Author TiUe Imprint •ro 16 — 74fl4 fBoIilffhttiliin Bar Room, II 5 I Bolllv, • • • ••'11 <> I Tempcraaee I>oei ir, • lO 4 Pmnkard, Drama, 5 Acts, 13 5 1 Drunkard's Doom, • • 16 6 I FruiUofthe Wine Cop, • 4 3 U¥*ar80faUranluvd'sLU'e,10 1 I Aunt Dinah's FIeUg«, • 6 8 I Drunkard's Warui^, [ej 8 U^^^^JZuq No. OXLV. THE MINOR DRAMA. COLUMBUS EL FILIBUSTERO! S^Uehj anir aubiiciouslu Original HISTRICO-PLAGARISTIC, ANTE-NATIONAL, PBE-PATRIOTIC, AND COMIC CONFUSION OF CIRCUMSTANCES, RUNNING THROUGH TWO ACTS AND POUR CENTURIES. BY JOHN BROUGHAM, Comedian. AS PERFORMED AT BURTON THEATRE, DECEMBER, 1857. And at the Holiday Strep '.heatre, Baltimore, 1858. NEW YORK : | LONDON : Samuel French &. Son, ] Samuel French^ PUBLISHERS, PUBLISHER, SSLastKtIiSt., UiiioarjoTiare. ! SO sxlt^:>JI>. "Tonogn^pfc BOOKS EVnilV AMATETTR SHOTIIiD HAVE. JOtATK LIU'S GUIDE; or, Howto Get up Home Theatricals and to Act In them, with»»,B»- Laws, Selected Soeaes, Plays and other useful informsliou for Auiaieur Societies. Price 2b 3*S» GUIDE TO THE STAGE. 15 cents, j ART OF ACTLNG. 16 ccuts. Anything on this cover sent by mail on receipt of price. FRENCH'S STANDARD DRAMA., Price Cents each.— Bound Volumes $1. 96. TOL. I; lien t Fkdo I Th« L«dT af Ljroiu t KUtaeUau i The Wife 6 The HoDejmoon r The Sohool for Soandal 8 Hone; VOL. II. 9 'JTb* Stranger 10 Orandfather Whitehead 11 Rlohard III 13 Love's S&orlfloe IS The Gamester 14 A. Core for the Heartaoba 15 The Hanohbaok 16 Bon Ctesar de Bazan VOL. III. IT The Poor OeuUMsan 18 Hamlat 19 Chu-les II JO Venice Preserred *at NatUag 66 The Ontle VOL. vni, 67 The Apo«Uts 68 Twelfth Night 60 Brutus 60 SimpsoD & Co 61 Mersbant of V*m 108 [Rag Picker of Paris 109 (Flying Dutchman 110 bypoorlte 111 ^herese 112 La Tour de Nesle VOL. XV. 113 Ireland As It Is 114 Sea of Ice 115 Seven Clerks 116 Game of Life 117 Forty Thieves 118 Aryan Boroihmt> 119 Romance and Reality 120 Dgolino . VOL. XVI. 121 %be Tempest 122 The Pilot 133 Carpenter of Rouen 134 King's Rival 125 Little Treasure 126 Dombey and Son 127 Parents and Guardians 138 Jewess VOL. XVII 129 Oamilie 130, Married Life ISI Wenlock ef Wenlock 1*2 Rose of Ettrlckvale 133 David Copperfleld 134 Aline, or the Rose of 1S5 Pauline [Killarney 169 Jane Eyre VOL. XVIII. 137 Night and Morning 138 iBthiop 189 Three Guardsmen 140 Tom Cringle 141 Henrlutte, the Forsaken 143 Eustache Baudiu , 143 Ernest Maltravers ("-«• 144 Bold Dragoons ""^ VOL. XIX. 145 Dred, or the Dismal [Swamp 146 Last Days of Pam|l A 147 Esmeralda 148 Peter Wilklns 149 Ben the Boatswain 150 Jonathan Bradford 151 Retribution 153 MineraU ^OL. XX. 153 Freirch Spy lo4 Wept of Wish-ton Wish 155 Evil Genius ,156 Ben Bolt 157 Sailor of Francs 158 Red Mask 159 Life ef an Actress 160 Wedding Day VOL. IXI. 161 All's Fairin Love 163 Hofer 163 Self 164 CludereUa 165 Phantom • 166 Franklin [Mosoow 167 The Gunmaker of 168 The Love of a Prince VOL. XXII. 169 Son of the Niglit 170Rory O'More 171 Golden Eagle 173£ienti 173 Broken Sword 174 Bip Van Winkle 175 IsabeUe 176 Heart of Mid Lothian VOL. XXIII. ,177 Actress of Padua 178 Floating Beacon 179 Bride of Lamermoor 180 'Cataract of the Gauges 181 Bobber of the Rhine 183 School of Reform 183 Wanderlut Buys 184 Uazeppa VOL. XXIV. 185 Toung New York 186 The Victim* 187 Romance after Marriag: 188 Brigand d9 Poor of New York 190 Ambrose Gwinett 191 Raymond and Agnes 192 Gambler's Fate VOL. XXV. 193 Father and Sou 194 Massaniello 195 Sixteen Siring Jack 196 Youthful Queen 197. Skeleton Witness 198 Innkeeper of Abbeville 199 Miller and his Men 200 Aladdin VOL. XXVl. 201 Adrlenne the Actress 303 Undine zoa, Jessie Browo 204i^Asmodeus 306 Iformons 206 Blanche of Brandywlne 207 Viola 308 Deseret Deserted VOL. X.KVII. 209 Americans In Paris 310 Vlotorine 311 Wizard of the Wave 213 Castle Spectre 213 Horse-shoe Robinson 314 Armand, Mrs Mowatt 315 Fashion, Mrs Mowatt 216 Glance at New York VOL. XXVIII. 