained a priest, March 14, 1878. His ministry has been, Tilton, 1877-8 ; Denver, Col., 1878- 80; Fort Collins, Cal.\ 1882-3; Tilton, 1883-4; assistant St. Paul's, Boston, Mass., 1884-5; L. 1885-6. FoUuvving his ministry in this town, he studied the Semitic languages one year at Harvard University. In 1888 he was made rector of St. Peter's Church, Cami)ridge, Mass., and on account of I'ailiug health he resigned the following year. Since then he has travelled extensiveh', supplying churches occasionally. In 1895 he continued the study of the Semitic languages at the University of Berlin, and returning to America, he became })rofessor of Old Testament Languages and Liter- ature in the Church Divinity School of the Pacific and Instructor of Haynes — Hazeltine. 255 Semitic Languages at Leland Stanford, Jr., University. Residence, San iNIateo. Harvard Universitv conferred the degree of A.^L, 1887, and rh.D., 1899. HAZELTINE. 1. Enoch Hazeltine, b. in Fryeburg, Me., Jan. 29, 1788. m. Nov. 3, 1812, Katherine Leavenworth, b. in Danville, Vt., May 1, 1792, d. in L. Feb. 28. 1855. He res. in L. from 1830 to 18G2. Wood-worker. Fire ward, 1836-7. d. in New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 1, 1873. Ch.,— 2. i. Frederic, b. Danville, Vt., 1815. ii. >.'axcv, b. L. Jan. 15, 1820. m. John Swift Koby (See). 3. iii. Charles, b. L. April 8, 1826. 4. iv. Andrew Artiiir, b. L. April 5, 18o(3. 2. Frederic H.\zeltine, son of Enoch \ b, in Danville, Vt., in 1815. m. Oct. 1852, Ellen Jane, dan. of Cyrus Eaton, b. in Browning- ton. Vt., June 27, 1827. She m. first, Rufus Fuller; m. third. (Miarles S. Hazeltine" (See), cousin of Frederic, Unitarian. Frederic res. in L. from 1844 to 1864. INIanufr. cluiir lumber. Republican, d. in L. Sept. 29, 1864. Ch.. — 5. i. Albert Fred, b. L. Feb. 0, 1857. 3. Charles Hazeltine. son of Enoch \ b. in L. April 8, 1826. ra. first, Jul\-, 1852, Lillias Clough, d. in 1860. m. second, Abby Otti- well. He res. in L. from 1847 to 1865. Musician. I. O. O. F. No ch. 4. Andrew Arthur Hazeltine, son of Enochs b. in L. April 5, 1836. ni. April 27, 1864, Carrie Maria, dau. of Asa Weller (See), b. in IMontpelier, Vt., April 27, 1836, d. in New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 18, 1891. He res. in L. from 1861 to 1867. Dentist. Universalist. d. in New Bedford, Mass., Jan. 1, 1895. Ch., — i. Katiierixe Weller, b. New Bedford, Mass., Mav 30, 1869. res. New Bedford, Ahiss. 5. Albert Fred Hazeltine, son of Frederic-, b. in L. Feb. 9. 1857. m. Sadie Gwynn. He res. in L. from 1857 to 1869. Manager of Mining Co. res. in Denver, Col. . Ch.. — i. ARCniBALD. ii. ^lOLLIE. 6. Stephen Hazeltine, bro. of Enoch ^, b. in Fryeburg, Me. m. first, in 1816, Praxo Hibbard, d. April, 1827. m. second, Oct. 3, 1827, Hannah F. (Grossman) "Ward. He d. in Eatouton, Ga., Oct. 4, 1860. 7. Charles Stephen Hazeltine, son of Stephen ^ b. in Stanstead, P. Q., Dec. 9, 1833. m. March 16, 1869, Ellen Jane, dan. of Cyrus Eaton, b. in Brownington, Vt., June 27, 1827. She m. first, Rufus 256 Hazeltine — Heald — Heath. Fuller; m. second, Frederic Hazeltine- (See), cousin of Charles Stephen. He res. in L. from 1863 to 1867. A. F. and A. M. 1st Lieut. Co. C, 15th N. H. Inf. d. in Sunbury, Pa., Nov. 18, 1875. (Granite Monthly, Feb.-March, 1894.) No ch. HEALD. 1. Lewis Brigmam Heald, son of Harvey, b. in Royalston, Mass., March 5, 1839. m. Oct. 12, 1867, Mary Sophia, dan. of Samuel Kelley llemick (See), b. in Hardwick, Vt., Feb. 25, 1847. He has res. in L. since 1895. Book-keeper. 11th Ind. Inf. 1st U. S. Mechanic Fusileers. 59th Ind. Inf A|)pointed Special Justice of L. Police Court, Feb. 11, 1897. Dep. Collector Internal Revenue, 1899. Ch., — i. Hakry Lewis, b. St. Jolinsbury, Vt., Aug. 2, 1868. Lawyer, res. Topeka, Kas. ii. Hattie May, b. St. Jobnsbary, Vt., Oct. 1, 1869. unm. res. L. iii. Walter Nelson, b. Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 7, 1876. res. L. iv. Nellie Sophia, b. St. Jolinsbury, Vt., Nov. 11, 1870. res. L. HEATH. 1. Franklin Heath, son of. Tames, b. in Groton, Vt., IMay 29, 1841. m. Sept. 26, 1891, Philena, dau. of Jedediah Kelley, b. in St. -Johnsbur}-, Vt., Oct. 6, 1856. He has res. in L. since 1886. Harness-maker. Republican. I. O. O. F., N. G. No ch. HEATH. 2. Benjamin Franklin Heath, son of William, b. in DatUville, Vt., April 4, 1843. m. first, Sept. 29, 1866, Celia A., dau. of Thomas Miles, b. in Albany, Vt., March 18, 1850. (Divorced.) m. second, Oct. 7, 1888, Jennie, dau. of Nathan Cotton. He has res. in L. since Jan. 1876. Tanner. Cong. Republican. Co. H, 16th N. Y. Inf. Private. Ch.,— Edward T., b. Wheelock, Vt., March 18, 1872, d. Dec. 27, 1892. Nellie M., b. Lyndon, Vt., May 26, 1874, d. July 26, 1890. William T., b. L. Jan. 12, 1879. Carl G., b. L. April 8, 1890. HEATH. 3. Lyman Heath, son of Simon, b. in Bow, Aug. 24, 1804. m. Oct. 1825, Esther, dau. of Alexander Albee (See), b. May 24, 1807. d. in Nashua, Aug. 8, 1887. He res. in L. from 1836 until 1840, when he removed to Nashua, where he d., June 30, 1870. He was a noted musician. The following are among his numerous compositions : "The Grave of Bonaparte," " Tlie Snow Storm," " The Burial of Mrs. Judson," "The Dying Boy." Heath — Henri/. 257 Ch., b. in Lyman, — i. JIei.en, b. March 11, 1828. m. Edwanl Shaw. She d. in Nashua, 1846. ii. I'ltu.^iA, b. Dec. ?>, 1881. unni. res. Nashua. iii. A DELINK Jane, b. July 4, 18;J3. m. Dustin Marble of Nashua, res. iu Akron, Ohio. HENRY. 1. JosErii IIenky, b. in Monroe, in ISOO. m. 1S30, ]\Iarv, dan. of James Calhoun (See), b. in Lyman, in DSU'), d. in Wavcrly, 111., Aug. IG, 18G0, Cong. He res. in L. from 1831 to 1819. Farmer. Cong. Whig. d. in L. in 1849. Ch., - 2. i. James Everem., 1). Lyman, April 21, 1831. ii. John, b. in N. H. 18;>:J, d. Jerscyville, 111., 1855. iii. Levi, b. L. Oct. 4, 1834. m. 1861, Amelia Wilcox. Banking. re&; Waverly, 111. iv. Harriet S., b. L. Aug. 4, 1836. ni. 1855, Curtis Goss. She d. Oct. 29, 185G. V. Sarah, b. L. 1838. ni. 1859, Curtis Goss. res. Denver, Col. vi. David, b. L. June 23, 1840, d. L. 2. James Everell Henry, son of Joseph \ b. in Lyman, April 21, 1831. in. April 5, 1854, Eliza Ann, dan. of Joseph Ide, b. in Water- ford, Vt., Jnne 30, 1832. He re.s. in L. from 1833 to 1804, Res. in Lincoln. Representative Lincoln, 1897-8, 1901-2. Lumber raanufr. Ch., — i. Ida Mary, b. L. Feb. 13, 1855. m. June 3, 1875, Parlvcr K. Putnam, farmer, res. Tintah, Minn, ii. Harriet Sarah, b. L. Feb. 6, 1857. m. June 11, 1881, George W. Nuckolls, physician, res. Tintah, Minn. 3. iii. (iEORGK Everell, b. L. March 24, 1HG2. iv. John Higgins, b. L. March 4, 18(33. unm. Lumber nianufr. res. Lincoln. V. Charles Buck, b. Haverliill, Feb. 24, 1875. Lumber manufr. res. Lincoln, m. Jan. 1, 1900, Katherine F. Sanger (See). 3. George Everell Henry, son of James Everell'-, b. in L. INLarch 24, 1862. m. April 21, 1891, Bertha Sarah, daii. of George W. Cowen (See), b. in Lyman, Aug. 2(3, 1871, MethotMst. He res. in L. from 18G2 to 1864. Lumber manufr. Ch.,— i. James Everell, b. Lincoln, Jan. 22, 1895. HENRY. 4. John Harry Henry, son of John, b. in Boston, Mass., Oct. 28, 1858, m. Oct. 20, 1883, Jennie Abigail, dan. of William K. Dow, b. in Chicago, 111., Oct. 28, 1865. He has res. iu L. since 1882. Driver. Democrat. Ch. i. Eliza Georgia, b. Carroll, Sept. 5, 1885. ii. William Dexter, b. L. Nov. 22, 1887, d. L. Aug. 20, 1889. VOL. II. — 17 258 Ilihhard — Higgins. HIBBARD. 1. Aaron Hibbaiid, m. Sarah Merrill, dan. of Nathaniel Merrill. He lived in Batli. 2. William IIiubard, son of Aaron \ b. in Bath, April 22, 1798; m. April 7, 1830, Seraphina Larned (See). She d. in Glover, Vt., July I'J, I.SG."). He res. in L. from 1830 to 18J:2. Blacksmith, d. in Glover, Vt. Dee. 22, 1868. Ch., all except Susan and Laura b. in L., — i. Henry, b. Jan. 7, 18:11, .1. Marcli 17, 1831. ii. Helen, b. Jan. 7, 1831 (twin), d. M:ircli 22, 1831. iii. William A., b. Dec. 31, 1831. d. Nov. 4, 18(33. iv. Geoijge B., b. All,s,^ 5, 1834. m. May IG, 1859, Mary E. Hamilton. Lawyer. Major Ohio Vols. V. Maky S., b. Sept. 24, 1836. d. July 4, 1837. vi. Sajiiel Kdwaud, b. June 5, 1838. ni. Nov. 12, 1808, Julia E. Swasey. liailroad clerk. Cincinnati, O. vii. Chaiu.es N., b. Dec. 11, 1840. m. March 18, 18G9, Jennie H. Dewing. Fariiier. West Glover, Vt. viii. Anna M., b. July 7, 1843. d. April 6, 1872. i.\. Susan M., b. Danville, Vt., May 15, 1846. m. Oct. 28, 1878, Frederick W. Baldwin. Lawyer. Barton, Vt. X. Lauka B., b. Glover, Vt., Oct. 1850. m. Dec. 23, 1875, Charles H. Fuller. Merchant. Montpelier, Vt. HIGGINS. 1. John Htggins, b. in Ireland. 2. Sktii Hiogins, son of Jolm \ b. in Danville, Vt. m. Eunice Brown, b. in Waterford, Vt., d. in L. He res. iu L. but a short time. Universalist. AVliig. d. in L. Ch., b. in St. Johnslnirv, Vt., — 3. i. William Jones, b. Sept. 28, 1808. ii. LoKEN, ni. Sarah Chase, il. in War of the Rebellion, iii. Calista, m. Jesse Cheney, res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. iv. Daniel, m. Sarah Livingston, res. Bradford, Vt. 3. William Jones Higcuxs, son of Seth ", b. in St. Johnsburv, Vt., Sept. 2S, 1808. ni. Aug. 29, 1832, Olive, dan. of Svlvanus Heming- way, b. in Waterford, Vt , Sept. 20, 1813, Universalist. He res. in L. from 1845 until he d., INIarch 20, 1S57. Hotel-kee[)er. Universalist. Whig. Selectman, 181'.). J. P. Appointed Postmaster at North L. June l'.», 184'J, and held the oflice until he d. Ch., — i. Elizauetii D., b. Newport, Vt., May 26, 1833. m. April 21, 1858, Calvin (ireen, fanner, lie d. Wateiford, Vt., Julv, 1895. 4. ii. Madison, b. Waterford, Vt, May 9, 1835. 4. ]\rAr)isoN HiGGiNs, son of William Jones ■', b. iii Waterford, Vt., ]\Iay 1), 1S35. m. April 2'.), 1858, Betsey Wright, dan. of James Wright Towne (See), 1). in L. Feb. 13, 1840. He has res. in L. since 1845. Farmer. P('|)iililican. Selectman, 1881-5. IMember of Town School Board, 18;»3-l-5. A. F. and X. M., Burns Lodge. Iluigin^^ — midreili. 259 Ch.,— 5. i. Wii.M.vM Jones, b. L. April 2:^,, 1860. ii. Ai.oNzo Madison, li. ]>. .May '.». 1862. in. Aug. 18, 1885, Carrie Julia I.,tnvis. (Mcrk. res. Wliitofii'lil. lii. Er.L.\ Olivk, b. Dalton, Aug. U, 1864, d. L. Aug. 13, 18G9. G. iv. Daniel Ckpiias, b. L. May 25, 18(J7. V. Jennik Cai.ista, b. L. June 29, 1870, d. L. Aug. 16, 1887. vi. Jesse Chenev, b. L. Aug. 16, 1872. Farmer, res. L. A soldier in war with Spain, in. Nov. 1, I'.IOO, Ella C. Kinnie. vii. Minnie Ella, b. L. Aug. 5, 1875, d. L. Sept. 5, 18U0. viii. Jame.s Edgar, b. E. Sept. 18, 1878. 5. William Jones lliccixs, son of ^Madison ', b. in L. April 2."3, ISdO. m. Feb. 15, 18S.S, Belle Sophroniii, dau. of Charles F. Lewi.s (See), b. in L. June ■JO, ISG'J, Cong'. He res. in L. from birth until ISDo. Farmer. Cong. Republican. Now res. in Monroe. Ch., b. in L., — i. Edith Jennie, b. Jan. -jI, 1801. ii. Charles Madison, b. April 18, 1893. 6. Daniel Cephas Higgins, son of Madison ■*, b. in L. ]\[a3' 2r>, 18(17. m. July 4, 1894, Edith Angle, dan. of Charles F. Lewis (See), b. in L. June 20, 1870, Cong, lie has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Republican. Cong. Ch., i. Nelson D., b. L. Feb. 27, 1895. HILDRETH. 1. Levi Hildreth, son of Isaac, b. in Chesterfield, April 2, 177.3. m. Jan. 24, 171)8, Marv, dau. of El)enezer Farr (See), b. in Chester- Held, IVIarch l.j, 1782, d. in L. April 10, 1838, Baptist. He res. in L. from 1800 until about the lime of his death, when he visited his dau. Berenice in Thetford, Vt., where lie d., Aug. 14, 1854. Farmer. Baptist. AVhig. Driun-major of ^Militia. Ch.,— i. Mary, b. Chesterfield, Aug. 12, 1798. m. Amos Wallace (See). ii. Sally, b. Chesterfield, July 15, 1800. m. Sept. 14, 1834, John ^Mooney. laborer. She d. Eowell, JNlass., Oct. 14, 1857. iii. Levi, b. L. Nov. 26, 1801. m. June G, 1827, Diana I. Fletcher. Clergv- man. He d. L. Dec. 25, 1833. iv. Chauncey, b. E. Sejit. 18, 1803. ni. Nov. 25, 1830, Kezia Edruauds. He d. Newbury, Vt., Dec. 17, 1891. She d. April 20, 1872. V. Lucinda, b. L. Jan. 28, 180(i ni. James Wright Towne (See). vi. Chelsea, b. L. Nov. 3, 1807. m. iMay 27, 1832, Abigail Carter. Machinist. She d. Thetford, Vt., Dec. 18G1. vii. Berenice, b. E. Sept. 13, 1814. m. Sept. 14, 1834, Samuel A. Tre.retii. sou of Elkanali, b. in Lisbon, INFarch 21. 1820. m. Feb. 18, 184(;, Hannah K., daiK of David Young, b. in Cole- brook, May 14, 1828, Free Baptist. He res. in L. from 1868 until 260 Hildreth — Hill — Hilliker. he d., June 6, 1894, Farmer. Democrat. Capt. in militia about 1^43. Cli., — i. Lydiaette, b. Lisbon, Jan. 10, 1847. ni. Isaac Calhoun (See). HILL. 1. Samuel Hill, son of Samuel, b. in Harvard, Mass., Feb. 9, 1794. m. Hannah, dau. of Ellas Cheney, b. in Concord, Vt., March 5, 180.5, d. in L. Dec. 10, 1875. He res. in L. from 1837 until lie d., March 29, 1865. Laborer. Ch.,- 2. i. Guy Winchester, b. Kirby, Vt., April 20, 1823. ii. Atlanta M., b. Sutton, Vt., Sept. 10, 1826. m. diaries Nurse (See). iii. Cykus F., b. Waterford, Vt., May 10, 1830. m. April 9, 1850, Luthera T. Nurse. Overseer, res. Lowell, Mass. 2. Guy Winchester Hill, son of SamueP, b. in Kirb}', Vt., April 20, 1823. m. Jan. 28, 1848, Hannah, dau. of John Sabin, b. in Lis- bon, Aug. 18, 1831, d. in Victory, Vt., July 18, 1880, Methodist. She m. second, Lewis Yoiuig. Gu}- res. in L. from 1838 to 1862. Laborer. Democrat. Co. B, 6th N. H. Inf. Private, d. in College Hospital, Washington, D. C, Sept, 16, 1862. Ch., b. in L., — 1. E.m:\ia F., b. June 4, 1849. ni. Sept. 22, 187G, John Kay, machinist. res. L. ii. George A., b. Feb. 4, 18.51, d. L. July 27, 1861. iii. Charles F., b. May SO, 1853, d. L. Aug. 7, 1854. , iv. Edna M., b. May 24, 1855. m. 1873, Francis E.Painchaud, shoemaker, res. Lebanon. V. Ella J., b. Mav 24, 1855. m. 1872, Jesse Tyler, farmer. He d. White- tield, 1896. vi. Frank E.. b. Aug. 2.3, 1857, d. L. May 9, 1861. vii. Harvey W., b. May 19, 1860, d. L. Feb. 24, 1884. HILL. 3. Moses Hill, son of John, b. in Waterford, Vt., July 16, 1807. m. Dec. 3, 1860, Juliette, dau. of Daniel Aldrich (See), b. in L. March 2, 1836, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1860 until about the time he d. Farmer. Republican, d. in Compton, P. Q., Oct. 23, 1871. Ch., b. in L., — i. George, b. June 10, 1862, d. L. March 12, 186-5. ii. Moses W., b. Jan. 23, 1868, d. L. July 18, 1887. HILLIKER. 1. John Daniel Frazek Hilliker, son of John Daniel Frazer, b. in N. Y. City, July 12, 1845. m. June, 1871, Mary p:tta, dau. of Isaac Pike, b. in Haverhill, May, 1853, JMethodist. He has res. in L. since 1873. Painter. Democrat. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com, Ch.,— i. Harry Charles, b. Piper City, III., Feb. 1, 1872. m. Aug. 1891, Ange- line May Dickey, res. L. ii. Lola Ray, b. L. Jan. 5, 1877, d. L. May, 1881. Hinds. 261 HINDS. 1. Jamks Minds, emigrant ancestor, was in Salem, IVIass., as early as 1637, wlien he was admitted a freeman. He was by oceni);ition a cooper. Soon after IGoO, he removed to Sontliold, J^ong Island, where he d. 10.33. His widow .Alary m. second Ralph Dayton. Plight eh. 2. John Hixds, son of James ^ b. in Salem, Aug. 28, 1G39. The record of his lirst marriage is not found. He m. second Feb. 9, 1082 3, JMary Butler, widow of James P>ntler, who d. in liilleriea, Mass., March 20, i081. He lived in Woburn, Lancaster, Brookdeld, and again in Lancaster, where he d. Marcli, 1720. 3. Jacob Hinds, son of John ^ b. 1685, m. in Marlboro', ^Nfass., Dec. 6, 1716, Grace Morse, b. Watertown, Mass., June 7, 16U4, dan. of Jose[)h and Grace (Warren) Morse. About 1724, he removed to ShrewsbiH-y, Mass., being one of the early settlers of the town. In the creation of new towns, the homestead was included in P>oylston, 1780, and in West Boylston, 1808. 4. Benjamin Hinds, son of Jacob'', b. in Shrewsl)ury, IMass., July 7, 1725, m. Oct, 18, 1747, Elizabeth Temi)le. b. Aug. 22, 1722, dan. of Isaac and Elizabeth (Holland) Temple of Shrewsbury. He m. second, July 1, 1766, Tabitha Holland, b. April 23, 1742, dau. of Ephraim and Thankful (Howe) Holland, a cousin of his first wife. He was a farmer in Shrewsbury. He d. in Boylston, by change of town lines, Oct. 29, 1794. His widow d. in West Boylston, June 4, 1826. 5. Eliseia Hinds, son of Benjamin *, b. in Shrewsbury, now West Boylston, Feb. 7, 1784. He m. in this town, Feb. 10, 1814, Susannah Larned, dau. of Samuel Earned, Jr. (See). He grad. from Williams College in 1805, studied law in Boston, Mass., with Christopher Gore. Between 1808 and 1812, with his older brother Abraham, he made an extended tour of the United States on horseback, and then settled in L., where he practised law nntil 1834, when he moved to N. Y. City. Whig. Selectman, 1814. Treasurer, 1813-14. Moderator, 1SI5-16- 17-18-28-9. Appointed Postmaster. Feb. 8, 1820. Again appointed Postmaster of Glynville, April 1, 1825. He d. Jan. 2, 1854 (L. Cen., p. 127). Ch., — i. ABRA.M Elisha, b. L. Feb. 27, 1815, d. in infancy. 6. ii. William Launei>, b L. Dec. 17, 1810. 7. ill. Ephuaim, b. L. May 3, 1819. iv. Thankful Howk Tabitha Holland Augusta, b. L. May o, 1H22. ni. 1848, Samuel Lvon, painter and decorator. She d. Baltimore, Md., 1856. V. Benjamin, b. April "i-l, 1824, d. in infancy, vi. Grack Morse Marlboroit(;ii Susanna, b. L. July 7, 1826. in. 1848, Chauncv Wbittelsev, merchant, res. Topeka, Kas. vii. Hannah D. A., b. L Oct. 2, 1828. Teacher, res. Hempstead, N. Y. viii. Samuel, b. L. April, 1881. d. in infancy. ix. Elisha, b. L. July 17, 1882. Teacher. Killed in 1864 in U. S. Navy. X. Helev a., b. Hinsdale, Mav 28, 1885, d. in infancy. xi. Ellen Percy, b. Amherst,"'Mass., July 18, 1889. m. 1868, Henry Ruth, merchant, res. Topeka, Kas. Slie d. 1897. 262 Hhuh — Iloihji:'. 6. William Larxeu Hinds, son of Elisha^, b. in L. Dec. 17, I-SIG, m. in Higbgate, Vt., July 8, 1840, 8:irali Pratt Rixford, b. in Win- chester, Jane 1, 1816, dan. of Lutlier and Sarali (Hawkins) Rixford. He was associated many years witii H. B. Ciatlin & Co. of Xew York Citv, and now resides in Higligate, Vt. Oil., — i. Sau.vh Adelaid, b. Wincliester, May 7, 1811, d. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 18, 1852. ii. JosEPHixE Ella, b. Atliol, Mass., Nov. 12, 1812, d. East Higligate, Vt., Julv 10, 1817. iii. .Taxb Louise, b. N. Y. City, Sept. 6, 1815, d. N. Y. City, Sept. 0, 1816. iv. E.M.MA Jane, h. N. Y. City, Marcii 21, 1817, d. N. Y. City, July 19, 1850. V. Ida Kathleen, b. N. Y. City, Oct. 5, 1818. Teaciier. res. N. Y. City. vi. William Eugene, b. N. Y. City, Dec. 10, 18.50. Merchant, res. N. Y. City. vii. Fannv Lucina, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1851, d. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 15, 1855. viii. O.scAR Luther, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov 10, 185(5. Manufacturer. Kepreseiitalive and Senator in Vt. res. St. Albans, Vt. ix. Clarence Herbert, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1857, d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1858. 7. EpHUvni Hinds, son of Eiisha^ b. in L. May 3, 1819. m. Ang. 21, 1819. Catharine Maria, dan. of Sylvester Shepard, 1). in Pittsfoi-d, N. Y.. Dec. 10, ]8o2. He res. in L. from birth to 1834:. Teaciier. Since 18.39 has been principal and pro[)rietor of Hempstead Institute, N. Y. Previous to 1859 he was princii)al of Blackwood Academy, N. J.; Newburn Academy, Pa.; Tuscarora Female Seminary, I'a. ; West Jersey Collegiate Institute, Mount Holly, N. J. ; and Prest. of tlie lirvant School, Roslyn, N. Y. Ch..^ — i. Theodore, b. 1850, d. young. ii. Clara Grace, b. May 13, 18.52. iii. Ada T., b. July 1, 1851. unni. res. Hempstead. iv. Arthur, b. Coldspringson-Hudson, N. Y., April 10. 18.50. m. June IH. 188:;, Helen M. Nash, b. .lime 18, 1851, dau. Thomas and Lucinda (King) Nash. He grad. Westfield, Mass., Normal School. Publisher of scliool books. New York City. V. Jesse Evelyn, b. Aug. 23, 18(ji. m. June 8, 1887, Henry J. Hayden. res. Heading, Penn. vi. Lily Morris, b. March 8, 1867. m. Sept. 15, 1888, George Bruce Cor- telyon, res. Washington, I). C. vii. Lincoln Shepard, b. Hempstead, Aug. 23, 1871. unm. He is an instructor at Hempstead Institute. Linda, b. Aug. 23, 1871. d. young. vni i.v. Ernest X. Albert HODG-E. 1. CiiAr.LES Herbert Hodge, son of Wesley B., b. in Landatf, Nov. 22, 1859. m. Sept. 14, 1880, Marguerite Alice, dau. of John King, b. in Canada, Aug. 13, 1858, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1886. Stone-cutter. Free Baptist. Republicaii. I. O. O. F., N. G., C. P., L. Encampment. Ch., b. in St. Johnsbmy, Vt., — i. Gilbert Warren, b. Oct. 6, 1881. ii. Vienna Marguerite, b. Aug. 3, 1883. Ihxhjynan. 2C- HODGMAN. 1. Tho^fas TIoixnrAN, m. in 1()(!;5, Marv iMornill. He d. in licuding, ^fass., in 1720. 2. Josi.vit IIoixiMAN, son of Thonins \ 1). in inoi). ni. in IG'Jl, Elizal)elli . He d. in Rending, Mass., iNIarcii 21, 171!'. 3. Thomas Hodu.mav, son of Josiali'-, b. Feb. 1nrns Fletclier, b. in Amlierst, Dee. 10, 1814, dan. of Samuel and Susannah O. (Patterson) Fletcher, d. in L. Fell. 25, 18(:;7. He res. in L. from 1832 until he d.. July 1, 18(;4. Jeweller and apothecary. Town clerk, 184G-7-8-9-50-1. Representative, 1852. Fire ward. 1841-3-5-G-7-8. Whig. J. P. I. O. O. F., N. G. ('h., I), in L., — 8. i. Cfiarles, b, Jan. 24, 18:16. 'J. ii. Francis, b. Jan. Ki, ISIO. 8. C'liAULES HoDGMAX, SOU of Fraucis ', b. in L. Jan. 24, 183G. m. Feb. 27, 18G1, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Taylor, b. in S[)ring- field, Vt., Jan. ;U, 1839, d. in L. Jan. 9. 1892, Episcopal. He res. in L. all his life. Jeweller. Republican. J. P. d. in L. Oct. 12, 1895. Ch., b. in L., — i. SAMCHr, Wn.i.ARU, b. .Ian. 21, 1863. unm. He served in war with Spain, anil is now in tlie Pln'lippine army. 10. ii. IIi;Ki!Kur Ci.vdk, b. Jan. 0, 1S()7. iii. Cariuk Lol'isa, b. Feb. 10, l.sTl. m. June 20, 181)7, Moreton A. Durkee. res. iMedfonl, Mass. iv. BuuN.s Plummkr, b. Deo. .30, 1875. unni. res. L. prail. Boston Law School, 1898; admitted to the Bar at Concord, .July, 18'.)8. Witii Binij- bam, Mitchell & Hatchellor. Oct. 180'.), be was appointed .Assistant Clerk of U. 8. Dist. Court, and appointed Clerk, Aug. 29, 1900. 9. FnAxns Fletcher HoDG^iAX, son of Francis '', b. in L. Jan. IG, 1840. m. Sept. 22, 18G3, Lueila, dau. of Elijah S.abin Woolson (See), b. in L. Sept. 22, 1841, Episcopal. He res. in L. from birth until 1875. Druggist. Repulilican. First treasurer of L. Musical Association, 1870-5 inc. He d. Phila., Pa., March 4, 187G. Ch., b. in L., — i. FRin Cr.ARK, b. Dec. 14, 1801. m. Jan. 20, 1893, Clara Bell Brown. Machinist, res. Providence, R. I. ii. Eleanor Emily, b. Dec. 19, 1868. m. May 3, 1802, John Lyman Porter, banker, res. N. Y. 264 Hodgman — Hoffman — Holland. 10. Herbert Clyde Hodgmax, son of Charles ^ b. in L. Jan. G, 1867. in. Aug. *J, 1.S93, Jennie R., dun. of Rocaneous Brown, b. in Tyngsboro', Mass. He lias res. in L. nearly' all his life. Jeweller. Episcopal. Ch.,— i. Hazel S. E., b. Tyngsboro', Mass., May 14, 1894. HOFFMAN. 1. Henry Hoffman, b. in Germany, emigrated to America from Hesse Cassel, and on his way across the ocean m. Elenor Connor. Rev. soldier. His name is on the soldiers' nioiuiment in Lvndon, Vt., where he d. 2. James B. Hoffman, son of Henry \ b. in Lyndon, Vt. ni. Lucy Rice, who came from R. I. He d. in Lyndon, Vt. Twelve ch. 3. William Hoffman, son of James B.-, h. in Lyndon, Vt., May 11, 1810. m. Nancy Louisa Fletcher. He d. in Lyndon, Vt., Aug. 1892. 4. John Henry Hoffman, son of William'^, b. in Lyndon, Vt., June 10, 1847. 111. Aug. lo, 1S7G, Elena Lurette, dau. of' William P. Gor- don, b. in New Hampton, Sept. 19, 1849, Cong. He was educated in Newbury, Vt., Seminary, New Hampton Institution, and Bates Coll., Lewiston, Me., and commenced the study of theology in 1874, attending the schools at Audover, Mass., and Bangor, Me., grad. from tlie latter in 1877. He was ordained a Cong, clergyman in Henniker, Aug. 1877, where he was located seven years. His sulisequent charges have been : Shelburne Falls, Mass., five years; Peterboro', four years; Kearney, Neb., one year; L., from Sept. 30, 1894, to 1898. He has retired from the ministiy, and res. at St. Johnsbury, Vt. His published religious works are : a review of " The Foundation of Death," Slielt)urne Falls, Mass., 1884, and "Farewell Sermon," at the same place, 1889. Other published articles are : " Religious History of Lyndon, Vt.," at the town Centennial, Jul^' 4, 1891 ; several series of newspaper articles on "• The West." Official positions held are : Prest. of Evangelical Alli- ance, and local union of Christian Endeavor Society of Coutoocook Valley ; Prest. of Franklin Co., Mass., local union of Cliristian Ya\- deavor ; Prest. of local union of Christian Endeavor of Kearnev, Neb. Co. A, Cavalry, N. H. N. G., 1889-90-1. I. O. G. T. Ch., b. in Henniker, — i. Cathelena v., b. June 25, 1870. m. Herbert R. Blodgett (See). ii. John William, b. Aug. 24, 1883. HOLLAND. 1. George Holland, son of George, b. in Canada, June 7, 18,5."). m. Nov. 24, 1874, Jennie, dau. of Walter Remick, b. in Waterford, Vt, Sept. 29, 1857. He has res. in L. since 1893. Laborer. Ch.,— i. Bkrenice, b. Waterford, Vt., July 14, 187G. ii. Ida, b. Lyndon, Vt., April 8, 1878. HoIdudi — Hohncs. 265 HOLMAN. 1. Sullivan Holmax, son of Calvin, h. in Ilopkinton, June 13, 1820. m. (irst, Oct. 8, 1840, Asonatli Stevens. She d. J:in. 21, ISC'), ui. second, April 15, 18(58, Ilairiet F. Aver. He w:is ednciited in the common schools, and the academies in Ilopkinton, Ilolliston, Sontli Newmarket, and Will>raham. While laboring in Boston, Mass., he was converted in the Church Street M. E. Church, Oct. 1835. June 15, 1838, he was given a local preacher's license. lie was ordained Deacon in 1843, and Ma}- 13, 1809, was ordained Elder, His appoint- ments have been: North Charlestown, 1813; Cornish. 1844-5; War- ren, 1846-7; rivmouth, 1848-9; Littleton, 1850-1, when tlie present jNI. E. Church was built; Newport, 1852-3; Kochcster. 1.S54 ; Ports- mouth, 1855-G ; Great Falls (High Street), 1857-8 ; Nasinia (Cliestnnt Street), 1859-GO ; Lawrence, Ma^ss. (Haverhill Street), ISCl-i; Ports- mouth, 18G3-4 ; Sanbornton Bridge, LSGo ; Concord. l.SGG ; Chaplain N. H. State Prison, 18G7-8-9. From 1870 to 1877 he was in the Vt. and Kas. Conferences. In 1877 he returned and was C'ha[ilain of N. H. State Prison until 1883. Lie was appointed to Lowell and Dracnt, 1887; Lowell (Centralville), 1888-91; Hudson, 1892-3, which ended his active labors. He d. in Nashua, April IG, 189G. He had one son by wife Asenath, who d. in youth, and two children by wife Harriet, who d. voung. (Conference Journal, 1897 ; L. Cen.pp. 92, 194 ; L. Courier, April 29, 189G.) HOLMAN. 2. Edwin C. Holman, son of (iilman C, b. in Lockcford, Cal., IMay 31, 1858. m. June 6, 1883, Helen Elizabeth Gordon. - He was a stu- dent at Aijpleton Academy, New Ipswich, and Dartmouth Coll., and grad. at Andover Theo. Seminary, 1883. He was ordained a Cong, clergyman at Middletown, Conn., Oct. 23, 1883. He has been located in the ministry at Middletown, Conn., one year; L. 1885-() ; Haver- hill, Mass., Centre Church, 188G-92. His latest pastoral hibor was in Iowa. His published works include: " Mingled Light and Darkness," in Golden Rule, Vol. 9, No. 33; "The Need of Trust," in Christian Union, Vol. 28, No. 33; "The Doctrine of Perfection," in (iolden Kule, Vol. 9, No. 52; and '^ Philosophy and Revelation," in Golden Rule, Vol. 7, No. 34. Ch., GEORTiE OOKDON. Bertha Viett. HOLMES. 1. Ariel Holmes, son of Asa, b. in Dalton, jNLarch 0, 1810. m. Feb. 15, 1842, f^sther Dort, dau. of Isaac Smith (See), b. in lirowing- ton, Vt., Jan. 30, 1820. He res. in L. from 1843 until he d., Sept. 23, 1889. Lumber-dealer. Republican. Ch.,— Elizabeth R., b. Nov. 24, 1849. in. Charles Parker (See). 266 Holmes — Hopkinson. HOLMES. 2. Jesse Christie Holmes, son of James, b. in "Waterville, Vt, Ai)ril 2, 1823. He m. March 12, 1855, Laura Maria (Dexter) Clark, 1). in ]^isl)on, March 26, 1834, dan. of Dani(;l Dexter. .Slie m. first, Edwin Claric. He res. in L. from 1840 until lie d., Feb. 8, 1897. Rail- road ein[)loye'. Republican. Town clerk, 1853. ch,,- ■ i. Eli.v Ardkll, b. Lisbon, Mav 7, lS5o, tlau. of Edwin and Laura Maria (Dexter) Clark, m. .Mav 23, 1878, Cliarles H. Joslin. res. Boston, ii. FuANK Moody, b. L. April 23, 1857, d. April 13, 1877. iii. GKour.K Amos, b. L. Aug. 2. 1859. m. iMay 10, 1887, Nellie Ilickey. lie d. Franklin, June 10, 1895. HOPKINSON. 1. IMiOHAEL Hopkinson came to New England about 1635. He lived a short time in Boston and settled in Rowley. Mass., lf)3'J. He was admitted to the First Church in Boston, Feb. G, 1G38, and dismissed to "ye gatlierin<«; of a church at Rowley," Nov. 24, 1639. Freeman, Ma}- 13, 1640. His wife was Ann, and he was married previous to settle- ment in Rowley. They had sons, — Jonathan, Jeremiah, John, and Caleb. He d. 1649, and his widow m. second, John Trumble. m. third, 1659, Richard Swan. She d. 1678. 2. .John Hopkinson, son of IMichael \ b. in Rowley, Fel). 7, 1646/7. ni. June 8, 1670, Elizabeth Pearson, b. in Rowley, Oct. 17, 1646, dan. of Deacon John Pearson. They had sons, — John and Jeremiah. He d. May 29, 1704. 3. .John Hopkinson, son of .John-, b. in Rowley, IMay 30, by town rccortls, but he was baptized April 3, 1692. m. Feb. 12, 1712/3, Mary Wheeler, b. Feb. 9, 1694 5, dau. of Jonathan and Mary Wheeler. He lived in Byfield Parish, Rowley, JMass, 4. .ToNATiiAN Hopkinson, son of .John ^ b. in Rowley, ]\Iass., Feb. 10, 1716,7, removed to Bradford, ]Mass., where he m. (date omitted in the record) INIargaret Burbank. of Bradford. He lived in Pelham, 1752 to 1761, and removed to Rindge, 1761 or 1762. He lived in Rindge and in the adjoining town of Jatt'rey ten years. The Rindge records repre- sent that he was a servicealile man, being frequently named on com- mittees. He owned 200 acres in the southeast corner of JaftVey, adjoining Rindge, and there he erected a mansion house and two mills, which he sold, 1768, to Ephraim Hunt. These mills were on the site of mill and box-factory of the Annett Manufacturing Company. In 1769 and 1770 he sold his remaining land in Rindge and in Jaffrey. In the autmnn of 1772, or the early spring of 1773, he came to this town and settled at North Littleton. His advent here was a substantial addition to the infant settlement. It will be noted that he and his four sons were in the army nearly a year at the same time, and all in the same company. He served eleven months and twenty-four days from April 7, 177.S, in Capt. Luther Richardson's company, Col. Bedel's Regi- ment, About 1784, he removed to Upper Cohas. JLipkinHon — Iloskiiis. 267 Ch. i. Jonathan, b. Bradford, Muss.. May 17, 174o. Came to tliis town 1778. lie wa.s a Corporal in Capt. 'I'lionias Sinii).son's ('(>mi)any of Hanficrs from Oct. 1 lo Dec. 2, 1770; Corporal in ('ajjt. Nelieniiali LovewcU's Company from Feb. 14 to March 30, 1778. Sergeant in Cajit. Kicli- ardson's Company, Bedel's llejiiment, eleven montlis and twenty- seven days, from April 4. 1778. If lie was married, wiiicli is probable, no record of his famiiv is found, ii. Mauy, b. liaverliill, Mass., Feb. 27, 1745. 5. iii. David, b. Sejit. 1, 1751. iv. Jons, b. . He served in Capt. Hichardson's Company, Bedel's Begi- merit, eleven montlis and twenty-three days, from April 8, 1778. V. MAuniA, b. I'elliam, Aug. .'il, 1750. 0. vi. Cali;i!, b. I'elham, April 14, 175'). 5. David IIopkinsox, sou of Jonathan ■*, b. Scj)!. 1, 1751. m. Sarah Kcnncch'. Lived in tiiis town 177;> lo 17t. Luther Kicliurdson'.s Company, Col. IumIcI's Kegiment. In 1 7.sO lie settled in Guildhall, Vt., near the line ot Linienhurg. It was suii- posed for a time that his farm was in Lnnenbing, and he attended town meetings, and was elected to oflic(! in that town. After the adjustment of the lioundaries of these towns in 17'Sr), he found himself a citizen of Guildhall. He was town clerk and lister of Luneidjuig, 1781 ; Chief Justice of Essex County, 1'S12 and 181"), and at all times a i)romi- nent factor in the public affairs of Guildhall. He d. 1830. Ch., — i. J(). xVine cli. iii. Hknhv, b. L. 1777, removed to Illinois. iv. .Foiix, b. Guildhall, Vt., 177'.', d. vouiig. V. Sallv, b. (iuildhall, 1788. vi. Isaac, b. Guildhall, 1785, d. at sea. vii. XoVF.s, b. (iuildliall, 1788, a jiromineut citizen of Derby, \'t. Town officer, representative, delegate to Constitutional Conventions, viii. Folly, b. Guildhall, 1702, d. young, ix. FoLLV, b. Guildhall, 17'.)5. X. Fkancis, b. Guildhall, 1700, d. July 31, 1817. 6. Calkb HorKiNsox. son of Jonathan ^ b. in Pelham, April 14, 17.')i). m. in L. Peggy "Williams, dan. of Peleg Williams (See). He served eleven months and twenty-four days from April 7, 1778. in Capt. Richard.son"s Company, Petlel's Pi'giment. He was selectman, 17.88, and removed that year or immcdiati-ly after to Canada, where his de- scendants are numerous in the Kastern townships. HOSKINS. 1. Nkiikmiati Hoskixs. d. in Taunton, ^lass. His widow, Mary, came to L. with Elkanali -, her son, where she d., April, 1810, aged 93 vears. 268 Hoshins. 2. Elkaxah IIoskixs, son of Nehemiab \ b. in Taunton, Mass., Sopt. 11, 1741. m. Mindwell Barney, b. in Taunton, Mass., Oct. 21, 174G, (1. in L. Oct. 1832. He res. in L. from May 22, 1796, until he d., Sept. '28, 180.5. Farmer. Selectman, 1799. Served in the French and Indian War. He v. soldier. Sergt. in Capt. Edward Blake's Co., Col. George Williams' Regt. Enlisted Dec. 8, 177(), served 25 days. Also was engaged in Shavs's Rebellion. Ch.,— i. Elkanaii, h. Taunton, Mass., Aug. 14, 17G6, d. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 20, 176(3. ii. Elicanah, b. Taunton, Mass., Oct. 21, 1767. m. Lydia Morse. Farmer, d. Dana, Mass. 3. iii. R,vRXEY, b. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 4, 17G9. iv. Mindwell, b. Taunton, Mass., Aug. Lj, 1771. m. Matthew Bartlett, farmer. Slie d. Lyman, Oct. 20, 1.S70. V. Olive, b. Taunton, Mass.. Nov. 25, 1773. m. Elias Gates, farmer, vi. Sybil, b. Taunton, Mass., Nov. 5, 177(3. ni. Caleb Cliamberlain, ftirmer. 4. vii. David, b. retersham, Mass., Aug. .30, 1778. viii. Sally, b. Petersham, Mass., Marcli 21, 1780. m. Jonatlian Rowell (See). 5. ix. LuTiiLit, b. Petersham, Mass., Marcli 23, 1782. 6. X. Lyman, b. Westmoreland, March 2, 1784. xl. AxNA, b. Petersham, Mass , March 21. 1786. m. Isaac Parker (See). 7. xii. Neiiemiah, b. Petersham, iNLass , Marcli 12, 1789. 8. xiii. Salmon, b. Petersiuim, Mass., Aug. 14, 17'J0. 3. Barney Hoskins, son of Elkanah '-, b. in Taunton, Mass., Se|)t. 4, 1769. pub. Jan. 19, 1799, Miriam Ayer Wheeler, d. in Oliio, Cong. He res. in L. from 1798 until about 1818. Farmer. Cong. Select- man, 1804-5, d. in Ohio. Ch., b. in L., — i. Shepherd, b. Feb. 22, 1800, d. Landaff, April 8, 1819. ii. Carley, b. Sept. 28, 1801. iii. JuBEL, b. Dec. 7, 1802. iv. Leonard, b. April 20, 1804. V. Elkanah, b. Dec. 1, 180.5. vi. Eunice Lord, b. July I'J, 1807. vii. Ariel, b. March 'J, 180'.». viii. Maria, b. May 22. 1811. m. Standish. res. 111. ix. MosKS, b. March 18, 1813. X. Barney, b. March 26, 1817. 4. David Ho.skin.s, son of Elkanah -, b. in Petersham, Mass., Aug. 30, 1778. put). Oct. 5, 1807, Persis, dan. of John Stanford, b. Jan. 16, 1783, d. in Lyman, March 3, 1865. He res. in L. from May 22, 1798, until about 1S39. Farmer. Cong. Whig. d. in Lvman, Jul}' 26, 1859. Ch., b. in L., — i. Albeht, ]). Sept. 12, 1808. m. .July 27, 1849, Laura J. Gould. Me- chanic. He d. Sept. 1, 1891. She d. Oct. 13, 1865. ii. Sulvender, b. May 8, 1811. unm. d. Lyman, .Tune 21, 1895. iii. KosANNA, b. Sept. 19, 1812. m. Charles Chamberlain, July 15, 1838, farmer. She d. June 3, 1891. He d. Aug. 17, 1878. iv. I'ERsis, b. Sei)t. 23, 1815. m. March 19, 1844, Alden Moulton Miner, farmer. Shed Lyman, Dec. 24, 1891. He d July 23, 1893. v. David, b. Feb. 21, 1819. m. March 18, 1847, Angeline Knapp. Farmer. He d. Lyman, March 28, 1864. vi. Shepard, b. Sept. 11, 1820. m. Mav 1-3, 1851, Lydia H. Fuller. Farmer. d. Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 16, 1883. vii. Syrena, b. Sept. 7, 1822. m. Nov. 7, 1849, Edmund L. Underwood, mechanic. She d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., March 7, 1884. He d. Aug. 14, 1883. msJcins. 269 5. LiTHKii TTosKiNS, son of ElkaiuUi -, b. in Petcrsliam, IMass., March 23, 1782. pub. Marcli 14, l.SO'J, Hannah, dau. of Henry Crooks (See), b. hi Whiehendon, Mass., IMaich 12, 178G, d. in Lyman, Oct. 30, 1824. Ho res. hi L. from 17'.»8 to 1817. Farmer. Cong. Whig. Sek'ctman, 1815-lG. d. in Lyman, Oct. 31, 1879. Ch., — i. Olive, b. L. Sept. 17, 1812. ni. Leonard Parker, farmer. lied. Lyman, Aug., 1877. Slie d. Warner, Sept., 1885. ii. Phvla, b. L. Nov. !!'.», 1814. m. Geor<;e Foster, farmer. He d. Lisbon, •Jan., 1885. Slie d. Lyman, June, WX>. iii. M.vRCY G., b. Lyman, Dec. 11, 1817. m. first, Samuel Gibson, d. White- field, m. second, Sept. 19, 1850, lioby C. Towne (See). 9. iv. LuTHEii li., b. Lyman, Feb. 1(5, 1822. V. Hannah H., b. Lyman, Aug. 3, 1824. m. Aug. 11, 1850, Gabriel G. Moulton (See). 6. Lyman Ho.skins, son of Elkanah ^, b. in Westmoreland, IMarcli 2, 1784. pub. Nov. 180G, Kachel, dau. of John jMiUen, b. in New Bos- ton, Nov. 28, 1786, d. in Stratford, Dec. 28, 1841). He res. in L. from 1798 to 1808. Farmer. Cong. Whig. d. in Stratford, July 13, 1862. Ch,, all but L3'man b. in Lyman, — 10. i. Lyman, b. L. Nov. 2G, 1807. ii. MiNDWELL, b. Sept. 22, 1809. m. .Tedediali Buffiini, farmer. He d. Monroe, Sept. 8, 1870. Siied. Monroe, Oct. 25, 1882. iii. William, b. April 11, 1812, d. Calais. Me. iv. FiDELLA, b. April 7, 1814. m. Hiram Clough, blacksmitli. He d. Lancaster. V. John, b. July 20, 1816. m. Susan Page. Farmer. He d. Groveton, May 20, 1809. vi. Saljion, 1). Jan. SO, 1822. m, Jemima Bowman. Farmer. She d. Stratford, Aug. 2, 188'.t. vii. IsABENDA, b. July 12,1824. m. Joel Clough, blacksmith, res. Stratford, viii. Nehemiah, b. March 30, 1827, farmer, res. Stratford. 7. NEHEMi.iii HosKiNS, son of Elkanah^, b. in Petersham, IMass., March 12. 1789. m. Nov. 7, 1811, Persis, dau. of John Nur.se (See), b. in L. Feb. 7, 1792. d. in Bath, Jan. 16, 1854. He res. in L. from 1798 to 1828. Farmer, d. in Batli, July 6, 1856. No ch. 8. S.\LMON HoSKiNS, SOU of Elkanah", b. in l\'tersham, Mass., Aug. 14, 1790. m. March 1, 1827, Thyrza, dau. of Samuel Parker, b. in Lyman, Dec. 26, 1792, d. in L. Oct. 21, 1876. He res. in L. from 1796 until he d., Dec. 22, 1880. Shoemaker and farmer. Republican. No ch. 9. Luther Barney Hoskins, son of Lutlier^, b. in Lyman, Feb. 16, 1822. m. March 22, 1843, Lucy M. Walker, b. in Lyman, March 9, 1822, dau. of Moses Walker. Farmer, res. in Lyman. Town officer many years; representative, 1864-5. Executive Councillor Fifth Dist. 186(3; Colonel on staff of Gov. Stearns, 1869-70 ; member of Board of Agriculture. Republican. Ch., b. in Lyman, — i. Setii Fisher, b. March 21, 1844. m. 1871, Martha E. Stevens, b. Hardwick, Vt., 1841, dau. of Joshua Stevens, res. Lisbon ; repre- sentative, 1899-T.tOO. They have two sons: Carl S. and Neal L., both graduates Dart. Coll. 270 HoskhiH — Hosmer — Iloule. ii. Florette H., b. June 12, 1845. m. Sept. 1, 18G8, Carlos G. Young, niercliant, Ft. Ilowartl, Wis. Slie d. June 27, 18G9. iii. E. Harney, b. Feb. 26, 1852. iinin. grad. Penn. College Dental Sur- geiy, 1878. Ho lias practised his profession in Foxboro' and Boston, Mass., and in Mancliester and Littleton. He is now a resident of, and professionally employed at, Lisbon. 10. Lyman Hoskins, son of Lyman®, b. in L. Nov. 26, 1807. m. Aug. 7, 183G, Bethan}', duu. of Matthew Bartlett, b. in Winchester, March 29, 1811. He res. in L. from birth to 1858. Farmer. Repub- lican, d. in Lyman, March 16, 1889. Ch.,— Khoda D., b. Lyman, March 6, 1838. unni. res. Lyman. Eli Flint, b. L. Sept. 27, 184o. unm. res. Lyman. HOSMER. 1. Jefferson Hosimer, son of Josiah, b. in Templcton, Mass., March 23, 1801. m. May 31, 1827, Lois, dan. of Nathan Pike, b. in Water- ford, Vt., May 19, 1808, d. in L. March IS, 1893. He res. in L. in youth, and from 1858 until he d., March 13, 1878. Hotel-keeper and cabinet-maker. Ch.,— i. Alhera Maria, b. L. March 27, 1828. m. Nov. 1, 1849, Milo Kent Parks, merchant. He d. Jan. 2'j, 18;)0. She d. L. May 3, 1862. They had five ch. Isabel iNIerial is the only one living, ii. Madison Pike, b. Waterford, Vt., Jan. 20, 1830, d. Aug. 5, 1830. iii. Luther Pike, b. Waterford, Vt., Dec. 16, 1831. m. Merial Howe Darling. Merchant, res. Boston, Mass. They had two cli. George Milo is the only one living. HOULE. 1. Cleophas Houle, son of Joseph, b. in Canada, in 1845. m. Fell. 7, 1868, Julia, dau. of Thomas Lamere, b. in Canada, March 25, 1847, Roman Catholic. She m. second, Raome Gentiss. Cleophas res. in L. from 1878 until he d., Nov. 23, 1880. Glover. Roman Catholic. Ch., b. in Stake Centre, P. Q., — 1. Joseph, b. Dec. 20, 1870. unm. res. L. ii. Emery, b. March 31, 1876. unm. res. L. iii. Eugene, b. Aug. 23, 1877. HOULE. m. 2. George Houle, son of Joseph, b. in Canada, July 6, 1864 April 20, 1890, Mary, dau. of John Lamb, b. in Canada, Dec. 23, 1862, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1882. Barber. Roman Catliolic. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Mary Ann Georgia, b. Jan. 18, 1891. ii. Joseph Oliver, b. Feb. 9, 1892. iii. Emile, b. May 10, 1893. iv. Elma Wilhelmina, b. June 20, 1896. Hoirard — Howe — JLnvJand. 271 HOWARD. 1. Jastkr IToward, b. in IT'.M. tn. ^^al•v, isbon, Marcli 28, 1850. iii. Clement, b. Whitetiekl, Sept. 14, 1852. Farmer, res. L. 272 Howland — Hoyt. iv. Charles H., b. Wliitefield, June 1, 1853. ni. Aug. 1885, Mary M. Bailey. Stone-cutter, res. Harre, Vt. V. Inx, b. Whitelield, Marcii 28, 185-5. m. Oct. 11, 1877, Matilda Corum. Carpenter, res. Newbury, Vt. vi. Maryette, b. Wliitefield, Uct. 13, 1857. ni. Oct. 1-3, 1878, Charles Morey, fanner, res. Wyoming. vii. Wai!Uen, b. Whitefielil, June 14, 1860. ni. Kate Broderick. Stone- cutter, res. Barre, Vt. 5. viii. Harvey, b. Wliitefield, April 4, 18G2. ix. Betsey, b. Wliitefield, March 28, 1864. m. Willard Whiting, livery stable, res. Lakeport. 3. Andrew J. Howland, son of Benjamin, b. in Bethlehem, Jan. 21, 1846. ni. June 8, 1874, Etta, dan. of John Hunt, b. in Lisbon, May 27, 1851>. He has res. in L. since 1892. Laborer. Democrat. Co. H, 5th N. H. Inf. Private. Ch., - i. Anna Bell, b. Franconia, Feb. 20, 1876. ii. Melvin, b. Franconia, April 20, 1878. iii. Willie, b. Carroll, Jan. 3, 1880. iv. Ida, b. Whitefield, Marcli 8, li<82. V. Maisel, b. Concord, Vt., June 1, 1884. vi. Bertie, b. Concord, Vt., Aug. 22, 1880. vii. Perley, b. Coaticook, P. Q., April 27, 1890. viii. Infant Son, b. Coaticook, P. Q., Jan. 22, 1892. i.\. Susie Isabel, b. L. Dec. 3, 1894. 4. Henry Woodman Howland, son of Squire Russell ^, b. in White- field, March 28, 18.30. m. Oct. 4, 1871, Georgianna, dau. of Simeon Keyes, b. in Whitefield, Sept. 28, 1852. He has res. in L. since 18iblical Messenger," Kutland and Waterbury, \\.. ; "The Waterbury Enterprise," "The Uiltle lUuiner," Phila., I'a. ; "The Inde{)endent Christian," Bristol, li. I., and Littleton; "The Christian W'oi'ker," Boston and Si)ringlield, jMass. Among the oilicial religious positions he has held are : Brest. Vt. Conference of Church of Christ; l^rest. and Treas. of Christian Workers Assn., JJoston, ^lass., and Vice-Bres. of \'oung Ministers' Christian Assn. ; Co. C, 1st \i. Cav. Brivate. Ch., C11.4.KLKS C, printer, res. Boston, Mass. rn. HUBBARD. 1. Amos Hunr.ARD, b. in Butland, ]Nras.s.(?), Sept. 28, 1745 March 30, 1774, Leah Farr, b. Feb. 24, 175G, d. Oct. 2G, 18:52. She m. second, Noah Day. Amos never res. in L. Lieut, in Rev. war. Selectman of Chesterfield, where he d. from a surgical operation, June 8, 1792. (Hist, of Chesterlield, p. oG4.) Ch., b. in Chesterfield, — i. Leah, b. Dec. 0, 1774. ni. Noah (?) Ciimniings. res. in Canada or Colebrooli. ii. S.VLLY, b. Feb. 6, 1777. ni. 171t;>, IVter Wlieeler, farmer. He d. March I'O, 1846. Sbe d. Chesterfield, 1851. 2. iii. Amos, b. Oct. oO, 1780. iv. Samtei. Billings, b. Marcli 29, 17!-5. m. Jan. 20, 181.3, Polly Ilildreth. Fanner, lie d. L. ls;!2 or 4. V. Jacoh Towkus, b. Marcli 2'.>, 178'). ni. 1815, Widow Luna Fletcher. Farmer. He d. Chesterfield, Jan. 8, 1850. She d. Feb. 20, 1870. vi. Joiiv, 1). June 2, 1702. m. first. ISIO, Sally Hildretli. ni. second, Celes- tina Doolittle. lie d. Aug. 28, 1874. Farmer, res. Chesterfield. 2. Amos Hur.r.ARO, son of Amos \ b. in Chesterfield, Oct. 30, 1780. m. Feb. 12, 1807, Al)igail, dau. of Joel Smith, b. in Chesterfield, Sept. 21, 1783, d. in L. April 11, 1.S50. He res. in L. from l.SOl until he d., Kov. 22, 1872. Farmer. Rei»ublican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Lalra, b. April 11, 1800. x\\. .Jonathan Franklin lyovojoy (See). ii. Clarissa, b. June 10, 1811. m. Sei)t. K!, 18.J2, William Keilcy, larmer. res. Newport, Vt. iii. Sally, b. May 2.5, 1813. m. Feb. 1, 1841, Samuel Ilulbutt, farmer. res. Dalton. iv. Alvira, b. Aug. 3, 1815. m. Lovell Taylor (See). V. AiiiGAiL, b. Aug. 4, 1817. m. Abram .\iills (See). vi. I'liiLEXA, b. Feb. 28, 1820. \\\. William Wheeler (See). vii. ANGELiNE,b. July 5. 1822, d. L. Nov. 17, 1803. 3. viii. Amos P., b. March 20, 1820. i.Y. Melissa, b. Aug. 7, 1828. in. John W. English (See). 3. Amos B. Hubhakd, son of Amos -, b. in L. March 2G, 182G. m. Sept. 16, 1850, Leah, dau. of Timothy Young, b. in Kingsey, Canada, Oct. 26, 1828. She m. second, William B. Dean. Amos B. res. in L. all his life, d. March 9, 18G0. Farmer. VOL. II. — 18 274 Huhhard — Hudson — Humplirey — Hiinklns — Hunter. Ch., b. in L., — i. Melissa E., b. Dec. 28, 1852. m. Sept. 3, 1883, Willis H. Jewell, tanner. res. Biddeford, Me. ii. Emma L., b. July 21, 1854. m. Oct. 1879, Jolm D. Ames, carpenter. res. Bangor, Me. , iii. Lizzie E., b. Feb. 10, 1856, d. Biddeford, Me., Oct. 29, 1887. iv. Eugene S., b. April 9, 1859, d. L. May 11, 1859. HUBBARD. 4. Edavin Delancy Hubbard, son of Erastus, b. in Goiham, Jan. 19, 1851. m. Nov. 1, 1888, Annie E., dan. of Joseph C. Flanders, b. in Stewartstown, Feb. 18, 1847. He lias res. in L. since 1881. Glover. Democrat. HUDSON. 1. Samuel Hudsox. ni. Seraphine , b. in 1775, d. in L. Jnne 23, 1832. He res. in L. from 1798 to 1826, and a part of the time for several 3'ears snbsequently. Farmer. Selectman, 1800. Ilev. soldier. Private in 3d N. II. Rcgt. Continental line from J11I3' 20, 1779, one 3'ear. Town records give him tlie title of Capt. HUMPHREY. 1. RoswELL MoxROE HUMPHREY, son of Ivoswcll. b. in Hartland, Vt., July 2, 182(3. m. Dec. 9, 1852, Estlier Maria, dau. of Willard Stod- dard, b. in Walerford, Vt., April 6, 1829, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1888. Farmer. Cong. Republican. Ch., — 2. i. Willard Roswell, b. Clielsea, Vt., Oct. 18, 1854. ii. Jennie Ella, b. Hartford, Vt., March 4, 18G1. m. May, 1879, John Gritfin, farmer, res. Lyman. 2. Willard Roswell Humphrey, son of Roswell Monroe \ b. in Chelsea, Vt., Oct. 18, 1854. m. July 4, 187G, Sophronia, dau. of Ben- jamin Sawyer (See), b. in Dalton, Nov. 15, 1857. He has res. in L. since 1881. Farmer. Republican. Ch.,— i. Maud Edna, b. Waterford, Vt., June 10, 1879. HUNKINS. 1. Orrin Wesley Hunkins, son of Lewis Rufus, b. in Sanl)ornton, Oct. 3, 1859. m. March 31, 1880, Lillian Mabel, dau. of Henry Clark, b. in Frankfort, Maine, April 11, 18(U. He has res. in L. since 1884. Insurance clerk. Republican. I. O. O. F., N. G. C. P., L. Encamp- ment. No ch. HUNTER. 1. John Hunter, h. in Wales, Me. m. Polly, dau. of Henry Bemis (See), b. in Mas.s., d. in Dalton. He res. in L. from 1813 to 1830. Farmer. In his younger days he was a sailor, shipping as captain's Hunter — Iluniiiujton — JLoitoon. 275 boy at the age of 12. In the War of 1812 he was on board a privateer, and was taken prisoner b}' the British, d. in L. in 1871. Ch., b. in L., — i. William, b. 1815. r.irmer. res. Wis. ii. Susan B., b. Ai)ril 1, IMKI. in. Uoswoll Savage (See). iii. LovixA, b. 1820. ni. I'-phrairn W. Farr (See). iv. Lauka, b. 1822. in. Joshua Ciiiimby, farmer. She d. Bethleliem, 1800. V. Reukcca, b. 1824. in. Warren Elliott (See). vi. LorisA, b. 182(j. ni. William (ieor.^e, blacksmith. She d. Lisbon, 1895. vii. RIary, b. 1828. in. Norman Farr (See). HUNTINGTON. 1. William Pitkin Huntingtox, son of Dan, b. in Iladley, ^Nlnss., .July IC), 1804. m. Lucy lulwards, b. in Chesterfield, Oct. "l-S, 18-JO. He grad. from Harvard Coll. in 1824, received the degree of M. D. in 18;35, and was employed as a missionary and teacher. He was mir.is- ter of the Unitarian Society in L. in 183G. He was an older bro. of Bisliop Huntington of N. Y. He d. in Mass. in 1885. HUNTOON. 1. Nathaniel Huntoon, b. in Kingston, 1721, son of John and grand- son of Pliilip. m. May 22, 1742, Anna Dearborn; m. second, Aug. 2(1, 1789, ]Martha Judkins. He d. in Unity, 1793. He was a captain in the French war and in the Revolution. 2. Caleb Huntoon, son of Nathaniel \ b. in Kingston, Feb. 4, 174S, removed from Unity to L. He m. Dec. 29, 1772, Judith Carter, b. in Kingston, June 11, 1756, d. in L. March, 1841. He res. in L. from 1811 until he d., about 1833. Rev. soldier. Private in Capt. Phili[) Tilton's Co., Poor's Regt., Ma}' 25 to Aug. 1, 1775. Sergt. in Capt. Abel Walker's Co., Col. David Hobart's Regt., Stark's Brigade, July 21, to Sept. 20, 1777. He was in the battles of Bunker Hill and Ben- nington. He came to L. from Unity. Ch.,— i. Mary, b. Kingston, Oct. 20, 177.3. m. Paul Reed. res. Unity, ii. Jkmima, b. Unity, March 9, 177G. m. Daniel Carter (See). iii. Caleb, b. Unity, March 20, 1778. unm. d. 1830. iv. SAUAii,b. Unity, March 27,17S2. in. Richardson. V. Judith, b. Unity, Sept. 21), 1784. m. William Jackman, farmer, n.s. Lisbon. vi. Martha, b. Unity. Nov. 20, 1787. vii. Nancy, b. Unit}-, 17'.tO. m. Daniel Carter (See), viii. Melinda, b. Unity, Nov. 2t), 1791. m. Otis Albee (See). 2. ix. Carter Nathaniel, b. Unit}', Aug. 6, 1794. 3. Carter Nathaniel Huntoon, son of Caleb -, b. in Unity. Aug. (!, 1794. m. Nov. 9, 1819, Diantha L., dan. of Asa Parker, b. in Lvman, July 16, 1803, d. in L. May 29, 1878. He res. in L. from 1817 until he d., Sept. 3, 1880. Farmer. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Amos, b. July 19, 1821, d. L. Oct. 17, 18:34. ii. Jemima, b. Nov. 10, 1822, d. L. Au;j;. 10, 1825. 276 Hnntoon — Hurd. iii. Sarah A., b. Oct 29, 1823, d. L. July 30, 1825. 4. iv. Gideon D., b. Jan. 30, 1826. V. jS'ancy, b. April 19, 1827. m. Jan. 2, 1848, George L. Webster, carpen- ter, res. Monroe, vi. DiAXTHA, b. Dec. 11, 1828, d. L. Sept. 25, 1831. vii. Hansom, b. Ang. 21, 1831. unm. Farmer, d. L. Sept. 9, 1887. viii. Lokinda J., b. April 29, 1833, d. L. March 17, 1834. 5. ix. Richard J., b. Sept. 25, 1838. X. Marv Jane, b. April 21, 1840. m. Amos Dow (See), xi. Mandana B., b. Dec. 11, 1847. m. first, Milo C. Fiilford. m. second, Samuel H. Dow (See). 4. Gideon D. Hdntoon, son of Carter Nathaniel ^, b. in L. Jan. 30, 1826. m. Oct. 22, 1851, Mary Bissallon, b. in AVhitefield, Aug. 1832. He res. in L. from birtli to 1870. Farmer and carpenter, d. Marcli23, 1886. Ch., — i. Elizabeth D., b. L. 1852. m. Fletclier D. Merrill (See). ii. Julia A., b. L. 1854. m. George F. Martin (See). iii. Charles W., b. L. 1856. m. 1884, Ada F. McKown. Carpenter, res. Lisbon, iv. Mabel I., b. L. 1858, d. 1859. V. Amos P., b. L. 1861. unm. vi. Fkank a., b. L. 1866, d. 1879. vii. Carter N., b. Landaff, 1872. m. 1896, Anna Lehan. Carpenter. res. L. viii. George W., b. Landaff, 1874. m. 1894, Isabel Bucknam. Carpenter. res. Lancaster, ix. Mary E., b. 1876. m. 1893, Edwin Holbrook, fireman, res. Groveton. 5. EicHARD J. HuNTOON, son of Carter Natlianiel ^, b. in L. Sept. 25, 1838. m. Nov. 18, 1867, Miranda J., dau. of George Flint, b. in 8t. Johiisbury, Vt., Ang. 16, 1850, Methodist. He res. in L. from birth to 1861, and since 18'J3. Laborer. Republican. Co. I, 3d Vt. Inf., traus. Co. A, 5th U. 8. Cav. Private. G. A. R. Ch., - i. Kelsea Hot Dow, b. Monroe, Feb. 7, 1879. HURD. 1. Timothy B. Hurd, son of Jacob and grandson of Col. John, b. in Bath, Nov. 22, 1797. m. :March 13, 1828, "Eliza G., dau. of Nathaniel Patridge (See), b. in L. Jan. 18, 1805, d. in Lyman, Aug. 27, 1884. He res. in L. from 1827 to 1834. Cloth dresser, d. in Lyman, April 3, 1884. Ch.,— i. Eliza E., b. Lyman, May 25, 1830. m. Jan. 22, 1850, Russell Under- wood, mechanic. She d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Aug. 29, 1867. ii. Pkrsis A , b. Lyman, Feb. 17, 1832. m." Warren Mclntire (See). 2. iii. William Burns, b. L. Sept. 27, 1834. 2. William Burns Hurd, son of Timothy B.\ b. in L. Sept. 27, 1834. m. first, Sept. '2%, 1855, Harriet E., dau. of Jefferson Henison, b. Oct. 5, 1837, d. in Lyman, Jan. 23, 1894. m. second, April 17, 1895, Julia O., dau. of William Jackson, b. in Barnet, Vt., Sept. 27, 1846, Metho- dist. He res. in L. in youth. Farmer. Republican, res. Lyman. Hunl — Jh(rn>utt. 277 Cli., b}' w. Harriet, b. in Lj-man, — i. IIattie E , b. Marcli 7, 18o'.). ni. Arthur AMricli. fanner, res. Lyman. ii. Nki.lie ('., b. Aujr. -Jl), 1SG2. iii. ]\IvK\ F., b. April 0, IW-^. m. Harvev M. I^ewis (See). iv. Willie E., b. iMan-li, 18(55, d. Feb. 'li). 188:5. V. Eliza A., b. May 7, 1870. in. Ervin S. I'ruscott (See). vi. Tina B., b. March 27, 1870. HURLBUTT. 1. William Dknison Hurlhutt, son of Thomas, b. in Hanover. Oct. 21, 1809. in. March 4, 1834, Elvira W., dau. of Parker Ciishman (See), b. in L. Feb. 11, 1814, cK in Hanover, Oct. 9, lsi)2. He res. in L. from 18.')2 to 18G5. Farmer. Selectman, 184G-7. d. in Hanover, April IG, 1877. Ch., b. in L., — i. CoRXELirs ,1., b. L. Dec. IG, 18:^,4, d. L. Marcli 7, 1837. ii. Betsey, b. July 4. 18:'.(). d. L. Feb. 14. 18:!7. iii. Eliza J., b. Feb. 24, 18:!8, d. L. Feb. IM, 1857. iv. William 1) , b. Feb. 8, 1840, d. Hanover, Feb. 6, 1870. V. OzRO 15., 1). Dec. 27, 18i2. m. March 1, 1877, Kizzie S. Mann. Fanner. res. Hanover, vi. Mary P., b. May IG, 1848, d. Waterford, Vt., May 9, 1867. vii. IClvira W., b. Mav 3, 1845. m. Wilhird G. Hurlbutt, fanner. She d. Hanover, Sept. 13, 1882. viii. Newton H., b. June 10, 1847. res. Boston, Mass. ix. Franklin G., b. April 24, 1849. m. April 5, 1882, Harriet Bond. Po- liceman, res. Boston, Mass. X. John G., b. June 24, 1851. m. Nov. 10, 1888, Ella S. Thompson. Car- penter, res. Marlboro', Mass. xi. Abiue E., b. March 13, 1857. ra. Dec. 29, 1874, George C. Paddleford, farmer, res. Woodstock, \'t. HURLBUTT. 2. Sylvksteii Martin Hurlbutt, son of Chester, b. in Dalton. .Inly 2;"), 1831. m. first. May 25, 1865, Khoda A , dan. of Chauncey HildreLli, b. in Dalton, Nov. 26, 1837, d. in L. Feb. 15, 1873. m. second, Jan. (), 1876, Ormacinda, dan. of Charles Wallace Edmands, b. in Dalton, Feb. 6, 1842. She d. April 19, 1900. He res. in L. from 1865 until he d., March 7, 1885. Repul)lican. Ch., by w. Rhoda, b. in L., — i. Emma M., b. Feb. 8, 186G. m. Jan. 188G, Ebenezer Stowell, fanner, res. Lancaster. Ch., by w. Ormacinda, b. in L., — ii. Ida ^L, b. Sept. 1(5, 1878. Student Smith Coll. 1001. HURLBUTT. 3. George Hurlbutt, son of Samuel, b. in Dalton, April 30, 182!). m. first. Feb. 1852, Hannali, dau. of David Kiml)all, b. in Newport. ^le., Aug. 17, 1834, d. in Dalton, Oct. 1853. m. second, Jan. 1. 1855, Sarah 278 Hurlhiitt — Hurley — Huron — Huse. A., dau. of David Kimball, b. in Newport, Me., Sept. 11, 1836. He has res. in L. since 1874. P'armer. Rei)ublican. C'li., - 4. i. Fit.iNK, b. Dalton, April .30, 1857. 5. ii. Samuel, b. Dunliam, P. Q.,Feb. 24, 18G3. 4. Frank Hurlbutt, son of George ^ b. in Dalton, April 30, 1857. m. April 21, 1883, YA\i\. F., dau. of Kimball Weilir, b. in Canaan, Me., March 9, 1856, Baptist. He has res. in L. since 1876. Kepublican. Ch.,— i. Seth James, b. L. June 6, 1883. 5. Samuel Hurlbutt, son of George ^, b. in Dnnhani, P. Q., Feb. 24, 1863. m. Sept. 21, 1889, Jennie, daiL of Joseph Stamp, b. in Lin- coln, Eng., Nov. 15, 1865. He has res. in L. since 1880. Glover. lJe[)ublican. Ch., — i. Mabel Gkace, b. L. Aug. 18, 1893. HURLEY. 1. Dennis Francis Hurley, son of John, b. in Bantrv, Co. Cork, Ireland, Feb. 5, 1851, unm. He was educated in St. Cliarles Coll., Md., and studied tlieology and pliilosopliy in the Seminary at Mill Hill Missionary Coll., London, Eng., and was ordained a Roman Catholic pi'iest by Cardinal Vaughn, July 25, 1875. He first labored among the colored Catholics of Baltimore, Md., Louisville, Ky., and Charleston, S. C. In 1884 he joined the diocese of Mancliester, and began work in the Catliedral. Subsequently he labored in Keene, Portsmouth, and Franklin Falls. In 1887 he was appointed pastor in L., where he con- tinued until Nov. 27, 1893. Since that date he has been pastor in Pen- acook. While in L. he purchased the property adjoining the church, ■which has since been used as the priest's house, and put it in thorough repair. He also purchased, in 1888, the land for the present Catholic cemeter\' near L. village. HURON. 1. August Huron, son of Wilhclm, b. in Dnssoldorf, Prussia, Nov. 25, 1843. m. Sept. 19, 1880, Eliza, dau. of John Mclntire, b. in Inver- ness, Canada, Oct. 10, 1843, Episcopal. He has res. in L. since 1875. Glover, Episcopal. Republican. I. O. O. F., N. G. C. P., L. En- campment. G. P. State P2ncampment. Served in the German army, war with Austria, in Emperor Alexander I. Guard Grenadiers, Regt. No. 1, Oct. 2, 1863, to Oct. 2, 1866. No ch. HUSE. 1. Nathan Huse, b. in Newbur\-, 1716, was a well-known physician of Amesbury, ]\Iass., where he practised seventy years. He m. Dec. 5, 1738. Raciiel Sargent, b. Feb. 22, 1721, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Carr) Sargent of Amesbury, Mass. He d. April 23, 1809 (History of Sanbornton). ^^^se — JlutcklnH. 279 2. Joseph Ilrsi:, son of Nalliau', b. in Amosbury, INIass., ^March 2, 1749. m. first, Abia . m. second, INIrs. I'oase, nisa JMorrison, d. Dec. 12, 1824. Rev. soldier. Moved from Amesbury to Sanborntou before 1782 and was the first of the name in that town. He built and owned the first mills in Sanborntou. He had but one child, — John^. 3. John Husk, son of Joseph '-, b. in Sanbornton, in 1774. in. first, Oct. 4. 1796, Mary, dan. of Moses Carter (See), b. in New Hampton, in 1775, d. in L. April 20, 1835. m. second, Eunice Farrington, b. in 1770, d. in L. Feb. 26, 1862. He res. in L. from 1797 until 1835, and some years before his death, which occurred Dec. 7, 1864. Ch., by w. Mary. — i. Simeon, b. Sanbornton, Nov. l.", 1S04. ni. Feb. 10, 1820, Nancy S. J'arker. Farmer. He d. St. Johusbury, Vt., May 20, 1879. Slie d. Anlass, Mass., Jan. 12, 1SG2, Unitarian, lie has res. in L. since 1884. Salesman. Ch.,— i. Ruth E., b. L. Oct. L'l, 1885. KELLOGG. 1. JoSErn Kklloog, res. in lladle^-, ^lass. m. Joanna . (Judd's Historj' of Iladle}-.) 2. Nathaniel Kellogg, son of Joseph ', res. in Amherst, IMass. m. Sarah Boltwood. 3. EzEKiEL Kellogg, son of Nathaniel", m. Elizabeth, dan. of Capt. Samuel Partridge. 4. Ezekiel Kellogg, son of Elzekiel ^. m. Hannah Southwick. 5. EzEKiEL Kellogg, son of Ezekiel ^, b. in 1754. m. Eunice Poster, b. in 17GG, d. Sept. 14, 18.')3. lie res. in L. from 1814 until he d., Eeb. 20, 1839. Rev. soldier. Sergt. in Capt. Taylor's Co., Salem, Mass., also in Cos. of Capt. Spoor, Berksliire Co. Kegt., Capt. Inger- son, Capt. Cioodrieh, Capt. GoodaJe, and Capt. Pitch. Ch., — 0. i. CiiAKLES, b. in Mass., Aug. 6, 1801. 6. Charles Kellogg, son of Ezekiel ^, b. in Mass., Aug. 6, 1804. m. Jan. 4, 1835, Arthusa, dau. of David Webstar (See), b. in L. Peb. 25, 1811, d. in L. Dec. 3, 18G8, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1814 until he d., Nov. 22, 1853. Parmer. Methodist. Lieut, and Caj)t. in Artillery Co., 32d Kegt., 6th Brigade, 2d Div. N. 11. Militia, 1834 to 183G. Representative, 1844-5. Ch., b. in L., — i. Ezra Takkek, b. March 15, 18.']9, d. L. Jan. ?,. 1852. ii. Charles Nelson, b. ]May 14, 1841, d. L. Feb. 0, 1855. iii. Anna, b. Oct. 10, 1844, d. L. Dec. ;J0, 1851. iv. Harriet, b. Aug. 14, 1846, d. L. Dec. 14, 1851. V. Ellen Arthusa, b. July 28, 1849. res. Boston, Mass. vi. Geouge Frank, b. July 25, 1851. ni. May 4, 188(5, Carrie Kentlig. Wliolesale druggist, res. Boston, Mass. KELSEA. 1. OuA OpvLando Kklsea, son of Orlando, b. in Eisbon, Oct. I), 1827. m. ^lary Eliza, dau. of Moses fernery, of Lisbon. He res. in L. from 1856 to 1850. lvei)ublican. Deputy sheriff, 1855 to 7 inc. Capt. Co. H, 8th Ohio Inf. Col. 1st Regt. Ohio Volunteer Militia, 18G3. iVIayor of Topeka, Kan. d. in Po[)eka, Kan., July 2!), 1871. (''Granite ^lonthlv," Vol. XVI. p. 8G.) Ch., - i. Oka Carl, b. Lisbon, Feb. 13, 1854. res. Topeka, Kas. (?) 288 Keheij — Kenerson — Keneson. KELSEY. 1. Hiram L. Kp:lsey, sou of Hiram and Hannah Pillsbury Robinson Kolsev, of Danville, Vt, grandson of James Kelsey, of Danville, was b. in Unieelock, Vt., Ang. 31, 1835. He m. July 13, 18(31, Sarah E. Lummis. She d. in L. Oct. 19, 1877. He m. second, June 3, 1879, Mrs. N. M. S. Moore. He m. third, Dec. 29, 1897, Mrs. Martha J. Home. He fitted for coll. in St. Johnsbury Academy, and grad. from Wesle3'an University in 18G1. He commenced the stud}' of theology in 18G1, and was ordained a Methodist deacon in Haverhill, Mass., April 12, 1863, and elder in Dover, April 16, 1865. His ministry has been as follows : Union, 1862-3; L., 1864; Plymouth, 1865-6; Man- chester, 1867; Portsmouth, 1868-9; Claremont, 1870-1-2; Nashua (Cliestnut Street), 1873-4. He then became a Congregationalist, and was located in HoUis three years; Brockton, Mass., five years; Suf- field. Conn., three years. For several years he supplied different Cong, pulpits. He is now engaged in the practice of hiw and in the insurance business in Worcester, Mass. A. F. and A. M. I. 0. O. F. Ch.,— i. Hattie E., b. .June 27, 1862, d. Nov. 17, 1864. ii. Geouge L., b. Nov. 4, 1804, d. June 1, 1866. iii. James H., b. Oct. 21, 1866. unm. res. Brooklyn, N. Y. iv. Florence, b. April 8, 1868. m. April 12, 1900, Sani'l Pinsrie Frencli. V. Hauky F. D., b. Jiiu. 30, 1870, m. Nov. 4, 1895, Helen F. Doiinellv. res. Brooklyn, N. Y. vi. LiLLiAN,'b. April G, 1874. d. Ana;. 15, 1874. KENERSON. 1. Austin Hikaim Keneksox, b. in Peacham, Vt., Jan. 9, 1855. m. Aug. 9, 1877, Martha Moulton Ilibbard, b. in Waterford, Vt., Nov. 9, 1852. He prepared for coll. in Peacham and JMcIndoes Academies, and grad. from Dart. Coll. in 1876. He taught school as follows: Mcln- does Academy, 1876 to 1877 ; Lyndon Academy, 1877 to 1879 ; Little- ton High School. 1879 to 1880 ;"' Nahant High" School, 1880 to 1882; in Nov. 1882, he left teaching to engage in the publication of school books, which business he has since followed. Member firm Ginn & Co., Boston, Mass. (L. Cen., pp. 1317-18.) Ch., — i. EuwAHD HiBBARD, b. Naliant, Mass., Oct. 31, 1880. ii. John 13., b. Barnet, Vt., May 26, 1883. KENESON. 1. Jamks Francis Keneson, son of Joseph, b. in Canada, March 2, 182«, m. first. Dec. 7, 1848, Sarah Philena, dau. of Joseph French, b. in Washington, Vt., Aug. 2, 1828, d. in Chelsea, Vt., Dec. 19, 1866. m. second, June 17, 1869, Emily Ann, dau. of Dennis Thomas, b. in Lunenburg, Vt., April 3, 1837. He has res. in L. since 1892. Farmer. Republican. Keneson — Kenney. 289 Ch., 1>y w. Sarah, — i. Gkorgk Wasiiingto.v, b. Washington, Vt., Aug, 2, 1852. ni. fust, Abbie Tlioinas. m. second, Nancy i*"rje. Farmer. res. Concord, Vt. ii. CiiAULKS Frekman, b. Washington, Vt., Dee. 1855. ni. Mary A. Frye. Farmer, res. Wentwortii. iii. Frank Hknkv, b. Chelsea, Vt., Dec. 1857. m. Mary Cram. Manut'r. of clothes reels, res. Concord, Vt. Ch., hy w. Emily, — iv. Marian Emily, b. Concord, Vt., Sept. 10, 1870. m. IloUis W. Morrill, mill-sawyer, res. L. KENNEY. 1. William Kenxey, b. in 1753. in. Mai-y Snow, b. Feb. 14, 1763; (1. in Bethlehem, Jan. 1835. He d. in Stowe, Vt., Jan. 12, ISIU. 2. William Kenney, son of William ^, b. in Royalston, IMass., Aug. 23, 1793. ni. first, July 14, 1815, Rhoda Oakes ^ (See), in. second, Widow Sabrina Woodbury, dau. of Jonathan Bhiudin. He res. in Bethlehem, and enlisted Sept. 30, 1814, for GO days in Capt. John Bas- sett Jr.'s Co., 3d Regt. Detached Militia, d. in Bethlehem. 3. Edward Oakes Kenney, son of William ", b. in Bethlehem, Nov. 13, 181(). m. first, Jan. 8, 1839, Nanc}- Stewart, dau. of Isaac Smith (See), 1). in Brownington, Vt., Aug. 27, 1814, d. in BL'thleheiu, Oct. 15, 1850. m. second, Livonia, dau. of Ezra Hale, b. in Betiilehem, April 17, 1826, ]\[etliodist. Wq res. in L. from June, 1852, until he d., Aug. 6, 1883. Lumber merchant. Democrat. Moderator, 1865. Treas- urer, 1869. Fire ward, 1854. Postmaster of Bethlehem from 1837 to 1845. Representative of Bethlehem, 1850-1. Appointed Col. of 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, June 30, 1849, promoted to Brigadier Geu. of 8th Brigade in 1851. J. P. State. 1. O. O. F., N. G. Ch., by w. Nanc}-, b. in Bethlehem, — 4. i. LoRKXzo CusnM.'\N-, b. June 13, 1810. ii. LiSETTE EixoiSE, b. July 12, 184!), d. Bethlehem, Feb. 25, 1850. Ch., h\ w. Livonia, b. in L., — iii. Ellen L., b. March 11, 1856. m. May 5, 1880, William H. Whiting, merchant. Co. G, lltli N. 11. Inf. I'rivate. lie d. L. Jan. 12, 1862. tshe d. L. Sept. 2U, 1887. Edward JS., b. Feb. I'J, 1854. i. Herbert Eastman, b. L. July 11, 18G8. 7. ii. William Stuart, b. Worcester, Mass., March 7, 1873. iii. Bretton Charles, b. Worcester, Mass., July .31, 1875, d. Aug. IG, 1875. iv. Susan Laura, b. Worcester, Mass., July 81, 1875. V. Anne Ellen, b. W'orcester, .Mass., March 5, 1877. VOL. II. — I'J 290 Kenney. 5. Edwakd Smith Kenney, son of Edward Oakes^, b. in L. Feb. 19, 1854. m. March lU. 1875, Lucy S. Williams, b. in Williarasville, Mass., Sept. 1853. He res. in L. from birth to 1872. Lumber niauufr. Methodist. Democrat, d. in Minneapolis, Minn., April 8, 1887. Ch., b. in Worcester, Mass., — i. Josephine Li, b. Oct. 23, 1875, d. Minneapolis, Minn., May 20, 1894. ii. Nellie A., b. Oct. 6, 1878. iii. Edwakd Oakes, b. June 27, 1881. 6. Herbert Eastman Kenney, son of Lorenzo Cushman ^, b. in L. July 11, 1868. m, April 9, 1895, Lizzie Maria, dau. of Richard Whit- ney Bailey, b. in Lunenburg, Vt., Jan. 17, 1868. She m. first, Fred B. Hatch (See), divorced. Herbert res. in L. from birth to 1871, and from 1881 to 1895. Druo-gist. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com., A. A. S. R., 32^ Ch.,- i. Berenice B., b. L. Nov. 9, 1896. 7. William Stuart Kenney, son of Lorenzo Cushman'*, b. in Wor- cester, Mass., March 7, 1873. m. Jan. 6, 1896, Gertrude Tryphena, dau. of George Farr (See), b. in L. Sept. 15, 1873. He has res. in L. since 188U. Hotel clerk. Democrat. No ch. KENNEY. 8. Horace J. Kenney, son of Ansel, b. in Bethlehem, June 27, 1841. in. May 6, 1804, Rosette W., dau. of Orange E. Annis (See), b. in L. Aug. 12, 1842, d. in Bethlehem, June 11, 1894. He res. in L. but a short time. Farmer. Democrat. Co. G, .'2d N. H. Sharp- sliooiers. Commander Marshal Sanders Post, G. A. R., 1883. Adj.- (ren. G. A. R. Department of N. H., 1886. L O. 0. F., N. G. Ch.,— it. i. WiLFORD M., b. Betlilehem, Oct. 25, 1865. 9. WiLEOKD M. Kenney, son of Horace J.^ b. in Bethlehem, Oct. 25, 1865. UL April 28, 1891, Blanche C, dau. of Joel Eastman, b. in Landaff, Dec. 12, 1865. He has res. in L. since 1895. Shoe-cutter. LO. O. F.,N. G. No ch. KENNEY. 10. John Kenney, son of John, b. in Ireland, in 1820. m. Jan. 1851, Katie, dau. of John Dooley, b. in L-eland, Roman Catholic. He res. in L. from 1862 until he d., Jan. 6, 1892. Farmer. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch.,— 1. James, b. St. Jolinsbury, Vt., Oct. 20, 1851. m. Jan. 15, 1879, Mary Ann Lonergan. Engineer, res. Newport, Vt. ii. Michael, b. ist. Jolinsbury, Vt., July 20, 1853. rUiniber. res. Minne- apolis, Minn, iii. Ellen, b. St. Jolinsbury, Vt., July fi, 1855. res. L. iv. Katie, b. St. Jolinsbury, Vt.. Mnrcli 9, 1857. m. Aug. 21, 1882, James Callahan, res. Marshall, Texas. '» ^ — ^ I Kainrij — Kent. 291 V. Joiix, 1). St. Jolin.sl)ury, Vt., ]\rav 12, 18.'>S. Lumberman, res. Newbury. vi. iM,vi;y, b. St. .Iolmsl)urv, Vt., Nov. 7, iWil, d. lS(;i. vii. Ki)\v.\uD. b. L.Oct. 11, ISHl. m. Oct. Ib.Si), Lula White, res. Lon. 4. .John Kext. son of Josiah '', b. in Gloucester, JMarch 29, 17(l(t ; m. .Ian. 10. 172o, Mary CJodfi'ey, b. 17(lo, dan. of -Tames and Hannah (iodfrc}'. He d. in (rloucester, 17rford and FairU'e, Vt. He removed to Lancaster, 182,'). INIerchant many years. Cashier of Lancaster Bank. He d. March 30, 188."). 8. Henry Oakes Tvent, son of Richard Peabody', b. in Lancaster, Feb. 7, 1834. m. ,Ian. 11, ]s,"»'.», Berenice Adaline Rowell, b. in Con- cord, Vt., Sept. 2-1, 183G, dau. of Samuel and Caroline E. (Page) Rowell. He was educated in the common school and Academy, Lan- caster, and Norwich Military Academy, and has received the follow- ing honorary degrees: B. S.", 18.")4 ; A. M., 18G5 ; LL.D., 181)5. He connnenced the study of law in 185.') with Jacob Benton, and was atlmilted to tlu; liar in Lancaster, JNLiy term, 1858. He formed a. [)artnership with Hon. Turner Stephenson, under the firm name of Stephenson & Kent, which existetl for several yeais ; he then 292 Kent. joined with Hon. Willinni Ileywood in the firm of Ileywood & Kent until the growing demands of newspaper and other work occasioned his withdrawal from active legal work. He was editor of the "Coos liepublican " from 1858 to 1870. His published addresses comprise : Address, Fisli and Game League of N. H., 1885 ; Dedication Masonic Temple, Lancaster, 1888 ; Sons American Revolution, State Capitol, 18'JG; paper on William Burns, 188G ; James M. Rix, 189G ; Me- morial Address, G. A. R., 1879-80-83 ; Articles in County History ; The Soldiers of Coos. He is also author of several songs: "I'm Growing Old, Lassie," 1854 ; college songs of Norwich University, comprising, "Old South Barracks, Oh!" 1855; "Hurrah for Old N. U. I " 1886. Among the oflicial positions he has held are : Mod- erator, Lancaster, about 30 times between 1859 and 1894; Repre- sentative, 18G2-8-9-83-4 ; Senator Dist. 1, 1885-6 ; Naval Officer of Boston, 1885 to 90. He was Presidential Elector, 18G4; Candidate for Congressman, 1875-7-8; Candidate for Governor, 1894-6; Delegate National Conventions, 1860-72-84-1900. President vState Convention, 1878 and 84 ; Commissioner to adjust the eastern boundary of N. IL, 1858. In military life he has held the following positions; INIajor and Col. Governor's Horse Guards, 18G0 to 18G5 ; Col. 17th Regt. N. H. lid"., 1863; Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-Gen. of N. H., 18G1. He is an active P'ree Mason and has been Master of North Star Lodge seven 3'ears ; Commander of North Star Com. six j'ears ; Past Grand C'ommander K. T. of N. H. 1868-9 ; member of 33° Supreme Council ; Trustee N. H. Masonic Orphans' Home ; Governor N. H. Society Colonial Wars. He has been Treasurer of Lancaster Savings Bank since 1868, and President of Lancaster Trust Co. since 1891. He was a Republican until 1872, since then a Democrat. Episcopal. Ch., b. in Lancaster, — i. Bkrenice Emily, b. Oct. 31, 1866. ii. Henry Percy, b. March 7, 1870, treasurer Lancaster Trust Co. KENT. 9. James Sidney Kent, son of William, b. in Montreal, P. Q., Jan. 30, 1849. m. Louisa Irwin Whiteman. He was educated in the schools of Montreal, P. Q., and commenced the stud}' of theology in 1873 in the Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., from which he grad. in 1876. He was ordained Dea. by Bisiiop I)oane, June 11, 1876, and Priest, Dec. 21, 1876. His ministry has been as follows: Cam- bridge, N. Y., two years; Culja, N. Y., one year; Cleveland, Ohio, three years ; in charge of associate missions, Washington, N. J., to Sept. 1882 ; L., Oct., 1882, to Nov. 1884 ; Lawrence, Mass., 1884 to 1888; Ardmore, Pa., 1888, until he d., Aug. 14, 1890. Member Board of Education, Union District, 1884. Ch., — i. Francis Hall. ii. Mary Elizabeth. iii. Margaret Yseult, b. L. iv. Dorothea. #^f* Mks. K.\iil\- i;. Kii,i;lk: ()siAii Kii i;ri<\. Key 68 — Kidder — KUh ,i rn. 293 KEYES. 1. GKOKfiE Alfrkt) Kkves, son of Thomas N., b. in Cambridge, Vt., in 1842. m. March 13, 1.S73, Carrie W., dan. oi'JoiinC. Winch (See), b. in P>ethleliem, Oct. 'io, is:)2. He res. in L. in l.S'.>2 and 3 and ISDG. Dentist. Co. B, 14th N. II. Inf. Private, res. New Haven, Conn. Ch.,— i. Fannie Winch, b. N. Y. City, April 27, 1875. KIDDER. 1. William Hknry Kiddf.r, son of dames ^Eills, b. in Bradford, Vt., Oct. 24, 1846. m. Oct. 8, 18(;8. Mary Aral)el, dan. of Joshua B. Shaw (See), b. in L. Jan. IG, 1847, Unitarian. He res. in L. in 1881. Lainidrv. Unitarian. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Jexnik Lucv, b. Nov. 29, 1S71. m. (;eor<;e Wesley Southwortli (See). ii. Nkd Jahvis, b. Nov. 18, 187;>. (iniii. res. L. iii. Maky Elizabeth, b. March 14, 187G. KILBURN. Tlie origin of the name is variously described. One authorit}' sa3-s it is from "Keele" and " Bourn," wliieli signify cold water. An- other, tliat it is from "chill" or " cele " and '' bourne," a brook or torrent. Anotlier, that it is from tlie German words " Kidde " " Burn," signifying cool stream. Kiihle is pronounced "'Kiel'' or ''Keel." (History of the Kilburn Family.) 1. Thomas Kilburn, b. in Wood Ditton, Eng., in 1578 (bai)tized May 8). ui. Frances •, d. in 1650. He was tlie ancestor of all the Kilburns in this country. He emigrated with his family, April 15, 1635, and settled in Wethersfield, Conn., where he d. previous to 1G39. 1*. JoHX Kilburn, son of Thomas \ b. in Wood Ditton, P"ng., Sept. 29, 1G24. m. first, in 1650, Naomi , d. Oct. 1, 1659. inT second, Sarah, dan. of John Bronson of Farmington, Conn. She d. Dec. 4, 1711, aged " seventy years or something more." He came to America with his father and settled in Wethersfield, Conn., where he d., April 9, 1703. 3. John Kilburn, son of John-, b. in AVethersfield, Conn., Feb. 15, 1651. m. first, March 4, 1673, Susannah, dau. of William Hills, d. Oct. 1701. m. second, May 12, 1702, Elizabeth, dau. of John Mitchell of Hartford, Conn., d. June 8, 1718. John d. Nov. 25, 1711. 4. John Kilburn, son of John ^ b. in Glastenbury, Conn., Oct. 30, 1677. m. first, Jan. 25, 1699, Sarah Kimberly, d. Dec. 25, 1713. m. second, Sept. 1720, Mercy Day. She m. second, Sept. 5, 1738, Thomas Horton. John was surve\'or of Glastenbur}' in 1810, d. pre- vious to Sept. 5, 1738. 5. John Kflbitrn, son of John % b. probai)ly in Glastenl)ury, Conn., in 1704. m. first, Oct. 26, 1732, Mehitable, dau. of Andrew Bacon of 294 Kilhurn. IMiddlotown. Conn., d. abontlToT. m. second, ITannah Fox. d. Jan. 1, l (See). 9. Frederick Kilburn, son of Elijah ^ b. in Walpole, April 4, 1809. 111. June 29, 1835. Mary Ann, dan. "of Alexander Watidns. Jr., 1). in Walpole, Dec. 3, 1812, d. in Walpole, Dec. 12, 1891, Cong. He. res. in L. from 1834 to 1843. Carpenter and farmer. Cong. Whig and Republican. Selectman, 1838. Representative from Walpole, 185S- 59. d. in Walpole, Feb. 11, 1880. Ch.,- i. Ann TJep.ecca, b. L. .Inly 24, 1836. m. Nov. 22, 186-5, Tbomas B. Biiffmii. res. Walpole. ii. Mauy, b. L. Aug. 5, 1838, d. Feb. 27, 1802. iii. Makia, b. L. Aug. 5, 1838. m. April 12, 1871, Winslow G. IJarnett. res. Walpole. iv. Frederic S., b. Walpole, Marcb 11, 1848, d. April 3, 1885. V. Franklin J., b. Wali)ole, Marcb 11,1848. m. March 23, 1880, Eliza C. Sherman, res. New Bedford, RIass. 10. Ben.taimin We.st Kilburn, son of Josiah ^ b. in L. Dec. 10, 1827. m, Nov. 16, 1853, Caroline L., dau. of Josepii 15urnham (See), b. in Bethlehem, Nov. 1, 1829, Cong. He has res. in L. all his life. Stereoscopic-view maiiufr. Cong-r Republican. Representative, ^ ,^ f v"-> ^.y jrivM^ -"^^ Mrs. Takoi iNi: 1.. Kii.i'.iKN- Kilhurn — KlUam — Kunhdll. 295 1897-8. Co. D, mth N. II. Inf. Sergt. G. A. II. A. F. and A. M., liiirns Lodge. I. O. O. F., N. G. Ch.,— i. LizziK Maui.v, 1). Sept. 14, 18ol. ni. firat, William Jackson"' (See). 111. second, Daniel V,. Kemicii (See). 11. Ki)\v,m;i> Kii.i'.ukn, sou of Josiali ^ b. in L. Fob. 27, 1830. m. IMuy 2"), l.s,')7, Adaliiie S., dan. of Marcus Oweu, b. in 8t. Joliii.sbury, Vt.,\Taii. 2.S, l,s;]l,d. in L. Dec. la, 1S80, Gong. He res. in L. all his life. d. F(!l). 2'), 1881. Stereoscopic-view nuinulV. Republican. Co. I), l;5th N. II. Inf. Lieut. A. F. and A. M.. Minus Lodge. Ch., — i. E.MiLv Ad.vlini;, b. L. Oct. 1, 18G0. ni. Benjamin Frank Ivobinson (See). KILLAM. 1. John' Kili.am, son of IMark, b. in Xova Scotia, May 31, 1811. m. second, A^iril 23, 181)2, Sarah, dau. of Oliver L(K;k, b. in Canterbury, June 15, 1851. He has res. in L. since LSSi!. Farmer. Ch., by first w., — i. Fkank, 1). Yarmouth, N. S., 1809. m. Dec. 12, 1800, Kmily St. Clair. Farmer, res. Daiton. ii. r'Assi.\, h. Yarmouth, N. S., Aug. 8, 1872. iii. Chaui.ks, h. Dec. •_'■"), 187o. iv. MiiiniAV, b. .\pril 1, 1875. V. Lauha, b. Nov. 27, 1876. KIMBALL. 1. Er.KNKZER C. KiMUAi.L, SOU of Isaac and Dorcas (Hubbard) Kim- ball, b. in Lath. Jan. 7, 1807. The lineage is: Kbenezer C.-, Isaac', John ", John '^j Joliii *, John", Henry ", Ricliard \ H(i m. Esther Kin- ney, b. Waterford, Vt., ]\Iay 2^1, 180(i, dau. of Xtitlian Kinney. H(! i-es. in tills town from 1.S53 until he d., Mav 25, IS.SI. His willow d. 3Iarch 1, 18!»0. Methodist. Ch., b. in Irasburg, Vt., — i. Maky Ann, (1. ajred 8 years, ii. Hklun Mak, <1. aijed years. iii. Emily Elizauktii, b. Nov. 22, 18;'.0. in. Henry I'arker Thayer (See). iv. Lucy Ivmki.ink, b. March 2tj, 1812. Teacher, unm. d. Janesville, Wis., Jan. 7, 1872. KIMBALL. 2. TviciiAUD KnruALT., with his family, embarked at Ti)swich, Eng., April 10, 1G34, in tlie ship "■ Elizabetii,'' arrived in Loston, and settled in Watertown, Mass. He was down on the shipping list as 3'J 3'ears old. m. first, Ursula, dau. of Henry vScott, of Kattlesden, Eng. m. second, Oct. 23, 1G(J1, INIargaret, widow of Henry Dow, of Hampton. He was made freeman, M:iy G, 1G35. Proprietor in l()3G-7. Wiieel- wright. He soon moved to Ipswich, Mass., where he d. Nine ch. (Hist, of the Kimball Family.) 29G Kimball — Kitu^ — Kinne. 3. Benjamin Kijiball, son of Ricluud'-, b. in 1637. m. April, 1661, Mere}-, diiu. of Robert Hazeltine, b. Aug. 16, 1642, d. Jan. 5, 1707-8. Carpentei'. res. in Exeter and Salisbury, Bradford, and Rowley, Mass. Soldier in 1683-4 under Capt. Appleton. Cornet of horse guards, d. June 11, 1695. Sixteen cb. 4. David Kimball, sou of Benjamin ^^ b. in Bradford, Mass., July 26, 1671. m. first, Elizabeth, dan. of John Gage, b. jNlarch 12, 1674. m. second, about 1717, Ruth , b. in 1682, d. March 14, 1770. He d. in Bradford, Mass., June 14, 1743. Twelve ch. 5. Aaron Kimball, son of David'*, b. in Bradford, Mass., June 7, 1710, m. Dec. 17, 1731, Susanna Smith. Tailor. Previous to 1742 he moved to Hopkinton, where he d., July 30, 1760. 6. Timothy Kimball, son of Aaron ^, bap. Dec. 19, 1736. m. Sarah ■ . He res. in Hopkinton. 7. Abioail Kimball, dau. of Timothy *^, b. in Hopkinton, Juh' 2, 1764. m. in 1786, Nathaniel Furber^ (See). KING-. 1. Hezekiah King, son of Hezekiali, b. in Burlington, Mass., Feb. 13, 1835. m. first, Oct. 29, 1862, Louisa Ann, dau. of William P. Carbee, b. in Bath, Oct. 15, 1836, d. in L. Oct. 1, 1868. m. second, March, 1870, Martha Maria, dau. of William P. Carbee, b. in Bath, March 13, 1843. He has res. in L. since April, 1867. Farmer. Re- publican. Ch., 1)3' w. Louisa, — • i. Hattie LoriSE, b. Bath, Oct. 80, 18G3. res. L. ii. Jennie, b. Detroit, Mich., June 30, 1865. ni. Chirence E. Miulgett (See). iii. Clara Pamelia, b. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 24, 18GG. res. L. iv. Willie George, b. L. Sept. 15, 1868, d. L. March, 1874. Ch., b}' w^ Martha, — V. Freddie Hammond, b. L. Aug. 3, 1875, d. L. Dec. 6, 1875. KING. 2. Charles J. King, b. in N. Y. City, July 31, 1838. m. April 6, 1876, Louisa, dau. of Elijah Fitch (See), b. in L. in 1841, d. in L. July 8, 1887. He res. in L. from 1876 to 1882, and for several years was signal oflicer on Mt. Washington. He d. in Newport, Vt., Aug. 11, 1882, while acting as travelling agent for a railroad. Democrat. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. G. A. R. No ch. KINNE. 1. Vine Kinne, son of Nathan, b. in Waterford, Vt., Aug. 29. 1801. m. March 9, 1826, Roxana, dau. of Asa Gould (See), b. in L. Aug. 19, 1807, d. in L. Dec. 24, 1890. He res. in L. from about 1840 until he d., March 20, 1861. Farmer. Selectman, 1848-50. J. P. Kinne. 297 Cli., b. in L., i. Marseka, b. Dec. 17, 1820, d. Oct. 1, 1828. ii. Marcos AuKELi us, b. Oct. 0, 1828. Farmer, d. L. Feb. 14, 1808. iii. Lucy M., b. 18ol. m. Deiinison Miner, farmer. She d. L. Sept. tj, 1883. iv. Sakaii, b. 18;Ji. ni. Coolev. V. Licketia, b. Feb. 14, 1830, d. L. Sept. 25, 1810. vi. Oklky, b. 184(3. m. Cbase. vii. Kdwaki), b. 1848. viii. Cari.kton, b. May, 1850. IX. Annette. 2. Nath.\n Kinne, son of Natlum, b. in Wuterfonl, \^t., in 1S08. m. Oct. 9, 18;51, Cluii-lotte, dan. of Moses Haywood, b. in Berlin, Vt., April, 1807, d. in L. Feb. G, 1888. He res. in L. from 1850 nnlil lie d., Oct. 23, 1889. Farmer. Democrat. Representative, 1856-7. Cli., 1). in Ne\vi)ort, Vt., — 3. i. Bradford, b. .Tan. 11, 18:^.5. 4. ii. Walton, b. Nov. 29, 18."]G. iii. Angelink, b. Aug. 16, 1841. m. 18G7, Franklin Foster, meat dealer, res. Lisbon. 3. CuADFORD Kinne, son of Nathan'"', b. in Newport, Vt., Jan. 11, 18;3o. m. first, Feb. 15, 1803, Lanra A., dan. of George W, Car[)enter (See), b. in L. Dec. 18, 1842, d. in L. April 19, 1870. ^n. second. Aug. 23, 1871, Lizzie M., dau. of George W. Carpenter (See), b. in Dalton, Dec. 18, 1850. He res. in L. from 1850 nntil he d., May 24, 1894. Farmer. Democrat. J. P. Ch., by w. Laura, b. in L., — 5. i. Henry V., b. June 10, 1804. ii. Flora L., b. Jan. 11, 18(i8. m. Nov. 8, 1887, Frank Gleason, farmer. res. Franconia. iii. Alice L., b. Jan. 80, 1870. m. Chester J. Willey (See). Ch., by w. Lizzie, b. in L., — iv. Frank B., b. Aup. 22, 1875. V. Ella C, b. Oct. 13, 1877. vi. George W., b. Sept. 15, 1879. vii. Harvey G., b. Jan. 2, 1883. 4. Walton Kinne, son of Nathan'-, b. in Newport, Vt., Nov. 29, 183G. ra. Jan. 22, 1884, Nettie, dau. of Daniel Stimson, 1) in Bethel, Vt., March 10, 1866. He has res. in L. since 1850. Fai'tner. Demo- crat. No ch. 5. Henry V. Kinne, son of Bradford^, b. in L. June IG, 1864. m. Nov. 23, 1893. Lenna Dowse, b. in Concord, Vt., in 18G5. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Ch.,— i. Charles Hibhard, b. L, Sept. 8, 1895. 6. Haryey C. Kinne, son of Willard and grandson of Nathan ', b. in Waterford, Vt., April 28, 1857. m. Nov. 5, 1879, Emma Cornelia, dau. of George Austin Prouty, b. in Lyndon, Vt., Jan. 8, 1859, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1891. Book-keei)er. Cong. Democrat. Ch., — i. Bessie B., b. Lyndon, Vt., Oct. 20, 1880. ii. Millard Austin, b. L. May 8, 1892. Kitchen — K'na;p20. KITCHEN. 1. Jessie Bray Kitchen, son of Isaac, b. in Ontario, Canada, July 4, 1852. m. Oct. 27, 1885, Agnes, dan. of David Dowrie, b. in Hamil- ton, Ontario, March 9, 1868. He has res. in L. since 1889. Photog- raplicr. Ch., — i. Jessie, b. Hamilton, Ontario, March 16, 1887. KNAPP. 1. Ciiaiu.es Cogswell Knait, son of James, b. in Lisbon, IMay 15, 1820. m. lirst, in 1843, Mary Cogswell, b. Sept. 7, 1821, d. in Alburgh Springs, Vt., Aug. 17, 18.S1. m. second, June 10, 1886, Mattie E. Fareleigh. He res. in L. from 1861 to 1890. Hotel-keeper, d. in Berlin Falls, Jan. 18, 1892. Ch., b}- w. Mary, — i. Ardelle, 1). Lisbon, Sept. 13, 1849. ni. first, Feb. 10, 1874, Rev. fieorge Bet'iie (See), m. second, Samuel J. Meade, minister and missionaiy. res. Melange, South Africa, ii. Alwilda, b. Sept. 5, 1852, d. Jan. 22, 1856. iii. Maky, b. Aug. 1860. Ch., by w. Mattie, — iv. Emma Map.y, b. Feb. 11, 1887. V. Charles E. (Adopted). KNAPP. 2. Amasa Knapp, son of Elijah, b. in Lyman, May 2. 1798. m. fii'st, March 30, 1820, Sarah, dau. of Thomas Carter "^ (See), b. in L. in 1796, d. in Lyndon, Vt., July 10, 1867, Methodist. m. second, March 5, 1868, Ann G. Hoyt, 'd. in Lyndon, Vt., Jan. 9, 1886. He res. in L. from 1826 to 1837. Farmer. Whig and Republican. Select- man, 1830-1. Methodist. Appointed Cai)t. 11th Co. 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, Feb. 23, 1831, vacated Feb. 24, 1834. Ch., by w. Sarah, — i. Elvira, b. Lyman, -Jan. 20, 1821. m. March 2, 1842, Charles K. Wells, farmer. He d. Andersonville prison, Sept. 18G4. She d. Lyndon, Vt., Oct. 21, 1893. ii. Melissa, b. L. Oct. 9, 1824. m. March 13, 1845, Haviland F. Locklin, farmer, merchant, and engineer. She d. L3'ndon, Vt., Oct. 24, 1867. iii. Eli.tah, b. L. March 9, 1827. m. Feb. 22, 1857, Emeline K. Skinner, res. Fresno, Cal. 3. iv. WiLLiAJi Carter, b. L. March 10, 1833. 3. WiLLiAiM Carter Knapp, son of Amasa"-. b. in L. March 10, 1833. 111. first, Aug. 19, 1S60, Ellen Amelia, dau. of Joel Bronson (See), b. in P^aston, April 4, 1839, d. in Hennepin, 111., June 30, 1865. m. sec- ond, Aurelia, dau. of Josiah Seybold, b. in La Salle Co., 111., d. in Abingdon, 111., Nov. 17, 1875. in. third, Dec. 25, 1876, Mrs. Matilda lAlcDovvell, dau. of Eli Myer, b. in Newark, Ohio, April 26, 1839, d. in Normal, 111., Jan. 7, 1891. in. fourth, Jan. 1, 1893, Mrs. Dorcas Knapp — Kueeland. 299 RecMlor, dan. of Charles McFadddi, b. iu Connellsvillc, Pa., April -lO, ISl'J. lie res. in L. from birtli to l.s.JT. He grad. from tlie Xorlli Western University, Kvanston, 111., and connnenced the stndy of theology in 1856. 'lie attended the (i:iriett r.ihlieal Institnte, l)nt did not grad. He was prineii)al of pnl)lic seliools of Pern, 111, l.sr)'.)-(;2 ; Prest. of Grand Prairie Seminary, Onorga, 111., l.Sli.S ; Prof. Natural Science, Hedding Coll., Abingdon, 111.." l-STG-l). IMethotlist clergy- man, Tonica, 111., 18(;2; Hennepin, 111., 18(53-."> ; Wenona, 111., 18(;G ; Fairbnrv, 111., 1869 70; Peoria, 111., 1871-4; Rock Island, 111., 187-'); New Boston, 111., 1880; Watseka, 111., 1881; Normal, 111., 1882-3; Cornell, 111., 18;)2-;l ; Odell, 111., 1891. Ch., b\- w. Aurelia, — i. Ellkn, 1). L:i Salle Co., 111.. Aim". 4, ISOO. ii. Charles Hale, b. Peoria, 111., Nov. 24, 1S72, d. March 28, 1892. Ch., by w. Matilda, — iii. AuRELLiA, b. Watseka, 111., Jan. 20, 1881. KNEELAND. 1. John Kneel.a.nd, b. in Glasgow. Scotland, IMarch 1, 156,'). m. about 1598, Mary Dunbar, of Dunbar Castle, Scotland. He was a sea capt. res. in Glasgow, Scotland, d. at sea, IMarch o, 1635. 2. John Kneel.4.nd, son of John', b. in Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 1, 1600. m. Jan. 4, 1626, Mary Stuart of Glasgow, Scotland. He emi- grated to America in 1630, in one of his father's ships, and brought a cargo of wheat to the Pilgrims. He settled in Boston, Mass., where he d., May 10, 1693. Four ch. 3. Jorix Kneelaxd, son of John -, b. in Boston, INIass. ra. i\Iary, dau. of James Hawkins of Boston. He res. in Boston, Mass., where he d., Aug. 11, 1691. Seven ch. 4. JoHX KxEELAND, SOU of Jolui ■\ b. lu Boston, IMass., Nov. 29, 1668. m. Mary Green, a grand-daughter of Samuel Green, who pub. the Cambridge, Eng. Bible. He i-es. in Boston, Mass., where he d. He built the '' Old South Meeting House." Seven ch. 5. Joiix Kneelaxd, son of John \ b. in Boston, Mass., Nov. 14, 1694; was four times m. His third w. was Abigail Marsten. He res. in Boston, jMass , where he d. in 1774. He built the "'Old South Church," and Kneeland Street and wharf were named for him. Thirteen ch. 6. Richard Kneee.\xd, son of John'\ b. in Boston. Mass., Nov. 30, 1752. m. Jan. 4, 1775, .Alartha, eleventh ch. of Rev. Willard and Abi- gail (Cotton) Hall. Rev. Willard Hall was the first pastor in West- ford, Mass. Loyalist. Richard res. in Westford, Mass., and was drowned in Concord River, INIarch 8, 1800. Ten ch. 7. RiciiAiir) Kxeelaxo, son of Richard ^ b. in Westford, INIass., April 1, 1778. m. about 1800, Katherine Knights. He d. in ^Vater- bury, Vt., in 1868. Nine ch. 300 Kneeland — Knight — Knox. 8. WiLLAUD Hall Kneelaxd, son of Richard", b. in Waterburv, Vt., April 27, 1805. m. Jan. 11, 1831, Cleora, dau. of Jolm Woods, b. in Barnet, Vt. , Nov. 16, 1810, d. in L. Sept. 12, 1891. Baptist. He res. in L. from 1871 until he d., Jan. 13, 1875. Farmer. Baptist. Republican. Ch.,— i. Samuel P., b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Aug. 21, 1832. m. Feb. 18, 1856, Martha Jane Spaulditig. Civil engineer, res. JMooresville, N. C. ii. Iaxthe Cleora., b. Waterbury, Vt., Jan. 19, 183(3. m. Tliaddeus Ezra Sanger (See). iii. Ellen O., b. Waterbury, Vt,, July i, 1810. m. Dec. 13, 1805, Mark J. Russell, res. St. Jolinsbury, Vt. iv. Ireneus Newcomb, b. Barnet, Vt., Dec. 12, 184(5. m. July I'J, 1876, Ellen Blake. Farmer, res. Milford, Kas. A. F. and A. M. KNIGHT. 1. Aabox Knight, son of Enos, was b. in New Ipswich, 1781. In 1782, the family removed to Hancock, where he res. through life. He was a deacon and a useful citizen. He m. Rebecca Adams, b. in New Ipswich, Nov. 15, 1782, dau. of Epin-aim Adams, Jr. He d. Sept. 29, 18G7. She d. Feb. 3, 1854. Eleven ch. ; of these Lucinda, b. Sept. 5, 1817, m. Richard Taft (See). KNOX. 1. Jeptha Knox, son of John, m. Philura Lewis. 2. Martin Van Buren Knox, son of Jeptha \ b. in Schroon Lake, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1841. m. Jan. 9, 1871, A. Janette Hill. She grad. from the Vt. Conference Female Coll. in 1869, and received the degree of A. B. from Baker University, Kas., in 1877, and A.M. from Boston University School of All Sciences in 1879. She was Prest. of the N. H. W. C. T. U. in 1885-(]. He attended district schools in youth, and in 1859 and 18(31 taught scliool in Newcomb, N. Y. In April, 1861, he enlisted in Co. I, 22d N. Y. Inf , Private. Subsequently he was Corp. in Co. E, 118th N. Y. Inf., and Capt. Co. E, 23d U. S. Colored Inf. At the close of the war he entered the Fort Edward Institute, where he studied one year, then went to the Biblical Institute, Concord, one year, then to N. H. Conference Seminary one year, completing his prepara- tion for Coll. He entered Wesleyan University in the fall of 1868, but was obliged to leave during the year on account of ill health. He con- tinued his studies however in connection with his appointments, and in 1873 received the degree of A. B. from Baker University, Baldwin City, Kas., where he afterwards taught until 1877, when he returned to Mass. and attended the Boston University School of All Sciences two years, sup[)lying pulpits meanwhile, receiving from the University the degrees of A.M. and Ph.D. He was ordained Dea. in Springfield, Vt., in 1870, and Elder in Wichita, Kas., in 1877. The order of his appointments is as follows : Warner (four months' supply), 18(i6 ; East Tilton, 1867 ; Barton, Vt. (six months' supply), 1869 ; St." Johnsbury, Vt., 1870 ; Fair- lee and Thetford, 1S71 ; East Boston, Mass., Meridian Street (six months' supply), 1877; Brookline, Mass., 1878; Claremont, 1879 to Knox — Ladd. 301 1882; Lol)anon, 1882 to 1885; L. 1885 to 1888; Manchester, St. Jiiines Cliurcli, 1880 to 1892. In 1891 he was accorded the degree of D. D. bv Hakei- Univeisit}-, Kas., and in Ang., 1892, was elected Frest. of the Ked River Valley University, Waiipeton, N. 1). lie resigned in June, 1899, and is now collecting material for a work entitled, '" Re- ligious Life of the Anglo-Saxon Race." lie is a voluminous writer, his princi[)al work being a book entitled "A "Winter in India and jNTala^'sia," 30G pages. lie has also been connected with several publications as editor. Prohibition. G. A. R. 1. (). ( i. T., Delegate to National Prohibition Convention. The^' liave had one ch., d. in infanc}'. LADD. 1. Daxikl Ladd, b. in England, emigrated to America in the " INIary and John'' of London, 1(333. lie was of Ipswich, KJoT; Salisbury, l(j;l9, and of Haverhill, Mass., before 164G. He d. in Haverhill, July 27, 1G93. His widow Ann d. Feb. 10, 1G94. Nine ch. 2. Nathaniel Ladd, son of Daniel ^, b. in Haverhill, Mass., March 10, 1G51 2. m. July 12, 1G78, Elizabeth Gilman, b. Aug. IG, IGGl, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Treworthy) (jiilman, of Exeter. He served in King rhili[)'s War, IGTo-G. He d. at PLxeter, Ang. 11, 1G91, from wounds received Sept. 22, 1G90, in an engagement with the In- dians near Cai)e Elizabeth. Seven ch. 3. Nathaniel Ladd, son of Nathaniel", h. in Exeter, April G, 1G79. m. Catherine Giltnan ; m. second, Rachel Rawlins ; m. third, Mercy (Hall) Hilton. He was a mill-wright, living in Exeter and Stratham. 4. Paul Ladd, son of Nathaniel '% b. in Exeter, jMarch G, 1719. m. 1717, Martha Folsom, dau. of Deacon Nathaniel Folsom, of Exeter. He was a farmer of Epping. He d. 1783. His widow d. July, 17, 1801:. 5. JosiAii Ladd, son of PauP, b. Nov. 17G2. m. Mary Gale. He res. Gilmanton. 6. Dudley F. Ladd, son of Josiah^, b. in Gilmanton, Dec. 23, 1794. m. March 18, 1817, Polly, dau. of Edward Mason, d. March 30, 1881. He d. Gilmanton, March 19, 1847. 7. JosiAii Mason Ladd, son of Dudley F.", b. in Gilmanton, March 15, 1829. m. Aug. 7, 1853, Lydia Ann, dau. of Solomon Jessemtm, b. in Frauconia, June 27, 1830. He res. in L. from 1855 until he d., Oct. 19, 1895. Blacksmith. Democrat. Fire ward, 1877-8-9-80. Ch.. — i. Ella Louise, b. L. Sept. 11, 18.55. m. William Willard Waterman (See). ii. Alice Maria, b. Betlileiiem, Nov. 6, 1857. m. Henry Allston Eaton (See). iii. Ida Emma, b. L. June 16, 18C0. m. Hosea Ballon Afann (See). iv. An.va WiLso.v, b. L. Dee. 2(3, 18G4, d. L. Aug. 24, 1884. 302 Ladd — Lafiamme — Laheway. LADD. 8. John Johnson Ladd, son of Peahody W., b. in Newbury, Vt., May 11, 1828. m. Dec. 6, 1853, Sophia Williams, dau. of Tappan Stevens, b. in Newbury, Vt., d. in Lyndhurst, Va., Dec. 30, 1881. He grad. from Dart. Coll. in 1852, anil taught until July 2, 1864, when he w^as appointed paymaster of Volunteers with the rank of Major. After the war he resumed his avocation as teaclier, and in 1870 was engaged as Principal of L. High Scthool, which position he tilled three years. From L. he went to Staunton, Va., to serve as Supt. of Schools. He d. Brockville, Ontario, Jan. 25, 1889. (L. Cent., p. 216.) Ch., — i. Jennie Stevens, b. Feb. 9, 1857. ii. William S., b. May 8, 1862. uiim. res. Brockville, Ontario. LAFLAMME. 1. David Laflamme, son of Loren, b. in Canada, Oct. 1857. m. Sept. 14, 1879, Millie, dau. of George Rancour, b. in Canada, Sept. 14, 1(S59. Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1879. Farmer. Ro- man Catholic. Ch., — i. George, b. Lawrence, Mass., May 1, 1880. ii. Flora, b. L. April 16, lb88. 2. Duff Laflamjie, son of Loren, b. in Canada, in 1861. m. April 8, 1880, Clotilde, dau. of Felix Dunnells, b. in Canada, July 8, 1856, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1880. Section-hand. Ro- man Catholic. Democrat. Ch., — i. Joseph, b. Warner, Oct. 10, 1892 (Adopted)- 3. Joseph Laflaiime, son of Loren, b. in St. JMargaret, P. Q., March 8, 1856. m. lirst, in 1877, Emelia, dau. of John Rancour, b. in Que- bec, d. in L. March 15, 1886. m. second, in 1888, Jennie, dan. of David Allard, b. in Canada. He has res. in L. since 1882. Farmer. Roman Catholic. Ch., by w. Emelia, all but Joseph b. in L., — i. Joseph, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt. 1878. ii. Emma, b. 1880. iii. Mary, b. 188;J. iv. Mauy Emily, b. 1885. Ch., by w. Jennie, b. in L., — V. F^I.IZABETH, b. 1880. vi. TiiEOPHiLus, b. 1801. LAKEWAY. L'ESCtJYER. 1. Joseph Lakeway. son of Frank, b. in Clarenceville, P. Q., April 29, 1860. m. Sept. 15, 1S84, Leora, dau. of Ira Quimby (See), b. in Lisbon, May 4, 1867. He has resided in L. since 1880. Farmer. Democrat. Lakeicaij — Lane ■ — ■ JjHiuj — Lavgdon — Lanf/ford. 303 Ch., 1). in L.,— i. Veka, b. May 12, 1887. ii. VoLNEY, 1). Anjr. 25, 1889. iii. Smur,, h. SejU. 8, 18'.)1. iv. Teahl, I). Oct. 11, 18U;i LANE. 1. Cii.vuLKs Milton Lane, son of Svlvanus, b. in Lunenburg, Vt, Dec. KJ, l.So.S. n\. Dec. :5l, 181)0, Mal)ol Estelle, (l;ui. of Otis Goss Hale (See), b. in Waterfonl, V't., Dec. ol. 1.SG2. ][e lias res. iu L. since l-SDO. Merchant. l\epul)li(;an. A. F. and A. M., X. T. Cli., — i. Edward ILvee, 1). L. Dec. 1, 1890. LANG. 1. OscAK Lang, son of Cliarles, b. in Stewartstown, ]May 5, bSlo. m. Feb. '.), 18(58, HatLie, dan. of Thomas Fuller, b. in Compton, P. (,)., Aug. 10, 1843. She has res. in L. since 1885. He never res. in L. Merchant. Democrat, d. in Stewartstown, Feb. 11, 1884. Ch.,— i. Lena B., b. Stewartstown, Jan. 5, 1878. LANGDON. 1. Henry Francis Langdon, son of William, b. in St. Johns, N. B., Nov. 21), 1850. m. first, Oct. 5, 1882, Alice Mary, (ban. of Abraham Mills (See), b. in L. Jan. 8, 18.30, d. in L. Oct. 5, 1883, Methodist, m. second, Feb. 20, 1889, Julia, dau. of Charles Y. Cheney (See), b. in Bethlehem, Dec. 1, 1870. Free Baptist. He res. in L. from 1877 to 1895. Merchant tailor. Ch., l)y w. Julia, — i. Howard Fraxcis, b. L. Sept. 8, 1890. LANGFORD. 1. Robert Langford, son of .John, b. in Ely, Cambridgeshire, Fug., Feb. 2o, 1821. m. Sept. 1, 18-10, JNIargaretta, dau. of John Cosyn, b. in Sohan, Cambridgeshire, Kug., Aug. 1<822, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1881. Local Slethodist preacher, and glover. Ch.,— i. .John Cosyn, b. Kly, Ens;., Jan. 22, 1851. m. fir.st. Elizabeth Clark, d. Franklin, Vt., Sept. lU, 18'Jl. ni. second, Frankie Anderson. Con- gregational minister, res. Coventry, Vt. ii. Edwin C, h. Kly, Eiig., Oct. 23, 1«.J2. ni. Nov. 14, 187G, Emma Farn- liain. JNIetliodist minister. Ilepresentative from Monroe, 1890-1. res. Boston, Mass. iii. Margaretta, b. EI3', Eng., April 15, 1854. unm. d. Boston, Mass., May 8, 1884. iv. Elizabeth Co.syn, b. Leadbury, Eng., Nov. 2o, 1850. m. Henry Oliver Jackson (Sec). 2. V. Robert Charles, b. Ely, Eng., Aug. 10, 18GG. 304 Langford — Langley — Laplante — Lamed. 2. Robert Charles Langford, son of Robert \ b. in El}-, Eng., Aug. 10, 1866. m, Nov. 18«8, Blanche Theresa,, dan. of Henry C. Libbey (See), b. in Whitefield, Sept. 7, 1866, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1877. Director and general manager Saranac Glove Co. since 1896. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge K. T. iSt. Gerard's Com., A. A. S. R. 32°. Methodist. Republican. Ch., — i. Ellen Katiiryn, b. L. Feb. 8, 1891. LANG-LEY. LANGLOIS. 1. Joseph LanOxLey, son of Philip, b. in Maine, Ma}' 26, 1867. m. Sept. 19, 1891, Mary, dau. of Joseph Greenwood (See), b. in St. Johns- bur}-, Vt., July 19, 1873, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1888. Glover. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Henry, b. Aug. 12, 1802. ii. George, b. March 2, 1894. iii. Evelina, b. June 14, 1896. LAPLANTE. 1. Lours M. Laplante, son of Louis M., b. in St. Gregoire, P. Q., May 6, 1848. unm. He was educated in the seminary at Nicolet, P. l^., l)eginning the study of theology in 1871. He was ordained a Roman Catholic priest by Bishop La Eleche, Sept. 26, 1874, and was a curate in St. Maurice Diocese of Three Rivers, P. Q., from Oct. 1, 1874, to Aug. 15, 1879, when illness prevented further work until Sept. 1880, when he came to the U. S., and was named curate of St. Augustine's Church, Diocese of Manchester, Oct. 1, 1880. He was named pastor of the churches of Lebanon and L., July 15, 1881. In 1883 Father Noi- seux (See), relieved him of the L. parish, but lie remained at Lebanon until Oct. I, 1888, when he became pastor at Hooksett and l^ittstield, where he remained until April 17, 1890. Since that date he was pastor at Rochester a few years, and is now pastor at Berlin. LARNED. LEARNED. 1. William Learned, from Bermondsey, Count}' of Surrey, Eng- land, with wife Goodith, was admitted to the church in Charlestown, Mass., 1632, freeman, 1634, and was one of the first seven members of the church in Woburn, Mass., 1642. He was selectman of Woburn, 1644 and 1645. He d. March 1, 1646. 2. Isaac Learned, onlv son of William \ b. in England, baptized Feb. 25, 1623/4. ni. in VVoburn, July 9, 1646, Mary Stearns, dau. of Isaac Stearns of Watertowii, Mass. In 1652 he removed from ^yoburn to Chelmsford, Mass. He was a selectman of Chelmsford, a sergeant of the train band, and often named for service on committees. He d. Nov. 27, 1657. Lamed. 305 3. Isaac Lkauned, tlic second of the three sons of Isaac-, b. in Chelmsford, Mass., Sept. 16, IGoS. ni. July 23, 1079, Sarah BigeU)\v, I). Sept. 20, 1G59, dan. of John and Sarah (Warren) Bigelow, of Water- town, Mass. lie was a sohlier in the Narragansett War, and was Avonnded. He settled in Franiinghani near a pond which still bears his name. He was a selectman four 3'ears, and was often delegated to other positions of trust. He d. Sept. lo, 1737, 4. Isaac Larnep, son of Isaac '\ b. j\Iay 10, 1G80. m. Nov. 19, 1706, Sarah How, b. Dec. 21, 1686, dan. of John and p:iizabeth (Wool- son) How, of Franiinghani, Mass., and a grand-dau. of Thomas Wool- son^ (See). Pie lived in Framingham a few years, and about 171.") he removed, with his brother Ebenezer, to Oxford, Mass. He was town clerk G years, selectman 14 years, and a prominent active citizen. He d. jNEay 20, 1753. Three ch. b. in Framingham and eight in Oxfoi'd. This and another branch of the family have quite uniformly written the name Larned. 5. JosiAii Larned, eldest son of Isaac *, b, in Framingham, Dec. 1, 1707. m. in Oxford, Jan. 31, 1732, Catherine Kice, and res. many years in Oxford. Late in life, with several of his children, he removed to New .Salem, Mass., where he d. Feb. 26, 1784. His widow Catherine d. Jan. 28, 1793. Of his sons, Samuel settled in this town, Moses settled in Orford, Ezekiel lived some years in Kindge, and was a soldier in the Revolution from that town. 6. Samuel Laijned, son of Josiah^ and Catherine (Rice) Larned, b. in Oxford, Mass., iMa}- 18, 1738. m. June 12, 17()0, Mehitable Town, b. in Oxford, Dec. 23, 1731, dan. of Israel and Susannah (Haven) Town. She was an aunt of Salem Town, LL.D., the compiler of several popu- lar school text-books. Her sister, JNlary (Town) Kingsbury, was a cen- tenarian. He lived in Oxford until 1780; was a soldier in the Fren(;h and Indian wars and in the Revolution. He came to Littleton soon after the Revolution, bearing the title of Captain. The early town meetings were held at his dwelling, and he was one of the first board of selectmen, 1787, and moderator, 1789. A record of the death of Me- hitable, his wife, is not found. He m. second, March 3, 1803, Thank- ful Terry of Stratford, a widow. The}' were soon divorced. He subsequently had a home with his son, and with him removed to Canada. Ch., b. in Oxford, Mass., — i. Ruth, b. Dec. 11, 1761, d. Dec. 4, 17G8. ii. Samuel, b. Oct. 22, 17(J4, d. June 2, 1760. iii. Susannah, b. Oct. HO, 17ti(5, d. Dec. 8, 1768. iv. Mary, b. Nov. 8, 1768. 7. V. Samuel, b. Maj' 8, 1771. 7. Samuel Larned, son of Samuel®, b. in Oxford, Mass., Ma}' 8, 1771, came to this town in youth. He was a sagacious, forceful man, and earl}' opened a store at North Littleton. For several 3'ears he was associated with James Jackson, and together they purchased extensive tracts of land in Canada. He was a selectman 1797-8. He m. Han- nah Caswell, b. in L. June 10, 1774, dau. of Nathan Caswell (See). He m. second, Nov. 9, 1808, Melinda (Campbell) Savage, widow of Roswell Savage. In 1811, with several others, he removed to Canada, VOL. II. — 20 306 Lamed — Latlirof. then to Rochester, N. Y., and several years later to Michigan, where he d. about 1850. Ch., b. in L., — i. Nancy, b. April 27, 1794. unm. ii. Susannah, b Feb. 28, 1796. m. Elisha Ilimls (See). iii. William, b. April 9, 1798. iv. MuHiTAKLE, b. 111. Davitl Doty. V. Lucv, b. . 111. Natiian Rogers. Lived at Loekport, N. Y. vi. Serapiiina, b. Sept. 5, 1805. lu. William Hibbard (See). 8. Abt.tah Larned, son of Williain and Hannah (Bryant) Larned, b. in Killingly, Conn., April 26, 1729. \\\. Dec. 31, 1753, Anna Wales, dan. of Ebenezer and P^sther (Smith) Wales of Union, Conn. He lived in Union until 1772, when he settled in Cockburn, now Columbia. He was a cousin of the lather of Samuel Larned, senior. The lineage is : Abijah ^, William *, Isaac ^, Isaac -, William ^ He was the first per- son to represent tliis town in a legislative bod3'. He was a delegate from a class of towns, including Apthorp, to the Fourth New Hamp- shire Congress, which convened at Exeter, May 17, 1775, and a dele- gate and representative to the Fifth Congress, which convened at Exeter, Dec. 21, 1775, and whicli, under the temporary Constitution, was created the first House of Representatives of the State. He d. at Lancaster, in the spring of 177G, while journeying from Exeter to his home in Columbia. LATHROP. 1. Edw.\ri> Lathrop, son of David, b. in Danville, Vt., May 9, 1S37. m. Aug. 2, LSGO, Nancy Almira, dan. of Robert Clough (See), b. in Lyman, Aug. 3, 1831), d. in L.Feb. 18, 1873. He res. in L. from before marriage until enUstment in 1802. Lal^orer. Democrat. Co. D, 0th N. H.lnf. Private. Ch., — i. Mary E., b. L. June 19, 1861. in. Jolin Berkley, carriage-maker and blacksiiiitli. res. Lunenburg, Vt. ii. Gkorgeanna, b. May 8, 18(J6, d. Charleston, Vt. iii. Flora B., b. .Tune 22, 1869. ni. George Merrill, farmer, res. Landaff. iv. Elmira a., b. Feb. 17, 1873, d. Lisbon. LATHROP. 2. Allison Willis Lathrop, son of Samuel, b. in Concord, IMay 15, 1848. m. Nov. 28, 1868, Emeline, dan. of Arnold Bowles, b. in Dalton, Julv 30, 1850. He has res. in L. since 1886. Carpenter. Democrat. Co.'G, 3d Vt. Inf. Private. Ch., — i. IdaF., b. Colebrook, Jan. LS, 1870. res. L. ii. Elizaueth, b. Colebrook, Sej)!. 4, 1871. ni. Frank L. Clough (See), iii. LonviA, b. Dalton, Sept. 9, 1872. ni. John Leonard Monlton (See). iv. Elwix, b. Dalton, July ;J0, 1875. res. L. m. Jan. IS, 1900, Harriet M. Carlton. V. Mabel, b. Dalton, May 14, 187G. res. L. Leaelt — Leavitt — Lelioiix. 307 LEACH. 1. Fii.vxKiJN Samukl Leach, son of Aruiiah, b. in Kirby, Vt., Sopt. 5, 1842. m. July 18, 18S2, Ellen Molinda, dau. of Dr. Henry L. Wat- son (See), 1). in Guildhall, Vt, Dee. 18, 1847. He has res. in L. sinee 1882. Farmer. Democrat. No eh. LEACH. 2. Frank Judsox Lkach, son of Willis D., b. in P^lotcher, Vt., Jan. 20, 1847. m. Get. 20, 1874, Cornelia, dan. of Robert Slater, b. in AVaterville, Vt., April 15, 1854. jMethodist. He has lived in L. since 1891. Carpenter. Republican. Ch., — i. WiLMA Jessie, b. Irasburg, Vt., Jan. 8, 1881. LEAYITT. 