RZ400 mm BBBHBBB VP ~? O"** ^ *< ^ 9 - A tf ,^ 4 O &iv. < -J- A ; The Way To Perfect Healing BY WILLIAM E. TOWNE THE WAY TO PERFECT HEALING THE POWER OF THE WORD IN ANCIENT AND MODERN SPIRITUAL HEALING. HOW TO AP- PLY THIS POWER IN SELF-HEALING. HOW TO TRAIN THE MIND TO REALIZE HEALTH By William E. Towne 'SPEAK THE WORD ONLY AND MY SERVANT SHALL BE HEALED" PRICE, 50 CENTS Published by WILLIAM E. TOWNE, Holyoke, Mass. D D Copyright May 25th, 1910 BY William E. Towns ©CI.A265488 TO THE READER. To all who hunger for harmony this little book may carry healing. It is not claimed that it contains any new teachings. It is a new statement of old truth. It is an attempt to bring into clear relief the true principle by which Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead. Make this book your daily compan- ion, read and re-read it, and it will guide you into health and joy. The Author. ELEMENTS OF ANCIENT HEAL- ING. The Word. For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. — St. John 6 : 33. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. — St. John 8: 43. The New Testament is primarily a record of healing and of healing philos- ophy. The healing taught and manifested by Jesus consisted in coming into a consciousness of wholeness. Those who were healed were "made whole." The palsied, the lame, and the blind were regarded as lacking in wholeness. This lack of wholeness was a lack of at-one-ment with the will of God, or the One Principle and Primal Source of life. It was a condition of con- sciousness. The man with a palsied arm is only partially conscious of his own life. His real self is not palsied. The soul, the divine Principle within him, is eternally alive. The spiritual forces of his being are ready to flow through the palsied arm and give it life so soon as the word of authority shall call them into action. The palsied man has denied the life within until it has ceased to manifest, and he is no longer whole in conscious- ness. He lives in only a part of his temple. He regards the remainder of himself as dead. Man is led into such imperfect con- ditions of consciousness (which man- ifest in the body as disease) by fear and through judging from material conditions and mortal consciousness. One sees that a finger is crushed, and, judging from a knowledge of mat- ter, believes it can never be healed. The truth is that the Divine Mind, which builded the body in the first place, using matter as a means of ex- pression, can rebuild any part of that body, if the consciousness will but awaken to the truth. The healing which Jesus taught and manifested was so perfect, so cleansing, so sublime and far-reaching, that it could only culminate in eternal life — an eternal consciousness of well-being and wholeness for those who accepted it fully. It was not a temporal cleans- ing or healing of a part, but a resur- 8 rection of the mind to a new plane of living. It manifested in a desire to "go and sin no more." Disease and inharmony — a lack of wholeness in consciousness — arise from the errors of mortal mind in the inter- pretation of truth. Disease results can only be wiped out by knowing the truth and expressing it through the Word. The consciousness of the people whom Jesus healed was changed by his spoken Word. They accepted his Word and had faith in its results. He in- spired faith because he possessed it — because he knew himself and spoke with authority. SOURCE OF ALL HEALING. "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." To know God is to realize God, the One Principle of life, the eternal Word, the Divine Pattern. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "The same was in the beginning with God. "All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made." All healing proceeds from the crea- tive Word. 10 Those who heard the "words" of Jesus (which were scientific expres- sions of the One Word) were healed. Those who refused to hear his words remained in error and sin (shortcom- ing, lack of wholeness). "And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way. '* * * Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word." The Word is the potentiality of that which is, the Eternal One. Our words (including our thoughts) are our rec- ognition of the One. Our words are but our finite at- tempts to glimpse the Infinite — the In- finite Pattern, the Infinite Reality or Principle in all manifestation. To speak the Word is to make way for its realization and manifestation. 11 When you speak the Word in faith your consciousness is open to the en- trance of truth. Without faith there is a barrier of doubt in your mind which will prevent the Word from manifesting. Jesus healed by dissolving forever this barrier of doubt in the conscious- ness of the diseased one. This the Master was able to do because of his great faith and understanding. He spoke with authority. To successfully speak the Word of health to yourself or others, it is first necessary to still the mortal mind, that the Word may come forth into mani- festation. The Word is eternal. It awaits to be spoken into realization. Faith makes the necessary connec- tion between your mortal consciousness 12 and the Word of Divine Principle or Truth. When you affirm "I am Health," you are putting yourself into alignment for the Word to manifest through you. Live, think, and act in harmony with what you desire to become. God is love. Therefore think, speak, and act love. God is just. Think, speak, and act with as nearly absolute