PC 506T • A3 w THE BEST GRAMMARS DIALOGUES AND DICTIONARIES 1 FOR MODERN LANGUAGES PUBLISHED BY FRANZ THIMM F R E I h JIOi AHN'S Child's G „ Remodeli ,, Key to JULIUS, Germ; MEISSNER'S G. THIEME'S Ger HILPERT'S Gei N BOOKSELLER AXD PUBLISI ook Street, New Bond Street. W. London. [KB. L857*. d. .' L857. .'ci! £ S. 3 3 1 2 2 7 16 d. 6 6 6 German Language. erman Book. l'Jmo. Cloth. . . 2d German Grammar. 8vo. Cloth. ; ditto. 8vo. sewed AHN'S Child's „ French ( ,, French ,, Key to ,, French DUDEVANT, F BARRETT'S Fi 8vo. 7. . .CL • CI. 48o. 3 1 3 1 2 2 4 6 6 6 6 AHN'S Italian i ,, Key to MARCHETTI'S BLANC'S Italian ('lass j." CI. oan. 4 1 2 4 o : 8 ' AHN'S Spanish ,, Key to SALVA'S Spanis BLANC'S Spani Portuguese AHN'S Portugu. Portuguese and P AHN'S Dutch Gi Dutch and Engli j AHN'S Danish G i Danish and Eng] AHN'S Swedish j Swedish and Eng REIFF'S Russian Russian, Turkish, vellers in the J AHN'S Latin Gr Book loth. 2mo. Puis 4 4 2 8 sian- 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 5 2 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 PRESENTED BY ingiish Dialogues. 12 mo. " 1857. . ammar. 8vo. Cloth ^h Dialogues. 12mo. 1857. . . . rammar. 8vo. Cloth. 1857. . . Grammar. 8vo. Cloth. 1857. . . French and English Vocabulary, for Zaat. 2nd. Ed. 1857. Cloth." . . xmmar. 8vo. 1856 tra- FRANZ THIMM. 3 Brook Street, New Bond Street. "W. London. A NEW PRACTICAL AM) EASY METHOD OF LEARNING THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. AFTER THE SYSTEM OF F. AHN, A DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AND PROFESSOR AT THE COLLEGE OF NEUSS. LONDON: , FKANZ THIMM, FOREIGN PUBLISHER, 3 BROOK STREET, GROSVENOR SQUARE. W. 1857. GIFT eOL. C. M. TOWN SEND OCT. 22. 194© PREFACE. „Learn a foreign language as you learned your mother- tongue." It is the way that nature herself follows, it is the same which the mother points out in speaking to her child, repeating to it a hundred times the same words, combining them imperceptibly and succeeding in this way in making it speak the same language she speaks. To learn in this man- ner is no longer a study, it is an amusement. This is in a few words the Method which Prof. Ahn has so successfully adopted in his continental Grammars. The Editor of this Grammar has followed the rational System, which has already procured for Prof. Ahn a Euro- pean reputation, and he has adopted it for the Study of the Portuguese Language. He is greatly indebted to the excellent Grammars by Bosche, Muller, etc., which he has used for the ground work of this Grammar and it is hoped that its simplicity and utility will procure for it that favour, which the German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Danish, Dutch and Latin Grammars of Prof. Ahn have already found in the Colleges and Schools of England. The Editor. The Copyright for England, France and Germany is secured. INDEX. FIRST COIRSE. Page The Pronunciation 1 PART I. Declension of the definite Article 7 Declension of the indefinite Article 8 Contractions of the Article with the Prepositions 9 On the Gender 10 Masculine 10 Feminine Substantive , . 11 Formation of the Plural 14 Declension of Substantives 18 The Adjective 20 The Plural of -Adjectives 21 The Comparison of Adjectives 23 Irregular Comparisons 24 Declension of the Adjective 24 The Numbers 26 1. The Cardinal Numbers 26 2. The Ordinal Numbers 27 3. Fractional Numbers 27 4. Proportional Numbers 28 5. Collective Numbers 28 Pronouns 30 1. Personal Pronouns 30 2. Conjunctive Pronouns 31 3. Mixed Pronouns 31 4. Possessive Pronouns 33 5. Demonstrative Pronouns 34 Pna-e 6. Relative Pronouns 35 7. Interrogative Pronouns 36 8. Indefinite Pronouns 37 PART II. Collection of Words 41 Easy Dialogues 47 SECOND COURSE. Verbs 58 The Auxiliary Verbs 58 The Regular Verbs 69 Active Verbs 69 The Passive Verbs 79 The Neuter Verbs 79 The Reflective Verbs 80 Irregular Verbs 84 Impersonal Verbs 107 Adverbs 108 1. Adverbs of Time 108 2. Adverbs of Place 108 3. Adverbs of Number and Comparison 108 4. Adverbs of Manner and Kind 109 5. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation 109 Prepositions Ill Conjunctions 113 Interjections 114 Reading Lessons 115 Idiomatic Expressions with Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions etc. 121 FIRST COURSE. The Pronunciation. 1. The Alphabet. The Portuguese Alphabet is composed ing letters: of the 25 follow- pronounced pronounccd a ah n ennay b bay c d say day P pay kay e f ai effay r s erray essay . ] 9 h jay aghah t u tay 00 i 3 ee dshod V X vay shees k I kah ellay y ypsilon zea. m emmay There are six vowels: a, e, i, o, u anc y, the rest are consonants. 2. The Accent. The Portuguese language has several accents: the ' acute accent, the A circumflex accent, the " hyphen, called til, is set over some letters as a substitute for m, as : la for lam — be for bem — hud for Imam. AHN, Portuguese Grammar. 1 3. The Vowels. A I. is pronounced like the a in the English word path, when it has the acute accent ' : did, tea — da, he gives — Id, there. 2. is it pronounced short and clear like the a in father: capitao, the captain (first a), or if found hefore the double consonants: cc, 11, mm, nn, pp, ss, tt, as: acclamar, to call out — annullar, to annull alludir, to allude — ■ appellar, to appeal. 3. it has a soft and aspirated sound at the end of words if not accentuated : vergonha, the shame. If the hyphen til stands over the a it takes a nasal sound: irmaa (pr. irmang), the sister — la (pr. lang), the world. E has three sounds: 1. open but short like at in the English word hail, when with the acute accent ' as: pe, foot — fe, belief — se, or in: mel, honey — he, he is quero (pr. kayro), I will, or in those verbs ending in er: conhecer, to know — receber, to receive. 2. long, when with the circumflex * over it, as: le', he reads — ve, he sees — rede, the net. 3. It is almost mute at the end of words without the ac- cent, as: liberdade, liberty — amizade, friendship. I is pronounced like e in the English word me, and it is only the accent that determines the pronunciation, as: timido, timore, diffkil, javali. has three sounds: 1. clear and strong in: molho, do. 2. soft and long in: bolo, cake — gordo, fat — raposa, the fox (fern.). 3. quite short, almost like oo in : poder, to be able — molho, a bundle almost pronounced like molyou. \ is pronounced like the oo in the word wood, but the pronunciation depends much upon the length of the 3 syllables, f. i. in tumulo, the grave, the first u is long, the second is short. If provided with the til ~ and he- fore m and n it takes the nasal sound. If it follows after g and q, it is either aspirated, or it is quite mute, as: guerra (gerrah), war — quero (kayro), I will — quieto (key-eh-to), quite. In qual, it is slightly sounded to distinguish it from the Noun cal, the chalk. X is pronounced like the vowel /. 4. The Consonants. B is pronounced like the English B. C before a, o, u, I and r is pronounced like k, as: cavallo (kahvallo), the horse — cravo (krahvo), the pink cuidado (kooeedado), the care. Before e and i it sounds like s, as: ceo (sayoj, heaven — cigarro (seegarro), cigar. If the c before a, o, u has a cedille (c) it sounds like s, as: caca (kassah), chase — ago (asso), the steel acucar (assookar), sugar. The double c, is distinctly heard only before e and i, the first sounds like k, the second like s, as : accidente (akseedente), the accident. D is pronounced like the English. F do. do. G before a, o and a consonant is pronounced like the English g, as: gordo, fat — gravo, grave. g before e and i sounds like the j in the English word joy, as: general, gua almost sounds like the English wa, as: guarda, pr. gwarda. U is only softly aspirated in few words, as: anhelar, hdltio; otherwise it is mute, as: homem (oraera), man — hora (ora), hour. Many writers drop the h at the beginning and write urn, uma, instead of: hum, huma. J is pronounced like the English j. K only occurs in foreign words and is pronounced like the English K. L is pronounced like the English L. M at the beginning of words, or between two vowels when it belongs to the second syllable, is pronounced like the English m, as: meniuo, child — amar, to love. It takes a nasal sound at the end of words, or when it follows after a, e, i, o or u which cannot well be de- scribed, as: condicao, condition — hem (bang), well — bom (bong), good. N is pronounced like the English n, but has the same pecu- liarities as m. P is pronounced as in English. Q sounds like k, as: qucro (kayro), I will. It is pronounced as in English. S is pronounced as in English; between two vowels it sounds like z. T is pronounced like the English. V do. do. X has three sounds. \. It sounds generally like sk, as: xarope (sharope), syrup — enxaqueca (anshakeykah), headake. 2. After e it is pronounced like ks, as: extencao, extenuado, expulso, excellente. 3. Between two vowels it is pronounced like gz, as: exac- tamente, exornar, except in: paixao, puxo, Alexandre, baixo, and some other words, where it sounds like sh. The x must be pronounced so softly that it is scarcely audible. Z sounds like the English, as: zelo, zona. — At the end of words it sounds like s, as* rapaz, luz, voz. 5. Double Consonants. The Portuguese language has the following double con- sonants : Ch 1. is pronounced like the English ch, as: acho, chaga, marchar. 2. it is pronounced like k in words derived from Latin or Greek, as: monarchic!, archeo, archonte, Achilles. Lh is pronounced like the 11 in the English word billiards or in the French words „fille, bouilli", as: mulher, woman — molho, the bundle. Nh is pronounced like the French gn in „espagne, peigner", ?, I win — banho, bath — vianha, trick. Ph is pronounced like f, as: phil Rh and Th are pronounced like r and t. 6. The Diphthongs. The Portuguese language has two kinds of diphthongs: the pure, those which are distinctly pronounced, and the nasal diphthongs, pronounced with a nasal sound. Pure Diphthongs. ae, as: taes, olivaes. ai (the a and i do not blend), as: pax (pa-i), ai (a-i). ao, as: pdo (pa-o), mdo (ma-o). au, — aula, auto, pauta, causa. ei, ey, — rei, rey, lei, sei. ei, — papeis, reis. co, — deo, mordeo, viveo. eo, — Ceo, veo, reo. eu, — eu, euro, meu, seu. io, — pio, rio, vio, ouvio. oa, — loa, toa. oe, — lieroe, doe, roe. oi, — boi. do, oo, — voo, soo, moo. ou, — on, ouvir, douto. ui, uy, — fui, Rui. In the above the first vowel is preeminent, in the follow- ing the second vowel has most emphasis. ca, as: lactea, area. co, — lacteo, arboreo. ia, as: gloria. oa (pron. od and od), as: agoa, coadura, coalho. ui (pron. ui), as: quirinal, inquirir. uo (pron. uo), as: equoreo. uu (pron. uu), as: equuleo. Nasal Diphthongs. aa (bad orthography am or an), as: ma$da (mas-sang), apple, irmaa (ir-mang), sister. ae (bad ami, am), as: capitaes (kapeeta-engs), captains, caes (ka-engs), dogs. am, as: amparo (ang-paro), protection. an, as: andar (ang-dar), to go. ao (bad orthogr. ao, am, an), as: captiao, captain. em, ee, eem, as: lem or leem (lay-eng), they read. bem, good. im, as: fim (fing), the end. oe (oem, oen), as : poe (pong-eng), na$oes (nahs-so-engs). om, as: bom (bong), good. urn, iin, as: mundo (moong-do), the world. The Portuguese have also syllables of three vowels such, as: eei, eio, eao, iao, as: eia, hallo! — meia, half — ideia, idea — rodeao, they surround — vivido, they lived. PART I. o, the (masc.) a, the (fern.) pai, father mm, mother bom (in.), boa (f.), good irmao, brother irmaa, sister e, and /*e, is Exercises. pai. A mai. irmao. A irmaa. pai he bom, e a mai he boa. bom pai, a boa mai. bom irmao, a boa irmaa. irmao he bom, a irmaa he boa. meu, minha, my — alto, great — ■ pequeno, little. The sister is good. The father and the good brother. The good mother and the little sister. The great brother. My brother is little. My little brother. My mother and my good sister. My father and my mother. My good mother and my little sister. 3. Declension of the definite Article. Masculine. Singular. I Norn, o, the OS Gen. do, of the dos Dat. ao, to the a os Ace. o, the OS Abl. do, from the. dos Plural. Feminine. Singular. Norn, a, the Gen. da, of the Dat. a, to the Ace. a, the Abl. da, from the. Plural. as das as das. Declension of the indefinite Article. Masculine. Feminine. Nom. um, a uma Gen. de um, of a de uma Dat. a um, to a d uma Ace. um, a uma Abl. de um, from a de uma. mo$a, girl bonito, pretty cavallo, horse agulha, needle faca, knife leao, lion tigre, tiger leopardo, leopard sao, are (from ser) animal, aes, animal feroz, wild estado, situation no (em o), in, Dat. Vocabulary. miseravel, miserable em, in que, which elle, he estd, is (from estar) ella, she na (em a), in the rua, street garfo, fork estao, are (from estar) nas (em as), in, Ace. gaveta, drawer tenho, I have lido, read /sso, this nos (em os), in, Ace. livro, book passeio, I go 2>efo fj?or oj, through the entrou, he came pefe (^or a), through porta, gate 60/, ox vaca, cow. pai he alto. -A mai he pequena. A moca he bonita. cavallo do pai. A agulha da iriMa. A faca do irmao. leao, [tigre e leopardo sao animaes ferozes. No estado miseravel em que elle esta\ Ella esta" na rua. Os garfos estao nas gavetas. Tenho lido isso nos livros do C. Passeio pelo campo. Elle entrou pela porta. Um boi. Uma vaca. 9 V o c a ] nolicia, the news muito, very nobre, noble cao, dog labrao, bark rosa, rose mais hello, more beautiful do que, than tulipa, tulip verao, summer quente, hot inverno, winter rigoroso, severe passaro, bird cantao, sing fl^MJfl, eagle 5. b u 1 a r y. afor, hawk ave de rapina, bird of prey ignorancia, ignorance erro, error superstfyao, superstition deixei, I left behind Ha, aunt cewwa, bed menino, crian$a, child, baby o bra$o, the arm carta, letter mao, hand secretario, secretary saltar, to jump janella, window. The news is good. The horse is a very noble animal. The dogs bark. The roses are more beautiful than the tulips. The summers are hot and the winters severe. The birds sing. The eagle and the hawk are birds of prey. Ignorance is the mother of error, of superstition, and of prejudice. I left my hat in the carriage. The aunt is in bed. She had her child in her arms. He gave the letter into the hands of the secretary. He jumped out of (pela) the window. I see a man and a woman. A garden and a house. the foil from Contractions of the Article with the Prepositions. The Portuguese contract the Article and Preposition in owing way: de o is formed do from em o is formec no de a - - da - em a - - na de os - - dos - em os - - nos de as - - das - em as - - nas a o - ao - por o - - pelo a a - a - por a - - pela a os - - aos - por os - - pelos a as - as por as - pelas. 