E356 .S7D2 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDDSDa4S3E •^^0^ •^ol? "-yM -^^n^ |b( '^bv* *' .^'>'% \^* "^oV* o > 4^°* .* '•^Va;-', -^Z /J|^\ **..< iFort ^tpphpuson Park, 10:aO A. M. ••Star Spangled Banner." RituaK - - - - D. A. R. Prayer, _ - _ - Rev. D. H. Bailey. Ritual, - - - - D. A. R. Unveiling of the Tablet, - - Walter Hayes. Pres^entation of Memorial Tablet to the City by the Regent of the Colonel George Croghan Chapter D. A. R., - Mrs. Baumann. Response for the City, - - Dr. M. Stamm. •'America." GifL Song. Address, Song. Remarks, CHAPTER EXERCISES AT 2:30 P. M. f^OR MEMBERS 01=" D- A. R. Mr. Charles R. Willi Mrs. Fairbanks, President General D. A. R. Mrs. Hodge. State Regent of Ohio D. A. R. 'America. dolanel (^tavat (tva^bmx (Cbaptrr ^augljtrra of tlr? Amrriran Mrhnlutunt FREMONT, OHIO. Mrs. Annie Rose Greene Baumann, REGENT. Mrs. Fanny Hayes Smith, VICE REGENT. Miss Clara Elizabeth Siegfried, SECRETARY. Mrs. Emma Bailey Cox, SECRETARY. Mrs. Mary Pugh Dickinson, REGISTRAR. Miss Esther L. Otis, HISTORIAN. BOARD OF- (VI AIM AG EIRS : Miss Harriet A. Coe, Mrs. Alvira Hall Little, Mrs. Martha Smith Kridler. 89 F •••' <»' •••. *e> V «0 'C^ ••' ^t-' *1 V^^^ o .A^^vP. .^^-v ip-^^. '♦Ttv* Ap r •'•«- >. •'•'^- <^^ ^^' -^^ V .♦ -*' '\. / % , * ••••♦ •* ^. t* ^'^ . • ■ *' c^ .0 ^^, «s. .<.^ *%»^ TBOOKBIND^O JAN 1989 W jCrantvilie, PAf .r \