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If this work, which has occupied much of our time for five years, is found to be faulty in construction, it may surely be depended upon as reliable. All that is written here has been well authenticated. Traditions not proven have been omitted. Histories and genealogies have been drawn upon liberally, as the interest and value of such a work cluster round the lives of the individuals. Such as it is, we send it on down the ages, hoping it may find friends all the way and among all the many branches of our family, and that future generations may continue the record, that no one of the family may ever be without full knowledge of who they are and from whom they come; and may the pages yet to be written show as few blemishes in the lives of those recorded as are found upon these. The sources from which information has been drawn are: "A Genealogical History of the Edson Family;" Savage's "Genealogical Dictionary;" Kingman's "History of Bridgewater," Mass.; "History of Hingham," Mass.; Stiles' "History of Windsor," Ct.; Harris' "History of Dorchester," Mass.; Clapp's "History of Dorchester;" Trumbull's "Memorial History of Hartford," Ct.; " Colo- nial Records of Connecticut;" Records of Bridgewater and Hingham, Mass.; Stafford, Ct. ; Randolph, Vt.; " Colonial Wars Year Book; " " Soldiers in King Philip's War;" "Thomas Joy and His Descendants;" family Bibles, and from living members of the family. HARRIETTE HYDE WELLS. HARRY WESTON VAN DYKE. July 31, 1901. ANCESTRAL LINES OF SARAH PINNEY. HOLCOMBE LINE. 1 Thomas Holcombe settled early at Dorchester, where in May, 1634, he was made freeman. In 1635 he removed to Windsor, and in 1639 was one of those who represented Windsor and Hartford in forming the Constitution of the Colony of Connecticut. He d. at Windsor, Sept. 7, 1657. His wife's name, Elizabeth. (i) Thomas. Ehzabeth m. Nov. 16, 1654, Josiah Ellsworth. Mary m. Oct. 3, 1655, George Griswold. 2 Abigail, bap. Jan. 6, 1638, m. Samuel Bissell of Windsor, June 11, 1658; d. Aug. 17, 1688. Joshua, bap. Sept. 27, 1640, m. Ruth Sherwood. Sarah, b. Aug. 14, 1642, d. 1654. Benajah, b. June 23, 1644, ^- Sarah Enos. Deborah, b. Oct. 15, 1646, d. 1649. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 4, 1648, m. Mary Bliss. Deborah, b. Feb. 15, 1650, m. Daniel Birge. Jonathan, b. March 23, 1652, d. 1656. BISSELL LINE. It is probable that this family is of Huguenot origin, many of whom fled to England to escape the persecutions which followed the massacre of St. Bartholomew. The family in England is but little known, and has but one coat of arms, which is of a rehgious rather than a warHke character. Motto: "in recto Decus " (In rectitude honor). The family of John, who came to Windsor in 1639, is the only one known to have come to this country. 3 John (Capt.) was b. in England, 1591. The year following his settlement at Windsor he was admitted to the church and declared freeman, receiving a grant of land. He secured the first monopoly of the ferrying business on the Scantic river, a tributary of the Connecticut, the ferry still bearing his name. He repre- sented his town as Deputy, and was always prominent in town counsels, ^e rendered military service in King Philip's war; was Captain of Windsor Troopers in 1675 and '76. His house was fortified and garrisoned, afiford- ing protection to his family and neighbors. He d. at Windsor, Oct. 3, 1677, aged 86. His wife (name not given) d. May 21, 1641. (3) John. John, b. in England, m. Isabel Mason, dau. of the famous Major John Mason. Thomas, b. Eng., m. Abigail Moore. Mary, b. Eng., m. Jacob Drake. 4 Samuel, m. Abigail, dau. of Thomas Holcombe, June II, 1658. They lived at Windsor, where he had 106 acres given him by his father. He d. May 17, T697. Nathaniel, b. at Windsor, Sept. 25, 1640. m. (i) Mind well Moore, (2) Dorothy Fitch. Joyce, m. Samuel Pinney, Nov. 1665. (4) Samuel. John, b. April 5, 1659, m. Abigail . 5 Abigail, b. July 6, 1661, m. James Enos. Jacob, b. March 28, 1664, m. Mary . Mary, b. Sept. 15, 1666. Samuel, b. Jan. 11, 1668, m. Mary Bissell. Benajah, b. June 30, 1671. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 4, 1677. Deborah, b. Oct. 29, 1679. Hannah, b. Sept. 18, 1682. (5) Abigail. 6 Siisanna/i, m. Joseph Phelps, Jr. Their dau. Susannah m. Isaac Pinney (3d). THRALL LINE. 7 Willimn Thrall was b. 1606, Aug. 3. He was one of the Dorchester settlers who removed to Wind- sor. He had a grant of land in Windsor in 1640, near the old mill. He served in the Pequot war, 1637, under Capt. John Mason. He was called " Old Goode Thrall." (7) William. 8 Philliiry, m. John Horsford. (8) Phillury. 9 Sarah, m. Joseph Phelps, Sr. HORSFORD LINE. 10 William Horsford came early to America, and was the ruling Elder of the church at Dorchester, Mass., about 1630, but subsequently returned to England. 8 (lo) William. 1 1 John was a man of considerable wealth and prom- inence in Windsor. He served in Capt. Clark's company of Dragoons during King Philip's war in 1676, seeing much active service. He m. PhiUury Thrall. GRISWOLD LINE. 12 Edward Grisivold was b. at Kenilworth, Warwick- shire, England, in 1607. He, with his brother Matthew, emigrated to this country about 1640. Edward brought with him a wife, Margaret , and four children, several others being added to the group in this country. He set- tled at Windsor, and was Representative from that place from 1658-61. In 1664 he removed to Killingworth, as one of the leaders in the settlement of that place, and was its first repre- sentative. It may be inferred, also, that he stood sponsor when the name was given, Killingworth answering to the popular pro- nunciation of his native place in England. He was the first deputy from Killingworth. and continued to represent that place from 1678- 1689. At one time his son Francis, brother Matthew and himself were Representatives in one Court. In 1678, when the County Court took the condition of the schools into consid- eration, he was one of a committee of six, he representing Killingworth, to see what could be done towards settling a Latin school at New Haven. He d. in 1691. (i2) Edward. Francis, b. in England 1632, d. Oct. 1671. John, b. 1634, d. 1642. Sarah, b. 1636, m. Samuel Phelps. George, b. 1638. All in England. Anne, b. at Windsor 1642. 13 Mary, bap. Oct. 1644, m. Timothy Phelps 1661. Deborah, b. June 28, 1646, m. Samuel Buell Nov. 13, 1662. Joseph, b. March 12, 1648. Samuel, bap. Nov. 18. 1649, d. 1673. John, b. Aug. 1652. These children were the progenitors of many distinguished people who are to be found in all parts of the United States. PHELPS LINE. The Phelps family can be traced to England, where is found in the church register of Tewkesbury the following: " William, son of James, bap. 4 Aug. 1560. William, son of William, bap. 19 Aug. 1599. Mary, dau. of William, bap. 4 Sept. 1597. Dorothy, dau. of William, bap. 28 Feb. 1595. James, son of William, bap. 14 July, 1601. Elizabeth, dau. of WilHam, bap. 9 May, 1603. George, b. about 1605. Richard, bap. 26 Dec. 1609." The first Phelps name is that of James, b. probably about 1520. In the parish register of Tewkesbury during Lent, 1590, occurs this entry: *' I granted a license to William Phelps, being then extremely sicke, to eat fleshe, which license to endure no longer tyme than during lO his sickness. Ri: Curteis, curate of Tewkx- burie." The first name, William, in the above record of baptisms, and to whom the Lenten license was granted, was mayor or rather BailifT of Tewkesbury in 1607, and probably father of the emigrant Phelps brothers, William, Richard and George, who came to Dorchester, New England, in the " Mary and John " in 1630. Richard embarked for the islands of Barbadoes May 2, 1635, and nothing more was heard of him. William and George became the ances- tors of the larger proportion of the American families of Phelps. 14 William was b. Tewkesbury, Gloucester, Eng. Came to Dorchester, Mass., with Rev. Mr. Warham, of whose church, formed in Plymouth, Eng., he was an original member. He was accom- panied by his wife Elizabeth and five children, and by his younger brothers. He was from the first a prominent and highly respected citizen of Dorchester, his name frequently occurring in the Mass. records. Oct. 19, 1630, he applied to be made a free- man. Nov. 9, 1630, he was one of the jury empaneled for the trial of Walter Palmer for the murder of Austin Brotchus, the first trial by jury in New England. Sept. 27, 1631, he was appointed Constable of Dorchester. March 4, 1634. Ensign Gibbs and William Phelps were appointed by the General Court to go with a committee of three " to arrange the boundaries between Boston and Dor- II Chester, and explain what each town wants." May 5, 1635, he was a member of the General Court from Dorchester. In the spring of 1636 he removed with his children (his wife having died) to Windsor, where his brother George had preceded him. In \\^indsor he also ranked as an honored and active citizen; was a member of the first Court held in Conn.. 1636, also in 1637, which declared war against the Pequots; was a magis- trate from 1 638-1 642; foreman of the first Grand Jury 1643; deputy to General Court 1645-49, 51, 57; in 1658 was on the petit jury; in 1641 was appointed, together with Mr. Welles of Hartford, a " committee on lying." " He was an excellent, pious and upright man in his public and private life, and was truly a pillar in church and state." He m. second Mary Dover, who is said to have been a fellow-passenger in the " Mary and John." He d. at Windsor July 14, 1672. She d. Nov. 27, 1675. (14) William. William, b. about 1620, m. (i) Isabel Wil- son, (2) Sarah Pinney; no children. Sarah, b. about 1623, m. Wm. Wade. Samuel, b. 1625, m. Sarah Griswold. Nathaniel, b. 1627, m. Elizabeth Copley. Joseph, b. 1629, m. (i) Hannah Newton, (2) Mary Salmon. 15 Timothy, b. at Windsor Aug. 1639, m. Mary, dau. of Edzvard Griszvold. He was made a freeman at Windsor in 1664; was commissioned Lieut, in Capt. Matthew Allyn's company, Col. Wil- 12 Ham Whiting's regiment, in 1709, and saw active service in Queen Anne's war. In 1696 he was styled " Captain," and his will, dated March 2, 171 7, is signed " Capt. Timothy Phelps." He d. 1719. Mary, b. at Windsor, m. Thomas Barber. (15) Timothy. Timothy, b. 1663, m. Martha Crow. 16 Joseph, b. Sept. 2-j, 1666, m. Sarah, daii. of John Horsford, Nov. 18, 1686. She was b. same day and year as her husband. He owned a large tract of land in Hebron, and resided there. He d. 1716. William, b. Feb. 4, 1668, m. (i) Abigail Mudge, (2) Ruth Barber. Cornelius, b, April 26, 1671, m. Sarah Mans- field. Mary, b. Aug. 14, 1673, d. May 23, 1690. Samuel, b. Jan. 29, 1675, m. Abigail Enos. Nathaniel (Capt.), b. Jan. 7, 1677, m. (i) Hannah Bissell, (2) Abigail Pinney. Sarah, b. Dec. 2'/', 1679, m. David Marshall. Abigail, b. June 5, 1682, m. Samuel Filer. Hannah, b. Aug. 4, 1684, m. James Enos. Ann, b. Oct. 2, 1686, m. David Porter. Martha, b. Nov. 12, 1688, m. Samuel Hol- comb. (16) Joseph. Sarah, b. Aug. 14, 1687. Mary, b. June 8, 1689, m. Matthew Griswold. 17 Joseph, b. March 16, 1692, m. Susauuah, dau. James Enos, Jr., March 18, 171 5. He d. at Hebron, Conn,, Oct. 17, 1761. Joseph saw active serv- 13 ice in Queen Anne's war, in which he had a narrow escape from the Indians, while a young man. He was engaged in a scout under Lt. Crocker, 171 2, and was very nearly taken. He " lost his coat, hat, blanket and divers other traps." The next year, on application of his father, the sum of 30s. was allowed him for his loss out of the colony treasury. Abigail, b. Oct. 15, 1698, m. Samuel Mar- shall. (?) Edward, b. 1697, m. Deborah Griswold. Benoni, b. June 24, 1699. John, b. Sept. 30, 1703, m. Anna Horsford. Abel (Capt.), b. Feb. 19, 1705. Daniel, b. March 28, 1707. Ichabod, b. April 3, 1708, m. Martha Tillot- son. Jonathan, (17) Joseph. Doubtless there were several children, but we have record of only one. 18 Susannah, b. at Hebron, Conn., Sept. 23. 1731, m. Isaac Pinney, 3d. NEWBERRY LINE. 19 Thomas Nezvberry came from England in the " Mary and John," in the Rev. John Warham's com- pany, 1630; became one of the earliest settlers and largest landed proprietors of Dorchester, Mass. He received from the General Court a grant of 100 acres on Neponset March. 1634, and many grants from the Dorchester proprietary. He laid out a large farm in Squantum and built a house there. He was Deputy to the General Court of Mass. in 1634-35. Mr. Newberry Hved on " The Rock " in 1634, when he became freeman and selectman. In 1635 he was appointed to oversee works at the " Castle; " was early engaged in the Con- necticut enterprise. He sold his Dorchester property and prepared to move to Windsor, but his death Jan., 1636, prevented. His widow Jane afterwards became the second wife of Rev. John Warham. (19) Thomas. Joseph. John. Benjamin. Rebecca. Mary, m. " Hon. Mr. Daniel Clark " of Windsor. Hannah, m. Benjamin Hanford. Sarah, m. Henry Wolcott, Jr. ENOS LINE. James Enos came to Windsor, Conn., 1648. Tradi- tion says the family came from France. But James Enos' trade of a Barber is as much English as French. In his day no man in London could vote unless he was a member of one of the trade guilds of that city. Nor could he be elected Alderman, Sherifif or Lord Mayor of London until he had served his apprentice- ship in a trade guild. James Enos had probably learned his trade of " Barber Surgeon " in the Barber Surgeon Co. of London, of which Sir Astley Cooper and other eminent surgeons were apprentices. A 15 very curious old shaving bowl, 1663, and a very ancient baptismal blanket and " fixings " are owned by the family of a descendant of James Enos living at Torrington, Conn. James Enos m. Aug. 18, 1648, Hannah, dau. of Richard Bidwell, or, from dates in the Bid- well family, more likely Anna, widow of Richard. In 1664 James Enos, with six others, pre- sented a petition to the court asking for church privileges and baptism for their children. James. Sarah, b. June 15, 1649, m. (i) Benajah Hol- combe, (2) Samuel Phelps. 20 James, b. Oct. 30, 165 1, m. Abigail, dau. Samuel and Abigail (Holcombe) Bissell, Dec. 26, 1678. She d. April 19, 1728; he d. July 16, 1714; both buried in " Old Burying Ground," Simsbury. He was one of the 11 petitioners, 1705, for a grant of land for services in the " Swamp Fight " in King Philip's war. He was Ser- geant. John, b. Dec. 2, 1654, m. Mary Dibble. (20) James. James, b. Sept. 23, 1679, m. (i) Mary Grant, (2) Hannah Phelps. Ann, b. April 10, 1682, m. Joseph Case. William, b. Jan. 5, 1684, m. Mary North. Abigail, b. March 1,1686, m. Samuel Phelps. Mary, b. May 5, 1691, d. Sept. 15, 1697. John, b. Jan. 5, 1693. Samuel, b. July 7, 1696, m. Eunice Marshall. (6) Susannah, b. May 16, 1699, ^- ■Joseph Phelps, Jr. David, b. Aug. 12, 1702, m. Mary Gillett. i6 Susannah. (i8) Susannah, b. Hebron, Conn., Sept. 23, 1731, m. Isaac Pinney, 3d. CLARK LINE. 21 Daniel Clark was an attorney at law, a " first settler," and a man of much influence and position at Windsor, Conn. He held many public offices; was secretary of the colony 1 658-1 666; was in the " Land Division " 1639-40 at Hartford; was admitted to Windsor church June 18, 1643. At a meeting of Town Council May i, 1650, he was appointed to sit in " Great Pew " in the first meeting house in Windsor. He was Lieut, of the First Troop of Mounted Horse, under Capt. John Mason, 1657; was chosen as its Capt. 1664. He served as Capt. until 1 68 1. He was Assistant to Governor 1662, 63, 64; was Clerk of Court at Hartford 1665, 66. He m. (i) Mary, dau. of Thomas Newberry, June 13, 1644. She d. Aug. 29, 1688. He m. (2) Martha, widow of Simon Wolcott, sister of William Pitkin, Esq., of Hartford. He d. Aug. 17, 1 7 10, aged 87; is buried at East Windsor Hill. (21) Daniel. Mary, b. April 24, 1645, d. in infancy. Josiah, b. Jan. 21, 1648, EHzabeth, b. Oct. 28, 165 1. Daniel, b. April 4, 1654. John, b. April 10, 1656. Mary, b. Sept. 22, 1658. 