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Horton, Director As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserving the environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is in the best interests of all our people. The Department also has a major responsibility for American Indian reserva- tion communities and for people who live in island territories under U.S. administration. Library of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data Buckingham, 0. A. (David A.) Nickel availability — domestic (Information circular; 8988) Bibliography: p. 26 Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27: 1 . Nickel industry— United States. 2. Nickel mines and mining— United States. I. Lemons, Jim F. II. Title. III. Series: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines); 8988 TN295.U4 [HD9539.N52U5] 622s [333.8'53] 84-600039 PREFACE To asses3 the availability of nonfuel minerals, the Bureau of Mines Minerals Availability Program identifies, collects, compiles, and evaluates information on producing, developing, and explored mines and deposits and on mineral processing plants worldwide. Objectives are to classify domestic and foreign resources, to identify by cost evaluation resources that are reserves, and to prepare analyses of mineral availabilities. This report is one of a continuing series of minerals availability reports that analyze the availability of 34 minerals from domestic and foreign sources. Ques- tions about the program should be addressed to Chief, Division of Minerals Avail- ability, Bureau of Mines, 2401 E Street, NW., Washington, DC 20241. CONTENTS Page Preface Hi Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Minerals Availability Program evaluation procedures 3 Deposit selection and verification 3 Economic evaluation 4 Nickel product form and cost-price analysis . . 5 Identification and quantification of domestic nickel resources 6 Nickel sulfides 8 Missouri lead-zinc and cobalt-nickel sulfides . . 10 Nickel laterites 11 Seabed nodules 12 Engineering evaluation 12 Recovery of nickel from sulfides 12 Pyrometallurgical postmill processing 13 Hydrometallurgical postmill processing 13 Bureau of Mines chalcopyrite upgrade process 13 Recovery of nickel from laterites 14 Pyrometallurgy 14 Hydrometallurgy 14 Page Capital and operating costs for proposed domestic nickel operations 15 Operating costs 15 Mine operating costs 15 Postmine process operating costs 15 Transportation costs 16 Capital costs 16 Potential domestic nickel availability 17 Primary and coproduct nickel deposits 17 Potential annual nickel availability 18 Byproduct nickel deposits 18 Factors that affect nickel availability 19 Effect of byproduct and coproduct revenues . . 19 Effects of energy and labor costs 21 Energy cost variations 21 Labor cost variations 22 Effects of variable nickel recoveries 22 Effects of transportation 23 Conclusions 25 References 26 Appendix 27 ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Distribution of nickel consumption by use as of June 1983 2 2. Minerals Availability System (MAS) program workflow 4 3. Classification of mineral resources 6 4. Comparison of total estimated domestic nickel resources with those included in this study 7 5. Distribution of demonstrated domestic nickel resources by ore type 8 6. Location of domestic nickel deposits 9 7. Location of proposed operations in Minnesota's Duluth Gabbro Complex and proximity to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area 9 8. Location of Brady Glacier and Yakobi Island, AK, nickel sulfide deposits 10 9. Location of Crawford Pond, ME, nickel pyrrhotite sulfide deposit 1C 10. Location of Buick, Fletcher, and Magmont Mines in Missouri's lead-zinc Viburnum Trend 1C 11. Location of Madison Mine in Missouri's lead-zinc Viburnum Trend 11 12. Location of nickel laterite deposits in California and Oregon 11 13. Location of Cle Elum nickel laterite deposit 11 14. Total potentially available nickel from domestic deposits at identified and demonstrated resource levels 17 15. Annual production from domestic deposits at the demonstrated resource level, related to total cost of production and year of production 18 16. Annual production from domestic deposits at the identified resource level, related to total cost of production and year of production 19 17. Distribution of byproduct and coproduct revenues generated by each commodity produced from sul- fide and laterite deposits 20 18. Comparison of total nickel availability with variations in commodity market prices 20 19. Distribution of direct operating costs by deposit type for domestic nickel deposits 21 TABLES 1. Properties reviewed in this study 2. Commodity prices used in this study 3. Nickel product forms 4. Domestic resource data of the 23 properties selected for availability analysis CONTENTS — Continued TABLES — Continued Page 5. Identified nickel resources 7 6. Estimated domestic nickel resources by deposit type i 8 7. Estimated weighted average operating cost data for nonproducing domestic nickel operations .... 15 8. Estimated capital cost data for nonproducing domestic nickel operations 16 9. Total potential available nickel from domestic resources at selected total-cost-of -production ranges . . 17 10. Estimated annual availability of recoverable nickel for various years at an average total production cost of $7.60 per pound nickel 18 11. Domestic nickel deposits containing at least 10,000 t of recoverable nickel 19 12. Comparison of total available nickel within various total-cost-of-production ranges at various levels of byproduct and coproduct revenues , 20 13. Energy-related variations in potential available nickel from domestic nickel deposits 22 14. Labor-related variations in potential available nickel from domestic nickel deposits 22 15. Typical recoveries of nickel and coproducts from domestic resources, by metallurgical process and ore type 23 16. Metallurgical recoveries used in this analysis 23 17. Effects of metallurgical recoveries on the potential availability of nickel over various total-cost-of- production ranges 24 18. Distances, rates, destinations, and modes used in the transportation analysis 24 19. Transportation-related cost variations compared with the base analysis 24 20. Comparison of estimated total potential available nickel at various total-cost-of-production ranges for transportation options 24 A-l. Ownership and type of mineral holdings of domestic nickel properties 27 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT °C degree Celsius sq km square kilometer ha hectare sq m square meter km kilometer t metric ton lb pound t/km metric ton per kilometer m meter tr oz troy ounce pet percent wt pet weight percent psig pound per square inch, gauge yr year NICKEL AVAILABILITY -DOMESTIC A Minerals Availability Program Appraisal By D. A. Buckingham 1 and Jim F. Lemons, Jr. 2 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines evaluated potential availability of domestic nickel from 23 deposits. Evaluations included an estimation of in situ and recoverable re- sources, applicable mining and processing technologies, and capital and operating costs. Discounted cash flow analysis with a 15-pct rate of return was used to deter- mine the average total cost of production of each operation. Identified in situ re- sources contain 9.0 million metric tons (t) of nickel ; 5.5 million t is recoverable as nickel metal or ferronickel. Demonstrated in situ resources contain 8.2 million t of nickel ; 4.8 million t is recoverable as nickel metal or ferronickel. No nickel is available at a total cost of production equal to the January 1983 market price of $3.24 per pound. Analyses indicate that potential annual production can only meet current consumption levels at a total cost of production of $7.60 per pound of nick- el. Nickel's availability is contingent on (1) successful adaptability of nickel pro- cessing methods to domestic resources, (2) location of a smelting facility, and (3) marketability of byproducts and copro ducts. Analyses were performed on the effects of byproduct and coproduct revenues, energy, labor, and transportation costs, and metallurgical recoveries on nickel's availability. 1 Geologist. 3 Supervisory physical scientist. Minerals Availability Field Office, Bureau of Mines, Denver, CO. INTRODUCTION Nickel is one of four strategic materials included in the Defense Materials System (1, p. 621 ). 3 A strate- gic material is a commodity whose lack of availability during an emergency situation (embargo, cartel ac- tion, or wartime) would seriously affect the economic, industrial, and defensive posture of this country. The purpose of the Minerals Availability Program's do- mestic nickel availability analysis is to evaluate potential domestic production of nickel, which could decrease U.S. dependence on foreign sources. In 1982 the United States relied on imports for about 76 pet of its nickel demand. Approximately 78 pet of these nickel imports for 1982 came from four countries: Canada, 41 pet; Australia, 16 pet; Botswana, 11 pet; and Norway, 10 pet. Total estimated imports for 1982 were approximately 119,000 t of nickel (2, p. 1). The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 1982 established a stockpile goal for nickel of 181,437 t. The existing Government stockpile supply (November 1982), however, is only 29,220 t of nickel, (3, p. 3), with 1982 yearend industrial stock- piles estimated at 74,389 t (-4, p. 106) . Nickel is a vital commodity to the United States because of its extensive use as an alloy with other metals. Eighty-five percent of all domestic nickel is used in metal alloys. The steel industry accounts for 60 pet of all domestic nickel consumption (5, p. 1-2). Nickel adds strength and corrosion resistance to metal materials over a wide range of temperatures and pres- sures. In addition to being used in standard steel alloys, nickel is used in superalloys, various nickel and copper alloys, magnetic alloys, and electroplating. Nickel salts and nickel oxides are used as catalysts, in batteries, fuel cells, and insecticides. Domestic uses of nickel as of June 1983 are shown in figure 1 (6\ p. 2) . Consumption for 1982 was estimated at 157,850 t U, p. 106). The Bureau of Mines forecasts a 2.1- pct annual growth rate through 1990 (8-4). This in- crease is expected to be principally in the chemical and petroleum-processing industries (7, p. 19-15). Despite high consumption levels of nickel, the United States has not developed a large domestic nickel production industry. This lack of production capability is due in part to secure foreign sources of nickel. The only integrated mine-to-metal nickel producer in the United States was Hanna Mining Co.'s Nickel Moun- tain Mine near Riddle, OR, which was closed on April 19, 1982 (8), and subsequently reopened in late 1983. Negotiations were held in 1983 to attempt to reduce electricity costs to Nickel Mountain, and thereby en- able resumption of production. This operation pro- duced an estimated 11,000 t of nickel as ferronickel in 1981 and about 2,800 t in 1982 U, p. 106). The 1981 production amounted to about 6 pet of that year's domestic consumption. AMAX Inc.'s Port Nickel Re- finery at Port Nickel, LA, is the only domestic primary nickel refinery. Port Nickel refines nickel matte from Australia and Botswana. This refinery has a production All other nickel products 4.0 pet * Italicized numbers In parentheses refer to Items In the list of references preceding the appendix. Figure 1. — Distribution of nickel consumption by use as of June 1983. capacity of about 38,100 t of nickel metal per year. Although some of the production is exported, most is for domestic consumption (6, p. 1). About 1,000 t of nickel is recovered annually as a byproduct from domestic copper refineries (3, p. 7). Initially, 36 nickel deposits in the continental United States and Alaska were reviewed for possible detailed analysis (table 1). (The appendix lists owner- ship and control data for these properties.) Selection of these nickel properties was based upon discussion with Bureau of Mines commodity specialists and field center personnel, industry, and academia. Properties were included if sufficient information existed to de- termine demonstrated and/or inferred resource ton- nages and grades, and to propose mine and mill tech- nologies. This study analyzes potential significant do- mestic nickel resources to determine the average total cost of nickel production and sensitivity of this cost to changes in economic and engineering design pa- rameters. Sensitivity studies were conducted on the major parameters that affect nickel availability, including energy and labor costs. The cost of energy has become a critical factor in all mining and processing opera- tions, and high labor costs have caused ongoing min- eral operations to be stopped and proposed ventures to be delayed or abandoned. The impact of byproduct and coproduct recovery on nickel availability was also analyzed. Many of the domestic nickel deposits contain cobalt, copper, gold, lead, silver, and zinc. These by- product commodities, when recovered and marketed, can produce important revenues that affect the eco- Table 1. — Properties reviewed in this study State and property name Status 1 Ore type Proposed mining method Primary commodity Proposed processing method Alaska: Brady Glacier Explored .do., .do., .do., .do.. .do. .do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Funter Bay . Mirror Harbor Snipe Bay Yakobi Island California: Elk Camp area Gasquet Laterite Little Rattlesnake Mountain. Pine Flat Mountain Red Mountain area Maine: Crawford Pond Minnesota: Birch Lake area Dunka River Ely Spruce area MINNAMAX Partridge River Missouri: Annapolis Mine Past producer. Bonne Terre Mine do Brushy Creek Producer Buick Mine do Fletcher Division do Indian Creek do Madison Mine Past producer. Magmont Mine Producer Milhken Mine do Mine La Motte Group Past producer. West Fork Explored Montana: Stillwater do Oregon: Eight Dollar Mountain do Nickel Mountain Mine 2 Producer Red Flat Explored Rough and Ready do Woodcock Mountain do Washington: Blewett Pass do Cle Elum Iron-Nickel do Mt. Vernon Nickel do Sulfide . ..do... ..do... ..do... . .do . . . Laterite. . .do . . . ..do... ..do... ..do... Sulfide . ..do... ..do... ..do... . .do . . . . .do . . . . .do . . . ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... Laterite. . .do . . . . .do . . . . .do . . . ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... Underground Surface do do do Nickel-copper ...do ....do ....do ....do ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. Nickel-cobalt . ..do ..do ..do . .do . .do Surface-underground . '.'.'.'