317 Inooncitant 218 Unole Tom's Cabin 219i Guide to the Stage 220 Veteran 231 Miller of New Jersey 323 Dark Hour before Dawn 223 Mldsum'rNigbts Dream [Laura Keeue's Editiou 2'24 Art and Artifice VOL. X.'^IX 325 Poor Young Man 226 Ossawattomie Brown ■227 Pope of Rome 22* Oliver Twist 2'29 Pauvrette 230 Man in the Iron Mask 231 Knlgut of Arva ■iJ2 Moll Pitcher VOL. XXX. 233 Black Ered Susan 234 SaUn iu Paris 235 Rosina Meadows (ei 336 West End, or Irish Hei 237 Six Degrees of Crime 238 The Lady and the Devil _., 239 Avenger.iirMoorof 6ici-l3l9 Ivanhoe 40 Masks and Faces |ly|320 Jonathan in Englatxl VOL. XXXI. 2il Merry Wlven of Windsor 3i2 Mary's Birthday 24S Shandy Magulre 2ii Wild Uats 245 Michael Erie 2M Idiot (Vitness 3i7 Willow Copse 348 People's Lawyer VOL. XXXII. Ua The Boy Martyrs 360 Lnorp'ia Borgia 251 Surgeon of Paris 253 Patrician's Daughter 253 Shoemaker of Toulouse 25i Momentous Question 255 Love and Loyalty 356 Robber's Wife VOL. XXXIII. 257 Dumb Girl of Genoa 258 Wreck Ashore 259 Clari 260 Bnral PeUoity 261 Wallace 262 Madelaine 263 The Fireman 264 Grist to the Mill VOL. XXXIV. 366 Ivo Loves and a Life 266 Annie Biake 267 Steward 268 Captain Kyd 269 Nick of the Wooda 270 Marble Heart 271 Second Love 273* Dream at Sea VOL. XXXV. 37S Breach of Promise 274 Review 275 Lady of the Lake 276 Still Water Runs Deep 277 The Scholar 278 Helping Hands 279 Faust and Marguerite 280 Last Man VOL. XXXVI. 381 Belle' s Stratagem 282 Old and Youns 283 RafTaella 234 Ruth Oakley 285 British Slave 2gU A Life's Ransom 387 Glralda 388 Time Tries All VOL. XXXVII. '289 Ella Rosenburg 290 Warlock of the Glen 291 Zelina 293 Beatrice 293 Neighbor Jaokwosd 294 Wouder 295 Robert Emmet 396 Green Bushes VOL. XXXVIII. 297 Flowers of the Fore -J 293 A Bachelor of Arts 299 The Midnight Banquet 300 Husband of an Hour 301 Love's Labor Lost 302 Naiad Queen 303 Caprice 304 Cradle of Liberty VOL. XXXIS. 305 The Lost Ship 306 Couutry Squire 307 Fraud and its Victims 308 Putnam 309 King and Deserter 310 La Fiammina 311 A Hard Stmgglo 312 OwinusUo Vaugbaa VOL. XL. 315 The Love Knot [Judge 314 Lavater, or Not a Bad .115 The Noble Heart 316 Corlolanus 317 The Winter's Tale 318 Eveleeu Wilson (Cataloyxjx continued on third pagt of cover.) THE MINOR DRAMA Sfje ^ctfiifl EDi'tfoii. No. CXLV. COLUMBUS EL FILIBUSTERO!! & XKW AXD AUDACIOUSLY ORIGINAL niSTORICO-PLAGI ARISTIC, AN'TK* NATIONAL, PRE-PATRIOTIC, AND OMNI-LOCAL CONFUSION OF CIRCUMSTANCES, RUNNING THROUGU TAVO ACTS AlVD FOUK CEIVTURIES, BY JOHN BROUGHAM, COMEDIAN. Entered according to Act of Cougress, in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Firty Seven by John Brougham, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New Yorli. AS PERFORMED AT BURTON'S THEATRE, DECEMBER, 1857 AND AT HOLLIDAY STREET THEATRE, BALTIMORE, 1858. NEW y R K • SAMUEL F R E N C H, 122 Nassau Street, (Up Stairs.) iJSTRIBUTION OF CHARACTERS, GOOD, BAD AND INDIFFERENT. FERDINAND, King of Arragon — an aggressive and progressive monarch, of rather a speculative turn, ■with a good many irons on the fire, besides an ej'c on Castile, - - - - JUAN RODERIGUES DE FONSEC A. Archdeacon of Seville, keeper of the king's conscience, [a liandsome sinecure,] and court spiritual adviser generally, therefore, naturally opposed to Colum- bus and the spread of knowledge, FERNANDO DE TALAVERA, an old picture, very much improved by time, LUIS DE ST. ANGEL, a contented office-holder, pursuing the even tenor of his way, ALONZO DE QUINTANELLA, a