10 0. On the Gender. the names of all cupations of men. Imperador, emperor foi, was (from ser) morto, killed Rei, king chegou, he arrived hontem, yesterday jesuita, the Jesuit fortio, they were expulsado, expelled Masculine masculine persons, animals, and the oc- Vocabulary. homem, man nao ama senao, only loves a si mesmo, himself Carlos, Charles foi, was Frederico, Frederick ambicioso, ambitious ferreiro, the smith diligeyte, diligent alfaiate, tailor preguicoso, lazy gordo, fat gallo, the cock mais forte, stronger de que, than gallinha, hen. Imperador Paulo foi morto. El-Rei chegou hontem. Os jesuitas forao expulsados. homem nao ama senao a si mesmo. Carlos foi grande e Frederico ambicioso. ferreiro he diligente e o alfaiate preguicoso. boi he muito gordo. leao he muito feroz. gallo he mais forte do que a gallinha. duque, duke proclamado, proclaimed principe herdeiro , hereditary prince morreo, died marcineiro, the joiner mrpinteiro, the carpenter trabalhao, they work Luiz, Lewis Henrique, Henry poderoso, powerful touro, the bull matado, killed vigilante, watchful Vocabulary. bello, formoso, beautiful sanguinario \ sanguinoso > bloodthirsty sanguinolento ) marido 1 hugband esposo i doente, ill tio, uncle sahio (sahir), went out avo, grandfather primo, cousin filho, son dao, they take passeio, walk. 11 The Duke of Braganza was proclaimed king. The heredi- tary prince died. The joiner and the carpenter work. Lewis was brave, and Henry powerful. The hull was killed. The watchful dog. The beautiful horse. The tiger is very blood- thirsty. The husband of this woman is very ill. The uncle went out. The grandfather, the father, the cousin and the son took a walk. 8. Feminine Substantive. The names of all feminine persons, animals and the oc- cupations of women are feminine. Imperatriz, empress Rainha, queen estavao, they were igreja, church duqueza, duchess banho, bath alfaiata, sempstress concerto,, mends Vocabulary. vestido, dress filha, daughter tia, aunt avo, grandmother neta, granddaughter jar dim, garden rapariga, little girl feia, ugly mulher, woman obseqw'oso, good vaca, cow da, gives kite, milk chocando, hatching A Imperatriz e a Rainha estavSo na igreja. A duqueza esta no banho. A alfaiata concerta um vestido. A mai e a filha, a tia e a prima, a av6 e a neta estao no jardim. A rapariga nao he feia. A mulher he muito obsequiosa. A vaca da leite. A gallinha esta chocando. abbadessa, abbess fallou, spoke freira I religiosa sor mosteiro convento princeza, princess nun convent estar para, was on the point 9. Vocabulary. partir, to depart condeca, the countess casa, house costureira, needlewoman pespontar, hems lenco de pescoco, neckhand- kerchief esposa, the wife negociante, merchant 12 muitas vezes, frequently caprichoso, capricious criada, the servant varre, sweeps cozinha, kitchen cabra, goat animal domestico, domestic animal gata, cat est a brincando, plays com, with cachorra, young dog minha, my, fem. prima, cousin, fern. irmaa, sister theatro, theatre leoa, lioness juba, the mane est a, this egoa, mare mais bello, more beautiful cavallo capado, the stallion Maria, Mary nao Ae tao, is not so come, as Marianna, Maryanne Inglaterra, England sabio, wise soberana, sovereign cozinheira, cook mercado, market diligente, diligent. The abbess spoke with the nuns of the convent. The princess was on the point of departing. The countess was not at home. The needlewoman hems my pockethandkerchief. The wife of the merchant. The women are often very capri- cious. The servant sweeps the kitchen. The goat is a do- mestic animal. The cat plays with the young female dog. My cousin (fem.) and my sister were at the theatre. The lioness has no mane. This mare is more beautiful than that stallion. Mary is not so diligent as Maryanne. Elisabeth of England was a wise sovereign. The cook went to market. In Portuguese some of the names of animals are occa- sionally masculine and feminine; to denote the gender the words macho, male, or femea, female, are used, as: elephante macho, the male elephant, elephante femea, the female elephant. Those Substantives ending in a and aa are feminine. 10. Exercises. Esta casa 1 tern uma boa 2 apparencia 3 . A rosa ' he muito bella. A boca 5 , a orelha , a cabeca 7 , a testa 8 e a barba 9 sao 1 house. 2 good. 3 appearance. 4 rose. S forehead. 9 chin. 5 mouth. 6 ear. 7 head. i;; partes 10 do corpo n humano 12 . A janella 13 esta aberta 14 . Esta agulha 15 he fina de mais 10 . Esta tinta nao presta para nada. CH" ir o aparar 17 uraa penna 18 . Tenho 1 '' que escrever 20 uma carta 21 . Faca-me o favor 2 ' 2 de me emprestar 23 una folha dc papel 21 . A garrafa 25 esta na mesa 20 . Esta cerejeira 27 carrega 28 muito. Esta uva 29 esta madura 30 . Esta vinha 31 esta em optima 32 exposieao 33 . 10 part. 11 body. 12 human. 13 window. 14 open. 15 needle. 16 is too fine. 17 mend. 18 pen. 19 I have. 20 to write. 21 letter. 22 do me the favour. 23 lend. 24 sheet of paper. 25 bottle. 26 table. 27 cherry tree. 28 bears. 29 grape. 30 ripe. 31 vine. 32 the best. 33 situation. 11. The butter 1 is fresh 2 . With your permission 3 . The cup' is not washed 3 . I have the honour 6 . The beer 7 is excellent 8 The oyster 9 is fresh, beautiful ,2 morning 13 . the most agreeable 17 be 20 abundant 21 . Bring me 10 a wafer 11 . — We have a The door 1 '' is locked 15 . Spring 10 is time of the year 18 . The harvest 19 will 1 manteiga. 2 fresco. 3 licenca. 4 chicara. 5 levado. 6 honra. 7 cerveja. 8 excellente. 9 ostra. 10 traga me. 11 obrea. 12 Undo. 13 manhaa. 14 porta. 15 fechado. 16 primavera. 17 a mais agradavel. 18 estacao. 19 colheita. 20 ha de ser. 21 •abundante. 12. Exceptions. The following Substantives ending in a are masculine: o drama, the drama o mappa, the map o idioma, the idiom o aroma, the aroma o axioma, the principle o did, the tea o clima, the climate o cometa, the comet o dia, the day o diadema, the diadem o planeta, the planet o poema, the poem o thema, the theme. Those Nouns ending in e, are generally masculine, except : 1. those ending in ade, as: verdade, truth, etc., 14 2. those ending in ie or ice, as: a velhice, the age, 3. those ending in accented e, as: a chemine, a chimney. Nouns ending in i, y, o, u as well as those ending in /, r, s and z are with few exceptions all musculine. Those ending in do, are hoth masculine and feminine. 13. Formation of the Plural. Nouns ending in a, e, i, y, o, u and da form their plural by adding an s to the singular. As: a rosa, as rosas; a arte, as artes; o filho, os filhos. Examples. As rosas sao mais bellas que as tulipas. Os rios cor- rem 1 por terras despovoadas 2 . As arvores sao muito frond o- sas 3 . As villas sao ornadas 4 de duas igrejas. Eu nao vi os pentes 5 . Os hahitantes" destas comarcas 7 sao Indios 8 . Elles tern macaas. Novos reis, novas leis. Deixei os bahus nos coches. Os ribeiros 9 , algumas lag6as'° e mesmo certos rios ficao em secco u . 1 flow. 2 depopulated. 3 leaved. 4 ornamented. 5 comb. 6 in- habitants. 7 district. 8 Indian. 9 brook. 10 lake. 11 dry out. 14. These houses please me more than those edifices'. The villages 2 and towns in this district 3 are not very numerous 4 . The oxen 3 , cows, goats, sheep 6 and cats 7 are domestic ani- mals. There are 8 many wild boars 9 , deer 10 and hares 11 in these forests 12 . The cranes 13 and storks 14 are birds of pas- sage 15 . The huts 16 are made 17 of the trunks of trees 18 . 1 edificio. 2 aldea. 3 regiao. 4 numeroso. 5 boi. 6 ovelha. 7 galo. 8 ha. 9 javali. 10 veado. 11 lebre. 12 bosque. 13 grou. 14 cegonha. 15 ave de arribacao. 16 barraca. 17 feito. 18 tronco d'arvore. 15. Substantives ending in do, form their plural in oes, as: a condi^ao, condition, as condi$des. 15 Exceptions are: Allan do, the German, Allemaes Cataldo, the Catalonian, Cataldes cdo, dog, cdes — pdo, bread, pdes capitdo, captain, capitaes — tabellido, notary, tabellides. The following only adtl an s in the Plural: aide do, the peasant ando, the dwarf ana'do, the age a benrdo, the blessing christao, Christ cortezao, the courtier grdo, the corn irmdo, the brother mao, the hand orfao, the orphan orgao, the organ pagao, the heathen rabdo, the radish villdo, the villain. 16. Examples. Elle abrio 1 communicoes entre as cidades e os sertoes 2 . Os seroes 3 sao cumpridos. districto he proprip 4 para to- das as produccoes agrico!as\ As terras sao plantadas e se- meadas 7 de feijoes 8 e melo'es* Os Allemaes fizerao 10 muitas invencoes 11 uteis 12 . Os capitaes nao querem obedecer 13 ao general. Aqui 14 estao tres paes 15 . Os Cortezaos lisonjao 1<; ao principe 17 . Os primeiros orgaos forao construidos 18 por urn Allemao em 1312. Eis aqui 19 os dous 20 villaos. As ca- sas sao ornadas de balcoes 21 de ferro. Aos orphaos manda- se 22 aprender 23 urn officio 24 . 1 open. 2 the interior of the country. 3 evening-. 4 is suitable. 5 agricultural produce. 6 planted. 7 sowed. 8 black bean. 9 melon. 10 make. 11 invention. 12 useful. 13 obey. 14 here. 15 bread. 16 flatter. 17 the prince. IS constructed. 19 here are. 20 two. 21 balcony. 22 one lets: 23 learn. 24 a hand- icraft. 17. The passions' of women are often very violent 2 . The navigation 3 extended 4 , at the beginning 5 , only along the coast. Many revolutions 6 have broken out 7 in Europe in recent times 8 . The conditions 9 were rejected 10 . These places 11 are situated 1 paixao. 2 violento. 3 navegacao. 4 estender. 5 no principio. 6 revolucao. 7 rebentar. 8 no ultimo tempo. 9 condicao. 10 rejeitar. 11 povoacao. 10 in the interior of the country 1 ' 2 . The hunters' 3 took 14 the dogs to the chase 15 . The Catalonians inhabit an important ,G province of Spain 17 . The notaries 18 protest 10 the hills of ex- change 20 . His brothers were not at home' 21 . The first Chris- tians were much persecuted 22 . The heathens are still very numerous 23 . The radishes are very dear. 12 no interior do paiz. 13 cacador. 14 levar. 15 caca. 16 con- sideravel. 17 Hespanha. 18 tabelliao. 19 protestar. 20 lellra de cambio. 21 em casa. 22 perseguir. 23 numeroso. Substantives endin 18. ' in: al, ol, ul change I into es, as: a sinal, as sinaes el change I into is, as: amid, anneis il change I into s, as: o funil, os funis. confer, contain sal, salt mandar, to order furriel, lieutenant amizade, friendship encontrar, to meet Examples. primavera, spring terrestre, earthly muitas vezes , fre- quently o funil, the funnel ao pe, with barril, the barrel mandou, had (let) por, erect pharol, lighthouse. As aguas contem differentes saes. Os animaes domesti- cos. Os generaes mandavao aos furrieis. Os coroneis esta- vao no conselho de guerra. Os varios sinaes de sua amizade. Nao se encontra muitos caracoes nesta primavera. Os males terrestres sao muitas vezes quasi insupportaveis. Os papeis estao na mesa. Os funis estao ao p6 dos barris. impe- rador mandou por pharoes. 19. The poignards 1 are ground 2 . These fishing rods 3 are good for nothing 4 . The goldsmith brought the rings 5 . The painter 6 has many brushes. Three consuls governed 7 France in 1S03. The barrels 8 are full 9 . The officers 10 were very much dissa- 1 punhal. 2 amolar. 3 oanzol. 4 nJo valem nada. 5 anuel. 6 pin- lor. 7 governar. 8 barril. 9 cheio. 10 official. 17 lisfied 11 . There are'- different chalks' 3 . I like 14 pies'"'. — They will discover" your tricks 17 . 11 descontenle. 12 ha. 13 cal'. 14 cu goslo. 15 pastel. 10 des- cubrir. 17 ardil. 20. Suhstantives ending in m, change their plural into ns, as: hem, the treasure, bens — viagem, the journey, viagens. Those ending in r, s and z, add es to the singular, as: a colher, the spoon, as colheres — ar, the air, ares deos, a God, deoses — perdiz, the partridge, perdizes; except: ourives, the goldsmith, ourives — caliz, the chalice, cah'ces alferes, the ensign, alferes. Examples. As margens' \erdej3o 2 com a relva 3 dos prados 4 . Elle fez 5 muitas viagens. Elle possue G muitos hens de raiz 7 na cidade e fora della 8 . Todos os homens sao mortaes 9 . Os sons dos instruments musicos. Os jejuns' nao engordao 11 . ceo 12 se cobre 13 de nuvens 14 . Os moradores 15 commer- ciSo lc em 17 madeiras de construccao' 8 . Comprei 19 duas colhe- res de prata. As Imperatrizes de Russia e d'Austria chegci- r5o 20 . Atire 21 a esse bando 22 de perdizes. Os Deoses se ajuntSo 23 no Olympo. Quasi 24 todos os freguezes 25 sao In- dios. Ha quatro calices na igreja. Os piratas 2u infestavao os mares. 1 bank. 2 green. 3 turf. 4 meadow. 5 made. 6 possess. 7 (landed) property. 8 out of it. 9 mortal. 10 fasting. 11 to make fat. 12 sky. 13 covered. 14 cloud. 15 inhabitants. 16 deal. 17 with. 18 limber. 19 to buy. 20 to arrive. 21 short. 22 flock. 23 assemble. 24 almost. 25 customer. 26 pirates. 21. I hear 1 sounds 2 . The sun 3 hides" itself behind 5 thick clouds 7 . We have four ducks 8 . The passages 9 are locked 10 . The pictures 11 of Saints in this church are very numerous. 1 ouvir. 2 torn. 3 sol. 4 esconder. 5 de. 6 grosso. 7 nuvem. 8 pato. 9 passagem. 10 fechar. 11 imagem. AU> T , Portuguese Grammar. 2 IS I offer 13 you my con- gratulations 14 . The air (pi.) is always 15 pure' 6 in this Coun- try. I have eaten 17 four 18 quails 19 . He showed 20 me the scars 21 of his wounds 22 . In a battalion 23 there are eight ensigns. The goldsmiths came together. The chalices of the flowers. I was many times 21 in your house. The belligerent 25 powers. 12 bagagem. 13 dar. 14 parabem. 15 sempre. 16 puro. 17 co- mido. 18 qnatro. 19 codorniz. 20 mostrar. 21 cicatriz. 22 ferida. 23 batalhao. 24 vez. 25 belligeranle. 22. Declension of Substantives. Singula r. Masculine. Nom. o homem, the man Gen. do homem, of the man Dat. ao homem, to the man Ace. o homem, the man Abl. do homem, from the man Feminine. a mulher, the woman da mulher, of the woman a mulher, to the woman a mulher, the woman da mulher, from the woman. Plural. Nom. os homem, the men Gen. dos homem, of the men Dat. aos homem, to the men Ace. os homem, the men Abl. dos homens, from the men. I as mulheres, the women j das mulheres, of the women as mulheres, to the women I as mulheres, the women i das mulheres, from the women. Nom. Gen. Dat. Ace. Abl. Deos, God de Deos, of God a Deos, to God (a) Deos, God de Deos, from God. Deoses, Gods de Deoses, of Gods a Deoses, to Gods (a) Deoses, Gods de Deoses, from Gods chaveo, the hat offerecer, to offer batalha, the battle 23. Examples. inimigo, enemy jardim, garden luva, glove conde, count deixar, to leave mordomo, steward adular, to flatter lisongeiro, the flat- terer de sorte, in such a manner igualur, to compare deo, gave (from dar) 19 granite, sound, great bofetada, box on the ear calt; ado, paved fizerao, they made cruel, cruel guerra, war eomprar, to buy toro, book livreiro, bookseller rancor, the rancor, enmity. pai nao esta em casa. chapeo do irmao. ge- neral offereceo batalha ao inimigo. A mai ama a sen filho. A irmaa esta no jardim. As luvas da mai. conde nada deixou ao seu mordomo. Adulando urn lisongeiro ao Impera- dor Sigismundo, de sorte que o igualava a Deos, o Imperador deo ao lisongeiro uma grande bofetada. As ruas sao calca- das. Os Portuguezes fizerao cruel guerra aos Indios. A mu- lher comprou o livro do livreiro. rancor dos Franceses contra os Inglezes. 24. Exercises. The father loves' his daughter 2 . Mary loves her friend 3 (fern.). The eyes of Caroline equal 4 two stars . He gave the money to the woman, and paid the tailor 7 at the same time 8 . Two streams 9 of the province are designated 10 by this name 11 . Various estates 12 are touched 13 by this river. These offers 14 have been made to the Colonists 15 . He delivered 10 the letter 17 to the secretary 18 . The Madeira is the most importent 19 tri- butary 20 of the Amazon river 21 . The name of the Islands. The town is situated 22 on the left bank 23 of the river. The harbour 24 of Rio de Janeiro is the most beautiful ornament 25 of the city. 1 amar. 2 filha. 3 amiga. 4 igualar. 5 dous (fern. duas). 6 es- trella. 7 alfaiate. 8 ao mesmo tempo. 9 ribeiio. 10 assignar. 11 nome. 12 fazenda. 13 regar. 14 offerecimento. 15 colono. 16 entregar. 17 carta. 18 secretario. 19 cabal, importaate. 20 tributario. 21 rio do Amezonas. 22 jazer. 23 na margem es- querda. 24 porto. 25 oinato. 25. On the Augmentatives and Diminutives. The Portuguese language has the peculiarity of the Ita- 20 lian and Spanish languages in making Substantives and Ad- jectives, by the addition of a syllable augmentative or dimi- nutive. I. Augmentativos. homem, a man — homemzarao, a large, powerful man tolo, a fool — toleirao, a great fool mulher, the woman — mulherona, a large masculine woman tola, the foolish woman — toleirona, a very foolish woman. II. Diminulivos are formed by changing the final vowel into „inho": casa, the house — casinha, a pretty little house homem, a man — homemzinho, a little man bieho, a worm — bkhinho, a little worm coilado, a poor man — coitadinho, a poor little fellow bonilo, pretty — bonitinho, rather pretty; others are formed by adding: zinho, zinha or sinho, inha, as: coracao, the heart — coracaozinho, dear little heart wo, the dog — caozinho, pretty little dog irmao, the brother — irmaozmho, dear little brother cabeca, the head — cabecinha, pretty little head mao, the hand — maozinha, pretty little hand. 26. The Adjective. The Adjectives in Portuguese agree with the Substantives in gender and number. 