.do'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'. ....do ....do Nickel-copper ....do ....do ....do ....do Underground ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do Surface .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Lead-zinc .do .do .do .do .do Cobalt-nickel . Lead-zinc ... .do ....do ....do Nickel-copper Nickel-cobalt . ... .do ....do ....do ....do ....do ... .do ... .do Flotation. Do. Do. Do. Do. Roast-reduction leach. Do. Do. Do. Do. Flotation. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Roast-reduction leach. Ferronickel-reduction. Roast-reduction leach. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1 Status as of January 1981 . 2 Property closed as of April 1982, reopened in 1983. nomic viability of the operation and thus the avail- ability of nickel. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was conducted on the effects of transportation costs of con- centrates to selected postmill processing sites. Domes- tic nickel availability is contingent upon the avail- ability of smelting capacity. Additional smelting capacity may be realized by construction of a domestic facility or shipment of concentrates to foreign smel- ters. In either event, transportation costs become a critical factor. The principal technological constraint is lack of established commercially adaptable metallurgical meth- ods for recovering nickel from domestic resources. At present, most published recovery estimates for nickel resources are based on a few bench-scale tests and pilot plant operations. Reduction in the expected re- covery of nickel that might occur in commercial operations could significantly affect domestic nickel availability. Current state-of-the-art metallurgical technologies applicable to domestic nickel deposits are complex. The sensitivity of the average total cost of nickel production to these technologies was assessed. MINERALS AVAILABILITY PROGRAM EVALUATION PROCEDURES The procedure followed in evaluating the avail- ability of domestic nickel from deposit identification to development of economic availability is illustrated in figure 2. The methods and procedures utilized in deposit selection, verification, and economic evaluation are detailed in the following sections. DEPOSIT SELECTION AND VERIFICATION From an initial review of 36 deposits, a final selection was made of 23 properties to be included in the availability analysis. All data on the 23 deposits were verified, and all evaluation procedures were standardized in order to ensure a comparable, consist- ent analysis. Discussions with industry personnel indi- cated that current economic viability can only be achieved with properties capable of producing 10,000 t of nickel per year for a minimum mine life of 10 yr. To ensure that all economic and most significant sub- economic properties were included in this study, a selection criterion of at least 10,000 t of in situ nickel metal per deposit was established. After selected properties were identified for analy- Identification and selection Data collection l Data base i Data utilization Identification and j Mineral . Indu st ries 1 j Location 1 System 1 1 (MILS) | 1 data j MAS computer data base se 1 e ctlon of deposits • w Tonnage and grade det e rmination w < Enginee ring and cost eva 1 u ation w + ' i Deposit report preparation MAS permanent ( deposit files ' i r Taxes, royalties, cost indexes, prices, etc. Data verification and va lidation Variable and parameter adjustments Economic evaluation Sensitivity analysis Dotal Availabilityi curves Analytical reports J w Data Availability curves Analytical reports Figure 2. — Minerals Availability System (MAS) program workflow. sis, engineering and cost evaluations were performed. Hanna Mining Co.'s Nickel Mountain Mine was con- sidered a producer for this study. The actual designed mining and milling production capacities and other available production specifics (postmill processing) for Nickel Mountain were utilized. Other properties considered as producers included four Missouri lead- zinc mines, where nickel and cobalt are presumed to be recovered as byproducts. This recovery would be ac- complished by utilization of a cobalt-nickel concentrate circuit being investigated at the Bureau's Rolla (MO) Research Center (9). Nonproducing properties were evaluated using appropriate mining, concentrating, smelting and/or refining methods, production rates, and other parameters based upon current technology and industry practice. Tonnages and grades from actual measurements, samples, and production data were used when avail- able. Projections based on geologic evidence were used when necessary. Information was obtained from numerous sources, including the Bureau, the U.S. Geological Survey, State publications, professional journals, industry publications, annual reports, com- pany 10K reports, and private communications. Capital expenditures were calculated for explora- tion, acquisition, mine development, construction of the mine and mill, and purchase of mine and mill equipment. These expenditures included engineering, construction of buildings, costs of mobile and station- ary equipment, facilities and utilities, and working capital; environmental costs were included when known. Facilities and utilities (infrastructure) is a broad category that includes costs of access and haul- age, power supply, and personnel accommodations. Working capital, a revolving cash fund, pays for such operating expenses as labor, supplies, taxes, and insurance. Total operating cost of each property was deter- mined as a combination of direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include operating and maintenance labor, materials, payroll overhead, and utilities. Indirect costs include administration, facilities, maintenance and supplies, research, and technical and clerical labor. Other costs in the analysis are fixed charges that include taxes, insurance, depreciation, deferred ex- penses, interest payments (if applicable), and a 15-pct rate of return on invested capital. If available, actual mining capital and operating costs were used. However, when actual cost data were lacking, costs were either estimated by standardized costing techniques or derived from the Bureau's Capi- tal and Operating Cost Manual, using the cost estimat- ing system (CES) (10). Estimates based on this system have shown an accuracy to within 25 pet of actual costs. In addition, postmill capital and operating costs, or custom charges for nickel concentrate smelting and refining, or ferronickel production were estimated. Transportation costs were determined for mine to mill, and mill to postmill processing facilities. ECONOMIC EVALUATION Once all engineering parameters and costs were determined, data were entered into the Bureau's sup- ply analysis model (SAM) (11). An economic evalua- tion of each operation was performed using discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR) techniques. This evaluation determined a long-run average total cost of production of the primary commodity (nickel) for the life of each operation. The average total cost of production, sometimes called incentive price, is equiva- lent to a constant-dollar long-run price at which the primary commodity must be sold so that the present value of revenues over the operation's life equals the present value of all costs of production, including a prespecified rate of return on investment. The DCF- ROR is most commonly defined as the rate of return that makes the present worth of cash flow from an investment equal to the present worth of all after- tax investments (12). For this study, 15 pet was con- sidered the necessary rate of return to cover the op- portunity cost of capital plus risk. All capital investments incurred 15 yr before the initial year of the analysis (January 1983 U.S. dollars) were treated as sunk costs. Capital investments in- curred less than 15 yr before January 1983 had their remaining undepreciated balances carried forward to January 1983, with all subsequent investments re- ported in constant January 1983 dollars. This method generally results in determining a lower total cost of production for currently producing operations, since the total cost basis of producing operations is generally less than that for nonproducers. Neither prices nor costs were escalated because it was assumed that any increase in price would be offset by an increase in cost. A separate tax records file, maintained for each State, contains relevant fiscal parameters under which a mining firm would operate. This file includes cor- porate income taxes, property taxes, and any royalties, severance taxes, or other taxes that pertain to mining and/or nickel production. These tax parameters were applied to each mineral deposit under evaluation, with the implication that each deposit represents a separate corporate entity. The SAM system also contains an additional file of economic indexes allowing for con- tinuous updating of all cost estimates to the base date of this study (January 1983). Detailed cash flow analyses were generated for each preproduction and production year of an operation, beginning with the first. Upon completion of the indi- vidual property analyses, all properties included in the study were simultaneously analyzed and the data aggregated onto nickel availability curves. The avail- ability of the primary commodity (nickel) from each operation is presented graphically in this study as a function of the average total cost of production asso- ciated with that operation. Availability curves are aggregations of the total amounts of primary com- modity potentially available from each evaluted de- posit, ordered from deposits having the lowest average total cost of production to those having the highest. Total potential availability of the primary commodity can be estimated by comparing an expected constant- dollar long-run market price with the average total cost of production (incentive price) shown on these availability curves. Two types of availability curves can be generated : total availability curves and annual Table 2.— Commodity prices 1 used in this study Commodity January 1983 January 1982 Average 1980 Chromium per lb . Chromite 2 per lb. Cobalt per lb. Copper per lb . Gold pertroz. Lead per lb. Palladium per tr oz. Platinum per tr oz. Silver per tr oz . Zinc per lb. $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 .04 .04 .04 7.00 15.00 25.00 .788 .786 1.024 479.89 384.12 612.56 .22 .296 .425 110.00 110.00 212.88 475.00 475.00 438.33 12.40 8.03 20.84 .422 .386 .375 1 Prices based on data from various engineering and mining journals and the Bureau's "Minerals and Materials." 2 Private communication; estimate made based on a laterite chromite recovery feasibility study. Price per pound of 29.9 pet chromite concentrate. availability curves. Annual curves can be constructed as disaggregations of total availability curves based on data for various total cost levels and/or specified years. The following summarizes the assumptions utilized in the evaluation process. 1. All commodities are marketed at their January 1983 prices (table 2) . 2. Specified discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR) is 15 pet. 3. Each operation produces at full capacity throughout its operating life. 4. Lag time between initiation of development and full production status of nonproducing properties is set at a minimum. 5. Hanna's Nickel Mountain Mine is considered a producer. 6. Two domestic nickel smelters are presumed to exist. One would be located near Duluth, MN; the other would be associated with AMAX's Port Nickel Refinery in Port Nickel, LA. Item 4 is based upon the desire to determine po- tential availability of domestic nickel in an emergency or strategic situation (embargo, cartel, or wartime), where the nickel supply would be threatened. Proposed development plans allow minimum engineering and construction time necessary to initiate production. Time and potential costs involved in filing environ- mental impact statements, receiving required permits, financing, etc., have been minimized in all deposit analyses. NICKEL PRODUCT FORM AND COST-PRICE ANALYSIS Nickel is marketed in numerous product forms (table 3) . Most products are priced according to their nickel content; however, not all products receive the same price per pound of contained nickel. Historically, under normal market conditions, Inco's electrolytic cathode nickel price is used as a benchmark (5, p. VI-10). Ferronickel is priced at 6. pet less, Incomet at 10 pet less, and Sinter-75 at 15 pet less per pound nickel than the benchmark price. The January 1983 nickel market price ranged from $3.20 to $3.29 per pound for cathode nickel. The average spot market price at the beginning of 1983 was approximately $1.92 per pound (18, p. 16). The analysis determined total Table 3.— Nickel product forms Product Nickel content, pet Ores 1-2 Concentrates 10-15 Class I: Electrolytic cathodes 99.9 Carbonyl pellets 99.97 Briquettes 99.9 Rondels 99.25 Nickel-89 99 Class II: Ferronickel '40-50 229-38 Nickel Oxide Sinter (Sinter-75) 76 or 90 Incomet 94-96 Nickel salts 20-25 1 Inside the United States. 2 Outside the United States. Source: World Bank (5). cost of nickel production in constant 1983 U.S. dollars, as either a ferronickel or cathode nickel product. All proposed operations were costed to include any post- mill processing to achieve marketable products. Analy- sis also included a 6-pct reduction in value for nickel contained in ferronickel. IDENTIFICATION AND QUANTIFICATION OF DOMESTIC NICKEL RESOURCES Quantity and grade of nickel resources were evaluated in relation to physical, technological, and other conditions that would affect production from each deposit. Resources are categorized according to the latest mineral resource classification system de- veloped jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Mines (14, p. 5) (fig. 3). Demonstrated resources (measured plus indi- cated) are defined as those computed from site inspec- tion, including outcrops, trenches, mine workings, and drill holes. In situ grades of the demonstrated re- sources are computed from detailed sampling. The sites of inspection are spaced so that geologic charac- ter, size, shape, depth, and mineral content can be well established. Identified resources (demonstrated plus inferred) include tonnages whose location, grade, quality, and quantity are known or estimated from specific geologic evidence. Availability analyses were based on January 1981 resource estimates at identified and demonstrated levels, which were updated to January 1983. As ex- ploration and development yield additional knowledge of grades and tonnages, resources may be reclassified from the identified to demonstrated levels. Domestic resources .that can be produced economically may in- crease owing to exploration and technological improve- ments that permit either mining lower grade resources or processing materials previously considered waste. In addition, changes in economic conditions have a direct impact upon the classification of a mineral resource. The 23 properties chosen for detailed availability Cumulative production IDENTIFIED RESOURCES Demonstated Measured Indicated Inferred UNDISCOVERED RESOURCES Hypothetica Probability range -(or) Speculative ECONOMIC MARGINALLY ECONOMIC SUB- ECONOMIC Reserve base Inferred reserve base + + Other occurrences Includes nonconventional and low-grade materials Figure 3. — Classification of mineral resources. analysis and their resource data are presented in table 4. Domestic identified, speculative, and hypothetical in situ ore resources are reported to be nearly 12.6 billion t containing 25.9 million t of nickel (15, p. 440). Identified resources account for over 50 pet of this Table 4.