justice as you can. We are weaving always after the divine pattern. This pattern is the Word of truth, which exists from ever- lasting to everlasting. In proportion as we are at-one with this Word, do our mortal words have power. The Word is creative power. With- out it "was not anything made which 13 was made." It is the seed in the mind which springs up and bears fruit after its kind, IP we do not check its growth with mortal error thoughts. Doubt, fear, envy, hatred, are weeds which choke the growth of truth in the mind. Where these exist the creative power of the Word manifests in dis- torted form. When we become too engrossed in material things we lose our spiritual consciousness and our connection with the creative source. We become sepa- rated from that which gives life to materiality. The result is inharmony. We are mistaking a reflection for the thing itself. Mortality is only a mirage of Spirit. To become lost in mortality — the material — is to cut one's self off from the source, so that one cannot "under- 14 stand the speech" of God (One Prin- ciple of Life). In such a mental condition, man builds around himself well-nigh impen- etrable walls of prejudice, fixed and narrow beliefs, and error thoughts along certain lines. He lives in an unreal world, even while he thinks that nothing is real but that which he can see, feel, taste, hear, or smell. Jesus shattered these walls of delu- sion in the minds of his patients by the power of his spoken Word. Nearly all the sick whom Jesus healed were hopeless cases. Many of them had suffered for years. Some of them had spent large sums of money upon physicians without gaining any relief. Some had even entered upon the sleep of death, and were brought 15 back to life by the quickening Word of power spoken by Jesus. These sick people whom Jesus healed had "reached the end of their rope." They had no hope of relief except in this one direction. All human methods had failed. They were therefore ready to accept the seed of the Word. It was no longer choked by the mental rubbish in their minds. Their faith in Jesus was sufficient to open their minds to the Word. Jesus inspired great faith, because he was the living embodiment of truth. So they received the Word and were healed. RECEIVING THE TRUTH. One of the most difficult features of mental healing is to induce people to receive the Truth. We are all so mentally constructed that we do not want to know Truth. We want only our conception of what Truth ought to be. We want the heal- ing to come according to our ideas. The first great requirement in all healing is that we be "as little chil- dren" ready to be taught and led by the Spirit, "It is the Spirit that quicken- eth. * * * Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth." 18 The wisest souls are the least arro- gant. The truly wise know that out of mistakes and suffering, if we trust the leading of the Spirit, arise truth and healing. Did not Job find permanent healing and a hundred and forty years of life after he set his will in line with the will of the Spirit? Do not be too sure that you are not getting just the medicine you need. If you dig down deep to the roots of your troubles you will find they are growing from the seed of your own words. "I'm afraid I'm going to have a headache," brings a headache. "I hate that man," brings hatred and the fruits of hatred in return. HOW TO REALIZE HEALTH. Fullness of peace, happiness, and health abide in the Word. "For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world." To realize the fullness of life it is necessary to come into harmony with the Creative Word of Life. This we can do by speaking and thinking the Truth, according to our highest con- ception of it. The One Life IS health, harmony, and power. We are one with that Life, and hence are entitled to manifest health, har- mony, and power. 20 If our faith and our words are in alignment with this truth, we shall realize what we desire and affirm. You can make connection with the creative Word through your finite word and affirmation, and by faith. Keep your mental attitude true to the Word, and you will realize its power growing up within you. "Whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected." The mortal mind must be resur- rected from its belief in disease and death before complete healing can take place. Disease is not a result of some force or power outside yourself and beyond your reach. Once you awaken to this fact the Word of Truth has a chance to unify 21 the forces of your body and bring you into health. While you are holding a belief in the power of disease you are a divided be- ing, and the love of God cannot be per- fected in you. UNITY. Everywhere in the teachings of Jesus we find emphasized the idea of unity. The healing, purifying, joy-bringing philosophy which he taught was based upon the foundation statement that he and the Father were one, and that all who believed upon them were also one with them. To believe in God is to believe in Absolute Truth, in the One Principle of Being. To believe in Jesus is to believe in the Truth which he made manifest to man through his work and teachings. 