1. Adjectives ending in e, I and z, remain unchanged in the feminine, as: forte, strong; grande, great; crnel, cruel; amavel, amiable. 2. Adjectives ending in o change the feminine into a, as: o bonito, the pretty, a bonita. 3. Those ending in t\, m and r, add an a in the feminine, as: cm, raw, crua — nu, nude, nua nm, a, uma — nenlmm, none, nenhuma troidor, traitorous, traidora — protector, protectora. Adjectives ending in do change to aa in the feminine, as: htruo, brilliant, hirda — sdo, healthy, saa. 27. The Plurals «f Adjectives re formed in the same manner as (he plural »f .Nouns, a S i n g u 1 a i PI ural. Muse. Fem. Sase. FfcnY. forte, strong, forte fortes, fortes yordo, fat, yorda yordos, y or das cru, raw, crua eras, cruas sdo, healthy, saa sdos, sdas igual, equal, iyual iyuaes, iyuaes amavel, amiable, amavel amaveis, amaveis civil, civil, civil civ is, civis alyum, any one, alyuma alguns, alyumas protector, protected, protector a protectores, protectoras capaz, capable, capaz b s e r v a t i t capazes, ns. capazes. 1. The following add s to the plural: medo, mediocre — tempordo, timely sdo, healthy — villdo, bad. 2. The following change il into eis in the plural, as: ayil, swift — aquatil, aquatic — debil, weak difficil, difficult — docil, docile — ductil, pliant esteril, sterile — facil, easy — fertil, fertile fossil, fossil — frayil, fragile — futil, futile habil, clever — iynobil, disgraceful — immobil, im- moveable itidocil, stupid — inhabil, awkward — inutil, useless inverosimil , unlikely — portatil, portable — reptil, reptile util, useful — verosimil, probable — versalil, changeable volatil, volatile — volubil, voluble. o. Simplez, single, forms its plural in simplez and sim- plices. 22 28. Examples. A ma principal. As ruas principaes s5o calcadas. A igreja nova. A nova igreja. homem velho 1 . A mulher velha. Os Indios atemorisados 2 . As mulheres Indias. A bella e grande cidade. sobrinho 3 moribundo 4 . A victoria gloriosa. Este homem he mui villao e aquella mulher mui villaa. As mulheres sao amaveis, os homens mui crueis. Um moco nu e uma crianca nua. homem he affavel e a mu- lher he tambem affavel. genio contraditor e a observacao contraditora. A filha he gorda e o filho he gordo. Os ho- mens eslao saos e as mulheres saas. povo tranquillo e soffredor 5 . A sombria raiva 6 do Philippe. Os velhos bandos hespanhoes 7 . Algumas 8 embarcacoes 9 que tinhao servido de piquetes 10 . Uma satisfaccao inexplicavel. A igreja he uma das mais bellas do reino 11 . As aguas mineraes. termino he fertil. filho unico. A religao christaa. Um cavalheiro 12 christao 13 . A igreja de Santo Antonio he dedicada ao santo do seu nome. A margem 14 direita. A guarda 15 nacional. sobredito 16 districto. As grandes plantacoes 17 de cannas 18 . A pequena 19 aldea 20 . Santos he uma cidade maritima a mer- cantil. As autoridades militares e civis. rio aurifero. 1 old. 2 frightened. 3 nephew. 4 dying. 5 suffering. 6 hatred. 7 Spanish. 8 some. 9 vessel. 10 watch. 11 reign. 12 knight. 13 Christian. 14 shore. 15 the guard. 16 above named. 17 plantations. 18 sugar. 19 little. 20 village. 29. Exercises. The rich 1 man and the poor 2 woman. The pretty house- The large church 3 . The fertile fields 4 . The shoemaker is very industrious. The leafy 5 trees 6 . The wounded 7 soldier 8 . The beautiful bridges 9 . The numerous 10 products. The old uncle 11 and the fat aunt 12 . The horses are very handsome. The day is very bright 13 . The climate is very agreeable 14 . The winter 15 in Siberia 10 is very rigorous 17 . The geographical 18 and historical 19 Institute 20 . The tall man and the little woman. 1 rieo. 2 pobre. 3 igreja. 4 campo. 5 frondoso. 6 arvore. 7 l'erido. S soldado. 9 ponte. 10 numeroso. 11 tio. 12 tia. 13 claro. 14 agradavel. 15 inverno. 16 Sibiria. 17 rigoroso. 18 geographico. 19 historieo. 20 instituto. 23 The above named 21 royal decree". The generous' 23 feelings 21 . The enormous 25 forests' 20 . Some 27 sombre and broad 2S rivers. The only 29 ornament. The warlike 30 Indians. Tbe preced- ing 31 article 32 . The sea is very rough 33 . The following 3 ' day. The following days. He is silent 35 and grave 3 ". The deep 37 love 38 . 21 niencionado. 22 alvara. 23 generoso. 24 sentimento. 25 im- mense). 26 selva (silva). 27 uns, umas. 28 largo. 29 unico. 30 bellicoso. 3t precedentc. 32 aitigo. 33 agitado. 34 seguinte. 35 silencioso. 36 grave. 37 profundi). 3S amor. 30. The Comparison of Adjectives. The Comparative is formed by placing mais (more) or menos (less) before tbe Positive, as: beflo, beautiful, mais hello, more beautiful. Obs. „Than" following the Comparative is rendered by que, como, or: tao — como, as — as; nao tao — como, not so — as; before the particle que the word do is often pre- fixed, as: he mais prudente do que parece, he is wiser than it appears. The Superlative is formed 1. by placing the article before the Comparative, as: o mais douto, the most learned o mais hello, the most beautiful; 2. by adding to the Positive issimo (masc.) and issima (fern.), as: hello, beautiful, bellissimo, hellissimq. Exceptions are: acre, harsh, acerrimo amigo, friendly, amicissimo antigo, old, antiquissimo aspero, rough, asperrimo horn, good, honissimo capaz, capable, capacissimo celebre, celebrated, celeberrimo chiio, Hat, clumissimo feliz, happy, felicissimo fiel, faithful, jidelissimo frio, cold, frigidissimo kumilde, humble, humilissimo, kumillimo mdo, bad, malissimo 24 nobre, noble, nobilissimo prospero, prosperous, prosper rimo rico, rich, riquissimo sabio, wise, sapientissimo sagrado, sacred, sacratissimc salubre, salutary, saluberriim simples, simple, simplicissimo valente, brave, valentissimo. 3J. Irregular Comparisons. Positive. Comparative. bom, good, melhor, better, mdo, bad, peior, worse, grande, great, maior, greater, pequeno, little, menor, less, Obs. The Positive and Comparative can be strengthened by placing before it: muito, very — assaz, enough — demasiado, too, too much. Superlative. optimo, the best pessimo, the worst maximo, the greatest minimo, the least. Norn. Gen. Dat. Ace. Abl. 32. Declension of the Adjective M a s c u 1 i n e. Singular o homem diligente do homem diligente ao homem diligente o homem diligente do homem Plural. os homens diligentes dos homens diligentes aos homens diligentes os homens diligentes dos homens diligentes CO g. 3 S- Feminine. Norn. Gen. Dat. Ace. Abl. Singular. a mulher gorda \ g" ,*, da mulher gorda l " a a mulher gorda / 1 g a mulher gorda 3 ►S da mulher gorda ) | f Plural. as mulheres gordas das mulheres gordas as mulheres gordas as mulheres gordas das mulheres gordas 3-3 25 33. Examples. A Asia he mais grande que a Europa. A Africa he me- uos povoado 1 que a Europa. A rosa he mais hella que a viola. A viola 2 he menos bella que a rosa. Pedro he mais feliz do que Joao. filho nao he tao liberal como sen pai. A historia he tao util como agradavel. dia he mais agra- davel que a noite 3 . seu amaute he mais hello, mais moco 4 e mais rico que ella. Eu acho o agora menos Undo 5 do que quando o comprei . meu livro he tao harato 7 como o vosso. Elle he muito mais grande. Ella he pouco mais grande. Cae- sar he muito mais estimado 8 que Pompeo. Pompeo foi muito menos feliz que Caesar. Elle he o mais clouto dos homens. Elle he o menos douto dos homens. Ella he a mais bella das mulheres. Ella he muito amavel. Estas cadeiras 10 sao feitas 11 de optima madeira 12 . Esta mulber he boa, o marido he melhor e o filho he o optimo. Elle he o felicissimo dos mortaes. clima he saluberrimo. He homem valentissimo. filho he rico, o pai he riquissimo. neto 13 he mao, o primo u he ainda peior e o tio he o pessimo. Na margem do rio ha optimos pastos 15 . 1 populated. 2 violet. 3 night. 4 young'. 5 pretty. 6 to buy. 7 cheap, 8 esteemed. 9 learned. 10 chair. 11 made. 12 wood. 13 grandson. 14 cousin. 15 pasture. 34. Exercises. Mariana is more industrious 1 than her sister 2 . Europe is not so large as America. The wife is handsomer than her husband 3 . This horse is very beautiful, more beautiful than yours. The most fertile fields. His cousin is very rich, his uncle is still richer, and his father is the richest. The man is very bad 4 , the woman is worse, and the son is the worst. This wine is good, but that one is better. She is much taller than her friend 5 . The tulip is not so beautiful as the rose. The son is little, but the daughter is very little indeed (pequenissimo). Our house is not so large as yours. Amelia is smaller than her brother. The best ship 7 . The I diligente. 2 irmaa. 3 marido. 4 mao. 5 amiga. 6 tulipa- 7 navio. 26 worst man. The bravest knight. The simplest 8 man in the world . This 10 man is very wise, and that" one is the wisest of all. The climate of Siberia is very cold. The summer' 2 is in that country hotter and the winter 13 more rigid 1 '. A great part 13 and the greater part. The turf 10 is very green' 7 , but the trees 18 are still greener. I do not write so well as he. This man speaks 19 as well as Cicero 20 . The English 21 horses are better than the French. Arabia has the best horses. It is commendable 22 to recommend virtue 23 , but it is better to practise 2 '' it. 8 simples. 9 no mundo. 10 este. II aquelle. 12 verao. 13 in- verno. 14 rigoi'oso. 15 parte. 16 relva. 17 verde. 18 arvore. 19 fallar. 20 urn Cicero. 21 inglez. 22 louvavel. 23 virtude. 24 praticar. 35. The Numbers (Vos Numeral). 1. The Cardinal Numbers (Numerates canlinaes). um, fern, uma 1 vinte e um 21 dots, dous, fern, duas 2 vinte e dois 22 tres 3 vinte e tres 23 quatro 4 virile e quatro 24 cinco 5 vinte e cinco 25 seis 6 vinte e seis 26 sete 7 vinte e sete 27 otto 8 vinte e oito 28 nove 9 vinte e nove 29 dez 10 trinta 30 onze 11 trinta e um 31 doze 12 quarenta 40 treze 13 quarenta e um 41 quatorze 14 cincoenta 50 quinze 15 sessenta 60 dezeseis 16 setenta 70 dezesete 17 oitenta 80 dezoito 18 noventa 90 dez e nove 19 cem, cento 100 vinte 20 cento e um 101 27 duzentos, fern. -«.s 200 nonecenlos 900 duzentos e urn 201 mil 1 ,000 trezentos, -as 300 mil e cento 1,100 quatrocentos, -as 400 mil e duzentos 1,200 quinhentos 500 do is mil 2,000 seiscentos 600 cem mil 100,000 setecentos 700 milhao a million oitocentos 800 bilhao a billion. Obs. Before a Noun „cem" is used, before a number „cento", as: cem soldados, hundred soldiers; cento e urn, a hun- dred and one. The Portuguese use the Cardinal Numbers to express the date, as: chegou a quatro de Maio, he arrived on the fourth of May. 36. 2. The Ordinal Numbers. primeiro segundo terceiro quarto quinto sexto setimo oitavo nono decimo undecimo, onzeno duodecimo decimo terceiro decimo quarto decimo quinto decimo sexto decimo setimo the 1 st the nnd the 3rd the 4th the 5 th the 6 th the n tli the 8 th the 9 th the 10 th the II th the 12 th the 13 th the 14 th the 15 th the 16 l " the 17 th decimo oitavo decimo nono vigesimo vigesimo-primeiro vigesimo-segundo trigesimo quadragesimo, quaren- tesimo quinquagesimo sexagesimo septuagesimo octogesimo nonagesimo centesimo millesimo ultimo the 18 th the 19 th the 20 th the 21 st the 22 nd the 30 Ul the 40" 1 the 50 th the 60 th the 70 th the 80 th the 90 th the 1 00 th the 1,000 th the last. 37. 3. Fractional Numbers. a metade, half I quarto terco, the third | a quarta partei "" a terca parte, the third part | quinto, the fifth part \ the fourth part a quarta partei 2b a quinta parte, the fifth part a sexta parte, the sixth part a setima parte, the seventh part um oitavo, an eighth uma oitava, an eighth part tres oitavos, three eighths uma novena, a ninth uma nona parte, a ninth part uma decima parte, a tenth part um e meio, one and a half dous e meia, two and a half tres e meia, three and a half. Proportional Numbers. simples, simple duplice \ double duplicado J tri P l f I triple triplice J quadruplo, fourfold quintuplo, fivefold wma uez, once duas vezes, twice ?m weses, thrice sextuplo, sixfold septuplo, sevenfold octuplo, eigthfold nonuplo, ninefold decuplo, tenfold centuplo, a hundredfold a primeira vez, the first lime. 39. Collective Numbers. um par, a pair ambos, ambas, hoth um terno, a number of 3 um quaterno, a number of 4 uma dezena, a number of 10 uma duzia, a dozen uma quinzena, fifteen uma sessenta, sixty uma centena, a hundred uma vintena, twenty um milhar, a thousand quintal, a hundred weight uma quarta do arratel, a quar- ter of a pound. todo, toda, tudo, all, every one; plur. todos, todas. muito, many; tanto, so many. — pouco, few. 40. E x a in p 1 e s. Elle viveo 1 noventa annos 2 . Ella tern vinto e cinco an- nos de idade 3 . exercito'' he composto 5 de noventa mil e 1 live. 2 year. 3 age. 4 army. 5 consists of. 29 seiscentos homens. Dons mil cincocentos e trinla c qualro homens forao mortos neste encontro 7 . Cem homens ficarfto 8 prisioneiros 9 . Ha nesta povoacao ,0 mil e setecentas almas". Ha mil quinhentas casas na nossa freguezia 12 . A sua carta 13 he datada u de vinte e dous de Abril de mil oitocentos e cincoenta e sete. Nosso tio ha de chegar 15 a treze do mez que vein. comprimento 1G desta rua tern o dohro do da outra. Eu fiz duas vezes a volta 17 da villa a cavallo. Urn terremoto ,8 destrnio 19 a metade da cidade. Este theatro foi queimado 20 tres vezes. Se cultivar a sua herdade 21 , ella se elevara 22 em valor ao centuplo. 6 killed. 7 battle. 8 remained. 9 prisoners. 10 population. 11 souls. 12 parish. 13 letter. 14 daled. 15 arrive. 16 length. 17 the round. IS earthquake. 19 destroy. 20 burnt down. 21 inheritance. 22 to raise. 41. Exercises. The company' consists of one hundred men and the re- giment 2 has six thousand men. There were collected 3 two hundred men and nearly' seventy women. He was the first who arrived 5 . The second was thy brother. The third man 1 have not seen. The French army consists of 600,000 men. Within eight days. He had one sister and two cousins 7 with him. This house would be worth a hundred times more. Once I have told him, but twice he has forgotten it. The first time that I had the knife ground 8 . A thousand men were killed in this battle 9 . The first day of the year 10 . To day is ihe first, the second, the third, the fourth of the month 11 . Twenty eggs 12 . He arrived on the fifth of July. The nineteenth century 13 . The year has 365 days. He has three sons 14 and five daughters 15 . 1 conrpanhia. 2 iegimento. 3 ajuntado. 4 quasi. 5 chegar. 6 den- tro. 7 prima. 8 amolar. 9 batalha. 10 anno. 11 mez. 12 ovo. 13 seculo. 14 filho. 15 filha. 30 42. Pronouns. Personal Proitouus. S i 11 g 11 lar. 1 st Person. 2 nd Person. 3 ri1 Person. Masc. Fern. N-. eu, I tu, thou elle, he ella, she G. do ?7iim, of me de ti, of thee d'elle, of him (Telia, of her D. a 7ni77i, to me a ti, to thee a e//e, Ike, to him a e//a, to her Ace. me, me te, a ti, thee e//e, him e//a, a ella, her Abl. de mi77i \ from por viim\ me de ti \ from d'elle \ from d'ella, \ from porella,i her. pop ti 1 thee por e//e i him Plural. N. nos, we wo'*, you n cabello, a hair o coracao, the heart o pescoco, the neck «mw dente, a tooth um dedo, a finger a espalda, the back jonffi espadoa, a shoulder o estomago, the stomach a /ace, the face um joelho, a knee ?«;«« pema, a leg mwa /ace, a cheek a lingua, the tongue um beico, a lip uma mao, a hand o nariz, the nose iMM o/Ao, an eye uma orelha, an ear um pe, a foot o ptfeo, the fist a cabeca, the head. 44 6. The House and Furniture. Uma casa, a house um palacio, a palace uma quinta, a country house uma livraria, a library um quarto, a room um quarto de dormir, a bed- room a escada, the staircase uma janella, a window o tecto de estuque, the ceiling o solho, the floor uma porta, a door uma fechadura, a lock a chave, the key uma sala baixa, a parlour uma sala da jantar, a dining room uma sala, a drawingroom uma campainha, the bell uma mobilia, furniture uma cadeira, a chair um castical, a candlestick uma vella de sebo, a candle uma chemine, a chimney uma comoda, a chest of drawers um espelho de sala, a looking- glass um candieiro, a lamp uma cama, a bed uma cortina, a curtain uma papeleira, a writing-desk um sofa, a sofa uma mesa, a table um quadro, a picture um tapete, a carpet as gavetas, drawers uma toalha de mesa, a table cloth uma collier, a spoon rima colherinha, a tea spoon um garfo, a fork uma faca, a knife. 