— Domestic resource data of the 23 properties selected for availability analysis Resource level, 1 Nickel grade, _ million t wtpct Operation - Demon- Identi- Demon- Identi- strated tied strated tied SULFIDE Alaska: Brady Glacier A A W W Yakobi Island 21 .0 21 .0 0.28 0.28 Maine: Crawford Pond 2 8.8 8.8 .91 .91 Minnesota: Birch Lake area 1 ,985 1 ,985 .20 .20 Dunka River 131 131 .16 .16 Ely Spruce area 866 866 .21 .21 MINNAMAX A A W W Partridge River 311 311 .20 .20 Missouri: Buick Mine B B W W Fletcher Division B B W W Madison Mine B B W W Magmont Mine B B W W LATERITE California: Elk Camp area 15.2 .55 Gasquet Laterite 3 14.8 21.0 .75 .75 Little Rattlesnake Mountain 19.3 .55 Pine Flat Mountain 6.4 15.0 .80 .80 Red Mountain area A W W Oregon: Eight Dollar Mountain A W W Nickel Mountain Mine A A W W Red Flat 10.2 10.2 .80 .80 Rough and Ready A W W Woodcock Mountain A W W Washington: Cle Elum Iron-Nickel 4 . NA 6.0 NA .85 A Deposit contains more than 10,000 1 of nickel. B Deposit contains less than 1 0,000 1 of nickel. NA Not available. W Data withheld. 1 1n situ tonnage. 3 Reference 18. 2 Reference 17. "Reference 19. Table 5. — Identified nickel resources Resource Total domestic This study Ore: billion t 6.3 4.1 pet of total resources 1 50.3 32.7 Contained nickel: million t 13.4 9.0 pet of total resources 51.7 35.0 1 Total resources (identified, hypothetical, speculative) are 12.6 billion t ore, containing 25.9 million t nickel (15). total, as shown in table 5 and figure 4. Resources of the 23 studied properties are estimated at about 164 million t of ore at the inferred level and 3.9 billion t at the demonstrated level, approximately 65 pet of reported identified in situ ore tonnage. The 9 million t of nickel contained in the studied properties is ap- proximately 67 pet of reported identified contained nickel. Total domestic nickel ore resources account for 60 pet of the world's total nickel ore resources, ex- cluding those of the centrally planned economy coun- tries, but contain only 24 pet of the world's estimated total nickel. This is a result of low average nickel grades, approximately 0.21 pet, for domestic resources, compared with an average grade of nearly 0.98 pet nickel for the remaining world resources (1, p. 615; 5, p. II-5; 15, pp. 440-442; 16, p. 12). Of the 23 properties studied, Hanna Mining Co.'s Nickel Mountain Mine near Riddle, OR, had the only mine-to-metal production of nickel (ferronickel) in 1981. Buick, Fletcher, and Magmont, near the town of Buick, MO, are operating mines, producing lead, zinc, and copper, with nickel and cobalt as potential by- product commodities. For this study, they are proposed as potential producers of nickel and cobalt as by- products. The Madison Mine in Missouri is a past NICKEL RESOURCES CONTAINED NICKEL Identified resources 50.3 pet Inferred resources included in this study 1.3 pet Identified resources 51.7 pet Inferred resources not included inthis study. 16.7 pet yr inferred resources included in this study 3.1 pet Figure 4. — Comparison of total estimated domestic nickel resources with those included in this study. Table 6.— Estimated domestic nickel resources by deposit type, million metric tons Nickel- Nickel-cobalt cobalt and nickel- laterites copper sulfides Primary lead-zinc Total In situ resources: Demonstrated 56.8 Identified 163.7 Contained nickel: Demonstrated .39 Identified 1.16 Recoverable resources: Demonstrated 55.1 Identified 139.1 3,764 3,764 123.9 131.4 3,944.7 4,059.1 7.8 7.8 .05 .05 8.2 9.0 3,138 3,138 129.2 136.9 3,322.3 3,414.0 producer of cobalt, with nickel and copper as by- products. The remaining properties include 11 nickel- cobalt laterites: 5 in California, 5 in Oregon (includ- ing Nickel Mountain), and 1 in Washington; and 8 nickel-copper sulfides: 2 in Alaska, 1 in Maine, and 5 in Minnesota. Table 6 lists the studied resource tonnage by ore type. Figure 5 indicates the large nickel resource in nickel-copper and nickel-cobalt sulfides. These deposits account for over 95 pet of the in-place tonnage, having about 87 pet of the contained nickel at the identified resource level, and nearly 95 pet at the demonstrated resource level. Laterites account for 1.4 pet of the in-place ton- nage and nearly 5 pet of the contained nickel at the demonstrated resource level. At the identified resource level, they have about 4 pet of the in-place tonnage and 13 pet of the contained nickel. Lead-zinc sulfides account for an average of 4.2 pet of the in-place tonnage and about 1 pet of the contained nickel re- source at both classification levels. Domestic nickel deposits occur as sulfides and laterites (oxides). A description of the geology for the studied deposits follows. Figure 6 shows the loca- tion of the 23 properties evaluated in this study. NICKEL SULFIDES Of the properties studied, sulfide deposits contain nearly 95 pet of the demonstrated nickel resource. With an average nickel grade of 0.2 pet, they account for nearly 94 pet of the recoverable nickel resources. Minnesota's Duluth Gabbro Complex (fig. 7) is one of the world's largest basic igneous intrusions and contains the largest demonstrated nickel sulfide re- sources in the United States, more than 3.7 billion t. The intrusion covers an area of 6,470 sq km, of which 1,450 sq km has been explored in northeastern Minnesota (20, p. 48). This explored region contains an estimated 3.1 million t of potentially recoverable nickel. The Precambrian intrusive generally consists of strongly layered gabbros. Mineralization is thought to result from mag- matic differentiation of the intrusion during crystalli- zation. The Gabbro's northwestern margin near Hoyt Lakes, Babbitt, and southeast of Ely contains recover- able concentrations of nickel and copper. An inclined layered ore zone several meters thick, 50 to 60 km long, and 1.6 to 3 km wide at the surface, has been traced as far as 1.6 km beneath the surface (21, pp. NICKEL RESOURCES CONTAINED NICKEL Lead-zinc sulfides 3.5 pet Nickel-cobalt laterites 1.4 pet Lead-zinc sulfides 0.6 pet Nickel-cobalt laterites 4.7 pet Figure 5. — Distribution of demonstrated domestic nickel resources by ore type. F ' Birch Lake, .E'yjSpruce Dunko River°oMlNNAMAX TPartridge River "~"oNickelMtn^- Re'd Flat Eight Dollar Mtn I ° o° I Rough and Ready "Woodcock Mtn I oPine Flat Mtn <^asqueto oE | k C arnp "Rattlesnake Mtn Figure 6.— Location of domestic nickel deposits. Figure 7. — Location of proposed operations In Minnesota'* Duluth Gabbro Complex and proximity to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. 1-3) . The principal nickel mineral is pentlandite asso- ciated with copper minerals of chalcopyrite and cu- banite. The average nickel-to-copper grade ratio is 1 to 3, with localized areas of higher and lower con- centrations. Minor amounts of cobalt in the mineral cobaltite and platinum-group metals are also present. Birch Lake, Dunka River, Ely Spruce, Partridge River, and MINNAMAX are properties in the Duluth Gabbro that have attracted interest concerning potential de- velopment. These properties are in various stages of exploration programs (drilling, magnetic surveys, small test pits, outcrop sampling, etc.). Two of these deposits (Ely Spruce and MINNAMAX) have been explored extensively by shafts, with removal of large bulk ore samples for metallurgical testing. None of these properties are currently in production. The Brady Glacier and Yakobi Island deposits of Alaska (fig. 8) are also associated with ultramafic intrusions. Brady Glacier is a vertically oriented cy- lindrical deposit with maximum dimensions of 518 m in diameter and 229 m in length, occurring in the Crillon-La Perouse gabbroic intrusive. Yakobi Island is a synclinal-shaped deposit covering approximately 94,000 sq m. Ore mineralization is primarily dissemi- nated pentlandite with chalcopyrite and cubanite. Ex- ploration work (drilling, small test pits, outcrop sampl- ing) has occurred on these properties, and some pre- liminary mining plans have been proposed. The Crawford Pond, ME, sulfide deposit (fig. 9) is believed to be of magmatic origin. A peridotite host rock intruded Cambrian age schists and was itself 10 LEGEND • Nickel sulfide deposits r.v.'rl Glacier within the monument Glacier Bay monument boundary Figure 8. — Location of Brady Glacier and Yakobi island, AK, nickel sulfide deposits. LEGEND £3 Nickel sulfide Figure 9. — Location of Crawford Pond, ME, nickel pyrrhotite sulfide deposit. subsequently intruded by a pegmatite, resulting ii concentrations of nickeliferous pyrrhotite. Nickell ferous pyrrhotite occurs as disseminated masses ir. peridotite-pyroxenite of Devonian age. This deposil underlies an area approximately 8.5 km long and 1.26 km wide. In the vicinity of Crawford Pond, average depth to mineralization is 53 m, with an average deposit thickness of 23 m. The principal nickel mineral is pentlandite. Nickel is also present in millerite, gersdorffite, and niccolite. The major copper-bearing mineral is chalcopyrite and the cobalt-bearing mineral is cobaltite. This deposit contains approximately 9.0 million t of demonstrated resource containing 0.91 pet nickel, 0.45 pet copper, and 0.04 pet cobalt at the demonstrated level (17, p. 124). If one or all of the Brady Glacier, Crawford Pond, and Duluth Gabbro Complex deposits are developed, major environmental concerns will be encountered. The Brady Glacier deposit is under a glacier in Glacier Bay National Monument. According to the National Monument Act of 1936, only mining activity necessary to remove the minerals is allowable. This may limit on-site milling. A small portion of the Crawford Pond deposit, which was excluded from this study, lies under Craw- ford Pond. This pond would have to be drained to extract the entire Crawford Pond resource. Economy in the area of Crawford Pond is predominantly agri- culture, which is dependent on an adequate and safe water supply. Water quality standards would have to be complied with to protect owners of surrounding farms and cottages. The Duluth Gabbro Complex extends into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA). Proposed mines in this complex are within a few miles of the southwest boundary of this wilderness. Precautions for water quality, air emissions, and land reclamation would have to be considered in order to ensure ade- quate protection of the BWCA. Because of these re- quirements, a smelting complex would probably not bp located in the immediate vicinity (22-23), but closer to Duluth, MN. MISSOURI LEAD-ZINC AND COBALT-NICKEL SULFIDES The four deposits evaluated in Missouri occur in the Viburnum lead-zinc trend (figs. 10-11) as strati- form ore in narrow carbonate bar and algal reef sedimentary environments. The principal nickel min- eral is siegenite, a nickel-cobalt sulfide. Principal copper, lead, and zinc minerals are chalcopyrite, ga- lena, and sphalerite, respectively. These mines have R3W R2W BIW *'£ B2E LEGEND ^f Mines •S^Viburnum Trend |~\ I Figure 10. — Location of Bulck, Fletcher, and Magmont Mines In Missouri's lead-zinc Viburnum Trend. u Figure 11. — Location of Madison Mine in Mis- souri's lead zinc Viournum Trend. been operational for a number of years; nickel ex- traction would require an additional flotation concen- tration step, but no additional environmental con- siderations. NICKEL LATERITES Nickel laterites result from a gradual decomposi- tion due to the combined action of mechanical and chemical weathering of ultrabasic rocks, particularly peridotite in which nickel, for the most part, is con- tained in the mineral olivine. As nickeliferous olivine decomposes, nickel is released and mobilized into solu- tion by downward percolation of rainwater and/or movement of ground water. Nickel is redeposited at depth by chemical precipitation. This repeated action, known as laterization, results in a "zone of enrich- ment," which, in some cases, can be mined (24) . There are two types of lateritic nickel ores, those which are primarily siliceous, termed garnieritic or saprolitic, and nickeliferous limonitic laterite. Gar- nieritic laterites contain less than 30 pet iron, about 30 pet silica, and a high nickel grade, generally ex- ceeding 1.5 pet. Garnieritic ores are desirable for ferronickel production because of their low iron, high magnesia, and high nickel content. Iron-rich limonitic laterites form when leaching of nickel is not as favor- able or complete as it is with garnierites, resulting in a mixed iron-nickel zone. Limonitic laterites containing approximately 50 pet iron and about 1 pet nickel are amenable to hydrometallurgical processing methods. Because of various degrees of laterization, field classi- fication of laterites is often subjective. Most domestic laterites contain large amounts of limonitic and sili- ceous (garnieritic) mineralization; however, garnieri- tic laterites are slightly more abundant. Location of domestic laterite deposits are shown in figure 12 (California and Oregon) and figure 13 (Washington). Laterites account for about 2 pet of recoverable dem- onstrated nickel ore and 9 pet of recoverable nickel metal from demonstrated resources. Jl JlOlJ Canyonville'a'^*-. -. (401 J. $e V£} S\ */ 11 y (VWedderb L^AI um fAAPoss . ft'' 0H3 3^| ■n 11 O \V (\ d 9M OflLGON k^ / CALIFORNIA Cresc en ffirM J|5 /J^ 5 *©* Cityftf£k ™ 1 i/TOrleons o \\ 1 v ' ^•ft. ^- / ^- VV* \ T^ / ioiJ y- A ^r » I 6%, Leggett^^ \^ \r~^*\^ T" .11 YTDosRios LEGEND fg) Lateritic deposits J Nickel Mountain 2 Red Flat 3 Eight Dollar Mountain, Rough and Ready. Woodcock Mountain 4 Pine Flat Mountain. Gasquet, Elk Camp 5 Rattlesnake Mountain 6 Red Mountain Figure 12. — Location of nickel laterite deposits in Cali- fornia and Oregon. Proposed %- •plontsife ° •-ox ™» N LEGEND 1 Laterite deposit tin \ WASHINGTON I M- 1 - ^~r Figure 13. — Location of Cle Elum nickel laterite deposit The only operating domestic nickel mine is Hanna Mining Co.'s