courtier of much lower note, . . . - - DON CHRISTOVAL COLON alias COLUMBUS, a clairvoyant voyager, whose filibustering expedi- tion gave rise at the time to a world of speculation, DIEGO, a semicolon among the king's pages, VASCO NUNEZ, "1 Distinguished members f HERNANDO CORTEZ, I of the Historical Soci- J AMERIGO VESPUCCI, f etv, now meeting toge- j PONCE DE LEON, J ther for the first time. 1, SANCHO RUIS, PEDRO NINO, BARTOLOMEO, JUAN PEREZ, &c., &c. 1 A noisy crew of mutinous Seapoys. Mr. Mark Smith. Mr. Holman. Mr. Barrett. Mr. Alleyne. Mr. GledhilL Mr. Brougham. Miss Orten. Mr. Hurley. Mr. Atkins. Mr. Paul. Mr. Lawson. Mr. McRae, Mr. Bishop. Mr. Hayes. Mr. Bruce. ISABELLA, wife of Ferdinand, possessor of half-a- crown by marriage rite, and a whole one by right of having to carry its weight on her own shoulders, Mrs. Holman. COLUMBIA, a national debutante, her first appear- ance on any stage, - - . Mrs. L. W. Davenport. LITTLE MISS KANSAS, a discordant element, Miss Taylor. Members of Reception Committee, Aldermen, Discontented Politicians, Independent Voters, and oiher natural curiosities by Competent Representatives. Full-grown States, Juvenile Territories, &c., by an Energetic Host cl Auxiliaries. QiFT EST. OF J. H. CORNING JUNE 20. 19AO COLUMBUS. ACT I. SCENE I. — Uall of Audience in King Ferdinand' s Palace. King, Queen, and an entire pack of court cards, discovered. Complimentary Chorus, ["Gustavits,"] hy the courtiers, enth%itiasii$ and ecomiastic, as in duty hound. Hail ! oh, king of Arragon ! Reign ! oh, princely paragon ! • Down upon your marrowbone, Long live the king 1 jNIonarch mightier is he, sir. Than Joe Smith or Julius Caesar, Brigham Young or Nebuchudnezzar, Long live the king ! And hail to Isabella, too. For she's a right good fellow, too, And a right good tune to bellow to, Is long live the queen I Shfi's fairer than the fairest fairy, Sweeter than the Scottish Mary, Nymph or Nereiad there's n'ary One like our queen. [Cheers from the adminisiraiion. King. This cheering fire, defenders of the great, Is grateful to our royal tympanum, of late Elated by our victories among Those mongrel Moors, to hear our praises sung We've had no time ; but now the wars are ended, And in the usual way, our faith defended, That is by slaying every slavish minion Who dares to difter with us in opinion. ft Althongli by proxy those great deeds were done, We think we've earned the right to have some funj So loud let every office-holder shout, Or else ve'll send them to the right about. [The several sticks shout accordingly Louder, you puddiri' heads, aldermen and all. Or else our city hall we'll overhaul, And cut your heavy jobs and contracts down, And then we'll see who'll represent the town. Tell us what news is stirring in the city 1 Fonseca. So please you, sire, the Vigilance Commiltee A foolish foreigner this day has found. Who swears, confound him, that the world is round, And swings, on what the fellow calls its axis, Just once a year. King. He's thinking of the taxes. Fonseca. It taxes both credulity and patience To listen to the mountebank's relations. Queen. Perhaps he's right — let's ask him here to sup, There may be something in King. My love, shut up. Fonseca. But that's not all he says. King. I want to know. What does he say 1 Fonseca. He says, my liege, below There is a corresponding half-world King. We know better For did it correspond we'd have a letter. We've nothing from that latitude, in fine We hav'n't had an equinoctial line — So it's all bosh. Queen. 