THE Flat Hat Club AND THE Phi Beta Kappa Society EDITED BY George P. Coleman LJ*7,5 L^L Class „ Book. 7 />* // / Copyright^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Cpntfna 21*eberle$> tucker Coleman J&emortal Series dumber <®ne THE Flat Hat Club AND THE Phi Beta Kappa Society Some New Light on their History EDITED BY GEORGE P. COLEMAN RICHMOND, VA.: Press of The Dietz Printing Co. 1916 COPYRIGHT igi6 By George P. Coleman. m ^5 NOV 291916 ©CI, A 4 53069 It $ | « THIS BOOK IS NtJMRE R /K. OF AN EDITION OF TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY COPIES, PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR GEORGE P. COLEMAN, OF Williamsburg, Virginia. FOREWORD. N going through the letters and manuscripts of St. George Tucker, which form part of the collection of his grand-daughter, Mrs. Cyn- thia B. T. Coleman, I came across a little memorandum book kept by him, when he was a student at William and Mary College. In this book I discovered the formal " testimony of friendship of the society," or, as it might be called, the certificate of membership in the so- ciety. In a second memorandum book I found a catalog of the books which the Reverend Mr. Gwatkin suggested should be purchased for the Club library. Later I found letters of Thomas Jefferson, and of Thomas McAuley, relative to the early history of the Phi Beta Kappa. It is with the hope that some additional light may be thrown upon the history of college fraternities in the United States, that I present this material in the present form. G. P. COLEMAN. Williamsburg, Va., October, iqi6. (Facsimile of Seal) Flat Hat Club Williamsburg Virginia (From photograph presented by Dr. L. G. Tyler) (Facsimile op Certificate) * ^ /• & c ***** I / ' Jn% ; &/L€sl tUtA^ fz^rff : ri&j^c- -di^pu>^^ .' /??e*4; Jerry* .- Cs*Z:j&4SijS?; £*££*. : &?& a^#-\ 0h4l*? : (Certificate of Fellowship.) Praeses Sociique de F(lat) H (at) Societate Nulla praeterire (or praetermittere) aventes quae hoc maxime spectent ut iuventus ediscat colcre virtutem ac invigorent studia, ut aliquando sit grande decus columenque rerum universarum et singularum (eis) quorum haec nosse intersit, Salutem Plurimam Dant. Ut merita praemia illis nunquam deesse vide- rentur, qui sese modeste ac sobrie (ut iuventu- tem decet) gessere, qui sese bene moratos, Dei observantes, ac doctos amicos praebuere, Roberto 2&aptor, iuveni probae indolis qui, licet nobis paucos per menses fratribus interfuit, se tamen omnibus honoribus dignum praestiterat, hoc testimonium nostrae societatis amicitiae tradimus. Ut felix faustumque sit, ac virtutem ipsam sibi pretiosam semper colere perstet, Deum ter optimum maxi- mum comprecamur. In testimonium fidei tabellarias hasce, com- mune societatis sigillum, et chyrographos nostros muniendos curavimus, apud Collegium Gulielmi et Marle, Anno Christi MDCCLXXI, Die vero Julii Mensis Octavo. (Translation of Certificate.) The President and Members of the F(lat) H(at) Society, Eagerly desiring to let nothing pass that may look to this (end) especially, Viz., that the youth may learn thoroughly to cultivate virtue, and that studies may grow strong, that eventually it (the youth) may be a great ornament and pillar of things general and particular, to those whose interest it may be to know these things, send heartiest greeting. In order that due rewards might not seem to be lacking to those who have borne them- selves modestly and soberly (as befitteth the youth) who have shown themselves well mannered, God-fear- ing, and cultured friends, to ftobert 2?aplor, a youth of upright character, who, though he has been among us his brothers only a few months, and yet has shown himself worthy of all honors, this testimony of the friendship of our society we deliver. That it may be happy and fortunate, and that he may continue ever to cultivate virtue herself precious to him, we beseech God, thrice good and great. In testimony of our good faith, these letters, the common seal of the society, and our hands, we have had set hereto, at The College of William and Mary, in the year of Christ 1771 , on this the eighth day of the month July. (Translation by Dr. W. A. Montgomery) Letters (Letter from Thomas Jefferson