1. Dudley Puescott LEAvrrr, son of Dudley, b. in Norlhwood, Get. 5, 1824. m. first, JNIay 1, 1850, Caroline Frances, dau. of Winslow Howe. d. in Chesterfield, Feb. IG, 1852. m. second, May 2, 1853, Elvira, dau. of James Clark, b. in Lisbon, Feb. 18, 1830. He was an apprentice in the oflice of "The New Hampshire Patriot" at Concord, and vvas a printer there and at Haverhill, Mass., about four years. He was educated in the N. H. Conference Seminary, and the Methodist P)ib- lical Institute, Concord, and was ordained Dea. in Nashua, June 13, 1852; Elder, in Rochester, INIay 7, 1854, both ordinations by Bishop Baker. He has been stationed as follows : AVali)ole, 1850 ; Chesterfield, 1851; L. 1852-3; Whitefield and I'.ethleheni, 1854; Nashua, 1.S55-6 ; Newport, 1857; East Salisbury, Mass., l'S58 ; l^ortsmouth, 1859-GO; Dover, 1861-2 ; Concord, 18G3-4-5 ; Presiding Elder, Horida district, South Carolina Conference, 1866 ; Sanbornton Bridge (Tilton), 18()7 ; Providence Conference, County Street, New Bedford, 186.S-'J-70; Newport, R. I., 1871-2-3; Providence, R. L (Chestnut Street), 1.S74- 5-G; I-'rovidence, R. L (Trinity), 1877-8-9; East Weymouth, Mass., 1880-1-2 ; Willimantic, Conn., 1883-4. He is now living in Melrose, Mass. Delegate to Methodist Gen. Conference, 1876 and 1884. Ch., by w. Elvira, — i. James Dcdlev, ileceased. ii. Channing Prescott, doccased. iii. Mauy Frances, b. Jan. 20, 18G-2. iv. LuELLA Katiierine, b. Dec. 12, 18G5. V. Blanche, b. Any. 2t), 18G'J. LEHOUX. 1. James Lehoux, son of George, b. in Canada, Sei)t. 18, 1854. m. Jan. 11, 1880, Virginia, dau. of John Carbonneau, \). in Canada, March 7, 1857, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1872. Glover. Roman Catholic. No ch. 308 Lei[/hton — Lemay. LEIGHTON. 1. Edwin Stanton Leighton, son of Joseph, b. in Eastport, Me., April 5, 1855. m. Sept. 25, 1880, Maiy Virginia, dau. of Benjamin Webster (See), b. in Jefferson, Sept. 27, 18G3. He lias res. in L, since 1881. Mill-hand. Kepubliean. Ch. Percy Howard, b. L. June 6, 1890. LEIGHTON. 2. Thomas Leighton, b. in Strafford about 1805. He was a scj'the- grinder, residing in Littleton, 1833-184G, and subsequentl}' in Slaters- ville, R. I., and Eitchhnrg, Mass., employed at his occupation. He subsequently lived in (Ireenville and in Jaffrey. He m. 1830, Maria Sartwell, dau. of Joel Sartwell (See). He d. in Jaffrey, 1862. She d. in Fitzwilliam, Sept. IG, 1876. Ch.,- i. Mary, b. 1834. m. Frank Wetbcrbee, b. Parishville, N. Y., 18:^3. 2d Keg. U. 8. Sliarpshooters, killed at Antietani, Sept. 17, 18G2. Slie m. second, Hezekiah Hodgkins, b. Troy, Jan. 8, 1829, son ofPeletialiand Meiiitable (Adams) llodgkiiis. He d. 8ept. 14, 1875. She d. Sept. 1873. Twocliildren : (1) Herbert L. Wetherbee, b. 1860, res. Jaffrey ; (2) Angle Maria Hodgkins, b. Oct. 6, 1867, m. Charles Knox, res. llindge. ii. Orin Sartwell, b. L. 183.5. m. Jane E. Lyle. Co. G, 2d N. II. Inf. Discharged for disability, Sept. 11, 1802. He d. Fitchburg, Mass. Si.\ children: (1) Agnes, (2) Frank, (3) Alice, (4) Orin, (5) Eugene, (0) Lulu. iii. Je]{(>me White, b. L. 1838. m. Mary Flood. 2d Reg. U. S. Sharp- shooters. Transferred to Co. 1, 5th N. H. Inf. Jan. .30, 1865. res. Kindge. Four children : (1) Leon, (2) Mattie, m. Harry C. Maxwell, res. Newton, Mass. ; (3) Fred, (4) Edith. iv. Susan, b. L. 1840. d. in infancy. V. Byron Dexter, b. L. May 18, 1843. Co. I, 9tli N. H. Inf., wounded severely in battle Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Discharged on account of wounds, Feb. 1805. He m. Dec. 29, 1863, Adaline Payton of Paris, Ky. res. llindge. Seven children: (1) Ennna Elizabeth, b. Feb. 3, 1868. grad. Cushing Academy, valedictorian, 1888; Smith's Coll., 1894. res. llindge. Librarian, Ingalls Memorial Library ; member School Connnittee. (2) Edward Leroy, b. Marcli 7, 1869. m. March 8, 1892, Enola L.Towne. res. Jaffrey. (3) Arthur Byron, b. Nov. 21, 1870. res. Jaffrey. (4) William Thomas, b. Aug. 11, 1872. m. Nov. 15, 1899, Marion Baldwin, res. Jaffrey. (5) Ervin Walter, b. Feb. 2, 1874; drowned July 18, 1883. (0) Etfie Adaline, b. March 21, 1877. m. Feb. 6, 1898, Asahel S. Annett. res. Jaffrey. (7) Cora Frances, b. March 9, 1881, teacher, res. Kindge. vi. Murray Wentworth, b. 1845. num. res. Rindge. vii. Emma Jane, b, 1856. ni. George Robinson; ni. second, John Franklin Damon, res. Ashby, Mass. She d. 1899. One child : Ivan i\l. Damon. LEMAY. 1. Nelson Lemay, son of Paul, b. in St. Ann, P. Q., Nov. 1, 1834. m. first, Aug. 1855, Olive, dau. of Oliver Peters, b. in Canada, April, 1839, d. in Canada, May 6, 1863. m. second, Aug. 6, 1870, Zilda Len- way, b. in Canada in 1843, d. in L. June 28, 1874. m. third, Feb. Lemay — Lenwai/ — Lewis. 309 17, 187"), Phebe, dan. of Thomas Lamb, b. in St. Ilervey, P. Q., Oct,' 10, 1840, Koman Catholic. Slie m. iii'st, Peter Gonyer (See). Nelson has res. in ]>,. since 18(iy. Carpenter. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch., b}' w. Olive, b. in Upton, Canada, — i. Olive, b. July, 1856. m. Thomas Young (^I'c)- ii. Olivek, b. 1858. m. Feb. 1880, Leonore Boudroau, millhand. res. Batli. iii. Fred, b. 1800, luill-haiul. res. Bellows Fails, Vt. iv. Adoi.puus, b. 1802. in. luiiis. Carpenter, res. Colcbrook. Ch., by w. Zilda, — V. Zii.DA, b. L.May 19, 1&7;J. m. John McCormick, stone-mason, res. Barre, Vt. Ch., by w. Phebe, b. in L., — vi. Willie, b. Sept. 1, 1877. vii. Nelson, b. Jan. 23, 1880. LENWAY. LANOIS. 1. Prosper Lenway, b. in Canada, Jnne 9, 1827. m. Nov. 16, 1861, Mary, dau. of Joseph Pellerin, b. in Canada, July 31, 1844, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 180'J. Laborer. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Geokge, b. July 28, 1881. LEWIS. 1. "William Leavis, b. in Eng. in IGIO, embarked from (ii-avcsend, Eng., for America, Aug. 7, 1635, and settled in Roxbuiy, Mass. m. Amy Wells. In 1653 he helped found Lancaster, Mass., from whence King Philip's war drove them back to Roxbuiy, Mass. He d. Dec. 3, 1671. 2. John Lewis, son of "William \ b. Nov. 1, 1635. ni. Hannah . He d. in 1685. 3. John Lewis, son of John -, b. in Lancaster, Mass.. Jnne 20, 1671. m. April 4, 1700, Ann, dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah (Dwiglit) Whit- ing, and widow of John Eaton, Jr., b. Jan. 25, 1672-3, d. March 9, 1749. He d. Sept. 1 (Dedham records), or Sept. 10 (Dorchester rec- ord), 1718. 4. John Lewis, son of John ^, b. Jan. 18, 1702-3. m. April 5, 1727, Margaret Hunting, b. May 27, 1705, dau. of John Hunting. She d. May 5, 1733. He m. second, Nov. 20, 1733, Abigail, dau. of Joseph and Elizal)etli Hastings, of Weston, Mass., b. Sept. 9, 1716, d. Ma}- 6, 1777. He d. in 1784 or 5. 5. Asa Lewis, son of John'*, b. Aug. 24, 1750. m. Mary Thompson, b. in 1752, d. in L. INIarch 6, 1842. ile res. in L. from 1*800 until he d., May 10, 1815. Millwright. Cong. Dea. Selectman, 1801-2-6-7-12. Rev. soldier. Private Capt. Nathan Ballard's Co., Col. Nichols' Regt. , 14 days; Private Capt. Carson's Co., 5 days; Private Capt. Peter Clark's Co. of Lyndeboro, 2 months, G days. He came to L. from Francestown. No ch. 310 Lewis. LEWIS. 6. John Lewis of Senterdani, Eng., emiji; rated to Aiiiericn, witli w. tSanih and one child, in .siiip " Plercules," and settled in Boston, Mass., where she d.. Jnly 1-2, 1G57. He d. Dec. 8, 167(3. 7. Joseph Lewis, son of John", m. Api'il 30, 1674, Elizal)eth, dau. of John and Sarah (Spencer) Case, of New London (now Windsor), Conn., d. Oct. 9, 1718. He d. in 1680. 8. Joseph Lewis, son of Joseph ', b. March 1.5, 1676-7. m. April 7, 1703, Sarah, dau. of Abraham and Rebecca (Carrington) Andruss, of Waterbiirv, Conn., b. March 16, 1683-4, d. March 6, 1773. He d. Nov. 29, 1749. 9. Joseph Lewis, son of Joseph ^ b. July 12, 1705. m. Nov. 12, 1727, Marv, dau. of John Slaughter, of Simsbury, Conn., d. April 4, 1738. He was a Sergt. d. Oct. 22, 1749. 10. Elisha Lewis, son of Joseph', b. Jan. 30, 1728-9. m. June 14, 1750, Tamar, dau. of Samuel Hale, of New Haven, Conn. Elisha was admitted to communion, in Oxford, Conn., Cong. Church, Eeb. 23, 1752. 11. Naiioth Lewis, son of Elisha ^", b. in or near Waterbury, Conn., June 24, 1750. m. Nov. 2, 1780, in Cromwell, Conn., Phebe Roberts, b. in 17(50, d. in L. July 10, 1840, Cong. He res. in L. from 1810 un- til he d., March 27, 1833. Farmer. Cong. Rev. soldier. Private in Capt. Hart's Co., Col. Erastus Walcott's Regt., State service, 1776; Private Capt. Stanley's Co., Col. Fisher Gay's Regt., for service in N. Y., time expired Dec. 25, 1776 ; Private in first troop of Conn. Cav., enlisted Dec. 25, 1776, of Fariniugton, Conn. Pension rolls name him as corp. LEWIS. 12. .ToxAS Lewis, m. Susanna Dix, b. in Eng., came to America, and lived with Capt. Moses Little (See), Newburyport, Mass., d. in L. in 1837 or 8. Jonas came to L. from Lempster in 1793, and res. in L. until he d., in 1833 or 4. Miller. Wiiig. Rev. soldier. Capt. P>rat- tle's Co., Roxbury, Mass., 15 days; (Japt. Batchellor's Co., Reading, Mass., 3 months, 14 days ; Capt. Kilton's Co., Needham, Mass., 3 months, 14 davs; Lieut. Richardson's Co., Royalston, Mass., 3 years. (Mass. Rev. Rolls.) Ch.,- .ToNAs, b. 1783. iSA:MUEL, m. Margaret Henrv. .ToF.r, b. 1785. Solomon, b. 1791. Tkvimiosa, b. L. Aug. 20, 1797. m. Aug. 25, 1825, William Sawyer, d. Waterfonl, Vt. Trypiikna, b, L. Aug. 20, 1797. m. .June 6, 1824, .Jonas Temple (See). James, in. I5etsev Bailev. Farmer, res. L. War 1812-14. Sai.ly, m. Feb. 28, 1820, Moses Chase. Su.SANNAii, ni. April 4, 1815. DaviJ Woods. 17. X. .Jasi>er, b. T^. 1805. xi. John, d. in Newburyport, Mass. v.\ i. 14. ii. 15. iii. IG. iv. V. vi. vii. viii. Lewis. 311 13. Jo\AS Lewis, son of Jonas ^-, b. in 17)->3. m. TJebeecah CImsc, b. in 1782. d. in L. July 1(5, 18.");"). lie res. in L. from 1793 until he d., July 21, 18.")4. Farmer and h()tel-kee[)ei'. Cli., b. in L., — 18. i. Moses Litti.k, 1). Mnv 20, 180S. ii. Rktsey, b. INIarch .">, ISIO. iinm. d. L. Oct. •2i\, 1S?,7. iii. M.VKIA, b. Marcli 28, 1812. id. Abijah iJowmnii (Set')- iv. li{.\ G., b. May, 1810. d). Sally Pike. He d. L. A]))-!! 13, 1845. Slio 11). second, Liitlior Heiiiinwav, and d. Waterford, Vt. 19. V. Alhekt L.. b. 1819. vi. Cviius L., b. 182.J. uiim. d. L. Nov. IG, 185."!. 14. SA:MrKi. Lewi.-^, son of Jonas ^-, ni. Sept. 9, 1800, ]\Iarn;aret HeniT, d. in L. He res. in L. from 17.'>2 to 18;39. Farmer, d. in L. Cii., b. in L., — 20. i. Ai.oxzo. 1). Oct. 1801. ii. IIiKAM, laborer, res. Boston, Mass. iii. Hexry, b. 1815. in. Koaniv llutchiiisoii. Farmer, d. L. June 19, 1886. iv. Naxcy, ni. Feb. 2.^, 1837, Iviniiiml Hurlbiitt, fanner. lie d. about 18S5. Slie d. Dalton, about ISSl. V. Marv Ann, m. Dec. 17, 181.'], Mark Streeter, fanner, lie d. L. vi. PiiEBE, 111. Ale.xander Gordon, res. Cal. vii. Valeria, m. Nov. 28, 1836, Alonzo Atwood, cooper. 15. Joel Lewis, son of Jonas'-, b. in 1785. |)ub. March 1.3, 1810, Lucy, dan. of William Sawyer, b. in l*omfret, (Jonu. (?), Aug. 14, 17.S4, d. in L. Aug. 1, 18G4. He res. in L. from 1810 until he d., Sept. 18, 1840. Farmer. Ch., b. in L., — i. Alfred, ni. Cowen. Farmer. ii. Civilian, iii. Ellen Buck. Farmer, res. Mo. iii. Sahrixa. iv. Jemima. V. John, b. 1818. in. Oct. 2, 1856, .Terusba L. Parker. Farmer. He d. L. March 22, 1864. She d. March 25, 1864. Olen, only child, d. Marcii 28, 1801, aged 5 years. 16. Solomon Lewl'*, son of Jonas'-, b. in 1791. m. Dec. 17, 1lmnnd HurllMitt, I), in Dalton, d. in Dalton, about 1845. He res. in L. from birth to 1847. Farmer, d. in Pembroke, Mass., in 1893. Ch., b. in L., — i. Caroline, b. Feb. 26, 1834. ni. Henry Jones, farmer. She d. Water- ford, Vt. il. Naphaniel, b. Nov. 15, 1835. m. Mary Jane Edmunds. P'armer. He (1. Canaan, Vt. iii. Maria, b. June 29, 18.37. m. George E. Rartlett (See). iv. Louisa, b. Oct. 28, 1838. m. Hiram Aldrich. farmer. He d. Dalton. v. Alden, b. July 18, 1840. m. Savage. Farmer, res. L.ancastiT. vi. Sabrina, b. Feb. 8, 1842. in. Durrell Cram, farmer, res. Lancaster. 312 Lewis. 18. Moses Little Lewis, son of Jonas '^^, b. in L. j\Lav 29, 1808. in. Jan. 1, 1835, Mary, dau. of Luther Pike, b. in Waterfoid. Vt., Sept. 3, LSIO, d. in Wateiford, Vt., Dec. 21, 1894. He res. in L. from 1808 to 1856, and 18G0 to 1867. Farmer, d. in Waterford, Vt., Sept. 22, 1887. Ch., b. in L., — i. George B., b. Oct. 28, 1835. m. Dec. 28, 1856, Helen R. Huntoon. Farmer, res. Bryantville, Mass. Sergt. Co. C, lUth N. H. Inf. ii. Infant Dau., b. Au^. 2, 1837, d. L. Atig. LS, 1837. iii. William, b. Dec. (3, 1838. d. L. Feb. I'.t, 1839. iv. Sarah J., b. Jan. 16, 1840, d. Waterford, V^t., Dec. 19, 1858. V. Infant Son, b. March 25, 1842, d. L. March 27, 1842. vi. Lois Ann, b. April 25, 1845, d. L. Jan. 16, 1846. vii. Elizaheth, b. Sept. 3, 1846. ni. Sept. 3, 1865, N. G. Reed, farmer. res. Waterford, Vt. viii. Lois C, b. Oct. 31, 1849, d. L. Jan. 12, 1864. i.\'. Hattie M., b. April 11, 1852. ni. Jan. 16, 1875, Ezra C. Brooks, tailor. res. St. Johnsburv, Vt. X. Charles E., b. July 7, 18.54, d. L. Jan. 15, 1864. 19. Albert L. Lewis, son of Jonas ^^ b. in L. in 1819. m. June, 1845, Priscilla, dan. of Dudley, and grand-dan. of Eri Chamberlain, Rev. soldier. She was b. in Bethlehem, Aug. 24, 1824, d. in Lvman, April 17, 1894. He res. in L. all his life, d.'june 4, 1849. Clerk. Ch., b. in L., — i. Helen Mar, b. April 20, 1846. m. first, John Hazen Williams, m. second, Andrew J. Clogston (See). ii. Hannah, b. March, 1848. ni. Cornelius Hartwell Strain (See). 20. Alonzo Lewis, sou of Samuel", b. in L. Oct. 1801. m. Sophia, dau. of David Dunbar, b. in 1802, d. in L. June 15, 1871. He res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Methodist. Republican, d. in L. May 2, 1873. Ch., b. in L., — 21. i. George Dunbar, b. March 15. 1834. 22. ii. Charles Frank, b. Aug. 7, 1837. 21. George Dunb.\r Lewis, son of Alonzo -°, b. in L. March 15, 1834. m. first, July 19, 1857, Julia A., dau. of Joshua Mason (See), b. in Lyman, Jan. 13, 1837, d. in L. Dec. 3, 1882. m. second, Oct. 5, 1896, Sophrouia L., dau. of Lorenzo D. Fisher (See), b. in Dalton, Oct. 27, 1831. She m. first, Jonathan W. Wallace; second. Nelson C. Farr (See). George res. in L. from birth to 1883. Farmer. Cong. Republican. Ch., by w. Julia, all but George Henry b. in L., — i. Charles F.. b. June 28, 1858. m. June, 1877, Ida C. Hatch. Farmer. res. West Concord, Vt. ii. Fred, b. Jan. 16, 1860. m. March 13, 1884, E. Alice Mansfield. Farmer. res. Bethlehem, iii. AimiE, b. Nov. 16, 1861. ni. Fred. L. Smith (See). 23. iv. George Henry, b. Lyman, Oct. 30, 1863. V. Carrie J., b. Aug. 1865. m. Aug. 18, 1885, Alonzo M. Higgins. res. Whitefield. vi. Harry A., b. July 25. 1870. m. Nov. 15, 1892, Mabel R. Wallace. Farmer, res. Bethlehem, vii. Infant Dau., b. Oct. 14. 1877, d. L. Oct, 22, 1877. viii. Walter I., b. Aug. 19, 1880. res. Bethlehem. Lewis — Lihhey. 313 22. CiiAKi.Ks Fhank Lkwfs, son of Alonzo -°, b. in L. A1112;. 7, lrooks (See), b. in Bethlehem, Nov. 15, 1841, Cong. He has res. in L. all his life. Far- mer. Cong. Republican. Commander Marshal Sanders Post, G. A. R., 1891 and 5. Co. L, N. H. Batt., 1st N. E. Cav. Private. Ch., b. in L., — i. Myktie Belle, b. Marcli 12, 1870, fl. L. May 17, 1884. ii. Hakuy Amos, b. June 9, 1872, d. L. Sept. 12, 1872. 13. George Edwin Love.toy, son of Jonathan Franklin ^ b. in L. April 29, 1849. m. Oct. 8, 1873, Flora E., dau. of Roswell Bowker, b. in Lunenburg, Vt., Aug. G, 1855. He res. in L. all his life, d. jNIay 9, 1890. Merchant. Republican. Town clerk, 1881-90 inc. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., b. in L., — i. Harhy B., b. Nov. 24, 1877. res. St. Jolinsbury, Vt. ii. Maurice ¥., h. March 22, 188G. res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. LUCAS. 1. Edmund Lucas, b. in Wallingford, Conn., Oct. 10, 17(31. m. Aug. 19, 1791, Lydia Downer. He d. in Thetford, Vt., Feb. 22, 1837. 2. RuFUS Coldwell, Lucas, son of Edmund \ b. in Thetford, Vt., Oct. 28, 1810. m. Jan. 1, 1835, Anne Bailey. He d. in Lancaster, Aug. 20, 1891. Cong. Whig. 3. Edmund Downer Lucas, son of Rufus Coldwell^, b. in Thetford, Vt., Feb. 4, 1837. ni. Feb. 14, 1865, Elizabeth, dau. of John Merrill (See), 1). in L. Sept. 20, 1835, Cong. He has res. in L. most of the time since 18(35. Farmer. Republican. Selectman, 1887-8. Board of Health, 1888. Ch., b. in L., — i. George Henry, b. Nov. 14, 1866. m. Dec. 21, 1892, Addle M. Jones. Ice-dealer, res. Spokane, Wash, ii. John Merrill, b. Oct. 2o, 1869. ni. May 17, 1900, Flora E. Bean. Driver, res. L. iii. Isabel Lochlin, b. June 21, 1875. unm. res. L. iv. Edmund Richard, b. Aug. 31, 1877. res. L. Lucia — Lyford. 321 LUCIA. LUCIER. 1. Charles LrciA, son of Josepli, b. in Canada, Sept. 11, 1813. m. ]\Iay G, l.SGD, p]inily Jane, dau. ot'Lindse}- Wliitcoinb (See), b. inBetli- lehom, March IS," 1849, Methodist. lie has res. in L. since 1891. Farmer. Methodist. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Jennie Mary, b. Betlilehem, Oct. 31, 1871. ii. Addie M.A.UIA, b. Betlileliem, Jan. 14, 187;], d. Bethlehem, Feb. 14, 188G. iii. WiLLiAJi LixDSKY, b. L. Marcli 18, 1876. iv. Ciiari.es IIknry, b. Betlilehem, July 29. 1878, d. L. April 1-5, 1879. V. Warren Joseph, b. Betlilehem, May 8, 1880, soldier, war with Spain. LYFORD. 1. Fhaxcis Hubbard Lyford, son of Dudley, b. in Pittsfield, Sept. 19, 1820. ni. first, Jan. 29, 1845, EiuHce T.,dau. of Daniel Pickering", b. in ]>arnstead, Nov. 27, 1825, d. in Barnstead, Jan. 3, 1852. m. second. May 13, 1852, Catherine S., dan. of James Cox, b. in Ilolder- ness, d. in Concord, Aug. 25, 1897. He was educated in Pittstield Academy, Clinton Grove Seminary, Weare, and Ke3'tesville, Mo. He res. in Piltslield until 183G ; Keytesville, Mo., until 1841 ; Pittsfield until 1847; Barnstead until 1849; Cal. until 1852; Manchester until 1857. In 1859 he entered the Free Baptist ministr\', being licensed b}' the Sandwich Quarterlj' Meeting. In 18G0 he was ordained in Ran- doli)li, Vt., by tlie Strafford Quarterly Meeting. He preached in Ilolder- ness, Randolph, and Thctford. Vt.. Lebanon, Me., Hamilton, Laconia, Haverliill, Mass., Meredith, L. (1879 to 1887), Contoocook, and finally Wootlstock, where he d., Aug. 24, 189L He was Representative, 184G-7 ; City Clerk, Manchester, 1855-6 ; Railroad Commissioner, 1855 to 1857; Commander of the Jackson (luards, old N. H. Militia, Adj. of the 18th Regt., and Brigade and Division Inspector, Ai)ril 2G, 1847. Lieut, in Mo. jMilitia in cam|)aign against the JNIormons under Gen. Sterling Price ; compiler of •• Reminiscences of Pittsfield " and "Thirty Years' Experience in Free Baptist Ministr}'." He served on the Historical Connnittee of L., and delivered an address on '• Agriculture " at the L. Cen. Democrat. A. F. and A. M. K. T., I. O. O. F. Patriarch Militant. Sons of Malta. K. P., and a mem- ber of several temperance organizations. (Histoiy of Hopkinton, pp. 432-3). Ch., b}" w. Eunice, — i. Nancy G., b. Pittsfield, :\rny 12, 184G, d. :vranchestcr, Nov. 11, 18-55. ii. Ardenia E., b. Barnstead, April 9, 1848. m. July 15, 1872, George E. Gay. res. Maiden, Mass. Ch., b}' w. Catherine, — iii. James Dudley, b. Barnstead, Feb. 11, 18.53, d. Barnstead, Oct. 21, 185o. iv. Eva C., b. Manchester, Oct. 0, 1854, d. ^Manchester, May 14, 1855. V. Kate Idelle, b. Manchester, Oct. 5, 1856, d. Laconia, April 20, 1892. VOL. II. — 21 322 Li/nch — Z^i/sfer — Lytic — Magoon. LYNCH. 1. Edwaku Bkxjamix Lynch, son of John, b, in Derby, Vt., Dec. 16, 1857. m. Feb. (>, 1894, INIarv Edith, dan. of Dexter Ham French (See\ b. in Bath, March 18, 1807. Cong. He has res. in L. since 1878. Merchant. Democrat. K. V. Ch., b. in L., — i. Kathleen, b. Feb. o, 1898. LYSTER. 1. John Russell Lystek. son of Pliilip. b. in Canada. April "20. 1860. m. first, Feb. 6. 1885, Annie, dan. of AVilliam Sntor. b. in Canada, ]March 21, 1859, d. in L. June 3. 1894, Ei)iscopal. m. sec- ond. Feb. 'lio, 1895. ]\Iarv Jane, dan. of William Sutor, b. in Canada, Oct. 1867, Free Baptist. She m. fn-st, Robert Kussrll. John has res. in L. since 1885. Farmer. Free Baptist. Republican. Ch.. by \v. Annie, b. in L., — i. Ikkn.v Doka, b. April 17, 1SS7. ii. Hay Hakky, b. Oct. -I'l, 18110. iii. PuiLir, b. March 18, 189:^, d. L. March 21, 1803. LYTLE. 1. JoHX Thomas Lytle, son of James, b. in Canada, INIarch 10, 1862. m. Jan. 27. 1887, Lizzie Kails, dan. of .Joseph Ramsay, b. in Canada. Oct. 11, 1867, d. in L. Jan. 2, 1897, Methodist, m. second. Aug. 29. 1898. Olive J., dan. of Zuriel A. Richardson (See). He has res. in L. since 1887. Carjienter. ^lethodist. Republican. I. O. O. F., N. G. Ch.. b. in L.,— i. Mii.MCEXT ^Iay, b. Dec. 3, 1887. ii. LixxiE Markta, b. Aug. 9, 1889. iii. Lkonia Agxes, b. March o, 1892. MAGOON. 1. Joiix A. Magoon, son of Steward, b. in Stanstead, P. Q.. Oct. 10. 1844. m. ]\Iarch 16, 1865, Julia V.., dan. of Leon Langmaid, b. in Stanstead. P. Q., Jan. 30. 1846. He was educated in the schools of Stanstead and Montreal, P. Q., and was ordained at Beebe Plain. Vt.. Cam[) fleeting, June, 1878. He has been located as an Advent preacher in Coaticook, P. Q. ; L., 1884 to 1893 ; Bristol, Vt. Most of his ministrv has been cievoted to mission work. Ch.,— ' i. Caul S., b. East Bolton. P. Q., Jan. 12, 1860. ni. June 7, 1803. :\Iav KUison. MerchaiU. res. Manchester. ii. Leon E., b. .Ma-og, P. Q., Dec. 23, 1870. m. :March 19, 1893, Sarah C. Wiiedon. I'olice officer, res. Manchester, iii. Lois .May, b. Derby, Vt., May 14, 1874. unm. Teaclier. res. Concord. iv. Charles E., b. Barnston, P. Q.. May 6, 1876. m. July 6, 18ytj, Georgia I. Southard. Clerk, res. Jlanciiester. Mr. MANN. 1. RrciiARD Manx, b. in Cornwall, Eng., omigmtcd to America ruul settled in Plymouth, Muss., in 1645. m. Rel)c(;ca, dan. of Elder Wil- liam IJrevvster of "JMayllower" fame. 2. Richard Mann, son of Richard \ b. in Pl\"mouth, Mass., Eeb. 5, lGo2. m. Elizabeth Southworth. 3. Nathantkl Mann, son of Richard", b. in Scituate, Mass., Oct. 27, 16'J;5. m. Mary Root. lie res. in Hebron, Conn. 4. John Mann, son of Nathaniel **, b. in Scituate, Mass., Nov. "20, 1720, m. Margaret, sister of Rev. Samuel Peters, LL.D. 5. Matthew Mann, son of John*, b, in Hebron, Conn., Dec. 20, 1711. m. Hannah Mood}'. Jle settled in Orford, about \7i'>^), with his brother John. Matthew went to Newburv, ^'t. , before 171)0. He d. in Orford in 1825, 6. Solomon ]\rANN, son of Matthew^ ■\ b. in Hel)ron, Conn., June G, 17GL ni. Abigail, dau. of Ephraim Bailey (See), b. in Newbury, Vt., Dee. 7, 1770, d, in Stillwater, N. Y., July"ll. LSI!). He res. in L. from 1794 to 1815. Lumber manufr. Cong. d. in Ballston Spa, N. Y.. Aug. 22, 1820. Ch., b. in L., — i. John, b. Feb. 0, 1799. in, Harriet Dunn. He d. Stillwater, N. Y., June 18, 18tJ2. ii. Hannah, b. 1801, d. 1877. iii. Isaac, b. 1803, d. in infaney. 7. riEOH(;K W. jMann, son of Samuel and grandson of Matthew ''. b. in Landaff, Feb. 20, 1.S21. m. first, April 18, 1843. Susan Marston, dau. of William Whitcher, b. in Benton, May 20, 1825, d. in lieiiton, Oct. 6, 1854. m. second, March 4, 1855, Sarah Towle, dau. of Oad Bisl)ee, b. in Haverhill, Jan. 6, 1825. He never res. in L., now res. in Benton. Democrat. Representative from Benton several 3ears. Mem- ber Board of Agriculture. (Book of Biogra[)hies, Grafton Co., p. 1(J!J.) Ch., by w. Susan, b. in Benton, — i. KziiA P>ai:tm;tt, b. Nov. 2, 1843. ni. Jan. 7, 18(J8, Ellen S. Bisbee, ilruLTaist. res. Haveriiill. ii. Edwaui) P'ostick, b. Sept. 7, 1815. m. Jan. 10, 1881, Elvali (J. Whitcher. Railroad snpt. He d. Conconl, Auf?. 10, 1892. iii. Ghokgh Hknuv, b Feb. 19, 1848. m. Jan. 2(1, 1874, Klnora F.Gove. Railroad conductor, res. Haverhill, iv. OsMAN Cleam>kk, b. Dec. 18, 1852, d. Benton, Oct. 20, 1870. V. Orman Lean-dkr, b. Dec. 18, 1852. in. Dec. 25, 1873, Ella Hejwood. Farmer, res. Benton. Ch., b}' w. Sarah, b. in Benton, — vi. .Melvin Jkrious, b. March 8, 185G. ni. Jan. 31, 1883, Mary E. Merrill. Railroad conductor, res. Haverhill. 8. vii. Hosi;a BAi,i.or, b. May 27. 1858. viii. SrSAN .Marv, b. Jan. 3, 18G1. res. Ashland. i.v. -MiNNii; Sarah, b. Dec. 4, 180.3. ni. March 7, 1887, William Sims Nut- ter. Fanner, res. Benton. X. Moses Bisrei:, b. June 20, 18G5. m. Feb. 25, 1892, Minnie G. Scott. Customs ofliccr. res. Maiden, Mass. 324 Mann — Marcy — Markley. 8. HosEA Ballou Mann, son of George W.', b. in Benton, Ma\' 27, 1858. ni. Oct. 6, 1886, Ida Emma, dau. of Josiah Mason Ladd (See), b. in L. June IG, 1860. He lias res. in L. since 1886. Merchant. Democrat. No cb. MANN. 9. Charles Edwin Mann, son of Charles Henry, b. in Claremont, Dec. 28, 1833. m. April 3, 1861, Maria Ann, dau. of James Gordon (See), b. in L. June 21, 1841. She has res. in L. from birth to 1860, and since 1881. Methodist. He never res. in L. Farmer. Republican. Ch.,— i. Charles James, b, Brailfonl, Vt., Jan. 18, 1862. res. Eureka, Nevada, ii. Alice Martha, b. Brailfonl, Vt., April 1-3, 1803. m. George J. UUery, printer, res. Brattleboro, Vt. iii. Rosamond Vespeksia, b. Bradford, Vt., Dec. 9, 1867. m. Sept. 29, 1892, Charles P. Spencer, printer, res. Brattleboro, Vt. iv. Arthur Edwin, b. Lisbon, Oct. 9, 1871. res. Bradford, Vt. V. Walter Gordon, b. Bradford, Vt., Jan. 24, 187o. res. Bradford, Vt. vi. Stethen Henry, b. Bradford, Vt., June 28, 187-5. vii. Howard Abbott, b. Newbury, Vt., Sept. 25, 1879. Soldier, war with Spain. MARCY. 1. Harmon Marcy, b. in Waterville, Vt., in 1817. m. June 16, 1850, Julia, dau. of Peter Paddleford (See), b. in Lyman (now JNIonroe), in 1826, d. in Shelbyville, 111., in 1860. He res. in L. from 1841 to 1852. Millwright and bridge builder. I. O. O. F. No ch. MARKLEY. 1. Jacob Markley, b. in Eng. , April, 1800. m. Elizabeth S., dau. of William Cade, b. in Eng., Aug. 1796. She res. in L. since 1854. She d. April 17, 1898. Centenarian. He res. in L. from 1854 until he d., Sept. 12, 1887. Farmer. Ch.,— i. Infant, b. Eng., d. young, ii. Infant, b. Eng., d. young, iii. Infant, b. Eng., d. young. iv. Mary Ann, b. P^ng., Oct. 27, 18.30. m. Henry Parker, res. Manchester. V. Jacob, b. Eng., July 12, 1833. vi. Jame.>^, b. Eng. Nov. 10, 18.36. res. Peoria, 111. vii. Jane, b. Canada, June 7, 1830, res. Manchester, viii. Rachel, b. Canada, Eeb. 7, 1842. ni. Madison Sanborn (See). ix. Charles A., b. Canada, Nov. 1844, d. on Bedioe's Island, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1882. 2. X. Henry Thomas, b. Pittsburg, May 17, 1846. xi. Ellen E., b. Kirby, Vt., July 4, 1851, d. in L. July G, 1860. 2. Henry Thomas INFarkley, son of Jacob \ b. in Pittsburg, May 17, 1846. m. Sept. 7, 1870, Helen J., dau. of Carter Jackman, b. in Lisbon, Sept. 7, 1848. He has res. in L. since 1867. P^armer. Republican. Ch.,— i. Mary Elizabeth, b. L. Oct. 3, 1874. res. L. AIks. Kli/aiu; i ii M.\iuf McIntihe, son of Ephraim -, b. in Charlton, Mass., Aug. 23, 1792. m. in 1815, Anna, dau. of James Forbush, b. in North- ampton, Mass., April 17, 1797, d. in L. Nov. 27, 1848. He res. Mclntire. 329 in L. from 1818 until lie d., July 24, 1854. Fiirmer. Free l>:i[)tist. Dc'inoci'ut. Cli., b. in Lisbon, — 4. i. Warkex, b. Jan. 27, 1820. 5. ii. Alexandek, b. May 28, 1822. iii. J.\MES, b. Aiitr. 4, 1824, d. Lisbon, Aug. 1824. iv. Benjamin Fuankein, b. Aiii;. 4, 1828. unni. Farmer, res. L. V. Helen Makr, b. Aw^. 4, 1828, d. Lisbon, Ausi. 4, 1832. vi. HAUurET, b. Aug. 4, 18.'J0, d Lisbon, Aujj. 4, 18.12. 6. vii. lliciiAKD Ely, b. iMay oO, 1833. viii. Helen M., b. Feb. 17, 1835. ni. Ciiark's Wesley Cowing (See). ix. yoi'HiA, b. May 30, 1838. ni. Joseph Dyke (See). 4. Warren McIntirk, sou of Reuben •', 1). in Lisbon, Jan. 27, 1820. m. first, Doc. 2, 1853, Persis Altlieu, dau. of Tiniotliy Hurd (See), b. in Lyman, Feb. 17, 1832, d. in L. Dec. (!, ISOC. Cong. m. second, Nov. 4, 1868, Jane, dau. of John P. Can-, b. in Wateiford, Vt., d. in L. Dec. 1869. m. third, March, 1870, Mary, dau. of William Hicks, b. in St. Sylvester, P. Q., Feb. 'IS, 1848, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1848. Farmer. L^nitarian. Prohibiliou. Town School Loard, 1886-7. Ch., by w. Persis, — 7. i. ITarrt IIibbard, b. L. April 23, ISnO. 8. ii. Harvey Edwin, b Lyman, Sept. 1, 1857. iii. Anna, b. L. Sept. 30, i8(il. m. Oet. 4, 18!)0, Hardy Smitli. iv. Alice Audelle, b. L. Nov. 15, 18i;4. m. Feb. HI), 18'J2, diaries Fiper. V. Hurd, b. L. 2sov. 12, 1860, d, L. Sept 1807. Ch., b}' w. Jane, — vi. Jane Carr, b. L. Dec 2, 1809, d. Jan. 1870. Ch., by w. Mary, — vii. Lizzia Ida, b. L. June 7, 1871. 5. Alexander McIntire, son of Reuben ^ b. in Lisbon, ]\ray 28, 1822. m. Oct. 23, 1850, Mary Walker, dau. of Fzra Bliss Elkins (See), b. in Lisbon, Sept. 26, 1833. He res. in L. from 1842 until he d., Feb. 3, 1898. Farmer. Democrat. Representative, 1853-4. Selectman, 1875-6. Member Board of Education, Union District, 1875 to 1883 inc. J. P. State. Lieut. 5th Co., 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, May, 1849. Capt. 1st Co. of Riflemen, 1851-2. A. F. and A. M., Buius Lodg(>. No ch. 6. Richard Ely McIntire, son of Reuben 3, b. in Lisbon, INIay 30. 1833. m. Dec. 25, 1869, Ellen lAlaria, wiilow of Capt. Marslial San- ders (See), and dau. of Josephus Parcher, b. in Bethlehem, Feb. 29. 1840. He has res. in L. since 1848, exce[)t a few years. Farmer. Democrat. A. F. and A. M. No ch. 7. Harry Hibbard McIntire, sou of Warren *. b. in L. April 23. 1856. m. Nov. 30, 1880, Caroline Emily, dau. of Charles Shaw Cahoou, b. in Lyndon, Vt., Oct. 5, 1859. IIe\-es. in L. from 1856 to 1882. Gr.ad. St. Johnsbury Academv, 1874; Dart. Coll., 1879. I'rincipal L. High School, 1880-1. Broker. Ch., b. in Minneapolis, Minn., — i. Donald Cahoon, b. May 15, 1884. ii. Feusis Chaiilotte, b. April 11, 1890. 330 31clntire — McLa ugJd'm — McLoud — 3Ic3Iillen. 8. Harvey Edwix McIntire, son of Warren *, b. in L^man, Sept. 1, 1857. m. Nov. 25, 1890, P'lorence Chubbuck. He was educated in tlie schools of L., and attended Dart. Coll. one 3"ear. He studied medicine in the University of Vt. and Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., N. Y., grad. from the latter March 19, 1884. He took a post-grad, course in N. Y. during the winter of 1886 and 7, and a course in surgery in London, Eng., dui'ing the winter of 1884 and 5. He has practised in North Haverliill one and a half years ; Middletown, Ct., two and a half years; Hudson, Wis., since 1888. He belongs to tlie White ^Mountain Medical .Society, Inter-county Medical Society of Minn, and Wis., Wis. State Medical Societ}'. Ch.,— i. Doris Helen. McLAUG-HLIN. 1. CIeorge Asburv McLauciiilix, son of Rev. John, b. in Nashua, Oct. 13, 1851. m. Oct. 27, 1875, May E. Henshaw, of Middletown, Conn. He fitted for Coll. in Exeter and N. H. Conference Seminary, Tilton, and grad. from Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., in 1873. In 1875 he served as an active member of the Board of State Canvassers of the Y. M. C. A., and then took charge of the Methodist church in Eranklin Falls, where he remained two years, 1875-6. He was ordained Deacon in 1877 by Bishop Peck, in Dover, and Eider in 1879 by Bishop Foster, in Plymouth. From Franklin he was located as follows: Whitefield, 1877-8; L., 1879-80-81; Haverhill, Mass. (Wesley Church), 1882-3-4; Laconia, 1885-6-7 ; Exeter, 1888-9-90; Supernumerar}' (Evanston, 111.), since 1891. He is editor-in-ciiief of the "Christian Witness," Chicago, 111. His published works are the books: "Inbred Sin," "Wesley Birthday Book," "■ Commentary on Luke," " Commentary on John." Superintendent of Schools, White- field. A. F. and A. M, I. O. O. F. Two daughters. McLOUD. 1. AxGus McLouD, son of Angus, b. in Canada, Oct. 25, 1856. m. Oct. 25, 1881, Katie L.,. dan. of Alexander Morrison, b. in Canada, Nov. 16, 1862. He has res. in L. since 1875. Glover. Democrat. Ch., — i. Elsie Victoria, b. L. June 3, 1892. McMILLEN. 1. Neil MoMillen, son of INIalcom, b. in Canada, Feb. 9, 1847. m. June 27, 1876, Maria, dau. of Joseph McCutcheon, b. in Canada, Feb. 13, 1855, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1883. Farmer. Republican. Ch., — i. Bell Gertrude, h. Canada, Anor. 7, ]877. ii. Mamie Floka, b. Canada, Oct. 31, 1878. iii. r>ESSiE May, b. L. April 24, 1880. iv. Grace Ethel, b. L. ISept. 5, 1891. McPherson — 3IcTtae — Merrill. 331 Mcpherson. 1. Peter McriiEUSox, son of John, b. in Prince Edward's Tslund in 1855. m. Ang. 25, 1877, Margaret, dan. of John Welch, b. in (^nebec, Dec. 4, 1850, P>piscopal. He has res. in L. since 1876. Laborer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Ki.iZAisKTir, b. Mav 1, 1878. ii. John, b. Feb. 9, 1880. iii. Mahtin, b. May 26, 1881. iv. Maky, b. -Iiilv 19, 1882. V. Malcomh, b.Nov. 12, 1883, d. L. Nov. 24, 1892. McRAE. 1. EoDEKiCK McRae, son of Donald, b. in Prince Edward's Island in 1844. ni. Aug. 9, 1872, Bella, dau. of Evander INIcIver, b. in Scot- land, April 25, 1844, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1889. Laborer. Ch.,— i. Doi.LY Ann, b. Canada, March 25, 1877. ii. Kate, b. Canada, Feb. 18, 1879. iii. Mary, b. Canada, Jan. ol, 1881. iv, Anne Jane, b. Canada, Feb. 1:5, 1883. V. Nellie, b. Zealand, June 5, 1888. MERRILL. 1. Nathaniel Merrill, b. in England, settled in Newbury, ]\Iass., about 1()40. He m. Susanna Wilterton, a sister of Gregory Wiltcrton, an original i)roprietor of Hartford, Conn. He d. jNLarch IG, l()54/5. Widow Susanna m. second, Stephen Jordan. John Merrill, an early settler of Newbury, was a brother of Nathaniel. Six ch. 2. Nathaniel Merrill, son of NathanieP, b. about ir).')8. ni. Oct. 15, 1661. Joanna Kinney. He lived in Newl)ury, INLass., where he sub- scribed the oath of allegiance 1668. He d. Jan.l, 1682/3. She d. Feb. 8, 1718. 3. Nathaniel Merrill, son of Nathaniel'-, b. in Newbury, Mass., Feb. 8, 1664/5. ni. Rebecca Brown, wlio d. Dec. 9, 1689. in. second, 1691, Sarah Woodman, b. July 18, 1665, dau. of Edward and Maiy (Goodridge) Woodman of Newbury, Mass. He inherited land in Haverhill, Mass., and removed to that town, 1698. He lived on Scot- land Hill, in the west parish of Haverhill, where he d., July 4, 1738. Eleven or twelve ch. 4. Samuel Merrill, son of Nathaniel ', b. in Haverhill, INIass., Aug. 2 or 4, 1702. m. May 21, 1732, Ruth Eaton, dau. of Jonathan and Ruth Eaton of ILaverhill, Mass. He d. April 25, 1742. Four ch. 5. Samuel INIerrill, son of Samuel "*, b. in Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 7, 1737. m. Oct. 25, 1759, Abigail Eaton, b. Aug. 8, 1730, dau. of Samuel and Mehitable (Harrirnan) Eaton of Plaistovv, N. H. He was a soldier in the Revolution and a captain in the campaign against Bur- goyne, 1777. He d. in Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 29, 1801. Nine sons. 6. John Hancock Merrill, son of Samuel °, b. in Haverhill, Mass., March 24, 1775. m. Nov. 4, 1801, Elizabeth Carlton, b. in Methuen, Mass., March 15, 1775. He res. in Pembroke, where he d., Oct. 21, 1826. Merchant. 332 Merrill. 7. John Merrill, son of John Hancock®, b. in Pembroke, Sept. 13, 1808. m. Nov. 20, 1834, Hiianah Dewe}', dau. of Cyrus Allen, b. in Haverhill, April 13, 1811, Cong. He res. in L. from June, 1832, until hed., May 31, 1885. Cabinet-maker. Cong. Deacon, 1843, until bed. Republican. Selectman, 1839. Ch., b. in L., — i. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 20, 1835. ni. E') ; P. M. Old Orchard. Me., 1880 to 84. Pro- hibition. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. 1.0. O. F. Ch., — i. Agnes Isabel, b. Haverhill, Mass., April 21, 1870. m. Nov. 30, 1888, Irvin E. Eeavitt, farmer, res. Hampton, ii. Addie May, b. Newfield, Me., Dec. 17, 1874. unm. MERRILL. 18. George HinRARD ^NFerrtll. son of Edson E., b. in liandaff, Jan. 10, 1848. m. Nov. 1872, Nellie Maria, dau. of Joshua Perkins Morse (See), b. in I^aston, June 30, 1852, p^piscopal. He has res. in L. since 1877. INlachinist and repairer. Democrat. I. O. O. V. Ch.,— i. Harry Arthur, b. Easton, Oct. 10, 1873. Book-keeper, unm. res. L. MerrUl — 3Ieserve. MERRILL. 19. Fletcher Dunbar Merrill, son of Jeremiali, b. in Landaff, Ma}' 5, 1848. ni. April 8, 187U, Elizabeth Diantha, dan. of Gideon D, Ilnntoon, b. in L. Dec. 8, 1854, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1887. Tainter. Democrat. Cons. Ch., — Solon Lawrence, b. Lamlaff, ]\Iay 14, 1873. num. res. L. S.\uiE Lillian, b. Lebanon, Oct. lU, 1875. unni. res. L. Conf MESERVE. The name is spelled in various wa^'s, the most common being : Meserve, Messerve, MeserveN', Messervey. It was originally i)ro- nounced INIes-ser-vy. The family' is of French-Huguenot extraction, and settled in the Isle of Jerse}*. 1. Clement Meserve, the ancester of the Meserves in this country, came from the Isle of Jersey, and res. in Portsmouth with his fumil}' as early as 1G70. Taxed there 1673, and snbsci-ibed to oath of alle- giance 1085. He m. Elizabeth . Probably six ch. He d. before 1721. 2. Daniel Meserve, son of Clement ^ m. Deborah Otis. He had a grant of land from Dover in 1701. In 1725 he purchased oO acres of land of the Starbirds in that part of Dover near Madbury. Seven ch. He d. before Jan. oO, 175G. 3. Daniel Meserve, son of Daniel'^, m. Abigail . Six ch., Jonathan^ being the fourth. He d. before Nov. 6, 1783. 4. Jonathan Mkserve, son of Daniel ^, b. in Dover, March 4, 1738. m. Mai-y Davis. He was a Capt. in the British army in Colonial times. When the Rev. War commenced he revolted and joined the patriots, for which he was persecuted by the Tories. He res. in ]\ladbury, Chairman of Board of Selectmen, and expended most of his means and energy for the cause. He was a cousin of George, the stamp officer, and in a conversation with him, in which he expressed indigna- tion at the act, George said, " If the Colonies do not swallow it, a stand- ing army will be sent, and they will be obliged to." Jonathan replied, " Cousin George, we will choke at it." The close of the war left him without means, and with other members of the family he emigrated to the wilderness of Jackson in 1790, and bought the south half of Grid- ley's Location, paying for it with an old sloop, their only remaining pro[)erty. Seven ch. 5. Jonathan Meserve, son of Jonathan *, b. March 2, 1772. m, March 31, 1797, Alice, dan. of John Pendexter, b. Aug. 28, 1776, d. in Jackson, April 19, 1872. He res. in Jackson nearly all his life, ■where he d., Sept. 2, 1849. Col. in militia. 6. George Pendexter Meserve, son of Jonathan ^, b. in Jackson, April 11, 1798. ni. Harriet, dau. of Richard Eastman, b. April 19, 1803, 3Ieserve — Mdcalf. 335 (1. in J:ickson, April 19, 1893. lie filled the various grades in militia times, and was j\laj.-(ion. of the militia when 2(3 years old. Sheril'l" of Coos Co., and first Kep. sent alone from .laekson. Surveyor, and one of the original owners of Thompson & Mes(!rve's purchase, d. in Jack- son, Sept. 19, 188-1. Nine eh. 7. Hattie Douglas Mesekve, dau. of George Tendexter *'. m. George Clarence Furber (See). METCALF. 1. Michael Metcalf, son of Ilev. Leonard Metcalf, of Norwich, Eng., b. 1585 ; with his wife and nine children came to America, lGo7, and was admitted freeman at Dedham, Mass., July It of that year. He d. Dec. 24, 1GG4. 2. IMicHAEL Metcalf, son of Michael ', b. Aug. 20, 1020, came with the family, 1G37, and settled at Dedham. He m. April 12, 1G44, Mary Fairbank, dau. of John Fairbank, Sr. He d. May 27, 1G54. 3. Eleazeu IMetcalf, son of Michael'^, b. in Dedham, IMarch 2, lG5o. m. April 9, 1G84, Meletiah Fisher, dau. of Sanuiel Fi.slier of Dedham. He lived in Wrentham, Mass., where he d., Aug. 17, 1742. They had eight ch. 4. Michael ]\Ietcalf, son of Eleazer •\ b. Jan. 25, 1687. ni. J^ec. 23, 1712, Al)ia Colburn, b. Sept. 27, 1694, dau. of Samuel and Mercy Colburn, of Dediiam. He lived in a i)art of NN'rentham subsequently- included in Franklin. He d. Aug. 17, 1742. 5. Samuel Metcalf, son of JMichaeP, lived in Wrentham, and by a change in town lines in Franklin. He was a lieutenant in the Revolu- tion. He m. Lois Kingsbury, dau. of Stephen and Silas Partridge Kings- burv, of Franklin. Late in life he removed with his sons to Crovdon, N. II. 6. Obei) Metcalf, son of SamueP, b. in Franklin, IMass., about 1760, was taxed in Framingham for the year 1787, during that or the following year he removed to Croydon. He was a soldier in the Revo- lution. He m. Feb. 4. 1790, Abigail Paik, b. 1763, dau. of (iideon and Hannah (Fuller) Park. 7. Joseph Park ]Metcalk, son of Obed *, b. in Croydon, Nov. 24, 1798. m. April 21, 1840, Lucy Gould, of Newport. He removed to Acworth, where he d., Dec. 17, 1868. 8. Henry II. Metcalf, son of Joseph P.", b. in Newport, April 7, 1841. m. Dec. 18, 1869, Mary J., dau. of William Jackson (See), b. in Barnet, Vt., July 14, 1844. He res. in L. in 18G7 and 8, and from 1872 to 4. jNIembcr Roard of Education, Union District, 1873. He received a common school and academic education, and grad. from the Ann Arbor (Mich.) Law School in 1865; studied with Hon. Edmund Burke of Newport, and was admitted to the Bar of Sullivan Co. at the Sept. term, 1866. He continued with Mr. Burke until the following 336 Metcalf—Millen. year, when Clicstcr E. Carey founded the " Wliite Mountain Republic," now merged in tiie "Repuljlic Journal" of tliis town. JMr. IMetcalf was engaged as editor, and lal)ored zealousl\' for about a year in build- ing up tliat paper. In 18G8 he went to Concord and became editor of tlie "■ Peoi)le and Patriot." In 1872 he purchased tlie " Republic" of Mr. Care3', and was sole proprietor until April 30, 1874, when he sold to George C. Furber. He then establislied tlie Dover " Press," which he conducted several 3'ears. Since then lie has been engaged a large portion of the time in editorial work on the " People and Patriot " and •' JManchester Union." The '' Granite Monthly- Magazine " was owned b}' him and successfully managed several years. Lecturer State Grange Patrons of Husbandry. President Democratic State Convention, 1900. (L. Cen., pp. 116-17, note.) Ch.,- i. Harry Bingham, b Concord, Jan. 25, 1871. Journalist. Editor of " I'eople and Patriot." res. Concord, unm. ii. Edmund Bukke, b. L. July 7, 187li. m. Nov. 1893, Elizabeth Ahern. i'rinter. res. Concord, iii. Laura Prucia, b. L. Feb. 4, 1874. m. Dec. 1896, Harlan C. Pearson, editor, res. Concord. MILLEN. McMILLEN. 1. Daniel MciNIillen, b. about 1738, res. in New Boston. He was a soldier in the Revolution, and was with the army at West Point at the time Arnold deserted and Major Andre was arrested and executed. He m. his cousin, Maiy McMillen, dan. of John McMillen, of New Bos- ton. Of his ten children, Ananias lived a few years in this town, John lived in Washington, Sally m. Ziha Wright (See), and David is named in the following register. Since the first decade of the centuiy the famil}- has written the name Milieu. 2. David Millen, b. in New Boston, 1781, came to this town about 1800. He m. Jan. 5, 1804, Melinda Worden, b. in Chesterfield, 1783, dan, of Nathan Worden. Farmer. He d. L. Oct. 6, 1825. She d. March 26, 1833. Ch., b. in L., — i. Melixda, b. in 1804. m. Eichard F. Rowell, physician, res. Water- ford, Vt. 3. ii. David, b. April 30, 1806. iii. Prudence, I). Jan. 5, 1808. m. Mason Aldrich (See). iv. Daniel, b. 1809. m. Stone. Mechanic. He d. N. Y. City, 18034. V. Nathan \V., b. 1810. m. Caroline Pike. Farmer. Capt. lltli Co. 32d l?e<4t. N. 11. Militia, 1837. He d. Waterford, Vt., 1879. She d. about 1892. vi. Nelson, b. 1812. ni. Rhoda Pike. Mechanic. She res. L. 4. vii. William Henry Harrison, b. Nov. 29, 1813. viii. C;aroline, b. April, 1816, d. L. Sept. 18, 1825. i.\. Lucius, b. Nov. 1818, d. L. Sept. 5, 1820. X. Erixixe, b. Aug. 1820, d. Aug. 5, 1822. 3. David Millen, son of David -, b. in L. April 30, 1806. m. Dec. 9, 1830, Jane A., dan. of Jared Aldrich ^ (See), b. in Lisbon, June 22, 1810, d. in L. Dec. 13, 18'J1, Methodist. He res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Methodist. Democrat, d. in L. Jan. 25, 1893. Blillen. 337 Ch., 1). in L.,— i. I'MKisi; Jane, b. Au ; Haverhill, iNIass., 187o to 7. In 1877 he was transferred to the N. Y. East Conference, and was pastor in Brooklyn and Southampton, L. I., for many years. From Dec. 1, 1884 to April 1, 1885, he supi)lied the Cong, pulpit in L. Since 1887 he has been a merchant in Alexandria, Va. His published ■works comprise a large number of sermons and ad(b'csses, and a book entitled "•Apples of tiold in Pictures of Silver," pub. by the INIethodist Pub. House, N. Y. In 1873-4-5 he was editor of the " Prohibitif)n Herald," and in 1.S81 was for some months associate editor of " The Missionary Tidings." He was a member of the Board of Directors, and Secretary of the N. H. Orphans' Home, from its organization until 1877. VOL. II. — 22 338 MlUen — 3IiUer — 3IllUken . Ch.,— i. Frank L., b. Newport, May 3, 1809. m. Annie Blauvelt. Merchant res. Brooklyn, N. Y. ii. Caul E., 1). tilton, June 30, 1871. Merchant, res. Brooklyn, N. Y. iii. Ralph W., h. Dover, Sept. 22, 1873. Mercliant. res. Alexamlria, Va. iv. KuTH Agnks, b. Haverhill, Mass., Jan. o, 187G, d. July 5, 1870. V. Hexry C, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1878. res. Alexandria, Va. vi. Esther Gay, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1881, d. Sept. 1'.), 1882. vii. (lEOUGE B., b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 14, 188(3. res. Alexandria, Va. viii. Clara E., b. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 16, 1889. res. Alexandria, Va. MILLER. 1. Anderson Miller, son of David, b. in Rveo'ate, Vt. , June 28, 182G. m. Jan. 23, 1850, Amanda IS., dan. of Kimball Page, b. in Rye- gate, Vt., INIay 8, 182G, d. in L. Jan. 24, 1881. He re.s. in L. from 185.'-) until he d., June 5, 18U4. Millwright. Democrat. A. F. and A. M. No ch. 2. John A. Miller, son of John A., and nephew of Anderson ^ b. in Nevvburv, Vt., Dec. 28, 1845. m. Jidy 4, 1878, Elizabeth, dan. of John Salmon, b. in Glover, Vt., Aug. 21, 1853, Presl)yterian. He has I'es. in L. since 1893. Carpenter. Democrat. Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. Private. G. A. R. A. F. and A. INI., Burns Lodge. St. Gerard Com., K. T. No ch. MILLIKEN. 1. Charles Edward jNIilliken, son of Cyrus and i\rary (Smith) Milliken, 1). in Fitzvvilliam, Feb. 5, 18;')0. m. first, June 18, 18()1, Sarah Woodbury, dan. of Jesse Duncklee, b. in Manchester, Aug. 2U, 1838, d. in L. Dec. 3, 1875, Cong. m. second, July 'J, 1877, Mary P'rances, dan. of Henry C. Redington (See), b. in L. Dec. 1, 1852, d. in Maynard, Mass., Jan." 12, 1, 1.SH9, ('arrie Susan, dau. of George W. Morse (See). 1). in L. .May 4, 1.S72, E|)isc()i)al. He lias res. in L. since 187'J. J>al)orer. Democrat. No ch. MINARD. 1. BntTON iMiN.vui), son of Louis and Jane (Sanders), b. iu Uar- mony, N. S., June 21, 1.S44. iii. first, Oct. .">, is7ri. Phnma J.aiie, dan. of (iilman K. Morrison (See), b. in Bethlehem, .Sept. 1. l.s.'»(i, d. in Ik'thlehem. Nov. 13, 1.S7U. m. second, Dec. 29, ISSl. lOmuia E., dau. of George Mill)ury, 1). in W'icklow, N. B., Dec. ol, l.s.")2. He res. in L. fronrDec. 27, i.s7;), to July 2, 1.S74. and from May 1. 1«7.S. to Oct. 30, 1871). He studied three years in New Hampton Institution, and commenced a two years' course in Bates Coll. He grad. fiom Bates Theological Seminary in l-SS.'). He was licensed to i)reach as a Fi-ee Baptist minister by Rev. J. McLeod, pastor of the ciniri-h in Fredei'io ton, N. ]>., Oct. 30, 18GG, by the Yarmouth and Shelluirn (Quarterly ]\reeting at Tuskct Village, N. S., Aug. 17, 1867, and was ordained in Harmony, his native place, Oct. 3, l-SGS. His first [)astorate was Can- ning, N. S. While studying he supplied sevi-ral churches in N. II. and Me., and afterwards held pastorates in Littleton, Soutii Boston, INIass., Halifax, N. S.. Gardiner, and Houlton, JMe. He now res. in Lewiston, INLe., and is engaged in evangelistic work. fFrec; Ba[)tist Cvclo[);edia, p. 411.) Ch., b\- w. Emma Jane. — i. Geokok C, b. Soiitli Roslon, Mass., Oct. 29, 1877. res. Lewiston, i\Ie. ii. E.MMA J., b. L. Oct. 14, 1878. res. L. Ch., b\' w. Emma E., — iii. Nellie E., b. Wicldow, X. B., :\Inrcli 7, 188-']. iv. Flohe.nce II., b. lloullon, iMe., Dec. '•',, 1886. MINER. I.Thomas ]\Iiner, b. in Stonington, Conn., Jan. 14, 1735. m. in Stonington, Feb. 10. 17.')7, Desire l)ennison, dau. of Avery Dennison. He lived a few 3'ears in Groton, Conn., and settled in Woodstock, Vt., 1772, and two years later removed to jNIaidstone, Vt. On accoiuit of Indian alarms, he removed for safetv to Haverhill in 177(5 and settled 340 ^Imer. in this town in 1786. "Wliile at Haverhill, in 177G, he served as a scout, and his report appears in N. H. State Papers, Vol. XVII., p. 69. He was in service in Capt. Josiah RiisscU's Co. of Rangers from Oct. 12 to Dec. 1, 1776, and in Col. Jonathan Chase's regiment in 1777. He was a selectman, 178S-9, moderator, 1788 and 1792. Farmer. F'ederalist. He removed from town 18U5, and d. in Lyman, Mav 13, 1810. Ch., - i. William, b. Groton, Conn., Feb. 24, 1759. 2. ii. Thomas, b. Groton, Conn , 1761. iii. Thankful, b. Groton, Conn., 1762. 3. iv. Isaac, b. Groton, Conn., June 17, 17G4. V. Avery Dennison, b. Groton, Conn. d. Bloomfield, N. Y. vi. Desire, b. Woodstock, Vt. m. Sargent Currier, vii. Reisecca, b. 1773. ni. Natlian Pike, viii. Hannah, ni. Samuel Hatch. 2. Thomas Miner, son of Thomas \ m. in Lancaster, March 11, 1795, Abigail Tagc. He res. in L. from 1794 to 1802. Ch., b. in L., — i. Ariel, b. Nov. 26, 1795. ii. Mary, b. July Ki, 1798. 3. Isaac Minkk, son of Thomas \ b. in Conn., June 17, 1764. m. Feb. 14, 1788, Marv, dan. of Simeon Avery, I), in Groton, Conn., Nov. 10, 1764, d. in Whitefield, April 27, 1843. ' He res. in L. from 1793 to 1828. Farmer. Cong. Rev. soldier, probably in INIass. or Conn. regt. He was emploved in guarding cattle, to keep them awav from the Tories. d. in Whitefield, Julv 11, 1847. Ch.,— i. Sarah, b. Jan. 15, 1789. m. first, James Badger, m. second, Nov. 23, 1809, William Morrill, res. Canaan, Vt. No cli. ii. Simeon A., b. May 12, 1791. m. Feb. 16, 1819, Mary P. Orcott. Ch., — Elsina J. ; r.iiK'iiis ; Orelia ; Pearl ; Avery ; Jude W. ; Welcome ; Martha; Franklin 1).; Sarah W. ; Mary; Lemuel 0.; Mary A. 4. iii. Elisha Perkins, b. L. Jan. 28. 1793. iv. Mary, b. L. March 16, 1795. m. Wing, d. Lyndon, Vt. V. Hannah Avery, b. L. July 20, 1797. m. Setli Morse. Ch., — George; Leander ; Dennison ; Cordelia; Emily; Freeman, vi. Ldcy, b. L. Oct. 4, 1799. m. Chauncy Hill. res. Concord, Vt. No ch. vii. Desire Dennison, b. L. Feb. 9, 1802. in. Bela Orcott. Ch., — Lyman H. ; Orrin W. viii. Catherine Latiirop, b. L. June 21, 1804. m. Samuel Taylor Morse (See). ix. Isaac, b. L. March 7, 1807. ni. Feb. 21, 1837, Sallv Pearson. Farmer. He d. Whitefield, Nov. 12, 1894. She d Whitefield, Aug. 1, 1892. Ch., — Betsey H. ; Lauren J. ; Austin W. ; Sarah J. ; Mary P. X. LoDWiCK, b. June 19, 1809. unm. d. about 1870. 4. Elisha Perkins Miner, son of Isaac ^, b. in L. Jan. 28, 1793. in. Eliza Berry, b. Feb. 1800, d. in L. Sept. 20, 1873, Cong. He res. in L. from 1793 until he d., Nov. 6. 1873. Carpenter. Cong. Ch., b. in L., — i. George Warner, b. July 3, 1820. 5. ii. Silas Avery, b. July 12, 1822. iii. Aaron Brackett, b. May 0, 1825. I. 0. 0. F , N. G. iv. Nathan Niles, b. Aug 11, 1827. V. Isaac Perkins, b. Feb. 2, 1830. vi. HoswELL Sartvvell, b. April 1, 1832. vii. Eliza Bellows, b. Aug. 12, 1834. pub. June 22, 1853, William M. Brown, viii. Harriet Fairbank, b. Aug. 14, 1836. 3111161' — Mitchdl. 341 5. Silas Avery ^Iinkk, son of Klisliu Perkins*, b. in L. Jnly 12, 1.S22. ni. Oct. 11, ltta (iuimliy. in. siecond, Hattie . Cabinet-maker, res. Ciiicago, 111. l.st N. 11. C'av. Private. iv. Caruie Bell Ione, b. Manchester, Feb. 24, 1857. in. William Henry Dixon (See). MINER. 6. Salmon G.Miner, m. first, Sept. 10, 1839, Sarah, dan. of Amasa Wheelock (See), b. in L. Oct. 30, 1818, d. in L. Jnly 28, 18-15. m. second, April 7, 1847, Phebe, dau. of Peter Paddleford (See), b. in Lyman, in 1821, d. in Chicago, 111., Ang. 1806. He res. in L. from 1842 to 1.S51. Hatter. Fire ward, 1840. (Ilistorv of Sanbornton, p. 843. L. Cen.. p. 238.) Ch., by \v. Sarah, — i. George IL, b. L. June 21, 1844, d. Oconto, Wis., Oct. 21, 1889. Coin. Ser^^eant 3d N. H. Inf. MITCHELL. 1. John ^Mitciieel, b. in Millstrect, Ireland, June 6, 1824. m. Ilonora Dougherty, b. in Killarney, Ireland, 1824, dan. of Timothy Dougherty. At a season of unrest and discontent in his native land, John Mitchell and his young wife were among the many who emigrated from Ireland to America during the last decade of the half-century. AVith the assimilative characteristics of his race he successfully adapted himself to the helpful conditions of his new environments. He settled in Vermont, and during the last thirty years of an active life he lived in Salem, now Derb}", V^t. At once he became a resident and a citizen. He was a man of direct methods, good judgment, and unimpeachalile integ- rity-. He was frequently elected to town ollice, and u[)on several occa- sions he was the candidate of his party for the Assembl}'. He d. April 28, 1807. Democrat. Roman Catiiolic. Ch., — i. Daniel, b. Ireland, 1848, d. in infancy. 2. ii. John M., b. Plyinoutli, July 0, 184"J. iii. Daniel, b. 185(3. d. in infancy. iv. Ti.MOTHY, b. Marcli 21, 1852. ni. Oct. 2, 1877, Alice Dalton, who d. June oO, 1878; he d. April 20, 1882. V. Daniel, b. Salem, V"t., April 23, 18.54. d. Oct. 30, 18GG. 3. vi. William Henkv, b. Wheelock, Vt., Sept. 18, 1856. vii. Julia A., b. Wheelock, Vt., Oct. 18, 1858. m. Oct. 15, 1885, 1\I. T. Don- ovan, frei,r). m. May 4, 1,SS7, Delia, dau. of Edward F. Bingham (See), b. in McArthur, Oliio, E[)iscopal. He has res. in Ij. since 1877. He was educated in the connnon schools of Nortliei'u \'t., Derby, Vt., Academy, and L. High School. He studied law with Bingham & Mitchell, and Bingham, Mitchell, & 15atchellor, and was admitted to the Bar in Concord, Marcli 19, 1880. He became a member of the firm of Bingham, Mitchell, & Batcliellor, July 1, 1882, which firm was continued until the death of Mr. Bingham, wdien the firm of Batcliellor & ftlitchell succeeded. Author of Free Text Book Act, adopted by the Legislature of 1889. His printed articles comprise: Re|)orts as Solicitor, in Vol. H., Grafton Co. Reports, pp. 105. 207, 253, 304, 358, 411. Address before the two Justices of the Supreme Court on trial of Frank C. Aliny f<^r murder of Christie C. Warden, pub. in the "Manchester Union," Nov. 18, 1891. Solicitor Grafton Co., 1889 to 1895. State Senator, 1889. Presidential Elector, McKinley and Roose- velt, 1900. P'ire ward, 1884-5-6. Prest. L. Driving Park "^Association, 1889. Superintendent of Town Schools, 1879-80. Meml)er Board of Education, Union District, 1880 to 1898; Secretary, 1887; Prest., 18.S8 to 1890. Trustee State Normal School, 1887 to" 1897. Prest. L. Musical Association, 1887. Board of Health, 1879-80. J. P. Notary l)ul)lic. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. A. A. S. R. 32°. (Child's Grafton Co. G^azetteer, p. 112. New Hamp- shire Men, p. 22G.) MITCHELL. 4. Ure jMitchell, son of James Ure, b. in Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 4, 1859. m. first, Sept. 3, 1884, Mary, dan. of Henry Rushton, b. in Edwards, N. Y., in 18GG, d. in Edwards, N. Y., Jan., 1886, Universalist. Mitohdl — Moffeit. S43 111. soeond, April 1), 1880, Isabella, daii. of Devillo W. Coibiii. I), in Aftou, N. v.. Sept. 21, 18,')l), Univer.salisl. lie res. in L. tVoni .hiii. 1, 18;»;), to lSi)I. Ho WHS educiited in Scotland, Clinton, N. Y., Liberal Institute, and the Tlieolo^ieal School of St. Lawrence Liniversity, Clin- ton, N. Y.. IVom which he i>rad. in 1880. He stndied theology with Rev. Ebenezer Fislier, I). 1)., and IJev. I. M. Atwood, I). D., and was ordained in Oxford. N. Y., in 1882. He has bet'ii located in Oxford, N. Y. ; Sherliiinie. N. Y. ; Fort Plain, N. Y. ; Cortland. X. Y. ; Horse- heads, N. Y., as Universalist and P>aptist niinisti'r, and in L. as Uni- tarian minister. He ha.s recently withdrawn from enrlier connections and has taken Episcopalian orders. A. F. and A. M. 2no ch. MOFFETT. 1. William TiFoi-FETT was one of the earliest settlers of ^^'inchendon, ]Mass. John. Joseph, and William Moffett were in that town as early as 175;5, residing in the western part of the town. William Mottett was a soldier in the Revolution. lie m. in Lnnenlnirg, Mass., Sept. 22, 17GG, Mary Price (?) of Shirley. The record of the marriage is found in the Coiinty records, and the name of the bride is not plainly re- corded. The birth of four children is on record in Winchendoa. 2. James Moffett, son of William S b. in Winchendon, Mass., l\lay 7, 1773, by town records. May 9, 1774. by family record lived a few years in Langdon and vicinity, coming to this town 1815. He in. Betsey "Sartwell, b. 1779, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Gleason) Sartwell, and grnnd-dan. of Simon Sartwell •'' (See). He was a farmer, d. April 1, IsSo. His widow d. Sept. 10, 18Go. Ch., — 3. i. Aldex, b. Langdon, Jan. 10, 1806. ii. .Ta.mes, b. 181:2. unni. d. L. Feb. -Jl, 1882. iii. Wir.LiAM, b. L. Oct. 1, 1818. m. Fel). !'.», 18tS, 8,Trali Hobbs. She d. Watert'ord, Vt., May Ki, 1887. lie d. June 2U, IDOO. 4. iv. David, b. L. Dec. 23, 182:j. V. John, res. Erough, Iowa, vi. liETSEV, b. L. July ti, 1824. ni. John Mason Cliarlton (See). 3. Aldex ^Moffett, son of James'-, b. in Langdon, Jan. IG, 180G. m. Jan. 8, 1833, Alinira, dau. of David Plood, and grand-dan. of Paul Fitch " (See), b. in Windham, Vt., March .3, 1810, d. in L. July 3, 188.), Cong. He res. in L. from ISlo until he d., Sept. 17, 1888. Farmer. Republican. Selectman, 1842-9. Appointed Col. 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, June 21, 1832 ; vacated June 1.'), 1833. Ch., b. in L., — i. Alice Maria, b. Aug. 14, 18:^"). unin. res. L. ii. Charles, b. Oct. ;!, 1808. unin. Farmer, res. Lisbon. 5. iii. Frank Tifit, b. Augr. 6, 1841. iv. D vviD Blood, b. Marcli 20, 184:3, d. Fairfax, Va., Nov. 24, 1862. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Private. V. ■ Sewell Tolman, b. March 23, 1847. in. Jan. 14, 1887, Mrs. Al)l>ie Leon- ard. Architect. He d. Soutliern Pines, N. C, July o, ISOti. vi. FuED, b. June 18, 1853. unin. Farmer, d. L. Feb. 21, 1804. Super- visor, 1884 to 00. 344 3Ioffett — Mooney — Moor. 4. David Moffetf, son of. Tamos-, 1». in L. Dec. 23, 1823. in. Jan. 23, 1849, Martha Louise, dan. of Jo.sei)a Tolinan, and grand-dan. of Panl Fitch" (See), b. in Granby, Vt., May 13, 1832, Episcopal. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Republican. Lieut. 11th Co., 32d Reo-t. N. H. Militia, 1848. Ch., b. in L., — i. Susan Auahella, b. Aug. 26, 1853, d. March 14, 1856. ii. Joseph West, b. Marcli 12, 185G. m. Oct. 9, 1880, Mary Organsinger, Glover, res. Johnstown, N. Y. iii. Mattie Susan, b. July U, 1859. m. William Elislia Brovvnson (See). 5. Frank Tii<"ft iNIoffett, son of Alden ^, b. in L. Aug. 6, 1841. m. May 23, 1ractice, regular school, in L., and continued in active work through life. He was a member of the White Mountain Medical Society, the State ^ledical Society, and was a delegate to the American ^ledical Society in 1883, when he became a member. Repuliliean. Board of Health, 1874-5-6-7-87. Co. D, 14th N. H. Lif., Hospital Steward. Representative, 1883-4. Assistant Surgeon 3d Regt. N. H. National Guard, with rank of Capt. Commissioned July 1, 1884; made Surgeon of the same with rank of Major, May 22, 1889 ; resigned May 24, 1894. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. 32^. A. A. S. R. I. O. O. F. G. A. R. (L. Clen., pp. 164 5, Book of Biographies, Grafton Co., p. 406.) Ch., \). in L., — i. Bessie Tuttle, b. March 29, 1875. unm. res. L. grad. Smith's Coll., 1899. ii. GuACE Isabel, b. Dec. 21, 1876. res. L. MOONEY. 1. Olin Joel Mooney, son of Joel Barlow, b. in Dalton, July 13, 1X53. m. INIa}' 1, l'S72, Lydia Jane, dau. of George Washington Car- penter (See), b. in Dalton, Nov. 9, 1856. He has res. in L. since 1877. Farmer. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Florence Mabel, b. Dalton, Dec. 7, 1873. ni. Fred Thorn (See). ii. Harkv, b. Dalton, Nov. 18, 1875, d. L. Dec, 30, 1875. iii. Katiiekine Anne, b. Dalton, Jan. 3, 1876. res. L. iv. Kohert Olin, b. L. Oct. 18, 1881, d. Jan. 12, 1898. V. Ina Meta, b. L. March 20, 1886. MOOR — MOORE. 1. John Mooit, b. in L-cland in 1683, emigrated to America in 1723-4 and settled in Londonderry. He m. Janet . She d. March 8, 1776, aged 89. He d. in Londonderry, Jan. 24, 1774. Moor — 3Ioor('. 345 2. W'li.i.iA.M Moou, son of John ', b. in ITIS. ni. Molly Jack, lie moved to Jk'dford in 171"), where he becunie a pioniinent and uselid citizen ; was one of the [)etitioners I'or incorporation ; a member of the first board of Elders of the Presbvlerian Church, and for many years received frequent and honorable mention in the town recoi'ds. He d. in Bedford, Feb. 17, 17M'J. lie was :i brother of Col. Daniel .Moor of the Kevolution. 3. WiLLiAJi INIooK, son of William-, b. in Uedfoid, Feb. 2!), 17(!(>. m. March 25, 1788, Isabella McClarv. lie was a Ren', soldiei', and for many 3'ears prominent in town atlairs. lie d. in l>edford. May >>, 1811. 4. Adams IMoore, son of William ^ b. in Bedford, Oct. 17. 17!i;». ni. first, dune 1, 1829, Anna IMary, dan. of iMoses Little M!^*'*^'). b. Dec. 4, 180o, d. March .'U, i.sl2. m. second, Aug. l(i, l.si.'i. Maria, dan. of Moses Little'^ (See), b. Jan. 1, 18l)(;. (L. Cen., i)i). :.'.» and i:>L) He res. in L. from 182;) until he d., Nov. ."), iHi')'.). lie was educated in Londonderry, Phillips Academy, and Dart. Coll., from which he grad. in 1822. He commenced stuilyiug medicine in 1821 with Dr. William Burns (See). He attended Dart. Medical Coll. and grad in 1827. He located in L, and practised medicin(; iiere all his life. He belonged to the White Mountain and State Medical Societies. His most important pub- lished work was an epitome of Braithwaite's Medical Retrospect. He was also author of many medical papers read before the societies. Dem- ocrat. Re|)ul)lican after 18r)(). JModerator, 181,'). Fire ward, 182'J- ,')l-2-;)-i-')-G-7-;)-4()-o. Coroner. Frest. White Mt. Med. Assn., 1848-1). He made an extensive collection of material for a history of L., and left several chapters in manuscript nearly completed. Notary public. J. r. Surgeon's JMate, ;52d Regt. N." H. IMilitia, Se[)t. 2:5, 1828. A. F. and A. M., Mornins: Dawn "Lodge. L (). O. F., N. G. ('' People's Journal." Nov. 21, l.Sf;;!. L. ("en., pi). 15;')-4.) Ch., by w. Anna, b. in L., — i. Maria Little, b. Oct. 11, 1830, d. July 8, 1854. ii. IsAHKLLA McClakv, I). Nov. '24, 18;^.5. 111. Edwin V. (!n'C!i (See). iii. Ki.iZAHicTii Adams, b. May 2'.>, 18;17. iii. Kdwiii P. (Jrt'oii (Si'e). iv. Wi 1,1,1AM Ai>ams, b. Marcli 27, bS42, killed at FivderiL'ksl)iir.ir, Va.. Dec. 1;], 18t;2. Co. K, nth N. Y. (l)tiryea's Zouaves), Second Lieut. Co. C, Titb N. II. Int., also First Lient. Co. E, and Capt. Co. H, same Hejit. (" People's Journal," March 21, 18(i;i " Granite .Monthly," Feb., 1894. Biography in Hist 5th Keiit. N. 11. Inf., and address by James 11. Jackson at Camp-lire of Marshal 8aiulers Post, LI. A. R., 1895). Ch., by w. INIaria, b. in L., — V. Anna Mary. b. April 15, 1844, d. April 15, 1844. vi. James White,!) Dec. 11, 184G. m. A[)ril 2, 1874, Caroline E. Granger. Physician, res. N. Y. City. Cadet IJ. 8. Military Academy. MOORE. 5. Robert Moore, son of Isaiah, b. in Ireland, in 18;>0. ni. Noy. 12, LSol, Eliza Jane, dan. of Andrew Jameson, b. in Ireland. Nov. 2i, 18;>1, K[)iscopal. He has res. in L. since 187."). Farmer. Episcopal. Reimblican. Ch. '} 6. i. ii. iii. 7. iv. 8. V. vi. vii. 346 3Ioore. jNIarv Ann, b. Irelniul, Feb. 25, 1853. m. Levvis Eastniiin (See). Uor.EKT John, b. Newcastle-oii- Tj'ue, KntJ;., Marcli 4, 185G. IsAiAii, b. Canadii, April 9, 1858, d. Auir.\ 1859. IsAiAii, b. Inverness, P. Q., July 24, 18(JU. Jajiks Alexanukk, b. ilaiif'ax, P. Q., Oct. 18, 18tj:^. David, b. Halifax, P. Q., July i:], m\C>. Clerk, res. Lowell, Mass. William Aluert, b. Halifax, P. Q., Mav oO, 18G9. Clerk. res. Hard wick, Vt. in. June 28, ]8!ir), l.ela M. Pray, viii. E:\iJiA TuEuiiSA Jane, b. Halifax, P. Q., June 4, 1872. Teacher, res. L. ix. Herhekt Walter, b. L. July 18, 1875, d. Sept. 24, 1882. X. Anson Frederick, b. L. Feb. 18, 1879. 6. RoBKiiT John Mookk, sou of Robert'', h. in Newcastle-on-T3'ne, Eng., March 4, 1850. iii. Jan. 1, 1889, Ida Amanda, dan. of Henry D. iji.s!io|) (See), b. in Lisbon, March 18, 1SG2. He has res. in L. since 187;). Farmer. Cong. Republican. Cli., 1). in L., — i. Henry Herman, b, Auo;. 18. 18'J0. ii. .IiossiE Louise, b. Jan. 11, 18'.I2. iii. David Wi lli am, 1>. April H, 181)3. iv. Herman, b. Marcli 27, 18'.J5. 7. Isaiah Mookk, son of Robert^, b. in Inverness, P. Q., July 24, 18()(). m. Jnne 5, 1888, Ida, dan. of Rnssell Bean, b. in iSherbrooke, P. Q., July 22, 1870, d. in L. Feb. 10, 181)4, Bai)tist. He ni. second, Marj' Jane Smith. He has res. in L. since 187o. Farmer. Methodist. Republican. Ch., — i. Herrert, b. L. Feb. 2, 1894. 8. Jamks Alexander Mooke, son of Robert^, b. in Halifax, P. Q., Oct. 18, 18G;3. ni. April 22, 18U0, Catherine Elizal)eth, dau. of Michael IMcCann, b. in Lyndonville, Vt.. Jan, 11), 1870. He has res. in L. since 187;). Merchant tailor. Republican. He was educated in L. High School and N. H. Agricultural C'oU. Ch.,— i. Howard IIay.aiond, b. L. Nov. 27, 1804. MOORE. 9. RoKEirr Rogeks IMoore, son of Samuel, h. in Irasl:»urg, Vt., April 2;:5, 182G. m. May 5, 1853, Julia A., dau. of Jesse Turner, b. in Mon- roe, Jan. G, 18;:)0,\l. in L. July :M), 18:);3, JNIethodist He has res. in L. since 18G;). Farmer. Methodist. Prohibition. Ch.,— i. William Jesse, b. Jefferson, Aug. 24, 1854. ni. Dec. 31, 1878, Eva F. Heinick. Scale-maker. He d. St. Jolmsbury, Vt., jNIarch 25, 18'J4. She ra. second. May 27, 1895, Fred F. Clark. ii. Dallas Pobert, b. Monroe, Aug. 3, 185G. unm. Laborer, res. L. iii. Anson Curtis, b. L. Aug. 19, 1858. Mo)'iian — Morrill — Morris. 347 MORGAN. 1. CiiAiiLKS SuMNKU INFoRGAN, SOU of Smill), b. ill Plymouth, March •S. l.S.Vl. in. Aug. 17, 187"), Abbio .Iiidith. (hiii. of Joel Spooner, b. in Fraiicoiiia, JNIny 7, 1'liani])t()n, N. Y., Oct. "JiJ, 1878. ii. Ali.h iMoNA, b. L. .\l;iy bj, ISSl'. iii. L.\uiiA Ka( HEL, b. L. i)ec. 18, l^St. MORGAN. 2. Victor r)RADFoi:D jMoi{, d. Johnson. Vt , July 22, 1884. ii. Clarence Bradford, b. Johnson, Vt., July 15, 1885. iii. Violet Bernice, b. Johnson, Vt., Jan. 2;j, 1888. MORRILL. 1. CiiARLKs ITknry Morrill, son of John, b. in Oroton, Sept. 13, 1848. m. Aug. "27, 1874, Luhama Jane, dan. of Jonathan L, Clay, b. ill Plyiiionlh. Fel>. 2C). 1S,34, Methodist. lie has res. in L. since 188;>. IMercthaut. Prohibition. Appointed Postmaster of Apthorp, Feb. 27, 1«8(;. 1. (). (). F. Ch., b. ill Plymouth, — i. William Clvkence, b. O^t. 3, 1875. ni. Jan. 5, 18'.l7, Stella L. Smith. C;ierk. res. L. ii. Bernard Scorr, b. Oct. Hi, 11S80. MORRIS. 1. TnoAFAS iMoRRis. res. in Waltham Holy Cross Abbey. Eng. m. Aug. 24, lli2i), (irissie Hewsone. He d. in Bosttjii, Mass., in 1();j7. 2. EnwAun Mouius, son of Thonias '. b. in Waltham Holy Cross Abbey, Eng., Aug. 1G30. m. Xov. 2b, 1 ('..");'). (iraee Pell. He res. in RoxliuiT, Mass., where he was .Selectman, 1674 to 1687 ; Representa- tive, 1677 to 1687 ; Leader of first settlers of Woodstock, Conn., and first militarv odlcer (Lieut.) of Woodstcjclc, Conn., where he d. Sej^t. 14, 1G89. 3. S.vML'EL Morris, son of E Iward -, b. in Roxbury, Mass., A[)ril 10, 1671. m. first. Hannah Mayo. Second wife unlinown. He d. in Thompson, Conn., Jan. i), 174.'>. 4. Sa:\[Uel JNIoRRis, son of Samuel "', b. in Roxbury, Mass., Aug. lo, 1605. m. in Woodstock, Conn., Oct. .'Jl, 1728, Abigail Bragg, of Bristol, R. L Two of his sons served iu the French and Indian War 348 Morris — Morrison. in Lieut. -Col. P:i3S0ii's Co. He d. in Siiiitlifield, R. I., June lo, 17^.6. 5. WiLLiA^i iNIouRis, son of Samuel ■*, h. in Wyanexit Thompson P\irm, Conn., Nov. "iS, 1740. m. Feb. 5, 1778, fSarali Bovven. He was a farmei', and clerk of the Co. of Minute ]Men from Wocjdstock, Conn., and served in the Rev. War in Capt. Lyon's Co. He res. in Woodstock, Conn., and West Fairlee, Vt., where he d. 6. William Moniioe Morris, son of William ^, b. in Woodstock, Conn., Aug. 28, 178.3. m. May 11, 1815, Esther P. SouLhworth, b. April 30, 1792, d. in Vershire, Vt., April 28, 18G8. He was a farmer, res. in Wentwortii ten years, where he was several yeai's Selectman. Soldier of War of 1812-15, and pensioner, Cong. d. in Vershire, Vt., Feb. 9, 1873. 7. Gkorgk Fraxklin Morris, son of William Monroe '', b. in W'ent- wortli. May 30, 1825. m. Feb. 3, 1853, Lydia M. Fuller, of Vershire, Vt. He res. in Bradford, Vt. Mason by trade. 8. Chauncf.y C. Morris, son of George Franklin ', 1). in Bradiford, Vt. , Jan. 13, 1859. m. Sept. G, 1882, Augusta C!aroline, dan. of John Steele, b. in Concord, Oct. 22, 1859,. Cong, lie res. in L. from Nov., 1883 to 1898. He was for many years a telegraph operator in Brad- ford, Vt., Woodsville, and L , and for several shears teller in L. Savings Bank. Cong. Repu!)lican. Corresponding Secretary', L. Musical Asso- ciation. 1893. He res. in Bradford, Vt. Ch., - i. Ralph Eugene, h. llaverliill, Sept. .3, 1883. ii. Arthur Steele, b. L. Jul}' 20, 1891. 9. Gkorge Franklin Morris, son of Josiah, and grandson of Wil- liam Monroe ^ b. Vershire, Vt , April 13, 18GG. m. May 16, 1894, Lula J. Aldrich, dan. of Charles and Persis Aldrich of Lisbon. He grad. at Vermont State Normal School, Randolph, 1885. He studied law with Smith & Sloan, and was admitted to the bar at Montpelier, October, 1891, admitted to tlie New Hani|)shire Bar, 1893. He res. in Lisbon, where he has been in active practice since admission to the Bar. Count}' Solicitor, 1899-1901. MORRISON. 1. Daniel Morrison, probably res. in Newburv', Mass., about 1690. 2. Daniel Morrison, son of Daniel ^, settled in Gilraanton. 3. William Morrison, son of Daniel'-, b. ]\Lirch 18, 1715. m. Abigail Trefethen, b. April G, 1755, d. Julv <3, 1831. He d. March 2, 1811. 4. Samuel Morrison, son of William •\ b. in Exeter, March 18, 1783. m. Sally Kelley, b. Aug. 1789, d. May 7, 1877. He moved to Betlilehem from Gilmanton about 1800. d. in Bethlehem, July 19, 1869. 5. William Moi;rlson, son of SamueP, b. in Bethlehem, June, 1817. m. in 1841, Mary E., dan. of John Oilman, b. in Cam[)ton aliout 1820, d. in Bethlehem, in 1884, Methodist. He res. in Bethlehem, Morrison — Morse. 349 where he d., Feb. 1894. Fanner. Democrat. A. F. and A. "M.. Burns Lodge. Cli.. — 8. i. CuAKLKs Oilman, b. Ki'tlilchoni, Dec. 2, 18K). 6. GiL>rA\ Kki.lkv Morkisox, son of Samnel •*, b. in Betlilehem, Ang. G. 1821. m. Dec. 20, 1841, Mary Jane, dan. of Dndle^' Folsoni Ladd •' iSro), b. in Holderness, May 18, 1818, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1881. Farmer. Metliodist. Democrat. Lient. 1st Co. Light Inf.,32d Regt. N. M. Militia, 1850. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., b. in Bethlehem, — i. George, b. Feb. 16, 1847. d. Bethlehem, Sept. 10. 1848. ii. E.MMA Jane, b. Sept. 1, 1850. ni. Rev. Burton .Minard (See). 7. John Colby Morrison, son of Samuel "*, h. in Bcthleliem, INLay 26, 1821). m. Fel). 20, 184-1, Mary Parisii, dan. of Ebenezer Edwards, b. in Lticonia, Feb. 24, 1829, Cong. Me res. in L. since 1880. d. Oct. 23, 1898. Blacksmitii. Cong. Democrat. Ch., — i. Clara Bell, b. Betlileliein, Aiil;. 11, 1845. m. Daniel Webster Kanlett (See). ii. John P'ranklin, b. St. Jolmsbnry, Vt., Feb. 12, 1857. m. 1883, Emma Gardner. C/ontractor. res. Springfield, Mass. 8. Cii.vRi.ES Gn.MAN INloRRisoN, son of William^, b. in Bethleliem, Dec. 2, 1840. ra. Dec. 25, 1878, Sue Caroline, dau. of Samuel Alden Edson (See), b. in L. Dec. 16, 1849, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1878. Farmer. Democrat. No ch. MORRISON. 9. J.A."vrKs Barnes Morri.son, son of Z. Nowell, b. in Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 2, 1849. unm. He was educated in the Haverhill, .Mass., schools, and commenced the study of theology in 187.'), in the INIead- ville Theological Sciiool, from which he grad. in 1877, and was ordained in Haverhill, Mass., the same year. He was located as a Unitarian minister in Nantucket, Mass., from 1877 to 1880; Lancaster, 1880 to 1890, supplying the Unitarian church of L. from 18S1 to 1888 ; Laconia, 1890, until lie d., Sept. 22, 189(). Under his administration in L. the Unitarian church was erected, in 1S84, and the society oi'ganized and placed upon a substantial basis for effective denominational work. A. F. and A. M. K. T. MORSE. The name was originally De IMors, which was changed to INlors. INIorce is an ancient name of Norman origin, and was changed to Moss. Godefridus de la ^lorse of Normandy held a fief from Philip Augustus of the honour of Malherbe. (Norman People, p. 338.) The coat-of- arms of Hugo de Mors, 1358, was 500 years old at the time of Edward. The motto is, "In God, not arms. Trust." (Memorial of the family of Morse, for Hon. Asa Porter Morse, b}- Henry Dutch Lord, Boston, 1889.) 350 31orse. 1. Anthony iMousic, h. in IMarlborough. Wiltshire, Eng., Ma_y 0, IfiOG. m. Mary . ni. second Ann , wlio d. in Nowbury, INIass., JNIarch 9, lG7U/8(). He emigrated from Eng., and settled in Newbnry, Mass., in 1635, with his bro. William. lie d. in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 12, 1686. Four ch., b. in Eng. Ten b. in Newbury, Mass. 2. Anthony IMorse, son of Anthony \ b. in J^ng. m. first, May 8, 1C(;0, Elizabeth Knight,' d. July 2!), 1667. m. seco^nd, Nov. 10, 1660, Mary IJarnard. He d. Feb. 25, 1677-8. Eiaht cli. His widow, Mar}', in. Aug. 22, 1678, Pliilip Eastman, b. Dec. 30, 1641, son of Roger, the emigrant ancestor. Philip Eastman removed from Haverhill, Mass., to Woodstock, Conn., before 1695. 3. Anthony Morse, son of Anthony '-, b. in Newbury, Mass., Jan. 1, 1662-3. m. Feb. 4, 1685, Sarah Pike. d. Jan. 2, 1717-18. He res. in Newbur}', Mass., where he d., 1710. Eleven ch. 4. Stephen Morse, son of Anthony ^, b. in Newbury, Mass., Dec. 28, 16'J5. m. in 1725, Elizabeth Worth. Six ch. He was a deacon. 5. Stephen M<»r.'^e, son of vStephen ■*, b. in Newl)ury, INIass., in 1727-8. m. Ma}- 26, 1749, Judith Carr. He res. in Newbury, Mass., where he d., Jinie 1, 1753. 6. Stephen IMorse, son of Stephen ^ b. in Newbury, Mass., May 1, 1751. m. in 1777, Sarah P>ayley. He liore the title of Capt., and is said to have moved to Haverhill. Eight ch. He d. Ai)ril 29, 1825. 7. Joseph IMop.se, son of Stephen '', b. in Newbury, IMass., Aug. 29, 1786. m. Lucretia, dau. of Capt. Samuel Wetherbee '^ (See). She d. in West Concord, Vt., Jan. 21, 1822. aged 34 years. He moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1816. After the death of his w. Lucretia he ni. again. 8. MosES NoYEs Morse, son of Stephen ^ b. in Haverhill, in. May 15, 1806, Hannah G. Sanborn. He d. in Haverhill. 9. John F. Morse, son of Moses Noyes ^, b. in Haverhill, .June 8, 1828. m. June 15, 1854, Susan, dau. of Carletoa Johnson of Bath. He res. in Bath. 10. Harry M. Morse, son of John F.^ b. in Haverhill, IMarch 22, 1857. m. Doc. 31, 1889, Helen, dau. of John Norris Oakes (See), b. in Franeonia, Jan. 31, 1863. He was educated in the Haverhill and Lisbon High Schools, and commenced the study of law with John L. Foster (See), where he remained one year. He then studied with Ed- w^ard D. Rand (See) two years, and was admitted to the Bar in Concord, Aug. 31, 1880. He located in Lisbon, and was, until the death of Ed- ward D. Rand, a [)artner in tlie firm of Rand & Morse. He was after- ward a member of the firm of Morse r dealer, res. Lancaster, viii. Louisa, b. Lyman, m. Barnard Burt, farmer, res. Haverhill. i.\-. Smith, b. Lyman, Fel). 11, ISIl. m. Julia Linerson. Farmer, res. Lancaster. Co. B, OtIi N. H. Inf. X. Mauv, 1). L\ man, Dec. "io, 181:-]. in. Roswell Sargent (See). xi. AnifiAii,, b. Lyman, Dec. 25, 1813. in. Jesse Bradford, farmer, res. Salem. 12. Ebenezer AYicbstkr INIorse, son of Ohediah ", b. in Haverhill, in 1793. ni. first, Lonisa Orinsi)v, d. in N. Y. m. second, March i), 182'), Mary Ann Applebee, 1). in Lisbon in 1801), d. in Whitefield, April 1, 1871. lie res. in L. from 1812 to IS'iL Lnmliertnau and farmer. Democrat. Soldier. War of 1812-14. d. in Whitefield, Dec. 1872. Cli., by w. Lonisa, — i. Louisa, b. N. Y. d. Methiien, Mass. Ch., b. w. INIary Ann, — ii. 1:liza Anx, 1). Whitefield, Jan. 1, 1828. in. J. Thomas Whitney, farmer. She d (iroveton. iii. Anoki.ine M, h. Haverhill, Marcli 10, 18:11. m. 1840, Jesse B. Smith, millman. He d. Whiletield, Aj)ril 15, ISUl. iv. Kimi'.ai.l a., b. Lislion, 18.;:!. m. first, Ann A. Boyce. m. second, Ellen Chandler. Farmer. He d. Landalf. v. Lydia D., l8o5, b. Lisbon, m. Jose[)h Bailev, farmer, res. Trov, Vt. vi. EuENKzr.R W., b. 18o8, (1. 1841. vii. Makv Jask, b. L. 1840. m. first, James Evans, in. second, George I'lace. She d. L. Is75. viii. Lewis, b. Lisbon, June, 1812. m. Melissa Smith. Farmer. He d. Whitefield, 18!):!. ix. GAUAriiELiA, b. L.July, 1844. m. first, Charles Thompson, m. second, Joseph Kerwin. She d Whitefield, ls74. X. Yalkntine, b. Whiti'field, l-K;, d. Whiletield, 18(37. 13. CiEORCE Webster INIorse, son of Oliver and or.-mdson of Obe- diah'^b. in L. Jan. 29, 18;5(;. m. Nov. 2:!, 18,')9r Rebecca, dan. of Warren Elliott (See), b. in D.-ilton, Nov. If). 1842, Baptist. He res. in L. in yontli, and since 1871. Farmer. Democrat. Private, Co. E, 14th N. H. Inf. A. F. and A. M., Ihuns Lodge. Ch., — i. Irving G., b. AVhitefield, Feb. 20, IStjl. ni. first, Lydia Dur-in. Di- vorced. 111. second, 18'.)0, Lizzie I'olles. Lumberman, res. Conway. ii. AlrCLELLAN W., b. Stanstead, P. Q., Nov. l(j, 1805. m. first, Sept. K!, 1885, Annie E. Buckley, d. July 9, 1886. in. second, July 4, 1887, Marv E. Dovle. Clerk, res. Nashua. iii. Cakrie S., b.' L. Jhiy 4, 1872. in. Sept. 23, 1889, George Mills, laborer, res. L. 352 3Iorse. MORSE. 14. Joseph Whkat Morse, son of Joseph, b. in Hopkinton, INIass., Dee. 1, 17(!3. m. tirst, Jan. 12, 1787, Annis Burnett, b. in Barre, IMass., d. about 17.S,S. ni. second, 8e[)t. 10, 1790, Susanna, dau. of Henry Bemis (See), b. in Packersfield (Nelson), Feb. 24, 1774, d. in L. April 14, 1865. Cong. He res. in L. from 1791 nntil he d., Feb. 21, 1842. Farmer. Whig. Ch., by w. Susanna, all but Nancn* b. in L., — i. Nancy, b. Concord, Vt., May 11, 1791. m. Obediali Carpenter (See). ii. Clarissa, b. Jan. 12, 1797. m. Nov. 2, 1814, Nathan K. Hawes, Jr., farmer. They d. Wisconsin, iii. Annis M., b. Nov. 7. 1798. m. Thomas Bickford i (See). iv. KuTH, b. Nov. 21, 1801, d. L. March 19, 1803. V. Susanna, b. Oct. 21, 180o. m. tirst, March 18, 1829, John Hurd. ni. second, Oct. 14, 1830, John M(jrse, farmer. Both d. Concord, Vt. 1.5. vi. Silas, b. July 2, 1807. 16. vii. Samuel Taylor, b. July 5, 1809. 15. Silas Morse, son of Joseph Wheat ^^ b. in L., July 2, 1807. m. first, July 30, 1828, Rhoda B., dau. of Luther Pike, b. in Waterford, Vt. , Aug. 20, 1808, d. in L., June, 1. Nov. 1''^, 182!). m. June, lymaii, June 27, 1810. viii. Anne, b. .June 8, 180ti. m. Herod Stevens (See). 7. i-v. (lAniuEL Gibson, b. April 20, 1810. N. Saisiuna, b. .July 20, 1811. m. Jesse Bailey, farmer, res. Toyman, xi. Nathan, b. March 10, 1814. m. Susan Wheeluck. Farmer, d. L. Auii. 23, 1805. xii. John FuANKLiN, b. (3ct. 3, ISIG. unm. Farmer, res. L. Original three months' man, Co. C, 5tli N. II. Inf. Private. G. A. R. d. Aug. 14, 18',t8. 7. GAintiEL GiiisoN Moulton, son of Jonathan '', b. in Lyman, April 26, 1810. m. first, Jan. 10, 1836, Sophia P., dau. of Moses Walker, b. in Lyman, April 5, 1817, d. in Lyman, Jan. 1850. m. second, Aug. 11, 1S50, Hannah II., dau. of Luther Hoskins (See), b. in Lvman, Aug. 3, 1824. He res. in L. since 1804, d. July 28, 1899. Farmer. Re- publican. Ill 3IouJton. 355 Cli., l\v w. Sophia, 1). in Lyiiiaii, — i. MosKS W., 1). Jan. G, 18;]7. ni. first, Jiili. Aug. 18, 181(i. ni. Atijiiistiis Hill, farmer, res. II(^liler, 111. 8. John ^Toklton, son of John nnd grandson of Xoali "', b. in ]jy- ...an, .lull. 'Id, 179G. ni. June 2i), 182U, Lncv C, dan. of Calvin Titus, h. in Lyman, Oct. L^O. ISOO, d. in Lyman, i)oc. 2o, l.SDL Univorsalist. Jjucys moUicr wn.s tlie fu'st wiiite child born in Wells liiver. V^t. Mvv maiden name was Chamberlain. John res. in L. frcjm ISU to LSIS. Farmer. Uiiiversalist. Democrat. Selectman, 1.S15. ,1. P. d. in Lyman, Feb. 23, 1886. Ch., b. in Lyman, — i). i. Lowell Deauisorn, 1). April 20, ]8;]0. ii. Celist.v, 1). Anij. '11, is:)!. m. Orrison W. Chaffee (See). iii. Meukitt S., b. Feb. 1, 181L Farmer. 9. LowEi.i. I)i:.\i;i;<>i;x Moilton, son of John '\ b. in Lyman, April 2U, 1830. m. Nov. 8, 18()2, Cordelia Brackett. dan. of LeT()X, son of Lowell Dearborn'', b. in Lan- datf, .^lay 20, I860, m. Se[)t. 28, 1892, Louvia, dan. of Allison W. Lathrop (See), b. in Dalton, Sept. 9, 1872. lie res. in L. most of his life until 1894. jMarketman. res. in Portland, JNIe. Ch., — i. Maurice Elwin, b. L. Oct. 9, 1805. 11. P>l:mer Cooeidge JMollton, son of Noah, grandson of John, and great-grandson of Noah'', b. in Westmoreland, Jan. 9, 1823. in. Han- nah, dan. of Herod Stevens (See), b. in Lyman, Jan. 22. 18;)0. He res. in L. from 1848 to 1898, d. in Bethlehem, April 19, l.s9!i. Farmer. Democrat. Co. D, 13th N. II. Inf. Private. (L A. K. Ch., — i. Gertrude Anna, b. L.Jan. 22, 1848. MOULTON. in 12. Frank P. Moui.ton, son of Joseph, 1). in Parsoiisfield. jNI 18,J1. m. Jan. 27, l.ssi, Rachel K., dan. of Thomas White. 1). in Dresden, JNIe., l\Iay 8. 185,'). Methodist. He was educated in th(! schools of Livingston and Limerick, ^le., and pre])ared for Coll. in 356 MonJton — Mozrall. Nichols' Latin School, Lewiston, Me. He grad. from Bates Coll. at the head of his class in 1874. Principal L. High School, 1874 to 1877. Prof, of Latin and Greek in New Hampton Li.stitntion, 1877-8-9 ; As- sociate Principal, 1879 to 1885. Principal of Waltham, Mass., schools, 1885 to 1890. Prof, of Latin in Hartford, Conn. High School since 1.S90. Free Baptist. (L. Cent., p. 217.) Ch., - i. llAKOLD C, b. New Hampton, Feb. 28, 1882. ii. Marion, b. New Hampton, Jan. 8, 1884. iii. Cai!I- Francis, b. New Hampton, Ajjril 26, 1885. iv. Jasper Koland, b. Waltham, Mass., June 26, 1890. MOULTON. 13. Edwin P. Moultox, son of Eli. h. in Corinth, Vt., Oct. 11. 1848. ni. in 1872, JMary Ella Foss. He was educated in the common schools, Laconia Academ\', New Hampton .Institution, and Green Mountain (Vt.) Seminary. He pursued a private; course of theological study, and was ordained a Free Bai)tist minister in L., June 7, 1874. He has been located in the ministry as follows: L., May, 1874, to Feb. 1876; Alton, Feb. 1876, to Dec. 1879; Rochester, Dec\ 1879,to May, 1885; Pittsfield, May, 1885, to Nov. 1888; Somerville, Mass., Nov.'l888, to 1898, and now at Nashua. Delegate to General Conference, Marion, Ohio, 18S6, and Lowell, 1892. Supt. of Schools, Alton, two }ears. L O. O- F. Two ch. d. in infancy. MOZRALL. 1. .TosKPH ]\IozR.\LL, son of Nicholas, b. in St. -Tohns, N. B., Feb. 9, 18.'M. ni. Oct. 23, 1858, INLxry Adelaide, dau. of Joseph Lucia, b. in Kinsey, Canada, Sept. 11, 1839, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1853. Laborer. Roman Catholic. Ch., b. in L., — i. Mary Adelaidk, b. April 21, 1861. m. John P. Prescott (See). 2. ii. Ben.ja.min, b. Feb. 21, 1864. iii. GiLisEUT, b. Sept. 17, 1866. unm. res. L. iv. .Joseph, b. May 29, 1868. unm. res. L. V. Charles, b. Sept. lo, 1869. unm. res. L. vL. Ellen Louise, b. Aug. 18, 1871. m. James Place (See). vii. Jerry, b. March 27, 1874, d. L. Aug. 17, 1874. viii. Isabel, b. June 23, 1877. ix. Emma Matilda, b. Nov. 27, 1883. 2. Bknjamin Mozrall, son of Joseph \ b. in L. Feb. 21, 18G4. ni. Sei)t. 27. 1.S85, Mary E., dau. of Michael J. Butler, b. in Charlestown, Mass., Dec;. 25, 18(U, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. all his life. Laborer. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch., 1». in L., — i. Mary Adelaide, b. July 27. 1886. ii. Ellen Louise, b. July 24, 1888. 3Iud, 18, most of the time. Glove inaiinfr. Advent. Republican. I. O. O. F. Ch.,— i. IIakold B., b. L. Dec. 15, 1888. MULLIKEN. 1. Sylvanus p. Mullik?:x, son of John, b. in Manchester, x\pril 23, 1817. m. Jan. 1, 1845, Lnthera, dan. of John Emerson, b. in Barnet, Vt., Nov. 10, 1821, d. in L. Oct. 22, 1859, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1845 to 18()8. d. in Bow. Farmer. Methodist. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Emma L., b. Jan. 2?„ 1848. m. first, July 28, 18G7, Jolin A. P Gamwell, farmer, d. May 27, 18(58. m. second, March 23, 1882, Herniaii E. Jewell, pulp maniitr. re.s. Concord, ii. Phinehas G., b. Jan. 3, 1850, d. L. April, 1852. iii. Frank P., b. April 15, 1852. ni. Nov. 1875, Jennie White. She d. Bar- net, Vt., Nov. 3, 1891. iv. Amanda L., b. June 4, 1857. m. Oct. 29, 1879, Victor C. Beecher, car- penter. She d. Stratford, April, 1883. 2. George jNIulliken, son of John, b. in N. H. in 182G. m. Eliza- beth, dau. of Daniel Fitzgerald ^ (See), 1). in L. in l8oG. He res. in L. from 1847 to 1SG8. Millwright. No ch. MYOTT. MAILHOT. 1. Louis Myott, son of Ezra, b. in Lisbon. May 10, 1851). ni. Sept. 18, 1879, Angeline, dau. of Francis Woods, b. in St. Johnsbnry, Vt., Oct. 4, 1862, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1871. Car- penter. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch., — i. Willie, b. L. Nov. 1, 1880. 2. P^ZRA Myott, son of Ezra, b. in L. Dee. 27, 18G8. in. Aug. 2G, 1889, Josephine, dau. of John Rancour, b. in Canada, May 10, 18G9, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. all his life. Laborer. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Annie, b. Dec. 26, 1890. ii. Angeline, b. March 15, 1895. 358 Nehon — Nich oh — Nohh NELSON. 1. John T. Nelson, b. 1806. ni. Jan. 27, 1829, Mary (Batchellor) Bmt, (lau. of Isaac Batchellor (See), and widow of John Burt (See). Res. in Bethlehem, where he d. She m. third, April 14, 186-4, Timothy P. Turner. Siie d, in Bethlehem, April 16, 1871. Ch.. — i. .Jame;~ S., b. Feb. 27, ISol. res. Salem, Mass. NELSON. 2. Robert H. Nelson, son of Stephen, b. in Newbury, Vt. in. April 30, 1851, Lydia Jane, dau. of George Wetherell (See), b. in Bath, Sept. !), 18ol, Cong. He res. in L. from aljoiit 1850 to 1854. d. in Chicago, 111., Fei). 17, 1862. He was the lii'st station agent on the White Moun- tains Railroad. Cong. Republican. Ch.,— i. Ellen Louisk, b. Cbirago, 111., Dec. 19, 1854. m. Sept. 9, 1870, Juhn F. Harrinian, druggist. She d. Concord, Feb. 7, 1894. NICHOLS. 1. Solomon Niciiol.s, b. in Concord, Vt., Sept. 9, 1796. in. March 25, 1819, Lavina, dau. of John Adams, b. in Concord, V"t., Feb. 6, l.sOO, d. in Ogdensburg, Wis., in 1886. He res. in L. from 1839 to 1851. Cooper, d. in Ogdensburg, Wis., in 1882. Ch.. i. Ira B., b. Concord, Vt., Nov. 27, 1819. ni. 1850, Mary Teel. Farmer. Slie d. Feb. 2, 1852. ii. Lucy M., b. Concord, Vt., April 30, 1821. m. 1811, David Jones, farmer. He d. 1894. Slie d. 1891. iii. Maht D., b. Concord, Vt.. July 11, 1822, d. Feb. 22, 1844. iv. Preston '\\, b. Concord, Vt , Nov. 17, 1823. m. Jan. 7, 1847, bucretia C. Wliitcomb. Painter. He d. Lymi, Mass., May, 1895. She d. Dec. 1894. V. l^ANNY Noble, b. Fairfield, Me., Sept. 17, 1826. m. John Carleton Nurse (See). vi. Thomas R., h. Fairfield, Me., May 17, 1829. m. Feb. 13, 1851, Caroline T. Dow. Painter, res. Lynn, IMass. vii. Sally A., b. Fairfield, Me., Oct. 23, 1830. m. first, June 17, 1847, John Smith, farmer, m. second, Neal. res. Ogdensburg, Wis. viii. Ada LINE L., b. Fairfiehl, Me., May 20, 1832, d. Fairfield, Me., Jan. 27, 1833. i.\-. Polly A., b. Fairfield, Me., Sept. 28, 1833. unm. d. Ogdensburg, Wis., Jan. 19, 1890. X. Lyman 1)., b. Fairfield, Me., Sept. 24, 1836, d. L. July 9, 1849. xi. Homer R., b. Fairfield, Me., May 21, 1838. m. 1859, Martha Treadway. Painter, res. Oshkosh, Wis. xii. IIiR.AM L. R., b. L. June 27, 1842. m. 1803, Sarah Mclntire. Painter, res. Cape Nedick, Me. NOBLE. 1. Thomas Noble, b. in Eng., emigrated to America, and settled in Westfield, Mass., where he d. Jan. 20, 1704. Kohle — Nohlen — Noiseu.r. 359 2. James Noble, son of Thomas \ h. in AVostfiold, IMass., April 22, l»i77. ni. Feb. 24, 1704, Catlierine Iligley. lie res. in W(!sUield, ]\Iuss., where he <1. April 22, 1712. 3. 1)avii> Xoi'.i.K, son of James'-, b. in Westficld, iNfass., JNIareli 3, 17, IfiGl. m. ,Ian. lo, 1(585, Sarah Tarbell. 3. Ukn.iamin Nuksk, son of Francis -, b. in Keading, INIass., July 28, 1690. m. Dec. 24, \lVo, Elizabeth Roberts, b. in lleadino-. IVIass.. Aug. o, 1(190, dan. of Abraham and Sarah Roberts. He removed to Harvard, Mass., about 1735. His wife d. in Harvard, M.ay 29, 1739. He m. second, in Harvard, INlay 13, 1740, Hannah (Rogers) Atherton, widow- of Joseph Atherton of Harvard. He removed to Rutland, Mass., and in 1747 was a- committee to petition the General Court to fortify the town. He d. Jan. 6, 17()1. She d. Dec. 9, 170.'). 4. Bkn.tamin Nurse, son of Benjamin "', b. in Reading, Mass., Dec. 9, 1710, removed witli liis fatiier altout 1740 to Rutland, JNIass. He m. Sept. 1, 1740, IMartha Marble of Petersham, Mass., b. Jan. 29, 171C). In 1772 he removed from Rutland to Packersfield, now Nelson, and is named in the records of the settlement of that town. In 177G he and his son Benjamin signed the Association Test with the other patriots of Packersfield. To ISenjamin Nurse is credited three enlistments during the Revolution. On account of the age of the father, it is presumed that tlie son, Benjamin, performed the greater part of the service. Two of the three terms of service include in part the same time which awards one enlistment at least to the father. He removed, 178('>, to tiiis town, where he d., June 20, l.sO(j. His widow, Martha, d. July 5, 1807. Ch., I), in Rutland, Mass., — i. Martha, b. Feb. 3, 1741/2. m. Rutland, July 2, 17G1, John Lo Hourreau. ii. Sarah, b. Aug. 2, 1744. m. Ruthind, Dec. 3, 17G7, James PhilHps of Hubbarilston, Mass. 5. iii. RivN.TAiMiN, b. Feb. 7, 1740/7. iv. Susannah, b. Dec. 26, 174'.*. ni. Henry Bemis (See). V. .John, b. March 7, 1753, d. Sept. 2(3, 1756. vi. Hepsibah, b. July 1, 1755. m. Nov. 30, 1768, Ceplias Rugg. 6. vii. Jonas, b. .July 7, 1757. 7. vii. John, b. May 18, 1700. 5. Benjamin Nurse, son of Benjamin ^ b. in Rutland, Mass., Feb. 7, 1740/7. m. in Rutland, Dec. 4, 1772, Mercy Stevens, b. in Rutland, April 5, 1751, dan. of Isaac and Abigail (Parling) Stevens. Isaac Stevens was the 3'ounger brother and companion in captivity of Phineas Stevens. He m. April 11, 1743, Mercy Hubbard, dan. of Ca'pt. John Hubbard. She d. Aug. 27, 1740, and he m. second, Abigail Parling. Benjamin Nurse settled in Packersfield with his father and brothers, in 1772. Rev. soldier. He removed to this town 1800, ami after 1820 he had a home with his son Phinehas in Keene. He d. in Keene, April 20, 1S41. She d. April 28, 1S41. Both were buried the same day. Ch., Tkrsis, b. Rutland, I\Iass., May 4, 1773. m. June 12, 179G, Samuel Carter, b. 1709, son of Samuel and Chnritv (Van Nostrand) Carter, res. Keene. He d. May 27, 1818. Slie d. Jan. 14, 18(33. Ten chil- dren. 362 Nurse. 8. ii. PniNEiiAS, b. Nelson, Dec. 25, 1774. iii. Silas, b. Nelson, Nov. 4, 1776. m. Feb. 21, 1802, Kebecca Carpenter, b. Keeiie, Feb. 27, 1778, dan. of Ebenezer ami Pnnlence (Carter) Car- penter, res. Westmoreland. He d. June 13, 1846. iv. IsA.'Vc, b. Nelson, Sept. 8, 1770. ni. Eiiiiiee Parker. V. Betsey, b. Nelson, Aug. 19, 1781, d. Sept. 2, 1795. vi. Benjamin, b. Nelson, May 27, 1783. ni. Sall}^ Grimes, b. April 28, 1785, dau. of Bartholomew Grimes of Marlborough and Keene. vii. Calvin, b. Nelson, Aug. 13, 1785. viii. Abigail, b. April 28, 1786. ix. Francis, b. May 13, 1788. X. Sally, b. April 3, 1790. m. Lockliart WiUard, res. L. 1796-8. xi. Akathusa, b. April 6, 1793. m. Joim Levourbeau, sometime written Ijebourveau and earlier Le Bourreau. The name is of Huguenot origin, xii. Charity, b. Aug. 13, 1795. in. Ephraiin Wright, xiii. Hebecca, b. Dec. 3, 179G. m. Aaron Davis. 6. Jonas Nurse, son of Benjamin'*, b. in Rutland, Mass., July 7, 17.')7. He came to this town 1787. Selectman, 17S9. Fanner and inn-holder. He m. April 14, 1791, Jemima Farnsworth. He d. in this town, Jan. 31, 1809. She m. second, John Nurse' (See). Ch., b. in L., — i. Francis, b. July 18, 1792, d. Aug. 17, 1792. ii. Ira, b. Aug. 25, 1793, d. Jan. 13, 1815. iii. Martha, b. Dec. 26, 1795. m. Samuel Goodwin (See). iv. Benjamin, b. Aug. 22, 1797. V. Horace, b. April 11, 1799, d. Oct. 3, 1800. vi. Jonas, b. May 24, 1801, d. March 24, 1802. 9. vii. Oliver F., b. Aug. 23, 1804. viii. Jonas, b. April 9, 1807. m. Hannah Seymour. Lived in Bangor, Me., and in L. A full record of the family is not received. Two sons, Charles Orrin and Frank Oliver. 7. John Nurse, son of Benjamin ^, b. in Rutland, Mass., IMay 18, 1760. m. May 14, 1787, Vashti Howe. She d. May 5, 1814. He m. second, Nov. ;"), 1815, Jemima (Farnsworth) Nurse, widow of his brotlier Jonas. She d. He m. third, Eunice . Ch., — i. Vashti, b. Jan. 13, 1786. m. Jonathan Lovejoy (See). 10. ii. John, b. Feb. 13, 1788. 11. iii. Timothy, b. May 10, 1790. iv. Peusis, b. Feb. 7, 1792. m. Nehemiah Hoskins (See). V. Lucy, b. March 17, 1795. in. Daniel Fitzgerald (See). vi. Rachel, b. Aug. 1, 1796. m. Jan. 11, 1816, Stephen Shattuck, farmer, res. Bethlehem. 12. vii. Oliver, b. June 17, 1708. 13. viii. Jonathan, b. Dec. 14, 1800. ix. Sally, b. March 2, 1803. m. Jonathan Carman. Lived in Lowell, Mass. She d. Dec. 14, 1880. • X. Arethusa, b. Nov. 19, 1805. m. March 15, 1827, Warren Chapin. res. Haverliill. xi. LocKHART WiLLARD, b. March 3, 1808. res. Calais, Vt. m. Sybel Pray, d. Oct. 28, 1888. 8. PniNKHAS NuRSR, son of Benjamin ^ 1). in Nelson, Dec. 25, 1774. m. Anna Thompson, dau. of Thomas 'i'homi)son. He res. in L. 180G to 1820. Selectman, 1808-9. From this town he removed to Keene. He was a prosperous farmer and a substantial citizen. He d. Juue 13, 1846. Nurse. 363 Cli., V. to X. h. L., the others b. in Kcone, — i. Calvin, b. Aug. 11, 17".t9. ni. Feb. 11, 1829, Abijjail Nims, b. Keene, •July :], 180.j,"(liui. of David and Abii^ail (Carter) Nims. m. second, Caroline I^oekeof I.exirijiton, Mass. ii. LuTiiEFj. 1). Dec. "24, 18UU. mini. res. Keeno. Kepresentative. d. April 15, 18SB. iii. Okorge, b. Dee. 27, 1802. ni. Catlierine Sawyer, iv. I'liiNKiiAS, b. Sej)t. 20, 1804. ni. Julia Jackson. V. Betsey, b. Oct. 21, 180G. ni. Setli Ileaton. res. Sau^us, Mass. vi. Thomas, b. Marcli 22, 1809. ni. Sally Dodge. Hotel business, d. in I'ennsyivania. vii. Uebecca, b. Dec. 22, 1811. m. Josepli L. Kidder, res. Saugus, Mass. viii. I'oLLY HinwELi,, b. May 14, 1814, unni. d. Keene, Oct. 28, 1888. i.\. I'ATTV, b. Nov. 21, 181«; d. L. June 9, 1818. X. Joseph FuYE, 1). Marcli 4, 1819. unni. Stone-mason, d. Oct. 4, 1890. xi. GtiY, 1). Sept. 20, 1821. unin. d. Keene about 1840. xii. Aluen Spi{A(;i;e, b. Sejit. 20, 182G. unni. d. Deming, 111., 1895. 9. Olivku F. NiTUSE, son of Jona.s'^, b. in L. Aug. 23, 1804. pnb. ]M:iicli 'J, 1829, Ruth W. Uriggs, 1). in Lyman, March, 18ur., d. in L. Oct. 8, 187(!. She m. second, Kev. John Norris. m. third, Kzra lirooks (.See). Oliver res. in L. from liirth to 18r)G, d. in IJethlehem, jNIarcii 17, 1857. Farmer. JMetliodist. Ch.,— i. Infant Son, b. L., d. L. Feb. 24, 18.^0. ii. Oliver F., b. L. Nov. 1882, d. L. M.-iy 11, 1834. iii. Jonas S. B., b. L. Feb. 10, 18:)5, <1 Feb. 0, 1801. iv. Laura A., b. L. Jan. 18:59, d. L. Feb. 4, 1842. v. Sarai'hina II., b. L. May, 1841, d. L. Feb. 20, 1842. 10. John Nuksk, son of Joiin ", b. in Keene, Feb. 13, 1788. m, Nov. (1, 1813, Vasliti, dau. of Sherman Sliattuck, b. in Ipswich, Mass.. Dec. 15, 1788, d. in Whitefield, Dec. 24, 18G4. He res. in L. from 1792 to 1851. Farmer, d. in Haverhill, May G, 187G. Ch., 1). in L., — i. Sherman .Shattuck, b. Oct. 1, 1814. m. Adaline Linfield. He d. Graf- ton, Sept. 22, 1895. ii. Hannah, b. Nov. 17, 1810. m. Otis Skinner, iii. Vashti, b. April 27, 1818. m. June 15, 1840, Simon T. Cole. iv. Polly, b. April 29, 1821, d. L. Marcli 2, 1822. v. John Welcome, b. Feb. :3, 1823. m. Jane Sliattuck. in. second, Mrs. Louisa Kriirsis. res. Wliitefield. vi. Cynthia, b. April 24, 1825. ul .lames Parker. vii. Ezra. b. July 12, 1827. Co. F, 5tli N. II. Inf., and Co. D, 8tli N. II. Inf. Private, viii. William, b. July 5, 1830, d. Dec. 22, 1850. 11. Ti.MOTiiY NuusT<% son of .John", b. in L. ^la}' 10, 1790. m. Dec. 15, 1S14, Lucinda. dau. of Fbenezer Farr, b. in Chesterfield, in 1793, d. Mar. 2, 1859, Cong. He res. in L. from birth to 185G. Far- mer. Cong. A[ipointed Fnsign 5th Co., 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, June 6, 18V8; vacated March 2G, 1822. d. in Bethlehem, 1865. Ch., b. in L. , — i. Benjamin F. S., b. Dec. 26, 1815. m. Feb. 28, 1842, Caroline Wells. Ensign 1st Co., Light Inf. 32<1 Hegt. N. II. Militia, 1850. ii. Hannah S., b. March 29, 1817. m Nov. 11, 1840, Elias liildreth, Jr. iii. Timothy B., b. March 4, 1819, d. L. June 30, 1823. iv. Jasi'er B., b. Sept. 13, 1822. m. Miranda Palmer. He d. Bethlehem, Oct. 2, 1877. She d. Lancaster, Aug. 16, 1893. 364 JVurse. V. Franklin S., b. July 14, 1824. vi. Timothy B., b. Nov. 7, 182(3, d. L. Aug. 20, 1829. vii. OzRO N., b. June 15, 1829. Co. M, 1st N. H. H. Art. Private, viii. JosKPH T., b. May 15, 1832. i.x:. Caroline M., b. 1843. X. Ben.iamin I., b. 1845. 12. Olivkr Nurse, son of John ^ b. in L. June 17, 1798. m. Sept. 13, 1S21, Pollv C, (lati. of Daniel Fitz2;eral. Whiteficld, July 2, 1878. iv. LioNA May, b. L. Sept. 27, 187'.». V. Jknnik S., b. L. June 15, 18S;]. vl. JoxAS Svi.vKSTEu, b. L. .luiic 1'), 1883. vii. IsAKKL, b. L. .May 12, 1H87. viii. Samuel Krnkst, b. L. Sept. 5, 1800. ix. Bessie Elizaueth, b. L. Dec. 8, 18'.)2. 15. Fi;ank Olivkr Nursk, sou of Jona.s, ami graiulsoii of Jonas '', b. in L. April 13, 1852. m. Jan. 5, 1873, Ida Ella, dan. of Moody Everett, 1). in Granby, Vt, June 23, 18.57, Free I>ai)tist. lie has res. in L. nearlv all his life. Stone-mason. Eree Baptist. Rei)ublican. Ch.. — ^ 21. i. Charles Oliver, 1). Lunenburg, Vt., July 25, 1874. 16. John C.-^ri.tox Nmrsk, son of Oliver'-, b. in Lisbon, June 17, 1824. 111. Jul}- 26, 1847, Fannie Nol)le, dan. of Solomon Nichols (See). b. in Fairfield, Me., Sept. 17, 182(j. He res. in L. from ls45 to 1S8G, now res. in Pelham. Blacksmith. Ch., b. in L., — i. Annie E., b. May 27, 1848. ni. June .SO, 1867, William W. JucUl, soap- nianufr. Slie il. Nashua, May 10, 1887. ii. Helen Lovina, b. Nov. "27, 184'.). ni. Henry Jay Fisher (vSee). iii. Etta, b. Oct. 14, 1852. ni. Sept. 17, 1S70, George A. Sibley, black- smith, res. Fairlee, Vt. iv. Charles A., b. July ;J0, 18-54, d. L. Nov. 18, 1857. V. Leland D., b. May 2:3, 185G, m. Dec. 0, 1877, Kate Berry. Machinist, res. Nashua. vi. Sada a., b. L. Oct. 10, 1857. m. Aug. 20, 1872, Sanford Clark, furni- ture, res Somerville, Mass. 17. WiLLi.\M Cl.vrk NiiiiSK, son of Oliver ^-, b. in L. Jiuie S, 182r). m. April 3, 18.")2, Martha Sanborn, dan. of iNIcKenzie T. Dnrgin (See), b. in L. April 2, 1835, lie res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat, d. in L. March 11, 1889. Ch.,- i. Infant, b. L. Sept. 27, 185G, d L. Dec. 27, 185G. 18. Thomas Siiute Nursk, son of Oliver^-, b. in L. Feb. 18, 1832, m. Dec. 31, 1856, IMaria Cynthia, dan. of Robert Streeter, b. in Listion, July 17, 1832, Methodist. ^ lie res. in L. all his life. d. Nov. 4, 1896, Shoemaker, Democrat, No ch, 19. Charles Henry Nurse, son of Oliver'-, b. in L. ]May 5, 1836, m. Dec. 1, 1848, Sarah, dau. of Thomas Smith, b. in Canada, March 10, 1837, E[)iscopal. He has res. in L. all his life. Driver. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — 22. i. Fred Oliver, b. Oct. .3, 1859. ii. Allie Henry, b. Nov. 8, 1871, d. L. April 28, 1874. 20. Charles Nurse, son of Jonathan ^^ b, in L. April 13, 1.S27. m. May 20, 1852, Atlanta Maria, dau. of Samuel Hill (See), b. in Sutton, Vt., Sept. 10, 1826, Cong, He has res. in L. all his life. Carpenter and mechanic. Democrat. Fire ward, 1873-4-5-6, Ch.,— 1. Alice Cheney, b. L. Feb. 21, 18(59. m. ,Tan. 1, 1800, Simeon 0. Nich- ols, granite polisher. He d. March 20, 1898. She m. second, Oct. 30, 189y, Benjamin Webster (See). 366 Nurse — Nute. 21. Charles Oliver Nurse, son of Frank Oliver ^^, b. in Lunenl)iirg, Vt., July 25, 1874. m. jMarch 5, 188.S, Ellen D., dan. of Samuel Shat- tuck, b. in Wheeloek, Vt, May 18, 1874. He has res. in L. since^l81)l. Vavmav. Ch., — i. BicRTiiA May, b. Cal)ot, Vt., Jan. 13, 1890. ii. rKKLEY Guy, b. L. Nov. 24, 18'.r2. 22. Fkei) Oliver Nurse, son of Charles Henry", b. in L. Oct. o, 185'J. m. April 23, 1888, Frances, dau. of Daniel L. jNIartin, b. in Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., March 31, ISGO. He res. in L. from birth to 1888. Gen. Traffic Agent of Western Union Telegraph Co. res. Orange, N. J. Democrat. Ch., — i. Ella Frances, b. N. Y. C\iy, April 5, 1890. NUTE. 1. James Nute, the emigrant ancestor of the New Hami)shire family, came from England to America in IG-'U, being one of the company" emi- grating under the auspices of Capt. John Mason. The earlier New Ilau)i)shire generations wrote the name Newte, which corresponds with a family of distinction once living in Tiverton, Devonshire, England. After a few yenrs James Nute, the emigrant, removed from Portsmouth to Dover and lived on iMceting House Hill. He was a selectman, 1G59, and a man of influence among his townsmen. 2. Jajies Nute, son of James \ b. in Dover, 1G43, d. IGOl. He m. Elizabeth Heard, dau. of Capt. John and Elizabeth (Hull) Heard of Dover. Cai)t. John Hull was the commander at Heard's Oarrison, and the father of Elizabeth (Hull) Heard was Rev. Benjamin Hull, a clergy- man of the Church of England, and for a season a resident of New Hampshire. 3. Samuel Nute, son of James", b. in Dover, 1689. m. March 18, 1718/1'J, Elizabeth Finkham, dau. of John and Rose (Otis) Pinkham of Dover. He d. soon after 1 7G4, his will being dated March 29, 17G4. and an inventor}' filed May 25, 17G8. 4. JoTHAM Nute, son of Samuel^, b. in Dover, March 21, 1724, d. Nov. 1801. He m. JMary Hayes. 5. Samuel Nute, son of Jothani "*, b. ]\Iarch 2, 1745. m. Aug. 21, 17G9, Phebe Pinkham. He removed to Milton, where he d. soon alter 1820. 6. Nicholas Nute, son of Samuel '', b. in Milton, June 9, 1781. m. Sept. 4, 180.S, Elizabeth Hickford Hayes, dau. of Nathaniel and Eliza- beth (BickfordJ Hayes. He removed to Wolfeboro', where he d., Feb. 9, 18G2. 7. Nicholas Nute, son of Nicholas, b. in Wolfeboro', June 10. 1825. m. Oct. 184G, Eydia A., dau. of Noah E. Colcord, b. in Tuftonboro'. Aug. 14, 1831. 'Slie d. Oct. 17, 1897. He res. in L. from 1895 until he d., Feb. G, 1897. Shoe raanufr. Nute — Nuttintj. ^ 30' CIi., — i. LiiANDEU S., It. Tiiftonlioro', Aug. 3, 1840. ni. 1874, Nellie WaUlron. Shoe inanuf'r. He d. liocliester, Oct. 1881. 8. ii. Ali!i;kt V., h. 'riiftonhoro', Aufx. M, 185;]. !). iii. Ai.ij;i:i) 1)., b. Tiit'toiilion)', Ault. '^>, 1850. 10. iv. \Viij.i..\M 11., Hoehe.-^ler, Ai.ril U, 18G1. 8. Alukut F. Nutk, son of Nicholas", b. in Tuftonboro', Aug. '^. 18.');). ni. Oct. 2, 189.'), Abbie (Huvcs) KllioU, dan. of Cyni.s^ W. Haves, and widow of Dr. V. A. Elliott (See), b. in Lel)anoii, IMe., ."March 22. 18r)2. He has res. in L. since 18!)'). Director and Snpt. \j. Shoe Co. Kepiil)licaii. A. F. and A. ]\I. x\o ch. 9. Ai.KUK.n 1). NuTK, son of Nicholas", b. in Turtonl)oro', Aug. T), 18i;). ui. Aug. 187;'), Eva, dau. of James O. (iowed, b. in Jierwick. ]Me., Dec. 18;'),'). He has res. in L. since 18'.),'). J)irector and (Jen. Manager L. Shoe Co. Cong. Kepublican. A. F. and A. M. Ch.', — i. iMyrtie E., b. Rochester, Feb. 2", 1878. ii. IvniKL M., b. ]5raiiitree, Mass., Jtmey, 1884. 10. Wii.i.i.AM n. Nrri:, son of Nicholas", b. in T\ochester, April (!. 18()1. ni. -June 30, 188,'), Alzora J^ane, dau. of Alverto JNIason, b. in Braintree, Mass., Dec. 17, 18(51. He lias res. in L. since l^'d^j. Treas. L. Shoe Co. since Sept. 1, 18',)'.). Republican. A. F. and A. M. Ch., — i. Zoa.A, b. Kocbester, !\rarcli 4, 1804. ii. Ui.ivH, b. L. Nov. 4, 1890. NUTTING-. 1. ^ViLi.iAAi Nlttixc;, iX'S. in L. from ls,')4 to 18G2. Laborer. Ch.. — i. Wii.Li.^M, ni. Harriet Williams. ii. Hauvf.y, 111. Oct. :;, 1840, IJetsey E. Bowles. She res. L. iii. Rei.inda. iv. Emza. V. E:mii,v. vi. Dalmatia. vii. Antiionv F., b. Wanlsboro, Vt., 1840, d. L. Marcb 24, 1864. Co. I), loth N. 11. Inf. I'rivate. NUTTING. 2. CoKTES F. Nuttinc son of Frank G.. b. in Bakersfield. ^'t.. INIay 10, 1865. m. April 2, 1884, Florence, dau. of -lames Newton, b. in Bethel, Vt., Jinie 30, hSGG. He has res. in L. since 1890. IMerchant. Republican. A. F. and A. j\I.. Burns I^odge. K. T. St. Gerard Com. A. A.S. R.32°. Ch., - i. Katiikkine FiMiAAt, b. L. Jlav 10. 1895. ii. Elizabeth Dokotiiy, b. L. Oct. I'J, 18'JG, d. Feb. 19, 1898. 368 Oakes — Osgood. OAKES. 1. SiMKON Oakes, b. in Cliester, Mass. m. in Worcester, Mass., Aug;. 2, 1703, Rhoda Knights, b. in Worcester, Feb. 25, 1739, d. in Betlilehem, Feb. 20, 1807. He d. Aug. 30, 1773. 2. Edwaud Oakes, son of Simeon ^ b. Dee. 17, 1773. m. Lucinda Hosnier, b. in 1779, d. Marcli 27, 1851. He d. in Bethlehem, INIareh 12, 1812. 3. Rhopa Oakes, daughter of Edward', b. June 8, 1799, d. in Beth- lehem, June 2, 1851. m. July 14, 1815, William Kennej' " (See), b. in Royalston, Mass., Aug. 23, 1793. d. in Bethlehem. OAKES. 4. John Norris Oakes, son of James Harvey, b. in Franconia, April 22, 1837. m. Nov. 28, 1861, Mercy Aldricli, dau. of Moody Priest, b. in Franconia, Oct. 19, 1840, Advent. He has res. in L. since 1885. Merchant and manufr. Advent. Republican. J. P. State. Cii., - i Helen, b. Fr-iiicoMia, Jan. 31, 18G3. m. Harry M. Morse (See). ii. Lizzie, b. WaterforJ, Vt., Nov. 16, 18o4, il. Waterford, Vt., July 1, LSG5. iii. James Harvey, b. Franconia, May 10,1871. ni. Oct. 8, 1898, Mabel B. French (See). OSGOOD. 1. John C. Osgood, son of William and Alraira (Dibble) Osgood, b. in East Randolph, Vt., Feb. 14, 1841. Studied theolog}' with Rev. John FuUonton, D.D., grad. at New Hampton Academical and Tiieo- logical Institution, 1868. Ordained Free JJaptist, 18G8. His pastor- ates have been: Gilmanton, 4 years; Contoocook, 5 years; Pittstield, 4 years ; Strafford, Vt., 1 year ; Springfield, Me.. 2 3'ears ; South Ber- wick, Me., 4 vears ; Harrison, Me., 2 years; Alton, 5 years; East Rochester, 3 years ; L. 1898 to present time. He m. July 15, 1868, Mary G. Flanders, b. in Hill, Jul}' 11, 1847, dau. of John Flanders. He has been delegate of his denomination and a trustee of the New Ham[)ton Institution. Republican. 1. O. 0. F. G. A. R. Ch., — i. Ernest Earle, b. Feb. 25, 1871. m. June 2, 1898, Maude E. Wentzell. He is a clersxynian at New Market, ii. Alice May, d. young. OSGOOD. 2. George Wesley Osgood, son of Wesley, b. in Bangor, Me., April 27, 1851. m. Oct. 6, 1881, Clara Agnes, dau. of Jonathan Jones Peck, b. in Groton, Vt., Jan. 15, 1856. He was educated in the schools of Bangor and Waterville, Me., and Wesleyan University, from which he grad. in 1874. He grad. from Bangor, Me., Theological Seminary in 1877, and was ordained a Cong, clergyman in Tunbridge, Vt., Jan. 25, Osgood — Ouvraud — Paddlrford. 309 187S. lie has boon kx.'jitod as follows: Tiinbridgc^ Vt., Juno 21, 1S77, to Dec. 1!