Nickel Mountain Mine near Riddle, OR (8) . This deposit measures 2 by 1.2 km, with a vary- ing depth of mineralization of up to 67 m, averaging 18 m (25, p. 181). Garnierite is the principal nickel mineral, occurring as fillings in veinlets and boxworks. Nickel grades vary throughout the deposit, averaging less than 1.0 pet. The Gasquet deposit of northwest California has been subjected to exploration, feasibility studies, and some initial development. Production was originally 12 scheduled to begin in the spring of 1982 (18) but has been delayed. Total resources are estimated at 36 million t covering about 1,200 ha of the site in a surface layer of soil about 7 m deep. Garnierite is the principal nickel mineral; cobalt and chromium are also present. Average grade of the deposit is about 0.75 pet nickel, 0.01 pet cobalt, and 2.0 pet chromium. The remaining domestic laterites are similar in character to the deposits described, varying principally in size. Most of them have smaller tonnages, with average nickel grades varying from less than 0.50 pet to about 1.0 pet nickel. They also contain chromium and minor amounts of cobalt. Potential environmental problems associated with laterite developments are mainly short term for most evaluated domestic deposits. Proposed minesites are out of sight of major highways in the area. Soil would be better suited for vegetation when treated and re- placed after mining. Surface water drainage would be altered for the short term, but water quality would be maintained by pollution-control equipment at the site. Air quality would not be greatly affected by mining or processing, but significant noise would occur near the site. A potential problem may exist in developing the Gasquet laterite deposit, portions of which are within a RARE II study area. SEABED NODULES Significant quantities of nickel occur in seabed nodules, commonly known as manganese nodules. Nodules of economic interest range from pea to base- ball size and occur over large areas of the ocean floor from 900 to 6,000 m below sea level. Highest concen- trations occur in the central East Pacific Ocean from 0° to 20° north latitude and 120° to 180° west longi- tude (26, p. 73). Recent resource estimates are placed at 2.1 billion dry metric tons of recoverable nodules averaging 25 pet manganese, 1.25 pet nickel, 0.75 pet copper, and 0.25 pet cobalt (27, p. 1), with minor amounts of gold, silver, and molybdenum. Main deterrents to near-future development of these resources are international politics involving jurisdiction over deposits, poor economics resulting from low metal prices, and very high projected capital and operating costs. Seabed nodules may be a signifi- cant source of nickel, and other commodities in the long-range supply situation; however, owing to the unpredictable future of these deposits, these resources are not included in this study. ENGINEERING EVALUATION Nickel is mined by both surface and underground methods according to the physical and structural characteristics of each deposit. Surface methods in- clude open pit mining similar to open pit copper mines or surface cuts similar to bauxite strip mines. Under- ground methods include room-and-pillar or cut-and-fill mining methods, or a combination of the two. In some cases a combination of open pit and room-and- pillar methods were used. Proposed and actual opera- tion schedules for mines and deposits in this study range from 200 to 350 days per year, with daily ore production running from 2,000 t to 40,000 t and yearly ore production from 265,000 t to 14 million t. Adaptability of known processing methods to domestic resources is a major area of concern in this availability analysis. The only domestic commercial operation for primary recovery of nickel was Hanna Mining Co.'s ferronickel operation at Riddle, OR. Principal technologies used in this evaluation are detailed in following sections. Sensitivity analyses on the total cost of producing nickel were performed by varying the nickel recovery rate for the principal nickel processing technologies described below. RECOVERY OF NICKEL FROM SULFIDES Sulfide ores can often be concentrated by flotation methods. Nickel from these concentrates is then re- covered by pyrometallurgical processing followed by hydrometallurgical methods, although totally hydrometallurgical methods are available and adapt- able. Two typical flotation methods are bulk or single- stage flotation and differential or multistage flotation. Bulk flotation removes both nickel and copper, along with other minor constituents, i.e., cobalt, gold, silver, and platinum, as a single concentrate. This concentrate can then be processed to separate nickel and other constituents. In differential flotation, the feed is sepa- rated into a nickel-copper concentrate and a copper concentrate containing most of the other minor sul- fides. These two separate concentrates can then be sent to smelters and refiners for individual processing. Average metallurgical recoveries for bulk and differ- ential flotation are typically 70 pet and 65 pet, re- spectively, for nickel, 88 pet for copper, and 50 pet for cobalt. Proposed beneficiation of sulfide ore is by flotation to produce a nickel, nickel-copper, or nickel-cobalt concentrate. Nickel would be recovered from these con- centrates by smelting and matte refining or by hydro- metallurgical methods. Because of the ore metallurgy, Alaskan and Minnesotan deposits were evaluated using a bulk flotation method, and Crawford Pond, a high nickeliferous pyrrhotite ore, was evaluated using a differential flotation method. An analysis comparing recovery of nickel from bulk and differential flotation methods is discussed in a later section, "Effects of Variable Nickel Recoveries." 13 Pyrometallurgical Postmill Processing Nickel sulfide concentrates are processed to matte in three pyrometallurgical stages : roasting, smelting, and converting. Roasting is applied to concentrates that contain more iron than nickel and serves as a prepara- tory step to smelting. Roasting is accomplished by heating concentrates, in fluid-bed or multihearth roasters, in air or an oxygen-enriched atmosphere to form solid oxides called calcine and gaseous sulfur dioxide. Roasting also preheats the material prior to smelting (25, p. 231). Smelting of this roasted concentrate, in the pres- ence of silicate fluxing materials, yields a sulfide phase containing nickel and copper (furnace matte) , and an immiscible liquid iron silicate slag. Smelting is car- ried out using flash smelting or electric smelting techniques. Flash smelting involves injection of a roasted concentrate and flux with oxygen or preheated air into the furnace chamber. Smelting temperatures are produced by the instant "flash" combustion of iron and sulfur. Concentrates are thus made to smelt them- selves. Electric furnace smelting operates on the sub- merged arc principle, using either prebaked or self- baking Soderberg electrodes. Smelting is accomplished by passing an electrical charge through the feed con- centrate. The resistance created produces heat, thus melting the material and producing the desired separa- tion. Conversion oxidizes iron and sulfur and eliminates any remaining iron sulfide from the furnace matte. Conversion is generally carried out in horizontal side- blowing converters (Peirce-Smith converters). Using air or oxygen-enriched air and the addition of siliceous fluxing material, a "finished" Bessemer matte is pro- duced. More recently, the trend has been toward using top-blowing rotary converters (TBRC) where oxygen is blown into a converter, oxidizing the molten nickel sulfide directly to nickel metal. If TBRC's are not used, a nickel-copper converter matte must be sepa- rated into its nickel and copper sulfide phases prior to refining. There are several ways to separate converter matte into its constituent phases. Inco's controlled slow-cooling method rests on the principle that slow cooling of sulfur-deficient matte creates conditions necessary for the formation of segregated mineral crystals and permits their growth to an adequate size. Coarse crystals of nickel sulfide, copper sulfide, and nickel-copper alloys are obtained. Matte can then be separated into concentrates of nickel sulfide, copper sulfide, and nickel-copper alloys containing precious metals, using conventional beneficiation methods. Nickel sulfide concentrates can then be dead-roasted to yield nickel oxide (25, pp. 275-283). Hydrometallurgical Postmill Processing Hydrometallurgical methods have become an im- portant and widely accepted method for extraction and recovery of nickel and byproduct metals from nickel mattes and sulfide concentrates. The principal aim of hydrometallurgy is to selectively leach desired metals into an aqueous phase, separating them from unwanted material. A hydrometallurgical process used at AMAX's Port Nickel, LA, refinery produces cobalt, copper, and nickel metals along with fertilizer-grade am- monium sulfate from nickel-cobalt and nickel-copper mattes. After crushing, grinding, and blending of the matte, leaching occurs in four separate operations. The first stage is an atmospheric leach where most of the undissolved copper and iron are separated from the cobalt and nickel solution. Residue is sent to a two-stage pressure leach where iron is removed. The pressure leach solution i3 then sent to a copper electro- winning circuit; spent solution is recycled through the two-stage pressure leach. From the atmospheric leach- ing stage the nickel-cobalt solution is sent to a cobalt separation circuit. Cobalt is precipitated as an impure cobaltic hydroxide, at atmospheric pressure at about 60° C in the presence of trivalent nickel hydroxide. Impure cobaltic hydroxide is processed to remove any remaining nickel as a nickel ammonium sulfate salt, which is separated from the solution, redissolved, and returned to the nickel-cobalt separation step. Purified cobalt solution is treated with hydrogen gas; cobalt metal is precipitated and packaged as powdered and/ or compacted-sintered products. To recover nickel metal, the remaining nickel sulfate solution requires a series of delineation steps using hydrogen gas at elevated temperatures and pres- sures. Metallic nickel is precipitated, then packaged as powdered and/or compacted-sintered products. Ammonium sulfate tail liquor from both the nickel and cobalt densification stages is passed through ion exchange columns to remove any residual metals. Puri- fied solution is evaporated producing a blending-grade ammonium sulfate product (28). Another hydrometallurgical process, used by Sher- ritt Gordon Mines Ltd., Toronto, Canada, at its plant in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, can be applied directly to some cobalt, copper, and nickel sulfide concentrates, eliminating in most cases the need for smelting. In this process, concentrates are leached in strong aqueous ammonia solution at moderately elevated tem- perature and pressure. Good extractions are obtained within a temperature range of 890° to 1,060° C and at 100 to 150 psig, using air for oxygen supply. Leach solution is then boiled to recover part of the ammonia and precipitate copper as sulfide. Partially oxidized unsaturated sulfur species are converted to sulfate ions before nickel and cobalt are recovered as pure metal powders by reduction with hydrogen gas under 500 psig. In addition to metal powder and copper sulfide products, ammonium sulfate is produced for sale as fertilizer (29). Concentrates with high arsenic con- tent require a roasting step before leaching (SO, p. 12) . Bureau of Mines Chalcopyrlte Upgrade Process Sulfide deposits of the Missouri lead-zinc district contain nickel and cobalt. However, at present these metals are lost in tails and slag after processing for copper, lead, and zinc. The Bureau's Rolla (MO) Re- search Center has investigated a chalcopyrite upgrade 14 process that separates a chalcopyrite (copper) con- centrate into upgraded chalcopyrite and cobalt-nickel concentrates. This process consists of the following steps : 1. Grinding the chalcopyrite concentrate in a closed circuit. 2. Adding flotation reagents diethyl dithiophos- phate (collector), sodium cyanite (depressant), and methyl isobutyl carbinol (frother) to the hydro- cyclone discharge, and recovering copper concentrate from a second cleaner cell. 3. Recovering the cobalt-nickel concentrate as a sink product from scavenger cells. 4. Dewatering the cobalt-nickel concentrate to a final moisture content of approximately 10 pet. Nearly 83 pet of the nickel and 81 pet of the cobalt in the chalcopyrite concentrate entering the cobalt-nickel circuit were recovered in the final cobalt- nickel concentrate. Overall recovery, however, is only 20 pet since only about 24 pet of the nickel and cobalt contained in the ore are recovered in the chalcopyrite (copper) concentrate (80, p. 12). RECOVERY OF NICKEL FROM LATERITES Both pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical methods are employed in recovering nickel from laterites. The method most applicable depends upon ore mineralogy. Little upgrading occurs except for sizing and drying. Thus, most of the recovery methods must treat a total mined tonnage, ore and waste, rather than a concentrate. Pyrometallurgy Pyrometallurgy is generally used to treat low- iron, high-magnesia garnierites with high nickel con- tent, such as exist at Nickel Mountain Mine near Riddle, OR. Nickel recoveries of 90 pet are typically achieved. In order to produce a ferronickel product containing 20 to 50 pet nickel, four steps are involved : drying, calcining (with or without prereduction), smelting, and refining. Drying can be achieved sepa- rately or as an initial stage of calcination. A multiple- hearth furnace or a fluid-bed unit is normally used for calcination. Smelting requires a very specific feed composition through strict grade control and ore blend- ing to attain proper slagging and reasonable energy consumption. The charge is melted, forming slag (discarded) and ferronickel phases. This ferronickel phase is tapped at 1,500° C, for further refining by desulfurization and oxidation of other metal impuri- ties. After refining, the ferronickel is cast into "pigs" for sale. Cobalt, "locked" in the ferronickel, cannot be recovered using this process. In another process, matte smelting, the same se- quence of steps is followed as in ferronickel reduction, except that sulfur or a sulfur compound (generally gypsum or pyrite) is injected into the feed before smelting. The smelter charge is melted at a tempera- ture above 1,350° C in the presence of coke and the sulfur source, producing nickel matte containing 75 pet nickel, which is then refined by techniques similar to sulfide matte separation. Cobalt can be recovered dur- ing refining of the nickel matte. Hydrometallurgy For this report, recovery of nickel by leaching processes is proposed for all California and Oregon laterites except Nickel Mountain where the ferronickel plant currently exists. Two general processes exist: a reduction roast-ammoniacal leach (RRAL) process and a sulfuric acid leach process. Domestic laterites tend to have a high magnesia content. This precludes using a sulfuric acid process on domestic laterites evaluated in this study. Freeport Nickel Co. developed the original RRAL process in the mid-1940's for use in their plant at Nicaro, Cuba. Modified versions of the original RRAL process, also called the Caron process, are now active in Greenvale, Australia, and Nonoc Island, Philippines (SI). Steps of the Caron process include (1) drying, (2) grinding, (3) selective reduction, (4) ammonia carbonate leaching, (5) separation of cobalt, (6) nickel carbonate precipitation and ammonia recovery, and (7) calcination to produce nickel oxide. The selective reduction step occurs in multiple-hearth roasters at about 700° to 760° C, in a reducing atmosphere of hydrogen and carbon monoxide gas. Limitations to this process are low recovery of nickel and cobalt from saprolite ore fractions and the cost of fuel. Modified processes used in Australia and the Philippines have enhanced nickel and cobalt re- coveries ; however, nickel recovery remains low (60 to 65 pet) ; 9 to 15 pet of the nickel is recovered with cobalt as a nickel-cobalt sulfide. Further refining is required to separate and recover nickel and cobalt as separate products (82, p. 30) . Bureau of Mines researchers at the Albany (OR) Research Center investigated an RRAL process that incorporates (1) selective reduction in an atmosphere of carbon monoxide, (2) a controlled, oxidizing am- monia-ammonium sulfate leach, (3) solvent extraction, and (4) electrowinning to recover pure (greater than 99 pet) nickel and cobalt. Advantages of this Bureau process (BMRRAL) include almost complete recovery of nickel and cobalt, recycling of reagents, low energy requirements compared with those of other laterite processing methods, and minimal pollution (SO, p. 11). 