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01, terebinthinae 3 iiss
Eucalyptol aa § ii
Syrupi q.s. O i,
M. Sig. One ounce every
two hours for a horse;
15-30 drops for a dog.
Acaciae 3 v
Aquae 5 x.
M. Ft. emulsio.
S i g, Tablespoonful
thrice daily for a dog
Oleum Theobromatis (Cacao Butter), Used in
suppositories, ointments and pills (areca nut).
Oleum Tiglii (Croton Oil). Yellow liquid. Sol-
uble in absolute alcohol, ether, chloroform, and oils.
Intern., drastic purgative in chronic constipation and
impaction in cows; strength increases with age;
contraindicated in enteritis and weakness. H. ill.
10-20; C. -ni. 15-30; Sh. & Sw. ni. 5-10; D. Vi[. 1-5;
Cat, TTt, 1/4-1, Administer in castor oil or mucila-
ginous liquid. Extern., rubefacient: 10 drops in 1-2
oz, oil turpentine, olive oil, or lard. See linimentum
tiglii for Caustic Balsam.
ni. XV
n 1
01. tiglii
Hydrargyri chlo-
ridi mite 3 i
01. ricinl O i.
M. Sig. Shake and give
to a horse with impac-
IJ 2
01. tiglii gr. %
Hydrargyri chlo-
ridi mite gr. ivss
Sacchari lactis 3 ii.
M. Ft. chartulae No. v.
Sig. One powder for a
dog every 3 hours until
evacuations are abun-
Opii Pulvis (Powdered Opium). 12-15% morphin.
Intern., analgesic in pleurisy, peritonitis, etc.; anti-
spasmodic in peripheral irritation (cough) ; checks
excessive secretioris and suppresses peristalsis in
acute inflammatory affections of the T)oivel after re-
moval of the irritant (intestinal catarrh, enteritis,
dysentery) ; diaphoretic in early stages of distemper
and influenza (Dover's Powder). H. 3 1-5 (5.-20.); C.
3 21/^-6 (10.-25.); Sh., Sw., Foals, and Calves, gr.
15-45 (1.-3.); D. gr. 2-8 (0.1-0.5); Cat, gr. %-3
(0.05-0.2). Preparations: Tinctura Opii (Laudanum).
10% opium. Dose: H. & C. § 1/^-2 (15.-60.); Calves
and Foals 3 1-5 (5.-20.) 2-3 times daily for dysentery.
Pulvis Ipecacuanhae et Opii (Dover's Powder).
Ipecac 10, powdered opium 10, sugar of milk 80.
H. & C. § 1/2-1 (15.-30.) ; Sh. & Sw. 3 Vs-l (2.-4.) ; D. gr.
5-10 (0.3-0.6) . See morphina and mistura.
n 1
Opii pulveris 3 iiss
Sodii bicarbonatis 5 iii
Sodii chloridi 5 vi.
M. Ft. pulv. Sig. Table-
spoonful thrice daily
for a horse or cow with
acute intestinal catarrh
and diarrhea. Tea-
spoonful thrice daily to
a. sow for diarrhea in
suckling pigs (v.k.).
IJ 2
Opii pulveris 3 ii
Hydrargyri chlo-
ridi mite 3 i.
Pulv. althaeae q.s. mas-
M.Ft. bolus.
Sig. For a horse with
acute intestinal ca-
tarrh (influenza).
. rhei aa
3 iss.
M. Ft. chartiilae No. iii.
One powder
in mucilaginous
for a
calf with diarrhea.
M. Ft. chart. No.
One every 3
for a foal (Frohner).
B 4
Tincturae opii 3 i
Acidi tannici gr. xxx
Spiritus frumenti 3 i.
M. Sig. Give to a foal in
8 ounces linseed meal
water (Schwarzmaier).
IJ 6
Opii pulveris gr. xxx
Magnesii carbon-
atis 3 i
Pulv. rhei 3 iiss.
M. Sig. For a calf with
diarrhea, repeat once
"'Opodeldoc cf linimentum camphorae.
Pancreatinum (Pankreatin). Cream-colored
amorphous powder; a mixture of enzymes obtained
from the fresh pancreas of the horse or ox. Diges-
tant before meals. D. gr. 5-20.
Pepsinum (Pepsin). Yellowish-white powder;
ferment obtained from glandular layer of fresh
stomach of pig. Digestant, less efficient than pan-
creatin, and both are inferior to dilute hydrochloric
acid and bitters (Stevens). D. gr. 5-10 (0.3-1.3).
Petrolatum (Paraffin; Cosmolin; Vaselin). Pro-
tectant and emollient; substitute for animal and
vegetable fats in ointments; less penetrating than
lard. Forms: Petrolatum (white); Petrolatum Liqui-
dum (Liquid).
*Fetrolatum Saponatum Liquidum N.F. (Liquid
Petrox). Very similar to vasogen. Liquid petrolatum
100, oleic acid 50, spirit of ammonia 25. Penetrating
solvent of iodin, salicylic acid, tar, etc. Forms per-
manent emulsion with water. Combine with cam-
phor or chloroform equal parts; creolin (50%);
ichthyol, iodin, creosote, betanaplithol, salicylic acid
(10%); creosote, tar, turpentine, eucalyptol (25%);
camphor, quicksilver (33 1/3%); iodin, iodoform, sul-
phur, thiol (5%); menthol, pyoktanin (2%).
*Petrolatum Saponitum Spissum N.F. (Solid
Petrox). Petrolatum 100, oleic acid 50, spirit of am-
monia 25. Valuable base for ointments (Hydrargy-
rum 50%).
* Petrox cf petrolatum saponitum.
Phenacetin cf acetphenetidinum.
Phenol (Carbolic Acid). Colorless needle-shaped
crystals, reddish on exposure to light. Soluble in 20
parts water. Extern., disinfectant in badly suppu-
rating ulcers and fistulae (inject phenol liquefactum
followed in 1-2 minutes with alcohol) ; local sedative
and antipruritic in eczema and pruritus (3 2-3 : pint
1); antiseptic compress 5%; subcutaneous and
parenchymatous injection in acute phlegmon (2%).
Intern., tetanus: 10 cc. of 2-3% solution several times
daily; bandage the region of the wound with 3-5%
solution; give clysters of 1-2% solution; efficiency
doubtful. Antiferment, antiseptic, and analgesic in
tympany, indigestion, and diarrhea. H. & C. 3 1-2 1/^
(5.-10.); Sh., Sw., and D. gr. %-3 (0.05-0.2.). Admin-
ister in emulsion (milk, oil, mucilaginous drink), or
capsule. Stable disinfectant: 3-5% aqueous solution
(less active in whitewash) ; or mix with whitewash,
or clorinated lime solution to a 5% strength; or mix
with equal parts crude sulphuric acid and use in
2^2 to 5% aqueous solution (very active). Prepara-
tions: Phenol Liquefactum, 86.4% Glyceritum
PhenoUs 20%; Unguentum PhenoUs 3%.
I^ 1
I^ 2
3 ii-iii
Acidi borici
Tinct. iodidi aa 3 iii
Alcohol is
Aquae q.s. i.
S ss
M. Sig. For dry eczema.
Aquae q.s.
M. Sig. For eczema and
pruritus (Stevens).