7. Trees, Shrubs etc. Os cereaes, corn a aveia, oats o ferio, hay o trigo candeal, wheat a herva, grass a batata, potatoe o arros, rice wma betula, a birch wrna ceregeira, a cherry-tree wwa azinheira, an oak wwa figueira, a fig-tree mm /aw, a beech wma Aera, ivy um olmo, an elm um chopo, a poplar ?mw pinheiro, a pine w a&eto, a fir um salgueiro, a willow um til, a lime-tree. 8. Fruits and Flowers. Um damasco, an apricot uma cereja, a cherry uma castanha, a chestnut um limao, a lemon um figo, a fig wwi morango, a strawberry 45 uma groselha, a currant grosellia de bagos grossos, gooseberry uma noz, a nut uma pera, a pear uma maca, an apple o lino, the lily a margarita, the daisy o lirio dos valles, the lily of the valley o cravo, the pink a papoula, the poppy a primavera, the primrose a rosa, the rose a tulipa, the tulip a violeta, the violet. 9. Dress. Uma camiza, a shirt umas ceroulas, drawers uma camizola, an underwaist- coat uns calcoes, breeches um colete, a waistcoat uma casaca, a coat um capote, a cloak um chapeo, a hat uma bota, a boot uma anagoa, a pellicoat um vestido, a gown uma touca, a bonnet um veo, a veil um collar, a necklace um brtnco, an ear-ring pulseiras, bracelets uma meia, a stocking um sapato, a shoe uma luva, a glove uma bolsa, a purse um annel, a ring pos, powder sabao, soap uma toalha de mdos, a towel um petite, a comb uma escova, a brush ma escova de dentes, a tooth- brush. 10. Town and Country. Uma cidade, a town uma aldea, a village os arrabaldes, the suburbs um candieiro de gaz, a lamp a calcada, the pavement uma praca, a square uma ponte, a bridge um passeio, a walk «m farol, a lamp wtna rua, a street um bosquesinho, a thicket um campo, a field uma cavalharica, a stable uma floresta 1 a foregt «m« sefoa J wma se&e, a hedge um jardim, a garden um almargeal, a meadow wm verqel, an orchard. 46 11. Animals. Um cervo, a stag um crocodillo, a crocodile um elephante, an elephant um coelho, a rabbit uma lebre, a hare um lido, a lion um leopardo, a leopard um lobo, a wolf um urso, a bear uma panthera, a panther um rato, a rat uma raposa, a fox um mono, a monkey um ligre, a tiger um burro, an ass uma ovelha, a sheep um borrego, a lamb um gato, a cat um cao, a dog Mm cavallo, a horse wm macho, a mule «« vaca, a cow um bezerro, a calf wn boi, an ox «m Zeftflo, a pig o gado, cattle gado vacum, herds D And how is it with you? As usual. Pretty well, thank God. I am very happy to see you well. E Vm. como vai de saude? Como do costume. Assas bem, gragas a Deus. Eslou encantado de o ver em perfeita saude. 8. The Visit. There is a knock. Somebody knocks. Go and see who it is. Go and open the door. It is Mrs. B. I wish you good morning. I am happy to see you. I have not seen you this age. It is a novelty to see you. Pray, sit down. Sit down if you please. Take a seat. Give a chair to the lady. Will you stay and take some dinner with us? I cannot stay. I only came in to see how you are. I must go. You are in a great hurry. Why are you in such a hurry? I have a great many things to do. Surely you can stay a little longer. I will stay longer another time. I thank you for your visit. I hope to see you soon again. Batem a porta. Alguem estd batendo a porta. Vai ver quern e. Vai abrir a porta. E a senhora B. Tenha Vm. muito bons dias. Estou encantado de a ver. Ha um seculo que nao a hei visto. E milagre vela. Queira assentar-se. Tenha a bondade de assentar-se. Queira ter o incommodo de assentar-se. De uma cadeira a senhora. Quer Vm. ficar para jantar comnosco. Nao posso demorar-me. Entrei somente para saber da sua saiide. Nad me posso demorar mais. Vm. tern muita pressa. Que pressa e esta? Tenho muito .que fazer. Vm. bem pode demorar-se mais una instante. Em outra vez ficarei mais tempo. Receba os mens agradecimentos pela visita. Espero de o ver bem cedo. 54 9. Breakfast. Have you breakfasted? Not yet. You have come just in time. You will breakfast with us. Breakfast is ready. Do you drink tea or coffee? Would you prefer chocolate? I prefer coffee. What can I offer you? Here are rolls and toast. What do you like best? I shall take a roll. How do you like the coffee? Is the coffee strong enough? It is excellent. Is there enough sugar in it? If there is not, do not make any ceremony. Act as if you were at home. Vm. jd almocou? Ainda nao. Chega em boa occasiao. Almocard comnosco. almoco estd prompto. Toma Vm. chd, ou cafe? Gosta talvez mats de chocolate? Prefiro o cafe. Que Hie poderei offer ecer? AM tern pad e fatias. De anal gosta mats? Comerei um destes paezinhos. Como acha Vm. o cafe? Acha Vm. o cafe com bastante forca? Acho-o excellente. Tern assucar sufficiente? Se nao tern o que e mister, nao faca ceremonias. Faca como se estivesse em sua casa, 10. Before Dinner, At what time do we dine to- day? We shall dine at four o'clock. We shall not dine before five o'clock. Shall we have anybody to din- ner to-day? Do you expect company? I expect Mr. B. Mr. D. has promised to come if the weather permits. Have you given orders for dinner? What have you ordered for dinner? Have you sent for fish? A que horas jantamos koje? Devemos jantar as quatro. Nem antes das cinco o fare- mos. Teremos lioje alguem de fora? Espera Vm. gente? Espero pelo senhor B. senhor por D. prometteo de vir, se o tempo permitisse. Deo Vm. jd os ordens para o jantar? Que encommendou Vm. para o jantar? Mandou Vm. vir peixe? 55 1 could not get any fish. 1 fear we shall have a indifferent dinner. We must do as we can. Nab pude haver peixe. >ery Quer me parecer, que hauemos de ter um mdo jantar. Faremos como podermos. 11. The Dinner. To what shall 1 help you? Will you take a little soup? I thank you. I will trouble you for a little beef. It looks so very nice. Which part do you like best? I hope you like this piece. Gentlemen, you have dishes near you. Help yourselves. Take without ceremony what you like best. Would you like a little of this roastmeat? Will you have some fat? Give me some of this lean, if you please. How do you like the roast- meat? It is excellent, delicious. What will you take with your meat? Shall I help you to some ve- getables? Will you take peas or cauli- flower? It is quite indifferent to me. I shall send you a piece of this fowl. No, thank you, I can eat no more. You are a poor eater. You eat nothing. Que quer que Ihe sirva? Quer uma pouca de sopa? Obrigado, aceitarei um pouco de vaca. Tern mui boa apparencia. De que parte gosta mais? Espero que este bocado e a sen gosto. Senhores, Vm. tern dous pratos diante de si. Sirvab-se. Sirvao-se sem ceremonia da- quillo de que mais gostarem. Quer um pouco deste assado? Gosta de gordura? De-me do que nab tern gordura, por quern e. Que tal acha o assado? Excellente. Que quer Vm. comer com a came ? Posso servir-lhe alguma horta- lica ? Quer Vm. ervilhas ou couves flores? Gosto tanto d'um, como d'outro. Vou servir-lhe desta ave. Muito obrigado, tenho comido sufficiente. Vm. come mui pouco. Vm. nab come nada. 56 I beg your pardon, I do ho- nour to your dinner. You may take away. Pelo contrario como suffi- ciente. Podem tirar a mesa. 12. Tea, Have you carried in the tea- things? Everything is on the table. Does the water boil? Tea is ready. They are waiting for you. Here I am. We have not cups enough. We want two more cups and saucers. Bring another tea-spoon and a saucer. You have not brought in the sugar-tongs. Do you take cream? The tea is so strong. I shall thank you for a little more milk. Here are cakes and muffins. Do you prefer some bread and butter? I shall take a slice of bread and butter. Pass the plate this way. Ring the bell, if you please. Will you kindly ring the bell? We want some more water. Bring it as quickly as pos- sible. Take the plate with you. Is jour tea sweet enough? Trouxeste tudo quanto e mister para o did? Esld tudo na mesa. A agua estd a ferver? did estd prompto. Estamos a sua espera. Bis -me prompto. As chicaras nad sad iffi- cientes. E mister mais duas. Falta tambem uma collier e um pires. Esqueces-te de trazer a tenaz do assucar. Toma Vm leite? did estd muito forte. Pedir-lhe hei mais um pouco de leite. Ahi tern bolos, e bolachas. Tal vez queira antes fatias de pad com manteiga? Aceitarei uma fatia de pad com manteiga. Passe para cd o prato. Toque a campainha. Tenha a bondade de tocar a campainha? E nos mister mais agua. Traze-as o mais de pressa pos- sivel. Leva ao mesmo tempo este prato. seu did tern o assucar suf- ficiente? 57 Have I put sugar enough in your tea? It is excellent. I do not like it quite so sweet. Your tea is very good. Where do you huy it? I buy it at . . . Have you already done? You will take another cup. I shall pour you out half a cup. You will not refuse me. I have already drunk three cups, and I never drink more. Nao sei se deitei bastante as- sucar no seu chd? Estd muy bem temperado. Nao gosto delle muito doce. seu chd e muito bom. Onde o compra? Compro-o em casa de . . . Vm. nao quer mais chd? Vm. ha de iomar mais wna chicara. Vou dar-lhe uma meia chi- cara. Espero qui nao a ha de engeilar. Jd tomei tres chicaras e nunca tomo mais. SECOND COURSE. Verbs. T h e Auxiliary V e 1. Ter and Haver, to have. Infinitive Mood. rbs, Present. ter or haver, to have. Past. ter tido - ter havido, to have had. Gerund. tendo - havendo, having. Participles. tido, tida - havido, havida, had. Indicative Mood. Present. eu tenho or hei, I have tu tens - has, thou hast elle or ella tern - ha, he or she has nos temos - havemos or hemos, we have vos tendes - haveis, you have elles or ellas i ■em - hao, Imperfect. they have. tinha or havia, I had tinhas - havias, thou hadst tinha - havia, he had tinhamos - haviamos, we had tinheis - havieis, you had linhao - havido, they had. 59 Past definite. live or houve, 1 have had tiveste - houveste, thou hast had teve - houve, he has had tivemos - houvemos, we have had tivestes - houvestes, you have had tiverao houverao, Past indefinite. they have had. tenho tido or tenho havido, N tens tido - tens havido, j tern tido temos tido : tem havido, \ temos havido, I > I have had. tendes tido - tendes havido, ] tem tido tem havido, ) Past anterior. tivera or houvera, I had had tiveras - houveras, thou hadst had tivera - houvera, he had had tiveramos ■ houveramos, we had had tivereis - houvereis, you had had tiverao houverao, Pluperfect. they had had. tinha tido or tinha havido, I had had tinhas tido - tinhas havido, thou hadst had tinha tido - tinha havido, he had had tinhamos tido - tinhamos havido, we had had tinheis tido - tinheis havido, you had had tinhao tido tinhao havido, , Future. they had had. terei or haverei, I shall have terds - haverds, thou shalt have terd - haverd, he shall have teremos - haveremos, we shall have tereis - havereis, you shall have terao - haverao, they shall have. 60 d ompt )und Future anterior. hei de ter or hei de haver, \ has de ter - has de haver, J ha de ter - ha de haver, I I shall (must, will) havemos de ter - havemos de haver, ( have. haveis de ter - haveis de haver, 1 hao de ter hao de haver, Future past. terei tido or terei havido, I shall have had terds tido - terds havido, thou shalt have had terd tido - terd havido, he shall have had leremos tido - teremos havido, we shall have had tereis tido - tereis havido, you shall have had terao tido terao havido, Conditional. they shall have had. teria or haveria, I should have terias - haverias, thou should st have teria - haveria, he should have teriamos - haveriamos, we should have terieis - haverieis, you should have teriao - haveriao, they should have. C onditional pas t. teria tido or teria havido, \ terias tido - terias havido, j teria tido - teria havido, \ I should have had. teriamos tido. - teriamos havido, terieis tido - terieis havido, 1 teriao tido - teriao havido, / Subjunctive Moo d. Present. que tenha or haja, that I may have tenhas - hajas, that thou mayest have tenha - haja, that he may have tenhamos - hajamos, that we may have lenhais - hajais, that you may have tenhao - hajdo, that they may have. 01 Imperfect. que tivera tiveras tivera tiveramos tivereis tiverao or houvera, - houveras, - houvera, - houveramos, - houvereis, - houverao, that I might have that thou mightst have that he might have that we might have that you might have that they might have. Past definite. que tivesse tivesses tivesse tivessemos tivesseis tivessem or houvesse, - houvesses, - houvesse, - houvessemos, - houvesseis, - houvessem, that I may have had that thou mayest have had that he may have had that we may have had that you may have had that they may have had. Past inde finite. que tenha tido or tenha havido, that I may have had tenhas tido - tenhas havido, that thou mayest have had tenha tido - tenha havido, that he may have had tenhamos tido - tenhamos havido, that we may have had tenhais tido - tenhais havido, that you may have had tenhao tido - tenhao havido, that they may have had. Pluperfect. que tivesse tido or tivesse havido, that I might have had tivesses tido - tivesses havido, that thou mightst have had tivesse tido - tivesse havido, that he might have had tivessemos tido - tivessemos havido, that we might have had tivesseis tido - tivesseis havido, that you might have had tivessem tido - tivessem havido, that they might have had. Simple Future. quando eu tiver or eu houver, when I shall have tu tiveres - tu houveres, when thou shait have elle tiver - elle houver, when he shall have nostivermos - nos houvermos, when we shall have vos tiverdes - vos houverdes, when you shall have elles tiver em - elles houverem, when they shall have. 62 Com po u nd Future. quehaja de ter hajas de ter haja de ter hajamos de ter liajais de ter de ter or haja de haver, - hajas de haver, - haja de haver, - hajamos de haver, - hajais de haver, - hajao de haver, Future past. that. I shall have that thou shalt have that he shall have that we shall have that you shall have that they shall have. eu tiver tido or tiver havido, when I shall have had tu tiveres tido - tiveres havido, when thou shalt have had elle tiver tido - tiver havido, when he shall have had \nostivermostido - tivermos havido, when we shall have had jvos tiverdes tido - tiverdes havido, when you shall have had \elles tiver em tido - tiverem havido, when they shall have had. m p e r a 1 1 v e. First Person: wanting. tern tu tenha elle tenhamos nos tende vos tenhao elles or hajas tu, - haja elle (ella), - hajamos nos, - havei vos, - hajao elles (ellas), have thou let him (her) have let us have have ye let them have. Ohs. All Verbs composed of ter, are conjugated like it, as: confer, deter, manter, obter, reter etc. E x a m pies. Tenho pao 1 . Tens carne 2 . Elle tern vinho 3 . Tinhamos ameixas\ Eu live morangos 5 . Elle teve uma laranja . Ti- vemos framboezas 7 . Elles tiverao figos s . Hei de ter gro- selhas 9 . Meu irmao 10 ha de ternozes 11 . Minhas irmaas 12 hao de ter nesperas' 3 . Eu teria vacca 14 . 31eu amigo 15 teria vi- tella 16 . Tereis assado 17 . Elles teriao presunto ,s . Tenha elle 1 bread. 2 meat. 3 wine. 4 plum. 5 strawberries. 6 orange. 7 rasberry. 8 fig. 9 gooseberry. 10 brollier. 1 1 nut. 12 sister. 13 medlar. 14 beef. 15 friend. 16 veal. 17 the roastmcat. 18 ham. 63 pastel' 9 . TenhSo elles ovos 20 . Tenhamos bolo 21 . Tende v6s salada 22 . Que eu tivesse pimenta 23 . Que tu tivesses vina- gre 24 . Que elle livesse azeite 25 . Que n6s tivessemos mo- starda 26 Que vos tivesseis assucar 27 . Que elles tivessem especiarias 28 . 19 pie. 20 egg. 21 cake. 22 salad. 23 pepper. 24 vinegar. 25 oil. 26 mustard. 27 sugar. 28 spice. 