24 He was the first example of a man living in harmony with Truth or God. He came to teach the world the way to harmony and happiness and health. He affirmed that those who accepted, and acted upon, the principles of Truth would be able to do the things which he did. "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." Unity with the One was to put them in touch with the source of power and healing. When they realized their unity, then they could speak the Word of power. "// ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." "I and my Father are one." 25 "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me and I in you." To the man who was healed of a disease of thirty-eight years' standing, Jesus said, "Behold, thou art made whole," i. e. y the man became conscious within himself of his unity with Truth. When this wholeness of consciousness is complete, and carried out to its log- ical conclusion, the man is "saved." He has returned to his Father's house. He no longer sees two forces — one evil, one good — working in the world. He knows that the devil is but a commis- sioner of the Father; that the "evil" forces which once seemed to surround him and beat him down were but angels in disguise, sent to teach him a needed lesson. He now sees evil every- where transmuted to good. He sees 26 that error has no real basis. He is now nearing the point where he can realize that "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." The man who has developed thus far has passed through the process of res- urrection in his own consciousness. Instead of dwelling in a conscious- ness of error (of his own creation) he now sees Truth on every hand. He now desires only Truth, and ceases to hug his mortal errors. "J seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me." The great power of Christ lay in his willingness to do "the will of the Fa- ther." 27 His will was aligned with the will of his Father, because he was conscious of his unity with the Father. And God cannot be both truth and error. Jesus' sense of separateness was so completely wiped out, his desire to fol- low after the errors of mortal mind so far obliterated, that all the force of his desire led him to live according to the will of the One Life. And this was what made his Word so pregnant with power, so mighty to heal. One great element in ALL healing is the establishment of this sense of unity — in a degree the Cosmic sense. Take, for example, the experience of religious conversion. Many who un- dergo the experience of a real conver- sion are so filled with a consciousness of Good, of the great Principle of 28 Unity, that they actually feel all bur- dens roll away and only peace and joy unspeakable remain. One good old church deacon whom I knew, used to say that after his con- version he felt as if he could jump over a barn. I think such experiences are caused by a temporary birth of the Cos- mic sense, which is only another name for a consciousness of Unity. The re- ligious ecstasy, sublime emotions, the passion to sacrifice the personal will, all tend to bring about UNION of the personal will with the "will of the Father." In our present stage of unfoldment this Cosmic sense seldom lingers for any great length of time; but it is a prophecy of the perfect cleansing, heal- ing, and spiritual resurrection which is 29 now beginning to manifest among the people of earth. One very successful mental healer uses the word agreement in describing the consciousness of wholeness which he induces in his patients. The patient comes into mental agreement with the forces of Life — the Principle of Life. The patient and healer AGREE that the former is whole, and the wholeness manifests. Was it not something like this which Jesus had in mind when he said, "Where two or three are gathered to- gether in my name there I will be in the midst of them"? Where two or three gather with high and earnest aspirations the spirit of unity is far more apt to be present than in a larger gathering. The fire of faith burned brightly in 30 the midst of the first small gatherings of Christians, but with growing num- bers and the increase of material power, the sense of unity has departed in degree. For those early Christians even death itself had no terrors, so great was their consciousness of unity with the Father. They foresaw that even death was to be wiped out for those who accepted and put in practice the healing knowledge which Jesus taught. FAITH. Faith brings one to this conscious- ness of unity, which results in harmony and healing. Even blind faith some- times works what appear to be miracles. Through faith alone does man ac- quire the willingness to yield his per- sonal will to the One Will, which is law, order, harmony, joy, health. Faith works results in a material way, because all great material works have a spiritual foundation. The works of an Edison, a Marconi, or a Gates are a high manifestation of faith. Faith applied to business makes a Rockefeller, a Vanderbilt, or a Gould. 32 Without faith one is seriously handi- capped in life. Faith is the vital element of being. If you are not faithful toward the Source of your Being vou cut off your own life. Doubt is always disintegrating. Faith always tends toward concen- tration and constructiveness in the truest sense. Faith builds upon eternal laws. Faith says, "Let us do something/' Faith arises and lives and loves and works. Doubt sits still and thinks despairing thoughts and devitalizes every one and everything in sight. Faith is action. Doubt is death, the opposite of action. We can only have faith by getting rid of doubt. 