Phenolsulphonates cf sodii and zinci phenolsul-
Phenylis Salicylas (Salol). White powd. Soluble
in 5 parts alcohol, readily in oils. Intern., intestinal
antiseptic in bowel catarrh or fermentation, cystitis.
Daily dose: H. & C. § 2-3 (60.-90.); Sh. & Sw. 3 2%
(10.); D. gr. 15-60 (1.-4.). See bismuthi subnitras ^ 1.
IJ 1
Phenylis salicylatis 3 iss
Decocti uvae ursi § vi.
M. Sig. Tablespoonful thrice daily for -a dog with
Phosphorus. Yellowish waxy material, 99.5%
phosphorus. Soluble in oils. Intern., nerve tonic;
used in rachitis and osteomalacia (efficiency doubt-
ful); promotes callus formation in fractures. H. & C.
gr. 1/6-3/4 (0.01-0.05); D. gr. 1/120-1/32 (0.0005-0.002).
Administer in solution of oil. Prep: Pilulae Phos-
phori (1/100 gr.).
Physostigminae Sulphas (Eserin Sulphate).
Intern., cathartic in impaction and indigestion; con-
traindicated in dyspnea or tympany. H. gr. i/^-l
(0.03-0.065); C. gr. 1-2 (0.065-0.13). Per subcutis.
Repeat in % to 2 hours according to symptoms
(pulse, distress). Antidote: atropin. Extern., in
ophthalmology to decrease intraocular pressure and
contract pupil in periodic ophthalmia w^here it is
sometimes alternated with atropin.
n 1
I^ 2
salicylatis gr. ss salicylatis gr. iii
Aquae distil. 3 i. Aquae distil. ^ i.
M. Sig. Two drops daily M. Sig. Inject into the
in the eye of a dog with eye once daily as a my-
hydrophthalmus. ] otic in periodic ophthal-
Phytolacca (Poke Root; Garget). Emetic and
alterative. Said to decrease the milk flow in mas-
titis. H. & C. B 1 (30.) 3-4 times daily.
Pilocarpinae Hydrochloridum. Crystaline alka-
loid. Freely soluble in water. Laxative in impac-
tions or torpidity (combine with eserin) ; diaphoretic
in acute laminitis. H. gr. 4-7 (0.3-0.5); C. gr. 7-12
(0.5-0.8). Expectorant and diaphoretic in first stage
of acute fevers. H. & C. gr. 11/2-3 (0.1-0.2); Sh. &
Sw. gr. 1/3 (0.02); D. gr. 1/12-1/3 (0.005-0.02); Cat,
gr. 1/60-1/20 (0.001-0.003). Contraindications: chronic
diseases of the heart and lungs, pharyngitis, tetanus.
*Pix Burgundica. Rubefacient, used in blisters.
See cantharides.
Pix Liquida (Pine Tar). Soluble in alcohol, oil,
and alkaline solutions. Intern., expectorant in
chronic bronchitis and pharyngitis per os or inhala-
tion; stomachic in ruminants in gastric catarrh and
diarrhea. H. & C. 3 2i^-6 (10.-25.); Sh. & Sw. 3 i/^-l
(2.-5.); D. gr. 1/10-1 (0.006-0.065). Administer in cap-
sule, or in 7 parts syrup. Extern., antiseptic in
chronic eczema (alone, in alcohol, ointment, or sapo
mollis), foot-rot, and against flies. Used in making
tar bandages. Preparations: Oleum Picis Liquidae.
Unguentum Picis Liquidae. ^Syrupus Pini StroM
Compositus N.F. (Compound Syrup of White Pine).
I^ 1
Acidi salicylic!
Creolini aa
Picis liquidae
Sulphuris subli-
mati aa
Olei gossypii q.s,
M. Sig. For eczema and
3 iv
I^ 2
Picis liquidae
Sapo mollis aa B ii
Alcoholis S i.
M. Sig. Tar liniment in
chronic eczema (Froh-
I^ 3
n 4
Picis liquidae
Acidi salicylic!
Sulphuris subli-
Picis liquidae
mati aa
Sapo mollis
Sapo mollis
Alcoholis aa
M. Vienna tar liniment
for mange in a horse.
I^ 5
Picis liquidae S viii
Potassii hydroxidi § iv
Aquae 3 xx.
M. Liquor Picis Alka-
linus N.F.
PlumbI Acetas (Lead Acetate; Sugar of Lead).
Crystals or powder. Soluble in 3 parts water, 5
glycerin, 30 alcohol. Intern., astringent in diarrhea,
gastro-intestinal hemorrhage, acute nephritis. H. 3
%-l^^ (2.-6.); C. gr. 15-45 (1.-3.); Sh. & Sw. gr. 4-15
(0.3-1.); D. gr. %A (0.05-0.3). 1-2 times daily in
electuary or solution. Extern., sedative and astrin-
gent antiseptic on bruises, wounds, scratches, etc.
(5-10%). Prep. Liquor Plumhi Subacetatis (Goul-
ard's Extract). Lead acetate 18, lead oxid 11, water
to 100. Useful in scratches, contusions, and acute
skin diseases (1:4-8 ointment, or lard oil). Eye-
wash in 1-3% aqueous solution. Do not use on cor-
neal injuries. Liquor PlumM Suiacetatis Dilutus
(4% aqueous solution of Goulard's extract). See
alumen I^ 1 for Burrow's solution.
I^ 2
Zinci oxidi
Glycerini aa 5
Liq. plumbi sub-
acetatis diluti
^ 1
Zinci sulphatis 3 vi
Plumbi acetatis § i
Aquae O i.
M. "White Lotion" for
scratches, abrasions,
galls, and bruises.
q.s. 100.
Sig. Shake before using
Plumbi lodidum (Lead lodid). Heavy powder.
Desiccant in thrush; promotes horn growth on ex-
posed fleshy frog; effective in first stage of canker.
Prep: Ungueiitum Plumhi loclidi (10%); resorbent in
non-suppurative adenitis.
n 1
Sodii iodidi 3 i
Plumbi iodidi
01. olivae aa 3 iiss.
M. Ft. unguentum.
Sig. Apply under bandage in pustular dermatitis of
the extremities of the dog, specific (v.k.).
Plumbi Nitras (Lead Nitrate). White crystals.
Soluble in 2 parts water. Used pure or in concen-
trated solution in canker.
Plumbi Oxidum cf liquor plumbi subacetatis.
Podophyllum (Mandrake; May Apple). Dried
rhizome. Drastic cathartic. H. 3 l-2i/^ (5.-10.); C.
3 2-4 (8.-15.); D. gr. iy2-4 (0.1-0.25). Preparation:
Resina PodophylU (Podophyllin). D. gr. 1/12-1/8
thrice daily.
Potassii Acetas (Potassium Acetate). Soluble in
0.4 parts water. Intern., diuretic and resolvent in
dropsical effusions (hydrothorax, ascites) ; useful and
non-irritating potash salt; action about the same as
sodium bicarbonate. Daily dose: H. & C. § 1-2
(30.-60.); Sh. & Sw. 3 2V2A (10.-15.); D. gr. 25-50
Potassii Bicarbonas (Potassium Bicarbonate).
Uses and dosage as potassii acetas.
Potassii Bitartras (Cream of Tartar). Dose and
usage as potassii acetas.