15 CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS FOR PROPOSED DOMESTIC NICKEL OPERATIONS Average total costs calculated for each of the deposits analyzed cover mining, milling, smelting, re- fining and/or ferronickel production costs, transporta- tion costs, capital recovery, and taxes. These costs often vary depending on such factors as deposit loca- tion, depth of ore body, grade of nickel, and presence of byproducts and coproducts, and physical and design parameters such as size of operation, mining method, stripping ratio, processing losses, energy consumption, and required labor. Analyses of operating and capital costs used in this evaluation are presented here. Costs used are weighted averages by total proposed recovered tonnage from each deposit, adjusted to January 1983 U.S. dollars. Properties represented include all evalu- ated nonproducing deposits that contain demonstrated nickel resources. OPERATING COSTS Cost data for nonproducing domestic sulfide and laterite deposits, aggregated by mining method, are presented in table 7. Eighteen properties are analyzed ; three are laterite deposits using surface mining meth- ods; fifteen are sulfide deposits using either surface methods (four), underground methods (nine), or combined surface and underground methods (two). Mine Operating Costs Mine operating costs are presented as weighted average (based on tonnage) costs per ton of recovered ore and per pound of recovered nickel (table 7) . They reflect direct costs of labor, facilities, supplies, and maintenance, indirect costs of administration, and a 15-pct rate of return. Costs do not include Federal, State, and local taxes, and depreciation. These are in- cluded as separate cost categories in the analysis. Mine operating costs for the 18 individual proper- ties range from $3.14 per metric ton of recovered ore for a surface sulfide operation to $13.61 per metric ton of recovered ore for an underground sulfide operation. Mine operating costs for sulfide surface operations are at the lower end; costs for sulfide combined surface- underground and underground operations are at the higher end. A range of $9 to $15 was obtained when various mining options were modeled for the Duluth Gabbro Complex underground operations. Operating costs for the three laterite surface operations are in the middle of the range, reflecting the high waste-to- ore stripping ratio of approximately 5 to 1, five times greater than the stripping ratio of sulfide surface operations. On a cost per pound of recovered nickel basis, sulfide surface mines have a lower cost than combined and underground operations. Laterite surface opera- tions have the lowest weighted average mine operating cost. The lower mine operating cost for the three laterite surface operations is a consequence of higher ore feed grades for nickel, averaging about 0.87 pet nickel, nearly five times greater than the ore feed grade of about 0.19 pet nickel of the 15 sulfide deposits. Postmine Process Operating Costs Nickel recovery from sulfide ores typically utilizes flotation to produce a nickel concentrate that requires additional smelting and refining to produce a commer- cial nickel product. Estimated costs associated with processing sulfide ores include mill, smelting, and refining operating costs, and/or a toll charge, which is essentially a capital recovery cost for the smelter and/or refinery. Domestic laterite operations do not incur a sepa- rate mill operating cost. Estimated laterite ore process- ing costs include those for crushing, screening, drying, and hydrometallurgical or pyrometallurgical methods to recover a marketable nickel product. The high costs (shown in table 7) reflect the lower volume of laterite ore actually treated. Combined smelting and refining operating costs for individual sulfide ore operations range from $4.32 to $25.78 per metric ton of recovered ore. All 12 Minne- sota operations were credited with a portion of the capital cost for a proposed smelter near Duluth, MN, Table 7. — Estimated weighted average operating cost data for nonproducing domestic nickel operations' Proposed Mine Mill Processing 2 Transportation 3 °p-«- SSS2 «* million t t ore lb Ni t ore lb Ni t ore lb Ni t ore lb Ni Sulfide: Surface 4 7.3 $3.47 $1.15 $3.38 $1.12 $5.23 $1.74 $2.32 $0.77 Underground 9 7.9 9.96 3.09 3.61 1.12 6.07 1.88 2.41 .75 Combined surface-underground 2 11.7 8.78 3.07 2.98 1.04 5.62 1.97 2.35 .82 Total or weighted average 15 8^3 a04 2^58 3A7 TTl 5^79 1.86 2.38 .76 Laterite: surface — 3 -\2 6\96 A5 NAp NAp 46.68 2^98 NAp NAp NAp Not applicable. 1 All costs are weighted averages based on total recovered ore and nickel from each deposit in January 1983 U.S. dollars. 2 Includes all costs of processing to a marketable nickel product. 3 Includes all costs of transporting a mill or smelter concentrate to a smelter or refinery. Laterite operations process ore on site; no transportation cost is needed. 16 therefore incurring only a minimum or no smelter toll- ing charge. Remaining sulfide operations incurred a much higher smelter tolling charge, since smelters proposed for use by these operations are independently owned. To some extent, the wide range reflects the higher cost of processing the high pyrrhotite ore from Crawford Pond. The wide range is not as evident when basing processing cost on a dollar per pound of re- covered nickel, with a range of $1.55 to $2.27 per pound. This reflects differences in nickel grades be- tween the Minnesota properties mill concentrates, which are slightly lower than nickel grades of other sulfide operations mill concentrates. Adding mill, smelter, and refinery operating costs together into a single total for sulfide ore processing results in a better comparison between sulfide ore processing costs and laterite ore processing costs. The total estimated weighted average operating cost for processing sulfide ore is $9.26 per metric ton recovered ore or $2.97 per pound of recovered nickel. The total estimated processing cost for laterite ore, as shown in table 6, was $46.68 per metric ton of recovered ore or $2.98 per pound of recovered nickel. On a dollar-per- pound-of-nickel basis, the cost of processing nickel to a marketable product is virtually the same for laterite and sulfide ores. This is due to the offsetting circum- stances of sulfide deposits' having lower grades and lower processing costs than laterites. Transportation Costs Laterite operations do not incur a transportation charge, since it was proposed to process mine output on-site. Sulfide operations, however, incur a trans- portation charge since their mill concentrates must be shipped to smelters and refineries. Concentrates from the 12 Minnesota operations would be railed to a proposed smelter complex in Du- luth, MN, with subsequent shipment from the smelter to a refinery in Canada (Sherritt Gordon) at a cost of $2.30 per metric ton of mined ore, $0.76 per pound of recovered nickel. Two Alaskan properties would barge their concentrates, at a total cost of $2.56 per metric ton of mined ore, $0.38 per pound of recovered nickel, to the Port Nickel, LA, facilities. It was proposed that a smelter would be added to the existing refining facilities. The concentrate from Crawford Pond, ME, would be transported to Outokumpu's facilities in Harjavalta, Finland, for processing. The total weighted average transportation cost for sulfide operations is $2.38 per metric ton of recovered ore, $0.76 per pound of recovered nickel. Other con- centrate transportation variations are presented in the section "Effects of Transportation." CAPITAL COSTS Capital costs for the proposed domestic nickel deposits are presented by mining method and ore type in table 8. These costs reflect the total investment required to develop the deposit, construct mine and mill facilities, initiate production, and produce a commercially marketable nickel product. These costs also include infrastructure and mine and mill plant and equipment. The capital cost of a smelter complex for the Minnesota Duluth Gabbro Complex properties is identified in the table. Proposed laterite operations require an estimated average capital cost. investment of nearly $275 million, 3 pet for exploration, development, and infrastructure, 8 pet for mine plant and equipment, and 89 pet for mill plant and equipment (RRAL) . Surface sulfide operations would require a capital investment of approximately $191 million (excluding smelter capital). Exploration, development, and infra- structure account for 7 pet, mine plant and equipment for 55 pet, and mill plant and equipment for 38 pet. Underground sulfide ore operations would require a capital cost of nearly $331 million. Costs are broken down into — 28 pet for exploration, development, and infrastructure, 41 pet for mine plant and equipment, and 31 pet for mill plant and equipment; smelter capi- tal costs are not included. Two proposed operations using a combined sur- face-underground mining method would require an estimated capital cost investment of $419 million. Capital costs breakdown is — 21 pet for exploration, development, and infrastructure, 33 pet for mill plant and equipment, and 46 pet for mine plant and equip- ment. Capital costs for 12 Minnesota properties are also listed separately owing to the proposed smelter complex. Two of the proposed operations are surface mines: in the Birch Lake and Ely Spruce areas. The remainder are underground or combined surface- underground operations. Total average capital cost for an operation of this size is estimated at $496 Table 8. — Estimated capital cost data for nonproducing domestic nickel operations 1 fon Number of Proposed annual capacity properties Ore, million t Nickel, t Sulfide: Surface 4 7.3 10,000 Underground 9 7.9 12,100 Combined surface-underground 2 1 1 .7 14,700 Minnesota: With smelter 12 9.8 13,300 Without smelter 12 9.8 13,300 Laterite: surface 3 1 .2 9,200 1 All costs are in January 1983 U.S. dollars. 2 Annual costs are weighted averages based on annual recovered ore and nickel from each deposit. Total capital cost, millions Annual costs 2 tore lb Ni $191 331 419 496 344 275 $ 24.34 41.00 71.00 50.54 35.00 264.55 $ 8.58 12.71 24.70 17.00 11.75 16.92 17 million. Exploration, development, and infrastructure account for 14 pet, mine plant and equipment for about 33 pet, mill plant and equipment for 22 pet, and the smelting complex for about 31 pet. Capital costs with- out the smelter complex were estimated to be $344 million, with exploration, development, and infrastruc- ture accounting for 20 pet, mine plant and equipment for 47 pet, and the mill plant and equipment for 33 pet. POTENTIAL DOMESTIC NICKEL AVAILABILITY Nickel is potentially recoverable as either a pri- mary product or coproduct from most of the deposits evaluated. It is considered a potential byproduct from four Missouri deposits. All evaluated deposits were analyzed to determine the average total production cost required to recover nickel on conditions that all other products would be marketed at their January 1983 commodity market price. PRIMARY AND COPRODUCT NICKEL DEPOSITS Total potential nickel available from identified and demonstrated resources of the evaluated nickel deposits at various total costs of production averaged over the life of the deposits and including a 15-pct rate of return is illustrated in table 9 and figure 14. This analysis, however, assumes the existence of a domestic smelter. Lack of such capacity can signi- ficantly affect nickel availability, as noted in the sec- tion "Effects of Transportation." In addition, tech- 12 ■o 10 3 O Q. 1 i r— 1 Demon strotedj — 1 J " a w 5 1 6 / I— 'l 1 1 Identitied K in 8 4 ■-^ 1 r - _l < 1- P 2 \ / Demonstrated and identitied .1.. ' ' ■ 3 12 3 4 3 6 TOTAL RECOVERABLE NICKEL, million t Figure 14. — Total potentially available nickel from domestic deposits at identified and demonstrated resource levels. nology for many of these properties is still at bench- scale or pilot plant level. This lack of proven large- scale process capability introduces large risk factors into the approximately $500 million capital investment for an operation. This uncertainty in technology and high capital expense are certainly major factors in the lack of development of these domestic resources. The United States has over 5.5 million t of nickel potentially recoverable from identified resources of the 23 studied deposits. No nickel is available below an average total cost of production of $3.74 per pound of nickel. The January 1983 nickel market price was about $3.25 per pound. At an average total production cost of $4 per pound nickel, approximately 1.09 million t of nickel is available from sulfide deposits, and none from laterite deposits. Between an average total pro- duction cost of $4.01 and $7.50 per pound of nickel, an additional 1.97 million t of nickel becomes available: 1.00 million t from sulfide deposits and 0.97 million t from laterite deposits. From an average total produc- tion cost of $7.51 to $9 per pound of nickel, 2.22 million t more becomes available, all from sulfide deposits. Above an average total cost of $9 per pound of nickel, approximately 0.27 million t of additional nickel is available, mostly from laterite deposits. Demonstrated resources contain a total of 4.88 million t of potentially recoverable nickel from the evaluated deposits. As stated previously, no nickel be- comes available until the average total cost of produc- tion exceeds $3.74 per pound of nickel. About 1.09 million t of nickel is available at an average total pro- duction cost of $4 per pound of nickel, all from sulfide deposits, again none from laterite deposits. At an aver- age total cost of $7.50 per pound, an additional 1.44 million t becomes available: 1.00 million t from sulfide deposits and 0.44 million t from laterite deposits. Approximately 2.22 million t of additional nickel, all from sulfide deposits, becomes available at an average total cost of production of $9 per pound of nickel. Above an average total cost of $9 per pound of nickel, Table 9. — Total potential available nickel from domestic resources at selected total-cost-of-productlon ranges Demonstrated resources Identified resources Average total Paction cost range 1 Sulfide ore Laterite ore" Sulfide ore Laterite ore" 1 ,000 1 pet increase 2 1 ,000 1 pet increase 2 1 ,000 1 pet increase 2 1 ,000 1 pet increase 2 to $4.00 1,093 NAp 6 NAp 1,093 NAp 6 NAp to $7.50 2,098 92 438 NAp 2,098 92 967 NAp to $9.00 4,316 106 438 4,316 106 967 Above $9.00 4,442 3 438 tf 4,442 3 1,107 15 NAp Not applicable 1 Total cost of production is based upon the marketability of all recovered byproduct and coproduct commodities and the existence of necessary postmine processing facilities. Costs include a 15-pct rate of return on the invested capital. 