33 Job put all his doubts behind him and declared, "Though he slay me yet will I trust him." And all his trials and troubles worked for Job's highest good and brought him final peace. The life urge finds in you no channel while you are filled with doubt. Faith quickens within you the vital powers of life. Realize that you have life within yourself; that the One Life is mani- festing through you, and that nothing (no-thing) outside yourself has power to work ill to that life. "A man's foes are they of his own household." The thoughts you enter- tain in your mind about things without yourself are the mischief workers. Your negative imaginings are the only workers of evil. You can always dispel them by faith in Good. LOVE. Love and faith and the consciousness of unity are interwoven in conscious- ness. Love is a means to faith. We cannot enjoy faith in mankind and hate our brother. "Love casteth out all fear." Faith exists only where there is an absence of fear. "Whenever men understand each other, love increases," says Mr. Fill- more. Some one else has said, "To know all is to forgive all." Misunder- standing is the sole cause of hatred and lack of faith. 36 Forgive and love (yourself as well as others) and your word shall be preg- nant with power. You thus become an instrument for manifesting the Divine Principle or Plan. To love is to manifest life. Love constructively and you become your own creator and re-creator. A consciousness of unity leads one to love unselfishly. When Walt Whit- man saw the officers of the law drag- ging a murderer past his Camden home, he exclaimed, deeply moved, "I am that man." Love is the softening, melting mani- festation of the Spirit which makes over matter into new forms and shapes. It breaks up the old hardness and re- news the flesh. Hard feelings literally harden the 37 body and bring lime to the joints, stiffness to the muscles, and gray hairs to the head. Hard feelings are a fruit- ful cause of indigestion and possibly of cancer. The young in heart are those who love. Over and over again Jesus associated the idea of forgiveness with his healing : "Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be for- given thee," etc., etc. Forgiveness is an expression of the highest love. It is a constructive ex- pression of love. It opens the way for the realization of unity and healing. When you forgive any one you take him into harmony in your conscious- ness. And harmony is health. "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" is a scientific prayer. In proportion as we can live according to 38 the spirit of that petition we realize harmony and health. Inharmony cannot exist where there is love and forgiveness. Fear is the greatest cause of disease. And "perfect love casteth out fear." Fear always brings about some sort of inharmony. Harmony requires adaptability. Love develops adaptability. When we do not shrink back in fear, we are drawn into channels of harmony. Love of and faith in Divine Mind protect us from accident. Reckless persons are often said to be fearless. They are not really more fearless than others, but use their mor- tal will to force themselves into places of danger. This is not working in accord with 39 Divine Harmony, and such forced fear- lessness does not protect from acci- dent. "In quietness and confidence shall be thy strength.' ' The real fearlessness which love imparts is based upon confi- dence. We do not fear or hate that in which we have confidence. Our confidence in the integrity of the universe is assured when we see that Divine Mind is the only reality. God or Good cannot hate or fear him- self. Hate, fear, and evil are but mortal, erroneous conceptions of the All Good. To entertain fear and hate obscures the Truth and keeps us in bondage to disease. Love wipes out the error and restores harmony. Why is a child happier and more harmonious in his life than an adult? 40 Because he loves freely, seldom enter- tains resentment, and is full of faith in everything. Resentment is a form of fear. Re- sentment is a re-sending of the thought or idea of another person, or of the impression made upon the mind by another person or thing. We are afraid of an image which our mortal mind conjures up, and so we re-send it — resent it. If we were filled with love and lived by love we should be able to see farther than the outward appearances of others, and so would become convinced that there was nothing to resent. We should be able to perceive the truth in them. We should so joy in the truth that we should completely forget to resent the error. And this recognition of truth on our 41 part would help to bring it out in others. You can best help others to overcome error by a fuller recognition of the truth in them. This does not mean that it is never wise to call the attention of another to an error, but that when we do so we should speak in the consciousness of love and truth and not of revenge and resentment. HARMONY. If you have realized unity, faith, and love in your consciousness, harmony should be the result. Harmony is the manifestation of Di- vine Mind or Truth. To be accurate is to express God. To be orderly in all that you do makes for health and success. Accuracy takes you away from discord, and develops poise. If the Divine Mind is invited into your consciousness you will learn to be calm in the face of all difficulties. Before one can manifest divine har- mony, law, and order, there must be a letting go of what the Christian Scien- tists aptly term the mortal mind. 44 The limited, personal self, with all its inharmonious desires, strivings, en- vyings, bitterness, must be washed with the consciousness of Divine Prin- ciple. Some accomplish this through