to John D. Taylor.) Sir : The honor of your letter of Jan. 30. is juft now received, and I wifh it were in my power to anfwer it's enquiries, but I am an entire ftranger to the P B K. fociety, it's hiftory and it's objects, it's exiftence is known to me by hear-fay only. The contrary fuppofition has probably been founded on an F. H. C. fociety which exifted at Wm & Mary college, when I was there, of which I was a member, that was confined to the Alumni of that inftitution. I do not know, Sir, whether I can yet con- gratulate you on the prospect of a reftoration of the right of felf-government to the transatlantic nations and on the confoling reflection that this is our work, it had for fome time a flattering appearance, but the Northern bears feem briftling up to maintain the empire of force, we may ftill however hope that the hofts on which they rely, may catch the diseafe they are employed to cure, and carry liberty to the North inftead of supres- fing it in the South, to my prayers for the at- tainment of that bleffing there & it's prefervation here, I add the tender to yourfelf of my high confederation and efteern. TH. JEFFERSON. Taylor John D. Sp. H. of R. Md. (Letter from Thomas McAuley to Thomas Jefferson. ) Union College ) 7 , , New York State \ '** Ma > l8 ' 9 Most Excellent Sir The Brethren of the New York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society have directed me to requeft of Your Excellency the communication of any information you may be in poffeflion of, in relation to the Introduction of faid Society into this country, as it has been told to the So- ciety, that you firft brought the charter from Oxford or Elfewhere to William & Mary Col- lege in 1776 or thereabouts, as it is natural for the children to enquire into the pedigree &c of their parents we Truft Sir you will pardon the Liberty we take, in thus approaching their re- puted patron with the Language of enquiry — permit me to fay that there are now 4 Alphas, that of Mafs — Con — New Haven & New York — Connecticut has . . 627 members Mafs 489 N. H 421 N. Y 155 1692 We truft the Society has a very healthfull in- fluence on the minds of youth — and will be falu- tary to the community — We will thankfully re- ceive any communication on this subject — And while I am before you Sir permit me to enquire whether in your philofophic recreations you have obferved that Electricity paffed along a wire of one or more miles in length becomes a deep orange colour, is diminifhed in its apparent Volume, But Exceedingly increafed in its inten- fity and influence on the nervous fyftem? in my courfe of Experiment laft feafon I am fully fatis- fied of thefe facts, but am yet unable to account for them and would moft willingly be inftructed. I am Sir with the profoundeft refpect for your many public & private virtues & Elevated Standing in the republic of letters, Your very Humble Servant THOMAS McAULEY, Cor. Sec. of New York A. A His Excellency Thomas Jefferson — (Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Thomas McAuley.) Monticello June 14, ig. Sir: Your favor of May 19 has been received, but of the subject it respects I know nothing. I have heard of the Alpha Phi Beta and Kappa fociety, but never underftood either its location or object:. When I was a ftudent of Wm. & Mary college of this ftate there exifted a fociety called the F. H. C. fociety, confined to the number of fix ftudents only, of which I was a member, but it had no ufeful object, nor do I know whether it now exifts. Accept my falutations and affur- ances of refpect. TH. JEFFERSON. Mr. Thomas McAuley. Catalogue of Books Suggested for the F. H. C. The Following Catalogue of Books was made out by the reverend Mr. Gwatkin at the request of the Members of the F: H: C: as being the most useful and valu- able Books with which it would be proper to begin the establish- ment of a Library.— N: B. Those mark'd (2) in margin have been sent for. moral philosophy and civil law. FOLIO. Puffendorf on the Law of nature and nations with Barberac's notes. Hobbes Leviathian. QUARTO. 