Potassii Bromidum (Potassium Bromid). Crys-
tals. Sol. in 1.6 parts water. Nerve depressant in
spasms, epilepsy, eclampsia, cerebral irritation, and
nymphomania. Daily dose: H. & C. § 1-3 (30.-90.);
Sh. & Sw. 3 1-21/2 (5.-10.); D. gr. 4-60 (0.25-4.).
IJ 2
Potassii bromidi § iii
Pulv. glycyrrhizae S i
Aq. com. q.s. electua-
M. Sig. Two doses for
nymphomania in a
n 1
Ammoniac bro-
midi gr. XXXV
Potassii bromidi
Sodii bromidi aa 3 i
Aquae distil. 5 v.
M. Ft. sol.
Sig. Teaspoonful twice
daily for a dog with
nervous distemper.
Potassii Carbonas. Extern., solvent and cleans-
ing agent on skin. 4-8% aqueous solution.
Potassii Chloras (Potassium Chlorate). Soluble
in 17 parts water. Intern., antiseptic in stomatitis
and pharyngitis (S 1-2 in a pail of water). Dose:
diuretic: H. & C. 3 1-21/2 (5.-10.); Sh. & Sw. 3 1/2-I
(2.-4.); D. gr. li^-15 (0.1-1.). In electuary (honey) or
dilute solution. Fatal dose: H. § 8; C. § 16. Extern.,
antiseptic in stomatitis and pharyngitis (3-5%) in
solution or electuary; desiccant antiseptic on ulcers.
I^ 1
Potassii chloratis 3 i
Syrupi simplex 5 ii-
M. Ft. sol.
Sig. Teaspoonful thrice
daily for a dog with
IJ 2
Potassii chloratis § iss
Pulv. glycyrrhizae et
syrupi q.s. electuarium.
Sig. Give on the tongue
with a paddle for a
horse with pharyngitis
(daily dose).
Potassii Citras (Potassium Citrate). Uses and
dosage as potassii acetas.
Potassii Dichromas (Potassium Bichromate).
Caustic in canker, grease, new formations. Ointment
or aqueous solution (5-10%). Astringent in weak so-
lutions (2%).
Potassii Hydroxidum (Potassium Hydroxid; Caus-
tic Potash; KOH). Dry white flakes or hard white
sticks. Soluble in 0.4 parts water. Extern., caustic
on small warts and tumors. Prevents growth of
horns in calves. Prep: Liquor Potassii Hydroxidi
(Solution of Potassium Hydroxid), 5%.
Potassii iodidum (Potassium lodid; KI). Crys-
tals, Soluble in 1 part water. Intern., specific in
actinomycosis, alterative and resorbent in chronic
bronchitis and laryngitis (cough), chronic metallic
poisoning (lead), goitre, fistula of the spermatic cord,
botryomycosis, and periodic ophthalmia. Alterative
in a wide variety of affections, true value undeter-
mined. Actinomycosis in cows: 3 l^/^ daily for two
weeks, with improvement gradually reduce the dose.
H. & C. 3 1-21/2 (5.-10.) ; Sh. & Sw. 3 1/2-1 (2.-4.) ; D.
gr. 71/2-15 (0.5-1.) . Daily.
I^ 1
Potassii iodicli 3 i
Aq. distil. S iv
Syrupi acaciae 5 i-
M. Ft. sol.
Sig.Tablespoonful thrice
daily for a dog with
I^ 2
Potassii iodidi 3 ii
Aq. com. O i.
M. Ft. sol.
Sig. One ounce 2-3 times
daily for a horse with
chronic cough (laryn-
Potassii Nitras (Potassium Nitrate; Saltpeter;
Niter). Intern., diuretic, inferior to acetate of potash
on account of irritating and depressant effect (Ste-
vens). H. & C. 3 1-5 (5.-20.); Sh. & Sw. 3 1/2-1 (2.-5.);
D. gr. 2-TY2 (0.2-0.5). In electuary or solution.
Potassii Permanganas (Potassium Permanga-
nate). Extern., antiseptic in stomatitis, fetid ulcers,
metritis, etc. (1-2%). Remove stain with sat. sol. of
oxalic acid. Powder thickly and bandage in verru-
cose dermatitis (grease-heel). Intern., antidote in
morphin poisoning. H. & C. 3 i/^-l (2.-4.); Sh. & Sw.
gr. 3-6 (0.2-0.4); D. gr. Vs-l (0.03-0.065).
*Potassii Picras (Potassium Picrate). Small yel-
low crystals or powder; explosive, use cork stopper.
Soluble in 230 parts cold water, 15 parts boiling wa-
ter. Intern., in stomach-worm disease (strongylus
contortus) in lambs in doses of grains l^/^ in two
ounces of water; lung-worm disease in lambs in in-
tratracheal injections of 5 cc. of a 0.2% solution;
lung-worm disease in cattle in intratracheal injec-
tions of 20-60 cc. of a 1:1000 solution.
*Protargolum (Protargol). Proteid compound.
8.3% silver. Slowly soluble in 2 parts cold water.
Intern., purpura (3 2-5 of a 5% solution 2-3 times
daily per vein). Extern., antiseptic in wounds and
fistulae 3%; quittor 10% twice daily combined with
spirits of camphor bandage; conjunctivitis 1-10%
(non-irritating); otitis 3-6%.
*Pulvis. See acid boric (pulvis antisepticus),
amylum, magnesii oxidum, acetanilid, acid benzoic^
acid salicylic, acid tannic, alumen, bismuthi iodosub-
gallas, bismuthi subnitras, chloretone, chalk, calomel,
calcii hydras, carbo ligni, galla, iodoform, kaolinum,
menthol, naphthalin, talcum, and zinci oxidi.
*PuIvis Antisepticus cf acidum boricum,
*Pyoktanin (Methyl-blue). Antiseptic on wounds,
abrasions, and saddle bruises (2-5% alcoholic solu-
tion) scratches (powder, cone, or alcoholic solution);
conjunctivitis in 0.1% solution.
Pyoktanin gr. i
Zinci oxidi 3 i
Petrolati B ii
Tinct. iodidi 3 ss.
M. Sig. For scratches.
*Pyrethrum (Persian Insect Powder). Insecti-
cide in form of powder or wash (10%).
Pyrogallol (Pyrogallic Acid). White crystals.
Soluble in 2 parts water. Extern., antiseptic in
chronic eczema (5% ointment) ; useful in breaking of
the hair (trichorrhexia nodosa) and alopecia (5%
Quassia. Intern., stomachic, uses and dosage as
gentian. Extern., anthelmintic for rectal worms
(oxyurus). Infusion of 4 ounces of chips to 4 quarts
of water per rectum.
Quercus (White Oak). Dried bark. Uses: as
tannin. H. & C. ^ 1-2 (30.-60.); Sh. & Sw. 3 l-2i/^
(5.-10.); D. and Cat, gr. 15-75 (1.-5.).
*Quininae et Ureae Hydrochioridum (Quinine and
Urea Hydrochlorid). Contains about 60% quinine.
Intern., use and dosage as quinine. Extern., substi-
tute for eocain in the production of local anesthesia,
in some cases the action is said to be prolonged for
several days. Use in i/4-l% solution for subcutaneous
injection; 10-20% on mucous membranes.