17 Samuel, b. Feb. 6, 1661. 22 Sarah, h. Aug. 7, 1663, m. Isaac Pinney, ist, 1685. Hannah, b. Aug. 22, 1665. Nathaniel, b. Sept. 8, 1666. HULL LINE. George Hull came to America in the " Mary and John " in 1630. No doubt he was accom- panied by a family, but we have no record of any except one daughter. Mr. Hull settled at Dorchester, where he soon became prominent in affairs. He was representative from that place in 1634 and 36. He subsequently removed to Windsor, Conn., where he became at once a man of first influ- ence, being deputy to General Court (the first in Conn.) over thirty times prior to 1654, when he was assistant. He was frequently appointed magistrate. He had a monopoly of the beaver trade in Conn., and became a man of great wealth, as shown by his holdings of real estate in Windsor and Fairfield, Conn. His daughter 23 Mary m. Humphrey Pinney, probably in or about 1633, as one child was b. at Dorchester and the next at Windsor, where they removed in 1635. PINNEY {also Pinny, Pinne). 24 Humphrey, son of John, came to America in the " Mary and John " with the Rev. Mr. War- ham's Co., 1630, and settled at Dorchester, Conn., where he m. Mary Hull, who had been a fellow-passenger. The immediate ancestry of Humphrey Pin- 2 i8 ney appear to have resided in Broadway, Som- ersetshire, England. From the will of Edmund Pinney, uncle of Humphrey, dated 1631, recorded Feb. 2, 1632, Humphrey Pinney being administrator, we learn that Edmund was buried in the South Aisle of Broadway church, in a tomb called " The Pinney Tomb." The will also tells us that Edmund Pinney had a brother John the elder and a brother John the younger, a sister Alice, who m. a Way, and a sister Johanna, who m. Giles Godwin. John the elder m. Johanna and had the following children: Elizabeth. Edmund, Richard, Roger, Nicholas, Wilham, Humphrey (the emigrant to Dorchester and Windsor), John of Exeter, Agnes. Mary, Sarah and Alice, twelve in all. Humphrey Pinney was an original member of Dorchester Church. He removed and set- tled at Windsor in 1635. where he d. Aug. 20, 1683. (24) Humphrey. Samuel, b. at Dorchester. Nathaniel, b. at Windsor 1641. Mary, b. June, 1644, m. A. C. Phelps 1663. Sarah, b. Nov. 19. 1647, m. William Phelps 1676. John, b. Oct. 165 1, d. unmarried. Abigail, b. Nov. 26, 1654, m. John Adams 1677. 25 Isaac, I St, b. Feb. 24, 1663, m. Sarah Clark, dau. of Daniel Clark and Mary Nezvherry, Oct. 6, 1685. Sergeant Isaac Pinney saw active serv- 19 ice during Qneen Anne's war, and d. on board a vessel coming from Albany, doubtless of injuries received, Oct. 6, 1709. (25) Isaac. 26 Isaac, 2d, b. Jan. 17. 1686, m. Ahagail Filley Jan. 26, 1709. She was b. in Suffield Dec. 1685, ^"d d. Nov. 1761. He d. Aug. 12, 1717. Jonathan, b. Oct. 23, 1688. Mary, b. March 4, 1690. Sarah, b. March 7, 1692, d. unmarried. Humphrey, b. Sept. 5, 1694. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 6, 1696, d. Sept. 13, 1715. Noah, b. July 24, 1703, m. Mary Allyn. Hannah. Daniel. (26) Isaac. Prudence, b. 1710, m. A. B. Stanley. Anne, b. Jan. 24, 1712, m. Ashabel Phelps. Oliver, b. March 20, 1714. 27 Isaac, 3d, b. Jan. 15, 1716, m. Susannah Phelps. She was b. at Hebron, Ct., Sept. 23, 173 1, d. at Stafford, Ct., Sept. 13, 1795. He d. at Staf- ford Sept. 1 79 1. He was for over thirty years Judge of Probate, and was Ensign in the military service. (2y) Isaac. Susannah, b. 1749, d. 1841. Oliver, b. Aug. 175 1, d. Nov. 14, 1827. Lydia, b. Jan. 19, 1754, d. March 3, 1836. 28 Sarah, h. Dec. 25, 1756, m. Josiah Edson 1779. They settled at Randolph, Vt. She d. Dec. 16, 1805. Isaac, b. Dec. 18, 1758, d. Feb. 16, 1824. Daniel, b. Dec. 17, 1761, d. June 2y, 1823. ANCESTRAL LINES OF JOSIAH EDSON. CHUBBUCK LINE. 29 Thomas Chubbuck settled at Hingham, Mass., in 1634, and the following year received a grant of a house lot at " Broad Cove." His wife's name was Alice . He seems to have been a thrifty farmer, for in his will he disposes of several pieces of land to his sons, and pro- vides for his daughters. He d. Dec. 9, 1676. His wife d. 1645. (29) Thomas. Nathaniel, m. Mrs. Mary Gannet. Sarah, b. 1637, m. Jeremiah Fitch. John, b. Jan. 19, 1639, d. next Feb. 30 Rebecca, b. April, 1641, m. William Hersey.- Mary, b. Oct. 13, 1642, m. Thomas Lincoln. Deborah, b. July 6, 1645, d. March, 1650. Hannah, b. Aug. 8, 1647, d. Nov. 1647. John, b. Dec. 30, 1648. HERSEY LINE. 31 William Hersey came to New England in 1635 ^"*^ located at Hingham, Mass., with other passen- gers who come in the same ship. He was a native of England, but the place and date of his birth have not been ascertained. July 3, 1636. he had a home lot of five acres 21 granted him on what is now South, nearly nearly opposite West street. The surname Hersey, or Hersy, is a very ancient one, and probably of French origin, as it appears among the list of noblemen and gen- tlemen who went over to England with Wil- liam the Conqueror. In Hingham it has well represented the in- dustrious, as well as the enterprising and influential portion of the inhabitants of the town. William Hersey was " Husbandman " Free- man March, 1638. Selectman, 1642, 1647, 1650. Artillery company, 1652. At the time of the trouble about the election ol officers for the train bands, 1644-45, he was assessed a heavy fine for supporting the views of Rev. Peter Hobart and his friends, and the family rate towards the erection of the new meeting house was the largest upon the list but one. His wife's name was Elizabeth . She d. at Hingham, 1671. He d. March 22, 1657. In his will dated March 9, 1657, proved April 29 following, he gives " To my son William ye house and home lot that he now lives in, and ye fence plott before his gate, and ye Lott I bought of Matthew Chafey at ye Capt's Tent," etc. Also valuables to sons John and James, to daus. Frances, Elizabeth and Judith £5 each. " To my grandchildren John Croade and Wil- liam Hersie 40s each, all ye rest of my Lands, housing, goods, etc., to my wife Elizabeth dur- ing her life as a widow." Wife, executrix. Overseers, " Cousin John Farrington, Thomas 22 Marsh, and my Sonne in Law, Richard Croade." Inventory appraised April 28, 1658, by Moses Collier and Thomas Marsh, at £419. 13s, 6d. (31) William. William, b. probably in England, and came over with his parents in 1635. His first wife, whom he m. about 1656, was Rebecca, dau. of Thomas and Alice Chubbiick. Thomas Chubbuck settled at Hingham in 1634, and the following year received a grant of a house lot at Broad Cove (Lincoln St.). He d. Dec. 9, 1676. He seems to have been a thrifty farmer, for in his will he disposes of several pieces of land to his sons and provides for his daughters. They had eight children of whom Rebecca was the fourth. She was b. at Hingham, April, 1641, and d. June i, 1686. All of William's children were by this wife. His second wife was " Ruhanah " as appears in his will, but no entry of this marriage is recorded. He was made Freeman in 1652, Constable 1 66 1, Selectman 1678, 1682 and 1690. Frances, m. Richard Croade. Elizabeth, m. Moses Oilman. Judith, b. July 15, 1638, m. Humphrey Wilson. John, b. Aug. 9, 1640. James, b. 1642. (32) William. William, b. Oct. 11, 1657. John, b. Oct. 27, 1659. James, b. Dec. 2, 1661. 23 Rebecca, b. Aug. 20, 1663, m. Benjamin Johnson. 33 Deborah, b. Jan. i, 1665, m. April 29, 1687, Samuel Lincoln. Hannah, b. Feb. 13, 1668, m. Ebenezer Lane. EHzabeth, b. May 26, 1671, m. John Beale. Ruth, b. Feb. 20, 1673, m. Caleb Beale. Mary, b. June 4, 1676. Joshua, b. March 29, 1678. Judith, b. Sept. 6, 1680, d. next year. Judith 2d, bap. Aug. 29, 1686, m. Israel Vickery. LINCOLN LINE. 34 Samuel Lincoln came from Hingham, England, and settled at New Hingham, Mass., 1637. His age was given as eighteen. He had two broth- ers who also settled at Hingham, Daniel, the husbandman, and Thomas, the weaver. Daniel d. here leaving considerable property to his brother Samuel. Thomas d. 1675, and al- though twice married he left no children. He also left property to Samuel, but more to Sam- uel's children. One branch of Samuel's descendants still occupy a part of the original homestead. The christian name of Samuel's wife was Martha. She d. at Hingham April 10, 1693. He d. May 26, 1690, aged 71. The descendants of Samuel Lincoln are numerous and widely scattered. Many of them have occupied distinguished positions in public and private life. 24 (34) Samuel. 35 Samuel, b. Aug. 25, 1650, m. April 29, 1687, Deborah. daii. of William and Rebecca (Chiibbiick) Her- sey. Both were b. at Hingham. In 1675-6, he was a member of the brave Capt. Johnson's Company, and participated as cavalryman in the great Narragansett fight. In 1679 his name appears upon a list of foot soldiers who are willing to serve the country in the capacity of troopers. At home he held various military offices and was styled " Cor- net." He was a carpenter. Selectman in 1694 and 1698. Daniel, b. Jan. 2, 1652. Mordecai, b. June 19, 1655. Thomas, b. Sept. 8, 1659, d. Nov. 13, 1661. Mary, b. March 2y, 1662, m. Joseph Bates. Thomas, b. Aug. 20, 1664. Martha, b. Feb. 11, 1666, d. unmarried, aged 74. Sarah, b. Aug. 13, 1669, d. same month. Sarah 2d, b. June 17, 1671, d. unmarried, aged 72. Rebecca, b. March 11, 1673, ^n. John Clark and Israel Nichols. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, was a descendant of one of these sons, also Maj.-Gen. Lincoln, who received the sword of Cornwallis after the battle of York- town, wdiich closed the war of the Revolution. (35) Samuel. Deborah, b. June 15, 1688, m. James Lin- coln. 25 Samuel, b. Feb. i, 1690. Jedediah, b. Oct. 2, 1692. Mary, b. Sept. 18, 1694, m. Nathaniel Fear- ing. Rebecca, b. Aug. i, 1697, m. Abraham Leavitt, and Nathan Stevens. Elisha, b. Sept. 3, 1699. 36 Lydia, b. Sept. 14, 1701, m. Dec. 17, 1724, John Joy. Abigail, b. Jan. 11, 1703, m. Matthew Lin- coln. Susannah, b. April 18, 1706, m. Josiah Lincoln. ANDREWS LINE. T^y TJiomas Andrezvs and his son Joseph came from Devonshire, England, and settled at Hingham prior to the arrival of Rev. Peter Hobart and his company in 1635. At the first drawing of home lots, Sept. 18, 1635, Thomas had five acres, including back land granted to him on Town (now North) street. (37) Thomas. 38 Joseph was b. at Devonshire, Eng., about 1597. Came early to Hingham and had grant of a house lot on Town St. Sept. 18, 1635, next to his father's five acres, including back lands. At the May Court in 1635, Joseph was sworn as constable. In 1636, '37, '38, he was one of the Representatives of the town at the General Court. He was also the first town clerk of Hingham. He afterwards removed to Dux- bury, and in 1654 was surveyor of highways and constable in 1664. 26 Oct. 1 6, 1665, he and his wife Elizabeth con- veyed to their son Thomas of Hingham " Our home lot and dwelling house, out buildings, &c., and ten acres of land which was formerly given us by the town of Hingham, bounded on Town St. South, Broad Cove North," etc. At a later date he returned to Hingham and d. there Jan. i, 1697, aged 83. His wife d. 1688. His will, which is on file in the S. P. office, and dated at Hingham, Sept. 27, 1679, men- tions and provides for wife Elizabeth, gives to son Joseph among other valuables " my sword, gold ring, and a Bible." To son Ephraim " the estate in New Jersey." Mentions daus. and grandchildren, and gives *' to each of my grandsons that bear my name Joseph, a pewter platter." (38) Joseph. 39 Thomas, b. Nov., 1632. probably in England. The christian name oi his wife was Ruth. She out- lived him, and d. at Hingham Oct. 23, 1732, aged 97. Thomas was chosen Constable in 1654 and 1661. Selectman 1670, '72, '76. '79, '85, '87, '88. Representative in 1678, and to represent the town in the Council of Safety in 1689. He was for several years Captain of a mili- tary company in Hingham, and on Aug. 6. 1690, he and a number of the soldiers of his command went on board ship to go to Canada with the expedition under Sir William Phipps. Capt. Andrews and most of the Hingham soldiers died in the expedition. Captain d. Nov. 25, 1690. 27 In his will he provides for wife Ruth, gives to son Thomas " The dwelling house which I built for him with the land about it, that was Edward Pitts' that I bought of his son and dau. Eastman." Son Jedediah to be '' brought up to learning." Gives to other sons and daus. share and share alike. Joseph, b. about 1635. Elizabeth, b. March, 1637. Ephraim, b. Aug., 1639. Hannah, m. Mr. Gannett. Mary, m. Mr. Beard. Hepzibah, m. Jeffrey Manning. Abigail, m. John Wadsworth. (39) Thomas. Joseph, b. Sept. 22, 1656, d. unm. Nov. 24, 1724. John, b. Sept. 30, 1658. Ruth, b. Aug. 6, 1660, m. Ambrose Lx)w. Thomas, b. June 26, 1663. 40 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 22, 1665, m. Joseph Joy (109), May 22, 1690. Ephraim, b. Oct. 27, 1667, d. Sept. 7, 1669. Abigail, b. Jan. 6, 1669, m. Joseph Blany. Stephen, b. March 6, 1672. Jedediah, b. July, 1674. Benjamin, b. March 11, 1677, m. Mary Sweetzer. ALDEN LINE. 41 John Alden was b. in England, 1599. and came to America in the Mayflower, Nov. 1620. He is the ancestor of all who bear the name of Alden in this countrv. 28 He is said to have been the first person that landed on Plymouth rock. He did not come like the others, for religious privileges, but being a good mechanic (cooper) he came to try to make his fortune in the new world. On the voyage, however, he became imbued with the religious zeal of those around him, and joined them, and ever after worked faithfully with them. He was the youngest of those who signed the " immortal compact " of civil government, in the cabin of the Mayflower, at Province- town, Nov. 15, 1620. In 1 62 1 he m. Priscilla, dau. of William and Alice Molines (commonly called Mullens) of the Walloon Huguenot contingent. They were also fellow-passengers in the Mayflower. Her parents and brother Joseph died in the " first sickness," as it was called, and which proved fatal to a large proportion of the colo- nists. So Priscilla was left alone, when scarcely more than a child, a stranger in a strange land. But kind neighbors cared for her until she m. John Alden. They lived at Plymouth a few years, then removed to Duxbury, when he obtained land, some of which is still in possession of his descendants. He was also one of the " orig- inal proprietors " of Bridgewater. He was a man of great integrity and worth, was held in highest esteem by the men of his time, and filled many offices of honor and re- sponsibility with great credit. He d. at Duxbury, Sept. 12, 1687. His wife d. Feb. 5, 1688. 29 (4i) John. 42 Elizabeth, b. 1622 or 23; first white woman b. in New England. She m. William Pabodie, Dec. 26, 1644, d. May 31, 1717. John, b. 1624, m. Elizabeth , (2) Eliza- beth (Phillips) Averill, d. 1701. 