con- version to a religious belief; others through love; many through self-com- munion. Until the Divine Mind is supreme in the consciousness, there will always be discord, sickness, and bitterness of mind. The mortal will controls the body. Until this will is harmonized with Di- vine Principle, harmony cannot come forth in fullness. REGENERATION. Regeneration is a wonderful word. I feel as if the condition of regenera- tion were always waiting just around the corner, for myself, for you, for every one. It is awaiting our spoken word, spoken in faith, to spring into a glorious fullness of manifestation. All that is real in life is also eternal. The Principle by which we express life cannot die any more than a prin- ciple in mathematics can be wiped out. Why, then, can we not re-build our- selves, "re-generate or produce" our- selves anew? We lack only the key to the method. And I believe we shall find that. Modern Christian Science 46 and new thought come very close to it. We shall use the truth which they con- tain and fuller knowledge of truth will grow out of it. The first step in regeneration is to ally ourselves with the Principle of life and youth and freedom and joy and gratitude and praise. It is a dangerous thing to "know it all." An attitude of mind that makes you sit down and rest in your knowl- edge of life is suicidal. We shall con- tinue to go through the experience of death, continue to hug decay, continue to show age and white hair and tooth- less gums and trembling hands and tottering feet, until we intensely de- sire TO KNOW THE PRINCIPLE OP LIFE, and are willing to have our favorite beliefs, theories, and customs over- turned. 47 There is a power of regeneration in new ideas. A new conception of life may build us over. The Divine Mind knows only Life. If we can but let go the mortal mind conception of the inev- itableness of old age and death long enough to permit the inspiration of the Divine Mind to replace it, we may start at once on the road to regeneration. To produce ourselves anew! To be- gin each day as a new morning of creation! Why not? The fact that no one whom we know has yet turned back the tide of decay and old age is no proof that it cannot and will not be done. Material scientists have pronounced it possible to overcome old age. Up in Maine there is a physician named C. A. Stephens, who has been working and experimenting for years with the sole 48 aim to discover a way to perpetuate life indefinitely in the human body. He is now experimenting especially upon foods, as he believes that one of the first steps in combating old age is to discover a better, more perfect food than has yet been evolved. Bible prophets foretold that the last enemy of man, death, would finally be destroyed or overcome. I am more and more convinced that the only cause of death is an accumula- tion of unfavorable hypnotic impres- sions. The mind follows a treadmill of experience. It slips easily into ruts dug by one's ancestors. When we meet with disappointment, obstacles, unpleasant experiences, the mind is thrown back upon itself. After many such experiences (and many such are incident to every life) the reaction 49 causes the mind to lose its resiliency, youth recedes, and the tired vibrations of middle age come to the front. It is all primarily a mental and spir- itual process. The physical follows after the mind in its journey through life. How shall we teach the mind to maintain the resiliency of youth? First by joying in work. Then by look- ing upon every obstacle as a means to desirable and delightful experience. We should not regard life as "hard." That is what makes us grow old. We try too hard to do the work of living our lives ourselves. We ought instead to trust to the Life Principle. Let it work out its destiny through us. Then we worry too much about re- sults. Worry always causes unfavor- able reaction. Results should be left to the Principle of Life. 50 More faith, more joyful trust, more letting go, is what we need in order to lessen the unfavorable reactions and maintain youth. A SPIRITUAL CONCEPTION OF THE UNIVERSE. Most men live continually in a ma- terial conception of life. And this is why they never come into union with real life. They see that all the mate- rial forms of life inevitably decay and die. And the mind naturally allows this conception of life to carry the body along into the currents of decay and old age, which have been set up and main- tained by this material conception of life since the days of man's first ap- pearance upon earth. We grow from the negative towards the more positive. "Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual but that 52 which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual." From out this material belief as to the nature of life must come a clearer understanding of the spiritual Source of life. We must come to see God, the one Good, as the only real source and substance of life, and the material, mortal form as only the outer shell in which the real life dwells. Through this spiritual understand- ing of life we shall find the way to a life that does not die. We shall come into harmony with the eternal vibra- tions of youth. "For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. "So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then 53 shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory." Man's corruptible body may become incorruptible through this entering into a spiritual conception of life. The spirit does