2 Hutcheson's Elements &c of Mor: Phil: 2: v. 2 Woolaston's Rel: of Nat: delineated. Taylor's Elements of Civil Law. Cumberland's Law of Nature with notes by Maxwell. Harris's Justinian. Vinnii Comment: in Instit: Imperiales. Nood's Comment: in Justin: Pandectas. Cujarii in Libros Elementares Iuris Justiniani. Le Droit de la Nature &c pr. Vattel. OCTAVO. 2 King's Origin of Evil with Law's Notes. 2 Doct : Samuel Clarke on the Attributes. Grotius de Jure Belli et Pads (2 Vols.) The whole controversy between Grove, Bays and Balguy concerning the Foundation of Morals, in one Vol. Butler's Sermons preach'd at the Rolls. Bever's Introduction to the Civil Law. Succincta Commentatio ad Institut. Justinianias, Happio Auctore. DUODECIMO. Puffendorf de Off: Horn: et Civis. Ld Kaim's Elem: of Moral Philosophy. 2 Prices Review of Difficulties in Morals. MATHEMATICS, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND NATURAL HISTORY. Appollonii Pergaei Conica Cura Haliei. Halley's Tables. Gardner's Logarithms. QUARTO. Newton's Principia Com. per Le Seur et Jacquier. Emerson's Mechanics. Sectiones Conicae Roberto Simpson. Sectiones Conicae, Hugone Hamilton. Pemberton's View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. Maclaurins Do. Geometria Organica Maclaurins. Newton's Optics. Newton's Opticae Lectiones. Smith's Optics (2 Vol.) Maclaurin's Fluxions. Franklin's Letters &c. Priestley's Hist: of Electricity. Priestley's Introduction to Do. Priestley's Hist: of Light and Colours. Gravesand's Experimental Philosophy. Ferguson's Lectures. 2 Ferguson's Astronomy. Del'Cailles Astronomy. Gregory Do. Keils Do. OCTAVO. Euclids Elements by Simpson. Simpson's Algebra. Simpson's Trigonometry. Simpson's Essays. Simpson's Dissertations. Simpson's Tracts. Simpson's Annuities. Simpson's Laws of Chance. Simpson's Fluxions. De Moivres Laws of Chance. De Moivres Miscellanea Anylitica. Robin's Works (2 Vols.) Rowning's Nat: Philosophy. Pennant's British Zoology. Crakelt's Trigonometry. FOLIO. Catesby's Nat: Hist: of Virginia. Petiver's Works on Nat: History. Blairs Geography and Maps. QUARTO. Buffons Historie Naturelle. Op: Math: Hygenii (4 Vol.) All D'Alembert's mathematical works in French. Histoire des insects, pr. Geoffroy. Elements d 'Architecture Navale par Duhamel. La physique des Arbres de PExploitation des Bois. Chymical Dictionary. Elements de Chymie par M'acquer. Lectures on Chymistry by Pemberton. Pennants Synopsis. OCTAVO. 2 Varenius's Geography by Irwin. Homes's Principles of Vegetation. Elements d'Agriculture par Duhamel. Cotes's Hydrostatical Lectures. Hale's Vegetable Statics. Weston's Introduction to Botany. Milnes' Institutes of Botany. HISTORY. FOLIO. 2 Carters History of England. 2 Ld Clarendon's History of Y e Civil Wars. Whitlocks Memoirs. Burnets Hist: of the Reformation. Father Pauls Hist: of the Council of Trent. Mariana's Hist: of Spain. 2 Northern Anti: transl: from Mallet's Introd: to the Hist: of Denmark. QUARTO. Humes Hist: of England. Mrs. Macauley's Hist of England. Dalrymples Memoirs. 2 Robertson's Hist: of Scotland. 2 Robertson's Charles 5th. Walpoles Historic Doubts. Middleton's Life of Cicero. Mosheims Ecclesiastical History. OCTAVO. Vertot's Revolutions. Henault's Histoire de France. All y: e Abridg: done in the manner of Henault. Voltaire's Histoire Universelle. Ld Littleton's Hist: of Henry 2d. GOVERNMENT. Locke on Government. Sidney on Do. Milton's Political Works. Esprit de Loix. TRADE. Postlethwait's Dict.y of Commce. Child and Davenant's Works on Trade. Great Britain's true commercial interest. Sir Jas. Stewart's Pol. Economy. Locke on altering the Coin. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. QUARTO. Walpole's Acct. of the Painters Ct. in England. Lord Bolingbroke's Works. Arbuthnots Tables of Coins. OCTAVO. Milton Shakespeare Spenser ) Best Edits. Gray Mason Hurd's Works. Waller's Works and Life, Editn. printed for Davies Cov. Garden. Webb on Paintg. Lord Kaim's El. of criticism. Thomson's Works. Shenstone's Do. Harris's Hermes. Locke's Essays on the Hum. Undrg. Bishop Berkeley's Phil. Works. Hume's Essays. Sir Will Temple's Works. Entretiens Sur Vies de peintures par Felibien. Sterne's Works. Melanges par M. D'Alembert. Rousseau's Works. Hart's Essays on Husbandry. Richardson & Fielding's Novels. LIBRARY OF ^OTEgg 019 314 063 I