Quininae Sulphas (Quinine Sulphate). Soluble in
acidulated water, or alcohol. Intern., antipyretic in
septicemia, purpura, chilling, early stages of influ-
enza, etc. Retards metabolism, and migration of
leucocytes. Stomachic in debility. H. 3 2i^-5
(10.-20.); C. 3 4-6 (15.-25.); Sh. & Sw. 3 i^-l (2.-5.).
Give in single daily dose in the morning (Prohner).
Resorcinol (Resorcin). Soluble in water or alco-
hol. Extern., antiseptic on wounds (1% solution,
10% ointment), scratches (2-25% ointment), and ec-
zema (1-5%). Intern., intestinal antiseptic in diar-
rhea. H. 3 1 (5.); C. 3 l-2i^ (5.-10.); Sh. & Sw. 3 1/2
(2.). Thrice daily.
n 1
Resorcinolis 1
Sulphuris sublimati 40
M. Sig
For seborrhea
I^ 3
Zinci oxidi
Liq. petrox
n 2
Sodii chlo-
Liq. calcis
M. Sig. For acne, folli-
culitis, pruritus (Ste-
gr. xv-3 iss
gr. XV
3 iV.
M. Pasta Resorcini Mitis, Lassar N.F.
Rhamnus Purshiana (Cascara Sagrada). Dried
bark. Laxative in chronic constipation. Prep: Fluid-
extractum Rhamni Purshianae. Dog, 3 V^-^Vz (2.-10.).
Rheum (Rhubarb). Stomachic in small doses in
intestinal catarrh; astringent in medium doses in
diarrhea; laxative in large doses. Stomachic: H. & C.
3 21^-6 (10.-25.); Sh., Sw., Calves, Foals, 3 i/a-l (2.-5.);
D. gr. 71/2-15 (0.5-1.); Lambs, gr. 11/2-71/2 (0.1-0.5).
Astringent: H. & C. § 1-2 (30.-60.); Sh., Sw., Calves,
and Foals, 3 I-21/2 (5.-10.) ; D. gr. 15-30 (1.-2.) ; Lambs,
gr. 71/^-15 (0.5-1.). Laxative: Sh., Sw., Calves, and
Foals, S 2-3 (60.-90.) ; D. 3 1-4 (5.-15.) ; Lambs, 3 1/2-I
(2.-5.). Preparations: Tinctura Rhei (20%); Fluid-
extractum Rhei. Dose: as rheum. Pulvis Rhei Com-
positiis. Rhubarb 25, magnesia 65, ginger 10. Dose:
2-3 times rheum.
Saccharum (Sugar). Pulverized.
Saccharum Lactis (Milk Sugar). Pulverized.
Flavoring agent.
Sal Ammoniac cf ammonium chlorid.
*Sal Carolinum Factitium N.F. (Artificial Carls-
bad Salts). Amorphous: dried sodii sulphas 44, sodii
chloridum 18, sodii bicarbonas 36, potassii sulphas 2.
Intern., resorbent in exudates and transudates
(edema); stomachic in gastro-intestinal catarrh; ca-
thartic (rarely). H. «S, C. g 1-3 (25.-100.); Sh. & Sw.
3 1^-21/2 (2.-10.); D. & Cat, gr. 4-15 (0.25-1.).
I^ 1
Sal Carolini factitii S xvi
Pulv. gentianae
Pulv. nucis vomicae aa H viii.
M. Ft. pulv.
Sig. Tablespoonful thrice daily as a stomachic for a
horse or cow.
Salol cf phenylis salicylas.
*Salunguene. Soap containing 10% free salicylic
acid or salicylic ester. Extern., resorbent in rheuma-
tism, distorsions, phlegmons, tendinitis, tendovagini-
tis, and mastitis.
Sanguinaria (Bloodroot). Dried root. Intern.,
emetic and stimulant expectorant, rarely used, irri-
Santoninum (Santonin). Anthelmintic. H. & C.
3 21/2-5 (10.-25.); Sh. 3 Va-l (2.-4.); Sw. gr. 15 (1.); D.
gr. %-3 (0.05-0.2) . Follow with calomel or oil in dog.
B 1
Santonini gr. vi
Sacchari lactis gr. xx.
M. Ft. chartulae No. xxx.
Sig. One powder every three hours for a dog with
Sapo (Hard Soap; Castile Soap).
Sapo Mollis (Soft Soap; Green Soap). Yellow-
ish-brown. Uses: in liniments and ointment to
cleanse and soften the skin; resorbent when applied
with massage in mastitis, phlegmons, sprains, and
strains. Antiseptic, see acidum carbolicum crudum.
n 1
Sapo mollis § iss
Acidi salicylici 3 ii.
M. Sig. Rub in thoroughly.
Scllla (Squill). Action nearly identical with
digitalis, stronger diuretic (Frohner). Seldom used.
H. & C. 3 1-21/2 (5.-10.); D. gr. 3-7 (0.2-0.5).
Scopolaminae Hydrobromidum (Scopolamin Hy-
drobromid). Identical with hyoscin, see hyoscyamus.
Secale Cornutum cf ergota.
Senna. Leaves. Purgative in small animals.
Sw. 3 21/2-6 (10.-25.); D. 3 1-3 (5.-15.); Cat, gr. 15-30
(1.-2.). In syrup.
Silver Nitrate cf argenti nitras.
Sinapis Alba (White Mustard).
Sinapis Nigra (Black Mustard). Intern., sto-
machic and mild diuretic. H. B 1-2 (30.-60.); C. E 2-3
(60.-90.); Sh. 3 l-2i^ (5.-10.). In electuary or pow-
ders. Extern., rubefacient in form of paste with
warm water. Pbep: Oleum Sinapis Volatile. Coun-
ter-irritant in pneumonia, pleurisy, colic, pharyngitis;
apply over the loins as an excitant in parturient pare-
sis. H. 5-8%; C. 10-20%; D. 2-5% in alcohol.
Sodii Acetas. Use and dosage as potassii acetas.
Sodii Bicarbonas (Sodium Bicarbonate). Intern.,
stomachic and antacid alone or combined with bitters
in gastric fermentation and catarrh; resorbent in pul-
monary and pleural exudates; diuretic. Extern., anti-
septic and solvent of albumen in irrigation of wounds,
in spray, or inhalation. C. S 2-3 (60.-90.); H. 5 1-2
(30.-60.); Sh. 3 1-21/2 (5.-10.); Sw. 3 V2-I (2.-5.); D. gr.
71/2-15 (0.5-1.).
n 1
Sodii bicarbonatis
Sodii chloridi aa § iii
Pulv. gentianae o ii-
M. Sig. Tablespoonful thrice daily for a horse with
gastric catarrh.
Sodii Boras (Borax). Soluble in 20 parts water,
1 glycerin. Antiseptic.
Sodii Bromidum. Use and dosage as potassium
bromide. *
Sodii Chloridum (Sodium Chlorid; Salt; NaCl).
Intern., stomachic in gastro-intestinal catarrh; pro-
motes metabolism in chronic malnutrition (anemia) ;
resolvent in edematous conditions; diuretic; stimu-
lant per vein, subcutis, or rectum (0.6%) in heart
weakness, severe hemorrhage, dysentery, and col-
lapse: H. & C. 4-5 quarts, medium size 2 quarts, small
animals 8-16 ounces. See sal Carolinum factitium.
