t^ptH' 'firm* i-ht C»Mm:H^ AsJ. 35th Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ( Report 1st Session. \ ( No. 541. LOUIS FITZGERALD TASISTRO. Jdne 7, 1858. Mr. Matnard, from the Committee of Claims, made the following REPORT. The Committee of Claims, to whom loas referred the petition of Louis Fitzgerald Tasistro, " ashing compensation for services rendered in the examination of the materials and preparation of a volume of the American Archives," have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report : Mr. Tasistro claims compensation for extra services performed out of the regular office hours, and under the following direction from the Secretary of State : Department of State, June 18, 1855. The Secretary directs that translations of papers of any considerable length will be made by the assistant translator, and revised by Mr. Tasistro. The latter gentleman will devote all his leisure to an ex- amination of the materials which have been submitted to the Secretary for a new volume of the American Archives. He will ascertain whether those materials are suitable in themselves, homogeneous with those of the previous volumes ; and in the progress of the investiga- tion he will take a note of the character and contents of each paper, and report on the whole subject to the Secretary in writing. It is desirable that the business should be completed with all convenient despatch. W. HUNTER, Assistant Secretary. The committee addressed a communication to the Department of State, asking information in relation to the petitioner's claim, and have received the following reply in explanation : Department of State, Washington, May 28, 1858. Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday, with the accompanying papers, relative to a claim of Louis Fitzgerald Tasistro for examining materials for a proposed new vol- ume of American Archives. It is presumed that, in directing him to UIBRARV OF CONGRESS ... .. V . .. HlliiHlniWtwi*"' 2 LOUIS FITZGERALD TASIS' iimiiiiiniiiiiiiumi™" „ « a 011 599 388 • devote all his leisure to the service adverted ^