not grow old. Divine Principle is not subject to change. By entrance into a consciousness of Spirit- ual Principle as the reality of life the entire body will take on the vibrations of the incorruptible. "And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit." The life in man has been submerged in error thoughts of materiality. It awaits the "quickening spirit" of a spiritual understanding to bring it forth in incorruption. A spiritual conception of life brings 54 harmony out of chaos. It explains the mystery of seeming evil. It brings completeness where before there seemed but incompleteness. Man as God's image and likeness, a perfect reflection of the Father, cannot know sorrow and weakness. He can only know his own erroneous and ma- terial conception of evil. Whenever circumstances surround you with seeming evil, cling fast to your spiritual conception of life. Re- member that as the life of your life is God, no harm can befall you. That every experience, rightly viewed from the spiritual side, brings you only strength. You, being one with the Divine Prin- ciple of life, can have no real concep- tion of sin, sickness, pain, and death. These have nothing to do with God. 55 They are only no-things. We have given them power because of our minds being weighted with this material be- lief as to life and its nature. Spiritual understanding frees us from the power of these negatives. A PLACE OF PEACE AND MORE ABOUT THE WORD. A spiritual outlook upon life brings the mind to its true resting place. The mind no longer wanders in the wilderness of mortal concepts of dis- ease, negations, and harmful things. The mind of God knows only peace. The mind of man is filled with peace when he realizes that God is the Divine Principle of his being. Out in the realm of mortal mind there is only inharmony, confusion, lack of order, because mortal, limited mind can never see cause and effect in their completeness but must always make its judgments and decisions from only a part of the premises. 58 To be healed in body you must see yourself as whole. You must realize that the inharmony of mortal mind can not affect the peace, order, and har- mony of Divine Mind, which is the only reality of your life. Pain and disease are only the absence of life. They possess no power in them- selves except as mortal mind endows them with it. The peace and power which comes with a knowledge of the supremacy of truth, sweeps aside and dissolves error. You can never get far away from Divine Life. It is always waiting to spring forth whenever you cease, even for a moment, to be hypnotized by the error thoughts of mortal mind, and are ready to speak the WORD of Truth. The Word resides in the silence. "In the beginning was the Word, and 59 the Word was with God, and the Word was God." From out this silent place of the Word, man comes at birth ; to it he re- turns at death. The Word is the One Life, And from the Word comes the only healing power. When you are sick, discouraged, filled with negative ideas, you do not receive this Word of healing. You will not receive it. It finds no place in your consciousness. Instead your conscious- ness is so centered upon the things in the noise that it cannot take in any- thing else. If you would still the ideas of mortal mind and meditate upon your oneness with Divine Life for a few minutes the healing vibrations of harmony and peace would come forth from the place 60 of stillness and replace the discord reigning in your mind. For all forms of discord spring up primarily in the mind before they show forth in the body. The false (limited and unreal) ideas of mortal mind show forth in discord and disease. The ideas of Divine Mind must come forth to re- place these before healing can take place. The Word of truth is powerful to heal all inharmony. "All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made." * * * "Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed." Let the Word of healing come into your mind. Invite it in by faith, by a prayerful attitude — if you believe in prayer — by gratitude and praise and thankfulness. 61 Cast out haughtiness of mind. Cast out intellectual pride. Cast out the spirit of domination that arises from a stubborn will. Cast out envy, hatred, and malicious- ness. Invite in ideas of love, meekness, generosity, gratitude, good will. All these constructive ideas await in the Place of Peace and will come up in your conscious mind if you make a place for them and invite them. The place of stillness is the place of power. Power is generated in the silence. It is not until it comes into action and begins to touch the objective that you find any accompaniment of noise. Therefore do not despise or shun the silence. Do not be afraid of keeping still. Do not avoid being alone. In the silence of solitude you may 62 find your best opportunities for growth and healing. In the silence you may plant the seed of wholeness and har- mony which will transform you. Few people are near enough to nor- mal to ever enjoy being alone. The majority crave excitement and the com- pany of other mortals. Living upon the mortal and material plane they can- not comprehend the real life which comes out of the silence. They are like the prodigal son who fed on husks while wandering far from his father who was waiting and glad to feed the son upon the best in his home. . It only remained for the son to return and receive of his father's bounty. So for those tired and earth-bound souls who are struggling