>, 1«8(3; L., Dec. 2G, ISSO, to Oct. l,'^l.S, b. Canton, Mass., July 22, ISofi, d. same day. iv. Stephen Maxima, b. Canton, Mass., Aug. 1, 18-J7, d. Aug. 2, 1857. v. I'liiLAMENE Ella, b. Charlestown, Mas.s., May 20, 1858, d. Dec. 25, 1858. vi. Elwilda Sirzaii, b. Lebanon, Oct. 1, 185U. ni. Sept. 10, 1889, Louis A. Fautain, niercliant. res. Suncook. vii. Walter Ai'.solo.m, b. Lebanon, Sept. 7, 1801, d. Feb. 10, 1808. viii. Sakaii F:\ima, b. Lebanon, Sept. 15, 180.">. res. Concord. ix. Annie Auaiena, b. Lebanon, Sept. 5,1809. res. Concord. PADDLEFORD. 1. Philip Paddlkeoi;i), b. Oct. 17.5."). m. in 1778, Puth Pullock of Cxrafton, b. Nov. 22, 17.58, d. Feb. 11, 1847. He lived in JCiilield and in Lyman, where he d. March 8, 18;32. 2. Peteh Paddlkfokd, son of Philip ', b. in Enfield, vSopt. 14, 1785. ni. June 9, 1814, Dolly, dau. of Samuel Sherburne, b. in Portsmouth. Oct. 19, 178,5, d. in L. Dec. 5, 1849, Cong. He res. in L. from 18,30 until lie d., Oct. 18, 18,59. Millwriuht and liridge-builder. Ch.,— 3. i. Philip Henry, b. Lancaster, April 25, 1815. ii. Sakaii, b. Lyinan, 1810, d. [..ynian, 18:17. iii. PiiEiii:, b. L\'nian, 1821. iii. Salmon (J. Miner (See). iv. Julia, b. Lyman, 1826. ni. Harmon Marcy (See). V. George Kknnard, b. Lyman, Nov. 0, 1829. unm. Aid-decamp, 8th Brigade, 4th Div. N. H. Militia, 1854. d. Haverhill, 1897. VOL. II. — 24 370 Paddleford — Page. 3. PuiLip Henry Paddleford, son of Peter -, b. in Lancaster, April 25, 1815. m. JMarch 20, 1845, Louise, dau. of William Pierce, b. in Lnnenbui-g, Vt., June 27, 1820. He res. in L. from 1831 until he (1., April 11, 1876. Millwright and machinist. Representative, 1855. J. P. A. F. and A. M., charter member of Burns Lodge and first master, 1859, again in 1863. St. Gerard Com., K. T. I. O. O. F. Ch., b. in L., — i. Sarah L., b. July 18, 1817. m. Nov. 8, 1866, Jolin M. Humphrey, macliinist. res. Boston, Mass. ii. Maky .J., b. April 15, 181',». in. Sept. 9, 1869, Church M. PadiUeford, fanner, res. Manchester, iii. Ellev, b. Dec. 14, 1851. ni. Oct. 11, 1873, Alson F. Rublee, carriage manufr. res. Lakeport. iv. Clara, b. Feb. 3, 1851. m. .July 23, 1877, Fred W. Bruce, U. S. civil euijineer. res. Mayport, Fhi. V. DeWitt C, b. April 19, 185G. Macliinist. res. Lakeport. vi. George P., b. Nov. 27, 1859. Painter, res. Concord, vii. Setii H., b. March 22, 1861. Blacksmitli. res. Nashua, viii. Charles Benjamin, b. Marcli 3, 1867. Grocer, res. Norwood, Mass. PAGE. 1. Stephen Page, res. in x'Vtkinson, where he d. 2. Benjamix Page, son of Stephen ^ b. in Atkinson, April 29, 1769. m. Lydia E^aton. He d. in Landaff, Aug. 30, 18-41. 3. Benjamin Page, son of Benjamin -, b. in Landaff', March 31, 1805. m. Sept. 12, 1835, Elizabeth Clement, dau. of William Berkley (See), b. in Lyman, May 5, 1816, d. in Lisbon, March 31, 1866. He res. in L. from 1835 to 1845. Drover and butcher. Democrat, d. in Lisbon, Oct. 20, 1882. Ch., all but Marshall, b. in L., — i. John, b. May 10, 1837, d. L. July, 1837. 4. ii. Samuel Berkley, b. .Tune 23, 1838. iii. Ellen Rebecca, b. June 26, 1811. unm. Professional nurse, res. L. 5. iv. Ben.tamin Franklin, b. July 7, 1843. v. Marshall, b. Burke, Vt., Aug. 7, 1857, d. Lisbon, July 24, 1865. 4. Samuel Berkley Page, son of Benjamin ^, b. in L. June 23, 1838. m. Martha Childs, dau. of William Lang, b. in Bath, Oct. 17, 1837, d. in Haverhill, Oct. 3, 1886, P^piscopal. He was educated in Kingston, jNIcLuloes Falls, Vt., and Lyndon, Vt., academies, and com- menced tlie study of law in 1858 with Woods & liingham. He grad. from the Albany, N. Y. , Law School and was admitted to the N. Y. Bar in 1861 ; Vt. and N. H., 1862; U. S. District and Circuit Courts, 1869. A.M., Dart. Coll., 1868. He was located in practice in Wells River (Newbury), Vt., from May to Dec, 1861 ; Warren, Dec, 1861, to Aug., 1869 ; Concord, member of the firm of P^astman, Page & Albin, 1869 to 1871 ; Page & Albin, 1872-3; Page & Norris, 1874-5 ; Woods- ville (Haverhill), Page & Donovan, 1876 to 1883 ; Page & Storey, 1883 to 1886; alone since 1886. He res. in L. from birth to 1845. Epis- copal. Democrat. Re[)resentative, Warren, 1864 to 1869 ; Ward 6, Concord, 1871 ; Haverliill, member of Constitutional Convention, 1876, and Representative, 1887-9-91-93. Chairman of Dem. State Com- niittcc, 1870. Delegate Democrjitic National Convention, U>()0. Trustee of State Normal School, 1870 to 1877, Supt. of Schools, Haverhill, 1.S76 to 1884. Member Board of Education, Concord, 1870 to 1874, and of Woodsville Union High Sciiool, 1885-(;. J. P. and Notary- Pul)lic. A. F. and A. M., Ikirns Lodge. K. T., St. (lerard Com. Grand (^eno. of Grand Com., N. H., 187(). I. 0. O. F. K. P. Order of Elks. Ch., — i. ("ini,ns Lang, b. Batli, July 3, 18G0. m. Cvntliia Y. Clieney. He d. Ilaverliill, Jan. 2. 1885. ii. Wir.LiAM IIknky, b. Bitli, May 1, IS'W, ,]. Havorliill. Sept. 9, 1888. iii. Elizaukth Ekricley, b. Warren, Oct. 10, 18Gu, d. Concord, Fel). 11, 18!)(;. iv. JaiMks F/AMKS, b. Ilaverliill, April 2(5, 1877, d. in infancy. V. Lewis, b. Havcrliill, April 20, 1878, d. in infancy, vi. ^Iaktiia SoruiA, b. Ilaverliill, Aug. 24, 1879. res. Concord. 5. Bknm.vmin Fu.a.nklin Pack, son of Benjamin •', b. in L. July 7, 1843. m. Sept. 14, 1870, Caroline, dau. of John Farr (See), b. in L. March 19, 1843, Cong. He was educated in Ne\vl)ury, Vt , Seminary, and com- menced the study of medicine, regular sciiool, in 1864; attended three courses of lectures at Vt. University, Bui'lington, Vt., and grad. in 1867. He at once commenced practice in Lisbon, where he remained five years; then was at St. Johnsbury, Vt., nine years; since then, 1881, ill L., wiiere he is now practising. He is a member of the Vt. State and White Mountain Meilical Societies. Democrat. Board of Health, 18!)0. Member Board of Education, Union District, 1887 to 189.J inc. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., — i. John Marshall, b. Lisbon, Soj)!. 8, 1871. Grad. Univ. of Vt. Scli. of Modii-ine, 1898. Physician. Hoard of Healtii, 1895. J. P. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, res. L. ii. Ella Frances, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Dec. 28, 1872, d. L. March 27, 1881. iii. Louis Samuel, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Nov. 28, 1874, d. L, Feb. 16, 1883. iv. Caroline Elizareth, b. St. Jolinsbury, Vt., July 31, 1876. ni. June 29, 1898, Edward T. Sanderson, res. Parkersburg. W. Va. PAGE. 6. Jami:s Pagk, b. in Washington, Vt., Jan. 15, 1800, d. in Norwich, Conn., Oct. 24, 1874. 7. James A. Page, sou of. Tames ^% b. in Orford. m. Dec. 7, 1800, Ellen Maiy, dau. of John and Tryphena (Morse) Farr (See). 2d Lieut. Co. B, 15th N. H. Inf. PALFREY. 1. Cazneau Palfrey, son of William, b. in Boston, Mass., Aug. 11, 1805. m. May 24, 1838, Ann Parker, dau. of Kev. Jaazaniah Crosby, D.D., b. in Charlestown, Dec. G, 1813. He grad. from Harvard Coll. in 1826, and Harvard Divinity School in 1829. D.D., Bowdoin, 1855. In 1827 he was a tutor in Coll. From 1829 to 1834 he was minister 372 Palfrey — Palmer. of tlie Uiiitaritiii Society of L. His first settlement as a Unitarian ciergvnian was over tlie clinrcli in Wasliington, D. C. Later he was settled in Grafton, Mass., and from Ai)ril, 1844, to Oct. 1847, in Barn- stal)le, Mass. In 1848 he became minister of tlie first cluirch in Belfast, Me., where he remained 23 years. In 1874 he moved to Cambridge, Mass., where he d. in 1888. Ch.,— i. Hersey Goodwin, b. Grafton, Mass., Oct. 9, 18o9. Ilarv. Univ. 18G0. m. (Jut. 17, 1872, Mary Durfee Lovejiiy. res. Bradford, Mass. ii. Mary Caznead, b. Grafton, Mass., Dec. '27, 1840. res. Cambridge, Mass. iii. Rubecca Salisbury, b. Barnstable, Mass , May 9, 1814. m. Sept. 16, 1872, David N. Utter, clergyman, res. Denver, Col. iv. Carl Folle}^, b. Barnstable, Mass., July 4, 1816. res. Denver, Col. PALMER. 1. John Palmer, b. May 18, 100.5. m., 1686, Elizabeth .and settled in Little Compton, R. I. She was born Dec. 6, 1666, d. Feb. t>. 1717. He m. second, Ang. 28, 1718, Sarah Blood, b. 1682, d. July 28, 17<')6. He d. Oct. 13, 1753. Eleven children by first, and three by second marriage. 2. John Palmer, son of John \ b. Little Compton, R. I., Nov. 24, 16S7. m. Dec. 25, 1708, Mary Hilliard. b. April 3, 1687, dau. of William and Deborah Hilliard. He m. second, July 12, 1717, Elizalieth Church, b. Feb. 1699, dan. Joseph and Grace (Shaw) Church. Three children hy first, and nine by second marriage, b. in Little Compton. 3. Aaron Palmer, son of John '-, and Elizabeth (Chni'ch) Palmer, 1). in Little Compton, R. I., March 22, 1738. ni. Mary Reed. He prol)ably I'esided some years in Connecticut, coming to Plainfield about 1780. With ten children he removed to this town about 1796. Palmer l)rook perpetuates the name of the family. He d. 1812, his wndow d. in Lisliou, 1839. The order of age of the children is unknown. Ch., - 4. i. John, m. Lucy Wiiicb. .5. ii. William, m. Peggy Berry. iii. Solomon, died young. iv. Nancy, b. Aprif 18, 1774. m. David Wallace (See). 6. v. Joseph, m. Sally Shapleigli, m. second, Mnry W. Bean. vi. Tkuman, fiitally burned in the carding-niill of David Richardson, Oct. 3, 1814. vii. Barna, b. April 25, 1786. m. Dolly Sliapleigh, dau. of James Sliapleigli of Cornisii ; m. second, Rebecca Cusliman, dau. of Ejihraini Ciishman. She d. JMarcli 4, 1853. He lived in Lisbon, where lie d. April 22, 1881. viii. Freeman, m. Bean ; removed to Wisconsin. i.x. Polly, m. July 8, 1801), David Sanger, Jr., lived in Wisconsin. .\. I'hebe, m. Reuben Graves. Joined the Mormons. 4. John Palmer, son of Aaron ^, m. Lucy Winch, b. in Framing- ham, Mass., 1777, dau. of Nathan Winch (See). He was a selectman, 1808. Farmer. INIethodist. Democrat, d. about 1850. Ch., b. in L., — 7. i. IIoLLis, b, IMarch 21, 1810. ii. Willis. Palmer. 373 5. William Palmku, son of Aaron •', b. in riaindekl. m. in IT'.tS, Peggy Berry. He res. in L. from 17'J« to 1, ITDD. ii. John, b. Aiij.-. •>:), 1800. iii. Mauv, b. July «. 1802. 8. iv. Hknhv, b. (Miatbam, Sept. 13, 1804. V. William Fkelalvn, b. Sept. 5, 180G. 6. Jo.sEi'ii Palmkk, son of Aai'on •'', m. Hrst Sally Shapleigh. pub. second, Jan. 2G, 1824, INlary Webster I'.eaiL He res. in L. from 1.S04 to 1850. Mill-ovvner; built the original mill on Palmer brook. Demo- crat. Selectman, 1832. DL'i)uty sheriff, 1817 to 18;30. Went to Illi- nois in 1850. Ch., by \v. Sally, b. in L., — i. Benjamin Willaud Franklin, b. Aug. 22, 1809. ii. Caklos Shai-leiou, b. Sept. 0, 1811. iii. William, b. Dec. 11, 181o. iv. Sarah Jam:, in. May \'-'>, 1841, Natban I. Ackennan. 7. HoLLis Palmer, son of John\ b. in L. March 21, 1810. m. IMarch G, 1831, Eliza Ann, dau. of Tilly H. Cleasby, b. in P^dgecomb, ]Me., Jan. 2b^ 1811. He res. in L. from birth to 187G. Farmer. Demo- crat. (1. in West Concord, Vt., Aug. 29, 18U2. Ch., b. in L., — i. Lucy Jane, b. Oct. (i, 18:;;5, d. Oct. G, 183(J. 9. ii. John Wesley, b.. Feb. 12, 18;!4. iii. Elizabeth A., b. June 25, 1839. tn. Simeon Bolles, farmer and local preacher, lie d. l>etlileiieni, May 18, 1889. She d. Bethlehem, June 10, 1890. iv. Charles P.. b. Oct. 11, 1840. m. Oct. G, 1874, Mary E. Hill. Jeweller, res. West C'ciicord, V't. V. Willis W., b. March 30, 1843. m. Helen Tibbetts. farmer. lied. Bootbbay, Me., An^. 5, 1880. vi. Almira, b. Nov. 7, 1847, d. L. Aug. 9, 1854. vii. Franklin H.. b. Sept. 17, 1853. m. first, Oct. 11, 1874, Mattie R Downer. She d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Feb. 4, 1888. in. second, March 8, 1889, Nellie M. Connor. Musician, res. Whitefield. 8. Hknuy Palmer, sou of William ^ b. in Chatham, Sept. 13, 1804. m. first, Dec. 1824, Anne Danforth, b. in Chatham in 1800, d. in J^i. Dec. 24, 1865. m. second, Mrs. Elvira Sonthworth. He res. in L. from 1855 to 1868. Laborer, d. in East Concord, Vt., in 188U. Ch., hy \v. Anne, — i. Hazen 0., b. Chatham, 1825. unm. d. N. Y., 1858. ii. Miranda, b. Chatham, 1M27. m. 1847, Jasjjer B. Nurse, inilhnan. He d. Bethlehem, Oct. 2, 1877. She d. Lancaster, Aug. K!, 18',t:! iii. Stephen H., b. Chatham, 1829. m. 1859, Lucy M. Drake. lied. Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 14, 1803. Original 3 months' man. Co. I, 2d N. II. Inf. Private, iv. LiicRETiA A., b. Chatham, 1831. in. 1858, James Carlton. lied. L. 1805. v. S. Maria, b. Chatham, Oct. 30, 1833. m. William Martin Atwood (See). vi. Horace, b. Chatham, 1835. m. 18(33, Lucinda Hoit. Millman. He d. L. Jan. 18, 1872. Co. I), 13th N. H. Inf. Corp. vii. Francis H., b. Chatham, 1837. in. 1862, Maliner Burt. jMillinan. res. Norwood, Mass. Original 3 months' man. 374 Palmer — Paradis. viii. George N., b. Lisbon, 1839, d. 1848. ix. Laura J., b. Lisbon, 1841. m. 1870, Piielmau Harrinian, carpenter. res. Westbrook, Me. X. WiLHER F., b. Lisbon, 184o. ni. 1889, a Snutliern lady. Boat capt. res. Mobile, Ala. Co. B, 6th N. H. Inf. Sergt. 9. John Wesley Palmer, son of HoUis''', b. in L. Feb. 12, 1834. m. Dec. 26, 1853, Mary Delplune, dan. of Jolin Fitzgerald (See), b. in L. Nov. 2, 1837. He res. in L. from birth to 1871. Carpenter and painter. Democrat. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Musician. Ch.. — i. Charles Wesley, b. L. Sept. 11, 1854. m. Sept. 1880, Cora L. Bell. Musician, res. Presqne Isle, Me. ii. George Frank, b. L. Dec. 2, 1855, d. Lancaster, Oct. 22, 1883. iii. Fred Augustus, b. L. May 9, 1S58. m. Sept. 1890, Minnie Willoughby. Musician, res. North Haverliill. ir. Ella Delphene, b. L. Sept. 11, 18fi0, d. L. Jan. 18, 1804. V. Alhert Eugene, b. L. May 20, 180G, d. Lancaster, Feb. 17, 1874. vi. Hattie May, b. L. Jan. 27, 1809. m. July, 1887, Joseph P. York, teamster, res. Lancaster, vii. JosiE Etta, b. L. April 21, 1870. m. March 19, 1892, Eugene Bristol, marble-cutter, res. Lancaster. viii. Mertie Ardell, b. Lancaster, Sept. 2, 1873. m. Dec. 1895, George Willoughby, laborer, res. North Haverhill, ix. Kelpie Lee, b. Lancaster, Nov. 2, 1881. PALMER. 10. Alexander Palmer, b. in Vershire, Vt., Dec. 6, 1819. m. first, Ilannali Little, b. in Lyman, d. in Waterford, Vt.. in 1853 or 4. ni. second, Aug. 11, 1870, Sophia N., dau. of John G. B. Stevens (See), b. in Burke, Vt., Nov. 22, 1830. He res. in L. in 1869-70, 1876 to 1883, and 1889 until he d., July 4, 1891. Tanner. Methodist. Re- pul>lican. Ch., by w. Hannah, b. in Waterford, Vt., — i. Hamilton, ni. Anna McCoy. Hotel, res. Orange, N. J. ii. Julia, b. Sept. 10, 1847. iii. Kate. iv. LoRA, adopted by Loud, Dalton. V. Emma, adopted by Moses IMx, Dalton. Ch., by \v. Sophia, — vi. Fanny G., b. Waterford, Vt., Nov. 26, 1875. m. Sept. 10, 1896, Wal- lace P. Myers, res. Derry. PARADIS. 1. Cvrille Joseph Paradis, son of David, b. in City of Quebec, P. Q., June 26, 1856. He was educated in tlie Seminary of Quebec, at- tached to Laval University, commencing the study of theolog3' in 1881. He was ordained a Roman Catholic priest by Cardinal Taschereau in the Basilica of Quebec, May 30, 1885. He has been located in the ministry as follows: Suncook, June 9 to 26, 1885; St. Augustine's Church, Manchester, June 20, 1885, to Oct. 5, 1886; Lebanon, Oct. 7, 18.S6, to Nov. 25, 1893 ; L. from Nov. 25, 1893, to 1898, and now at Rochester. Parker. o7o PARKER. 1. JosKiMi Paukkr ami his l)n)tli('r Natliaii, from Enirlaiul, after a sliort sta}- in Nowbiin', scttUHl in Aiulover, ^Nfass., al)uiit IGl."). Josepli was horn aI)out 1(314, and hy occupation a tanner. He was a soldier in King Philip's War, IGTa-G, and d. Nov. 5, 1G78. His widow Mar}- d. 1G9G. 2. JosKpii Paukeu, son of Jose[)h \ b. IMay 1-"), 1G12. ni. Oct. 7, 1G80, Klizabetli Bridges. He served in King l*hili[)'s War at Chelms- ford. Lived in Andover, wliere lie d. April G, lG8-i. His widow m. second, Samuel Hutchinson. 3. Joseph Parker, son of Joseph'-, b. in Andover, Feb. 27, 1G82. m. Feb. 6, 1712, Abigail Mitchell. He lived in Andover; was an inn- holder and representative. 4. Joseph Parker, son of Joseph'', b. in Andover, 1725. rn. Ai)ril 2"), 175-1, Hannah Abbot, b. Jiuie 21, 172G, dan. of Timothy and Marv (Foster) Abbot of Andover. He removed to Pembroke, where he d. 1811. 5. Joiix Parker, son of Joseph^, b. in Pembroke, Aug. 15, 1760. m. May 21, 1781, Martha Lovejoj-, dau. of Caleb and Mehitable (Chandler) Lovejoy, of Pembroke. He was in service during the Revolution, and (I. in Pembroke, May 27, 1825. 6. Caleb Parker, son of John ^ b. in Pembroke, Feb. 28, 1784. m. Nov. 15, 1804, Mary Richardson, b. April 14, 1779, dau. of David and Sally (Shackford) Richardson, of Penil)roke. She d. in L. J\Iay 4, 1857; he m second, Nov. 17, 1857, Widow Marv Shannon, b. April 26, 1799, d. Jan. 5, 1862; he m. third. July 8, 1862. Widow Pauline Strong, b. April 15, 1804. He lived in Pembroke, Chichester, and in Littleton, from 1826 to 1856, and after 1856, in St. Johnsbury, Vt., where he d. 1878. Selectman in L. 1853-4. Ch., bv w. Mary Richardson, — i. Nancy, b. Pembroke, May 6, 1805. m. Simeon Huse. Slie d. St. Jolinsbury, Vt., Au?. 1881. ii. Sally II , b. Cliichester, Aug. 10, 180G. m. :\Iarch 15, 1827, Moses Richardson, farmer. Slie d. Pembroke, March, 1864. iii. Joseph, b. Cliichester, Oct. 4, 1807. m. Mary Ellis. Farmer, d. L. Aug. 1862. 8. iv. Trueworthy L., b. Chichester, Marcli 27, 1810. V. Ira, b. Cliicliester, July 1, 1811. m. Leiitia Millen. Miller. He d. Milan, Wis., Autr. 1862. vi. David K., b. Cliicliester, Feb. 22, 181:;. m. May 18, 1842, Amy Ann Hill. Farmer, res. Clear Lake, Wis. vii. John. b. Cliicliester, Nov. 10, 1814. m. Feb. 20, 1844, Aurilla French. Carpenter. He d. St. Johnsbury, \t., Aug. 1872. viii. Jkkusua, b. Chichester, Ajiril 12, 1817. m. Oct. 185*i. John Lewis, farmer. He d. L. March 22, 1864. She d. L. March 25, 1864. ix. Caleb, b. Chichester, Jan. 2 1818. m. Feb. 1845, Mary J. Folsom. Carpenter, res. ShefRi'ld, Ala. X. Ruth Brown, b. Chichester, Mav 11, 1821. m. Eliphalet Fulford (See). xi. Mary J., b. Chichester, Oct. 25, 1822. m. Oct. 13, 1842, Willard Kinne, farmer, res. Waterford, Vt. 376 Parker. 7. f^zK'A Pakkicr, son ofJohii^, 1). in Pombrokc, Sept. 12, 1791. ni, Feb. J5, 1820, Hunnali, dun. of Josiali Burleigh (great-grandson of .hunes" (See), the line being Josiah ^, David ^, Joseph®, James '■^). Hannah was b. in Sanbornton, June 24, 1800, d. in Newbury, Vt., in 1882, Cong. He res. in L. from 182') until he d., Sept. 24, 18G;!. Farmer and brickuiaker. Cong. Seleetman, 18;)2-o-4-8-43-4-G. Rep- resentative, 1840-1. Soldier'in War of 1812-15. Ch.,— i. Mautha Jani:, h. New Hampton, Sept. 'J.'], 1820, d. June 6, 1843. ii. Mai:v Bi.ki.icioh, h. New Hampton, Feb. 22, 1822. m. first, Oct. 10, 18154, William Holt, tanner. He d. WiUington, Conn., Feb. 5, 1878. m. se(;()nil, Jan. 18, 1883, George Swasey, farmer and insurance agent. res. Newbury, Vt. iii. Hannah, b. New Hampton, Feb. 4, 1824. m. Richard Wales Peabodv (See). iv. Cosiu Bowman, b. L.June 24, 1828. ni. June 24, 1847, Amos B. Car- penter, t'lirmer. res. Waterfoni, Vt. V. jKitusHA Gould, b. L. March 13, 1834. m. l\ev. George Ingersol Bard (See). vi. Fi.i.KN, b. L. June 27, 1830. m. Sept. 28, 1859, James Lang, farmer. res. Newbury, Vt. 9. vii. EzKA BuKLEiGii, b. L. Aug. 25, 1838. 8. Thuewoutiiy Ijadd Parker, son of Caleb", b. in Chichester, March 27, 1810. m. first, Nov. 24, 18,31, Dorotiiy, dan. of William Sawyer, h. in Lyinlon, Vt., Jan. 18, 1808, d. in L. Aug. 18, 1805. m. second, IMay l."», 18GG, Augusta, dau. of Charles Piper, b. in Went- worth, May 3, 1838, d. in Monroe, IMarch 18, 1874. INIethodist. m. third, Sept. 1874, Mai'v, dau. of l\eul)en Bean, b. in Grafton, April 7, 1822, d. in L. July 27,' 1894. He res. in L. from 1833 to 1844; 18C2 to 18(17; 1875 until he d., Oct. 17, 1890. Farmer. Democrat. Select- m;in, ISC, 1-2-8 1-2-;->-6. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., by w. Dorothy, — i. Clakissa Rankix, li. Ciiarlestown, Vt., Nov. 11, 1832. m. June 11, 18')(i, I'reeman iMetcalf, fanner, res. Covenirv, Vt. ii. William Sawyer, b L. Nov. 29, 1834. m. Dec" 10, 1856, Hannali Met- calt'. Farmer, res. Lowell. 10. iii. Guv, b. L. Feb. 1, 1837. iv. Charles, b. L. June 23, 1839. iil Nov. 8, 1805, Caroline Silver. Far- mer, res. Canada East. Co. C, 5th N. H. Inf. Private. V. Eliza Foster, b. L. Jan. 31, 1842. res. Barnet, Vt. vi. Isaoore Dorothy, b. L. Ai)ril 25, 1844. m. Feb. 22, 1860, Curtis V. Carter, farmer, vii. Fred, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Jan. 5, 1847, d. Monroe, Oct. 8, 1868. viii. Mary, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., June 20, 1849. m. first, July 4, 1872, (Juincy Smith, m. secoiui, Collins French, farmer, res. Coventry, Vt. j.x. Ei.LA, b. Irasburg, Vt., May 15, 1852. m. Jan. 25, 1872, Philip Mason, farmer, res. Barnet, Vt. X. Caroline, b. Irasburg, Vt., Sept. 28, 1850, d. Monroe, Nov. 7, 1876. Ch., by w. Augusta, — .\i. AnniE, b. L. April 10, 1807. res. Wentworth. xii. Jennie, b Monroe, ,Tau. 15, 1808. m. Nov. 26, 1880, Lewis Hurlburt. (Divorced.) xiii. Josie, 1). Monroe, Nov. .5, 1870. m. March 2.3, 1893, Almon B. Smith, farmer, res Concord, Vt. xiv. Minnie, b. lAIonroe, March 10, 1874. in. Nelson Santy (See). 9. FzRA BuKLEKiii Parker, SOU of P^zra ', b. in L. Aug. 25, 1838. m. April 20, 18G5, Henrietta F. Hawley, b. in Boston, Mass. He res. Parker. 377 in L. from birth to 18G0. Wliolosale clothing agent, ros. Boston, JNIass. (Jrad. from Dart. Coll. in 18G0. Co. L., N'. II. P>att. Lsl N. I-:. Cav. Miistoi-od in as 1st Sergt., appointed 2(1 Lieut., Aug. 4, 18G2 : Adj., Dec. 1, 18G2 ; captured and confuied in Libl)}' Prison 9 niontlis ; appointed Cai)t., Co. D, 1st N. H. Cav., Marcii 31, 18G4; discharged Julv 15, ISGo. (Granite Monthly, Feb., 18')4, p. 84.) Ch.,— i. IIknuy Buklkigii, b. Aug. ti!), 1878, d. Feb. 1880. 10. Ciijv Pakkeu, son of Truewortiiy Ladd ^ b. in L. Fei). 1, 18.'}7. m. July ;>, 18.")8, Georgiana fj. Mcitcalf. lie res. in L. from 1858 to 18G7. Farmer, d. in Lyman, Jan. IG, 1887. Ch., 1). in L., — i. CoKA C, b. July, 18.7), d. ,I;u). 1.'), 187'). ii. Fkeeman M., b. L. 18G7, d. June 20, 1885. PARKER. 11. Thom.\s Paukeu, the emigrant ancestor of one of the families of I*ark(;rs in America, eml)arked from Loudon 1635. After a brief so- journ in Lynn, he settled in Reading, ]\Lass, where he was made a free- man in 1G37. He was a deacon and a selectman, and for many years a leader in church and town affairs, lie d. 1G83, aged 78. Jlis widow, Amy, (1. IG'JO. 12. John Parker, son of Deacon Tiiomas '\ b. 1G40, lived in Read- ing. He was a sergeant and a selectman. He m. 1GG7, Hannali Ken- dall, b. 1G50, dan. of Dea. Thomas Kendall of Reading. .She d. 1G8'J ; he m. second. Thankful . He d. 1G'J8. 13. John Parker, son of John '■, h. 1G68. m. 1691 or 16:)4, Eliza- beth •. He settled in the west parish, now Wakefield, wiiere he built the third house. 14. Ben.tamin Parker, son of John ^*, b. 1703, was a soldier in the French and Indian Wars. He m. 172G, Sarah Foster. She d. 1741; he m. second, Sarah Parker, dau. of Jonathan. 15. Reuben Parker, son of Benjamin '*, b. in Reading, now Wake- field, 1732, was the ancestor of many families of Parker in New IIam[)shire. He settled in Richmond, 1765, where he d., June 10, 1825. He m. in Reading, June 19, 1759, Sarah AVooley, dau. of Thomas VVooley of Reading and Richmond. Slie d. Dec. 20, 1779 ; he m. second, Esther Townsend, who d. Oct. 20, 1811. 16. Silas Parkeu, son of Reuben^", b. Aug. 11, 1765. m. 1788, L\(lia Wlii[)ple, b. in Richmond, May 14. 1770, dau. of Rufus and IMary (Comstock) Whipple. He removed, 1796, to Sugar Hill in Lis- bon, where ho establislied the first tannery north of Haverhill. He d. Oct. 16, 1834; his widow d. 1863. 17. Levi Parker, son of Silas ^'"'. b. in Richmond, Nov. 2, 1792. m. 1814, Phebe liall, 1). in Groton, Nov. 12, 1792. He was frequently ein|)!oyed in town affairs, was a Representative several years, and an Executive Councillor, 1863. He d. Feb. 6, 1865 ; hie widow d. 1872. 378 Parker. Ch.,- I'J. i. Silas, b. Sept. 8, 1814. ii. Elkazkr Ball, b. Dec. 10, 1818. in. Sept. 1, 1841, Esther Bowles. He was a iiiercliant in Francoiiia, where he d., May 12, 1884. State Sen- ator, 1873-75. 20. iii. Levi Puatt, b. Jan. 15, 1820. iv. Charles, b. May 21, 182fJ. m. Oct. 24, 1847, Amelia E. Bennett. He was actively enj^agetl in mauufacturinisbon, Oct. 24, 18G2. unm. res. L. K. P. ii. (Ji;or<;e I'ioruy, b. Lisbon, Aug. 11, 1807. m. April 5, 1897, Mary E. Field. C^erk. res. L. iii. Carl Irving, b. L. May 17, 1874. unm. res. L. iv. Eonii Lillian, b. L. Dec. 27, 1878, d. L. Aug. 2-5, 1879. 24. Nki.son Parkkr, son of Silas ^■*, b. in Lisbon, Aug. 2"), 1844. m. Nov. 9, 1869, ILuinah H., dau. of Albert Morse, b. in Acusiinet, Mass., in 1848, Methodist, lie has res. in L. since 18G5. Manufr. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. NinaE., b. June 21, 1871. m. Sept. 11, 1894, Edwin W. Bailey, sales- man, res. Hinsdale, ii. Hali.ie M.. b. Oct. 28, 187G. m. Willis Huston Colby (See). iii. Edith M., b. Jan. 22, 1879. iv. Murray Nelson, b. Jan. 21, 1883. Dart. Coll., 1894. 25. Ira Parker, son of Silas", b. in Lisbon, Oct. 7, 184G. m. first, Nov. 23, 1869, Louise R., dau. of Joel Bronson (See), b. in Lyndon, Vt., Oct. 3, 1847, d. in L. Jan. 7, 1879, IMethodist. m. second, June 1, 1882, Mandane A., dau. of Benjamin Wright, b. in Boston, IVIass., Aug. 15, 1860. He has res. in L. since 1870. Glove manufr. Republican. Representative, 1887-8. Director of Saranac Glove Co. until 1899. Director L. National Bank, 1890 to 97 inc. Director L. Savings ISank, 1885 to 97 inc. ; Vice-President, 1895-6-7. A. F. and A.M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. 32' A. A. S. R. 380 Parker. Cli., b}- w. jNIaiulane, b. in L., — i. Howard Wright, b. June 4, 1883. ii. Marjouie Chandler, b. May 27, 1890. 26. CiiARLKS Parkek, son of Silas ^'\ b. in Lisbon, Dec. 8, 1851. m. Sept. 5, 1874, P^lizabeth Rosalia, dan. of Ariel Holmes (See), b. in Warren, Vt., Nov. 24, 1849. He has res. in L. since 1864. Glove niercliant. Director Saranac Glove Co. Prohibition. Ch.,- i. Walter Holmes, b. July 2G, 1870. m. Nov. 30, 1899, Ella L. A. Barrows, res. L. 27. Albert Parker, son of Levi Pratt-", b. in Lisbon, June 28, 184G. m. I\Iav 24, 1873, Cyrena Dolly, dan. of Nelson Gile (See), b. in L. June G. 1847, Episcopal. He res. in L. from 18G7 to 1874 ; now res. in Topeka, Kas. Real estate. Democrat. Ch., — i. Albert Gile, b. Topeka, Kas., Jan. 10, 1885. PARKER. 28. Nathan Parker, b. in Winchester, N. IL, May 6, 1773. m. third, April 23, 1815, Melinda Hartwell, b. May 17. 17'J1, dan. of Oliver and Hannah (Kelley) Hartwell, of Duinmerston and Lyndon, Vt. He lived in Lyndon, Vt., where he d., Feb. 24, 1843. She m. second, 1846, Philemon Hartwell, of Newark, Vt. 29. Tyler E. Parker, son of Nathan "^ b. in Kirby, Vt., June 23, 1824. m. lirst, Amelia Persis, dan. of Asa Carpenter, b. in Kirlty, Vt., d. in Lyndonville, Vt., June 2, 1847, Methodist, m. second, Minerva H., dau. of Horace Fyler, b. in Burke, Vt., d. Oct. 25, 1878. m. third, July 23, 1880, Lydia'A., dau. of Eben Paul, b. in Groton, Vt., Aug. 14, 1844, Unitarian. He has res. in L. since 1885. Glove salesman. Methodist. Republican. Ch., by w. Minerva, — i. Harland L., b. Kirby, Vt., July 20, 185G. m. Feb. 1887, Nellie Wilder. Merchant, res. Lyndonville, Vt. ii. Annette Amelia,!). Kirby, Vt., July 22, 18G3. m. William M. Silsby (See). iii. Persis A., b. Lyndonville, Vt., April 18, 1874. m. Harry Daniel Green (See). 30. IIoLLis Meigs Parker, son of Nathan -^ b. in Lyndon, Vt., Nov. 30, 1828. m. in 1854, Sarah, dau. of Joel Bronson (See), b. in Lan- daff, April 12, 1834, d. in West Cornwall, Vt., Dec. 24, 1800, Cong. He res. in L. from 1872 to 1889 and since 18'J6. Merchant. Ch.,— 31. i. Edwin K., b. Lyndon, Vt, Dec. 21, 1863. 31. Edwix Kenney Parker, son of HoUis Meigs ^°, b. in Lyndon, Vt., Dec. 21, 1863. m. June 4, 1897, P:ilen Ingeborg, dau. ofTliad- deus Ezra Sanger (See), b. in L. Dec. 22, 1866, Cong. She d. in L. March 3, 1898 ; he m. second, Oct. 17, 1898, Gara G., dau. of Henry { P. Thayer (See). He was educated in L. High School, N. Y. Homoe- opathic Med. Coll. and Hospital, from which he grad. in 1888, and took Parker. 381 n, post-g"iTi(l. course in the N. Y. Tost. Grad. Coll. and IIos[)ital, aiul N. Y. Clinical Sc'liool of IModicine. lie comraoiiced practice in West Cornwall, Yt.. in ISH.S, where he remained about eight rears; then moved to L., where he has since res. and practised. Member of Vt. Slate IIom(eo[)athic ]Med. Societ}'. Postmaster in West Cornwall, Yt. I.O. O. F. Republican. PARKER. 32. Jonathan Parker, b. in Wethersfield, Conn., April 2i>, 1712. m. Klizal)eth Atkins, b. April 2'J, 171(5, d. in L. June 2, l.SOC). He res. in L. from 1802 until he d., Oct. 2, 1811. Farmer. Minute-man in the Pev. War. Ch.,— i. Hannah, b. Dec. 17, 1774, d. in L. May 24, 180G. 33. ii. Isaac, 1). Clarcmoiit. July 0, 17S1. iii. Jonathan, in. Oct. \^0'1, Ilapsibali Fielil. 33. Isaac Paukkr, son of Jonathan ''-, b. in Claremont, July 9, 1781. m. Jan. 5, 1807, Anna. dan. of Klkanah Iloskins (See), b. in Petersham, INIass., March 21, 178G, d. in L. Oct. 20, 1875, Cong. He res. in L. from 1802 until he d., Dec. 20, 1852. Farmer. Cong. Ch., b. in L., — i. Anna Dean, b. .Jan. 14, 1810. m. Eiiplialet G. Carter is (See). 34. ii. I.saac Chase, b. Feb. 4, 1815. 35. iii. Luther Ai)AM.s, b. Jan. 23, 1817. 34. Isaac Chase PAUKiai, son of Isaac '"•^ b. in. L. Feb. 1, 1815. m. Sept. 1840, Rebecca, dau. of Caleb Chaml)erlain, 1). in Petersham, Mass., in 1817, d. in L. Jan. 9, 18();3, Cong. He res. in L. from birth to 1871. Farmer, d. in l.^niau, Jan. 30, 1884. Ch., b. iuL.,— 30. i. Dwight C, b. Oct. 0, 184.3. ii. Syiul II., b. 1847. m. Oct. 25, 1808, Allen S. Strectcr. Farmer. He il. Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 10, 181)2. 35. Luther Aijams Parker, son of Isaac •^■\ b. in L. Jan. 23, 1817. m. Sept. 5, 1848, Lvdia Wilson, dau. of ('aleb Chamberlain, b. in Peter- sham, Mass., Dec. 5, 1818, d. in L. July 14, 1895, Cong. lie res. in L. all his life. Farmer, d. in L. Feb. 23, 1874. Ch., b. in L.,— 37. i. Frank Isaac, b. May 28, 1850. ii. Anna Elizabeth, b. Jan. 5, 1853. m. Frank Eilward Sliepard (See). 36. DwuaiT C. Parker, son of Isaac Chase •"^ b. in L. Oct. 9, 1843. m. Se[)t. 20, 1867, Liu^lla ('., dau. of .lames Calhoun (See), b. in L. Aug. 27, IS 12. He res. in L. from l)irth to Marcii, 1878. Farmer. Ch.. 1). in L.,— i. Gertrude R., b. Sept. 23, 1868, d. April 25, 1874. ii. Harry C, b. June 17, 1872 res. Lyman, iii. Dwight H., b. Feb. 7, 1875. res. Lyman. 37. Frank Isaac Parker, son of Luther Adams ^'^, b. in L. May 28, 1850. m. first, Sept. 27, 1877, Susan Eiizal)eth, dau. of Smith E. Jones (See), b. in Bethlehem, Aug. 29, 1854, d. in L. July 13, 1883, Cong. 382 Parker. m. second, Aug. 26, 1886, Harriet Celia, daii. of Robert Orr, b. in Que- bec, Oct. 18, 1864, Cong. He lias res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Re- publican. Supervisor, 1886. Representative, 1896-7. Cli., 1)3' w. Harriet, b. in L., — i. Albert Luther, b. Jan. 20, 1889. ii. Susie ]May, b. Dec. 4, 1892. PARKER. 38. George Parker, son of Leonard, b. in Hardwick, Vt., Sept. 18, 1841. ni. Sept. 5, 1861, Eliza J., dan. of John Leggett, b. in Chester- field, Ohio, Dec. 12, 1843, d. in L. July 23, 1892, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1880 to 1894. Glove salesman. Republican. I. 0. O. F. Ch.,- 39. i. Arthur Linwood, b. Lyman, Dec. 11, 1868. 39. Arthur Linwood Parker, son of George ^^, b. in Lvman, Dec. 11, 1868. ra. Sept. 7, 1892, Sadie Blanche, dan. of Addison B. Put- nam, b. in Bradford, Oct. 23, 1871. He res. in L. from 1880 to 1894. Dentist. Unitarian. Republican. I. O. O. F. PARKER. 40. Lorenzo D. Parker, son of David, b. in Lyman, April 19, 1815. ni. April 17, 1839, Deborah J., dau. of licvi Sanborn (See), b. in San- bornton, Feb. 19, 1820. He res. in L. from 1829 to 1848. Shingle sawver. Ch.,— Charles S., b. L. July o. 1845. m. 1860, Mary Elliott, d. 1807. m. scccmtl, 18138, Laura E. Hubbard. Farmer, res. Whitefield. 1st Co. N. H. H. Art. Private. Henry M., b. L. April 8, 1848, d. April 8, 1870. Mary I., b. Wliitefield, Aug. 3, 1852. m. 1870, Westly B. Marden, car- penter, res. Whitefield. George E., b Whitefield, Nov. 29, 1855, d. March 4, 1809. Frank A., b. Dalton, June 27, 1859, d. April 9, 1873. Addib a., b. Dalton, July 25, 1803. m. Feb. 7, 1885, Burnie G. Taylor, ice-dealer, res. Whitefield. PARKER. 41. Charles Alexander Parker, son of Alexander Jackson, b. in Waterville, Me., June 27, 1831. m. Aug. 21, 1879, Sarah Niles, dau. of Moses W. Burnham, b. in Forks, Me., "May 1, 1842, Methodist. He res. in h. from 1877 until he d., Nov. 19, 1893. Scvthe tetnperer. Re- publican. Co. E, 98th N. Y. Inf. Sergt. G. A. rI A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. No ch. PARKER. 42. Charles Lewis Parker, son of Hiratn, b. in Bartlett, Oct. 7, 18-)2. m. Feb. 13, 1873, Jennie, dau. of William L. Brown, b. in Car- roll, Oct. 3, 1856. Free Baptist. He has res. in L. since 1893. Car- penter. Free Baptist. Republican. Mrs. Anna II. I'akki.k. Parher — Partr'uhje — Patten — Patterson. 383 Ch.,— i. Steward E., !>. Bartlett, An?. 4, 1875. ii. xMautiia .]., 1>. Rartlott, Julv 1'.), 1870. iii. Hahaii a., 1). Whitefu'ld, May 10, 1877. iv. Lillian L., b. BetlilelicMii, March 22, 1886. V. SiiiKL, 1). L. Dec. 2-], 18'.)o. PARTRIDGE. 1. Joiix P.VKTRiDGE wa.s all original proprietor of ^Todfield, IMas.s. He resided in tiiat town as early as K;.");). in. Dec. 18, 1 (!;"),'), Mag- delen lUillard, dan. of John Biillanl of Dedliam ; she d. 1G77 ; he d. 170(;. 2. Joiix I'.vKTKinoE, son of John \ 1). in JMedfield, Sept. "21. IG.JG. m. 1G78, Elizabeth Rockwood, dan. of Nicholas and Martlia (llolbrook) IJocUwood ; she d. 1G88, and he ni. second, Elizabeth Adams, m. third. Hannah Sheflield. He d. in Meillield, Dec. 9, 1743. 3. Bkxoni Partridge, son of John '-, b. 1G87. m. 1709, Mehital>lc Wheelock ; she d. Jan. 20, 17GI ; he res. in West Medwav, where he d. Dec. 2G, 17G9. 4. Eli Partridge, son of P)enoni "\ b. June 3, 1729. ni. Esther . He lived in Holliston, Mass., Rlilford, Mass., and in 177G re- moved to Chesterfield. His ten childi'en were liaptized in Milford. Abont 1800 he removed to the northern part of tlie State. 5. N.VTHANiEL Partridge, son of Eli ^ h. in 17G7. m. Nov. II. 1802, Persis, dan. of Rev. David Goodall (See), b. in Halifax, Vt., Nov. 1, 1784, d. in Lvman, Jan. 12, 18G5. He res. in L. from 1801 to 1802, and from 1839 until he d., May 29, 1844. Earmer. Ch.. all b. in Lyman, — i. OuiON, m. Nancy Thayer. Ilotcl-keeper. res Passumpsic, Vt. ii. Eliza G., b. Jan. 18, 1805. m. Timothy B. Hunl (See). iii. Ira G., b. 1807. Farmer, d. Lyman, May 11, 184:]. iv. Persis, b. May 2, 1809. m. Sylvester P. Williams (See). V. Caroline, m. John Pike, farmer. She d. Manchester, 189G. PATTEN. 1. George Colungwood Patten, son of George C, b. in P>oston, INIass., July 10, 1852. m. Ang. 21, 1879, Jennie Eliza, dan. of M.-idison Sanborn (See), b. in L. Feb. 29, 18G4, d. in L. April 2G, 1882. He has res. in L. since 18aG. Mechanic and lumber raanufr. Republican. Ch., — i. Frank Tracy, b. L. May 28, 1882. PATTERSON. 1. Hosea Patterson, son of Phineas ('., b. in Barre, Vt., Jan. 24, 1834. m. Dec. 20, 1853, Phihira M., dau. of John G. Dow, b. in Peacham, Vt., Jan. 8, 1836, Universalist. He has res. in L. since 1881. Carpenter. Universalist. Republican. A. F. and A. M., 14^ A. A. S. R. 384 Patterson — Peahody. Ch., — i. Annie M., b. Williamstovvn, Vt., Oct. 4, 1863, d. Willianistown, Vt., Oct. 4, 18G3. ii. Leon H., b. Barre, Vt., Sept. 6, 186G, d. Barre, Vt., Aug. 13, 1878. PATTERSON. 2. Noble Patterson, son of Andrew, b. in Kingarrow, Ire., A\m\ 24, 1869. m. Oct. 7, 1893, Florence Elizabeth, dan", of Curtis Bedell (See), b. in Bath, April 28, 1865. She m. first, Nov. 23, 1883, Archie Sunsburv. Noble res. in L. from 1889 to 1896. Glover, llepublican. I. O. O. F. Ch., - i. Annie Bell, b. L. Nov. 23, 1884 (dau. of Sunsburv). PEABODY. The name Peabody originated about the year 61, in the reign of Nero Emperor of Rome. At this time Boadicea, queen of one of the British tribes, was in a state of vassalage to tiie Emperor. Prasu- tagus, who was reigning in the right of his wife, hoping to secure a part of his possessions, gave one-half of his estate to the Emperor, hoping b_y tliis to secure the remainder ; but as soon as he died Nero seized everything in his power. Boadicea opposed these proceedings, for which Nero ordered her to be publicly whipped. This so enraged the Britons that with the assistance of her kinsman, Bodia, she put herself at the head of an arin\', but was finally overcome. Determined not to submit to the t^'rant, she desjiatched herself with poison. Bodia, among the Britons, signified "man," or a "great man.'' Pea signified '■'• mountain,"' wiiich afterward occasioned this leader, by his enemies, to be called Peabodia. (Abstract from the Heraldry olfice, London, ancient records, Vol. II. folio 327, No. 109.) 1. Fi!\xcis Peabopy, b. in Eng., emigrated to America in ship '•Planter" in 1636, and settled in Ipswich, Mass. In the summer of 1638 he became one of the first settlers of Hampton, old Norl'olk Count}', where he was chosen to settle small causes. When the Stnte lines were run Hampton was found to be in Rockingham Co., N. II. He m. Mary, dau. of Reginald Foster or Forster. He left Hampton and settled in Topsfield, Essex Co., Mass., where he was one of the most prominent men of the town and a large landowner. He d. in Topsfield, Feb. 19, 1697 or 8. 2. William Peabopy, son of Francis \ )). in Topsfield (?). INIass., in 1646. m. Dec. 8, 1680, Mary Brown, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth (Greenleaf) Brown, m. second, Aug. 14, 1684, Hannah Hale, i). Nov. 29, 1663, dau. of Thomas and JNIar}' (Hutchinson) Hale of Newbur}', Mass. He res. in Boxford, Mass., where he d. in 1699. His widow d. Feb. 23, 1733. 3. RiciiARP Peabopy', son of William -, b. in P>oxford, Mass., Feb. 7, 1691. m. in 1716, Ruth Kiml)all, b. Feb. 1, 1693, dau. of Richard and Sarah (Spolford) Kimball. He removed to Pomfret, Conn., in 1735, where he d. in 1771. Peahody — Pearce. 385 4. Richard Pkaisody, son of Richard •', b. in Pomfret, Conn., Nov. 10, 1734. m. July 8, 1762, Tabitlm, dan. of Samuel Cliild of Wood- stock, Conn. He was a minute-man in the Conn, service, with rank of Lieut. lie d. in L3nian, Feb. 17, 1811; was buried in L. 5. RicnAiii) Teahody, son of Richard*, b. in Woodstock, Conn., Feb. 14, 1773. m. April 10, 1804, p:iizabetii, dan. of Rev. David Goodall (See), b. in Athol, Mass., Jan. 7, 1781, d. in Coventry, Vt., in 1858. He res. in L. from 1805 to 1850. Farmer. Town Treasurer, 1815-16-17-20-21. d. in Coventry, Vt., Feb. 27, 185G. Ch.,— i. Clkmentina, 1). Lyman, 1805, d. 1805. • ii. Maria, h. Lyman, Fob. 14, 1807. ni. Timothy Haselton (See). iii. Cleme.vtina, b. L. Jan. 27, 180'.). m. .Jan. 27, 18;]4, David ilil)bard% farmer and merchant. He d. 1889. She d. Concord, Vt., 1875. 6. iv. Richard Wales, b. L. July 7, 1811. V. Amanda, b. L. Nov. 18, 1812, d. 1812. vi. Uavid Goodall, b. L. Feb. 1, 1814, d. 1822. vii. Elizabeth Olivia, b. L. July 80, 1810. m. Dec. 2, 1841, Russell Ar- niington, farmer. He d. 1873. Site d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1871. viii. Persis, b. L. Aug. 1.5, 1819, d. 1822. \x. Hannah Goodall, b. L. Oct. 31, 1820. num. res. Carrollton, Ohio. X. David Goodall, b. L. Feb. 11, 1825. in. Elizabeth Adam.s. Lawj-er. Quartermaster in late war with rank of Capt. d. Lawrence, Kas., 1864. 6. Richard Wales PEAnoDV, son of Richard '^ b. in L. July 7, 1811. m. Hannah, dau. of Ezra Parker (See), b. in New Hampton, Feb. 4, 1824. He res. in L. from birth to 1850, when he moved to Coventiy, Vt., and afterwards to St. Johnsbury in 1865. He now res. in Chi- cago, 111. Farmer. Selectman, 1839-40. Representative, 1842-3. J. P. Member of Vt. Leoislature, 1857-8. Appointed Pavmaster 32 Regt. N. H. Militia, Aug.' 6, 1832. . Ch.,— i. Hp:len Eliza, b. L. Aug. 31, 1845. m. March 29, 1870, Joseph Put- nam, civil engineer. He d. Nov. 24, 1898. ii. Mary, b. L. April 21, 1847, d. Coventry, Vt., July 5, 1856. iii. Richard Parkman, b. L. Aug. 1, 1849, d. Coventry, Vt., July 5, 1856. iv. Richard Ezra, b. Coventry, Vr., Oct. 5, 1851. m. Nov. 9, 1875, Anna Blodgett. res. CMticinnati, Ohio. V. Persis, b. Coventry, Vt., Sept. 9, 1853. ni. March, 1886, George F. Cheney, dentist. Slie d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., June 3, 1895. vi. Alice Burleigh, b. Coventry, Vt., Jan. 17, 1859, d. April G, 1865. vii. Maud, b. Coventry, Vt., April 10, 1862, d. April, 1862. viii. Agnes, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Dec. 20, 1867. unin. res. Lowell, Mass. PEARCE. 1. Walter Elijah George Pearce, son of P'lijah Samuel, b. in Waterford, Vt., March 16, 1866. m. Aug. 18, 1888, Carrie Isabella, dau. of Amos Mills, b. in L. Feb. 24, 1861). He has res. in L. since 1885. Tinsmith. Democrat. P^lijah Samuel Pearce, the father, was a seaman in the English navv, and in service in the Crimean War. Ch., b. in L., — i. Infant Son, b. .Jan. 10, 1890, d. L. Jan. 12, 1890. ii. Maurice W., b. June 29, 1892. iii. Stanley Samuel, b. Nov. 30, 1893. vol. ii. — 25 386 Pearce — Pearson — Peavey. 2. Elbridge R. W. Pearce, son of IClijah Samuel, b. in L. in 1870. m. Ma}' 25, 1893, Yoseraite, dan. of A. J. Carter, b. in Lyndon, Vt., in 1875. He has res. in L. nearly all his life. Glover. Ch., b. in L., — i. Carlyle M., b. May .31, 1894. ii. Forrest C, b. Jan. 19, 1896. PEARCE. 3. Nathan Herbert Pearce, son of Nathan W., and grandson of Nathan, b. in Cranston, R. I., June 27, 1856. m. Nov. 26, 1889, Anna Chapin, dau. of Thomas W. D. Me re weather, b. in Chieopee, Mass., Jan. 3, 1866. She d. Edgwood, R. I., Sept. 28, 1898. He has res. in L. since 1897. Hotel proprietor. Republican. Ch.,— i. Helen Chapin, b. Cranston, R. I., March 27, 1891. ii. Herbert, b. rrovidence, 11. I., Nov., 1893. PEARSON. 1. Thomas Henry Pearson, son of Edward, b. in Ely, Eng., Sept. 1, 1862. m. April 11, 1885, P^dna Mar}', dau. of Louis Guy (See), b. in L. Jan. 20, 1863. He has res. in L. since 1883. Glover. Republican. I. O. 0. F., N. G. C. P., L. Encampment. No ch. 2. Arthur Pearson, son of P^dward, b. in Eng. Nov. 25, 1863. m. May 17, 1885, Lizzie, dau. of Elias Russell, b. in Eng. June 7, 1863, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1883. Glover. Republican. Methodist. Ch.,— i. EnwARD Arthur, b. Nashua, Feb. 5, 1886. ii. Mattie Emzaheth, b. L. May '2b, 1889. iii. Gertrude Louise, b. L. Jan. 17, 1893. iv. Dorothy Viola, b. L. March 1, 1895. PEARSON. 3. William Stacy Pbarson, son of John, b. in Bangor, Me., in 1858. Bowdoin Coll., 1883. m. Dec. 6, 1881, Isabelle S., dau. of Josiah Prescott Stinchfield (See), b. in L. June 30, 1858. She res. in L. from 1860 to 1872. He never res. in L. Teacher, d. in Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 21, 1890. She m. second, Harvey S. Birch. Ch., b. in Minneapolis, — i. Charles Stinchfield, b. Nov. 19, 1885, d. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 17, 1887. ii. Catharine Madeline, b. June 1, 1888. iii. Willabelle Stacy, b. Oct. 24, 1890. PEAVEY. 1. James Peavey, b. in Durham, April 25, 1809. m. April, 1840, Abigail, dau. of Edward and Olive (Ayers) West, of Barnstead. He res. in L. a few years ; now res. in Lancaster. Farmer. Peavey — Peck — PecJcetf — Pennock. 387 2. James Smith Peavey, son of James \ b. in Gilnianton, Aug. 4, 1843. m. Ai)ril 22, 18G9, IMary Lizzie, dau. of Jolin C. Clark, b. in Concord, April 23, 1852. lie res. in L. from 1872 to 1878. Printer. Dec. 25, 1875, he established the " Littleton Argus," vvliich he pub- lished until Ma}- 3, 1878, when he purchased the "■ Coos Republican." He then moved to Lancaster and consolidated the two under the name of the " Coos Republican," which he published until Jan. 1881, when he sold out. He was subsequently employed about a year in the Gov- ernment printing-office in Washington, but most of the time has been a farmer. Member Board of Education, Lancaster, 18"JG-7-8. A. F.and A. M. P. of H. (L. Cen., p. 118). Ch.,— i. Frank, b. Chichester, May 18, 1870, d. L. Feb. 4, 187G. ii. Abby Jank, b. L. Oct. 25, 1872, d. L. Feb. 4, 1876. iii. George S., b. L. Oct. oO, 1875. vmm. res. Lancaster. iv. Ida M., b. L. March 17, 1877. res. Lancaster. V. Wakren C, b. Lancaster, Sept. 3, 1879. res. Lancaster. PECK. 1. Isaac Peck, son of Isaac, b. in Flushing, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1856. unm. He fitted for Coll. in the Flushing Institute and attended Yale Coll., from which he grad. in 1879. He commenced the study of the- ology in Berkele}^ Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., in 1880, and grad. in 1883. He was ordained Deacon by Bishop John Williams, May 30, 1883, and Priest by Bishop Elliott, of Texas, April 9, 1884. Hi's ministrv has been as follows: Laredo, Texas, 1883 to 4; Tilton, 1884 to 5; Washington, D. C, Jan. to Sept., 1886 ; L., 1886 to 1888 ; Kin- derhook, N. Y., 1888 to 1892 ; Roslyn, N. Y., since 1892. PECKETT. 1. Robert Pltmpton Peckett, son of John W., b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 25, 1871. m. March 30, 1895, Katherine M., dau. of George Belknap (See), b. in L. Aug. 13, 1874. He res. in L. from 1895 to 1898, when he removed to Lisbon. Hotel proprietor. Ch.,— i. Deborah Elizabeth, b. L. Jan. 17, 1896. PENNOCK. 1. Francis Theron Pennock, son of Human and Maiy (Barnes) Pennock, b. in Lisbon, July 21, 1831. m. first, in 1850, Jane B. Gil- man, b. in Lisbon, Jul}' 25, 1834, d. in Lisbon, Nov. 5. 18G3. m. second. May 21, 1864, Luella L., dau. of Gilman Lovejoy (See), b. in Randolph, Vt., Jul}' 27, 1844. He res. in L. 1864 and 5. Carpenter. Ch., by w. Jane, b. in Lisbon, — i. Theron, b. Feb. 19, 1851, d. April 2, 1851. ii. Aseneth Viola, b. March 23, 1852. in. George Myron Bemls ^ (See). 2. iii. Ika Francis, b. Feb. 11, 1854. 3. iv. Bernice Human, b. July 21, 1856. V. Infant Daughter, b. Au^;. 16, 1858, d. Aug. 26, 1858. vi. Nellie D., b. Aug. 8, 1859. m. William Hart, farmer, res. Wilson's Mills, Me. vii. Hattie J., b. Oct. 22, 1862. m. Horace Bennett, farmer, res. Wilson's Mills, Me. 388 Fennock — Perlcins — Pettinglll — Phillips. Ch., by w. Luella, b. in Bloomfield, Vt., — viii. Mary F., b. July 23, 1866. m. Joseph Carter, res. Lancaster. Farmer, ix. Adelbert R., b. Sept. 25, 1868. res. Wilson's Mills, Me. X. Abuy M., b. Nov. 24, 1870. m. Fred Taylor, farmer. res. Wilson's Mills, Me. xi. Harry B., b. March 4, 1874. res. Wilson's Mills, Me. 2. Ira Francis Pennock, .son of Francis Thevon \ b. in Li.sbon, Feb. 11, 1854. ni. Jan. 26, 1880, Antoinette, dan. of Amos Cole Noyes (See), b. in Easton, Dec. 10, 1866. He has res. in L. since 1879. Barber. Republican. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. 32° A. A. S. R. Cli., b. in L., — i. Frank Amos, b. Dec. 5, 1881, d. L. Oct. 5, 1886. ii. Arthur Amos, b. Oct. 5, 1882. 3. Bernice Human Pennock, son of Francis Tlieron \ b. in Lisbon, July 21, 1856. m. Jan. 31, 1885, Alice Ardell, dau. of Norman Farr (See), b. in Dalton, Oct. 10, 1867. He has res. in L. since 1879. Painter. Democrat. 1. O. O. F. No ch. PERKINS. 1. William Milton Perkins, son of Horace B., b. in Warren, March 5, 1860. ni. Feb. 11, 1886, Luna Jane, dau. of Augustus Wil- lard Streeter (See), b. in Bethlehem, May 26, 1861, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1881. Carriage dealer. Democrat. K. P. Ch., — i. Mildred May, b. L. July 14, 1888. PETTINGILL. 1. John Pettingill, son of John and Sally (Hatch), b. in Sand- wich, Feb. 7, 1834. m. first, Jan. 1, 1855, Laura A., dau. of Martin S. Reed. m. second, in 1894, Fannie B. Wescott. He was educated in tlie common schools and was licensed to preach in 1861, and ordained a Free Baptist minister in Holderness, Jan. 17, 1875. He res. in L. from 1852 to 1859. He has been located as follows: North Lisbon, Jackson, Thornton Gore, East Holderness, Moultonboro, 1878 to 1882; Eaton, 1884 to 1886; South Gorham, Me., 1886-7; Scarboro', Me., 1887-8. From Scarboro', Me., he went to South Buxton and West Hollis, Me., and from 1889 to 1893 res. in Bar Mills, Me. He now res. in Jefferson, Me. A. F. and A. M. 14° A. A. S. R. John Pettingill, Senior, was a minister, Free Baptist, who res. in L. from 1853 to 1859. Ch., — Harvey Y. Zola M. PHILLIPS. 1. Jesse Phillips, b. in Richmond, in 1775. ra. Lydia Bolles, b. Oct. 8, 1778, dau. of Nathaniel Bolles, of Richmond. He moved to Lisbon, later to Bethlehem, where he d., Nov. 18, 1828. (Child's Grafton Co. Gazetteer, p. 165.) PhllCqJS. 389 2. Rktjben Phillips, son of Josse *, b. in Lisbon, Nov. 25, 1805. m. first, Deliorab B., dau. of Samuel Biiruliiini, b. in Bethlehem, June 15, 1809, (1. in L. May 2, 1874. ra. second, Jan. 13, 1875, Hannah, i iv. Vienna Dokothy, b. Jan. 14, 183o. ni. Orriu II. Streeter (See). V. Sarah Ann, b. July 20, 18;37. lu. Chester Simpson (See). G. vi. Dean Conant, b. Jan. 24, 1840. vii. Dehorah Jennette, b. March 8, 1811. m. Ira Andrew Bass (See). viii. Laura E., b. 1845. m. Sei)t. 1, 1868, Charles Temple, farmer. He d. Feb. 2, 1873. She d. L. March 22, 1874. 3. Moses Phillips, son of Jesse S b. in Bethlehem, Dec. 22, 1811. m. Dec. 21, 1831, Joanna Burnham. He res. in Bethlehem, where lie d.. May 8, 1874. He had nine ch., of whom Frank Brown* re.s. in L. 4. Jeremiah Phillips, son of Jesse \ b. in Bethlehem, Feb. 9, 1813. m. in 1836, Lois, dau. of Thomas Fisher, b. in Dalton, July 20, 1813. He res. in L. from 1870 until he d., Aug. 11, 1893. Farmer. Free Baptist. Republican. (Child's Grafton Co. Gazetteer, p. 497.) Ch.,— i. Warren, b. Dalton, Dec. 29, 1836. m. 18G8, Pliilena Annis. Clerk, res. Nashua. 7. ii. Lemuel Newell, b. Bethlehem, Dec. 30, 1838. iii. Lucy Ann, b. Bethlehem, March 24, 1841. m. June, 1862, Charles Cole, real-estate agent. She d. Minneapolis, Minn., June, 1887. iv. Clement Jeremiah, b. Bethlehem, Aug. 24, 1853. m. 1881, Etta Bean. Farmer, res. Bethlehem. V. Ella M., b. Francoiiia, 1854. in. Oct. 27, 1873, George A. Giines, mill- man, res. Franconia. 5. Elisha Phillips, son of Reuben ^, b. in Bethlehem, Feb. 3, 1833. m. Feb. 3, 1856, Rebecca, dau. of Nathaniel Hutchinson, b. in Whitefield, Oct. 15, 1831. He has res. in L. since 1883. Farmer. Republican. Ch.,— i. Hattie, b. L. Jan. 8, 1857. m. Edward Hale Wells (See). ii. Harry, b. L. Jan. 6, 1858, d. Concord, Vt., Dec 15, 1879. iii. Louise G., b. Concord, Vt., Feb. 5, 18G0. m. Ellsworth Sulhani (See). 6. Dean Coxaxt Phillips, son of Reuben -, b. in Bethlehem, Jan. 24, 1840. m. first, Oct. 29, 1861, Luella Mary, dau. of Guy Carleton, b. in L. July 19, 1844, d. in L. July 3, 1894. m. second, Oct. 21, 1895, Elizabeth, dau. of George Sanford, b. in Albany, N. Y., in 1848. He has res. in L. since 1858. Farmer. Prohibition. Ch., b. in L., — i. Jennie, b. Nov. 16, 18GI. d. L. March 17, 1881. ii. Nellie Viola, b. Aug. 19, 18G5. m. Orrin C. Nortliy (See). iii. Walter, b. Aug. 7, 18(;7. m. March IG, 189G, Mamie Hardy. She d. L. Aug. 31, 1899. Butcher, res. L. 390 Phillips — Pickett. iv. Minnie, b. June 3, 1870. m. April 7, 1890, Clarence C. Viall, farmer. res. Bethlehem. V. Blanche E., b. Aug. 2, 1877. m. Oct. 16, 1805, George L. Pyer, rail- road employee, res. L. vi. Arthur, b. Oct. 5, 1881. vii. Maud Agnes, b. Oct. 28, 1882. d. L. Dec. 31, 1897. 7. Lemuel Newell Phillips, son of Jeremiah'', b. in Bethlehem, Dec. 30, 1838. m.. Dec. 18, 1862, Priscilla, dan. of Siiel Simpson, b. in Bath, Dec. 6, 1841, Free Baptist. He has res. in L. since 1869. Carpenter. Free Baptist. Republican. Ch.,— i. Carrie Lillian, b. Bethlehem, June 28, 1864. d. Bethlehem, Aug. 9, 1867. ii. Edith Camilla, b. Bethlehem, Jan. 23, 1867. res. Plymouth, iii. Olin Kilbukn, b. L. Aug. 17, 1870. iv. Delia Simpson, b. L. Feb. 7, 1872. m. Jan. 18, 1898, Isadore N. Lun- derville of Plj'mouth. V. Lois Bertha, b. L. Feb. 20, 1875. vi. Bessie Eliza, b. L. Aug. 14, 1881, d. L. June 12, 1882. vii. George Newell, b. L. Oct. 30, 1883. 8. Frank Brown Phillips, son of Moses ^ b. in Bethlehem, Oct. 16, 1850. m. Feb. 13, 1875, Grace Evelyn, dau. of Jonas B. Longle}', b. in West Chelmsford, Mass., Feb. 4, 1853, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1869. Travelling salesman. Methodist. Prohibition. I. O. O. F., N. G. C. P., L. Encampment. Ch., — i. Mary Webster, b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 11, 1883 (adopted April, 1891). PHILLIPS. 9. P^LBERTo EvANDER PiiiLLiPS, son of HariT Walter, b. in Glover, Vt., Dec. 16, 1857. m. June 16, 1883, Georgeanna Eliza, dau. of Guilmet Lemieux, b. in Waterville, P. Q., June 10, 1861, Roman Catholic. He res. in L. from 1887 to 1894. Merchant. Cong. Re- pul)lican. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Lafayette Lodge, I. O. 0. F. Ch.,— i. Louis Lucien, b. Glover, Vt., Jan. 1, 1885. PICKETT. 1. Edward Pickett, b. in Haverhill, April 1, 1791. m. May 3, 1820, Jemima, dau. of James Williams ^ (See), b. in L. March 28, 1802, d. in Bradford, Vt., Jan. 8, 1884. She ni. second, Capt. Moses Cham- berlin, of Bradford, Vt., bv whom she had one ch. (See below, viii.) Edward res. in L. from 1822 to 1825. d. in Waterford, Vt., Feb. 16, 1834. Whig. Deputy sheriff, 1823. Ch.,- i. Ellen C, b. Bath, March 2, 1821, d. Aug. 17, 1821. ii. John, b. L. Sept. 11, 1823, d. April 27, 1824. iii. Merrill T., b. Waterford, Vt., June 14, 1825, d. March 15, 1826. iv. Ellen T., b. Newbury, Vt., April 19, 1827, d. Hartford, Conn., April 7, 1882. V. Martha E., b. Newbury, Vt., June 24, 1829. m. Dr Cross, vi. Charles B., b. Waterford, Vt, Aug. 3, 1831. Soldier, d. Washington D. C, Jan. 1.3, 1863. vii. Susan M., b. Waterford, Vt., Sept. 22, 1833, d. in L. Pickett — Pierce. 391 Ch., of Capt. Moses Chamberlin, — viii. Mariann'a. Williams, b. Bradford, Vt., July 16, 1842. m. Sept. 7, 18G4, John \V. Munn. res. Bradford, Vt. Cli., Jemima Louise, b. July '25, 1805. Arthur T., b. April 11, 1868. Marion Myra, b. April 12, 1874. J. Waldo, b. June 8, 188:]. PIERCE. 1. Joiix Pierce, b. in 1588, d. Aucr. 19, IGGl. Seven ch. (Pierce Genealogy, l)y Fredericlc C. Pierce, 1880.) 2. Anthony Pierce, son of Jolin \ b. in Eng. in 1G09, came to America previons to his father, and settled in Watertown, iVIass. d. May 9, 1G78. Nine ch. 3. Joseph Pierce, son of Anthony^, b. probably in 1G17. d. in Watertown, Mass., Sept. 20, 1747. Ten ch. 4. John Pierce, son of Joseph', b. May 27, 1673, d. in Watertown, Mass., Sept. 20, 1747. Seven ch. 5. Jonas Pierce, son of John ^ b. Dec. 20, 1705. res. in Lexington, Mass., and Westminster, Mass. Plight ch. 6. John Pierce, son of Jonas '', b. in Lexington, Mass., Julv 14, 173G, d. in Westminster, Mass., in 182G. Six ch. 7. John Pierce, son of John ^, b. in Westminster, Mass., Feb. 28, 17G6. m. Luc}' Graves, b. in Groton, Mass., June 24, 17G8, d. July 7, 1839. He res. in Westminster, Gardner, Ashburnhain, Templeton, and Petersham, Mass. Eight ch. 8. John Pierce, son of John-^, b. in Gardner, Mass., June 21, 1799. m. first, June, 1824, Sally B., dau. of Jolin Oakes, b. in Bethlehem, Oct. 14, 1800, d. in Bethlehem, July 7, 1828, Cong. m. second, June, 1829, Rebecca, dau. of Parker Cushman (See), b. in L. Sept. 23, 1803, d. in L. May 18, 1876, Cong. He res. in L. from 1867 until he d., April 4, 1896. Lumber merchant. Cong. Republican. Representa- tive from Bethlehem, 1833-4-48-9. Selectman of Bethlehem, 1830- 1-2-8-9-40-6-7-8-9. Delegate to Constitutional Convention from Bethlehem, 1850. J. P. Ch., by w. Sally, b. in Bethlehem, — i. John, b. March 20, 1825. m. about 1849, Mary Blandin. Lumberman. She d. Betlilehem, May 20, 1896. ii. Edward O., b. Nov. 13, 1826. m. Oct. 22, 1850, Catherine C. Smith. Merchant, res. Flint, Mich, ill. Sally 0., b. March 16, 1828, d. Nov. 8, 1828. Ch., by w. Rebecca, b. in Bethlehem, — iv. Sarah Oakes, b. Feb. 22, 18o0. m. Eli D. Sawyer (See). V. Eliza J., b. Nov. 8, 1831. ni. March 20, 1856, Horace J. Woodward, merchant, res. Coldwater, Midi. vi. Rebecca A., b. Oct. 13, 1834. m. July 2, 1854, John A. Blandin, mer- chant. She d. Bethlehem, Feb. 8, 1880. vii. Mary Elizabeth, b. April 0, 1837. m. March, 1855, Willard A. Blan- din. m. second, John G. Sinclair (See). viii. Franklin H., b. Oct. 22, 1842. m. July, 1866, MoUie Leyman. Mer- chant, res. Flint, Mich. 392 Pierce — Pingree. PIERCE. 9. Samuel Pierce, in. March, 1810, Alice, dau. of Nathan CaswelP (See), b. ill L. Jan. 2, 1790. Ch., — i. Erastds, d. ill illfanc3^ ii. AsAHEL, b. Dec. 31, 1812, d. July 18, 1832. iii. Nathan, b. April 27, 1814. iv. Caroline, b. March 12, 1816. V. Samuel, b. March 11, 1818. vi. Hannah, b. P\>b. 8, 1820. vii. Collins, b. Jan., 1822. viii. Alice, b. April, 182-1. i.\. RoswELL, b. Jan. 15, 1826. X. Adaline, b. April 15, 1828. xi. Frederic, b. Dec. 3, 1830. xii. Mary, b. Sept. 22, 1832. xiii. Lydia, b. Sept. 20, 1834. xiv. GosFORD, b. Sept. 1, 1836. PINGREE. 1. Mo.SEs Pingree, res. in Ipswich, Mass., as earl}- as 1641. The family name in early times was often written Pingr\' and Pengry. He established salt works in Ipswich in 1652 ; was a Selectman, and often employed in town business; Deputy to the General Court, 1665; Deacon of the tirst church. He m. Lydia Clement, dau. of Robert Clement, of Haverhill. She d. Jan. 16, 1676/7. He d. Jan. 2, 1695/6. Eight children. 2. Aaron Pingree, son of Moses \ b. 1652. m. March 22, 1681/2, Ann Pickard, b. Feb. 15, 1659/60, dau. of John and Jane (Crosby) Pickard of Rowle}-, Mass. He lived in Ipswich, and later in Rowley, where he d., Sept. 19, 1714; she d. Feb. 3, 1739/40. Gravestones in Rowley. 3. Job Pingree, son of Aaron ^ b. in Ipswich, Mass., Oct. 17, 1688. m. Nov. 1, 1717, Elizabeth Brocklebank, b. in Rowley, Mass., Dec. 4, 1694, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Platts) Brocklebank. She d. Feb. 11, 1746/7. m. second, April 6, 1749, Dorothy Dood. She d. Jan. 31, 1770/71 ; m. tiiird, May 14, 1772, Elizabeth Platts. She d. May 21, 1781, aged 83. He lived in the part of Rowley now Georgetown, Mass., where he d. April 25, 1785. 4. MosES Pingree, son of Job ^ b. Nov. 7, 1720. m. first, March 9, 1748, Anna Carlton, probably descended from Edward Carlton of Rowley, who represented the town in the Gen. Coiu't in 1643. m. sec- ond, Dec. 3, 1767, Mrs. Hannah (Woodburv) Corliss. He d. in Me- thuen, Mass., Feb. 28, 1801. 5. Ebenezek Pingree, son of Moses ■*, b. in Methuen, Mass., Feb. 24, 1755. m. Nov. 4, 1788, Sarah Merrill, b. in Methuen, Mass., June 1760, d. in L. Feb. 18, 1832. He res. in L. from 1788 until he d., July 3, 1833. Farmer. Selectman, 1791-2-6-1810. Moderator, 1796. Town Treasurer, 1790-2-3-5-6-8-9-1800-1-2-3. J. P. Rev. soldier. Town Records give him the title of Capt. Filigree. 393 Ch., b. in L., — G. i. JoK, I). July 4, 1789. ii. Sally, b. Nov. 6, 1790. m. Jan. 28, 1808, John Merrill, Jr. He d. Dec. 15, 1838. Slie <1. Metliuen, Mass.. Sept. 18, 183G. iii. Dolly, b. Marcli 8, 1792, d. Dec. 11, 1830. iv. Enoch, h. Nov. 29, 1793, d. Nov. 22, 1796. 7. v. Jo.sEi'ii, b. March 22, 179G. 6. Job Pingkkk, son of Ebenezcr '^, b. in L. July 4, 1789. m. April 3, 1831, Mary Ann Daniels, b. Sept. 3, 1810, d. 'in L. April 2, 1844, Cong. He res. in L. most of his life. Probablv a farmer. Selectman, 1833-4-5. Town Treasurer. 1818-19-22-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-30-1-2-3- 4-5. Town Clerk, 1829-30-1-2-3-4-5. J. P. Appointed Postmas- ter of Pingreeville (now North L.) Dec. 6, 1834. Capt. 5tli Co. 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, 1816 to 1820 inc. Appointed Major 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, June 15, 1821. (Declined.) d. Methuen, Mass., Nov. 30, 1859. Ch., — i. Sally, b. L. May 12. 1832, d. L. Aug. 2, 1842. ii. Albert, b. L. Sept. 28, 1833. res. San Francisco, Cal. iii. Pakoline, b. July 2, 1835. ni. Frost, res. Petersham, Mass. iv. Charles, b. Jan. 29, 1837, d. Aug. 14, 1871. Served in War of the Kebellion. V. Jane, b. May 6, 1839. vi. Franklin P., b. L. March 30, 1844, d. July 4, 1875. Adopted by Roby C. Towne (See), and name changed. 7. Joseph Pingree, son of Ebenezer '^. b. in L. INiarch 22, 1796. m. June 4, 1816, Polly Webb, dan. of Ozias Savage (See), b. in Rock- ingham, Vt., Jan. 1, 1796, d. L. Feb. 11, 1851. He res. in L. prob- ably all his life. Clothier. Appointed Postmaster, Pingreeville (now North L.), June 12, 1828. Appointed Captain 5th Co. 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, April 22, 1825 ; vacated July 16, 1827. He d. 1840. A. F. and A. M., Morning Dawn. Ch., b. in L., — 8. i. Enoch Merrill, b. May 9, 1817. ii. Moses, b. March 19, 1819, d. Sept. 10, 1822. iii. Albert, b. Feb. 1821, d. Sept. 13, 1822. iv. Betsey Little, b. Aug. 1'2, 1823. v. Clarissa, b. Aug. 10, 1825. vi. Fanny Savage, b. Nov. 20, 1827, d. March 28, 1846. vii. Maria, b. Dec. 7, 1829, d. March 22, 1831. viii. William L., b. Aug. 19, 1833. Co. G. 11th N. H. Inf. Sergt. ix. Elizabeth, m. Nov. 11, 1846, Hugh Kelso Burt, merchant. X. Kebecca W.. m. Sept. 5, 1855, Jonathan K. Atvvood, bobbin manufr. res. Lisbon, xi. George Ely, b. April 29, 1839. ni. Marcli 8, 1877, Mary E Keyes. Journalist, res. Sioux Falls, S. D. Co. G, 2d N. H. Inf . ; Co. G, 11th N. H. Inf. Capt., also Capt. Co. I, 5th Veteran Reserve Corps. (Hist. Eleventh Reg. Granite Monthly, Feb., 1894). 8. Enoch Merrill Pingree, son of Joseph, b. in L. INIay 9, 1817. ra. Oct. 12, 1840, Mary Ann Halley, dau. of Samuel Halley. She d. Dec. 11, 1840. He m. second, Elizabetli Shaler. He d. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 6, 1849. He was an able Universalist clergyman, distin- guished as a religious disputant. Considernig his age, he was esteemed by many the most successful controversialist of his generation. ('• Life and Writings of Rev. Enoch M. Pingree," by Rev. Henry Jewell. Cincinnati.) 394 Place — Plant. PLACE. 1. Lewis Oliver Place, son of Jonathan, b. in Bartlett, Oct. 29, 1807. m. Elizabeth, dau. of Jesse Wilson, b. in Danville, Vt., Aug. 30, 1809, d. in L. Nov. 1885. He res. in L. from 1845 until he d., April 21, 1879. Laborer. Baptist. Republican. Co. C, 15th N. H. Inf. Private. Ch.,— i. Betsey, b. Carroll, Aug. 1836. m. 1858, Curtis C. Munsey, engineer. He d. Danvers, Mass. 2. ii. William Lewis, b. Carroll, Oct. I'i, 1837. iii. George, b. Carroll, Dec. 15, 1888. m. first, Mary Jane Morse, d. L. 1875. m. second, Elenora Fisher, res. Betlilehem. Co. G, 2d N. H. Inf. ; Co. C, 15th N. H. Inf. ; Co. I, 1st N. H. H. Art. Private, iv. Aloxzo, b. Carroll, July 24, 1840. m. first, April 24, 186.5, Catherine Nurse. Divorced, m. second, 1884, Augusta Rogers. Stone-cutter, res. L. Co. C, 3d Vt. Inf. ; Co. C, 15th N. H. Inf. ; Co. A, 5th N. H. Inf. Private, trans, to U. S. Navy. G. A. R. V. Mary Ann, b. Bethlehem, vi. Jesse Wilson, b. L. April 17, 1845. m. 1882, Eunice Stiles. Farmer. res. Grand Island, Neb. Co. D, 1.3th N. H. Inf. Private, vii. Jonathan, b. L. April 13, 1847. Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Private. 8. viii. James, b. L. Nov. 17, 1848. ix. Franklin, b. L. March, 1850, d. L. 2. William Lewis Place, son of Lewis Oliver \ b. in Carroll, Oct. 12, 1837. m. Oct. 14, 1863, Christina, dau. of George Sharp, b. in Scotland, Aug. 8, 1841. Free Baptist. He has res. in L. since 1845. Farmer. Free Baptist. Democrat. No ch. 3. James Place, son of Lewis Oliver ^ b. in L. Nov. 17, 1848. m. June 6, 1891, Ellen Louise, dau. of Joseph Mozrall (See), b. in L. Aug. 18, 1871, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. all his life. Mason. Republican. I. O. O. F. Ch.,— i. James Lewis, b. L. June 26, 1892. PLANT. PLANTS. 1. Loren Plant, son of Joseph, b. in Canada, Aug. 2, 1813. m. Lucinda, dau. of Philip Flanders, b. in Canada, Nov. 14, 1822, d. in L. Sept. 23, 1877, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1854 until he d., Feb. 19, 1887. Laborer. Ch., — 2. i. AuCxUSTUs, b. Barnston, P. Q., Oct. 31, 1841. 3. ii. Austin, b. Barnston, P. Q., Nov. 14, 1844. iii. Susan, b. Barnston, P. Q.,' April 27, 1846. m. Augustus Josiah French (See). 4. iv. Henry D., b. Canada, 1855. V. Selena, b. Derby, Vt. m. Henry Cheney. (Divorced.) 5. vi. Lorenzo, b. Canada, Nov. 18, 1855. vii. Emeline, b. Canada, July 16, 1861. m. Charles W. Potter (See). viii. Emily, b. Canada, July 16, 1801. m. Charles Kay, machinist, res. Laconia. 2. Augustus Plant, son of Loren ^ b. in Barnston, P. Q., Oct. 31, 1841. m. Aug. 4, 1870, Mellie, dau. of Joseph Blake, b. in Beebe Plant — Pollard. 395 Plain, Vt., Aug. 13, 1847. lie lins res. in L. since 1853. Fanner and contractor. Proliibition. Ch.,— i. CouA May, b. L. June 23, 1872. ni. Edwin \V. Carr (Sec). 3. Austin Plant, son of Loren ^ b. in Barnston, P. Q., Nov. 14, 1844. m. Ellen, dan. of Joseph Le ]»ountv, b. in Watervillo, C. E., Jnh' 22, 1854. He has res. in L. since yontli. Laborer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — 6. i. Henry Austin, b. July 18, 1870. ii. Mauy Ellen, b. July 18, 1871. iii. Carrie Bell, b. Aug. 12, 1878. iv. Susie Augusta, b. Oct. 10, 1885. V. Myrtie Ola, b. June 7, 1888. 4. Henry D. Plant, .son of Loren \ b. in Canada in 1855. ni. Jnly 25, 1880, Luc}', dan. of Lewis Strong, b. in St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 25, 1853. She m. first, Fletcher. Henry has res. in L. since 1864. Farmer. Advent. Democrat. No ch. 5. LoRKNZo Plant, son of Loren \ b. in Canada, Nov. 18, 1855. m. Matilda, dau. of David C. Knapp, b. in St. John.sburj-, Vt., Jnly 17, 1856. Advent. He has res. in L. since yonth. Masou. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Bertha May, b. Oct. 14, 1886. ii. Cordelia F., b. April 1, 1889. iii. Mabel, b. July 24, 1891. iv. Edward Kenney, b. Sept. 30, 1895. 6. Henry Austin Plant, son of Austin ■^ b. in L. July 18, 1870. ra. :March 15, 1888, Marcia, dau. of Russell George (See), b. in Dalton, May 2G, 1869. He has res. in L. all his life. Laborer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. CoRLiE, b. Dec. 18, 1888. ii. Mabel, b. Aug. 1, 1890. iii. Leslie, b. Oct. 1, 1892. iv. Warren E., b. July 3, 1894. POLLARD. 1. MiLO Carree Pollard, son of William, b. in Ryegate, Vt., Dec. 24, 1841. m. Jan. 2, 1871, Cliraena. dau. of Moses Blakslee (See), b. in L. June 29, 1843, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1874. Farmer. Cong. Republican. Selectman, 1887-8. Board of Health, 1888. Treasurer Town School Board, 1895. Co. C, 15th N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. R. Ch., — i. Gertrude Eliza, b. IMonroe, Oct. 29, 1871. m. June 26, 1895, Frelan W. Gray, glover, res. L. ii. Carrie Mabel, b. L. April 18, 1875. res. L. 396 Porter — Potter — Poivers, PORTER. 1. JosEPfi Porter, b. in Randolph, Mass., Jan. 31, 1780. m. Jan. 30, 180.3, Emma Parker. He d. in L^'man in 1856. 2. Harrisox Porter, son of Joseph \ b. in Lyman, Sept. 15, 1812. ra. first, Emily, dau. of Elijah Knapp. ra. second, Mary H., dau. of Daniel Knapp. He d. in Lancaster, Sept. 10, 1868. 3. Henry Harrison Porter, son of Harrison '", b. in Lyman, Jan. 17, 1840. m. Jnne 17, 1877, Annie S., dau. of Dr. Robert Burns " (See), b. in Plymouth, Nov. 21, 1852. She d. in L., March 17, 1900. He has res. in L. since 1876. Glove salesman. Methodist. Republican. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. I. 0. O. F. Ch., b. in L., — i. Clemenxine B., b. June 25, 1878. Student Smith Coll., 1901. ii. Elizabeth L., b. Jan. 10, 1880. POTTER. 1. Charles Warrington Potter, son of Andrew, b. in Winhall, Vt., July 16, 1861. m. Aug. 15, 1881, P^meline, dau. of Loren Plant (See), b. in Canada, Jidy 16, 1861. He res. in L. from 1890 until he d., July 3, 1897. Laborer. Republican. Ch.,— i. Helen Lucinda, b. Burlington, Vt., March 31, 1882. ii. Chakles Austin, b. Winhall, Vt., Jan. 16, 1884. iii. Ray Allen, b. L.April 21, 1800. iv. Pearl Ina, b. L. :\Iarch 26, 1892. POWERS. 1. Clark Willison Powers, son of Henry H.,'b. in Newfane, Vt., June 3, 1824. m. Aug. 27, 1845, Clarissa E., dan. of Noah Allen, b. in Burke. Vt., Sept. 15, 1823, Baptist. He res. in L. from 1876 until he d., Feb. 3, 1891. Farmer. Democrat. Co. H, 4th Vt. Inf. Private. Ch., b. in Danville, Vt., — 2. i. Scott W., b. May 2, 1852. ii. Allen, b. Jan. 2, 1854. iii. Clark, b. Feb. 2, 1856. Violin repairer, res. Boston, Mass. iv. SuRVALLiN, b. Nov. 24, 1857. m. Maggie Brower. Machinist, res. Waterbury, Conn. V. Willie, b. Oct. 29, 1859. m. June 19, 1883, Nellie M. Williams. Stone- cutter, res. Hardwick, Vt. vi. Rosetta, b. Aug. 1, 18(31. unm. res. Haverhill. 3. vii. Ahel R., b. May 10, 1863. viii. Flora, b. Aug. 25, 1866. m. John Thompson, farmer, res. Bethlehem, ix. Henry, b. Nov. 28, 1869. m. Etta Conway. Printer, res. Boston, Mass. 2. Scott W, Powers, son of Clark Willison \ b. in Danville, Vt., May 2, 1852. m. first, May 1, 1875, Sarah, dau. of Jolni C. Quiniby (See), b. in L. March 21, 1855, d. in L. May 21, 1891, Cong. m. second, Oct. 14, 1893, Nellie, dau. of David Noonau, b. in Charles- Powers — Priitt — PreHhrey. 397 town, iMass., Aug. 26, l-SGl, Roman Catliolic. He has res. in L. since l.s7"2. Carpenter. Cong. Republican. Cii., b. in L., — i. Jkssik, b. June 9, 1877, d. L. Sept. 16, 189.3. ii. MYiiTiE E., b. July 19, 1879. m. Geo. C. Burnliiini (See), iii. ll.vrtLAND, b. June 25, 1882. 3. Ai'.EL R. Powers, son of Clark Willison \ b. in Danville, Vt., Ma}- 10, 18(33. ni. July 12, 18'J1, Lizzie Jane, dau. of Jacob Benton, b. in Tliornton, Feb. 16, 1866, Baptist. He has res. in L. since 1876. Farmer. Democrat. Cli., b. in L., — i. Forrest Rat, b. Sept. 18, 189.3. ii. Winnie Ella, b. Aug. 19, 189.'). iii. WiLMEU Fkancella, b. Aug. 19, 1895, d. Oct. 1, 1895. POWERS. 4. Matthias Powers, son of ]\[att, b. in Ireland, March 31, 1820. m. Aug. 12, 1844, Joanna O'Brien, dau. of William, b. in Ireland, Aug. 12, 1823. He came to this town l8o3, and remained six years, return- ing in 1883. He res. here until his death, Dec. 17, 18'J8. Farmer Catholic. Democrat. Ch., i. Mara-, b. Ireland, Aug. 12, 1845. ii. Fanny, b. Batii, Jan. II, 1852. in. June 21, 1876, Cbarles H. Dudley, res. Danvers, Mass. He d. Aug. 19, 18i)G. Siie ni. second, Sept. 4, 1897, Milo A. Jewett, M. D. (See). (3ne son by first marriage, Charles H. Dudley, now a student Dart. Coll. iii. Thomas, b. L. Oct. 19, 1853. iv. Margaret, b. L. June 7, 1855, d. Oct. 16, 1874. V. Alice Elizabeth, b. L. Mav 11, 1858. vi. Maurice, b. Newbury, Vt., March 4, 1860, d. May 2, 1865. vii. Alice, b. Newbury, Vt., Feb. 8, 1862. Teacher, res. L. viii. Matthew, b. Newbury, Vt., Aug. 16, 1863. Laborer, res. L. PRATT. 1. Tyler Joseph Pratt, son of Perry, b. in Holland, Vt., Feb. 14, 1843. m. March 17, 1868, Sarah S., dau. of Levi Applebee, b. in Hol- land, Vt., March 17, 1842, Cong. He res. in L. from 1874 to 18'J4. Harness maker and auctioneer. Republican. I. O. O. F. d. in Con- cord, Feb. 14, 1895. No ch. PRESBREY. PRESET. 1. William Presbret, b. in London, Eng., about 1690. ra. about 1725, Hannah Smith. He came to America about 1712, and settled in Taunton, Mass., where he d. about 1771. 2. Joseph Presbrey, son of William \ b. in Taunton, Mass., about 1532. m. Mary Baker. He was a carpenter, res. in Taunton, Mass., where he d. about 1807. m 398 Preshrey. 3. Elisha Presbrey, son of Joseph '^, b. in Taunton, Mass., about 1756. m. about 1780, Welthea Wilbur. He was a carpenter, res. in Taunton, Mass., A\^estmoreland, Lyman, and Lisbon, wliere lie d. 4. Samuel Presby, son of Elisha^, b. in Taunton, Mass., Sept. 7, 1785. m. in 1808, Eunice, dau. of Job Wilbur, b. in Westmoreland in 1789. He was a farmer, res. in Lyman and Lunenburg, Vt., where he d., Aug. 4, 1856. He wrote the name Presby. 5. Samuel Baker Presby, son of Samuel *, b. in L3-man, March 22, 1813. m. Oct. 16, 1839, Rlioda Merrill, dau. of Daniel Merrill Waite, b. in New Hampton, May 4, 1808, d. in Lisbon, April 12, 1888, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1839 to 1874. Farmer. Methodist. Republican. d. in Lisbon, Aug. 26, 1884. Ch., b. in L., — i. Sakah Kelley, b. Aug. 21, 1842. ra. Aug. 3, 1869, Cephas P. Barrett, carpenter and farmer, res. Lisbon, ii. MiRA Rhoda Waite, b. Aug. 4, 1844, d. Jan. 21, 1845. iii. Daniel Merrill, b. Aug. lo, 1847, d. Feb. 5, 1848. 6. iv. Joseph Waite, b. March 9, 1850. V. Austin, b. Jan. 25, 1855. m. Nov. 20, 1894, Mrs. Minnie S. Hardin. Farmer, res. Lisbon. 6. Joseph Waite Presby, son of Samuel Baker ^, b. in L. March 9, 1850. m. July 29, 1875, Isabel, dau. of William Severance, b. in Auburn, Jul}' 11, 1858. He res. in L. from birth to 1875. He was educated in L. High School; N. H. Conference Seminar}'; Boston University; post-graduate studies with 111. Wesleyan University' and Chautauqua University; commenced the study of theology in 1874 in Boston Uni- versity, and grad. in 1877. He was ordained a Deacon in the Metho- dist Church, in Dover, by Bishop Peck, April 22, 1877, and an Elder, in Plymouth, by Bishop Foster, April 13, 1879. He has been located as pastor as follows : East Deering, two years ; Hillsborough, two years ; Peterborough, one 3'ear ; Brookline, two j'ears ; Manchester, First Church, two years ; East Rochester, one 3'ear ; Bird City circuit, Kas., one year ; Mystic, Conn., two years ; Portland, Conn., two years ; Winooski, Vt., one year; Saranac, N. Y., one year; Argyle, N. Y. , one year ; Crown Point, N. Y., two years : now at Little Silver, N. J. His published works are a pamphlet entitled "■ Systematic Beneficence," and a tract, both published by the Methodist Book Concern ; he has also written several short poems, pub. in ''Zion's Herald" and other papers. He was Statistical Secretary of the N. H. Conference, 1881 to 4 inc. J. P. A. F. and A. M. K. P. U. O. A. M. S. of T. 1. O. G. T. Ch.,— i. Edmund James, b. Deering, Jan. 5, 1878. ii. Harold Waite, b. Brookline, Dec. 6, 1881. iii. Olin Latimer, b. Bird City, Kas., Aug. 18, 1886, d. Sept. 1, 1886. iv. Clinton Fiske, b. Portland, Conn., Aug. 6, 1890. V. Austin Baker, b. Portland, Conn., Aug. 6, 1890. vi. Bertha, b. Argyle, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1893. Prescott — Prince — PringJe — Pushee — Quesftg. 399 PRESCOTT. 1. John P. Pkescott, son of John E., b. in L. Jan. 26, 18G3. m. June oO, 1.S8;}, MaiT Adcilaulo, dau. of Joseph Mozrall (See), b. in L. April 21, 18G1, Roman Catholic, lie has res. in L. all his life. Steward in hotel. Republican. I. O. O. F. Ch.,— i. Frank Jewell, b. L. April 12, 18S8. PRESCOTT. 2. Ervin Stephens Prescott, son of Stephens, b. in Landaff, Jan. 1, 1872. m. Sept. 5, 1893, Eliza Alethe, dau. of William B. Ilurd (See), b. in Lyman, Mav 7, 1870. He has res. in L. since 1893. La- borer. Democrat. 1. 6. O. F. K. P.. C. C. Ch.,— i. Ervin E., b. L. Nov. 16, 1895. PRINCE. 1. George S. Prince, son of David S., b. in Amherst in 1851. m. Sept. 29, 1875, Ella A., dau. of Ezekiel Cudworth (See), b. in Rindge, Oct. 1, 1852. He res. in L. from 1878 to 1889. Supt. in lumber raUl. No ch. PRINGLE. 1. Ada^i Pringle, son of Adam, b. in Selkirk, Scotland, Dec. 19, 1856. m. April 11, 1882, Selena, dau. of Atward Hart, b. in Cook- shire, P. Q., Sept. 29, 1864, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1880. Glover. Ch.,— i. Flossie, b. Newport, R. I., June 15, 1885 (Adopted). ii. Gl.\dys J., b. L. April 24, 1804. iii. Donalda Natalie, b. L. Sept. 6, 1895. PUSHEE. 1. Charles Sidney Pushee, son of Sylvester, b. in Lyme, March 13, 1838. m. Jan. 1, 1870, Ellen F., dau. of Henry H. Hill, b. in Straftbrd, Vt., Jan. 1, 1847, Cong. He res. in L. from 1891 until he d., April 21, 1897. Policeman. Cong. Republican. Co. I, 5th N. H. Inf. Wagoner. G. A. R. Ch., — i. Fred Almon, b. Boston, Mass., May 2.S, 1880 (Adopted). QUESSY. 1. FIdmund Que.s.sy, son of Antoine, b. in Nicolet, P. Q., in 1844. m. May 14, 1881, Margaret, dau. of Louis Byron (Bero) (See), b. in Barnston, P. Q., April 18, 1840, d. L. Aug. 30, 1895. She m. first, l>elware, Roman Catholic. Edmund has I'es. in L. since 1875. Laborer. Roman Catholic. Democrat. No ch. 400 Quimhy. QUIMBY. 1. Joseph Quimby, son of Eben, b. in Salisbiuy, Dec. 1784. m. Ruth, dau. of Eben Kicbardson, b. in Lisbon, Oct. 23, 1786, d. in L. March 22, 1874, Baptist. He res. in L. from 1844 until he d., May 4, 1860. Farmer. Baptist. Democrat. Ch., b. in Lisbon, — i. Linda, b. July 27, 1805. m. Elijah Fitch (See). ii. Eben, res. in New RiclinioncI, Wis. Farmer. iii. Laura, m. 1834, Chester Stebbins, joiner. He d. 18G7. She d. Lan- caster, March, 1892. iv. Mary, b. March 27, 1816. m. March 6, 1838, Jonathan Lewis Bailey (See), farmer. He d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Jan. 1894. She d. West Concord, Vt., Jan. 16, 1892. 2. V. John Colby, b. July 25, 1818. vi. Enoch, b. June 10, 1820. Farmer, res. New Richmond, Wis. 3. vii. Alden, b. Nov. 10, 1823. 4. viii. James Madison, b. Aug. 4, 1826. 2. John Colby Quimby, son of Joseph-^, b. in Lisbon, July 25, 1818. m. April 1, 1845, Jane C, dau. of Amos Rowcll (See), b. in Bath, Jul}- 17, 1823, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1836. Farmer. Cong. Deacon. Democrat. Representative, 1859-60. Selectman, 1874-5. Ch., b. in L., — i. Ella, b. March 9, 1818. m. William Burns Bowman-' (See), ii. Sarah, b. JNIarch 21, 1855 m. Scott W. Powers (See). 5. iii. John Harvey, b. Dec. 4, 1856. 6. iv. Henry Walter, b. Dec. 12, 1859. 3. Alden Quimby, son of Joseph \ b. in Lisbon, Nov. 10, 1823. m. first, March 4, 1848, Edna Jane Head, b. Sept. 26, 1829, d. in Upper Stillwater, Me., March 9, 1856. m. second. May 25, 1869, Emile, dau. of Samuel Gibson, b. in layman, April 15, 1844. Divorced, and she m. second. Royal D. Rounsevel (See). Alden m. third, Nov. 12, 1881, Mar}' Abbie, dau. of Daniel Oilman Smith, b. in Dover, Nov. 4, 1837, Methodist. She m. first, Norman G. Smith (See). Alden res. in L. from 1844 until he d., Jan. 8, 1886. Station agent at L., 1856 to 1885. Democrat. Co. I. 1st N. H. H. Art. 2d Lieut. O. A. R. I. O. O. F. Ch., by w. Edna Jane, — i. Helen Maria, b. L. 1848. m. first. May, 1868, Henry Richardson, painter, res. Lancaster, m. second, Elihu Burritt Smith. She d. Hot Springs, Ark., Nov. 30, 1881. 4. James Madison Quimby, son of Josepli \ b. in Lisbon, Aug. 4, 1826. m. March 20, 1849, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Simon Eggleston, b. in Northfield, Vt., April 6, 1831. She d. L. Aug. 30, 1898. He has res. in L. from 1844 to 1864, and since 1887. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., — i. Charles Joseph, b. L. Oct. 20, 1850. m. Oct. 1870, Martha Ann Francis. Machinist, res. Waterville, Me. 5. John Harvey Quimby, son of John Colby-, b. in L. Dec, 4, 1856. m. first, Oct. 14, 1878, Mattie, adopted dau. of Nelson C. Farr, b. in L. in 1859, Cong. Divorced, m. second, Sept. 6, 1887, Mary Emma, dau. of John Steele, b. in Manchester, Sept. 29, 1856. He has res. in L. nearly all his life. Farmer. Democrat. No ch. Quimhy. 401 6. IIkxijy Walter Qui-Muy, son of John Colby-, b. in L. Dec. 12, 18r.l». ni. Oct. 17, 1881, Nellie VAva'a, dau. of AaVon D. Fisher (See), b. in L. Oct. 31, 1861. He has res. in L. all his life. Clerk. Democrat. No eh. QUIMBY. 7. Or.KD BowLKS QiiMBY, son of Tra, b. in Disbon, Jan. 18, 1838. ni. Oct. 4, 1849, Emily, dau. of David W. Gordon, b. in Lancaster, July 21. 1828, d. in h. March 20, 1896, Advent. He has res. in h. since 1885. Car[)enter. Advent. Democrat. Ch., — 10. i. JuDSON Monroe, b. Dalton, Julv Ifi, 1850. ii. Fi.oiUNA II., h. Dalton, Dec. 2;Cl«51. ni. June IG, 187'J, Frod Bowles, farmer. Slie d. Lisbon, Aug. 7, 1880. iii. Emily V., b. Dalton, June 8, 185:1 m. Nov. 19, 1875, Gilbert Aldrich, farmer. She d. Lisbon, Jiuie G, 1885. iv. Hir.ANi) B., b. Dalton, Oct. 18, 1854. m. about 1876, Carrie Nichols. Clergyman. He d. Bristol. Vt., May 31, 188^. V. Abid.\ H., b. Dalton, Feb. ;j, 185G. m. Nov. 10, 1880, Willard Smith, farmer, res. Lisbon. vi. Fenella, b. Lisbon, March 12, 1858. m. Frank Eugene Bowles (See). vii. Lorenzo I)., b. Lisbon, Oct. 29, 1859. m. about 1884, Kate (Jakes. Real estate ageiit. res. N. Y. City, viii. George G., b. Lisbon, March 28, 18G1. res. N. Y. City. 8. James B. Quimby, son of Ira, b. in Lisbon, Oct. 23, 1832. m. Jan. 11, 1893, Harriet, dau. of Moses Burnham, b. in Forks, Me., June 18, 1848, d. in L. Dec. 30, 1895, Cong. She m. first, Ezra Kenison. James res. in L. from 1886 until he d., June 4, 1893. Carpenter. Advent. No ch. 9. Ira Quimby, son of Ira, b. in Dalton, Oct. 9, 1841. m. Aug. 12, 1864, Emil}' Jane, dau. of David Young, b. in Colebrook, June 15, 1843. He has res. in L. since 1874. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., b. in Lisbon, — 11. i. Leeown, b. May 16, 1865. ii. Leora .)ane, b. May 4, 1867. m. Joseph Lakewav (See), iii. Eda May, b. Feb. 1, 1869. m. Nov. 20, 1886, GeoVge W. Iloyt, glover. res. L. iv. E.mon David, b. July 21, 1871. m. Dec. 14, 1895, Kate Sedgell. res. L. 10. JunsoN Monroe Quimby, son of Obed Bowles^, b. in Dalton, July 16, 1850. m. first, July 16, 1873, Nellie, dau. of George Nichols, b. in North Anson, Me., Oct. 4, 1849, d. in L. Jan. 17, 1896, Advent, m. second, April 29, 1897, Emma H. Dean, b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt. , in 1850. He has res. in L. since 1882. Carpenter. Advent. Democrat. Ch., b}- w. Nellie, — i. Ernest Howard, b. N. Y. City, Feb. 15, 1890 (Adopted). 11. Leeown Quimby, son of Ira', b. in Lisbon, May 16, 1866. m. Dec. 18, 1894, Cora, dau. of George Edmund Bartlett (See), b. in L. March 30, 1869. He has res. in L. since 1874. Farmer. Free Baptist. Democrat. TOL. n. — 26 402 Quimhy. QUIMBY. 12. Albert IIutciiins Quimby, b. in Barnet, Vt., Dec. 13, 1831. m. March 27, 1855, C'atlicrine Balch, dan. of James Dow (See), b. in L. Feb. 27, 1833, d. in L. Jnly 13, 18(35. He res. in L. from 1852 until he d., Sept. 4, 18GG. Manufr. 5th N. H. Inf. Musician. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. I. O. O. F,, N. G. Ch., b. in L., — 13. i. Frank Albert, b. April 4, 1858. ii. CJatherine Alice, b. July 8, 1864. m. Charles lulwarJ Wright (See). QUIMBY. 13. Frank Albert Quimby, son of Albert Hiitchins^-, b. in L. April 4, 1858. m. Emma, dan. of Hon. Peter Sinclair, member of Parliament, P. E. I. He res. in L. from 1858 to 18 7G. Book-keeper. Ch., — i. Eunice Blanche. QUIMBY. 14. Daniel Quimby, son of Samuel, b. in Franconia, Ma_y 30, 1827. ni. Feb. 1, 1852, Ann, dan. of Aaron Pinney, b. in Alexandria, April 6, 1837. He has res. in L. since 1888. Farmer. Democrat. Ch.,— i. George, b. Franconia, Dec. 14, 1858. m. first, April, 1877, Inez Tliayer, d. May, 1886. ni. second, 1887, Nellie Staples. Farmer. res. L. ii. Ellkn, b. Whitefield, March 6, 1855. ni. Oct. 1, 1881, Fred Gleason, farmer, res. Franconia. iii. Esther, b. Franconia, May 6, 1859. m. Oct. 1880, William Aulis, mason, res. Franconia. iv. Lrcv, b. Franconia, July 6, 1866. V. i>.EEMAN, b. Franconia, Aup;. 13, 1869. vi. Lillian, b. Franconia, June 11, 1871. m. May .30, 1893, Arthur Williams, hotel employee, re.s. Orlando, Florida, vii. Blanche, b. Franconia, Feb. 13, 1875. QUIMBY. 15. TiiADDEUs Quimby, son of Luther, b. in Franconia, Dec. 14, 1840. m. Martha Jane, dan. of David Streeter, b. in Easton, Feb. 28, 1847. d. in L. Oct. 7, 1896. He has res. in L. since 1893. Farmer. Democrat. Ch.,— David Luther, b. Dalton, July 7, 1865. m. Feb. 28, 1888, Bhoda Ivobinson Simes. Farmer, res. Lisbon. INIjhinda Ann, b. Lancaster, Aujj. 21, 1866. m. Elisha Sweet ^ (See). Elfkeda May, b. Franconia, Aug. 28, 1869. ni. Oct. 6, 1885, Harry E. Kay. res. Bethlehem. (Divorced Sept. 27, 1893.) William Henry, b. Franconia, June 11, 1875. Qimnhy — Rainey — Ran)G2, wiien utter prostration compelled him to end his active work, lie d. Danburv, Oct. 22, 1862. Ch.,- i. LncY Anx. b. Tlioriiton.Julv 12, 18'if). m. Aui;. 28, 185.'), Hon. Sumner Albee. He d. Canibridiie.'.Mass., Jan. 11, 189;J. 7. ii. Jkukmiaii I"]AMiiS, b. Tliorntdn, Jan. 2, 18"28. iii. Sarah Mauia, b. Salisl)ury, Oct. 1829. ni. Marcli 21, 18(5:], CMiarles A. Flanders. He d. Maiden, Mass., Sept. 8, 18158. iv. Andkkw Evarts, b. SaHsbiiry, June 8, 1831. ni. Oct. 11, 18f','.), Isabel Poland. Lawyer and Clerk of Court. He d. .Morris ville, Vt., Jan. 14, 1888. V. Lois Adeline, b. Salisbury, May 20, 1836. Clerk, res. Wasbiuf^ton, D. C. vi. Caroline Susan, b. Soutb Berwick, ^Nle., Jan. 2(), 184ii. ni. .May 'j, 18G4, Rev. Henry E. Butler, clergyman, res. St. Johns, Mich. 7. Jeremiah Eames Rankin, son of Andrew*', b, in Thornton. Jan. 2, 1828. m. Nov. 29, 1854, .Alary Howell, dan. of Cyrus IWrge, b. in Underhill, Vt., Aug. 9, 1830, by two lines descended from the Pilgrims. He was educated in 8o. Berwick, Me., Academv, Middleburv, Vt., Coll., where he was made A. B. in 1848, A. M. in 18.J4, 1). 1). in 18(59, Lfj.I). in 1889. He commenced the study of theology in Andover, Mass., Tiieological Seminary in 1851 and grad. in 1854. He was or- dained a Cong, clergyman in Stockholm, N. Y., and has been located in Potsdam, N. Y., two years; St. Albans, Vt., five years; Lowell, Mass., Appleton St. Church, two years; Boston, Mass., Charlestown District, five j'ears ; Washington, D. C, fifteen years; Oi'ange, N. J., Highland Ave., five j'ears, most of the time as pastor of Cong, churches. Since 1889 he has been Prest. of Howard University, Washington, D. C. His published literary works comprise volumes of sermons and l)oems, [Miblished by D. Lothrop & Co., Boston, Mass., and other liouses, and articles in the "Independent," '* CongregationiUist, " " Tlie Advance," "The Christian Advocate," "Our Day," and other publi- cations. He has edited the "Pilgrim Press," and "The Congrega- tional Review," and written secular and national hymns, including "For God and Home and Native Land," "Keep your Colors Flying," and "God be with vou till we meet again." IJe is the author of the "Bridal Ring," Boston, 18G6 ; " Auld Scotch Mither," 1873; "Sub- duing Kingdoms," Washington, 1881 ; "The Hotel of God," Boston, 18S3 ; "Atheism of the Heart," 1884 ; " Christ His Own Interpreter," 1884; Hymns, "Pro Patria " and " Ingleside Rhaims," New York, 1887, and ''German-English Lyrics," Washington, 1897. He has held the following ecclesiastic positions : Member of E.\ecutive Com- mittee and Vice-Prest. of A. M. A. ; corporate member of h.. B. C. F. M. ; twice delegate of Cong. Council to Methodist Triennial Con- ference, and in 1884 was a delegate from the Cong. Coiuicil to the Cong. Union of England and Wales. Other positions held are : Supt. of Schools in St. Albans, Vt., and member of the School IJoard in Charlestown District, Boston, Mass. ; Ciiaplain of Legishitiu-e, D. C. ; Trustee of Howard Universitv, Washington, D. C, from 1870 to 78 inc., and Prof, of Homiletics and I'astoral Theology there from 1S78 to 408 Rankin — Ranlet. 84. He has frequently been poet and orator at Coll. commencements, and was orator at the L. Cen. (L. Cen., pp. 14 to 31 inc.) Ch., — i. Eames Birge, b. Washington, D. C, Jan. 23, 1856. m. Sept. 11, 1879, Martha Miles. Physician, res. N. Y. City. ii. Walter Newtov, b. St. Albans, Vt., Aug. 22, 1857, d. Wasliington, D. C, Mav, 1878. iii. Mary Farnham, b. St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 12, 1858. m. Nov. 11, 1876, Harvey D. Goulder. res. Cleveland, Ohio, iv. Andrew Wyman, b. Lowell, Mass., April 7, 1863, d. Lowell, Mass., March 28, 1861 V. Edith Godcomb, b. Charlestown, Mass., May 29, 1868. res. Washing- ton, D. C. RANLET. 1. Levi Franklin Ranlet, son of Levi, b. in Meredith, Sept. 13, 17US. m. Feb. 26, 1824, Ann Maria, dau. of Robert Gotham, b. in Lancaster, Oct. 10, 1807, d. in Plymoutli, Nov. 6, 1879. He res. in L. from 1839 to 1873. Blacksmith. Methodist. Republican. Represen- tative, 1850. d. in Plymouth, Nov. 24, 1873. Ch., — 2. i. Noah Webster, b. Lancaster, Jan. 23, 1826. ii. Sarah Gotham, b. Lancaster, July 27, 1831. ni. first, Cyrus Willis (See), m. secomi, (Jollins M. Buchanan (See). iii. Edgar, b. Lisbon, Oct. 18, 1838, d. Lisbon, Dec. 12, 1838. iv. Henry C, b. Lisbon, Oct. 18, 1838, d. L. April 25, 1839. V. Charles Frank, b. L., Oct. 3, 1841. m. July 2, 1866, Mary Osgood. Laborer. He d. L. June 17, 1867. She m. second, Charles H. Apple- bee (See). vi. George Mato, b. L. Feb. 5, 1847. ni. April 18, 1870, Mary Leonard. Ice-dealer, res. Susquehanna, Penn. 2. Noah Webster Ranlet, son of Levi Franklin ^, b. in Lancaster, Jan. 23, 1826. m. first, Dec. 8, 1847, Deborah, dau. of Simeon Burn- ham, b. in liethlehem, April 21, 1828, d. in L. April 6, 1864. ra. sec- ond, Sept. 2.5, 1864, Sarah Emeline, dau. of Hobert Wyatt, b. in Warren, March 30, 1834, Cong. She m. first, George Powers. Noah has res. in L. since 1839. Carriage manufr. Cong. Republican. Fire ward, 1882-3-4-5-6. I. O. O. F. Ch., by w. Deborah, b. in L., — i. Jenny L., b. Oct. 11, 1849. m. George Belknap (See). Ch., by w. Sarah, b. in L., — 3. ii. Harry Wyatt, b. Oct. 24, 1865. iii. Isabel Maud, b. Sept. 28, 1868. m. John Bradbury Jarvis (See), iv. Frank Herbert, b. May 15, 1872. unni. res. L. 3. Harry Wyatt Ranlet, son of Noah Webster -, b. in L. Oct. 24, 1865. m. Nov. 27, 1889, Dulcenia Mason, dau. of Josei)h S. Frye (See), b. in Waterford, Vt., Dec. 10, 1805. He has res. in L. from 1865 to 1887, and since 1895. Carriage-maker. Grad. Dart. Coll., 18S7. Ch.,— i. Wyvtt Frye, b. Spokane, Wash., Dec. 30, 1890. ii. E.MiLiE, b. L. Oct. 10, 1890. lianlet — lleagan — Reditigton. 409 RANLET. 4. Daniel Wp:bstkr Ranlf;t, sou of Charles, b. in Newmarket, Sept. 4, 1842. m. April 2i), 18()9, Clara Bell, dan. of John C. Morrison (See), b. in Bethlehem, Aug. 11, 1845, Cony. He has res. in L. since 1892. Hotel steward. Cong. Republican. A. F. and A. M. Ch., — i. Charles Tuttt-e, b. Bethleliem, Sept. oO, 1871. ni. 1892, Gertrude Tucker, res. St. Johushury, Vt. ii. M.vuY IIattik, b. Bethlehem, April 27, 1878, d. Oct. 187;;. ill. Daniki, Mouuison, b. Lacouia, Oct. 2.5, 1870. First Serireant Co. B, Dth N. Y., war with Spain, lie m. Nov. 25, 189U, ^largery Burden, iv. Bessie, b. Betlileliem, Jan, 22, 1881. REAG-AN. 1. John Reagan, son of Charles, b. in Ireland, Aug. 1, 1858. ra. May 14, 1883, Rhoda, dau. of Peter Duffy (See), b. in St. Johusbury, Vt., June 10, 1858, Roman Catliolic. He has res. in L. since 187U. Foreman on railroad section. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Marv, b. June 14, 1884. ii. CiiAHLES, b. May 12, 1886. ill. John, b. June 10, 1888. iv. -Fames, b. June 18, 1892. V. Leo, b. May 1, 1895. REDINGTON. 1. Abraham Redington and wife Margaret are named in the records of Boxford, Mass., 1645. "He was held in much esteem." He d. in Boxford, Sept. 12, 1697. Six ch. 2. Thomas Redington, son of Abraham \ b. July 25, 1649. m. March 22, 1682/3, Mary Kimball, dau. of Thomas aiid Mary (Smith) Kimball of Bradford, Mass. He also lived in Boxford, where he d., Jan. 7, 1702 3. Six ch. 3. Thomas Redington, son of Thomas ^ b. in Boxford, d. in Lunen- burg, Mass., Aug. 10. 1755. He m. IIe[tsibah Perley, b. Aug. 14, 1699, dau. of Tlioraas and Sarah (Osgood) Perley. He lived in Boxford and Lunenburg, Mass. 4. Benjamin Redington, son of Tlioraas', b. in 1729. m. March 24, 1757, Ruth, dau. of Rev. David Stearns, b. Jan. 3, 173r)/7, d. March 14, 1798. He res. in Lunenburg, Mass., and later in Walpole, where he d., Aug. 23, 1811. 5. Thomas Redington, son of Benjamin ■*, b. in Lunenburg, jNLass., March 29, 1766. m. Feb. 21, 1797, Mary Stowell, b. in Worcester, Mass., Oct. 8, 1773, d. in Walpole, Dec. 2i, 1825. ]\rerchant. Whig, d. in Walpole, Jan. 26, 1824. (History of Walpole, p. 346.) 410 Redington — Redwood — Remich. Ch., — i. Charles Stkarns, b. Walpole, Jan. 8, 1798, d. Boston, Mass., May 8, 1802. ii. Gkokge Thomas, b. Walpole, Nov. 27, 1790, d. Boston, Mass., May 17, 1802. , iii. William Ebenezek, b. Boston, Mass., Oct. 12, 1801, d. Boston, ISIass., Jan. 5, 1803. iv. Chaules Tho.\ias, b. Boston, Mass., Oct. 16, 1803, d. St. Augustine, Fla., Dec. 21, 1831. V. Mary Stearn.s, b. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 19, 1806. m. George Warner Ely (See). 6. vi. George Benjamin, b. Charlestown, Nov. 27, 1808. vii. William Euenezer, b. (^harlestovvn, Sept. 19, 1810. m. Esther For- saith. Clerk. He d. Boston, Mass., May 1, 1880. viii. Francis Cornelius, b. Charlestown, March 28, 1813, d. Charlestown, July 31, 1813. ix. Frances Ann, b. Charlestown, March 30, 1814. unm. d. Concord, Nov. 2, 1861. 7. X. Henry Cornelius, b. Charlestown, Nov. 24, 181(3. 6. George Benjamin Redington, son of Thomas ^, b. in Charles- town, Nov. '11, 1808. unm. He res. in L. from 1829 until he d., Dec. 1, 1888. Merchant and scythe manufr. Republican. Fire ward, 1850. Director L. National Bank, 1871 to 1887 inc. Director L. Savings Bank, 1871 to 1888 inc. Director White JMountains Railroad. 7. Henry Cornelius Redington, son of Thomas ^ b. in Charlestown. Nov. 24, 181(3. m. April 30, 1846, Mary Bean, dau. of Stephen and granddau. of Ebenezer Richardson ^ (See), b. in Lisbon. July 20, 1821, Cong. Deaconess. He res. in L. most of the time from 1834 until he d., March 2, 1889. Republican. Merchant and scythe manuf. Ch., b. in L., — i. Stella Louise, b. Feb. 8, 1848. ni. Charles Leonidas Clay (See). ii. Charles Thomas, b. Feb. 26, 1851, d. L. Jan. 12, 1876. iii. Mary Frances, b. Dec. 1, 1852. m Charles Edward Milliken (See), iv. Isabella Stearns, b. Jan. 12, 1862. m. John Glover Bent (See). V. George Henry, b. Dec. 3, 1865, d. L. Nov. 12, 1867. REDWOOD. 1. William Redwood, son of William, b. in Nottingham, Eng., March 5, 1808. m. June, 1828, Elizabeth Redwood, b. in Notting- ham, Eng., in 1805, d. in L. Dec. 13, 1883, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1832. Tailor. Methodist. Democrat. No ch. He d. L. Dec. 18, 1897. REMICH. REMICK. The name Remich is of German extraction. There is a town of that name in the Duchy of Luxemburg, named in the time of Roman occu- pation, and probably the family came from that town. 1. Christian Remich, b. in Eng. or Germany, in 1631. m. about 1654, Hannah . He emigrated to America, and was one of the proprietors of Kittery, Me., and was a large owner of land in Kittery, Elliot, and South Berwick, Me., now in the possession of his descendants. Reinich. 411 He was a surveyor, and for many years Selectman, Treasurer, and liep- reseutative. lie had four sous, all of whom were fairly well educated, and many of their des(;endant8 have become noted men, the most prom- inent being Cliief Justice Morrison Reniich Waite. Tlie name is written Remich and Remick. (X. E. Historical and Genealogical Register, Oct. 18'J;3.) 2. Jacob Re.mick, son of Cliristian \ b. in Kittery, I\fe., Nov. "23, IGGO. m. first, about 1G(S2, Lydia . m. second, about 1690, Mary . He was a slii[)wright and farmer ; quite an extensive land owner ; selectman many years, and town treasurer about ten years. He res. in Kittery, Me., where he d., June, 1745. 3. Ja:mks Rkmick, son of Jacob -, b. in Kittery, ^Ic., Jan. i?>^ 1701. m. Sept. 1729, Abigail, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Carter) lienjamin of Charlestown, Mass., b. IMarcli 23, 170(1 7. She m. second, April, 1751, Samuel Henshaw, and res. in Medford, JNIass. James res. in Kittery, Me., and Cliarlestown, Mass. He was probably lost at sea, or d. in a foreign country, about 174G. 4. David Remick, son of James ^, b. in Charlestown, Mass., Feb. 22, 1732. m. March 2,5, 1757, Susanna Whittier of Haverhill, Mass., d. in 1794, — a relative of John G. AVniittier. David was a 2d Lieut, in the French and Indian War, commission dated May 21, 1759. He was also a Rev. soldier in Capt. Joseph Eaton's Co., Col. Samuel Johnson's Regt. on an expedition to the northward, 1777. d. June 30, 1793. 5. Jaaies Remick, sou of David^ b. in Haverhill, JIass.. Aug. 15, 17G0. m. Sept. 10, 1782, Mary Kinsman of Ipswich, Mass., b. Dec. 18, 17G2, d. Sept. 19. LSlO. He was a Rev. soldier in Capt. Joseph Eaton's Co., Col. Samuel Johnston's Regt., in an exi)edition to the northward, 1777. He d. Barringtou, Jul}' 18, 183G. 6. Daniel Remick, son of James ^, b. in Dover, Feb. 22, 1785. m. Dec. 25, 180G, Olive Kellev, b. in Dover, Dec. 22, 1781, d. Jan. 4, 1.S49. He d. Danville, Vt..'june 13, 1827. 7. Samuel Kelley Remick, son of Daniel®, b. in Danville. Vt., Sept. 16, 1815. m. April 19, 1838, Sophia, dau. of Clark Cushmau* (See), b. in Barnet, Vt.. Oct. 12, 1816, d. in Colebrook, Ai)ril 2, 1879. He res. in Barnet, Vt., Hardwick, Vt., and in Colebrook, N. H. Hotel- keeper. Republican, d. in Colebrook, Dec. 24, 1878. Ch., all but Kate b. in Hardwick, Vt., — i. Kate 0., b. Barnet, Yt., Jan. 24, 1839. m. .Tune 30, 18G7, Edwin Small, liverv j)ropr. She tl. CDlehrook, Ans,- 0, 18'.t4. ii. Charles E , b. Miiy 0, ISIO. ni. .June 23, 1868, Mattie C. Chapman. Merchant. Sheriff, Oneida Co., N. Y., and delegate toDem. Nat. Con- vention, res. Oneida, N. Y. iii. GtJSTCs S., b. April 30, 1842. m. July 22, 1871, Sarah R. Clarendon. Jeweller, res. Colebrook. iv. Louise jMatilda., b. Jan. 1, 1845. m. Eds^ar Aldrieh (See). V. Mary Sophia, b. Feb. 2.5, 1847. ni. Lewis B. Heald (See). vi. Ada Augusta, b. Nov. 15, 184'J. m Sept. 6, 1870, James I. Parsons, lawyer. She d. Colebrook, Dec. 28, 1881. 8. vii. Daxiel Clark, b. .Ian. 15, 1852. "J. viii. James Wai.drox, b. Oct. 30, 1860. 412 Remich. 8. Daniel Clark Remich, son of Samuel Kello}''', b. in Hardvvick, Vt., Jan. 15, 1852. m. first, Feb. 12, 1879, Belle, dau. of Alfred Lov- erin, b. in Colebrook, d. in L. Sept. 9, 1885. m. second, May 18, 1886, Lizzie Maria, dan. of Benjamin West Kilburn (See), b. in L. Sept. 14, 1854, Cong. He was educated in the common schools and Hardwick Academy, and gi-ad. from the law department of Mich. University in 1878. He was admitted to the Bar at Lancaster, April term, 1878, and at once entered the law firm of Dudley & Remich, where he remained until May 1, 1882, when he moved to L. and became a partner in the firm of Bingliam, Aldrich, & Remich. After tiie retirement of George A. Bingham (See), in 1884, the firm became Aldrich & Remich, which continued in business until Jan. 1, 1889, when Edgar Aldrich (See) re- tired. He then formed a partnership with his brother, James Waldron Remick (See), under the firm name of Remich & Remick, which con- tinued to Sept. 1, 1890, when Daniel retired to engage in the stereo- scopic view business witli Benjamin A\"est Kilburn (See). Cong. Republican. Fire ward, 1888. Board of Health, 1895-6. Represent- ative, 1895-6 and 1899-1900. State Senator, 1901-2. Prest. Board of Trade. Director and Prest. of Littleton Shoe Co. Member of Ex- ecutive Committee, State Law and Order League; has written exten- sively on temperance and other reforms, and frequently advocates same causes on platforms and before courts and the Legislature. Delivered address 125th anniversary of L. in 1895, and an historical address on "Manufactures," Centennial, 1884. (L. Cen. pp. 232 to 241 inc.) Notary public. J. P. Prest. L. Driving Park Association, 1896. No ch. (Child's Grafton Co. Gazetteer, p. 112^. L. Cen,, p. 131.) 9. James Waldron Remick, son of Samuel Kelley '' ^ b. in Hard- wick, Vt., Oct. 30, 1860. ra. Dec. 5, 1888, Mary S., "dau. of Natlian Pendleton, b. in Bangor, Me., July, 1864. He was educated in St. Johnsbury, Vt., and Colebrook, and grad. from the Law Department of Mich. University in 1882, and the same year was admitted to the Bar in Concord. He was in practice in Colebrook two years, and subse- quently in the employ of Aldrich & Remich in L. In 1885 he formed a partnership vvitii Hon. Ossian Ray, under the firm name of Ray & Remick, in L.' In 1889 he formed a partnership with his brother, Daniel Clark Remich (See), under the firm name of Remich & Remick, which continued to Sept. 1, 1890, when his brother retired. vSince then he has practised alone. Among his writings may be mentioned. Briefs and Arguments reported in N. H. Supreme Court Reports, Vols. 62 to 68, and in tlie Federal Reporter, notable among which is the one given in full in State v. Saunders, Q'6 N. IL, p. 46. Republican. U. S. District Attorney for N. H. under Prest. Harrison. Board of Health, 1887-8-9. Member Board of Education, Union District, 1805 to date, and president of the Board since 1899. Notary public. J. P. (Child's Grafton Co. Gazetteer, p. 112^.) Ch., — i. Gladys, b. L. Oct. 31, 1891. Mrs. Ei.i/.\i;l:i II K. Ivlmk ii. Re) nick — Ixm^rew. 413 REMICK. 10. SiMEOx Remicic, b. in (xrotoii, Vt., Sept. 170."^. in. .^[;lv 27, 1827, Hannah R., dan. of Walter Bowman « (See), 1). in L. in l«0(i. d. in L. April 10, 1875. He res. in L. from 1827 nntil lie d, Dec. 24, 1869. Fanner. Democrat. J. I'. A. F. and A. M., ^Morning Dawn. Cli., b. in L., — 1. John S., b. Dec. 29, 1827, d. L. Oct. 20, 1S49. ii. Waltkr R., b. Sept. 4, 182'J. ni. .Sei)t. 22, l,s.')2, Diantba L. Ilurlburt. Fanner, res. Waterfonl, V't. iii. Cassandra C, b. .July o, 18;]1. ni. Henry Town.seml, peddler. She d. L. April 18, 1878. . iv. CozBi F., b. May 12, 183.*]. tn. Hubbard Iladlock (See). V. Hannah R., b. July 18, 1835, d. L. Aug. 6, 18:58. vi. Elvira E., b. Ausj^. 14, 18;!7. m. Koby C. Towne (See). 11. vii. James WALi.ACK,"b. April 23, 1840. viii. Zadock 15., b. July 7, 1843. m. Jan. 2, 18t50, Alpliaretta Williams. Farmer, res. Lyman. Co. D, 13th N. II. Inf., and Co. I, 1st N. 11. H. Art. I'rivate. 11. J.VMES Wallace Remick, son of Simeon^", b. in L. April 2;^>, 1810. m. Feb. 25, 1870, Ellen, dau. of Charles Go.ss, b. in Waterford, Vt., Sept. 28, 1845, Cong. He has re.s. in L. all his life. Farmer. Cong. Democrat. Ch. , — i. Cora Ellen, b. L. Jan. 2, 1871. res.L. REMICK. 12. Shadrach Remick, b. in Kitter}-, INIe., July 6, 1829. m. Nov. 19, 1854, Julia H., dau. of Rudolphus Chandler (See), b. in Compton, P. Q., Jan. 22, 1838. He res. in L. from 1860 to 1890. Stone-mason'. Ch., — i. Alma J., b. Jefferson, Sept. 10, 18-5G. m. Charles A. Glover (See). ii. Ella H., b. Jefferson, Aug. 13, 1858. m. Nov. 28, 1881, Walter T. Flanders, glover. He d. E. March 0, 1885. iii. Eva E., b. L. July 26, 1860. m. William Jesse Moore, scale-maker. He d. St. Johnsburv, Vt., March 25, 1804. She m. second, Ma}' 27, 1895, Fred E. Clark. iv. Ada E., b. L. June 13, 18G2. m. Jan. 12, 1886, William E. Tenney, car- riage smith, res. Concord. V. Emma A., b. L. July 24, 1864, d. ]March 6, 1884. vi. Gracie M., b. L. Nov. 1871, d. March 13, 1872. vii. Lillian M., b. L. xMarch 12, 1874. m. June 20, 1894, Charles H. Shattuck, druggist, res. Concord. RENFREW. 1. John Sadrin Renfrew, son of John, b. in Xewburv, Vt., Jan. 2, 1864. m. July 1.3, 1885, Lilla Estelle, dau. of Levi D. Barnard, b. in Lunenburg, Vt., Sept. 1862, Cong. He has res. in L. 1882-3, and since 1885. Merchant. Cong. Republican. Ch., — i. Earle Barnard, b. South Ryegate, Vt., Jan. 18, 1887. ii. Florence Emma, b. L. July, 1890. iii. Marion, b. L. Jan. 29, 1897. iv. Mabel, b. L. June 26, 1899. 414 Renfreiv — Richardson. 2. Irving Clark Renfrew, son of John, b. in Peaclmm, Vt., Aug. 9, 18G8. ni. June 16, 1891, Hattie Jane, dan. of Henry G. Rollins, b. in Newbury, Vt., Jan. 30, 18G9, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1889. Merchant. Cong. Deacon. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Phyllis Estelle, b. April 25, 1892. ii. Percv Ladrence, b. Nov. 5, 1894. d. April 20, 1898. iii. Mai!GDerite Ethel, b. Nov. 6, 1894. iv. Kathekine, b. April 24, 1900. d. April 26, 1900. RICHARDSON. 1. EzEKiEL Richardson, b. in Eng. m. Susanna •. He came to America in 1630, and settled in Woburn, Mass., where he d., Oct. 21, 1647. He with his brothers, Samuel and Thomas" (See), were among the founders of Woburn, and occupied many positions of trust. (The Richardson Memorial, pp. 31-40-48-61.) 2. JosiAH Richardson, sou of Ezelciel ^ b. in Charlestown, Mass., in 1635. m. June 6, 1659, Remembrance, dau. of William Underwood, b. in Concord, Mass., Feb. 25, 1639/40. He was a prominent man in Chelmsford, Mass., d. June 22, 1695. 3. JosiAH Richardson son of Josiah^, b. May 18, 1665. m. Dec. 14, 1687, Mercy, dau. of Robert and Elizabeth (Blanehard) Parish. He was a lieut. and farmer. Town clerk of Chelmsford, Mass., 1693-4. Selectman, d. Oct. 17, 1711. 4. Robert Richardson, son of Josiah^, b. in Chelmsford, Mass., Oct. 2, 1693. m. Deborah Parish. He res. in Chelmsford, Mass., and Litchfield. 5. Luther Richardson, son of Robert •*. m. Sail}- Ticknor of Lebanon. He res. in Bath, 1768, and later in Lisbon. 6. John Richardson, son of Luther", b. Feb. 18, 1769. m. in 1792, Olive Dailey. He res. in Lisbon. Sixteen ch. 7. James Richardson, son of .John*', b. in Lisbon, March 27, 1814. m. May 6, 1847, Jane, dau. of Leonard Morse, b. in Haverhill, Aug.. 18, 1829, Free Baptist. He res. in L. from 1856 until he d., Oct. 3, 1891. Grad. Dart. Coll., 1841. Teacher, lumberman, and fanner. Republican. Free Baptist. Ch., — i. Kate, b. Lisbon, Aug. 15, 1849. m. Peter Cardinal (See). 8. ii. Luther, b. Lisbon, Oct. 18, 1850. iii. Floka E., b. Bethlehem, Nov. 15, 1852. m. .Jan. 20, 1875, Edwin W. Folsoni, jeweller. She d. Somersworth, Feb. 6, 1877. 9. iv. .Tames Emore, b. Bethlehem, March 21, 1854. 10. V. Horace Franklin, b. Bethlehem, Aug. 2, 1857. 8. Luther Richardson, son of James', b. in Lisbon, Oct. 18, 1850. m. Aug. 4, 1879, Ellen May, dau. of Oliver Locke, b. in Landaff, Oct. 29, 18(i4, d. in L. May 11, 1880. He has res. in L. since 1859. Farmer. Republican. No ch. liicliardHon, 415 9. James P2:more Riciiaudson, son of James ^ b. in Bcillilelieni, March 21, 1854. ni. July G, 1879, llatLic P^valine, clan, of Winsor Di-urv, b. in Easton, Oct. 2!), 1860. He has res. in L. since 1882. Electrician. Republican. I. O. O. E. Ch., — i. Eahi,, b. L. Marcli 12, 1884, d. L. Oct. 9, 1884. ii. Hazkl, b. Easton, June 5, 1887, d. L. Dec. 31, 1891. iii. LoiiAMA, b. L. .May 20, 1880, d. L. Julv -2(5, 188!). iv. JosKPiiivE May, b. Easton, .Marcli 17, 18U2, d. L. Sept. 17, 1897. V. Hattie v., b. L. Dec. 30, 1895, d. L. Aug. 8, 1890. 10. HdUACK Franklin Richardson, son of James", b. in liethlehera, Aug. 2, 1807. m. May 30, 188'J, Flora Bell, dau. of Alvah Remick, b. in L. Feb. 6, 1871, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1858 to 1891. Farmer. Free Baptist. Republican. 11. Thomas Richardson, brotlier of EzekieP (•'^ee), b. in Eng., came to America in 1G35, and res. in Cliarlestovvn and Woburn, Mass., he being one of the founders of Woliurn. He also assisted in estabhsh- ing a church there in 1041. His wife was Mary . He d. in ^Vol)nrn, Mass., Aug. 28, 1G51. (The Richardson Memorial, \)\). 504-7-15-33- 69-613.) 12. Thomas Richardson, son of Tiiomas '^, b. in Wol)urn, Mass., Oct. 4, 1()45. m. first, Jan. 5, 1GG9/70, Maiy Stevenson, b. Jan. 7, 1746 7, dau. of Andrew Stevenson of Canil)ridge, Mass. She d. June 7, 1G90. m. second, Dec. 29, 1690, Sarah, widow of Thomas Patten of Billerica, ]Mass. She d. Nov. 20, 1734. He res. in Billerica, Mass., wliere lie d., Feb. 25, 1720/1. He w^as a soldier in an expedition to Canada in 1690, a Deputv to the Gen. Court from Billerica in 1703-4. 