43 Joseph, b. 1627, m. Mary Simmons, 1657, of Bridge- water. His posterity was very numerous throughout that district. He d. Feb. 8, 1697. Sarah, b. 1629, m. Alexander Standish, son of Miles Standish. They had seven children. Ruth, b. 163 1, m. John Bass, 1657. Jonathan, b. 1633. m. Abigail Hallett, 1672, d. Feb. 14, 1698. Rebecca, b. 1637, d. leaving no children. Zachariah, b. 1641. Mary, b. 1643, "^- Thomas Delano of Dux- bury, David, b. 1646, m. Mary South worth. Priscilla, alive in 1688. (43) Joseph. Isaac, m. Mehitable, dau. of Samuel Allen, Dec. 2, 1685. 44 Joseph, b. 1667, m. Hannah, dau. of Daniel Dunham, 1690. He d. Dec. 22, 1747. She d. Jan. 13. 1748. John, b. 1674, m. Hannah White, d. Sept. 28, 1730. Elizabeth, m. Benjamin Snow, 1691, d. 1705. Mary, m. Samuel Allen, 1700. (44) Joseph. Daniel, b. at Plymouth, Jan. 29, 1691. m. Abigail Shaw, Dec. 25, 1717, d. May 3, 1767. 30 Joseph, b. Aug. 26, 1693, d. Dec. 9, 1695. Eleazer, b. Sept. 2y, 1694, m. Martha Shaw, 1720, d. Jan. 30, 1773. Hannah, b. Feb. 1696, m. Mark Lathrop, March 29, 1722. 45 Mary, b. April 10, 1699, m. Timothy Edson, Feb. to, 1719. They removed to Stafford, Conn. ; Joseph, b. Sept. 5, 1700, d. Oct. 5, 1700. ^' Jonathan, b. Dec. 3, 1703, d. Nov. 10, 1704. j, Samuel, b. Aug. 20, 1705, m. Abiah, dau. of Capt. Joseph Edson, 1728, d. 1785. '^*' Mehitable, b. Oct. 18, 1707, d. April 11, ^737- -$* Seth, b. July 6, 1710, m. Mehitable Carver, 1 74 1, d. Sept. 6, 1784. He was a Capt. and inherited his father's farm. {]^ GALLOP LINE (or Gallup). — ^^ [^'r*^ 46 John Gallop (Capt.) came from England in 1630 in the " Mary and John." His wife Christabel and daughter Joan remained behind, but came later, it is believed, in the " Griffin," which also brought the two Puritan divines, John Cotton and Thomas Hooker, and which John Gallop himself piloted to her anchorage before the little town. He was a skillful pilot and Indian trader, and his services were accounted of great value to the colony. He was a man of dauntless courage, and distinguished himself on many occasions in the struggles between the whites and Indians. His lands included a house and lot in the most desirable part of Boston, with harbor islands, 31 one of which still bears his name. His trad- ing shallop was the principal means of commu- nication between the Bay Colony and the settlements on Narragansett Bay and Long Island Sound. Capt. John Gallop d. Jan. ii, 1650. His wife July 27, 1655. (46) John. 47 Joan, b. in England, m. Thomas Joy. JOY LINE. 47 Thomas. The earliest mention of Thomas Joy, the emigrant ancestor of most of the Joy families in America, is found in the records of the town of Boston. Of his birth and early life nothing is known. It is probable that he was b. about 1610 in County Norfolk in England, and that he came to America in that first flood of colonization which, in eleven years (1629-1640), brought more than 25,000 souls to found a new nation on the shores of the North Atlantic. He was by occupation a builder, and, indeed, an archi- tect. He was very successful in business affairs, and was soon able to purchase desirable lands on which to found a homestead. He m. Joan, dau. of John and Christabel Gallop. Thomas Joy acquired considerable real estate. He possessed three several tracts of land on the east side of the peninsula, and several lots in the center of the town's merchandizing and the principal landing place for vessels. Up to the year 1646 Thomas Joy's life in New England 32 was that of a prosperous and successful man. But at this juncture his spirit of independence brought him into violent collision with the established authorities, with disastrous results. His principal resistance was against the narrow policy of the colonial government, which re- stricted the right of suffrage to the members of the local Puritan churches, thus excluding more than three-fourths of the adult male population from any participation in public affairs. The story is too long to be told here. The movement was a failure, and Thomas Joy exchanged some of his possessions in Boston for property in Hingham, removed his family there, and made his home in the Rev. Peter Hobart's parish. He subsequently regained his fallen fortune, and in 1656 is found again in active participation in the business and social affairs of Boston. On Aug. i, 1657, Thomas Joy and Bartholomew Bernad were awarded the contract to build the first Town House of Boston, which marks him as the master builder of the colony, and links his name forever with an interesting and historic edifice. This first capitol of Mass. stood for half a century. It was destroyed by fire in 171 1, and on its site was erected the " Old State House," one of the most venerated monuments of colonial Boston, Thomas Joy d. at Hingham, Oct. 21, 1678, in the 69th year of his age. His wife d. at Hingham, March 20, 1690. Thomas and Joan Joy were buried in the churchyard on the hill back of the meeting house, which still stands, the most ancient Protestant church in the United States. 33 (47) Thomas. Samuel, b. at Boston, Feb. 26, 1639, m. Ann Pitts of Hingham. John, b. Oct. 10, 1641, d. young, Thomas, b. March 2, 1642, d. Dec. 2, 1648. 48 Joseph, b. April i, 1645, "i- Mary, dau. of John and Margaret Prince, who settled at Hingham, 1646. Joseph was constable, carpenter and farmer, and was called " Ensign." He d. May 31, 1697. Ephraim, b. Feb. 7, 1646, m. Mrs. Susanna (Spencer) Gattersby. Sarah, b. April, 1648, m. Hick Dunning. Benjamin, b. June 12, 1650. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 7, 1653, m. Nathaniel Beale. Ruth, b. Feb. 28, 1658, m. (i) John Low, (2) John Curtis. (48) Joseph. 49 Joseph, b. at Hingham, July 30, 1668, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Thomas and Ruth Andrezvs, at Hingham. He was Constable, 1697, 171 1. He d. at Hingham, April 29, 1716. His gravestone, with the inscription still legible, is in the Hingham churchyard. It is the most ancient Joy grave mark in America. Thomas, b. Nov. 25, 1669. m. Elizabeth Stodder, 1694, d. 1718. Margaret, b. March 6, 1670, d. next June. Margaret, b. April 15, 1672, d. next June. Mary, b. May 19, 1673, m. John Stodder, 1699. John, b. Aug. 28, 1675, d. next Oct. 3 34 Benjamin, b. Sept. 9, 1676. John, b. Aug. 28, 1678, d. July 17, 1680. Simon, b. Nov. i, 1679, d. July 19, 1680. Sarah, b. April 14, 1681, m. Nathan Cud- worth, 1704. Jonathan, b. Dec. 22, 1682, d. Jan. 5, 1683. Margaret, b. Dec. 14, 1683, m. Nathaniel Chubbuck, 1707. Deborah, b. Jan. 14, 1685, m. Thomas Mann, 1714. Ruth, b. Nov. 27, 1687, d. March 28, 1688. Lydia, b. March 12, 1689, lived only two weeks. (49) Joseph. Prince, b. March 19, 1690, m. (i) Abigail Town, (2) Hannah Orcutt. Joseph, b. April 2-^^, 1692, m. Esther Finney, 1719. > / David, b. Feb. 28, 1693, "^- Ruth Ford, 1718, d. 1789. 50 John, b. Feb. 7, 1695, m. Lydia, dau. of Samuel and Deborah (Hersey) Lincoln, Dec. 17, 1724, at Hingham. " Lydia Joy was admitted to First Church, Hingham, Feb. 1728." Simon, b. Dec. 28, 1697, m. Hannah Humphreys, 1720, d. 1789. Ruth, b. March 17, 1699, d. April 12, 1774. Abigail, b. Dec. 29, 1701, m. Joshua Bates, 1 72 1. Jedediah, b. Feb. 27, 1703, m. Mary Stowell, 1733. d. 1798. Jonathan, b. Jan. 26, 1705, d. Sept. 21, 1724. 35 (5o) John. 51 Lydia, b. Oct. 5, 1725, m. Timothy Edson of Bridge- water, and removed to Stafford, Conn. She d. at Randolph, Vt., Aug. 23, 1806. Her tombstone, with its record legible, is still stand- ing in the old graveyard at Randolph. John, b. June 4, 1727, m. Sarah Horner of Boston, d. 1804. Relief, b. Sept. 21, 1729, m. Nehemiah Washburn. Deborah, b. June 25, 1732, m. Daniel Wood- ward, 1750. Mary, b. May 9, 1736. Benjamin, b. July 13, 1740, m. Bethiah Sprague, 1762. Huldah, b. Dec. 20, 1741, d. April 11, 1746. EDSON LINE. First Generation. 52 Deacon Samuel Edson was b. in England in 161 2. He came to this country and took up his resi- dence at Salem, Mass., in 1639. He is the com- mon ancestor of all of that name in this country. He subsequently removed to Bridgewater, where he erected the first com mill in the old town, which was the only mill for a long time. Samuel Edson was one of the fifty-six "origi- nal proprietors of Bridgewater." The grant which was seven miles each way from a given point, making fourteen miles square, was con- sidered little more than authority or right to purchase of the Indians. For this purpose 36 Capt. Miles Standish, Samuel Nash, and Con- stant Southworth were appointed a committee to make the purchase which they did from old Massasoit himself, and following was the price paid: " 7 coats, a yard and a half in a coat, 9 hatchets, 8 hoes, 20 knives, 4 moose skins, 10 yards and a half of cotton." The whole not amounting to thirty dollars in value. The deed was given March 23, 1649. The Committee signed their names. Massasoit made his " mark," which was a closed hand with the forefinger pointing down. The land was divided, as Gov. Hinckly, in his confirmatory deed, says " as the inhabitants agreed among themselves." It is not known that Samuel was a mill- wright, nor has tradition represented him as a mechanic of any kind. He certainly was a con- siderable farmer and probably possessed me- chanical genius sufficient for the rough and crude work which at that time was required. He received his " share " oi the grant, and subsequently purchased two others, and in time acquired a very large estate, and held many local and other responsible offices, and became, as has been said, the common ancestor of one of the most numerous, popular and respected families in Bridgewater, some of whose de- scendants can now be found in almost every state in the Union. He was appointed by the court a member of " the Council of War," in 1666, and continued in that office to the end of Philip's war in 1676. He represented the town in General Court at Z7 Plymouth in 1676, and in the same year was appointed, with Elder William Brett and Deacon John Willis, to distribute Bridge- water's share of the Irish contributions for the distresses of the Indian Wars. He was one of three, " by order of the court," to receive a deed of conveyance from the chief Pomonoho of the Titicut purchase; was one of three to receive a confirmatory deed of the Indian Chief Wampatuck, of all the lands previously conveyed by Massasoit; was foreman of a jury to lay out roads in 1667 and 1672; was one of three to settle boundary lines, and was one of the first deacons of the town from 1664 to the end of his life. He was of a large, athletic frame and robust constitution, and his moral character partook of the hardihood of his physical system. He was grave, somewhat austere in his manners, yet kindly and sympathetic and full of benevo- lence. He was a good lecturer and a good debater, excessive in nothing and firm in every- thing. To him consequences were less to be heeded than what of right ought to be done. Possessing an integrity that admitted of no compromise, his counsels were heard with at- tention and respected with the force of au- thority. His education was superior to that of many of his associates, his intellect strong and vigor- ous, perceptions quick, and memory' accurate. Such men would be comparatively great in any community when strong necessity and a proper occasion should call them forth. 38 Samuel Edson m. Susannah Orcutt about 1637, probably in England. His wife was fully worthy of him and of the age in which they lived. With education and natural abilities , fully equal to his, she was his prudent and dis- creet counselor and a most faithful mother to their children. She was b. in England 161 8, d. Feb. 20, 1699. He d. 1692. In the old town burying ground the oldest monument of the kind is one over the graves of Samuel and Susannah Ed- son. The record is still clearly legible. Second Gejteration. (52) Samuel. Susannah, b. in England 1638, m. Rev. James Keith, first minister of Bridgewater. Sarah, b. 1640, m. James Dean of Taunton. Nov. 7, 1663. Elizabeth, b. 1643, m. Richard Phillips of Weymouth. Samuel, b. 1645, ^- Susannah Byram, 1678. Mary, b. 1647, "i. Nicholas Byram. 1676. 53 Joseph, b. 1649, m. (i) Experience Field, of Provi- dence, 1678, (2) Mary Turner, 1686. They resided at Ea.st Bridgewater. Joseph does not appear to have acquired as much distinction as his father and brothers, yet " he sustained a hig'h character for integrity; was brave, vigi- lant and active in the defense of the colon}-, and with the gallant spirit of the soldier, en- gaged in the perilous conflict of Philip's war." He and his two brothers were of the " twenty-one men who went out to join Capt. 39 Church's company, but faiUng to meet it, they came unexpectedly upon a party of Indians, fought them and took seventeen of them pris- oners, whom they brought into the settlement and all of them unhurt." They also secured " much plunder." These prisoners were sold for money, " and the town voted that the soldiers who took them should have the money." He d. about 1712. Josiah, b. 1651, m. EHzabeth Dean, both d. 1734- Bethiah, b. 1653. m. Ezra Dean of Taunton. Third Generation. (174) Joseph. (53) Joseph, b. 1679, m. Lydia Cary, 1704. Josiah, b. 1682. m. Sarah Packard, 1704. Experience, b. 1685, d. young. These three children were by the first wife. Experience Field. She d. 1685. Benjamin, b. 1686, m. Joanna Orcutt, 171 5. Samuel, b. 1687, m. Mehitable Pratt, 1721. 54 Timothy, b. 1689, m. Mary Alden, 1719. They moved to Stafford, Conn. Mary, b. 1691, m. John Lathrop, 1716. Susannah, b. 1693, m. Solomon Johnson, 1723. Fourth Generation. (54) Timothy. Hannah, b. 1720. 55 Tiiiwthw 1). 1722. m. Lydia Joy. dale and place of marriage not found, but the births of their first 40 two children are recorded at ' Bridgewater, Mass. Anna, b. 1723. Abijah, b. 1725. Jonathan, b. 1728. Mary, b. 1730. Fifth Generation. Timothy. John, b. at Bridgewater, Sept. 5, 1746, d. at Stafford, Dec. i, 1749. Hnldah, b. at Bridgewater, April 13, 1748, d. at Stafford, Dec. i, 1749. Hiildah, b. at Stafford, 1750, lived to be over 80. Timothy, b. March 25, 1754. m. Susannah Orcutt. Calvin, b. July 14, 1756, m. (i) Charity Thompson, (2) Azuba Greene. 