H. & C. 5 1-3 (30.-90.); Sh. & Sw. 3 1/2-21/2 (2.-10.); D.
gr. 15-30 (1.-2.). Extern., antiseptic (dissolves albu-
men) in catarrhal inflammation of mucous mem-
branes, and in excessive exudation.
Sodii Hydroxidum (Sodium Hydroxid; Caustic
Soda). Use and action as potassii hydroxidum.
Sodii Hypophosphis (Sodium Hypophosphite) cf
sodii thiosulphas.
Sodii lodidum (Sodium lodid). Use and dosage
as potassium iodid.
Sodii Nitras. Use and dosage as potassii nitras.
Sodii Nitris (Sodium Nitrite; NaNO,). Soluble
in IVz parts water. Intern., vasodilator, action prac-
tically identical with amyl nitrite, less rapid and
more lasting. Use: as nitroglycerin. H. & C. gr.
10-30 (0.65-2.); Sh. & Sw. gr. 1-5 (0.065-0.3); D. gr.
1/2-3 (0.03-0.2).
Sodii Phenoisuiphonas (Sodium Phenolsulphon-
ate; Sodium Sulphocarbolate). Soluble in 5 parts
water. Intestinal antiseptic in acute catarrh and
diarrhea. H. «S. C. 3 2-8 (8.-30.) ; Sh. & Sw. gr. 15-60
(1.-4.); D. gr. 10-30 (0.6-2.).
Sodii Salicylas (Sodium Salicylate). Use and ac-
tion as acidum salicylicum. Daily dose: H. §
2-3 (60.-90.); C. § 21/2-5 (75.-150.); Sh. 3 21/2-6 (10.-25.);
Sw. 3 1-21/2 (5.-10.); D. gr. 15-45 (1.-3.).
IJ 1
Sodii salicylatis
Pulv. althaeae aa 100
M. Ft. chartulae No. iv.
Sig. One powder in a drench every 3 hours for a cow,
or as electuary for a horse with rheumatism (v.k.).
Sodii Sulphas (Sodium Sulphate; Glauber's Salt;
NEoSO^). Soluble in 3 parts water. Cathartic in in-
digestion. H. B 8-16 (250.-500.); C. E 16-32 (500.-1000.);
Sh. 5 2-^3 (60.-90.); Sw. § 1-2 (30.-60.); D. 3 21/2-6
(10.-25.). In solution or electuary. Stomachic, re-
solvent, and laxative in gastro-intestinal catarrh,
edemas, serous exudates, etc. H. & C. § 1-3 (30.-90.);
Sh. 3 21/2-6 (10.-25.); Sw. 3 1/2-I (2.5.); D. gr. 15-30
(1.-2.). Note. — The dried sodium sulphate is pre-
pared by slowly drying the crystalline salt which is
spread in a thin layer and exposed to the air until
it has lost one-half its weight.
Sodii Thiosulphas (Sodium Hyposulphate). Sol-
uble in 1 part water. Intern., antacid and antiseptic
in gastric tympany. H. & C. § i^-2 (15.-60.); Sh. &
Sw. 3 1^-1 (2.-4.); D. gr. 5-30 (0.3-2.). Extern, para-
siticide in ringworm.
Sparteinae Sulphas. Alkaloid from broom tops.
Heart depressant, similar to coniin. H. gr. 15-75
(1.-5.); D. gr. 11/2-71/2 (0.1-0.5).
Splrltus Aetherls. Intern., stimulant in collapse,
antispasmodic in colic, contraindicated in tympany.
H. & C. S V2-I (15.-30.) ; Sh. & Sw. 3 i^-2 (2.-8.) ; D.
TTt. 8-15 (0.5-1.) ; stimulant per subcutis for horse 3
1 (4.).
Splritus Aetherls Nitrosl (Sweet Spirit of Niter).
Diaphoretic and diuretic in first stages of fever
(small frequent doses); antispasmodic in colic;
stimulant. H. & C. B 1-3 (30.-90.); Sh. & Sw. 3 2-4
(8.-15.); D. -ni. 10-60 (0.6-4.). In capsule, liquor am-
monii acetatis, or water. Deteriorates when ex-
n 1
Tinct. aconiti § i
Spiritus aetheris
nitrosi B iv
Liq. ammonii aceta-
tis q.s. S viii.
M. Sig. Tablespoonful
every 2-3 hours.
Ij^ 2
Spiritus glycerylis
nitratis 3 iii
Spiritus aetheris
nitrosi B iv
Chloroformi 3 iii
Alcoholis 5 V
Liq. ammonii aceta-
tis q.s. § xvi.
M. Sig. One ounce ev-
ery 2-4 hours for a
Spiritus Ammoniae (10% NH3). See petrolatum
Spiritus Ammoniae Aromaticus. Heart and res-
piratory stimulant in collapse, depression, dyspnea,
pulmonary congestion; antacid in indigestion, colic
(tympany, spasmodic colic). H. & C. § 1-2 (30.-60.);
Sh. & Sw. 3 2-4 (8.-15.); D. 3 1/2-I (2.-4.). Administer
in capsule, or dilute 1:10 in water or linseed water.
Spiritus Frumenti (Whiskey) cf alcohol.
Spiritus Glycerylis Nitratis. A 1% solution of
glycerylis nitras. Vasodilator and respiratory seda-
tive in congestion of the lungs, pulmonary edema,
bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema in dogs, and he-
moptysis. H. & C. 3 1-2 (4.-8.); D. lU- V4.-2 (0.01-0.14).
*GlyceryIis Nitratis (Nitroglycerin; Glonoin; Trini-
trin). Oily fluid. Incorporated into tablets which
soon deteriorate. H. & C. gr. 14-% (0.016-0.05); D.
gr. 1/200-1/50 (0.0003-0.0013).
n 1
Spiritus glycerylis
nitr. TTL. xv
Glycerini 3 iiss
Aquae distil. B iii.
M. Ft. sol.
Sig. Teaspoonful thrice
daily for a dog with pul-
monary emphysema.
n 2
Spiritus glycerylis
nitratis 3 iv
Alcoholis dil. q.s. 5ii.
M. Sig. One dram every
15 minutes to 1 hour
for a horse.
Spiritus glycerylis nitratis 3 ii.
Sig. In drinking water thrice daily for a horse with
*Spiritus Sinapis cf sinapis.
Staphisagria (Stavesacre). Seeds. Parasiticide
(lice, fleas) in form of oil 1 to olive oil 8; or decoc-
tion of seeds.
Starch cf amylum,
*Stovain. Soluble white crystals. Anesthetic,
less toxic than cocain, vasodilator, used mainly in
eye practice (4%).
Stramonium (Jamestown Weed; Thorn Apple).
Contains hyoscin, hyoscyamin, and atropin. Action
and uses as belladonna. See lobelia.
Strophanthus. Circulatory stimulant, and diu-
retic, similar to digitalis; absorption and elimination
more rapid. Preparations: Tinctura Stroplianthi.