3. Exercises. I have beer 1 . Thou hast fruit 2 . He has apples 3 . We have a pear'. You have peaches 5 . They have cherries 6 . I had grapes 7 . Thou hadst almonds 8 . He had mulberries 9 . We had an apricot 10 . You had cheese 11 . They had milk 12 . I shall have haselnuts 13 . My brother will have butter 14 . We shall have chesnuts 15 . You will have a lemon 16 . Our garden- er 17 will have celery 1S . I would have cake. Thou wouldst have salad. He would have onions' 9 . Our game keeper 20 would have venison 21 . We would have sour cherries 22 . You would have raisins 23 . Our cooks 24 would have olives 25 . That our friends 20 have a rosetree 27 . That we have a myrtle 28 . That you have an apricot-tree 29 . That our sisters have a bou- quet 30 . That I had cream 31 . That thou hadst salt 32 . That he had coffee 33 . That we had tea 3 ' 4 . That she had choco- late 35 . Have courage 30 . He may have a book 37 . Let us have patience 3S . Have a watermelon 39 . Let them have a melon 40 . 1 cerveja. 2 fruta. 3 macaa. 4 pera. 5 pecego. 6 cereja. 7 uva. 8 amendoa. 9 amora. 10 albricoque (damasco). 1l queijo. 12 leite. 13 avelaa. 14 manteiga. 15 castanha. 16 limao. 17 jardineiro. 18 aipo. 19 cebola. 20 cacador. 21 caca. 22 girijas. 23 passas, passas de uva. 24 cozinheira. 25 azeitona. 26 amiga. 27 roseira. 28 murla. 29 damasqueiro. 30 rama- lhele. 31 nala. 32 sal. 33 cafe. 34 cha. 35 chocolate. 36 corragem, animo. 37 livro. 38 paciencia. 39 nielancia, balancia. 40 melilo. 4. Examples. Tenho por ventura 1 uma faca 2 ? Tens tu urn garfo 3 ? Tendes vos guardanapos 4 ? Tern elles uma toalha 5 ? Tinha 1 by accident. 2 knife. 3 fork. 4 table napkin. 5 towel. 64 eu urn prato ? Tem ella um copo 7 ? Temos nos copos? Tendes vos ouro 8 ? Tem elles prata 9 ? Tinha eu iiraa colher 10 ? Tinhamos n6s uma garrafa 11 ? Tinh3o elles ferro 12 ? Tive eu aco 13 ? Tivestes v6s chumbo"? Terei eu papel 15 ? Teras tu pennas 10 ? Vosso amigo tera o seu canivete 17 ? Teremos n6s livros? Tereis vos tinta 18 ? Suas irmSas, terao uma casa 19 ? Teria eu uma flor 20 ? Terieis v6s um jardim 21 ? 6 plate. 7 glass. 8 gold. 9 silver. 10 spoon. 11 decanter. 12 iron. 13 steel. 14 lead. 15 paper. 16 pens. 17 penknife. 18 ink. 19 house. 20 flower. 21 garden. o. Exercises. Have I by accident a chamber 1 ? Hast thou a castle 2 ? Has he a tree 3 ? Have we money 4 ? Are you (have you) thirsty 5 ? Have thy friends a sword? Had I an opportu- nity ? Hadst thou a razor 7 ? Had you a horse 8 ? Had you permission 9 ? Would I have a tankard 10 ? Would she have a cat 11 ? Would we have a goat 12 ? Would you have a cow 13 ? Would they have an ox"? Would I have had a mule 15 ? Wouldst thou have had a dog 10 ? 1 quarto. 2 castello. 3 arvore. 4 dinheiro. 5 sede. 6 occasiao. 7 navalha. 8 cavallo. 9 licenca. 10 cantaro. 11 gato (gata). 12 cabra. 13 vacca. 14 boi. 15 burro. 16 cao. 6. Conjugation of the Verbs „ser" and ,,estar", to be. Infinitive Mood. Present. ser or estar, to be. Past. ter sido - ter estado, to have been. Gerund. sendo - estando, being. Participles, sido, sida - estado, estada, been. Indicative Mood. Present. eu sou or estou, I am tu es - estds, thou art elle (ella) he - estd, he (she) is 05 nos somos or esiamos, we are vos so is - estais, you are elles (ellas) sao estao, Imperfect. they are. era or estava, I was eras - estavas, thou wast era - estava, he was eramos - estavamos, we were ereis - estaveis, you were erao estavao, Past definite. they were. fui or estive, I have been foste - estiveste, thou hast been foi - esteve, he has been fomos - estivemos, we have been fostes - estivestes, you have been forao estiverao, Past indefinite. they have been. tenho sido or tenho estado, I have been tens sido - tens estado, thou hast been tern sido - tern estado, he has been temos sido - temos estado, we have been tendes sido - tendes estado, you have been tern sido tern estado, Past anterior. they have been. fora or estivera, I had been foras - estiveras, thou hadst been fora - estivera, he had been foramos - estiveramos, we had been foreis - estivereis, you had been forao estiverao, Pluperfect. they had been. tinha sido or tinha estado, I had been tinhas sido - tinhas estado, thou hadst been tinha sido - tinha estado, he had been tinhamos sido - tinhamos estado, we had been tinheis sido - tinheis estado, you had been tinhao sido - tinhao estado, they had been. AHN, Portuguese Grammar. 5 66 Future. serei or estarei, I shall be serds - estards, thou shalt be sera - estard, he shall be seremos - estaremos, we shall be sereis - estareis, you shall be serdo - estardo, they shall be. Future anterior. hei de ser or hei de estar, I shall be has de ser - has de estar, thou shalt be ha de ser - ha de estar, he shall be havemos de ser - havemos de estar, we shall be haveis de ser - haveis de estar, you shall be hao de ser hao de estar, Future past they shall he. terei sido or terei estado, I shall have been terds sido - terds estado, thou shalt have been terd sido - terd estado, he shall have been teremos sido - teremos estado, we shall have been tereis sido - tereis estado, you shall have been terao sido terao estado, Conditional, they shall have been. seria or estaria, I should be serias - estarias, thou shouldst be seria - estaria, he should be seriamos - estariamos, we should be serieis - estarieis, you should be serido - estariao, they should be. Conditional past. teria sido terias sido teria sido teriamos sido terieis sido terido sido teria estado, terias estado, teria estado, teriamos estado, terieis estado, terido estado, I should have been thou shouldst have been he should have been we should have been you should have been they should have been. 07 que seja sejas seja sejamos sejais Subjunctive Mood Present. or estaja, que fora foras fora foramos foreis forao que fosse fosses fosse fossemos fosseis fossem que tenha sido tenhas sido tenha sido tenhamos sido tenhais sido tenhao sido esteja, estejamos, estejais, estejao, that I may be that thou mayest that he may be that we may be that you may be that they may be. he Imperfect. or estivera, that I might be estiveras, estivera, estiveramos, estivereis, estiverao, that thou mightst be that he might be that we might be that you might be that they might be. Past definite. or estivesse, - estivesses, - estivesse, - estivessemos, - estivesseis, - estivessem, Past that I may have been that thou mayest have been that he may have been that we may have been that you may have been that they may have been. indefinite. or tenha estado, that I may have been - tenhas estado, that thou mayest have been - tenha estado, that he may have been - tenhamos estado, that we may have been - tenhais estado, that you may have been - tenhao estado, that they may have been. Pluperfect. que tivesse sido or tivesse estado, that I might have been tivesses sido - tivesses estado, that thou mightst have been tivesse sido - tivesse estado, that he might have been tivessemos sido - tivessemos estado, that we might have been tivesseis sido - tivesseis estado, that you might have been tivessem sido - tivessem estado, that they might have been. 5* 68 Simple Future. que for or estiver, that I shall be fores - estiveres, that thou shalt be for - estiver, that he shall be formos - estivermos, that we shall be fordes - estiverdes, that you shall be forem - estiverem. that they shall be. Compound Future. or haja de estar, que haja de ser hajas de ser - hajas de estar, haja de ser - haja de estar, hajamos de ser - hajamos de estar, hajais de ser - hajais de estar, hajao de ser - hajao de estar, that I shall be. Future past. 'tiver sido or tiver estado, when I shall have been tiveres sido - tiveres estado, when thou shalt have been I tiver sido - tiver estado, when he shall have been Mvermos sido - tivermos estado, when we shall have been }tiverdes sido - tiverdes estado, when you shall have been tiverem sido - tiverem estado, when they shall have been. se tu seja elle sejamos nos sede vos sejao elles Imperative. or estd tu, - estejar elle, - estejamos nos, - estai vos, - estejao elles, be thou let him be let us be be ye let them be. 60 Active Verbs. FIRST CONJUGATION. Amar, to love. Infinitive Mood. Present. amar, to love. Perfect. ter amado, to have loved. Gerund. amando, loving. Participles, amado, amada, loved. amo, I love amas, thou lovest ama, he loves amava, I loved amavas, thou lovedst amava, he loved Indicative Mood. Present. amamos, we love amais, you love amao, they love. Imperfect. amdvamos, we loved amaveis, you loved amavao, they loved. amei, I have loved amaste, thou hast loved amon, he has loved Pas? definite. amamos, we have loved amastes, you have loved amdrao, they have loved. Pas? indefinite. tenho amado, I have loved temos amado, we have loved tens amado, thou hast loved tendes amado, you have loved tern amado, he has loved tern amado, they have loved. amdra, I had loved amdras, thou hadst loved amdra, he had loved Pas? anterior. amdramos, we had loved amdreis, you had loved amdrao, they had loved. 70 Pluperfect, tinha amado, I had loved tinhamos amado, we had loved tinhas amado, thou hadst loved tinheis amado, you have loved tinha amado, he had loved tinhao amado, they have loved. Future. amarei, I shall love amaremos, we shall love awards, thou shalt love amareis, you shall love amard, he shall love amarao, they shall love. Future anterior, hei de amar, I shall love havemos de amar, we shall love has de amar, thou shalt love haveis de amar, you shall love ha de amar, he shall love hap de amar, they shall love. Future past, terei amado, I shall have loved teremos amado, we shall have terds amado, thou shalt have loved loved tereis amado, you shall have terd amado, he shall have loved loved terao amado, they shall have loved. Conditional. amaria, I should love amariamos, we should love amarias, thou shouldst love amarieis, you should love amaria, he should love amarido, they should love. Co nditional past. teria amado, I should have teriamos amado, we should have loved loved terias amado, thou shouldst terieis amado, you should have have loved loved teria amado, he should have teriao amado, they should have loved loved. Subjunctive Mood. Present, que ame, that I may love que amemos, that we may love ames, that thou mayest ameis, that you may love love amem, that they may love. ame, that he may love 71 Imperfect. que am/no, that I might love que amdramos , that we might amdras, that thou mightst love love amdreis, that you might amdra, that he might love love amdrab, that they might love. Past definite. queamasse, that I may have que amassemos , that we may loved have loved amasses, that thou mayest amasseis, that you may have have loved loved amasse, that he may have amassem, that they may loved have loved. Past indefinite. que tenha amado , that I may que tenhamos amado , that we have loved may have loved tenhas amado, that thou tenhais amado, that you mayest have loved may have loved tenha amado, that he may tenhao amado, that they have loved may have loved. Pluperfect. que twesse amado, that I might que tivessemos amado, that we have loved might have loved tivesses amado, that thou tivesseis amado, that you mightst have loved might have loved tivesse amado, that he might tivessem amado, that they have loved might have loved. Future. queamar, when 1 shall love queamarmos, when we shall amares, when thou shalt love love amardes, when you shall amar, when he shall love love amarem, when they shall love. 72 Compoun que haja de amar, that I shall love hajas de amar, that thou shalt love haja de amar, that he shall love Futur que tiver amado , when I shall have loved tiveres amado, when thou shalt have loved tiver amado, when he shall have loved d Future, que hajamos de amar, that we shall love hajais de amar, that you shall love hajao de amar, that they shall love. e past, que tivermos amado, when we shall have loved tiver des amado, when you shall have loved tiverem amado, when they shall have loved. ama tu, love thou ame elle, let him love Imperative. amemos nos, let us love amai vos, love ye amem elles, let them love. SECOND CONJUGATION. Receber, to receive. I n fi n i t i v e Mood. Present. receber, to receive. Past. ter recebido, to have received. Gerund. recebendo, receiving. Participles, recebido, -a, received. ndicative Mood. eu recebo, I receive tu recebes, thou receivest elle recebe, he receives recebia, I received recebias, thou receivedst recebia, he received Present. nos recebemos, we receive vos recebeis, you receive elles recebem, they receive. Imperfect. recebiamos, we received recebieis, you received recebiao, they received. 73 Past definite. recebi, I have received recebemos, we have received recebeste, thou hast received recebestes, you have received recebeo, he has received receberao, they have received. Past indefinite. tenho recebido, I have received temos recebido, we have received tens recebido, thou hast received tendes recebido, you have rec. tern recebido, he has received temrecebido,thev have received. Past anterior. • recebera, I had received receberamos, we had received receberas, thou hadst received recebereis, you had received recebera, he had received receberao, they had received. Pluperfect, tinha recebido, I had received tinhamos recebido, we had rec. tinhas recebido, thou hadst rec. tinheis recebido, you had rec. tinha recebido, he had received tinhao recebido, they had rec. Future, receberei, I shall receive receberemos, we shall receive receberas, thou shalt receive recebereis, you shall receive recebera, he shall receive receberao, they shall receive. Future anterior, hei de receber, I shall receive havemos de receber, we shall rec. has de receber, thou shalt rec. haveis de receber, you shall rec. ha de receber, he shall rec. Mb de receber, they shall rec. Future past, terei recebido, I shall have re- teremos recebido, we shall have ceived received terds recebido, thou shalt have tereis recebido, you shall have received received terd recebido, he shall have re- terao recebido, they shall have ceived received. Conditional. receberia, 1 should receive receberiamos , we should re- receberias, thou shouldst re- ceive ceive receberieis, you should receive receberia, he should receive receberiao, they should receive. 74 Conditional past. teria recebido, I should have teriamos recebido, we should received have received terias recebido , thou shouldst terieis recebido, you should have have received received teria recebido, he should have teriao recebido, they should received have received. Subj unctive Mood. Presetit. quereceba, that I may receive que recebamos, that we may recebas, that thou mayest receive receive recebais, that you may re- receba, that he may receive ceive recebao, that they may re- ceive. Imperfect. que recebera, that I might re- que receberemos, that, we might ceive receive receberas, that thou mightst recebereis, that you might receive receive recebera, that he might re- receberao, that they might ceive receive. Past definite. que recebesse, that I may have que recebessemos , that we may received have received recebesses, that thou mayest recebesseis, that you may have received have received recebesse, that he may have recebessem, that they may received have received. Past indefinite. que tenha recebido , that I may que tenhamos recebido , that we have received may have received tenhas recebido, that thou tenhais recebido, that you mayest have received may have received tenha recebido, that he may tenhao recebido , that they have received may have received. 75 Pluperfect. que ticesse recebido, that I might have received liresses recebido, that thou mightst have received tivesse recebido, that he might have received que tivessemos recebido, that we might have received tivesseis recebido, that you might have received tivessem recebido, that they might have received. Future. quando receber, when I shall receive receberes, when thou shalt receive receber, when he shall receive quando recebermos , when we shall receive receberdes, when you shall receive receberem , when they shall receive. que haja de receber, that receive hajas de receber, that thou shalt receive haja de receber, that he shall receive Compound Future. shall que hajamos de receber, that we shall receive hajais de receber, that you shall receive hajao de receber, that they shall receive. Future past. quando tiver recebido, when I shall have received tiveres recebido, when thou shalt have re- ceived tiver recebido, when he shall have received quando tivermos recebido, when we shall have re- ceived tiverdes recebido, when you shall have re- ceived tiverem recebido, when they shall have re- ceived. recebe tu, receive thou receba elle, let him receive mperative Mood. recebamos nos, let us receive recebei vos, receive ye recebao, let them receive. 