56 Josiah, h. 1758 at Stafford, m. there Sarah Pinney, July I, 1779. Eliab, b. Oct. 27, 1760, m. Prudence Whit- taker, d. Nov. 27, 1833. Lydia, b. March 4, 1763. Relief, b. March 16, 1765, m. Sylvanus Blodgett, d. Aug. 22, 1823. Mary, b. June 22, 1767. m. Ebenezer John- son, d. Jan. 8, 1848. Note. — This closes all that we have been able to learn of the Ancestry of Josiah Edson and Sarah Pinney. Fol- lowing is as full a record as we could obtain of all of their descendants to 1901. GENEALOGICAL HISTORY OF JOSIAH EDSON AND HIS DESCENDANTS. (56) JOSIAH EdSON, Josiah Edson was b. at Stafford, Conn., in 1758, m. there Sarah Pinney, July i, 1779. He saw active service in the war of the Revo- lution, enlisting at Stafford, June 26, 1777, when only nineteen years of age. He was made Corporal Feb. i, 1778; Sergeant Jan. 9, 1779. On Jan. 25, 1780, his term of enlist- ment having expired, he was honorably dis- charged. His record may be found in the " U. S. Pension Rolls." also in the " Record of Conn. Men in the War of the Revolution," in the chapter on " Men of the Second Regiment of Conn. Line." He saw more active service after his removal to Vermont, about 1781 (where he had settled at Randolph on a large tract of land, part of which is still called " the old Edson place "), in the frontier Indian warfare. About the time of the burning of Royalton, Vt., by the Indians and English, he organized a company and went into the service as its Captain, pursu- ing the Indians beyond the frontier. He was afterward elected Col. of the local regiment of militia, and was frequently at the head of his regiment in the Indian campaigns. His serv- 42 ice is mentioned in the *' Vermont Historical Gazeteer," Vol. 2. Later Col. Edson, as he was always called, took an active part in local and State affairs in Vermont. He represented his district in the State Legislature in 1792, 1794 and 1796; was High Sheriff of Orange Co. 1 797-1802. He was also active in Masonry, being at one time Grand Master of the State, his son Joseph succeeding him in that ofhce. After the death of his wife, in 1805, who left a large family, the oldest of whom were mar- ried, he seemed to take less interest in affairs, turned the management of his property over to his oldest son. placed the younger children among the older, and spent much of his time in Aurelius, N. Y., with his oldest dau., Sarah, where was also his son John Joy, and later his two youngest daus. He d. at Randolph, Oct. ij, 18 19, and was buried by the side of his beloved wife and two children, all of whose tombstones are still standing. Sixth Generation. (56) JO.SIAH. 57 Alexander, b. Oct. 19, 1780. d. Randolph, Vt.. March 6, 1801. 58 Joseph was, according to the entries in an old Bible in the possession of his granddaughter, Mrs. Spencer of Lansing, Michigan, which also con- tains dates of his children's births and deaths, born in Randolph, Vermont, on the 3d of March, 1782. On Sept. 29, 1802, he m. MAJ.-GEN JOSEPH EDSON 43 Sarah, dan. of Nathaniel de Troope (or Throop), who was b. June 28, 1783, in Bethel, V^t. Joseph and his wife always made their home in Randolph, where their house was the scene of much elegance and hospitality. He was always a leading citizen of Vermont, and was appointed to many local and State offices. In 1805 he was elected Constable of his dis- trict, serving four years, and served continu- ously as School Trustee from 1815 to 1821 (Town Records of Randolph). In 1812 he was elected High Sherifif of Orange County, holding the office until 1821. He was ap- pointed United States Marshal for Vermont and part of New York by President Adams. During the war of 181 2 he was conspicuous in his town as the organizer of the expedition from Randolph and neighboring towns to the rehef of Plattsburgh. N. Y., in Sept., 1814. At this time he held the rank of Major (see iMiss A. M. Hemenway's " Vermont Historical Gazetteer " for the above data, Vol. II, also account of the relief of Plattsburgh, Vol. II, page 998). He afterwards attained the high- est military rank in his State, being elected, by the Governor's Council, Brig.-General on Oct. 30. 1818, and Major-General Commanding Vermont Militia on Oct. 2^, 1822 (see " Annals of Governor and Council," published in 1878, by E. P. Walton. Vol. IV. page 237, and Vol. 'VII, page 31). At his father's retirement he succeeded to the office of Grand Master of the Vermont Society of Masonry. He d. on March 7, 1832, his wife surviving him many years, dying June 20, 1863. 44 Lydia, b. March lo, 1784, d. March 6, 1801, the same day and of the same disease (scarlet fever) as her brother Alexander. A double headstone still marks their grave, with the following inscription, composed by their father: In love we lived, together died, And here we lie now, side by side. Jesus died our souls to save And placed our bodies in one grave. Here we shall sleep till God commands Us to come forth, hand in hand." 59 Josiah, b. April 13, 1786, m. Betsey, half-sister of George B. Porter, who was Gov. of Michigan in 1 83 1. They went west and settled in Ohio, where he d. about 1827. His family returned to Randolph, where she d. March 18, 1832, aged 45. Josiah was a private in the war of 181 2, and was with his brother's command in the expedi- tion to the relief of Plattsburgh. 1814. 60 Sarah, b. Oct. 2.^, 1788, m. Parker Whitney of Aure- lius, N. Y., in 1808, d. 1827. 61 Susan was b. Dec. 25, 1791, d. unmarried, 1840. at Auburn, Mich. 62 John Joy, b. May 27, 1794. m. Sarah Barnes, Oct., 1816. Thev lived in Aurelius. He rendered HARRIETTE A EDSON (MRS. MILTON HYDEi 45 continuous service during the whole of the war of 1812, bearing" at its close the rank of Ser- geant-Major. At the battle of Lundy's Lane he was wounded in the ankle, causing a per- manent lameness. At Fort Erie he was active and was in the Fort when it blew up. He was also with his brother Joseph in the expedition to Plattsburgh. He d. 1823, when only twenty-eight years old, leaving a young wife and four small chil- dren. 63 Harriette Albina, b. at Randolph, April 13, 1797, m. Milton Hyde at Aurelius, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1821. He was the lineal descendant of ten of the " thirty-five original proprietors " of Norwich, Conn., who came from England between 1630 and 1640, also of Richard Dana, of Brighton, Mass. His grandfather, Anderson Dana, was killed at the battle of Wyoming, July 3. 1778. His wife, Susannah (Huntington) Dana, fled with her six children through the wilderness back to the old home at Ashford, Conn., three hundred miles. Milton's mother was one of those children, then fourteen years old, and there are grandchildren still living who have heard her tell the pitiful story of that flight. When the home was broken up after her mother's death, Harriette lived with her brother Joseph, attending the school of the celebrated Prof. Nutting, until she was fifteen, then she went to her sister Sarah at Aurelius. After her marriage they settled at Geneseo, N. Y., but soon removed to Livonia, and in Aug., 1829, they emigrated to Michigan with a 46 family of six children, the oldest barely seven years old, and the youngest twin girls of eight months. They traveled with household furni- ture and provisions to Rochester, twenty-five miles, in wagons, then by Erie Canal to Buf- falo, and from thence through Lake Erie to Detroit on the Superior, the second passenger steamer built to ply on the lake, then by wagon again twenty-five miles to the little village of Auburn in Oakland Co., where Mr. Hyde had already purchased a farm. They were five days making this journey. In their new home all the native energy and capability of both were called into action. Supplies in many lines were remote and difficult to obtain, so that every source of home helpfulness was brought into use. Mrs. Hyde learned to card the rolls, spin the yarn, color and weave the warm cloth- ing for her family, which she also cut and made for husband, boys and girls. Mr. Hyde became a leader in village affairs and was as long as he lived there. Justice of the Peace, the highest office in the town, and was always known as " Squire Hyde." He was also director of all educational and most of the religious matters of the village. They were Presbyterians with somewhat of the old Puritan spirit. Mrs. Hyde became a good " Samaritan " throughout the town, ministering to the sick and troubled with never-failing patience and cheerfulness, often walking miles after getting her own little ones settled for the night to care for some poor invalid, always carrying a lighted torch to protect her from the wolves which were often seen. 47 She was a wornan of splendid physique, per- fect health, strong character and varied ability. Hospitality, generosity, friendliness, unselfish- ness, patience, fearlessness, both moral and physical, and a never-failing cheerfulness, were marked characteristics which never waned as long as she lived. Five more children were b. at Auburn, and as they grew up, none of the boys showing a liking for farm life, Mr. Hyde sold his beauti- ful place and moved to the promising village of Grand Rapids. In 1863, the children all having married but one, and Mr. Hyde being in feeble health, the home was given up and they went to live with a married daughter at Grosse He, near Detroit, where Mr. Hyde d. June 9, 1866, aged 68. Mrs. Hyde lived to be 82, spending her time mostly with her youngest daughter at Grosse He, but visiting other chil- dren and relatives as she pleased. She d. at Grosse He Aug. 30, 1879, from the effects of a fall down one step, breaking her leg. She re- tained full possession of all her senses and faculties to the hour of her death, giving words of cheer and comfort to her daughters as long as she could speak to them. 64 Daniel Sherwood (so recorded, but always called Dan Sherod), b. March 10, 1799. m. Mrs. Dorothy (Goodale) Pease, a good and beautiful woman who was eleven years his senior. He d. about 1850. She lived to be 90, and d. at the home of her youngest daughter at Granrl Ledge, Mich. 65 Lydia Alexander, b. Aug. 1801, a few months after 48 the death of her oldest brother and sister for whom she was named. When only sixteen and Hving with her sister, Mrs. Whitney, she m. Ebenezer Smith of Fleming, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He was b. May, 1795. In the spring of 1825 they moved to Mich- igan. After making one^pr two changes they finally settled at Wacousta, CHnton Co., on a farm. Mrs. Smith, like her sister Harriette, proved herself equal to pioneer life. She was wonder- fully proficient in doctoring and nursing, and in those early days and remote places, as in old Colonial times, such abilities were rare and valuable. Mrs. Smith was wanted far and near, and her good heart and ready hand were rarely withheld. After her daughter became able to take her place at home " Aunt Lydia " be- longed to everybody who needed help or a friend. No one was more widely or lovingly known, and her death at a still early age, 58. was a public calamity and lamented sincerely by the whole communitv- She d. at Wacousta, 1859- Mr. Smith d. March, 1863. Seventh Generation. (58) Joseph (Edson). 66 Elizabeth, b. April 23, 1804, m. Rev. George H. Williams. They settled at Pontiac, Mich., but he was soon called to a chair in the University of Mich., at Ann Arbor, where he remained until his death. He was b. April 13, 1802, d. 1877. She d. Jan. 23, 1850. 49 (>7 Sarah was b. in Randolph, Vermont, June 2, 1806, and d. there November 20, 1851. On Jan- uary 8, 1829, she m. Edmund Weston, of her native town (b. February 18, 1799, at Ran- dolph; d. July 14. 1870, at West Randolph). A sketch of his life will be found in the '' His- torical Souvenir of Randolph," 1895 (Nicker- son & Cox). Mrs. Weston possessed with marked degree the traits of character that had been conspicuous among the women of the Edson family, and left behind her at her death memories of fair and noble deeds which will never be obliterated in that community, where she was held in such high esteem. In her father's home she had exceptional social and educational advantages. She was especially talented in music, pos- sessing a remarkable soprano voice, thoroughly cultivated, and with her husband, who was also a fine singer and performer upon the violin, made their home most delightful for their children and friends. At her funeral there were crowded hundreds of the poor and suffering whom she had re- lieved and cared for. Her home was never closed to appeals for shelter and aid; no disease was so formidable or distance so great as to keep her from the bedside of a needy neighbor; and no gathering or enterprise in Randolph was successful unless her personality and name were stamped upon it. Her splended mother- hood, her sweet tenderness and fine capacity have given to her children a legacy and mem- ory which they held dearer than the wealth 4 50 that might have been theirs. After her death Judge Weston married twice. His only chil- dren were those born of his first wife. 68 Nathaniel, b. Oct. ii, 1808. He graduated at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. He studied law at Albany, finishing his studies in the law office of Judge Chase, at Randolph. He settled at Boston, but subsequently removed to New York, where he d. suddenly of heart disease April 2, 1853. He never married 69 Royal, b. Jan. 5, 181 1, m. Adeline Arnold, dau. of a retired sea captain. They lived at Woodstock, where he carried on a mercantile business. He d. there April 12, 1849, leaving one child, Luna, who never married. After his death his widow and daughter went to live with Mrs. Edson's uncle, Gov. Converse, where they all d. within a week of each other. 70 Olivia Chase, b. Jan. 15, 1824. She went when quite young to visit her sister, Mrs. Williams, at Pontiac, Mich., where she met and m. Rev. John A. Wilson, of Baltimore, July i. 1841. He graduated from both the Literary and Theological departments of Kenyon College. Ohio, and received his degree of D. D. from that college. He became Rector of Zion Church, Pontiac, but in a few years took charge of St. Luke's, Ypsilanti, Mich., where he was a most faithful and well-beloved Rector for thirty-six years, retiring from active service on account of feeble health in 1881. He d. at Ypsilanti, May 7, 1883. She d. also at Ypsilanti Nov. 12, 1893. She was a very beautiful woman, of commanding presence, 51 and was full of the hospitality and kindness that so prevails in the Edson family. (59) JosiAH (Edson). 70 Wilham, b. April 2^, 181 1, m. Martha Storey, Aug., 1844, of Randolph. William was about six years old when his family moved to Ohio. When his father d. and his mother returned to Randolph, William was away, a pilot on the Mississippi river, and he did not follow them. After his mother's death he took his brother and sisters to live with him at St. Louis, Mo. Date of death unknown. His wife still sur- vives him. They had no children. 71 Susan, b. 1815, m. L. J. Garrison, of St. Louis, Dec, 1844. They had four children, William, Olivia, Elizabeth, and Tappan. No further particulars could be obtained. jz Joseph, b. 1819, d. unm. at St. Joseph, Mo., Oct., ■1848. 73 Mary Ann, b. 1823, m. at St. Louis, Tully W. Stro- bridge, also a native of Vermont. They went in 1849 'to California by the long water route. They lived in or near Sacramento several years, then went to Los Angeles. Mr. Strobridge had many ups and downs in business, but secured sufficient to enable them to hve in ease and comfort. They were a most genial, happy couple; generous, hospitable, and more than interesting in conversation. Their experiences had been rich, full of strange events and ad- ventures, many hardships, and much pleasure, yet they clung to their old New England home- ways and religion. 52 Mary Ann d. at Los Angeles, Oct., 1893, aged 70. Mr. Strobridge still survives her. (60) Sarah (Whitney). 74 Chauncey Parker, b. at Anrelius in 1812, m. (i) Minerva, (2) Julia , who was much younger than he. They lived at Livonia, N. Y., where he owned much real estate. They had one child, Harriet, who lived only one year. They brought up two girls, for whom he provided handsomely, but the bulk of his large estate was left to his wife. He d. 1882. 75 Constant, b. 181 5, d. 1840. His wife d. soon after, leaving a little dau., who was brought up by her Uncle Chauncey and his first wife. She m. and had two children, and all three d. in one week of diphtheria. (62) John Joy (Edson). 