H. & C. 3 21/2-6 (10.-25.); Sh. & Sw. 111. 5-20 (0.3-1.3);
D. TTi. 2-10 (0.13-0.6). Strophmithinum. Mixture of
glucosids. H. & C. gr. 1/6 (0.01); D. gr. 1/300-1/60
(0.00025-0.001). Per subcutis (irritant), or vein.
I^ 1
Tincturae strophanthi
Pulv. athaeae aa 5 ii
Aq. com. q.s. massa.
M. Ft. boli No. vi.
Sig. One pill twice daily
for a horse with heart
B 2
Tincturae stro-
phanthi 5 iss
F. E. nucis vomi-
cae § i
Spiritus ammoniac
aromatici ^ iv
Aquae q.s. § xii.
M. Sig. One ounce every
half-hour to two hours
in collapse and heart
Strychninae Sulphas cf nux vomica.
Styrax (Storax). Uses: as balsam Peru.
Sublimate cf hydrargyrum chloridum corrosivum.
Sulphocarbolates cf zinci and sodii phenolsul-
Sulphur Lotum (Washed Sulphur). Prep: Un-
guentum Sulphuris. Washed sulphur 15, benzoinated
lard 75.
Sulphur Praecipitatum (Praecipitated Sulphur).
See zinci oxidi I^ 7.
I^ 1
Sulphuris sublimati
Potassii carbonatis aa 5
Petrolati 20.
M. Sig. For eczema, mange, etc.
Sulphur Sublimatum (Flowers of Sulphur; Sub-
limed Sulphur) . Stimulant and parasiticide in chronic
skin diseases. See pix liquida I^ 1.
n 1
Sulphuris sublimati 50
Hydrargyri 5
Pulv. cantharidis 20
Petrolati 400.
M, Ft. unguentum.
Sig. Ointment for sum-
mer mange, acne, etc. in
the horse (Frohner).
I^ 3
Calcii carbonatis
praecipitati 10
Sulphuris sublimati 15
Olei cadini 15
Sapo mollis 30
Adipis 30.
M. Unguentum Sul-
phuris Compositum N.F.
IJ 2
Calcii hydroxidi 16.5
Sulphuris sublimati 25.
Aquae q.s. 100.
M. Liquor Calcis Sul-
phuratae N.F. Useful in
mange and eczema.
I^ 4
Sulphuris sublimati 20
Calcis 16
Aquae 100.
Make lime into thin
paste, add sulphur, add
25 water and boil 2
hours, draw off water,
add water to make 100.
Lime and Sulphur Dip
Sulphuris lodidum (Sulphur lodid). Extern., very
efficient in chronic eczema, ringworm, mange. In
1:8-10 oil. Apply with a stiff brush. Tinct. iodin § 4,
sublimed sulphur § 1, boil, the cool mass is sulphur
iodid; or prepare as in U. S. P.
*Sun Cholera Cure cf mistura.
*Suprarenal Extract cf adrenalin.
Syrupus (Syrup). Sugar 85, water 100. May sub-
stitute molacses or honey.
*Tabacum (Tobacco). Parasiticide. Do not ex-
ceed 5% of the decoction in water.
Talcum (Magnesium Silicate; Soapstone). Pro-
tectant and desiccant in acute skin diseases.
n 1
I^ 2
Acidi salicylici 3
Acidi salicylici
Acidi borici 100
Talci 87.
M. Pulvis Talci Salicyli-
M. (Schindelka).
cus N.F.
*TalIianine. Ozonized terpene. Used in pectoral
influenza, dog distemper, azoturia, etc. Clinical re-
ports are very conflicting. Efficiency doubtful, H. & C.
3 21^-2 (10.-25.); D. TTt. 15-75 (1.-5.). Per vein.
Tannin cf acid tannic.
*Tannoform. Combination of formaldehyd and
tannin. Intern., intestinal astringent and antiseptic
in intestinal catarrh or diarrhea. H. & C. ^ 2-3 (60.-
90,); Calves and Foals, 3 l-2i^ (5.-10.); D. gr. 15-30
(1 -2.). Extern., our most efficient desiccant antiseptic
on fresh or old wounds (Frohner). Use alone or
combined with starch (1:5).
Terbenum cf oleum terebinthinae.
Terebinthina (Turpentine). Oleoresin, Extern.,
in oint. to promote granulations; used in blisters. See
oleum terebintliinae.
Terra Alba of kaolinum.
*Theobromina. Alkaloid closely related to caf-
fein. H. 3 21/2 (10.); D. gr. 8-15 every 2 hours in
*Therapogen. An alcoholic and aqueous solu-
tion of terpenes and naphthalin. Non-irritating anti-
septic and deodorant (3%). 8 ounces of i/4% solution
in warm water slowly injected into the teats in masti-
tis. Intern., intestinal antiseptic. H. & C. S 2-4 daily.
Administer per os, pure or dilute. H. Lieber & Co.,
4 Piatt St., N. Y. City.
*Thioform cf bismuthi dithiosalicylas.
Thymol. Disinfectant and deodorant.
Thyroid Extract cf glandulae.
Tragacantha. Protectant. Prep: MuciJago Tra-
*Tricresol. Mixture of ortho-, para-, and meta-
cresols. Soluble in 40 parts water. Disinfectant
(2%); 3 times the strength of phenol; stable disin-
fection 1-2%. See cresol.
*Trinltrum cf spiritus glycerylis nitratis.
*Tuberculln. Glycerinated bouillon containing
products of growth of tubercle bacilli. The most re-
liable agent known for the diagonsis of latent tuber-
culosis. Dose: H. «&, C. 2 cc; Yearlings 1 cc; Calves
under 6 mo. i/^ cc; Sheep 1/10 cc; Swine 1/5-1/2 cc;
Dog 1/5 cc. Inject per subcutis on side of neck or
chest in animals with normal temperature. Normal
animals do not react. Take temperature and note
physical condition every two hours from the eighth
to the eighteenth hours after injection. In tubercular
animals the temperature begins to rise (chills) in
from 6-8 hours after injection, gradually rises to the
12th to the 24th hour, returning to normal in 24-40
hours. Rise in temperature may begin at the 4th
hour, or not until the 14th to 18th hour. Interpreta-
tion of reaction (Hutyra & Marek) : A reaction is
positive; A. with a rise of 2.6° F. or more; or B.
Elevation above 104° F., with a rise of at least 1°
F.; or C. A rise of 1.8° F. to 2.5° F., or above 103°
F., in addition to an organic reaction (chills, depres-
sion). In calves under 6 months a positive reaction
depends on a rise to at least 105.4° F. There is no
evidence of tuberculosis with a rise of 2.5° F., that
does not exceed 103°, or give an organic reaction.
Turpentine cf olei.
Unguentum (Ointment). White wax 2, benzoi-
nated lard 8.
Urotropin cf hexamethylenamina.
Urva Ursi (Bearberry. Diuretic and astringent.
Uses and action as buchu. Dose: Fl. Ext. H. & C.
g 2-4 (60.-120.); D. 3 i4-2 (1.-8.).
Vaselin cf petrolatum.
*Vasogen cf petrolatum saponatum.
*Veratrum (Rhizome and root of green hellebore
and white hellebore). Heart sedative and febrifuge,
similar to aconite in the beginning of acute inflam-
matory diseases (pneumonia); emetic in swine;
stomachic in cattle in indigestion. H. & C. 3 1-21/4
(5.-10.); Sh. 3 1/2-1 (2.-5.); Sw. gr. 8-35 (0.5-2.).