13. Jonathan Richardson, son of Thomas^'-, b. in Billerica, Mass., Feb. 14, 1682/3. m. in 1713, Hannah French, b. Feb. 18, 1G92/3, dau. of John and jNIary ( Littlefield) (Kittredge) French of Billerica, Mass. He served as a soldier in Dunstal)le and Groton, July, 170G. d. in Billerica, Ang. 13, 1720. Tlie witlow, Hannah, in. Feb. 15, 1725 6, Benjamin Frost. 14. Abiel Richardson, son of Jonathan ^^ b. in Billerica, Mass., Nov. 12, 1720. in. in AVestford, Mass., July 9, 1741, Sarah Boynton, b. 1721, dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah (Perham) Boynton of Westford. He removed from Westford to I'epperell, iSIass., about 1746. He d. in Dunstable by accident, July 19, 1753. His widow, Sarah, ni. second, .Ian. 9, 1755, William Parker of Groton, JNIass.. He d. Feb. 1, 1761. She m. tliiixi, July 23, 1767. David Taylor of Concord, Mass. Rev. Joseph Emerson of Pepperell records his death in his Journal : '".Inly 19, 1753. Abiel Richardson a man above thirty years old assisting at the raising of Dunstal^le meeting house fell and died in a moment." 15. Abiel Richardson, son of Al)i(4 '\ b. in AVestford, Mass., 174-. m. but wife unknown. He res. in Royalston, INIass. 16. Abiel Richardson, son of Abiel '", b. in Royalston, Mass., about 1770. m. Rebecca, dau. of Philip Chase. He moved from Royalston, Mass., to Waterford, Vt., about 1800, where he d. 416 Richardson. 17. Jacob Richardson, son of AbieP^ b. in Waterfovd, Vt., in 170G. m. Irene, dan. of Asa Hove^-, b. in 1S02. He res. in Waterford, Vt., until 1835, and tlien moved to Concord, Vt. d. in 1868. 18. Ira Mortimer Richardson, son of Ira and grandson of AbieP'^, b. in Waterford, Vt., Dee. 17, 184G. m. -Jan. 7, 1868, Martha A., dan. of Jonatlian Davis, b. in Newark, Vt., Dee. 28, 1849, d. in L. May 7, 1897. He lias res. in L. most of the time since 1880. Horse-trainer. Democrat. Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. Private. Ch.,— i. Mabel, b. Waterford, Vt., Oct. 10, 1868, d. Aug. 1804. ii. M.\UD, b. Sutton, Vt., Aug. 1, 1872. iii. Clarence, b. Sutton, Vt., Oct. 10, 1876, d. L. Oct. 15. 1899. iv. Infant Son, b. Lyndon, Vt., Dec. 29, 1879, d. Lyndon, Vt., Jan. 15, 1880. V. Jennie, b. L. June 25, ]882. vi. Bertha, b. L. Feb. 1, 1890. vii. Paul M., b. L. June 12, 1894. 19. William Abifx Richardson, son of Jacob", b. in Concord, Vt., Jan. 6, 1847. in. Nov. 17, 1868, Halie E., dan. of William Kenney, b. in Bethlehem, May 25, 1851. He res. in L. from 1876 to 1894. Hotel propr. Democrat. Representative, 1880. Delegate to Demo- cratic National Convention, 1884. J. P. State. Prest. L. Driving Park A.ssociation, 1890-1. A. F. and A. M. K. T. I. 0. O. F.,"N. G. Co. K, 87th Vt. Inf. Private. G. A. R. He d. L. June 15, 1900. Ch.,— i. Katie H., b. Concord, Vt., .lune 23, 1871. res. L. ii. Harry W., b. Lancaster, Aug. 21, 1872. res. L. 20. Fred Ellsworth Richardson, son of Jacob, and grandson of Jacob", b. in Concord, Vt., Nov. 8, 1863. m. Oct. 1891, Leafy M., dan. of Ira P. Lewis, b. in Concord, Vt., Nov. 20, 1872. -He has res. in L. since 1891. Liverv proprietor. Univei'salist. Republican. No ch. 21. Frank Miles Richardson, son of Jacob, and grandson of Jacob", b. in Concord, Vt., Aug. 7, 1865. m. Dec. 18, 1888, Theda Luette, dan. of Ira P. Lewis, b. in Concord, Vt., Nov. 1, 1870. He has res. in L. since 1886. Livery proprietor. Unitarian. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Garald Kennan, b. Sept. 11, 1892. ii. Guy L., b. May 11, 1895. 22. David Richardson, son of John '^, b. in Lisbon, March 22, 179G. m. first, Feb. 11, 1823, Priscilla Albee, of L. m. second, Sophia Eastman, of Lisbon. She m. first, Keniston. David d. in Lisbon, Dec. 22, 1869. 23. ZuRiEL Albee Richardson, son of David -'-, b. in Lisbon, Feb. 2, 1830. m. first, Feb. 14, 1854, Olive, dan. of Edward Jessemau, b. in Lisbon, wliere she d.. May 7, 1862. ni. second, Feb. 9, 1865, Mary Jane, dan. of Simeon P>ass, b. in Lancaster, June 27, 1833. She m. first, Merrill Williams Tliompson (See). Zuriel res. in L. from 1870 until he d., Dec. 14, 1896. Farmer. Democrat. Richardson. 417 Cli., by w. Olive, b. in Lisbon, — i. Ida, h. Dec. .30, 1855, d. L. Mav G, 1874. 24. ii. MvHON Hkuvev, h. May 18, 1858. iii. Lydiaktta, b. June 22, 1800. m. Jolin Eaton Eastman (See). Cb., bj- w. INIaiy, b. in L., — iv. Olive Jknnie, b. Nov. 8, 1870. m. Aug. 29, 1898, John T. Lytle. V. Henky Ellsworth, b. Auk- 29, 1875. rii. Nov. 2(5, 189(), Blaiiclie IMay Fisk, (lau. of Henry William Fisk (See). Casliier of L. Nat. Bank since 18U7. Always res. in L. One cli. : Ellsworth A., b. June '60, 1897. 24. Myron Hkkvey Richakdson, son of Zuriel Albee -'^ b. in Lis- bon, jNLi}' 18, 1858. m. Jinie 1, 1881, Flora F., dau. of Horace French, b. in Bath, May 12, 1860, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1870. Mer- chant. Cong. Deacon. Democrat. Register of Deeds, Grafton Co., 188'J to 18'Jo. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. No ch. 25. Ebenezer Richardson, son of Robert '', res. in Lisbon. He was an original grantee of Bath in 1769. 26. David Richardson, son of Ebenezer ^^, b. in Lisbon, Jan. 27, 17AUK, b. Landaff, Aug. 2, 1795. m. Feb. 13, 1826, Laura Savage. I^armer. lie d. L. May 1, 1833. She d. May 1, 1837. 9. ix. Hale, b. Landaff, Jan. 25, 1798. 422 Rix. X. Margaret, b. Canada, Nov. 16, 1799. m. Marcli 2, 1831, Nalnim Crane. lie d. Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 22, 188i. She d. Merrimack, Mass., Sept. 4, 1872. xi. William, b. Canada, 1803, d. Canada, 1801. 7. Nathaniel Rix, son of Nathaniel •', b. in Landaff, Nov. 27, 1777. m. March 3, 1802, Rebecca, dan. of Obediah Eastman ^'•^ (See), b. in Bath, Sept. 23, 1786, d. in Dalton, April 27, 1867. He re.s. in L. from about 1812 to 1835. Farmer. Representative, 1821 to 6 inc. Regis- ter of Deeds, 1835 to 1840, during which time he res. in Haverhill, and was Representative from that town two 3"ears. Officer in Canadian Militia before return to N. H. Selectman, 1820 to 6 inc. Moderator, 1823-32-34. Councillor, 1832-4. J. P. Prominent temperance man and advocate of total abstinence. A. F. and A. M. W. M., Morning Dawn Lodge, 1820-1. d. in Dalton, Oct. 21, 1857. Ch., — 10. i. Guy Carlton, b. Stanstead, P. Q , Dec. 14, 1802. ii. LucRKTiA, b. Stanstead, V. Q., Oct. 1(5, 1804. m. Aug. 30, 1827, Joel Eastman, inventor. He d. Uct. 27, 1833. Siie d. Wasliington, U. C, Oct. 24, 1874. ill. Narcissa, b. Stanstead, P. Q., Jan. 3, 1807. m. Jan. 14, 1827, Nathan Underwood, city official. He d. Boston, Mass. She d. Boston, Mass., June 18, 1883. iv. Pkrsis, b. Stanstead, P. Q., Aug. 19, 1809. m. Aaron Gile^ (See). V. Wilder P., b. Stanstead, P. Q.,' Jan. 13, 1812. m. May 19, 1837, Mary Jane Rose. Farmer. He d. Haverhill, Feb. 21, 1843. vi. BEN.IAMIN F., b. L. July 28, 1815. m. March 23, 1848, Mary E. Bryant. Music teacher. He d. Dalton, June 9, 1884. vii. Charles, b. L. June (3, 1818. m. July 27, 1844, Susan V. Eastman. Clerk. He d. Haverhill, April 28, 1846. viii. Rebecca Jane, b. L. March 25, 1821. m. Jonathan Clark Rlx^ (See). 8. Jonathan Clark Rix, son of Ebenezer and grandson of Na- thaniel ®, b. in Dalton, Nov. 26, 1817. m. Feb. 5, 1845, Rebecca Jane, dau. of Nathaniel Rix '^ (See), b. in L. March 25, 1821. He never res. in L. Farmer, d. in Dalton. Ch., b. ill Dalton, — 12. i. Charles Hiram, b. May 6, 1846. 13. ii. Edgar M., b. Aug 2, 1851. 9. Hale Rix, son of Natlianiel ", b. in Landaff, Jan. 25, 1798. m. Sept. 27, 1819, Evelina Morrell, b. in Vt., Dec. 25. 1798, d. in Dalton. He res. in L. from 1824 to 1844. Farmer, d. in Dalton. Ch., — i. Oscar, b. Stanstead, P. Q., Nov. 8, 1820. m. Jan. 19, 1845, Mary A. B. Forrester, res. Cal. ii. Alfred, b. Stanstead, P. Q., April 7, 1822. m. July 29, 1849, Chastina VValbridge. Lawyer, res. San Francisco, Cal. iii. Lavina, b. L. March 6, 1824, d. L. May 13, 1835. iv. Adeline, b. L. Feb. 13, 1826. m. March 14, 1850, Edward Bierstadt. res. N. Y. Citv. V. Hale, b. L. Jan. 18, 1828. vi. Austin, b. L. Dec. 27, 1829. vii. Ira Osmer, b. L. Oct. 15, 1831. viii. Jonathan Morrill, b. L. Dec. 30, 1833. Physician, res. Warner. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf., Corp. ix. Louisa Farr, b. L. Jan. 25, 1836. X. Lewis Melvin, b. L. Jan. 27, 1838. xi. Charles Carroll, b. L. Aug. 21, 1839. xii. Alanson Stephen, b. L. Oct. 10, 1841. m. June 21, 1871, Sarah Carle- ton. Farmer, res. Dalton. Rix. 423 10. Guy Carlton Rix, son of Nathaiiiol ", b. in Stanstead, V. Q., Dec. 14, 1802. m. Jan. 4, 182G, Martha, dan. of Jacob Gates, b. in St. .Tohnsbnry, Vt., Ang. 10, 1807, d. in Dowagiac, Midi., in 1890. lie ros. in L. from 1812 to 182G, and at two or tliree otlier periods for a short time. Blacksmitli. d. in Dowagiac, Midi., Jan. 14, 1871). Ch.,— i. Caroline, h. L. Dec. 17, 182G. m. Bradfonl II. Jone?. cooper. He d. Albion, Midi., 18H;i 'Joth Mich. Inf. 11. ii. GiiY Scour, k L. Nov. 12, 1YDiA, ni. Abijali Potter, res. Stark. ix. Miriam, m. Clitford Cole. res. Stark.; 12. Jonathan Rowell, son of DaniePS ^'' i" Weare, April, 1771. m. March 4, 1799, Sally, dau. of Elkanah Hoskins (Sec), b. in Pe- tersham, Mass., March 21, 1780, d. L. Sept. 6, 1886, Cong. He res. in L. from 1809 until he d., Oct. 31, 1863. Farmer. Whig. Select- man, 1811-12-13-14-15-32. J. P. Ch.,— 13. i. Jonathan Barney, b. Waterford, Vt., Feb. 3, 1800. ii. Anna. b. Waterford, Vt., Jan. 21, 1802. m. Sept. 29, 18.32, Koswell Sartwell (See), stone-eiitter. She d. Barnct, Vt., Feb. 3, 1889. iii. Lois, b. Stark, Jan. 13, 1804. m. Dec. 1834, Charles Fay Gregory, farmer. He d. 18G8. Slie d. Concord, Vt., .Jan. 28, 1883. iv. BIindwell, b. Jan. 2'J, 180G. m. May 30, 1839, Asa K. Uankin, farmer. He d. Danvers, III., May 9, 18(54. She d. Danvers, 111., Sept. 22, 1850. 14. V. Guy Carlton, b. Waterford, Vt., Feb. 15, 1809. vi. Benjamin F., b. L. Feb. 5, 1810. m. 1837, Charity Abbott. Farmer. He d. Danvers, 111., Sept. 25, 1860. 430 Roivell. vii. Richard, b. L. Feb. 21, 1812, d. L. Aug. 24, 1812. viii. Richard, b. L. Jan. 22, 1814. lu. Mary Barnard. Farmer. He d. Bloomington, 111., Oct. IG, 1884. 15. ix. Salmo.v Hoskins, b. L. July 2, 1816. X. Joshua, b. L. Nov. 29, 1818. m. Mareb 31, 1853, Mary R. Cbase. Mercbant. He d. Fall River, Mass., June 6, 1853. xi. Ira. b. L. Jan. 12, 1821, d. L. Feb. 15, 1823. xii. Adaline, b. L. Feb. 24, 1823. m. April 5, 1853, Ephraim Purdy, pby- sician. res. Cincinnati, Ohio. 13. Jonathan Barney Rowell, son of Jonathan ^^, b. in Water- ford, Vt., Feb. 3, 1800. ra. Jan., 1828, Cynthia, dau. of Moses Abbott " (See), b. in Bath, d. in Danvers, 111. She ni. second Hayes. Jonathan res. in L. from 1804 until about 1830. Business man. A. F. and A. M., Morning Dawn. d. in Danvers, III., Sept. 28, 1850. Cli., b. in Haverhill, — i. Ika. ii. Jonathan Harvey, b. Haverhill, Feb. 10, 1833. grad. Eureka Coll. A prominent lawyer at Bloomington, 111. Representative in Congress four terms, iii. Maky Jane. iv. Maria. V. Franklin. vi. MiLO. vii. Chester. viii. Charles Carroll. ix. George. X. Albert. 14. Guy Carlton Rowell, son of Jonathan ^^, b. in Waterford, Vt., Feb. 15, 1809. m. Feb. 12, 1835, Clarissa Davis, dau. of Gen. David Rankin (See), b. in L. Jan. 21, 1809, d. in Bloomington, 111., Nov. 3, 1873. He res. in L. from 1838 to 1863. Farmer. Select- man, 1851. J. P. Appointed Lieut. 1st Co. Light Inf., 32d Regt., N. II. Militia, June 4, 1844. d. in Bloomington, 111., March 17, 1891. Ch., — i. Frances Harriet, b. Concord, Vt., Nov. 15, 1835. m. April 28. 1863, George Porter Ely, C. E. res. Bloomington, 111. 16. ii. Clinton, b. Concord, Vt., Nov. 12, 1838. iii. Frank F.. b. L. June 11, 1850, d. Bloomington, III, Jan. 31, 1890. iv. Helen Edna, b. L. May 26, 1852. m. May 30, 1875, William J. Wash- burn, banker, res. Los Angeles, Cal. 15. Salmon Hoskins Rowell, son of Jonathan ^^ b. in L. July 2, 1816. m. Jan. 4, 1846, Cordelia M., dau. of Otis Ballon, b. in Water- ford, Vt, April 23, 1820. He res. in L. from birth to 1866, since then in Peacham, Vt., where he d., Jan. 16, 1900. Farmer. Selectman, 1841-2. Representative, 1846-7. Lieut. Col. 32d Regt. N. IL MiUtia, June 19, 1840. Ch., b. in L., — i. Otis F., b. Aug. 20, 1848. m. Ella Hooker. Postmaster. He d. Stew- art, Iowa, June I'J, 1874. ii. Addie C, b. April 22, 1857. m. M^y 8, 1875, William V. McLaughlin. res. Peacham, Vt. iii. Salmon Harvey, b. March 26, 1860, d. June 2, 1877. iv. Hattie E., b. Aug. 4, 1862. m. Oct. 8, 1880, Elijah M. Lyford, farmer, res. Barnet, Vt. v. Richard Clark, b. Oct. 26, 1865. m. Oct. 25, 1886, Maggie Bundy. Farmer, res. Barnet, Vt. ^ 95s^ S\i \iiiN n. Kdu 1:1,1. Rowell 431 16. Clinton- Kowkll, son of Guv Carlton", b. in Concord, Vt, Nov. 12, 18P..S. ni. Nov. 12, 1868, Carrie M., dau. of Charles Ferris, 1). in Peru, N. Y., April, 1843, Cong. lie res. in L. from 1831) to 1802. Lawyer. Cong. Democrat. Dart. Coll., 18G1-2. res. St. Louis, Mo. Cb., I), in St. Louis, Mo., — i. KuGENiA May, b. May 12, 1870, d. St. Louis, Mo., 187'j. ii. (Jkack F., I). Nov. 24, 1878. res. St. Louis, Mo. iii. Carlton F., b. Juno 9, 1885. 17. Henry Ward Rowf.ll, son of Richard F. and grandson of Daniel ", b. in Waterford, Vt., Jan. 16, 1831. m. Oct. 11, 18;"),"), Achsali B., dau. of Samuel Taylor, b. in Springfield, Vt., A\n-\\ 18, 1)S37. He came to L. in LS55 and estal)lished the '■'People's Journal," the first issue of whicli api)eared June 6, 1855. He continued its i)ublication until Nov. 2, 18G0, when he sold to William Davis. He was Treasurer of C4rafton Co., 1858-9 ; a member of Gov. (ioodwin's Staff in 1859-60. Li 1862 he was appointed to a position in the Literior De[)artment, Washington, and soon after made Chief of the Agricultural Division of the Census Bureau, which he resigned in 1867, and moved to Kockford, 111., and engaged in the newspaper business, which he has followed most of the time since. He was Disbursing Clerk of the U. S. House of Representatives during the 47th Congress. He d. in Washington, D. C, 1899. Methodist. Republican. A. F. and A. M. (L.'Cen. pp. 110-11-12.) Ch.,— i. Lizzie M., b. L. July 24, 18.58. m. May 1, 1879, D. F. Sawyer, mer- ciiant. res. Iowa City, Iowa, ii. Charles II., b. L. Auif. 20, 1864. m. Sept. 6, 1886, Annie E. Marcey. Merchant, res. Iowa City, Iowa, iii. Alice C, b. Rockfonl, 111., March 28, 18G8, d. Jan. 1, 1872. ROWELL. 18. Amos Rowell, b. in Bath, Feb. 6, 1804. m. Betsey, dau. of Robert Chase, b. in Bath, Oct. 10, 1791, d. in L. March 25, 18G5, Metho- dist. He res. in L. from 1826 until he d., March 5, 1867. Cal)inet- maker. Baptist. Republican. Ch.,— i. Jane C, b. Batli, July 17, 1823. m. Jolin Colby Quimby (See), ii. Fanny Ross, b. L. May 4, 1827. ni. first, Charles C. Barrett (See), ni. second, Enoch M. Strattoti (See). iii. Ann Marv, b. L. Oct. 4, 18o0. ni. first, July 23, 1855, Simeon Russell. m. secoiul, Lorenzo 1). Burton (See). ROWELL. 19. MiCAiJAH Rowell, pub. Nov. 12, 1804, Elizabetli, dau. of Stephen Savage (See), b. in Middletown, Conn., Oct. 31, 1784, d. in Edenboro', Oliio. He res. in L. from 1799 to 1811. Farmer. Ch.,— i. Eliza, b. L.May 5, 1806. 432 Ridand — Russell. RULAND. 1. George W. Ruland, son of George, b. in Brookhaven, N. Y., April 2'J, 1.S40. m. June, 1S67, Mary E. Weel^'s, of Patchogue, N. Y. He was educated in tlie district scliools and Bellport Militar^y and Clas- sical Institute, and in 1864 commenced tlie study of tlieology in the Boston Scliool of Tlieolog}', from whicli he grad. in 1867. He was or- dained a Methodist elder by Bishop Janes, in Rochester, April 16, 1871. His ministry has been as follows: Raymond, 1866-7-8; Hampton, 1869-70; Laconia, 1871; Amherst and'Milford, 1872-3; L., 1874-5- 6 ; Greenland, 1877-8-9 ; 8uncook, 1880-1-2 ; Milford, 1883. He joined the Cong, cliurch in 1884, and settled in Greenfield. He has since had pastoi'ates in Westmoreland, Dublin, and Stoddard. He res. in Keene. Board of Education, Union District, 1875. Corp. 102d N. Y. Inf. A. F. and A. M. I. O. O. F. G. A. R. Ch.,— i. Laura W. ii. Elliott C, b. 1872, d. Marcli 31, 1874. RUSSELL. 1. Tpiomas E. Russell, son of Thomas, b. in Lincoln, Dec. 9, 1803. m. first, Betsey Lovejo}', d. in Franconia. ni. second. June 2, 1850, Sophia, dau. of Timothy Mooney, b. in Bethlehem, Jul}-, 2, 1818, Free Baptist. He res. in L. from 1849 until he d., April 27, 1886. Farmer. Free Baptist. Democrat. Ch., b}' w. Betsej', — i. Lydia, m. Diistin. res. Tliornton. ii. George W., b. Hebron, 1834. m. first, Mary Colby, m. second, Manda Kines. res.Boscawen. Co. B, (3tli N. II. Inf. Private, iii. Thomas E., b. Hebron, 183G. res. Penacook. Co. 1), 13th N. H. Inf. Private, iv. Eunice, res. Worcester, Mass. V. Charles H., b. Thornton, 1843. res. Penacook. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Private. Ch., by w. Sophia, b. in L., — vi. Edwin Martin, b. Nov. 15, 1851, d. L. May 14, 1875. vii. Clarence H., b. July 11, 1852, d. L. Dec. 11, 1852. viii. Harry Eugene, b. Oct. 22, 1858. ni. Alice Stockman. Insurance ajrent. res. Boston, Mass. ix. Henrietta, b. Aug. 11, 1855, d. L. March 10, 1869. X. Helen Augusta, b. May 15, 1857. m. first, Feb. 8, 1876, Augustus N. Bartlett, farmer. He d. L. Jan. 22, 1885. in. second, Dec. 1886, Henry E. Bartlett, milk-dealer, res. Mancliester. 2. xi. Frederic Alanson, b. July 2, 1859. 3. xii. Elmer Ellsworth, b. May 17, 1861. 2. Frederic Alanson Russell, son of Thomas E. \ b. in L. July 2, 1859. m. Aug. 2, 1889, Lizzie S., dau. of Henry Delano, b. in New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 10, 1867. He has res. in L. all his life. Fore- man in Stereoscopic View Factory. Republican. I. O. O. F., N. G. C. P., L. Encampment. K. P. Ch., b. in L., — i. Frederic H., b. Nov. 8, 1891. ii. Arthur Kilburn, b. May 26, 1895. d. L. Aug. 22, 1898. Russell. 433- 3. FIlhieu Eli.swokth 1\ussell, son of Thomas K.', h. in \j. I\Liy 17, 18G1. in. Dec. 6, 1884, Martha Ella, dan. of Darius Northy, b. in Whilefield, Dec. G, 1863. lie has res. in L. all his life. Glover.. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Scott Edward, b. Whitefield, July 28, 188G. ii. Prancis Henry, b. L. Jan. 25, 18'J8. RUSSELL. 4. Lucius Amos Ri^ssell, son of Peter B., b. in Claremont in 1808. m. Susan B., dau. of Moses Stevens, b. in Pembroke in 1809, d. in L. Feb. 23, 1892. He res. in L. from 1840 until he d., April 28, 1864. Stage proprietor. Republican. Ch.,— i. Emily E., b. Cabot, Vt., 1834. m. April 29, 1858, George L. Gilinan. Keeps boarding-lioiKse. res. Betlileliem. 5. ii. George Lucius, b. Ij. May 25, 18o8. iii. Ellen J., b. L. 184o. in. Nathan J. Pike, deputy sheriff. He d. St. Joiinsbury, Vt., April, 1883. 5. George Lucius Russell, son of Lucius Amos^, b. in L. May 25, 1838. m. Jan. 16, 1864, Julia Cook, dau. of Ezra Bliss Elkins (See), b. in Lisbon, Aug. 21, 1838. He has res. in L. nearly all his life. Farmer. Democrat. J. P. Ch., — i. Sue, b. Stanstead, P. Q., Eeb. 7, 1870. n\. June 25, 1895, Philip W. Prior, dentist, res. Stamford, Conn, ii. George Lucius, b. Stanstead, P. Q., Feb. 8, 1872. dl Jan. 23, 1898, ]Mary A. Smith, res. in L. iii. Harry P.liss, b. Betlileliem, Sept. 18, 1882. RUSSELL. 6. Carey Russell, son of John, b. in Chester, Oct. 5, 1802. m. May, 1827, Roxanna, dau. of William Howard, b. in Ilillsboro' in 1801, d. in Hancock, Aug. 20, 1885. He had limited opportunities to secure an education, but at the age of nineteen had fitted himself for Coll, Lack of means prevented his entering Coll., but he studied for the minis- tr}' with Rev. John AVood of Newport, and in 1837 was called to the Cong, church in Hartford, Vt., and ordained. He was pastor of the " Dotliam church'" there from 1837 to 1844 ; acting pastor, Worcester, Vt, 1844-5 ; Goshen, Vt., 1846-7; Wolcott, \'t., 1851-2 ; Bradford, 1853 to 1857 ; L., acting pastor, 1858-9 ; without charge, Norwich, Vt., 1859, until he d., Aug. 17, 1864. (Cong. Ciuarterly, Vol. VI. (1864), p. 385.) Ch., b. in Newport, — i. Catherine Frances, in. Nelson Crandall, flour nianufr. She d. Nor- wich, Vt., Nov. 1808. ii. Harriet Newell, m. Thaddeus B. Ladd, physician. She d. Norwich, Vt., June, 1872. iii. William Carey, d. Hartford, Vt., when five years old. iv. Sarah Howard, m. first, Daniel Wilkins (See), ni. second, Charles Edward Harrington (Sec). vol. ii. — 28 434 Salway — Sanbor7i. SALWAY. SALOIS. 1. Mitchell Salway, son of Mitchell, b. in Canada, Jan. 13, 1831. m. Nov. 23, 1865, Matilda R., dau. of Anthony Gushing, b. in Canada, June 5, 18-13, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 18G2. Laborer. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Mitchell Joseph, b. Feb. 18, 1867. m. Sept. 30, 1888, Mary Fox Cook. res. Boston, Mass. ii. Annie M., b. Oct. 13, 1871. m. George O. W. Hatch (See), iii. Agnes Tauline, b. Sept. 3, 1875. m. Oct. 26, 1896, George H. Page, carpenter, res. L. iv. Vernie E., b. Dec. 4, 1877. V. Hattie, b. Feb. 1, 1881. vi. Anthony Vincent, b. May 2, 188-3. vii. Clement J., b. April 22, 1886. SANBORN. 1. John Sanborn, b. in England, about 1G20. His father was John Sanborn. His mother was a daughter of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, the founder and the lirst minister of Hampton. With his brothers, William and Stephen, he came to New Hampshire in 1G32 under the auspices of their gi'andCather, Rev. Stephen Bachiler. He m. Mary Tuck, dau. of Robert Tuck of Hampton. She d. Dec. 30, 1668. He m. second, Aug. 2, 1671, Margaret (Page) Moulton, dau. of Robert Page, and widow of William Moulton. He d. Oct 20, 16'J2. She d. July 13, 1699. 2. John Sanborn, son of John ^, b. in Hampton, about 1649. ni. Nov. 19, 167-1, Judith Coffin, b. Dec. 4, 1653, dau. of Tristram and Judith (Greenleaf) Coffin. He d. in Hampton, Nov. 10, 1723. She d. May 17, 1774. 3. Abner Sanborn, son of John'-, b. in Hampton, April 27, 1694. ]n. Oct. 5, 1715, Rachel Shaw, b. Jan. 27, 1695, dau. of Caleb and Elizabeth (Hilliard) Shaw of Hampton. He lived beyond the river in the part of the original township which was incorporated as Hampton Ealls. Selectman several years. He d. Jan. 17, 1780. 4. Coffin Sanborn, son of Abner ^, b. in Hampton Falls, Dec. 17, 1737. m. Jan. 1, 1759, Hannah Hilliard, d. in Saubornton, July 21, 1821. He res. in Saubornton, where he d., May 12, 1812. 5. Levi Sanborn, son of Coffin*, b. in Saubornton, July 31, 1777. ni. July 26, 1798, Hannah, dau. of William Durgin, b. in Saubornton, July 8,' 1782, d. in Wlutefield, March 22, 1862. He res. in L. from 1826 until he d., Nov. 11, 1835. Carpenter. Ch., b. in Saubornton, — i. Ezra, b. Nov. 13, 1709. m. Jan. 19, 1825, Lucy Whitman. Carpenter, res. Whitetiolcl. ii. Mary Marston, b. Sept. 5, 1802. m. first, Asa Clark, ni. second, Jonathan Nurse (See). iii. Amos S, b. Dec. 20, 1804. m. Dec. 27, 1826, Deborah C. Pliillips. Car- penter. He J. L. Sept. 16, 1874. iv. Susannah 'P., b. Oct. 21, 1807. ni. William George, carpenter. He d. Concord, 1872. Sanhorn. 435 6. V. David Page, b. Fub. 8, 1810. vi. Lucy I^, b. May 8, 1812, tl. L. June 3, 1823. vii. Dkboraii B., b. May 1, 1815, d. Sanboriiton, Aug. 1, 1819. " viii. Rachkl T., b. Nov. 18, 1817, d. Sanbornton, Auj,'. 3, 1819. ix. Deborah J., b. Feb. 10, 1820, in. Lorenzo D. Parker (See). 7. X. Levi Woodbuuy, b. Feb. 4, 1824. xi. Hannah A., b. April 21, 1820, d. L. Oct. 1847. 6. David Page Sanborn, son of Levi '^, b. in Sanbornton, Feb. 8, 1810. m. Oct. 12, 1831, Niionii Hughes, dan. of James Dow (See), b. in L. Jan. 9, 1813. He res. in L. from 1825 until he d., Maich 1, 1871. ]\Iaeiiinist and tool-maker. Republican. Appointed major of 32d Regt. N. H. Militia Aug. 27, 183(5; vacated, Nov. 28, "l83G. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. I. O. O. F., N. G. Ch.,— i. Amelia Barber, b. L. Feb. 20, 1833, d. Sept. 18, 1853. 8. ii. Francis Davidson, b. L. Oct. 26, 1834. iii. Laura Burnham, b. L. Aug. 20, 183G. in. first, Albert Tyler Johnson (See), ni. second, John Sniillie (See). 9. iv. Luther Dow, b. L. Dec. 12, 1841. V. Ellen Josephine, b. Worcester, Mass., March 24, 1840. m. Minot Weeks (See). vi. Emma Electa, b. L. March 16, 1840, m. Charles Ball (See). vii. Jennie Lindsev, b. L. April 28, 1853, d. L. April 29, 1853. 7. Levi Woodbury Sanborn, son of Levi•^ b. in Sanbornton, Feb. 4, 1824. m. first, Oct. 18, 1853, INIary Moody, dau. of Harry Palmer, d. in F'ranconia, Dec. 15, 1882, Methodist, m. second, March 10, 1886, Mary Jane Garland, b. Barnstead, July, 1827. He res. in L. from 1826 to 1854, and from 1862 to 1873. Shingle sawyer. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Private. Ch.,— i. Edgar, b. Whitefield, July, 1854, d. 1855. 8. Francis Davidson Sanborn, son of David Page ^, b. in L. Oct. 26, 1834. m. June 9, 1855, Caroline Nute, dau. of Daniel Oilman Smith, b. in Dover, March 21, 1835, d. in Betlilehera, June 9, 1895, Methodist. He res. in L. nearl}- all liis life. Mechanic. Republican. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Sergt. and Musician. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., b. in L., — i. Lerot Smith, b. Oct. 6, 1857. m. March 3, 1880, Marion E. Case. Farmer, ii. Herbert Leslie, b. Feb. 3, 1870. m. May 30, 1894, Mamie Maud Van Ness. Glover, res. L. Ch., Francis Wellington, b. L. June 22, 1897. 9. Luther Dow Sanborn, son of David Page®, b. in L. Dec. 12, 1841. m. June 19, 1869, Elizabeth Ann, dau. of James C. Rowell (See), b. in Concord, Vt., IMay 19, 1848, Universalist. He res. in L. from birth to 1883. He now res. Grand Rapids, INIich. Salesman. Universalist. Republican. Recording Sec. L. Musical Association, 1870 to 1884 inc. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., b. in L., — i. Jennie L., b. .Tan. 5, 1873, d. Grand Rapids, Mich., June, 1891. ii. Irving L., b. Nov. 12, 1874. m. Dec. 12, 1889, Frances Marrin. Laborer He served in war with Spain, Conn. Regt. 436 Sanborn. SANBORN. 10. SiiEPiiEKD J. Sanborn, son of Zadoc, b. in New Hampton, April 27, 1800. m. Sept. 1, 1823, Polly, dau. of Ziba Wright (See), b. in L. June 3, 1802, d. in L. Dec. 8, 1874. He res. in L. from 1818 until he d., Sept. 12, 18G4. Farmer. Republican. Cli., b. in L., — 11. i. Madison, b. March 25, 1825. ii. Emily, b. May 4, 1828. umn. res. L. iii. LoviCA C, b. April 28, 1830, m. James Monroe Rtreeter (See), iy. Eliza A., b. June 24, 1837. ni. first, June 16, 1858, Lucius D. Powers, d. 1862. ni. second. May 20, 1880, Alfred Richards, merchant. She res. L. V. Henky E., b. Sept 28, 1840. m. Dec. 4, 1878, Agnes A. Lattig. Rail- road conductor. She d. Easton, Pa., Dec. 24, 1879. 11. M.vDisoN S.\NB0RN, son of Shepherd J.^°, b. in L. March 2.5, 1825. m. March 5, 1863, Rachel, dan. of Jacob Markley (See), b. in Canada, Feb. 7, 1842, d. in L. Feb. 13, 1896. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Republican. Ensign 11th Co. 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, 1848. Ch. b. in L., — i. Jennie Eliza, b. Feb. 20, 1864. m. George C. Patten (See). ii. Flora Amanda, b. April 21, 1870. m. May 9, 1804, Elliot F. Studley, clergyman, res. Providence, R. I. SANBORN. 12. IsA.\c vSmitii Rowe Sanborn, son of Jonathan Cram, b. in San- bornton, Oct. 27, 1830. The lineages : Isaac S. R.^, Jonathan C", Jonathan C.*^, Simeon^, William'*, William '', Josiah -, William \ He m. Sept. 20, 1855, Delia Salina, dau. of Hobart Wyatt, b. in Warren, March 13, 1836. He res. in L. from 1858 to 1869. Engineer C. & M. R. R. d. in Concord, Oct. 22, 1894. No ch. SANBORN. 13. Charles Prescott Sanborn, son of James and Lydia N. (Pres- eott) Sanborn, b. in Concord, Sept. 12, 1834. He was educated in the schools of Concord and three years at Yale College. He read law with Henry A. Bellows, admitted to the Bar 1860, and was of the law tirm of George, Foster, & Sanborn. He was a member of the House of Representatives, 1862, 1863, 1875, and 1876, and was an efficient Speaker of the House the last two years. He was Cit}' Solicitor nine years. He d. in Concord, June 3, 1889. He m. May 26, 1862, Stella Louisa, dau. of Judge Henry A. Bellows (See). She d. Sept. 9, 1869. He m. second. May 20, 1872, Frances Ann, dau. of Judge Henry A. Bellows (See). Since the death of Mr. Sanborn she has successfully conducted a private school, and has contributed occasionally to the current periodicals. Ch., by w. Stella, b. in Concord, — i. Henry Bellows, b. Nov. 28, 1863. res. Manchester, ii. Sarah Kathekine, b. July 31, 1867, d. July oO, 1878. Sanborn — Saufhj's — Sanderson — Sanijrr. 437 Cli., by w. Frances, b. in Concord, — iii. Charlks Arthur, b. Nov. 21. 1875. res. Boston, Mass. iv. Mary Avkrv, b. July 1(3, 1877. res. Concord. SANDERS. 1. Marshal SxVNDERS, son of lvufu.s, b. in Bnkersfiold, Vt., April 10, 1833. m. Oct. 26, 1857, Ellen Rli^ria, dan. of .losepluis Parclier, b. in ]5ethlehem, Fel). 2i), 1840. She m. second, Richard Ely Mclntire (See). Marshal res. in L. from 1854 until he d., April 4, 18(j(j. IMillvvright. Re[)nblican. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. C-ai)t. Marshal Sanders Post, G. A. Iv , was named in his honor. A. F. and A. ]\I. , Charter memlier of Bnrns Lodge; Master, l.S(;i-2. J. O. (). F. (Granite Monthly, March, 1894.) Ch., — i. LuciAN G., b. Betlilelicm, ]Mav 2(5, 1858. unm. d. Shelburne, IVIass., Dec. 25, 1874. ii. Nellie M., b. L. Aug. 2a, 1859. ni. March 18, 1880, Aaron C. Dowse, res. Maiden, Mass. SANDERSON. 1. KoscoE Sanderson, son of Aaron, b. in Wilton, ]Mo., March .'U, 1843. m. June 3, 18i;9, Addie W.. dan. of Anthony Lnques, b. in Kennebunkport, Me., March 27, 1849, IMethodist. He was educated in the Me. Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill ; Biblical School, Concord, and School of Theology, Boston University. He was ordained in Brunswick, Me., by Bishop Matthew Simpson, Methodist, April 19, 18G8. His pas- torates have been, — Maine Conference, East Wilton, Weld, and Temple, 1864-5; Gorham (N. IL), 18(;() ; Kennebunkport, 1867-8; Portland, Pine St., 1869-70 ; Bath, Beacon St., 1871-2 ; Augusta, 1873-5 ; Waterville, 1876-7 ; Farmington, 1878-80 ; Augusta, 1881-2; Lewiston, Hammond St., 1883 to 5; Woodford, 1886 to 8. N. H. Conference, Plymouth, 1889-90 ; L. 1891 to 3 : Peuacook, 1894 ; Tilton, 1.S95 to 1899. and now at Claremont. He has been a trustee of the 3Ie. AVesleyan Seminai'y and Female Coll., and the N. II. Conference Seminarv and Female Coll. A. F. and A. M. Ch.,— ^ i. Ldtie Frances, b. Augusta, Me., Sept. 17, 1874. ii. LiDA Ward, b. Waterville, Me., Nov. 18, 187G. SANG-ER. 1. Richard Sanger, b. in Eng., emigrated to America in 1636, and res. in Ilingham, Mass., where he d. in 1661. 2. Richard Sanger, son of Richard ', b. in Eng. in 1620, emigrated from Southampton, Eng., to America in 1()38, and res. in Sudlniry, Mass. He took tiie oath of lidelit}' in 1647, and moved to Watertown, Mass., in 1G49. He m. INIary, second dau. of Robert Reynolds, by whom he had eight ch. With two sons and three others he guarded the mill at Watertown, ^lass., during King Philip's War. 438 Sanger. 3. Natmaxiel Sanger, second son of Richard^, b. in 1(551. ra. in 1679, INIaiT Cutter, dan. of Richard Cutter of Cambridge, Mass., by whom he had ten cli. He res. in Sherburne and Roxbur}-, Mass., and Woodstock, Conn. He was one of twenty soldiers impressed for the Colonial War in 1675. 4. Eleazer Sanger, youngest child of Nathaniel^, b. in 1698. m. June "24, 1731, Mary Jackson, by whom he had four ch. He res. in Ilardwick and Petersham, Mass., and was one of the grantees of Keene in 1753. d. Keene, March 24, 1765. 5. Eleazer Sanger, son of Eleazer*, b. in 1740. m. May 24, 1765, Hannah Sherwood of Gloucester, Mass., by whom he had five ch. He and two brothers joined in the expedition against Canada in the Erench anil Indian war in 1759, and were present at the taking of Quebec and Ticonderoga. Their names also appear on the Keene muster rolls Aug. 7, 1775, in a foot company sent to Bunker Hill, but the battle was over l)efore the}' arrived. 6. ICleazer Sanger, eldest son of Eleazer^, b. in Keene, Sept. 11, 1766. m. Sabrina Whitney of Winchester, Mass. He moved to St. Johnsburv, Vt., in 1790, and was an extensive land owner at St. Johns- bury Centre, owning the land on which the village is located. He built the first saw and grist mill in the village, which were known as Sanger's mills as late as 1848. He also built houses to rent, and a large '' hop- per roofed" house, where he entertained many guests. Ten ch. 7. P^zRA Sanger, son of Eleazer *^, b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., in 1804. m. Sarah Brown of St. Johnsbury, Vt., by whom he had five ch. He was a merchant in St. Johnsbur}' and Troy, Vt., and in 1833 moved to Honeoye Falls, N. Y., wliere he d. about 1840. 8. Thaddeus Ezra Sanger, eldest son of Ezra ", b. in Trov, Vt., IMarch 12, 1832. m. Oct. 29, 1856, lanthe Cleora, dau. of Willard H. Kneeland (See), b. in Waterbur^-, Vt., Jan. 19, 1836, Cong. He was etlncated in St. Johnsbury, Vt., Academy; Woodstock, Vt., Medical Coll. ; Cleveland Medical Coll. ; and Homa?opathic Medical Coll. of Pa., grad. from the latter in 1856. He commenced the practice of medicine in East Hardwick, Vt. , in 1856, and in 1858 came to L., where he has since res. and practised. He is a member of the N. H. and Vt. Homoeo- pathic Societies and the American Institute of Homo?opathy, and Prest. of the Ammonoosuc and N. H. State Homeopathic Societies, also Sec- retary of the Vt. State Homoeopathic Society. U. S. Pension E^xaminer, Republican. Director of Saranac Glove Co. Board of Health, 1890. Member Board of Education, Union District, 1881 to 6 inc. Vice-Pres. Saranac Glove Co. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge; Master, 1891. K. T.. St. Gerard Com. ; Eminent Com., 1884-5 inc. 32° A. A. S. R. (xrand Com. K. T. of N. H, Sept. 1892 to Sept. 1893. (Child's Grafton Co. Gaz., pp. 480-1. L. Cen., pp. 97-8, 1860-1. Granite Monthly, Nov. 1892. Book of Biographies. Grafton Co., p. 25.) Ch., b. in L., — i. Ellen Ingeborg, b. Dec. 22, 1866. grad. Boston Normal Art School, 1884. m. Edwin Keiiney Parker (See). ii. Lillian Edith, b. April 20, 1873. m. Fred Ehner Green (See). ^ iii. Katherine Frances, b. April 7, 1879. ni. Charles B. Henry (See). Santy — Sargent — Sartivell. 439 SANTY. SANSCHAGRIN. 1. Nelson Santy, son of Gray, Jr., b. in Lvinan, Aug. 10, 1866. m. Sept. 7. 1881), Minnie, dan. of Truewortliy Ladd Parker (See), h. in Monroe, March 10, 1874:. lie has res. in L. since 1889. Farmer. Uem- ocrat. No ch. SARGENT. 1. Elihu Sargent, son of Elihu and Mary (Katlilan) Sargent, b. in Duninierston, Vt., Nov. 13, 1780. Witli wife Betsey and one child, he came to L. 1804, and remained here until 1842. Shed. 1853. Farmer. Capt. 2d Co. Light Inf. 32d Kegt. N. II. MiUtia, appointed Feb. 25, 1815 ; resigned Aug. 14, 1817. Ch., all but Zolve}-, b. in L., — i. ZoLVET, b. Duninierston, Vt., Au^-. 27, 1801. ii. Betsey, b. Aus- 10, 1804, d. L. A^iisj. 5, 1800. iii. George, b. Dec. 28, 18()(i, d. L. Feb. 27, 1841. iv. LoRANA (Laura) B., b. April 5, 1801). unm. d. L. Feb. 8, 1884. V. Eliza Parks Curtis, b. May 10, 1811. m. Henry PalUster Cheney (See). 2. vi. RoswELL, b. July 28, 1813. vii. JoLiA, b. Aug. 2, 1815, d. Jan. 9, 1865. viii. Nancy, b. May 8, 1818. m. Nov. 30, 1843, Jeremiah Young. 3. i.x. John, b. Sept. 24. 1819. 2. RoswEi.L Sargent, son of P^lihu \ b. in L. July 28, T813. m. Marv M., dau. of Obadiah Morse, b. in Lyman, Dec. 25, 1813, d. in Stanstead, V. Q., May 9, 1884. He res. in L. from 1834 to 1852. Farmer, d. in Stanstead, P. Q., June 12, 18G7. Ch., b. in L., — i. MiLO, b. 1838. ii. George, b. March, 1840, d. Feb. 27, 1841. iii. Laura A., b. 1842. iv. Harry, b. 1845. V. Martha, b. 1847. vi. Frank, b. 1849. 3. John Sargent, son of Elihu \ b. in L. Sept. 24, 1819. ra. Mary, dau. of Horatio Tuttle, b. Aug. 23, 1830, d. in L. Sept. 2, 1880, Metho- dist. He res. in L. all his life, d. Oct. 5, 1880. Book-keeper. Demo- crat. Methodist. Selectman, 1850-1-2-4-61-70. Town Treasurer, 1851-2-3-61. Representative, 1856-7. Co. Commissioner, 1856. De- puty Sheriff, 1853-4-5. Board of Health, 1873-4. Fire ward, 1854. Member Board of Elducation, Union District, 1870 to 75 inc. J. P., State. No ch. SARTWELL. SAWTELL. 1. Richard Sawtell, the ancestor of families of similar orthog- raphy, was a resident and a proprietor of Watertown, Mass., previous to 1637. Subsequently he was one of the earh' settlers and a proprie- tor of Groton, J\Iass., and clerk of the town the first three years of its organization, 1662-64. He d. Aug. 2, 1694; his widow, Elizabeth, d. Oct. 18 of the same ^ear. 2. Obadiah Sawtell, eldest son of Richard \ resided in Groton, Mass., and by wife Hannah had several children. 440 Sartwell. 3. Obadiah Sawtell, son of Obudiah ^, b. in Groton, Mass. m. al)out 1G80, Hannah . Six children, b. in Groton, Mass. 4. Obadiah Sawtell, son of Obadiah ^, b. Marcli 18, 1701. ui. Nov. 1(5, 1721, Rac-hel Parlver, dan. of Samuel and Abigail (Lakin) Parker of Groton, Mass. He was one of the early settlers of Charles- town, and is frequently and honorably named in tiie early annals of tliat historic town. He was captured b^- the Indians, May 24, 1746, and returned with other prisoners under a flag of truce, in August of the following year. During a later incursion l)y the Indians, he was killed in Charlestown, June 17, 1749. (See Hist. Charlestown and " Boston Weekly Post-Boy," Aug. 24, 1747.) His descendants have written the name Sartwell. 5. Simon Sartwell, son of Obadiah ^ b. in Groton, Mass., Nov. 14, 1722. Lived in Charlestown. Constable, 1762-G3; Selectman, 17G7- 6S. The name of his wife was Hannah. 6. Obadiah Sartwell, son of Simon ^ b. in Charlestown, Nov. 8, 1746. Lived in Charlestown. By wife Elizabeth he had seven children. 7. Joel Sartwell, son of Obadiah*', b. March 27, 1774, by Charles- town town records, March 27, 177r), by family record, m. Feb. 15, 1801, Sarah Skinner, b. Aug. 2, 1780. He lived in this town and in Dal ton. d. in Haverhill, Mav 16, 1840. Ch.,— i. Emily, b. Jan. 12, ISO:;), d. Feb. 5, 1820. ii. KoswKLL, b. April 2, 1S05. in. Sept. 29, 1832, Anna TJowell, b. Jan. 21, 1802, (lau. of Jonatliaii Kowell (See). He d. Kveuate, Vt., Sept. 18, 1872. Tlieir daii. Lois Anne, m. July 24, 1802, iiidiard Calvin Stanley, b. Beverly, Mass., April 7, 183-5, son of Richard and Sally (Patch) Stanley. 'Dart. Coll., 1858. Pli. I)., Dart. Coll., 1884. He was Professor of Clieniistry and Geology, Bates College, Lewiston, Me., from 1806 until his death, Aug. 5, 1889. His wife d., sine prole, Sept. 22, 1872. iii. Sarah Anne, b. April 6, 1807. m. April 1-5, 1829, Charles Neal of Lowell, Mass. She d. Feb. 0, 1852. iv. Thomas Jefferson, b. June 12, 1809, m. Ruth Elkins, d. Troy, Vt. V. Grin R., b. April 23, 1811, ni. June 15, 1843, Laura Maria Hutchins of Haverhill. Pie d. at Eutaw, Ala., Aug. 4, 1848. vi. Maria, b. June 2, 1813. in. 1830, Thomas Leighton (See). vii. John Quincy Adams, b. Aju-il 1, 1815. ni. Jan. 9, 18-39, Nancy McGregor. He resides in VVhitefield. His son, Joel M., b. April 8, 1841, m. Dec. 23. 1866, Anna Elizabeth McGregor, dau. of Joel McGregor. He d. May 10, 1888. Gertrude Kimbali Sartwell, dau. of Joel M., b. Feb. 7, 1873, m. Jnne 30, 1891, Gilnian Davis, M.D., of Whitefield. Helen G., dau. of Joel M., b. Aug. 19, 1880, is asst. librarian, Whitefield Public Library, viii. Sophia C, b. June 8, 1817. m. 1839, Davi'port, INfass., April 11, 1756. m. Feb. 3, 1783, Elizabeth Barker, b. in Strathani, Auj^. 25, 1760, d. Dec. 29, 1837. He was the earliest known ancestor of the Shutcs of 8an- bornton, where he d., Mav 24, 1837. (History of Sanbornton, pp. 707-8-9-10.) 2. Joseph Shute, son of Thomas \ b. in Sanbornton, Nov. 5, 1793. ni. first, Feb. 23, 1820, Mary, dau. of INIoses Carter* (See), b. in New Hampton, May 16, 1798, d. in L. Jan. 1, 1840, Cong. m. second, Dec. 6, 1841, Phebe, dau. of Perley Church, b. in Waterford, Vt. , Dec. 6, 1798, d. in L. Sept. 24, 1873, (Jong. He res. in L. from 1819 until he d., Sept. 18, 1873. Farmer. Republican. Soldier in War of 1812-15. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. I. O. O. F. Ch., by w. Mary, b. in L., — i. Joseph B., b. Dec. 1, 1820. m. Adaline Eastman. Farmer. He d. VVliitefield, June 9, 1801. ii. Sai.ly, b. Jan. 20, 1824. m. Azro Brown, carpenter, res. Waterford, Vt. 5. iii. HoKACE, b. Dec. 17, 1820. iv. Sewkll, b. May 20, 18o3. m. Mary Stoddard. Blacksmith. He d. Waterford, Vt., Oct. 11, 1884. V. Harriet, b. April 14, 1835, d. in infancy, vi. Alden, b. Oct. 20, 1837, d. in infancy. 3. Michael Mitchell Shute, son of Thomas ^, b. in Sanbornton, Sept. 26, 1799. ni. April 2, 1829, Lydia, dau. of Moses Carter* (See), b. in L. in 1803, d. March 17, 1872*, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1829 until he d., May 3, 1885. Farmer. They had six ch., all d. in infancy. 4. Nathaniel Shute, son of Thomas \ b. in Sanbornton, Aug. 20, 1801. m. Feb. 13, 1827, Maria D. B., dau. of Reuben Smith, b. in Sanbornton in 1802, d. in L. in 1880, Cong. He res. in L. from 1828 until he d., P"eb. 7, 1885. Farmer. Ch., b. in L., — i. Charles S., b. Nov. 14, 18.30, d. Feb. 27, 1844. 6. ii. Gn.MAN D., b. June 18, 18:31. iii. Charles N., b. Oct. 14, 1847, d. L. Nov. 14, 1847. 5. Horace Shute, son of Joseph ^ b. in L. Dec. 17, 1829. m. Nov. 5, 1850, Mar}' Jane, dau. of Abijah Bowman ^'* (See), b. in L. Nov. 17, 1833. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Republican. Co. I, 1st N. H. H. Art. Private. G. A. R. Ch., b. in L., — i. Kate Maria, b. Jan. 11, 1855. m. Calvin P. Crouch (See). ii. Mary Jane, b. April 3, 185y. m. Oct. 16, 1870, George Clark, laborer. Divorced. 448 Sliute — Silshy — Shnino — Simonds — Simpson. 6. GiLMAN D. Shute, son of Nathaniel ^, b. in L. June 18, 1831. m. in 18.V2, Lucy A., dau. of Charles C. Whiting, b. in Lyman, in 1831, d. in Lisbon, in 1890. He res. in L. in 3'outh and from 1852 to 18G4. Farmer. Co. I, 1st N. H. H. Art. Private. G. A. R. Ch., — i. Ellen M., b. L. 1855. m. May 1, 1873, Albert Laundry, res. Nasliua. ii. Artiiuu N., b. L. 1857. m. Marcli 19, 1881, Adella Dyke. Farmer, res. Lyman. Representative, 1901. iii. Grace L., b. L. 1863. m. Feb. 2, 1878, Arthur B. Corey, res. White- field. iv. Alice M., res. Nasliua. V. Ambrose B., res. Boston, Mass. SILSBY. 1. WiLLiAii M. SiLSBY, son of Lewis, b. in Lunenburg, Vt., Jul}' 20, 1857. m. May 20, 1885, Annette Amelia, dau. of Tyler E. Parker (See), 1). in Kirby, Vt., July 22, 1863, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1888. Mei'chant. Republican. Fire ward, 1890-1. Treas. L. Musical Association, 1891-2-3. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. 32° A. A. S. R. Ch.,— i. Glenn Wilder, b. Lyndon ville, Vt., June 11, 1887. ii. Garald William, b. L. July 21, 1889. iii. Mildred Persis, b. L. May 6, 1891. SIMINO. SIMONEAU. 1. John Simino, son of Augustus, b. in Canada, Sept. 29, 1845. m. March 6, 18G5, Adaline, dau. of William Seeley, b. in Canada, Oct. 5, 1840, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1872. Farmer. Roman Catholic. Republican. No ch. SIMONDS. 1. Solon Loyra. Sijionds, son of Charles, b. in L. July 28, 1842. m. first, March 20, 1866, Laura A., dau. of Rosvvell Bowker, b. in Lunenburg, Vt., March 23, 1846, d. in L. July 12, 1883. m. second, Nov. 24, 1887, Mary E., dau. of Mitchell Foley, b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., Nov. 1, 1854. She m. first, Frank C. Hutchinson. Cong. He has res. in L. since 1879. Shipping clerk. Republican. Co, K, 8th Vt. Inf. Sergt. G. A. R., Com., 1893. First Lieut. Co. F, 3d Regt. N. H. Militia, June 25, 1877, to March 29, 1879. A. F. and A. M., Master Burns Lodge, 1894-5. K. T., St. Gerard Com. Ch., by w. Laura, — i. Jennie LELiA.b. Lunenburg, Vt., Nov. 19, 1868. ra. April, 1891, Albert A. (Jntliank, clerk, res. L. until 1899. SIMPSON. 1. John Tenxey Simpson, son of Samuel, b. in Mayfield, Me., Dec. 10, 1833. m. Feb. 3, 1857, Isabel, dau. of Moses Norton, b. in Nor- ridgewalk, Me., Oct. 28, 1836, Methodist. Prest. Relief Corps, 1889- Simpson. 449 90-1. He has res. in L. since 18G8. Carpenter. Rei)ublican. Select- man, 1890-1-2-3. Re[)resentative, 1887-8. Supervisor, 1884. Coni- raissioner L. Villa<,^e District, 1893-4-G-7-8. Co. I, 10th Me. Inf. 1st Lieut. G. A. R., Com. 1880-1. Capt. Moore Rifles, N. II. N. G., 1884 to 1888. Ch., — i. Lizzie Florence, b. Portland, Me., Nov. 10, 1858, d. L. Nov. 1871. ii. Charles IIkrhert, b. Portland, Me., Dec. 2(j, 1859. d. L. May 29, 1882. 3. iii. Harry MortoUt, b. Portland, Me., Sept. 12, 18(iG. iv. Kate Bei,le, b. L. Nov. 11. 1871, d. L. Oct. 2, 1894. V. Ernest, b. L. July 10, 1875. res. L. vi. Carl Clarence, b. L. Jan. 29, 1879. 2. Samuel Freelan Simpson, son of Samuel, b. in Poland, Me., Nov. 27, 1845. m. Dec. 1872, Delia, dau. of Nathan Applebee '' (See), b. in L. in 1847, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1869 to 1890. Car- penter. ]\Tethodist. Republican. Co. C, 25th Me. Inf. Private. G. A. R. A, F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., b. in L., — i. Jessie Eloise, b. April 27, 1875. res. Lawrence, Mass. ii. Carrie Dcstin, b. Aug. 25, 1886. 3. Harry Morton Simpson, son of Jolin Tenney \ b. in Portland, Me., Sept. 12, 18G6. m. Dec. 5, 1890, Cora Ann, dau. of Daniel B. Hardy, b. in Carroll, Jan. '31, 1870. He has res. in L. since 1869. Plumber. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Harry Charles, b. Oct. 25, 1891. ii. Hazel M., b. April 30, 1894. SIMPSON. 4. Charles Albert Simpson, son of Clinton B., b. in Rumney, April 20, 1867. m. Nov. 15, .1893, Flora Edna Lang, b. in Dalton,"May 4, 1868, dau. of Jonathan M. and Harriet Ann (Grisvvold) Lang. Re- moved to L. 1897. Methodist. Democrat. Merchant. Ch.,— i. Paul Lang, b. Jan. 29, 189G. ii. Earl Edward, b. Jan. 20, 1898. SIMPSON. 5. Riley Smith Simpson, son of Suel, b. in Bath, Sept. 8, 1836. m. Nov. 2, 1859, Susan Ellen, dau. of Rudolphus Chandler^ (See), b. in Dunham, P. Q., May 19, 1842, d. in L. Jan. 29, 1895, Free Baptist. He has res. in L. since 1853. Carpenter. Free Baptist. Republican. Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Corp. G. A. R. Ch., b. in L., — i. Lizzie Florence, b. Oct. 26, 1861. ni. Hugli Dorman Wilkins (See). 7. ii. George KiLEY, b. Oct. 29, 1802. 6. Chester Simpson, son of Suel, b. in ShetHeld, Vt., May 20, 1838. 111. first, April 14, 1861, Sarah Ann, dau. of Reuben Phillips (See), b. VOL. II — 29 450 Simpson — SinMer. in Bethlehem, July 26, 1837, d. in L. Feb. 22, 1880, Free Baptist, m. second, Oct. 10, 1886, Catherine, dan. of William Fitzpatrick, b. in Galena, 111., Aug. 6, 1849, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1855, Carpenter. Free Baptist. Republican. J. P. Co. D, 13tb N. H. Inf. Sergt. Com. G. A. R., 1887. Cli., b\' w. Sarah, b. in L., — i. Laura Bell, b. Feb. 6, 1862. m. Sept. 22, 1885, William J. Dodge, glover, res. Gloversville, N. Y. ii. May Delia, b. May 24, 1866. m. Oct. 14, 1890, Alvin Snell, laborer. res. St. Johnsville, N. Y. iii. Reuben Phillips, b. Aug. 30, 1868, d. Gloversville, N. Y., May 15, 1802. iv. Wilfoud Chester, b. March 5, 1870, d. L. Oct. 26, 1872. V. Carrie Emma, b. Aug. 17, 1873. res. Gloversville, N. Y. vi. Harky Elisha, b. June 7, 1875. res. Barton, Vt. vii. Ferdinand Chester, b. Jan. 7, 1878. res. L. viii. Sarah Deborah, b. Nov. 8, 1879. res. L. 7. George Riley Simpson, son of Riley Smith ^ b. in L. Oct. 29, 1862. m. Sept. 15, 1886, Abbie Wilcomb, dau. of Isaac B. Stearns (See), b. in L. Aug. 24, 1865. He has res. in L. all his life. Clerk. K. P. Ch., — i. Leona Ellen, b. L. June 9, 1892. SINKLER. SINCLAIR. 1. John Sinkler, b. according to tradition in Scotland, about 1630, emigrated to America and settled in Exeter as early as 1659, and m. about that time Marv . m. second, Deborah . Church mem- ber. He d. in Exeter in 1699 or 1700. 2. John Sinkler, son of John \ b. in Exeter, about 1668. m. Eliz- abeth, dau. of John Bean, Sr., b. in E^xeter, Sept. 24, 1678, He d. in Exeter in 1731, 3. Samuel Sinclair, son of John'-, b. in Exeter, before 1709. m. Sarah, dau. of Richard and Jane (Hilton) Mattoon. He was one of two hundred and fifteen original proprietors of Gilmanton, Ma}' 20, 1727. He res. in Newmarket, d, after Feb. 27, 1758. 4. RiCHAKD Sinclair, son of SamueP, b. in Newmarket, about 1730. ra. in 1752-3, Polly, dau, of Capt. Joseph and Alice (Rawlins) Cilley, of Hampton. He was a carpenter and wheelwright b}' trade, but dealt in I'eal estate a great deal. He enlisted, March 28, 1760, in Capt. Jere- miah Mai-ston's Co. for the French and Indian war. In the Rev. war he was a Capt. in the 10th Regt. ((Jol. Badger), in Col. Waldron's Regt, and in Col. Bartlett's Regt. He was made 2d Major of the 10th N. H. Regt,, Nov, 3, 1780, In liarnstead town records, March 22, 1788, he is called " Colonel." He res, in Newmarket, Gilmanton, and Barnstead. He was Moderator, Selectman, Auditor and Surveyor of Higliways in Barnstead for many years. He d. in Barnstead, July 27, 1813. Sinclair, 451 5. Richard Sinclair, son of Richard*, b. in Newmarket, Oct. 0, 175G. 111. Oct. 27, 1784, Elizabeth, dan. of Cliarles Ilodgdou, of Barn- stead, b. in 1762, d. in Banistcad in 1840. He was a Rev. soldier, enlisted first, July 23, 177G, served as private, drnnimer, and ensign, until Oct. 27, 1780, after that was sele(;tnian and held other minor ollices. lie res. in Barnstead, d. in Ohio in 11. Ch., by w. Kate, — iv. George Walter, b. L. Sept. 18, 1880. 4. Henry Woodward Smith, son of Hiram Brigham-, b. in L. July 27, 1834. m. March SO, 1856, Ann Holland, b. in Ireland, Sept. 14, 1838, d. in L. Jan. 5, 1891, Episcopal. He has res. in L. all his life. Tinsmith. Democrat. Selectman, 1876. Town Clerk, 1864-5-9-70- 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-80. Fire ward, 1878-9-80. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, Master, 1865. Ch., b. in L., — i. Charles H., b. July 4, 1861, d. L. Aug. 6. 1862. ii. Jennie, b. Marcb 23, 1864. unni. res. L. iii. Infant Son, b. Aug. 11, 18G8. d. L. Aug. 30, 1868. iv. Charles E., b. Ajjiil 7, 1874. ni. Oct. 26, 1897, Christina A., dau. of Curtis L. Albee (See). Bank clerk, res. L. K. P. One ch., Albee Evans, b. L. Oct. 11, 1000. 5. Clarence Henry Smith, son of Charles Calvin ^ b. in Gorhani, Sept. 10, 1857. m. May 5, 1888, Cora, dan. of Harlow Conner, b. in Wentworth, Feb. 14, 18G9, INIethodist. He has res. in L. nearly all his life. Tinsmith. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Harry D., b. Whitefield, Sept. 19, 1891. ii. Son , b. Aug. 29, 1897. 454 Smith, SMITH. 6. Joseph Smith, of Stratham, was the fiftieth to affix his name upon the petition of 1748, and four years hiter drew lots 44 and 18, the latter falling to Elisha'. (Histor}' of Sanbornton, pp. 715-16-17-24 to 27.) 7. Elisha Smith, son of Joseph ®, b. in Stratham in 1723 or 33. in. Lvdia Norris, of Stratham, dan. of Benjamin and Mehitable (Stevens) Norris. d. in Sanbornton, Nov. 12, 1819. He was a large land owner, and bnilt a saw and grist mill on Black Cat Brook, San- bornton. d. Sanbornton, March 12, 1811. 8. Zebulon Smith, son of Elisha', b. in Epping, April 1, 1767. m. first. Betsey, dan. of Barnard Hoyt, b. Dec. 1766, d. Eeb. 2, 1801. m. second, Elizabeth, dan. of Josiah Sanborn, b. Sept. 1773, d. April 5, 1824. m. third, Mary, dan. of Capt. Chase, of Conway, b. in 1774. d. Oct. 2, 1847. lie was a farmer, d in Sanbornton, Feb. 13, 1848. 9. Josiah Smith, son of Zebulon ^ b. in Sanbornton, Nov. 28, 1800. m. Dec. 28, 1826, Margaret Cotton, dau. of Jeremiah Sanborn, b. in San- bornton, Aug. 7, 1801, d. in L. Ai)ril 20, 1873, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1826 until he d., Oct. 21, 1864. Farmer. Methodist. Demo- crat. Appointed Postmaster of North L., April 24, 1857. Ch., b. in L., — i. Samuel Hoit, b. July 2, 1828, d. L. July 9, 1828. 11. ii. KuKus, b. Aug. 17, 1830. iii. Wellington, b. Nov. 17, 1834. m. May, 1858, Lizzie Morrison. Stone- cutter, res. Quincy, Mass. iv. Elizahkth, 1). June 29, 1842. m. Dec. 1866, George Gregory, farmer. She d. Burke, Vt., Feb. 6, 1893. V. Judith, b. June 29, 1842. m. George W. Richardson (See). 10. Barnard Hoit Smith, son of Zebulon *, b. in Sanbornton, June 1, 1814. m. Sept. 23, 1838, Sally, dau. of John Woodman, b. in San- bornton, Dec. 12, 1812. Pie res. in L. from 1838 to 1846. Black- smith. Appointed Postmaster of North L., Jan. 19, 1843. Appointed Capt. 5th Co. 32(1 Regt. N. H. Militia, Aug. 19, 1841, held the office as late as April 20, 1842. Ch.,— 1. Phebe Woodman, b. L. April 10, 1840, d. L. July 26, 184G. ii. Zebulon, b. L. June 26, 1842. m. Phebe Goss. 'Blacksmitli. iii. Sarah Woodman, b. L. Sept. 7, 1845. ni. Nov. 23, 1873, Joseph D. Clark, farmer, res. Sanbornton. iv. ]\Iay Eaton, b. Sanbornton, Aug. 21, 1847, d. Sept. 30, 1848. V. David, b. Sanbornton, Sept. 8, 1849. m. Jan. 21, 1874, Abbyett 0. Clark. Blacksmitli and painter, vi. Aura Hoit, b. Sanbornton, Nov. 8, 1853. 11. RuFLis Smith, son of Josiah ^ b. in L. Aug. 17, 1830. ra. Jan. 31, 1855, Luzella Maria, dau. of James Wright towne (See), b. in L. June 25, 1835, Metliodist. He has res. in L. all his life. Stone-mason. Republican. Ai)pointed Postmaster of North L., Julv 26, 1861, still holds the office. J. P. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Smith. 455 Ch., b. in L., — i. Addie Emma, h. Aug. 2, 185G. m. Jan. 1, 1880, Edward Glernio Rerry, carpenter. Slie d. ("al. Oct. 2, 1883. ii. MiNNiK Em.a, b. April 21), 1859, d. L. Sept. 25, 1874. 12. iii. Irvin Wjt.liam, b. Marcli 25, 18t)2. iv. I<:rwin JosiAH, b. July 13, 18GI. ni. Sept. IS'Jl, Mary Ann Care}'. res. Lawrence, Mass. V. IviN Jamks, b. Auii-. 15, 18(;(), d. L. Oct. 29, 18G9. vi. Geokge Wellington, b. May 6, 1872. res. Lawrence, Mass. 12. Irvin William Sjiitii, son of lliifus ", b. in L. March •25, 1SG2. m. TMarcii 27, 189.'), Stella, dau. of Jonallian j\I. and Harriet Ann (Griswold) Lang, 1). in Dalton, March H, ISGo. He has re.s. in L. all liis life. Fanner. Jvepnblican. Member of Town School Board, 1894-5-G. No ch. (Book of Biographies, Grafton Co., p. 151.) SMITH. 13. Samuel Smith, b. in Wakefield in 1810, m. Jane, dau. of Sanuiel AVest, b. in Monroe in 1811, d. in L. Jan. 27, 1.S70. He res. in L. from 1834 until he d., Jan. 2, 1875. Laborer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — 14. i. Francis H., b. July 9, 1839. ii. Rosette, d. in infancy. 15. iii. EoMANZo, b. Dec. 21, 1842. iv. William, m. Widow Holmes, res. Iowa. V. Juliette, b. Jan. 4, 1846. m. Geo. W. Cleasby (See). 10. vi. Sumner P., b. Dec. 17, 1848. vii. Mary Viola, m. Elackburn. res. Groveland, Mass. viii. Harvey, ni. Mary Fournier res. Boston, Mass. 14. Francis H. Smith, son of SamueP^, b. in L.July 9, 1839. m. JaiL 21, 1860, Julia Mandane, dau. of Jacob K. Dunbar ^ (See), b. in Newbury, Vt., Aug. 1838, d. in L. Oct. 7, 18G9. He has res. in L. all his life. Painter. Democrat. Ch., — 17. i. Fred Leon, b. L. Feb. 22, 1861. ni. Abbie Lewis (See). 15. KoMANzo Smith, son of SamueP'\ b. in L. Dec. 21, 1842. m. June 15, 1873, Nellie R., dan. of Joseph Bean, b. in Thornton, June 20, 1856. He has res. in L. all his life. Laborer. Democrat. No ch. 16. Sumner P. Smith, son of Samuel^'', b. in L. Dec. 17, 1848. m. Dec. 17, 1869, Diadama. dau. of Suel Simpson, b. in Bath, April 3, 1844, d. in L. March 30, 1880. He has res. in L. all his life. Laborer. Ch., b. in L., — i. Mary Helen, b. Dec. 10, 1870. ni. George David Young (See). ii. Edwin H., b. \ov. 1, 1872. res L. iii. Sa.muel, b. Sept. 10, 1874. res. L. 17. Fred Leon Smith, son of Francis H.^*, b. in L. Feb. 22, 18G1. m. Dec. 8, 1884, Abbie, dau. of George D. Lewis (See), b. in L. Nov. 16, 1861, Cong. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat. Supervisor, 1890 to 1894. J. P. Ch., b. in L., — i. Julia Mertie, b. June 27, 1886. ii. Carrie Inez, b. March 1, 1888. iii. Minnie Etta, b. Oct. 28, 1891. iv. Infant Son, b. April 21, 1893, d. L. April 23, 1893. 456 Smith. SMITH. On the earliest list extant of the proprietors of Watertown, Mass. (IG36-7), are four of the name of Smith, viz.: Jolin, Sr., John, Jr., Thomas, and Francis. Isabella, w. of John, Sr., d. Oct. 12, 1639, aged 60 years. It is probable that John and Isabella were the parents of John, Jr., and Thomas, and perhaps of Francis and Daniel. 18. Thomas Smith (supposed to be a son of Jolin, Sr., and Isabella) came to America in the summer of 1635 (Genealogical Reg.. Vol. VII., p. 248) ; was a proprietor of Watertown, Mass., in 1636-7, where he d. March lU, 1692-3, aged 92 years, ni. Mai\v, dau. of William Knapp, Sr. Thomas was admitted freeman, May 17, 1637. His will was dated March 16, 1687/8; the inventory amounted to £73 4s. 3d. Ch., James, John, Thomas, John, Joseph, Mary, Ephraim, Jonathan ^^, Sarah. 19. Jonathan Smith, son of Thomas ^^ b. in 1659, admitted free- man in 1690. 20. Jonathan Smith, son of Jonathan ^", b. in 1690. m. first, Jan. 29, 1713, Susannah Thomas, d. May 11, 1724, aged 30 years. m. second, Rhoda . He d. Sept. 6, 1767. Ch., as indicated by his will, recorded in Plymouth Co. Registry: Samuel, Jonathan-^ (vSee), John, Sarah (Reading), Mary, Benjamin, Abigail, Lois, Joseph, and Rhoda. He bore the title of Capt. Selectman, Middleboro', Mass., 1742, 1748-54. 21. Jonathan Smith, son of Jonathan -", b. in jNIiddleboro', Mass., Feb. 14, 171(J. m. Sept. 6, 1737, Experience, dau. of Ichabod Cushman. (Hist, of Cushman Family, p. 135, No. 73.) Both were dismissed from the church in Middleboro', Mass., to the church in Bolton, Conn., in 1753. From Bolton they moved to Surry, N. H., where they were among the first settlers, he being one of the proprietors of the town. (Hist, of Gilsum, p. 21.) He, with his sons, served in Ashley's Regt. in the Rev. War. (Hist, of Gilsum, p. 3(5. N. H. State Papers, Vol. XVII., p. C)b.) He and three sons were signers of the Association Test in Surry in 1776. (N. H. State Papers, Vol. VIII., p. 287.) He settled in that part of .Gilsum afterward set olT into Surry, about 1764, and on tlie farm recentl}- owned by Frank Carpenter. He was one of the petitioners for the new town of Surr}'. In 1776 he was one of a committee to join with Alstead and Marlow to petition the Legislature for " a full and free election or representation of each of tiie individual towns above mentioned." He also represented these three towns in the Legislature of 1779-80. d. Oct. 4, 1786, in his 71st year. His heirs were Thomas ; Ichabod, m. Lydia, dau. of Obadiah Wilcox of Gilsum; Jonathan, m. lluldah, dau. of Peter Haywood, served in the Rev. (as did other brothers), was Col. in the Militia, represented Gilsum and Surry in the Convention to consider the Federal Constitution in 1788, removed to Rockingham, Vt., where lie d., leaving no ch.; Samuel'-- (See) ; Patience, wife of Moses D. Field ; Experience, wife of Abia Crane ; Sarah, wife of Nathan Hay- wood ; and Susanna, wife of Abner Skinner, all of whom settled in Smith. 457 Siirrv about the same time with -lonatlian. Experience, who m. Jonatlian '-', was descended from Robert Cushman (See), a leader of the Pilgrims, and a principal promoter of their emiiiration from Holland to Plymonth, jMass., according to the following lineage : (1) Robert; (2) Thomas, Ruling Elder of the Church at 'Plvmouth, who m. Mary Allerton, wiio came over in the •' Mayflcnver " in ]()20, at the age of 11, with her father, Isaac Allerton, she having Iteen noted in Pilgrim history as the last survivor of the " j\IuyfIower " company; (3) Rev. Isaac, i)astor of the ciuirch at Plympton, m. ^lary Rickard ; (4) Ichabod, m. lirst, Esther Barnes, m. second, Patience Holmes ; (;')) Experience, dau. of Ichabod and Patience Holmes. (Hist, of Cushman Family, pp. 9, 84, 101, 127, 135, No. 73.) 22. Samuel Sjutu, s(mi of .Jonathan -', 1). prolndily in Middlel)oro', INIass. m. Deborah Dort. He was a .Sergt. in Capt. EHsha .Mack"s Co.. Col. Sanuiel Ashley's Cheshire Regt. , in tlie Ticonderoga campaign of 1777 (Hist, of Gilsum, p. 'M\) was afterwards Ca[)t. and Major in the 20th Regt. of Militia. (Military Hist. N. H., Potter; Adjt. Gen. Report, Vol. II. l.S(>(;, p. 385 ; N. H. Register, 1797.) Removed to Bi'ovvnington, Vt., and commenced a settlement there, probably about 1797, on the farm lately owned by W. C. Thrasher, Esq. The town was oi'ganized Nov. 28, 1799, at a town meeting held at the house of jNlajor Smith, and he was chosen ^Moderator. (Vt. Hist. Gaz., Vol. III. p. 90.) His ch. were: (1) Sophronia, ni. Cyrus Eaton, of Bar- ton, Vt. (see Hazeltine P^amily, ante) ; (2) Asa Kimliall, m. first, Sophia Hilliard ; m. second, Elvira Grow ; in. third, Fanny Grow ; (3) Ducena, num.; (4) Sally Ann, m. Clark Blake of Lowell, INIass.; (5) A\Mlliam Baxter of .Syracuse, N. Y. ; (G) INIary Burnham, m. Dun- can Grant of Montreal, P. Q. ; (7) Isaac -^ (See); (8) Ichabod of Stanstead, P. Q. 23. Is.^AC Smith, son of Samuel -^ b. in Surry, May 27, 1786. m. Dec. 17, 1807, IVIercy, dau. of Joel Priest, who was a Rev. soldier in the Regts. of Rangers, which served in Canada under Col. Timothv Bedel in 1776 and 1778, and again in Col. Alexander Scammell's Regt. of tlie N. H. Continental Line in 1779. Mercy was b. in Westmore- land, March 31, 1786, d. in Baiton, Vt., Oct. 30, 1859. She m. sec- ond, Alexander Benton. Isaac res. in Brownington, Vt., where he d., March 25, 1831. Farmer. Ch., 1). in Brownington, Vt., — i. Mary Jane, b. Oct. 21, 1808. ni. first, Rteplicn Howard Cutler (See). ni. second, Stillman Batcliellor (See), in. third, Joel Rronson (See). ii. Lauka KoniNSON, b. Jan. 17, IHU), ni. Albro L. li()l>inson (See), iii. Isaac Cushman, b. Sept. :;n, \SV2. ni. first, Feb. 24, IH."/,), Zilpha Patch. Slie d. Brownington, Vt., Feb. 1!), 184."3. m. second, .Tune 7, 1844, Sarah Burnham. She d. Barton, Vt., Nov. 11, 1881. He was a farmer, iv. Nancy Stewart, b. Aujj. 27, 1814, m. Edward Oakes Kenne3' (See). V. Lucy Osgood, b. Aug. 18, 181(i, d. P.rowninsiton, Vt., Nov. 3,"l816. vi. Esther Dort, b. Jan. .30, 1820, m. Ariel Ilohncs (See). vii. Ly-dia Ann, b. -Auf?. 8, 1821, in. James .loluison Barrett (See), viii. Amy Mercy, b Dec. 21, 1824, ni. Albert Samuel Eaton (See). ix. Cathekine Conn, b. May :}0, 1828. m. Oct. 22, 1850, Edward Oakes, son of John Fierce (See). Merchant, res. Flint, Mich. 458 Smith. SMITH. 24. Richard Smith, son of Beverl}', b. in Dublin, Ireland, in 1811. m. May 9. 1847, Lovina, dau. of Abner Guernsey, b. in Lisbon, Aug. 9, 181.5, d. in Waterford, Vt., July 20, 189,5. He res. in L. from 1844 until lie d., Aug. 12, 1885. Farmer. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Representative, 18(39. Oil., b. in L., — i. Bevkrly, b. April 3, 1848, d. Au^. 12, 1849. ii. Austin J., b. .Jan. 31, 1850. m. June 24, 1873, Annie Bloomer. Ma- cbinist. res. Brooklyn, N. Y. iii. Julia E , b. Nov. 2, 1851. m. June 2, 1875, Thomas Brown, res. Brattleboro', Vt. She d. June 13, 1888. iv. Mary A., b. March 20, 1857. m. Nov. 3, 1880, William A. Dow, farmer. res. Barnet, Vt. V. Richard C, b. June 15, 1859. m. March 17, 1884, Delia Hitchcock. Farmer, res. Stanbridge, P. Q. vi. Byron K., b. March 27, 18()2. m. March 30, 1887, Nellie M. Curtis. Farmer, res. Waterford, Vt. vii. George W., b. Sept. 24, 1805. m. Sept. 30, 1889, Nellie K. Harvey. Stone-cutter, res. Barre, Vt. viii. Eugene S., b. Nov. 6, 1867. m. June 14, 1892, Addie M. Squires. Merchant, res. Fassumpsic, Vt. SMITH. 25. NoKMAN G. Smith, son of Daniel, b. in Brunswick, Vt., Oct. 25, 1829. m. first, March 22, 1857, Mary Abbie, dau. of Daniel Gilman Smith, b. in Dover, Nov. 4, 1837, Methodist. Divorced. She m. sec- ond, Alden C^uimby (See). Norman m. second, June 3, 1884, Vicelia E., dau. of C. E. Underwood, b. in Watertown, Mass., in 1841. She in. first, John Pond. Norman res. in L. from 18(33 to 18(34, and from 1870 to 1887. Farmer, res. Cochituate, Mass. Deputy Sheriff in Coos Co., 1855-6-7, and editor of " Coos Democrat and Northern Press," at North Stratford, 18G0-1. Member Democratic State Com- mittee, 1887 to 90 inc. J. P. Representative from Alexandria, 1895-6. No ch. (Book of Biographies,. Grafton Co., p. 304.) SMITH. 26. George Washington Smith, son of Simeon, b. in Lyman, Sept. 11, 1837. m. Dec. 24, 1861, Abbie Fowler, dau. of John Moulton Smith, b. in Lyman, Jan. 23, 1841, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1859. Lumber sawyer. Free Baptist. Republican. Ch., — i. Grace Mabel, b. L. Oct. 30, 1882. SMITH. 27. Richard Prowler Smith, son of John, b. in Bath, Oct. 6, 1838. m. March 21, 1868, Jennie L., dau. of William R. Wells, b. in L. May 23, 1839, Free Baptist. He res. in L. from 1858 until he d., April 7, 1883. Millwright. Free Baptist. Democrat. No ch. Smith. 459 SMITH. 28. William Barker Smith, son of AVilliam, b. in Rethlehem, May 13. 1.S47. m. first, in 18G7, Emma, dan. of Warren P^lliott (See), b. in Dalton, Dec. 1, 1853. Divorced. She m. second, William Rines (See). William Barker m. second, Jan. 29, 1888, Mary, dan. of Anthony Welch, b. in Canada, Oct. 13, 1849. Ki)iscoi)al. He has res. in L. since 1880. Stone-mason. Republican. I. O. O. F. He d. 1898. Ch., by w. Emma, b. in Dalton, — i. Emma Dkuzklla, h. Ma3' 18, 1872. in. Melville Horace Cardinal (See). ii. Harky, b. July 14, 1873. SMITH. 29. Austin Rice Smith, son of James, b. in New Woodstock, N. Y., Ang. 17, 1849. m. Feb. 15. 1882, Emma Louise, dan. of Isaac B. Stearns (See), b. in L. July 31, 1854, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1880. Gardener. Republican. I. O. O. F. No ch. SMITH. 30. RiCHAKD Smith, son of Joseph, b. in Gloucester, Eng., Feb. 9, 18G1. m. Sept. 19, 1889, Bessie, dau. of Thomas Lane, b. in Somer- set, P^ng., March 11, 18G5, P^piscopal. He has res. in L. since 1890. Laborer. Episcopal. Ch., 1). in L., — i. Annie, b. June 20, 1891. ii. Agnes Lydia, b March 25, 1893. iii. Richard G., b. May 25, 1895. iv. Harriet, b. Dec. 1, 1897, d. Dec. 10, 1897. V. Julia L., b. Dec. 16, 189!). SMITH. 31. Wilfred O. S:mith, son of Wilber F., b. in Enfield, Api-il 25, 18(;9. m. June 15, 1892, Lottie L., dau. of Henry D. Bishop (See), b. in Lisbon, March 20, 1872, Methodist. He res. in L. from l.s90 to 1894. Bank clerk. Methodist. Democrat. No ch. SMITH. 32. Jason Smith, b. in Lvman in 1829. m. Phebe . He res. in L. from 1850 to 18G4. Farmer. Co. B, 6th N. H. Inf., Private, and Co. B, 9th N. H. Inf. Private, d. City Point, Va., July 17, 18G4. Ch., b. in L.. — ■ i. Electa B., b. Feb. 21, 1853. ii. Henry, b. March 14, 1856. iii. Ida M., b. March 15, 1858. iv. LuviA R., b. June 2, 1860. V. Ada B., b. April 27, 1862. vi. George B., b. Feb. 21, 1864. 400 Smith — Snapp. SMITH. 33. Elisha Smith, son of Levi, I), in Burnstuble, Mass., in 181.3. m. iSTanc}', dau. of Thomas Header, b. in Nantucket, Mass., in 1S16, d. in Trenton, N. J., Aug. 20, 1890, Methodist. He was a sliiphnilder in Nantucket, Mass., most of his life to 1865. In 1866 he came to L., where he res. until he d., Nov. 10, 1886. Farmer. Methodist. Ch., — Four Children, d. in infancy, i. Mary, b. Nantucket, Mass., "Dec. 8, 1842. m. May 4, 18G8, Isaac R. Wilson, lawyer. He d. Trenton, N. J., March 9, 1889. SMITH. 34. George William Smith, son of George Washington and Ann Frances (Aldrieh) Smith, b. in Jetlerson, Aug. 3,1844; m. Dec. 31, 1867, Mary L. Chesley. Divorced, 1878; m. second, Jan. 20, 1881, Antoinette" Park Miller', b. Dec. 26, 1846, dau. of Seth P. Miller of Au- burn, jMe. He has been proprietor of hotels in Florida, res. in L. since 1897. Ch., — i. Herbert Hampton, b. Dec. 10, 1870. unni. res. Worcester, Mass. ii. George Francis, b. April 24, 1873. m. 1898, Melissa Richards, res. Kennebunkport, Me. SNAPP. 1. Silas R. Sxapp, son of Robert, m. Sarah V., dan. of Rev. Stephen Smith of the Baltimore, Md., Conference. Silas is a clergy- man in the Baltimore Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. 2. Lekoy Fletcher Snapp, son of Silas R.\ b. in Red Sulphur Springs, West Va., May 15, 1867. He was educated in Randolph Macon Coll., Ashland, Va., and commenced the study of theology in 1888, in the Theological School of Randolph Macon Coll., grad. with distinction in 1893, and was ordained a Methodist minister by Bishop Granbery at Randolph Macon Coll. the same year. During the years 1889-90 and a part of 91, he preached in Md. and Hunters- ville, AVest Va., as a Methodist. In May, 1894, he came to L. and took charge of the Unitarian church, where he remained until July, 1896, when he resigned, and inn-sued a special course of study at Har- vard University. In Feb. 1898, he accepted a call from the First Unitarian Congregational Church in Maiden, Mass. Several sermons, papers : " Christian Church and Politics," '^ Order for Confirmation and Consecration Service," have been printed. He m. April 12, 1899, Rol)ie E. Greenleaf, b. in Boston, June 12, 1874, dau. of George J. and Ellen B. (Arnold) Greenleaf. Ch., b. in Maiden, Mass., — i. Fletcher Greenleaf, b. April 5, 1900. jShow — Soames — Southworth. 461 SNOW. 1. Andrew Fayette Snow, son of David S., b. in Wliitefiekl, A\n\\ 30, 1852. m. Oct. 25, 1873, Isabel F., dau. of Charles W. llowland, d. in Whiterield, IMav 25, 1.S54, Free liaptist. He has res. in L. since l.SH.S. Millwright. "Republican. Ch., — i. Ernest W., b. WliitefieM, Oct. 2, 1874. ii. Alherto Eugene, b. Wliiti'fk'ld, Feb. 7, 1878. iii. Katie May, b. L. June 10, ISUl. SOAMES. 1. William French Soames, son of Jonathan, b. in Sanbornton, July 16, 1806. m. Aug. 9, 1827, Betsey II., dau. of Zebulon Smith, b. in Sanbornton, Jan. 21, 1809. He res. in L. from 1836 to 1856. Stone-mason. (History of Sanbornton, p. 742.) Ch.,— i. Lucy B., b. Sanbornton, Dec. 10, 1828. m. 1861, Benjamin F. Mootly, railroad employee, res. Milwaukee, Wis. ii. Elizabeth Ann, b. Sanbornton, Dec. 10, 1832, d. L. Aug. 8, 1853. iii. Martha Augusta, b. L. June 7, 1844. m. Oct. 27, I860, Ira Leigliton, iron moulder, res. Laconia. SOUTHWORTH. 1. Edward South worth, b. in Leydon, Eng., in 1590. m. in 1614, Alice Carpenter, who had been aflianced to William Bradford, after- ward Gov. of Plymouth Colony, Mass. Edward d. in Eng. in 1620. In 1623 widow Alice came to Plymouth with her two boys and m. Gov. Bradford. (History of Duxbury, Mass.) 2. Constant Southworth, son of Edward ^ b. in Leydon, Eng., in 1614. m. in 1638, Elizabeth Collier. He was brought u[) under the care of Gov. Bradford; was one of the earliest colonists of Duxbury, IVIass. ; was Gov. of the Kennebec Plantation, and Assistant Gov. of IMymouth. d. in l)iixl)ury, Mass., in 1685. (People's Cyclopedia.) 3. William Southworth, son of Constant', b. in Duxbury, Mass., in 1659. m. in 1680, Rebecca Pabodie. 4. Nathaniel Southworth, son of William •', b. in Bristol, R. I., in 1692. m. Mary Torrey. He was a shi[)lnulder. res. in Norwich, Conn. ; went to the Mediterranean as master in 1731, and was never heard tVom afterwards. 5. JosiAH Southworth, son of Nathaniel*, b. in Mansfield, Conn., in 1721. m. in Mansfield, Conn., Ai)ril 2, 1755, Esther Porter. He d. in Vershire, Vt., in 1791. 6. Lemuel Southwouth, son of Josiali^, b. in Mansfield, Conn., in 1758. m. in 1779, Elizabeth Stodard. He was a Rev. soldier, and was at the battle of Bunker Hill. d. in Vershire, Vt., in 1841. 462 Southtvorth — Stearns. 7. Ira Southworth, son of Lemuel '', b. in Ftiirlee, Vt.,in 1787. m. in 1-si.S, IJelsey Morris. He was a soldier iu tlie War of 1812-15. d. in Bradford, Vt., in 1839. 8. Hartwell H. Southworth, son of Ira", b. in Fairlee, Vt., Feb. 1829. ni. tirst, Feb. 13, 185G, Emily C, dan. of Morris Clark, b. in Groton, Vt., in 1836, d. in Whitefield, Jan. 3, 1857. m. second, Feb. 24, 1858, Eliza A., dan. of Caleb Walker, b. in Whitefield in 1837, d. in L. Feb. 1, 1872. ni. third, 8ept. 3, 1874, Myra Electa, dau. of Harry Green* (See), b. in Lyndon, Vt., May 25, 1841, d. in L. Dec. 30, 1892. He has res. in L. since 1865. Merchant. Republican. Selectman, 1879-80-5. J. P. Member Board of Education, Union District, 1874 to 6 inc. Director L. Savings Bank, 1877 to 94 inc. Ch. , b}' w. Myra, — i. Robert Morris, b. L. Jan. 27, 1882. 9. George Wesley Southworth, son of George Mjron, and grand- son of Ira', b. in Boston, Mass., July 28, 1865. m. May 26, 1891, Jennie Luc}', dau. of William H. Kidder, b. in L. Nov. 29, 1871, Uni- tarian. He has res. in L. since 1879. Works in view shop. Unitarian. Republican. No ch. STEARNS. 1. Charles Stearns, said to be a brother of Nathaniel of Needham, a son of Shubael and a nephew of Isaac Stearns of Watertovvn, Mass., is the emigrant ancestor of a considerable branch of the family bearing the name. He settled in Watertovvn, was a freeman May 6, 1646, and removed to Lynn about 1685. His wife Hannah d. in Watertown, 1651 ; he m. second, June 22, 1654, Rebecca Gib.son, dau. of John Gibson of Cambridge, Mass. 2. Shubael Stearns, son of Charles \ b. Sept. 20, 1655. Settled in Lynn (Lynnfield). He was one of the Narragansett Expedition. 3. Samuel Sxkarns, son of Shubael'-, was b. Sept. 12, 1685. He m. 1711, Sarah Walton, dan. of William Walton, a Scottish minister in Marblehead. She d. Aug. 6, 1724. He m. second, April 14, 1725, Tabitha Bryant of Reading. She d. Dec. 13, 1758. He d. in Lynn, Dec. 20, 1759. 4. Samuel Stearns, son of Samuel '', b. Feb. 21, 1713/4. lived in Leominster and Ashby, Mass., and in Amherst, N. H. He m. 1738, Mary Wheat. She d. in Ashby, 1767 ; m. second, 1768, Lucretia Seavey ; she d. 1776; he m. third, 1778, Abigail Gilbert. He d. in Amherst, now Mount Vernon, Nov. 20, 1793. Twenty-three children, two of whom with their mother, settled in L. about 18i0. The widow, Abigail, d. in L. Dec. 6, 1830. 5. Isaac Stearns, son of Samuel*, b. in Amherst, Oct. 13, 1780. m. March 4, 1813, Martha, dau. of Nathaniel Bidwell, b. in Lebanon, June 1, 1784, d. in Lisbon, May 4, 1846, Cong. He res. in L. from 1813 until he d., Dec. 3, 1856. Farmer. Cong. Stear)is — Steere. 463 Ch., b. in L., — i. Mary Johnson, b. Nov. 27, 1813. m. Nathaniel 11. Everett (See). ii. Leonoua, b. Aug. 22, 1815. m. Calvin J. Wallace (See), iii. FisANKLiN, 1). Feb. 7, 1820, d. L. Feb. 10, 1823. 7. iv. Isaac Bidwkll, b. June 15, 182tj. 6. SiiuBAKL Stk.vkns, SOU of Sauiucl ^, b. in Amherst, May 20, 1783. 111. April 16, 1.S12, Lydia, dau. of iMatthew Peck, b. in Grafton, Nov. 20, 171)5, d. in Newport, Dee. 31, LS-SO. He res. in L. from about 1810 to 1828. Fanner, d. in Newport, Vt., Jan. 1, 1844. Cli., b. in L., — i. Hannah, b. Oct. 24, I'Sl?,, d. Sept. 8, 18ol. ii. Sally, b. July 23, 1815, d. Nov. 2, 1847. iii. Samuel, b. Oct. 10, 1817, d. L. Nov. 12, 1818. iv. Benjamin, b. Oct. 11, 1818, d. May 30, 1832. V. Lydia, b. Julv 4, 1820. m. Nov. 17, 1842, Benjamin W. Brown. He d. Newport, Vt., Nov. G, 1889. vi. Cykus Kastman, b. July 1, 1822. ni. Feb. 10, 1842, Kosilla Roe. vii. Maktiia 1'atience, b. July 7, 182(). m. July 4, 1810, David I'hilbrick. She d. Newport, Vt., Dec. 13, 1800. viii. John Feck, b. Aug. 8, 1822. m. Oct. 5, 1802, Martha Turner, res. Santa Barbara, Cal. 7. Is.VAC BiDWELL SxEARN.s, son of Isaac ^, b. in L. June IT), 1826, ni. first, March 18, 18.>1, Nancy Maria, dau. of P>.ra Abbott (See), b. in L. Aug. 30, 1826, d. in L. Dec. 13, 1872, jMethodist. ni. second, Sept. 14, 1893, Isabel M. Flynn, b. N. Y. City, about 1854. He res. in L. from birth to 1873. Farmer. Kepul)lican. Ch., by w. Nancy, b. in L., — i. Mary M.\ria, b. Feb. 4, 1852. m. March 1, 1877, Horace Gates, miller. res. Suncook. ii. Emma Loiise, b. July 31, 1854. m. Austin Rice Smith (See), iii. AisBiE Wii.coMB, b. Aug. 24, 1865. m. George Kiley Simpson (See), iv. Anna Belle, b. Sept. 12, 18G8, d. L. Aug. 7, 1878. STEARNS. 8. ZiMPa Stearns, son of William, b. in Campton, Sept. 30, 1833. m. first, July, 1851, Eliza P^Usworth, b. in Wentworth, d. in Bethlehem, July 29, 1868. ni. second, Oct. 20, 1869, Mary Ann, dau. of William Brown, b. in Campton, Feb. 11, 1835. He has res. in L. since 1879. Farmer. Iiei)ublican. Co. C, 13th N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. R. I. O. O. F. Ch., by w. Eliza, — i. Addie, b. Woodstock, ni. Barrows. ii. Etta, b. Woodstock, d. Bethleiieni, Aug. 5, 1868. iii. Gilbert W., b. Bethlehem, June 0, 1858. Farmer, iv. George, b. I)ec. 8, 1800. res. Kewanee, 111. Ch., by w. Mary, b. in Bethlehem, — V. Eliza, b. Dec. 13, 1871. ni. Nov. 14, 1891, Eugene Gleason, carpenter, res. Lakeport. STEERE. 1. Stephen Steere was a blacksmith, m. Priscilla Jane Snow. He came here from Johnson, R. I. 464 Steere — Stevens. 2. Russell Steere, b. Feb. 5, 1793. m. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Tifft, b. in Pi-ovidence, R. I., in 1793, d. in L. April, 1872. He res. in L. from 1827 until he d., Oct. 19, 1889. Farmer. Ch., — i. Lydia Cornelia, b. Johnson, R. I., April 12, 1815. m. Caldwell Little (See). 3. ii. Stki'uen, b. Providence, R. I., Jan. 15, 1820. iii. Merrill, b. L. 1829. m. Mary Stevens. Farmer. He d. L. Nov. 3, 18G1. 4. iv. Russell Tifft, b. L. Marcli 15, 1831. V. Jane, b. L. 1833. m. Foster Palmer, blacksmith, res. Barnet, Vt. vi. Lewis, b. L. 1836. m. Melvine Southard. Carpenter, res. Waterford, Vt. vii. William, b. L. 1830. ni. Jane Bliss. Farmer, res. Bethlehem, viii. Sarah, m. Moody Everett, farmer. She d. Lisbon, 1802. i.x. Lucy, m. Joel Mooney, farmer, res. L. X. Samuel, ni. Ann Goss. Farmer, res. Providence, R. I. 3. Stephex Steere, son of Russell'-, b. in Providence, R. I., Jan. 15, 1820. m. May 18, 1847, Lois, dau. of Rol)ert Chase, b. in Bath, May 31, 1828, d. in L. July 21, 1894. He res. in L. from 1841 until he d., Jan. 21, 1883. Farmer. Republican. Ch., b. in L., — i. Charles Byron, b. April 4, 1849. iinm. Farmer, res. L. ii. Adda Melvixa, b. Oct. 19, 1850. unm. res. L. iii. Ada Dell, b. March 25, 1860. m. May 16, 1881, Samuel Kerr, laborer. She d. L. May 23, 1882. 4. Russell Tifft Steere, son of Russell '-, b. in L. March 15, 1831. m. Dec. 5, 1852, Chloe, dau. of Bowman Ciscoe, b. in West Haven, Vt., March 6, 1832. He res. in L. all his life. F'armer. Democrat, d. in L. July 22, 1896. Cli.,— i. Edwin Russell, b. L. Dec. 14, 1853. m. May, 1876, Kate Sutherland Carpenter, res. St. Cloud, Minn, ii. Samuel Newell, b. L. Sept. 6, 1856. m. Sept. 15, 1896, Aggie I. Moore. Farmer res. L. iii. Alice C, b. Whitehall, N. Y., May 20, 1858. ra. Dec. 24, 1885, John Amos Morris, physician, res. Franconia. STEVENS. 1. John G. B. Stevens, son of Otho, b. in Newbury, Vt., May 4, 1792. m. in 1811, Sophia, dau. of William Sawyer, b. in Pomfret, Conn., June, 1795, d. in Hardwick. Vt., Cong. He res. in L. from 1842 until he d., Feb. '2S, 1843. Saddler and harness-maker. Cong. Ch., — i. Caroline, b. Waterford, Vt., March 29, 1812. m. 1830, John Taylor. res. (Sugar Hill), Lisbon, ii. Lydia, b. Waterford, Vt., July 27, 1813, d. in infancy, iii. Eliza, b. Waterford, Vt., Nov. 1, 1814. m. Silas Parker -^ (See), iv. Elexia. b. Waterford, Vt., May 7, 1816. m. 1836, Nathan W. Morse. res. Chelsea, Mass. V. Joseph B., b. Waterford, Vt., Oct. 29, 1817. m. Lovina Howland. Harness-maker, res. Franconia. vi. Sarah Puah, b. Waterford, Vt., Dec. 6, 1819. m. Jeremiah Gordon. res. Whitefield. vii. Melvina, b. Waterford, Vt., Jan. 15, 1821. m. 1840, Nathan W. Morse. She d. Hardwick, Vt., 1853. Stevens. 465 viii. Eleanor, h. Waterfonl, Vt., March 24, 1823. m. Aug. 1845, George Chase, ix. Ursula, h. Waterfonl, Vt., June 25, 1824. ra. 1844, George Grithu. res. Shetfielil, Vt. X. John, b. (Sugar Hill), Lisbon, Dec. 29, 1825, d. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., June, 18'J2. Horse-boot maker, xi. Phebe, b. (Sugar Hill), Lisbon, April 15, 1827. m. Dr. Amasa Ward, xii. William, b. (Sugar Hill), Lisbon, June 28, 1828. ni. Marilla M. IIow- land. Harness-maker, res. Coventry, Vt. xiii. Ira G., b. Franconia, Aug. 22, 18o0. m. Dec. 2, 1852, Mary Dexter. Harness-maker, res. Boston, Mass. xiv. Sophia N., b. Burke, Vt., Nov. 22, 1836. m. Alexander Palmer (See). STEVENS. 2. Truman Stevens, son of John, b. in Barnet, Vt., Sept. 3, 1803. m. June, 1824, JMalvina A. Cavleton, b. in St. Johnsbiuy, Vt., Oct. 25, 1807, (1. in Lisl)on, May 15, 1887. He re.s. in L. from 1825 until he d., Jan. 2, 1885. Harness-maker. Republican. Deputy U. S. Mar- shal, 1849 to 1861. Fire ward, 1829-30-1-2-6-45. J. P. (Black Book, by Mrs. Anna Roval, p. 388.) Ch., b. inL.,— i. Catherine, b. 1829, d. L. May .30, 1847. ii. Joan Heaton, b. 1830. m. Edward Dean Rand (See). iii. John, b. Nov. 20, 1832, d. Florida. iv. Julius, b. Sept. 18, 1841, d. L. Feb. 8, 1845. V. Henry Bellows, d. in infancy. STEVENS. 3. Herod Stevens, son of Timothy, b. in Lyman, June 10, 1805. m. April 24, 1828, Anne, dau. of Jonathaii Moulton (vSee). b. in Lyman, June 8, 1806, d. in L. Nov. 14, 1888. He res. in L. from 1845 to 1868, and when he d., Oct. 31, 1887. Farmer. Deputy Sheriff, 1845 to 8 inc. J. P. Ch., — i. Hannah, b. Lyman, Jan. 22, 1830. m. Elmer Coolidge Moulton (See). ii. Jonathan M., b. Lyman, Dec. 9, 1834. unm. Laborer, iii. Calista M.. b. Lyman, Jan. 14, 1843. unm. d. L. May 24, 18(18. iv. Eliva a., b. L. Aug. 11, 1846. m. Newell Moore, tailor. She d. Lis- bon, July, 1S9G. STEVENS. 4. P2BENEZER Stevens, b. in Me., in 1810. m. Salina , b. in N. H. He res. in L. in 1844-5, and from 1854 to 1858. Blacksnfith. MethodLst. I. O. 0. F. Ch., — i. William H., b. 1843. ii. Mariett K., b. 1848. STEVENS. 5. Richard Kelley Stevens, son of John, b. in Lyman, June 11, 1827. ra. Nov. 20, 1850, Hannah Goodall, dau. of David Richardson (See), b. in L. April 26, 1824, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1873 until he d., Dec. 16, 1896. Farmer. Democrat. VOL. II. — 30 466 Stevens. Ch., b. in Lisbon, — C>. i. Charles Webster, b. Julv 4, 1853. ii. Clark Elleky, b. June 12, 1858, ± L. Marcli 26, 1879. 6. CiiAULEs Webster Stevens, son of Richard Kelley^, b. in Lis- bon, .luly 4, LS53. m. Marcli 10, 1877, Ann, dau. of Moses Wilcomb, b. in Bethlelieni, Jan. 1, 1856, Metliodist. He lias res. in L. from 1873 to 1873, and since 1894. Farmer. Democrat. Cli.,— i. Harry Carl, b. Feb. 17, 1887. Adopted, d. April 3, 1890. STEVENS. 7. Zelotes Stevens, son of John, b. in Newbur}', Vt., Feb. 19, 1828. m. March 2, 1849, Susan Marion, dau. of Silas Morse (See), li. in Waterford, Vt., Sept. 21, 1831, Methodist. Prest. Woman's Relief Corps, 1894. He has res. in L. since 1880. Mai'ble-cutter. Repub- lican. A. F. and A. M. Board of Health, 1887-8. Ch.,- i. Emogene, b. Nortlifield, Vt., Marcli 17, 1851. m. July 21, 1868, Frank Dana Woodbury, printer, res. Everett, Mass. ii. Helen Isadore, b. Concord, Jan. 19, 1853. m. Chester Phelps Chase (See). iii. Ida Eudora, b. Rutland, Vt,, Feb. 17, 1856, d. Concord, April 13, 1876. STEVENS. 8. True Stevens, b. in 178.3, d. in L. Feb. G, 1875. 9. True Mason Stevens, son of True ^, b. in Warren, Feb. 26, 1833. m. iirst, June, 1856, Hannah I. Heath, b. in Bridgewater, Se[)t. 1834. Divorced, m. second. Oct. 13, 1879, Mary Savage, dau. of Abiel Swett, \). in Landart", Aug. 3, 1844, Methodist. He lias res. in L. most of the time since 1862. Jeweller. Co. I. First N. H. H. Art. Private. Com. G. A. R., 1894. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., 1)3" w. Hannah, — i. Lizzie Juliana, b. Warren, Sept. 4, 1858. ni. Dec. 1880, Frank Foster, jeweller. Divorced. Ch., by w. Mary, b. in L., — ii. Mabel Martha, b. March 4, 1881. iii. Ernest True, b. Aug. 19, 1887. STEVENS. 10. Hiram Oscar Stevens, son of INIanle}', b. in Orford, Feb. 8, 1837. in. April 21, 1859, Almira Jane, dau. of Simeon Dodge, and grand-dau. of Simeon Dodge ^ (See), b. in Lyman, April 15, 1841. He has res. in L. since Aug. 1885. Marble-cutter. Democrat. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, formerly W. ]\I. of Unity Lodge, No. 62, in Union, town of W.'ikefield, 1882-3-4-5. Ch., - i. Stella Jane, b. Lisbon, July 22, 1860. m. Jan. 25, 1882, Joseph H. Lowd, clerk, res. Andover, Mass. 11. ii. Herbert Dexter, b. Reading, Mass., Dec. 27, 1865. Sfevens. 407 11. IlKUiiERT Dkxter Stkvkns, SOU of Hiram Oscar ^"j b. in Rending, Mass.; Dec. 27, 18(55. m. June 2, 1892, IJelle Ksthor, dan. of (ieorge Abbott (See), b. in L, Oct. yO, 18(;i, Methodist, lie has res. in L. since 1885. Marble-cutter. Democrat. Ch.,— i. MiLDiucD AiutoTT, l). L. ^la}' 15, 1894. STEVENS. 12. William II«»rr Stkvkns, son of Henry Ilartliolomew, b. in Wood- stociv, Vt., March 17, 18311. m. Nov. 5, 18(!8, Alice Rebecca, dau. of Timothy Haynes (iSee) b. in Concord, Jan. 25. 1844. He res. in L. from 18G8 to 1879. Merchant. Now res. in Windsor. Vt. Enlisted June K), 18G2, in Dart. Cav. for three months as Lieut. Conllned in Libby Prison. (Granite Montblv, Feb. 1894, p. So.) Cli.,— i. Bessie Eatox, b. Concord, Doc. 31, 187-. ii. George Deliku, b. L. Nov. 1875. STEVENS. 13. (JnovE Sanders Stevens, son of Jolm and P^lizabeth (Fifield) Stevens, I), in Piermont, Oct. 25, 1813. m. Aug. 27, 1840, Lydia J., dau. of Dr. Job Wilson, b. in Salisbury, Feb. 2, 1.S14, d. in Haverhill, Ai)ril 5, 1873. He never res. in L., res. in Haverhill. Sheriff of Graf- ton Co., 18G4 to 73 inc. Keei)er of jail, 18(10 to 1873 inc. Cong. Dea. Ch., b. in Piermont, — i. LuciNDA A., b. July 31, 1841. ni. John L. Foster (See), ii. Hauuiet F., b. Oct. 27, 1842, d. Feb. 1846. iii. Mary J., b. June 7, 1844. iv. Helen M., b. April 25, 1846. m. Dec. 25, 1807, Charles A. Dole, lawver. She d. Lebanon, July 9, 1891. 14. V. Flbert Carroi.t,, b. Nov. 10, 1847. vi. Harriet T., b. Dec. 5, 1849. m. Aug. 1, 1877, Frank L. IMorriU, lawyer. res. ('ontoocook. vii. Eva M., b. Sept. 22, 1851. 14. Elbert Carroll Stevens, son of Grove S.^•^ b. in Piermont, Nov. 10, 1847. m. July 2G, 1875, J. Augiusta, dau. of Ira F. Morse, b. in Westmoreland, Dec. 19, 1844. He res. in L. from 1873 to 1889. He was educated in the common schools and Meriden Academy, studied law with N. B. Felton and George W. Chapman in Haverhill, and was admitted to the I'>ar, Aug. 1871. He was in the oflice of Evarts W. Farr from 1873 to 1878, and afterwards for about nine months was in company with Edgar M. Warner. On the retirement of Mr. Warner he continued in i)ractice in L. alone until ls,s9, when he gave up the profession. Boanl of Heallh, 1882-3-4-5. Fire ward, 1881. Notarv Public. J. P. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, Master, 1882. His present residence and place of business is Horr, ^Montana. No ch. STEVENS. 15. Anson Stevens, son of William D., b. in Lyman, Oct. 28, 1860. m. Jan. 1, 1884, Mary, daiL of George V>. Fuller, b. in L. Sept. 22, 18G1. He has res. in L. since 1887. Farmer. Democrat. 4G8 Stevens — Stinchjield — St. John. Ch, - i. Wilson, h. Lyman, Oct. 14, 1885. ii. Bonnie Earl, b. L. March IS, 1887. iii. Isis, b. L. Aug. 15, 1888. iv. Alice, b. L. Oct. 15, 1890. V. Infant Son, b. Lyman, May 7, 1893. STEVENS. 16. Jeuemiah W. Stevens, b. in F'ryeburg, Me. m. Feb. IG, 1834, Maiy Ann, dan. of William Ewen, b. in Dalton, Sept. 8, 1808, d. in Lancaster, Marcli, 1873 or 4. He res. in L. from 1840 to 1849. Far- mer. Selectman, 1844-5. d. in Wbitefield in 1885 or 6. Ch., — i. Ruth Ann, b. in Betlileliem. m. Lyman Hight. She d. Lancaster, ii. Melvin, b. L., d. L. iii. Hattie, b. L., d. Lancaster, iv. C'hakles, b. L., d. Lancaster. V. Carrie W., b. June, 1850, d. Lancaster, Jan. 1876. STINCHFIELD. 1. JosiAii Prescott Stinchfield, son of Nathan, b. in Phillips. Me., (Jet. 21, 1828. m. Aug. 25, 1857, Sarah Maria, dau. of Ebenezer East- man (See), b. in Danville, Vt., Dec. 8, 1835. He was educated in the schools of Farmington, Me., and in 1852 commenced the study of the- ology in the Concord Biblical Institute, where he grad. in 1855. He was ordained in Manchester, Ajiril 8, 18G0, by Bishop Simpson, and was located as a Methodist clergyman in Hillsboro', Antrim, L., 1855- (3, Piermont, Sandwich, Manchester, Deerlield, Loudon, Lovell, Me., Raymond, Me., and Bath, Me. He has served as Sup. School Com- mittee in Sandwich, Wolfeboro', Loudon, and Lovell, Me. A. F. and A. M. L O. O. F. d. in Brunswick, Me., Dec. 1887. Ch., Isabella S., b. L. Juno 30, 1858, m. William Stacy Pearson (See). Charles Eben, b. Sandwich, May 2, 1800, Bowdoin Coll., 1882. d. Brunswick, Me., Nov. Ki, 1882. Frank Eastman, b. Deerfield, May 23, 1862. m. 1887, Addie Jordan, res. Norfolk, Va. Bertha Ida, b. Loudon, Nov. 20, 18GS. m. Feb. 1, 1899, George Syd- ney Richards, ticket agent, Dulutli, Minn. ST. JOHN. 1. Oliver S. St. John, b. in Conn. m. Oct. 7, 1855, Ellen, dau. of Peter Bonney (See), b. in L. April 2, 1825, res. in Brooklyn, N. Y. He never res. in L. Clergvman. d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1887. Ch., — i. Francis Butler, b. N. Y. Citv, 1860, d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 1879. ii. Henry Walton, b. Brooklyn, "N. Y., 1866, d. N. Y. City, Jan. 18, 1880. Stoddard — Stoive — Strain. 469 STODDARD. 1. WiLLAHD Alonzo Stoi>i>ai{d, SOU of Xoiiiian. 1). in Sutton, Vt. , Xov. 26, 1835. 1)1. July 4, 18.59, Sarivh, dau. of .John .Tcnks Brown, b. in reacham, Vt., Xov. 0, 1838. He has res. in L. since 1859. Farmer. Democrat. ISu[)evvisor, 1880. Ch.,— i. Ei.i-A, b. Wiiterford, Vt , Oct. 14, 1861. ni. Nov. 2'd, 1882, Ai Parker, fanner, res. Lyniaii. ii. Frank, b. L. April 22, isn4, d. L. March 27, 1877. iii. Caul Fkank, b. L. Dec. o, 1878. 2. Charles Stoddakd, son of Norman, b. in Sutton, Vt., April 22, 1840. m. Oct. 4, 1807, Pliylora Lois, dan. of John Nutting, b. in Shii)t()n, r. Q,, May 3, 1838, Cong. lie has res. in L. since 1883. Laborer. Cong. Democrat. Ch., b. in Waterfonl, Vt., — i. Helen Elma, b. Aug. 25, 1809. m. May 12, 1800, Herbert Gray, lum- ber inspector, res. Bartlett. ii. Etta Bell, b. Sept. IG, 1871. m. Sept. 22, 1802, Harry B. Carpenter, physician, res. St. Johnshury, \'t. iii. Alhert Chakles, b. Sept. 2, 1873. res. L. iv. Fkedekick Eugene, b. Jan. 13, 187G. res. L. STOWE. 1. Alvin Stowe, m. first, Sally Jackson, d. in L. April, 1S2'J. m. second, Jan. G, 1.S30, Roxana, dau. of Henry Bemis (See), b. in L. April 21, 1794. He res. in L. from 1819 to 1851. Farmer, d. in Wis. about 1852. Ch., b. in L., — i. Mary Matilda, b. June 4, 1818. m. Sept. 17, 1837, Ciiarles R. W. Howard. He d. 111., about ISoo. ii. Leonard, b. May 29, 1823, res. Wi.s. iii. Samuel Atgcstus, b. Ajjril 17, 182'), res. Wis. iv. Sarah Ann, b. Nov. 17, 1827, res. Cal. STRAIN. 1. Daniel Strain, b. in Donegal, Ireland, in 1815. ni. Aug. 29, 1838, Sally, dau. of Nathan Goddard, b. in Bethlehem, Nov. 27, 1820, d. in L. Dec. 1, 1888. He res. in L. from 1846 until he d., May 24, 1875. Watchman. Democrat. Ch., - i. Ellen M., b. Bethlehem, Aug. 15, 1839. ni. Jan. 1, 18G3, Edward Clif- ford, farmer, res. Monroe. 2. ii. CoKNELius Hartwell, b. Bethlehem, Jan. 31, 1841. iii. John P., b. Betidehom, Dec. 25, 1842. d. Texas, Deo. 23, 1890. iv. Jennie X., b. Bethlehem, Jan. 2G, 1845. m. June 7, 1808, West Lyons, engineer, res. Elkhart, liid. 0. V. Daniel J., b. L. Nov. 17, 1847. vi. Kate E., b. L. Dec. 12, 1848. n\. Marcli, 1871, Cortland Spooncr, farmer. res. Landaff. vii. Sarah C, b. L. Feb. 24, 1851. m. Dec. 24, 1870, James Long, merchant, res. Fitchburg, Mass. 470 Strain. 4. viii. Charles H., b. L. March 1, 1858. ix. Frank W., h. L. June 'J, 1855. unm. Glover, res. L. X. Lyman K., b. L. May 12, 1857, d. L. Nov. 28, 1857. 5. xi. Hakkv Ja.mes Alphonso, b. L. Oct. 19, 1858. xii. Eva M., b. L. April 15, 1861. m. Nov. 2, 1880, William N. Ziinmer, glover, res. Gloversville, N. Y. 2. Cornelius Hartwell Strain, son of Daniel \ b. in Betlileliem, Jan. 31, 1841. m. Deo. 25, 18G6, Hannali, dan. of Albert L. Lewis, b. in L. March, 1848. He has res. in L. since 184G. Glover. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — 6. i. Albert Elmer, b. July 8, 1868. ii. Arthur Cornelius, b. Jan. 8, 1872. m. Sept. 30, 1806, Florence E. Hartshorn. Book-keeper, res. Groveton. 3. Daniel J. Strain, son of DanieP, b. in L. Nov. 17, 1847. m. Jnly lo, 18(39, Dora L. Adams of Wilbraham, Mass. He was edncated in tlie common schools of L., and after a few years passed in mechani- cal pnrsLiits and the stud}' of art, opened a stndio in Portland, Me., in 1868, executing portraits of prominent men of Portland and other Me. cities. In 1872 he moved to Boston, Mass., and soon became noted for his work, especially ideal heads of children, which became very pop- ular. In 1877 he went to PLurope and studied in Paris under Lefebvre and Boulanger from 1877 to 84, spending his summers in Holland, Bel- gium, and Spain sketching ; he exliibited pictures in the salons of 1881- 2-3. His first salon picture, " Les Deux Amis," was subsequently pub- lished by him as an etching. On returning to this country he reopened his studio in Boston, and has done much notable work in portraits and genre subjects. Among his more noted portraits are : Gen. N. P. Banks, in the City Hall, Walthani, Mass. ; Gov. John B. Smitli, Gov. Hiram A. Tuttle, Hon. E. H. Rollins, and Capt. George B. Perkins, on tlie walls of the Capitol, Concord ; Hon. Marcelhis Eldredge, for the Public Library at Chatham, iMass. ; Hon. Harry Bingham, for the Public Li- brary at L. ; and John G. Whittier, at Danvers, Mass. He is a mem- ber of the Boston Art Club, A. F. and A. M., W. M. of Winslow Lodge, Boston, Mass., 1893-4. Member of the First Worshipful Masters' As- sociation, Boston, Mass. Ch.,— i. Ralph Howard, d. in youth. 4. Charles H. Strain, son of Daniel i, b. in L. March 1, 1853. m. Nov. 24, 1880, Mary, dau. of Robert Lin.lsay, b. in Scotland, .Marcli 20, 1856, Episcopal. He has res. in L. all his life except about live years. Glover. Democrat. A. F. and A. M. I. O. O. F. Ch.,— i. Nellie May, b. Gloversville, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1882. ii. Eva Elizareth, b. L. April 14, 1885. 5. Harry James Alphonso Strain, son of Daniel S b. in. L. Oct. 19, 1858. m. first, Nov. 6, 1883, Hannah, dau. of James Callahan (See), b. in L. Doc. 1859, d. in L. June 27, 1893, Roman Catholic, m. second, Nov. 27, 1894, Ida M., dau. of John Larkin, b. in Whitefield, in 1884, Cong. He has res. in L. nearly all his life. Shoemaker. Dem- ocrat. No ch. Sti'dhi — Stratton — Strectrr. 471 6. Albkut Elmkii Sti;vin, son of Cornelius llartweU -, b. in L. Jul\' 8, 18G8. m. Flora A., dan. of Silas Locke, b. in Lyman, April 1.'}, 18G-i. He has res. in L. all his life. Dcp. Sheriff, 180'J. Ticket l)roker. Republican. J. P. K. P. Ch., — i. Artiiui: Locke, b. L. April 28, 1889. STRATTON. 1. Enoch INIerrill Stratton, son of Samuel, b. in Albany', Dec. 30, l, LSIO, Sally, dan. of Peter Howe, b. in lUnitoii, Jnly 21, 1.S14, d. in L. Nov. 7, 1871, Free Baptist. He res. in L. IVoni 1837 nntil he d., Jan. 18, 18'J0. Farmer. Democrat. Ch.,b. in L.,— i. ]\Iaky, I). Aiicr. lo, 1841. 111. Sept. 1877, George Colby, farmer, lie d. Warner, Nov. 181)8. ii. Liuv, 1). Sept. 24, 1844. iiiiin. res. L. 14. Jami:s IVroNijoK Stkkkteu, son of John'", b. in Lisl)on, Jan. !), 182."). ni. March 4, 1847, Lovica C, dan. of SlK^plicrd J. Sanl)orn (See), b. iu L. April 28. 1830. He res. in L. in 1.S4S and 18(;2, when he enlisted in Co. D, loth N. H. Inf. Private, d, in New[)ort News, Va., March 7, 18G3. Republican. Ch.,— i. Addison W., b. L. June 30, 1848. m. Sei)t. 20, IS'Jl, Bertha Sclieer. Watehman. d. Maiicliester, Sei)t. 10, 1W)7. ii. Gkorge F., b. LaiidatT, April V.\, 1852. Laborer, res. Manliattan, Col. iii. FitEDDiE H., b. Lisbon, April 8, 1860, d. L. July 24, 1867. iv. Celi.a. a., b. Lisbon, Aug. ."iO, ]8(il. ni. Aug. 10, 1878, Alverton Clougli, laborer. Slie d. L. Jan. 2, 1884. 15. D.wiD Streeter, son of Ebenezer*", b. in Lisbon, Oct. T), 1777. ni. first, Nov. 17, 179G, Bets}- Spooner. m. second, Rhoda Aldrich. He d. in Lisbon, Jan. 24, 1855. 16. Robert Streeter, son of David ^■^ b. in Lisbon, Dec. 20, 1801. m. Lovina Crane. He d. in Bethlehem, May 17, 18G3. 17. Otis Ormax Streeter, son of Robert ^^ b. in Lisbon, JNLay 10, 1844. m. Jan. 27, 1874. Idella M., dan. of Porter Baldwin Watson (See), b. in Salisbury, May 14, 1851. He has res. in L. since 1865. Clerk. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — i. Lna May, b. Nov. 20, 1874. res. L. ii. Infant Daughtek, b. Jan. 18, 1882, d. L. April 8, 1882. STRONG. DUFORT. 1. Louis Strong, b. in Canada, May 24, 1822. ui. Lucy Delarier. He d. in 1894. 2. Louis Samuel Stronc;, son of Louis ^, b. in Jei'icho, Vt., IMay 24, 1845. m. first, in 1872, Mary Jane, dan. of Tuttell Willey, b. in Island Pond, Vt, in 1855, d. in Colebrook, March 24, 1873. m. second, July 1, 1874, Saloma, dan. of Louis Pelkey, b. in Canada in 1852, d. in Island Pond, Vt., Oct. 1884. ra. third, Aug. 188G, Hattie A., dan. of Jose{)h Gero, b. in Dixville, P. Q., Dec. 18G1. He has res. in L. since 18',)4. Harness-maker. Roman Catholic. Republican. Ch., by -w. Mary Jane, — i. Warv Jane, b. Colebrook, March, 187o, d. Lancaster, 1885. Ch., by w. Saloma, b. in Island Pond, Vt. , — ii. Saloma, b. M.ay 30, 1875. ni. Jan. 10, 1804, Frank Marsli. res. L. iii. Josephine, b. Aug. 21, 1876. m. 1808, Marshall Ash. res. L. iv. Louis, b. Dec. 15, 1878, d. Canada, Aug. 17, 1879. V. Geouge H., b. Nov. 6, 1880. res. Island Pond, Vt. vi. Samuel, b. April 15, 1882. res. L. vii. Lizzie Jane, b. Feb. 15, 1884, d. Island Pond, Vt., Feb. 25, 1884. 474 Strong — Swett — Sylvestre, Cli., by w. Hattie, — viii. Rome, b. L. Marcli 20, 1896. 3. Gilbert Strong, sou of Louis ^ b. iu Bellows Falls, Vt., Juue 15, 1861. m. Ma_y 16, 1887, Adeline, dau. of Louis Salwa}', b. iu Coati- coolc, P. C^., Jau. 12, 1868, Roman Catholic. He has res. iu L. since 1884. Laborer. Democrat. Ch., b. iu L., — i. Willie Gilbert, b. Feb. 17, 1888. ii. Charles Henry, b. Aug. 7, 188U. iii. Elmon Joseph, b. June 3, 1801. iv. Clarknce p., b. Nov. 24, 1893, d. L. May 4, 1894. V. Joseph Frederick, b. March 11, 18(15. 4. F'rancis Strong, son of Louis \ b. iu Vt., Aug. 1.5, 1869. ui. May 14, 1887, Lena, dau. of Ralpli Marsli, b. in Canada, Aug. 15, 1869. He has res. iu L. since 1885. iilaclcsmith. Republican. Ch., b. iu L., - - i. Mabel, b. .Jan. 15, 1801. ii. Howard Ralph, b. Aug. 3, 1892. SWETT. 1. Elisiia Swett, sou of Jeremiali. b. in Gilmanton, Dec. S, 1808. m. iu 1848, Sarah, dau. of Alexander Bragg, b. in Bolton, Vt., in 1827. d. in L. March 30, 1871. He has res. iu L. since 1866. Farmer. Republican. Ch.,— i. Mary L.. b. Thetford, Vt., May 20, 1849. ni. Frank Jackman, laborer. (1. L. Aug. 29, 1885. ii. Maro Richard, b. Fairlee, Vt., Nov. 12, 1851. Farmer, d. Newbury- port, Mass., May 20, 187(>. iii. SisAX Sylvia, b. Lisbon, March 26, 1855. m. Ehiiore G. Towne, farmer. He d. L. Aug. 28, 1884. 2. iv. Elisha, b. Lisbon, Dec. 29, 1858. ' V. EuGAR, b. Lisbon, April 16, 1860. vi. Flora, b. Lisbon, June 24, 1862. vii. Arthdr, b. L. July 6, 1867. 2. Elisiia Swett, son of Elisha \ b. in Lisbon, Dec. 29, 1858. m. April 4, 1885, Mirinda Ann, dau. of Thaddeus Quimby (See), 1). iu Lancaster, Aug. 21, 1866. He has res. iu L. since 1866. Farmer. Republican. No ch. SYLVESTRE. 1. Victor Sylvestre, b. iu Canada, Feb. 4, 1853. m. May 17, 1886, Addie, dau. of Frank Joslyn, b. in Canada, .Aug. 2, I860, Roman Cath(jlic. He has res. in L. since 1877. Glover. Roman Catholic. Ch., b. in L., — i. Annie, b. Dec. 17,1887. ii. Benjamin, b. Oct. 24, 1892. Symoiuh — Toft — Tarhell. SYMONDS. 1. Silas Symonus, pei'hups a son of William of Chavlostowii. ni. second, 17!>1, i)ul). in C'liailestown, F(!l). 27, 17i)l, Rachel Spaldinp;, b. April 29, 1771, dan. of Steplien and Martha (Foster) iSpalding of Ilnd- son. This is prohabl\' the Silas who enlisted iu quota of Swanze}' and served three years in the N. II. Continental line (See State Papers, Vols. XVI. XVII., Hist. Charlestown, i)p. 547, Q^'i\). No record of his first marriage is at hand. He res. in L. from 1793 to 1:itt. N. E. Cav. and 1st N. II. Cav. Seri>t. Was confined in Libb}- Prison. G. A. R. lie d. L. Oct. 20, 1!)()0. Ch., b. in Dalton, — i. CiiRisTiK Haxnaii, b. AFarcIi 2:1, 1870. ni. Nov. 23, 1898, Rolliii G. Hiirris. res. L. ii. Chester Henkv, b. April 19, 1870. iii. Ednaii Isabel, b. May 10, 1878, d. L. April 19, 1892. TAYLOR. 4. William Moi:se Taylor, son of Austin, b. in L. Jan. 22, 1828. m. Sept. It), 18.50, iMaria, dan. of Jeremy Ilowland, b. in Jvandalf, Sept. II. 18;>(), d. in L. .luly 3, 1889, Advent. He res. in L. from 187(3 until he d., Jan. 21, 18i».'). Carriage-maker. Advent. Proiiibition. Select- man, 1S79-80-1-2-9. Board of Health, 188,5. J. P. Ch.,- i. Maukice Clark, b. Lisbon, Nov. 2;l, 1854. 5. Maurice Clark Taylor, son of William IMorse^, b. in Lisbon, Nov. 23, 18.54. m. Dec. 5, 1876, Eleanor, dan. of Jonathan Aldrich, b. in Lyman, Dec. 5, 185G. He has res. in L. since 1886. Merchant. Democrat. Ch., — i. William Austin, b. Lisbon, Jan. 30, 1878. Boston Conservatory of Music, 1899. TEMPLE. 1. Jonas Temple, son of Isaac, b. in Acton, Mass., July 4, 1779. m. June 6, 1824, Tryphena, dan. of Jonas Lewis ^ (See), b. in L. Aug. 20, 1797, d. in Concord, Vt., Feb. 12, 1870, Universalist. He res. in L. from 1829 until he d., March 27, 1858. Farmer. Democrat. Universalist. Ch.,— i. Horace, b. Cliarlcston, Vt., Jan. 18, 1820,(1. Charleston, Vt., April 27, 1820. ii. Jerusha, b. Charleston, Vt., Sept. 22, 1827. ni. April 3, 1849, Samuel iJiidley, farmer, res. West Concord, Vt. iii. KiCHARi), b. L. Aug. o, 1830. m. Ajjril, 1853, Lydia Sabin. Farmer. He d. Dan vers, Mass., April 15, 1894. iv. Harriet, b. L. Nov. 26, 1832. ni. Aug. 1854, John I\Iorse, farmer. She d. Concord, Vt., Nov. 8, 1876. v. Minerva, b. L. Marcli 28, 1830. m. Nov. 25, 1808, Daniel Pike, farmer. res. Concord, Vt. vi. CnAULKS, b. L. May 5, 1839. m. first, May, 1862, Annett Morse. m. secoml, Sept. 1, 1808, Laura Pliillips. Farmer. He d. Concord, Vt., Feb. 2, 1873. Siie d. March 22, 1874. 2. Elmer Ernest Temple, son of Charles, and grandson of Jonas ', b. in Concord, Vt., April U, 1870. m. May 24, 1893, Eda Grace, dan. of Hazen Pitman Carleton, b. in Lisbon, Oct. 13, 1872, Atlvent. Lie has res. in L. since 1893. Farmer. Republican. 478 Terrett — Terrien — Thayer. TERRETT. 1. WiLi.iAji Rogers Terrett, son of Jolin Cotton, b. in N. Y. Cit3', July, 1849. m. Nov. 20, 1878, Eleanor, dan. of John Merrill (See), "b. iu L. April 27, 1843. vSbe res. in L. from birth to 1867. He never res. in L, He was educated in Princeton Seminary and Williams Coll., and commenced the study of theology in 1871. He was ordained a Pres- byterian clergyman in Amenia, N. Y., and has been located as follows : Amenia, N. Y., 1874 to 6 ; Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1877 to 9, and 1881 to 8 ; Dalton, Mass., 1880-1. He is now Prof, of -Constitutional Law and American History in Hamilton Coll., Clinton, N. Y. Wil- liams Coll. gave him degree of D.D. Ch., — i. John Rogers, b. Sharon, Conn., 1879. ii. MiLDr.ED, b. Dalton, Mass., 18S1. TERRIEN. 1. John B. Terrien, b. in Halifax, N. S., 1855. res. in L. 1879- 1884, when he removed to Nashua. He m. in L. 1879, Mary L. IMozrall, b. in L. 18G1, onlv child of Frank and Lucy (Bean) Mozrall. Ch., b. in L.,— i. Albert B., b. 1880. Dart. Coll., Class of 1004. ii. Gkokge D., b. 1882. Nashua High School, ill. Mary L., b. 1888. Nashua High School, iv. AHnnie Vj., b. 1884. Nashua High School. The register of the family of Frank JNIozrall, named above, was not received in time for alphabetical arrangement. He was b. in Miramiche, N. B., 1826. m. 1860, Lucy Bean, b. in St. Monic, P. Q., 1841. He res. in L. 1855 to 1891, when he removed to Marliioro', Mass., where his wife J^ucy died 1894. He removed to Nashua, remarried, and still resides in that city. He was facetious and original in ready repartee, and embalmed in the lighter annals of the north country are many of his encounters in wit with the professors of the art, who flourished in this vicinity until they grew dim in age or were elected to otlice. THAYER. The following authorities have been consulted in preparing this record : Cien. Bezaleel Thayer of Mexico, N. Y., author of the '■ Me- morial of the Thayer Name " ; as collected from Plymouth Memorial and other histories of that colony, viz. : '• Winthrop's Journal of Mass.," Hutchinson's, Prince's, Holmes's, and also Judge Horace Metcalf's note to Dr. Elisha Thayer, of Dedham, Mass., who had ex- amined the Eng. Law Reports on the subject of the Thayer name spelled in these reports. Hi tliose reports the name is spelled in sev- eral difTerent ways: Thayer, Thear, Their, Thayar. The Their is of German origin, and in that language signities an ox, or a cow, or a dealer in such, conscquentl}' is from the Continent, and is synonymous with bullock in the Eng. language. We know that about one thousand years Thauer. 479 ago, moro or less, the Danes and Saxons intruded upon Eng., and tlie counties of" Kent anci Essex passed into their possession. 3«'ext we find a coat of arms conf'erreil upon tlie Tliayer name in tlie Co. of Essex, town of Braintree, Eng., from which the Thayers emigrated to America. Allx'rt Ross J'arsons, autlior of "• New Light on the (Jreat Pyramid" (^(Jhizeli), states " tliat tlie ancient Cliersonesus Taurica (tlie modern Crimea) was the home of the Sc3'thian ancestors of the Saxons, or people known as Joim l>ull." Eranccs Rallstone, autlior of " JNIaz- zaroth, or Constellations," says " the signification of the word Taurus (sign of the Zodiac) in the Eng. language is bullock, meaning coming, ruling, step, springing forward, salvation, finishing. Tiie Arabic, Syriac, Coptic, (xreek (Septuagint), Latin (Vulgate), all meaning the the same." The Greek Omega corresponds to the Hebrew Tan or long cross. The letter " T '' meaning sacrifice, finished. (Frei)ared by IMiss Eliva Anna Thayer, of New York City.) 1. Augustine Thayeu, of Thaydom, Essex Co., Eng., is the first recorded. A coat of arms was granted him, which was recorded in tlie Lincolnfield Heraldic Ollice, and has been co])ied by Gen. LJezaleel Thayer, of Mexico, N. Y. 2. Thomas Thayku, probabl}' son of Augustine^, b. in Braintree, Essex Co., P^ng. ni. ALargery . About 1(J(!2, he emigrated to America witli liis three sons, Thomas, Eerdinando, and Sliadrach, and a brother, Richard, and settled in Braintree, Mass., where he d. 3. Eerdixando Tiiayf.r, son of Thomas'-, b. in Eng. before IG.'X'. ni. Jan. 14, 1(352, Hulda HaNward, of Braintree, Eng. They were in jNlendon, INIass., in the time of King l*hili[)'s war, and fled to IJraintree, Mass., but afterwards returned to Meiidon, where he d., INIarcli 2S, 1713. 4. LsAAO Thayer, son of Eerdinando'^, b. in Mendon, i\rass., in IfiGo. ni. first, in IGDl or 2, Mere}' Ward. m. second, in 1703, Mary . He d. in j\Iendon, Mass., in 1730. Eleven ch. 5. Samuel Thayer, son of Isaac*, b. in INIendon, iMass., in 1713. ni. first, Dec. 24, 1731), Keziah Patridge. m. second, Aug. 30, 1759, Sarah Roliinson. He was a farmer, and bore the title of Ensign. Twelve ch. d. in INIendoii, jNLiss. 6. Daniel Thayer, son of Samuel ■^ b. in IMendon, Mass., in 175kxaxi)i:r Tiio-af, son of James Lindsc}', b. in New Ireland, P. (^., Jan. 13, 1871. m. Juh' 2, 18'J4, Florence Mabel, dau. of Olin J. Moone}' (See), b. in DalLon, Dec. 7, 1873. He has res. in L. since 188G. Laborer. Cii., b. in L., — i. Edward F., b. Oct. ."0, 1897. ii. Kathkrine L., b. May 21, 1900. THOMAS. 