76 Chauncey Parker, b. at AureHus, April 24, 1817, m. Rebecca La Rue, Feb., 1834. They lived at Charlotte, Mich. He d. Jan. i, 1841. yy Sarah Philena,b.at Aurelius, Nov. 5, 1819. She grew up a bright, ambitious girl, received a good education, and went to relatives in Michigan, where she taught school at Auburn and Pon- tiac. She married, but after a few years, owing to the unfaithfulness of her husband, she se- cured a divorce. He soon married again, after which she took legal measures to have her maiden name restored to her, and also to be given to her children, and as Edsons their record is given in this book. All of this part of her life was passed in Indiana and Ohio. S3 She then entered the Hterary field, at one time editing a paper very successfully. When the Civil War broke out she volunteered her serv- ices, and joined the corps of nurses, and be- came so valuable that most important work was assigned to her, even being sent onto the field when other women were debarred. Her record may be found in a book entitled " Emi- nent Women of the War." After the war she took up her residence with her children in Washington, D. C, where she d. 1871. 78 Joseph Josiah, b. Jan. 24, 1821, m. Mary Hunger. He was a physician, and they lived at Geneva, Ohio. They had one child, Estelle, who d. young. 79 Susan Ann, b. June 24, 1823, at Aurelius, very soon after the death of her father. She also was bright and ambitious. She was one of the first women to study medicine as a profession, and many were the difficulties with which she had to contend. But her will was indomitable, and she succeeded, and established a good practice at Jefiferson, Ohio, when the Rebellion broke out and she offered her services, which were gladly accepted, and as nurse, physician and surgeon she served at Washington and Fort Monroe during the whole war, making a record for herself second to none. After the war she returned to Washington and resumed her practice, where she gained the summit of success in her profession. Susan never m., but Avas an important factor in the bringing up of her sister's children, and 54 made her pleasant home a welcome resting place for her mother and half-sisters and other relatives. Hers was the warm heart and the generous hand. Her health was greatly im- paired by her devoted services over President Garfield, whose family physician and long- time friend she was. She d. at her home in Washington, Nov. 14, 1898, after a very short illness. (63) Harriette Albina (Hyde). 80 Joseph Edson, b. June 16, 1822, at Livonia, N. Y., m. Margaret Millicent Hunt, dau. of Thomas and Mary Hunt, and niece of Judge James B. Hunt, M. C, at Pontiac, Mich., April 12. 1848. She was b. June i, 1826. They resided at Detroit until bronchial trouble compelled him to give up his business (mercantile). He was advised to go to Lake Superior, where he d. at Eagle River, April 24, i860. He was a natural student, and the best education was given him that could be obtained in the home school, but it was largely through his love of good reading that he came to be a man of un- usuallv fine intellectual attainments. His kind and friendly manner and strong moral char- acter won for him the respect and confidence of all, and the love of many. He left a young wife, beautiful in person and character. She never m. again, but devoted herself to the edu- cation of her only child, who m. young, and with whom Mrs. Hyde has made her home. She has traveled extensively at home and abroad. 8 1 Susan Adeline, b. Sept. 6, 1823, m. Orlando B. Clark of Green Oak, Mich., May 20, 1847. I" 1^5 1 Mr. Clark took up a large tract of land near Marengo, Iowa, built a house and settled there. But some pulmonary trouble developing, he decided to seek a warmer climate. In 1859 he rented his farm, fitted out two emigrant wagons, took his family, wife and two sons, twelve and ten, and twenty head of cattle, and, accompanied and assisted by his hired man and his wife, started for California, following, but not joining, such emigrant trains as suited their convenience for safety, for it was a time when there were dangers from Indians and wild animals, and from possible lack of food and water. They were eighteen weeks mak- ing the journey to Sacramento, near which place they settled and remained three years. In 1862 Mr. Clark decided to return to Iowa, and they came back by a military stage route that was in use during the Rebellion. But Mr. Clark was still discontented in Iowa, so he sold his farm and moved to Missouri, and settled in a valley of the Oza:k mountains, and had just got fairly started when a great freshet devastated all his fields, covering them with debris. His buildings and stock were on high ground, so escaped. Discouraged, he sold out at great sacrifice, and went into Kansas, where he was not satisfied, and in 1879 they again crossed the plains in an emigrant wagon, and settled near Union. Oregon. They built a comfortable house and proceeded to cut the timber for use and for sale, ^^''hile thus en- 56 gaged April 26, 1883, Mr. Clark was killed by a branch of a falling tree. Mrs. Clark and her only remaining son remained in the same place until she d., Jan. 2, 1893. A detailed account of this woman's life would make a most ro- mantic, thrilling story. Through all her long, tedious journeys and the trials they encoun- tered she was cheerful and helpful, perfectly contented if her husband were only well and satisfied. It was bad for the boys, this Bohe- mian life, and while in Missouri the oldest one left them and they never saw him again. After they first went to Iowa she never returned to her parents but once, in 1864, but constant communication was kept up, and she was always in touch with all that transpired " at home," and kept them well informed of her Hfe in every particular. 82 George Randolph, b. July 24, 1825, m. Jane EHza- beth Nelson at Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 28, 1848. He studied medicine and practiced some, and he was quite successful with pencil and brushes. But he was unstable, restless, a most loveable, but unreliable man. He served with the Michigan " Mechanics and Engineers " during the Civil War. He enlisted as private, but his medical abilities were soon recognized, and he was sent to help in the hospital department. After his return in 1866 he decided to seek a location in the west. He tried Iowa and Missouri, and finally started for Montana and disappeared. His wife d. Oct., 1869, leaving three daughters. In 1898 Milton Clark, who left his father in 57 Missouri, and of whom little had been heard, nothing- for years, wrote to his Aunt Harriette, and through him the following was learned about George. Milton first came across him in 1876, at Brownsville, opposite Matamoras, Mexico. He was foreman of a large cattle ranch. He m. that year Carmen Olivero, a Castilian. " She was a lady of distinction, of a high class, fair and beautiful, and made a splendid wife." She was from San Diego, Cal. They had two children, Carlos and Annette. George was killed in the fall of 1884, during a " round up," by some Mexican cattle thieves, from whom he and his cowboys were trying to rescue them. 83 William Augustus, b. Feb. 25, 1827. He moved with his father to Grand Rapids, where he m. (i) Freelove Lenora Hyde, April 15, 1854, (2) Kate Nyhart, Jan. 12, 1884. He was a skilled machinist, and was especially fond of lathe and pattern work. On Aug. 22, 1893, he was mak- ing a pattern of a large gear wheel and had it in the lathe, when the timber split, one-half striking him in the breast, killing him almost instantly. He was a cheerful, happy-tempered man, thinking no evil himself and suspecting none in others, a great favorite in social circles and everywhere else. As a citizen he was always interested in the welfare of his adopted home. He joined the fire company and eventually came to be chief engineer of that department. He served sev- eral terms as Alderman. " In later years he 58 was an active spirit in labor organizations, not an agitator nor an advocate of stern measures, but directed his thoughts and his efforts to the permanent advancement and welfare of the toilers as a class. He was cool and conserva- tive, considerate of the rights and opinions of others, and as an adviser in the council cham- ber his word had weight, and his opinions were worthy of consideration." " He was a man of profound convictions, strong and resolute pur- pose, endless patience and indomitable perse- verance." He was a fine musician, playing several wind and string instruments, and his fine bass voice was generally heard in the choir of his church, Presbyterian. He loved to read good books, and his fund of knowledge was wide, and his conversational powers much like his oldest brother's. He was a ready, im- promptu speaker, was never at a loss for some- thing to say, and had a most happy way of combining the instructive and amusing. He was a man of fine physique and splendid health, and but for this accident might have been spared to his family many years. Mary Sophia, Sarah Maria, twins, b. Dec. 14, 1828, at Livonia, N. Y. They were eight months old when their parents moved to Mich- igan. 84 Mary m. George W. Yale of Grand Rapids, Feb. 12, 1852. They settled on a fruit farm near Grand Rapids, where they lived many years. As the children left home and Mr. Yale's health failed, they moved into the city, where Mr. Yale owned several houses. He d. there, after a 59 long and painful illness, Nov. 9, 1880. His wife still survives him, dividing her time be- tween a grandson and her younger sisters, a benediction wherever she is. 85 Sarah m. William Ives of Detroit, April 12, 1853. He was b. at Wallingford, Conn., April 10, 181 6. He was a surveyor, and worked many years under Government contracts. It was his compass that indicated the presence of iron in the Lake Superior country, as recorded in the " Geological Survey of Michigan." In the spring of 1850 he was sent to run boundary lines in Oregon, where he filled several im- portant contracts, and gathered a fund of most valuable and interesting information. But it was a hard life, and in 1853 he returned to Mich., married, and settled upon a beautiful farm on Grosse He, in Detroit river, and there they lived ten ideally happy years, when Mrs. Ives d. very suddenly, leaving four little girls, the youngest only six weeks old. It was to this home that the parents had been induced to come the fall before Mrs. Ives' death, which occurred April 24, 1864. These twins so closely resembled each other in face, form, manner and voice that it fre- quently puzzled their nearest friends and af- forded themselves much amusement. They always dressed exactly alike. They were devotedly attached to each other, never separated if it could be avoided. 86 Lydia Albina. b. April 24, 1831, d. Aug. 17. 1832, from the effects of a fall down stairs. 87 Lydia Elizabeth, b. Sept. i. 1833. She was living ■n lETTE HYDE WELLS HARRIETTE HYDE WELLS 6i Conn, and Jane Vanderburgh of N. Y. He is a lineal descendant of Gov. Thomas Wells of Conn. He was b. at Stamford, N. Y., March 24, 1833. His parents emigrated to Mich, in 1838, being eleven days making the journey to Port Huron, then only a hamlet, with more Indians than white people. Only the nearness of old Fort Gratiot, where there was always a little group of cultivated people, redeemed it from utter loneliness. Here Frederick grew up with the place, re- ceiving a good education, including the clas- sics, from private tutors, generally the Chaplain at the Fort. As he arrived at man's estate he took an active part in the improvement and advancement of the then thriving little city. It was a great lumbering center, and Mr. Wells engaged in that business with his father, and also in vessels on the lakes by himself. From the time he reached his majority he was rarely free from official duties. He was Mayor of the city during the Civil War, when " drafts " were ordered and much excitement prevailed. He represented his district in the Legislature three terms, one in the House and two in the Senate, 1871-1877; was Eminent Commander Knights Templar nine years in succession, and has been since 1886 Sen. Warden in his church (Episcopal), and was largely instrumental in building a fine stone edifice for that denomina- tion. His latest work for the city is heading a Commission to build a canal from Lake Huron to Black river, three miles above the city, which is expected to be of great benefit. 62 He is a man whose advice and opinion are much sought. He has settled several large estates, and arbitrated disputed questions to the satisfaction of all parties. In politics he always been an active Republican. Perfect uprightness, justice, reliability and caution are marked characteristics. Mr. and Mrs. Wells never had any children, but they brought up and educated two of her brother George's daus. and the daughter of a cousin of Mr. Wells, May Randolph Hill of New Haven, Conn. She lived with them until she m. Giles Francis Cole, Sept. i, 1898. 89 Charles Milton, b. Dec. 21, 1838, d. Sept. 3, 1855, at Grand Rapids. He was a fine scholar and possessed great musical talent. The violin was his favorite instrument. He also com- posed some very sweet airs. At fifteen he had finished the course in the public schools, and obtained a position of trust in a book and music store. He had grown rapidly, and when attacked with typhoid fever had little power of resistance, and so passed away. 90 Julia Josephine, the youngest of this family of eleven, was b. June 28, 1841, m. Edward Legrant Keith of Grosse He, Dec. 3, 1863. He was the son of Capt. Wm. Keith of Scotland and Jane Dick of Ireland. Mr. Keith was b. at Grosse He, March 10, 1827. He came into posses- sion of the fine old farm and home, and there they passed very happily the few short years of their married life. He d. after a short illness, August 22, 1 87 1. She still lives on in the old home with her only dau. DAN SHEROD EDSON 63 (64) Daniel Sherwood (Edson). 91 Dan Sherod, b. at Springfield, Mass., Jan. 2, 1825, m. Martha Halverson of Norway, Feb. 8, 1858, at Spring Grove, Minn. He received such education as could be obtained in the public schools of that time, working meantime for one and another from the time he was nine years old. At the age of sixteen he decided to strike out for himself. He made various ven- tures, finally going on a fishing voyage to the coast of Nova Scotia, which took several months, which had the good result of greatly strengthening a rather delicate constitution. He also tried farming and iron moulding, finally bought a carpenter's outfit, and in 1856 migrated to Minnesota. He worked with his tools summers and in the lumber woods winters, until Sept. 4, 1864, when he enhsted in Co. E, 5th Wisconsin Infantry Vols., Capt. C. R. Merritt. He was in several battles and skirmishes, and finally, in the charge on Peters- burg, was wounded in both legs and was sent to the hospital, where he remained until dis- charged, at Fort Randall hospital, Madison, Wis., June 8, 1865. He then returned to his family and former occupation. In 1880 he moved to South Dakota, taking up 160 acres of land to which he was entitled. There they lived until April, 1899. when he sold out and moved to Blanchard, Iowa, where he and his wife, who is quite an invalid, still live in a cozy home of their own in ease and competence. In politics Mr. Edson is a " straight Rei)ul)- lican." He has always interested himself in 64 town affairs wherever he has lived; has held many official positions, District Clerk, School Director, Justice of the Peace, Town Treas- urer, etc. He has from boyhood and through all his trials and struggles held steadfastly to principles of truth and honesty, has always been prompt and faithful in all matters of trust, and has won and held the confidence and respect of all, wherever he lived. 