2 Percent increase is the percent of additional recoverable nickel available at each total cost range over that in the next lower cost range. 18 only 0.13 million t becomes available, from sulfide deposits only. Nickel sulfides contribute about 80 pet of the total potentially recoverable nickel from identified resources and 91 pet from demonstrated resources. No nickel from either sulfide or laterite deposits at both resource levels is available at an average total production cost equal to the January 1983 market price for nickel. POTENTIAL ANNUAL NICKEL AVAILABILITY There are sufficient recoverable domestic nickel resources to promote a viable domestic nickel industry. However, because of secure low-cost foreign sources, the United States has not developed its own nickel production capability. Potential annual nickel avail- ability curves for the United States have been de- veloped to illustrate domestic nickel production capa- bility. In the engineering analysis of each deposit, a development schedule is proposed. The time required to develop each deposit depends on deposit location, required exploration, necessary preproduction develop- ment and plant construction, depth o^ overburden, type of mining proposed, and infrastructure required. Annual production capacities proposed in development and full operation schedules are estimates based on feasibility studies prepared for a particular deposit. These capacities could be increased or decreased de- pending on conditions that exist at time of startup. The capacity of Hanna Mining Co.'s Nickel Mountain Mine, as used in this study, is based on company re- source estimates, mining equipment capacity, and ferronickel production. For analysis purposes, it is assumed that Hanna's Nickel Mountain Mine remained a producer. Non- producing properties do not have a specific startup date or development schedule; it is assumed that pre- production began in a base year (N). Estimated potential production from N+5 to N+20 is shown in table 10 for both identified and demonstrated resources. Based on production capacities described above, annual production of domestic nickel resources at both identified and demonstrated levels would not reach apparent 1982 consumption levels (157,850 t) until year N+5 and then only if the average total cost is $7.60 per pound of nickel or higher. Estimated annual production from identified nickel resources could re- main at 137 pet of 1982 consumption levels for a Table 1 0.— Estimated annual availability of recoverable nickel for various years at an average total production cost of $7.60 per pound nickel, 1 million metric tons Year Demonstrated resources Identified resources N + 5 182 208 N + 10 197 224 N + 13 • 186 213 N + 16 168 208 N + 20 136 158 ' Includes a 15-pct rate of return on the invested capital. period of 16 yr or until year N+20; for demonstrated nickel resources, annual production could average 118 pet per year above 1982 consumption levels for 16 yr or until year N+16. Figures 15 and 16 present total potential nickel production at both identified and demonstrated re- source levels at various averaged total nickel pro- duction costs. These figures illustrate the rapid in- crease of domestic production from N to N+5 and a steady decline in production after N+10. This de- cline, however, is based upon current known resource levels of the evaluated deposits. Additional ex- ploration could increase mine life or result in the discovery of other nickel resources. BYPR ODUCT NI CKEL DEPOSITS In addition to deposits where nickel could be recovered as a primary or coproduct, four deposits in the Missouri lead-zinc mining district were ana- lyzed in which nickel could be recovered only as a byproduct. It is proposed for each operation that nickel is recovered in a cobalt-nickel flotation con- centrate, which would require further processing. N+5 N+IO N+15 N+20 N+25 N+30 N+35 YEAR 9.00- 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00- 1.00 I I I II II iN+IO ..JN+30 i r r i.. .Jn+20 r I i ! 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 ISO 200 220 ANNUAL RECOVERABLE NICKEL, thousand t Figure 15. — Annual production from domestic deposits at the demonstrated resource' level, related to total cost of production and year of production. 19 275 1- 250- 225 - 200- 175- 150 - 125- 100- 75- 50- 25 - 0«- N 12.00 11.00 ■a 10.00 c | 9.00- ! 8.00 5 7 °0- ° 6.00 fc 5.00- < 3.00 - 1.00- I I 1 I 1 1 -$tl90 N Year preproduction development begin* " r— lQ-$MJ< J Tx — - d- -^ b. 0-$7.5O 0-$5,50 ^ y±-. V 1_ L, _i_ N+5 N + IO N+15 N+20 N+25 N+30 N+35 YEAR -i 1 r i i ;N+IO IN + 20 r JN + 30 ....J _r rdJ— i~- J ! 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 ANNUAL RECOVERABLE NICKEL, thousand t Figure 16. — Annual production from domestic deposits at the identified resource level, related to total cost of produc- tion and year of production. Production of nickel from these mines is based on the following assumptions: 1. Production and marketability of primary and coproducts, which may include cobalt, copper, and lead and zinc. 2. Adaptability of current technology to recover nickel from low-grade cobalt-nickel concentrates, which contain less than 10 pet nickel. Using January 1983 commodity prices (table 2) for all primary and coproducts and a 15-pct rate of return, an economic evaluation was performed to determine the total cost required to produce nickel from these four operations. Based on proposed nickel and cobalt recovery technology, approximately 12,000 t of nickel is avail- able at the demonstrated level and 15,000 t at the identified resource level from the four Missouri lead- zinc deposits. The total cost of production for nickel ranges from nearly $27 to $145 per pound. Although feasibility studies have been made by various companies, no nickel is being recovered at the present time. This is due in part to limited amounts of recoverable nickel, the low-grade cobalt- nickel concentrates, and the high cost to produce this nickel. No smelter is currently processing a low-grade cobalt-nickel concentrate. FACTORS THAT AFFECT NICKEL AVAILABILITY The previous section described potential avail- ability of domestic nickel at both identified and demonstrated resources levels. These analyses were based on proposed development plans and capital costs for each deposit. Criteria such as revenues from byproducts and coproducts (cobalt, copper, gold, silver, etc.), energy and labor costs, trans- portation costs, and the adaptability of metallurgical research and pilot plant studies used to recover nickel can significantly alter nickel's availability. These variables are discussed in the following sec- tions of this report. Table 11.— Domestic nickel deposits containing at least 10,000 1 of recoverable nickel at the demonstrated resource level State Property Alaska Brady Glacier. Yakobi Island. California Gasquet Laterite. Pine Flat Mountain. Maine Crawford Pond. Minnesota Birch Lake area (7 operations). Dunka River. Ely Spruce area (2 operations). MINNAMAX. Partridge River. Oregon Nickel Mountain Mine. Red Flat. Nineteen deposits (table 11) containing at least 10,000 t of recoverable nickel in demonstrated re- sources were further studied to show the effects of these cost sensitivities on availability of nickel. Total nickel production from these analyses is com- pared with total nickel production in the base study. The base study reflects costs and market prices as previously discussed in "Capital and Operating Costs for Proposed Domestic Nickel Operations" and "Potential Domestic Nickel Availability." EFFECT OF BYPRODUCT AND COPRODUCT REVENUES One condition of the base study availability analysis is that each operation would be able to sell byproducts and coproducts at January 1983 com- modity prices, listed in table 2. It is further assumed that the January 1983 commodity price covers cost of production to include a 15-pct rate of return, and that a market exists for the commodity. Figure 17 shows the distribution of revenues from commodi- ties recovered from sulfide and laterite deposits. As 20 SULFIDE DEPOSITS LATERITE DEPOSITS Precious metals 4.1 pet Cobalt 1.3 pet Chromite 1.8 pet Figure 17. — Distribution of byproduct and coproduct revenues generated by each commodity produced from sulfide and laterite deposits. this figure illustrates, copper from sulfide deposits and cobalt from laterite deposits are major byproducts. In both cases, nickel production contributes more than half the total revenues. To assess the impact of revenues generated by byproduct commodities on the availability of nickel, sensitivity analyses were conducted where the by- product revenues were based on 1. Commodity market prices set at zero (case A) . 2. Commodity market prices of January 1982 (case B). 3. Commodity market prices of average 1980 (case C). o- 10- S 8- " , — r— — i 1 Case A _r— ' Base study 1 J _ f[ Case B J~ Case C .. i i, t 12 3 4 TOTAL RECOVERABLE NICKEL, million t Figure 18. — Comparison of total nickel availability with variations in commodity market prices: base study, January 1983 prices; case A, prices set at zero; case B, January 1982 prices; case C, average 1980 prices. Changes in total availability of nickel for the three analyses are shown in figure 18, and sum- marized in table 12. By removing all nonnickel revenues (case A), the total cost of production would be borne by nickel revenues alone. This removal of all nonnickel revenues results in an increase of $0.55 to $5.23 per pound nickel total cost over the base study (January 1983 commodity prices). Sulfide operations would be most seriously affected if nonnickel revenues were not available. An average increase of $3.11 per pound of nickel or approximately 44 pet above the base study cost would result. The total cost to recover nickel from laterites would increase $0.80 per pound of nickel, about 14 pet above the base study average if nonnickel revenues are eliminated. For case B, which utilizes January 1982 com- modity market prices in analyzing the properties, mixed effects occur concerning the total cost of nickel production with respect to the base study. These mixed effects are due to lower precious metal prices and a higher price for cobalt in January 1982 than in Janu- ary 1983. For two sulfide operations that produce Table 12.— Comparison of total available nickel within various total-cost-of-productlon ranges at various levels of byproduct and coproduct revenues, thousand metric tons Total cost' of nickel production, to to to to per pound $4.00 $7.50 $10.00 $15.00 Base study, January 1983 market prices. . 1,093 2,536 4,880 4,880 Case A, market prices set at zero 919 2,267 4,880 Case B, January 1982 market prices 1 ,093 2,536 4,880 4,880 Case C, averaged 1980 market prices 1,167 4,755 4,880 4,880 1 Costs are in January 1983 dollars and include a 15-pct rate of return on invested capital. 21 cobalt as their only byproduct, their average total cost of production for nickel decreases by an average $0.44 per pound. The remaining sulfide operations, which produce cobalt as well as gold and silver as byproducts, realize an average increase in the total cost of pro- duction for nickel of $0.13 per pound. In this case, the higher cobalt price could not offset the lower precious metal prices. Laterite properties that produce by- product cobalt show an average reduction of $0.70 per pound in the total cost of nickel production with re- spect to the base study. Using average 1980 commodity market prices (case C), the average total cost of nickel production decreases by $0.23 to $3 per pound with respect to the base study. This decrease is due to higher 1980 average commodity prices for cobalt, copper, gold, and silver. Cobalt prices in average 1980 were four times the January 1983 level. The higher cobalt price increased revenue to the laterite operations that recovered co- balt more than to the sulfide operations that recovered copper, gold, silver, and only small amounts of cobalt. The laterite operations that recovered cobalt reduced their total cost of production of nickel an average of 36 pet with respect to the base study. Sulfide proper- ties, which mainly recovered precious metals and cop- per, also benefited from the increased commodity prices. For the sulfide properties, the higher 1980 commodity prices resulted in a 20-pct decrease in total cost of nickel production with respect to the base case. Comparing the three analyses (A, B, and C) with the base study, cases A and C have the most significant effect on the availability of nickel. In case A, no nickel from either sulfide or laterite deposits is available at a total cost of production of less than $4.60 per pound nickel. This represents the elimina- tion of 1.09 million t of available nickel. Case C resulted in 1.2 million t of nickel becoming available at a total cost of $2.50 per pound. This increase in nickel availability occurs at a total cost of produc- tion significantly below the January 1982 market price of $3.25. Because of the increase in cobalt price and decrease in precious metal price for case B, the effect of January 1982 commodity prices is mixed. The effect is positive (decrease in total cost of production of nickel) if the increase in cobalt revenues outweighs the decrease in revenues result- ing from lower precious metal prices. EFFECTS OF ENERGY AND LABOR COSTS Based upon proposed operating technologies for domestic nickel deposits, figure 19 shows expected distribution of direct operating costs. As illustrated, energy and labor are a significant portion of the total direct operating cost. Variations in these costs have a significant impact on domestic nickel avail- ability. Energy Cost Variations Energy costs are estimated to be 26 to 55 pet of the total direct operating cost for domestic laterite operations and approximately 18 pet for sulfide operations. Thus, sulfide deposits would have a distinct cost advantage over laterite deposits, if energy costs were to increase. Data in table 13 indicate a shift in tonnage- production cost relationships of recoverable nickel owing to increases in energy costs. A 20-pct increase over the base study energy costs would reduce by SULFIDE DEPOSITS LATERITE DEPOSITS Figure 19. — Distribution of direct operating costs by deposit type for domestic nickel deposits. 