1. Henry Thomas, son of Abram, b. in Bath, April 2, 1811. m. Eveline, dan. of Ebenezer Farr '^ {^^^), b. in L. ]March 9, 1809, d. in IJethlehem, Jan. G, 188G. He res. in L. from 1810 nntil he d., Nov. 30, 18(52. Mechanic and hotel-keeper. Universalist. Democrat. A. F. and A. M., Bnrns Lodge. Ch., all but Sarah, b. in L., — i. Sarah R., b. Bath, May 27, 1838. m. Dec. 23, 18G1, Lyman B. Seavey, miller. He d. Wliitelield, April 26, 1881. ii. HiiNRY L., b. 1840. iii. Charles H., b. April 19, 1842, d. L. April 25, 1845. iv. POLLEN M., b. Sept. 5, 1843. m. Henry C. Libbcy (See). THOMPSON. 1. Lt'THER TnoMrsox, b. in 1767. m. first, Beiilah White, b. in 1708, d. July 18, 1825, Cong. m. second, Mehitable Pett}', b. in 1778, d. Aug. 19, 18G0. He came to L. from Francestown in 1800, and res. in J^. until he d., Feb. 8, 1855. Farmer. Cong. The wife of Asa Lewis was a sister of Luther Thompson. Ch., b\' w. Beulah, ^ i. Ltdia, b. iMay 6, 1790. m. James Dow (See). 2. ii. Asa Lewis, b. Francestown, 1794. 3. iii. Samdel, b. Francestown, March 2, 1796. iv. Haxxah, b. L. m. Abijah J. VVhitinore (See). V. Beulah, m. Jan. 7, 1822, Elislia Bris>gs. res. N. Y. vi. Eveline, ni. Aug. 25, 1827, Oliver JNlorse, laborer, res. L. vii. LuTHKR, m. May 2, 1827, Elniira Dagirett. Laborer, res. Mich. viii. Caroline E., b. L. 1810. m. Calvin French Cate (See). i.x. Adeline, b. L. 1813. m. Sept. 3, 1840, Harry Baxter, general trader, res. Barton, Vt. 2. Asa Lewis Tho.mpsox, son of Luther \ b. in Francestown in 1794. m. in 1817 Nancy W., dan. of James Williams ^ (See), b. in L. March 12, 1800, d. in L.'^Feb. 20, 1872, Methodist. He res. in L. from 1800 until he d., April 15, 1875. Farmer. Kei)ublican. Appointed Ensign 5th Co., 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, April 22, 1825 ; declined, Mav 20, 1826. Ch., b. in L., — i. Nancy Williams, b. Jan. 29, 1818. m. Lutlier B. Towne (See). ii. Mary Lewis, b. April 25, 1819. m. William Henry Page, merchant. He d. 1855. She d. Concord, Nov. 29, 1853. iii. Asa Lewis, b. Fel). 10, 1824. Laborer, d. L. Nov. 29, 1850. iv. Laban TiFFT, b. Feb. 13, 1827. m. Smith. Driver. He d. Haver- hill, May 1*5, 1895. She d. July 20, 1872. VOL. II. — 31 482 Thompson. V. George Washington, b. July 12, 1828. m. Mary Child. Sailor. He (1. Cal. 185C). 4. vi. Mehrill Williams, b. May 29, 1831. vii. Isaac Frye, b. 188o. m. Kami. Insurance agent, res. Quincv, 111., 1891. viii. Laura West, b. 1836, d. L. Aug. 1857. ix. William Douglass, b. April 4, 1839. ni. Nov. 5, 1864, Almira Allen, dau. of Oilman Farr (See). 3. Samuel Thompson, son of Luther \ b. in Francestown, March 2, 1796. ni. first, Oct. 181(3, Persis Nourse, b. in Keene in 1798, d. in L. Feb. 1821. ni. second, Sally Richardson. He res. in L. from March 2, 1800, until he d., Feb. 17, 1847. Ch., by w. Persis, b. in L., — i. Samuel F., b. Nov. 8, 1817. m. Mary (Hunt) Preseott, b. Nov. 23, 1814, dau. of Jolin Hunt of Laconia, and widow of Samuel Preseott. He d. L. May 7, 1878. ii. Alvira C, b. Oct. 25, 1819. ni. Oct. 28, 1848, Albert Pressey, tinsmith, res. Canaan. Ch., by w. Sail}', b. in L., — iii. William, b. Jan. 22, 1822, d. Lisbon. Dec. 1, 1847. iv. Eveline, b. Jan. 14, 182(j, d. Lisbon, Jan. 18, 1842. V. Horace, !>. Mav 14, 1827. d. L. Jidv 22, 1828. vi. Horace F., b. May 11, 1828, d. Ai.ril 13, 1853. vii. John Iiichardson, b. May 4, 1833. m. first, Sophronia Armin. ii. M.\i:tiia J., b. Feb. 20, 1872. ni. John Seace, fireman, res. Concord, iii. liiLEY A., b. March 19, 1874. res. L. Tihhcfts — Tifft — Tdton. 483 TIBBETTS. 1. Edwin TrimEXTS, son of William, b. in Warren, Nov. 12, 18,")6. m. April 3, 188(;, Katie, dau. of William R. Elliott (See), b. in Dal- ton, Oct. 12, 1869. He has res. in L. since 1882. Section band. Democrat. Cb., — i. 1?LANCHE Lillian, b. Samlwicli, Mny 10, 1887. ii. Geohge KnwiN, b. Daltoii, April '1, 1890. iii. Edie E., b. L. March 1, 18'J4. TIFFT. 1. Laban Tifft, son of Samuel, b. in Providence, R. T., Feb. 11, 1786. ni. first, I'atience, b. in 1791, d. Jan. 20, 1815. m. second, Jan. 13, 1817, Betsev, dau. of James Williams', b. in L. Nov. 171)6, d. L. May 2, 187.3. He res. in L. from 1812 until be d., May 18, 1882. A. F. and A. M., Morning Dawn and Burns Lodge. Cb., b. in L., — i. Haurif.t Frances, b. Sept. 5, 1810. m. Burton Gilman Townc (Sec). ii. Mary B., b. 1812. m. May 16, 1841, David B. Stevens. He d. July 1-', 1858. She d. Nov. 15. 185li. iii. Patience, b. Oct. 1817, d. L. Mav 30, 1836. . iv. Amanda, b. May 25, 1822. ni. Curtis Leander Albee'^ (See). V. Phebe Jane, b. Mav 21, 1824. ni. Ralph Bugbee '■' (See). vi. Franklin, b. May, 1828, d. L. Feb. 2, 1842. TILTON. Tbe name Tilton comes from " Aelmar" tbe Saxon. Soc, man or Lord of Tik'tone in Leicestershire, was the first to take the name, a. d. 1040. The family record during the "■ Crusades" and later wars was good. The noble family of LMgby are from tbe Tiltons, and the\' bore tbe name of Digby de Tilton as late as laOO. Tlie landed estates of the Tiltons at Tilton, Eng., were not disposed of until 1639, when small farms were made from the estates. The old church, now restored at Tillon, was built by the family in early days, and all the early members of the family are buried in the churchyard, and their tombs are still in existence. 1. William Tilton, an emigrant from England, with wife Susanna settled in Lynn, JMass., about 1640, where be d. 1(')53. His widow m. second, Roger Shaw of Hampton. Slie d. Jan. 28, 1655. 2. Daniel Tilton, son of William ^ b. about 1646, removed with his mother to Hamjjton, where be resided through life. \n 1667 be was granted leave " to sitt downe as a smith." His shop was in the south part of the town, now IIam[)ton Falls. He was a selectman of Hamp- ton, 1692, and ensign in the Colonial wars and an assembl3-man for the sessions: convened Oct. 18, 16!)3, dissolved INLiy 24, 1694; convened Nov. (5, 1695, dissolved July 23, 1696; convened Jan. 12, 1702,3, dis- solved Dec. 11, 1703 ; and the session convened June 30, 1709. He was Speaker of the Assembly which convened in Jan. 1702/3. He m. Dec. 23, 1669, Mehilable Sanborn. He d. Feb. 10, 1714/5. Eleven ch. 484 Tilton. 3. Joseph Tilton, son of Daniel'-, b. March 5, 1677. m. Dec. 26, 1008, Margaret 8herburne, b. Feb. 15, 1679, dau. of Samuel and Love (Hutcliins) Sherlnirnc of Hampton. She d. July 1, 1717. m. second, Dec. T), 1717, Elizabeth (Ililliard) Shaw, b. Sept. 29, 1679, dau. of Timotliy and Apphia (Philbrick) HilHard, and widow of Caleb Shaw. Slie d. April 19, 1724. m. third, June 17, 1725, Elizabeth (Chase) Ililliard, b. 1684, dau. of Joseph and Rachel (Partridge) Chase, and Aviduw of Benjamin Hilliard. He lived in Hampton Falls, was a cap- tain, moderator, 1720, and selectman, 1720 and l73o. He d. 1744. 4. Timothy Tilton, son of Joseph', b. in Hampton Falls, Oct. 4, 1718. m. Dec. 25, 1746, Martha Boynton. He lived twenty-five years in East Kingston, removing about 1772 to Loudon. Selectman, 1775. 5. Joseph Tilton, son of Timothy'*, b. in East Kingston, Sept. 7, 1748. His first wife d. April 20, 1783. m. second, Cosiah Bagley, d. iu Danville, Vt. He res. in East Kingston ; was styled Col. as earl}' as 1780, and served on the Governor's staff after 1800. d. in Danville, Vt. 6. Joseph Tilton, son of Joseph^, b. in East Kingston, April 19, 1781. m. Dec. 3, 1812, Sally B., dau. of John and Hannah (Clifford), Tilton, b. in Shipton, P. Q,, Dec. 7, 1791, d. in L. Dec. 29, 1875, Cong. He res. in L. from 1847 until he d., Sept. 2, 1864. Farmer. Cong. Whig and Repul)lican. Ch., b. in Danville, Vt, — i. SiTSAN French, b. Nov. 20, 181.3. m. Cyrus Eastman (See). 7. ii. Franklin, b. Sept. 12, 181-5. iii. Mary Ann, b. Aug. 23, 1817, rl. Danville, Vt., Aug. 21, 1850. iv. Martha, b. Aug. 17, 1819, d. Danville, Vt., Feb. 22, 1843. V. Joseph, b. Dec. 7, 1825, d. Danville, Vt., April 9, 1832. 8. vi. Henry Lowell, b. May 3, 1828. 7. Franklin Tilton, son of Joseph®, b. in Danville, Vt., Sept. 12, 1815. m. June 17, 1847, Laura Olive, dau. of Sylvauus Balch (See), 1). in Concord, Vt., June 24, 1820, d. iu St. Johnsbury, Vt., May 24, 1873, Cong. He res. in L. from 1840 until he d., March 22, 1867. Merchant. Cong. Republican. J. P. Fire ward, 1850. Ap[)ointed Postmaster, June 27, 1849. Ch., b. in L.,— i. John Franklin, b. May 29, 1848. unm. res. L. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, Master, 1884. K. T., St. Gerard Com. ii. William Henrv, b. Jan. 23, 1852. m. Oct. 12, 1896, Maggie Dunn. Merchant, res. San Francisco, Cal. 9. iii. Frederick Albert, b. July 19, 1855. iv. Mary Balch, b. Sept. 1, 1857. unm. d. L. Nov. 12, 1892. V. Carrie Louise, b. Oct. 29, 18G3. m. Millard Fillmore Young (See). 8. Henry Lowell Tilton, son of Joseph '', b. in Danville, Vt., May 8, 1828. m. Oct. 11, 1855, Caroline Adelia, dau. of William Brackett (See), b. in L. Nov. 4, 1831, Episcopal. He has res. in L. since 1847. Banker. E[)iscopal. Rei)ulilican. Representative, 1885-6. Presi- dential Elector, 18.S0. Col. on Gov. Straw's staff, 1872. Member and Treasurer of Boaixl of Education, Union District, 1868 to 74 inc. Vice- Prest. L. Nation.al Bank, 1877 to 89 inc., Director, 1871 to 6 inc. Vice-Prest. L. Savings Bank, 1881 to 9 inc., Director, 1871 to 80 inc. Tilton — TiinHon — Titus. 485 Clininnan of Exociitive Com., L. jMiisical Associali(Mi, 1S70-1-2-O-5- G-7 '8-9-80- 1-2. Cli., b. ill li., — i. Laui!A Isamki.la, h. Sept. (>, l!S-',8, d. L. Feb. 28, 187G. 10. ii. Gkokgk lIioNKV, b. Nov. o, 18(ii). 9. FuKDicuicic Alhkut Tii.tox, son of Fnuiklin ", h. in L. .I11I3' 1!), 18.")"). m. June 10, 1875, Hattie Grace, dan. of Eli D. Sawyer (Sec), b. ill L. Oct. oO, 187)7. She in. .second, Thomas Preston Lindsey, Spokane, ^Vash. Frederick res. in L. from birth to 1888. ^lerchant. Republican. Fire ward, 1880-1. d. in Spokane, Wash., May oO, 18!);3. Ch.,— i. Lauua Ijkli.e, b. L. A{)ril 8, 187G. res. Spokane, Wa.sh. ii. I''kankmn I'lKKCic, 1). L. Mareii 4, 1880. ill. Hkukcca, b. L. A])ril 18, 1882. iv. William Henuy, b. Spokane, Wash., May 21, 18!)2. 10. GEOK(iK Henry Tilton, son of Henry Lowell**, b. in L. Nov. 3, 18()0. m. June 7, 1888. Cora Winona, dau. of Joseph S. Frye (See;, b. in \\\aterford, Vt., April 15, 18G0, Episco[)al. He lias res. in L. all his life. Heal estate. E[)isco[)al. Republican. Treasurer L. jNIusical Association, l894-.")-6. Member Boartl of Education, Union District, 1897) to date. Ch., — i. Geokgk Henry, b. Spokane, Wasli., March 29, 1891. TIMSON. 1. WiLLT.\M Ti:\rsoN, son of William, b. in St. Albans, Eng., Dec. .'), 18(;.'>. m. May 7, 1888, Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Bean, b. in Bethlehem, Feb. 11, 18G0. He has res. in L. since 1885. Glover. PLpiscopul. Re[)iil)licaii. K. P. Ch., b. ill L., — i. William Frederic, b. June 14, 1891. ii. Lawrence Thomas R., b. Aug. 17, 1893. TITUS. 1. Jeremy Titus, b. Lyman, Aug. 7, 1812. ni. first, Dec. 19, 1837, Mary Hunt. She d. Bath. Nov. 22,' 1842. m. second, March IG, 1843, Cynthia C, dau. of Jonathan E. Ward (See), b. CoUimbiii, March 28, 1825, d. Haverhill, Jul\- 17, 1887. He now res. Newport, R. I. Cii., by w. Mary, — i. LvDiA J., b. Lisbon, IMarcli 29, 1840. m. Sept. 19, 1857, S. B. St. Clair. res. Haverliill. ii. Algustin C, b. Bath, April 28, 1842. m. Dec. 9, 1863, Nettie J. Cogs- well, res. Newport, R. I. Ch., by w. Cynthia, — iii. Mary F., b. Bath, Sept. 2, 1844. m. Jan. 10, 18G2, Andrew J, French. res. Haverhill, iv. WoosTEK B., b. Bath, April 10, 1846. ni. Feb. 25, 1869, Ardell II. French, res. Haverhill. V. Hattie E., b. Balh, Oct. 8, 1818, ni. Ray T. Gile (See). vi. Isaac Walton, b. Bath, Feb. I'J, 1852. m. Sept. 13, 1882, Augusta T. Brown, res. Lynn, Mass. 486 Titus— Towne. vii. Amy E., b. Batli, Jan. 28, 1855. m. Nov. 1, 1882, Willey E. Dearth. res. Haverhill. Tiii. Martha Jane, b. Haveriiill, Nov. 21, 1857. m. Nov. 16, 1880, Charles H. Knights, res. Peterboro'. ix. Katheuink B., b. Haverhill, Dec. 23, 1861. unm. Trained nurse. res. Boston, Mass. X. Wilbur \V., b. Haverhill, Nov. 3, 1865. ni. Dec. 31, 1891, Ona E. Lane, res. Laconia. TOWNE. 1. William Towne, emigrant ancestor of a numerous family, m. in Yarmoutli, Eng., March 25, 1G20, Joanna Blessing. Six of tlieir eight children were baptized in Yarmouth. The family came to New England previous to 1(540, and settled at Salem, Mass. Soon after 16.50 he removed to Topsiield, Mass., where he d. about 1672. His widow d. about 1680. 2. Jacob Towne, son of William \ b. in Yarmouth, P2ng., baptized IMarch 11, 1632. m. June 'I'o, 1657, Catherine Symonds, dan. of Jolin Svmonds. He lived in Salem and in Topsfield, Mass., wliere he d., Nov. 27, 1704. Six children. 3. Jacob Towne, son of Jacob'-, b. in Topsfield, Mass., Feb. 13, 1660. m. June 24, 1684, Phebe Smith, 1). Aug. 26, 1661, dau. of Robert Smith. He d. in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 4, 1741. His wife d. Jan. 14, 1740. Ten children. 4. Jabkz Towne, son of Jacoli^, b. in Topsfield, Mass., June 15, 1704. m. March 30, 1730, Tryphenia Dvvinnell. Lived in Boxford, ]\Iass. Removed, 1767, to Londonderr}'. He signed the Association Test, in Londonderry, 1776. He d. April 1, 178-3. Site d. April 16, 1785. Tlieir son, Jabez, Jr., d. in the French and Indian War, Massa- chusetts service, 1758. 5. Jacob Towne, son of Jabez *, b. in Topsfield, Mass., Sept. 25, 1738. He served in a Massachusetts regiment in tlie French and Indian War, and was severely wounded in tlie disastrous assault upon Fort Ticonderoga, 1758. He was concealed b}* a comrade, and escaped the scalping knife of the savage foe. He removed to Keene, and continued a residence there through life. He was one of the "Company of Foot," 1773, signed the Association Test, 1776, and in the autumn of that year he served in Capt. Whitcomb's Co., Col. Ashley's Regt., raised to re-enforce the army under Gen. Gates. He m. Dec. 9, 1762, Susannah Brown, b. 1743. She d. in Keene, May 4, 1793. He d. 1830. His descendants generally have written the name Town or Towns. 6. Amos Town, son of Jacob ^, b. in Keene, Feb. 25, 1775. m. Feb. 23, 1802, Betsev, dau. of James Wright, b. in Keene, Feb. 6, 1779, d. in L. Jan. 18, ^1868, Baptist. He res. in L. from March 18, 1802, until he d., Oct. 11, 1859. Farmer. Baptist. Whig. Selectman, 1823-4. Ch., b. in L., — 7. i. James Wright, b. Dec. 21, 1802. 8. ii. Barton Oilman, b. Aug. 1, 1809. 0. ill. LtiTHEu Brown, b. Dec. 7, 1814. 10. iv. BoBY Curtis, b. June 8, 1817. v. Emily Bonney, b. Oct. 30, 1822. ni. April 16, 1843, Austin Buck, hotel proprietor. He d. L. about 18GG. HP^ 1>AKI()\ (;. Town. Toivn. 487 7. James Wkkjht Town, son of Amos'"', b. in L. Doc. 21, 1802. ni. Jan. 2."), 1827, Lncinda, dan. of Levi Ilildretli (See), b. in L. Jan. 28, 1806, d. in L. Feb. 18, 188G, B:ii)tist. lie res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Baptist. Re[)uhlican. d. in L. April 3, 1887. Cli., b. in L., — i. Ckpiivs Bk\civI.;tt, b. Nov. 29, 18J7. ni. first, Sarah Aldricli, il. 1.. iMarcli 20, 18(51. m. sfcoiid. S\isan Bedell. Fanner. He d. L. Jan. It), 1881. She d. July 80, 18!);{. Lieut, ^th Co., 32d Uegt. N. II. Militia, from May, 185o, to the lepeal ot 'militia law. ii. William Amos, b. Feb. 2(), 1880, d. L. Oct. 9, 18(52. 11. ill. Alo.vzo Edwin, b. Auij. 1(5, 1882. iv. LuzKLLA Maria, b. June 25, 18;>5. m. Rufus Sniitli " (See). V. Betsey Wright, b. Feb. 13, ISiO. m. Madison lligujns'' (See). 8. Barton Oilman Town, son of Amos*"', b. in L. Aug. 1, 1809. in. Feb. 9, 1834, Harriet Frances, dau. of Laban Titft (See), b. in Scituate, R. I., Sept. o, 1810, d. in Lancaster, Dec. 10, 1880. He res. in L. from birth to 1833. Farmer. Capt. 5th Co., 32d Regt. N. H. ]Militia, A[)ril 2G, 18.34; vacated Sept. 27, 1834. Selectman of Lan- caster, 1840-1-5-9-73-7.5. Member State Board of Agriculture, d. in Lancaster, Feb. 20, 1881. Ch., — i. Francis Lahax, b. Jefferson, Feb. 11, 1880. unm. D.irt. Coll., Chand- ler Scientific Dept., Class of 185(5; Grad. from Dart. Med. Coll., 1800. Entered Meil. Department U. S. A. as Asst. Surgeon; served through War of Rebellion and several Indian campaigns, and rose to rank of Col. and Asst. Surgeon (jen. U. S. Army. Retired, res. summer Lancaster, winter San Antonio, Te.xas. ii. Maria Patience, b. Lancaster, April 26, 1888. m. March 4, 1868, Frank Rugbee, M. D. He d. Lancaster, Sept. 6, 1880. She d. Lan- caster, July 21, 1880. Ch., Hattie Maria, b Nov. 19, 186.5, d. July 1.5. 1880. (Biog. F'rank Bugbee by C. B.Jordan; Fergusson's Hist. Coos Co., p. 897.) 9. Lltukk Brown Town, son of Amos *^, b. in L. Dec. 7, 1814. m. Nov. 27, 1839, Nancy Williams, dan. of Asa Lewis Thompson (See), b. in L.Jan. 29, 1818, d. in L. May 13, 1887. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Selectman, 1S5G-7. J. F. Appointed Lieut. 5th Co., 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, Dec. 21, 1836; vacated March 17, 1839. Ch., — 12. i. Henrv Guy (Carlton), b. L. March 28, 1813. (Adopted.) 10. RoBY Curtis Town, son of Amos®, b. in L. June 3, 1817. m. first. Dec. 4, 1839, Abigail G., dan. of Benjamin W. Pearsons, b. in Sanbornton, June 3, 1817, d. in L. Feb. 18, 1850, Methodist, ni. second, Sept. 19, 1850, Marcy G., dau. of Luther Hoskins (See), b. in L. Dec. 11, 1817, d. in L. Jan. 1, 1879, INIethodist. ni. third. May 1, 1880, p]lvira E., dau. of Simeon Remick (See), b. in L. Aug. 14, 1837, INIethodist. She d. in L. June 2, 1899. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Methodist. Republican. Appointed Capt. 5th Co., 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, April 8, 1839 ; vacated Feb. 10, 1841. Selectman, 18.35. J. P. L O. O. F. Ch. , by w. Abigail, b. in L., — i. Mary Ellen, b. Aug. 18, 1840. m. first, John AY. Savage. Divorced, m. second, Frank C. Scott, farmer. She d. Webster, Neb., July 29, 1883. 488 Town. H. Elmokk Grant, b. Nov. 19, 1849. ni. Susan Sylvia Swett. Farmer. He <1. L. Aug. 28, 1884. iii. Fkanklin (Pingree), 1). Man^li 30, 1844, laborer, d. Petersham, Mass., July 4, 1875. Co. I, 1st N. H. H. Art. Private. Adopted. Son of Job Pingree *^ (See). 11. Alonzo Edwin Town, son of James Wright'^, b. in L. Aug. IG, 1832. in. first, Dee. 26, 1859, Elizabeth Plates, d. in Lerov, Kas., March 20, 18G2. m. second, Oct. 27, 1867, Sina Howard, \lau. of George Aldrich 1° (See), b. in L. Sept. 6, 18-19, d. in L. Ang. 29, 1872. m. third, Feb. 26, 1876, Mar}', dan. of Florence Sullivan, b. in Ireland, Feb. 1, 1848. He res. in L. all his life except a few years in Kas. Farmer, d. in L. Dec. 20, 1881. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., by w. Elizabeth, — i. Ida May, b. Kas. Dec. 15, 18G1, d. Leroy, Kas., March 8, 1SG2. Ch., l\y w. Sina, — ii. Lizzie L., b. L. Feb. 4, 18G9. d. in L. Jan. 11, 1900. Ch., by w. Mar}', — iii. Helen May, b. L. Dec. 9, 1876. m. Nov. 9, 1897, Charles W. Gleed. res. L. iv. Edwin A., b. L. Jan. 27, 1879. 12. Henuy Gut Town, adopted son of Luther Brown ^, and son of Guy Carleton, b. in L. March 28, 1843. m. July 2, 1864, Ellen Martha, dan. of James W. INIerrill (See), b. in L. Aug. 16, 1846. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., b. in L., — 1. l!>A May, b. July 4, 18(55. m. Solon Albert Frye (See). ii. Luther Lehoy, b. June 17, 1807. m. Jan. 26, 1895, Clara Choquette. Laborer, res. L. iii. Grace j\L\rtha, b. March 2, 1869. iv. George Henry, b. June 17, 1872. res. L. v. Charles Horace, b. April 14, 1874, d. April 29, 1892. 13. Samuel Town, grandson of Jacob ^ b. in L. Feb. 1807. m. first, June 1, 1826, Lovica, dan. of Ebenezer Farr^ (See), b. in Chester- field in 1804, d. in L. Dec. 1852. m. second, April 30, 1855, Lovina Watson, b. in Vt. in 1819, d. in L. March 8, 1871. He res. in L. from birtli to 1874. Farmer. Democrat, d. in Dalton, Sept. 1882. Ch., by w. Lovica, b. in L., — i. Alvira, b. 1827. m. Jesse Mardiiie, farmer, res. Dalton. ii. Caroline, b. 1828. m. Niles Miner, laborer, iii. Maria, b. Oct. 19, 1834. m. J. H. Rounsevel, laborer. She res. Wiiitefield. iv. William, b. April 18, 1837, d. L. May 1, 1867. 14. V. Charles Frederick, b. Oct. 14. 1839. vi. I'OLLV, b. April 7, 1842. ni. first, Charles Dvke, Private, Co. R, 18th N. H. Inf., d. Wasliington, D. C, Feb. 18, 1865. m. second, William Symonds, mechanic, res. Bartlett. vil. Norman, b. Aug. 26, 1844, Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Private, d. Ports- mouth, Va., Aug. 3, 1863. 14. Charles Fuederick Town, son of Samuel ^^ b. in L. Oct. 14, 1839. m. first, Feb. 14, 1865, Julia Ann, dan. of Levi B. Harlow, b- in Charlestown, Sept. 18, 1845, d. in Whitefield, Oct. 27, 1886. m- second, June 17, 1895, Elizabeth Sulor, b. in Canada in 1841, Metho- Ll'thek 15. Town. Toim — Trash — Tromlleii — Tulip. 489 (list. lie has res. in L. all his life except lour ^ears. Farmer. Democrat. Ch., by w. Julia, — i. Elmika, 1). Ik'tlileheni, Jan. IG, 18G7. ni. James Burns, laborer, res. IJetlilt'liem. ii. Cecil J., b. L. Dec. 2, 1877. res. L. TRASK. 1. AuTHiiK Edward Trask, son of Luther "W., b. in Kiveilon, Conn., July ^31, J «()(). ni. Jnly 10, 1880, Carrie, clan, of John .Mor- rison Gilfin, b. in llardvvick, Vt., Oct. 20, 18G0. He has res. in L. since 1889. Clover. Democrat. Ch., — i. IVIixNiE MicKLE, b. St. Johiishury, Vt., Sept. 2\, 1883. ii. Viola Dakling, b. L. Dec. 28, ib89. TROMBLEY. TREMBLAY. 1. Cvi'RiAN Trombley, son of Cyi)rian, 1). in Clarcnceville, P. (^, Jan. 2G, 18G0. m. Oct. 15, 1888, I.,aura Eliza, dan. of Norman B. Tabor, b. in Haverhill, March 14, 18G5, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1882. Barber. Republican. 1. O. O. P., N. G. Ch., b. in L., — i. IIahold Bkeklky, b. Oct. 2(3, 1889. ii. Cakuoll CvfitiAN, b. Feb. 6, 1892. TULIP. LATULIPPE. 1. John Tulip, son of John, b. in Quebec, Oct. 1840. m. June 24, 18G1, Adaline, dan. of .John B. Balduc, 1). in Lake St. Francis, Canada, April 15, 1841, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1875. Tan- nei'. Roman Catholic. Republican. Ch.,— i. Mary Rilla, b. f'ookshire, P. Q., May 11, 186.3, d. Cooksbire. P. Q., Dec. 29, 1870. ii. Lucy, b. Cooksliire, P. Q., Jan. 6, 1865. ni. Feb. 1881, Rennie Buffonl, tanner, res. L. iii. Edward, b. Cooksbire, P. Q., Oct. 28, 1807. ni. .Ian. 1, 1884, Virginia llamel. Brakenian. He d. Lincoln, Neb., Julv 28, 1890. iv. Meddik, b. Cooksbire, P. Q., Oct. 181)9. d. Cooksliire, P. Q., Feb. 1871. V. Nellie, b. Cooksliire, P. Q., May, 1871, d. L. Dec. 28, 1885. vi. Fred, b. Cooksliire, P. Q., July 3, 1873. res. L. vii. Clara, b. L. Nov. 10, 1875. res. L. viii. Geokgianna, b. L.Feb. 16, 1877. ix. Charles, b. L. Sept. Iti, 1879, d. Aug. 1880. X. Ida, b. L. Sept. 14. 1881. xi. Alphonse, b. L. Feb. 16, 1884. 2. William Tulir, son of .John, 1). in St. Lazare, Canada, ^Fai'ch 29, 1861. m. Aug. 28, 1883, P^nima Gignere, b. in St. Mary, Caiuida, Oct. 19, 1856, Methodist. He has res. in L. since 1886. Glover. Methodist. 490 Tulip — Tunneij — Tattle. Ch., — i. Napoleon, b. Canada, June 14, 1884, d. L. Aug. 5, 1891. ii. Willie, b. Canada, Feb. 1, 188G. iii. Jeruv, b. Canada, Sept. 8, 1887. iv. Henry, b. L. Dee. 30, 1889. V. luA, b. L. Sept. 29, 1891. TUNNEY. 1. John Tunney, son of Patiick, b. in Ireland, March, 1827. m. Jiuie, 1852, Ellen, dau. of Patrick Murphy, b. in Ireland, Nov. 1827. She has res. in L. since 1893, Roman Catholic. He res. in L. but a short time. Farmer. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Co. B, 11th Vt. Inf. d. in L. May 12. 1893. Ch., b. in Addison, Vt., — i. Patrick, b. Nov. G, 1855. ni. Feb. 1891, ^lary Kizer. Laborer, res. Berlin Falls. ii. Annie, b. Aug. 18, 1856. m. Edward Elislia Burnhani (See), iii. Minnie, b. May 6, 18G6. unm. res. L. iv. John, b. April 24, 1868. lu. Jan. 11, 1897, Isabel J. Burns, res. L. TUTTLE. The name has been spelled in numerous ways, some of the more common being : Tuthill, Tuttil, Tutall, Tuttell, Tutle, Tottle, Tothill, etc., but the last named seetns to be the correct one, meaning " Tiie Hill of God." There are many eminences in Eng. bearing the name of Tothill, and the present way of spelling is a corruption of it. (The Tuttle Family, by George F. Tuttle, New Haven, Conn.) 1. John Tuttle, bro. of Richard, of Boston, b. in I^ngland. ni. Joanna . He emigrated to America and settled in Ipswich, Mass., as early as 1635. Representative, 1644 ; made freeman, March 13, 1639. He went to Ireland about the time the disheartened colonists of New Haven, Conn., were negotiating for the city of Galloway for a future home ; established himself advantageously there, and was joined hy his wife in 1G54. He d. in Carrickfergus, Ireland, Dec. 30, 1656. 2. SnioN Tuttle, son of .John \ b. in 1637. m. first, in 1659, Joan, dau. of Tliomas Burnham. ni. second, in 1662-3, Sarah, dau, of John Cogswell, d. Jan. 24, 1732. In 1678, he had a right of commonage in Il)swich, Mass. d. Jan. 1692. 3. Simon Tuttle, son of Simon'", b. Sept. 17, 1667. m. June 16, 1696, Mary, dau. of Samuel Rogers, b. Sept. 16, 1672. He removed to Littleton, Mass., in 1720. 4. John Tuttle, son of Simon '^. m. Sarah . 5. Jonathan Tuttle, son of John 4, b. in Littleton, Mass., Sept. 30, 1753. m. Aug. 6, 1781, Catherine Gray, of Salem, Mass. Rev. sol- dier ; in battles of Trenton and Princeton. He removed to Landaff about 1807. Tuttle. 491 6. TIoKATio TuTTiJC, son of JonatlKin ■', b. in Ijiltleton, iMuss., Dee. 22, 17D0. ni. about 1812, Betsey Tlionias, of Acton, Mass., d. Oct. 1, 1842. lie was a blacksmith, res. in Littleton, Mass., three years, worked in Bath for a time, then removed to Colebrook. lie d. in Bar- net, Vt., while awav for medical treatment, Dec. 31, 1842. Ch.,— i. Jonathan, b. April G, 1814. Blacksmith, d. Aug. 184:1 ii. John Lkiguton, b. Sept. 22, 1815. Machinist. lied, in Pateisoii, N. J., ].st;:i. 7. iii. CiiAiu,KS Martin, b. Eaton, P. Q., Feb. 18, 1818. 8. iv. Socuatks, b. Colebrook, Nov. Ill, 181!». V. lii.iZAHiCTii, b. Mav 0, 18"i2. in. K. A. Harwood. res. Worcester, Ma.«s. vi. William A., b. May 8, 1824. Mercliant. He d. Paterson, N. J., 18(39. vii. Horatio Gatks, b. April 22, 1827. Carpenter. viii. Cathkrine (jray, b. April 22, 1827. in. Nelson, teacher. Slie d. Paterson,N. J., April, 1877. i.Y. i\Iary, b. Aug. 2.], LSoO. in. John Sargent (See). 7. Chaules Martin Tuttle, son of Horatio '', b. in Eaton, P. Q., Feb. 18, 1818. ni. first, June 5, 1845, Mary E., dan. of E|)hraiin Place, d. in Concord. Divorced, Jan. 1, 18r>8. m. second, March 17, 185'.), Elizabeth Roach Arnold, b. in New Bedford, Mass., Methodist, m. third, March 27, 18H2, Liithera, dan. of Al[)heus Moulton, b. in Lyman, Dec. 9, 1841, Unitarian. He was educated in the common schools of Colebrook and Barnet, Vt., and attended tlie Peacham, Vt., Academy ; later he studied medicine with his inicle Socrates Tuttle and William Nelson, in Barnet, Vt , and attended lectures at the Vt. Medical Coll., Woodstock, Vt, from which he graduated in 1840. Dart. Coll. gave him the degree of A. M. in 1808. He then settled in L. the same year, where he practised, regidar school, all his life, except five years spent in New Bedford, Mass., and a short time in a N. Y. hospital. He was a member of the White Mountain and ]\Ioosilauke IMedical Societies, and has been Prest. of each. Unitarian. Democrat. Bep- resentative, 1805. Board of Health, 1873 to 84 inc. ]\Iemi>er State Board of Agi'iculture, 187!) to 82. Meml)er P>oard of Education, Union District, 1875-6-7. Ai)pointed Sm-geon o2d Regt. N. H. Militia, Sept. 4, 1844. d. in L. May 13, 1887. Ch., b}' w. Mary, b. in L., — i. Alice, b. Oct. 14. 1849. m. Frank Tifft Moffett (See). ii. Mary Belle, b. 1855. unm. res. Fort Wayne, Ind. Ch., b}' w. Luthcra, b. in L., — - iii. Alpheus Moulton, b. Oct. 4, 1864. res. Boston, Mass. iv. Elizabeth Arnold, b. July 27, 18G(J. in. William Joiinstone Beattio (See). V. Mary Sargent, b. Dec. 22, 18G7. unm. res. L. vi. Jennie Hobaht, b. March 18, 1873. unm. Local Editor Ixepublic- Journal. res. E. 8. Socrates Tuttle, son of Horatio'', b. in Colebrook, Nov. 1'.), 1819. m. first, May 23. 1848, Jane, dan. of Baltus Winters, d. June 14, 1849. m. second, Nov. 1852, Jlary, dau. of William Dickey, (L Aug. 25, 1809. m. third, Elizabeth A,,, widow of Dr. F. S. Weller. Socrates learned the blacksmith trade, but soon commenced tiie study of law, and became a prominent lawyer in Patersou. N. J., where he continued in practice until he d., Feb. 12, 1885. He was Mayor of 492 Tuttle — Twomhly — Underwood. Paterson in 1871-2, and Repr. in tlie Legislature in 18G1-2, and held other ollices. Whig and Republican. Presbyterian. Ch., by w. Jane, — i. Jennik, b. Paterson, N. J. ni. 1SG9, Garret A. Hubart, Vice-Prest. of the U. S. res. I'aterson, N. J. Ch., by \v. Mar}^, b. in Paterson, N. J., — . ii. C'harles M. iii. William D. iv. Minnie, d. in infancy. V. Elizabeth Mukray, d. when three years old. vi. Lillian, d. wlien seven years old. \ii. Augustus Hobart. TUTTLE. 9. RoisEUT Tuttle, son of Robert and Elizabeth J. (Coffin) Tuttle, h. in Lancaster, Nov. 16, 18GG. ni. Sept. 8, 1897, L^le D. Glovier, dan. of Ivory Glovier, of Franconia. He is a merchant in this town. Unitarian. Republican. A. F. and A. M., North Star Lodge. K. T. Ch.,— i. Helen D., b. June 14, 1898. TWOMBLY. 1. Isaac TwoMBLY, b. in Barrington, June 12, 1782. m. ElizaVieth , b. in Gilmanton, May 19, 1780, d. in Bethlehem, Feb. 28, 1857. He res. in L. from 1807 to 1851. Farmer, d. in Bethlehem, June 26, 1857. Ch., b. in L., — i. Mary, b. Jan. 30, 1810. ni. Asapli Whitcomb, -farmer. She d. Betlde- hem, Dec. 17, 1890. ii. William W., b. Sept. 17, 1813, d. L. June 22, 1826. 2. iii. Isaac, b. Oct. 8, 1815. iv. Betsey, b. Oct. 12, 1821. ni. David Morrison. Shed. Lunenburg, Vt., April, 1895. 2. Isaac Twomuly, son of Isaac \ b. in L. Oct. 8, 1815. m. June 25, 1843, Polly C. Barber, b. Oct. 31, 1819, d. in Bethlehem, Feb. 2, 1881. He res. in L. from birth to 1846. Farmer, d. in Bethlehem, Sept. 2, 1883. Ch., b. in Sheffield, Vt., — i. Celista Ann, b. July 9. 1848. m. May 18, 1878, James A. F. Hughes, farmer, res. Bethlehem, ii. George B., b. Dec. 1850, d. Betlilehem, June 4, 1866. UNDERWOOD. 1. Joseph Underwood, an emigrant from p]ngland, was of Hingham, Mass., 1837, and later of Watertown, Mass., where he was admitted freeman, 1645. He d. in Watertown, Feb. 16, 1676, aged about 62. " Goodwife Underwood wife of Joseph Underwood dyed Jan. 28 1667." The pi-obate records name the children : Joseph, Thomas, Sarah, Han- nah, Elizabelh, and Martha. Underwood. 493 2. JosKPii U\T)Ki;w()on, sou of -Tosepli^, b. in "Walci'towii, iVIass., ir>r)(), (1. in Reading, Mass., IGIJl. His will names wile Elizabeth and cliildi-eii: John, Joseph, Jonathan, Joshua, Maiy, Hannah, and Eliza- beth. 3. JosKPH UxPERWOOP, son of Joseph'-, b. in AVatertown, IMass., May 28, 1681. n;. in Heading, Mass., 1707, Susannah Tarker, b. I(i87, dau. of Nathaniel and Bethiah (PoUe}') Parker of Reading. He livetl a few years in Reading, and removed, about 171'), to Westford, Mass. " He was active in all public affairs and was evidently a man of char- acter and inlluence."' He was a farmer and innholder. He d. in Westford, Jan. 2!», 17G1. John Underwood of Bradfc^rd, V't., and Jeremy Underwood of Jalfrey were sons of his sou, John Underwood. 4. Ti.MOTiiv Uni)krw(»()1), son of Joseph'', b. in "Westford, i\Iass., 1724. m. Rachel Russell. He was captain of a company from AVest- ford, engaged in the Concord and Lexington light, April li), 1775. He removed from Westford to I'utne}', Vt. 5. Jamks Underwood, son of Timothy^, b. in AVcstford, INIa.ss., 1771. In his childhood his father removed to Vermont. He m. Han- nah , and lived in Springfield, Vt., until about 1815, when he removed to Swanzew He was an iiniholder, and the Underwood Tavern is an inspiration in the annals of Svvanzey. The record of the death of liis iirst wife is not secured. He m. second, Dec. G, 180'J, Mrs. Eunice Sebastian, widow of Samuel Sebastian. He tl. in Swan- zey, Feb. 4, 1832. 6. TniOTiiY Underwood, son of James''', b. in Springfield, Vt., April, 180.']. in. Ruth Burgess. For man}' years he was one of the well-known drivers of the mail coaches from Keene to Boston via Fitchburg. After the building of the Fitchburg R. R., he was projirietor of a livery stal)le in Fitchburg, Mass., where he d., Sept. 30, 18G3. Of his eleven chil- dren on!}' one has resided in this town. 7. Edward jMoxroe Underwood, son of Timothy '"', 1). in Fitchburg, Mass.. July 8, 1837. in. July 5, 18G4, Susie H., dau. of -lonathan Young, 1). in Barrington, Sei)t. 30, 1838. He res. in L. from 1871) to 18.s,S, and since 18'JG. Scythe-maker. Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. I'rivate. G. A. R. Ch., — i. IIattie L., b. Ynrmouth, Mc, Julv 29, 187G. UNDERWOOD. 8. Samuee Underwood and son Israel were warned or cautioned against settlement in L. 17'.»4. He was taxed in \j. 17'.»G, 17'J7. 9. Israel Underwood, son of SamueP, m. in L. Xov. 14, lenjamin Franklin, b. in Con- cord, Vt., Dec. 26, 186.5. m. Oct. 21, ISiH, Lillian Maud, dau. of Ed- gar Adams, b. in Runiney. Feb. 10, 1872. He res. in L. from 1890 to 1899. Station agent at L. He is now ticket agent at Laconia. Republican. A. F. and A. ]M., Burns Lodge. No ch. WALKER. \. Simeon Walker, from jNLddletown, Conn., was one of the early settlers of Peacham, Vt., and a prominent citizen. 2. Si.MEON Walker, son of Simeon i, b. in Peacham, Vt., 1786. Served in the War of 1812, was taken prisoner at Ticonderoga, and confined in a Britisli prison in Nova Scotia until released at the close 406 Walker. of the war. He was a carpenter in Peacham and Cabot, Vt. d. in L. 1SG7. His wife d. at the home of her son in L., aged 99. 3. Franklin Walker, son of Simeon ^ b. in Peaehara, Vt., Sept. 3, 1816. m. first, April 30, 1843, Caroline, dan. of Samuel Cotton, b. in Cabot, Vt., March 20, 1823, d. in L. Sept. 10, 18G1, Methodist, m. second, March 29, 1862, Martha Deborah, dau. of Noah Gile ^*^ (See), h. in L. IMarch 24, 1838, Cong. He res. in L. from 1837, until he d., Jan. 23, 1895. Farmer. Cong. Prohibition. Ch., b}' w. Caroline, b. in L., — i. Henry Frank, b. Feb. 11, 1846. m. Aug. 10, 1872, Laura Farr. Mer- chant, res. Taunton, Mass. ii. Emma Joskthine, b. May 18, 1848. res. Taunton, Mass. iii. Clara, b. May 6, 1852. m. Luther C. Wilkins (8ee). Ch., by w. Martha, b. in L., — 4. iv. Gkorge Elwin, b. Feb. 21, 1864. V. Frank Dennis, b. June 30, 1S08, d. L. July 11, 18G9. vi. WiNFRED 2s^ELSON, b. April 0, 1874, d. L. April 8, 1875. 4. George Elwin Walker, son of Franklin ^, b. in L. Feb. 21, 1864. m. April 6, 1895, Inez E., dau. of Charles Herbert, b. in Bethlehem, Nov. 16, 1870, Cong. He has res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Cong. Prohibition. N. H. Coll. of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, grad. 1888. Member School Board, 1895-6-7. (Book of Biographies, Grafton Co., p. 160.) Ch.,- i. Herbert George, b. Bethleliem, Sept. 21, 1896. WALKER. 5. Thomas Julian Walker, son of Thomas J. and Laura (Penn) Walker, b. in Belleville, III., March 12, 1856. m. Oct. 22, 18«3, Grace Emily Amelia I'arker, b. June 29, 1860, dau. of Charles and Amelia E. (Bennett) Parker (See) of Lisbon. He was page in 42d Congress; railroad acc^ounting in St. Louis, 1874-80 ; manager at New York of St. Louis "Jomnal of Commerce," 1880-81; Chief Clerk, Agricultural Division, tenth census ; clerk to U. S. Railroad Commissioners, March, 1883, to December, 1886. In January, 1887, he removed to New Hamp- shire and established "The Record " at Plymouth. World's Fair Com- missioner, 1891-93. He was one of tlio originators of the New England Summer Resort Association and active in the publications of the organ- ization. In 1895 he was appointed Bank Commissioner for term of three years and removed to Concord, where he resided through his term of ollice. He is now editor of the "• Republic-Journal," and has resided in this town since 1898. Republican. A. F. and A. M., Olive Branch Lodge. Plvmouth. K. T., Pilgrim Com'd'}'. Cii., — " i. SniRLKY Penn, b. Wasliington, D. C, Dec. 19, 1884. ii. Anne Minot, b. Lisbon, Sept. 15, 1886. Wallace. 497 WALLACE. WALLIS. 1. James "Wallis, by occ'iii)ation a wenver .iiul a fanner, was one of the colony of Scotch-Irish emigrants who gathered at Worcester, .Mass., 171.S, and a few years following. His honieslead of forty acres was in the adjoining town of Leicester, and in an ancient deed " it bounds on ^Vorcester." In ITinS, while in the possession of a son, the little farm was annexed to Worcester. James Wallis had a brother, Oliver, a ■wheelwright, who probably died about 17.")'), and an unmarried sisler, Saiah. lie d. in Leicester in 174(;, or earh' in 1747. The widow, ]\Iarv, declined administralion on llie estate, and alleged that he had then no relatives in this country. She recpiested the appointment of Hugh Thompson. She subsequently had a home with her son James, and d. in Colrain, Mass., in Feb. 17G9, aged 70 years. Ch.,— i. Agnics, b. 17-')0. 12. ii. J a:\iios, b. 17o3. u. iii. John, b. ITM. 2. Jamks Wai.ijs, son of James \ b. in Worcester or Leicester in 1 733. In 17.50, Natliau JNIoore was api)ointed guardian of James Wallis, aged 17, son of James Wallis, late of Leicester, deceased. In 175(j, Agnes Wallis, of Rutland, single woman, conveys to 'Slames Wallis, eldest son of our father," her iriterest in the homestead " of the late James Wallis of Leicester, he agreeing to support our mother iMary Wallis, now of Rutland." He m. April 8, 175(3, Mary McChdlan, b. 1734, dan. of Michael and Jane (Henry) McClellan, of Pelham. At this date he removed to the paternal homestead, which on his petition, dated 17.")7, was annexed to Worcester, 17.')iS. In 1 7(J0 he removed to Colrain, Mass. He was a deacon, a prominent man in town affairs, and a soldier in the Revolution, serving several enlistments. In a de- scrii)tive roll dated 1780, he is descril)ed : "Age, 46 years ; stature, T) ft. 5 in. ; complexion, light." A record of his death is not acces- sible. His wife d. in Colrain, June 12, 1800, aged OG. So far as known his children were, — i. .Iamks, b. in Woi-ce.stcr, July 3, 1757, soldier, d. in Colrain, Aug. '2G, 1777. ii. Henry, I), in Worcester, Sei)t. 2-], 175'J. iii. Seth, b. in t'olraiu, Dec. 4, 1761. ni. May 20, 1787, A.nn llurlburt. Lived in Colrain. iv. Michael, lie i.s named for a few j-cars in the early records of Fran- conia. He was there a titliingtuan, 17'.J7. V. John. vi. HuoH, 1). June 15, 1767, grad. Dart. Coll., 1791. m. in Hancock, Aug. 8, 1797, Mary Duncan, dau. of George and Mary (Hell) Duncan of Londonderry and I'eterborougli. He was an eminent minister, hav- ing charges at Hatii, Jte., and in the State of New Vurk. He d. at Cates, X'. Y., Sej)!. 7, 1818. 3. John Wallis, son of James ', was b. in Leicester, 173(;. The homestead was annexed to Worcester, 17.58. He m. in Relham, 31ass., Oct. 31, 17G1, Agnes Lindsey, and settled in Colrain, jMass., where there was gathered a colony of Scotch-Irish. He was a farmer and a good citizen. The Massachusetts Revolutionary War Rolls credit sev- eral enlistments and years of service to John Wallis, of Colrain. A considerable part of this service was performed by John, his eldest son. VOL. II. — u2 498 Wallace. A muster roll of Capt. McClellan's compai\y of Col. Wells' regiment of nine months' recruits, in 1777, designates John, the father, as fol- lows : " John Wallis, Colrain, stature, 5 ft. 6 in. ; hair, gray ; age, 41." There is a tradition cherished by his descendants that at the age of sixty years he came to New Hampshire with four of his children, and subsequently died in Franconia. The records of Franconia neither deny nor confirm the tradition. The records of Colrain are defective. It is possible there were other children, and if so, it remains to lie ])roven. Four children came to New Ham^jshire, and are named in order. Later generations have written the name A\ allace. Ch., b. in Colrain, Mass., — 4. i. Jonx, b. Sept. 2, 1762. 5. ii. William, b. 1767. 6. iii. David, b. April 18, 1770. iv. Kancy. m. Oct. 8, 17'J5, David Bronson, son of .Jonathan Bronson. Tliey res. in Landaff. Tlie lironson family from Southin;j;ton, Conn., were early settlers of Landaff. Tliey had four children: (1) Hiddah, b. duly 12, 17'J'.*. m. April 1, 1824, Amos Noves, son of Samuel Noyes of Landaff. He d. 1880; siie d. in Landaif, Jan. 14, 18i);l ; (2) David, b. Jan. 2, 1804, removed to Canada; (o) Isaac, b. Sei)t. 2(3, 1807, lived in Lisbon ; (4) Stephen, b. Se[)t. 16, 1815. m. Fanny Eastman, he d. in Landaff', Ajjril 20, 18U8. 4. John Wallace, son of John^ b. in Colrain, JMass., Sept. 2, 17G2. With wife Hannah and tliree or more children he removed from Colrain to Franconia previous to 17'JG, and there res. fifty-five years. He was one of the early pioneers among the mountains, a man of character and integrity. He was a pensioner. In the census of 1850 he was re- turned 88 years of age, and Hannah his wife was returned as a native of Massachusetts, antl 78 years of age. He d. in Franconia, Jan. 8, 18.51, aged nearl}' 90 ^■ears. Ch., — i. PiiiNBAS, b. Colrain, Mass., Feb. 8, 1788. m. May 5, 1812, Lucy Brooks, b. Oct. 2, 1788, d. Ai)ril (5, 181)3. He m. second, Sarah (Holies) Felch. Lived in Franconia and Bethlehem, liepresentative from Bethlehem, 1835. He d. in Bethlehem, May 9, 1875. His son, Luther, b. Aug. 20, 1819, was twice married, lived in Bethleiiem. His dau. , m. Orrin Bronson, and his dau. Amanda m. Fitield Oilman. ii. John, b. Colrain, Mass., 1791. m. March 3, 1814, Vashti Brooks, b. 1703. Through life he was an active, useful citizen of Franconia, a representative, selectman, and prominent in the annals of the town. Among his children was Jonathan \V. Wallace, who m. Soplironia L. Fisher (See). iii. William, b. Colrain, Mass., 1793. ni. Marian . lie d. in Fran- conia, April 1, 1881. 7. iv. Amos, b. April 28, 1707. V. Reuben, b. , d. 1890. " Went West." vi. Leonard, b. , d. 1880. " Went West." vii. Jane, b. . m. John Guernsey. He d. 1868. She d. Lincoln, 1881. Ten ch. viii. Hannah, b. . m. Loren Hildreth. She d. Newport, Vt. Several ch. i.\. Sally, b. . m. Josepii Bean ; m. second, Hein-y B. Wheeler (See). X. Nancy, b. . d. num., 1850. 5. William Wallace, son of John ^ b. Colrain, Mass., lived a few years in Landaff, removing to Dalton, 1798. He was a farmer and a substantial citizen. He m. Polly Kelley, who d. in Dalton, May 2, 1837. He (\. in Jefferson, Jan. 3, 1843. Wallace. 499 Ch.,— i. AsAiiEL, b. in Lnndiiff, Oct. 18, 1704. m. Feb. 15, 1810, Abigiiil Judd, (laii. of Anion Jiuld. He lived in this to\vn, 1817, but settled in Dalton. He was a carpenter. He was drowned in Connecticut River, Nov. 2(3, 184y. The eldest of his. children was Adeline K., b. in L. April 'JO, 1817. ni. Jnne 20, 1841, Benjamin II. Chadhourne. He was a major in an Illinois regiment in the War of the Ixehellion. She won the love of many soldiers as a faithful sympathetic nurse, and distinction as a government a^ent within the lines of the enemy. (See Hej)ublic- Jonrnal, Sept. 28, iyOO.) She d. Washington, I). C, Jan. 14, 18i)l. ii. Ira, b. in Lamlaff, May '.i, 17!K). m. Oct. 27, 1825, Kezia Southwick. Ho lived in Dalton, and was held in much esteem. He d. Feb. 27, 1844; she d. Jan. '.t, 1871. l)ea. (Jeorge Wallace was a son of Iru. iii. Aliwika, b. in Dalton. m. Benjamin Hanfield of Dalton. iv. John, b. in Dalton, 1803. nnm. d. in Dalton, Nov. :H), 1837. V. William, b. in Dalton, March 27, 1805. m. 1843, Matilda Worthen. He m. second, but a record is not secured. He removed to Groton, Vt. vi. Nancv, 1). in Dalton, 1810. ni. James Montgomery. Lived in Dalton, and later in Greeiisborough, Vt. vii. Henry, b. in Dalton. m. March 15, 1838, Nancy Fitzgerald, dau. of Daniel Fitzgerald (See). Removed to Minn. m. second, Mrs. Cvrena Hill. He d? Fort Snelling, Minn., 1862 or 1863. 6. D.wiD Wallace, son of John^ b. in Colrain, Mass., April IS, 1770. m. Sept. 5, 1799, Nancy Palmer, b. April 15, 1774, dau. of Aaron Palmer (See). He was one of the original proprietors, and a resident a few ^oars of Franconia, but removed to tliis town about 1800. He was a farmer. He d. April 1, 1853. His wife d. in Dee., 1851. Ch., b. in L., — 8. i. LiNZEY, b. Aug. 26, 1800. ii. Daniel, b. March 4, 1802. m. Sept. .30, 1832, Annis Aldrich. He went West, and res. at Elmwood, 111. iii. Mahala, b. March 7, 1804. m. Dec. 23, 1825, Luther Quimby. They res. in Whitefield. She d. abcnit 1875. Their children were : Adeline, Harriet, Judith, Mary, Thaddeus, Lucinda, Abbie, and Charles. 9. iv. David, b Jan. 15, 1806. 10. v. Hiram, b. Nov. 27, 1808. vi. Mart Ann, b. March 20, 1811. m. 1830, Alvin Bryant. They res. in Sandwich. She d. 1888. Their children were: James, (^/'liarles, and Oscar. 11. vii. Solomon, b. Oct. 20, 1814. viii. Nancy, b. June 16, 1818. m. 1838, Simeon D. George. Tliey res. in Laconia. The date of death is not secured. Their cliildren were : Marilla, b. 1840; Sarali J., b. March 30, 1842; Mark W., b. Oct. 3, 1844; Russell B., b. May 15, 1846; Hiram W., b. Oct. 22, 1848; Marcia E., b. July 7, 1853. 7. Amos Wallace, son of John ^, b. April 28, 1797. m. Oct. 8, 1820, Mary Mildreth, b. Aug. 12, 1798, dau. of Levi Hildreth (See). She d. Marcli 12, 1849; he n). second, Clarinda Atherton, dau. of Samuel Atherton, of Dalton. He was a farmer, residing in this town from 1820 until his death, Feb. 15, 1889. Free Baptist. Democrat. Ch., by w. Mary, b. in L., — i. Abigail G., b. xVug. 1, 1822. m. E. Darwin Emerson, a farmer of Thetford, Vt. ii. INIary Ann, b. Nov. 6, 182.3. ni. Solomon Ladd, a carpenter of Lowell, Mass. iii. Elvira, b. April 25, 1825. m. Ephraiin Rowe, a farmer of Newburv, Vt. 12. iv. Amos Pearsons, b. Dec. 10, 1820. V. Cordelia, b. Sept. 20, 1828. m. Isaac Bowers Hoit, a farmer of BethlehenL vi. Bernice Hildreth, b. April 7, 1833. m. Ira Goodall (See). 500 Wallace. vii. John A., 1). Nov. 8, 1835. m. Mary H. Smith. He res. in Verdon, 111. viii. Ani.hew M., b. Oct. lo. 1841. Co. 1), 13tii N. H. Inf. d. of disease, Aquia Creeji, Va., Jan. '27, 1863. 8. LiNZEY Wallace, son of David '', b. in L. Aug. 2(3, 1800. Prob- ably received his name in memory of tlie famil}- of iiis grand motlier, but lie wrote the name Linzey. He secured his education in the public schools of this town. At the age of t\vent3'-one j'ears he removed to Berwick, Me. He was a farmer, a captain in the militia, and for many 3'ears a justice of the peace. He was early ordained a local Methodist preacher, and through life he devoted considerable time to local preach- ing. He m. Marcli 1, 1S21, Abigail Gowell, dan. of Capt. John Gowell. tShe d. Oct. 2, 1aiiders, b. Jan. lo, 183(5, (lau. of SeiuK.'a Landers of Woodstock, Me. lie d. sine prola, 18G0. 9. David Wall.vci:, son of David '', b. in L. .Jan. 1'), 1800, resided in IJiistol, Me. He in. 1S44, IMufiiai-et Perkins .lonerf, widow ol" Ira Jones. Slie d. Jan. -S, l.S.')!. He d. Jan. 21. LSIM). Cii.,— i. LoRANA, 1). March G, 1845. m. Alfred Foster, who was drowned at sea. ^ 1808. in. second, 1876, Knierson I'.rown. res. Portland, Me. Two children by iirst and tin-ee by second mai-riaiii'. ii. Alonzo St'kwakt, b. in Bristol, Me., Feb. 17, 1817. He attended lecrtures at Bowdoin and Dartmouth Colleiies medical department, and ^rad. at Dartmouth, 1874. He was port physician in Boston several years, removing to iirookline, 187'.t, where he remained in I)ractice nine years, when he removed to Rochester, and in LSD^J to Nashua. He in. Nov. 2, 187(i, Mary F. Maynard, of Towell, Mass., b. April 10, 1858. They have four children, iii. Makia E., b. March 28, 184!». m. (Jeortre Sherman, res. at IJouiul I'ond, Bristol, Me. Five of their si.x children are living'. 10. HiUAM ^YA^LAC^:, .son of David ^ b. in L.Nov. 27, ISOS. m. at Northiield, Vt., March 1, 1.S3G, Lavinia G. Fiive, b. Barre, Vt., ftlareh 24, LSI 7, dan. of James and Rlioda (Jones) Pike, The golden anniver- sary of their wedded life was duly observed and three yejirs were added to a generous nieasnre. He d. at Rochester, Marcli 12, 1881J. She d. at East Ryegate, Vt., Nov. 2, LS!)7. Ch., b. in Concord, Vt., — i. Jamks Bkadi-ord, b. Dec. 12, 18.38. m. Jan. 1;!, 18(j3, Mary FL Kenyon, res. East CJoncord, Vt. Three children, ii. CiiARLKS Mkkkill, b. Oct. 24, 1844. He was in the service in War of the llebellion, Co.G, 17th Vt. Vols. He ni. F>b. 7, 1807, Amanda .M. Buck. She d. April 5. 1896. res. East llyeuate, Vt. Nine children, iii. KiciiAUDsoN Joxics, b. Oct. 10, 1840. m. Oct. 19, 1871, Mellie iM. Carter. One of their two children is livinu:. res. Rochester. iv. Frank Edward, 1). June 28, 1851. m. Jan. 0, 187G, Alice Mooney. Two of their three children are livins?. res. Rochester. V. George William, b. April 5, 1850. m. Sept. 20,^ 1882, Josepliine N. Nelson, res. in Rochester. The family is iniiebted to him for interest in the collection of material for this register. They have five children : Harry Nelson, b. April 20, 1884; Edna, b. Sept. 27, 18W. ; Hazel, b. March 15, 1888 ; Norman Lansing, b. Nov. 2, 1801; Arnold \'ane, b. May 3, 1893. 11. Solomon Wallace, son of David ^ b. in L. Oct. 20, LS14. m. 1848, Elizabeth Goodrich, b. in Berwick, Me., Oct. 28, 1818, dan. of Ben- jamin Goodrich. She d. in Lisbon, Ang. IS), 18'JG. He resided in this "town from 18(19 to 189."). He d. in Lisbon, Se[)t. 1, 1890. Democrat. Cli., — i. Ai.HKRT, b. Berwick, ^^e., Dec. KJ, 1803. m. 1879, Lucinda Farwell, dan. of Albert Farwell. Divorced. He m. second, July 1, 1891, Mary (;ilman, b. in Bethlehem, July 17, 1855, dau. of Albert Gilman. He has res. in L. since 1887. Republican. One child: Jennie Bell, b. Barnet, Vt. ii. Makv, b. Franconia, June, 1864. riL George Wells, a farmer of Franconia. iii. ]>avina, b. Berwick, Me., .Tan. 0, 180(1, d. 1881. iv. Julia, b. Lisbon, Oct. 23, 1805. m. 1883, Chester Clough. res. Lisbon. 12. Amos Pearsons Wallace, son of Amos'', b. in L. Dec. 10, 182(). m. Feb. 22, 1854, Betsey Ann Dnrlam, b. in Concord, Vt., July U, 1800, 502 Wallace — Ward — Warner. dan. of Fi'ederic Diirlam. Farmer. Methodist. Selectman, 1872. He resided in L. through life, d. Jan. 12, 1893. Ch., b. in L., — i. Dennis Ourin, b. Dee. 2, 1855. ni. March 31, 1880, Claire Emily Houstan, b. Minnetonka Mills, Minn., Feb. 14, lS5ii, dau. of William Hoiistan, fl. in St. Albans, Vt., June 15, 1886. Pie m. second, Dec. 3, 1887, Bertha lohi 'lownsend, b. Derby, Vt., Nov. 1, 1863, dau. of Stephen Tovvnsend. He was a stationer and printer in St. Albans, Vt. : now res. L. Two children: Maud Beryl, b. Sept. 25, 1883; William Dennis, b. May 30, 1880. ii. Mary Betsey, b. Jan. 22, 1858. m. Aug. 21, 1884, Frederick Irving Clapp, salesman. He d. Maiden, Mass ,'Nov. 17, 1892. She res. in L. iii. Maud Francena, b. Dec. 13, 1873, d. Feb. 1, 1878. 13. Luther Wallace, son ofPhineas and grandson of -Tohii*, b. in Franconia, Aug. 29, 1819. m. Dec. 4, 1850, Sally Cordelia Ilurlbutt, dan. of Chester Hurlbutt, of Dalton. Shed. 1857. He m. second, Orra L. Hurlbutt. a sister of his first wife. She d. JUI3' 18, 1894. He d. in Bethlehem, April 12, 1894. 14. Eli Brooks Wallace, son of Luther ^^, b. in Bethlehem, Sept. 2(>, 1855. m. Oct. 28, 1885, Myra Burt, dau. of Clark Colby Burt (See). He has res. in L. since 1884, merchant and printer. Free Bap- tist. Republican. No ch. 15. Calvin .James Wallace, son of .John and grandson of John *, b. in Franconia, May 26, 1819. m. Nov. 14, 1844, Leonora Stearns, dau. of Isaac Stearns (See). He res. in L. from 1844 to 1887, farmer and tanner. Selectman, 1856-7. Methodi.st. 1^-ohibition. I. O. O. F. He d. in Lisbon, Jan. 16, 1897. She d. March 30, 1891. Ch., b. in L.,— i. Edwin F., b. Nov. .3, 1845, d. April 1, 1848. ii. Martha Stearns, b. Jan. 2, 1847. ni. Sept. 1, 1875, Fred H. Richard- son (See). iii. George Henry, b. July 8, 1850, d. Sept. 11, 1850. WARD. 1. Richard Ward, son of Joshua and Sarah (Trevet) Ward of Salem, Mass. in. Nov. 18, 1764, Mehitable Curwin. He was a descend- ant in the thii'd or foiu'th generation from ]\Iiles Ward, an emigrant from England, and one of the earl}' settlers of Salem, ]\Iass. 2. Gkor<;e Curwin Warp, son of Richard \ b. Aug. 8, 1765. ni. ]\Iarcli, 1786, Abigail Elkins, b. .July 17, 1767, dau. of Capt. John and Sarah (Putnam) Elkins of Salem. He settled in Sanbornton. d. March 11, 1801. She m. second, Nathan Taylor. 3. Jonathan Elkins Ward, son of George Curwin -, b. in Sanborn- ton, Dec. 7, 1795. m. Cynthia Chandler and removed to Columbia, where he d. a few years later. His dau. Cynthia, b. March 28, 1825, in. Jeremy Titus (See). WARNER. 1. Edgar Morris Warner, son of Earl, b. in Worcester, Mass., June 16, 1.S50. m. Aug. 3, 1887, Jane l^lizabeth, dau. of Joini A. Car- penter, b. in I'utnam, Conn., March 10, 1866. He was educated in the Warner — Waterman. 503 coniinoii schools and I'avtlott High School, New Lomloii, Conn., and commenced the study of law in 18G9. He attended Harvard Law School, from which he grad. in l.S7"2, and was admitted to the Bar in New London, Conn., Sept. 1872. He practised law in Norwich, Conn., ;^ years; Central Village, Windiiam Co., Conn., 7 years; L., 1 year (1881 to 8-2), when he was a nieinl)er of \\w. firm of (Stevens & Warner ; Central Village, 1 year; since then, in Putnam, Conn. His published writings comi)rise a Fourth of .Iidy Address delivered in L. in 1882, l)nl>lished in " L. Journal" and supplement. He has occn[)ied the fol- lowing positions : Assistant Clerk of Conn. House of Representatives, 1877 r Cleric of same, 1878-'.); Clerk of Conn. Senate, l.S8(); Judge of jNlunicipal Court, Putnam, Conn. A. F. and A. M. Lafayette Lodge I, (). O. F. Re|)ublican. Cong. Cli., 1). in Putnam, Conn., — i. Frances Lkster, b. .July 19, 1888. il. (Jkutkudk Ch.\ndler, b. April IG, 1890. - iii. John A. C, b. July 12, 1893. WATERMAN. 1. Rksolved Waterman, b. in Smitlifield, R. I., in 1787. m. Lucia Cadv. He was a merchant, res. in Providence, R. I., where he d., July 8, 188G. 2. Hkxky Waterman, son of Resolved \ b. in Centreville, R. I., Aug. 17, 18i;j. in. in 1837, Eliza (ireene, dau. of William and Saraii (Greene) Harris, of Pawtucket, R. 1. He was a prominent E|)iscoi)al clergyman in R. I., where lie res. most of his life. He held but three pastorates during his ministry, the last being nearly 27 years, d. in Providence, R. 1., Oct. 18, 187G. 3. Licirs Waterman, son of Henry -, b. in Providence, R. L,iMarch 2!l, 1851. m. Sept. 18, 1881, Abby Josephine, dau. of Hon. Asa P. Cate, b. in Nortlifield, Oct. 3, 1849. He was educated at home until his 12th 3'ear, then in the classical department of Proviilence, R. L, High School, and in Trinity Coll., Hartford, Conn., where he grad. in 1871, receiving the degree of D. D. in 1892. He received his theological education in the Berkele}- Divinity School, JMiddleton, Conn., from 1873 to G ; was ordained Deacon in the Episcoi)al ('hurch in 187(), and Priest by Bishop Niles of N. H. in 1877. He began his work at New Haven, Conn., in charge of a jNIission Chapel, and as chaplain of the Old Ladies' Home. He tlien moved to East Providence, R. L, and from there to Detroit, INIich., as assistant minister of Christ Church ; removed to Til- ton in 1878, where he remained five years ; was Prof, of Church History in Faribault, JVIinn., from 18.S3 too; three years at Fishkill Landing, N. Y. ; returned to N. H. in 1888. and took charge of All Saints' Churcii in L., where he remained until 1893. Succeeding his labors here he was Priest in charge of St. James' Mission, Laconia, 1893-98, and has been rector of Trinity Church, Claremont, since June, 1899. His pub- lished works include "The Eternal Priesthood," Sermon, 1890; •• Par- tial Truth — God's Chosen instrument for the Religious Education of IMen," Sermon, 1892 ; " The Past — Apostolic Age," an article, \^ol. II. ; 504 Waterman. " Ton Epochs of Cluirch TTistow," i)iiblished by Charles Scribner's Sons, 1898. L. Musical Association, 1890. Pi-est. N. H. Music Teachers' Association, 1892-3-4. Member of N. H. Historical Society. A. F. and A. M. Grand Prelate of Grand Com., K. T. of N. H. Democrat. Ch., Henry Gate, b. L. May 14, 1893. WATERMAN. 4. Granville C. Waterman, son of Rev. Dexter, b. in Bootldiav, Me., May 4, 1835. m. first, April 20, 1861, Julia A., dau. of Cliarles M. Mansfield, b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1838. d. in Verona, N. Y., April 23, 1871. m. second, Dec. 4, 1872, Marietta, dau. of Les- ter Stewart, b. in Hampden, N. Y., Marcli 28, 1835. He was educated in Me. public schools, Litchfield Liberal Listitute, and Bowdoin Coll., from which he grad. in 1857. He was ordained in the Free Baptist Cluirch, March 23, 1869, and has been located as minister as follows: Lowville, N. Y., 1869 to 72; Dover, 1874 to 9 ; Laconia, 1880 to 1 ; L., 1886 to 91 ; Providence, R. L, 1891 to 5 ; St. Johnsbury, Vt., since 1895. He has written many articles for religious and secular papers, and had one sermon, "■ Doctrine of Life," published. He has held many ofhces in the Free Baptist Societies, and been a member of the School Board in Dover and L. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., by w. Julia, — i. Jessie L., b. Ames, N. Y., Marcli 18, 1802. res. New Hampton. Music teacher, ii. Charles D , b. Pike, N. Y., Dec. 24, 18G4. res. Boston, Mass. iii. Alice E., b. Piive, N. Y., April 10, 1867, d. L. Auj?. U, 1888. iv. Fred M., b. Lowville. N. Y., Nov. 7, 1870, d. Lowville, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1871. WATERMAN. 5. Charles Henry Waterman, son of Lvman, b. in Hanover, Oct. 26, 1851. m. May 20, 1873, Nellie, dau. of Josepli Palmer, b. in Han- over, Sept. 6, 1867, Episcopal. He lias res. in L. since 1884. Painter. Republican. Ch., — i. Perley Joseph, b. Hanover, Oct. 26, 1875. m. Aug. 30, 1899, Ida M. Atwnod. res. L. ii. Eva May, b. Hanover, Aug. 20, 1877. m. Oct. 25, 1898, Curtis H. Sul- liam. res. L. iii. Ruby Kosina, b. L. Marcli 4, 1889. WATERMAN. 6. William Willard Waterman, son of Willard, b. in Bradford, Vt., May 16, 1848. m. Nov. 10, 1875, Ella Louise, dau. of Josiah Mason Ladd (See), b. in L. Sept. 11, 1855. He res. in L. from 1872 to 1877. Assistant roadmaster on railroad. Democrat. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, d. in Bradford, Vt., July 23, 1878. No ch. Watson. 505 WATSON. 1. PAiniKNis Watson, b. about 1700. m. IVrarv Flanders. ITe was of the funiily resident of Kockinuliani County, and was the ancestor of the earh' families of Watson in AVi'are, Salisluuv, and ^Varner. 2. Ni<'oi>k:\ius Watsox, son of Pannenus ', and a brother of Deacon Parinemis AVatson of Warner, ni. about IT.'jO Khzabeth Ilarrinian. lie resided several years after marriage in IIam[)stead, and removed al)out 1770 to AVeare, wliere he d. after 179;). 3. Calku Watson, son of Nicodemns'-', b. in Ilampsteail. Nov. 1.3, 17(;i. m. Dec. 1, 1781. Lydia Ilowlet, b. Nov. 2:5, 1701, chin, of Tlionias IIo\Adet of llillsboro'. He was a sohber in the Pevolution, serving in Capt. Samuel Riumers company, INIajor Whiteomb's bat- talion of Ranuers. He was amono; the llrst to espouse the doctrines of the Free Baptist C-JHirch. He d. in AVeare, April 28, 18;>-2. His widow d. JMarch 20, 1842. 4. rniAMAH W^ATSON, son of Caleb'', b. in Weare, Sept, 7, 1784. ni. Dec. 25, 1807, Dolly Thurston, b. Oct. 4, 1784, dan. of Stephen and Keziah (Cheney) Thurston. He was a farmer and a manufacturer of carding and spinning machines and looms for factories. lie res. in Salisljury from his marriage until 1820, when he removed to Orford and the following year to Corinth, Vt. In 1828 he returned to Salisbury. He was a captain in the N. H. jNlilitia. A. F. and A. INI. He was appointed June 10, l0. vii. Angie Belle, b. Salisbury, Nov. 17, 18(12. m. .lolui D. Bridge (See), viii. Minnie Candace, b. Newbury, Vt., F\4). 28, 1^66. m. Nov. 4, 1885, Stephen Everett Richardson, hotel clerk, N. Y. City. Capt. S. of V., 1885. I. 0. 0. F., N. G. She d. L. Oct. 25, 1887. ix. ALI5EUT Ladd, b. L. April 21, 1874. \u. Nov. 18, 1895, Hattie Wiggett. Printer. 7. Iuv7N(i Allison Watson, son of Porter Baldwin ^ b. in Salis- bury, Se[)t. 6, 1849. m. Ai)i'il 17, 1872, Philena Allen, dau. of Gilman Farr (See), b. in L. Jan. 8, 1849, Cong. He res. in L. from 1868 to 1871, was educated in the common schools, Newbury, Vt., Seminary and Collegiate Institute, and gi-ad. from tiie medical department of V^t. University, June 18, 1871. He attended medical lectures at Dart. Coll., and studied with Drs. A. B. Crosby, Henry L. Watson (See), and Prof. Howard of N. Y. He commenced practice, regular school, in Northumberland, June, 1871, where he remained until Oct. 1881, when the State Board of Health was created l)y Act of the Legislature, and he made permanent Sec. and memlier. In 1883 he was elected Sec. of the American Pulilic Health Association, resigning after fourteen yeai's' service. In 1883 he was by Act made Registrar of Vital Statistics of the State. Member and Sec. of State Commissioners of Lunacy since 1889. President of State Board of Cattle Commissioners since 1891. In 1884 he was commissioned Sui'geon of the 3d Regt. N. H. N. G., and in 1889 was promoted to Medical Director of Brigade, with rank of Lieut. Col. Re[)ublican. Representative from Northtimberland, 1879-81. Author of " Physicians and Surgeons of America," and a great number of Re[)orts and Monographs in the literature of preventive medicine. Editor of 16 vols, of Reports of N. H. Board of Health ; 15 vols. N. H. Registration of Vital Statistics ; 7 vols, of Reports of N. H. Commission- ers of Lunac}-, and several vols, of Reports of American Public Health Association. A. M., Dart. Coll., 1885. Ch.,— i. Bertha M., b. Northumberland, Feb. 2, 1880. 8. Fred All.\xd Watson, son of Porter Baldwin®, b. in Salisburv, Aug. 23, 1860. m. June 15, 1883, Ellen J., dau. of Joseph Ide (See), b. in Waterford, Vt., March 3, 1862. He has res. in L. from 1869 to 1885, and since 1894. Merchant. Democrat. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. No ch. Watson — Webster. 507 WATSON. 9. Arthur Edgar Watsox, son of Alonzo Hill, b. in Betiilcliein, April 4, ISl'J. m. Sept. 27, 1874, Lilhi ]5ell, thiu. of Jonas P. Wallace, b. in Betlileheni, IMareh 1-1, l.sr)G, INIetliodist. He res. in L. from 1872 until he d., Feb. ],'], 1891. Killed by beiii<;- caught in machinery. Mer- chant. Metlujdist. rrohibilion. L O. 6. F. Ch., b. in Jv., — i. Edith Emily, b. ^Fnv 4, 187(>. ii. Wallace Aimiiuu, 1). March 10, 1879. iii. Lawrence Al(j\zo, b. >.'ov. 27, 1886. WATSON. 10. SvLVANUS Watson, b. in Bai-net, \'t., July o, 1810. m. first, C'lough. ni. second, Sept. 17, 1844, IMaiT, dan. of Zadoc Sanboi'n, b. in L. in 1804, d. in L. April 10, 1875, Methodist. She ni. first, Solo- mon Lewis (See). Sylvanus res. in L. from 1844 until he d., Sept. 30, 1869. Farmer. Methodist. Kepublican. Ch., by w. INIary, — 11. i. Charles West, b, L. April 22, 1846. 11. Charles West Watson, son of Sylvanus^", b. in L. A\)n\ 22, 1840. m. Nov. 29, 1871, j\Iary Ellen, dau. of Franklin Billings Williams (See), b. in L. Oct. 24, 1840, Methodist. He has res. in L. from birth to 18(')9. and since 1877. Farmer. Republican. Ch., — i. In A May, b. Lyman, Sept. 18, 1872, d. L. July 4, 1S7G. ii. Gertrude Amanda, b. f^ynian, Feb. 19, 1874. iil Dec. 24, 1892, Eugene Santv, carpetiter. res. EastoiL i iii. Kate Bell, b. Lyniau, April 20, 187(5, d. L. Sept. 24, 1890. iv. CoNSDELLA, b. L. July 4, 187'J. WEBSTER. 1. John Webster was a grantee of lands in Ipswicii, IMass.. 1034, freeman. 163;'). He m. INIaiT Shatswell. He d. about 1642; his widow m. second, Oct. 29, 1650, John Emery, senior. Eight ch. 2. Stephkn Webster, son of John \ b. about 1638, settled in Haver- hill, Mass. He was a tailor, selectman, 16'.)9. He m. March 24, 1663, Hannah Ayer, b. Salisl)urv, Mass., Dec. 21, 1644, dau. of John Ayer ; she d. June 2 or 3, 1676 ; he m. second. May 26, 1()78, Widow Judith Broad, of Portsmouth. He d. Aug. 10, 1(;94. Six ch. 3. John Webster, son of Stephen', b. Haverhill, IMareh 15, 1668. ni. June 14, 1693, 'rri[)hena Locke, [)erhaps the dau. of Capt. John Locke of Hampton ; she d. March 6, 1729 ; he m. second, Joanna (Gutterson) Galium. He d. in Haverhill, May 4, 1742. 4. vStephex Webster, son of John '^j b. Jan. 1, 1698 9. m. Feb. 21, 1722 3. Al)it'ail Berrv. 508 Webster. 5. William Webster, son of Steplien ^, b. in Haverhill, Dec. 14, 1743. ni. Sept. 8, 17G3, Lydia Clougli. Of tiieir tea children, three have res. in this town. Ch., — 6. i. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 7, 1764. 7. ii. James, b. March 7, 1782. 8. iii. Daviu, b. May 8, 178(5. 6. Nathaniel Webster, son of William ^ b. in Haverliill, Mass., Jan. 7, 1764. Me m. Miriam Rankin, 1). in Glasgow, Scotland, dan. of James Rankin (See). He came to tliis town witli the Rankin family, 1791. Farmer/ Cong. Selectman, 17y4-ll.i-lS00 ; Moderator, 17'JD. In 1823 he removed to Canada. Ch., — i. William, b. Aug. 26, 1787. ii. Jamks C, b. June 18, 1780. d. sauie day. iii. Nathaniel, b L. Aujj. 10, 17U1. iv. .Ta.mes, b. L. Aug. 4, 17'.I8. V. Samuel, b. L. March 20, 1706. vi. Joseph, b. L. Aug. 24, 17U8. 7. James Webster, son of William ^, b. in Haverhill, Mass., Marcli 7, 1782. ni. in this town, 1803 (pub. Nov. 13), Sally, dau. of Zuriel Albee (See). Farmer, res. here until 1833. Ch., t). in L., — i. Jerusha, b. March 16, 1806. m. Peter Fitzgerald (See). ii. Priscilla, b. Jan. 28, 1809. m. first, Joseph Robins (See), m. second, Harry Dickerson. iii. Olive, b. June 22, 1812. m. Daniel Bryant. He d. Bethlehem, July 29, 1893. Siied. Bethlehem, 1894. iv. Sarah, m. Edson B. Hadlock. Both d. Newbury, Vt. V. Hannah, ul Nathan Dickinson. He res. Monroe. vi. Geokge L, b. Dec. 18, 1820. m. Jan. 2, 1848, Nancy, dau. of Carter Nathaniel Hun toon (See). Carpenter, res. Monroe. 8. David Webster, son of William'', I), in Haverhill, Mass., ]May 8, 1786. m. in this town, Feb. 9, 1809, Anna Albee. He was in this town from 1810 to 1829. He d. in Irasburg, Vt., Feb. 10, 1849. A. F. and A. M., Morning Dawn Lodge. Ch., exce{)t Albert, b. in L., — i. Albert Albee, b. Highgate, Vt., Oct. 14, 1809. ii. Arthusa, b. Feb. 25, 1811. m. Charles Kellogg (See). iii. Anna, b. Nov. 19, 1812. iv. Harriet N., b. April 27, 1810. V. Horatio N., b. Aug. 28, 1818, d. Sept. 21, 1825. vi. Silas H., b. Jan. 11, 1822. vii. Olive,!). Oct. 19, 1823. viii. David, b. July 19, 1826. ix. Franklin B., b. Dec. 20, 1828. WEBSTER. 9. Ben-iamin Webster, son of Samuel, b. in Yarmouth, Me., July 20, 1802. m. first, Dec. 20, 1828, Ruth P. Batclielder, b. in Compton, P. Q., April 19, 1803, d. in Compton, P. Q., July 19, 1833, Baptist. in. second, June 5, 1837, Sarah, dau. of John Leavitt, b. in Lancaster, June 3, 1805, d. in Lancaster, March 14, 1859, Baptist, m. third, P^eb. Webster — Weeks. 509 20, 1SC)0, ¥A\7Ai J., (Ian. of KbeiiozcM- Ornnl. 1). in rcmbiokc, Doe. 17, 1.S21, Baptist. lie res. in L. from ISSO nnlil he d., ,I:iii. 2(;, 1.S84. Fanner. IJaptist I)o:i. Deniocrut. Cli., I)}' w. Kiitli, 1). in Conipton, P. Q.. — i. Gkohoi;, 1). Feb. 5, 18;>0. ni. Fanny Moiilton. Fiirmer. res. Lan(;aster. ii. I^iiciNDA, b. Marc'li 2.'>, ISlil. m. lir.st, Hastings Webber, in. !e (See). ix. iMakv ViuGiNiA, b. ye[)t. 27, 18Ci;J. m. Edwin Stanton Leigliton (See). WEEKS. Weeks is said to have been a Devonsliire name of Saxon origin, but was common in Somersetsliire. Tradition says Leonard came from Wells, in that county. (Descendants of Leonard Week.s.) 1. Leonard Weeks, b. in Ensj;., emigrated to America and settled in Greenland, m. in 16G7, INLvry, dan. of J)ea. Samuel Haines, of J'orts- niouth. Jie d. in Greenland in 1707. Six ch. 2. S.\:\ri'KL ^N'eeks, son of Leonard \ 1). in Greenland, Dec. M, 1670. ni. Elinor, dan. of Samuel Haines, Jr. He was a farmer, and was called Capt. d. in Greenland (?) ftlarch 26, 1746. 3. John Weeks, son of Samuel"-, b. in Greenland, 1702, baptized 1712. m. about 1725, Hannah; m. second, Abigail. He was a cord- wainer. res. in Greenland and Ep[)ing. Eiglit cli. 4. Bex.iamix Weeks, son of John^, b. in Greenland, April 26, 1742. 111. about 1761, Marion Hanniford. He was a farmer, res. in Epi)ing, Weutworth, and riermont, where he d. Ten ch. 5. John Weeks, son of Benjamin \ b. in Epping, Oct. 26, 1762. ni. Esther, dan. of Hubbard and Einiice Spencer. He was a farmer, and gave the town of Piermont land for a public cemeter\'. d. in Tiermont, Jan. 3, 1841. Nine ch. 6. John Weeks, son of John", b. in Piermont, April 11), 1789. m. first, March 11, 1811, Abigail Currier, m. second, May 6, 1821, Rosina Brown. Farmer, res. in Danville, Vt. d. Oct. I'J, 1845. Thirteen ch. 7. Alonzo Weeks, son of John'' and Abigail, b. in Danville, Vt., Ai)ril 22, 1819. m. Feb. 11, 1841, Caroline Ann, dau. of Enoch Harris, b. in Danville, \'t., Feb. 15, 1820, Cong. She d. in L. Jan. IS, 1900. He res. in L. from l«4o until he d., Feb. 24, 1892. JMercluuit. Uni- versalist. Democrat. Selectman, 1864-78. Town Treasurer, 1871 510 WeeJcs. to 84 inc. Town Clerk, 1856. Fire ward, 1850. Treasurer of Burns Lodge, A. F. and A. M., over 30 years. I. O. O. F. Cb., b. in L., — 9. i. John Alonzo, b. Oct. 20, 1845. ii. Edgar Percy, b. Jan. 18, 1850, d. L. Feb. 25, 1850. iii. Mabel Ina, b. May 14, 1858. uiim. res. L. 8. Andrew Jackson Weeks, son of John'' and Rosina, b. in Dan- ville, Vt., March 8, 1829. m. July 5, 1851, Chestina E., dan. of William Heath, b. in Danville, Vt., Nov. 23, 1832, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1872. Tanner. Cong. Republican. I. O. O. F. C. P., L. P^ncampment. Ch., — i. Charles Henry, b. Danville, Vt., March 20, 1852, d. Woburn, Mass., June 20, 1852. ii. Flora A., b. Woburn, Mass., Oct. 9, 1853, d. Lvndon, Vt., Dec. 23, IStJl. iii. Hattie, b. Lyndon, Vt., Nov. 16, 18.55, d. Lyndon, Vt., Dec. 25, 18.55. 10. iv. JoHX Erwix, b. Lyndon, Vt., Nov. 20, 1856. V. Clarence E., b. Lvndon, Vt., Feb. 12, 1858, d. Lyndon, Vt., Oct. 16, 1800. vi. GoRDOx, b. Lyndon, Vt., Dec. 16, 1860, d. Lyndon, Vt., Jan. 0, 1862. vii. Nef.lie M., b. Lyndon, Vt., July 21, 1866. unm. res. L. viii. Gertrude, b. Lyndon, Vt., Nov. 26, 1867, d. Lyndon, Vt., Sept. 2-3, 1868. 9. John Alonzo Weeks, son of Alonzo'', b. in L.Oct. 20, 1845. m. Sept. 20, 1871, May, dau. of Frank Little, b. in Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 15, 1851, Elpiscopal. He res. in L. from 1845 to 69. IMerchant. i}piscoi)al. Democrat. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge, res. Yankton, So. Dakota. Ch.,— . i. Frank Alonzo, b. Yankton, So. Dakota, Jan. 7, 1875, d. Yankton, So. Dakota, July 14, 1875. ii. John Rockwell, b Kalamazoo, Midi., Feb. 3, 1876. iii. Flet.4. May, b. Yankton, So. Dakota, April 3, 1878. iv. Gordon Dwioht, b. Yankton, So. Dakota, Feb. U, 1884. 10. John Erwin Weeks, son of Andrew Jackson ^, b. in Lyndon, Vt., Nov. 20, 1856. m. first, Sept. 18, 18.S3, Harriet Elvira, dan. of John Burgin (See), b. in Bath, Dec. 7, 1862. Divorced, m. second, April 15, 1889, Jennie A., dau. of John M. Smith, b. in Bath, Aug. 6, 1852. She m. first, P^dward Wright. John has res. in L. since 1872. Tanner. Cong. Republican. I. O. O. F. C. P., L. Encampment. Ch., b}' w. Harriet, — i. Alice Louise, b. L. Jan. 28, 1885. WEEKS. 11. MiNOT Weeks, son of Moses M., born in Bath, Dec. 31, 1841. m. Oct. 23, 1866, Ellen Josephine, dau. of David Page Sanborn (See), b. in Worcester, Mass., March 24, 1846, d. in Bath, Aug. 7, 1869. He res. in L. from 1866 to 73. Mechanic. d. in Bath, Sept. 22, 1873. No ch. Weller — Wellman — Wells. 511 WELLER. 1. Asa CorKLAND Wellek, sou of (George, b. in lioston, Mass., .Jul}' 12, I.SOO. 111. A[)iil 1. l'S;>:i, Maiy, dan. ofJolui Morrison, b. in Candiiv, Jan. 1, IMIO, d. in Ik-LlilelR'ni, rluly 20, LST'J, Universalist. He res. in L. from 1853 nntil lied., fhnie 11, 1895. Carriage trimmer. Universalist. Whig and Kcpnblican. Ch., — '2. i. FiiANKi.iN OiooKGE, 1). Iliuiover, Dec. 2, 18o3. ii. ('.MtoMNK Makia, I). Moiitpelier, Vt., April 27, I80O. ni. Andrew Artliur llazeltiiie (See). ?j. iii. Wii.i.iAM Wahkkn, 1). MoiitiK'lier, Vt., July 8, 18:i8. iv. Sakah FoNTiNEi.i.E, b. Danville, Vt., April 8, 1840, d. May 1.",, 1840. 2. Fi;ankmn George Weller, son of Asa Copeland ', 1). in Han- over, Dee. 2, 1833. ni. Nov. 13, 18()1, -lennette K., dan. of Samuel (Jihson, b. in Lvman, Jnl}" (5, 184U, Christian Seienee. She m. second, Fred Aaron Robinson (See). Franklin res. in L. from 1852 nntil he d., Dec. 8, 1877. Photograi)hic artist. Republican. Corresponding Sec. L. Musical Association, 1el, dau. of Clark C. Abbey (See), 1). in L. Nov. 2, 1.S52. He has res. in L. since 1wiN Erastus Wells, son of Erastus Pettingill, b. in Orford, Nov. 22, 18G3. m. July 4, 1885, Jennie Addie, dau. of Charles Perkins, b. in Barnston, P. Q., May 2G, 18G8. He has res. in L. since 1888. Blacksmith. Democrat. K. P. Ch., — i. Allen E., b. Bath, Jan. 20, 4887, d. L. Jan. 1, 1892. ii. Clarence, b. Batli, July 21, 1888, d. Bath, Sept. 12, 1888. iii. Ina May, b. L. Oct. 9, 1889. iv. P>HEL Kxzena, b. L. May 4, 1891. V. Edna Jennie, b. L. Aug. 28, 1892. West — Wetherhee. bl\ "WEST. 1. Geoiioe Wkst, son of Richard, b. in Eng., Jan. 30, 1837. m. March 21, 18(52, Clara, (hui. of James Sizen, b. in Langford, Eng., April lU, 1838, Ei)isco[)al. He has res. in L. since 188D. lie d. .Sept. 21,. I'JUO. Fanner. Episcopal. Democrat. Ch.,— 2. i. IIkruert W., b. Uichniond, P. Q., Jan. .30, 186.3. ii. Klukkt JAJihis, b. L. Jul}' 5, 18(34. res. VVaterford, Vt. 3. iii. KvEHKTT Kkuuicn, b. WiUerford, Vt., Keb. 1, 1808. iv. Cr.\KA l^MZAiiETH, b. VVaterfoixl, Vt., Aiii^. 4, 1809. ni. Frank K. IJurnliain (See). V. Nena Maky F., b. Waterfonl, Vt., Nov. 30, 187.3. res. L. vi. Ethel Ca[;kie, b. Waterford, Vt., Feb. 13, 1875, d. Waterford, Vt., Aug. 28, 1876. vii. Veknia George, b. Waterford, Vt., May 23, 1878. viii. Vincent Henry, b. Waterford, Vt., Oct. 15, 1880. 2. Herbert W. West, son of George \ b. in Richmond, P. Q., Jan. 30, 1863. m. Dec. 2.5, 1892, Bertha J., dau. of Milo Williams, b. in Lvnian, May 31, 1870, jMethodist. He has res. in L. since 1890. Works in stereoscopic view shoi). Episcopal. Republican. I. O. O. F., N. G. Ch., — i. Leonard II., b. L. April 22, 1894. 3. Everett Reuben West, son of George \ b. in Waterford, Vt., Feb. 1, 1868. m. Dec. 17, 1890, Celia May, dau. of Orrin A. Glines, b. in Centre Harbor, Aug. 2, 1873. He lias res. in L. since 1890. Works in stereoscoi)ic view shop. RepubUcan. No ch. WETHERBEE. 1. John Wetherbee, b. in Eng. about 16.50. m. first, Sept. IS, 1672, ]Mary, dan. of John Howe, who built Longfellow's "•Wayside Jnn," Sudbury, Mass., for his country residence. (He was of the fam- ily of Sir Charles Howe, of Lancaster, Eng.) She was b. in Sudl)ury, Mass., Jan. 1654, d. June 5, 1684. m. second, Lydia Moore. He d. in Stowe, Mass., in 1711. Nine ch. (History of Woodstock, Vt., i)p. 596-7-8.) 2. Epiir.vim Wetherbee, son of John '. m. first, in 1721, Elizabeth Hall. m. second, Sei)t. 18, 1732, Joanna, dau. of Benjamin Bellows - (See), b. in 1710, and a sister of Benjamin Bellows^ ('*^ee), the founder of Walpole. Ei)hraim was one of the original proprietors of No. 4 (Charlestown), granted b}' Mass. in 1736. He was one of the three grantees who settled there. In 1737 he was a Lieut, and afterward a Capt. in the Mass. service, d. in Boston, Mass., Nov. 7, 1745. ! Twelve ch. 3. S.\MUEL Wetherbee, son of Ephraim -, and Joanna, b. in Lunen- burg, Mass., April 3, 1745. m. Susanna Johnson, b. Dec. 9, 1750, d:ui. il of Capt. James and Susanna (Willard) Johnson. (]\L'S. Susannah (Wil- lard) Johnson wrote *'The Captivity by the French and Indians of Mr. vol. II. — 33 5 14 Wetherhee — Wetherell. James Johnson and Family.") Samuel was a Capt. in the Rev. army that invaded Canada in 1775, Col. W>-man's Regt. Incorporator of Concord, Vt., 1781 ; settled there in 1787. Moderator. Representa- tive. County Judge. He owned land in L., and it is said several of his children are buried in L., but there is no definite knowledge that he ever res. here. d. in Concord, Vt., Oct. 29, 1811). Ch.,— i. Susanna, b. Charlestown, Aug. 4, 1770. m. Jan. 15, 1797, Col. Jonathan Baker. She d. March 31, 1825. ii. Jason, b. Charlestown, June 8, 1772. ni. Oct. 10, 1793, Sophia Farwell. Slie (1. 1845. Tlieir dan. Sophia m. Oel Billings, iii. Samuel, b. 1774. iv. AzoR. V. James, b. 1776. vi. John. vii. Dan, m. Stoekwell. viii. Betsey, b. 1781. m. Timothy A. Edson (See). ix. Lucy, b. 1783. m. Cornelius Judevine. X. Polly, b. 1783. xi. Caroline, b. 178.5. m. Guy Ely (See). xii. LucRETiA, b. 1788. m. Joseph Morse (See). xiii. Catherine, b. Concord, Vt., Nov. 1793. ni. Sylvanus Balch (See). xiv. Miranda, b. July 5, 1700. unni. XV. Infant. 4. David Wetherbee, son of John \ b. about 1680. in. Mercy Brown and settled in Stow, Mass. 5. Silas "Wetherbee, son of David ^ b. 1727. m. May 24, 1749, Betty Brown. He lived in a part of Stow which was included in the town of Boxboro', incorporated, 1783. He gave three acres for "a meating hous Lott," 1775, and in the building of a meeting-house he agreed to pay one quarter part. Selectman. His dau. Mary, b. Nov. 7, 1770, m. Isaac Batchellor (See). WETHERELL. 1. George Wetherell, b. Jan. 9, 1789. m. July 1, 1812, Polly, dau. of Daniel Walker, b. in Rutland, Mass., Jan. 7, 1789, d. in Haver- hill, June 15, 1859, Universalist. Me res. in L. most of the time from 1859 to 72. Woollen manufr. Universalist. Rei)ublican. d. in L. Dec. 23, 1872. Ch.,- i. Ferdinand Victor, b. Ilartlaiid, Vt., ]\Iay 27, 1813. m. April 24, 1h36, EHza Eastman. Woollen manufr. He d. Ciiicago, 111., April 21, 1869. ii. Voi.ney Fenton, b. Ilartland, Vt., May 2,5, 1815. m. May 25, 1847, Sarah Marshall. Woollen manufr. He d. Vassalboro', Me., Dec. 17, 1883. iii. Mary Ellen, b. Ilartland, Vt., July 4, 1817. m. July 13, 18.53, Peter Wood, lumberman. He d Chicago, Hi., Feb. 20, 1884. She d. Chi- cago, 111., Jan. 4, 1879. iv. Emily Melissa, b. Hartland, Vt., June 5, 1819. unm. d. Feb. 18, 1858. 2. V. Franklin George, b. Ilartland, Vt., Oct. 13, 1821. vi. Lavina Bigelow, b. Hartland, Vt., Jan. 13, 1824. m. Curtis Coe Bowman (See). vii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Batli, May 29, 1826. m. April 10, 1850, James Henry Pearson, lumberman. She d. Chicago, 111., Dec. 15, 1891. Wetheren — WJweler. 515 viii. Syril Wai.ki-.u, 1). Bath, June .5, 1828, d. July 28, 1840. ix. Lydia Jane, b. Hath, Sept. U, 18:^1. m. H<)l)ert H. Nelson (See). X. OsCAU Daniki , h. Rath, June 21, 18:11. m. finst, Sarah Matilda Wilde, d. Dec. 2;>, 1880. m. second, Jan. 22, 1885, Harriet Seymour. Lumber manufr., now Comptroller of Chicago, 111., where he res. 2. Franklin George Wetherell, son of Geofge \ b. in Hartlund, Vt., Oct. 13, 1821. ni. Jan. 1, 1.S51, Iliinnuh Oliva, dau. of John Bow- man (8ee), b. in L. July 16, 1829, Cong. He res. in L. from 1853 until lie ([., Feb. 7, 1897. Carpenter. Cong. Republican. Ch., — i. Emily Jane, b. L. May 28, 1858. WHEELER. 1. Silas Wheeler, son of Joel. b. in 1744. m. June 5, 17G7, Sally Miller, b. Oct. 22, 1745, d. in L. Nov. 27, 1821. He moved with his family from Petersham, Mass., to Westmoreland, and shortly after, in 1794, moved to L., where he res. until he d., Julv 14, 1823. Farmer. Ch.,— i. Sally, b. Petersham, Mass., Nov. 22, 1769, d. Petersham, Mass., Jan. 11, 1772. ii. Polly M., b. Petersham, Mass., Dec. 13, 1770. ni. June 20, 1705, Capt. Samuel Hammond, farmer. She d. L. Feb. 3, 1846. He d. L. a few years later. No ch. 2. iii. Vespasian, b. Petersham, Mass., Feb. 12, 1773. iv. Sally, b. Petersham, Mass., Oct. 29, 1774. m. March 18, 1798, Nathaniel F. Higgins, farmer. She d. Anson, Me., Aug. 13, 1842. He d. Dec. 2.3, 1845. George Washington, b. Petersham, Mass., April 29, 1777. Sophia, b. Petersham, Mass., Feb. 16, 1779. m. Jared Aldrich (See). TiLLOTSON, b. Westmoreland, April 12, 1781. Pamelia, b. Westmoreland, March 3, 1785, d. L. March 31, 1866. ix. LuiJENA, b. Westmoreland, March 21, 1789, d. L. Feb. 2, 1829. 5. X. Anson, b. Westmoreland, Sept. 28, 1790. 2. Vespasian Wheeler, son of Silas \b. in Petersham, Mass., Feb. 12, 1773. m. March 6, 1809, Lydia, dau. of Ebenezer Moody, b. in Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 1, 1785, d. in L. Aug. 25, 1831. He res, in L. from 1794 until he d., March 3, 1851. Farmer and hotel-keeper. Ch., b. in L., — 6. i. Ebenezkr Moody, b. Dec. 9, 1809. ii. Sally .Miller, b. April 4, 1811. m. Jan. 8, 1844, Ozro B. Hurlbutt, hotel-keeper. He d. Waterford, Vt., April 28, 1870. She d. Lebanon, Nov. 17, 1890. iii. Lydia Hahtlett, b. Feb. 8, 1813. m. Amos Spaulding Hale (See). iv. Ann Mahia, b. Jan. 13. 1815. m. Harrison Simeon Cobb (See). 7. v. Wii.lia.m, b. Dec. 9, 1816. 8. vi. Dana Miller, b. Julv 24, 1819. 9. vii. Oilman, b. Feb. 27, 1822. 3. Geoikje Washington Wheeler, son of Silas', b. in Petersham, INIass., April 29, 1777. m. first, in 1805, Fanny, dau. of Thaddeus Bartlett, b. in Bethel, Me., in 1784, d. in L. Oct. 25, 1821. m. second, April 11, 1823, Mary, dau. of Joseph Chamberlain, b. in Newbury, Vt., in 1785, d. in L. Oct. 8, 1865. He res. in L. a large portion of the time from 1794 until he d., June 20, 1858. Farmer. 3. V. vi. 4. vii, viii. 516 Wheeler. Cli., by w. Fanny, — 10. i. Washington, b. Lisbon, 1806. ii. Sophia, b. Lisbon, Oct. 27, 1S07. unm. d. Oct. 3, 1865. iii. Silas, b. Lisbon, in. Maria Sniitb. Farmer, res. Rockford, 111. iv. Fanny, b. Lisbon, ni. 1850, Neliemiali Woods. He d. about 1886. She d. Suncook, about 1888. V. Bartlett, b. Lisbon, m. Emily Clough. Farmer and carpenter. He d. Elk Grove, 111. Sbe d. 1892. vi. George A., b. Lisbon, 1817. m. first. May 3, 1846, Clara Cook, d. about 1880. m. second, Claudine Lamb. Mercbant. He d. Nasbua, 1894. vii. Thaddeds B., b. L. May 18, 1820. m. Oct. 12, 1848, Maria A. Clinate. Farmer, res. Watertbrd, Vt. Appointed Lieut. Col. 32d Kegt. N. H. Militia, June 30, 1849; vacated June 19, 1850. Ch., by w. Mary, b. in L., — viii. Mary E., b. Jan. 3, 1824. m. Isaac E. Richardson (See). i.\. Joseph, b. Sept. 29, 1825. m. about 1860, Lizzie Woods. Carpenter. res. Nashua. X. John P. C, b. Dec. 2, 1826. m. about 1856, Harriet INIartin. Carpenter, res. Cliicago, 111. 4. TiLLOTSON AVheeler, son of Silas \ b. in Westmoreland, April 12, 1781. ni. Feb. 26, 182-4, Folly Campbell, b. in Fntney, Vt., Feb. o. 17yO, d. in Webster, Mich., about 1880. He res. in L." from 1799 to 1829. Merchant. Appointed Major of 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, Nov. 8, 1822; vacated June 11, 1824.' A. F. and A. M., Morning Dawn, d. in. Webster, Mich., March 11, 1855. Ch., — i. John Campbell, b. L. Nov. 26, 1824. Farmer, res. Webster, Micii. ii. Ghy, b. L. Jan. 27, 1826, d. Feb. 7, 1826. iii. Maktha S., h. L. May 8, 182S, d. April 29, 1847. iv. Guy H., b. July 30, 1832, d. Sept. 3, 1868. 5. Anson W^heeler, son of Silas \ b. in Westmoreland, Sept. 28, 1790. m. Oct. 10, 1825, Martha, dan. of Paul Holland, b. in Newfane, Vt., June 14, 1803, d. in Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 25, 1870. He res. in L. from 1795 to 1839. Blacksmith and farmer. Appointed Quar- termaster of 32d Regt. N. H. iMilitia, Aug. 2G, 1824 ; vacated Aug. 25, 1828. A. F. and A^ M. d. in Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 6, 1870. Ch., b. in L., — i. Paul Holland, m. Julia Doten. Farmer, res. York, Mich, ii. Caroline C, d. Ann Arbor, Mich. iii. Anson, m. Fanny Osburn. Fai iiier. res. Pittsfield, Mich, iv. Almira, m. Henry C. Kcnney, lumber-dealer. He d. Stanton, Mich., 1882. v. Alhert Vespasian, m. Dolly Booth. Farmer. He d. Ludi, Mich., 1868. vi. William A., res. Ann Arbor, Mich. 6. EiJKNKZEU ]\[ooDY Wheeler, SOU of Vespasiau '-, b. in L. Dee. 9, 1809. m. Feb. 25, 1«44, Mary Louisa, dau. of Jacob Amsden, b. in Dummerston, Vt., Jan. 25, 1825. He res. in L. from birth to 1835; uow res. in Helena, Montana. Harness-maker. Ch., b. in Waterford, Vt., — i. Mauy Louise, b. Feb. 15, 1815. m. Oct. 19, 1871, William L. Johnson, farmer, res. Los Angeles, Cal. ii. FuKD TiLLOTSON, b. Feb. 18, 1847, d. Oct. 6, 1851. iii. Hahuy Vespasian, b. Aug. 16, 1850. m. July 4, 1876, Sarah A. Tib- bits. Civil engineer, res. Helena, Montana. Wheeler. 517 iv. Amsdkn E., b. July 6, 18r)4. ni. first, Jan. 1, 1883, Alice" J. Kiindel. d. May 18, 1885. m. second, Jan. 21, 18'JO, Elizabclli Heeves. riiysician. res. Los AnLa'los, Cal. V. Alice, b. April 7, 18G4, d. April 18, 18G4. 7. William Wiikelkii, son of Vespasian ^, b. in L. Dec. 9, IHIO. m. first, Marcii 9, 1842, Lettice J., dan. of Elkanaii Cobb (See), d. in St. Jolinsbury, Vt., Ans?. 8, 1849. ni. second, Jnne 10, 1851, Pbilena, dan. of Amos Hubbard (See), b. in L. Feb. 28, 1820. He res. in L. all his life. He d. Feb. 2, 1898. Farmer. Republican. Ch., b\- w. Philena, — i. Willie A., b. Concord, Vt., Sept. 18, 1853. unni. Farmer, res. L. ii. Fred T., b. L. Oct. 29, 1859. unm. res. L. 8. Dana Miller Wheeler, son of Vespasian % b. in L. Jnlv 24, 1819. m. Sept. 15, 1847, Phebe Stiles, b. June 1, 182(5, d. St. Johns- bury, Vt., April 1, 1888. He res. in L. most of his life. Farmer, d. in St. Johnsburv, Vt., May 31, 1857. Ch., b. in L., — i. W. Holland, b. June 24, 1849. ii. Lucia C, b. Aug. 3, 1851. iii. Matilda L., b. Oct. 31, 1853. 9. GiLMAN Wheeler, son of Vespasian -, b. in L.Feb. 27, 1822. m. Oct. 23, 1852, Eliza Emily, dan. of Oliver P. Brooks, b. in Dalton, Sept. 15, 1823, d. in Marlboro', Jan. 23, 1894, Cong. He res. in L. all his life. Farmer. Republican. Appointed Lieut. Col. 32d Regt. N. H. Militia, Aug. 9, 1847 ; vacated June 13, 1848. d. in L. May 24, 1893. Ch., b. in L., — i. Archie E., b. Ausj. 1, 1853, d. L. Feb. 14, 1854. ii. Edward ()., b. March 13, 1855. m. Aug. 29, 1893, Clara D. Bishop. Hotel-keeper, res. Marlboro', iii. Charles I)., b. June 16, 1858. Cattle-buyer, res. Hogan, Montana, iv. Galex H., b. Nov. 14, 1861. m. first, Emma Shaffer. Shed. 18'.>3. in. second, • McClung. Civil engineer, res. Columbia Falls, Montana. V. Albert P., b. April 16, 18G8. Civil engineer, res. Ilogan, Montana. 10. WASiiiN(iTON Wheeler, son of George Washington ^, b. in Lis- bon in 180(5. m. Celia Houghton, b. in Franconiu, d. in Norwich. Vt., Aug. 1852, Baptist. He res. in L. from as earl}' as 1827 to 1850. Laborer. Whig. d. in Nashua, Sept. 1850. Ch., b. in L., — i. Fanny B., b. IVIarch 5, 1827. ni. about 1852, George R. Fellows. He d. Carrollton, La., Dec. 13, 18G2. Co. A, 8th N. H. Inf. ii. Henry H., b. 1829. m. d. in JLiss. in 1872 or 3. Served in U. S. Navj' during Uebellion. iii. Soi'HiA Jane, b. Aug. 1833, d. Feb. 10, 1847. 11. iv. Silas, b. March 5, 1837. V. Oliver C, b. 1840. m. Helen Wyatt. Farmer. He d. Lincoln, Sept. 1867. vi. Emily, b. 1844. m. 1805, Tliomas Smith, merchant, res. Manchester, vii. Edwin, b. 1847. unm. Machinist, d. Aug. 1872. Co. I, 1st Me. Cav. Private. 11. Silas Wheeler, son of Washington^", b. in L. March 5, 1837. m. in 18G6, Mary A., dau. of Moses Phillips, b. in Bethlehem, May 12, 1836, d. in Bethlehem, Oct. 6, 1880, Free Ba[)tist. He res. in Beth- lehem 19 years; the remainder of his life in L., where he d., Nov. 518 Wheeler. 18, 1896. Farmer. Democrat. Co. D, loth N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. R. Ch., b. in Bethlehem, — i. Lizzie J., b. Feb. 0, 1867. m. Ilunry J. Fisher (See). ii. Nkm.ik M., b. July 30, 1870. iii. liosA M., b. April 7, 1874. iv. Geouue W. M., b. Aug. 1, 1878. WHEELER. 12. Levi Wheeler, son of Major Amo.s Wheeler, b. March 28, ITTT), was an earl}' resident of Betlileliem. He in. Jeriisha Bari'ett, b. in Winchendon, Mass., JNIareh 20, 1775, dan. of Thornton lUirrett (See). She d. Feb. ;3, 1833. He ra. second. Widow Anna Sanborn, b. Oct. 1, 1782. lie d. in Bethlehem, Nov. lo, 1850. She d. Nov. 17, 1853. Ch., b. in Betlilehem, — l;]. i. IIknuv B., b. F'eb. 20, 1797. ii. Pamei.ia, b. Feb. 8, 1799. ui. Stilhnan Batchellor (See). iii. David, b. June 16, 1801. iv. Amos, b. Oct. 14, 1808. ni. Calimla Leconta. ni. second, Abigail Martin. V. HicTsEV, 1). Nov. 30, 1813. in. Kdwanl Merrill. vi. Lkvi, b. June 14, 1820. ni. Nov. 21, 1850, Sarah W. Ilale, dau. of Ezra Hale (See). 14. vii. Dennis, b. Feb. 26, 1822. 13. Henuv B. Wiiekleu, son of Levi'-, b. in liethlehem. Feb. 20, 1797. in. Alio-. G, 1818, Charlotte, dau. of Ono Snow, 1). in Bethlehem in 1799, d. Jan. 1834. m. second, Sally, widow of Jose[)h Bean and dau. of John Wallace (See), d. Dec. 24, 1889. ilenrv B. was a farmer, res. most of his life in Stoneham, JNIass. d. in Newport, Sept. G, 1883. 14. Dennis Wiieelkk, son of Levi '-, b. in ISethlehem, Feb. 26, 1822. m. May 3, 1859, Eliza Kiiij;-, dau. of Lyinaii lilandin (See), b. in Bethlehem, "March 19, 1831. lie res. in L. since 18G3. lie d. April 10, 1S9!). Fainter. Democrat. Selectman, 1873-4-86. Snpt. ofTown Schools 7 years. I. O. O. F. No ch. WHEELER. 15. Joseph Wheeler, b. about 1729; came to Chesterfield, it is supi)osed, from some town in Mass., although according to tradition h(! was Scotch by birth and descent. He d. about 1805. (History of Chesterfield, p. 486.) 16. John Wheeler, son of Joseph'^, b. about 1768. m. in 1791, Lucy, dau. of Thomas Holmes. He d. in Concord, Vt., in 1838. WHEELER. 17. IMosES AVheeler, " late of Lnnenl)urg, now resident in Groton," m. in (Ti-oton, Mass., Dec. 14, 1747, J^lizabeth Holden, and removed to ('harlestown. where he d. He was a soldier in the French and Indian Wars, and his pliysical prowess is a subject of notice in " History of ('harlestown." Wlu'ehr — Wheelock. 619 18. -loiix WnKK.r.EH, yomii^cst of tlio eiiilil children of Mosos *', b. in CliHilestovvn, 0(;t. 'M. 1708. ni. 1788, pnh. in C'lKii'lcslown, Sept. 21, 178S, II;inn:ili Thurston, dan. of Moses and Hannah (Sewall) Tlnu-ston of Ilollis. The births of all the children of JMosos Thurston are not recorded. It is probal)le the first Hannah died youn,<>:, and Hannah, second, was tlie youniu-leigh, b. in San- bornton, Jidy 4, 1790, d. April 24. 1872. He res. in L." from 1H09 to 1820. Farmer. Appointed (.Quartermaster 32d Itegt. N. II. Militia, Aug. 14, 1H18. A. F. and A. ^1., Morning Dawn. d. in Newport, Vt., Dec. 2, 1844. Ch., all but Josiah, b. in L., — i. Josiah, b. Sanbornton, Oct. 27, 1809. m. Feb. 5, 1839, Martha Lee. Farmer, res. Coventry, Vt. 2. 3. ii. 4. iii. iv. 520 WheelocJc — WMtcher. ii. Amasa, b. Jan. 1, 1811. m. Dec. 22, 18o4, Margaret Cullen. Express- man. He d. Boston, Mass., Jan. 22, 1875. iii. JosKi'H, b. Feb. 15, 1813. m. first, Aug. 30, 1834, Harriet Pierce, m. second, Sept. 0, 1840, Mary Shepherd, m. third, Jan. 1845, Lois Siieplierd. m. f'ourtli, April, 18(J3, Sophronia Guild, m. fifth, Feb. 1800, Lydia Whcelock. ni. si.xth, Feb. 1870, Fimeline Houston, iv. Mary, b. Feb. 10. 1815. ni. Marcli IG, 18.37, Luther Pearsons. V. Sarah, b. Oct. 30, 1818. ni. Salmon G. Miner (See). vi. John, b. July 3, 1822, d. L. Marcli 21, 1843. 3. Peter Wheelock, son of Archippus ^ b. in Sanbornton, Ang. 5, 1789. m. Dorothy Fuller. He res. in L. from 1812 to 18-26. Farmer. d. in Newport, Vt., Feb, 7, 1861. Ch., all but Melissa, b. in L., — i. ARCHiprus, res. Greenfield, Mass. ii. Peter, m. Mary Dame. res. Boston, Mass. jiii. Hrackett, res. Boston, Mass. iv. Mary, m. Lewis Arnold, res. Salem, Vt. V. Meltssa, b. Newport, Vt. ni. George Brigham. res. Boston, Mass. 4. Aaron Sanborn Wheelock, son of Archippus \ b. in Sanbornton, July 8, 171)1. m. Nov, 16, 1817, Anna, dau. of Jonathan Bowman (See), b. in Henniker, April 6, 1798, d. in L. Feb. 3, 1873. He res. in L. from 1810 until he d., April 5, 1863. Seven cli., five sons and two daughters. WHITCHER. WHITTIER. 1. Thomas Whtttier, b. in Eng. , 1620 or 1622. Sailed from Southampton for New England with John Rolf and others, April 24, 1638. He lived in Salisbury, Newbiny, and later in Haverhill, Mass. He subscribed to the fi'eeman's oath, 1666. He m. Ruth, a sister of John Rolf of Salisbury. The record of marriage styles her as Ruth Green ; possibly this was her second marriage. He d. Nov. 28, 1696. Tlic house in Haverhill in wliich he lived is owned by the Whittier Memorial Asssociation. 2. Nathaniel Whittier. the sixth of the ten children of Thomas ^, b. in Haverhill, Aug. 11, 1658. m. Aug. 26, 1685, Mary Osgood, m. second, June, 1710", Widow Mary Ring. He d. July 18, 1722. His widow d. July 19, 1742. 3. Reuben Whitcher, son of Nathaniel -, b. in Salisbury, March 17, 1685/6. m. Dec. 19, 1708, Deborah Pillsbury of Newbury. He lived in Salisbury. Soldier, 1710. He d. Nov. 18, 1722. His widow m. second, 1724, Zachariah Eastman. In this lineage the name appears without notice, Whittier and Whitclier. The Grafton County families and immediate ancestors write the name Whitcher. 4. Joseph Whitcher, son of Reuben '^, b. in Salisbury, May 2, 1721. m. Jan. 13, 1743, Martha Evans. Tliree of his brothers settled in Rockingham County. He d. in Salisbury, Mass. 5. Chase Whitcher, son of Joseph ^ b. in Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 6, 1753. m. July 6, 1777, Hannah Morrill, b. June 19, 1758. Previous to his marriage he was one of the early settlers of Warren. Whitch'r— Whifcomh. 521 6. WiLiJAM WiiiTCiiKK, soil of C'liasc ^ b. in AVjirron. "May 2", \l>>'o. 11). ISOd, Mary Noycs, d:ui. of Joiuitliaii and Sarali (Collins) Noycs of Landaff. He d. in Ik'iitoiu March 4, IS")!). Among sixtfMMi cliildron, Susan ]\r. ni. George W. IMann (See). Ii-a, Chase, and Daniel were active men in business and political affairs. 7. Samitet. WiirrcjiiKK, son of William'', h. in Benton, Ang. '21, ISlt. m. JMay 4, 1840, Kmily Cinimby. lie d. in Easton, I.SSO. 8. David Simeon Wiiitciiku, son of SamneP, b. in East Landaff (now Easton), Nov. 30, 184 (J. num. He was educated in Landaff common schools; N. If. Conference Seminary; and New Hampton Literary Institution. He commenced the stndy of law, Nov. 10, 1873, with C. W. and E. D. Kand, and later with P.ingham and ]Mit(4iell, and was admitted to the I>ar in Haverhill, March term, 187(5. He practised in L. 4 years, when ill health compelled him to give up his work. He d. in Easton, March 14, 1881. Supervisor, 1878. J. P. WHITCOMB. 1. John Whitcomb, a native of Dorchester, Eng., was of Dorches- ter, Mass., 1632, Scituate, 1644, and of Lancaster as early as 16r)2. 2. JosiAH Whitcomb, son of John', m. Dec. 4, 1664, Rebecca Waters of Lancaster. He was a selectman, and commander of the gari-ison. He lived in the part of Lancaster now Bolton, where he d. April 12, 1718. 3. David Whitcomb. son of Josiah", 1). Feb. 20, 1668. m. May 31, 1700, MaiT Fairbanks, d. in Lancaster, 1727. 4. Ben.iamin Whitco:mb, son of David ^, b. about 1710, was a deacon and an active citizen of Leominster, where he d. 1778. 5. John Whitcomb, son of Benjamin'', b. in Leominster, IMay 20, 17o9. m. 1780, Abigail C4iapin. Revolutionaiy soldier, removed to Franconia and to Landaff, now Iviston, where he d. 181-'). Benjamin Whitcomb and Nathaniel Whitcomb, of Lisbon, were his brothers. 6. Josiah Whitcomb, son of John''', b. in Fnuiconia, IMay 4, 1794. m. Aug. 30, 1818, Eunice Raymond. He d. in Bath, June" 26, 1880. 7. Horace Whitcomb. son of Josiah'', b. in Landaff, Nov. 9, 1821. m. July 17, 1844, Betsey Runels Farmer, dan. of Jedidiah Farmer (See). He lived in Bethlehem, Littleton, Stewartstown, Columbia, again in Bethlehem, and removed to Bath, 1867, where he now res. Ch., — i. Arthur Kincaid, h. in L. July Ifi, 1840. m. Nov. 24, 1875, Ella Minerva I'uttet", 1). Soarsmoiit, Mc, Sept. 4, 1850, dau. of Sunnier I'attee. lie grad. Dart, ("(ill., 1873. Superintendent of Scliools, Lowell, Mass. 'I'hree children, ii. Warren II., b. Jan. 7, 18o0. res. Batli. iii. Nklla (;ka(E, I). Dec. 5, 18(!2. ni. April 11, 1888, George Clark, res. in Bath. 8. Curtis Whitcomb, son of Josiah*', b. in Landaff, June 16, 1.830. in. Oct. 21, 1854, Minerva, dau. of Ira Howland, b. in Easton, Sept. 18, 522 WMtco7nb — White. 1838, d. in L. May 17, 1895, Advent. He has res. in L. since 1889. Teamster. Advent. Democrat. Cii., b. in Betlilehem, — i. Ella Betsey, b. July 13, 1856. m. June 19, 1874, Clark C. Day, laborer, res. Lisbon, ii. Lizzie Minerva, b. Jan. 28, 1859. m. first, Cortes llibbard Bolles (See), m. second, Andrew J. Sellingham (See). iii. Cariue Eunice, b. Sept. 18, 1806. ul VVill)er Parker Clark (See). iv. Alisekt Lee, b. April 4, 1870. m. Oct. 30, 1805, Lizzie M. Mcl'hersou. Laborer, res. L. Ch., Minerva, b. Feb. 18, 1897. WHITE. 1. Betiiuel White, b. Dec. 1, 1771. m. first, FelD. 2.5, 179(5, Mar- gery Daniel, b. in Westmoreland, Nov. 12, 1773, d. in L. Nov. 23, 18(38 (sister of Mrs. David Rankin), m. second, Dec. 21, 1809, Rnth Gates Whipple. He res. in L. from 1800 to 1814. Merchant. Select- man, 180G. After 1814 they emigrated to Ky. Ch., by w. Margery, all but Sophronia b. in L., — i. Sophronia, b. June 10, 1708. ii. Thayer Daniels, b. July 18, 1800. iii. SiKENA, b. Sept. 9, 1802. iv. Bautin, b. June 18, 1805. WHITE. 2. Thomas White, b. in Londonderry, now Derry, in 1805. m. in 1824, Caroline Sanborn, b. in Sanbornton, Aug. 30, 1802,(1. in L. Aug. 9, 1892, He res. in L. from 1847 until he d.^May 9, 1880. Cabini^t- maker. Democrat. Ch., all but Laura b. in Sanbornton, — i. Jerome T., b. April 18, 1825. res. Boston, Mass. ii. Ele/:'ta C, b. Jan. 21, 1828. m. John D. Bean, auctioneer, res. Manchester, iii. Marcia Ann, b. March 22, 1832, d. L. Jan. 15. 1854. iv. Laura A., b. Campton, Jan. 8, 1840. m. Washington Wheeler How- land (See). WHITE. LEBLANC. 3. Joseph White, son of John, b. in Canada about 1833. m. June, 18G4, Almena, dau. of John La Force, b. in Canada, March 8, 1848, Roman Catholic. He has res. in L. since 1868. Mason. Roman Catholic. Ch., all but Alexander b. in L., — i. Alexander, b. St. .lohnsbury, Vt., July 21, 1865. m. Dec. 1888, Georgia Elliott, res. Whitefield. ii. Mary, b. Nov 4, 1868. m. May 26, 1885, David Colburn, engineer. res. Ilaverliill. iii. Eli, b. April, 1871, d. L. March, 1880. iv. Selena, b. April, 1873. ni. July 15, 1895, Fred Howe, mason, res. L. v. Joseph, b. 1875, d. L. 1878. vi. Kate, b. Sept. 2, 1877. vii. Lizzie, b. Feb. 5, 1880. m. Nov. 17, 1897, Charles McHugh, glover. res. L. viii. Oliver, b. Oct. 10, 1882, d. L. Feb. 26, 1893. ix. Alice, b. March 27, 1884. X. James, b. Nov. 7, 1887. While — White.Hu/e — Whithvj. 523 WHITE. 4. KoYAL Pkkscott Whitk. son of Andrew, 1). in Clinton, N. Y., March 22, l.sr)4. ni. Dec. 29, 1.S80, Nellie M., dan. of George M. Stevens, h. in IManchester, Aug. 20, 1858, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1880. ]\I(!rchant. Rt'pnblican. Ch., — i. Ethel F., b. L. Aug. 2, 1887. WHITESIDE. 1. Thomas Wiiitksidk, son of William, 1). near Xewry, Province of Ulster, Ireland, Dec. 20, 1858. He was edn(;ated in the government schools of Ireland, Wilbraham, Mass., Academy, iind grad. Boston University School of Theology. 18i)l. He was ordained deacon in the New England Conference, 1(S,S8, and elder in the New Hampshire Con- ference, 1.S92. His appointments have been : Antrim, 1889-92 ; Law- rence, Mass., St. Mark's, 1892-9.'>; Exeter, 1894. Snj)ernnmerarv, 1895, and the vear given to travel and stndy. Franklin Falls, l.S9()-98 ; L. 1898-1900, and Portsmouth, 1900- .' He m. March 18, 189G, INIaria Rohr Davis. He has made frequent contributions to the secular and religious press, is an officer of the Anti-Saloou League, and has served on Conference Committees. Ch., — i. Franklin, b. ii. Fhedekick William, b. L. Marcb G, 1899. WHITING. 1. Solomon Whitino, b. in 1751. m. Asenath Cook, b. in 1751, d. in L. Dec. 4, 1819. He came to L. from Wincliester in I.SOI, and res. in L. until he d., Dec. 8, 18oG. Bellows-maker and blacksmith, — first in L. Ch., - 2. i. Solomon, b. IMiincbcster, Nov. 1, 1791. 2. Solomon Whitinc;, son of Solomon ^ b. in Manchester, Nov. 1, 1791. m. June .00, 182.'5, Maria, dau. of Robert Cliarlton (See), b. in L. June 24. 1794, d. in L. Nov. 15, 1892. He res. in L. all his life excei)t seven vears. d. in L. Aug. 27, 1886. Ch., b. in L.. — i. AsENATii, b. May, 1824, d. L. Sejit.C), 1825. o. ii. KoiiEiiT Chaulton, b. Aj)ril 4, iSoS. 3. RoKKRT Charlton "Whiting, son of Solomon •^, b. in L. April 4, 183;3. m. Nov. 1, 1870, pollen Josephine, daiL of William Henry Har- rison Millen (See), b. in 1>. Aug. 10, 1845, Cong. She m. second, Loren C. Austin (See). Robert res. in L. all his life. Luml:)er manufr. Methodist. Republican, d. in L. Mareii 14, 1874. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Ch., — i. IvOBERT C'iiahlton, 1). Tv. July 2:), 1874, d. L. Sept. 22, 1875. 524 Wh iting — Whitmore — Whittaker. WHITING. 4. Foster Whiting, son of Leonard, h. in Lisbon, Aug. 17, 1849. m. A[)v[\ 14, 187n, Elmira Gilnian, dan. of Rinaldo Dodge (See), b. in Lisbon, Marcli 15, 1853. He lias res. in L. since 1882. Farmer. Republican. Ch.,— i. Millie, b. L. May 28, 1888. WHITMORE. 1. Abijah J. Whitmore, son of Abijah, pub. Oct. 29, 1807, Hannah, dau. of Lutlier Thompson (See), b. in L., d. in L. Sept. 26, 1813. He res. in L. from 1807 to 13. Brick mason. Ch., I), in L., — i. Angehne, 1j. Marcli 10, 1808, d. Salina.N. Y., Sept. 22, 1839. ii. William B., b. Aug. 1, 1809. res. Salina, N. Y. iii. LoHENA B., b. March 15, 1811. m. Latoii. res. Hnneo^e, N. Y. iv. David A., b. Dec. 22, 1812, d. Salina, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1831. WHITTAKER. 1. Robert Whittaker, son of Lawrence, b. Elm Shore, Lancashire, Eng., Nov. 1800. m. first, in 1818, Ann, dan. of John Barnes, b. Elm Shore, Lancashire, Eng., March 31, 1798, d. in L. Feb. 19, 1861, Epis- copal, m. second, July 4, 18G2, Martha Buckley. He res. in L. from 1856 until he d., May 3, 1873. Wool-dyer. Episcopal. Democrat. Ch., bj' w. Ann, — i. Lawrence, b. Elm Shore, Eng., about 1820, d. Elm Shore, Eng., about 1823. ii. John, b. Elm Shore, Eng., about 1822. m. Betsey Bonner. Stock raiser. He d. Oconomowoc, Wis., about 1892. iii. ]\1argaret, b. Elm Shore, Eng., about 1824. res. Oconomowoc, Wis. iv. Ellen, b. Elm Shore, Eng.^ about 1826. m. Joseph Finder, dyer. She d. Lowell, Mass., about 1883. 2. V. KoBERT Hknry', b. Elm Shore, Eng., April 16, 1830. vi. Mary Sdsan, b. Elm Shore, Eng., about 1832. m. James Colson, mill overseer. She d. Saugus, Mass., about 18G4. 3. vii. Joseph Lawrence, b. Lowell, Mass., Feb. 2, 1833. viii. James, b. Lowell, Mass., about 1836, d. Lowell, Mass., about 1838. ix. James William, b. Lowell, Mass., about 1838. m. Feb. 22, 1859, Martha E. Hurst. He d. about 1883. 4. X. George Samuel, b. Holliston, Mass., Aug. 11, 1841. 2. RouEKT Henry Whittaker, son of Robert \ b. in Elm Shore, Lancashire, Eng., April 16, 1830. m. first, Nov. 1858, Sarah Ann, dau. of Jotliara Gerry, b. in Kittery, IMe., in 1836, d. in Haverhill, Mass., in 1860. m. second, May, 1864, Maria, dau. of Charles Webster, b. in Bethel, Vt., in 1842. Divorced, m. third, Dec. 9, 1875, Margaret Ellen, dau. of Daniel Harrington (See), b. in Barnet, Vt., in 1849, Ro- man Catholic. She m. first, Colby. Robert has res. in L. since 1868. Merchant. Democrat. A. F. and A. M. Ch., by w. Maria, — i. Jessie, b. Stockbridge, Vt., Oct. 1866. res. Bradford, Vt. Whittaker — Milder — Wilkiiis. 525 3. .losEi'ii La WHKNCE ^^'IlITTAKKl^, SOU ot' Kobci't \ b. in Lowell, iNIass., Feb. 2, LS.').'}. 111. Jail. 22, l.SGU, Alineda Fannie, (Uiii. of Levi Streeter (See), b. in Lisbon, ,Itin. LJ, 1831). Mo res. in L. from 1856 to 7G. AVool-dyer. P^piscopal. Democrat. Fire ward, l87;j-4-5. CIi., b. in L.. — i. IxKZ Almkda, b. 1)60.25, 18(55. res. P.radford, Mass. ii. C'ouA .Iun.\, b. June lo, 1870. ni. Jan. 11, 18'.I4, Joscpli Cullcn Aver, cleri^yman. res. Keene. 4. GKOK(iK Samuel Whittaker, son of Ivobert', b. in llolliston. Mass., Aii<2;. 11, 1841. m.Aug. IC, 18G4, Paulina Arilla, dau. of Israel Foster, b. in Andover, Mass., Jan. 10, 1843, Fpiscopal. lie has res. in L. from 18o(j to Gl ; 18G2 to 63, and since 1880. \Vool-d\er. Demo- crat. Fire ward, 1882. A. F. and A. JNL, Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. C'li., 1). in (Jroveland, Mass., — 5. i. Ai;thuk, b. Feb. 14, 18(1'.). ii. ()LivE, b. Marcb 4, 1872, d. Groveland, Mass., Oct. 18, 1878. 5. AuTiiuR Whittaker, son of (ieorge Samuel*, b. in Groveland, Mass., Feb. 14, 186',). m. Dec. 5, 181)4, Addie Louise, dau. of Henry B. Burnham (See), b. in L. Dec. 2."), 1871, Episcopal. He has res. in L. since 1880. Expressman. E|)iscopal. Democriit. A. F. and A. JNl., Burns Lodge. K. T., St. Gerard Com. "WILDER. 1. Cii.viiLEs C. Wilder, son of Willis, b. in Bethlehem, Feb. 14. 1816. m. first, March 2(!, 184G, Elizabeth, dau. of Timothy Green (See), b. in Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 1), 1820, d. in Cambridgeport, Mass., Feb. 25, 1876. m. second, in 1878, Louvia Clark, b. in Stanstead, P. Q. He res. in L. from 1852 to 64. -Merchant. Republican, d. in Dorchester, Mass., July 15, 1881. Ch., b\' w. Louvia, b. in Dorchester, Mass., — i. Charles C, b. Nov. 27, 1870, d. Dorciiester, Mass., Sept. 30, 1880. ii. Alice, b. 1881. res. Stanstead, P. t^. WILKINS. 1. Philip Clement Wilkins, son of Daniel, b. in Sharon, Vt. ( ?), Aug. 7, 1803. m. Oct. 1832, Phebe .S. Patterson, b. in New Boston, April 1, 1811, d. in L. March, 1880, Cong. He res. in L. from 1832 until he d., Mtxy 18, 1887. Farmer and surveyor. Cong. Republican. Selectman, 1835-6-7-9-40. J. P. Ch., b. in L., — 2. i. Daniel, b. Oct. 7, 18o3. ii. Sophia, b. Dec. 10. 1835, d. L. 18.39. iii. Ceorge C, b. Dec. 17. 1837, d. L. Jan. 19, 1864. A. F. and A. :\I., Burns Lodge. Original ?> months' man. iv. Philip, b. Dec. 28, 1839. Farmer, d. Alexandria, Ya., Dec. 18, IStil. A. F. and A. M., Burns Lodge. Original o months" man, Co. V, 5lli N. II. Inf. Private. 3. V. Llthek C, b. Dec. 12, 1843. 526 Wilkhis — WiUard. 2. Daniel Wilkins, son of Philip Clement \ b. in L. Oct. 7, 1833. m. first, Georgianna Dorman, b. in Boxford, Mass., d. in 1862. m. second, June 10, 1863, Sarah, dau. of Kev. Carey Russell, Cong. She m. second, Rev. Charles E. Harrington (See). Daniel res. in L. all his life. d. in L. July, 1886. Civil engineer. Cii., bj- w. Georgianna, — 4. i. Hugh Dorman, b. L. Jan. 8, 1860. Ch., by w. Sarah, — ii. Georgia Dorman, b. Dec. 12, 1865. m. June 27, 1889, Charles E. Dutton, physician, res. Minneapolis, Minn. 3. Luther C. Wilkins, son of Philip Clement \ b. in L. Dec. 12, 1843. m. May 28, 1874, Clara, dau. of Franklin Walker (See), b. in L. May 6, 1852. He res. in L. from birth to 1887. Farmer and lawver. J. P. A. F. and A. M. d. in Pasco, Wash., Aug. 28, 1896. Ch., b. in L., — i. Clement, b. May 24, 1875. res. Pasco, Wash, ii. Archie, b. Sept. 8, 1878. iii. Maurice, b. Sept. 10, 188-3. 4. Hugh Dorman A\^ilkins, son of Daniel", b. in L. Jan. 8, 1860. ni. Aug. 29, 1882, Lizzie Florence, dau. of Riley Smith Simpson (Sec), b. in L. Oct. 26, 1861. He has res. in L. all Ins life. Glover. Re- publican. No ch. WILKINS. 5. DoxiE Wilkins, son of Jethro, b. in N. C, July 5, 1851. ra. first, April 18, 1874, Eliza, dau. of James Willey, b. in Chester, Vt., in 1850, d. in L. May, 1889. m. second. May, 1894, Lilla Colts, b. in Washington, D. C, June, 1871. She ni. first, Dewe}'. He has res. in L. since 1865. Laborer. Cong. Republican. Contraband. Waiter Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. Not e^ilisted. Ch.,- i. LiLLiA (Dewey), b. Worcester, Mass., Feb. 1891. (Dau. of second w.) WILLARD. 