Preparations : Tinc^wra Veratri. Dose: as veratrum
*Veratrin Sulphate. H. & C. gr. 1/2-2 (0.03-0.13); Sw.,
emetic, gr. i^-i^ (0.016-0.03); Sh. gr. 1/6-1/3 (0.01-
0.02); D. gr. 1/64-1/12 (0.001-0.005). Per subcutis or
OS. See arecovetrol.
*VetoI. "Yohimbin-vetol". Said to contain 50%
yohimbin. See yohimbin. Yohimbin, Merck is prefer-
able. (Holterbacb, Schlampp).
*Vitriol. Blue (copper sulphate or bluestone) ;
green, (iron sulphate or copperas) ; oil of (sulphuric
acid); white (zinc sulphate).
Whiskey cf alcohol.
*White Lotion cf plumbi acetas.
WitcFi Hazel cf hamamelis.
*Yohimbin Hydrochlorid (Merck). White crystals
soluble in hot water. Intern., aphrodisiac in im-
potence. H. & C. gr. %-li^ (0.05-0.1); Sh. & Sw. gr.
1/6-1/2 (0.01-0.03); D. gr. 1/64-1/6 (0.001-0.01). Ad-
minister 3-6 times daily in above dosage for several
days. Discard treatment for H. & C. when at least
2 Gm. have been given (Holterbach).
Zinci Acetas (Zinc Acetate). Soluble in 3 parts
water. Astringent antiseptic. Uses: as zinci sulphas.
Zinci Carbonas Praecipitatus. Calamin is the
crude form. Astringent, sedative, and protective in
eczema, scratches, etc. Prep: ■•'Unguentmn Galaminae
N.F. Calamin 1, unguentum (U. S. P.) 5.
Zinci Chloridum (Zinc Chlorid). Soluble in 0.5
parts water. Caustic in fistulae, ulcers, canker, and
tumors. Use as paste (1:1-3 flour); or 40% alcoholic
solution; or 10-20% aqueous solution. Weak antisep-
tic and astringent.
R 1
Sanguinariae § iii
Zinci chloridi
Pulv. acaciae
Aquae aa ^ i.
M. Add water slowly to the consistency of putty
("German Caustic"), Sig. Plug fistula and leave for
5 days.
Zinci Oxidum (Zinc Oxid). Extern., astringent
and protective in acute eczema, burns, etc. Prep:
Unguentum Zinci Oxidi. Zinc oxid 2, benzoinated
lard 8.
n 1
Zinci oxidi
Bismuthi subnitratis
Plumbi acetatis aa 3 i
Taici 5 iii.
M. Desiccant powder.
n 3
Zinci oxidi 60
01. olivae 40.
M. Zinc oil (Joseph).
^ 5
Acidi salicylici 2
Zinci oxidi
Amyli aa 24
Petrolati 50.
M. Pasta Zinci, Lassar
I^ 2
Zinci oxidi 3 1
Talci 3 V
Amyli § iii.
M. Sig. Desiccant pow-
IJ 4
01. lini
Aq. calcis
Zinci oxidi
Cretae aa 100.
M. Pasta Zinci Mollis,
Unna N.F.
I^ 6
Zinci oxidi 15
Sulphuris praecipi-
tati 10
Silicic acid 5
Adipis benzoin. 70.
M. Pasta Zinci Sulphur-
ata, Unna N.F.
B 7
Zinci oxidi
Amyli aa 20
Petrolati q.s. 100.
M. Resorcin paste (Jo-
R 8
Sulphuris praecipi-
tati 10
Zinci oxidi
Amyli aa 20
Aquae aa 100.
M. Sulphur lotion (Jo-
Zinci Phenolsulphonas (Zinc Sulphocarbolate).
Gastrointestinal antiseptic and astringent in diarrhea
of acute intestinal catarrh. H. & C. 3 1-4 (5.-15.);
Sh. & Sw. gr. 8-30 (0.5-2.); D. gr. 5-20 (0.3-1.3).
Zinci Sulphas (White Vitriol; Zinc Vitriol). Sol-
uble in 1 part water, 3 glycerin. Extern., astringent
in catarrhal and suppurative conjunctivitis (0.5-2%
solution), otorrhea (1-5%). See plumbi acetas.
Intern., emetic. Sw. gr. 8-16 (0.5-1.); D. gr. IV2AV2
Zingiber (Ginger). Intern., uses and action as
capsicum. H. 3 2-8 (8.-30.); C. S 1-4 (30.-120.); Sh. &
Sw. 3 1-2 (4.-8.); D. gr. 5-15 (0.3-1). Preparations:
Fluidextractum Zingiheris. Dose: as zingiber. Tinc-
tura Zingiheris 20%. H. & C. 5 2-4 (60.-120.); Sh.
& Sw. 3 2-4 (8.-15.); D. 3 Mj-I (2.-4.).
5. Treatment of Diseases.
Abortion, Contagious. Segregate recent aborters
and cows about to abort (rapid swelling of tbe udder
and vulva, vaginal discharge). Destroy fetus and
afterbirth. Disinfect the stables: phenol, calx, chlori-
nated lime, sulphuric acid, formalin, liquor cresolis
compositus. Disinfect frequently the floors and gut-
ters of stalls containing suspected animals. Cow:
irrigate the uterus daily to three times a week with
a 1-2% solution of creolin or a 0.1% solution of potas-
sium permanganate until a week or more after the
discharge stops, then wait 1-2 months before breed-
ing. Cleanse the external genitals, tail, etc., and dis-
infect them with a 3% creolin solution. Bull: clip
the preputial hairs, douche preputial sac with a i/^-l%
creolin solution before and after each service.
Abscess. Promote resorption or encapsulation
with hot antiseptic packs, alcohol bandage, iodin or
cantharides blister. Free incision, irrigation, tampon
of sublimate gauze for 24 hours, then open treatment
(daily irrigation followed with antiseptic dusting-
powder). Deep abscess: exploratory incision or punc-
ture for diagnosis, insert tube for drainage.
Acne (Summer Surfeit; Heat-, Sweat-, or Harness
Eczema). Sulphur sublimatum I^ 2 and 3, sulphur
lotum (ung.), zinci oxidum IJ 5 and 6, pix liquida IJ 1,
acidum tannicum R, 2, resorcinol IJ 1 to 3, liquor
calcis sulphurata, acid chromic 3%.
Actinomycosis. Extirpate subcutaneous growths;
or incise and slough out with copper sulphate
crystals; intraglandular injection of Lugol's solution;
potassium iodid internally (specific).
Alopecia. Symptomatic: frequent washing with
solutions of potassium or sodium carbonate, or borax,
followed with simple ointment. Antiseptics: resorcin
5%; pyrogallol 10%; alcoholic sublimate. Rubefaci-
ents: capsicum I^ 1. Plenty of grooming, frequent
creolin baths, sunlight, exercise, and intensive feed-
Alveolar Emphysema (Heaves). Suppress symp-
toms. Diet: feed straw instead of hay, with grain
d?et largely of bran. Run the hay through a feed
cutter, moisten and mix it with the grain, feed
roughage not more than twice daily. Intern., alkalies,
respiratory sedatives, tonics, and alteratives. Calx;
arserii trioxidum; potassium iodid; spiritus glycerylis
nitratis, helladonna; grindelia; ergota; prolonged use
of Carlsbad salts; lime water; lobelia.