22 Table 13.— Energy-related variations In potential available nickel from domestic nickel deposits, thousand metric tons Total cost 1 of nickel to to to production, per pound $4.00 $8.00 $10.75 Base study: Sulfides 1 ,093 3,832 4,442 Laterites 438 438 20-pct increase: Sulfides 623 3,832 4,442 Laterites 438 438 50-pct increase: Sulfides 2,107 4,442 Laterites 438 438 75-pct increase: Sulfides 1 ,916 4,442 Laterites 298 438 1 Costs are in January 1983 dollars and include a 15-pct rate of return on invested capital. Table 14. — Labor-related variations In potential available nickel from domestic nickel deposits, thousand metric tons Total cost 1 of nickel to to to production, per pound $4.00 $8.00 $1 2.30 Base study: Sulfides 1,093 3,832 4,442 Laterites 438 438 20-pct increase: Sulfides 2,141 4,442 Laterites 438 438 50-pct increase: Sulfides 1,596 4,442 Laterites 438 438 75-pct increase: Sulfides 1,168 4,442 Laterites 438 438 1 Costs are in January 1983 dollars and include a 15-pct rate of return on invested capital. 43 pet the tonnage of nickel that could be produced at a total cost of production of $4 per pound of nickel. This reduction in capacity is restricted to sulfide operations only, since no nickel is available from laterites at $4 per pound. As in the base study, all nickel production from laterite operations is potentially available at a total cost of production of approximately $8 per pound or higher. At $8 per pound, there is no change in tonnage of available nickel from proposed sulfide operations with a 20-pct energy cost increase. With a 50-pct or greater energy cost increase, no nickel is available at a total cost of production of $4 per pound. At $8 per pound of nickel, with a 50-pct energy cost increase, sulfide production decreases by 45 pet, and there is no decrease in potential laterite production. However, a 75-pct energy cost increase reduces potential nick- el sulfide production by 50 pet and potential nickel laterite production by 32 pet. A 20-pct increase in energy costs would, on the average, increase base study total costs of production for sulfide operations by 3 pet (4 pet for surface, 3 pet for underground, and 3 pet for the two combined surface-underground operations). Base study total costs of production for nickel laterites (all surface operations) would increase by an average of 4 pet. An increase of 50 pet in energy costs results in a 9- pct increase in total cost of production of nickel for sulfide operations (10 pet for surface, 8 pet for under- ground, 8 pet for combined). A 75-pct energy cost boost causes a 13-pct increase for sulfide operations (15 pet for surface, 12 pet for underground, 12 pet for combined). The 50-pct and 75-pct increases in energy cost for laterites result in 11-pct and 16-pct increases in the total production cost of nickel. Labor Cost Variations Labor costs account for approximately 37 pet of the total direct operating costs for sulfide operations and about 20 to 23 pet for laterite operations. Impacts of increases in labor costs upon availability of recover- able nickel are shown in table 14. Analyses indicate that with a labor cost increase of 20 pet or higher, no nickel from either laterites or sulfides is potentially available at a total cost of pro- duction of $4 per pound. At a total cost of production of $8 per pound nickel, all potential nickel laterite production becomes available even if labor costs in- crease by as much as 75 pet. Potential nickel sulfide production decreases by 45 pet, 59 pet, and 70 pet, respectively, for increases in labor costs of 20 pet, 50 pet, and 75 pet. Total costs of production increase by an average of 3 pet for laterite operations and 8 pet for sulfide operations for a 20-pct labor cost increase. The 8-pct average increase for sulfide operations can be broken down into 8 pet for surface operations, 7 pet for under- ground operations, and 8 pet for combined operations. A 50-pct labor cost increase results in increases of 21 pet of the base study total cost of production for all sulfide operations: 24 pet for surface operations, 19 pet for underground, and 20 pet for combined opera- tions. For the laterite operations, a 50-pct labor cost increase causes a 7-pct increase, while a 75-pct labor cost increase creates a 10-pct increase in total cost of production compared with the base study costs. For a 75-pct labor cost increase, sulfide operations total cost of production increases by 31 pet : 33 pet for sur- face, 29 pet for underground, and 30 pet for combined operations. Domestic nickel availability is affected by both energy and labor. Increases in energy costs affect laterite operations slightly more than sulfide opera- tions, and labor costs affect sulfide operations more than laterite operations. This is to be expected since sulfide operations tend to be labor intensive while laterite operations are energy intensive. EFFECTS OF VARIABLE NICKEL RECOVERIES A ferronickel reduction process is the only com- mercial process that has been used in the United States for the recovery of nickel. Other metallurgical processes for recovering nickel from domestic sulfide and laterite ores are at bench-test or pilot plant scale. Because of the uncertainties in their commercial appli- cation, these various processing technologies have a wide range of reported recoveries (table 15) . Accord- ing to discussions with industry personnel, uncertainty concerning recovery and scale-up problems is a factor preventing private industry from developing nickel properties. Metallurgical methods used in the base study con- 23 Table 15.— Typical recoveries of nickel and coproducts from domestic resources, by metallurgical process and ore type, percent Ore type and metallurgical process Nickel Cobalt Copper Sulfide: Bulk flotation 55-85 50 80-96 Differential flotation 57-72 50 86-90 Laterite (oxide): Caron RRAL process 60-75 40-90 NA BMRRAL process 78-93 52-87 82 Missouri lead-zinc: Flotation and chalcopyrite upgrade process — 20 20 40 NA Not available. NOTE. — Chromite recovery is 50 pet for the RRAL process. Sources: References 9, 28, 31 , 33. sist of the following systems. Sulfide ores utilize bulk and differential flotation depending on ore characteris- tics, with nickel recoveries ranging from 74 to 85 pet for bulk flotation and at 65 pet for differential flotation. For laterite ore, a reduction roast-ammoniacal leach (BMRRAL) process is used, with nickel recoveries of 90 to 92 pet. Metallurgical recoveries of cobalt and copper from sulfide ores are estimated at 50 pet and 80 to 89 pet, respectively. Metallurgical recovery of cobalt from laterite ores is estimated at 80 pet. Analyses were conducted using a high, medium, and low limit of nickel metallurgical recoveries to show effects of recovery variations on potential nickel availability. Technologies compared are the Caron process, the Bureau of Mines reduction roast-ammonia- cal leach process (BMRRAL) for laterite ores, and bulk and differential flotation for sulfide ores. Table 16 lists metallurgical recoveries used in the analysis. With the high limit of nickel recovery (85 pet), 4.9 million t of nickel could be recovered from sulfide ores using a bulk flotation process. This is an 11-pct increase in total potentially available nickel and an 8-pct reduction in the average total cost of production of nickel compared with the availability and cost deter- mined in the base study, which utilized recoveries of 74 to 85 pet. Approximately 1.2 million t of nickel would be available at a total cost of $3.45 per pound. Differential flotation at the high nickel recovery limit of 72 pet reduces the base tonnage of nickel potentially available by 3 pet to about 4.3 million t, with a cor- responding increase of 2 pet in the total cost of pro- duction. No nickel is available until the total cost of production is $3.85 per pound or higher. Midlevel nickel recovery limits for bulk and dif- ferential flotation of 74 and 65 pet, respectively, result in decreases of 1 pet and 12 pet, respectively, in total nickel potentially available, with average in- creases in total costs of production of 0.4 and 11 pet over the base study. Bulk flotation would recover 600,000 t of nickel at a total cost of production of $3.85 per pound. No nickel is available using differen- tial flotation until the total cost of production is $4.30 per pound. Total potentially recoverable nickel decreases from the base study by 30 pet and 26 pet, respectively, for bulk and differential processing, at lower recovery limits of 55 and 57 pet. Increases to the total cost of production are 26 pet (bulk flotation) and 22 pet (differential flotation). No nickel is potentially avail- able until the total cost of production has reached about $5.05 per pound for bulk flotation or $4.90 per pound for differential flotation. Laterite ores are not affected as much as sulfide ores by variations in postmine nickel recovery process- ing. Two processing technologies are compared with the base study: the BMRRAL process and the Caron RRAL process. Hanna Mining Co.'s Nickel Mountain Mine operation was not included in the analysis since it is considered a producer using a commercially established nickel processing technology. High levels of nickel recovery in both cases (93 pet for each) increased the tonnage of nickel available above the base study tonnage by 1 pet for each process. The total cost of production for nickel was reduced by 5 pet for the BMRRAL process and by 2 pet for the Caron process. At median nickel recovery levels (83 pet for Caron, 89 pet for BMRRAL) nickel tonnage was re- duced by 8 pet and 2 pet, respectively, below that re- covered in the base study analyses. An increase over the average total cost of production determined in the base study occurred for each process : 4 pet for Caron and 1 pet for BMRRAL. Using the lower limits of nickel recovery (73 pet for Caron, 85 pet for BMRAAL) , the amount of nickel potentially available is reduced by 10 pet (Caron) and 3 pet (BMRRAL), resulting in an increase in total cost of production of 21 pet (Caron) and 5 pet (BMRRAL) over the base study level. None of the laterite cases analyzed produced a total cost of nickel production of less than $4 per pound. This represents no significant change from the base study. Table 17 summarizes the effect of various metallurgical nickel recovery technologies on the total tonnage of potentially available nickel. Table 16. — Metallurgical recoveries used In this analysis, percent Ore type and metallurgical process Base Nickel High Median Low Copper Cobalt Sulfide: Bulk flotation Differential flotation Laterite: Caron RRAL process . . BMRRAL process 74-85 65 NAp 90-92 85 72 93 93 74 65 83 89 55 57 73 85 80-89 87 NAp NAp 50 50 NAp 80 NAp Not applicable. Sources: References 9, 28 1,31,33. EFFECTS OF TRANSPORTATION 4 The cost of shipping mill concentrates for further processing has a significant effect on the total cost of nickel production. For the base study, concentrates from operations in Minnesota would be processed at a proposed smelting complex operating near Duluth, MN, with subsequent shipment of matte to Sherritt 4 Transportation and cost data were provided by Dick Flschback and John Black of the U.S. General Services Administration. 24 Table 17.— Effects of metallurgical recoveries on the potential availability of nickel over various total-cost-of-production ranges, thousand metric tons Total cost 1 of nickel to to to production, per pound . . $4.00 $8.50 $13.00 BASE STUDY Sulfides 1,093 4,271 4,442 Laterites 438 438 SULFIDES Bulk flotation: High 1 ,226 4,743 4,934 Medium 1 ,093 4,245 4,405 Low 1,171 3,406 Differential flotation: High 1,064 4,136 4,292 Medium 2,227 3,923 Low 1,613 3,515 LATERITES Caron RRAL process: High 443 443 Medium 420 420 Low 60 396 BMRRAL process: High 443 443 Medium 434 434 Low 425 425 1 Costs are in January 1983 dollars and include a 15-pct rate of return on invested capital. Gordon's plant in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada. Construction of on-site smelting and refin- ing facilities for Alaskan and Maine deposits did not appear warranted because of limited known resources. For the purpose of this study, concentrates from the Maine operation would be shipped to facilities in Harjavalta, Finland, and concentrates from the two Alaska operations would be shipped to a proposed smelter at Port Nickel, LA, near the existing refinery. To limit the size and scope of this analysis, only the Minnesota Duluth Gabbro Complex properties were used. They represent 86 pet of potential nickel pro- duction and would be most seriously affected by trans- portation costs. In addition to proposed construction of a Duluth, MN, smelting complex, four options for transporting Duluth Gabbro concentrates were considered: 1. Rail transportation to Port Nickel, LA, for re- fining. 2. Barge transportation to Port Nickel, LA, for refining. 3. Rail transportation to Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, for refining. 