1. Peter E. Willard, son of Peter, b. in Sutton, Vt., June 1, 1829. m. first, June 9, 1852, Lorinda, dau. of Nathan Applebee -, (See), b. in L. Oct. 14, 1832, d. in L. Sept. 7, 1869. m. second, Jan. 18, 1870, Melissa, dau. of Stephen Smith, b. Aug. 28, 1829. She m. second, • Sanborn. Peter res. in L. from 1850 to 1871. Farmer. Methodist. Democrat, d. in Bridgewater, Mass., Jan. 24, 1891. Ch., liy w. Lorinda, b. in L., — i. Emma A., b. Sept. 14, 1853. m. May 28, 1872, Elwin J. Gibson, mason, res. Nashua. ii. IIattie M., b. May 6, 1850. m. May 3, 1875, Carrol E. Colburn, shoe nianuf. res. Nashua. iii. George A., b. April 11,1859. m. March 1, 1882, Mary A. Hazeltine. Mason, res. Nashua. iv. Mary A., b. Oct 9, 1864. m. Nov. 8, 1883, George 0. Kobbius, shoe- cutter, res. Nashua. V. AuBERTtTS A., b. Aug. 5, 1869. m. May 8, 1889, Olive Crowell Chandler, res. Brockton, Mass. WiUett — Wllley — Wmiams. 527 WILLETT. OUELLET. 1. Josr.PH Wii.LETT, son of Baptisto, b. in Canada, June 22, 18G8. m. June 15, 1881, Georoianna, dan. of John George Skeene, b. in Canada, Dec. 25, 1868, Koniau Catholic. He lias res. in L. since 1891. Farmer. Roman Catholic. Cli., b. in Canada, — i. Anna, b. June 22, 188P>. ii. Mahy, b. June 22, 1«8(). iii. P^LOUA, b. Aug. 15, 1888. iv. Josi;i>H Napolkox, b. May 31, 1896. WILLEY. 1. CiiFSTER Joseph Willey, son of Chester S., b. in Concord, Vt., Jan. 18, 18(34. m. Oct. 8, 1888, Alice L., dan. of Bradford Kinne (See), b. in L. Jan. 30, ISTO. He has res. in L. since 18.S1. JMciiiodist. Republican. Ch..— i. Florence L., b. L. Oct. 26, 1891. WILLIAMS. 1. James Williams, son of .Samuel and Phebe Williams, b. in An- dover, Mass., Aug. 22, 1759. m. 1780, Susannah, dau. of P^noch and Jemima (Sprague) JMerrill, b. in Melhuen, ]\Iass., March 27, 17G7, d. in L. Aug. 10, 1820. He res. in L. from 1789 until he d., June 14, 1822. Farmer and hotcl-kcei)er. Rev. soldier. P^nlisted as a private in Capt. Setli Drew's Co., Col. Ebenezer Sprout's Regt., Mass. Continental Line, in March, 1781, and was discharged Dec. 19, 1783. He was active and useful in town aflairs. Town Records give him tlie title of Capt. Selectman, 1790-2-4-9-1801-7. Moderator, 1801-2. Treasurer, 1807-8. Representative, 1794. P'irst postmaster in L., appointed Sept. 30, 1802, located in what is now called North L. (Travels in New Flngland, bv Timothy Dwight, Vol. II. pp. 123 and 290.) Ch., -^ i. RuKEY, b. Metliucn, Mass., Sept. 2, 1787. m. William Bailey*^ (See). ii. Isaac Frye, b. April 20, 17II0. He was a merchant in Concord. He ni. Mary Aver, dau of Richard and Susannah (Sargent) Aver of Concord, and a sister of the wife of (Jov. Isaac Hill. He d. Feb. 7, 1872. She d. July ;!, 1885. Ch. : (1) Mary Elizabeth, m. George W. Harvey, d. May 17, 1883. (2) Susan Ayer, m. George H. Hutchins, d. July 12, 18;t"7. (o) Georgianna Hill, d. 1872. (4) Annette, m. H. F. C. Nichols, res. West vSui)erior, Wis. 2. iii. James, b. I., ^'ov. 15, 1791. 3. iv. Merrill, b. L. Oct. 2, 1793. V. Betsey, b. L. Nov. 17!)(). m. Laban Tifft (See). vi. Washington, b. Waterford, Vt.. Sept. 28, 1797. m. 18.3.•^ Charlotte Ayer, dau. of liichard and Susannah (Sargent) Ayer of Concord. Merchant, lie d. Portsmouth, Jan 13, 1875. vii. Nancy W., b. L. March 12, 1800. m. Asa L. Thompson (See), viii. Jemima, b. L. March 28, 1802 ni. lirst, Fdvvard I'ickett (See), in. sec- ond, Moses Chamberlain. She res. Bradford, Vt. i.x. PiiEBE, b. L. ]May 4, 1804. ni. Horace Cushman (See). X. Franklin, b. L. July 19, 1810. ni. Elizabeth Nudd. Merchant. He d. San Francisco, Cal., 1881. 528 Williams. 2. James Williams, son of James ^ b. in L. Nov. 15, 1791. pub. Feb. 5, lSir>, Candaee Billings. He res. in L. from birth to 182(3. Farmer in L. and later hotel-keeper in Waterford, Vt.', and Haverhill. He d. in riymouth, about 1840 ; buried in L. A. F. and A. M., Morning Dawn. Ch., — 4. i. Franklin Billings, b. Cabot, Vt., May 12, 1817. ii. RIauy, m. Prof. White, res. N. Y. iii. AuisuKN, went to Boston, Mass. 3. Merrill Williams, son of James \ b. in L. Oct. 2, 1793. pub. Dec. 1, 1819, Lauretta, dau. of Thomas West, b. in Montpelier, Vt., in 1794, Universalist. He res. in L. from birth to 1820. Farmer and hotel-keeper. Universalist. Appointed Postmaster of North L., April 1, 1819. A. F. and A. M., Morning Dawn. d. in Greensboro', Vt. , 1859. Ch.,— i. Arthur West, b. L. Oct. 3, 1820. m. 1849, Eliza A. Clark. Farmer and niercliant. He ij. Craftsbury, Vt., July 21, 187o. ii. Geougk W., b. Montpelier, Vt., May 31, 1822. ni. 1853, Abbie Fergu- son. Dentist, res. Ugiien, Utaii. iii. Freeman, b. Montpelier, Vt., May 23, 1824. m. 1851, Mrs. Sarah Mil- ler. Fainter, d. Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 1877. iv. Julia A., b. Montpelier, Vt., March 14, 182U. m. 1850, Nelson Kand, merchant and lawyer. He d. Craftsbury, Vt , 1892. V. Harriet, b. Montpelier, Vt., Feb. 20, 1828, d. Montpelier, Vt., April 3, 1828. vi. A. Augusta, b. Montpelier, Vt., March 0, 1829. m. June, 1855, Amory Davison, cattle broker and banker, res. Craftsbury, Vt. vii. Harriet A., b. Montpelier, Vt., March 9, 1831. m. first, B. S. Wilson, hotel-keeper, d. Morrisville, Vt., 1875. m. second, Hemau H. Elmore, grocer. He d. Morrisville, Vt., 1892. viii. Isaac Frye, b. Montpelier, Vt., Feb. 23, 1834. m. 1860, Ann Simpson. Farmer, res. Craftsbury, Vt. ix. Amanda M., b. Montpelier, Vt., April 18, 1836. m. 1866, Pliny Day, tarnier. res. Glover, Vt. X. Merrill, b. Greensboro', Vt., April 11, 1838. m. 1863, Anne Hinman. Merchant. He d. Greensboro', Vt., May 1, 1866. 4. Fraxklin Billings Williams, son of James'", b. in Cabot, Vt., May 12, 1817. m. in 1840, Ellen Arter, b. in Liverpool, Fug., Nov. 5, 1820. She d. July 1, 1898. He res. in L. from 1843 until he d., Feb. 6, 1892. Farmer. Republican. Co. 1, 1st N. H. H. Art. Private. Ch., — 5. i. James Arter, b. Waterford, Vt., June 19, 1841. ii. George, b. Waterford, Vt., Aug. 6, 1813. ni. Mary Caswell. Farmer. res. Waterford, Vt. Co. E, 13th N. H. Inf. Private, iii. Mary Ellen, b. L. Oct. 24, 1846. m. Charles West Watson (See). iv. A.MANDA, b. L. Oct. 24, 1852. m. Silas M. Locke, farmer, res. Lyman. 6. V. Clark B., b. L. March 25, 1858. vi. Laura Thompson, b. L.March 13,1860. m. jMoses Simonds, mechanic, res. Lisbon. 5. James Arter Williams, son of Franklin Billings *, b. in Water- ford, Vt., June 19, 1841. m. Aug. 21, 18G2, Elizabeth, dau. of Abijah Bowman (See), b. in L. June 29, 1838. He res. in L. from 1842 until he d., INIarch 1, 1888. Farmer, liepublican. Williams. 529 Ch., all but Ellen b. in L. i. Elt.kn Mahia, 1). in Il.'ickley, Canada, March 20, 1865. m. June 10, lSiS;5, William Powers, marble-cutter. ISlie d. Hard wick, Vt., Dec. 11, 1892. ii. Fhank, 1). Dec. 9, 186G. d. April 4, 1872. iii. Fhei), b. June 2, lb7-'). iv. Eva, b. Nov. 28, 1874. V. Etta, b. July 10, 1881. 6. Clai{K liuurox Wir,LiAA[.s, son of Franklin liillings*, b. in L. March 25, 1858. ni. Aug. 31, 1871), Jennie Elms, dau. of Thomas Jiickfoid '^ (!^ec), b. in Ashland, June D, 18G1, Cong. He has res. in L. all his life. Fai'mer. Republican. Ch., all but JNIaud b. in E., — i. Maud Edith, b. Lvman, Oct. 2, 1880. ii. Kay, b. April 24, 1882, d. Ai)ril 25, 1882. iii. Nina Annis, b. Feb. 11, 1885. iv. Hat Howakd, b. Feb. 0, 1888. V. Earl Franklin, b. March (5, 1802. vi. Lena Kathekine, b. Dec. 2, 1806. WILLIAMS. 7. Samuel Williams, m. Sobriet}- Bainford, dau. of Robert. He lived in Barrington and Lee, d. in Lee, 1795. 8. Robert Williams, son of SanuieF, b. in Barrington or Lee, 1749. m. IMnkham, and settled in AUenstown. Removed about 1786 to Entield, where he d., May 14, 182o. 9. Robert Williams, son of Robert^, b. in AUenstown, Feb. 6, 1784. m. June 29, 1808, Mere}' Hardy of Hopkinton. 10. Sylvester P. Williams, son of Rev. RoV)ert', b. in Canaan, April 16, 1801). m. first, July 20, 1834, I'ersis, dau. of Nathaniel Partridge (See), b. in Lyman, May 2, 1809, d. in Newbury, Vt., April 1, 1848. in. second, Sept. 3, 1848, iVLary Esty, dan. of Niles Aldrich, b. in Windham, Vt., June 29, 1824, d. in Poultney, Vt., Sept. 6, ISoG. m. third, in 18r)G, Sarah, dau. of Asa Crandall, b. in Warrensburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1827. He was converted at an early age and joined the ]SIethodist Church. He was ordained Deacon in that church by Bishop Roberts, in Lyndon, Vt., Aug, 12, 1832; Elder by Bishop Hedding, in West Windsor, Vt., Aug. 10, 1834. His appointments were: Bristol, 1830; Northfield and Gilmanton, 1831 ; Bristol, 1832 ; Landaff, 1833 ; Lancaster, 1834-5 ; Rocliester, Vt., 183G-7; Chelsea, Vt., 1838-9; Brookfield and Randolph, Vt., 1840-1; Agent American Bible Society, 1842-3; Presiding Elder, Danville, Vt., Districit, 1844 to 7 ; Newburv, Vt., 1848 ; Montpelier, Vt., 1849; Plattsburg, N. Y., 1850-1; Schtiylerville, N. Y., 1852-3; Garrettson Station, Albany, N. Y., 1854 -5 ; I'residing Elder, Poultney, Vt., District, 1856 to 9 ; Bennington, Vt., 1860 ; Levings Chapel, Troy, N. Y., 1861-2; North and Centre Chatham, N. Y., 1863; RensselaeV- ville, N. Y., 1864 ; Supernumerary, 1865 ; Columbia and Seneca, Cal., 1866; W^arrensburg, N. Y., 18()7-8 ; Supernumerary, 1869; Super- annuate, Marengo, 111., 1870, until he d., Sept. 14, 1874. He res. in L. VOL. II. — 34 530 Williams. during a part of the time he was Presiding Ehler, 1843 to 1845. Ap- pointed Postmaster, North L., (^ct. 25, 1843. Ch., by w. Persis, — i. Caholine Gratia, b. Lancaster, March 6, 1836. m. Feb. 26, 1856, Robert Miller Walmsley, Prest. La. National Bank. res. New Orleans, La. ii. lux SvLVESTEK, b. Ruchester, Vt., May 20, 1837. He d. Newbury, Vt., Dec. 2.5, 1847. iii. Oscar Nathaniel, b. Chelsea, Vt., Oct. 6, 1838, d. Newbury, Vt., Dec. 9, 1847. iv. Orion Hitrd, b. Chelsea, Vt., June 10, 1840. m. Sept. 10, 1863, Mary L. Dally. Pub. Railroad Guide, res. Englewood, 111. V. RoiiERT Newton, b. Randolph, Vt., Sept. 15, 1842, d. Newbury, Vt., Dec. 28. 1847. vi. Infant Dau., b. L. April 20, 1844, d. L. May 29, 1844. vii. Charles Newton, b. Newbury, Vt., Oct. 9, 1847, d. Newbury, Vt., Feb. 29, 1848. Ch., by w. Mary, — viii. Sylvester Niles, b. Plattsburo;, N. Y., Sejit. 28, 1851. m. Aug. 7, 1876, Mai-y Mildred Fancher. Prof, of Civil ICngineering in Coll. res. Mt. ^^eruon, Iowa. ix. Mary Persis, b. Albany, N. Y., INIarch 5, 1855. m. Sept. 10, 1878, Horace E. Warner, clergyman, res. Denver, Col. Ch., by w. Sarali, — X. Uherto Crandall, b. Trov, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1863, d. Harmonv, 111., March 7, 1867. WILLIAMS. 11. Jeremiah S. Williams, son of Hezekiah, b. in Orford, July 1, 1.S36. ra. June 18, 1858, Delia, dau. of John Watson, b. in Thetford, Vt., July 16, 1843. He has res. in L. since 1878. Glover. Republican. Ch., — i. Winnie, b. Piermont, July 10, 1859. ni. Sept. 1884, Hiram Putnam, farmer, res. Tintah, Minn, ii. P'rank, b. Piermont, Aug. 28, 1863. m. 1888, Elizabeth Shannon. Glover, res. Johnstown, N. Y. iii. Bertha, b. Lisbon, June 10, 1871. m. Artlnir J. Bedell (See). WILLIAMS. 12. James W. Williams, son of Moses, b. in Waterford, Vt., Dec. 28, '[Sr,5. m. Oct. 9, 1888, Edith Victoria, dau. of Henry 8ami)son, b. in Whitetield, April 28, 1864. He has res. in L. since 1889. Glover. Democrat. No ch. WILLIAMS. 13. Ellsworth Jacob Williams, son of Jacob, b. in Concord, Vt., May 32, 1863. m. July 21, 1883, Ella Maria, dau. of Martin Whitney Hatch (See), b. in Pethlehem, July 6, 1862. Divorced, m. second, Nov. 30, 1895, Planche S., dau. of George 0. W. Hatch (See), b. in L. Jan. 1, 1879. He has res. in L. since 1883. Farmer. Kepublican. Ch., by w. Ella, — i. Edith May, b. L. July 9, 1884. Williams. 531 WILLIAMS. 14. Clarence W. Williams, son of A. W., b. in Greensboro', Vt., Nov. 12, 18G3. m. April ](), 1885, Lilla A., dau. of Aiigustus Willard Htreeter (See), b. in Betlileliem, April 23, 18CG, Metliodist. He res. in L. from 1879 to 188G. Merchant. Methodist. Xow res. in Concord. Ch.,— i. Etiielyn Elizabeth, b. L. Nov. 8, 1886, d. Warner, Sei>t. 6, 1887. ii. Akthur Philip, b. Contoocook, Jau. 15, 1893. WILLIAMS. 15. John Hazen Williams, son of Jacob, b. in Bath, Nov. 18, 1843, m. lirst, July 4, 1862, Helen Mar, dan. of Albert L. Lewis (See), b. in L. April 20, 184G. Divorced. She m. second, Andrew J. Clogston (See). John Hazen m. second, Hattie, dau. of Oliver Locke, b. April 17, 185G, d. April 12, 1896. He has res. in L. at several differ- ent times, the last since 1889. Laborer. Ch., by w. Helen,— i. Elgin, b. Lyman, May 21, 1863. m. Dec. 30, 1887, Effie Grey. Car- penter, res. L. ii. Minnie, b. Laudaff, April 15, 1869. m, Peter McKay, black.smith. res. Montana. iii. IIauold, b. Batli, Aug. 2, 1874. m. Tibbetts. res. Cal. iv. Bert, b. Lyman, Feb. 27, Ch., by w. Hattie, — V. Dora, b. Lyman, March 31, 1880. WILLIAMS. 16. Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island, was a minis- ter of the Church of England and later a Nonconformist. He sailed from Bristol, Eng., Dec. 1, 1630, and was soon established as a min- ister at Salem, ]\Iass. He was accused of heretical opinions. The story of his contention with the clergy and the hostility of the col- onists, his banishment from ]\Lassachusetts, and his active and re- warded labors in founding the colony of Rhode Island is familiar to every student of history. If he contended for a greater freedom of conscience, he consistently yielded as much to all others. In his words : " I desire not that liberty to myself which I would not freely and impartially weigh out to all the consciences of the world. . . . That each town and division of people, yea, and each person, may freely enjoy what worship, what ministry, what maintenance to afford them, their soul desireth." He was b. 1599, d. 1683. His wife ]\Iary d. 1G7G. Six ch, 17. Daniel Williams, son of Roger ^^, b. Feb. 1641/2, lived in Providence, R. I. He m. Dec, 7, 1676, Rebecca (Rhodes) Power, widow of Nicholas Power and dau. of Zachariah and Joan (Arnold) Rhodes. He d. May 14, 1712. His widow d. 1727. Seven ch. 532 ' WUliams. 18. Peleg Williams, son of Daniel ''^, b. in Providence, P. T., date unknown, m. Elizabeth Carpenter, dau. of Timothy and Hannah (Purton) Carpenter and granddan. of William and Elizabeth (Arnold) Carpenter, all of Providence, P. I. He divided above 1400 acres of land among his five sons. He d. in Johnston, R, I., ITGG. 19. Peleg Williams, son of Peleg ^'^ b. 1719. m. Mary vSheldon, who was the mother of his eight children. She d. after 1764. He ni. second, Rebecca (Williams) Thayer, b. April 20, 1735, widow of David Thayer and dau. of Roger and Elizabeth (Walling) Williams. He d. in Johnston, R. I., Jan. 31, 1809. She d. Feb. 16, 1816. Eight ch. 20. Peleg Williams, son of Peleg ^^, b. in Providence, R. I.. 1740. At the age of fifteen years he served in the French and Indian Wars. About 1762 he settled in Charlestown. He m. Dec. 10, 1765, Sarah Wheeler, 'b. Sept. 4, 1748, dau. of Moses Wheeler" (See). He lived in Charlestown a considerable part of the time until 1781, when he removed to this town. He was a soldier in the Revolution, serving in the siege of Boston, 1775. In his application for a pension it is alleged that he was a quartermaster in Col. Bedel's regiment at Ticonderoga in 1776, but his name does not appear on the regimental rolls. He was commissioned a first lieutenant Nov. 7, 1776, and as- signed to Capt. Jason Wait's company. Col. Joseph Cilley's regiment, of Continental line. The following year he was in this State a short time gathering recruits for the regiment; but in the summer of 1777 he was with the army in the retreat from Ticonderoga, and in the victories over Burgoyne in the autumn of that year. Again he was furloughed on recruiting service, and returning to the army, he resigned at "Valley Forge, Pa., May 10, 1778. He was an educated, capable man, and his employment in town affairs is stated in Vol- ume I. ; but he was captious and choleric, and often in contention Avith his neighbors and family. In fact, he did not adjust his do- mestic affairs with sagacity or with a reasonable expectation of serenity. A few years previous to the Revolution he visited his native State, and there, unmindful of his wife and babes at Charles- town, he m. in Johnston, R. I., Feb. 3, 1771, Pthoda Winsor, b. May 13, 1747, dau. of Elder Samuel Winsor. The conditions did not invite the essential elements of domestic felicity. It is tradition that for a few years the two wives were in this town, each having a home with their children. The wife Rhoda returned to Rhode Island, where she d. 1796. The wife Sarah was a resolute, brawny woman, equally steadfast in attack or defence. Lieut. Williams was occasionally absent from town, and if he and the wife Sarah did not always enjoy a peaceful home, they existed in one household in this town nearly forty years. He d. while on a journey to collect his pen- sion, in Mar(!h, 1821. The wife Sarah obtained a widow's pension, and lived in this town to an advanced age. She d. Dec. 24, 1843. The gravestone asserts that she was 99 years, 3 months, and 9 days of age. The date of her birth is recorded Old Style, and making the required correction of eleven days, her age at death was 95 years, 3 months, 9 days. Of the children there is no satisfactory record. The available evidence establishes the presence of the following, — Williams — Willis — Wilm ot — Wilson. 533 Pk(U!v, III. Calcl) Il()]ikiiis()n (See). Pkovidkxck, m. July 15, 1781), Abigail Ilazultiue ; removed about ISIO to Canada. Daiceiikk, d. uuui. in this town. M-vito.Murr, m. ■ I'age; in. .second, Josepli Du Clarette. One child: .losei)li IVter, b. L. May 8, 17'.»9. Smith, resided in thi.s town several years and by tradition was a son ot Ivieut. Polcg W^illiaius. In absence <>f proof there remains only an in- ference that possibly he was a son of Timothy and Hannah (Smith) Williams of Springfield, Yt. WILLIS. 1. CvKUS WiLiJS, son of Samuel, b. in Hanover in 1816. ni. Jan. 21, 1851, Sarah Gothau), daii. of Levi Frank llanlett (See), b. in Lan- caster, July 27, 18ol. She ni. second, Collins M. I'lichanan (See). Cyrus res. in L. from 1849 until he d., Jan. 3, 18G0. Stage-driver. Whig. Deputy sheriff, 1858. Ch.,- 2. i. FuEKMAN CvijLS, b. L. Sept. 20, 18.5.^. 2. Freemax Cyrus Willis, son of Cyrus \ b. in L. Sept. 20, 1853. in. May 1, 1873, Lizzie Rogers, dan. of Frank Chase, b. in Plymouth in 1856, d. in Laconia, March 7, 1887. Pie res. in L. from birth to 1870. Hotel-keeper. Democrat. Ch. LvMAN Cyri's, b. riy mouth, Dec. 14, 1876. Frank Buchanan, b. Plymouth, March U, 1878. IIakkiet Elise, b. Campton, Dec. 4, 1881. Allax Sheldon, b. Campton, Nov. 8, 1883. Samuel Saneoku, b. Laconia, Jan. 24, 1887. WILMOT. 1. RoswELL Edward Wilmot, son of Harvey J., b. in Wheelock, Vt., Sept. 15, 1856. m. Oct. 15, 1883, Helen Rebecca, dau. of Frederic Hibbard, b. in L. July 5, 1856. He has res. in L. since 1875. Ex- press agent. Republican. Fire ward, 1888-9. I. 0. 0. F. Ch., — i. Koss IIiBiSARi), b. Lisbon, Sept. 7, 1884. ii. Harold Dudley, b. L. Feb. 15, 1887. iii. Merrill Magoon, b. L. Dec. 19, 1893. WILSON. 1. Adams P)R0Ck Wilsox, son of Adams, b. in Xewbury, Vt., ]\[arch 8, 1842. m. ^ov. 18, 1866, Luella Melissa, dau. of William Little (See), b. in Lyman, Feb. 7, 1841. She went to Des Moines, Iowa, in 1870, and taught in the city schools, and was Superintendent. She resigned in 1889 to establish a school for young ladies in Paris, France. She is now teaching in Chicago, 111., Cong. He was edu- cated in Newbury, Vt., Seminary, and jNliddletown, Conn., University, and commenced the study of medicine, regular school, in 1863. ■ He attended three courses of lectures at Dart, and Burlington, Vt., Medi- 534 Wilson — Winch — Winsloiv. cal Coll., grad. from Dart, in the fall of 1866, and commenced practice in L. in 1867, where he continued until he d., Aug. 31, 1869. Cong. A. F. and A. M. No ch. WILSON. 2. William Dexter Wilson, son of William, b. in Stoddard, Feb. 28, 1816. Grad. of Cambridge Divinity School, 1838. Became an eminent minister, and served the Unitarian society in this town about 1839-40. An address before the Littleton Anti-Slavery Society was published in pamphlet form. In 1842 he took orders in the Epis- copal Church, and, beginning 18.50, he was eighteen years Professor of Philosophy in Hobart Coll., Geneva, N. Y. He was then called to a similar chair in Cornell University. He was subsequently Professor in St. Andrew's School of Divinity, Syracuse, IST. Y., where he still resides as Professor Emeritus. He has been a voluminous writer in the field of mathematics, logic, metaphysics, and religion. D.D., LL.D., L.H.D. He married, and a son is Dean of St. Andrew's School of Theology. WINCH. 1. Nathan Winch, son of Thomas and Deborah (Gleason) Winch, b. in Framingham, Mass., Nov. 9, 1737. He m. Thankful Gibbs, of Sudbury ; m. second, Feb. 2, 1769, Abigail Brown. He lived in Framingham, was a lieutenant, and d. Sept. 2, 1803. Thirteen ch., only three of whom need be named in this connection. X. Lucy, b. 1777; bap. Nov. 2. m. Johu Palmer (See). xii. Abel, b. March 15, 1780. 2. xiii. Joel, b. Nov. 25, 1783. 2. Joel Winch, son of Nathan ^, b. in Framingham, Mass., Nov. 25, 1783. m. May 6, 1806, Sally Sessions, of Weymouth. He settled in Bethlehem, 1806, where he d. Oct. 2, 1879. Among his eiglit children were Dr. Albert Winch, of Whitefield, and other sons suc- cessful in business, only one of whom has resided in L. 3. John C. Winch, son of Joel 2, b. in Bethlehem, May 16, 1824. m. Aug. 16, 1849, Fannie J., dau. of Roswell Carleton, b. in Wliite- field, April 16, 1830. He owned a summer res. in L., and res. in L. summers from 1882 to 95 inc. Capitalist. Free Baptist. Repub- lican, d. in N. Y. City, March 17, 1896. Ch., — i. Maie C, b. Bethlehem, July 17, 1850. m. Dec. 12, 1867, Albert L. Thompson, ice-dealer, res. N. Y. City. ii. Carrie W., b. Bethlehem, Oct. 25, 1852. m. George Alfred Keyes (See). iii. JcHiN C, b. N. Y. City, Feb. 7, 1870, d. N. Y. City, April 22, 1874. WINSLOW. 1. James Ancrum AVinslow, son of John Ancrum, late Rear Ad- miral U. S. Navy, b. in Boston, INIass., April 29, 1839. unm. He was educated in the Boston public schools, Roxbury Latin School, and grad. Window — Wise. 535 from TTarvard Coll. in IS.")*.), lie studied law in the Uriiversit\' of Va. Law School, 1851) to April, 1801, when the outbreak of the war i)re- vented his completing the course. He was admitted to the Bar in the Superior Court, Boston, ^lass., Sept. 3, 1801. He was located in practice in Boston, ^lass., 18()2, to Oct. 1807, and a member of the firm of Woodside & W'inslow, 1802: L., from Oct. 1807, to May, 1808. He was admitted to the X. Y. Bar in Binghamton, N. Y., IVIay 12, 1809, where he practised until he d., June 27, 1892. His published writings com})rise frec^uent contributions on legal, [)olitical, critical, and literary topics })ublished in newspapers in Boston, Mass., L., Binghamton, and other places in N. Y. J. P. I'rivate 4th Mass. Battalion when called into service, May, 1802 ; First Lieut. 2d llegt. Mass. V. M., 1801, to May, 1805. Episcopal. (Bell's Bench and Bar, p. 757.) WISE. 1. Daniel Wise, son of Haniel, b. in rortsmouth, Ham})shire, Lng., Jan. 10, 1813. m. Aug. 1830, Sarah Ann, dau. of Kicliard Hill, b. in Portsea, Eng., Aug. 1812, d. in Englewood, N. J., Jan. 8, 1890. He was educated in the Portsmouth, Eng., Grammar School, and began study- ing theological books in 1831. He never attended Coll., but has received the honorary degrees of A. INL and D. D. from Wesleyan University. He was licensed as a local Methodist preacher in 1834 ; ordained Deacon by Bishop Waugh in Lynn, Mass., in 1839; Elder by Bishop Morris in Boston, Mass., in 1843. He was located as a Metho- dist clergyman as follows: L., Lyman, and Bath, 1831-5; Haverhill, 1835; Lisbon and Haverhill, 1830; Hingham, ]Mass., 1837; Quincy, Mass., 1838; Ipswich, ]\Iass., 1840-2; Springfield, Mass., 1843; no charge, 1844; Nantucket, Mass., 1845-0; Providence, H. 1., 1840-7; Ealf Fuvev, IMass., 1848-9; New Bedford, ]\fass., 1850-1, He then took up editorial work and was editor of the " Sunday School Messenger," Boston, 1838 to 44 ; " Ladies' Pearl," Lowell, INIass., 1840 to 42 ; " New England Diadem " (temperance), Providence, E. I., 1840-7; '-Zion's Herald," Boston, 1852 to 50; >' Sunday School Advocate," New York, 1850 to 72 ; •' Sunday School Teachers' Journal," 1800 to 08; ''Good News," 1800 to 72; "Forrester's Boys' and Girls' Magazine," Boston, Mass., 1853 to 50; "The Methodist Review," 1887-8. He was also a frequent contributor to "The Ladies' Repository," Cincinnati, and " The National Repository," New York. Since 1872 he has taken a " supernumerary " position, writing much for various papers, also writing a large number of books, among which may be mentioned : Under the nam de plume of Francis For- rester, Esq., " ]\Iy Uncle Toby's Library," 12 vols. ; " Glen ^lorris Stories," 5 vols. ; " Holleyrood Stories," vols. Under the nam de plume of Lawrence Lancewood, Esq., "The Lindendale Stories," 5 vols. His writings include subjects in history, biography, travels, religion, morals, education, literature, advice to youth, and juvenile literature. Between the years 1840 and 91, sixty-nine volumes were published of his writings, and the aggregate sale of them was over half a million copies. He res. in L. from 1833 to 37 as teacher and local preacher; d. in Englewood, N. J. 536 Wise — Witham — Woodruff — Woods. Ch., — i. Theodore Daniel, b. Quiucy, Mass., Aug. 22, 1838, d. Boston, Mass., Aug. 1839. ii. Sakaii Luella, b. Bostou, Mass., Dec. 1839. res. Euglewood, N. J. iii. Jennie E., b. Ipsvvieli, Mass., Jan. 17, 1842. m. Juue 7, 1866, Douald Mac-ka.y, banker, res. Euglewood, N. J. iv. Caroline Louisa, b. West'Bloonifield, N. J., Aug. 30, 1844, d. N. Y. City, Jan. 18, 184.5. WITHAM. 1. Edwin Erastus Witham, son of Isaiah, b. in Bradford, Me., Dec. 22, 1850. m. Nov. 27, 1873, Clara Bonetta, dan. of John B. Horn, b. in Milan, May 31, 185G. He has res. in L. since 1889. Supt. of lumber mills. Democrat. Oil., 1). in Stark, — i. Harry Howard, b. Feb. 21, 1876. Drew Theo. Seminary, 1899. ii. RoBEKT Wilson, b. -July 19, 1881. iii. Guy Clifton, b. Dec. 15, 1883. WOODRUFF. 1. John E. Woodruff, son of George W., b. in Burke, Vt., Aug. 29, 1857. m. Feb. 25, 1891, Hepsy, dau. of Jeremy Bartlett, b. :n Westfield. K Y., Dec. 18G0. He "has res. in L. since 1895. Meat- dealer. Unitarian. A. F. and A. M. No ch. 2. DwiGHT L. Woodruff, son of George W., b. in Burke, Vt., March 14, 1870. m. Oct. 14, 1896, Clara K.,\lau. of Arthur P. Rowe, b. in Campton, Jan. 31, 1877, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1896. Meat-dealer. Democrat. Ch., — i. KiNGSLEY Philip, b. L. Nov. 13, 1897. WOODS. 1. Andrew Woods, an Irish Presbyterian of the race commonly styled Scotch-Irish, with his wife came from the north of IreLand soon after the Revolution and settled in Bath. He was a prosperous farmer and a man of recognized ability and excellent character. James Calhoun (See), who settled in Lyman, came from the same locality in Ireland. 2. Andrew Salter Woods, son of Andrew \ b. in Bath, June 2, 1803. m. Jan. 7, 1830, Eliza, dau. of James Hutchins, b. in Bath, July 2, 1801, (1. in Bath, Jan. 7, 1892. He grad. from Dart. Coll. in 1825, and immediately commenced the study of law with Ira Goodall, and was admitted to the Bar in Oct. 1828. He formed a partnership with Mr. Goodall, which continued until Oct. 1840, when he was appointed As- sociate Justice of the Supreme Court ; in March, 1855, he was made Chief Justice, Avhich office he held until the reorganization of the court about a year later, when he resigned, and, forming a partnership with his son Edward (See), and Harry and George A. Bingham (See), Woods — Woodward. 537 rosumed practice uiidov tlio firm name of Woods & Bingham, with two offices, one in IJath, the other in L. In .Inne, 18G2, he i'ovmed a part- nership with his son Edward, which continued until he d. in l^>ath, June 20, 18()o. In lS;y2 Dart. Coll. gave him tlie degree of LL.I). Cong. Democrat. (IMie JJench and Bar of N. H., Bell, p. 97. Child's Grafton Co. Gazetteer, p. (>o. iM(>morial Address by lion. Harry Bingham, G. and C. l>ar Assn., Vol. I. p. 009.) Cli., b. in Bath, — i. Ei.izA IsAHKL, I). Nov. 1, IS.'iO. m. George Azro Eiiiffliam (See). ii. Hkbkcca Nkwell, b. Feb. 22, 1833. m. Jau. 28. 1868, Thomas .James Marsli Smith, ])i-iiitcr. lie d. Boston, Mass., Feb. 1892. 3. iii. KnwAiU), b. Oct. 24, 1835. iv. Catheki.nk Jane, b. Sept. 25, 1837, d. May 7, 1800. V. Hahrikt Ja.meson, b. July 5, 1840, d. Sept. 26, 1863. vi. Helen Adelaide, b. Doe. 22, 1842, d. March 7, 1843. vii. Andrew Salter, b. March 1, 1845, d. Sept. 26, 1847. 3. Edward Woods, son of Andrew Salter ^, b. in Bath, Oct. 24, 18r>5. m. April 2, 1863, Mary, dau. of John L. Carleton, b. in Bath, Xov. 20, 1843. He was educated in the public schools of Bath, Pliillips Exe- ter Academy, and Dart, Coll., from wdiich he grad. in 1856. He com- menced the study of law with his father in 1856, and was admitted to the Bar at Haverhill in 1859, then came to L. as a member of the firm of Woods tSs Bingham, where he remained until 1862, then re- turned to Bath and formed a partnership with his father, which con- tinued until his father's deatli in 1863. Since then he has practisook of Biographies, Grafton Co., p. 52.) Ch., b. in Bath, — i. Edward, b. Jan. 15, 1864, d. Aug. 29, 1865. ii. Kathekine E.. b. Dec. 12. 1865. m. Oct. 14, 1891. Amos N. Blaudin, manaoer of Bath Lumber t^o. Ch., Catherine Eliza, b. Dec. 11, 1892. iii. Tiiomas'Smith, b. May 21, 1868. ni. Nov. 11, 1891, Isabella Batchelder. Printer, res. Boston, Mass. Ch., Dorothea C, b. .July 30, 1893, Thomas Smith, b. Nov. 11, 1896. iv. Andrew Salter, b. Dec. 31, 1874. Clerk, res. Boston, Mass. WOODS. 4. FR.4.NCIS Woods, son of Francis, b. in Canada, Aug. 20, 1853. m. Oct. 13, 1883, Celia, dau. of Alfred Thompson, b. in Lunenburg, Vt., June 4, 1869. He has res. in L. since 1889. Farmer. Democrat. Ch.,— i. Mamie, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt.. June, 1885, d. May, 1886. WOODWARD. 1. George F. Woodward, son of Nicholas, b. in Sutton, IMass., June, 1836. m. Ellen, dau. of Peter Garey, b. in Stanbridge. V. ()., June 7, 1838. He res. in L. from 1874 until he d., Jan. 23, 1892. Axe-maker. Ch., b. in East Douglas, jMass., — i. Ella M., b. April 23, 1858. m. Bobert Morrison Dow (See). ii. Nettie F., b. Jan. 12, 1802. m. Jolin W. Kelley (See). 538 Woodtvard — Woolson. WOODWARD. 2. John Woodward, sou of William, b. in Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 20, 1842. ni. Oct. 18, 18G6, Malvina Augusta, dau. of John C. Putnam, b. in Amherst, Aug. 15, 184G. He has res. in L. since 1881. Board sawyer. Republican. Co. D, 1st Vt. Cav.. and Co. F, 2d N. H. Inf. Private. G. A. E. T. 0. 0. F. Ch., i. Mary Jane, b. Berlin, Aug. 1, 1869. m. Luther Joseph Crane (See), ii. Gertrude Bell, b. Carroll, March 20, 1871. m. Sept. 20, 1892, George G. Prescott, sign-painter, res. Concord, iii. Emelv Elizabeth, b. Berlin, May 19, 1874. iv. John Putnam, b. Gorham, Oct. 10, 1877, d. L. July 11, 1895. WOOLSON. 1. Thomas Woolsox, b. 162G or 7, of Newton, Mass. m. Nov. 20, 1660, Sarah Hyde, b. May 19, 1644, dau. of Dea. Samuel and Temper- ance Hyde, of Newton. He settled in the part of Watertown, Mass., now Weston ; was the owner of considerable land, and an innholder, 1686 to 1708. Selectman, 1699, 1700, 1702, 1703. He d. in Sudbury, Mass., April 5, 1713; she d. Sept, 11, 1721. 15oth are buried in Weston. 2. Joseph Woolson, son of Thomas^, b. Nov, 16, 1667, He was a farmer in Weston, and had care of the meeting-house there. His wife Hannah d, April 30, 1721. He d. May 16, 1755. Six ch. 3. Joseph Woolson, son of Joseph", b. Dec. 13, 1699. m. 1726 (pub. March 19), Elizabeth Upham, dau. of Thomas Upham, of Read- ing, Mass. m. second, Nov, 3, 1761, Grace (Harrington) Gregory, b. Aug. 1, 1714, dau, of Benjamin and Grace (Allen) Harrington and widow of Isaac Gregory of Weston. He was constable of Weston, 1761. He d. Oct. 15, 1766. 4. AsA WooLSON, son of Joseph ^, b. in AVeston, Mass., Aug. 2, 1727. m. June 1, 1762, Elizabeth Knight, b. in AVoburn, Mass., July 3, 1736. He lived a few years in Weston, and removed to Townsend, 1766, and two years later to the adjoining town of Lunenburg, Mass., where he d. April 18, 1789. 5. Elijah Woolson, son of Asa*, b. in Lunenburg, Mass., Dec. 1, 1769. m. Sept. 7, 1797, Rebecca Batchellor, b, Nov. 12, 1776, dau. of Lieut. Nehemiah and Lucy (Hayward) Batchellor, and a sister of Isaac Batchellor of Bethlehem (See). She d. Oct. 10, 1814. He m. second, Sept. 1, 1815, Nancy Little, of Lyman, b, Aug. 9, 1783, He lived in Bethlehem and in Lisbon. Late in life he lived with his only daughter in ]\lassena and Hogansburg, N. Y., where he d. April, 1836, Among his eight sons were (1) Elijah S., named below ; (2) Amos, who m. Hannah D. Temple, dau. of Enos Temple ; these are the parents of Hon. Augustus A. Woolson and Charles D. Woolson, of Lisbon ; (3) Silas B. Woolson, of Newark, Ohio ; (4) Ira K, Woolson, of Ohio, Woohon — Wooster. 539 6. ELr.TAu Sauin Woolsox, son of Elijah'^, b. in BethU-'licni, Aug. 8, ISOl. m. Sept. 1(5. 1824, ITannah, dau. of Rev. Ozias Savaofe (See), b. in Lisbon, Jan. 27, l.SOt, Con":^. He res. in L. from 1832 to 38, and from 1840 until he d., May 22, 1874. Mercliant tailor. Demo- crat. Town Clerk, 1842-3-4-5. Fire ward, 1844. J. P. A. F. and A. M. T. O. 0. F. ■Mrs. Woolson resides with her daughter, Mrs. Brown, in Springfield, Vt. Ch., — 7. i. S,vni\ Clakk, I). Lisbon, July .*?, 1825. ii. Kkhkocaii, b. Lisbon, April 19, 1S27, d. Nor. 25, 1S.32. iii. \V'n,MAM C()()i,i;i)(iK,, b. Siinihvicli, Feb. 13, 182'J. Jeweller, d. San Fnuici.sco, ("al., .\iio-. 2S, 1854. 8. iv. Gkokgk Stohks, b. Sandwieli, .Ian. 10, 1831. V. OziA.s Savagk, 1). L. Nov. 10, 1833, d. L.Jan. 13, 1852. vi. Fawie Savagk, b. Lisbon, March 10, 1839. m. Feb. 4, 1803, Adna Brown, nianufr. res. Springfield, Vt. vii. Li,E\VEr-LA, !>. L. Sept. 22, 1841. ni. Francis Fletclicr Ilodgnian (See). 9. viii. IIarky Hihhahd, b. L. June 23, 1848. 7. Sarin Clark Woolsox, son of Elijah Sabin ", b. in Lisbon, July 3, 1825. m. Sept. 18, 1848, Lydia, dau. of Dudley Kurnside, b. in Xorthumberland, Xov. 25, 1827, Cong. He res. in L. from 1838 to 1856. Merchant tailor. He removed to Montpelier, Vt., where he was successful in business and esteemed as a citizen. He d. Aug. 27, 1900. Democrat. A. F. and A. M. K. P. 1. (). 0. F. Ch.,- i. CLEMENTrxE B., 1). Lancaster, Feb. 10, 1850. ni. May 15, 1878, George F. Tajjlin, nierehant. Shed. Montpelier, Vt., June 20, 1894. ii. Helen U., b. Montpelier, Vt., Dec. 22, 1865. ni. July 9, 1889, Joseph G. Brown, insurance agent, res. Montpelier, Vt. 8. GEOR(iE Storks Woolson, son of Elijah Sabin ", b. in Sandwich, Jan. 10, 1831. m. Sept. 14, 1853, Emma Mary, dau. of Henry Hall, b. in Guildhall, Vt., March 24, 1833, Cong. She m. second, John Farr (See). He res. in L. from 1832 until he d., Oct. 22, 1855. Merchant tailor. Universalist. Democrat. Town Clerk, 1854. I. 0. O. F. Ch.,— i. Geokge Spakks, b. L. April 6, 1856. 9. Harry Hibkard WoolsOxV, son of Elijah Sabin ^ b. in L. June 23, 1848. m. F>.b. 0, 1883, Rose, dau. of Patrick Lynch, b. in More- town, Vt., April 17, 1855. He res. in L. from birth to 1809. Now resides in Boston. JNlerchant tailor. Democrat. Ch., — i. Maud J., b. Wellington, :Mass.,Jan. 14, 1887. WOOSTER. 1. John Wooster, son of David and Roxana (Willey), b. in Camp- ton, May 23, 1798. m. first, Oct. 10, 1822, Charlotte liabcock, b. March 7, 1807, d. in Blendon, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1829. m. second, in 1832, Fannie Eeed, dau. of Brainerd Stebbins, b. in Williamstown, Vt., Aug. 20, 1804, d. in Sutton, Vt., Feb. 26, 1888. He was admitted on trial to the X. H. Methodist Conference in 1830 ; was ordained Dea. by Bishop Roberts, in Lyndon, Vt., Aug. 12, 1832 ; and Elder by Bishop Hedding, iu 540 Wooster — Worcester. West Windsor, Vt., Aug. 31, 1834. He was located as a Metliodist minister as follows : Sandwich. 1830; Milton, 1831; Epping, 1832; Pembroke, 1833 ; Cabot and Walden, Vt., 1834 ; Barre, Vt., 1835 ; located, 183(3. He was, Oct. 14, 1839, licensed to preach by the Cale- donia, Vt., Cong. Association, and was located as follows: Kirby, Vt., 1839-40; Concord, Vt., 1840-1-2; Gran by, Vt., 1843 to 58. From 1858 to 1872 he res. in L. supplying pulpits as his strength per- mitted. Hep. and Postmaster, Granby, Vt. He d. in Sutton, Vt., Dec. 4, 1873. Ch., by w. Charlotte, b. in Blendon, Oliio, — i. Charlotte Lucretia, b. April 30, 1826. m. Ma,v 3, 1846, Normau Alvah Harris, painter. He d. Milford, Mass., May 2.3, 1885. ii. David, b. May 25, 1828, d. June 20, 1829. Ch., by w. Fannie, — iii. Fannie REEn, b. London, Oct. 11, 1833. m. May 11, 1851, George Asldey Appleton, farmer, res. Victory, Vt. iv. Ellen Margaret, b. Marshfield, Vt., Sept. 5, 1836. ra. William W. Thom]is()n, farmer, res. West Burke, Vt. V. John Quincy Adams, b. Walden, Vt., Sept. 4, 1839. m. Catherine Lamb. Farmer, res. Wooster, Texas. 2. vi. Theodore Freelinghuysen, b. Granby, Vt., July 24, 1844. 2. Theodore FKEELiNGHuysEN- Wooster, son of John \ b, in Granby, Vt., July 24, 1844. m. May 2, 1871, Emiletta Ruby, dau. of Eben Howe, b. in Dalton, Sept. 18, 1851. He res. in L. from 1859 to 1871. Farmer. Co. D, 13th K H. Inf. Private. Ch., b. in JNIapleton, Iowa, — i. Dan Frank, I). Nov. 21, 1871, d. Mapleton, Iowa, July 2, 1882. ii. Harry Fueelinghiysen, b. Aug. 24, 1874. m. March 31, 1894, Addie ^Lay Dickerson. Farmer, res. Mapleton, Iowa, iii. Ellen May, b. Dec. 14, 1876, d. Jan. 18, 1882. iv. LiLLA EsxELLA, b. June 29, 1882. res. Mapleton, Iowa. WORCESTER. 1. William Worcester, b. in Eng. m. first, Sarah , d. in Salisbury, Mass., April 23, 1650. in. second, July 22, 1650, Mrs. Rebecca (Swayne) (Biley) Hall, b. in Eng. about 1616, dau. of Ben- nett Swayne and widow of Henry Biley and of John Hall. She d. in Ipswich, Mass., Feb. 21, 1695. He emigrated to ximerica, and was the first minister of Salisbury, Mass., where he d., Oct. 28, 1662. Cotton Mather, in the " Magnalia," enrolls his name in the list of the *' reverend, learned, and holy divines arriving such from Europe to America, by whose evangelical ministry the churches in America have been illuminated." The General Court say, in an order in ref- erence to the payment of his support, that "they of Kew Town (now Amesbury) should forbear to content themselves with private help, whilst the Lord pleases to continue so bright a star in their candle- stick." Ten ch. (The Worcester Family, by J. F. Worcester.) 2. Samuel Worcester, son of William \ b. in Eng. in. Nov. 29, 1659, Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Parrott of Eowley, Mass., b. May 1, 1640. He was a large land-owner in tliat part of Powley afterward Worcester. 541 Bradford, and later incorporated under the name of Groveland. IJej)- reseiitative in Bradford, 1()79 to 1681. d., on tlie way from liis lionie to Bo.ston, in that part of Saugus now Lynn, JNIass., Feb. 20, 1G80, 1. Eleven eh. She m. second, Oct. 29, KnSf), Onesiphorus iMarsli, son of George JNIarsh. She d. JNlay 9, 1G9U. 3. Fkaxcis WoRfKSTKK, soH of Sainuel'-, b. in Rowley, ni. Jan. 29, 1G9U/1, -Mary, dau. of I'eter Cheney of Xewl)ury, JNlass., b. Sept. 2, 1G71. She m. second, Dec. radford, jMass., June 7, 1G98. m. first, April 18, 1720, Abigail Carlton of llowley, JMass., d. July 25, 1774, aged 78. m. second, i\Ii's. Martin. i£e was ordained a Cong, minister in Saiulwich, Mass., -lune 18, 1735. d. in Hollis, Oct. 14, 1783. Five ch. 5. XoAH WoRCKSTKit, SOU of Fraucis ""j 1). in Sandwich^ ]Mass., Oct. 4, 1735. m. first, Feb. 22, 1757, Lydia, dau. of Al)raham Taylor, b. ()ct. 11, 1733, d. July G, 1772. nu second, Sept. 29, 1772, Jlep/ibah Sherwin, b. in Boxfbrd, JVlass., A[)ril 39, 174G. d. July 2, 1831. Town Clerk. Selectman. Committee of Safety. Delegate, 1778, to Constitutional Convention. He d. in Hollis, Aug. 1.3, 1817. Seven ch. 6. Leoxaud Wokcestkr, son of Noah ^, b. in Hollis, Jan. 1, 1767. m. first, Nov. 1, 1793, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Hcjpkins, D. 1)., b. in Hadley, JNlass., June 12, 1772, d. in Feacham, Vt., Sept. 4, 1818. m. second, Jan. 25, 1820, Eunice Woodbury of Salem, ]Mass., b. July 13, 1770, (I. in Hard wick, Vt., Aug. G, 1846. He was a printer in youth, and after attaining his majority was for several years editor and pub- lisher of the " Massachusetts Spy." In 1795 he was chosen Deacon of the First Church in Worcester, Mass., and without any regular course of theological training was licensed to preach, ]\Iarcli 12, 1799, and was ordained Pastor of the Cong, church in Feacham, Vt., Oct. 30, 1799, where he preached until 1837. In 1839 he came to L., where he res. until 1842, when he went to St. Johnsbur}-, Vt., where he d., iMay 28, 1846. He received the degree of A. M. from Middle- bury Coll. in 1804, and from Dart. Coll. in 1827. He wrote a large number of articles, which were published, also many articles for the newspapers. (Sprague's American Fulpit, Vol. 1 1, pp. 455-G.) Ch., by w. Elizabeth, — i. Leonard, b. Worcester, Mass., Dec. 30, 1704, d. July 1, 179.5. ii. Elizaheth Hoi-kins, It. Worcester, J\Iass., June II, 17i)(), d. Marcli .'50, 1817. iii. Samuel Austin, b. Worcester, Mass., Jan. 19, 1798. in. first, July 19, 1825, Ana <)rr. 111. second, A})ril •'!, 1841, Krniinia Nash. Missionary clergyman. He d. Park Hill, Cherokee Nation, Aj)ril 20, 1859. iv. Leon.^hd, b. Worcester, Mass., May 22, 1799. in. Aug, 18, 1823, Susan C. 8eavcr. Teacher. He d. Newark, N. J., Aug. 24, 1835. V. Hannah Spring, b. Feacham, Vt., March 14, 1801. Teacber. d. Peacham, Vt., May 22, 1838. vi. Jerusha, b. reachani, Vt., Sept, 20, 1802, d. March 15, 1803. vii. Jerusha, b, Feacham, Vt., March 3, 1804, d, Feacham, Vt,, Nov, 3, 1829, 7. viii. EvARTS, b. Feacham, Vt., Marcii 24, 1807. 8. ix. Isaac Kedixuton, b. Feacham, Vt., Uct. 20, 1808. 542 Worcester'. X. Lydia, b. Peacham, Vt., Oct. 2, 1810, d. Aug. 23, 1811. xi. John Hopkins, b. Teaeham, Vt., May 28, 1812. m. first, Aug. 16, 18.36, Sarah V. Wheeler, m. second, N, Cong, lie lias res. in L. since 188^5. J)enli.st. Democrat. Appointed Coroner, 18'.).'!. ]\[aster, 1887-8, of lUirns Lodge, A. F. and A. ^L Iv. T., St. Gerard Com., E. C, 1803. o'-I" A. A. S.K. Cli., b. in L., — i. 1.'ii,i:y 'Pii/i'ox, h. Aiii;. 1, IS-^O. ii. ]\lii.i.AHD Fkanki.in, I). Jiiiie li, IS'.il. YOUNG. DION. 7. Tiio^NEAs Y(nrN(i, son of Eugene, b. in (Janada in 18,").'). m. first, in 1871-', ()liv(^, dan. of ^S'elson Leniay, b. in Canada, July, 18.")(), d. Jan. 25, 188/). m. second, May ."U, 1885, Adeline, dan. of Frank .loslyn, b. in Canada, Feb. 7, 18()0, Roman Catholic. Jle has res. in L. since 188,'). (J lover, lioman Catholic. Ch., by w. Olive,— i. lazzii.; liia.r,, Ii. Wliitotuld, May :21, is:.",, in. ISSfi, Kdwanl fiuvnt sliiifiiiakor. i-cs. Maill)i>ni', Mar^s. ii. Zii,i>A, 1). Canada,, Feli. 25, ISTG. in. Aug. 30, 1801, Eugene Caver. res. L. iii. Thomas, h. Can;ida, .July •'?, 1S77. res. L. iv. M utv, li. Canada, 1S7'.»." n-s. L. V. Oi.ivi:, 1). L. ISSl. res. ^\'ldteli(l(l. Ch., by w. .Vdeline, b. in L.. — vi. .TosKiMi, 1). Fel). 20, 1SS7. vii. ( »i.i;ana, b. ( )('t. 17, IS90. viii. r.KNv, h. A])ril 2<;, IS'.).'!, d. L. Xiiv. 8, 18<.)4. i.\. lioMin;, I). Mav 24, 18'.»5, d. Sept. l.'i, IS',)."). YOUNG. 8. Gkor(;k David Young, son of Andrew Jackson, b. in L. Oct. 10. 1870. m. 0(!t. .5, LSOo, Mary Melen, dan. of Sumner F. Smith (See), b. in L. Dec. 10, 1870, d. in L. IMay 31, 1890, Cong. He has res. in L. since 1888. Clerk. lie[)ublican. Ch., — i. Kici'.iccCA, 1). L. 'July 15, IS'.»5. VOL. III. — do APPENDIX. BALDWIN. This bi-anch of tlie familN' is said to trnce hack to Sir John Baldwin, Cliief. Justice of the Court of Couiinoa IMeas, tlirough tlie following line : — KicriAKD, \y1io settlcMl in iNIilford, Conn., in l(!;l!). Natuanif.l, son of IJicliard, b. in Kng. in. Ahi^ail Camp. Danikl. son of Nathaniel, b. in Kng. If!l4. ni. Sarah Camp. Danikl, Jr., son (jf Daniel, b. ICiHS. Nathan, son of Daniel, Jr., b. 1(;;)1. res. in Newtown. Conn. "Was captain of the 2d Co. 'rrainhand in tliat town in 17.">;'. Jabkz, son of Nathan, b. in Newtown, Conn., iVpril S, 1 7;);>. ni. Aui^. 1770, Judith Brace. He removed from Newtown. Conn., to Strat- ford. 1788. Built the first framed house in 17'.)l). d. in Sti-alford, ]\Iareh 31, 1805. Er.tSHA. son of Jat)ez, b. in Stratford, Sept. 1!), 1788. ni. March I'l. 1818, JIuldah. dau. of Edmund and liuldah (Lathro|)) Alger, b. in Bridgewater, Mass., (Jet. G, 17'J0. He d. in Stratford, Aug. 2(;. 1.S7.'>. Jedf.diah 'SL. son of Elisha, 1). in Stratford, March 1), 1827. m. first, Dec. 2.'), IS.'j.O, .Sarah C. Bennett, m. second, June (!. 1871. Sai-ah L., dau. of Ira F. and Sarah S. (Granger) Morse. He d. in Stratford, Feb. 2, 18.S7. Hakky Stevicxs, son of Jedediah .M., b. in Stratford. M.ny 20, 1877. m. Sei)t. 2, rj02, Bessie T., dan. of Frank T. and Alice (Tuttle) Mof- fett. INFerchant. Ch., — i. Sakaii, b. L. Sept. 14, V.m. BRETT. 1. '\A'iLLiAM Brett, b. about 1G4;J— 1, emigrated from Kent, JCn^., about 1645, and settled in Dnxbury, Mass. He ni. Margaret , d. Bridgewater, Mass., in 1G81. 2. Nathaniel Bkett, son of William \ b. in Bridgewater. [Mas-.; , date not known. Was a Deacon, d. in 1710. 3. Setu Bkett, son of Nathaniel '-, b. in Bridgewater, ]\rass.. in IG''^^'. m. Sarah Aklen in 1712. d. in Bridgewater, Mass., Jan. 11, 1722, 548 Brett — Eastman — Wdrulije — Gardner. 4. SniKON Brktt, sou of Setli ^, b. Bridgcwater, Mass., Jan. 8, 1720. Sei-ved in the \\ iw of the Ivevohition. d. in Bridgewater, Mass., in 17'J2. 5. Rlf[ts lUiKTT, son of Simeon, b. Bridgewater, Mass., Aug. 2, 17r>l. 111. Sept. 28, 1775, Susanna Carey, res. Paris, Me. d. Paris in 1«35. 6. EzKA I]i;ett, son of Eufus■^ b. Paris, Me., Feb. 27, 1779. d. ]\'U'is, ]Me. 7. Geokck W. IJkett, son of Ezra", b. Paris, Me., April 14, 1810. res. in Auliurn, Me. m. Jan. 22, 1834, Susan S. Whartf. d. Nov. 17, 11)02, Auburn, Me. 8. John R. Brett, son of George W.', h. Sawverville, IMe., Nov. 2r), 1841). ni. Nov. 4, 1871, Ella Jannette Hall, 1). Mexieo, Me., Jan. 20, 18.")0. Has res. in L. since Nov. 1903. Foreman in shoe shop. Ch., all born in Auburn, Me., — i. AiiCiiiE, b. Jan. 7, 187-3, d. Feb. 10, 1873. ii. Gkokce Monroe, b. ISov. 4, 1875. Prof. Matliematics, University of Vermont, iii. Berth.\ Mabelle, b. Dec. 10, 1878. Teaclier, Concord, iv. John Hall, b. Sept. 25, 1884. Student, Bowdoin College. EASTMAN. Roger came to this country fi'om Wales abont IGSO, but little is known of him. He was the progenitor of this branch of Eastmans. Simeon, descendant of Rogei'. Gal.xn F., son of Simeon, b. in Concord, res. in Plymouth, where he d., 1858. Aakox a., son of Galan F.. b. in Plymouth, Aug. 2, 1844. m. Jan. 1. 1870, Agni's S., dau. of Thomas R. and Harriet (George) Ford, b. in Rumne\-, Jidv 25, ],S47. lie has res. in L. since 1890. Tanner. Ch., — ' i. Bkm.e, b. Manchester, Sept. 7, 1877. res. in L. ii. IIauhiex F., b. Pljinoulii, Feb. 20, 18G8 (adopted). ELDRIDG-E. Richard W., b. in Yarmouth, N. S., 182G. m. April 11, 1854, Elizabeth S. Crawley. Ervix Eugene, son of Richard W., b. in Yarmouth, N. S., Feb. 24, 1S5'.I. in. Nov. 9, 18^0, Beatrice D., dau. of Ezekiel and Achsah Ann (Tarbellj Cudworth (See). He has res. in L. since 1881. Mer- chant. GARDNER. Tho.mas, b. in Weymouth, Eng. Sailed from there in 1023. m. ^largaret Frier. He was a member of the General Court of Mass. Bay Gardner — Iliirr'uiuin — lf((rlis'ine ehildreii. Tiio.Ai.vs, son of IClienezer, h. Oct. 10, 17^.".. m. Dec. 1. isds. Sarali ]5;U"i"y. He d. in Maeliias, Me., Sept. 17, liS72. Fanner and liimiiei- nuin. 'riiirleeii ehildien. Ali-ki;i), son of Thomas •', h. in .Machias, ^le.. .Tiilv IT,. 1,S12. m. first, 3Iaiv. dan. of John Crocker, lu. seeond. Hannah M. Foss. ni. third, l,i/,/,ie A. Hanson. Fel). l.S(;2. He res. in iMaehias, 3Ie., where he d., .Ian. .S, 1!)()1. Farmer. Sixteen children. Hiii.vM W.vLL.vci:, I). :\Iaehias, [Me., Mareli 11. isnc. ni. Oct. ?>, 1891, Delia X. Hildreth, h. Charleston, Vl., Oct. 22, 1871. res. in L. since 181IG, Piano salesman. HARRIMAN. Jonx. res. Plynionth. HiR.v:\i, s(jn of John, I), in Pridgowaler, Dec. 2"), 1820. ni. Ahiiiail S. Preston. He res. in liristol, where he d., Dec. 20, 1.S71. IMosKs F., son of Hiram, b. in Plynionlh, Feh. 20, IS.")."), ni. first. ]\Iay .'^. 1870, I.aiiia A!., dan. of John and Mary A. Whitmore. I), in Ilelinui, A|)ril 2, l>ri.'(, d. in Akron, Cal., April 10, 18ii;3. m. second. Dec. l.'i, isill, Fmily P. Colliy, 1). in AVariU'r, July 2.S, 1,S72. He came to L. 1N7(>, where he now res. Ch., by w. Laura 31., — i. GitACK Ki.iNoi!, 1). L. Feb. 20, l^M. ni. Dec. 25,1001, Kllswortli W. Hawkins, res. in I,. ii. LouisK Pi{i:k;il()(>sa, la., June 2. ISsy. iv. Laukie. I). Akron, Oal., March 24, 18U:], d. July, IbU:;. HARTSHORN. CoLBUKN, ni. Elizabeth Fay. res. in LiincMilmrL;-, Vt. John W., son of CoUuirii. 1). in Liinenlmisi'. \'t., Oct. 1. IS].'), m. Xov. 10, 1810. Anna, daii. of Chester and Pelsey (llntchins) Smith, d. in Lunenburtr. \'t.. .APirch 10. ls.s;i. He was a memlier of the \x. Honse of Representatives. IS.VJ-o. State Senator, 1870-1. d. in Lnneubni'g, Xt., \\m\ '2'1. Ds'.m;. H.\Ki;v Cl.\y. son of John W.. b. in Limenbinu', Vt.. May 10. 18.")0. m. Dec. 2, 1871, Marv F.. dan. of Hiram M. and Julia (luiapp) (iraiit. b. in Lancaster, April 10, 1,S,'>;). He has res. in L. since 18'J2. 3Iei- chant. Cli.,— i. Fi.oHKxii; Iviiii I.. 1). Lancaster, June 20, 1872. in. Sept. 30, l^'-'^'u Arthur (". Strain (See), res. Urovetun. 5o0 Hartsltorn — Heald — Hoive. ii. Eugene Harry, b. Lancaster, Jan. 4, 1875. m. Oct. 13, 1802, Geneva M. George (See), res. in L. iii. Gerthude An.xa, 1). Lunenburi;-, Vt., Feb. 3, 1878. m. May 19, U'O-l, Kdwin Z. Young (See), res. in L. iv. Elizabeth Mai d, b. Lunenburg, Vt., Sept. 14, 1882. m. June 4, 1'JOl, liicliard T. Eastman (See), res. in L. HEALD. John, h. m Eng. m. Dorotliv . ITe d. May 24, 1062. He wa.s one of the eiiiigiants who settled in Concord, M:i.ss., in 1G35. John, .son of John \ b. in Eno-. m. June 17, IGGl, Sai'ali Dean. She d. July 17, IC.SD. He d. in Concord, Ma.ss., June 17, IGS'J. John, son of John -, b. Concord, INIass., S(^i)t. 1, IGGG. m. Dec. 18, IGDO. :\rary Chandler, b. IMarch 3, 1G72, d. Aug. 14, 1759. He res. in Tem[)le, where he d. Nov. 2;"), 1731. EPHHAnr, son of John", b. Feb. 10, 1701. ni. Eleanor . John, son of Ephraim, b. ,Se[)t. 11, 1741. in. Dec. 8, 17G3, Rachel Tuttle. He d. Sept. 13, 1821. John, son of John ^ b. Shirley, Mass., Fell. 28, 1773. ni. Dec. 14, 171)4, Polly Gassett. He res. in Shirley, Mass., until he d., July 1, 17!)8. 1>kn.iai\iin Hauvky, son of John®, 1), Shirlev, Mass., Sept. 20, 1797. ni. ilrst, Nov. 11, 1819, Sally Flint, b. Nov. IG, 1800. d. Sept. 24, 1825. in. second, Nov. 7, ls26, Susan, dau. of Henry and Susannah (Holiert) Kibling, b. in Ashbui-nham, INIass., Dec. 21, 1799, where slie d., March 27, 18G5. There were two children by the first -wife and six by the second. Lkwis BKKiHAM. SOU of Benjamin H., b. in Royalston, Mass., IMarch 5, 1S39. in. Oct. 12, 18G7, MaiT Soi)hia, dau. of Samuel K. and .Sophia (Cushmau) Kemick (See). He enlisted in the w\ar of the Rel)ellion, A[)i'il, 18()1, serving in Indiana regiments until April, 18G5. Res. in St. Johnsl)ury, Vt., and Lawrence, ]\Iass. from 18G() to 1895, removing to L. in Nov. 1895. Served as Special Justice L. Police Court, 1897-8, and until Feb. 1, 1899. Appointed Deputy Collector of U. S. Internal Revenue Service, Feb. 1, 1899. Re-appointed July 1, 1894. Ch., — i. Harry Lewis, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Aug. 2, 1868 (See). ii. Hattie Mary, b. St. Jolinsbury, Vt , OctI 1, 1860. res. L. iii. Walter Nei.sdx, b. Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 7, lb7G. res. White Eiver Jot., Vt. iv. Nellie Sophia, b. St. Jolinsbury, Vt., Nov. 11, 1879. m. John B. Nute (See). Hahry Lkwis, son of Lewis r>., b. in St. Johnslniry, Vt., Aug. 2, 18G8. m. June 21, 1899, ]\Lary P:. Mooney, b. in Bolton Glen, C,)ue., July 21, 18G4. He has res. in L. since 1890. Lawyer. HOWE. John, b. in Eiig. Acbnitted a freeman in 1G40. In 1642 he was Selectman of Sudl)ury, Mass. "Was one of the i)etilioners in 1G57 for Howe — Johtisfon — Kii IjjJit. ■ 551 the grant which const iditotl "^^al■ll)o^ou^il, ]\Iass. First wliite settler there. Came iibont IGT)?. Opened tlie lirst pnblic house in the place, where he d. in 1G\\-l. Asa, son of Ahrnhnni, h. Fai ininuton. Nov. 2, LSftd. hi. Sept. 12, 18;32, Lneindu I'lalt. He d. Ivoxluiiy, Mass., Nov. l.ST'S. Asa Bykox, son of Asa, b. in C'oliasset, Mass., Feb. IT). 1X4"). m. Oct. 9, 1.S71, .Alary Iv Miller, lie served as a private Co. I), 2-ltli ]Mass. Inf.. war of the Keliellion. il. in lioston, .Alass., .Jan. 13, 1H'J4. .lonx llii.i.iNos, son of Asa 15.. b. in l\oxl)iny, ?ilass., 1.^74. ni. Nov. 17, rj02. Nellie S.. dan. of Lewis P>. antl Mary S. (IJeniick; Heald (See). He served in Co. 15. (Itii Mass. U. S. \'., war willi Spain. Commissioned 1st Lieut. Co. F, N. II. N. G. Oct. 14, lUUl. I'e.s. in L. since 18i)(j. Ch.,— i. r.ui. P.ir.LiNfjs. \). L. VM?,. ORR. Joseph, b. in Armagh, Ticland. Roi;ki;t. son of Joseph, b. in Armagli, Ireland, June G, 1799. m. ]May 4, 1.S21. I\lary Ann ]\IcGlothlin. Slic was of Scotcli ancestry. lie res. in Canada, where he d. May 1;1, \x\S\. KoBKUT, son ol' lvobert\ b. in Canada, m. Dec. 22, 18G3, INlary ]\IcCntcheon. I'res. res. L. Farmer. Albkut J., son of Robert -. 1). in Canada, Nov. 11. 1.S74. m. June 11. 1901, Stella INI., dau. of Leslie F. and Minnie (Henderson^ l!ean (See), res. L. Farmer. Cli., b. in L., — i. Kaymoni* \V., 1). Oct. v.), 1002. ii. WnKKi.Ki; 1)., b. xMarcli 2:^, H»01. POOR. The name '' Poor'' was assumed liy a Xoi'mari named Roger, when he went to Fng. >vith Prince Henry Third, because ui his personal char- acteristic of being " lean." Dan'ikl, b. in l^ng. l';2 1. Came from AViltshire. I-'.ng.. 1G.')8. m. Oct. 20, 165(1, :\Iary Farnum. She d. in Andover, IMass., Feb. ;>, 1.S14. He res. in Andov(;r, where he d. Daxikl. son (jf Daniel ', 1). in Andover, Mass., Sept. .3, IG.JC. m. in 1G88, 3[ehital)le Osgood, res. in Andover, Mass. Daniel, son of Daniel", b. in Andovei'. Alass., Fel). 9. I().s9. m. ^larch 20, 1712. Doroihy Kimball. He res. in Andover. Mass., where he d. Aug. s, 1772. Peter, son of Daniel ^,b. in Andover. 31ass.. June 11. 1730. m. Oct. 11. 17:)3. Sarah P. \\'ood, b. in lioxford, Mass.. Jan. 29, 17*30. d. Sept. 19, 1788. He res. in Andover, Mass., where lie d. 554 Poor — TiUotson. Daniel, son of Peter, b. in Andover, INIass., Aug. 4, 1 7G0. m. Mav 23, 1782, Hannah, dau. of John and Hannah Fay, b. in Andover, Mass., April 25, 17G2. d. in Wilinot, Nov. 15,' 1839. He d. in Wihnot, April 23, 1848. Charles, son of Daniel ^ b. in Andover, Mass., Feb. 22; 1800. ni. Feb. 27, 1831, Abigail C. Gay, b. in Wilinot, Dec. 15, ]811, grand- dan, of Eli[)halet Gay, a soldier of the war of the Revolution. He res. in Wilmot, where he d., INIarch 17, 1877. William Gay, son of Charles, b. in Wilmot, INFnv 18, 1832. m. Aug. 20, 1855. Delina Ann, dau. of Lorenzo M. and Ruth (Wakefield) P^'eeto, b. in Newport, Jan. 11, 1835. d. in Lebanon, July 27, 1894. He res. in L. from 18G4 to 18G7. d. in Wilton, Me., ^Q[)t. 3, 1878. RuEL WiiiTCOMB, son of William G., b. in New London. Sept. 29, 18G0. m. Oct. 18, 1884, Ida M., dau. of Charles G. and Hnl.lah J. (Delano) Sawyer, b. in Greenville, Me., Nov. 25, 1861. He res. in L. from 1881 until 1888. Cashier L. Nat. Bank. res. in New York Citv. Ch.,— i. IIelex Hilder, b. North Long Branch, N. J., June 25, 1899. TILLOTSON. Jonx i\IoKRisON, b. about 1790. res. in Northumberland, where he d. John Mokiuson, son of John \ b. in Lancaster, July G, 1813. m. Caroline, dau. of William Smith, b. in Raymond, Me. He d. Dalton, Jan. 8, 1900. John INIorrison, son of John -, born in Dalton, Oct. 23, 1859. m. Dec. 25, 1879, Kate, dau. of Edwttrd P. Cushman. Lie has res. in L. since 1900. Insurance and real estate. Ch.,— i. IIauuy, b. Dalton, 1880, d. 1882 MRTILS, MAUIIIAGES, AM) DEATHS. 556 IHafory of Littleton. w ■aSy s..ioino[\[ oi :;: t- co -h i-coco — corf •*< — ' t^ ^^ u^ ^ 1^ .*o ■'1 cv-t t— -* ic CO -^ -H ^H -vl 1- m ^j CO M iM ;m -o iM ;i :~i Tt< C^l CO C-l CO M M 1 i-1 C~l •aSy s.Jsqjr^^ (M lO r-t CO 00 t - r; o CO C-. 'J3 l- ■* CO ^1 0» (M rj^ [M C-l C^ (M 7^1 CO CO CO ^1 O'l CO :^I CO d d" ^• ^ ^ ■^ c- 3 ^ "^ cT r' a -3 ■? •S ''' rS ^ ^ r- ? ^ ^ : ^ "^ ^ S ^* - ^ J - § - 3 11 ill i' ' S jj £ S 1 1 1 = « 1 § i ' |il=^i.il«|.li - — ^ ►-"■ -^ >aj2;o ^-^— ~-'-~- t:; ^ :^ cu cu ry. J z - S J v. /; ^' ."" •S J '' an = ^ ^il '^' a .^ a a 3 a i=a cS^O OCD *j ^ " ~ ~ t ~ 1 "2 f — — ■ ■^ i ^ ^ ^ a £ 3 S ' 5 5 S = ' .-H " - = - ooj^""' Cl-J^'O hJ '_ ►J U — 2: ,'/3 ij f* » CO o M_:jal6::jZ-;::^j ^ ^ c . • 5 -. ^ ^ a ^ ^ a 1. r — •^ = "^ ;S D 75 ^ C? — t- M si a j; a i^lSJSiHl o j3 i;?: a:nn!— =J3 >-3fe — aj-J:;-J — k:: hJ C5 yv tJ 5 hJ M OjlH CH&M?HOi5«=, ;„ o Q) in sl a 8=4 •3 is CO uJ 1- a £ ^ cl o i ^ -g M bo i a g; S ^a J; o - a '«' 3 ^ 1:5 ^ s -2 .i ■7^ ~ CS 5 5 i^ a. 01 K ^ a Ji 5 TA ^"i -A % • ^ i: SP .3 's ^ '? H ^ S .S 3 a '^ -3 -a p c ^ a "S S 5 .10103 fe •■^v 'I'f: 'PS ''4S[ 10 -sT' 05 r-H M CO CO » rH Cl Cl CO C^1(M rl CO O-l C3 rt rt I-l CO n !M rt O CO Ol rt ■a.ioqii!5g JO SniAii iJ IB J •xoj! ^^ -:.^ ^ J. ^3 ^ S-*S-*^ & j= a 2^0 a S ■!) ^ M CO I- :r. -o to CO CO 05 ci CO -^ :o i^ ^ — ' :ri CO 1^ »- CO r-i o 10 c; ci '-r- 35 ir? 20 r '-' i-i c-i — -^ fi=l Cl CO " »-H ^H Cvl ^H C^l CI C^ !M T—lf-H CvJ r " :: a. ^i^ o.-a i *^' b > a o'S ^ c' '"S ^ 5"-^ - 6 'i 'i i?-a &■— -^ ^ ---a "" TiiiihK. iyoi i-H I^ CO QC »C CO C^l — -H rt" t- CO O -^ -t -r — CO CO O ri -t- 1- r: -!** y ^ 1- 1- C: ■* CC O 1- t' N O -f CO r-H CC ^ C-l C iM CO ; . CO ^1 C'l CO CO CI n I— ' Ol r. CO C^l r* CO CC CO CO (M C^I 0>1 C^l 0^1 0-1 CO CO C^l -^ CO 2^1 1 -— 1- -* 1-1— > t-GC ~ CO Mri coco 01 ^1 CO ? c-1 ~ -^ — I.- :o -.r c-i c — t - c^i C-. ^ — " r. r-. r. c. c: '^^ cc c ci •- •«■ c^i v: co cc i.t ^- c ^ c: cc 'r> I-l ^1 M CO t1 rl M CO Tj. rr ^1 C-1 C-l -S- CO ITi— Ol CC M ^1 S-1 C-l CO T CO tM n C~l C-1 H M CO -r CO ec -T !M ■:^ i ^. - i5 '.^ ;^ C 5 ;2 is ^ .• _" r- 1 ^ 7. -7. !^ i; C J; x; fc ^' ^' '^ C i: -J ;^ HI o 6- c c c; z: ^ i^ *- "" 1 tl"^! -^^r^e -^5 ('oncord, Vt. Littleton Itollow.s Falls Littleton |-^:i||^.^| ri. G 9^ 1"?,., ll, 1 PH.? -J > C 5 . T ? = = -'Zl^I:l5. |r7:?<|^^.^: t=-^^7l = ~'^^ i~|ll5i:l- -?> N — cc c-1 rM ^0 -r - ^,-^,co■c-^,^^,co ^,„^„,,^^„...,., -„^..-^,,^^^, -..^^,xcc- ?;'-=• ■?. i ---:? ^-^- ^ s ^ :^ ^-a^--- 5-^ -. ■-^. =-?• i :l|_ 1 £ i fe i ■'- ^^-^1 r 5 SI :ii v.T3i OMl-O-- — - '^.<.'^-.'P.<—.<~.j'.-j. ?i ' " s j'l "" j^ 3 2i ft S M ' " ;^ ?i ;^ 2 s '"'=" s s oi ?! 3 - ;=; ci :=! •A i ?^ < < -^ S ^ ■= -^ 5, -2 z Z r/, ;i fe s O -^ ^. ?. <^^ < -^ 5 c 558 HUto'i'ij of Littleton. ■sSy s^.iaqcioH O -* CC iC CO 00 --^ CO OJ C^t rM CO r-4 3sJ lOtMOa-^OOiO'THCOirS-rtHlOIMi— I'Tfr^OCOrHtMOOCOC-lO'C^l M ^i SM (M CO ^ ^vi CO ^1 c^i (M Cvi ■* CO c^i :ri CO c^i iM CO " G^4 c-: CO :o •aSy *!.-i'^ni«J O CO -^ Ci C2 I-- I— I O CO CO .^I 1— 1 :M CO (M CO CO -^ J5 CO c-l (M 30 lO ^ CC I- «0 C^l -t^ Ci C: -^ CO OO Oi t:J* CO CD Ci --D C-I C^l c-l Ol CO -* C-) CO c-l O) CI CO lO CO Ol IM CO C^l (M CO c-l C-4 -31 Ol u^l o ■=2, (5 a; 1 ■s mil, 1- o II . o 'to -. a si a;! o 5:| s I. g Sfs^^ fclsfc?' o 3 J3 i S S a = 5 ^ o £• _^ a (- — *^ O '^ __, ft 3 „ O ^ p ^ ^ -^ t;^ s ^t'l 21 gill iiti'iil |-i i| £| o S ?; ;^ ^ £ ;*: -J ■= S ■joioo ^ •01S 'p8 'pr. '?>^i 'uaapiiiiojo -ojj CD ?J W C-l O f-H CO 01C0ClrHC0'-li-IC0t-IC0-:t1 TO M C^l I^ TO C-) C^l CO TO S5 r TO c? CO ;s 5 TO - O •ri-iTO = ^ = J? S c £ t'-c =^ ■ t) a a*^— - a^ ^ -r rt •!) c rt ^ o ? ^'^ 5 a'~ p ,- T^ D a ^ ^ t(. - - 5 2 '^ si i = .. a - ■= t 9 c =^ y-'-H ?c ^ ¥ . £ -J s =^S EC s ;i. S s =^ u< - s s - s s ?; s s S ^ * t^Pn s ^ S ^ ^ ~. - S «S -- ^ =' ^ 1^ -. '- - a^ s S =- ^ O H »o o '-D :c '-O t— -M oc — « o CO :?s c^i o -^ uo o lO CO o »c cC' 1- c:^ -^ oc M I - t ' ■— o :c ^H — I oo 1^ CO -f Oi r-i -^ I - -}« oc r-< rv TO ^ •-1 C-l I<1 rH r-l S<1 ■-( m TO M r-i 1-1 M r-H i-( rl Q\ r-< ri rt -h rt r-l rt I-l J-] I<) M .M C~I ^ J-l r- .-H r-. 'E'E i>>.>>>. >,>>>•. >>>.>>a a a a r-1 C'l C<1 " ;^1 C-l O-I ~" r^ 7v1 " '■ r^ .^ ri ■ i^ to tc M ^0 yi ir. lb ^ -^ -J^ -^ ^ -e ^' ^- _„• -^ ■<^^ ^^^^►jSeJSOH ;^;-_,-3 ofiSidtJwi^iP-'S-Stco vA = 5 .2 5 . : ti: > . : 9 ■^ )0 r/i ^ -J ij (-; ::i PS ^ o ^ c/j ^ ;/- y •^ ^ u ^ ; ^ K b; a ^ -j: ^ c cl t* c f- 5 ^ -= ? 'S Lefie ^I. Lewis Eva Hunt Gertrude Craigio Bridget Ho])kins Virginia Chtitelle Emma LaGrand Flora Daicey Katherine Cummings Lucy E. Clark Prudence Morse -Agnes B Lane Minnie Glode Ella Barrows Bertha Fiske Lizzie Benton Emily Smith Amelia Bl.ike Christena Albee Florence Fuller Delia A Hard Etta -\. Brent Alice M. Rus.sell KatheriTie K. Willett Cassie Bishop Emma Bruseau Gussie Raymon F;tta M. Bradshaw Jennie McCarthy Leora J. Quimby Eveline Gadbois Felice Salway Zilda, Young Edith Brown fa F. E. Richardson Roswell Miller Herbert S. F'airbank Timothy McCalTrev Frank Chatellc Ei-lward [jH France Arsene Gadbois Ed. A. l,\ons Ed. 1,. liuswell Henry Shawney Richard Smith Andrew U|iton Walter K Parker George Miller Abel Powers F'rank Ivinne John (ilode Charles E. Smith Myron Ash Henry Beaudon Frank W. .Sherman Albert E. Perkins Joseph L. Badger Fred II. Merrill Simon Dutre Joseph Kilman Willis II. Wheeler Charles Webb Joseph II. Lakew.ay Francis \V^. Carboneau Simon Hion Eugi'i.e Coyer William James Carr •010 'pc. 'p5 '4S1; rHr-lTHO-1iOCqr^-JiCO-.Oi-lrH-tliO rlOKMOCrC-lr-l-fiCOCTCO— l(M •u.ioq[niS -'o ''"!'^n J? fa — :| (Ss S^ ^1 •— Ci Cl i-l ^ CO ■— ' .-I 1.0 Cl tK 10 1~ Cl •■ -CO r-* CI t^ r-i (MNCJr-i C^CO d OOOCOCOC-t^CSCO-^-:t*:CO^HTTh»Ol-f H rH IM I-l rl ri r-H 1-1 r-l CT C-1 CI C-1 (f- :^ cj t; o Blrilii 561 ■* t- '^ ic^ Tt* c: o 1 - -^ ^- '-T <-^ r~ ri (Ti 1 ' o to o CO ■x C5 ii?^ -^ cc lO ""Xi -** u^ •* -ri I-- Ci ri c^i '^ 1^ ^ ^- cc r- c:j -- c^ cc ^i CO :c ^ •* c^ c^i cc cc ^1 ^1 ci CO -* — CO ri f^ r>% O CO CO a; r: (M i-o cc o * ■>: ^- CO -f oi :^ — I - — CO c; -*" v:: •* : - t-o c: -f — t^ — f ».o o o -f :r. oi co i— ■ x i.o *— cr. ^ oi -^ oi c- c5 CO CO C-I CO C^l -r C-l M CO CO ri rr M =1- CO CC C^l CO -f CO CO ^1 Ol C'l -f I'l CO Oi 01 CO Ol ^ ^ -r CO =r :m ci CO 1.-: Tl CO CO C-I Ol Ol 5l 6 ^^^<5 Li4 W 1 -ii'- lit i ill ^liiiyiiHiJiiiiiiiMi iMtii i iilMiiMJiJiiiilisfiii fl iiil il 1 jhy, ijii iii!iii!tiJiiiiy|yi.iiiyiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiMiiifiii illiliji iy|iiiiliiiyiiiiili!iyt CJ Ol rt -*< -* rH ro I-' :-: -*i r- rt ,_! rH ->. cc -1- .-H c^i CO X a: cci-i .— ci oi ^ c-i i-H rj -f< I- i.-:- — • -t- .-. rn co :;; ii co c-i rn rn r- o a. _: •/. ^ ^S^ s s ^?; '- s ^ ^ ^ ^^ '- ?; ^ s--. pfiiiii 1 1 1 li ^ ^' 11^1 1 1 ''II m''"' ~ii;^c3~ ~ '^ ^ .^ ?i fl Ji ri c-T 'fi Ji S ^ '■" -- fic)fi~5'" .=.r.^?i?! fi ft ■ '"'"^ <;:^ ^ ?.?; rt s s -.-. •^, -^ -^ •^. -. .^ -^ ■^. -^ -^ -^ <<■<•<■<■<•<•<•< oi y' •/-/. -z X -A 5 c 5 VOL. III. — o6 562 Hidory of Littleton. •3"V s^jaq^oi^; to C-1 O CC '£> N -* O C>1 C. itO CO 03 O r-< O O t— CO CO CI IM TO !M CO CO CO TO M CO M >-l IN •* C-l C-1 d ^^ C-l TO CI TO C^ !M CI ■^Sy S-..13 H 'a .^ _, ,^ rt _ _ _ l_ ,, rf TO TO ■* TO TO TO CI CI TO TO C) C TO •^ TO TO CI TO CO TO TO C» Cl II c , ll 1 1 ri.- _ ^, d g _- > a c a s 2 ?^ -U - -«=-—- 5 tAj 13 ij ;^ o ^ '«6 o » ^ i^ ^ — O ii 45 Oc«o hj^^^zo ez '^ rS's — 5" 5 ; 2 c = = ; 2 6 ■ i Vj C c^ — i Oj J ^ « sq « ,^^.S3 =e= .«^ S-g s-.goS ^ H — — ^3 * ^ •;; ■= > o ^ = ^ — ^ I ^ Z &4 =a I ^ •o?3 'p8 'PS 'isi 'najpiuo JO -OK O rH CT TO Cl 00 i-H CC (X^ TO CC Cl CI CI C] ^H rH I— ( CI ^^ O < CD Cl ^ 'H 1-1 iC •n.ioqn!JS .to Snuiq l£ K ^ ~ =^ i ff ol - >.' o -3 C Ih '' : S- rn a -t: ;x -*(acO' • o i.o o ^ t- OG ^ '-i 1-. t-l f-l -< i-l Cl Cl CI CI 1-1 TO TO 00 '^ Cl CI TO ^ Cl — ^ r-l lOCl -t> .a c — ' rt ^4> ,1. ,0) ^ Birt],^. 5G3 CO -^ — ' fH oo -^ en c -^ :o -r cc o >^ 1 - >.'? o o * o i^ c-ii^ t— c^i o »o oi o i- 1^ n c^i x -f oc -r- r- ?o m i- c^i co c-i : iM c^i cc ivj ;m CI 1-H rj. cci-1 cc c^i CO ro m m ri co m rrn -^ r-i rj ^i m c^i c^i r i :m t^ cj :c m m ci ci cc -r ;q c^ tt m :m ; (M (M CO c^i CO CO n -^ -r* c^i o; M -Tj* CO i^i --'t CI CO -r -r CO rr cc co ci ci co :o co m co n co ci ci co ci -r u- co cc •*■ ci ci co t-t a o ^ 1 fijiilililiJiiriiii ^ Whetstone shop Farmer Carpenter .AL-.ehinist Laborer Lnnibermau Faruicr JOleetrieiaii Laboier Upholsterer Miller Laborer IMumber Horse dealer Hostler I,aborcr Shoemaker Farmer Kn.,rineer Shoe shop Kleetrieiaii Kiver-nian Farmer Laborer Lawver Laborer Farmer Clerk Horseman SlKieeutter ■■z Laliorer Merchant Oil'tone lini>her Clovem.-iker Shoemaker .lunk divalrr Stoni' linislier Clerk : S a "3 :^ -J -A OJ IM rt .-H O ^.-•_--^.-1^ ; M rj- CC' — 1 M M O O 1- 01 -i- ^1 M CO I- C-1 -f -H - --^r:o:o.,x;^-rt-:^ ^1.^ y. -3 X^ S^ s ^ u, « ■* S -^ ?. ■* S ~S-^ S-" s^s ^ '^ '^Ss~i<3 I"' ^l^zj'-^'^"*^ i'-^'i " ^ -s £ ""'^t- I- -H ri ^ yj rj I.-; — K -^ CI 03 M -r o 1^ 'X' ri ::2 -^ — o CO 'j: a: -H c'l o — — • rt< X ~. — ' • C-l M 03 -H rt rt — rH M CO M 7-1 ; •^.-i ^-t r-K ^^ ^-i j-^ CI ,^,— lOICOOO ■s X '5 5 '? ^ 5> 2^ b ? !?■ i* Sr- ^ t- i> - - = — • 5 564 History of Littleton. •sSy s,j3qjoj( ^ M ^-^ --:^ C'l CC f-^ f-H CO O O' en ^ Ci OC I CI o (M '-i: -^ o r-^ CO ic • ^ c^i :■;) -** CI co ^^ oi n c^i co c^i c-i co r-i ci (m ci co T'l co ci c-i co ■* Q-\ or c-i ci c-i •oSy S;.I3q)TJ ^ o 1 - cr- o 00 ^ •:*^C^C^050:ri-COOCOCDl--000'^OO^r CO M CO M rJH Tjl CO ■•^ c I CI CO CO C^i :;^J tM C^3 7^1 ^1 (M CO CO '^l C^I (M ^ lO C^ CO C^l CO CO r = rt £ - rt ~ 5 X h: q c; y^ hJ ■Q-ir-;- — ^-Jp:fja.Oa-jMCAj-;OH;WOS-J '^* s c c "5 d £, = ^ i " p. • -e - ■= t: ^ 2 ? tK ,g " — !=-.-S 1: 'i ^ =s -s S J ■0,3 'pg'l'E 'isi nsjpUMO JO 'OK COrHCOCOi-HL^^t— li-HClfMC^COdCOlOi— IrHCOr^-rHC-l^T-li— luOl •tiaoqiiiifj .10 SniAiq fa g Pm S t. ci c-1 c/i' c; --C CO o i-H ci t ^ O »0 l^ L^ t^ d t- I ^ *H CO CO ^ CI '-' O C 1 O O CO^ ^H CO fi« r-1 c-1 ^1 7J CO o ... ^ ,....• . . . . . . . ^ bfj bfi box* be be to be "t? 1=; -^ 4_; ^- ^ ^J "S "i:^ ^- ■*? t> ^' t> > •<'<.*? 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S?. < i c/j ^ S ;; a -S < — ^ S: i ^ i 'c --? t-" 1 ^ J i 5 .- i: 'H ■? a 3 - r; p ''^ ■| p ri -a a t^ S rt -^ t- .^ 1 9 1 a- T^ £ ^ a cj i5 1^ <-.^ ?5 c:^ fc a; r5 < 2 'w b^ ti- = -j n u 2 — — ^ _ ■| = J ■i 1 u -5 -3 ,a ■a % _y c -" 5 ^ ^ ^ "^ ia S i J; '■ 2 S i - c ,^ ^ ? s ^ a g a ^ ^ "o a > rt -^ - C i cj a P ^ c :s K a C ■^ •qji.'H JO .1010.) -ot'l.w IIV •s.iiM.\ u; oii'v -f -ji 1" CO -^ »-0 ^1 -^ 1— -n -^1 T-H I-l M 01 01 c-i C^l CO C-I Ti C-l -t* ci o"i fj C-l ■g w „ i ^ H ■— 2 *^- fj- c- ^ rt _ ^ 2 ■p a ^ 3 - T? e*-, 5 =" 1 :: - £ - : =■ — ^ 1 : ■7 a ^ ~ ^ ^ C^ ^ < ^ 'f: ~ £ c3 -3 c a ■3 a p u g X H ^ - ? ■§ a a ■p ■f ■a -5 — -e ■-' 5 '^ •- ? 2; K ^ ^ *= 6 J3 a 2 f'j 3 ^' a 5 1 ? f ^ § s — " '_5 :;^ ? 'a ^ ^ S S u 5 rt -3 IH -< ij w i- u; J3 <1 K^ Q < a <: <: 1 to — ° s c 1 p a 3 "^ 5 ^ - ; a ^ "^ 'J. di ^ ^ -ti 05 -f ^ OJ n. M — 5~' >^ ^ C t» >. £ a < z -5 "- < Z a < 566 Hhtoru of Littleton. > a c a fl fl a fl M *i a o rt rt CT CS rt = ■5 i-t .« a a r) 3 a fl g s a ■^ ?-» c ^ t-> > pfl >i ■^'Clw "^ 'A' ~- 'i^ C fD - t*' tc to to yi Ills S fl d g = 5 fl -=. fl ^ fo'-^ fl §1 fl ;z| =" 1 ■^ " ;j "3 ■>:; !x< 5 ^ ta ^' d 1 d i a i uoijiptio;) (Ti (M ^ 01 CO ^T" 3 ^ .s ^"^ P. ^ s ^ u ^ ^ rt ii 0- 3 ^ rt & '€ 1; ~ i s E 1 2 u S "^ a 2: " ^ c 4 GS c 5 ^ a Q c t: 3 p p S p-2 5 f£o-3 a P c i 5 1 a a ^ 3 t- 5 c ;= fl >- G 030 4f 1^ a3 J- •= fl '5] i ^ ~ be J N -£ -2 fl 1 g SO "£0^ "S 5 9 2 d ;5 i I c -^ a 5 25 .0-3 —' "i^ ^ ■ c — a c '-^ o£; s f. j|o w ^ Jpi a9-. J- c a fl ^ ^ > tj. ■3 C c5 •3 1 3_ s C 5 ■< 'kJ ao 3 "o s £3 a 1 d " %- ;- C — . c c ^ fr. „ .£ " c^ P. u p. dS IP i 5; S a a §. S r3 1 Si fe: a d S 5 a > 5 ■qoiia JO JOioD '"•JUHV J1V_ S.ll.M_\ UI rfS'V -fl Ci -M I^ ■rt< f^i CO "c^ QQ "^ ~-^ ~-5^ Cl ^cT CT' C^l CO 2*_ CI CJ 61 CI •— ' >o i.C Cl t-H CO Cl T) M 0^3 s ■S ti fl a _ S "ii S C' c p fl' s >* c^ ■r :n ^ ^ 2 :^ ^ =i ."t^ .^ >^^ ^ ■^ d i>^ ;^ h^ h^ ^ £3 '►J £ ,M 2 t^ P p &j ■U d ^ 'Ui _® > ^ *ce 5 d III "5^ ^^' CO 5 1-5 iJ 3^ = 5 1 d g 5 hi d fl §3 3. . C3 - =i c ."t^ a C! ^ c^ I-' fl _o fl S ^ :: J 2i a ^ ; 5 ^ fl fl i^ ^ t*i ^ w J ^ ij »-3 cj -1 CO ^ ^,i^ •^ Cl m C c -'-' q^" »— • i^ •"< Cl « ^ b 2 V 0. fl' M tio 3 >^ £ 6 Iz; «s g^ •^ •< < 1-5 S Marriage a. 507 3 c c 2 n c - *J •w a e ■•^ C3 a C? ;2 r bf ^ iX & u ^■ ^ S' ^ to - i' =- n L« 'n L. r^ u ^ y £^ y o o 3 a o c to r a 1 f C c c tt 5 c £ 5 = & 3 a U 3 a "^ "o a es 2 a •^ ;^ J £ 2 ■" a O o O o — C 6 c« "" 6 "" t: 5 "^ t^ o n ? »; t^ IC ~ ti d •= O tS a ^ o 5 to S) d 2 a s 1 '•^ § 3 -^ 1 « < "^ 1 a ^ 5 r:' J ■-5 2 a ij f^ 2 b :2 -s 3 E-' 12 rt ^ >^ J d S -; 's Z 'H (M -1 M ~ C-l ^ "(7^ ■fc^ ^ _y x ^ o o. ^. s. „ a :3 ^ y c E ,o „ t u = s = u c^ t ^ ^ t t i 1 ^ u ■f "r; ■J = ■f t 'f t 'f r; i ^ 1 ^ T =^ c n g = — = -= = i g 3 p 3 ? 3 = 3 5" 3 g 5 = 3 ii c 5 a 3 J 3 — 3 = 2 5 3 C 3 Si o e_ ^ a_ * < ■ij < j^ a^b S ;i4 a i ^ ■i^ ~ i^- a J^ S U^ O a — a ■b c__ ■^ a S a^ z — — a -: a J •a c '5 > i! c a-5 bt fl C o rt 2 ij x c ■■^ £ 5 a; s >-' C u. a < a tf 3 1 > 3 t^ 2; a o > ^' ■? a 'C ■J. a iQ ^ a 3. < c z ij Z C 3 > 5 £ is ^ '^ ^' to ^ 6 5 i~i a ^ -2 o 5 C 3 C 2 3 -f 3 -, a "2 a a" rjj ^ O £ ^ ' = 1 1 ~ c -2 s 3 ■5 "^ 5 : 1 o o "t. i "^ t-^ — ^ u JJ R_ J °.j ja_ (Tj i^ O ^ a M i* o £• ■1; , 1 u i^ c i^ ^ d •| i- _o 5 ■| ;^ i. p 3 3. O n c i s 5 C 1 5 g t, c c 1 n 3 i g tiC O w < i a ^ ^ '2- 5^ _^ _o b^ o_ tc a « t/2 :S a ro _5 "«> O* IxT ^ -^ ^-, "oo "^ "cc" '^ ^ "o" 1^ 1^ [, "cri" •^ "co" T^ .^ ~cT ,— 1 ^1 '^1 c-i c^i tN w Csl _C5_ CO (M 1— < ^1 QJ r)< c? CO -:t< CO g-i IM ;^ p- aj o m ^ fco ti w 3 3 zs a a "3 c a •^ fl o o a c a" d ^ ^ ^ Zi Zj_ :; z ^ j^ C " ^ ^ :; — _^ ■; £ 5 ^ - ^ X "" a ~ >j »-^ •J ■-2 ^ ^ ^ ^ C2 — ^ a '2 1 fl o g a > u 3 d O a hi o y 5 u .-/:■ 2 ■n ^ ^, ^ (= 2 a ;^ < 1 K z 1 ■3 3 rf 1 -0 d ^i _s_ ^ ~ £ 'p ]c ^ ^ O ^ ;^ 1 £. ,g CJ 1 1 1 •3 £■ r3 c; j:t *7J 3 !C c ' 3 " " 1 ■* ' ** £ != i CO ^ "^ CXi C2 oc "TT ,^ CT' cc 00 cr^ CI T-^ f—* r- 1 tj >' p > ^ ^ ti >^ « _^. u g •< O z 4 s < s 3 •= 3. ^ 568 History of Littleton. , 2 -^ a 3 a a a .0 g ci S i 'Z >.,-p "C 3 3 3 S a •r % ^ 3 >. >. Cli ■^- ^ S 2 a d Is d 11 i3 2 a ho d:j a "Si to a ^ 2 bo 3 5 1 3 a •iiopip"i>0 (M "c~ (M =• ^ ^ M ^ ^0 a *- t- ^ t- CI ^ '■' H 1; o a a 3 5 ^ 3 5 3 S B g 3 a 3 r -^ :zi a S a 5 - O ■- ci c - c - <: ii ci; .z -.z g Z i\ S '^ S r^ a ^ 0^ 0-: £, -J ii C J m %'o ^ = c 3 c - a "^ 1j c c a So ^ X <; 1; 1 _>> a ^ c '■ -7. fe & £ a ^ :- :a ^ i ^. a J 5 ct ijd 2 ^, S_ 15 s s < S-2 ■< ^ c C 0^ •Sj cc-^ S 3 II ^ s ^ IIJz;?: S-Q S rt -3 a c a oS ■^ I- 2 d > ■3 a c s rj ^ _o '3 d E:^ il. tj ai ^ cJ t- ij £ IS V- = ^ .i:: •- o :^ i-t ^ S t- •2 -«2 t^ .0 % be "rt t4 J_^ •H III ^5 3 3 t- a S To s 3 3 1 a 1 -2 n o S t3 b _5__ ^ _o_ &; Q H -i. >j 2 Cb Q ■ u-'i'a JO .loiof) 3)!M.U IIV •sjiwX "! 33 V i.O -+< . — , — , c:^ -H 10 "cS" rx\ ■^5^ 00 _i CT' CO 'oo "oD^ ,—1 CO C-l ^2_ CO CO rf J* ci i-i c-i Cl C-i _?!_ i-H Tf CO . ?" « ^ |o ■5 ^ •* li 5^ 3 c 3 •p a "S. a M a ij 1 I = " - - : ~s - : 1 - :: Z Ji (^ J S3 '3 a J »^ 1 5 a g a a: 5 3 5 (i 1 a 1 ?0 t- Cj a ^H ^ s -< S^ es *-i s^ C h-; ^ ^ y^ H :^ :_ ^ ri ai tii ^ i; <^ .2 --1 bo .li c ^ a "3 n a «a << 1 :: - - ' ■2 ry ' J "^ J o _^ O-j Ol rj:- r,, ^ c^ -t^ rt o "z^ ^^ "< CI r-t ?i '"^ '"^ ,_, bb ^ :' 1^ < "-5 *! (i Z ■< "^ Murriajjen. 5G9 ^ a a 3, g J. ■u a a ;■ a - i ,^ ^ ■ ~ K 3i •^ ^ ^ rt ./ a Cl. ^ 2 c 1; ^_ u ? ^ 1 u 1 3 1 1 1 p) c c ti a c U S ^ ^ ^ i U Jo — ^ s 6 s Si. c e i S C s o £ ;S I c 5 c C J O c ^ a '■^ ■^ ij _sC .^ 5 " cj ^ !r :^ "^ *- "n 3 ^ ;; •^ ~ 'h' "z; ^ ^ d ■^ d "z; p? C — ' a ■^ - .^^ - — - ^ - ^ - rL - -- " :r_ j^ ~ -5l J!^ — " ~ ^ - j^ — ^ - J^ - -5 - — - ~— --^ - "^ ~ - - - — - — - - - — — — - — - — — - - — - — - — - — y 2 o Li y :, .H o tj ■^ U u a. o ?;; . = i "t r c z ^ i X = 5 J a -; - - - = = 1 5 i a i S i = ^ i = i H ^ a i a - a o r- C r- Ci ^ ^ 2^ ;::i L^ ^ r-* a li^ ^ 'JL » 1^ Zl 'A. — -^ ^ — :i ^ ^ '■^ » u. ;Z J- ^ li- Q S t. i> > 1 1 1 ■p ^ a £ _. t; 1 J > s .= = ,3 - ^ 1 ^ i ^ ^ u ■^ ^ a >, ;^. ^ X 1 -■J ^ 5 ^ £ ^ X ^ i '2 ■j ^ ^ ■/; j; c ^■ >_■! i 5 I 1 ^ ^■f \ i3 -w ^ s c - C 4 ^\, ~, 1 f = ■S e: s ^ < J; S o^ a li ^ :; X 4 ^ ^ p: is J: p: ii. is J; ^1 £ i^ EI p^ ■<4 £ ^ •£ ;£ i^ ■: 2 ^' ?; •-■^ ^ 3 4 2 dii; t-> ^4 rt = .S 5 s" a 1 ;;;■ _^ c ■;;;. a o 6 rt 1 ' a c J 1. •? ^ 1 a ,s a -£ 3 ^ ^rt u >^ 3 J i 1 -3 7 a r: j; .H 1 •^ 1 •S - a 3 J= "i o i ^ •| £ Li •^ a O ^ il c £1 := Ui d 1X1 _: Q X' c J -- i^ c « — -: S 1 1^ -N-l — , CC' c^ •— • 1^ cc ^I r^ I, a' CO — -^ '-0 r-4 CT> CI .— 1 :" i~- ?1 6l 5i ?i iTl ?> 1^ CM 1 1 ■; 1 — 7-1 •— * CI <— ' "M CI cc ci i tf *^- ^^ 2 ^ r- a « £ c ^ O ^ £ X ' "■ s ^ ' ' J5 ~ ' ' ' 1 1 1 ^ o' I) t-> i^ i) a = X "~ "2 X 1 c . ^ 5 ■| I ^ 1 1 t I 1 ■T. - H ~ >> J \ 1 'C ^ 3 l£ 1 i pr X ■7 r. ^ x' >> t i < ^ t. 1 ^ J 1 'Z* 5 '?. •£ =f ■l 5 *? o <; <: ij: i," p^ s a ^ -: < c — ■ m: S ii c ^ < J K s H ^^ '^ 53 cT o =5 3 M o ^ ^ ^ L-5 -^ -- fi -^ i^i rM i-1 e-i ^ .■ ^ u ._• ^ ^■ r3 •^ 4 4 - -: ■^ ^ -5 S < < 570 HUtory of Littleton. . 2 a ^ a a a a a u a 2 OJ e ci Wj 5 rt ce o g S 3 5 a M a e- ij "? >% 3 '"^ - i^ _ tD — M > l^o S be t< 3 _o y >, 8 c o ^a 1 c c _i ^ t ^a 6 :^ a o " ^ S 3 c2 o a o ii a ^1 * O 5 S £ CD 2 2 _o ?f _o O O 5 o 1— 1 ^ O o 6 5 c5 2 6 i) ■g -5i o ^ d ■Z w rS 5 J> jj f^ ^ c; CS i-j ^ -< « ►rj — ^ Ij ^ 1^ ►^' hJ E-i ►J ^ ^ cs ^ •uotiipno^ 1— 1 ^ -H ^ ^ rn (M ci I-l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rH ^ ^ rH ^ a :« _o fl o P. g si s i^ f 1 1 1 1 fo 3 1 S u o a i 2 a 5 o 3 a a c a ^ i ^ c o 'q. o JS et 3 c ^ ^ OL ^ ^ Q Co hm Cn :j 6m ^ 3 fi. ^ CO ::^ 73 H tM-i: ^ P^ fa S<1 3 C3 ^ C3 1< a __ 0) fe-a ^1 '3'S fl a o a p a OJ ^ ? c § P s S a c c c c "o C a; o C O o ^ • ° a 5: S ^ c.o - 2 t4 o 3 3 5 D.-£=2 c ij; ^ 3 .a ■- tc a c 1 ? 3 — a 5 rt t "2 ■3 3 a j3 - u 5.3 . a -— > p: XcS-s; ^ ^ O =- OtfoK ^ ^ H -^ 6m P; ZZ ? ^<; 2 ~ fli:^ S K^ So- s ^ S '-I -5 Hj' J 1 r3 1 a o 5 M - 1 a a s a o 3 .S a p t3 a s 6 = : a o t*-. c a Q. ^ ^ t-< ^ a. o 1=1 C S 3 s h ^ a "5 S o o S u ^ a 3 p a o o o o o A^ 2 .a > ^ 3 a 3 ^ to 3 O :3 1 a o o [^ o M ^ 5 < <^ si ^ O t^ (» H S O -!! •t|0i:a JO JO|nf) 9 WAV uv - "co" CI - ■sai;<)_\ 111 rfSy i^ cc c5 Cl o cj oi Ol fl ^ oi oi ?i ^ o rt K 0) 12 0) M 4J = o =^ 3 a T3 a __ a r. a a o jC o o o o o -- '^ '^ " .z^ >.z^ >■£, ". >, iZ. " 7Z . ~ . ^ -^ -Z- '■-' '-^'^ '■f* ^ £ " i £ '^ ,^ £ '^ -^ £ ~ = S -■ 5 i 3 i 2 S I i'f 1^ S^ |"^r^r^'S-5'-^ c ^ . fM i^ u* :5-5 13 1=1 f Ij f>' J H --■ B, ^ t^ ^ aj ■^ ^; J •uopipuoo r^r-I-ICq(^1rtr-ll^■|l-^r-^rt-Hr^l-l1-I^Jr-lr-l □ ^ Js! c L4 c C' P rt U ^ vi ;; t, 'S J t^ ^ j^ *2 5" Q o o 5 3 o z> rt S3 V. _5 5_ 3 3 la - ^ G 1 J2 it ■? 3 s „ 3 s ■s 1 2 t4 H 'c 6 do 5 ?^ s c ii _c ta 0) o 5 ^ 9 a 3 -g 1 p ^'5 3 E-i " r be A bO ., T- Ti ^ s; a < >5 — ^ ^ <-• ■^ t/I K M -i -: « '-s < i^ ■^ C c — 4 a -^ ^ h^ S ^0 If f-j S i-i c^ ^ ?■ ^ £• ,-:; ^• £> ^ P^' Ip 1 2 3 .ii" a o '^^ a 3 ^ fcij 3 ^ a a ^^ t^. c 1 o _o ■f CO CL g s 1 g 'S ~ S a _rt s' ^ ^ 2 -" Z o ^ "J; V? ;2 »j 13 il C -- C ^ j_^ .£ " IJ a -S c •r' •^ - — ; to O 5 3 o _3^ 3 El. da bfl 3 __o_ ■qoua jojoioo 9)1 tJAV UV saua^ HI aSy OO r~i c^ "c^~ O 1^ -t^ "^ 0" cc lo "o" ,— , ".T CI CD C'l C-1 rP !M CO C-l c-i CI ■M ci C-1 ^ S I-; S « -" i K- ^ P3' s Tj ^, « l> a 2 fl „ g ■^ ^ C ^ tn o O . .. , - s j; , -. . c c ."I (^ rt C3 a ►J 1 J ^ sc 1 p 3 a .3 o o IS 'III S - £3 ^ ^ To 3 a 3 O Ja 3 a ^ a n '3 -T3 a h-H 1 ce ? be £ o o 1^ iJ O 1-5 L:-" y d .2 6 ^-1 2 o_ a c C3 1; a « to -H C' 'Z. ^ P- « o S ^ = ' * - ' = ' t-2 ol to '.O j_ iC o Oi »o -^ _, ■2 <4-, .3 T— 1 (M C-l o5 i-' «°l S tf •-J >-■ o o > u 1! ? o o •«s S5 Z; ^ G Q Marriajji'S. bi'i - '-7" f 7" c r" p.- tr - ti- - - - _ - J'-^ 2-a §'-"a g'-'s c s: o « ■- — a 13 o .-5 o c: o a c a c ' *-• z; ? " a " ? ►^ 2 o J -^ 5 c CJ(MrH,-(rHi-(i-li-l c:2i ^a C-i = S > to S ? "^. . ■=" I =1 s ^ ►s :: I .5 :3 3 11^ te. -J < !/: tK J X ;;. i < i -J. ?i 1! C^l Ol C-l 3D X P4 fj 2; ?5 or M CO e-1 35 ?5 c-i ^ 5 cr. ?l c :: o 'r 2 — EJ ~ ^- is ^ - < " ^ ;!'■''! "^ ;£ ■'■'' to t. i. >, ?;?:::."<;» 574 History of Littleton. ^ ?-■ w CJt, Cs* I— hJ ■3 fe 3 >•■ a 2 w = > k^ >■ "^ t-H 1-1 ■-! i-H CO -H r-H C-1 CI ■S-^ ^-g p d J i ,J i llllll S S 3 a> c y c v^ a hi ^ "~ « 'i' 4 <: ^ ^ /r t .0 S 2 i) >> ,:: 5 - J i;n J ^ a ?^ tt ^oxia jo^joiof) J a^RAV UV •sji;,.x ui rtSv I ?; ^ ?^ ^^ --^ C^l Cl C-1 o 1^ C-1 Oi -H CO ^^ cr --O 3 =5 , 5.^:^ 2 3 M J d to -^ ^ a ^ "5 ■^ a " I I I :- t/j H J:; — bo Marriages. 575 « 9. ^^ ~- Si- '^jSi -:ji i- ^Ji f«''"3S''" |9= |1= i^g :ig 'lie |"| ^-1= ^^1 i^g j; . c M 5 h-s" 2 1-1 C-l i-< C-I M ■-< £. =. ^ ^ Js! .:<: " S o c ■ S ^ ~ v: ^ 1-3 — .J fa S fa — fa i5 ii;:nfa:i:faSi.Sfa — fa — H &-<[i £:~fai::;a<; ; :; i li -3 aj 'c - -?'''|„'^-Z'^== ; — ' o ^'^ "t ?^'c'-s^ t^'S i; "rt »; — "S.-^ t/"^ 'C i? ^.i "'■ ~ -^ — "5 "2 '^'S. K'fii~g1^.S^ .ii"H.S"^-^ g £ "liiS — S5<^ I I I I I 4 - >^ !K y S :5 i3 ^ o — c? -_ i: 1/.' Q S c: 3 CO O OO C5 CO Ci ■M C5 CI CO O c^i (M ^H <^ ^:^ c^i CO oi C) C-l CO c-i o 1— ( to ^H c; cc u; c-l IM 57(3 Hiistori/ of Littleton. cT - a s M s 1 a "S -S = '- ^'B a S 1 ^ 1 1 > n " a >. 1 „ V.I 1?^ ^i!|! c c >- "' a g 3- a "tj f4 a 5 1 n 3 S •^ k'. 5 ^ J ci J d a ;^ 4 2 J 2 ri 2 S 4 12 h-:' Cj 2 •uoijitmog rH 05 ri CI ^ ~^ ~^ - 0-1 '^" -H ~^ r- - ~^ - " 01 ^ tM "^^ ^ o as C- a ^ CI) OJ a> 0) c £. •^■^ h ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ s- £« s s IT s S "S iJ - b* "m 3 o c C r- M 5 c ^ f- a o a - ,c .:q " a 5 £ 3 g a a ■a a 3 - g X g a c; h2 ^ *^ 3 o ^ S xi 6t< •< i ^ ziL. -< :±i <&- < li ^ &; -<^ < ll- H >> ^ ■A >^ j; 5 ti -a 3 ■ 2 ^ >. ; ? .= -^ .__ z 5 i ^ ^ -2 CJ -c? a c is c I^C" ^ < ^1 = 2i Is oi i c i c ij ?[ 'II ^ £ S; Vc a ^ y r- a ^ J^ l^i C t-' -2 - — S ll < ^ — 9 fl 1 1 ~ ^ 1 r 5 & !^5 ^1 £^ i 1" ^Zt >■ C? Is' ol "c - ■?' ^• c? c 1 .H i5 ^ > ^ ■§ e^' _g ^ £~ o c 1 a rt 1 — ' a - •5 ^ "a _c3 -1 a o^ a "7. = c: g s .s n s rt ^ s 5 S '"' O '►J ^ uJ ^' C hij l:^ ^ v. ^' Ij (^ c ^ •1 ! 3 ^ a c; 1 1 i) 3 1 ^ 1 z^ 1 5 3 J 1 1 6 o w S .^j ^ .^j V ^ J"' ^ rt .^ :? ,^ Ci .fcj ."^ ^ c ?. < [^ < iS c ^ Cx^ C^ i;ajo.ioioo 3J!MA\ IIV •s.iiM^\ m ,iSv c-i CO •^ f\ ~r — o ,— . ^T" 7T" ,;^ 5T" l^- ^^co" il^ -^ ro t^ ?i CI C-1 CO ?M »— < C-1 r-H (M CO c-l ct c-i K _^ o g '^ ^' IL, ^ " •£ c ^ 2' ^ .3 a a c rt © — ^ " t*I ■o ^ - •^ i.'- ^ - ^ - ;; - ■^ 3 ^ "^ o ^ ^ 'E 5 i = 5 c^ r/J k^ l-J v: 1-^ b ^ h« ^ o 1 H rr. ^ ^ .^ i>j 1 i^ -S 2 o >> 1 ^ J-:* L< t^ B p S. 7! 3 >> ^ a to c C3 ^a g|5 c -< O '3 o 5 <;" ^ Cx^ ^ u a to ^ 5 '3 1 ~ 1 & ^ ■< s rt rJ ';^ a i' j ^ ■3 ij K C/J o iC ^ V- .2 si " i p to S OJ 5 '^- J " 'd - " S 13 ' j- •i^ to •^ ^r^ "^7~ ^ TO ~~o~ C ill r-< C-l C-l r-^ I—* rt o *i^ b ^• ^• ^ ^ ^ ^ c ^ i Oj in Q. Oj Oj 3IarrU((jes. bll „ ? i' - = -J = "3 . 2 >> = ^15^ = = •=§ S'^*, a -^ ■^'.2 ..■ ^ — ■ ^. r-—'~i a r '^ -^ " i - 5 'S o ° _= ~ J 5 5^ - O CO =H j3 J f* ? ►J ►^ P ? in >- VOL. III. — 37 578 Hhtory of Littleton. a a a a a a M t4 t4 a 4,' O rt C3 a o 'Z >.-3 5 5 3 a M 3 5.. = 2 a ^ 2 a lis 6 3 3 t^ t ■^ bx ■i^ :i 1 c i L' 1 !pi = M 5 c S 1 -' d -~ a s 1 B a 3 K 5 a 5 6 s a - C U-. ^ '>^ 5 a 2 a s i2 ^ 6 i^ 5 2 c ^ ^ £ ^ ■^ p4 5 ^^ :3 > fe J J ": ■^ H J ►-: ^ -3 >-i — ■-i " p B p •uoi)!pno3 IM^rtr-(^(Mt-lrti- 3 - . C *^ c rt c^ _rt c: O t^ <5q < J-< J^ s i:i < H rs ^ ^ (^ a "o £ s J3 rt d ■f "? a ■3 s c J3 1 a. a c a c ^_ J 5 ?; 5£ S o ■ C d -3 O c < •3 z ^ t- tc ^t ^ -~ S < < :7^ T. ^ c g \ P > rt c < r < P p P p ^ ^ t. i d S |.i-r i -5 .5 K a . ■a .*^ □ eS "s^-S ^ di J::' ^_ To r. 5^ c c ~ -3 5 d - = a to D 1 a a to [0 a a — " ir_ - o H e5 ;5 3 H U hH k^ S M p - v- o_, c c D* C c^ -^ a. c 0. 2 (► c ^ 2 c: ^ -r J o f^ c B u -f^ s -^ L< 3 5" -» i £ c 3 i s i - J t = i "-^ s O CO ^ r'fl <: X «; i- < >-; Cfc <1 >3 ■J- <: B.ii!s;ii^ III -tSv I- CO ■^ (M 1 v_ Ol X _co i?5_ W jS s VlH CI _'ri. CC. tl CO 01 t-^J- Q. Z. ■'- V c - r; c a o *-^ " 't? rS - - .^ :^ - ^ - - - - - •* "* •* - " 'x '-^ ^ -" :t^ e^ H :^j H^ B ^ c; -3 £ 9 ct ^ '^ ^ j^ ^ •^ S .3i rf c A c i ^ o to 7) 5 tf 5 a s < a ^ 5 K p a a to to 9 >» s C5 1 5 3 rt 1 _^ £• E >. "3 % O K '^ s 5 -5 CO ^W b s ■= _s_ s s (S _S_ 5 c O -0 ^ -« .2 — c ^ a a b. 5 o l_ Ci — ■ 77 C/D -* ■^ ^ o y ■^l*^ M *~^ •"I *"• C-1 CI 0? -*- 1*- .2 ^ ^ == t: - >-■ >■ 1 1-^ o Z z p p a u p p p ^ , ^-* Marriages. 570 ^' ^ -!;-2 ■^ 5 "s 2 -^ 5 H j<: 2 as a — E-< i5 o ij ;; ^4 — i. — i.ii--<:- CO --O OC !■! CI CO CC C^l '^ tM ;■! CI J*! C-i ^H :o CI C-l CO r-1 r-l CI 00 r-1 CI CI CI Ci CI „ ^ V re ;; 1 ^ ;-> "= ^ rt -:2 ^ £ - b < OJ ^ CJ >■ < i> ^ 'i ^ =^ - ^ < _J = i> ■^ X M 4 ■■^ ^ .i- -- {^ — ;:^ ^ ."^ ^ "w^ X ^■ > a^ ^ ■/' — ^ r: « ':z ;: ■noijiptioo ^ rH rH ^ -< -H rH r-. rH rH c, a'« S S ^ = J a s so 5 c a la a. 3 a. K a Hf 3 t- a. ^ < & a 1 ■3 a 3 -2 c ■3 03 c: 1 ':3 c ri ji J h^ ^ h^ 1-3 ryj 2^ 'X J u^ i/3 h^ ft h-j c _ (^ ■1 ^i a 1 a. a jj p 0. c- 1 'J; 1 ^ 1 Ui s a H g a a § a 3 3 C~' ja rrt a c 3 s Eb < 03 -< <; fa C c^ < J < fa S •qoua JO .10100 s?!'lAV nv ■s.ii;3_\ m oily CO o: ~co" cc e. ca" cT .— , ,_, C-1 [^ ccT CO t^ Ci 01 C-1^ ^I CO c■^ 01 CO CO OI C^l r-1 -^ T iZ ^ -^ ■-' ;*^ C ~ -7- rt K* C =^ Ct d c 2 a a "d a r -^ ^. o a ta a a" ■£ o ^ .Q — -i ■a .^ ~ - - 2 S " " - - - ."^ •S .■^ g .■ti — -*^ '3 .■^ ^ h^ hj ^3 ^ Ij w _J^ hj «- -:3 o t^ o •^ '^ - -^ J2 1 < 1-3 a! g 1 a g; 3 ft s ^ «? rt 3 a 3 1 ^ "3 " o a a 3 C tK d g K ft u. "1 >J r to ? ft .1 ^ ~^ .^ " hJ >% -^ a S »' .^ ^ 5 ft r- s 2: a. o •i. ? K S 5 a c3 a a 'S S ft _to 1 s ;; M - V- .1^ n — - ^ '3 fl (^ « a o OS c -'^ CO ^~* CO (M O) C^J C " 5 a ^. a 3 a 3 0. 0. ■g -jf S 0^ r^ "^ i-j I-! ttl Oi !:(! — >C to — to c sz a ^ o ^ ■ 582 Histori/ of Littleton. f^lHI P1^«1^i5i| ^^Sil'g 1'' >, I— ._= ^ ^ = >-. = r; - S c a.' vJ ti p5 3 r/j i K J; i. 2: S (^ t/j >! 5=1,- .y 3 o -< 3 5 =^« ►J 3 C 5 = £ 7 S, . o - - -I a " e o eo S - g "S ^•- _. C t, fe o i •: I^ a c .J; .u _g ~ <• ? .^ ji 5^ . =£ — o £ ^ - =- a. ^ t, O •ll.il. I'l.U •ti'lV c/:^ ^ X -yj S '^ '^ :^ S; ^- S JS " S S S '•''-?? S '^' ''■' ^ J? '^ '^' !- ''- ''"- ''"• J"J[Oj er, ^ -'. Cjh ;i^ ^. i C' to a x: o t- c-i a; r-i 7-1 d L^ i.o lO co i— i o co 'x: a: i^ ".^ -h c^ c^i c-i i^ ^. i-h rj^ c^i co •yninOTV t t^ o oo lO lO ^1 CO co >a lO I- r^ 00 I- 'j:; . .' rji O -,0 I- iC CO I- !M I F-i VO COi— I Dedtha. 583 rr, ■% S _3 ^ ^C r/ — = ->; 5 J- -^ ~. ■. jc o ^ c o5_ ^ r: '_ ~ s 2 ^ ~ ::: 2 < s-. c- •>; ,-/.. s s -> _ :l i. — jh < — ^^.:,^^^^.^xs^:,.a^^^s-:.:.^» SiS--'--^-?-;?-/-b:-=Sa-/-?.:r;ri:b-.b:^ cc i-'x I— — i-x ?r M — ic -- -»• --1 o o cov- ci i-i-^ ^^ "H (M - CO — -3- — • x ^ : r. cct--x«-x C-. ..- -f .:? - X I- C-. -x- MOO .-rii-rii--r Mcvrotr ..-i-l- r-. o ■* -f ^ M -r cr -f ■-:: •- 1 - i-ut^l -j- TO -j :-. o ^ ox — wXl~i-J " ^ ? •---<; ^ ^ XL eH ; . X i>- — fi 5i 1^ cc 7\ i'l i-i I^ cc r-i — r-l '04 C-1 ^ — CI CI CI ^ 01 CI -., i.C '^ X tC '-T -t'"- C-1 CI ^ rH CI CI i-< r)84 11 ht or II of L inlet on. 1 C O -J ~i 2. "St-. "H ^ t o ."^ ^ ii t., £ i< a ►J Mi H ^' ?. w p; T/. ~. i. -i w Florence Lyons Diel Cotter Louisa B. Williams Sarih Walker Esther Morriss Betsy Wrii;ht Emma C. lirown Julia I'oyer Marv (ioiiver a Emma Vallior Lavina Pan horn Rose E. Lambert Bridget Witherell Lavina York Kate McCourt Christina .Mclntire Delia Allard Name of Father. Dennis Nihan Nathan Parker John Bean Hiram .•~mith John Ricker Keiinie Hovt William Thompson Jo'.in Sanborn John Cox Joseph Barrett Joseph Rivers David M. Dowrie S. Townsend Jl ilJ o O -3 a ■" ^0) SJ ,„ o O o 5 C ■= -3 3 Sii'' ^^S (S 1=1.^ |fr,5 . :-'£:-"=- c a S Birthplace of Jlother. 1 ^-^=-^A 111 t» O ta i; K " t/j O t- n > « 1 a -S :^ ^ o a a) Stj - - o 2 c o ^ ■ a>--5 SiSa- « ,^ ■- ."i K rt OI-I-5 W JO a c 3 '^^ -^ 1 " cc J^ § a o rt iJ '—^m o >^, U Birthplace of Father. S ■-• r " Si hit ,7 "^ _ufl ■2'^adTic'' J ^ 'J S J 1= r/: '^ ^. -_) ,-/j M 4-3 l-5lg J^ £ = gi ga3^ t; « C.2 s o 5 sa o o J W S 'J 3 o rt„0^a c CO T»< -H o I- CO (M coi-ooe-1 -*■!- i5'i--fi-c75 oo-ncnM l-MCOiO l--«-t1 OC- C'l C^l CO rt< OOtHXC-ICO 'CL Ol -fl-0-t< -H £ _ ? S S -c J. £ h'5 C' 4 £5 4 5 2 •/' x! ?^ o 1 § s ^ - ~ 1 -g ,C-.2 t ■= » g C a f|sj'||.-?i|l ^ ^ S - u J -^ ?; o ~ - o ^ ja ;J- 3 a -D rt Cj) T?ca;JiS:C3tJ 0) .rj -H •/: -1- — -i> CO - -CM o 'O c-i r-. '-i CO -f -/■ -M 1.- X CO -f y oi CO c-l r^ -M CO -x -« -f f/: -«• o 0-1 i-H rt rirl — rtOli^C-ICO (MrHr-l--l (MiMMi-l COe>lr-.i-(r-l rtNf.1 3 i' "C- i- i:- '? b = 2 = = 1 1 - -b-^'-'- i*i' i^ ^ "i "i "^ f 'i If^ C.O. fi.li. p. Q. Deaths'. 685 L »-. — ■/. ? -i. = O i^s-Sj^Si^sir^wcisx-^-^ ^^rt<<: c/'h", — •^ y. ^ X SfeE- b:S - E = ^v. b S^:i 3 M •ao| ■X K) b 'S g &.3s.Si ".£!.?■ fe E i. Srt&.6a ^ g c ■s.C ^ rA X' U: J O 1-5 '■C — -i c CO '^2(5 J ^0 cc- CO c-i ;:*< lo CC lO •# CO lO CO cr in M 1- CO -rt^ 'O cr^ -^ r-l rt (M!M ■■ S g _s - i b' 2= ? 2 S ^ g 04 ►^ s; — wj M " -5 S -; :i C: <: -: 3 ci ^ 'X' I' c-i c^ 10 CO -*^ ("r^ ctj ^- -H cc^ ti — t. - 0.' :- CJ -' CJ i: S 3 O g g jj JJeaths. 687 ■■3 r'^'H.. c =i 11 I' -f ^ ^ c ^ »: C ii -S »^ s ^ S E; 2 X c/i /. ^ ^ ?. r/- S ^- ?; '>^ & '^- J: '-'^ S a; 1- r-< cc 3i ri ^1 : .— — ,-< . . M ri •M -• r-l CI — ~1 •M — ^1 — _- ^r ro cc 01 c-i ~ • c^ -)• -r. y: 1- = 1 - 1-< -^ T— 1— ^5> ^I^Ti^^"' f^«^ao'~'~^?i" -^r- Clil^g'-i^HS^,- iZS §5 !** ^ — - t- -o; ■< ::; " a. :: < .^ -.i. " v : a • O O r4 C1 ; H .— rH r-l C^l I-1 M CO CO 1 ra 01 oj i-J !-■ r-i M CO M lit story of Littleton. C "5 a T5elle Bushniay Julia Greenwood Susan S. Granger laiella Walker Jlildred Iloskins Mary McCleary Kutii French Julia Lynch Theresa Lafont Virginia DuVarney Carrie Til to a Mary Hildreth Katherine McCourt Nettie M. Lang Jesse K. Browu Kate Dyke Nancy Thompson Zildo Young Ilonora Cockeria Georginia Vigue Flora Daisy liertha Willett Mary Li la Mossey Mary Galvin Eliza A. N.-lsnn Mary Scales llanuah Day 2 ^ •< ■< is 4 O 5 "- = to >. C "^ o "c « .'- 5 a c! u 3 V .. g. fa ,"5 S 5 53 ^— t- i;o^~jce33j=3 .3 OSoKS-:faHW < 3 1; 3 2" ^s-'h -1= 1 3=1 ill s o a! 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L^ lO CO c-1 c-1 Gi CD O 03 -.;; 1- 00 CO tH I- 1- c-1 CO c-1 -^H rH t- c-1 Ol CO O' O Ol '^ o o T-.(Mi-(T-i T-I.-I0.1 (MC-lC-li-Hi-H i-lrHr-lt-IC-l(MC-lCOM ttb5>= = co = ^.c^'^=ccc i^i- til W ti; tD ic tb bb b'n hb tb bb Deaths. 589 I. ^ -3 Ji •T^ •5 "■ ■^ ri. V S :2 _; ■5 ^ 1^ -^ll'^l ;•" i' -, — CS t^ i fc- ^ c - ^ y K -^ > r 3 "? "^ 'E "^ >^ iifi 'r.'z C HI it •? i' "s "^^ -^ ." » is6^_5; -A = .|| •^' - ^. >■ -.a - e's a ill ■5 £ -^ "2 V = £ 5 £^i; "^ a J ;£ Ij t^. i ^ s 5?. 5 X s :H ;S'^ 1 ^ <£ ^ iS ■— -^ t. '5 " = t, 5 v fc. '5 - S - : ^ i ^ = i 9 a . ^ ^ i ^ b. ?, s < '.Z ^ .^ £ ~ -7 S _^ ^ ■/J -/. M IK ^ )S »S y- ^ !/, ^H v: S ^ c/- rt - — --^^^; — :: *^ ^ •^1 '•^ ff. 0*-. '.^ -^ ^ if^ -^ i «^ «*, r?. J. C C" J: .i] ;5. -^ — 3 jr ■^ ii — ' -3' i ^ a = 1 a oT-^ a — a - 'v ^^< c _ o r -? ■| _ 5 r 't "I . '■fi = .'£ ^"5 .H ' "i ti ' ■" " i 3 5 ' ^~ 1 2 ' .* »^. -- co-x ^ o i-i-^ Tfl-^ — -0 -^ — -^ ~ X 1 f-** T— t T— 1 f— 1 - ^ c^i " ri •=! |— rl — c) M -i* CO 3 >.T "^ -f m CCrf-* lOO Ci 0-* — i— t f— i_ C3 lit C-1 o^ 1- -H 0^ "— CI I'- --H c. -r — i~ i~ ■^ C~l X l~ »-T I ^ — ^ X, X -3- Tl-C-fl- D C -3 >. _ .i: ^ oat J; a £ •£ = -2 X >t ;5 t- *-5 > -^ = — ■- o J: = = = _; " — i s: ^ a a p; fc' i •^ — a — i: i' • ~ X o ■" ~^~ = Z '■ "Z > " ~ < D ■£ a ^ a T --;■ 3 -- ^ ||| 1 ^■■^^ = |-| 1 2 11 -i ~ '5{ 0' 0/ ^ CO 00 ^^?? .^.^5 ■^ — ^ Ci CO it -* 1- ?! - — • CI CC i.T -^ c^ -* -r ri Sii""!?! c^i * CO rt r-c .-■ CI Ol M M C^l (N r—ncO | ?-?■ ■*j' ^ *j' --■ ^' >■ ^^*- > > > U >' >■ >■ >■ 6.' &.' ^ -J ,j ^ cJC £ ^ o c c c ZOSC zzzi5zzz;<5>'. ^sacG 1 ERRATA. Allkv, Abneij, p. IG, for "Swansea" rond " Swanzey." Bailkv, Cyul's, p. 27, second line, I'oi- " Vt." read '' Mass." liici.'o, ii. Linvis, p. ')(■), after " Canada" insert " m. jMargaret Legac}'. d. in Liltieton." 1)()\VMAN, doNATiiAX, p. 71. The ninth ciiihl shonld be " Lovisa," not '* J^ivona." liRACKicrr, Kdwakd Duoi.ev, in " Geor<:!jianna "' snbstitnte an "e '' for the " i." Brennan, doHN, p. SO, for " Irelatid " read "Caiiada." Clashy, Samukl, p. i;n. for "Tilk'y"read ''Tillotson II." Ci-EVELANi), MosKs. The fonrth child, John, died in Lowell, Mass., from a railroad accident. Cole. Royal ]\I., p. 14'J, for '•'Idzzie" in second line, read " Elizabeth." CooLKY, William Fokuks, p. 14:5, for ''Corey" read "■ Cory." Cramer, Thomas Edmunp, [). 147, for " Elast During" read "East Deering." Cdrtls, EriiRAnt. p. If)!*, second line, for "ISliO" read " 1763." Dul\;lass, p. 1G7. There is no auth(jrity for the statement that William was a son or l)i'o1her of Archibald, 20th Lord Donglass. Dow, Arthur E., p. 16'J, third line, for'" Emma" read "IMinne," and for firnt child. "• Aruiie." read '' Anna." Dow, .Ia.aies, p. ItlS, second line, for " ISll " read " 1S12." Eastman, Harvard DonuLASs, p. 1.S2. The lineage is John Lang- don (()), Ivichard {.")), Richard (4), Jonathan (3), Thomas (2), Roger (1 ). Eastman, CEoi{(iE W., p. IMl, for " Com[)ton " read " Campton." Eastman, Obadiaii, p. 171>, did not marry a second time. Eastman, Lahnard Lamb, p. I.s2. The lineage is James (G), Stephen (.')), Sanniel (4), Roger (3), John (2,) Roger (1). Eastman, Myron Bowles, p. 182. The lineage is Caleb (G), Ebene- zer (0), Obadiah (4). Ebenezer (3), Philip (2), Roger (1). Eaton. MrrcwELL II., p. 1S3. The lineage of his wife, Sarah Eastman, is Ebenezer (5), Obadiah (4), Ebenezer (3), Philip (2), Roger (1). P>LY, Guv, p. 18S. His wife was Caroline, not Nancy Wetherbee. CoPELANi), Harriet Ann, p. 14.'), shonld read ''Harriet Anna." Crooks, Henry, p. 148, last line bnt one, '• 1830" shonld read " 1831." Crooks, Thornton, " 1837," shonld be changed to " 183(')." Earr, Sa:\iuel, p. 11)3, sec(), wijen William Henry ehanned the "o" U> an "' a." HiCAi.i). Lkwis 1)KI(;iia.m, p. 2.")(>, '-llarvev" should read '• I'.eiijaiiiin il;irvey." Hknkv, .Ioski'ii. p. 2.")7, for " b. in Monroe," read "■ b. in Lyman."' HoWK, Hakkv v.. |). 271, for "Christian Science " in third line read '• J'lpiscoual.'' IvKNNKV. llKKBKur 1'^ , p. 2'.M), ell. i. '' liereuice " should read '" lU'rnice." Ki.NNK, V'lNK. The ehildi-en of \'int; Kinne, p. 2!)7, should read: '• Lucy M.." '• Lucy A.;" " Dennison ]Miner, '* Isaac Dennison '"Miner;" '' Orley," '■ Orlean A.'' The blank l)efore '• Chase " should \)v. "Julia K.,"' who died Dec. 14, 18.^."i ; and Annettt; mar- ried Klisha Hibbai'd. Lewis, Samuel (14), p. .'Ml. second line, Un- '• 17:52" rear] " 17H8." LovE.Jov, Jonathan (4), p. .'JbS, for "June'' at the end of second line rea;elsox (24), p. 379, ch. iii. Edith ^L should read " 27 " instead of -'22." Reai!«»i»v. IticnAUD, p. 3."^."). Hannah (1. resides in Carnjllton, 111., not Ohi(x Place, Lewis O., \). 394, make the following additions and corrections : 1. Lewis Os(;ooo Place, in. Elizabeth, d;iu. of Jesse and Eli/.aln-th ( I'odd) Wilson, b. Feb. 19, b^lO. d. Se[)t. 29, 1«-S.j. Stonemason. Ch.,— ' i. Klizaijktii ToiM., b. Carroll, A u-;. .'31, 18:55. m. 1808, Curtis Munsoy, d. in L. Dec. It;, l'.)U2. ii. Wii.i.iAM, Li.wis, I). Oct. 12, 18:; ;, <1. in L. Dec. 9, 1'J02. ^ iii. (ii.oKGE, »). Dec. 15, is:57, d. in L. Nov. VMl. iv. Ai.oNzo, h. .July 24, 1^:;'.*, d. in L. Dec. 11, 1902. V. .M.vin Ann, b. Ai)ril 17, ls4:!, <1. in L. Oct. lU, 1855. vi, .Jkssi: Wilson, hi. 1882, ICuriicc Aljhott. vii. Jonathan. viii. .Jami.s, li. in L. Ai)ril I'i, l'.(02. i.\. l>i;N.rA.MiN FiiANKi.iN, 1). L. .May 17, 1850. Killed l)y accidental slioolin;; m L. Auj,'. -16, 1807. 2. William Lewi- 1'lace, son of Lewis Osgood, b. 183G, d. Dec. li, r.)()2. 3. Ja:\ies Place, son of Lewis Osgood, d. A[)r. IG, 1902. 592 History of Littleton. Stevens, Charles W., p. A^GQ. His son Henry Carl died in 1901 in- stead of 1900. Sylvestue, Victor, p. 474. The name of his second child sliouhl be Bilzinniie, not Benjnmin. Wetiierbee, Samuel, p. 514, subslitnte tlie following for his children: — Capt. Samuel (3) and Susanna Wetherbee had Ch., — i. Susannah, b. Aus.. 4, 1770. ii. Jaisson, b. June 8, 1772. iii. Samuel, b. 1774. iv. James, b. 1770. V. Azou, b. 1780. 111. Mary Hiintoon. vi. Betsey, b. 1781. m. Timothy A. Edson. vii. \ Lucy, b. 1783 ( in. Cornehus Judevine. viii. ) Polly, b. 1788 J twins, ix. CAiiOLi.N'E, b. 1785. in. (iiiy Ely i I'UYl'UENIA, b. 1788 J II .; Hoy, 1). 1788 > I Stock well. . .„.., ^^ , triplets, (d. 3'oung). xii. ( LicRETiA, b. 1788 ) ni. Joseph Morse, xiii. John, b. 1701 ? xiv. Cathakine, b. 179.3. ni. Sylvanus B.ilch. XV. MiHANDA, b. July 5, 17'JlJ, d. Littleton, N. H. Whittier, Tiiom\s, p. 520, " Rolf in second line shoiiUl read " Rolfe." INDEX OF FAMILIES. A. Al)l)c\'. AhboU. Adams. Ainsvvorth. Albee. Aklriuli. Ale.xaiuier. Alhini. Allen. Allison. Anilrc'W, Andrus. Ant>ier. Annis. A{)[)lebee. Armstrong. Arnold. Ash. Asliland. Astell. Atwood. Audibut, Auilibert. Austin. B. Bagley. Baker. Balch. Baldwin. Ball. Bard. Barnes. Barnum. Barrett. Bartiett. Bass. Batclieller, Batclielder, Batcliellor. Bayley, Bailey. Bean. Bean, Lefebvre. Bealtie. Beck. Bedell. Beebe. Belanger. VOL, III. — 38 Belknap. F.ellows. Bemies, Hemis. Bent. Berkley. Herman. Herd, IJiron. Berry. Biekford. Bidwell. JJinnham. Bishop. I'.lake. JJlakslee. P>l.'indin. Blodgett. BoUes. Bond. Boimey. Bostwick. Boutvvell. J5o\vles. ]?i)\vman. Braekett. Brennan. Brett. Brickett. Bridge. Briggs. Bro(lie. Bronson. Hrooks. Brown. Bryant. Buehaiian. Buck. Buckley. Bugbee". Bullard. Bunker. Burgin. Burley, Burleigh. Burnhaui. Burns. Burt. Burton Bus well. JJuzzell. C. Caldwell. Calhoun. Callahan. Campbell. Carbee. Carbomieau. Cardinal. Carey. Carleton. Car[>enter. Carr. Caswell. Carter. Cate. Cayer, Cailler. Coyer, t'arrier. Chaffee. Chamberlain. Chandler. Charlton. Chase. Cheney. Choate. Choquette, Cluxjuet. Church. Churchill. Chutter. Clark, Clarke. Clay. Cleasl)\'. Cleveland. Clogston. Closson. Clough. C;obb. Cobleigh. Coburn. Cochrane. Cofran. Col burn. Colby. Cole. Conant. Condon. Coo ley. Cooper. Copeland. 594 Index of Families. Copp. Core}'. Corning. Coty, Cote. Cowen. Cowing. Cram. Cramer. Crane. Crawford. Crooks. Crosby. Crouch. Cudworth. Ciinimings, Curl. Currier. Curtis. Cusliing. Cuslmian. Cutler. D. Dai ley. Daisy, Dizy. Dalton. Dame. Danforth. Daniel. Davis. Day. Dean. De Fosse, De.sfosses. Delaiiy. Denison. ])ickson. Dixon. Dodge. Donaghy. D'Ooge. Douglass. Dow. Drew. Droiien. ])uffy. Dunliar. Dunn. Dunton. Duryin. Dyke. E. Karnes. Kastman. Katon. Edniands. Edson. i;ikins. Eldredge. p:iliott. Elmer. Ely. Emerson. Emery. English. Eudy. Everett. Fairbank. Farmer. P'arr. Ferguson. Fmnigan. Fisher. Fisk. Fitch. Fitzgerald. Flanders. Fletcher. Flint. Fogg. F''oss. Foster. Fournier. French. Frost. Frye. Fuiford. Fuller. Furber. Gale. Galer. Garand. (Jardner. Gaskill. Gates. George. Gibb. Gile. Gil man. Gluzicr. Gleason. Glode. (jlover. Goin. Gonyer, Gagnou. (jtood. Goodall. Goodell. (joodenougli. Goodrich. Goodwin. Goold. Gordon. Goss. Gould. Graham, Ingraham. Granger. Graves. Cray. Green. Greene. Greenleaf. Greenwood, Boisvert. Griggs Guilford. Guy. H. Hadley. Hadlock. Hale. Hall. Hallett. Hamilton. Hardy. Harriman. Harrmgton. Harris. Hartshorn. Haselton. Haskins. Hastings. Hatch. Hawes. Haynes. Hazeliine Heald. Heath. Henry. Hibbard. Higgins. Hildreth. Hill. Hilliker. Hinds. Hodiic. HTKlgman. Hoffman. Holland. Holman. Holmes. Hojikinson. Hoskins. Hosmer. Houle. Howard. Howe. Howl and. Hoyt. Hubbard. Hudson. Humplirey. Hunkins. Hunter. Huntington. Huntoon. Hunl. Hurlbutt. Huron. Huse. Hutchins. Hutcliinson. Hyde. I. Ide. Index of Familiei- 595 •I;ickiii;in. .J.'irkson. Jarvis. .fclfiey. ■loiiiiison. Ji'Wt'tr. Jolinsoti. Joliiiston. Jones. Kpllev. Kollo^fr. Kclsea. Kt'iiersoii. Koiicsoti. Ki'iincy. Kent. Kevos. Kidder. Killiiini. Killam. Kimball. KiiifT. Kiiine. Kitchen. Ivnapp. Kiieeiand. KiijoJit. Kno.x. L. Ladd. I.iatlainii!c. Lake way, L'lOs Lane. Lang. Lang(]on. Langford. Langley, Langlo La plant. Lamed. Latlirop. Leach. Learned. Leavitt. Lehoiix. Leighton. Leniay. Lenway, Lanois. lA'Wis. Lihi)(>v. Litchfield. Little. LnuLree. Lovejoy. J>iicas. Liicia, Lucier. Liinderville. Lyford. Lynch. Lv.ster. Lytic. ciiyer. M. Magoon. Maim. iMarcy. Markley. Marsh. Martin. Martineau. Mason. Ma.ssey. Mct'arthy. McCarty. AIcCov. McDonald. Mc(;refj()r. ."Mcdroray Mclntirc. Mcl>auu|din. McLoud. Mc.Millen. Mtl'hcrson. MclJac. Merrill. Meserve. Metcalf. .Millcn. !\liller. Milliken. Mills. Minard. Miner. Mitchell. Moffett. Mooney. IMoor, Moore. Morgan. Morris. Morrill. Morrison. Morse. Moiilton. Mozrall. Mudgett. Miilliken. Myott, ALailhot. Nelson. Nichols. Noble. Noiseu.x. Northy. Norton. No\-es. Nurse. Xute. Nutting. Paddloford. Page. Palfrey. Palmer. Paradise. I'arker. Partridge. J'atten. Patterson. Penbody. Pearson. Peavy. Peck. Peckett. Pemiock. Perkins. Phillips. Pickett. Pierce. Pingree, Pengry. J lace. Plant, Plantc. J'ollard. J'oor. Porter. I'otter. Powers. Pratt. Prosbrey, Presby. Pre.scott. I'rince. Pringle. Pushee. (^uessy. 'iiiimby. Q. O. Oakes. Osgood. O II V rand. W. liand. Kainey. I^inkin. Panlet. lU'agan. Kedington. lied wood. Hemich, Ifemick. Pentivw. Hichardson. Hiley. L'ines. Hing, Baillargeon. Piviers, La RiviiTe Kix. Pot)ins. L'obinson. Roby. Poss. Rounsevel. Howe. Powell. Pulaiid. Kussell. 596 Index of Families. s. Sylvestre. Symonds. Sahvay, Salois. Siinlxiin. T. Sanders. Sanderson. Taft. Sanger. Tarbell. Santy, Sanschragrin. Tayh)r. Sargent. Temple. Sartwell. Terrett. Savage. Terrien. Sawyer. Thaver. Scott. Thorn. Sellingliam. Thomas. Suobel. Thompson. Shaw. Tibbetts. Shay. Tifft. Sheplierd. Tilton. Shute. Tillotson. Silsby. Timson. Siniino, Simoneau. Titus. Siinonds. Town. Simpson. Trask. Sinkler, Sinclair. Trombley, Tremblay. Smalley. Tuttle. Smillie. Tulip, T>atulippe. Smith. T'.uiney. Snapp. Twombly. Snow. Soames. u. South worth. Stearns. Underwood. Steere. Stevens. V. StiiichHeld. Vandercar. St. John. Van Ness. Stoddard. Veigne, Veilleux. Stowe. Venion, Vignan. Strain. Stratton. W. Streeter. Strong, Dufort. Wadleigh. SuUiam. Walker. Swett. Wallace. Ward. Warner. Waterman. Watson. Webster. » AVeeks. Welle r. Wellman. Wells. West. Wetherbee. Wetherell. Wheeler. Wheelock. Whitcher. Whitcomb. White. Leblanc. Whiting. Whitmore. Whittaker. Wilder. Wilkins. WiUard. Wiliett, Ouellet. Willey. WilUams. Willis. Wilniot. Wilson. Winch. Winslow. Wise. Witham. Woodruff. Woods. Woodward. Woolson. Wooster. Worcester. Wright. Y. Young, Dion. INDEX OF TOWNS.' A. Abingdon, 111., 208. Acton, Mass. 109, 2.">;?, 477, 491. Acushnet, ^lass., 1179. Acwortl), 8(5. 33.5. Adams, N. Y., 543. Addison, Vt., 03, 490. Afton, N. Y., 342. Ainsworth, Kiii;., 5. Akron, Ohio, 237, 257. Alhanv, 471. Albany, X. Y., 320,339, 529, 5-38. Albany, Vt., 240, 25G, 280. Albion, .Mich., 423. Albion, N. Y., 23. Alhnrgh, Vt.. 18, 298. Ak'd(Clll., 177. Alexandria, 21, 182, 254, 402. Alexandria, Va., 285, 337, 338, 525. Allc'<;an, xMicli., 6(5, 214. Alleiistown, 119, 529. Alniena, Mich., 3', 14.5. Alstcad, 83, 200, 4.5(1. Alton, 72,92. 12(), 356,368. Amenia, N. Y., 478. Ames, N. Y.. 504. Amesburv, Mass.. 141, 182. 186. 241, 278, 279, 315, 333, 432, 428. 429, 540. Andierst, 37, 229, .399, 432, 402, 463, 538. Amiierst, Mass.. 203, 287. Anamosa, Iowa, 235. Andersonville, Ua., 139. Andover, 131. And.)ver, .Mass., 1, 2. 3, 15, 25, 84,87,104, 127, 170, 178,208, 217, 264, 375, 40G, 407, 428, 4(;6, 525, 527. .\ndover (North), Mass., 81. Andover, Me., 174. Ann Arbor. Mich., 10, 335, 543, 576. >\noka, IMiiin., 405. Anson, Me., 95, 515. Anson (North). Me., 401. Antrim, 151, 184, 318, 319, 468, -523. Antrim, Ire., 100. Appkton, Wis., 132. Aquia Creek, Va., 500. Arcadia, N. Y., 494. Ardmore, Pa., 292. Ardsley, N. Y., 222. Aruvle, N. Y., 398. Arlington, Mass., 58, 200. Arnndel, Eng., 103. Asbestos, Can., 95. Asbury Park, N. J., 226. Ascot, r. Q., 122. Ashburnham, Mass., 12, 250, .391, 445. Ashby, Mass., 17, 263, 308, 462. Ashford, 106, 179. Ashland, 58, 75, 323, 529. Ashland, Mass., 32, 130. Ashland, Va., 400. Ashtabula, Ohio, 325. Ashuelot, 360. Atchison, Kas., 75. Athens, Ga., 137. Athens, Tcnn., 136, 137, 138. Athens, \t., 73, 210. Athol, Mass., 262, ;!M, 385. Atkinson, 24, 33.3, 370. Atlanta, Oa., 137, 138, 286. Attleboro, Mass., 14, 126. 423. Auburn, 35. 3!)8. Auburn, Me., 4, 56, 318, 460. Anburndale, Mass , 542. i\udul)on, Iowa, 74. Augusta, Me., 4:57. Austin, Te.\., 519. B. liacomb, Eng., 42. P.afford, Can.. 154. 15akersfield, Vt.. 139, 215, .369, 437. Baldwin City, Kas., 3o0. P.aldwiiivillc', Mass., 480. Ballston Spa, N. Y., 320. Baltimore, Md., 64, 19'.t, 26 Bangor, Me., 142, 154, 189, 3(;_', 364, 386, 412. Bantrv, Ire., 278. liar liarbor, Me., 140. Bar .Mills, :Me., 388. Barnet, Vt., 8, 30, 46, 71, 7 171, 181, 211, 226, 227, 247, 250, 251, 256. 276, 300, 319, 335, 344, .357, 264, , 400 279, 308, 7.78 154, 155 232. 242, 246 282," 28:;, 288 •".76, 383,' 402 ^ In some instances the name of a post-office, other than that of a town, is given. 598 Index of Towns. 405, 411, 424, 429, 430, 452, 458, 464, 465, 491, 507. Barnstable, Mass , 372, 460. Barnstead, 90, B21, 386, 450, 451. Barnston, Can., 13, 56, 57, 322, 394, 395, 399,421, 512. Barre, Mass., 352. Barre, N. B., 286. Barre, Vt., 7, 107, 151, 157, 271, 272, 383, 384.458, 475, 476, 501, 540. Barrington, 411, 493. 529. liartlett, 138, 332, 382, 3.S3, 394, 460, 488. Barton, Vt., 98, 119, 157, 162, 184, 233, 258, 271, 426, 456, 457, 472, 481, 482, 491. Batavia, N. Y., 359. Bath, 2, 3, 19, 25, 26, 36, 47, 48, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 78, 90, 107, 113, 120, 124, 125, 128, 134, 137, 147, 151, 168, 173, 176, 177, 179, 190, 202, 208, 210, 221, 225, 226, 228, 23(i, 257, 258, 276, 281, 282, 295, 296, 322, 350, 358, 370, 371, 384, 397, 400, 403, 404, 414, 417, 427, 430, 431, 446, 449, 455, 458, 464, 481, 4S5, 491, 511, 512, 515, 621, 531, 535, 536, 537. Bath, Me., 121, 126, 437. Battle Creek, Mich., 145, 378, 543, 544. Baj'ou Chicot, 154. Beatrice, Neb., 236. Bedford, 42, 79, 94, 345, 404, 406. Bedford, Eng., 129. Bedford, Mass., 202. Bedloe's Island, N. Y., 324. Beebe I'lain, Vt., 322, 394. Belchertown, Mass., 107, 164. Belfast, Me., 186, 372. Belgic, France, 495. Bellaire, Mich., 12. Belleville, 111., 496. Belliiitjliam, Mass., 7. Bullows Falls, Vt., 189, 210, 263, 282, 309, 474, 476. Belniont, 6. Beloit, Wis., 225, 226. Bennington, Vt., 27, 73, 235, 428, 520. Benton, 64, 84, 316, 323, 324, 360, 453, 473, 521. Berks, Eng., 37. Berkshire, Vl., 159, 215. Berlin, 17, 147, 162, 230, 298, 304, 490, 538. Berlin, Cer., 70, 254. Berlin, Mass., 314. Berlin, \. Y., 44. Berlin, Vt., 107, 297. Bcrmondsey, Eng., 304. Bermuda Hundred, 32. Berwick, Me., 313, 314, 367, 499, 501. Bethel, Me., 515. Bethel, Vt.. 297, 369, 524. Bethlehem, 3, 4, 15, 17, 18, 21, 33, 34, 36, 38, 44, 46, 48, 63, 60, 68, 71, 72, 73, 77, 82, 83, 84, 85, 90, 91, 92, 97, 98, 101 102, 119, 122, 125, 129, 133, 139, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 156, 161 162, 172, 175, 178, 183, 184, 185, 187, 192, 196, 204, 206, 207. 215, 219, 220, 221, 222, 229, 233, 240, 243, 244, 245, 251, 252, 271, 272, 280, 286, 289, 290, 294, 303, 307, 312, 321, 328, 329, 333, 339, 348, 349, 355, 358, 362, 363, 368, 373, 381, 383, 388, 389, 390, 301, 394, 396, 402, 408, 409, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 432, 433, 435, 437, 443, 444, 461, 469, 463, 464, 468, 469, 470, 472, 473, 481, 485, 489, 492, 496, 498, 499, 602, 507, 511, 517, 518, 521, 622, 529, 530, 531, 534, 538, 539. Bethlehem (Alder Brook), 53. Beverly, Mass., 145, 164, 440. Biddeford, Me., 274, 355. Biggs, Cal., 68. Big River, Wis., 177. BiUerica, Mass., 202, 203, 261, 415. Bingham, 111., 65. Bingham, Utah, 143. Binghampton, N. Y., 347, 536. Bird City, Kas., 398. Bitlis, Turkey, 142. Black Earth," Wis., 148, 149. Blanford, MaSs., 234. Blanford, Vt., 136. Blanford Centre, Mass., 136. Blendon, Ohio, 639, 540. Bloomfield, Vt., 69, 127. Bloomfield (West), N. Y., 536. Bloomington, 111. 406, 430. Blnehill, Me., 511. Bolton, Can., 322. Bolton, Conn., 456. Bolton, Mass., 229, 521. Bonn, Ger., 217. Boothbav, 373, 503. Boscawen, 66, 69, 105, 205, 219, 281, 421, 432. Boston, Mass., 4, 6, 9, 32, 65, 71, 76, 77, 78, 81, 85, 89, 90, 92, 94, 102, 117, 127, 130, 134, 137, 138, 139, 141, 143, 149, 170, 173, 176, 181, 196, 199, 213, 226, 238, 242, 243, 248, 249, 254, 267, 265, 2t;6, 270, 273, 277, 283, 287, 291, 295, 299, 300, 303, 310, 311, 337, 339, 347, 349, 352, 353, 370, 371, 376, 377, 379, 383, 396, 399, 407, 410, 421, 428, 432, 434, 437, 441, 443, 445, 448, 451, 453, 455, 465, 470, 472, 480, 486, 490, 493, 494, 501, 504, 506, 510, 612, 521, 522, 528, 632, 534, 636, 636, 537, 641, 543. Boston (East), Mass., 217, 300. Boston (South), Mass., 287. Boston, Vt., 419. Bow, 46, 116, 266, 643. Bowdoinliam, Me., 121. Howling Green, Ky., 207. Hoxboro, Mass., 38, 443, 514. Boxford, Eng., 176. Boxford, Mass., 176, 389, 409, 486, 541. Bovlston, iMass., 261, 284. Boylston (West), Mass., 261. Index of Tozvns. 699 Bradford, 126, 28'), 382, 433. Hradfonl, Kiitr., 120. Bradfon], Mass., 24, 29, 103, 104, lO-"), 170, 18!», 243, '2m, 207, 29G. 409, 525, 527, 541. Bradford, Mc, 53t;. Bradford, Vt., 11, 21. 191), 258, 293, 324, 348, 372, 390, 391, 444, 4G2, 504, 524, 527, 541. Braiiitrce, Eiig , 479. Braintrec, Mass., 7, 10, 32, 135, 144, 367. Braintree, Vt., 319. Brandon, Vt.. 134, Brattlel)oro,Vt., 130,161, 225, 324, 458,472. Brentwood, 45. l?rentwoo(l, Enj;., 543. BrenK-n, Mc, 86. Brewer, Me., 247. Bridgeport, Conn., 81. Hridgt-port, Iowa, 122. Bridgewater, 132, 168, 406. Bridoewater, Mass., 13, 526. Bridgton, Me., 283. Briijiitoii, Vt., 83. Bristol, 8(5, 151, 156, 451, 529. Bristol, Conn., 272. Bristol, Enji., 26, 214, 531. Bristol, Me., 26, 501. Bristol, R. I., 272, 283, 347, 461. Bristol, Vt., 159, 322. 