'Twould be as well to hear The man himself. — King. Now, don't you interfere. Fonseca. And more than this — your majesty will laugh, Of course — the fool asserts, the other half Has mountains, vallies, seas, just like our own ; With men and women King. What, turned upside down I Strange kind of man, to think mankind, like flies, Could in such strange position stand — he lies. Fonseca. But, above all, the chap maintains that gold And precious gems lie there iu heaps untold. Queen. What, diamonds 1 Fonseca. And pearls of countless price, Rubies and amethysts. Queen. Take my advice And look into this matter. King. You look out ; Bell, liold your tongue — we know what we're about. COLUMBUS. Let some one sunmion liere this foreign catifl Who thus presumes to know more than a native. Hast lieard his name " Fernando de Talevera. Columbus. King. That's a dove. Queen. I like it — 'tis the type of peace and love — You called me so at first. King. Be quiet, do ; Don't talk, my dove, until you head your coo. Who is this pigeon "? Fernando. I saw him hawking Some maps and charts ; sad and fatigued witli walking, He rested on a convent step — his son Lay near him, hunger-pinciied and wan With weakness — yet the heartless crowd passed on, Even without the tribute of a sigh. At length, a poor friar, himself not overfed, Gave to the wanderers a loaf of bread. The gift was timely, yet tiie proud man's soul, I plainly saw, revolted at the dole, Although 'twas thankfully received. He woke The famine-stricken boy, and quickly broke The loaf in two — one half the lad received, And with such ravenous haste — it deeper grieved The sorrowing man. I read his anxious fears; • I saw the dry crust moistened with his tears, And turned away dimsighted and heart-sick. King. I'll take my oath that friar was a brick. He's poor, it seems, despite of all his pains — Then, ten to one, the fellow's cursed with brains. If so, rU steal 'era, for mere brains alone are Seldom any use to the first owner. [Laughing heard wi-'houi Chorus. [Outside.] Laughing Chorus, ''Der Freischutz.'" Such madman's words, how shall we style 'era 1 The ass has broke from some asylum ; A world across the western sea ! 'Twon't do, Columbus — no, siree. JEcco Itdliani, ^'Trovaiore." Scizzerrere ! Oh fel magia mosbio As a marchera, che si won't returno, Scizzerere ! Ti hiraup to some trio, Predo, for here he cant Soggiurnol COLUMBUS. Columbus. [Without.] Bi guingo, lam orti the crowdo, Astar, nota onei se nir. Ah mi tiseri — Ah mi tiseri Mustay. Hadio hadio buta dimo To geta Sangarie. Cho7-us. Du tell, du tel guist erim The luni supposes notin. Scizzerere ! De te nim ti Sonli ad ute uno. Columhus. De te nim dainit, de te nim no. King. Go, bring him in — and now we'll pump him dryer Than the dry crust he got from that same friar. Queen. Unworthy thought. King. Bell, if there's any tiu, You'll tintinnabvdate — I mean ring in. If there's a chance, the main one you won't lose, But caution and precaution both we'll use. We'll see this mariner — if aught accrues From his projected cruise, we won't reject it. But with the glory of our reign connect it. By our own royal judgment we'll abide, And if we find him slippery, let him slide. Fa/^seca. I hope your majesty will deign to pause. Before this man, who scouts our mundane laws, You thus encourage — our estate it shocks Tliat he should trifle with the orthodox. The church has settled that the world is flat. K'.ig. There cannot be the slightest doubt of that. He comes — don't fear, we'll find out his intent?. Enter Columbus, peddling stationery. Ocl. Twenty-five maps of the world for four cents. King. Who are you, stranger, that with daring speech A new cosmogany presume to teach 1 Col. A ci-devant poor flat-boat captain, sire. Kinq. Flat broke 'twould seem to judge from your attire. Go on, unfold yourself, pay out. Col. My lord, I will. will you oblise me with tlK> chord ! \To leader COLUMBUS. 