4. Barge plus rail transportation to Sudbury, On- tario, Canada, for refining. Table 18 contains approximate transportation rates, distances, destinations, and modes for these options. Table 19 summarizes the changes that could occur to the total cost of nickel production when the cost of transporting smelter matte to different refining facilities is considered. Option 4, transporting Minnesota nickel smelter mattes via barge and rail to Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Table 1 8. — Distances, rates, destinations, and modes used in the transportation analysis u..m.~j ~„a ,w»;„«.i~„ Estimated Estimated rate, 1 Method and destination distance, km per t/km Rail to: Port Nickel, LA 2,600 $0.07 Sudbury, Ontario, Canada 1 ,325 .22 Barge to: Port Nickel, LA 2,600 .005 Sudbury, Ontario, Canada 1,047 .016 1 All rates are noncontracted (contract rates would be less), updated to January 1983 dollars from January 1981 dollars. Source: GSA Transportation Dep., Denver Federal Center, Building 41, Denver, CO. Table 19. — Transportation-related cost variations 1 compared with the base analysis Transportation options 2 Origin Operation 1 2 3 4 Birch Lake . Surface -$0.11 -$0.49 + $0.06 -$0.06 Do . Underground . . -.11 -.49 + .06 -.59 Dunka River . . . . Combined -.35 -.81 -.11 -.90 Ely Spruce . Surface -.04 -.25 + .18 -.36 Do . Underground . . + .06 -.26 + .17 -.37 MINNAMAX . . . do + 1.09 + .06 + 1.68 -.11 Partridge River Combined -.19 -.49 -.05 -.02 1 Costs are in January 1983 dollars and include a 15-pct rate of return on invested capital. 2 Options: 1 , rail to Port Nickel; 2, barge to Port Nickel; 3, rail to Sudbury; 4, barge plus rail to Sudbury. for refining, is the most cost effective. Approximately 0.47 million t of nickel is potentially available at a total cost of production of $3.25 per pound, about equal to the January 1983 market price. Nearly 1.09 million t is available at $3.40 per pound. The overall decrease in the total cost of production is about 8 pet from the base study cost. Transporting the matte by barge to Port Nickel, LA, option 2, is the next most cost effective, reducing the overall average total cost of production by 6 pet, with 1.09 million t of nickel potentially available at a $3.50-per-pound total nickel production cost. Data in table 20 indicate the shift in the tonnage of available nickel at various total nickel production costs caused by changes in the cost of transportation. Table 20. — Comparison of estimated total potential available nickel at various total-cost-of-production ranges for transportation options, thousand metric tons Total cost 1 of nickel to to to production, per pound $3.50 $6.50 $10.00 Base study 2 6 1,573 4,185 Options: 1— rail to Port Nickel 1 ,573 4,185 2— barge to Port Nickel 1,093 1,925 4,185 3— rail to Sudbury 1,573 4,185 4— barge to Sudbury 1,093 1,925 4,185 1 Costs are in January 1983 dollars and include a 15-pct rate of return on invested capital. 2 Data include only the 12 proposed Minnesota Duluth Gabbro properties. 25 CONCLUSIONS Twenty-three nickel-bearing deposits were ana- lyzed to determine the quantity of nickel that could be recovered from each deposit and the total cost of production at each operation, including a 15-pct rate of return on investment. Identified nickel resources evaluated in this study contain an estimated 9.0 million t of in situ nickel, with an estimated 5.5 million t of recoverable nickel. Demonstrated nickel resources contain an estimated 8.2 million t of in situ nickel, with 4.8 million t estimated to be recoverable. Annual production of nickel, as proposed, could meet and exceed domestic 1982 consumption levels for 16 yr if the total cost of production as well as market price reached $7.60 per pound of nickel and market prices for other commodities remained at their Janu- ary 1983 levels. This assumes that nickel sulfide con- centrate smelting facilities would be established in the United States. Byproducts and coproducts can account for up to 35 pet of the total revenues from the nickel-bearing deposits in this study. An analysis of these deposits revealed that, without recovering byproducts and co- products, the economic viability of domestic nickel Droduction is reduced even more. Domestic nickel availability is affected by both energy and labor. Increases in energy costs affect laterite operations slightly more than sulfide opera- tions. For laterite operations, the average total cost of production is increased by 4 and 16 pet for increases of 20 and 75 pet in energy cost. For sulfide operations, the average total cost of production is increased by 3 and 13 pet for the same energy cost increases. Labor cost increases of 20 and 75 pet increase total costs of production by 3 and 10 pet for laterites and 8 and 30 pet for sulfide operations. Laterite ores are not affected as much as sulfide ores by variations in postmine nickel recovery proc- esses. Variations in sulfide ore processing methods resulted in increases of 11 pet to decreases of 23 pet in nickel total availability, while laterite ore processing variations resulted in increases of 1 pet to decreases of 10 pet in total available nickel. The transportation analyses indicated that, unless nickel smelting facilities are established within the United States, with refining facilities within a close proximity (i.e., within 1,100 km), much of the poten- tial nickel resources of the Duluth Gabbro Complex of Minnesota would not be economically viable. 26 REFERENCES 1. Matthews, N. A., and S. P. Sibley. Nickel. Ch. in Mineral Facts and Problems, 1980 Edition. BuMines B 671, 1981, pp. 611-627. 2. U.S. Bureau of Mines. Nickel in December 1982. Mineral Industry Surveys, Mar. 8, 1983, 6 pp. 3. Sibley, S. F. Nickel. BuMines Mineral Commodity Profile, 1983, 8 pp. 4. . Nickel. Sec. in BuMines Mineral Com- modity Summaries 1983, pp. 106-107. 5. World Bank. Nickel Handbook. Commodities and Export Projection Div., Economic Analysis and Projection Dep. Feb. 1981, 29 pp. 6. U.S. Bureau of Mines. Nickel in June 1983. Mineral Industry Surveys, Sept. 7, 1983, 5 pp. 7. U.S. Bureau of Industrial Economics (Dep. Com- merce). 1983 Industrial Outlook for 250 Industries With Projections for 1987. Jan. 1983, 530 pp. 8. Engineering and Mining Journal. Nickel Market Goes Into Deeper Slump. V. 185, No. 5, 1982, p. 19. 9. Clifford, R. K., and L. W. Higley, Jr. Cobalt and Nickel Recovery From Missouri Lead Belt Chalcopyrite Concentrates. BuMines RI 8321, 1978, 14 pp. 10. Clement, li. K., Jr., R. L. Miller, P. A. Seibert, L. Avery, and H. Bennett. Capital and Operating Cost Esti- mating System Manual for Mining and Beneficiation of Metallic and Nonmetallic Minerals Except Fossil Fuels in the United States and Canada. BuMines Spec. Publ., 1980, 149 pp. ; also available as : STRAAM Engineers, Inc. Capital and Operating Cost Estimating System Handbook — Mining and Beneficiation of Metallic and Nonmetallic Minerals Except Fossil Fuels in the United States and Canada. Submitted to BuMines under contract J0255026, 1977, 374 pp.; available from Minerals Availability Field Office, BuMines, Denver, CO. 11. DavidofF, R. L. Supply Analysis Model (SAM) : A Minerals Availability System Methodology. BuMines IC 8820, 1980, 45 pp. 12. Stermole, F. J. Economic Evaluation and Investment Decision Methods. Investment Evaluations Corp., Golden, CO, 3d ed., 1980, 443 pp. 13. U.S. Bureau of Mines. Minerals and Materials — A Bimonthly Survey, Apr./May 1983, 48 pp. 14. U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Mines. Principles of a Resource/ Reserve Classification for Min- erals. U.S. Geol. Surv. Circ. 831, 1980, 5 pp. 15. Brobst, D. A., and W. P. Pratt (eds.). United States Mineral Resources. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 820, 1973, 722 pp. 16. Nielsen, B. V., and B. H. Burton. Minerals Avail- ability System: Nickel in Minnesota. Final report on BuMines contract G0144126 with MN Geol. Surv., 1975, 13 pp.; available upon request from D. A. Buckingham, Minerals Availability Field Office, BuMines, Denver, CO. 17. Basin, E. S. A Pyrrhotite Periodotite From Knox County, Maine: A Sulfide Ore of Igneous Origin. J. Geol., v. 6, 1908, pp. 124-133. 18. Engineering and Mining Journal. California Nickel Readies Co-Cr-Ni Mine for 1982 Production Start. V. 182, No. 6, 1981, pp. 35, 39. 19. Lamey, C. A., and P. E. Hotz. The Cle Elum River Nickeliferous Iron Deposits, Kittitas County, Washington. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 978-B, 1952, pp. 27-67. 20. Listerud, W. H., and D G. Meineke. Mineral Re- sources of a Portion of the Duluth Complex and Adjacent Rocks in St. Louis and Lake Counties, Northeastern Min- nesota. MN Dep. Nat. Resour., Div. Miner., Rep. 93, 1977, 49 pp. 21. Lawver, J. E., R. L. Wiegel, and N. F. Schulz. Min- eral Beneficiation Studies and an Economic Evaluation of Minnesota Copper-Nickel Deposit From the Duluth Gab- bro. Report on BuMines contract G0144109, Dec. 1975, 92 pp; available upon request from D. A. Buckingham, Minerals Availability Field Office, BuMines Denver, CO. 22. Hays, R. M. Environmental, Economic, and Social Impacts of Mining Copper-Nickel in Northeastern Minne- sota. Report on BuMines contract S0133084 with Dep. Civil and Miner. Eng., Univ. MN, Aug. 1974, 123 pp.; available upon request from D. A. Buckingham, Minerals Availability Field Office, BuMines Denver, CO. 23. Tull, R. E. State Mineral Policy and Copper-Nickel Mining Profitability. Ch. 17 in Regional Copper-Nickel Study. MN Environ. Quality Board, v. 5, 1977, 63 pp. 24. Golightly, J. P. Nickeliferous Laterites; A General Description. Paper in International Laterite Symposium (New Orleans, LA, Feb. 19-21, 1979). Soc. Min. Eng. AIME, New York, 1979, pp. 3-24. 25. Boldt, J. R., Jr. The Winning of Nickel. Its Geology, Mining, and Extractive Metallurgy. Wadsworth Publ. Co., Belmont, CA, 1975, 500 pp. 26. National Academy of Sciences. Mining in the Outer Continental Shelf and in the Deep Ocean. Washington, DC, 1975, 102 pp. 27. McKelvey, V. E., N. A. Wright, and R. W. Rowland. Manganese Nodule Resources in the Northeastern Equa- torial Pacific. U.S. Geol. Surv. OFR 78-814, 1978, 27 pp. 28. Engineering and Mining Journal. AMAX's Port Nickel Refines the Only Pure Nickel in the U.S. V. 178, No. 5, 1977, pp. 76-79. 29. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Min- eral Industries in Western Canada (Proc. 10th Commonw. Min. and Metall. Congr., Sept. 2-28, 1974). Sec. 3, art. B, pp. 4-5. 30. Peterson, G R., D. I. Bleiwas, and P. R. Thomas. Cobalt Availability — Domestic. A Minerals Availability System Appraisal. BuMines IC 8848, 1981, 31 pp. 31. Kukura, M. E., L. G. Stevens, and Y. T. Auck. Development of the UOP Process for Oxide Silicate Ores of Nickel and Cobalt. Paper in International Laterite Symposium, New Orleans, LA, 1979. Soc. Min. Eng. AIME, New York, 1974, pp. 527-552. 32. Siemens, R. E., and J. D. Corrick. Process for Re- covery of Nickel, Cobalt and Copper From Domestic Laterites. Min. Congr. J., v. 163, No. 1, 1977, pp. 29-34. 33. Veith, D. L Minnesota Copper Nickel Resource Processing Model. Unpublished BuMines report, v. 6, 1977, 65 pp.; available upon request from D. A. Bucking- ham, Minerals Availability Field Office, BuMines, Denver, CO. 27 APPENDIX Table A-1 .—Ownership and type of mineral holdings of domestic nickel properties Property Domain Type of mineral holdings Owner-operator Status Owner- ship, pet Alaska: Brady Glacier Funter Bay Mirror Harbor Snipe Bay Yakobi Island California: Elk Camp area Gasquet Laterite — Little Rattlesnake Mountain. Pine Rat Mountain . . Red Mountain area . Maine: Crawford Pond. Minnesota: Birch Lake area National monument National forest ... .do ... .do ... .do Located claims Inspiration Develop Co. . . Owner-operator 100 ... .do Admiralty-Alaska Gold do 100 do Inspiration Develop Co do 100 do Robert M. Johnson do 100 do Inspiration Develop Co do 100 National forest, private. National forest ....do ... .do National forest, private. Private do California Nickel Corp do 100 do do do 100 do Del Norte Mining Co Leased from California 100 Nickel Corp do Hanna Mining Co Owner-operator 100 Claims, leases, fee ownership do Owner 100 Private lease, fee ownership Know Mining Corp do 1 Hanna Mining Co Owner-operator > 100 Basic Inc do J National forest Federal, State, and private leases Inco U.S. Inc Owner Hanna Mining Co Owner-operator I 1 Dunka River Ely Spruce area . . MINNAMAX Partridge River . . . Missouri: Annapolis Mine . . . Bonne Terre Mine Brushy Creek Buick Mine .do .do do ..do .do Duval Corp do. United States Corp do . Inco do. 00 Federal, private leases, fee ownership. Federal, State, and private leases . AMAX Exploration, Inc 100 100 .do . . Owner 100 .do Owner-operator , 100 Private Mixed . ... .do ....do Private lease, fee ownership St. Joe Minerals Corp. . . . Owner 100 do do Owner-operator 100 Fletcher Division. Indian Creek Madison Mine . . . Magmont Mine . . ....do .. Private . . Unknown Mixed . . . 100 50 50 Milliken Mine do Mine La Motte Group. West Fork Montana: Stillwater Oregon: Eight Dollar Mountain Nickel Mountain Mine ... .do ....do National forest . National forest, State, BLM, private. Red Flat . Rough and Ready . . Woodcock Mountain Washington: Blewett Pass Cle Elum Iron-Nickel Mt. Vernon Nickel . . . Private Mixed . National forest, State, BLM, private. ....do National forest Mixed Private Federal, private lease do do Ownership, mineral rights only AMAX Lead Co. — MO do Homestake Lead Co. — Owner MO. Federal, private leases St. Joe Minerals Corp. . . . Owner-operator 100 Lease, fee ownership do do 100 Private lease Anschutz Mining Corp. . . . Owner 100 Federal, private lease, fee Cominco American Inc Owner-operator 50 ownership. Dresser Minerals Owner 50 Private lease, fee ownership, Kennecott (Ozard Lead) . . Owner-operator 100 mineral rights only. Federal, private leases Anschutz Mining Corp. . . . Owner 100 do ASARCO Inc do 100 Located claims, Federal lease Anaconda Co Owner-operator 100 Located claims, private leases, fee California Nickel Corp. . . . Majority owner . ownership. Hanna Mining Co Owner Meridian Resources Ltd do Pan Artie do Royalty lease, fee ownership Hanna Mining Co Owner-operator Located claims do do Red Flat Nickel Corp Owner Big Basin Nickel Corp do Claims, leases, fee ownership Inspiration Develop Co. . . Majority owner . Walt Freeman Owner (*) do Coastal Mining Co do 80 Located claims Washington Nickel Mining do . and Alloys Inc. Fee ownership Burlington Northern RR do . Inc. do Pacific Nickel Co do . ( 1 ) 100 28 59 13 95 100 100 100 BLM Bureau of Land Management. 1 Unknown. *U.S. Government Printing Office : 1984 - 447-263/18812 H5 -bi> **sLf+ > \> **•<>, / x ---» : , A* . { *W* : ./\ *-lfif - : . S\ . '«•■ ./K : '9) . A* cP^t, , i7 ,.. >* \*^^'/" "v^P/' \"*^ o <^ ^0^ ,0 <>'*£*:%> o°*.^Ji;>o j?s£fe:X o°*.i5^v% /\>^ ■ . 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