76 9. THIRD CONJUGATION. Partir, to divide. Infinitive Mood. Present. partir, to divide. Past. ter partido, to have divided. Gerund. partindo, dividing. Participles, partido, partida, divided. Indicative Mood. Present, parto, I divide partimos, we divide partes, thou dividest partis, you divide parte, he divides partem, they divide. Imperfect, partia, I divided partiamos, we divided partias, thou dividedst partieis, you divided partia, he divided partiao, Ihey divided. Past definite, parti, I have divided partimos, we have divided partiste, thou hast divided partistes, you have divided partio, he has divided partirao, they have divided. Past indefinite, tenho partido, I have divided temos partido, we have divided tens partido, thou hast divided tendes partido, you have divided tern partido, he has divided tern partido, they have divided. Past anterior, partira, I had divided partiramos, we had divided partiras, thou hadst divided partireis, you had divided partira, he had divided partirao, they had divided. Pluperfect, tinha partido, 1 had divided tinhamos partido, we had di- tinhas partido, thou hadst di- vided vided tinheis partido, you had divided tinha partido, he had divided tinhao partido, they had divided. 77 Future. partirei, I shall divide partirds, thou shalt divide partirei, he shall divide partiremos, we shall divide partireis, you shall divide partirao, they shall divide. hei de partir has de partir, ha de partir, terei partido, video" terds partido, divided terd partido divided Future anterior. I shall divide havemos de partir, we shall thou shalt divide divide he shall divide haveis de partir, you shall divide hao de partir, they shall divide. Future past. I shall have di- thou shalt have he shall have teremos partido, we shall have divided tereis partido, you shall have divided terao partido, they shall have divided. Conditional. partiria, I should divide partiriamos, we should divide partirias, thou shouldst divide partirieis, you should divide partiria, he should divide partiriao, they should divide. Conditional past. teria partido, I should have teriamos partido, we should divided have divided terias partido, thou shouldst terieis partido, you should have have divided divided teria partido , he should have terido partido, they should have divided divide. Subjunctive Mood. Present. que porta, 'that I may divide que partamos, that we may di- partas, that thou mayest vide divide partais, that you may di- parta, that he may divide vide partdo, that they may di- vide 78 Imperfect. quepartira, that I might divide que partiramos, that we might partiras, that thou mightst divide divide partireis, that you might partira, that he might di- divide vide partirao, that they might divide. Past definite. quepartisse, that I may have que partissemos , that we may divided have divided partisses, that thou mayest partisseis, that you may- have divided have divided partisse, that he may have partissem, that they may divided have divided. que tenha partido , that have divided tenhas partido, that thou mayest have divided tenha partido, that he may have divided Past indefinite, may que tenhamos partido , that we may have divided tenhais partido, that you may have divided tenhao partido, that they may have divided. Pluperfect. que tivesse partido, that I might have divided tivesses partido, that thou mightst have divided tivesse partido, that he might have divided que tivessemos partido, that we might have divided tivesseis partido, that you might have divided tivessem partido, that they might have divided. Futuri quando partir, when divide partires , when thou shalt divide partir, when he shall divide shall quando partirmos , when we shall divide partirdes, when you shall divide partirem , when they shall divide. 79 Compound Future. que haja de partir, that I shall (pie hajamos de partir, that we divide shall divide hajas de partir, that thou hajais de partir, that you shalt divide shall divide haja de partir, that he shall hajao de partir, that they divide shall divide. Future past. quando liver partido, when I shall have divided liveres partido, when thou shalt have divided tiver partido, when he shall have divided tivermos partido, when we shall have divided tiverdes partido, when you shall have divided tiver em partido, when they shall have divided. mperative Mood. partamos \ parti vos, partao elles, let them divide. parte tu, divide thou partamos nos, let us divide parta elle, let him divide parti vos, divide ye 10. The Passive Verbs. The Passive Verb is conjugated in all its tenses by the Auxiliary Verb „ser" to be, to become, to which is added the Participle of the Passive Verb, as: sou amado — I am loved tu es amado — thou art loved serei amado — I shall be loved eu seria amado — I should be loved. 11. The Neuter Verbs are conjugated with the Auxiliary Verb „ter" to have, as: 80 tenho dormido — I have slept tenho cahido — I have fallen eu tenho chegado — 1 have arrived. They are otherwise conjugated like the Active Verbs: amor, receber, partir. 12. The Reflective Verbs are conjugated with „ter" and the Pronouns me, me — te, thee — se, it — nos, we — vos, you. Lembrar-se, to remember. Infinitive Mood. Present. lembrar-se, to remember. Past. terse lembrado, to have remembered. Gerund. lembrando-se, remembering. Participle, lembrado, lembrada, remembered. Indicative Mood. Present. eu me lembro, I remember nos nos lembramos, we re- tu te Umbras, thou rememberst member elle se rembra, he remembers vos vos lembrais, you remember elles se lembrao, they remember. Imperfect, eu me lembrava, I remembered nos nos lembravamos, we re- ft* te lembravas, thou remem- membered beredst vos vos lembraveis, you remem- elle se lembrava, he remem- bered bered elles se lembravao, they remem- bered. Past definite, eu me lembrei, I have remem- nos nos lembramos, we have bered remembered tu te lembraste, thou hast re- vos vos lembrastes, you have membered remembered elle se lembrou, he has remem- elles se lembrdrao, they have bered remembered. 81 Past indefinite. en me tenho lembrado, I have remembered tu te tens lembrado, thou hast remembered elle se tern lembrado, he has remembered nos nos temos lembrado, we have remembered vos vos tendes lembrado, you have remembered elles se tern lembrado, they have remembered. Past anterioi had remem- thou hadst eu me lembrdra, bered tu te lembrdras remembered elle se lembrdra, he had re membered nos nos lembrdramos, we had remembered vos vos lembrdreis, you had remembered elles se lembrdrao, they had remembered. Pluperfect. had thou eu me tinha lembrado, '. remembered tu te tinhas lembrado, hadst remembered elle se tinha lembrado, he had remembered nos nos tinhamos lembrado, we had remembered vos vos tinheis lembrado, you had remembered elles se tinhao lembrado, they had remembered. Future. eu me lembrarei, I shall re- nos nos lembrar emos, we shall member remember tu te lembrards, thou shalt re- vos vos lembrareis, you shall member remember elle se lembrard, he shall re- elles se lembrar do , they shall member remember. eu me hei de lembrar, remember tu te has de lembrar, thou shalt remember elle se ha de lembrar, he shall remember AHN, Portuguese Grammar. Future anterior. shall nos nos havemos de lembrar, we shall remember vds vos haveis de lembrar, you shall remember elles se hao de lembrar, they shall remember. ^2 Future past. eu me lerei lembradq, 1 shall have remembered tu te terds lembrado, thou shalt have remembered die se terd lembrado, he shall have remembered nos nos leremos lembrado, we shall have remembered vos vos tereis lembrado, you shall have remembered elles se terao lembrado, they shall have remembered. Conditional. eu me lembraria, I should re- member tu te lembrarias, thou shouldst remember elle se lembraria, he should remember nos ?ios lembrariamos, we should remember vos vos lembrarieis, you should remember elles se lembrariao, they should remember. eu me teria lembrado, have remembered tu te terias lembrado, thou shouldst have remembered elle se teria lembrado, he should have remembered Conditional past should nos nos teriamos lembrado, we should have remembered vos vos terieis lembrado, you should have remembered elles se terido lembrado, they should have remembered. Subjunctive Mood. Present. que eu me lembre, that I may que nos nos lembremos, that remember we may remember tu te lembres, that thou vos vos lembreis, that you mayest remember may remember elle se lembre, that he may elles se lembrem, that they remember may remember. Imperfect. que eu me lembrasse, that I might remember tu te lembrasses, that thou mightst remember elle se lembrasse, that he might remember nos nos lembrassemos, that we might remember vos vos lembrasseis, that you might remember elles se lembrassem, that they might remember. 83 que Past indefinite. eu we tenha lembrado tu te tenhas lembrado elle se tenha lembrado nos nos tenhamos lembrado vds vos tenhais lembrado ettes se tenhdo lembrado that I may have remembered. que Pluperfect. en me tivesse lembrado tu te tivesses lembrado elle se tivesse lembrado nos nos tivessemos lembrado vos vos tivesseis lembrado elles se tivessem lembrado that might have bered. Future. eu me lembrar tu te lembrares elle se lembrar nos nos lembrar mos vos vos lembrardes elles se lembrarem when I shall remember. Compound Future. que eu me haja de lembrar tu te hajas de lembrar elle se haja de lembrar nos nos hajamos de lembrar vos vos hajeis de lembrar elles se hajao de lembrar that I shall remember. Future past. quando eu me fiver lembrado tu te tiveres lembrado elle se tiver lembrado nos nos tivermos lembrado vos vos tiverdes lembrado elles se tiverem lembrado when I shall have remem- bered. 6* 84 Imperative Mood. Umbra- te tu, remember thou lembre-se elle, let him remember lembremos-nos nos, let us remember lembrai-vos vos, remember ye lembrem-se elks, let them remember. Observ. In all the simple tenses of the Indicative Mood, is it unimportant whether the Pronouns me, te, se, nos, vos stand before or after the Verb, and one may therefore say either: eu me lembro, or eu lembro-me, eu me lembrava and eu lembrava-me, but in the compound tenses as well as in the Subjunctive and Imperative Mood they must stand before the Verb, as: eu me tenho lembrado, que eu me lembre, que eu me lembrasse. 13. Irregular Verbs. FIRST CONJUGATION. 1. Dar, to give.*) Indicative Mood. Present. eu dou, I give Nos damos, we give tu das, thou givest vos dais, you give elle da, he gives elles dao, they give. Past definite. eu dei, I have given nos demos, we have given tu deste, thou hast given vos destes, you have given elle deo, he has given elles derao, they have given, Past anterior. eu dera, I had given nos deramos, we had given tu deras, thou hadst given vos dereis, you had given elle dera, he had given elles derao, they had given. *) Only the irregular lenses are given, the others are conjugated in the regular manner. 85 Subjunctive Mood. Present. que i'H de, that I may give que nos demos, that we may tu des, that thou mayest give give vos dels, that you may give elle de, that he may give elles dem, that they may give. Imperfect. que en dera, that I might give que nos deramos, that we might tu deras, that thou mightst give give vos dereis, that you might elle dera, that he might give give elles derao, that they might give. Past. queeudesse, that I may have que nos dessemos, that we may given have given tu desses, that thou mayest vos desseis, that you may have given have given elle desse, that he may have elles dessem, that they may given have given. Future. quando eu der, when I shall quando nos dermos, when we give shall give tuderes, when thou shalt vos derdes, when you give shall give elle der, when he shall elles derem, when they give shall give. 2. The Verbs ending in ,,car" have no other irregularity than that they change the c every- time into qu, if an e follows in the conjugation, as: ficar, to remain, fiquei (not ficei), I have remained, que eu figue (not fice), that I may remain; this irregularity is only maintained for the purpose of keeping the same pronunciation for the Verb throughout, which would otherwise not be the case. 86 3. The Verbs ending in „gar" change the g, if followed hy an e, into gu, for the sake of Pronunciation. 4. The Verbs ending in „iar" take an e before i in all persons of the Indicative Mood, as premiar, to reward, premeio, premeias, premeia, premeiamos etc. 14. SECOND CONJUGATION. 5. Dizer, to say. Indicative Mood. Present. eu digo, I say nos dizemos, we say in dizes, thou sayest vos dizeis, you say elle diz, he says elles dizem, they say. Past definite. eu disse, I have said nos dissemos, we have said tu disseste, thou hast said vos dissestes, you have said elle disse, he has said elles disserao, they have said. Past anterior. eu dissera, I had said nos disseramos, we had said tu disseras, thou hadst said vos disserais, you had said elle dissera, he had said elles disserao, they had said. Future, eu direi, I shall say nos diremos, we shall say tu dirds, thou shall say vos direis, you shall say elle dird, he shall say elles dirao, they shall say. Conditional. eu diria, I would say nos diriamos, we would say tu dirias, thou wouldst say vos dirieis, you would say elle diria, he would say elles dirido, they would say. S7 Subjunctive Mood. Present. queen diga, that I may say que nos digamos, that we may la digas, that tliou mayest say say vos digais, that you may elle diga, that he may say say elles digao, that they may say. Imperfect. que en dissera, that I might say que nosdisseramos,t\ml we might tu disseras, that thou mightst say say vos disserais, that you might elle dissera, that he might say say elles disserao, that they might say. Past. que en dissesse, that I may have que nos dissessemos, that we may said have said tu dissesses, that thou mayest vos dissesseis, that you may have said have said elle dissesse, that he may elles dissessem, that they may have said have said. Future. quando eu disser, when I shall quondo nos dissermos, when we say shall say tu disseises, when thou vos disserdes, when you shalt say shall say elle d,isser,\\hen he shall elles disserem, when they say shall say. Imperative Mood. dize-tu, say thou digamos -nos, let us say diga- elle, let him say dizei-vos, say ye digao- elles, let them say. Participle: dito, dita, said. All Verbs composed of dizer are conjugated in the same manner, as: contradizer, desdizer, etc. 6. Fazer, to do, to make. Indicative Mood. Present, eu faco, I do nos fazemos, we do tu fazes, thou doest vos fazeis, you do elle faz, he does elles fazem, they do. Past definite. eu fiz, I have done nos fizemos, we have done tu fizeste, thou hast done vos fizestes, you have done elle fez, he has done elles fizerao, they have done. Pluperfect. eu fizera, I had done nos fizeramos, we had done tu fizeras, thou hadst done vos fizereis, you had done elle fizera, he had done elles fizerao, they had done. Future, eu farei, I shall do nos faremos, we shall do tu fards, thou shalt do vos fareis, you shall do elle fard, he shall do elles farao, they shall do. Conditional. eu faria, I would do nos fariamos, we would do tu farias, thou wouldst do vos farieis, you would do elle faria, he would do elles fariao, they would do. Subjunctive Mood. Present, queeufaea, that I may do que nos /acamos, that we may do tu facas, that thou mayest do vos facais, that you may do elle faca, that he may do elles facao, that they may do. Imperfect. que eu fizera, that I might do que nos fizeramos, that we might tu fizeras, that