92 Dorothy Ann, b. Oct. 2y, 1826, at Ware, Mass., m. George W. Lowell of Wacousta, Mich., at Huntington, Mass., June 6, 1853. They set- tled on a farm near Wacousta. She possessed in a great degree the cheery, hopeful temper of the Edsons, was clever with her pen, quick at repartee, hospitable, helpful. She d. very suddenly of pneumonia, March 29, 1896. 93 Sarah Albina, b. Nov. 15, 1830. She and her mother went to live with her sister at Wacousta, and there she met and m. Calvin J. Covey, a prom- inent physician of Grand Ledge. He was well and widely known and much respected. He d. at his home at Grand Ledge, Oct., 1896. She still keeps her home, but visits a good deal among her children. (65) Lydia Alexander (Smith). 94 Sarah Pinney, b. Nov. 5, 1818, at Fleming, N. Y., m. (i) Alanson Bacon of Pontiac, Mich., 1842. He d. 1852, and she m. (2) her cousin, Gus- tavus Smith, April, 1857, and d. twelve days after of pneumonia. She left no children. 95 Josiah Edson, b. at Fleming, Jan. 2, 1820, m. (i) 65 Arabella Keyes at Birmingham, Mich. She (1. 1844, aged 28, leaving two children; (2) Louisa Mosher, who d. 1858, aged 30, leaving one child; (3) Mrs. Mary Treat. He d. April 16. 1896, and she d. Aug., 1896. He was a farmer and always lived near Wacousta. 96 Adoniram Judson, b. March 24, 1828, at Auburn. Mich. Went with his parents to Wacousta, Mich., in 1837, where he m. Laura C. Lowell, June 2^, 1850. " On the spot where Mr. Smith lived and died his father built his first log house, and the playmates of the little white child were the children of the Indians, who were still here in numbers." " He enlisted in Co. H. 23d Mich. Vol. In- fantry, Sept. 13, 1864, and served until the close of the war. . For the last thirty years of his life he was a member of the church, living a thoughtful, consistent. Christian life. Being a constant reader of the best literature, he was a man of superior intelligence. Holding sev- eral public offices at different times in his life, he always discharged their duties with fidelity to the public and credit to himself. An honorable, upright citizen, through a long life lived among our people, he has en- joyed the esteem of the community, the con- fidence of his friends, and the love of his kindred." Eighth Generation. (66) Elizabeth (Williams). 97 Mary, b. about 1834. m. Thomas S. Blackmar, a 66 lawyer of Detroit, d. at Detroit, 1864, leaving one son, Paul. Could get no further par- ticulars. 98 Louisa, b. April 4, 1841, at Pontiac, Mich., m. Alfred Du Bois, a Professor at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Dec. 6, 1871. He was b. at New Paltz, N. Y., July 16, 1826. They moved to Colorado. (67) Sarah (Weston). 99 Edmund was born at West Randolph. Vermont, February 6, 1830. He was entered as a cadet at the Military University of Norwich, Ver- mont, in 1845, pursuing his academic studies at Woodstock and Thetford and completing ■the same at Randolph. In 1852 he entered upon the study and practice of dentistry in the office of Dr. A. B. Childs, the leading practi- tioner in Boston. While resident in that city he became a member of the Boston Cadets or Governor's Body Guard, and was with that command engaged in the suppression of the slave riot in Boston just prior to the War of the Rebellion. He entered the University ot Ver- mont in 1857, graduating from its medical de- partment in the class of '59^ when he returned to his native town to practice dentistry until the outbreak of the Civil War. He promptly responded to Vermont's call for volunteers, and on September 13, 1861, received from Governor Fairbanks a captain's commission, thereupon organizing and enlisting from vari- ous towns of the State the first company of sharpshooters, which were soon after mustered DR EDMUND WESTON 67 into the service as Company F, ist Regiment of United States Sharpshooters, under the command of Colonel Berdan. Captain Weston continued with his regiment during the Pe- ninsular Campaign and until forced to resign by reason of disabilities resulting from rheu- matic gout. He returned at once to Randolph and resumed the practice of his profession. In 1 88 1 he went to Washington, D. C, and be- came associated with Dr. D. W. Bliss on the Board of Health. After the discontinuance of the Board he was given a clerkship in the Record and Pension Division of the War De- partment, which he retained until forced to give it up on account of injuries received in the " Ford's Theatre Disaster " of 1893, in which twenty-two clerks were killed and over one hundred permanently injured. Dr. Weston had always been prominently connected witii Masonry. The Chapter and Commandery de- grees of the York Rite were conferred upon him in 1888, and in 1891 he was advanced to the thirty-second degree in the Ancient and Accepted Order of the Scottish Rite, holding his diploma over the signature of General Albert Pike. It would be impossible without seeming exaggeration to describe the peculiar beauty and charm of his disposition. Perfect unselfishness was the keynote of his character. Generous and chivalrous in youth. he was admired and loved by all who knew him. And through long years of physical suf- fering and of good and evil fortune, he was brave, patient, cheerful and loving. Pure in 68 heart and in life, living and dying a perfect Christian gentleman. He died in Washington, D. C, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Van Dyke, on July 3, 1901, after a brief illness and was interred in the family burial lot at West Ran- dolph. 100 Sarah Olivia was born at West Randolph, Vermont, September 28, 1837. Until the age of sixteen her education was supervised at home by her father, who being a remarkable scholar and having the utmost regard for the mental de- velopment of his children, followed his own ideas for their education. He provided private instructors for their studies of English, classic and modern languages and music. She con- tinued her studies in Boston, devoting her attention principally to classics and history under the direction of several professors at Cambridge, she being the second of the few female students to whom the privilege of Harvard University were granted. Her thorough knowledge of the ancient languages was a great service to the late Professor Elliott Cones in his famous work on ornithology, " The North American Birds," in which a glowing tribute is paid to her attainments. After her marriage, in Randolph, to Mr. Fred- erick Argyle Aiken, of Vermont, a lawyer who had studied law in her father's ofifice, she settled in Burlington, Vermont, where her husband purchased and edited a newspaper. Mrs. Aiken had been from her earliest years a writer of stories and poetry, some of which had so at- tracted the attention not only in New England 69 but of London publishers, as to be copied in magazines and papers. At the time of her re- moval to Burlington she wrote continually re- views of books in association with John G. Saxe as well as original matter. At the open- ing of the Civil War, Mrs. Aiken removed with her husband to Washington, D. C, where the latter established himself as a lawyer, a pro- fession in which he soon attained distinction, having been the attorney for Mrs. Surratt, one of the Lincoln conspirators. He entered the army and served on General Hancock's stafif, with the rank of Colonel, throughout the War of the Rebellion. At the close of the war he became managing editor of the Washington Post, the Chronicle, and other papers of the capital city, and was engaged mainly in jour- nalism until his death in 1878. resulting from injuries received in the war. Mr. x\iken was also interested in national politics and was at one time the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee. After her husband's death, Mrs. Aiken was obliged to enter the Government service and held the position as clerk in the Treasury Department until her death, on May 25, 1900. She left no children, loi Mary Elizabeth was born at West Randolph, Ver- mont, May 29, 1839, in her father's house. At the age of seven she began the study of music and Latin and the elementar}^ studies at home, under private tuition of law students in her father's office, and of the best music teachers obtainable. In a short time she attained to re- markable skill on the piano and developed a 70 talent that has charmed her friends ever since. When ten years of age she entered the Ran- dolph Academy with her sister, remaining until her fourteenth year, when she was taken by her father to Burlington, New Jersey, and entered as a boarder at St. Mary's Hall, the Episcopal Seminary for Girls, founded by Bishop Doane, and still one of the best seminaries for girls in the East. After her course at St. Mary's Hall, she returned to her father's house and in a short time was taken to the French Protestant school for girls, founded and presided over by Mme. Ameron, in Berthier (en haut), Province of Quebec, Canada, where she continued her studies in the languages and music and other branches for seven years. She then went to Washington, D. C, after a short visit at her home, to visit with her sister who was Hving at the Capital with her husband, Mr. Frederic A. Aiken. It was in this city that she met Mr. Howard Butler Van Dyke, a young lawyer of New York City, the acquaintance beginning from their mutual interest in music. Thev were married on December 9, 1868, at the Epiphany Church, Washington, D. C. After their marriage they went to New York, where their two children were born, remaining about five years, then returning to Washington, where her sons entered school. (70) Olivia Chase (Wilson). 102 Mary Clare, b. May 2, 1842, at Pontiac. Mich., m. Capt. Clinton Spencer, Aug. 11, 1865. He was b. at Ypsilanti, Mich., Jan. 31, 1840. At 71 the opening of the RebelHon he enlisted in the 1st Michigan Infantry, and was with his regi- ment in every engagement until and including the battle of Gettysburg, where he was wounded in the leg, amputation at the hip being the result. He was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, in which he served until the close of the war. He was a lawyer, but on his return to private life he was ap- pointed Postmaster of Ypsilanti, which posi- tion he held for sixteen years, then obtained a position in the Auditor-General's office at Lansing and moved his family there. Mary possessed literary ability of a high order; many gems of poetry from her pen have found their way into the papers and been copied far and wide. She also gave much at- tention to art and music. Soon after they moved to Lansing, Mary obtained the post of Assistant State Librarian, which she held six years, and was then promoted to State Libra- rian, which position she still occupies most ably and satisfactorily. The work is arduous, but she knows her books and is never at fault. She has instituted some advance movements, *' traveling libraries," for one. She is bright and cheery, quick and helpful, commands the respect and good will of everybody. 103 Henry Spicer, b. Oct. 27, 1849. d. Sept. 19, 1870, of typhoid fever. 104 John A., b. Feb. 23, 1856, m. Wilhelmina M'Elchran, Aug. 5, 1 88 1, at Ypsilanti. 72 (73) Mary Ann (Strobridge). 105 William Tully, m. Sarah Marvin at Sacramento, Cal. Edson, d.when five years old, at Sacramento. (74) Chauncey Parker (Edson). 106 Sarah, b. Dec. 6, 1834. tl* 107 Mary Jane, b. Aug. 6, 1836, m. (i) John R. Beck, (2) Daniel Spencer. 108 Harriet, b. June 24, 1838, m. (i) Andrew Nicholson, (2) John Warwick. No children. {"jy) Sarah Philena (Edson). 109 John Joy, b. May 17, 1846, at Jefferson, Ohio, m. Elizabeth Berthrong at Rochester, N. Y., March i, 1869. He attended public school until the outbreak of the Civil War, when at the age of fifteen he enlisted in the 6ist New York Volunteers, and served in the Army of the Potomac under Gen'l George B. McClellan and Gen'l Burnside. He participated in the Virginia and Maryland campaigns, including the Peninsula campaign and the battles of Antietam and Fredericksburg. After a long siege of typhoid fever he was discharged at Armory Square Hospital. Washington, D. C.. and later was appointed to a clerkship in the Treasury Department, where he remained ten years, meantime pursuing the study of law at the Columbian University, from which he graduated in 1868. He then resigned his position and formed a partnership with his brother, J. R. Edson, in the patent business, which continued until 1881. Then he became interested in building and loan associations, JOHN JOY EDSON 73 and in 1879, upon the organization of the Equitable Building Association, he was elected secretary, serving until 1898, when he was elected President, which office he still holds. He is also president of the Washington Loan and Trust Company, director of the National Metropolitan Bank, the Potomac Insurance Company, treasurer of the Washington Sani- tary Improvement Company, member of the Columbia Historical Society and the Cosmos Club. He was for many years treasurer of the Homeopathic Hospital, and also its president, until appointed by President McKinley as member of the board of charities. He has been one of the prominent members of the Washington Board of Trade, and has lately entered upon his second term as president of that body. He served as chairman of the citizens' executive committee of the Grand Army of the Republic encampment at Wash- ington in 1892. Mr. Edson served on the executive com- mittee and as chairman of the auditing com- mittee at Pre.sident Harrison's inauguration in 1889. ^^d was also a member of the executive committee upon the inauguration of President Cleveland four years later. In 1897 he served as treasurer of the executive committee at the inauguration of President McKinley, and has just been tendered and accepted the chairman- ship of the inaugural committee and will have charge of all the ceremonies connected with President McKinley's second inauguration. Both President Harrison and President Mc- 74 Kinley tendered Mr. Edson the position of Commissioner of the District of Columbia, but he was obHged to decHne the honor on account of business obHgations. Still he takes great interest and wields much influence in all affairs of the District. His beautiful wife and daughter are fully equal to all the demands that are made upon them socially, and their elegant home on Six- teenth St. is the scene of many delightful gath- erings. Mrs. Edson is active in church and hospital work, and a member of the Dolly Madison Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. I ID Joseph Romanzo, b. Aug. 17, 1847, ^^ m. Marion Goodall at Washington, D. C, Jan. 10, 1876. He is a very successful lawyer, giv- ing special attention to Patent Office work. His wife is a very fine musician. They are very hospitable and fond of society, which they both adorn. They have always lived at Wash- ington. 1 1 1 Sarah Levangia, b. June 4, 1849, at m. George A. Marks at Washington, 1868. He was assistant librarian in the Congressional Library. He d. (80) Joseph Edson (Hyde). 1 12 Mary. b. Jan. 14. 