4 BioGi-iAPHic Cantata. Introductory Recitative. Mio simplissima storio dost thou requesto, Oh give earo unto mi relazioni, But if this foreign lingo, you cannot digesto I'll try the purissimo Anglo Saxoni. Aria Familiaria. My name it is Columbus, I was born in Genoa Of poor but honest parents, so the story always goes. My father was a mariner, and he mar-ri-ed my mother there, And I was the oifspring as you may readily suppose. Sweet infancy's days when the brain very little wit is in, As is mostly the case passed unconciously bj'e, Oh ray parent's expected I'd become a steady sober citizen, But I was bound to be a sailor boy, by jingo, or die. For many a long j'car I have plough'd the wild ocean. And many strange notians and natives have seen, But now in my head I have got a sort of notion That there's some place else somewhere that aint been seen yet. To find this place out is the only thing I live for, Ambition and fame in that single path lie Just to help me along some assistance pray give, for I'm bound to find Columbia, by jingo, or die ! King. What is't youv'e got within your silly brain 1 Col. A Main land, sire, there is beyond the Main. Fonseca. Let it remain there. King. Stop a minute — We'll hear him talk, there may be something in it. Queeyi. Pearls and rubies grow tliere, we are told 1 — King. Now do be quiet ; — aye, and lots of gold. Col. I'm almost weary, sire, of telling o'er To Princes all the gifts I have in store, For him who will accept the golden key, And will for such a chance my patron be. To my own land I fain would give the prize. But there Avas no speculation in their eyes. And not a real but to realise My ardent Spirit's hope's, would they advance, French leave I took of them, and unto France Laden witli gall, pursued my weary way. But the great Lewis had by reckless play Collapsed his treasury, for like a stoker The British King had singed him at drawpoker, The winning King I tried, while he was Hush, But for my suit he did'nt care a rush, 8 . COLUMBU?. Now sad and broken down, I've wandered liere, Without one ray luy onward path to clieer — The street my lodging and tlie stones my bed, An airy lodging for I've 'nary red ! Fonscca. Audacious peddler ! what is this we hear — You say our World is but a hemisphere, And there's another somewhere under ground That joined with it goes alway's bobbing round. Ckil. This earth's a globe. Kinq. Well, that's a round assertion- Then tell us, if you please, just for diversion, What does it rest on 'I Col. Circumambient sjiace — King. Circum-flddlesticks — you are a case ! And what's the reason that it doesn't drop 1 Col. In endless revolution like a top It sleeps, — thus exquisitely poised in air By equalized attraction. Tonscca. Fool — beware ! We canot listen to such words as these, The stake has blazed for lighter lieresies ! Kinq. A lunatic — there's not a doubt of that — But in the meal-tub there may be a cat. Queen. Pour man ! We must do something for him. Kinfjf. Stay I Wait 'till we find out if the thing will pay, Friend Clnistopher, we're sorry for your plight, But pledge our roynl word to make it right If to our realm you'll add some foreign nation, Rich and disposed to stand extreme taxation, Prove you can do this, so that none can doubt it, And we shall give you — leave to set about. Col. But, sire, my scheme needs money. King. Well, then share it- Get \\\) a joint stock and don't over-" hear" it. Col. Craft I must have to sail in. King- '' Qnantum suf." Once you're in Wall street, you'll find craft enough, You dreamy fellow's, that don't know the ropes Sit down and