Anemia. Secondary: intense feeding, sunlight,
fresh air, care of the skin. Intern., nux vomica,
hydrochloric acid, arsenic, vermifuges in the young.
Primary: H. & C: ferri reductum, ferri sulphas,
tonics and bitters. Dog: ferri citras or ferri carbonas
saccharatus. Infectious (Swamp Fever) : prophylac-
Anthrax. Local: as septic phlegmon — free in-
cision, strong disinfectants, cauterization; or paren-
chymatous injection (phenol 3%, creolin 5%) around
the margin of the swelling, followed by cool antiseptic
packs (alcoholic sublimate, phenol). Intern., as
septicemia — stimulants (ol. camphor per subcutis,
alcohol) ; intestinal antiseptics (creolin 5 iv every 15
minutes for one hour, then every two hours until
temperature falls). Anthrax serum per vein. Treat-
ment is usually hopeless. Prophylaxis: remove all
animals from the infected fields; disinfect the stables
(phenol, calx, liquor cresolis compositus) ; bury all
cadavers without skining and cover them with lime;
drain and till infected soil. Take temperatures three
times daily and segregate those with fever. Anthrax
vaccine for well animals.
Aphtha cf stomatitis.
Arthritis. Acute. Sprains: absolute rest; cold
for first 24 hours (cold irrigation, ice packs, baths) ;
follow with hot compress, alcohol or camphor band-
age, cataplasma kaolini, massage and rubefacients
(linimentum., iodin, mercurial ointmient) under band-
age. Pyemic cf navel-ill; compression for serous
distensions following influenza. Chronic. Deform-
ing: ringl)one and spavin: point-fire, and blister,
followed with 1-3 months rest; neurectomy; slight
spavins may respond to mercurial resorbents (hy-
drarg, chloridi corrosivum I^ 1 and 2, hydrargyri
iodidum rubrum IJ 1) without prolonged rest; shoe
with high heel-calks. Carpitis: blisters under tar
bandage; fixation bandage (plaster cast). Serous
(Bog Spavin; Wind Puff): massage and rubefacients
(tincture of iodin, liniments, mercurial ointment)
with compress in early stages; blister beneath band-
age in subacute and chronic forms (hydrargyri
iodidum rubrum 1:5).
Ascites. Treat the primary diesease — heart,
kidneys, liver, lungs. Diuretics: infusion digitalis
(cardiac), strophanthus, potassium salts, juniperus,
caffein (nephritic), calomel. Paracentesis. Laxatives.
Azoturia. Rest on a deep bedding of straw; turn
every 4-6 hours; clysters and mild laxatives (salts,
arecolin I/2 gr.) to evacuate bowels; relieve retention
of urine (catheter, pressure on bladder per rectum) ;
heat and massage with mild rubefacients over affected
muscles (spirits of mustard, linimentum, Priessnitz
pack) ; raise in slings when able to support weight
on legs. Avoid severe cathartics that weaken the
patient. Bleeding from jugular (conflicting reports).
Sodium bromide § ii in a quart of water, with 4
pounds of sugar within an hour; repeat in 12 hours
(Drouin). Camphor or caffein in heart weakness.
Adrenalin per subcutis or vein.
Bog Spavin cf arthritis.
Bots cf carbon disulphid.
Bronchitis. Acute. Rest; fresh air free from
dust and drafts; warm coverings; laxative food
(carrots, clean hay, bran, oats) ; air moisture about
65%; rubefacient on chest (sinapis). For dry cough
sedatives and sedative expectorante ; apomorphin 1$.
2; antimonii et potassii tartras IJ 2; codein I^ 2-3;
aqua amygdalae I^ 1-2; ipecac and tartar emetic are
of special value in acute sthenic attacks. Inhalants:
menthol, creolin, benzoin, turpentine. Diaphoretics:
spirits of nitrous ether. Laxatives: Carlsbad salts
§ 1-2 three to four times daily. For moist cough
and free exudate: ammonium chlorid and carbonate;
benzoin; ol. terebinthinae I^ 1; combine with heroin
and hyoscyamus or belladonna when cough is exces-
sive. Chronic. Horse: pasture, light work, sunlight;
pg. 9 IJ 3; calx; creosotum; ammonium chlorid; grin-
delia; juniperus; lobelia; potassium iodid; benzoin;
ol. turpentine I^ 1. Dog: balsam Peru; spiritus
glycerylis nitratis; apomorphin; aqua amygdalae
amarae; ol. tereb. I^ 1; copaiba.
Burns. Mild: cold irrigation or compress; Goul-
ard's water; protective powders (amylum, sodium
bicarbonate, talcum); ol. lini IJ 1. Severe: argenti
nitras 5-10%; acid picric 1%; ung. zinci oxidi; men-
thol B 3; chloretone.
Bursattae cf summer sores.
Canker, Remove all undermined horn; curette
to healthy pododerm, even to the bone; cauterize
thoroughly with a cerry-red iron; bandage firmly with
gauze soaked in 50% or pure formalin; after 2-3 days
apply a dry dressing under bandage. Autogenic
Capped-Hock and Curb. Acute: irrigate with cold
water (hose) ; with incomplete resorption (subacute)
follow with massage and resorbents: linimentum,
mercurial ointment, sapo mollis I^ 1. When chronic
use mild blisters in capped-hock over an area about
the size of a quarter: tinct. iodin, linimentum tiglii
(caustic balsam), cantharides, hydrargyri iodidum
rubrum. Chronic curb may be line-fired and blis-
tered; shoe with high heel-calks.
Ung. hydrargyri dil.
Sapo mollis aa B 1-
M. Ft. unguentum. Sig. Resorbent ointment (v.k.).
Catarrhal Fever, Malignant (Cattle). Light airy
stable. Inhalants: turpentine, phenol. Disinfectants
on oral and nasal mucous membranes: boric acid,
potassium chlorate, tannin. Expectorants: tartar
emetic. Stimulants: alcohol, ol. camphor subcutan-
eously. Ice packs on head and throat; tracheotomy
in severe dyspnea. Normal salt solution per subcutis
or vein in collapse: 4-6 quarts of a teaspoonful of salt
to a pint of sterile water.
Caustics (Ammonia, Chloral, Acids). Neutralize
with weak acids (vinegar), or alkalies (soda). Pro-
tectants: oil, mucilaginous drinks (linseed, acacia).
Sedative astringents: lead acetate, Burrow's solution.
Cerebritis (Meningitis; Encephalitis). Place in a
quiet dark stall with plenty of bedding to protect
against injury. Give laxative food; when unable to
eat, feed artificially unless it causes excitement.
Laxatives (oil, salts, calomel) through stomach tube or
in the form of an electuary in paralysis of the phar-
ynx. Cold on the head: water, snow, ice packs. Re-
sorhents: salts, arecolin, pilocarpin. Control excite-
ment with chloral in large animals and morphin in
Cerebrospinal Meningitis. Treatment of doubt-
ful value: calomel gr. 30 daily. Prophylactic: exclude
cause from food or water supply; mouldy roughage
or grain, stagnant water.
Chol. *
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