1850, at Detroit, Mich., m. Hartson Gillett Barnum at Port Huron. Mich., April 20, 1870. Mary was ten years old when her father died, after which Mrs. Hyde took up her residence at Port Huron, where she had relatives. Here 75 Mary attended school four years, then entered the " Detroit Female Seminary," where she finished her course, after which they returned to Port Huron, where they still reside. Like both of her parents, Mary loved to read, and she still loves to study. She has most remark- able memory, not uncommon among the Edsons, is a fine linguist and has traveled a good deal at home and abroad. She is active and a leader in church (Episcopal), in charity, in Study Clubs, Library interests and in society. Mr. Barnum is a banker, and active and in- terested in all city afTairs, a man whose con- servative views and careful thought make him a valuable member of any branch of govern- ment. He has a fine voice, which is heard with almost unfailing regularity in his church choir year after year. He is high in Masonry, and a " Son of the American Revolution," as his wife is a " Daughter." Mr. Barnum be- longs to a line one of whom has fought in every regular war in which this country has been engaged. (8i) Susan Adeline (Clark). 113 Milton Claudius, b. May 20. 1848, at Green Oak, Mich. He followed the footsteps of his par- ents until they settled in Missouri, then he started out for himself, and was heard from afterwards only at long intervals. Since 1898 he has written quite regularly to his Aunt Har- riette. Says he has lived in every State west of the Missisippi between Mexico and British 76 America. He is at present at Carson City, Nevada. He never m. 114 William Lochlin, b. Feb. 25, 1850, at Auburn, Mich. He clung faithfully to his parents as long as they lived, and still remains near the home at Union. Oregon. He has never married. J 15 Emma Louise, b. at Sacramento, Cal., 1861, d. on the plains near Salt Lake City on the way home to Iowa, 1862. The mother carried her little dead baby in her arms for hours, never letting any one, not even her husband, know it was dead, for fear she would be compelled to bury it by the way. At night they reached Salt Lake City, where the little one was buried. (82) George Randolph (Hyde). 116 Edson Adelbert, b. Dec, 1847, ^t Auburn, d. in infancy. James Nelson, b. 1850, d. 1852 at Grand Rapids. 117 Alice, b. Nov., 1852, at Grand Rapids, m. Lewis Howard of Saline, Mich., April, 1872. He is a farmer, and they live near Ypsilanti. 118 Harriet Lillian, b. July 25, 1854. She went when twelve years old to her Aunt Harriette Wells, who educated her. She possessed three talents in a marked degree, music, art and poetry. She was cultivated in all, but preferred art, with which she still supports herself. She has never married. 119 Carolyn, b. July 18. 1865. m. Emory Hyde of Burr Oak. Mich., Dec. 8, 1894. She also was brought up and educated by her Aunt Har- riette, who took her when she was scarcelv 77 four years old. She, too, had fine abilities, and was given every opportunity of education. She graduated at the Liggett's " Home and Day School," Detroit, June, 1884. She be- came very proficient with the piano, and plays several string instruments. She wields a ready pen also, and makes some use of it. She has no children. (83) William Augustus (Hyde). 120 Frederika, b. July 7, 1857, d. Sept. 17, 1858. 121 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 16, 1859, m. Loomis Miller at Grand Rapids, when only fifteen, without her father's knowledge. He was much older than she, and the marriage proved a most unhappy one, from which she finally retreated. She learned stenography and became an expert, and obtained a fine position under Civil Service examination in the Bureau of Pensions at Washington, which she still holds. 122 Joseph Edson, b. June 10, 1862, m. Mary Trupp. Aug. 12, 1885, at Grand Rapids. 123 William Fletcher, b. Sept. 15, 1865. Is still unmar- ried. (84) Mary Sophia (Yale). 124 Sarah Selina, b. Nov. 24, 1852, at Grand Rapids, d. Nov. 18, 1879. A sweet singer and a most lovely character. 125 Charles Sanford, b. May 19, 1855, m. Marietta Neahr Nov. 3, 1879, just two weeks before the death of his sister who was a happy guest at his wed- ding. Charles graduated at Commercial College at 78 Grand Rapids and took up the business of manufacturing chemist, and was succeeding in a marked degree when a violent cold ran into quick consumption and he d. Nov. 9, 1885, leaving a young and beautiful wife and three little boys. Mrs. Yale had a magnificent voice, which was highly cultivated and commanded a good church position. In June, 1896, she m. Dr. C. W. Reid, a thriving dentist of Chicago, and still lives there. 126 William, b. May 18, 1858, d. Jan. 14, 1859. 127 Fred Dana, b. Dec. 4, 1861, m. Elizabeth Parsons Sept. 19, 1885, at Grand Rapids. He received a good education in the public schools and went into business with his older brother. After Charles' death he gave up that business and took up the study of law, to which his taste had always inclined. He loves books and study, is a good orator and pleader. He re- mained a few years at Grand Rapids, but sub- sequently went west and is at present located at Yakima, Washington State. 128 Edson Welcome, b. April 12, 1868, d. of diphtheria Aug. 17, 1878. (85) Sarah Maria (Ives). 129 Mary Emma, b. Jan. 26, 1854, at Grosse He. Mich. She was educated partly at Port Huron, mak- ing home with her Aunt Harriette, finishing at the " Female Seminary," Monroe, Mich., where she graduated June, 1872. She then took up the study of medicine with her mother's cousin, Dr. Susan A. Edson, at Wash- 79 ington, D. C, and in due time entered the " Detroit Homeopathic Medical College," re- ceiving her degree of M. D. in 1876. She soon afterwards took up a special course with V Dr. Clemence Lozier of New York City. She located at San Francisco, Cai.. where the field was open and promising, but she felt the sep- aration from her family, so far away, and re- turned and settled at Port Huron Oct., 1879, where she rapidly built up a large practice, winning all hearts by her tenderness and sym- pathy, as well as their confidence by her skill. Here she met and m. John G. Cobb. Oct. 12, 1 881. She d. after a short illness of blood poison Oct. 20, 1886. 130 Harriette Lavinia, b. Oct. 26, 1856, at Grosse He. She also attended school several years at Port Huron, then went to the " Monroe Female Seminary," where she graduated June, 1875. She m. Charles Pierce Gilchrist of Port Huron June 17, 1882. He obtained degree of A. B. at the " University of Mich./' June, 1875, and of LL. B., March, 1877, and entered upon the practice of law at Port Huron, but was subse- quently induced by his father to assist him in the lumber business at Vermillion, Ohio, and there he took his bride. In 1884 he went into the vessel business also, and moved his family to Cleveland, where they have a delightful home. He is a great student of religious and social problems, and a very thoughtful and in- teresting talker. She also is a reader and keeps up as well as she can with so many do- mestic duties and cares. They are active mem- 8o bers of the Episcopal Church. In politics Charles is a Republican. They keep their cot- tage at Vermillion, on the shore of Lake Erie, and spend their summers there. 131 Florence Lois, b. July 30, 1861. She graduated at the " Home and Day School," Detroit, June, 1880. She gives much time to Bible study, and finds her happiness and usefulness in that work. She is a great favorite in her family and has hosts of friends, is always cheerful and hopeful, finds good in everybody and every- thing. She has never m. She adopted her sister Mary's only daughter, Ethel Ives Cobb. 132 Sarah Maria, b. March 10, 1864. She graduated at the High School, Port Huron, 1880, then took a two years' course in Mrs. Edna Chaffee Noble's School of Elocution at Detroit. Pos- sessing decided talent in art, music and poetry, she finally chose art for special cultivation. She studied with the best masters at Detroit and New York, then went abroad and spent three years in Paris, part of the time in the famous " Julian School," going one summer with a class to the coast of Brittany, and an- other spring sketching through Italy. She is proficient in French and can get along very well with Italian. Her letters home \Vere full of interest and sparkling with fun and gems of thought. In 1894 she returned to Detroit, but not feeling: satisfied with the standard of art there she located at New York, where she has a charming studio and enjoys her work very much. She has published one book of poems for children called " Songs of the Shining 8i Way," very beautifully illustrated by herself, which has proven very successful. She also is a favorite, a most charming companion and friend. (87) Lydia Elizabeth (Ives). 133 Julia Margaret, b. Oct. 19, 1867. 134 Zayde Louise, b. June 10, 1872. As soon as possible after Mr. Ives' death, Mrs. Ives rented the Grosse He farm and bought a cozy cottage at Detroit, where Juha and Zayde could attend school and live at home. After finishing their course in the public schools they took up the " Chautauqua " Course. Zayde also studied music, becoming very proficient with the piano. After the farm was sold, these two sisters each bought back a lot, on one of which was a cottage, and have always made their summer home there. After their mother's death, Zayde decided to learn to be a nurse, and entered Grace Hospital, Detroit, where she took the full course, graduating July, 1900. She proves well adapted to that work and is very happy in it, and having abundant means to live without it, she hopes to do much good among the poor. (90) Julia Josephine (Keith). 135 Jessie Dana, b. Feb. 5, 1865, at Grosse He, m. Frank Dodge Whitall Oct. 6, 1887, son of Col. John Whitall, of the regular army, and Catherine Rucker, whose grandfather was a brother of Gen'l Macomb. Jessie, like her mother, developed a talent 6 82 for art, to which she gave much attention, ex- celling in water colors and china painting, de- signing and sketching from nature. Alike in character and disposition, amiable and gentle, domestic in their tastes, fond of flowers and all nature, they still live together in the beautiful old home at Grosse lie. 136 Charles Angus, b. Jan. 23, 1867, m. Annie Palmer of Leadville. Col., Sept. 2, 1890. Charles re- ceived a good public school education, and early evinced a strong desire to get to business. He was with '* Parke, Davis & Co.," manu- facturing chemists, at Detroit, for a while, then an opening was offered him at Leadville in 1887 in the then great " Iron Silver Mine," a position of trust which he filled so satisfactorily that his advancement was sure and rapid. When that mine closed in 1891 he went in the interest of another company to Cripple Creek, then just a little hamlet. He remained in this employ for several years, gradually accumulat- ing interests on his own account, until 1896, when he went into the trucking business, draw- ing coal to the mines and ore away. His faculty of winning friends and the full confi- dence of all classes made him particularly successful in dealing with men. He still con- tinued to reach out, investing in mines which were opening up in that part of the country. He met his death Aug. 29, 1899, by falling down a mining shaft. He had been down in- specting the mine, in which he was interested, and started up. When near the top the bucket became detached, and he fell 140 feet, CHARLES ANGUS KEITH 83 killing him almost instantly. His death was a great loss to the whole country there, where he was so much liked and so useful. 137 Edward Walter, b. Dec. 27, 1870, at Grosse He. He was fond of study, and would have liked a col- lege education, but his devoted attachment to his brother led him to follow him west as soon as Charles could secure a good position for him, 1887, and the brothers were never long separated. Edward is at present at Leadville, where he holds a fine and responsible position. Both these brothers were of fine physique and well qualified in everv way to withstand the rough life which surrounded them. (91) Dan Sherod (Edson). 138 Martha Ann, b. at Spring Grove, Minn., Dec. 13, 1858, m. Milan Stedwell, Feb. 22, 1877. Martha early undertook to be helpful and inde- pendent, and proved to be a woman of marked business ability and strict integrity, having at one time the handling of all money for three elevators. At another managing the stock of a store much involved so successfully that many obligations were met and a sale made of the entire stock. She has the respect and con- fidence of all who know her. Mr. Stedwell d. Oct. 8, 1888. 139 Helen Albina, b. at Spring Grove, May 22, i860, m. Harrison S. Dewell at Rampeska, Da., June 27, 1883. A lovely wife and mother. There is no higher position. 140 Rose Ann, b. at Spring Grove, Feb. 17, 1862, m. (i) Aaron J. Nichols, July 3, 1881, (2) James W. 84 Helme of Adrian, Mich., 1899. Rose received a good public school education, and became a teacher at seventeen. After the death of her first husband, Sept. 25, 1892, in a railway acci- dent, she went to the Pacific Coast, returning in a year to Roseland, La., where she resided for three years. Having been for years a student of physical culture and elocution, she went to Washington, D. C, 1896, and took a profes- sional course in physical culture, oratory and expression, in what is now known as Ralston ' University, graduating with high honors in May, 1897. She went to Chicago, and after a brief but enviable career there she m. Mr. Helme, and resides at Adrian, Mich., where Mr. Helme was b. in i860. J. W. Helme, Jr., graduated from Adrian High School at the age of fifteen, took up the study of law and was admitted to the bar the day before his twenty-first birthday. In 1882 was nominated for Circuit Court Commissioner on Democratic ticket and elected; was ap- pointed City Attorney in 1884, and served five years; was appointed Assistant Prosecutor, 1892. He is a good stump speaker, fearless, strong. In 1900 he was elected State Senator from his district, and occupied the unique posi- tion of being the only Democrat in that body. He attended to business all the same, and was heard from in all important affairs. He will be heard from hereafter. He is a practical farmer, giving special atten- tion to fruit growing and stock raising. 14T Malinda Ann, b. at Union, Wis., May 22, 1864, m. 85 Alexander Dalton Smith, Watertown, S. Dakota, Nov. 3, 1881, d. April 6, 1887. He was a Methodist minister, and she was a great help to him in every way. 142 Dan Sherod, b. at Little Wolf, Wis., March 11, 1866, d. same place, 1870. 143 Mary Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1868, m. Lou Hallett, Oct., 1889, at Hazel, S. Dak., d. at San Fran- cisco, Nov. I, 1895. She was a very bright, enterprising girl. She graduated at Brook- ings College, S. Dak. Studied law and was admitted to the Bar with honor at the age of twenty-two. She also took a course of oratory in Boston. Mr. Hallett is a printer. 144 Oscar Matthias, b. March 6, 1870, at Little Wolf, m. Minnie Karn, May 15, 1895, at Castlewood, S. Dak. He was educated at Brookings Col- lege, the State Agricultural Col. of S. Dak. He is a farmer, much resembling his father in character, (92) Dorothy Ann (Lowell). 