401. .Broadliead, Wis., 124. Brockton, Mass., 288, 302, 526. Brockville, Can., 302. Bronipt()n,Can.,27, 116, 117, 118, 119,405. Brookfield, 57, 120, 172, 204, Brookfield, Mass., 157, 228, 261. Brookfield, Vt , 319, 529. Brookliaven, N. Y., 432. Brookline, 86, 168, 398, Brookline, Mass., 300, 501. Brooklyn, N. Y., 48, 137, 162, 235, 236, 262, 288, 325, 337, 338, 387, 458, 468, 500. Brownfield, Me., 332, 429. Browninuton, Vt., 33, 39, 82, 92, 157, 184, 255, 2(55, 289, 400, 425, 457. Brownsville, 4"ex., 406. Brunswick, ^[e., 189, 240, 300, 437, 468. Bryantville, Mass., 312. BuflFalo. X. Y., 12, 59, 101, 171, 319. Burke, V^t., 24, 86, 133, l(i3, 217, 220, 240, 320, 337, 374, 380, 396, 418, 454, 530, 540, 541. Burlington, Iowa, 63, 177. Burlington, xMass., 296. Burlington, Vt., 129, 207, 235, 371, 396, 511, 5:i3, 541. Bundiani, .Me., 24. Bu.xton (South), Me., o88. C. Cabot, Vt., 157, 173., 272, 804, 306, 433, 446, 495, 528, 510. Cabotville (Chicopee), Mass., 419. Calais, Me., 2(59. Calais, Vt., 129, 272, 362. Cambridge, Mass., 32, 58, 83, 85, 92, 101, 170, 185, 200, 227, 250, 254, 292, 314, 332, 372, 407, 415, 438, 462, 471. Cambridge, N. Y., 292. Cambridge, Vt, 293. Canibridgeport, .Mass., 58, 83, 101, 184, 250, 525. (^amden, N. J.. 221. (Hampton, (i9, 87, 181, 271, .'518, 319, 325, 34,s, 40f), 4(')3, 522, 533, 530, 539. Canaan, 18, 80, 139, 182, 249, 482, 525. Canaan, Me., 278. Canaan, Vt., 213, 3,11, 340. Candia, 91, 159, 333,405, 510. Canning, N. S., 339. Canterbury, 59, 295. Canterbury, Eng., 37. Canton, Mass.. 81, 23,:;, 369. Canton, Me., 121. Cape Xedick, ^le., 319, Carbondale, Kas., 229. Carlisle, Mass., 230. Carmel, Me., 113. Carrickfergus, Ire., 490 Carroll, 12, 29, 35, 44, 80, 111, 102, 201, 208, 228, 229, 218, 257, 272, 394. Carrollton, III., 385. Carroliton, La., 517. Castleton, Vt., 83, 88, 359. Cavendisl), Vt., 175,201. Central Eall, 11. I.. 90. Central Village, Conn , 503. Centre Cliatbam, N. Y., 529. Centre Harbor, 513. Centreville, H. I., 503. Ciiard, iMig., 127. Charleston, S. C;., 64, 278. Cliarlestown, 4, 22, 37, 42, 53, 70, 75, 80, 117, 143, 153, 154, 155, 175, 188, 21*2, 221, 265, 371, 410, 427, 440, 475, 488, 513, 514. 515, 532, 542, 579. Charlestown, Mass., 85, 164, 216,304, 350, 369, 390, 408, 411, 414, 440, 471, 475. Charlestown, Vt., 44, 107, 153, 216, 306, 370, 477. Charlotte, Vt., 28. Charlton, .Mass., 471. (^hatham, 25, •j7'"j. Chathant, Mass., 21, 189, 470. Chatham, X. Y., 529. Ciiattanooga, Tenn., 123, 124. Ciielmsford, Mass., 32, 85, 123, 185, 304, 305, 375, 414. Chelsea, Mass., :50, 57, (55, 71, 7(i. 113,231, 236, 250, 381, 464, 525. Chelsea, Vt , 15, 20, 43, 143, 151, 274, 289, 529, 530, 542. Chenango, X. Y., 24. Cheselbourne, Eng., 22. Chesliire. Ohio, 205. Chester, 18, 24, 37, 45, 218, 375, 42.^, 429 43:5. Chester, Mass., 77, 97, 218. GOO Index of Toums. Cliester, Vt., 400. o2(5. CliesterfieM, 70, 120, 136, 136, 137, 149, 165,101,103. 194. 10(j,;383,424,488,518. Cliesterfield, Ohio, 382. Chicago, 111., 28, 43. 9:], 108, 134, 171, 170, 257, 259, 273, 275, 307, 316, 325, 330, 33fi, 341, 358, 363, 514, 515, 516, 533. Chichester. 48, 98. 211, 375, 376. (^hicopee. Mass , 386. Chicot, La , 154. Chillicothe, Ohio, 64. Chinn, Me., 189. Cliippenluitn, Eng., 26. Chittenanso, N. Y., 236. Cincinnati, Ohio, 258. 350, 430. Cincinnatus, N. Y.. 17. Citv Point, Va., 459. Claremont, 5, 28, 123, 124, 151, 159, 190, 227, 288, 300, 319, 324, 337, 381, 433, 437, 503. Clarence, N. Y., 70. Clarenceville, Can., 302, 499. Clear Creek, N. Y.. 53. Clear Lake, Wis., 375. Cleveland, Oliio, 59, 137, 138, 221, 292, 408. Clifford, Mich., 240. Clifiondale, Mass , 112. Clinton, N. Y., 343, 478, 523. Clinton, Wis., 171. Coatfsville, Ind., 21. Coaticook, Can., 148, 149, 272, 322, 474. Cochitnate, Mass , 458.- Cockhurn (Columbia), 306. (^Id Harbor, Va , 394. Cold Water, Mich., .391. Colebrook, 11, 12, 122, 134, 139, 141, 184, 188, 192, 259, 273, 306, 360, 401, 411, 412, 473, 491, 544, Colenham, N. Y., 46. Colorado Springs, 230. Colrain, Mass., '497, 498. Columbia, 502. Columbia, Cal., 529. Columbia Falls, Montana, 517. Colundius, Ohio, 64. Compton. Can., 115, 116, 122, 181, 21.3, 26)0. .303, 413, 508, 509. Concord. 1, 32, 50, 51, 56, 57, 90, 111, 113, 115, 124. 141, 146, 152, 153, 161, 172. 177, 178, 214, 231, 2.34, 246, 251, 254, 285, 300, .306, 316, 321, 322, 323. 325, 332, 336, .341, 342, 348, 355, 369, 370, 371, 373, 387, 413, 421, 423, 425, 427, 434,436, 437, 444, 466, 467, 470, 527, 529, 538. Concord (now Lisbon), 476. Concord. Vt.. 6, 12, 16, 27, 30. 44, 60, 61, 62,63.65,68,71,88,99, 108, 110. 117, 118, 132, 146, 150, 1,55, 158, 161, 162, 196, 201 , 21 1 , 215, 217, 230. 239, 248. 252, 254, 2{)0, 272,279, 280. 286, 289, 312, 340, 3.50, 351 , 352, 355, 358, 376, .385, 389, 397, 400, 416,429, 430, 431, 435, 475, 477, 481, 491, 496. 506, 515, 527, 530, 640. Concord (West), Vt., 373. Connelsville, Pa,. 299. Contoocook, 321, 368, 467, 531. Conway, 182, 214, 224, -332, 333, 454. Cookshire, Can,, 399, 489. Cooperstown, N. Y., 253. Corinth, Vt., 234, 356, 505, 506. Cork, Ire., 100, 278. Cornell, 111., 299. Cornish, 60, 286, 372, 511. Cornish, Me., 168, 161. Cornwall, Kng., 323. Cornwall (west), Vt,, 380, 381. Cortland, N. Y„ 343. Coventry, Conn., 156. Coveutrv, Vt., 74, 232, .303, 376. 385, 465, 519. Craftsburv, Vt., 18, 98, 119, 157, 528. Cranston, "R. L, 386. Cromwell, Conn,, 310. Crown Point, N. Y., 398. Croydon, 335. Cuba, N. Y., 292. D. Dalton, 3, 15,3.5,68,69,71,7 111, 122, 128, 132, 133, 161, 162, 165, 166, 173, 187, 194, 195, 196, 197, 205, 210, 212, 215, 217, 271, 273. 274, 277, 278. 311, 312, 333, 344, 351. 374, 378, 379, 382, 388, 420, 421, 422, 423, 442, 455, 4,59, 468, 472, 477, 497, 498, 499, 602, 517, llalton, Mass., 478. Damascus, ( )hio, 319. Danbury, 18. 220, 406, 407. Danielson, Conn., 283. Danvers, 111., 429, 430. Danvers, Mass , 397, 470, 4' Danville, Can., 49, 87, 240. Danville, Mass., 224. Danville, Vt., 19, 62, 66, 179, 180, 181, 184, 187, 233, 23(), 240, 258, 282, 328, 394, 396, ,397, 405, 45,3, 468, 480, 484, 494, 512, ,529. Dartmouth, Mass., 251. Decata, Mich.. 22. Dedham, Mass., 37, 77, 108 233. 335, 383, 478. Deerficld, 42, 189, 234, 468. Deering. 147, 184, 398. Deerinir, Me., 158. Delhi, N. Y., 188. Denver, Col., 43, 161, 177, 255, 257, 372, 444. Derby, Vt., 31, 58. 110. Ill 226, 322, 341, 342, 394, Derbyshire. Eng., 11. Derry, 114. 374! Des Moines, Iowa, 150, 151 2, 101 U08 ,109 146, 149, 1.55 175, 184, 186 200, 201, 204 219, 259, 265 295,' 297, 306 ,362, .353, 3,55 389, 395, 401 443, 449, 453 481, 483, 488, 540. 77. 131, 157, 173 211, 213, 223 288, 306, 317 4n, 420, 426 509, 510, 511 140, 165, 191, 7, 226, 230, 2-54, 113, 140,210, 502. 268, 316, 533. Index of Toivns. 601 Detroit. .\[icli., 10(i, 200, 357, 503. Dixville, (';iii.. -I"."]. Donegal, III'.. '.)\, 4<)9. Dorchostcr. 10, Si), -10(;. Dorchc'stiT, Kiifi'., r)21. Dorcliester. .Mass.. -V). 88, 22U. 428, 525. i:)oujrIas, Mass., KJ'.). 287, 424. 471, 472. Dover, 58, 105, 15(5, 171, 214, 282, 288, 807, :«1, :].'57, :-.:{8, 8GG, 400, 411, 41U, 425, 4:'.5, 458, 504. Dover, ICiitr-, •">■•• Dover, N. J., 041. Dowagiac, IMicli., 42.".. Dovlcstowii, Pa., 107. Dracut, Mass., 144, 178, 205. Drcsilen, Mc, 852, 855. Drolles, Iro., i;',8. Driiiiiinoiioria. Kas.. 79. Enfield, 18, 175, 176, 182, 218, 219, 369, 459. 291, F.nfield, Can., 121.225,220. Knulewood, 111., 58,0. l-'iigle\vood, N. J., 586. Enosburtr. Vt., 519. Eppinfi, 454, 509, 540. Epsom, 98, 179, 833. I'rzin^an, 142. Erzroum, 142. Kutaw, Ala., 440. Evanston. III.. 299, 8.80. Everett, Mass., 45, 99, 406. I',.xamsliire, Enfr., 128. Exeter, 48, 45, 91, 811, .848, 528. Exeter, Mass., 290, 300, 317.880,837,40.': 450, 451. Fairburv. 111., 299. Fairfax, Va., 843. Fail-fax, Vt , 172. Fairfield, Me., 358, 465. Fairfield, Yt., 31. Fairliaven, Wasli , 338. Fairlee, Vt., 56, 148, 192. 218, 249, 300. 348, 305, 443. 462, 474. Fair Oaks, Va., 195. Fall Uiver, Mass., 79, 430, 535. Fallsburp. Ohio, 100. Falinoutli, Me., 251, 355. Faribault, Minn., 48, 503. I'"arminiiton, 247. Farminf^ton, Conn.. 298, 310. Farmintiton, Me., 48,7, 408. Farminf>ton Falls. Me., 250. Farnum, Minn , 245. Farrinjiton, Conn., 283, 284. Feriiandina, 189. Ferndale, Cal., 123,311. Ferrisburp, Vt., 99. Fishervill(\ 150. Fisbkill Landins:, N. Y.. •')03. Fitehburg, Mass, 48, 112, 251. 308. 469. FitzwiUiam, 225, .3.38. Fla<:staff, .\rizona, 352. Fletcher. Vt., 21. 80(i, 307. Flint, Mich., 391,4-57. Flushinde Park, Vt., 25, 32, 55, 166. I. Independence, Iowa, 207. Industry, Mc, 1«0. Inverness, Can., 278, 346. Iowa Citv, Iowa, 431. Ipswich, "Eng., 224, 205. Ipswicli, Mass., 5, 87, 00, 00, 103, 115, 141, 247, 295, 301, 308, 384, 392, 411, 490, 507, 580, 540. Ira, Vt., 284. Irasburg, Vt., 2, 163, 295, 307, 340, 444, 480, 508. Ironton, Ohio, 40r). Island Pond, Vt., 118, 426, 473. J. Jackson, 145, 214, 834, ■135. Jacksonville, Fla., 76, 189. Jaffrey, 07, 9.^, 208, 23i;, 266, 308. Jamaica Plain, Mass., 325. Jancsville, Wis., 295. Jav, Vt., 123. Jcddo, N. Y., 423. Jefferson, Mc , 19.S, 808. 326, 346, 388, 408. Jerterson, 21. 47. 208, 215, 228, 285, 413, 400. Jericho. Vt., 478, Jersev Citv. X. .1., G. Jerseyville, 111.. 257. Johnson, \'t., 11)5, 847, 426. Johnston, K. I., 3.10, 463, 4G4. 532. Johnston, Scot.. .SI. Johnstown, \. V., 124, 530. Johnstown, Pa., 147. Joliet, 111., 281. Kalamazoo, Mich., 42.3, 510. Ivansas City, Kas., 241. Kansas City, Mo., 70, 241. Kearnev, Xoh., 2:)5, 264. Keene, 21, 80, 108. 109, 119, 129, 216,278, 301, 302, 403, 410, 438, 480, 482, 486, 403, 525. Kclvedon, Enjr., 543. Kennehunk, Me., 253. Kenncbunkjiort, Me., 437, 400. Kcnoslia, Wis., 45. Kcnts Hill, 437. Kewanee, 111., 463. Keytesville, Mo., 321. Killarnev, Ire., 341. Kiliingly, Conn., 106, 300. Killmalcomb, Soot., 452. Kinderhook, X. Y., 387. Kingarrow, Ire., 384. Kingsey, Can., 222, 273, 514. Kingsey Falls, 101. Kintiston, 45, 110, 187, 23.7, 275, -333. Kintj's Walden, Kng., 241. Kinsley, Can., 120. Kirbv," Vt., 117, 234, 230, 200, 279, 300, 324, 380, 423, 428, 448, 540. Kitterv, Me., 313, 410, 411, 413. Laconia, 8, 56, 71, 87, 90, 02, 110, 115, 121, 159, 321, 330, 337, 349. 370, 403, 400, 432, 482, 486, 405, 499, 503, 504, 533. La Crosse, Kas., 21. La Crosse, Wis., .30. Lakeport, 34, 160, 272, .320. Lake St. Francis, Can., 489. Lancashire, Eng., 87. Lancaster, 4, U, 16, 17, 30, 30, 47, 54, 61, 68, 71, 86, 88, 90, 05, 96, 111, 110, 123, 133, 142, 152, 155, 156, 102, 182, 183, 196, 107, 212, 218, 214, 227, 229, 288, 230, 247, 249, 267,. 209, 276, 277, 280, 285, 291, 300, 311, 310, 320, 340, 343, 340, 360, 363. 364, 370, 373, 374, 387, 388, 306, 400, 401, 402, 408, 412, 416, 419, 427, 441, 442, 451, 408, 474, 482, 487, 402, 508, 509, 530, 583, 539. Lancaster, Mass., 49, 07, 108, 203, 229, 309, 311, .521. Landaff, 24. 25, 46, 58, 59, 67, 68, 78, 82, 84, 85, 96, 114, 116, 1.34, 1.36, 156, 165, 188, 222, 289, 262, 276, 290, 306, 323, 333, 384, 353, 355, 370, .380, 399, 414, 421, 422, 425, 442, 451, 452, 466, 460, 472, 473, 476, 477, 498,521. 520. 531. Langdon, 50, 343. Lanfford, Eng., 513. Lansing, Mich., 423. Laredo, Tex., 387. Lavaca, Tex., 58. Index of Towns. Lawrence, K;is., 885. Lawrence, Mass., 83, 115, 126, 144, 156, 15'.), 172, :;62, 449, 455, 509, 523. Leadhurv, Eng., 283, 303. Leadville, Col., 43, 100, 316. Leamington, Vt., 184. Lebanon, 12, 14, 19, 21, 59, 86, 98, 151, 159, 179, 199, 210, 252, 260, 300, 301, 834, 369, 374, 403, 414, 425, 452, 462, 4(57. Lebanon, 111., 136, 138. Lebanon, Me., 187, 314, 321, 367. Lee, 529. Leeds, Can., 316. Lehi, Utali, 148. Leicester, Mhss., 36, 167, 496, 497, 542. Lcipsic, Germany, 217. Lemington, Vt., 125. Lempster, 16, 102, 150, 310. Lenoxville, Can., 316, 317. Leominster, Mass , 76, 96, 462, 531. Leroy, Kas., 438. Lewiston, Me., 189, 264, 339, 355, 437. Lexington, Mass., 73, 85, 135, 159, 160, 242, 243, 368, 891, 445, 519. I-e.yden, ICng., 461. Limerick, Me., 161, 204, 355. Lincoln, 134, 170, 181, 257, 432, 498, 507. Lincoln, Eng., 278. Lincoln, Iowa, 426. Lincoln, Mass., 207. Lincoln, Neb., 28, 171. Lincolnville, Me., 378. Lisbon, 3, 8, 18, 20, 24, 32, 46, 48, 54, 5.5, 56, 57, 58, 67, 68, 72, 73, 79, 84, 86, 100, 102, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 124, 128. 130, 133, 134, 136, 140, 145, 147, 149, 150, 151, 156, 157, 162, 165, 166, 172, 173, 175, 180, 182, 188, 185, 190, 208, 209, 210, 212, 216, 222 228 2^1 234, 240, 248, 244, 245, 254, 259^ 260i 266, 269, 271, 272, 275, 276, 287, 298, 302, 306, 307, 314, 816, 824, 329, 333, 336, 337, 341, 346, 348, 350, 351, 358, 855, 364, 365, 370, 371, 872, 374, 377, 378, 379, 380, 387, 888, 889, 398, 398, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 408, 414, 416, 417, 418, 419, 423, 424, 433, 442, 443, 446, 448, 452, 458, 459, 464, 465, 466, 471, 472, 473, 474, 476, 477, 482, 485, 496, 498, 501, 511, 512, 521, 522, 524, 525, 528, 580, 533, 535, 538, 539. Lisbon, Conn., 88. Litchfield, 146. Litchfield, Mnss., 04, 414. Little liytham, Eng., 127. Little Com])ton, R. I., 372. Littleton, Mass., .50, 490, 491. Little Silver, N. J., 398. Liverpool, Eng., 284, 528. Livingston, 355. Lockeford, Cal., 265. Lockhaven, Pa., 177. Lockport, N. Y. 306. Lodi, Mich., 516. Lodiana, India, 18. London, Eng., 47, 113, 278, 315, 330, 397. London, Midi., 354. Londonderry, 146, 182, 315, 316, 344, 486, 497, 522. Londonderry, Ire., 94. Longview, Tex., 100. Loiislioro, Ala., 162. Los Angeles, Cal., 275, 430, 576, 577. Loudon, 21, 46, 183, 227, 468. Louisville, Kv., 212, 278, 293. Lovell, Me., 279, 468. Lowell, Mass., 13, 15, 25, 63. 75, 76, 101, 118, 119, 123, 127, 144, 145, 155, 161, 168, 186, 197, 205, 208, 215, 220. 228, 242, 252, 265, 279, 318, 362, 364, 385, 403. 407, 408, 440, 499, 501, 521, 525. Lowell, Vt., 876. Lower Island, Can., 57. Lowville, N. Y., 504. Ludlow, Vt., 163. Lunenburg, Mass., 97, 203, 409, 443, 513, 518, 588": Lunenburg, Vt., 13, 28, 85, 49, 50, 75, 96, 98, 101. 109. 123, 125, 157, 174, 186, 187, 239, 249, 253, 288, 290, 303, .S0(!, 318, 82f», 3()0, 364, 865, 366, 370, 398, 443, 448, 506, 518, 518, 537, 538. Lyman, 2. 20, ,34, 36, 42, 5-5, 66, 59. 66, 67, 68, 74, 75, 76, 83, 90, 99, 100, HI, 112, 114, 115, 120, 123, 128, 13.S, 134, 188, 145, 146, 147, 165, 166, 168, 178. 184, 199, 205, 208, 209. 212, 223, 236, 250, 257, 268, 269, 276, 277, 282, 298, 306, 312, 315, 316, 318, 319, 325, 326, .329, 330, 340, 341, 351, 854, 355, 368, 369, 370, 374, 377, 379, 381, 382, 388. 385, 89(i, 898, 400, 427, 439, 448, 458, 462, 465, 467, 468, 471, 485, 491, 507, 515, 528, 529, 535, 536, 538. Lyman (Monroe), 324. Lyme, 42, 175, 201, 231, 399. Lyndeboro', 149, 309. Lyndhurst, Va., 302. Lyndon, Vt, 13, 21, 25, 61. 63, 66, 82, 8.3, 88. Ill, 113, 116, 130, 186, 148, 151, 152, 161, 165, 183, 216, 217, 220, 228, 232, 234, 2.36, 237. 256, 264, 275, 281, 297, 298, 317, 318, 32'.), .840, 370, 376, 379, 380, 386, 416. 418, 428, 444, 462, 510, 529 5.31 583 589 Lyndonvilie, Vt.. 237, 250. 346. 420, 448. Lvnn, Mass.. .87, 98, 120, 189. 192,201, 234, '245, 358, 369, 377, 462, 485, 541. Lynwick, Can., 476 M. Machias, Me., 160. Madbury, 834. Madison, Me., 95, 221. Madison, Wis. 6, 7, 8. Maidstone, Vt., 90, 116, 339, 445, 505. Index of Towns. 605 Maiden, Mass , 09, 173, 2 J.',, 217, 284, ;i7U, 400, 4U7, 4;57, o()2. Maiicliester, «, I'J, 2(1, 28, 84, 35, 5'. 74. 80, 85, 87, !)0, li:^,, 122, 12^, 124, 132, lul. Kit, 172. 181. 182, 2(ni, 222, 228, 2:i'.>, 270, 278, 27'.t, 288, 31(3. 321, 322, 324, 338, 341, 352, 3(;0, ;i7(t, 374, 383, 3'.)8, 4U0, 432, 4()8, 473, 505, 517, 523. Mauclii'stcr, Mich., 52, 425. MaiR'lifster, \'t., 210. Maiiliattaii, Col., 473. MaiisHi'kl, (Jonii., CO, 4r.l. Mansfield, Mass.. 5'.l, 144, 153. Marceliiie, Wis.. 123. Mareiii;(), ill., 234. 520. Marietta, Ohio, ()4. Marion, iMass., 80. Marion, Ohio, 35(i. Markesville. La., 154. Marlhoro', 14'J, 150, 203, 47G, 517. Marlboro', V.w^., -350. 'Marlboro, Mass., 4!t, 224, 220, 277, 478. Marlow, 8(i, 319, 45(). Marshall, Tex.. 100. Marshfield. 9^, l;;8, 232. Martin's Ferry, 145. Mason, Mich., 423. Massena, N. Y., 538. Mayfield, Me., 448. Mayiiard, Maxs., 55, 71, 338. Mayiiort, Fla., 370. McArtlmr, Ohio, <>4, 342. Mclndoes Kails, Vt. (Barnct), 870, 379 Meadville, I'a., 140, 235. Medfield, .Mass., 383. Medfonl. Mass., 206, 363, 411. Mei., 153, 154, 249, 323. riyinptoii, Mass., 150, 157, 457. Point Lookout, Md., 39. Point Lookout, Va., 108. Poland, Me., 449. PonilVet, Conn., 311, 384, 385, 4G4. Portland, Conn., 398. Portland, Me., 26, 51, 107, 199, 355, 437, 449, 470, 501. Portland, Mich., 237. Port Chautauqua, N. Y., 64. Port Jarvis, N. Y., 124. Port Scott, Kas., 177. Portsmouth, 37, 79, 146, 214, 2It). 220,233, 205, 278, 288, 307, 313, 334, 306, 369, 425, 451, 507, 509, 527. Portsmouth, Eng., 535. Portsmouth, Va., 488. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 169. Pouitney, \'t., 81, 529. Prairie Centre, III., 46. Prairie I)u Sac, Wis., 58. Presque Isle, Me., 324. I'reston, Coim., 421. Providence, R. I., 22, 23, 82, 02, 120, 232, 272, 307, 380, 436, 464, 483, 503, 504, 531, 532, 535. Provincetown, Mass., 21, 309. Puebla, Col., 30, 67. Putnam, Conn., 502. Putnam, N. J., 491,492. Putney, Vt., 210, 250, 493, 516. Q. Quebec, Can., 25, 80, 158. 221, 223, 225, 245, 331, 309, 374, 382, 41!», 452. Quincy, Mass., 454, 482, 535, 550. R. Randolph, Mass., 157, 390. Kandolph, Vt., 7, 124,220, 321, 348, 368, 387, 480, 529. Rapid City, S. 1)., 28. Ratllesdeii, Kng., 295. Raymond, 37, 114, 182, 239, 271, 432. Reading, Mass., 2, 37, 202, 203, 310, 301, 302, 460, 407, 493., 500. Reading, Pa., 262. Ked HlutT, Cal., 240. Red Sulpliur Springs, W. Va., 400. Rchoboth, 106, 108. Hensselaorville, N. Y., 529. Kichmond, 5, 71, 377, 388. Richmond, Can., 162, 513. Richmond, Me., 121, 189. Kichmond, Va., 279. Hichmoiid's Island, Me., 313. Rinilge, 83, 149, 150, 203, 200. River Falls, Wis., 7. Riverton, Conn., 489. Robinson, Me., 286. Rocliester, 150, 205, 304, 367, 374, 380, 403, 432, 500, 501. Rochester (Kast), 308, 398. Rochester, N. Y., 306, 359. Kociiester, Vt., 529, 530. Hockford, 111., 45, 431, 570. Rock Island, III., 299. Rockingham, Vt., 50, 51, 393, 442, 443, 450, 475. Rockland Lake, N. Y., 202. Rockland, Mass., 200. Rockport, N. Y., 124. Kollingsford, 159. lioselle, N..J., 162. Roslindale, Mass., 451. Roslyn, N. Y., 262. 387. Rowley, Mass.. 29, 104, 141,200, 392, 540, 541. Roxbury, iSIass., 5, 14, 88, 121, 129, 130, 149, 103, 195, 229, 252, 309. 310, 438. Royalston, Mass., 211, 250, 289, 310, 368, 415. Royalton, Vt., 90, 100, 234, 319. Rumney, 40, 79, 197, 206, 238, 241, 248, 449, 495. Rutland, .Mass.. 2.^3, 3tn. 302, 497. Rutland, Vt., 222, 235, 406, 514. Rve, 42, 354, 451. Ryegate, \'t , 40, 53, 236, 338, 395, 440, 501. S. Saco, l\re., 95, 197, 240, 300. 528. Salem, 146, 151, 280, .35], 403. Salem, .Mass., 37, 117, 134. 261, 285, 352, 358, .360, 301, 486, 495, 5(t2, 531, 541. Salem, Vt. (Derby), 341. Saline, -Mich., 140. Salisbury, 18, 26, 80, 131, 240, 250, 296, 301. 307, 400, 400, 407, 473, 505, 500, I 507, 540, 541. 608 Index of Toivns. Salisbury, Mass., 110, 141, 151, 177, 179, 428, 5i0. Sanhoriitoii, 111, 112, 141. 142, 175, 180, 204, 218, 2:^2, 2G5, 274, 270, oil, 364, 382, 434, 435, 43B, 447, 453, 454, 4tJl, 487, 502, 51!>, 520, 522. Sandwicli, 45, 217, 2-34, 388, 468, 480, 4'JO, 539, 540, 541. Samlwicli (C^fiitre), 86. San Francisco, Cal., 70, 393, 484, 527, 539. San Mateo, Cal., 255, Santa Barbara, Cal., 463. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 465, 478. Savanna, 111 , 46. Scarboro', Me., 313, 388. Schenectady, N. Y., 124, 129, 130. Schroon Lake, N. Y., 300. Schnylerville, N. Y., 629. Scituate, Mass., 314, 323. Scituate, K. I., 487. Searnionnt, Me., 521. Selkirk, Scot., 39!!. Selma, M. Y., 524. Seneca, Cal., 529. Senterdani, Kng., 311. Setaiiket, L. 1.. 219. Seward, 111., 143. Sharon, Conn., 478. Sharon, Mass., 232. Sheffield, Ala., 375. Shettield, Eng., 60. Shelbiirn, Mass., 437. Sheiburn, Vt., 156. Shelburne, N. Y., 343. Sherbrooke, Can., 17, 158, 215, 239, 346, 494. 495. Sherburne, Mass., 438. Sherburne (Med way), Mass., 191. Sherwood, 140. Shipton, Can., 23, 169, 469, 484. Short liills, N. J., 143. Shrewsbury, Mass., 207, 261. Simsbury, Conn., 310. Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 223, 393. Siou.x llapids, Iowa, 192. Sivas, Turkey, 284. Skeensboro, N. Y., 3.39. Slaterville, H. I., 308. Slip Town (Temple), 167. Smithburg, Mass., 152. Sniithtield, Me., 205. Smithtield, U. I., 22, 316, 348, 503. Solian, l>ng., 393. Somerset, iMig., 127, 459. Somer»worth, 147, 151, 158, 187, 271, 414. Somerville, Mass., 9, 95, 134, 341, 356, 365, 442. Sonoma, Cal., 338. Southampton, 110. Southampton, Eng., 106, 437, 520. Southampton, L. 1., 337. South Berwick, Me., 406, 407, 410, 500. South Buxton, Me., 388. Southern Fines, N. C., 343, 476. South Gorham, Me., 388. Southington, Conn., 82, 498. South Ryegate, Vt., 413. Southwest Harbor, Me., 21. South Weymouth, ^lass., 129. Spencer, Mass., 15. Spokane, Wash., 34, 85, 190, 21 1, 226, 320, 332,408,443,485,511. Springfield, 175, 2U0. Springfield, Conn., 51. Springfield, Mass., 21, 110, 136, 140, 349, 359, 368, 519, 535. Springfield, Vt., 34, 54, 210, 26;!, 300, 431, 493, 532, 539. Springville, Fa., 359. St. Agatha, Can., 80, 224. St. Albans, Eng., 485. St. Albans, Vt."; 87, 108, 325,395,407,408, 502. St. Ann, Can., 308. St. Antonio, Tex., 481. St. Antliony, Minn., 405. St. Augustine, Fla., 410. St. Cloud, Minn., 464. St. Dominique, Can., 359. St. Francis, Can., 14. St. Gregoire, Can., 304, 359. St. Hervey, Can., 309. St. Hyacinthe, Can., 102, 359. St. Jean Baptistc, Can., 359. St. Johns, Can., 215, 225. St. Johns, Mich., 407. St. Johns. N. B., 303, 356, 419. St.' Johnsbury, Vt., 13, 21, 22, 27, 30, 35, 45, 63, (i5,"^72, 75. 76, 83, 85, 100, 117, 118, 119, 126, 135, 151, 154, 156, 161, 162, 171, 172, 181, 182, 187, 188, 191, 212, 215, 216, 217, 220, 225, 228, 230, 233, 239, 245, 251, 252, 256, 258, 262, 264, 268, 276, 279, 290, 291, 295, 3(iO, 302, 304, 312, 320, 326, 342, 346, 349, 357, 371, 373, 375, 385, 395, 401, 406, 4U9, 420, 423, 433, 438, 448, 465, 484, 489, 504, 517, 522, 537, 542. St. Jolmsville, N. Y., 450. St. Lazare, Can., 489. St. Louis, Mo., 64, 431. St. Margaret, Can., 302. St. Mary, Can., 489. St. Monic, Can., 478. St. Stephens, N. B., 160. St. Sylvester, Can., 17, 494, 495. Stamford, Conn., 72, 131. Stanbridge, Can., 114, 122, 4-58, 537. Stanstead, Can., 39, 74, 118, 122, 132, 255, 322, 331, 406, 422, 423, 43o, 439, 516, 525. Stark, 86, 101, 113, 142, 240, 429. Starr, Kas , 225. Staunton, Va., 302. Stillwater, Me., 400. Stillwater, N. Y., 323. Stockholm, N. Y., 407. Stockbridge, Vt., 237, 524. Stoddard, 9, 168, 207, 237, 432, 534. ImJex of Towns. 609 Storm Lake, Iowa, 100. StoiieliMMi, Mass., ulS. HtoiiiiiKtoii, Conn., 100, KW, .']o9 Stou^'hton, Mass., 81, li:!-"]. Stow, T.)-_', i9;j, -im. Stow, Mass , 88, 55, 51.'), 514. Stowo, V't., 28'.J. Strafford, lifi'.t, :]8'.), -}-i3. Stratford, Vt., l:), V.)\. ;!(;8. Stratford, -Jl, 52, 51, 77, 152, 200, 305, 357. Stratford (Nortli), 182. Stratford, Conn., 00 Stratliaiii, HI, .'iOl, 447, 454. Streator, 111., 204. Sturtfis, Mich., .'il. Sudl)nry, Mass., 55, 77, 78, 427, 4o7, 513, 534. Stillkdd, Coiui., 288. Sunmor, .\h'., 157. Sunapce, 18'.», 2«2. Siuibtiry, I'a.. 256. Suneook (Penibrook and .MU'ntowii), 130, 337, 300, 432. 403, 510. Surry, 450, 457. Susquehanna, Fa., 408. Sutton, Ma.ss., 38, UK), 537. Sutton, Vt., 10, 22, 23, 83, 119, 183,200, 305, 410, 40'J, 526, 539. Swansea, C^onn., 204. Swanzey, 14, 10, 107, 338, 475. Swanzey, Mass., 135. Swanzev, Vt., lt)5. Sydney", X. S. Can., 101. Syraense, X. Y., 179, 534. Syracuse, X. S., Can., 217. TMConia, Wash., 127. Tani worth, 471. Taunton, Mass., 115, 134, 135, 104,250, 208, 397, 398, 400. Temple, 108. Temple, .Me., 437. Tempk'ton, Mass., 194, 270, 281, .301. Thavdom, Kng., 479. Thetford, Vt., 15, 99, 112, 143, 259, .300, 320, 321, 474, 499, 530, 542, 543. Thomaston, Me., 13, 21. Tliompson, (Ainn., 100. Thompson Farm, Conn., 348. Tli()m])son's Islaiul, 215. Tliorndike, l-'i. Thorndike, Mass., 13<). Thornton, 40, 178, 204, 207, 251, 327,304, 3'.)7, 404, 400, 407, 432, 440, 455. Three Uivers, Can., 304. TiconderoLja, X. Y., 532. Tilton, 3, 3'.l, 151, 187, 254, 300. ,307, 328, 337, 338, 387, 403, 425, 437, 503, 544. Tilton, Kng., 483. Tintah, Minn., 257, 530. Tiverton, Kng., 3ii(). Tiverton, U. 1., 314. VOL. III. — 39 Tokat, Turkev, 231. Toledo, Ohio, 73. Toniea, III., 2'.)8. Topeka, Kas., 79, 182, 219, 220. 2';i, 287, 380. Topslield, Mass., 384, 480. Topsham, 07. Topsham, Vt., 210,217. 4'()wnsend, .Mass., (!, 107, 538. Trenton, N. J., 4(J0, Trov, X. Y., 530. Troy, Vt., 15. 157, 438, 440. rufionhoro', 45, 7(), 150, ;;ii7. i'lmbridge. N't., 124, 133, 308, 309. Turner's Kails, Mass., 318. Tyngsboro', Mass., 204. U. Union, 288. I'nion, ("onn., 271, 3,00. Union, Me., 86. Union, W. Va., 64. Unity, 8, 34, 35, 86, 111, 155. 175, 2;;0 275, 279. Upton, Can., 3U9. \'alley Forge, Pa., 532. X'aneouver. 13. C. 74. Vassal boro'. Me , 21. Verden, 111., 230. Verona, N. Y.. 504. \'ershire, Vt., 324, 348. \'ietorv, Vt., 200, 540. \Y Waitsfield, Vt., 190, 234, 480. Wakefield, 455, 400. Wakefield, .Mass., 199, 201, 377, 500. Walden, Vt., 151, 152, 150, 285, 420, 510. Wales, Me., 274. Walla Walla, Wash., 138. WallintTford, Conn., 320. Wallsboro, Vt., 307. Walpole, 0, 13, 31, 30, 179, 216, 23.!, 291, 307, 40'.(, 410, 470, 513. Waliham IIolv Cross Abliev, Eng,3,47. Walth.im, Mass., 34, 78, 84, 85, 130, 347, 350, 470. Ware, 543. Wareham, Mass., 28. 285. Warner, 120, 139, 246,472, 473, 505, 531. Warren. 94. 125, 136, 181, 182, 2(t4, 205, 310, 319, 347, 370, 388, 430, 445, 400, 483, 520, 521. Warren, Vt., 380. Warrensburg, X. Y., 529. Warwick, Mass., 80, 229. 010 Index of Towns. Wasliinuton, D. f., 64, 05, 110, 226, 202, o^O, ;;72, .-JHT, 407, 4U«,422, 4,S2, 4^8, 4'J(J, 520. Wasliington, Vt., 288, 289, :]71. Wassoii^ Wis., 80. WatC'rl)ury, Conn., 310. WaterhurV, Vt., 251, 300. AVaturfoni, \'t., 4, 5, 0, 8, 9, 23, 24,27, 31, 5(;, 58, 00, 03, CO, 71, 75, 78, 87, 88, 80, 107, 10!», no, 113, 110,117,119, 120, 123, 12'1, 132, 137, 154, 162, 203, 211, 216, 227. 2i.'0, 230, 241, 244, 248, 257, 258, 201 ), 2(!4, 270, 274, 277, 281, 284, 280, 288, 2'.)1, 2'.i5, 290, 310, 311, 312, 320, 330, 352, 374,375, 370, 878, '386, 390, 413, 4 1 5, 424, 428, 429, 430, 431, 438, 447, 458, 404, 405, 400, 409, 485, 50(), 513, 510, 627, 528, 530. WatertowM, Conn., 131. Watertowii, Mass., 22, 32, 30, 73, 89, 131, 220, 247, 206. 304, 305, 353, 391, 437, 430, 450, 458, 402, 475, 402, 403. ■\Vaterto\vn, Mass. (Weston), 538. Walerville, Can., 305. Waterville, Me , 51, 67, 127, 131, 158, 205, 245, 318, 382, 400, 437. Waterville, Vt., 2GG, 300, 307, 324. Watseka, 111., 290. Waveriv, III, 257. Weare, 20, 57, 237, 321, 327, 428, 429, 505. Webster, Mass., 159. Welister, Mich., 510. Weld, Me , 437. AVelliiigton, Mass., 284, 539. Wells, iMiL'., 500. Wells, Vt."^, 234. Wells Kiver, \'t., 00, 355. Wenliani, 37, 38. Wentworth, 200, 219, 220, 248, 348, 370, 453, 403, 509. Westbrook, .\Ie., 374. West Burke, Vt., 418, 540. Wcstbiiry, Can., 50. West Clielnisford, Mass., 390. West Fairlee, Vt., 210. Wcstford, Mass., 415, 493. Westfield, Mass., 359. WestHeld, N. J., 143. Westfield, N. Y., 536. West Haven, Vt., 464. Westminster, Mass., 83, 391. Westminster, Vt., 60. Westmoreland, 7, 8, 13, 225, 250, 208, 260, 355, 362, 398, 400, 432, 407, 470, 515. 51(), 522. Westmoreland, N. Y., 504. Weston, Mass., 62, 78, 80, 309. Weston (Watertown), Mass., 588. Weston, Vt., 102. Westport, N. Y., 99. West Handolph, Vt.. 444. West Superior, Wis , 527. Westward, Mass., 85., West Windsor, Vt., 540. Wethersfield, Conn., 18, 19, 203, 381. Weymouth, Mass., 58, 100, 307, 534. Whatelev, Mass , 234. Wheelock, Vt., 00, 77, 118, 138, 250, 288 341, 342, 300, 533. Whitefield, 7, '/O, 36, 59, 66, 89, 94, 90 101, 115, 119, 140, 143, 156, 174, 182 105, 228, 230, 249, 263, 259, 260, 209 271, 272, 27(), 279, 284, 285, 304, 307 312, 330, 340, 351, 359, 300, 3(i;5, 364 305, 373, 382, 383, 385, 389, 403, 419 427, 428, 433, 434, 435, 440, 444, 447 453, 4(;i, 402, 468, 470, 481, 488, 499 512, 622, 530, 544. White Hiver Junction ( Hartford, Vt ), 30. Wichita, Kas., 300. Wichita Falls, Tex. 100. Wicklow, N. B., 339. Wilbraham, Mass., 136, 216, 265, 470, 523. Williams{)ort, Pa . 237. Wilhanistown, Mass., 117. Williamstown, Vt., 384, 539. Willimantic, (,'onn., 307. Willington, Conn., 376. Willislon, \X., 353. Williston. Wis., 7. WiUoutiliby, Vt„ 148. Wilniot, 131. Wilson, N. Y., 643. Wilson's Mills, Me., 819, 387, 388. Wilton, 4, 168, 366, 437. Winchendon, JNIass., 33, 44, 148, 149, 243, 260, 343, 380. Wincliester, 72, 165, 182, 479. Winchester, Mass., 325, 438. Windham, 146. Windham, Conn., 60. Windham, Vt., 343, 529. Windsor, Can., 116, 118, 110,425. Windsor, Conn., 227. Windsor, Mich., 06. Windsor, Vt, 50, 00, 98, 143, 151, 231, 254, 467, 529. Winfield, N. Y., 105. Winhall, Vt., 396. Winona, Ohio, 319. Wiiiooski, Vt., 398. Woburn, Mass., 42, 130, 231, 261, 304, 328, 414, 415, 410, 510, -538. Wolcott, Vt , 433, 443. Wolfeborough, 80, 92, 189, 306. Wolftown, Can., 224. Wood Ditfon, Kng., 293. Woodford, Me., 437. Woodstock, 84, 222, 321, 446. Woodstock, Comi., 5, 88, 118, 135, 170, 347, 350, 385, 405, 438. Woodstock, Me., 600. Woodstock, Vt., 36, 66, 88, 163, 210, 214, 277, 280, 339, 340, 348, 467, 623. Woodsvillc, 271, 348, 378. Wooster, Tex., 540. Worcester, Mass., 14, 59, 67, 96, 124, 136, 174, 176, 182, 239, 283, 284, 289, 290, Index of Tmoia. on 308, 400, 4r!2, 4:1.',, 400, 401, 404, 40/ 502, 510, 5-J(;, 541. Worcester, Vt., 70, 4;)-">. Wreiitliam, Mmss., Ull, :W5. Wriglitsbriilj^o, Imijjt., 543. Yarnioutli, Eng., 300, 486. Yarmouth, j\Ie'., 403, 50f<. Yarmouth, N. IS., Can., 295. Yarmouth, S. Dak., 510. York, Me., 17. Yorkshire, Kng., 29, 191. Yorkville, S, C, 154. Yjjsihuiti, iMich., 144, 145. z. Zeahmd (Carroll), 3:'.l. Zouiieiuaire, Nelheriamls, IGI INDEX OF NAMES. Al)be, Mary, CO. Abbev, Lliirk C, 1, 219, 250, all. Isabel, 1, 511 .lonnie N., 1. Solomon. 1. Abbott, Hannah, 230, 'M') Anna B., 2. JJclio E., 2, 407. BiMijaniiii L., 4. Chaiios II.. 4. Cbarlos L., 3. Claud J., 3. Cynthia, 430. Darius, 45. Ebon, 117. Ella J., 2. Enicline, 2. Esther, 2. Ezra, 2, 22S, 4G3. I'annic, 134. Frank L., 4. George, 1, 2, 3, 20, 407. George Frank, 2, 3, 378. George H.. 4. George R., 3. Harry E., 3. Flenry, 3. Henry C, 2. Isaac, 4, 42. Isaae E., 4. Israel, 4. Jaeol), 2. James, 1, 2, 3. .Joseph, 3. 4, 75. Josiah, 134. i\Iary, 375. ^Marv Ann, 2. Marv E., 4. :\rary J., 4. Maurice J., 3. ]\Iehitablo ( Simpson ) , 45. Mercy, 207. Al)l)o(t, :\b)ses, 3, 430. M\ron. 3. Mvron B., 3. Nancv M., 2, 403. Nathaniel, 3. Nettie, 3. Kuth, 3, 134. Sarah Ann, 07. Sarah ]?., 2, 22S. Susan Alice, 4. Susan Amanda, 4. Susan M., 4. Timothy, 375. Tr\phena, 75. William, 1. 3. William E., 2. William T., 3. Ackerman, Nathan I., 373. Adair, Alice, 114. John II., KK). 304. Lizzie W., 304. ?*lary Jane, 100. Adams, Abigail, 127. Amos, 5, 475. Anna, 04. Buckley, 5. Catherine, 471. Charles 11., 5. David, KiO. Dora L.. 470. Edgar, 405. Elizabelh, 50, 3S3, 385. E])hraim, 300. Flora L.. 253. Frank, 353. (Jeorge ('., 5. ( Jeorge L., 5. llenrv W., 253. John! 358. Lavina, 358. Lillian :\I., 495. Marv. 50. :\lehitable. 308. Or|)lia, 75. Bebecca, 300. Sauuiel, 117. Adams, Svrene, 118. /ai)dieL 50. Ahern, Elizabeth, 330. Ainsworth, Alice G., 7. Americvis, 0. Anchor, 5. Calvin, 5, 0. 50. Calvin S., 0, 7. Daniel, 5. Edward. 5. Frank P.. 0, 7. (Jladys, 7. Laban, 0, 7. Lee Franklin, 7. Persis F., 0. Susan P., 0. Susannah IL, 0. Svbil P.. 0. Sybil S., 0. Warren W.. 0. William S.. 0, 7. Albee, Abbie 15.. 9. Alexander, 7, 8, 9, 250. Anna, 508. Arthusa. 7. lieniamin, 7. Bessie IM., 9. Betsey, 7, 100. Caroline, 9. Charles IL, 8. 0. Christina A., 9. 453. Curtis L., 8, 9, 453, 483. Delia :»[.. 9. Don A.. 8. Edward W., 8, 9. Ellen L., 9. Ellery B., 8, 9., Emerson. 8. Esther, 8, 250. Frank C, 8, 9, 87. George C, 8. Grace :\I., 9. Hannali, 7, 225. Harriet A., 9. ILden J., 8. 208. Henry D., 9. G14 Index of Names. Albee, Horace B., 9. Ichabod, 8. Ira, 8. James, 7. John, 7. John P., 8. Joseph A., S, 208. Kate, 8. Lois, 24. Lois F., 9. Loisa M., 8. Mary, 8. Mary A., 9. Olive, 7. Otis, 7, 8, 275. Otis A., 8. Priscilla, 416. Prusia, 8. Sallv. 7, 8, 508. Sarah, 7. Sebina, 8. Simeon Jr., 210. Solon J., 8. 9, 24. Sumner, 407. Thomas J., 9. Tina C, 8. Vida B., 9. West W., 8. Ziiriol, 7, 8, IGO, 225. 508. Aldcn. John. 403. Ruth, 144, 403. Aldrieh, Abner, 10. Alice J., 10, 138. Amy, 13. Andrew, 12. Andrew H., 12. Ann F., 4G0. Annie L., 13. Annis, 499. Arthur H.. 10, 277. Azubah. 13. Benjamin, 13. Betsey J., 11. Charles, 348. Charles C, 12. Chester, 12. Clara H., 13. Clark, 12. Corinne, 13. Daniel, 12, 13, 240,200. Daniel W., 12. David, 10. Dinali, 10. Don H., 231. Edgar, 11, 03, 411, 412. 544. Edward, 10. Elanor, 477. Ellen, 10. Ephraim C, 11. Ephraim Fred, 12. Aldrieh, Eva T., 379, Fay, 13. Florence M., 12. Gardner, 353. George, 10, 11, 13, 50 488. George H., 12, 13. George Henry, 13. George W., 11. Gertrude, 109. Gilbert, 401. Guy, 13. Hannah A., 12. Harriet A., 12. Hiram, 311. Horace, 10, 138. Ira Frank, 10. Ira Franklin, 11. Jacob, 10. Jane A., 330. Jared, 10, 11, 330, 515. Jennette H., 12. Jethro, 139. John C, 10. Jonathan, 477. Juliette, 12, 200. Justina, 12. Levi, 13. LillaMay, 11. Lindsey. 378. Luella,' 10. Lula J., 340. IMarcus M., 10. Maria E. G., 13. Maria L. M., 12, 240. Martha, 71. ]\Iary Ann. 353. Mary Esty, 529. Mason, 10, 330. Matilda, 12. Myra A., 133. Nathan, 71. Nettie, 139. Niles, 529. Persis, 348. Richard, 12. Rosette Y., 10. Sarah, 487. Silas. 11. Sina IL, 11, 488. Stephen, 10, 379. Susan, 11. Sybil, 13. Svdncy T., 13. Tlieron M., 11. Waitstill, 71. William D., 13. Willie E., 10. Alexander, Anson, 13, 75, 90. Anson C, 14. Clara A., 14. Alexander, Edward W., 14. Fred B.. 14. Harold W., 14. Mabel, 14. ]\Iarion G., 14. Martha P., 13, 96. Wesley, 14. W. W., 138. Allard. Arthur, 14. David, 302. Emma, 14. Eugene, 14. Henry, 14, 104. Jennie, 302. John, 14. Joseph, 14. Judith, 471. Lizzie, 14, 104. Mary, 10. Robert, 471. Wilfred, 14. Allen, Abijah, 14, 15, 10, 59, 195, 200. Abner, 10. Ada A., 17. Adda Maria, 15. Adaline C, 10. Alice Isabel, 10, 200. Almyra L., 15. Alphonso, 17. Austin, 17. Benjamin, 144. Bessie M., 10. Carrie M., 105. Catherine, 15. Charles B., 10. Charles H., 17. Charles M., 10. Charles R., 10, 246. Christie B., 10. Clara, 15. Clarissa E., 396. Cyrus, 15, 10, 332. Edwin, 15. Eliza C, 15. Eliza J., 15. Elizabeth M., 10. Ella D., 17. Emeline, 15, 320. Fannie, 144. Frank, 10, 17. Frank C, 15. George, 15, 10, 17, 300. George S., 15. Grace, 538. Hannah, 10, 300. Hannah D., 332. Harry, 10. Harvey, 16. Isabel, 10. James Jr., 17. James M., 17. Index, of XmufH. 111. Allt'n, .Ti'iniiiia. 11, l.j. John, S], -i:!.!. Julia A.. 1.-). Kal(\ 15, SI. Kati.', 1 \. i.-,. Lewis A.. 1(1. Loiiiida v.. ll). Luciiiiia, 1(). laicimla M.. \'y. Liuv Ann. Ki. :\larv. 17. SI. ?tiarV !•:.. 17. M:i\' 11.. III. i\ii<;i!i. 144. Xatlianiol, 15. Nuali, .-iSKi. renowoil. in. IMiilcnii, 15. I'.t5. Pliincas. 14. 15. Saiali, 15. 144. Saia])iiin(', 17. Sidney, 15. S'o])1iia A., K). Svrel, 15. TluTon, 15. in. ;!-20. William II.. IC. Allerton, Isaac. 153, 457 :\lary, 15:5, 457. Allison, Ann, 17. j:dna A., 17. (iooriro, 17. Ceoi-e-e 11.. 17. John K., 17. .'()se])]iine. 17. Mark. 17. ^hn\' Ann, 17- Will'iam A., 17. Alls. John. 45. Lt'ttice, 45. Alniy. Frank C. ?A2. Amos, Bishop. 21. Ella. 1(18. John D., 274. Susanna, .35!). Amoy, Sahrina, 114. Aiuidon, EMiemore, 424. Philip, 424. Amy, Frank. 71. Anderson. Frankie, 303. (k'orge ^V.. 1S4. Andrew, Abbey. IS. Benjamiii F., IS. C. Ella, IS. Oeorjije L, IS. T.awrcnee, IS. Lilla, IS. Evlo S., IS. Neal D., IS. Pandall, IS. Sarah C. S.. IS. Andrews. Isabella II., 270. Mattis, 131. Andrus, Abraham, 310. Alieo ("., 327. Alice .M.. IS. Charles \V.. IS. Cora E.. 18. IT. S., IS. Kebecca. 310. Sarah, 310. William F., IS, 500. An.uel I.Mary, 22. Aii-icr. Cviithia P., 10. Ellen Jane, 10. Florence 15., 10. Frank, 10. (ieorye C. 10. Hannah, 73. James IF. 10. John, IS. 10. John C.. 10. :\larv, 18. .MarV D., 19. Mina, 10. Puth, 73. Samuel. 73. Sarah ('., 10. Annett, Asahel S.. 308. Annis, .Amasa S., 10. Amos. 10. Artliur. 10. Artliur C. 10. Asa, 10, 50, 512. Etta, 10. John, 10. I.ouisa. 10. 512. Lucinda. 10. i\larv Jane. 10. MarV P.. 10. IMartha. 10. :VIercy W., 10. ()ran<;e E.. 10. 200. Philena, 19, 380. Philena C, 19, 252. Pollvette. 10. Rosetto W., 10, 2!)0, Sarah Ann, 10. .\pj)lel)e('. Alvira, 20. Amaritta. 20. Amos. 20. Ann, 20. Annette. 20, 200. Penj.. 20. P.lancho. 280. Catherine, 20. 328. Charles H.. 20, 21, 408. Delia, 20. 440. Dollv Skeel, 20. ]:ii/.a, 20. Elizabeth. 20. Ellen. 20. 150. Emeline. 2. 20. Fred 11.. 21. Georgia G., 21. Applebee. Grace 0., 21. Jlosea, 20. .bdiiel, 20. • lolin. 20. Kat(>, 20. Levi. 307. Lorinda. 20, 52(5. Lvdia. 20. ^iarcia C.. 21. Marilla. 20. Mary. 20. 21. ^lary .\nn. .351. ^linnie, 21. Nathan. 2. 20. 21. 150. 104, 200, 328, 44!t, 52(). Phoda. 20. llubv, 20. Sarah S.. .307. Warren, 20. 21. Willard, 20. William, 20. Appleton, Goori:o A.. 540. Archer, Martha IL. 230. Arminalon, Pussidl, 3S5. Soplironia. 482. Armstroni!-. Alda L., 21. Alice X.. 21. Carrie C, 21. Carrie J., 21. Ilmma I'uphemia. 21. Goorce P., 21. (4eorire P., Jr., 21. Helen M.. 21. :\Iariorie P., 21. Ora.'jlG. Peuben, 21. Arnold, Abi-ail P., 23, 170. Alice. 22; 23. Amaziali, 22. An;v. 22. Cvnthia. 22, 23. Dinah, 22. Kli/.abeth, ISO. 532. Elizabeth P... 401. Ellen P.. 4(iO. Freelove ('.. 23. Joan. 531. John C.. 23. Jonathan. 22. 170. Josiah, 22. .losiah L.. 22. Lemuel IL. 23. Lewis, 520. :\larv, 22. Phebe, 22. Pollv, 22. Polly P.. 23. Pollvcena. 88. Picliard. 22. Sallv. 23. Sarah, 22. 016 Index of Names. Arnold, Susannah, 22. Tlionias, 22. William C 23. Arter, Ellen, 52S. Ash, Albert L., 23. David, 23. Florence, 23. Grace M., 23. John, no. ilarshall. 473. :\Iyron D., 23, 212. Eay, 23. Sabin, 100. Sarah L., 23. Ashcroft, Louise, 200. Ashland, Lewis, 23. ilarv, 23. Mar'v E., 23. Sanih A., 23. Ashley, SaVivuel. 4.57. Astell, Ashley, 50. Francis L., 24. Frank M.. 24. Fred D., 24. Harriet, 23. Ilattie M., 24. 109. Helen A.. 23, 252. Joseph, 23. Kate, 24. Lois, 24. Nina, 50. Fvalph B.. 9, 23, 24. Rov R., 24. Samuel T).. 23, 24, 109. Samuel J., 23. Will A., 2-1. Atherton, Clarinda, 499. Hannah, 301. Joseph. 301. Samuel, 499. Sarah Ann, 105. Atkins, Elizabeth, 381. Hepsibah, 403. Atwood, Abijah, 24. Adelia H., 25. Albert B., 25. Alonzo, 204, 311. Amelia F.. 24. Anna E.. 172. Benjamin. 24. C'ollossa D., 25. David, 24. Emma J.. 24. Evedna. 24. George N"., 25. Georgia, 25. Hannah, 24. ILannah E.. 24. Harry M., 25. Helen R., 25. Ida M., 504. Jacob, 24. Atwood, Jane. 204. Jessie M., 25. J. M., 343. John. 24. John C. 24. John M., 24. Jonathan K.. 393. Joseph. 24. 37 S. Julia H., 25. Lvdia P., 24. iNIarv. 42S. ilary E., 24. Mehitable, 24. JMoses K., 25. Prudence, 24. Ruth, 24. S. :Maria, 25. Sally, 24. SallV P., 24. Sarah. 24. Stepjien \V.. 25. William, 24. William :^I., 25, 373, Audilnit, Annie, 25, Fred, 25. Hector, 25. Henry, 25. Joseph, 25. ]\Iary, 25. Mary L.. 25. Victor, 25. Virginia, 25, Aulis, William, 402. Austin, Ellen Josephine. 20, 523. Flora M., 25. George V.. 25. Henry I., 20. James, 25. Loren C., 523. Lor en J., 20. jNIary Ann, 25. Averv, Emogene. 509. Mary, 103, 340. Simeon, 340. Aver. Charlotte, 527. 'Ellen S., 225. Hannah, 507. Harriet F., 205. John, 507. Joseph C., 525. jNIarv, 527. Richard, 527. Susannah, 527. Ayers, Olive, 386. Babcock, Charlotte, 539. Lucius A., 280. Bachelder, Georgie G., 21. Henry, 37. Bachelor, Gilbert, 37. Bachiler, Stephen, 41. 43 i. Backus, Sophia A.. 189. Bacon, Abigail, 108, 441. Andrew, 29;5. Clarissa, 35. Elias, 35. George E., 442. Henry, 300, 453. John, 191. Kate, 300, 453. :\Iarv, 108. Meh'itable, 293. Sarah, 173. Badger, James, 340. Bagley, Austin, 2G. Cosiah, 484. Eliza L., 20. Judith. 110. Loren R.. 2G, 133. Nancy, 170. Orlando, 110. Samuel. 20. Sarah W.. 110. Bailev, Abigail, 20, 27, 29, 291, 315, 323. Abner, 27. Alansen, 27. Ann E., 29. Anna, 27. Annie, 320. Benjamin F., 28. Betsey, 310. Carrie. 85. Clara A., 337. Clark M., 28. Cyrus, 27. Elienezer, 29. Ebenezer J., 29. E(>njaniin. 30. Catlierine, 30. Eliza IT., 427. I'hneline, r>8. Hannah, 242. Joanna, 104. John, ]{!4. John W., 30, 43. .loshua, 104. Laura ()., 30. 484. Louisa C, 30. Luev, 08. Lvd'ia v.. 30. .M'arv, 104. I'hiiieas S.. 30. Svlvanus, 30, 484, '514. ;alduc, Adaline, 480. John B.. 480. aldwin. Daniel. 547. Daniel, Jr.. 547. l':iisha, 547. Frederick \V.. 258. Harry S.. 547. Jahez, 547. Jedediah M.. 52, 547. John 1).. 103. Lucia E., 52. Marion, 3().S. Nathan. 547. Nathaniel, 547. llichai'd. 547. Sarah, 517. all, Alice. 30. Charles. 30. 435. Ellen, 30. Enuna K.. 30. Georo-e. 30. Hannah, 220. Jose])h, 30. .loseph. 73. .Maik. 210. :\larv. 30. .Alatiie .r.. 210. .\ancv. 30. I'earf J.. 30. rhel)e, 377. Boxana. 417. Samuel. 30. 230. 240. ;allard. Nathan. 309. lallou. Esther. 53. Howard M., 100. Ira II.. (;0. Laura. (iO. Mary J., 8. Otis". 8. lamford, Robert, 520. Bamford. Sobriety, 520. Bancroft, Sanuiel, 2. Sarah. 2. Banfield, B.enj., 400. Banks, N. P.,' 470. Barber, Anni/.iah, 23. Estlier, 131. Pollv C. 492. Robert, 131. Hard, Geori^n; [.. 31, 370. Ceoro-e P., 31. Ilenrv L. 31. HerlM-rt I).. 31. Jerusha (;.. 31. Julia IL. 31. Lucinda S., 31. • ]\Iary P., 31. Simeon L. 31. Barkardst. Jacob. 445. Barker, Elizabetli, 447. Lucv, 27. :\Iary, 4. SS. Barnard, Hannah, 429. Elenor, 170, 315. John, 32. Levi ])., 413. Lilla E., 413. Mary, 32, 170. 350, 430. Phebe, 32. Sarah, 420. Thomas, 315. Thomas, Rev.. 3, 179, 420. Barnes. Ann, 524. Carrie, 32. Ella J.. 32. Emily R.. 50. Emma. 31. Esther, 457. Ceor^e S.. 31. (Jrace, 32. John, 524. ]Mariett A., 2S. ]\larv, 387. Sarah L.. 31. William. 28. Barnett, Winslow, 294. I'.arney, Mindwell, 208. Banuim, Charles D., 32, 48. Charles P., 32. Ceorfje D., 32. Ceorsre TL. 32. Crace A., 32. Mabel F., 32. Martha S., 32. Sophia !•>., .32. Ban-. Henry. 77. Hilary Ann. 77. Barrett, Abioail, 33, 192. Adda E., .34. Alice E., 34. 618 Index of Names. Barrett, Alice M., 34. Allien J., 34. Amanda, J., 34. Cephas P., 398. Charles C, 34. 431, 471 Cliarles H., 34. Charles I.. 34. Edward W.. 34. Elizabeth, 33, 148. Ella M., 34. Fanny R., 34, 471. George, 33. George W., 34. Hannah, 33. Harry H., 34. Hattie B., 34. Henry, 33. Hil)bard. 114. Huniphrev, 32. Ida M., 34. Isaiah, 33. James, 33. James J., 33, 34, 457. James K., 33. Jane E. G., 178. Jerusha, 33, 518. John, 32, 33. Josepji, 33, 34, 72. Laurecty, 33. Lillis. 34. Lorinda, 33. Luissa, 33, 192. Lydia, 38. Lyilia Ann, 33. Manning, 33. Margaret, 32. Mary, 32, 33, 228. Nathaniel, 33, 38. Permelia W., 33. Sal)rina, 114. fSally O., 33, 72. Samuel, 32, 33. Sarah, 33, 34. S. L., 178, 179. Susannah, 135. Tliomas, 32. Tliornton, 33, 148, 192, 518. Tliornton, Jr., 192. William, 32. Barrows, Ella L. A., 380. L. U., 41. Parlin L., 7G. Bartlett, Alpha S., 35. Augustus N., 35, 432. Bethany, 270. Caroline, 35. Carrie M., 36. Charles L., 35. Cora B., 35, 401. Ebenezer, 207. Edson, 35. Bartlett, Ephraim F., 35. Eva May, 36. Fanny, 515. Flossie A., 36. Floyd U., 36. Frederick, 34, 229. Frederick A., 35. George E., 35, 36, 228 401. George Fred., 35, 311. Helen, 35. Henry E.. 35, 432. Hepsy, 536. Hosea E., 35. Increase S., 35. James H., 34. 35, 279. James Herbert, 34. Jeremy, 530. John F., 36. Karl A., 36. Louisa D., 226. IMargaret, 32. ]\laria, 35. Matthew. 268, 270. Mercv, 207. NancV, 34. Rebecca, 26. Richard, Jr., 26. Ptosanna, 35. Rose A., 36. Ross W., 36. Sally. 116. Sally C, 35, 279. Sarah, 207. Sarah A., 35, 229. Scott W., 30. Thaddeus, 515. Thomas, Jr., 63. Walter, Jr., 174. Warren L., 35. ^Villiam B., 36. William H., 35, 36, 54. Barton, Bessie L., 90. Bass, Deborah J., 36. Edgar T.. 36. Ellen, 152. Ira A., 36, 389. John, 144. Mary, 144. Mary J., 416, 482. Ruth, 144. Sarah D., 36. Simeon, 36, 152, 416, 482. Susan T., 36. Van Ness, 36. Warren, 36. Bassett, John, Jr.. 28P. Batclielder, Abigail, 42. Alexander, 37. Amelia E., 42. Charles E., 37. Batchelder, Clara B., 43. Daniel, 168. Deborah, 42. Elizabeth, 42. George F., 42. Hannah, 42. James, 42. Jane M., 42, 404. John, 37, 42. Lizzie L., 43. Lucretia, 42, 79. Mary, 42. Nathaniel, 42. Otis, 79, 404. Otis F., 42. Ruth P., 508. Stephen, 42. William. 37. Batcheller, Elizabeth, 37. Batehellor, Albert S., 39, 61, 62, 63, 342. Bertha, 41. Betsey A. W., 39. Charles W., 39. Dayid, 38. Experience, 38. Fred. C, 41. Harriet A., 39. Isaac, 33, 38, 39, 98, 358, 514, 538. Jennett C.,' 39. Levi W.. 39. Lucy, 33, 38, 538. Lydia, 33, 38. Mary, 38, 97, 98, 358, 514. Mary Jane, 39, 88, 157. Nehemiah, 33, 38, 39, 538. Pamelia, 39. Rebecca, 38, 538. Stillman. 39, 41, 82, 88, 157, 457, 518. William C, 39. Bateman. Anna, 207. John, 207. Mary, 207. Bates, Charlotte D., 325. James, 325. Batt, Ann, 332. Battle, Lucy, 165. Baxter, Arabella, 317. Harry, 481. liayley, Sarah, 350. Beal, Judith, 317. Bean, Abigail, 33. Ada, 40. Albro G., 45. Alvaii W.. 44, 122. Amanda H., 45. Artliur, 46. Beniah, 46. Index of Numcs. G19 Bonn, Bcniali J., 40. ]^)enjaiiiiii, 4"), 4S5. Caroline A., 40. Catherine, 127. Cora, 44. Y)A\\a, 44, 4.-), 77, 148. Dolly, 08. Dorolln', 45. Edith v., 44. Edwar.l, 4:]. EJoanoi'. 4,1. Elizabeth, 4:i, 44, 450. Ella A., 44. Elmira M.. 44. Elois(; E., 44. Estella A., 44. Etta, 389. Fav, 44. Flora A., 45. Flora E., 320. Flora S., 44. Florence E., 44. Flossie M., 45. Francelia L., 45. Frank E., 44. Fred E., 40. Grace, 45. Helen M., 44. Ida. 340. Ida ^[ay. 40. James, 43. James A., 45. James M., 45. James R.. 45. Joanna, 43. John. 43. 44, 45, 46, 241, 450. Jolin D., 522. Joseph, 455, 498, 518. Leona, 45. Leslie F., 44. Levi, 43, 44, 68. Lizzie, 45, 239. Lucv, 478. Jlabel F., 45. Mabel M., 44. i\Iaroaret, 43. ]\Iarguerite, 45. Marv, 40, 77, 370. Mary E., 40. Mary Jane, 44. MarV M., 45, 77. ]\Lary W., 372, 373. ]\[ehitable S., 45. Miles M., 40. Millie E., 45. Minnie, 44. INIinnie E., 44. Nellie E., 45. Nellie R., 455. Orlando, 45. Orlando S., 40. l>ean, Percv J., 44. I'ortus W.. 44. Reuben, 370. Riibv, 44. Russell. 340. Ruth, 44. Sallv, 518. Sarah, 485. Stella M., 44. Wilda L., 45. Will, 45, 239. William A., 44. Vandie, 40. Beane, Amelia E., 42. Joseph, 42. Beard, Aaron, 470. Alfred, 31. Alvin, 31. Anne. 470. Asa. 31. Beatrice. 470. David, 31. Hannah, 31. Mary, 31. Beattie, l^arbara, 47. Elizabeth A., 40. James M., 40. John, 40. Margaret, 47. Marsaret R., 40. William J., 40, 491. Beauchaiii]), Edward, 224. Elizabeth, 224. ]\Iary, 224. Beauleau, John, 101. Leocudie, 101. Beck, Caroline I., 47. Charles B., 47. Ernest E., 47. James W., 47. James William, 47. Stella P., 47. Susan E., 47. Bedel, Betsey, 238. Moody, IL Timothv, 12. Bedell, Ai)iel, 235. Abigail W., 27. Abram, 47. Amanda, 47. Arlliur J., 47, 530. Bertha, 47. Carlos II. . 4S. 217. Caroline E., 4S. Charles W., 47. Curtis, .32, 48, 197, 384. Cyrus, 47. Emilv, 235. Florence E., 48, 384. .Tennie M., 47. Lewis E., 4V, 124. Lula E., 48, 197. R.edell. :\rartha S., 32, 48. Marv E., 47. Myrtle M., 48. Nina, 47. Susan, 487. Susie E., 47. Thomas J., 47. Timothy, 47, 457. Verne E., 48. Vina D., 47. William. 48. I'.eebe. ArdelleO., 48, 298. (leorge. 48, 298, 425. (!. Richard, 48. -Tessie, 48. Martha, 48. :VIillie, 48. IMinerva D., 48, 425. :\linerva J., 48. Mittv, 48. Richard, 48. William A.. 48. Beecher, Fanny W., 500. Ceorge A., 500. fJeorge H., 500. Herbert L., 500. John, 500. John A., 500. Victor C, 357. Beede, Aaron. 134. Elizabeth. 134. Freedom D.. 327. 15elanger, Caroline, 49. Charles, 49. Joseph, 49. Edward. 40. Jennie, 49. Levi, 40. Louisa, 49. ]\[agsie, 49. Maud, 49. Peter, 49. Bel ding, Delevan S., 105. Ceorge W.. 1(>5, Samuel, l(i5. Belknap. Annie D., 49. Catherine :\L, 49. 387. (ieorge, 49. 387, 408. .lennie L., 49. Bell, Charles H., 50. Cora L., 374. Crace, 347. Marinda, 105. Marv, 497. Bellows. Abigail, 49, 50. A. Herbert, 50. Bcuijamin, 49, 50, 294, 513. Caroline I., 51. Carrie L., 52. Catherine W., 51. Deborah, 50. 620 Index of Names. Bellows, Dorcas, 49. Edith M.. .-)2. Eliza, 6, 50. Esther A.. .'52. Frances Ann, 50, 5 1, 4:](t. George, 50. George S., 51, 52, 544. Harold A., 52. Henrv A.. 0, 50, 51, 52, 404, 4.3(). Henry W., 50. Isabel, 51. Joanna, 513. John, 49. John A., 51. Joseph, (\. 50, 51. Josiah, 51. Lois, 50. Lucia E., 52. ]\Iarv, 49, 50, 294. Mary A. P., 51. Mary S., 50. Raymond, 52. Rebecca, 51. Stella, 51, 4.36. William H., 51, 52. William J., 50. 51, 52, 90, 190. Bemis, Ann, 54. Ann S.. 54. Annis, 53. Aseneth V., 54. Ash, 53. Benjamin, 52, 53, 54. Benjamin F., 53. Betsey, 54. Bigelow. 53. Brigham P., 53. Caroline P.. 35, 54. Carrie B., 54. Catherine, 1(13. Charlotte. 53. Daniel, 52, 53. Edward L., 54. Elvira J., 54. Emeline, 20. Esther, 53. Eugene ^V., 54. Eva ]\I., 30, 54. Francis W., 53. George, 54. George ]M., 30, 54, 387. Hannah, 52. Harris N., 53. Henry, 52, 5.'!, 274, 352, 361, 409. Hiram, 53. Ira W., 101. Isaac, 53, 54. James B., 53, 54. John, 52. 53. 54, .S3. Jotham S., 53, 193. Bemis, Laura, 53. Laura A., 54. Lillie B., 54. Louisa, 53. Lucinda, 53. Lucy, 472. Lyd'ia, 53, 216. Lyman. 54. I\Iartha. 54. i\larv Ann. 53. MarV iM.. 54. Mill'ie, 53. Moses P., 54. Nabbv, 52. Olive' A., 54. Olive E.. 54. Polly, 52, 53, 274. Prudence H., 53. Ralph S., 53. Rebecca F., 54. Reuben, 54. Roxana, 52, 469. Ruth, 53. Sally, 53. Sanford M., 53. Selena, 53, 54. Susan, S3. Susan M., 228. Susanna, 52, 53, 352. Susannah, 52. Zenas Le Bourreau, 52, 53, 216. Benjamin, Abigail, 411. Elizabeth, 411. Hannah, 202. ,lohn, 411. Judah P., 404. Bennett, Amelia E., 377, 490. Horace, 387. Priscilla, 106, 108. William, 320. Benson, Jennie E., 283. Joseph, 283. Lucy J., 232. Bent, Anna, 55. Clarissa A., 55. Henry R., 55. Isabella S., 55. Jason, 55. John (L. 55, 410. Jonathan P., 55. Mary, 55. Sarah, 55. Thomas, 55. Bentley, Edward, 125. Mary J., 125. Benton, Alexander, 457. Jacob, 397. Lizzie J., 397. iMerey, 457. Berkley, Carl E., 56. Berkley, Elizabeth C, 55, 370. Ellen M.. 55. Elvira, 55. Francis E., 56. Henry M., 55. Horace, 55. John, 300. John M., 55. Mary E.. 56. Mattie E., 56. Rhoda, 55 Robert, 55. Samuel W., 55, 188. Sarah, 55. Sarah j\I., 55. Sarah W., 50. Selinda, 55. William, 55, 50, 59, 188, 370, 417. Berman, Aaron, 50, 143. Catherine M., 56. Mildred, 56. ^Morris, 56. Bero, Alma, 56. Chester J., 56. David, 50. Fred L., 56. George, 56. Henry. 56. Ira, 56. John, 56. Josephine, 56. Lewis, 50. Lorinda, 50. Louis, 50, 57. ilalvina, 50. Margaret, 50. I\Iary, 56. Mattie J., 50. ' Nina, 56. Oliver, 56. Berri, Cora S., 223. Julia B., 222. Berry, Abigail, 507. Charles S., 57. Edward G., 455. Eliza, 340. Elizabeth. 57. Elizabeth M., 57. Elsie M., 57. Fred W., 57. George R,, 57. Hannah G., 57. Kate, 305. Pe-gy, 373. Waiter G.. 57. Bickford, Ann E., 58. Annis M., 58. Carl L., 58. Clarence H., 58. Edwiu E., 58. Index of Names. G21 Bickford. F.lizal)etli. 'MM). Epliniim. r)S. Gcorijo II., oS. Horatio N., jIS. Jacob T.. 271. James. 58. Jane E.. 58. Jennie Iv, 5S, 529. John W., 5S. Joseph M., 58. J. W. M., -^S. Louisa, 58. :\rahel, 271. Martha A., 58. ]\Iarv B., 58. i\reri-T. 238. Olivia, II., 58. Ruth O.. 58. Sarah J., 58. Sophia, .'U8. Susan A., 'yi^. Tiioiuas. 58, 352, 529. Bichvell, Alplia, 59. Asahei, 59. Behi, 59. Charles J., 59. Cvrus B., 59. Edward P.. 59. Elizabeth McC, 59. Ella E., 59. Elvira, 5~i. 59. Geor5. James \V'., 01, 05. John, 00. John \V., 05. Jonathan, 00. Katherine, 03. Laura, 01. Laura 11., (iO, 01. Laura 11., 158. Liilie J., 05. Lin C, ()4. Lorenzo, 00. Louise, (i2, 03. Louise W'., ()5. Lucy, (iO. (;4. Lucy Aim, 00. :\lary, 00. Sara"^h, 00. Sarah E., GO. Sarah R., 05. Sophia 1'., (i5. Susannah V., 03. Thomas, 00. Tracy, 0(). Tiacy P., 03, 05. Warner, 00. 01, 02, 03, (i5. 158 405. Willard, 00. Birgo, Cvrus, 407. Mary 11.. 407. Bisbee, A. D., 148. Ellen S., 323, (iad, 323. Ruth, 70. Sarah T., 323. IJishoi), Abigail, 00, OS; Betsey, 07. Caroline R., 145. Carrie M., (;o. Cassie .a., 07, 333. Cassius ^I. ('., 0/ Charles A.. 00. Charlotte, (i7. Clara D., 517. Clara Dunn, 132. Diana, 07. Edward E., 00. Edward IL, 0(J. lOleanora P.. 07. Elizabedi, 07. Elizabeth J., 07. Ellen L, 00. Ennna, 0(i. I'jvelina. 07. Pranklin, 07. Hannah, 07. 281. Harry .1., 00. llenrv D.. 07, 33.3, 310 459. Herbert T., 07. Herman T., 07. Horace A.. (Xi. Ida A., 07. 340. Jacob, 132. James, 09. Jane, 07. Joel, 118. John, 55, 07. Josiah, (57. Laura M.. 07. Lendall. 00. Leonard, 07. Lottie L., 07, 459. IMaria \V., 07. ^Martha E., 00. Martin, 07. ilelvina S., 07. Nathaniel, 00. Olive, 0(i. Rufus, 07. Russell M., 07. Ruth, 117. S. Li I la, 00. Samuel, 07, 110. Sarah A., 00, 07. Sophronia. (!7. Tabitha, lOli. Willard L. 0(i. William. KtO. Willie R., 00. G22 Index of Names. Bishop, Zilplia, 07. Bissallon, ^laiv, 27G. Bixby, Carl S.,' G7. Cora E., 347. Esther, 45. Joseph A.. 347. Martha, 5S. Samuel, 5S. Blair, Mag.nie, 243. Blaisdell, Theodore, ISO. Blake, Amelia, 222. Clark, 4.57. Dorothy, 176. Edward, 208. Elizabeth H., 68. Ellen, 300. Elsie B., 08. Florence, OS. Georare, 176. C4uy H., OS. Harrison, 08. Israel 0., 89. James, 116. James C, 68. Joseph, 395. Maud C, 08, 184. Mellie, 394. Moses, 222. ]\Iyron L., 08. Raymond R., 68. Rebecca, 176. Roy B., 08. Sally Ann, 457. Susie, 54. William H., 08, 100, 1S4. Blakslee, Betsey, 378. Carrie, 35. Climena, OS, 395. Eliza R., OS. Elvira E., 08. Emily E., 379. John, OS, 378, 379. Mary E., OS. Moses, OS, 155, 395. Blanchard, Belinda, 117. Betsey M., 197. Deborah, 3. Elizabeth, 414. .Joseph, 50. Peter, 197. Blandin, Ambrose, 192. Dolly, 08. Eliza K., OS, 518. John A., 391. John B., 08. Jonathan, OS, 244, 289. Lyman, OS, 244, 518. Marj'-, 391. Mary C, OS. Mary E., 451. Relief B., 08. Blandin, Sabrina. 2S9. Sarah L., 8, 244. Willard, GS. Willard A., 391. Blauvet, Annie, 338. Blessing, Jane, 300. Joanna, 480. Bliss, Jane, 404. Blodgett, Angeline, 09. Anna, 385. Clara S., 69. Cyrus R., 09, 127. Ella N., 09, 121. Georgia, 249. Herbert R., 09, 204. Howard, 09. ]\Iartha C, 69. Sarah B., 09. William E., 69. Blood, Almira, 343. Andrew, 108. David, 203, 343. Elizabeth, 475. Hannah, 364. Leafy, 133. Sarah, 372. Susan, 203. Bloomer, Annie, 458. Bloss, Aaron, 318. Caroline, 318. Blume, Jarvis, 310. Bodwell, Almira, 221. Christopher, 221. Bolduc, Charles E., 420. James, 420. Bolevn, Annie, 421. Bolles, Arietta E., 72. Blanche M., 72. Blanche N., 187. Charles M., 71. Charles 0., 72. Charles W., 40. Cortes H.,7 1,72, 440,522. Fanny D., 71. Grace E., 72. James, 72. John, 71. Lizzie M., 72, 446. Lovisa F., 72. Lydia, 388. Mercy, 71. Nathan, 71, 72. Nathaniel, 388. Obed, 71, 72. Sarah, 498. Sela, 71. Simeon, 72. 373. Waitstill, 71. Willard S., 71. Boltwood, Sarah, 2S7. Bond, Bernard Q., 69. Emma L., 69. Bond, Frank P., 69. Hannah, 24. Harriett, 277. John, 69. Joseph, 24. Lucius, 69, 215. Sarah, 24. Bonner, Betsey, 524. Bonney, Adriana. 70. Adriana R., 70. Alfred, 70. Alfred D., 71. Alfred P., 70, 71. Almeria, 70, 143. Benjamin, 70. Benjamin W., 70. Eleanor, 70. Elizabeth M., 70. Ella, 70. Ellen, 70, 468. Elvira, 70, 78. Emily, 70. Emily L, 71, 294. Franklin R., 70. Franklin W., 71. Isabel, 71. James, 69, 70. Jeromas R., 70. Job, 70. Lydia, 70. ]\iarv, 09. MarV E., 71. Peter, 42, 70, 71, 78, 143, 294, 441, 468. Peter I., 71. Ruth, 70. Silence, 70. Susan Rapalje, 70. Thomas, 09. Wales, 70. Booth, Dolly. 516. Borden, Margery, 409. Borodell, Ann, i03. Bostwiek, Charles S., 71. Julius C, 71. Lena A., 71. Mary E., 71. Pcrley, 71. Seymour A., 71. Bosworth, Alice, 242. Boudreau, Leonora, 309. Bourreau, John Le, 361. Boutwell, Charles, 71. Cynthia, 71. Frank, 71. James, 71. Bowen, Sarah, 348. Bowers, Elizabeth, 203, 476. Esther, 203, 230. Samuel, 203, 230. Bowker, Flora E., 320. Index of Xames. G23 Bowkor. Lnura A., -US. Leonard, lUo. Roswoll, 3-iO, 44S. Bowles. Abi.Lrail, 511. Ahnonil, 72. Aniol.l, 30G. Auuiislii S., 73. Betsey E., 3()7. C'aleir, 3;?. Caleb W., 72. ("handler. 72. Charles W., 71. Duleie E.. 72. Emeline. 30(;. Emilv, 72. EmilV A.. 72. Esther, 37 S. Ethel M.. 72. Fenella. 72. Frank E., 72, 401. Fred, 401. George C, 72. Henry H., 73. Jesse. 72. Jonathan, 511. Kirk. 452. Leonard. 24. Luke. 175. Lyman E., 73. INIanson, 24. Maria P.. 72. Martha, 72. ]\Iartlia :\I.. 73. Marv :\r.. 73. Nellie L., 452._ Orrin James, 72. Phebe, 511. Philena. 125. Rofier v., 72. Sally O.. 72. Bowman, Abigail G., 74, 143. Abijah, 13, 74, 75, 77, 3il, 447, 528. Acelia, 76. Albert H., 45, 75, 77. Alfred. 74, 132. Alma, 77. Alphonso B., 70. Anna. 73. 74, 520. Augusta Ann, 74. Baxter. 74, 76. Benjamin. 74, 519. Blanche, 70. Caroline, 75. Carrie V., 76. 357. Chest ina, 75, 76. Christie, 76. Clarissa, 76. Cozbi, 74. Curtis C, 74, 76, 109; 514. I'owmaji, Daniel. 74. David, 74, 75. Drusella K., 75, 446. Edward V.. 76. Edwin C.. 75. Edwin .lohn, 77. Elizabeth. 75, 195, 528. Ella, 77. l\l<'aiior M., 75. Ellen L.. 76. l^lmira. 7l>. Ihnma A., 76. iMwin ('.. 76. Eugene, 76. Elorenee S., 70, 199. Eraneis. 73. Eraid<]in A., 75. Fred 11., 77. George, 74, 76, 178. Hannah. 74. Hannah O., 74. 515. Hannah K., 74. 413. Harriet. 74. 543. Harry E., 76. Harvev A., 75. Helen," 75, 191. llenrv A., 75. Ida .1., 77. Ida j\lav, 77. Ira, 74,' 75, 77, 112. Isaac W., 74, 76, 77, 357. James \V., 74. Jemima, 75, 269. Jennie E.. 76. Jolin, 73. 74. 75, 76, 77, 143, 191, 219, 446, 515. John L, 76. 77. Jonas, 73, 74, 76, 77, 111. 232. Jonathan. 73, 75, 520. Judith, 75. Juliett. 74. Lavina B., 76. Li\ona, 74. Lois. 74. Loren, 76. 77. Lovisa, 74. 75. Lueretia. 75. Lydia, 73. ]\laria, 75, 70. Martha, 73. 77. :\lartha IL, 76. Martiia P.. 75. 96. Mary, 73, 76, 77. Mary Ann. 77. Marv .lane, 75. :\lelissa, 77. Minnie Jane. 77. Natlianiel, 73. Oliver, 74, 75. P>owman. nrjilia, 75. Prudenee. 73. Royal, 74, 75. Ruth, 73. Sally, 232. Saraii J., 75. Sophia A.. 75, 199. Susanna. 74. Susannah. 72. 'rriphena. 75. Walter. 73. 74, 75, 413. Waller 1.. 77. Willard. 74, 75, 199. William. 75. William IJurns, 75, 77, 4(10. William G.. 74. William Gilo. 76. Zadoek, 74. 195. Bovee. Ann A., 351. Vesta D.. 97. Bovle, David. 57. L(>\vis U., 245. Nellie L., 57. Bovler, Joseph, 245. P.oynton, Eliza C, 198. Hannah, 415. Harriet. 519. James, 1!)S. Martlia. 484. Nathaniel, 415. Sarah, 415. Brackett, Aaron, 78, 12G. Amanda, 7S. Anna. 77. Aiuia L.. 79. Annie S,, 79. I'.essie S., 79. Caroline A.. 78, 484. Carrie A.. 79, 332. Ce])iias, 78. Charles W ., 78, 79, 159, 332. Clara L., 79. Dean C, 78. I'Mward D.. 79, 241. Elizabeth, 77. Ella E.. 79. Elmore F.. 78. Fraidc B., 78, 79. (Jeorge H., 78. (ieorge S., 78. Cieorgianna A.. 79, 211, Georyianna .M., 79. Harry B.. 79. Harvey S., 7It. Horace, 79. -lulia A., 78, 180. Kate R... 79. Laura, 78. 254. Lorana. 77. Lucreiia, 79. 024 Index of Names. Brackott, Lucy S., 79. Martha A., 78. Mary, 78. Mary Ann, 78, 284. Mary Ann B., 78. Ross D., 7!». Samuel, 77. SannK'l A., 78. SanuK'l G., 78, 191. Sarah J., 79, 159. Sowell, 70, 78, 79. Susan II., 78, 120. William, 77, 78, 79, 254, 484. William Campbell, 78, 79. William Cephas, 79. William F., 79. William li., 78. William R., 79. Bradford, Alice, 401. Ann, 351. Jesse, 351. William, 461. Bradk'v, Itliamar, 405. Martha, 218. William C, 50, 180. Bragg, Abigail, 347. Alexander, 474. Sarah, 474. Brainard, David W., 148. Bray, Sarah B., 14. Brazzill, John, 280. Nettie, 2S0. Brenuan, Annie G., SO, 224. James, SO. John, 80, 224. Mary Ann, SO. Brett, Archie, 548. Bertha M., 548. Ella J., 548. Ezra, 54S. George M., 548. George W., 548. John" II., 548. John R., 548. Nathaniel, 547. Rufus. 548. Seth, 547. Simeon, 548. ^^'illiam, 547. Brewer, Ophelia P., 220. Brewster, William, 323. Rebecca, 323. Brickett, Ahrani, SO. Edmund, SO. Eliza, SO. Elizabeth, SO. Ellen J., SO. Eunice, SO. Eunice Jane, 80. Brickett, Harry, SO. Harry Le Rov, 80. John, SO. Joseph' C, SO. Julia E., SO. Kezia, 127. Marv I., SO. Sarah, SO. Sarah Ann, 80. Bridge, Angie B., SO, 506. Harold W., 81. Henry M., 80. John D., SO, 506. Bridges, Elizabeth, 375. Briggs, Angeline, 81. Avery, 81. Avery S., 81. Consaett, 208. Edith E. Vv ., 480. Elisha, 481. Elizabeth, SI. Elizabeth A., 57. Hannah, 8i. Joel, 81. Louisa, 363. Lovina. 81, 208. Lucy Jane, 19. Margaret, 81. Mary, 81. Mary Jane, 248. Mehitable, 81. Moses, 81. Ruth W., 83, 363. Samuel J., 480. Samuel Johnson, 57, 248. Sarah, 472. Thomas, 81. Ill, 208. Brigham, Benjamin, 224, 225. Elizabeth, 224. George, 520. Samuel, 224. Brill, Jane, 07. Bristol, Eugene, 374. Britt, Susan, 118. Warren, 118. Brittling. Gottlieb T., 157. Broad, Judith, 507. Brock, Ellen J., 3. Melissa, 77. Samuel, 77. Brocklebank, Elizabeth, 392. Samuel, 392. Broderiek, Kate, 272. Brodie, Calvin, 82. Grant, 82. Jane, 81. John, 81. Justin, b±. Mary, SI, 82. Brodie, Nettie, 81. Peter, 81. Robert, 81. Wallace, 82. William, 15, 81. Bronson, Daisy L., 82. David, 498. Ellen, 82. Ellen A., 208. Hannah, 82. Huldah, 498. Ira, 82. Isaac, 498. Joel, 39, 82, 157, 298, 379, 380, 457. Joel A., 82. John, 293. Jonathan, 82, 498. Louise R., 82, 379. Luella A., 82. Alary, 82. Mary Jane, 39, 82, 157. Mattie S., 82. Olive, 82. Orrin, 82, 498. Philip, 82. Ruth, 82. Sarah, 82, 293, 380. Stephen, 498. William E., 82. ^Villiam M., 82. Winnie A., 82. Brooks, Alfred, 84. Alice, S3. Alva I., 83. Annie. 84. Charles, 83. Charles H., 84. Charles L., 83. Clarinda W., 83, 192. Cynthia S., 83. Edna May, 84. Eliza E., 517. Elizal>eth, S3. Emeliza, 83. Emerson, S3. Euseba, 423. Ezra, 53, 83, 98, 320, 303. Ezra C, 83, 312. Fred A., 83. Gertie L., 84. Harriet E., S3, 98. Henrietta, 83. Henry, S3. Homer, S3. Horace, S3, 359. Ira, S3. John, 207. John D., 84, Jonas, S3. Laura, 83. Index of Names. Cy2b Brooks, Louis. S4. Louis .1., S4. Lucy, 49,S. Luke, S3. Luther, m. Marv ]•].. S4. Mattio 11.. S3. Oliver P.. 517. Phiuoas, S3. Proscott .1.. S3. Raymond T., 84. Kehocca, 83. Ruth W., 83, 3G3. Silence, 207. Simeon, S3. Soplironia, S3. Susan, S3. Vasliti, 4i)S. Waldo ]'l, 83. William M., 84. Brower, IMa^sie, 39G. Brown. Ahhie T., 8G. Abigail, .")34. Ada D., 84. Adna, 530. Amelia M., 187. Amos, 24. Annie, 85. Augusta T., 485. Azro, 447. Bartholomew, SO. Benjamin \V., 403. Betty. 514. Calista A., 85. Calvin, 211. Carrie M.. 85. Charles, 86. Clara B., 2G3. Clarence E., 84. Clarence W., 119. David, 187. Diana W.. 84. Earl L., 84. Edith M., 85. Edward F., 70. Edward J., 80. Edwin C. L., 85. Elisha, 58. Elizabeth, 384. Emerson, 501. Emilie H.. 211. Erastus, 85. Ernest H., 85. Esther, 85. Eunice, 258. Evedna, 24. Francis, 55. 85. Frank C, 84, 85. Franklin, 84. Forrest E., 84. George E., 84. George P., 84, 85, 147. vol.. III. — 10 ])ro\\n,(!eorge \V., 85, IGO. Harold, 85. Harry, 24. Helen A.. 51. Henry, ■f^r-,. Henry 10.. 85. Ida -May, 84. Ira, 80. .James, 85, 172. .lennie, 80, 382. Jennie R., 204. John J., 111. John Jenks, 409. John Peter. 85. Josepli G.. 539. Julia L., 84. Katie, 85. Lorenzo I., 84, 472. Louisa. 58. Lucy, 7S. Mahala. 240. Marcus. 1!)0. Maria W.. 190. Marinda A., 84. Mary, 84. 85, 384. Mary, 200. Mary Ann. 403. Mar^ 1^1. 85, 384. Martha W., 84, 147. Mercy. 514. Moulton. 8. Myrtie 1.. S5. Nathaniel, 84. Nellie. 85. Orrin L.. 85. Rachel, 20(). Rebecca, 49. 331. Richard, 3S4. Rocaneoiis. 204. Rosina, 509. Ruth E., SO. Samuel, 85. Sarah, 438, 4G9. Sarah A., 00. Susannah, 480. Susannah (J., 108. Susie, 85. Thomas, 200, 457. Thomas W., 85. William, 85. 403. William J., 80. William L.. 382. William M., 340. William \V., 80. Winfred O.. 84. Browne, Lizzie P., 234. Browning, (;. W., 32. Brownlee. .Tames. 219. Brownson. \Villiani E., 344. Bruce, Caroline E., 48. Cynthia, 71. Bruce, Ellen V... 147. KUinor Iv. 379. Kred \V.. 370. llarrv. 379. Harry E., 147. Henrv, 71. Henry (i., 48. Bryant^ Alvin, 499. Ann .M.. 80. Arthur P.. 80. (Jharles, 499. Daniel, 508. JO. Sumner, 28. George N.. 8(i. Hannaii, 300. James, 499. .Mary E.. 422. Minnie l'\, 28. Oscar, 499. Tabitha. 4(i2. Buchanan. Alexander, 80. Collins M.. S7. 4i)S. 533. Sarah G.. 87. 533. Buck, Amanda K., 87. Amanda -M., 501. Austin, 480. Betsey, 229. Cora E., 18. Emily, 71. Frank H., 87. Georgie M., 87. Grace M., 87. Herbert J., IS. Horace, 9. 87. Louisa, 119. Martha, 87. Mary, 150. Matilda. 87. Oscar, 87. Pollv, 87. Reuben, 229. Walter. 87. 119. William. 71. Buckbee, iM. M., 205. Buckley, Alice, 87, 88. Annette, 150. 2\nnie H, 351. Archie L., 87. Bell, 87, 199. Charles \V., 87. Clyde D., 88. Edward, 87, 88, 150, 199. Elizabeth, 87. J-:iizabeth F., 88. Hannah, 87. Jennette, 87. Lizzie F., 1 72. Martha, 524. May E., 183. William, 87. Will P., 87, 88, 172. 626 Index of Names. Bueknam, Isnhel, 27 G. Buel, Maria, 15. Buffaiii, Jedediali, 269. John. 101. Thomas B.. 294. Butlord. Rennie, 489. Bu!?bee, Abel G., 113. Abel R.. 89. Amos, 88, 107. Caroline, 107. Edward, 88. Emma E., 89. Experience, 88. Frank, 487. George R.. 89. Gwendoline B., 89. Hattie M., 487. Jennette C, 88. Joseph, 88. Josiah, 88. Leigh F., 89. ]\Iartha. 88, 107. Mary, 88, 89. Mural E., 89. Phebe J., 88. Pollycena, 88. RalpJi, 39, 88, 89, 483. Rebecca, 88. Vera, 88. Sarah, 88. Bullard, Anna. 89. Beatrice, 89. Betsey, 149. Caroline I., 51, 90. Ebenezer, 89. Enoch P., 90. George, 89. George H., 90. Hester, 89. Ivah, 89. John, 383. Jonathan, 89. Joseph, 89. Magdelen, 383. Mary, 89. Sampson, 51, 89. Sarah, 89. Silas, 89. Bullock, Ruth. 3G9. Bundy, Abigail, 220. Bunker, Abraham, 90. Anna, i72. Anna ]•]., 90. Carrie E., 90. Charles S., 90. Cyrus E., 90. Dolly P., 90. Ella'M., 90. Fred M., 90. George C, 90. George H., 90. Leroy E., 90. Bunker, J\lary R., 90. Susan, 90. Burbank, Margaret, 260. Burdock, William. 49. Burgess, Ruth, 493. Burgin, Andrew G., 90. Anna E., 90. Annie, 216. Delia A., 90. Edward S., 90. George F., 90. Harriet E., 90, 510. Irvin, 133. James E., 91. John, 90, 91, 510. John I., 90. Kate, 91. My r tie I., 91. Samuel, 90. Samuel A., 90. William, 90, 91. Burke, Edmund, 335. Burleigh, Benjamin L., 91. Charles, 218. Frank P., 91, 252. Hannah, 370. James, 91, 370. Jerusha, 232. Joseph, 370. Josiah, 232, 370, 519. Sally, 519. Sarah J., 91. Burley, George W., 91. Giles, 91. Hannah B., 91. Hulda W., 91. Mary A., 91. Nancy, 91. Olive, 91. Rebecca. 91. Wheeler B.. 91. William, 91. Bvu-n, John, 93. Thomas, 93. Burnett, Annis, 352. Burnham, Abbie F., 238. Addie L., 92, 525. Alice L., 92. Alice M,, 93. Annie B., 93. Arthur E., 92. Bessie A., 93. Caroline L., 92, 294. Charles E., 92. Charles J., 92. Cyrus E., 92. Deborah, 408. Deborah, 389, Edna J., 92. Edward E., 92, 93, 490. Edward J., 93. Burnham, Elbridge E., 92. Elisha, 91, 92,'~93, 168. Eliza A., 92. Elizabeth, 512. Elizabeth G., 417. Ella D., 92. Ezekiel, 93. Frank E., 92, 513. Frank H., 93. Franklin J., 93. George, 92. George C, 92, 397. Harriet, 401. Harriet F., 93. Harry S., 92. Henry B., 92, 137, 525. Henry W., 92. Hoi:)e, 92. James, 93. James H., 93. Joan, 490. Joanna, 389. John E., 93. Jonathan, 238. Joseph, 92, 239, 294. Laura B., 91. Lydia H., 238. Mary, 93. Mary K., 92. Merton E., 92. Moses, 401, 512. Moses P., 93. Moses W., 382. Oscar R., 93. Polly, 194. Robert L., 92. Samuel, 91, 92, 389, 417. Sarah, 45/ . Sarah N., 382. Simeon, 408. Stella L., 92. Sukey, 239. Thomas, 490. William W., 92. Winfred E., 92. Burns, Almira, 94. Ann, 94. Anna, 94. Annie, 80. Annie S., 94, 390. Calvin W., 96, 444, Caroline, 95. Charles E., 96. Clara, 95. Clementine E., 95. David, 90. Eliza J., 96, 444. Ellen M., 96. Elvira C, 96. Esther E., 95. George, 94. Index of Nariws. 621 Burns, Tsnbol J., 490. .lames, 4S1). .John, !)4, Of), 96. Joseph 1'].. 95. Margaret, 94. Martha. 94. Mary. 94, 95. Marv C, 9(3. Mary E., 94. Minnie V., 9G. Mollv, 94. Nathan, 95, 221. Robert, 94. 95, 390. Iliiel W., 95. Samuel A., 9(). Samuel 8., 95. Sarah, 95, 9(), 221. Susan, 94, 95. Susannali, 90. Tliomas. 94. Wilbur 1'., 90. William, 94, 95, 292, 345. Burnside. Dudley, 539. Lydia, 539. Burpee, Augustus, 198. Ellen F., 198. Burr, Polly, 22. Rosalie K., 500. Burrill, James, 23. Burroughs, Martha, 421. Burt, Amanda (..'., 320. Barnard. 351. Betsey B., 98. Charlotte L., 97. Charlotte M., 97. Clark C, 90, 97, 252, 502. Daniel, 90. 97, 252. Dolly. 97, 443. Edmund, 97, 98. Eliza O., 97. Elizabeth, 97. Eunice, 90. Florence S., 97. Frank F., 97. George, 97. Harriet M.. 28. Hugh K., 97, 393. John. 38, 97, 98, 358. Jonathan. 320. Leyi, 97, 98, 544. Lodenia R., 544. Lois, 90. Lucretia, 97. Lucy, 98. Lydia, 9(), 97. Lydia W., 97, 98. Malina. 90, 373. Maria, 97. :Martha, 90, 252. Martin, 75, 96. Burt. :\lartin A., 13. Mary, 3S, 90. 97, 98, 3.1S. Mvra, 96, 97, 502. Nehemiah, 98. Phineas, 97. Sarah, 97, 236. Simeon, 97, 98, 236, 443. Simeon L.. 90. Stephen. 90. Warren E., 97. William. 90. Burt(m. Ann Mary. 98. AuLjuslus R.. 83, 98, 189. Hannah. 532. Harriet E., 98. Hat tie E., 98, 189. Jedediah. 98. Lorenzo 1).. 98, 431. Willie A., 98. ISnsh, Sarah. 97. Buswell. Ada M., 98. Clara L., 98. Clark S.. 98. George W., 175. Elizabeth .McC. 59. Henry C., 98. John.' 98. :\Iarion E., 98. Butler, Henry E., 407. .Tames, 201. Mary, 201. :MarV E., 350. :\Iicl'iael J.. 350. r.uttertield, John, 400. Mary. Kil. Buzzefl. Arthur II., 99. Edward. 99, 129. Ella M.. 99. Emma E., 99. Fred, 99. George. 99. Henry, 99. ■ HenrV C. 99. Herbert P., 99. Lucy. 99. Marion. 99. :Mary P., 99. Byron,' C. Paul. 57. Chester J., 57. Chester L., 57. Christella :M., 57. Clara, 57. Delia, 57. Eugene, 57. Francis \V., 57. Fred L.. 57. Helen -M., 57. Ira. 57. J. William, 57. Byron, John !•>., 57. 'Ltmls, 399. .Margaret, 57, 399. Marv, 57. Marv E., 57. .Myra A., 57. Nellie L., 57. Rilla, 57. Walter. 57. Cachoir. Caroline, 494. .foseph. 494. Cade. Elizalieth, 324. William, 324. Cady, Lucia, 503. Stillman, 480. Cahoon. Caroline E., 329. Charles S., 329. Cailler, iienj., 3()9. Caldwell, Arthur II., 99. Carrie C, 99. Eben, 99. Ebenezer, 99. Francis A., 99. Francis S.. 99. ,L Albert H., 99. John, 99. Lydia, 315. Sarah, 99. William S. E., 99. Calhoun, Alice, 100. Clementina H., 100. David, 99. Elizabeth, 100. Llizabeth H., 08. Flora, 100. Isaac, 99, 100, 200. James, 08, 99. 100, 140, 257, 381, 424, 530. Ltiella C, 100. 3S1. Lydia R.. 100. Lvdiaette, 100. Marv, 99. 257. MarV R., 100. IMiilena. 99. Rebecca, 99. Sally, 99. Sarah J., 100, 140. Solomon, 99. Calkins, Abigail, 210. Anne, 190. Ezra, 210. Callahan. Annie :\I., 100. Catherine. 100. Catlierine A., 100. Daniel, 100. Dennis, 101. Ellen. 100. llannali, 100, 470. 628 Index of Nantes. Callahan. Henry. 100. Horace. 100." James. 100, 101, 470, James A., 100, 290. James D., 100. Jeremiali, 101. John, 17. John H., 100. Josephine, 17. Josie, 101. Mary, 100, 101. Mary E., 100. Nancy, 100. William, 100. Galium, Joanna. 507. Cameron, Sabrina, 35. Campbell, Archibald, 101. Hector, 77. James. 4 SO. Janette, 240. Joseph D.. 101. Lor ana, 77. Margaret M., 101. Mary J., 101. Melinda, 305, 441. Polly, 51G. Canfield, Minnie M., 173. Cannon, Carrie M., 85. Fred, 85. Mercy W., 19. Canty, Jerome, 100. Mary, 100. Caperton. Allen F., 64. Lin C, 64. Capron, Hannah, 10. Carbee, Anna P., 285. Baxter R., 101. Clara I., 101. 250. John H., 285. Louisa A., 296. Lula M. B., 101. Martha B.. 101. Martha M., 296. Ray H., 101. Roilo O., 101. William, 101. William P., 296. Carbonneau, Annie M., 495. Archie, 101. Bertha. 101. Eddie. 101. Frank, 420. Jennie, 101. John, 101. 307. Joseph, 420. Leocudie, 101. Lewis, 101. Lillie, 101. Maud, 101. Napoleon, 495. Oliver, 101. Carljonneavi, Virginia, 307 William G., 101. Willie F., 101. Cardinal, Edward C, 102 Kate, 102. Milville H.. 102. 459. Minnette E.. 102. Oscar B., 102. Peter, 102, 414. Carey, Benjamin, 190. Chester E., 102, 336. EmilA^ L.. 102. Ethel, 102. Etta, 19. Frank, 19. Julia A., 102. Marv, 190. Olivet S., 102. Robert, 102. William, 102. Cargill, William, 75. Carleton, Aaron, 104, 105, Abigail. 104, 105. Abner, 104. Adam, 103. Addie, 105. Alfred, 105, 106. Alice, 103. Amos, 104. Anna, 105. Anne, 103. Annie C, 280. Aral)elle G., 106. Arthur, 105. Baldwin, 103. Beniamin, 104. Bertha, 105. Carrie M., 105. Charles, 105. Charles A., 106. Ebenezer, 104. Eda GJrace, 477. Edmund, 104, 105, 106. Edward, 103, 104. Eleanor, 103. Elizabetlv, 103, 104. Erasmus, 103. Fannie J., 534. Frances, 105. Gilbert, 103. Guy, 103, 389, 488. Guy C, 106. Hannah, 104, 138. Harriet M., 306. Harry W., 106. Hazel P., 477. Helena. 103. Henry, 103. Hiram, 102, 104. Jeffrey, 103. Joanna, 105, John, 103, 104, 138. Carleton. Joseph. 104. Joyce. 103. Luella M., 389. Mabel. 105. Malvina A.. 405. Mary, 103. 104, 105. ]\Iary B., 106. Mary E., 105. Mary K., 105. Mehitahlo, 104. Michael. 280. Nathaniel, l04. Nehemiah, 104. Peter, 105. Phineas, 104. Priscilla, 104. Prudence. 104. Rebecca. 105. Roswell^ 534. Sarah, 103, 104, 105, 422. Sibella, 103. Spencer, 105. Thomas, 103, 104, 105, 106. Walter, 103. William, 103, 104. Carlton, Abigail, 541. Anna, 392. Edward, 392. Elizabeth, 331. James, 373. John L., 226. Carman, Jonathan, 362. Carpenter, Abigail, 106. 108. Albert, 108. 109, 337. Alice, 461. Alonzo P., 12, 107, 226. Althea. 106. Amelia P., 380. Amos B.. 370. Arthur H., 108. Asa, 380. Aurilla F., 375. Berviah. 106. Caroline, 107, 108. Caroline A., 108. Charity H., 108. Charles E., 24. Charles Edward, 109. Charles Elwin, 109. Charles S., 109. Charles T., 109, 226. Clarissa M., 108, 175. Content, 294. Ebenezer, 108, 362. Edith, 108. Edward A., 109. Eliphalet, 108. Eliza A., 109. Elizabeth, 532. Index of Xamea. 629 Carpontor. Enoch, lOS. Eiasimis 1., 107. Eva. 110. Ezra. 2i)4. Francis 11., 108. Frank, 4r)(;. Frank (i.. 109. Franklin M., 109. Frederick A.. 109, 205. Geor<,ro, 109. 128. Geor!ironia. 133. Clou-h. Adaline :\[., 24S. Alv(Mtoii, 133, 473. Benjamin H., 133, Benoni, 12S. Charles C.. 134. Chester. 501. Clara B., 134. Clara E.. 134. Daniel :\1.. 133. 134. Edward IL. 134. Eliza J.. 128. Eliza L.. 20. 133. Elizabeth. 134, 306. Ella :\r.. 27. Ellen M., 134, Eniilv. 51(;. Emnia E.. 121. 133. Fannie. 134. Frank L., 134. 306. Georrre W.. 134. Graee E.. 134. Heurv A.. 134. Hetty L.. 134. Hiram, 269. James. 28. Jason. 134. Jeremiah. 134. Josephine. 90. Joel, 269. Julia. 354. Julia F.. 28, Leon A.. 134. Li I lias. 255. Lois J., 133. Lv.lia. 508. A label R.. 314. :\[artin. 314. :\Lirv E.. 133. ^larV M.. 28. :\rav 1.. 134. :\leiissa. 133. 212. :\nidred H.. 134. Milo IL. 134. Naney E., 133. 306. Xeheiniah S., 28. ()riss;i. 17>!. Paula L., 134. Clousxh. Robert. 121, 133, 134. 212, .306. Robert A., 120, 133. Samuel J., 133. Willard L., 134. William, 134. 1 18. Zaecheus, 133. Clute, Helen M., 219. Coan, Ann, 54. Cobb. Ann M.. 13,5. Corilla E.. 135. Elkanah. 135. 517. Ellen M., 135. Harrison S.. 135. 515. Lettice J., 517. Lvdia A.. 135. :\lartha J., 135. Simeon, 135. Cobleitrh, Aimer IL, 135. Adeline, 137. Adeline L., 137. Alice J., 138. Alvah, 136. Anna B.. 138. Ashbel W., 137, 138, 313. Betsey, 137. Betsey S., 136. Caroline, 136. Charles M.. 138. Charlotte. 136. Charlotte If.. 137, 313, Charlotte T., 137. Clarence A.. l.;s. Clarissa, 136. Cvrene J.. 136. Deborah, 135. Deborah ^l.. 135. El \V.. 194. Sarah. 154, 150. 157. Sophia, 154, 411. Roule, 154. Tluuhhuis T.. 157. 'riiaiikful. 154. Theopiiilus. 154. Thomas, 39, 153, 150, 457. Viney, 155. Willard G., 155. AViliard S., 154. William, 154. Xerxes H.. 154. Cutler, Caroline C, 127. Dorcas. 49. Eben, 127. Jothani C, 105. Laura A., 157. Lucy E., 157. Mary J., 39, 157. Stephen H., 39, 82, 157, 457. Cutter, Eliza, SO. Joseph, SO. Leonard T., 170. Mary, 438. Pliebc, 80. Richard, 438. Cutting, Rol)(>rt. 38. Cvr, Mary E., 152. "^ Peter, 152. D. Daggett, Enuna. 481. Dailey. Abbey F., 158. Benjamin. 341. Clara B., 158. Edith C, 158. John E., 01. 158. Keziah. 153. Laura R., 158. i\Iartin. 158. Olive, 414. Sophia J., 341. Daisy, Addie, 158. Albert, 158. Anna, 158. Annie M., 158. Edward, 158. Flora D., 158. George, 15S. George A., 158. Ida, 158. .lohn. 158. .Joseph E., 158. Jose])h 11.. 15S. Dale. Georye .\.. (53. Daley. Jolin, 102. IMaiiiuerite. 102. Dally, Mary L.. 530. Da Item, Alice, 341. Charles 15.. 15S. Edward T., 158. Emma L., 158. Helen M., 158. Lodema R.. 544. Lucius, 544. Melvin P.. 158. Napoleon B., 158. Nathan, 158. Susan M., 158. Dame, Bessie T., 159. Dana P., 159. Elizabeth A., 159. Florence M., 159. Mary, 520. William F.. 159. Damon, Ivan M., 308. John F.. 308. Mary, 119. Dane. Abigail, 104. Danforth, Anne, 373. Betsey. 194. Edward K.. 159. George L., 79. 159. Henry, 231. Ida B., 159. Jessie A., 159. • Julia A., 159. Sarah J., 159. Sylvia, 231. Daniel, Alice, 103. Caroline E., 159. Clara. 159. Edward. 159. Emma. 159. Gerrard, 103. Joseph, 159. ^largerv. 522. Newell,' 159. Persis, 400. Peter 159. Rosa, 159. Vina, 159. Daniels, Luella ]\I., 75. Mary A., 393. 638 Index of Names. Darling, Benjamin, 241. C. B., 444. Mary A., 241. Menal H., 270. Davenport, Amanda, 223. Amanda H., 45. Kate, 71. Nathaniel, 192. Davis, Aaron, 3G2. Albert C, 175. Carrie, lUO. Charlie, 160. Clara L., 160. Daniel L., 160. Edgar F., 160. E. H., 85. Elmira S., 160. Frederick, KiO. Frederick L., 134. George VV., 18. Oilman, 440. Grace H., 160. James, 37, 218. Joanna, 5, 177. John S., 160, 200, 318. Jonathan, 416. Judith, 218. Lilla, 18. Margaret, 5. Maria R., 523. Martha A., 416. Mary, 141, 334. Matnew, 5. May, 480. Melissa M., 160. Nellie A., 160, 200. Noah, 23. Sarah, 141, 159. W. P., 139. William, 141, 159, 431. William E., 160. Davison, Amory, 528. Henry C, 9. Mary A., 9. Day, Abigail, 161. Allen, 161. Allen E., 161. Amanda, 161, 196. Andrew J., 161. Angeline, 161. Betsey, 160. Carl, 162. Carlos P., 161, 162, 165. Charles B., 161. Chastina, 161. Clark C, 522. Comfort, 7, 160, 161, 196. David, 161. Edith A., 161. Edward P., 162. Ellen C, 162. Elmer E., 282. Day, Ezra A., 161. Fanny, 161. Fred R., 162. Hannah, 136. Harley W., 161. Harry C, 161. Holland H., 161. John, 136. Laura; A., 161. Leah, 273. Lvicinda J., 161. Lvicy, 161. , Lydia V., 161. Mabel C, 189. Marguerite A., 162. Mary Ann, 161. Mercy, 293. Morrill C, 161. Noah, 273. Olive, 136, 161. Oliver P., 161, 102. Pliny, 528. Polly, 161. Ransom S., 161. Sarah, 108. Stephen, 161. William F., 189. Willis B., 161. Dayton, Mary, 261. Ralpii, 261. Deal, Hattie, 197. Dean, Abbie J., 378. Andrew J., 185. Annie B., 185. Charles F., 162, 332. Charles M., 162. Charles R., 162. Cyrena D., 220. • Elhanan W., 220. Emma H., 401. Henry M., 162. Isabella, 162. Jonathan, 378. Leah, 373. Martin M., 162. Sally, 143. William P., 273. De Angulo, Gilbert, 543. Dearborn, Anna, 275. Elvira P., 204. John, 42. JNIary, 42. William S., 20*4. Dearden, Annie J., 495. James, 495. Dearth, Willie E., 486. De Fosse, Daniel, 162. Edith i\l., 162. Ellen, 146. Florence M., 162. George W., 162. John, 146, 162. De Fosse, Margaret, 162. Nelson P., 162. Delano, Adeline F., 9. E. H., 9. Henry, 432. Henry T., 217. Lizzie S., 432. Nathan, 154. Thankful, 154. Delany, Ellen, 162. Ellen T., 162. John, 162. John L., 162. Lawrence, 162. Mary Ann, 162. Wilfiam G., 162. Delarier, Lucy, 473. Delzell, Otto, 319. Denison, Ann, 163. Avery, 163. Catherine, 163. Electa, 163. Elish, 163. Elvira P., 163. George, 163. Grace M., 163. Isaac, 163. John, 163. Keturah, 163. Lucius, 163. Lucy C, 163. Lucv M., 163. Mary, 163. Tliankful, 163. William, 163. William B., 163. William K., 163. Dennis, Joseph P., 181. Marah, 38. Dennison, Avery, 339. Clara A., 427. Desire, 339. Denton, Eleanor, 103. Dewey, Bele S., 111. Lilla, 526. Dewing, Jennie H., 258. Dexter, Clark, 117. Daniel, 266. Deborah, 243. Douglas, 135. Ephraim, 424. John, 243. Laura C, 243. Laura M., 266. Martha A., 337. Martha H., 216. Mary, 4()5. Putnam, 216. Ruby, 44. Sally, 493. Dibble, Almira, 368. Dickerson, Addie M., 540. Index of Names. 639 Dickerson, Uortlui, lOU. riiscillii, 424. lloswcll, Kid. Dickey. Aiii,n'line M., 260. Edward d., 1!). Mary, 491. William, 4i)l. Uickiiisoii, Natlian, 508. Dickson, Harry, 104, 424, 508. Henry, 14. James, 1G4. Lizzie, 104. Dillingham, Sarah, 99. Dimond, Jacob, 445. Mary, 445. Dinkens, Jane B., 154. Diiismoor, Hannah. 170. Divine, Bridget, ;527. Di.x, Susanna, 310. Di.xon, Carrie B. .J., 104, 341. William, 104. .William H., 104, 341. Dodge, Abbie, 100. Alice F., 105. Alice Al., 107. Almira J., 400. Ann E., 100. Baker, 105. Bell A., 100. Benjamin H., 100. Bertlia, 160. Betsey C, 105, 337. Blanche E., 106. Carrie G., 166. Clarence L., 166. Cordelia, 114. David, 208. Earl 1., 166. Effie J., 166. Ellen C, 102, 105. Ellen M., 105. Elniira G., 166, 524. Ernest, 160. Eunice, 105. Florence Elizabeth, 160. Florence Etta, 166. Frances C. S., 165. Fred Arthur, 166. George B. MeC, 100. Grace L., 106. Gertrude M., 160. Hannah C, 105. Harvey L., 10(). Hattie F., 107. Herbert, 160. Irena, 106. Isaac, 100. James, 100, 208. Jessie F., KiO. Joanna, 104. Dodge, John, 114,165, 166. Kate E.. 1()5. Levi Baker, 136, 162, 165. Lottie M., 167. Louisa, lt)5. Lucy E., I(i6. Lucy v., 85, 166. Lutlier H., 165. Lydia, 1()4. Aiarsliall C, 165. Martha, 128, 164. Martha Anna, 105. Martha C, 107. Martha T., 105. Mary, 164, 165, 208. Mary Ann, 100. Mary Jane, 100. Alary S., 100. Alaryetta, 100. Nancy AL, 105. Aatlian, 420. iXellie, 420. Ulcott T., 107. I'earl, 100. I'oily, 104. iUcliard, 212, 320. ilinaldo, 128, 105, 100, 524. Robert, 104. Sally, 303. Simeon, 148, 104, 165, 337, 466. Theodore A., 167. William, 164, 165. William C, 165. William J., 450. Dolbee, Frank, 77. Dole, Cliarles A., 407. ' Dollins, Emma L., 177. D(magliy, Nellie .VI., 107. Noble, 107. Donnelly, Helen F., 288. Donovan, M. T., 341. Dooil, Dorothy, 392. D'Doge, Leonard, 107. Martin L., 107, 542. Mary, 107. Dooley, John, 290. Katie, 290. Alary Ann, 80. Patrick, 80. l)()()ling,'Nellie, 443. Doolittie, Celestina, 273. Dorman, Georgianna, 520. Dort, Deborah. 457. Dorten, Hattie F., 139. James, 139. Julia, 510. Doty. David. 300. Dougherty. Hannah, 341. TimothV, 341. Doughty, William J., 355. Douglass, Adeline, 168. ArcliiOaid, 167. Curtis C, 168. Darius, 108. Douglass B., 1G8. Erasius, lOti. Hannah D., 168. Hannah i'., 168. James, 107. Joanna, 108. John, 168, 351. Louisa, 168. LvUia, 168. Aiary D., 168. Aioiiy, 167. I'ami'lia, 168. iioswell, 168. bamuel, 107, 168. Sea\er, 168. Simeon, 168. William, 167. William B., 168. William V., 168. Dow, Ada 1-., 109. Amos, 171, 270. Amos 11., 171. Ann A., 109. Annie E., 109. Arthur i<'., 21, 109. Caroline G., 109, 358. Catherine, 170. Catherine B., 169, 402. Charles AL, 170. De.vter D., 171. Edith Alay, 109. Elizabeth T., 170. Ella AL, 109. Ellen AL, 109. Elvira B., 109. Emily B., 109. Emma, 170. Emma E., 21, 169. George B., L"0. George L., 169. Henry, 295. Huhlah, 171. James, 91, 168, 169,171, 174, 252, 294, 402, 435, 481. James B., 170. Jennette, 171. Jennie A., 171, 257. John G., 383. Joseph E., 23, 40, 170. Laura B., 108. Laura Baxter, 91. Leslie J., 109. Lutlier T., 168, 169, 202, 544. Lydia, J6S, 109. Aiandana, 171, 276. 640 Index of Names. Dow, Margaret, 295. Mary, 17 0. Mary A., 109. Mary J., 171. Mary L., l(i!». Mary T., lliU. Melinda, IIU. Moses, 109, 170. Moses A., 170. Naomi H., 108, 435. Phebe, 170. Philura M., 383. Robert McLean, 109. Robert M., 109, 537. Samuel, 108, 171. Samuel 11., 171, 270. Serapliiua L., 109. Susan H., 109, 174. William A., 457. William K., 171, 222, 257. William Kingsley, 171. Downer, Kate L., 304. Lucena M., 98. Lydia, 320. Marlin, 98. Mattie R., 373. Tliomas, 304. Downs, Laura VV., 246. Nahum, 240. Dowrie, Agnes, 298. David, 298. Dowse, Aaron C, 437. Lenna, 297. Mary Ann, 191. Doyle, Mary E., 351. Drake, Abraham, 232. Abram, 134. Amy, 232. ^ Daniel, 250. Francis, 319. Hannah, 12. James, 12, Lucy C, 205. Lucy M., 373. Mary H., 319. Rhoda, 250. Drew, Aaron, 172. Alfred E., 172. Andrew, 172. Anna, 172. Anna E., 172. Daniel, 425. Elizabeth E., 88. George K., 88, 172, 282. John, 171, 172. Katie A., 172. Lemuel, 172. Lucy A., 172. Lydia A., 172, 282. Lydia H., 172. Sarah, 171. Drew, Setli, 527. ^Villiam, 171. Drohen, Clara E., 172. Edward, 172. Edward F., 172. Ernest F., 172. Flossie E., 172. Ida A., 172. Thomas, 172. Drown, Amos, 240. George, 180. Grosvenor 1., 271. Hiram, 482. Mary E., 271. Mary J., 482. Drury, Hattie E., 415. Mary, 148. Rachel, 191. Thomas, 191. Winsor, 415. Duard. Pauline, 195. Dublin, Elizabeth. 441. DuCiarette, Josepii, 533. Joseph P., 533. Dudley, Charles H., 397. Fanny, 284. Joaiuia, 128. Olivia iM., 128. Samuel, 477. Sarah A., 141. Dull', Esther, 236. John, 152, 236. Sadie, 152. Dully, Ann, 172. Jennie, 172. Mary, 85, 172. Peter, 85. 172, 409. Rhoda, 172, 409. Dufoe, Joseph, 239. Dummer, Elizabeth, 315. Shubael, 315. Dunbar, Amanda, 173. Amanda AL, 173. Ciiarles E., 173. David, 173, 312. Electa, 173. Emma, 173. Eva S., 115, 173. Helen M., 173. Henry E., 173. Jacob K., 115, 173, 311, 455. John C, 173. Julia M., 173, 455. Lillias M., 173. Lizzie E., 173. Lucia AL, 173. Lucretia M., 173, 318. Luther K., 173. Mary, 173, 299. Marv Electa, 173, 212. Mary Ella, 173. Dunbar, Alary R., 173. Sally S., 173. Sarah, 173. Sophia, 312. William A., 173. Duncan, George, 497. Mary, 497. Sarah, 140. Duncklee, .Jesse, 338. Sarah, 338. Dunham, Clarinda A., 232. Dunklee, Florence A., 239. George J., 239. Dunn, Adah B., 174. Addie AL, 174. Albert N., 174. Arthur H., 174. Edna, 174. Edwin F., 174. Ellery D., 109, 174. Freeman S., 174. Harriet, 3-3. Harry C, 174. Henry, 174. j Jessie AL, 233_. Joshua, 98, 1/4. Josiah, 174. Lucy, 98. Alaggie, 484. Susan Hines, 174. Dunnells, Clotilde. 302. Felix, 302. Dunster, Anne, 470. Dunton, Calvin, 174. Ebenezer, 174. George W., 174. James T., 174. Luther, 174. Polly, 174. Reuben, 174. Ruth Ann, 174. Sarah, 174. Durgin, Betsey F., 175. Hannah, 434. John, 175. Lydia, 175, 351. Alartha, 175. Alartha S., 365. Alary S., 175. AIcKenzie T.. 175, 305. William, 219, 434. Durkee, Aloreton A., 203. Durlam, Betsey Ann, 501. Frederic, 44, 502. Alarv Jane, 44. Dustin, John E., 20, 150. Duston, Paul, 428. Sarah, 428. Dutton, Charles E., 520. Alarinda, 417. Dwight, Timothy, 527. Dwiunell, Tryphenia, 486. Index of XamcH. 641 Dyko, Adeline M., ITo, ■H){). A., 177. (ieorye B., 177. (ieor;ie ]\I., 177. -Tames A., 177. James H.. 177, 315. Jennie, 177. Jeremiah. 115. IIG, 17G, 4()(). Lois, lU). 40(). .Mary. 17(;. jNlarv ('., 177. ]\Ieh'ital)le. 176. Nathan, 176. Beheeca, 17G. Robert, 17G. Sarah, 17G. Sarah IT., 177. Seth. 17G. Susannah. 17G. Thomas, 17G, 177. Eastman. Aaron A., 548. Ahial. 142, 180. Adeline. 447. Alice M., 181. Alice P., 182. Almena, 128. Almira, 178. Arthur E., 181. Arza, 7G, 178. Baker, 544. VOL. III. — 41 Eastman, Barnard 1)., 182. 188. Barrett. 179. Belle, 548. Caleb, 182. Calvin. 177. Caroline E., 182. Caroline W.. 182. Charles B., 178. Charles F., 180, 181, 475. Charles INT., 182. Charles W., 180. Chester, 114. Clinton W., 183. Cvrus, 79, ISO, 181,289, "427, 484. David, 183. Deborah. 177. 520. Dorcas H., 332. Ebene/.er, 180, 183,408. Edward ])., 181. E.lward F., 181. T':(l\vin J.. ISO. Elizabeth, 141, 178, 179. Ellen ¥., 544. Elma G., 181. Em i lie E., 180, Emma M., 13. Emma May, 178. F. A., 30. " Fannie, 498. Francis A.. 178. Frank T., 181. Franklin J., 180, 181. Frederick E.. 178. (Jalan F.. 548. (ieoriii', 181. (George W., 181. CeorMaria. 7G. 178. .Martha Amelia. ISO. Martha Ann, 180, 289. Mary, 170. 350. Mary Adelia, 181. Mary Ann. 178, 183. ]\larv i:., 183. ]\larv I., LSI. MarV L., 180. MarV R., 181. Mary S., 182. ]\Iason K., 180. Moses, 141, 183. ]\Iyron B.. 182. Nathaniel. 179. Nellie D.. 181. Obediah. 17!l, 422. rhebe. 177. ^.^hilip, 179, 182, 183, 350. Rebecca, 177, 178, 179. 422. Richard. 334. Richard T.. 181. Roger, 177, 179, 183, 350, 548. Roxanna. 178. Rufus, 182. Ruth, 177. Sally, 179. Samuel, 179. Sarah, 144, 180, 183. Sarah .M., ISO, 4GS. Seaborn, 421. Serviah, 178. Simeon, 177, 279, 548. Sophia, 4](i. Stephen, 178. Stei)hen A., 128, 178, 219. Susan. 181. Susan French, 180. 642 Ittde.v of Names. Eastman, Susan H., 180. Susan 11., 183. Susan v., 422. Thomas, 177. Willard, 17(i. William, 177, 179. William A., 178. William B., 179. Zachariah, 520. Eaton. Abigail, 331. Albert, 184. Albert S., 184, 457. Alice M., 183. Amy M., 184. Ann, 183, 309. Belle F., 184. Charles, 183, 23G. Charles F., 183. Clara Sophronia, 184. Cora B., 183. Cyrus, 184, 255, 457. Ebenezer, 183. Ella A., 328. Ellen J.. 255. Emma M., 184. Frank P., 184. C4eorge H., 183. Georgianna, 184. Harry F., 184. Harry M., 183. Henry A., 183, 301. Hirain, 184. James, 184. James W., 184. John, 309. Jonathan, 331. Joseph, 184, 411, 541. Julia Ann, 183. Julia Anne, 183. Lucinda, 184. Lucitta, 184. Lvdia, 370. j\{arshall A., 68, 184. Mary, 541. Mary E., 184. Maud C, 184. Mehitable, 29, 331. Melissa, 184. Mitchell H., 183. Mvra G., 183. Ol'ive, 184. Rel)ecca, 1S4. Eobert, 59. Koxanna, 184. Pvuth, 183, 331. Samuel, 331. Sarah, 183. Sarah E., 59. Sarah J., 183. Sophronia, 457. Stephen, 183, 328. Stephen L., 183. Eaton, William R., 184. Edgerly, Mary, 112. Edmands, Aaron L., 184. Carl W., 184. Charles W., 184, 277. Edgar L., 184. Etta, 184. Florence L., 184. John, 1S4. John E.. 184. Kezia, 259. Louva D., 184. Olive E., 184. Ormacinda, 277. Edmunds, Aaron, 187, 194. Alice F., 327. Eliza, 194. Jane, 187. Mary Jane, 311. Edson, Bessie M., 185. Betsey, 185. Caroline B., 185, 218. Clara M., 185. George A., 185. Hannah M., 185. Harold A., 185. Samuel A., 185, 349. Sue C, 185, 349. Timothy A., 185, 218, 514. Edwards, Ebenezer, 349. Lucv, 275. ]\Iary Ann, 168. Mary P., 349. Eggles'ton, Mary E., 400. Simoon, 400. Eldredge, Marcelhis, 470. Eldridge, Ervin E., 548. Irving E., 150. Puchard W., 548. Eliot, John, 163. Elkins, Abbie E., 185, 232. Abigail, 502. Ann Eliza R., 185. Annie B., 185. Arvilla R., 185. Dencie C, 185. Earl B., 186. Emma A.. 185, 231. Ezra B., 185, 210, 231, 232, 329. 433, 452. Frank K., 185. Frank P., 185. Harry B., 185. Jennie L., 185. Joanna Q., 185, 452. John, 502. Julia C. 185, 433. Martha M., 185, 210. Mary W., 185, 329. Maud D., 186. Elkins, Ruth, 440. Sarah, 502. Elliott, Abbie, 367. Ada M., 186. Amelia M., 187. Annette, 187. Arthur W., 188. Benjamin F., 187. Bessie E., 187. Charles A., 187, 367. Charles F., 187. Charles H., 188. Daniel, 54, 186, 187. David R., 187. Edgar F., 187. Eliza, 186. Eliza A., 186. Emma, 186. 419, 459. Emma M., 187. Flossie L., 187. Frank W., 72, 187. George R., 187. Georgia, 522. Grace B., 187. Hannah A., 187. Hannah E., 186. Hannah J., 186. Harrv B., 187. Hattie T., 188. Henry A., 186. James, 181. James G., 186. Jane, 187. John G., 186, 197. Joseph, 170. Katie, 187, 483. Lois B., 181. Margaret, 186. Margarette E., 186. Mary, 186, 382. Mary G., 190. Mary I., 187. Maud, 187. Millie H., 186. Mvra, 187. M'vra E., 187. Rebecca, 186, 351. Rebeccah F., 54. Rennie C, 186. Sarah, 417. Sarah J., 186, 187. Stella B., 186. Sumner, 186, 187. Susan, 186, 217. Susan M., 186. Warren, 186, 187, 217, 275, 351, 420, 459. William R., 186, 187, 483. Willie, 187. Willie R., 187. Ellis, Georofo H., 181. Index of JVanies. 648 Ellis, John, 27. Mary, .'57"). Willinin, 70. Ellison. Andrew, 99. Carrie C, 99. May, 322. Ellsworth, Eliza, 4M. Ehnor, Alice V., ISS. Almira, 188. Orrin, 188. Sydney A., 188. Elmore, Heman II., 528. Elms, Ann E., 58. Caroline, 8. Leonard, 8, 58, l.^fi. Ely, Caroline W., 55, 188. Caroline Warner, 182. Charles R., 188. Cvrvis, 250. Frederick L., 188. Ceorge B., 188. Ceorf^e P., 430. Geor-re W., 182, 188, 410. Guv, 188, 514. Hannah, 188. Henrv G., 188. Isaac H., 188. Marv S., 188. IMerindn, 188. Nancy, 188. Relief, 188. William II., 188. Emerson, Anna P., 542. Arthur W., 189. Brown, 406. Cicelia, 189. Cicelia D., 1 s^9. Dorothy. 189. E. Darwin. 499. Hannah. 170. John, 357. Joseph, 415, 442. Joseph C, 189. Julia, 351. Kenneth W. J., 189. Luthera, 357. IMahel C, 1S9. Paul A., 189. Sarah J., 95. Emery, Abigail, 156. Charles, 189. Eleanor. 26. Harrv Y., 98, 189. Ira, 189. John, 242, 507. John, Jr., 26. John, Sr.. 26. John B., 189. Marv, 507. Mary E., 287. Mattie M., 1S9. ■ I'^mcrv, ^ros(>s, 156, 287. Ruth. 242. Sarah, 26. Sophia A., 189. Willis, 189. Emmons, Catherine, 14. Henry, 14. English', Abel. 190. Abigail, 190. Anne. 190. Chira1)el, 190. David, IS!). Elizabeth, 189. Eugene G., 190. Frank C, 190. Fred II., 190. John. 190. John W.. 190. 273. Marv, 189. 190. INIarV E., 190. Melissa, 190. Richard. 189, 190. Ensign, John F., 177. Esterbrooks, Liither, 83. Sophronia, 83. Ethridge, Grace, 45. Samuel, 45. Eudv, Leonard A., 190. Mabel, 190. Maria W., 190. Marv G., 190. William D., 190. Evans, Carter, 74. James, 351. I\!artha, 520. Stephen. 429. Everett. Charles F., 75, 190, 191. Comfort, 69. Edward N., 190. Eleazer, 165. Frank II. . 190. Fred, 190. Helen, 191. Ida E., 365. Isabel, 191. Lucy, 165. j\Iarv G., 190. ]Mary J., 190. :M()odv, 365, 404. Nathaniel II.. 190, 191, 463. Willard, 165. Ewen, Mary Ann, 468. William," 468. F. Fairbnnk, Amanda, 78, 191. Anna, 191. Fairbnnk. Deborah. 191. Drurv. 78. 191, 192. George, 191. Grace L., 191. Harriet N., 192. John. 335. John M., 191. .Tonathan, 191. Lucretia, 191. Lucretia A., 192. Lvdia, 191. ^iary. 191, 335. Rachtd. 191. Sarah. 191. Timothy R., 191. Fairbaid. Charles T., 197. Comfort D., 190. Curtis T.. 195. Cyrus D., 194. Daniel, 192. Deborah M., 193. Ebenezer, 192. 193, 194, 195, 259, 363, 481, 488. Edith M.. 199. Edmund N., 194. Ed^vard C, 197. Edwin, 195. Elanson, 186, 194, 197, 199. Elhridtre. 195. Elijah, 193, 194, 197. Eliza, 194. Eliza Ann, 195. Eliza C, 198. Eliza D., 197. Elizabeth, 192, 193, 195, 220. Ellen M., 196, 371. Elmira C. 194. Emily W., 197. Emma F., 190. Emma U.. 195, 539. Ephraim W., 193, 195, 275. Estella B., 197. Eyaline, 194. Eyarts W., 196, 198, 467. Eyeline, 193. 481. Fannie, 193. Florence S., 199. Farr, Georg-e, 192, 196, 198, 245, 290. George W., 195, 197. Gertrude T., 198, 290. Gilman, 15, 193. 195, 197, 252, 482, 506. Grace E., 198, 245. Hannah, 192. Hannah C. 197. Harry M., 198. Haskell, 193. 194. Helen M., 199. Henry, 195. Henry H., 197. 199. Hepsibah, 192. Herbert A., 199. Ida L.. 199. Isaac, 224. John, 41. 51. 192, 193, 195, 196. 198, 199, 371. 539. John W.. 194, 197. John W., Jr., 48, 197. Jonathan. 192. Joseph, 193, 194, 197, 424. Joseph E., 197. Julia, 444. Julia A.. 195. Kate, 197. Laura, 195. Laura J., 194, 496. Leah. 273. Leslie B.. 198. Lizzie, 195. Lorenzo. 193, 194. Louisa, 194, 195, 201. Lovica, 193, 488. Lucinda, 193, 363. Lydia, 135, 192, 193, "424. Lydia C, 195, 252. ]\iarietta P., 197. IMarilla, 20, 194. Mary, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 259. Mary D., 194. Mattie, 400. Nellie E., 197. Nelson C, 400. Nelson Cobleigh, 193, 196, 200, 312. Noah, 1.35, 137, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 220, 240, 388. Noah T., 194. Norman. 193, 195, 275. Olive, 194. Persis, 196. Philander, 101, 193, 190. Philena, 195, 500. Farr, Philena A.. 195. Phinisa, 137, 193. Polly. 194. Rosina, 194. Samuel, 192, 193. Sarah, 53, 193, 195. Sarah A., 197, 198. Sarah M., 199. Saraphina, 194. Sophronia, 133, 194. Sophronia L., 190. 200, 312. Stella B., 196. Stella Bertha, 186. Stephen, 192. Siunner, 195. Sumner E.. 128. Susan F., 19(i. Susan W.. 53, 193. Theron A., 195, 198, 231. Thomas, 192. Titus, 20, 133, 193. 194, 197. Trvphena, 195, 196,371. Walter H., 198. Farrar, John, 107. Sarah, 167. Farrington, Eunice. 279. Farwell, Albert, 501. Ephraim, 34. Hannah, 4. 42. Henry A.. 423. Lucimla, 501. Nancy, 34. Sophia, 514. Fay, Aohsah. 470. Betsey, 249. Edward, 215. Joseph, 476. Julia Ann, 215. Leyi, 249. Lizzie, 76. Lucy. 476. Saniuel, 208. Fearon, Lena M., 253. Stephen, 253. Felch. Cordelia, 119. Joseph, 119. Sarah, 498. Fellows, Augusta M.,23L Caroline A., 219. George R., 517. Joseph W.. 85. Mary E., 85. Moses, 219. Moses A., 231. Felton, Nathan B., 280, 470. Ferguson, Abbie, 528. George W., 75, 199. John, 87, 199. Index of Xames. G4.- Foro-nson, Sophia A., lOt). Thomas, lit'.). F(>nis, Carrie M., 431. duuios, 4:51. Fidlor, Klizahoth, 283. William, 2S3. Field, iMarv E.. 379. iMoses D., 450. I'atience, 4r)(!. Fi field. Elizahelli, 4G7. ilHty L., 134. Julia A., I.")!). Toliiian, 159. Filer, Helen, 253. Fiiilay, Mary, 40. Finnigan, Aliehael, 199. Fatriek J.. 199. Fish, Annie L., 235. Jane E., 78. Fi.sher, Aaron D., 20, 200, 401. Annette, 200. Carrie S., 200. D. W.. 318. Ebenezer, 343. Eddie C, 200. Edward E., 200. Edward JM., 100, 200. Elenora, .394. Eliza A., 200. Eliza r>.. 200. Flossie :\I., 200. Ceorjre F., 200. Helen L., 200. Henry C, 200. Henry J., 200, 305,518. Lizzie J., 200. Lois. 389. Lorenzo D., 190, 200, 312. Mary H., 200. IMcletiah, 335. Nellie A., 200. Nellie E.. 200, 401. Orin :M., 200. Rosetta, 200. Samiud, 335. So])hronia L., 190, 200, 312, 498. Thomas, 389. Thomas 0., 200. Fisk. Adaline M., 200, 201. Albert, 428. Benjamin. 100, 201. Betsey. 200. BurtH., 201. Blanche iM., 201, 417. Charles, 104. 20L Charlotte, 175. Delia L., 201. Esther A., 245. Fisk. Enii-ene, 201. Fannie E.. 201. Ceorji-e. 201. Ilarrv B.. 201. llenr'v W., 201, 210 417. Trail B., 201. Jane E.. 201. Jennie, 201. Leona. 201. Louise. 200. Luev A., 201, 213. Luev E.. 100. Marv. 201. Mina F., 201. Balph. 245. Ivichard. 201. l{ylan E.. 201. Simeon, 201. William, 175, 200, 201 213. Fiske, Abigail, 49. Fitch, Ahnira B.. 203. Amanda M.. 202. Austin T.. 202. Charles H.. 202, 203. Edward ('.. 203. Elijah, 202, 203, 290, 400. Elizabelh. 202. 203. Elvira 1!.. 109, 202. Emily, 203. Eunice, 202. Frank, 203. Georiife E., 203. Henry W., 511. Jeremiah, 202. John. 203. Julia E.. 203. Leonard F., 202. Linda. 203. Louisa, 203, 290. Louisa C, 202. Martha L. T.. 203. Marv. 201, 203. Moses. 202. Paul. 203. 343, 344. Raehel. 202. Reb(>cea. 202. Samuel. 202, 203. Sarah, 202. Solomon, 109, 202, 203. Stella A.. 203. Susan. 202. 203. Susie E., 203. Zaeherv, 201, 202. Fitts, Orvis, 304. Fitzuerald. Ai. 204, 205. Ailiert L.. 204. Anna. 204. Arelhusa. 204. Arthur M., 205. Fiiz-i-erahl. Bertie, 205. Charlotte, 204, Christina B., 205, 420. Haniel. 204, 205, 357, 302, 304. 499. I'Jiza Ann, 204. Elizabeth, 204. 357. Emilv B.. 204. Francis, lOi). Francis West, 205, 420. Francis Willie, 205. Ceorfre L., 204. Harriet J.. 205. Harvey, 205. Helen.' 205. Helen M.. 205. Jemima, 204, J(>rusha, 205. John. 205, 374. Jonathan. 204. Josephine. 137, 205. Juliette. 205, Kate M,, 109, 205. Loanda. 205. Luev. 204. 205. Luc'v C. 205. Martha H.. 205. :Marv, 204, 205. Marv D„ 205, 374. Michael. 204, Nancy. 204, 499. Nellii" IL. 205. Olive. 204. Peter, 204. 205. 508. Polly C. 204. 304. Kandoliih A., 204. Rufus. 204. Samuel. 204. 205. Sarah A.. 205. Susan. 204. Theodoci.is, 304. Theodocius D,, 205. Timothy. 204. Fitzpa trick, Catherine, 450. ^\illiam. 450. Flanders. Alice L, 20G. Alma, 77, Annie E.. 274. Charles A.. 407. Emma C, 200. (;eor<,'-e L,. 10. 206. John, 200, 308. Joseph C. 274. Lucinda. 394. :\lary. 505, Mary A,. 200, JIary Ann. 200. Mary (r.. 308, Nathaniid. 20G. Philip. 394. Ray W., 200. 646 Index of Names. Flanders, Ptoul)?'!!, 77. Walter P.. 200, 413. Flemino-. Catlierine, 542. John F.. 352. Fletcher, Diana I., 259. Helen C. 200. Lucia n ]\I., 206. Lucian INIavnard, 20G. Liicv, 305. " Maria E., 206. Marv B., 203. MarV E., 200. Nancy L., 264. Samuel, 203. Susannah G., 203. Thomas M., 200. Luna, 273. Flint. Abigail. 206. Elbridge. 207. Georoe. 270. Henrv H., 207. Joel, '207. John, 200, 207. Marv, 200, 207. Mary E., 270. Miranda J., 276. Rufus F.. 207. Sarah. 207. Silence, 207. Thomas, 200, 207. Flood, Edward F., 150. Marv. 30S. Flvnn," Elizabeth, 145. Isabel M.. 403. Fogg, Ai S., 207. Albion R.. 207. Alice, 207. Carrie L., 207. Edffar O., 207. Edward. 25. James H., 207. John A., 207, 429. Miriam, 317. Folev, Mary E., 44R. Mitchell. '448. Folger. Allen. 338. Ellen A., 338. Follett, Ruth, 100. Sarah, 171. William, 171. Folsom, Abraham, 43. Edwin W., 414. Elizabeth, 43. Hattie B., 34. Ira. 35. Martha, 301. Mary, 127. Nathaniel, 301. Peter, 127. Foot. Frank, 82. Forbes. Agnes D., 143. Josiah, 150. Forbes, Mary E., 150. Forbush, Anna, 328. James, 328. Ford. Clarissa, 18. Del)orah, 153. Lydia, 178. Margaret, 157. Sally S., 173. Seth, 173. Forrest, Lauristine I. 125. Forrester, Francis, 535. Marv A. B., 422. Forsai'th, David, 378. Esther, 410. Sally, 378. Fortin, Adolphine, 309. Foss, Alfred. 207. Arthur, 207. Henrv, 207. Lizzie. 207. T\Iary E.. 350. P^aymond, 207. Stephen, 207. Walter, 207. Foster. Abigail. 208. Albert A.'. 208. Alfred, 501. Alice M., 209. Allen. 114. 208, 209. Angel ine, 209. Au'o-nsta L.. 209. Caroline, 208. Curtis, 8, 208. Edwin M.. 208. Elisha, 480. Ellen, 208. Emily, 208. Eunice. 287. Ezra, 112, 208, 209. Fern J., 209. Frank, 208. 466. Franklin, 297. Fred, 208, 209. George, 208, 209, 269. George H., 59. Grove H., 209. Harriett, 208. Harvey J., 209. Helen' J., 208. Helen P., 209. Henry, 208. Herbert, 20!). Isaac, 208, 209. Israel, 525. John, 81, 208, 209. John L., 209. 350, 467. John Luther, 209. Joseph, 208. Lavina, 208. Lois. 208. Martha, 151, 475. Foster, Mary, 208, 209, 375. 384. Milo T., 208. Mvrtie ]\[., 209. Nancy, 208. Paulina A., 525. Pearl M., 209. Ray S., 209. Reoinald, 384. Ruth. 100. Sarah, 377. Fournier. Adele, 209. Clara M., 209. Dolor, 209. Jedeou, 209. Joseph, 209. Mary, 455. Nelson. 209. Omus, 209. Peter, 209. Wilfred, 209. Fowler, Charles J., 451. Ezra, 204. Hannah, 27. Louisa, 451. Margaret, 428. Mary H., 451. Oscar F., 451. Philip, 428. Timothv, 251. Fox, Abigail, 251. Hannah, 294. Marinda, 105. Francis. Charles S., 51. Isabel, 51. :\[artha A., 400. Freeman, Abig.-iil, 00. French, Alma'^M., 210. Andrew J., 4^5. Ardell H., 485. Augustus J., 210, 394. Chester, 136. Collins, 376. Dexter H., 185, 210, 322. Dorothy. 405. Elizabeth, 7. Ellen. 50. Flora F.. 417. George G., 210. Hannah, 415. Harry F. D., 288. Horace. 185, 210, 417. John, 415. John H., 220. ' Joseph, 288. Judith, 229. Lucy A., 172. Mabel B., 210, 308. Maria D.. 220. Martha M., 210. Mary. 415. Index of Karnes. 647 ricncli,:\I:uvA..210,.*]22. Mary (!.. 220. ]\Iatildii A.. 210. Oscar F., 210. Saiimel P.. 288. Sarali P., 288. yinu'oii, 4():''). Prost, PtMijaiiiin, 41.'). Mary, 41.5. Mattie J., 210. Minnie E., 210. I'ores M., 210. Pinckncy. 210. Will M.", 210. Frve, Albert J., 211. Austin P.. 211. Cora W.. 211,485. Duleenia M.. 211, 408. Pmilie II.. 211. Freeman S., 211. Ida Mav. 211. John, 211. Joseph, 211. 28(1, 48.-). Joseph 8., 211, 408. ^lal.el A.. 211. Marv A., 289. Nanev, 286, 289. NaneV A., 211. Solon A., 211,488. Susie B., 211. Fulfonl, Alvah S.. 211. Archihahl C, 112. 211. Dan. 212. Edwin, 211. Eliphalet, 211, 375. Ellen. 212. Frank. 212. Fred, 173, 212. fieortre, 211. Hannah, 211. Ida A., 211. John, 211. Mandana, 171, 270. Milo E., 171. 211, 270. Phel)e J.. 211. Ruth B.. 211. Fuller, Abiirail, 153. Adeline. 212. Albert M., 23, 112, 212. Annie B., 213. Benjamin, 202. Cha'rles C, 212. Charles E., 213. Charles H.. 258. Charles Henrv, 133, 212. Chase C, 213. Dorothy, 520. Edith P,., 212. Edward, 213. Edward R., 213. Fuller. Ellen J., 255. Elvira, 213. I'hneliiie, 212. Florenee. 23. 212. (leor^'c B., 212, 407. (;eori;e E., 197. Ceorge M., 213. (Jeoro-e W.. 201, 213. (;<'or<,na, 213. Hannah, HI, 335. llattie, 213, 303. Isaac, 212. Jennie M., 213. ,lohn, 122. John T., 212. John W., 145, 212. Lizzie, 213. Lovina C, 213. Lucy Ann, 213. Lutiier W.. 213. Lydia, 213. L'ydia II., 208. L'vdia J., 213. Lydia M., 348. ]\ial)el. 304. ]\larcella U., 212. Martha, 212. Marv, 202, 212, 213, 204. ]\lary A., 122. INIarv E., 207. j\la/v J.. '2.V1. Meli'ssa, 212. Minnie. 213. Nellie, 212. Peter. 212. Phebe, 212, 316. Robie C. 213. Rufus, 207, 255. Samuel W., 213. Sarah. 108. Susannah, 202. Thomas, 207. 213, 303. Warren R., 212. William, 212. Fullonton, Jolm, 308. Furl)cr, Abigail, 214, 290. Amy. 214. Charles IF.. 215. Elizabeth, 214. (JeorgeC. 21 4. 335.330. Hannah TL, 214, 249. Hattie D., 214. James A.. 00, 214. 249. .lethro. 214. Natluuiiel, 214, 290. Sarah. 214. Sarah E., 00. William. 214. Fyler. Horace, 380. 'Minerva H., 380. G. (iai^e, Asa, 251. Elizabeth, 296. Erastus, 201. Jane E., 201. John, 290. Laura, 201. Phebe, 80. Susan, 251. (iale, Addio, 215. Charles W., 215. lOdwin G., 0. Eliza J., 215. Jarol, 134. James K., 215. Joseph, 215. IMarv, 301. :\lary D., 215. Sabrina, 215. Sarah, 125. Susan Cr.. 215. William V.. 215. Caler, Addie J., 215. Cora J., 215. Euunett E., 215. Jane A.. 215. Jay O., 215. Julia A.. 215. Lilian D., 215. Gamwell, John A. P.. 357. Carand, Charles E., 215. Edward, 215. Francis, 215. Frank, 215. Josie, 215. Louise, 215. Mary, 215. Rosa. 215. Vitaline, 215. Wilfred, 215. Gardner, Alfred, 549. Emma, 349. Ebenezer, 549. Hiram W., 549. Lncv, 23. Tho'mas, 548, 549. Garev, Ellen, 537. Peter, 537. Garland, Abij^ail, 208. Lydia, 320. J^iary J., 435. Garnsev, Harriet, 59. Carman, F. IL. 130. Cask ill, Abitrail, 210. Alice A., 210. Arabelle IL, 210. Auffusta A., 210. Augustine C, 210. Augustine Clark. 210. Ebenezer. 210, 233. Edwin \\\, 210. G4S Index of Names. Gaskill, Ivali B., 201, 21(i. ]\larion C, 210, 233. Martha H., 21(1. Parthonia A., 21G. Samuel, 210. Rolonia, 21(3. Theodosia C, 21G. Gasque, Sarah, 202. Gates, Alice B., 217. Belinda, 216. Carroll W., 217. Curtis, 217. Donald S., 217. Edward E., 216. Elias, 268. Ezra, 53, 216, 217. Ezra B., 216. Frank E., 217. Gazella T., 216. George A., 217. Hannah. 202. Harry E., 217. Hattie M., 216. Horace, 463. Huhbard A., 217. IsabeHa A., 217. Jacob, 423. Joiin, 216. Julia W., 217. Lavinia, 216. Linwood C, 217. Lucretia W., 157. Lydia, 216. Martlia, 423. Mary A., 217. Mercy, IIS. Samuel. .Tr., 157. Simeon, 203. Stanley, 217. Susannah, 203. Gay, Fisher, 310. Georsfe E., 321. Lydia, 191. Gee' Alzina, 239. Austin W., 123. Solomon, 239. Gentiss, Julia, 270. Raome, 270. Gf^nung, I\lillie, 203. George, Albert W., 48, 217, 428. Alberta A., 217. Ann M., 86. Avery, 40. Cliarles, 173. Uavid, 319, 320. Elizabeth K., 319, 320. Geneva M.. 217. Hector, 441. Hiram W., 499. John H., -61. George, Laura, 178. Leonard O., 217. Lewis, 360. Marcia, 217, 395. Marcia E., 499. Marilla, 499. Mark W., 499. Mary, 46. Mary R., 173. Myrtle M., 48, 217. Nettie L., 217. Russell, 186. 217, 395. Russell B., 499. Sarah J., 499. Simeon, 217. Simeon D., 499. Susan, 217. William, 275, 434. William A., 217. William J., 217. Gero, Hattie A., 473. Joseph, 473. Gerry, Jotham, 524. Sarah A., 524. Getchel, Elizabeth, 175. Gibb, Caroline B., 218. Frank S., 218. Fred E., 218. Hannah, 218. Joseph L., 185, 218. Sarah J.. 218. Stephen C, 218. Gibbs, Thankful, 534. Gibson, Elwin J., 526. Eniile, 400, 427. Jeannette E., 426, 511. John, 354, 462. ]\Iartha, 354. Mary J., 252. Rebecca, 462. Samuel, 252. 269, 400, 426, 427, 511. Gignere, Ennna, 489. Gilbert, Abigail, 462. Gilchrist. Hannah, 202. Gile, Aaron, 219, 220, 422. Abigail, 219, 220. Amelia S., 219. Annie P., 221. Benjamin C, 221. Caroline A., 219. Cyrena Dolly, 220, 380. Cyrena Dustin, 220. Dennis, 220. Dolly, 219. Ei)enezer, 218. El ha nan D., 220. Elizabeth, 218, 220. Emma V., 220, 221. Ephraim, 218. Frye W., 219. Gile, George, 219, 220, 221. George W., 219, 220, 221. Hattie E., 221. Helen M., 219. Henry E., 221. Isabella, 220. John, 1, 74, 178, 219. Judith, 218. Lovina H., 178, 219. . Lizzie, 220. Louisa, 219. Lovisa, 74, 219. Lydia, 178, 219. Malvina, 219. Margaret H.. 219. Martha D., 220, 496. Missouri, 219. Nancy J., 1, 219. Nathaniel, 220. Nelson, 219, 220, 380. Noah, 193, 218, 219, 220, 496. Noah F.. 220. Persi.s, 219. Ray T., 220, 221, 485. Samuel, 218. Timothy, 219, 220. William, 220. William B., 219. Giles, Hannah, 451. Gilman, Albert, 221. Catherine, 301. David, 165. Elizabeth, 301. Epliraim. 223. Fifield, 298. Frank H., 95, 221. George L., 433. H. L., 418. Jane B., 387. Jennie B., 501. Jeremiah, 327. John, 301, 348. Julia, 125. Mary, 317, SOL Mary E., 46, 348. Minnie E., 223. Moses, 317. Nancy M., 165. Nathan A., 221. Olive, 327. Sadie, 423. Sarah, 221. Willard H., 284. Girder, John T., 109. Glazier, Almira, 221. Bertha H., 221. Frank, 221. Zenas, 221. Gleason, Betsey, 221. Index of Xames. 649 Gloason, Deborah, "j.'U. Elizabeth, 343, 440. Eugene, 403. Frank, 297. Fred, 402. James. 