thou mightst do do vos fizerais, that you might elle fizera, that he might do do elles fizerao, that they might do. 89 Perfect. que eu fizesse, that I may have que nos fizessemos, that we may- done have done lu fizesses, that thou mayest vos fizesseis, that you may have done have done elle fizesse, that he may elles fizessem, that they may have done have done. Future. quando eu fizer, when 1 shall quando nos fizermos, when we do shall do lu fizeres, when thou vos fizerdes, when you shalt do shall do elle fizer, when he shall elles fizerem, when they do shall do. Imperative Mood. faze-tu, do thou facamos-nos, let us do faca elle, let him do fazei-vos, do ye facao elles, let them do. Participle: feito, feita, done. 7. Poder, to be able, to can. Indicative Mood. Present, eu posso, I cail nos podemos, we can tu podes, thou canst vos podeis, you can elle pode, he can elles podem, they can. Perfect, eu pude, I have been able nos pudemos, we have been able tu pudeste, thou hast been able vos pudestes, you have been able elle pode, he has been able elles puderap, they have been able. Pluperfect, eu pudera, I had been able nos puderamos, we had been able tupuderas, thou hadst been able vospudereis, you had been able elle pudera, he had been able elle puderao, they had been able. 90 Subjunctive Mood. Present. que eu possa, that I may be que nos possamos, that we may- able be able tu possas, that thou mayest vos possais, that you may be able be able elle possa, that he may be elles possao, that they may able be able. Imperfect. que eu pudera, that 1 might be quenospuderamos,t\iat we might able be able tu puderas, that thou mightst vos pudereis, that you might be able be able elle pudera, that he might ellespuderao, that they might be able be able. Perfect. que eu pudesse, that I may have que nos pudessemos, that we may been able have been able tupudesses, that thou mayest vos pudesseis, that you may have been able have been able elle pudesse, that he may elles pudessem, that they have been able may have been able. Future. quando eu puder, if I could be quando nos pudermos, if we able could be able tu puder es , if thou vos puderdes, if you couldst be able could' be able elle puder, if he could elles puderem, if they be able could be able. 3. Querer, to wish, to will. Indicative Mood. Present. eu quero, I wish nos queremos, we wish tu queres, thou wishest vos quereis, you wish elle quer, he wishes elles querem, they wish. Perfect. en quiz, 1 have wished nos quizemos, we have wished tu quizeste, thou hast wished vos quizestes, you have wished elle quiz, he has wished elles quizerao, they have wished. Pluperfect. eu quizera, I had wished nos quizeramos, we had wished tu quizeras, thou liadst wished vos quizereis, you had wished elle quizera, he had wished elles quizerao, they had wished. Subjunctive Mood. Present. que eu queira, that I may wish que nos queiramos, that we may tu queiras, that thou mayest wish wish vos queirais, that you may elle queira, that he may wish wish elles queirao, that they may wish.. Imperfect. que eu quizera, that I might que nos quizeramos, that we wish might wish fat 5M?2erfls,that thou mightst vos quizereis, that you wish might wish elle quizera, that he might elles quizerao, that they wish might wish. Perfect. que eu quizesse, that I may have que nos quizessemos, that we wished may have wished tu quizesses,that thou mayest vos quizesseis , that you have wished may have wished elle quizesse, that he may elles quizessem, that they have wished may have wished. Future. quando eu quizer, when I shall quando nos quizermos, when we wish shall wish tu quizeres, when thou vos quizerdes, when you shalt wish shall wish elle quizer, when he elles quizerem, when they shall wish shall wish. 02 Imperative Mood. queiras tu, wish thou queiramos nos, let us wish queira elk, let him wish queirais vos, wish ye queirao elks, let them wish. 9. Saber, to know. Indicative Mood. Present. eu sei, I know nos sabemos, we know tu sabes, thou knowest vos sabeis, you know elk sabe, he knows elks sabem, they know. Perfect. eu soube, I have known nos soubemos, we have known tu soubeste, thou hast known vos soubestes, you have known elk soube, he has known elks souberao, they have known. Pluperfect. eu soubera, I had known nos souberamos, we had known tu souberas, thou hadst known vos soubereis, you had known elk soubera, he had known elks souberao, they had known. Subjunctive Mood. Present. que eu saiba, that I may know que nos saibamos, that we may tu saibas, that thou mayest know know vos saibais, that you may elk saiba, that he may know know elks saibao, that they may know. Imperfect. que eu soubera , that I might que nos souberamos, that we know might know tu souberas,i\\dX thou mightst v 6s soubereis, that you might know know elk soubera, that he might elks souberao, that they know might know. 93 Future. quando eu souber, when I shall quando nos soubermos, when we know shall know lu souberes, when thou vos souberdes, when you shall know shall know elle souber, when he elles souberem, when shall know they shall know. Imperative Mood. sabe tu, know thou saibamos nos, let us know saiba elle, let him know saibei vos, know ye saibdo elles, let them know. 10. Tazer, to carry, to fetch. Indicative Mood. Present. eu trago, I carry nos trazemos, we carry tu trazes, thou earnest vos trazeis, you carry elle traz, he carries elles trazem, they carry. Perfect. eu trouxe, I have carried nos trouxemos, we have car- tu trouxeste, thou hast car- ried ried vos trouxestes, you have car- elle trouxe, he has carried ried elles trouxerao, they have car- ried. Pluperfect. eu trouxera, I had carried nos trouxeramos, we had car- tu trouxeras, thou hadst car- ried ried vos trouxereis, you had carried elle trouxera, he had carried elles trouxerao, they had car- ried. Future. eu trarei, I shall carry nos traremos, we shall carry tu trards, thou shall carry vos trareis, you shall carry elle trard, he shall carry elles trarao, they shall carry. 94 Conditional. eu traria, I should carry nos trariamos, we should carry tu trarias, thou shouldst cany vos trarieis, you should carry elle traria, he should carry elles trariao, they should carry. Subjunctive Mood. Present, que eu traga, that I may carry que nos tragamos, that we may tu tragus, that thou mayest carry carry vos tragais, that you may elle traga, that he may carry carry elles tragao, that they may carry. Imperfect. que eu trouxera , that I might que nos trouxeramos , that we carry might carry tu trouxeras , that thou vos trouxereis, that you mightst carry might carry elle trouxera, that he might elles trouxerao, that they carry might carry. Perfect. que eu trouxesse , that I may que nos trouxessemos , that we have carried may have carried tu trouxesses, that thou vos trouxesseis, that you mayest have carried may have carried elle trouxesse, that he may elles trouxessem, that they have carried may have carried. Future, quando eu trouxer, when I shall quando nos trouxermos, when carry we shall carry tu trouxeres, when thou vos trouxerdes, when shalt carry you shall carry elle trouxer, when he elles trouxnem, when shall carry they shall carry. Imperative Mood. traze tu, carry thou tragamos, let us carry traga elle, let him carry trazei vos, carry ye tragao elles, let them carry. 95 11. Ver, to see. Indicative Mood. Present. eu vejo, I see nos vemos, we see tu ve's, thou seest vos vedes, you see elle ve", he sees elles ve'm, they see. Imperfect. eu vi, I have seen nos vimos, we have seen tu viste, thou hast seen vos vistes, you have seen elle vio, he has seen elles virao, they have seen. Pluperfect. eu vira, I had seen nos viramos, we had seen tu virus, thou hadst seen vos vireis, you had seen elle vira, he had seen elles virao, they had seen. Subjunctive Mood. Present. queeuveja, that I may see que nos vejamos, that we may tu vejas, that thou mayest see see vos vejais, that you may see elle veja, that he may see elles vejao, that they may see. Imperfect. que eu vira, that I might see que nos viramos, that we might tu virus, that thou mightst see see vos virais, that you might elle vira, that he might see see elles virem, that they might see. Perfect. queeuvisse, that I may have que nos vissemos, that Ave may seen have seen tu visses, that thou mayest vos visseis, that you may have seen have seen elle visse, that he may have elles vissem, that they may seen have seen. 96 Future. quando en vir , when I shall quando nos virmos, when we see shall see tu vires, when thou vos virdes, when you shalt see shall see elle vir, when he shall elles virem, when they see shall see. Imperative Mood. ve tu, see thou vejamos nos, let us see veja elle, let him see vede vos, see ye vejao elles, let them see. Participle: visto, vista, seen. The Verbs composed of ver, are conjugated in the same manner, as: prever, rever, antever. 12. Perder, to lose. The irregularity of this Verb consists in the following tenses changing the d into c. Indicative Mood. Present. perco, I lose perdemos, we lose perdes, thou losest perdeis, you lose perde, he loses perdem, they lose. Subjunctive Mood. Present. queeuperca, that I may lose que nos percamos, that we may tu perms, that thou mayest lose lose vos percais, that you may elle perca, that he may lose lose elles percao, that they may lose. 97 Imperative Mood. perde ta, lose thou percamos nos, let us lose pgi ta die, let him lose perdei vos, lose ye percao elks, 1<:1 them lose. 13. Valer, to be worth, changes I into Ih, in the following tenses. Indicative Mood. Present. en valho, I am worth nos valemos tu vales \ „„„„]„„ vos valeis \ regular ellc vale i ° * elles valem Subjunctive Mood. Present. que eu valha, that I may be que nos valhamos, that we may worth be worth tu valhas, that thou mayest vos valhais, that you may be worth be worth die valha, that he may be elles valhao, that they may worth be worth. Imperative Mood. valhamos, valei vos, valhao elles, let them be worth. vale tu, be thou worth valhamos, let us be worth valha elle, let him be worth valei vos, be ye worth 14. Ler, to read. Indicative Mood. Present. eu leio, I read nos lemos, we read tu les, thou readest vos ledes, you read elle le, he reads elles Urn, they read. AMIS', Portuguese Grammar. 7 Subjunctive Mood. Present, que eu leia, that I may read que nos leiamos, that we may tu leias, that thou mayest read read vos Uiais, that you may read elle leia, that he may read elles leiao, that they may read. le tu, read thou leia elle, let him read mperative Mood. leiamos, let us read lede vos, read ye leiao elles, let them read. The Verb „crer" to believe, is conjugated in the same manner. 15. The Verbs ending in „ger" change g into / in all persons when it is followed by o or a, for the sake of pronunciation. As: eleger, to elect; elejo, que eu eleja, etc. 15. THIRD CONJUGATION. 16. Ir, to go. Indicative Mood. Present. eu vou, I go tu vas, thou goest elle vai, he goes eu hia, I went tu hias, thou wentest elle hia, he went nos vamos, we go vos ides, you go elles vao, they go. Imperfect. nos hiamos, we went vos hieis, you went elles hiao, they went. Perfect, eu fui, I have gone (like the Perfect of „ser" to be). 99 Pluperfect. en font, I had gone (like the Pluperfect of „ser"). Subjunctive Mood. Present. queeu vd, that I may go que nos vdmos, that we may go tu vds, that thou mayest go vds vades, that you may go elle vd, that he may go elles vao, that they may go. Imperfect. que eu for a, that I might go que nos foramos, that we might tu foras, that thou mightst go go vos form, that you might go elle fora, that he might go elles fordo, that they might go- Perfect. que eu fosse, that I may have gone (like „ser"). Future, quando eu for, when I shall go (like „ser"). Imperative Mood. vai tu, go thou vamos, let us go vd elle, let him go ide vos, go ye vao elles, let them go. 17. Vir, to come, n d i ca ti ve Mood. Present. eu venho, I come tu vens, thou comest elle vem, he comes eu vinha, I came tu vinhas, thou earnest elle vinha, he came nos vimos, we come vds vindes, you come elles vem, they come. Imperfect. nos vinhamos, we came vos vinheis, you came elles vinhao, they came. 7* 100 Perfect. eu vim, I have come nds viemos, we have come tu vieste, thou hast come vos viestes, you have come elle veio, he has come elles vierao, they have come. Pluperfect. eu viera, I had come nos vieramos, we had come tu vieras, thou hadst come vos viereis, you had come elle viera, he had come elles vierao, they had come. Subjunctive Mood. Present. que eu venha, that I may come que nos venhamos, that we may tu venhas, that thou mayest come come vos venhais, that you may elle venha, that he may come come elles venhao, that they may come. Imperfect. que eu viera, that I might come que nos vieramos, that we might tu vieras, that thou mightst come come vos viereis, that you might elle viera, that he might come come elles vierao, that they might come. Perfect. queeu viesse, that I may have que nos viessemos, that we may come have come tu viesses, that thou mayest vos viesseis, that you may have come have come elle viesse, that he may elles viessem, that they may have come have come. Future. quando eu vier, when I shall quando nos viermos, when we come shall come tu vieres, when thou vos vierdes, when you shalt come shall come elle vier, when he shall elles vierem, when the come shall come. 101 Imperative Mood. vem tu, come thou venhamos, let us come venha elk, let him come vinde vos, come ye veuhao elks, let them come. Participle: vindo, vinda, come. 18. Pedir, to request, changes d in c in the following persons. Indicative Mood. Present. eupeco, I request (the other persons are regular: pedes, pede, etc.). Subjunctive Mood. Present. queen peca, that I may re- quenos pecamos, that we may quest request tu pecas, that thou mayest vos petals, that you may request request elk peca,. that he may re- elks pecao, that they may quest request. Imperative Mood. pede tu, request" thou pernios nos, let us request peca elk, let him request pedi vos, request ye pecao elks, let them request. „Medir" to mesure, is conjugated in the same manner. 19. Rir, to laugh. Indicative Mood. Present, eu rio, I laugh nos rimos, we laugh tu ris, thou laughest vos rides, you laugh elk ri, he laughs elks rim, they laugh. 102 Subjunctive Mood. Present. queeuria, that I may laugh quenos riamos, that we may tu rias, that thou mayest laugh laugh vos Hats, that you may elle ria, that he may laugh laugh elles riao, that they may laugh. Imperative Mood. ri tu, laugh thou riamos, let us laugh ria elle, let him laugh ride vos, laugh ye riao elles, let them laugh. 20. The Verbs ending in „gir" change the g into j in all persons where g is followed by o or a. 21. The Verbs ending in ,,uzir" drop the final e in the third person Singular of the Present, as: conduz (not conduze), induz (not induze). 22. The Verbs ending in „hir" change hi into i in the following persons. Indicative Mood. Present, eu saio, I go out (the others are regular: sahes, sahe, sahi- mos, etc.). Subjunctive Mood. Present, que eu saia, that I may go out que nos saiamos, that we may tu saias, that thou mayest go out go out vos saiais, that you may elle saia, that he may go go out out elles saiao, that they may so out. 103 Imperative Mood. sake tu, go thou out saiamos nos, let us go out saia elle, let him go out sahi vos, go ye out saiao elles, let them go out. 23. Subir, to mount, changes u into o, in the second person Singular, third person Singular and Plural of the Present, and in the second person of the Imperative, as: sobes, sobe, sobem, sobe tu. 24. Mentir, to lie, changes e into i in the following persons. Indicative Mood. Present, en minto, I lie (tu mentes, elle mente). Subjunctive Mood. Present, que en minta, that I may lie que nos mintamos, that we may tu mintas, that thou mayest lie lie vos mintais, that you may lie elle minta, that he may lie elles mintao, that they may lie. Imperative Mood. mente tu, lie thou mintamos nos, let us lie minta elle, let him lie menti vos, lie ye mintao elles, let them lie. The same irregularities occur in sentir, to feel — servir, to serve — ferir, to wound. 