145 Mary H., b. June 2, 1855, at Grand Rapids, Mich., d. 1858. 146 Anna G., b. March 6, 1857, ^- Oscar A. Buck at Grand Ledge, Mich., June 15, 1880. He was b. Dec. 22, 1850, at Java, N. Y.. where they reside. 147 Thomas J. W., b. March 27, 1858, m. Viola Nye, June 2, 1880, d. Dec. 30, 1889. 148 Sarah E. M., b. Dec. 23, 1865, m. Ira B. Bowman, June 15, 1897. They live at Denver, Col. 149 George F., b. Jan. 30, 1868, m. Lillian J. Phillips, June 25, 1890. 86 (93) Sarah Albina (Covey). 150 Calvin Edson, b. at Grand Ledge, Mich., July 28, 1859- Calvin studied medicine with his father, then went to the University of Mich., from there to the Homeopathic College at Chicago, where he graduated; then went to New York, where he took three post-graduate courses. He is a skillful physician and surgeon. He writes a good deal for medical journals and lectures before colleges. His home is at present at Chicago. 151 Dorothy Lucy, b. April 23, 1863, at Grand Ledge, m. Fayette Webster De Puy, Oct. 7, 1889. He was b. at Mount Morris, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1849. They live at Grand Ledge. 152 Alfred Dale, b. June 6, 1869, at Grand Ledge, m. Jenetta Rachael Bailey at Charlotte, Mich., iMarch 19, 1892. She was b. at Beechful, Ont., Nov. 26, 1869. Alfred is also a physician and a dentist, pre- ferring the former and has a large practice at Detroit. (95) Josiah Edson (Smith). 153 Lydia L., b. May 14, 1844, m. Nathan Wells at Wacousta, Mich., July 3, 1867. 154 Adoniram Judson, b. June 23, 1846, d. Oct. 24, 1864. He served in Co. L. 15th Illinois Cavalry in the War of the Rebellion. 155 Hattie S., b. Aug. 11, 1853, m. April 28, 1872. Charles E. Drake, (2) Isaac Sanders, April 15, 1890. 87 (97) Adoniram Judson (Smith). 156 Eva A. B., b. April 28, 185 1, m. George C. Hig-bee, May 14, 1871, d. Feb., 1891. They Hved at Marquette, Mich. 157 Sarah Pinney, b. June 10, 1857, m. Dwight W. Lowell, Feb. 13, 1878, at Wacousta, where they still reside. 158 William Herbert, b. Dec. 21, 1858, m. Lydia Grace Noah, Sept. 19, 1889, at Brighton, Ool. 159 Theodore Josiah, b. Sept. 22, 1861, m. Rose M. Guazeler, Jan. zy. 1893, at Denver, Col. She was b. in Switzerland, Jan. 5, 1869. Ninth Generation. (98) Louise (Du Bois). 160 John Henry, b. May 6, 1873, at Buckskin, Col. 161 Katherine Elizabeth, b. June 7, 1876, at La Garita, Col. 162 Olivia Mary, b. Oct. 2, 1878, at La Garita. 163 Alfred, b. Nov. 15, 1880, d. Aug. 11, 1882, at Lead- ville, Col. (loi) Mary Elizabeth {Van Dyke). 164 Edmund was born in the City of New York, No- vember 20, 1869. When a child he was taken by his parents to Washington, D. C, where he attended school until the age of thirteen, when he was entered at the Military School at Had- donfield. New Jersey, finishing his academic studies at the Emerson Institute of Washing- ton, D. C. He then entered the law office of Shellabarger & Wilson, the leading members of the local bar, and completed his study of the law at the Columbian University of Washing- 88 ton, D. C, graduating with the degree of LL. B. in the class of '94, and was at once ad- mitted to the bar. In 1897 he was appointed by President McKinley a Justice of the Peace for the District of Columbia, but resigned in 1899 to accept the position of attorney of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Washington and Baltimore, a position he still holds. He is unmarried. 1 65 Harry was bom in the City of New York, April 1 1 , 1872. He passed through the public schools of Washington, D. C, graduating from the High School in the class of '91. Prior to his graduation he spent several years in Canada in the Grammar School at Berthier (en haut), Province of Quebec, graduating in the class of '86 with the degree of A. A. He, like his brother, is a member of the bar of Washington. D. C, having obtained his degree of LL. B. at the Columbian University in the class of '95. He was admitted to the bar the same year and is now in the Washington ofifice of the Messrs. Coudert Brothers of New York. He also is unmarried. (102) Mary Clare (Spencer). t66 Olivia Wilson, b. July 18, 1866. at Ypsilanti, Mich.. m. Edgar M. Thorp, Sept. 5, 1894. T67 Mary Emily, b. Dec. 19, 1867, d. April 22. 1871. 168 Zayde Bancroft, b. Sept. 10, 1870. m. Frederick Molitor, Feb. 26, 1894. 169 Norman Lloyd, b. April 14, 1872. 170 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 15, 1875, ^- J^"- 3^- ^^79- 171 Clinton, b. Oct. 31, 1879. All at Ypsilanti. fLefC. ■ , ; of class oi '94, and was at he w:'' Co .:.ivuiiC_v a J UStice ■ ;..ce -,r •'"' i-"nbia, but i...-..: ..■..\i in ^ , , -.on 0(f attorney of the Potomac Telenhone CompanA' position he nl II, :'hools in the his m ■■' ) 311, LL. B. at class of '95. ine year and dice ot the Messrs. ■^Te also '•■ ■■pen'ceri. nsilanti. Mich. lU'r 1870, 1: 270- .»an. ji, • at Ypsilrt.M.: H. W. VAN DYKE ELIZABETH EDSON 89 (i04) John A. (Wilson). 172 Florence Mina, b. Dec. 26, 1882, at Ypsilanti. (105) WiLLi.\M TuLLY (Strobridge). 173 Albert. 174 Frank. 175 William. 176 Earl. 177 Eloise. (107) Mary Jane (Beck-Spencer). 178 Sarah. 179 John. 180 Jacob. ]8i Fred. 182 Walter. ] 83 Bessie. (109) John Joy (Edson). 184 John Joy. Jr., b. Jan. 10, 1871, at Washington. D. C. After finishing his school course and tak- ing a trip abroad, he entered Cokimbia Col- lege, where he graduated 1896. He was appointed by Pres. McKinley Maj. and Pay- master in the Vol. Army for the war with Spain, 1898. He subsequently returned to Washington and went into business with his father. 185 Frederick Wade, b. May 8. 1874. d. Nov. 3. 1880. 186 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 2, 1877. She finished her school course at La Salle, near Boston, then went abroad for a year's study of French and vocal music, the latter under the celebrated Madam Marchesi. Her mother accompanied her. Be- fore returning her father joined them and they spent some months traveling on the Continent. 90 ^iio) Joseph Romaxzo (^Edson). 187 Loraine. b. Xov. 4. 1S77. graduated at Vassar Col- lege 1899. m. Herman Walter Schull. U. S. A.. Jan. 26, 1901. iSS Florelle. b. Sept. 13. 1883. 189 Marjorie. b. Sept., 1892. All at Washington. D. C. (Ill) Sarah Levaxgia (Marks). 190 Effie. b. Xov. 4. 1S70. d. Aug. 5, 1S72. 101 Henry Le Rov. b. Feb. 21. 1877. at Washington. 'd. C. (1 12) Mary (Barnum). 1Q2 Thomas Edson. b. May 17. 1872. at Port Huron. Mich., m. Mary Belle Harrington at Chicago. 111.. Jime I. 1898. He graduated in the Port Huron High School. 1888. entered the University of Mich, same year: took his degree of B. S. in electrical engineering. 1892; then a year's expert course in the Thompson-Houston Works at Lynn. Mass.. and at 21 found himself ready to enter upon his life work. He soon obtained a good position at Chicago, but went subsequently to Milwaukee. Wis., where he is now chief engi- neer at the Cutler Hammer Co.. high-grade electrical appliances. 193 Margaret, b. Jan. i. 1877. d. May 22. 1887. (117) .Alice (Howard). 194 Bessie Margaret, b. Aug. 17. 1874. at Grosse He. Mich.^ 105 Grace Carolyn, b. Oct. . 1884. at Ypsilanti. Mich. (121) Elizabeth (Miller). 196 Evelyn Lenora. b. Sept. 15. 1876, at Grand Rapids. 197 Fannie Elmira. b. April 14. 1879. 91 (i22) Joseph Edson (Hyde). 198 Lenora May, b. June 15. 1886, at Grand Rapids. 199 Lillian Adela, b. Jan. 5. 1889. 200 Fannie Lane, b. Nov. i. 189 1. 201 William Edson. b. Feb. 7. 1893. (125) Charles Saxford (Yale). 202 Harold Edson, b. Aug. 21. 1880. at Grand Rapids. m. Myrtle Butler. June. 1899. 203 Ralph, b. Sept. 9. 1881, d. Oct. 24, 1881. 204 Frederick Xeahr. b. Oct. 1, 1882. 205 Charles Milton, b. April 12. 1884. (127) Fred Dana (Yale). 206 Fred Wallace, b. Oct. 31. 1886. d. June 30. 1887. (129) ^L\RY Emma (Cobb). 207 Ethel Ives, b. July 24. 1882. After her mother's death she went to her grandmother at Detroit, and was the special charge of her Aunt Flor- ence. She attended the public schools, finish- ing at the High School. June. 1900. The next Oct. she was appointed by the Gov. of Mich, to a scholarship in Mrs. Cory's School of Design at Xew York City, where she is at work. (130) Harriette Lavinia (Gilchrist). 208 Bessie Ruth. b. June 6. 1883. at Grosse He. She graduated at the High School. Cleveland, then entered the Woman's College of Western Re- ser\e L'niversity of that city, where she is studying. 209 Helen, b. Nov. 6. 1885. at Vermillion. Ohio. She 92 graduated in the High School, Cleveland, Prophet in a class of 98, June, 1901. 210 William Ives, b. Feb. i, 1888, at Vermillion. 211 Sarah Margaret, b. April 29, 1890, at Vermillion. 212 Frederick Wells, b. March 17, 1893, at Detroit, Mich. 213 Donald Charles, b. June 11, 1897, at Vermillion. These children are all very fond of books and school, and will have every opportunity for education. (135) Jessie Dana (Whitall). 214 Laurence Waldemar, b. July 6, 1891. at Grosse He. 215 Margaret Keith, b. June 24. 1893. Grosse He. (136) Charles Angus (Keith). 216 Hazel, b. June 11, 1891, at Leadville, d. at Cripple Creek, June i, 1897. 217 Erma, b. Oct. 15, 1893, at Cripple Creek. 218 Charles Angus, b. Oct. . 1895, at Cripple Creek. 219 Jean Palmer, b. Sept. 25, 1899, Cripple Creek. (138) Martha Ann (Stedwell). 220 Joseph Francis, b. Sept. 22, 1888. A promising young electrician, at present studying in the school at Scranton, Pa. (139) Helen Albina (Dewell). 221 Nathaniel S., b. Aug. 8, 1885. 222 Rose, b. Nov. 26, 1886. 223 Daniel Sherwood, b. Oct. 12, 1897. (140) Rose Ann (Nichols-Helme). 224 Alexander Douglas, b. at Huron, S. Dakota, June 22, 1887. 93 (141) Malinda Ann (Smith). 225 Caddie Levann, b. Sept. 11, 1882. 226 Charles Edson, b. Aug. 19, 1885. (146) Anna G. (Buck). 227 Maya W., b. at Java, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1881, m. Clay- ton Cooly, Jan. 24, 1898. 228 Dawn M., b. July 8, 1884. 229 Etta Linden, b. March 8, 1890. 230 Marian D., b. July 28, 1894, d. same day. 231 Sherod Edson, b. Aug. 3, 1898, d. same day. ^ 232 Dorothy Silence, b. March 3, 1896. All at Java. (147) Thomas J. W. (Lowell). 233 Austa Harriet, b. June i, 1881, at Wacousta, Mich. 234 Frank Edson, b. Nov. 29, 1882. Also a twin, who d. same day. 235 Mary Elizabeth, b. July 21, 1885. 236 James Russell, b. June 25, 1887. 237 Audry Bernice, b. Nov. 25, 1888. 238 Sarah Goodell, b. Aug. 19, 1890. (148) Sarah E. M. (Bowman). 239 Eunice, b. Dec. 2, 1898, d. May 21, 1899, at Petoskey. Mich. (149) George F. (Lowell). 240 Helen Ann, b. April 11, 1898, at Delta, Mich. (152) Alfred Dale. (Covey). 241 Margaret Dorothy, b. March 20, 1894. at Grand Ledge. (153) Lydia L. (Wells). 242 Cora, b. Sept. 13, 1873, near Wacousta. Mich. 243 Earl, b. July 12, 1876. -•r-n 94 (155) Hattie S. (Drake-Sanders). 244 Lucy L., b. April 30, 1873, near Wacousta, d. Sept. 2, same year. 245 Fayette E., b. March 26, 1875. 246 Dora E., b. Dec. 18, 1878. 247 Lulu, b. Jan. 28, 1881. 248 Lelia, b. July 15, 1883. 249 Edson, b. Aug. 30, 1892. 250 Earl, b. July 6, 1894, d. Sept. 7, same year. (156) Eva a. B. (Higbee). 251 Bertha A., b. May 16, 1878. 252 Theodore S., b. Aug. 3, 1888. (157) Sarah Pinney (Lowell). 253 Herman J., m. Jan. 26, 1879, at Wacousta. 254 Laura Hazel, b. Sept. 25, 1881. Tenth Generation. (166) Olivia Wilson (Thorpe). 255 Darius Douglas, b. Feb. 17, 1898. at Lansing. Mich. 256 Helen, b. Oct. 28, 1899. Lansing. (168) Zayde Bancroft (Molitor). 257 Eric, b. Sept. 11, 1896, at Lansing. 258 Carl Frederick, b. Sept. 16, 1899, Lansing. (227) Maya W. (Cooley). 259 Nathan Claude, b. Feb. 10. 1899, at Java, N. Y. (192) Thomas Edson (Barnum). 260 Charles Norman, b. June 12, 1901. at Milwaukee. Wis. INDEX. Adams, i8. Aikin, 68. Alden, 27, 28, 29, 39. Allen, 29. Allyn, 19. Andrews, 25, 26, 33. Arnold, 50. Averill, 29. Bacon, 64. Bailey, 86. Barber, 12. Barnes, 44. Barnum, 74, 75, 90, 94. Bass, 29. Bates, 24, 34. Beale, 23, 33. Beard, 27. Beck, 89. Berthrong, 72. Bidwell, 15 Bissell, 5, 6, 7, 12, 15. Birge, 5. Blackmar, 65. Blany, 27. Bliss, 5. Blodgett, 40. Bowman, 85, 93. Buck, 85, 93. Buell, 9. Byram, 38. Carver, 30. Gary, 39. Case, 15. Chubbuck. 20, 22, 34. Clark, 14, 16, 18,24,55,75,76. Cobb, 79, 91. Cooley, 93, 94. Copley, 1 1. Corey, 64, 86, 93. Cudworth, 34. Croade, 22. Curo, 12. Curtis, 33. Dean, 38, 39. Delano, 29. De Puy, 86. Dewell, 83, 92. Dibble, 15. Dover, 1 1. Drake, 6, 86, 94. Du Bois, 66, 87. 95 96 Dunning, 33. Dunham, 29. Edson, 19, 30, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,42, 43» 44, 45, 46, 47,48,49, 50, 51,52, 53,63, 64, 72, 73, 74, 83, 84, 85, 89, 90. Ellsworth, 5. Enos, 5, 7, 12, 14. Fearing, 25. Field, 38. Filer, 12. Filley, 19. Finney, 34. Fitch, 6, 20. Ford, 34. Gallop, 30, 31. Gannett, 20, 27. Garrison, 51. Gattersby, 33. Gilman, 22. Gilchrist, 79, 91, 92. Gillett, 15. Goodall, 74, Grant, 15. Greene, 5, 40. Griswold, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13. Guazeler, 87. Hallett, 29, 85. Halverson, 63. Hanford, 14. Harrington, 90. Helme, 84, 92. Hersey, 20, 21, 22, 24. Higbee, 87, 94. Holcombe, 5, 12, 15. Horsford, 7, 8, 12, 13. Horner, 35. Howard, ']6, 90. Hull, 17. Humphreys, 34. Hunt, 54. Heyde, 45, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,62, 74, 'je, 77,91. Ives, 59, 60, 78, 79, 80, 81. Johnson, 23, 39, 40. Joy, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39. Karn, 85. Keith, 38, 62, 81, 82, 83, 92. Keyes, 65. Lane, 23. La Rue, 52. Lathrop, 30, 39. Leavitt, 25. Lincoln, 20, 23, 24, 25, 34. Low, 27, 33. Lowell, 64, 65, 85, 87, 93, 94. Mann, 34. Manning, 27. Mansfield, 12. Marshall, 12, 13, 15. Marks, 74, 90. Marvin, 72. fii). 1 07 97 Mason, 6. McElchran, 71. Miller, ']'], 90. Molitor, 88, 94. Moore, 6. Mosher, 65. Mudge, 12. MulHno (MoHnes), 28. Munger, 53. Neahr, j"]. Nelson, 56. Newberry, 13, 16, 18. Nichols, 24, 83, 92. Nicholson, 72, Noah, 87. North, 15. Nye, 85. Nyhart, 57. Orcutt, 34, 38, 39, 40. Pabodie, 29. Packard, 39. Palmer, 82. Parsons, 78. Pease, 47. Phelps, 7,9, 10, II, 15, 18, 19. PhilHps, 38, 85. Pinney, 6,^, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 40. Porter, 12, 44. Pitts, 33. Pratt, 39. Prince, 33. Salmon, 11. Sanders, 86, 94. Schull, 90. Shaw, 29, 30. Sherwood, 5. Simmons, 29 Sm ith, 48, 64, 65, 85, 86, 87, 93- Snow, 29. Southworth, 29, Spencer, 70, 88, 89. Sprague, 35. Standish, 29. Stanley, 19. Stedwell, 83, 92. Stevens, 25. Stodder, 33. Storey, 51. Strobridge, 51, ^2, 89. Stowell, 34. Sweetser, 27. Thompson, 40. Thorp, 88, 94. Thrall, 7. Throop, 43. Tillotson, 13. Town, 34. Treat, 65. Trupp, yy. Turner, 38. Van Dyke, 70, 87, 88. Vickery, 23.. 98 Wade, II. Wadsworth, 27. Warwick, 72. Washburn, 35. Weston, 49, 66, ^1, 68, 69. Wells, 60, 61, 86, 93. White, 29. Whitall, 81, 92. Whitney, 44, 52. Whittaker, 40. Wilson, II, 22, 50, 70, 71, 89. Williams, 48, 65, 66. Woodward, 35. Wolcott, 14, 16. Yale, 58, Tj, 78, 91. ^ o •" o , w^ '^l^' • 4 O ^^. '' "^^^.^"^ On' - '■ 1 .,\ ^ k^' I'o ^ .<(, „S,^ .•^ ». D w O SKi ,'?^' ^C ^^ 5( rt'' I, > » ' ^^-n^ vO- ^^ '•t, ',£. 4 ■o ■ V y .s ' ♦ . « .0 -^^r,^ ■v<' 1 .^ 0' ■^ o. *„^o« .0-' "^o ^^ •*;;;.^ .^^ V^v o^ » o . '■^^^^' .0' 5, ' r^ /5^- 5^ •^*..^* • ' <;>•'. 1 ;< y"^ r ^ ' '-^ =^ " Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. o c^^^ o'l Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date - " MAR 5^'- "bv^' 1998 iilllBBQiy^EEPER \ ^ n^. •^^^ A^ *' 7j *bv^ t V^, >. ^ ( • .0- "^^ ^^. .^' o « c ■ I T .0' V « • . ^^^^ '^C. "h^ .0' « • o- 'l^ 5^ • r'C^- -^. O. •#^. ST AUGUSTIHE ^^^^ 32004 'O , , ^O 1 „ o V. '-^ ,v ' ^o\^ tp-^^-