221, 353, 440. Julia, 337. Loring, 221. Jlaria, 8. Polly, 221, 353, 440. Sanmel, 178. Willard, 221. deed, Charles W., 488. Glidden, Grace, 155. Rebecca, 154. Richard, 154, 155. Glines, Celia M.. 513. George A., 389. Orrin A., 513. Glode, Alfred G., 222. Amelia, 222. Arthur, 222. Clara, 222. Eveline A., 222. Frank L., 222. George, 222. Harry, 222. John, 221, 222. Joseph, 222. Levi, 222. Lizzie C, 222. Mary A., 221. Minnie, 222. Moses, 221, 222. Philip, 222. Virginia, 222. Vitaline, 222. Walter, 222. Glover, Alma C, 222. Alma J., 223. Anna. 55. Charles A., 222, 223, 413. Cora B., 223. Cora S., 223. Diana, 84. Elizabeth C. 55. Eunice J., 222, 327. Franklin R., 222, 223, 327, 472. George F., 222. Grace E.. 223. Inez A., 222. James A., 222. Joseph L., 222, 223. Lizzie, 352. Martha, 94. Minnie, 171. Minnie A., 222. Orrin A., 222. Phebe M., 222. Thomas, 55. Clover, Timotliv. 84. 222. Glovier, All)a A., 197. Ivorv, 492. Lyle D., 492. (Jlvnn, Ann, 172. Patrick, 172. Goddard, Anna S., 244. :Mary P., 19. Nathan, 4(59. Nathaniel, 244. Ruth, 244. Sally, 409. Godfrev, Hannah, 291. .lames, 291. Marv, 291. Sarah. 43. Goin. Abigail, 223. Amanda, 223. Celinda, 223. Eber. 223. Eri, 121, 223. Frank, 223. Helen, 223. James, 223. Melissa, 223. Goldthwait, Washington, 178. Gonver, Arthur A., 224. Edward, 223. Evelina M., 224. Fred. 224. George F., 224. George P., 223. Harold A., 224. John, 223. Marv, 223. Miniiie E., 223. Peter, 223, 309. Phebe, 309. Good, Annie G., 224. Henry A., 224. Joseph J., 224. Mary E.. 224. Michael, 224. Patrick, 80, 224. William J.. 224. Goodale, Sarah, 38. Goodall, Abraham, 224. Alice, 220. Alpha, 225, 220. Ann, 225. Bernice, 220. Caroline, 225. Catherine, 224. David, 224, 225, 383, 405. David G.. 220. Edward B., 220. Elizabeth, 224, 225, 384. Ellen B., 220. Ellen L., 220. Ezra K., 225. Goodall, Francis H., 220. Fred E., 220, 470. Hannah, 225. Hannah Childs, 107, 225, 220. Harry A., 220. Horace H., 220. Ira, 107, 225, 226, 499. Ira E., 226. Isaac, 224. Jane E., 226. John, 224. Julia R., 107, 226. Leonidas, 225. Lucretia W., 226. Margaret, 225, 405. Marv, 224. IVlarV B., 226. Marv E., 220. Nathan. 224. Persis, 224, 225, 383. Richard P.. 225. Robert, 224. Samuel H., 226. Saraii, 108. Solomon, 7, 224, 225, 220. Solomon H.. 107. Trvi)hena, 225. Za'ciiariah, 224. Goodell, Edith, 227. Ellie L., 227. Ernest, 227. Henrv, 227. Lorena H.. 226. IMarshall. 220. Willie H.. 109. 220. Goodenouirh, Ashbel, 227. Carl, 227. Eliza E., 227. Ethel F.. 227. Gertrude F., 227. John C, 113, 227, 232. Mary J., 227. Goodnow, Abel, 72. Lucretia, 33. IMartha, 72. Phebe, 332. Goodrich, Alice, 227. Amy P., 227. Benjamin, 501. Edward B., 227. Elizabeth. 501. Ida. 227. Isabella, 227. James B., 227. John, 544. Lawrence J.. 227. Marv I.. 227. Orson. 227. William P.. 227. Goodridge, Mary, 331. 650 Index of Names. Goodwin, Caroline, 228. Clmrles S.. 22S. Chellis, 22S. Chester M., 228. Elmer E., 228. Fanny M., 14. Franic. 18(1. Franklin, .500. Hannah, 228. Harriet L., 228. Harrv F., 228. Janie's F., 228. Katharine A., 228. Louisa W., 228. Martha, 227. Martha Ann, 35, 228. Mary, 442. Maud L., 228. Olive, 228. Patience, .S13. Samuel, 3.5, 227, 228, 362. Samuel C. 228. Wallace, 14. William, 442. Goold, Alice H., 198, 231. Amelia F., 231. Augusta M., 231. Emily D., 231. Emify E., 231. Emma A., 231. Frank A., 231. Frank E., 231. Harold L., 231. Henry M., 231. Henry T., 185, 231. Kath'erine W., 231. Luella J., 231. Marion L.. 231. Marquis La Fayette, ins, 231. Mary S., 231. Phineas R., 231. Susan J., 231. Sylvia. 231. Coram, Hiram, 118. Gordon, Alha, 228, 229. Alexander, 311. Arthur, 228. Caro T., 131. Charles C, 229. David W., 401. Edson L., 229. Elena L., 264. Emily, 401. Emma, 229. Harry A.. 229. Helen E., 265. Hiram, 35, 299. James, 2, 228, 229, 324. Jane, 228. Jeremiah, 228, 464. Gordon, Lucius S., 131. Mabel A., 229. Maria, 228. Maria Ann, 324. Orrin, 228. Sarah, 111. Sarah A., 229. Sarah B., 228. Savory, 136. Wesley, 228. Wilbur, 228. William P., 264. Gore, Christopher, 261. Gorham, Rollin F., 231. Goss, Abel, 229. Abel B., 230. Adelbert, 230. Ann, 464. Azra A., 229. Betsey, 229. Betsey J., 230. Charles, 230, 413. Clara I.. 230. Curtis, 257. Eliza, 229. Ella M.. 230. Ellen, 413. Elmer, 114. Emile Pv,., 230. Emma G., 230. George W.. 230. Hannah, 229. Herbert I., 230. Horace S., 230. Irene, 229. Jane, 230. John, 229. Judith, 229. Laura A., 230. Lee C, 230. Levi, 230. Lucretia, 229. Lyman B., 230. Mary E., 230. Ona A., 230. Phebe, 454. Philip, 229. Reulien C, 230. Richard, 229. 230. Richard 0., 229. Sarah, 229. Sela, 71. Silas B.. 230. Vera, 88. Willard L., 230. William S., 230. Gotham, Ann M., 408,427. Ida B., 124. Joseph, 427. Robert, 408. Gouch, Franklin I., 169. Goud, Harriet M., 352. Goud. John. 352. Gould, Abby L., 232. Asa, 227, 232, 296. Betsey, 231. Clement, 232. Edwin H., 185, 232. Eveline, 232. Ezra P., 232. Franklin, 232. George S., 4. Henry D., 232. Hoi lis, 232. Ida, 132. James, 230, 231. Jerusha, 232. Laura J., 268. Lois, 238. Lucy, 335. Lut'her C, 232. Martha P., 232. Mary, 230. T\Iary J., 232. i\lary P., 232. Nehemiah, 230, Phineas, 231. Rebecca, 44. Roxanna, 232, 296. Sally, 232. Seliiia, 232. Tamson, 232. Willis, 132. Goulder, Harvey D,, 408. Gourdon, Roxanna, 178. Gove, Abigail. 237. Ella E..' 512. Elnora F., 323. John, 237. John M., 426. Gowell, Abigail, 500. Ebenezer, 500. Eva, 361. James O.. 367. John. 500. Martha, 500. Graham, Charles E., 233. Clarence W., 233. Elbridge G., 216, 233. George E.. 233. Hannah, 233. Lewis, 233. Maria, 233, Marion, 233. Martha C, 140. Mary, 233. Jlary IL, 211. INIelphonso M., 233. Percival S., 233. William, 140. Granger, Caroline E., 345. Lizzie P., 234. Nelson McD., 234. P. N., 234. Inde.r of Ndtne^ 651 Giant, Duncan. 457. Ebenezcr, oO'J. Edwin, 82(>. Eliza, 50f). Hiram M.. 240. •losppliino, ;{2(5. Julia, 249. INIary B., ooT. I\Iary E., 249. U. S., 137. Graves, Alniira L., 234. Annie L., 235. Anson R.. 235. Charles, 235. Da.niel. 234. 235. David \V.. 235. Eliot v., 235. Elizabeth, 235. Elizabeth P., 235. Frederick D.. 235. (I'ertrude, 235. Henry, 235. Jemima. 234. John, 234. Lois, 234. ]>ucv, 291. ]\lar'>*K Harry F.. 271. Isaac, 5. 551. John, 513. 550, 551. Marv, 413. 471. Mary E.. 271. Peter, 473. Sally, 473. Susannah. 5. Thankful. 201. Timothv. 271. Vashti.' 3(12. \Yilliam (;.. 243. Winslow (;., 243. NN'inthrop. 551. Howland, Alice .\.. 05. '^'Andrew J.. 272. Anna B., 272. Benjannn. 27-. Bennie S.. 272. Bertie, 272. Betsey, 272. Charles IL, 272. 658 Index of Naiyies. Hn\vh,na,CharlosW..4Gl. Clement. 271. Don II.. 272. Edward H.. 272. Ella. 272. Etta, 272. Etta M., 272. Georgianna. 272. Harvey, 272. 440. Hattie M., 272. Henry, 133. Henry W., 271. 272. Herbert W., 271. Hosea, 67. * Ida. 272. Ira, 272, 521. Isabel F., 461. Jeremy. 271. 477. John, 'l.>3. Laura A., 271. Lovina, 404. Lydia A., 271. Mabel, 272. ^laria, 476. Maria A., 418. Marilla M.. 465. Marvette, 272. Melvin, 272. jMinerva, 521. jNIoses jST., 05. Nellie, 133. Xelson, 108. Perley. 272. Eutl/. 153. Squire R.. 271, 272. Susie I., 272. Warren. 272. Washington W., 271, 522. Willie, 272. Willis F.. 271. Zilpha, 67. Howlet, Lydia. 505. Thomas, 505. HoA-t. A. 1!.. 21. Albert J., 145. Alonzo A., 272. Ann G., 298. Anna, 110. Barnai-d. 454. Charles C. 273. Charles H., 68. Cornelia. 325. Decatur C. 317. Eliphalet. 110. Elsie P.., OS. George W., 401. Joseph, 317. Lumas T., 325. Mary, 110. Stephen F.. 272. Vilroy M., 272. Hubl)ard, Abigail, 273, 339. Alvira. 273. Amos, 190, 273, 319, 339, 470, 517. Amos P., 273. Angeline, 273. Annie E., 274. Clarissa, 273. Dorcas, 295. Edwin D., 274. Elvira, 476. Emma L., 274. Eugene S., 274. Frank, 81. John, 273, 301. Jonathan, 49. Laura, 273. 319. Laura E., 382. Leah, 273. Lizzie E., 274. Mary, 49, 294. Meli'ssa, 190. 273. Melissa E., 274. Merey, 301. Philena, 273, 517. Rebecca, 49. Sally. 273. Saniuel B., 273. Huckins. Ebenezer, 319. Esther A., 319. Hudson, Elizabeth, 179. Frank, 187. Jane, 27. Mary, 09. Polly, 53. Samuel, 2i'4. Seraphine, 274. Hugh. Anna IL, 207. Dorcas, 207. -Jesse, 505. John, 267. Roxanna, 505. Hughes, James A. F.. 492 Hulbutt, Samuel, 273, Hull, Benjamin. 300. Elizabeth, 360. John, 300. Marcus, 218. Susan, 317. Humphrey, Betsey, 353. Esther 'M., 274. Jennie E., 274. John M., 379. ]\Iaud E., 274. Roswell, 274. Roswell M.. 274. Sophronia, 274. Willard R.,. 274, 443. Hunkins, Elizabeth, 141. Lewis R., 274. Lillian .M.. 274. Ilunkins, Orrin W., 274. Hunt, Charlotte, 07. Ephraim, 260. Etta, 272. John, 48, 272, 482. Mary, 09, 132, 482, 485. jMinerva J., 48. Thomas, 07, 132. William, 201. Hunter, John, 180, 195, 274, 442. Laura, 275. Louisa, 275. Lovina, 195, 275. Mary, 195, 275. PollV, 274. Rebecca, ISO, 275. Susan B.. 27i5, 442. William, 275. Hunting, John, 309. Margaret, 309. Hvmtington, Dan, 275. Lucy, 275. William P., 275. Huntoon, Amos, 275. Amos P., 270. Anna, 275. Caleb, 275. Carter, 171. Carter N.. 276. Carter Nathaniel, 275, 270, 508. Charles, 35. Charles VV., 276. Diantha, 276. Diantha L., 275. Elizabeth D., 276, 334. Frank A., 276. Fred, 252. George, 228. George W., 276. Gideon D., 276, 325, 334. Helen R., 312. Jemima, 111, 275. John. 275. Judith, 275. Julia A., 276, 325. Kelsea R. D., 276. Lorinda J., 270. Louisa W., 224. Mabel I. ,270. ' Mandana B., 171, 211, 270. Martha, 275. Mary, 275, 276. Mary E., 270. Mary Jane, 171, 276. ■ Melinda, 8, 275. Mirinda J.. 270. Nancy, 111, 275, 270, 508. Index of X. Eliza G.. 27(i. Harriet E., 27(i, 277. Ilattie, 10. Jacob, 27(). John, 270, :i52. Julia O., 270. I\Ivra E., 277. .'513. Nellie C, 277. Per sis A.. 270. 329. Timothy ]5.. 270, 329, 3S3. Tina P>., 277. William J'.., 270, 282, 313. 399. Willie E., 277. Hurllmtt, Ahbie E., 277. Ann, 497. Asher, G. JMsev, 194, 277. Chester, 277, 502. Cornelius J.. 277. Uiantha L., 413. Edmund, 311. Eliza J.. 277. Ella E.. 27S. Elvira \V.. 277. Emma .M.. 277. Erank, 27S. Eranklin (i.. 277. (■'eorgi!, 277, 27S. Hannah, 277. Ida M, 277. Jennie. 27S. John G., 277. Lewis, 370. Louisa, 311. ilabel G., 278. Martha, 110. yinvv, 311. MarV P.. 277. Nathaniel . 194. 215. Newton H., 277. Ormasinda. 277. Orra L., 5. Marv, 279. Nan'ev, 279. Nathan. 123. 278. 279. Kachel, 278. Serviaii. 17S. 279. Simeon. 279. ;>75. Hussey, Charles E., 500. Huston. .Mi'hilable, 117. Thomas, 117. Ilulehins, Ai)i,i^ail, 27. Almeda, 2S(). Ann S.. 54. Annie C.. 280. Heiijamin. 250. Di'ii'jauiiii I).. 2S0. ( alc'b. .35. 279. Clara 1., 280. Kliza. 503. ElizalK'th I).. 280. Kraidv C.. 280. Frank J).. 280. (ieor-e, 79, 180. ( i('orii;e \\., 527. ( lordon. 95. Hannah C., 107, 225. Harriet L., 228. Ilarrv. 2<0. Harry I'.., 280. • lames, 5.3(5. .lames S., 279. .loseph, 54. 178. • lulia A.. 78, 180. .lulia II.. 25. Laura .M.. 440. Love, 484. Lucius, 280. Lucv, 250. Mariraret. 280. .Marshall J.. 279. .Melvin P., 27!). Moses. 279. Nathaniel, 228. Nora L., 279. Ilulehins. Puth. 183.238. Sallv C.. 279. Sam"uel. 121. Sarah, 170. Sullivan <;.. 404. William. 25. Hutehinson. .Mice, 212. Allen P... 280. Elizabeth. 375. Erank ('.. 448. Freeman A.. 280. Josiah. 85. John, 233. Laura •!.. 280. Marv. 242, 384. MarV E., 448. Nathaniel. :i89. l'el)eeea. 3S!). Rieharri. 242. Roamy. 311. Samuel, :}75. Sara C. S., 18. Hvde. Aijnes, 280. 'Luther I).. 280. Perlev, 2S(). Samuel. 538. Sarah. 538. Tempei-ance, 53S. Ide. Charles L.. 281. I'^liza Ann. 257. Ellen .1.. 2S1. .100. Jose])h. 257. 281. 500. .losepli A., 192. Mehitable. 81. Olive. (!0. Susan M.. 281. Timothv. 00. In^^alls, Samuel. 405. luu-ersol, Mary. .31. Injierson, Lizzie. 122. Ineraham. Amy. 232. pell ja mill. 2:>2. Caroline. 233. Clarissa, 233. Elbridfre G.. 233. Emilv L.. 233. Geori,a> W'.. 233. Harriet N.. 2.33. Lewis, 232, 233. Martha G.. 233. .Marv A.. 233. Sara'h ('.. 233. Inman, Phebe. 10. •Taoobs. I-I. D.. 500. Jack, Flora G., 120 6G0 Index of Names. Jack, Molly. 345. Jackman, Abbie, 166. Annie M.. 282. Asbury F.. 100. Caleb "h., 112. 106. Carter. 2X2. .324. Charles 8., 2 82. Eliza A., .V,;. Elizabeth. 281. Elmer, 113. Eliose E.. 281. Esther R.. 281. Frank. 474. George. 281. George K.. 281. George W., 230, 281, 282. Hannah. 281. Hattie. 282. Helen .J.. 324. Henry A.. 281, 282, 476. James, 281. Joanna. 281. Joseph, 281. Martha. 281. Mary A.. 281. Richard, 281. William, 275. 281. William A., 283. Jacks, William, 64. Jackson. Alice E., 282. Alice Elizabeth, 283. Andrew, 282, 283. Edith Al., 283. Elizabeth. 282. Elizabeth Cosyn, 283. Frank M., 283. Harry B.. 282. Henry B., 282, 283, 303. James. 305. James R., 50, 51, 02, 03, 282, 345. Jennie E., 283. Julia, 303. Julia O., 276, 282. Katherine F., 282. Laura A., 283. Laura P., 282. Lizzie M., 283. Lydia A., 282. Margaretta, 283. Mary, 438. Mary .Jane, 282, 335. Prusia, 282. Rachel P., 282. Robert, 282. Sally, 409. Wiliard H., 283. Willard Henrv, 283. William. 270," 282, 283, 294, 335. William A., 283. Jackson, William M., 282. Jaccjues, Sarah, 315. Jacquith, David, 104. Jameson, Andrew. 345. Eliza J., 345. Jaquith, Abraham, 203. Hannan, 203. Jarvis, Isabel M., 283, 408. John B.. 283. John F., 283. Jefi'rey, Alice XL, 284. Charles, 283. Charles W.. 284. Clarence E.. 284. Elizabeth, 283. Ernest J., 284. John, 283. Lizzie, 284. Susan A., 284. Jenkins, Clara G., 79. Jane, 148. Louise .J., 471. Thomas, 148. Jennison, Abbie E., 284. Abbie L.. 284. Abby. 284. Ann H., 284. Edward C, 284. Eunice, 284. John, 49. 50, 294. Kezia, 294. Marv, 49, 294. Rebecca. 294. William, 284. Jerome, .Jennie E., 241. Jesseman, Edward, 410. Lydia A.. 301. Olive, 4lG. Sam G., 114. Solomon, 301. Jewell, Henry, 393. Herman E., 357. Martha AL, 17. Willis H., 274. Jewett, Calvin, 288. Edward, 104. Ezekiel, 141. Fayette, 78, 248. Hannah, 104. Henry M., 284. Joseph, 104. Martha, 141, 241. Mary, 104. Mary Ann. 284. Milo A., 284, 397. Rebecca, 177. Sally, 284. Johnson, Abbie L., 427. Ada E., 280. All)ert, 280. Albert T., 285, 435, 452. Johnson. Alonzo F.. 286. Alvin, 285. Anna P.. 285. Ardella, 280. Carlton, 350. Carrie M., 285. Daniel T., 285. David, 285. Dorothy, 318. Edward H., 285. Edward .)., 285. Edwin W., 286. Elisha, 109. Elizabeth, 285. Ellery A.. 285. 280. Emily, 175. Emily F.. 280. Ernest F., 286. Eugene, 285. Frank E., 286. Harry A., 285. Harry P., 285. James, 513, 514. Jonathan, 318. Joseph F., 286. Joseph K.. 286. Laura B., 285, 452. Louisa M., 284. Louise Mary, 285. Lucy, 442. Lydia, 218. Lydia Ann, 286. Marv A., 109. Mary M., 284. Matthew, 106. Miriam, 249. Moses, 170. Nancy, 280. Nellie L., 285. Nettie, 280. Rodney C, 280. Samuel, 20, 411. Samuel E., 442. Sarah, 100. Simeon B., 284. Susan, 350. Susanna, 513. Warren E., 20. William, 285. William L., 510. William S. B.. 285. Johnston. Belle T., 551. Emily E., 551. George, 551. George L., 551. Guy L., 551. James, 551. Leslie F., 551. Ola K., 551. Jones. Addie M., 320. Arvilla, 8. Benjamin B., 74. Ituh'.r of JV^nnes. 661 .Toii(>s. T'.radford II., 423. David. .358. Klicn. (if). Ella Y.. 28(). Elmira. V.V.i. Emilia I.. 451. Frank, 431. Frank H.. 2SG. Henry. 311. Hiram. 451. Ira. 501. :Marffarct P.. 501. Martha E., GG. -Marv. 14. raiiiVlia. 4. lllidda. 501. Fvi'hard. 2SG. Saiah E.. 2SG. Smith E.. 2.SG. 381. Susan E.. 2SG, 381. Jordan. Addio, 4G8. E. B.. 487. Stephen. 331. Susannah, 331. Jorden. Adeline, 108. Sidney. 108. •Toslin. ivtsev, 229. Charles H.', 26G. Jessie. 31. Joslyn. Addie, 474. Adeline, 545. Frank. II!), 474. 545. Lucy. 111). Judd,'A1)i,uail, 499. Anion, -id!). Eliza. 115. Thomas. 1 15. William W., 3G5. Judevine. Cornelius, 155, 514. Judkins, Georjje J., 41. .Martha. 275. Marv, 45. K. Kav. Amanda, 279. Charles, 304. Harry E.. 402. Jolin. 2n0. Keich. Lydia V., IGl. Philip." IGl. Keapr. .Martha. 500. Kea'tch. IMarv, 148. Iveith, May R., 253. Kelley. Annie, 108. Dayid, 53. ]-'nnice, 287, (Jeorue F.. 287. Hannah. 3 SO. James, 153. Kelley. .Tede.. 1G3. Ceorire, G7. Hannah. 37G. Luev M.. 1G3. Oliver, 1G3. Tl;omas. 377. Kriidiii-, Carrie. 287. K.-nerson. .\ustin IL, 288. IvlNvard 11.. 288. Jeli'erson, 22G. Keiierson. John 1'... 288. .Martha M., 288. Keneson, Charles F., 289 Emily A., 288. Frank H.. 289. (;eor<,re W., 289. James F.. 288. Joseph, 288. :\Iarlan E.. 289. Sarali P., 288. Kenison, Ezra, 401. Harriet, 401. John, 117. Keniston. Sophia, 416. Kennan.' Charlotte L.. 97. Ki'imedy. IJenrv B., 250. Marv'M., 250. Sarah. 2G7. Kenney. Anne E., 289. Ansel, 290, P>ereniee B.. 290. Brettou C. 289. Catherine. 100. Ed\vard, 291, Edward O.. 51, G2, 244, 289, 290, 457, Edward S., 289, 290. Ellen, 290. Ellen L.. 289. Gertrude T.. 198. 290. llalie E.. 41G. Hattie, 282. Henry, 291. Herbert E,, 253, 289, 290, Horace J.. 19. 290. James, 290. John. 100, 2:;i. Josephine L., 290. Katie, 290. Lisette E.. 289. Livonia. 244. 289. Lizzie M., 253. 290. Lorenzo C, 180, 289, 290. Luev S., 2!)0. .\Lirtha A.. 289. Mary. 33. 289. 291. Miciiael. 290. Moses. 282. Xan.-y S., 289. Nellie A., 290. Piioda. 28!», Posetle W., 290. Sahrina, 289. Sn>an L.. 289. Wilford :\L. 290. Wijliam. 33. 289, 291, 3I!8. 410. William S., 1ra, 303. Volnev. 303. Lakin, Abi.irail, 440. Lamb. Catherine. 540. Claudine. 510. I'hnma. 31. .lohn, 27(1. Marv, 270. Phebe. 3(l9. Sarah L.. 31. Thomas. :1{MI. Lambert. !:diii. 242. Louise, ■l■l■^. Marv, 215. 664 Index of Names. Lambert, Oliver, 215. Eosa, 187. Lamere, Julia. 270. Thomas. 270. Lamott, Eleanor, 129. Francis, 129. Lamphear, Enieline D., 35. Lampson, Sarah, 2. Lamson, Josephine, 158. Lancaster, Emma, 131. George C. 131. Landers, Mary, 501. Mary E., 500. Senaca, 500, 501. Lane, Alwikla P., 197. Benjamin F., 195, 444. Bessie, 459. Betsey, 141. .Carrie B., 444. Catherine, 202. Charles M., 244, 303. Edward H.. 303. Elizabeth. 202. Erastus, Jr., 197. Hannah, 218. Job, 202. John, 141, 202, 218. Julia. 444. Mabel E., 244, 303. Ona E.. 486. Pollv, 141. Sarah, 202. Sylvanus, 303. Thomas, 459. Lang. Charles, 213, 303. Flora E.. 449. Harriet A., 449, 455. Flattie, 303. James, 376. Jonathan M., 449, 455. Lena B., 303. i\Iartha C, 370. :\rarv A.. 2. Moses, 2. 134. Nettie M.. 182. Oscar, 303. Stella, 455. William, 370. Langdon, Alice M., 303. Henrv F., 125. 303, 339. Howard F., 303. Julia, 303. William.. :!03. l>aiigford. IJcrtha B., 552. ^ Blanche T., 304. Edwin C. 303, 552. * Elizabeth C, 283, 303. Ellen K., 304. John, 303. John C, 303. John E., 552. La ngf ord, INIargaretta, 303. Robert, 283, 303, 304. Robert C. 303, 304, 314. Langley, Benjamin, 283. Evelina, 304. George, 304. Ilemy, 304. Joseph, 239, 304. Mary, 304. Philip, 304. Langmaid, Helen, 452. Julia E., 322. Leon, 322. Lapham, Lydia K., 314. Laneewood, Lawrence, 535. Laplante. Louis ]\I., 304. Larkin, Ida M., 470. Joanna. 1G4. John, 164, 470. Lamed, Abijah, 300. Anna, 300. Catherine. 305. Ebenezer, 305. Ezekiel, 305. Hannah, 305. Isaac, 305, 306. dosiah, 305. Lucv, 306. jMellitable, 305, 306. Melinda, 305. Moses, 305. Nancy, 306. Ruth', 305. Samuel, 116, 305, 306, 424. Samuel, Jr.. 201. Sarah. 204, 305. Seraphina, 258, 306. Susannah, 261, 305, 300. Thankful, 305. William, 306. Lathrop, Allison W., 300, 355. Alson W., 134. David, 306. Edward, 133. 306. Elizabeth, 134, 306. Elmira A., 306. Elwin, 306. Emeline, 306. Flora B.. 306. Georgia una, 306. Ida F., 306. Louvia. 306, 355. Mabel, 306. Mary E., 306. Nancy A., 306. Lattig, Agnes A.. 436. Lattimer, ^Martin, 204. Lauchlen, Anna, 79. Lauclilen. Samuel, 77. Sarah. 77. Laughton, Charles, 93. Harriet L., 93. Laundry, Albert, 448. Benjamin, 6. Lavac, Ellen, 102. Louis, 162. Lawrence, Thomas, 230. Lay, Phebe. 163. Leach. Arimah, 307. Cornelia, 307. Ellen M., 307, 505. Frank J., 307. Franklin S., 307, 505. Phebe, 177. Rose, 252. Willis D., 307. Wilma J., 307. Learned. Goodith, 304. Isaac, 304, 305. ]\Iary. 304. Sarah, 305. William, 304. Leas, Nanon F., 543. Leavenworth, Katherine, 255. Leavitt. Blanche, 307. Caroline F., 307. Channing P., 307. Charles S., 12. Dudley. 307. DudleV P., 307. Elvira, 307. George V. L., 159. Haven F.. 12. Irvin E., 333. James D., 307. John, 508. Luella K.. 307. IMary F., 307. Molly, 317. Nancy, 91. Sarah, 508. Le Bounty, Ellen, 395. Joseph, 395. Le Clair, Georgianna, 110. Nelson. 110.' Leconta, Calinda, 518. Lee. Martha, 519. Leo-gett, Eliza J., 382. John, 382. Lehan, Anna, 276. Lehoux, George, 307. .lames, 307. Virginia, 307. Lees, Mary, 148. Leighton, Agnes, 308. Alice, 308. Arthur B.. 308. Byron D., 308. Cora F., 308. Iildi'.r of X. 177. Charles W., 177. Frank II., 177. (leor^e M.. 177. Leseard. John, 420. :\latilda, 420. Leslie. Margaret, 94. Richard, 114. Leveret 1, John T.. 231. K. K., 15(i. I L(>v(>rett. Susan .L. 231. I.i'vourheau. John. 302. Lewis, Abhie. 312, 455. Abiiiail, 309. Albert L., 132, 311,312, 470, 531. AMen, 311. Alfred. 31 1. Alice ('.. ;!13. Alice S.. ;n3. Allen A.. 313. Alonzo. 311, 312. 313. Amanda M., 173. 311. Amy, 309. Ann. 309. .\sa. 309. -181. I'.etsev. 311. Ikdle's.. 259. 313. Carrie ,L, 2.19, 312. Caroline, ,"{11. Charles E.. 312. Charles F., 137, 252, 259. 312. 313. Charl(>s IL. 313. Charlotte IL, 313. Civilian. 311. Curtis. 311. Cvrus IL. 313. Cvrus L., 311. Edith A.. 259. 313. Klislin. 310. ElizalH'th. :!10. 312. Fva E.. 122. Fred, 312. Ceoro-e 1?.. 312. Ceor<;e 1).. 190, 312, 320, 455. Georo-e IL. 13S. 312. Cordis, 313, Grace .M.. 313. Hannah. 3ii9, 312, 470. Harold ('.. .-.13. ILirrv A.. .312. Harvey .M., 277, 313. Lbittie, 83. llattie i\I.. 312. Helen M.. 132, 312,531. llenrv, 31 l. Mil am. 31 1. Howard C.. 313. Ira afv M., 410. Li/.zie l.,';!13. Lois A.. 312. Lois C, 312. Louisa, 311. Lucv, 311. Lvd'ia, 149. .M'aroaret, 311. Maria, 35. 75. 311. Marion A., 313. :^lary, 309, 311, 312, 507. Marv A.. 311. Ab)s(>s, 149. Moses L.. 311, 312. Mvra F., 313. iXaboth, 310. Nancv, 311. XatJKiniol. 122, 311. Xcdlie B., 313. Olen. 311. IMiebe. 310. 311. IMiilura, 300. I'riscilla, 312. Uebccea, 311. Loval C. 313. Sahrina. 311. Sail v. 310. Sam'uel. 310, 311, 312. Sarah, 310. Sarah .L, 312. Solomon, 173, 310, 311, 507. Sophia. 312. Sophronia 1... 19G, 312. Susannah, .310. Tamar. 310. Theda L., 4H). Trvphena, 310, 477. Tr'vi)h()sa, 310. \ a'lcria. 311. Walter L. 312. William. 309, 312. Levman. Mollie, .391. Lilibcv, Abi-ail, 313. A-m-s. 31.3. lien jamin, 313. lilanche T.. 304, 314. Charles, 313. 314. Kllen -M., 314. (Jeorye IL. 125. Cr.iee E.. 314. llenrv ('., 304. 314,481. Herman T., 314. .lohn. 313. Mabel P.. 314. Marv. 313. Xatiianiel. 314. Sarah, 313. Tir/.ah. 314. Liddcll. Marv, 209. William, 209. 666 Index of Names. Lindsay, Mary. 470. Robert, 470. Lindsey, Agnes, 497. Emma E., 89. Hardy, 89. Hatti'e G., 485. J. H., 14.3. John, 4. Justin, 36. Susan T., 36. Thomas P., 443, 485. Wallace, 4. Linfield. Adaline, 363. Litchfield. Almira, 314. Annie S., 314. Bernard, 314. Cumminus, 314. Elijah. 314. Fannie T., 314. Frankie R., 314. Harriet A., 314. Lydia K., 314. Susie D., 314. William C, 314. William E., 314. Little, Abigail, 315. Abigail B., 177, 313, 315. Agnes, 315. Albert. 315. Alice, 315. Alpha R.. 317. Ann E., 317. Ann M., 315, 345. Arabella, 317. Bessie R., 316. Betsey, 54, 316. Billy D., 310. Bonnie A.. 316. Caldwill, 114, 316, 464. Charles, 317. Carl B. G., 316. Dora, 317. Edith, 317. Edith T., 316. Eleanor, 315. Elizabeth. 315, 316. Elizabeth D.. 315. Emma B., 317. Ellen P.. 11. Frank, 510. George, 177, 315. George L., 315. George M., 316. Gust B., 310. Hannah, 374. Harriet B.. 112. Horace, 317. Ira C, 317. James, 315. Jane, 315. Jennetj 316. Little. -John. 130, 315, 310. 317. Jonathan. 310. Josepli, 310. Lena A., 316. Letitia. 316. Luella M., 316, 533. Lydia, 315, 316. Lydia C, 316. Maria, 315, 310, 345. Mary Jane. 317. Mary Jennette, 114, 316. May. 510. Mil'o M., 212. 316. Moses, 26, 310,315,345. Moses P., 315. Nancy, 538. Olivia A.. 316. Polly, 310. Robert. 310. Sabin, 310. Samuel, 317. Sarah, 315. Stella, 317. Walter, 310. William, 310, 533. WMlliam D., 315. William G., 310. Littlefield. Mary. 415. Liverbon. Lyndal, 118. Livermore, Arthur, 51. Lock, Oliver, 295. Sarah. 295. Locke, Caroline, 303. Chloe, 13. Ellen M., 414. Flora A., 471. Hannah, 354. Hattie, 531. Ira. 70. John, 507. Oliver, 441, 531. Patience, 354. Salina, 125. Silas, 471. Silas M.. 528. Triphena, 507. William, 354. Locklin, Haviland F.,298. Lonergan, Julia C, 342. Mary A., 290. Peter P., 342. Long. Betsey, 131. Daniel. 101. Hiram. 123. James, 409. Mary, 101. Longcliam]3s. Anna, 158. Roger, 158. Longlev, Anne, 475. Ciara M., 185. I Grace E., 390. Longley, J. B.. 185. Jonas B., 390. William, 475. Loomis. Abigail. 359. Lord, Anna, 317. Henry D., 349. Nathan, 314. Robert, 317. Tirza, 314. Lother, Lizzie. 453. William. 453. Lothrop, D.. 407. Lougee. Anna. 317. Apphia, 317. Charles, 317. Chastina. 318. Darius. 317. Elisha, 317. Georjre C, 318. Hr,nnah. 317, 318. John, 317. John L., 317. .Tonathan S.. 317. .Joseph , 317. Judith, 317. .Tudith Ann, 317. Mary. ,^17. Mary S., 317. Miriam. 317. Molly. 317. Susa'n, 317. Love. .Jennie C, 147. Lovejoy, Albert, 173. 318. Alfaretta J.. 319. Amos H., 319. Angeline, 319. Antoinette E., 319. Arthur P., 319. Betsey, 432. Caleb. 375. Caroline, 318. Charles, 15. Charles Henry, 237.238, 318, 319. Charles W., 319, 320. Dorothy, 318. Eliza J.. 318. Elizabeth K., 320. Emeline, 320. Emeliza, 320. Emily, 318. Emily J., 319. Esther A.. 319. Eunice, 96. Flora E., 320. Flora J., 319. Frank, 319. George E., 319, 320. (Hlman, 318, 319, 387. Grace, 318. Grace E.. 320. Hannah T., 318. Index of Nkvws. 601 Lovojov. Hnniot Maria, •237. 31!). Harry A.. 320. Harry B., 320. Henry H.. 319. Ira A.. 319. Jonathan, 230, 31S,319, 302. Jonatlian F., 273, 318. 319, 320. Jonathan J.. KiO, 318. Julia M.. 319. Laura, 319. Leah, 318. Lizzie J., 319. Lorena S.. 320. Luella L.. 319. 387. Martha, 37.'). ]\tary, 23(1. 319. MarV H.. 372. Marv H.. 319. Maiirire F.. 320. Mehitablo. 375. Melissa. KiO, 318. INIvrtie B.. 320. Nancy. 3 IS. Nathan. 318. Polly, 318. 319. Rutiiven .M.. 319. 8ol)astian S.. 139. Simeon, 90, 318. Solon E.. 319. Vashti, 3 IS. Warren \V., 83. 319, 320. Wilhml, 319. Williaiu, 318, 319. William W.. 318. Loyerin, Alfred, 412. Belle, 412. Joseph, 90. ]\Iary R., 90. Loye\yell, Nehemiah, 267. Lowell, Henry H., 200. Micnjah, 40.5. Lo\yd, Beniamin. 194. Josei)h H., 400. Lo\yr3', Samuel. 230. Lucas, Anne. 320. Edmund, 320. Edmund D.. 320. Edmund H.. 320. Elizabeth, 320. (ieorge H.. 320. Isabel L.. .320. John M.. 320. Lydia, 320. Rufus C. 320. Willie. 47. Luce, Eliza. 229. Lucia. -Xddie M., 321. Charles. 321. Lucia. Charles 11.. 321. Kmily .1.. 321. .lennie .M.. 321. doseph. 321. 3.-)G. Mary A.. 3.10. Warren .1.. 321. William L.. 321. Lucy. JJayid. 81. Lul'kin. Lucy. 243. .Mary, 291. 'i'liomas. 2!)]. Lununis, Sarah E., 288. Lunderyille. Dorris, 552. (Jlenna, 552. Isadore N., 390, 552. ilathias. 552. Lu(iues. Aildie W., 437. Anthony. 437. Lyford. Ardenia Iv. .321. 'Clatherine S., 321. Dudley. 321. Eunice T.. 321. Eya C, 321. Francis H.. 321. .James D.. 321. Kate I.. 321. Nancy G., 321. Lyle, Jane E., 308. Lyman, Daniel, 23. "Ruth, 225. Saliy. 23. Lynch. Edward B.. 210, 322. John. 322. Kathleen, 322. JMarjiaret A.. 217. INlary 1-].. 322. Patrick, 5.39. Rose. 539. Lyon, Samuel. 201. Lystor, Annie. 322. 'irena D., 322. John R., 322. :\larv J., 322. Phil'ip, 322. Ray IL, 322. Lytle, James. 322. James R.. 552. .lohn T., 322. 417, 552. Leonia A.. 322. Linnie M., 322. Lizzie K., 322. Mary E., 552. Millicent M.. 322. Oliye J., 322. M. Mack, Elisha. 457. Mackay. Donald. 5;iO. Macordc, Mary, 154. Madison. Alice. 207. ]>onald. 207. Mat-oon, Carl S., 322. Charles E., 322. John A.. 322. Julia E., 322. Leon I-:., 322. Lois M.. 322. Steward, 322. Major, Elizabeth, 281. Mali.son, Mary, 104. Mai lone. .Tames, 350. Mann. Abi. Dorciis, 29S. 2i)9. George, 120. McGregor, Anna E., 140. Ella A., 32S. George \V.. 32 8. Joel, 440. Nancv, 440. Willard A.. 82S. McGroray, VA\n\ I., 328. Hugh. 328. Hugh \v., 328. Marv Ann. 328. Patrick. 328. Rose A.. 328. Sarah E., 328. McHugh, I'liarles. 522. Mclnter, Alexander, 185, 329. Alice A., 329. Anna, 328. 329. Benjamin P.. 329. Caroline E.. 329. Catlierine. 20. 328. Charles \V., 140. Donald C. 329. Dorris H.. 330. Eliza, 278. Ellen J*I.. 329. 437. Epiiraini. 20. 328. Florence, 330. Mclntire, Harriet. 329. Harry H.. 329. Harvev E., 329, 330. Helen'.M.. 147. 329. Helen Marr, 329. Kurd, 329. James, 329. Jane, 329. Jane C, 329. John, 278. Lizzie I.. .'>29. Mary, 328. 329. Mary W., 329. Obediah, 328. Persis A., 329. Persis C, 329. Reuben. 20. 147. 175, 328, 329. Richard E.. 329, 437. Sarah, 358. Sophia. 175. .329. Warren. 270, 329. 330. Mclver, Bella, 331. Evander. 331. McKay, Peter, 531. McKean. Francena. 423. Samuel H.. 423. McKeen. Ellen M., 512. James A.. 512. McKenzie, Moses, 442. :vlcKo\vn. Ida F.. 270. .McLaughlin. George A. 330. .lohn. 330. May E.. 330. McLean. Alexander, 109. Enuna E.. 109. .lohn, 47(i. Margaret. 470. McLeod. J., 339. McLoud, Angus. 330. Elsie v., 330. Katie L.. 330. McMillcn. Ananias, 330. iielle (;.. 330. Bessie .M.. 330. Daniel. 330. (irace I'].. 330. John, 330. .Malcom, 330. Mamie F.. 330. Maria, 330. Mary. 330. Neil' 3.30. Sailv, 330. Mc:\Iillian, Andrew, 240. McMurphv. Alexander, 140. Archibald. 200. Mary, 140. Mary Ann, 205. Sara'h. 140. :\IcPhersun, Elizabeth, 331. .Tohn, 331. Lizzie M.. 522. Malcomb, 331. Margaret. 331. Martin. 3.31. Marv, 331. Peter, 331. McQuesten, Ann. 91. .McRae, Anne .J.. :!31. Bella, 331. Dollv Ann. 331. Donald. 331. Kate. 331. Marv, 331. Nellie, 331. Roderick, 331. MeVav. Nettie. 30. Mead.'Ardelle {).. 48. 298. Samuel .1.. 48. 298. .Meader, Nancy, 400. Thomas, 400. Means, George, 213. Lizzie, 213. Mereweather. Thomas W., 380. Merriam, Elizabeth, 303. (Jedrtre S., 51. Mary, 192. IMcrriam, Rebecca, 202. .Merrill. Abhie, 332. Abigail. 331. Addie M.. 3;!3. Agnes I., 333. Agnes L., 1(!2. Alice. 333. Ann, 332. Arthur D., 72. Carrie A.. 332. Carrie .M., 333. Charles, 333. Charles N.. 333. Daniel. 428. Dorcas II.. 3.32. Ed.-on E.. 44. Edward. 518. Eleanor. 332. 478. Elizabeth. 320, 331.332. Elizabeth D.. 334. Elmira M.. 44. Emeline. 419. Emeline C. 332. Enoch. 527. Everett ('.. 333. Fletcher D.. 270, 334. Fred H., 07. Gabella, 242. George, 300. George A.. 333. George H., 333. 353. Grace, 333. Hannah D., 331. Hannah F., 3.32. Harrv A.. 333. Harry L., 333. HenrV. 79. 332. llenrv H.. 333. Horatio, 242. Isabella. 102. 332. James W.. 488. ,fames Walker, 128, 333. .Jemima. 527. dercmiah. 334. Joanna, 331. John. I(i2. 320.331, 332, 393. 478. John B., 333. John IL. 10. elohn Hancock, 331,3.32. .Joseph. 113. Lewis L., 130, 332. Lu<-in. Celista, 120, 3.")5. Cordelia A., .3r).3. Cordelia 15., .3o5. Daniel, 45. .3.54. David, Ki5. Dorothy. 45. Edwin 'p., .350. Eli, 35(3. Elizabeth, 42. Ellen 8., 354. Elmer C, 355, 405. Fannie. 505). Frank P., 355. Gabriel G.. 209, 354. Gertrude A., 355. Hannah, 354, 355. Hannah H., 354. Harold C, 356. Herbert B., 208. Irena, 352. James M.. 310. Jasper E,., 350. Jenifer, 378. Job, 123. John, 120, 354, ,355. John F., 354. John L., 300, 355. Jonathan, 354, 465. Joseph, 355. Josiah, 42. Julia, 355. Kate, 355. Kate A.. 355. Leander B.. 73. Louisa W.. 355. Louvia, 355. Lowell D., .355. Lucy C, 355. Lucy G., 355. Luthera. 4!)1. Lydia, 354. Margaret. 434. Marion, 350. VOL. III. — 43 Moulton. Martiia. 354. Mary, 354. Mary K.. 350. Maurice E., 355. . .Merrilt, 355. -Mindwell, 123. Minerva, 354. Moses W.. 355. N. Flla. 254. Nathan, 354. Noah. 354. 355. I'atieiH'c. 354. Rachel E.. 355. Reuben, 354. Roxanna, 354. Sabrina. 354. Sally, 105. Samuel. 354. Sophia P., 354. Thomas, 354. William. 434. Mowry, ,). W., 150. Mozrall, Benjamin, 356. t;harles, 35(). Ellen L.. 350, 394. Emma ]\I.. 350. P'rank, 478. Gilbert. 350. Isabel, 350. Jeny, 350. Joseph. 350, 394, 399. Lucy. 478. Mary A.. 350. 399. Mary E., 350. Mary L.. 478. Nicholas. 356. Mudgett. Carrie V., 357. Clarence E., 290, 357. Dorothy, 357. Edward S., 357. Edwin. 357. Harold W., 357. .Jennie. 357. Newell. 7(i. Newell P.. 357. Susie, 357. Mullen. Charles, 100. Sophia P., 05. MuUiken, Amanda L.,357. Eliza ('., 15. Elizabeth, 357. Emma, 357. Frank P.. 357. George, 204, 357. John, 15, 357. Luthera. 357. Phinehas. 357. Sylvanus P.. 357. Mullins, Priscilla. 403. Munn. Art bur T., 391. J. Waldo, 391. Jemima L., 390. :\lunn, John W.. :;91. Marion .M., 391. iMunson. Heli-n, 44(i. Lee, 440. Munsey, Curtis C. 394. Murphy, Ellen, 490. llonora. 247. Patrick, 490. Thomas, 247. Murrell, .Mary .\., 144. Myer, Eli, 298. Matilda, 298. IMyers, Wallace P.. 374. Myott, Angeline, 357. Annie, 357. Ezra, 357. Josephine. 357. Louis. 357. Willie, 357. N. Naiiglc. Mary .1., 543. Nash, Krminia. 541. Helen M.. 202. Lucinchx. 202. Tiiomas, 2()2. Neal, Charles, 440. Henry, 129. Near, Lucy. 0. Needham, Minna P., 83. Nielson, John, 40. JMargarel S.. 4(). Mary, 40. Nelson, Alice. 131. Ellen L.. 358. Elwin C. 83. James, 358. John T., 98, 358. .losephine N.. 501. Joses, 154. Louise M., Kil. Lydia J., 358. Alary, 358. Robert, 131. Robert H., 358, 515. Sarah, 220. Stephen, 358. \\illiam, 491. Nettleton, Loanda. 205. Newcomb, Abigail. 190. Newell, Clarissa A.. 155. Flecta, 103. Newman, I';ttience. 32. Newton, Adam. 103. Alonzo, 418. James, 307. Sarah, 103. Nichols, Ada line L., 358. Alpheus. 153. Carrie, 401. (374 Index of Names. Nichols, Fannie N., .158, 3(;5. George, 401. H. F. C, 527. Hiram L. B., .358. Homer R.. 358. Ha B., 358. Lavina, 358. Lodaska, 252. Lucv M.. 358. Lyman D., 358. Mary D., 358. Nellie, 401. Preston T., 358. Sally A., 358. Simeon 0., 365. Solomon, 358, 3G5. Thomas 11., 1G9, 358. William, 252. Niekerson, Asa H., 90. Maria F.. 144. S. S., 240. Sarah J., 240. Nims, Abigail. 363. David. 363. Noble, Abigail, 359. Alanson,"83, 359. Catherine, 359. Cynthia S., 83, 359. David, 359. p]d\vin, 359. Enoch, 358. Frederick A., 359. Hannah, 359. Isabel, 191. .James. 359. John. 191. Lafavette, 359. Lucy S., 359. Polly, 359. Ruth, 358. Susanna. 359. Thomas, 358, 359. Nobles, Newman .J., 359. William C. E., 359. Noel, Joseph, 223. Noiseaux, Isidore H., 359. -Jean, 359. Noonan. David, 396. Nellie, 396. Norcross, Alvin C, 476. Norris, Benjamin, 454. Hannah, 451. John, 83, 363. Joseph, 451. Lydia, 454. Martha G., 451. Mehitable, 454. Ruth W., 83, 363. Northend, Edna, 242. Ezekiel, 242. Sarah, 242. Northy, Darius. 360. 433. Martha E., 433. Nellie V., 300. Orrin C, 360, 389. Raymond D., 360. Walter A., 3oO. Norton, Charles F., 360, 453. Isabel, 448. Kate, 360, 453. Moses, 360, 448. Nourse, Persis, 482. Noyes, Abbie, 360. Amos, 498. Amos C, 16, 360, 388. Antoinette, 360, 388. Caleb, 233. Elvira C, 96. Ephraim, 26. Hannah, 16, 233, 360. Hezekiah H., 169. Jonathan, 122, 360, 521. Lavinia, 122. Lillian, 420. Mary, 521. Nellie, 360. Prudence, 26. Russell, 96. Samuel, 498. Sarah, 521. ^Valter S., 231, 360. William S., 360. Nuckolls, George W., 257. Nudd, Elizabeth, 527. Nurse, Abigail, 322. Albert L., 364. Alden S., 363. Alice C, 365, 509. Allie H., 365. Anna, 362. Annie E., 365. Arthusa, 362. Asa S., 364. Atlanta M., 365. Benjamin, 52, 108, 174, 361, 362. Benjamin F. S., 363. Benjamin 1., 364. Bertha M., 366. Bessie E., 365. Betsey, 362, 363. Calvin, 362, 363. Caroline B., 364. Caroline M., 364. Catherine, 394. Charity, 362. Charles, 260, 364, 365. Charles A., 365. Charles H., 364, 365, 366. Charles 0., 366. Nurse, Charles Orrin, 362, 364, 365. Cynthia, 363, 364. Daniel, 364. Elizabeth, 361. Ella F., 366. Ellen D., 366. Etta, 365. Eunice, 362. Ezra, 363. Fannie N., 365. Frances, 366. Francis, 360, 361, 362. Frank 0., 362, 365, 366. Franklin S., 364. Fred 0., 365, 366. George, 363. George W., 364. Guy, 363. Hannah, 361, 363. Hannah S., 363. Harvey R., 364. Helen L., 200, 365. Hepsibah, 361. Herman J., 364. Horace, 362. Ida E., 365. Ira, 362. Ira B., 364. Isaac, 362. Isabel, 365. Jasper B., 365, 373. Jemima, 362. Jennie S., 3(i5. John, 204, 269, 318, 361, 362, 363, 364. John C, 200, 358, 364, 365. John VV., 363. Jonas, 227, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365. Jonas S., 365. Jonas S. B., 363. Jonathan, 362, 364, 365. Joseph F., 363. Kate L., 364. Laura A., 363. Leiand D., 365. Lena May, 365. Lizzie W., 364, 365, Lizzie Wilson, 365. Lockhart VV., 362. Lucy, 362. Lucinda, 363. Luther, 363. Luthera T., 260, 364. Maria C, 365. Martha, 227, 361. Martha C, 364. Martha S., 365. iMary Jane, 364. Mary M., 364. Index of Ncuves. 675 Nurse, IMorcv, 3(il. Olivor, 204, 205, 3G2, 3G4, 36.3. Oliver F., 83, 362, 363. Ozro N., 363. Patty, 363. Per ley G., 366. Persis. 269, 3()1, 362. Phinehas, 362. Polly, 363. Polly B., 363. Polly C. 364. Rachel, 3()2. Rebecca, 360, 361, 362, 363. Ruth Ann, 174. Ruth W., S;5, 363. Sada A.. 365. Sally, 361, 362. Samuel E., 365. Samuel P., 364. Sarah, 361. 365. Sarali A.. 205. 364. Saraphina H.. 363. Sherman S., 363. Silas, 362. Susan A., 364. Susannah, 52, 361. Thomas. 363. Thomas S.. 364. 3G5. Timothy, 193, 362. 363. Timothy B., 363, 364. Vashti, 362, 363. William, 363. William C, 175. William Clark. 364, 365. Willis W., 364. Nute, Abbie. 367. Abby, 172. Abraham, 553. Albert ¥., 187, 367. Alfred D., 367. Alzora L., 367. Asa, 553. Asa B., 553. Elizabeth. 366. Elizabeth B.. 366. Ethel M., 367. Eva, 367. Hannah A., 187. James. 366. .John B.. 553. .Totham, 366. Leander S.. 367. Lvdia A.. 366. I^iarv. 366. Mvrtie E.. 367. Nicholas. 366, 367. Olive. 367. Paul B., 553. Phebe, 366. Samuel, 366. Xiite. William 11.. 367. Zora, ;>(i7. Mutter, Joel, 118. William S., 323. Nultin*;-, Adaline, 58. Anthony P., 367. Belinda, 367. Cortes P., 367. Cvnthia K., 139. Dalmatia, 367. I<:iiza, 367. Elizabeth D., 367. Emily, 367. Frank G., 139, 367. Florence, 367. Harvey, 367. -lohn, 469. Katherine U., 367. Phylora L.. 469. William, 367. Nyman, Emma L., 59. O. Oakes, Abigail H., 155. Edward,' 155, 206, 368. Emilv, 72. Emily M., 291. Hannah, 73. Helen, .350, 368. Henry, 291. James H.. 210. James Harvey. 368. .John. 391. John N.. 350, 368. Kate, 401. Lizzie. 368. Lucinda, 154, 368. Mary. 20(i. Mercy A., 368. Rhodn. 289, 368. Sally B., 391. Simeon, 368. Uriah, 72. Urian. 73. 206. Oberlock, John, 445. O'Brien, .Joanna, 397. William. 397. Odell, Fred, 17. O'Donnell. Susie, 243. Oliver, Hubbard, 97. Olmstcad, Benjamin G., 56. O'Neill, James, 228. Marv E.. 228. Ontbank, Albert A., 448. Oreott. Bela, 340. Mary P.. 340. Oriiansinjtrer, Mary, 344. Ormsby, T.ouisa, .351. Orr, Albert J., 553. Orr. .\nii. 5 11. Harriei. 3S2. .Joseph, 553. Lina F.. 482. Raymond W., 553. Robert, 382. 553. Wheeler D., 553. Osborn, Mar,i,niret, 428. Rose G., 145. Thomas, 428. Osburn, Fanny. 516. OsfTood, Abigail, 104. Alice, 71. Alice M., 368. Almira, 368. Christopher, 428. Clara A., 368. Dorothv L.. 369. Elizabeth .1.. 3(19. Ernest F., 3(;;S. George W.. 368, 3(i9. Hannah, 104. Helen F.. 369. John C, 368. Margaret, 428. Margaret S., 369. Mary, 21, 408, 520. Mary G.. 368. Rachel F., 369. Ruth, 176. Sarah, 409. William, 21, 368. Osmond, Mary, 281. Otis. UeboralC 334. Rose, 366. Ott, George V., 7. Minetta. 7. Ottiwell, Abby, 255. Ouvrand, Annie A., 369. Ehvilda S., 369. Joseph h,., 369. Mary, 369. Mary C, 369. Peter, 369. Philamenc E.. 369. Phineas F., 369. Sarah E.. 369. Stephen, 369. Step'ien M., 369. W^ilter A., 3(i9. Owen, Adaline S., 295. Amelia, 118. .Marcus, 295. Martha H.. 230. Owens, Susannah C. 192. Pabodie, Rebecca. 461. Packer, Anna, 67. Paddleford,Benjaiiiiii,354. 676 Index of Names. Packlleford, Charles H., 370. Church M., 370. Clara, 370. De Witt C, 370. Dolly, 3()9. Elleii, 370. George C, 277, George K., 309. George P., 370. Isaac, 8. Julia, 324, 369. Louise, 370. Mary J., 370. Peter. 324, 341, 369. 370. Phebe, 341, 369. Philip, 369. Philip Henry; 369. 370. Richard, 417. Ruth, 369. Sarah, 369. Sarah L., 370. Seth H., 370. Page, Abigail, 340. Adeline, 225. Alphonso, 113. Amanda S., 338. Benjamin, 24, 55, 370, 371. Benjamin F., 196, 370, 371. Caroline, 371. Caroline E., 371. Childs L., 371. Eliza J., 371. Elizabeth B., 371. Elizabeth C, 370. Ella F., 371. Ellen May, 371. Ellen R.,'371. Frances 11., 78. George H., 434. Hannah E., 24. James, 371. James A., 196, 371. James E., 371. Jesse, 134. John, 370. John M., 371. Kimball, 338. Lewis, 371. Louis S., .371. Lydia, 370. Margaret, 434. Marshall, 370. Martha C, 370. MartJia S., 371. Onesiphorus, 428. Rebecca, 241, Robert, 434. Ruth, 238. Page, Samuel B., 370. Stephen, 370. Susan, 269. Valeria M., 248. William, 353. William Henrv, 371, 481. Painchaud, Francis E., 260. Palfrey, Ann P., 371. Carl F., 372. Cazneau, 371. Hersey G., 372. Mary C, 372. Rebecca S., 372. William. 371. Palmer, Aaron, 372, 373, 49.9. Albert E., 374. Alexander, 374, 465. Alexander H., 327. Almira, 373. Anne, 373. Barna, 372. Benjamin W. F., 373. Brooks, 205. Brooks L., 285. Carlos S., 373. Charles P., 373. Charles W., 374. Eliza A.. 373. Elizabeth. 372. Elizabeth A., 373. Ella D., 374. Elvira, 373. Emma, 374. Fanny G., 374. Foster, 464. Francis F., 96. Francis H., 373. Franklin H., 373. Fred A., 374. Freeman. 372. George F., 374. George M., 374. Hamilton, 374. Hannah, 374. Harry, 435. Hattie M., 374. Hazen, 373. Helen, 205. Henry, 25, 373. Hollis, 372, 373, 374. Horace, 373. John, 158, 372, 373, 534. John W., 205, 373, 374. Joseph, 144, 175, 201, 251, 373, 504. Josie E., 374. Julia, 374. Kate. 374. Kelpie L., 374. Palmer. Laura J., 374. Lillis, 373. Lora, 374. Louise M., 285. Lucretia A., 373. Lucy. 372. Lucy Jane, 373. Mary, 201, 372, 373. Mary D., 374. Mary M., 435. Mary W., 373. Mertie A., 374. Miranda, 363, 373. Nancy, 372, 499. Nellie, 504. Peggy, 373. Phebe, 372. Polly, 359, 372. S. Maria, 25, 373. Sally, 373. Sarah, 372. Sarah Jane. 373. Solomon, 372. Sophia N., 374. Stephen H., 373. Susan M., 158. Truman, 372. Wilber F., 374. William, 372, 373. William B., 55. William F., 373. Willis, 372. Willis W., 373. Paradis, Cvrille J., 374. David, 3^4. Parcher, Ellen M., 329, 437. Eltha L., 215. Josephus, 329, 437. Sarah, 215. Parish, Deborah, 414. Elizabeth, 414. Mercy, 414. Robert, 414. Park, Abigail, 335. Gideon, 335. Hannah, 335. Lucy, 427. Parker, Abbie, 376. Abbie J., 378. Abigail, 375, 440. Addie A., 382. Ai, 469. Albert, 220, 379, 380. Albert G., 380. Albert L., 382. Alexander J., 382. Alice B., 379. Amelia E., 496. Amelia P., 380. Amv, 377. Amia, 113, 153, 38L Index of JVmnes. 677 r:nkov. Anna D.. 381. Anna E., 381. 447. Annette A.. 380, 448. Arthur T>.. 382. Asa. 154. 275. 359. Aseneth. 378. Aupiista. 370. Benjamin. 243, 377. Betliiah. 4!)3. Betsev. 378. Caleb. 211, 375. 376. Caroline. 37G. Carl I.. 379. Carrie M.. 3. 378. Chandler B., 378. Chnrles. 8, 186, 265, 376, 378. 380, 496. Charles A.. 382. Charles L.. 382. Charles S.. 3S2. Clarissa R.. 376. Cora C. 377. Crosbi B.. 376. Cvrena D., 380. David. 351. 382, 440. David R.. 375. Deborah. 382. Diantlia L.. 275. Dorotliv. 376. Douirlas, 112. Druzilla. 112. Dwifflit C. 100. 381. Dwi'ijlit H.. 381. Edith L.. 379. Edith M.. 379. Edwin K.. 380. 438. Eleazer B., 378. Eliza. 378. Eliza Ann. 378, 476. Eliza v.. 376. Eliza J., 3S2. Elizabeth. 375, 377, 381 Elizabeth R.. 380. Ella. 376. 379. Ellen, 376. Ellen I.. 380. Ellen W.. 378. Ellinor E., 379. Emery. 364. Emily E., 379. Emily R.. 379. Emma, 396. ■ Esther, 377. Esther A.. 2. 378. Esther Ann. 140. Eusene H.. 379. Eunice. 362. Eva T.. 379. Evan. 2. Ezra. 31. 37(i, 385. Ezra B.. 376. Francis J., 5. Parker. Frank A.. 382. Frank I.. 286, 381. Fred. 376. Freeman -M.. 377. Cara G.. 380. (ieori;e. 71. 382. (Jeorjjre E., 382. (ieorge (.. 378. (ieorfre l\, 379. Georffiana L., 377. Gertrude R., 381. Grace E. A., 378, 496. Guv. 376, 377. Hallie M., 142. 379. Hannah. 75. 375, 376, 377. 381, 385. Hannah H., 379. Harland L.. 380. Harriet C, 382. Harriet T., 378, 512. Harry C, 381. Flarrv Carlisle, 379. Henrietta F.. 376. Henrv. 324. Henrv B.. 377. HenrV H.. 147. 378. 379. Henrv M.. 382. Hirani. 382. Hollis M.. 82, 379, 380. Howard W., 380. Ira. 82, 375, 378, 379. Isaac, 113. 268. 381. Isaac C. 381. Isadore D., 113, 376. James. 3. 140, 363, 378, 379. 512. James W.. 378. Jane M.. 378. Jennie. 376. 382. Jerusha. 375. Jerusha G.. 31. 376. Jeruslia L.. 311. John. 375, 376. 377. Jonathan. 377, 381. Joseph, 52. 375. Josie, 376. Leonard. 269. 382. Levi, 377. 378. Levi Pratt. 378. 380. Lewis II., 378. 379. Lillian L.. 383. Lorenzo D.. 3S2, 435. Luev L.. 243. Louise R.. 379. Luella. 156. Luella C, 381. Lutlier A.. 381, 447. Lvdia, 377. Lydia A.. 380. Lvdia Wilson. 381. ^iandane A.. 379. ilarjorie C, 380. Parker. :\lartl)a. 375. Martha J., 383. Martha Jane, 376. Marv. 375. MarV B., 376. .MarV I.. 382. Marv J., 375. Meli'nda, 380. Minerva H., 380. Minnie. 376, 439. Murray N., 379. Myra.2. Nancy. 375. Xancv S.. 379. Nathan, 375. 380. NathnnieL 493. Nelson. 142. 378, 379. Nina E., 379. Pauline, 375. Persis A.. 237. 380. Phebe. 377. 511. Phebo Ann. 378. Phineas. 112. Rachel. 440. Reuben. 377, 381. Rhoda. 378. Riva F.. 440. Ruth B.. 211, 375. Ruth C. 243. Sadie B.. 382. Sallv. 2S4. 378. Sallv R.. 375. Samuel. 269. 440. Sarah. 377. 380, 415. Sarali A.. 383. Sarali .M.. 440. Sarah N.. 382. Shirk 383. Silas. 377.378, 379,380, 464. Silas O., 378. 379. So[>iiia. 440. Steward E.. 383. Susan K.. 3S1. Susannaii. 493. Susie M.. 382. Sybil 11.. 381. 472. Thomas, 377. Thyrza. 269. Trueworthv L.. 113, 375. 376. 377, i'M). Tvler E.. 237. 380, 448. Walter IT.. 3^0. William, 415. William F., 378. \\illiam S.. 376. Parkliurst. (ieorire, 22. Phebe. 22. Susanna. 22. Parkiiison. Marv E., 84. William. S4. ^ Parks, Eliza, 5. 678 Index of Names. Parks, Levi P., 5. Marv, 202. Milo K.. 270. Parlino-, Abiijail. 361. Parrot't, Elizabeth, 540. Francis, 540. Parsons, Albert R., 479. James I., 411. Partridoe. Benoni, 383. Caroline, 383. Eli, 3S3. Eliza G., 383. Elizabeth, 287, 383. Esther, 383. Hannah. 383. Ira G.. 383. John, 383. Magdalen, 383. Mehitable. 383. Nathaniel, 225, 276, 383, 529. Orion, 383. Persis. 383. 529. Rachel, 484. Samuel, 287. Sheffield. 116. Paschal, Alfred, 107. Patch, Jonathan, 55. Sarah, 55. Sally, 440. Zilplia, 451. Patridge, Eliza G., 270. Fred F., 9. Joseph, 8. Keziah, 479. Prusia, 8. Pattee, Ella M., 521. Sumner, 521. Patten, Frank T., 383. George C., 383, 430. George Collingwood, 383. Jennie E., 383. Sarah, 415. Thomas, 415. Patterson, Andrew, 384. Annie M., 383. Enoch, 89. Florence E.. 384. Hosea. 383. Ivah, 89. John, 94. Leon H., 384. Mary, !)4. Nobie, 48. 384. Phebe S., 525. Pliilura M.. 3S3. Phineas C, 383. Patton. James F., 04. Levi C, 64. Paul. Eben, 380. Lucius, lis. Paul. Lydia A., 380. Payson,' Moses P.. 225. Payton, Adaline, 308. Pcabody, Agnes, 385. Alice B., 385. Allen P., 71. Amanda, 385. Clementina, 385. David G., 385. Elizabeth, 384, 385. Elizabeth O., 385. Francis. 384. Hannah, 384. 385. Hannah (t., 385. Helen E., 385. ]Margaret. 225, 405. ' Maria, 250, 385. Mary, 384, 385. Mary E.. 71. Maud, 385. Persis, 385. Ptichard, 225. 250, 291, 384. 385, 405. Richard E., 385. Richard P.. 385. Richard W., 225, 376, 385. Ruth, 384. Stephen, 130. Susannah, 176. Tabitha, 291, 385. Thomas, 170. William. 384. Peake, Franklvn A., 137. Pearce, Anna C., 380. Carlvle M., 380. Carrie I.. 385. Ell)ridge R. W., 386. Elijah', 385, 386. Forrest C, 386. Helen C, 386. Herbert, 380. Maurice W., 385. Nathan, 380. Nathan H., 380. Nathan W., 380. Stanley S., 385. Walter E. G.. 385. Yosemite. 386. Pearson, Arthur, 386. Catherine M.. 380. Charles S., 380. Dorothy V., 386. Edna M.. 386. Edward. 380. Edward A., 386. Elizabeth, 260. Gertrude L., 386. Harlan C, 335, Helen M.. 130. Isabella S., 380. James H., 514. Pearson, John. 206, 386. John A., 130. Lizzie, 386. Mabel L., 130. Mattie E., 386. Nathaniel, 110. Nettie E.. 130. Sally, 340. Thomas. 240. Thomas H., 386. Willabella S.. 386. William S., 386, 468. Pearsons, Abigail (4., 487. Benjamin W., 487. Luther, 520. Peaslee, Mary, 110. Pensley, Sarah, 429. Peavey, Abby J., 386. Abigail, 386. Frank, 387. George S.. 387. Ida M., 387. James, 380, 387. James S.. 387. Mary L.. 387. Warren C, 387. Peck, Clara A., 308. Isaac, 387. Jonathan J., 368. Lydia, 403. Martha, 148. Patience, 59. Sally, 59. Stephen C. 148. Thomas B., 49, 50. Beckett. Deborah E.. 387. John W., 387. Katherine M., 387. Robert P., 49, 387. Pelkey, Louis, 473. Saloma, 473. Pellerin, Joseph, 309. Mary, 309. Pendergast, John B.. 30. Pendexter, Alice, 334. Eunice, 284. John, 334. Pendleton, Mary S., 412. Nathan. 412. ' Penn, Laura, 490. Penney, Ann, 291. Joan, 291. Thomas, 291. Penniman, Anna. 7. Penno, George W., 120. Pennock, Abby M., 388. Adelbert R.. 388. Alice A., 388. Antoinette. 388. Arthur A.. 388. Aseneth V., 54, 387. Augusta, 417. Index of Navies. 679 Pcnnock, Bornico II., 195. ,SS7. ;5ss. Franci.-^ T.. 54.319,387, 3S8. Frank A.. 388. Harry P... 388. Hattio .1., 387. Human, 47, 387. Ira F.. 3G0, 387, 388. John B., 387. Luella L., 387. Mary, 387. Mary E., 47. Mary F., 388. Nellie g., 387. Theron, 387. Percival, Mehitable, 325. Perham. Experience, 38. Hannah, 415. Perkins, Calvin, 95. Charles. 512. George 15., 470. Hora'ce B., 388. Jennie A., 512. John S., 54. Luna J., 388. Mihlred M.. 388. Nancy A., 211. Susannah, 22. William M., 388, 47:^. Perley, Hepsil)ah, 409. Sarah, 409. Thomas, 409. Perrj', Edward R., 144. Lenora F.. 144. Maria F.. 144. Peter. 445. Perse, Elizabeth, 179. Persons, Milo, 132. Winnie S.. 132. Peters, Ann E.. 29. Margaret. 323. Marv, 421. Obadiah, 421. Olive, 308. Oliver, 308. Samuel. 29, 323. Petre. Lord, 543. Marv J., 543. Pettingill, Fannie B., 388. Harvey Y., 388. John, 388. Laura A., 388. Sally. 388. Zola M.. 388. Petty. Mehitable, 481. Phelps. Anthony J., 23. Eliza D.. 197. Harriet, 23. Samuel, 197. Philhrick, Abigail, 42. Apphia, 484. PIiill)rick. David. 403. Phillips. Amv. 22. Arthur, 390. Bessie E.. 390. Blanche E.. :!9(). Carrie L., 390. Clement J., 40. Clement Jeremiah, 389. Dean C, 3G0, 389. Deborah B., 389. Del)orah C. 334. Deborah .1.. 30, 389. Delia S., 390. Dennis, 1 13. Edith C., 390. Elberto E., 390. Elisha. 389, 44G, 512. Elizabeth, 389. Ella M., 389. Frank B., 389, 390. George N.. 390. Georgeanna. 390. Grace E.. 390. Harry, 389. Harry W\, 390. Hattie, 389. Hattie L., 512. James, 301. Jennie, 389. Jeremiah, 389. 390. Jesse, 388, 389. Joanna, 389. Laura, 477. Laura E.. 389. Lemuel N., 389, 390. Lois, 389. Lois B., 390. Louis L., 390. Louise G., 389, 440. Luella M., 389. Lucy A.. 389. Lydia, 388. Lydia Ann, 389, 472. Mary A., 517. Mary W., 390. Maud A., 390. ISIinnie, 390. ]\loses, 389. 390, 517. Nellie V.. .359, 389. Oiin K., 390. Priscilla, 390. Rebecca, 389. - Reuben, 36, 389, 449, 472. Samuel B., 389. Sarah A., 389, 449. Viciuia D., 389, 472. ^\■a]ter, 389. Warren, 19, 352, 389. LMiinnev, Isabel. 174. I'ickard. Ann, 392. Jane, 392. ]>ick.ird, John. 392. IMckeriuLr, Daniel, 321. Eunice T.. 321. Pickett, Charles B., 390. l-:d\vard, 390. 527. Ellen C., 390. Ellen T., .390. Jemima, 390. John. 390. Martha S., 390. jMerrill T.. 390. Susan iM., 390. Pierce. Abigail, 441. Adaline, 392. Alice. 392. Anthonv. 391. Ashel, 392. Caroline. 392. Collins. .392. David, 203. Edward O.. 391. 457. Eliza J.. 391. Elizabetii, 203. Erastus, 392. Franklin, 342. Franklin H., 391. Fred C 37. Frederick. 392. Frederick C, :!9l. Gosford. 392. Hannah, 392. Harriet. 520. Hester, 89. John, 08, 155. .391, 443, 451, 457. John, Jr., 68. Jonas. 391. Joseph, 391. Louise. 370. Lucv, 391. Lvdia, 392. Marv. 68, 317. 392. Mar'yE., 391, 451. Nathan. 392. Rebecca, 391. Rebecca A.. 391. Roswell, 392. Sallv B., 391. Sallv O.. 391. Samuel. 110. 39:;. Saraii O.. 391. 443. William, 369. Pike, Caroline, 330. Daniel, 113, 475. 477. Isaac, 200. James. 501. Jolin. 383. Lavinia (!.. 501. Luther, 116. 281, 312, .352. Marv. 312. Mary E., 260. 680 hidex of Names. Pikt\ ]\Iinor. 441. Nathan. 117, 270. 340. Nathan J., 433. Polly, 117. Reuben, 136. Rhoda. .101. Rhoda B.. 336, 352. Sally, 311. Sarah, 350. Susan, 111, 113. Susan M.. 281. Pillshury, Deborah, 520. Pinder, Joseph, 524. Pindor, Joanna, 428. Pingree, Aaron, 392. Albert, 393. Ann, 392. Anna, 392. Betsey L., 393. Caroline, 393. Charles, 393. Clarissa, 393. Dollv, 393. Dorothy, 392. Ebenezer, 392, 393. Elizabeth, 392, 393. Elizabeth L., 97. Enoch, 393. Enoch M., 393. Fanny S., 393. Franklin P., 393. George E.. 393. Hannah, 392. Jane, 393. Job, 392, 393. Joseph, 393, 443. Lydia, 392. Maria, 393. Mary A., 393. Moses, 392, 393. Polly W., 393. Rebecca W., 393. Sally, 393. Sarah, 392. William L., 393. Pinkham, Elizabeth, 306. John, 366. Phebe, 366. Rose, 366. Pinney, Aaron, 402. Ami, 402. Piper. Augusta, 370. Charles. 329, 376. Pitcher, Andrew, 88. Experience, 88. Place, Abby A., 423. Alonzo, 394. Betsey, 394. Christina, 394. Elizabeth. 394. Ellen L.. 394. Ephraim, 491. Place, Franklin, 394. George, 351, 394. Georgianna, 239. James, 356, 394, 423. James L., 394. Jesse W., 394. Jonathan, 394. Lewis O., 394. Mary A., 394. Mary E., 491. Mitchell. 222, 239. Oliver, 222. Virginia, 222. Vital ine L.. 222. William L., 394. Plaettner. Adolph. 236. Plaisted, Beniah D., 54. Plant, Augustus, 394. Austin, 394, 395. Bertha M., 395. Carrie B., 395. Cordelia, 395. Corlie. 395. Cora M.. 110, 395. Edward K., 395. Ellen, 395. Emeline, 395, 396. Emily, 394. Henrv, 217. Henrv A., 394, 395. Htnry D., 394, 395. Joseph, 394. Leslie, 395. Loron, 210, 394, 395, 396. Loren A., 110. Lorenzo, 394, 395. Lucinda. 394. Lucy, 395. RLabel, 395. Marcia, 395. j\Iargaret, 56. ]Marv E., 395. IMatilda, 395. Mellie, 394. :Mvrtie O., 395. Selena, 394. Susan. 210. 394. Susie A., 395. Warren E.. 395. Piatt, Jonas, 70. Platts, Elizabeth, 392, 488. Plaurde, Mary. 369. Timothy. 3(19. Pluiiier, Elizabeth, 281. Samuel, 281. Plummer, D. B., 189. Poland, Isabel, 407. Pollard, Carrie M., 395. Climena, 395. Gertrude E., 335, 395. Milo C, 08, 395. Pollard. William. 395. Pollev. Bethiah, 493. Pollock, Phebe, 333. Polly, James, 359. Pond, John, 458. Vicelia E., 458. Poor, Alice, 315. Ann, 429. Charles. 554. Daniel. 553. 554. Helen H.. 554. Maria, 216. Peter, 553. Ruel W.. 554. Sarah, 342. William, 429. William G., 554. Porter, Annie S., 396. Clementine, 396. Elizabeth L., 396. Emily, 396. Emily R.. 379. Emma, 396. Esther, 461. Harrison. 379, 396. Henrv H.. 94, 396. John'L., 263. Joseph, 396. Martha, 73. Potter, Andrew, 396. Asa A., 105. Charles A., 396. Charles E., 105. Charles W., 394, 396. Emeline, 396. Helen L., 390. Lucvette, 105. Mary E., 105. Pearl I., 396. Ray A., 390. Poulter, Rachel. 206. Powell, Ida. 227. James B.. 227. Power, Nicholas, 531. Rebecca, 531. Powers, Abel, 396. Al)el R., 397. Alice, 397. Alice E., 397. Allen, 396. Clarissa E., 390. Clark, 396. Clark W., 396. 397. Fanny, 384, 397. Flora, 396. Forrest R., 397. George, 408. Harlan, 397. Henry, 396. Henrv H.. 396. Jessie, 397. Joanna, 397. Index of Xames. 681 Po\^ers. Ktviali. 123. Lizzie .1.. ;597. Lucivis 1).. 430. Margarot. 31)7. Mary, 271. Matt, 397. :\latthe\v, 3fl7. Matthias, 2S4. .397. ]\Iauiio(\ 397. Mvitic E.. 92, 397. Ni'llie, 390. Rosotta. 390. Sarah, 390. 441. Scott \V.. 3f)0. 400. Siirvallin. 390. Thomas, 397. William, 529. Willis, 390. Wilim-r F.. 397. Wiiuiio K.. 397. PrattT, W. R., 0."). Pratt, John. 30. Lvdia P.. 30. Perrv. 397. Tyler J., 397. PraV. Lola M., 346. ^iary. 22. Sarah. 313. Svhil. 305. Prcshn-y, Elisha. 398. Hannah. 397. Joseph, 397. 398. :\lary, 397. Wclthea. 398. William, 397. ]»r('shy. Austin. 398. Austin P.. 398. Bertiia. 398. Clinton P.. 398. Daniel ]\l.. 398. iMlnuiml J.. 398. Eunice. 398. Llarohl W.. 398. Isabel, 398. Joseph W.. 398. Myra P. W., 398. Ol'in L.. 398. Khoda. 398. Samuel, .398. Samuel B.. 398. Sarah K.. 398. Preseott, Bradbiiry, 45. Eliza A.. 3!)9. Eryin E.. 399. Ervin S.. 277. 399. Frank J., 399. (leorge G.. 538. -Tames. 38, 107. John E., 399. John P.. 350. 399. Lydiii X.. 430. Mary, 482. Pn-^coll. Marv A., .399. Mehitahle S., 45. Orient J.. 80. Samuel, 482. Stephens. 399. Pressey, Albert, 482. l^eston, Ira A., 240. Lois. 319. Price. .Mary. 343. Priest. .loel. 39. 457. Jolin R.. 20. Mercy. .39. 157. 457. :\Ierc'y A.. 3(i8. Moody. 308. Prince, Dayid S., 399. .Ella A.. 399. (Jeorgo S.. 150, 399. Mary C. 90. S:iuniel. 90. Prinirle. .Adam. 399. Dona Ida X., .399. Flossie. 399. (Jladys J.. 399. Selena, 399. Prior. Philip W.. 433. Proctor. Sarali. 89. Prouty, Emeline. 212. Emily L.. 102. Emma ('.. 297. (Jeorae A.. 297. Isaac. 212. 443. Lydia. 443. Poswell. 102. Provonchee. Abram, 120. Millie. 120. Prudee, Ephraim. 430. Pulsifer. Hannah P.. 91. Purington, ]\[ary. 237. Pushec. Charles S., 399. Ellen F.. 399. Fred A.. 399. Syh-ester. 399. Putnam. Addison P.., 3S2. Benjamin W.. 230. Catlierine. 153. Elizabeth, 80. Ella M., 230. Hiram, 530. John C. 229, 538. Joseph. 385. Mabel A., 229. Mahina. A.. 538. Xellie M., 121. Parker A.. 257. Perley. 121. Sadie B.. 382. Tarrr.nt, 80. Putney. George, 58. Pyer. George L., 390. Lewis, 195. Q. (,)uessey, Edward. 50. (,)uessy. Antoine, 399. Edmund, 399. .Margaret. 399. Quind)y. Abbie, 499. Abi.ia H.. 401. Adeline. 499. Ali)ert IL, 109. Albert Hutchins, 402, 543. Alden, 400. 427. 458. Andrew .M.. 403. Ann, 402. Anna L.. 403. Anna W.. 403. lilanche, 492. Carl X.. 403. Catherine A.. 402, 543. Charles. 499. Charles J.. 400. Clarence E.. 403. Claribel. 145. Cora. 401. Daniel. 402. Dayiucv. 204. JMai'tha A.. 137. Nellie S., 137. Obadiah, 106. Prudence, 73. Rachel, 191. Sarah, 74. Rich. Catherine S.. 445. Elizab(>th. 445. I'^unice. 116. Henrv, 445. Jacob, 445. John. 445. Moody, 445. llicliards, Alfred, 436. Daniel H., 231. DrusiUa. 75. Etta, 114. George S., 468. Melissa, 460. Richardson. Abby, 418. Abiel. 415. 416. Abigail. 419. AV:igail W., 417. Adeline, 67. Albert J., 152, 418. Almeda, 280. Arvilla R., 185. Bell, 418.- Bertha, 416. _ Brewster. 4L . Caroline E.. 182. Carrie, 78. Charles L. 418. Clarabel. I!t0. Clarence, 410. Darwin, 136. David, 56. 182. 372. 375, 416, 417, 41b. 465. David S., 417. Deborah. 414. Earl, 415. Eben. 400. Ebenezer. 41(i. 417, 419. Edith M.. 419. Edward B.. 190. Edwin, 120. Elizabeth G.. 417. 418. Elizabeth M.. 418. Ellen M., 414. Eri, 59. 684 hidex of Names. Rioliiirdson, Ezekiel, 414. 415. Flora B., 415. Flora E., 414. Flora F., 417. Flora M., 418. Frank E., 1S4. Frank M.. 416. Fred E., 416. Fred H., 419, 502. Garald K., 416. George H., 219. George L., 108. George W., 454. George Washington, 352. 418, 419. Guv. 416. Ha'lie E., 416. Hannah, 415. Hannah G.. 465. Harry W., 416. Harry Webb, 419. Hattie E., 419. Hattie Evaline, 415. Hattie V.. 415. Hazel, 415. Henrv, 400. 417, 418. HenrV E.. 201, 417. Henrv G., 418. Hiram N.. 280. Horace, 417, 418. Horace F., 414, 415. Hugh J., 419. Hugh R., 419. Ida, 417. Ida M., 119. Ira M., 416. Irena H., 75, 416. Isaac E., 417, 418, 516. Isabel C, 418. Israel C., 418. Jacob, 416. James, 414, 415. James E., 414, 415. James M., 102. Jane, 414. Jennie, 416. John, 414, 416, 419. Jonatlian, 415. Josephine M., 415. Josiah, 414. Judith, 418. Kate, 102, 414. Katie H., 416. Leafy M., 410. Learned W.. 417. Leroy D. H., 11.3, 418. Lillian, 418. Lillian B., 418. Lizzie, 418. Lohama, 415. Ricliardson, Luther, 116, 2(>6, 267, 414. Lvdiaetta. 182, 417. Mabel, 416. Martha, 417. Martha A., 416. JMartha S., 419. Mary, 375. Mary E.. 417, 418. Marv Jane, 416, 418, 482. Marv H., 418. Marv T., 418. Maud, 416. Mercy, 414, 415. Minnie E., 419. Moses, 375. Mvron H., 417. Nellie. 418. Nellie E., 418. Olive, 10. 414, 417. Olive J., 322. Olive Jennie, 417. Paul M., 416. Priscilla, 416. Rebecca, 415, 417. Remembrance, 414. Reuben, 280. Robert, 414, 417. Robert W., 419. Ruth. 400. S. Everett, 114. Sally, 375, 414, 417. 482. Samuel. 414. Sarah. 415. Sarali W., 56. Sophia. 416. Stephen. 185. 410, 419. Stephen A., 32S. Stephen E., 506. Susan. 418. Susanna, 414. Susannah. 417, 418. Theda L., 416. Thomas, 414, 415. Walter W., 417. Warren, 417. William, 419. William A., 416. William I., 418. 419. Zuriel A., 182, 322. Zuriel Albee, 416, 417, 482. Rickard. Mary, 457. Ricker. Loren, 68. Rider, V. H., 120. Ridley, Annie, 245. John, 245. Rilev, Abigail, 441. Elizabeth. 419. Ellen, 419. Rilev, James H., 419. Mary A., 241. Michael, 419. Nathaniel. 441. Triphena. 441. Rines, Carrie M., 420. Charles, 420. Ebenezer, 419. Emeline M.. 419, 420. Emeline S., 419, 420. Emma, 419, 459. George W., 420. Harrv A.. 420. Mancia, 432. William. 419. 420, 459. Ring, Addison, 543. Andrew, 157. Angle, 420. John, 420. Mary, 420. 520. Matilda. 420. Mitchell. 420. Phebe, 420. Rosa, 420. Sarah, 157. Ripley. Sarah, 157. William. 157. Riser, Charles, 232. Rivers, Augusta, 420. Christina B., 420. Ellen E., 420. Etta. 420. Godfrev. 420. Grace, 420. Harley A., 205, 420. Jasper, 420. Joseph. 420. Marv B.. 420. Nelson T.. 149, 420. Plooma, 420. Rosa B., 420. Rix. Ahbie A.. 423. Adeline, 422. Alanson S., 422. Alfred, 422. Aiistin, 422. Benjamin F., 422, 423. Blanche L.. 423. Caroline, 423. Carrie E., 423. Charles, 422, 423. Charles C. 422. Charles H., 422, 423, 476. Clark, 421. 441. Ebenezer. 197. 421, 422. Edgar M., 422. 423. Esther, 421. Evelina, 422. Florence E.. 423. Francena M., 423. Frank, 423. Index of Names. 685 Rix. Ceoi-ov W., 421. Grace. 421. Guv, 42:5. Guv C. 422. 423. Guv S., 423. H:)"lo, 421. 422. Hanmili. 421. Hannah C. 1!)7. Ira 0., 422. James, 421. James C. 42:). James ^L. 2!)2. Joel E., 423. Jolin, 421, 423. Jonatlian ('., 422. 423. Jonathan .M., 422. Lavina. 422. Lewis M., 422. Louisa F., 422. Lueretia. 422. JMaro-aret. 422. Martha. 423. Martha A., 423. Mary. 421. JMar'y L., 423. Minnie, 423. ]\Iorrill. 133. iloses. 374. Nareissa, 422. 493. Nathaniel, 179, 219, 421. 422. 423, 493. Oscar. 422. Persis, 219. 422. Peter. 421. Pollv, 421. Reheeca, 422. Reheeca Jane, 422. Robert. 421. Rutli, 421. Tliomas. 421, 423. Wilder P.. 422. 423. William, 421. 422. Rix ford, Lutlier. 202. Sarah, 2(i2. Sarah P.. 2(12. Rohhins. George O., 520. Ruble N., 78. Roberts, Abraham, 301. Elizabeth. 301. Mary, 441. Osmore ()., ISO. Phebe, 310. Sarah, 301. W. .A., 27. Robins. Almira F., 425. Betsey. 424. Caroline. 424. Douglass, PJ4, 424, 425. Eli son. 424. Emerson. 424. Esther, 424. Robins, Falima IL, 425. George I).. 425. Ida M., 425. Isaac F., 424. James W.. 190, 424. Joseph, 99, 424. 50S. .loseph E., 425. Joseph W.. 425. Keziah, 424. Lvdia, 424. I\iarcv, 424. Margaret, 424. Margaret Anna. 425. Margaret H., 425. Mary, 424. ]\Iinerva D., 425. Philena, 99, 424. Polly. 424. I'ris'cilla, 424. Sally, 424. Wilber, 48. Wilbur F., 425. Robinson. Abigail, 419. Adrian, 42(i. Ali)ro L., 425, 457. Benjamin F., 231. 295, 420. Benjamin John, 420. Charles J., 233. Edward K.. 420. Etlie, 140. Ella L. 426. Emily E., 420. Frank O., 420. Fred A.. 420. 511. Frederick K., 420. George, 308. Henry, 419. Homer E., 420. Jasper, 425. Jeannette E., 420, 511. John P.., 420. Laura R., 425. IMarion, 420. Marv; 233. NeH'ie, 420. Sarah, 479. Ursula, 471. William. 471. Robv, Abigail. 427. Ciiarles W., 427. Elizabeth, 152. Ephraim C. 427. Grace, 239. Jane, 427. John S., 255, 427. Joseph, 427. Lucy, 427. Nancv, 427. Relief, 427. Relief C.. 427. Rockwell, Rufus E., 332. Roekwood. Elizabeth, 3,S3. Lueretia. 191. Martha, 383. Nicholas, 383. Rodalf, Cora M., 145. Rodamel, Simeon, 445. Rodliir, Horatio H., 123. Roe, Rosilla, 403. Rogers, Almira L., 234. Augusta, 394. Clara S., 220. Ezekiel. 103. Hannah, 301. Jedediah. 234. John, 145. Marv. 49(». Nathan, .300. Saniuel, 490. Sarah, 338. Susan G., 145. Rolf, John, 520. Ruth, 520. Rollins, E. H.. 470. Elizabeth S.. 130. Frank H.. 427. Hattie J., 414. Henrv G., 414. Ida. 379. James W.. 130. \^'ingate. 130. Root, Charles T., 232. Mary, 323. Rose, (icorge. 421. Mary 1., 422. Rosebrook. Jonathan, 207. Polly. 207. Rosebrooks. William, 201. Ross, Ashter D., 48. Eliza H., 427. Ell wood J., 427. Harvev P., 180, 427. J. Smith, 78. Jonathan. 230. Julia A.. 78. ISO. Lucia W.. 427. Lucv S., 230. Marv E.. 427. Roval. 230. Samuel. 78, 180, 427. Rounseval. Georgie M., 198. Rounsevcd. Ann ^I., 427. Elle J.. 427. File Joseph, 427. Emile, 400, 427. .L H.. 488. Royal D., 400. 427. Rourk, Catherine. 143. Rouse. Fannv H.. 108. Rowe. Ardelfa, 428. Arthur P.. 530. 686 Index of Names. Rowe, Clara K., 536. Daniel, 428. Delia L., 201. Elizabeth L., 85. Ephraim, 428, 499. Jesse L., 201, 217, 428. Mary A., 428. Nettie L., 217, 428. Rowell, Achsah B., 431. Adaline, 430. Albert, 430. Alice C, 431. Amos, 34, 98, 400, 431, 471. Ann, 429. Ann Mary, 98, 431. Anna, 429, 440. Anne, 429. Benjamin F., 429. Berenice A., 291. Betsey, 431. Caleb, 429. Carleton F., 431. Caroline, 19. Caroline E., 291. Caroline L., 429. Carrie L., 207. Carrie M., 431. Charity, 429. Charles C, 430. Charles E., 72. Charles H., 431. Chester, 430. Clara, 178. Clarissa D., 430. Clinton, 430, 431. Daniel, 429, 431. Edmund, 429. Eliza, 431. Elizabeth, 428, 431. Elizabeth A., 429, 435. Eugenia M., 431. Fanny R., 34, 431, 471. Francis H., 430. Frank F., 430. Franklin, 430. George, 430. Grace F., 431. Guy C, 400, 429, 430, 431. Hannah, 429. Henry W., 431. Ira, 430. Jacob, 429. James C, 400, 429, 435. James H., 429. Jane C, 400, 431. Joanna, 428. John, 428. Jonathan, 268, 429, 430, 440. Jonathan B., 429, 430. Rowell, Jonathan H., 430. Joshua, 430. Juilith, 429. Lizzie M., 431. Lois, 429. Lydia, 429. Maria, 430. Marv, 428. Mary J., 430. I^.lelissa A., 429. JMicaijah, 431, 441. Milo. 430. Mindwell, 405, 429. Miriam, 429. Perev, 429. Philip, 428, 429. Ricliard, 430. Richard F., 119, 336, 429, 431. Sally, 429. Salmon H., 430. Samuel, 291, 428, 429. Sarah, 428. Tiiomas, 428. Valentine, 428. Roy, Adele, 209. Michael. 209. Rublee, Alson F., 370. Rudd, Jonathan, 00. iMary, 00. Rugg, Cephas, 361. Ruhxnd, Elliott C, 432. George, 432. George W., 432. Laura VV., 432. Mary E., 432. Rimdel, Alice J., 517. Runnel, Samuel, 505. Rvuinells, Abigail, 24. Rushton, Henry, 342. Marv, 342. Russ, N. K., 364. Russell, Abigail, 20, 73. Ann M., 98. Arthur K., 432. Benjamin F., 231. Betsev, 432. Carey, 246, 433, 520. Catherine F., 433. Charles H., 432. Clarence H., 432. Edna, 174. Edwin M., 432. Elias, 386. Ellen J., 433. Elmer E., 432, 433. Emily D., 231. Emily E., 433. Eunice, 432. Francis H., 433. Frederic H., 432. Russell, Frederick A., 432. George L., 185, 433. George W., 432. Harriet N., 433. Harry B., 433. Harrv E., 432. Helen A., 35, 432. Henrietta, 432. John. 433. Josiah, 267, 340. Julia C, 433. Lizzie, 207, 386. Lizzie S., 432. Lucius A., 433. Lvdia, 432. Marcia C. 21. Mark J., 300. :\Iartha E., 433. Marv J., 85, 322. Merrick, 174, 207. Peter B., 433. Rachel, 493. Robert, 322. Roxanna, 433. Sarah H., 246, 433, 526. Scott E., 433. Simeon, 98, 431. Sophia. 432. Sue, 433. Susan B., 433. Tliomas, 432. Tliomas E., 432, 433. William E., 433. Ruth, Henrv, 261. Rutherford, Isabella, 123. Rverson, Deborah, 243. R'vthes, Charles U.R.,232. Sabin, Hannah. 200. John, 260. Lydia, 477. Salisbvirv, Elizabeth, 226. Salmon, "Elizabeth, 338. .John, 338. Salter, Titus, 130, 214. Sahvay, Adeline, 474. Agnes P., 434. Annie M.. 253. 434. Anthony V., 434. Clement J., 434. Hattie, 434. Joseph, 159, 325. Louis, 474. Matilda R., 434. Mitchell, 253, 434. Mitchell J., 434. Vernie E., 434. Index of Names. 687 Salwav, Vina, 159. Sampson, Edith V., 530. Elizabeth, 15(i. George, 15U. Henry, 530. Sanborn, Aaron, 519. Abigail, 110, 111. Abner, 434. Amelia B., 435. Amos S., 434. Anna, 518. Betsey E., 175. Caroline, 522. Caroline N., 435. Charles A., 437. Charles P., 51, 436. Coffin, 434. David P., 30, 108, 285, 435, 452, 510. Deborah B., 435. DeJjorah J., 382, 435. Delia S., 430. Edgar, 435. Elisha, 243. Eliza A., 430. Elizabeth, 454. Elizabeth Ann, 435. Ellen J., 435, 510. Emily, 436. Emma E., 30, 435. Ezra, 434. Elora, 434. Elora A., 436. Erances Ann, 436. Erancis D., 435. Erancis W., 435. Hannah, 317, 434. Hannah A., 435. Hannah G., 350. Henry, 436. Henry F., 436. Herbert L., 435, 494. Irving L., 435. Isaac S. R., 436. Jennie E., 383, 436. Jennie L., 435. Jennie Lindsey, 435. Jeremiah, 175, 454. Joanna, 243, 436. John, 434. Jonathan C, 317, 436. Jonathan Cram, 436. Josiah, 436, 454. Judith, 434. Eaura B., 285, 435, 452. Eeroy S., 435. Levi, 304, 382, 432, 435. Levi \V., 435. Loviea C, 430, 473. Luey R., 435. Luther D.. 429, 435. Lydia N., 436. Sanborn, Madison, 324, 383, 435, 436. iMargaret, 434. ^largaret C, 454. .Mark A., 436. .Marv, 31, 434, 507,519. .\larv J., 435. Mary M., 364, 434. .\larv .Mood\-, 435. Melutable, 483. Xaomi 11., 435. Eollv. 430. Rac-hei, 435. 430. Rachel T., 435. Sarah, 156. Saraii K., 436. Slu'pherd J., 436, 473, 543. Simeon, 430. Stella L., 436. Stephen, 434. Susannah T., 434. William, 434, 436. /adoc. 436, 507. Zadock, 112, 311. Saucier. Derrick, 14. Sanders, Ellen M., 329, 437. Jane, 339. Lucian G.. 437. Lucien. 417. Lvdia, 96. Mar>hal, 320, 329, 437. Nellie M., 437. Rufus, 437. Sanderson, Aaron, 437. Addie W., 437. Edward T., .371. Lida W., 437. Lutie F., 437. Roscoe, 437. Sanford. Elizabeth, 389. George, 389. Sanger, David, Jr., 372. Eleazer, 438. Ellen E, 380, 438. Ezra, 438. Hannah, 438. Katherine E., 257, 438. Lillian E.. 237, 438. :\lary, 437, 438. Nathaniel, 438. Richard, 437, 438. Sabrina, 438. Sarah. 438. Thaddeus E., 237, 300, 380, 438. Santy, Delia .M., 133. Eugene, 507. Gray, Jr.. 439. Minnie, 439. Nelson, 370, 439. Sargeant, Caroline, 95. ( yrus, 95. Sarah J., 95. Sargent, Abigail, 242. I'.etsey, 439. Elihu, 125, 439. Eliza B. C, 125, 439. Elizabeth, 278. Eraidv, 439. George, 439. Darrv, 439. Henry, 542. Joanna, 428. John. 439, 491. Jo.-eph, 278. Julia, 439. Laura A.. 439. Lonina B.. 439. .Martha, 4.39. .Marv, 242, 439. Marv -M., 439. .Marv S., 542. Milo, 439. Nancy. 439. Polly, 136. Rachel, 278. Roswell, 351, 4.39. Susannah. 141, 527. Thomas P.. 226. William, 428. Zolvey, 439. SaitweU, Betsey. 343, 440. Elizabeth, 440. Elizabeth G.. 343. Emily, 440. Gertrude K., 440. Hannah, 440. Helen G., 440. Joel, 308, 440. Joel M., 440. John, 343, 353, 440. John Q. A., 440. Lois A., 440. -Maria, 308. 440. Obadiah, 440. Orin R., 440. Pollv. 221. 353, 440. Roswell, 429, 440. Sarah, 440. Sarah A., 440. Simon, 343, 440. Sophia C, 440. Thomas J., 440. Saunders, Amos. 177. Mary C, 177.' Savage. Anna. 441. Christian, 441. Clark C, 442. Eleanor, 70. 441. Elizabeth, 431, 441. Ellen -M.. 442. Elmera L., 442. 688 Index of Names. Savage, Emma J., 442. Hannah, 442, 539. Harriet, 441. Ira W., 442. James F., 441. Jehiel W., 443. John, 441, 442. John R., 441. John W., 442, 487. Lama, 421, 441. Laura A., 442. Martha W., 442. Mary, 441, 442. Mary L., 442. Melinda, 305. Otis, 442. Ozias, 393, 442, 539. Polly W., 393, 443. Roby, 441. Roswell, 275, 305, 441, 442. Roswell E.. 442. Samuel, 442. Sarah, 441, 442. Stephen, 70, 431, 441. Susan B., 442. Susan D., 442. Sylvester, 441, 442. Sylvester R., 442. Thomas, 442. Triphena, 441. William, 441. Willie A., 442. Sawtell, Elizabeth, 192, 439. Hannah, 439, 440. Obadiah. 439, 440. Rachel P., 440. Richard, 439. Sawyer, Annie F., 444. Benjamin, 122,272,274 328, 443. Betsey, 476. Carrie B., 444. Catherine, 363. Charles M. T., 443, 444, D. F., 431. Dolly, 443. Dorothy, 376. Edna, 443. Eli D., 391, 485. Eli Davis, 443, 444. Eliza J., 444. Ella, 272. 443. Elmer G., 443. Emeline, 443. Enos, 443. Esther R., 281. Frank P., 443. Fred B., 444. Gertrude P., 444. Hattie G., 443, 444, 485. Sawyer, Helen L., 444. Howard P., 444. Ira C, 443. John. 443. John P., 443. Josiah. 204. Lucy, 311. Lydia, 443. Lydia A., 271. jMarion F., 444. Mary Ann, 131. Olive, 97. Pamelia, 327. Phebe, 443. Pliebe J.. 122. Robert C, 444. Ruth, 242. Samuel, 97. Samuel C, 96. Sanuiel Cole, 444. Sarah, 149. Sarah O., 443. Sarah P., 444. Sophia, 464. Sophronia, 274, 443. William, 97, 149, 310, 311, 370, 443, 444, 404. William H.. 443, 444. Saj'res, James, 08. Seammell, Alexander, 457. Scheer, Bertha. 473. Schmitz, Caroline S., 168. Schoffe, Daniel, 445. Henry, 445. Jacob, 445. John, 445. Scott, Anna W., 403. Cora A., 444. C. W., 444. Frank C, 487. Georqe W., 444. G. r": W.. 170. Henry, 295. Lula A., 444. Lydia, 234. Martin L., 444. Minnie G., 323. Nancy, 247. Nathan. 444. Sarah, 543. Sarah M., 444. Thomas, 247. Ursula, 295. Scribner, Charles, 504. Seace, John. 482. Seald, Katherine, 10. Sealey, Sophia, 326. William, 326. Searle, Elizabeth, 179. Hannah, 179. William, 179. Searles, Elnathan, 156. Miriam, 106. Seaver. Susan C, 541. Seavey, Abigail, 241. Clementine, 126. Lucretia, 462. Lyman B., 481. Sebastian, Eunice, 493. Samuel, 493. Secor, Julia, 90. Sedgell, Kate, 401. Seeley, Adaline, 448. Jeannette D., 243. Joseph C, 102. Margaret, 102. William, 102, 448. Sellingliam, Andrew J., 72, 440, 522. Catherine, 251, 446. Daniel, 446. Ellsworth, 446. Eva A., 446. Henry, 445, 446. Henry, Jr., 446. Jacob, 251, 445, 446. Lizzie M., 72, 446. Matilda, 446. Senter, Mary, 165. Welthy, 165. Sessions, Sally, 534. Severance, Isabel, 398. William, 398. Sewall, Hannah, 519. Sexton, Cora, 140. George, 140. Seybold, Amelia, 298. Josiah, 298. Seymour, Hannah, 362. Harriet. 515. Sgobel, Helen, 446. Michael, 446. Paul, 446. Shackford, Sally, 375. Shart'er, Emma, 517. Shaler, Elizabeth, 393. Shannon, Elizabeth, 530. Mary, 375. Shapleigh, Dolly, 372. James, 372. Sally, 372, 373. Sharp, Christian, 393. George, 393. Shatswell, Mary, 507. Shattuck. Amanda M., 6. Charles H., 413. Eda T., 118. Ellen D., 366. Ferdinand, 66. Jane, 363. Sanuiel, 306. Sherman, 303. Stephen, 302. Index of K(t))ies. 689 Shattuck. \';isl:(i, :U;3. yhaw, Calcl). 4;{4, 484. Edward, 2.57. Elizabeth. 434, 484. (h-aoe, ;572. Joshua J5., 1:52,293, 44G. Mary, 13. Mary A.. 2!)3. 440. Nehemiali. 440. Rachel, 434. Roger, 483. Sarah J., 440. Susanna. 483. Shav. Bessie D.. 44G. Drusella E., 440. John C, 75. 440. Katie E., 440. William A., 440. Shea, Kate. 120. Patrick. 120. Shenield, Hannah. 383. Sheldon, Mary, 532. Shepard. Catherine. 202. Frank Edward, 38 L Marv A., 28. Robert. 59. Sylvester, 202. Shepherd. Anna E., 447. Frank E., 447. Harriet, 520. Lois, 520. Raehod, 73. William H.. 447. Sherburne, Dolly, 3G9. Love. 484. ]\Iar£iaret, 484. Rufus B.. 220. Samuel, 309, 484. Sherman, Charlotle, 53. Edna, 10. Eliza C. 294. Cieorge, 50 L John, 73. ]\Iartha, 73. Prmlenee, 153. Slierwin, llepzibah, 541. Sherwood. Emeline, 419. William. 419. Shorev, John F., 284. Shurtleir, Anna P., 542. JOmma A., 177. Roswell. 542. Sinister, Emma V., 220. John, 220. Shute. Alden. 447. Alice M., 448. Ambrose B., 4-18. Arthur N.. 448. Charles N., 447. Charles S., 447. ICiizabeth, 447. Ellen M., 448. VOL. III. — 44 SI Si Si lute, Cilman D., 447, 448. Crace L., 448. Harriet, 447. Horace, 75. Mil. 447. Joseph, 111, 447. Joseph B., 447. Kate M., 149. 447. Lucv A., 447. Lydia, 447. IMaria D. P.., 447. Mary, 447. ]\lary Jane, 447. Michael M., 111. 447. Nathaniel. 447, 448. Phebo, 447. Sally, 447. Sewell, 447. Thomas, 447. bley. Charles. 180. (Jeorge A., 335. Isby, Annette A.. 448. GaVald \V., 448. Glenn W.. 448. Lewis, 448. Mildred P., 448. William M., 380, 448. Iver, Amos IL, 75. Caroline, 370. mes. Rhoda R., 402. mino, Adaline, 448. Augustus. 448. John, 448. mons, Mary G., 190. monds, Charles, 448. Jennie L., 448. Laura A., 448. Marv E.. 448. IMoses, 528. Sailv P., 24. Solon L., 448. mmons, Charlotte ^L 130. Harri(>t N., 59. mpkins, Cicelia. 189. mjjson, Abbie W., 450. Ann, 528. Bishop, 21. Carl C, 449. Carrie D., 449. Carrie E., 450. Catherine, 450. Charles A., 449. Charles H.. 449. Chester, 389. 449. Clementine, 245. Clinton P.., 449. Cora A., 449. Diadama. 455. Earl E., 449. ]-:rnest, 449. Ferdinand, 450. Sim|)son, Fhna I].. 449. G(H)rgeR., 449, 450.403. Harry C., 449. Harry E.. 450. Harry M.. 44!». Ha/.e'l M., 449. Isabel, 448. Jessie E.. 449. John T., 448, 449. Kate B., 449. Laura i?., 450. Leona E., 450. Lizzie F., 449. 520. -Mary ]).. 437. .Matthew. 437. Paul L.. 44!). Priscilla. ;!9(t. Reuben P.. 450. Riley S., 122, 449. 450, 520. Samuel. 44'^. 449. Sanuiel F.. 20. 449. Sarah A., 449. Sarah U., 450. Suel. 390, 449. 455. Susan E.. 419. 'J'homas, 178, 207. Wilford C^. 450. Sinclair. Charles A.. 231. Charles Arthur, 451. Charles G., 451. Elizabeth. 451. Ellen M., 451. Emma, 402. Emma 1'., 451. Grace J., 451. John G., 391. 451. Martha A., 451. Martha (!., 451. Martha S.. 451. Marv E., 451. Marv L.. 451. Peter, 402. P(dlv, 450. Richard. 450, 451. Sanuiel. 450. Sarah, 450. Taniar. 451. Sinkler. Deborah. 450. Elizabeth. 450. John, 450. Mary, 450. Sizen, Clara. 513. Esther, 85. Jan\es. 85, 513. Skeene. (Jeorgianna. 527. John G., 527. Skillinirs. Deborah. 241. Sarah, 352. Skinner, Abner. 450. Emeline K., 298. Otis, 303. 690 Index of Names. Skinner, Snrnli, 440. ytephon. 1()5. Susanna, 45(3. Walter, 472. Slack, Hannali, 389. William, 3S!l. Slater, Cornelia, 307. Robert, 307. Slattery, Bessie T., 1.59. William, 159. Slaughter. John, 310. Mary, 310. Sleeper, Edmund, 519. John, 519. Peter, 519. Small, Edwin. 411. Edwin E., 500. James B., 500. Julia, 500. Walter H., 500. Smalley, Edwin B., 452. Howard E., 452. James A., 452. James H., 185, 452. Joanna Q., 452. Joseph F., 452. Nellie M., 452. Smart, Harriet N.. 15G. Howard F., 423. Smearage, Lizzie, 125. Richard, 125. Sarah, 125. Smillie, James, 452. Janet, 452. John, 285, 435, 452. Julia, 452. Laura B., 285, 452. Maud A., 452. Robert, 452. Susannah, 452. William, 452. Smith, Abbie, 455. Abbie F., 458. Abigail, 135, 273, 450. Ada B., 459. Addie E., 455. Agnes L., 459. Albee E., 453. Almon B., 370. Amos, 135. Amy M., 184, 457. Ann, 453. Ann F., 460. Annie, 459. Antoinette P., 400. Asa K., 457. Augustia A., 190. Aura H., 454. Austin J., 458. Austin R., 459, 403. Barnard H., 454. Beniamin, 450. Smith. Bessie. 459. Betsev, 117, 231, 454. Betsey H., 401. Beverly, 458. Byron'R., 152, 458. Caroline, 228. Caroline N., 435. Carrie, 455. Catherine C, 453. Catherine Cobb, 391. 457. Charles, 442. Charles C, 300. Charles Calvin, 453. Charles E., 9, 453. Charles H., 453. Clarence, 174. Clarence H., 453. Clarissa A., 55. Clarissa P., ^i^. Cora, 453. Cvrus, 154. Daniel, 228, 450, 457. Daniel G., 400, 435, 458. David, 454. Deborah, 42, 457. Diadama, 455. Ducena, 457. Edwin H., 455. Eldred 0., 181. Electa B., 459. Elihu B., 400. Elisha, 55, 454, 460. Elizabeth, 454. Elvira, 457. Emilv, 201. Eninia, 419, 420, 459. Emma D., 102, 459. Emma L., 459. Emma S., 124. Ephraim, 456. Esther, 300. Esther D., 205, 457. Eugene S., 458. Experience, 39, 456,457. Fanny, 457. Francis, 456. Francis H., 173, 455. Fred L., 312, 455. George, 320. George B., 459. George F., 400. George W., 458. George Walter, 453. George Washington, 458, 400. George Wellington, 455. George William, 460. Grace M., 458. Hannah, 397, 533. Hartlv, 329. Smith, Harriet, 225, 459. Harriet N., 243. Harris E., 241. Harry, 236, 459. Harry D., 453. Harvey, 455. Hattie L., 211. Helen, 35. Henry, 459. Henry William, 453. Henrv Wooilward, 453. Herbert E., 355. Herbert H., 4(i0. Hiram B., 142, 453. Huldah, 456. Ichabod, 456, 457. Ida M., 459. Irvin W., 455. Isaac, 33. 39, 82, 157, 184, 205, 289, 425, 457. Isaac C, 457. Isabel G., 453. Isabella, 456. Isabella A., 217. James, 10, 456, 459. Jane, 455. Jason, 459. Jennie, 453. Jennie A., 510. Jennie L.. 458. Jennie U., 230. Jeremiah, 51. Jerrv, 57. Jesse B., 351. Joel, 373. John. 39, 124, 358, 450, 458. -John B., 470. John, .Jr.. 450. John Moulton, 458. John M., 510. John, Sr., 456. Jonathan. 29, 97, 153, 453, 456, 457. Joseph, 454, 450, 459. Josiah, 418, 454. Judith, 418, 454. Julia E., 458. Julia L., 459. Julia Mandane, 455. Julia Mertie, 455. Juliette, 132, 455. Julius, 115. Kate, 360, 453. Kate E., 453. Laura R., 425, 457. Levi, 460. Lizzie, 453. Lois, 450. Lottie L.. 459. Louise, 62. Iiuhw of JVaiiu'S. 61tl Smith. T,()viii;i. 4oS. Lucv ()., 4.")7. Liiv'ia R.. 45!). Liizi>lla M., 4.")4. Lydia, 4.')4, 4rA]. Lydia Ann, 3;5, :ir-,<), 4.57. I\iart;arol (".. 4r)4. I\r;iria. 510. Maria D. B.. 447. Marilla. 2.'i(). Marv. 338. 409, 464, 45(), 45!). 4()(). Jlarv A.. 433. 457. :\[arv Abbio. 400, 458. Man- B.. 457. Marv E.. 57. Marv Elizabeth, 453. .Mary H.. 500. ^lary Helen, 455, 545. ]\[arv .lane, 3!), 82. 157, 4-57. Mary L., 400. ]\Iarv Viola, 455. Mav E., 454. Melissa. 351. 526. Men'v, 30. 157. 457. :\riini"ie Ella. 455. :\[iiniie Etta. 455. Mollie. !)4. Xancv. 400. Xanc'v S.. 280, 457. Nasoii, 117. Nellie, 115. Nellie H., 220. Nellie 11., 455. Nettie, 25. Norman C, 400, 458. Pat ienee. 450. I'hehe. 450. 480. I'h.'he W.. 454. (,)uincy. 370. Bansom. 104. Benheii, 447. Bhoila. 45(;. Bichard. 458. 450. Bichard C. 458. Bichard F.. 458. Biehard C. 450. Bilev. 32. Bobert. 122. 480. Bomanzo. 455. Bosette. 455. Bufus. 455. 487. Sally, 454. Sallv Ann. 457. Sanniel, 30, 132, 455, 457. Samuel H.. 454. Sarah, 90. 45(i. Sarah V.. 400. Sarah V.. 454. Silas P., 217. Smith. Simeon. ■ir>>>,. Solomon. 153. S( |)hia. So|)liionia, 457. Sttdla, 455. rMcphen. 400. 52(!. SnmniM' 1*., 455. 545. Susannn. 450. Snsaniinh, 2!)0, 45(5. Susie VV., 122. Thomas. 3!). !)0, 305. 450. 517. 'J'homas .T. ^1.. 5.37. \'icelia E., 458. Wellinijton. 454. \\ilber v.. 459. Wilfred ().. 07, 459. Willard, 401. \\illiani. 455. 45i). William Baker. 102. 18(i. 420. 459. ^\'illiaMl Baxter, 457. Wilson D.. 19. . Zebulon, 454, 401. Snap]). Fleteher Ci.. 400. i.eroy F.. 400. Bobert, 400. Robie E., 400. Sarah V., 400. Silas B.. 400. Snell, Alvin, 450. Snow, Alberto F.. 401. Andrew F., 4(il. Charlotte, 518. David S., 401. Dennis F.. 148. Diana E., 175. Ernest W., 401. Isabel F., 401. .Terusha-. 82. Katie M., 401. Marv. 44, 289. :vrary K.. 92. Nat haniel. 175. Ono. 44. 92, 518. Briseilla ,J., 403. Buth, 44. Soaines. Betsev H.. 401. Elizabeth a!. 401. Jonathan. 4()1. Lnov B., 401. JNlartha A., 401. William F., 401. Sonierbv, Elizabeth, 127. Biehard, 127. Judith. 315. Soniers, Horace, 333. John, 353. Lueinda, 155. Melinda. 155. Nettie, 120. Sophia, 353. Somciville. Mary. 317. Soj)er, Almira. 279. .Mary I).. 215. Sa.muel, 215. Soule. Althea, 150. Mary. 15(i. Soutliiird. Cvnthia, 423. (Jeoio-ia I.'. 322. Joseph A., 121. Marv .\., 251. Melville, 404. SuMthwiek. Hannah, 287, Keziah. 499. South worth. Alice, 401. Artemas A., 12. Betsey. 402. Constant, 401. Edward. 401. l-:iiza A.. 402. Elizabeth. 323. 401. Elvira, 373. Esther, 401. Esther P., 348. (Jeorire M., 402. (Jeorire W.. 2<)3. 402. Hannah. 42. Hartwell H., 230, 402. Ira, 402. .Jennie L.. 402. .(osiah. 401. Lemuel, 401, 4(12. Marv, 401. .Myr'a E.. 402. Nathaniel. 401. Bebecca. 4G1. Bobert M.. 402. William. 401. SiKillord. Sarah. 212. ;!84. Spaldinij, Martha, 475. Biehard. 475. Stephen, 475. Sparhawk. Mary, 32. Nathaniel. .Ir"., 32. Patience. 32. Bebecca. 51. Spauldin.o-. B. B.. 27. .Martha .1.. 300. S|)cncer. Cliarles P., 324. ICsther. 509. l-"unice. 509. Hubbard. 509. Sarah. 310. SpolVoi-d, Josepli. 170. J^awrencc K.. 152. Spooner. Abbit> J., 34-7. Betsev. 473. Cortland. 4(;9. Ellen M.. 134. Evalvn A., 4. (ieoro-e. 134. Joel, 347. 692 Index of JVames. Spoonev, Thomas J., 4. Sprague, Eliza, 208. Harriet. 403. Irene, 229. Jemima, 527. Ruth, 403. Samuel, 403. Spring, John C, 451. Rebecca, 249. Sprout, Ebenezer, 527. Squires, Addie M., 458. Stacev, Rebecca, 01. Thomas, 91. Stack, Henry, 445. Stainton, Geoffrey de, 103. Helena, 103. Stalbird, Samuel, 173. Stamp. Jennie, 278. Joseph, 278. Standish, Miles, 157, 163. Stanford, John, 178, 268. Leland, 255. Persis, 268. Polly, 135. Stanley, Richard C, 440. Sallv, 440. Stannard, Catherine, 23. Staples, Jane, 161. Marv. 500. Nellie, 402. Starbird, Rebecca, 171. Samuel, 171. Stark. John, 95. Starrett, Abigail, 105. St. Clair, Emily, 295. S. B., 485. Stearns, Abbie W., 450, 403. Abigail, 49, 50, 402. Addie. 233, 463. Anna B., 463. Arba T., 247. Benjamin. 463. Charles, 462. Cyrus E., 403. David, 40, 50, 409. Edward, 202. Eliza, 403. Elizabeth. 50. Ella E., 79. Emma L., 459, 463. Etta, 463. Ezra S.. 203. Franklin, 463. George, 463. Gilbert W., 463. Hannah, 402, 403. Isaac, 59, 190, 202, 304, 402, 403. 502. Isaac B.. 2, 450, 459, 403. Isabel M., 403. Stearns, John. 49. John P., 403. Leonora, 403, 502. Lois B., 181. Lovisia, 201. Lucretia, 462. Lucy, 202. Lydia, 463. Martha, 462. Martha P., 403. Mary, 304, 402. Mary Ann, 403. Mary Annah, 247. Mary J., 190. 463. Mary M., 463. Nancy M., 463. Nathaniel, 402. Rachel, 202. Rebecca, 402. Ruth, 409. Sally, 463. Saniuel, 462, 463. Sarah, 73, 462. Shubael, 402, 403. Tal)itha, 462. Wilbur C, 79, 181. William, 463. Zimri, 403. Stebbins, Brainerd, 539. Chester, 400. Fannie R., 539. Grace, 107. Harriet, 107. James, 107. Steele, Auo-usta C, 348. John, 348, 400. Mary E., 400. Rebecca S., 242. William, 242. Steere, Ada D.. 464. Addie M., 464. Alice C, 464. Charles B., 464. Chloe, 404. Clark, 99. Dinah, 22. Edwin R.. 464. Jane, 464. Lewis, 464. Lois, 464. Lucy, 464. Lydia C, 316, 464. Merrill, 464. Priscilla J., 463. Russell, 316, 464. Russell T., 464. Samuel, 464. Samuel N., 464. Sarah. 464. Stephen, 403, 464. William, 464. Stenton, Anna, 60. Stephens, Peter, 202. Stephenson, Turner, 291. Stetson, Charles W., 184. Stevens, Abigail, 361. Alice, 468. Alice R., 467. Alice T., 25. Almira J., 466. Anne, 465. Anson, 467. Asenath, 265. Augusta L., 209. BeUe E., 407. Bessie E., 407. Bonnie E., 468. Caleb, 192. Calista M., 465. Caroline, 404. Carrie W., 468. Catherine, 191, 465. Charles, 468. Charles W., 466. Clark E., 466. David B., 483. Dolly, 219. Ebenezer C, 67, 465. Elbert C, 467. Eleanor, 405. Elexia, 464. Eliza, 378, 464. Elizabeth, 128, 467, 472. Elizabeth J., 67. Elvira A., 465. Emogene, 460. Ernest T., 466. Eva M.. 467. George D., 467. (4eorge M., 523. Grove S., 209, 407. Hannah, 355, 465. Hannah G., 405. Hannah I., 400. Harriet F., 467. Harriet T., 467. Hattie, 408. Helen I., 124, 406. Helen M., 467. Henry, 445. Henry B., 467. Henry Bellows, 465. Herbert D., 2, 460, 467. Herod, 354, 355, 465. Hiram O., 466, 467. Ida E., 466. Ira G., 405. Isaac, 361. Isis. 468. J. Augusta, 467. Jeremiah W.. 468. Joan H., 404, 465. John, 405, 460, 407, 472. Index of ]V(tmcs. G93 Stevens, Jolin 0. B., 374, 378, 4(14. Jonathan M., 4G5. Joseph B.. 404, Joshua, 209. Judith, 429, .Tulius, 405. IJzzie ,)., 400. J.ouisa C, 30. Lucinda A., 407. Lydia, ir)4, 404. Lydia J., 407. Mixhel M., 400. JMalvina A., 405. ^Nlanley, 400. j\Iaria, 310. Marictt K., 405. Martha E., 209. INlary, 403, 407. Mary Ann. 408. :\raiT J., 407. Mnrv S., 400. ]Meli"itabh>, 454. Mclvin, 40S. :\Ielvina. 404. :Merev, 301. Mildiod A., 407. Closes, 433. Nellie M., 523. Otho, 404. I'liebe, 405. riiineas, 301. Kich, 445. Riehard K., 405. lluth A., 408. Salina, 465. Sarah P., 404. Simeon, 27. Solomon, 30, 154. Sophia, 404. Sophia N., 374, 405. Soi)hia W.. 302. Stella J., 400. Susan B., 433. Susan M., 4(iG. Talitha C, 112. Tappan, 302. Timothy, 405. True, 400. True JNIason, 460. Truman, 404, 465. Ursula, 405. Wilber, 316. William, 465. William D., 407. William H., 254, 405. William lloit, 407. Wilson, 408. Zelotes, 124. 352, 400. Stevenson, Andrew, 415. Mary, 415. Stewart, Lester, 504. Stewart, Marietta, 504. Prof., 1. William R., Jr.. 316. St. Joiin, Ellen. 408. Francis B., 408. Henry W., 468. Oliver S.. 70. 468. Stiekney, Alinira. 112. Stiles, Eunice, 394. Cieorutlier L., 120. Liizella M., 454. J'hebe, 4S0. ToUv, 470. Itebeooa, 300. lloby C, 209, 393, 413. Susannali, 480. Trvphenia. 480. William, 300, 480. Townsend, Abner, 310. Bertlia I.. 501. Esther, 377. Henrv, 413. Lvdia, 144. Lvman, 83. aiada M.. 83. Pollv. 310. Steptien, 502. Train. Annie R.. 242. Trask. Artlnir E., 489. Carrie, 489. Lnther W., 489. -Mary, 104. :\linme M., 489. Viola D., 489. Trayers, Ann, 429. Trcadwav, 358. Trefetheii. Abigail, 348. Trepanier. Napoleon, 40. Trescott. Samuel A., 259. Treyet. Sarah, 502. Treyette. Herbert L., 423. Treworthy. Elizabeth, 301. Trombley', Carroll C, 489. Cyprian, 489. liarold B., 489. Laura E., 489. Trowbridge, Lydia, 135. Trumble. Ann, 200. Jolin. 200. Tuck. Mary. 434. Robert. 434. Tucker, Elizabeth, 175. Gertrude. 409. Trull, John. 208. Tulip. Adaline. 489. Alphonse. 489. Charles, 489. Clara, 489. Edward, 489. Emma, 489. Tulip, Fred, 489. (icorgianna, 489. lleurv. 490. Ida, 4S9. Ira. 490. Jennie. 490. John, 489. Eucy, 489. :Mary R., 489. -Meddle, 489. Napoleon. 490. Xellie, 489. William. 489. Willie, 490. Tunnev, Annie B., 93, 490. Elhm, 490. ,Iohn, 93. 400. Minnie. 490. Patrick, 490. Tupper, ]'>enjamin, 104. Turner, Etlu'd A., 245. Jessie, 340. Julia A.. 340. Martha. 403. Timothy P., 245. Tutt. Maria L., 189. Tuttle, Alice L., 140, 344, 491. Alpheus M.. 491. Augustus II., 492. Betsey. 491. Catherine. 490. Catherine G.. 491. Charles M., 140, 492. Charles Martin, 40, 140, 344, 491. Elizabeth, 491. Elizabeth A., 491. Elizabeth Arnold, 40, 491. Elizabetli J.. 492. Elizabeth M., 402. Elizabeth R.. 491. Georire F., 490. Heh>n D., 492. Hiram A.. 470. Horatio. 439. 491. Horatio G.. 491. Jane, 491. 492. Jennie. 492. Jennie Hobart, 491. Joan. 490. Joanna. 490. John. 490. John L.. 490. Jonathan. 490. 491. Lillian, 492. Lina IL, 18L Luthera, 491. Lyle D.. 492. :\iary, 439.490, 491,492. MarV B., 491. Tuttle, ]\Lary E., 491. Mary S., 491. Minnie, 492. Richard, 490. Robert, 492. Sarah, 490. Simeon, 490. Socrates, 181, 491. William A., 491. William 1).. 492. Twombly, Abbie, 172. Betsey, 492. Celista, 492. Ezekiel, 172, 492. (4eorge B., 492. Hope, 92. Isaac, 492. John B.. 92. Lydia H., 172. Alary, 492. I'ollV C, 492. William W., 492. Twomey, I\lary A., 57. Owen, 57. Tvler, Charles C, 07. "Jesse, 200. Tyrrell, Josephine L., 50. Levi L., 12, 240. u. UUery, George J., 324. IJpham, Elizabeth, 538. Thomas. 538. Underwood, C. E.. 458. Edmund L., 208. I'Almund R., 494. Edward M., 493. Elizabeth, 492, 493. Elnora P.. 494. Eunice, 493. Goodwife, 492. Guv C, 494. Hannah, 492, 493. Hattie L., 493. Helen P., 494. Israel, 111, 493. J. Clarence, 11. James. 493. Janet G., 494. tieremy. 493. Jesse, '494. John, 80, 493. Jonathan. 493. Joshua. 493. Joseph. 492. 493. Joseph R.. 494. Martha. 4<)2. :\Iary. 493. Narcissa. 493. Nathan. 422, 493. 698 Index of Names. Underwood, Rachel, 493. Remembrance, 414. Russell, 270. Ruth, 493. Sally, 493. Saniuel, 493, 494. Sarali, 214, 492. Susannah, 493. Susie H., 493. Thomas, 492. Timothy. 493. Vicelia"^E., 458. Victor T., 494. William, 414. Ure. James, 342. Utter, David N., 372. V. Vahne. Ambroise, 129. Rosa, 129. Vahue, Elizabeth, 31G. Louis. 316. Vance, Charles H., 472. Hannah. 2.53. Hattie, 1S7. Vandeear, Herman, 494. Olive, 494. S])encer A.. 328, 494. Van Ness, Ada ]\I., 494. Charles E., 494. (leoro-e H.. 494. Ira i)., 494. Ira W., 124, 494. Laura I., 494. Mainie M.. 435, 494. Milton, 494. Van Nostranil, Charity, 301. Van Rensselaer, Jacob R., 70. Varnev, Hannah M., 185. Thomas, 185. Vath, Edith, 233. Veigue, Ambroise, 494. Caroline, 494. Charles, 494, 495. Clementine, 495. Freddie, 495. Georf;e, 494, 495. Georpianna, 495. John, 494, 495. Levi, 494. Lewis, 494. Louis. 495. i'eter. 495. Venan, Mary, 118. Veniou, Alexander, 495. Annie ,T.. 495. Annie M., 495. Belle, 495. Venion, Francis. 495. Francis J., 495. Francis W., 495. Georoe, 495. Helen, 495. Howard E., 495. James N., 495. J\Iary J., 495. Theophilus, 495. Viall. Clarence C, 390. Vickery, Catherine, 352. Vinal, Harriet A., 314. Seth H., 314. Vincent. Florence, 511. Vinton, Sarah. 00. Virtue. Edna M., 84. William. 84. Vorback, Philip, 445. w. Wade, Mary I.. 177. Wadleio'li, Benjamin F. 495. Frank E.. 495. Lillian M., 495. Wait, Jason, 532. Waite, Daniel M., 398. Morrison R.. 411. Rhoda M.. 398. Walbridge, Chastina, 422. Lydia, 154. Martha, 123. Walcott, Erastus, 310. Joseph E., 71. W^aldron. Nellie, 307. Wales. Anna, 300. Ebenezer. 300. Esther, 300. Walker, Abel, 275. Abigail W., 417. Ann, 332. Annie M., 490. Caleb, 402. Caroline, 490. Clara, 490, 520. Clarence S. B., 201. Daniel, 514. Edna J., 333. Eliza, 402. Elizabeth, 202. Emma J., 490. Frank D., 490. Franklin, 220, 490. 526. Georpe E.. 496. Grace E. A., 496. Henry F., 194, 496. Herbert G., 496. Inez E., 496. Joanna R., 203. Joseph, 202. Walker, Laura. 496. Leonard, 417. Lucy M., 209. Lydia. 351. Martha D., 496. Moses, 269, 354. Polly, 514. Sally, 417. Samuel, 203. Sarah, 202. Shirley P.. 496. Simeon, 495, 496. Sophia P., 354. Thomas J., 378, 496. Thomas Julian, 496. Timothy, 421. Winfred N., 490. Wallace, Abigail, 500. Abigail G." 499. Adeline E., 499. Albert, 500, 501. Alma P., 109. Almira, 499. Alonzo S., 501. Amanda, 498. Amos, 220, 259, 498, 499, 501. Amos P., 499, 501. Andrew M., 500. Arnold V.. 501. Asahel, 499. Berenice IL, 226, 499. Betsey A., 501. Calvin J., 419,403,502. Carrie H., 500. Charles M.. 501. Clarinda, 499. Cordelia, 499. Daniel, 499. David, 372, 498, 499, 500, 501. Dennis O., 502. Ebenezer G., 500. Edna, 501. Edwin, 500. Edwin F., 502. Eli B., 97, 502. Elizabeth, 501. Ella, 195, 500. Elvira, 499. Emma J., 500. Fannie S., 500. Frank E., 501. George, 499. George E., 500. George H., 502. George S., 500, 501. George W.. 501. Hannah. 498. Harry N.. 501. Hazel, 501. Henry, 204, 499. Index of Names. 009 Wallace, Henry E,. 500. llirani, 49!), 501. ]ia, 499. James B.. 2S0, 501. ,1a no, 49S. Joiiii, 498. 499,502, 518. John A., 500. Jonas P., 507. Jonathan W.. 196, 200, ;]12. 498. Jniia, 501. ,lulia B., 590. Laura J., 2S0. Lavina, 501. Lavina G.. 501. Leonard, 498. Leonora, 502. Lilla B., 507. Linzey, 499, 500. Lorana, 501. Luther. 498. 502. Mabel R., 312. Mahala. 499. Margaret I'., 501. JNlaria E.. 501. INIartha. 500. JNIartha S., 419, 502. INlarv. 499, 500, 501. J\larv A., 500. JIarv Ann. 499. ]\[arv B., 501. IMar'v E.. 500. Mary M., 500. Maud B.. 502. ]\Iaud F., 502. Mvra, 502. Naney. 498, 499. 500. Xoriuan L., 501. Olive A., 500. Phineas. 498, 502. Pollv. 498. Beutfen. 498. Riehardson J., 501. Sallv, 498, 518. Sally C, 502. Solomon. 499, 501. Soi)hronia L.. 196, 200, 312. Sumner, 500. William, 498, 499. Wallini)liia. 10. 515, 516. Sopliia J.. 517. Thaddeus B.. 516. Tillotson, 515. 516. Vespasian. 1 35. 244, 515, 516,517. W. Holland. 517. Washiniiton, 516, 517. Wilder.' 5 10. William, 273. 515, 517. 702 Index of Names. Wheclfr. William A., Willie A., 517. Wheelock, Aaron S., 519, 520. Abel. .■)10. Alice. 74, 519. Amasa. 341, 519, 520. Anna. 520. Archippus. 519, 520. Asa C, 519. Betsey. 519. Brackett, 520. Catherine B., 519. Dorothy, 520. Hannah. 519. John, 520. Joseph, 520. Josiah, 519. Lydia, 520. Mary, 520. Mary or Molly, 519. Meh'itable, 383. Melissa. 520. Patty, 519. Peter, 519, 520. Sallv, 519. Sarah, 341, 520. Susan, 354. Whetton, Fremont, 25. Whi])i)!e, Alma C, 222. Bertha, 309. H. A., 150. Lydia, 53. 377. Marv, 377. Matthew, 150. Rufus, 377. Pviith G., 522. Susannah. 38. Whiteher. Chase, 520, 521. Daniel, 521. David S., 521. Deborah, 520. Elva .1., 323. Emily, 521. Hannah, 520. Harriet, 155. Ida M.. 34. Ira, 521. John, 34. Joseph, 520. Lois, 405. Martha, 520. Mary, 521. Reuben, 520. Samuel, 521. Susan M., 323, 521. William, 323, 521. Whiteomb, Abigail, 521. Albert L., 522. Arthur K., 521. Asaph, 492. Whiteomb, Aznbah, 405. Benjamin, 521. Bertha, 228. Carrie E., 129, 522. Curtis, 72,129, 440,521. David, 521. Ella B., 522. Emily J., 321. Eunice, 521. Frank, 201. Horace, 192, 521. -John, 521. Josiah, 521. Lindsey, 85. 321. Lizzie M., 72, 44G, 522. Lucretia C, 358. Mary, 521. INIinerva, 521, 522. Nathaniel, 521. Nellie G., 521. Rebecca, 521. Susie, 85. Warren H., 521. William, 38. White, Alexander, 522. Almena, 522. Andrew, 523. Anna, 229. Bartin. 522. Bethuel, ,522. Beulah, 481. Caroline, 522. Davis, 233. Electa C, 522. Eli, 522. Ethel F., 523. Hannah, 27. Horace, 53. Ida, 187. James, 522. -Tames D., 70. .Jennie, 357. -Terome T., 522. John, 121, 234, 522. Jonas, 318. .Toseph, 522. Kate, 522. Laura A., 271, 522. Letitia, 0. Lizzie, 522. Lucy, 121. Lula. 291. Marcia A., 522. ]\Iargery, 522. Maria, 378. ]\Iary, 291, 522. Nellie M.. 523. Nelson, 105. Oliver, 522. Rachel E., 355. Roval P., 523. Ruth, 522. White, Sarah, 234. Selena, 522. Silence, 70. Sirena, 522. Sophronia, 522. Thayer D., 522. Thonms, 271. 355, 522. Whitehouse, Susan R., 500. William, 500. Whiteman, Catherine S., 445. Christian \N., 445. Louisa I., 292. William, 445. Whitesell, William W., 44. Whiteside. Franklin, 523. Frederick W., 523. Maria, 523. Thomas, 523. William, 523. Whiting, Abigail, 105. Ann, 309. Asenath, 523. Charles E., 448. Danforth, 20. Elien, 443. Elizabeth, 202. Ellen J., 20, 523. Elmira G., 524. Foster, 100, 524. Gerrv, 165. Grace, 333. Hannah, 309. Harris, 105. Leonard, 523. Lucy A., 448. I\Iaria, 523. .Martha A., 228. :Millie. 524. Nathaniel, 309. Robert C, 20, 337, 523. Solomon, 123, 523. Stephen, 333. Willard, 272. William H., 289. Whitman, Lucy, 434. Whitmore, Abijah, 524. Abijah J., 481, 524. Angeline, 524. Berviah, 100. David A., 524. Hannah, 524. Isaac, 100. Lorena B., 524. William B., 524. Whitney, Abigail, 193, 194. Benjamin, 224, 470. Charles, 471. Elizabeth, 192. Elmira F., 470. Frank, 193. Index of Names. i03 Wliitnoy, naiinalK 192. J. Thomas, 351. Jazaniah, 251. Julia, 417. Louisa M., 2S4. Persis, 224. Richard, 1!)2. Sabrina, 4.38. Salmon, 50. Sarah. 50, 224. Sarali AL. 251. WliitridfTO, William, 141. ^\■hittaker, Addie L., 525. Almeda F., 525. Ann, 524. Arthur. i)2, 525. Cora J., 525. Ellen, 524. Georjie S.. 524, 525. Inoz A., 524. Janios, 524. James W., 524. Jessie, 524. John, 524. Joseph L., 472, 524, 525. Lawrence, 524. Marfjaret, 524. Marjiaret E., 524. Maria, 524. Martha, 524. Marv S.. 524. Olive, 525. Paulina A.. 525. Robert, 524, 525. Robert H.. 247, 524. Sarah A.. 524. A\hittelse_v,Chauncey, 201. Whittemore, Parker, 451. Whittier, John G., 411, 470. Marv, 520. Nathaniel, 520. Rutii, 520. Susanna. 411. Tliomas, 520. Wliittlesev, ]\Iabel, ,3. \\i-,'i,HHt, Uattie, 500. \\"iiiL!ins. Alii-rail, 111. ^Vi']l)^^r. Job, '398. Welthea. 398. ^Yilcorab. Alice L., 511. Moses K., 2, 511. Wilcox, Amelia, 257. Leonard, 95. Obadiali. 450. Sarah A.. 423. Wilde, Sarali ^l.. 515. Wilder, Abel, 33. Alice, 525. Charles C., 230, 525. Elizabeth, 525. Joel, 20. Wilder, John. 20, 294. Joseph, 233. Louvia, 525. Lvdia. 20. Lvdia A.. 141, 294. ^iaria, 233. .Marv, 97. Nellie. 380. Rebecca, 83. Sarah A., 105. William, 105. Willis. 97, 525. Wilker, Jacol). 445. Wilkins, Archie, 520. Clara, 520. Clement, 520. Daniel, 240, 433, 525. 520. Doxie, 520. Eliza, 52(i. Ceorjre C., 525. (iGorgia D., 520. Ceorgianna. 520. Hugh D., 449, 520. Jethro, 520. Lilla, 520. Lilla IX, 520. Lizzie F., 520. Luther C, 490, 525. 520. ^[aurice, 520. Phebe S., 525. I'hilip, 525. Philip C., 525, 520. Sarah H.. 240, 520. Sophia, 525. Uriah D., 114. Wilkinson. Anna, 71. Willard, Albertus A., 520. Augustus, 531. Dorcas, 49. Emma A., 520. George A., 520. Hattie M.. 520. Henry, 49. Josia'h, 49, 50. Lilla A., 531. Lockhart, 302. Lorinda, 520. Lucy. 13. 149. Marv, 154. :\larv A., 520. Melissa, 526. Peter, 520. Peter E., 20, 520. Simon, 49. Susanna, 513. W iilett, Anna, 527. Uaptiste, 527. Flora, 527. (ieorgianna, 527. Joseph, 527. Willett. Joseph N.. 527. Marv, 527. Willey, Alice L., 527. Annie, 251. Chester J., 109, 297, 527. Eliza, 520. Elkins, 509. Florence L., 527. Jabez, (i7. James, 520. Julia E.. 203. Lovrena L.. 109. Marv J., 473. Noaii. 203. Philenda G., 130. Roxana, 539. Samuel. 130. Seldon, 07. Tuflell, 473. Williams, A. Auirusta, 528. Ali.haretta, 413. -Vmaiida, 528. Amanda ]\I., 528. Annette, 527. Arthur, 402. Arthur W.. 528, 531. Auburn, 528. Azariah. 125. Bert, 531. Bertha, 47, 5.30. Bertha J., 513. Betsey, 483. 527. Candaee, 528. Caroline G., 530. Charles N.. 530. Clarence W., 472, 529, 531. Clark B., 58, 528. 529. Daniel. 531, 532. Delia, 530. Dora, 531. Earl F., 529. Edith M., 530. Edith v., 530. Elgin. 531. Elizabeth, 528. 532. Elizabeth B., 125. Ella M.. 530. Ellen, 528, 529. Ellen U., 529. Ellsworth J., 252, 253 530. Ethelvn E., 531. Etta, 529. Eva, 529. Frank. 529. 530. Franklin. 527. Franklin P.., 507, 528, 529. Fred. 203. 529. Freeman. 528. ^04 Index of Names. Williams, George, IGO, 208, 52S. George W., 528. Georgianna H., 527. Hannah. 211, 533. Harold, 531. Harriet, 528. Harriet A., 528. Hattie, 531. Helen M., 531. Hezekiah. 530. Ira S., 530. Isaac F., 527. 528. Jacob, 530. James, 27, 155, 390, 481, 483, 527, 528. James A., 75, 528. James W., 530. Jared, 95. Jemima, 390, 527. Jennie E., 529. Jeremiah, 47. Jeremiah S., 530. Joanna, 164. John, 387. John H., 132, 312, 531. Julia A., 528. Laura T., 528. Lauretta, 528. Leah, 318. Lee. 211. Lena K.. 529. Lilla A., 531. Lizzie J., 200. Lucy S., 290. Margaret. 533. Mary, 527, 528, 530, 531, 532. Mary E., 527. MarV Ellen. 507, 528. Mary Estv, 529. Mar^ P., 530. Maud E.. 529. Mercv. 529. Merr'ill, 527, 528. Milo, 513. Minnie, 531. Moses, 530. Nancy W., 481, 527. Nellie E., 418. Nina A., 529. Orion H., 530. Oscar N., 530. Peggy, 267, 533. Peleg, 267, 532, 533. Persis, 529, 530. Phcbe. 155, 527. Providence, 533. Rav. 529. Eay H., 529. Rebecca, 531, 532. Rhoda, 532. Williams, Robert, 529. Robert N., 530. Roger, 531, 532. Samuel, 527, 529. Snrali.24, 529, 530, 532. Silas, 200. Smith, 533. Sobriety. 529. Sukey, 27, 527. Susan, 527. Susannah, 527. Sylvester P., 383, 529. Thankful, 163. Timothy, 533. Uberto'C, 530. Washington, 527. Wellington, 418. Winnie, 530. Williamson, William, 67. Willigrod, Nettie, 30. Willis, Allen S., 533. Clarissa. 3. Cyrus, 87, 408, 533. Ezra, 16. Frank B., 533. Freeman C, 533. Harriet E., 533. Lizzie R., 533. Lucy. 3. Lucy Ann, 16. Lyman C.. 533. Samuel, 533. Samuel S., 533. Sarah G., 87, 533. Willoughby, George, 374. Minnie, 374. Wills, Israel, 101. ]\Iariana A., 70. Mary J., 101. W. R. B., 70. West B., 70. Wilmot, Charles S., 80. Harold D., 533. Harvey J., 533. Helen R., 533. Merrill M., 533. Ross H., 533. Roswell E., 533. Wilson, Adams, 533. Adams B., 316, 533. B. S.. 528. Elizabeth, 394. Frances B., 155. Henry, 8. Isaac R., 460. Jesse, 394. Job, 467. Luella M., 533. Lvdia J., 467. Olive. 184. Thomas, 184. William, 534, Wilson, William D.. 534. Wilterton, Gregory, 331. Susannah, 331. Winch, Abel, 178, 534. Abigail, 534. Albert, 246, 534. Carrie W., 293, 534. Deborah, 534. Fannie J., 534. Joel, 534. John C. 293. 534. Lucy, 372. 534. Maie C, 534. Maria, 178. Nathan. 372, 534. Sally, 534. Thankful. 534. Thomas, 534. Windrow, Andrew. 445. Winship, Annie, 85. John, 85. Winslow. James A., 534. John A., 534. Winsor, Rhoda, 532. Samuel, 532. Winters, Baltus, 491. Jane, 491. Wise, Caroline L., 530. Daniel, 535. Jcjinie E., 536. Sarah A., 535. Sarah L., 536. Theodore D., 536. Witham, Clara B., 530. Edwin E.. 530. Guv C, 536. Harry H.. 530. Isaiah, 530. Robert W.. 536. Witherell. George, 70. Lavina, 76. Witherspoon, Margaret. 404. Witt, Elizabeth, 224. John, 224. Wood, Francis. 482. John, 49, 433. JVIary, 49. Peter, 514. • Woodbury, Elizabeth. 164. Eunice. 541. Frank D., 406. Isaac, 164. Lydia, 164. Mark R., 94. Peter, 15. Sabrina, 289. Sarah. 15. Woodman, E. G., 90. Edward, 331. John, 454. Joseph, 141. Index of Names. 705 Woodman. Marv, 3.31. Pollv, 141. Sallv. 454. Sarali, 331. Woochow, George. 192. Woodruff, Clara K., 53G. Dwight L., 536. (Jeorge W.. 530. Hepsv. 53(1. .Folin'E., 536. Kingsley P.. 536. Woods. Andrew. 536. Andrew S., 61, 62, 63, 107. 536, 537. Angeline. 357. Artliui'. 420. Catherine J., 537. Celia, 537. Cleora. 300. David, 310. Edward. 63, 536, 537. Eliza. 536. Eliza I.. 62. 537. Ehitliera. 53. Francis. 357, 537. (leorge H., 355. Harriet J.. 537. Helen A., 537. John, 300. Lizzie. 51<'>. Mamie. 537. Nehemiah. 516. Reheeoa X.. 5.')7. Tracy W.. y^^K \\dodward. Ella M.. 537. Ella -Mabel. lOfl. Ellen. 537. Eniiiv E.. 538. George F.. 160. 287, 537. Gertrude B., 538. Harriet J., 205. Horace.!.. 301. Isaiali. 240. 512. .Tolin. 147. 205. 538. .John P.. 538. .Tosepli, 22. Lillie G., 109. .Malvina A., 538. xMamie .J.. 147. Martha, 88, 107. Mary. 22. Marv .Jane. 537. Nettie F., 287, 537. Nicliolas, 537. Rebecca, 240, 512. William, 538. Woolev, Sarah, 377. Tlioiuas. 377. Woolson. Amos, 538. Asa, 538. Augustus A., 538. Woolson, Charles D., 538. Clementine B., 539. Elijah, 38, 538, 539. Elijah S., 263, 443,538, 539. Elizabelli, 305, 538. Fmma M., 195, 539. Fannie S., 539. George S., 539. (George 8torrs, 195, 539. (Jrace. 538. llannaii. 538, 539. Harry H., 5.39. Helen R.. 539. ha K.. 538. .lose])li, 538. Llewella, 539. Luella. 263. Evdia. 539. Marv R.. 145. Maud .1., 539. Nancv. 538. O/.ias S.. 539. Rebecca. .'^S. 538. Rebeccali. 539. Rose. 539. Sal)in v.. 539. Sarah. 538. Silas ?>.. 538. Tliomas. 305, 538. William C, 539. Wooster, Cliarlotte, 539. 540. Charlotte L.. 540. Dan F.. 540. David. 539. 540. VMvn M.. 540. Hll.-u Mav. 540. Emiletta R., 540. Fannie R., 539, 540. Harrv F.. 540. .Folni. 539. 540. .Folm (,). A., 540. Lilhi E., 540. Roxana. 539. Theodore F., 540. Worcester. Abigail, 541. Alice F.., 543. Anna P., 542. Catherine E., 542. Dean C. 543. Eleanor B.. 543. Elizabeth, 540. .541. Elizabeth H., 541. Elizabeth S., 129, 542. Ellen H.. 542. Eunice. 541. Evarts, 541, 542. Ezra C, 149, 542. Francis, 191, 541. (ieortie S., 542. Hannali S.. 541. Worcestei-, lienrv !■]., 543. Henry L.. 544". Hepsil)aii. 541. Isaac R.. 129. 167, 541, 542. .1. F.. 540. .lane S.. 543. .John II.. 542. .lerusha. 541. Leonard. 541, 542. Lvtiia. 541. 542. L'vdia Iv. 542. Marv. 1(>7. 541, 542. Marv S.. 542. Noaii. 541. Kelx'ci-a. 540. Samuel. 540. 541. Samuel A.. 541, 542. Saraii. 191. 540. 542. Sarah V.. 542. William. 540. William L.. 542. Wonlen. Kliza. 124. .Melinda. 336. Nanev. 120. Nalh'aii. 120. 336. Worth. Elizabetii, 350. Wortlien, Ezekiel, 130. Matilda. 499. Worthington. Eliza belli, 42. " Sarah .M.. 444. Wright, Alfred. 543. Benjamin. 379. Betsey. 120. 486. 543. Carmi. 543. Catherine A.. 543. Charles E.. 402, 403. Chester. 543. Deboi'ah. 50. Edward. 510. Edward C.. 5-13. Emily, 543. Emma, 543. E})hraim. 362. Fanny. 54.3. Hannah. 74. .Tames, 48(1. .lane. 543. .Jennie A.. 510. .Joseph. .")4.3. Katherine I).. 544. Lucv. 54.3. Mai'idane A.. 379. Margaret W.. 544. Marv. 212. J\lary .L, 543. Pollina. 543. Pollv. 4.36. 543. Sally. 336. Sarah, 543. ' Sheldon C., 543. 45 706 Index of Names. Wright, Ziba, 120, 336, 436, 543. Wyatt, Delia S., 436. Helen, 517. Hobart, 408, 436. John, 234. Mary, 234. Sarah E., 408. Wyman, Isaac, 294. John, 42. Lucy, 202. Mary, 42. Sarah, 202. York, Joseph P., 374. Sylvester, 84. Youmans, Emilv, 203 John D., 203." Young, Abigail. 69. Adeline, 96, 54.'). Andrew J., 545. Carlos G., 270. Carrie L., 545. Clara, 544. Cyrus, 52, 544. Young, David, 259, 401. Edwin Z.. 544. Elbridge C, 124, 544. Ellen F., 544. Emilv J., 401. Esther A., 52, 544. Eugene, 545. Flora, 100. Flora L., 544. (ieorse D.. 455. 545. llannali. 260. Hannah K., 259. Harold E., 544. Homer. 545. Isaac E.. 100. Israel, 25. Ithiel, 544', 545. Jeremiah, 439. Jonathan, 493. Joseph, 544, 545. Joseph H., 544. Laura M.. 13G. Leah, 273. Lena, 545. Lewis, 260. Lizzie B., 545. Lodema R., 544. Marv, 545. Young, !Mary Ann, 25. Mary E., 544. Mary H.. 545. Maud E.. 544. Millard Fillmore, 484, 545. Millard Franklin, 545. Oleana, 545. Olive, 545. Prescott, 32, 100. Priest, 544. Rebecca", 545. . Riley T., '545. Rose N., 200. Samuel, 17S, 179, 421. Sophia, 10. Sophia E., 32. Susie H.. 493. Timotliy, 273, 544. Thomas, 309, 545. Zebina, 544. Zilda, 545. Z. Zimmer, William N., 470. Rj X ^m o V . "^Wpft .Ov- ^. '^1/ '^..^" X •^^0^ ;^J- '^. V- v> ^_ ^0^^. -^ ^.'l^ c ° " " -<. . n"^ " ' ^ - "o i.'S^ o " " " * <^>. V .-^ /^^l^.\/'X'^:^ ^o '^' jtf^^^^^^- s& ^^m^° r^c^ ^"-^^^ ■ '^ -^^ »*■« 5,'. :^y- V-^V X*V^' ^--^-^^ ^ '^0^ -^^0^ .^q. c 0' -v ■^ 1-i^ .V x^' V' -5. ^ ^y/ _^^-i^; k5i .0' ,' -^■^ ,0 o 0' 4 o. ^w.^;^ ^0 "V ^ • ■ ^° ..„ V "^ A^ ^ r^"* E^ "^r^ •' A 3' ^-: ^ <^. .%0' A' ij^^ ' /<:'Y^ >n ,/ 0^ ,-A ^ <^ A > A •V- o. '0.0^ A ^ A •= a: • ^^^. A ^ ' '^ A J^^ A- A °' ^ A ^AA;.^ A-^ A». .a a v^^.- a A: 0^ ^^^ '^Tf;.'^',^-^'' ^o. a,t:o* ,o'^ >. '^rr,«^ .v -vy , " • ", A > f? 's OOBES BROS. LIDRAr.Y DINDINO > ■^c^. ^^ % ^ -'■■ ^Va'^ -^' V ^' A-i- ^^V --. ..- ; .^^-^ » ST. AUGUSTINE A . . . * ^ '^O > V, ^^^ FLA. ^A'^AJi^' ^ s'*^ p \. A=S^? r^ j?„ - " :f V.i..i;>Av, : . ^.. - "i:- ■c J. -■ . . 5 ^0 'b ^;;-