to find hap- piness in a world of discord, it only remains to invoke the peace and 63 strength which awaits in the silence and they may find joy and renewal of life. Speak the Word that will open the mind to peace and renewal and then await in silence for the seed to spring up and grow. The Word comes up in the mind literally like a seed. An idea takes root and around it clusters your atten- tion, interest, and vital forces. Gradu- ally it becomes a living thing and is reproduced upon the material plane. THE POWER OF IDEAS. Each idea reproduces after its kind. Each idea, if entertained, is bound to attract about it many similar ideas. These ideas may become a great power. Just think of the wonderful ideas of power and the far-reaching results for good which sprang from Roosevelt's sterling honesty and his advocating up- rightness in the conduct of national affairs. The entire nation felt a great impetus toward honesty and threw off much of its indifference to dishonesty in public work. In every farthest, most obscure corner of the land you will find the good effects of this one man's ideas. 66 These ideas were not so new or won- derful, but they were spoken forth into action with faith and power behind them, and the people responded to them because they bore the stamp of Truth. This shows what one man can do who possesses divine enthusiasm and to whom Truth is a living thing, greater and more real than the things of the material world. The great men of the world who ac- complish marvelous things are always possessed of divine vision. Who knows what dreams of a great state which should safeguard the rights of millions may have inspired Napoleon in his con- quests ! His desire for personal power may have been a powerful moving fac- tor in his life, but surely there was something more than that in his make-up or he could not have retained 67 the devoted loyalty of his legions of soldiers. To the great financier who crushes his smaller rivals and seeks to dominate his world of business there is given some vision of a great institution, greater and more effective than any that has gone before. Few such men coldly calculate the results to them- selves. It is the idea, the enthusiasm for the business itself, which draws them on. To them the vision, the ideal, is as real as the things of the material world, and they get results. If you would get results, awake to the value of your ideals and ideas. Trust to the ideas that come into your consciousness from the silence. Seek for your own ideas. Seek to tap the well of creative energy within yourself. 68 Seek for the promptings of your own soul, or your own higher self. So long as you seek outside yourself for life and satisfaction you are not trusting the Spirit of all Life which lives through you. A CONSCIOUSNESS OF HEALTH AND HARMONY. Health and harmony are normal con- ditions. Life is harmony. Discord is not life but a denial of life. Let your prayer to the One Life be: "Give me the consciousness of the supremacy of health and harmony." If you concentrate upon the cure of some one organ, you are very apt to make it feel worse than before. Your mental attitude makes it possible for mortal mind to be drawn into the chan- nels of disease and inharmony. To analyze and dissect disease and dwell upon symptoms is to give power to disease. Mortal mind grows into 70 the likeness of that upon which it is centered. Forget disease, forget the organ that seems to give you trouble, and seek the CONSCIOUSNESS of health and harmony. When the mind is turned away from disease and symptoms and led to dwell upon the supremacy of harmony, and the allness of Divine Principle, the symptoms of disease disappear. Disease is held in the consciousness largely through fear. Nature is al- ways trying to preserve harmony. The processes of Nature are in the direction of healing. But through fear man in- terferes with these processes and pre- vents the restoration of harmony. If you cover your lawn with a rubber blanket the grass will die because the sunshine and moisture cannot reach it. In the same way if you tense your body 71 through fear, and imbue every nerve center with a consciousness of fear and a belief in inharmony as a normal con- dition, and also with the belief that disease is greater and more powerful than health and altogether outside your own ability to control — under such conditions the consciousness of health, which comes from the silence of Prin- ciple, cannot be yours. It can find no dwelling place with you because you have shut it out. Speak the Word of health, and har- mony, open your mind in faith, believe in the supremacy of good rather than evil, and your condition will quickly change for the better. Each atom of your body will begin to re-align itself in harmony with Truth. As your con- sciousness of the supremacy of good expands, your body will be thoroughly 72 cleansed from the vibrations of disease or inharmony. Disease will be dis- solved by the consciousness of Truth. I have read a little story of an old man sitting by the fireside and affect- ing the motion of a distant star through the winking of his eyelids. This illus- trates the far-reaching consequences of our smallest acts. When we pour into our consciousness a flood of negative conceptions of disease and its nature we are preparing for a harvest of dis- cord. When we turn our thoughts in the direction of Truth, and consider health as normal, good as supreme, faith as creative, then we are prepar- ing ourselves for that consciousness of health and harmony which means joy, peace, and a happy life. THE HABIT OF PRAISE. The dead praise not the Lord. — Psalms 115: 17. Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. — Psalms 63 : 3. But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. — Psalms 71: 14. The real object and aim of all an- cient and modern religions is to bind back or reunite man with his Source; to bring man into harmonious rela- tions with the universe. This means nothing less than a com- plete cleansing and harmonizing of the entire being. It means health and hap- 74 piness. This is what every religion aims at, however much the objective point may have been obscured by dog- mas and foolish doctrines. And all religions have embodied the idea of praise in some form. There is a psychological and scientific reason for this. To hold the mind in an atti- tude of praise toward the source of all power and life is to render possible the manifestation of power and life. Life and power go where they are welcomed and recognized. If you keep your mind in an attitude of praise toward Divine Principle which is the source and substance of your being, you will have no room in your mind for error thoughts of denial of life and strength. If you refuse to recognize and be- lieve in the Divine Principle which 75 manifests as love, life, and power, you simply drive it from your conscious- ness. You do not affect Divine Prin- ciple by your attitude. You only affect yourself. You replace truth with error in your mortal mind. You draw a mental picture of error (the absence of truth) and cling to it as real. And the results are just what you expect. Praise opens the mind to truth and love and health. Those who never feel the impulse to praise are already be- ginning to die. Mr. Fillmore once wrote an article upon "Praise" for Unity from which I quote the follow- ing:— "There is an invisible thought-stuff which the mind lays hold of, and through a law, not yet fully under- stood, makes things. Every thought moves upon this invisible substance in 76 increasing or diminishing degree. When we praise the richness and opu- lence of our God, this thought-stuff is tremendously increased in our mental atmosphere, and is reflected into every- thing our minds and hands touch. We can impregnate with it the commonest things, and transform them to the pat- tern of our ideals. A failing business proposition can, through this law per- sistently applied, be praised right into a successful one. Even inanimate things seem to receive the word of praise, and go smoothly where before they have been contrary. A lady used this law on her sewing machine which she had been holding in bad order. She said it gave her no trouble afterward. A linotype operator testified that he received a certain spiritual treatment given him by a healer at a certain 77 hour, and his linotype, which had been acting badly, immediately fell into har- monious ways. A lady in a country town who had a rag carpet on her par- lor floor, that she had hoped for years might be replaced by a Brussels or in- grain, heard of this law and began praising the old carpet. Inside of two weeks, greatly to her surprise, she was given a brand-new carpet from an un- expected source. These are a few sim- ple illustrations of the possibilities latent in praise. Whether the inani- mate things were changed, or the atti- tude of the individual toward them, does not matter, so long as the desired end was attained. "Whatever you want to increase, no matter what it may be, praise it. Give thanks that it is now fulfilling your ideal. You can praise yourself from 78 weakness to strength; from ignorance to intelligence; from poverty to afflu- ence; from sickness to health. The little lad with a few loaves and fishes furnished the seed that increased through the prayer and thanksgiving of Jesus sufficiently to feed five thou- sand people." SUMMARY. There is One Divine Principle and Substance in the universe. This Principle manifests as Life, Love, Harmony, Power, Intelligence, etc. It is omnipresent. Man is an expression of this Divine Principle. Man is created in the image and likeness of this Principle, and in proportion as man reflects perfectly Divine Principle he is harmonious and healthy. Disease and inharmony spring from the error which man pictures in his mortal (limited) mind. Disease is simply the absence of truth. A man might close his eyes and declare that there was no light. All error arises from closing the consciousness against 80 truth, and filling the mind with pic- tures of error — allowing the mind to become hypnotized with error thoughts. Bless and praise and fill the mind with gratitude toward Divine Principle and you invite harmony and love and health to abide with you. Let your prayer be, "Give me the consciousness of health." Have an objective point in all your thinking. Be definite. Do not seek to attract health for one particular organ ; do not treat yourself too much for one particular disease. Seek rather to cast out the belief in inharmony as a whole, and recognize that no form of inharmony is based upon eternal truth. Health, Life, Love, Harmony, are the eternal verities. One copy *. * & v c o " o „ ^ ■ 3 1 ^ a V ^, MOoaaoomMiuuuutm LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDES^flflTS 11 } B fS flft SflMBBJ ■HHH ggflHfl ifflfl pOTHinnfi 88E888ra3 ' 89BHL BgBBB SgBEBBE K 39 WMBt WM8BI BHBi m hhBBhhSB BHBBL. 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