starve ui)on your empty hopes, While sharper dunces tlu'ive. Col. I fain would know The way. King. To raise the wind you'll have to " blow," AVe'll call our conqjany — " tlie Anli-Fanic Perpetual Gold I'toducing Oceanic," And true de facto hicli old " Life and Trust — " Bound in due time to spread itself — Col. And bust. King. Of coursr', but not till wo go in snd win, Capital we'll call five millions to begin. Col. I shall not need a third. King. Oh ! have no fears, — We must provide for fast clerks and cashiers, Armies of " Blowers"- -" Runners" and " Advisers"— " Committees" — " Lobbyers" and " Advertisers" — And for your president a small gratuity. Some thirty thousand would'nt hurt us. Col. Query ! King. You would'nt go below our friends in Erie — ■ Col. j\Iy aspirations, sire, you only mock Who would be fools enough to take such stock ; King. Who, Sir 1 — Why everybody ! what stupidity, If you but nicely tickle their cupidity ! I'll prove it in an instant. Ho ! a Court ! [The court malies an immediate advance My lords, we're going to make you a report Of the first meeting for consolidaiion, Of our new filibustering association, — I mean for the encouragement of emigration, — Present — the president, myself — ahem ! Secretary and Treasurer ^ro tcm — Profits enormous, and the outlay small. Col. An old man's wearied life, X)erhaps, that's all. King. Who'll venture while the wheel of fortune whirls, Di\'idend's paid in gold or Jersey pearls : You should'nt let a chance like this go bye. Ferdinand. I'll take some stock ! Courtiers. And I — and I — &c. Fonseca. Just put me down. King. Archbishop, you a byer 1 Fonseca Prudence is a cardinal virtue, sire. King. Now we must try the street — Pope say's you know, Man wants but [Jacob] little here below — ■ And we're all right. Col. Then care and sorrow's past, Hope dawns and life's worth living for at last ! [Flings away maps and stands abstracted Fwaseca. Look at the peddler ! King. .Just as sure as fate He's in a beautiful clairvoyant state ! Columbus ! Why are you in such amaze "? Col. Time onward passes, and my mental gaze Is on the future, lo ! I see a land AVhere nature seems to frame with practised hand Her last most wonderous work ! before me rise Mountains of solid rock that rift the skies, — Imperial vallies with rich verdure crowned For leagues illimitable smile around, While through them snliject seas for rivors rua 10 COLCMBtTS. From ice boniui lr VOL. XLII. 329 Ticket of Leave Man 830 Fool's Revenge 331 O'Neilthe Great 332 Handy Andy 333 Pirate of the Isles 334 Fanchon 335 Little Barefoot 336 Wild Irish Girl VOL. XLIII. 337 Pearl of Savoy 338 Dead Heart 839 Ten Nights in a Bar-room 840 Dnmb Boy of Manchester S-tl Belphegor the Mountebank 842 Cricket on the Hearth 843 Printer's Devil fii4 Meg's Diversion VOL. XLIV. 345 Drunkard's Doom 346 Chimney Coroer 847 Fifteen Years of a Drunk- 348 No Thoroughfare rard'I 349 Peep O' Day I Life 350 Everybody's Priena Hamlet, in Throe Acta Guttle & Gulpit a». THE GREAT SECRET OF SHADO'W PANTOMIMES ; or, Harlequin in the Shades. How to get them up and how to act them. With full and concise instructioDs, and namerous Illus- trations. By Tony Denikh. Price 26 PARLOR TABIiEAUX : or, Animated Pic- tures, for the use of Families, Schools, and Public Exhibitions. By Tony Dkniir. Price 85 AMATEUR'S GUIDE TO HOME THE- ATRICALS. How to get them up, and bow to act in them; to which is added, " How to get up Theatricals in a Country House, " with By-Laws, selected Scenes, Plays, and everything useful for the iaformation of amateur societies. Price 25 THE GUIDE TO THE STAGE, by Lehan Thomas Rkde. 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