25. Dormir, to sleep. This Verb changes o into u in all persons, in which mentir changes the e into i, as: durmo, durma, durmamos. 104 i. Onvir, to hear. Tins Verb changes uvi into uc in all persons in which mentir changes e into i, as: eu ouco, I hear — que eu ouca, that I may hear. Imperative Mood. ouve tu, hear thou oucamos has, let us hear ouca elle, let him hear ouvi vos, hear ye oucdo elks, let them hear. Some writers change u into i, as: oico, oica. 27. Por, to place, to put. Indicative Mood. Present. eu poriho, I place nos pomos, we place tu poes, thou placest vos pondes, you place elle poem, he places elles poem, they place. Imperfect. eu punha, I placed nos punhamos, we placed tu punhas, thou placedst vos punheis, you placed elle punha, he placed elles punhao, they placed. Pei" feet. eu puz, I have placed nos puzemos, we have placed tu puzeste, thou hast placed vos puzestes, you have placed elle poz, he has placed elles puzerao, they have placed. Pluperfect. eu puzera, I had placed nos puzeramos, we had placed tu puzeras, thou hadst placed vos puzereis, you had placed elle puzera, he had placed elles puzerao, they had placed. Future. eu porei, I shall place nos poremos, we shall place tu pords, thou shalt place vos poreis, you shall place elle pord, he shall place elles pordo, they shall place. 105 Conditional. eu porta, I should place nds poriamos, we should place tn pm ins, thou shouldst place vds porieis, you should place elle poria, he should place elles poriao, they should place. Suhjunctive Mood. Present. (pie eu ponha, that I may place que nds ponhamos, that we may tu ponhas, that thou mayest place place vds pouhais, that you may elle ponha, that he may place place elles ponhao, that they may place. Imperfect. que eu puzera, that I might que nds puzeramos, that we place might place tupuzeras, that thou mightst vds puzereis , that you place might place elle puzera, that he might elles puzerao, that they place might place. Perfect. que eu puzesse, that I may have que nds puzessemos , that we placed may have placed tupuzesses, that thou mayest vds puzesseis , that you have placed may have placed elle puzesse, thot he may elles puzessem, that they have placed may have placed. Future. quando eu puzer, when I shall quanalo nds puzermos, when we place shall place tu puzeres, when thou vds puzerdes, when you shall place shall place elle puzer, when he elles puzer em, when they shall place shall place. Imperative Mood. poe tu, place thou ponhamos nds, let us place ponha elle, let him place ponde vds, place ye ponhao elles, let them place. 106 Gerund.: pondo, placing. Participle: posto, posta, placed. The Verbs composed by por are conjugated in the same manner, as: antepor, compor, depor, dispor, propor. The following Verbs have two Participles, a regular and an irregular one. FIRST CONJUGATION. aceitar, to accept, aceitado, aceito enxugar, to dry, enxugado, enxnto exceptuar, to except, exceptuado, excepto expressar, to express, expressado, expresso expulsar, to ex pell, expulsado, expulso gastar, to spend, gastado, gasto imprensar, to print, imprensado, impresso izentar, to except, izentado, izento manifestar, to manifest, manifestado, manifesto pagar, to pay, pagado, pago salvar, to save, salvado, salvo professor, to act, profess, profcssado, professo soltar, to set at liberty, soltado, solto sujeitar, to subject, sujeitado, sujeito. SECOND CONJUGATION. \absoluto \absolto absolver, to acquit, absolvido, absorver, to swallow, absorvido, absorto accender, to light, accendido, acceso corromper, to corrupt, corrompido, corruplo eleger, to elect, elegido, eleito encher, to fill, enchido, cheio envolver, to envelope, envoloido, envolto escrever, to write, escrevido, escrito mcorrer, to incur (a pe- nalty), incorrido, incurso inlerromper, to interrupt, inlerrompido, interruplo morrer, to die, morrido, morto 107 prender, to take (into charge), prendido, preso romper, to break (open), rompido, roto suspender, to postpone, suspendido, suspenso torcer, to turn, torcido, torto. THIRD CONJUGATION. abrir, to open, abrido, aberto affliyir, to afflict, affligido, afflicto concluir, to close, shut, concluido, concluso contrahir, to contract, contrahido, contracto cubrir, to cover, cubrido, cuberto dislinguir, to distinguish, distinguido, distincto distrahir, to abstract, distrahido, distracto erigir, to erect, erigido, erecto exhaurir, to exhaust, exhaurido, exhausto expellir, to expell expellido, expulso exprimir, to express, exprimido, expresso exstinguir, to extinguish, extinguido, extincto extrahir, to extract, extrahido, extracto frigir, to fry, frigido, frito imprimir, to impress, imprimido, impresso incluir, to shut up, incluido, incluso inserir, to insert, inserido, inserto opprimir, to oppress, opprimido, oppresso possuir, to possess, possuido, possesso reprimir, to surpress, reprimido, represso submergir, to submerge, submergido, submerso supprimir, to oppress, supprimido, suppresso surgir, to anchor, surgido, surto. The first or regular form of these Participles is generally used for the compound tenses, whilst the second or irregular form is generally used with ser or estar. 17. Impersonal Verbs are only used in the third person Singular, they are: 108 to lighten Chover, to rain relampager \ fuzilar J trovejar, to thunder choviscar, to drizzle (rain) nevar, to snow gelar, to freeze cJwve, it rains relampaga \ {t ,j hleM fuzila J troveja, it thunders chovisca, it drizzles neva, it snows #e?a, it freezes. They follow those Conjugations to which they belong. Adverbs. 18. 1. Adverbs of Time. Hoje, to-day agora, now hontem, yesterday presentemente, at present antehontem, the day before yesterday antigamente, in times past ultimamente, lastly recentemente, lately I amanhaa, to-morrow fo nao tern nada a fazer J De (from), vir de Franca, I come from France, vir das Indias, I come from India, sahir de Londres, I go from London (to leave London), de noite, by night, de dia, by day. Por (by, from), por mar e por terra, by sea and by land. Conjunctions. 22. also E, and tambem outrosim tambem — como, as well — as nao somente — mas tambem, not only — but also ora — ora, soon — soon em primeiro lugar, firstly entao, then alem disso 1 furlher de mais J depot's, afterwards em fim, at last em parte — em parte, partly — partly ou — ou, either — or nem — nem, neither — nor tao, so assim, thus porem 1 but mas i com tudo, notwithstanding ainda que, although assim, therefore porque, because pois, there a fim, that se nao, else com tanto que, taking for granted that bem que, certainly, indeed. que, that nomeadamente, namely se, whether AHN, Portuguese Gramma 23. como, as a saber, viz excepto, alem, except 114 onde, where donde, whence quando, when desde que, since durante que, whilst, during antes, before depots que 1 afterwartls depots de J como, as como tambem, as soon as tao — como, so — as assim — que, so that por isso, why porque, because por, pots, there afim que \ that para que J se, if se, posto que, in case se nao que, if not com tanto que, in case ainda que, although nao obstante, notwithstanding tanto — tanto, the — the. Exam Francezes e Inglezcs. Nem este, nem aquelle. Ou este, ou aquelle. Nem mat's, nem menos. Quer o faca, quer nao, tudo para mim he o mesmo. Quer seja verdade, quer nao. Antes quero pedir que furtar. Antes morrerei que dizer-volo. pies. Frenchmen and Englishmen. Neither these, nor those. Either this one, or that one. Neither more, nor less. It is indifferent to me whether he does it or not. Whether it he true or not. I will rather beg than steal. I will rather die than tell it to you. Interjections may be divided according to the various passions or emotions expressed by them. Of Joy: Ah! ho! At! apre Of Pain: Of Fear: At Jesus! eh, eh! at de mim! Of Abhorrence: Va-se embora! passa fora! Of Surprise: Oh! Ah! Urging or Exhorting: Ora vamos! animo , animo! arreda! hola! sentido! Silencing: Chiton! calla a boca! calai-vos! Wishing; provera a Deos! Reading Lessons. 1. Em um ajuntamento 1 tie senhoras e homens suscitou-se 2 a questao 3 de qual era o paiz 4 melhor 5 para se habitar 6 ; e tlizendo uma que Londres, outra que Pariz, este que o Brazil, aquelle que a Austria ou a Italia, disse uma senhora mui presumida 7 : „Pois 8 eu dou 9 a primazia 10 ao celibato, pois tenho ouvido dizer a meu irmao padre 11 , que he de todos os estados o mais perfeito." 1 meeting-. 2 to ask. 3 the question. 4 land. 5 better. 6 to live. 7 presumptuous. 8 as. 9 1 give. 10 the preference. 11 the priest. Certo 1 juiz de f6ra 2 tendo queixas do povo 3 que os ar- rematantes da vacca 4 so matavao 5 um boi 6 cada dia d'assouge 7 , e que este nao chegava 8 para todos, e ao mesmo tempo 9 ouvindo dizer aos ditos arrematanles que dous bois erao de sobejo 10 ; mandou 11 por seu respeitando despacho que cada dia d'assougue se matasse boi e meio. 1 a certain. 2 judge who has studied. 3 the people. 4 the privi- ledged butchers of beef. 5 malar, to kill, to slaughter. 6 the ox. 7 agougue, the slaughter-house. 8 chegar, to suffice. 9 at the same time. 10 too much. 11 to order. 3. Dizia o P. Antonio Vieira, que toda a fortuna d'um ho- mem de corte 1 consistia em saber adular 2 , mentir 3 , furtar 4 , e repartir 5 . 1 courtier. 2 to flatter. 3 to lie. 4 to steal. 5 to divide. 116 4. Na desgracada 1 morte 2 do Principe D. Affonso, disse EI- Rei Dom Joao II. seu pai: „No excessivo sentimento em que vivo da morte de meu filho, so me consola parecer-me que Deos se lembrou 3 d'este reino 4 ; porque o Principe nao era para Rei dos Portuguezes: os Portuguezes hao de mister Rei de bronze. Era o Principe inclinado a delicias 5 . 1 unfortunate. 2 death. 3 lembrar-se , to remember. 4 kingdom. 5 pleasure. Levantando 1 El-Rei D. Joao I. o sitio 2 , que tinha posto a Coria, disse: ,, Grande falta 3 nos fizerao os cavalheiros da taboa redonda 4 ; porque se elles aqui estiverao, nao nos le- vantaramos desta cidade sem a render 5 . Respondeo Mem Rodrigues de Vasconcellos: „Nao faltarao por certo, senbor, aqui esses cavalbeiros; porque aqui esta Martini Vasques da Cunha, que be tao bom, como dizem o foi D. Galaz; Goucalo Vasques Coutinho, que he tao bom como D. Tristao; Joao Fernandes Pacheco, que nao deve nada a Lancarote; e aqui estou eu, que nao mereco 6 menos 7 que qualquer d'elles: certo he, senhor, que so faltou aqui o bom Rei Artur, que os sabia estimar, e animar com merces grandes. 1 to raise. 2 the siege. 3 want. 4 round table. 5 surrender. 6 to be worth. 7 less. 6. Quando El-Rei D. Sebastiao quiz 1 fazer 2 a Jornada de Africa, determinou avistar-se em N. Senhora de Guadalupe com El-Rei Philippe seu tio 3 ; para se ajustar 4 esta funccao 5 veio 6 de Castella o duque 7 d'Alva, cavalheiro mui soberbo 8 , e pouco affeicoado aos Portuguezes, e de ca foi o conde 9 de Redondo. Entre a pratica 10 que tiverao, lhe perguntou 11 o duque que fidalgos vinhao com El-Rei Dom Sebastiao; por- que com El-Rei vinba elle, e outros como elle. Respondeo- lhe o conde: „Com El Rei meu senhor vem o duque deRra- 1 querer, to wish. 2 to make. 3 uncle. 4 to arrange. 5 business. 6 he came (vir). 7 duke. 8 proud. 9 the count. 10 the dis- cussion. 11 to ask. 117 ganca, o de Aveiro, e o marquez 12 de Villa-Real; e fidalgos razos 13 , como eu e vos, vem niuitos." 12 marquis. 13 the low gentry. 7. Pedindo 1 um pobre 2 esmola 3 a Philippe II. lhe dizia que se lembrasse erao irmaos; e pergunlando-lhe El-Rei por que quarte, respondeo por Adao. Mandoui 4 -lhe El-Rei dar um real. Replicou D o pobre que aquella esmola nao era d'um irmao Rei. „Se a todos os meus irmaos", disse Philippe, „eu desse outro tanto 6 , ja nao teria 7 real que dar." 1 pedir, to beg. 2 poor. 3 alms. 4 ordered. 5 reply. 6 just as much. 7 1 would have. Christovao Colon foi o primeiro que com audaz 1 forla- leza 2 navegou o oceano, o descobrio 3 as Indias de Castella; pelo que mereceo que os Reis Catholicos o fizessem duque de Reraguas. Estava uma noite 4 ceando 5 com outros cava- Iheiros seus amigos; e dizendo-lhe um que aquella fa pan ha a poderia obrar qualquer outro, se lhe dessem o socorro u , que fosse necessario, dissimulou Christovao Colon, e tirando um ovo 7 do prato, perguntou aos demais fidalgos se poderia al- gum fazer que aquelle ovo estivesse levantado 8 , sem que se arrimasse 9 a cousa alguma? Responderao todos, que nao po- dia ser 10 . Pegou" no ovo Christovao Colon, e dando com elle mansamente 12 na mesa 13 , lhe fez uma pequena 14 m6ssa 15 , e o poz muito direito. Rirao-se 16 todos, e disse Colon: „Nen- hum " de "Vossas Merces 18 ha que nao acha facil navegar o oceano, depois que eu de lei vim; por^m he certo, que se eu nao f6ra o primeiro, nenhum seria o segundo." 1 audacious. 2 fortitude. 3 discovered. 4 night. 5 eear, to sup. 6 assistance. 7 egg. 8 to stand erect. 9 to assist. 10 that it could not be. 11 pegar, to take up. 12 quiet. 13 table. 14 small. 15 break. 16 rir-se, to laugh. 17 nobody. 18 of your honours. IS 9. Um Mahometano consultando a Aischeh raulher de Maho- meto, Hie pedio uma regra ' para bem viver; e ella Ihe re- spondeo: „Reconhece 2 um so Deos, refrea 3 a tua lingua, re- prime 4 as tuas paixoes 5 , adquire sciencia, vive constante na tua religiao, abstem-te de fazer mal u , frequenta os bons, en- cobre 7 os defeitos do teu proximo 8 , soccorre 9 os pobres, e espera a eternidade por recompensa. 1 rule. 2 recognise. 3 restrict. 4 surpress. 5 passions. 6 to do evil. i, recognise, o lesuici. t suipr 7 cover. 8 neighbour. 9 assist, 10. Querendo certo homem desquitar-se 1 de sua mulber, com quern tinha pouca paz 2 , appareceo 3 para este fim 4 diante 5 do Provisor. Estranhou 6 elle a proposta 7 , porque conhecia a mulher, e era de boas qualidades: „Porque quereis deixar 8 vossa mulher?" (Ihe perguntou o Provisor): „Nao he virtuo- sa?" — „Sim, senhor"; respondeo o homem. — „Nao he rica?" — „Sim, senhor." Emflm 9 a todas as cousas, sobre que era perguntado, respondia em abono seu. Com que Ihe disse o Provisor: ,,Pois se vossa mulher tem tantas cousas boas, porque quereis desquitar-vos della?" A isto o homem, descalcando 10 um sapato 11 , perguntou ao Provisor: „Senhor, este sapato nao he novo?" — ,,Sim", respondeo o Provisor. Accrescentou 12 : „nao esta" bem feito 13 ?" — „Sim, ao que pa- rece", respondeo o Provisor. — „Nao he de bom cordavao, e de boa sola?" — Respondeo do mesmo modo que sim. „Pois v6 Vossa -Merce" com tudo isso 14 (disse o descontente marido 15 ), pois eu quero tirar este sapato, e calcar outro, porque eu sei muito bem aonde 16 me aperta", e faz mancar 18 , e Vossa Merc6 nao o sabe. 1 to divorce. 2 peace. 3 appeared. 4 for this purpose. 5 before. 6 to surprise. 7 the proposition. 8 to leave. 9 in fine. 10 to take off. 11 the shoe. 12 to add. 13 fazer, to make. 14 with all that. 15 husband. 16 where. 17 pinch. 18 to make tame. 119 11. B o 1 o c u d o s. Esles Indios dominao 1 na cordilheira 2 habitada 3 por sens maiores 4 os Aimores, de cuja 5 barbaridade ainda guardao se- mentes. Quando os Portuguezes comecarao a povoar 7 o Brazil tiverao de guerrear com os ferozes 8 Aimores, a quern dizem 9 que derao 10 o nome de Botocudos, de boto, e codea 11 , por isso que os Indios desta nacao 12 erao rolhos, e traziao' 3 o corpo 14 coberto d'uma codea de gomma 15 copal com que se pintavao 16 para se preservarem das ferretoadas 17 dos mosqui- tos e outros insectos. Os Botocudos sao mais brancos 18 que a maior parte dos demais 19 Indios do Brazil, porem, como seus ascendentes os Aimores, costumao' 20 pintar a cara 21 e mais partes do corpo. Dividem-se em varias tribus ou cabil- das 22 , cada 23 uma com seu cabo 24 , que tern urn poder 25 ab- soluto sobre os sens 20 em os negocios de maior importancia como sao a caca 27 , a guerra 28 e a escolha 29 de uma nova morada 30 ; mas na aldea 31 limila-se toda a sua autoridade a comp6r as desavencas que sao entre elles mui frequences. Este lugar nao he heredit